THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY NORFOLK AND NORWICH CATALOGUE THE LIBRARY NORFOLK AND NORWICH Institution, WITH AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX. SVVM C V I QVE STVDIVM. NORWICH : PRINTED BY JOSIAH FLETCHER, HAYMARKET. 1842. PREFACE. THE Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution was estab- lished in the year 1822, for the purpose of combining publications of the highest character, both English and Foreign, in every department, with a liberal supply of the most interesting and popular literature of the day, and a general collection of standard works : thus whilst securing an ample provision of general amusement and informa- tion, its Library of Reference would present valuable and increasing facilities for the cultivation of literary and scientific pursuits. To what extent these objects have been already attained, the present Catalogue will bear testimony. Difficulties have arisen, but these are happily surmounted; and the members of this Institution may now look forward, with renewed confidence, to the time when, the objects originally contemplated being fully ac- complished, it may take its stand with the best provincial establishments of a similar kind. In this Institution the want of a new Catalogue on a classified basis has been long felt ; for although the alpha- betical mode of arrangement may in the infancy of such an establishment be best adapted to the smaller collection b 812631 VI PREFACE. of books, yet, after a lapse of twenty years, during which steady progress has been made towards the formation of a valuable Library, classification becomes necessary. On the other hand, the difficulty of assigning to each book its appropriate place under the best arranged system, is so great, owing to the diversified character of many works, that those who make the attempt may claim some indul- gence if they should not in every instance have come to the right decision on this point. The arrangement adopted in the present Catalogue, although agreeing in its general outlines, will, at the same time, be found to differ in some of its details from most other Catalogues : the sub-divisions in every case must necessarily be adapted to the extent of the collection ; for if too numerous and minute, they only tend to confuse the inquirer and increase the difficulty of reference to any particular book. The copious alphabetical index sub- joined to this Catalogue will, it is hoped, entirely obviate that difficulty. The Institution owes much to the liberality of private individuals, who, particularly at an early period of its existence, have enriched its shelves by numerous dona- tions. One hundred and forty-six volumes of Foreign literature were presented by the Norwich Foreign Book Society ; and about fifteen hundred pamphlets, compris- ing, amongst many others, the collection of the late Sir John Cox Hippesley, Bart., have been presented by vari- ous subscribers. The names of the donors were inserted PREFACE. vii in the former Catalogue, but in the present, it was con- sidered unnecessary, as every donation is recorded in a book provided for the purpose, and the name of the donor is also inscribed within the cover of each presenta- tion book or pamphlet. Although the subscribers to the Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution have the privilege of access to the books composing the City Library, in common with the subscribers to the Norwich Public Library, in whose custody they are deposited, it has not been thought proper to insert them in this Catalogue, but a separate Catalogue is kept at the rooms of the Institution : and the books may be obtained by an order from the Town Clerk, to whom application can be made either personally or through the Librarian. In the summer of 1 840 it was considered by several of the members, that instruments for meteorological observa- tions would be a desirable addition to the Institution. A subscription for effecting this object was opened, and a sum sufficient for the purchase of a very superior standard barometer, by Newman, two excellent standard thermo- meters, a day and night self-registering thermometer, a rain guage, and Daniell's hygrometer, was subscribed by several members of the Institution who felt an interest in scientific inquiries. These instruments are now in the possession of the Society, and a daily register is kept by the Librarian ; an abstract of which appears weekly in the Norwich papers. Vlll PREFACE. The Catalogue now offered to the subscribers, although its arrangement may not be considered philosophically correct in all its bearings, will, it is hoped, answer its immediate purpose of facilitating reference; at the same time that it will exhibit the riches and poverty of the Library in the several branches of literature its riches, that the public may see what has been effected during a comparatively short period* its poverty, that desiderata may be supplied, and the collection of standard works in each department gradually rendered complete. * The Institution at the present time contains upwards of 1 1000 volumes of books. L AW S, CORRECTED TO SEPTEMBER, 1842. CHAP. I. LAWS RESPECTING THE MEMBERS. SECTION I. TERMS OF ADMISSION. 1. The Members of this Institution shall consist of Share- holders and Annual Subscribers : but Shareholders only shall have an Interest in the Property of the Institution, or be en- titled to vote on questions affecting it. 2. The price of each Share shall be Five Guineas; but when 450 Shares shall have been subscribed for, the Subscription at that rate shall close. 3. An Annual Subscription of One Guinea and Half shall be paid in advance by every Shareholder: those who hold more than one share being allowed on their additional Share or Shares Interest at four per cent. 4. Members who are not Shareholders shall pay in advance an Annual Subscription of Two Guineas. 5. The Annual Payments shall become due on the 22nd of October in each year. A Shareholder not paying his Subscrip- tion before the 22nd of December shall thenceforth be charged a fine of One Shilling per Month while in arrear, that if in arrear on the 22nd of December of the following Year, he shall then receive a Month's notice to pay up his arrears, or forfeit his White Ticket, but shall be allowed, nevertheless, to dispose of any additional Shares he may also hold ; but that this law shall X LAWS * . > not be enforced in any case where absence or other efficient reason shall be satisfactorily alleged to the Committee, for non- compliance with the terms of the Law. 6. Persons elected Members between the 22nd of October in each year, and the 22nd of April following, shall pay a Full Year's Subscription ; such as are subsequently elected shall pay for Half the Year only. 7. Every Member when admitted may, at his own cost, receive a copy of the Regulations of the Institution, and a Catalogue of the books when published ; also every Supplement to, or new edition of, the Catalogue, as soon as it shall be printed. Every Shareholder shall, at his own cost, receive a Ticket for each of his Shares, as provided by the 15th Law of this Chapter. SECTION II. MODE OF ADMISSION. 8. Persons desirous of joining the Institution must be pro- posed by a Member, or by the Secretary, who shall inscribe their names and address, together with his own signature, upon a board to be placed in a conspicuous part of the Rooms. 9. The names of those proposed shall be enumerated in the Summonses issued for the succeeding Monthly Meeting of the Committee, when they shall be Balloted for. 10. At such Ballots no one shall be elected unless by the votes of at least Two-thirds of the persons present. SECTION III. TRANSFER OF SHARES. 11. If any Shareholder wish to dispose of his Property in the Institution, he shall be at liberty to do so, provided the party to whom he wishes to transfer it be accepted on Ballot, unless already a Member. 12. If any Shareholder dispose of one or more of the Shares he holds, the party ta whom they are transferred shall become liable to pay an Annual Subscription of l lls. 6d., and be entitled to interest on all the Shares so transferred to him, except one. 13. In any case of proposed Transfer, the same Regulations shall be observed with regard to the admission of the person proposed, as are provided by the 8th, 9th, and 10th Laws of this Chapter. RESPECTING THE MEMBERS. XI 14. In the event of the Death of a Shareholder, his Share or Shares shall not be confiscated for non-payment of Annual Subscriptions until four years after his decease : no books shall be delivered to the representatives of such Shareholder, while such Annual Subscriptions be withheld, but they shall be at liberty at any time to sell the Shares, subject to the regulations respecting transfers, without being chargeable with any other arrears of Subscription than such as may have accrued during the life of the Shareholder. 15. Each Share shall be represented by a Ticket. The Ticket representing the Share which bears no Interest, but is charged with the payment of an Annual Subscription, shall be a White Ticket, with the following acknowledgment : " This Ticket, No. certifies that the Bearer holds One Share in the "Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, and is entitled to all the "rights and privileges of a Shareholder therein, so long as he continues to "pay an Annual Subscription of one Guinea and a Half, and to conform "to the Laws of the Institution. "(Entd.J (Signed) "SEC. PRESIDENT." The Ticket representing the Share which bears Interest shall be a Red Ticket, with the following acknowledgment : " This Ticket, No. certifies that the Bearer holds One Share in the "Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, and is entitled to all the "rights and privileges of a Shareholder therein, and to Interest on One " Share, at four per cent, per Annum, so long as he continues to conform "to the Laws of the Institution. " (Entd.) . (Signed} " SEC. PRESIDENT." 16. Progressive Numbers shall be attached to the Shares, in the order in which they are subscribed for, and the Tickets which represent them, whether White or Red. 17. If any person, hitherto not a Member of the Institution, or an Annual Subscriber, should obtain by Transfer, one or more Red Tickets, one of such Tickets must be immediately exchanged for a White Ticket, in conformity with the 12th Law of this Chapter. White Tickets, however, can never be exchanged for Red Ones. The holder of any number of White Tickets must pay his Subscription on each, but can receive no interest on any of them. Xll LAWS 18. A Book shall be kept for the Registering of Shares, as they are subscribed for, in which all Transfers shall be entered, with notices of every exchange of Red for White Tickets ; and every Shareholder making a Transfer must give immediate in- formation of it to the Secretary. SECTION IV. ANNUAL AND SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS. 19. An Annual Meeting of the Members of this Institution shall be held on or about the 22nd of October in each year ; of which Notice shall be given in the Norwich Papers of the two preceding weeks. The Chair to be taken by the President or one of the Vice -Presidents, or, in their absence, by such person as the Meeting shall appoint. 20. No New Law can be made, nor any existing Law be Repealed or Altered, except at a General Meeting, and by a majority of the Members present, to be determined by Ballot. 21. Any New Law, or Repeal, or Alteration proposed, shall be fairly written out and signed by the proposer, and placed conspicuously in the Library for the inspection of Members, at least One Month previous to the General Meeting. 22. Ladies shall have the privilege of voting by Proxy, pro- vided such Proxy be a Member. SECTION V. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS. 23. Any Member may Introduce a Lady or Gentleman, occasionally resident at or near Norwich, for the purpose of becoming a Temporary Subscriber to the Institution, on paying Five Shillings per Month in advance, and agreeing to be subject to these Laws. The Name and Address of such Temporary Subscriber shall be entered, and signed by the Member intro- ducing, who shall become answerable for any Fines incurred. 24. Any Member may Introduce Strangers for a period not exceeding One Week, under the following Regulations : Such strangers shall not be resident at or within ten miles of Norwich, and shall be introduced to the Librarian ; their names and ad- dresses shall be entered and signed by the Members introducing, who shall become answerable for any Fines incurred. 25. Any Member may Propose whatever Works he wishes to be purchased, by entering their Titles and Prices in the Pro- posing Book. RESPECTING THE FUNDS. xiii CHAP. II. LAWS RESPECTING THE FUNDS. SECTION I. APPROPRIATION. 1. The amount received for Shares shall be applied to the purchase of Standard Works, in the various departments of Sci- ence and Literature, English and Foreign. 2. The Net Annual Income shall be appropriated, in the first instance, to the Literature of the Day, and secondly, to the purchase of Standard Works, at the discretion of the Committee. SECTION II. ACCOUNTS. 3. All Money payable to the Institution, whether arising from the purchase of Shares, from Annual Subscriptions, Tem- porary Subscribers, or any other source, shall be received by the Secretary, and be accounted for agreeably to the 28th Law of Chap. III. 4. All Money due from the Institution shall be paid by the Chairman of the Committee, or his order, and accounted for agreeably to the provisions of the 20th Law of Chap. III. 5. The Accounts of the Chairman and Treasurer shall be Audited every year by three members of the Committee, to be appointed at their last Monthly Meeting ; and the Report of the Auditors shall be read at the Annual Meeting. SECTION III. BENEFACTORS. 6. Benefactors of sums to the amount of 21 and upward, although not Members of the Institution, shall be allowed access to it at all times as Honorary Members.* * By a reference to the first Law of Chap. IV, it will be seen that the same privilege is conferred on " all Donors of Books or other Property, of the estimated value of 21 and upwards." XIV LAWS CHAP. III. LAWS RESPECTING THE OFFICERS. SECTION I. ENUMERATION. 1 . The Officers of the Institution shall consist of a President, Vice- Presidents, a Committee of Twenty-one Members, a Trea- surer, and a Librarian and Secretary. SECTION II. PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS, AND TREASURER. 2. Any Vacancy occurring in the Offices of President, Vice- President, or Treasurer, shall be supplied by Election by Ballot, at an Annual or Special Meeting. 3. The President, or in his absence, one of the Vice-Presi- dents, or in their absence some other Member, shall take the Chair at Annual or Special Meetings, and shall have a second or casting vote, where the numbers are equal. 4. The President and Vice- Presidents shall be ex officio Members of the Committee. 5. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all money which pass through his hands on behalf of the Institution ; which Ac- counts shall be audited annually. SECTION III. COMMITTEE. Mode of Election. 6. The Committee shall consist of twenty-one Members, any five of whom may act. Seven of the number shall go out by rotation, on the 22nd of October in each year, (unless one of them has been appointed to the office of Deputy Chairman in his last year,) and seven new Committee-men shall be annually elected. No Member shall be eligible to be re-elected on the Committee according to the provisions of Law 7, until after the lapse of one year; but should any vacancies occur according to the 13th Law of this Chapter, those Gentlemen who have gone out at the RESPECTING THE OFFICERS. XV preceding Annual Meeting, shall be eligible for filling up such vacancies, the same as the other Members of the Institution. 7. The Seven new Committee-men shall be thus chosen. Each Member, previously to the day of the Annual Meeting, shall deliver to the Secretary (to be deposited by him in a locked box) an alphabetical list of the Seven Members he wishes to nominate, signed with his own name. Three Members shall be appointed by the Committee at their last Monthly Meeting to examine these Lists ; they shall, after examination, report the names of those Seven Members, who have the majority of nominations, to the President at the Annual Meeting, who shall declare them duly elected. In case of an Equality of Votes, the Election shall be determined by lot. Meetings. 8. The Committee shall meet on the Second Tuesday in every Month, at Seven o'clock in the Evening precisely, to transact the business of the Society. 9. At the first Monthly Meeting they shall elect a Chairman and Deputy Chairman out of the number, either of whom when presiding shall have a casting vote, if necessary, in addition to the vote given by him as a Member of the Committee. The same privilege shall be enjoyed by any Member of the Committee who may be called upon to preside in the absence of the Chair- man and Deputy Chairman. 10. The Chairman, or Deputy Chairman, or any five of the Committee, may summon a Meeting of the Committee whenever he or they may think proper. ^ Powers Vested in them. 11. The Committee shall have power to call a Special General Meeting, when they deem it expedient, by giving similar notices to those required for the Annual Meeting. 12. If any Committee-man absent himself from the Com- mittee three successive Meetings, without alleging a satisfactory excuse, his place shall be declared vacant. 13. Should any Vacancy occur, by death, change of resi- dence, non-attendance, or resignation, the Committee may immediately proceed to supply the Vacancy by nominating any Member whom they shall think eligible, who shall continue on XVI LAWS the Committee for the same period as the Member in lieu of whom he is appointed. 14. The Committee shall determine what Books, Maps, Pam- phlets, and Periodical Works shall be admitted into the Library. 15. They shall determine what Books shall circulate, and the time allowed for reading them ; also what Duplicates shall be provided. 16. They shall dispose of such Works of temporary interest, and Duplicates no longer required for circulation, as they may think right. 17. The Committee may Shut up the Library for the pur- pose of examining into its state, whenever they think proper ; a week's previous notice having been given. 18. They are empowered to frame and adopt Temporary Regulations, which shall remain in force until the next General Meeting. 19. If any difficulty arise, not expressly provided for by these Laws, it shall be determined by the Committee. Chairman. 20. The Chairman shall keep an account of all Money re- ceived from the Librarian ; he shall pay all demands upon the Institution, and hand over the balance to the Treasurer. 21. The Chairman, with one or two Members of the Com- mittee, shall occasionally visit the Library, to inspect the Librarian's and Secretary's Accounts, and to examine the state of the Books ; and shall report their observations to the Com- mittee, at their next Monthly Meeting. SECTION IV. LIBRARIAN AND SECRETARY. Mode of Election. 22. The Librarian, who shall also act as Secretary, shall be elected by the Society at large, at a General Meeting, and shall continue in Office without re-election, as long as it shall be agreeable to himself and the Society. His Duties as Librarian. 23. The Librarian shall attend, or provide attendance, to deliver out and receive Books, and to transact the general bu- siness of the Institution, from Ten o'clock in the morning until RESPECTING THE OFFICERS. XV11 Nine at night, every day, except Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday and Tuesday, Christmas day, and the day following. He shall keep an accurate account of the Circulation of the Books ; he shall examine them when returned ; and shall inform the Committee of any damage they may have sustained, in order that proper fines may be imposed ; which Fines he shall rigo- rously enforce. 24. He shall carefully collate all Books purchased for the Institution, that they may be rejected if imperfect. 25. He shall keep Alphabetical and Classified Catalogues of the Books of the Institution. 26. He shall determine and mark in every volume, which is permitted to circulate, the number of days allowed for its read- ing, subject to the revision of the Committee. His Duties as Secretary. 27. The Secretary shall issue Notices of Annual and Special General Meetings, stating the business to be transacted. He shall give Notices of the Meetings of the Committee two days at least before each Monthly or Special Meeting, specifying in the Notices the names of the Persons, if any, for whom a ballot is to be taken. 28. He shall receive all Money due to the Institution, and shall pay it over, every month, to the Chairman of the Com- mittee, who shall account for it agreeably to the provisions of the 20th Law of this Chapter. 29. He shall keep a Book, in which he shall insert the Names of Benefactors, Donors of Books, and Shareholders without interest. He shall also keep all the Books which are required by the Laws respecting Shareholders, Subscribers, Temporary Subscribers, Strangers, Accounts, Circulation, and the Proposing of Books. 30. He shall record the Proceedings of the Committee. 31. In case of any mistake or stain happening in any of the Records of the Society, neither the leaf on which it has occurred, nor any leaf whatever, shall be cut out or cancelled unless at a General Meeting ; and then the reason of such mutilation shall be assigned and testified by the signature of the President, on behalf of such General Meeting. XV111 LAWS CHAP. IV. LAWS RESPECTING THE BOOKS. SECTION I. DONATIONS. 1 . All Donors of Books or other Property, of the estimated value of 21 and upwards, shall, although not Members of the Institution, be allowed access to it at all times as Honorary Members. 2. All Books presented or bequeathed to the Institution shall be deposited in the Library for the use of the Members ; and shall not circulate without the express permission of the Committee. SECTION II. GENERAL CIRCULATION. 3. The Reviews, Magazines, and Pamphlets, shall remain upon the Table of the Library a fortnight before they are sent into circulation ; but when the day for circulating them occurs on a Monday, they shall, for the convenience of Country Mem- bers, be allowed to be sent on the preceding Saturday. 4. The Books shall be delivered to the Subscribers in the order of their applications to the Librarian. If two or more persons apply at the same time, their claims shall be determined by Lot. 5. When any person applies for a work that is in circulation, the Librarian shall inform him when it is expected to be returned ; and if he desire it, his Name shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose, that it may be reserved for him, and the Librarian shall send a notice, if required, when such Book is returned. If the Book be not sent for, on the day of giving such notice, or the day following, the Librarian shall be at liberty to deliver it to the next person who has applied. 6. A Review and two Books (one of which must, however, have been published above two years) may be delivered at the same time to a Member, it being moreover allowable to consider RESPECTING THE BOOKS. XIX the whole set of volumes of a Novel as one Book. In extraor- dinary cases, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Com- mittee, are each empowered to give permission for the issue of a greater number. 7. No Member shall be allowed to take out the same new Book twice during the first year of its circulation, unless it has remained a week upon the shelves of the Library. 8. If a Member take out the first volume of a set, he may require the Librarian to reserve the succeeding volumes to be delivered in regular order.* In case of the undue detention of any volume, the Librarian is at liberty to deliver the remaining volumes to any other applicants. 9. The Librarian shall be authorized, on the delivery of certain Works of particular value, selected by the Committee, to require, of the Member receiving them, a promissory note for their return entire and uninjured. Penalties, in case of injury, to be incurred according to the Regulations in this Chapter. SECTION III. COUNTRY CIRCULATION. 10. Members residing in the County, or two miles from the City Gates, shall be allowed the privilege of detaining Books until the next Saturday after they shall become due. They shall also be permitted to withdraw a larger number of Books at a time than are allowed to resident Members. That any Member resident in Norwich, who goes into the Country for any period exceeding a week, shall, during his absence, enjoy all the privileges of a Country Member, provided he gives notice to the Librarian before he leaves Norwich, of his intended absence and of the probable duration of such absence. SECTION IV. FINES AND FORFEITURES. 11. Any Member who shall remove from the premises any Book, Pamphlet, or Paper, contrary to the Regulations of the Institution, may be suspended by the authority of the Com- mittee, until the next General Meeting, when, if it be thought expedient, he shall be expelled, and shall forfeit his Shares to the Institution. * This law does not extend to Reviews and other Works of an unconnected nature. XX LAWS. 12. If any Book be lost, the Member to whom the same was last delivered shall immediately replace it with a new one of the same edition, or pay to the Librarian the value of the same. If the Book so lost be part of a set, he shall replace the lost volume, or shall take the remaining volumes and purchase or pay for a New Set for the Library. Should he refuse to submit to these penalties, he shall be expelled ; and, if a Share- holder, shall forfeit his Share, or such of his Shares, in the Institution, as will compensate the loss. 13. No Member shall be allowed to take a Book out of the Library until his Subscription be paid, or while his Fines are in arrear. 14. The Daily Fine for the undue detention of Books shall be 3d. for an Octavo or Duodecimo, and 6d. for a Quarto or Folio. The day on which the Books are delivered out, the day on which they are returned, and the Sundays which may inter- vene, shall not be calculated in the number of days allowed for reading. 15. Adequate Fines shall be imposed by the Committee, on all who shall deface or otherwise injure the Books of the Institution ; provided such Fines never exceeded the value of the Books so damaged. The power of mitigating the Penalties incurred by such offences shall rest with the Committee. LIST OF MEMBERS, OCTOBER, 1842. patron. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. HUDSON GURNEY, ESQ., F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, ETC. THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH, PRESIDENT OF THE LINNJEAN SOCIETY, ETC. THE HON. AND VERY REVEREND THE DEAN OF NORWICH. SIR THOMAS POWELL BUXTON, BART. THE REVEREND ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., CANON OF NORWICH, WOODWARDIAN PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, ETC. RICHARD HANBURY GURNEY, ESQ. THOMAS AMYOT, ESQ., TREASURER OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. CHARLES BARCLAY, ESQ. EDWARD LOMBE, JUN. ESQ. SIMON WILKIN, ESQ., F.L.S., M.W.S., HONORARY LIBRARIAN AND SECRETARY. d XX11 LIST OF MEMBERS. anfl Annual Alexander Rev. John Alpe Mrs. Ames Daniel, Lakenham Bacon Nicholas C., North Walsham Bacon Richard Noverre Barnard Charles Barnham Major Barnham James Calthrop Bathurst Rev. William, Ludham Beare Samuel Shalders, Town Close *Beauvisage Ernest Beckwith Mrs. Bentfield Charles, Pulham Bidwell Henry Bignold Samuel Birkbeck Henry, Keswick Birkbeck Henry, Jun., Keswick Blake Edward, Tuttington Blake John, Bramerton Blake John Joseph Blake Robert, Jun. Blake Dodshon Blakelock Rev. Ralph, Gimmingham Blakely Edward Blakiston Capt., Thorpe Blunderfield Samuel Boardman Richard Roper Boardman Mrs. Bolingbroke Horatio Bolingbroke Charles Bond Edgar Bond George, Oxnead Booth Edward Temple Bradshaw Francis Weston, Dray ton Brickdale Rev. Richard, Easton Brightwell Thomas Brightwell Thomas, Jun. Brock Rev. William Brooke William Brown Rev. James Brown John Browne Wm. John Uttcn, Bramerton Buckle Rev. T. Starling, Hdhersctt Burt William Butcher William Cadge Michael, Hoveton Cann Mrs., Wramplingham Carver Rev. Wm. James, Sprowston Carver Miss, Sprowston *Carver Rev. Charles, Horning Castell Rev. William, Brooke Cater John, Marlingford Chapman Gardiner Clabburn James Clarke William Robert, Wymondham Clowes Rev. Thomas Clowes E. N., Neio Buckenham Cole Rev. Edward, Plumstead Coleman Samuel Collyer Rev. Thomas, Bungay Collyer Col. Collyer Mrs. Cooke Henry, Cotton Cooper William Cooper Rev. Robert, Howe Cooper Henry, Guist Corby Robert, WhitlingJiam Cotterill Rev. George, Colney Cox James Valentine Crompton Rev. Joseph Crosse John Green Cubitt William Jary Cubitt Joseph Sewell Culley Henry, Guton Hall Culley Henry Utting, Costessey Culley John, Costessey Culley Mre. Richard Cundall Benjamin Dalrymple Arthur Dalrymple Archibald Dalton Samuel Daniell Edward, Aylmerton Davey Mrs. Day James, Cotton Day Thomas Starling * Denny Miss, Bertjh Apton Dixon Rev. Edward Doggett Richard, Ringland LIST OF MEMBERS. XX111 Donne William Bodham, Mattishall Drake Mrs., Pulliam Bade Peter, Blofield Etheridge George Evans Lewis, M.D. Everett George Syder Fennell Capt. Fisher Thomas Fletcher Josiah Forster William * Foster Sampson Francklin Rev. Henry Fairfax Freestone Edward Frost Rev. William, Thorpe Fulcher Miss Julia Fulcher Miss M. J. Canning Mrs. Gardiner Miss Geary William Geldart Joseph Geldart Joseph, Jun. , Thorpe Geldart Thomas Geldart Robert Gilbert Robert, Thorpe Gilbert Wm. Alexander, Cantley Goodwin Charles Gordon John, Saxlingham 'Grand Mrs. Grout George Gunn Rev. John, Irstead *Gurney Miss A., Northrepps Gurney Joseph John, JEarham Gurney John Henry *Gumey John, Earlham *Gurney Daniel, Runcton Hales Mrs. Hansell Henry Hansell Robert Hardy W. H. Cozens, Letheringsett Hart Charles Hart Rev. Richard, Cotton Harvey Kerrison, Thorpe Harvey Henry, Beccles Harvey Robert, Pulham Hawes Siday Hawkes Robert W. Hawkins John, Trowse Heath Mrs., Cotton Herring William, Hethersett Hibgame Rev. Edward Hibgame Major Holmes Rev. Thomas White, Ched- grave Howard Rev. Wm., Witchingham Hewlett John, Bowthorpe Hyde George Ives Ferdinand Ives George Jarrold John James Jarvis Miss Johnson John Godwin Jollye Rev. Hunting, Broome Joy Miss, Roughton Kent Mrs., Fakenham Kett George Samuel, Brooke Keymer Thomas Kidd Rev. Richard Kitson John, Thorpe Kitton John Langford Capt. , Hethersett Leeds Miss, Cringleford Long Capt., Cation Long Robert Kellet, Dunston Lubbock Edward, M.D. Mackie Arthur Maillard Capt., Braconash Martineau Mrs., Bracondale Master Alfred Mills Frederick Minty Richard George Perne Morgan Richard Morgan Richard John Edward Morrison Archibald Morse George Murrell Gibbs, Surlingham Muskett Charles Muskett Jame^ Newton Nichols William Peter Norton John Culley Opie Mrs. Oxley Mrs., Cation Oxley Richard Pearse Rev. George Pearson James Pelham Hon. & Rev. John Thomas, Bergh Apton XXIV LIST OF MEMBERS. Playford H., Northrepps Poole Miss Power Rev. A. Bath Priest Richard Raven Prowett Rev. H., Catfield Pulley Henry Puntis Rev. James Rackham Matthew, Thorpe Rackham Richard Reed Rev. Andrew Rowe Carey William Sandby Rev. George, Bungay Scott Page Nicol * Scott John, Colney Scott Samuel Seppings William Sewell Joseph, Poringland * Sidney Rev. Edwin, Acle Skipper John, Thorpe Slipper Rev. B. R., Wymondham Smith Lady Smith Rev. Wm. , East Tuddenham Sothern George Sothern Samuel Spark John Sparshall Edmund Spelman Henry Spurrell Miss, Bassingham Staff Miss Stannard Joseph, Jun. Stark Michael Stark William Starling Col. Stephens Admiral, Plumstead Steward Rev. J. H., East Carkon Stewart Mrs., Carbrooke Stone James Stothcr John Meyricke Stracey Sir Edw., Bart., Rackheath Sultzer John Swann Joshua Tallack William Tawke Arthur, M.D. Taylor Rev. Arthur, Marlingford Taylor John Oddin Tillett Jacob Henry Titlow Rev. Samuel Tompson Rev. James Browne Toplis Rev. John, SouthWalsham Tuck Thos. Gilbert, Strumpshaw Tuck Henry, Blofield Turner Charles Turner Rev. Charles *Twistleton Edward Unthank Clement William Vaux Rev. Bowyer, Hethersett * Yenning John Waters Frederick, Thorpe Webb John Barton Webster Rev. George Horatio Webster Rev. Josiah Gardener *Wenn Rev. James, Dunston West Charles John Whitbread Rev. E. S., Strumpshaw Wigham Robert Wiles Charles Barsham Willett Henry Willett Edward *Willins Rev. James, Melton Wilson William, Flordon Wodehouse Rev. Charles Nourse Woolterton Robert Wright Warner, M.D. Wright Robert John Youngman Samuel Wood Youngs John, Jun. %* In the above List, Annual Subscribers are distinguished from Shareholders by an asterisk prefixed to their names. MESSRS. GURNKYS AND BIROECK. Htbr/m'nn mitt >emtarj>. JOHN QUINTOK. SYNOPTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CLASS THE FIRST. Page SEC. I Holy Scriptures ..... 1 II Harmonies of the Old and New Testa- ments . .... . . 4 III Dictionaries & Concordances of the Bible 5 IV Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriptures, History of Translations, and State of the Text . . . 6 V Biblical Criticism, Commentaries, and Interpretations of the Holy Scriptures 9 VI SS. Patres et Scriptores Ecclesiastic! . 14 VII Manners, Customs, and Antiquities of the Jews . . . . .15 VIII Ecclesiastical History and Councils . 16 IX Church Government, Rites ^nd Cere- monies, Liturgies, Toleration . 24 X Sermons, Charges, &c. . . . 36 XI Defences of Natural & Revealed Religion 49 XII Controversial Writers and Miscellaneous Divinity ...... 55 XIII Transactions, &c., of Religious Societies 85 XIV Pagan and Mahometan Religions . . 88 XXVI CONTENTS. CLASS THE SECOND. Sfurfcpruteme, Discours dans la seance du corps legislatif du 15 Germinal an 10, sur 1'organisation des cultes, Paris, an. 10. ( ) Donat. Pam. 60 PORTEUS Bp., Letter to the Clergy of London on the Neglect of Kneeling at Church where the Liturgy directs it Tracts CHURCH GOVERNMENT, ETC. 33 POYNTER Rev. Dr., On the Jurisdiction of Bishops, and the difference between a Bishop and a Priest, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 44 PREACHING as Anciently Used Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 PRESERVATIVE against the Principles and Practices of the Non- jurors both in Church and State, Lond. 1717 Donat. Pam. 80 PRIDEAUX Humphrey, (D.D.) Letter to a Friend on the Convo- cation of 1689, recommending a Revision of the Liturgy; and a Discourse on the Ecclesiastical Commission of the same year, as the best mode of preparing for a Revision, by Thomas Tenison, D.D. ; with an Appendix, containing a Plurality Bill, by Dr. Prideaux; and a Preface and Notes by the Rev. C. N. Wodehouse, 8vo. Norwich, 1834 REMARKS on the Christian Common Prayer Book, Lond. 1762 Donat. Pam. 93 REPORT of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation, appointed to draw up a Representation to be laid before the Archbishop and Bishops of the province of Canter- bury ; on the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative, and his Sermon preached March 31, 1717, Lond. 1717 Donat. Pam. 92 ROBERTS Rev. L., Reply to Melancthon's Letter to Dr. Troy, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 48 ROYAL Veto upon nomination to the Roman Catholic Prelacy of Ireland considered, in a Reply to the Right Rev. Dr. Milner's Letter to a Parish Priest, Dublin, 1809 Donat. Pam. 49 and 155 RYAN Rev. E., Strictures on Dr. Milner's Tour, and on Mr. Clinch's Inquiry, Dublin, 1809 Donat. Pam. 49 SCOTTISH Toleration truly stated in a Letter to a Peer, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 95 SECKER Archbishop, Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England, with a Discourse on Confirmation, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1769 SELDEN J., History of Tithes Opera, torn. 6 SHEPPARD Edward, (D.D.) Letter to the Rev. Archdeacon Daubeny, on his charge to the Clergy of Wilts, in 1805, Bath, 1805 Donat. Pam. 50 34 RELIGION. SMITH Rev. Sydney, Letters to Archdeacon Singleton Works, vol. 3 SPAUN Franz von, Ueber die grundverhaltnisse des Staates zur Kirche, und zu der Rb'mischen Curie, Miinchen, 1818 Donat. Pam. 175 SPELMAN Sir Henry, De Sepultura Works Treatise concerning Tithes Works STODDART Rev. Geo. H., Evidence of the Necessity of Church Reform, Lond. 1833 Donat. Pam. 105 STRATTON Thomas, The Book of the Priesthood, 8vo. Lond. 1830 TADMAN L., To the Editor of the British Review, in answer to his Remarks on the Pamphlet of the Rev. W. Edmeads, on commuting the Tithes Pamphleteer, vol. 12 TAGART Rev. E., Service at the Settlement of, as Minister of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, Aug. 10, 1825 Donat. Pam. 98 TAYLOR Jeremy, (D.D.) Of the Sacred Order and Offices of Episcopacy, by Divine Institution, Apostolical Tradition, and Catholic Practice Works, vol. 7 An Apology for authorized and set Forms of Liturgy, against the Pretence of the Spirit Works, vol. 7 A Discourse on the Liberty of Prophesying, with its just limits and temper Works, vol. 7, 8 Discourse of Confirmation Works, vol. 1 1 A Discourse of the Divine Institution, Necessity, Sacredness, and Separation of the office Ministerial Works, vol. 14 - Rules and Advices to the Clergy of the Diocese of Down and Connor, for their deportment in their per- sonal and public capacities Works, vol. 14 The Golden Grove ; or a Manual of Daily Prayers Works, vol. 15 The Psalter of David ; with Titles and Collects according to the matter of each Psalm Works, vol. 15 A Collection of Offices, or Forms of Prayer Works, vol. 15 - The Worthy Communicant, or a Discourse of the Nature, Effects, and Blessings, consequent to the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper Works, vol. 15 CHURCH GOVERNMENT, ETC. 35 TAYLOR John, Defence of the Common Rights of Christians, Lond. 1738 Donat. Pam. 98 TAYLOR P., Catechism for Young Persons, Dublin, 1789 Donat. Pam. 167 THOMAS Rev. J., Strictures on Subjects chiefly relating to the Established Religion and the Clergy, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 53 TREATISE on the Government of the Church, Dublin, 1811 Donat. Pam. 155 TREMLETT Rev. J., Prayers for the Use of Christian Families, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 89 TROTTER J. B., Thoughts on the New Era and Veto in Ireland, Dublin, 1812 Donat. Pam. 55 VANSITTART N., Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, occasioned by his Address to the Senate of the University of Cambridge, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 28 VOLTAIRE, Traite sur la Tolerance CEuvres, torn. 6. part 1 WATERLAXD Rev. D., (D.D.) A Critical History of the Athana- sian Creed Works, vol. 4 Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's Exposition of the Church Catechism Works, vol. 5 The Nature, Obligation, and Efficacy of the Christian Sacraments considered Works, vol. 5 A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, as laid down in Scripture and Antiquity Works, vol. 7 An Enquiry concerning the Antiquity of the Practice of Infant Communion Works, vol. 9 Letters on Lay-baptism Works, vol. 10 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Discourse on Instruction by Catechism; with sundry Catechisms Works, vol. 3 Essays on Civil Power in things Sacred; or an Inquiry after an Established Religion, consistent with the just Liberties of Mankind, and practicable under every form of Civil Government Works, vol. 6 Short Essay towards the Improvement of Psalmody Works, vol. 4 WHITEHEAD Rev. W. B., Prosecutions of Infidel Blasphemers briefly Vindicated in a Letter to D. Ricardo, Esq. Pamphleteer, vol. 22 WILUS Rev. J., Prize Essay oii the Commutation of Tithes Pamphleteer, vol. 8 .36 RELIGION. Wix S., Reflections concerning the Expediency of a Council of the Church of England and the Church of Rome being holden, with a view to accommodate Religious Differ- ences, &c. Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 56 Plain Reasons why Political Power should not be granted to Papists, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 56 WODEHOUSE Rev. C. N., A Petition to the House of Lords for Ecclesiastical Improvements, with Explanations, Lond. 1832 Pamphlets, 5 WYLDE Rev. Mr., Letter to the Clergy of Somersetshire, on the Means of preventing Undue Marriages Pamphleteer, vol. 1 WYVILL Rev. C., Intolerance the Disgrace of Christians, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 101 SECTION X. Sermons, Charges, 8$c. ADDRESS of the Roman Catholic Prelates to the Clergy and Laity of the Roman Catholic Churches in Ireland, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 151 ADDRESS (Pastoral) of the Roman Catholic Archbishops and Bishops to the Clergy and Laity of their Communion throughout Ireland, Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 89 ALEXANDER John, The Preacher from the Press. Sermons to explain and to recommend the gospel of Jesus Christ, 2 vols. 18mo. Norwich, 1836 A Funeral Sermon for the Rev. J. Kinghorn, preached Sept. 9th, 1832, Norwich, 1832 Pamphlets, 4 BAMPTON Lectures, 8vo. Oxf. 1784 1837 By the Rev. Joseph White, for the year 1784 By the Rev. H. H. Milman, for the year 1827 By the Rev. E. Burton, for the year 1829 By the Rev. H. Soames, for the year 1830 By the Rev. T. S. L. Vogan, for the year 1837 SERMONS, CHARGES, ETC. 37 BARUOW Isaac, (D.D.) Sermons on several occasions Works, vol. 1 3 A Discourse concerning the Unity of the Church Works, vol. 6 BEILBY [Porteus] Bishop of Chester, Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester, containing Precautions respecting the Roman Catholics, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 151 BELSHAM Thomas, Sermon on the death of the Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 159 The year of Jubilee considered in a Discourse delivered at the Unitarian Chapel in Essex Street, Oct. 22, 1809, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 67 BENSON C., (A.M.) On the Evidences of Christianity; the Hulsean Lectures for 1820, 8vo. Lond. 1824 On Scripture Difficulties; the Hulsean Lectures for 1822, 8vo. Lond. 1822 BERKELEY Bishop, A Sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Works, vol. 3 BEVERIDGE Bishop, Sermons, 6 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1817-18 BINGIIAM Jos., (M.A.) Discourse concerning the Mercy of God to Penitent Sinners Works, vol. 2 BINNEY T., The Ultimate Object of the Evangelical Dissenters avowed and advocated; A Sermon, Lond. 1834 Pamphlets, 4 BIRD Rev. C., Assize Sermon preached at Appleby, August 12, 1825, before Sir J. Bailey and Sir J. Hullock Donat. Pam. 68 Christian Charity : An Assize Sermon Pamphleteer, vol. 26 BLAIR Hugh, (D.D.) Sermons, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 BLUNT J. J., Hulsean Lectures for the year 1831, on the Vera- city of the Historical Books of the Old Testament, 12mo. Lond. 1832 BOSSUET J. B., Discours sur le Vie cachee en Dieu (Euvres, torn. 10 Traite de la Concupiscence (Euvres, torn. 10 Sermons (Euvres, torn. 11 15 Panegyriques (Euvres, torn. 16 Sermons pour les Vetures et Professions Religieuses (Euvres, torn. 17 38 RELIGION. BOSSUET J. B., Oraisons Funebres CEuvres, torn. 17 Oraison Funebre de, parle P. De la Rue CEuvres, torn. 43 BOURDALOUE, Sermons et Exhortations de CEuvres, torn. 1, 14 ' Oraisons Funebres CEuvres, torn 14 BRETT J., Sermon preached in Norwich Cathedral, March 8, 1704, being the anniversary day of her Majesty's happy inauguration, Norwich, 1704 Donat. Pam. 4to. 4 BRISTOL Lord Bishop of, Charge delivered at his Primary Visitation of that Diocese, in August, 1821 Pamphleteer, vol. 20 BROWNE Rev. J. H., Charge to the Clergy of Ely, May 7, 1822 Nottingham, 1822 BUCHANAN Rev. Claud., Eight Sermons, 8vo. Lond. 1812 BURTON Rev. J., An Inquiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age; the Bampton Lectures for 1829, 8vo. Oxf. 1829 BUTLER Joseph, (Bp.) Sermons Works, vol. 1 CAMPBELL Geo., (D.D.) Sermons In Disser. on Miracles CARLOS J., Sermon preached at Blofield, at the Archdeacon's Visitation, May 27, 1773, Norwich, 1773 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 CECIL Rev. Richard, Sermons Works, vol. 2 CHALMERS Thos., (D.D.) Sermon on the Doctrine of Christian Charity applied to the case of Religious Differences, Glasg. 1818 Donat. Pam. 71 Sermons preached in St. John's Church, Glasgow, 8vo. Glasg. 1823 A Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with modern Astronomy, 8vo. Edinb. 1817 Sermons preached in the Tron Church, Glasgow, 8vo. Glasg. 1821 Application of Christianity to the Commercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life, 8vo. Glasg. 1820 CHANNING Wm. E., (D.D.) Sermons Works CLARKE Sam., (D.D.) Discourse concerning the Being and Attri- butes of God, 8vo. Lond. 1719; Discourse concerning the Unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation ; Boyle's Lectures for 1705, 8vo. Lond. 1719 In one vol. another copy Watsons Tracts, vol. 4 SERMONS, CHARGES, ETC. 39 CLARKE Sam., (D.D.) Seventeen Sermons on several occasions, 8vo. Lond. 1724 Sermons on several subjects Works, vols. 1, 2 CLARKE Wm. Henry, Sermons, 8vo. Lond. 1834 COLLYER W. B., The Glory of Israel, a Sermon, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 72 CONGREGATIONAL (The) Lecture, 8vo. Lond. 1833-41 First Series, by Dr. Wardlaw Second Series, by Rev. Robt. Vaughan Third Series, by Rev. Jos. Gilbert Fourth Series, by Dr. Henderson Fifth Series, by Rev. G. Redford, D.D. Sixth Series, by John Pye Smith, D. D. Seventh Series, by W. L. Alexander, M ^. CONJUGAL Love and Duty; a Discourse upon Hebrews xiii, 4, Dublin, 1758 Donat. Pam. 72 COOMBES Rev. W. H., Discourses selected from the writings of St. Basil the Great, and St. John Chrysostom, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 10 CRAIG Rev. T., Sermons delivered on his Solemn Separation to the Pastoral Office in the Congregational Church at Bocking, in Essex, Lond. 1802 Donat. Pam. 73 CROFTS Rev. J., Sermon preached at the Anniversary Meeting of the Clergy and Sons of the Clergy in the Cathedral Church of Bristol, August 25, 1802, Bristol, 1802 Donat. Pam. 12 CUDWORTH Ralph, (D.D.) Two Sermons on 1 John, ii, 3, 4, d*nd 1 Cor. xv, 57 With his Intellectual System D'ARCY Rev. M., Funeral Oration on the late Rev. Arthur O'Leary, Lond. 1802 Donat. Pam. 13 DAVISOX Rev. J., Discourses on Prophecy, in which are con- sidered its Structure, Use, and Inspiration, 8vo. Lond. 1825 DAUBENY Rev. C., Charge delivered at the Primary Visitation of the Rev. the Archdeacon of Sarum, in July, 1805, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 13 Charge delivered before the Rev. the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Sarum, in August, 1807, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 13 DAULIEN G. H., Pastoral Address to the Roman Catholics of Scotland, Edinb. 1798 Donat. Pam. 151 40 RELIGION. DEALTRY William, (D.D. 1 ) Sermons chiefly Practical, 8vo. Lond. 1828 The Church and its Endowments ; a Sermon, Lond. 1831 Pamphlets, 4 DELL John, Sermon preached at Reepham, in Norfolk, June 14, 1811, at the Visitation of the Ven. the Archdeacon of Norwich Donat. Pam. 74 DENISON Edwd., (M.A.) Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, 8vo. Oxf. 1836 DRUMMOND T., Two Discourses on the Lord's Supper, Yarm. 1805 Donat. Pam. 74 Address to the Unitarian Congregation at Ipswich, Dec. 5, 1805, the day of Thanksgiving appointed in con- sequence of the Victory obtained by the English Fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar Donat. Pam. 74 Two Discourses on the Origin of Evil, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 74 ELISHA'S Cry after Elijah's God, considered and applied with reference to the Decease of the late Rev. Richard Baxter, by Matthew Sylvester, Lond. 1696 In the Life of Baxter. ELLIOTT H. V., Ordination Sermon at Norwich, Oct. 17, 1824, on the Office of a Christian Minister Donat. Pam. 75 FAITHFULL Rev. John, Sermon preached at the Assizes held at Reading, on March 2, 1800, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 17 Ff&ELON F. de la Mothe, Sermons sur divers sujets (Euvres Spirituelles, torn. 2 FLCHIER, (Eveque de Nismes) Oraisons Funebres, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1802 FLETCHER J., Discourse on Personal Election and Divine Sove- reignty, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 77 The Protestant Reformation Vindicated, a Sermon preached at Preston, Blackwell, 1822 Donat. Pam. 77 FOSTEII John, Discourse on the Communication of Christianity to the People of Hindoostan With Essay on Pop. Ignorance Fox W. J., Sermons on the Mission, Character, and Doctrine, of Jesus of Nazareth, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1831 FIIOUDE Rev. Richard H., Sermons Remains, vol. 2 GIDEON, " The Mighty Man of Valour," 8vo. Lond. 1839 SERMONS, CHARGES, ETC. 41 GILL J., (D.D.) Sermon preached at Barbican, Oct. 9, 1765, at the Baptism of the Rev. Mr. Robt. Carmichael, Lond. 1765 Donat. Pam. 78 GILPIN Bernard, (B.D.) Sermon preached in the Court at Greenwich before Edward VI, 1652 Gilpiu's Reformers GLOUCESTER Joseph, Lord Bishop of, Sermon preached at the revival of the Anniversary Feast of the Gentlemen Edu- cated at Merchant Taylor's School, Dec. 3, 1724 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 GLOVER Rev. G., Charge delivered at the Primary Visitation of the Archdeacon of Sudbury, in June, 1824, Bury, 1824 Donat. Pam. 78 GREATIIEED S., Practical Improvement of the Divine Counsel and Conduct, attempted in a Sermon occasioned by the death of Wm. Cowper, Esq. preached at Olney, May 18, 1800 Donat. Pam. 78 HALL Bp., Sermons Works, vol. 5 HALL Rev. Robert, Sermons, 8vo. Lond. 1824 Sermons and Charges Works, vols. 1, 6 Notes of Sermons Works, vol. 5 HARE Rev. Aug. William, Sermons to a Country Congregation, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 HAUMER Thomas, Sermons Miscellaneous Works HAWKINS Edw., (D.D.) Discourses upon some of the principal Objects and Uses of the Historical Scriptures of the Old Testament, 8vo. Oxf. 1833 HAYTER Thos., (Bp. of Norwich) Sermon preached before His Grace William Duke of Devonshire, and the Governors of the London Hospital, March 16, 1758, Lond. 1759 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 HENRY Rev. M., Funeral Sermons for the Rev. Philip and Mrs. Henry Life of Rev. P. Henry HILL Rev. Rowland, Select Notes of his Preaching, by the Rev. Edwin Sidney, A.M. 18mo. Lond. 1837 HOMILIES of the Church of England, 4to. 1582 HOOKER Richard, Sermons With his Eccles. Politic HORNE Bp., Discourses Works, vols. 2, 3, 4 HORSLEY Bp., Sermons, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816 Nine Sermons on the Resurrection, and other sub- jects, 8vo. Lond. 1817 G 42 RELIGION. HOUGIITOX P., Sermon preached at the Octagon Chapel, in Norwich, Aug. 13, 1801, for the benefit of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Lond. 1801 Donat. Pam. 80 HOUSMAN Rev. Robert, Sermons Life and Remains HULL Rev. W., Discourses delivered at his Ordination to the Pastoral Office, in the Congregational Church, Norwich, June 29, 1809 Donat. Pam. 81 The Duty of Christians towards Civil Rulers, Norw. 1820 Donat. Pam. 81 The Consolations of Christianity viewed in connexion with the Paternal Character of God and with Human Life, considered as a state of probation, in four discourses, 12mo. Lond. 1835 HULSEAN Lectures, 8vo. Lond. 1820-39 By the Rev. C. Benson, for the year 1820 By the Rev. C. Benson, for the year 1822 By the Rev. J. J. Blunt, for the year 1831 By the Rev. Theyre T. Smith, for the year 1839 HUNT J., Mutual Love recommended upon Christian Principles, Lond. 1728 Donat. Pam. 81 The Translation of Elijah Considered ; a Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. D. Bogue, D.D. Oct. 25, 1825 Donat. Pam. 81 HUNTINGFORD G. I., (Bp. of Gloucester) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Gloucester, at the Triennial Visitation of that Diocese, in 1807, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 13 lluiu) Bp., Twelve Sermons Introductory to the Study of the Prophecies, 2 vols. I2mo. Lond. 1788 HUSENBETII Rev. F. C., Discourse pronounced at the Funeral of the Rt. Hon. Frances Xaveria Stafford Jerningham, Baroness Stafford, in the Catholic Chapel, Cossey Hall, on Nov. 27, 1832 Donat. Pam. 105 INGRAM R. A., The Causes of the Increase of Methodism and Dissension; a Sermon, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 23 IRELAND John, The Claims of the Establishment; a Sermon preached Aug. 30, 1807, at Croydon, in Surry, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 23 IKVINO Rev. E., For the Oracles of God, four Orations; for the Judgment to Come, an Argument, in nine parts, 8vo. Lond. 1823 SERMONS, CHARGES, ETC. 43 JAMES T., (D.D.) Two Sermons preached in Worcester Cathe- dral, on Sept. 30, at the Music- meeting; and on March 12, 1800, on the occasion of the General Fast Donat. Pam. 82 JORTIN John, (D.D.) Discourses concerning the Truth of the Christian Religion, 8vo. Lond. 1768 Sermons, 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1787 Sermon at the Consecration of Bishop Pearce Tracts, vol. 1 KIDD Rev. Thomas, A Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Norwich, held in St. Michael's at Plea, Norwich, May 10, 1831, Lond. 1832 Donat. Pam. 105 LARDNER Dr. N., Sermons and Discourses Works, vols. 4, 10 LAW George Henry, (Bp. of Bath and Wells,) Charge delivered to the Clergy of that Diocese Pamphleteer, vol. 26 LAW George Henry, (D.D. Bishop of Chester,) Sermon for the t benefit of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Dis- cipline, and for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 LEE Rev. S., (B.D.) Six Sermons on the Study of the Holy Scriptures, 8vo. Lond. 1830 LEIGHTON Abp., Lectures and Sermons Works, vols. 3, 4 LIGHTFOOT John, (D.D.) Sermons Works, vols. 6, 7 LINCOLN Bp. of, Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese Pamphleteer, vol. 1 LLANDAFF Bp. of, Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese Pamphleteer, vol. 19 M'ALL Rev. Robert S., (LL.D.) Discourses on Special Occa- sions, with a Sketch of his Life and Character by the Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 MADGE T., The Character of George III, and the Character of his Reign, Considered Separately ; a Sermon preached at the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, Feb. 6, 1820 Donat. Pam. 84 Sermon preached at the Opening of the Unitarian Chapel at Diss, in Norfolk, June 22, 1822, Lond. 1822 Donat Pam. 164 MARSH Dr. Herbert, Sermon on the Bible Society Pamphleteer, vol. 1 MASSILLON, (Euvres de, 13 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1813 44 RELIGION. MENCE Rev. S., Sermon preached in Worcester Cathedral, April 11, 1804, at the Presentation of Colours to the Royal Worcester Volunteers Donat. Pam. 85 MIDDLETON Bp., Sermons and Charges, 8vo. Lond. 1825 MILMAN Rev. H. H., The Character and Conduct of the Apostles considered as an Evidence of Christianity ; the Bampton Lectures for 1827, 8vo. Oxf. 1827 MILKER Right Rev. J., (Bishop of Castabala,) Pastoral Letter to Catholic Clergy of the Midland District, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 34 Sequel to the above, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 34 Appeal to the Catholics of Ireland, Dublin, 1809 Donat. Pam. 34 Sermon preached at the Blessing of the Catholic Chapel of St. Chad, in Birmingham, Dec. 17, 1809, Birm. 1809 Donat. Pam. 34 MONTHLY Lectures on some of the Principal Evidences of Reve- lation ; delivered at the Meetings of the associated Min- isters and Churches of the London Congregational Union, 8vo. Lond. 1827 NEALE Rev. Cor., Sermons Memoirs ORAISON Funebre de Louis XVIII, par 1'Eveque d'Hermopolis, Paris, 1824 Donat. Pam. 62 OSBORN Rev. G., Evangelic Faith and Union ; recommended in a Sermon on Philippians i, 27, Worcester, 1794 Donat. Pam. 89 Moral Charity ; explained and enforced in a Sermon preached at Worcester, Nov. 9, 1800, Worcester, 1801 Donat. Pam. 89 Devout Loyalty ; a Sermon preached at Worcester, on account of the National Jubilee on the Entrance of his Majesty George III on the 50th Year of his Reign, Oct. 25, 1809 Donat. Pam. 89 PALEY Archdeacon, Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Sermons on Several Subjects Works, vol. 5 Sermons and Tracts Works, vol. 5 PAPILLON 1'Abbe Antonin, Sermon sur le delai de la Conversion, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 63 PARKER S., Discourses on the Lord's Supper, Bungay, 1799 Donat. Pam. 165 SERMO1VS, CHARGES, ETC. 45 PARR Sam., (LL.D.) Sermons and Discourses Works, vols. 2, 5, 6 PARSONS J. W., Sermon preached at Mitcham, in Surry, on the Fast Day, Feb. 27, 1778 Donat. Pam. 4to. I PATTINSON Rev. J., Sermon preached at the Church in Stour- bridge, on April 19, 1793, the day appointed for a General Fast Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 Pius VI, (Pope) Funeral Oration for his Holiness, by Mons. Erskine, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 16 Oration delivered at the Funeral Obsequies of, Oct. 31, 1799, by C. Brancadoro, trans, by W. H. Coombes, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 4 PORTEUS Beilby, (Right Rev. D.D.) Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew, delivered at the Parish Church of St. James, Westminster, in the years 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Sermons on several subjects, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Charges Tracts r Letter to the Clergy of London on the Profanation of the Lord's Day Tracts Exhortation to the Religious Observation of Good Friday Tracts Letter to the Inhabitants of Manchester, Macclesfield, &c., on occasion of the Late Earthquake in those places, 1777 Tracts PRIESTLEY J., Sermon preached at the Gravel Pit Meeting, in Hackney, April 19, 1793, Lond. 1793 Donat. Pam. 90 RANDOLPH John, (Bp. of London) Charge delivered to the Clergy of that Diocese at his Primary Visitation in 1810, Oxf. 1810 Donat. Pam. 45 RAY J. M., Sermon preached at Wattesfield, in Suffolk, Dec. 7, 1788, on occasion of the Death of the Rev. T. Harmer, Lond. 1789 Donat. Pam. 91 Sermon preached at Witham, in Essex, June 23, 1782, on occasion of the Death of the Rev. C. Case, Lond. 1782 Donat. Pam. 85 RELIGIOUS Discourses, by a Layman Pamphlets, 4 RENNELL Rev. T., Sermons on various subjects, 8vo. Lond. 1826 ROGERS G., Five Sermons on different subjects, Lond. 1793 Donat. Pam. 166 SAYERS Frank, (M.D.) Sermons Works, vol. 2 46 RELIGION. SECKER Abp., Sermons on several subjects, 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1772 Eight Charges Watson's Tracts, vol. 6 SEED Jonathan, (M.A.) Discourses on several important sub- jects, to which are added Eight Sermons preached at the Lady Moyer's Lecture, 2 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1743 Sermons Posthumous Works SELBY W., Sermon in Aid of the Funds of the Dispensary in Lynn, Lynn, 1825 Donat. Pam. 166 SERMON on the Unjustifiableness of Cruelty to the Brute Creation, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 50 SHERLOCK Bp., Discourses, 4 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1812 Practical Discourses concerning a Future Judgment, 8vo. Lond. 1692 SIMEON Rev. Charles, The Offices of the Holy Spirit ; Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, November, 1831, Lond. 1832 Pamphlets, 4 .SMITH Rev. J., Discourse on Prophecy Watsons Tracts, vol. 4 SMITH John Pye, (D.D.) On the Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science ; being the Sixth Series of the Congregational Lecture, 8vo. Lond. 1839 The Necessity of Religion to the Well-being of a Nation, a Sermon, Lond. 1834 Pamphlets, 4 SMITH Rev. Sydney, Sermons Works, vol. 3 Sermon upon the Conduct to be observed by the Established Church towards Catholics and other Dis- senters, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 51 SMITH Rev. Theyre T., Man's Responsibility in reference to his Religious Belief, explained and applied ; The Hulsean Lectures for 1839, 8vo. Lond. 1840 SOAMES Henry, (M.A.) An Inquiry into the Doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon Church; The Bampton Lectures for 1830 Oxf. 1830 STANNARD Rev. C., A Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Norwich, held in the parish church of Holt, April 30, 1835, Norwich, 1835 Pamphlets, 4 - Discourse delivered at St. Gregory's Church, as an Introduction to a Course of Lectures on the principal Subjects of Controversy between the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, 8vo. Norwich, 1830 SERMONS, CHARGES, ETC. 47 STERNE Lawrence, Sermons Works, vols. 6, 7, 8 STILLINGFLEET Bp., Discourse concerning the Doctrine of Christ's Satisfaction, 8vo. Lond. 1696 STILLINGFLEET Rev. J., National Gratitude, a Sermon preached in Worcester Cathedral, Nov. 29, 1798 Donat. Pam. 97 STYLES John, Sermon on the Claims of the Inferior Creatures, Lond. 1812 Donat Pam. 53 SUMMER John Bird, (A.M.) A Series of Sermons on the Chris- tian Faith and Character, 8vo. Lond, 1823 SWIFT Dean, Sermons Works, vols. 11, 13, 14, 15 TATE Rev. J., Discourse delivered in "the Catholic Chapel, Preston, before the Catholic Association, for the Relief of the Sick, May 25, 1807 Donat. Pam. 53 TAYLOR Jeremy, (D.D.) Sermons Works, vols. 5, 6 Funeral Sermon preached at the Obsequies of, by ' Geo. Rust, D.D. Taylor's Works, vol. 1 TAYLOR John, Sermon preached at the Opening of the New Chapel, in St. George's Colegate, in Norwich, May 12, 1756, Lond. 1756 Donat. Pam. 98 THODEY Samuel, The Honour Attached to Eminent Piety and Usefulness ; a Sermon on the death of the Rev. Charles Simeon, Lond. 1836 Pamphlets, 4 TILLOTSON Archbp., Sermons, 3 vols. folio Lond. 1728 Sermons, Remarks on, by John Jortin, D.D. Jortin's Tracts, vol. 1 TOMLINE George, (Bp. of Lincoln,) Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln at the Visitation in 1812, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 155 TURNER W., The Sufficiency of Revelation, a Sermon, Lond. 1791 Donat. Pam. 99 VOGAN Rev. T. S. L., The Principal Objections against the Doctrine of the Trinity, and a Portion of the Evidence on which that Doctrine is received by the Catholic Church, Reviewed, in Eight Sermons ; The Bampton Lectures for 1837, 8vo. Oxf. 1837 WAITE Rev. T. , Sermons, Explanatory and Practical, on the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England, 8vo. Lond. 1826 WALKER Rev. Samuel, Sermons Life WARBURTON Bp., Sermons Works, vols. 9, 10 WATERLAND Dr. Daniel, Charges and Sermons Works, vol. 8 48 RELIGION. WATERLAND Dr. Daniel, Regeneration, Stated and Explained according to Scripture and Antiquity, in a Discourse on Titus iii, 4, 5, 6 Works, vol. 6 Sermons on Several Important Subjects of Religion and Morality Works, vol. 9 Sermons in Defence of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, preached at the Lady Moyer's Lecture Works, vol. 2 WATSON R., (D.D.) Sermon preached before the Society for the Suppression of Vice, May 3, 1804 Donat. Pam. 100 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Sermons and Discourses Works, vols. 1, 2 Holiness of Times, Place, and People, under the Jewish and Christian Dispensations Works, vol. 2 WHITE Joseph, Sermons, the Bampton Lectures for 1784, 8vo. Oxf. 1784 WHITE R., Sermon preached at the Funeral of Mr. Thomas Baldwin, a Nonconforming Minister at Kidderminster, Lond. 1693 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 WIIITESIDE J., Britain's late Deliverance considered as a Reason for public Gratitude, Lond. 1746 Donat. Pam. 167 WILDS Rev. W., Sermon for the Benefit of St. Patrick's Charity School and Asylum for Orphans, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 56 WILLIAMS E., (D.D.) Christian Unanimity Recommended, a Discourse preached before the Meeting of the General Congregational Union, May 18, 1808 Donat. Pam. 100 WILMOT Geo. Sermon preached at Worcester Cathedral, at the Lent Assizes, April 1, 1750 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 WILSON Daniel, (M.A.) Sermons on the Divine Authority and Perpetual Obligation of the Lord's Day, 12mo. Lond. 1831 WINTER R., (D.D.) Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Samuel Newton, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 100 WOLFE Rev. Charles, Sermons Remains WRANGHAM Rev. Francis, The Gospel best promulgated by National Schools ; an Assize Sermon preached in York Cathedral, 1808 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 YONOE Philip, (Bishop of Norwich) Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, at his Primary Visitation, 1763, Norwich, 1763 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 YORK Archbp. of, Sermon preached at the Coronation of King George IV Pamphleteer, vol. 19 DEFENCES OF RELIGION. 49 SECTION XL Defences of Natural and Revealed Religion. ADAMS Wm., (M.A.) Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles, 8vo. Lond. 1754 ADDISON Joseph, The Evidences of the Christian Religion Wat sons Tracts, vol. 5 another copy Works, vol. 4 ALLEX Peter, (D.D.) Reflections on the Holy Scriptures to Establish the Truth of the Christian Religion Wat sons Tracts, vol. 1 ARGUMENT for the Truth of Christianity, from Dr. Lardner's Jewish and Heathen Testimonies Watson s Tracts, vol. 5 BABBAGE Charles, The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise ; a Fragment, 8vo. Lond. 1838 BARRINGTON Vise., Essay on the Teaching and Witness of the Holy Spirit Watson's Tracts, vol. 4 BEATTIE J., (LL.D.) Evidences of the Christian Religion, 8vo. Lond. 1814 BENSON George, (D.D.) Essay concerning Inspiration Watson's Tracts, vol. 4 BERKELEY Bp., Alciphron; or the Minute Philosopher, contain- ing an Apology for the Christian Religion Works, vols. 1, 2 The Analyst ; or a Discourse addressed to an Infidel Mathematician Works, vol. 2 Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists Works, vol. 1 BLUNT Rev. J. J., On the Veracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, 12mo. Lond. 1828 On the Veracity of the Five Books of Moses, 12mo. Lond. 1830 BOURNE Henry, Christ the True and Faithful Witness of the Everlasting Covenant, 8vo. Lond. 1838 H 50 RELIGION. BRIDGEWATER Treatises : On the Power, Wisdom, and Good- ness of God, as manifested in the Creation, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833-6 1 Chalmers Rev. T., The Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, 2 vols. Lond. 1833 2 Kidd John, (M.D.) The Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man Lond. 1833 3 Whewell Rev. W., Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology Lond. 1833 4 Bell Sir Chas., The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing design Lond. 1833 5 Roget P. M.,(M.D.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. Lond. 1834 6 Buckland Rev. W., Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. Lond. 1836 7 Kirby Rev. W., On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation of Animals, and in their History, Habits, and Instincts, 2 vols. Lond. 1835 8 Prout W., Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Functions of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology Lond. 1834 BROUGHAM Henry Lord, Discourse on Natural Theology, showing the Nature of the Evidence and the Advantages of the Study, small 8vo. Lond. 1835 - Observations on the above by Thomas Wallace, Esq., LL.D. small 8vo. Lond. 1835 BROWNE Sir Thomas, (M.D.) Religio Medici, folio Works - Religio Medici, with Notes, &c., 8vo. Works, vol. 2 BROWNE Rev. Thomas, Testimonies of Heathen and Christian Writers, of the first two Centuries, to the Truth and Power of the Gospel, 12mo Lond. 1837 BURTON Rev. E., Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ, 8vo. Oxf. 1826 BUTLER Joseph, (Bishop of Durham,) Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature Works, vol. 2 CHALMERS Thomas, (D.D.) Evidences and Authority of the Christian Revelation, 8vo. Edinb. 1818 CHANDLER Samuel, (D.D.) Plain Reasons for being a Christian, Watson's Tracts, vol. 3 CLARKK Samuel, (D.D.) Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, in answer to Hobbes, Spinoza, and their followers Works, vol. 2 DEFENCES OF RELIGION. 51 CLARKE Samuel, (D.D.) Discourse concerning the Unchangeable Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Cer- tainty of the Christian Revelation Works, vol. 2 another copy Watson's Tracts, vol. 4 CROMBIE Rev. Alexander, Natural Theology, or Essays on the Existence of Deity and of Providence, on the Immateri- ality of the Soul, and a Future State, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 DERHAM Wm., (D.D.) Astro-Theology; or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a Survey of the Heavens, 8vo. Lond. 1786 Physico-Theology ; or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his Works of Creation, 8vo. Lond. 1786 DICK Thomas, The Philosophy of a Future State, 12mo. Glasg. 1833 DURHAM J. G., Outworks of Christianity, or the " Munition of Rocks," Camb. 1805 Donat. Pam. 75 ERSKINE Thomas, Remarks on the Internal Evidence of the Truth of Revealed Religion, 12mo. Edinb. 1821 FABER G. S., (B.D.) Difficulties of Inndelity, 8vo. Lond. 1824 - Horse Mosaicse, or a Discourse on the Credibility and Theology of the Pentateuch, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 FENELON, Demonstration de 1'Existence de Dieu (Euvres Spirituelles, torn. 1 GODWIN Rev. B., Lectures on the Atheistic Controversy, 8vo. Lond. 1834 GROTIO Hugone, De Veritate Religionis Christianae, 12mo. Amstel. 1696 GURNEY J. J., Letter to a friend on the Authority, Purpose, and Effects of Christianity, 12mo. Norwich, 1824 Essays on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Practical Operation of Christianity, 8vo. Lond. 1825 - Hints on the Portable Evidence of Christianity, 18mo. Lond. 1832 HALE Sir Matthew, Primitive Origination of Mankind considered and examined according to the Light of Nature, folio Lond. 1677 HAMPDEN Rev. R. D., Essay on the Philosophical Evidence of Christianity, 8vo. Lond. 1827 52 RELIGION. HARTLEY David, (M.A.) Of the Truth of the Christian Religion Observations on Man, vol. 2 another copy Watson's Tracts, vol. 5 HUGHES Rev. T. S., Remarks on a Pamphlet intitled " An Essay on the Eternity of the World, by a Sceptic" Pamphleteer, vol. 26 KEITH Alexander, (D.D.) Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, 8vo. Edinb. 1832 Demonstration of the Truth of the Christian Religion, 12mo. Edinb. 1838 LARDNER Nathaniel, (D.D.) The Credibility of the Gospel His- tory ; or the Facts occasionally mentioned in the New Testament confirmed by passages of Ancient Authors, who were contemporary with our Saviour and his Apos- tles, or lived near their times Works, vols. 1-5 Supplement, containing a History of the Apostles and Evangelists, Writers of the New Testament Works, vol. 6 Testimonies of Ancient Jewish and Heathen Authors to the Truth of the Christian Religion, with Notes and Observations Works, vols. 7, 8, 9 Vindication of Three of our Saviour's Miracles in Answer to Woolston Works, vol. 11 LELAND John, (D.D.) Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation, with a Preliminary Discourse on Natural and Revealed Religion, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1768 View of the Principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth Centuries, with Observations upon them, and some ac- count of the Answers that have been published against them, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1766 LETTER from a Jew to a Christian, occasioned by the recent attacks on the Bible Pamphleteer, vol. 16 LOCKE John, Discourse of Miracles Works, vol. 3 Reasonableness of Christianity, as delivered in the Scriptures Watsons Tracts, vol. 4 another copy, with two vindications of it Works, vol. 2 MACKNIGHT James, (D.D.) Argument for the Truth of the Christian Religion, arising from the Conversion of the World to Christianity Watson's Tracts, vol. 5 DEFENCES OF RELIGION. 53 MACKNIGHT James, (D.D.) Truth of the Gospel History Harmony, vol. 1 Extracts from Truth of the Gospel History Watsons Tracts, vol. 5 MONTHLY Lectures on some of the principal Evidences of Reve- lation, by Drs. Winter, Pye Smith, Collyer, and Fletcher, and Revds. Orme, H. F. Burden, Stratten, Walford Reed, Curwen, Philips, and Morrison, 8vo. Lond. 1827 MOORE Rev. Daniel, The Christian System Vindicated against the most specious Sophistries of Modern Infidelity, 12mo. Lond. 1840 NEWTON Sir Isaac, Four Letters to Dr. Bentley, containing Arguments in proof of a Deity Opera, torn. 4 PALEY William, (D.D.) Horse Paulinse ; or the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul, evinced by a comparison of the Epistles which bear his name, with the Acts of the Apostles, and with one another Works, vol. 2 Natural Theology ; or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of nature Works, vol. 4 Natural Theology, with Illustrative Notes by Henry Lord Brougham and Sir Charles Bell, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 View of the Evidences of Christianity Works, vol. 3 PHYSICAL Theory of Another Life, by the Author of " Natural History of Enthusiasm," 8vo. Lond. 1836 PORTEUS Bp., Beneficial Effects of Christianity on the Temporal Concerns of Mankind, proved from History and from Facts Tracts Summary of the Principal Evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation Tracts PRIDEAUX Humph., (D.D.) Discourse for the Vindication of Christianity from the Charge of Imposture With Life of Mahomet PROOFS of Christianity, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 154 RAY John, The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation, 8vo. Lond. 1709 REDFORD Geo., (D.D.) Holy Scripture Verified; or the Divine authority of the Bible confirmed by an appeal to facts of Science, History, and Human Consciousness, 8vo. Lond. 1837 54 RELIGION. SMITH John Pye, (D.D.) On the Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science, 8vo. Lond. 1839 The Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 SOMERVILLE Rev. J., Remarks on an Article in the Edinburgh Review, in which the doctrine of Hume on Miracles is Maintained, Edinb. 1815 Edinb. Review, vol. 23 SPRAGUE William B., (D.D.) Lectures Illustrating the Contrast between True Christianity and various other Systems, 12mo. Lond. 1838 STEELE Sir Richard, The Christian Hero ; an Argument proving that no Principles but those of Religion are sufficient to make a Great Man, 18mo. Lond. 1727 STILLINGFLEET Bp., Rational Account of the Grounds of Pro- testant Religion, folio Lond. 1681 STUART Moses, Letters on the Divinity of Christ, addressed to the Rev. E. Channing, 18mo. Manchester, 1834 SUMNER J. B., The Evidence of Christianity, derived from its Nature and Reception, 8vo. Lond. 1824 Treatise on the Records of the Creation, and on the Moral Attributes of the Creator, with particular reference to Jewish History, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 TADDY Rev. J., Essay to prove that the Difference of Doctrines among Christians forms no Objection to the Truth of the Christian Religion, Camb. 1811 Donat. Pam. 53 THEOPNEUSTIA. The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scrip- tures; from the French of L. Gaussen, 8vo. Lond. 1841 TRUTHS of Revelation demonstrated by an Appeal to existing Monuments, Sculptures, Gems, Coins, and Medals, 12mo. Lond. 1831 TRYAL of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus, [by Bishop Sherlock,] Lond. 1755 Donat. Pam. 55 WAREURTON Bp., Julian; or a Discourse concerning the Earth- quakes and Fiery Eruptions which defeated that Emperor's attempt to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem Works, vol. 8 - Remarks on Hume's Natural History of Religion Works, vol. 12 WATERLAND Rev. D., (D.D.) Scripture Vindicated, in Answer to a book, entitled Christianity as old as the Creation Works, vol. 6 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 55 WATSON Bp., Apology for the Bible; in reply to Paine's Age of Reason ; and an Apology for Christianity, in a series of Letters to Edw. Gibbon, Esq. 8vo. Lond. 1820 WEST Gilbert, (LL. D.) Observations on the History and Evi- dence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, 8vo. Lond. 1747 another copy Watson s Tracts, vol. 5 WHATELY R., Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 102 WHITTINGTON Rev. G. D., Dissertation on the External Evi- dences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, Camb. 1805 Donat. Pam. 100 WISEMAN Nicholas, (D.D.) Twelve Lectures on the Connexion between Science and Revealed Religion, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 YOUNGMAN William, The Truth and Excellence of the Christian Revelation demonstrated, in two addresses, intended principally for the Young and the Unlearned, 12mo. Lond. 1834 SECTION XII. Controversial Writers and Miscellaneous Divinity. ABBOTT John, The Young Christian, or a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty, 12mo. Lond. 1833 ACASTER Rev. John, The Church in Danger from Herself; or the Causes of her present declining state explained, 8vo. Lond. 1829 ACCOUNT of the Melancholy Accident which happened to a South wold Fishing Boat, near the Hasborough Sand, Oct. 11, 1823, Bungay, 1823 Donat. Pam. 102 ADDRESS to the Roman Catholics of the United Kingdom, on their subjection to a Foreign Jurisdiction, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 2 56 RELIGION. ADVANTAGES and Disadvantages of the Marriage State, as entered into with Religious or Irreligious Persons, Lond. 1776 Donut. Pam. 66 ADVICE to a Country Neighbour ; or Protestant Reasons against Popery, Norwich, 1757 Donat. Pam. 66 ANSWER to a Letter on the Question, Are the Quakers Right in their opinion on the Baptism of the Spirit ; with a second Letter in Reply, Cirencester, N. D. Donat. Pam. 2 ARCHER Rev. J., Letter to the Right Rev. John Milner, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 2 ATTEMPT to explain the nature of the Visible Church, &c., by a country Clergyman, Swajfham, 1829 Donat. Pam. 158 Remarks on the above, by a Dissenter, Norwich, 1829 Donat. Pam. 158 AuFKLaRUNG u. d. Denunciationsschrift des H. Geheimen Raths, Gartler, zu Bruchsal, gegen d. H. Coadjutor, Freiherrn v. Wessenberg, 1818 Donat. Pam. 65 BACON Lord, Theological Works Works, vol. 2 Certain Considerations touching the better Pacification and Edification of the Church of England Works, vol. 2 Confession of Faith ; Prayers, and Psalms ; Christian Paradoxes ; Controversies of the Church, &c. Works, vol. 2 Meditationes Sacrse Works, vol. 10 BAGOT Lewis, (Bp. of St. Asaph) Serious Caution against the dangerous Errors of the Anabaptists, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 158 BAINES Rev. P. A., An Inquiry into the Nature, Object, and Obligations of the Religion of Christ ; with a comparison of Ancient and Modern Christianity in England, Bath, 1824 Donat. Pam. 3 BARCLAY Robert, Apology for the true Christian Divinity, being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the people called Quakers, 4to. Birm. 1765 BARLEE Rev. C., A Few Admonitory Hints to his Parishioners, Yarmouth, 1815 Donat. Pam. 158 BARRINGTON Viscount, Theological Works, including the Mis- cellanea Sacra ; the Essay on the Dispensations ; and his Correspondence with Dr. Lardner ; with a Life of the Author, by the Rev. Geo. Townshend, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 57 BARROW Isaac, (D.D.) Theological Works, 6 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1818 BEDFORD T., An Examination of the chief points of Antino- mianism, Lond. 1647 Donat. Pam. 4to. 4 BELSHAM Thomas, The Sufferings of Unitarians in former times, urged as a ground of Thankfulness for their recovered Liberties, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 67 Letter to the Unitarian Christians in South Wales, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 67 BENNETT A., Conversations between an Unitarian Missionary and a Friend, on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Hackney, 1813 Donat. Pam. 169 BENSON George, Essay concerning the Unity of Sense ; to show that no Text of Scripture has more than one single Sense Watson's Tracts, vol. 4 Essay on the Man of Sin Watsons Tracts, vol. 5 BENTHAM J., "Swear not at all;" containing an exposure of the Needlessness and Mischievousness, as well as Anti- christianity, of the ceremony of an Oath, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 67 BERKELEY Bp., A Defence of Free-thinking in Mathematics; and Reasons for not replying to Mr. Walton's full answer Works, vol. 3 BEVERIDGE Bp., Thesaurus Theologicus; or a Complete System of Divinity, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1820 Private Thoughts upon Religion and a Christian Life, 8vo. Oxf. 1816 BICHENO J., Signs of the Times : or the Overthrow of the Papal Tyranny in France, the Prelude of Destruction to Popery and Despotism, but Peace to Mankind, Lond. 1794 Donat. Pam. 67 Signs of the Times : part the second, with an Address to the People of Great Britain, Lond. 1794 Donat. Pam. 67 BINGHAM Joseph, (M.A.) Works, 2 vols. folio Lond. 1726 The French Church's Apology for the Church of England Works, vol. 2 BLACKBURNE F., Considerations on the Present State of the Controversy between the Protestants and Papists, 8vo. Lond. 1768 BODEN W. F., Diary of some of the Religious Experience of, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 159 58 RELIGION. BOSSUET J. B., (Eveque de Meaux) Avertissement aux Pro- testans sur leur pretendu Accomplissement des Proprieties CEuvres, torn. 3 Instructions sur la Version du Nouveau Testament imprimee a Trevoux ; avec une Dissertation preliminaire sur la Doctrine et la Critique de Grotius CEuvres, torn. 4 Avertissement sur le Livre des Reflexions Morales, publie sous le titre de Justification des Reflexions Morales sur le Nouveau Testament CEuvres, torn. 4 De Excidio Babylonis apud S. Joannem, demonstra- tiones adversus Samuelem Verensfelsium, LL.D. CEuvres, torn. 4 Defence de la Tradition et des Saints Peres CEuvres, torn. 5 Meditatkmes pour le Temps du Jubile CEuvres, torn. 6 De Doctrina Concilii Tridentini circa Dilectionem in Sacramento Pcenitentise requisitam CEuvres, torn. 7 Pensees Chretiennes et Morales CEuvres, torn. 15 Exposition de la Doctrine de 1'Eglise Catholique ; avec Lettres relatives a 1'Exposition CEuvres, torn. 18 Fragmens sur diverses Matieres de Controverse CEuvres, torn. 18 Histoire des Variations des Eglises Protestantes ; avec six Avertissemens aux Protestans sur les Lettres du Ministre Jurieu centre Phistoire et Defense de 1'his- toire contre M. Basnage CEuvres, torn. 19 22 Instruction Pastorale sur les Promesses de 1'Eglise CEuvres, torn. 22 Refutation du Catechisme du sieur Paul Ferry CEuvres, torn. 23 Conference avec M. Claude, sur la matiere de 1'Eglise et Reflexions sur un ecrit de M. Claude CEuvres, torn. 23 Traite de la Communion sous les deux especes ; et la Tradition defendue sur la matiere de la Communion sous une espece CEuvres, torn. 23, 24 Explication de quelques difficultes sur les prieres de la Messe CEuvres, torn. 24 Lettre Pastorale sur le Communion paschale CEuvres, torn. 25 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 59 J. B., Lettre sur 1 'adoration de la Croix (Euvres, torn. 25 Summa Controversies de Eucharistia (Euvres, torn. 26 Pieces contre Archeveque de Cambrai et les Quietistes (Euvres, torn. 27 30 De la Connoissance de Dieu et de soi-meme (Euvres, torn. 34 Traite du libre Arbitre (Euvres, torn. 34 Politique tiree de 1'Ecriture Sainte (Euvres, torn. 36 Lettres de Piete et de Direction (Euvres, torn. 38, 39 Lettres sur I'Affaire du Quietisme (Euvres, torn. 40 42 An Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, in matters of Controversy Donat. Pam. 4 BOURDALOUE, (Euvres, 18 torn. 12mo Toulouse, 1818 - Pensees sur divers sujets de Religion et de Morale (Euvres, torn. 15 17 -- Retraite Spirituelle a 1'usage des Communantes Re- ligieuses (Euvres, torn. 18 BOUSELL John, The Ram's Horn Sounded Seven Times, Norw. 1787 Donat. Pam. 68 - Remarks upon Thomas Paine's Second Part of the Age of Reason, Norwich, 1798 Donat. Pam. 68 - Serious Address to the Chief Magistrates of Norwich and Yarmouth, Norwich, 1793 Donat. Pam. 68 BOUTFLOWER H. C., The Doctrine of the Atonement is agreeable to Reason, Camb. 1817 Donat. Pam. 68 BOWER A., Six Letters to Father Sheldon, Provincial of the Jesuits in England, Lond. 1756 Donat. Pam. 4 BOWLES Rev. W. L., A Plain Exposition of a Clergyman's Min- isterial Conduct in regard to a poor woman lately de- parted, Calne, 1816 Donat. Pam. 4 BRETT Thos., The Doctrine of Remission of Sins, and the Power of Absolution, Explained and Vindicated, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 68 BROWNE Rev. J. H., Reply to " Body and Soul," 12mo. Lond. 1824 BUCHANAN Claud., (D.D.) Christian Researches in Asia, 8vo. Lond. 1811 BURDER John, Ihe Atonement of Christ, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 69 60 RELIGION. BURKE Right Hon. Edm. and the Right Rev. Dr. Gibson, an Account of a Conversation between, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 1 BURNSIDE R., Remarks on the different Opinions relative to the Weekly Sabbath, 12mo. Lond. 1825 BUTLER Chas., Book of the Roman Catholic Church; in answer to Dr. Southey's Book of the Church, 8vo. Lond. 1824 Vindication of "The Book of the Roman Catholic Church," against the Rev. G.Townshends " Accusations of History against the Church of Rome," 8vo. Lond. 1826 Appendix to the " Vindication," 8vo. Lond. 1826 Letter to, in Vindication of English Protestants from his attack on their Sincerity in the " Book of the Roman Catholic Church," by C. J. Blomfield, D.D. Pamphleteer, vol. 25 Letter to the Rt. Rev. C. J. Blomfield, D.D. in Vindication of a passage in his " Book of the Roman Catholic Church," censured in a Letter to him by his Lordship Pamphleteer, vol. 25 BUTLER Joseph, (Bp. of Durham) Works of; with a Preface, &c. by Sam. Halifax, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1807 CALDERBANK Rev. J., Observations in a Series of Letters in Answer to certain questions relating to various subjects of Religion, proposed by a Clergyman of the established Church to a Catholic Convert, Bath, 1814 Donat. Pam. 6 CAMERON C. R., The Connection between the Work of Man's Redemption and the Divine Agents engaged in it, Oxf. 1809 Donat. Pam. 70 CAMPBELL George, Address to the people of Scotland, upon the alarms raised in regard to Popery in 1779 With Diss. on Miracles CARPENTER Lant, (LL.D.) Examination of the Charges made against Unitarians and Unitarianism, and the Improved Version, by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Magee, in his " Discourses and Dissertations on Atonement and Sacrifice," 8vo. Bristol, 1820 CARTER John, The Obligations of Christians to Union and Co- operation, with the advantages arising therefrom, Bungay, 1811 Donat. Pam. 70 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 61 CATHOLICISM Defensible, Norwich, 1824 Donat. Pam. 71 CATHOLICISM Sifted, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 8 CAYLEY C., Letter to the Rev. Mr. Potter, in Answer to his Sermon against the people called Methodists, Norwich, 1758 Donat. Pam. 71 CHALLONER R., (Bp. of Debra) True Principles of a Catholic, Lond. 1786 Donat. Pam. 151 Short History of the Origin and Progress of the Pro- testant Religion, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 151 A Caveat against the Methodists, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 151 Grounds of the Catholic Doctrine, as contained in the Profession of Faith, published by Pope Pius IV, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 151 CHALMERS Thomas, (D.D.) The Duty of giving an Immediate Diligence to the Business of the Christian Life ; being an Address to the Inhabitants of the Parish of Kilmany, Edinb. 1818 Speeches and Tracts CHILLINGWORTH Wm., Religion of Protestants a safe way to Salvation, folio Lond. 1664 CHRIST our Example, by the Author of " the Listener," 12mo. Lond. 1834 CHRISTIAN Retirement; or Spiritual Exercises of the Heart, 12mo. Lond. 1836 CHRISTIAN Unitarianism Donat. Pam. 160 CLARKE Sam., (D.D.) Reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or the Defence of Milton's Life, which relates to the Writings of the Primitive Fathers and the Canon of the New Testament Works, vol. 3 Three Essays on Baptism, Confirmation, and Repent- ance Works, vol. 3 Letter to Dodwell on the Immortality of the Soul ; with Defences of it Works, vol. 3 Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity ; with several Tracts relating to the subject Works, vol. 4 CLARKSON T., Essay on the Doctrines and Practice of the Early Christians as they relate to War Donat. Pam. 71 Researches Antediluvian, Patriarchal, and Historical, concerning the way in which men first acquired their knowledge of God and Religion, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1836 62 RELIGION. COLERIDGE Henry Nelson, Aids to Reflection, 12mo. Lond. 1839 CONHE^A o mundo os Jacobinos que ignora, ou Exposi(ja6 das Verdades Catholicas, contra os artigos fundamentaes do systema anarquico dos Theologos Regalistas do seculo xviii e do presente, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 61 COOPER Rev. E., The Crisis; shewing, from Prophecy, the Pros- pect and Duties of the Church of Christ, 12mo. Lond. 1825 COOPER R. B., Letter to a Clergyman on the peculiar Tenets of the Present Day, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 102 COPY of some Notes concerning God's Decrees, especially of Reprobation, Lond. I(i55 Donat. Pam. 4to. 4 COTTAGER'S (The) Religious Meditations Donat. Pam. 1 1 DALLAS Rev. Alexander, Look to Jerusalem ; a Scriptural view of the position of the Jews, in the great crisis of the world's history, 12mo. Lond. 1841 DAUBENY Rev. C., Considerations on the Doctrine of Regenera- tion, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 13 DECLARATION of Faith and Practice, Read and Assented to by Members at their admission into the Church of Christ under the pastoral care of Dr. John Gill, Lond. 1764 Donat. Pam. 160 DECLARATION of the Religious Sentiments of the congregation of Protestant Dissenters in the city of Worcester, called "Presbyterians," dated 1687, Worcester, 1797 Donat. Pam. 74 DECLARATION of the Catholic Bishops, the Vicars Apostolic and their Coadjutors in Great Britain, Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 74 DIALOGUE between Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Knowles, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 74 DICK Thomas, (LL.D.) The Christian Philosopher ; or the Con- nexion of Science and Philosophy with Religion, 12mo. Glasg. 1830 The Philosophy of Religion ; or an Illustration of the Moral Laws of the Universe, 12mo. Glasg. 1830 DICTION NAIRE de Theologie, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DIE Beschwerden gegen den Bisthums-Verweser von Constanz, Freiherrn von Wessenberg, Tubingen, 1817 Donat. Pam. 157 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 63 DIE Ernennung eines Coadjutors fur das Bisthum Konstanz, &c, 1816 Donat. Pam. 65 DISCOURSE against Transubstantiation, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam, 153 DISCOURSE (A Pacifick) on the Causes and Remedies of the differences about Religion, Lond. 1688 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 DISCOVERY of some of the Blasphemous and Seditious Principles and Practices of the people called Quakers, Lond. 1699 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 DISNEY John, Remarks on the Bishop of Lincoln's Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 15 DODDRIDGE Rev. P., Evil and Danger of Neglecting the Souls of Men, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 161 DUBOIS the Abbe J. A., Letters on the State of Christianity in India ; in which the Conversion of the Hindoos is con- sidered as Impracticable, 8vo. Lond. 1823 EDGAR Samuel, The Variations of Popery, 8vo. Lond. 1838 EDWARDS Rev. Mr., Faithful Narrative of the surprising Work of God, in the Conversion of many hundred Souls in Northampton, in New England, Bungay, 1823 Donat. Pam. 75 ELECTION and Reprobation defined and distinguished Donat. Pam. 102 EMPAYTAZ Henri-Louis, Considerations sur la Divinite de Jesus Christ, Paris, 1817 Donat. Pam. 61 ENQUIRY into the Present Duty of a Low-Church-Man, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 75 EPISTLE congratulatorie of Lysimachus Nicanor, of the Society of Jesu, to the Covenanters of Scotland, Basile, 1640 Donat. Pam. 4to. 4 EPISTOLA ad C. H. in qua Liber Octavus Summse Controversi- arum Joannis Hoornbeeckii, qui est ad versus Remon- strantes, refellitur, Amst. 1655 Donat. Pam. 161 FAITH and Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, 1813 Donat. Pam. 152 FANATIC Blunders; faithfully collected from their Books, Sermons, and Prayers, Lond. 1710 Donat. Pam. 76 64 RELIGION. F^NELON F. de la Mothe, CEuvres Spirituelles de, 4 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1812 Tome 1 Trait^ de 1'existence et des attributs de Dieu Lettres sur divers sujets de Metaphysique et de Religion Tome 2 Entretiens sur divers sujets de Pi6te Prires du matin et du soir Reflexions pour tous les jours du mois Courtes Meditations sur differens sujets tires de 1'Ecri- ture sainte Tome 3 Divers sentimens et avis Chretiens Entretiens affectifs pour de saints Temps de l'Anne6 Tome 3, 4 Lettres Spirituelles FIFTY Reasons, or Motives, which induced his most serene high- ness Anthony Ulrick Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, to abjure Lutheranism, Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 152 FLEMING R., An Extraordinary Discourse on the Rise and Fall of Papacy, Lond. 1793 Donat. Pam. 17 FLETCHER Joseph, (A.M.) Lectures on the Principles and Institutions of the Roman Catholic Religion, 8vo. Lond. 1823 FOWLER Bp., The Design of Christianity Watsons Tracts, vol. 6 FREND W., Animadversions on the Elements of Christian Theology, by the Rev. G. Pretyman, Bishop of Lincoln, Lond. 1 800 Donat . Pam. 77 FROUDE Rev. Richard Hurrell, Remains of, 2 parts, 4 vols. Lond. 1838-9 GIBSON E., (Bp. of London,) Danger and Mischiefs of Popery, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 152 GILBERT Rev. Joseph, The Christian Atonement ; its Basis, Nature, and Bearings : or, the Principle of Substitution Illustrated, as applied in the Redemption of Man, 8vo. Lond. 1836 GIRDLESTONE J. L., Sketch of the Foundation of the Christian Church, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 78 GISBORNE Thomas, Essays on the Recollections which are to subsist between Earthly Friends reunited in the World to come, and other Subjects, 12mo. Lond. 1824 GRAND Designs of the Dissenting Teachers, Discovered and Exposed to View, Lond. 1709 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 65 GROUNDS (The) on which the Church of England separated from the Church of Rome, reconsidered, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 20 GURNEY Jos. John, Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends, 8vo. Lond. 1824 Observations on the Distinguishing Views and Prac- tices of the Society of Friends : being the Seventh Edition of the above, with several additions, 8vo. Lond. 1834 Essay on the Habitual Exercise of Love to God, considered as a preparation for Heaven Minor Works, vol. 1 Brief Remarks on the History, Authority, and Use of the Sabbath, 18mo. Lond. 1831 another copy Minor Works, vol. 2 On the Moral Character of our Lord Jesus Christ Minor Works, vol. 2 Christianity a Religion of Motives Minor Works, vol. 2 Strictures on certain parts of an anonymous pamphlet entitled " The Truth Vindicated," Lond. 1836 Minor Works, vol. 2 An Address to Ministers of the Gospel and to all Professors of Christianity, on the Subject of War and Peace Minor Works, vol. 2 HALES Wm., Letters on the Religious and Political Tenets of the Romish Hierarchy, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 20 HALL Joseph, (Bp. of Norwich,) Works of, by Josiah Pratt, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Contemplations upon the Principal Passages in the Holy Story Works, vols. 1, 2 Contemplations upon the New Testament Works, vol. 2 - Meditations and Vows, Divine and Moral; and other Devotional Works Works, vol. 6 Practical Works Works, vols. 7, 8 Polemical Works Works, vol. 9 HALL Rev. Robert, On the Excellency of the Christian Dispen- sation ; On the Work of the Holy spirit ; On Hearing the Word Works, vol. 1 66 RELIGION. HALL Rev. Robert, On Terms of Communion, with a particular view of the Case of the Baptists and Psedobaptists ; The Essential Difference between Christian Baptism and the Baptism of John, more fully stated and confirmed ; A Reply to the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn ; being a further vindication of the Practice of Free Communion Works, vol. 2 A Short Statement for Christian in Opposition to Party Communion, 1826 Works, vol. 3 Christianity consistent with a Love of Freedom, 1791 Works, vol. 3 Fragments ; Defence of Village Preaching ; The Impolicy of Intolerance ; On Toleration ; On the Right of Worship Works, vol. 3 HALLER Charles Louis de, Lettre a sa famille pour lui declarer son retour a 1'eglise Catholique, Paris, 1821 Donat. Pam. 61 HARMER Rev. Thomas, Miscellaneous Works, with a Memoir by W. Youngman, 8vo. Lond. 1823 - Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Congregational Churches of Norfolk and Suffolk ; Two Addresses to the Religiously Disposed ; An Account of the Jewish Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead Miscel. Works HARRIS Rev. John, Mammon; or Covetousness the Sin of the Church, small 8vo. Lond. 1836 HENDERSON Rev. E., Divine Inspiration; or the Supernatural Influence exerted in the Communication of Divine Truth, and its especial bearing on the Composition of the Sacred Scriptures, 8vo. Lond. 1836 HIGGINS Godfrey, Horse Sabbaticee ; or an Attempt to correct certain superstitious ^ and vulgar errors respecting the Sabbath Pamphleteer, vol. 27 - Letter to, on the subject of the above, by the Rev. T. S. Hughes Pamphleteer, vol. 27 HILL Rev. Rowland, Mature Reflections and Devotions of, by the Rev. Edwin Sidney, A.M. 12mo. Lond. 1836 HISTORICAL and Political View of the Catholic Religion, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 22 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 67 HOBSON Rev. Samuel, The Christian Schoolmaster ; or Conver- sations on various subjects between a Village School- master and his Neighbours, 18mo. Norwich, 1832 HOLDEN Rev. Geo., The Christian Sabbath; or an inquiry into the religious obligation of keeping holy one day in seven, 8vo. Lond. 1825 HORNE Geo., (D.D. Bp. of Norwich,) Works, with Memoirs of his Life, &c., by Wm. Jones, M.A. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 HORNE Rev. Thos. H., Romanism contradictory to the Bible; or the peculiar tenets of the Church of Rome, as exhi- bited in her accredited Formularies contrasted with the Holy Scriptures, Lond. 1827 Donat. Pam. 168 HORSLEY Sam., (Bp. of St. Asaph,) Tracts, in Controversy with Dr. Priestley, upon the Historical Question of the Belief of the First Ages in our Lord's Divinity, 8vo. Dundee, 1812 HOUGH Rev. James, Reply to the Letters of the Abbe Dubois, on the State of Christianity in India, 8vo. Lond. 1824 HOWARD H., Remarks on the Erroneous Opinions entertained respecting the Catholic Religion, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 81 HULL Rev. William, On Calvinism, 12mo. Lond. 1841 INNES John Boutet, Cursory Observations ou a book entitled " Baptismal Regeneration, as exhibited in the formularies of the Church, briefly explained and vindicated, by the Rev. Wm. Hull," Lond. 1836 Pamphlets, 5 IRVING Rev. E., Examination of the Writing and Preaching of, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 81 JEN KIN T., An Impartial Examination of the Free Inquiry : the Primitive Fathers Vindicated, &c., Camb. 1750 Donat. Pam. 82 JORTIN Archd., Six Dissertations on different subjects, 8vo. Lond. 1755 JOWETT Rev. Wm., Christian Researches in the Mediterranean, from 1815 to 1820, 8vo. Lond. 1822 - Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land, in 1823 and 1824, 8vo. Lond. 1825 KEITH Rev. Alex., The Signs of the Times, as denoted by the fulfilment of Historical Predictions, traced down from the Babylonish Captivity to the present time, 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1832 68 RELIGION. KING W., (Archbp. of Dublin,) Key to Divinity ; or a Philoso- phical Essay on Free-will, Land. 1715 Donat. Pam. 163 KING HORN J., Arguments against the practice of Mixed Com- munion, 12mo. Lond. 1827 KIRK Rev. J., Roman Catholic Principles in Reference to God and the King, first published in the year 1680, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 25 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 13 LANCASTER R., Defence of Mr. Geree's first and second Sermons Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 LARDNER Nathaniel, (D.D.) Works, with his Life, by Andrew Kippis, D.D. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1788 On the Personality of the Spirit Works, vol. 10 - Dissertation upon the two new Epistles ascribed to Clement of Rome Works, vol. 1 1 Essay upon the Mosaic Account of the Creation and Fall of Man Works, vol. 1 1 Inquiry into the truth of the History of the Seven Brothers said to have suffered martyrdom in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes Works, vol. 1 1 Letter concerning the question whether the Logos supplied the Place of an Human Soul in the person of Jesus Christ Works, vol. 1 1 Remarks on Dr. Ward's Dissertations on several passages of the Sacred Scriptures Works, vol. 1 1 LAURENCE R., The Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration con- trasted with the Tenets of Calvin, Oxf. 1815 Donat. Pam. 26 LEE Rev. S., (B.D.) Two Dissertations : the first on the Reasonableness of the Orthodox Views of Christianity as opposed to the Rationalism of Germany ; the second on the Interpretation of Prophecy generally, with an original Exposition of the Book of Revelation ; showing that the whole of that Remarkable Prophecy has long ago been fulfilled With his Six Sermons LEIGHTON Robert, (D.D. Abp. of Glasgow,) Works of, Edited by George Jerment, D.D. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 LETTER (A Second) from a Clergyman in Norfolk to his Parish- ioners, directing their Behaviour in Sickness, &c. , Lond. 1704 Donat. Pam. 95 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 69 LETTER to J. Bunter, Esq., on Religious Tracts and the Ig- norance of the English and Irish Roman Catholics, Taunton, 1824 Donat. Pam. 30 LETTER to F. Jeffrey, Esq., on the Evidence in Support of a continuation of Miraculous Powers in the Church, Edinb. 1824 Donat. Pam. 30 LETTER to a Clergyman of the Diocese of Durham, Newcastle, 1808 Donat. Pam. 153 LETTER to the Catholic Clergy of Ireland, Land. 1823 Donat. Pam. 30 LETTER to the Rev. P. Baines, in reply to one addressed by him to the Rev. Dr. Moysey. Bath, 1821 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER to the Rev. Mr. Bowman, Vicar of Martham, Norfolk, occasioned by a present of his book, entitled " A Review of the Doctrines of the Reformation," &c., Norwich, 1773 Donat. Pam. 83 LETTER to the Right Rev. Author of " The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated," Lond. 1766 Donat. Pam. 26 LETTER (Fragment of a) to an Orthodox Clergyman, Norwich, 1773 Donat. Pam. 83 LETTERE al Rev. Padre P. Gesuita, Napoli, 1756 Donat. Pam.156 LETTERS to W. Wilberforce, Esq., M.P. on the Doctrine of Hereditary Depravity, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 163 LETTERS to a Protestant Divine, in Defence of Unitarianism, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 84 LETTERS to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Protestant Clergy of England, on the Secret Causes of the Increase of Catholics Donat. Pam. 28 LETTERS (Two) one from a Lady to a friend who had married a Roman Catholic Gentleman ; the other from the same author to the said Gentleman, Lond. 1735 Donat. Pam. 163 LETTERS (Six) to a Congregation of Independent Dissenters, upon separating from their Communion, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 84 LIGHTFOOT Rev. John, (D.D.) The Whole Works of; Edited by Rev. John R. Pitman, 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 A Battle with a Wasp's Nest ; or, a Reply to an angry and railing pamphlet, written by Mr. Joseph Heming, called " Judas Excommunicated," Works, vol. 1 70 RELIGION. LIGHTFOOT Rev. John, (D.D.) Latin Tracts Works, vols. 2, 3, 5, 10 LOCKE John, Examination of P. Malebranche's Opinion of seeing all things in God Works, vol. 3 M'DERMONT M., The Impracticability of a Union between the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England, demonstrated from Reason and the Holy Scriptures, Land. 1819 Donat. Pam. 31 MAGEE W., (D.D.) Discourses and Dissertations on the Scrip- tural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816 MANX R., Two Tracts on Regeneration and Conversion, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 153 MANUAL for Papists and Protestants; shewing their Principal Points of Difference, Bath, 1813 Donat. Pam. 153 MARSH Herbert, (D.D.) A Course of Lectures, containing a Description and Systematic Arrangement of the several Branches of Divinity, in 7 parts, 8vo. Camb. 1810-23 - Letter to the Rev. Peter Gandolphy Pamphleteer, vol. 2 MAHSHMAN J., (D.D.) Advantages of Christianity in promoting the Establishment and Prosperity of the British Govern- ment in India, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 102 - Defence of the Deity and Atonement of Christ, in reply to Ram-Mohun Roy, 8vo. Lond. 1823 MARSOM J., The Impersonality of the Holy Ghost, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 164 MARTYN Rev. Henry, Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Mohammedanism ; Edited by Rev. S. Lee, 8vo. Camb. 1824 MASSILLON J. B., (Eveque de Clermont,) CEuvres completes de, 13 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1821 MAURICE F., (A.M.) The Kingdom of Christ; or, Hints on the Principles, Ordinances, and Constitution of the Catholic Church, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1838 MIDDLETON Conyers, (D.D.) Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest Ages through several successive Centuries; with Vindications of the same Works, vol. 1 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. *J I MIDDLETON Conyers, (D.D.) Remarks on a Story told by the Ancients, concerning St. John the Evangelist, and Cerin- thus the Heretic Works, vol. 2 - Letter to Dr. Waterland, containing some remarks on his " Vindication of Scripture," in answer to a book entitled, Christianity as Old as the Creation, &c. Works, vol. 2 Reflections on the Dispute between the Apostles Peter and Paul, at Antioch ; and on the Variations found in the Four Evangelists Works, vol. 2 Essay on the Gift of Tongues Works, vol. 2 Essay on the Allegorical and Literal Interpretation of the Creation and Fall of Man Works, vol. 2 Tract on Drs. Waterland and Bentley Works, vols. 2, 3 Letter from Rome, shewing an exact Conformity between Popery and Paganism Works, vol. 3 Examination of Bp. Sherlock's Discourses on Pro- phecy Works, vol. 3 MILNER Dr., Letters on the Choice of the Irish Catholic Prelates, Lond. 1810 Donnt. Pam. 153 Instructions addressed to the Catholics of the Midland Counties of England, on the State and Dangers of their Religion, Wolverhampton, 1811 Donat. Pam. 34 Letters to a Roman Catholic Prelate of Ireland, in refutation of Counsellor Charles Butler's Letter to an Irish Catholic Gentleman, Dublin, 1811 Donat. Pam. 35 - Pastoral Charge on the Jurisdiction of the Catholic Church, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 35 Discourse delivered in the Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Chad, Birmingham, on Jan. 18, 1816, being the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving for Peace, Birm. 1816 Donat. Pam. 35 Additional Notes to Supplementary Memoirs of English Catholics, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 35 MILTONI Joannis, Angli, de Doctrina Christiana libri duo posthumi, Edidit C. R. Sumner, 4to. Cant. 1825 translated by C. R. Sumner, 4to. Camb. 1825 MODEST Animadversions and Reflections upon a Sermon preached before the Hon. the House of Commons, by Dr. West, on Jan. 30, 1710 Donat. Pam. 85 72 RELIGION. MORE Hannah, Practical Piety Works, vols. 13, 14 Christian Morals Works, vols. 15, 16 Essay on St. Paul Works, vols. 17, 18 Reflections on Prayer Works, vol. 19 The Spirit of Prayer, 12mo. Land. 1825 MYSTICAL Theology, or the Science of Sacred Contemplation Donat. Pant. 36 NARRATIVE of a very remarkable Conversion from Popery, in the Year 1701, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 6 NATURAL History of Enthusiasm, 8vo. London, 1829 NELSON R., A Review and Analysis of Bishop Bull's Exposition of the Doctrine of Justification, small 8vo. Bath, 1827 NEWTON Sir Isaac, Observations upon the Prophecies of Holy Writ, particularly the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John Opera, torn. 5 NEWTON S., The Trinitarian's Appeal Defended, in answer to " A Letter by a Layman" Donat. Pam. 86 - Syllabus of Christian Doctrines and Duties, 8vo. Norwich, 1796 NONCONFORMITY to the World Donat. Pam. 86 NOTTINGHAM Earl of, Answer to Mr. Whiston's Letter on the Eternity of the Son of God, and of the Holy Ghost, Lond. 1721 Donat. Pam. 89 NUNTIUS a Mortuis, Lond. 1757 Donat. Pam. 89 OBLIGATIONS of Christians to attempt the Conversion of the Jews, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 89 OBSERVATIONS on Sunday Newspapers, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 38 O'CONNOR Rev. C., An Appeal and Remonstrance to His Holiness Pope Pius VII Pamphleteer, vol. 23 ORDONNANCE et Instruction Pastorale de M* 1 "- L'Archeveque de Paris, portant condemnation du livre intitule : Exposi- tion de la Foi, &c., touchant la Grace et la Predestination CEuvres de Bossuet, torn. 7 OSTERVALD Rev. John F., Treatise concerning the Causes of the present corruption of Christians, and the remedies thereof; translated from the French, by C. Mutil Watson's Tracts, vol. 6 PALEY Wm., (D.D.) Clergyman's Companion in Visiting the Sick Works, vol. 2 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 7^ PARR Rev. S.-, Letter to the Rev. Dr. Milner on his book entitled "The End of Religious Controversy," Lond. 1825 Pamphlets, 3 PASCAL Blaise, Pensees de, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Les Provinciales, ou Lettres de Louis de Montalte, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1816 PILLONNIERE Francis de la, An Answer to the Rev. Dr. Snape's Accusation, Lond. 1717 Donat. Pam. 42 Pious Meditations of that excellent Prince John the most noble D k of M ugh, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 90 PLOWDEN R. R., Letter to a Roman Catholic Gentleman upon Theological Inaccuracy, Lond. 1795 Donat. Pam. 43 POLITIQUE Chretienne et Varietes morales et litteraires, Paris, 1816 Donat. Pam. 63 POPERY the Religion of Heathenism, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 44 PRACTICE of Piety, directing a Christian how to walk that he may please God, 8vo. Lond. 1708 PRESERVATIVE against Socinianism Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 PRIESTLEY Joseph, (LL.D.) History of Early Opinions concern- ing Jesus Christ, proving that the Christian Church was at first Unitarian, 4 vols. 8vo. Birmingham, 1786 General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God, and against the Divinity and Pre-existence of Christ, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 165 PROTESTANT Catechism, showing the Principal Errors of the Church of Rome, Edinb. 1813 Donat. Pam. 45 PROTESTANT Dissenter's Catechism, Lond. 1777 Donat. Pam. 165 PROTESTANT'S Reply to the Author of a Pamphlet entitled, " Remarks on the Bishop of Durham's Charge in 1806," &c., Newcastle, 1807 Donat. Pam. 154 PYCROFT S., Brief Enquiry into Free-thinking in matters of Religion, Lond. 1713 Donat. Pam. 90 QUESTIONS and Answers concerning the respective Tenets of the Church of England and the Church of Rome, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 145 RAVEN Rev. T., The Religion of the Church of Rome exhibited according to her Infallible Councils, Preston, 1825 Donat. Pam. 91 74 RELIGION. RAVEN Rev. T., The Claims of the Roman Catholic Church to Universal Supremacy, briefly examined and confuted, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 91 - The Claims of the Roman Church to Infallibility in the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, and the right of withholding them from public inspection, briefly ex- amined and confuted, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 91 REMARKS on a Pamphlet entitled, " The Grounds on which the Church of England separated from the Church of Rome," Lond. 1809; Reply to the above, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 154 REMARKS on the Bishop of Lincoln's Charge, at his Visitation in May and June, 1794 Donat. Pam. 91 REMARKS upon a late Discourse of Free-thinking, Lond. 1713 Donat. Pam. 91 REMARKS upon the Abstract of Mr. Sheppard's Discourse to his Congregation, on Jan. 13, 1722, Ipswich, 1723 Donat. Pam. 93 RENNELL Rev. T., Remarks on Scepticism, especially as it is connected with the subjects of Organisation and Life, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 46 REVEALED Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, Lond. 1794 Donat. Pam. 92 REVIEW of a late Publication entitled " An Inquiry into the Consistency of Dr. Troy's Pastoral Instruction," &c., Lond. 1793 Donat. Pam. 47 REVIEW of a Pamphlet entitled "A Protestant's Reply," New- castle, 1807 Donat. Pam. 154 RIGHT of the People to possess the Scriptures without the License of a Roman Priest Donat. Pam. 165- RIVETI Andrew, Examen Animadversionum Hugonis Grotii, Luyd. Bat. 1642 Donat. Pam. 165 ROBERTS W., (Teacher of the Native Unitarian Congregation near Madras,) Letter to the Unitarian Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge, &c. ; with an Introduction by the Rev. T. BeUham, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 159 Letter to the Rev. Thomas Belsham, dated June 17, 1818, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 166 Letters to Dr. Thomas Rees and to the Rev. Thomas Belsham, dated May 19, and Aug. 17, 1820, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 166 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 75 ROBERTS W., Letter to the Rev. T. Belsham, dated June 27, 1821, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 166 Five Letters to the Rev. T. Belsham, to Dr. T. Rees, and to the Rev. W. J. Fox, Lond, 1823 Donat. Pam. 166 ROBINSON R., Plan of Lectures on the Principles of Noncon- mity, Camb. 1778 Donat. Pam. 166 ROBINSON Thos., Scripture Characters ; or, a Practical Improve- ment of the principal Histories in the Old and New Testament, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 ROSE Hugh James, An Apology for the Study of Divinity, Lond. 1834 Pamphlets, 4 The Study of Church History Recommended, Lond. 1834 Pamphlets, 4 ROY Rammohun, Precepts of Jesus, the Guide to Peace and Happiness, extracted from the Books of the New Tes- tament, ascribed to the Four Evangelists ; to which are added the First and Second Appeal to the Christian Public in reply to the Observations of Dr. Marshman, of Serampore Lond. 1823 RUSSEL W., Reply to Mr. Joseph Benson's farther defence of the Methodists, Wolverhampton, 1794 Donat. Pam. 95 SAINT-REAL L'Abbe, La Vie de Jesus Christ CEuvres, torn. 3 SATURDAY Evening; by the Author of the " Natural History of Enthusiasm," 8vo. Lond. 1832 SCOTT Rev. Thomas, Remarks on the Refutation of Calvinism, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 The Rights of God Donat. Pam. 102 SCRIPTURAL Magazine, 1826 Donat. Pam. 95 SEED Jeremiah, (M.A.) Posthumous Works, by Joseph Hall, M.A. 2 vols. Lond. 1750 SELBY W., The Creed of Unitarians Identified with that of St. Paul, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 166 SELDEN John, Birth-day of our Saviour Works, vol. 6 SERIOUS Addiess to Unlearned Christians of Trinitarian and Calvinistic Sentiments, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 166 SHARP T., Enquiry into the Causes of Infidelity, Lond. 1730 Donat. Pam. 90 76 RELIGION. SHEPPARD John, Inquiry on the Duty of Christians with respect to War, 8vo. Lond. 1825 SHUTE Bp. of Durham, The Grounds on which the Church of England separated from the Church of Rome, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 155 SIMPSON John, Essay on the Impropriety of the usual mode of Teaching Christian Theology, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 167 SLATER Rev. E., Letter on the Nature and Extent of Papal Authority, Liverpool, 1813 Donat. Pam. 50 Letter on Roman Catholic Tenets, Liverpool, 1812 Donat. Pam. 50 SOUTHEY Robert, (LL.D.) Book of the Church, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Vindiciae Ecclesisc Anglicanae, or a Vindication of the " Book of the Church," 8vo. Lond. 1826 SPRY Rev. J. H., Reflections upon the Tendency of a Publica- tion entitled " Hints to the Public and the Legislature, on the Nature and Effects of Evangelical Preaching," Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 52 STATE and Behaviour of English Catholics, from the Reformation to the Year 1781, Lond. 1781 Donat. Pam. 52 STONE F., An Unitarian Christian Minister's Plea for Adherence to the Church of England, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 52 STUMBLING Blocks Removed ; or, a Rational Defence of the Unitarian Faith, Boston, 1791 Donat. Pam. 167 SUMNER Rev. J. B., Apostolical Preaching considered in an Examination of St. Paul's Epistles, 8vo. Lond. 1820 SUMNER C. R., The Ministerial Character of Christ, practically considered, 8vo. Lond. 1824 SYNGE Rev. Dr. E., A Sincere Christian and Convert from the Church of Rome ; exemplified in the Life of Daniel Herly, a poor Irish Peasant, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 155 Charitable Address to all who are of the Communion of the Church of Rome, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 155 TAYLOR Isaac, Four Lectures on Spiritual Christianity, delivered in the Hanover Square Rooms, London, March, 1841, 8vo. Lond. 1841 CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 77 TAYLOR John, (D.D.) Scheme of Scripture Divinity, formed upon the plan of the Divine Dispensations ; with a Vindication of the Sacred Writings Watson's Tracts, vol. 1 TAYLOR Jeremy, (D.D.) Works, with a Life of the Author, &c. by Rev. Reginald Heber, 15 vols. Lond. 1822 Christian Consolations Works, vol. I History of the Life and Death of the Holy Jesus Works, vols. 2, 3 - Contemplations of the State of Man Works, vol. 3 The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living and Dying Works, vol. 4 The Doctrine and Practice of Repentance Works, vols. 8, 9 - Vindication of the Glory of the Divine Attributes, in the question of Original Sin against the Presbyterian way of understanding it Works, vol. 9 The Real Presence and Spiritual of Christ in the blessed sacrament, proved against the Doctrine of Tran- substantiation Works, vols. 9, 10 A Dissuasive from Popery Works, vols. 10, 1 1 - Ductor Dubitantium ; or, the Rule of Conscience Works, vols. 11 14 TEW Rev. E., Resignation no Proof; a Letter to Mr. Jebb, with remarks on his Spirit of Protestantism, Lond. 1776 Donat. Pam. 98 THAYER Rev. John, Account of the Conversion of, Lond. 1787 Donat. Pam. 155 TILLOTSON Archbp., A Dissuasive from Popery, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 155 TOMLINE Bp., Refutation of Calvinism; in which the Doctrines and Tenets maintained by Calvin are proved to be con- trary to Scripture and to the Public Formularies of the Church of England, 8vo. Lond. 1812 TOMLINSON John C., (M.A.) The Science of Phrenology con- sistent with the Doctrine of Christianity Pamphleteer, vol. 26 TOULMIN J., Review of the Preaching of the Apostles, Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 167 TOWNSEND Rev. G., The Accusations of History against the Church of Rome, 8vo. Lond. 1825 78 RELIGION. TRACTS for the Times. By Members of the University of Oxford, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 VOL 1. No. 1 Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission, addressed to the Clergy 2 The Catholic Church 3 Thoughts respectfully addressed to the Clergy on Alterations in the Liturgy 4 Adherence to the Apostolical Succession the Safest Course 5 A Short Address to his Brethren on the Nature and Constitution of the Church of Christ, and of the Branch of it established in England. By a Layman 6 The Present Obligation of Primitive Practice 7 The Episcopal Church Apostolical 8 The Gospel a Law of Liberty 9 On Shortening the Church Service 10 Heads of a Week-day Lecture, delivered to a Country Congre- gation, in shire 1 1 The Visible Church. Letters 1 and 2 12 Bishops, Priests, and Deacons 13 Sunday Lessons. The Principle of Selection 14 The Ember Days 15 On the Apostolical Succession of the English Church 16 Advent 17 The Ministerial Commission, a Trust from Christ for the Benefit of his People 18 Thoughts on the Benefits of the System of Fasting enjoined by our Church 19 On arguing concerning the Apostolical Succession 20 The Visible Church. Letter 3 21 Mortification of the Flesh, a Scripture Duty 22 The Athanasian Creed 23 The Faith and Obedience of Churchmen, the Strength of the Church 24 The Scripture View of the Apostolic Commission 25 Bp. Beveridge on the great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer 26 Bp. Beveridge on the Necessity and Advantage of frequent Com- munion 27 28 Bp. Cosin on the Doctrine of the Eucharist 29 30 Christian Liberty : or, Why should we belong to the Church of England. By a Layman 31 The Reformed Church 32 The Standing Ordinances of Religion 33 Primitive Episcopacy 34 Rites and Customs of the Church 35 The People's Interest in their Minister's Commission 36 Account of Religious Sects at present existing in England CONTROVERSIAL, WRITERS, ETC. 7^ No. 37 Bp. Wilson's Form of Excommunication 38 Via Media. No. 1 39 Bp. Wilson's Form of receiving Penitents 40 Baptism 41 Via Media. No. 2 42 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 1. Sunday 43 Length of the Public Service 44 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 2. Monday 45 The Grounds of our Faith 46 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 3. Tuesday RECORDS OF THE CHURCH. I Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians II Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians III The Apostle St. John and the Robber IV Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp V Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians VI Account of the Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne VII Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrneans VIII Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans IX The Martyrdom of Ignatius at Rome X Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians XI Account of the Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle XII The Martyrdom of Polycarp XIII Justin Martyr on Primitive Christian Worship XIV Irenceus on the Rule of Faith XV The Temporal Condition and the Principles of Christians from the Epistle of Diognetus XVI Address of Clement of Alexandria to the Heathens XVII, XVIII Tertullian on the Rule of Faith VOL 2. 47 The Visible Church. Letter 4 48 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 4. Wed- nesday 49 The Kingdom of Heaven 60 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 4. Wed- nesday, (concluded) 51 On Dissent without Reason in Conscience 52 Sermon for St. Matthias' Day. No. 1 53 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 5. Thursday 54 Sermon for the Annunciation. No. 2 55 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office No. 5. Thurs- day, (continued) 56 Holydays observed in the English Church 57 Sermon for St. Mark's Day. No. 3 58 On the Church, as viewed by Faith and by the World 80 RELIGION. No. 59 The Position of the Church of Christ in England relatively to the State of the Nation 60 Sermon for St. Philip and St. Jude. No. 4 61 The Catholic Church a Witness against Hliberality 62 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 5 Thurs- day, (concluded) 63 The Antiquity of the existing Liturgies 64 Bp. Bull on the ancient Liturgies 65 Bp. Wilson's Meditations on his Sacred Office. No. 6. Friday and Saturday 66 Thoughts on the Benefit of Fasting. Supplement to Tract 18 6769 Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism 70 Notes to the Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism RECORDS OF THE CHURCH. XIX, XX, XXI St. Cyprian on the Unity of the Church XXII Tertullian on Baptism XXIII The Martyrdom of St. Felix and St. Lawrence XXIV, XXV St. Vincent of Lerins on the Tests of Heresy VOL 3. 71 On the Controversy with the Romanists 72 Archbp. Usher on Prayers for the Dead 73 On the Introduction of Rationalistic Principles into Religion 74 Catena Patrum. No. 1. Testimony of Writers in the later English Church, to the Doctrine of the Apostolical Succes- sion 75 On the Roman Breviary as embodying the substance of the Devo- tional Services of the Church Catholic 76 Catena Patrum. No. 2. Testimony of Writers in the later English Church, to the Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration 77 Dr. Pusey's answer to a Pamphlet professed to be a " Pastoral Epistle from the Pope to some Members of the University of Oxford" VOL 4. 78 Catena Patrum. No. 3. Testimony of Writers in the later English Church, to the Duty of Maintaining quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus traditum est 79 On Purgatory 80 On Reserve in Communicating Religious Knowledge 81 Catena Patrum. No. 4. Testimony of Writers in the later English Church, to the Doctrine of the Eucharist Sacrifice, with an Historical Account of the changes made in the Liturgy as to the Expression of that Doctrine 82 Letter to a Magazine on the Subject of Dr. Pusey's Tract on Baptism CONTROVERSIAL WRITERS, ETC. 81 VOL. 5. No. 83 Advent Sermons on Antichrist 84 Whether a Clergyman of the Church of England be now bound to have Morning and Evening Prayers daily in his parish church ? 85 Lectures on the Scripture Proofs of the Doctrines of the Church 86 Indications of a Superintending Providence in the preservation of the Prayer Book, and in the changes which it has undergone 87 On Reserve in Communicating Religious Knowledge, (conclusion) 88 The Greek Devotions of Bp. Andrews, translated and arranged VOL 6. 89 On the Mysticism attributed to the Early Fathers of the Church 90 Remarks on Certain Passages in the Thirty- Nine Articles TRACTS for the Times, No. 90 ; Remarks on certain Passages in the Thirty-Nine Articles Donat. Pam. 106 TRIVETT E., The Baptists Vindicated, from some groundless and false Charges brought against them by the author of a pamphlet intitled " Miscellaneous Poems," Norwich, 1770 Donat. Pam. 98 TRUE Plan (The) of a Living Temple ; or Man considered in his proper relation to the ordinary occupations and pursuits of Life, 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 18.10 Two Useful Cases Resolved ; I. Whether a certainty of being in a state of Salvation be attainable ? II. What is the Rule by which this certainty is to be obtained ? Lond. 1685 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 UEBER fbrmliche Wahrheit und Kirkliche Freyheit, Frank/. 1818 Donat. Pam. 65 UNITARIAN'S (The) Appeal Donat. Pam. 167 UNITARIAN'S (The) Appeal, in Answer to the Appeal of the Unitarian, Wit ham, 1819 Donat. Pam. 167 VAUGHAN Rev. Robt., The Causes of the Corruptions of Chris- tianity, 8vo. Lond. 1834 VIEW of the Articles of the Protestant and Popish Faith, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 155 VINDICATION of the Religious and Civil Principles of the Irish Catholics, Dublin, 1823 Donat. Pam. 56 VINDICATION of the Remarks on the Charge of the Bishop of Durham, Newcastle, 1808 Donat. Pam. 155 82 RELIGION. Britannicse; A Vindication of the People from the Charge of Blasphemy Pamphleteer, vol. 19 VOLTAIRE, Theologie de (Euvres, torn. 6, parts 1, 2 WARBURTON Wm., (D.D. Bp. of Gloucester) Works, by Bishop Kurd, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 - The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated Works, vols. 1 6 - Doctrine of Grace ; or the office and operations of the Holy Spirit vindicated from the insults of Infidelity and the abuses of Fanaticism Works, vol. 8 - - Controversial Tracts Works, vols. 11, 12 View of Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy Works, vol. 12 WAS wiinschen und erwarten die Seelsorgen von den neuen Bischb'fen, &c. Straubing, 1818 Donat. Pam. 175 WATERLAND Rev. D., (D.D.) Vindication of Christ's Divinity; being a Defence of some Queries relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity Works, vol. 1, part 2 An Answer to Dr. Whitby's Reply respecting his book entitled " Disquisitiones Modestse" Works, vol. 2 The Case of Arian Subscription Considered ; with Supplement Works, vol. 2 A second Vindication of Christ's Divinity, &c. Works, vol. 3 A farther Vindication of Christ's Divinity, in Answer to a pamphlet, entitled " Observations on Dr. Waterland's second Defence" Works, vol. 4 Answer to some Queries printed at Exon, relating to the Arian Controversy Works, vol. 4 The Scriptures and the Arians compared Works, vol. 4 Five Letters to Mr. Staunton Works, vol. 4 - A Dissertation upon the Argument a priori, for proving the Existence of a First Cause Works, vol. 4 Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity asserted ; in reply to some pamphlets Works, vol. 5 A Summary View of the Doctrine of Justification Works, vol. 9 Letters to the Rev. Mr. Lewis, John Loveday, Esq., and others Works, vol. 10 WATSON Richard, (D.D. Bp. of Landaff) Collection of Theolo- gical Tracts, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791 CONTROVERSIAL, WRITERS, ETC. 83 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Essay on the Powers and Contests of Flesh and Spirit Works, vol. 1 Defence against the Temptation to Self-Murder Works, vol. 2 Humility represented in the Character of St. Paul Works, vol. 2 - Strength and Weakness of Human Reason ; or the important Question about the Sufficiency of Reason to conduct Mankind to Religion and future Happiness, argued between an Inquiring Deist and a Christian Divine Works, vol. 2 Humble Attempt towards the Revival of Practical Religion among Christians Works, vol. 3 Guide to Prayer Works, vol. 3 - Orthodoxy and Charity United ; nine Essays Works, vol. 3 Prayers for Children Works, vol. 3 Questions proper for Students in Divinity, Candidates of the Ministry, and Young Christians Works, vol. 3 The Redeemer and the Sanctifier, or the Sacrifice of Christ Works, vol. 3 - Self- Love and Virtue reconciled only by Religion Works, vol. 3 - Short View of the whole Scripture History, &c. Works, vol. 3 Caveat against Infidelity ; or the Danger of Apostacy from the Christian Faith Works, vol. 4 Harmony of all Religions which God ever prescribed Works, vol. 4 - Rational Foundation of a Christian Church, and the Terms of Christian Communion Works, vol. 5 Christian Doctrine of the Trinity Works, vol. 6 Essays on the Freedom of Will in God and in Creatures, and on various subjects connected therewith Works, vol. 6 Ruin and Recovery of Mankind ; or an attempt to Vindicate the Scriptural Accounts of these great Events, &c. Works, vol. 6 WATTS T., Catholicism Indefensible Donat. Pam. 100 84 RELIGION. WEBSTER S., True Loyalty on Christian Principles, Norwich, 1804 Donat. Pain. 4to. 3 WEBSTER W., Discourses on the Nature of Error in Doctrines merely Speculative, Lond. 1729 Donat. Pam. 161 WELLBELOVED C., Three Letters to the Ven. and Rev. Francis Wrangham, in reply to his remarks on Unitarianism and Unitarians, York, 1823 Donat. Pam. 101 WHATELY Richard, (D.D.) Essays on some of the Peculiarities of the Christian Religion, 8vo. Oxf. 1825 The Kingdom of Christ Delineated, in two Essays on our Lord's own account of his person and of the nature of his Kingdom, and on the Constitution, Powers, and Ministry of a Christian Church as appointed by himself, 8vo. Lond. 1841 WHISTON W., Reflections on an Anonymous Pamphlet, entitled " A Discourse of Free-Thinking," Lond. 1713 Donat. Pam. 100 WHITE Rev. J. B., Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism, 8 vo. Lond. 1825 WILBERFORCE W., Practical View of the prevailing Religious Systems of Professed Christians in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with real Christianity, 8vo. Lond. 1829 WITCHCRAFT, The Impossibility of, plainly proved from Scripture and Reason, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 81 WITSIUS H., (D.D.) Essay on the Use and Abuse of Reason in matters of Religion, translated from the Latin by John Carter, Norwich, 1795 Donat. Pam. 101 WOMOCK L., (D.D.) Pulpit-Conceptions, Popular- Deceptions ; or, the Grand Debate resumed in point of Prayer, Lond. 1662 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 Safe Advice for a Sound Protestant, Lond. 1679 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 WRIGHT R., Essay on the Necessity and Utility of adhering to First Principles of Religion, Wisbech, 1805 Donat. Pam. 167 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 85 SECTION XIII. Transactions 8$c. of Religious Societies. ABAUZIT T., (D.D.) Motives offered for declining the invitation to become a Member of an Auxiliary Society to the British and Foreign Bible Society, Land. 1815 Donat. Pam. 102 ADDRESS (A Respectful) to the Members of the Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge, on certain Inconsistencies and Contradictions which have appeared in some of the Books and Tracts of that Society, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 47 ATTEMPTS for the Instruction and Conversion of the Jews Donat. Pam. 158 BLAKE Rev. R. F., Observations upon, and an explicit Reply to the Rev. G. Jarvis's Letter to the Rev. W. Jewell, on the subject of Mr. Jewell's Reasons for not accepting an Invitation to join the Branch Bible Society at Aylsham, Norwich, 1824 Donat. Pam. 68 BRITISH and Foreign Bible Society, Reports of the, from the commencement in 1805 BRITISH and Foreign Bible Society, Monthly Extracts from the Correspondence of the, from 1818 CARLOW Bible Society, Report of the Proceeding at the Anni- versary, 1824 Donat. Pam. 151 CHALMERS Thomas, (D.D.) The Influence of Bible Societies on the Temporal Necessities of the Poor, Edinb. 1818 Speeches and Tracts CHURCH Missionary Society for Africa and the East, Summary View of the Designs and Proceedings of the, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 160 CORRESPONDENCE on the Formation, Objects, and Plan of the Roman Catholic Bible Society, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 11 86 RELIGION. DAUBENY Rev. C., Discourse, giving a Churchman's Reasons for declining a Connection with the Bible Society Pamphleteer, vol. 5 Reasons for Supporting the Society for Christian Knowledge, in preference to the New Bible Society, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 13 DEALTRY Rev. W., Review of Mr. Norris's Attack upon the British and Foreign Bible Society, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 74 GLOVER Rev. G., Reply to the Rev. R. Forby's Letters to the Lord Bishop of Norwich, on the Speeches addressed to the Church Missionary and Auxiliary Bible Societies at Norwich, Oct. 8, 1814 Donat. Pam. 78 GURNEY Jos. John, Terms of Union : Remarks addressed to the Members of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Norwich, 1833 Minor Works, vol. 2 HALL Rev. R., Speech at a Meeting of the Auxiliary Bible Society, Leicester, July 15, 1817 Donat. Pam. 78 HOBSON Rev. L. J., Thoughts on the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and on the British and Foreign Bible Society, Doncaster, 1811 Donat. Pam. 80 LETTER to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, on the subject of the Attack made by his Lordship upon the British and Foreign Bible Society, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 83 LONDON Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, Reports of the, from the commencement in 1809 MARSH Charles, Speech on the India Mission Bill Pamphleteer, vol. 2 MARSH Dr. H., Answer to the second Letter of the Rt. Hon. N. Vansittart Pamphleteer, vol. 1 MISSIONARY Box Donat. Pam. 85 MISSIONARY Herald, containing Intelligence of the Proceedings, &c. of the Baptist Missionary Society, from the com- mencement in 1819 MISSIONARY Society, (The London) Abstract of the Report of the Directors to the 29th General Meeting, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 164 MISSIONARY Society, Transactions of the, for July, 1823 Donat. Pom. 84 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 8? NORFOLK and Suffolk Auxiliary Bible Societies, Proceedings of the Meetings holden at Norwich and Ipswich, in Sept. and Dec. 1811 Donat. Pam. 106 O'CALLAGHAN Rev. A., Thoughts on the Tendency of Bible Societies, as affecting the Established Church and Chris- tianity Itself, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 39 OWEN Rev. J., Extracts of Letters on the Objects and Con- nexions of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 89 PHILLIPS C., Speech at the Foreign and British Bible Society, Nov. 4, 1819 Donat. Pam. 89 PROCEEDINGS of the Society for Missions to Africa and the East, Instituted by Members of the Established Church," from the formation of the Society in 1801 to 1820 (except 1813,14, 17) REMARKS on the propriety of Applying the Funds of the British and Foreign Bible Society to the circulation of such Foreign Versions as contain the Apocrypha, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 92 SERAMPORE Mission, Translations, and Schools, Tracts relating to the Donat. Pam. 107 SIMEON Rev. C., Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Teignmouth, in Vindication of the Proceedings of the Bible Society against " the Statement of the Edinburgh Bible Society relative to the Circulation of the Apocrypha," Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 96 SKETCH (Brief) of various attempts which have been made to diffuse a Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures through the medium of the Irish Language, Dublin, 1818 Donat. Pam. 68 SMYTH Rev. C. J., Speech on the Conversion of the Jews, Norwich, 1817 Donat. Pam. 96 SOCIETY for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Summary Account of, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 96 STATEMENT of the Leading Transactions of the British and Foreign Bible Society Pamphleteer, vol. 6 THOMAS Rev. J., Address to a Meeting holden at Bath, Dec. I, 1817, for the purpose of forming a Church Missionary Society in that City Pamphleteer, vol. 11 88 RELIGION. UNITARIAN Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Rules of the, Zone?. 1823 Donat. Pam. 166 VANSITTART Rt. Hon. N., Three Letters on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society, addressed to the Rev. Dr. Marsh and John Coker, Esq., Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 99 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 1 WAY Rev. L., Letter to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of St. David's on Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 100 - Reviewers Reviewed ; or, Observations on an Article in the British Critic, for Jan. 1819, entitled "On the London Society for Converting the Jews," Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 100 WILBERFORCE W., Speeches on the India Mission Bill Pamphleteer, vol. 3 WILSON D., Defence of the Church Missionary Society against the Objections of the Rev. J. Thomas, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 100 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 11 WORDSWORTH C., (D.D.) Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth, President of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 57 SECTION XIV. Pagan and Mahometan Religions. BIOGRAPHIE Universelle Ancienne et Moderne, tome 53 et 54 Partie Mythologique Paris, 1832 BLACKWELL Thos., Letters concerning Mythology, 8vo. Lond. 1748 BRYANT J., An Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807 PAGAN AND MAHOMETAN RELIGIONS. 89 CORY Isaac Preston, Mythological Enquiry into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens, 18mo. Land. 1837 FARMER Hugh, The General Prevalence of the Worship of Human Spirits in the Ancient Heathen Nations, Asserted and Proved, 8vo. Land. 1783 FORSTER Rev. C., Mahometanism Unveiled, 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1829 HYDE T., Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Reli- gionis Historia, 4to. Oxf. 1760 KORAN, (The) commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated with Notes, and a preliminary Discourse by Geo. Sale, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801 MILLS Charles, History of Muhammedanism, 8vo. Lond. 1818 PLUCHE M., Histoire du Ciel, considere selon les idees des Poetes, des Philosophes et de Mo'ise, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1739 PLUTO, on the Presence of, in Elysium Pamphleteer, vol. 14 PRIDEAUX Humphrey, (D.D.) The True Nature of Imposture fully displayed in the Life of Mahomet, 8vo. Lond. 1712 SELDEN J., De Diis Syris Syntagmata Opera, torn. 3 TAYLOR T., Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries Pamphleteer, vol. 8 WARD Wm., A View of the History, Literature, and Mythology of the Hindoos, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 CLASS THE SECOND. t ant ftolftits* SECTION I. Law of Nature and Nations. Treaties. AUSTIN John, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, 8vo. Lond. 1832 BROWN J., The Mysteries of Neutralization ; or the British Navy Vindicated from the Charges of Injustice and Oppression towards Neutral Flags, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 6 GROTIUS Hugo, de Jure Belli ac Pacis; notis Gronovii et Barbeyrac, 2 torn. 8vo. Amst. 1720 MONTESQUIEU Ch., De L'Esprit des Lois (Euvres, torn. 2 5 Spirit of Laws, Translated by Nugent, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1752 Commentaire sur 1'Esprit des Lois de, par le Comte Destutt de Tracy, avec observations de Condorcet sur le 29me livre (Euvres, torn. 8 NON-ESTABLISHMENT of Liberty in Spain, Naples, Portugal, and Piedmont, explained Pamphleteer, vol. 24 PUFFENDORF S., De Officio Hominis et Civis juxta Legem Naturalem, per T. Johnson, 8vo. Lond. 1758 REMARKS on the Barrier Treaty between Her Majesty and the States General, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 91 92 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. RIGHT and Practice of Impressment, as concerning Great Britain and America, considered Pamphleteer, vol. 14 RYMER T., Foedera, Conventiones, Literae, et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica, inter Reges Anglise et alios quosvis Impe- ratores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, ab ineunte sseculo duodecimo (viz. ab anno 1101) ad nostra usque tempora habita aut tractata, 10 torn, folio Hagce Com. 173945 SELDEN J., Mare Clausum seu de Dominio Maris Opera, torn. 4 TREATY between Her Majesty and the States General, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 98 VATTEL M. de, Law of Nations, 8vo. Lond. 1811 WICQUEFORT M. de, Memoires touchant les Ambassadeurs et les Ministres Publics, 12mo. Haye, 1677 WILBERFORCE W. Letter to, on the Subject of Impressment Pamphleteer, vol. 24 SECTION II. Canon and Civil Law, and Foreign Laws. ACCOUNT of the whole Proceedings against Henry Lord Bishop of London, Lond. 1688 Donat. Pam. 4to. 4 BUTLER Charles, Horee Juridicse Subsecivse ; being Notes re- specting the Geography, Chronology, and Literary His- tory of the principal Codes and original Documents of the Grecian, Roman, Feudal, and Canon Law Works, vol. 2 CHATEAUBRIAND Viscount, On the Censorship recently estab- lished in France Pamphleteer, vol. 24 CODE Napoleon, 12mo. Paris, 1810 CODEX Theodosianus, cum perpetuis commentariis Jacobi Gotho- fredi, 6 torn, in 3, folio Lugd. 1665 CONSTITUTIONS, Recueil dcs, depuis 1'an 8 Donat. Pam. 60 CANON AND CIVIL LAW. 93 CONSTITUTION de la Monarchie Espagnole decretee par les Cortes extraordinuires du Royaume assemblies a Cadiz en 1811 et 1812, traduite de 1'Espagnol, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 58 DE PHADT M., Lettre a un Electeur de Paris, Paris, 1817 Donat. Pam. 63 DICTIONNAIRE de Jurisprudence, 8 torn, in 7 Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de Jurisprudence, torn. 9 et 10 contenants la Police et les Municipalites Ency. Method. DISCUSSION on the Spanish Question Pamphleteer, vol. 21 DUPIN M., Proces du Constitutionnel Pamphleteer,vo\. 26 EDICT of Diocletian, fixing a Maximum of Prices throughout the Roman Empire, A.D. 303, Lond. 1826 Pamphlets, 1 GIBSON E., (D.D.) Codex Juris Ecclesiastic! Anglicani; or the Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks, and Articles of the Church of England, 2 vols. folio Oxf. 1761 JUSTINIAN Imp., Corpus Juris Civilis, cum notis D. Gothofredi, folio Geneves, 1624 LITTERS Pii Papse Sexti Super Juramento Civico, Romce, 1791 Donat. Pam. 62 LOCKE John, Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina Works, vol. 3 PENAL Code of France, with a Dissertation and Notes, 8vo. Lond. 1819 SELDEN J., On the Disposition of Intestates Goods Opera, torn. 6 SECTION III. Common and Statute Law of England. ACT for Consolidating and Amending the Laws relating to the Building, Repairing, and Regulating of certain Goals and Houses of Correction in England and Wales [1823] Donat. Pam. folio 94 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. ACT tg enable His Majesty more effectually to provide for the Defence and Security of the Realm during the present War [1798] Donat. Pam. folio ACT to amend the preceding [1803] Donat. Pam. folio APPRENTICE Laws, Origin, Object, and Operation of, Pamphleteer, vol. 3 ASSAULTS, Letter to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, on the present state of the Law with respect to, Pamphleteer, vol. 26 BACON Lord, Law Tracts Works, vol. 4 BANKES G., Reconsiderations on certain proposed Alterations of the Game Laws, Land. 1825 Donat. Pam. 102 BEAMES J., Observations on the Power exercised by the Court of Chancery of depriving a Father of the Custody of his Children Pamphleteer, vol. 29 BENJ AFIELD J., Statement of Facts, together with the Trial of the Printer and Proprietor of the County Chronicle for a Libel, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 67 BENTHAM Jeremy, Indications respecting Lord Eldon, including History of the pending Judges' Salary-Raising Measure Pamphleteer, vol. 26 BIRD C., Letters to the Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M.P. on the Effect and Object of his Alteration in the Law of England, with reference to the extension of the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace Pamphleteer, vol. 29 BLACKSTONE Sir W., Commentaries on the Laws of England, by Prof. Christian, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809 BROUGHAM H., Speech in the House of Commons, Feb. 7, 1828, on the present state of the Law of the Country Pamphleteer, vol. 29 BRYDGES Sir E., Reasons for a farther Amendment of the Act, 54 Geo. Ill, c. 156, being an Act to amend the Copyright Act of Queen Anne Pamphleteer, vol. 10 BURN Richard, (LL.D.) The Justice of the Peace, by G. Chet- wynd, with Supplement, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 23 BUTLER C., On the Legality of Impressing Seamen Pamphleteer, vol. 23 CASE of Edmund Rolfe, Esq. Appellant, and John Peterson and Son, Respondents, which was heard at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Feb. 17 and 18, 1772, Norwich, 1772 Donat. Pam. 70 COMMON AND STATUTE LAW. 95 CASSAN Rev. S. H., Who Wrote the Letters? or a Statement of Facts connected with the Extraordinary Trial, Cassan, Clerk, v. Ireland, Clerk Donat. Pam. 7 CHANCERY, Observations on the public utility resulting from the Jurisdiction of the Court of Pamphleteer, vol. 26 CHARGES to Grand Juries, delivered at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Worcester, from 1760 to 1776, Worcester, 1780 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 CLIFFORD A., Letter on the Exclusion of Attorneys from the Inner Temple Hall, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 8 COKE Lord, Charge to the Grand Jury at the Norwich Assizes, Aug. 4, 1606, containing a just Delineation of Popery, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 9 COOKE E., Thoughts on the Expediency of Repealing the Usury Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 13 COPY-RIGHT Bill, Observations on the Pamphleteer, vol. 18 DRAPER Lieut. Col. E. A., Trial of, for a Libel against the Rt. Hon. John Sullivan, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 55 ERSKINE Lord, Speech in the House of Peers on May 15, 1809, on the Bill for preventing Malicious and Wanton Cruelty to Animals, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 16 FROST Charles, On the Propriety of making a Remuneration to Witnesses in Civil Actions, for loss of Time, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 7 GARDNER J., The Student's Guide to the Inner Temple, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 152 GENERAL Establishment of Register Offices for the Registry of Deeds and Wills, and the Collection of the Ad Valorem Duties on Conveyances and Mortgages Pamphleteer, vol. 12 GIFFORD John, A Copious Abstract of the Acts of the 4th Geo. IV, being the Supplement to " Gifford's English Lawyer" for 1823, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 19 The Public General Acts of the 5th Geo. IV, passed in 1824, Lond. Donat. Pam. 19 HARVEY Charles, Charge to the Grand Jury of the City and County of Norwich, Jan. 18, 1793 Donat. Pam. 78 HILBERS H. G., Statement of, Partner in the late House of Hilbers, James, and Co., by Himself, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 80 96 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. HOBEES Thos., Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student, of the Common Laws of England Works HUMPHREYS James, Observations on the actual State of the English Laws of Real Property, with the outlines of a Code, 8vo. Land. 1826 Letter to E. B. Sugden, Esq. in Reply to his Remarks on the Alterations proposed by James Humphreys, Esq. in the English Laws of Real Property, Lond. 1827 Pamphlets, 2 JEMMETT Henry, On the Injustice and Impolicy of Arrest for Debt Pamphleteer, vol. 26 LAW, Remarks on the present State of the, its Administration and Abuses Pamphleteer, vol. 26 LETTER to B. Barne, Esq. in Reply to a Letter on the Exclusion of Attorneys from the Inner Temple Hall, Lond. 1831 Donat. Pam. 29 LONGLEY John, Observations on the Trial by Jury Pamphleteer, vol. 5 MAGNA Charta; to which is added an authentic Copy of the Bill of Rights, with Notes by B. Curwen, Esq. Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 32 MAUGHAM R., Treatise on the Principles of the Usury Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 23 MILLS James, On the Leasing of Tithes, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 34 MONTAGU Basil, Inquiry respecting the Insolvent Debtor's Bill Pamphleteer, vol. 5 OBJECTIONS to Creating a Vice- Chancellor of England Pamphleteer, vol. I OBSERVATIONS occasioned by a Pamphlet entitled " Objections to the project of Creating a Vice-Chancellor of England," Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 38 OBSERVATIONS on the present Law of Debtor and Creditor, and Remarks on the Law of Imprisonment for Debt, Manchester, 1836 Donat. Pam. 106 PARIS J. A., (M.D.) and Fonblanque J. S. M., Medical Juris- prudence, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 PARKES S., Remarks upon the Action brought by Messrs. Severn, King, and Co. against the Imperial Insurance Company, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 90 COMMON AND STATUTE LAW. 9? PARLIAMENT, Abstract of six Acts of, for the Repression of Blasphemy, Treason, and Sedition ; and the Regulation of Public Meetings, and Rooms for Public Lectures, or Readings, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 1 PARLIAMENT, Act of, for Granting to his Majesty additional Duties on the amount of Assessments to be charged on the Profits arising from Property, Possessions, Trades, and Offices, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. I PARLIAMENT, Act of, to Repeal certain parts of the foregoing Act, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. I PARLIAMENT, Act of, for making perpetual, the several sums of Money now charged in Great Britain as a Land Tax for one Year, from March 25, 1798, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 39 PARLIAMENT, Act of, to enlarge the time limited for the Re- demption of the Land Tax, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 38 PAUL John, Laws relative to Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers; with Additions, &c. by J. I. Maxwell, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 41 PETTY Constable's Guide in making up the Jury List, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 89 PHILLIPS Mr., Speech of, delivered in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin, in the Case of Guthrie v. Sterne, for Adultery Pamphleteer, vol. 7 PICTON Col. T., Evidence taken at Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, in the Case of Luisa Calderon, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 42 PLOWDEN F., Refutation of the Charge of having Improvidently and Maliciously advised the Prosecution in the Case of the King, v. Graham, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 43 PRATER Henry, An Essay upon the Law respecting Husband and Wife, Lond. 1834 Donat. Pam. 105 PROSPECTUS of a Law Institution to be Established in or near Chancery Lane, London Donat. Pam. 44 REGIAM Majestatem, Observations on the Pamphleteer, vol. 25 REPORT of an Interesting Case in which Mr. Francis Doyle, Merchant, was Plaintiff, and Sir T. J. Fitzgerald, High Sheriff of the County of Tipperary, in 1798, was Defend- ant, Dublin, 1803 Donat. Pam. 47 o 98 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. REPORT of the Proceedings on the Trials of Henry and John Sheares, Esqrs., John M'Cann, Gent., W. M. Bryne, Esq., and Oliver Bond, Merchant, for High Treason, Dublin, 1798 Donat. Pam. 47 ROUSE W., Remarks on the Comparative Value of Freehold and Copyhold Land Pamphleteer, vol. 7 SELDEN J., Dissertatio ad Fletam Opera, torn. 4 The Duello Opera, torn. 5 Notes on Fortescue de laudibus legum Angliae Opera, torn. 6 : Notes on Hengham's Summa Opera, torn. 6 On Judicature in Parliament Opera, torn. 6 SPEECH of the Rt. Hon. Henry Earl of Warrington, Lord Delamere, to the Grand Jury at Chester, April 13, 1692 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 SPELMAN Sir Henry, Reliquiae Spelmannianee ; the Posthumous Works of Sir Henry Spelman, relating to the Laws, &c. of England Works The Original of the Four Terms of the Year Works STATE Trials, (Complete Collection of) from the Eleventh Year of the Reign of King Richard II, to the Sixteenth Year of the Reign of King George III, with a preface, &c. by Francis Hargrave, Esq., 11 vols. folio Lond. 1776 81 SUGDEN E. B., Considerations on the Rate of Interest, and on Redeemable Annuities Pamphleteer, vol. 7 Letter to James Humphreys, Esq., on his proposal to Repeal the Laws of Real Property, and Substitute a New Code, Lond. 1826 Pamphlets, 3 Letter to J. Williams, Esq., M.P., in Reply to his Observations on the Abuses of the Court of Chancery Pamphleteer, vol. 25 TRIALS of the Offenders apprehended for the Riots in the Borough of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, Oct. 27, 1792 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 TUCKER A. G. C., Supplement to the Observations intended to prove that the Judgment of his Honor the late Master of the Rolls, in the great cause of the Marquis Cholmonde- ley, and the Hon. Mrs. Darner, versus Lord Clinton, is Unfounded in Law, and Inconsistent with Equity, Exeter, 1818 Donat. Pam. 55 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 99 TUCKER A. G. C., Remarks on the Opinion of three of the Judges in Lord Clinton's Case, Ashburton, 1819 Donat. Pam. 55 TYRWHITT R. P., The Marriage Act, passed July 22, 1822, Land. 1822 Donat. Pam. 99 WINDHAM Rt. Hon. W., Speech in the House of Commons, June 13, 1809, on Lord Erskine's Bill, for the more effectual Prevention of Cruelty towards Animals, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 56 WINTERBOTHAM W., Trial of, for Seditious Words, Lond. 1794 Donat. Pam. 101 SECTION IV. English Constitution and Politics. ADAIR Mr., Two Letters to the Bishop of Winchester, in Answer to the Charge of a High Treasonable Misdemeanour, brought by his lordship against Mr. Fox and himself, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 5 ADDISON Jos., On the Present State of the War, and the Neces- sity of an Augmentation considered, 1707 Works, vol. 4 ADDRESS to her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte on her Marriage Pamphleteer, vol. 8 ADDRESS to the Christian Proprietors and Freeholders of Great Britain, by an Unrepresented Christian Layman, Lond. 1830 Donat. Pam. 105 ALL at Stake, Hannover or Perkin, in a Letter to a Country Clergyman, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 158 ALLEN John, Inquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England, 8vo. Lond. 1830 ANSWER to Mr. Pitts's Attack upon Earl St. Vincent and the Admiralty, Lond. 1 804 Donat . Pam. 2 100 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. ANSWER to the Secret Transactions with William Gregg, in Newgate, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 158 ANTICIPATION of Marginal Notes, on the declaration of the British Government of the ninth of January, 1813 Pamphleteer, vol. 1 APOLOGY (An) for the Royal Party, with a Touch at the pretended " Plea for the Army," 1659 In Evelyn's Misc. Writings APPEAL in Defence of the Constitution in Church and State, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 2 APPEAL of Adm. Byng to the People, 1756 Donat. Pam. 2 APPEAL to the Legislature for the Repeal of the Act regulating the Marriage of the Royal Family Pamphleteer, vol. 3 ARGUMENT showing that a Standing Army is Inconsistent with a Free Government Pamphleteer, vol. 10 BACON Lord, Political Works Works, vol. 3 BACON R. M., Independent Remarks on the Queen's Case, Norwich, 1820 Donat. Pam. 102 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Stormont and Sir James Scarlett, Knt. Pamphlets, 6 BENTHAM Jeremy, Defence of Economy against the late Mr. Burke Pamphleteer, vol. 9 Defence of Economy against the Rt. Hon. G. Rose, M.P. Pamphleteer, vol. 10 Leading Principles of a Constitutional Code for any State Pamphleteer, vol. 22 Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legisla- tion, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 - A Fragment on Government, 8vo. Lond. 1776 The Rationale of Reward, 8vo. Lond. 1825 BERKELEY Bp., An Essay towards Preventing the Ruin of Great Britain Works, vol. 3 BERRY J., A Plain Statement of Facts, Norwich, 1821 Donat. Pam. 67 BEVERLEY John, Trial of William Frend, M.A., for Writing and Publishing a Pamphlet, intitled " Peace and Union re- commended to the Associated Bodies of Republicans and Anti-Republicans, Camb. 1793 Donat. Pam. 67 BOROUGHS of Great Britain, Entire and Complete History of the; together with the Cinque Ports, [by T. H. B. Oldfield,] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 101 BROUGHAM Henry Lord, Speeches of, upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests ; with Historical Introductions, and a Critical Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients, 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1838 BROWNE W. J. U., Observations on a Letter addressed by Mr. R. M. Bacon, to Lord Viscount Stormont, and Sir James Scarlett Pamphlets, 6 BUBBLES (The) of Canada, by the Author of " The Clockmaker," 8vo. Lond. 1839 BUDGELL E., Letter to the Lord * * * * Accoraptant General of Ireland, Lond. 1718 Donat. Pam. 69 BULWER Edward L., A Letter to a late Cabinet Minister on the Present Crisis, Lond. 1834 Pamphlets, 6 BURDETT Sir. F. to his Constituents ; denying the Power of the House of Commons to Imprison the People of England, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 69 BURGES Rev. George, A Letter to T. W. Coke, Esq., M.P., Norwich, 1817: Reflections on the Nature and Ten- dency of the Present Spirit of the Times, 1 vol. 8vo. Norwich, 1820 Reflections on the Nature and Tendency of the Present Spirit of the Times, Norwich, 1819 Donat. Pam. 69 An Abridgment of the above, Norwich, 1820 Donat. Pam. 70 The Conservative Standard of the British Empire, erected in a time of trouble for all those who fear God and honour the King, Lond. 1835 Pamphlets, 6 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Speech on presenting to the House of Commons a Plan for the better Security of the Independ- ence of Parliament and the Economical Reformation of the Civil and other Establishments Works, vol. 3 Speech on the East India Bill Works, vol. 4 Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs Works, vol. 6 - Heads for Consideration on the present state of Affairs Works, vol. 7 CANNING Rt. Hon. Geo., Speech of, in the House of Commons, on Ld. J. Russell's Motion for a Reform of Parliament, 1822 Pamphleteer, vol. 21 Speeches of, delivered on public occasions in Liver- pool, 8vo. Liverpool, 1825 102 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. CARLYLE Thomas, Chartism, 12mo. Lond. 1840 CARTWRIGHT Major, Address at a Meeting held at Boston, March 29, 1797, for the Purpose of Petitioning His Majesty for Peace, and the Dismissal of his Ministers Donat. Pam. 70 Appeal to the Subjects of the English Constitution Donat. Pam. 70 Reasons for Reformation, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 70 CASE of his Grace the D of M in Vindication of Himself from the Charge of the Commissioners of Ac- counts, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 160 CATO'S Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Harewood, reprint, Norwich, 1820 Donat. Pam. 160 CAVEAT against the Whigs, in a short Historical Account of their Transactions since the Revolution, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 71 CERTAIN Information of a Certain Discourse that happened at a Certain Gentleman's House in a Certain County, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 160 CHALMERS G., State of the United Kingdom at the Peace of Paris, 1815 Pamphleteer, vol. 7 CHARACTER and Principles of the present Set of Whigs, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 160 COBBETT versus Cobbett; or, a Complete Refutation of the present opinions of the Author of the Political Register upon Parliamentary Reform, the French Revolution, &c., Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 9 COLLIER J., Reply to a Pamphlet on the State of the Nation, at the commencement of 1822 Pamphleteer vol. 21 COMPANION to the Newspaper, and Journal of Facts in Politics, Statistics, and Public Economy, Nos. 1 24, 4to. Lond. 18334 CONSTITUTION, Equality of the Pamphleteer, vol. 14 CONSTITUTION (De la) de 1'Angleterre, et des Changemens prin- cipaux qu'elle a eprouves, tant dans son esprit que dans sa forme, depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours; avec quelques Remarques sur 1'ancienne Constitution de la France Pamphleteer, vol. 27 CONVERSATIONS on the English Constitution, 12mo. Lond. 1828 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 103 CORRESPONDENCE and Documents, explaining the Proceedings of the Marquess Wellesley, and of the Earl of Moira, in the recent negotiations for the formation of an Adminis- tration, Land. 1812 Donat. Pam. 11 CRISIS, (The) Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 11 CRISIS, (The) A Word to the Plain Understanding of English- men, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 11 DEBATE on the Convention Act in the Irish House of Commons in 1793, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 14 DE LOLME J. L., On the Constitution of England, 8vo. Lond. 1822 DIAMOND Cut Diamond ; or, Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled "A Review of the Conduct of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales," Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 14 DOUGLAS James, The Prospects of Britain, Edinb. 1831 Pamphlets, 6 DYER G., Letters on the English Constitution Pamphleteer, vol. 12 EDWARDS Geo., The true original scheme of Human Economy, applied to the completion of the different interests and preservation of the British Empire, Newcastle, 1808 Donat. Pam. 16 ELECTOR'S Remembrancer ; or, Guide to the Votes of each Member of the House of Commons, 1822 Pamphleteer, vol. 20 ELEMENTS of Policy, Civil and Ecclesiastical, Lond. 1716 Donat. Pam. 75 ELLIOT Francis Percival, Letters on the Political and Financial State of the Nation, at the commencement of the year 1814 Pamphleteer, vols. 3, 4 - Three Letters on the Political and Financial Situation of the Country, in 1815 Pamphleteer, vol. 5 Letters on the Political and Financial Situation of the British Empire, in the year 1816 Pamphleteer, vol. 7 ENGLAND'S Imminent Danger, and only Remedy, faithfully con- sidered and represented, Lond. 1671 Donat. Pam. 161 ERSKINE Lord, Defences of the Whigs Pamphleteer, vol. 15 FACTS addressed to the Landholders, &c., on the Subject of Great Britain and Ireland Donat. Pam. 76 104 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. FA v ELL S., Speech upon moving certain Resolutions to Petition the House of Commons for a Reform in Parliament, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 76 FIRTH W., The Case of Ireland Set at Rest; addressed in a Letter to Sir Robert Peel, M.P. Pamphleteer, vol. 25 another copy Donat. Pam. 102 - Letter to Edward Rigby, Esq., Mayor of Norwich, to shew that the Destruction of the Combined Fleets of France and Spain, by the Immortal Nelson, is rather a Subject of Rejoicing, Norwich, 1825 Donat. Pam. 76 FITZ-JAMES Duke of, Opinion of the proposed Law relative to Periodical Journals Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 FLETCHER of Salton, Political Works of, with Notes and Life by R. Watson, M.D., 12mo. Lond. 1798 FORBES Sir C., Letters to, On the Suppression of Public Dis- cussion in India Pamphleteer, vols. 24, 25 Fox Rt. Hon. C. J., Speech in the House of Commons, May 12, 1785, on the Irish Resolutions, Lond. 1785 Donat. Pam. 77 - Letter to the Electors of Westminster, Lond. 1793 Donat. Pam. 77 - Speech on the Bill to amend and regulate the Elec- tion of Members of Parliament, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 77 FRANCIS Sir. P., Plan of a Reform in the Election of the House of Commons Pamphleteer, vol. 9 FREE-HOLDER (The) Addisons Works, vol. 4 FREE Thoughts on Public Affairs, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 77 FREND W., Peace and Union recommended to the Associated Bodies of Republicans and Anti-Republicans, St. Ives, 1793 Donat. Pam. 77 GARDINER R., Letter to Sir H. Harbord, Bart., with Particular Observations on the Conduct of T. W. Coke, Esq., Lond. 1778 Donat. Pam. 78 GLADSTONE W. E., The State in its Relation with the Church, 8vo. Lond. 1839 GLOVER Rev. G., An Answer to a Clergyman's Letter to T. W. Coke, Esq., M.P., on the Tendency of Certain Speeches delivered at the County Meeting in the Shirehall, Nor- wich, April 5, 1817 Donat. Pam. 78 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 105 GOLDSMITH L., Observations on the Appointment of the Rt. Hon. G. Canning to the Foreign Department Pamphleteer, vol. 22 GOOD Old Cause, further discussed, in a letter to the Author of Jacobite's Hopes Revived, Lond. 1710 Donat. Pam. 78 GRAND Parade, or the Triumphant Criminal, in a letter to Robt. Walpole, Esq., a prisoner in the Tower, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 78 GRENVILLE Rt. Hon. Lord, Speech in the House of Commons, Jan. 16, 1789, on the proposed Regency Bill, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 20 - More Talents Still ! being a letter to Dr. Gaskin^ with the letters in answer thereto, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 20 HALL Rev. Robert, An Apology for the Freedom of the Press, and for General Liberty, 1793 Works, vol. 3 HAMILTON Lord Archibald, Thoughts on the Formation of the late and present Administrations, Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 20 HARRINGTON James, Oceana and other Works of; with an Account of his Life, by John Toland, folio Lond. 1737 HAWKINS H., Reform of Parliament the Ruin of Parliament Pamphleteer, vol. 1 HILLARY Sir W., A Sketch of Ireland in 1824 : the Sources of her Evils considered, and their Remedies suggested Pamphleteer, vol. 25 HINTS to the Legislature, for removing the causes of the discon- tents in Ireland, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 21 HOBBES Thomas, Behemoth ; the History of the Causes of the Civil Wars of England from 1640 to 1660 Works De Corpore Politico ; or the Elements of Law, Moral, and Politic Works Leviathan; or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil Works HOLDSWORTH A. H., Letters on the Present Situation of the Country Pamphleteer, vols. 8, 9 HORTON R. W., (M.P.) Speech in the Town Hall of Newcastle, on the occasion of his attending the Election of the Mayor and other Corporate Officers of that Borough, on Oct. 4, 1825 Donat. Pam. 80 106 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. HOWICK Rt. Hon. Vise., Speech in the House of Commons, March 26, 1807, stating the circumstances which led to the Change of Administration, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 23 HUME Mr., Resolutions relative to the State of the Nation, sub- mitted to Parliament May 4, 1826 Pamphleteer, vol. 26 HUNTINGFORD G. J., (Bp. of Gloucester,) A Protestant Letter addressed to Lord Somers, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 23 IMPORTANT Considerations for the People of this Kingdom, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 153 INGRATITUDE, History of, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 80 IRELAND, Remarks on some of the Evils of, and their Removal Pamphleteer, vol. 25 JEFFREYS N., A Review of the Conduct of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales in his various transactions with Mr. Jeffreys, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 24 JOHN Bull, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 24 [JOHNSON Sam., (LL.D.)] Marmor Norfolciense ; or an Essay on an Ancient Prophetical Inscription, in Monkish Rhyme, lately discovered near Lynn, in Norfolk, Lond. 1739 Pamphlets, 2 Taxation no Tyranny ; an Answer to the Resolution and Address of the American Congress, 1775 Works, vol. 8 Essay concerning Parliaments at a Certainty, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 82 JOURNAL d'un Voyageur Anglais, ou Memoires et Anecdotes sur son altesse royale Caroline de Brunswick, Princesse de Galles, Bruxelles, 1817 Donat. Pam. 63 JUNIUS, Letters of; including his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. With Notes, &c., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 " KILLING no Murder," or a Plain Proof that the Reformation of acknowledged subsisting Abuses will not Endanger the British Constitution, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 25 LAITY'S (The) Remonstrance to the late Representation of the Lower H. of C n : with a turn of the Tables, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 83 LAMBTON J. G., Speech of, in the House of Commons, on moving for a Committee to consider the State of the Representation Pamphleteer, vol. 21 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 107 LECKIE G. F., Essay on the Practice of the British Government Pamphleteer, vol. 11 LEE Thomas, Delicate Investigation. The Right of Britons to be officially informed upon this Subject Vindicated. The Question betwixt us and our Brethren in America. Original Thoughts upon these Important Topics, Bristol, 1807 Donat. Pam. 26 LETTER concerning Allegiance, Lond. 1710 Donat. Pam. 83 LETTER explanatory of the True Original Scheme of Human Economy, that comprises every thing requisite for the Good of the Empire at this Particular Crisis, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 27 LETTER from the Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas to the Lord Lieut, of the County of Norfolk, 1798, [On the Defence of the Country] Donat. Pam. folio LETTER to his Grace the Archbp. of Armagh, relative to the Education and Maintenance of the Roman Catholic Clergy in Ireland ; and a Letter to his Grace the Duke of Devonshire on the Disturbances in Ireland, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 30 LETTER to Lord Eg nt, on the Dangerous Ambition, and Over- grown Power of a certain M is r Donat. Pam. 83 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Lord Redesdale, touching the Bill now in the House of Lords respecting the Enrolment of the Memorials of Grants of Annuities, Lond. 1 822 Donat. Pam. 30 LETTER to Sir Francis D'lvernois, in reply to his Observations on Certain Statements in Mr. Newenham's View of the Natural, Political, and Commercial Circumstances of Ireland, Ludlow, 1810 Donat. Pam. 28 LETTER to Sir J B , concerning the late Minehead Doctrine, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 163 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 27 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, by an Irish Volunteer, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER to Wm. Smith, Esq., M.P. for Norwich, shewing that his Political Conduct has rendered him no longer deserv- ing the Support of his Constituents, Norwich, 1809 Donat. Pam. 83 108 . JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. LETTER (A Second) from the King to his People, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER (A Second) to Mr. Sheridan, with strictures on the general conduct of Opposition, Bury, 1796 Donat. Pam. 26 LETTERS by Anglicus, on a Reform in Parliament, Chelmsford, 1811 Donat. Pam. 28 LETTERS of Hierophilos to the English People, on the Moral and Political State of Ireland, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTERS on Catholic Loyalty, Newcastle, 1807 Donat. Pam. 153 LETTERS to Lord Grenville and Lord Ho wick, upon their Remo- val from the Councils of the King, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 27 LETTERS (Two) containing some remarks on the Meeting held Nov. 5, 1809, to celebrate the Acquittal of Messrs. Hardy, J. H. Tooke, Thelwall, and others, in Nov. 1794; and a short comparative sketch of our Practical Constitution in Ancient Times and the Present, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 28 LETTERS (Six) of Publicola, on the Liberty of the Subject, and the Privileges of the House of Commons, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 28 LOCKE John, Two Treatises of Government Works, vol. 2 M'CALLUM P. F., Observations on H. R. H. the Duke of Kent's Shameful Persecution, since his recal from Gib- raltar; with an enquiry into the Abuses of the Royal Military College, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 31 MACAULAY Catharine, Address to the People of England, Scot- land, and Ireland, on the present important Crisis of Affairs, Lond. 1775 Donat. Pam. 84 MACKINNON W. A., On the Rise, Progress, and present State of Public Opinion, 8vo. Lond. 1828 MALTBY Edw., (D.D.) Letter to the Freeholders of the County of Huntingdon, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 32 MANDERSON James, Twelve Letters to the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval, on the Magnitude of the British Navy, &c., Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 32 MARCH and October, a Dialogue, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 84 MARSH C., An Appeal to the Public Spirit of Great Britain, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 32 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 109 MELVILLE Lord, Speech in the House of Peers, May 24, 1805, on the State of the Navy, Land. 1805 Donat. Pam. 32 An Exposure of the Persecutions of, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 32 MEREWETHER H. A., Sketch of the History of Boroughs, and' of the Corporate Right of Election, in a Letter to Lord John Russell, on Practical Parliamentary Reform, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 33 MILES W. A., Letter to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales; with a Sketch of the Prospects before him, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 33 - On the Present State of Ireland, Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 33 MILTON John, Areopagitica : a Speech for the Liberty of Unli- censed Printing Prose Works, vol. 1 Tenure of Kings and Magistrates Prose Works, vol. 2 - Observations on the Articles of Peace with the Irish Rebels ; and on the Letter of the Earl of Ormond to Col. Jones Prose Works, vol. 2 Ready and Easy Way to establish a Free Common- wealth Prose Works, vol. .2 - Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes Prose Works, vol. 2 Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, contra Claudii Sal- masii Defensionem Regiam Prose Works, vol. 3 A Translation of the above Prose Works, vol. 2 Defensio Secunda pro Populo Anglicano, contra Infa- mem Libellum Anonymum, cui titulus, Regii Sanguinis Clamor ad Coelum, adversus Parricidas Anglicanos Prose Works, vol. 3 - Eikonoklastes, in Answer to Eikon Basilike Prose Works, vol. 2 MONEY Major General, Letter to the Deputy Lieutenants and Magistrates of the County of Norfolk, on the present Alarming Situation of the Country, Norwich, 1803 Donat. Pam. 85 MONTAGU B., Thoughts on Liberty, and the Rights of English- men Pamphleteer, vol. 21 MOORE Peter, A Voice from London to the Voice from St. Helena, or the Pitt System developed, 8vo. Lond. 1823 110 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. MORE Sir Thos., History of Utopia, trans, by F. Warner, LL.D. Mems. of Sir T. More - Utopia, translated by Arthur Cayley, 4to. Memoirs, vol. 2 Mu AVE Earl of, Speech in the House of Lords, since the Revolution, upon a Bill against admitting officers to sit in the House of Commons, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 97 NEW Project, dedicated neither to the Q n, nor the Lord T r, nor any of the Houses of P ment, but to the Unbelieving Club at the Grecian, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 164 NEWS (The late) from Brussels Unmasked, and his Majesty Vin- dicated from the late Calumny and Scandal therein fixed on him, 1660 In Evelyn's Misc. Writings OBSERVATIONS on the Late and Present State of Ireland, Dublin, 1805 Donat. Pam. 38 OBSERVATIONS upon the Rev. G. Burgess' Letter to T. W. Coke, Esq., with Remarks on the Rev. G. Glover's Answer Donat. Pam. 79 OLD and New Ministry Com pared, Zone?. 1711 Donat. Pam. 89 O'NEIL Rev. P., Humble Remonstrance of, to the Nobility and Gentry of the County Cork, 1802 Donat. Pam. 40 ONSLOW Mr. Serjeant, Speech in the House of Commons, on Moving for leave to bring in a Bill for more Effectually Securing the Liberty of the Subject, 1814 Pamphleteer, vol. 5 OPINIONS as to the Real State of the Nation, with Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled " The Administration of the Affairs of Great Britain" Pamphleteer, vol. 21 ORANGE Institution, Sketch of, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 154 PARR Sam., (LL.D.) Letter to the Dissenters of Birmingham Works, vol. 3 Prefatio ad Bellendeni Libros Works, vol. 3 Remarks on Politics, Jurisprudence, Morals, &c. Works, vol. 3 PASSIVE Obedience Established ; and Resistance Confuted Donat. Pam. 165 PERQUISITE-MONGER; or the Rise and Fall of Ingr titude, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 89 PETER W., Thoughts on the present Crisis Pamphleteer, vol. 8 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. Ill PETRIE W., Statement of Facts delivered to the Rt. Hon. Lord Minto, Governor- General of India, on his late Arrival at Madras, Land. 1810 Donat. Pam. 41 PHOCION, in Reply to Cato, in defence of the People of England, and in Vindication of the Public Press Pamphleteer, vol. 18 PICTURE of Malice, or a True Account of Dr. Sacheverell's Enemies, Lond. 1710 Donat. Pam. 90 PITT Rt. Hon. W., Letter to, on his Apostasy from the Cause of Parliamentary Reform Pamphleteer, vol. 21 PLAIN Address to the People of England; in Explanation of the Secret Causes which occasioned the Dismissal of his Majesty's late Ministers, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 154 PLAIN Answer to the Misrepresentations and Calumnies con- tained in the Cursory Remarks of a near Observer, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 42 PLAIN Facts; or the new Ministry Convicted by their own Deeds, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 42 PLAIN Facts and Observations relative to the Situation of the Country, in regard to its Finances, Morals, and Religion, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 42 PRESTON R., Further Observations on the State of the Nation Pamphleteer, vol. 9 PROCEEDINGS and Speeches at a Meeting at St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich, Nov. 1795, to Petition Parliament against Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's Treason and Sedition Bills Donat. Pam. 90 PROPOSALS for rendering the Body of the People Instrumental in the General Defence, &c. Donat. Pam. folio PROTESTANT (The) Tory Refuted, in Reply to a pamphlet entitled " The Grand Vizier Unmasked" Pamphleteer, vol. 28 QUEEN, The Exclusion of, from the Liturgy, historically and legally considered Pamphleteer, vol. 18 RANDOLPH Rev. F., (D.D.) Observations on the present State of the Nation, Bath, 1808 Donat. Pam. 45 REASONS for Opposition to the Principles and Measures of the present Administration, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 91 REASONS for Restoring the Whigs, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 91 REFLECTIONS on the Liberty of the Press of Great Britain Pamphleteer, vol. 15 112 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. REFLECTIONS and Suggestions regarding several Subjects inti- mately connected with the Power and Prosperity of the British Empire, 2 parts Pamphleteer, vol. 28 REFORM in Parliament, Letter on Pamphleteer, vol. 6 REFORM of Parliament on Constitutional Principles, Plan for Pamphleteer, vol. 7 REFORM in Parliament, Plan for Pamphleteer, vol. 23 REFORM of the House of Commons, the only Remedy for our Distresses Donat. Pam. 165 REMARKS on the power of the House of Commons to Commit in matters of Libel, Lond. 1310 Donat. Pam. 46 REMARKS (Cursory) upon the state of Parties during the Admin- istration of the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 12 REMONSTRANCE of King James I, for the Right of Kings, Camb. 1619 Donat. Pam. 4to. 4 REPRESENTATION of the Loyal Subjects of Albinia, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 92 REVIEW of Mr. Burgess' Letter to the Freeholders of Norfolk, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 93 REVIEW of the Arguments in favour of the Continuance of Im- peachments, notwithstanding a Dissolution, Lond. 1791 Donat. Pam. 47 REVIEW of the Conduct of the Prince of Wales, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 92 RICHMOND Duke of, Letter from, to Lieut. Col. Sherman, on the Policy, as well as the Law, Reason, and Equity, of Annual Parliaments and Universal Suffrage Pamphleteer, vol. 24 ROSE Rt. Hon. George, Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Melville, respecting a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 49 SADLER M. T., Ireland; its Evils and their Remedies, 8vo. Lond. 1829 SECRET Transactions during the hundred days Mr. Wm. Gregg lay in Newgate under Sentence of Death for High- Treason, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 95 SEELEY John, A Voice from India, in Answer to the Reformers of England, 8vo. Lond. 1824 SELKIRK Earl of, On the Necessity of a more Effectual System of National Defence, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 95 ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND POLITICS. 113 SERIOUS Call to the Electors of Great Britain, Land. 1812 Donat, Pam. 50 SERIOUS Considerations, Addressed to British Labourers and Mechanics, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 50 SHILLITOE Thos., An Address to the Rulers of this Nation, and all those in power, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 2 SINCLAIR Rt. Hon. Sir J., Collection of Papers on Political Subjects Pamphleteer, vol. 13 On the State of the Country in December, 1816 Pamphleteer, vol. 9 another copy Donat. Pam. 50 On the Means of Arresting the Progress of National Calamity Pamphleteer, vol. 10 On the Approaching Crisis, 1818 Pamphleteer, vol. 12 SKETCH of the State of Ireland, Past and Present, Dublin, 1808 Donat. Pam. 50 SKETCH of various Proposals for a Constitutional Reform, made in Parliament Pamphleteer, vol. 2 SMITH Sir W. C., Speech on the Subject of Union, delivered in the Irish House of Commons, 1799 Pamphleteer, vol. 6 Two Political Allegories Pamphleteer, vol. 16 SOBER Sadness ; or Historical Observations upon the Proceedings, &c. of a prevailing party in both Houses of Parliament, Camb. 1643 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 SOMERS Rt. Hon. Lord, Defence of the Constitution of Great Britain and Ireland, against the Innovating and Levelling Attempts of the Friends of Annual Parliaments and Universal Suffrage, Hereford, 1817 Donat. Pam. 51 Defence of the Constitution of Great Britain and Ireland Pamphleteer, vol. 10 SPECIMEN of the State of the Nation Donat. Pam, 4to. 5 SPENCER Edmund, View of the State of Ireland Works, vol. 8 STAIR John Earl of, Argument to Prove that it is the Duty of the Creditors of the Public to Insist that Government do bring forward the Consideration of the State of the Nation, Lond. 1783 Donat. Pam. 97 STATEMENT of the Question of Paliamentary Reform, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 97 Q 114 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. STEELE R., The Crisis; or a Discourse representing from the most Authentic Records, the just Causes of the late happy Revolution, Lond. 1714 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 STORY of the Saint Alb n's Ghost, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 98 SWIFT Jonathan, The Drapier's Letters Works, vol. 10 SYMMONS J., Reform without Innovation Pamphleteer, vol. 9 TEMPLE Sir William, Essay on Governments Works, vol. 1 THISTLE (The) Lond. 1746 Donat. Pam. 98 THOUGHTS on the Present Crisis of our Domestic Affairs, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 54 THOUGHTS on the Present Disturbances in the Southern Districts of Ireland Pamphleteer, vol. 24 TICKELL R., Anticipation Pamphleteer, vol. 19 TOOKE Home, Letter to the Editor of the Times, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 54 TO*RENS R., Letter to the Independent Freemen of the City of Rochester, on the Petition against Lord Binning's Return being declared Frivolous and Vexatious Pamphleteer, vol. 14 TUNSTALL J., (D.D.) Marriage in Society, with Considerations on Government, &c. Lond. 1755 Donat. Pam. 99 Vindication of the Power of States to prohibit Clan- destine Marriages, under the pain of absolute Nullity, Lond. 1755 Donat. Pam. 99 UNBIASSED Irishman, Dublin, 1808 Donat. Pam. 55 VIEW of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colo- nies, Lond. 1774 Donat. Pam. 99 VINDICATION of the Rev. Dr. Henry Sacheverell, from the False, Scandalous, and Malicious Aspersions cast upon him in a pamphlet entitled " The Modern Fanatick," Lond. 171 1 Donat. Pam. 99 WADE A. S., (D.D.) A Letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. G. Canning, intended as an Humble Vindication of the present Ministry, 1827 Pamphleteer, vol. 28 WAKEFIELD Edward G., Householders in Danger from the Populace Pamphlets, vol. 7 WATSON R., (Bp. of Landaff,) Substance of a Speech intended to have been spoken in the House of Lords, Nov. 22, 1803, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 56 INTERNATIONAL, AND FOREIGN POLITICS. 115 WE have been all in the Wrong ; or Thoughts upon the Dissolu- tion of the late, and Conduct of the present Parliament, Land. 1785 Donat. Pam. 100 WELLESLEY Marquis, Speech in the House of Lords, Jan. 31, 1812, on the State of Ireland, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 56 WHAT is a Revolution? Pamphleteer, vol. 14 Wnic-Examiner (The) Addison's Works, vol. 4 WYNDHAM Rt. Hon. W., Speech in the House of Commons, May 26, 1809, on Mr. Curwen's Bill, for better securing the Independence and Purity of Parliament by preventing the procuring or obtaining of Seats by Corrupt Practices, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 56 WYNN C. W. W., Argument upon the Jurisdiction of the House of Commons to Commit in Cases of Breach of Privilege, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 57 WYVILL Rev. C., State of the Representation of the People of England, in 1785, York, 1794 Donat. Pam. 101 - Defence of Dr. Price and the Reformers of England, York, 1792 Donat. Pam. 101 - Letter to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, York, 1793 Donat. Pam. 101 - The Secession from Parliament Vindicated, York, 1799 Donat. Pam. 101 SECTION V. International and Foreign Politics. ALLIES and the Late Ministry, Conduct of the, in beginning and carrying on the present War, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 158 ALLIES and the Late Ministry, defended against France; in answer to the above, in 4 parts, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 158 116 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. AMERICAN Question considered Pamphleteer, vol. 4 ASIATIC Policy of England and Russia, Remarks on the Pamphleteer, vol. 25 ATCHESON N., American Encroachments on British Rights Pamphleteer, vol. 6 AUBER Peter, China. An Outline of its Government, Laws, and Policy : and of the British and Foreign Embassies to, and intercourse with, that Empire, 8vo. Lond. 1834 BAIT of Europe; or the Duke of Anjou's Renunciation, Lond. 1713 Donat. Pam. 159 BARKER E. H., Letter to the Rev. T. S. Hughes, occasioned by a perusal of the " Address to the People of England, in the Cause of the Greeks," Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 66 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 21 BATHURST Ld., Observations on the Speech of, in the House of Peers, relative to Bonaparte's Imprisonment, March 18, 1817 Pamphleteer, vol. 12 BENTHAM J., Tactique des Assemblies Legislatives, suivie d'un traite des sophistries politiques ; ouvrages extraits des MSS. de M. Jeremie Bentham, par Et. Dumont, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 Traite des Preuves Judiciaires ; ouvrage extrait des MSS. de M. Jeremie Bentham, par Et. Dumont, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823 BIGNON M., Les Cabinets et les Peuples, depuis 1815 jusqu' a la fin de 1822 Pamphleteer, vol. 22 BLAQUIERE Edw., Greece and her Claims Pamphleteer, vol. 26 Report on the present State of the Greek Confedera- tion Pamphleteer, vol. 22 BOWLES John, French Aggression, proved from Mr. Erskine's " View of the Causes of the War," Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 4 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Speech on American Taxation Works, vol. 2 Speech on moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with America Works, vol. 3 Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America Works, vol. 3 - Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's Debts; with an Appendix Works, vol. 4 INTERNATIONAL. AND FOREIGN POLITICS. 11.7 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings of certain Societies in London relative to that Event Works, vol. 5 Letter to a Member of the National Assembly Works, vol. 6 - Remarks on the Policy of the Allies with respect to France Works, vol. 7 Thoughts on French Affairs Works, vol. 7 Three Letters to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals of Peace with the Regicide Directory of France Works, vol. 8 CARNOT M., Memorial addressed to the King of France, 1814 Pamphleteer, vol. 5 CAUSE of Greece the Cause of Europe, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 8 CAUSES of the Present Distractions in America explained, 1774 Donat. Pam. 71 CAUSES Politiques Secretes ou Pensees philosophiques sur divers evenemens qui se sont passes depuis 1763 jusqu'en 1772 Londres, aux depens du Lord North, 1782 Donat. Pam. 58 CHANNING W. E., Remarks on the disposition which now pre- vails to form Associations, and to accomplish all objects by Organized Masses, Lond. 1830 Pamphlets, 5 - A Letter on the Annexation of Texas to the United States, Lond. 1837 Pamphlets, 5 CHATEAUBRIAND Viscount de, (Peer of France,) Speech in the Chamber of Deputies, on Feb. 25, 1823, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 8 Speech in the Chamber of Peers, on April 30, 1823, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 8 CHATEAUBRIAND F. A. de, De Buonaparte et des Bourbons et de la Necessite de se rallier a nos Princes Legitimes, pour le bonheur de la France et celui de 1'Europe, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 58 On Buonaparte and the Bourbons Pamphleteer, vol. 3 COBBETT W., A Little Plain English addressed to the People of the United States, Lond. 1795 Donat. Pam. 71 Letter to the Infamous Tom Paine, in Answer to his Letter to OCR. Washington, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 72 118 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. COBBETT W., Observations on the Debates of the American Congress, on the Addresses presented to Gen. Washington on his Resignation, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 72 The Republican Judge; or the American Liberty of the Press exhibited, explained, and exposed, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 72 - The American Rush- Light, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 72 The Trial of Republicanism, Lond. 1801 Donat. Pam. 72 American Seeds, Lond. 1827 Donat. Pam. 72 CONSIDERATIONS on the present German War, Lond. 1761 Donat. Pam. 73 CONSIDERATIONS sur la Guerre actuelle entre les Grecs et les Turcs Pamphleteer, vol. 24 CONSTANT M. Benj., Collection complete des ouvrages publics sur le Gouvernement Representatif et la Constitution Actuelle, ou cours de Politique Constitutionnelle, 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 181820 On the Dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies Pamphleteer, vol. 18 - On the Liberty of the Press Pamphleteer, vol. 6 On the Responsibility of Ministers Pamphleteer, vol. 5 CONVENTION (The) Vindicated from the Misrepresentation of the Enemies of our Peace, Lond. 1739 Donat. Pam. 73 COOPER Rev. Dr., The Patriots of North America, New York, 1775 Donat. Pam. 73 DECLARATION of England against the Acts and Projects of the Holy Alliance Pamphleteer, vol. 18 DE la Suisse dans 1'interet de 1'Europe, ou Examen d'une Opinion enoncee a la Tribune par le general Sebastiani, Paris, 1821 Donat. Pam. 64 ERSKINE Hon. Thomas, View of the causes and consequences of the present War with France, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 16 ERSKINE Lord, An Appeal to the People of Great Britain on the subject of Confederated Greece Pamphleteer, vol. 23 Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the subject of the Greeks, Lond. 1823 Pamphlets, 1 INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN POLITICS. 119 ESTRADA D. A. F., Representation to H. C. M. Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, in defence of the Cortes Pamphleteer, vol. 14 EVELYN John, The State of France, as it stood in the IX Yeer of this present Monarch, Lewis XIII, 1652 Misc. Writings EXPOSITION of a Pamphlet, entitled Observations on the Papers relative to the Rupture with Spain, Lond. 1762 Donat. Pam. 18 EYES for the Blind, &c. &c., France worse than Crucified, and England completely Undeceived, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 162 FAVELL S., Speech in the Court of Common Council, on the late Treaty, concluded between the Emperors of Russia, and of Austria, and the King of Prussia, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 76 FELDBORG A. Andersen, Appeal to the English Nation in behalf of Norway Pamphleteer, vol. 4 FRANCE, Letter on the Situation of Pamphleteer, vol. 6 FRANCIS Sir P., Letter to Earl Grey, on the Policy of Great Britain and the Allies towards Norway Pamphleteer, vol. 4 FREDERIC II, King of Prussia, Essay on the Forms of Govern- ment, and on the Duties of Sovereigns Works, vol. 5 FREE Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774 Donat. Pam. 77 FRIENDLY Address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our Political Confusions, New York, 1774 Donat. Pam. 77 FUNCHAL Comte de, Note Circulaire addressee par le Comte de Funchal, Ambassadeur extraordinaire, et Plenipotentiaire de S. A. S. le Prince Regent de Portugal a leur excel- lences Messieurs les Ambassadeurs, Envoyes, et Ministres Plenipotentiaires accredited a la Cour de Londres, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 61 GODERICH Rt. Hon. Lord, Letter to him, on the Necessity of a close Alliance between England, France, and the Nether- lands Pamphleteer, vol. 29 GOERRES Professor, Germany and the Revolution Pamphleteer, vol. 15 GREEKS, An Appeal in behalf of the Pamphleteer, vol. 23 120 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. HEEREN A. H. L., Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from its formation at the close of the fifteenth Century, to its re-establishment upon the Fall of Napoleon, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1834 . Sketch of the Political History of Ancient Greece, 8vo. Oxf. 1829 HERZBERG Graf, v., Neues Wb'rterbuch der Politik, Warschau, 1795 Donat. Pam. 157 HUGHES Rev. T. S., Address to the People of England in the Cause of the Greeks Pamphleteer, vol. 21 Considerations on the Greek Revolution Pamphleteer, vol. 22 HUMBLET le Chanoine, La Nouvelle Jerusalem delivree, ou le second pied au cu de Madrid, par le Lord Wellington au grand roi Joseph, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 62 IMPERIAL Gratitude, drawn from a Modest View of the Conduct of the Emperor Ch * * * es VI and the King of Spain Ch * * * III, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 81 INDIA, An Authentic Copy of the Correspondence in, between the Country Powers and the Honourable the East India Company's Servants, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1787 JONES Edw., Defence of the Convention concluded in Portugal, Aug. 30, 1808, between the Commander in Chief of the British Troops, and the Commander in Chief of the French Troops in that Country, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 25 KEY (A) to the recent conduct of the Emperor of Russia, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 25 LA Grece en 1821 et 1822 Pamphleteer, vol. 23 LA Neutralite de 1'Espagne, Amst. 1759 Donat. Pam. 156 LA Verite, a Mons. Chateaubriand, 1814 Donat. Pam. 58 LES J'ai Vu, historiques et moraux, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 156 LETTER on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Govern- ment, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 27 LETTERS (Two) from an English Gentleman in Paris, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 29, 105 LETTERS (Three) written in Spain, to D. Francisco Riguelme, commanding the third division of the Gallician Army, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 27 INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN POLITICS. 121 LETT RE Familiere d'un Whig Anglois, & un Membre de PAs- semblee Nationale de France, Lond. 1791 Donat. Pam. 83 LOWE J., Letter to the Rt. Hon. G. Canning, on the Policy of Recognizing the Independence of the South American States Pamphleteer, vol. 21 On the Recognition of Columbia by Great Britain Pamphleteer, vol. 22 M ACHIAVELLI Nic. II Principe Opere, torn. 4 - Legazioni e Commissioni di Opere, torn. 6, 7 MACKINTOSH Sir J., Vindicise Gallicee ; or Reply to Burke on the French Revolution, 8vo. Lond. 1791 MOUNIER J. J., De 1'Influence attribute aux Philosophes, &c., sur la Revolution de France, 8vo. Paris, 1822 MUSGRAVE T. Moore, Considerations on the Re-establishment of an Effective Balance of Power Pamphleteer, vol. 3 NORTH American Pamphlet on South American Affairs Pamphleteer, vol. 13 OBSERVATIONS on the Documents laid before Parliament, on the subject of the late Expedition to the Scheldt, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 38 OUVRARD V., Note du Munitionnaire General, de 1'Armee d'Espagne Donat. Pam. 4to. 2 OUVRARD J., Sur 1'Administration Donat. Pam. 4to. 2 PAOLI General, Discours prononces a 1'Assemblee Nationale, Paris, an. 1 Donat. Pam. 156 PHILIPPART Sir. J., Observations on the Libels published against Le Vicomte de Chateaubriand Pamphleteer, vol. 12 PITT Rt. Hon. W., Speech in the House of Commons, Nov. 10, 1797, relative to the Negotiation for Peace, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 42 - Speech in the House of Commons, May 23, 1803, on the Debate on the War, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 42 PLAN for Establishing a Balance of Power in Europe Pamphleteer, vol. 4 POLITICAL Picture of Europe ; or a View of the Conduct of Russia during the late Revolution, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 44 PRADT M. 1'Abbe de, Comparison between the Powers of England and Russia Pamphleteer, vol. 24 122 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. PRADT M. 1'Abbe de, Comparison between the Powers of England and Russia, as they stand in relation to Europe at large Pamphleteer, vol. 25 - Vrai Systeme de 1'Europe relativement & 1'Amerique et & la Grece Pamphleteer, vols. 25, 26 PRELIMINARY Discourse, read in the Cortes, at the Presentation of the Projet of the Constitution Pamphleteer, vol. 22 PRUSSIA and Saxony Pamphleteer, vol. 5 RATTENBURY J. F., Remarks on the Cession of the Floridas to the United States of America, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 15 REFLECTIONS on the Conduct of the Allies Pamphleteer, vol. 18 REMARKS on a False, Scandalous, and Seditious Libel, intitled "The Conduct of the Allies and the late Ministry, &c." Donat. Pam. 91 REMARKS on the Debates in the House of Commons on the War, and the proposed Mediation of the Emperor of Russia, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 154 REMARKS upon the present Negotiations of Peace, Lond, 1711 Donat. Pam. 93 ROCHE ST. ANDRE M. le Chevalier de la, Letter to the Editor occasioned by a pamphlet entitled " A Vindication of the Conduct of General Savary " Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 ROSCOE Wm., Considerations on the Causes, Objects, and Con- sequences of the present War, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 48 Remarks on the Proposals made to Great Britain for Peace in 1807, 8vo. Lond. 1808 another copy Donat. Pam. 48, 93 ROUSSEAU J. J., Contrat Social (Euvres, toni. 5 Considerations sur le Government de Pologne (Euvres, torn. 5 Lettres sur la Legislation de la Corse (Euvres, torn. 5 Lettres de la Montagne (Euvres, torn. 10 RUSSIA in the East, Progress and present Position of, 8vo. Lond. 1838 SANTA-ROSA Count, On the Piedmontese Revolution Pamphleteer, vol. 19 SHERIDAN C. B., Thoughts on the Greek Revolution Pamphleteer, vol. 24 INTERNATIONAL AND FOREIGN POLITICS. 123 STEWART Lieut. Col. M., Considerations on the Policy of the Government of India, more especially with reference to the Invasion of Burmah Pamphleteer, vol. 26 STRICTURES on a pamphlet entitled " A Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, on the subject of our Political Confusions, Philadelphia, 1774 Donat. Pam. 98 SYRACH, Epitre a la Convention Nationale de France, En Sar- matie, 1795 Donat. Pam. 156 THOUGHTS on the Invasion threatened by Bonaparte; with Notes illustrative of many unknown Crimes committed by the different Members of the Consular Government, Bath, 1803 Donat. Pam. 53 TOCQUEVILLE Alexis de, Democracy in America, translated by Henry Reeve, Esq., two parts, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183740 TORENO Count, Information intended to Explain the Causes which led to the late Revolution in Spain Pamphleteer, vol. 17 TRYAL and Condemnation of Don Prefatio d'Asaven, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 99 UNCHRISTIAN Perfidies of the most Christian Cabinet of France towards free Spain Pamphleteer, vol. 22 UNITED Kingdom Tributary to France, the real Cause of the Distresses of the Country Pamphleteer vol. 17 VASTEY Baron de, Political Remarks on some French Works and Newspapers, concerning Hayti Pamphleteer, vol. 13 VIEW of the Points to be Discussed in Treating with the United States of America, A.D. 1814, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 9 - another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 5 VINDICATION of the Political Conduct of General Savary, Duke of Rovigo Pamphleteer, vol. 9 VINDICATION of the present M y, from the Clamours raised against them upon occasion of the New Preliminaries, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 99 WALTON W., Letter to the Marquess of Lansdown on the Affairs of Portugal and Spain Pamphleteer, vol. 28 124 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. SECTION VI. Politics as connected with Religious Opinions: The Catholic Question, 8$c. ABRAHAM to Peter; being Answers to the Letters of Peter Plymley ; in five letters, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 1 ABRAHAM'S (Brother) Answer to Peter Plymley, Esq., in two letters ; to which is prefixed a " Postliminious" Preface, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 5 ADDRESS from the British Roman Catholics to their Protestant Fellow Countrymen Donat. Pam. 66 ANSWER to the Rt. Hon. P. Duigenan's two great Arguments against the full Enfranchisement of the Irish Roman Catholics, Dublin, 1810 Donat. Pam. 2 APPEAL against the Roman Catholic Claims, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 2 APPEAL to Protestant Charity and English Justice, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 2 APPEAL to the Protestant Dissenters of Great Britain, by a Protestant Dissenter Pamphleteer, vol. 1 BASELEY T., The Claims of the Roman Catholics constitutionally considered ; in a Letter to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Norwich, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 3 BATHURST Henry, (Ld. Bp. of Norwich,) Speech delivered in the House of Lords, in the debate on the petition of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, May, 1811, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 3 Speech in the House of Lords, in May, 1817, in favour of the Catholics' Petitions Donat. Pam. 3 Speech on Seconding the Motion of Earl Grey, June 10, 1819, for the second reading of a Bill for abrogating so much of the Acts 25 and 30 Charles II, as prescribes a Declaration against Transubstantiation and the Invoca- tion of Saints, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 3 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION, ETC, 125 BATHURST Henry, (Ld. Bp. of Norwich,) Speech in the House of Lords, May 21, 1825, on the Catholic Question Donat. Pam. 66 BELSHAM T., A Plea for the Catholic Claims, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 3 BOIUNGDON Lord, Speech in the House of Lords, June 5, 1810, on the Petitions of the Roman Catholics in Ireland, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 4 BRIEF Statement of the Grievances the Catholics in these Realms still labour under, Newcastle, 1807 Donat. Pam. 5 BROTHERS Mr., Strictures on the Roman Catholic Claims, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 5 Copy of an Address sent officially to the Secretary of State for His Royal Highness the Prince Regent and the Members of his most Honourable Privy Council, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 5 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Letter to a Peer of Ireland on the Penal Laws against Irish Catholics Works, vol. 6 - Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe, Bart., on the Sub- ject of the Roman Catholics and the propriety of admit- ting them to the Elective Franchise, consistently with the Principles of the Constitution, as established at the Revolution Works, vol. 6 - Tracts relative to Laws against Popery in Ireland Works, vol. 9 BUTLER C., Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 6, 70 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 1 Historical Account of the Laws against the Roman Catholics of England, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 6 Appeal to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland Works, vol. 4 CANNING Rt. Hon. George, Speech in the House of Commons, June 22, 1812, on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 7 CASTLEREAGH Lord Viscount, Speech in the House of Com- mons, on May 25, 1810, on the Roman Catholic Peti- tions, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 7 CATHOLIC Emancipation, Two Letters on the Question of, by Conciliator Pamphleteer, vol. 3 126 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. CATHOLIC Emancipation, Land. 1805 Donat. Pam. 7 CATHOLIC Question Considered, Land. 1800 Donat. Pam. 8 CATHOLIC Question, An Abstract of the Arguments on the, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. I CATHOLIC Question and the Establishment of Brunswick Clubs, Letters, &c. on the Pamphleteer, vol. 29 CIVIL Disabilities on account of Religion, as they exist in England, Scotland, and Ireland, considered with reference to the Christian Dispensation, History, and Policy, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 8 CLAIMS of the Roman Catholics considered with reference to the Safety of the Established Church, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 8 CLARE Rt. Hon. John Earl of, Speech in the Irish House of Peers, on the Bill for the Relief of Roman Catholics in Ireland, March 13, '1793, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 8 COCKBURN Rev. W., An Address to the Roman Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland, Camb. 1807 Donat. Pam. 9 COKER John, Remarks on the Considerations of Sir John Throck- morton, Bart., arising from the Debates in Parliament on the Petition of the Irish Roman Catholics, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 9 Du Concordat sous les rapports Politiques, Paris, 1817 Donat. Pam. 59 CONDUCT of the British Government toward the Catholics of Ireland, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 9 CONSIDERATIONS on the State of the Roman Catholics in Scotland, Lond. 1779 Donat. Pam. 32 COTTERILL Rev. T., Speech at Wakefield, April 21, 1819, at a Meeting of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of York, to consider the propriety of Petitioning Parliament against the Catholic Claims, Sheffield, 1820 Donat. Pam. 11 CROFT J. W., Respective Situations of the Reformed Church in France, and of the Roman Catholics in Great Britain and Ireland ; with Remarks on Catholic Emancipation Pamphleteer, vol. 27 CROKER J. W., Speech in the House of Commons, on May 4, 1819, on the Roman Catholic Question Donat. Pam. 12 CROWLEY James, Thoughts on the Emancipation of Roman Catholics, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 12 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION, ETC. 127 DANGERS of the Country, Land. 1807 Donat. Pam. 12 DANGERS with which Great Britain and Ireland are now Menaced by the demands of the Irish Roman Catholics, shewn and proved from authentic Documents, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 13 DECLARATION and Protestation of the Roman Catholics of England, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 14 DECLARATION of the People of England to their Sovereign Lord the King, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 14 DEFENCE of the People of England, in Answer to the Emissaries of Popery, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 14 DEFENCE of the Protestant Inhabitants of Bristol who have Pe- titioned Parliament Against the Roman Catholic Claims, Bristol, 1812 Donat. Pam. 14 DILLON Hon. H. A., Letter to the Noblemen and Gentlemen who composed the Deputation from the Catholics of Ireland, on the subject of their Mission, Lond. 180.5 Donat. Pam. 14 Considerations on the necessity of Catholic Emancipa- tion ; or the propriety of Repealing the Act of Union with Ireland, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 15 DILLON J. J., The Letters of Hibern-Anglus ; containing Stric- tures on the conduct of the present Administration in Ireland, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 15 Cursory Suggestions for the considerations of an approaching Meeting of the British Catholics, in a Letter to E. Jerningham, Esq., Glasg. 1813 Donat. Pam. 15 - An Address to the Catholics of Ireland, in Reply to that of Mr. O'Connell, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 15 Essay on the History and Effects of the Coronation Oath, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 45 DONOUGHMORE Earl of, Speech, on June 6, 1810, upon his motion for referring the Petitions of the Irish Catholics to a Committee, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 15 DROMGOOLE Dr., Speech delivered at the Catholic Board, Dec. 8, 1813, Belfast, 1813 Donat. Pam. 151 DUIGENAN Dr., Speech in the House of Commons, May 10, 1805, in the debate on a Petition presented in the name of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, by the Hon. C. J. Fox, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 15 128 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. ELDON Rt. Hon. Lord, Speech in the House of Lords, on April 17, 1821, on the Catholic Question Donat. Pam. 16 EMANCIPATION ; a Dialogue, Land. 1821 Donat. Pam. 152 EVANS W. D., Letters on the legal Disabilities of Roman Catho- lics and Dissenters, and on the Danger apprehended from their Removal, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 16 EXAMINATION of Mr. Cobbett's Objections to the Bill for the Relief of the Unitarians Pamphleteer, vol. 2 EXTRACT from the Catholicon, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 17 EXTRACTS from the Speeches and Writings of Eminent Public Characters respecting the Catholic Claims, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 17 FACTION Unmasked ; or a Letter to the Roman Catholics of Ireland, on the Conduct of certain Men who compose the Catholic Junta, Dublin, 1815 Donat. Pam. 17 FACTION (The) Detected and Despised, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 17 FOSTER J. L., Speech in the House of Commons, on April 24, 1812, on the state of the Penal Laws now in force against the Roman Catholics of Ireland Donat. Pam. 18 - Speech in the House of Commons, on May 9, 1817, on the Petition of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 18 GILLOW Rev. T., Catholic Principles of Allegiance illustrated, Newcastle, 1807 Donat. Pam. 19 GISBORNE T. Jun., Letter to the Rev. H. Phillpotts, D.D., on the Subject of his two Letters to the Right Hon. G. Canning Pamphleteer, vol. 28 GOLDSMID Francis Henry, Remarks on the Civil Disabilities of British Jews, Lond. 1830 Donat. Pam. 105 GRATTAN Mr., Speech in the House of Commons, May 18, 1810, on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 19 Speech on the Catholic Petition, on May 18, 1810, and his Reply on June 1, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 19 GRATTAN Rt. Hon. H., Speech in the House of Commons, on April 23, 1812, on the Catholic Petition, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 19 GREGOR F., Remarks on the proceedings of the Lords and Commons in the late parliament respecting the Catholics, Truro, 1812 Donat. Pam. 19 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION, ETC. 129 GRENVILLE Rt. Hon. Lord, Extract from his Speech in the House of Lords, on April 17, 1821, on the Bill "For the Removal of the Disqualifications under which His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects now labour," Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 20 Letter to the Earl of Fingal, on the Claims of the Roman Catholics Pamphleteer, vol. 5 another copy Donat. Pam. 20 HAWKESBUKY Rt. Hon. Lord, Speech in the House of Lords, May 10, 1805, on the Catholic Petition, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 21 HINTS calculated to aid the Irish Catholics in establishing the Claims they are now looking for Donat. Pam. 21 HINTS on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 21 HIPPISLEY Sir J. C., Speech in the House of Commons, May 18, 1810, on the Catholic Petition, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 21 Speech on the motion of the Rt. Hon. H. Grattan, in the House of Commons, on April 24, 1812, for a Committee of the whole House, on the state of the Penal Laws now in force against the Roman Catholics of Ireland, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 21 - Letters to the Earl of Fingal, on the subject of the Catholic Claims, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 22 Speech in the House of Commons, May 11, 1813, for the appointment of a Select Committee on the subject of the Catholic Claims, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 21 HORSLEY Samuel, (Bp. of St. David's,) Speech in the House of Lords, May 31, 1791, on the second reading of the Bill for the Relief of Papists Donat. Pam. 23 HORSLEY Samuel, (Bp. of St. Asaph,) Speech in the House of Lords, May 13, 1805, on the Roman Catholic Petition, with MS. corrections by himself Donat. Pam. 23 HORTON R. W., Letter to the Duke of Norfolk, on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1826 Pamphlets, 2 HUMBLE Remonstrance to the Members of the House of Com- mons, on the Nature and Object of the Report of its Select Committee for inquiring into the Laws and Ordi- nances of Foreign States, respecting their Roman Catholic Subjects, &c., Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 23 130 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. HUNTINGFORD G. J., Petition of the English Roman Catholics considered, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 152 HUTCHINSON Rt. Hon. Lord, Speech in the House of Lords, on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 45 IMPERIUM in Imperio : or Substantial Motives for Resisting the Claims of the Roman Catholics, Bristol, 1825 Donat. Pam. 23 IRISH Oratory, with its Effects on the Measure of Catholic Emancipation considered Pamphleteer, vol. 10 JEWS, A Collection of the Best Pieces, in Prose and Verse, against the Naturalization of the, Lond. 1753 Donat. Pam. 82 KENYON Rt. Hon. Lord, Observations on the Roman Catholic Question, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 25 KEOGH John, Speech at a Meeting of the Catholics of Dublin, Jan. 24, 1807, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 21 LE Catholicisme et le Protestantisme consideres sous le point de vue politique, Strasbourg, 1823 Donat. Pam. 58 LEES Sir H., The Antidote; or, " Nouvelles a la Main," recom- mended to the serious attention of the Rt. Hon. W. C. Plunkett, and other advocates of unrestricted Civil and Religious Liberty, Dublin, 1819 Donat. Pam. 26 LEGAL Arguments, occasioned by the project of an Union be- tween Great Britain and Ireland, on the exclusion of the Roman Catholic Nobility and Gentry in both Kingdoms, from Parliament, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 26 LETTER to H. R. H. the Prince Regent, on the Ultimate Ten- dency of the Roman Catholic Claims, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 28 LETTER to a Member of Convocation, on the present State of the Catholic Claims, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER to the Earl of Fingal, by a Catholic Citizen, Dublin, 1808 Donat. Pam. 27 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. George Canning, on Catholic -Emanci- pation, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 28 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, M.P., Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER to W. Wilberforce, Esq., on the Bill for the Relief of Roman Catholics, Dublin, 1815 Donat. Pam. 28 LETTERS of Philopatris, on Mr. Plunkett 's Bill, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 29 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION, ETC. 131 LETTERS (P's.) on Roman Catholic Emancipation, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 40 LETTERS (Two) by Conciliator, on the Question of Catholic Emancipation, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 28 LINGARD Rev. J., Documents to ascertain the Sentiments of British Catholics in former ages, respecting the Power of the Popes, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 30 Review of certain Anti-Catholic Publications, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 31 Observations on the Laws and Ordinances which exist in Foreign States, relative to the Religious Concerns of their Roman Catholic Subjects, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 31 MAGNA Charta (The New), or Historical Record of the Debates and Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament, on the Settlement of the Catholic Claims in 1829, folio M'KENNA T., Thoughts on the Civil Condition and Relations of the Roman Catholic Clergy, Religion, and People in Ireland, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 31 MARSH Dr. H., Letter to, in Confutation of his Assertion re- specting the Design of the Dissenters Pamphleteer, vol. 6 Answer to the preceding Pamphleteer, vol. 6 MEMOIRES sur 1'etat des Israelites, Paris, 1819 Donat. Pam. 85 MEMORIAL to the Public in behalf of the Roman Catholics of Edinburgh and Glasgow, Lond. 1779 Donat. Pam. 32 MESURIER Rev. T. le, Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland, in answer to Charles Butler Pamphleteer, vol. 2 Sequel to the Serious Examination into the Roman Catholic Claims, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 33 Reply to certain Observations of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Milner, upon the Sequel to the Serious Examination of the Roman Catholic Claims, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 33 Supplement to the above, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 33 Considerations on the Bill respecting the Roman Catholic Peers, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 33 MILNER Rt. Rev. J., An Elucidation of the Veto, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 34 132 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. MILNER Bp., Reflections on the Letters of Conciliator, on the Catholic Emancipation Pamphleteer, vol. 3 Short View of the Chief Arguments against the Catholic Petition, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 34 MOORE Peter, (M.P.) Familiar Letters on Catholic Emancipa- tion, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 36 MOORE Thomas, Letter to the Roman Catholics of Dublin, Dublin, 1810 Donat. Pam. 36 MUSGRAVE Sir R., Observations on the Reply of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Caulfield, and of the Roman Catholic Clergy of Wexford, to the Misrepresentations of Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart., Dublin, 1802 Donat. Pam. 36. NATURE and Extent of the Demands of the Irish Roman Catholics Donat. Pam. 37 NUGENT Lord, A Plain Statement in Support of the Political Claims of the Roman Catholics Pamphleteer, vol. 28 Letter to the Electors of Aylesbury, on the Catholic Question, Aylesbury, 1820 Donat. Pam. 37, 164 OBSERVATIONS on the Catholic Bill, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 38 OBSERVATIONS on the Danger of Admitting Roman Catholics into Offices, either Civil or Military, Reading, 1807 Donat. Pam. 45 O'CONNELL D.,' Letters to the Catholics of Ireland, on the Rt. Hon. W. C. Plunkett's two Bills, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 153 OSSORY, Robert, Lord Bishop of, Speech in the House of Peers, on May 16, 1817, on the Roman Catholic Claims, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 18 PAKENHAM Col., Speech in the House of Commons, April 19, 1825, on the Catholic Relief Bill Donat. Pam. 102 PARNELL Sir H., History of the Penal Laws against the Irish Catholics Pamphleteer, vol. 20, 21 another copy Donat. Pam. 41 PATRIOT (The) King ; in which the Claims of the Catholics are Legally, Equitably, and Liberally Considered, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 44 PETITION (The Humble) of the Roman Catholics of Ireland to the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 41 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION, ETC. 133 PHILLPOTTS Rev. Henry, (D.D.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. George Canning on the Bill of 1825 for removing the Disqualifi- cation of Roman Catholics, and on his Speech in support of the same Pamphleteer, vol. 27 Letter to the Rt. Hon. G. Canning on the present Posi- tion of the Roman Catholic Question Pamphleteer, vol. 27 PILLING Rev. W., Letter to the Rev. J. Reeves on his View of the Oath said to be tendered by the Legislature to the Catholics of England, Lond. 1790 Donat. Pam. 42 On the Nature, Tendency, and Import of the Oath lately Offered to the Catholics of England, Lond. 1790 Donat. Pam. 42 PLOVVDEN C., Observations on the Oath proposed to the English Roman Catholics, Lond. 1791 Donat. Pam. 43 Letter to the Reporters of the Cisalpine Club, in which their Reports on the Authenticity of the Instrument of Catholic Protestation, lodged in the British Museum, are Examined, Lond. 1796 Donat. Pam. 43 PLOWDEN F., Historical Letter to Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart., Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 43 Second Historical Letter to Sir J. C. Hippisley, Bart. upon his public Conduct in the Catholic Cause, Paris, 1815 Donat. Pam. 43 PLUNKETT L., Observations on the Tendency of some late Pro- ceedings of the General Committee of the Catholics of Ireland, Dublin, 1810 Donat. Pam. 44 PLUNKETT Rt. Hon. W. C., Speech in the House of Commons, Feb. 28, 1821, on Moving for a Committee to Consider the state of the Laws affecting the Roman Catholics, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 44 POPISH Petition, Protestantized, Enlarged, and Improved Donat. Pam. 45 PROCEEDINGS of the General Committee of the Roman Catholics of Ireland in 1792 and 1793, compared with the Proceed- ings of the Roman Catholic Committee in 1810 and 1811, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 44 PROTESTANT'S Protest against the Catholic Claims, 8vo. Lond. 1826 QUIN Edw., Speech at the Guildhall, London, on March 5, 1807, on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 45 134 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. REDESDALE Lord, Speech in the House of Lords, May, 1805, on the Petition of the Roman Catholics Donat. Pam. 45 REEVES John, Catholic Emancipation proved to be Compatible with the Coronation Oath, Land. 1805 Donat, Pam. 45 Considerations on the Coronation Oath, Load. 1801 Donat. Pam. 45 REFLECTIONS (Cursory) on the Measures now in Agitation in favour of the Roman Catholics of the United Kingdom, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 12 REFLECTIONS on Communities of Women and Monastic Insti- tutes, by a Friend of Civil and Religious Liberty, Taun- ton, 1815 Donat. Pam. 46 REFLECTIONS on the Connection of the British Government with the Protestant Religion, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 46 REFLECTIONS on the Justice of granting to the Roman Catholics of the United Kingdom, and to every other British Sub- ject, an Equality of Civil Rights and Privileges, Liverpool, 1820 Donat. Pam. 46 REFUTATION of the Statement of the Penal Laws which aggrieve the Catholics of Ireland, Dublin, 1812 Donat. Pam. 46 REPEAL of the Test and Corporation Acts, Lond. 1827 Donat. Pam. 92 REPLY to the Speech of J. W. Croker, Esq. in the House of Commons, May 4, 1819, on the Roman Catholic Ques- tion, Exeter, 1819 Donat. Pam. 46 REPORT of the Debates in the House of Commons on the Catho- lic Claims, Feb. 26, to March 2, 1813, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 48 ROSSMORE Lord, Letter on Catholic Emancipation Pamphleteer, vol. 29 SECURITIES for the Established Religion considered, and the Test defended, in a Letter to the Rt. Hon. Earl Grey, Exeter, 1812 Donat. Pam. 49 SKETCHES of Irish History, and Considerations on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 50 SOMERS Rt. Hon. Lord, Reply to a Protestant Letter of the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Gloucester, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 51 SMITH Rev. Sidney, Letter to the Electors on the Catholic Question Pamphleteer, vol. 27 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION, ETC. 135 SMITH Rev. Sidney, Peter Plymley's Two Letters on the Sub- ject of the Catholics, Land. 1807 Donat. Pam. 44 - Peter Plymley's Letters on the Subject of the Catho- lics, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 44 - Peter Plymley's Letters Works, vol. 3 Speech at a Meeting of the Clergy of the Arch- deaconry of the East- Riding of Yorkshire, May 1 1 , 1825, on the Catholic Claims Donat. Pam. 71 SOURCE of the Evil, Addressed to the Parliament and People of Great Britain, on the League formed between the Irish Lay Separatists and the Irish Roman Catholic Bishops, on the Measure of Emancipation ; by Anglo-Hibernus Pamphleteer, vol. 9 SPEECH intended to have been spoken at a Meeting of the In- habitants of Leeds, to take into Consideration the Pro- priety of presenting a Petition to Parliament in Support of the Constitution of this Kingdom as by law Established, Leeds, 1813 Donat. Pam. 97 STATEMENT of the Penal Laws which aggrieve the Catholics of Ireland, Dublin, 1812 Donat. Pam. 52 STONOR Thos., Letter to the Earl of Liverpool on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 52 Remarks on Dr. Haggitt's Letter to the Freeholders of Oxfordshire, on the Conduct and Pretensions of the Roman Catholics, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 52 SUBSTANCE of a Speech which ought to have been spoken in a certain Assembly upon the Motion made by the Rt. Hon. H. Grattan, May 25, 1808, that the Roman Catholic Petition be referred to a Committee of the whole House, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 53 SUMMARY of the Proceedings in the House of Commons on the Petition of the Roman Catholics, Lond. 1779 Donat. Pam. 53 THORP Rev. W., Speech on Catholic Emancipation, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 53 - Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland, on Catholic Emancipation, Dublin, 1815 Donat. Pam. 53 THOUGHTS on the Catholic Question, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 54 136 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. THROCKMORTON Sir John, Considerations on the Petition of the Irish Catholics, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 54 Collection of Statutes for the Relief of the Irish and English Roman Catholics, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 54 TURTON Thos., (D.D.) Thoughts on the Admission of Persons without regard to their Religious Opinions to certain Degrees in the Universities of England, Camb. 1834 Pamphlets, vol. 4 VIEW of the Case of the Roman Catholics, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 55 VINCENT J. L. S., Observations sur la voie d'autorite appliquee a la Religion, Paris, N. D. Donat. Pam. 64 VOISINS Gilbert de, Memoires sur les moyens de donner aux Protestans un etat civil en France, 1787 Donat. Pam. 64 WARBURTON Bp., Alliance between Church and State; or, the Necessity and Equity of an Established Religion, and a Test Law, Demonstrated Works, vol. 7 WARNING Protest of an Irish Roman Catholic, against any and every Interference, Change, and Arrangements in the discipline and constitution of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, as a compromise or barter for Catholic Eman- cipation, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 26 WHEELER Rev. J., Letter to Sir John Lawson, Bart, on Catholic Emancipation, Richmond, 1810 Donat. Pam. 56 WILTSHIRE Meeting on the Roman Catholic Claims, held at Devizes, Jan. 27, 1813, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 56 POLITICAL ECONOMY. 137 SECTION VII. Political Economy. Utbteton. GENERAL TREATISES AND STATISTICS. BURN John S., The Fleet Registers ; comprising the History of Fleet Marriages and some account of the Parsons and Marriage-House keepers, with Extracts from the Regis- ters, 8vo. Lond. 1833 CHALMERS Thos., (D.D.) On Political Economy, in connexion with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society, 8vo. Glasgow, 1832 CONVERSATIONS on Political Economy, 12mo. Lond. 1821 COOPER Thos., (M.D.) Lectures on Political Economy, 8vo. Columbia, 1831 DICTIONNAIRE d' Economic Politique et Diplomatique, 4 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DUCHATELET A. J. B., De la Prostitution dans la Ville de Paris, consideree sous le Rapport de 1'Hygiene publique de la Morale et de 1'Administration, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1836 DUN LOP A., Sketches on Political Economy Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 JEMMETT Henry, Observations on Mr. Ricardo's " Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" Pamphleteer, vol. 27 LAUDERDALE Earl of, Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth, 8vo. Edinl. 1819 M'CuLLOCH J. R., Statistical Account t>f the British Empire ; exhibiting its Extent, Physical Capacities, Population, Industry, and Civil and Religious Institutions, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 MALTHUS Rev. T. R., Definitions in Political Economy, 8vo. Lond. 1827 138 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. MARSHALL J., Statistical View of the number of Persons reported to have died, of each of more than 100 kinds of Disease, and Casualties within the Bills of Mortality, in each of the two hundred and four years, 1629 1831 ; with other Statistical Tables, &c. relating to the Metropolis, 4to. Land. 1832 MARTINEAU Harriet, Illustrations of Political Economy, 25 vols. 18mo. Lond. 1832 4 No. 1 Life in the Wilds 2 The Hill and the Valley 3 Brook and Brook Farm 4 Demerara 5 Ella of Garveloch 6 Weal and Woe in Garveloch 7 A Manchester Strike 8 Cousin Marshall 9 Ireland 10 Homes Abroad 1 1 For Each and for All 12 French Wines and Politics 13 The Charmed Sea 14 Berkley the Banker. Part 1 15 Berkley the Banker. Part 2 16 Vanderput and Snoek 17 The Loom and the Lugger. Part 1 18 The Loom and the Lugger. Part 2 19 Sowers and Reapers 20 Cinnamon and Pearls 21 A Tale of the Tyne 22 Briery Creek 28 The Three Ages 24 The Farrers of Budge Row 25 Moral of many Fables MILL James, Elements of Political Economy, 8vo. Lond. 1824 OPINIONS of Mr. Ricardo and Mr. A. Smith, on Political Eco- nomy, compared Pamphleteer, vols. 23, 24 OUSELEY W. G., Remarks on the Statistics and Political Insti- tutions of the United States, 8vo. Lond. 1832 REPORT (First and Second Annual) of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 8vo. Lond. 1840 SAY J. B., Letters on various Subjects of Political Economy Pamphleteer, vol. 17 FINANCE, MONEY, TRADE, AND COMMERCE. 139 SAY J. B., Traite d' Economic Politique, 4th Edit. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1819 SENIOR Nassau W., Introductory Lecture on Political Economy Pamphleteer, vol. 29 another copy Donat. Pam. 102 SMITH Adam, (LL.D.) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Works, vol. 2 4 another copy, with Life of the Author and Introductory Discourse, &c. by J. R. M'Culloch, 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1828 STATISTICAL Illustrations of the Territorial Extent and Popula- tion, Rental, Taxation, Finances, Commerce, Consump- tion, Insolvency, Pauperism, and Crime, of the British Empire, 8vo. Lond. 1827 another copy Pamphleteer, vols. 25, 26 TURGOT M., (Euvres de, 9 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1811 WHATELY Richard, (D.D.) Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, 8vo. Lond. 1831 2 Uibufum. FINANCE, MONEY, TRADE, AND COMMERCE. ACCOUNTS presented to the House of Commons, respecting the Public Revenue and Exports and Imports of Great Britain, to the 5th Jan., 1799 Donat. Pam. folio ASSEY Charles, On the Trade to China Pamphleteer, vol. 14 BANK of England, Historical Sketch of the; with an examina- tion of the question as to the prolongation of the Exclu- sive privileges of that Establishment, Lond. 1831 Pamphlets, 6 BENTHAM Jeremy, Defence of Usury ; shewing the Impolicy of the present Legal Restraints on the Terms of Pecuniary Bargains, 12mo. Lond. 1818 BOSSUET J. B., Traite de 1'Usure (Euvres, torn. 30 BRITISH Commerce with India, America, &c., Considerations on Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 140 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. BROUGHTON R. E., Letter to G. W. Hall, Esq., in reply to his Letter to the President of the Board of Trade, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 18 BURGESS H., A Memorial addressed to Lord Vise. Goderich, on the Fitness of the System of the Bank of England, of the Country Banks, and of the Branch Banks of England, to the Wants of the People, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 28 CANNING Rt. Hon. Geo., Speech in the House of Commons, March 1, 1827, on the Cora Laws, Land. 1827 Pamphlets, 1 CAST LEREAGH Lord, Speech in the House of Commons, on May 8, 1811, on the Report of the Bullion Committee, Lond. 181 I Donat. Pam. 7 Speech in the House of Commons, July 15, 1811, on the Second Reading of Earl Stanhope's Bill, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 7 CHAMBERS A. H., Comments on some recent Political Discus- sions, with an Exposure of the Fallacy of the Sinking Fund Pamphleteer, vol. 15 - Thoughts on the Resumption of Cash Payments by the Bank, and on the Corn Bill as connected with that Measure Pamphleteer, vol. 14 CHANCELLOR of Exchequer, Speech of, on Finance Pamphleteer, vol. 15 CHANCELLOR of Exchequer, Speech of, on the Budget of the year 1819 Pamphleteer, vol. 15 CLARK Thomas, (M.D.) The Case of, by which it will be evident that the Responsibility of those who are appointed to preside at British Foreign Dependencies is merely nom- inal, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 8 CLAY John, A Free Trade essential to the Welfare of Great Britain Pamphleteer, vol. 1 7 COHEN Bernard, Compendium of Finance; containing an Ac- count of the Public Debts, Revenues, Expenditure, National Banks, and Currencies of Sixteen different Nations, royal 8vo. Lond. 1822 COMPLETE Refutation of the Arguments used on the Subject of the Agricultural Petition Pamphleteer, vol. 14 CONGREVE Sir W., Of the Impracticability of the Resumption of Cash Payments Pamphleteer, vol. 15 FINANCE, MONEY, TRADE, AND COMMERCE. 141 CONSIDERATIONS on the present State of Bank Notes, Specie, and Bullion, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 10 CONSIDERATIONS on the Effects of partial alteration of the present Coal Duties, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 10 COOKE E., Real Cause of the increased price of the Necessaries of Life, and of the high price of Gold Bullion Pamphleteer, vol. 14 CORN Laws, Catechism on the ; with a list of Fallacies and the Answers Pamphleteer, vol. 27 CORN Question, &c., Consideration on the Pamphleteer, vols. 17, 18 CORN and Currency, On the Relation of Pamphleteer, vol. 14 CROMBIE Rev. A., Letters on the present State of the Agricul- tural Interest, addressed to C. Forbes, Esq., M.P. Pamphleteer, vol. 8 Letter to D. Ricardo, Esq., containing an Analysis of his Pamphlet on the Depreciation of Bank Notes Pamphleteer, vol. 10 CURRENCY, Essay on the Pamphleteer, vol. 17 DEBATES in both Houses of Parliament, in May and June, 1808, relative to the Agreement made by Government with Mr. Palmer, for the reform and improvement of the Post Office and its Revenue, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 13 DECUS et Tutamen ; or our New Money as now Coined, in full Weight and Fineness, proved to be for the Honour, Safety, and Advantage of England, Lond. 1696 Donat. Pam. 160 DEPPING G. B., Histoire du Commerce entre le Levant et 1'Europe, depuis les Croisades jusqu'a la fondation des Colonies d'Amerique, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1830 DICTIONNAIRE des Finances, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE du Commerce, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DISSERTATION on the State of the Nation, respecting its Agri- culture Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 DUNN W., The Vansittart Plan of Finance Pamphleteer, vol. 16 DUNSKY H. D., On the present Timber and Deal Trade, as regards Europe and the British American Colonies Pamphleteer, vol. 18 DUPIN Baron, The Commercial Power of Great Britain; exhi- biting a complete view of the Public Works of this Country, 2 vols. 8vo. with 4to. Atlas Lond. 1825 142 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. EAST India Question, Letters of Gracchus on the Pamphleteer, vol. 1 EAST India Question, Letters of Probus on the, in Answer to Gracchus Pamphleteer, vol. 1 EAST India Sugar, An Inquiry respecting the means of Improv- ing its Quality and Reducing its Cost, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 75 EVELYN John, Navigation and Commerce, their Original and Progress, 1674 Misc. Writings EXPORTATION, Letter on the True Principles of advantageous Pamphleteer, vol. 12 FABIUS, A Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire, on the subject of an Open Trade to India Pamphleteer, vol. 1 FACTS and Observations relative to the Coinage and Circulation of Counterfeit or Base Money, Lond. 1795 Donat. Pam. 17 FARREN G., Letter to the Earl of Eldon, on the Report of the Finance Committee Pamphleteer, vol. 29 FENN Charles, A Compendium to the English and Foreign Funds, and the principal Joint Stock Companies, 12mo. Lond. 1840 FORMAN Capt., (R.N.) Plan for Improving the Revenue of the Country without adding to the Burdens of the People Pamphleteer, vol. 28 FREND W., The National Debt in its true Colours Pamphleteer, vol. 9 GANILH M. C., On the Financial Situation of France in 1816 Pamphleteer, vol. 7 GENERAL Excise Considered Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 GILBART Jas. Wm., The History and Principles of Banking, 8vo. Lond. 1834 GILBERT D., Plain Statement of the Bullion Question Pamphleteer, vol. 14 GLOVER Rev. G., Thoughts on the Character and Tendency of the Property Tax Pamphleteer, vol. 8 GRAHAM Sir James, Corn and Currency ; in an Address to the Land Owners, 8vo. Lond. 1838 GRENFELL John, Observations on the Expediency and Facility of a Copper Coinage of uniform weight and a standard value according with the Mint Prices of Gold and Silver Bullion, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 20 FINANCE, MONEY, TRADE, AND COMMERCE. 143 GRENFELL P., Speech addressed to the House of Commons, on the Subject of applying the Sinking Fund towards any Loans raised for the Public Service, 1814 Pamphleteer, vol. 9 GUNN Rev. Wm., Remedial Measures suggested in alleviation of Agricultural Distress, Lond. 1834 Donat. Pam. 105 HALL Rev. Robt., On the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter, 1813 Works, vol. 3 HEATHFIELD R., Elements of a Plan for the Liquidation of the Public Debt of the United Kingdom Pamphleteer, vols. 15, 16, 17 - another copy Donat. Pam. 78 - Observations on Trade Pamphleteer, vol. 20 HIGGINS Godfrey, Observations on Mr. M'Culloch's Doctrines respecting the Corn Laws and the Rate of Wages, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 27 HILL Rowland, Post Office Reform ; its importance and practi- cability, Lond. 1837 Pamphlets, 6 HINTS on the present State of the Question between his Majes- ty's Ministers and the Court of Directors, relative to the renewal of the East India Company's Charter Pamphleteer, vol. 2 HINTS respecting the Negociation for a Renewal of the East India Company's Exclusive Privileges, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 21 HUSKISSON W., (M.P.) The Question concerning the Deprecia- tion of our Currency stated and examined, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 23, 81 Substance of a Speech in the House of Commons, in a Committee of the whole House, upon the Resolu- tions proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, respecting the State of the Finances, and the Sinking Fund of Great Britain, 1813 Pamphleteer, vol. 2 JACOB W., Inquiry into the Causes of Agricultural Distress Pamphleteer, vol. 10 - Report on the Agriculture and the Trade in Corn in some of the Continental States of Northern Europe Pamphleteer, vol. 29 Report on the Trade in Foreign Corn, and on the Agriculture of the North of Europe, 8vo Lond. 1826 144 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. JOHNSTOXE Mr., Speech on the third Reading of the Bill for Preventing the Gold Coin of the Realm from being paid or accepted for a greater value than the Current value of such Coin, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 24 JOINT- Stock Companies, Speeches on Pamphleteer, vol. 27 JOPLIN T., An Essay on Banking in England and Scotland, 8vo. Lond. 1826 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 24 LANSDOWN Marquis of, Speech on Foreign Commerce Pamphleteer, vol. 17 LEIGH Edward, An Answer to Mr. Eton's Charges against the Turkey Company, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 26 LETTER to the Marquis of Lansdown, on the subject of the late Tax on Wool, Bath, 1820 Donat. Pam. '29 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, on the Pernicious Effects of a Variable Standard of Value, Oxf. 1819 Pamphlets, 2 LETTER to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the Dangerous Competition of the Distilleries with the Breweries Pamphleteer, vol. 7 LETTER to W. W. Whitmore, Esq., (M.P.) Pointing out some of the Erroneous Statements contained in a pamphlet by Joseph Marryat, Esq., M.P. entitled " A Reply to the Arguments contained in Various Publications, recom- mending an Equalization on the Duties of East and West India Sugars," Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 103 LETTERS addressed to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Liverpool and the Rt. Hon. N. Vansittart, on the Resumption of Cash Payments Pamphleteer, vol. 16 LETTERS (Two) to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Sheffield, on the Wool Question, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 29 LIVERPOOL Rt. Hon. the Earl of, Speech on the Report of the Bank Committee Pamphleteer, vol. 14 - Treatise on the Coins of the Realm, 4to. Oxf. 1805 LOCKE John, Considerations of the Consequences of the Lower- ing of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money Works, vol. 2 LONG Rt. Hon. C., Temperate Discussion of the Causes which have led to the present High Price of Bread Pamphleteer, vol. 10 FINANCE, MONEY, TRADE, AND COMMERCE. 145 LOWE Jos., The present State of England in regard to Agricul- ture, Trade, and Finance, 8vo. Land, 1822 M'CULLOCH J. R., Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and His- torical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, 8vo. Land. 1832 MACLEAN Charles, (M.D.) Pamphlet on the East India Com- pany's Charter Pamphleteer, vol. 1 Remarks on the Evidence delivered before both Houses of Parliament on the East India Company's Affairs Pamphleteer, vol. 2 MACPHERSON David, Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, Fish- eries, and Navigation ; containing the Commercial Trans- actions of the British Empire and other Countries, to 1801, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1805 MAI/THUS Rev. T. R., Measure of Value stated and illustrated, with an Application of it to the Alterations in the Value of the English Currency since 1790, Lond. 1823 Pamphlets, 2 MARRY ATT J., Speech in the House of Commons, 1820, upon the Petition of the Ship Owners of the Port of London against any Alterations in the Duties on Timber Pamphleteer, vol. 17 MASLEN Decimus, A new Decimal System of Money, Weights, Measures, and Time proposed for adoption in Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1841 METHOD of Increasing the Quantity of Circulating Money Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 MILTON Viscount, Address to the Landowners of England, on the Corn Laws, Lond. 1832 Pamphlets, 6 NAISMITH John, Inquiry concerning the propriety of Increasing the Import Duty on Foreign Corn Pamphleteer, vol. 4 NATIONAL Debt and Operations of the Sinking Fund, Resolutions relative to the Pamphleteer, vol. 21 NATIONAL Debt, On the Expediency and Necessity of Striking off a Part of the Pamphleteer, vol. 18 NATIONAL Distress, Observations on the present Pamphleteer, vol. 17 OBSERVATIONS concerning Trade and Interest on Money, Lond. 1668 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 146 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. 1 OBSERVATIONS on Credit, with relation to the provisions of the Bankrupt Law, and Insolvent Debtors' Acts Pamphleteer, vol. 13 OBSERVATIONS on the Duty on Sea- Borne Coal; and on the peculiar Duties and Charges on Coal in the Port of London, Land. 1831 Donat. Pam. 106 OBSERVATIONS on the National Debt, and an Enquiry into its real Connection with the General Prosperity, Norwich, 1797 Donat. Pam. 89 OBSERVATIONS on the proposed Tax on Pig-Iron, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 38 OBSERVATIONS on the Salt Laws, Edinb. 1822 Donat. Pam. 38 OBSERVATIONS on the Woollen Manufacture in the West-Riding of the County of York, Leeds, 1808 Donat. Pam. 38 OBSERVATIONS upon the Act for the Redemption of the Land Tax Donat. Pam. 39 OBSERVATIONS on the Explanatory Act for the Redemption of the Land Tax Donat. Pam. 38 ONSLOW Mr. Serjeant, Speech on a Bill to Repeal the Laws which Regulate and Restrain the Rate of Interest Pamphleteer, vol. 8 ORIGIN, Object, and Operation of the Apprentice Laws, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 40 OWEN R., Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 PARNELL Sir H., Inquiry into the Policy, Efficiency, and Con- sistency, of Alterations in our Corn Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 4 - On Financial Reform, small 8vo. Lond. 1830 Speech in the House of Commons, on the Corn Laws Pamphleteer , vol. 4 PAYNE D. B., Address to the Proprietors of Bank Stock on the Management of the Governor and Directors of the Bank of England Pamphleteer, vol. 7 PAYNE D. B., On the Reduction of the Interest of the Public Debt, &c. Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 41 PELLET S., Constitutional Aids, Progress of Taxation, with a new Plan of Finance Pamphleteer, vol. 9 PHILLIMORE J., Reflections on the Nature and Extent of the License Trade, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 42 147 PLAYFAIR W., Letter to the Lords and Commons of Great Bri- tain, on the Advantages of Apprenticeships, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 43 POLE Rt. Hon. W. W., Letter to, Respecting the Disappearance of the Gold Coin, and the Resumption of Cash Payments Pamphleteer, vol. 12 POWELL John, Analytical Exposition of the Financial and Com- mercial Systems of Great Britain Pamphleteer, vol. 26 PRESTON R., Review of the present Ruined Condition of the Landed and Agricultural Interests Pamphleteer, vol. 7 PROJECT of Finance Pamphleteer, vol. 11 REFUTATION of the Claims of the West India Colonists to a Protecting Duty on East India Sugar, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 103 REMARKS upon the Bank of England, Lond. 1706 Donat. Pam. 91 REPLY to some Financial Mistatements, in and out of Parlia- ment, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 46 REPORT from the select Committee of the House of Commons, to whom the Petitions on the Distressed State of the Agriculture of the United Kingdom were referred, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 47 REPORTS (First and Second) from the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, on the Expediency of the Bank resuming Cash Payments Pamphleteer, vol. 14 REPORT from the Committee of the House of Commons, on Laws relating to the Manufacture, Sale, and Assize of Bread Pamphleteer, vol. 6 REPORT of the Commissioners for Examining the Public Accounts of the Kingdom, Lond. 1711 Donat. Pam. 92 REPORT of the Committee of Correspondence of the East India Company, upon the Claims of the Outports Pamphleteer, vol. 2 REPORT of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting Statements in relation to the Condition of the Bank of the United States, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 17 REPRESENTATION agreed upon, May 20, 1819, by the Directors of the Bank of England Pamphleteer, vol. 14 ROBINSON Rt. Hon. F., Letter to, on the present depressed state of Agriculture Pamphleteer, vol. 17 148 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. ROBINSON Rt. Hon. F., A Second Letter to, on the present state of the Currency Pamphleteer, vol. 19 SENIOR N. W., Three Lectures on the Transmission of the Pre- cious Metals from Country to Country, and the Mercantile Theory of Wealth, Land, 1828 Pamphlets, 3 SHEFFIELD Lord, On the Trade in Wool and Woollens Pamphleteer, vol. 3 Report of, at the Meeting at Lewes Wool Fair, 1813 Pamphleteer, vol. 4 SILVER F., Observations on Mr. Vansittart's Plan of Finance Pamphleteer, vol. 2 SINCLAIR Sir J., Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 50 SISMONDI J. C. L. Simonde de, De la Richesse Commerciale ; ou Principes d' Economic Politique, 2 torn. 8vo. Geneve, 1803 - Nouveaux Principes d' Economic Politique ; ou de la Richesse dans ses Rapports avec la Population, 2 torn. 2me Edit. 8vo. Paris, 1827 SKETCH fora New Division and Sub-division of Monies, Weights,- and Coins Pamphleteer, vol. 4 SKETCH of a Plan for a Reformation in the System of Provincial Banking Pamphleteer, vol. 18 SMITH T., Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, on the New Coinage Pamphleteer, vol. 10 SPEECH delivered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on pro- posing a Grant of One Million for providing Additional Places of Worship in England, 1818 Pamphleteer, vol. 12 SPEECH in Parliament, wherein is shewn the Cause and Cure of the Decay of Trade and Merchandize, Lond. 1739 Donat. Pam. 97 SPENCE W., Agriculture the source of the Wealth of Britain, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 97 - Britain Independent of Commerce, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 97 SULLIVAN John, Narrative and Statement of Facts, addressed to the Court of Directors of the East India Company, October, 1788, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 53 TABLES Illustrative of the Speeches of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, and the Rt. Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 15 FINANCE, MONEY, TRADE, AND COMMERCE. 149 TABLE of Finances for 1813 Pamphleteer, vol. 4 TALLEYRAND M. de, Memoir concerning the Commercial Rela- tions of the United States with Great Britain Pamphleteer, vol. 4 TARLETON Lieut. Gen., Substance of a Speech intended for the Vote of Credit Bill, for 1810, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 53 TATHAM E., Observations on the Scarcity of Money Pamphleteer, vol. 7 THOMPSON T. P., An Exposition of Fallacies on Rent, Tithes, &c. with an Inquiry into the comparative Consequences of Taxes on Agricultural and Manufactured Produce Pamphleteer, vol. 27 THOUGHTS on the Causes of the present Failures, Lond. 1793 Donat. Pam. 98 THREE most Important Objects Proposed, by the Author of the Income and Property Tax, York, 1815 Donat. Pam. 54 TOOKE Thomas, History of Prices, and of the state of the Cir- culation, from 1793 to 1837 ; with a Sketch of the Corn Trade in the last two Centuries, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 - History of Prices, &c. in 1838 and 1839, 8vo. Lond. 1840 TORRENS R., An Essay on the Production of Wealth, 8vo. Lond. 1821 TROTTER C., Principles of Currency and Exchanges applied to the Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to Enquire into the High Price of Gold Bullion, &c. Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 55 TURNOR E., On the Exportation of Wool, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 23 USURIE, Tract Against, presented to the High Court of Parlia- ment, Lond. 1668 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 VANSITTART Rt. Hon. N., Outlines of a Plan of Finance, pro- posed to be submitted to Parliament Pamphleteer, vol. 1 Speech in the House of Commons, in the Committee of Ways and Means, 1815 Pamphleteer, vol. 6 The Budget for 1815 Pamphleteer, vol. 6 WAKEFIELD D., Letter to Thos. Paine, in Reply to his Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance, Lond. 1796 Donat. Pam. 99 150 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. WEIGHTS and Measures, Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the Subject of Pamphleteer, vol. 16 WEIGHTS and Measures, Observations on the Report of the Committee of Pamphleteer, vol. 4 WESTERN C. C., Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the Cause of our present Embarrassment and Distress, and the Remedy Pamphleteer, vol. 27 Speech of, on moving that the House should resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the distressed state of the Agriculture of the United Kingdom, 1816 Pamphleteer, vol. 7 WHITCOMBE S., Considerations addressed to the Legislature upon the Expediency and Policy of Authorising the Alienation of Estates belonging to Corporate Bodies, particularly Bishops, and Deans and Chapters, for the purpose of raising Money to Purchase the Unredeemed Land Tax, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 56 WHITMORE W. W., Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth, on the Corn Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 28 Observations addressed to him in consequence of his Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth Pamphleteer, vol. 28 Remarks on the State of the Corn Question after the Parliamentary Discussions of 1827, being an Appendix to " Observations on the Corn Laws," addressed to him in consequence of his Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth Pamphleteer, vol. 29 WILKS J., Practical Scheme for the Reduction of the Public Debt and Taxation Pamphleteer, vol. 20 WRAY J., Dangers of an Entire Repeal of the Bank Restriction Act Pamphleteer, vol. 13 WROTTESLEY H., On the Corn Laws, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 5 YOUNG A., Inquiry into the Rise of Prices in Europe, during the last 25 years Pamphleteer, vol. 6 COLONIZATION, SLAVERY, ETC. 151 CijtrtJ Dt&teum. COLONIZATION, SLAVERY AND THE SLAVE TRADE. ACCOUNT of a Shooting Excursion on the Mountains near Dromilly Estate, in the Parish of Trelawny, and Island of Jamaica, in October, 1824 Donat. Pam. 66 ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of Europe, on the Iniquity of the Slave Trade, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 104 ADDRESS to the Public, on the State of Slavery in the West India Islands, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 66 ANALYSIS of the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons, on the Extinction of Slavery, Lond. 1833 Donat. Pam. 104 ANTi-Slavery Monthly Reporter, from the commencement in 1825, to July, 1836, 6 vols. in 3, 8vo. ANTi-Slavery Reporter, The British and Foreign, from July 28, 1841, and continued APPEAL to British Humanity and Justice, by -the Society for the Abolition of Human Sacrifices in India Donat. Pam. 105 APPEAL (Impartial) to the Reason, Justice, and Patriotism of the People of Illinois, on the Injurious Effects of Slave Labour, Philadelphia, reprinted, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 82 BANCROFT George, History of the Colonization of the United States, 3 vols, 8vo. Lond. 1842 BANDINEL James, Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa, especially with reference to the Efforts made by the British Government for its Extinction, 8vo. Lond. 1842 BARCLAY D., An Account of the Emancipation of the Slaves of Unity Valley Pen, Jamaica, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 3 BEAUFOY Mr., Speech in the House of Commons, June 18, 1788, on a Bill for regulating the Conveyance of Negroes from Africa to the West Indies Donat. Pam. 66 BICKELL Rev. R., The West Indies as they are, or a real Picture of Slavery, 8vo. Lond. 1825 another copy Donat. Pam. 68 152 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. BOND G., A Brief Account of the Colony of Port Jackson, in New South Wales, 1803 Donat. Pam. 4 BRUCE John, Substance of a Speech in the Committee of the House of Commons, on the resolutions respecting Indian Affairs Pamphleteer, vol. 2 BUCHANAN James, Plan for the Melioration and Civilization of the British North American Indians, New York, 1824 Donat. Pam. 69 BURCHELL W. J., Hints on Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope Pamphleteer, vol. 17 BUXTON Thomas Fowell, The African Slave Trade, 8vo. Lond. 1839 The African Slave Trade, and its Remedy, 8vo. Lond. 1840 CAFFRE Nations, The Wrongs of the, 'a Narrative, by Justus, 12mo. Lond. 1837 CAN ADAS, Present State of the; containing practical and statis- tical information respecting the Climate, Soil, &c., &c., of Upper and Lower Canada, 18mo. Lond. 1833 CHANNING W. E., Slavery Pamphlets, 5 CLARKSON Thomas, History of the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 - The Cries of Africa to the Inhabitants of Europe Donat. Pam. 103 Thoughts on the Necessity of Improving the Condition of the Slaves in the British Colonies, Lond. 1 824 Donat. Pam. 71 COOPER Thos., Facts illustrative of the Condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 73 .Correspondence between George Hibbert, Esq., and the Rev. T. Cooper, relative to the Condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 73 CROPPER James, Relief for West Indian Distress, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 73 - The Support of Slavery Investigated, Liverpool, 1824 Donat. Pam. 103 DEBATE in the House of Commons, May 15, 1823, on the Abolition of Slavery, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 74 DEBATE in the House of Commons, June 23, 1825, on the Demolition of the Methodist Chapel and Mission House in Barbadoes, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 74 COLONIZATION, SLAVERY, ETC. 153 DISCOURS prononce par M. de Due de Broglie, a la Chambre des Pairs le 28 Mars 1822, sur la Traite des Negres Donat. Pam. 103 DISCUSSION on Slavery, between the Rev. W. Knibb and Mr. P. Borthwick, at Bath, on Dec. 15, 1832 Donat. Pam. 103 ENQUIKY into the Right and Duty of compelling Spain to relinquish her Slave Trade in Northern Africa Pamphleteer, vol. 7 EXPOSURE of some of the Mistatements and Misrepresentations contained in Mr. Marryatt's pamphlet entitled " Thoughts on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and the Civilization of Africa," Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 17 FOREIGN Slave Trade, a brief account of its State, of the Treaties which have been entered into, and of the Laws enacted for its suppression, Lond. 1837 Donat. Pam. 106 GARRISON William Lloyd, Thoughts on African Colonization, Boston, 1832 Donat. Pam. 103 GURNEY J. J., Speech on British Colonial Slavery, Norwich, 1824 Donat. Pam. 163 - A Winter in the West Indies, 8vo. Lond. 1840 HALL Rev. Robt., Address on the State of Slavery in the West India Islands, 1824 Works, vol. 3 HASTINGS Marquess of, Summary of the Administration of the Indian Government, 1813 1823 Pamphleteer, vol. 24 HINTS Relative to Native Schools, Serampore, reprinted, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 80 HODGSON Adam, Letter to Jean-Baptiste Say, on the Compara- tive Expense of Free and Slave Labour, Liverpool, 1823 Donat. Pam. 80 HORRORS of the Negro Slavery existing in our West Indian islands, demonstrated from Official Documents presented to the House of Commons, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 23 HOWITT William, Colonization and Christianity; a Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives by the Euro- peans in all their Colonies, small 8vo. Lond. 1838 IMMEDIATE not Gradual Abolition ; or an Inquiry in the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual means of getting rid of West Indian Slavery Donat. Pam. 81 154 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. INTERFERENCE of the British Legislature, in the Internal Concerns of the West India Islands, respecting their Slaves, depre- cated, Land. 1816 Donat. Pam. 23 IVIMEY Joseph, Lecture on Colonial Slavery, Lond. 1832 Donat. Pam. 103 JORDAN G. W., An Examination of the Principles of the Slave Registry Bill, and of the means of Emancipation pro- posed by the Authors of the Bill, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 25 KOSTEU H., On the Amelioration of Slavery Pamphleteer, vol. 8 LETTER from Legion to His Grace the Duke of Richmond, Chairman of the Slavery Committee of the House of Lords, containing an Exposure of the Character of the Evidence on the Colonial Side produced before the Committee, Lond. 1832 Donat. Pam. 104 LIBERIA Unmasked, Edinb. 1833 Donat. Pam. 105 LINDOE Robert, Observations upon Slavery, setting forth that to hold the principles of Slavery is to deny Christ, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 103 MEMORANDA respecting the French Slave Trade in 1820, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 104 MUDIE James, The Felonry of New South Wales, being a faithful picture of the real Romance of Life in Botany Bay, 8vo. Lond. 1837 NEGRO Slavery ; or a View of that State of Society as it exists in the United States of America and in the Colonies of the West Indies, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 85 NEGRO Slavery ; Observations in Answer to an " Address to the Clergy of the Established Church and to Christian Ministers of every Denomination," Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 85 NEGRO Slavery, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15 Donat. Pom. 85 NEGRO'S (The) Memorial, or Abolitionists Catechism abridged Bristol, 1830 Donat. Pam. 104 PORTEUS Bp., Essay towards a Plan for the more effectual Civilization and Conversion of the Negro Slaves on the Trust Estate in Barbadoes, belonging to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Tracts POYNDER John, Substance of a Speech on Human Sacrifices in India, 8vo. Lond. 1827 COLONIZATION, SLAVERY, ETC. 155 REASONS for Establishing a Registry of Slaves in the British Colonies, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 45 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 7 REMARKS on the Slave Registry Bill, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 5 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 7 REPORT of the Committee for the Relief of Distressed Settlers in South Africa Pamphleteer, vol. 23 REPORT from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on the Extinction of Slavery throughout the British Dominions; with Minutes of Evidence, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1823 REPORT of the Parliamentary Select Committee, on Aboriginal Tribes, (British Settlements,) Lond. 1837 Pamphlets, 1 REPORTS (Twenty) of the Committee of the African Institution, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 26 ROMILLY Sir S., Speech in the House of Commons, on that article in the Treaty of Peace which relates to the Slave Trade, 1814 Pamphleteer, vol. 4 SLAVE Colonies of Great Britain ; or a Picture of Negro Slavery, Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 96 SLAVERY in the West Indies ; Speech of the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords, March 7, 1826 Donat. Pam. 96 SLAVERY in the West Indies ; Speech of Lord Viscount Dudley in the House of Lords, March 7, 1826 Donat. Pam. 96 SLAVERY in the West Indies ; Speech of the Viscount St. Vincent in the House of Lords, March 7, 1826 Donat. Pam. 96 SMITH W., Letter to W. Wilberforce, Esq., M.P., on the pro- posed Abolition of the Slave Trade, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 167 STATEMENTS and Observations on the Working of the Laws for the Abolition of Slavery, and on the present state of the Negro Population Donat. Pam. 105 STEPHEN J., West Indian Pretensions Refuted, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 97 England Enslaved by her own Colonies, Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 97 STEWART Hon. and Rev. C., Short View of the present State of the Eastern Townships in the Province of Lower Canada, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 52 156 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. STURGE Joseph and Thomas Harvey, The West Indies in 1837, small 8vo. Land. 1838 SUBSTANCE of the Debate in the House of Commons on May 15, 1823, on a Motion for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 104 SUBSTANCE of the Proceedings in the House of Commons on July 25, 1822, on the occasion of Two Addresses to his Majesty ; one moved by Mr. Wilberforce, For preventing the Extension of Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope; and the other by Mr. Wilmot, For sending Commis- sioners of Inquiry to certain British Colonies, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 104 SUGGESTIONS on the Slave Trade Pamphleteer, vol. 4 THORPE R., Commentary on the Treaties entered into for pre- venting any Illicit Traffic in Slaves Pamphleteer, vol. 14 THOUGHTS on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and Civilization of Africa, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 54 VIEW of the present State and future Prospects of the Free Trade and Colonization of India, Lond. 1828 Donat. Pam. 103 VIEW of the present State of the African Slave Trade, Philadel- phia, 1824 Donat. Pam. 105 WHITELEY Henry, Three Months in Jamaica in 1832 : compris- ing a Residence of Seven Weeks on a Sugar Plantation Donat. Pam. 168 WHY Emigrate? Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 56 WILBERFORCE W., Appeal to the Inhabitants of the British Empire, in behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 100 Letter to his Excellency the Prince of Talleyrand Perigord, on the subject of the Slave Trade Pamphleteer, vol. 5 WINN T. S., Emancipation ; or Practical Advice to British Slave Holders, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 100 POPULATION, STATE OF THE POOR, ETC. 157 dfburti) Ut&teum. POPULATION, STATE OF THE POOR, POOR LAWS, ETC. ALISON Archibald, The Principles of Population, and their con- nection with Human Happiness, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1840 ASSOCIATED Catholic Charities, Annual Report, 1 820 Donat. Pam. 151 BARRETT Henry, Letter on the subject of the Poor Laws, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, M.P., Yarmouth, 1829 Donat. Pam. 168 BELLEW R., Thoughts and Suggestions on the Means of Im- proving the condition of the Irish Peasantry, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 3 BERNARD Sir T., An Account of a supply of Fish for the Manu- facturing Poor, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 3 another copy, 8vo. Pamphleteer, vol. 1 On the Supply of Employment and Subsistence for the Labouring Classes in Fisheries, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 10 BOOTH David, Letter to Malthus on his Criticism on Godwin's Work on Population, 8vo. Lond. 1823 BOWLES W. L., Thoughts on the Increase of Crimes, the Educa- tion of the Poor, and the National Schools Pamphleteer, vol. 15 BRERETON Rev. C. D., Observations on the Administration of the Poor Laws in Agricultural Districts Pamphlets, 1 BROUGHAM H., Letter to Sir S. Romilly, upon the abuse of Charities Pamphleteer, vol. 13 - Practical Observations upon the Education of the People, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 69 Speech on the Education of the Poor, 1820 Pamphleteer, vol. 16 BRYDGES Sir E., Arguments in favour of the Practicability of Relieving the Able-bodied Poor, by finding employment for them Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 BUXTON T. F., Speech at the Egyptian Hall, on Nov. 26, 1816, on the Distress in Spitalfields, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 6 158 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. CHALMERS Thomas, (D.D.) Speech delivered before the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, explanatory of the measures pursued in St. John's Parish, Glasgow, for the Extinction of its Compulsory Pauperism, Glasg. 1822 Speeches and Tracts - Statement in regard to the Pauperism of Glasgow, Glasg. 1823 Speeches and Tracts CLARK Zachary, Account of Charities in Norfolk, 8vo. Bury, 1811 CLARKSON W., Inquiry into the Cause of the Increase of Paupe- rism and Poor Rates, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 71 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 8 COURTENAY T. P., Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. S. Bourne, Chairman of the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed for the Consideration of the Poor Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 CUNNINGHAM Rev. J. W., Observations on Friendly Societies Pamphleteer, vol. 22 CURWEN J. C., Speech in the House of Commons, on a Motion for a Committee for taking into Consideration the State of the Poor Laws, 1816 Pamphleteer, vol. 8 - Speech in the House of Commons, on a Motion for a Committee to take into Consideration the Poor Laws, 1847 Pamphleteer, vol. 10 DEROCHES J. J., Notice sur 1'etablissement de soupes existant a Geneve, Geneve, 1817 Donat. Pam. 61 EDEN Sir Frederick M., The State of the Poor, or a History of the Labouring Classes in England, from the Conquest to the present period, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1797 GASCOIGNE H. B., The Old Views of Society Revived, with Remarks on the present State and Prospects of Orphan and Pauper Children, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 18 - Pauperism, its Evils and Burdens Reduced by calling into action the Labours of the Poor, and by the useful Direction of Charity, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 19 GLOVER Rev. G., Observations on the present State of Pauper- ism in England, in a Letter to T. W. Coke, Esq. M.P. Pamphleteer, vol. 10 GODWIN Wm., On Population, in answer to Malthus, 8vo. Lond. 1820 POPULATION, STATE OF THE POOR, ETC. 159 HALE Win., Letter to Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M.P., contain- ing Observations on the Distresses peculiar to the Poor of Spitalfields, arising from their local situation, Land. 1816 Donat. Pam. 20 HALL Rev. R., Appeal to the Public on the subject of the Frame- Work Knitters' Fund ; and an Appeal to the Objections of Cobbett and others, against the Frame- Work Knitters' Friendly Relief Society (1819) Works, vol. 3 HIGHMORE A., Observations on the Bill for the Registering and Securing of Charitable Donations for the Benefit of poor Persons in England, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 21 HILL S., Plan for Reducing the Poor's Rate, by giving perma- nent Employment to the Labouring Classes, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 21 HOLLAND, An Account of the Poor Colonies and Agricultural Workhouses of the Benevolent Society of, 12mo. Lond. 1828 INQUIRY into the Destitute Condition of the Working Classes; particularly of those connected with the Cotton Trade, Lond. 1829 Donat. Pam. 168 IRELAND, On the Deplorable Condition of the helpless Poor in, with a Plan of Relief, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 29 JEE Rev. T., Practical Observations on the Management of the Poor Pamphleteer, vol. 9 LANCASTER J., On the best means of Educating and Employing the Poor in Ireland, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 83 LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Geo. Canning, on the Principle and the Administration of the English Poor Laws, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 30 LETTER (A Second) to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, on the Causes of the Increase of Pauperism, and on the Poor Laws, Oxf. 1819 Pamphlets, 2 MALTHUS T. R., Essay on the Principle of Population, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 MARTIN M., Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Pelham, on the State of Mendicity in the Metropolis, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 32 MARTINEAU Harriet, Poor Laws and Paupers Illustrated, 18mo. Lond. 18334 No. 1 The Parish No. 3 The Town "2 The Hamlets 4 The Land's End 160 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. MENDICITY, &c., Sketch of a Simple, Original, and Practical Plan for Suppressing Pamphleteer, vol. 21 METE YARD W. H., Remarks on a pamphlet entitled " Thoughts submitted to the Employers of Labour," &c. Norwich, 1830 Pamphlets, 7 ONSLOW Mr. Serjeant, Speech on Moving for leave to bring in a Bill to Amend the Statute of 5 Elizabeth cap. iv Pamphleteer, vol. 4 OWEN Robert, A New View of Society, royal 8vo. Lond. 1818 PAGE F., Principle of the English Poor Laws Illustrated and Defended, Bath, 1822 Donat. Pam. 40 PLAN suggested for mature Consideration for superseding the Necessity of the Poor Rates, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 9 POOR, On the Means of Benefiting the Pamphleteer, vol. 16 POOR Laws, Extracts from the Information received by the Commissioners appointed to Enquire into the Administra- tion and Operation of the, 8vo. Lond. 1833 POOR Laws, Report from the Commissioners appointed to En- quire into the Administration and Operation of the, 8vo. Lond. 1834 POOR Laws, Two Reports addressed to the Commissioners appointed to Enquire into the Administration and Opera- tion of the, by C. H. Cameron, John Wrottesley, and J. W. Cowell, Esqrs. ; and a Letter from Count Arriva- bene, on the Management of the Poor in Belgium, 8vo. Lond. 1834 POOR Law Commissioners, Annual Reports of, from their com- mencement in 1835, 8vo. POPULATION, On the Means of Retaining it within any Required Limits Pamphleteer, vol. 16 PRESTON R., Address to the Fund-Holder, the Manufacturer, the Mechanic, and the Poor, on the Poor Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 10 The Poor Rates gradually reduced Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 REMARKS on the Practicability of Mr. Robert Owen's plan to Improve the Condition of the Lower Classes, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 165 REMARKS upon a Bill for Promoting and Encouraging of Indus- try amongst the Labouring Classes of the Community, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 154 161 REPORT (First) of the Committee of the Fish Association, re- specting the measures to be adopted for Increasing the Supply and Use of Fish in the Metropolis and its Neigh- bourhood Pamphleteer, vol. 1 REPORT (Second) of the Committee of the Fish Association for the Benefit of the Community, respecting the Measures to be adopted for the Supply of the Metropolis and its Neighbourhood Pamphleteer, vol. 2 REPORT (Second) of the Association for the Relief of the Manu- facturing and Labouring Poor, relative chiefly to the general Supply of Fish in the Metropolis and the Interior Pamphleteer, vol. 6 REPORT of the Finance Committee and Trustees of the Royal Lancasterian Institution for the Education of the Poor, for 1812 Donat. Pam. 92 REPORT of the National Society for the Education of the Poor, 1813 Pamphleteer, vol. 2 REPORT of a Select Committee on Remuneration for Labour, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 23 REPORT of the Proceedings on hearing an Appeal between the Hamlets of Norwich and the Court of Guardians, Norw. 1823 Donat. Pam. 92 SANDBY Rev. George, Jun., Discretionary Power; Exemplified from the Minutes of the late Incorporation of the Hun- dred of Wangford; in a Letter to Edw. Twisleton, Esq. Assistant Poor Law Commissioner, Lond. 1841 Donat. Pam. 106 SAVINGS' Banks, Observations on Pamphleteer, vol. 13 SENIOR Nassau William, A Letter to Lord Ho wick, on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor, Commutation of Tithes, and a Provision for the Irish Roman Catholic Clergy, Lond. 1831 Pamphlets, 6 SEWELL J., Hints to Proprietors of Real Property Donat. Pam. 95 SHEFFIELD John Earl of, Observations on the Impolicy, Abuses, and False Interpretation of the Poor Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 13 SUGGESTIONS how the Poor Laws of England, with their attend- ant Evils, may be gradually Superseded, Edinb. 1823 Donat. Pam. 53 162 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. TORRENS Major, A Paper on the Means of Reducing the Poor's Rates Pamphleteer, vol. 10 VAGRANCY, Resolutions, Hints, &c. on the Suppression of, Kendal, 1818 Donat. Pam. 165 VAGRANT Act, in relation to the Liberty of the Subject, Land. 1824 Donat. Pam. 55 VOGHT Baron Von, Account of the Management of the Poor in Hamburgh, between the years 1788 and 1794 Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 WOOD J., Account of the Shrewsbury House of Industry, Shrewsbury, 1795 Donat. Pam. 56 WORCESTER Institution for the Relief of the Poor, Account of the, Worcester, 1817 Donat. Pam. 101 dftftf) POLICE, PENAL CODE, AND PRISON DISCIPLINE. APPEAL to the Public in behalf of Nicholas Tomlinson, Esq., a Captain in his Majesty's Navy, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 2 BEAUMONT J. T. B., An Essay on Criminal Jurisprudence, with the Draft of a New Penal Code Pamphleteer, vols. 18, 19 BECCARIA, Dei Delitti e delle Pene, 18mo. Pavia, 1817 BENNET H. G., Letter n the Abuses existing in Newgate Pamphleteer, vol. 11 BENTHAM Jeremy, Observations on Mr. Secretary Peel's Speech, March 21, 1825, introducing his Police Magistrates' Sa- lary Raising Bill ; also on jthe announced Judges' Salary Raising Bill, and the pending County Court's Bill Pamphleteer, vol. 25 BOWLY Samuel, Lecture on the Abolition of the Punishment of Death, Lond. 1836 Donat. Pam. 168 BOWRING J., Account of the State of the Prisons in Spain and Portugal Pamphleteer, vol. 23 POLICE, PENAL CODE, ETC. 163 BURROWES P., Speeches on the Trials of Edward Sheridan, M.D., and Thomas Kirwan, merchant, upon Indictments under the Convention Act, Dublin, 1812 Donat. Pam. 6 BURTON Wm. Westbrooke, The State of Religion and Educa- tion in New South Wales, 8vo. Lond. 1 840 BUXTON T. F., An Inquiry whether Crime and Misery are pro- duced or prevented by our present System of Prison Discipline, 12rao. Lond. 1818 Speech in the House of Commons, March 2, 1819, on the motion for a Committee to consider of so much of the Criminal Laws as relates to Capital Punishments or Felonies, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 70 Speech in the House of Commons, May 23, 1821, on the Bill "for Mitigating the Severity of Punishment in certain Cases of Forgery," Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 70 CHITTY J., Observations on the Game Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 9 CHRISTIAN Edw., Vindication of the Criminal Law, and the Administration of Public Justice in England, from the Imputation of Cruelty, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 8 COLQUHOUN P., (LL.D.) Treatise on the Police of the Metro- polis, 8vo. Lond. 1800 COTTU M., On the Administration of the Criminal Code in England, and the Spirit of the English Government Pamphleteer, vol. 16 DOLINS Sir D., Second Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Middlesex, April 18, 1726, Lond. 1726 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 Third Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Middlesex, Oct. 6, 1726, Lond. 1726 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 DUTY of Constables, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 15 ELFORD Sir W., Remarks on the Obnoxious Parts of the Game Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 10 EXTRACTS from the Third Report of the Inspectors of Prisons for the Home Department, 8vo. Lond. 1838 FARMER'S Night-Cap; or the Parson's Pocket Companion; being Remarks upon the Penal Laws affecting the Clergy, Lond. 1783 Donat. Pam. 76 FAVELL S., Speech on the Propriety of Revising the Criminal Laws, delivered Dec. 10, 1818, before the Corporation of the City of London, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 76 164 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. FLETCHER Judge, Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Wexford, delivered at the Summer Assizes, 1814 Pamphleteer, vol. 4 FRY Eliz., Observations on the Visiting, Superintendence, and Government of Female Prisoners, 12mo. Lond. 1827 GAME Laws, Letters on the, by a Country Gentleman Pamphleteer, vol. 11 GOOD J. M., Letter to Sir John Cox Hippisley, Bart., on the Mischiefs incidental to the Tread-Wheel Pamphleteer, vol. 23 Second Letter on the Mischiefs incidental to the Tread- Wheel, as an Instrument of Prison Discipline, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 19 GURNEY J. J., Notes made on a Visit to some of the Prisons in Scotland and the North of England, 12mo. Lond. 1819 another copy Pamphleteer, vols. 15, 16 HOLFORD George, Speech in the House of Commons, June 21, 1822, in support of an Amendment to Withhold from the Visiting Justices of Prisons, the Power of Authorising the Employment, without their own Consent, of Prisoners Committed for Trial, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 22 - Thoughts on the Criminal Prisons of this Country Pamphleteer, vol. 18 INQUIRIES Relative to Prison Discipline, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 82 JACKSON R., On the Increase of Crime, and the Degree of its Extent, the Principal Causes of such Increase, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 29 another copy Pamphlets, 2 LETTER on the Game Laws, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER on the Tone and Matter of 'Judge Fletcher's Charge Pamphleteer, vol. 5 MACONOCHIE Capt., Australiana ; Thoughts on Convict Manage- ment, and other Subjects connected with the Australian Penal Colonies, 8vo. Lond. 1839 MAINWARING G. B., Observations on the Present State of the Police of the Metropolis Pamphleteer, vols. 19, 20 MINUTES of Evidence taken before a Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons to Inquire into the State of the Police of the Metropolis, 8vo. Lond. 1816 POLICE, PENAL CODE, ETC. 165 MONTAGU B., Inquiries respecting the Punishment of Death for Crimes without Violence Pamphleteer, vol. 12 The Opinions of Different Authors upon the Punish- ment of Death, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 PILLORY, Brief Observations on the Punishment of Pamphleteer, vol. 4 POLICE Report of 1816, Considerations on the Pamphleteer, vol. 21 POLIDORI J. W., On the Punishment of Death Pamphleteer, vol. 8 RAPPORT sur l'6tat Actuel des Prisons dans les Departements du Calvados, de 1'Eure, de la Manche, et de la Seine- Inferieure ; et sur la Maison de Correction de Gallon Pamphleteer, vol. 25 REMARKS (Cursory) on the Police, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 12 REPORT of the Committee appointed to consider of so much of the Criminal Laws as relates to Capital Punishment in Felonies Pamphleteer, vol. 15 REPORT of the Committee appointed to inquire into the State and Description of Gaols and other places of Confinement Pamphleteer, vol. 15 REPORT from the Committee of the House of Commons on the King's Bench, Fleet, Marshalsea Prisons, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 6 REPORTS of the Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, the Third to the Eighth Lond. 182132 ROMILLY Sir S., Observation on the Criminal Law of England, as it relates to Capital Punishments, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 48 RULES, Orders, and Regulations, for the Government of the County Gaol and Bridewell at Fisherton Anger, in and for the County of Wilts, Salisbury, 1823 Donat. Pam. 17 SMITH Baron, Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Westmeath, 1820 Pamphleteer, vol. 16 STRICTURES on the Right, Expedience, and Indiscriminate De- nunciation of Capital Punishment Pamphleteer, vol. 3 WAKEFIELD E. G., Facts relating to the Punishment of Death in the Metropolis, 12mo. Lond. 1831 166 JURISPRUDENCE^ ETC. WHATELY R., (D.D.) Thoughts on Secondary Punishments, in a Letter to Earl Grey, 8vo. Lond. 1832 WILMOT Sir E. E,, Letter to the Magistrates of England on the Increase of Crime ; and an Efficient Remedy Suggested Pamphleteer, vol. 29 Qtbtston. MISCELLANIES. ACCOUNT of the Society for Equitable Assurances on Lives and Survivorships, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 50 ADDRESS to the Housekeepers of St. James' and St. George's Westminster, and of St. Marylebone, on the Supply of Water, and the Conduct of the Water Companies, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 7 ADDRESS to the Parliament of Great Britain, on the Claims of Authors to their own Copy-Right Pamphleteer, vol. 2 BABBAGE Charles, A Comparative View of the Various Institu- tions for the Assurance of Lives, 8vo. Lond. 1826 BEAUMONT J. T. B., Essay on Provident or Parish Banks Pamphleteer, vol. 7 - Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Sidmouth, on the Sub- ject of Public-House Licensing Pamphleteer, vol. 9 BECKET Andrew, Public Prosperity Pamphleteer, vol. 2 BENETT John, On the Commutation of Tythe Pamphleteer, vol. 6 - another copy Donat. Pam. 3 BERKELEY Bp., The Querist; containing Several Queries, pro- posed to the Consideration of the Public Works, vol. 3 BLANE Sir G., Inquiry into the Causes and Remedies of the late and present Scarcity and High Price of Provisions Pamphleteer, vol. 9 BRYDGES Sir E., What are Riches? Pamphleteer, vol. 20 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Thoughts and Details on Scarcity Works, vol. 7 POLITICAL ECONOMY; MISCELLANIES. 167 CHALMERS Thomas, (D.D.) On the Use and Abuse of Literary and Ecclesiastical Endowments, 8vo. Glasgow, 1827 - The Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns, 3 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1821 6 CHAMBERS A. H., Observations on the Formation, State, and Condition of Turnpike Roads and other Highways, Lond, 1820 Donat. Pam. 8 CHIMNEY-SWEEPING, The Nature of; the Attempts made to Alter its Character, and the final accomplishment of this object by the 3rd and 4th Victoria, cap. 85. Lond. 1840 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 CHRISTIAN Professor, General Observations on Provident Banks, Pamphleteer, vol. 17 DUPIN Charles, View of the History and actual State of the Military Force of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 DUTY of Surveyors of the Highways, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 15 ESSAY on National Wealth, Norwich, 1794 Donat. Pam. 75 FARREN George, Observations on the Importance, in Purchases of Land, and in Mercantile Adventures, of ascertaining the Rates of Mortality by Chronic Diseases and Hot Climates, 8vo. Lond. 1826 - another copy Donat. Pam. 76 FRIENDLY Societies, Instructions for the Establishment of Donat. Pam. 106 FUMIFUGIUM ; or the Inconvenience of the Aer and Smoak of London Dissipated ; by J. E. Esq. In Evelyn's Misc. Writings GARDINER Henry, Absenteeism considered ; with some remarks on a part of Mr. M'Culloch's Evidence Pamphleteer, vol. 27 GRAY S., Remarks on the Production of Wealth Pamphleteer, vol. 17 HILLARY Sir W., On Preservation of Lives and Property from Shipwreck Pamphleteer, vol. 23 INSURANCE against Robbery Pamphleteer, vol. 3 INVESTIGATION of the Cause of the Present High Price of Provisions, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 82 IRELAND J., Letter to H. Brougham, Esq., M.P. Pamphleteer, vol. 14 168 JURISPRUDENCE, ETC. IRISH Charitable Society, Sketch of its Origin and Progress, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 153 L'ESTRANGE R., Considerations and Proposals in order to the Regulation of the Press, Lond. 1663 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 LETTER to Lord John Russell, on the Source and Remedy of the National Difficulties, deduced from Principles of Political Economy, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 29 LETTER to the Bench of Bishops, on the Prevailing Custom of Selecting Clergymen for Magistrates Donat. Pam. 30 LYNCH F. T., (M.D.) Letter to the Right Hon. John Sullivan, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 31 M'ADAM J. L., Remarks on the Present System of Road Mak- ing, Bristol, 1816 Donat. Pam. 31 MACLAREN Chas., Railways compared with Canals and Common Roads, and their uses and advantages explained Pamphleteer, vol. 26 MACLEAN C., Remarks on the British Quarantine Laws Pamphleteer, vol. 21 MELVILLE Lord Viscount, Letter to, on a Plan to raise British Seamen Pamphleteer, vol. 24 MERE WETHER Rev. F., Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review, in furtherance of the subject of three Articles in No. 72 of that Review, entitled On Agriculture and Rent ; Substitution of Savings' Banks for Poor Laws ; On Planting Waste Lands, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 29 MOGGRIDGE J. H., Hints, addressed to the serious consideration of the Tradesman, the Agriculturist, and the Stock- Holder, Cardiff, 1816 Donat. Pam. 36 MORGAN Augustus de, An Essay on Probabilities, and on their application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices, (Lardner's Cyclo.) Lond. 1838 MORGAN Richard, Familiar Observations on Life Insurance and the Causes affecting Population, &c. &c. Norwich, 1841 Donat. Pam. 106 MORGAN W., View of the Rise and Progress of the Equitable Society, Lond. 1828 Pamphlets, 3 ORSERVATIONS on some Topics in Political Economy, Lond. 1825 Pamphlets, 3 PHILIPPART John, Observations on the Militia Bill Pamphleteer, vol. 3 POLITICAL ECONOMY; MISCELLANIES. 169 PUBLIC-HOUSE Licensing, Letters on Pamphleteer, vol. 7 REPORT of the Committee appointed to examine the several Petitions which have been presented to the House against the Employment of Boys in Sweeping of Chimneys, 1817 Pamphleteer, vol. 10 another copy, with the Minutes of the Evidence Donat. Pam. 105 REPORT of a Committee of Justices, relative to a New County Rate, Taunton, 1818 Donat. Pam. 47 REPORT addressed to the Marquess Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, by Elizabeth Fry and Joseph John Gurney, respecting their late visit to that Country, Land. 1828 Gurney' s Minor Works, vol. 2 another copy Donat. Pam. 102 RICERCA sulle cause e sui rimedj della passata ed attuale scarsita, Pisa, 1818 Donat. Pam. 58 RICHARDSON W., Simple Measures, by which the Recurrence of Famines may be prevented, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 8 ROBERTS Lieut. Col., Letter to the Officers of the Army, ex- plaining the cause of the Plan for the Officers' Benefit Fund being for the present abandoned Pamphleteer, vol. 2 - Plan for Increasing the Incomes of Officers of the Army Pamphleteer, vol. 2 ROSE Rt. Hon. Geo., Observations on Banks for Savings, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 49 WATT Peter, Progress and Present State of the Science of Life Insurance, with Thermometrical Tables, also Observations on Health, Insurance, &c., 8vo. Edinb. 1837 WRIGHT J., Memoir on the State of the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, 1827 Donat. Pam. folio CLASS THE THIRD, antr SECTION I. General Treatises on Philosophy. BACON Lord, Of the Proficiency and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human Works, vol. 1 BENTHAM Jeremy, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1823 COMBE G., The Constitution of Man Considered in relation to External Objects, small 8vo. Edinb. 1835 DAVY Sir H., Consolations in Travel; or the Last Days of a Philosopher, 12mo. Lond. 1830 DICTIONNAIRE de Philosophie Ancienne et Moderne, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. ENFIELD Wm., (LL.D.) History of Philosophy, to the beginning of the present Century, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 FIELD G., Tritogenea, or the Outline of the Universal System Pamphleteer, vol. 9 GURNEY J. J., Substance of an Address on the right Use and Application of Knowledge, delivered to the Mechanics of Manchester Minor Works, vol. 2 HARRIS James, Philosophical Arrangements Miscellanies, vol. 3 - Three Treatises : 1st concerning Art; 2nd concerning Music, Painting, and Poetry ; 3rd concerning Happiness Miscellanies, vol. 1 KAMES Henry Home Lord, Sketches of the History of Man, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1813 172 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. PALEY William, (D.D.) The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy Works, vols. 1, 2 SMITH Joseph Toulmin, A Popular View of the Progress of Philosophy among the Ancients, 12mo. Lond. 1836 STEWAHT Dugald, Philosophical Essays, 8vo. Edinb. 1818 SECTION II. Moral Philosophy. jFtrst Dtbtston. ETHICS. ABERCROMBIE John, Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, 8vo. Lond. 1833 BACON Lord, A Collection of Apophthegms, new and old Works, vol. 2 Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral Works, vol. 2 - Sermones Fideles, 32mo. Lug. Bat. 1644 another copy Works, vol. 10 De Sapientia Veterum Works, vol. 10 BEATTIE J., (LL.D.) Elements of Moral Science, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1817 BERKELEY Bp., Passive Obedience; or the Christian Doctrine of not Resisting the Supreme Power, proved and vindi- cated upon the Principles of the Law of Nature Works, vol. 2 A Word to the Wise; or an Exhortation to the Roman Catholic Clergy of Ireland Works, vol. 3 - Maxims concerning Patriotism Works, vol. 3 A Discourse addressed to Magistrates and Men in Authority Works, vol. 3 BOSQUETT A., A Treatise on Duelling Pamphleteer, vol. 12 ETHICS. 173 BROWNE Sir Thomas, Christian Morals, with Notes, &c. Works, vol. 4 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edmund, Vindication of Natural Society Works, vol. 1 another copy Donat, Pam, 99 BYRON Rt. Hon. Lord, Letter of Expostulation to, on his present Pursuits Pamphleteer, vol. 19 Cato to, on the Immorality of his Writings, Lond. 1824 Pamphlets, 1 CAPPE C., Thoughts on the Desirableness and Utility of Ladies Visiting the Female Wards of Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums Pamphleteer, vol. 8 CHALMERS Rev. Thos., On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as Manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 CHEVALIER T., Remarks on Suicide Pamphleteer, vol. 23 COMBE George, Moral Philosophy ; or the Duties of Man con- sidered in his Individual, Social, and Domestic Capacities, small 8vo. Edinb. 1840 CRADOCK J., Four Dissertations, Moral and Religious, ad- dressed to the Rising Generation ; On Covetousness On Hypocrisy On the Prosperous Condition of Men in this World On Continuance in Well-doing Literary Memoirs, vol. 3 CUNNINGHAM Rev. J. W., Cautions to Continental Travellers Pamphleteer, vol. 21 DICK Thomas, The Philosophy of Religion, or an Illustration of the Moral Laws of the Universe, 12mo. Glasgow, 1830 DICTIONNAIRE de Morale, 2 tome, 4to. Ency. Method. DISCOURSE on the Love of Pleasure, Newcastle, 1803 Donat. Pam. 161 DOUGLAS James, The Advancement of Society in Knowledge and Religion, 8vo. Edinb. 1825 DYER G., Dissertation on the 1'heory and Practice of Benevo- lence Pamphleteer, vols. 13, 14 ERASMI Familiarium Colloquiorum Opus, 8vo. Tig. ad Frosch, 1553 EVELYN John, Of Liberty and Servitude; translated from the .French, 1649 Misc. Writings 174 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. EVELYN John, Public Employment, and an Active Life, prefer- red to Solitude, 1667 Misc. Writings EXTRACTS from the Writings of Erasmus on the Subject of War, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 75 FIELD G., Ethics, or the Analogy of the Moral Sciences Indi- cated Pamphleteer, vol. 23 GOLDEN Rule, or the Royal Law of Equity Explained, Lond. 1688 Donat. Pam. 162 GUARDIAN Society, Address to the Pamphleteer, vol. 11 HARTLEY David, (M.A.) Observations on Man, his Fame, his Duty, and his Expectations ; with Notes and Additions, by H. A. Pistorius, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791 HOBBES Thomas, Human Nature ; or the Fundamental Elements of Policy Works HUDSON J. C., A Letter to the Mistresses of Families, on the Cruelty of employing Children to Sweep Chimneys Pamphleteer, vol. 22 KANT E., Project for a Perpetual Peace, Lond. 1796 Donat. Pam. 82 LARDNER N., Counsels of Prudence, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 163 OPIE Amelia, Detraction Displayed, 12mo. Lond. 1828 Illustrations of Lying in all its Branches, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1825 PYCROFT S., Reflections upon the Nature of Contentment, Camb. 1714 Donat. Pam. 91 REPLY on behalf of the London Proprietors to the Address of the Inhabitants of New Lanark, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 92 ROCHEFOUCAULD La, Maximes et Reflexions Morales, 8vo. Pam, 1815 SIGMOND G. G., (M.D.) Tea; its Effects, Medicinal and Moral, 12mo. Lond. 1839 SMITH Adam, (LL.D.) Theory of Moral Sentiments Works, vol. 1 SOLEMN Review of the Custom of War, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 98 STAEL Madame de, De 1'Influence des Passions (Euvres, torn. 3 - Reflexions sur le Suicide (Euvres, torn. 3 SYKES A. A., The Innocency of Involuntary Error asserted and vindicated, Harlow, 1809 Donat. Pam. 167 ETHICS. 175 TAYLOR Jeremy, Discourse of the Nature, &c. of Friendship Works, vol. 1 1 TRACTS of the Society for the Promotion of Permanent and Uni- versal Peace, 8vo. No. 1 A Solemn Review of the Custom of War 2 War Inconsistent with the Doctrine and Example of Jesus Christ, by J. Scott 3 On the Doctrines and Practice of the Early Christians as they relate to War, by Thomas Clarkson, M. A. 4 Extracts from the Writings of Erasmus, on the Subject of War 5 On the Horrors of War, by Evan Rees 6 Discourse on Universal Peace, by Rev. D. Bogue, D.D. 7 Observations on the Applicability of the Pacific Principles of the New Testament to the Conduct of States, by Jon. Dymond 8 On the Principles which are considered to support the Practice of War 9 The Principles of Peace, exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland during the Rebellion of the year 1798, by Thomas Hancock, M.D., 3 parts 10 On the Origin and Consequences of War 11 On the Calamities of War, by M. Necker USURY Explained, by Philopenes Pamphleteer, vol. 1 1 VOLTAIRE, Dialogues et Entretiens Philosophiques (Euvres, torn. 6, part 2 WARDLAW Ralph, (D.D.) Christian Ethics ; or Moral Philo- sophy on the Principles of Divine Revelation, 8vo. Lond. 1833 Lectures on Christian Ethics ; a Letter to the Com- mittee of the Congregational Library, occasioned by the publication of the above, by Wm. Youngman, Norwich, 1834 Pamphlets, 4 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Doctrine of the Passions explained and improved Works, vol. 2 ZIMMERMAN M., On Solitude, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1804 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. Jkconfc tbtsston. EDUCATION, MANNERS, ETC. ANDERSON Christopher, Historical Sketches of the Ancient Native Irish and their Descendants ; illustrative of their past and present state with regard to Literature, Educa- tion, and Oral Instruction, 12mo. Edinb. 1828 AUSTIN Mrs., On National Education, 12mo. Land, 1839 BENTHAM Jeremy, Chrestomathia ; a Collection of Papers ex- planatory of the design of an Institution proposed to be set on foot under the name of the Chrestomathic Day School, 8vo. Land. 1816 BERNARD Thomas, The New School ; being an attempt to illus- trate its Principles, Details, and Advantages, Land. 1809 Donat. Pam. 3 BLACK J., The Paidophilean System of Teaching Languages, French Series, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1826 BOSSUET de PInstruction de M 8 *- le Dauphin Fils de Louis XIV. (Euvres, torn. 34 BOUYER Rev. R. G., A Comparative View of the Two New Systems of Education for the Infant Poor, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 4 BOWLES Rev. W. L., Vindicise Wykehamicae, or a Vindication of Winchester College Pamphleteer, vol. 13 BRISTOL Ld. Bp. of, A Letter to, respecting an additional Ex- amination of Students in the University of Cambridge Pamphleteer, vol. 20 BROADHURST Mrs., A Word in Favor of Female Schools Pamphleteer, vol. 27 BROUGHAM H., Letter to, from a Master of Arts of Queen's College, Oxford, upon the Method of Restoring decayed Grammar Schools Pamphleteer, vol. 13 BURROWS J., On National Prejudices Pamphleteer, vol. 9 CHALMERS Thomas, (D.D.) Considerations on the System of Parochial Schools in Scotland, and on the Advantage of Establishing them in Large Towns, Glasgow, 1819 Speeches and Tracts EDUCATION, MANNERS, ETC. 177 CHAINING W. E., (D.D.) Observations on the Proposition for Increasing the Means of Theological Education at the University in Cambridge, u. s. Works CHEVENIX Richard, An Essay on National Character, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 CONDILLAC Abbe de, Cours d'Etude pour 1'Instruction des Jeunes Gens, 10 torn. 18mo. Paris, 1821 DICK Thomas, (LL.D.) On the Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge, 12mo. Lond. 1833 - On the Mental Illumination and Moral Improvement of Mankind, 12mo. Glasgow, 1835 DUNLOP John, The Philosophy of Artificial and Compulsory Drinking Usages in Great Britain and Ireland, 12mo. Lond. 1839 EDGEWORTH R. L., Essays on Professional Education, 8vo. Lond. 1812 EDGEWORTH Miss and R. L., Essays on Practical Education, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1822 EDGEWORTH Maria, Letters for Literary Ladies : with an Essay on Self- Justification, 12mo. Lond. 1799 EDUCATION, -Central Society of, First, Second, and Third Pub- lications of the, 12mo. Lond. 1837 39 EDUCATION (On the) of Roman Catholic Children, and the Rejection of the Bible by their Priests, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 15 ELLIS Mrs., The Women of England, their Social Duties and Domestic Habits, small 8vo. Lond. 1839 The Daughters of England, their Position in Society, Character, and Responsibilities, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 ENGLAND and France, Comparative View of the Social Life of, from the Restoration of Charles II, to the French Revo- lution, 8vo. Lond. T828 ESTABLISHMENT for the Support and Education of Unportioned Young Females of Respectable Families Donat. Pam. 162 EXPEDITIOUS Instructor ; or the Art of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 17 FELL W., Remarks on Mr. Lancaster's System of Education, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 76 FORSTER T., Essay on the Application of the Organology of the Brain to Education Pamphleteer, vol. 5 2 A 178 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. FOSTER John, Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance, 8vo. Lond. 1821 Fox Joseph, A Scriptural Education the Glory of England; being a Defence of the Lancastrian Plan of Education, and the Bible Society, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 18 GEARY W., Letter to E. T. Booth, Esq., Mayor of Norwich, on the State of Education among the Poor of that City, connected with the Established Church, Norwich, 1827 Donat. Pam. 78 GRAMMAR Schools considered, with reference to a Case lately decided by the Lord Chancellor Pamphleteer, vol. 16 GURNEY Joseph John, Guide to the Instruction of Young Per- sons in the Holy Scriptures ; including the Lock and Key Minor Works, vol. 2 GYMNASTIC Exercises, Instructions in all kinds of; by a Military Officer, 8vo. Lond. 1823 HAMILTON Eliz., Letters on the Elementary Principles of Edu- cation, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 - Letters addressed to the Daughter of a Nobleman on the Formation of Religious and Moral Principles, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 A Series of Popular Essays, illustrative of principles connected with the Improvement of the Understanding, the Imagination, and the Heart, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1815 HINTS to Mothers, on the Cultivation of the Minds of Children, &c. Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 80 HOME Education, by the Author of "Natural History of En- thusiasm," 8vo. Lond. 1838 JOHNSTON David, (M.D.) General View of the Present System of Public Education in France, 8vo. Edinb. 1827 KNOX V., Remarks on the Tendency of Certain Clauses in a Bill now Pending in Parliament to degrade Grammar Schools Pamphleteer, vol. 19 LA BRUYERE, Les Caracteres de, suivis des Caracteres de Theophraste, trad, du Grec par le Meme, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1822 LOCKE John, Method of a Common-Place-Book Works, vol. 3 Thoughts Concerning Education Works, vol. 3 MAI/THUS Rev. T. R., Statements respecting the East-India College Pamphleteer, vol. 9 EDUCATION, MANNERS, ETC. MARTINEAU Harriet, How to Observe; Morals and Manners, small 8vo. Lond. 1838 MEMORIAL on Behalf of the Native Irish, with a View to their Improvement in Moral and Religious Knowledge, through the Medium of their own Language, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 85 MILL Hill School, Ceremony of Laying the First Stone of, 1808 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 MILTON'S Plan of Education, in his Letter to Hartlib Pamphleteer, vol. 17 another copy Prose Works, vol. 2 MINUTES of the Committee of Council on Education ; with Appendices, 184041, 8vo. Lond. 1841 MONK Rev. J. H., Vindication of the University of Cambridge, from the Reflections of Sir J. E. Smith, contained in a Pamphlet entitled " Considerations Respecting Cam- bridge," &c. Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 85 MORE Hannah, Strictures on Female Education Works, vols. 7, 8 - Hints towards Forming the Character of a Princess Works, vols. 9, 10 MYERS T., Remarks on a Course of Education Pamphleteer, vol. 1 2 NORTHERN Baptist Education Society, Report of the Committee for 1821 Donat. Pam. 165 OBSERVATIONS on Mr. Brougham's Bill, " for Better Providing the Means of Education for His Majesty's Subjects," Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 89 ORIGINAL Pieces, composed as School Exercises, and Spoken at Mr. Turner's Recitations, 1826 Donat. Pam. 89 ORPEN C. E. H., Claim of Millions of our Fellow-Countrymen to be Taught in their own and only Language, the Irish, Dublin, 1821 Donat. Pam. 89 PARR Samuel, (LL.D.) Discourse on Education Works, vol. 2 PESTALOZZI (Henry) and his Plan of Education, being an Ac- count of his Life and Writings, by E. Biber, 8vo. Lond. 1831 PHILOGRANTUS, A Letter to, by Eubulus; being a Sequel to a Pamphlet, entitled Thoughts on the Present System of Academic Education, in the University of Cambridge Pamphleteer, vol. 20 180 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. PLAN of the South-Sea Academy, for Educating the Children of the Missionaries With Tahitian Grammar PLANS for the Government and Liberal Instruction of Boys, in large numbers, 8vo. Land. 1822 POLE T., History of the Origin and Progress of Adult Schools, Bristol, 1814 Donat. Pam. 90 POTTER Rev. J. P., On the Systems of Education proposed by the popular Parties Pamphleteer, vol. 29 PRIESTLEY J., Observations relative to Religious Education, Exeter, 1811 Donat. Pam. 165 QUARTERLY Journal of Education, No. 2, for April, 1831 REGULATIONS for the Administration of the College of Aquhor- ties, Edinb. 1799 Donat. Pam. 154 REPLY to the most popular Objections to Public Schools Pamphleteer, vol. 4 REPLY (a Second) to the Edinburgh Review, by the Author of a Reply to the Calumnies of that Review against Oxford, Oxford, 1810 Donat. Pam. 49 ROLLIN C., Traite des Etudes GEuvres, torn. 16, 17 ROUSSEAU J. J., Emile, ou de 1'Education (Euvres, torn. 8, 9 SANDFORD Professor, Letter to the Rev. P. Elmsley, A.M., in Answer to the Appeal made to him, as Umpire between the University of Oxford and the Edinburgh Review Pamphleteer, vol. 21 SEDGWICK Adam, (M.A.) A Discourse on the Studies of the Universities, 12mo. (two copies) Camb. 1834 SHAFTESBURY Earl of, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1732 SMITH Sir J. E., Considerations respecting the Botanical Pro- fessorship at Cambridge, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 96 Defence of the Church and Universities of England, against such injurious advocates as Professor Monk and the Quarterly Review for Jan. 1819 Donat. Pam. 96 STANLEY Rev. Edward, (Bishop of Norwich) A Few Observa- tions on Religion and Education in Ireland, Lond. 1836 Donat. Pam. 105 TAYLOR John, (D.D.) The Value of a Child ; or Motives to the Good Education of Children, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 98 THOUGHTS on the Present System of Academic Education in the University of Cambridge Pamphleteer, vol. 20 LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. 181 TRICKS of the Town ; or the Ways and Means of Getting Money, Land. 1732 Donat. Pam. 98 WARTER Rev. T., Charity Schools recommended on the Prin- ciples of Patriotism and Religion, Shrewsbury, 1787 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 WATERLAND Rev. D., (D.D.) Advice to a Young Student, with a Method of Study for the First Four Years Works, vol. 6 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Discourse on the Education of Children and Youth Works, vol. 5 - Essay towards the Encouragement of Charity Schools Works, vol. 2 WHALLEY L., Vindication of the University of Edinburgh, (as a School of Medicine) from the aspersions of " a Member of the University of Oxford" Pamphleteer, vol. 13 WHEWELL Rev. William, On the Principles of English Univer- sity Education, 12mo. Lond. 1837 WHITEHEAD Rev. W. B., Letter to the Right Hon. the Lord Viscount Sidmouth, on the expected Parliamentary Pro- vision in furtherance of General Education Pamphleteer, vol. 16 WILDERSPIN Samuel, Early Discipline Illustrated ; or the Infant System Progressing and Successful, 12mo. Lond. 1834 WOOD John, Account of the Edinburgh Sessional School and the other Parochial Institutions for Education, established in that city in the year 1812, 12mo. Edinb. 1830 IBibfeuin. LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. ABERCROMBIE John, Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth, 8vo. Edinb. 1830 ALDERSON John, (M.D.) Essay on Apparitions, Lond. 1823 Pamphlets, 1 ALISON Archibald, Essay on the Nature and Principles of Taste, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1811 182 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. BEASLEY Rev. F., A Search of Truth in the Science of the Hu- man Mind, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822 BEATTIE J., (LL.D.) Essay on Truth, 8vo. Lond. 1778 BONNET Charles, Essai Analytique sur les facultes de 1'ame (Euvres, torn. 6 la Palingenesie Philosophique (Euvres, torn. 7 - Essai de Psychologic (Euvres, torn. 8 BERKELEY Bishop, A Treatise concerning the Principles of Hu- man Knowledge Works, vol. 1 BROWN Thomas, (M.D.) Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Works, vol. 1 BURTON William, Anatomy of Melancholy ; what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, and several cures of it, folio Oxf. 1632 COGLAN T., An Improved System of Mnemonics, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 72 Co LERIDGE Henry Nelson, Aids to Reflection, 12mo. Lond. 1839 CORY J. P., Metaphysical Inquiry into the Method, Objects, and Result of Ancient and Modern Philosophy, 1 8mo. Lond. 1833 CROUSAZ M. de, Logique, ou systeme abrege de Reflexions, 2 torn. 18mo. Amsterdam, 1737 CUDWORTH Ralph, (D.D.) The True Intellectual System of the Universe ; wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted, and its Impossibility Demonstrated, &c. with a Life of the Author, by Thomas Birch, M.A., 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 DENNIS J., Subversion of Materialism, by credible attestations of Supernatural Occurrences, 12mo. Lond. 1826 DICTIONNAIRE de la Logique et Metaphysique, 4to. Ency. Method. DREW Samuel, Essay on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Human Soul, 8vo. Lond. 1831 EDWARDS Jonathan, Inquiry into the modern prevailing notions respecting that Freedom of Will which is supposed to be essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, &c. ; with an Introductory Essay by the Author of " Natural History of Enthusiasm," 12mo. Lond. 1831 LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS. 183 ESSAYS on the Formation and Publication of Opinions, and on other Subjects, 8vo. Lond. 1826 FEARN J., Essay on External Perception Pamphleteer, vol. 5 Letter to Professor Stewart, on the Object of General Terms, and on the Axiomatical Laws of Vision Pamphleteer, vol. 12 Review of First Principles of Bishop Berkeley, Dr. Reid, and Professor Stewart Pamphleteer, vol. 3 FIELD G., The Third Organon attempted ; or Elements of Logic and Subjective Philosophy Pamphleteer, vol. 12 GODWIN William, Thoughts on Man, his Nature, Productions, and Discoveries, 8vo. Lond. 1831 GREGORY J., (M.D.) A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man, with those of the Animal World, 12mo. Lond. 1767 HART Rev. Richard, Materialism brought to the Test of Reason , and Refuted by a Consideration of the Structure of the Body and the Faculties of the Mind, 8vo. Camb. 1835 HIBBERT Samuel, Sketches of the Philosophy of Apparitions ; or, an Attempt to Trace such Illusions to their Physical Causes, 12mo. Edinb. 1825 HOBBES Thomas, Liberty and Necessity ; a Treatise wherein all Controversy concerning Predestination, Election, &c. is fully decided and cleared Works JONSON Ben., Timber; or Discoveries made upon Men and Matter Works, vol. 9 KING Archbishop, Essay on the Origin of Evil, by Edward Law, 8vo. Camb. 1739 LAVATERI Liber de Spectris, Lemuribus et magnis atque insoli- tis Fragoribus, small 8vo. Geneva, 1575 LOCKE John, On the Conduct of the Understanding, Works, vol. 3 Essay concerning Human Understanding ; and Let- ters to Bishop Stillingfleet, in Defence of it Works, vol. 1 MACNISH Robert, The Philosophy of Sleep, 12mo. Glasg. 1834 MALEBRANCHE Father, The Search after Truth, translated by J. Taylor, fol. Oxford, 1694 MAN, View of the Intellectual Powers of, Liverpool, 1821 Donat. Pam. 84 MILL James, Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 184 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. MILTON i Artis Logicse plenior Institutio, ad Petri Kami Metho- dum concinnata Prose Works, vol. 3 MONTESQUIEU C. de Secondat, Essai sur le Gout CEuvres, torn. 7 PINKERTON James N., (M.D.) Sleep and its Phenomena, 12mo. Lond. 1839 POLIDOIU J. W., (M.D.) Essay upon the Source of Positive Pleasures, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 90 PORT Royal, Logique de MM. de, 12mo. Paris, 1775 PRICHARD J. C., A Review of the Doctrine of a Vital Principle, as maintained by some writers on Physiology, 8vo Lond. 1829 REID T., (D.D.) Enquiry into the Human Mind, 8vo. Lond. 1769 Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1819 REMARKS on a Book intitled " An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul," Lond. 1741 Donat. Pam. 91 SAVERS Frank, (M.D.) Disquisitions Metaphysical and Literary Works, vol. 2 Tentamen Academicum de Animi Aflfectionibus, Lugd. Bat. 1789 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 SCOTT Sir W., Letters on Denionology and Witchcraft (Family Library) Lond. 1830 SMITH T. S., (M.D.) The Probable Influence of the Develop- ment of the Principles of the Human Mind on its future progress in Knowledge and Goodness, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 167 STEWART Dugald, Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 - The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1828 TAYLOR Isaac, Elements of Thought ; or First Lessons in the Knowledge of the Mind, 12mo. Lond. 1822 TUCKER A., The Light of Nature pursued, with an Account of the Author, by Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay, 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805 - The Light of Nature, abridged, 8vo. Lond. 1807 VOLTAIRE Metaphysique CEuvres, torn. 6, part 1 - Le Philosophe Ignorant CEuvres, torn. 6, part 1 MATHEMATICS. 185 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Philosophical Essays on Space, Substance, Body, Spirit, &c. ; to which is subjoined a Brief Scheme of Ontology, or the Science of Being in General Works, vol. 5 Logic ; or the Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry after Truth Works, vol. 5 The Improvement of the Mind; or a Supplement to the Art of Logic, 8vo. Land. 1811 another copy Works, vol. 5 WHATELY R., (D.D.) Elements of Logic, 8vo. Lond. 1826 WIRGMAN T., Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy Pamphleteer, vol. 23 SECTION III. Mathematics. BERKELEY Bp., Arithmetica absque Algebra aut Euclide demonstrata Works, vol. 2 - Miscellanea Mathematica Works, vol. 2 BOUGUER M., La Figure de la Terre determinee, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749 54 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences CHABERT M., Voyage dans l'Amrique Septentrional, 4to. Paris, 1753 Mem. de V Acad. des Sciences COLLINS D. Johannis, et aliorum, Commercium Epistolicum de Analysi Newtoni Opera, torn. 4 - Commercii Epistolici Recensio Newtoni Opera, torn. 4 CONDAMINE M. de la, Journal d'un Voyage a 1'Equateur, Paris, 1751; Mesure des trois premiers Degres du Meridien, Paris 1751 ; et Supplement, 4to. Paris, 1752 Mem. de V Acad. des Sciences CONIC Sections, Elements of the, with the Sections of the Conoids, 8vo. Camb. 1820 2 B ]86 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. DEALTRY Rev. Wm., The Principles of Fluxions, 8vo. Camb. 1815 DICTIONNAIRE de Mathematiques, contenant Arithmetique ; Geometric Elementaire, et Trigonometric Rectiligne ; Algebre ; Application de 1'Algebre a la Geometrie ; Mechanique ; Hydrodinamique ; Optique ; Astronomic ; Perspective; et Planches, 3 torn. Ency. Method. EULER L., Elements of Algebra, by the Rev. J. Hewlett, 8vo. Lond. 1822 FONTENELLE M., Elemens de la Geometrie de 1'infini, 4to. Paris, 1727 Mem. de V Acad. des Sciences HORSLEY S., (LL.D.) Logistica Infinitorum Newtoni Opera, torn. 1 Geometria Fluxionum Newtoni Opera, torn. 1 - De Viribus Centralibus Newtoni Opera, torn. 3 JONES Edward, Address to Bankers, Merchants, Tradesmen, &c. intended as an Introduction to a new System of Book- Keeping, Bristol, 1795 Donat. Pam. 25 KEITH Thomas, The Elements of Plane Geometry ; containing the first six Books of Euclid, from Dr. Simson's Text, with Notes, 8vo. Lond. 1820 LACROIX S. F., Complement des Elemens d'Algebre, 8vo. Pa^s, 1804 LA PLACE P. S., Mecanique Celeste, 5 torn. 4to. Pans, An 7 - Systeme du Monde, 4to. Paris, 1813 LARDNER Rev. D., (LL.D.) Treatise on Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical, (Lardners Cyclop.) Lond. 1834 A Treatise on Geometry and its Application to the Arts, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1840 LEYEOURN W., Complete Surveyor, folio Lond. 1679 MATHEMATICS, Treatises on, 2 vols. 8vo. Lib. Useful Know. Vol. 1 Study and Difficulties of Mathematics ; Arithmetic and Algebra ; Examples of the Processes of Arithmetic and Algebra 2 Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical ; Elements of Trigono- metry; Spherical Trigonometry; Algebraical Geometry NEWTON Sir Isaac, Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematica, cum Comm. Le Seur et Jacquier, 4 torn, royal 8vo. Glasg. 1822 Arithmetica Universalis Opera, torn. 1 MATHEMATICS. 187 NEWTON Sir Isaac, De Analysi per ^Equationes numero termi- norum infinitas Opera, torn. 1 Tractatus de Quadratura Curvarum Opera, torn. 1 Geometria Analytica Opera, torn. 1 Methodus Differentialis Opera, torn. 1 Enumeratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis Opera, torn. 1 Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematica Opera, torn. 2, 3 PICARD M., De la Grandeur et de la Figure de la Terre, 4to. Paris, 1720 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences PLAYFAIR John, Dissertations; exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science since the Revival of Letters in Europe Works, vol. 2 On the Arithmetic of Impossible Quantities ; Obser- vations on the Trigonometrical Tables of the Brahmins ; Theorems relating to the Figure of the Earth ; On the Solids of Greatest Attraction ; On the Origin and Investigation of Porisms Works, vol. 3 - Review of Mudge's Account of the Trigonometrical Survey of England ; Mechain et Delambre ; Base du Systeme Metrique Decimal; Laplace, Traite de Meca- nique Celeste ; Le Compte rendu par 1'Institut de France ; Lambton's Measurement of an Arch of the Meridian ; Laplace, Essai Philosophique sur les Proba- bilites ; Baron De Zach, Attraction des Montagnes ; > Kater on the Pendulum Works, vol. 4 RECREATIONS in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; trans^ lated from M. Ozanam and M. Montucla, with Additions, &c., by Charles Hutton, LL.D., 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803 WOOD James, Elements of Algebra, 8vo. Camb. 1820 WOODHOUSE Robert, On Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 8vo. Camb. 1822 188 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. SECTION IV. Natural Philosophy and Physics. dftrs't Oibiston. GENERAL TREATISES ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ARNOTT Neil, (D.D.) Elements of Physics; or Natural Philoso- phy, General and Medical, Explained independently of Technical Mathematics, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 9 BACON Lord, De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum Works, vol. 7 Novum Organum Scientiarum Works, vol. 8 Historia Densi et Rari Works, vol. 9 Historia Soni et Auditus Works, vol. 9 Cogitationes de Natura Rerum Works, vol. 9 - Opuscula Philosophica Works, vol. 9 Descriptio Globi Intellectualis Works, vol. 9 BIOT J. B., Traite de Physique experimental et Mathematique, 4 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1816 BIRD Golding, (M.D.) Elements of Natural Philosophy; being an Experimental Introduction to the Study of the Phy- sical Sciences, small 8vo. Lond. 1839 BREWSTER Sir David, Letters on Natural Magic, (Fam. Lib.) Lond. 1832 CLARKE Dr., Letter from, to Mr. Benj. Hoadly, F. R. S., occasioned by the Controversy relating to the Proportion of Velocity and Force in Bodies in Motion Clarke's Works, vol. 4 Collection of Papers which passed between M. Leib- nitz and Dr. Samuel Clarke, relating to the Principles of Natural Philosophy and Religion Clarke's Works, vol. 4 CONVERSATIONS on Natural Philosophy, 12mo. Lond. 1822 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 189 DICK Thomas, The Christian Philosopher, or the Connexion of Science and Philosophy with Religion, 12mo. Glasg. 1830 DICTIONNAIRE de Physique, 4 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE des Amusemens des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, 4to. Ency. Method. FIELD G., Analogy of the Physical Sciences indicated Pamphleteer, vol. 15 - ./Esthetics, or the Analogy of the Sensible Sciences indicated Pamphleteer, vol. 17 GREGORY O., An Oration delivered at the Anniversary of the Philosophical Society of London, June 12th, 1817 Pamphleteer, vol. 13 HAIIY M. R. J., Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, translated by Dr. Gregory, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807 HERSCHEL J. F. W., Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy (Lardners Cyclop.) Lond. 1830 HUTTON C., (LL.D.) Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815 KIDD John, (M.D.) On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, 8vo. Lond. 1833 LARDNER Rev. D., Treatise on Heat (Lardners Cyclop.) Lond. 1833 LESLIE John, On the Nature and Propagation of Heat, 8vo. Lond. 1804 LOCKE John, Elements of Natural Philosophy Works, vol. 3 MACLAURIN Colin, Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries; by Patrick Murdoch, 8vo. Lond. 1750 MIDDLETON Conyers, Oratio de novo Physiologies explicandae munere ex celeberrimi Woodwardi Testamento institute : habita Cantabrigise in Scholis publicis Works, vol. 1 NATURAL Philosophy, Treatises on, 3 vols. 8vo. Lib. Useful Know. Vol. 1 Discourse on the Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science ; Mechanics ; Hydrostatics ; Hydraulics ; Pneumatics; Heat ; Optics; Double Refraction and Polarisation of Light 2 Popular Introductions to Nat. Philos. ; Newton's Optics ; Descrip. of Optical Instruments ; Thermometer and Pyro- meter ; Electricity ; Galvanism ; Magnetism ; Electro- Magnetism 3 Astronomy ; History of Astronomy ; Mathematical Geography 5 Physical Geography and Navigation 190 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. PLAYFAIR John, On the Progress of Heat in Spherical Bodies Works, vol. 3 POWELL Rev. B., History of Natural Philosophy, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1834 PRIESTLEY Jos., (LL.D.) Experiments and Observations relating to Various Branches of Natural Philosophy, with a Con- tinuation of the Observations on Air, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1779 SOMERVILLE Mrs., On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences, 12mo. Lond. 1834 VOLTAIRE Physique Particuliere CEuvres, torn. 6, part 1 Physique Generale CEuvres, torn. 6, part 1 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Knowledge of the Heavens and Earth made Easy Works, vol. 5 WHEWELL Rev. Wm., History of the Inductive Sciences from the earliest to the present times, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences founded upon their History, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 YOUNG Thos., (D.D.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807 Division. ASTRONOMY. CASSINI M., Elemens d' Astronomic, 4to. Paris, 1740 ; Tables Astronomiques, 4to. Paris, 1740 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences CASSINI de Thury M., La Meridienne de Paris, 4to. Paris, 1744 Mem. de V Acad. des Sciences COURTANVAUX M. le Marquis de, Journal de Voyage, 4to. Paris, 1768 Mem. de I' Acad. des Sciences HERSCHEL Sir J. F. W., A Treatise on Astronomy (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1833 HOLDER W., Discourse concerning Time, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 163 MILNE David, Essay on Comets, 4to. Edinb. 1828 OPTICS, PERSPECTIVE, AND ACOUSTICS. 191 NEWTON Sir Isaac, De Mundi Systemate Opera, torn. 3 Theoria Lunae Opera, torn. 3 PLAYFAIR John, Remarks on the Astronomy of the Brahmins Works, vol. 3 PLUCHE M., Histoire du Ciel, considere selon les idees des Poetes des Philosophes et de Mo'ise, 2 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1739 SMITH Adam, (LL.D.) History of Astronomy, and Essays on Philosophical Subjects Works, vol. 5 SOMERVILLE Mrs., Mechanism of the Heavens, 8vo. Lond. 1831 VINCE Rev. S., Complete System of Astronomy, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1814 WHEWELL Rev. Wm., Astronomy and General Physics con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology, 8vo. Lond. 1833 WOODHOUSE Robert, Treatise on Astronomy, 2 vols. 8vo. Camb. 1821 CfttrtJ Utbteion. OPTICS, PERSPECTIVE, AND ACOUSTICS. BERKELEY Bp., An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision Works, vol. 1 BREWSTER David, Treatise on Optics (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1831 GOETHE'S Theory of Colours ; trans, from the German, with Notes, by Chas. Lock Eastlake, R.A., 8vo. Lond. 1840 HACK Maria, Lectures at Home. Discovery and Manufacture of Glass : Lenses and Mirrors : The Structure of the Eye, 18mo. Lond. 1834 KITCHINER Wm., (M.D.) Economy of the Eyes. Part I On Spectacles, Opera Glasses, &c. Part II On Telescopes 12mo. Lond. 1825 6 MACKENZIE William, (M.D.) The Physiology of Vision, 8vo. Lond. 1841 NEWTON Sir Isaac, Lectiones Opticse Opera, torn. 3 192 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. NEWTON Sir Isaac, Treatise on Optics Opera, torn. 4 Letters relating to Reflecting Telescopes Opera, torn. 4 Letters relating to the Theory of Light and Colours Opera, torn. 4 PRIESTLEY Joseph, History and present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1772 WOOD James, Elements of Optics, 8vo. Camb. 1818 dfourtf) Jitbteton. MECHANICS, HYDROSTATICS, HYDRAULICS, PNEUMATICS. ACCOUNT of the Aerial Voyage of Messrs. Sadler and Crayfield, who ascended in a magnificent Balloon from Bristol, Sept. 24, 1810 Donat. Paw.. 102 BEAUFOY Col. M., Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous Scientific Miscellanies, vol. 1, royal 4to. Lond. 1834 BECKET J. B., The Use of the Hydrostatic Balance made Easy, Bristol, 1775 Donat. Pam. 66 BERKELEY Bp., De Motu ; sive de Motus Principio et Natura, et de causa communicationis Motuum Works, vol. 2 BLAND Rev. M., The Elements of Hydrostatics, 8vo. Camb. 1824 DAVY Sir H., On the Safety Lamp for Coal Miners; with some Researches on Flame, 8vo. Lond. 1818 FERGUSON James, Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, &c., with Notes and Additions, by David Brewster, LL.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1823 GREGORY Olinthus, (LL.D.) Treatise on Mechanics, 2 vols. 8vo., and a vol. of plates Lond. 1815 KATER Capt. H., and Lardner Rev. D., Treatise on Mechanics (Lardners Cyclop.) Lond. 1830 LAPLACE M. le Comte, Treatise on Analytical Mechanics; trans- lated, with Notes, &c., by the Rev. John Toplis, 8vo. Nottingham, 1814 CHEMISTRY. 193 LARDNER Rev. D., Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics (Lardners Cyclop.) Lond. 1831 MARRAT W., Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Me- chanics, 8vo. Boston, 1810 MECHANICS, Treatise on Lib. U. K., Nat. Philos. vol. 1 NEWTON Sir Isaac, Letter to Mr. Boyle, on the Cause of Gravi- tation Opera, torn. 4 PRIESTLEY Joseph, (LL.D.) Experiments and Observations on different kinds of Air, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 17847 VINCE S., Principles of Hydrostatics, 8vo. Camb. 1820 WHEWELL W., Treatise on Mechanics, 8vo. Camb. 1824 Treatise on Dynamics, 8vo. Camb. 1823 WOOD James, Principles of Mechanics, 8vo. Camb. 1818 JBtbfeum. CHEMISTRY. BERZELIUS J. J., The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis, and in the Examination of Minerals, translated from the French, by J. G. Children, 8vo. Lond. 1822 BLACK Joseph, (M.D.) Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, 2 vols. 4to. Edinb. 1803 BRANDE Wm. Thos., Manual of Chemistry, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 CHEMISTRY no Mystery ; or, a Lecturer's Bequest, being the subject-matter of a Course of Lectures, delivered by an Old Philosopher; arranged, &c., by John Scroffern, 12mo. Lond. 1839 CONVERSATIONS on Chemistry, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1824 DALTON John, New System of Chemical Philosophy, in two parts, 2 vols. 8vo. Manchester, 1808 10 DANIELL J. Fred., An Introduction to the Study of Chemical Philosophy : being a preparatory view of the Forces which concur to the production of Chemical Phenomena, 8vo. Lond. 1839 DAVY Sir H., Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, 8vo. Lond. 1814 - Elements of Chemical Philosophy, 8vo. Lond. 1812 2 c 194 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. DICTIONNAIRE de Chimie, Pharmacie et Metallurgie, 6 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DONOVAN M., Treatise on Chemistry (Lardners Cyclop.} Lond. 1832 FARADAY M., Chemical Manipulation; being Instructions to Students in Chemistry, on the Methods of Performing Experiments of Demonstration or of Research, with accuracy and success, 8vo. Lond. 1827 GRANVILLE A. B., A Reply to an Article contained in the 20th Number of the Journal of Science, edited by T. W. Brand, Esq., purporting to be a Review of Dr. Granville's Treatise on Prussic Acid, Westminster, 1821 Donat. Pam. 5 HEMMING John, History and Chemical Analysis of the Mineral Water lately discovered in the City of Gloucester, Lond. 1789 Donat. Pam. 78 LIEBIG Justus, (M.D.) Organic Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology ; edited by Lyon Playfair, Ph. D., 8vo. Lond. 1840 PROUT Wm., (M.D.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theo- logy, 8vo. Lond. 1834 RASPAIL F. V., A New System of Organic Chemistry, translated from the French, with Notes and Additions by William Henderson, M.D., 8vo. Lond. 1834 THENARD L. J., Essay on Chemical Analysis, translated by John Geo. Children, 8vo. Lond. 1819 - Traite de Chimie, Elementaire, Theorique et Pratique, 3me Edit. 4 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1821 THOMSON Thomas, (M.D.) System of Chemistry, 4 vols. 8vo Lond. 1820 An Attempt to Establish the first Principles of Chem- istry by Experiment, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 The History of Chemistry, 2 vols. I2mo. Lond. 1830 TURNER Edward, (M.D.) Elements of Chemistry, 8vo. Edinb. 1827 URE Andrew, (M.D.) Dictionary of Chemistry, 8vo. Lond. 1823 VINOUS Fermentation, Observations on the Pamphleteer, vol. 22 ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM, ETC. 195 Jjtrt!) StbtSton. ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM, MAGNETISM, AND METEOROLOGY. BACON Lord, Historia Ventorum Works, vol. 8 BOSTOCK John, (M.D.) Account of the History and present State of Galvanism, 8vo. Lond. 1818 BREWSTER Sir David, Treatise on Magnetism, 12mo. Edinb. 1838 BROOK A., Miscellaneous Experiments and Remarks on Electri- city, the Air Pump, and the Barometer, 4to. Norurich, 1789 COTTE le P., Traite de Meteorologie, Paris, 1774; Memoire sur la Meteorologie, 4to. Paris, 1775 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences - - Memoires sur la Meteorologie pour servir de Suite et de Sup. au Traite de Meteorologie publie en 1774, 2 torn. 4to. Paris, 1788 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences DANIELL J. F., Meteorological Essays and Observations, 8vo. Lond. 1823 ELECTRICITY, Treatise on Lib. U. K., Nat. P kilos, vol. 2 FARADAY Michael, Experimental Researches in Electricity, 8vo. Lond. 1839 FORSTER Thos., (F.L.S., M.B.) Researches about Atmospheric Phenomena, 8vo. Lond. 1823 GALVANISM, Treatise on Lib. U. K., Nat. P kilos, vol. 2 LARDNER Dionysius, (D.C.L.) A Manual of Electricity, Magne- tism, and Meteorology, vol. 1 (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1841 MAGNETISM and Electro-Magnetism, Treatises on Lib. U. K., Nat. P kilos, vol. 2 MAIRAN M., Traite de 1'Aurore Boreale, 4to. Paris, 1754 Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences MURPHY P., The Weather Almanac, for the years 1838 and 1839, 12mo. Lond. 18378 NEWTON Sir Isaac, Letters relating to the Excitation of Electri- city in Glass Opera, torn. 4 196 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. PL A YF AIR John, On the Causes which affect the Accuracy of Barometrical Measurements Works, vol. 3 PRIESTLEY Joseph, History and present State of Electricity, 4to. Lond. 1775 REID Lieut. Col. W., An Attempt to Develop the Law of Storms, by means of Facts, arranged according to place and time, royal 8vo. Lond. 1838 SMEE Alfred, Elements of Electro-Metallurgy, or the Art of Working in Metals by the Galvanic Fluid, 8vo. Lond, 1841 TAYLOR Joseph, The complete Weather Guide, 12mo. Lond. 1830 WHISTLECRAFT Orlando, The Climate of England ; or a Guide to the Knowledge of the Atmospheric Phenomena of England, shewing the manner in which the changes suc- ceed, with Meteorological Tables, and General Records, 8vo. Lond. 1840 SECTION V. Natural History. .first Ditnsion. GENERAL TREATISES ON NATURAL HISTORY. ADOUIN M. et Edwards M., Recherches pour servir a 1'Histoire Naturelle du Littoral de la France, torn. 1, royal 8vo. Paris, 1832 BACON Lord, Sylva Sylvarum ; or a Natural History Works, vol. 1 BLUMENBACH J. F., Manual of the Elements of Natural History, translated by R. T. Gore, 8vo. Lond. 1825 BONNET Charles, Memoires d'Histoire Naturelle (Euvres, torn. 2 TREATISES ON NATURAL HISTORY. 197 BONNET Charles, Considerations sur les Corps Organises GEuvres, torn. 3 Contemplation de la Nature (Euvres, torn. 4 fecrits d'Histoire Naturelle CEuvres, torn. 5 BRITISH Naturalist : or Sketches of the more Interesting Pro; ductions of Britain, and the surrounding Sea, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830 BROWNE Sir Thomas, Pseudodoxia Epidemica ; or, Enquiries into very many received Tenets and commonly presumed Truths, which examined, prove but vulgar and common Errors, with Notes, &c. Works, 8vo. vols. 2, 3 another copy Works, folio Tracts relating to the Natural History of Norfolk Works, vol. 4 BUFFON G. L. le Clerc, Comte de, Histoire Naturelle, generate et particuliere ; nouvelle Edition, accompagnee de Notes, et dans laquelle les Supplemens sont inseres dans le pre- mier texte, a la place qui leur convient. Redige par C, S. Sonnini. Ouvrage formant un cours complet d'Histoire Naturelle, 127 torn. 8vo. Paris Theorie de la Terre Buffon 4 torn. Mineraux Buffon 12 torn. Animaux Buffon 18 torn. Oiseaux Buffon 28 torn. Singes , Latreille 2 torn. Insectes Latreille 14 torn. Reptiles Daudin 8 torn. Poissons and C^tacees .... Sonnini 14 torn. Mollusques Denys-Montfort 6 torn. Plantes Brisseau-Mirbel 18 torn. Tables Analytiques , 3 torn. FIELD Naturalist : a Review of Animals, Plants, and Minerals ; edited by James Rennie, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18334 GOOD John Mason, (M.D.) The Book of Nature, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 GOSSE P. H., The Canadian Naturalist. A Series of Conver- sations on the Natural History of Lower Canada, small 8 vo. Lond. 1840 HOWITT William, The Book of the Seasons ; or the Calendar of Nature, 12rao. Lond. 1831 198 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. JESSE Edward, Gleanings in Natural History, with Local Recol- lections, First, Second, and Third Series, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1832 5 JOURNAL of a Naturalist, small 8vo. Lond. 1829 LnryjEUl Car. Systema Naturee, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, 4 torn. 8vo. Holmice, 1766 LINN Sir Charles, General System of Nature ; translated, with Additions, &c. by W. Turton, M.D., 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 Vol. 1 Mammalia, Birds, Amphibia, Fishes 2 & 3 Insects 4 Worms 5 & 6 Vegetable Kingdom 7 Mineral Kingdom NATURAL History of the Sacred Scriptures Cabnet's Diet. vols. 4 & 5 PARRY Captain W. E., Supplement to the Appendix of his Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage, in 1819 20, containing an Account of the Subjects of Natural History, 4to. Lond. 1824 Appendix to Second Voyage, containing Natural His- tory, &c. 4to. Lond. 1825 Appendix to Third Voyage, containing Natural His- tory In Third Voyage ROCHEFORT M. de, Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies An- tilles de 1'Amerique, 4to. Rotterdam, 1658 Ross Capt. Jas C., Account of the Objects of Natural History seen and discovered, during the Voyage in Search of a North- West Passage, under the command of Captain Sir John Ross, in 1829 33, 4to. App. to Ross's Voyage SPALLANZANI Lazaro, Tracts on the Nature of Animals and Vegetables, 8vo. Edinb. 1799 SWAINSON William, Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1834 WHITE Rev. G., The Natural History of Selborne, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 199 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. ALLAN Thomas, Mineralogical Nomenclature ; with Synoptical Tables of the Chemical Analyses of Minerals, 8vo. Edinb. 1819 BAKEWELL Robert, An Introduction to Geology, 8vo. Lond. 1813 another copy, 4th edition, 8vo. Lond. 1833 BISCHOF Gustav., (Ph. D.) Physical, Chemical, and Geological Researches on the Internal Heat of the Globe, vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1841 BUCKLAND W., (B.D., F.R.S., M.G.S.,) Vindiciae Geologicse, or the Connexion of Geology with Religion explained, in an Inaugural Lecture at Oxford, May 1819, 4to. Oxf. 1820 - Reliquiae Diluvianee ; or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena, attesting the Action of an Universal Deluge, 4to. Lond. 1823 Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 BURNET Thomas, (D.D.) Sacred Theory of the Earth, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1759 CONVERSATIONS on Mineralogy, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1826 CONYBEARE Rev. W. D. and W. Phillips, Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, part 1, 8vo. Lond. 1822 CUVIER M., Essay on the Theory of the Earth, translated by Robert Kerr, F.R.S., with Mineralogical Notes, by Professor Jameson, 8vo. Edinb. 1815 CUVIER Baron G., Discourse on the Revolutions of the Surface of the Globe, and the Changes thereby produced in the Animal Kingdom, 12mo. Lond. 1829 Fossil Osteology, partially abridged and re-arranged from the French of, part 1, plates, 4to. Lond. 1826 DAUBENY Charles, (M.D.) Description of Active and Extinct Volcanoes, 8vo. Lond. 1826 200 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. DESCRIZIONE del grande incendio del Vesuvio, Napoli, 1779 Donat. Pam. 64 DE LA BECHE Henry T., Geological Manual, 12mo. Lond. 1831 - How to Observe; Geology, 12mo. Lond. 1835 Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, 8vo. Lond. 1839 GURNEY Joseph John, Letter to a Clerical Friend on the Accordance of Geological Discovery with Natural and Revealed Religion Minor Works, vol. 2 HIGGINS W. M., Alphabet of Geology, for the Use of Beginners, ]8mo. Lond. 1837 The Earth ; its Physical Condition and most remark- able phenomena, 12mo. Lond. 1836 HISTORY and Description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, and Coal Trade of Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1835 HUMBOLDT Alex, de, Geognostical Essay on the Superposition. of Rocks, 8vo. Lond. 1823 HUTTON James, (M.D.) Theory of the Earth, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1795 JAMESON Robert, System of Mineralogy, in which Minerals are arranged according to the Natural History Method, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820 KIDD John, (M.D.) Geological Essay on the Imperfect Evidence in Support of a Theory of the Earth, 8vo. Oxf. 1815 Outlines of Mineralogy, 8vo. Oxf. 1809 LINDLEY John and Hutton Wm., The Fossil Flora of Great Britain, or Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains found in a Fossil State in this country, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183137 LYELL Charles, Principles of Geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's Surface, by reference to causes now in operation, 3 TO!S. 8vo. Lond. 183033 MANTELL Gideon, The Geology of the South-East of England, 8vo. Lond. 1833 - The Wonders of Geology, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1838 MAWE J., New Descriptive Catalogue of Minerals, 12mo. Lond. 1825 - Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones, 12mo. Lond. 1823 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 201 MILLER Hugh, The Old Red Sandstone ; or, New Walks in an Old Field, small 8vo. Edinl. 1841 MURCHISON Roderick Impey, The Silurian System, founded on Geological Researches in the Counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford ; with Descriptions of the Coal Fields and Overlaying Forma- tions, royal 4to., with a large map in case Lond, 1839 PARKINSON Jas., Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains, 8vo. Lond. 1822 another copy, 8vo. Lond. 1830 - Organic Remains of a Former World ; An Examina- tion of the Vegetables and Animals of the .Antediluvian World ; generally termed Extraneous Fossils, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1811 Vol. 1 The Vegetable Kingdom 2 The Fossil Zoophytes 3 The Fossil Starfish, Echini, Shells, Insects, Amphibia, Mam- malia, &c. PENN Granville, Comparative Estimate of the Mineral and Mosaical Geologies, and Supplement, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182223 PHILLIPS John, A Guide to Geology, 12mo. Lond. 1834 : - A Treatise on Geology, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183739 PHILLIPS Wm., An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Mineralogy, 8vo. Lond. 1823 - Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology, 8vo. Lond. 1826 PLAYFAIR John, Account of a Lithological Survey of Schehal- lien Works, vol. 3 Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth Works, vol. 1 ROBBERDS J. W., Jun., Geological and Historical Observations on the Eastern Valleys of Norfolk, 8 vo. Norw. 1826 SCROPE G. P., Memoir on the Geology of Central France; in- cluding the Volcanic Formations of Auvergne, the Velay, and the Vivarais, 4to. and an Atlas of Plates Lond. 1827 SICKLER Ch. L., Plan Topographique de la Campagne de Rome, considered sous le rapport de la Geologic et des Anti- quities, Rome, 1816 Donat. Pam. 64 2 D 202 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. SILLIMAN Professor, Consistency of the Discoveries of Modern Geology with the Sacred History of the Creation and the Deluge, 12mo. Lond. 1837 SMITH John Pye, (D.D.) On the Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science, 8vo. Lond. 1839 TAYLOR R. C.,On the Crag Strata at Brarnerton, near Norwich; and on the Alluvial Strata and Chalk of Norfolk and Suffolk, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 On the Geology of East Norfolk ; with Remarks upon the Hypothesis of Mr. J. W. Robberds, respecting the former level of the German Ocean, 8vo. Lond. 1827 TEN Plates representing the Changes produced on the Coast of East Devon, by the Subsidence of the Land, and Eleva- tion of the bottom of the Sea, on Dec. 26, 1839, and ^ Feb. 3, 1840, from drawings by W. Dawson, Esq., the Rev. W. D. Conybeare, and Mrs. Buckland ; with a Geological Memoir, &c. by the Rev. W. D. Conybeare, the whole Revised by Professor Buckland, folio Lond. 1840 THOMSON Thos., (M.D.) Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 URE Andrew, (M.D.) New System of Geology, in which the great Revolutions of the Earth and Animated Nature are reconciled to Modern Science and Sacred History, 8vo. Lond. 1829 WERNER Abr. Got., New Theory of the Formation of Veins; with its application to the Art of Working Mines ; trans- lated with Notes, by Chas. Anderson, M.D., 8vo. Edinb. 1809 WHISTON W., Theory of the Earth, 8vo. Lond. 1737 WHITEHURST John, An Inquiry into the original State and For- mation of the Earth, 4to. Lond. 1786 WOODWARD Samuel, An Outline of the Geology of Norfolk, 8vo. Norwich, 1833 A Synoptical Table of British Organic Remains, 8vo. Lond. 1830 ZOOLOGY. 203 Cljtrfc Jitbteion. ZOOLOGY. AUDVBON J. J., Ornithological Biography; or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America, 5 vols. royal 8vo. Edinb. 18319 AZARA Don Felix de, The Natural History of the Quadrupeds of Paraguay, and the River la Plata ; translated from the Spanish, with a Memoir of the Author, &c. by W. Per- cival Hunter, Esq., Vol. 1, 8vo. Edinb. 1838 BEALE Thomas, The Natural History of the Sperm Whale; with a Sketch of a South Sea Whaling Voyage, small 8vo. Lond. 1839 BELL Thomas, History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea, 8vo. Lond. 1837 A History of British Reptiles, 8vo. Lond. 1839 BEVAN Edward, Natural History, Physiology, and Management of the Honey-Bee, 12mo. Lond. 1827 BEWICK Thomas, General History of Quadrupeds, 8vo. Newcastle, 1820 History of British Birds, 2 vols. 8vo. Newcastle, 1826 Vol. 1 Land Birds 2 Water Birds BINGLEY Rev. W., Animal Biography; or Popular Zoology, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 Vol. 1 Quadrupeds 2 Cetaceous Animals, Birds, Amphibious Animals 3 Fishes, Insects, Worms BIRDS, Architecture of Lib. Ent. Know. BIRDS, Domestic Habits of Lib. Ent. Know. BIRDS, Faculties of Lib. Ent. Know. BIRDS, An Introduction to the Study of; or the Elements of Ornithology, on Scientific Principles, 12mo. Lond. 183.5 BONNET Charles, Observations sur les Pucerons (Euvres, torn. 1 Observations sur les Vers (Euvres, torn. 1 Observations sur les Insectes (Euvres, torn. I 204 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. BROWN Capt. T., Sketches and Anecdotes of Horses, 12mo. Edinb. 1830 - Sketches and Anecdotes of Dogs,' 12mo. Edinb. 1829 - The Book of Butterflies, Sphinxes, and Moths, 3 vols. 18mo. Land. 18324 BUKUOAV Rev. E. J., Elements of Conchology, according to the Linnaean System, 12mo. Lond. 1818 CUVIER F.,Le Regne Animal distribue d'apres son organisation, 4 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1817 CUVIER Baron G., Animal Kingdom, arranged in conformity with its Organization ; with additions, &c. by Edward Griffith, F.L.S. and others, 16 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182735 Vol. 1 4 Mammalia 5 Synopsis of Mammalia 68 Aves 9 Reptilia 10 Pisces 11 Fossil Remains 12 Mollusca, Radiata 13 Annelida, Crustacea, Arachnida 14 15 Insecta 16 Index CUVIER'S Animal Kingdom ; arranged according to its Organ- ization, translated from the French and abridged for the use of Students, by H. M'Murtrie, 8vo. Lond. 1834 CURTIS John, British Entomology; being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland : containing coloured figures from nature of the most rare and beautiful Species, and in many instances of the Plants upon which they are found, 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182340 Vol. 1 Coleoptera, Part I 2 Coleoptera, Part 2 3 Dermaptera, Dictyoptera, Orthoptera, Strepsiptera, Hymenoptera, Parti 4 Hymenoptera, Part 2. Neuroptera, Trichoptera 5 Lepidoptera, Part 1 6 Lepidoptera, Part 2 7 Homoptera, Hemiptcra, Aphaniptera 8 Diptera, Omaloptera. General Index DANDOLO Count, The Art of Rearing Silk Worms, 12mo. Lond. 1825 ZOOLOGY. 205 [DAVY Sir H.,] Salmonia : or, the Days of Fly Fishing; with some Account of the Habits of Fishes belonging to the Genus Salmo, by An Angler, 12mo. Lond. 1828 DENNY Henry, Monographia Pselaphidarum et Scydmsenidarum Britanniae ; or an Essay on the British Species of the Genera Pselaphus of Herbst, and Scydmsenus of Latreille, 8vo. Norwich, 1825 ELLIS John, An Essay towards a Natural History of the Coral- lines and other Marine Productions, commonly found on the Coasts of Great Britain and Ireland, 4to. Lond. 1755 - Natural History of Zoophytes, 4to. Lond. 1786 ENCYCLOP&DIE Methodique : Histoire Naturelle ; Quadrupedes et Cetaces, 1 torn. Mammalogie, ou Description des Espe'ces de Mammiferes ; Cetologie, 1 torn. Quadrupedes et Ctaces ; Planches, 1 torn. Oiseaux, 1 torn. Ornithologie, 3 torn. Planches, 1 torn. Poissons, 1 torn. Ichthyologie et Planches, 1 torn. Quadrupedes Ovipares et Serpens ; Erptologie ; Ophiologie, et Planches, 1 torn. Insectes, 7 torn. Planches, 2 torn. Vers et Zoophytes, 3 torn. Vere, Coquilles, Mollusques et Polypiers ; Planches, 2 torn FAUNA Boreali-Americana ; or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1829 37 Part 1 The Quadrupeds, by John Richardson, M.D. &c. 2 The Birds, by William Swainson, Esq. and John Richardson, M.D. &c. 3 The Fish, by John Richardson, M.D. &c. 4 The Insects, by the Rev. William Kirby FLEMING John, (D.D.) The Philosophy of Zoology ; or a gene- ral view of the Structure, Functions, and Classification of Animals, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 History of British Animals ; exhibiting the Descrip- tive Characters and Systematical Arrangement of the Genera and Species of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusca, and Radiata of the United Kingdom, 8vo. Edinb. 1828 206 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. FORBES Edward, History of British Starfish, and other Animals of the Class Echinodermata, 8vo. Lond. 1841 FORSTER T., Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow Pamphleteer, vol. 4 HEWITSON W. C., British Oology, being Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, 2 vols. 8vo. Newcastle HUGHES Griffith, Natural History of Barbados, folio Lond. 1750 HUMBOLDT Alex, de, et A. Bonpland, Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie Comparee, faites, dans 1'Ocean Atlantique, dans 1'Interieur du Nouveau Continent et dans la Mer du Sud, 17991803, 2 torn, in 1, imp. 4to. Paris, 1811 INSECT Architecture Lib. Ent. Know. INSECT Transformations . Lib. Ent. Know. INSECT Miscellanies Lib. Ent. Know. INSECTS, Natural History of, 2 vols. ( Family Lib.) Lond. 182935 JARDINE Sir W. and Selby P. J., Illustrations of Ornithology, part 1, royal 4to. Lond. 1827 JENYNS Rev. L., A Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, 8vo. Camb. 1835 JOHNSTON George, (M.D.) History of British Sponges and Lithophytes, 8vo. Edinb. 1842 JONES Thomas Rymer, A General Outline of the Animal King- dom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy, 8vo. Lond. 1841 KIRBY Rev. William, On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Creation of Animals, and in their History, Habits, and Instincts, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 - and William Spence, Esq., An Introduction to Ento- mology, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815 26 LAMARK'S Arrangement of Testacea, an Epitome of, with Ob- servations, &c., by Charles Dubois, F.L.S., 12mo. Lond. 1828 LATHAM John, A General Synopsis of Birds, 3 vols. in 6, 4to. Lond. 17815 - Supplement to the General Synopsis of Birds, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 17871801 Index Ornithologicus, sive Systema Ornithologise, 2 vols. 4to. 2 copies Lond. 1790 ZOOLOGY. 207 LATREILLE P. A., Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum, 4 torn, 8vo. Paris, 1806 LEACH Wm. Elford, Zoological Miscellany ; being Descriptions of new and interesting Animals, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181417 LINNAEUS, General View of his Writings, by Richard Pulteney, M.D., with Additions and a Memoir of the Author, by Wm. Geo. Maton, M.D., to which is annexed the Diary of Linnseus, written by Himself, 4to. Lond. 1805 LOCUSTS, Historical Account of, Edinb. 1748 Donat. Pam. 164 MENAGERIES (The) ; Quadrupeds, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. MENAGERIES (The) ; Monkeys, Opossums, and Lemurs Lib. Ent. Know. MONTAGU Col. G., Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds, 8vo. Lond. 1821 MUDIE Robert, The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1834 NATURALIST'S (The) Library : Edited by Sir William Jardine, Bart., 34 vols. 12mo. 183342 MAMMALIA. . Vol. 1 Monkeys 2 The Felinoe 3 & 4 Ruminantia 5 Pachydermes 6 Ordinary Cetacea, or Whales 7 British Quadrupeds 8 Amphibious Carnivora, Walrus, Seals, &c. 9 & 10 Dogs, or Genus Canis, including the Genera Hysena and Proteles 11 Marsupialia, or Pouched Animals 12 Horses ORNITHOLOGY. Vols. 1 & 2 Humming Birds 3 Gallinaceous Birds 4 Game Birds 5 Pigeons 6 Parrots 7 & 8 Birds of Western Africa 9 Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Part 1 Birds of Prey 10 Flycatchers 11 Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Part 2 Incessores 12 Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Part 3 Rasores and Gral- latores 208 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. NATURALIST'S (The) Library, continued. ICHTHYOLOGY. Vol J The Perch Family 2 On the Nature, Structure, and Economical Uses of Fishes 3 Fishes of Guiana. Part 1 ENTOMOLOGY. Vol. 1 Introduction 2 Beetles 3 British Butterflies 4 British Moths, Sphinxes, &c. 5 Foreign Butterflies 6 Bees 7 Exotic Moths PENNANT Thomas, Introduction to the Arctic Zoology, 4to. Lond. 1792 Arctic Zoology, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1792 Vol. 1 Quadrupeds and Birds 2 Birds, Reptiles, Fish, and Insects - Indian Zoology, 4to. Lond. 1790 - British Zoology, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776 Vol. 1 Quadrupeds, Birds 2 Birds Water Fowl 3 Reptiles, Fish 4 Crustacea, Mollusca, Testacea - History of Quadrupeds, 2 vols. 4to Lond. 1781 - Genera of Birds, 4to. Lond. 1781 PRICHARD J. C., (M.D.) Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826' PRITCHARD Andrew, The Natural History of Animalcules : containing Descriptions of all the known Species of Infusoria, 8vo. Lond. 1834 - History of Infusoria, living and fossil, 8vo. Lond. 1841 - Microscopic Cabinet of Select Animated Objects, 8vo. Lond. 1832 RAIUS Joannis, Synopsis Methodica Animalium, Quadrupedum, et Serpentini Generis, 8vo. Lond. 1693 REEVE Henry, (M.D.) Essay on the Torpidity of Animals, 8vo. Lond. 1809 SMITH John, The Curiosities of Common Water, Lond. 1723 Donat. Pam. 96 ZOOLOGY. 209 SOWERBY G. B., Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, 42 nos. 8vo. STARK John, Elements of Natural History, adapted to the present state of the Science, containing the Generic Characters of nearly the whole Animal Kingdom, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1828 STEPHENS J. F., A Systematic Catalogue of British Insects, 8vo. Lond. 1829 SWAINSON Wm., A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1835 On the Habits and Instincts of Animals (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1840 Animals in Menageries (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1838 On the Natural History and Classification of Quad- rupeds (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1835 On the Natural History and Classification of Birds, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1836 37 On the Natural History and Classification of Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183839 On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1840 Treatise on Malacology, or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-Fish (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1840 - Taxidermy; with the Biography of Zoologists, and notices of their works (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1840 Zoological Illustrations, or Figures and Descriptions of New, Rare, and Interesting Animals, chiefly from the Classes Ornithology, Entomology, and Conchology, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182022 Vol. 1 Vertebrosa 2 Entomology 3 Conchology SYDSERFF R., Treatise on Bees, Salisbury, 1792 Donat. Pam. 53 TEMMINCK C. J., Manuel d'Ornithologie, ou Tableau System- atique des Oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1820 THOMPSON John V., Memoir on the Pentacrinus Europseus ; a Recent Species discovered in the Cove of Cork Donat. Pam. 4to. 6 2E 210 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. TOPSELL Ed., The Historie of Foure-footed Beastes, folio Lond. 1607 TOWER (The) Menagerie ; comprising the Natural History of the Animals contained in that Establishment, 8vo. Lond. 1829 WATERTON Charles, Essays on Natural History, chiefly Orni- thology, with an Autobiography of the Author, 12mo. Lond. 1838 Instructions for the Perfect Preservation of Birds, &c. for Cabinets of Natural History Wanderings in South America WILSON Alex, and Bonaparte Chas. Lucian, American Ornitho- logy ; or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, edited by Robert Jameson, Esq., 4 vols. 18mo. Edinb. 1831 WILSON James and the Rev. James Duncan, Entomologia Edi- nensis ; or a Description and History of the Insects found in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, small 8vo. Lond. 1834 WOOD W., Index Entomologicus ; or a Complete Illustrated Catalogue, consisting of 1944 Figures of the Lepidop- terous Insects of Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1839 : Index Testaceologicus ; a Catalogue of Shells, ar- ranged according to the Linnean System; Illustrated with 2300 Figures, 8vo. Lond. 1825 YARRELL William, History of British Fishes, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Supplement to the History of British Fishes, 8vo. Lond. 1839 ZOOLOGICAL (The) Journal, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 35 ZOOLOGICAL Society, Gardens and Menageries of the, delineatedj 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Vol. 1 Quadrupeds 2 Birds ZOOLOGY of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, under the Com- mand of Capt. Fitzroy, during the years 1832 1836, 4to. Lond. 1838 Part 1 Fossil Mammalia, by Richard Owen, Esq. BOTANY. 211 .fourtl) Qtbisiton. BOTANY. BARTON John, Lecture on the Geography of Plants, 12mo. Lond. 1827 BONNET Charles, Recherches sur 1'usage des Feuilles (Euvres, torn. 2 BOTANICAL Magazine, by William Curtis, and others, from the commencement in 1790, and continued, 8vo. BOTANICAL Magazine, General Indexes to the Plants contained in the first Forty- two Volumes Lond. 1816 BOTANICAL Magazine, General Indexes to the Plants contained in the first Fifty-three Volumes, (or old series complete) 8vo. Lond. 1828 BOTANICAL Magazine, Companion to the; being a Journal of such Botanical Information, as does not come within the prescribed limits of the Magazine; by W. J. Hooker, LL.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 BOTANY, in four parts Lib. Useful Know. BROWNE Sir Thomas, Observations upon Several Plants men- tioned in Scripture Works CONVERSATIONS on Vegetable Physiology, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1829 CURTIS Wm., Practical Observations on the British Grasses, 8vo. Lond. 1824 DONN James, Hortus Cantabrigiensis ; or a Catalogue of the Indigenous and Exotic Plants in the Cambridge Botanic Garden; Augmented, &c. by Frederick Pursh, 8vo. Lond. 1823 DUCLUZEAU J. A. P., Essai sur 1'Histoire Naturelle des Con_ ferves des Environs de Montpellier Donat. Pam. 75 ENCHIRIDION Botanicum: complectens Characteres genericos et specificos Plantarum per insulas Britannicas sponte nascentium: ex Linnseo aliisque desumptos, 12mo. Lond. 1782 212 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. ENCYCLOPEDIE Methodique : Histoire Naturelle ; Botanique, 8 torn. Supplement, 5 torn. Illustrations des Genres, 3 torn. Planches, 4 torn. FRANCIS George W., An Analysis of British Ferns and their Allies, Svo. Lond. 1837 HENSLOW Rev. J. S., The Principles of Descriptive and Phy- siological Botany (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1835 HOOKER W. J., (LL.D.) British Jungermannise, folio Lond, 1816 Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in 1809, Svo. Lond. 1811 HUDSON Gulielmus, Flora Anglica, Svo. Lond. 1778 LINDLEY John, An Introduction to the Natural System of Bota- ny, Svo. Lond. 1830 An Introduction to Botany, Svo. Lond. 1832 Ladies' Botany; or a Familiar Introduction to the Study of the Natural System of Botany, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 18347 Elements of Botany, Structural, Physiological, Syste- matical, and Medical, Svo. Lond. 1841 Car., Genera Plantarum Vienn. 1767 Species Plantarum, 2 torn. Svo. Holmice, 1764 Critica Botanica, Svo. Lug. Bat. 1737 Lachesis Lapponica ; or a Tour in Lapland, translated by James Edw. Smith, M.D., 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1811 MIRBEL C. F. Brisseau, Elemens de Physiologic Veg6tale et de Botanique, 3 torn. Svo. Paris, 1815 POPULAR Cyclopaedia of Natural Science, 12mo. Lond. 1841 Part 1 Vegetable Physiology 2 Botany PULTENEY Richard, Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England, from its Origin to the Introduction of the Lin- neean System, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790 RAII Joannis, Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum, 2 torn, small Svo. Lond. 1724 ROUSSEAU J. J., Lettres sur la Botanique (Euvres, torn. 12 SMITH Jac. Edw., (M.D.) Icones Pictee Plantarum Rariorum, descriptionibus et observationibus illustratee, Lat. and Eng., Nos. 1,2, 3, Lond. 1790 3 ; Spicilegium Botan- nicum, No. 1, folio Lond. 1791 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. 213 SMITH Sir James E., Flora Britannica, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800 - The English Flora, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182428 The English Flora, vol. 5, Cryptogamia; by William Jackson Hooker, LL.D., 2 parts, 8vo. Lond. 1833 English Botany, with coloured figures ; by James Sowerby, F.L.S., 36 vols. in 29, 8vo. Lond. v. Y. This copy is arranged systematically according to the English Flora. - English Botany, General Indexes to, 8vo. Lond. 1814 English Botany, Supplement to ; by William Jackson Hooker, LL.D., and others; the figures by J. De Carle Sowerby, F.L.S., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183134 Grammar of Botany, 8vo. Lond. 1821 - An Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany, 8vo. Lond. 1814 another edition, 8vo. Lond. 1825 VEGETABLE Substances used for the Food of Man Lib. Ent. Know. VEGETABLE Substances : Materials of Manufacture Lib. Ent. Know. VEGETABLE Substances : Timber trees, and Fruits Lib. Ent. Know. WALCOTT John, Flora Britannica Indigena; or Plates of the Indigenous Plants of Great Britain, 8vo. Bath, 1778 SECTION VI. Anatomy., Physiology, Medicine, and Surgery. ABERNETHY J., The Hunterian Oration, for the year 1819, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London Pamphleteer, vol. 14 ADDRESS to the Public on the Propriety of Midwives, instead of Surgeons, practising Midwifery, Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 66 BACON Lord, Physiological Remains; Medical Remains; and Medical Receipts ~ Works, vol. 2 214 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. BACON Lord, Historia Vitse et Mortis Works, vol. 8 BARCLAY John, (M.D.) Inquiry into the Opinions, Ancient and Modern, concerning Life and Organization, 8vo. Edinb. 1822 BELL John and Charles, Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body, 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1823 BELL Sir Charles, The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endow- ments as evincing design, 8vo. Lond. 1833 BERKELEY Bishop, Siris ; a Chain of Philosophical Reflections and Inquiries concerning the Virtues of Tar Water ; A Letter to T P , Esq., containing some further remarks on the Virtues of Tar Water, and the Methods of preparing and using it; and Further Thoughts on Tar Water Works, vol. 3 BLUMENBACH J. F., System of Comparative Anatomy; trans- lated by William Lawrence, 8vo. Lond. 1807 The Institutions of Physiology ; translated by John Elliotson, M.D., 8vo. Lond. 1817 BOSTOCK John, (M.D.) Elementary System of Physiology, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182427 BREMSER M., Traite sur les Vers Intestinaux de I'Homme, traduit par M. Grundler, 8vo. avec planches en 4to. Paris, 1824 CLARK James, (M.D.) The Influence of Climate in the Preven- tion and Cure of Chronic Diseases, 8vo. Lond. 1829 COMBE A., The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preserv- ation of Health and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education, 12mo. Edinb. 1834 The Physiology of Digestion considered with reference to the Principles of Dietetics, 12mo. Edinb. 1836 A Treatise on the Physiological and Moral Manage- ment of Infancy, small 8vo. Edinb. 1840 COMBE George, Elements of Phrenology, 12mo. Edinb. 1824 - Essays on Phrenology, 8vo. Edinb. 1819 Letter to F. Jeffrey, Esq., in Answer to his Criticism on Phrenology, Edinb. 1826 Pamphlets, 1 CONVERSATIONS on the Animal Economy, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1827 COOPER Sam., Dictionary of Practical Surgery, 8vo. Lond. 1822 CORN A uo L., Sure Methods of attaining a Long and Healthful Life Pamphleteer, vols. 18, 19 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. 215 CROSSE John Green, Retrospective Address upon Medical Science and Literature, delivered at the Fourth Meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Manchester, July 21, 1836, 8vo. Worcester, 1836 Sketches of the Medical Schools of Paris, 8vo. Lond. 1815 On the Variolous Epidemic in Norwich, in 1819, 8vo. Lond. 1820 Two Letters, shewing the Impropriety of Electing Assistant-Surgeons; addressed to the Governors of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norwich, 1827 Donat. Pam. 74 DICTIONNAIRE de la Systeme Anatomique, 4 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de la Medicine; comprenant la Jurisprudence de la Medicine, et la Biographie Medicale, 13 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de Chirurgie, 2 torn, et planches, 1 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. FALCONER W., Observations on Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the Gout, and all other Chronic Diseases Donat. Pam. 76 FAYERMAN A. T., Appeal to the Public, and to Medical Men, in the Case of Elizabeth Garrod, wounded by a Pistol Shot, Jan. 18, 1815, and who died in the Norwich and Norfolk Hospital on the 24th, Norwich, 1815 Donat. Pam. 76 FINLAYSON Robert, (M.D.) An Essay addressed to Captains of the Royal Navy, and those of the Merchants' Service, on the Means of Preserving the Health of their Crews; with Directions for the Prevention of Dry Rot in Ships Pamphleteer, vol. 26 FORSTER T., Inquiry into the Causes and Mitigation of Pesti- lential Fever Pamphleteer, vol. 24 - Observations on the Casual and Periodical Influence of Particular States of the Atmosphere on Human Health and Diseases, particularly Insanity Pamphleteer, vol. 14 Observations on the Phenomena of Insanity Pamphleteer, vol. 15 Sketch of the New Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain and Nervous System, of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim Pamphleteer, vol. 5 216 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. GOOD John Mason, Study of Medicine, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 GRANT J., (M.D.) An interesting and Authentic Account of the Melancholy Ravages of the Yellow Fever, at Gibraltar, Malaga, &c., Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 19 GRANT Robert E., (M.D.) Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, 8vo. Lond. 1841 GRANVJLLE A. B., Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. Huskisson, M.P., on the Quarantine Bill Pamphleteer, vol. 25 GREENHOVV T. M., Hints towards the adoption of an improved principle of Remunerating the Surgeon Apothecary, New- castle, 1824 Donat. Pam. 76 HALFORD Sir H., Essays and Orations read and delivered at the Royal College of Physicians ; to which is added an Account of the Opening of the Tomb of King Charles I, 12mo. Lond. 1831 On the Deaths of some Eminent Persons of Modern Times, Lond. 1835 Donat. Pam. 168 HAMILTON J., Letter to Sir W. Garrow, on his proposed Bill for regulating the Practice of Surgery throughout the United Kingdom Pamphleteer, vol. 12 HECKER J. F. C., The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century; translated from the German by B. G. Babington, M.D., 12mo. Lond. 1833 HOLLAND Henry, (M.D.) Medical Notes and Reflections, 8vo. Lond. 1839 HOME Sir Everard, Lectures on Comparative Anatomy; in which are explained the Preparations in the Hunterian Collection, 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 181428 HOWARD Richard Baron, (M.D.) An Inquiry into the Morbid Effects of Deficiency of Food, chiefly with reference to their occurrence amongst the destitute poor, 8vo. Lond. 1839 HUFELAND C. W., Art of Prolonging Human Life, 12mo. Lond. 1829 HULL Robert, (M.D.) Cursory Notes on the Morbid Eye, 8vo. Lond. 1840 HUMBOLDT Alex, de, Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie Comparee, 4to. Paris, 1811 JAMESON Thomas, (M.D.) A Treatise on Cheltenham Waters, and Bilious Diseases, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 24 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. 217 JOHNSON Edw., Life, Health, and Disease, small 8vo. Land. 1840 JOHNSON James, (M.D.) An Essay on Morbid Sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels, 8vo. Lond. 1827 The Economy of Health, or the Stream of Human Life from the Cradle to the Grave; with Reflections Moral, Physical, and Philosophical, on the successive Phases of Human Existence, 8vo. Lond. 1838 JOHNSTON E J., (M.D.) Account of the Discovery of the Power of Mineral Acid Vapours to destroy Contagion, Lond- 1803 Donat. Pam. 82 JONES E. G., (M.D.) Account of the Remarkable Effects of the Eau Medicinale d'Husson in the Gout, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 24 KEATE T., Cases of the Hydrocele, with observations on a peculiar method of treating that disease, Lond. 1788 Donat. Pam. 25 KELSON T. M., A Few Hints relative to Cutaneous Complaints; with some Remarks on the Structure and Functions of the Skin, by C. Kelson, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 25 KERRISON R. M., Observations and Reflections on the Bill for " Better regulating the Medical Profession as far as regards Apothecaries" Pamphleteer, vol. 6 LORD Perceval B., Popular Physiology; being a Familiar Ex- planation of Facts, connected with the Structure and Functions of Animals, and particularly of Man, 12mo. Lond. 1834 MACKENZIE Sir G. S., Illustrations of Phrenology, 8vo. ' Edinb. 1820- MACKENZIE William, (M.D.) The Physiology of Vision, -8vo. Lond. 1841 MACLEAN Charles, Suggestions for the Prevention and Mitigation of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 10 Summary of Facts and Inferences respecting the Causes, proper and adventitious, of Plague, and other Pestilential Diseases Pamphleteer, vol. 16 MACMICHAEL W., (M.D.) Sketch of the Progress of Opinion on the Subject of Contagion ; with some Remarks on Quarantine Pamphleteer, vol. 25 2 F 218 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. MAGENDIE F., Precis Elementaire de Physiologie, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1816 MALDEN Jonas, (M.D.) Remarks on the Cow-Pox, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 84 MEDICAL Reform, Observations on a Pamphleteer, vol. 3 MORLEY John, Essay on the Nature and Cure of Scrophulous Disorders, Lond. 1769 Donat. Pam. 75 MULLER J., (M.D.) Elements of Physiology; translated from the German, with Notes, by William Baly, M.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 184041 NEWELL Thomas, Letter to the Editor of the Literary Gazette upon the Misrepresentations contained in a Pamphlet recently published by Dr. Neale, upon the Subject of the Cheltenham Waters, Cheltenham, 1820 Donat. Pam. 37 NEWTON J. F., The Return to Nature, or a Defence of a Vege- table Regimen Pamphleteer, vols. 19, 20 OBSERVATIONS on the Evil Effects produced in the Human Con- stitution by Stimulating Food, and by Spirituous and Fermented Liquors when taken Moderately and Habitually Pamphleteer, vol. 12 PARIS J. A., (M.D.) Treatise on Diet, 8vo. Lond. 1826 and J. S. M. Fonblanque, Esq., Medical Jurispru- dence, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 PICKMERE J. R., An Address to the Public on the Propriety of Midwives, instead of Surgeons practising Midwifery Pamphleteer, vol. 28 PRICE Rev. T., Essay on the Physiognomy and Physiology of the present Inhabitants of Britain ; with reference to their origin as Goths and Celts, 8vo. Lond. 1829 REID John, The Philosophy of Death ; or a General Medical and Statistical Treatise on the Nature and Causes of Human Mortality, 12mo. Lond. 1841 REMARKS (Cursory) on Corpulence, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 12 RIDDLE Col., Riddellian System; or New Medical Improve- ments, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 47 RIGBY E., (M.D.) Essay on the Uterine Haemorrhage; with a Memoir of his Life by John Cross, 8vo. Norwich, 1822 ROGET P. M., (M.D.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. 219 SIGMOND G. G., (M.D.) Tea; its Effects, Medicinal, and Moral, 12mo. Lond. 1839 SMITH Southwood, (M.D.) A Lecture delivered over the Re- mains of Jeremy Bentham, Esq., in the Webb Street School of Anatomy and Medicine, on the 9th of June, 1832, Lond. 1832 Pamphlets, 7 The Philosophy of Health ; or an Exposition of the Physical and Mental Constitution of Man, 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 183537 SOMATOPSYCHONOOLOGIA ; being an Examination of the Con- troversy concerning Life, carried on by Lawrence, Aber- nethy, Rennell, and others Pamphleteer, vol. 24 SOMERSET (The Royal) Jennerian Society, Plan, Introductory Address, and Regulations of, Bath, 1805 Donat. Pam. 51 STEWART Leonard, (M.D.) On Tendency to Disease of Body and Mind in Refined Life, and the General Principles of Cure, 12mo. Lond. 1828 THACKRAH C. T., The Effects of Arts, Trades, and Professions, and of Civic States and Habits of Living, on Health and Longevity, 8vo. Lond. 1832 THOMAS R., (M.D.) Modern Practice of Physic, 8vo. Lond. 1822 THOMSON Ant. Todd., (M.D.) Domestic Management of the Sick Room, necessary in Aid of Medical Treatment for the Cure of Diseases, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 UNWINS D., Modern Maladies, and present State of Medicine Pamphleteer, vol. 13 WALL John, (M.D.) Experiments and Observations on the Mal- vern Waters, Oxford, 1806 Donat. Pam. 99 WARDROP James, History of James Mitchell, a Boy born Blind and Deaf Pamphleteer, vol. 6 WHITE Mustard Seed, On the Efficacy of, taken internally, as a Cure for Various Complaints Pamphleteer, vol. 3 WHITER Rev. Walter, On the Disorder of Death, 8vo. Norw. 1819 220 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. SECTION VII. Mechanical Arts and Trades Civil Engineering. ACCOUNT of the newly-invented Electro- Magnetic Engine, for the propulsion of Locomotives, Ships, Mills, &c. ; trans, from the German by Dr. Taylor, 12mo. Lond. 1841 ANSTIE John, Observations on the Importance and Necessity of Introducing Improved Machinery into the Woollen Manu- factory, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 41 ARNOTT Neil, (M.D.) On Warming and Ventilating, Lond. 1838 Pamphlets, 7 BABBAGE Charles, On the Economy of Machinery and Manu- factures, small 8 vo. Lond. 1832 BAINES Edward, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1835 BAVERSTOCK J., Observations on the State of the Brewery, and on the Saccharine quality of Malt Pamphleteer, vol. 2 BECKMAN John, History of Inventions and Discoveries ; trans, from the German by W. Johnston, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 DERENZY Capt. Enchiridion, or a Hand for the One-Handed Pamphleteer, vol. 22 DICTIONNAIRE des Arts et Metiers Mecaniques, 8 torn, et Planches, 4 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE des Manufactures, Arts et Metiers, et Planches, 5 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de la Marine, 3 torn, et Planches, 1 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de toutes les Especes de Peches, 4to. Ency. Method. DONOVAN Michael, Domestic Economy, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183037 Vol. 1 Brewing, Distilling, Wine Making, &c, 2 Human Food, Animal and Vegetable FREND W., Is it impossible to free the Atmosphere of London, in a very considerable degree, from the Smoke and Deleterious Vapours with which it is hourly impregnated ? Pamphleteer, vol. 15 MECHANICAL ARTS, ETC. 221 GUEST Richard, A Compendious History of the Cotton Manu- facture : with a Disproval of the Claim of Sir Richard Arkwright to the Invention of its Ingenious Machinery, 4to. Manchester, 1823 HILLARY Sir W., Plan for the Construction of a Steam Life Boat, also for the Extinguishment of Fire at Sea, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 25 LARDNER Rev. D., Lectures on the Steam Engine, in which its Constructions and Operations are familiarly explained, 12mo. :. Lond. 1832 MANUFACTURES in Metal, Treatise on the Progressive Improve- ment and Present State of, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 18314 Vols. 1 & 2 Iron and Steel 3 Tin, Lead, Copper, and other Metals MILTON Rev. W., The Danger of Travelling in Stage Coaches; and a Remedy Proposed to the Consideration of the Pub- lic, Reading, 1810 Donat. Pam. 35 NICHOLSON John, Operative Mechanic, and British Machinist, 8vo. Lond. 1825 PORCELAIN and Glass, Treatise on the Origin, Progressive Im- provement, and Present State of the Manufacture of (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1832 SAMUDA J. D. A., Treatise on the Adaptation of Atmospheric Pressure to the purposes of Locomotion on Railways, 8vo. Lond. 1841 SILK Manufacture, Treatise on its Origin, Progressive Improve- ment, and Present State (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1831 SMEATON John, Historical Report on Ramsgate Harbour, Lond. 1791 Donat. Pam. 51 SOCIETY for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, Premiums for 1828 9 Donat. Pam. 102 SUMMARY Specification of an Invention, by L. Hudleston, Esq. on a Method of Conveying Boats or Barges from a higher level to a lower, and vice versd, on Canals, Gillingham, 1801 Donat. Pam. 53 TAYLOR John, Statements respecting the Profits of Mining in England, considered in relation to the Prospects of Mining in Mexico, Lond. 1825 Pamphlets, 3 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. TYRWHITT Sir J., On the Formation of a Rail Road, from the Forest of Dartmoor to the Plymouth Lime-Quarries, Plymouth, 1818 Donat. Pant. 55 URE Andrew, The Philosophy of Manufactures, or an Exposition of the Scientific, Moral, and Commercial Economy of the Factory System of Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1835 WESTERN Union Canal, Replies to the Arguments of the Com- mittee of the Thames Navigation Commissioners, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 56 WINSOR F. A., Account of the British Imperial Patent Light Ovens and Stoves, Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 100 YOUNG Thomas, (D.D.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807 SECTION VIII. Fine Arts. BRYAN M., Biography and Critical History of Painters and Engravers, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1816 BURNET John, A Practical Treatise on Painting, 4to. Lond. 1827 BURNEY Charles, General History of Music ; with a Disserta- tion on the Music of the Ancients, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776 CATALOGUE des Tableaux exposes au Musee du Royaume des Pays-Bas, dans la Ville d'Amsterdam Donat. Pam. 160 CATALOGUE of the Pictures in the National Gallery, by William Young Ottley. Part 1, containing the Angerstein Col- lection, 12mo. Lond. 1826 Donat. Pam. 168 CATALOGUE of Pictures by Sir J. Reynolds, with a selection from the Foreign Masters, exhibited in the British Institution, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 CATALOGUE of the Principal Pictures painted by the late Mr. Crome Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 CATALOGUE of Pictures Painted on Glass, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 FINE ARTS. 223 CATALOGUE of Pictures, representing Christ Rejected, Christ Healing in the Temple, and a design of Our Saviour's Crucifixion; painted by B. West, Esq., Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 70 CROTCH William, Lectures on Music, 8vo. Lond. 1831 DESCRIPTION of Mr. Haydon's Picture of Christ's Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 74 DESCRIPTION des principaux ouvrages de Peinture et Sculpture; actuellement existans dans les Eglises, Couvens, et Lieux Publics de la Ville d'Anvers Donat. Pam. 16 DICTIONNAIRE des Beaux-Arts, 2 torn, et Planches, 1 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de Musique, 2 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DOLCE Lodovico, Aretin ; a Dialogue on Painting, translated from the Italian, I2mo. Lond. 1770 DOUCE F., The Dance of Death exhibited in elegant Engravings on Wood ; with a Dissertation on the several Representa- tions of that Subject, but more particularly on those ascribed to Macaber and Hans Holbein, 8vo. Lond. 1833 Du FRESNOY C. A., The Art of Painting, with Remarks, trans- lated into English, with a Parallel between Painting and Poetry, by John Dryden Dryden's Works, vol. 17 EXHIBITION of the celebrated Heroic Equestrian Group of Monte Cavallo at Rome, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 75 EXPLANATION of the famous and renowned Glass Work, or Painted Windows, in the fine and eminent Church at Gouda Donat. Pam. 152 FLAXMAN John, Lectures on Sculpture, royal 8vo. Lond. 1829 FUSELI H., Lectures on Painting, 2nd series, 4to. Lond. 1830 GARDINER William, The Music of Nature ; or an attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the Art of Singing, Speaking, and Performing upon Musical In- struments, is derived from the sounds of the Animated World, 8vo. Lond. 1832 Music and Friends ; or Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 GILPIN William, (A.M.) Observations on several parts of Cam- bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex ; also on several parts of North Wales, chiefly relative to Picturesque Beauty, 8vo. Lond. 1809 224 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. GILPIN William, (A.M.) Remarks on Forest Scenery, and other Woodland Views, chiefly relative to Picturesque Beauty, 2 vols. 8vo. Lon d. 1 794 GUNN Rev. W., Cartonesia; or an Historical and Critical Ac- count of the Tapestries in the Palace of the Vatican, 8vo. Lond. 1831 HARRIS James, Treatise concerning Music, Painting, and Poetry Miscellanies, vol. 1 HOGARTH George, Memoirs of the Musical Drama, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Musical History, Biography, and Criticism, being a general Survey of Music from the earliest period to the present time, 12mo. Lond. 1835 HOGARTH William, Original Engravings, with Ireland's Illustra- tions, 3 vols. imp. folio JACKSON John, A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical, royal 8vo. Lond. 1839 JAMESON Mrs., Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London ; with Catalogues of the Pictures, &c. 2 parts, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 Part 1 National Gallery, Windsor Castle 2 Hampton Court, Dulwich Gallery, Barry's Pictures, Soane's Museum JORTIN John, (D.D.) Letter on the Music of the Ancients Tracts, vol. 2 LANDSEER John, (F.S.A.) Lectures on the Art of Engraving, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1807 LANZI A. L., History of Painting in Italy, from the period of the revival of the Fine Arts, to the end of the Eighteenth Century, translated by Thomas Roscoe, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 LAWRENCE R., Elgin Marbles, from the Parthenon at Athens, exemplified by Fifty Etchings, imp. 4to. Lond. 1818 MEMORANDUM on the present state of the Negociation respect- ing the purchase of the Elgin Marbles, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 32 MF.NGS Anth. Raphael, Works of, by Chev. d'Azara, translated from the Italian, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796 PINE ARTS. 225 MUSICAL Reminiscences, containing an account of the Italian Opera in England, from 1773; fourth edition, continued to the present time, and including the Festival in West- minster Abbey, by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, 12mo. Lond. 1834 OBSERVATIONS on Metastasio, and on the present state of Music in France and Italy; translated from the French of L. A. C. Bombet Lives of Haydn, Sfc. OriE John, Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Aca- demy of Arts ; with a Memoir by Mrs. Opie, 4to. Lond. 1809 ORLEANS Gallery, now exhibiting at the great rooms, late the Royal Academy, Pall Mall, 1793 Donat. Pam. 4to. 5 OTTLEY Wm. Young, An Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving upon Copper and in Wood, with an account of Engravers and their Works, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1816 PAINTERS, a Chronological List of, to the beginning of the last Century Reynolds' Works, vol. 3 PAINTING, an Idea of the Perfection of, demonstrated; trans, from the French, by J. Evelyn, Esq. 1668 Misc. Writings PAINTING, History of; Ancient and Modern, interspersed with Anecdotes, 18mo. Lond. 1835 PROUT Samuel, Hints on Light and Shadow, Composition, &c., as applicable to Landscape Painting, large 4to. Lond. 1838 RAMBLE among the Musicians of Germany, giving some account of the Operas of Munich, Dresden, Berlin, &c., small 8vo. Lond. 1828 REMBRANDT, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Prints of; by an Amateur, 8vo. Lond. 1836 REYNOLDS Sir Jos., Discourses delivered at the Royal Academy Works, vols. 1, 2 ROUSSEAU J. J., Dictionnaire de Musique CEuvres, torn. 14, 15 - Ecrits sur la Musique CEuvres, torn. 13 SCENERY of the Rivers of Norfolk, comprising the Yare, the Waveney, and the Bure; from pictures painted by James Stark, with Historical and Geological Descriptions, by J. W. Robberds, Jun., Esq., 4to. Lond. 1834 SCULPTURA ; or the History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving in Copper, 1662 Evelyn's Misc. Writings 2 G 226 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. STRAWBERRY Hill, Catalogue of the valuable Contents of, 4to. Lond. 1842 TAYLOR Edward, (Gresham Professor of Music) Three Inaugural Lectures delivered in the Theatre of the City of London School, Jan. and Feb. 1838, Lond. 1838 Pamphlets, 7 TESTIMONIES of different Authors, respecting the Colossal Statue of Ceres, Camb. 1803 Donat. Pam. 98 TITIAN, Notices of the Life and Works of, royal 8vo. Lond. 1829 VINCI Leonardo da, Treatise on Painting, translated by Rigaud, 8vo. Lond. 1802 WAAGEN G. F., Works of Art and Artists in England, trans. by H. E. Lloyd, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 WALPOLE Hon. A., Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some account of the principal Artists, with considerable Additions, by Rev. J. Dallaway, 5 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 182628 WILLIAMS R. F., Historical Sketch of the Art of Sculpture in Wood, from the earliest period to the present time, 8vo. Lond. 1835 SECTION IX. Recreative Arts : Hunting, Shooting, 8$c. ELAINE Delabere P., An Encyclopedia of Rural Sports; or a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Sports of the present day, 8vo. Lond. 1840 CHASE, (The) the Turf, and the Road ; by Nimrod, 8vo. Lond. 1837 CLAYTON Sir R., Treatise on Greyhounds Pamphleteer, vol. 9 COLQUHOUN John, The Moor and the Loch ; containing practical hints on Highland Sports, and notices of the habits of the different creatures of Game and Prey in the moun- tainous districts of Scotland, 8vo. Lond. 1841 ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 227 DICTIONNAIRE de toutes les Especes de Chasses, 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de 1'Art de 1'Equitation, de 1'Escrime, de la Danse, et de 1'Art de Nager, 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE des Jeux ; Dictionnaire des Jeux Mathema- tiques; Dictionnaire des Jeux Familiers, 1 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. FIELD Book ; or Sports and Pastimes of the United Kingdom, 8vo. Lond. 1833 HAWKER Lieut. Col. P., Instructions to Young Sportsmen, in all that relates to Guns and Shooting, 8vo. Lond. 1825 HINTS on Horsemanship, by an Officer of the Household Bri- gade of Cavalry, 12mo. Lond. 1839 HOFLAND T. C., The British Angler's Manual, or the Art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 LAMBERT F. J., Treatise on Dancing Donat. Pam. 83 ROD (The) and the Gun, being two Treatises on Angling and Shooting, by James Wilson, F.R.S.E., and by the Author of "The Oakleigh Shooting Code," small 8vo. Edinb. 1840 SCROPE William, The Art of Deer- Stalk ing; illustrated by a Narrative of a few days sport in the Forest of Atholl, royal 8vo. Lond. 1838 WALTON Izaak, and Chas. Cotton, The Complete Angler ; with an Introductory Essay, &c. by J. Major, 8 vo. Lond. 1823 SECTION X. Architecture: including Architectural Antiquities.* ABERDEEN Earl of, Inquiry into the Principles of Beauty in Grecian Architecture, small 8vo. Lond. 1823 * For Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain ; see Section Topography in Class History, 228 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. BRITTON John, Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages, 8vo. Lond. 1831 CAMMINI (I) Liberati dal Fumo, Venezia, 1801 Donat. Pam. 156 CHAMBERS Sir W., Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, edited by J. Gvvilt, imp. 8vo. Lond. 1825 COTMAN John Sell, Architectural Antiquities of Normandy ; accompanied by Historical and Descriptive Notices by Dawson Turner, Esq., 2 vols. folio Lond. 1822 DALLAWAY Rev. Jas., A Series of Discourses upon Architecture in England, from the Norman Era to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, with an Appendix of Notes and Illustrations, and an Historical Account of Master and Free-Masons, royal 8vo. Lond. 1833 DICTIONNAIRE de 1'Architecture, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DWELLING-HOUSES, On the Means of Guarding, by their Con- struction against the accidents by Fire Pamphleteer, vol. 5 ELMES James, Letter to Thomas Hope, Esq. on the Insufficiency of the existing Establishments for Promoting the Fine Arts, towards that of Architecture and its Professors Pamphleteer, vol. 3 EPISTLES Dedicatory, prefixed to the translation of the" Parallel between Ancient and Modern Architecture," originally written in French, by Roland Freart Sieur de Chambray, ]664 Evelyns Misc. Writings EVELYN John, Account of Architects and Architecture Misc. Writings HAKEWILL Jas., An Attempt to Determine the exact Character of Elizabethan Architecture, 8vo. Lond. 1835 HILLARY Sir W., On the Improvement and Embellishment of the Metropolis Pamphleteer, vol. 24 HOPE Thomas, An Historical Essay on Architecture; with a Vol. of Plates, and an Analytical Index Lond. 1835 6 HUNT T. F., Exemplars of Tudor Architecture, adapted to Modern Habitations, 4to. Lond. 1830 LOUDON J. C., Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture, 8vo. Lond. 1834 M&ROVIU Prince des Sueves, Le Palais de Scaurus, or Descrip- tion d'une Maison Romaine, 8vo. Paris, 1822 AGRICULTURE, RURAL ECONOMY, ETC. 229 RICKMAN T., An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Archi- tecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reform- ation, 8vo. Land. 1825 SAVERS Frank, (M.D.) Hints on English Architecture Works, vol. 2 SOANE John, Letter to the Earl Spencer, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 51 VITRUVIUS M. P., The Architecture of, translated by J. Gwilt, imp. 8vo. Lond. 1826 WHEWELL Rev. W., Architectural Notes on German Churches; to which is added, Notes written during an Architectural Tour in Picardy and Normandy, 8vo. Camb. 1835 WILLIS R., (M.A.) Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, especially of Italy, 8vo. Camb. 1835 SECTION XL Agriculture, Rural Economy, Planting, and Gardening. AGRICULTURAL Reports : drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement, 57 vols. 8vo. v. Y. ENGLAND Bedfordshire by Thomas Bachelor Berkshire Wm. Mavor, LL. D. Buckinghamshire Rev. St. John Priest Cambridgeshire Rev. W. Gooch, A. B. Cheshire - Henry Holland . Cornwall G. B. Worgan Cumberland J. Bailey and G. Culley Derbyshire, 2 vols John Farey ; with an Account of the Minerals of Derbyshire Devonshire Charles Vancouver Dorsetshire Wm. Stevenson Durham John Bailey 230 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. AGRICULTURAL Reports : continued ENGLAND. Essex, 2 vols by Arthur Young Gloucestershire , Thos. Rudge, B. D. Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight Charles Vancouver Herefordshire John Duncumb, A. M. Hertfordshire Arthur Young Huntingdonshire R. Parkinson Kent i...... John Boys Lancashire John Holt Lancashire R. W. Dickson and W. Stevenson Leicestershire Wm. Pitt Lincolnshire Arthur Young Middlesex John Middleton Monmouthshire Chas. Hassall Norfolk Arthur Young Norfolk Nathaniel Kent Northamptonshire Wm. Pitt Northumberland J. Bailey and G. Culley Nottinghamshire Robert Lowe Oxfordshire Arthur Young Rutlandshire Richard Parkinson Shropshire Jos. Plymley Somersetshire John Billingsley Staffordshire Wm. Pitt Suffolk Arthur Young Surrey Wm. Stevenson Sussex ........ Arthur Young Warwickshire Adam Murray Westmoreland A. Pringle Wiltshire Thos. Davies Worcestershire W. Pitt Yorkshire, East Riding .... H. E. Strickland Yorkshire, North Riding .... John Tuke Yorkshire, West Riding .... Robert Browne CHANNEL ISLANDS. Jersey, Guernsey, and Sark by Thos. Quayle Isle of Man Thos. Quayle WALES. North Wales by Walter Davies, A. M. South Wales, 2 vols Walter Davies, A.M. SCOTLAND. Argyleshire by John Smith, D. D. Berwickshire Robert Kerr, F. R. S. AGRICULTURE, RURAL ECONOMY, ETC. 231 AGRICULTURAL Reports : continued SCOTLAND. Caithness by Capt. John Henderson Cromarty, see Ross Dumfries Dr. Singer Galloway * Rev. Sam. Smith Inverness James Robertson, D. D. Nairn and Moray Rev. Wm. Leslie Peebles Chas. Findlater Perthshire Jas. Robertson, D. D. Ross and Cromarty Sir George S. Mackenzie Hebrides, or Western Isles of Scotland James Macdonald ACCOUNT of Britton Abbot's Cottage and Garden, Lond, 1806 Donat. Pam. 151 ACCOUNT of the Improvements on the Estate of Sutherland, belonging to the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 1 ADDRESS to the Practical Farmers of Great Britain, recommend- ing an entire change of system in the mode of cultivating Tillage Land, Worcester, 1810 Donat. Pam. 66 BANKS Sir J., Account of the Cause of the Disease in Corn, called by Farmers the Blight, the Mildew, and the Rust Pamphleteer, vol. 6 - Remarks on the Mildew of Wheat, and the Choice of Seed Corn Pamphleteer, vol. 8 BEVAN Edward, The Honey-Bee ; its Natural History, Physi- ology, and Management, 12mo. Lond. 1827 BROWNE Sir Thomas, (M.D.) Garden of Cyrus; or, the Quin- cuncial Lozenge, or Net- Work Plantations of the Ancients, Artificially, Naturally, Mystically considered Works, folio another copy, with Notes, &c. Works, 8vo. vol. 3 CADET-DE-VAUX A. A., Traites divers d'Economie Rurale, 8vo. Paris, 1821 CLARKE Charles C., Adam the Gardener, 12mo. Lond. 1834 CORRESPONDENCE between the Editor of the Farmer's Journal and Sir Mordaunt Martin, on the Subjects of Mangel Wurzel, Cocksfoot Grass, &c. Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 73 232 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. DARWIN Erasmus, (M.D.) Phytologia; or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening ; with the Theory of Drain- ing Morasses, &c. 4to. Lond. 1800 DICTIONNAIRE de PAgriculture, 6 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de la Culture des Arbres et de I'Amenagement des Forts, 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de 1'Art Aratoire et du Jardinage, 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE des For6ts et Bois ; des Arbres et Arbustes, 4to. Ency. Method. EGREMONT John, Observations on the Mildew, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 75 EVELYN John, Acetaria : a Discourse of Sallets Misc. Writings Kalendarium Hortense ; or the Gardener's Almanack, 1664 Misc. Writings * Silva ; or a Discourse on Forest Trees, and the Pro- pagation of Timber, &c. with Notes, by Alex. Hunter, M.D., 2 vols. 4to. York, 1812 FORSYTII W., Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees, 8vo. Lond. 1824 GARDENER'S (The) Magazine and Register of Rural and Do- mestic Improvements, vols. 1 13, 8vo. Lond. 1828 37 GRIGOR James, The Eastern Arboretum ; or Rural Register of all the Remarkable Trees, Seats, Gardens, &c. in the County of Norfolk, 8vo. Lond. 1841 HALL G. B., Letters on the Importance of encouraging the growth of Corn and Wool in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 20 HINTS for the Cultivation of the Peat-Bogs in Ireland, in a Letter to the Rev. T. Malthus Pamphleteer, vol. 9 HOARE Clement, A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on Open Walls, 8vo. Lond. 1837 HORTICULTURAL Register, and General Magazine, by Jos. Paxton and Jos. Harrison, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 4 HORTICULTURAL Society of London, Charter and Bye-Laws of, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 102 KNIGHT Thomas Andrew, A Selection of the Physiological and Horticultural Papers, published in the Transactions of the Royal and Horticultural Societies, royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 AGRICULTURE, RURAL, ECONOMY, ETC. 233 LIEBIG Justus, (M.D.) Organic Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology ; edited by Lyon Playfair, Ph. D., 8vo. Lond. 1840 LINDLEY George, Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden ; edited by John Lindley, 8vo. Lond. 1831 LINDLEY John, The Theory of Horticulture ; or an Attempt to Explain the Principal Operations of Gardening upon Physiological Principles, 8vo. Lond. 1840 LINGARD J., A Philosophic and Practical Inquiry into the Nature and Constitution of Timber Pamphleteer, vol. 16 LOUDON J. C., Encyclopedia of Agriculture, 8vo. Lond. 1825 - Encyclopedia of Gardening, 8vo. Lond. 1822 LOUDON Mrs., Instructions in Gardening, to Ladies, 12mo. Lond. 1840 MANURES, Inquiry into the Nature and Properties of, Bath, 1805 Donat. Pam. 154 MARQUIS F. Jeune, Du The ; Nouveau Traite sur sa Culture, &c. 18mo. Paris, 1820 MARSHALL, The Rural Economy of Norfolk, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1795 MERINO Sheep, Some Circumstances relative to, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 PRACTICAL Farmer ; or Every Landlord his own Steward, by a Norfolk Farmer, 12mo. Lond. 1825 PRICE Uvedale, Essays on the Picturesque, for the purpose of improving real Landscape, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810 REPTON H., Observations on the Theory and Practice of Land- scape Gardening, 4to. Lond. 1803 - Letter to Uvedale Price, Esq., Lond. 1794 Donat. Pam. 83 RICHARDSON W., Directions for the Cultivation of Fiorin Grass in the Island of Newfoundland, Newry, 1815 Donat. Pam. 151 On Reclaiming and Improving the Waste Lands of the Highlands of Scotland, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 47 Prize Essay, for the Management of the Growth of Fiorin Grass, Dublin, 1811 Donat. Pam. 47 RIGBY E., (M.D.) Suggestions for an Improved and Extended Cultivation of Mangel Wurzel, Norw. 1815 Donat. Pam. 93 2 H 234 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. RIGBY E., (M.D.) Holkham, its Agriculture, &c. Norw. 1817 Donat. Pam. 93 - another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 13 SEBRIGHT Sir J. S., The Art of Improving the Breeds of Do- mestic Animals, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 49 SHEFFIELD Earl of, Report to the Meeting at Lewes Wool Fair, 1816 Donat. Pam. 155 SINCLAIR Sir J., Account of the Systems of Husbandry, adopted in the more improved districts of Scotland, Edinb. 1809 Donat. Pam. 50 Hints regarding the Agricultural State of the Nether- lands, compared with that of Great Britain, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 50 SMITH Wm., Observations on the Utility, Form, and Manage- ment of Water Meadows, and the Draining and Irrigating of Peat Bogs, 8vo. Norw. 1806 SOMERVILLE Rt. Hon. Lord, Address to the Board of Agricul- ture, Nov. 27th, 1798 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 - Facts and Observations relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen, Lond. 1803 Donat. Pam. 51 SOUTHEY Thomas, A Treatise on Sheep, addressed to the Flock Masters of Australia, Tasmania, and Southern Africa, showing the means by which the Wool of these Colonies may be improved, 8vo. Lond. 1840 STEUART Sir Henry, The Planter's Guide, or a Practical Essay on the best method of giving immediate effect to Wood, by the removal of Large Trees and Underwood, 8vo. Edinb. 1828 STRATICO Fr. Gio. Domenico Co., Opusculi Economico Agrari, Venezia, 1790 Donat. Pam. 64 WESTERN C. C., Remarks on the Improvement of Grass Land, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 100 WITHERS W., On the Planting and Rearing of Forest Trees, Holt, 1826 Donat Pam. 101 Letter to Sir W. Scott, on his late Essay on Plant- ing, &c. Lond. 1828 .Pamphlets, 3 WORKINGTON Agricultural Society, Rules and Proceedings of the Anniversary of the; and its Reports for 1809 and 1810 Donat, Pam. 57 ART OP WAR. 235 SECTION XII. Art of War. L'ARMEE et la Patrie, ou Histoire Generale des Institutions Militaires de France, pendant la Revolution, tome 1, 8vo. Paris, 1820 BOTTLE M., Etudes Militaires, 2 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1750 COFFIN Admiral Sir I., Letters to, on the Inadequacy of Courts Martial in their present form to purposes of Justice Pamphleteer, vol. 16 CORRESPONDENCE between the Right Hon. the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty, the Right Hon. the Earl St. Vincent, K.B., the Right Hon. Earl Spencer, K.G., and Vice- Admiral Sir J. Orde, Bart., Lond. 1802 Donat. Pam. 73 DAVISON A., Observations on the Third Report of the Commis- sioners of Military Enquiry, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 13 DECKER C., Art of Penwork, to Lay Down the Ground on Mi- litary Plans, 8vo. Lond. 1813 DEFENCE, in complete refutation of the charges preferred by Lieut. -Col. Joseph Rogers, Commandant of the West Mendip Regiment of Local Militia, against the Adjutant of that Corps, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 14 DICTIONNAIRE de 1'Art Militaire, 4 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de 1'Artillerie, 4to. Ency. Method. GARDINER Mr., An Answer to a Pamphlet of Mr. James Poole, entitled " A Narrative, exposing a Variety of irregular Transactions in one of the Departments of Foreign Corps? during the late War," Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 18 HANGER Col. Geo., Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Castlereagh, proving how 150,000 men, as well disciplined as any Regiment of the Line need be, may be acquired in the short space of two months, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 20 - A Plan for the formation of a Corps, which never has been raised as yet in any Army in Europe, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 20 236 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. HOGAN Major, An Appeal to the Public, and a Farewell Address to the Army, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 22 MACHIAVELLI Nic., Dell' arte della Guerra Opere, torn. 4 MILITARY Obedience, Argument on Pamphleteer, vol. 17 PERING R., On the Preservation of the British Navy when in a State of Ordinary, Plymouth, 1813 Donat. Pam. 41 PLAYFAIR John, On the Naval Tactics of the late John Clerk, Esq. of Eldin Works, vol. 3 PROCEEDINGS in Parliament, Correspondence, and Orders of the Court of Directors, on the subject of Mr. Hippisley's Motions for Regulating the Payments to the King's and Company's Troops serving in India, Lond. 1791 Donat. Pam. 44 PROCEEDINGS of a General Court Martial held at the Horse- Guards, on the 24th and 27th of March, 1792, for the Trial of Capt. R. Powell, Lieut. C. Seton, and Lieut. J. Hall, of the 54th Regiment of Foot, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 44 QUERIES on the Minutes of the Council of War, held at Gibral- tar, May 4, 1756, Lond. 1757 Donat. Pam. 45 REPORT from the Commissioners appointed to Examine the Debts due to the Army, &c. Lond. 1713 Donat. Pam. 92 WELLINGTON, Field Marshal the Duke of, His General Orders in Portugal, Spain, and France, from 1809 to 1814; and the Low Countries and France, 1815 ; compiled by Lieut. Col. Gurwood, 8vo. Lond. 1832 SECTION XIII. Memoirs and Transactions of Philosophical Socie- ties, Encyclopaedias) Dictionaries and Magazines of Science and the Arts. ABSTRACT of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transac- tions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 1830, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES, ETC. 23" ACADMIE Roy ale des Sciences, Histoire et Memoires de 1', 165 torn, en 169, 4to. . ' Paris, 17011809 Regiae Scientiarum Academiee Historia, auctore J. B. du Hamel, 1701 Histoire et Memoires de 1' Academic depuis son etablissement en 1666, jusqu' a son renouvellement en 1669, 11 torn, en 14, 1730 33 Tom. 1 & 2 Histoire 3 & 4 Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, par Perrault 5 Ouvrages diverses de Fren. de Bessy 6 de M. De Roberval et M. Picart 7 Voyages et Observations Astronomiques 8 CEuvres diverses de M. Cassini 9 de M. De la Hire 10 Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, &c. 1 1 Analyse General, par De Lagny Histoire et Memoires de P Academic, depuis 1699 jusqu'en 1700, 93 torn. 173297 Ouvrages faisant suite aux Memoires de P Academic, 19 torn, en 16 1702 Tables Astronomiques de la Hire, 2nd. Edit. 1 torn. 1727 1718 De la Grandeur et de la Figure de la Terre, 1 torn. 1720 1723 Elemens de la Geometric de Pinfini, 1 torn. 1727 1731 Trait6 de 1'Aurore Boreale, par M. de Mairan, 2nd. Edit. 1 torn. 1754 1740 Elemens d' Astronomic, par M. Cassini, 1 torn. 1740 Tables Astronomiques, par M. Cassini, 1 torn. 1740 La Mridienne de Paris, par M. Cassini de Thury ; avec des Observations d' Histoire Naturelle, par M. le Mounier, 1 torn. 1744 1744 La Figure de la Terre, determinee, &c., avec une relation du Voyage au Perou, par Bouguer et de la Condamine, 1 torn. 1749 Justification des Memoires de P Academic de 1744, et du livre de la Figure de la Terre par Bouguer, 1752; Lettre a M * * * dans laquelle on fait des Remarques sur le Sup- plement au Journal Historique au Voyage a PEquateur de M. de la Condamine, par Bouguer, 1754, 1 torn. 1751 Journal d'un Voyage a PEquateur, par M. de la Condamine, 1751; Mesure des frois premiers Degres du Meridien, par le meme, 1751, et Supplement 1752, 2 torn. 1753 Voyage dans PAmerique Septentrionale, par Chabert, 1 torn. 1753 1768 Journal du Voyage de Courtanvaux, 1768, 1 torn. Trait6 de Meteorologie, par le P. Cotte, 1774; avec le Memoire sur la Meteorologie public par le meme en 1775, 1 torn. Memoires sur la Metdorologie pour servir de Suite and de Sup. au Traite de Meteorologie publi en 1774, 2 vols. 1788 238 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. ACADEMIE Royale des Sciences: continued Table Alphabetique des Matieres, 16661790, par Godin, Demours et Cotte, 10 torn. 17341809 Nouvelle Table, 16661770, par Rozier, 4 torn. 1775 Mmoires de Mathematique et de Physique, presentes par divers Savans (Estrangers,) 11 torn. 175086 Recueil de Pieces qui ont remporte le Prix, 9 torn, en 13, 1732 77 Machines et Inventions approuves par 1'Academie, 7 torn. 1735 7 ACADEMIE Royale des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettres, Histoire et Memoires de 1', avec la Table Generate des Matieres, 51 torn. 4to. Paris, 1736 ASIATICK Researches; or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the History, &c. of Asia, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond, 180118 BATH and West of England Society for the encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce ; Rules, Orders, and Premiums of the, Bath, 1821 Donat. Pam. 3 BRITISH Almanac and Companion, from the commencement in 1828, 12mo. BRITISH Association for the Advancement of Science ; Reports of the Meetings of the, from their commencement in 1831, 8vo. BRITISH Association for the Advancement of Science; Litho- graphed Signatures of the Members who met at Cam- bridge, June 1833, 4to. BRITISH Museum, Synopsis of the Contents of the, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 69 CRABB George, (A.M.) Universal Technological Dictionary; or Familiar Explanation of the Terms used in all Arts and Sciences, 2 vols. 4to. Lond, 1823 DELEUZE M., History and Description of the Museum of Natural History, and Royal Garden, at Paris, translated by A. A. Royer, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823 DICTIONNAIRE des Sciences Naturelles, 60 torn, avec 12 torn, de Planches, 8vo. Paris, 181630 EDINBURGH Philosophical Journal, from the commencement in 1819, 8vo. ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica ; or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, sixth edition, 20 vols. 4to. Edinb. 1823 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES, ETC. 239 ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica; Supplement to, 6 vols. 4to. Edinb. 181524 ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica; seventh edition, edited by Professor Napier, 21 vols. 4to. Lond. 1842 ENCYCLOPEDIE Methodique, ou par ordre de matieres, par une societe de gens de lettres, de savans et d'Artistes, 184 torn. 4to. Paris, 17821832 ESPRIT de 1'Encyclopedie, ou Recueil des articles les plus curieux et les plus interessans de 1'Encyclopedie, 15 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1822 GILL Thomas, The Technical Repository, containing Practical Information on Discoveries and Improvements in the Useful Arts, vols. 46 Lond. 18234 GEOGRAPHICAL (Royal) Society of London, Journal of the, from the commencement in 1832, 8vo. GEOLOGICAL Society, Transactions of the, 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1811 GEOLOGICAL Society, Transactions of the, New Series, from vol. 1, 4to. Lond. 1824 HERBELOT M., Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel, contenant tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des Peuples de 1'Orient; avec un Supplement, par MM. C. Visdelou et A. Galand, fol. Maestricht, 1776 80 HORTICULTURAL Society of London, Transactions of the, vol. 7, part 1, 4to. JONES Sir William, Anniversary Discourses, delivered at Meet- ings of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta Works, vol. 3 JOURNAL (Quarterly) of Science and the Arts, 29 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181630 JOURNAL (Quarterly) of Science and the Arts, Index to the first Twenty volumes, 8 vo. Lond. 1826 LEYBOURN Thos., New Series of the Mathematical Repository, 3 vols. Lond. 180614 LINNEAN Society of London, Charter and Bye-Laws of the, Lond. 1802 Donat. Pam. 4to. 6 LINNEAN Society, Transaction of the, vols. 1 17, 4to. Lond. 17911835 MAGAZINE of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology ; conducted by J. C. London, from the commencement in 1829, 8vo. 240 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. MANCHESTER Literary and Philosophical Society, Memoirs of, from the commencement in 1785, 8vo. MECHANIC'S Magazine, vols. 1 8, 8vo. Land. 1823 8 MEMOIRES de la Societe Linneenne de Paris, torn. 1, 1822, 8vo. PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine, conducted by Sir David Brewster, Rd. Taylor, F.S.A., and Rd. Phillips, from vol. 9, 1831, 8vo. PHILOSOPHICAL Magazine, General Index to vols. 1 11, and vols. 112 New Series, 182738, 8vo. Lond. 18359 PHILOSOPHICAL Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1824, 4to. PHRENOLOGICAL Society of Edinburgh, Transactions of the, 8vo. Edinb. 1824 PHRENOLOGICAL Journal and Miscellany, from the commence- ment in 1823 to 1829, 5 vols. and 2 nos. 8vo. POLYTECHNIC Journal ; a Magazine of Art, Science, and General Literature, from January, 1842, 8vo. ROYAL Institution of Great Britain, Journal of the, Nos. 1 5, 8vo. Lond. 1831 ROYAL Institution, List of its Members in 1821 Donat. Pam. 49 ROYAL Society, Report of the Committee of Physics, including Meteorology, on the Objects of Scientific Inquiry in those Sciences, Lond. 1840 Donat. Pam. 107 SAUMAREZ Richard, Annual Oration to the Council and Fellows of the Medical Society of London, Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 49 SCIENTIFIC Memoirs, selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies, and from Foreign Journals, edited by Richard Taylor, F.S.A., from vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1837 THOMSON Thomas, (M.D.) History of the Royal Society, 4to. Lond. 1812 VOLTAIRE, Dictionnaire Philosophique (Euvres, torn. 7 YEAR-BOOK (The) of Facts in Science and Art, 18401842, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1840 42 ZOOLOGICAL Society of London, Transactions of the, from the commencement in 1835, royal 4to. CLASS THE FOURTH. SECTION I. Origin and Progress of Language and Letters Arts of Writing and Printing. AMES Joseph, Typographical Antiquities; or the History of Printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland : containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Register of the Books printed by them : augmented &c. by William Herbert and Rev. Thomas F. Dibdin, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 181019 ASTLE Thomas, On the Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary; also some account of the Origin and Progress of Printing, 4to. Lond. 1803 ESSAY on the Origin and Structure of the Hindoostanee Tongue, Lond. 1828 Donat. Pam. 105 FRY Edmund, Pantographia ; containing Accurate Copies of all the known Alphabets in the World, royal 8vo. Lond. 1799 MIDDLE-TON Conyers, (D.D.) Dissertation concerning the Ori- gin of Printing in England Works, vol. 3 MONBODDO Lord, On the Origin and Progress of Language, 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 177492 MURRAY Alex., (D.D.) History of the European Languages, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1823 2 i 242 BELLES LETTRES. PANZER Georgii W., Annales Typographic^ ab Artis Inventse Origine ad annum 1500, post Maittairii, Denisii, aliorum- que doctissimorum curas in ordinem redacti, emendati, et aucti, 11 torn. 4to. Norim. 1793 PEGGE Sam., Anecdotes of the English Language: chiefly re- garding the Local Dialect of London and its Environs, 8vo. Lond. 1803 SMITH Adam, (LL.D.) Considerations concerning the Forma- tion of Languages Works, vol. 5 STOWER C., Typographical Marks, employed in Correcting Proofs, Explained and Exemplified, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 53 WALL Charles William, (D.D.) An Examination of the Ancient Orthography of the Jews, and of the Original State of the Text of the Hebrew Bible, royal 8vo. Lond. 1835 41 Vol. 1 An Inquiry into the Origin of Alphabetic Writing; with an Essay on Egyptian Hieroglyphics 2 & 3 On the Propagation of Alphabets and other Phonetic Sys- tems throughout Eastern Asia : and on the vast inferiority of Ideagraphic Writing, as displayed in its effects upon Human Learning SECTION II. Literary History and Bibliography. BARANTE, De la Litterature Franchise pendant le Dix-huitieme Siecle, 18mo. Paris, 1822 BARKER E. H., The Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the Author- ship of Junius Disproved, Lond. 1827 Donat. Pam. 66 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 27 BENT'S Monthly Literary Advertiser, from June 1820 to 1837, 6 vuls. 4to. BIBLIOTHECA I';i!Ti;m;i : Catalogue of the Library of the late Rev. Samuel Parr, LL.D., 8vo. Lond. 1827 BIBLIOTHECA Pinelliana; a Catalogue of the Library of Maffei Pinelli, late of Venice, 8vo. Lond. 1789 LITERARY HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. 243 BOUTERWEK Fred., History of Spanish and Portuguese Litera- ture, translated by T. Ross, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 BRUNEI- J. C., Manuel du Libraire, 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820 BUTLER Charles, The Inaugural Oration spoken on the 4th of November, 1815, at the Ceremony of Laying the First Stone of the London Institution, for the Diffusion of Science and Literature, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 6 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 7 CATALOGUE of the Library of the Athenaeum, in Liverpool, Liverpool, 1802 Donat. Pam. 70 another copy, by Geo. Burrell, 8vo. Liverpool, 1820 CATALOGUE of the Library of the College of St. Margaret and St. Bernard, commonly called Queen's College, in the University of Cambridge, Methodically arranged by T. Hartwell Home, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Camb. 1827 CATALOGUE of the Library of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle, 8vo. Newcastle, 1819 CATALOGUE of the Library of the Edinburgh Medical Society, 8vo. Edinb. 1820 CATALOGUE of the Library of the Royal Institution, second edi- tion, by W. Harris, 8vo. Lond. 1821 CATALOGUE of the Library of the Surrey Institution, 1812, 8vo. CATALOGUE of the Subscription Library at Kingston upon Hull, 8vo. Liverpool, 1822 CATALOGUE of the Bristol Library, 8vo. Bristol, 1814 CATALOGUE of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 4to. With Index to Archceologia CATALOGUE of the Books in the Library of the City of Norwich, in the year 1706 Donat. Pam. 168 CATALOGUES of the Norwich Public Library, 1784, 1787 Donat. Pam. 70 CATALOGUE of the Books belonging to the Norwich Public Library, 8vo. Norwich, 1817 CATALOGUE of the Books belonging to the Norwich Public Library and to the City Library, Norwich, 1825. First Appendix to ditto, 8vo. Norwich, 1826 CATALOGUE of the Books of the Norwich Penny Library, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 160 244 BELLES LETTRES. CATALOGUE of the Library belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, 8vo. Lond. 1836 CATALOGUE of the Books belonging to the Nottingham Sub- scription Library, 8vo. Nottingham, 1819 CATALOGUE of the Suffolk Public Library, Bury, 1792 Donat. Pam. 70 CATALOGUS Librorum in Bibliotheca Aulse Divae Catharinse Can- tabrigiae, 4to. Cant. 1771 COLLIER J. P., History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the Restor- ation, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1831 CBADOCK Jos., Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 DIBDIN Rev. Thomas Frognall, (D.D.) Bibliographical, Anti- quarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838^ Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics ; Account of Polyglot Bibles, &c., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1808 The Library Companion ; or the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Library, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 DIRECTIONS for a Proper Choice of Authors to form a Library, Lond. 1766 Donat. Pam. 74 DUNLOP John, History of Roman Literature, from its earliest period to the Augustan Age, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182428 GINGUENE P. L., Histoire Litteraire d'ltalie, 9 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1811 continuee par F. Salfi, torn. 10, 8vo. Paris, 1823 GOLDSMITH Oliver, An Inquiry into the present state of Polite Learning Misc. Works, vol. 1 GRIMM Baron de, et Diderot, Correspondance Litteraire, Philo- sophique et Critique, adressee a un souverain d'Allemagne, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1769, 16 torn. 8vo. Pam, 1813 - Supplement a la Correspondance Litteraire de M. M. Grimm et Diderot, 8vo. Paris, 1814 LITERARY HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. 245 HALLAM Henry, Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, 4 vols. 8vo. Land. 18379 HARPE J. F. de la, Lycee, ou Cours de Litterature Ancienne et Moderne, 16 torn. 8vo. Paris, 18212 Tom. 1 & 2 Anciens Posie 3 Eloquence 4 Histoire, Philosophic, et Litterature Mel6e 57 Siecle de Louis XIV Poesie 813 Dix-Huitie'me Siecle Poesie 14 Eloquence, Histoire, et Litterature Melee 15, 16 Philosophic du XVIIIe Siecle HORNE Thomas Hartwell, Manual of Biblical Bibliography, comprising a Catalogue, Methodically Arranged, of the Principal Editions and Versions of the Holy Scriptures, &c., 8vo. Lond. 1839 JENKINS Tommaso, Catalogo di Monumenti Scritti del Museo del Signer, Roma, 1787 Donat. Pam. 4to. 2 JUNIUS, A Critical Enquiry regarding the real author of the Let- ters of; proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville ; by George Coventry, 8vo. Lond. 1825 LAWRENCE James, Dramatic Emancipation Pamphleteer, vol. 2 LEEDS Philosophical and Literary Society, Law and Regulations of, Leeds, 1823 Donat. Pam. 83 LIBRARIAN (The) ; by James Savage, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18089 LITERARY and Philosophical Society of Hackney, Regulation of the, Lond. 1811 Donat. Pam. 31 LONDON Institution for the Advancement of Literature and Dif- fusion of Useful Knowledge, Charter and Bye-Laws of, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 164 LOWNDES William Thomas, The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 MIDDLE-TON Conyers, (S.T.P.) Bibliothecse Cantabrigiensis or- dinandse methodus qusedam ; quam Domino Procancel- lario Senatuique Academico considerandam et perficien- dam officii et pietatis ergo proponit Works, vol. 3 NOTTINGHAM Subscription Library, Laws for the Regulation of, 1816 Donat. Pam, 102 246 BELLES LETTRES. ORME William, Bibliotheca Biblica; a Select List of Books on Sacred Literature; with Notices, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical, 8vo. Edinb. 18'24 PUBLISHER'S (The) Circular, from the commencement in Oct. 1837, 8vo. REPORT of the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund, Lond. 1830 Donat. Pam. 4to. 6 ROSCOE W., On the Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science, and Art, and their influence on the Present State of Society Pamphleteer, vol. 11 SCHLEGEL F., Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb, 1818 SISMONDI J. C. L. Sismonde de, De la Litterature du Midi de 1'Europe, 4 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated, with Original Notes, by Thomas Roscoe, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182324 SITTING of the Committee on the Proposed Monument to Shakspeare Pamphleteer, vol. 22 SOCIETY for the Management and Distribution of the Literary Fund, its Origin, Progress, &c., Loud. 1822 Donat. Pam. 51 SPENCE Rev. Joseph, Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men, 8vo. Lond. 1820 STABL Madame de, De la Litterature (Euvres, torn. 4 De la Allemagne (Euvres, torn. 10, 11 TAYLOR Isaac, History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, 8vo. Lond. 1827 TEMPLE Sir W., Essay upon Ancient and Modern Learning Works, vol. 3 TIRABOSCHI Girolamo, Storia della Letteratura Italiana, 9 torn. in 20 parts, 8vo. Firenze, 1805 13 WATT Robert, (M.D.) Bibliotheca Britannica; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols. 4to. Edinb. 1824 WORDSWORTH Rev. C., "Who wrote EIKflN BA2IAIKH?" Considered and Answered, in two Letters addressed to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, 8vo. Lond. 1824 LITERARY JOURNALS, MAGAZINES, ETC. 247 YELLOLY J., (M.D.) Explanations relative to a proposed plan for promoting a Collection of Books in aid of the Nor- wich Public Library, Norwich, 1820 Donat. Pam. 101 SECTION III. Literary Journals, Magazines, Reviews, 8$c. AINSWORTH'S Magazine : a Monthly Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, and Art, edited by William Harrison Ainsworth, from its commencement in 1842, 8vo. ASIATIC Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China, and Australia, from Vol. 4, 1831, new series, 8vo. ATHENJEUM, (The) London Literary and Critical Journal, from its commencement in 1828, 4to. BENTLEY'S Miscellany, from Vol. 7, 1840, 8vo. BIBLIOTECA Italiana osia Giornale di Letteratura Scienze ed Arti, Marzo Ottobre 1821, Gennajo 1823 Novembre 1825, 43 Nos. 8vo. Milano BLACKWOOD'S Edinburgh Magazine, from Vol. 17, 182.5, 8vo. BOSTON Magazine, for April 1785 Donat. Pam. 68 BRITISH Critic, Quarterly Theological Review, and Ecclesiastical Record, from the commencement in 1827, 8vo. BRITISH Magazine, from Vol. 7, 1835, 8vo. BRITISH Miscellany, for Jan. 1799 Donat. Pam. 69 CAMBRIDGE Quarterly Review and Academical Register, No. 1 , 8vo. Lond. 1824 CAMBRIDGE University Calendar, from 1824, 12mo. CHRISTIAN Observer, from Vol. 23, 1823, 8vo. CHRISTIAN Remembrancer, Vols. 6 to 13 and 16, 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182434 CLASSICAL Journal, 40 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810 29 248 BELLES LETTRES. CLERC John le, Bibliotheque Uuiverselle et Historique, 26 torn. 24mo. Amst. 1700 COLONIAL Magazine and Commercial-Maritime Journal, edited by Robert Montgomery Martin, Esq. from its commence- ment in 1840, 8vo. CONGREGATIONAL Magazine, from Vol. 18, 1835, 8vo. DUBLIN University Magazine, from Vol. 7, 1836, 8vo. EAST-INDIA Register and Directory, for 1840 and 1841, com- piled by F. Clark, 12mo. Lond. 18401 ECLECTIC Review, from July, 1823, 8vo. EDINBURGH Literary Journal, for 1829, royal 8vo EDINBURGH Review, from the commencement in 1802, 8vo. EDINBURGH Review, General Index to the first twenty Volumes, (180212) 8vo. Edinb. 1813 EDINBURGH Review, General Index from Volume 21 to 50, (1813 30)8vo. Edinb. 1832 FOREIGN Literary Gazette, Jan. 6, to March 31, 1830, (all published") 4to. FOREIGN Quarterly Review, from the commencement in 1 827, 8vo. ERASER'S Magazine for Town and Country, from Vol. 7, 1833, 8vo. GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, from the commencement in 1731, 8vo. GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, General Index to the first fifty-six Volumes, (1731 86) by Rev. Samuel Ayscough, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1789 GENTLEMAN'S Magazine, General Index from 1787 to 1818, by John Nichols, F.S.A., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 GORLESTON and Southtown Magazine, 8vo. Yarmouth, 1831 HERALD of Peace, for the years 1823 7 Donat. Pam. 79 INQUIRER, (The) 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Lond. 1822 3 INSPECTOR, (The) Literary Magazine and Review, Nos. 9, 10, 1 1 , 8vo. Lond. 1827 JOURNAL des Savans, 5 torn. Paris, 1821 5 LITERARY Gazette, and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, &c., from 1819, 4to. LONDON Magazine, March, 1742 Donat. Pam. 84 LONDON Magazine, from the commencement in 1820 to 1825, 13 vols. 8vo. METROPOLITAN Magazine, from Vol. 6, 1833, 8vo. METROPOLITAN Quarterly Magazine, No. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1825 LITERARY JOURNALS, MAGAZINES, ETC. 249 MONTHLY Censor, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 3 MONTHLY Magazine, from the commencement in 1796 to 1827, 64 vols. 8vo. MONTHLY Review, from the commencement in 1749 to 1833, 213 vols. 8vo. MONTHLY Review, General Index to the first seventy volumes, by Rev. S. Ayscough, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1786 NATIONAL Magazine and Dublin Literary Gazette, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Dublin, 1831 NAVAL and Military Magazine, No. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1827 NEW Monthly Magazine, from the commencement in 1821, 8vo. NIC-NAC, or Oracle of Knowledge, for April, 1823 Donat. Pam. 86 NORTH American Review, from Vol. 20, 1825, 8vo. NORWICH (The) Magazine, 1835, 8vo. Norwich, 1835 ORIENTAL Herald, and Journal of General Literature, 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18289 ORIENTAL Quarterly Review, Vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1830 OXFORD University Calendar, from 1824, 12mo. QUARTERLY Review, from the commencement in 1809, 8vo. QUARTERLY Review, General Index to the, 3 vols. 8vo. QUARTERLY Theological Review and Ecclesiastical Record, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 6 RETROSPECTIVE Review, from the commencement in 1820 to 1826, 13 vols. 8vo. RETROSPECTIVE Review, second series, 1827, 2 vols. 8vo. REVUE des deux Mondes, from Jan. 1842, royal 8vo. REVUE Encyclopedique, ou Analyse Raisonnee des Productions les plus remarquables dans la Politique, les Sciences, 1'In- dustrie, et les Beaux- Arts, pour 1818 34, 48 torn. 8vo. SWIFT Jonathan, The Examiner Works, vol. 8 TAIT'S Edinburgh Magazine, from Jan. 1833, 8vo. TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, vol. 1, part 1, 4to. Lond. 1827 UNITED Service Journal, and Naval and Military Magazine, from Jan. 1833, 8vo. WESTMINSTER Review, from the commencement in 1824 to 1836, 25 vols. 8vo. 2 K 250 BELLES LETTRES. SECTION IV. Philology, Criticism, Rhetoric, and Grammar. ADDISON Rt. Hon. Jos., Essay on Virgil's Georgics Works, vol. 1 BENTLEY Richard, Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris; with an answer to the objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle, 8vo. Land. 1816 BOILEAU DESPREAUX Nich., Reflexions Critiques sur Longin et Traduction du Trait6 du Sublime par Longin CEuvres, torn. 2 Bossu R. P. le, Traite du Poe'me Epique, 12mo. Have, 1714 BOSSUET J. B., Maximes et Reflexions sur la Comedie CEuvres, torn. 37 BOWLES Thomas, (D.D.) Aristarchus : or a Compendious and Rational Institution of the Latin Tongue ; with a Critical Dissertation on the Roman Classics, 8vo. Oxf. 1748 BOWLES Rev. W. L., Letters to Mr. T. Campbell, as far as regards Poetical Criticism Pamphleteer, vol. 20 Two Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron, in answer to his Lordship's Letter, on the Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope Pamphleteer, vol. 18 Reply to the Charges brought by the Reviewer of Spence's Anecdotes, in the Quarterly Review for Oct. 1820, against the last Editor of Pope's Works Pamphleteer, vol. 17 BRITISH Metre, and its Derivatives Pamphleteer, vol. 16 BRYDGES Sir Egerton, Bart., Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of Lord Byron, small 8vo. Lond. 1824 BUCKINGHAM J. S., Opinions of Reviewers on his Travels in Mesopotamia Donat, Pam. 69 BUNN Alfred, The Stage : both before and behind the Curtain, from " Observations taken on the spot," 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1840 PHILOLOGY, CRITICISM, ETC. 251 BUTLER Rev. S., Letter of the Rev. C. J. Blomfield, A.B., containing Remarks on the Edinburgh Review of the Cambridge TEschylus, Shrewsbury, 1810 Donat. Pam. 6 BYRON Right Hon. Lord, Letter to, protesting against the Immolation of Gray, Cowper, and Campbell, at the shrine of Pope Pamphleteer, vol. 18 CAMPBELL George, (D.D.) Philosophy of Rhetoric, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1816 CAMPBELL H. Y., Ossiana, or Fingal ascertained and traced in Ulster Pamphleteer, vol. 15 CARLYLE Thomas, Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, 5 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 CHANNING W. E., (D.D.) Analysis of the Character of Napoleon Bonaparte, suggested by the publication of Scott's Life of Napoleon Works Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton, occasioned by the publication of his lately dis- covered " Treatise on Christian Doctrine" Works COLERIDGE H. N., Introduction to the Study of the Greek Classic Poets, part 1, 12mo. Lond. 1830 DAVID Julius, The Modern Greek Grammar, translated from the French, by Rev. G. Winnock, 8vo. Lond. 1826 DAWES Rich., Miscellanea Critica, ex. rec. Thomse Kidd, A.M., 8vo. Lond. 1827 DE Latinarum Literarum pronunciatione Dissertatio Middleton's Works, vol. 2 DELPLA A., French Drama: or a Discussion on the following Question; Which are the best means of making Theatres vie with each other in promoting the Perfection of Taste and the Improvement of Morals? Pamphleteer, vol. 12 DICTIONNAIRE de la Grammaire et de la Litterature, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DOBREE P. P., Adversaria, edente Jacobo Scholefield, 2 torn. 8vo. Cant. 18313 DRAKE Nathan, (M.D.) Memorials of Shakspeare ; or Sketches of his Character and Genius, by various Writers ; with Essays and Notes, 8vo. Lond. 1828 Shakspeare and his Times ; including the Biography of the Poet; Criticisms on his Genius and Writings, &c., 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1817 252 BELLES LETTRES. DRYDEN John, Essay on Dramatic Poesy Works, vol. 5 DUNLOP John, History of Fiction ; being a Critical Account of the most celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1816 EDGEWORTH R. L. and Miss, Essay on Irish Bulls, 12mo. Land. 1823 FOREIGN Quarterly Review, Rejoinder of the Proprietors of the, to the " Reply of the Foreign Review" Donat. Pam. 77 FOSCOLO Ugo, Essays on Petrarch, 8vo. Lond. 1823 GILCHRIST O., Observations on the Poetical Character of Pope Pamphleteer, vols. 17, 18 GRAMMAR of the Tahitian Dialect of the Polynesian Language, Tahiti, 1823; Plan of the South Sea Academy for Educating the Children of Missionaries, 12mo. Tahiti, 1824 HALL Rev. Robert, Reviews of several works reprinted from the Eclectic Review, 8vo. Lond. 1824 another copy Works, vol. 4 HARRIS James, Hermes ; or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar Miscellanies, vol. 2 Philological Inquiries Miscellanies, vols 4, 5 HINTS for Certain Reviewers, by one who has never been Reviewed, Lond. 1807 Donat. Pam. 21 INGRAM Rev. J., (D.D.) Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Lan- guage Saxon Chronicle JACOBS F., Additamenta Animadversionum in Athensei Deipno- sophistas, 8vo. Jenee, 1809 JOHNSON Samuel, (LL.D.) Philological Tracts Works, vol. 2 - Dissertation upon the Greek Comedy, translated from Brumoy Works, vol. 3 Review of a Free Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil Works, vol. 8 JONES John, Explanation of the Greek Article, 12mo. Lond. 1827 JONSON Ben, English Grammar Works, vol. 9 JORTIN John, (D.D.) Miscellaneous Observations upon Authors, Ancient and Modern, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1731 - Critical Remarks on Greek, Latin, and Modern Authors Tracts, vol. 2 - Remarks on Spencer Tracts, vol. 1 PHILOLOGY, CRITICISM, ETC. 253 JORTIN John, (D.D.) Remarks on Milton Tracts, vol. I Tracts, Philological, Critical, and Miscellaneous, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790 KAMES Henry Home Lord, Elements of Criticism, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1817 LEE Rev. S., Grammar of the Hebrew Language, in a series of Lectures, 8vo. Lond. 1827 LETTERE Critico-Apologetiche per servire di Commentario all' articolo che tratta della Letteratura Italiana, dell' Opera di Madama di Stael, Firenze, 1806 Donat. Pam. 64 LETTERS of Decius, in answer to the Criticism upon the Political Account of Trinidad, &c., Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 27 MARSHMAN Joshua, (D.D.) Elements of Chinese Grammar, with a Preliminary Dissertation on the Characters and Colloquial Medium of the Chinese, 4to. Serampore, 1814 MATTHI.E A., Greek Grammar, translated from the German, by E. V. Blomfield, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 MAURY 1'Abbe, Essai sur 1'Eloquence de la Chaire, 2 torn. Paris, 1810 MILTON John, Accedence commenced Grammar Prose Works, vol. 2 MITCHELL J., A Grammatical Parallel of the Ancient and Modern Greek Languages, 12mo. Lond. 1824 MONTGOMERY James, Lectures on Poetry and General Litera- ture, delivered at the Royal Institution in 1830 and 1831, 12mo. Lond. 1833 OBSERVATIONS on several Authors and Books in the Foreign Languages Pamphleteer, vol. 2 PARR Samuel, (LL.D.) Warburtonian Tracts Works, vol. 3 PORSON Richard, Tracts and Miscellaneous Criticisms, collected and arranged by Rev. T. Kidd, 8vo. Lond. 1815 A Vindication of the Literary Character of, from the Animadversions of the Right Rev. Thomas Burgess, by Crito Cantabrigiensis, 8vo. Camb. 1827 RAFFLES Hon. T. S., Discourse delivered to the Literary and Scientific Society at Java, 1815 Pamphleteer, vol. 8 REMARKS addressed to J. B. Trotter, Esq., on the Scandalous Attack made upon the Character of the Right Hon. W. Pitt, in his " Memoirs of the latter years of the Right Hon. C. J. Fox," Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 46 254 BELLES LETTRES. ROUILLON M. de, Complete Analytical Table of the Gender of all French Nouns, Fakenham, 1813 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 ROUSSEAU J. J., Lettre a M. d'Alembert (Euvres, torn. 11 Letters on the Confessions of, by M. Ginguene, Lond. 1792 Donat. Pam. 162 Lettres sur les Ecrits et le Caractere de, par Madame de Stael (Euvres, torn. 1 SELDEN J., Notes on Dray ton's Polyolbion Opera, torn. 6 SMITH Rev. Sydney, Articles originally published in the " Edin- burgh Review" Works, vols. 1, 2, 4 STACKHOUSE T., Home Tooke Reviewed, or an Explanation of the Particles " Of" and " For," Lond. 1813 Donat. Pam. 97 STACL-HOLSTEIN Madame de, Lettres sur les Ecrits et le Carac- tere de J. J. Rousseau, Paris, 1814 Donat. Pam. 97 - Notice sur le Caractere et les Ecrits de Madame de (Euvres, torn. 1 SWIFT Dr. Jonathan, Essay upon his Life, Writings, and Cha- racter, by Deane Swift, 8vo. Lond. 1755 Remarks on his Life and Writings, by John Earl of Orrery, 8vo. Lond. 1752 TALFOURD T. N., Attempt to estimate the Poetical Talent of the Present Age Pamphleteer, vol. 5 TAYLOR John Edward, Michael Angelo, considered as a Philoso- phic Poet. With Translations, 12mo. Lond. 1840 TAYLOR Wm., English Synonyms discriminated, 12mo. Lond. 1813 - Historic Survey of German Poetry, interspersed with various translations, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 TOOKE J. H., Diversions of Purley, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 17981805 TWEDDELL Joannis, Prolusiones Juveniles. Preemiis Academicis Dignatse Remains TYTLER Alex. F., Essay on the Principles of Translation, 8vo. Edinb. 1813 VINDICATION of Mr. Pope's Essay on Man Donat. Pam. 167 VOLTAIRE, Commentaires sur Corneille (Euvres, torn. 8, partie 2 VORTIGERN and Rowena, Passages selected by Distinguished Personages, on the great Literary Trial of, Lond. 1 795 Donat. Pam. 167 DICTIONARIES AND LEXICONS. 255 WARTON Joseph, (D.D.) Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, 8vo. Lond. 1806 WARTON Thomas, (B.D.) History of English Poetry, from the close of the Eleventh Century to the commencement of the Eighteenth Century, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1774 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) Art of Reading and Writing English Works, vol. 4 WHATELY Richard, (D.D.) Elements of Rhetoric, 8vo. Oxf. 1828 WHATELY Thomas, Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare; Edited by Abp. Whately, 12mo. Lond. 1839 WOOD Robert, Essay on the original Genius and Writings of Homer ; with a Comparative View of the ancient and present State of the Troade, 4to. Lond. 1775 SECTION V. Dictionaries and Lexicons. AINSWORTH R., Latin Dictionary, Improved and Enlarged by Dr. Thomas Morell, and Edited by John Carey, LL.D. 1 vol. in 2, 4to. Lond. 1823 ALBERTI Francois de Villeneuve, Grand Dictionnaire Franc,ais- Italien, 2 torn. 4to. Bassano, 1811 BAILEY-FAHRENKRUGER'S Wb'rterbuch der Englischen Sprache, (English and German Dictionary,) 2 vols. 8vo. Jene, 1822 BOSWORTH Rev. J., Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language: with a Preface, on the Origin and Connexion of the Germanic Tongues, a Map of Languages, and the Es- sentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 8vo. Lond. 1838 BOUCHER Rev. J., Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words, parts 1 and 2, 4to. Lond, 1832 256 BELLES LETTRES. BOYER, French and English Dictionary, 4to. Lond. 1816 BUXTORFII, Thesaurus Grammaticus Linguae sanctae Hebraese, 12mo. Basil. 1620 DAWSON Benjamin, Philologia Anglicana ; or a Philological and Synonymical Dictionary of the English Language, parts 1 5 Ipswich, 1806 DICTIONNAIRE de I'Acad&inie Franchise, 2 torn. 4to. Paris, 1814 Du CANGE C. Du Fresne, Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, et Supplementum D. P. Carpentieri, 10 torn, folio Paris, 173366 FACCIOLATI Jac., Lexicon totius Latinitatis, cura Forcellini, cum Appendice, 4 torn, folio Patavii, 1805 FORBY Rev. R., Vocabulary of East Anglia, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830 HEDERICI B., Lexicon Gr. et Lat a Morell, 4to. Lond. 1803 HICKES George, Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium Thesau- rus, 2 torn, folio Oxon. 1705 JOHNSON Dr. S., Dictionary of the English Language, with Additions, by the Rev. H. J. Todd ; and a Supplement, by the Rev. J. Seager, 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1818 9 LYE E., Dictionnarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, edidit Owen Manning, 2 torn, folio Lond. 1772 MOOR Edward, Suffolk Words and Phrases, or an attempt to collect the Singular Localisms of that County, 12mo. Woodbridge, 1823 MORELL T., Lexicon Graeco-Prosodiacum, cura Edvardi Maltby, 4to. Cant. 1815 NARES Robt., (B.D.) Glossary; or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, &c., which have been thought to require Illustration in the Works of English Authors, 4to. Lond. 1822 NIZOLII Marii, Lexicon Ciceronianum ex recensione Alexandri Scoti. Accedunt Phrases et Formulae Linguae Latinse ex commentariis Stephani Doleti. Juxta Editionem Ja- cobi Facciolati, 3 torn. 8vo. Lond. 1820 RICHARDSON John, Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary, by Wilkins, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1806 SIMONIS Joann., Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, ab Eich- horn, 2 torn. 8vo. Halts, 1793 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 257 SOMNER W., Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum cum Grammatica et Glossario Aelfrici, folio Oxon. 1659 SOMNER Gul., Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, Lexico, 8vo. Oxon. 1701 SPELMAN H., Glossarium Archaiologicum, folio Land. 1687 STEPHANI Henrici, Thesaurus Grsecse Linguae, 8 torn, folio Lond. Valp. 181618 VoCABOLARiocompendiato della Crusca, 2 vols. 4to. Venez. 1705 WEBSTER Noah, Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1831 WHITER Rev. W., Etymologicon Universale ; or Universal Ety- mological Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. Camb. 1822 YOUNG T., (M.D.) Rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary in the ancient Enchorial Character ; with a Life of the Author, and Catalogue of his Works and Essays, 8vo. Lond. 1831 SECTION VI. Poetry and the Drama. ADDISON Joseph, Poems on Several Occasions Works, vol. 1 Cato ; a Tragedy Works, vol. 1 Rosamond; an Opera Works, vol. 1 ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of the Eastern Counties of England ; being a slight historical sketch of Ancient Roads, with a few observations on the adaptation of the Modern Rail- way to the development of the resources of a country, 1839 Donat. Pam. 168 AIKIN John, Essays on Song- Writing ; with a Collection of such English Songs as are eminent for Poetical Merit; with a Supplement, &c., by R. H. Evans, 12mo. Lond. 1816 ALFIERI Vittorio, Tragedie e Poesie Varie, 3 torn. 8vo. Milano, 1818 ARIOSTO Lud., Orlando Furioso, 5 torn. 8vo. Milano, 1812 14 translated by Hoole Chalmers, vol.21 2 L 258 BELLES LETTRES. ASSIZE Ball; or Lucy of the Moor, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 66 ATHERSTONE Edwin, The Fall of Nineveh ; a Poem, 8vo. Lond. 1828 BAILLIE Joanna, Miscellaneous Plays, 8vo. Lond. 1805 Plays on the Passions, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Dramas, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 BARBAULD Anna L., Poems of Works, vol. 1 BARKER Richard, Tales of the Blest; a Poem, first series, Infancy and Childhood, 18mo. Thetford, 1840 BARTON Bernard, Napoleon, and other Poems, 8vo. Lond. 1822 - Poems, I2mo. Lond. 1823 Poetic Vigils, 12mo. Lond. 1824 BEATTIE J., (LL.D.) The Minstrel, and other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1811 BEAUMONT and Fletcher, Dramatic Works of; with Introduction and Notes, by Henry Weber, 14 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1812 BENTLEY E., Genuine Poetical Compositions, Norwich, 1791 Donat. Pam. 159 BETIIAM Matilda, Vignettes; in Verse, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 67 BLEWITT Reginald James, The Court of Chancery; a Satirical Poem, 8vo. Lond. 1827 BLOOMFIELD Robert, The Poems of, 3 vols. 18mo. Lond. 1827 Vol. 1 The Farmer's Boy ; Good Tidings 2 Rural Tales ; Wild Flowers 8 Banks of Wye ; May- Day with the Muses - Hazelwood Hall; a Village Drama, 12mo. Lond. 1823 BOILEAU DESPREAUX Nich., (Euvres Completes, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1810 BONAPARTE Lucien, Charlemagne; ou 1'Eglise Delivree, 2 torn. 4to. Lond. 1814 BOWRINO John, Specimens of the Russian Poets, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1823 Batavian Anthology ; or Specimens of the Dutch Poets, 12mo. Lond. 1824 Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain, I2mo. Lond. 1824 Matins and Vespers, 12mo. Lond. 1823 BROOKE and Hellier; a Satyr, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. '69 BULWER Sir E. L., Money; a Comedy, 8vo. Lond. 1840 Richelieu, or the Conspiracy; a Play,8vo. Lond. 1839 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 259 BULWER Sir E. L., The Lady of Lyons, or Love and Pride; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1838 The Sea-Captain, or the Birthright; a Drama, 8vo. Lond. 1839 BUONARROTI Michelagnolo, Rime di, col Comento diG. Biagioli, 8vo. Parigi, 1821 BURNS Robert, Songs and Poems Works, vols. 3, 4 BUTLER Samuel, Hudibras, with Notes by Zachary Grey, LL.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond 1744 BYRON Lord, Poetical Works, 8 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1821 4 Werner; a Tragedy, 8 vo. Lond. 1822 - The Island, 8vo. Lond. 1823 CAMOCNS, Lusiad, trans, by W. L. Mickle Chalmers, vol. 21 CAMPBELL Thomas, Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1816 Pleasures of Hope, and other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1820 Theodric, and other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1824 - The Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other Poems, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 CHAMBERLIN M., Equanimity; a Poem, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 71 CHAUCER Geoffrey, The Poems of, Modernized, 12mo. Lond. 1841 CHAUCER'S Canterbury Tales ; to which are added an Essay on his Language and Versification, &c. by T. Tyrwhitt, Esq., 2 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1798 CHENIER M. J., Choix de Poesies, 24mo. Paris, 1820 CHRISTIAN Year; Thoughts in Verse for Sundays and Holidays, 18mo. Oxford, 1829 CHURCHILL C., Epistle to William Hogarth, Lond. 1763 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 CLARE John, The Rural Muse, 18mo. Lond. 1835 COLERIDGE S. T., Poetical Works, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1828 VoL 1 Juvenile Poems; Sibylline Leaves 2 The Ancient Mariner ; Christabel ; Prose in Rhyme, or Epi- grams, Moralities, &c. ; Remorse, a Tragedy ; Zapolya, a Christmas Tale 3 The Piccolomini, or the first part of Wallenstein ; The Death. of Wallenstein 260 BELLES LETTRES. COLERIDGE S. T., Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision; and The Pains of Sleep, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pant. 72 COLLECTION of Poems, by Several Hands, published by R. and J. Dodsley, 6 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1763 COLLECTION of Poems, by Several Hands, published by G. Pearch, 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1768 COLLINS William, Poems of, with Notes, &c. by Rev. W. Crowe, 12mo. Bath, 1828 CONSPIRACY of Cowrie; a Tragedy, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 160 CONYBEARE Rev. J. J., Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, with Notes, by W. D. Conybeare, 8vo. Lond. 1826 COOKSEY R., Miscellaneous Poems, Lond. 1796 Donat. Pam. 73 CORNEILLE P., Chefs-d'CEuvres de, 3 torn. Paris, 1814 Tom. 1 Le Cid ; Horace ; Cinna 2 Polyeucte ; Le Menteur ; Pompee ; Rodogune 3 H^raclius; D. Sanche D'Aragon ; Nicomede; Sertorius CORRUPTION and Intolerance ; two Poems, with Notes, Lond, 1808 Donat. Pam. 11 COWPER William, Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Posthumous Poetry, by Dr. Johnson, 8vo. Lond. 1815 Poems of Works, by Southey, vol. 8 10 Vol. 8 Juvenile Poems, published by Hayley; Early Productions, published by Croft ; Olney Hymns ; Anti-Thelyphthora ; Table- Talk, &c. 9 Translations from Madame de la Mothe-Guion ; The Task ; Minor Poems ; Index to the Task JO Minor Poems; Translations from Vincent Bourne, Milton, and Owen ; Translations of Greek Verses ; Translations from the Fables of Gay ; Adam, a Sacred Drama, translated from the Italian of Gio. Battista Andreini CRABBE Rev. Geo., Poetical Works, 8 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1823 Vol. 1 The Village; The Parish Register; The Hall of Justice, &c. 23 The Borough 45 Tales 68 Tales of the Hall Posthumous Tales, edited by his Sons, 12mo. Lond. 1834 CRADOCK Joseph, Poems Literary Memoirs, vol. 4 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 261 CRADOCK Joseph, The Czar ; an Historical Tragedy Literary Memoirs, vol. 3 Zobeide ; a Tragedy Literary Memoirs, vol. 3 CRBILLON P. J. de, CEuvres de, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1812 CUNNINGHAM Allan, Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, a Dramatic Poem ; The Mermaid of Galloway, and other Poems, 8vo. Lond. 1822 The Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern ; with an Introduction, Notes, and Characters of the Living Poets, 4 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1825 DANTE Alighieri, La Divina Commedia di, col Comento di G. Biagioli, 3 torn. 8vo. Parigi, 1818 The Vision ; or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, trans. by the Rev. Hy. Gary, A.M., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 The Inferno of, trans, by Ichabod Chas. Wright, M.A., 8vo. Lond. 1833 DELILLE Jacques, Les Jardins, Poeme, 8vo. Paris, 1820 DESAUGIERS M. A., 1'Homme aux Precautions, Comedie Paris, 1820 DIBDIN C., The Songs of, Chronologically arranged, with Notes, Historical, Biographical, and Critical, 8vo. Lond. 1842 DIDEROT, CEuvres de Theatre, avec un Discours sur la Poesie Dramatique, 2 torn. 12mo. Penis, 1771 DILLINGHAM W., Poemata, 12mo. Lond. 1678 DRYDEN John, Dramatic Works Works, vols. 2 8 Poetical Works Works, vols. 911, 13 DUCK S., Poems, Lond. 1733 Donat. Pam. 75 Du FRESNOY Chas. Alphonse, The Art of Painting; translated into English Verse by Wm. Mason, with Annotations by Sir Joshua Reynolds ; with the Preface to Mr. Dryden's translation, containing a Parallel between Poetry and Painting Reynolds' Works, vol. 3 DUNBAR Robert N., The Cruise; or a Prospect of the West Indian Archipelago, 18mo. Lond. 1825 EDGEWORTH Maria, Comic Dramas, 12mo. Lond. 1817 ELLIS George, Specimens of the early English Poets ; with an Historical Sketch of the rise and progress of the English Poetry and Language, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1811 ELLIS Mrs., The Sons of the Soil ; a Poem, small 8vo. Lond. 1840 262 BELLES LETTRES. ENGLISH Poets, The Works of the, from Chaucer to Cowper; including the Series edited with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Dr. Samuel Johnson : and the most ap- proved Translations. The additional Lives by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A., 21 vols. 8vo. Land. 1810 VOL. Addison Joseph 9 Akenside Mark, M.D 14 Armstrong John, M.D. .. 16 Beattie James, LL.D 18 Beaumont Francis ...... 6 Beaumont Sir John 6 Blacklock Thomas, D.D. . 18 Blackmore Sir Richard .. 10 Blair Rev. Robert 15 Boyse Samuel 14 Brome Alexander 6 Brooke Henry , 17 Broome William, D.D. .. 12 Browne William -. . 6 Butler Samuel 8 Byrom John, M. A 15 Cambridge Richard Owen . 18 Carew Thomas 5 Cartwright Rev. William . 6 Cawthorne Rev. James . . 14 Chatterton Thomas 15 Chaucer Geoffrey 1 Churchill Rev. Charles . . 14 Collins William 13 Congreve William ...... 10 Cooper John Gilbert .... 15 Corbett Bishop 5 Cotton Charles 6 Cotton Nathaniel, M.D. .. 18 Cowley Abraham , 7 Cowper William 18 Crashaw Rev. Richard .... 6 Cunningham John 14 Daniel Samuel 3 Davenant Sir William .... 6 Davies Sir John - 5 Denham Sir John 7 Dodsley Robert 15 Donne John, D.D 5 Dorset Charles, Earl of . . 8 Drayton Michael .....'... 4 Drummond William 5 Dryden John 8 and 9 Duke Rev. Richard 9 Dyer Rev. John 13 Falconer William 14 Fawkes Rev. Francis, M. A. 16 Fenton Elijah 10 Fletcher Giles 6 Fletcher Phineas 6 Garth Sir Samuel 9 Gascoigne George 2 Gay John 10 Glover Richard 17 Goldsmith Oliver, M.B. .. 16 Gower John 2 Grainger James, M. D 14 Gray Thomas 14 Green Matthew 15 Habington William ........ 6 Halifax Charles, Earl of .... 9 Hall Bishop 5 Hammond James 11 Harte Rev. Walter 16 Hughes John 10 Jago Rev, Richard 17 Jenyns Soame 17 Johnson Samuel, LL. D. . . 16 Jones Sir William 18 Jonson Ben 5 King William, D. C. L 9 Langhorne John, D. D 16 Lansdowne George Lord . . 11 Lloyd Robert 15 Logan Rev. John 18 Lovibond Edward 16 Lyttelton George, Lord .... 14 Mallett David 14 Mason Rev. William, M.A. 18 Mickle William Julius .... 17 Milton John 7 Moore Edward 14 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 263 ENGLISH Poets : continued VOL. Otway Edward 8 Parnell Thomas, D.D. .. 9 Philips Ambrose 13 Philips John 8 Pitt Rev. Christopher .... 12 Pomfret Rev. John 8 Pope Alexander 12 Prior Matthew 10 Rochester John, Earl of . . 8 Roscommon Wentworth Dil'on, Earl of 8 Rowe Nicholas 9 Savage Richard 11 Scott John 17 Shakspeare William 5 Sheffield John, Duke of Buckingham ...... 10 Shenstone William 13 Sherburne Sir Edward. ... 6 Skelton Rev. John ...... 2 Smart Rev. Christopher . . 16 Smith Edmund 9 Somerville William 11 Spencer Edmund . . 3 The Translations from the Greek and Sprat Bishop 9 Stepney George 8 Stirling Wm. Alex., Earl of 5 Suckling Sir William 6 Surrey Henry, Earl of .... 2 Swift Jonathan, D. D 11 Thomson James 12 Thompson Rev. William . . 15 Tickell Thomas 11 Turberville George 2 Waller Edmund 8 Walsh William ... 8 Warner William 4 Warton Joseph, D. D 18 Warton Thomas, B.D 18 Watts Isaac, D. D 13 West Gilbert, LL. D 13 Whitehead Paul 16 Whitehead William 17 Wilkie William, D.D. .... 16 Wyatt Sir Thomas 2 Yalden Thomas, D.D 11 Young Rev. Edward, LL.D. 13 Translations 19, 20, 21 Latin Poets are inserted in the Section of Greek and Latin Authors ; those from other Authors under their respective Titles in this. ENGLISH Translations, from Ancient and Modern Poems, by various Authors, 3 vols. Land. 1810 FAWCET J., The Art of War; a Poem, Lond. 1795 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 FORD John, Dramatic Works of, with Notes by W. Giflford, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 FRA DIAVOLO, Oper von Scribe Donat. Pam. 168 FREDERIC- II, King of Prussia, Tantalus at Law, a Comedy Works, vol. 5 FRY Caroline, Death, and other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1823 GOETHE, Faustus; a Dramatic Mystery ; The Bride of Corinth; The First Walpurgis Night; translated from the German, with Notes, by John Anster, LL.D. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Faustus; a Tragedy, translated from the German, 18mo. Lond. 1834 264 BELLES LETTRES. GOLDONI C., Chef d'OEuvres Dramatiques de, traduits en Fran- 9ais, avec le Texte Italien, 3 torn. 8vo. Lyon, An. 9 GOLDSMITH Oliver, (M.B.) Poems Misc. Works, vol. 2 - She Stoops to Conquer; a Comedy Misc. Works, vol. 2 The Good-Natured Man ; a Comedy Misc. Works, vol. 2 - TheDeserted Village; a Poem, Lond. 1770 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 GOLDSMITH Oliver, The Rising Village; a Poem, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 168 GRANT Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, Sacred Poems, 8vo. Lond. 1839 GRAY Thomas, Poems, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings by W. Mason, 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1778 GRAY'S Elegy, translated into Latin Verse, with additions, by D. B. Hickie, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 78 GRIFFIN Gerald, Gisippus; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1842 GUARINI Battista, II Pastor Fido, 8vo. Milano, 1807 GURNEY Joseph John, Sabbatical Verses Minor Works, vol. 2 HASTINGS Lady Flora, Poems, edited by her Sister, 8vo. Edinb. 1841 HEADLEY H., Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, by Rev. Henry Kett, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1810 HEBER Bishop, Hymns, written and adapted to the weekly Church Service of the Year, 12mo. Lond. 1827 - Palestine, Europe, Passage of the Red Sea, and other Poems, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 HEMANS Mrs., The Forest Sanctuary, and other Poems, 8vo. Lond. 1825 Records of Woman, with other Poems, 12mo. Edinb. 1828 Songs of the Affections, with other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1830 Poetical Remains of, 12mo. Lond. 183(5 HERRICK R., Poetical Works, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1825 HOBBII T., Historia Ecclesiastica Carmine Elegiaco Concinnata, Angus. Trin. 1688 Donat. Pam. 163 HOGG James, Poetical Works, 4 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1822 HONE Wm., The Man in the Moon, &c., Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 22 Political Christmas Carol, Lond. 1820 Donat. Pam. 22 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 265 HONE W., Aspersions Answered, Lond. 1824 Pamphlets, 2 HUNT Leigh, A Legend of Florence; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1840 INCHBALD Mrs., British Theatre, 25 vols. 12mo. Lond. N. D. Vol. 1 Comedy of Errors ; Romeo and Juliet ; Hamlet ; King John ; King Richard III 2 King Henry IV, parts 1 and 2; Merchant of Venice; King Henry V ; Much ado about Nothing 3 As you Like it ; Merry Wives of Windsor ; King Henry VIII ; Measure for Measure ; Winter's Tale 4 King Lear ; Cymbeline ; Macbeth ; Julius Csesar ; Antony and Cleopatra 5 Coriolanus ; Othello ; Tempest ; Twelfth Night ; Every Man in his Humour 6 Rule a Wife and Have a Wife ; Chances ; New Way to Pay Old Debts ; Alexander the Great ; All for Love 7 Isabella ; Oroonoko ; Distressed Mother ; Zara ; Gustavus Vasa 8 Constant Couple ; The Inconstant ; Recruiting Officer ; Beaux Stratagem; Cato 9 Provoked Wife ; Provoked Husband ; Love makes a Man ; She wou'd and She wou'd not ; Careless Husband 10 Tamerlane; Fair Penitent; Jane Shore; Lady Jane Grey; Siege of Damascus 1 1 Busy Body ; The Wonder ; Bold Stroke for a Wife ; George Barnwell; Fatal Curiosity 12 Orphan ; Venice Preserved ; Conscious Lovers ; Revenge ; Beggar's Opera 1 3 Love for Love ; Mourning Bride ; Mahomet ; Tancred and Sigismunda; Suspicious Husband 14 Man of the World; Foundling; Gamester; Roman Father; Edward the Black Prince 15 Barbarossa ; Way to keep Him ; All in the Wrong ; Grecian Daughter ; Know your own Mind 16 Country Girl ; Jealous Wife ; Clandestine Marriage ; Countess of Salisbury ; Douglas 1 7 Good-natured Man ; She Stoops to Conquer ; Love in a Village ; Maid of the Mill ; Lionel and Clarissa Brothers ; West Indian ; Jew ; First Love ; Wheel of Fortune Earl of Warwick ; Rivals ; Duenna ; Belle's Stratagem ; Bold Stroke for a Husband 20 Dramatists; Count of Narbonne; Inkle and Yarico; Battle of Hexham ; Surrender of Calais 21 Mountaineers; Iron Chest; Heir at Law; John Bull; Poor Gentleman 22 Castle of Andalusia ; Fontainbleau ; Wild Oats ; Heiress ; Earl of Essex 23 Such Things Are; Every One has his Fault; Wives as they Were ; Lover's Vows ; To Marry or not to Marry 2 M 266 BELLES LETTBES. INCHBALD Mrs., British Theatre : continued 24 Road to Ruin ; Deserted Daughter ; Stranger ; De Montfort ; Point of Honour 25 Way to get Married; Cure for the Heart- Ache; Speed the Plough ; School of Reform ; Honey Moon INCHBALD Mrs., Modern Theatre, 10 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1811 Vol. 1 The Will ; Rage ; Life ; How to grow Rich ; Notoriety 2 Speculation ; Delinquent ; Laugh when you Can ; Fortune's Fool ; Folly as it Flies 3 Votary of Wealth ; Zorinski ; Secrets worth Knowing ; Who wants a Guinea ? Werter 4 Duplicity ; School for Arrogance ; He's much to Blame ; Seduc- tion ; School for Prejudice 5 False Impressions ; Mysterious Husband ; Box Lobby Challenge ; Natural Son; Carmelite 6 Impostor; Wife of Two Husbands; Ramah Droog; Law of Lombardy ; Braganza 7 I'll tell you What ; Next Door Neighbours ; Wise Men of the East ; Percy ; Trip to Scarborough 8 Matilda ; Mary Queen of Scots ; Fugitive ; He would be a Soldier; England Preserved 9 Bank Note ; Chapter of Accidents ; English Merchant ; School for Wives; Henry II 10 Fashionable Levities ; Time's a Tell-Tale ; Which is the Man ? What is She ? Lie of a Day INCHBALD Mrs., Collection of Farces, 7 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1815 Vol. 1 Child of Nature ; Wedding Day ; Midnight Hour ; Raising the Wind ; Matrimony ; Ella Rosenberg ; Blind Boy ; Who's the Dupe? Love-a-la-Mode 2 Birth Day ; Jew and the Doctor ; Irishman in London ; Prisoner at Large ; Poor Soldier ; Farmer ; Highland Reel ; Two Strings to your Bow ; Deserter 8 Hartford Bridge ; Netley Abbey ; Turnpike Gate ; Lock and Key ; Register Office ; Apprentice ; Critic ; Sultan ; Rosina 4 All the World's a Stage ; Lying Valet ; Citizen ; Three Weeks after Marriage ; Catherine and Petruehio ; Padlock ; Miss in her Teens ; Quaker ; Guardian 5 High Life below Stairs ; Bon Ton ; Mock Doctor ; Devil to Pay; Irish Widow; Minor; Mayor of Garrett ; Liar; Flora 6 Deuce is in Him ; Edgar and Emmeline ; Richard Co3ur de Lion ; Maid of the Oaks ; Tom Thumb ; Doctor and Apothecary ; First Floor ; Adopted Child ; Farm House 7 Lodoiska; Ways and Means; School for Authors; Midas; Water- man ; Author ; Old Maid ; Miller of Mansfield ; Comus POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 267 IFFLAND W. A., The Foresters, a Play; translated by Bell Plumptre, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 81 JAMESON Mrs., Social Life in Germany, illustrated in the Acted Dramas of Her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia of Saxony ; translated from the German, with Introduction and Notes, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 JAMIESON Robt., Popular Ballads and Songs, from Tradition, Manuscripts, and Scarce Editions, 2 vols. 8 vo. Edinb. 1806 JERROLD Douglas, Bubbles of the Day ; a Comedy, 8vo. Lond. 1842 JODRELL Sir R. P., Carmina Selecta, 8vo. Lond. 1810 Dover, Ancient and Modern, a Poem, 8vo. Dover, 1841 JOHNSON Samuel, (LL.D.) Poems of Works, vol. 1 Irene; a Tragedy Works, vol. 1 JONES John, Attempts in Verse; with some account of the Writer, written by Himself; and an Introductory Essay on the Lives and Works of our Uneducated Poets, by Robert Southey, 12mo. Lond. 1831 JONSON Ben, Works; with Notes, &c., by W. Gifford, 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816 JONSONUS Virbius ; or, the Memory of Ben Jonson ; Revived by the Friends of the Muses, 1638 Jonson s Works, vol. 9 JORTIN John, (D.D.) Lusus Poetici Tracts, vol. 1 - Translations from the Lusus Poetici Tracts, vol. 1 JUNTO (The); A Poem, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 82 KEMBLE Frances Ann, Francis the First; an Historical Drama, 8vo. Lond. 1832 KNOWLES James Sheridan, The Hunchback; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1832 The Wife, a Tale of Mantua ; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1833 The Love-Chase; a Comedy, 8vo. Lond. 1838 - The Maid of Mariendorpt ; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1838 Woman's Wit, or Love's Disguises ; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1838 John of Procida, or the Bridals of Messina; a Tra- gedy, 8vo. Lond. 1840 Love; a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1840 - Old Maids; a Comedy, 8vo. Lond. 1841 KOTZEBUE Aug. Von, The Count of Burgundy ; a Play, trans- lated by Anne Plumptre, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 83 268 BELLES LETTRES. KOTZEBUE Aug. Von, The Natural Son ; a Play, translated by Anne Plumptre, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 83 The Force of Calumny ; a Play, translated by Anne Plumptre, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 83 The Virgin of the Sun ; a Play, translated by Anne Plumptre, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 26 The Spaniards in Peru, or, the Death of Rolla; a Tragedy, translated by Anne Plumptre, Lond. 1799 Donat. Pam. 26 [LANDON Miss,] The Improvisatrice ; and other Poems, by L. E. L., 12mo. Lond. 1824 The Troubadour ; Catalogue of Pictures ; and Histo- rical Sketches, by L. E. L., 12mo. Lond. 1825 Venetian Bracelet ; the Lost Pleiad ; a History of the Lyre; and other Poems, by L. E. L. 12mo. Lond. 1829 LAUREL (The) ; Fugitive Poetry of the nineteenth Century, 18mo. Lond. 1831 LA VILLA Sampieri in Casalecchio, Bologna, 1818 Donat. Pam. 4to. 2 LAYS of the Minnesingers and German Troubadours, 12mo. Lond. 1825 LESSING G. E., Nathan the Wise; a Dramatic Poem, translated from the German, [by W. Taylor,] 8vo. Norwich, 1791 LOCKMAN J., David's Lamentation over Saul and Jonathan, Lond. 1736 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 LYRE (The) ; Fugitive Poetry of the nineteenth Century, 18mo. Lond. 1830 MACHIAVELLI Nic., Commedia, Poesie, e Cante Carnascialeschi di Opere, torn. 5 M'FiNGAL ; a modern Epic Poem ; or the Town-Meeting, Phi- ladelphia, reprinted, Lond. 1776 Donat. Pam. 84 MARY Gray; a Fugitive Piece, Oxford, 1824 Donat. Pam. 78 MASON William, Poems, 3 vols. 12mo. York, 1796 MASSINGER Philip, Dramatic Works, with Notes by W. Gif- ford, Esq., 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 METASTASIO Pietro, Opere Scelte di, 5 torn. 8vo. Milano, 1820 MILMAN Rev. H. H., Anne Boleyn ; a Dramatic Poem, 8vo. Lond. 1826 Belshazzar; a Dramatic Poem, 8vo. Lond. 1822 - Martyr of Antioch; a Dramatic Poem,8vo.L 4 vols. S. A. Dunham Ages $ Italian Republics 1 vol. J. de Sismondi Fall of the Roman Empire . . 2 vols. J. de Sismondi Rome 2 vols. Greece 7 vols. Rev. C. Thirlwall Grecian & Roman Antiquities 2 vols. The Church 2 vols. Rev. H. Stebbing The Reformation 2 vols. Rev. H. Stebbing Maritime Discovery 3 vols. W. D. Cooley Cities and principal Towns in j the World \ l voK Outlines of History 1 vol. T. Keightley Chronology of History .... 1 vol. Sir H. Nicolas BIOGRAPHY. British Lawyers 1 vol. by H. Roscoc British Military Commanders 3 vols. Rev. G. R. Glcig LITERARY MISCELLANIES. 311 CABINET (The) Cyclopaedia : continued BIOGRAPHY. British Naval Commanders 5 vols. by R. Southey vols. British Statesmen 7 vols. Foreign Statesmen 5 vols. Literary and Scientific Men i of Great Britain $ Literary and Scientific Men } of France , } Literary and Scientific Men y of Italy, Spain, & Portugal }" Lives of English Poets .... 2 vols. Sir J. Mackintosh, &c. G. P. R. James, &c. 2 vols. Mrs. Shelley, &c. 3 vols. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, by Preliminary Discourse .... History of Natural Philosophy Treatise on Arithmetic .... Treatise on Astronomy .... Treatise on Mechanics .... 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. Treatise on Chemistry .... 1 vol. Treatise on Hydrostatics, and } Pneumatics Treatise on Geometry, and its application to the Arts . . Essay on Probabilities .... A Manual of Electricity, Mag- netism, and Meteorology *g-) $ 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. J. Montgomery, &c. Robert Bell, Esq. ETC. Sir J. Herschel Professor Powell Dr. Lardner Sir J. Herschel Capt. Kater and Dr. Lardner Sir D. Brewster Dr. Lardner Professor Donovan Dr. Lardner Dr. Lardner Professor De Morgan Dr. Lardner ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. Brewing, Baking, &c 2 vols. by Professor Donovan Silk Manufacture . . . Manufactures in Metal Porcelain and Glass 1 vol. 3 vols. 1 vol. NATURAL HISTORY. Preliminary Discourse .... 1 vol. by W. Swainson Geology ,... 2 vols. Botany 1 vol. Geography and Classification of Animals \ l voL Quadrupeds 1 vol. Birds 2 vols. Fishes 2 vols. Animals in Menageries .... 1 vol. Taxidermy ; with the Biogra- phy of Zoologists 1 vol. Professor Phillips Rev. J. S. Henslow W. Swainson W. Swainson W. Swainson W. Swainson W, Swainson W. Swainson 312 BELLES LETTRES. CABINET (The) Cyclopaedia : continued NATURAL HISTORY. Treatise on Malacology .... I vol. by W. Svfainson On the Habits and Instincts of > ... > 1 vol. W. Swainson Animals ) On the History and Natural 7 . , T 5-1 vol. W. Swainson Arrangement of Insects . . 5 CABINET (The) ; by a Society of Gentlemen, 3 vols. in 1, small 8vo. Norwich, 1795 CHALMERS T., (D.D.) Speeches and Tracts, 8vo. Glasg. 1824 CHANNING W. E., (D.D.) Thoughts on Power and Greatness; Political, Intellectual, and Moral Works CHELSEA Hospital, and its Traditions; by the Author of "The Subaltern," small 8vo. Land. 1839 CITATION and Examination of Wm. Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Jos. Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk, before Sir Thos. Lucy, Knight, touching Deer-Stealing on the 19th Sept., 1582, 12mo. Lond. 1834 CLUBS of London ; with Anecdotes of their Members, Sketches of Character and Conversations, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1 828 COLERIDGE Samuel T., Specimens of his Table Talk, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1835 COLTON Rev. C. C., Lacon; or Many Things in Few Words, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 COMIC (The) Latin Grammar ; a new and facetious Introduction to the Latin Tongue, 12mo. Lond. 1840 CONVERSATIONS at the Work Table; by a Mother, [Mrs. A. Barnard,] 18mo. Lond. 1834 D'ISRAELI I., Curiosities of Literature, 5 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1823 Curiosties of Literature, second series, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 - Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 DONATION Pamphlets, comprising the collection of the late Sir John Cox Hippisley, Bart, and others, presented to the Institution by various members, 1 vol. folio, 6 vols. 4to. 18 vols. 12mo. and 107 vols. 8vo. The title of each Pamphlet is given in its respective section, with a reference to the vol. in which it is contained. LITERARY MISCELLANIES. 313 DRAKE Nathan, (M.D.) Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, on the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, Idler, &c., 5 vols. 12mo. Land. 1805 10 Literary Hours ; or Sketches, Critical, Narrative, and Poetical, 3 vols. 12mo. Land. 1820 - Winter Nights ; or Fire-Side Lucubrations, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1820 - Evenings in Autumn ; Essays, Narrative and Miscel- laneous, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1822 Noontide Leisure ; or Sketches in Summer, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1822 Mornings in Spring ; or Retrospections, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1828 ELIA ; Essays which have appeared under that Signature in the London Magazine, [by Charles Lamb,] 12mo. Lond. 1823 . The Last Essays of, 12mo. Lond. 1833 EMERSON E. W., Essays; with Preface, by Thomas Carlyle, 12mo. Lond. 1841 ESSAYS written in the Intervals of Business, 12mo. Lond. 1841 ESSAYS and Sketches of Life and Character, 12mo. Lond. 1823 FAMILY Library, 18mo. Blunt Rev. J. J., Sketch of the Reformation in England Brewster Sir D., Letters on Natural Magic Court and Camp of Buonaparte Cunningham Allan, Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 6 vols. Davenport R. A., History of the Bastile Gleig Rev. R., History of the British Empire in India, 4 vols. Head Major F. B., Life of Bruce, the African Traveller Insects, Natural History of, 2 vols. Irving W., Voyages of the Companions of Columbus Jews, History of the, 3 vols. Lander R. and J., Expedition to Explore the Course of the Niger, 3 vols. Lives of British Physicians Mutiny of the Bounty, History of the Napoleon, Life of, 2 vols. Newton Sir I., Life of, by Dr. Brewster Palgrave F., History of England, vol. 1, Anglo- Saxon period Peter the Great, Life of Scott Sir W., Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Sketches from Venetian History, 2 vols. Trial of Charles the First Tour through South Holland, up the Rhine, &c. Tytler P. F., Lives of Scottish Worthies, 3 vols. Williams Rev. J., Life of Alexander the Great 2 S 314 BELLES LETTRES. FANATICISM ; by the Author of " Natural History of Enthusi- asm," 8vo. Land. 1833 FOSTER John, Essays, 8vo. Oxf. 1811 FRAGMENTS from German Prose Writers ; translated by Sarah Austin, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 FREDERIC II, (King of Prussia,) Dialogues of the Dead Works, vol. 5 FRY Caroline, The Listener, 2 vols. 12 mo. Lond, 1830 FUGITIVE Pieces, on various subjects ; by several Authors, pub- lished by Robert Dodsley, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1771 Vol. 1 Crito ; or a Dialogue on Beauty, by Sir Harry Beaumont An Account of the Emperor of China's Garden, near Pekin ; translated from the French, by Sir Harry Beaumont Deformity ; an Essay, by Wm. Hay Lucina sine Concubitu; addressed to the Royal Society, by Abraham Johnson A modest Defence of Gaming, 1734 The Pretty Gentleman, 1747 The Polite Philosopher; an Essay, 1734 Plan of an Essay on Delicacy ; in two Dialogues, by Nathaniel Lancaster, 1748 Vol. 2 A Vindication of Natural Society ; written in the Character of a late Noble Author History and Antiquities of the Ancient Villa of Wheatfield, in the County of Suffolk, 1758 Fragments of Ancient Poetry, collected in the Highlands of Scotland ; translated from the Gaelic or Erse Language, 1760 An account of Russia, in the year 1710; by Lord Whitworth, 1758 A Journey into England, in the year 1598; by P. Hentzner, 1757 A Project for raising an Hospital for Decayed Authors; by John Gilbert Cooper A Parallel, in the Manner of Plutarch, between a Celebrated Man of Florence (Magliabechi,) and one scarce ever heard of in England, (Robert Hill ;) by Joseph Spence, 1757 GALT John, The Bachelor's Wife; a Selection of Curious and Interesting Extracts, with Cursory Observations, 12mo. Edinb. 1824 GOLDSMITH Oliver, Letters from a Citizen of the World, to his Friends in the East Misc. Works, vol. 3 Essays Misc. Works, vol. 4 LITERARY MISCELLANIES. 315 GOLDSMITH Oliver, The Bee ; a Select Collection of Essays Misc. Works, vol. 4 GREAT (The) Metropolis; by the Author of " Random Recol- lections of the Lords and Commons," 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 HALL Rev. Robt., Essay on Poetry and Philosophy Works, vol. 3 HARLEIAN Miscellany; or a Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, found in the late Earl of Orford's Library, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 180811 HENDERSON Alexander, History of Ancient and Modern Wines, 4to. Lond. 1824 HERMIT in Edinburgh; or Sketches of Manners and real Cha- racters and Scenes in the Drama of Life, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1824 HONE William, The Every-Day Book ; or Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 HOWITT Wm., Rural Life of England, 2 vols. sm.Svo. Lond. 1838 How to Observe, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1835 38 Geology ; by H. T. De la Beche, F. R. S. Morals and Manners ; by Harriet Martineau HUME David, Essays and Treatises on several subjects, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1817 HUNT Leigh, The Indicator and the Companion; a Miscellany for the Fields and the Fire-Side, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1834 KURD Bishop, Moral and Political Dialogues, with Letters on Chivalry and Romance, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1776 IDLER (The) Johnson s Works, vol. 7 JAMESON Mrs., Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 - Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, with Tales and Miscellanies; to which is added, The Diary of an Ennuyee, 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1834 JESSE Edward, An Angler's Rambles, small 8vo. Lond. 1836 KINCAID J., Random Shots from a Rifleman, 12mo. Lond. 1835 KITCHINER William, (M.D.) The Traveller's Oracle; or Maxims for Locomotion, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1828 KNOX Rev. V., (D.D.) Winter Evenings; or Lucubrations on Life and Letters, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1823 r- Essays ; Moral and Literary, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1815 316 BELLES LETTRES. LAN DOR Walter Savage, Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 28 LETTERS (Translation of the) of a Hindoo Rajah; written previous to, and during the period of his residence in England, by Elizabeth Hamilton, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 LIBRARY of Entertaining Knowledge, I2mo. Menageries (The) ; Quadrupeds, 2 vols. Menageries (The); Monkeys, Opossums, and Lemurs Vegetable Substances ; Materials of Manufacture Vegetable Substances ; Timber Trees, and Fruits Vegetable Substances Used for the Food of Man Insect Architecture Insect Transformations Insect Miscellanies Birds, Architecture of Birds, Domestic Habits of Birds, Faculties of British Museum ; Egyptian Antiquities, 2 vols. British Museum ; Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, 2 vols. British Museum ; The Townley Gallery, 2 vols. Pursuit (The) of Knowledge under Difficulties, 2 vols. British Costume, History of Canada, The Backwoods of Pompeii, 2 vols. Criminal Trials, 2 vols. Historical Parallels, 2 vols. Hindoos (The), 2 vols. New (The) Zealanders Paris and its Historical Scenes LIBRARY of Useful Knowledge, 8vo. Natural Philosophy, 8 vols. Mathematics, 2 vols. Botany, 1 vol. History of the Church, 1 vol. History of Greece, 1 vol. History of Spain and Portugal, 1 vol. History of France, Vol. I Lives of Eminent Persons, 1 voL History of England under the House of Stuart, including the Common- wealth, [A. D. 160388] 2 vols. M'DIARMID John, Sketches from Nature, 12mo. Edinb. 1830 MAC FARLANE C., Lives and Exploits of Banditti and Robbers in all parts of the World, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 MACNISH Robert, Anatomy of Drunkenness, 12rao. Glasg. 1832 LITERARY MISCELLANIES. 317 MACNISII Robert, Philosophy of Sleep, 12mo. Glasg. 1832 MADDEN R. R., Infirmities of Genius Illustrated by referring the Anomalies in the Literary Character to the habits and constitutional Peculiarities of Men of Genius, 2 vols. 12mo. Land. 1833 MONTAIGNE Michel de, Les Essais de, 4 torn. 8vo. Paris, N. D. MORE Hannah, Essays and Tracts Works, vol. 6 Thoughts on the Manners of the Great An Estimate of the Religion of the Fashionable World Remarks on the Speech of Mr. Dupont, made in the National Convention of France, in 1793 Tracts written during the Riots of the year 1817 MORE Hannah, Foreign and Domestic Sketches Works, vol. 19 MORGAN G. C., Appeal to the Public in Answer to a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Brand to * * * * * * Norwich, 1782 Donat. Pam. 85 MORGAN Lady, Book of the Boudoir, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1829 Woman and her Master, 2 vols, small 8vo. Lond. 1840 MORNINGS at Bow Street; by J.Wight, with 21 illustrative Drawings by Cruikshank, 12mo. Lond. 1825 NAPOLEON in Council ; or the Opinions delivered by Bonaparte in the Council of State, translated from the French of Baron Pelet, by Capt. Basil Hall, I2mo. Edinb. 1837 NAVAGERO Andrea, Funeral Oration, delivered at Venice, on the Death of Doge Leonardo Loredano, translated by C. Kelsall Pamphleteer, vol. 12 PAMPHLETEER (The), 29 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181321 PAMPHLETS, 7 vols. 8vo. Each Tract in the " Pamphleteer," and in the " Pamphlets," is inserted in that Section of the Catalogue to which it belongs, with a reference to the volume in which it is contained. PARIS; or the Book of the Hundred and One, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 PAUL'S Letters to his Kinsfolk, [by Sir W.Scott] 8vo. Edinb. 1817 PERCY Society, Publications of the, 5 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 42 Vol. 1 Old Ballads, from early printed copies of the utmost rarity, edited by J. P. Collier The Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate ; edited by J. O. Halliwell 318 BELLES LETTRES. PERCY Society, Publications of the : continued Vol. 2 The King and a Poor Northern Man ; or too Good to be True. Attributed to Martin Parker Historical Songs of Ireland; illustrative of the Revolutionary Struggle between James II and William III, edited by T. C. Croker Songs and Ballads relative to the London Prentices and Trades, and to the Affairs of London generally, during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth Centuries, edited by C. Mackay ' The Naval Ballads of England ; edited by J. O. Halliwell 3 The Mad Pranks and Merry Jests of Robin Goodfellow ; with an Introduction by J. P. Collier Strange Histories ; consisting of Ballads and other Poems, princi- pally by Thomas Deloney, with an Introduction and Notes Political Ballads ; published in England during the Common- wealth, edited by Thomas Wright 4 The Two Angry Women of Abington ; by Henry Porter, edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce The Boke of Curtasye ; a Poem of the fourteenth Century, edited by J. O. Halliwell Kind- Heart's Dream ; containing Five Apparitions, with their Invectives against Abuses Reigning, by Henry Chettle, edited by E. F. Rimbault The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie ; or the Walkes in Powles, edited by J. O. Halliwell Specimens of Old Christmas Carols 5 The Nursery Rhymes of England, edited by J. O. Halliwell The History of Patient Grisel ; with an Introduction and Notes Specimens of Lyric Poetry ; composed in England in the Reign of Edward the First, edited by Thomas Wright A Marriage Triumph, on the Nuptials of the Prince Palatine and the Princess Elizabeth, Daughter of James I, by Thomas Heywood A Knight's Conjuring ; done in earnest, discovered in jest, by Thomas Dekker, edited by E. F. Rimbault PETER'S Letters to his Kinsfolk, [by J. Lockhart,] 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1819 PEYRONNET Comte de, Pensees d'un Prisonnier, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1834 PHYSIOGNOMICAL Travels; translated from the German of J. C. A. Musseus, by Anne Plumptre, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1800 POUTEUS Bishop, Tracts on various subjects, 8vo. Lond. 1834 PRINGLE Thomas, African Sketches, 12mo. Lond. 1834 PROSE, by a Poet, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1824 LITERARY MISCELLANIES. 319 RAMBLER (The) Johnson's Works, vols. 4 6 RANDOM Recollections of the House of Commons, from the year 1830 to the close of 1835, 12mo. Lond. 1836 RANDOM Recollections of the House of Lords, from 1 830 to 1 836, 12mo. Lond. 1836 REDDING Cyrus, History and Description of Modern Wines, 8vo. Lond. 1833 RUMFORD Benjamin Count of, Essays; Political, Economical, and Philosophical, Lond. 1797 Donat. Pam. 94 SCIENCE; Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Pamphleteer, vol. 27 SELDEN J., Table Talk Opera, torn. 6 SMITH J., (One of the Authors of " The Rejected Addresses,") Memoirs, Letters and Comic Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, edited by his brother, Horace Smith, Esq., 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1840 SOUTHEY Robert, Sir Thomas More ; or Colloquies on the Pro- gress and Prospects of Society, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 SPECTATOR (The) Addison's Works, vols. 2 4 SPIRITUAL Despotism; by the Author of " Natural History of Enthusiasm," 8vo. Lond. 1835 STILLINGFLEET Bishop, On the Amusements of Clergymen, and Christians in General, 12mo. Lond. 1820 STUDENT (The); A Series of Papers by the Author of " Pelham," 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1835 SWIFT Jonathan, Polite Conversation Works, vol. 1 1 Directions to Servants Works, vol. 12 TATLER (The); by Isaac Bickerstaffe, Esq., [Addison] Addison's Works, vol. 2 TUTTI Frutti ; by the Author of " The Tour of a German Prince," 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1834 WALKER George, Essays on various subjects, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809 WALKER G. A., Gatherings from Grave Yards, particularly those of London, with a concise History of the Modes of Interment among different Nations, 8vo. Lond. 1839 WALKER Thomas, (M.A.) The Original, 8vo. Lond. 1836 WILD Sports in the West; with Legendary Tales and Local Sketches, by the Author of " Stories of Waterloo," 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 320 BELLES LETTRES. SECTION X. Collected Works of Authors. ADDISON Rt. Hon. Joseph, Works, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1730 BACON Francis, Viscount St. Alban, Works of, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 BALZAC, (Euvres diverses, 24mo. Leide, 1658 BARBAULD Anna Laetitia, Works of; with a Memoir, by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 BERKELEY George, (D.D.) Works of; with his Life and Letters, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 BOILEAU DESPREAUX Nich., (Euvres completes, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1810 BONNET Charles, (Euvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophic, 8 torn. 4to. Neuchatel, 1779 BOSSUET, (vque de Meaux,) (Euvres Completes, 43 torn. 8vo. Paris, 181520 BROWNE Sir Thomas, Works, folio Lond. 1686 Works, including his Life and Correspondence, edited by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S., 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Works, 16 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181527 BURNS Robert, Works; with an account of his Life, &c., by J. Currie, and many additions by Mr. Gilbert Burns, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 BUTLER Charles, Philological and Biographical Works, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 BUTLER Samuel, Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1759 CECIL flev. Richard, Works of, with a Memoir of his Life, by Josiah Pratt, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 CIIANNING Wm. Ellery, (D.D.) Works of, 8vo. Lond. 1829 COWPER Wm., Life and Works of, by Robert Southey, LL.D., 15 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 183537 DRYDEN John, Works, with Notes and Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart., 18 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 COLLECTED WORKS OF AUTHORS. 321 EVELYN John, Miscellaneous Writings, by W. Upcott, 4to. Lond. 1825 FRANKLIN Benjamin, (LL.D.) Memoirs and Works of, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 FREDERIC II, (King of Prussia), Posthumous Works, translated by Holcroft, 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1789 GIBBON Edward, Miscellaneous Works, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 GOLDSMITH Oliver, (M.B.) Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 GURNEY Joseph John, The Minor Works of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 HALL Rev. Robert, Entire Works, with a brief Memoir of his Life, &c., by Olinthus Gregory, LL.D., 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183132 HARRIS James, Miscellanies, 5 vols. Lond. 1771 83 HAZLITT William, Literary Remains of; with a notice of his Life, by his Son, and Thoughts on his Genius and Writ- ings, by E. L. Bulwer, Esq., and Mr. Sergeant Talfourd, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 HOBBES Thomas, Moral and Political Works, folio Lond. 1750 JOHNSON Samuel, (LL.D.) Works; with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816 JONES Sir W., Works, with Life by Lord Teignmouth, 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807 KNOX Alexander, Remains of, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 37 LACRETELLE P. L., (Aine) CEuvres Diverses, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1802 LOCKE John, Works, 3 vols. folio Lond. 1759 MACHIAVELLI Niccolo, Opere di, 8 vols. 8vo. Italia, 1813 METASTASIO Pietro, Opere di, torn. 15 20, 12mo. Mantova, 181920 Tom. 15 Traduzione 16 Estratto dell' Arte Poetica d'Aristotile 1719 Lettere 20 Sentenze e Massime, &c. MIDDLETON Conyers, (D.D.) Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1752 MILTON John, Historical and Political Works, 3 vols. folio Amst. 1698 MONTAGU Lady M. W., Works, 5 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1803 2T 322 BELLES LETTRES. MONTESQUIEU, (Euvresde, 8 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1822 MORE Hannah, Works of, 19 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1818 NEELE Henry, Literary Remains of; consisting of Lectures on English Poetry, Tales, Sic., small 8vo. Lond. 1829 NEWTONI Isaaci, Opera quse extant omnia, Commentariis illus- trabat Sam. Horsley, 5 torn. 4to. Lond. 177985 PALEY William, (D.D.) Works of; with a Life, by Alexander Chalmers, Esq., 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 PARR Samuel, (LL.D.) Works; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, and a Selection from his Correspondence, by John Johnstone, M.D., 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 PLAYFAIR John, Works, 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 POPE Alexander, Works of; with Life and Remarks by William Roscoe, Esq., 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 RACINE Jean, (Euvres de, par M. Petitot, 5 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1820 REYNOLDS Sir Joshua, Literary Works of; with Life by Edmond Malone, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 ROLLIN C., (Euvres completes, 18 torn. 8vo. et Atlas, 4to. Paris, 1817 ROUSSEAU J. J., (Euvres de, avec des Notes Historiques, 22 torn. 8vo. Paris, 181920 SAINT EVREMONT M. de, (Euvres Diverses de, 4 torn. 18mo. Paris, 1693 SAINT REAL L'Abbe, (Euvres, 5 torn. 12mo. Hayce, 1722 SAYERS Frank, (M.D.) Collective Works, with Life and Notes by William Taylor, 2 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1823 SCARRON, (Euvres de, 7 torn. 18mo. Amst. 1752 SELDINI Joannis, Opera Omnia ; colleget ac recensuit D.Wilkins, 3 torn, en 6, folio Lond. 1726 SMITH Adam, (LL.D.) Works, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 SMITH Rev. Sidney, Works of, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 40 SPELMAN Sir Henry, His English and Posthumous Works, and Life, by Bishop Gibson, folio Lond. 1727 SPENSER Edmund, Works ; with Illustrations of various Com- mentators, by H. J. Todd, 8 vols. royal 8ro. Lond. 1805 STAB'L M me - la Baronne de, (Euvres Completes, 17 torn. 8vo. Paris, 182021 STERNE Laurence, Works; with a Life of the Author, 10 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1798 COLLECTED WORKS OF AUTHORS. 323 STRYPE John, Works, 25 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1812 24 - General Index to his Works, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1828 SWIFT Dean, Works; with his Life and Notes, by Dr. Hawkes- worth, 26 vols. 8vo. Land. 176879 TEMPLE Sir William, Works, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1770 TURGOT M., (Euvres de, 9 torn. 8vo. Paris, 181 1 TWEDDELL John, Remains of; being a Selection of his Corre- spondence ; a Republication of his Prolusiones Juveniles ; with some Account of his Journals, &c., and a Biogra- phical Memoir, by the Editor, the Rev. Robert Tweddell, A.M., 4to. Lond. 1816 VOLTAIRE, CEuvres Completes, 13 torn, en 25 parties, 8vo. Paris, 181719 WATERLAND Daniel, (D.D.) Works; with a Review of his Life and Writings, by W. Van Mildert, D.D., Lord Bishop of Llandaff, 10 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1823 : General Index to the Works of, and to the Review of the Author's Life and Writings, by W. Van Mildert, D.D., 8vo. Oxf. 1828 WATTS Isaac, (D.D.) The Works of; with Life of the Author by Rev. G. Burder, 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1828 WOLFE Rev. Charles, Remains of; with a Memoir of his Life by Rev. John A. Russell, 8vo. Lond. 1826 CLASS THE FIFTH SECTION I. Introduction to the Study of History. BLOMFIELD Rev. Ezekiel, Lectures on the Philosophy of History, 4to. Lond. 1819 BOSSUET J. B., Discours sur 1'Histoire Universelle (Euvres, torn. 35 FERGUSON A., (LL.D.) An Essay on the History of Civil Society, 4to. Edinb. 1767 MILLER George, (D.D.) Lectures on the Philosophy of Modern History, 6 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 181624 PRIESTLEY J., Lectures on History and General Policy, 4to. Birm. 1788 TAYLOR Isaac, The Process of Historical Proof; Exemplified and Explained, 8vo. Lond. 1828 SECTION II. Geography Ancient and Modern ; Maps, 8$c. ARROWSMITII A., Comparative Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography, 4to. Lond. 1830 326 HISTORY. ATLAS. d'Anville's Ancient Geography, Lond. 1815; Gary's Universal Atlas ; in 1 vol. imp. fol. ATLAS de Geographic Ancienne, pour servir a 1'intelligence des (Euvres de Rollin, 4to. Paris, 1818 ATLAS Encyclopedique, Ancienne et Moderne Ency. Method. BOCHARTI Samuelis, Geographia Sacra, seu Phaleg et Canaan, folio, Lug. Bat. 1707 Opera, torn. 1 CAREY H. C. and J. Lea, The Geography, History, and Statis- tics of America and the West Indies, 8vo. Lond. 1823 DICTIONNAIRE de la Geographic Ancienne, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de la Geographic Moderne, 3 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DICTIONNAIRE de la Geographic Physique, 5 torn, et Atlas, 1 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. EDINBURGH Gazetteer; or Geographical Dictionary of the World, 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 GASPARI und Bertuch, Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, Feb. 1800 J Donat. Pam. 65 GEOGRAPHY, Treatises on Lib. U. K., Nat. Philos. vol. 3. HALL Rev. William, (D.D.) Elements of Ancient Geography, Analysis, Sfc. vol. 1 HAMILTON Walter, East India Gazetteer, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 JOURNAL of the Royal Geographical Society, from its commence- ment in 1832, 8vo. MALTEBRUN M., Precis de la Geographic Universelle, 8 torn. 8vo. Paris, 181229 Tom. 1 Hist, de la Geographic 2 Throne gdn6rale de la Geographic 3 Desc. de 1'Asie, except^ 1'Inde 4 Desc. de 1'Inde, de 1'Oceanique et de 1'Afrique Septentrionale 5 Desc. de 1'Afrique M6ridionale et des deux Ameriques 6 Desc. de 1' Europe Orientale 7 Suite de la Desc. de 1' Europe 8 Fin de la Desc. de 1' Europe, et Table GSnerale MALTEBRUN M. Atlas de la Geographic Universelle, 4to. Paris, 1812 MAP of Europe, by Carey, on spring rollers Lond. 1817 MAP of Asia, ditto Lond. 1815 MAP of Africa, ditto Lond. 1814 MAP of America, ditto Lond. 1819 TOPOGRAPHY. 327 MAP of the British Isles, by Carey, on spring rollers Land. 1815 MAP of Cabotia, on rollers Land. 1814 MAP of Spain and Portugal, ditto Lond. 1813 MAP (a Geological) of England and Wales, in frame Lond. 1820 MAP of Lower and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, &c. by Joseph Bouchette, in case MYERS Thomas, New and Comprehensive System of Modern Geography, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1822 RENNELL Major James, Geographical System of Herodotus ex- amined and explained, by a Comparison with those of other Ancient Authors, and with Modern Geography, &c., 4to. Lond. 1803 Illustrations (chiefly Geographical) of the History of the Expedition of Cyrus, from Sardis to Babylonia ; and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks from thence to Trebisonde, and Lydia, &c., 4to. with a folio Atlas Lond. 1816 SMITH'S English Atlas a complete set of County Maps, pre- ceded by a General Map of England and Wales, and accompanied with an Index Villaris, folio Lond. 1804 THOMPSON G. A., New Theory of the Two Hemispheres, attempt- ing to explain the Time and Manner in which America was Peopled Pamphleteer, vol. 5 SECTION III. Topography. dftrgt Qibteum. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND. BEAUTIES of England and Wales, by Britton, Brayley, Brewer, and others, 25 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801 16 328 HISTORY. BLORE E., The Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain, imperial 8vo. Lond. 1826 BLOXAM M. H., A Glimpse at the Monumental Architecture and Sculpture of Great Britain, from the Earliest Period to the Eighteenth Century, 12mo. Lond. 1834 BRAND Rev. John, Observations on Popular Antiquities, chiefly illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Cere- monies, and Superstitions, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1813 BRITTON John, The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 180726 CAMDEN William, Britannia; or a Chorographical Description of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands ad- jacent; translated and enlarged by Richd. Gough,F.R.S., 3 vols. folio Lond. 1789 Remains concerning Britaine, revised, &c., by John Philipot, 12mo. Lond. 1674 CARLISLE Nicholas, A Topographical Dictionary of England, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808 CARTER J., Specimens of Gothic Architecture and Ancient Buildings in England, 4 vols. 16mo. Lond. 1824 DAVIES Rev. Edward, Celtic Researches ; or the Origin, Tra- ditions, and Language of the Ancient Britons, 8vo. Lond. 1804 DUG DALE Sir William, Monasticon Anglicanum; a History of the Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with their Dependen- cies in England and Wales. A new edition, edited and enlarged by John Caley, Esq., Henry Ellis, Esq., and Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel, M.A., 6 vols. in 8, folio Lond. 181730 - History of Imbanking and Draining of Divers Fens and Marshes, both in Foreign Parts and in this Kingdom, and the Improvements thereby ; revised and corrected by Charles Nalson Cole, folio Lond. 1772 GILPIN William, (A. M.) Observations on several parts of Cam- bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex ; also on several parts of North Wales, 8 vo. Lond. 1809 GORTON John, Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183132 TOPOGRAPHY. 329 GIIANVILLE A. B., (M.D.) The Spas of England, and principal Sea-Bathing Places : Northern Spas, small 8vo. Lend. 1841 HORSLEY John, Britannia Romana, or the Roman Antiquities of Britain, folio Lond. 1732 HOWITT William, Visits to Remarkable Places ; Old Halls, Bat- tle Fields, and Scenes illustrative of striking passages in English History and Poetry, 8vo. Lond. 1840 Visits to Remarkable Places, second series, 8vo. Lond. 1842 HUTTON W., History of the Roman Wall, which crosses the Island of Britain from the German Ocean to the Irish Sea, 8vo. Lond. 1813 KING Edward, Munimenta Antiqua ; or Observations on Ancient Castles, including Remarks on the whole progress of Ar- chitecture, Ecclesiastical as well as Military, in Great Britain, 4 vols. in 2, folio Lond. 17991808 LELANDI Joannis, Antiquarii de Rebus Britannicis Collectanea ; cum Thomse Hearnii Prsefatione Notis et Indice ad Edi- tionem Primam, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1770 MAGNA Britannia; being a concise Topographical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain, by. Rev. Daniel Lysons and Samuel Lysons, Esq., 6 vols. in 7, 4to. Lond. 180622 Vol. 1 Bedfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire 2 Cambridgeshire and Cheshire 3 Cornwall 4 Cumberland 5 Derbyshire 6 Devonshire. Parts I & 2. MOORE James, List of the Principal Castles and Monasteries in Great Britain, 8vo. Lond. 1798 NEALE John Preston, and John Le Keux, Views of the most interesting Collegiate and Parochial Churches in Great Britain, including Screens, Fonts, Monuments, &c., 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1824 NICOLAS Nich. Harris, Testamenta Vetusta; being Illustrations from Wills, of Manners, Customs, &c., from the Reign of Henry II to the Accession of Elizabeth, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 2 u 330 HISTORY. RAY John, Itineraries of Life by Derham SCOTT Walter, Border Antiquities of England and Wales, com- prising specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Vestiges of former Ages, 2 vols. large 4to. Lond. 1814 SPELMAN Sir H., Villare Anglicum Works TYMMS Samuel, Compendious Account of the Ancient and Pre- sent State of the Norfolk Circuit, 18mo. Lond. 1833 WEAVER R., Monumenta Antiqua ; or the Stone Monuments of Antiquity yet remaining in the British Isles, particularly as illustrated by Scripture, 12mo. Lond. 1840 WEEVER John, Ancient Funeral Monuments within the United Monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands Adjacent, small folio Lond. 1631 WILLIS Browne, Survey of the Cathedrals ; with an Account of the Bishops, Deans, &c., belonging to them; with the Parochiale Anglicanum, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1733 42 - A History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conventual Cathedral Churches, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1718 TOPOGRAPHY, HISTORY, AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF ENGLAND. BEDFORDSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Bedfordshire ; by J. Britton and Edward Wedlake Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 1 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Bedfordshire Magna Britan. vol. 1 BERKSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Berkshire; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 1 TOPOORAPHICAL Account of Berkshire Magna Britan. vol. 1 JESSE Edward, A Summer's Day at Windsor, and a Visit to Eton, 12mo. Lond. 1841 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Buckinghamshire; by John Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 1 TOPOGRAPHY. 331 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Buckinghamshire Magna Britan. vol. 1 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. ACCOUNT of Cambridgeshire ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 2 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Cambridgeshire Magna Britan. vol. 2 BENTHAM James, The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, second edition, by the Rev. James Bentham, 4to. Norwich, 1812 SUPPLEMENT to Bentham's History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral; by W. Stevenson, 4to. Norwich, 1817 LE KEUX'S Memorials of Cambridge, with Accounts of the Buildings, &c., by Thomas Wright and Rev. H. L, Jones, 8vo. Lond. 1842 MASTER R., History of the College of Corpus Christi, in the University of Cambridge, 4to. Camb. 1753 POLL for the Election of two Representatives in Parliament for the University of Cambridge, on May 8, 1807 Donat. Pam. 7 POLLS for the Election of Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, on March 26, 1811 ; and of the Representa- tive in Parliament for the University, on March 27, 1811 Donat. Pam. 4 POLL for the Election of a Representative in Parliament for the University of Cambridge, on Nov. 26 and 27, 1822 Donat. Pam. 70 CHESHIRE. ACCOUNT of Cheshire ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 2 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Cheshire Magna Britan. vol. 2 ORMEROD G., History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, 3 vols. folio Lond. 1819 CORNWALL. ACCOUNT of Cornwall; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 2 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Cornwall Magna Britan. vol. 3 CUMBERLAND. ACCOUNT of Cumberland ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 3 332 HISTORY. TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Cumberland Magna Britan. vol. 4 ROBINSON John, Guide to the Lakes, in Cumberland, Westmor- land, and Lancashire, small 8vo. Lond. 1831 DERBYSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Derbyshire; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 3 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Derbyshire Magna Britan. vol. 5 HOBBES T., De Mirabilibus Pecci; being the Wonders of the Peak in Derbyshire, commonly called the Devil's Arse of Peak, Lond. 1678 Donat. Pam. 80 DEVONSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Devonshire; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 4 TOPOGRAPHICAL Account of Devonshire Magna Britan. vol. 6 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Exeter Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1826 REMARKS on the State of the County of Devon Donat. Pam. 92 DORSETSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Dorsetshire ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 4 DURHAM. ACCOUNT of Durham ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 5 SURTEES R., History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, vols. 13, folio Lond. 181623 ESSEX. ACCOUNT of Essex; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 5 MORANT Philip, (M.A.) History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, 2 vols. folio Lond. 1767 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Gloucestershire; by J. Britton and W. E. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 5 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Gloucester Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1829 - History and Antiquities of Bristol Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1830 BRISTOL Directory, 1803 Donat. Pam. 5 ACT of Parliament for Making and Repairing several Roads round the City of Bristol, Bristol, 1784 Donat. Pam. 1 TOPOGRAPHY. 333 ACCOUNT of the Bristol Education Society, Bristol, 1820 Donat. Pam. 69 CODE of Rules proposed by the Special Committee for the consideration of the Trustees of the Bristol Infirmary, Land. 1824 Donat. Pam. 5 OBJECTS and Regulations of the Bristol Institution for the Advancement of Science, Literature, &c. Donat. Pam. 5 HAMPSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Hampshire; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 6 ACCOUNT of the Isle of Wight ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 6 MILNER Rev. J., History, Civil and Ecclesiastical, and Survey of the Antiquities of Winchester, 2 vols. 4to. Winch. 1798 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Winchester Cathe- dral, 4to. Lond. 1817 HEREFORDSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Herefordshire, by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 6 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Hereford Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1831 HERTFORDSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Hertfordshire ; by E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 7 HUNTINGDONSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Huntingdonshire; by E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 7 KENT. ACCOUNT of Kent ; by E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vols. 7, 8 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Canterbury Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1821 BUCKLER J. C , An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Royal Palace at Eltham, 8vo. Lond. 1828 LANCASHIRE. ACCOUNT of Lancashire; by J. Britton Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 9 LEICESTERSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Leicestershire; by J. Britton Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 9 334 HISTORY. LINCOLNSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Lincolnshire; by J. Britton Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 9 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Lincoln Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1837 LONDON AND MIDDLESEX. ACCOUNT of London and Middlesex; by E. W. Brayley, Rev. J. Nightingale, and J. N. Brewer Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 10, in 4 parts ACCOUNT of London; by Thomas Pennant, 4to. Lond. 1790 A CHRONICLE of London from 1089 to 1483; written in the fifteenth Century, and printed from the MSS. in the British Museum, 4to. Lond. 1827 LONDINIANA; or Reminiscences of the British Metropolis, by Edward Wedlake Brayley, F.R.S., 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1829 MAITLAND W., The History of London, from its foundation to the present time, 2 vols. folio Lond. 1756 LONDON; edited by Charles Knight, royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 42 OBSERVATIONS on the Buildings, Improvements, and Extension of the Metropolis of late years, with some Suggestions, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 25 SKETCHES and Memoranda of the Works for the Tunnel under the Thames, 18mo. Lond. 1827 JESSE Edward, A Summer's Day at Hampton Court, being a Guide to the Palace and Gardens, 12mo. Lond. 1839 MACKAY Charles, The Thames and its Tributaries; or Rambles among the Rivers, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 MONMOUTHSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Monmouthshire; by the Rev. J. Evans Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 1 1 HEATH C., Descriptive Accounts of Persfield and Chepstow, in Monmouthshire, Monmouth, 1793 Donat. Pam. 78 NORFOLK. MAP of the County of Norfolk Lond. 1830 ACCOUNT of Norfolk ; by J. Britton Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 1 1 BLOMEFIELD Francis, History of Norfolk, continued and pub- lished by the Rev. C. Parkin, 5 vols. folio Fers/icld and Lynn, 1 739 75 TOPOGRAPHY. 335 BLOMEFIELD Francis, History of the Hundred of Diss, folio Fersfield, 1736 The Author's interleaved copy, with his Corrections, and the Autograph of Thomas Martin. A GENERAL History of the County of Norfolk ; intended to convey all the Information of a Norfolk Tour, with Bio- graphical Notices, &c., 2 vols. Norw. 1829 GREEN Charles, History, Antiquities, and Geology of Bacton, in Norfolk, 8vo. Norw. 1842 GREGOR James, The Eastern Arboretum ; or Register of Re- markable Trees, Seats, Gardens, &c., in the County of Norfolk, 8vo. Lond. 1841 SPELMANNI Henrici, T cenia ; sive Norfolicee Descriptio Togogra- phica Works IVES John, Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans, 12rno. Lond. 1774 NORFOLK Lists, from the Reformation to the present time ; com- prising Lists of Lord Lieutenants, Baronets, High Sheriffs, Members of Parliament, &c., Bishops, Deans, Mayors, &c., of Norwich, Yarmouth, &c., also a List of engraved Portraits, Tradesmen's Tokens, &c., 12mo. Norw. 1837 NORFOLK and Norwich Remembrancer and Vade-Mecum, 18mo. Norw. 1822 TAYLOR Richard, Index Monasticus ; or the Abbeys and other Monasteries, &c., with their Dependencies, formerly established in the Diocese of Norwich, and the Ancient Kingdom of East-Anglia, systematically arranged and briefly described, folio Lond. 1821 WOODWARD Samuel, Observations on the Round Church Towers of Norfolk, and on the materials employed in constructing the early religious Buildings in that County Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 COTMAN John Sell, A series of Etchings illustrative of the Archi- tectural Antiquities of Norfolk, large folio Lond. 1818 SCENERY of the Rivers of Norfolk ; comprising the Yare, the Waveney, and the Bure, from Pictures painted by James Stark, with Historical and Geological Descriptions, by J. W. Robberds, Jun. Esq., 4to. Lond. 1834 NORFOLK Tour; or Traveller's Pocket Companion, Norw. 1772 Donat. Pam. 164 336 HISTORY. HISTORY of the Rebellion in Norfolk in 1649, which was con- ducted by Robert Kett Donat. Pam. 82 ACT for Inclosing, &c., Waste Grounds in the Parish of Hether- sett, in Norfolk, [17981 Donat. Pam. folio CANTLEY and Hassingham Inclosure, Norw. 1800 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 CLARK Zachary, Account of the different Chanties belonging to the Poor of the County of Norfolk, 8vo. Bury, 1811 A GENERAL Rate for the County of Norfolk, Norw. 1827 Donat. Pam. 91 LETTER to John Buxton, Esq., on the Contests relative to the ensuing Election for the County of Norfolk, 1768 Donat. Pam. 83 LETTER to a Country Gentleman, Norw. 1780 Donat. Pam. 83 POLL for Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, taken July, 1802 Donat. Pam. 86 another copy, with a Narrative of the Proceedings at the Election, from its commencement, July 12, to the close of the Scrutiny, on the 28th of August, 1802 Donat. Pam. 86 POLL for Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, taken November, 1806 Donat. Pam. 87 POLL for one Knight of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, taken May, 1817 Donat. Pam. 87 BROWNE Sir T., Hydriotaphia ; or Urn Burial, or a Discourse of the Sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk Works, folio another copy Works, 8vo. vol. 3 - Particulars of some Urns found in Bratnptori Field, February, 1667 68 Works, 8vo. vol. 3 Repertorium ; or some Account of the Tombs and Monuments in the Cathedral Church of Norwich ; with Notes by Mr. Samuel Woodward Works, 8vo. vol. 4 PLAN of the City of Norwich ; by W. S. Millard and J. Manning Norw. 1830 PLAN of the City and County of Norwich ; by J. Manning Lond. 1831 BROWNE P., Account of Norwich Cathedral, Norw. 1785 Donat. Pam. 159 - An Account and Description of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, 8vo. Norw. 1807 TOPOGRAPHY. 337 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Norwich Cathedral, 4to. Land. 1816 DESCRIPTION of the Diocese of Norwich ; or the present State of Norfolk and Suffolk, Lond. 1735 Donat. Pam. 164 ESSAY on the Antiquity of the Castel of Norwich ; its Founders and Governors from the Kings of the East Angles down to Modem Times, Norw. 1728, reprinted 1834 Donat. Pam. 105 POLL for Members of Parliament for the City of Norwich, taken March 18, 1768 Donat. Pam. 88 POLL for a Member of Parliament for the City of Norwich, taken July 12, 1794 Donat. Pam. 88 POLL for a Member of Parliament for the City of Norwich, taken July 5, 1802 Donat. Pam. 88 POLL for Members of Parliament for the City of Norwich, taken Nov. 3 and 4, 1806 Donat. Pam. 88 POLLS for Members of Parliament for the City of Norwich, for 1786, 1790, 1796, 1802, 1812, 1818, 1 vol. 8vo. ACT for Erecting a Workhouse in the City and County of the City of Norwich, for the better Employment and Main- taining the Poor there, [1712] Donat. Pam. folio ACT for Enlarging the powers of the preceding Act, [1802] Donat. Pam. folio BROWN Aid. C., Speech at a Public Meeting, held at the Guild- hall, in Norwich, Sept. 8, 1818, to take into consideration the Plan for rendering the River from Norwich to Yar- mouth Navigable for Ships of burden Donat. Pam. 69 REPORT of Capt. George Nicholls, on the Norwich and Lowestoft Navigation, Norw. 1825 Donat. Pam. 88 MYLNE R., Letter to John Patteson, Esq., Mayor of Norwich, on the State of the New Mills, Norw. 1789 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 Report relative to the Water- Works and Mills in Norwich, Norw. 1798 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 DOBSON H., Report of Robert Mylne, Esq., on the State of the New Mills, candidly Investigated, Norw. 1789 Donat. Pam. 4to. 3 RULES and Orders for the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norw. 1786 Donat. Pam. 86 2 x 338 HISTORY. RULES and Orders for the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norw. 1804 Donat. Pam. 87 STATE of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, from 1817 to 1821 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 RULES of the Norfolk and Norwich Infirmary for Diseases of the Eyes, Norw. 1822 Donat. Pam. 164 ACCOUNT of the Establishment, Regulations, &c. of the Norwich Hospital and School for Indigent Blind, Norw. 1811 Donat. Pam. 164 RESOLUTIONS at a Meeting of Protestant Dissenters, Oct. 21, 1800, for the purpose of Establishing the Norfolk Bene- volent Society Donat. Pam. 87 OBSERVATIONS on the Norfolk Benevolent Society, Norw. 1808 Donat. Pam. 87 ADDRESS to the Members of Dissenting Congregations, on the Subject of ditto, Witham, 1811 Donat. Pam. 87 REGULATIONS of the Norfolk and Norwich Association in Aid of the Sunday School and Religious Tract and Book Society for Ireland Donat. Pam. 87 PROCEEDINGS of the Meetings of the Members of the Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance Association, July 27, and Sept. 25, 1818, Land. 1818 Donat. Pam. 88 REPORT of the London Committee of ditto, 1818 Donat. Pam. 88 FULL Exposure of the Plan, Principle, and Management of ditto, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 88 LAWS and Regulations of the Norwich Public Library, 1784 Donat. Pam. 88 LAWS of the Norwich Mechanics' Institution Donat. Pam. 88 LIST of Performances at the Norwich Grand Musical Festivals, Oct. 1802, and Oct. 1813 Donat. Pam. 88 REGULATIONS of the Norfolk and Norwich Institution for the Encouragement of Faithful Female Servants Donat. Pam. 87 RICHARDS Rev. W., History of Lynn, 2 vols. 8vo. Lynn, 1812 MARTIN Thomas, History of Thetford, by Gough, illustrated with 28 etchings, 4to. Lond. 1779 PLAN of the Town of Thetford ; by G. B. Burrell 1807 DRUERY J. H., Historical and Topographical Notices of Great Yarmouth and its Environs, small 8vo. Lond. 1826 TOPOGRAPHY. 339 SWINDEN Henry, History and Antiquities of Great Yarmouth, 4to. with a map Norw. 1772 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Northamptonshire ; byJ. Britton Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 11 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Peterborough Cathe- dral, 4to. Lond. 1828 NORTH UMBEKLAND. ACCOUNT of Northumberland ; by the Rev. John Hodgson, Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 12, part 1 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Nottinghamshire ; by F. C. Laird Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 12, part 1 OXFORDSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Oxfordshire ; by James Norris Brewer Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 12, part 2 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Oxford Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1821 INGRAM James, (D.D.) Memorials of Oxford, 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1837 RUTLANDSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Rutlandshire ; by F. C. Laird Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 12, part 2 SHROPSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Shropshire ; by the Rev. Joseph Nightingale Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 13, part 1 HARTSHORN E Rev. Charles Henry, Salopia Antiqua ; or an En- quiry from personal survey into the ' Druidical,' Military, and other Early Remains in Shropshire and the North Welsh Borders ; with a Glossary of Words used in the County of Salop, royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 SOMERSETSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Somersetshire ; by the Rev. Joseph Nightingale Seaut. of Eng. and Wales, vol. 13, part 1 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Wells Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1824 STAFFORDSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Staffordshire ; by the Rev. Joseph Nightingale Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 13, part 2 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Lichfield Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1820 340 HISTORY. SUFFOLK. ACCOUNT of Suffolk ; by Frederick Shoberl Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 14 WODDERSPOON John, Historic Scites, and other Remarkable and Interesting Places in the County of Suffolk, 12mo. Lond. 1839 KIHBY John, The Suffolk Traveller, 8vo. Lond. 1764 BATTELEY J., Antiquitates Rutupinae et S. Edmundi Burgi, 4to. Oxon. 1745 YATES Richard, History and Antiquities of Bury St. Edmund's, 4to. Lond. 1805 GARDNER Thomas, Historical Account of Dunwich, Blithburgh, and Southwold, 4to. Lond. 1754 LODER Robert, History of Framlingham, 4to. Woodbridge, 1798 The Statutes and Ordinances for the Government of the Aims-Houses in Woodbridge, in the County of Suf- folk, founded by Thomas Seckford, Esq., in 1587 ; with Abstract from his Will, and an Account of his Family, 4to., Woodbridye, 1792 Donat. Parn. 4to. vol. 6 CULLUM Rev. Sir John, History and Antiquities of Hawstead, in Suffolk, 4to. Lond. 1784 GILLINGWATER E., Historical Account of Lowestoft, 4to. Lond. 1790 DOWSING William, Journal of; Parliamentary Visitor for De- molishing the Superstitious Pictures and Ornaments of Churches, &c., within the County of Suffolk, in the years 1643, 1644, 4to. Woodbridye, 1818 SURREY. ACCOUNT of Surrey ; by Frederick Shoberl Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 14 MANNING Rev. O., The History and Antiquities of Surrey ; con- tinued by W. Bray, 3 vols. folio Lond. 180414 SUSSEX. ACCOUNT of Sussex ; by Frederick Shoberl Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 14 WARWICKSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Warwickshire ; by J. N. Brewer Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 15, part 1 WESTMORELAND. ACCOUNT of Westmoreland; by Rev. John Hodgson Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 15, part 1 TOPOGRAPHY. 341 WILTSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Wiltshire ; by J. Britton Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 15, part 2 HOARE Sir R. C., Ancient History of South and North Wiltshire, 5 parts, royal folio Lond. 1810 21 Modern Wiltshire ; Hundred of Mere, folio Lond. 1822 - Modern Wiltshire ; Hundred of Heytesbury, folio Lond. 1824 BOWLES Rev. W. L , Parochial History of Bremhill, in the County of Wilts, 8vo. Lond. 1828 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Salisbury Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1814 ACCOUNT of Fonthill Abbey Donat. Pam. 165 NEW Guide to Fonthill Abbey, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 77 WORCESTERSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Worcestershire ; by F. C. Laird Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 15, part 1 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of Worcester Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1832 CHAMBERS J., General History of Malvern, sm. 8vo. Wore. 1820 REFLECTIONS Relative to the Malvern Hills, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 84 STYLES Robert Poole, The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Pershore ; including an Architectural Descrip- tion of the Church, royal 4to. Lond. 1838 YORKSHIRE. ACCOUNT of Yorkshire ; by John Bigland Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 16 AMYOT Thomas, Letter on the Priory Gate and Font at Kirk- ham, in Yorkshire, and the Interior of the Room at Bol- ton Castle, in which Mary, Queen of Scots, was confined in 1568 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 BRITTON John, History and Antiquities of York Cathedral, 4to. Lond. 1819 THORESBY Ralph, Ducatus Leodiensis ; or the Topography of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of Leedes, and parts adjacent, in the West Riding of the County of York ; with Notes and Additions, and an Appendix, by Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL.D., 2 vols. folio Leeds, 181620 342 HISTORY. (Tl)trt) Dtlns'ion. TOPOGRAPHY OF WALES, SCOTLAND, AND THE ISLE OF MAN. ACCOUNT of North Wales ; by Rev. J. Evans Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 17 ACCOUNT of South Wales ; by Rev. T. Rees Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 18 CARADOC of Llancarvan, History of Wales, translated by Dr. Powell, and augmented by W. Wynne; to which is added a Description of Wales, by Sir J. Price, 8vo. Mert. Tyd. 1812 PENNANT Thomas, History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holy well, 4to. Lond. 1796 WRIGHT G. N., Scenes in North Wales, with Historical Illus- trations, Legends, and Biographical Notices, 12mo. Lond. 1833 TEIGN MOUTH Lord, Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scot- land and of the Isle of Man, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1836 SINCLAIR Right Hon. Sir J., General Report of Scotland Pamphleteer, vol. 10 LAUDER Sir T. D., Account of the Great Floods of August, 1829, in the Province of Moray, and adjoining Districts, 8vo. Edinb. 1830 ACCOUNT of the Isle of Man ; by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley Beaut, of Eng. and Wales, vol. 3 SECTION IV. Voyages and Travels, including Descriptions of Particular Countries, Manners, Customs, 8$c. ABEL Clarke, (M.D.) Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and a Voyage to and from that Country, in 1816 and 1817, 4to. Lond. 1819 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 343 ADDISON Right Hon. Jos., Remarks on several Parts of Italy, &c., in 17013 Works, vol. 2 ALEXANDER Capt. J. E., Travels to the Seat of War in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Transatlantic Sketches ; comprising Visits to the most Interesting Scenes in North and South America and the West Indies, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 An Expedition of Discovery into the Interior of Africa, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 ALI Mrs. Meer Hassan, Observations on the Mussulmauns of India; descriptive of their Manners, Customs, Habits, and Religious Opinions, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 AMERICA, a Summary View of; by an Englishman, 8vo. Lond. 1824 AMERICANS (The) as They Are ; described in a Tour through the Valley of the Mississippi, 12mo. Lond. 1828 AMORETTI C., Viaggio da Milano ai tre Laghi, 32mo. Milano, 1817 ANACHARSIS Francjais ou Description Historique et Geographique de toute la France, 4 torn. 18mo. Paris, 1822 3 ANDREWS Capt., Journey from Buenos Ayres, through the Pro- vinces of Cordova, Tucuman, &c., to Santiago de Chili and Coquimbo ; undertaken on behalf of the Chilian and Peruvian Mining Association, in 1825 26, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1827 AULDJO John, Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc, on the 8th and 9th August, 1827, 4to. Lond. 1828 - Sketches of Vesuvius, with short Accounts of its Principal Eruptions, 8vo. Lond. 1833 Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and some of the Greek Islands, in 1833, 8 vo. Lond. 1835 AUSTRALIA, A Month in the Bush of; Journal of one of a Party of Gentlemen who recently Travelled from Sydney to Port Philip, 8vo. Lond. 1838 AUSTRIA as it is ; or Sketches of Continental Courts, 8vo. Lond. 1828 AUTUMN (An) near the Rhine ; or Sketches of Courts, Society, and Scenery in Germany, in 1820, 8vo. Lond. 1821 344 HISTORY. BACK Capt., Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833 35, 8vo. Lond. 1836 Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. Terror, un- dertaken with a view to Geographical Discovery on the Arctic Shores, in the years 183637, 8vo. Lond. 1838 BACON Lieut. Thomas, First Impressions and Studies from Na- ture in Hindostan,2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 BADWOCHENBLATT zum Nutzen und Vergniigen der Badgaste in der Grossherzoglichen Stadt Baden, 1818 Donat. Pam. 157 BAILLIE Marianne, Lisbon in 1821 23,2 vols. I2mo. Lond. 1825 BAKEWELL R., Travels ; comprising Observations during a Re- sidence in the Tarentaise and various parts of the Grecian and Pennine Alps, and in Switzerland and Auvergne, in 182022, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 BARROW John, Account of Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa, in 179798, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1806 - Travels in China, 4to. Lond. 1806 Voyage to Cochin China, 4to. Lond. 1806 Chronological History of Arctic Voyages, 8vo. Lond. 1818 Visit to Iceland in the Summer of 1834, small 8vo. Lond. 1830 Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 BEALE Thomas, Natural History of the Sperm Whale ; with a Sketch of a South Sea Whaling Voyage, small 8vo. Lond. 1839 BEECHEY Capt. F. W. and H. W., Expedition to Explore the Northern Coast of Africa, from Tripoly Eastward, in 1821 and 1822, 4to. Lond. 1828 BEECHEY Capt. F. W., Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Straits, in 182528, 4to. Lond. 1831 Hi i.i. John, Observations on Italy, 4to. Edinb. 1825 BELL James S., Journal of a Residence in Circassia, during the years 1837 39, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 BELZONI G., Operations and Recent Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia, 4to. Lond. 1821 - Atlas of Plates, with 6 new Plates, imp. fol. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 345 BENNETT G. J., A Pedestrian Tour through North Wales, 8vo. Lond. 1838 - Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Signapore, and China, in 1832 4, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 BENSON Robert, Sketches of Corsica, in 1823, 8vo. Lond. 1825 BEST Capt. J. J., Excursions in Albania; comprising a Descrip- tion of the Wild Boar, Deer, and Woodcock Shooting in that Country, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 BINNS Jonathan, The Miseries and Beauties of Ireland, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1837 BIRKBECK M., Notes on a Journey through France, in 1814, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 68 BISCHOFF James, Sketch of the History of Van Dieman's Land, 8vo. Lond. 1832 BLANQUI A., Voyage d'un jeune Fra^ais en Angleterre et en Ecosse, pendant 1'automne de 1823, 8vo. Paris, 1824 BLAQUIERE Edward, Narrative of a Second Visit to Greece ; including Facts connected with the Last Days of Lord Byron, 8vo. Lond. 1825 BLESSINGTON Countess of, The Idler in Italy, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183940 - The Idler in France, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 BONNYCASTLE Sir Richard H., The Canadas in 1841, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 BORROW George, The Zincali ; or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain, with an Original Collection of their Songs and Poetry, and a Copious Dictionary of their Language, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 BOUCHETTE Joseph, The British Dominions in North America ; or a Topographical and Statistical Description of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, &c., 2 vols. 4to. with Maps in case Lond. 1831 BOUNTY, H. M. S., History of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of; its causes and consequences Family Lib. Lond. 1831 BOYLE Captain Robert, Voyages and Adventures, 12mo. Lond. 1759 BREMNER Robert, Excursions in the Interior of Russia ; includ- ing Sketches of the Character and Policy of the Emperor Nicholas, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 2 Y 346 HISTORY. BREMNER Robert, Excursions in Denmark, Norway, apd Swe- den, including Notices of the State of Public Opinion in those Countries, and Anecdotes of their Courts, 2 vols. 8vo. ' Lond. 1840 BROCKDON Wm., Road-Book from London to Naples; illus- trated with engravings, by W. and E. Finden, 8vo. Lond. 1835 BRUCE James, Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in 176873 ; 7 vols. 8vo. and a 4to. Atlas of Plates Edinb. 1804 BUBBLES from the Brunnens of Nassau ; by an Old Man, 8vo. Lond. 1834 BUCHANAN Francis, (M.D.) Journey from Madras, through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar ; for the purpose of inves- tigating the State of Agriculture, Arts, and Commerce ; the Religion, Manners, and Customs; the History, Na- tural and Civil, &c., 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807 BUCKINGHAM J. S., Travels in Palestine, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Travels in Mesopotamia, &c., 4to. Lond. 1827 - Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, 4to. Lond. 1829 America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 The Slave States of America, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 BULLAR Joseph (M.D.) and Henry Bullar, A Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 BULLOCK W., (F.L.S.) Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico, 8vo. Lond. 1824 BURCHELL W. J., Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 182224 BURCKHARDT J. L., Travels in Nubia, 4to. Lond. 1819 Travels in Syria and the Holy Land, 4to. Lond. 1822 - Travels in Arabia, 4to. Lond. 1829 BURNES Lieut. Alex., Travels into Bokhara; being the Account of a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia ; also a Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, from the Sea to Lahore, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 - Cabool ; being a Personal Narrative of a Journey to, and Residence in that City, in the years 1836 38, 8vo. Lond. 1842 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 347 BUTLEU Frances Anne, American Journal, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1835 CAILLOT A., Abrege des Voyages Modernes, 2 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1820 CALABRIA during a Military Residence of Three Years, 8vo. Lond. 1832 CALDCLEUGH A., Travels in South America, during the years 181921, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 CAMPAIGNS and Cruises in Venezuela and New Grenada, and in the Pacific Ocean, from 181730; also Tales of Venezuela, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1831 CANADA, The Backwoods of; being Letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer Lib. Ent. Know. CANDLER John, Brief Notices of Hayti; with its Condition, Resources, and Prospects, 12rao. Lond. 1842 CAPE of Good Hope, State of, in 1822; [by H. T. Colebrooke,] 8vo. Lond. 1823 CARNE John, Letters from the East; written during a recent Tour through Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, &c., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1826 - Recollections of Travels in the East, 12mo. Lond. 1830 Letters from Switzerland and Italy ; during a late Tour, 8vo. Lond. 1833 CATLIN George, Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 CHANDLER R., (D.D.) Travels in Asia Minor and Greece; edited by Nicholas Revett, with Memoir by Archdeacon Churton, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1825 CHATEAUBRIAND Viscount de, Travels in America and Italy, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Land through Egypt ; translated by Fred. Shoberl, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 CHATTERTON Lady, Home Sketches and Foreign Recollections, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 - Rambles in the South of Ireland, during the year 1838, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1839 CITIES and Principal Towns in the World, Account of, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1830 348 HISTORY. CLAPPERTON Captain, Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa; from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo, 4to. Land. 1829 CLARKE Edwd. Daniel, (LL.D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1810 23 Part 1 Russia, Tartary, and Turkey 2 Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land, 3 vols. 3 Scandinavia, 2 vols. CLAVERS Mrs. Mary, (an actual settler,) A New Home Who'll Follow? or Glimpses of Western Life, 12mo. New York, 1840 COCHRANE Captain John Dundas, Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, to the Frozen Sea and Kamtchatka, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 COLOMBIA in 1826 ; by an Anglo-Colombian Pamph. vol. 29 COMBE George, Notes on the United States of North America, during a Phrenological Visit in 1838 40, 3 vols. small 8vo. Edinl. 1841 COMTE Lewis le, Compleat History of the Empire of China, 8vo. Lond. 1739 CONDER Josiah, Italy, 3 vols. I8mo. Lond. 1831 Vol. 1 Savoy ; Piedmont ; Genoa ; Milan 2 Lombardy ; Venice ; Bologna ; Florence 3 Pisa ; Siena ; Rome ; Naples CONOLLY Lieut. Arthur, Journey to the North of India, overland from England through Russia, Persia, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 CONTINENTAL (The) Traveller; being the Journal of an Econo- mical Tourist to France, Switzerland, Italy, &c., 12mo. Lond. 1833 COOK Capt. James, Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, in 177275, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1777 - Clerke and Gore, Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, in 177680, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1784 COOLEY Wm. D., The Negroland of the Arabs examined and explained ; or an Inquiry into the. Early History and Geography of Central Africa, 8vo. Lond. 1841 COOPER J. F., Excursions in Switzerland, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 Recollections of Europe, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1837 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 349 CORDINER Rev. J., (A.M.) A Description of Ceylon ; containing an Account of the Country, its Inhabitants, and Natural Productions, 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1807 COSTELLO Louisa Stuart, A Summer amongst the Bocages and the Vines, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 A Pilgrimage to Auvergne, from Picardy to Le Velay, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Cox Ross, The Columbia River; or Scenes and Adventures during a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Cox Rev. F. A. (D.D.) and Rev. J. Hoby, (D.D.) Baptists in America ; a Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptist Union in England to the United States and Canada, 12mo. Lond. 1836 CRADOCK Jos., Travels in France, in 1783 84 Lit. Mem. vol. 2 Two Journeys in North Wales, in 1776 77 Literary Memoirs, vol. 3 CRAMER Rev. J. A., Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece, 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1828 Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1826 A Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1832 CRANTZ David, History of Greenland, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1767 CRAVEN Lady, A Journey through the Crimea to Constantinople, in the year 1786, 4to Lond. 1789 CRAWFORD John, Journal of an Embassy from the Governor- general of India to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China, 4to. Lond. 1828 CRUISE R. A., Journal of a Ten Months' Residence in New Zealand, 8vo. Lond. 1824 GUMMING W. F., (M.D.) Notes of a Wanderer in Search of Health, through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube, and down the Rhine, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1839 CUNNINGHAM P., Two Years in New South Wales, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1827 DAMER Hon. Mrs. G. L. Dawson, Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 350 HISTORY. DAVIES J., First Impressions; a Series of Letters from France, Switzerland, and Savoy, in 1833 34, small 8vo. Land. 1835 DAVIS John Francis, The Chinese ; a general description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 DAVY John, Account of the Interior of Ceylon, and its Inhabi- tants, with Travels in that Island, 4to. Lond. 1821 DE BUTT'S Lieut., Rambles in Ceylon, 12mo. Lond. 1841 DEN HAM Major Dixon, and Capt. Hugh Clapperton, Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in 182224, 4to. Lond. 1826 DE Roos Hon. F. F., Travels in the United States and Canada, in 1826, 8vo. Lond. 1827 D'HAUSSEZ Baron, Great Britain in 1833, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1833 DIBDIN Rev. Thomas F., (D.D.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 A Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 1838 DENON Vivant, Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute F^gypte, pendant les Campagnes du General Bonaparte, 2 vols. 4to. with Atlas, in folio Lond. 1802 DOBELL Peter, Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia, and a Residence in China, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1830 Don WELL E., A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1819 DOWNING C. T., The Fan-qui in China, in 183637, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 DUCAS Theodore, Travels in various Countries in Europe ; edited by Charles Mills, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 DWIGHT Timothy, (LL.D.) Travels in New England and New York, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 EARLE A., Narrative of a Nine Months' Residence in New Zealand, in 1827, 8vo. Lond. 1832 EGEDE Hans, Description of Greenland, 8vo. Lond. 1818 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 351 ELLIOT C. B., Travels in the Three Great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ELLIS William, Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or, Owhy- hee, 8vo. Lond. 1826 Polynesian Researches; during a Residence of nearly Six Years in the South Sea Islands, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 History of Madagascar ; comprising also the Progress of the Christian Mission, established in 1818, and an Account of the Persecution of the Native Christians, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ELLIS Mrs., Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 ELPHINSTONE Hon. Mountstuart, Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 ELWOOD Mrs. Col., Narrative of a Journey overland from England to India; including a Residence there, and Voyage home, in 182528, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 EMERSON James, Letters from the jEgean, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1829 ESTE C., A Journey in the year 1793, through Flanders, Brabant, and Germany, to Switzerland, 8vo. Lond. 1795 EUSTACE Rev. J. C., Classical Tour through Italy, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1814 EVELYN John, A Character of England; as it was lately pre- sented in a Letter to a Nobleman of France, with Reflec- tions upon " Gallus Castratus" Misc. Writings EXTRACTS from the Letters and Journals of George Fletcher Moore, Esq., now filling a Judical Office at the Swan River Settlement; edited by Martin Doyle, 18mo. Lond. 1834 FANE Henry Edward, Five Years in India; comprising a Narra- tive of Travels in the Presidency of Bengal, a Visit to the Court of Runjeet Sing, an Account of the late Expe- dition to Cabul and AfFghanistan, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1842 FAULKNER Sir A. B., Visit to Germany and the Low Countries, in the years 182931, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 352 HISTORY. FAUX W., Memorable Days in America; being a Journal of a Tour to the United States to ascertain the Condition and Probable Prospects of British Emigrants, 8vo. Land. 1823 FELLOWES Charles, Journal written during an Excursion in Asia Minor, royal 8vo. Lond. 1839 An Account of Discoveries in Lycia ; being a Journal kept during a Second Excursion in Asia Minor, royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 FINLAYSON George, The Mission to Siam and Hue, in the years 1821 22, with a Memoir of the Author, by Sir T. S. Raffles, F.R.S., 8vo. Lond. 1826 FORBES Major, Eleven Years in Ceylon ; comprising Sketches of the Field Sports and Natural History of that Colony, and an Account of its History and Antiquities, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 FORSYTH Joseph, Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, during an Excursion in Italy, in 1802 3, 8vo. Lond. 1813 FOWLER George, Three Years in Persia ; with Travelling Adven- tures in Koordistan, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 FRAGMENTS In Beziehung die Kb'niglich Preussische Erklarung an die allgemeine Reichsversammlung, in Betreff des zu Basel am 5ten April, 1795, geschlossenen Friedens, 1795 Donat. Pam. 175 FRANKLAND Capt. C. C., Travels to and from Constantinople, in 182728, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 FRANKLIN James, Present State of Hayti, (St. Domingo,) with remarks on its Agriculture, Commerce, Laws, Religion, Finances, and Population, small 8vo. Lond. 1828 FRANKLIN Capt. John, Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 181922, 4to. Lond. 1823 another copy, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 - Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1825 27,4to. Lond. 1828 FRASER J. B., Journal of a Tour through part of the Snowy Range of the Himala Mountains, 4to. Lond. 1820 Narrative of a Journey in Khorasan, in 1821 22, &c., 4to. Lond. 1825 Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea, 4to. Lond. 1826 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 353 FRASER J. B., Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia; from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, 12mo. Edinb. 1834 - Narrative of the Residence of the Persian Princes in London, in 1835 36 ; with an Account of their Journey from Persia, and Subsequent Adventures, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 FRYER, John, (M.D.) New Account of East India and Persia; in eight Letters, being Nine Years' Travels, in 1672 81, folio Lond. 1698 GAMBLE John, Sketches of History, Politics, and Manners, in Dublin, and the North of Ireland, in 1810, small 8vo. Lond. 1826 GARDINER Capt. Allen F., Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country, in South Africa, 8vo. Lond. 1836 GELL Sir W., Narrative of a Journey in the Morea, 8vo. Lond. 1823 GENOUDE Eugene, Voyage dans la Vendee, et dans le midi de la Europe, 8vo. Paris, 1821 GEOGRAPHICAL Memoirs of New South Wales, by various hands, edited by Barron Field, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1825 GIFFARD Edward, A Short Visit to the Ionian Islands, Athens, and the Morea, small 8vo. Lond. 1837 GILLY Rev. W. S., Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont, 4to. Lond. 1824 Waldensian Researches, during a second Visit to the Vaudois of Piemont, 8vo. Lond. 1831 GLEIG Rev. G. R., Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1839 GOURBILLON J. A. de, Voyage Critique a 1'Etna, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1820 GRAHAM Miss, Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there, during part of the years 1821 23,4to. Lond. 1824 Journal of a Residence in Chile, during the year 1822 ; and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil, in 1823, 4to. Lond. 1824 GRANVILLE A. B., Travels to and from St. Petersburg, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 - The Spas of Germany, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 The Spas of England and principal Sea-Bathing Places; Northern Spas, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 2 z 354 HISTORY. GREY Capt. George, Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in North- West and Western Australia, during the years 183739, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 GURNET Joseph John, A Winter in the West Indies, described in Familiar Letters, addressed to Henry Clay, of Kentucky, 8vo. (two copies) Lond, 1840 A Journey in North America, described in Familiar Letters, to Amelia Opie, 8vo. Norwich, 1841 GUTZLAFF Rev. Charles, Journal of three Voyages along the Coast of China, in 183133, small 8vo. Lond. 1834 China Opened ; or a Display of the Topography, His- tory, Customs, Manners, Arts, Manufactures, Commerce, Literature, Religion, Jurisprudence, &c., of the Chinese Empire ; revised by the Rev. Andrew Reed, D.D., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 HALL Colonel Francis, The present State of Colombia, 8vo. Lond. 1824 HALL Captain Basil, (R.N.) Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in 1820 22, 2 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 1824 Travels in North America, in 1827 28, 3 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 1829 Forty Etchings, from Sketches made with the Camera Lucida, in North America, in 1827 28, 4to. Edinb. 1829 - Narrative of a Voyage to Java, China, and the Great Loo-Choo Island, 8vo. Lond. 1840 - Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 3 vols. 18mo. Edinb. 1831 - Fragments of Voyages and Travels ; second series, 3 vols. 18mo. Edinb. 1832 Fragments of Voyages and Travels ; third series, 3 vols. 18mo. Edinb. 1833 Patchwork, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1841 Schloss Hainfeld ; or a Winter in Lower Styria, 12mo. Edinb. 1836 HALL Mr. and Mrs. S. C., Ireland; its Scenery, Character, &c., 3 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 42 HAMILTON Francis, An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal, 4to. Edinb. 1819 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 355 HAND-BOOK for India and Egypt; comprising the Narrative of a Journey from Calcutta to England, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1841 HARDY Lieut. R. W. H., Travels in the Interior of Mexico, in 182528, 8vo. Lond. 1829 HARRIS Capt. William C., The Wild Sports of Southern Africa ; being the Narrative of an Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope to the Tropic of Capricorn, small 8vo. Lond. 1839 HEAD Capt. F. B., Rough Notes taken during some rapid Journeys across the Pampas, and among the Andes, small 8vo. Lond. 1826 HEAD Sir George, Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America, 12mo. Lond. 1829 A Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districts of England, in the summer of 1835, small 8vo. Lond. 1836 A Home Tour through various parts of the United Kingdom ; being a continuation of the " Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districts," small 8vo. Lond. 1837 HEBER Bishop, Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, in 1824 25, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1828 another copy, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 HERMIT in Italy; or Observations on the Manners and Customs of Italy ; translated from the French of M. de Jouy, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1825 HINDOOS (The), Account of; 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. HINTON John H., History and Topography of the United States, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1832 HISTORICAL Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, and the progress of discovery in the Pacific Ocean from the Voyages of Magellan to the Death of Cook, small 8vo. Edinb. 1836 HODGSON Captain S., Truths from the West Indies; including Sketches of Madeira, in 1833, small 8vo. Lond. 1838 HOFFMAN C. F., Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1839 - A Winter in the far West, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1835 HOGG T. J., Two Hundred and Nine Days ; or the Journal of a Traveller on the Continent, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1827 356 HISTORY. HOLMAN James, A Voyage Round the World ; including Travels in Africa, Asia, Australia, America, &c., from 1827 32, 4 vols. 8vo. Land. 183435 HOOKER William Jackson, Journal of a Tour in Iceland, in 1809, 8vo. Lond. 1811 HOSKINS G. A., Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert, 8vo. Lond. 1837 HOWITT William, The Student Life of Germany; from the un- published MS. of Dr. Cornelius, containing nearly forty of the most famous Student Songs, with the original music adapted to the piano-forte, by the Herr Winkelmeyer, 8vo. Lond. 1841 HUGGINS W., Sketches in India, 8vo. Lond. 1824 HUGHES John, An Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, in 1819, 8vo. Lond. 1822 HUMBOLDT Alexander de, Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, in 1799 1804; translated by Helen Maria Williams, 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181829 Travels and Researches of; being a condensed Nar- rative of his Journeys in the Equinoctial Regions of America, and in Asiatic Russia, by W. Macgillivray, A.M., 12mo. Edinb. 1832 INGLIS Henry D., The Channel Islands; Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, &c., 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1834 A Journey throughout Ireland, during the year 1834, 2 ?ols. 12mo. 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Lond. 1841 JAMES Edwin, Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, in 181920, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 JAMESON Mrs., Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1838 JAMESON R. G., New Zealand, South Australia, and New South Wales; a Record of recent Travels in those Colonies, with especial reference to Emigration, &c., sm.Svo. Lond. 1842 JAMESON, Wilson, and Murray's Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, 12mo. Edinb. 1830 JAPANESE, Manners and Customs of the ; in the nineteenth Cen- tury, from recent Dutch Visitors of Japan, and the German of Dr. Ph. Fr. Von Siebold, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 JESSE Captain, Notes of a Half-pay in Search of Health; or Russia, Circassia, and the Crimea, in 1839 40, 2 vols. small 8vo. Land. 1841 JEWITT John R., Adventures and Sufferings of; during a Cap- tivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound, 12mo. Edinb. 1824 JOHNSON James, (M.D.) Change of Air; or the Pursuit of Health, an Autumnal Excursion through France, Switzer- land, and Italy, in 1829, 8vo. Lond. 1831 The Recess; or Autumnal Relaxation in the Highlands and Lowlands, 8vo. Lond. 1834 JOHNSON Samuel, (LL.D.) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland Works, vol. 8 JONES Captain G. M., Travels in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Turkey, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 JOURNAL of an English Traveller, from 1814 16 Pamphleteer, vol. 10 JUDSON A. H., Account of the American Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire, 12mo. Lond. 1827 KENNEDY Richard Hartley, (M.D.) Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool, in 183839, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 358 HISTORY. KEPPEL Major, the Hon. G., Journey across the Balcan, &c., in the years 182930, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England, by Bussorah, Bagdad, the Ruins of Babylon, &c., in the year 1824, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 KERR, Robert, A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, 18 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 181124 Vol. 1 Discoveries in the time of Alfred, King of England, in the ninth Century Discovery of Greenland, by the Icelanders, in the ninth Century Discovery of Winland, or America, by the Icelanders, about the year 1001 Travels of two Mahometans into India and China, in the ninth Century Travels of Rabbi Benjamin from Spain to China, in the twelfth Century Travels of an Englishman in Tartary, in 1243 Sketch of the Revolutions in Tartary Travels of John de Piano Carpini, in 1246 Travels of W. de Rubruquis, about 1253 Travels of Haitho, Prince of Armenia, in 1254 Travels of Marco Polo into China and the East, from 126095 Travels of Oderic of Portenau, in 1318 Travels of Sir John Mandeville, in 1 322 Itinerary of Pegoletti, between Asof and China, in 1355 Voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, in 1380 Travels of John Schildtberger into Tartary, in 1394 Travels of the Ambassadors of Shah Rokh, King of Persia, from Herat to Khanbalek, in 1419 Travels of Pietro Quirini into Norway, 1431 Travels of Jos. Barbaro, Ambassador from Venice to Tanna, in 1436 2 Account of various early Pilgrimages from England to the Holy Land, between 10971107 Discovery of Madeira Account of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands History of the Discoveries of the Portuguese along the coast of Africa, &c., from 14121505 Summary of the Discoveries of the World, from their first original, to the year 1555, by Antonio Galvano Journey of Ambrose Contarini, Ambassador from Venice to the King of Persia, in 147376 Journals of the Voyages of Cada Mosto, and Pedro de Cintra, to the Coast of Africa, in 145556 History of the Discovery and Conquest of India, by the Portuguese, between 14971505 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 359 KERR Robert, Voyages and Travels : continued Vol. 2 Letters from Lisbon, in the beginning of the sixteenth Century, respecting the then recent Discovery of the route by Sea to India, and the Indian Trade 3 History of the Discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus ; written by his son, Don Ferdinand Columbus Account of the Discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus ; by Antonio de Herrera The Voyages of Americus Vespucius to the New World Summary of the Discoveries and Settlements of the Spaniards in the West Indies, from the Death of Columbus to the Expedi- tion of Hernando Cortes against Mexico History of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, written in 1568, by Captain B. D. del Castillo, one of the conquerors 4 History of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico : continued History of the Discovery and Conquest of Peru, by Francisco Pizarro, written by Augustino Zarate Early History of Peru, after the death of Francisco Pizarro, by Augustino Zarate 5 History of Peru : continued History of the Discovery and Conquest of Chili History of the Discovery of Florida 6 Early English Voyages of Discovery to America Voyages of Jacques Cartier, from St. Maloes to Newfoundland and Canada, in 153435 Discoveries and Conquests of the Portuguese in the East 7 Discoveries, &c., of the Portuguese: continued Voyages and Travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, and India, by Ludovico Verthema, in 1503 Voyages and Travels of Cesar Frederick in India Early English Voyages to Guinea, and other parts of the West Coast of Africa Miscellaneous early Voyages of the English Early Voyages of the English to the East Indies, before the Establishment of an exclusive Company 8 Early Voyages of the English to the East Indies : continued Early Voyages of the English to India, after the Establishment of the East India Company 9 Early Voyages of the English to India : continued 10 Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan round.the World, in 1519 22 Voyage of Sir Francis Drake round the World, in 1577 80 Voyage of Sir Thomas Candish round the World, in 158688 Voyage of Oliver Van Noort round the World, in 15981601 Voyage of George Spilbergen round the World, in 1614 17 Voyage of William Cor. Schouten and Jacques le Maire round the World, in 161517 Voyage of the Nassau Fleet round the World, in 162326, under the command of Jacques Le Hermite ^ HISTORY. KERR Robert, Voyages and Travels : continued Voyage round the World, in 168391, by Capt. John Cooke Voyage round the World, in 17036, by William Funnell Vol. 10 Voyage round the World, in 170811, by Capt. Woods Rogers and Stephen Courtney Voyage round the World, in 1719 22, by Capt. John Clipperton Voyage round the World, in 1719 22, by Capt. George Shelvocke 11 Voyage round the World, in 171922, by Capt. George Shel- vocke : continued Voyage round the World, in 1721 23, by Commodore Roggewein Voyage round the World, in 1740 44, by Capt. G. Anson 12 & 13 An Account of the Voyages undertaken by order of his Majesty George III, for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemis- phere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captains Wallis and Carteret, and Lieut. Cook 14 & 15 Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, in 1771 75, by Capt. James Cook 15&16 Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere ; under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in 1776-80 16&17 Capt. King's Journal of the Transactions on returning to the Sandwich Islands Byron's Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Wager Narrative of the Loss of the Wager, by John Bulkeley and John Cummins 18 Historical Sketch of the progress of Discovery, Navigation and Commerce, from the earliest records to the beginning of the 19th Century, by William Stevenson, Esq. KING Capt. P. P., Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, in the years 1818 22, 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1827 KING Richard, Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in 1833 35, under the command of Capt. Back, R.N., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 KINGDOM Wm., An Abstract of all the most useful Information relative to the United States of America, and the British Colonies of Canada, the Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales, and Van Dieman's Island, 8vo. Lond. 1820 KINNEAR John, Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, in 1839, with Remarks on the Government of Mehemet Ali, and on the present Prospects of Syria, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 KINNEIR John M., Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan, in 1813 14, with Remarks on the Marches of Alexander, and retreat of the ten thousand, 8vo. Lond. 1818 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 361 KIN NEIR John M., Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire, 4to. Lond. 1813 KIRKPATRICK Col., Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul,in 1793 royal 4to. , Lond. 1811 KLAPROTH J.Von, Travels in Caucasus and Georgia, in 1807 8, translated by F. Shoberl, 4to. Lond. 1814 LABORDE Alex, de, A View of Spain; comprising a Descriptive Itinerary of each Province, &c., 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809 LABORDE M. Leon de, Journey through Arabia Petraea to Mount Sinai, and the excavated City of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies, 8vo. Lond. 1836 LAING Major A. G., Travels in Western Africa, 8vo. Lond. 1825 LAING Samuel, Journal of a Residence in Norway, during the years 183436, 8vo. Lond. 1836 Tour in Sweden, in 1838; Observations on the Moral, Political, and Economical State of the Swedish Nation, 8vo. Lond. 1839 Notes of a Traveller, on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the present Century, 8vo. Lond. 1842 LAMARTINE Alphonse de, A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ; comprising Recollections, Sketches, and Reflections made during a Tour in the East, in 183233, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 LANDER Richard and John, Expedition to explore the Course and Termination of the Niger ; with a Narrative of a Voyage down that river to its Termination, 3 vols. ( Fa- mily Lib.) Lond. 1832 LANE Edw. William, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 LANGSDORFF G. H. Von, Voyages and Travels in various parts of the World, during 18037, 2 parts, 4to. Lond. 181314 Part 1 Voyage from Copenhagen to Brazil, the South Sea, Kamschatka, and Japan 2 Voyage to the Aleutian Islands and north-west coast of America, and return by land over the north-east parts of Asia, through Siberia, to Petersburgh LATHAM R. G., Norway and the Norwegians, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 3 A 362 HISTORY. LATROBE Charles Joseph, The Rambler in Mexico, in 1834, small 8vo. Lond. 1836 LAUDER Sir Thomas Dick, (Bart.) Highland Rambles, and Long Legends to Shorten the Way, 2 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 1837 LAY G. T., The Chinese as they are; their Moral, Social, and Literary Character, a new Analysis of their Language, with succinct Views of their principal Arts and Sciences, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 LEDYARD John, Memoirs of the Life and Travels of; by Jared Sparks, 8vo. Lond. 1828 LESLIE, Jameson, and Murray's Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions, 12mo. Edinb. 1830 LETTERS from an Absent Brother ; containing some Account of a Tour through parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Northern Italy, and France, in 1823, [by the Rev. Daniel Wilson,] 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1824 LETTERS from the north of Italy, addressed to H. Hallam, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 LETTERS from the Shores of the Baltic, second edition, with twenty illustrations, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1842 LEWIS M. G., Journal of a West India Proprietor, kept during a Residence in the Island of Jamaica, 8vo. Lond. 1834 LIDDIARD Rev. W., Three Months' Tour in Switzerland and France, 8vo. Lond. 1832 LINDSAY Lord, Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 LINNJEUS Charles, Lachesis Lapponica ; or a Tour in Lapland, translated by James Edward Smith, M.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 LIPPI C., Lago Fucino ed emissario di Claudio nella regione de' Marsi, Napoli, 1818 Donat. Pain. 62 LLOYD Major Sir Wm., Narrative of a Journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass, in the Himalaya Mountains ; and Capt. Alex. Gerard's Account of an Attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo; with a Letter from the late J. G. Gerard, Esq., detailing a Visit to the Shatool and Boorendo Passes, &c. &c., edited by George Lloyd, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 363 LLOYD L., Field Sports of the North of Europe; comprised in a personal Narrative of a Residence in Sweden and Nor- way, in 182728, 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1830 LONDON and Paris; or Comparative Sketches, by the Marquis De Vermont and Sir Charles Darnley, Bart., 8vo. Lond. 1823 LONDONDERRY Marquis of, Recollections of a Tour in the north of Europe, in 183637, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 LONGWORTH J. A., A Year among the Circassians, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 LYON Capt. G. F., Private Journal during the recent Voyage of Discovery under Capt. Parry, 8vo. Lond. 1824 Unsuccessful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, 8vo. Lond. 1825 Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico, in 1826, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1828 MAC FARLANE Charles, Constantinople in 1828; a Residence of sixteen months in the Turkish Capital and Provinces, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 M'GREGOR John, British America, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1832 MADDEN R. R., Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 182427, 2 vols. Lond. 1829 MADOX John, Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, Syria, &c., including a Visit to the unfrequented district of the Haouran, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 MALCOLM Sir J., A Memoir of Central India, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 MANBY G. W., Voyage to Greenland, in the year 1821, 8vo. Lond. 1823 MARITIME and Inland Discovery, History of; 3 vols. (Lard- ner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183031 MARMONT Marshal, (Due de Raguse) The present State of the Turkish Empire ; translated with Notes and Observations on the Relations of England with Turkey and Russia, by Lieut. Col. Sir Frederick Smith, 8vo. Lond. 1839 MARRY AT Captain, Diary in America, with Remarks on its Insti- tutions, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1839 - Diary in America: second part, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1839 MARSDEN William, The History of Sumatra, 4to. and atlas of plates Lond. 1811 364 HISTORY. MARTIN R. Montgomery, The British Colonial Library, 10 vols. 12mo. Lond. 183637 Vol. 1 History of Upper and Lower Canada 2 History of Austral- Asia ; comprising New South Wales, Van Dieman's Island, Swan River, &c. 3 History of Southern Africa ; comprising the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Seychelles, &c. 4 History of the West Indies ; Vol. 1, comprising Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, The Bahamas, and The Virgin Isles 5 History of the West Indies ; Vol. 2, comprising British Guiana, Barbadoes, St. Vincent's, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Christopher's, &c. 6 History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, The Sable Islands, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Islands, The Bermudas, New- foundland, &c. 7 History of the British Possessions in the Mediterranean ; com- prising Gibraltar, Malta, Gozo, and the Ionian Islands 8 & 9 History of the Possessions of the Honourable East India Com- pany, 2 vols. 10 History of the British Possessions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans; comprising Ceylon, Penang, Malacca, Sincapore, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena, Ascension, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Cape Coast Castle, &c. &c. MARTINEAU Harriet, Society in America, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1837 Retrospect of Western Travel, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 MATTHEWS Henry, Diary of an Invalid; being the Journal of a Tour in Pursuit of Health in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France, in 1817 19, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1822 MAW Lieut. Henry L., Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the northern Provinces of Peru, and descending the river Maranon, or Amazon, 8vo. Lond. 1829 MAY R., (A Missionary to the East Indies,) Narrative of, Lond. 1819 Donat. Pam. 164 MEDHURST W. H., China; its State and Prospects, with especial reference to the spread of the Gospel, 8vo. Lond. 1838 MEDWIN Thomas, The Angler in Wales; or Days and Nights of Sportsmen, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 MEN and Manners in America ; by the Author of " Cyril Thorn- ton," 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1833 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 365 MITCHELL Major T. L., Three Expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia ; with descriptions of the recently ex- plored regions of Australia Felix, and New South Wales, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 MOODIE Lieut. J. W. D., Ten Years in South Africa ; including a particular description of the Wild Sports of that Country, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 MOORCROFT Wm. and Geo. Trebeck, Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab ; in Peshawar, Kabul, Kunduz, and Bokhara, from 1819 25, edited by H. H. Wilson, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 MOORE John, (M.D.) Journal during a Residence in France, in 1792, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793 - View of Society and Manners in Italy, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1781 View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1780 MORGAN Lady, France, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 - Italy, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 MORIER J., Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in 1808 9, 4to. Lond. 1812 Second Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constantinople, between the years 1810 16; with a Journal of the Voyage by the Brazils and Bombay to the Persian Gulf, 4to. Lond. 1818 MORRISON Rev. R., Memoir of the principal Occurrences during an Embassy from the British Government to the Court of China, 1816 Pamphleteer, vol. 15 MULLER C., Voyage en Grece et dans les lies loniennes, en 1821, 8vo. Paris, 1822 MUNDY Captain, Pen and Pencil Sketches, being the Journal of a Tour in India, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 MURE William, Journal of a Tour in Greece and the Ionian Islands, 2 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 1842 MURRAY Hon. Chas. Aug., Travels in North America, during the years 1834 36, including a summer Residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians ; a Visit to Cuba and the Azore Islands, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 MURRAY Hon. Jas. Erskine, A Summer in the Pyrenees, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 366 HISTORY. MURRAY Hugh, Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820 NAPIER Major E., Scenes and Sports in Foreign Lands, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 Excursions along the Shores of the Mediterranean, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1842 NARRATIVE of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the seven- teenth Century ; by Evliya EfFendi, translated from the Turkish, by the Ritter Joseph Von Hammer, 4to. Lond. 1834 NARRATIVE of a Three Months' March in India, and a Residence in the Dooab ; by the Wife of an Officer in the 16th Foot, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 NARRATIVE of the Loss of the Kent East Indiaman, by Fire, in the Bay of Biscay, March 1st, 1825; by a Passenger, 12mo. Edinb. 1825 NARRATIVE of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836 ; describing their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle's Circumnavigation of the Globe, 3 vols. in 4, 8vo. Lond. 1839 Vol. 1 Proceedings of the First Expedition, 1826 30, under the com- mand of Capt. P. P. King, R.N. 2 Proceedings of the Second Expedition, 1831 36, under the com- mand of Capt. R. Fitz-Roy, R.N. Appendix to vol. 2. Meteorological Journal, &c. 3 Journal and Remarks, 1832 36 ; by Charles Darwin, Esq., M. A. Sec. Geol. Soc. NEW (The) Zealanders, Account of Lib. Ent. Know. NIEBUHR C., Voyage en Arabic, et en d'autres Pays circon- voisins, 2 torn. 4to. Amst. 1776 80 - Description de 1'Arabie, 4to. Amst. 1774 Michenlis, Recueil des Questions proposees a une Societ6 de Savans qui par ordre de sa Majeste Danoise font le Voyage de 1'Arabie, 4to. Amst. 1774 NOEL Baptist W., (M.A.) Notes of a Short Tour through the Midland Counties of Ireland, in the Summer of 1836, small 8vo. Lond. 1837 NORDBN Fred. L., Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 8f o. Lond. 1757 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 367 NOTES and Reflections during a Ramble in Germany, 8vo. Land. 1826 NOTIONS of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 NOUGARET P. J. B., Adventures des plus Remarquables des Marins, 12mo. Paris, 1821 NOWROJEE Jehangeer, and Hirjeebhoy Merwanjee, (of Bombay) Journal of a Residence of Two Years and a Half in Great Britain, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 OSBORNE Hon. W. G., The Court and Gamp of Runjeet Sing ; with an Introductory Sketch of the Origin and Rise of the Sihk State, 8vo. Lond. 1840 OUSELEY Sir William, Travels in various Countries of the East ; more particularly Persia, in 1810 12, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 181923 OWEN Capt. W. F. W., Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 PALLAS P. S., Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire, in 1793 94; translated from the Ger- man, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1802 PARDOE Miss, The City of the Sultan ; and Domestic Manners of the Turks, in 1836, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 The City of the Magyar ; or Hungary and her Insti- tutions, in 1839 40, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 PARISH Sir Woodbine, Buenos Ayres, and the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata ; their present State, Trade, and Debt, 8vo. Lond. 1839 PARK Mungo, Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, in 1795 1797; with an Account of a subsequent Mission to that Country, in 1805, and an Account of his Life, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 PARRY Capt. William Edw., Journal of a Voyage for the Dis- covery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 1819 20 ; with an Appendix, 4to. Lond. 1821 Supplement to the Appendix of his Voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage, in 1819 20 ; con- taining an Account of the Subjects of Natural History, 4to. Lond. 1824 368 HISTORY. PARRY Capt. William Edw., Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 182123, 4to. Land. 1824 Appendix to the Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage, in the years 1821 1823, 4to. Land. 1825 Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 4to. Land. 1826 PASHLEY Robert, Travels in Crete, 2 vols. 8vo. Camb. 1837 PASSAVANT M., Tour of a German Artist in England, 2 vols. 12mo. Lend. 1836 PATTERSON Major John, Camp and Quarters ; or Scenes and Impressions of Military Life, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 PECCHIO Count, Semi-Serious Observations of an Italian Exile, during his Residence in England, 12mo. Lond. 1833 PENNANT Thomas, Tour in Scotland ; and Voyage to the He- brides, 2 vols. 4to. Warrington 1774 Tour in Wales, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1784 Journey from Chester to London, 4to. Lond. 1782 - View of Hindostan, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798 Vol. 1 Western Hindostan 2 Eastern Hindostan PEROUSE J. F. G. de la, Voyage Round the World, in 1785 1788, 3 vols. 8vo., with folio Atlas Lond. 1807 PHILIP Rev. John, (D.D.) Researches in South Africa; illus- trating the Civil, Moral, and Religious Conditions of the Native Tribes, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 PHIPPS Constantine John, A Voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken by His Majesty's command, in 1773, 4to. Lond. 1774 PICKEN A., The Canadas, as they at present commend them- selves to the enterprize of Emigrants, Colonists, and Capitalists, 12mo. Lond. 1832 PICKERING Joseph, Emigration or no Emigration ; being a Narrative of the Author, (an English Farmer) from 1824 to 1830, in the United States, Canada, &c., 12mo. Lond. 1830 PICTURE of Australia, small 8vo. Lond. 1829 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 369 PINKERTON John, A Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels in all parts of the World ; many of which are now first translated into English ; digested on a new Plan, 17 vols. 4to. Lend. 180814 Vol. I The Voyages of Sir Hugh Willoughby and others to the Northern Parts of Russia and Siberia Three Voyages of the Dutch to the North of Europe Dissertation of J. I. Pontanus, concerning the North East Passage Regnard's Journey to Lapland, &c. Journey of Maupertius to the Polar Circle Outhier's Journal of a Voyage to the North Travels of M. Arwid Ehrenmalm in Western Nordland, &c. Account of Danish Lapland ; by Leems Allison's Voyage from Archangel New Account of Samoiedia and the Samoiedes Journal of Seven Seamen left at Spitzbergen Phipps' Journal of a Voyage to the North Pole Le Roy's Narrative of Four Russian Sailors, cast upon the Island of East Spitzbergen Backstrom's Voyage to Spitzbergen Von Trail's Letters on Iceland Kerguelen's Voyage to the North Earl of Cumberland's Voyage to the Azores ; by R. Wright Raleigh's Report of an Engagement near the Azores Voyage to Tercera ; by De Chaste 2 Voyage to England and Scotland ; by Gonzales Shaw's Tour to the West of England Sketch of a Tour in Derbyshire ; by William Bray Oryctography of Derbyshire ; by Ferber Travels through several parts of England ; by C. P. Moritz Skrine's Tours through Wales Malkin's Tour through Wales Hassell's Tour to the Isle of Wight Heath's Account of the Islands of Scilly Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man 3 Two Tours in Scotland ; by Pennant Account of the Drosacks ; from Garnet's Tour Martin's Description of the Western Islands, and Voyage to St. Kilda Account of Hirta and Rona ; by Sir George Mackenzie Brand's Description of the Orkneys and Shetland Abstract of Young's Tour in Ireland Hamilton's Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland 4 Lister's Journey to Paris, 1698 Young's Travels in France 3 B 370 HISTORY. PIMKERTON John, Voyages and Travels: continued EUROPE. 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Symes's Embassy to Ava Turpin's History of Siam Baron's Description of Tonqueen VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 371 PINKERTON John, Voyages and Travels: continued ASIA. Vol. 9 Richard's History of Tonquin Borri's History of Cochin China 10 Niebuhr's Travels in Arabia Blount's Voyage to the Levant Dandini's Voyage to Mount Libanus Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem Clayton's Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai Dr. Pocock's Travels in the East ASIATIC ISLANDS. 1 1 Dampier's Account of the Philippines Observations on the Philippine Islands, and the Isle of France ; from the French of M. de Guignes Beeckman's Voyage to Borneo Account of Java, Batavia, Celebes, Amboyna, &c. ; from the Voyages of Stavorinus Pigafetta's Voyage round the World . 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Peron NORTH AMERICA. 12 Colon's (Columbus's) Discovery of the West Indies Discoveries made by the English in America from the Reign of Henry VII, to the close of that of Queen Elizabeth Frobisher's Three Voyages for the Discovery of the North West Passage, 157678 Discovery of, and Voyages to, Virginia Cartier's Discovery of the Island of New France 18 Smith's History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles Lahontan's Travels in Canada Memoirs of North America Kalm's Travels in North America Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in 175960 SOUTH AMERICA. 14 Betagh's Account of Peru Ovalle's Historical Relation of Chili Condamine's Travels in South America Bouguer's Voyage to Peru 372 HISTORY. PINKERTON John, Voyages and Travels : continued SOCTU AMERICA. VoL 14 Ulloa's Voyage to South America NieuhofTs Voyages and Travels into Brazil AFRICA. 15 Voyage to Abyssinia ; by Father Jerome Lobo Poncet's Journey to Abyssinia Browne's Journey to Dar-Fur Pococke's Travels in Egypt Addison's Account of West Barbary Windhus's Journey to Mequinez Shaw's Travels in Barbary Lempriere's Tour to Morocco Abd Allatif s Relation Respecting Egypt 16 Thunberg's Account of the Cape of Good Hope Voyage to Congo ; by Angelo and Carli Merolla's Voyage to Congo Strange Adventures of Andrew Battel, of Leigh, in Essex, sent by the Portuguese Prisoner to Angola Bosnian's Description of the Coast of Guinea Proyart's History of Loango, Kakongo, and other Kingdoms in Africa Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, the Island of Goree, and the River Gambia Santos's History of Eastern Ethiopia Rochon's Voyage to Madagascar Glas's History of the Canary Islands Park's Travels in Africa 17 Retrospect of the Origin and Progress of Discovery, by Sea and Land, in Ancient, Modern, and Recent Times Critical Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels Index PINKERTON Robert, (D.D.) Russia; or Miscellaneous Observa- tions on the past and present State of that Country and its Inhabitants, royal 8vo. Lond. 1833 PLANCHE J. R., Descent of the Danube, from Ratisbon to Vienna, during the Autumn of 1827, 8vo. Lond. 1828 POLACK J. S., New Zealand; being a Narrative of Travels and Adventures during a Residence in that Country, between the years 183137, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 PORTUGAL and Gallicia; with a review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces, and a few Remarks on the recent Events in Spain, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 373 PRINGLE Thomas, Narrative of a Residence in South Africa African Sketches PRISONERS (The) of Abd-el-kader ; or Five Months' Captivity among the Arabs, in the Autumn of 1836, by Mons. A. de France, translated by R. F. Porter, 12mo. Lond. 1838 QANOON-E-!SLAM ; or the Customs of the Moosulmans of India, by Jaffur Shurreef, (a Native of the Deccan,) translated by G. A. Herklots, M.D., 8vo. Lond. 1832 QUIN Michael J., Steam Voyage down the Danube; with Sketches of Hungary, Wallachia, Servia, and Turkey, &c., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1835 Visit to Spain, in 1823, 8vo. Lond. 1823 RAFFLES Sir T. S., History of Java, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1817 RANKIN F. Harrison, The White Man's Grave; a Visit to Sierra Leone, in 1834, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1836 RAUMER Fred. Von, England in 1835; being a Series of Letters written to Friends in Germany, during a Resi- dence in London, and Excursions into the Provinces, translated from the German, by Sarah Austin and H. E. Lloyd, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 Italy and the Italians, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 RECOLLECTIONS of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaga and Batalha; by the Author of" Vathek," 8vo. Lond. 1835 RECOLLECTIONS of the Peninsula; by the Author of " Sketches in India," 8vo. Lond. 1824 RECOLLECTIONS of a Service of Three Years during the War of Extermination in the Republics of Venezuela and Co- lombia, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 REDDING Cyrus, History of Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea ; from the most authentic Sources, 4 vols. 18mo. Lond. 183335 REED Andrew, (D.D.) and James Matheson, D.D., A Narrative of the Visit to the American Churches, by the Deputa- tion from the Congregational Union of England and Wales, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 RENNELL Major James, Memoirs of a Map of Hindoostan, or, the Mogul Empire; with an Introduction illustrative of the Geography and Present Division of that Country, 4to. Lond. 1792 374 HISTORY. RESIDENCE (A) on the Shores of the Baltic; described in a series of Letters, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1841 REYNOLDS Sir Jos., Journey to Flanders and Holland, in 1781 Works, vol. 2 RICH C. J., Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the Site of Ancient Nineveh ; with a Journal of a Voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 RICHARDSON Robert, (M.D.) Travels along the Mediterranean in company with the Earl of Belmore, in 1816 18, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 RICKARDS R., India; or Facts submitted to illustrate the Cha- racter and Condition of the Native Inhabitants, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 32 RIDE (A) on Horseback to Florence, through France and Swit- zerland; by a Lady, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1842 RITCHIE Leitch, The Wye and its Associations; a Picturesque Ramble, 12mo. Lond. 1841 ROBERTS Emma, Scenes and Characteristics in Hindostan ; with Sketches of Anglo Indian Society, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1837 ROBERTSON J. P. and W. P., Letters on Paraguay; comprising an Account of a Four Years' Residence in that Republic, under the Government of the Dictator Francia, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1839 ROBINSON Edward, (D.D.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrsea; a Journal of Travels in the year 1838, by E. Robinson and E. Smith, under- taken in reference to Biblical Geography. Drawn up from the Original Diaries, with Historical Illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 ROBY John, Seven Weeks in Belgium, Switzerland, Lombardy, Piedmont, Savoy, &c. &c., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 ROME in the nineteenth Century ; containing an Account of the Ancient City, the Remains of the Middle Ages, and the Monuments of Modern Times, 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1826 ROSE C., Four Years in Southern Africa, 8vo. Lond. 1829 Ross Capt. Sir J., Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions, during the years 1829 33, 4to. Lond. 1835 - Appendix to ditto, 4to. Lond. 1836 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 375 RUSCHENBERGER W. S. W., (M.D.) Narrative of a Voyage round the World, in 1835 37 ; including a Narrative of an Embassy to the Sultan of Muscat and the King of Siam, 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1838 RUSH Rich., Narrative of a Residence at the Court of London, 8vo. Lond. 1833 RUSSELL John, A Tour in Germany, and some of the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Empire, in 1820' 22, 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1825 RUSSELL Rev. M., Nubia and Abyssinia; comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History, 12mo. Edinb. 1833 History and Present Condition of the Barbary States, 12 mo. Edinb. 1835 SALT Henry, Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior of that Country, 4to. Lond. 1814 SAUSSURE H. B. de, Voyages dans les Alpes, precedes d'un Essai sur 1'Histoire Naturelle des Environs de Geneve, 4 torn. 4to. Neufchatel, 177996 SCENES and Impressions in Egypt and in Italy ; by the Author of " Sketches of India," 8vo. Lond. 1824 SCORESBY William, Jun., Account of the Arctic Regions, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820 Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, in 1822, 8vo. Edinb. 1823 SCOTT John, Paris Revisited in 1815, by way of Brussels; including a Walk over the Field of Battle at Waterloo Lond. 1816 Journal of a Tour to Waterloo and Paris ; in company with Sir Walter Scott, in 1815, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 SCOTT John Lee, Narrative of a recent Imprisonment in China after the Wreck of the Kite, 12mo. Lond. 1841 SEDGWICK Miss, Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1841 SEELY Capt. J. B., Wonders of Elora; or a Narrative of a Journey to the Temples and Dwellings excavated out of a Mountain of Granite at Elora, in the East Indies, 8vo. Lond. 1824 SIMON D L., Voyage en Angleterre, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Tour in Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1817 376 HISTORY. SIMOND L., Tour and Residence in Switzerland, in 1817 19, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 - Tour in Italy and Sicily, 8vo. Lond. 1828 SINCLAIR Catherine, Hill and Valley ; or Hours in England and Wales, 12mo. Edinb. 1838 Scotland and the Scotch ; or the Western Circuit, 12mo. Edinb. 1840 Shetland and the Shetlanders ; or the Northern Cir- cuit, 12mo. Edinb. 1840 Six Months in the West Indies, in 1825, 12mo. Lond. 1826 SKETCHES in Ireland ; descriptive of interesting portions of the Counties of Donegal, Cork, and Kerry ; [by the Rev. Csesar Otway,] 12mo. Dublin, 1839 SKETCHES in Erris and Tyrawley ; [by the Rev. Csesar Otway,] 12mo. Dublin, 1841 SKETCHES of India; by an Officer, 8vo< Lond. 1824 SKETCHES of Persia; from the Journals of a Traveller in the East, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1827 SKETCHES of Portuguese Life, Manners, Costume, and Charac- ter, 8vo. Lond. 1826 SKINNER Major, Adventures during a Journey Overland to India, by way of Egypt, Syria, and the Holy Land, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 SLADE Adolphus, (R.N.) Travels in Germany and Russia; including a Steam Voyage by the Danube and the Euxine, from Vienna to Constantinople, in 1838 39, 8vo. Lond. 1840 SON N INI C. S., Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt; translated by Henry Hunter, D.D., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799 SOUTHEY R., Letters written during a Journey in Spain, and a short Residence in Portugal, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1808 SOUTHGATE Rev. Horatio, Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopotamia, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 SPAIN Revisited ; by the Author of " A Year in Spain," 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1836 SPENCER Edmund, Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary, &c. ; including a Steam Voyage down the Danube, from Vienna to Constantinople, and round the Black Sea, in 1836, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 377 SPENCER Edmund, Travels in the Western Caucasus; including a Tour through Imeritia, Mingrelia, Turkey, &c., in 1836, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 STANDISH Frank Hall, Seville and its Vicinity, 8vo. Lond. 1840 STAUNTON Sir George, Account of the Embassy of the Earl of Macartney to the Emperor of China, 2 vols. 4to. with folio Atlas Lond. 1798 STEEDMAN Andrew, Wanderings and Adventures in the Interior of Southern Africa, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 STEPHENS John L., Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. ]841 STEVENSON S. W., Tour in France, Savoy, Northern Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, in the sum- mer of 1825, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 STEUART J., Bogota in 1836 37; being a Narrative of an Expedition to the Capital of New Grenada, and a Resi- dence there of eleven months, 12mo. New York, 1838 STEWART C. S., Visit to the South Seas, during the years 1829 and 1830, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1832 STUART James, Three Years in North America, 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1833 STURGE Joseph, and Thomas Harvey, The West Indies in 1837 ; being the Journal of a Visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, for the purpose of ascertaining the actual Condition of the Negro Population of those Islands, small 8vo. Lond. 1838 STURT Captain Charles, Two Expeditions into the interior of Southern Australia, during the years 1829 31, with Observations on the Soil, &c., of New South Wales, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 SUMMER (A) in Andalusia, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 SUMMER in Spain; being the Narrative of a Tour made in the summer of 1835, 12mo. Lond. 1836 SWINBURNE Henry, Travels in the Two Sicilies, in 1777 80, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1783 The Courts of Europe at the close of the last Century ; edited by Charles White, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 TABLEAU Problematique de Londres et de Paris, mis en Parallele, Londres, 1812 Donat. Pant. 62 3 c 378 HISTORY. TAYLOR Catharine, Letters from Italy to a Younger Sister, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1840 41 TAYLOR John, Selections from the Works of Humboldt, relative to Mexico, 8vo. Lond. 1824 TEMPLE Edmond, Travels in various parts of Peru, including a Year's Residence in Potosi, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 TEMPLE Major Sir Grenville, Travels in Greece and Turkey, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 TENNANT C., Tour through parts of the Netherlands, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Savoy, and France, in 1821 22, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 TENNANT J. Emerson, (M.P.) Belgium, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 THOMPSON G., Travels and Adventures in Southern Africa, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 THREE Weeks in Palestine and Lebanon, I8mo. Lond. 1833 THUGS of India, Illustrations of the History and Practices of the, 8vo. Lond. 1837 TIMKOWSKI George, Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, and Residence in Peking, in the years 182021, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 TOBIN J. J., Journal of a Tour made in the years 1828 29, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst accompanying the late Sir Humphry Davy, 18mo. Lond. 1832 TOUR in Connaught; comprising Sketches of Clonmacnoise, Joyce Country, and Achill, [by the Rev. C. Otway,] 12mo. Dublin, 1839 TOUR in Germany, Holland, and England, in the years 1826 28, by a German Prince, 2 vols. 12 mo. Lond. 1832 TOUR in England, Ireland, and France, in the years 1828 29 by a German Prince, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1832 TOUR on the Prairies; by the Author of "The Sketch Book," 12mo. Lond. 1835 TOUR (A Family) through South Holland, up the Rhine, and across the Netherlands, to Ostend, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1831 TOWNSHEND J. K., Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Moun- tains ; including a Journey to the Columbia River, and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 379 TRAVELS of Ibn Batuta, translated from the Arabic, with Notes, &c., by Rev. Samuel Lee, D.D., 4to. Lond. 1829 TROLLOPE Mrs., Domestic Manners of the Americans, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1832 Domestic Manners of the Americans, American Criti- cisms on, Land. 1833 Pamphlets, 7 Belgium and Western Germany, in 1833, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1834 Paris and the Parisians, in 1835, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Vienna and the Austrians, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 TUCKEV Capt. J. K., Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, 4to. Lond. 1818 TURNBULL David, Travels in the West; Cuba, with Notices of Porto Rico, and the Slave Trade, 8vo. Lond. 1840 Two Summers in Norway ; by the Author of " The Angler in Ireland," 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 TYERMAN Rev. D., and Geo. Bennett, Esq., (deputed from the London Missionary Society to Visit their various stations in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c.;) Journal of Voyages and Travels, compiled from the original docu- ments by James Montgomery, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 VAILLANT M., Travels from the Cape of Good Hope, into the interior parts of Africa, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790 New Travels into the interior parts of Africa, in the years 178385, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796 VALENTIA George Viscount, Voyages and Travels to India, Cey- lon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in the years 18026, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809 VALPY R., Sketch of a Trip to Paris, in 1788 Pamphleteer, vol. 3 VANCOUVER Capt. George, A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the World, performed in the years 179095, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801 VAN DIEMAN'S Land Almanack, for the year 1831, 12mo, Hobcurt Town VIGNE G. T., Six Months in America, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1832 A Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan ; and of a Residence at the Court of Dost Mohamed, 8vo. Lond. 1840 380 HISTORY. VOLNEY M. C. F., Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783 85, translated from the French, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805 VOYAGE to the Northern Ports of China, in the Ship Lord Ara- herst, 8vo. Lond. 1833 WALPOLE Rev. Robert, Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, 4to. Lond. 1817 Travels in various Countries of the Fast; being a Continuation of Memoirs relating to Turkey, 4to. Lond. 1820 WALSH Rev. R., (LL.D.) Notices of Brazil, in 182829, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to Eng- land, small 8vo. Lond. 1828 A Residence at Constantinople, during the period of the Greek and Turkish Revolutions, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 WARD William, A View of the History, Literature, and Mytho- logy of the Hindoos ; including a minute description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their principal Works, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 WARD H. G., Mexico, in 1827, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 WATERTON Charles, Wanderings in South America, the North- West of the United States, and the Antilles, in 1812, 1816, 1820, and 1824, 4to. Lond. 1825 WEDDELL J., A Voyage towards the South Pole; performed in the years 182224, 8vo. Lond. 1825 WELLSTED J. R., Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the Shores of the Persian Gulf, and the Mediterranean, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 WELSH Col. James, Military Reminiscences; extracts from a Journal of nearly Forty Years' active Service in the East Indies, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 WENTWORTH W. C., Account of the British Settlements in Aus- tralasia ; including the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 WEST Rev. John, Journal during a Residence at the Red River Colony, 8vo. Lond. 1825 Journal of a Mission to the Indians of the British Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, &c., 8vo. Lond. 1827 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, ETC. 381 WHITE Lieut. John, A Voyage to Cochin China, 8vo. Land. 1824 WILBRAHAM Capt. Richard, Travels in the Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia, and along the Southern Shore of the Lakes of Van and Urumiah, in 1837, 8vo. Lond. 1839 WILDE W. R., Narrative of a Voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe, and along the Shores of the Mediterranean ; including a Visit to Algiers, Egypt, Palestine, Tyre, Rhodes, Tel- messus, Cyprus, and Greece ; with Observations on the present State and Prospects of the East, 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1840 WILLIAMS John, A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands, 8vo. Lond. 1837 WILLIS N. P., Pencilling^ by the Way, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1835 Inklings of Adventure, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1836 Loiterings of Travel, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1840 Letters from under a Bridge ; and Poems, small 4to. Lond. 1840 Wix Edward, Six Months of a Newfoundland Missionary's Journal, from February to August, 1835, 12mo. Lond. 1836 WOLFF Rev. J., Missionary Journal and Memoir of; by J. Bay- ford, Esq., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 29 WOOD Lieut. John, Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, by the Route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakhshan ; performed under the sanction of the Supreme Government of India, in the years 1836 1838, 8vo. Lond. 1841 WRANGELL Adm. Ferdinand Von, Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, in the years 1820 23; edited by Major Edward Sabine, R. A., 8vo. Lond. 1840 WRIGHT J., Memoir of the Mosquito Territory, Lond. 1808 Donat. Pam. 57 YATE Rev. William, Account of New Zealand; and of the Formation and Progress of the Church Missionary So- ciety's Mission in the Northern Island, small 8vo. Lond. 1835 YEAR (A) in Spain ; by a Young American, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1831 382 HISTORY. YOUNG William, Portugal in 1828; with a Narrative of the Author's Residence there, and of his Persecution and Confinement as a Stale Prisoner, 8vo. Lond. 1828 ZWICK H. A., and J. G. Schill, Calmuc Tartary ; or a Journey from Sarepta to several Calmuc Hordes of the Astracan Government, in 1823, 12mo. Lond. 1831 SECTION V. Universal History, Ancient History, and Chronology. ALEXANDER the Great, Life and Actions of; by Rev. J.Williams, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1829 ANACHARSIS Du Jeune, Voyage en Grece, vers le Milieu du Quatrieme Siecle avant Tere vulgaire ; par 1'Abbe Barthe- lemy, 7 torn. 8vo. et Atlas en 4to. Paris, 1821 ARNOLD Thomas, (D.D.) History of Rome, vols. 1, 2, 8vo. Lond. 1840 ART (F) de Verifier les Dates des Fails Historiques, des Inscrip- tions, des Chroniques et autres Anciens Monuments avanl 1'fere Chrelienne, 5 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1819 ART (!') de Verifier les Dales des Fails Hisloriques, des Charles, des Chroniques el aulres Anciens Monumenls depuis la naissance de Notre- Seigneur, 18 torn. 8vo. Paris, 181819 ASIATICK Researches ; or Transaclions of ihe Sociely insliluled in Bengal for Inquiring inlo ihe Hislory, &c., of Asia, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 180118 ATHENIAN Lellers; or ihe Epislolary Correspondence of an Agenl of ihe King of Persia, residenl al Alhens, during the Peloponnesian War ; edited by the Earl of Hardwicke, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1810 UNIVERSAL AND ANCIENT HISTORY, ETC. 383 BELL Major James, Compendious View of Universal History and Literature, in a series of Tables from the German of G. G. Bredow ; with a Table of Painters from the French notes of Sir Matthew Van Bree, folio Lond. 1829 BLAIR John, (LL.D.) Chronology and History of the World, folio 1 ond. 1814 BULWER Edw. L., Athens, its Rise and Fall, with News of the Literature, Philosophy, and Social Life of the Athenian People, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 BURET de Longchamps, Les Fastes Universels, ou Tableaux Histo- riques Chronologiques et Geographiques, folio Pares, 1821 CALENDRIER Parisien pour 1'an 4 de la Republique Franchise, Paris, 179596 Donat. Pam. 156 CLINTON Henry F., Fasti Hellenici; the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the fifty-fifth to the hundred and twenty -fourth Olympiad, 4 to. Oxf. 1824 CORY Isaac P., Chronological Inquiry into the Ancient History of Egypt ; Mythological Inquiry into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens, 18mo. Lond. 1837 CRICHTON Andrew, History of Arabia ; Ancient and Modern, 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1833 DICTIONNAIRE de 1'Histoire, 6 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. DRUMMOND Sir W., Origines ; or Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, States, and Cities, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 29 Vol. 1 On the Origin of the Babylonian Empire ; the Assyrian Empire ; and the Empire of Iran 2 Egypt 3 Phoenicia; Arabia 4 Asia Minor EDREHI Rev. Dr. M., Historical Account of the Ten Tribes settled beyond the River Sambatyon, in the East, 8vo. Lond. 1836 FINN James, Sephardim ; or the History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 GIBBON Edward, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 GILLIES J., (LL.D.) History of Ancient Greece, from the earliest periods till the division of the Macedonian Empire ; and of the Ancient World, from the dominion of Alexander to that of Augustus, 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 384 HISTORY. GOGUET Antoine-Yves, Origine des Lois, des Arts, et des Sci- ences, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1820 GREECE, History of; from the earliest times to its final subjec- tion to Rome, (Lib. Use. Know.) Lond. 1829 GUTZLAFF Rev. Charles, Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient and Modern ; comprising a Retrospect of the Foreign Inter- course and Trade with China, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 HALES Rev. W.,(D.D.) A New Analysis of Chronology and Geo- graphy, History and Prophecy, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 HAYDN Joseph, Dictionary of Dates, and Universal References relating to all Ages and Nations, 8vo. Lond. 1841 HEEREN A. H. L., Manual of Ancient History; particularly with regard to the Constitutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity, 8vo. Oxf. 1829 Reflections on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Ancient Nations of Africa, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1832 Vol. 1 General Introduction ; Carthaginians ; Ethiopian Nations 2 Egyptians Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the principal Nations of Antiquity ; Asiatic Nations, 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1833 Vol. 1 Persians 2 Babylonians; PhoBnicians; Scythians 3 Indians HOOKE N., Roman History, from the Building of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth, 1 1 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 HUMBOLDT Alex, de, Researches concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America; trans, by Helen Maria Williams, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 JAHN John, (D.D.) History of the Hebrew Commonwealth, from the earliest times to the Destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 72 ; translated from the German, with a Continua- tion to the time of Adrian, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 JEWS, History of the, 3 vols. (Family Lib.) Lond. 1829 LEIGH E. and H., Select Observations of all the Roman Em- perors Select and Choice French Proverbs Choice Observations of all the Kings of England, from the Saxons to the Death of Charles I England Described ; or the several Counties and Shires thereof briefly handled, 12mo. Lond. 1664 UNIVERSAL AND ANCIENT HISTORY, ETC. 385 LEAKE Wm. Martin, The Topography of Athens, and the Demi, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 MALLET P. H., Northern Antiquities; or a Description of the Manners, Customs, &c., of the Ancient Danes, and other Northern Nations, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1770 MITFORD Wm., History of Greece, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 NEWTON Sir Isaac, The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended Opera, torn. 5 NICOLAS Nich. Harris, Notitia Historica; containing Tables, Calendars, and other Miscellaneous Information, for the use of Historians, Antiquaries, &c., small 8vo. Lond. 1824 - The Chronology of History ; containing Tables, Cal- culations, and Statements, indispensable for ascertaining the dates of Historical Events, &c., (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1833 NIEBUHE G. B., The Roman History; translated from the German, by F. A. Walter, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 The History of Rome ; translated by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall, 2 vols. 8vo. Camb. 182832 Dissertation on the Geography of Herodotus, and Researches into the History of the Scythians, Getse, and Sarmatians, 8vo. Oxf. 1830 NOTTI Romane al Sepolcro de' Scipioni, 2 vol. 12mo. Milano, 1816 OUTLINES of History, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1830 PETAVII Dionysii, Rationarium Temporum, 2 torn. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1724 PRIDEAUX Humphrey, (D.D.) The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, 4 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1820 RALEIGH Sir Walter, History of the World; with Life, by Oldys, 2 vols. folio Lond. 1736 ROLLIN C., Histoire Ancienne CEuvres, torn. 1 7 Histoire Romaine (Euvres, torn. 8 15 - The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, &c. ; translated from the French, 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1823 ROME, History of, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.') Lond. 1833 ROME, History of Lib. Ent. Know. 3 D 386 HISTORY. RUSSELL Rev. Michael, Connection of Sacred and Profane History, from the Death of Joshua to the Decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182737 View of Ancient and Modern Egypt; with an outline of its Natural History, 12mo. Edinb. 1831 SEJANUS, and Philippa the Catanian, History of; second edition, 12mo. Lond. 1639 SELDENI J., Marmora Arundelliana, et Apparatus Chronologicus, Notse Historicse, et Canon Chronicus ad Veteres Grsec- orom Epochas Opera, torn. 4 SHUCKFORD Rev. S., Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1810 SISMONDI J. C. L. de, History of the Fall of the Roman Empire ; comprising a View of the Invasion and Settle- ment of the Barbarians, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1834 THEIS M. le Baron de, Voyage de Polyclete, ou Lettres Ro- maines; abrege par M. de Rouillon, 12mo. Lond. 1825 THIRLWALL Rev. C., History of Greece, 7 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1835 40 TURNER Sharon, The Sacred History of the World, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183237 UNIVERSAL History ; Ancient and Modern, 60 vols. 8vo. Lond. 177984 ANCIENT PART. Vol. 1 From the Creation of the World to the Origin of Civil Govern- ment, and the Establishment of the First Kingdoms. History of Egypt and the Neighbouring Nations 2 History of the Phoenicians and Jews 3 History of the Jews (concluded.) Assyrian and Babylonian Empires, Phrygians, Trojans, Lycians, Lydians, &c. 4 History of the Medes, Persians, Scythians, Gomerians, Mysians, &c. 5 History of Sicyon, Argos, Attica, Bceotia, Arcadia, Thessaly, Corinth, Sparta, Athenians, and Lacedaemonians 6 Thehan History, Grecian States in Asia Minor, Sicily and Syracuse 7 Syracuse (concluded. ) Macedonians 8 Macedonian History (concluded ) Syrians, Egyptians, Armenians 9 History of Cappadocia, Pcrgamus, Thrace, Epirus, Bithynia, Colchis, &c., Parthians, Persians, Rome 1013 History of Rome 14 History of Rome (concluded. ) Constantinopolitan History UNIVERSAL AND ANCIENT HISTORY, ETC. 387 UNIVERSAL History : continued ANCIENT PART. Vol. 15 Constantinopolitan History (concluded. ) History of Carthage 16 History of Carthage (concluded.) Numidia, Mauritania, Ethiopia Arabia, Spain, Gaul 1 7 History of Germany, Britain, Northern Nations, Italy 18 History of the Turks, Tartars, and Moguls, Indians and Chinese. The Opinion of the Most celebrated Philosophers, with respect to the Creation of the World. History of Etruria. Index MODERN PART. Vol. 1 8 The Life of Mohammed, and Arabian History 4 6 History of the Moguls and Tartars 7 9 Tartary, China, Japan, and the East Indies 10 The Othman Empire. Dispersion of the Jews 11 Africa 12 15 African Nations 1618 Spain and Portugal 1921 France 22 25 Italy, Venice, and the Italian States 26 28 Germany and the United Provinces, Denmark 29 31 Denmark (concluded.) Sweden, Poland, Prussia, Russia 32 Russia (concluded. ) Hungary 33 Tuscan States, Milan 34 36 America, Asia 37 38 Conclusion of Modern History. Index 3940 Supplement. England 41 Scotland 42 Ireland VOLNEY C. F., New Researches in Ancient History; translated by Colonel Corbet, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 VOLTAIRE, Historic Generale (Euvres, torn. 4 TYTLER Alex. F., Elements of General History ; Ancient and Modern, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1821 Continuation to 1820; by Rev. Edward Nares, D.D., 8vo. Lond. 1822 WELLS E., (D.D.) An Historical Geography of the Old and New Testament, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1819 388 HISTORY. SECTION VI. Byzantine History. COLLECTIO Historise Byzantinse Scriptorum, 55 torn, in 44, folio, one4to. one 12mo. Par. Rom. Hanov.Venet.l6ll 1819 The list given by Brunet of the Works composing this magnificent col- lection, is extremely incomplete. The present copy contains the following : AGATHI^, Scholastici, De Imperio et Rebus gestis Justinian! Imp. lib. v. cum interp. et notis Vulcanii ; ace. ej. Agathise Epigrammata, cum vers. Scaligeri, folio Par. e Typ. Rey. 1660 ANASTASII, Bibliothecarii, Historia Ecclesiastica, sive Chronogra- phia Tripartita cum notis C. A. Fabroti; item Glossariis duobus; Ejusd. Hist, de Vitis Romanorum Pontificum, a Petro Apost. ad Nicolaum 1 ; deinde Vitse Hadriani II, et Stephani VI, auctore Guillelmo, Bibliothecario, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1649 ANNA Comnense (Ceesarissee), De Rebus ab Alexio Imp. vel ejus tempore gestis, lib. xv, Int. Gloss, et notis P. Possini ; ace. prsefationes et notae D. Hoeschelii, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1651 For Du Cange's Notes on Anna Comnena, see Joannes Cinnamus. BANDURI Anselmi, Imperium Orientale; sive Antiquitates Con- stantinopolitanae, quse, ex variis Scriptor. Grcec. Com- mentariis, et Geographicis, Topographicis, aliisque monu- mentorum ac numismatum tabellis, illustrantur, 2 torn, folio Par. 1711 BANDURI Anselmi, Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, a Trajano Decio ad Paleeologos ; ace. Bibliotheca Num- maria, sive auctorum qui de Re Nummaria scripserunt, 2 torn, folio Lut. Par. 1718 BONGAKSII Jac., Gesta Dei per Francos; sive Orientalium Ex- peditionum, et Regni Francorum Hierosolimitani, His- toria, 2 torn, folio Hanovia, 1611 CANANUS, see Georgius Acropolita BYZANTINE HISTORY. 389 CANTACUZENUS, see Joannes CHRONICON Paschale, a mundo condito ad Heraclii Imp. ann. vicesimum, cum Latina Versione, et Notis Chronicis et Historicis, cura Caroli du Fresne, D. du Cange, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1685 CHRONICON Orientale, ex Arabico Latine versum, ab Abrahamo Ecchellensi, cum ejusd. Supplements, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1685 CHRYSOLORAS, see Constanlinus CODINUS, see Constantinus Manasses CONSTANTINI Manassis, Breviarium Historicum, ex. int. J. Leunclavii, cum ejusd. et J. Meursii notis ; ace. Leonis Allatii et C. A. Fabroti Varice Lectiones ; item Fabroti Glossarium ; Georgii Codini, Excerpta de Antiqui- tatibus Constantinopolitanis, vers. et not. P. Lambecii ; acced Manuelis Chrysolorse Comparatio Veteris et novae Romae ; et Imp. Leonis Oracula, &c. folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1655 DUCAS, see Georgius Acropolita Du CANOE C., Historia Byzantina; I. Familiae Augustse By- zantinae, II. Constantinopolis Christiana, folio Lut. Paris, 1680 ECLOGUE, see Labbe EXCERPTA, see Labbe GENESII Josephi, De Rebus Constantinopolitanis, lib. iv, cum notis; Joannis Antiocheni Malaise, Histories Chronicae, partes 2, interp. et notis Edm. Chilmeadi ; prsemittitur dissertatio de Auctore per Humf. Hodium ; acced. Epis- tola R. Bentleii ad Jo. Millium ; Leo. Allatii, Opuscula Grseca et Latina; Georgii Phranzoe, Protovestiarii, Chronicon, Latine, folio Venet. 1733 GEOFFROY de Ville-Hardouin, Histoire de 1'Empire de Constan- tinople sous les Empereurs Francois, redige par Car. du Fresne S. du Cange, 2 torn, in 1, folio Par. de I'lmpr. Roy. 1657 GEORGII Cedreni, Compendium Historiarum, Vers. et notis G. Xylandri, acced. notes Jac. Goar et C. A. Fabroti Glossarium; Item, Joannis Scylitzse Curopalatae, ex- cipiens ubi Cedrenus desinit, 2 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1647 390 HISTORY. GEORGII Acropolitoe, Historia ; Joelis, Chronographia Com- pendiaria ; Joannis Canani, Narratio de Bello Con- stantinopolitano ; cum interp. et notis Allatii, et Th. Douzse observationibus ; accedit Allatii Diatriba de Georgiorum scriptis, folio, Par. e Typ. Reg. 1651 : Ducse, Mich. Ducse Nepotis, Historia Byzantina, Res in Imp. Grsecorum gestas complectens, a Joanne Palseologo I, ad Mehemetem II, studio Ism. Bullialdi, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1649 GEORGIUS Codinus Curopalata, De Officiis Magnse Ecclesise et Aulse Constantinopolitanae, ed. J. Goar, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1648 GEORGII (Monachi, et Tarasii Patriarchse Constantinopoleos Syncelli,) Chronographia, ab Adamo usque ad Diocle- sianum ; Nicephori (Constantinopoleos Archiepiscopi,) Chronographia Compendiaria, ab Adamo ad Theophilum ; adjecta Georgii Syncelli versione Latina, item Tabulis Chronologicis, et Annotationibus, cura P. Jacobi Goar, 2 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1652 GEORGII Pachymeri, Historia Rerum a Michaele Palseologo, ante Imperium, et in Imperio gestarum, interp. P. Pos- sino ; access, ejusd. Observat. lib. iii, et Appendix; Specimen Sapientice Indorum Veterum, folio Romce, Typ. Barber. 1666 GEORGII Pachymeri, Historia Rerum ab Andronico Seniore Gestarum, interp. et Observationibus P. Possini, folio Romee, Typ. Barber. 1669 GLYC^ Mich., Annales, a Mundi Exordio usque ad Obitum Alexii Comneni Imp. cura P. Labbe, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1660 HISTORIC Byzantince Scriptores post Theophanem, qui a Mi- chaele Curopalata usque ad Nicephorum Phocam scripsere cura et studio Fr. Combeficii, fol. Par. e Typ. Reg. 1685 Hoc volumine contincntur : Chronici jussu Constantini Porphyrogcnneti conscript! ; Idem Constan- tinus Porph. de Basilii Imp. Avi Vita ct Rebus gestis; Anonymus Continuator Theophanis ; Orthodoxorum Invcctiva adv. Iconoma- chos ; .li ..-Minis Jcrosolymitani Narratio dc Iconomachis ; Joannes Cameniata, et Demetrius Cydonius, dc Excidio Thessalonicae ; Sy- meonis Magistri ac Logothetac Annales; Georgii Monarch! Vita 1 recentiorum Impp. BYZANTINE HISTORY. 391 JOANNIS Cantacuzeni, Ex-Imperatoris, Historiarum, lib. iv, interp. Jac. Pontano, notis J. Gretseri, 3 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1645 JOANNIS Cinnami, Imperatorii Grammatici, Historiarum, lib. vi, De Rebus Gestis a Joanne et Manuele Comnenis Impp. Cp. acced. C. Du Cange, in Nicephori Bryennii, Annoe Comnenee, et Joannis Cinnami, Historiam Comnenicam, Notae, Historicae et Philologicae ; his adjungitur Pauli Silentiarii Descriptio S. Sophi-* Ecclesise, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1670 JOANNIS Zonarse, Annales, versione et notis C. du Cange, accedit De Hebdomo Constantinopolitano Disquisitio Topographica, 2 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 168687 JOEL, see Georgius Acropolita LABBE Philippi, De Byzantines Historiae Scriptoribus, sub Ludov. XIV, auspiciis publicam in lucem emittendis, ad omnes per orbem eruditos, Protrepticon, et prima Deli- neatio Apparatus Hist. Byzantinae ; Excerpta De Lega- tionibus ex script, variis, interprete C. Cantoclaro, notis ejusdem et H. Valesii ; Eclogae Historicorum de Rebus Byzantinis, notis et recensione P. Labbe, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1648 LABBE P., Notitia Dignitatum Imperil Romani, cum pluribus aliis opusculis, Descriptio Romee et Constantinopolis, Altercatio Hadriani Imper. et Epicteti, &c., 12mo. Par. e Typ. Reg. 1661 LAONICI Chalcocondylee, Atheniensis, Historiarum lib. x, interp. Conr. Clausero, cum Annalibus Sultanorum, ex interp. L. Leunclavii, stud. C. A. Fabroti, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1650 LEO, see Genesius, Georgius Acropolita, and Theophanes LEONIS Diaconi, Historia, Scriptoresque alii ad Res Byzantinas pertinentes, notis Car. Ben. Hase, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1819 LE QUIEN Michael, Oriens Christianus, in quatuor Patriarchatus digestus ; quo exhibentur Ecclesiee, Patriarchse, cseteri- que prsesules totius Orientis, 3 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1740 MALALA, see Genesius NICEPHOUUS Cwsarus Bryennius, see Procopius 392 HISTORY. NICEPHORUS Constant. Archiepisc. see Georgius Monachus and Theophylactus NICEPHORI Gregorse, Byzantina Historia, versione et notis Job. Boivin, 2 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1702 NICETY, Acominati Choniatse, Historia, interp. H. Wolfio, cura C. A. Fabroti, folio Par. e Typ. Rey. 1647 PHRANZA, see Genesius PROCOPII, Ceesariensis, Historiarum sui Temporis lib. viii, in- terprete Claudio Maltreto ; Ejusd. De ./Edificiis Dn. Justiniani, lib. vi, interp. eodem ; Ejusd. Arcana Historia, seu Anecdota, cura Versione Latina, et Notis Nicolai Allemanni, recognovit Claud. Maltretus; Nicephori Csesaris Bryennii, Commentarii de Rebus Byzantinis; opera Petri Possini, 2 torn, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 166163 For Du Cange's Notes on Nicephorus, see Joannes Cinnamus. SCYLITZA, see Georgius Cedrenus SILENTIARIUS, see Joannes Cinnamus SYNCELLUS, see Georgius Monachus THEOPHANIS, Chronographia ; Leo. Grammatici, Vitse recen- tiorum Imperatorum, interpr. Jac. Goar, ejusdem et Fr. Combeficii notis, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1655 THEOPHYLACTI, Bulgaria Archiepiscopi, Institutio Regia ; inter- prete P. Possino, 4to. Par. e Typ Reg. 1651 - Simocattse, Historiarum lib. viii, interp. Jac. Pontano, studio Car. Ann. Fabroti, folio, Par. e Typ. Reg. 1647 ; S. Nicephori, Patriarchse Constantinop. Breviarium Historicum, de Rebus gestis ab obitu Mauricii, ad Con- stantinum usque Copronycum, interp. D. Petavio, folio Par. e Typ. Reg. 1648 ZONARAS, see Joannes The following are wanting to complete the collection : Boschii et Cu- peri de Patr. Ant. et Const. Du Cange De Imp. Const. Numisma- tibus. ri-idii-. &c. Appendix. Porphyrogennette, De Ceremoniis. MODERN HISTORY. 393 SECTION VII. / Modern History. ABRAKTES Duchesse d', Meraoires sur la Restauration ou Sou- venirs Historiques sur cette Epoque, la Revolution de 1830, et les premieres annees du Regne de Louis-Philippe l w -, 6 torn. 8vo. Paris, 183536 ACCOUNT (A Particular) of the late Action in the Mediterranean, Lond. 1744 Donat. Pam. 89 ADOLPHUS J., History of France, from 1790 to 1802, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803 AIKIN Lucy, Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 - Memoirs of the Court of James I, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Memoirs of the Court of Charles I, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 AIKIN John, (M.D.) Annals of the Reign of George III, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 ALISON Archibald, History of Europe, from the commencement of the French Revolution, in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons, in 1815, 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 42 AMYOT T., Inquiry concerning the Death of Richard II, Lond. 1823 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 A Reply to Mr. Tytler's Historical Remarks on the Death of Richard II Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 - Transcript of a Chronicle in the Harleian Library of MSS. entitled, " An Historical Relation of certain Pas- sages about the end of K. Edward III, and of his Death" Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 ANGLICA, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a Veteribus scripta, a Guil. Camdeno, folio Franc. 1603 Asser Menevensis ; Anonymus de vita Gulielmi Conquestoris ; Thomas Walsingham ; Thomas de la More ; Gulielmus Gemiticensis ; Giral- dus Cambrensis. 3 E 394 HISTORY. ANNUAL Register; from the commencement, in 1758, 8vo. ANNUAL Register, General Index to the; 1758 to 1780, 8vo. Land. 1784 ANNUAL Register, General Index to the; 1758 to 1819, 8vo. Lond. 1826 ANQUETIL M., L'Esprit de la Ligue, ou Histoire Politique des Troubles de France pendant les 16 e et 17 e Siecles, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1818 Histoire de France depuis les Gaulois jusqu' a la mort de Louis XVI; et depuis cette epoque jusqu' au traite du 20 Nov. 1815, par M. Gallais, 13 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1826 ARNAUD Henri, The Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys ; with a Compendious History of that People, by H. D. Acland, 8vo. Lond. 1827 ATHELING Edgar, Life of; by Frank Sayers, M.D. Works, vol. 2 BABER Zehir-ed-din Muhammed, Emperor of Hindustan, his Memoirs, written by himself, and translated by John Leyden, Esq. and William Erskinej Esq., 4to. Lond. 1826 BACON Francis Lord, Historia Regni Henrici Septimi, (etiam Sermones Fideles) Lug. Bat. 1642 Historia Regni Henrici Septimi Works, vol. 9 History of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh, folio Lond. 1629 History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh Works, vol. 5 The Life of King Henry the Seventh Kennet, vol. 1 BACON James, Life and Times of Francis the First, King of France, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 BAKER Sir Richard, (Knt.) Chronicle of the Kings of England ; from the time of the Roman Government unto the Death of King James, folio Lond. 1679 BANCROFT George, History of the Colonization of the United States, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 BARRINGTON Sir Jonah, Historic Memoirs of Ireland ; comprising Secret Records of the National Convention, the Rebellion, and the Union, 2 vols. royal 4to. Lond. 1835 BARZONI V., Operettedi, 8vo. Lond. 1808 MODERN HISTORY. 395 BASSOMPIERRE Marshal de. Memoirs of the Embassy of, to the Court of England, in 1626; translated with Notes, 8vo. Land. 1819 BEKGEU Miss, Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 BISSET Robert, History of the Reign of George III, to the termi- nation of the late War, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803 BLAQUIERE E., The Greek Revolution, its Origin and Progress; together with some Remarks on the Religion, National Character, &c., in Greece, 8vo. Lond. 1824 - Historical Review of the Spanish Revolution; in- cluding some Account of the Religion, Manners, and Literature in Spain, 8vo. Lond. 1822 BOLIVAR Simon, President Liberator of the Republic of Colom- bia, Memoirs of him, and his principal Generals; by General H. L. V. Ducoudray Holstein, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1830 BONAPARTE Louis, Documens Historiques, et Reflexions sur le Gouvernement de la Hollande, 3 torn. 8vo. Lond. 1820 BUONAPARTE Napoleon, Life of; with a Preliminary View of the French Revolution, by the Author of " Waverley," 9 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 1827 A Reply to the above, by Louis Bonaparte, Lond. 1829 Pamphlets,! BONAPARTE Napoleon, Analysis of the Character of; suggested by the publication of Scott's Life of Napoleon, by W. E. Channing, Lond. 1828 Pamphlets, I another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 29 BUONAPARTE Napoleon, Life of; by William Hazlitt, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 BONAPARTE Napoleon, Private Memoirs of; during the periods of the Directory, the Consulate, and the Empire; by M. De Bourrienne, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 [BONAPARTE] Une Ann6e de la Vie de 1'Empereur Napoleon, Parts, 1815 Donat. Pam. 62 396 HISTORY. [BONAPARTE] Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire de France sous Napoleon, ecrits a Sainte-Helene, sous la Dictee de 1'Empereur par lea Generaux qui ont partage sa Captivite, 7 torn. 8vo. Land. 182324 Tom. ] , 2 Dictes au G6neral Gourgaud 3, 4 Dictes au Comte de Montholon Melanges Historiques, 3 torn. Dicts au Comte de Montholon Translation of the above, 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 24 BUONAPARTE Napoleon, History of, 2 vols. (Family Lib.) Lond. 1829 BONAPARTE, Critical Situation of, in his Retreat out of Russia, Lond. 1815 Donat. Pam. 12 BROBIE George, A History of the British Empire, from the Accession of Charles I to the Restoration, 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 BRUSSELS, Narrative of the Events in, during the Revolution of 1830, 12mo. Lond. 1831 BUCK George, Life and Reign of Richard III Kennet, vol. 1 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edmund, An Abridgement of English History; from the Invasion of Julius Csesar to the end of the Reign of King John Works, vol. 10 BURNET Gilbert, Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald, &c. ; con- taining an Account of the Civil Wars of Scotland, from 162552, folio Lond. 1677 (Bp. of Salisbury,) History of his own Times, by Dr. Routh, 6 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1823 BUTLER, Charles, History of the Geographical and Political Re- volutions of the Empire of Germany, from the Coronation of Charlemagne in 800 to 1806 Works, vol. 2 BYNG Sir G., Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, in 171820, Lond. 1739 Donat. Pam. 102 CADELL Lieut. Col. Charles, Narrative of the Campaigns of the 28th Regiment since their return from Egypt, in 1802, 12rao. Lond. 1835 CAMDEN William, History of Queen Elizabeth Kennet, vol. 2 Annals of James I Kennet, vol. 2 CANNING Rt. Hon. George, Political Life of; from 1822, to his death in 1827, by Aug. G. Stapleton, Esq., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 MODERN HISTORY. 397 CARLYLE Thomas, The French Revolution; a History, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1839 Vol. 1 The Bastille 2 The Constitution 3 The Guillotine CARTE Thomas, A General History of England, to 1654, 4 vols. folio Lond. 174755 A History of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde ; with a volume of Letters, &c., 3 vols. folio Lond. 1736 CARTER Matthew, A true Relation of that honourable though unfortunate Expedition of Kent, Essex, and Colchester, in 1648, 8vo. Colchester, 1789 CHALMERS George, The Life of Mary Queen of Scots, drawn from the State Papers, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 CHARLEVOIX P. F. X. de, Histoire du Paraguay, 3 torn. 4to. Paris, 1756 CHATEAUBRIAND M. de, The Congress of Verona; comprising a portion of Memoirs of his own Times, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 CHRONICLE of the Cid ; from the Spanish, by Robert Southey, 4to. Lond. 1808 CLARENDON Earl of, History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England; a new edition, with all the suppressed passages, and the unpublished Notes of Bishop Warburton, 8 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1826 COMINES Philip de, Memoirs of; including the History of Europe for almost half the fifteenth Century, translated from the French, by Mr. Uvedale, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1723 CONSTANT B., Memoires sur les Cent Jours, 2 torn. 8vo. Lond. 182022 CORONATION of his Majesty George IV, Description of the Procession on the, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 102 COXE William, (F.R.S.) History of the House of Austria; from the foundation of the Monarchy to the death of Leopold the Second, 12181792, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough ; with his original Correspondence, 6 vols. 8vo., and a 4to. volume of Plates Lond. 1820 Memoirs of Horatio Lord Walpole, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 398 HISTORY. COXE William, (F.R.S.) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, 4 vols. 8vo. Land. 1816 CRIMINAL Trials, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. Vol. 1 Trials of Sir N. Throckmorton ; The Duke of Norfolk ; Dr. Wm. Parry ; Robert Earl of Essex, and Henry Earl of Southamp- ton ; Sir W. Raleigh 2 The Gunpowder Plot CROWE E. E., History of France, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1831 DANIEL Samuel, History of England ; from the Conquest to the death of Edward HI Kennet, vol. 1 DARU P., Histoire de la Republique de Venise, 7 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1819 DAVENPORT R. A., The History of the Bastile, and of its prin- cipal Captives, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1838 DAVIES C. M., History of Holland; from the beginning of the tenth to the end of the eighteenth Century, vols. 1, 2, 8vo. Lond. 184142 D 'ISRAELI J., Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 31 DODINGTON Geo. Bubb, (Baron of Melcombe Regis,) Diary of; from 174961, by Henry P. Wyndham, 8vo. Salisbury, 1784 DRINKWATER John, History of the Siege of Gibraltar, 4to. Lond. 1786 DUNHAM S. A., History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1839 History of Europe ; during the Middle Ages, 4 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183334 History of the Germanic Empire, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183435 - History of Poland, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1831 History of Spain and Portugal, 5 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1832 EADMER Monachii Cantuariensis, Historiee Novorum, sive sui Saeculi Lib. VI Res gestas sub Gulielm. I et II et Hen- rico I Angliae llegibus, ab anno nempe Salutis 1066 ad 1 122 potissimum complexi, edidit J. Selden, folio Lond. 1623 MODERN HISTORY. 399 EDINBURGH Annual Register, vols. 1 14, in 19 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 180821 EDWARDS Bryan, History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies, 5 vols. 8vo. with 4to. Atlas of Plates Lond. 1819 ELPHINSTONE Hon. Mountstuart, History of India, vols. 1, 2, 8vo. Lond. 1841 FABYAN Robert, Chronicles of England and France ; (called the Concordance of Histories,) with a Biographical and Literary Preface, and an Index, by Henry Ellis, royal 4to. Lond. 1811 FLETCHER James, History of Poland ; from the earliest period to the present time, with a Narrative of the recent Events, 8vo. Lond. 1831 FLEURY A. H. de, Memoirs of the Life and Administration of, Lond. 1743 Donat. Pam. 77 Fox Rt. Hon. Charles James, History of the early part of the Reign of James II ; with an Introductory Chapter, 4to. Lond. 1808 Note upon his History of James II ; by Samuel Parr, LL.D. Parr's Works, vol. 8 Observations on the Historical Work of; by the Rt. Hon. George Rose, with a Narrative of the Events which occurred in the Enterprize of the Earl of Argyle, in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume, 4to. Lond. 1809 FOY General, Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule sous Napo- leon, precedee d'un Tableau, Politique et Militaire des Puissances Belligerantes, 4 torn. 18mo. Brux. N. D. FRANCE, History of; part 1, from the final Partition of the Empire of Charlemagne, A.D. 843, to the Peace of Cambray, A.D. 1529, (Library Useful Know.} Lond. 1836 FREDERICK the Second, (King of Prussia,) History of my own Times Works, vol. 1 - History the Seven Years' War Works, vols. 2, 3 - Memoirs from the Peace of Hubertsburg to the Parti- tion of Poland and the Bavarian War Works, vol. 4 Life of; by Lord Dover, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 FREDERICK the Great and His Times; edited by T. Campbell, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 400 HISTORY. FROISSAHT Sir J., Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries; by Thomas Johnes, 12 vols. 8vo. with 4to. vol. of plates Lond. 1805 GENLIS Mme. de, Histoire de Henri le Grand, 2 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1816 GESCHICHTE der Staatsrechtlichen Verhaltnisse der Schweizeri- schen Eidgenossen Erstes Bandchen, Germanien, 1816 Donat. Pam. 65 GLEIG Rev. G. R., History of the British Empire in India, 4 vols. (Family Lib.) Lond. 183035 GODWIN Francis, Life of Queen Mary Kennet, vol. 2 GODWIN William, History of the Commonwealth of England, 4 vols. 8vo Lond. 182628 GOURGAUD Gen., Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia; or a critical examination of the Work of Count Ph. de Segur, 8vo. Lond. 1825 GRAFTON'S Chronicle of the History of England; to which is added his Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of London, from 1189 to 1558, 2 vols. royal 4to. Lond. 1809 GRATTAN T. C., History of the Netherlands, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1831 GREAT Britain, The Political State of, from 171429, 26 vols. 8vo. GREY Lady Jane, Memoirs and Remains of; by Nich. Harris Nicolas, 8vo. Lond. 1831 GUICCIARDINI F., Istoria d'ltalia, dal Prof. Rossini, 10 torn. 8vo. Pisa, 181920 GUIZOT M., Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre, depuis 1'avenement de Charles I, jusqu'a la Restauration de Charles II, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1826 HABINGTON John, History of the Reign of Edward IV Kennet, vol. 1 HALLAM Henry, View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry VII, to the Death of George II, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 HAMPDEN John, Memorials of, his Party, and his Times; by Lord Nugent, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 MODERN HISTORY. 401 HARDYNG John, Chronicle of England; from the earliest period to the beginning of the Reign of Edward IV, with the continuation by Richard Grafton, to the 34th Henry VIII; edited by Sir Henry Ellis, royal 4to. Land. 1812 HARRIS W., Account of the Lives and Writings of James I, and Charles I, and of the Lives of Oliver Cromwell, and Charles II, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 HAYWARD Sir John, Life of Edward VI Kennet, vol. 2 HENNINGSEN Captain C. F., The most Striking Events of a Twelvemonth's Campaign with Zumalacarregui in Navarre and the Basque Provinces, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 HENRY Robert, (D.D.) History of Great Britain, 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 HERBERT of Cherbury, Edward Lord, History of Henry VIII Kennet, vol. 2 HINTON John H., History and Topography of the United States of North America, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1832 HISTORIC Anglicanse Scriptores X, cur R. Twysden, 1 vol. in 2, folio Lond. 1652 Simeon, Monachus Dunelmensis ; Johannes, Prior Hagustaldensis ; Ri- cardus, Prior Hagustaldensis; Ailredus, Abbas Rievallensis ; Radul- phus de Diceto, Londonensis ; Johannes Brompton, Journallensis ; Gervasius, Monachus Dorobornensis ; Thomas Stubbs, Dominicanus ; Gulielmus Thorn, Cantuariensis ; Henricus Knighton, Leicestrensis HISTORIC Britannicse, et Anglicanse, Scriptores XX, ex vetustis Codd. MSS. editi, cura T. Gale, 2 vols. in. 3, folio Oxon, 16849187 Vol. 1 Ingulfi Croylandensis Historia ; Petri Blesensis Continuatio ad His- toriam Ingulphi ; Chronica de Mailros ; Annales Burtonenses ; Historic Croylandensis Continuatio Vol. 1 Part 2. Gildas ; Eddius ; Nennius ; Asserius ; R. Higden ; W. Malmesburiensis ; Anonymus Malmesburiensis ; Anonymus Ra- Ramesiensis; Anonymus Elyensis ; Thomas Elyensis; Joan. Wallingford ; Rad. de Diceto ; Anonymus ; Joan. Fordun ; Alcwinus Flaccus Vol. 2 Annales de Marganensis ; Chronicon Th. Wikes ; Annales Waver- leienses ; Historia Galf. Vinesalvi ; Chronica Walt. Hemingford HISTORIC Anglicanae Scriptores varii, e Codd. MSS. editi, per Jos. Sparke, folio Lond. 1723 Chronicon Johannis, Abb. S. Pet. de Burgo ; Chronicon Ang. per Rob. de Boston ; Hist. Coenobii Burgensis Script, varii ; Vita S. Thomse Cantuar. a W. Stephanide 3 F 402 HISTORY. HISTORIC "Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, Res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuse Principatum, Sicili- am et Orietam gestas, explicantes, ab A.D. 838, ad 1220; edidit Andreas Duchesnius, folio Parisiis, 1619 Gesta Normannorum in Francia ante Rollonem Ducem Abbonis de obsidione Lutetise per Normannos, libri II Dudonis de Moribus et Actis primorum Normanniae Decum, libri III Emmoe Anglorum Reginse Encomium Gesta Guillelmi Ducis Normann. et Regis Anglorum I a Guil. Pictavensi Willelmi Calculi Gemmeticensis Historiae Normannorum, libri VIII Orderici Vitalis Ecclesiastic Historiee, libri XIII Gesta Stephani Regis Anglorum, et Ducis Normannorum Robert de Monte, Chronica Normannise, continens multa ad Francos et Anglos pertinentia Nomina Normannorum qui floruerunt in Anglia ante conquestum HISTORICAL Account of the many Signal Naval Achievements obtained by the English over the Spaniards, from the year 1350 to the present time, Lond. 1739 Donat. Pam. 80 HISTORICAL Collections of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, and Remarkable Proceedings in Parlia- ment ; containing the Principal Matter which happened from 161848, with the Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Straf- ford; by J. Rushworth, 8 vols. folio Lond. 16821701 HISTORY of England; with the Lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof, to the Death of William III, 3 vols. folio Lond. 1719 The first two volumes by various Authors; [viz., John Milton, Samuel Danicll, John Habington, Sir Thomas More, George Buck, Francis Viscount St. Alban, Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Sir John Hayward, LL.D., Bishop Godwin, William Camden, Arthur Wilson, &c. ,] edited by John Hughes ; the third volume written by a Learned and Impartial Hand [Bishop Rennet. ] HISTORY (Pictorial) of England; being a History of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom, 4 vols. large 8vo. Lond. 183841 HISTORY (Pictorial) of England; during the Reign of George III, vols. 1 and 2, large 8vo. Lond. 184142 HISTORY of the Peace; from the arrival of M. Mesnager, Sept. 18, 1711, to the Return of the Earl of Strafford from Utrecht, May 15, 1712, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 80 HISTORY of the Principal States of Europe; from the Peace of Utrecht, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1826 MODERN HISTORY. 403 HISTORY of the Reigns of King Richard II, King Henry IV, V, and VI Kennet, vol. 1 HISTORY (A Short) of the Revolution in Scotland, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 80 HISTORY of the Dutch Usurpations, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 80 HISTORY of the late Revolutions of Persia; taken from the Memoirs of Father Krusinski, Procurator of the Jesuits at Ispahan; done into English by Father Du Cerceau, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Lond. 1740 HISTORY of the three late Famous Impostors; viz., Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bei, and Sabatai Sevi, with the History of the Extirpation of the Jews out of Persia, 1669 In Evelyn's Misc. Writings HUMBOLDT Alex, de, Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, 4 vols. 8vo. and Atlas Lond. 1811 HUME David, History of England, to the Revolution of 1688, 8 vols. with a Continuation to the Death of George II ; by T. Smollett, M.D., 5 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1818 HUMFREY Lieut. Col. J. H., A Concise Review of the Cam- paigns of the British Legion in Spain, Lond. 1828 Pamphlets, 7 HUNTER W. P., Narrative of the late Expedition to Syria, under the command of Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1842 INDIA, (British,) Historical and Descriptive Account of, from the most remote period to the present time ; by Hugh Murray and others, 3 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1832 INGRAM Rev. J., (D.D.) Saxon Chronicle; with an English Trans, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, 4to. Lond. 1823 IRVING Washington, Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 ITURBIDE Don Augustin de, (Ex-Emperor of Mexico,) Political Life of Pamphleteer, vol. 28 JAMES G. P. R., History of Charlemagne, 8vo. Lond. 1832 History of the Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion, King of England, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 JAMES W., Naval History of Great Britain, from 1793 to 1820; 5 vols. 8vo. with a 4to. vol. of Tables, giving an Account of the Origin and Increase of the British Navy, from 1793 Lond. 182224 404 HISTORY. JOANNA of Sicily, (Queen of Naples and Countess of Provence,) Historical Life of; with correlative details of the Litera- ture and Manners of Italy and Provence in the Xlllth and XlVth Centuries, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 JOCELYN Lord, Six Months with the Chinese Expedition; or Leaves from a Soldier's Note-Book, 18mo. Lond. 1841 JOHNSTONE Chevalier de, Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 1746, 8vo. Lond. 1822 KNOLLES Rich., Turkish History, to the Growth of the Ottoman Empire ; with a continuation to 1687, by Sir P. Rycaut, 3 vols. folio Lond. 16871700 KOCH M., Tableau des Revolutions de 1'Europe, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1813 LAING Malcolm, History of Scotland ; from the Union of the Crowns, on the Accession of James VI to the Throne of England, to the Union of the Kingdoms in the Reign of Queen Anne, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 LAMARTEHERE M., Conspiration de Buonaparte contre Louis XVIII, Paris, 1815 Donat. Pam. 62 LELAND Thomas, (D.D.) History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II, 3 vols. 8vo. Cork, 1775 LINGARD Rev. John, History of England, to 1688, 8 vols. 4to. Lond. 181930 Vindication of certain Passages in the fourth and fifth vols. of the History of England, Lond. 1826 Pamphlets, 2 - Reply to the above ; by John Allen Pamphlets, 1 Reply to the Observations of the Edinburgh Review, on the Anglo-Saxon Antiquities Pamphleteer, vol. 7 LLORENTE D. J. A., History of the Inquisition of Spain ; abridg- ed and translated, 8vo. Lond. 1826 LONDONDERRY Marquess of, Narrative of the Peninsular War, from 180813, 4to. Lond. 1828 - Narrative of the War in Germany and France, in 181314,4to. Lond. 1830 LUDLOW Lieut. Gen. Edm., Memoirs, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1722 LYTTLETON Lord, History of the Life of Henry II, and of the Age in which he lived, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1769 MACHIAVELLI Niccolo, Istorie Fiorentine Opere, torn. 1, 2 MACK AY Charles, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 MODERN HISTORY. 405 MACKINNON Captain, Origin and Service of the Coldstream Guards, 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1833 MACKINTOSH Sir James, The History of England ; and continu- ation by Wm. Wallace and others, 10 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183038 MADDEN R. R., (M.D.) Egypt and Mohammed Ali, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 MAFFEI Geo. Pietro, Le Istorie dell' Indie Oriental!, tradotte 'di Latino da M. Fran. Serdonati, 3 torn. 8vo. Milano, 1806 MAIION Lord, History of the War of the Succession in Spain, 8vo. Lond. 1823 History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace Aix-la-Chapelle, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183638 MAITXAND Capt. T. L., Narrative of the Surrender of Buona- parte, and of his residence on Board the Bellerophon, 8vo. Lond. 1826 MALCOLM Sir J., Political History of India, from 1784 to 1823, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 History of Persia, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1815 MALLET P. H., Histoire de Dannemarc, 3 torn 4to. Copenh. 175877 MARIANA John de, The General History of Spain, from the Peopling of it by Tubal, to the Death of Philip III; translated by Capt. J. Stephens, folio Lond. 1699 MARIOTTI L., Italy; Views of its History and Literature in re- ference to its present State, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1841 MARLES M. de, Histoire de la Domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal, depuis 1'Invasion de ces peuples jusqu'a leur explosion definitive, 3 torn. 8vo. Pan's, 1825 MATTHJEI Paris, Historia Major, cum Rog. Wendoveri et Will. Rishangeri Chronicis Duorum Offarum Regum et vi- ginti trium Abbatum St. Albani vitse, ed. W. Wats, folio Lond. 1640 MATTII/EI Westmonasteriensis, Flores Historiarum, prsecipue de Rebus Britannicis, ab Exordio Mundi usque ad A.D. 1307 et Chronicon ex Chronicis, ab Initio Mundi usque ad A.D. 1118 deductum, Auctore Florentio Wig- orniensi Monacho ; cui accessit Continuatio usque ad A.D. 1141, folio Franc. 1601 406 HISTORY. MAY Thos., The History of the Parliament of England; which began November 3rd, 1640, 4to. Lond. 1812 MEMOIRS of Henry the Great and the Court of France during his Reign, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 MEREDITH W. G., Memorials of Charles John, King of Sweden and Norway, 8vo. Lond. 1829 MEZERAY le Sieur de, Abrege Chronologique de 1' Histoire de France, 13 torn. 12mo. Amst. 1740 MIGNET F. A., Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1814, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1826 MILL James, History of British India, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 MILLS Chas., History of the Crusades, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 MILTON John, History of Britain, to the Norman Conquest Prose Works, vol. 1 Brief History of Muscovia, &c. Prose Works, vol. 2 History of Britain, to William the Conqueror Rennet, vol 1 MITCHELL Lieut. Col. J., Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Fried- land, small 8vo. Lond. 1840 MONEY J., History of the Campaign of 1792, 8vo. Lond. 1794 MOORE Thomas, History of Ireland, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183537 MORE Sir T., Lives of Edward V and Richard III Kennet, vol. 1 History of Richard III Memoirs by Cay ley, vol. 2 MUNRO James, Narrative of the Military Operations on the Coromandel Coast, from 178084, 4to. Lond. 1789 NARRATIVE of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the Connexion of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company, Lond. 1817 Donat. Pam. 36 NARRATIVE of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washing- ton and New Orleans, in 1814 15, by the Author of "The Subaltern," 8vo. Lond. 1826 NAPIER W. F. P., History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from 180714, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 40 NAPIER Sir C., The War in Syria, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1842 N/UIES Rev. E., Memoirs of the Life and Administration of the Right Hon. William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 182831 MODERN HISTORY. 407 NAYLOR F. H., The Civil and Military History of Germany, from the Landing of Gustavus to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Westphalia, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816 NICHOLLS John, Recollections and Reflections during the Reign of George III, 8vo. Lond. 1820 NICOLAS N. H., History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry V into France, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1827 NORTH Hon. Roger, Examen ; or an Enquiry into the Credit and Veracity of a pretended Complete History, [History of England, edited by J. Hughes, and Bp. Kennett,] 4to. Lond. 1740 OCKLEY Simon, (B.D.) History of the Saracens, 2 vols. 8vo. Camb. 1757 O'DiuscoL John, History of Ireland, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 ORME R., Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, of the Morattoes, and of the English Concerns in Indostan, from 1659, 4to. Lond. 1805 History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from 1745, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1775 OTRANTE Due d', Premiere Lettre au due de * * * Lipsic, 1816 Donat. Pam. 61 PALGRAVE Francis, The Rise and Progress of the English Com- monwealth, vol. 1 ; Anglo-Saxon Period, 2 parts, 4to. Lond. 1832 History of England, vol. 1 ; Anglo-Saxon Period, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1831 PARIS, Narrative of Memorable Events in, preceding the Capi- tulation and during the Occupancy of that City by the Allied Armies, in 1814, [by John Britton,] 8vo. Lond. 1828 PARIS and its Historical Scenes, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. PARKERI Sam., De Rebus sui temporis Commentarii, 8vo. Lond. 1726 PECCHIO Count, Anecdotes of the Spanish and Portuguese Revolutions, 8vo. Lond. 1823 PEPE General G., Relation des Evenemens qui ont eu lieu a Naples en 1820 21 Pamphleteer, vol. 23 PERCEVAL George, History of Italy, from the Fall of the West- ern Empire to the Commencement of the French Revo- lution, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 408 HISTORY. PETER the Great, Memoirs of the Life of, (Fam. Lib.} Land. 1832 Pius VII, Narrative of the Journey and Imprisonment of Pamphleteer, vol. 4 POLONIA; or Monthly Reports on Polish Affairs, published by the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland, nos. 15 Land. 1832 PORTUGAL, Historical View of the Revolutions of, since the Close of the Peninsular War, 8vo. Lond. 1827 PRESCOTT William H., History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 QUIBERON, Memoires sur 1'Expedition de, precedes d'un Notice sur 1'Emigration de 1791, et sur les trois Campagnes des Annees 1792 94; par Louis-Gabriel de Villeneuve- Laroche-Barnaud, parte 1, 8vo. Paris, 1819 RAPIN M. de Thoyras, History of England ; translated and continued to the Death of George I, by Tindall, 5 vols. folio Lond. 1732 Acta Regia ; History of England, grounded upon the Records in Rymer's Foedera, translated by Stephen Whatley, folio Lond. 1732 RAUMER Fred. Von, The Political History of England, during the 16th, 17th, & 18th Centuries, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 [RAYNAL Abbe,] Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Eta- blissements et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes, 6 torn. 8vo. Amst. 1773 RENGGER et Longchamp, Essai Historique sur la Revolution du Paraguay, et le Gouvernement Dictatorial du Docteur Francia, 8vo. Paris, 1827 - The Reign of Dr. J. G. R. de Francia, in Paraguay, small 8vo. Lond. 1827 RERUM Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam prsecipui, ex vetus- tissimis Codicibus MSS. in lucem editi, a Henrico Savile, folio France, 1601 Willelmus Malmesburiensis ; Hcnricus Huntingdoniensis ; Roger de Hovedcn ; Chronicorum Ethelwerdi libri IV; Ingulphus RERUM Britannicarum, id est Anglioo, Scotia?, vicinarumque Insu- larum ac Rcgionum, Scriptores vetustiores ac proecipui, folio Heidelb. 1587 Galfridus MonumctetuU; Ponticus Virunnius ; Gildas; Bcda; Gulielmus Neubrigensis ; Joan. Frossardus MODERN HISTORY. 409 RETRAITE des Francois, Petersbourg, 1813 Donat. Pam. 156 RETREAT of the French Army from Russia, Account of; trans- lated from the German, Bury, 1813 Donat. Pam. 92 RIVOLUZIONI della Repubblica Veneta, 8vo Filadel. 1804 ROBERTSON William, (D.D.) History of America, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 History of Scotland, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1761 Historical Disquisition concerning India, 8vo. Lond. 1809 ROSCOE William, Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 ROVIGO Duke of, (M. Savary) Memoirs, written by himself; Illustrative of the History of Napoleon, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 ROYAL Memoirs of the French Revolution ; by the Duchess of Angouleme, and Louis XVIII, 8vo. Lond. 1823 RUSSELL William, History of Modern Europe ; with an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1786 RUSSIA, History of, 3 vols. (Lardners Cyclop.) Lond. 1836 38 SAINT RAL L'Abbe, Histoire de Dom Carlos (Euvres, torn. 4 Conjuration des Espagnols contre les Venitiens (Euvres, torn. 4 SALMON Thomas, Modern History ; or the present State of all Nations, 33 vols. 8vo. Lond. 172539 Vol. 1 China; Japan; Tonquin; Cochin-Cbina; Siam; Oriental Islands 2 Oriental Islands ( 'concluded J; Sunda Islands ; India Proper 3 India (concluded); Persia 4 Persia ( 'concluded J ; Arabia; Asiatic Tartary; Turkish Empire 5 Turkish Empire (concluded); Turkey in Europe 6 Russia; Sweden; Denmark and Norway; Greenland 7 Poland; Bohemia; Silesia and Moravia; Hungary; Tran- silvania ; German Empire 8 German Empire (concluded); United Netherlands 9 United Provinces ; Austrian and French Netherlands ; Switzer- land; Italy 10 Italy (concluded); Italian Islands 1112 France 13 Spain; Portugal 14 British Isles 3 G 410 HISTORY. SALMON Thomas, Modern History : continued Vol. 15 British Isles ; London and Westminster 1626 History of England, to 1714 27 Africa 2831 America 32 Continuation of Modern History, to 1738 SANSON,(Executeur des Arrfets Criminels, pendant la Revolution) Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Revolution Fran- 9aise, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1830 SCHILLER F., History of the Thirty Years' War in Germany; translated by Captain Blaquiere, 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1799 SCOTT Sir Walter, History of Scotland, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 182930 Tales of a Grandfather, 7 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1836 Vol. 15 Scotland 6 7 France SEGUR M. le General Comte de, Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande Armee pendant 1'annee 1812, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1825 History of the Expedition to Russia undertaken by Napoleon, in 1812, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Histoire de Russie et de Pierre -le-Grand, 8vo. Paris, 1829 SELDEN J., Analecton Anglo Britannicon Opera, torn. 4 - Janus Anglorum Opera, torn. 4 Judicium de Decem Historise Anglicanse Scriptoribus Opera, torn. 4 England's Epinomis Opera, torn. 5 SISMONDI J. C. L. Simonde de, Histoire des Francois, torn. 127, 8vo. Paris, 182142 Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen Age, 16 torn. 2de edit., 8vo. Paris, 1818 History of the Crusades against the Albigenses, in the thirteenth Century, with an Introductory Essay by the Translator, 8 vo. Zone?. 1826 History of the Italian Republics, being a View of the Origin, Progress, and Fall of Italian Freedom, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1832 SKENE William F., The Highlanders of Scotland; their Origin History, and Antiquities, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1837 MODERN HISTORY. 411 SKETCHES from Venetian History, 2 vols. (Family Lib.} Land. 1831 SKETCHES of Popular Tumults ; Illustrative of the Evils of Social Ignorance, 12mo. Lond. 1837 SMOLLETT T., (M.D.) History of England ; from the Revolution in 1688, to the Death of George II, 5 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1818 SNODGRASS Major, Narrative of the Burmese War; detailing the Operations of Major Gen. Sir A. Campbell's Army, from May, 1824, to February, 1826, 8vo. Lond. 1827 SOME new Proofs by which it appears that the pretender is truly James III, Lond. 18-13 Donat. Pam. 97 SOUTHEY Robert, History of Brazil, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1810 17 History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 182332 SOUTHEY Capt. Thomas, Chronological History of the West Indies, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 SPAIN and Portugal, History of, to 1814, (Lib. Use. Know.) . ' Lond. 1833 STEIEL Madame de, De la Revolution Franchise CEuvres, torn. 12 14 STEWART Col. David, Sketches of the Character, Manners, and present State of the Highlanders of Scotland ; with details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 Sketches of the Highlanders, Remarks on, Edinb. 1823 Pamphlets, 3 STORK Dr. (Bp. of Killalla) Narrative of what passed at Killalla, in the County of Mayo, during the French Invasion, in the summer of 1798, Bath, 1809 Donat. Pam. 52 SUCHET Marshal, Memoirs of the War in Spain, from 1808 14, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 SULLY Due de, Memoires, 6 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1822 Memoirs; translated by Mrs. Lennox, 5 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1819 SWIFT Jonathan, History of the last years of Queen Anne Works, vol. 17 SWITZERLAND, History of, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1832 TEELING C. H., Personal Narrative of the Irish Rebellion of 1798, 8 vo. Lond. 1828 412 HISTORY. TEMPLE Sir William, Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands Works, vol. I Memoirs, from 1672, to the Author's Retirement Works, vol. 2 Introduction to the History of England Works, vol. 3 THIERS M. A., History of the French Revolution; translated with Notes, &c., by Frederick Shoberl, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 THOMSON Mrs. A. T., Memoirs of the Court of Henry the Eighth, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 THUANI Jacobi Augusti, Historiarum sui Temporis ab anno Domini 1543, usque ad annum 1607, Libri cxxxviii. Accedunt Commentariorum de Vita sua Libri Sex, 5 torn. folio Geneva, 1620 TOOKE W., History of Russia; from the foundation of the Monarchy to the Accession of Catherine II, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Life of Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1798 View of the Russian Empire ; during the Reign of Catherine II, and to the close of the present Century, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799 TOUSSAINT Louverture, History of Pamphleteer, vol. 4 TREVOK Hon. Arthur, Life and Times of William the Third, King of England, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183536 TRIALS of Charles the First and some of the Regicides, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1832 TURNER Sharon, History of the Anglo-Saxons ; to the Norman Conquest, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 History of England ; during the Middle Ages, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 History of the Reign of Henry VIII, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 History of the Reigns of Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 TYLER J. Endell, Henry of Monmouth ; or Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry the Fifth, as Prince of Wales and King of England, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 TYTLER Patrick F., History of Scotland, 8 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 182842 MODERN HISTORY. 413 VAUGHAN Robert, (D.D.) The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe during the early part of the Reign of Louis XIV, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty ; including the Constitutional and Ecclesiastical History of England ; from the Decease of Elizabeth to the Abdication of James II, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1831 History of England under the House of Stuart, inclu- ding the Commonwealth, [A. D. 1603 88] 2 vols. (Lib. Use. Know.) Lond. 1840 VERGILII Polydori, Anglicee Hist, libri xxvii, folio Basil, 1557 VERTOT, Histoire des Revolutions de Portugal, 12mo. Paris, 1820 Histoire des Revolutions de la Republique Romaine, 2 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1821 Histoire des Revolutions de Suede, 12mo. Paris, 1820 VILLANI Giovanni, Istoire Fiorentine, 8 torn. 8vo. Milano, 18023 VOLTAIRE, Siecle de Louis XIV (Euvres, torn. 4, part 2 Siecle de Louis XV (Euvres, torn. 5, part 1 Annales de 1'Empire depuis Charlemagne (Euvres, torn. 5, part 2 - Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suede (Euvres, torn. 5, part 1 De la Empire de Russie sous Pierre-le- Grand (Euvres, torn. 5, part 1 Histoire du Parlement de Paris (Euvres, torn. 5, part 2 Melanges Historiques (Euvres, torn. 5, part 2 WARIN Regnault, Memoires pour servir a la Vie du General La Fayette, et a 1'Histoire de 1'Assemblee Constituante, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1824 WATSON Robert, (LL.D.) History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1785 History of the Reign of Philip III, King of Spain, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 WELLINGTON Field Marshal the Duke of, His Military Memoirs, byCapt. Moyle Sherer, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830 WELWOOD J., (M.D.) Memoirs of the most material Transactions in England, for the last hundred years preceding the Revolution in 1688, 8vo. Lond. 1700 414 HISTORY. WESTERN World, History of the; vols. 1, 2; The United States, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Land. 1831 32 WHITELOCK Bulstrode, Memorials of the English Affairs; or an Historical Account of what passed from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second, his happy Restauration, folio Lond. 1732 WIFFEN J. H., Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell ; from the time of the Norman Conquest, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 WILKS Colonel Mark, Historical Sketches of the South of India, in an Attempt to trace the History of Mysoor, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1820 WILSON Arthur, History of James I Rennet, vol. 2 WRAXALL Sir. N. W., Posthumous Memoirs of his Own Time, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 YEAR of Liberation; a Journal of the Defence of Hamburgh against the French Army, under Marshal Davoust, in 1813, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1832 SECTION VIII. Dissertations, Correspondence, 8$c., Illustrative of History. CARLYLE Thomas, On Heroes, Hero- Worship, and the Heroic in History, 12mo. Lond. 1841 COPIES of Original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte, in Egypt, Intercepted by the Fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Nelson, Lond. 1798 Donat. Pam. 10 COPIES of Original Letters from the French Army, in Egypt; part the third, Lond. 1800 Donat. Pam. 11 CORRESPONDENCE of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, with King William, &c.; illustrated with Narratives, Historical and Biographical; by William Coxe, F.R.S., 4to. Lond. 1821 DISSERTATIONS, CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 415 CORRESPONDENCE of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and of Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester ; with the Diary of Lord Clarendon, from 1687 90; and of Lord Rochester, during his Embassy to Poland, in 1676; by Samuel W. Singer, 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1828 DISSERTATION on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps ; by a member of the University of Oxford, [Rev. J. A.Cramer] 8vo. Oxf. 1820 DOUGLAS Hon. F. S. N., Essay on the Resemblance between the Ancient and Modern Greeks, 8vo. Lond. 1813 ELIZABETH (Queen) and her Times; a series of Original Letters of that period, edited by Thomas Wright, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1839 ELLIS Hon. G. A., Historical Inquiries respecting the Character of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, 12mo. Lond. 1827 ELLIS (The) Correspondence; Letters written in the years 1686 88, addressed to John Ellis, Esq., Edited by the Hon: G. A. Ellis, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 HISTORICAL Parallels, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. LETTER from an Officer at Madras, to a Friend in England ; exhibiting the Rise, Progress, and actual State of the late unfortunate Insurrection in the Indian Army, Lond. 1810 Donat. Pam. 27 LETTERS (Original) Illustrative of English History ; including numerous Royal Letters, from Autographs in the British Museum, &c., with Notes, &c., by Henry Ellis, F.R.S., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 LETTERS (Original) Illustrative of English History; second series, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 LETTERS (Original) written during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III, and Henry VII ; by various persons of rank and consequence ; digested in Chronological order, with Notes, Historical and Explana- tory, by Sir John Fenn, 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1787 1823 LETTERS (Two); one from Pope Pius the Fourth to Mary Queen of Scots, to assist by her Prelates at the Council of Trent ; the other from Sir Benjamin Tichborne to King James I, concerning the staying of the Execution of the Lords Cobham and Gray, and Sir Griffin Markham ; communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Thomas Amyot, Esq. Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 416 HISTORY. LOSELEY (The) Manuscripts; Manuscripts and other rare Docu- ments Illustrative of some of the more minute particulars of English History, Biography, and Manners, from the Reign of Henry VIII to that of James I ; Edited by Alfred John Kempe, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1836 MACHIAVELLI Nic., Discorsi sopra la pritna deca di Tito Livio Opere, torn. 3 MASTERS R., Remarks on Mr.Walpole's Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third, Lond. 1772 Donat. Pam. 4to. 1 MEADLY G. W., Two pairs of Historical Portraits; Octavius Csesar and William Pitt, Rienzi and Buonaparte Pamphleteer, vol. 18 MIDDLETON Conyers, (D.D.) Treatise on the Roman Senate Works, vol. 3 MONTAGU E. W., Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republicks, 8vo. Lond. 1759 MONTESQUIEU Ch., Considerations sur les causes de la Grandeur des Remains et de leur Decadence (Euvres, torn. 1 NICOLAS Nich. Harris, The Privy Purse Expences of King Henry the Eighth, from Nov. 1529, to Dec. 1532, 8vo. Lond. 1827 PIUCHARD J. C., (M.D.) The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Na- tions proved by a comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages, 8vo. Oxf. 1831 PROCLAMATION of the First Consul; intended to be issued immediately on the Landing of the French Army in England, Lond. 1804 Donat. Pam. 44 RAUMER Fred. Von, History of the sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries, illustrated by Original Documents, translated from the German, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1835 SMYTH William, Lectures on Modern History; from the Irrup- tion of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Lectures on History ; second series ; on the French Revolution, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 SOMERS Lord, Coltection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects, but chiefly such as relate to the History of these Kingdoms; Edited by Sir W. Scott, 13 vols. 4to. Lond. 180915 PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, ETC. 417 STANHOPE Hon. Col. Leicester, Greece, in 1823 24; being a series of Letters, and other Documents, on the Greek Revolution, 8vo. Land. 1824 VERNON James, Esq., (Secretary of State) Letters Illustrative of the Reign of William III, from 16961708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury ; Edited by G. P. R. James, Esq., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 WELLINGTON Field Marshal the Duke of, Dispatches during his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, from 1799 1818; Edited by Lieut. Col. Gurwood, 12 vols. and Index, 1 vol. 8vo. Lond. 183439 SECTION IX. Parliamentary History, Speeches, Records, State Papers, 8$c. ABSTRACT of the Evidence taken in the House of Commons against the Orders in Council, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 1 ADDRESS of the Rt. Hon. the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty the 14th day of March, 1704; and Her Majesty's Answer thereunto, &c., Lond. 1704 Donat. Pam. folio ALPHABETICAL List of the Members of the House of Commons, 1823 Pamphleteer, vol. 21 ANALYSIS of the British House of Commons, as at present constituted, 1823 Pamphleteer, vol. 22 AMYOT Thomas, Transcript of an Original MS. containing a Memorial from George Constantyne to Thomas Lord Cromwell Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 Account of the Instrument of Legitimation granted by Mary Queen of Scots to her brother James, after- wards Earl Murray Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 3 H 418 HISTORY. BILL intituled An Act to regulate the Labour of Children and young Persons in the Mills and Factories of the United Kingdom, [1833] Donat. Pam. folio BILL intituled An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales, [1831] Donat. Pam. folio BILL to promote the better Observance of the Lord's Day, [1833] Donat. Pam. folio BILL for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colo- nies, [1833] Donat. Pam. folio BILL (as amended by the Committee) intituled An Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies, &c., [1833] Donat. Pam. folio BIOGRAPHICAL Index to the present [1808] House of Com- mons; by Joshua Wilson, M.A., 12mo. Lond. 1808 BIOGRAPHICAL List of the House of Commons, to March 21, 1814, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 159 BURDETT Sir F., Speech in the House of Commons, on March 13, 1809, on the Conduct of H. R. H. the Duke of York, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 6 BURGHLEY Lord, Collection of State Papers, relating to affairs in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, & Elizabeth, from 154270; edited by S. Haynes, folio Lond. 1740 A Collection of State Papers, relating to affairs in the Reign of Elizabeth, from 157196; edited by W. Murdin, folio Lond. 1759 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Fragments and Notes of Speeches Works, vol. 10 Reports of a Committee of the House of Commons, on the Affairs of India Works, vol. 1 1 - Articles of Charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors against Warren Hastings, Esq., late Governor General of Bengal Works, vols. 11, 12 - Speeches on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings, Esq. ,v<,< Works, vols. 13 16 Report from Committee appointed to inspect the Lords' Journals, in relation to the Proceedings on the Trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. Works, vol. 14 BURTON Thomas, Diary of; Member in the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, from 1656 59, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, ETC. 419 CANNING Rt. Hon. Geo., Speeches of; with a Memoir of his Life, by R. Therry, Esq., 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 -- Speech on the Motion for an Address to the Prince Regent, on his Royal Highness's Speech from the Throne, 1817 Pamphleteer, vol. 10 Speech at the Liverpool Dinner, given in celebra- tion of his Re-election, March 8, 1820 Pamphleteer, vol. 16 EDWARDS Edward, Strictures on the " Minutes of Evidence," taken before the Select Committee on the British Mu- seum, Lond. 1836 Donat. Pam. 106 EVIDENCE taken before the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the Collection and Pay- ment of Tithes in Ireland, 183132, folio EVIDENCE taken before the Select Committees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, in the Sessions of 1824 and 1825, on the State of Ireland, 8vo. Lond. 1825 HARUISON Wm., Substance of the Reply, before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on East India- built Shipping, on June 28, 1814, in reply on the whole case, Lond. 1814 Donat. Pam. 20 HOBHOUSE Sir Ben., On the Measures adopted by Parliament, for Lessening the Expense of Inclosure Acts, &c., Bath, 1813 Donat. Pam. 22 HORSLEY Bp., Speeches in Parliament, 8vo. Lond. 1813 MILTONI Joannis, Litterae Senatus Anglican!; necnon Crom- wellii, &c., nomine ac jussu Conscriptse ; et Scriptum Dom. Protectoris contra Hispanos Prose Works, vol. 3 Translation of the preceding Milton's Work's, vol. 2 MINUTES of Evidence, &c., taken before a Committee of the House of Commons, May and June, 1810, on the Peti- tion of the Proprietors of Collieries in South Wales, Newport, 1810 Donat. Pam. 35 MIRROR of Parliament; edited by J. H. Barrow, Esq., from its commencement in Jan., 1828, to Oct., 1831, 15 vols. small folio OBSERVATIONS on the Measure of Creating, by Authority of Parliament, an Hereditary Rent-Charge, payable out of the Revenue of the Isle of Man, in favour of the Duke of Atholl, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 38 420 HISTORY. PARLIAMENT, Key to both Houses of, 12mo. Lond. 1832 PARLIAMENTARY Debates in England, from 1668 to 1741, 21 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1742 PARLIAMENTARY Papers, 1 vol. folio Return on Slave Population, 1831 Abstract of the Laws in each of the British West India Colonies for Government and Protection of the Slave Population, 1831 Return respecting an Inquiry into the Treatment of a Female Slave in Jamaica, 1831 Return on the Slave Insurrection in Jamaica, 1832 Return of all Manumissions granted in Jamaica, from 1825 30 Return relating to Slave Trials and Punishments in Jamaica, 1832 Return on Religious Instruction in Jamaica, 1832 Return, Copy of a Charge to the Grand Jury of Sierra Leone, on the Slave Trade, 1832 Return, Copies of Colonial Toleration Laws, 1832 Return, Copies of Jamaica Toleration Laws, 1832 Return, Copy of the Memorial of the Committee of the Inhabitants of Trinidad, praying for a Change in the Legislative Council of the Colony, &c., 1832 Papers on the Melioration of the Condition of the Slave Population in the West Indies, 1832 Copy of a Letter on the Formation of a Board of Commissioners for Education in Ireland, 1831 Copy of a Letter from the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons to Viscount Melbourne, on Anatomy, 1831 Reports upon the Administration of the Government Revenues, and Judicial Establishments of Ceylon, 1832 Return on Mauritius Slave Registration, 1832 Returns relative to the Precious Metals which have been of late years Raised, Coined, &c., in America and Russia, 1832 Correspondence relative to Slaves at Honduras, 1820 23 PROTEST of the L s, upon A Her M for her Sp ; with the. names of the L ds, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 165 REMARKS on the Proceedings in the House of Commons, con- cerning Lord Melville, on April 8, 1805, Lond. 1805 Donat. Pam. 5 REPORT from the Committee appointed to enquire into the State of the Goals of this Kingdom, Lond. 1729 Donat. Pam. folio REPORT from the Committee of the House of Commons on Madhouses in England, 1815 Pamphleteer, vol. 6 PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, ETC. 421 REPORT, together with the Minutes of Evidence, and an Ap- pendix of Papers from the Committee [of the House of Commons] appointed to consider of provision being made for the better regulation of Madhouses in England Land. 1815 REPORT (Third) from the Committee [of the House of Com- mons] on the State of the Police of the Metropolis ; with Minutes of the Evidence, 1818, folio REPORT from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on Criminal Laws, &c., 1819, folio REPORT (Fourth) of the Inspectors General on the general state of the Prisons of Ireland, 1826, folio REPORT from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on the Commercial State of the West India Colonies; with the Minutes of Evidence, 1832, folio REPORT from the Committee of Secrecy on the Bank of England Charter; with the Minutes of Evidence, 1832, folio REPORT from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on Tithes in Ireland, 1832 REPORT from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Observance of the Lord's Day, 1832 Donat. Pam. 106 REPORT from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on Quakers' Affirmation, 1833 Donat. Pam. folio REPORT (Analysis of the) of a Committee of the House of Commons on the Extinction of Slavery ; with Notes, Land. 1833 Donat. Pam. 106 REPORT (Abstract of the) of the- Lords Committees on the Condition and Treatment of the Colonial Slaves ; with Notes, Lond. 1833 Donat. Pam. 106 REPORT of William Crawford, Esq., on the Penitentiaries of the United States, addressed to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department, 1835, folio REPORT from the Secret Committee [of the House of Commons] on Joint Stock Banks ; with the Minutes of Evidence, 1836, folio REPORT (Third) from the Select Committee [of the House of Commons] on Postage; with an Abstract of the Evi- dence, 1838, folio 422 HISTORY. REPORT of the Debate in the House of Commons, June 23, 1825, on Mr. Buxton's Motion relative to the Demolition of the Methodist Chapel and Mission House in Barba- does, and the Expulsion of Mr. Shrewsbury, a Wesleyan Missionary, from that Island, Lond. 1825 Donat. Pam. 104 ROTULI Parliamentorum, ab. an. 6to. Ed. I, ad finem Regni Henr. VII, 6 vols. Journals of the House of Lords, from 1509, 1 Hen. VIII to 1816, 56 Geo. Ill, 50 vols. Calendar of the Journals of the House of Lords, 1 vol. Journals of the House of Commons, from 1547, 1 Edw. VI, to 1823, 3 Geo. IV, 77 vols. Reports from Com- mittees of the House of Commons, from 1715 73, 4 vols. Indexes, 7 vols. 145 vols. folio SALISBURY Bp. of, Speech in the House of Lords, on the first Article of the Impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, Lond. 1710 Donat. Pam. 95 SHERIDAN Rt. Hon. R. B., Speech at a Meeting of the Electors of the City of Westminster, Sept. 18, 1806, Lond. 1806 Donat. Pam. 50 STATE of the Representation of England and Wales, Lond. N. D. Donat. Pam. 155 THURLOE J., State Papers; containing Authentic Memorials of the English Affairs, from 1638 to the Restoration of Charles II, edited by T. Birch, 7 vols. folio Lond. 1742 VIEW (A full) of the British Commons, Lond. 1821 Donat. Pam. 18 WILSON Joshua, A Biographical Index to the present House of Commons, 12mo. Lond. 1808 WINDHAM Right Hon. Wm., His Speeches in Parliament; with some account of his Life, by Thomas Amyot, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 HERALDRY, GENEALOGY, ETC. 423 SECTION X. Heraldry, Genealogy, Peerages, 8$c. ADDISON Charles G., The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple, small 4to. Lond. 1842 BETHAM Rev. W., Baronetage of England, 5 vols. 4to. Ipsw. 18015 COLLINS A., Peerage of England; by Sir E. Brydges, 9 vols. 8vo. 1812 DEBRETT J., Peerage of Scotland and Ireland, 12mo. Lond. 1812 EDMONDSON Joseph, Compleat Body of Heraldry, 2 vols. folio Lond. 1780 FISHER Geo., Companion and Key to the History of England; consisting of Copious Genealogical Details of the British Sovereigns, with Genealogical Charts, &c., royal 8vo. Lond. 1832 HERALDIC Anomalies ; or Rank Confusion in our Orders of Precedence, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1823 LAWRENCE Sir J., On the Nobility of the British Gentry Pamphleteer, vol. 23 LODGE Edmund, Peerage of the British Empire as at present Existing ; arranged and printed from the personal com- munications of the Nobility, 8vo. Lond. 1833 - Genealogy of the Existing British Peerage ; with brief Sketches of the Family Histories of the Nobility, 8vo. Lond. 1832 MILLS Charles, History of Chivalry ; or Knighthood and its Times, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 SELDEN J., Titles of Honour Opera, torn. 5 Argument concerning the Baronies of Grey and Ruthen Opera, torn. 6 On the Privileges of the Baronage of England Opera, torn. 6 VERTOT M. 1'Abbe de, Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, 5 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1726 424 HISTORY. SECTION XI. Numismatics and Various Antiquities. ABELA Gio. -Franc, Malta illustrata con le sue Antichita, etc. Corretta, accresciuta e contin. dal conte Gio. -Ant. Cian- tar, 2 torn, folio Malta, 1772 ADDISON Right Hon. Jos., Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals ; especially in relation to the Latin and Greek Poets Works, vol. 1 AKERMAN J. Y., Numismatic Manual ; or Guide to the Study of Greek, Roman, and English Coins, 18mo. Lond. 1832 Numismatic Manual, 8vo. Lond. 1840 AMYOT Thomas, Transcript of Two Rolls, containing an Inven- tory of Effects formerly belonging to Sir John Fastolfe Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 4 ANTIQUARIAN Repertory ; a Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topo- graphy, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners ; by Francis Grose, Esq., Thomas Astle, Esq., and other Emi- nent Antiquaries, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807 9 ARCH^OLOGIA ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to Antiquity ; published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, 27 vols. 4to. Lond. 17791838 Index to the First Fifteen Volumes, 4to. Lond. 1809 BANDURI Anselmi, Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologos; ace. Bibliotheca Num- maria, sive auctorum qui de Re Nummaria scripserunt, 2 torn, folio Lut. Par. 1718 BELZONI G., Operations and Recent Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia, 4to. Lond. 1821 - Atlas of Plates, with 6 new Plates, imp. folio BLUNT Rev. J. J., Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs, discoverable in Modern Italy and Sicily, 8vo. Lond. 1823 BRITISH Costume, History of Lib. Ent. Know. BRITISH Museum : Egyptian Antiquities, 2 vols. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, 2 vols. The Townley Gallery, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. NUMISMATICS AND ANTIQUITIES. 425 COMBE C., Nummorum veterum qui in Museo Gulielmi Hunter asservantur, Descriptio,4to. Lond. 1782 Gough Richard, A Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, King of Denmark and England, with specimens, 4to. Lond. 1777 Nummi Anglici et Scotici, coll. Pembroch. 4to. A Table of the Gold Coins of the Kings of England, by [Dr. Browne Willis,] a Member of the Society of Antiquaries, folio Lond. 1733 Folkes Martin, Table of English Gold Coins, 4to. Lond. 1736 This volume has belonged successively to the Rev. George Ashby, of Bar- row, in Suffolk, and G. Burrell, Esq., of Thetford; and is enriched with their MS. notes. It contains a presentation Copy of Cough's Coins, and a proof, with the Author's Corrections, of a folio tract, in 4 pages, by Dr. Browne Willis ; see Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. 2, page 35. Several plates, and MS. illustrations have been inserted ; among the latter, a list, written by Thomas Martin, of Thetford, of early British Coins in his possession ; and a Catalogue of Coins belonging to the late S. Tyssen, Esq., with the prices they obtained at the Sale of his Collection. DE Medicorum apud Veteres Romanos degentium Conditione Dissertatio Middleton's Works, vol. 4 DICTIONNAIKE des Antiquites, Mythologie, Diplomatique des Chartres et Chronologic, 5 torn, et Planches, 2 torn. 4to. Ency. Method. EGYPT, Antiquities of; with a particular notice of those that illustrate the Sacred Scriptures, 8vo. Lond. 1841 FELLOWES Charles, Journal written during an Excursion in Asia Minor, royal 8vo. Lond. 1839 - An Account of Discoveries in Lycia ; being a Journal kept during a Second Excursion in Asia Minor, royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 [FLEETWOOD Bishop,] Chronicon Preciosum ; or an Account of English Money, the Price of Corn, and other Commodi- ties for the last 600 years, small 8vo. Lond. 1707 FOLKES Martin, A Table of English Silver Coins, from the Nor- man Conquest to the Present Time, 4to. with a volume of plates Lond. 1745 FOSBROKE Rev. Thomas Dudley, Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archaeologia, Classical and Mediaeval, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1825 3 i 426 HISTORY. FOSBROKE Rev. Thomas Dudley, Foreign Topography ; or an Encyclopedick Account of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe, forming a Sequel to the Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 4to. Lond. 1828 GERMANA quaedam Antiquitatis eruditae Monumenta MiddletorCs Works, vol. 4 GRAY Mrs. Hamilton, Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria, in 1839, small 8vo. Lond. 1840 GREEKS and Romans, A Treatise on their Arts, Manufactures, Manners, and Institutions, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1835 HOPE Thomas, Costume of the Ancients, 8vo. Lond. 1809 KLAPROTH J., Examen Critique des Travaux de feu M. Cham- pollion sur les Hi6roglyphes, 8vo. Paris, 1832 LEAKE S. M., An Historical Account of English Money, 8vo. Lond. 1793 MILLIN A. L., Description d'un Vase Trouve a Tarente, Paris, 1814 Donat. Pam. 74 MONTFAUCON Bern, de, Antiquity Explained and Represented in Sculptures; translated by David Humphreys, M.A., with Supplement, 10 vols. in 7, folio Lond. 1721 '25 - The Antiquities of Italy; translated by J. Henley, folio Lond. 1725 MURATORI L. A., Antiquitates Italicse Medii JEvi, ingenti copia Diplomatum et Chartarum veterum, etiam Nummis, Chronicis, aliisque Monumentis nunquam antea editis, 6 torn, folio Medio. 1738 MUSEUM Meadianum, sive Catalogus Nummorum Ric. Mead, M.D., 8vo. Lond. 1755 Occo A., Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata, folio, Medial. 1683 Indice degl' impronti cavati dalle Medaglie Impe- riali in metallo da Pompeo a Postumo. PEMBROCIII^ et Montis Gomerici Comitis, Numismata Antiqua ; et Nummi Anglici, et Scotici, 4to. Lond. 1746 PETTINGAL John, (D.D.) A Dissertation upon the Tascia, or Legend, on the British Coins of Cunobelin and others, 4to. Lond. 1763 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 6 PINKERTON John, Essay on Medals ; or an Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1789 NUMISMATICS AND ANTIQUITIES. 427 POMPEII, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. POTTER John, (D.D.) Archaeologia Graeca, or the Antiquities of Greece; edited by G. Dunbar, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1820 RASCHE J. C., Lexicon Universse Rei Nummarise veterum, et prsecipue Grsecorum ac Romanorura, a C. G. Heyne, 7 torn, in 14, 8vo. Lips. 17851805 REPORT from the Select Committee on the Earl of Elgin's Col- lection of Sculptured Marbles, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 8 ROMAN Gallery, (in the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly) Descriptive Synopsis of the, Lond. 1816 Donat. Pam. 93 RUDING Rogers, Annals of the Coinage of Britain and its De- pendencies, 5 vols. 8vo. and 4to. vol. of plates Lond. 18 J 9 SAYEIIS Frank, (M.D.) Disquisitions, Antiquarian and Historical Works, vol. 2 SEELY Capt. J. B., Wonders of Elora ; or a Narrative of a Jour- ney to the Temples and Dwellings excavated out of a Mountain of Granite, at Elora, in the East Indies, 8vo. Lond. 1824 SPENCE Rev. Mr., Polymetis; or an Inquiry concerning the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets, and .the Remains of the Ancient Artists, folio Lond. 1 755 STRUTT J., A complete View of the- Manners, Customs, &c. of the Inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons to the reign of Henry VIII, 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1775 - A complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1796 Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 4to. Lond. 1810 STUART James, and Nich. Revett, Antiquities of Athens, 4 vols. large folio Lond. 17621816 TAYLOR Richard C., Notes respecting certain Indian Mounds and Earthworks, in the form of Animal Effigies, chiefly in the Wisconsin Territory, United States Donat. Pam. 106 VERSTEGAN Richard, The Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, 4to. Oxf. 1605 This Copy belonged to Blomefield, and T. Martin, whose autographs it contains. WILKINS William, Antiquities of Magna Graecia, imp. folio Camb. 1807 428 HISTORY. WILKINSON Sir J. G., Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Religion, and Early History, 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1837 Second Series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Religion, Agriculture, &c., 2 vols. and a vol. of plates, 8vo. Lond. 1841 WYTTENBACH John Hugh, Stranger's Guide to the Roman An- tiquities of the City of Treves, with plates, &c. ; edited under the direction of Dawson Turner, Esq., F.R.S., 8vo. Lond. 1839 YOUNG Thomas, (M.D.) Account of some recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. Lond. 1823 SECTION XII. Biography, Letters, Anecdotes, 8$c. ABRANTES Duchess d', (Madame Junot) Memoirs of, 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183335 ADVENTURES of a Soldier; or Memoirs of Edward Costello, K.S.F., 12mo. Lond. 1841 ADVENTURES of a Young Rifleman, in the French and English Armies, during the War in Spain aud Portugal, from 1806 to 1814, small 8vo. Lond. 1826 AGRIPPINA, the Wife of Germanicus, Memoirs of; by Elizabeth Hamilton, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 AIKIN John, (M.D.) Memoir of; with a Selection of his Mis- cellaneous Pieces ; by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. <8vo. Lond. 1823 ALDROVANDI Ulysses, Memoir of Nat. Lib. Mammalia, vol. 7 ALFIERI Vittorio, Vita di, scritta da Esso, 8vo. Milano, 1818 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 429 ANDREWS Lancelot, (D.D.) The Life and Death of; by Henry Isaacson, 8vo. Lond. 1829 ANNUAL (The) Biography and Obituary ; 1830 to 1837, 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183037 ANSON George Lord, Life of; by Sir John Barrow, Bart., 8vo. Lond. 1839 ANTOINETTE Marie, Memoires sur la Vie Privee de ; par Madame Campan, 2 torn. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Memoirs of the Private Life of; by Madame Campan, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 ARAM Eugene, Life and Trial of; several of his Letters and Poems, and his plan and specimens of an Anglo-Celtic Lexicon, 12mo. Richmond, 1832 The remarkable Trial and Defence of, for the Murder of D. Clark Pamphleteer, vol. 23 ARGENS Marquis d', Memoires du, 8vo. Paris, 1807 ARISTOTLE, Memoir of, Nat. Lib. Ornitho. vol. 3 ARTEMI, (of Mount Ararat) Memoirs of the Life of, 8vo. Lond. 1822 AYLMER Bishop John, Life and Acts of; by John Strype, M.A., 8vo. Oxf. 1821 AZARA Don Felix d', Memoir of Nat. Lib. Mammalia, vol. 10 BACON John, (R.A.) Memoirs of; by Rev. Richard Cecil Cecil's Works, vol. 1 BACON Lord, Life of Works, vol. 1 - Letters in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Works, vol. 5 Letters, Speeches, Charges, &c. Works, vol. 6 BAIRD General the Rt. Hon. Sir David, Life of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 BANKS Sir Joseph, Memoir of Nat. Lib. Ichthyology, vol. 1 BARBAULD Anna L., Life of i by Lucy Aikin Works, vol. 1 BARCLAY John, (M.D.) Memoir of, Nat. Lib. Mammalia, vol. 9 BARRINGTON Sir J., Personal Sketches of his own Times, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182732 BARRINGTON Viscount, Life of; by Rev. Geo. Townshend Works, vol. 1 BARRINGTON Shute, (Bishop of Durham) Memoir of; by Rev. Geo. Townshend Vise. Harrington's Works, vol. 1 BARROW Isaac, (D.D.) Some Account of the Life of Works, vol. 1 430 HISTORY. BATHURST Dr. Henry, (Bishop of Norwich) Memoirs of; by Rev. Henry Bathurst, LL.B., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 BAUR F. N., Description of the Remarkable Occurrences and Benevolent Holy Conduct of His Serene Highness Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe, Lond. 1822 Donat. Pam. 151 BAXTER Richard, Reliquiae Baxterianae ; or Mr. Richard Baxter's Narrative of the most memorable passages of his Life and Times, by Matthew Sylvester, folio Lond. 1696 BAYARD Chevalier, The right joyous and pleasant History of his Feats, Gests, and Prowesses, 2 vols. small $vo. Lond. 1825 BAYLE Pierre, Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, nouvelle edi- tion, augmentee de notes extraites de Chaufepie, Joly, &c., 16 torn. 8vo. Paris, 182023 BEATTIE James, (LL.D.) Account of his Life and Writings ; by Sir William Forbes, 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1807 Life; by Alex. Chalmers In" The Minstrel," Sfc. BEAVER Capt. Philip, Life and Services of; by Capt. W. H. Smyth, R.N., 8vo. Lond. 1829 BEETHOVEN, Life of, including his Correspondence with his Friends, and Remarks on his Musical Works ; edited by Ignace Moscheles, Esq., 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 BKLISARIUS, Life of; by Lord Mahon, 8vo. Lond. 1829 BELLINGHAM John, (the Assassin of the late Right Hon. S. Per- ceval) Conversations with, on the day previous to his Execution; by Dr. Wilson, Lond. 1812 Donat. Pam. 100 BELSHAM Rev. Thomas, Memoirs of, including a brief notice of his published Works, extracts from his Diary, his Letters, &c. ; by John Williams, 8vo. Lond. 1833 BERKELEY Bishop George, Life and Letters of Works, vol. 1 BEWICK Thomas, Memoir of Nat. Lib, Ornitho. vol. 6 BILHAUD-VAIIENNES, Memoires de, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1821 BIOGRAPIMA Borealis, or Lives of Distinguished Northerns; by Hartley Coleridge, 8vo. Lond. 1833 Andrew Marvel ; Richard Bentley ; Thomas, Lord Fairfax ; James, Seventh Earl of Derby ; Lady Anne Clifford ; Roger Ascham ; John Fisher ; Rev. William Mason ; Sir Richard Arkwright ; William Roscoc ; Cnpt. Cook ; William Congrcve ; Dr. John Fothergill BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 431 BIOGRAPHICAL (General) Dictionary; by Alexander Chalmers, 32 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 17 BIOGRAPHICAL (General) Dictionary ; by John Gorton, 2 vols. and Appendix, 1 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1830 BIOGRAPHICAL and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engra- vers ; by Michael Bryan, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1816 BIOGRAPHICAL History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Reformation ; by the Rev. J. Granger, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 BIOGRAPHICAL Illustrations of Worcestershire ; by John Cham- bers, 8vo. Worces. 1820 BIOGRAPHICAL Memoirs of Eminent Novelists and other distin- guished persons ; by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 1834 Vol. 1 Memoirs of Samuel Richardson ; Henry Fielding ; Tobias Smollett ; Richard Cumberland; Oliver Goldsmith; Samuel Johnson; Lawrence Sterne ; Horace Walpole ; Clara Reeve ; Mrs. Ann Radcliffe ; Alain Rene Le Sage ; Charles Johnstone ; Robert 2 Henry Mackenzie ; Charlotte Smith ; Sir Ralph Sadler ; John Leyden, M. D. ; Miss Anna Seward ; Daniel De Foe ; Charles, Duke of Buccleuch ; John, Lord Somerville ; King George III ; Lord Byron ; The Duke of York BIOGRAPHIE Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne, 54 torn. 8vo. Paris, 181132 BLAKELY John Rix, Brief Memoirs of; by James Puntis, 12mo. Norwich, 1838 BOILEAU DESFREAUX, Lettres de (Euvres, torn. 3 BOLINGBROKE Henry Lord, Life of; by Oliver Goldsmith Miscel. Works, vol. 4 Memoirs of, by George W. Cooke, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 BOSSUET Bp. Jas. B., Account of the Life and Writings of; by Charles Butler Butlers Works, vol. 3 - Lettres Diverses de (Euvres, torn. 37, 38 Lettres ecrites a par diverses personnes (Euvres de Bossuet, torn. 42 Lettres inedites de (Euvres, torn. 43 BOUDON Henri-Marie de, Life of; by Charles Butler Butler's Works, vol. 3 432 HISTORY. BOWRING John, Details of the Arrest, Imprisonment, and Libe- ration of an Englishman, by the Bourbon Government of France, Lond. 1823 Pamphlets, 1 BRETTELL Rev. J., Memoirs of the Life of; with a Sermon preached in consequence of his Death ; by Israel Wors- ley, Lincoln, 1810 Donat. Pam. 101 BROWN Charles B., (The American Novelist,) Memoirs and Letters of; by Wm. Dunlap, 8vo. Lond. 1822 BROWNE Sir T., Memoirs and Correspondence of Works, vol. 1 BRUCE James, (The African Traveller,) Life of; by Major F. B. Head, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1830 Memoir of Nat. Lib. Ornitho. vol. 7 BRYDGES Sir Egerton, Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 BUCHANAN Rev. Claudius, (D.D.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; by Rev. Hugh Pearson, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 BUFFON Geo. Louis le Clerc, Memoir of Nat. Lib. Mammalia, vol. 1 BUNYAN John, Life of; by Robert Southey Pilgrim's Progress [BUONAPARTE] Napoleon, Journal de la Vie Privee et des Conversations de 1' Empereur, a Sainte Helene; par le Comte de Las Cases, 2 torn. 8vo. Lond. 1823 [ ] Napoleon, Journal of the Private Life and Conver- sation of the Emperor, at St. Helena ; by the Count de Las Cases, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 [ ] Napoleon, The Last Days of; by Dr. f. Antom- marchi, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1825 [ ] Napoleon in Exile; or a Voice from St. Helena; by Barry E. O'Meara, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 BUONAPARTE, Court and Camp of, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1829 BUONAPARTE Lucien, Memoires Secrets sur la vie privee, poli- tique, et litteraire de, 2 torn. 8vo. Lond. 1818 BUONARROTI Michel Angelo, The Life and Literary Works of; by R. Duppa, 4to. Lond. 1806 BURGESS Thomas, (D.D., late Bp. of Salisbury,) Life of; by John S. Harford, D.C.L., 8vo. Lond. 1840 BURGHLEY William Cecil Lord, Memoirs of the Life and Administration of; by the Rev. Edward Nares, D.D., 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 182831 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 433 BURKE Rt. Hon. Edm., Memoirs of the Life and Character of; by James Prior, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 - Letters, &c. Works, vol. 9 and Dr. French Lawrence, Epistolary Correspondence of, 8vo. Lond. 1827 BURNEY Dr., Memoirs of; arranged from his own manuscripts, from family papers, and from personal recollections ; by his daughter Madame d'Arblay, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 BURNS Robert, Life and Correspondence of Works, vols. 1 3 - Life of; by J. G. Lockhart, 8vo. Edinb. 1828 BUSSY Roger de Rabutin Comte de, Les Lettres de, torn. 2, 3, 6, 7, 12mo. Paris, 1737 BUTLER Rev. Alban, Account of the Life and Writings of; by Charles Butler Works, vol. 3 BUTLER Joseph, (late Bp. of Durham,) Memoirs of his Life, Character, and Writings; by Thomas Bartlett, A.M., 8vo. Lond. 1839 BYRON Lord, Letters and Journals of; with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1830 Conversations of; noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 22; by Thomas Medwin, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1824 Life and Genius of; by Sir C. Gordon Pamphleteer, vol. 24 Character of; by Sir W. Scott Pamphleteer, vol. 24 CADOGAN Hon. and Rev. W. B., Memoirs of; by Rev. Richard Cecil Cecil's Works, vol. I CALAMY Edmund, Historical Account of my own Life, and Reflections on the Times I have lived in (1671 1731); edited, &c., by J. T. Rutt, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 CALUMNIOUS Aspersions contained in the Report of the Sub- Committee of the Stock-Exchange, exposed and refuted, in so far as regard Lord Cochrane, K.B. and M.P., the Hon. Cochrane Johnstone, M.P., and G. R. Butt, Esq., Lond. N. D. Donat. Pam. 7 CAMPBELL George, (D.D.) Account of his Life and Writings; by Rev. G. S. Keith In Lectures on Eccles. Hist. CAMPBELL Rev. John, Life, Times, and Missionary Enterprises of; by Robert Philip, 8vo. Lond. 1841 CAMPER Peter, Memoir of Nat. Lib,, Mammalia, vol. 3 3 K 434 HISTORY. CANNING Rt. Hon. George, Memoir of his Life; by R. Therry, Esq. Speeches, vol. 1 CAPPE Cath., Memoirs of her Life, 8vo Lond. 1823 CAREY William, (D.D.) Memoirs of; by Eustace Carey, 8vo. Lond. 1836 CARLETON Capt. G., Memoirs of himself ; with Anecdotes of the War in Spain, under Lord Peterborough, 8vo. Edinb. 1808 CASPAR Hauser. An Account of an Individual kept in a dungeon, separated from all communication with the world, from early Childhood to about the age of Seventeen ; trans- lated from the German, of Anselm Von Feuerbach, 12mo. Lond. 1833 CASTRUCCIO, Vita di Opere di Machiavelli, torn. 2 CECIL Rev. Richard, Memoir of, by his Wife; with his Letters, and a View of his Character, by the Rev. R. Pratt Cecil's Works, vol. 1 CELLINI Benvenuto, Memoirs of; by Thomas Roscoe, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 CHATHAM Wm. Pitt Earl of, Correspondence of, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 CHATTERTON Thomas, Life of; including his unpublished Poems and Correspondence, by John Dix, 12mo. Lond. 1837 CHEDWORTII Lord, Letters to the Rev. Thomas Crompton, from 178095, 4to. Lond. 1828 CHEKE Sir John, Life of; by John Strype, M.A., 8vo. Oxf. 1821 CIIISHOLM, Memoir of the; late M.P. for Inverness-shire, by the Rev. James S. M. Anderson, 12mo. Lond. 1842 CHRISTIAN (The) Correspondent; Letters private and confiden- tial, by eminent persons of both sexes, with a preliminary Essay, by James Montgomery, Esq., 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1837 CHRYSOSTOM Saint, The Life of; translated from the German of Dr. Neander, by the Rev. J. C. Stapleton, vol. l,8vo. Lond. 1838 CICERO Marcus Tullius, History of the Life of; by Conyers Middleton, D.D., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1741 - Life of; by J. F. Hollings, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1839 CLARENDON Edward Earl of, Life of Himself, 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1761 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 435 CLARKE Adam, (LL.D.) An Account of his Infancy, Religious and Literary Life ; Edited by the Rev. J. B. B. Clarke, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 CLARKE Rev. Edward Daniel, Life and Remains of; by William Otter, 4to. Lond. 1824 CLIVE Robert Lord, Life of; collected from the family papers communicated by the Earl of Powis ; by Major General Sir John Malcolm, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 COIGLY James, Observations on the Trial of, for High Treason ; with an x4ccount of his Life, by J. Fenwick, Lond. 1698 Donat. Pam. 76 COLERIDGE Samuel Taylor, Biographia Literaria; or Biogra- phical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 1817 Life of; by James Gillman, vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1838 COLLINGWOOD Vice-Admiral Lord, Selections from his public and private Correspondence, interspersed with Memoirs of his Life; byG. L. N. Collingwood, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 COLUMBUS Christopher, History of the Life and Voyages of; by Washington Irving, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 CORNEILLE P., Vie de (Euvres, torn. 1 CORREGGIO and Parmegiano, Sketches of their Lives, 12mo. Lond. 1823 CORRESPONDANT Le, torn. 5, 8vo. Paris, 1818 COWPER Wm., Life and Letters of; with Remarks on Epistolary Writers, by William Hay ley, Esq., 4 vols. 8vo. Chichester, 1809 Letters of; revised by John Johnson, LL.D., 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1817 Private Correspondence of; by John Johnson, LL.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Life of; compiled from his Correspondence and other authentic sources of information, by Thomas Taylor, 8vo. Lond. 1833 - Life and Letters of; by Robert Southey, 8 vols. Works, vols. 1 7, 15 CRABBE Rev. George, Life of; by his Sons, 12mo. Lond. 1834 CRADOCK Joseph, Memoirs of Literary Memoirs, vol. 1 436 HISTORY. CRANMER Archbishop, Memorials of the Life of; by John Strype 2 vols. royal 8vo. Oxf. 1812 CREICHTON Capt. John, Memoirs of; by Dr. J. Swift Swiff s Works, vol. 13 CREQUY Marchioness de, Recollections of the eighteenth Cen- tury, from 1710 1800; translated from the French, 8vo. Paris, 1834 CRICHTON The Admirable, Life of; by Patrick F. Tytler, 12mo. Edinb. 1823 CROCKETT Col. David, Sketches and Eccentricities of, 12mo. Land. 1834 CROMWELL, Memoirs of the Protectoral House of; by Rev. Mark Noble, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1787 CROW Capt. Hugh, Memoirs of, 8vo. Lond. 1830 CRUSIUS L., The Lives of the Roman Poets, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1733 CURRAN Rt. Hon. John Philpot, Life of; by William Henry Curran, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1822 CUVIER Baron, Memoirs of; by Mrs. R. Lee, 8vo. Lond. 1833 Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 2 DANTE Alighieri, Life of; by the Rev. H. Gary The Vision, fyc. D'ARBLAY Madame, Diary and Letters of; Edited by her Niece, 6 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1842 DASCHKAW Princess, (Lady of Honor to Catherine II,) Memoirs of; written by herself, comprising Letters to the Empress, and other Correspondence; Edited from the original, by Mrs. W. Bradford, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 DAVY Sir Humphrey, Life of; by John A. Paris, M.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 DE FOE Daniel, Memoirs of the Life and Times of; containing a Review of his Writings, &c., by Walter Wilson, Esq., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 DE GEER Baron, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Entomology, vol. 1 DE RANCE Dom A. J. le Bouthillier, Life of; by Charles Butler Butler's Works, vol. 3 DIBDIN Thomas, Reminiscences of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 DIBDIN Rev. Thomas Frognall, (^D.D.) Reminiscences of a Literary Life, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 DICTIONNAIRE Encyclopediquc des Ana, 4to. Ency. Method. DIGBY Sir Kenelm, Private Memoirs of, 8vo. Lond. 1827 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 437 DODURIDGE Philip, (D.D.) Correspondence and Diary of; Edited by J. D. Humphreys, 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182931 DRYDEN John, Life of; by Sir W. Scott, sm. 8vo. Edinb. 1834 another copy Dryden's Works, vol. 1 - Letters of Works, vol. 18 DUDLEY the Earl of, Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff, 8vo. Lond. 1840 DUGDALE Sir William, Life, Diary, and Correspondence of; Edited by Wm. Hamper, Esq., F.R.S., 4to. Lond. 1827 DUN DAS Lawrence, (an Under Graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge,) Melancholy and Awful Death of; with an Address to the Younger Members of the University, on the Evil Nature, Tendency, and Effects of Drunkenness and Fornication; by the Rev. F. H. Maberley, Lond. 1818 Donat. Pam. 84 DUNTON John, Life and Errors of; with Selections from his Works, Edited by J. Nichols, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 ECCLESIASTICAL Biography ; or Lives of Eminent Men connected with the History of Religion in England, by the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth, D.D., 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 Vol. 1 John Wickliffe; William Thorpe; Lord Cobham ; Cardinal Wolsey 2 Thomas Bilney; Sir Thomas More; William Tindall ; Cromwell, Earl of Essex ; John Rogers ; Bishop Hooper ; Dr. Rowland Taylor 3 Bishop Latimer ; Bishop Ridley ; Archbishop Cranmer 4 Bishop Jewel ; Bernard Gilpin ; Richard Hooker ; Archbishop Whitgift ; Dr. John Donne ; George Herbert 5 Sir Henry Wotton ; Nicholas Ferrar ; Bishop Hall ; Dr. Henry Hammond ; Bishop Sanderson ; Richard Baxter 6 Sir Matthew Hale ; Philip Henry ; Earl of Rochester ; Arch- bishop Tillotson EDGEWOUTH Richard L., Memoirs of; by Himself, and con- tinued by his Daughter, Maria Edgeworth, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 ELWES J., Esq., Life of; by E. Topham, Esq. Pamphleteer, vol. 25 ERASMUS, Life of; by John Jortin, D.D., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 ERASMUS, Life of; with Historical Remarks on the State of Literature, between the tenth and sixteenth Centuries, by Charles Butler, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1825 438 HISTORY. ERSKINE Lord, Sketch of the Character of Pamphleteer, vol. 23 EVELYN John, (F.R.S.) Memoirs Illustrative of his Life and Writings; comprising his Diary, from 1641 1706, and a Selection of his Familiar Letters, &c., Edited from the Original MSS., by William Bray, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1819 EVENTFUL Life of a Soldier during the late War in Portugal, Spain, and France, 12mo. Edinb. 1827 EXMOUTH Admiral Viscount, Life of; by Edward Osier, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1835 FANSHAWE Lady, Memoirs of; with Extracts from the Corre- spondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe, 8vo. Lond. 1829 FENELON Archbishop, Life of; by Charles Butler Works, vol. 3 FIN ATI Giov., Life and Adventures of; translated and edited by W. J. Bankes, Esq., 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830 FLETCHER, Mrs. Mary, Life of; by Henry Moore, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1818 FLETCHER of Salton, Life of Political Works FITZGERALD Lord Edward, Life and Death of; by T. Moore, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1831 FORSTER T., Original Letters of Locke; Algernon Sidney; and Anthony, Lord Shaftesbury, small 8vo. Lond. 1830 FOUCH Joseph, (Due d'Otrante,) Memoires de, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1825 Fox C. J., Some Particulars in the Character of the late, Lond. 1809 Donat. Pam. 51 Character of; by Samuel Parr, LL.D. Parr's Works, vol. 8 FRAGMENTA Regalia; Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, her Court, and Favourites, by Sir R. Naunton, 12mo. Lond. 1824 FRANKLIN Benjamin, (LL.D.) Life and Correspondence of Works, vols. 1 4 FREDERIC II, King of Prussia, Correspondence of Works, vols. 613 FULLER Thomas, History of the Worthies of England ; with Notes by John Nichols, F.A.S., 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1811 GALT John, The Autobiography of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 GARRICK David, Memoirs of the Life of; by Thomas Davies, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1780 Private Correspondence of, vol. 1, royal 4to. Lond. 1831 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 439 GENLIS Countess de, Memoirs of; Illustrative of the History of the eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries, 8 vols. sm. 8vo. Land. 182.526 GESNER Conrad, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 12 GIBBON Edward, Memoirs and Letters of Misc. Works, vols. 1,2 GOCTHE, Memoirs, written by himself, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Characteristics of; from the German of Falk Von Miiller, &c.,with Notes Illustrative of German Literature, by Sarah Austin, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1833 GOLDSMITH Oliver, Life of Misc. Works, vol. 1 Life of; by James Prior, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 GOOD John Mason, (D.D.) Memoirs of his Life, Writings, and Character; by Olinthus Gregory, LL.D., 8vo. Lond. 1828 GOODMAN Dr. Godfrey, (Bishop of Gloucester,) The Court of King James I ; to which are added, Letters Illustrative of the Personal History of the most Distinguished Characters in the Court of that Monarch and his predecessors ; Edited by John S. Brewer, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 GRACE S., Memoirs of the Grace Family, (privately printed,) 8vo. Lond. 1823 GRATTAN Rt. Hon. Henry, Memoirs of the Life and Times of; by his Son, Henry Grattan, Esq., M.P., 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183942 GRAY Thomas, Memoirs of his Life and Writings ; by W. Mason, M.A. Poems GRIMALDI Joseph, Memoirs of; Edited by " Boz," 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 GRINDAL Abp. Edmund, Life and Acts of; by J. Strype, M.A., 8vo. Oxf. 1821 GROTIUS Hugo, Life of; with brief Minutes of the Civil, Eccle- siastical and Literary History of the Netherlands, by Charles Butler, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1826 HALE Sir Matthew, Life of; by Bishop Burnet, 12mo. Lond. 1820 Memoirs of the Life, Character, and Writings of; by J. B. Williams, Esq., LL.D., small 8vo. Lond. 1835 HALEN Don Juan Van, Narrative of his Imprisonment in the dungeons of the Inquisition at Madrid, and his Escape in 181718, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827 440 HISTORY. HALL Rev. Robert, Brief Memoir of; by Dr. Gregory Hall's Works, vol. 6 Observations on his Character as a Preacher ; by John Foster Hall's Works, vol. 6 Letters of Works, vol. 5 - Reminiscences of; by John Greene, 8vo. Lond. 1832 HALLER Baron Albert Von, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithology, vol. 10 HAMILTON Mrs. Eliz., Memoirs of; by Miss Benger, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 HARDY Thomas, (Founder of, and Secretary to, the London Corresponding Society, for Diffusing useful Political Knowledge, &c.) Memoir of, 8vo. Lond. 1832 HARMER Rev. Thomas, Memoir and Letters of; by William Youngman Harmer's Misc. Works HASTINGS Rt. Hon. Warren, Memoirs of the Life of; by the Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 HAUSSET Madame du, (Lady's Maid to Madame de Pompadour,) Private Memoirs of, 12mo. Lond. 1825 HAYDN and Mozart, Lives of; with Observations on Metastasio, and on the present State of Music in France and Italy ; translated from the French of L. A. C. Bombet, 8vo. Lond. 1818 HEBER Bishop, Life of; by his Widow, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1830 Last Days of; by Thomas Robinson, 8vo. Lond. 1830 HEMANS Mrs., Memorials of; with Illustrations of her Literary Character, from her private Correspondence ; by Henry F. Chorley, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1836 HENRY Patrick, Sketches of the Life and Character of; by William Wirt, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807 HENRY Rev. Philip, (A.M.) Life of; by the Rev. Matthew Henry, 8vo. Lond. 1825 HERBERT of Cherbury, Edward Lord, Life of; by Himself, 4to. Lond. 1792 HERIOT George, (Jeweller to King James VI) Memoirs of; with an Historical Account of the Hospital founded by him at Edinburgh, 12mo. Edinb. 1822 HERVEY Mary Lepel Lady, Letters of; with a Memoir, 8vo. Lond. 1821 HEY Wm., Life of; by J. Pearson, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1823 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 441 HILL Benson Earle, Home Service ; or Scenes and Characters from Life, at Out and Head Quarters, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1839 HILL Sir Richard, Life of; by the Rev. Edwin Sidney, 8vo. Lond. 1839 HILL Rev. Rowland, (A.M.) Life of; by the Rev. Edwin Sidney, 8vo. Lond. 1834 HISTORICAL Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III, with Remarks on Party ; by Henry, Lord Brougham, first and second series, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Lond. 1839 FIRST SERIES. George III ; LordJ Chatham ; Lord North ; Lord Loughborough ; Lord Thurlow ; Lord Mansfield ; Lord Chief Justice Gibbs ; Sir Wm. Grant ; Burke ; Fox ; Pitt ; Sheridan ; Windham ; Dundas ; Erskine ; Perceval ; Lord Grenville ; Grattan ; Wilberforce ; Can- ning; Sir Sam. Romilly; Franklin; Frederic II; Gustavus III; The Emperor Joseph ; The Empress Catherine SECOND SERIES. George IV; (Including Sir John Leach and others) Lord Eldon; Sir Wm. Scott (Lord Stowell); Dr. Laurence; Sir Philip Francis; Home Tooke ; Lord Castlereagh ; Lord Liverpool ; Tierney ; Lord St. Vincent ; Lord Nelson ; Homer ; Lord King ; Ricardo and the Currency Question ; Note on Curran ; Charles Carrol ; Necker ; Madame de Stael ; Mirabeau Family ; Carnot ; Lafayette ; Prince Talleyrand ; Napoleon ; Washington HOBBES Thomas, Life of Works HOLT Joseph, (General of the Irish Rebels, in 1798) Memoirs of; by T. Crofton Croker, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 HORNE George, (D.D., Bp. of Norwich,) Life of; by W. Jones, M.A. Works, vol. 1 HOKTENSE, (Duchesse de St. Leu) ex-Reine de Hollande, Me- moires de, suivies des Romances composees et mises en Musique par ellememe, obi. 4to. Lond. 1832 HOSTE Capt. Sir William, Memoirs and Letters of, 2 vols. 8vo. o nd. 1833 HOUGH Rev. John, (D.D., successively Bishop of Oxford, Lich- field and Coventry, and Worcester) Life of; by John Wilmot, Esq., 4to. Lond. 1812 HOUSMAN Rev. Robert, Life and Remains of; by Robert Fletcher Housman, Esq., 8vo. Lond, 1841 3 L 442 HISTORY. HOWARD John, (the Christian Philanthropist) Life of; by Thos. Taylor, 12mo. Lond. 1836 HOWE John, (M.A.) Life and Character of, with an Analysis of his Writings; by Henry Rogers, 8vo. Lond. 1836 HOWE Richard Earl, (Admiral of the Fleet, &c.) Life of; by Sir John Barrow, Bart., 8vo. Lond. 1838 HUBER Francis, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Entomology, vol. 6 HUGHES Rev. Joseph, Memoir of; by John Leifchild, 8vo. Lond. 1835 HUNT Leigh, Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries; with Recollections of the Author's Life, and of his Visit to Italy, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 HUNTER John, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 4 HUNTER John D., Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, from Childhood to the Age of Nineteen,. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Defended ; by E. Norgate, Lond. 1826 Pamphlets, 3 HUNTINGDON, Selina Countess of, The Life and Times of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 BUTTON James, (M.D.) Biographical Account of; by John Play fair Play fair's Works, vol. 4 HUTTON William, (F.A.S.S.) Life of; including an Account of the Riots at Birmingham, in 1791 ; by Catherine Hutton, 8vo. Lond. 1817 INNES Mrs., Brief Memorials of; with a Sermon on her Death, and an Address to the Inhabitants of the City of Nor- wich; by John Boutet Innes, 12mo. Lond. 1829 JEBB John, (D.D., Bishop of Limerick) Life of; by the Rev. Charles Forster, B.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 and Alexander Knox, Esq., Thirty Years' Corres- pondence between them ; edited by the Rev. Charles Forster, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 JEFFERSON Thos., Memoirs, Correspondence, and Private Papers of; edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 4 vols. 8vb. Lond. 1829 JENNER Edward, (M.D.) Life of; by John Baron, M.D., 8vo. Lond. 1827 JEWELL Bishop, Life of; by Charles Webb le Bas, M.A., L2mo. Lond. 1835 Life of With Apology for the Church BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 443 JOHNSON Samuel (LL.D.) Life of; by James Boswell, Esq., 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Life of; by James Boswell, Esq. ; with Additions and Notes, by John W. Croker, LL.D., 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Letters of, selected from the collection of Mrs. Piozzi, and others Works, vol. 12 An Essay on the Life and Genius of; by Arthur Murphy Johnson s Works, vol. 1 JOHNSONIANA; or Supplement to Boswell; being Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson, 8vo. Lond. 1836 JONES Rear Admiral Paul, Memoirs of, 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1830 JONES Richard Roberts, (of Aberdaron, in North Wales) Me- moir of; exhibiting a remarkable instance of a partial power and cultivation of Intellect, 8vo. Lond. 1822 JONES Sir William, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Corres- pondence of; by Lord Teignmouth Works, vols. 1, 2 JONSON Ben, Memoirs, &c. of Works, vol. 1 JOSEPH II, Letters of, on Various Subjects Pamphleteer, vol. 19 JOSEPHINE 1'Imperatrice, Memoires Historiques et Secrets de, par Melle. M. A. le Normand, 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1820 JOSEPHINE Empress, Memoirs of the; with Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaison, 3 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 182829 JOSEPHUS Flavius, Life of Works, vol. 1 JOURNAL of a Soldier of the 71st Regiment, from 1806 to 1815, 12mo. Edinb. 1822 KAMES Lord, Memoirs of his Life and Writings; by Lord Woodhouselee, 2 vols. 4to. Edinb. 1807 KEAN Edmund, Life of, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1835 KELLY Michael, Reminiscences of, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1826 KEMBLE John Philip, Memoirs of the Life of; by James Boaden, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 KEN Thomas, (D.D., Deprived Bishop of Bath and Wells) Life of; by the Rev. W. L. Bowles, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183031 KEPPEL Augustus Viscount, (Admiral of the White) Life of; by the Hon. and Rev. T. Keppel, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 KNIGHT Thomas Andrew, Life of With Horticultural Papers 444 HISTORY. KNOX John, Life of; by Thomas M'Crie, D.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1814 LACPEDE M. le Comte de, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 6 LAFARGE Madame, Memoirs of; written by herself, 2 vols. 12mo. Land. 1841 LAFAYETTE General, Recollections of the Private Life of; by M. Jules Cloquet, M.D., 8vo. Land. 1835 Outlines of the Principal Events in the Life of Pamphleteer, vol. 26 LAMARCK Chevalier de, Memoir of Nat. Lib., EntomoL vol. 5 LAMB Charles, Letters of; with a Sketch of his Life ; by Thos. Noon Talfourd, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1837 [LANDON Miss,] Life and Literary Remains of L. E. L. ; by Laman Blanchard, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 LARDNER Nathaniel, (D.D.) Life of Works, vol. 1 LATREILLF, Pierre-Andre, Memoir of Nat. Lib., EntomoL vol. 7 LAUD William, (D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury) Life and Times of; by John P. Lawson, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 LAVALETTE Count, Memoirs of; written by himself, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 LAWRENCE Sir Thomas, Life and Correspondence of; by D. E. Williams, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 LATUDE Henri Masers de, (who was imprisoned Thirty-five Years,) The Life of Pamphleteer, vol. 3 LEACH Lieut. -Col. J., Rough Sketches of the Life of an Old Soldier, 8vo. Lond. 1831 LEDYARD John, Memoirs of the Life and Travels of; by Jared Sparks, 8vo. Lond. 1828 LEIGHTON Abp., Life of; by Rev. Dr. Jerment Works, vol. 1 LEMPRIERE J., (D.D.) Classical Dictionary, 4to. Lond. 1804 Classical Dictionary; edited by E. H. Barker, Esq., 8vo. Lond. 1828 LETTERS of Philip, second Earl of Chesterfield, to several cele- brated Individuals of the time of Charles II, James II, William III, and Queen Anne, 8vo. Lond. 1829 LETTERS to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her Second Husband, the Honourable G. Berkeley, from 1712 to 1767, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 445 LETTSOM John Coakley, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; with a Selection from his Correspondence ; by Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, F.L.S., 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 LEWIS M. G., Life and Correspondence of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 L'HOPITAL Michel de, Essay on the Life of; by Charles Butler Butler's Works, vol. 2 LIGHTFOOT John, (D.D.) Letters to and from Works, vol. 13 LINNE Sir Charles, Life of System of Nature, vol. 7 LINNAEUS, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. I A Selection of the Correspondence of, and other Naturalists, from the Original MSS. ; by Sir J. E. Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. Lo d. 1821 LIVES of Eminent British Statesmen; by Sir James Mackintosh and others, 7 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183138 Vol. 1 Sir Thomas More; Cardinal Wolsey; Abp. Cranmer; William Cecil, Lord Burleigh. By Sir James Mackintosh, &c. 2 Sir John Eliot ; Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. By John Forster, Esq. 3 John Pym ; John Hampden. By John Forster, Esq. 4 Sir Henry Vane, the Younger ; Henry Marten. By John Forster, Esq. 5 Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury ; Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby. By Right Hon. T. P. Courtenay 6 Oliver Cromwell. By John Forster, Esq. 7 Cromwell and the Republicans. By John Forster, Esq. LIVES of the most Eminent Foreign Statesmen; vol. 1, by E. E. Crowe, vols. 2 5, by G. P. R. James, 5 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1833 38 Vol. 1 Cardinal Amboise ; Ximenes ; Leo the Tenth ; Cardinal Granvelle and Maurice of Saxony ; Barneveldt ; Sully ; Duke of Lerma ; Duke of Ossuno ; Lorenzo de' Medici 2 Cardinal De Richelieu ; Alex, Count Oxensteirn ; Caspar, Count Olivarez; Cardinal Mazarin 3 Cardinal De Retz ; Jean Baptiste Colbert ; John De Witt ; Fran- cois Michel de Tellier 4 Louis de Haro; Cardinal Dubois; Cardinal Alberoni; John Wm., Duke of Ripperda 5 Cardinal de Fleury; Count Zinzendorf; Marquis of Pombal; Jos. Monino, Count of Florida Blanca ; Duke of Choiseul ; James Necker 446 HISTORY. LIVES of the most Eminent British Military Commanders; by Rev. G. R. Gleig, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Land. 183132 Vol. 1 Sir Walter Manny ; Sir Francis De Vere ; Oliver Cromwell ; John, Duke of Marlborough 2 John, Duke of Marlborough (continued.) Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough ; Major Gen. James Wolfe 3 Robert, Lord Clive ; Charles, Marquis Cornwallis ; Lieut. Gen. Sir Ralph Abercromby ; Lieut. Gen. Sir John Moore LIVES of the British Admirals, with an Introductory View of the Naval History of England ; by Robert Southey, and continued by Robert Bell, 5 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183340 Vol. 1-2 Introductory View 2 Charles, Lord Howard 8 George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland ; Sir John Hawkins and Sir Francis Drake ; Thomas Cavendish ; Sir Richard Hawkins ; Sir Richard Greenville 4 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex ; Sir Walter Raleigh 5 Sir Martin Frobisher ; Sir Robert Mansel ; Sir William Monson ; Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich LIVES of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1836 38 Vol. 1 St. Columba ; Alfred the Great ; Chaucer ; J. Heywood ; Spenser 2 William Shakespear ; Ben Jonson ; Philip Massinger ; including Notices of the Minor Dramatists of their times 3 James Shirley ; William Davenant ; Thomas Otway ; Nath. Lee ; Mrs. Aphara Behn ; Thomas Shadwell ; William Wycherly ; John Vanbrugh ; William Congreve ; George Farquhar ; Colley Gibber; Mrs. Centlivre; Arthur Murphy; Rich. Cumberland; Mrs. Cowley LIVES of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain ; British Poets, by R. Bell, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1839 Vol. I Drayton; Cowley; Waller; Milton; Butler 2 Dryden ; Two Centuries of Minor Poets, 15271729; Prior; Pope; Young; Akenside LIVES of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France, 2 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1838 Vol. 1 Montaigne ; Rabelais ; Corneille ; Rochefoucauld ; Moliere ; La Fontaine ; Pascal ; Mad. de Svign6 ; Boileau ; Racine ; 2 Voltaire ; Rousseau ; C'ondorcet ; Mirabeau ; Mad. Roland ; Mad. De BIOGRAPHY^ LETTERS, ETC. 447 LIVES of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, 3 vols. (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 183537 Vol. 1 Dante ; Petrarch ; Boccaccio ; Lorenzo de' Medici, &c. ; Bojardo ; Berni ; Ariosto ; Machiavelli 2 Galileo ; Guicciardini ; Vittoria Colonna ; Guarini ; Tasso ; Chia- brera ; Tassoni ; Marini ; Filicaja ; Metastasio ; Goldoni ; Alfi- eri ; Monti ; Ugo Foscolo 3 Boscan ; Garcilaso de la Vega ; Mendoza ; Luis de Leon ; Herrera ; Ercilla ; Cervantes ; Lope de Vega ; Vicente Espinel and Esteban de Villegas ; Gongora ; Quevedo ; Calderon ; Camoens LIVES of Eminent British Lawyers; by H. Roscoe, (Lardner's Cyclop.) Lond. 1830 Sir Edward Coke ; John Selden ; Sir M. Hale ; Lord Guildford ; Lord Jefferies ; Lord Somers ; Lord Mansfield ; Sir J. E. Wilmot ; Sir W. Blackstone ; Lord Ashburton ; Lord Thurlow ; Sir W. Jones ; Lord Erskine ; Sir S. Romilly LIVES of the most Eminent British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects ; by Allan Cunningham, 6 vols. (Family Lib.) Lond. 182933 Vol. 1 Wm. Hogarth; Richard Wilson; Sir Joshua Reynolds; Thomas Gainsborough 2 Benjamin West ; James Barry ; Wm. Blake ; John Opie ; George Morland; Edward Bird; Henry Fuseli 8 G. Gibbons ; C. G. Gibber ; Louis Francis Roubiliac ; Joseph Wilton ; Thomas Banks ; Joseph Nollekens ; John Bacon ; Anne Darner; John Flax man 4 William of Wykeham ; Inigo Jones ; Sir Christopher Wren ; Sir John Vanbrugh ; Jas. Gibbs ; Wm. Kent ; Earl of Burlington ; Sir William Chambers 5 Geo. Jamesone ; Allan Ramsay ; Geo. Romney ; Alex. Runciman ; J. S. Copley ; J. H. Mortimer ; Sir Henry Raeburn ; John Hoppner; William Owen; G. H. Harlow; R. P. Bonington 6 Richard Cosway ; David Allan ; James Northcote ; Sir G. H. Beaumont; Sir Thomas Lawrence; John Jackson; Henry Liverseege ; James Burnet LIVES of British Physicians, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1830 Linacre ; Caius ; Harvey ; Browne ; Sydenham ; Radcliffe ; Mead ; Huxham ; Pringle ; Fothergill ; Heberden ; Cullen ; Hunter ; Warren ; Baillie ; Jenner ; Parry ; Gooch LIVES of Scottish Worthies; by Pat. Fraser Tytler, 3 vols. (Family Lib.) Lond. 183133 Vol. 1 Alex, the Third ; Michael Scott ; Sir W. Wallace ; Robert Bruce 448 HISTORY. LIVES of Scottish Worthies : continued Vol. 2 Robert Bruce (continued. ) John Barbour ; Andrew Wynton ; John de Fordun ; James the First 3 James I (continued. ) Robert Henryson ; William Dunbar ; Gavin Douglas ; Sir David Lindsay LIVES of the English Poets; by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Works, vols. 91 1 Vol. 9 Cowley ; Denham ; Milton ; Butler ; Rochester ; Roscommon ; Otway ; Waller ; Pomfret ; Dorset ; Stepney ; J. Philips ; Walsh ; Dryden 10 Smith ; Duke ; King ; Sprat ; Halifax ; Parnell ; Garth ; Rowe ; Addison; Hughes; Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire ; Prior; Congreve ; Blackmore ; Fenton ; Gay ; Granville ; Yalden ; Tickell ; Hammond ; Somervile ; Savage 11 Swift; Broome; Pope; Pitt; Thomson; Watts; A. Philips; West; Collins; Dyer; Shenstone; Young; Mallet; Akenside; Gray; Lyttelton LIVES of the Poets, by S. Johnson, LL.D. ; inquiry into some passages in ; by R. Potter, Land. 1783 Donat. Pam. 4to. vol. 1 LIVES of Eminent Missionaries; by John Carne, 3 vols. 12mo. Land. 183235 LIVES of Eminent Persons ; by S. Johnson, LL.D. Works, vol. 12 Father Paul Sarpi ; Boerhaave ; Blake ; Sir Francis Drake ; Barretier ; Morin ; Burman ; Sydenham ; Cheynel ; Cave ; King of Prussia ; Browne; Ascham LIVES of Eminent Persons, (Lib. Use. Know.) Lond. 1833 Galileo ; Kepler ; Newton ; Mahomet ; Wolsey ; Sir E. Coke ; Lord Somers ; Caxton ; Blake ; Adam Smith ; Niebuhr ; Sir C. Wren ; Michael Angelo LIVES of the Players; by John Gait, 2 vols. I2mo. Lond. 1831 Vol. 1 Charles Hart ; Thomas Betterton ; Edw. Kynaston ; Jos. Haynes ; Robert Wilks ; Nell Gwinn ; Wm. Mountfort ; Sam. Sandford ; Mrs. Elizabeth Barry ; Mrs. Anne Oldfield ; Robert Savage ; Susanna Centlivre ; Colley Gibber ; Thomas Dogget ; Barton Booth ; George Farquhar ; James Quin ; Lacy Ryan ; Mrs. Woffihgton ; Thomas Weston ; David Garrick ; Samuel Foote 2 Charles Macklin ; John Henderson ; Mrs. Charlotte Charke ; Mrs. G.A.Bellamy; Arth. Murphy; Thos. King; Thos. Holcroft; George F. Cooke ; Mrs. Baddeley ; Miss Farren ; Mrs. Jordan ; John P. Kemble ; John Emery ; Mrs. Siddons LIVES of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest ; by Agnes Strickland, vols. 1 4, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 42 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 449 LtvE3 of the Reformers; by Wm. Gilpin, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1809 Vol. ] John Wicliff ; John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham ; John Huss ; Jerome of Prague ; Zisca ; Hugh Latimer 2 Thomas Cranmer ; Bernard Gilpin LIVES of John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony . Wood, 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1772 LIVES of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sand- erson; by Izaak Walton, 2 vols. 12mo Oxf. 1805 LOCKE John, Life of; with extracts from his Correspondence, Journals, &c., by Lord King, 4to. Lond. 1829 Life of Works, vol. 1 Familiar Letters between Him and several of his Friends Locke's Works, vol. 3 LODGE Edm., Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain ; with Biographical and Historical Memoirs, 12 vols. imp. 8vo. Lond. 1823 LORENZO de' Medici, Life of; by William Roscoe, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Illustrations, Historical and Critical, of the Life of; by William Roscoe, 8vo. Lond. 1822 LOVAT Lord, Memoirs of the Life of Donat. Pam. 84 LOVAT Matthew, Narrative of the Crucifixion of; by Csesar Ruggieri Pamphleteer, vol. 3 LOVE-LETTERS of King Henry VIII to Anna Boleyn Pamphleteer, vols. 21, 22 LUCIAN, Life of; by John Dryden Dry den's Works, vol. 18 LUTHER Martin, Autobiography of; translated by John Parker Lawson, M.A., 12mo. Edinb. 1836 M'ALL Rev. Robert S., (LL.D.) Sketch of the Life and Cha- racter of; by the Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. M' All's Discourses, vol. 1 M'CRIE Thomas, (D.D.) Life of; by his Son, the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, 8vo. Edinb. 1840 MACHIAVELLI Nich., Lettere Familiari di Opere, torn. 8 MACERONI Colonel, Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 MACKINTOSH Sir James, Memoirs of the Life of; Edited by his Son, Robert James Mackintosh, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 3 M 450 HISTORY. MALIBRAN Madame, Memoirs of; by the Countess de Merlin, and other intimate Friends, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Lond. 1840 MANSFIELD Earl of, Sketch of the Professional Character of; by Charles Butler Butler's Works, vol. 2 MARCHMONT, Selection from the Papers of the Earls of, in the possession of the Rt. Hon. Sir Geo. Henry Rose ; Illustra- tive of Events from 16851750, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 MARLBOROUGH Sarah Duchess of, Private Correspondence of; Illustrative of the Court and Times of Queen Anne, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 MARTYRS (The) of Science ; or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler; by Sir David Brewster, 12mo. Lond. 1841 MARVEL And., (The Celebrated Patriot,) Life of; with Extracts from his Works, by John Dove, 12mo. Lond. 1832 MATHEWS Charles, Memoirs of; by Mrs. Mathevvs, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183839 MEADOWS John, (Clk., A.M.) The Suffolk Bartholomeans ; a Memoir of the Ministerial and Domestic History of; by the late Edgar Taylor, F.S.A., one of his Descendants, with a prefatory notice by his Sister, 8vo. Lond. 1840 MELVILLE Andrew, Life of; by Thomas M'Crie, D.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1819 MELVILL P., (Lieut. Gov. of Pendennis Castle,) Memoirs and Letters of, 12mo. Lond. 1815 MEMOIRS of Celebrated Female Sovereigns; by Mrs. Jameson, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1831 MEMOIRS of a Sergeant, late in the 43rd Light Infantry Regi- ment, previously to and during the Peninsular War, 18mo. Lond. 1835 MEMOIRS of a Young Greek Lady; or Madame Pauline Adelaide Alexandra Panam, versus His Most Serene Highness the Prince of Saxe-Cobourg, 12mo. Lond. 1823 MEMOIRS of Eminent English Statesmen; being a complete Biographical Sketch of all the Public Characters of the present age, 12mo. Lond. N. D. MERIAN Maria Sibilla, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Entomol. vol. 4 METASTASIO Pietro, Lettere di Opere, torn. 17 19 MIDDLETON Thomas Fanshaw, (D.D. Bishop of Calcutta,) Life of; by the Rev. Charles Webb Le Bas, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 451 MILNE Rev. William, (D.D., Missionary to China,) Life and Opinions of; Illustrated by Biographical Annals of Asiatic Missions from Primitive to Protestant Times ; by Robert Philip, small 8vo. Land. 1840 MILLER General, Memoirs of, in the Service of the Republic of Peru; by John Miller, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 MILTON John, Life of Prose Works, vol. 1 Life of; by Rev. H. J. Todd Poetical Works, vol. 1 - Miltoni Epistolse Familiares Prose Works, vol. 3 Remarks on the Character and Writings of; by W. E. Channing, Boston printed, Lond. reprinted, 1828 Pamphlets, 5 another copy Pamphleteer, vol. 29 MIRABEAU, Memoirs of; Biographical, Literary, and Political; by Himself, his Father, his Uncle, and his adopted Child, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183536 Recollections of; and of the two first Legislative Assemblies of France ; by Etienne Dumont, 8vo. Lond. 1832 MOLIERE Jean Baptiste, Vie de CEuvres, torn. 7 MONTAGU Lady Mary Wortley, Letters and Works of; Edited by Lord Wharncliffe, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 MONTESQUIEU C. de Secondat, Lettres Familieres CEuvres, torn. 7 MONTROSE, Life and Times of; Illustrated from original MSS., Family Papers, &c., by Mark Napier, Esq., Advocate, small 8vo. Edinb. 1840 MOORE Lieut. Gen. Sir John, Life of; by James Carrick Moore, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 MORATA Olympia, Times, Life, and Writings of; arranged from contemporary and other authorities, by the Author of " Selwin," 12mo. Lond. 1834 MORE Mrs. Hannah, Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of; by William Roberts, 4 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1834 MORE Sir Thomas, Memoirs ; to which is added his History of Utopia, translated into English, by F. Warner, LL.D., 8vo. Lond. 1758 - Memoirs ; with a new translation of his Utopia, his History of Richard III, and his Latin Poems ; by Arthur Cayley, Esq., 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808 452 HISTORY. MORE Sir Thomas, Memoir of; with Extracts from his Works and Letters, 18mo. Land. 1834 MORERI Louis, Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, ou le Melange curieux de PHistoire Sacree et Profane, 10 torn, folio Paris, 1752 MORRIS Gouverneur, Life of; with Selections from his Corre- spondence and Miscellaneous Papers, by Jared Sparks, 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1832 MORRISON Robert, (D.D.) Memoirs of the Life and Labours of; compiled by his Widow, with critical notices of his Chinese Works, by Samuel Kidd, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 MORTIMER Edmund, Life of; by Frank Sayers, M.D. Sayers' Works, vol. 2 MOZART, Life of See Haydn MUNRO Maj. Gen. Sir Thos., Life of; with extracts from his Correspondence and Private Papers ; by the Rev. G. R. Gleig, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 MURAT Joachim, Histoire des Six derniers Mois de la Vie de, par L. Gallois, 12mo. Paris, 1821 MURRAY Lindley, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; in a series of Letters written by himself, with a continuation by Elizabeth Frank, 8vo. York, 1826 NEALE Rev. Cornelius, Memoir of; to which are added his Remains, being Sermons, Allegories, &c., Edited by the Rev. William Jowett, M.A., small 8vo. Lond. 1834 NECKER M., Memoires sur la Vie Privee de, par Mad. de Stael, 8vo. Paris, 1818 Caract6re de, par Mad. de Stael (Euvres, torn. 17 NEFF Felix, Pastor of the High Alps, Memoirs of him, and his Labours among the French Protestants of Dauphine ; by William Stephen Gilly, M.A., 8vo. Lond. 1832 - The Alpine Pastor, Memorials of; by T, S. Ellerby, 18mo. Lond. 1833 NELSON, Life of; by Robert Southey, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1814 NEWTON Rev. John, Memoirs of; by the Rev. R. Cecil Cecil's Works, vol. 1 NEWTON Sir Isaac, Life of; by D. Brewster, (Family Lib.) Lond. 1831 NEY Marshal, Memoirs of; published by his Family, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 453 NICHOLS John, Literary Anecdotes of the eighteenth Century ; comprising Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer, Printer, F.S.A., and many of his Learned Friends; and Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Writers and Artists, 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181216 Illustrations of the Literary History of the eighteenth Century; intended as a Sequel to the Literary Anecdotes, 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181731 NICOL John, (Mariner) Life and Adventures of, 12mo. Edinb. 1822 NIEBUHR George Berthold, Reminiscences of an Intercourse with Him, by Francis Leiber, 12mo. Lond. 1835 NOLLEKENS and his Times ; comprehending a Life of that cele- brated Sculptor ; and Memoirs of several contemporary Artists, by J. T. Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 NORTH Hon. Roger, Lives of Lord Guildford ; Sir Dudley North; and Dr. John North, 4to. Lond. 1742 44 NORTHCOTE James, Conversations of; by William Hazlitt, 12mo. Lond.1830 OBERLIN John Frederick, Memoirs of, 8vo. Lond. 1829 O'BRIEN Capt. D. H., My Adventures during the late War; comprising a Narrative of Shipwreck, Captivity, Escapes from French Prisons, &c., from 1804 27, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 O'LEARY Rev. Arthur, Life of; by Rev. Thomas R. England, 8vo. Lond. 1822 PAINE Thomas, Life of; by William Cobbett Donat. Pam. 151 PALEY Wm.,(D.D.) Life of; by Alex. Chalmers Works, vol. 1 Memoirs of; by G. W. Meadley, 8vo. Edinb. 1810 PALLAS Peter Simon, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 9 PARKER Abp. Matthew, Life and Acts of; by J. Strype, M.A,, 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1821 PARNELL Archd. Thomas, (D.D.) Life of; by Oliver Goldsmith Goldsmith's Misc. Works, vol. 4 PARR Rev. Samuel, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of; by the Rev. William Field, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Memoirs and Correspondence of; by John Johnstone, M.D, Parr's Works, vols. 1, 7, 8 PENN William, Memoirs of the private and public Life of; by Thomas Clarkson, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 454 HISTORY. PENNANT Thomas, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithology, vol. 2 PEPYS Samuel, Memoirs; comprising his Diary, and a selection from his Correspondence, deciphered by the Rev. John Smith, A.B., Edited by Lord Braybrooke, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1825 Life, Journal, and Correspondence of; including his Voyage to Tangier, deciphered from the short-hand MSS. in the Bodleian Library, by the Rev. John Smith, A.M., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 PERON Francois, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 8 PERSONAL Recollections, by Charlotte Elizabeth, small 8vo. Lond. 1841 PESTALOZZI, Memoir of; by the Rev. C. Mayo Pamphlets, vol. 2 PETRARCH, Life of; by T. Campbell, Esq. ,2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 PICTON Lieut. Gen. Sir Thos., Memoirs of; including his Corre- spondence, by H. B. Robinson, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835 PINKERTON John, Literary Correspondence of; by Dawson Turner, Esq. M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 PIOZZIANA; or Recollections of the late Mrs. Piozzi, with remarks by a Friend, 12mo. Lond. 1833 PITT Rt. Hon. Wm., Memoirs of the Life of; by Bp. Tomline, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Correspondence of, 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 PLAYFAIR John, Memoir of Works, vol. 1 PLINY the Elder, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithology, vol. 5 PLUTARCH, Life of; by John Dryden Dryden's Works, vol. 17 POLE Cardinal, Remarks upon Mr. Phillips's Life of; by John Jortin, D.D. Jortins Tracts, vol. 2 POLWHELE Rev. R., Traditions and Recollections, Domestic, Clerical, and Literary, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 PONTIS, Memoirs of the Sieur de, trans, by Chas. Cotton, Esq., folio Lond. 1694 POPE Alexander, Life of; by Wm. Roscoe Pope's Works, vol. 1 Correspondence of Works, vols. 8 10 PORTEUS Bishop, Life of; by Rev. Robert Hodgson, D.D.,8vo. Lond. 1821 PRIESTLEY J., Observations on the Emigration of, Philadelphia, 1798 Donat. Pam. 90 PURSUIT (The) of Knowledge under Difficulties, 2 vols. Lib. Ent. Know. BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 455 RACINE Jean, Vie de CEuvres, torn. 1 - Lettres de (Euvres, torn. 5 RAFFAELLO Sanzio da Urbino, Life of, by R. Duppa ; and the Characters of the most celebrated Painters of Italy, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 12mo. Lond. 1816 RAFFLES Sir T. S., Memoirs of his Life and Public Services; by his Widow, 4to. Lond. 1830 - Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithology, vol. 4 RALEIGH Sir Walter, Memoirs of the Life of; with some Ac- count of the period in which he lived ; by Mrs. A. T. Thomson, 8vo. Lond. 1830 - Life of; by Patrick Eraser Tytler, 12mo. Edinb. 1833 RAY John, Life and Remains of; by William Derham, D.D., 8vo. Lond. 1760 Memoir of Nat. Lib., Entomol. vol. 2 RETURN (The) to Faith ; exemplified in the Life of William Koellner, a German Protestant Divine; translated from the German, by Samuel Jackson, 12mo. Lond. 1836 REYNOLDS F., The Life and Times of, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 REYNOLDS Sir Joshua, Life of; by James Northcote, Esq. R.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 -- Some Account of; by E. Malone Reynolds' Works, vol. 1 Memoirs of the Life of; by Joseph Farington, R.A. Reynolds' Works, vol. 1 RICCI Scipion de, (Ereque de Pistoie et Prato) Vie de, par M. de Potter, 3 torn. 18mo. Bruxelles, 1826 RICHMOND Rev. Legh, Memoir of; by the Rev. T. S. Grim- shawe, 8vo. Lond. 1828 ROBINSON John, (LL.D.) Biographical Account of; by John Playfair Play/air's Works, vol. 4 ROCHESTER John Earl of, Life of; by Bishop Burnet, 12mo. Lond. 1820 RODNEY Admiral Lord, Life and Correspondence of; by Major General Mundy, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 ROMILLY Sir Samuel, Memoirs of the Life of; written by Him- self, with a Selection from his Correspondence; edited by his Sons, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 ROSA Salvator, Life and Times of; by Lady Morgan, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 456 HISTORY. ROUSSEAU J. J., Les Confessions de (Euvres, torn. 1 3 Les Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire (Euvres, torn. 3 Dialogues de (Euvres, torn. 16 Correspondance de (Euvres, torn. 17 20 RUSSELL William Lord, Life of; with some account of the Times in which he lived ; by Lord John Russell, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 SAINT Alban's Harriot Duchess of, Memoirs of; by Mrs. Corn- wall Baron- Wilson, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 SAINT Cyprian, Life and Times of; by George Ayliffe Poole, M.A., 8vo. Oxf. 1840 SALT Henry, Esq., (His Britannic Majesty's late Consul General in Egypt) Life and Correspondence of; by J. J. Halls, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 SALVIANI Hippolito, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ichthy. vol. 2 SAVAGE Richard, Life of; by Dr. Johnson Poetical Works SAYERS Frank, (M.D.) Biographical Particulars of; by William Taylor Sayers' Works, vol. 1 SCHOMBURGK Robert H., Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ichthy. vol. 3 SCOTT Capt. James, Recollections of a Naval Life, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1834 SCOTT Rev. T., Life of; by John Scott, A.M., 8vo. Lond. 1823 Letters and Papers of; with Occasional Observations; by John Scott, A.M., 8vo. Lond. 1824 SCOTT Sir Walter, Memoirs of the Life of, [by. J. G. Lockhart] 7 vols. small 8vo. Edinb. 183738 - Recollections of, 12mo. Lond. 1837 SECKER Thomas, (D.D., late Abp. of Canterbury) Review of the Life and Character of; by Bp. Porteus Porteus' Tracts SEGUR M. le Comte de, Memoires, ou Souvenirs et Anecdotes, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 182526 SELDENI Joannis, Vita Opera, torn. 1 SERVETUS Michael, Life of; by Jacques George de Chauflfpie ; translated by James Yair, 8vo. Lond. 1771 SEVIGNE Madame de, and her Contemporaries, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1841 SHAFTESBURY Anthony first Earl of, Memoirs relating to his Life ; by John Locke Locke's Works, vol. 3 SHAKSPEARE, New Facts regarding the Life of; by J. Payne Collier, 12mo. Lond. 1835 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 457 SHARP John, (D.D., Archbishop of York) Life of; by Thomas Sharp, D.D. ; edited by Thomas Newcome, M.A., 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1825 SHERIDAN Right Hon. Richard B., Memoirs of the Life of; by Thomas Moore, 2 vols. 8vo. (2 copies) Lond. 1825 SHIPP John, Memoirs of his Extraordinary Military Career; written by Himself, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1829 SIBBALD Sir Robert, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithol. vol. 9 SIDDONS Mrs., Life of; by Thomas Campbell, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 SIDNEY Sir Philip, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; by Thomas Zouch, D.D., 4to. York, 1809 SILVIO Pellico da Saluzzo, Memoirs of the Imprisonments of; translated from the Italian by Thomas Roscoe, 18mo. Lond. 1833 SINGULARITIES Anglaises, Ecossaises, et Irlandaises, 2 torn. 12mo. Paris, 1814 SLOANE Sir Hans, Memoirs of Nat. Lib., Mammalia, vol. 5 SMELLIE William, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithol. vol. 11 SMITH Adam, (LL.D.) Life of; by Dugald Stewart Works, vol. 5 SMITH Jas., (one of the Authors of " The Rejected Addresses") Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse; edited by his brother Horace Smith, Esq., 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1840 SMITH Sir James Edward, Memoirs and Correspondence of; edited by Lady Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 SMITH Sir T., Life of; by John Strype, M.A., 8vo. Oxf. 1820 SOUVENIRS d'un jeune Prisonnier, Hambourg, 1795 Donat. Pam. 156 SPELMAN Sir Henry, Life of; by Bp. Gibson Spelman's Works SPENSER Edmund, Life of; by Rev. Henry John Todd Spenser's Works, vol. 1 STACL Madame de, Dix Annees d'Exil (Euvres, torn. 15 STATEMENT of Facts, which occurred in the late Affair between Mr. Bulkeley, of the 40th Regiment, and Mr. William Simpson, Norwich, 1826 Donat. Pam. 96 STEELE Sir Richard, Epistolary Correspondence ; including his familiar Letters to his Wife and Daughter ; to which are prefixed Fragments of Three Plays, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809 3 H 458 HISTORY. STERNE Rev. L., Memoir and Letters of Works, vols. 1,9, 10 STEWART Dugald, Biographical Memoirs of Adam Smith, LL.D., of William Robertson, D.D., and of Thomas Reid, D.D., 4to. Edinb. 1811 STEWART Matthew, (D.D.) Biographical Account of; by John Playfair Playfair's Works, vol. 4 STRATFORD John, Some Account of; by Joseph John Gurney Gurney's Minor Works, vol. 2 STRUENSEE Count, A Faithful Narrative of his Conversion and Death, by D, Munter; to which is added the History of Count Enevold de Brandt, from the time of his Imprison- ment to his Death, 8vo. Lond. 1774 SUBALTERN (The), 12mo. Edinb. 1828 SURTEES William, Twenty-five Years in the Rifle Brigade, 12mo. Edinb. 1833 SWAMMERDAM John, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Entomol. vol. 1 SWARTZ Rev. Christian Fred., Memoirs of the Life and Corres- pondence of ; with a Sketch of the History of Christianity in India; by H. Pearson, D.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834 SWIFT Jonathan, (D.D.) Memoirs of; by Sir Walter Scott, 12mo. Edinb. 1834 Life of, by J. Hawkesworth, D.D. Swift's Works, vol. 1 - Letters of Work*, vols. 12, 14, 1626 TAYLOR General Sir Herbert, Memorandum of the Illness and Decease of the Duke of York Pamphleteer, vol. 27 TAYLOR Jane, Memoirs and Poetical Remains ; by Isaac Taylor, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1826 TAYLOR John, Anglo-Naval and Politico-Theological Lecture, containing Remarks on Nelson and Cowper, Chatham and Sir Robert Walpole, Norwich, 1809 Donat. Pam. 98 TAYLOR John, (Author of " Monsieur Tonson ") Records of my Life, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 TAYLOR Jeremy, (D.D.) Life of; and his Correspondence with . Mr. Henry Jeanes Works, vol. 1 TAYLOR Rowland, (LL.D.) Memoirs of; comprising an Account of the Rise of the Reformation in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk; byThos. Quinton Stow, 12mo. Lond. 1833 TEMPLE Sir William, Memoirs of the Life, Works, and Corres- pondence of; by the Right Hon. Thomas Peregrine Courtenay, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 459 TIIOMASON Rev. T. T., (late Chaplain to the Hon. East India Company) Life of; by the Rev. J. Sargent, M.A., 8vo. Lond. 1834 THORESBY Ralph, Diary of, (16771724;) by Rev. Joseph Hunter, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 THUCYDIDES, Life and History of; by T. Hobbes Hobbes' Works TITIAN, Life of; with Anecdotes of the Distinguished Persons of his time; by Jas. Northcote, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Notices of the Life and Works of, 8vo. Lond. 1829 TRIMMER Mrs., Account of the Life and Writings of, 8vo. Lond. 1825 TURGOT M., Memoires sur la Vie de (Euvres, torn. 1 TWEDDELL John, Biographical Memoir and Correspondence of Remains TWELVE Years' Military Adventure in Three Quarters of the Globe ; or Memoirs of an Officer who served in the Army between the Years 1802 14, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829 URQUHART John, Memoirs of; including Letters and Select Remains; by William Orme, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1828 VAILLANT Francis le, Memoir of Nat. Lib. Ornithol. vol. 8 VEITCII William, and George Brysson, Memoirs of; written by themselves; with Notes, &c., by Thomas M'Crie, D.D., 8vo. Edinb. 1825 VENN Rev. Henry, The Life and Letters of the late ; edited by the Rev. Henry Venn, B.D., 8vo. Lond. 1835 VILLAGE Memoirs; in a Series of Letters between a Clergyman and his Daughter in the Country, and his Son in Town Crudock's Literary Memoirs, vol. 4 VOLTAIRE, Vie de, par Condorcet (Euvres, torn. 1, part 1 Memoires par lui-meme (Euvres, torn. 1 , part 1 Correspondance (Euvres, torn 9 12 WAKEFIELD Gilbert, Memoirs; written by himself, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1804 WALKER Rev. George, Memoir of Essays WALKER Rev. Samuel, The Life, Ministry, and Selection from the Remains of; by the Rev. Edwin Sidney, A.M., 8vo. Lond. 1835 another copy, second edition, enlarged, 8vo. Lond. 1838 460 HISTORY. WALKER John, (D.D.) Memoir of Nat. Lib., Ornithol. vol. 12 WALPOLE Horace, (Earl of Orford,) Letters of, to Sir Horace Mann, British Envoy at the Court of Tuscany ; edited by Lord Dover, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Correspondence of, with George Montagu, Esq. and others, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 WALTON Brian, (D.D. Bp. of Chester,) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; by Rev. Henry John Todd, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 WALTON Isaac, Life of; including Notices of his Contempora- ries; by Thomas Zouch, D.D., 8vo. Lond. 1825 WARBURTON William, (D.D., Bishop of Gloucester,) Life of Works, vol. 1 Letters to one of his Friends, [Bishop Kurd,] 8vo. Lond. 1809 WARTON Thomas, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of; by R. Mant, M.A. Poetical Works WASHINGTON George, Life of; to which is added his Diaries and Speeches, and various Miscellaneous Papers relating to his Habits and Opinions ; by Jared Sparks, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 WASHINGTON, by Mons. Guizot; translated by Henry Reeve, Esq., 12mo. Lond. 1840 WATERLAND Rev. Daniel, (D.D.) Review of the Life and Writings of; by Wm. Van Mildert, D.D., Bp. of Landaff Works, vol. 1 WATSON Bp., Anecdotes of his Life; by himself, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 WATT James, Historical Eloge of, by M. Arago ; translated from the French, with Notes, &c., by Jas. Patrick Muirhead, Esq., M.A., 8vo. Lond. 1839 WATTS Rev. Isaac, (D.D.) Life, Times, and Correspondence of; by the Rev. Thomas Milner, M.A., 8vo. Lond. 1834 - Life of; by Rev. G. Burder Watts' Works, vol. 1 WERNER Abrm. Gottlob, Memoir of Nat. Lib., Entomol. vol. 3 WESLEY John, Life of; by Robert Southey, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Observations on Southey's Life of, by R. Watson Lond. 1821 Life of; by Richard Watson, 12mo. Lond. 1831 BIOGRAPHY, LETTERS, ETC. 461 WHARTON Earl of, Character of; by Jonathan Swift, D.D. Swift's Works, vol. 13 WHITE Henry Kirk, Remains of; with Life, by Robt. Southey, 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182122 WHITEFIELD George, (M.A.) Life and Times of; by Robert Philip, 8vo. Lond. 1837 WHITGIFT Abp. John, Life and Acts of; by John Strype, M.A., 3 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1822 WICLIF, Life of; by Charles Webb le Bas, M.A., 12mo. Lond. 1832 WILBERFORCE William, The Life of; by his Sons Robert Isaac Wilberforce, M.A. and Samuel Wilberforce, M.A., 5 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1838 Strictures on the Life of; by Thos. Clarkson, M.A., 8vo. Lond. 1838 Correspondence of; edited by his Sons, the Rev. R. I. Wilberforce and the Rev. S. Wilberforce, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1840 Familiar Sketch of the late ; by Joseph John Gurney Gurney's Minor Works, vol. 2 WILKES John, Life of, in the Manner of Plutarch; by Joseph Cradock Cradock's Literary Memoirs, vol. 3 WILLIAM of Wykeham, (Bp. of Winchester,) Life of; by Robt. Lowth, D.D., 8vo. Oxf. 1777 WILLIAMS Rev. Edward, (D.D.) Memoir of the Life and Writings of; by Joseph Gilbert, 8vo. Lond. 1825 WILSON Thomas, (D.D. Bp. of Sodor and Man,) Life of; by Rev. Hugh Stowell, 8vo. Lond. 1822 WINCHCOMB John, alias Jack of Newbury, History of Donat. Pam. 80 WINDHAM Rt. Hon. William, Life of; by Thomas Amyot Windham's Speeches WOLFE Rev. Charles, Life of; by Rev. J. A. Russell Wolfe's Remains WOOD Ant. &, Athense Oxonienses, with additional Lives and Notes, by Dr. Bliss, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 181320 WYCLIFFE John de, (D.D.) Life and Opinions of; by Robert Vaughan, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 XAVIER St. Francis, Life of, translated from the French of Bouhours, by John Dry den Dry den s Works, vol. 16 ADDENDA. ATNSWORTH William Francis, Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia, 2 vols. small 8vo. Land. 1842 ALLEN Joseph, The Battles of the British Navy; from A.D. 1000 to 1840,2 vols. 12mo. Land. 1842 ANCIENT Christianity, and the Doctrines of the Oxford Tracts for the Times; by the Author of " Spiritual Despotism," 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 184142 ANCIENT Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic ; translated by J. G. Lockhart, LL.B., 4to. Edinb. 1823 BAMPTON Lectures 1841 By Edward Hawkins, D.D. BARCLAY Captain, Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada, with Miscellaneous Notices, ]2mo. Edinb. 1842 BATHURST Archdn., An Easter Offering for the Whigs; being a Supplement to the Memoirs of the late Bishop of Norwich, 8vo. Lond. 1842 BEATTIE William, (M.D.) The Castles and Abbeys of England, royal 8vo. Lond. 1842 BICKERSTETH Rev. E., The Restoration of the Jews to their Own Land, in connection with their future Conversion and the final Blessedness of our Earth, 12mo. Lond. 1841 BLUNT Rev. Henry, A Family Exposition of the Pentateuch, 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 184142 BOCIIARTI Samuelis, Hierozoici, sive Bipartitum Opus de Ani- malibus S. Scripturse, folio, Lug. Bat. 1712 Opera, torn. 2, 3 BRITISH (The) Academy ; being a new-erected Society for the Advancement of Wit and Learning, Lond. 1712 Donat. Pam. 69 BULWER Sir E. L., Eva, a True Story of Light and Darkness; The Ill-Omcncd Marriage; and other Talcs and Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1842 CAKES and Ale; by Douglas Jcrrold, 2 vols. 18mo. Lond 1842 ADDENDA. 463 CAMPBELL John, (D.D.) The Martyr of Erromanga ; or the Philosophy of Missions, illustrated from the Labours, Death, and Character of the late Rev. John Williams, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 CLARIDGE R. T., Hydropathy; or the Cold- Water Cure, as practised by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria, 8vo. Lond. 1842 DENNY Henry, Monographia Anoplurorum Britannise ; or an Essay on the British Species of Parasitic Insects belonging to the order Anoplura of Leach; with highly magnified Figures of each Species, 8vo. Lond. 1842 DICTIONARY of Greek and Roman Antiquities; edited by Wm. Smith, Ph. D., royal 8vo. Lond. 1842 DUJARDIN Felix, Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes; Infusoires, comprenant la Physiologic et la Classification de ces Animaux, et la Maniere de les Etudier a 1'aide du Microscope, 8vo. Paris, 1841 FATHER Connell ; by the O'Hara Family, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1842 FOREST Life; by the Author of" A New Home," 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1842 GILLY W. S., (D.D.) The Peasantry of the Border, an Appeal in their behalf, 8vo. Lond. 1842 GURNET Joseph John, Letter to a Friend on the Authority, Purpose, and Effects of Christianity, and especially on the Doctrine of Redemption Minor Works, vol. 1 - Essay on the Discipline of the Primitive Christians, and on that of the Society of Friends Observations, Sfc. 7th Edition HARRIS Rev. John, (D.D.) The Great Commission; or the Christian church constituted and charged to convey the Gospel to the World, 8vo. Lond. 1842 HAWKINS Edw., (D.D.) An Inquiry into the Connected Uses of the Principal Means of Attaining Christian Truth ; the Bampton Lectures for 1840, 8vo. Oxf. 1841 HINDS Rev. Samuel, (M.A.) History of the Rise and early Pro- gress of Christianity, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 The Catechist's Manual and Family Lecturer; being an Arrangement and Explanation of St. Mark's Gospel, 8vo. Oxf. 1829 464 ADDENDA. HOMER, The Iliad and Odyssey of; translated by Alex. Pope, with Illustrative Notes, selected from the edition published by Gilbert Wakefield, B:A., 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 HOWARD L., A Cycle of Eighteen Years in the Seasons of Bri- tain; deduced from Meteorological Observations made at Ackworth, in Yorkshire, from 1824 41, 8vo. Lond. 1842 JEWISH Intelligence, and Monthly Account of the Proceedings of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, from April, 1842 KNOWLES J. S., The Rose of Arragon, a Play, 8vo. Lond. 1842 KRASINSKI Count Valerian, Historical Sketch of the Rise, Pro- gress, and Decline of the Reformation in Poland, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 LAMB Rev. J., and Henslow Rev. J. S., Remarks upon the Pay- ment of the Expenses of Out- Voters at an University Election, Camb. 1826 Donat. Pam. 83 LETTERS from Hofwyl; by a Parent, on the Educational Insti- tutions of De Fellenberg, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 LIEBIG Justus, (M.D.) Animal Chemistry ; or Organic Chemistry in its applications to Physiology and Pathology ; edited by William Gregory, M.D., 8vo. Lond. 1842 LONDONDERRY Marquess of, A Steam Voyage to Constanti- nople, by the Rhine and the Danube, in 1840 41, and to Portugal, Spain, &c., in 1839,2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 LOWNE B. T., Lectures on Animal Physiology; or the Physical Condition of Man, as regards Life, Health, and Disease, 12mo. Lond. 1842 MADDEN R. R., (M.D.) The United Irishmen, their Lives and Times, 2 vols. small 8vo. Lond. 1842 MICROSCOPIC Journal, and Structural Record ; edited by Daniel Cooper, from the commencement in March, 1841, 8vo. MILFORD John, Norway and her Laplanders, in 1841, 8vo. Lond. 1842 MOFFAT Robert, Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa, 8vo. Lond. 1842 MORLEY Ernstein, or the Tenants of the Heart ; by G. P. R. James, Esq., 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1842 MOURAVIEFF A. N., History of the Church of Russia ; translated by the Rev. R. W. Blackmore, 8vo. Oxf. 1842 NICOLL Robert, Poems, 12mo. Edinb. 1842 ADDENDA. 465 PEREGRINE Bunce, or Settled at Last; by Theodore E. Hook, 3 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1842 PROPERTY Tax Act, (5 and 6 Viet. cap. 35) with a full Analy- sis of its Provisions, Explanatory Notes, &c. ; by John Tidd Pratt, 12mo. Lond. 1842 QUARLES Rev. Thomas, History and Antiquities of Foulsham, in Norfolk, 12rao. Lond. 1842 RICHELIEU, a Tale of France; by G. P. R. James, 12mo. Lond. 1842 ROBBERDS J. G., On Christian Conversion : a Sermon delivered at the Annual Meeting of Subscribers to the Unitarian Fund, June 9, 1824, Lond. 1824 Donat. Pam. 166 ROMANTIC Biography of the Age of Elizabeth ; or Sketches of Life from the Bye- Ways of History ; by the Benedictine Brethren of Glendalough; edited by William Cooke Taylor, LL.D., 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 ROME, History of; Division II, (B. c. 390 A.D. 31) Lib. Useful Know. SCOTT Rev. A. J., (D.D., Lord Nelson's Chaplain) Recollections of the Life of, 12mo. Lond. 1842 SISMONDI J. C. L. Simonde de, Histoire des Franqais, torn. 28, 8vo. Paris, 1842 SOME Rev. David, The Case of receiving the Small Pox by Inoculation, impartially considered, and especially in a Religious View, Lond. 1750 Donat. Pam. 97 SPENCER George Trevor, (D.D., Bishop of Madras) Journal of a Visitation to the Provinces of Travancore and Tin- nevelly, in the Diocese of Madras, 1840 41, 12mo. Lond. 1842 STANLEY Edward, (D.D., Bp. of Norwich) A Familiar History of Birds, 2 vols. 18mo. Lond. 1840 STRONG Frederick, Greece as a Kingdom; or a Statistical Description of that Country, from the Arrival of King Otho, in 1833, down to the present time, small 8vo. Lond. 1842 STURGE Joseph, A Visit to the United States, in 1841, 8vo. Lond. 1842 TRACTS for the Times, Index to the; with a Dissertation by Rev. David Croly, 8vo. Oxf. 1842 3 o 466 ADDENDA. WHATELY Richard, (D.D.) Essays (second series) on some of the Difficulties in the Writings of the Apostle Paul, and in other parts of the New Testament, 8vo. Lond. 1837 WORDSWORTH William, Yarrow Revisited, and other Poems, 12mo. Lond. 1835 INDEX. ABAUZIT Dr. T., On the Bible Society, 85 Abbot B., Cottage and Garden, 231 Abbot Rt. Hon. C., Letter to, 107 Abbott J., Young Christian, 55 Abd Allatif's Egypt, 372 Abel Dr. C., Journey in China, 342 Abela Gio.-Fr., Malta illustrata, 424 Abercrombie J., Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, 181 Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, 172 Abercromby Lieut. Gen. Sir R., Life of, 446 Aberdeen Earl of, On Grecian Architecture, 227 Abernethy J., The Hunterian Oration, for 1819, 213 Aboriginal Tribes, Report on, 155 Abraham's Answers to the Letters of Peter Plymley, 124 Abrantes Duchess d', Memoirs of, 428 Memoires sur la Restauration, 393 Academic Royale des Inscriptions, 238 Academie Royale des Sciences, 237 Acaster Rev. J., Church in Danger from Herself, 55 Accounts, Report of the Commissioners for Examining the Public, 147 Acropolitse Georgii Hist., 390 Action in the Mediterranean, 1744, 393 Adair Mr., Letters to the Bp. of Winch., 99 Adarns W. , On Hume's Essay on Miracles, 49 Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, &c., 372 Addington Administration, On the State of Parties during the, 112 Addison C. G., Hist, of the Knights Temp- lars, 423 Addison Rt. Hon. Jos., Works, 320 Evidences of the Christian Religion, 49 Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Addison L., Account of West Barbary, 372 Address of the Lords to Her Majesty, 1704, 417 Address to the Christian Proprietors and Freeholders of Britain, 99 Address to the Inhabitants of the Eastern Counties of England, 257 Adolphus J., Hist, of France, 393 Adouin M. et Edwards M., Hist. Nat du Littoral de la France, 196 Adventure and Beagle, Voyages of H. M. S. the, 366 Adventurer, 309 Adventures of a Soldier, 428 Adventures of a Young Rifleman, 428 Adventures of an Irish Gentleman, 274 Advice to a Country Neighbour, 56 jEliani Claudii, Opera Omnia, 299 De Nature Animalium, 299 Varia Historia, 299 jEschines, 304 jEschyli Tragcedise, a Schiitz, 299 Persa?, Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Sep- tem Contra Thebas, Prometheus Vinctus, a Blomfield, 299 ^Eschylus, Tragedies, trans, by Potter, 299 African Institution, Reports of the, 155 Agathias de Imper. Justiniani, 388 Agricultural Petition, Refutation of the Argu- ments on the, 140 Agricultural Reports, 229 Agriculture, Report on the Distressed State of, 147 Agrippina, Memoirs of, by E. Hamilton, 428 Aignan M., L'Etat des Protestans en France, 16 Aikin Dr. J., Essays on Song- Writing, 257 Annals of George III, 393 Memoir of, 428 Aikin Lucy, Court of Elizabeth, 393 Court of James I, 393 Court of Charles I, 393 Ailredus, Abbas Rievallensis, 401 Ainsworth R. , Latin Dictionary, 255 Ainsworth W. F., Travels in Asia Minor, &c., 462 Ainsworth W. H., Crichton, 278 Old Saint Paul's, 289 Rookwood, 292 The Tower of London, 296 Ainsworth's Magazine, 247 Akenside Dr. M., Poems, 262 Life of, 446, 448 Akerman J. Y., Numismatic Manual, 424 - Alarm ( An) to the Reformed Church, 24 Alberoni Cardinal, Life of, 445 Alberti F. de Villeneuve, Dictionnaire Fran- 9ais-Italien, 255 Albinia, Representation of the Loyal Subjects of, 112 Alciatus de Magistratibus, 307 Alcidamas, 304 Alcwinus Flaccus, 401 Alderson Dr. J., Essay on Apparitions, 181 Aldrovandi Ulysses, Memoir of, 428 Alexander J. , The Preacher from the Press, 36 Funeral Sermon, for J. Kinghorn, 36 468 INDEX. Alexander Capt. J. E., Travels in the East. 343 Transatlantic Sketches, 343 Expedition into Africa, 343 Alexander W. L., Connection of the Old and New Testaments, 4 Alexander the Great, Life of, 382 Alexander the Third, Life of, 447 Alexandrian School, 16 Alfieri Vittorio, Tragedie e Poesie Varie, 257 Prose Originali di, 309 Vita di, 428 Life of, 447 Alfred the Great, Life of, 446 Alfred (The) Subscription, Laws, &c., of, 309 Ali Mrs. M. H., Obs. on the Mussulmauns of India, 343 Alison Arch., Essay on Taste, 181 History of Europe, 393 Principles of Population, 157 Allan David, Life of, 447 Allan T., Mineralogical Nomenclature, 199 Allatii Leonis, Opuscula, 389 All at Stake, Hannover or Perkin, 99 Allegiance, Letter concerning, 107 Allen John, On the Royal Prerogative in England, 99 Reply to Lingard's Vindication, 404 Allen Jos.," Battles of the British Navy, 462 Allex Dr. P., On the Truth of the Christian Religion, 49 Allies and the Late Ministry, Conduct of the, 115 Allies and the Late Ministry, &c., Remarks on the Conduct of the, 122 Allies and the Late Ministry, Defended against France, 115 Allies, Reflections on the Conduct of the, 122 Allison's Voyage from Archangel, 369 Almack's, 274 Amat Don F. T., Los Santos Evangelios, &c.,3 Amboise Cardinal, Life of, 445 America, a Summary View of, 343 America, Causes of the Distractions in, Ex- plained, 117 America, View of the Points to be Discussed in Treating with the United States of, 123 America (North), Occurrences in the Indian Countries of, 406 American Question Considered, 1 16 Americans (The) as They Are, 343 Americans, Notions of the, 367 Americus Vespucius, Voyages of, 359 Ames J., Typographical Antiquities, 241 Ammianus Marcellinus, 307 Ammiani Marcel., Res Gestse, cura Gronovii, 299 Amoretti C., Viaggio da Milano ai tre I^aghi, 343 Amyot T., Death of Richard II, 393 Reply to Tytler's Remarks on the above, M0 Amyot T., Transcript of a Chronicle, 393 Memorial from George Constantyne to Thos. Lord Cromwell, 417 Instrument of Legitimation granted by Mary Q. of Scots to her brother James, 417 Inventory of Effects formerly belonging to Sir J. Fastolfe, 424 Kirkham Priory and Bolton Castle, 341 Anacharsis Du Jeune, Voyage en Grece, 382 Anacharsis Franfais, 343 Anacreontis et Sapphonis Carmina, 299 Anacreontis Carmina Gr., 299 Anacreon, Odes, trans, by Moore, 299 Odes, trans, by Girdlestone, 299 Works, trans, by Fawkes, 299 Analecta Poetarum Gr. ed. Brunck, 299 Anastasii Hist. Eccles., 388 Anderson C., Sketches of the Native Irish, 176 Anderson Rev. J. S. M., Memoirs of the Chisholm, 434 Andocides, 304 Andrews Captain, Journey to Santiago de Chili, &c., 343 Andrews Dr. L., Life of, by Isaacson, 429 Angelo Michael, Life of, 448 Angelo and Carli, Voyage to Congo, 372 Annie Comnena? Alexias, 388 Annales Burtonenses, 401 Annales de Marganensis, 401 Annales Waverlienses, 401 Annual (The) Biography and Orbituary, 429 Annual Register, 394 Annual Register, Index to the, 394 Annuities, Enrolment of the Memorials of Grants of, 107 Anonymus Malmesburiensis, 401 Anonymus Ramesiensis, 401 Anonymus Elyensis, 401 Anquetil M., L'Esprit de la Ligue, 394 Hist, de France, 394 Anson Capt. G., Voyage of, 360 Anson Geo. Lord, Life of, by Barrow, 429 Anstie J., Observations on the Woollen Manu- factory, 220 Antiphon, 304 Antiquarian Repertory, 424 Anti- Slavery Monthly Reporter, 151 Anti- Slavery (British and Foreign) Reporter, 151 Antisthenes, 304 Anti-Vetoistical Catechism, 26 Antoinette Marie, Memoires de, par Campan, 429 Memoirs of, by Campan, 429 Antommarchi Dr. F., Last Days of Napoleon, 432 Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica Greece ; ed. Brunck, 299 Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautics; trans by Fawkes, 299 Appeal of the Episcopal Clergy in Scotland to the Lords in Parliament, 24 INDEX. 469 Apprentice Laws, Origin, &c. of, 94, 146 Apuleii Opera, 300 Aquhorties, Regulations for the College of, 180 Arabian Nights ; revised by Scott, 275 Arabian Nights; trans, by Lane, 275 Arabian (New) Nights ; trans, by Lamb, 275 Arago M., Eloge of James Watt, 460 Aram Eugene, Life and Trial of, 429 Trial and Defence of, 429 Archoeologia, 424 Archer Rev. J., Letter to Dr. Milner, 56 Archilochus, 305 Argens Marquis d', M^moires du, 429 Ariosto Lud., Orlando Furioso, 257 trans, by Hoole, 257 Life of, 447 Aristophanis Comcedise; Beckii, &c., 300 Aristophanes, Comedies; trans, by Mitchell, 300 The Birds, trans, by Cary, 300 Aristotelis Opera, Casauboni, 300 Opera, a Buhle, 300 Aristotile, Estratto dell' Arte Poetica d', Me- tastasio, 304 Aristotle, Works ; trans, by Taylor, 300 Ethics and Politics; trans, by Gillies, 300 Treatise on Poetry ; trans, by Twining, 300 - Paraphrase on the Ethics of; trans, by Bridgeman, 304 Memoir of, 429 Arkwright Sir Rich., Life of, 430 Arlincourt Vic. d', Le Solitaire, 293 L'Armee et la Patrie, 235 Armstrong Dr. J., Poems, 262 Army, &c., Report on Debts due to the, 236 Arnald Rich., Commentary upon the Apo- cryphal Books, 9 Arnaud H. , Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys, 16, 394 Arnold Dr., Hist, of Rome, 382 Arnott Dr. N., Elements of Physics, 188 On Warming and Ventilating, 220 Arriani Expeditio Alexandri, 300 Arrian's Alexander's Expedition ; trans, by Rooke, 300 Arrowsmith A., Atlas, 325 Art (P) de Verifier les Dates, 382 Artemi, (of Mount Ararat) Memoirs of, 429 Arts, &c., Premiums for the Encouragement of, 221 Ascham Roger, Life of, 430, 448 Ashburton Lord, Life of, 447 Asiatic Journal, 247 Asiatic Policy of Eng. and Russia, Remarks on the, 116 Asiatick Researches, 238, 382 Assaults, State of the Law with respect to, 94 Asser Menevensis, 393 Asserius, 401 Assey C., On the Trade to China, 139 Assize Ball, 258 Associated Catholic Charities, Annual Re- port, 1820, 157 Astle T., Origin, &c. of Writing and Printing, 241 Atcheson N., American Encroachments on British Rights, 116 Articling Edgar, Life of, by Sayers, 394 Athenaei Deipnosophiste, 300 Athenteum (The), 247 Athenian Letters, 382 Atherstone E., Fall of Ninevah, 258 At Home and Abroad, 275 Atkins Rev. H., On the Trinity Doctrine Bill, 24 Atlas de Geog. Anc. pour les OZuvres de Rollin, 326 Attorneys, On the Exclusion of, from the Inner Temple Hall, 96 Auber Peter, China, 116 Audubon J. J., Ornithological Biography, 203 Aufkliirung u. d. Denunciationsschrift des H. Geheimen Raths, Gartler, zu Bruchsal, gegen d. H. Coadjutor, Freiherrn v. Wes- senberg, 56 Augustini S., Opera, 14 Auldjo J., Ascent of Mont Blanc, 343 Sketches of Vesuvius, 343 Visit to Constantinople, 343 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticse, 300 Aurelius Victor Sextus, 306 Aurungzebe, 275 Ausonii D., Opera, 300 Austin Jane, Emma, 280 Mansfield Park, 286 Northanger Abbey, 288 Persuasion, 289 Pride and Prejudice, 290 Sense and Sensibility, 293 Austin John, Province of Jurisprudence, 91 Austin Mi's., On National Education, 176 Selections from the Old Testament, 3 Australia, Picture of, 368 Australia, A Month in the Bush of, 343 Austria as it is, 343 Authors and Books, Observations on, 253 Autumn (An) near the Rhine, 343 Avis Important sur les nouveaux ecrits des Modernes Ultramontains, et des apologistes d'une Societe renaissante, 24 Aylmer Bp., Life of, by Strype, 429 Ayscough Rev. S. , Index to Gent's. Mag. 248 Index to Monthly Review, 249 Azara Don Felix de, Nat. Hist, of Paraguay, &c., 203 Memoir of, 429 BABBAGE C., On Assurance of Lives, 166 On Machinery and Manufactures, 220 Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, 49 Baber Zehir-ed-din Muhammed, Memoirs, 394 Bab'vlon the Great, 309 4/0 INDEX. Bachelor T., Agriculture of Bedfordshire, 229 Back Capt., Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 344 Narrative of an Expedition in H.M. S. Terror, 344 Backstrom's Voyage to Spitzbergen, 369 Bacon Lord, Works of, 320 Hist, Henrici Septimi, 394 Hist, of Henry VII, 394 Sermones Fideles, 172 Bacon James, Life of Francis I, 394 Bacon John, Memoirs of, by Cecil, 429 Life of, 447 Bacon R. M., Remarks on the Queen's Case, 100 Letter to Lord Stormont and Sir J. Scarlett, 100 Bacon Lieut. T., First Impressions in Hin- dostan, 344 Baddeley Mrs., Life of, 448 Badeley Dr. J., Cure performed by Prince Hohenlohe, 309 Badwochenblatt zum Nutzen und Vergniigen der Badgaste in der Grossherzoglichen Stadt Baden, 344 Bage R., Man as he is not, 286 Memoir of, 431 Bagot Bp., Caution against the Errors of the Anabaptists, 36 Bailey J., Agriculture of Cumberland, 229 Agriculture of Durham, 229 Agriculture of Northumberland, 230 Bailey- Fahrenkriiger's English and German Dictionary, 255 Baillie Dr., Life of, 447 Baillie Joanna, Miscellaneous Plays, 258 Plays on the Passions, 258 Dramas, 258 Baillie Marianne, Lisbon in 182123, 344 Baillot, Sur le Nouveau Concordat, 16 Baines E., Hist, of the Cotton Manufac.,220 Baines Rev. P. A., Nature, &c., of the Religion of Christ, 56 Letter to, in reply to one addressed by him to the Rev. Dr. Moysey, 69 Baird Sir D., Life of, 429 Bait of Europe, 116 Baker Sir R., Chronicle of England, 394 Bakewell R., Introduction to Geology, 199 Travels, 844 Balance of Power in Europe, Plan for estab- lishing a, 121 Balbi's Voyage to Pegu, 870 Balzac, CEuvres diverees, 320 Bampton Lectures, 36, 462 Bancroft G., Hist, of the Colonization of the United States, 151, 394 Bandinel J., Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa, 151 Banduri Am., Imnerium Orientale, 388 Numiwmata Imp. Rom., 888, 424 Bangor's (Bp. of) Preservative, Report on the, 33 Banim John, Boyne Water, 276 Croppy, 278 Father Connell, 463 Ghost Hunter and his Family, 281 Mayor of Wind-Gap, 287 Smuggler, 293 Tales by the O'Hara Family, 296 Bank Notes, Specie, and Bullion, On the State of, 141 Bank of England, Sketch of the, 139 - Remarks upon the, 147 Representation agreed upon by the Directors of the, 147 Bank of England Charter, Report on the, 421 Bank of the United States, Report on the, 147 Bankes G. , On the Game Laws, 94 Banking, Plan for a Reformation of Provin- cial, 148 Banks Sir J., On Blight, &c., in Corn, 231 On the Mildew of Wheat, &c., 231 Memoir of, 429 Banks Thomas, Life of, 447 Baour-Lormian M., Contes d'un Philosophe Grec, 278 Barante, De la Litterature Franfaise, 242 Barbauld Anna L., Works of, 320 British Novelists, 275 Barbadoes, Debate on the Demolition of the Chapel, &c., in, 422 Barbaro J., Travels of, 358 Barbour John, Life of, 448 Barclay Captain, Agricultural Tour in the United States, &c., 462 Barclay D., Emancipation of the Slaves of Unity Valley Pen, 151 Barclay Dr. J., On Life and Organization, 214 Memoir of, 429 Barclay R. , Apology for the Quakers, 56 Barker E. H., The Claims of Sir P. Francis to the Authorship of Junius Disproved, 242 On the "Address to the People of Eng- land, in the Cause of the Greeks," 116 Barker R., Tales of the Blest, 258 Barlee Rev. C., Hints to his Parishioners, 56 Barnard Mrs. A., Conversations at the Work Table, 312 Barneveldt, Life of, 445 Baron's Description of Tonqueen, 370 Baron Dr. J., Life of Dr. Jenner, 442 Barretier J. P.. Life of, 448 Barrett H., On the Poor Laws, 157 Barrier Treaty, Remarks on the, 9 Barrington Sir J., Historic Memoirs of Ire- land, 394 Personal Sketches, 429 Barrington Vise., Theological Works, 56 Essay on the Teaching and Witness of the Holy Spirit, 49 Barrington Bp. Shute, Memoir of, 429 Barrow Dr. I., Theological Works, 57 Barrow J , Travels in Africa, 344 INDEX. 471 Barrow J., Travels in China, 344 Voyage to Cochin China, 344 Chronological Hist, of Arctic Voyages, 344 Visit to Iceland, 344 Tour in Austrian Lombardy, &c., 344 Life of Lord Anson, 429 Life of Earl Howe, 442 Barry Eliz., Life of, 448 Barry James, Life of, 447 Bartlett Thos., Memoirs of Bp. Butler, 433 Barton B., Napoleon, 258 Poems, 258 Poetic Vigils, 258 Barton J., On the Geography of Plants, 211 Barwell Mrs., Edward the Crusader's Son, 280 Barzoni V., Operette di, 394 Bas C. B. le, Life of Bp. Jewell, 442 Life of Bp. Middleton, 450 Life of Wiclif, 461 Baseley T., Claims of the Catholics constitu- tionally considered, 124 Basnage, Histoire de Juifs, 15 Bassompierre Marshal de, Memoirs of the Embassy of, 395 Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, c., Rules, &c., of the, 238 Bathurst Bishop, Speeches on the Catholic Question, 124, 125 Observations on his Speech relative to Bonaparte's Imprisonment, 116 Bathurst Archdn , Memoirs of Bp. Bathurst, 430 Easter Offering for the Whigs, 462 Battel Andrew, Strange Adventures of, 372 Batteley J., Antiq. Rutupinse et S. Edmundi Burgi, 340 Battely J., On the Sabbath, 25 Batuta Ibn, Travels of, trans, by Dr. Lee, 379 Baur F. N., On the Conduct of Prince Ho- henlohe, 430 Baverstock J., On the State of the Brewery, &c., 220 Baxter R., Reliquiae Baxterianoe, 430 Life of, 437 Sermon on the Decease of, 40 Bayard Chevalier, History of, 430 Bayle Pierre, Diet. Historique et Critique, 430 Beale T., Nat. Hist, of the Sperm Whale, 203,344 Beames J., On the Power exercised by the C. of Chancery of depriving a Father of the Custody of his Children, 94 Beasley Rev. F., Search of Truth, 182 Beattie Dr. J., Elements of Moral Science, 172 Essay on Truth, 182 Evidences of the Christian Religion, 49 Poems, 262 The Minstrel, &c., 258 Life and Writings ; by Forbes, 430 Beattie Dr. W., Castles and Abbeys of England, 462 Beaufoy Col. M., Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, 192 Beaufoy Mr., Speech on the Conveyance of Negroes to the West Indies, 151 Beaumont J. T. B., On Criminal Jurispru- dence, 162 . On Provident Banks, 166 On Public- House Licensing, 166 Beaumont F., Poems, 262 Beaumont Sir J., Poems, 262 Beaumont Sir H., Dialogue on Beauty, 314- Beaumont Sir G. H., Life of, 447 Beaumont and Fletcher, Works of, 258 Beauspbre M. de, Hist, de Manicheisme, 16 Hist, de la Reformation, 16 Beausobre and 1' Enfant, Introd. to the Scrip- tures, 6 Beauties of England and Wales, 327 Beaver Capt., Life of, by Capt..- Smyth, 430 Beccaria, Dei Delitti e delle Pene, 162 Becket A., Public Prosperity, 166 Becket J. B., Use of the Hydrostatic Balance, 192 Beckford Wm., Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, 276 Excursion to the Monasteries, 373 Italy, 357 Vathek, 297 Beckman J., History of Inventions, 220 Beda,408 Bedae Ven., Hist. Ecclesiastica, 16 Opera, 14 Bedford T., Exam, of Antinomianism, 57 Bedfordshire, Topography of, 330 Beechey Capt. F. W. and H. W., Exped. to the Northern Coast of Africa, 344 Voyage to the Pacific, 344 Beeckman's Voyage to Borneo, 371 Beethoven, Life of, 430 Behn Mrs. A., Life of, 446 Bei Mahomed, History of, 403 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche, 16 Bell's Travels in Asia, 370 Bell SirC., The Hand, 214 Bell John, Observations on Italy, 344 Bell J. and C., Anatomy, 214 Bell Major J.,View of Universal History, 383 Bell Jas. S., Residence in Circassia, 344 Bell R., Lives of British Poets, 446 Bell T., Hist of British Quadrupeds, 203 Hist, of British Reptiles, 203 Bellamy Mrs. G. A., Life of, 448 Bellew R., On Improving the Condition of the Irish Peasantry, 157 Bellingham J., Conversations with, 430 Belsham T., Sufferings of Unitarians in for- mer times, &c., 57 Letter to the Unitarian Christians in S. Wales, 57 Plea for the Catholic Claims, 125 472 INDEX. Belsham T., Sermon on the death of the Rev. T. Lindsey, 37 The year of Jubilee considered, 37 Memoirs of, by J. Williams, 430 Belzoni G., Discoveries in Egypt, 344, 424 Atlas of Plates, 344, 424 Bennett J., On Commutation of Tithe, 166 Benger Miss, Memoirs of Elizabeth, Q. of Bohemia, 395 Memoirs of Anne Boleyn, 395 Memoirs of Mary Q. of Scots, 395 Memoirs of Eliz. Hamilton, 440 Benjafield J., Statement of Facts, 94 Benjamin Rabbi, Travels of, 358, 370 Bennet H. G.,On the Abuses in Newgate, 162 Bennett A., On the Doctrine of the Trinity, 57 Bennett G. J., Tour through N. Wales, 345 Wanderings in New-S. Wales, &c.,345 Benson C., On the Evidences of Christianity, 37 On Scripture Difficulties, 37 Benson Dr. G., Essay concerning Inspira- tion, 49 Essay concerning the Unity of Sense, 57 Essay on the Man of Sin, 57 Benson R., Sketches of Corsica, 345 Bent's Monthly Literary Advertiser, 242 Bentham James, Hist, of Ely Cathedral, and Supplement by Stevenson, 331 Bentham Jeremy, Chrestomathia, 176 Constitutional Code for any State, 100 Defence of Economy against Burke, and the Rt. Hon. G. Rose, 100 Defence of Usury, 139 . Fragment on Government, 100 Indications respecting Lord Eldon, 94 The Police Magistrates' Salary Raising Bill, &c., 162 . Principles of Morals and Legislation, 100, 171 Rationale of Reward, 100 " Swear not at all," 57 Tactique des Assemblies Legislatives, 116 Traite des Preuves Judiciaires, 116 Bentley's Miscellany, 247 Bentley E., Poetical Compositions, 258 Bentley R , Dissertation on Phalaris, 250 Life of, 430 Berkeley Bp., Works of, 320 Berkshire, Topography of, 330 Bernard T., Account of the Free Chapel at Brighthelmston, 25 The New School, 176 Bernard Sir T., Account of a Supply of Fish for the Manufacturing Poor, 157 On the Suppry of Employment, &c., for the Labouring Classes in Fisheries, &c., 157 Berni, Life of, 447 Bernier's Voyage to the East Indies, 370 Berry J., Statement of Facts, 100 Berzelius J. J., Use of the Blowpipe, 193 Best Capt J. J., Excursions in Albania, 345 Betagh's Account of Peru, 371 Betham Matilda, Vignettes, in Verse, 258 Betham Rev. W., Baronetage of England, 423 Bethune A., Tales of the Scottish Peasantry, 294 Betterton Thos., Life of, 448 Bevan E., Nat. Hist., &c. of the Honey- Bee, 203, 231 Beverley J., Trial of W. Frend, 100 Beverly R. M., Letter to the Abp. of York, 25 Beveridge Bp., Thesaurus Theologicus, 57 . Private Thoughts upon Religion, 57 Sermons, 37 Bewick T., Hist, of Quadrupeds, 203 Hist, of British Birds, 203 Memoir of, 430 Biber E., Life of Pestalozzi, 179 Bible Society, (British and Foreign) Reports of the, 85 Monthly Extracts of the, 85 Letter to the Bp. of Lincoln on the, 86 Remarks on Applying its Funds to the circulation of such Foreign Versions as con- tain the Apocrypha, 87 Statement of the Leading Transactions of the, 87 Bible Societies (Norfolk and Suffolk Auxili- ary), Proceedings of the, in 1811, 87 Bible Society (Carlow), Report of the, 85 Bible Society (Roman Catholic), Correspond- ence on the, 85 Bible in English, 2 Irish, 2 Biblia Grseca, Grabii, 2 - Hebraica, Van Der Hooght, 1 Sacra Polyglotta, Waltoni, 1 Sacra Vulgata, 2 Biblioteca Italiana, 247 Bibliotheca Parriana, 242 Pinelliana, 242 Bicheno J., Signs of the Times, 57 Bickell Rev. R., The West Indies as they are, 151 Bickersteth Rev. E., Restoration of the Jews to their Own Land, 462 Bignon M., Les Cabinets et les Peuples, de- rmis 1815 jusqu' a 1822, 116 Bilhaud-Varennes, Memoires de, 430 Billingsley J., Agriculture of Somersetshire, 230 Bilney Thos., Life of, 437 Bingham J., Works, 57 Origines Ecclesiasticre, 16 Bingley Rev. W., Animal Biography, 203 Binney T., Sermon, 37 Binns J. , Miseries and Beauties of Ireland, 345 Biographic Universelle, 431 Bion, 305 Bion and Moschus, trans, by Fawkes, 300 Biot J. B., Traite de Physique, 188 Bird C., On the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, 94 INDEX. 473 Bird Rev. C., Assize Sermons, 37 Bird Edw., Life of, 447 Bird Dr.G., Elements of Nat. Philosophy, 188 Birds, Architecture of, 203 Domestic Habits of, 203 Faculties of, 203 Introduction to the Study of, 203 Birkbeck M. , Journey through France, 343 Births, Deaths, &c., Reports of the Registrar- General of, 138 Bischof Dr., On the Internal Heat of the Globe, 199 Bischoff J., Hist, of Van Dieman's Land, 345 Bishops, Inquiry into the Necessity of an uninterrupted succession of, 29 Bissett R., Hist of the Reign of Geo. 111,395 Black J., Paidophilean System of Teaching Languages, 176 Black Dr. J., Lectures on Chemistry, 193 Blackburne F., State of the Controversy be- tween the Protestants and Papists, 57 The Confessional, 25 Blacklock Dr. T., Poems, 262 Blackmore Sir R., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Blackstone Sir W., Commentaries on the Laws of England, 94 Life of, 447 Blackwell T., Letters on Mythology, 88 Blackwood's Magazine, 247 Blaine D. P., Ency. of Rural Sports, 226 Blair Dr. Hugh, Sermons, 37 Blair Dr. J., Chronology and History, 383 Blair Rev. R., Poems, 262 Blake Admiral, Life of, 448 Blake Robert, Life of, 448 Blake Wm., Life of, 447 Blake Rev. R. F., Obs. upon Jarvis's Letter to Jewel, 85 Blakely J. R., Memoirs of, by Puntis, 431 Blanchard L., Life, &c., of L. E. L., 444 Blanchard M., Preuve Complette de la Fausse Approbation de la Controverse Pacifique, 16 Bland Rev. M., Elements of Hydrostatics, 192 Blane Sir G., On the Scarcity and High Price of Provisions, 166 Blanqui A., Voyage d'un jeune Francais en Angleterre et en Ecosse, 345 Blaquiere E., The Greek Revolution, 395 Greece and her claims, 116 On the present State of the Greek Con- federation, 116 Second Visit to Greece, 345 Review of the Spanish Revolution, 395 Blayney Benj., Jeremiah and Lamentations, 2 Blesensis Petri, Contin. Hist. Ingulphi, 401 Blessington Countess of, The Idler in Italy, 345 The Idler in France, 345 . The Governess, 281 The Two Friends, 297 Desultory Thoughts, 309 Blewitt R. J., Court of Chancery, 258 Blomefield F., Hist, of Norfolk, 334 Hist, of the Hundred of Diss, 335 Blomfield C. J., Letter to C. Butler, 60 Blomfield Rev. E., Lectures on History, 325 Bloomfield R., Poems of, 258 Hazelwood Hall, 258 Bloomfield Rev. S. T., Recensio Synoptica Annot. Sacrae, 9 Blore E., Monumental Remains, 328 Blount's Voyage to the Levant, 371 Bloxam M. H., Monumental Architecture, 328 Blumenbach J. F., Comparative Anatomy, 214 Institutions of Physiology, 214 Elements of Nat. History, 196 Blunt Rev. Henry, Family Exposition of the Pentateuch, 462 Blunt Rev. J. J., Manners, &c., in Italy and Sicily, 424 On the Veracity of the Historical Books of the Old Testament, 37 Veracity of the Five Books of Moses, 49 Veracity of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, 49 Reformation in England, 16 Boaden Jas., Life of Kemble, 443 Boccaccio G. , Decameron, 279 Life of, 447 Bocharti Sam., Opera Omnia, 9 Boden W. F., Religious Experience of, 57 Body and Soul, 276 Boerhaave Dr., Life of, 448 Bogue Rev. D., Discourse on Peace, 175 Sermon on the Death of, 42 Boileau Despreaux N., OEuvres, 258, 320 Bojardo, Life of, 447 Boke of Curtasye, Edit, by Halliwell, 318 Bolingbroke Henry Lord, Life of, by Gold- smith, 431 Memoirs of, by Cooke, 431 Bolivar Simon, Memoirs of, 395 Bombet L. A. C., Lives of Haydn and Mo- zart, 440 Bonaparte Louis, Sur le Gouvernement de la Hollande, 395 Reply to Scott's Life of Napoleon, 395 Bonaparte Lucien, Charlemagne, 258 Memoires Secrets, 432 Bonaparte Napoleon, Life of, by Scott, 395 Life of, by Hazlitt, 395 Private Memoirs of, by Bourrienne, 395 History of, 396 Coronation of, by Pope Pius VII, 31 Historical Sketch of, 441 Court and Camp of, 432 Vie Privee de, a Sainte HelSne, par Las Cases, 432 Translation of the above, 432 Memoires de, pour servir a 1'Histoire de France, 396 Translation of the above, 396 Une Annee de la Vie de, 395 3 P 474 INDEX. Bonaparte Napoleon, Last Days of, by Antommarchi, 432 In Exile, by O'Meara, 432 Character of, by Channing, 395 Thoughts on the Invasion threatened by, 123 Retreat out of Russia, 396 Copies of Letters from the Army of, Intercepted by Nelson, 414 Historic Doubts relative to, 310 Bond G., Account of the Colony of Port Jackson, 152 Bongarsii Jac., Gesta Dei per Francos, 388 Bonington R. P., Life of, 447 Bonnet C., (Euvres, 320 Bonnycastle Sir R. H., The Canadas, 345 Booth Barton, Life of, 448 Booth D., Letter on Population, 157 Boringdon Lord, Speech on the Catholic Petitions, 125 Boroughs of Great Britain, History of, 100 Borri's History of Cochin China, 371 Borrow G., The Zincali, 345 Boscan, Life of, 447 Bosnian's Desc. of the Coast of Guinea, 372 Bosquett A., Treatise on Duelling, 172 Bossu R. P,. le, Traite du Poeme Epique, 250 Bossuet, (Eveque de Meaux,) (Euvres, 320 Exposition of the Doctrine of the Ca- tholic Church in matters of Controversy, 59 Life, &c., by Butler, 431 Bostock Dr. J., Hist, of Galvanism, 195 System of Physiology, 214 Boston Magazine, 247 Boswell Jas., Life of Dr. S. Johnson, 443 Life of Dr. S. Johnson, by Croker, 443 Bosworth Rev. J., Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 255 Botanical Magazine, 21 1 Indexes to the, 21 1 Companion to the, 211 Botany, in four parts, 211 Bottee M., Etudes Militaires, 235 Boucher Rev. J., Archaic and Provincial Words, 255 Bouchette J., British Dominions in North America, 345 Map of Canada, &c., 827 Boudon Henri-Marie de, Life of, by Butler. 431 Bouguer M., La Figure de la Terre deter- minee, 185 Voyage to Peru, 371 Bounty, H. M. S., Hist, of the Mutiny of, 345 Bourdaloue, CEuvres, 59 Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain. 370 Bourne H., Christ the True and Faithful Witness, 49 Bourrienne M. de, Private Mems. of Napo- leon, 396 Bousell J., The Ram's Horn Sounded, 59 - Remarks upon 1'ainc's Age of Reason, 59 Bousell J., Address to the Chief Magistrates of Norwich and Yarmouth, 59 Bouterwek F., Hist, of Spanish and Portu- guese Literature, 243 Boutflower H. C., The Atonement agreeable to Reason, 59 Bouyer Rev. R. G., Systems of Education for the Infant Poor, 176 Bower Arch., Hist, of the Popes, 17 Letters to Father Sheldon, 59 Bowles John, French Aggression Proved, 116 Bowles Dr. T., Aristarchus, 250 Bowles Rev. W. L., Exposition of a Clergy- man's Ministerial Conduct, 59 History of Bremhill, 341 On Poetical Criticism, 250 Letters on Pope, 250 Reply to the Charges Against the last Editor of Pope's Works, 250 Thoughts on the Increase of Crimes, &c., 157 Vindiciae Wykehamicae, 176 Life of Bp. Ken, 443 Bowley S., On the Punishment of Death, 162 Bowman Rev. Mr., Letter to him, on his book on the Reformation, 69 Bowring J., Specimens of Russian Poets, 258 Batavian Anthology, 258 Ancient Poetry of Spain, 258 Matins and Vespers, 258 Arrest, &c., of an Englishman by the Bourbon Government, 432 State of Prisons in Spain and Portugal, 162 Boyer M. A. , French and English Diet. , 256 Boyle Capt. R. , Voyages and Adventures, 345 Boys, Plans for the Government, &c., of, 180 Boys J., Agriculture of Kent, 230 Boyse S., Poems, 262 Brady J. , Clavis Calendaria, 1 7 Brahe Tycho, Life of, 450 Brand's Description of the Orkneys, &c., 369 Brand Rev. J., Obs. on Popular Antiquities, 328 Brande W. T., Manual of Chemistry, 193 Brandt G., History of the Reformation, 17 Bray Mrs., Warleigh, 298 Bray Wm., Tour in Derbyshire, 369 Brayley E. W., Londiniana, 334 Bread, Report on Laws Relating to, 147 Bredow G. G., Chronological Tables, 383 Br6e Sir M. Van, Table of Painters, 383 Bremner R., Excursions in Denmark, &c., 346 Excursions in Russia, 345 Bremser M., Trait6 sur les Vers Intestinaux de 1'Homme, 214 Brereton Rev. CD., Obs. on the Poor Laws, 157 Brett Rev. Dr. T., On the Ancient Versions of the Bible, 6 On the Power of Absolution, 59 Sermon, 38 475 Brettell Rev. J., Memoirs of, by Worsley, 432 Brewster Sir D., Letters on Natural Magic, 188 Life of Sir I. Newton, 452 Martyrs of Science, 450 Treatise on Magnetism, 195 Treatise on Optics, 191 Bridgewater Treatises, 50 Brightwell Thos., Notes on the Pentateuch, 9 Bristol, Act for Making, &c., Roads near, 332 Bristol Directory, 1803, 332 Education Society, Account of, 333 Infirmary. Rules for the, 333 Inst. for Adv. of Science &c., Objects, &c., of, 3:33 Bristol Bp. of, Charge, 38 Letter to, on the Exam, of Students in the University of Cambridge, 176 British (The) Academy, 462 British Almanac and Companion, 238 British Association for the Advancement of Science, Reports of the, 238 Signatures of the Members, 238 British Commerce with India, America, &c., Considerations on, 139 British Costume, History of, 424 British Critic, 247 British Empire, Reflections, &c., on the Power and Prosperity of the, 112 British Essayists, 309 British Labourers and Mechanics, Serious Considerations addressed to, 113 British Magazine, 247 British Metre, and its Derivatives, 250 British Miscellany, 247 British Museum, 424 Contents of the, 238 British Naturalist, 197 Britton J., Architectural Antiq. of Britain, 328 Diet, of Architecture, &c., 228 Hist, of Bristol Cathedral, 332 Hist, of Canterbury Cathedral, 333 Hist, of Exeter Cathedral, 332 Hist, of Gloucester Cathedral, 332 Hist, of Hereford Cathedral, 333 Hist, of Lichfield Cathedral, 339 . Hist, of Lincoln Cathedral, 334 Hist, of Norwich Cathedral, 337 Hist, of Oxford Cathedral, 339 Hist, of Peterborough Cathedral, 339 Hist, of Salisbury Cathedral, 341 Hist, of Wells Cathedral, 339 Hist, of Winchester Cathedral, 333 Hist, of Worcester Cathedral, 341 Hist, of York Cathedral, 341 Events in Paris, in 1814, 407 Broadhurst Mrs., A Word in Favor of Female Schools, 176 Brockdon Wm., Road- Book from London to Naples, 346 Brodie G., Hist, of the British Empire, 396 Broglie Due de, Discours sur la Traite des Negres, 153 Brome A., Poems, 262 Brook A., Experiments and Remarks on Electricity, &c., 195 Brooke F., Lady Julia Mandeville. 286 Brooke H., Poems, 262 Brooke and Hellier, 258 Broome Dr. W., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Brasses Pres. de, Australasia, 371 Brothers Mr., Strictures on the Catholic Claims, 125 Address to the Prince Regent, &c. , 125 Brougham Lord, Discourse on Natural The- ology, 50 On the Abuse of Charities, 157 Objects, &c., of Science, 319 On the Education of the People, 157 Speech on the Education of the Poor, 157 Speech on the State of the Law, 94 Speeches of, 101 Historical Sketches of Statesmen, 441 Letter to, upon Restoring Decayed Grammar Schools, 176 Broughton R. E., Letter to G. W. Hall, Esq., 140 Brown C. B., Carwin the Biloquist, 277 Memoirs of, by Dunlap, 432 Brown J., Mysteries of Neutralization, 91 Brown Capt. T., Anecdotes of Horses, 204 Anecdotes of Dogs, 204 Book of Butterflies, 204 Brown Dr., Philosophy of the Human Mind, 182 Browne's Journey to Dar-Fur, 372 Browne Rev. T., Testimonies to the Truth of the Gospel, 50 Browne J. D., Inquiry into the Anc. Eccles. Jurisdiction of the Crown, 26 Browne Rev. J. H. , Charge to the Clergy of Ely, 38 . Reply to " Body and Soul," 59 Browne J. S., Catalogue of Bishops, 17 Browne P., Account of Norwich Cathedral, 336 Browne R., Agriculture of Yorkshire, 230 Browne Sir T., Works, 320 Works, edited by S. Wilkin, 320 Life of, 447, 448 Browne W., Poems, 262 Browne W. J. U., Obs. on Bacon's Letter to Lord Stormont and Sir J. Scarlett, 101 Bruce James, Travels, 346 Life of, by Major Head, 432 Memoir of, 432 Bruce John, Speech on Indian Affairs, 152 Bruce Robert, Life of, 447 Brunet J. C., Manuel du Libraire, 243 Brussels, Events in, 396 Bryan M., Diet, of Painters. &c., 222, 431 Bryant J., Analysis of Mythology, 88 476 INDEX. Brydges Sir E., Autobiography, &c., 432 Letters on Byron, 230 On the Copyright Act of Q. Anne, 94 On Relieving the Able-bodied Poor, by finding employment for them, 157 What are Riches? 166 Brysson George, Memoirs of, 459 Bubbles of Canada, 101 Buccleugh Charles, Duke of, Memoir of, 431 Buchanan Dr. C., Christian Researches in Asia, 59 Memoirs of, by Pearson, 432 Sermons, 38 Buchanan Dr. F., Journey through Mysore, &c., 346, 370 Buchanan J., Melioration, &c., of the British North American Indians, 152 Buck George, Life of Richard III, 396 Buckingham J. S., Travels in Palestine, 346 Travels in Mesopotamia, 346 Opinions of Reviewers on the above, 250 Travels in Assyria, 346 America, 346 Slave States of America, 346 Buckingham Duke of, Poems, 263 Buckinghamshire, Sheffield Duke of, Life of, 448 Buckinghamshire, Topography of, 330, 331 Buckland A. C., On Early Rising, 310 Buckland W., Vindicite Geologicae, 199 Reliquiae Diluvianae, 199 Geology, &c., with reference to Natural Iheology, 199 On the Subsidence of the Land on the Coast of Devon, 202 Buckle W., Catechism compiled from the Book of Common Prayer, 26 Buckler J. C., Account of the Palace at Eltham, 333 Budgell E., Letter to the Accomptant General of Ireland, 101 Budget, Speech of the -Chancellor of the Exchequer on the, 140 Million G. L. le Clerc, Comte de, Histoire Naturelle, 197 Memoir of, 432 Bulkeley and Cummings, Loss of the Wager, 360 ' Bullar Dr. J. and H. Bullar, Winter in the Azores, 346 Bullock W., Six Months in Mexico, 346 Bulwer Lady L., Budget of the Bubble Family, 277 Bulwer Henry L., France, 310 Bulwer Sir E. L., Alice, or the Mysteries, 274 Athens, 383 Devereux, 279 Disowned, 279 England and the English, 310 Ernest Maltravers, 280 ,. . Eugene Aram, 280 Bulwer Sir E. L., Eva, and other Poems, 462 Lady of Lyons, 259 Last Days of Pompeii, 285 Leila, 286 Letter to a late Cabinet Minister, 101 Money, 258 Night and Morning, 288 Paul Clifford, 289 Pelham, 289 Pilgrims of the Rhine, 290 Richelieu, 258 Rienzi, 291 Sea-Captain, 259 Student, 319 Zanoni, 298 Bunn Alfred, The Stage, 250 Bunyan J., The Pilgrim's Progress, with Notes, by Burder, 290 Pilgrim's Progress, with Life, by Southey, 290,432 Buonaparte, see Bonaparte Buonarroti Michelagnolo, Rime di, 259 Life and Works of, by Duppa, 432 Burchell W. J., On Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope, 152 Travels in Africa, 346 Burckhardt J. L., Travels in Nubia, 346 Travels in Syria, 346 Travels in Arabia, 346 Burder J., The Atonement of Christ, 59 Burdett Sir F. to his Constituents, 101 Speech on the Conduct of the Duke of York, 418 Buret de Longchamps, Les Pastes Universels, 383 Burges Rev. George, Letter to T. W. Coke, Esq., M.P., 101 Observations upon the above, 110 Review of his Letter to the Freeholders of Norfolk, 112 On the Spirit of the Times, 101 Conservative Standard of the British Empire, 101 Burgess H., Memorial to Lord Goderich, on the Bank of England, &c., 140 Burgess Bp. T., Life of, by Harford, 432 Burghley Lord, Collections of State Papers, 418 Memoirs of, by Nares, 432 Burke Rt. Hon. Edm., Vindication of Natural Society, 173 Works, 320 Historical Sketch of, 441 Memoirs of, by Prior, 433 Conversation between him and Dr. Gibson, 60 Correspondence with Dr. Lawrence, 433 Burleigh Lord, Life of, 445 Memoirs of, by Nares, 406 Burlington Earl of, Life of, 447 Burman Peter, Life of, 448 Burn J. S., The Fleet Registers, 137 Burn Dr., Justice of the Peace, 94 INDEX. 477 Burnaby's Travels, 371 Burnes Lieut. Alex., Travels into Bokhara, 346 Cabool, 346 Burnet Bp., Mems. of the Dukes of Hamilton, 396 History of his own Times, 396 History of the Reformation, 17 Life of the Earl of Rochester, 435 Life of Sir M. Hale, 439 On the XXXIX Articles, 26 Burnet James, Life of, 447 Burnet John, Treatise on Painting, 222 Burnet Dr. Thomas, Sacred Theory of the Earth, 199 Burney C., History of Music, 222 Burney Dr., Memoirs of, by Mad. d'Arblay, 433 Burney Miss, Cecilia, 277 Evelina, 280 Burns R., Works, 320 Life of, by Lockhart, 433 Burnside R., On the Weekly Sabbath, 60 Burrell G. B., Plan of Thetford, 338 Burrow Rev. E. J., Elements of Conchology, 204 Burrowes P., Speeches on the Trials of Edw. Sheridan, M.D., and Thos. Kirwan, mer- chant, 163 Burrows J., On National Prejudices, 176 Burton Rev. E., Sequel to Remarks upon Church Reform, 26 Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ, 30 Burton Rev. J., Heresies of the Apostolic Age, 38 Burton Thomas, Diary of, 418 Burton W., Anatomy of Melancholy, 182 Burton Wm. W., State of Religion, &c., in New South Wales, 163 Bury Lady C., Flirtation, 280 Bussy Comte de, Lettres de, 433 Butler Rev. Alban, Life and Writings of, 433 Butler Bp., Works of, 60 Memoirs of, by Bartlett, 433 Butler Charles, Laws against the English Catholics, 125 Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland, 125 Book of the Roman Catholic Church, 60 Vindications of the above, 60 Life of Erasmus, 437 Life of Grotius, 439 Memoirs of Catholics, 17 On Impressing Seamen, 94 Oration at Laying the First Stone of the London Institution, 243 Reminiscences of, 310 Works, 320 Butler Frances Anne, American Journal, 347 Butler Rev. S. , Remarks on the Review of jEschylus, 251 Butler Samuel, Hudibras, 259 Poems, 262 Remains in Verse and Prose, 320 Life of, 446, 448 Butt Rev. J. M., On the Last Vision of Daniel, 9 Buxton Sir T. F.,0n Prison Discipline, 163 Speeches, 157, 163 The African Slave Trade, 152 The African Slave Trade, and its Re- medy, 152 Buxtorfii, Thesaurus Linguae sanctoe, 256 Byng Admiral, Appeal to the People, 100 Byng Sir G., Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, 396 Byrom J., Poems, 262 Byron's Narrative, 360 Byron Commodore, Voyages of, 360 Byron Lord, Poetical Works, 259 Werner, 259 The Island, 259 Letters and Life of, by Moore, 433 Conversations of, by Medwin, 433 Life and Genius of, by Gordon, 433 Character of, by Scott, 433 Memoir of, 431 And his Contemporaries, by Hunt, 442 Letter to, protesting against the Immo- lation of Gray, &c., at the Shrine of Pope, 251 Letter to, on his Pursuits, 173 Cato to, 173 Byzantinse Hist. Scriptores, 388 CABINET (The) by a Society of Gentlemen, 312 Cabinet (The) Cyclopaedia, edited by Dr. Lardner, 310 Cabotia, Map of, 327 Cadell Lieut. Col. C. Campaigns of the 28th Regiment, 396 , Cadet-de-Vaux A. A., Traites d'Economie Rurale, 231 Cadogan Hon. and Rev. W. B., Memoirs of, by Cecil, 433 Csesaris C. J., Opera, 307 Opera, Oudendorpii, 301 Commentaries, trans, by Duncan, 301 Caffre Nations, The Wrongs of the, 152 Caillot A., Abrege des Voyages Moderries, 347 Caius Dr., Life of, 447 Calabria during a Military Residence, 347 Calamy E., Life and Times of, by Rutt, 433 Caldcleugh A., Travels in S. America, 347 Calderbank Rev. J., Answer to Questions relating to Religion, 60 Calderon, Life of, 447 Calendrier Parisien pour 1'an 4 de la Repub- lique Francaise, 383 Callimachus, edidit Blomfield, 301 Callinus Ephesius, 305 Calraet Rev. D. A., Diet, of the Bible, 5 478 INDEX. Calumnious Aspersions, &c., 433 Cambridge Quarterly Review, 247 Cambridge University Calendar, 247 Cambridge R. 0., Poems, 262 Cambridgeshire, Topography of, 331 Camden W., Britannia, 328 Remains concerning Britaine, 328 Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica,&c ,393 History of Queen Elizabeth, 396 Annals of James I, 396 Cameron C. R., On Man's Redemption, 60 Cammini ( I) Liberati dal Fumo, 228 Camoens, Lusiad, trans, by Mickle, 253 Life of, 447 Campaigns and Cruises in Venezuela, 347 Campan Mad., Mems. d' Antoinette, 429 Mems. of Antoinette, 429 Campbell Dr. Geo., Dissert, on Miracles, 9 Four Gospels, translated, 3 Lectures on Eccles. History, 17 Philosophy of Rhetoric, 251 Sermons, 38 Campbell H. Y , Ossiana, 251 Campbell Rev. Dr. J., Martyr of Erromanga, 463 Campbell Rev. John, Life, &c., by Philip, 433 Campbell T., Gertrude of Wyoming, &c., 259 Pleasures of Hope, &c., 259 Theodoric, &c., 259 Pilgrim of Glencoe, &c., 259 Life of Mrs. Siddons, 457 Life of Petrarch, 454 Camper Peter, Memoir of, 433 Canaan, On the Destruction of the Seven Nations of, 9 Canada, The Backwoods of, 347 Canadas, Present State of the, 152 Canals, Method of conveying Boats on, 221 Cananus de Bello Constantinop., 390 Candish Sir Thomas, Voyage of, 359 Candler J., Brief Notices of Hayti, 347 Canning Rt. Hon. George, Speech on the Catholic Question, 125 Speech on the Corn Laws, 140 Speeches in Liverpool, 101 Speeches of, 419 Political Life of, 396 Historical Sketch of, 441 Cantacuzeni Joannis Hist,, 391 Canterbury Abp. of, Letters to, on Revising the Scripture, 7 Capital Punishment, Report on, 165 Strictures on, 165 Capitolinus Julius, 307 Cappe Cath., Memoirs of, 434 On Ladies Visiting the Female Wards of Hospitals, &c., 173 Caradoc of Llancarvan, History of Wales, 342 Card H., Rise, &c., of the Papal Power, 17 Cardwell E., Annals of the Reformed Church of England, 17 On the Revision of the Book of Com- mon Prayer, 17 Carew T., Poems, 262 Gary's Map of Europe, 326 Map of Asia, 326 Map of Africa, 326 Map of America, 326 Map of the British Isles, 327 Universal Atlas, 326 Carey H. C. and J. Lea, Geog. Hist. &c., of America and the West Indies, 326 Carey Dr. W., Memoirs of, by E. Carey, 434 Carleton Capt. G. , Memoirs of, 434 Carleton W., Father Butler, &c., 280 Tales of Ireland, 295 Traits of the Irish Peasantry, 296 Carlisle N. , Topog. Diet, of England, 328 Carlos J., Sermon at Blofield, 38 Carlyle T., Chartism, 102 Essays, 251 On Heroes, &c., 414 The French Revolution, 397 Came J., Letters from the East, 347 Travels in the East, 347 Letters from Switzerland, 347 Lives of Missionaries, 448 Tales of the West, 296 Carnot M., Memorial addressed to the King of France, 1814, 117 Historical Sketch of, 441 Caron's Account of Japan, 370 Carpenter Dr. L., Exam, of the Charges made against Unitarians, 60 On the Genuineness of the New Test., 7 Carpini John de P., Travels of, 358 Carrol Charles, Historical Sketch of, 441 Carte T., History of England, 397 Life of James Duke of Ormonde, 397 Carter J. , Gothic Architecture, 328 Carter John, Obligations of Christians to Union and Cooperation, 60 Carter M., Exped. of Kent, Essex, &c., 397 Carteret Capt., Voyages of, 360 Cartier Jac., Voyages of, 359 Discovery of New France, 371 Cartwright Major, Address at a Meeting at Boston, 102 Appeal to the Subjects of the English Constitution, 102 Reasons for Reformation, 102 Cartwright Rev. W., Poems, 262 Case Rev. C., Sermon on the Death of, 45 Case of Edmund Rolfe, v. John Peterson and Son, 94 Case of his Grace the D of M 102 Cash Payments, Letters On the Resumption of, 144 Reports on the Expediency of the Bank resuming, 147 Casper Hauser, An Account of, 434 Cassan Rev. S. H., Statement of Facts con- nected with the Trial, Cassan, v. Ireland, 95 Cassini M., Elemens d' Astronomic, 190 Cassini de Thury M., La Mcridienne de Paris, 190 INDEX. 479 Cassiodori Chronicon, 307 Castello Edm., Lexicon Heptaglotton, 1 Castello Capt., History of the Discovery of Mexico, 359 Castlereagh Lord, Speech on the Catholic Petitions, 125 Speech on the Report of the Bullion Committee, 140 Speech on Earl Stanhope's Bill, 140 Historical Sketch of, 441 Catalogue des Tableaux exposes au Musee du Royaume des Pays-Bas, &c., 222 of Books of Voyages and Travels, 372 of the Angerstein Collection of Pictures, 222 of Pictures by Sir J. Reynolds, 222 of Pictures by Mr. Crome, 222 of Pictures Painted on Glass, 222 of Pictures by B. West, 223 Catalogues of Various Libraries, 242,243, 244 Catherine Empress, Historical Sketch of, 441 Catholic Abps. and Bps. , Address to the Clergy and Laity of Ireland, 36 Catholic Bishops, &c., Declaration of the, 62 Catholic Bishops, Mandates of the, with the Devotions to be Sung in the Catholic Cha- pels, for Pius VI and Geo. Ill, 30 Catholic Bill, Observations on. 132 Catholic Children, On the Education of, 177 Catholic Church, Faith and Doctrine of the,63 View of the Religious and Military Orders of the, 19 Catholic Claims, Appeal against the, 124 Defence of the Inhabitants of Bristol who have petitioned Parliament against the, 127 Extracts from "Speeches, &c., respecting the, 128 Letter to a Member of Convocation, on the, 130 . Letter to the Prince Regent, on the, 130 Protestants' Protest against the, 133 Debates in the House of Commons on the, 134 The New Magna Charta, or Records of the Debates on the Settlement of the, 131 Wiltshire Meeting on the, 136 Catholic Clergy in Ireland, Letter relative to the Education, &c., of the, 107 Letter to the, 69 Catholic Communion, Essay towards a pro- posal for, 28 Catholic Emancipation, 126 . Letter to Canning on, 130 . Letters by Conciliator on, 131 P's. Letters on, 131 Two Letters on, 125 Catholic Gentleman, Letter to, with a Letter from a Lady to a friend who had married him, 69 Catholic Loyalty, Letters on, 108 Catholic Petition, Speech which ought to have been spoken on the, 135 Catholic Prelate's Address to the Clergy and Laity of Ireland, 36 Catholic Question, arguments on the, 126 Catholic Question Considered, 126 Hints on the, 129 Letters &c., on the, 126 Reply to the Speech of J. W. Croker on the, 134 Thoughts on the, 135 Catholic Religion, Historical and Political View of the, 66 Catholic Subjects of Foreign States, 129 Catholicisme (Le) et le Protestantisme cori- sideres sous le point de vue politique, 130 Catholicon, Extracts from the, 128 Catholics, Claims of the, considered with re- ference to the Established Church, 126 Legal Arguments on the exclusion of, from Parliament, 130 Letter to Wilberforce, on the Bill for the Relief of, 130 Letters to the Abp. of Canterbury, on the Secret Causes of the Increase of, 69 Obs. on the Danger of admitting them into offices, 132 On granting to them an equality of civil rights &c., 134 Reflections on the Measures in favour of the, 134 Statement of the Grievances of the, 125 Summary of the Proceedings in the H. of Commons on the Petition of the, 135 View of the Case of the, 136 Catholics (British) Address to their Protest- ant Fellow Countrymen, 124 Catholics (English) State and Behaviour of, from the Reformation to 1781, 76 Catholics in Scotland, Considerations on the State of the, 126 Catholics (Irish) Answer to Duigenan's Ar- guments against the full Enfranchisement of the, 124 Dangers with which G. Brit, and Ireland are Menanced by the demands of the, 127 Hints to aid in establishing their Claims, 129 Nature, &c., of the Demands of the, 132 Vindication of the Religious and Civil Principles of the, 81 Catholics of Edinburgh and Glasgow, Memo- rial in behalf of the, 131 Catholics of England, Declaration, &c., of the, 127 Catholics of Ireland, Conduct of the British Government toward the, 126 Petition of the, 132 Proceedings of the General Committee of the, 133 Statement of the Penal Laws which aggrieve the, 135 Refutation of the above, 134 Catholics of the United Kingdom, Address to the, 55 480 INDEX. Catholicism Defensible, 61 Catholicism Sifted, 61 Catlin G., On the N. American Indians, 347 Cato's Letter to the Earl of Harewood, 102 Catulli Carmina, a Doering, 301 Catullus, d. Gabbema, 301 Gaunter Rev. H., Romance of History, India, 292 Cause of Greece the Cause of Europe, 117 Causes Politiques Secretes, 117 Cave Edw., Life of, 448 Cave Wm., Apostolici, 17 Cavendish Tho., Life of, 446 Cawthorne Rev. J., Poems, 262 Caxton Wm., Life of, 448 Cayley A., Memoirs, &c., of Sir T. More, 431 Cayley C. , Answer to Potter's Sermon against the Methodists, 61 Cecil, 277 Cecil a Peer, 277 Cecil Rev. R., Works of, 320 Cedreni Georgii Compendium Hist. , 389 Cellini Benvenuto, Memoirs of, by Roscoe, 434 Centlivre Susanna, Life of, 446, 448 Ceres, The Colossal Statue of, 226 Certain Information of a Certain Discourse, 102 Cervantes M. de, Don Quixote, 279 Don Quixote, tratis. by Jarvis, 279 Novelas Exemplares, 288 Life of, 447 Chabert M., Voyage dans 1'Amerique Sep- tentrionale, 185 Chalcondylse Laonici Hist., 391 Challoner Bp.,True Principles of a Catholic, 61 Origin and Progress of the Protestant Religion, 61 Caveat against the Methodists, 61 Grounds of the Catholic Doctrine, 61 Chalmers A., Biographical Dictionary, 431 English Poets, 262 Chalmers G., Life of Mary Q. of Scots, 397 State of the United Kingdom at the Peace of Paris, 1815, 102 Chalmers Rev. Dr. T., Adaptation of External Nature to the Constitution of Man, 173 Application of Christianity to the com- mercial and ordinary Affairs of Life, 38 Evidences and Authority of the Chris- tian Revelation, 50 . On Literary and Ecclesiastical Endow- ments, 167 Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns, 167 On Political Economy, 137 Christian Charity applied to Religious Differences, 38 . Sermons preached in St. John's Church, Glasgow, 38 The Christian Revelation, in connection with Modern Astronomy, 38 Chalmers Rev. Dr. T., Sermons preached in the Tron Church, Glasgow, 38 Speeches and Tracts, 312 Chamberlin M., Equanimity, 259 Chambers A. H., Comments on some recent Political Discussions, 140 On the Resumption of Cash Payments, 140 Obs. on the Formation, &c., of Turn- pike Roads, 167 Chambers J., Biographical Illustrations of Worcestershire, 431 Hist, of Malvern, 341 Chambers Sir W., Treatise on Architecture, 228 Life of, 447 Chamier Capt. , Ben Brace, 276 Chancery, On the Utility resulting from the Court of, 95 Chandler Dr. R., Travels in Asia Minor, 347 Chandler Dr. S., Plain Reasons for being a Christian, 50 Channing W. E., Character of Napoleon, 395 Remarks on Milton, 451 On the Disposition to form Associations, 117 the On the Annexation of Texas to United States, 117 Slavery, 152 Works of, 320 Chardin's Travels in Persia, 370 Charke Charlotte, Life of, 448 Charlevoix P. F. X. de, Hist, du Paraguay, 397 Charlotte Princess, Address to, on her Mar- riage, 99 Chartley the Fatalist, 277' Chase (The), the Turf, and the Road, by Nimrod, 226 Chateaubriand M. de, Congress of Verona, 397 De Buonaparte et des Bourbons, 117 Buonaparte and the Bourbons, 117 Travels in America and Italy, 347 Travels to Jerusalem, 347 On the Censorship established in France, 92 Speeches, 117 Chatham Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Correspondence of, 434 Chatterton Lady, Home Sketches, &c., 347 Rambles in Ireland, 347 Chatterton T., Poems, 262 Life of, by Dix, 434 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, 259 Chaucer G., Poems, 262 Poems of, Modernized, 259 Life of, 446 Chausel de Montals, Le Concordat Justine, 18 Chedworth Lord, Letters to the Rev. Thos. Crompton, 434 Cheke Sir John, Life of, by Strype, 434 Chemistry no Mystery, 193 Chenier M. J.,Choix de Poesies, 259 INDEX. 481 Cheshire, Topography of, 331 Chesterfield Ph. Earl of, Letters of, 444 Chettle H., Kind- Heart's Dream, Ed. by Rimbault, 318 Chevalier T., Remarks on Suicide, 173 Chevenix R., Essay on National Character, 177 Cheynel Francis, Life of, 448 Chiabrera, Life of, 447 Chillingworth W., Religion of Protestants, 61 Chimney- Sweeping, Attempts made to alter its Character, &c , 167 Report on, 169 Chisholm, Memoir of the, by Anderson, 434 Chitty J., On the Game Laws, 163 Choiseul Duke of, Life of, 445 Chorley H. F., Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, 440 Christian E., Vindication of the Criminal Law, &c., from the Imputation of Cruelty, 163 Christian Prof.,Obs. on Provident Banks, 167 Christian (The) Correspondent, by Mont- gomery, 434 Christian Observer, 247 Christian Remembrancer, 247 Christian Retirement, 61 Christian Unitarianism, 61 Christian Year, 259 Christian's Common Prayer- Book, 26 Christianity, Argument for the Truth of, 49 Christmas Carols, Specimens of, 318 Chronica de Mailros, 401 Chronica Walt. Hemingford, 401 Chronicle of the Cid, 397 Chronicon Th. Wikes, 401 Chronicon Johannis.Abb. S. Burgo,401 . Ang. per Rob. de Boston, 401 Chronicon Paschale, 389 Orientale, 889 Church of England, On the Interests of the, 26 Churches' Authority in matters of Faith, 27 Churchill Rev. C., Poems, 262 Epistle to Wm. Hogarth, 259 Cibber C., Life of, 446, 447, 448 Cicero M. T., Life of, by Dr. Middleton, 434 Life of, by Rollings, 434 Letters, by Melmoth, 301 Cicero to Brutus, Epistles of, 301 Cicero, Cato, and Laelius, translated by W. Melmoth, 301 Ciceron, Lettres de, par Mongault, 301 Ciceronis Opera, Ernesti, 301 Cinnami Joannis Hist., 391 Circumnavigation of the Globe, Historical Account of the, 355 Cities and Towns, Account of, 347 Civil Disabilities on Account of Religion, with reference to the Christian Dispen- sation, &c., 126 Clapperton Capt., Second Expedition into Africa, 348 Clare Earl of, Speech on the Catholic Relief Bll, 126 Clare J., The Rural Muse, 259 Clarendon Earl of, Hist, of the Rebellion, 397 Life of, 434 Clarendon and Rochester, Correspondence of the Earls of, by Singer, 415 Claridge R. T., Hydropathy, 463 Clark E., East India Register, 248 Clark Dr. J., The Influence of Climate, 214 Clark Dr. T., The Case of, 140 Clark Wm., On Tithes, 26 Clark Z., Account of Charities in Norfolk, 158,336 Clarke Dr. Adam, Life, Ed. by Rev. J. B. B. Clarke, 435 Clarke C. C., Adam the Gardener, 231 Clarke Dr. E. D., Travels, 348 Life, &c., of, by Otter, 435 Clarke Dr. Sam. , Discourses, 38 Sermons, 39 Clarke Wm. Henry, Sermons, 39 Clarkson T., Abolition of the Slave Trade, 152 Cries of Africa, 152 On Improving the Condition of Slaves, 152 Memoirs of Penn, 453 Strictures on the Life of Wilberforce, 461 Doctrines of the Early Christians re- lating to War, 61, 175 Researches concerning the way in which men first acquired their knowledge of God, 61 Clarkson W., Cause of the Increase of Pau- perism, &c., 158 Classical Journal, 247 Clavers Mrs. M., A New Home, 348 Forest Life, 463 Clay J., Free Trade essential to the Welfare of Britain, 140 Clayton's Journey to Mount Sinai, 371 Clayton Sir R., Treatise on Greyhounds, 226 Clement of Alex., Account of his Writings, 14 Clerc J. le, Bibliotheque Universelle, 248 Clergymen, Letter on Selecting them for Magistrates, 168 . Clerical Guide, 18 Clifford A., On the Exclusion of Attorneys from the Inner Temple Hall, 95 Clifford Lady Anne, Life of, 430 Clinch J. B., On the Veto, 26 Vindication of Dr. Troy, 26 Clinton H. F., Fasti Hellenic!, 383 Clipperton Capt. John, Voyage of, 360 Clive Lord, Life of, 446 Life of, by Malcolm, 435 Cloquet M. J., Life of Lafayette, 444 Club Book, 278 Clubs of London, 312 Coal Duties, Considerations on the, 141, 146 Cobbett W., Plain English to the People of the United States, 117 3 Q 482 INDEX. Cobbett W., American Seeds, 118 American Rush Light, 118 Obs. on the Debates of the American Congress, 118 . The Republican Judge, 118 Trial of Republicanism, 1 18 Letter to Tom Paine, 117 Life of Paine, 453 Cobbett versus Cobbett, 102 Cobham Lord, Life, 437, 449 Cochrane Capt. J. D., Journey through Rus- sia, 348 Cockburn Rev. \V., Address to Catholics, 126 Code Napoleon, 92 Codex Theodosianus, 92 Codinus Georgius, 389 Codinus de Officiis, 390 Coffin Adm. Sir I., Letters to, on the Inade- quacy of Courts Martial, 235 Coglan T., System of Mnemonics, 182 Cohen B., Compendium of Finance, 140 Coigly J., Obs. on the Trial of, by Fenwick,435 Coinage &c. , Facts and Obs. relative to the, 142 Coke Lord, Charge to the Grand Jury at Norwich, 1606, 95 Coke Sir Ed., Life of, 447, 448 Coker J., On the late Election of a Chancellor of the University of Oxford, 26 On the Petition of the Irish Catholics, 126 Colbert Jean B., Life of, 445 Colebrooke H. T., Cape of Good Hope, 347 Coleridge H., Biographia Borealis, 430 Coleridge H. N., Aids to Reflection, 62, 182 Introduction to the Greek Classic Poets, 251 Coleridge S. T., Biographia, Literaria, 435 Christabel, &c., 260 Poetical Works, 259 Table Talk, 312 Life of, by Gillman, 435 Collier J., Reply to a Pamphlet on the State of the Nation in 1822, 102 Collier J. P., Hist, of English Dramatic Poetry, 244 Collieries in S. Wales, Evidence on, 419 Collingwood Lord, Correspondence and Life, 435 Collins A., Peerage of England, 423 Collins W., Poems, 262 Poems, with Notes by Crowe, 260 Life of, 448 Collyer J. P., New Facts regarding Shaks- peare, 456 Collyer W. B., The Glory of Israel, 39 Columbia in 1826,348 Colonial Magazine, 248 Colonna Vittoria, Life of, 447 Colquhoun J., The Moor and the Loch. 226 Colquhoun P., On the Police of the Metro- polis, 163 Colton Rev. C. C., Lac.on, 312 Columbus C., Discovery of America, 359 Discovery of the West Indies, 371 History of, 356 History of, by Irving, 435 Voyages of the Companions of, 356 Coluthus, Rape of Helen, trans, by Fawkes, 301 Combe A., Principles of Physiology, 214 Physiology of Digestion, 214 Physiological and Moral Management of Infancy, 214 Combe C. ,Nummorum veterum descriptio, 425 Combe G., Constitution of Man, 171 Elements of Phrenology, 214 Essays on Phrenology, 214 Letter to F. Jeffrey, 214 Moral Philosophy, 173 Notes on the United States, 348 Comic Latin Grammar, 312 Comines Philip de, Memoirs of, 397 Communities of Women and Monastic Insti- tutions, Reflections on, 134 Companion to the Newspaper, 102 Comprehension, Essay towards a, 28 Comte Lewis le, History of China, 348 Concordat, Das Koniglich Baierische, mit dem Romischen Stuhle, 18 Concordat de 1817, par J. H. La Salle, 20 Concordat (Du) sous les rapports Politiques, 126 Concordat entrele Souverain Pontife Pie VII, et la Roi de Bavtere, 18 Concordat sur le, par M. de Gray Martin, 21 Concordat et Recueil des Bulles du Pape Pie VII sur les Affaires de PEglise de France, 18 Concordats de 1801 et de 1813, 18 Concordats de 1517, entre Franjois I et Leon X, et de 1817, entre Louis XVIII, et Pie VII, 19 Condamine M. de la, Journal d'un Voyage a 1'Equateur, &c., 185 Travels in South America, 371 ConderJ., Italy, 348 View of all Religions, ,18 Condillac Abbe de, Cours d'Etude, 177 Condorcet, Life of, 446 Confirmation, Advice to Young Persons be- fore, 30 Congregational Lectures, 39 Congregational Monthly Lectures on the Evidences of Revelation, 44 Congregational Magazine, 248 Congress at Philadelphia, 1774, Free Thoughts on the, 119 Congreve Sir W., Of the Impracticability of the Resumption of Cash Payments, 1 40 Congreve W.. Poems, 262 Life of, 430, 446, 448 Conhe^a o mundo os Jacobinos que ignora, 62 Conic Sections, Elements of the, 185 Conjugal Love and Duty, 39 Connoisseur, 309 INDEX. 483 Conolly Lieut. A., Journey to the North of India, 348 Conspiracy of Gowrie, 260 Constables, Duty of, 163 Constable's Guide in making up the Jury List, 97 Constant M. Benj., Collection complete des ouvrages publics, 118 Memoires sur les Cent Jours. 397 On the Dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies, 118 On the Liberty of the Press, 118 On the Responsibility of Ministers, 118 Constantinus Manasses, 389 Constitution, Appeal in Defence of the, 100 Conversation on the English, 102 Equality of the, 102 Constitution as by Law Established, Speech in Support of the, 135 Constitution (De la) de 1'Angleterre, 102 Constitution de la Monarchic Espagnole d- cretee par les Cortes extraordinaires en 1811 et 1812, traduite de 1'Espagnol, 93 Constitutions, Recueil des, depuis 1'an 8, 92 Contarini A., Journey of, 358 Continental (The) Traveller, 348 Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, View of the, 114 Convention Act, Debate on the, 103 Convention (The) Vindicated, 118 Conversations on the Animal Economy, 214 on Chemistry, 193 on the English Constitution, 102 on Mineralogy, 199 on Natural Philosophy, 188 on Political Economy, 137 on Vegetable Physiology, 211 Conybeare Rev. J. J., Illust. of Anglo- Saxon Poetry, 260 Conybeare Rev. W. D., Geology of England and Wales, 199 Cooke E., Cause of the increased price of the Necessaries of Life, 141 . On the Expediency of Repealing the Usury Laws, 95 Cook Lieut. , Voyages of, 360 Cook Capt. Jas., Voyages of, 348, 360, 371 Life of 430 Cook, Clerke, and Gore, Voyages of, 360 Cooke Capt. John, Voyage of, 360 Cooke Geo. F. , Life of, 448 Mems. of Ld. Bolingbroke, 431 Cooksey R., Poems, 260 Cooley W. D., Negroland of the Arabs, 348 Coombes Rev. W. H., Discourses from the Writings of St Basil the Great, and St. John Chrysostom, 39 Cooper Rev. Dr., The Patriots of N. America, 118 Cooper Rev. E., The Crisis, 62 Cooper J. F., Eve Effingham, 280 Excursions in Switzerland, 348 Homeward Bound, 283 Cooper J. F., Lionel Lincoln, 286 Mercedes of Castile, 287 Recollections of Europe, 348 The Borderers, 276 The Bravo, 276 The Deerslayer, 279 The Headsman, 282 The Heidenmauer, 282 The Last of the Mohicans, 285 The Monikins, 288 The Pathfinder, 289 The Pilot, 290 The Pioneers, 290 The Prairie, 290 The Red Rover, 291 The Spy, 294 The Two Admirals, 297 The Water Witch, 298 Cooper J. G., Poems, 262 Project for an Hospital for Decayed Authors, 814 Cooper R. B., On the Peculiar Tenets of the Present Day, 62 Cooper S., Dictionary of Surgery, 214 Cooper Thos., Condition of the Slaves in Jamaica, 152 Cooper Dr. Thos., Lectures on Political Economy, 137 Coplestone E., Letter to John Coker, 27 Copley J. S., Life of, 447 Copy- Right, Address to Parliament on, 166 Copy- Right Act, Sir E. Brydges on the, 94 Copy- Right Bill, Observations on the, 95 Corbett Bp., Poems, 262 Cordiner Rev. J., Description of Ceylon, 349 Corn and Currency, On the Relation of, 141 Corn Laws, Catechism on the, 141 Corn Question, &c., Consideration on the, 141 Cornaro L., Methods of Attaining a Long Life, 214 Corneille P., Chefs-d'O3uvres de, 260 Life of, 446 Cornwall, Topography of, 331 Cornwallis Marquis, Life of, 446 Coronation of George IV, Description of the Procession, 397 Corpulence, Remarks on, 218 Correggio and Parmegiano, Lives of, 435 Correspondant Le, 435 Correspondence between the Lords of the Admiralty, Earl St. Vincent, Earl Spencer, and Vice-Adm. Sir J. Orde, 235 Correspondence on the Proceedings of the Marquess Wellesley, and of the Earl of Moira, in 1812, 103 Corruption and Intolerance, 260 Cory I. P., Chronological Inquiry, 383 Mythological Enquiry, 89, 383 Metaphysical Enquiry, 182 Costello E., Memoirs of, 428 Costello Louisa S., Summer amongst the Bocages, &c., 349 Pilgrimage to Auvergne, 349 484 INDEX. Costello Louisa S., The Queen's Poisoner, 291 Cosway Richard, Life of, 447 Cotman J. S., Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, 228 Etchings illust. of the Architectural Antiquities of Norfolk, 335 Cottager's (The) Religious Meditations, 62 Cotte le P., Traite de Meteorologie, 195 Memoires sur la Meteorologie, 195 Cotterill Rev. T., Speech against the Catholic Claims, 126 Cotton C., Poems, 262 Cotton Dr. N., Poems, 262 Cottu M., On the Criminal Code in Eng., 163 County Rate, Report relative to a new, 169 Courtanvaux M. le Marquis de, Journal de Voyage, 190 Courtenay T. P., Letter on the Poor Laws, 158 Memoirs of Sir W. Temple, 458 Cousin Geoffrey, &c., Ed. by Hook, 278 Covenant, Review of the, 22 Coventry G., Enquiry regarding the real Author of the Letters of Junius, 245 Coventry Mrs., Hist, of Pompey the Little, 290 Cowley A., Poems, 262 Life of, 446, 448 Cowley Mrs., Life of, 446 Cowper Wm., Poems, 260, 262 Posthumous Poetry, by Dr. Johnson, 260 . Life and Letters of, by Hayley, 435 Letters of, by Dr. Johnson, 435 Private Corresp of, by Dr. Johnson, 435 Life of, by Taylor, 435 Life and Letters of, by Southey, 435 Life and Works of, by Southey, 320 Cox Rev. Dr. F. A. and Rev. Dr. J. Hoby, Baptists in America, 349 Cox Ross, The Columbia River, 349 Coxe's Travels in Norway, Denmark, and Russia, 370 Travels in Switzerland, 370 Coxe Rev. W., Letter to John Benett, 27 Coxe Wm., Corresp. of the Duke of Shrews- bury, 414 History of the House of Austria, 397 Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough, 397 Memoirs of Lord Walpole, 397 Memoirs of Sir R. Walpole, 398 Crabb Geo., Technological Dictionary, 238 Crabbe Rev. G., Poetical Works, 260 Posthumous Talcs, 260 Life of, 435 Cradock J., Lit. and Miscel. Memoirs, 244 Craig Rev. T., Sermons on his Separation to the Pastoral Office, 39 Cramer Rev. J. A., Description of Ancient Greece, 349 Description of Ancient Italy, 349 Description of Asia Minor, 349 Passage of Hannibal over the Alps, 415 Cranmer Abp., Life of, 437, 445, 449 Memorials of, by J. Strype, 23, 436 Crantz David, History of Greenland, 349 Crashaw Rev. R., Poems, 262 Craven Lady, Journey to Constantinople, 349 Crawford J., Embassy to the Courts of Siam, &c., 34 Crebillon P. J. de, GEuvres de, 261 Credit, Observations on, 146 Creed of Pope Pius IV, 27 Creichton Capt. J., Memoirs of, by Swift, 436 Crequy Marchioness de, Recollections of, 436 Crichton A. , History of Arabia, 383 Crichton The Admirable, Life of, by Tytler, 436 Criminal Laws, &c., Report on, 421 Criminal Trials, 398 Crisis, (The), 103 Crockett Col D., Sketches of, 436 Croft J. W., The Reformed Church in France, and the Catholics in G. Britain and Ireland, 126 Crofts Rev. J., Sermon, 39 Croker J. W. , Speech on the Catholic Ques- tion, 126 Croker T. C., Fairy Legends &c., of Ireland, 280 Memoirs of Gen. Holt, 441 Croly Rev. D., Dissertation on Tracts for the Times, 465 Essay on Ecclesiastical Finance, 27 Croly Rev. G., Salathiel, 292 Crombie Rev. A. , On the State of the Agri- cultural Interest, 141 On the Depreciation of Bank Notes, 141 Crombie Rev. A., Natural Theology, 51 Crome Mr., Catalogue of his Pictures, 222 Cromwell, Memoirs of the House of, by Noble, 436 Cromwell and the Republicans, Lives of, 445 Cromwell Oliver, Life of, 445, 446 Cromwell, Earl of Essex, Life of, 437 Cropper J., Relief for West Indian Distress, 152 Support of Slavery Investigated, 152 Crosse John Green, Address upon Medical Science, 215 Medical Schools of Paris, 215 On the Variolous Epidemic in Norwich, in 1819,215 Letters to the Governors of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, 215 Crotch W., Lectures on Music, 223 M. de, 1/ogique, 182 Crow Capt. Hugh, Memoirs of, 436 Crowe E. E., History of France, 398 Lives of Foreign Statesmen, 445 Crowley J. , On the Emancipation of Catholics, 126 Cruden Alex., Concordance of the Scriptures, 5 Cruelty to the Brute Creation, Sermon on the Unjustifiableness of, 46 INDEX. 485 Cruise R. A., Residence in New Zealand, 349 Crusius L., Lives of the Roman Poets, 436 Cudworth Dr. R., Intellectual System of the Universe, 182 On the Lord's Supper, 27 Sermons, 39 Cullen Dr., Life of, 447 Cullum Rev. Sir J., History of Hawstead, 340 Cumberland, Topography of, 331 Cumberland Earl of, Life of, 446 Voyage to the Azores, 369 Cumberland Richard, Life of, 446 Memoir of, 431 Gumming Dr. W. F., Notes of a Wanderer, 349 Cunningham A., Lives of Painters, &c., 447 Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, &c., 261 Songs of Scotland, 261 Cunningham J., Poems, 262 Cunningham Rev. J. W., Cautions to Conti- nental Travellers, 173 Observations on Friendly Societies, 158 Cunningham P., Two Years in New South Wales, 349 Curate's Appeal to the British Legislature, 27 Curran Rt. Hon. J. P., Life of, by W. R Curran, 436 Note on, 441 Currency, Essay on the, 141 Curtis J., British Entomology, 204 Curtis Wm., Obs. on British Grasses, 211 Curwen J. C., Speeches on the Poor Laws, 158 Cuvier Baron, On the Revolutions of the Surface of the Globe, 199 Fossil Osteology, 199 Theory of the Earth, trans, by Kerr, 199 Le Regne Animal, 204 Animal Kingdom, by E. Griffith, 204 Animal Kingdom, abridged by H. M'Murtrie, 204 Memoirs of, by Mrs. R. Lee, 436 Memoir of, 436 DAILY BREAD, A Prayer for Knowledge, &c., 27 Dallas Rev. A., Look to Jerusalem, 62 Dallaway Rev. J., Discourses upon Architec- ture, 228 Dalton J., Chemical Philosophy, 193 Darner Anne, Life of, 447 Darner Hon. Mrs. G. L. D., Tour in Greece, &C..349 Dampier's Account of New Holland, 371 Account of the Philippines, 371 Danby Earl of, Life of, 445 Dandini's Voyage to Mount Libanus, 371 Dandolo Count, Art of Rearing Silk Worms, 204 Dangers of the Country, 127 Daniel, Improved Version of, by T. Wintle, 3 Daniel S., History of England, 398 Poems, 262 Daniell J. F., Chemical Philosophy, 193 Meteorological Essays, 195 Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia di, 261 The Vision, trans, by Gary, 261 The Inferno, trans, by Wright, 261 Life of, 447 D'Anville's Geography, 326 D'Arblay Madame, Diary and Letters of, 436 D'Arcy Rev. M., Funeral Oration, 39 Daru P., Histoire de Venise, 398 Darwin Dr., Phytologia, 232 Daschkaw Princess, Memoirs of, 436 Daubeny Archd., Charges, 39 Daubeny Rev. C., On the Bible Society, 86 On the Society for Christian Knowledge, 86 On Regeneration, 62 Daubeny Dr. C. , Description of Volcanoes, 199 D'Aubigne J. H. M., History of the Reform- ation, 18 - Daulien G. H., Address to the Catholics of Scotland, 39 Davenant Sir W., Poems, 262 Life of, 446 Davenport R. A., History of the Bastile, 398 David J., Modern Greek Grammar, 251 Davies C. M. , History of Holland, 398 Davies Rev. E., Celtic Researches, 328 Davies J., First Impressions, 350 Davies Sir J., Poems, 262 Davies Thomas, Life of Garrick, 438 Davies T., Agriculture of Wiltshire, 230 Davies W., Agricultural Survey of Wales, 230 Davis J. F., The Chinese, 350 Davison A., Obs. on the Third Report of the Commissioners of Military Enquiry, 235 Davison Rev. J., Discourses on Prophecy, 39 Davy Sir H., Agricultural Chemistry, 193 Chemical Philosophy, 193 Consolations in Travel, 171 On the Safety Lamp, 192 Salmonia, 205 Life of, by Dr. Paris, 436 Davy J., Account of Ceylon, 350 Dawes Richd., Miscellanea Critica, 251 Dawson B., Philologia Anglicana, 256 Dealtry Dr. W., Sermons, 40 The Church and its Endowments, 40 Review of Mr. Norris's Attack upon the Bible Society, 86 Principles of Fluxions, 186 Debrett J., Peerage of Scotland and Ireland, 423 Debtor and Creditor, Obs. on the Law of, 96 De Butt's Lieut., Rambles in Ceylon, 350 Decay of Trade, &c., Cause and Cure of, 148 De Chaste, Voyage to Tercera, 369 Decius, Letters on Trinidad, &c., 253 Decker C., Art of Penwork, 235 Declaration of Faith and Practice, 62 Declaration of Religious Sentiments, 62 486 INDEX. Declaration of the People of England to the King, 127 Declaration (On the) of the British Govern- ment, 9th Jan., 1813, 100 Decus et Tutamen, 141 Deeds and Wills, &c., Establishment of Offices for the Registry of, 95 Defence of the Realm, Acts to provide for the, 94 De Foe D., History of the Plague in 1665, 282 Robinson Crusoe, 291 Life and Times of, by Wilson, 436 Memoir of, 431 De Geer Baron, Memoir of, 436 Dekker T., A Knight's Conjuring, edited by Rimbault, 318 De la Beche H. T., Geological Manual, 200 How to Observe ; Geology, 200 Geology of Cornwall, &c., 200 Deleuze M., Hist, and Desc. of the Museum of Nat. Hist., and Royal Garden, at Paris, 238 Delille .T., Les Jardins, 261 De Lisle, 279 Dell John, Sermon at Reepham, 40 De Lolme J. L., On the Constitution of England, 103 Deloney Th., Poems, &c., 318 Delpla A., French Drama, 251 De Montfort, 279 Demosthenes, 304 Orations, trans, by Leland, 301 Denham Major Dixon and Capt. Clapperton, Travels in Africa, 350 Denham Sir J., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Denison E., Sermons before the University of Oxford, 40 Dennis J., Subversion of Materialism, 182 Denny Henry, Monographia Anoplurorutn Britannia:, 463 Monographia Pselaphidarum, &c., 205 Denon Vjvant, Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, 350 Depping G. B., Histoire du Commerce entre le Levant et 1' Europe, 14,1 De Pradt M., Lettre & un Electeur de Paris, 93 De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 278 De L'atir, Dom A. J. le B., Life of, by Butler, 436 Derby James, Earl of, Life of, 430 Derbyshire, Topography of, 332 Derenzy Capt. , Enchiridion, 220 Derham Dr. Wm., Astro- Theology, 51 Physico- Theology, 51 Life of Ray, 455 Der Kirchen und Staatsfreund an alle gute Deutche Christen, 27 Deroches J. J., Notice sur I'c'tablisscment de soupes existant & Genfcve, 158 De Roos Hon. F. F., Travels in the United States, 350 Desaugiers M. A., 1'Homme aux Precautions, 261 Description des principaux ouvrages de Pein- ture et Sculpture de la Ville d'Anvers, 223 Descrizione del grande incendio del Vesuvio, 200 Destiny, 279 De Vere Sir F., Life of, 446 Devon, Remarks on the State of, 332 Devonshire, Topography of, 332 D'Haussez Baron, Britain in 1833, 350 Dialogue entre Pierre et Thomas, sur la Puissance exerc6e par Pie VII, 27 Diamond Cut Diamond, 103 Dibdin C., Songs of, 261 Dibdin Thomas, Reminiscences of, 436 Dibdin Rev. Dr. T. F., Tour in France and Germany, 244, 350 Tour in England and Scotland, 244, 350 Introduction to the Knowledge of the Classics, 244 The Library Companion, 244 Literary Life, 436 Dick Dr. Thomas, On the Improvement of Society, 177 On the Mental Illumination, &c., of Mankind, 177 Christian Philosopher, 62, 189 Philosophy of Religion, 62, 173 Philosophy of a Future State. 51 Dickens Charles, Life of Grimaldi, 439 Master Humphrey's Clock, 287 Nicholas Nickleby, 288 Oliver Twist, 289 Pickwick Papers, 290 Sketches by " Boz," 293 Dickson R. W., Agric. of Lancashire, 230 Dictionnaire de P Academic Franfoise, 256 Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, 238 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, edited by Dr. Wm. Smith, 463 Diderot, O3uvres de Theatre, 261 Die Beschwerden gegen den Bisthums-Ver- weser von Constanz, Freiherrn von Wes- senberg, 62 Die Ernennung eines Coadjutors fur das Bisthum Konstanz, &c., 63 Die Europiiischen Staats-und Kirchengrund- sUtze in dem Geiste, unsrer Zeit dargestellt, 27 Differences about Religion, Discourse on the, 63 Digby Sir Kenelm, Private Memoirs of, 436 Dillingham W., Poemata, 261 Dillon Hon. H. A., Letter to the Deputation from the Catholics of Ireland, 127 On the Necessity of Catholic Emancipa- tion, 127 Dillon J. J., The Letters of Hiburn- Anglus, 127 INDEX. 487 Dillon J. J., Suggestions for the considera- tions of an approaching Meeting of the British Catholics, 127 Address to the Catholics of Ireland, 127 Essay on the Coronation Oath, 127 Dillon W., Poems, 263 Dinarchus, 304 Diocletian, Edict of, fixing a Maximum of Prices, 93 Diodori Siculi, Bibliotheca Historica, 301 Diodorus, Hist. Library, trans, by Booth, 301 Diogenes Laertius, 301 Dion Cassius, Hist, of, trans, by Manning, 301 Dionysii Halicarnassensis, Opera, 301 Dionysius Halicarnassensis, translated by Spelman, 301, Discussion sur PEtablissement et la Doctrine de 1'Eglise Anglicane, 18 Disney J., Remarks on the Bp. of Lincoln's Charge, 63 D' Israeli I., Curiosites of Literature, 312 Amenites of Literature, 312 Life and Reign of Charles I, 398 Venetia, 297 Vivian Grey, 297 Wondrous Tale of Alroy, 298 Dissenting Minister, Autobiography of a, 279 Dissenting Teachers, Designs of, 64 Distilleries with the Breweries, Letter oh the Competition of the, 144 Distressed Settlers in South Africa, Report on the Relief of, 155 Distresses of the Country, Real Cause of the, 123 Dix J., Life, &c., of Chatterton, 434 Dobell P., Travels in Kamtchatka, &c., 350 Dobree P. P., Adversaria, 251 Doctor (The), 279 Doddridge Dr. P., Correspondence and Diary of, 437 Evil and Danger of Neglecting the Souls of Men, 63 Dodington G. Bubb, Diary of, 398 Dodsley R., Poems, 262 Dodsley R. and J., Collection of Poems, 260 Dodwell E., Tour through Greece, 350 Doggett Thomas, Life of, 448 Dolce L., Dialogue on Painting, 223 Dolins Sir D., Charges to the Grand Jury of Middlesex, 163 Dolomieu's Account of the Earthquakes in Calabria, 370 Domestic Affairs, On the present Crisis of our, 114 Donation Pamphlets, 312 Don Esteban, 279 Donn J., Hortus Cantabrigiensis, 211 Donne Dr. J., Poems, 262 Life of, 437, 449 Donoughmore Earl of, Speech on the Peti- tions of the Irish Catholics, 127 Donovan M., Domestic Economy, 220 Treatise on Chemistry, 194 Don Quixote, por Abellaneda, 280 Dorset Earl of, Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Dorsetshire, Account of, 332 Douce F., The Dance of Death, 223 Douglas Hon. F. S. N., Essay on Ancient and Modern Greeks, 415 Douglas Gavin, Life of, 448 Douglas James, Advancement of Society, 173 Prospects of Britain, 103 Dover Lord, Life of Frederick II, 399 Downing C. T., The Fan-qui in China, 350 Dowsing W., Journal of, 340 Drake Sir F., Voyage of, 359 Life of, 446, 448 Drake Dr. Nathan, Essays, 313 Literary Hours, 313 Winter Nights, 313 Evenings in Autumn, 313 Noontide Leisure, 313 Mornings in Spring, 313 Memorials of Shakspeare, 251 Shakspeare and his Times, 251 Drama, Vindication of the, 273 Draper Lieut. Col. E. A., Trial of, 95 Drayton M., Poems, 262 Life of, 446 Drew S., Essay on the Human Soul, 182 Drinkwater J., Hist, of the Siege of Gibraltar, 398 Dromgoole Dr., Speech delivered at the Catholic Board, 127 Observations on the Speech of, 21 Druery J. H., Notices of Great Yarmouth, 338 Drummond T., Discourses on the Lord's Supper, 40 Address to the Unitarian Congregation at Ipswich, 40 Discourses on the Origin of Evil, 40 Drummond W., Poems, 262 Drummond Sir W., Origines, 383 Dry den John, Works, by Scott, 320 Poems, 262 Life of, 446, 448 Life of, by Scott, 437 Dublin University Magazine, 248 Eubois the Abbe J. A., Letters on the State of Christianity in India, 63 Dubois Cardinal, Life of, 445 Ducac Historia Byzantina, 390 Du Cange C., Hist. Byzantina, 389 Gloasarium Latinum, 256 Ducas T., Travels in Europe, 350 Duchatelet A. J. B., De la Prostitution dans la Ville de Paris, 137 DuChesne A., Hist. Norman. Script. Antiqui, 402 Duck S., Poems, 261 Ducluzeau J. A. P., Hist. Nat. des Conferves des Environs de Montpellier, 21 1 Dudley Earl of, Letters to the Bp. of Llan- daff, 437 488 INDEX. Dudley Lord, Speech on Slavery in the West Indies, 155 Dudley Sir H. B., Address on Tythes in Ireland, 27 Du Fresnoy C. A., Art of Painting, trans. by Mason, 223, 261 Dugdale Sir Wm., Monasticon Anglicanum, 328 Hist, of Imbanking, 328 Life, &c., of, 437 Duigenan Dr., Speech on a Petition pre- sented in the name of the Catholics of Ireland, 127 Dujardin Felix, Hist. Nat. des Zoophytes Infusoires, 463 Duke Rev. R., Poems, 262 Dumas J. L. A., Gumal et Lina, 281 Dumont E., Recollections of Mirabeau, 451 Dunallan, 280 Dunbar R. N., The Cruise, 261 Duncumb J., Agric. of Herefordshire, 230 Dundas Rt. Hon. Henry, Letter to the Lord Lieut, of Norfolk, 107 Historical Sketch of, 441 Dundas Lawrence, Awful Death of, 437 Dunham S. A., Hist, of Denmark, &c., 398 Hist, of Europe, 398 Hist, of the Germanic Empire, 398 Hist, of Poland, 398 Hist, of Spain and Portugal, 398 Dunlap Wm., Memoirs of C. B. Brown, 432 Dunlop John, On Drinking Usages, 177 History of Fiction, 252 History of Roman Literature, 244 Dunlop A., Sketches on Political Economy, 137 Dunn W.,Vansittart Plan of Finance, 141 Dunsky H. D., On the Timber and Deal Trade, 141 Dunton John, Life and Errors of, 437 Du Pape et des Jesuites, 27 Dupin Baron, Commercial Power of Great Britain, 141 History and State of the Military Force of Great Britain, 167 Proems du Constitutionnel, 93 Duppa R., Life, &c., of Buonarroti, 432 Durham, Account of, 332 Durham Bp. of, Vindication of the Remarks on the Charge of the, 81 Durham J. G., Outworks of Christianity, 51 Dutch Usurpations, History of the, 403 Dutchman's (The) Fireside, 280 Dwelling- Houses, On the Means of Guarding against Fire, 228 Dwight Dr. T., Travels in New England, 350 Dyer G., Dissertation on Benevolence, 173 On the English Constitution, 103 Dyer Rev. J., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Dymond J , Obs. on the Applicability of the Pacific Principles of the New Test, to the Conduct of States, 175 EADMERI Historia Novorum, 398 Earle A., Residence in New Zealand, 350 East India Company, Hints relative to its Charter, 143 Hints respecting its Exclusive Privi- leges, 143 East- India Register and Directory, 248 East India Sugar, An Inquiry respecting, 142 East India Question, Letters of Gracchus on the, 142 Letters of Probus on the, 142 Ecclesiastical Supremacy of the Crown, 27 Eclectic Review, 248 Eddius, 401 Eden Sir F. M., State of the Poor, 158 Edgar S. , The Variations of Popery. 63 Edgeworth Maria, Belinda, 276 Castle Rackrent, 277 Comic Dramas, 261 Harrington and Ormond, 282 Helen, 282 Leonora, 286 Letters for Literary Ladies, 177 Modern Griselda, 287 Moral Tales, 288 Patronage, 289 Popular Tales, 290 Tales of Fashionable Life, 295 Edgeworth R. L. and Miss, Essay on Irish Bulls, 252 On Practical Education, 177 Edgeworth R. L.,On Professional Education, 177 Memoirs of, 437 Edinburgh Annual Register, 399 Edinburgh Gazetteer, 326 Edinburgh Literary Journal, 248 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 238 Edinburgh Review, 248 Reply to the, 180 Edmeads Rev. W., National Establishment, National Security, 27 Edmondson J., Body of Heraldry, 423 Edrehi Rev. Dr. M., Account of the Ten Tribes, 383 Education, Publications of the Central Society of, 177 Minutes of the Committee of Council on, 179 Obs. on Mr. Brougham's Bill on, 179 Quarterly Journal of, 180 (Academic) Thoughts on, 180 Education of the Poor, Report of the National Society for the, 161 Education for Holy Orders, On the present mode of, 34 Edwards B., History of the West Indies, 399 Edwards E., On the Evidence before the Committee on the British Museum, 419 Edwards G., Scheme of Human Economy, 103 Edwards J , Inquiry respecting Freedom of Will, 182 INDEX. 489 Edwards Rev. Mr., Conversion in New Eng- land, 63 Effendi E., Travels in Europe, trans, by Von Hammer, 366 Egede Hans, Description of Greenland, 350 Egnatius, de Romanis Principibus, 3C7 Egremont J., Obs. on the Mildew, 232 Egypt, Antiquities of, 423 Egyptian Antiquities, 424 Ehrenmalm A., Travels of, 369 Eisdell T. , First Principles of Christian Bap- tism, 27 Eldon Ld., Speech on the Cath. Question, 128 Historical Sketch of, 441 Election and Reprobation, 63 Elector's Remembrancer, 103 Electors of Britain, Serious call to the, 113 Electricity, Treatise on, 195 Electro- Magnetic Engine, Account of the, 220 Elford Sir W. , Remarks on the Game Laws, 163 Elgin Marbles, Memorandum on the purchase of the, 224 Report on, 427 Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, 424 Eliot Sir J., Life of, 445 Elizabeth (Queen) and her Times, 415 Ellerby T. S., Memorials of Neff, 452 Elliot C. B., Travels in Austria, &c., 351 Elliot F. P., Letters on the State of the Nation, 103 Elliott H. V., Ordination Sermon at Norwich, 40 Ellis G., Specimens of Early Eng. Poets, 261 Ellis Hon. G. A., Inquiries respecting the Earl of Clarendon, 415 Ellis H., Original Letters, 415 Ellis (The) Correspondence, 415 Ellis J., Nat. Hist, of Corallines, &c., 205 Nat. Hist, of Zoophytes, 205 Ellis W., Tour through Hawaii, 351 Polynesian Researches, 351 History of Madagascar, 351 Ellis Mrs., Women of England, 177 Daughters of England, 177 Sons of the Soil, 261 Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees, 351 Elmes J., Letter on Promoting the Fine Arts, 228 Elphinstone Hon. M., Account of Caubul, 351 History of India, 399 Elwes J. Esq., Life of, by Topham, 437 Elwood Mrs. Col., Journey overland to India, 351 Elyensis Thomas, 401 Emancipation, a Dialogue, 128 Emerson E. W., Essays, 313 Emerson J., Letters from the Mgean, 351 Emery John, Life of, 448 Emmoe Anglorum, Reginae Encomium, 402 Empaytaz Henri- Louis, Considerations sur la Divinite de Jesus Christ, 63 Enchiridion Botanicum, 211 Encyclopaedia Britannica, sixth ed., 238 Supplement to, 239 Encyclopaedia Britannica, seventh ed., 239 Encyclopedic Methodique, 239 Enfield Wm., Hist, of Philosophy, 171 England Rev. T. R., Life of O'Leary, 453 England, Pictorial History of, 402 England's Imminent Danger, and only Re- medy, 103 England and Wales, Geological Map of, 327 England and France, Social Life of, 177 English Translations, 263 Enquiry into the Duty of a Low-Church- man, 63 Epictetus, Enchiridion of, trans, by Lady Montagu, 301 Episcopacy considered, 28 Epistle congratulatorie of Lysimachus Nica- nor. of the Society of Jesu, to the Cove- nanters of Scotland, 63 Epistola ad C. H. in qua Liber Octavus Summse Controversiarum J. Hoornbeeckii, qui est adversus Remonstrantes, refellitur, 63 Equitable Assurances, Account of the Society for, 166 Erasmi Familiarium Colloquiorum Opus, 173 Erasmus, Extracts from, on War, 174, 175 Life of, by Dr. Jortin, 437 Life of, by Butler, 437 Ercilla, Life of, 447 Erskine Lord, Appeal on the subject of Greece, 118 Defences of the Whigs, 103 Letter on the subject of the Greeks, 118 Speech on Cruelty to Animals, 95 Life of, 447 Sketch of, 438 Historical Sketch of, 441 Erskine T., Internal Evidence of Religion, 51 Erskine Hon. T., Causes, &c., of the War with France, 118 Espinel Vicente, Life of, 447 Esprit de 1' Encyclopedic, 239 Essays written in the Intervals of Business, 313 Essays and Sketches of Life and Character, 313 Essex, Account of, 332 Essex Earl of, Life of, 446 Trial of, 398 Este C., Journey through Flanders, &c., 351 Estrada D. A. F., Defence of the Cortes, 119 Ethelwerdi Chronica, 408 Euenus, 305 Euler L., Elements of Algebra, 186 Euripides, Opera, Matthias, 302 Bacchse et Medea, Elmsley, 302 Orestes, Medea, Hecuba, et Phoenigs, Porson, 302 3 Q 490 INDEX. Euripides, Tragedies, trans, by Potter, 302 Europe, Political Picture of, 121 Eusebii Pamphili, Evangelica Praeparatio, 14 Eusebii Pamphili et aliorum, Hist. Eccles., 18 Eustace Rev. J. C., Answer to the Bishop of Lincoln's Charge, 28 Tour through Italy, 351 Eutropii Breviarium, 306 Evagrii Hist. Eccles., 18, 23 Evans Rev. R. W., Rectory of Valehead, 291 Tales of the Ancient British Church, 295 Evans W. D., Legal Disabilities of Catholics and Dissenters, 128 Evelyn John, Silva, 232 Miscellaneous Writings, 321 Memoirs of, Edited by Bray, 438 Eventful Life of a Soldier, 438 Excerpla de Legationibus ex script, variis, 391 Exclusives (The), 280 Exhibition of the Equestrian Group of Monte Cavallo at Rome, 223 Exmouth Adm. Vise., Life of, by Osier, 438 Expeditious Instructor, 177 Exportation, Letter on, 142 , Exposition de 1'Etat des Freres Evangeliques de la Confession d'Augsbourg, 18 Exposition, &c., relative to the Rupture with Spain, 119 Eyes for the Blind, &c., 119 Ezekiel, Improved Version of, by Archbp. Newcome, 3 FABER G. S., Difficulties of Infidelity, 51 Horse Mosaicse, 51 On the Patriarchal, Levitical, and Christian Dispensations, 10 Prophecies relative to the 1260 years, 10 Prophecy of the 70 weeks, 10 - Prophecies relative to Judah, &c., 10 Fabyan R., Chronicles of Eng. and France, 399 Facciolati Jac., Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, 256 Facts addressed to Landholders, &c., 103 Faction (The) Detected and Despised, 128 Faction Unmasked, 128 Factories, &c., Bill to regulate the Labour of Children in, 418 Failures, Thoughts on the Causes of the present, 149 Fairfax Thos. Lord, Life of, 430 Faitlifull Rev. J., Assize Sermon, 40 Falconer T., Plan for Building twenty-five Churches, 28 Falconer W.,On Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the Gout, 215 Falconer Wm., Poems, 262 Falkland, 280 Family Library, 313 Fanatic Blunder*, 63 Fane H. E., Five Years in India, 351 Fanshawe Lady, Memoirs of, 438 Faraday M., Chemical Manipulation, 194 Researches of Electricity, 195 Farey J. , Agriculture of Derbyshire, 229 Farmer H., On the Worship of Human Spi- rits, 89 Farmer's Night-cap, 163 Farquhar Geo., Life of, 446, 448 Farren G., On the Report of the Finance Committee, 142 On the Purchases of Land, &c., 167 Farren Miss, Life of, 448 Father Clement, 280 Faulkner Sir A. B., Visit to Germany, 351 Fauna Boreali- Americana, 205 Faux W. , Memorable Days in America, 352 Favell S., Speech on Reform, 104 Speech on the Criminal Laws, 163 . Speech on the Treaty between Russia, Austria, and Prussia, 119 Fawcet J., The Art of War, 263 Fawkes Rev. F., Poems, 262 Fayerman A. T., Appeal in the Case of Eliz. Garrod, 215 Fearn J., Essay on external Perception, 183 Letter to Prof. Stewart, 183 Review of the first Principles of Bishop Berkeley, &c., 183 Feldborg A. A., Appeal to the English in behalf of Norway, 1 1 9 Fell W., On Mr. Lancaster's System of Education, 177 Fellowes C. , Excursion in Asia Minor, 352, 425 Discoveries in Lycia, 352, 425 Fenelon F., GEuvres Spirituelles, 64 Les Adventures de Telemaque, 296 Life of. 446 Life of, by Butler, 438 Fenn C., Compendium of the Funds, &c., 142 Fenn Sir J., Original Letters, 415 Fenton E., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Ferber, Oryctography of Derbyshire, 369 Ferguson Dr. A., Essay on Civil Society, 325 Ferguson J., Lectures on Mechanics, 192 Ferrar Nich., Life of, 437 Field Barron, Geographical Memoirs of New South Wales, 353 Field G., Analogy of the Physical Sciences, 189 ^Esthetics, 189 Ethics, 174 The Third Organon Attempted, 183 Tritogenea, 171 Field Rev. W., Memoirs of Parr, 453 Field Book, 227 Field Naturalist, edited by J. Rennie, 197 Fielding H., Amelia, 274 Adventures of Joseph Andrews, 274 Hist, of Tom Jones, 296 Memoir of, 431 INDEX. 491 Fifty Reasons which induced the Duke of Brunswick to abjure Lutheranism, 64 Filicaja, Life of, 447 Finance, Project of, 147 Speech of the Chancellor of Exchequer on, 140 Finances for 1813, Table of, 149 Financial Mistatements, Reply to some, 147 Finati Giov., Life of, trans, by Bankes, 438 Findlater C., Agriculture of Peebles, 231 Fingal Earl of, Letter to, by a Catholic Citi- zen, 130 Finlayson G., Mission to Siam and Hue, 352 Finlayson Dr. R., On Preserving the Health of Seamen, &c., 215 Finn J., Sephardim, 383 Firth W.,The Case of Ireland set at Rest, 104 Letter to Edw: Rigby, Esq., Mayor of Norwich, 104 Fish Association, Reports of the Committee of the, 161 Fisher G , Companion to the Hist, of Eng., 423 Fisher John, Life of, 430 Fitch's Voyage to Pegu, &c. , 370 Fitzgerald Lord E., Life of, by Moore, 438 Fitz- James Duke of, Opinion of the proposed Law relative to Periodical Journals, 104 Flamanville M. de, Chateau de Juvizy, 277 Flaxman J., Lectures on Sculpture, 223 Life of, 447 Flechier, (Eveque de Nismes) Oraisons Funebres, 40 Fleetwood Bp., Chronicon Preciosum, 425 Fleming Dr. J., Philosophy of Zoology, 205 History of British Animals, 205 Fleming R., Discourse on Papacy, 64 Fletcher G., Poems, 262 Fletcher James, Hist, of Poland, 399 Fletcher Jos. , Lectures on the Roman Catho- lic Religion, 64 Fletcher J., Discourse on Personal Election, &c., 40 The Protestant Reformation Vindicated, 40 Fletcher Judge, Charge to the Grand Jury of Wexford, 164 Letter on his Charge, 164 Fletcher Mrs. Mary, Life of, by Moore, 438 Fletcher P., Poems, 262 Fletcher of Salton, Political Works, 104 Fleury M. 1'abbe, Corrections, &c., pour les nouveaux opuscules de, 28 Fleury A. H. de, Memoirs of, 399 Life of, 445 Florida Blanca Count of, Life of, 445 Flori Epitome Rerum Romanarum, 306 Flower R., Abolition of Tithe recommended, Folkes M., Table of Eng. Gold Coins, 425 Table of Eng. Silver Coins, 425 Fontenelle M., Elemens de la Geometric de nfini, 186 Fonthill Abbey, Account of, 341 Guide to, 341 Foote Sam., Life of, 448 Forbes Edward, Hist, of British Starfish, &c., 206 Forbes Major, Eleven Years in Ceylon, 352 Forbes Sir C., Letters to, On the Suppression of Public Discussion in India, 104 Forbes Sir Wm , Life of Dr. Beattie, 430 Forby Rev. R., Vocabulary of East Anglia, 256 Ford J., Dramatic Works, 263 Fordun John de, Life of, 441, 448 Foreign Literary Gazette, 248 Foreign Quarterly Review, 248 Rejoinder of the Proprietors, 252 Forman Capt, Plan for Improving the Re- venue, 142 Forster's Travels, 370 Forster Rev. C., Life of Bp. Jebb, 442 Mahometanism Unveiled, 89 Forster T., Atmospheric Phenomena, 195 Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain, &c., 215 Causes, &c., of Pestilential Fever, 215 Influence of the Atmosphere on Human Health, &c , 215 Obs. on Insanity, 215 On the Retreat of the Swallow, 206 Application of the Organology of the Brain to Education, 177 Letters of Locke, Sidney, &c., 438 Forsyth J., Remarks on Antiquities, &c., in Italy, 352 Forsyth W., On the Culture of Fruit Trees, 232 Portia's Travels in Sweden, 37 Fosbroke T. D., British Monachism, 18 Ency. of Antiquities, 425 Foreign Topography, 426 Foscolo Ugo, Essays on Petrarch, 252 Lettere di Jacopo Ortis, 289 Life of, 447 Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, &c., Hist, of, 200 Foster John, Essays, 314 On Popular Ignorance, 178 Obs. on Rev. R. Hall, 440 Foster J. L., Speech on the Laws against Catholics, 128 Speech on the Catholic Petition, 128 Fothergill Dr. John, Life of, 430, 447 Fouche Jos., (Due d'Otrante,) Memoires de, 438 Fouque De la Mothe, Pierre Schlemihl, 293 Peter Schlemihl, trans by E. de Rouil- lon, 293 Fowler Bp., Design of Christianity, 64 Fowler G., Three Years in Persia, 352 Fox Rt. Hon C. J., Hist, of part of the Reign of James II, 399 Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 104 Speech on the Irish Resolutions, 104 492 INDEX. Fox Rt. Hon. C. J., Speech on the Bill to Amend the Election of Members of Parlia- ment, 104 Character of, 438 Character of, by Dr. Parr, 438 Historical Sketch of, 441 Fox John, Acts and Monuments, 19 Fox Jos., A Scriptural Education the Glory of England, 178 Fox W. J., Sermons, 40 FoyGen., Hist, de la Guerre de la Peninsule, 399 Fra Diavolo, Oper Von Scribe, 263 Fragmente In Beziehung die Koniglich Preussische Erklarung an die allgemeine Reichsversammlung, in Betreff des zu Basel am 5ten April, 1795, geschlossenen Friedens, 352 Fragments from German Prose Writers, trans, by Sarah Austin, 314 Fragments of Ancient Poetry, trans, from the Gaelic, 314 Francklin's Tour in Persia, 370 Frankland Capt. C. C., Travels to Constanti- nople, 352 Franklin Dr. B., Memoirs and Works, 321 Historical Sketch of, 441 Franklin Jas., Present State of Hayti, 352 Franklin Capt. John, Journey to the Polar Sea, 352 Second Exped. to the Polar Sea, 352 France, Letter on the Situation of, 119 Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of, 446 History of, 399 Penal Code of, 93 France A de, Prisoners of Abd-el-kader, 373 Francis G. W., Analysis of British Ferns, 212 Francis Sir P., On the Policy of Britain and the Allies towards Norway, 119 Plan of Reform, 104 Historical Sketch of, 441 Eraser's Magazine, 248 Fraser J. B., Account of Persia, 353 Journey in Khorasan, 352 Persian Princes in London, 353 Tour through part of the Himala Moun- tains, 352 Travels on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea, 352 The Highland Smugglers, 282 The Khan's Tale, 295 The Kuzzilbash, 285 Frederick II, (King of Prussia,) Works, trans, by Holcroft, 321 Life of, 448 Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, by Lord Dover, 399 Frederick the Great and his Times, edited by Campbell, 399 Frederick Cesar, Voyages and Travels of, 359 Free-thinking, Remarks upon a late Dis- course of, 74 Freimiithige Beleuchtung, &c., uber Katho- lisch-Kirchliche Angelegenheiten, 28 French Government, Letter on the Genius, &c., of the, 120 Frend W., On Bishop Pretyman's Christian Theology, 64 On the Atmosphere of London, 220 Peace and Union recommended, 104 Trial of, for publishing the above, 100 The National Debt in its true Colours, 142 Friendly Address to all Reasonable Ameri- cans, 119 Strictures on the above, 123 Friendly Societies, Instructions for the Estab- lishment of, 167 Frobisher's Three Voyages, 371 Frobisher Sir M., Life of, 446 Frossardus Joan., 408 Froissart Sir J., Chronicles, 400 Frost C., Remuneration of Witnesses in Civil Actions, 95 Froude Rev. R. H., Remains of, 64 Fry Car., Christ our Example, 61 Death, and other Poems, 263 The Listener, 314 Fry Edm., Pantographia, 241 Fry Eliz., Obs. on the Visiting, &c , of Fe- male Prisoners, 164 Fry Eliz. and J. J. Gurney, Report respect- ing their Visit to Ireland, 169 Fry J. S., History of Tithes, 28 Fryer Dr. John, Account of India and Persia, 353 Fugitive Pieces, published by Dodsley, 314 Fuller T., Church History, 19 The Worthies of England, 438 Funchal Comte de, Note Circulaire, 119 Funnell Wm., Voyage of, 360 Fuseli H., Lectures on Painting, 223 Life of, 447 GAINSBOROUGH, Life of, 447 Galfridus Monumetensis, 408 Galileo, Life of, 447, 448, 450 Gallicanus Vulcatius, 307 Gait John, Autobiography of, 438 Ayrshire Legatees, 275 Bogle Corbet, 276 Eben Erskinc, 280 Last of the Lairds, 285 Lawrie Todd, 285 Lives of the Players, 448 Ringan Gilhaize, 291 Stanley Buxton, 284 Stories of the Study, 294 The Bachelor's Wife, 314 The Member, 287 The Stolen Child, 294 Galvanism, Treatise on, 195 Galvano A., Summary of Discoveries, 358 Gamble J., Sketches in Ireland, 353 Game Laws, Letters on the, 164 INDEX. Gandolphy Rev. P., Letters to the Rev. Dr. H. Marsh, 28 Letter relative to Sir J. C. Hippisley's conduct at Rome, 28 Vetoism Illustrated, 28 Ganilh M. C. , Financial Situation of France, 142 Gaol at Fisherton Anger, Rules, &c. , of the, 165 Gaols, &c. , Act relating to, 93 Report on the State, &c., of, 165, 420 Gardener's (The) Magazine, 232 Gardiner Mr. , Answer to a Pamphlet of Mr. J. Poole, 235 Gardiner Capt. A. F., Journey to the Zoolu Country, 353 Gardiner H., Absenteeism, 167 Gardiner R., Letter to Sir H. Harbord, 104 Gardiner W., Music of Nature, 225 Music and Friends, 225 Gardner J., Student's Guide to the Inner Temple, 95 Gardner T., Account of Dunwich, Blithburgh, and Southwold, 340 Garnet's Account of the Drosacks, 369 Garrick David, Life of, 448 Memoirs of, by Davies, 438 Private Correspondence of, 438 Garrison W. L.,On African Colonization, 153 Garth Sir S., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Gascoigne G., Poems, 262 Gascoigne H. B., Old Views of Society Revived, 158 Pauperism, its Evils and Burdens Re- duced, 158 Gaspari und Bertuch, Allgemeine Geogra- phische Ephemeriden, 326 Gaussen L., Theopneustia, 54 Gay J., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Geary W., Letter to E. T. Booth, Esq., 178 Cell Sir W., Journey in the Morea, 353 General Excise Considered, 142 Genesius Josephus, De Rebus Constantinop. , 389 Genlis Mme. de, Hist, de Henri le Grand, 400 Le Siege de la Rochelle, 293 Palmyre et Flaminie, 289 Memoirs of, 439 Genoude E., Voyage dans la Vendee, 353 Gentleman's Magazine, 248 Geographical Society, Journal of the, 239, 326 Geography, Treatises on, 326 Geological Society, Trans, of the, 239 George III, Memoir of, 431 Historical Sketch of, 441 George IV, Historical Sketch of, 441 Gerard Capt. A., Attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to' Garoo, 362 German War, Considerations on the, 118 Germany, Ramble in, 367 German Romance, Specimens of, 281 Gervasius, Monachus Dorobornensis, 401 Geschichte der Staatsrechtlichen Verhiiltnisse der Schweizerischen Eidgenossen Erstes Bandchen, 400 Gesner Conrad, Memoir of, 439 Gesta Dei per Francos, 388 Gesuita Rev. Padre P., Lettere al, 69 Gibbon E., Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 383 Miscellaneous Works, 321 Gibbons G., Life of, 447 Gibbs Lord Chief Justice, Historical Sketch of, 441 Gibbs Jas , Life of, 447 Gibson Dr. E., Codex Juris Eccles. Angli- cani, 93 Gibson Bp., Danger and Mischiefs of Popery, 64 Gideon, " The Mighty Man of Valour," 40 Giffard E., Visit to the Ionian Islands, &c., 353 Gifford J., Abs. of the Acts of the 4th Geo. 1 V, 95 Acts of the 5th Geo. IV, 95 Gilbart J. W , Hist. &c., of Banking, 142 Gilbert D., Statement of the Bullion Ques- tion, 142 Gilbert Jos., Life of Dr. Williams, 461 Gilbert Rev. J., The Christian Atonement, 64 Gilbert L. T., Le Nouveau Solitaire, 293 Gilchrist O., On the Poetical Character of Pope. 252 Gildas, 401, 408 Gill Dr. J., Sermon, 41 Gill T., The Technical Repository, 239 Gillies Dr. J., Hist, of Ancient Greece, 383 Gillingwater E., Account of Lowestoft, 340 Gillman James, Life of Coleridge, 435 Gillow Rev. T., Catholic Principles of Alle- giance Illustrated, 128 Gilly Rev. W. S., Excursion to Piemont,353 Waldensian Researches, 353 Memoirs of Neff, 452 The Peasantry of the Border, 463 Gilpin Bernard, Sermon before Edward VI, 41 Life of, 437, 449 Gilpin Wm. , Lives of the Reformers, 44" On Forest Scenery. 224 On parts of Cambridge, Norfolk, &c., 225, 328 Ginguene P. L., Hist. Litteraire d'ltalie, 244 Letters on Rousseau, 254 Giraldus Cambrensis, 393 Girdlestone J. L., Sketch of the Foundation of the Christian Church, 64 Gisborne T., Essays, 64 Gisborne T., Jun., Letter to Dr. Fhillpotts, 128 C ladstone W. E , Church Principles consi- dered in their Results, 28 494 INDEX. Gladstone W. E., The State in its Relation with the Church, 104 Glas's Hist, of the Canary Islands, 372 Gleig Rev. G. R., British Army at Washing- ton, 406 Chelsea Hospital and its Traditions, 312 Chelsea Pensioners, 277 Country Curate, 278 Germany, Bohemia, &c., 353 History of India, 400 Life of Hastings, 440 Life of Munro, 452 Lives of Military Commanders, 446 May You Like 'it, 287 The Subaltern, 458 The Hussar. 283 Veterans of Chelsea Hospital, 297 Gloucester Bp. of, Sermon. 41 Gloucestershire, Account of, 332 Glover Rev. G., Answer to a Clergyman's Letter to T. W., Coke, Esq., M.P., 104 Charge at the Primary Visitation of, 41 Observations on Pauperism, 158 Reply to Forby's Letters to the Bp. of Norwich, 86 Thoughts on the Property Tax, 142 Glover R., Poems, 262 GlycEe Michaelis Annales, 390 Goderich Lord, Letter to, on an Alliance be- tween Eng. , France, and the Netherlands, 119 Godwin F. , Life of Queen Mary, 400 Godwin F., de Prsesulibus Anglise, 19 Godwin Rev. B., Lectures on the Atheistic Controversy, 51 Godwin W., Caleb Williams, '277 Cloudesley, 278 History of the Commonwealth, 400 On Population, 158 Thoughts on Man, 183 Goerres Professor, Germany and the Revolu- tion, 119 Goethe, Faustus, &c., 263 Theory of Colours, translated by C. L. Eastlake, 191 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, 298 Memoirs of, written by himself, 439 Characteristics of, 439 Goez, Travels of, 370 Goguet Antoine- Yves, Origine des Lois, &c., 384 Golden Rule, 174 Goldoni C., Chef d'CEuvres Dramatiques de, 264 Life of, 447 Goldsmid F. H., On the Civil Disabilities of - British Jews, 128 Goldsmith L., On the Appointment of Can- ning to the Foreign Department, 105 Goldsmith Dr. O., Misccl. Works, 321 Poems, 262 - The Deserted Village, 264 The Vicar of Wakefield, 297 Memoir of, 431 Goldsmith Dr. O., Life of, by Pr'or, 439 Goldsmith O., The Rising Village, 264 Gongora, Life of, 447 Gonzales' Voyage to England, 369 Gooch Dr., Life of, 447 Gooch Rev. W., Agriculture of Cambridge- shire, 229 Good Dr. J. M., Book of Nature, 197 Letters on the Tread- Wheel, 164 Study of Medicine, 216 Memoirs of, by Dr. Gregory, 439 Goodfellow Robin, Pranks and Jests of, ed. by Collyer, 318 Goodman Dr. G., Court of James I, c., 439 Good Old Cause, further discussed, 105 Gordon Sir C. , Life, &c , of Lord Byron, 433 Gore Mrs., Greville, 281 Preferment, 290 Gorgias, 304 Gorleston and Southtown Magazine, 248 Gorton J., Biographical Dictionary, 431 Topographical Dictionary, 328 Gosse P. H , Canadian Naturalist, 197 Gouda, Painted Windows in the Church at, 223 Gough R., Coins of Canute, 425 Gourbillon J. A. de, Voyage Critique h 1'Etna, 353 Gourgaud Gen., Napoleon and the Grand Army in Russia, 400 Government of the Church, Treatise on the, 35 Govett Rev. R., Isaiah Unfulfilled, 210 Gower J., Poems, 262 Grabe J. E., Vetus Testamentum, 2 Grabii J. E., Spicilegium Patrum, 14 Grace Darling, 281 Grace S., Memoirs of the Grace Family, 439 Grafton's Chronicle, 400, 401 Graham Miss, Voyage to Brazil, 353 Residence in Chile, 353 Graham Sir J. , Corn and Currency, 142 Grainger Dr. J , Poems, 262 Grammar of the Tahitian Dialect, &c., 252 Grammar Schools considered, 178 Grand Juries, Charges to, delivered at Wor- cester, from J 760 76, 95 Grand Parade, or the Triumphant Criminal, 105 Granger Rev. J., Biographical Hist, of Eng., 431 Grant A.. The Nestorians, 10 Grant , Random Recollections of the Com- mons, 319 Random Recollections of the Lords, 319 The Great Metropolis, 315 Grant Dr. J., Account of the Yellow Fever at Gibraltar, 216 Grant Dr. R. E., Comparative Anatomy, 216 Grant Sir R. , Sacred Poems, 264 Grant Sir Wm., Historical Sketch of, 441 Granvelle Cardinal, Life of, 445 Granvillc A. B., On Pruwic Acid, 194 INDEX. 495 Granville A. B.,On the Quarantine Bill, 216 Travels to St. Petersburg, 353 Spas of Germany, 353 Spas of England, 329, 353 Granville George, Life of, 448 Grattan Henry, Speeches on the Catholic Question, 128 Historical Sketch of, 441 Memoirs of, 439 Grattan T. C., Agnes de Mansfeldt, 274 Heiress of Bruges, 282 Highways and By-ways 282 History of the Netherlands, 400 Jacqueline of Holland, 284 Legends of the Rhine, 285 Traits of Travel, 296 Graves Rev. R., Spiritual Quixote, 294 Gray Mrs. H., Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria, 426 Gray Rev. R., Key to the Old Test., 10 Gray S. , On the Production of Wealth, 167 Gray's Elegy, translated into Latin Verse, by Hickie, 264 Gray T., Poems, 262, 264 Life of, 448 Great Britain, Political State of, 400 Greatheed S , Sermon on the Death of Wm. Cowper, 41 Grecs et les Turcs, Considerations sur la Guerre actuelle entre les, 118 Greece, History of. 384 Greeks, An Appeal in behalf of the, 119 Greeks and Romans, Treatise on their Arts, &c., 426 Green C. , History of Bacton, 335 Green M., Poems, 262 Greene John, Reminiscences of Rev. R. Hall, 440 Greenhow T. M., On Remunerating the Surgeon Apothecary, 216 Greenville Sir R., Life of, 446 Greenwood F. W. P., Essay on the Lord's Supper, 28 Gregg Wm,, Transactions during his impri- sonment in Newgate, 112 Answer to the above, 100 Gregor F., Remarks respecting the Catholics, 128 Gregorius, 304 Gregory Dr. J., State and Faculties of Man, &c.,"l83 Gregory Dr. O., Oration at the Anniversary of the Philos. Society of London, 189 Treatise on Mechanics, 192 Memoirs of Dr. J. M. Good, 439 Memoir of Rev. R Hall, 440 Grenfell J. , Obs. on a Copper Coinage, 142 Grenfell P., Speech on the Sinking Fund, 143 Grenville Lord, On the Claims of the Catho- lics, 129 Speech on the Regency Bill, 105 More Talents Still, 105 Grenville Ld., Historical Sketch of, 441 Gresswell Rev. E., Harmony of the Gospels, 4 Harmonia Evangelica, 4 Grey Capt, G., Expeditions in Australia, 354 Grey Lady Jane, Memoirs of, by Nicolas, 400 Griesbach J. J., Novum Test. Greece, 3 Griffin G., Gisippus, 264 The Collegians, 278 The Rivals, &c., 291 Grigor J., The Eastern Arboretum, 232, 335 Grimaldi Joseph, Memoirs of, 439 Grimm Baron de, et Diderot, Correspondance Litteraire, 244 Grimshawe Rev. T. S., Memoir of Richmond, 455 Grindal Abp. E , Life of, by Strype, 439 Grotius H., De Veritate Religionis Chris- tianas, 51 Grotius Hugo, de Jure Belli ac Pacis, 91 Life of, by Butler, 439 Grounds on which the Church of England separated from the Church of Rome, re- considered, 65 Remarks on the above, with a Reply, 74 Guardian, 309 Guardian Society, Address to the, 174 Guarini B., II Pastor Fido, 264 Life of, 447 Guest R. , History of the Cotton Manufacture, 221 Guicciardini F., Istoria d' Italia, 400 Life of, 447 Guignes M. de, Obs. on the Philippine Islands, 371 Guildford Lord, Life of, 447, 453 Guillon 1'abbe A., Pepin-le-Bref et le Pape Zacharie, 19 Guizot M., Hist, de la Revolution d' Angle- terre, 400 Washington, trans, by Reeve, 460 Gulielmi Conquestoris, de Vita, 393 Gulielmus Gemiticensis, 393 Gulielmus Neubrigensis, 408 Gunn Rev. W., Cartonesia, 224 Measures in alleviation of Agricultural Distress 143 Gunpowder Plot, 398 Gurney J. J., Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends, 65 Essay on the Discipline of the Primitive Christians, &c., 463 Essays on Christianity, 51 Letter to a Friend, 51 Biblical Notes, 10 On the Portable Evidence of Christi- anity, 51 Remarks on the Sabbath, 65 Speech on Slavery, 153 Winter in the West Indies, ]53, 354 Journey in North America, 354 Notes on Prisons, 164 Minor Works, 321 4.9G INDEX. Gustavus III, Historical Sketch of, 441 Gutzlaff Rev. C., Voyages along the Coast of China, 354 . China Opened, 354 Chinese History, 384 Gwinn Nell, Life of, 448 Gymnastic Exercises, Instructions in, 178 HABERSHON M., On the Prophetic Scrip- tures, 10 Habington J., Hist, of the Reign of Edw. IV, 400 Habington W., Poems, 282 Hack Maria, I/ectures at Home, 191 Hackney, Literary and Philos. Society of, Regulation of the, 245 Haitho, Prince of Armenia, Travels of, 358 HakewillJ.,On Elizabethan Architecture, 228 Hale Sir M., Primitive Origination of Man- kind. 51 Life of, 437, 447 Life of, by Bp. Burnet, 439 Memoirs of, by Williams, 439 Hale Wm. , Letter on the Distresses of the Poor of Spitalfields, 159 Halen Don Juan Van, Imprisonment by the Inquisition, &c., of, 439 Hales Rev. Dr. W., Analysis of Chronology, &c., 10,384 Tenets of the Romish Hierarchy, 65 Halford Sir H., Essays and Orations, 216 On the Deaths of Eminent Persons, 216 Halhed N. B., Prophecies of Rich. Brothers, 29 Haliburton Judge, Bubbles of Canada, 101 The Clockmaker, 278 Letter- Bag of the Great Western, 286 Halifax Earl of, Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Hall Bp., Works of, 65 Poems, 262 Life of, 437 Hall Capt. B., Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, c., 354 Travels in North America, 354 Forty Etchings, 354 Voyage to Java, China, &c. , 354 Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 854 Patchwork, 354 Schloss Hainfeld, 354 Hall Col. F., Present State of Colombia, 354 Hall G. B., On the Growth of Corn and Wool, 232 Hall Lieut. J., Trial of, 236 Hall Rev. Robert, Reviews, 252 Sermons, 41 Speech at a Bible Meeting, 86 Entire Works, by Gregory, 321 . Reminiscences of, by Greene, 440 Hall Mr. and Mrs. S. C., Ireland, 854 Hall Mrs. S. C., Sketches of the Irish Cha- racter, 294 The Buccaneers, 277 Hallam H., Europe during the Middle Ages, 400 Constitutional History of England, 400 Introd. to the Literature of Europe, 245 Haller Baron Albert Von, Memoir of, 440 Haller C. L. de, Lettre a sa famille pour lui declarer son retour a 1'eglise Catholique, 66 Hallett Jos. , Paraphrase of the Hebrews, 10 Halls J. J., Life of Henry Salt, 456 Hamel J. B. du, Regise Scientiarum Acade- miae Historia, 237 Hamel's Travels in Korea, 370 Hamilton Lord Arch., On the late and present Administrations, 1804, 105 Hamilton Capt., Men and Manners in Ame- rica, 364 Hamilton Eliz., Cottagers of Glenburnie, 278 Letters of a Hindoo Rajah, 286, 316 Letters on Education, 178 Letters to the Daughter of a Nobleman, 178 Popular Essays, 178 - Memoirs of Agrippina, 428 Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, 287 Memoirs of, by Benger, 440 Hamilton F. , Account of Nepal, 354 Hamilton J., Letter to Sir W. Garrow, 216 Hamilton W., East India Gazetteer, 326 Hamilton's Letters on Ireland, 369 Account of the East Indies, 370 Hammond Dr. H., Paraphrase of the Ne;v Testament, 11 Life of, 437 Hammond J. , Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Hampden J. , Memorials of, by Lord Nugent, 400 Life of, 445 Hampden Rev. R. D., Philosophical Evidence of Christianity, 51 Hampshire, Account of, 333 Hanbury B. , Memorials relating to the Inde- pendents, 19 Hancock T., The Principles of Peace exem- plified, 175 Hand- Book for India and Egypt, 355 Han d'Islande, 282 Hanger Col. Geo., How 150,000 men may be acquired in two months, 235 Plan for the Formation of a Corps, 235 Hardy Lieut. R. W. H., Travels in Mexico, 355 Hardy Thomas, Memoir of, 440 Hardy, Tooke, Thelwall, and others, Remarks on the Acquittal of, 108 Hardyng J., Chronicle of England, 401 Hare Rev. A. W., Sermons to a Country Congregation, 41 Harford J. S., Life of Bp. Burgess, 432 Harleian Miscellany, 315 Harlow G. H., Life of, 447 Harmer Rev. T., Obs. on Scripture 11 Works, 66 Sermon on the Death of, 45 INDEX. 497 Haro Louis de, Life of, 445 Harpe J. F. de la, Lyc6e, 245 Harrington J., Works of, 105 Harris J., Miscellanies, 321 Harris Rev. Dr. J., Mammon, 66 The Great Commission, 463 Harris Capt.W. C.,Wild Sports of Africa, 355 Harris W., Lives of James I, Charles I, &c., 401 Harrison Wm. , On East India-built Shipping, 419 Hart Charles, Life of, 448 Hart R., Medulla Conciliorum Magnae Bri- tanniae et Hiberniae, 19 Materialism brought to the Test of Reason, 183 Harte Rev. W., Poems, 262 Hartley D., Observations on Man, 174 Of the Truth of the Christian Religion, 52 Hartshorne Rev. C. H., Salopia Antiqua, 339 Harvey C., Charge to the Grand Jury of Norwich, 1793, 95 Harvey Dr., Life of, 447 Hassall C., Agricult. of Monmouthshire, 230 Hassell's Tour to the Isle of Wight, 369 Hastings Lady F., Poems, 264 Hastings Marquess of, Administration of the Indian Government, 181323, 143 Hastings Warren, Memoirs of, by Gleig, 440 Hausset Madame du, Private Memoirs of, 440 Haiiy M. R. J., Natural Philosophy, 189 Hawker Lieut. Col. P., Instructions to Sports- men, 227 Hawkesbury Lord, Speech on the Catholic Petition, 129 Hawkesworth Dr., Almoran and Hamet, 274 Hawkins Dr. Edw., Bampton Lectures for 1840,463 On the Objects and Uses of the Histori- cal Scriptures of the Old Testament, 41 Hawkins H. , Reform the Ruin of Parliament, 105 Hawkins Sir J., Life of, 446 Hawkins Sir R., Life of, 446 Hay W., Essay on Deformity, 314 Haydn J., Dictionary of Dates, 384 Haydn and Mozart, Lives of, 440 Haydon Mr., Description of his Picture of Christ's entry into Jerusalem, 223 Hayley Wm. , Life, &c. , of Cowper, 435 Haynes Joseph, Life of, 448 Hayter Bp., Sermon, 4J Hayward Sir J., Life of Edward VI, 401 Hazlitt Wm., Life of Napoleon, 395 Literary Remains, 321 Conversations of Northcote, 453 Head Major F. B., Life of Bruce, 431 Journeys across the Pampas, 355 Head SirG., Forest Scenes in North America, 355 Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, 346 Head Sir G., A Home Tour, 855 Headley H., Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, 264 Hearne Thomas, Life of, 449 Heath C. , Accounts of Persfield and Chepstow, 334 Heath's Account of the Scilly Islands, 369 Heathfield R., Plan for the Liquidation of the Public Debt, 143 Observations on Trade, 143 Heber Bp., Journey through India, 355 Hymns, 264 Poems, 264 Life of, by his Widow, 440 Last Days of, by Robinson, 440 Heberden Dr., Life of, 447 Hecker J. F. C., The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century, 216 Hederici B., Lexicon Gr. et Lat., 256 Heeren A. H. L., Manual of Anc. Hist., 384 Asiatic Nations, 384 Ancient Nations of Africa, 384 Political History of Ancient Greece, 120 Political System of Europe and its Co- lonies, 120 Helen's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 282 Hemans Mrs., Forest Sanctuary, &c., 264 Records of Women, &c., 264 Songs of the Affections, 264 Poetical Remains of, 264 Memorials of, 440 Hemming J., Mineral Water in Gloucester, 194 Henderson A., History of Wines, 315 Life and Times of, 19 Henderson Rev. E., Book of Isaiah, 2, 11 Divine Inspiration, 66 Great Mystery of Godliness, 7 Henderson John, Life of, 448 Henderson Capt. J., Agricult. of Caithness, 231 Henley Lord, Plan of Church Reform, 29 Henningsen Captain C. F., Campaign with Zumalacarregui, 401 Henricus Huntingdoniensis, 408 Henry IV, V, and VI, History of, 403 Henry Patrick, Life of, by Wirt, 440 Henry Rev. Ph., Life of, 437, 440 Henry Dr. R., History of Great Britain, 401 Henryson Robert, Life of, 448 Henslow Rev. J. S., Principles of Botany, 212 Hentzner P., Journey into England, 314 Herald of Peace, 248 Heraldic Anomalies, 423 Herbelot M., Bibliothfique Orientale, 239 Herbert ( Lord) of Cherbury, History of Henry VIII, 401 Life of, 440 Herbert George, Life of, 437, 449 Hereditary Depravity, Letters on, 69 Herefordshire, Account of, 333 Heriot George, Memoirs of, 440 Hermit in Edinburgh, 315 3 S 498 INDEX. Herodes Atticus, 304 Herodiani Historia, Irmischii, 302 Opera, Schweighseuseri, 302 Herodote, Histoire, trad, par Larcher, 302 Herodotus, trans, by Beloe, 302 Herrera, Life of, 447 Herrick R., Poetical Works, 264 Herschel Sir J. F. W., On the Study of Na- tural Philosophy, 189 Treatise on Astronomy, 190 Hertfordshire, Account of, 333 Hervey Lady Mary Lepel, Letters of, 440 Herzberg Graf, v., Neues Worterbuch der Politik, 120 Hesiodus, 305 Hesiod, Works, trans, by Cooke, 302 Hewitson W. C., British Oology, 206 Hey Wm., Life of, by Pearson, 440 Hey wood J., Life of, 446 Heywood T., A Marriage Triumph, 318 Hibbert S., Philosophy of Apparitions, 183 Hickes George, Ling. Vet. Septentrionalium Thesaurus, 256 Higden R., Historia Britan., 401 Higgins G., Horee Sabbaticse, 66 On the Corn Laws, 143 Higgins W. M., Alphabet of Geology, 200 __ The Earth, 200 High Church Claims Exposed, 29 Highmore A., On Registering Charitable Donations, 159 Hilbers H. G., Statement of, 95 Hill B. E., Home Service, 441 Hill Sir Richard, Life of, by Sidney, 441 Hill Rev. Rowland, Mature Reflections and Devotions of, 66 Notes of his Preaching, 41 Village Dialogues, 297 Life of, by Sidney, 441 Hill Rowland, Post Office Reform, 143 Hill S., Plan for Reducing the Poor's Rate, 159 Hillary Sir W., On Preservation from Ship- wreck, 167 On the Improvement of the Metropolis, 228 Plan for a Steam Life Boat, &c., 221 Sketch of Ireland in 1824, 105 Hindoos (The), Account of, 355 Hindoostanee Tongue, Essay on the, 241 Hinds Rev. Sam., Hist, of Christianity, 463 The Catechist's Manual, 463 Hinton J. H., History and Topography of the United States, 355, 401 ' Hints for Certain Reviewers, 252 Hippisley Sir J. C., Speeches on the Catholic Claims, 129 Letters on ditto, 129 Historia Galf. Vinesalir, 401 Historic Anglicanee Scriptores varii, ed. Sparko, 401 Historire Anglicanae Scriptores X, cura Twyxd-n, 401 Historiae Britannicse et Anglicanae Script. XX, cura Gale, 401 Historiae Byzantinae Script, post Theophanem, 390 Historiae Coenobii Burgensis, Script, varii, 401 Historise Croylandensis Continuatio, 401 Historical Parallels, 415 Hoare C., On the Grape Vine, 232 Hoare Sir R. C., History of Wiltshire, 341 Hobbes T., De Mirabilibus Pecci, 332 Works, 321 Hobbii T., Hist. Eccles. Carmine Elegiaco Concinnata, 264 Hobhouse Sir Ben., On Inclosure Acts, &c., 419 Hobson Rev. L. J., On the Circulation of the Scriptures, &c , 86 Hobson Rev. S., The Christian Schoolmaster, 67 Hodgson A., Comparative Expense of Free and Slave Labour, 153 Hodgson Rev. Dr., Life of Bp. Porteus, 454 Hodgson Captain S., Truths from the West Indies, 355 Hoffman C. F., Wild Scenes, 355 Winter in the Far West, 355 Hofland T. C., Angler's Manual, 227 Hogan Major, Appeal to the Public, &c., 236 Hogarth G., Memoirs of the Musical Drama, 224 Musical History, &c. , 224 Hogarth W., Original Engravings, 224 Life of, 447 Hogg J., Poetical Works, 264 Hogg T. J., Two Hundred and Nine Days, 355 Holcroft Thomas, Life of, 448 Holden Rev. G., The Christian Sabbath, 67 Holder W., Discourse concerning Time, 190 Holdsworth A. H., On the Situation of the Country, 105 Holford G., Speech on the Employment of Prisoners, 164 On the Criminal Prisons, 164 Holland, Account of the Poor Colonies, &c., of, 159 Holland H., Agriculture of Cheshire, 229 Holland Dr. H., Medical Notes and Reflec- tions, 216 Hollings J. F., Life of Cicero, 434 Holman J., Voyage Round the World, 356 Holstein Gen. , Memoirs of Bolivar, 395 Holt J., Agriculture of Lancashire, 230 Holl Joseph, Memoirs of, by Croker, 441 Holy Alliance, Declaration of England against the Acts, &c., of the, 118 Home Sir E., Comparative Anatomy, 216 Homeri Opera, Ernesti, 302 Ilias, Heyne, 302 Homer, Iliad and Odyssey, trans, by Pope, 302 trans, by Cowper, 302 INDEX. 499 Homer, Iliad and Odyssey, trans, by Pope, with Notes by Wakefield, 464 Iliad, trans, by Sotheby, 302 Translations from, by Dryden, 302 Works, Essay towards a Trans, of, by Scott, 302 Essay on, by Wood, 255 Homilies of the Church of England, 41 Hone W., Aspersions Answered, 265 On Ancient Mysteries, 29 Political Christmas Carol, 264 The Every- Day Book, 315 The Man in the Moon, &c., 264 Hood T., Jack Brag, 284 Love and Pride, 286 Maxwell, 287 Peregrine Bunce, 465 Precepts and Practice, 290 Sayings and Doings, 292 The Parson's Daughter, 289 Tylney Hall, 297 Up the Rhine, 297 . Whims and Oddities, 298 Hooke N., Roman History, 384 Hooker R., Ecclesiastical Politic, 29 Sermons, 41 Life of, 437, 449 Hooker Dr. W. J., British Jungermannise, 212 . Companion to the Botanical Mag., 211 Tour in Iceland, 212, 356 Hooper Bp., Life of, 437 Hope Thomas, Anastasius, 274 Costume of the Ancients, 426 Essay on Architecture, 228 Hoppner John, Life of, 447 Horae Romanse, 4 Horatii Opera, Bentleii, 302 Opera, Baxter!, &c., 302 . Epistoltfi, with Notes, &c., by Hurd, 303 Horace, Works, trans, by Francis, 303 CEuvres, avec notes par Dacier, 303 Translations from, by Dryden, 303 Home Bp., Commentary on the Psalms, 11 Works, 67 Home Rev.T. H., Biblical Bibliography, 245 Introduction to the Scriptures, 7 Compendious Introd. to the Bible, 7 Romanism Contradictory to the Bible, 67 Homer, Historical Sketch of, 441 Horsemanship, Hints on, 227 Horsley Bp. , Biblical Criticisms, 1 1 Book of Psalms, 2 Sermons, 41 Sermons on the Resurrection, &c., 41 Speeches, 129, 419 Tracts, 67 Horsley J., Britannia Romana, 329 Hortense, (Duchesse de St. Leu,) Memoires de, 441 Horticultural Register, 232 Horticultural Society of London, Charter and Bye- Laws of the, 232 Transactions of the, 239 Horton R. W., Letter on the Catholic Ques- tion, 129 Speech on the Election of Mayor, &c., of Newcastle, 105 Hoskins G. A. , Visit to the Great Oasis, 356 Hoste Capt. Sir W., Memoirs of, 441 Hough Rev. Dr. J., Life of, by Wilmot, 441 Hough Rev. J., Reply to the Letters of the Abbe Dubois, 67 Houghton P., Sermon, 42 House of Commons, Index to the, 1808, 418 List of the, 1814, 418 List of its Members, 1823, 417 Analysis of the, 1823, 417 Journals of the, 422 Reports from Committees of the, 422 House of Lords, Journals of the, 422 Calendar of the Journals, 422 Housman Rev. R., Life, &c., of, 441 Hoveden Roger de, 408 How to Observe, 315 Howard Lord, Life of, 446 Howard H., Remarks on the Catholic Reli- gion, 67 Howard John, Life of, by Taylor, 442 Howard L. , A Cycle in the Seasons of Britain, 464 Howard P., Address to the Abps. and Bps. of England and Ireland, 29 Howard Dr. R. B., Morbid Effects of Defi- ciency of Food, 216 Howe John, Life of, by Rogers, 442 Howe Richard Earl, Life of, by Barrow, 442 Howes Rev. F., Miscel. Poetical Translations, 303 Howick Vise. , Speech on the Change of Ad- ministration, 106 Howitt W., Book of the Seasons, 197 Colonization and Christianity, 153 Rural Life of England, 315 Student Life of Germany, 356 Visits to Remarkable Places, 329 Huber Francis, Memoir of, 442 Hudson G., Flora Anglica, 212 Hudson J. C., On Chimney Sweeping, 174 Hufeland C. W., Art of Prolonging Human Life, 216 Hug's Introduction to the New Testament, 7 Huggins W.,. Sketches in India, 356 Hughes Griffith, Nat. Hist, of Barbados; 206 Hughes John, Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, 356 Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Hughes Rev. Jos., Memoir of, by Leifchild, 442 Hughes Rev. T. S., Address in the cause of the Greeks, 120 On the Greek Revolution, 120 Letter to G. Higgins, 66 Remarks on "An Essay on the Eternity of the World, by a Sceptic," 52 Hull Dr. R., Notes on the Morbid Eye, 216 500 INDEX. Hull Rev. W., Discourses at his Ordination in the Congregational Church, Norwich, 42 Duty of Christians towards Civil Rulers, 42 Consolations of Christianity, 42 - Ecclesiastical Establishments, 29 On Calvinism, 67 Hulsean Lectures, 42 Human Economy, True Original Scheme of, 107 Human Sacrifices in India, Appeal by the Society for the Abolition of, 151 Humblet le Chanoine, La Nouvelle Jerusalem delivree, 120 Humboldt Alex, de, Essay on New Spain, 403 Essay on Rocks, 200 Personal Narrative, 356 Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie, &c. , 216 Researches, 384 Travels and Researches of, 356 et A. Bonpland, Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie, &c., 206 Hume D., Essays and Treatises, 315 History of England, 403 Hume G. S., Alice, and other Tales, 274 Hume Mr., Resolutions relative to the State of the Nation, 106 Humfrey Lieut. Col. J. H., British Legion in Spain, 403 Humphreys J., English Laws of Real Pro- perty, 96 Letter to E. B. Sugden, 96 Hunt J., Mutual Love Recommended, 42 Translation of Elijah Considered, 42 Hunt Leigh, A Legend of Florence, 265 Byron and his Contemporaries, 442 The Indicator, 315 Hunt T. F., Exemplars of Tudor Architecture, 228 Hunter Dr., Life of, 447 Hunter G. .Nummorum veterum descriptio,425 Hunter John, Memoir of, 442 Hunter John D., Captivity among the Indians, 442 Defended, by Norgate, 442 Hunter W. P., Expedition to Syria, 403 Huntingdon Sclina Countess of, Life of, 442 Huntingdonshire, Account of, 333 Huntingford Bp., Charge, 42 Letter to Lord Somers, 106 Petition of the English Catholics, consi- dered, 130 Hurd Richd., Introd. to the Prophecies, 7 Hurd Bp., Moral and Political Dialogues, 315 Sermons, 42 Husenbeth Rev. F. C., Discourse at the Fu- neral of the Baroness Stafford, 42 Huskisson W., On the Depreciation of our Currency, 148 Speech on the State of the Finances, &c., 143 HUM John, Life of, 449 Hutchinson Lord, Speech on the Catholic Question, 130 Hutton Dr. C., Philos. and Mathematical Dictionary, 189 Recreations in Mathematics, ] 87 Hutton Dr. J., Theory of the Earth, 200 Biographical Account of, 442 Hutton W., History of the Roman Wall, 329 Life of, 442 Huxham Dr., Life of, 447 HydeT. Veterum Persarum Religionis Hist. ,89 IDLER, 309 Iffland W. A., The Foresters, 267 Immediate not Gradual Abolition; 153 Impeachments, Review of the Arguments in favour of the Continuance of, notwithstand- ing a Dissolution, 112 Imperial Gratitude, 120 Imperium in Imperio, 130 Important Considerations for the People, 106 Impressment, Letter to W. Wilberforce on, 92 Right and Practice of, considered, 92 Inchbald Mrs. , British Theatre, 265 Collection of Farces, 266 Modern Theatre, 266 Nature and Art, 288 Simple Story, 293 Independent Dissenters, Letters to a Congre- fation of, 69 ia, (British), Account of, 403 India, Correspondence in, between the Country Powers and the Company's Servants, 120 Letter on an Open Trade to, 142 Narrative of a March in, 366 Proceedings in Parliament, &c., on the subject of the Payments to the Troops serving in, 236 View of the Present State, &c., of the Free Trade and Colonization of, 156 Industry amongst the Labouring Classes, Re- marks upon a Bill for Promoting, 160 Inglis H. D., The Channel Islands, 356 Journey throughout Ireland, 356 Journey through Norway, &c., 356 The Tyrol, 356 Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote, 356 Ingram Dr. J., Memorials of Oxford, 339 Saxon Chronicle, 403 Ingram R. A., The Causes of the Increase of Methodism and Dissension, 42 Ingratitude, History of, 106 Ingulfi Croylandensis Historia, 401 Ingulphus, 408 Inheritance (The), 283 Innes J. B., Cursory Obs. on " Baptismal Regeneration, by Rev. Wm. Hull," 67 Eccles. Establishments Indefensible, 29 Memorials of Mrs. Innes, 442 Inquirer (The), 248 Insect Architecture, 206 Insect Transformations, 206 INDEX. 501 Insect Miscellanies, 206 Insects, Natural History of, 206 Inspector (The), 248 Insurance against Robbery, 167 Interference of the British Legislature in the Internal Concerns of the West India Islands deprecated, 154 Ireland J., Letter to H. Brougham, Esq., M.P., 167 The Claims of the Establishment, 42 Ireland, Evidence on Tithes in, 419 Evidence on the State of, 419 Hints to the Legislature, for Removing the Causes of the Discontents in, 105 Historical Songs of, ed. by Croker, 318 Letter to Sir F. D'lvernois on, 107 Letters to the English People on, 1 08 Observations on the State of, 1 10 On the Condition of the Poor in, 159 Remarks on the Evils of, 106 Report on the Prisons of, 421 Report on Tithes in, 421 Sketch of the State of, 113 Thoughts on the Disturbances in, 114 Irish Charitable Society, Sketch of, 168 Irish History, Sketches of, and Considerations on the Catholic Question, 134 Irish Language, Attempts to circulate the Scriptures in the, 87 Irish (Native), Memorial on behalf of the, 179 Irish Oratory, 130 Irving Rev. E. , Examination of the Writings, &c., of, 67 Orations, 42 Irving J. T., Hunters of the Prairie, 283 Indian Sketches, 356 Irving W., Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, 309 The Alhambra, 274 Astoria, 275 Bracebridge Hall, 276 Conquest of Granada, 403 History of Columbus, 356, 435 Voyages of the Companions of Columbus, 356 Knickerbocker's New York, 285 Legends of Spain, 285 Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, 286 The Sketch Book, 293 Tales of a Traveller, 295 Tour on the Prairies, 378 Isaacson H., Life of Dr. Andrews, 429 Isaeus, 304 Isaiah, New Translation of, by Bp. Lowth, 2 translated by Henderson, 2 translated by Govett, 2 Isle of Wight, Account of the, 333 Isocratis, Opera, Augeri, 303 Israelites, Memoires sur 1'etat des, 131 Italy as it is, 357 Italy, Spain, and Portugal, Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of, 447 Iturbide Don Augustin de, Life of, 403 lu-Kiao-Li, a Chinese Novel, 284 Ives John, Garianonum of the Romans, 335 Ivimey J., Lecture on Slavery, 154 JACK of Newbury, History of, 461 Jackson J., On Wood Engraving, 224 Life of, 447 Jackson J. R., What to Observe, 357 Jackson R., On the Increase of Crime, 164 Jacob W., Causes of Agricultural Distress, 143 Report on Agriculture and the Trade in Corn, 143 Jacobs F., Additamenta Animadversionum in Athena?i Deipnosophistas, 252 Jago Rev. R., Poems, 262 Jahn Dr. J., Hist, of the Hebrew Common- wealth, 384 James the First, Life of, 448 James E., Exped. to the Rocky Mountains, 357 James G. P. R., Ancient Regime, 274 Attila, 275 Corse de Leon, 278 Darnley, 279 De L'Orme, 279 Desultory Man, 279 Gentleman of the Old School, 281 Henry of Guise, 282 Henry Masterton, 282 History of Charlemagne, 403 Life of Richard Cceur-de-Lion, 403 Lives of Foreign Statesmen, 445 Man at Arms, 286 Morley Ernstein, 464 One in a Thousand, 289 Philip Augustus, 289 Richelieu, 291, 465 The Gipsey, 281 The Jacquerie, 284 The King's Highway, 285 The Robber, 291 James Major, Universal Toleration, 29 James Dr. T., Sermons, &c., 43 James W., Naval Hist, of Great Britain, 403 Jameson Mrs., Characteristics of Women, 315 Handbook to the Public Galleries, 224 Memoirs of Female Sovereigns, 450 Rambles in Canada, 357 Social Life in Germany, 267 Visits and Sketches, 315 Jameson R., System of Mineralogy, 200 Jameson R. G., New Zealand, South Austra- lia, &c., 357 Jameson Dr. T., On Cheltenham Waters, &c., 216 Jameson, Wilson, and Murray's Narrative of Discovery in Africa, 357 Jamesone George, Life of, 447 Jamieson R., Popular Ballads and Songs, 267 Japan, Diary on the Coast of, 370 Japanese, Manners and Customs of the, 357 Jardine Sir W., The Naturalist's Library, 207 502 INDEX. Jardine Sir W. and Selby P. J., Illustrations of Ornithology, 206 Jebb Rev. J., Sacred Literature, 11 Jebb Bp., Life of, by Forster, 442 Jebb Bp. and Alex Knox, Correspondence, ed. by Forster, 442 Jee Rev. T., On the Management of the Poor, 159 Jefferies Lord, Life of, 447 Jefferson Thos., Memoirs, &c., of, ed. by Randolph, 442 Jeffreys N., Conduct of the Prince of Wales, 106 Jemmett H. , On Ricardo's Political Economy, &c., 137 On Arrest for Debt, 96 Jenkin T. , Examination of the Free Inquiry, &c., 67 Jenkins T., Catalogo di Monumenti Scritti del Museo del Signer, 243 Jenkinson's Travels in Bucharia, 370 Jenner Dr. E., Life of, 447 Life of, by Baron, 442 Jennerian Society, Plan, &c., of the, 219 Jenyns Rev. L., Manual of Vertebrate Ani- mals, 206 Jenyns S., Poems, 262 Jeremiah, by Blayney, 2 Jennent Rev. Dr., Life of Abp. Leighton, 444 Jerome of Prague, Life of, 449 Jerrold D., Bubbles of the Day, 267 Cakes and Ale, 462 Jervis Sir J. J. W., Rise, &c., of the Ancient Christian Church, 19 Jesse Capt, Notes of a Half-pay, 357 Jesse Edw., An Angler's Rambles, 315 Day at Hampton Court, 334 Day at Windsor and Eton, 330 Gleanings in Natural History, 198 Jesuits, Brief Account of, 20 Bulls for the Suppression and Re-estab- lishment of the, 20 Jewell Bp., Apology for the Church of Eng- land, trans, by Rev. S. Isaacson, 29 Life of, 437 Life of, by C. W. le Bas, 442 Jewish Intelligence, 464 Jewitt J. R., Adventures of, 357 Jews, Instruction and Conversion of the, 85 Naturalization of the, 130 History of the, 384 Conversion of the, 72 Reports of the Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the, 86 Joan. Wallingford, 401 Joanna of Sicily, Historical Life of, 404 Job, Book of, trans, by T. Scott, 2 trans, by S. Lee, 2 Jocelyn Lord, Six Months with the Chinese Expedition, 404 Jodrell Sir R. P., Carmina Selecta, 267 < Dover, 267 Joelis, Chronographia, 390 Johannes Brompton, Journallensis, 401 Johannes, Prior Hagustaldensis, 401 John Bull, 106 Johns R., The Schoolfellows, 293 Johnson A., Lucina sine Concubitu, 314 Johnson Rev. A., Account of the English Translation of the Bible, 7 Johnson E., Life, Health, and Disease, 217 Johnson Dr. J. , On Morbid Sensibility of the Stomach, &c., 217 Economy of Health, 217 Change of Air, 357 The Recess, 357 Johnson Dr. S., English Dictionary, 256 Essay concerning Parliaments, 106 Marmor Norfolciense, 106 Poems, 262 Rasselas, 291 Works, by Murphy, 321 Memoir of, 431 Life of, by Boswell, 443 Life of, by Boswell, with Additions by Croker, 443 and Mrs. Knowles, Dialogue between, 62 Johnsoniana, 443 Johnston Dr. David, Public Education in France, 178 Johnston Dr. G., History of British Sponges, &c., 206 Johnstone Chas., Memoir of, 431 Johnstons Chev. de, Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745, 404 Johnstone Dr. J., On the Power of Mineral Acid Vapours to destroy Contagion, 217 Johnstone Mr., Speech on the Gold Coin Bill, 144 Joint- Stock Banks, Report on, 421 Joint- Stock Companies, Speeches on, 144 Jones E., Address to Bankers, &c., on Book- Keeping, 186 Defence of the Convention concluded in Portugal, Aug 30, 1808, 120 Jones Dr. E. G., Effects of Eau Medicinale d'Husson in the Gout, 217 Jones Capt. G. M., Travels in Norway, &c., 357 Jones Inigo, Life of, 447 Jones John, Attempts in Verse, 267 Jones J., On the Greek Article, 252 Jones Rear Adm. Paul, Memoirs of, 443 Jones R. R., Memoir of, 443 Jones Sir W., Works, 321 Poems, 262 Life of, 447 Jones Rcv.T.,On Ecclesiastical Liberality,29 Jones T. R., Outline of the Animal King- dom, 206 Jonson Ben, Works, 267 Poems, 262 Life of, 446 Joplin T., Essay on Banking, 144 INDEX. 503 Jordan G. W., Examination of the Slave Registry Bill, 154 Jordan Mrs., Life of, 448 Jortin Dr. John, Truth of the Christian Reli- gion, 43 Life of Erasmus, 437 Observations upon Authors, 252 Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, 20 Remarks on Tillotson's Sermons, 47 Sermons, 43 Six Dissertations, 67 Strictures on the Articles, &c., 29 Tracts, 253 Joseph Emperor, Historical Sketch of, 441 Joseph II, Letters of, 443 Josephine I'lmperatrice, Memoires par Nor- mand, 443 Josephine Empress, Memoirs of, 443 Josephi Flav., Opera, Oberthiir, 303 Josephus Flav., Works, trans, by Whiston,303 Journal des Savans, 248 Journal d'un Voyageur Anglais, 106 Journal of a Naturalist, 198 Journal of a Soldier, 443 Journal of an English Traveller, 357 Journal of Science and the Arts, 239 Jouy M. de, Hermit in Italy, 355 Jovvett Rev. W., Christian Researches in the Mediterranean, 67 Christian Researches in Syria, &c., 67 Judson A. H., Baptist Mission to the Burman Empire, 357 Jugement de 1'Eglise Catholique contre les nouveaux schismatiques de France, 20 Junius, Letters of, 106 Enquiry regarding the Author of the Letters of, 245 The Claims of Sir P. Francis disproved by E. H. Barker, 242 Junto (The), a Poem, 267 Justini Historiae, 307 Justinian Imp., Corpus Juris Civilis, 93 Juvenalis D. Junii, Satirae, Ruperti, 303 Juvenalis D. Junius, Satires, trans, by Gifford, 303 Satires, trans, by Dryden, 303 Translations from, by Dryden, 303 KALM'S Travels in North America, 371 Kames Lord, Elements of Criticism, 253 History of Man, 171 Memoirs of, by Woodhouselee, 443 Kant E., Project for a Perpetual Peace, 174 Kater Capt. H., Treatise on Mechanics, 192 Kaye Bp., Ecclesiastical History, 20 On the Writings of Clement of Alex., 14 Writings of Justin Martyr, 15 Kean Edm., Life of, 443 Keate T., Cases of the Hydrocele, 217 Keith Dr. A., Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, 52 Demonstration of ditto, 52 Signs of the Times, 67 Keith Rev. G. S., Life, &c., of Dr. George Campbell, 433 Keith T., Elements of Plane Geometry, 186 Kelly Michael, Reminiscences of, 443 Kelson T. M., On Cutaneous Complaints, 217 Kemble F. N., Francis the First, 267 Kemble John P., Life of, 448 Memoirs of, by Boaden, 443 Kempfer's History of Japan, 370 Ken Bp. T., Life of, by Bowles, 443 Kennedy Dr. R., Campaign of the Army of the Indus, 357 Kennet Bp., History of England, 402 Kennett Rev. B. C., Hints for the Abolition of Tithes, 29 Kent, Account of, 333 Kent East-Indiaman, Narrative of the Loss of, 366 Kent N., Agriculture of Norfolk, 230 Kent Wm., Life of, 447 Kenyon Lord, Obs. on the Catholic Question, 130 Keogh J., Speech at a Meeting of the Catho- lics of Dublin, 130 Kepler John, Life of, 448, 450 Keppel Aug. Vise., Life of, 443 Keppel Major, Journey Across the Balcan, 358 Journey from India to England, 358 Kerguelen's Voyage to the North, 369 Kerr R., Agriculture of Berwickshire, 230 Kerr R. , Collection of Voyages and Travels, 358 Kerrison R. M., Obs. on the Bill for Better regulating the Medical Profession, &c., 217 Kett's Rebellion, History of, 336 Kidd Dr. J., Geological Essay, 200 Outlines of Mineralogy, 200 On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, 189 Kidd Rev. T., Sermon, 43 Killing no Murder, 106 Kincaid J , Random Shots from a Rifleman, 315 King Archbp., Key to Divinity, 68 On the Origin of Evil, 183 King Capt., Journal of, 360 King Capt. P. P., Survey of Australia, 360 King E., Munimenta Antiqua, 329 King Lord, Life of John Locke, 449 Historical Sketch of, 441 King R., Journey to the Arctic Ocean, 360 King Thos., Life of, 448 King Dr. W., Poems, 262 Life of, 448 Kingdom Wm., The United States, Canada, &c., 360 Kinghorn J., Arguments against mixed Com- munion, 68 Funeral Sermon for, 36 Kinnear J. , Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, 360 Kinneir J. M.,Geog. of the Persian Empire, 361 504 INDEX. Kinneir J. M., Journey through Asia Minor, &c.,360 Kirby J., The Suffolk Traveller, 340 Kirby Rev. W., Fauna Boreali- Americana, 205 On the Power, &c., of God as mani- fested in the Creation of Animals, 206 and W. Spence, Introduction to Ento- mology, 206 Kirk Rev. J., Roman Catholic Principles, 68 Kirkpatrick Col., Account of Nepaul, 361 Kitchiner Dr. W., Economy of the Eyes, 191 The Traveller's Oracle, 315 Klaproth J. , Examen des Travaux de Cham- pollion sur les Hieroglyphes, 426 Klaproth J. Von, Travels in Caucasus, 361 Knight T. A. , Physiological and Horticultural Papers, 232 Knighton Henricus, Leicestrensis, 401 Knolles Rich., Turkish History, 404 Knowles J. S., Plays, 267, 464 Knox Alex., Remains of, 321 Knox C. H., Traditions of the Rhine, 296 Knox John, Life of, by M'Crie, 444 Knox Rev. Dr. V., Winter Evenings, 315 Essays, 315 Remarks on Grammar Schools, 178 Koch M., Tableau des Revolutions de 1' Eu- rope, 404 Koellner Wm., Life of, 455 Koran (The), trans, by Geo. Sale, 89 Koster H., On the Amelioration of Slavery, 154 Kotzebue Aug. Von, Plays, trans, by Plump- tre, 267, 268 Krasinski Count, Reformation in Poland, 464 Kynaston Edw., Life of, 448 LABB Philippus, De Byzantinse Historiae Script., 391 Notitia Dignitatum Imp. Rom., 391 La Bruyere, Les Caracteres de, 178 Laborde Alex, de, View of Spain, 361 Laborde M. L6on de, Journey through Arabia, 361 Lac6p6de M. le Comte de, Memoir of, 444 Lacretelle P. L , (Ain6) (Euvres, 321 Lacroix S. F., Elemens d'Algfebre, 186 Lzti Pomponii Historia, 307 Lafarge Mad., Memoirs of, 444 Lafayette Gen., Private Life of, by Cloquet, 444 Outlines of the Life of, 444 Historical Sketch of, 441 La GrSce en 1821 et 1822, 120 Lahontan's Travels in Canada, 871 Laing Major A. G., Travels in Africa, 361 Laing M., History of Scotland, 404 Laing S., Residence in Norway, 361 Tour in Sweden, 361 Notes of a Traveller, 361 Laity's (The) Directory to the Church Ser- vice, 30 Laity's (The) Remonstrance to the late Repre- sentation of the Lower H. of C n, 106 Lamarck Chevalier de, Memoir of, 444 Lamarck's Arrangement of Testacea, by Du- bois, 206 Lamarteliere M.,Conspirationde Bounaparte, 404 Lamartine Alph. de, Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 361 Lamb C., Essays of Elia, 313 Last Essays of Elia, 313 Letters of, with Life, by Talfourd, 444 Lamb Rev. J. and Henslow Rev. J. S., On the Payment of the Expenses of Out- Voters at an University Election, 464 Lambert F. J., Treatise on Dancing, 227 Lambton J. G., Speech on the State of the Representation, 106 Lampridius OZlius, 307 Lancashire, Account of, 333 Lancaster J., On Educating and Employing the Poor in Ireland, 159 Lancaster N., Essay on Delicacy, 314 Lancaster R., Defence of Mr. Geree's Ser- mons, 68 Lancasterian Institution, Report of the Fi- nance Committee of the, 161 Land Tax, Observations on the, 146 Landaff Bishop of, Letter to the Archbp. of Canterbury, 38 Lander R. and J., Exped. to the Niger, 361 Landon Miss, Francesca Carrara, 281 Romance and Reality, 292 The Improvisatrice, &c., 268 The Troubadour, &c., 268 Venetian Bracelet, &c,, 268 Life and Remains of, by Blanchard, 444 Landor W. S., Imaginary Conversations, 316 Landseer J., Lectures on Engraving, 224 Lane Edw. W., Modern Egyptians, 361 Langhorne Dr. J., Poems, 262 Langsdorff G. H. Von, Voyages and Travels, 361 La Neutralite de PEspagne, 120 Lansdown Marquis of, Speech on Foreign Commerce, 144 Lansdowne Lord, Poems, 262 Lanzi A. L., Hist, of Painting in Italy, 224 La Place P. S., Mecanique Celeste, 186 Systeme du Monde, 186 Laplace M. le Comte, On Analytical Me- chanics, 192 Lardner Dr. D., Manual of Electricity, 195 On the Steam Engine, 221 Treatise on Arithmetic, 186 Treatise on Geometry, 186 Treatise on Heat, 189 Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneuma- tics, 193 Treatise on Mechanics, 192 Lardner Dr. N., Counsels of Prudence, 174 History of the Apostles, 1 1 Works, 68 INDEX. 505 La Salle J. Henri, Sur le Concordat de 1817, 20 Las Cases Comte, Vie Privee de Napoleon, a Sainte Helene, 432 Private Life of Napoleon at St. Helena, 432 Latham J., Synopsis of Birds, 206 Index Ornithologicus, 206 Latham R. G., Norway and the Norwegians, 361 Latimer Bp., Life of, 437, 449 Latreille P. A. , Genera Crustaceorum et In- sectorum, 207 Memoir of, 444 Latrobe C. J., Rambler in Mexico, 362 Latude Henri Masers de, Life of, 444 Laud Abp. W. , Life of, by Lawson, 444 Lauder Sir T. D., Account of the Floods in Moray, 342 Highland Rambles, 362 Legendary Tales of the Highlands, 285 Lauderdale Earl of, On Public Wealth, 137 Laurel (The), 268 Laurence R., On Baptismal Regeneration, 68 Lavalette Count, Memoirs of, 444 Lavateri Liber de Spectris, 183 La V6rite, a Mons. Chateaubriand, 120 La Verite de l'Histoire_Ecclesiastique retablie par des Monumens authentiques, 20 ' La Villa Sampieri in Casalecchio, 268 Law Bishop, Charge, 43 Sermon, 43 Law, Remarks on the present State of the, 96 Law Institution, Prospectus of a, 97 Lawrence J., Dramatic Emancipation, 245 Lawrence Sir J., Nobility of the British Gentry, 423 Lawrence R., Elgin Marbles, 224 Lawrence Sir Thos., Life of, 447 Life of, by Williams, 444 Lawrence Dr., Historical Sketch of, 441 Lawson J. P. , Life, &c. , of Abp. Laud, 444 Lay G. T., Chinese as they are, 362 Lays of the Minnesingers, &c. , 268 Leach Lieut. Col. J., Life of, 444 Leach W. E., Zoological Miscellany, 207 Leake S. M., Account of Eng. Money, 426 Leake W. M., Topography of Athens, 385 Leckie G. F. , Practice of the British Govern- ment, 107 Ledyard J., Life and Travels of, 362, 444 Lee Mrs., Memoirs of Cuvier, 436 Lee Mrs. R. , Stories of Strange Lands, 294 Lee Nath., Life of, 446 Lee Rev. Sam., Book of Job, 2 Hebrew Grammar, 253 ' Sermons, 43 Lee S. & H., Canterbury Tales, 277 Lee Thomas, Delicate Investigation &c., 107 Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Laws, &c., of, 245 Leems' Account of Lapland, 369 Lees Sir H., The Antidote, 130 Le Grice Rev. C., The Case of, 30 Leicestershire, Account of, 333 Leifchild John, Memoir of Hughes, 442 Leigh E., Answer to Charges against the Turkey Company, 144 Leigh E. and H. , Observations of the Roman Emperors, &c., 384 Leighton Abp., Works of, 68 Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, 331 Leland J., Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation, 52 . View of the Deistical Writers, 52 Antiquarii de Rebus Britannicis Col- lectanea, 329 Life of, 449 Leland Dr. T., History of Ireland, 404 Lempriere Dr. J., Classical Dictionary, 444 Classical Dictionary, ed. by Barker, 444 Lempriere 's Tour to Morocco, 372 Le Neve J., Fasti Ecclesise Anglicanae, 20 Lenfant J., Hist, of the Council of Constance translated by Whatley, 20 Lennox Charles, Female Quixote, 280 Leo C., On the Traditions of the Rabbins, 15 Leo the Tenth, Life of, 445 Life of, by Roscoe, 409 Leon Luis de, Life of, 447 Leonis Diaconi Hist., 391 Leonis Grammatici Vitae, 392 Le Pretre, 286 Lerma Duke of, Life of, 445 Le Roy's Narrative of Four Russian Sailors, 369 Lesage, Le Diable Boiteux, 279 Hist, de Gil Bias, 281 Gil Bias, trans, by Smollett, 281 Guzman D'Alfarache, 282 Lesbonax, 304 Les J'aih vu, istoriques et moraux, 120 Leslie J., On Heat, 189 Leslie Rev. W., Agriculture of Naivn and Moray, 231 Leslie, Jameson, and Murray's Narrative of Discovery, &c., in the Polar Seas, 362 Lessing G. E., Nathan the Wise, by Taylor, 268 L' Estrange R., On the Regulation of the Press, 168 Letter from a Clergyman to his Parishioners, 68 from a Gentleman in Scotland, 30 from a Jew to a Christian, 52 from the King to his people, 108 to a Clergyman of the Diocese of Dur- ham, 69 to an Orthodox Clergyman, 69 to Lord Eg nt, 107 to the Author of " The Divine Lega- tion of Moses Demonstrated," 69 Letters from an English Gentleman in Paris, 120 from Hofwyl, by a Parent, 464 from Pope Pius IV to Mary Q. of Scots, and from Sir B. Tichborne to James 1, 415 3 T 506 INDEX. Letters from the North of Italy, 362 from the Shores of the Baltic, 362 on Mr. Plunkett's Bill, 130 to Lords Grenville and Howick, 108 Lettere Critico-Apologetiche per servire di Commentario all' articolo che tratta della Letteratura Italiana, dell' Opera di Madama di Stael, 253 Lettre a 1' Auteur des Memoirs pour servir a 1'Hist. Eccles. pendant le dix-huiti6me Siecle, 22 Lettre de plusieurs Eveques de France au Pape Pie Six, et Rcponse du Soverain Pontife, 30 Lettre Familiere d'un Whig Anglois, 121 Lettsom J. C., Memoirs of, by Pettigrew, 445 Levis Duke de, The Carbonaro, 277 Lewis John, Hist, of the Translation of the Bible, 7 Lewis M. G., Journal of a West India Pro- prietor, 362 The Bravo of Venice, 297 Life and Correspondence of, 445 Lewis Thos., Origines Hebraeae, 15 Leybourn T., Mathematical Repository, 239 Leybourn W., Complete Surveyor, 186 Leyden Dr. John, Memoir of, 431 L'Hopital de, Essay on the Life of, 445 Libel, on the power of the House of Com- mons to Commit in matters of, 1 12 Liber Ecclesiasticus, 20 Liberia Unmasked, 154 Liberty of the Press, Reflections on the, 111 Liberty of the Subject, &c., Letters of Pub- licola on the, 108 Library, Directions to form a, 244 Library of Entertaining Knowledge, 316 Library of Useful Knowledge, 316 Liddiard Rev.W., Tour in Switzerland, 362 Lieber F. , Intercourse with Niebuhr, 453 Liebig Dr. J., Animal Chemistry, 464 Organic Chemistry, 194, 233 Lightfoot Rev. Dr. J., Works of, 69 Lights and Shadows of German Life, 286 Linacre Dr., Life of, 447 Lincoln Bishop of, Charge, 43 Remarks on the above, 74 Lincolnshire, Account of, 334 Lindley G. , Guide to the Orchard and Kit- chen Garden, 2*3 Lindley John, Introduction to the Natural System of Botany, 212 Introduction to Botany, 212 Ladies' Botany, 212 Elements of Botany, 212 Theory of Horticulture, 233 and Hutton W., Fossil Flora, 200 Lindoe R., Observations upon Slavery, 154 Lindsay Lord, Letters on Egypt, &c. , 362 Lindsay Sir David, Life of, 448 Lindsey Rev. T., Sermon on the Death of, 87 Lingard J. , Inquiry into the Nature and Constitution of Timber, 233 Lingard Rev. J. , History of England, 404 Vindication of the above, 404 Reply to the Observations of the Edin- burgh Review, 404 Sentiments of British Catholics, 131 Review of certain Anti-Catholic Publi- cations, 131 On the Laws, &c., in Foreign States, relative to their Catholic Subjects, 131 Linnaeus Car., Genera Plantarum, 212 Species Plantarum, 212 Critica Botanica, 212 Tour in Lapland, ed. by J. E. Smith, 212, 362 Systema Naturae, 198 System of Nature, translated by W. Turton, 198 Memoir of, 445 Correspondence of, by Smith, 445 View of his Writings, by Pulteney, 207 Linnean Soc. Charter & Bye -Laws of the, 239 Transactions of the, 239 Linus, 305 Lippi C. , Lago Fucino ed emissario di Clau dio nella Regione de' Marsi, 362 Lister T. H., Granby, 281 - Herbert Lacey, 282 Lister's Journey to Paris, 369 Literary Fund, its Origin, Progress, &c.,246 Literary Gazette, 248 Litterae Pii Papae Sexti super Juramento Civico, 93 Liturgy of the Church of England, Lectures on the, 30 Liverpool Earl of, Speech on the Report of the Bank Committee, 144 On the Coins of the Realm, 144 Liverpool Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Liverseege Henry, Life of, 447 Lives of Eminent Persons, 448 Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of Britain, 446 Livii Historic, 306 - Drakenborchii, 303 Livy's Hist, of Rome, trans, by Baker, 303 Llandaff Bp. of, Charge, 43 Lloronte D. J. A., Hist, of the Inquisition, 404 Lloyd L., Field Sports, 363 Lloyd R., Poems, 262 Lloyd Maj. Sir Wm., Journey to the Boor- endo Pass, 362 Lobo Father J. , Voyage to Abyssinia, 372 Locke John, Works, 321 Letters of, 438 Life of, by Lord King, 449 Lockhart J. G., History of Matt. Wald, 297 Life of Adam Blair, 276 Life of Burns, 433 Life of Scott, 456 Peter's Letters, 318 Reginald Dalton, 291 The Foresters, 280 Valerius, 297 INDEX. 507 Lockman J., David's Lamentation over Saul and Jonathan, 268 Locusts, Historical Account of, 207 Loder R. , History of Framlingham, 340 Statutes, &c. of Seckford's Alms- Ho uses in Woodbridge, 340 Lodge E., Peerage, 423 Genealogy of the Peerage, 423 Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 449 Logan Rev. J. , Poems, 262 London, edited by Charles Knight, 234 London, Chronicle of, from 1089 to 1483, 334 London Henry Bishop of, Account of the Proceedings against, 92 London Bishop of, Letter to him after a Perusal of the Charge delivered at his Primary Visitation, 30 London Institution of Literature, &c., Charter, &c., of the, 245 London Magazine, 248 London Prentices and Trades, Songs relative to the, edited by Mackay, 318 London and Middlesex, Account of, 334 Londonderry Marq. of, Peninsular War, 404 War in Germany, &c. , 404 Tour in Europe, 363 Steam Voyage to Constantinople, 464 Long Rt. Hon. C., Causes of the High Price of Bread, 144 Longini de Sublimitate, a Weiske, 303 Longinus Dion., On the Sublime, translated by Smith, 303 Translated by Spurdens, 303 Longley J., On Trial by Jury, 96 Longworth J. A., Year among the Circas- sians, 363 Lord P. B., Popular Physiology, 217 Lord's Day, Bill to promote the better Ob- servance of the, 418 Report on the Observance of the, 421 Lord's Discovery of the Banians, 370 Lorenzo de' Medici, Life of, by Roscoe, 449 Illustrations of the Life of, by Roscoe, 449 Loseley (The) Manuscripts, 416 Loudon J. C., Encyclopedia of Architecture, &c., 228 Encyclopedia of Agriculture, 233 Encyclopedia of Gardening, 233 Loudon Mrs., Instructions in Gardening to Ladies, 233 Loughborough Ld. , Historical Sketch of, 441 Lounger, 309 Lovat Matthew, Crucifixion of, 449 Lovat Lord, Memoirs of, 449 Love- Letters of Henry VIII to Anna Boleyn, 449 Love of Pleasure, Discourse on the, 173 Lover S., Legends of Ireland, 285 Rory O'More, 292 Lovibond E., Poems, 262 Lowe J., On Recognizing the Independence of the South American States, 121 Lowe J., On the Recognition of Columbia by Great Britain, 121 Lowe Jos., State of England in Regard to Agriculture, Trade, and Finance, 145 Lowe R., Agriculture of Nottinghamshire, 230 Lowman Moses, Paraphrase on the Revela- tion of St John, 9 Lowndes W. T., Bibliographer's Manual, 245 Lowne B. T., On Animal Physiology, 464 Lowth Bp., New Trans, of Isaiah, 2, 12 De Sacra. Poesi Hebrseorum, 12 Life of William of Wykeham, 461 Lowth Wm., Commentary upon the Minor Prophets, 9 Lucani Pharsalia, Weber, 303 Lucan, Pharsalia, trans, by Rowe, 303 Luciani Opera, Hemsterhusii, 303 Lucian, translated by Tooke, 303 Life of, by Dryden, 449 Lucretii De Rerum Natura, Libri sex, a Wakefield, 304 Lucretius, translated by Creech, 304 Translations from, by Dryden, 304 Ludlow Lieut. Gen. Edm., Memoirs, 404 Luther Martin, Autobiography of, translated by Lawson, 449 Lycurgus, 304 Lydgate Dan. J., Poems, 317 Lye E. , Dictionnarium Saxonico et Gothico- Latinum, 256 Lyell C., Principles of Geology, 200 Lynch Dr. F. T., Letter to the Rt. Hon. J. Sullivan, 168 Lyon Capt. G. F., Private Journal, 363 Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, 363 Tour in Mexico, 363 Lyre (The), 268 Lyric Poetry in the Reign of Edw. I, edited by Wright, 318 Lysioe Opera Gr. et Lat., curd Augeri, 304 Lysias, 304 Lysons S. & D., Magna Britannia, 329 Lyttelton Lord, Life of Henry II, 404 -1 Poems, 262 Life of, 448 MABERLEY Rev. F. H., Address on the Death of Lawrence Dundas, 437 Macaulay Cath., Address to the People of England, &c., 108 Macdonald J., Agricultural Survey of the Hebrides, 231 Maceroni Col., Memoirs of, 449 Mac Farlane C., Constantinople in 1828, 363 Lives of Banditti, 316 Romance of History, Italy, 292 Machiavelli Nic., Opere di, 321 Life of, 447 Mackay C. , Popular Delusions, 404 The Thames and its Tributaries, 334 Mackenzie Sir G., Account of Hirta and Rona, 369 508 INDEX. Mackenzie Sir G., Agriculture of Ross and Cromarty, 231 Mackenzie Sir G. S., Illustrations of Phreno- logy, 217 Mackenzie H. S., Julia de Roubign6, 285 Man of Feeling, 286 Memoir of, 431 Mackenzie Dr. Wm., Physiology of Vision, 191, 217 Mackinnon Capt. , Coldstream Guards, 405 Mackinnon W. A., On Public Opinion, 108 Mackintosh Sir J., History of England, 405 Vindiciae Gallicse, 121 Memoirs of, 449 Macklin Chas., Life of, 448 Macknight Dr. James, Apostolical Epistles, translated, 4 Harmony of the Gospels, 5 On the Truth of the Christ. Religion, 52 Truth of the Gospel History, 53 Maclaren Charles, Railways compared with Canals, &c.,168 Maclaurin C., Account of Newton's Philoso- phical Discoveries, 189 Maclean Dr. C., On the East India Com- pany's Charter, 145 On the Evidence before Parliament on the East India Company's Affairs, 145 On Epidemic & Pestilential Diseases, 217 Causes of Plague, &c., 217 Remarks on the Quarantine Laws, 168 Macmichael W., On Contagion and Quaran- tine, 217 Macnish R., Anatomy of Drunkenness, 316 Philosophy of Sleep, 183, 317 Maconochie Capt., Australiana, 164 Macpherson D. , Annals of Commerce, &c. , 1 45 M' Adam J. L., Remarks on Road Making, 168 Madden Dr. R. R., Egypt and Mohammed Ali, 405 Infirmities of Genius, 317 The Mussulman, 288 The United Irishmen, 464 Travels in Turkey, &c., 363 Madge Thos., On the Improved Version of the New Testament, 7 Sermons, 43 Madhouses, Report on, 420, 421 Madox J. , Excursions in the Holy Land, 363 Madras, Letter from an Officer at, 415 Maffei G. P., Istorie dell' Indie Oriental!, 405 Magazine of Natural History, 239 Magee Dr. W., The Doctrines of Atone- ment and Sacrifice, 70 Magellan Ferd., Voyage of, 359 Magendie P., Precis de Physiologic, 218 Magna Charta, 96 Magnetism and Electro- Magnetism, Treatises on, 195 Mahomet, Life of, 448 Miilum Lord, Life of Bclisarius, 430 History of the War in Spain, 405 Mahon Lord, History of England, 405 Mainwaring G. B., On the Police of the Metropolis, 164 Mairan M., Trait e de 1'Aurore Boreale, 195 Maistre Comte de, Journey round my Room, 284 Maitland Capt. T. L., Surrender of Buona- parte, 405 Maitland W. , The History of London, 334 Makanna, 286 Malalae Historia Chronica, 389 Malcolm Sir John, Life of Lord Clive, 435 Memoir of Central India, 363 Political History of India, 405 History of Persia, 405 Maiden Dr. J., On the Cow- Pox, 218 Malebranche Father, Search after Truth, 183 Malibran Madame, Memoirs of, 450 Malkin's Tour through Wales, 369 M'All Rev. Dr. R. S., Discourses, 43 Mallett P. H., Hist, de Dannemarc, 405 Northern Antiquities, 385 Mallet David, Life of, 448 Poems, 262 Malmesburiensis W., 401 Maltby Dr. Edw., Letter to the Freeholders of Huntingdon, 108 Maltebrun M., Geographic Universelle, 326 Atlas de la Geographic Universelle, 326 Malthus Rev. T. R., Definitions in Political Economy, 137 Essay on Population, 159 Measure of Value, 145 Statements respecting the East India College, 178 Malvern Hills, Reflections relative to the, 341 Man, Isle of, Account of the, 342 Observations on the Revenue of the, 419 'Man, View of the Intellectual Powers of, 183 Manby G. W., Voyage to Greenland, 363 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Soc., Memoirs of, 240 Manderson J., On the Magnitude of the British Navy, &c., 108 Mandeville Sir J., Travels of, 358 Mangel Wurzel, Cocksfoot Grass, &c., Cor- respondence on, 231 Manning Rev. O., History of Surrey, 340 Manny Sir W., Life of, 446 Mansel Sir R., Life of, 446 Mansfield Earl of, Sketch of, 450 Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, 447 Mant R., Guide to the Church Catechism, 30 On Regeneration and Conversion, 70 Mantell G., Geology of the South- East of England, 200 Wonders of Geology, 200 Manual for Papists and Protestants, 70 Manures, Nature and Properties of, 233 Manzoni A., I Promessi Sposi, 294 The Betrothed, 276 March and October, a Dialogue, 108 INDEX. 509 Marchmont, Papers of the Earls of, 450 Mariana J. de, History of Spain, 405 Marini, Life of, 447 " Mariotti L., Italy, 405 Maritime and Inland Discovery, Hist, of, 363 Marivaux M. de, La Vie de Marianne, 286 Le Paysan Parvenu, 289 Marlborough Duke of, Life of, 446 Marlborough Duchess of, Private Correspond- ence of, 450 Maries M. de, Hist, des Arabes en Espagne et Portugal, 405 Marmont Marshall, Present State of the Turkish Empire, 363 Marmontel, Les Incas, 283 Marquis F. Jeune, Du The, 233 Marrat W., Introd. to Mechanics, 193 Marriage, 286 Marriage and Divorce, 30 Marriage State, Advantages and Disadvan- tages of the, 56 Marriage of the Royal Family, Appeal to the Legislature for the Repeal of the Act regulating the, 100 Marryat Capt., Diary in America, 363 Joseph Rushbrook, 292 Masterman Ready, 287 Midshipman Easy, 287 Peter Simple, 289 Pirate, and Three Cutters, 290 Poor Jack, 290 Marryatt J., Speech on the Timber Duties, 145 Marryatt's " Thoughts on the Slave Trade," Exposure of Misstatements, &c. in, 153 Marsden W., History of Sumatra, 363 Marsh C., Appeal to the Public Spirit of Britain, 108 Speech on the India Mission Bill, 86 Marsh Dr. H., Address to the University, 31 Answer to the Rt. Hon. N. Vansittart, 86 Consequences of neglecting to give the Prayer Book with the Bible, 31 Course of Lectures, 70 Letter to the Rev. P. Gandolphy, 70 Sermon on the Bible Society, 43 Letter to, on the Design of the Dis- senters, 131 Answer to the Preceding, 131 Marshall, Rural Economy of Norfolk, 233 Marshall J., Statistical Tables, &c., relating to the Metropolis, 138 Marshman Dr. J. , Advantages of Christianity in India, 70 Defence of the Deity, &c., 70 Chinese Grammar, 253 Marsom J. , Impersonality of the Holy Ghost,70 Marten Henry, Life of, 445 Martialis Epigrammata, 304 Martin M. de G., Sur le Concordat, 21 Letter on Mendicity in the Metropolis, 159 Martin R. M., British Colonial Library, 364 Martin T., History of Thetford, 338 Martin's Description of the Western Islands, 369 Martineau Miss, Deerbrook, 279 Illustrations of Political Economy, 138 Morals and Manners, 179 Poor Laws and Paupers Illustrated, 1 59 Society in America, 364 The Hour and the Man, 283 The Playfellow, 290 Traditions of Palestine, 296 Western Travel, 364 Martyn Rev. H., Controversial Tracts, 70 Martyr Justin, Account of his Writings, 15 Marvel Andrew, Life of, 430, 450 Mary Gray ; a Fugitive Piece, 268 Maslen D., New Decimal System of Money, &c., 145 Mason Rev. W., Poems, 262, 268 Life of, 430 Massillon J. B., CEuvres, 43, 70 Massinger Philip, Dramatic Works, 268 Life of, 446 Master R., History of Corpus Christi Col- lege, 331 Masters R., On Walpole's Historic Doubts, 416 Mathematics, Treatises on, 186 Mathews Charles, Memoirs of, 450 Matthise A., Greek Grammar, 253 Matthaei Paris, Historia Major, 405 Matthsei Westmonasteriensis, Flores Histo- riarum, 405 Matthews H., Diary of an Invalid, 364 Maturin, Melmoth the Wanderer, 287 Maugham R., On the Usury Laws, 96 Maundrell's Journey to Jerusalem, 371 Maupertius, Journey of, 369 Maurice F., The Kingdom of Christ, 70 Maurice of Saxony, Life of, 445 Maury 1'Abbe, Essai sur 1'Eloquence de la Chaire, 253 Mavor W. , Agriculture of Berkshire, 229 Maw Lieut. H. L., Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, 364 Mawe J. , Catalogue of Minerals, 200 Treatise on Diamonds, &c. , 200 Maxwell W. H., Dark Lady of Doona, 278 My Life, 288 Rambling Recollections, 291 Stories of Waterloo, 294 The Bivouac, 276 Wild Sports in the West, 319 May R,, Narrative of, 364 May T., History of the Parliament which began Nov. 3rd, 1640, 406 Mazarin Cardinal, Life of, 445 M'Callum P. F.,Obs. on the Duke of Kent's Persecution, 108 M'Crie Dr. T., History of the Reformation in Italy, 20 Hist, of the Reformation in Spain, 21 510 INDEX. M'Crie Dr. T., Life of Knox, 444 Life of Melville, 450 Life of, by*his Son, 449 M'Culloch J. R., Dictionary of Commerce, &c., 145 Statistical Account of the British Em- pire, 137 M'Dermont M. , Impracticability of a Union between the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England, 70 M'Diarmid J., Sketches from Nature, 316 Mead Dr., Life of, 447 Mead Ric., Catalogus Nummorum, 426 Meadley G. W., Memoirs of Paley, 453 Two pairs of Historical Portraits, 416 Meadows John, Memoir of, by Taylor, 450 Mechanic's Magazine, 240 Mechanics, Treatise on, 193 Medhurst W. H., China, 364 Medical Reform, Observations on a, 218 Medici Lorenzo de, Life of, 445, 447 Medwin T., Angler in Wales, 364 Conversations of Lord Byron, 433 Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie, ed. by Halliwell, 318 Melvill P., Memoirs of, 450 Melville Andrew, Life of, by Dr. M'Crie, 450 Melville Lord, Exposure of the Persecutions of, 109 On the Proceedings concerning, 420 Speech on the Navy, 109 Memoires de la Societe Linneenne de Paris, 240 Memoirs of a Sergeant, 450 Memoirs of a Young Greek Lady, 450 Memoirs of Henry the Great, 406 Menageries (The), 207 Mence Rev. S., Sermon, 44 Mendicity, &c., Plan for Suppressing, 160 Mendoza, Life of, 447 Mengs A. R., Works, 224 Meredith W. G., Memorials of Charles John, King of Sweden, 406 Merewether Rev. F. , Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review, 168 Merewether H. A. , History of Boroughs, 109 Merian Maria Sibilla, Memoir of, 450 Merino Sheep, Some Circumstances relative to, 233 Merolla's Voyage to Congo, 372 M6rovir Prince des Sueves, Le Palais de Scaurus, 228 Messalee Corvini ad Oct. Aug. Libellus, 3J6 Mesurier Rev. T. le, Address to Protestants, 131 On the Catholic Claims, 131 Reply to Dr. Milner, upon the above, 131 On the Bill respecting the Catholic Peers, 131 Metal, Treatise on the Manufacture in, 221 Metastasio Pietro, Opere di, 821 Opere Scelte di, 268 Metastasio Pietro, Life of, 447 Meteyard W. H. , Remarks on " Thoughts submitted to the Employers of Labour," c., 160 Method of Increasing the Quantity of Circu- lating Money, 145 Methodist Chapel, &c., in Barbadoes, Debate on the Demolition of the, 152 Metropolis, Obs. on the Improvements, &c., of the, 334 Metropolitan Magazine, 248 Metropolitan Quarterly Magazine, 248 Mezeray le Sieur de, Hist, de France, 406 M'Fingal; a Modern Epic Poem, 268 M'Gregor J., British America, 363 Michaelis Sir J. D. , Commentaries on Moses, 12 Introd. to the New Testament, 7 Questions a une Societe qui font le Voyage de 1' Arabic, 366 Mickle W. J., Poems, 262 Microscopic Journal, 464 Microcosm, 309 Middleton Dr. C., Life of Cicero, 434 Miscellaneous Works, 321 Middleton J., Agriculture of Middlesex, 230 Middleton Rev. T. F., On the Greek Article, 12 Middleton Bp. , Sermons and Charges, 44 Life of, by Le Bas, 450 Midshipman, Life of a, 286 Midwives, Address to the Public on, 213 Mignet F. A., Hist, de la Re vol. Fran?., 406 Miles W. A., Letter to the Prince of Wales, 109 On the State of Ireland, 109 Milford J., Norway and her Laplanders, 464 Military Obedience, Argument on, 236 Mill J., Elements of Political Economy, 138 History of British India, 406 Phenomena of the Human Mind, 183 Mill Hill School, Laying the First Stone of, 179 Miller General, Memoirs of, 451 Miller Dr. G., Lectures on History, 325 Miller H., Legends of Scotland, 292 The Old Red Sandstone, 201 Miller T., Royston Gower, 292 Millin A. L., Description d'un Vase trouve a Tarente, 426 Mills C., History of Chivalry, 423 History of the Crusades, 406 History of Muhammedanism, 89 Mills J., On the Leasing of Tithes, 96 Millman Rev. H. H., Anne Boleyn, 268 Belshazzar, 268 Martyr of Antioch, 268 The Fall of Jerusalem, 269 History of Christianity, 21 Character and Conduct of the Apostles, &c., 44 Milne D., Essay on Comets, 190 Milne Rev. Dr. W., Life of, by Philip, 451 INDEX. 511 Milner Rev. John, Divine Right of Episco- pacy, 31 History of Winchester, 333 Milner Rev. Jos., History of the Church of Christ, 21 Milner Rt. Rsv. J., Elucidation of the Veto, 131 Letter to Catholic Clergy, 44 Sequel to the above, 44 Appeal to the Catholics of Ireland, 44 Sermon at the Blessing of the Catholic Chapel of St. Chad, 44 On the Letters of Conciliator, 132 Arguments against the Catholic Pe- tition, 132 On the Choice of the Irish Catholic Prelates, 71 Instructions to the Catholics of the Midland Counties, 71 Letters to a Catholic Prelate of Ireland, 71 Pastoral Charge. 71 Discourse in the Catholic Chapel, Bir- mingham, 71 Additional Notes to Supplementary Memoirs of English Catholics, 71 Milner Rev. T., Life, &c., of Dr. I. Watts, 460 Miltoni Joannis, Angli, de Doctrina Chris- tiana libri duo posthumi, ed. C. R. Sum- ner, 71 translated by C R. Sumner, 71 Milton J., History of Britain, 406 Historical and Political Works, 321 Plan of Education, 179 Poetical Works, 269 Poems, 262 Life of, 446, 448 Remarks on, by Jortin, 253 Milton Viscount, On the Corn Laws, 145 Milton Rev. W., Danger of travelling in Stage Coaches, 221 Mimnermus 305 Minehead Doctrine, Letter concerning the late, 107 Mirabeau, Life of, 446 Memoirs of, 451 Recollections of, by Dumont, 451 Mirabeau Family, Historical Sketch of, 441 Miraculous (The) Host tortured by the Jew, 21 Miraculous Powers in the Church, Letter on, 69 Mirbel C. F., Physiologic Vegetale et de Botanique, 212 Mirror, 309 Mirror of Parliament, 419 Missionaries, Plan for Educating the Chil- dren of, 180 Missionary Box, 86 Missionary Herald, 86 Missionary Society, View of the Designs and Proceedings of the, 85 Missionary Society, (London) Report of the Directors, 86 Transactions of the, 88 (Church) Proceedings of the, 87 Mitchell J., Ancient and Modern Greek Languages, 253 Mitchell James, History of, 219 Mitchell Lieut. Col. J., Life of Wallenstein, 406 Mitchell Major T. L., Exped. into Australia, 365 Mitford Mary R., Belford Regis, 276 Our Village, 289 - Rienzi, 269 Mitford Wm., History of Greece, 385 M'Kenna T., On the Civil Condition of the Catholic Clergy, &c., 131 Modern Greece, a Poem, 269 Moffat R., Missionary Labours in Africa, 464 Moggridge J. H., Hints to the Tradesman, &c., 168 Moliere Jean-Baptiste, O3uvres de, 269 Life of, 446 Monboddo Lord, Origin and Progress of Language, 241 Money J., Hist, of the Campaign of 1792, 406 Money Major Gen. , Letter to the Magistrates of Norfolk, 109 Monies, Weights, &c., New Division of, 148 Monk Rev. J. H., Vindication of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, 1 79 Monmouthshire, Account of, 334 Monson Sir W., Life of, 446 Montagu Bp. , Acts and Monuments, 21 Montagu B. , Inquiry respecting the Insolvent Debtor's Bill, 96 On the Punishment of Death for Crimes without Violence, 165 Opinions of Authors upon the Punish- of Death, 165 Thoughts on Liberty, &c., 109 Montagu E. W., Reflections on Ancient Republicks, 416 Montagu Col. G., Diet, of British Birds, 207 Montagu Lady M. W., Works, 321 Works of, ed. by Lord Wharncliffe, 451 Montaigne Michel de, Essais de, 317 Life of, 446 Montesquieu Ch., GSuvres de, 322 Spirit of Laws, trans, by Nugent, "91 Montfaucon Bern, de, Antiquity Explained, 426 Antiquities of Italy, 426 Montgomery J. , Poems, 269 Lectures on Poetry, &c., 253 The Christian Correspondent, 434 Montgomery R. , Universal Prayer, &c. , 269 Omnipresence of the Deity, 269 Monthly Censor, 249 Monthly Magazine, 249 Monthly Review, 249 Monthly Lectures on the Evidences of Reve- lation, 53 512 INDEX. Monti V., Versi, in due Parti, 269 Aristodemo, 269 Life of, 4*7 Montrose, Life of, by Napier, 451 Moodie Lieut. J. W. D. , Ten Years in Africa, 365 Moor E., Suffolk Words and Phrases, 256 Moorcroft Wm., and Geo. Trebeck, Travels in the Himalayan Provinces, 365 Moore Rev. D. , Christian System Vindicated, 53 Moore E., Poems, 262 Moore G. F., Extracts from the Letters and Journals of, 351 Moore Henry, Life of Mrs. M. Fletcher, 438 Moore J. , List of Castles, &c. , in Britain, 329 Moore Lieut. Gen. Sir John, Life of, 446, 451 Moore John, On the Maintenance of the London Clergy, 31 Moore Dr. J., Residence in France, 365 Society in Italy, 365 Society in France, &c., 365 Zeluco, 298 Moore Peter, A Voice from London to the Voice from St. Helena, 109 Letters on Catholic Emancipation, 132 Moore Thomas, Lalla Rookh, 269 Fables for the Holy Alliance, 269 Irish Melodies, 269 Loves of the Angels, 269 The Epicurean, 280 History of Ireland, 406 Letter to the Catholics of Dublin, 132 Letters, SEC., of Lord Byron, 433 Life of Lord E. Fitzgerald, 438 Life of Sheridan, 457 Morant Ph., History of Essex, 332 Morata Olympia, Life &c. of, 451 More Hannah, The Spirit of Prayer, 72 Works of, 322 Memoirs of, by Roberts, 451 More Sir T., Lives of Edw. Vand Rich. Ill, 406 . History of Richard III, 406 History of Utopia, 110 Life of, 437, 445 Memoir of, 452 Memoirs, &c., by Warner, 451 Memoirs, &c., by Cayley, 451 Morell T., Lexicon Graeco-Prosodiacum, 256 Moreri Louis, Dictionnaire Historique, 452 Morgan Augustus de, Essay on Probabilities, 168 Morgan G. C., Appeal to the Public, 317 Morgan Lady, Book of the Boudoir, 317 France, 365 Italy, 365 Life of Salvator Rosa, 455 Woman and her Master, 317 Morgan R., On Life Insurance, &c., 168 Morgan W., View of the Equitable Society, 168 Morier J. , Journey through Persia, &c. , 365 Second Journey, &c., 365 Abel Allnut, 274 Ayesha, 275 Hajji Baba of Ispahan, 282 Hajji Baba in England, 282 The Mirza, 287 Zohrab the Hostage, 298 Morin Lewis, Life of, 448 Moritz C. P., Travels through England, 869 Morland George, Life of, 447 Morley J., On Scrophulous Disorders, 218 Morres H. M., Thoughts on the Veto, 31 Morris Gouverneur, Life of, by Sparks, 452 Morrison Rev. R., Occurrences in China, 365 Memoirs of, 452 Mortimer Edmund, Life of, by Sayers, 452 Mortimer J. H., Life of, 447 Moschus, 305 Mosheim Dr. J. L., Commentaries on the Affairs of the Christians, 21 Ecclesiastical History, 21 Mosto and Cintra, Voyages of, 358 Mothers, Hints to, 178 Mounier J. J., De 1' Influence attribute aux Philosophes, &c., sur la Revolution de France, 121 Mountfort Wm., Life of, 448 Mouravieff A. N., History of the Church of Russia, 464 Mozart, Life of, 440 Mudie J., Felonry of New South Wales, 154 Mudie R., Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, 207 Muller C., Voyage en Gr6ce, 365 Mliller Dr. J., Elements of Physiology, 218 Mundy Capt., Sketches in India, 365 Mundy Major Gen., Life of Lord Rodney, 455 Munro J., Military Operations on the Coro- mandel Coast, 406 Munro Major Gen. Sir Thomas, Life of, by Gleig, 452 Munter D., Conversion, &c., of Count Stru- ensee, 458 Murat J., Hist, des Six Mois de la Vie de, 452 Muratorii L. A., Antiq. Italicse Medii JEvi, 426 Murchison R. L, The Silurian System, 201 Mure W., Tour in Greece, 365 Murphy A., Essay on Johnson, 443 - Life of, 446, 448 Murphy P., The Weather Almanack, 195 Murray A., Agricult. of Warwickshire, 230 Murray Dr. A., Hist, of European Languages, 241 Murray Hon. C. A., Travels in America, &c., 365 Murray Hugh, Hist, of Discoveries in Asia, 366 Murray Hon. J. E., Summer in the Pyrenees, 365 INDEX. 513 Murray Lindley, Memoirs of, 452 Musaeus, trans, by Fawkes, 304 Musxus J. C. A., Physiognomical Travels, trans, by Plumptre, 318 Museum Meadianum, 426 Mu ave Earl of, Speech upon a Bill against admitting Officers to sit in the House of Commons, 110 Musgrave Sir R., On the Reply of Dr. Caulfield, 132 Musgrave T. M., On an Effective Balance of Power, 121 Musical Reminiscences, 225 Mustard Seed (White), On the Efficacy of, 219 Muzarelli A., On the Supremacy of St. Peter,' &c., 31 Myers T., Modern Geography, 327 Remarks on Education, 179 Mystical Theology, 72 NAISMITH J. , On the Duty on Foreign Corn, 145 Napier Sir C., The War in Syria, 406 Napier Major E., Scenes in Foreign Lands, 366 Excursions along the Shores of the Mediterranean, 366 Napier Mark, Life of Montrose, 451 Napier W. F. P., History of the Peninsular War, 406 Napoleon, see Bonaparte Nares Dr. E., Continuation of Tytler's Ele- ments, 387 Nares Rev. E., Memoirs of Lord Burleigh, 406,432 Nares R., Glossary, 256 National Debt, Observations on the, 1 46 On Striking off a part of the, 1 45 Resolutions relative to the, &c., 145 National Difficulties, Letter on the Source of, 168 National Distress, Observations on, 145 National Magazine, 249 National Wealth, Essay on, 167 Native Schools, Hints relative to, 153 Natural Philosophy, Treatises on, 189 Naturalist's (The /Library, 207 Naumachius, 305 Naunton Sir R., Fragmenta Regalia, 438 Navagero A., Funeral Oration, 317 Naval and Military Magazine, 249 Naval Ballads of England, ed. by Halliwell, 318 Naval Sketch Book, 288 Naylor F. H., History of Germany, 407 Neal D. , History of the Puritans, 21 Neale Rev. C. , Memoir of, 452 Neale J. P. and J. Le Keux, Views of Churches, 329 Neander Dr. A., History of the Christian Religion and Church, 21 Life of St. Chrysostom, 434 Necker M., On the Calamities of War, 175 Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, 445 Memoires de, par de Stael, 452 Neele Henry, Literary Remains, 322 Romance of History, England, 292 Neff Felix, Memoirs of, by Gilly, 452 Memorials of, by Ellerby, 452 Negro Slavery, 154 Negro's (The) Memorial, 154 Nelson Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, by Southey, 452 Nelson R., Review of Bp. Bull's Exposition of the Doctrine of Justification, 72 Nennius, 401 New Lanark, Reply to the Address of the Inhabitants of, 174 New Monthly Magazine, 249 New Project, 110 New Zealanders, Account of, 366 Newcome Abp., Version, &c., of Ezekiel, 3 Version, &c. , of the Minor Prophets, 3 Newell T., On the Cheltenham Waters, 218 Newton Bp., On the Prophecies, 12 Newton C., Poems, 270 Newtoni Isaaci, Opera, 322 Newton Sir I., Philosophise Naturalis Prin- cipia Mathematica, 186 Life of, 448 Life of, by Brewster, 452 Newton J. F., The Return to Nature. 218 Newton Rev. J., Memoirs of, by Cecil, 452 Newton S., The Trinitarian's Appeal De- fended, 72 Syllabus of Christian Doctrines and Duties, 72 Ney Marshal, Memoirs of, 452 Nicephori Caesaris Bryennii Comment., 392 Nicephori S., Breviarium, 392 Nicephori Chronographia, 390 Nicephori Gregorae Byzant. Hist., 392 Nicetce Acominati Hist., 392 Nicholl Sir J. , Letter to, on his late Decision in the Ecclesiastical Court, 30 Nicholls J., Recollections during the Reign of George III, 407 Nichols John, Literary Anecdotes, 453 Illustrations of Literary History, 453 Index to Gent's. Mag., 248 Nicholson J., Operative Mechanic, 221 Nic-Nac, 249 Nicol John, Life of, 453 Nicolas N. H., Chronology of History, 385 History of the Battle of Agincourt, 407 Memoirs of Lady Jane Grey, 400 Notitia Historica, 385 Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII, 416 Testamenta Vetusta, 329 Nicoll Robert, Poems, 464 Niebuhr C., Voyage en Arabic, 366 Description de 1'Arabie, 366 Travels in Arabia, 371 3 U 514 .INDEX. Niebuhr C., Life of, 448 Niebuhr G. B., Roman History, trans, by Walter, 385 History of Rome, trans, by Hare and Thirlwall, 385 On the Geography of Herodotus, 385 Reminiscences of, by Leiber, 453 Niersis S. Clajensis, Preces, vigintiquatuor linguis editae, 31 Nieuhoff 's Travels in China, 370 Voyages and Travels, 372 Nizolii Marii, Lexicon Ciceronianum, 256 Noble Rev. M., Memoirs of the House of Cromwell, 436 Noel B. W., Tour in Ireland, 366 Nolan Rev. F., Integrity of the Greek Vul- gate, 8 Nollekens Jos., Life of, 447 Nollekens and his Times, by J. T. Smith, 453 Nonconformity to the World, 72 Non- Establishment of Liberty in Spain, &c., explained, 91 Nonjurors, Preservative against, 33 Noort Oliver Van, Voyage of, 359 Norden F. L., Travels in Egypt, 366 Norfolk, Trial of the Duke of, 398 Account of, 334 History of, 335 Map of, 334 Pamphlets relative to, 336 Norfolk Lists, 335 Norfolk Tour, 335 Norfolk and Norwich Remembrancer, 335 Norgate E., John D. Hunter Defended, 442 Normand M. A. le, Memoires de Josephine, 443 North American Pamphlet on S. American Affairs, 121 North American Review, 249 North Hon. R., Examen, 407 Lives of Lord Guildford, Sir D. North, and Dr. J. North, 453 North Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Northamptonshire, Account of, 339 Northcote James, Life of Reynolds, 455 Life of Titian, 459 Conversations of, by Hazlitt, 453 Life of, 447 Northern Baptist Education Society, Report of, 179 Northumberland, Account of, 339 Norway, Two Summers in, 379 Norwich, Appeal between the Hamlets of, and the Court of Guardians, 161 Essay on the Castel of, 337 Pamphlets relative to, 337 Pamphlets relative to Societies in, 338 Plan of the City of, 36 Plan of the City and County of, 336 Norwich (The) Magazine, 249 Notes concerning God's Decrees, 62 Notti Romane al Sepolcro de' Scipioni, 385 Nottingham Earl of, Answer to Whiston, 72 Nottingham Library, Laws of, 245 Nottinghamshire, Account of, 339 Nougaret P. J. B., Adventures des Marins, 367 Nowrojee and Hirjeebhoy, Journal of, 367 Nugent Lord, Memorials of Hampden, 400 Statement in Support of the Claims of the Catholics, 132 Letter on the Catholic Question, 132 Nummi Ang. et Scot., Coll. Pembroch, 425 Nuntius a Mortuis, 72 Nuptise Sacrce, 31 Nursery Rhymes, ed. by Halliwell, 318 Nye P., On the Oath of Supremacy, 31 OBERLIN John F., Memoirs of, 453 O'Brien Capt. D. H., Adventures of, 453 Observer, 309 O'Callaghan Rev. A., On the Tendency of Bible Societies, 87 Occo A., Imp. Rom. Numismata, 426 Ockley S. , History of the Saracens, 407 O'Connell D., Letters to the Catholics of Ireland, 132 O'Conor Rev. C., Appeal to Pope Pius VII, 72 Correspondence with Dr. Troy, 32 Correspondence with Dr. Poynter, 32 Letters on the Irish Church, 32 Present mode of appointing Catholic Bishops, 31 The Gallican Liberties Indispensable, &c., 32 Oderic of Porteneau, Travels of, 358 Ode Seculaire, pour 1'Annee 1800, 270 Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, &c. , 270 O'Driscol J., History of Ireland, 407 Old and New Ministry Compared, 110 Old Ballads, ed. by Collyer, 317 Oldfield Anne, Life of, 448 Oldfield T. H. B., History of Boroughs, 100 O'Leary Rev. A. , Life of, by England, 453 Funeral Oration on, 39 Olivarez Count, Life of, 445 Oliver Cromwell, ed. by Horace Smith, 289 Olla Podrida, 309 O'Meara B. E., Napoleon in Exile, 432 O'Neil Rev. P., Humble Remonstrance of, 110 Onslow Mr. Serj., Speeches of, 110,146, 160 Opening of the Sixth Seal, 270 Opie J., Lectures on Painting, 225 Life of, 447 Opie Amelia, Detraction Displayed, 174 Father and Daughter, 280 Illustrations of Lying, ] 74 Lays for the Dead, 270 Opinions, Essays on the Formation and Pub- lication of, 183 Orai^on Funebre de Louis XVIII, par 1'Eveque d'Hermopolis, 44 Orange Institution, Sketch of, 110 Oratores Greed, A Reiske, 304 INDEX. 515 Orderici Vitalis Hist. Eccles., 402 Orders in Council, Evidence against the, 417 Oriental Herald, 249 Oriental Quarterly Review, 249 Oriental Translation Fund, Report of, 246 Original Pieces, Spoken at Mr. Turner's Recitations, 179 Orleans Gallery, 225 Orme R., Hist, of the Mogul Empire, 407 Hist, of Military Trans, in Indostan,407 Orme W., Bibliotheca Biblica, 246 Memoirs of Urquhart, 459 Ormerod G., Hist, of the County and City of Chester, 331 Orpen C. E. H., Claim of Millions to be taught in the Irish Language, 179 Osborn Rev. G., Sermons, 44 Osborne Hon. W. G., Court, &c., of Runjeet Sing, 367 Osier E., Life of Adm. Vise. Exmouth, 438 Osric, a Missionary Tale, 270 Ossian, Poems of, 270 Ossory Bishop of, Speech on the Catholic Claims, 132 Ossuno Duke of, Life of, 445 Ostervald Rev. J. F., On the Causes of the present Corruption of Christians, 72 Otrante Due d', Lettre au due de * *, 407 Otter Wm., Life of Rev. E. D. Clarke, 435 Ottley W. Y., History of Engraving, 225 Ottomano Padre, History of, 403 Otway Rev. C., Sketches in Ireland, 376 Sketches in Erris, &c., 376 Tour in Connaught, 378 Otway Tho., Poems, 263 Life of, 446, 448 Ourika, 289 Ouseley Sir W., Travels in the East, 367 Ouseley W. G., On the Statistics, &c., of the United States, 138 Outhier's Voyage to the North, 369 Outlines of History, 385 Outports, Report of Committee of the E. I. Company upon the Claims of the, 147 Ouvrard V., Note du Munitionnaire General, de 1'Armee d'Espagne, 121 Ouvrard J., Sur 1' Administration, 121 Ovalle's Historical Relation of Chili, 371 Ovidii P. N. , Opera, 304 Opera, Mitscherlich, 304 Ovid, Metamorphoses, trans, by Garth, 304 Translations from, by Dryden, 304 Owen Rev. J., Letters on the Bible Society. 87 Owen Rob., New View of Society, 160 On the Manufacturing System, 146 Plan to Improve the Lower Classes, Remarks on, 160 Owen Richard, Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, 210 Owen Capt. W. F. W., Voyages, 367 Owen Wm., Life of, 447 Oxensteirn Count, Life of, 445 Oxford University Calendar, 249 Oxfordshire, Account of, 339 PACHYMF.RI Georgii Hist. , 390 Page F., English Poor Laws, 160 Paget F. E., St. Antholin's, 292 Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage, 317 Paine Thos., Life of, by Cobbett, 453 Painting, History of, 225 Pakenham Col., Speech on the Catholic Relief Bill, 132 Paley Dr. W., Natural Theology, with Notes by Brougham and Bell, 53 Sermons, 44 Works of, 322 Memoirs of, by Meadley, 453 Palgrave Sir F., Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, 407 History of England, 407 The Merchant and the Friar, 297 Pallas P. S., Travels in Russia, 367 Memoir of, 453 Palmer Rev. W., Origines Liturgicse, 32 Pamphleteer (The), 317 Pamphlets, 317 Panyasis, 305 Panzer G. W., Annales Typographic!, 242 Paoli General, Discours prononces a 1' Assem- blee Nationale, 121 Papal Supremacy, Hist, of the Origin, &c., of, 19 Papillon 1'Abbe Antonin, Sermon sur le delai de la Conversion, 44 Pardoe Miss, City of the Sultan, 367 City of the Magyar, 367 Paris, or the Book of the Hundred and One, 317 Paris and its Historical Scenes, 407 Paris (The) Sketch Book, 289 Paris Dr. J. A., Life of Sir H. Davy, 436 Treatise on Diet, 218 and Fonblanque J. S. M., Medical Jurisprudence, 96, 218 Parish (The) Clerk, ed. by Hook, 289 Parish Registers, &c., Observations on, 32 Parish Sir W., Buenos Ayres, 367 Park Mungo, Travels in Africa, 367, 372 Parker Abp. M., Life of, by Strype, 453 Parker M., The King and a Poor Northern Man, 318 Parker S., Discourses on the Lord's Supper, 44 Parkeri S., De Rebus sui temporis Commen- tarii, 407 Parkes S., Severn, King, and Co., v. the Imperial Insurance Company, 96 Parkhurst John, Heb. and Eng. Lexicon, 5 Parkinson Jas., Introduction to the Study of Organic Remains, 201 Organic Remains, 201 Parkinson R., Agricult. of Huntingdonshire, 230 Agriculture of Rutlandshire, 230 516 INDEX. Parliament, Acts of, 97 Key to both Houses of, 420 Mirror of, 419 Parliamentary Debates, 420 Papers on Slavery, &c., 420 Parmegiano, Life of, 435 Parnell Sir H., History of the Penal Laws against the Irish Catholics, 132 On the Corn Laws, 146 On Financial Reform, 146 Parnell Dr. T., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Life of, by Goldsmith, 453 Parr Rev. Dr. S., Letter to Dr. Milner, 73 Works, by Johnstone, 322 Memoirs of, by Field, 453 Parry Capt. W. E., Voyages, 367, 368 Supplement to the Appendix of his Voyage in 181920, 198 Appendix to Second Voyage, 198 Parry Dr., Life of, 447 Parry Dr. W., Trial of, 398 Parsons J. W., Fast Day Sermon, 45 Pascal B., Pensces de, 73 Les Provinciales, 73 Pashley R., Travels in Crete, 368 Passavant M., German Artist in England, 368 Passive Obedience Established, 110 Paterculi Historia Romana, 306 Patient Grisel, History of, 318 Patrick Dr. S. , On the Historical Books of the Old Testament, 9 Patriot (The) King, 132 Patterson Major J., Camp and Quarters, 368 Pattinson Rev. J., Fast Day Sermon, 45 Paul J. , Laws Relative to Landlords, &c. , 97 Paulus Diaconus, 306 Pausanias, Gr. et Lat., Facii, 304 Trans., by Taylor, 304 Paxton Rev. G., Illustrations of Scripture, 13 Payne D. B., Address to the Proprietors of Bank Stock, 146 On the Reduction of the Interest of the Public Debt, &c., 146 Payne J. H., Brutus, a Tragedy, 270 Peace, Remarks upon the Negotiations of, 122 Tracts of the Soc. for the Promotion of, 175 Pearch G. , Collection of Poems, 2f>0 Pearson Bp., Exposition of the Creed, 32 Pearson J., Life of Wm. Hey, 440 Pearson Dr. H., Life of Swartz, 458 Pearson Rev. H., Mems. of Buchanan, 432 Peat- Bogs in Ireland, Hints for the Cultiva- tion of, 232 Pecchio Count, Anecdotes of the Spanish and Portuguese Revolutions, 407 Residence in England, 368 Peel Rt. Hon. R., Letter to, J30 Letter to, by an Irish Volunteer, 107 Letter to, on Pauperism, 159 Letter to, on the Pernicious Effects of a Variable Standard of Value, 144 Pegge S., Anecdotes of the Eng. Language, 242 Pegoletti, Itinerary of, 358 Pelet Baron, Napoleon in Council, trans, by Hall, 317 Pellet S., Constitutional Aids, &c., 146 Pelsart's Voyage to Australasia, 371 Pembrochiae Comitis, Numismata Antiqua, 426 Penitentiaries of the United States, Report on, 421 Pen Owen, 289 Penn Granville, Mineral and Mosaical Geo- logies, 201 Penn W. , Memoirs of, by Clarkson, 453 Pennant T., Account of London, 334 History of Whiteford and Holywell, 342 Journey from Chester to London, 368 Tour in Scotland, 368, 369 Tour in Wales, 368 View of Hindostan, 368 Genera of Birds, 208 History of Quadrupeds, 208 Introd. to the Arctic Zoology, 208 Arctic Zoology, 208 . Indian Zoology, 208 . British Zoology, 208 Memoir of, 454 Ppe Gen. G., Relation des Evenemens qui ont eu lieu a Naples en 1820, 1821, 407 Pepys Samuel, Memoirs, &c., ed. by Lord Braybrooke, 454 Life, Journal, &c., of, 454 Perceval, Historical Sketch of, 441 Perceval G., History of Italy, 407 Percy Bp., Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 270 The Hermit of Warkworth, 270 Percy Mallory, 289 Percy Society, Publications of the, 317 Pering R., On Preservation of the Navy, 236 Perquisite- Monger, 110 Peron M., Voyage, 371 Peron Francois, Memoir of, 454 Perouse J. F. G. de la, Voyage, 368 Persia, Description of, 370 History of the late Revolutions of, 403 Persii Satirse, a Koenig, 304 Persius Aulus, Satires, trans, by Gifford, 304 Satires, trans, by Howes, 304 Translations from, by Dryden, 304 Personal Recollections, by Charlotte Eliza- beth, 454 Pcstalozzi ( Henry; and his Plan of Educa- tion, 179 Leonard and Gertrude, 286 Memoir of, by Mayo, 454 Peta>ii D., Rationarium Temporum, 385 Peter W., Thoughts on the Present Crisis, 110 Peter the Great, Life of, 408 Peterborough Earl of, Life of, 446 INDEX. 517 Petrarca F., Rime di, 270 Essays on, by Ugo Foscolo, 252 Life of, by Campbell, 454 Life of, 447 Petrie W., Statement of Facts, 111 Pettigrew T. G., Memoirs of Lettsom, 445 Pettingal Dr. J., Dissertation upon the Tascia, 426 Peyran J. R., Defence of the Waldenses, 21 Peyronnet Comte de, Pensees d'un Prison- nier, 318 Phsedri Fabulae, Bentley, 308 Philip Rev. Dr. J., Researches in Africa, 368 Philip R., Life, &c., of Rev. J. Campbell, 433 Life of Rev. Dr. Milne, 451" Life of Whitefield, 461 Philippart Sir J., Obs. on the Libels against le Vicomte de Chateaubriand, 121 Obs. on the Militia Bill, 168 Philips A., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Philips J., Poems, 203 Life of, 448 Phillimore J., On the License Trade, 146 Philips C., Speech at the Bible Society, 87 Phillips Mr., Speech in the Case of Guthrie v. Sterne, 97 Phillips J., Guide to Geology, 201 Treatise on Geology, 201 Phillips W., Geology of England and Wales, 199 Introduction to Mineralogy, 201 Outlines of Mineralogy, &c., 201 Phillpotts Rev. Dr., On the Bill for remov- ing the Disqualification of Catholics, 133 . On the Position of the Catholic Ques- tion, 133 Philo Judeeus in Libros Mosis, 15 Philograntus, A Letter to, by Eubulus, 179 Philosophical Transactions, 240 Abstract of, from 180030, 236 Philosophical Magazine, 240 Philostorgii Hist. Eccles., 23 Philostratorum quse supersunt, Olearii, 305 Phipps C. J., Voyage towards the North Pole, 368, 369 Phipps J., On Baptism, 32 Phocion, in Reply to Cato, in Defence of the People of England, &c., Ill Phocylides, 305 Phranzae Georgii Chronicon, 389 Phrenological Journal, 240 Phrenological Society of Edinburgh, Trans- actions of the, 240 Physicians (British), Lives of, 447 Picard M. , Grandeur et Figure de la Terre, 187 Picart Bernard, Ceremonies and Religious Customs, 32 Picken A., The Canadas, 368 Pickering J., Emigration or no Emigration, 368 Pickmere J. R., Address ou Midwives, 218 Picton Col. T., Evidence in the Case of Luisa Calderon, 97 Picton Lieut. Gen. Sir Thos., Memoirs of, by Robinson, 454 Pigafetta A., Treatise on Navigation, 371 Voyage Round the World, 371 Pigault-Lebrun, Monsieur Botte, 288 Nous le sommes tous, 288 Pig-iron, Obs. on the Tax on, 146 Pii Papee VII, Allocutio habita in Concis- torio secreto die 24 Maii, 1802, 21 Allocution Prononcee dans le Consis- toire secret du 24 Maii, 1802, 21 Pilling Rev. W., On the Nature, &c., of the Oath offered to the Catholics of England, 133 Pillonniere F. de la, Answer to Dr. Snape's Accusation, 73 Pillory, Brief Observations on the, 165 Pindari Carmina, cura Heyne, 305 Pindar's Works, by West, 305 Pindar Peter, Epistle to the Pope, 270 Pinkerton Dr. J. N., Sleep and its Pheno- mena, 184 Pinkerton John, Collection of Voyages and Travels, 369 Correspondence of, by Turner, 454 Essay on Medals, 426 Pinkerton Dr. R., Russia, 372 Pious Meditations of John D k of M ugh, 73 Piozziana, 454 Pitman Rev. J. R. , Commentary on Old and New Testament, 9 Pitre-Chevalier, Jeanne de Montfort, 284 Pitt Rev. C., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Pitt Rt. Hon. W., Letter to, on Parliamentary Reform, 111 Speech, relative to the Negotiation for Peace, 121 Speech on the Debate on the War, 121 Attack upon Earl St. Vincent and the Admiralty, Answer to, 99 Memoirs of, by .Tomline, 454 Correspondence of, 454 Pitt W., Agriculture of Leicestershire, 230 Agricult. of Northamtonshire, 230 Agriculture of Staffordshire, 230 Agriculture of Worcestershire, 230' Pius VI, (Pope) Funeral Orations for, 45 Pius VII, Journey and Imprisonment of, 408 Pizarro Franc., Discovery of Peru, 359 Plain Address to the People of England, 111 Plain Answer to a near Observer, 111 Plain Facts, or the New Ministry Convicted, 111 Plain Facts Relative to the Situation of the Country, 111 Planche J. R., Descent of the Danube, 372 Platonis Opera, 305 Euthydemus et Gorgias, ex rec. Routh, 305 518 IN'DEX. Platonicse Lectiones, emit Gaisford, 305 Platonicarum vocum Lexicon, Ruhnkenius, 805 Platt Rev. T. P., On Certain Versions of Scripture, 8 Plauti Comcediae, Schmieder, 305 Plautus, trans, by Thornton and Warner, 305 Playfair John, Works, 322 Playfair W., Letter on Apprenticeships, 147 Plinii Secundi, Nat. Hist., Franzii, 305 Plinii Secundi, jun., Epistolaeet Panegyricus, a Gierig, 305 Plinio Panegirico di, trad, da Alfieri, 305 Pliny's Letters, by Melmoth, 305 Pliny the Elder, Memoir of, 454 Plowden C , On the Oath proposed to the English Catholics, 133 Letter to the Reporters of the Cisalpine Club, 133 Plowden F., Letter to Sir R. Musgrave, 133 Letter to Sir J. C. Hippisley, J 33 Letter to, on his Work entitled Jura Anglorum. 30 The Case of the King, v. Graham, 97 Plowden R. R., Letter to a Catholic Gentle- man, 73 Pluche M., Histoire du Ciel, 89, 191 Plunkett L. , On the Committee of the Catho- lics of Ireland, 1:33 Plunkett Rt. Hon. W. C., Speech on the Laws affecting the Catholics, 133 Plutarchi Opera, Reiskii, 305 Plutarch's Lives, trans, by Langhorne, 305 Plutarch, Life of, by Dryden, 454 Pluto, On the Presence of, in Elysium, 89 Plymley J., Agriculture of Shropthira, 230 Pocock's Travels in the East, 37 1 , 372 Poetae Minores Graeci, a Gaisford, 305 Polack J. S., New Zealand, 372 Pole Cardinal, Remarks upon Phillips's Life of, by Jortin, 454 Pole T., History of Adult Schools, 180 Pole Rt. Hon. W. W., Letter to, on the Gold Coin, &c. 147 Poli Matt. Synopsis Crit. Sacr. 13 Police of the Metropolis, Report on, 421 State of the, 164 Police, Remarks on the, 165 Police Report of 1816, Considerations on the, 165 Policy, Elements of, Civil and Ecclesiastical, 103 Polidori Dr. J. W., on the Punishment of Death, 165 Source of Positive Pleasures, 184 Polish Tales, 290 Political Ballads, ed. by Wright, 818 Political Economy, Observations on some Topics in, KiH " Politique Chretienne et Variet^s morales et litteraires, 73 Pollio Trebellius, 307 Pollok R., Talcs of the Covenanters, 2U5 Pollok R., The Course of Time, 270 Polls for Repres. in Parl. for the University of Cambridge, 1807, 1811, 1822, 331 Poll for Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, 1811,331 Polo Marco, Travels of, 358, 370 Polonia, 408 Polwhele Rev. R., Traditions and Recollec- tions, 454 Polybii Historiae, Schweighaeuser, 306 Polybius, History, trans, by Hampton, 306 Character of, by Dryden, 306 Polytechnic Journal, 240 Pombal Marquis of, Life of, 445 Pomfret Rev. J., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Pompeii, 427 Poncett's Journey to Abyssinia, 372 Pontanus J. L, Dissertation of, 369 Pontis, Memoirs of the Sieur de, 454 Poole G. A., Life of St. Cyprian, 456 Poor, On the Means of Benefiting the, 160 Account of the Worcester Institution for the Relief of the, 162 Poor Law Commissioners, Reports of, 160 Poor Laws, Letter to Canning, on the, 159 How they may be superseded, 161 Reports, &c., Relative to the, 160 Poor Rates, &c., Plan for superseding the necessity of the, 160 Pope A., Poems, 263 The Dunciad, 270 Work's, with Life, by Roscoe, 322, 454 Essay on, by Warton, 255 Life of, 446, 448 Observations on, by Gilchrist, 252 Essay on Man, Vindication of, 254 Popery, Defence of the People of England against, 127 Narrative of a Conversion from, 72 Popery the Religion of Heathenism, 73 Popish Petition, Protestantized, &c., 133 Popular Cyclopaedia of Nat. Science, 212 Popular Tumults, Sketches of, 41 1 Population, On retaining it within any Re- quired Limits, 160 Porcelain and Glass, Treatise on, 221 Porson Richard, Tracts and Criticisms, 253 Vindication of the Literary Character of, 253 Portalis le C on -> Discours dans la seance du corps l^gislatif du 15 Germinal an 10, sur 1'organisation des cultes, 32 Porter H., Two Angry Women of Abington, 318 Porter Miss J., Scottish Chiefs, 293 Sir Edwd. Seaward's Shipwreck, &c., 293 - Thaddeus of Warsaw, 296 Porter J. and A. M., Coming Out, &c., 278 Porteus Bp., Lectures on St. Matthew, 45 Sermons, 45 Letter to the Clergy, 37 INDEX. 519 Porteus Bp,, Tracts, 318 Life of, by Hodgson, 454 Port Royal, Logique de MM. de, 184 Portugal, View of the Revolutions of, 408 Portugal and Gallicia, 372 Postage, Report on, 421 Post Office, Debates in Parliament, on the reform of the, 141 Potter Rev. J. P., On Education, 180 Potter Dr. J., Archaeologia Graeca, 427 Potter R., On Johnson's Lives of the Poets, 448 Powell Rev. B., Hist, of Nat. Philosophy, 190 Powell J. , Financial and Commercial Systems of Britain, 147 Powell Capt R., Trial of, 236 Poynder J., Speech on Human Sacrifices, 154 Poynter Rev. Dr., On the Jurisdiction of Bishops, 33 Practical Farmer, 233 Practice of Piety, 73 Pradt M. 1'Abbe de, Comparison between England and Russia, 121, 122 Vrai Systeme de 1'Europe relativement a 1'Amerique et a la Grece, 122 Prater H., Essay upon the Law respecting Husband and Wife, 97 Prayer Book, Remarks on the, 33 Preaching as Anciently Used, 33 Prelate (The), 290 Preliminary Discourse, read in the Cortes, at the Presentation of the Projet of the Con- stitution, 122 Prescott W. H., History of Ferdinand and Isabella, 408 Preston R., On the Poor Laws, 160 On the State of the Nation, 111 Poor Rates gradually reduced, 160 Review of the Landed and Agricultural Interests, 147 Pretender (The) truly James III, 411 Price Rev. T., On the Physiognomy and Physiology of the Inhabitants of Britain, 218 Price U., Essays on the Picturesque, 233 Prichard Dr. J. C., Doctrine of a Vital Prin- ciple, 184 Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, 416 Physical History of Mankind, 208 Prideaux Dr. H., Letter on the Convocation of 1689, 33 Life of Mahomet, 89 Old and New Test. Connected, 385 Priest Rev. St. J., Agricult. of Buckingham- shire, 229 Priestley Dr. J., Experiments on Air, 193 History of Discoveries relating to Vi- sion, &c., 192 , History of the Corruptions of Chris- tianity, 22 . History of Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, 73 Priestley Dr. J., History of Electricity, 196 Lectures on History, 325 Natural Philosophy, 190 Observations on the Emigration of, 454 Observations relative to Religious Edu- cation, 180 Sermon, at Hackney, 45 On the Unity of God, &c., 73 Pringle A., Agricult. of Westmoreland, 230 Pringle Dr., Life of, 447 Pringle T., African Sketches, 318 Prior Jas. , Memoirs of Burke, 433 Life of Dr. Goldsmith, 439 Prior Mat., Life of, 446, 448 Poems, 263, 270 Prison Discipline, Inquiries relative to, 164 Reports of the Society for the Improve- ment of, 165 Prisons, Extracts from the Third Report of the Inspectors of, 163 Report on the King's Bench, Fleet, Marshalsea, &c., 165 Rapport sur 1'Etat Actuel des Prisons dans les Departements/lu Calvados.&c., 165 Pritchard A. , Nat. Hist." of Animalcules, 208 History of Infusoria, 208 Microscopic Cabinet, 208 Proceedings relative to Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, and the sending Commis- sioners of Inquiry to certain British Colo- nies, 156 Proceedings of a Meeting at Norwich, 1795, Proclamation of the First Consul, 416 Procopii Caesariensis Hist. 392 Proofs of Christianity, 53 Propertii Carmina, Kuinoel, 306 Propertius, a Gabbema, 301 Property Tax Act, 1842, 465 Proposals for the General Defence, &c., Ill Prose, by a Poet, 318 Protest of the L s, 1712, 420 Protestant Catechism, 73 Prote-jar.t Charity and English Justice, Ap- peal (o, 1-24 Protestan Dissenters, Address to, 24 Appeal to the, 124 Protestant Dissenter's Catechism, 73 Protestant (The) Tory Refuted, 111 Protestant an... Popish Faith, View of the Articles of the, 81 Protestant's Reply to " Remarks on the Bp. of Durham's Charge in 1806," 73 Protestant's Reply, Review of, 74 Prout S., Hints on Light and Shadow, &c., 225 Prout Dr. Wm., Chemistry, &c., considered with reference to Natural Theology, 194 Provisions, Cause of the Present High Price of, 167 Proyart's History of Loango, &c., 372 Prussia and Saxony, 122 Psalms, Book of, trans, by Bp. Horsley, 2 520 INDEX. Psalms, Book of, trans, by W. Walford, 2 Public Affairs, Thoughts on, 104 Public- House Licensing, Letters on, 1 69 Public Schools, Reply to Objections to, 180 Publisher's (The) Circular, 246 Puffendorf S., De Officio Hominis, &c., 91 Pulteney R., Progress of Botany in England, 212 Puntis James, Memoirs of Blakely, 431 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, 454 Pursuits of Literature, 270 Pycroft S., On Free- thinking in Matters of Religion, 73 Reflections upon Contentment, 174 Pym John, Life of, 445 Pythagoras, 305 QUADROONE (The), 291 Quakers, Discovery of some of the Principles and Practices of the, 63 History of, by Sewel, 22 Apology for, by Barclay, 56 Their opinion on the Baptism of the Spirit, 56 Quakers' Affirmation, Report on, 421 Quarles Rev. T., History of Foulsham, 465 Quarterly Review, 249 Quarterly Theological Review, 249 Quayle T., Agriculture of the Channel Islands, 230 Queen (The), Exclusion of, from the Liturgy, considered, 1 1 1 Quevedo, Life of, 447 Quiberon, Memoires sur 1' Expedition de,408 Quien Michael Le, Oriens Christianus, 391 Quin E., Speech on the Catholic Question, 133 Quin Jas., Life of, 448 Quin M. J., Voyage down the Danube, 373 Visit to Spain, 373 Quinte Curce, trad, par Vaugelas, 306 Quintiliani Institut Oratoriae, Spalding, 306 Quirini P., Travels of, 358 RABELAIS F., O3uvres de, 291 Life of, 446 Racine Jean, (Euvres de, par Petitot, 322 Life of, 446 Radcliffe Ann, Gaston de Blondeville, &c., 281 Mysteries of Udolpho, 288 Romance of the Forest, 292 Memoir of, 431 Radcliffe Dr., Life of, 447 Radulphus de Diceto, Londonensis, 401 Raeburn Sir H., Life of, 447 Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, Life of, by Duppa, 455 Raffles Sir T. S., Discourse to the Literary Society at Java, 253 History of Java, 373 Memoirs of, by his Widow, 455 Memoir of, 455 Raleigh's Report of an Engagement near the Azores, 369 Raleigh Sir W., History of the World, 385 Life of, 446 Memoirs of, by Mrs. Thomson, 455 Life of, by Tytler, 455 Trial of, 398 Ramble among the Musicians of Germany, 225 Rambler, 309 Ramond's Journey to the Summit of Mont Perdu, 370 Ramsay Allan, Life of, 447 Randolph Rev. Dr. F., Observations on the State of the Nation, 111 Randolph J., (Bp. of London) Charge, 45 Ranke L., History of the Popes, translated by Sarah Austin, 22 Rankin F. H., White Man's Grave, 373 Rapin M. de Thoyras, Hist, of England, 408 Acta Regia, 408 Rasche J. C., Lexicon Universe Rei Num- mariae veterum, 427 Raspail F. V., System of Organic Chemistry, 194 Rattenbury J. F., On the Cession of the Flo- ridas to the United States, &c., 122 Raumer F. Von., England in 1835, 373 Italy and the Italians, 373 History of the 16th and 17th Centuries, 416 Political History of England, 408 Raven Rev. T., Claims of the Roman Catholic Church to Universal Supremacy, 74 Claims of the Roman Church to In- fallibility in the interpretation of the Scrip- tures, 74 Religion of the Church of Rome, 73 Ray J., Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britan- i iic; i ni in, 212 Synopsis Methodica Animalium, &c., 208 Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation, 53 Life of, by Derham, 455 Memoir of, 455 Ray J. M., Sermon on the Death of the Rev. T. Harmer, 45 Sermon on the Death of the Rev. C. Case, 45 Raynal Abbe, Histoire des deux Indes, 408 Read Dr., No Fiction, 288 Reasons for Opposition to the present Ad- ministration, 111 Recollections during the War in Venezuela, &c., 373 Recollections of the Peninsula, 373 Rector (The) of Auburn, 291 Redding C., History of Shipwrecks, 373 History of Wines, 319 Redesdale Lord, Speech on the Petition of the Catholics, 134 Redford Dr. G., Holy Scripture Verified, 53 INDEX. Reed Dr. A., and Dr. Matheson, Visit to the American Churches, 373 Rees E., On the Horrors of War, 175 Reeve Clara, Old English Baron, 288 Memoir of, 431 Reeve Dr. H., On the torpidity of Animals, 208 Reeves J., Catholic Emancipation, 134 On the Coronation Oath, 134 Reflections on the Connection of the British Government with the Protestant Religion, 134 Reform, Letter on, 112 Letters on, by Anglicus, 108 Plans for, 112 Sketch of various Proposals for, 113 Statement of the Question of, 113 The only Remedy for our Distresses, 112 Reformation, Sketch of its Rise, &c., 22 Reformer (The), 291 Regiam Majestatem, Obs. on the, 97 Regnard's Journey to Lapland, &c. , 369 Reid J. , Philosophy of Death, 218 Reid Dr. J. S., History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 22 Reid Dr. T., Enquiry into the Human Mind, 184 Essays on the Human Mind, 184 Memoir of, 458 Reid Lieut. Col. W., Law of Storms, 196 Rejected Addresses, 270 Religio Clerici, A Churchman's Epistle, 270 Religious Discourses, by a Layman, 45 Remarks on " An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul," 184 Rembrandt, Catalogue of the Prints of, 225 Remonstrance of James I, for the Right of Kings, 112 Remuneration for Labour, Report on, 161 Rengger et Longchamp, Revolution du Pa- raguay, 408 Reign of Dr. Francia, 408 Rennell Major J., Geographical System of Herodotus, 327 Illustration of the History of the Ex- pedition of Cyrus, 327 Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan, 373 Rennell Rev. T., Remarks on Scepticism, 74 Sermons, 45 Report of a Case, Doyle, v. Fitzgerald, 97 Representation of the People in England and Wales, Bill to amend the, [1831] 418 Representation of England and Wales, State of the, 422 Repton H., Observations on Landscape Gar- dening, 233 Letter to Uvedale Price, Esq., 233 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam, 408 Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores vetustiores, 408 Residence on the Shores of the Baltic, 374 Retraite des Francais, 409 Retreat of the French Army from Russia, 409 Retrospective Review, 249 Return (The) to England, 291 Return (The) to Faith, 455 Retz Cardinal de, Life of, 445 Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, 74 Revelation, Truths of, demonstrated by an Appeal to Monuments, &c., 54 Revenue, Exports, &c., of Britain, 139 Revue des deux Mondes, 249 Revue Encyclopedique, 249 Reynolds F., Life and Times of, 455 Reynolds Sir J., Catal. of his pictures, 222 Literary Works of, 322 Life of, 447 Life of, by Northcote, 455 Rhianus, 305 Ricardo and the Currency Question, 441 Ricardo and Smith's Opinions on Political Economy, 138 Ricardus, Prior Hagustaldensis, 401 Ricci Scipion de, Vie de, par Potter, 455 Ricerca sulle cause e sui rimedj della passata ed attuale scarsita, 169 Rich C. J., Residence in Koordistan, 374 Richard II, History of, 403 Richard's History of Tonquin, 37 1 Richards Rev. W., History of Lynn, 338 Richardson Dr. John, Fauna Boreali Ameri- cana, 205 Richardson J., Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary, 256 Richardson Dr. R., Travels, 374 Richardson S., Clarissa Harlowe, 278 Sir Charles Grandison, 281 Memoirs of, 431 Richardson W. , On the Cultivation of Fiorin Grass, 233 On Improving the Waste Lands of Scot- land, 233 Prize Essay, for the Growth of Fiorin Grass, 233 Measures for preventing Famines, 169 Richelieu Cardinal de, Life of, 445 Richmond Duke of, Letter on Annual Par- liaments and Universal Suffrage, 112 Richmond Rev. Legh, Memoir of, by Grim- shawe, 455 Rickards R., India, 374 Rickman T., On Architecture in England, 229 Riddle Col., Riddellian System, 218 Ride on Horseback to Florence, 374 Ridley Bp., Life of, 437 Riesbeck's Travels through Germany, 370 Rigby Dr. E., On the Uterine Haemorrhage, 218 Holkham, its Agriculture, &c., 234 On Cultivation of Mangel Wurzel, 233 Right of the People to possess the Scriptures without the License of a Roman Priest, 74 8 X 522 INDEX. Riguelme D. Franc., Letters written in Spain to, 120 Ripperda Duke of, Life of, 445 Ritchie L., Game of Life, 281 Romance of History, France, 292 The Wye and its Associations, 374 Riveti A., Examen Animadversionum Hu- gonis Grotii, 74 Rivoluzioni della Repubblica Veneta, 409 Robberds J. G., On Christian Conversion, 465 Robberds J. W., Jun., On the Eastern Val- leys of Norfolk, 201 Robert de Monte, Chronica Normannise, 402 Roberts Lieut. Col., Letter to the Officers of the Army, 169 Plan for Increasing the Incomes of Officers of the Army, 169 Roberts Emma, Scenes in Hindostan, 374 Roberts Jos., Illustrations of the Scriptures, 13 Roberts Rev. L., Reply to Melancthon's Letter to Dr. Troy, 33 Roberts W., Letter to the Unitarian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, &c., 74 Letters to Belsham, Rees, and Fox, 74,75 Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man, 369 Robertson Dr. J., Agriculture of Inverness, 231 Agriculture of Perthshire, 231 Robertson Jac., Clavis Pentateuchi, 6 Robertson J. P. and W. P., Letters on Paraguay, 374 Robertson, Dr. W., History of America, 409 History of Charles V, 409 History of Scotland, 409 Disquisition concerning India, 409 Rise of the Reformation, 22 Memoir of, 458 Robinson Dr. E., Biblical Researches in Pa- lestine, 374 Robinson Rt. Hon. F., Letter to, on the depressed state of Agriculture, 147 Letter to, on the Currency, 148 Robinson H. B., Memoirs of Gen. Picton, 454 Robinson John, Guide to the Lakes, 332 Poems, 270 Robinson Dr. J., Account of, by Playfair, 455 Robinson R., Ecclesiastical Researches, 22 Plan of Lectures on Nonconformity, 75 Robinson Tho., Last days of Bp. Heber, 440 Robinson Tho., Scripture Characters, 75 Roby J., Seven weeks in Belgium, &c., 374 Roche St. Andrd M., Letter occasioned by " A Vindication of the Conduct of General Savary," 122 Rochefort M. de, Histoire Naturelle et Mo- rale des lies Antilles, 198 Rochefoucauld La, Maximes et Reflexions Morales, 174 Rochefoucauld, Life of, 446 Rochester Earl of, Poems, 263 Life of, 437, 448 Life of, by Bishop Bumet, 455 Rochon's Voyage to Madagascar, 372 Rock Captain, Memoirs of, 292 . Detected, 292 Rodney Adm. Lord, Life of, by Mundy, 455 Roe Sir T., Journal of, 370 Rogers Lieut. Col., Defence of the Charges preferred by him, 235 Rogers G., Sermons, 45 Rogers Henry, Life of John Howe, 442 Rogers H., Poems, 270 Rogers John, Life of, 437 Roget Dr. P. M., Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 218 Rogers Samuel, Italy, 271 Pleasures of Memory, &c., 271 Rogers and Courtney, Voyage of, 360 Roggewein, Voyage of, 360 Roland Mad., Life of, 446 Rollin C. , QCuvres completes, 322 Ancient History, 385 Roman Gallery, Synopsis of the, 427 Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth, 465 Rome, History of, 385 Rome, History of, Division II, (B. c. 390 A. D. 31,) 465 Rome, Letters from, 20 Rome in the Nineteenth Century, 374 Romilly Sir S. , Observations on Capital Pun- ishments, 165 Speech on the Slave Trade, 155 Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, 447 Memoirs of, 455 Romney Geo. , Life of, 447 Rosa Salvator, Life of, by Lady Morgan, 455 Roscoe H. , Lives of Lawyers, 447 Roscoe T., Italian Novelists, 283 Spanish Novelists, 293 Memoirs of Cellini, 434 Roscoe W., Considerations on the War, 122 Remarks on the proposals for Peace, 122 Life of Leo the Tenth, 409 Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, 449 Illust. of the Life of Lorenzo de' Me- dici, 449 Origin, &c. , of Literature, Science, and Art, 246 Life of, 430 RoBcommon Earl of, Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Rose C., Four Years in Africa, 374 Rose Rt. Hon. G., Letter respecting a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet, 112 Obs. on Banks for Savings, 169 Obs. on the Historical Work of C. J. Fox, 399 Rose H. J., Study of Divinity, 75 Study of Church History,, 75 INDEX. 523 Rosenmiiller Era. F. C., Scholia in Vetus Testamentum, 13 Scholia in Novum Testamentum, 13 Ross Captain Sir J., Second Voyage, 374 Rossmore Lord, Letter on Catholic Eman- cipation, 134 Rotuli Parliamentorum, 422 Roubiliac L. F., Life of, 447 Rouillon M. de, Table of the Gender of French Nouns, 254 Rouse W., On the Comparative value of Freehold and Copyhold Land, 98 Rousseau J. J., CEuvres de, 322 Emile, 280 Letters on, by Ginguene, 254 Life of, 446 Rovigo Duke of, Memoirs by himself, 409 Rowe N., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Roy Rammohun, Precepts of Jesus, 75 R 1 Consistency, 271 Royal Institution, Journal of the, 240 List of its Members, 240 Royal Society, Report of the Committee of Physics, 240 Royal Memoirs of the French Revolution, 409 Rubruquis W. de, Travels of, 358, 370 Rudge T. , Agriculture of Gloucestershire, 230 Ruding R., Annals of the Coinage, 427 Ruffini Hist. Eccles., 18 Ruhnkenius, 304 Rumford Count, Essays, 319 Runciman Alex., Life of, 447 Ruschenberger Dr. W. S. W., Voyage round the world, 375 Rush R., Residence at the Court of London, 375 Rush worth J., Historical Collections, 402 Russel W., Reply to Benson's Defence of the Methodists, 75 Russell John, Tour in Germany, 375 Russell Lord John, History of Europe, from the Peace of Utrecht, 402 Russell Rev. M., Barbary States, 375 Connection of Sacred and Profane History, 386 History of the Church in Scotland, 22 Nubia and Abyssinia, 375 View of Anc. and Mod. Egypt, 386 Russell W. , H istory of Modern Europe, 409 Russell William Lord, Life of, 456 Russia, History of, 409 Key to the recent conduct of the Em- peror of, 120 Russia in the East, 122 Rust Geo. , Funeral Serm. for Jer. Taylor, 47 Rutlandshire, Account of, 339 Ryan Rev. E. , Stric. on Dr. Milner's Tour, 33 Ryan Lacy, Life of, 448 Rymer T., Foedera, 92 SACHEVERELL Dr., Account of the Enemies of, 111 Sacheverell Dr. , Speech of the Bp. of Salis- bury on the Impeachment of, 422 Vindication of, 114 Sadler M. T., Ireland, its Evils and their Remedies, 112 Sadler Sir Ralph, Memoir of, 431 Sadler and Crayfield, Aeriel Voyage of, 192 Sage Alain Rene le, Memoir of, 431 Saint Alban's Harriot Duchess of, Memoirs of, 456 Saint Columba, Life of, 446 Saint Chrysostom, Life of, by Neander, translated by Stapleton, 434 Golden Book of, 14 Saint Cyprian, Life of, by Poole, 456 Saint Evremont M. de, CEuvres, 322 Saint John J. A., Tales of the Ramad'han, 296 Saint Real L'Abb6, CEuvres, 322 Saint Vincent Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Salisbury Cecil Earl of, Life of, 445 Sallustii Opera, 307 Opera, Kunhardt, 306 Sallust, Works translated by Murphy, 306 Salmon T., Modern History, 409 Salt H., Voyage to Abyssinia, 375 Life of, by Halls, 456 Salt Laws, Observations on the, 146 Salvandy N. A. de, Don Alonzo, 274 Salviani Hippolito, Memoir of, 456 Samuda J. D. A., On Atmospheric Railways, 221 Sandby Rev. G., Discretionary Power, 161 Sanders C. E., Poems, 271 Sanderson Bp., Life of, 437 Sanderson Dr. Robt., Life of, 449 Sandford Prof., Letter to the Rev. P. Elmsley, 180 Sandford Sam., Life of, 448 Sandoval, 292 Sandwich Earl of, Life of, 446 Sanson, Hist, de la Re vol. Fran9aise, 410 Santa- Rosa Count, On the Piedmontese Re- volution, 122 Santos's History of Ethiopia, 372 Sappho, Works translated by Fawkes, 306 Sargent Rev. J. , Life of Thomason, 459 Sarpi P., Histoire du Concile de Trente, par Courayer, 19 Life of, 448 Saumarez R., Oration to the Medical Society, 240 Saussure H. B. de, Voyages dans les Alpes, 375 Saussure's Ascent of Mont Blanc, 370 Savage J., The Librarian, 245 Savage Richard, Poetical works, 271 Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Savage Robt., Life of, 448 Savary Gen., Vindication of the Political Conduct of, 123 Letter occasioned by the above, by Roche, 122 524 INDEX. Savings' Banks, Observations on, 161 Say J. B., Letters on Political Economy, 137 Traite d' Economic Politique, 139 Savers Dr. F., Collective Works, by Taylor, 322 Nugae Poeticse, 271 Tentamen Academicum de Animi Af- fectionibus, 184 Scarron, CEuvres de, 322 Scenes in Egypt and Italy, 375 Scenes and Stories, by a Clergyman in debt, 293 Scheldt, Obs. on the Expedition to the, 121 Schildtberger J., Travels of, 358 Schiller F., History of the Thirty Years' War, 410 Kabale und Liebe, &c., 271 Maria Stuart; Macbeth, 271 William Tell, 271 Schlegel F., Lectures on the History of Literature, 246 Schleusner J. F., Novus Thesaurus, 6 Novum Lexicon, 6 Scholz J. M. A., Novum Test. Greece, 3 Schomburgk Robert H., Memoir of, 456 Schouten W. C., and Jac. le Maire, Voyage of, 359 Scoresby W. Jun., Arctic Regions, 375 Northern Whale Fishery, 375 Scotland, History of the Revolution in, 403 Scott Rev. Dr. A. J., Recollections of the Life of, 465 Scott J., War Inconsistent with the Doctrine &c. of Christ, 175 Scott John, Poems, 263 Scott Capt. J., Recollections of a Naval Life 456 Scott John, Paris revisited, 375 Tour to Waterloo, 375 Scott Rev. John, Continuation of Milner's History of the Church, 22 Scott John Lee, Imprisonment in China, 375 Scott J. N., Essays towards a Translation of Homer, 302 Scott Michael, Life of, 447 Scott T., Table of Cebes, 306 Scott Thos., Book of Job, 2 Scott Rev. T., Remarks on the Refutation of Calvinism, 75 Rights of God, 75 Life of, 456 Letters and Papers of, 456 Scott Sir Walter, Abbot, 274 Anne of Geierstein, 274 Antiquary, 275 Betrothed, 276 Black Dwarf, 276 Border Antiquities, 380 Bride of Lammermoor, 277 Castle Dangerous, 277 , Character, fee., of Lord Byron, 433 Chronicles of the Canongate, 277 Scott Sir Walter, Count Robert of Paris, 278 Dramatic Pieces, 271 Fortunes of Nigel, 280 Guy Mannering, 281 Heart of Mid- Lothian, 282 Historical Romances, 282 History of Scotland, 410 Ivanhoe, 284 Kenilworth, 285 Legend of Montrose, 285 Letters on Demonology, 184 Life of Dryden, 437 Life of Napoleon, 395 Memoirs of Novelists, 431 Memoirs of Dr. Swift, 458 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 271 Monastery, 287 Notices, &c., Illustrative of the Novels of, 288 Novels and Tales, 288 Old Mortality, 288 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 317 Peveril of the Peak, 289 Pirate, 290 Poetical Works, 271 Quentin Durward, 291 Redgauntlet, 291 Rob Roy, 292 St. Ronan's Well, 292 Tales of a Grandfather, 410 Tales of my Landlord, 295 Tales of the Crusaders, 295 Talisman, 296 Waverley, 298 Waverley Anecdotes, Illustrative of the Novels of, 298 Woodstock, 298 Memoirs of, by Lockhart, 456 Recollections of, 456 Scott Sir Wm., Observations on his Speech relating to the Church, 31 Scottish Toleration truly stated, 33 Scriptores Histories Romanse, 306 Scriptural Magazine, 75 Scrope G. P., Geology of Central France, 201 Scrope W., Art of Deer- Stalking, 227 Scylitzes Joannes Curopalata, 389 Seamen, Letter on a Plan to raise, 1 68 Sebright Sir J. S., Art of Improving the Breeds of Domestic Animals, 234 Seckendorf L., Comment. Historicus et Apo- logeticus de Lutheranismo, 22 Seeker Abp., Lectures on the Catechism, 33 Sermons, 46 Eight Charges, 46 Life, &c., of, by Bp. Porteus, 456 Securities for the Established Religion con- sidered, &c., 134 Sedgwick A., On the Studies of the Univer- sities, 180 INDEX. 525 Sedgwick Miss, Letters from Abroad, 875 The Linwoods, 286 Seed Jere., Posthumous Works, by Hall, 75 Seed Jonathan, Discourses and Sermons, 46 Seeley John, A Voice from India, 112 SeelyCapt. J. B., Wonders of Elora, 375, 427 Segray M., Zayde, trans, by Porter, 298 Segur Comte de, Histoire de Napoleon, 410 History of the Exped. to Russia, 410 Histoire de Russie, 410 Memoires, 456 Sejanus, and Philippa the Catanian, History of, 386 Selby W., Creed of Unitarians, 75 Sermon, 46 Selden John, Life of, 447 Seldeni Joannis, Opera Omnia, Wilkins, 322 Selkirk Earl of, On National Defence, 112 Senecee L., Annsei, Opera, 307 Senior N. W. , Lecture on Political Economy, 139 Lectures on the Transmission of the Precious Metals, 148 Letter on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor, &c., 161 Serampore Mission, &c., Tracts relating to the, 87 Servetus Michael, Life of, 456 Seton Lieut. C., Trial of, 236 Sevi Sabatai, History of, 403 Sevigne Mad. de, and her Contemporaries, 456 Seward Anna, Memoir of, 431 Sewel Wm., History of the Quakers, 22 Sewell J., Hints to Proprietors of Real Pro- perty, 161 Sextus Rufus, 306 Shadwell Tho., Life of, 446 Shaftesbury Anthony, Earl of, Characteris- ticks, 180 Letters of, 438 Memoirs, by Locke, 456 Shakspeare Wm., Plays and Poems, 271 Tragicall Historic of Hamlet, 271 Poems, 263 Life of, 446 New Facts regarding, by Collier, 456 On the Proposed Monument to, 246 Remarks on, by Whately, 255 Memorials of, by Drake, 251 Shakspeare and his Times, by Drake, 251 Shakspeare and his Friends, 293 Shakspeare Wm., and others, Examination of, touching Deer- Stealing, 312 Sharp Abp., Life of, 457 Sharp T., Enquiry into the Causes of Infide- lity, 75 On the Words Elohim and Berith, 13 Shaw's Tour to the West of England, 369 Shaw's Travels in Barbary, 372 Sheffield Earl of, Observations on the Impo- licy, &c., of the Poor Laws, 161 On the Trade in Wool, 148 Sheffield Earl of, Report of, at Lewes Wool Fair, 148,234 Shelley P. B., Poetical Works of, 271 Masque of Anarchy, 271 Shelvocke Capt. Geo., Voyage of, 360 Shenstone W., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Sheppard's Discourse to his Congregation, Remarks upon the Abstract of, 74 Sheppard Dr. E., Letter to the Rev. Arch- deacon Daubeny, 33 Sheppard J., Inquiry on the Duty of Chris- tians with respect to War, 76 Sherburne Sir E., Poems, 263 Sherer Capt., Memoirs of Wellington, 413 Sheridan C. B., Thoughts on the Greek Revolution, 122 Sheridan Rt. Hon. R. B., Works of, 27! Letter to, with Strictures on the Oppo- sition, 108 Speech to the Electors of Westminster, 422 Memoirs of, by Moore, 457 Historical Sketch of, 441 Sherlock Bp. , Discourses, 46 Tryal of the Witnesses, 54 Shillitoe Thos., Address to the Rulers of this Nation, 113 Shipp J., K'Haunie Kineh- Walla, 285 Military Bijou, 287 Memoirs of, 457 Shirley J. , Dramatic Works and Poems, 272 Life of, 446 Shooting Excursion in Jamaica, Account of a, 151 Short T. V., Hist, of the Church of England, 22 Shrewsbury Duke of, Correspondence of, by Coxe, 414 Shropshire, Account of, 339 Shuckford Rev. S., Sacred and Profane History Connected, 386 Shurreef J., Qanoon-e- Islam, trans, by Dr. Herklots, 373 Shute Bp., Grounds on which the Church of England separted from the Church of Rome, 76 Shuttleworth P. N., Apostolical Epistles translated, 4 Sibbald Sir Robert, Memoir of, 457 Sickler Ch. L., Plan Topographique de la Campagne de Rome, 201 Siddons Mrs., Life of, 448 Life of, by Campbell, 457 Sidney Algernon, Letters of, 438 Sidney Rev. E., Life of Sir Rich. Hill, 441 Life of Rev. Rowland Hill, 441 Life, &c., of Walker, 459 Sidney Sir P., Memoirs of, by Zouch, 457 Sigmond Dr. G. G.,Tea, its Effects, 174,219 Silk Manufacture, Treatise on, 221 Silliman Prof. , Consistency of Geology with Sacred History, 202 526 INDEX. Silver F., Observations on Vansittart's Plan of Finance, 148 Silvio Pellico, Memoirs of, 437 Simeon, Monachus Dunelmensis, 401 Simeon Rev. C., The Offices of the Holy Spirit, 46 Letter in Vindication of the Bible Society, 87 Sermon on the death of, by Thodey, 47 Simeon (le C en -) Rapport relatif au Concor- dat, 22 Simon R. P. R., Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament, 8 Histoire Critique du Nouveau Test. , 8 Simond L., Voyage en Angleterre, 375 Tour in Great Britain, 375 . Tour in Switzerland, 376 Tour in Italy, 376 Simonides, 305 Simonis J., Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldai- cum, 256 Simpson J., Essay on Teaching Christian Theology, 76 Sinclair Cath., Hill and Valley, 376 Scotland and the Scotch, 376 Shetland and the Shetlanders, 376 Modern Accomplishments, 287 Modern Society, 287 Modern Flirtations, 287 Sinclair Sir J., Agricultural State of the Netherlands, 234 Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee, 148 On the State of the Country in 1816, 1 13 On the Means of Arresting the Progress of National Calamity, 1 13 On the Approaching Crisis, 1818, 113 Papers on Political Subjects, 1 1 3 Report of Scotland, 342 Systems of Husbandry in Scotland, 234 Singer Dr., Agriculture of Dumfries, 231 Singer S. W., Correspondence of the Earl of Clarendon, &c., 415 Singularity Anglaises, &c., 457 Sir Ralph Esher, 293 Sismondi J. C. L. de, De la Richesse Com- merciale, 148 Crusades against the Albigenses, 410 Fall of the Roman Empire, 386 Histoire des Francais, 410, 465 Histoire des Repub. Italiennes, 410 History of the Italian Republics, 410 Julia Sevra, 285 Litterature du Midi de PEurope, 246 Literature of the South of Europe, trans, by Roscoe, 246 Nouveaux Principes d'Economie Poli- tique, 148 Progress of Religious Opinions, 22 Six Months in the West Indies, 376 Skelton Rev. J., Poems, 263 Skene W. F., Highlanders of Scotland, 410 Sketches of India, 376 Sketches of Persia, 376 Sketches of Portuguese Life, 376 Skinner Major, Journey to India, 376 Skrine's Tours through Wales, 369 Slade A., Travels in Germany, 376 Slater Rev. E., Letter on Papal Authority, 76 Letter on Roman Catholic Tenets, 76 Slave Colonies of Great Britain, 155 Slave Labour, Appeal to the People of Illinois on, 151 Slave Registry Bill, Remarks on the, 155 Slave Trade, Address on the, 151 Suggestions on the, 156 Thoughts on the Abolition of the, &c., 156 (African), Present State of the, 156 in Northern Africa, 153 (Foreign), Account of its State, &c., 153 (French) in 1820, Memoranda respect- ing the, 154 Slavery, Analysis of the Report on the Ex- tinction of, 151 Bill for the Abolition of, 418 Debate on, 1823, 156 Debate on the Abolition of, 1 52 Discussion on, between Knibb and Borthwick, 153 Horrors of, 1 53 On the Working of the Laws for the Abolition of, 155 Report from a Committee of the House of Commons on, 155 Report on the Extinction of, 421 Slavery Committee of the House of Lords, Letter to the, 154 Slavery in the West India Islands, Address on, 151 Speech of the Lord Chancellor on, 1 55 Slaves, Reasons for Establishing a Registry of, 155 Report on the Condition of, 421 Sleidan J. , History of the Reformation, 23 Sloane Sir Hans, Memoirs of, 457 Smart Rev. C., Poems, 263 Smeaton J., Report on Ramsgate Harbour, 221 Smedley Rev. E., History of the Reformed Religion in France, 23 Smee A., Elements of Electro- Metallurgy, 196 Smellie W., Memoir of, 457 Smirke E., Wallace, a Poem, 272 Smith's English Atlas, 327 Smith's History of Virginia, &c., 371 Smith Dr. A., Works, 322 Life of, 448 Memoir of, 458 Smith Baron, Charge to the Grand Jury of Westmeath, 165 Smith Char., Old Manor House, 288 Memoir of, 431 INDEX. 527 Smith Edmund, Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Smith Horace, Brambletye House, 276 Jane Lomax, 284 New Forest, 288 Reuben Apsley, 291 Tales of the Early Ages, 295 The Moneyed Man, 288 The Tor Hill, 296 Walter Colyton, 297 Zillah, 298 Smith Dr. John, Agricult. of Argyleshire,230 Smith J., On the Person of Christ, 13 Smith Rev. J., Discourse on Prophecy, 46 Smith Jas., Memoirs, &c., of, 319, 457 Smith John, Curiosities of Water, 208 Smith John, The Jesuit, 284 Smith Sir J. E., Flora Britannica, 213 English Flora, 213 English Botany, 213 English Botany, General Indexes to, 21 3 English Botany, Supplement to, by W. J. Hooker, &c., 213 Grammar of Botany, 213 Introduction to Botany, 213 Icones Pictae Plantarum Rariorum,212 Spicilegium Botannicum, 212 On the Botanical Professorship at Cam- bridge, 180 Defence of the Church and Universi- ties, 180 Memoirs of, 457 Smith Dr. J. P., On the Relation between the Scriptures and Geology, 46, 54, 202 Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, 54 Necessity of Religion to the Well- being of a Nation, 46 Smith J. T., Nollekens and his Times, 453 Smith Jos. T. , View of the Progress of Phi- losophy, 172 Smith Rev. Saml., Agriculture of Galloway, 231 Smith Rev. Sidney, Letter to the Electors on the Catholic Question, 134 Peter Plymley's Letters, 135 Speech on the Catholic Claims, 135 Sermons, 46 Works of, 322 Smith Dr. S., Lecture over the Remains of Jeremy Bentham, 219 Philosophy of Health, 219 Smith Dr T. S., On the Human Mind, 184 Smith T., Letter on the New Coinage, 148 Smith Sir T., Life of, by Strype, 457 Smith Rev. T. T. , Man's Responsibility, 46 Smith Wm. , Observations on Water Meadows and Peat Bogs, 234 Smith Wm., M.P. for Norwich, Letter to, 107 Letter on the Slave Trade, 155 Smith Sir W. C., Speech on the Union, 113 Two Political Allegories, 1 13 Smollett Dr. T., History of England, 411 Smollett Dr. T., Humphrey Clinker, 283 Roderick Random, 292 Memoir of, 431 Smyth Capt, Life of Capt. Beaver, 430 Smyth Rev. C. J., Speech on the Conversion of the Jews, 87 Smyth W. , Lectures on Modern History, 416 Lectures on the French Revolution,416 Snodgrass Major, Narrative of the Burmese War, 41 1 Soames H., History of the Reformation, 23 The Anglo-Saxon Church, 23 On the Doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 46 Soane John, Letter to Earl Spencer, 229 Sober Sadness, 113 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Summary Account of, 87 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, on some of the Books and Tracts of the, 85 Socinianism, Preservative against, 73 Socratis Historia Ecclesiastica, 18, 23 Solon, 305 Somatopsychonoologia, 219 Some Rev. David, On Inoculation, 465 Somers Lord, Collection of Tracts, 416 Defence of the Constitution, 1 13 Reply to the Bp. of Gloucester, 134 Life of, 447, 448 Somersetshire, Account of, 339 Somerville Rev. J., Remarks on an Article in the Edinburgh Review, 54 Somerville Lord, Address to the Board of Agriculture, 234 Observations relative to Sheep, Wool, Ploughs, and Oxen, 234 Memoir of, 431 Somerville Mrs., Mechanism of the Heavens, 191 On the Physical Sciences, 190 Somervile W., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Somner W., Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino- Anglicum, 257 Somner Gul. , Vocab. Anglo- Saxonicum, 257 Sonnini C. S., Travels in Egypt, 376 Sophoclis Opera, Erfurdt, 307 OSdipus Coloneus, Elmsley, 307 O3dipus Tyrannus, Elmsley, 307 O3dipus Tyrannus, Mitchell, 307 Sophocles, Tragedies trans, by Francklin, 307 Tragedies trans, by Potter, 307 Source of the Evil, by Anglo- Hibernus, 135 Southampton, Trial of Henry Earl of, 398 Southey Capt. T., History of the West In- dies, 411 Southey Robt, All for Love, 272 Book of the Church, 76 Vindiciae Ecclesise Anglicanae, 76 Curse of Kehama, 272 Doblado's Letters from Spain, 279 History of Brazil, 41 1 INDEX. Southey R., Hist, of the Peninsular War, 411 Joan of Arc, 272 Journey in Spain, 376 Life &c. of Cowper, 435 Life of Nelson, 452 Life of Wesley, 460 Madoc, 272 Minor Poems, 272 Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, 272 Roderick, 272 Select Works of British Poets, 272 Sir T. More, or Colloquies on Society, 319 Tale of Paraguay, 272 Thalaba the Destroyer, 272 Southey R. and Bell R., Lives of Admirals, 446 Southey T., Treatise on Sheep, 234 Southgate Rev. H., Tour through Armenia, 376 Southwold Fishing Boat, Accident to a, 55 Souvenirs d'un jeune Prisonnier, 457 Sowerby G. B., Genera of Shells, 209 Sowerby J., English Botany, 213 Sozomeni Historia Eccles., 18, 23 Spain, A Year in, 381 Spain Revisited, 376 Spain and Portugal, History of, 41 1 Map of, 327 Spallanzani's Travels in Italy, 370 Spallanzaiii L., Tracts on Animals and Vegetables, 198 Spanheim F., Ecclesiastical Annals, trans. by Rev. G. Wright, 23 Spaniards, Historical account of Naval At- chievements over the, 402 Spanish Ballads, trans, by Lockhart, 462 Spanish Question, Discussion on the, 93 Sparks J , Life of Ledyard, 362, 444 Life of Morris, 452 Life of Washington, 460 Spartianus .Kilns, 307 Spaun Franz- von, Ueber die grundverhalt- nisse des Staates zur Kirche, und zu der Romischen Curie, 34 Spectator, 309 Spelman H., Glossarium Archaiologicum, 257 Spelman Sir H., Works, 322 Spence Rev. Mr., Polymetis, 427 Spence Rev. J., Anecdotes, &c. of Books and Men, 246 Spence Jos., Parallel between Magliabechi and Hill, 3)4 Spence W., Agriculture the Source of the Wealth of Britain, 148 Britain Independent of Commerce, 148 Spencer G. T., (Bp. of Madras,) Visitation to the Provinces of Travancore, &c., 465 Spencer E. , Travels in Circassia, &c. , 376 Travels in the Western Caucasus, 377 Spenseri Jo., De Legibus Hebneorum Ritu- alibus, ]5 Spenser Ed., Works, by Todd, 322 Poems, 263 Life of, 446 Spilbergen Geo., Voyage of, 359 Sprague Dr. W. B., Lectures on Christianity, 54 Sprat Bp., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Spry Rev. J. H., On Evangelical Preaching, 76 Stackhouse T., Home Tooke Reviewed, 254 Stael Mad. de, Corinne, trans, by Hill, 278 Lettres sur les Ecrits, &c., de Rousseau, 254 Vie Privee de Necker, 452 (Euvres, 322 Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, 446 Staffordshire, Account of, 339 Stair John Earl of, On the State of the Na- tion, 113 Standing Army, Inconsistent with a Free Government, 100 Standish F. H., Seville, 377 Stanford Jane K., The Stoic, 294 Stanhope Hon. Col., Greece, in 182324, 417 Stanhope Geo., Commentary on the Epistles, &c., 13 Stanley Edw., (Bp. of Norwich) History of Birds, 465 Observations on Religion and Educa- tion in Ireland, 180 Stannard Rev. C., Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Norwich, 46 Discourse at St. Gregory's Church, 46 Stapleton Aug. G., Life of Canning, 396 Stark Jas. , Scenery of the Rivers of Norfolk, 225,335 Stark John, Elements of Nat. History, 209 State of the Nation, Dissertation on the, respecting its Agriculture, 141 Opinions as to the, 1 1 Specimen of the, 1 1 3 State Trials, by F. Hargrave, 98 Statement of Facts, between Mr. Bulkeley and Mr. W. Simpson, 457 Statesmen (British), Lives of, by Mackintosh, &c., 445 (English), Memoirs of, 450 (Foreign), Lives of, by Crowe and James, 445 Statii P. P. Opera, Veenhusen, 307 Statius, Thebaid of, trans, by Lewis, 307 Statistical Illustrations of the British Empire, 139 Staunton Sir Geo., Embassy to China, 377 Stavorinus, Account of Java, &c. 371 Stebbing Rev. H., History of the Christian Church, 23 History of the Reformation, 23 Steedman A., Adventures in Africa, 377 Steele R., The Crisis, 114 Steele Sir R., Christian Hero, 54 INDEX. 529 Steele Sir R. , Epistolary Correspondence, 437 Stephani H., Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 237 Stephanidis W., Vita S. Tho. Cantuar, 401 Stephen J., West Indian Pretensions Re- futed, 133 England Enslaved by her own Colonies, 135 Stephens J. F., Catal. of British Insects, 209 Stephens J. L. , Travels in Central America, 377 Stepney G., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Sterne Laurence, Works, 322 Memoir of, 431 Steuart Sir H., The Planter's Guide, 234 Steuart J., Bogota in 183637, 377 Stevenson S. W., Tour in France, &c., 377 Stevenson W., Sup. to Bentham's History of Ely Cathedral, 331 Stevenson W., Agriculture of Dorsetshire, 229 Agriculture of Surrey, 230 Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, &c., 360 Stewart Hon. and Rev. C., State of the Eastern Townships in Lower Canada, 1 35 Stewart C. S., Visit to the South Seas, 377 Stewart Col. D., Sketches of the Highland- ers, 41 1 Remarks on the above, 41 1 Stewart D., Memoirs of Drs. A. Smith, Robertson, and Reid, 438 Philosophy of the Human Mind, 184 Philosophy of the Powers of Man, 184 Philosophical Essays, 172 Stewart Dr. L., On Tendency to Disease in Refined Life, 219 Stewart Dr. M., Account of, by Playfair, 458 Stewart Lieut. Col. M., On the Government of India, 123 Stillingfleet Bp., Grounds of Protestant Re- ligion, 54 Discourse on the Doctrine of Christ's Satisfaction, 47 On Amusements of Clergymen, 319 Stillingfleet Rev. J., National Gratitude, a Sermon, 47 Stimulating Food and Fermented Liquors, Observations on, 218 Stirling Earl of, Poems, 263 Stoddart Rev. G. H., Necessity of Church Reform, 34 Stone F., Unitarian Minister's Plea, 76 Stonor Thos., Letter on the Catholic Ques- tion, 133 Remarks on Dr. Haggitt's Letter, 135 Stories of a Bride, 294 Stork Bp., Narrative of what passed at Kil- lalla,in 1798,411 Story of a Life, 294 Story of the Saint Alb n's Ghost, 114 Stow T. Q., Memoirs of Dr. R. Taylor, 458 Stowell Rev. H., Life of Bp. Wilson, 461 Stowell Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Slower C. , Typographical Marks, 242 Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum, lib. xvii, 307 Strafford, Trial of Thomas Earl of, 402 Strafford Earl of, Life of, 445 Stratford John, Account of, by Gurney, 458 Stratico Fr. Gio. Domenico Co., Opusculi Economico Agrari, 234 Stratton T., Book of the Priesthood, 34 Strawberry Hill, Catalogue of the Contents of, 226 Strickland Agnes, Lives of the Queens of England, 448 Pilgrims of Walsingham, 290 Seven Ages of Woman, &c., 272 Strickland H. E., Agricult. of Yorkshire, 230 Strong Fred. , Greece as a Kingdom, 465 Struensee Count, His Conversion, &c., 458 Strutt J., Manners, &c., of the Inhabitants of England, 427 Dress, &c., of the People of Eng., 427 Sports, &c. , of the People of Eng. , 427 Strype J., Annals of the Reformation, 23 Ecclesiastical Memorials, 23 Life of Bishop Aylmer, 429 Life of Sir J. Cheke, 434 Life of Cranmer, 436 Life of Archbishop Grindal, 439 Life of Sir T. Smith, 457 Life of Archbishop Parker, 453 Life of Archbishop Whitgift, 461 Memorials of Abp. Cranmer, 23 Works, 323 Stuart James, Three Years in America, 377 Stuart J. and Revett N., Antiquities of Athens, 427 Stuart Rev. M. , On the Divinity of Christ, 54 - Epistle to the Romans translated, 3, 13 Stubbs Thomas, Dominicanus, 401 Stumbling Blocks Removed, 76 Stumme (die) von Portici, 272 Sturge Jos., Visit to the United States, 465 Sturge Jos. and Thos. Harvey, West Indies in 1837, 156, 377 Sturt Capt. C., Two Expeditions into Aus- tralia, 377 Styles J., Sermon on the Claims of the In- ferior Creatures, 47 Styles R. P. , History of the Abbey Church of Pershore, 341 Subaltern (The), 438 Suchet Marshal, Memoirs of the War in Spain, 411 Suckling Sir W., Poems, 263 Suetonii Opera, 307 Opera, Wolfii, 307 Suetonius C. T., Lives of the Caesars, trans- lated by Thompson, 307 Suffolk, Account of, 340 Suffolk Henrietta Countess of, Letters to and from, 444 Sugars, (E. and W. India) Letter on the Duties of, 144 3 Y 530 INDEX. Sugden E. B., On the Rate of Interest, and on Redeemable Annuities, 98 Letter to J. Humphreys on the Laws of Real Property, 98 Letter to J. Williams in Reply to his Observations on the Court of Chancery, 98 Suisse (De la) dansl'Interetde 1'Europe, 118 Sullivan J., Narrative and Statement of Facts, 148 Sully Due de, Memoires, 411 Memoirs, trans, by Mrs. Lennox, 411 Life of, 443 Sulpicia, 308 Translated by Grainger, 308 Summer (A) in Andalusia, 377 Summer in Spain, 377 Sumner Rev. C. R , Ministerial Character of Christ considered, 76 Sumner Rev. J. B., Apostolical Preaching considered, 76 Evidence of Christianity, 54 Records of the Creation, 54 Sermons on the Christian Faith and Character, 47 Sunday Newspapers, Observations on, 72 Surrey, Account of, 340 Surrey Earl of, Poems, 263 Surtees R., History of Durham, 332 Surtees W., Twenty-five Years in the Rifle Brigade, 458 Surveyors of Highways, Duty of, 167 Sussex, Account of, 340 Sutherland, Improvements on the Estate of, 231 Swainson Wm., Animals in Menageries, 209 Discourse on the Study of Natural History, 198 Fauna Boreali- Americana, 205 Geography and Classification of Ani- mals, 209 Habits, &c., of Animals, 209 Natural History and Classification of Birds, 209 History and Natural Arrangement of Insects, 209 Natural History and Classification of Fishes, &c., 209 Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds, 209 Taxidermy, 209 - Treatise on Malacology, 209 Zoological Illustrations, 209 Swammerdam John, Memoir of, 458 Swartz Rev. C. F., Memoirs of, 458 Swift Dean, Works, by Hawkesworth, 323 Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Essay upon his Life, &c., by Deanc Swift, 254 Remarks on his Life, &c., by John Earl of Orrery, 254 Memoirs of, by Sir W. Scott, 458 Swinburne H., Travels, 377 Swinburne H., Courts of Europe, 377 Swinden H., History of Great Yarmouth, 339 Switzerland, History of, 41 1 Sydenham Dr., Life of, 447, 448 Sydserff R., Treatise on Bees, 209 Sykes A. A. , On Involuntary Error, 1 74 Symes's Embassy to Ava, 370 Symmons J., Reform without Innovation, 114 Syncelli Georgii Chronographia, 390 Synge Rev. Dr. E., Life of Daniel Herly, 76 Address to all who are of the Commu- nion of the Church of Rome, 76 St. Paul's Religion explained, 13 Syntax Doctor, Tour of, 272 Syrach, Epitre a la Convention Nationale de France, 123 TABLEAU Problematique de Londres et de Paris, mis en Parallele, 377 Tables Illustrative of the Speeches of the Earl of Liverpool, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. , 148 Taciti Opera, 307 Opera, Gronovii, 308 Tacitus C., Works, translated by Murphy, 308 Taddy Rev. J., Essay on the Truth of the Christian Religion, 54 Tadman L. , On Commuting the Tithes, 34 Tagart Rev. E., Service at the Settlement of, as Minister of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, 34 Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 249 Tales of a Briefless Barrister, 294 of a Voyager, 295 of the Factories, 272 of the Great St. Bernard, 295 of the Peerage, &c., edited by Lady Dacre, 295 of the Wars of Our Times, 296 of Venezuela, 296 Talfourd T. N., Glencoe, 272 Poetical Talent of the Present Age, 254 Talleyrand M. de, On the Commercial Rela- tions of the United States with Great Britain, 149 Talleyrand Prince, Historical Sketch of, 441 Tarleton Lieut. Gen., Speech intended for the Vote of Credit Bill, for 1810, 149 Tartary, Accounts of, 370 Tasman's Voyage, 371 Tasso Torquato, Gerusalemme Liberata, 272 Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Fair- fax, 272 translated by Hunt, 273 translated by Hoole, 278 Life of, 447 Tassoni, Life of, 447 Tatc Rev. J., Discourse before the Catholic Association, for the Relief of the Sick, 47 Talham E., Observations on the Scarcity of Money, 149 Taller, 309 1XDEX. 531 Taveraier's Voyages, 370 Taylor Cath., Letters from Italy, 378 Taylor Edgar, Mems. of John Meadows, 450 Taylor Edvvd., (Professor of Music) Three Inaugural Lectures, 226 Taylor Emily, Tales of the Saxons, 296 Vision of Las Cases, &c. , 273 Taylor Gen. Sir H., Illness of the Duke of York, 458 Taylor Isaac, Ancient Christianity, 462 Elements of Thought, 184 Fanaticism, 314 Home Education, 178 Lectures on Spiritual Christianity, 76 Natural History of Enthusiasm, 72 Physical Theory of Another Life, 53 Process of Historical Proof, 325 Saturday Evening, 75 Spiritual Despotism, 319 Transmission of Ancient Books, 246 Memoirs of Jane Taylor, 458 Taylor Jane, Memoirs, by I. Taylor, 458 Taylor Dr. Jeremy, Works, by Heber, 77 Taylor Dr. John, Defence of the Common Rights of Christians, 35 Hebrew Concordance, 6 Notes on the Epistle to the Romans, 13 Key to Apostolic Writings, 14 Scheme of Scripture Divinity, 77 Sermon at the Opening of the New Chapel, in St. George's Colegate, Norwich, 47 Value of a Child, 180 Lecture on Nelson, &c. , 458 Taylor John, The Profits of Mining, 221 Selections from Humboldt, 378 Taylor John, Records of my Life, 458 Taylor J. E., Michael Angelo, considered as a Philosophic Poet, 254 Taylor Joseph, Weather Guide, 196 Taylor Capt. M., Confessions of a Thug, 278 Tippoo Sultaun, 296 Taylor P., Catechism for Young Persons, 35 Taylor R. C., On the Crag Strata at Bramer- ton, 202 Geology of East Norfolk, 202 Notes respecting Indian Mounds, 427 Taylor R., Index Monasticus, 335 Scientific Memoirs, 240 Taylor Dr. Rowland, Memoirs of, 458 Life of, 437 Taylor T., On the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, 89 Taylor Thos., Life of Cowper, 435 Life of Howard, 441 Taylor Wm., English Synonyms, 254 Survey of German Poetry, 254 Teeling C. H., Narrative of the Irish Re- bellion, 411 Teignmouth Lord, Scotland and the Isle of Man, 342 Tellier F. M. de, Life of, 445 Temminck C. J., Manuel d'Ornithologie, 209 Temple Edmond, Travels in Peru, 878 Temple Maj. Sir G., Travels in Greece, 378 Temple Sir W., Works, 323 Memoirs of, by Courtenay, 458 Templer (der) und die Jiidin, 273 Tenets of the Churches of England and Rome, 73 Tennant C., Tour through the Netherlands, &c., 378 Tennant J. E., Belgium, 378 Terentius, Bentleii, 808 Terence, Comedies, par Dacier, 308 Comedies, translated by Colman, 308 Test and Corporation Acts, Repeal of the, 134 Testamentum Novum Grsecum, Wetstenii, 3 Griesbach, 3 Scholz, 3 Testament (Greek), by Rev. E. Valpy, 3 Testament (New), trans, by W. Tyndale, 3 revised by a Layman, 3 Animad. on the Unitarian Translation, 6 Tew Rev. E., Resignation no Proof, 77 Thackrah C. T,, The Effects of Arts, Trades, &c., on Health, 219 Thamuta, and other Poems, 273 Thayer Rev. J., Conversion of, 77 Theis M. le Baron de, Voyage de Polyclete, 386 Thenard L. J., On Chemical Analysis, 194 Traite de Chimie, 194 Theocritus, 305 translated by Fawkes, 308 Translations from, by Dryden, 308 Theodori Hist. Eccles., 18, 23* Theodoriti Hist. Eccles., 18, 23 Theognis, 305 Theophanis Chronographia, 392 Theophylacti Institutio regia, 392 Theophylacti Simocattae Hist. , 392 Therry R. , Memoir of Canning, 434 Thiers M. A., History of the French Revo- lution, 412 Thirlwall Rev. C., History of Greece, 386 Thistle (The), 114 Thodey Sam., Sermon on the Death of Rev. C. Simeon, 47 Thomas Rev. J., Address on forming a Church Missionary Society at Bath, 87 Strictures on Subjects relative to the Established Religion, 35 Thomas Dr. R., Practice of Physic, 219 Thomas de la More, 393 Thomas Walsingham, Historia, 393 Thomason Rev. T. T., Life of, by Sargent, 459 Thompson G. , Travels in Africa, 378 Thompson G. A., New Theory of the Two Hemispheres, 327 Thompson J. V., On the Pentacrinus Euro- peeus, 209 Thompson T. P., Fallacies on Rent, Tithes, &c., 149 532 INDEX. Thompson Rev. W., Poems, 263 Thomson Dr. A. T., Domestic Management of the Sick Room, 219 Thomson J., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Thomson Mrs. A. T., Anne Boleyn, 274 Life of Raleigh, 455 Memoirs of Henry VIII, 412 Thomson Dr. T., System of Chemistry, 194 First Principles of Chemistry, 194 History of Chemistry, 194 History of the Royal Society, 240 Outlines of Mineralogy, &c., 202 Thoresby R. , Topography of Leeds, 341 Diary of, by Hunter, 459 Thorn Gulielmus, Cantuariensis, 401 Thorp Rev. W., Speech on Catholic Eman- cipation, 135 Address on Catholic Emancipation, 135 Life of, 437 Thorpe R., On the Treaties for preventing Illicit Traffic in Slaves, 156 Three most Important Objects Proposed, by the Author of the Income and Property Tax, 149 Three Weeks in Palestine, 378 Throckmorton Sir J., Considerations on the Petition of the Irish Catholics, 136 Statutes for the Relief of the Irish and English Catholics, 136 Throkmorton Sir N., Trial of, 398 Thuani J. A., Hist, sui Temporis, 412 Thucydides, Baveri, 308 Gr. cura Bekkeri, 308 trans, by Smith, 308 Life and History of, by Hobbes, 459 Thugs of India, History of the, 378 Thunberg's Cape of Good Hope, 372 Thurloe J., State Papers, 422 Thurlow Lord, Historical Sketch of, 441 Life of, 447 Tibet, Description of, 370 - Travels through, 370 Tibullus, a Gabbema, 301 Wunderlichii, 308 Elegies, trans, by Grainger, 308 Tickell R., Anticipation, 114 Tickell T., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Tierney, Historical Sketch of, 441 Tillage Land, Address on the Mode of Culti- vating, 231 Tillotson Abp., Dissuasive from Popery, 77 Sermons, 47 Life of, 437 Timkowski G., Travels, 378 Tindall Wm., Life of, 437 Tiraboschi G., Storia della Lettcratura Itali- ana,246 Tithe, Enauiry into the History of, 27 Titian, Lite of, by Northcote, 459 Life and Works of, 226, 459 Tobin J. J., Tour through Styria, &c., 378 Tocqueville Alexis de, Democracy in America, 123 Todd Rev. H. J., Memoirs of Bp. Walton, 460 Tomline Bp., Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, 47 Elements of Christian Theology, 8 Refutation of Calvinism, 77 Memoirs of Pitt, 454 Tomlinson J. C., Phrenology consistent with Christianity, 77 Tomlinson Capt. N., Appeal to the Public in behalf of, 162 Tooke J. H., Diversions of Purley, 254 Letter to the Editor of the Times, 114 Historical Sketch of, 441 Tooke W., History of Russia, 412 Life of Catherine II, 412 View of the Russian Empire, 412 Tooke T., History of Prices, 149 Topsell Ed., Historieof Foure-footed Beastes, 210 Topsy Turvy, 273 Toreno Count, The Causes which led to the Revolution in Spain, 123 Torrens R., Letter to the Freemen of Ro- chester, 114 On the Production of Wealth, 149 Torrens Major, On Reducing the Poor's Rates, 162 Toulmin J., " Lord of Hosts" explained, 14 Review of the Preaching of the Apos- tles, 77 Tour in Germany, &c. , by a German Prince, 378 Tour in England, &c. , by a German Prince, 378 Tour through Holland, &c., 378 Tournon Mademoiselle de, 296 Toussaint Louverture, History of, 412 Tower (The) Menagerie, 210 Townley Gallery, 424 Townsend Rev. G., Accusations of History against the Church of Rome, 77 Old Testament arranged, &c. , 5 New Testament arranged, &c., 5 Townshend J. K., Excursions in the Rock Mountains, 378 Tracts for the Times, 7881 Tracts for the Times, Index to the, 465 Tracts (Religious), &c., Letter on, 69 Trade and Interest on Money, Obs. on, 145 Transactions of the Royal Soc. of Literature, 249 Transubstantiation, Discourse against, 63 Treaty between Her Majesty and the States General, 92 Trelawney Capt,, Adventures of a Younger Son, 274 Tremlett Rev. J., Prayers for Christian Families, 35 Trench Rich. C., Notes on the Parables, 14 Trevelyan, 296 INDEX. 533 Trevor Hon. A., Life of William III, 412 Trials of Charles the First and some of the Regicides, 412 Trials of H. and J. Sheares, J. M'Cann, W. M. Bryne, and O. Bond, for High Trea- son, 98 Trials of the Offenders for the Riots in Great Yarmouth, 98 Tricks of the Town, 181 Trimmer Mrs., Life and Writings of, 459 Trinitarian and Calvinistic Sentiments, Ad- dress to Unlearned Christians of, 75 Trivett E., The Baptists Vindicated, 81 Trollope Mrs., Belgium and Germany, 379 Life and Advent, of J. J. Whitlaw, 286 Manners of the Americans, 379 American Criticisms on the above, 379 Michael Armstrong, 287 Paris and the Parisians, 379 Vienna and the Austrians, 379 The Widow Barnaby, 298 Trotter C., On Currency and Exchanges, 149 Trotter J. B., Thoughts on the New Era and Veto in Ireland, 35 Memoirs of Fox, Remarks on, 253 Remarks to Him, on Pitt, 253 Troy's (Dr.) Pastoral Instruction, Review of an Enquiry into the Consistency of, 74 True Plan of a Living Temple, 81 Trustee (The), 297 Tryal and Condemnation of Don Prefatio d'Asaven, 123 Tucker A., The Light of Nature, 184 Light of Nature, abridged, 184 Remarks on Lord Clinton's Case, 98, 99 Tuckey Capt. J. K., Expedition to explore the River Zaire, 379 Tuke J., Agriculture of Yorkshire, 230 Tunnel under the Thames, Sketches of, 334 Tunstall Dr. J., Marriage in Society, &c., 114 Power of States to prohibit Clandestine Marriages, 1 14 Turberville G., Poems, 263 Turgot M., GEuvres de, 139, 323 Turnbull D., Travels in the West, &c., 379 Turner Dr. E., Elements of Chemistry, 194 Turner S., History of the Anglo-Saxons, 412 . History of England, 412 History of Henry VIII, 412 History of Edward VI, Mary, and Eliz- abeth, 412 Sacred History, 386 Turner W., Sufficiency of Revelation, 47 Turner E., On the Exportation of Wool, &c. 149 Turpin's History of Siam, 370 Turton Dr. Thos., On Admission to Degrees in the Universities, 136 On the Text of the English Bible, 8 Tutti Frutti, 319 Tweddell John, Remains of, 323 Twelve Years' Military Adventure, 459 Two Mahometans, Travels of, 370 Two Rectors, 297 Two Useful Cases Resolved, 81 Tyerman Rev. D. and G. Bennett, Voyages and Travels, 379 Tyler J. E., Life of Henry the Fifth, 412 Tymms L., Account of Norfolk Circuit, 330 Tyrtaeus, 309 Tyrwhitt Sir J., On a Rail Road from Dart- moor to Plymouth, 222 Tyrwhit R. P., The Marriage Act, passed July 22, 1822, 99 Tytler Alex. F., Elements of General His- tory, 387 Continuation, by Nares, 387 Essay on Translation, 254 Tytler P. F., History of Scotland, 412 Life of Crichton, 436 Life of Raleigh, 455 Lives of Scottish Worthies, 447 UEBER die Freyheiten der Gallicanischen und Deutschen Kirche und iiber die pabstlichen Breven, gegen den Freyherrn, v. Wessen- berg, 23 Ueber formliche Wahrheit und Kirkliche Freyheit, 81 Ulloa's Voyage to South America, 372 Unbiassed Irishman, 114 Unchristian Perfidies of France towards Spain, 123 Unitarian's Appeal, 81 Unitarian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Rules of the, 88 Unitarianism, Letters in Defence of, 69 Unitarians, Examination of Cobbett's Ob- jections to the Bill for the Relief of the, 128 United Service Journal, 249 United States, History of the, 414 Universal History, 386 Unportioned Young Females, Establishment for the Support, c., of, 177 Unwins D., Modern Maladies, &c., 219 Ure Dr. A., Dictionary of Chemistry, 194 Philosophy of Manufactures, 222 System of Geology, 202 Urquhart John, Memoirs of, by Orme, 459 Usurer's (The) Daughter, 297 Usurie, Tract against, 149 Usury Explained, by Philopenes, 1 75 - Uti (The) Possidetis, and Status Quo, 273 Utrecht, History of the Peace of, 402 VAGRANCY, Hints, &c. , on, 1 62 Vagrant Act, in Relation to the Liberty of the Subject, 162 Vaillant M., Travels in Africa, 379 New Travels in Africa, 379 Memoir of, 459 Valdenses, Authentic Details of the, 24 Valentia Viscount, Voyages and Travels, 379 i Valle Pietro Delle, Extracts from the Travels of, 370 534 INDEX. Valnoir Madame de, 297 Valpy Rev. E., Greek Testament, 3 Valpy R., Trip to Paris, 379 Vanbrugh Sir J., Life of, 446, 447 Vancouver C., Agriculture of Devonshire,229 Agriculture of Hampshire, 230 Vancouver Capt., Voyage of Discovery, 379 Van Der Hooght Ev., Biblia Hebraica, 1 Van Diemen's Land Almanack, 379 Vane Sir H., Life of, 445 Vansittart Rt. Hon. N., Letters on the Bible Society, 88 Letter to the Rev. Dr. Marsh, 35 Plan of Finance, 149 Speech in the Committee of Ways and Means, 149 The Budget for 1815, 149 Vargas, a Tale of Spain, 297 Vastey Baron de, Political Remarks concern- ing Hayti, 123 Vates, or the Philosophy of Madness, 297 Vattel M. de, Law of Nations, 92 Vaughan Rev. R., Causes of the Corruptions of Christianity, 81 Hist, of England under the Stuarts, 413 Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty, 413 Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, 413 Life of Wycliffe, 461 Vega Garcilasco de la, Life of, 447 * Vega Lope de, Life of, 447 Vegetable Substances, 213 Veitch W., Memoirs of, 459 Venetian History, Sketches from, 41 1 Venn Rev. Henry, Life and Letters of, 459 Vercingetorixa, 273 Vergilii Polydori Ang. Hist., 413 Vermont Marquis de and Sir C. Darnley, London and Paris, 363 Vernal (The) Walk, a Poem, 273 Vernon J. , Letters Illustrative of the Reign of William III, 417 Verstegan R., Restitution of Decayed Intel- ligence, 427 Verthema Lud., Voyages and Travels of, 359 Vertot M. I'AbbS de, Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, 423 Histoire des Revolutionsde Portugal,4l3 Histoire des Revolutions de la Rpub- lique Romaine, 413 Histoire des Revolutions de Suede, 413 Vestalin (die), 273 Veto Discussed upon its true Principles, by F. M'Carthy, 30 Veto, Answer to Lord Grenville's Letter on the, 28 Letters on the, by Fidelis, 30 Letters on Dr. Milner's Explanation, relating to the, 30, 33 Origin and Progress of the, 32 Vice-Chancellor, Objection to creating a, 96 Observations on the above, 96 Victoris Publii de Regionibus Romas, 807 Vida, Art of Poetry, trans, by Pitt, 273 View of the British Commons, 422 Vigne G. T., Six Months in America, 379 Visit to Ghuzni, &c., 379 Vigny Count de, Cinq- Mars, 278 Stello, 294 Villani Giov., Istorie Florentine, 413 Ville-Hardouin, Hist, de Constant., 389 Villegas Estaban de, Life of, 447 Vince S., Principles of Hydrostatics, 193 System of Astronomy, 191 Vincent J. L. S., Observations sur la voie d'autorite applique a la Religion, 136 Vincent Viscount St., Speech on Slavery in the West Indies, 155 Vinci L. da, Treatise on Painting, 226 Vindication of the First Two Chapters of St. Matthew and St. Luke, 14 Vindication of the M y, 123 Vindiciae Britannicae, 82 Vinous Fermentation, Observations on the, 194 Vinson 1'abbe, Le Concordat explique suiv- ant la doctrine de PEglise de France, 24 Virgilii P. M., Opera, Heyne, 308 Georgicorum lib. iv, by Martyn, 308 Virgil, Works, trans, by Earl of Lauderdale, 308 Works, trans, by Dryden, 308 jEneid, trans, by Pitt, 308 Virginia, Discovery of, 371 Virunnius Ponticus, 408 Visible Church, Attempt to explain the na- ture of the, 56 Remarks on the above, 56 Vitruvius M. P., The Architecture of, 229 Vocabolario compendiato della Crusca, 257 Vogan Rev. T. S. L., Objections against the Doctrine of the Trinity, &c. , reviewed, 47 Voght Baron Von, Account of the Poor in Hamburgh, 162 Voisins G. de, Memoires sur les moyens de donner aux Protestans un etat civil en France, 136 Nouvelles Pieces pour servir de Comple- ment a la procedure centre les Jesuites, 24 Volney M. C. F., Travels through Syria, &c., 880 New Researches in Ancient History, 387 Voltaire, O3uvres Completes, 323 Life of, 446 Von Trail's Letters on Iceland, 369 Vopiscus Flavius, 307 Vortigern and Rowena, 254 Voyage to China, in the Lord Amherst, 380 WAAGEN G. F., Works of Art and Artists in England, 226 Waddington Rev. G., Hiat. of the Church, 24 Wade Dr. A. S., Vindication of the Ministry, 114 Waite Rev. T., Sermons on the Thirty Nine Articles*, 47 INDEX. 535 Wakefield D., Letter on Finance, 149 Waketield E. G., Householders in Danger from the Populace, 114 On the Punishment of Death, 165 Wakefield Gilbert, Memoirs, 459 Walcott J., Flora Britannica Indigena, 213 Wales, Conduct of the Prince of, 112 Wales North, Account of, 342 Wales South, Account of, 342 Walford Wm., Book of Psalms, 2 Walker G., Essays, 319 Walker G. A., Gatherings from Grave Yards, 319 Walker Dr. J., Memoir of, 460 Walker Rev. Sam., Life, &c., of, by Sidney, 459 Walker T., The Original, 319 Wall Dr. C. W., On the Orthography of the Jews, 242 Wall Dr. J., Obs. on the Malvern Waters, 219 Wallace T., Obs. on Brougham's Discourse on Natural Theologv, 50 Wallace Sir W., Life 'of, 447 Wallenstein's Camp, 273 Wallenstein, Life of, by Mitchell, 406 Waller E., Poems, 263 Life of, 446, 448 Wallis Capt, Voyages of, 360 Walpole Hon. A., Anecdotes of Painting, 226 Walpole Horace, Castle of Otranto, 277, 297 Letters of, to Sir H. Mann, 460 Correspondence of, with Montagu, &c., 460 Memoir of, 431 Walpole R., On the Unitarian Version of the New Testament, 8 Walpole Rev. R., Memoirs relating to Tur- key, 380 Travels in the East, 380 Walsh Rev. Dr. R., Notices of Brazil, 380 Journey from Constantinople, 380 Residence at Constantinople, 380 Walsh W., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Waltoni B., Biblia Polyglotta, 1 Walton Bp. B., Memoirs of, by Todd, 460 Walton Isaac, Life of, by Zouch, 460 Walton I. and C. Cotton, The Complete Angler, 227 Walton I., Lives of Donne, Wotton, &c., 449 Walton W., Letter on the Affairs of Portugal and Spain, 123 War, On the Principles which are considered to support the practice of, 175 On the Origin and Consequences of, 175 Council of, held at Gibraltar, Queries on, 236 Remarks on the Debates in the House of Commons on the, 122 Solemn Review of the Custom of, 174, 175 Warburton Bp., Letters to Bp. Hurd, 460 Works, by Bp. Hurd, 82 Ward , De Clifford, 279 De Vere, 279 Illustrations of Human Life, 283 Tremaine, 296 Ward H. G., Mexico in 1827, 380 Ward Wm., History, &c., of the Hindoos, 89, 380 Wardlaw Dr. R., Christian Ethics, 175 Wardrop J., History of a Boy born Blind and Deaf, 219 Warin R,, Vie du General La Fayette,413 Warner W., Poems, 263 Warner Dr. F., Memoirs, &c., of Sir T. More, 451 Warning Protest of an Irish Catholic, 136 Warren S., Ten Thousand a Year, 296 Warren Dr., Life of, 447 Warrington Earl of, Speech to the Grand Jury at Chester, 98 Warter Rev. T., Charity Schools recom- mended, 181 Warton Dr. J., Essay on Pope, 255 Poems, 263 Warton Dr. T., Poems, 263 Warton T., History of English Poetry, 255 Poetical Works, 273 Warwickshire, Account of, 340 Washington, by Guizot, trans, by Reeve, 460 Historical Sketch of, 441 Washington George, Life of, by Sparks, 460 Was wiinschen und erwarten die Seelsorgen von den neuen Bischiifen, &c., 82 Water, Address on the Supply of, 166 Water- Baptism, Divine Institution of, 27 Waterland Dr. D., Works, 323 Waterton C. , Essays on Natural History, 210 Wanderings in South America, 380 Watson Bp. , Apology for the Bible, and for Christianity, 55 Sermon preached before the Society for the Suppression of Vice, 48 Speech intended to have been spoken in the House of Lords, Nov. 22, 1803, 114 Theological Tracts, 82 Anecdotes of his Life, 460 Watson Dr. Robt., History of Philip 11,413 - History of Philip III, 413 Watson Richard, Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley, 460 Life of Wesley, 460 Watt James, Eloge of, by M. Arago, 460 Watt Dr. R., Bibliotheca Britannica, 246 Watt P., On the Science of Life Insurance, 169 Watts Dr. I. , Improvement of the Mind, 185 Poems, 263 Works of, 323 Life of, 448 Life of, by Milner, 460 Watts T., Catholicism Indefensible, 83 Way Rev. L., Letter on Promoting Chris- tianity amongst the Jews, 88 Reviewers Reviewed, 88 536 INDEX. Weaver R., Monumenta Antiqua, 330 Webster Noah, English Dictionary, 257 Webster S., True Loyalty on Christian Prin- ciples, 84 Webster W., On the Nature of Error in Doctrines merely Speculative, 84 Weddell J. , Voyage towards the South Pole, 380 Weever J., Funeral Monuments, 330 We have been all in the Wrong, 115 Weights and Measures, Report on, 150 Observations on the Report on, 150 Wellbeloved C. , Letters to Rev. F. Wrangham, in reply to his remarks on Unitarianism, 84 Wellesley Marquis, Speech on the State of Ireland, 115 Wellington Duke of, Dispatches, 417 His General Orders in Portugal, &c., from 180915, 236 Military Memoirs, by Sherer, 413 Wells Dr. E., Geography of Old and New Testament, 387 Wellsted J. R., Travels to the City of the Caliphs, 380 Welsh Col. J., Military Reminiscences, 380 Welwood Dr. J., Memoirs of Transactions in England, 413 Wentworth W. C., Account of Australasia, 380 Werner Abr. Got., New Theory of the Formation of Veins, 202 Memoir of, 460 Wesley John, Life of, by Southey, 460 Observations on Southey's Life of, by Watson, 460 Life of, by Watson, 460 West B., Catalogue of his Pictures, 223 Life of, 447 West Rev. J., Residence at the Red River Colony, 380 Mission to the Indians, 380 West Dr., Animadversions upon his Sermon preached before the H. of Commons, 71 Obs. on the History and Evidence of the Resurrection of Christ, 55 Poems, 263 Life of, 448 West India Colonies, Report on the State of, 421 West India Colonists' Claims to Protecting Duty, Refutation of, 1 47 West India Islands, Interference of the British Legislature deprecated, 154 Western C. C., Letter on the Cause of Embarrassment and Distress, 150 Speech on the distressed state of Agri- culture, 150 On the Improvement of Grass Land, 234 Western Union Canal, 222 Westminster Review, 249 Westmoreland, Account of, 340 Weston Tho., Life of, 448 Wetotenii J. J., Novum Test. Graecum, 3 Whalley L., Vindication of the University of Edinburgh, 181 Wharton Earl of, Character of, by Swift, 461 Wharton H., Anglia Sacra, 24 Wharton Dr. J., Death-bed Scenes, 279 What is a Revolution, 115 Whately Abp., Elements of Logic, 185 Elements of Rhetoric, 255 Essays on Peculiarities of the Christian Religion, 84 Essays on the Writings of the Apostle Paul, 466 Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte, 55 Kingdom of Christ Delineated, 84 Lectures on Political Economy, 139 On Secondary Punishments, 166 Whately T., Remarks on Shakspeare, 255 Wheatfield, History and Antiquities of, 314 Wheeler Rev. J., Letter on Catholic Eman- cipation, 136 Whewell Rev. W., Architectural Notes on German Churches, 229 Astronomy, &c., considered with re- ference to Natural Theology, 191 History of the Inductive Sciences, 190 Philos. of the Inductive Sciences, 190 On University Education, 181 Treatise on Mechanics, 193 Treatise on Dynamics, 193 Whigs, Caveat against the, 102 Character and Principles of the present set of, 102 Reasons for Restoring the, 111 Whistlecraft O., The Climate of England, 196 Whiston W., Reflections on " A Discourse of Free- Thinking," 84 Theory of the Earth, 202 Whitby Dan. , Commentary on the New Tes- tament, 9 Whitcombe S.,On the Alienation of Estates belonging to Corporate Bodies, &c. , 150 White Kev. G., Nat. Hist, of Selborne, 198 White H. K., Remains, 273, 461 White Lieut. J., Voyage to Cochin China, 381 White Joseph, Sermons, 48 White Rev. J. B., Evidence against Catholi- cism, 84 White R., Sermon at the Funeral of Mr. T. Baldwin, 48 Whitefield George, Life of, by Philip, 461 Whitehead P., Poems, 263 Whitehead W., Poems, 263 Whitehead Rev. W. B., Letter to Lord Sid- mouth, on Education, 181 Prosecutions of Infidel Blasphemers briefly Vindicated, 35 Whitehurst J., Inquiry into the original State, &c. . of the Earth, 202 Whiteley H., Three Months in Jamaica, in 1832, 156 Whitelock B., Memorials of the English Affairs, 414 INDEX. 537 Whiter Rev. W., Etymological Diet., 257 On the Disorder of Death, 219 Whitesido J., Britain's Deliverance a Reason for public Gratitude, 48 Whitgift Abp., Life of, 4,37 - Life of, by Strype, 461 Whitmore W. W., Letter on the Corn Laws, 150 Observations addressed to him on the above, 150 Appendix to the preceding, 150 Whittington Rev. G. D., On the Truth of the Christian Religion, 5,5 Whit worth Lord, Account of Russia, 314 Why Emigrate? 156 Wicklifle John, Life of, 437 Wiclif, Life of, by IB Has, 461 Wicliff John, Life of, 44'J Wicquefort M. de, Memoires touchant les Ambassadeurs, &c. , ( J2 Wiffcn J. H., Memoirs of the House of Russell, 414 Wight J., Mornings at Bov, Street, 317 Wilberforce \V., Appeal in behalf of Slaves, 150 Letter on the Slave Trade, 156 Practical View of Christianity, 84 Speeches on the India Mission Bill, 00 Life of, by his Sons, 461 Strictures on the Life of, by Clurkson, 461 Correspondence of, 461 Familiar Sketch of, by Gurney, 461 Historical Sketch of, 441 Wilbraham Caj.t. 11., Travels in Russia, 381 Wilde W. R., Voyage to Madeira, &c., 381 Wilderspin S., Early Discipline Illustrated, 181 Wilds Rev. W., Sermon for the Benefit of St. Patrick's Charity School, 48 Wilkes John, Life of, by Cradock, 461 Wilkie Dr. W., Poems, 263 Wilkins W., Antiquities of MagnaGrsecia,427 Wilkinson Sir J. G., Manners, &c., of the Ancient Egyptians, 428 Wilks J., Scheme for Reduction of the Pub- lic Debt and Taxation, 150 Wilks Col. M M Sketches of the South of India, 414 Wilks Robert, Life of, 448 Willelmus Malmesburiensis, 408 William of Wykehain, Life of, 447 Life of, by Lowth, 461 Williams D. E., Life of Sir T. Lawrence, 444 Williams Rev. Dr. E., Christian Unanimity Recommended, 48 Memoir of, by Gilbert.. 461 Williams J., Missionary Enterprises, 381 Williams Rev. J., Life of Alexander the Great, 382 Williams J., Memoirs of Belsham, 430 Williams J. B., Memoirs of Sir M. Hale, 439 Williams R. F., On Sculpture in Wood, 226 Willis B., Survey of the Cathedrals, 330 Willis B., Hist, of Abbies and Cathedrals, 330 Willis Dr. B., Table of Gold Coins, 425 Willis Rev. J., On the Commutation of Tithes, 35 Willis N. P., Pencillings by the Way, 381 Inklings of Adventure, 381 Loiterings of Travel, 381 Letters from under a Bridge, 381 Willis R., Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages, 229 Willoughby Sir"H., Voyages of, 369 Wilmot Sir E. E., On the Increase of Crime, 166 Wilmot Geo., Assize Sermon, 48 Wilmot J., Life of Bishop Hough, 441 Wilmot Sir J. E., Life of, 447 Wilson A., History of James I, 414 Wilson Bp. T., Life of, by Stowell, 461 Wilson Rev. D., Defence of the Church Mis- sionary Society, 88 Letters from an Absent Brother, 362 . Sermons on the Lord's Day, 48 Wilson J., The Rod and the Gun, 227 Wilson J., Biographical Index to the House of Commons, 422 Wilson Richard, Life of, 447 Wilson Walter, Memoirs of De Foe, 436 Wilson A. and Bonaparte C. L., American Ornithology, 210 Wilson J. and the Rev. J. Duncan, Entomo- logia Edinensis, 210 Wilton Joseph, Life of, 447 Wiltshire, Account of, 341 Winchcomb John, History of, 461 Windham Rt. Hon. W., Speech on Lord Erskine's Bill, for preventing Cruelty to Animals, 99 Speech on Mr. Curwen's Bill, for secur- ing the Independence, &c., of Parliament, 115 His Speeches, 422 Historical Sketch of, 441 Windhus's Journey to Mequinez, 372 Winn T. S., Advice to British Slave Holders, 156 Winsor F. A., Account of Ovens and Stoves, 222 Winter Dr., R., Sermon on the Death of the Rev. S. Newton, 48 Winter Evenings, 309 Winterbotham W., Trial of, 99 Wintle Thos., Version, &c., of Daniel, 3 Wirgman T., Principles of the Kantesian Philosophy, 185 Wirt Wm., Life of Patrick Henry, 440 Wiseman Dr. N., Lectures on the Connexion between Science and Religion, 55 Witchcraft, Impossibility of, proved from Scripture ana Reason, 84 Withers W., On Forest Trees, 234 Letter to Sir W. Scott, on his Essay on Planting, &c., 234 3 Z 538 INDEX. Witsius Dr. H., On the Use and Abuse of Reason in Matters of Religion, 84 Witt John de, Life of, 445 Wix E. , Newfoundland Missionary's Journal, 381 Wix S., On the Expediency of a Council of the Church of England and the Church of Rome being holden, 36 Reasons why Political Power should not be granted to Papists, 36 Wodderspoon J., Historic Scites of Suffolk, 340 Wodehouse Rev. C. N., Petition to the House of Lords for Eccles. Improvements, 36 Woffington Mrs., Life of, 448 Wolfe Rev. C., Remains of, 323 Wolfe Major Gen. James, Life of, 446 Wolff Rev. J., Missionary Journal, 381 Wolsey Cardinal, Life of, 437, 445, 448 Womock Dr. L., Pulpit-Conceptions, Popu- lar-Deceptions, 84 Safe Advice for a Sound Protestant, 84 Wood Ant. a, Athense Oxonienses, by Dr. Bliss, 461 Life of, 449 Wood J., Account of the Shrewsbury House of Industry, 162 Wood James, Elements of Algebra, 187 Elements of Optics, 1 92 Principles of Mechanics, 193 Wood John, Account of the Edinburgh Ses- sional School, &c., 181 Wood Lieut. J. , Journey to the River Oxus, 381 Wood R. , Essay on Homer, 255 Wood W., Index Entomologicus, 210 Index Testaceologicus, 210 Woodhouse R., On Trigonometry, 187 Treatise on Astronomy, 191 Woodhouselee Lord, Memoirs of Lord Kames, 443 Woodward S., Geology of Norfolk, 202 Table of Organic Remains, 202 Observations on the Round Towers of Norfolk, 335 Wool, Letter on the Tax on, 144 Wool Question, Letters on the, 144 Woollen Manufacture of Yorkshire, Obser- tions on the, 146 Worcestershire, Account of, 341 Wordsworth Dr. C., Ecclesiastical Biogra- phy, 437 I/etter to the President of the Bible Society, 88 " Who wrote EIKHN B A2I AIKH ?' 264 Wordsworth W., Poetical Works, 273 Thanksgiving Ode, 273 Yarrow Revisited, 466 Worgan G. B., Agriculture of Cornwall, 22( Working Classes, Inquiry into the Destitute Condition of the, 159 Workington Agricultural Society, Rules, &c., of, 234 World (The), 309 Worship, On providing Additional Places of, 148 Worsley Israel, Memoirs of Brettell, 432 Wotton Sir Henry, Life of, 437, 449 Wraugell Adm. F. Von., Expedition to the Polar Sea, 381 Wrangham Rev. F., Assize Sermon, 48 Wraxall Sir N. W., Memoirs of his Own Time, 414 Wray J., Dangers of a Repeal of the Bank Restriction Act, 150 Wren Sir Christopher, Life of, 447, 448 Wright J., Memoir of the Mosquito Terri- tory, 381 Wright J., On the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, 169 Wright G. N. , Scenes in North Wales, &c. , 342 Wright R., First Principles of Religion, 84 Wrottesley H., On the Corn Laws, &c., 150 Wyatt Sir T., Poems, 263 Wycherly Wm. , Life of, 446 Wycliffe Dr. John de, Life of, by Vaughan, 461 Wylde Rev. Mr., On the Means of prevent- ing Undue Marriages, 36 Wyndham H. P., Diary of Dodington, 398 Wynn C. W. W., On the Jurisdiction of the House of Commons to Commit in Cases of Breach of Privilege, 115 Wynton And., Life of, 448 Wyttenbach J. H., Guide to the Roman Antiquities of Treves, 428 Wyvill Rev. C., Intolerance the Disgrace of Christians, 36 State of the Representation in 1785, 115 Defence of Dr. Price and the Reform- ers of England, 115 Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, 115 Secession from Parliament Vindicated, 115 XAVIER St. Francis, Life of, 461 Xenophontis Opera, Schneideri et Zeunii, 308 Xenophon, Memoirs of Socrates, translated by Fielding, 308 Cyropsedia, translated by Ashley, 309 Expedition of Cyrus, translated by Spelman, 309 Affairs of Greece, trans, by Smith, 309 Ximcnes, Life of, 445 YALDEN Dr. T., Poems, 263 Life of, 448 Yarrell W., History of British Fishes, 210 Supplement to the History of British Fishes, 210 Yate Rev. W., Account of New Zealand, 381 INDEX. 539 Yates R., History of Bury St. Edmund's, 340 Year- Book of Facts, 240 Year of Liberation, 414 Yelloly Dr., Plan for a Collection of Books in aid of the Norwich Public Library, 247 Yonge Bishop, Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, 48 York Archbp. of, Sermon at the Coronation of George IV, 48 York Duke of, Memoir of, 431 Yorkshire, Account of, 341 Young (The) Muscovite, edited by Captain Chamier, 298 Young A., Agriculture of Essex, 23J Agriculture of Hertfordshire, 230 Agriculture of Lincolnshire, 230 Agriculture of Norfolk, 230 Agriculture of Oxfordshire, 230 Agriculture of Suffolk, 230 Agriculture of Sussex, 230 Inquiry into the Rise of Prices in Eu- rope, 150 Tour in Ireland, 369 Travels in France, 369 Young Rev. E., Poems, 263 Young Rev. E., Life of, 446, 448 Young Dr. T. , Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature, &c.,428 Egyptian Dictionary, 257 Natural Philosophy, 190, 222 Young W., Portugal in 1823, 382 Youngman Wm., Memoir of Rev. Thomas Harmer, 440 On Wardlaw's Christian Ethics, 1 75 Truth and Excellence of the Christian Revelation demonstrated, 55 ZARATA Aug., History of Peru, 359 Zeno N. and A., Voyages of, 358 Zimmerman M., On Solitude, 175 Zinzendorf Count, Life of, 445 Zisca, Life of, 449 Zonarae Joannis Annales, 391 Zoological (The) Journal, 210 Zoological Society, Gardens and Menageries of the, 210 Transactions of the, 240 Zouch Dr. T., Life of Sir P. Sidney, 457 Life of Walton, 460 Zwick H. A., and J. G. Schill, Calmuc Tar- tary, 382 THE END. PRINTED BY JOSIAH FLETCHER, UPPER HAYMAKKF.T. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBRARY FACILITY