3. '91 epartmim of Detente auli &rt of tfye itfommttier of (tfounal on contained within cylinders, which are set on a tripod with level- ling screws. These bars are pivotted at the base by sharp steel points resting in cone-shaped cups ; but at the top their points rest in V-shaped grooves, whose directions in the two pendulums are at right angles. In this way motion in one direction only can be recorded by each. The pendulums are furnished with an adjustment by which they are put in nearly neutral equilibrium and stand at right angles to each other. The motion is multi- 34 plied and recorded by two pointers projecting from the pendulums, and so set that in their oscillation their ends move with exceed- ingly little friction on the surface of a circular glass plate, which at the time of the earthquake is made to rotate, and they thus trace a pair of magnified records of the earth's horizontal motion in two components, side by side, on the surface of the smoked glass plate, which may then be varnished and used as a negative for taking photographic copies. The vertical component is recorded on the same revolving glass by a pendulum standing on the opposite side. In this there is a massive Jpar pivotted on a horizontal line, about which it oscillates freely in a vertical direction. The bar is held up by a pair of long spiral springs, and by adjusting the point at which the pull of the springs is applied to the bar, so that it may be below a horizontal plane through the fulcrum, the equili- brium of the bar is made as nearly neutral as is desirable. The bar is pivotted and the pull of the springs applied by hard steel points working in hard steel centres. A light steel bar is fixed vertically to the edge of the pendulum so as to multiply the motion, and carries at its base a horizontal index, so jointed that a vertical motion of the rod is converted into a horizontal motion of the index in a direction radial to the circumference of the smoked plate. Another piece of apparatus is for setting the glass plate in motion so soon as an earthquake commences. It consists of clockwork which, when in action, drives a small friction roller over the surface of the glass plate near its edge, thereby giving it a uniform speed of rotation. The speed of the clockwork is controlled by a balanced centrifugal governor, furnished with vanes which dip into a vessel containing castor oil. The clock is started at the commencement of the earthquake by means of an electro -magnetic detent, which acts whenever an electric circuit is closed by the small seismoscope which stands on the other side. This seismoscope consists of a metal disc, with a small cavity in the centre, contained within an iron cylindrical box, to the top of which it is suspended by three fine wires. From the cavity in the disc a pin passes through a hole in a platinum plate attached to the brass upright of the seismoscope. The slightest disturbance will cause a movement of the disc and consequently of the pin, which will close an electric circuit by contact with the platinum plate. This happens during the preliminary tremors of the earthquake and causes the recording plate to begin revolving before the principal motions are felt. The plate is supported in such a way as to allow it to be removed and replaced without disturbing the rest of the apparatus. Two spare plates are sup- plied with the seismograph. From the known rate of rotation of the plate, together with the undulating lines drawn by the pointers on its surface, whose magnification is also known, the velocity of displacement and rate of acceleration of a point on the earth's surface may be determined, as well as the direction of each displacement. In this instrument the horizontal motions are multiplied by about 4'1 and the vertical by about 2. 35 100. Duplex pendulum seismograph, designed by Prof. J. A. Swing. Made ~by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. E. 143. 1888. This is an instrument for registering on a fixed plate of smoked glass, with suitable magnification, the whole horizontal motion of the ground. It consists of a vertical case, supported on three levelling screws. On the centre of the base stands an inverted pendulum pivotted in a hard steel cup. The bob of the pendulum is a massive disc. This, though free to move about the base in all directions, is kept vertical, and in nearly neutral equilibrium, by being geared by a ball and socket joint to another somewhat larger massive disc which hangs by three parallel wires from the top of the box. Any horizontal motion of the base is thus communicated to the upper disc. The motion of this disc is recorded by means of a vertical rod which is supported by agimbal joint fixed on a side bracket, which acts as the fulcrum of a lever ; the lower and shorter end of the rod works in the disc by a ball and socket joint, while the upper and longer end carries a horizontal pointer at its extremity, which traces a multiplied record of the motion on a fixed horizontal plate projecting from the case. The degree of stability of the combination is adjusted by raising or lowering the upper disc. 101. Model showing the motion of an earth particle during the earthquake of January 15, 1887. By Prof. S. SeJciya, Imperial University, ToJcio, Japan. E. 11. 1889. This consists of a length of red coloured wire twisted about, and divided into three parts. The course taken by the wire represents the path pursued by an earth particle during the above earthquake as determined by the records of horizontal and vertical seismographs. The actual motion of the ground, both horizontal and vertical, is magnified 50 times. The model is made in three parts for convenience, and on it are placed consecutive numbers, from 1 to 72, to indicate the position of the particle at the end of the corresponding second. For a description of this model and its mode of construction, see Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Japan, Vol. I. 102. Seismic apparatus to give the time and direction of an earthquake shock. Made by Brassart Bros., Central Meteorological Office, E. 10 to 12. 1884. Home. This consists of an oblong stand with levelling screws. On one end stands a ball on the top of a rod lightly balanced, and standing within a hollow octagon marked with compass points 36 at the angles. If an earthquake take place this ball and rod fall into one of the eight angles, and so mark the general direc- tion of the motion. At the other end is a pendulum with a brass bob, suspended by wire from a brass support, with its point within a little copper bowl which is used to record any vertical movement of the earth. In the centre is a clock whose pendulum is held by a detent, connected with a pair of electro- magnets, until freed by the passage of an electric current. The circuit is closed and the pendulum at liberty to swing as soon as any movement causes either .the wire pendulum or the ball and rod to come in contact with the metal near them. Thus the time of the earthquake is recorded by the starting of the clock. A Leclanche battery and an electric bell to be placed in circuit to call attention to the earthquake are provided with the instrument. 103. Seismochronograph, or apparatus for determining the exact time of an earthquake. Designed by Prof, von Lasaulx, Royal University, E. 236. 1877. Breslau. This is similar in principle to the last, but is only part of the whole. It consists of a plate in the centre of which stands a rod working in a hollow vertical cylinder, on the top of which is placed a ball. If by an earthquake the ball be displaced it falls into one of the surrounding cups, the particular one showing the direction of the shock, and at the same time the rod rises and sets loose a wire spring, which causes a neighbouring clock to stop, thus indicating the time of the 'shock. 104r. Photographs and drawings of seismic apparatus used at the Vesuvian and Meteorological Observatory, Naples. 1877. Given ~by Prof. Luigi Palmieri. 1. Portable seismograph by Palmieri, with a printed description. 2. Stationary seismograph made by order of the Hydrographic Department of the English Admiralty, by Prof. Palmieri. 3. Stationary seismograph made for the Vesuvian Observatory. 105. Photograph of an early seismograph. By Niccolo Cacciatore. 1877. Given by the Royal Observatory o/ Palermo. A circular receiver perforated on the side by eight holes, placed in the direction of the four cardinal points and of the intermediate points. This is placed on a perfectly horizontal plane, and filled with mercury up to the level of the holes, which will therefore spill by running through them on the least oscillation, and in the direction of the oscillation. A 37 corresponding number of small cups is placed below the holes to receive the spilt mercury which may afterwards be replaced. The amount of mercury in the cups gives an indication of the direction and roughly of the force of the earthquake shock. V. SETS OF MINERALS, ROCKS, FOSSILS AND MICROSCOPIC PREPARATIONS FOR TEACHING PURPOSES. 106. A cabinet containing geological specimens and apparatus. Recommended by Prof. Judd for the use of science teachers. E. 10. 1883. A large box with handles and lid, with four trays fitting into it, and containing also geological hammers of two sizes, magni- fying glasses of three powers, and a clinometer. The first two trays contain 25 wooden compartments, each 3|- in. by 4J- in. The first contains the following igneous rocks : 1. Granite, High Downs, Crowan, Cornwall. 2. Granite, Aberdeen. 3. Granite, Shap, Westmoreland. 4. Quartz felsite, Drem, Crowan, Cornwall. 5. Granite (China stone), S. Austell. 6. Rhyolite, Bartos, Hungary. 7. Pitchstone, Corriegills, Isle of Arran. 8. Obsidian, Lipari Isles. 9. Pumice, Lipari Isles. 10. Rhyolite tuff, Glashiitte, Schemnitz, Hungary. 11. Syenite, Dresden, Saxony. 12. Elceolite Syenite, Brevig, Norway. 13. Diorite, Freiberg, Saxony. 14. Trachyte, Drachenfels, Rhine. 15. Hornblende Andesite, Stenzelberg, Rhine. 16. Hornblende Porphyrite, Potschappel, near Dresden, Saxony. 17. Clay stone, Braid Hills, Pentlands. 18. Phonolite, Aussig, Bohemia. 19. Gabbro, Penig, Saxony. 20. Basalt, Giant's Causeway, Ireland. 21. Basalt, Magospart, Hungary. 22. Melaphyre (amygdaloidal), Heimbach, Nahe. 23. Palagonite tuff, Limburg, Nassau. 24. Serpentine, Lizard, Cornwall. 25. Greisen, Zinnwald, Bohemia. The second contains the following stratified rocks : 26. Pipe clay, Corfe Castle, Purbeck, Dorset. 27. Coal shale, Water of Leith, Edinburgh. 38 28. Clay slate, Bangor, North Wales. 29. Spotted slate, Wechselberg, Saxony. 30. Chiastolite slate, Gefries. Bavaria. 31. Mica slate, Perthshire, Scotland. 82. Mica slate with garnets, Perthshire, Scotland. 33. Hornblende schist, Lizard, Cornwall. 34. Talc schist, Zermatt. 35. Chlorite schist, Zoptau, Moravia. 36. Grey gneiss, Dresden, Saxony. 37. Red gneiss, Bieberstein, JYeiberg, Saxony. 38. Conglomerate, St. Alban's, Herts. 39. Millstone grit, Hassop, Derbyshire. 40. Red sandstone, Annan, Dumfries. 41. Quartzite, Hartshill, Warwickshire. 42. Chalk, Kent. 43. Oolitic limestone, near Bath. 44. Dolomitic limestone, Sala, Sweden. 45. Limestone, Carrara. 46. Peat, Banff, Scotland. 47. Brown coal, Bohemia. 48. Common coal, Newcastle. 49. Cannel coal, Wigan. 50. Anthracite, South Wales. The divisions in the other two trays are for the most part 3 in. by 3 in,, and they contain the following minerals and fossils : Minerals. 51. Rock crystal, St. Gothard. 52. Massive quartz, Cornwall. 53. Orthoclase, Ytterby, Sweden. 54. Oligoclase, Ytterby, Sweden. 55. Labradorite, Labrador. 56. Leucite, Vesuvius. 57. Nepheline (elseolite), Brevig, Norway. 58. Hornblende, Krageroe, Norway. 59. Augite, Schima, Bohemia. 60. Muscovite, Pennsylvania. 61. Biotite, Renfrew, Canada. 62. Olivine, Eifel, Germany. 63. Garnet, Tyrol. 64. Kaolin, St. Austell, Cornwall. 65. Calcite, Iceland. 66. Gypsum (selenite), Oxford. 67. Magnetite, Arkansas, and crystal from Tyrol. 68. Haematite, Cumberland. 69. Pyrite, Cumberland. 70. Rock salt, Cheshire. 70A. Rock salt (white), Worcester. 39 Fossils. 71. Diplograptus pristis, Moffat, Dumfries. 72. Lingulella Davisii, Portmadoc. 73. Calymene Blumenbachii, Dudley. 74. Taxocrinus tuberculatus, Wenlock, Dudley. 75. Atrypa reticularis, Dudley. 76. Pentamerus Knightii, Aymestry 77. Productus semireticulatus, Garb. Limestone. 78. Spirifer, Garb. Limestone. 79. Goniatites retrorsus, Budesheim, Eifel. 80. Orthoceras, Garb. Limestone, Derbyshire. 81. Lithostrotion basaltiformis, Garb. Limestone. 82. Zaphrentis, Garb. Limestone. 83. Aviculo-pecten papyraceus, Carboniferous. 84. Fenestella, Garb. Limestone. 85. Euomphalus, Garb. Limestone. 86. Pecopteris in nodule, Carboniferous. 87. Sigillaria, Carboniferous. 88. Lepidodendron, Carboniferous. 89. Calamites, Carboniferous. 90. Trigonocarpon, Carboniferous. (4th Tray.) 91. Gryphsea incurva, Lias. 92. Ammonites margaritatus, Lias. 93. Ammonites bifrons, Lias. 94. Terebratula punctata, Lias. 95. Rhynchonella tetrahedra, Lias. 96. Ostrea Marshii, Inf. Oolite. 97. Apiocrinus rotundus, Bradford clay. 98. Echinobrissus scutatus, Coralline Oolite. 99. Thecosmilia annularis, Coralline Oolite. 100. Gryphsea dilatata, Oxford clay. 101. Belemnites Puzosianus, Oxford clay. 102. Ostrea deltoidea, Kimmeridge clay. 103. Trigonia gibbosa with cast, Portland. 104. Purbeck limestone with Paludina, Swanage. 105. Cinder bed, Purbeck. 106. Ammonites lautus, Gault, Folkestone. 107. Belemnites minimus, Gault, Folkestone. 108. Inocerarnus, Chalk, Kent. 109. Micraster coranguinum, Chalk, Kent. 110. Belemnitella, Chalk, Dover. 111. Nipadites, London clay, Sheppey. 112. Pectunculus terebratularis, Woolwich beds, Kent. 113. Cerithium funatum, Woolwich beds, Kent. 114. Cyrena cuneiformis, Woolwich beds, Kent. 115. Cardita planicosta, Bracklesham beds, Bracklesham. 116. Nummulites Isevigatus, Bracklesham beds, Bracklesham. 40 117. Turrit ella imbricataria, Barton clay, Barton. 118. Voluta luctatrix, Barton clay, Barton. 119. Crassatella sulcata, Barton clay, Barton. 120. Cerithium concavum, Headon beds, Isle of Wight. 121. Cytberea incrassata, Headon beds, Isle of Wight. 122. Fusus labiatus, Headon beds, Isle of Wight. 123. Limnsea, in Headon marl, Isle of Wight. 124. Planorbis, in Headon marl, Isle of Wight. 125. Paludina lenta, Headon beds, Isle of Wight. 126. Cerithium plicatum, Hempstead beds, Isle of Wight. 127. Fascicularia aurantium, Coralline Crag, Suffolk. 128. Fusus antiquus var. contrarius, Red Crag, Suffolk. 129. Lamna elegans, Red Crag, Suffolk. 130. Glacially striated stone, Finchley. 107. Illustrations of British geology and palaeontology. Prepared for the Department of Science and Art, by James R. Gregory. E. 88. 1869. A series of fossils and other specimens affixed to a MS. table of strata on cardboard and mounted in four glazed frames, 24 in. by 33 in. to stand against the wall, designed to show the order of succession of the various stratified rocks, their principal fossils, localities, mineral characters, uses in the arts, manu- factures, &c. 108. Specimens of British rocks (50). In a cabinet. Price 10s. 6d. 1875. Exhibited by J. R. Gregory. Consists of one tray with cover, filled with turned-up card trays, 1^ in. by 2 in. Small irregular fragments. Each carries a number to which a label corresponds. 109. Fifty minerals in a cabinet. Price 10s. 6d. 1875. Exhibited by J. R. Gregory. One tray with cover, filled with turned-up card-trays, each 1^ in. by 2 in. Small fragments, mostly of massive minerals. Each carries a number to which a label corresponds. 110. One hundred minerals in a cabinet. Price, II. Is. 1875. Exhibited by J. R. Gregory. Has two trays, each fitted with turned-up card-trays, each 1-J in. by 2 in. Small fragments, mostly of massive minerals. Each carries a number to which a label corresponds. 111. Two hundred minerals in a cabinet. Price 21. 2s. 1875. Exhibited by J. R. Gregory. Has four trays, each fitted with turned-up card- trays, each 1J in. by 2 in. Small fragments, mostly of massive minerals, some crystals. Each carries a number to which a label corresponds. 41 112. Specimens to illustrate Prof. Geikie's " Primer of Geology." Price 10s. 6d. 1875. Exhibited by J. P,. Gregory. One tray with cover containing turned-up card -trays, with 22 specimens, on the average about 2 in. square, numbered according to the figures they illustrate. 113. Twenty -five fragments of minerals for blowpipe experiments. Price 2s. 6d. 1875. Exhibited by J. R. Gregory. In pill-boxes, contained in a larger cardboard box, on the outside of which is a list of the specimens. 114. Fifty fragments of minerals for blowpipe experi- ments. Price 5s. 1875. Exhibited by J. E. Gregory. In pill-boxes, contained in a larger cardboard box, on the outside of which is a list of the specimens. 115. Moh's scale of mineral hardness. Price 6s. 1875. Exhibited by J. E. Gregory. Ten small white trays containing the minerals and a file, enclosed in a green cloth covered box. 116. Yon Kobell's scale of fusibility. Price 3s. 1875. Exhibited by J. E. Gregory. A wooden box in six compartments, each with a mineral ; a descriptive label on the lid. 117. One hundred British rocks. Price 80s. 1877. Exhibited by Bryce M. Wright. Arranged in five mahogany trays in a mahogany cabinet. Each tray contains 20 white card trays, 2 in. by 2| in. Each specimen carries a number to which a label corresponds. Of the 100 specimens 65 belong to the stratigraphical series, 31 are igneous, and 4 are schists. 118. One hundred minerals arranged according to Phillip's " Mineralogy." Price 31. 1877. Exhibited by Bryce M. Wright. Arranged in four mahogany trays contained in a mahogany box. Each tray has 25 white card trays, each 2| in. by 3 in. Many of the specimens are crystalline. Each carries a number to which a label corresponds. With these are shown several miscellaneous specimens. 42 119. One hundred British fossils stratigraphically arranged. Price 31. 1877. Exhibited by Bryce M. Wright. Arranged in five stained wood trays in a mahogany cabinet. Each wooden tray has 20 white card trays, each 2 in. by 2-| in. Each specimen carries a number to which a label corresponds. 120. Collection of fossils stratigraphically arranged, contained in 60 cardboard boxes. These fit in two trays of a stained deal box. Price 17 s. 6d. 1889. Exhibited by F. H. Sutler. 121. Collection of rocks and rock forming minerals, 65 specimens, contained in cardboard boxes. Arranged in two trays to fit in a stained deal box. Price 17s. 6d. 1889. Exhibited by F. H. Butler. 122. Collection of minerals, rocks, and fossils. Price 51. 1879. Exhibited by 8. Henson. In six wooden trays. Each tray contains 50 blue card trays (or half trays), each 2 in. by 2 J in. Nearly five trays out of the six are occupied by minerals (249 specimens), the remainder are fossils (56) and rocks (11), numbering in all 316. Each speci- men bears a number corresponding to the list in a framed MS. catalogue. 123. Special sets of minerals. 1879. Exhibited by 8. Henson. (1.) Specimens in boxes, showing the scale of hardness (2 sets). Prices 2s. 6d. and 6s. 6d. (2.) Specimens in boxes, showing the scale of fusibility (2 sets;. Prices 2s. and 3s. (3.) Examples of selenite, emery, cerite, euxenite, thorite, orangite, strontianite, and cinnabar, in glazed cardboard boxes. 124. Students' collections of geological specimens. Supplied to students only at Is. 6d. each, or 9s. the set. 1889. Exhibited by Prof. J. F. Blake. Consist of six cardboard boxes with hinged lids, covered in black paper. Each box is divided into 12 deep fixed compart- ments by cardboard partitions, containing in the several boxes (1) typical rock-forming minerals, (2) sedimentary rocks, (3) igneous and crystalline rocks, (4) primary fossils, (5) secondary fossils, (6) tertiary fossils. 43 125. Elementary collection of rocks, minerals, and fossils. Price 10Z. 1857. Exhibited by f A. Krantz, Bonn. Consists of six trays enclosed in a stained deal box. Each tray is divided into forty-eight 3 in. square compartments by wooden partitions. Each specimen bears a number with a label corre- sponding. Three of the trays contain minerals, mostly massive. Two trays contain a stratigraphical series of rocks, together with the fossils belonging to them, which are not British types ; and one tray contains volcanic and igneous rocks. 126. Elementary collection of rocks, minerals, and fossils. Price 51. 1857. Exhibited ly A. Krantz, Bonn. Consists of five trays in a deal box. Each tray is divided into 60 2^ in. square compartments by wooden partitions. Each specimen bears a number with a label corresponding. Of the specimens 153 are minerals, some being crystalline. 93 are rocks stratigraphically arranged with the fossils belonging to them, which are not British types ; and 54 are volcanic and igneous rocks. 127. Collection of American minerals, &c., arranged for the use of Science Teachers. 1888. Exhibited by A. E. Foote, M.D., Philadelphia. The specimens, of average size, about 4 in. square, have each a number and descriptive label. The first hundred numbers are consecutive. The remainder appear to be a selection from a larger series. 128. Special collections of minerals and rocks. 1888. Exhibited by A. E. Foote, M.D., Philadelphia. Five small card boxes. (1.) Divided into 25 compartments, 1 in. square, each with small fragments of minerals forming a "colour series." (2.) Likewise divided into 25 compartments, with minerals forming a " crystallographic series." Price 4s. (3.) Divided into 1 2 compartments, containing minerals form- ing the scale of hardness. Price 4s. (4.) Divided into six compartments, containing minerals form- ing the scale of fusibility. Price Is. (5.) Collection of non-metallic minerals ('25 specimens). Price 4s. 129. Collection of fossils. Price 21s. 1889. Exhibited by P. Harris. Two wooden trays, fitting in a box. The specimens are con- tained in turned -up card trays, 1| in. b}^ 2 in., 100 in all, four being of half size. Each specimen bears a number and a label 44 130. Collection of minerals (50 specimens) in two trays contained in a box. Each specimen shown in cardboard tray of 2-^ by 2 in. size. Price II. 12s. 6d. 1891. Exhibited by Harrington Bros. 131. Typical collection of rocks. Sedimentary, vol- canic, plntonic. 1876. Exhibited by the late R. Damon. These are not enclosed in tra^, but are loose. The specimens are partially trimmed to size, the average being about 3 in. by 4 in. 132. Typical collection of Eocene fossils. Comprising 100 species. 1876. Exhibited by the late R. Damon. 133. Elementary collections. 1858. Exhibited by Reynolds 8f Co. (1.) " British minerals." 28 minute fragments gummed to a card printed with names which is fixed in the inside of box, shaped like a small octavo book. (2.) " Systems of British rocks," 3s. 6cZ. 25 minute fragments gummed to a printed card showing five epochs, enclosed in a box shaped like a small octavo book. (3.) " Characteristic specimens of British rocks," 10s. 6d. 47 minute fragments arranged as in the last collection, enclosed in a larger octavo book-shaped box. 134. Two hundred rocks and minerals. E. 71. 1857. Prepared by Eloffe $ Co., Paris. Consists of drawers, containing white card trays of various sizes, containing minerals of various kinds, arranged according to M. N. Boubee. 135. One hundred rocks and minerals. E. 72. 1857. Prepared by Elo/e $ Co., Paris. Consists of drawers, containing green card trays, average size about 2 in. by 3 in. 136. Examples of minerals. Prepared by "W. Ander- berg, of Stockholm, for use in the public schools of Sweden. E. 28. 1869. Presented by the Swedish Government. Sixty specimens contained in blue paper trays without box. Each tray about 4 in. by 2 J in. 21 are artificial products. 45 137. General collection of fossils. E. 50. 1862. Presented by the Belgian Government. Two open trays with 100 fixed compartments, with paper- covered partitions. Small specimens. 138. Collection of minerals and rocks to illustrate lessons in elementary schools. E. 105. 1862. Presented by the Belgian Government. Consists of two trays, each divided into compartments by green paper partitions 1J in. square. The minerals are mostly massive ; a few of the specimens are rocks. 139. Collection of minerals and rocks to illustrate lessons in elementary schools. E. 104. 1862. Presented by the Belgian Government. Four cardboard trays in 25 fixed compartments each, The size of compartments is 2^ in. by 2J in., or 2J in. by 3 in. More than half of the specimens are rocks. 140. Collections of thin sections of minerals and rocks, and of other microscopical objects, for use in geological teaching. E. 33. 1891. 8ets of microscopic slides for the use of teachers of Physio- graphy, Geology, and Biology (similar to those used in the Geological Division of the Royal College of Science, London). Series A. Six slides illustrating Physiography, in cloth case. 1. Foraminiferal sand. 4. Diatomaceous earth. 2. Globigerina-ooze. 5. Volcanic dust. 3. Radiolarian-ooze. 6. Desert-sand. Series B. 12 slides illustrating Physiography, in cloth case. 1. Capillary volcanic ash. 6. Angular sand. 2. Volcanic dust. 7. Diatomaceous earth. 3. Crystalline sand. 8. Marine diatoms. 4. Crystalline sand (cleaned) 9. Radiolarians. in balsam. 10. Foraminiferal sand. 5. Desert -sand (rounded 11. Globigerina-ooze. grains). 12. Glauconite-grains. Series C. 12 slides of typical igneous rocks, cloth case. 1. Granite. 7. Diorite. 2. Quartz-felsite. 8. Andesite. 3. Bhyolite. 9. Phonolite. 4. Obsidian. 10. Gabbro. 5. Syenite. 11. Basalt. 6. Trachyte. 12. Serpentine. U 69149. TV 46 Series D. 12 slides of typical sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, cloth case. 1. Sandstone. 7. Chiastolite-slate. 2. Chalk. 8. Gneiss. 3. Oolitic limestone. 9. Mica-schist, with garnets. 4. Crystalline limestone. 10. Hornblende-schist. 5. Clay-slate. 11. Chlorite -schist. 6. Whet-slate. 12. Quartzite. Series E. 36 typical rock 'sections, in polished box. 1. Muscovite-granite. 19. Porphyrite. 2. Hornblende-granite. 20. Nepheline-phonolite. 3. Graphic granite. 21. Nosean-phonolite. 4. Luxullianite. 22. Leucite-phonolite. 5. Quartz-felsite. 23. Gabbro. 6. Banded rhyolite. 24. Diabase. 7. Obsidian. 25. Basalt. 8. Pumice. 26. Ophitic basalt. 9. Pitchstone. 27. Leucite -basalt. 10. Perlitic pitchstone. 28. Picrite. 11. Spherulitic felsite. 29. Limestone, with fora- 12. Syenite. minifera. 13. Trachyte. 30. Oolitic limestone. 14. Hornblende-mica-diorite. 31. Clay slate. .15. Granulitic hypersthene- 32. Chiastolite-slate. diorite. 33. Mica-schist with garnets. .16. Quartz-diorite. 34. Chlorite-schist. 17. Hornblende- Andesite. 35. Gneiss. 18. Augete- Andesite. 36. Quartzite. Boxes of slides, similar to the above, which are pre- pared by R. Chapman, can be obtained from J. R. Gregory, 88, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, "W., at the following prices : Series A., 6s. 6d. ; Series B., 12s. 6d. ; Series C. and D., each, 18s. ; Series E., 21. 12s. 6d. VI. PLASTER CASTS OF FOSSILS. 141. Casts of fossils in 11 frames, glazed. E. 33 to 64. 1888. Made by B. St&rtz, Bonn. The following are the subjects : 1. Cast, 32 in. by 18 in. Pentacrinus subangularis. Miller, from the Lias of Holzmaden. The original in the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences 2. Eight fossils. Taxocrinus Sturtzii, Follm., U. Devonian, Bundenbach ; Godiacrinus Schultzii, Follm., U. Devonian Gem- linden ; Poteriocrinus Zeceformis, Follm., U. Devonian Ge,miia- 47 -den ; Poteriocrinus minutus (Lophocrinus speciosus), Kulm, ,sub-carbonif., Herbon ; Ctenacrinus decadactylus, Romer, U. Devonian Lahnstein; Eoluidia Decheni, Sttirtz, U. Devonian, Bundenbach ; Bundenbachia Beneckii, Sttirtz (ventral), U. De- vonian Bundenbach ; Ophiurella primigenia, Stiirtz (dorsal), U. Devonian Bundenbach. 3. Nine fossils. Loriolaster mirabilis, Stiirtz (dorsal), U. Devonian Bundenbach ; ditto (ventral) ; Xenaster margaritatus (dorsal), Simonovich, U. Devonian Lahnstein, original in Berlin Museum ; ditto (ventral) ; Xenaster simplex, Simonovich, U. Devonian Lahnstein, original in Berlin Museum ; Romeraster asperula, Stiirtz (ventral), U. Devonian Bundenbach; ditto (dorsal) ; Fur caster palwozoicus, Stiirtz (ventral and dorsal), U. Devonian Bundenbach. 4. Five fossils. Palastropecten Zitteli, Stiirtz, U. Devonian Bundenbach ; Ophiurella primigenia, Stiirtz (ventral), U. De- vonian Bundenbach ; Aspidosoma Tischbernianum, Romer, U. Devonian Bundenbach ; ditto (another) ; HelianthasterRhenanus, Romer (dorsal), U. Devonian Bundenbach. 5. Three fossils. Asaphus platycephalus, Stokes, . Silurian, New York ; Diplema Dekayi, Green, Low. Devonian, New York ; Chelonia, Eocene, London clay, Sheppey, original in the Berlin Museum. 6. Cast, about 20 in. by 42 in., represents the body of Gyrodus. No teeth. The original in the Museum at Lisbon. 7. Cast, about ] 2 in. by 18 in., represents Rhamphorhynchus phyllurus (Marsh). Original in the Yale College Museum. 8. Cast, about 16 in. by 48 in., represents Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris, Lias, Holzmaden. Original in Provincial Museum, Hanover. 9. Cast, about 10 in. by 30 in., represents Aspidorhynehus acutirostris, Agassiz. Original in the University Museum, Strasburg. 10. Cast, about 18 in. by 36 in., represents Spathobatis mira- bilis. Original in the University Museum, Strasburg. . 11. Cast, about 14 in. by 16 in., represents Pterodactylus Kochii. Original in University Museum, Berlin. VII. DIAGRAMS FOR TEACHING PURPOSES. 142. Series of 12 drawings illustrating physical geology. Prepared for the Science and Art Department by J. B. .1857. Jukes and G. V. Du Noyer. These are framed pictures, 3 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 4 in., and illustrate: 1. Columnar structure ; 2. Slaty cleavage ; 3. Con- cretions ; 4. Elevation and contortion ; 5. Faults or dislocations ; D 2 48 6. Coal mining ; 7. Igneous veins and dykes ; 8. Joints in sand- stone ; 9. Lamination and stratification ; 10. Denudation and unconformity; 11. Vein mining; 12. Volcanoes. The authors of these drawings were members of the Irish Geological Survey, and their illustrations, with few exceptions, are drawn from actual observations made in the field. 143. Geological diagrams by P. Gervais, on linen and rollers. Price, 30s. unmounted. 1881. Published by G. Masson, Paris. These are drawn on a black ground, and are of uniform size, about 2 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft. 2 in. Ten represent fossils, and two the phenomena of glaciers, volcanoes, springs, &c. See No. 185. 144. Two diagrams by Credner, mounted with rollers, representing the Stegocephala of the Eothliegende, viz., Branchiosaurus amblystomus, Pelosaurus laticeps, and Melanerpeton pulcherrimum. 1887. Published by W. Englemann, Leipzig. 145. Diagrams of fossils. Prepared by Dr. Karl A. Zittel and Dr. K. Haushofer. Mounted on linen and roller ; size 4 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. 8 in. Price, mounted, with text, 30s. 1880. Published by H. Fischer, Cassel. There are six diagrams representing invertebrate fossils, viz., 1, Ehizopoda ; 2. Sponges ; 3, 4. Corals ; 5. Mollusca ; 6. Kesto- ration of the coal period. 146. Table of British strata. Coloured by J. B. Jordan. Mounted on linen and roller ; size 9 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 4 in. 1884. Published by E. Stanford. 147. Johnston's Illustrations of Natural History. No. 5. Mineralogy and Palaeontology. Prepared by Prof. C. Gilbert Wheeler ; size 4 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. Mounted on linen and roller. 1879. Published by W. and A. K. Johnston. 148. Plates of British, fossils. Nineteen sample plates from the annual volumes of the Palasontographical Society. 1876. Lent by Rev. Thos. Wiltshire. 149. Plates illustrating microscopic structure in minerals and rocks. A group of four plates, framed and 49 f lazed From drawings in lampblack and pencil by rank Butley, F.Gr.S., of H.M. Geological Survey, 1876. Lent by Frank Butley, F.G.S. They have been published in the Monthly Microscopical Journal. The two upper illustrate structures in obsidian, leucite, and perlite ; the two lower illustrate plagioclase and microcline structure. 150. Wall map of tbe natural history of the Mineral Kingdom, by Dr. GL Seelborst. 1877. Given by P. C. Geissler, Nurnlerg. This consists of six coloured plates, which are mounted on linen so as to form a single sheet. It will fold up and go into a portfolio. The text is printed on both sides of the map. The first four plates represent mineral masses and crystals, and the last two represent fossils. No date is attached. 151. Table of British strata, showing the order of superposition and the comparative thickness of the forma- tions. Size, 4 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 4 in. In a frame, glazed. Published by Chapman and Hall. Given by the late K W. Bristow, F.B.S. The strata are represented in three parallel columns, each showing the whole series ; the first for the great subdivisions, the second for the smaller subdivisions, and the third for the lithological characters. The proportion assigned to the Palaeozoic rocks is about 84 per cent, of the whole ; to the secondary rocks about 13 per cent., and to the tertiary about 3 per cent. VIII. BELIEF MODELS. 152. Terminological relievo maps, by Paulini. Size 12 in. by 10 in. Edited by the Imperial Royal Admini- stration of Text Books, Vienna. E. 173. 1862. Presented by the Austrian Government. These are coloured models of alpine and lowland surface features in black wood frames. They are not geological, but indicate the geographical terms applied to the surface. 153. The Island of St. Paul in the Indian Ocean. By Capt. J. Oybule. In morocco case. Size 23 in. by 19 in. E. 129. 1862. Presented by the Austrian Government. This model is in electro-bronze for the land, and blue painted surface for the sea. The depths of the water within the crater 50 are marked by contours for every 10 ft., and round the island by contours for every 50 ft. Scale about 160 ft. per inch, It is not geologically coloured. 154. Model of Barren Island Volcano, Bay of Bengal, latitude 12 15', N. ; longitude 93 50', E. Scale, 20 inches to the mile. Size, 50 inches square. Designed by V. Ball, M. A., F.R.S. ; constructed by Miss "W. Spence. B. 23. 1890. This model is coloured to show the positions of the older lava,, younger lava, alluvium, ash, and pumice. 155. Eelief model of the Puy de Dome group, Au- vergne, France. By L. I. Bardin and Commandant Peigne. Scale, 1 njw E. 312. 1877. Published by C. Delagrave, Paris. The model is 32 in. by 20 in., and is executed in white plaster. It is not geologically coloured ; nor is it accompanied by names, contours, orientation. 156. Relief model of the Puy de Dome group, Au- vergne, France. Geologically coloured. Size, 32 in. by 20 in. Scale, oioiy. E. 313. 1877. Published by 0. Delagrave, Paris. This is the same model as the last, except that the lavas, granites, &c., are coloured, but it is not provided with the names of places or Puys. 157. Terminological relief map by Eeyer of Gratz. Size 8 in. by 5^ in. Scale about 6^- inches to the mile T^Vir- Lent by the Geological Laboratory, Royal College of 1887. Science. Coloured agriculturally. Green, meadow land. Green dots, forest. Brown, arable land. 158. Geological model of a volcanic district. By Reyer. Size 10 in. by 8^ in. Scale about 5 inches to the mile -reVo- Lent by the Geological Laboratory, Royal College of 1887. Science. Shows 10 colours, for light coloured Tuff, darker Tuff, Andesite, Andesite-Trachyte, Plagioclase-Trachyte, Common Trachyte, Quartz-Trachyte, Jurassic, Chalk, and Eocene. 51 159. Geological model of a volcanic district, by Reyer. Size 7^ in. by 7J in. Scale f in. to the mile. Lent by the, Geological Laboratory, Royal College of 1887. Science. In three colours, two for sedimentary rocks, and one for eruptive. The two sedimentary rocks are in loose pieces, which may be removed so as to show the position of the eruptive rocks below ground. 160. Geological model of the volcanic district of Predazzo, by Reyer. Size 9^- in. by 9^- in. Scale 2| in. to the mile 3^0- Lent by the Geological Laboratory, Royal College of 1887. Science. Shows 10 colours for Wengener Kalk, Muschel Kalk, Sand and loose stones, Quartz-Porphyry, Monzonite, Syenite, Granite, Dark coloured Porphyry, Elseolite-Porphyry, and Orthoclase-Porphyry. 161. Model showing stratification in rocks. Under a glass shade. Size 18 in. by 9 in. by 10 in. high. E. 315. 1877. Published by C. Delagrave, Paris. Model of a quarry showing thin oblique beds in the quarry face, without any conspicuous joints. 162. Set of four models of part of the Jura Mountains- chain of Reculet. By L. I. Bardin and Commandant Peigne, scale 4-^3-00-. Size 2 ft. 8 in. by 1 ft. 8 in., re- presenting an area of 40 square leagues. Under glass shades. E. 310 and 316 to 318. 1877. Published by C. Delagrave, Paris* This set is designed to show the method of preparing geolo- gical models by the aid of maps. The first is constructed by taking a map on which the contour lines are marked at intervals of 10 metres or S3 feet. Sheets of cardboard of uniform thickness are then cut out so that their outline corresponds with the contour lines. A flat surface is then taken, and the cardboards representing the lowest contour, say of 10 metres above the lowest point in the district, are glued on in their proper places. On the surface of these the cardboards representing the next higher contours of 20 metres, are glued and so on, till the highest contoured cardboard has all the lower contours beneath it. The model then shows the contour lines by the edges of the several sheets of cardboard, and the higher parts are raised above the lower 52 the vertical scale being dependent on the thickness of the sheets of cardboard. In the second, the edges are smoothed down and the minor known features of the district, which, occupying less than 33 ft., may escape the contour lines, such as rivers, roads, &c., are inserted by carving. From this any number of plaster casts may be taken. It represents the geographical features only. In the third, a geological map is taken, and the outcrops of the various strata are marked by grooves on the surface, whose inclination and course show the* stratification. These lines have somewhat the aspect of the edges of the contour lines in the first model, but they are not horizontal. In the fourth and final model, the different strata thus indicated are coloured according to their geological age. Five of these colours are shown, but there is no index of their meaning, nor are the names of places given. From the second and third of the series any number of casts can be taken, but the fourth has in each case to be coloured by hand. 163. Model in relief of part of the Alps, including Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn. The scale for the ver- tical and horizontal measurements is the same, viz., o> hence there is no exaggeration of the heights, ize 4 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 8 in., under glass shade. By X. Imfeld. E. 6. 1887. Published by J. Wurster fy Co., Zurich. The bare rocks are coloured in brown, pasture land in light green, trees in dark green, snow fields and glaciers in white, the moraines on the latter by dark lines, the crevasses by cross lines. No names are affixed to any of the features, but the model is accompanied by a book of photographs (see under Photographs), which includes a map with all particulars. The deep valley shown on the north side is the valley of the Visp, in which Zermatt is situated. The range on the eastern side has the Dom at the northern end, the Riinpfischhorn in the centre, and Monte Rosa at the southern. It gives rise to three large glaciers, one to the east and two to the west. The range running east and west across the head of the valley is the Lyskamm range, cul- minating in the sharp wedge-shaped Matterhorn, a little to the west of the valley, with the Dent d'Herens behind it. Four glaciers descend from this portion, one into the Zermatt valley, one south and two north. The range on the western side of the valley commences with the Weisshorn on the north ; behind it is the Roth horn, and nearer the head of the valley is the Dent Blanche. From this two glaciers descend, one with numerous moraines. 53 164. Model of the Monte Eosa Alps. Size of actual model 3 ft. by 2 ft. Under a glass shade. Scale about 3~olro"o > vertical scale very little, if at all, exaggerated. 1865. Lent by H. Ellis. This is a model of the same district as the last on a slightly smaller scale. It shows the valley of the Visp with the Rim- pfischhorn on the east and the Rothhorn on the west. Further south Monte Rosa is seen on the east and the Matterhorn on the west, with the several glaciers they give rise to. 165. Relief model of the western Alps and Ligurian Apennines. Size of actual model 4 ft. Gin. by 3 ft. 11 in. Horizontal scale ^-sinnnr* or about 4 miles to the inch. Vertical scale TYsVoo* or twice the horizontal. Prepared by Major Glaudio Cherubini. E. 79. 1886. Published by Roux and Favale, Turin. This is coloured according to the elevations. Highlands are of a brown tint, the lowlands are coloured green. The rivers are marked in dark green (lakes in blue), glaciers and snow fields in white. Comprises all the district from Lausanne on the north to Monaco on the south, and from Chambery on the west to Milan on the east. The roads, towns, railways, and political boundaries are also indicated. There is an explanation in Italian indicating the minor ranges included in the map, viz., the western portion of the Rhcetian Alps from Surettahorn to S. Gotthard, with 12 other peaks. The Lepontine Alps from S. Gotthard to Monte Rosa, with 20 other peaks. The Pennine Alps from Monte Rosa to Mont Blanc, with 19 other peaks. The Graian Alps from Mont Blanc to Mont Tabor, with 35 other peaks. The Cottian Alps from Mont Tabor to Enciastraia, with 22 other peaks. The Maritime Alps from Enciastraia to Mont Saccarello, with 19 other peaks. The western Ligurian Apennines from Mont Saccarello to Mont Lavagnola, with 18 other peaks. The eastern Ligurian Apennines from Mont Lavagnola to Mont Ramaceto, with two other peaks. Each peak has a small label attached to it giving its name. The mountains of the Bernese Oberland are also represented and named in the map, but are not referred to in the explanation. 166. Model of Mont Blanc, showing the glaciers. Scale 1 in. to the mile horizontal. Vertical heights not exaggerated. Size, 24 in. by 20 in. E. 142. 1874. Modelled by Jas. B. Jordan. The cultivated land is represented in green, the bare rocks in grey, the glaciers and snow fields in white. The names of all the glaciers are marked on the model, as well as the names of the principal towns, valleys, and rivers, but the subordinate peaks of the group are not named. 167. Model of the Yal deBagnes and adjacent country, showing the districts devastated by the inundation of 1818. Size, 1 ft. 5 in. by 1 ft. 2J in. E. 21. 1891. "Given by Mrs. Stopford. The glacier de Getroy, the lake formed by the interception of the course of the Drance, and other places of interest are in- dicated by numbers, the index to which is shown with the model. 168. Relief map of Europe, showing the physical features. Size, 4ft. 10 in. by 4ft. 6 in. Horizontal scale 4o^1nro-o> or about 63 miles to the inch ; vertical scale TFo1roo"o> or UT times the horizontal. Under glass shade. Modelled by M. E. Levasseur and Mile. Kleinhans. E. 80. 1886. Published by C. Delagrave, Paris. The depths of the sea are marked by contour lines without any difference of colour the contour lines corresponding to 100 metres, 500 metres, 1,000 metres, and 2,000 metres. The general colour of the sea is blue. The lakes are shown in a deeper shade of blue, and the " chotts " of Africa by a lighter shade. The land is coloured brown. The higher elevations are coloured in a deep tint, so as to make the relief more visible. Perpetual snow is marked in white, and volcanoes by a red spot. The political boundaries by red lines. 169. Relief map of Europe, geologically coloured. Size, 4 ft. 10 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. Horizontal scale TOTHJWO' or about 63 miles to the inch ; vertical scale nnrFou"o or ^ our ti mes tne horizontal. Under glass shade. Modelled by M. E. Levasseur and Mile. Klein- hans. E. 78. 1886. Published by C. Delagrave, Paris. The depths of the sea are show n by contour lines, and also by shades of colour, the greatest depths by the lightest shades. The contour lines correspond to 100, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 metres. The rocks are indicated by 11 colours, representing Quaternary deposits, Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Jurassic rocks, Trias and Permian together, transition rocks, i.e., Carboniferous to Cambrian, Primary, meaning gneiss, granite, &c., porphyries, volcanic rocks distinct from the last, and unknown rocks. The geology, therefore, is not of the modern kind, and there are no names of countries, rivers, seas, or other features. 55 170. Model of Jerusalem, geologically coloured. Size, 23 in. by 23 in., in glazed frame ; scale -YQ-^Q^ or about 6^ inches to the mile. Constructed under the direction of Col. Sir H. James, R.E. E. 3. 1869. This is constructed from the contoured maps of the Ordnance Survejr, the contours representing intervals of 25 ft. There are four geological colours, viz., pink, for pink and white chalk ; white, for soft white chalk ; brown, for hard siliceous chalk ; and blue, for nummulitic limestone. 171. A representation of Columnar Basaltic Rocks. Size, 14 in. by 11-g- in., and 6 in. high. Under glass shade. E. 314. 1877. Published by 0. Delagrave, Paris. This model, which is entirely in white, shows a long hill with vertical sides in those parts which are formed by the basaltic columns, Below these parts are the screes of broken basalt, and elsewhere is represented the smoothness of the overgrowing turf. 172. Drawing and model, representing mountain chains. To show the method of preparing relief models. From the Upper Practical School, Schottenfelde, Vienna. E. 131. 1862. Presented by the Austrian Government. This consists of a map on one side, and the corresponding model on the other, both mounted in one oak frame, 23 in. by 10 in. The map represents the neighbourhood of the mountain Orteles, but the heights in this are not indicated by contours, but by shading. The relief model is, however, made by placing contour cards one over the other. The surface is not coloured geologically, but according to the agricultural character of the surface, such as rocky, peat, pasture land, &c. 173. Contoured model of the British Isles, including the submarine plateau and surrounding area. Size, 4 ft. by 4 ft. Horizontal scale T3"2inro o> or a ^ u ^ 24 miles to the inch ; vertical scale -^tro "o or &000 ft. to the inch, being about 16 times the horizontal scale. E. 190. 1888. Constructed by Jas. B. Jordan. The surface of this model is left unaltered after the fixing of the contour cards, in order that the method of construction may be seen. Since the contours represent intervals of 250 ft. on the land, no surface feature which occupies less than that interval is depicted, and thus the hills all appear flat on the top, 56 and undulating country is not distinguished from fen-land. The amount of alteration necessary would, however, be very slight showing the real insignificance of these features on a large scale. The watersheds of the different river systems are well shown by this method. The land is in brown. The depths of the sea are shown by contour lines, having the same interval, or about 42 fathoms, and the surface is coloured deeper in zones of 5,000 ft. It shows well the shallowness of the North Sea, and even the comparative shallowness of the S^agrerack in comparison with the deep Atlantic basin some distance to the west of the British Islands, and only broken by the submarine plateau which culminates in the Island of St. Kilda. Accompanying the model is a small map comprising the same area, which serves as an index of localities. 174. Geological model of the south-east of England, and part of Prance, including the Weald and the Bas Boulonnais. Founded upon the maps of the Ordnance, Admiralty, and Geological Surveys, by "W.Topley, F.G.S., Geological Survey of England and Wales, and James B. Jordan, Mining Record Office. The topography by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Embossed by Henry F. Brion, London. Horizontal scale. 1 in. to the 4 miles. Vertical scale, 1 in. to 2,400 feet, or nearly nine times the horizontal. Size, 34 in. by 18 in. E. 122. 1880. Published by E. Stanford. This model is constructed in a different manner from that by which most models are made, in which the names, &c. are marked on the modelling material itself. In this case the relief of the country is first modelled on an unmarked surface, and then an ordinary engraved and geologically coloured map, with all the names of places and features that are usual on such maps, is taken and pressed upon the surface when wet, so that without tearing, it fits itself to the various elevations and depressions, and thus partakes of the relief of the underlying model. There is an index of colours, and the map is accompanied by a horizontal section from the English Channel, near Seaford, to the Isle of Sheppey, on the same horizontal scale as the model and vertical scale, one half that of the model. The vertical sides of the model are also utilised to indicate the geological section along the boundary lines of the map. 175. Model of the valley of the Thames, showing the physical features and the geology, by James B. Jordan. Constructed from contours drawn by W. Topley, F.G.S., the geology reduced from the Geological Survey. Hori- zontal scale, 4 miles to the inch. Vertical scale, 1 inch to 2,400 feet, or nearly nine times the horizontal. Em- bossed by Henry F. Brion, London. Size, 37 in. by 21 in. E. 143. 1874. This extends from the Isle of Sheppey to Malvern, and covers the same ground as the map given in Phillip's Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames. There are 18 colours used for the geology. The line of watershed between the valley of the Thames, and the surrounding river basins is marked by a red dotted line. The names of the principal hills, rivers and towns are marked, but no roads or railways are inserted. IX. GEOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL MAPS. A. Geological. General Maps. 176. Geological map of the World, by J. Marcou. Varnished and mounted on rollers. Published by J. Wiirster & Co., Zurich. Constructed by J. M. Ziegler, Size, 72 in. by 50 in., on Mercator's projection. 1876. Sold by E. Stanford. 177. Geological map of the British Islands, by Ed- ward Best. Scale, 28 miles to the inch. 1888. Published ly E. Stanford. 178. Geological map of the British Islands, prepared for the Rivers Pollution Commission, Sixth Report. The Domestic Water-Supply of Great Britain, 1874, Chiefly from the maps of the Geological Survey, under the superintendence of Edward Best. Scale, TSWUDTF* or about 25 miles to the inch. Published by E. Stanford, 1874. 1876. Lent by E. Best. Nearly identical with No. 177, except that it is on a little larger scale. 179. Geological map of the British Isles and adjacent coasts of France, by John Phillips, M.A., E.E.S., Pro- fessor of Geology in the University of Oxford. Engraved by J. W. Lowry, F.R.G.S. First issued in 1834. Cor- rected to 1862. On rollers. Scale, 24 miles to the inch. Lent by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1876. 58 180. Geological map of England and Wales, with all the railways, according to the most recent researches, by Sir Eoderick I. Murchison, K.C.B. Fifth edition, 1864. Price 5s., unmounted. Scale, 25 miles to the inch. In glazed frame. Size, 14 in. by 17 in. 1870. Published by E. Stanford. 181. Geological map of England and Wales, by Andrew C. Ramsay, LL.D., E.R.S., Director- General of the Geological Survey of the TJliited Kingdom and of the Museum of Practical Geology. Fourth edition, 1886. Scale, 11 miles to the inch. Has the railways shown, and there are six illustrative geological sections in the margin. Size, 42 in. by 36 in. 1888. Published by E. Stanford. 182. Geological map of Scotland, by Sir Roderick I. Murchison, K.C.B., F.R.S., and Archibald Geikie, F.R.S.E., revised up to January 1865. Scale, 25 miles to the inch, In small gilt frame. Has four illustrative geological sections in the margin. 1888. Published by W. and A. K. Johnston. 183. A general map of Ireland to accompany the reports of the Railway Commissioners, showing the principal physical features and geological structure of the country. Size, 6 ft. by 5 ft. Scale, about 4 miles to the inch. 1855. It contains six sheets and has eight illustra- tive geological sections engraved round it. 1876. Published by Longmans fy Co. 184. Geological map of Ireland. Founded on the maps of the Geological Survey, on that of Sir Richard Griffith, and that of Prof. J. Beete Jukes, by Edw. Hull, M.A., F.R.S., Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland. Varnished and mounted on rollers. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. 1888. Published ly E. Stanford. 185. Geological map of France with sections, mounted on rollers with a black background. 1881. Published by G. Masson, Paris. Issued with Gervais' diagrams. See No. 143. 186. Geological map of the Arctic Regions, by C. E. De Ranee, F.G.S. A MS. map 16 in. by 12 in., showing 59 rocks distinguished by eight colours. The prime meridian through the pole and the circle perpendicular to it marked as straight lines. 1876. Lent by C. E. De Ranee, F.G.S. The topography is taken from the chart accompanying the Admiralty correspondence connected with the British arctic expedition of 1875. The geological boundaries of Parry Islands and the north coast of America from the determinations by Conybeare, Murchison, Salter, and Haughton of the specimens brought back by the expeditions of Franklin, Parry, Back, John and James Ross, Sabine, Buchan, Beechsy, Sherard Osborn, and McClintock. Those of West Greenland from the observations of Giesecke, Nordenskiold, O'Heer, and Brown. Those of East Greenland and Spitsbergen from the results of the various Austrian, Swedish, and North German expeditions. Those of Hall Basin, and the channels lying north of Smith's Sound, from the labours of Kane and Bessels, which prove that the upper Silurian rocks, noticeable along the southern fringe of the Arctic archipelago reappear in this tract, the Lower Carboniferous coal- bearing sandstones and overlying Carboniferous Limestones lying in a basin. 187. Geological sketch map of South Africa, compiled by E. J. Dunn. From observations made by Messrs. A. C. Bain, Wylie, T. Bain, junior, Dr. Atherstone, E. Pinchin, and the compiler, in. Cape Colony, together with those of Dr. Sutherland in Natal, and of Mr. E. Button north of 24 latitude. Scale, about 23 miles to the inch. Size, 35 in. by 22 in. No date. Shows 14 colours. 1876. Published by E. Stanford. 188. Sketch of a new geological map of Victoria, by E. Brough Smyth, F.G.S. Scale, 17 miles to the inch. Size, 38 in. by 26 in. Shows nine colours for stratified and four for igneous rocks. 1876.' Lent by the Agent-General of Victoria. 189. Relief map of Victoria, geologically coloured, by Alfred E. C. Selwyn, Government Geologist and Director of Mining and Geological Surveys, Melbourne, 1863. Scale, 8 miles to the inch. Size, 70 in. by 50 in. Lent by the Agent- General of Victoria. Shows 17 colours for the various rocks. 1876. Lent by the Agent-General of Victoria. No names of mountains, rivers, or towns are given, but the various colours are marked on the map with MS. number cor- responding to the index. A part is marked off by a pencil line., 60 the geology of which has been minutely surveyed ; the remainder partakes of the nature of a sketch map. 190. First sketch of a geological map of Australia, including Tasmania, by R. Brough Smyth, F.G.S., 1873. Scale, 110 miles to the inch. Framed and glazed. Published under the direction of the Minister of Mines, 1876, Melbourne. Shows six colours for stratified rocks and four for the crystal- line. 191. Geological map of Queensland, by Robert Jack, 1886. Scale, 32 miles to the inch. On rollers. Shows 16 colours. From Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street. 1887. 192. Geological sketch-maps (2) of New Zealand, by James Hector, M.D., F.E.S., Wellington, 1873. Con- structed from the official surveys of the Geological Department. Scale, 33 miles to the inch. One mounted in frame. Show 12 varieties of rock, and give eight horizontal sections of the country. 1876. Lent by J. Hector, M.D., F.R.8. 193. Relief map of New Zealand on the same scale as the geological map, i.e., 33 miles to the inch, with a vertical scale four times the horizontal. This model, which has no names, is placed beside the geological map to illustrate the forms of the surface of the parts of the country occupied by the different geological formations, but it is not itself geologically coloured. Modelled by Dr. Hector, 1876. 1876. Lent by J. Hector, M.D., F.R.8. 194. Geological map of Barbados, by J. B. Harrison, F.G.S., and A. J. Jukes Browne, F.G.S. Based on the survey made for the Admiralty by Staff-Commander J. Parsons, E.N., in 1869. Scale, 1^- in. to the mile, or 3,960 feet to an inch. Size, 3 ft. 4 in. by 2 ft. 3 in. Lent by the Geological Laboratory, Royal College of 1891. Science. B. Geological. Local Maps, including Surveys. 195. Geological survey of Scotland. Map of the Ayrshire coalfield and adjoining districts on the scale of 01 six inches to the mile. A large map on rollers, formed of 60 sheets of the 6 in. Ordnance Survey mounted together. Lent bi/ the Geological Survey of Scotland, Prof. A. 1876. Oeikie, F.R.S., Director. This map is an illustration of the detailed work of the geological survey of Scotland. The whole county of Ayrshire is surveyed on this scale, though only the mineral districts are published on these maps, the general map of the country being on the scale of 1 in. to the mile. At the foot of the map a MS. sheet is inserted to show the stages of progress in the field work of the survey. Two specimens are likewise given of the detailed vertical sections on the scale of 40 ft. to the inch, which are published in illustration of these coalfields. 196. Selection of maps and publications to illustrate the progress of the Geological Survey of Spain. Presented by the Commission of the Geological Map 1877. of Spain, Madrid. The following are exhibited : (a.) Geological map of the coalfield of San Juan de las Abadesas, province of Gerona, by Amalio Maestre, Madrid, 1855. Scale, -g^j-j-oip or more than 1 in. to the mile. Shows five different colours. (6.) Geological map of the province of Palencia, by Don Casiano de Prado, Member of the Commission of the Geological Map of Spain, 1856. Scale, ^^Viro' or a hout 7 miles to the inch. Shows 10 colours. (c.) Geological map of the province of Valladolid, by Don Casiano de Prado, 1854. Scale, 4 \, , or about 7 miles to the inch. Shows three colours. (d.) Geological map of the province of Madrid. Published by the Council of Statistics of the Kingdom of 1864, and formed by Don Casiano de Prado, Engineer of Mines, Member of the Com- mission of the Spanish Geological Map, 1854. (e.) Graphical scale of altitudes of the northern part of the province of Palencia. Made by the direction of Don Casiauo of Prado, 1856. (/.) Geological and stratigraphical map of the mountains of the province of Palencia, by Don Casiano de Prado, 1857. ((/.) Sections of the north and north-east of the province of Madrid, including the Sierra di la Yruela and the Cerros de Concha within the limits of La Puebla de la Muger Muerta. 197. Geological and topographical atlas accompanying the Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, made by the authority of the Honourable the Secretary of War under the direction of Brigadier and Brevet-Major- General A. A. Humphreys, Chief of En- U 69149. F, 62 gineers, U.S.A., by Clarence King, United States Geologist in charge, 1876. 1883. Lent by Prof. J. Norman LocTeyer, F.R.8. A folio atlas, 33 in. by 24 in., containing five geological and five topographical maps, and one of geological sections. Each of these maps, whether geological or topographical, representing the same areas, are in two sheets. The former are contoured at intervals of 300 ft., the latter are shaded. There is also a sketch map of the Cordilleras of the Western United States. 198. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado and portions of the adjacent territory. ".Department of the Interior, United States Geological and Geographical Surveys of the Territories, by F. V. Hayden, United States Geologist in charge, 1877. 1883. Lent by Prof. J. Norman Locltyer, F.R.S. A folio atlas, 27 in. by 19 in. Contains three general, six topographical, and six geological maps, two sheets of geological sections, and two pan oratnic views. The general maps are on the scale of 12 miles to the inch. The topographical and geolo- gical maps on a .scale of four miles to the inch. They refer to the same areas respectively, each including 2^ degrees of longi- tude and 1 J degrees of latitude, and are each contoured at inter- vals of 200 ft,, differing only in the colouring. Each is in two sheets. 199. Five outline sections of the strata under London, with a block index plan. 1876. Lent by the late R. W. Mylne, F.R.S. This contains, mounted on one sheet, framed and glazed, the following : (a.) Section of a Well sunk at Hampstead Hoad reservoir, 1838, with details of the strata and their thicknesses. (6.) Plan of London and its suburbs, 1851. Scale, about two- thirds of a mile to the inch. (c.) Section of the London strata in a direct line from Hamp- stead to Camber well, 1850. This is deduced from the sections of wells sunk in spots adjacent to the line of section, 24 of which are indicated in position, with the strata exposed in the section. Horizontal scale, 3 inches to the mile, vertical scale, 100 feet to an inch. The whole coloured geologically. (d.) A similar section from Highgate to Peckham, with 22 well sections. (e.) A similar section from Newington to Lewisham, with 18 well sections. (/.) A similar section from Kensington to Greenwich, with 12 well sections. ( or a ^out 8J miles to the inch ; size, 28 in. b/19 in. 1884. Published by 3". Wurster fy Co., Zurich. This is not a raised map. No names are inserted on it, but there are contour lines at intervals of 100 metres, every fifth one being dotted instead of continuous. One side of all eleva- tions is shaded darker so as to give the effect of relief. The land is brown, rivers in dark blue, lakes in light blue, snow fields and glaciers in blue of a still lighter shade. 206. Map of Switzerland, by E. Leuzinger, A folded map opened out and framed. Scale, ^o-oViro' or ^i miles per inch ; size, 3 ft. by 2 ft. The elevations are shaded on one side to give the effect of relief, the water and ice in blue. 1876. Published by J. Dalp, Berne. 207. Portfolio of maps and photographs of the neigh- bourhood of Zermatt, in illustration of the model of the district of the Matterhorn. 1887. Published by J. Wurster $ Co., Zurich. The following are the contents : 1. Photographic map of the relief model. 2. Map of the relief model on a scale of 3-8. Topographical maps of portions of the area on a scale of 9. View of Mischabel and Alphubel. 10-11. Matterhorn, Gabelhorn, Dent Blanche from Rothhorn. 12-13. Monte Rosa, Breithorn and Matterhorn from Dom. 14. Dent Blanche and Rothhorn from Dom. 15. Strahlhorn and Rimpfischhorn. 16. Monte Rosa and Lyskamm. 17. Zwillinge and Breithorn. 18. Theodul Pass and Matterhorn. 19. Miscliabel and Alphubel. 20. Weisshorn. Nos. 15 to 20 are taken from over Rothhorn. 21. Monte Rosa and Corner Glacier. 22. The end of the Gorner Glacier. 23. Schwarz see and Gabelhorn. 24. Schwarz see and Weisshorn. 65 X. PHOTOGRAPHS ILLUSTRATING GEOLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 208. Photographic views prepared by the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Western Territories. 1877. Given by F. V. Hayden, Geologist in charge. These are 74 large views mounted in frames and glazed. The following are their legends : 1-12. Unnamed. 13. Eroded sandstone, Monument Park, Colorado. 14. Needle Rocks, Garden of the Gods, Colorado. 15. Unnamed. 16. Mummy Rock, on the Sweet water. 17. Lower Falls of the Yellowstone. 18. Unnamed. 19. Giant's Club, Greenriver. 20. Montezuma's Cathedral, Garden of the Gods, Colorado, 21. Unnamed. 22. Badlands, on Black's Fork. 23. Badlands, on Black's Fork. 24. Echo Canon, Upper Pacific Railroad. 25. Mountain of the Holy Cross. 26. Devil's Gate, on the Sweet water. 27. Unnamed. 28. Garden of the Gods, Colorado. 29. Green River Butte. 30. Uinta Mountains, Head of Black's Fork. 31. Laramie Peak. 32. Gilbert's Peak, Uinta Mountains. 33. The Teton Range, South. 34. Devil's Gate, Weber Canon, Upper Pacific Railroad 35. Beaver's Work. 36. Beaver's Dam. 37. Great-Salt-Lake City. The Tabernacle. 38. Mormon Tabernacle. 39. Quarrying granite for the Mormon Temple. 40. Great Salt Lake City, Wasatch Mountain?. 41. Gardiner's River Hot Springs, Diana's Bath. 42. Hot-Spring Fissures, Gardiner's River. 43. View on the Uinta Mountain j. 44. Mammoth Hot Springs, Gardiner's River. 45. Liberty Leap, Mammoth Hot Springs. 46. Crater of Architectural Geyser, Lower Fire-hole Basin. 47- Mammoth Hot Springs on Gardiner's River. 48. Upper' Fire-hole, Geyser Basin. 49. Boiling Mud-Spring. 50. Mud-Geyser in action. 51. Boiling Mud Spring. 52. Grotto Geyser. 53. Distant view of the Castle Geyser, 54. Crater of Giant Geyser. 55. Crater .of the Grand Geyser. 56. Crater of the Grotto Geyser. 57. Crater of Old Faithful. 58. Crater of Castle- Geyser. 59. Fishpot- Spring in Yellowstone Lake, 60. The Beehive-Crater. 61. Mammoth Hot Springs. The following 13 are of larger size : 62. Lake San Cristoval. 63. View near the head of Lake Fork, of Gunnison River, Colorado. 64. View on Lake Fork, looking up Snare Creek, Colorado. 65. The Upper Twin Lake, Colorado. 66. George Town, Colorado. 67. Baker's Park and Sultan Mountain. 68. Gray's Peak from Argentine Pass. 69. Grand Canon of the Yellowstone. 70. Falls on the San Miguel, Colorado. 71. Mammoth Hot Springs, Gardiner's River. 72. Gateway of the Garden of the Gods, Colorado, Pike's Peak. 73. The Colorado, or Front Range from near Gold Hill. 74. Great Falls of the Yellowstone, 209. Photograph of the great crater of Vesuvius, showing the interior after the eruption of 1872. Size of photograph, 18 in. by 5 in. 1876. Lent by the late Robert James Mann, M.D. This photograph was taken by Mr. J. M. Black, from the gap in the broken edge of the rim. The top of the great rent, extend- ing north and south through one side of the cone to the Atro del Cavallo, is shown on the further side of the crater between the rounded and pointed eminences. XI. MISCELLANEOUS. 210. Models (4) to illustrate the effects of great move- ment on the earth's crust. Made by Dr. Ricketts. See " Geological Magazine," April 1889. E. 28 to 31. 1889. Presented by Dr. Riclcetts, F.G.S. The position of the consolidated clay is marked by the letter C, while B shows layers of clay originally in horizontal beds, but 67 squeezed into folds by the vertical pressure of S, sand, extra weight being applied, 211. Specimens illustrating the production by compres- sion of natural and artificial slaty cleavage. 1876, Lent by Dr. E. G. Sorby, F.R.8. These specimens are of historical interest, as illustrating the Presidential Address to the Geological Society by Dr. Sorby in 1880. See Q.J.G.S., Vol. XXXVI Dr. Sorby's description of these specimens is : " Specimens of slaty rocks, showing by various facts that they have been greatly compressed in a line perpendicular to the cleavage. " Pipe-clay with portions of blue paper, and also with iron scales, being the results of the first experiments made to show that a structure like that which causes the cleavage in slates can be artificially produced by pressure.