1 THE ABSOLUTE RELATIONS OF TIME AND SPACE BY A. A. ROBB THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE ABSOLUTE RELATIONS OF TIME AND SPACE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 0. F. CLAY, MANAGER LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.C. NEW YOKK : THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY i CALCUTTA [ MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. MADRAS TORONTO : THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TOKYO : MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL RIGHTS BE8KHVKU THE ABSOLUTE RELATIONS OF TIME AND SPACE BY ALFRED A. ROBB, Sc.D., D.Sc., PH.D., F.R.S. CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1921 First Edition, 1921 Reprinted, 1921 PKEFACE AT the meeting of the British Association in 1902, Lord Rayleigh gave a paper entitled "Does motion through the ether cause double refraction?" in which he described some experiments which seemed to indicate that the answer was in the negative. I recollect that on this occasion Professor Larmor was asked whether he would expect any such effect and he replied that he did not expect any. In the discussion which followed reference was made to the null results of all attempts to detect uniform motion through the ether and to the way in which things seemed to conspire together to give these null results. The impression made on me by this discussion was: that in order properly to understand what happened, it would be necessary to be quite clear as to what we mean by equality of lengths, etc., and I decided that I should try at some future time to carry out an analysis of this subject. I am not certain that I had not some idea of doing this even before the British Association meeting, but in any case, the inspira- tion came from Sir Joseph Larmor, either at this meeting or on some previous occasion while attending his lectures. Some years later I proceeded to try to carry out this idea, and while engaged in endeavouring to solve the problem, I heard for the first time of Einstein's work. From the first I felt that Einstein's standpoint and method of treatment were unsatisfactory, though his mathematical transfor- mations might be sound enough, and I decided to proceed in my own way in search of a suitable basis for a theory. In particular I felt strongly repelled by the idea that events could be simultaneous to one person and not simultaneous to another; which was one of Einstein's chief contentions. This seemed to destroy all sense of the reality of the external world and to leave the physical universe no better than a dream, or rather, a nightmare. 766548 vi PREFACE If two physicists A and B agree to discuss a physical experi- ment, their agreement implies that they admit, in some sense, a common world in which the experiment is supposed to take place. It might be urged perhaps that we have merely got a corre- spondence between the physical worlds of A and B, but if so, where, or how, does this correspondence subsist? It cannot be in A's mind alone, or it would not be a corre- spondence, and similarly it cannot be in B's mind alone. It seems to follow that it must be in some common sub-stratum; and this brings us at once back to an objective standpoint. The first work which I published on this subject was a short tract entitled Optical Geometry of Motion, a New View of the Theory of Relativity, which appeared in 1911. This paper, though it did not claim to give a complete logical analysis of the subject, yet contained some of the germs of my later work and, in particular, it avoided any attempt to identify instants at different places. Later on the idea of "Conical Order" occurred to me, in which such instants are treated as definitely distinct. The working out of this idea was a somewhat lengthy task and in 1913 I published a short preliminary account of it under the title A Theory of Time and Space, which was also the title of a book on this subject on which I was then engaged. This book was in the press at the time of the outbreak of the war and was finally published towards the end of 1914. Unhappily at that period people were concerning themselves rather with trying to sever one another's connexions with Time and Space altogether, than with any attempt to understand such things; so that it was hardly an ideal occasion to bring out a book on the subject. The subject moreover was not an easy one, and I have been told more than once that my book is difficult reading. To this I can only reply as did Mr Oliver Heaviside, under similar circumstances, that it was perhaps even more difficult to write. Be that as it may, the results arrived at fully justified my attitude towards Einstein's standpoint. PREFACE vii I succeeded in developing a theory of Time and Space in terms of the relations of before and after, but in which these relations are regarded as absolute and not dependent on the particular observer. In fact it is not a "theory of relativity" at all in Einstein's sense, although it certainly does involve relations. These relations of before and after, serving, as they do, as a physical basis for the mathematical theory, were quite ignored in Einstein's treatment; with the result that the absolute features were lost sight of. Even now, some six years from the date of publication of my book, comparatively few of Einstein's followers appear to realize the extreme importance of these relations, or to recognize how they alter the entire aspect of the subject. The theory, in so far as its postulates have an interpretation, becomes a physical theory in the ordinary sense, but these postulates are used to build up a pure mathematical structure. From the physical standpoint the question is: whether the postulates as interpreted are correct expressions of physical facts, or in some respect only approximations? If the postulates are not all correct expressions of the facts, then which of them require emendation and what emendation do they require? As regards the pure mathematical aspect of the theory: this of course remains unaffected by the physical interpretation of the postulates, and those who are interested only in pure mathematics may find that the method employed has certain advantages as a study of the foundations of geometry. In particular it may be noticed that by this method we get a system of geometry in which "congruence" appears, not as something extraneous grafted on to an otherwise complete system, but as an intrinsic part of the system itself. I had intended making further developments of this theory, but the outbreak of the war caused an interruption of my work. In the meantime Einstein produced his "generalized relativity" theory and the reader will doubtless wish to know how this work bears upon it. viii PREFACE So far as I can at present judge, the situation is this: once coordinates have been introduced, the theory here developed gives rise to the same analysis as Einstein's so-called "restricted re- lativity" and this latter cannot be regarded as satisfactory apart from my work, or some equivalent. Einstein's more recent work is extremely analytical in character. The before and after relations have not been employed at all in its foundation, although it is evident that, if these relations are a sufficient basis for the simple theory, they must play an equally important part in any generalization. Moreover these relations most certainly have a physical significance whatever theory be the correct one. A generalization of my own work is evidently possible and, to a certain extent, I can see a method of carrying this out, although I have not as yet worked out the details. (See Appendix.) In the meantime it seemed desirable to write some sort of introduction to my Theory of Time and Space which, while not going into the proofs of theorems, would yet convey to a larger circle of readers the main results arrived at in that work. A. A. R. CAMBRIDGE, November 12, 1920. CONTENTS PAGE PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS ... 1 CONICAL ORDER 16 NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES HAVING A COMMON ELEMENT 46 THEORY OF CONGRUENCE . . . .56 INTRODUCTION OF COORDINATES ... 72 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ... 76 APPENDIX 78 THE ABSOLUTE RELATIONS OF TIME AND SPACE PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS THE study of Time and Space is one which in certain respects is extremely elusive and involves a number of difficulties which in ordinary daily life we are apt to overlook. In scientific work, however, it is all-important to have clear ideas and to know exactly what our statements mean. This is by no means always an easy task, for it frequently happens that our crude ideas on certain things may be sufficiently precise for certain purposes, but not precise enough for others. Thus in the ordinary elementary teaching of plane geometry there are certain difficulties which are generally passed over, largely because they are real difficulties and a proper understanding of them could hardly be expected from a beginner. For instance the use of ruler and compasses and the method of superposition. The use of the ruler conveys a somewhat crude idea of what we mean in the physical world by points lying in a straight line, while the use of compasses conveys an equally crude idea of what we mean by points in a plane being equally distant from a given point in the plane. The method of superposition involves ideas which are closely akin to those involved in the supposed use of compasses, but of a more elaborate character. Both sets of ideas may be described as ideas of congruence. Although there are other difficulties besides these to be over- come, still these will suffice for our present purpose, which is to show that certain points have been slurred over when we first began the study of geometry, which later on may require further elucidation. Now let us approach this subject as a beginner of sufficient intelligence might be supposed to do. There is one thing which we might observe, namely : that though we make use of figures drawn on paper to assist us in keeping the K. 1 2 TIME AND SPACE facts in mind, yet in proving a theorem, as distinguished from making use of the result, there is no necessity that the figure should be accurately drawn. A very rough figure will suffice and, if we are fairly expert, and the theorem not too complicated, we can dispense with a figure altogether. Next let us suppose the figures to be accurately drawn on a plane sheet of paper (whatever the expressions "accurately drawn" and "plane" may mean) and then suppose the sheet of paper to be rolled up into a spiral, we could still make use of the figures on the curved sheet as mental images in proving our theorems, although our original straight lines would now (with certain exceptions) be no longer straight. We could however substitute for our ruler a flexible string, drawn taut, so as to lie in contact with the curved surface of the paper and similarly we could make use of a flexible inextensible tape line or string instead of our original compasses and all our theorems would work out as before, except that lines would be curved which had originally been straight and lengths would be measured along such lines instead of "directly" between points. With such modifications, to every theorem concerning figures on the plane sheet there will be a corresponding theorem concerning figures on the curved sheet and vice versa, and similar methods of proof may be employed in the two cases. Though the objects about which we are reasoning in the two cases are different, yet the logical processes are formally the same. We can, however, go still further and consider the case where the figures are accurately drawn (whatever that may mean) on a plane sheet of india-rubber which is then stretched in any way. In this case straight lines on the unstretched rubber would become lines, straight or curved, on the stretched rubber and a closed curve such as a circle would remain closed after the stretching. Further, curves which intersected would still intersect and curves which did not intersect would not intersect after the stretching. A point which lay inside a closed curve such as a circle, would become a point inside a closed curve on the stretched rubber. Again, a point which lay between two other points in a line of some sort on the unstretched rubber would become a point between two corresponding points on the corresponding line on the stretched rubber. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 3 The distances between the points would of course have altered according to our original standard and two lengths which were originally equal might no longer be equal, but nevertheless certain correspondences would still hold and could be traced between theorems involving equality of lengths on the unstretched rubber and theorems on the stretched rubber. Perhaps the simplest way of seeing this is to introduce a system of coordinates (say Cartesian coordinates) on the unstretched rubber, by which any point of it would be represented by two numbers. If then we imagine the rubber to be stretched, the same pairs of numbers could be taken to represent the same points of the rubber after stretching as before. The axes would now, generally speaking, become curved lines and the parallels to them would also in general become curved lines. The points equidistant from a given point on the unstretched rubber would lie in a circle, and if the equation of this circle be taken as ., , ,., 9 (x - a) 2 + (y - b) z = r 2 , then this equation would represent also some curve on the stretched rubber. The radii of the circles would become some sort of lines all passing through one point and intersecting the distorted circle. We should in this way get lines which had been straight, curves which had been circles, lengths which had been equal, etc., and we could deal with these algebraically in the same way as we did with the straight lines, circles and equal lengths on the unstretched rubber. We notice that the things which actually do remain permanent are the particles of the rubber and certain features of their order.-, If we consider the coordinate system we observe that, although the axes and the parallels to them are in general no longer straight after the stretching, yet as either set of parallel lines did not intersect before stretching, so the corresponding lines do not intersect after stretching and they preserve their original order. We know however that, after a proper foundation has been laid, any geometrical theorem may be proved by coordinate methods and so it is evident that all reasoning which is done after coordinates have once been introduced will apply equally in dealing with certain other things than lines which are truly straight and lengths which are truly equal. 12 4 TIME AND SPACE Thus though the sheet of rubber may have originally been plane, yet after stretching it may be curved in innumerable different ways and yet there are certain features which remain invariant throughout. It is thus evident that although for purposes of mathematical reasoning the actual straightness of lines or actual equality of lengths in the ordinary sense of the terms is not essential, yet when we wish to make use of geometry to describe the physical world the meanings of "straightness" and "equality of length" are all- important. It is not sufficient that we should say that "there are such things as straight lines," or that "there are lengths which are equal," but it is necessary to have criteria by which we can say (at least approximately) "here are points which lie in a straight line" and "here is a length which is equal to yonder length." The ruler and compasses give us rough standards of straightness and equality of length in the sense in which these terms are used in ordinary life, but, if we wish to go in for extreme accuracy, other standards must be employed and we must get more precise ideas as to what we really wish to convey when we make use of such expressions. Consider first the question of what we mean when we say that two bodies are of equal length. The ordinary method of comparing them is to make use of a measuring rod which we regard as rigid; or an inextensible tape line. But what do we mean by these words "rigid" and "inextensible"'} We find that it is by no means easy to say exactly what we do mean. Approximate rigidity and inextensibility are common enough properties of solid bodies, but by the application of force all bodies are found to be more or less elastic, while change of temperature will also change the length of a rod compared with a parallel rod. Again, if we wish to compare lengths which are not parallel, the usual mode of procedure would be to turn a measuring rod round from parallelism with the one length into parallelism with the other. The possibility then arises that during the motion the standard may alter and give us results which indicate the lengths as equal when in reality (whatever that may mean) they are different. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 5 Thus for example, if we wished to compare the lengths OA and OB where A and B are, say, the extremities of the major and minor axes of an ellipse whose centre is O, and suppose we had an elastic tape line which we place first with one end at O and the other at B. If then keeping the one end fixed at we move the other round the ellipse we should apparently get the same length for OA as for OB. Now although this seems fan- tastic, yet the famous experiment of Michelson and Morley seemed to show that just this sort of thing did happen when a body was turned round from a position such that its length was parallel to the direction of the earth's motion in its orbit into a position such that its length was perpendicular to that direction. The experiment, which was an optical one, consisted in dividing a beam of light into two portions which travelled, the one in one direction, and the other in a transverse direction, and were reflected back again by mirrors. If we adopt ordinary ideas for the moment and suppose the light to be propagated with a velocity v through a medium and the apparatus to move through that medium with a velocity u, it is easy to calculate the time of the double journey for the two portions of the beam. For the case of a part of the beam which travels in the direction of motion of the apparatus and back again the time of the double journey is found to be 2ua A where a 1 is the distance between the point of the apparatus where the beam divides and the corresponding reflector. For the case of the transverse portion of the beam the time of the double journey is found to be 2o 2 t.> = , where a 2 is the distance between the point of the apparatus where the beam divides and the other reflector. 6 TIME AND SPACE Now it is possible to arrange things so that ^ = t z and this can be done with extreme accuracy by means of the interference bands which are produced. We should then have / /S\i ai = V l -(v a *' giving Thus a v would be slightly less than a 2 . It was found however that, when the apparatus was caused to rotate at a uniform slow rate, and the times of the double journey were equal for one position of the apparatus, then they were equal for all positions. This seemed to indicate that the dimensions of the apparatus in different directions changed as it rotated and the view was put forward by Fitzgerald and Lorentz that a material solid body contracted in the direction of its motion so that a sphere moving through space with a velocity w became a spheroid whose major and minor axes were in the ratio 1: where v is the velocity of light. It is clear that this once more raises the question as to the real meaning of "equality of length" from which we started out. Solid bodies apparently do not provide us with standards sufficiently permanent for dealing with such problems. But the subject of motion raises a number of other difficulties. There is in particular the question of "absolute motion" and whether this expression has any precise meaning. The underlying idea of those who believe in "absolute motion" is that, if we consider a definite point of space at any instant, then that point preserves its identity at all other instants. The difficulty of identifying a point of space at two different instants is freely admitted, but for all that (so it is contended) the identity persists. It was however noticed that, in the classical Newtonian Mechanics, the equations of motion preserved the same form for a system of bodies whose centre of inertia was in uniform motion in a straight line as for a similar system whose centre of inertia was "at rest," so that purely mechanical phenomena could not be expected to show up any difference between the two cases. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 7 The question then naturally arose whether any difference could be detected by optical or electrical means, but experiment failed to show any. Xextly it was pointed out by Larmor and Lorentz that the electromagnetic equations could also be transformed by a linear substitution so that they preserved the same form for a system moving with uniform velocity as they had for a system "at rest." In order to do this, however, a '"''local time" had to be intro- duced. We are all familiar with the use of "local time" on the earth's surface, but the cases are different in one important respect. The idea underlying the use of "local time" on the earth's surface is simply that of having different names in different parts of the world for what is regarded as the same instant. Thus noon at Greenwich and noon at New York are both described as 12 o'clock local time, although the instants referred to are clearly different. On the other hand the use of chronometers in navigation is regarded as a method of approximately identifying the same instant at different parts of the earth. But, as previously remarked, the "local time" used in trans- forming the electromagnetic equations is of a different character and events which are regarded as simultaneous according to one "local time" would not be simultaneous, in general, when compared by the "local time" of a system which was in motion with respect to the first. We might of course regard the one "local time" as the true time and the other as a mathematical fiction, but there is no reason known why we should select the one rather than the other, just as there is no way of distinguishing a body "at rest" from one moving uniformly in a straight line. In fact it appears that, just as we have no method of distinguish- ing the same point of space at two distinct instants of time, so we cannot strictly identify the same instant of time at two distinct points of space. It is to be observed that though we started out by trying to give a precise meaning to the idea of equality of length, in which we seemed to be concerned only with space, yet in our attempt to do so, we find difficulties with regard to time intruding themselves. We can see, however, that even in our original use of compasses the time element intrudes, since in comparing lengths by the use 8 TIME AND SPACE of compasses, the compasses are moved and the idea of motion involves that of time. Also in the Michelson and Morley experiment, since light takes a finite interval of time in getting from an object P to an object Q and back again to P, we are introducing time relations in comparing lengths. The question now arises: suppose we imagine a flash of light sent out at an instant A from a particle P to a distant particle Q and arriving there at an instant B and suppose it reflected back to P where it arrives at an instant C; how are we to identify the instant B with any instant at P between A and C? If we regard P as being "at rest" we might reasonably think to identify B with the instant at P which is midway between A and C, but this would imply that we had some means of measuring intervals of time, and that brings us up against all the same sort of difficulties which we encountered in trying to find a satisfactory method of measuring space intervals. On the other hand, if P be in uniform motion in the direction PQ it would seem that B is not identical with the instant at P which is midway between A and C. In any case we do not know of any means of telling whether P is "at rest" or not. Having thus been led on from the consideration of spacial relations to those of time we seem at first sight to have increased our difficulties instead of solving them, but if we persevere in our task we shall find that we have made an appreciable advance towards solving our problem. From the consideration of figures drawn on a sheet of rubber which was afterwards stretched in any way, we were led to recognise the importance of order in the study of the logic of geometry, and since order also plays a part in time relations, it seems worth while to consider order in time. Now here we find an interesting and very important thing. If I consider two distinct instants of which I am directly conscious*, I notice that the one is after the other. Noon to-day is afternoon yesterday and I cannot invert the order. There is in fact what is called an asymmetrical relation between the two instants, such that if B be after A, then A is not after B. * The fact that I am directly conscious of the two instants is very important, in view of later developments. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 9 If we consider two points or two particles in space, say P and Q, there is nothing analogous to this and we have no reason to say that Q is after P rather than that P is after Q. We might, of course, give them an order "by means of some convention, but such convention would be quite arbitrary, whereas in the case of the instants, it is a matter of fact and not of conven- tion, quite independently of what words we may employ to express that fact. The simplest relation of order among points is a relation of between which involves three terms instead of two. This relation of between has been employed by various mathe- maticians in investigating the foundations of geometry, but the relation of equality of lengths then appears as something extraneous, grafted on to the system. The use of an asymmetrical relation such as after appears to have great advantages over a relation such as between in constructing a theory of order and I have found it possible, by means of such a relation, to construct a system of geometry of space and time. It might perhaps more correctly be described as a geometry of time, of which spacial geometry forms a part. In constructing this system it is necessary to modify certain currently accepted notions, but the modifications required all appear to be capable of justification and the structure, when completed, will be found closely to resemble our ordinary con- ceptions. We shall regard an instant as a fundamental concept which, for present purposes, it is unnecessary further to analyse, and shall consider the relations of order among the instants of which I am directly conscious. Thus for such instants we find the following properties: (1) If an instant B be after an instant A, then the instant A ^Cjift'f' is not after the instant B, and is said to be before it. (2) If A be any instant, I can conceive of an instant which is V / after A and also of one which is before A. (3) If an instant B be after an instant A, I can conceive of an instant which is both after A and before B. (4) If an instant B be after an instant A and an instant C be ^ after the instant B, the instant C is after the instant A. (5) If an instant A be neither before nor after an instant B, the instants A and B are identical. 10 TIME AND SPACE The set of instants of which I am directly conscious have thus got a linear order. But now let us consider the fifth of these properties. It might at first sight be supposed that it was a necessary consequence of our ideas of before and after. That it is really logically independent of the other properties may be shown by the help of a geometrical illustration. This illustration is very suggestive and we purpose to make further use of it, but the logic of our theory is independent of the illustration. Suppose we have a set of cones having their axes parallel and having equal vertical angles, and further, suppose each cone to terminate at the vertex, which is however to be regarded as a point of the cone. We shall call such a cone having its opening pointed upwards an a cone, and one with the opening pointed downwards a ft cone. Thus corresponding to any point of space there is an a cone of the set having the point as vertex, and similarly there is a /3 cone of the set having the point as vertex. Now it is possible by using such cones and making a convention with respect to the use of the words before and after to set up a type of order of the points of space. For the purposes of this illustration we shall make the convention that, if A v be any point and a l and /^ be the correspond- ing a and /3 cones, then any point A 2 will be said to be after A l provided it is distinct from AI and lies either on or inside the cone ! and will be said to be before A 1 provided it is distinct from A^ and lies either on or inside the cone /^ . It is easy to see that with this conven- tion we have the following: (1) If a point B be after a point A, then the point A is not after the point B and is said to be before it. (2) If A be any point, there is a point which is after A and also a point which is before A. (3) If a point B be after a point A there is a point which is both after A and before B. Fig. 2 PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 11 (4) If a point B be after a point A and a point C be after the point B, the point C is after the point ^4. We cannot however assert that if a point A be neither before nor a/fer a point B, that the points ^4 and B need be identical. This is easily seen since the point B might lie in the region outside both the a and ($ cones of A. (Fig. 2.) This illustration shows that the fifth condition is logically independent of the other four. The type of order which we have illustrated by means of the cones, we shall speak of as conical order, but the logical develop- ment of the subject is independent of this illustration. We may note however in passing that, if A and B be distinct points one of which is neither before nor after the other, then there are points which are after both A and B and also points which are before both A and B. This follows since in this case the a cones of A and B intersect, as do also the ft cones of A and B. It should further be noted that if we have any line straight or curved in space, but whose tangent nowhere makes a greater angle with the axes of the cones than their semi -vertical angle, then if we confine our attention to the points of any one such line, we can assert that : if a point A be neither before nor after a point B, the points A and B are identical. Thus provided we confine our attention to the points of such a line, the whole five conditions are satisfied. Returning now to the consideration of instants, we observed that there was a difficulty in identifying the same instant at different places. The relations of before and after, however, enable us to say in certain cases that instants at a distance are distinct. Thus if I can send out any influence or material particle from a particle P at the instant A so as to reach a distant particle Q at the instant B then this is sufficient to show that B is after and therefore distinct from A. If now the influence or material particle be reflected back to P and arrives there at the instant C, then C is after and therefore distinct from B, while moreover, C is after A. Now suppose the influence be a flash of light or other instanta- neous electromagnetic disturbance and we appear to have reached a limit. 12 TIME AND SPACE We do not seem to be able to send out any influence or material particle from P at any instant after A so as to arrive at Q at the instant B, and we do not seem to be able to send out any influence or material particle from Q at the instant B so as to arrive at P before the instant C. In fact the range of instants at P which are after A and before C appear to be quite separated from the instant B so far as any influence is concerned. Now let us suppose that light has this property. It may or may not be strictly true of light but, provided there be some influence which has this property (and others which we shall specify later), such influence will serve for the purp6se in hand, and we shall, provisionally at any rate, ascribe it to light. Now B could at most be identical with only one of the instants at P, and such instant would require to be after A and before C, but we have no means of saying which instant it is. The other instants in this range would then all be either before or after B. But what now do we really mean when we say that one instant is after another or one event after another? If I at the instant A can produce any effect however slight at the instant B, this is sufficient to imply that B is after A. A present action of mine may produce some effect to-morrow, but nothing which I may do now can have any effect on what occurred yesterday. It appears to me that we have here the essential features of what we really mean when we use the word after, and that the abstract power of a person at the instant A to produce an effect at a distinct instant B is not merely a sufficient, but also a necessary condition that B is after A. If we accept this as the meaning of after it would then appear that no instant at P which is after A and before C is either before or after B. We have already seen that the idea of an element being neither before nor after another element, and yet distinct from it, involves no logical absurdity, and so if we give up the attempt to identify the instant B with any instant at P we get a logicallv consistent view of things. Thus according to the view here adopted there is no identity of instants at different places at all. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 13 We may express the idea in this form: the present instant, properly speaking, does not extend beyond here. Thus there are instants at a distance before the present instant and after it, and also instants neither before nor after it, but such instants are to be regarded as being all quite distinct from the present instant here. Thus, according to the view here adopted, the only really simul- taneous events are events which occur at the same place. The theory which we desire to expound with regard to time and space may now briefly be described as follows: Taking the above view of instants and the relations of before and after, we express in terms of these relations the conditions that the set of instants should have a conical order of a certain type. We then find that we have got a description not only of time but also of space such as that with which we are already familiar. In fact we may be said to analyze spacial relations in terms of the time relations of before and after. In first approaching this subject it is a great assistance to have some concrete way of representing the facts to our minds even though such representation may make use of some of the conceptions which we are trying to analyze. In doing so one must remember however that the justification of our theory lies in the logical procedure and not in the representa- tion. Thus in trying to convey a general idea of what we are doing we shall find it both convenient and suggestive to make use of our mental images of cones, in the way already described, in order to picture what we mean by conical order. The idea of conical order is not at all dependent on this representa- tion, but is built up by a rather lengthy piece of reasoning from the relations of before and after. The representation by means of cones may be compared to the rough scaffolding used in the erection of a building, which is removed when the building is complete and its component parts in position. We must, however, be certain that the building is not supported by the scaffolding, or it will not be able to stand alone. In order to make sure of this in our theory, great care has to be taken, and, for details on this matter, I must refer readers to my larger work. 14 TIME AND SPACE Moreover, the representation by means of cones gives only a three-dimensional conical order, whereas the conical order with which we are really concerned is a four-dimensional one. The representation also introduces a sort of distortion, but this need not trouble us when we deal only with descriptive features. Now in ordinary mathematical physics we are accustomed to localize an instantaneous event by means of four numbers x, y, z, t. Of these numbers as, y and z are called spacial coordinates while t is referred to as the "time." But now having come to regard all instants at different places as distinct, we regard these four numbers as really representing four coordinates of an instant. The coordinate t, however, has different before and after relations from those associated with the other three coordinates x, y, z, which are made clear by the conception of conical order. In order to avoid confusion therefore, we shall speak of the former not as "time" but as a t coordinate. We are not yet, however, in a position to introduce coordinates except for "scaffolding" purposes. Neither again are we at liberty to speak of "velocity" except for scaffolding purposes until we have defined the meaning of the word. Moreover, in the actual proof of theorems, we must not employ the ideas of equality of lengths or angles until these ideas are seen to be definable in terms of before and after relations. We may, however, make use of such terms in the "scaffolding" which is mere poetry and rhetoric. Let us therefore first consider this pictorial representation in which we have to confine ourselves to three coordinates instead of four, which we shall take to be x, y and t, and shall regard as rectangular. Now by taking suitable units we may regard the "velocity of light" as unity and under these circumstances if we imagine a flash of light starting from the position x = a, y = b, t = c, the rays of light would be represented by the generators of the upper half of the cone whose equation is (x - a) 2 + (y - &) 2 - (t - c) 2 = 0, which we take as the a cone corresponding to (a, b, c). PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS 15 The lower portion of this same locus constitutes the ft cone of . If A, B and C be three elements in an acceleration plane which do not all lie in one general line, and if D be an element linearly between A and B, while F is an element linearly between C and D, there exists an element, say E, which is linearly between B and C, and such that F is linearly between A and E. The proofs of these theorems require the consideration of a number of different cases and are therefore somewhat tedious. It is to be noted that these theorems have as yet only been proved for elements in an acceleration plane. In addition to the analogues of the various axioms of Peano 32 36 TIME AND SPACE concerning the ordering of points in a line or plane, we have also seen that if a be any general line in an acceleration plane, and A be any element of the acceleration plane which does not lie in a, then there is one single general line passing through A and lying in the acceleration plane which does not intersect a. This corresponds to the Euclidean axiom of parallels. An acceleration plane, however, differs from a Euclidean plane, since there are three types of general line in the former and only one type of straight line in the latter. The congruence properties of the two are also quite different as will be seen later. We shall now introduce the following definition: Definition. If two parallel general lines in an acceleration plane be both intersected by another pair of parallel general lines, then the four general lines will be said to form a general parallelogram in the acceleration plane. It should be noted that we shall afterwards extend the term general parallelogram to figures in other types of plane. We can now prove that if we have a general parallelogram in an acceleration plane, then: (1) The two diagonal lines intersect in an element which is the mean of either pair of opposite corners. (2) A general line through the element of intersection of the diagonal lines and parallel to either pair of side lines, intersects either of the other side lines in an element which is the mean of the pair of corners through which that side line passes. We can also prove the theorem that: if A, B and C be three elements in an acceleration plane which do not all lie in one general line, and if D be the mean of A and B, then a general line through D parallel to BC intersects AC in an element which is the mean of A and C. Again, we can show that if A and A n be two distinct elements in a general line a, we can always find n 1 elements A lf A z , ... A n _^ in a (where n 1 is any integer), such that : A 1 is the mean of A and A z , A z is the mean of A v and A 3 , _i is the mean of A n _ 2 and A n . CONICAL ORDER 37 We have now to take up the study of the type of plane which in our illustration is represented by a tangent plane to a complete cone. The first step consists in proving certain theorems in connexion with neutral-parallel optical lines. Thus we can prove the following: If A be any element in an optical line a, and A' be any element in a neutral-parallel optical line a', then if B be a second element in a the general line through B parallel to A A' intersects a' in an element, say B'. Further, if B be after A, then B' is after A', while if B be before A then B' is before A'. Again, we can show that under the above conditions there is only one general line through B and intersecting a' which does not intersect the general line A A': namely, the parallel to A A'. Again, if a and b be two neutral-parallel optical lines, and if one general line intersects a in A and b in B, while a second general line intersects a in A and b in B', then an optical line through any element of AB and parallel to a or b intersects A'B'. We can now show that if a and b be two neutral-parallel optical lines, and if c and d be any two non-parallel separation lines which intersect both a and b, then the aggregate consisting of all the elements in c and in all separation lines intersecting a and b which are parallel to c must be identical with the aggregate consisting of all the elements in d and in all separation lines intersecting a and b which are parallel to d. This prepares the way for the following definition : Definition. The aggregate of all elements of all mutually parallel separation lines which intersect two neutral-parallel optical lines will be called an optical plane. It is evident that through any element of an optical plane there is one single optical line lying in the optical plane. In analogy with the case of an acceleration plane, an optical line which lies in an optical plane will be called a generator of the optical plane. It is now easy to show that if two distinct elements of a general line lie in an optical plane, then every element of the general line lies in the optical plane. However, only optical and separation lines lie in an optical plane, and in this important respect it differs from an acceleration plane which contains also inertia lines. We can easily prove that if e be a general line in an optical 38 TIME AND SPACE plane, and A be any element of the optical plane which does not lie in e, then there is one single general line through A in the optical plane which does not intersect e. This is the parallel to e through A and the result given corre- sponds to the axiom of parallels in Euclidean geometry. We can also easily show that Peano's axioms of order in a plane hold for an optical plane making use of the already defined meaning of linearly between. We can also show that if A, B and C be three elements in an optical plane which do not all lie in one general line, and if D be the mean of A and B, then a general line through D parallel to BC intersects AC in an element which is the mean of A and C. We can further prove a number of theorems in connexion with an optical plane analogous to those proved for an acceleration plane, and so bring our knowledge of the former up to a level with our knowledge of the latter. It is easy to show that if three elements A lf A 2 , A 3 which do not lie in one general line lie in one optical plane, they determine the optical plane containing them and we are able to establish criteria by which we can say whether or no three elements do lie in an optical plane. If we return to the consideration of our illustration there is, as already pointed out, a third type of plane besides those which represent acceleration and optical planes. We have next to consider certain theorems in our geometry preparatory to the investigation of a type of plane analogous to a plane in our illustration which passes through the vertex of a cone, but has no other real point in common with the cone. The first theorem is as follows : If two optical parallelograms have a pair of opposite corners in common lying in an inertia line, then their separation diagonal lines are such that no element of the one is either before or after any element of the other. If c and e be two such separation diagonal lines, then, as we have already seen, they have a common element, namely: the centre of the two optical parallelograms. Further, any general line which intersects c and e in distinct elements must itself be a separation line. It is easy to show that the separation lines c and e cannot both lie either in one acceleration plane or in one optical plane. CONICAL ORDER 39 Before we can carry out the investigation of this third type of plane, we have to introduce a new postulate. If A be any element, and a be an inertia line not containing A, while B is the element common to a and the a sub-set of A, then we shall speak of B as the first element in a which is after A. Similarly, if C be the element common to a and the j8 sub-set of A, we shall speak of C as the last element in a which is before A. The neAV postulate is as follows : POSTULATE XVIII. If a, b and c be three parallel inertia lines which do not all lie in one acceleration plane and A l be an element in a and if BJ be the first element in b which is after Aj , GJ be the first element in c which is after Aj, B 2 be the first element in b which is after C 1 , Co be the first element in c which is after B x , then the first element in a which is after B 2 and the first element in a which is after C 2 are identical. From the physical standpoint this postulate looks to be among the simplest, and corresponds to the presumed optical fact that if we have three particles P, Q and R which are unaccelerated, at rest with respect to one another, and at the corners of a triangle, then if a flash of light starting from P goes directly round from P to Q to R and back again to P, and if another flash starting from P goes directly round from P to R to Q and back again to P, then if the two flashes start out simultaneously from P they return simultaneously to P. The postulate is not, however, quite so simple as it appears, since it implies that we already know just what we mean when we say that the three particles are at rest with respect to one another and are unaccelerated. We have, however, defined the meaning of inertia lines and their parallelism so that we have already overcome this difficulty. If we take our ordinary illustration and represent the inertia lines by lines parallel to the axis of t, then we can see at once that the postulate holds for such lines, and it is not difficult to prove that it also holds if the lines representing the inertia lines are not parallel to the axis of t. There is a (b) form of this postulate in which the word last is 40 TIME AND SPACE substituted for the word first, and the word before for the word after, but it is not independent and can readily be proved from the form given. Definition. An inertia line and a separation line which are diagonal lines of the same optical parallelogram will be said to be conjugate to one another. It is evident that if an inertia line and a separation line are conjugate they lie in one acceleration plane and intersect one another. It is also evident that if A be an element lying in an inertia or separation line a in an acceleration plane P, then there is only one separation or inertia line through A and lying in P which is conjugate to a; since if two optical parallelograms lie in P and have a as a common diagonal line, then their other diagonal lines do not intersect (Post. XVI). From this it also follows that if two intersecting separation lines b and c be both conjugate to the same inertia line a, then a, b and c cannot lie in the same acceleration plane, and we shall have a and b in one acceleration plane, say P, while a and c lie in another, say Q. If be the element of intersection of b and c, then must lie both in P and Q and therefore in the inertia line a. If A! be an element in a distinct from there is one optical parallelogram in the acceleration plane P having as centre and A! as one of its corners. If parallelogram in Q also having corners and therefore having the same centre 0. The separation lines b and c will be the separation diagonal lines of the optical parallelograms in P and Q respectively, and so it follows that no element of b is either before or after any element of c. By considerations similar to the above, we can see that if two intersecting inertia lines b and c be both conjugate to the same separation line a, then a and b must lie in one acceleration plane, while a and c lie in another distinct acceleration plane. Further, if be the element of intersection of b and c, then lies in a. In this case, however, since b and c are two intersecting inertia lines they must lie in one acceleration plane which must be distinct from both the others. CONICAL ORDER 41 Again, it is clear that if a be an inertia or separation line lying in an acceleration plane P with a separation or inertia line b which is conjugate to a, then any general line c lying in P and parallel to b is also conjugate to a. Also conversely, it is clear that if a be an inertia or separation line lying in an acceleration plane P with two distinct separation or inertia lines b and c which are each conjugate to a, then b and c must be parallel to one another. By the help of Post. XVIII we are able to prove some other very important theorems regarding conjugacy such as the following: If an inertia line c be conjugate to two intersecting separation lines d and e, then if A be any element of d and B be any distinct element of e, the general line AB is conjugate to a set of inertia lines which are parallel to c. Also we can show that: if two inertia lines b and c intersect in an element A v and are both conjugate to a separation line a, then a is conjugate to every inertia line in the acceleration plane containing b and c which passes through the element A l . In the course of proving this result it is also shown that no element of a with the exception of A is either before or after any element of either of the generators of the acceleration plane con- taining b and c which pass through A { . We can also prove the theorems : If b and c be any two intersecting inertia lines, there is at least one separation line which is conjugate to both b and c. Also if b and c be any two intersecting separation lines such that no element of the one is either before or after any element of the other, there is at least one inertia line which is conjugate to both b and c. Further, if an inertia line a be conjugate to a separation line b, and if an inertia line a' be parallel to a while a separation line b' is parallel to b, and if a' and b' intersect one another, then a' is conjugate to b'. Having proved these various theorems on conjugacy we are now able to go on with the proof of the existence of the third type of plane suggested by our illustration. The first step is to prove the following theorem : If a be a separation line, and B be any element which is not an element of a, and is neither before nor after any element of a, while c is a general line passing through B and parallel to a, then 42 TIME AND SPACE if A be any element of a, while C is an element of c distinct from B, a general line through C parallel to BA will intersect a. We can easily show that no element of c is either before or after any element of a. We can next show that: if A and B be two elements lying respectively in two parallel separation lines a and b which are such that no element of the one is either before or after any element of the other, and if A' be a second and distinct element in a, there is only one general line through A' and intersecting b which does not intersect the general line AB. This is in fact the parallel to AB through A'. We are ultimately able to prove that if a and b be two parallel separation lines such that no element of the one is either before or after any element of the other, and if c and d be any two non- parallel separation lines intersecting both a and b, then the aggregate consisting of all the elements in c and in all separation lines intersecting a and b which are parallel to c must be identical with the aggregate consisting of all the elements in d and in all separation lines intersecting a and b which are parallel to d. Definition. If a and b be two parallel separation lines such that no element of the one is either before or after any element of the other, then the aggregate of all elements of all mutually parallel separation lines which intersect both a and b will be called a separation plane. We can now show that if any two distinct elements of a general line lie in a separation plane, then every element of the general line lies in the separation plane. It is easily seen that no element of a separation plane is either before or after any other element of it. We can also prove various properties of a separation plane such as the analogues of Peano's axioms and the parallel axiom, and can bring our state of knowledge of a separation plane up to the level of our knowledge of acceleration and optical planes. We can also obtain a criterion to show under what circumstances three elements which do not lie in one general line lie in a separation plane, and can prove that any three elements which do not all lie in one general line must lie either in an acceleration plane, an optical plane, or a separation plane. We can also now introduce the term general plane as a common designation for all three types and may define it as follows : CONICAL ORDER 43 Definition. If a and b be any two intersecting general lines, then the aggregate of all elements of the general line b, and of all general lines parallel to b which intersect a, will be called a general plane. The axioms of Peano are now seen to hold for a general plane as docs also the equivalent of the axiom of parallels. It is not difficult to see that: if a and b be two intersecting general lines lying in a general plane P, and if through any element not lying in P two general lines a' and b' be taken respectively parallel to a and b, then if P' be the general plane determined by a' and b', the two general planes P and P' can have no element in common. We can also show that if a' and b' intersect in 0' there is a general line through 0' and lying in P' which is parallel to any general line in P. We have already given a definition of the parallelism of acceleration planes and are now in a position to give a definition of the parallelism of general planes which will include that of acceleration planes as a special case. Definition. If P be a general plane, and if through any element A outside P two general lines be taken respectively parallel to two intersecting general lines in P, then the two general lines through A determine a general plane which will be said to be parallel to P. We can readily see that : through any element outside a general plane P, there is one single general plane parallel to P. We can also see that this general plane must be of the same kind as P. We can further show that two distinct general planes which are parallel to a third general plane are parallel to one another. If a pair of parallel general lines be both intersected by another pair of parallel general lines, then the four general lines will form a general parallelogram either in an acceleration plane, an optical plane, or a separation plane. We can now prove that: if two general parallelograms have a pair of adjacent corners in common their remaining corners either lie in one general line or else form the corners of another general parallelogram. This result is important when we come to develop the theory of congruence. 44 TIME AND SPACE We have next to consider some theorems relating to the con- jugacy of inertia and separation lines which lead on to the more general conception of the normality of general lines, of which indeed conjugacy is a special case. We can show that if an inertia line a be conjugate to two separation lines intersecting in the element and lying in a separa- tion plane P, then a is also conjugate to every separation line lying in P and passing through 0. Further, if b be any such separation line, then a and b lie in an acceleration plane, say Q, and we can prove that there is one and only one separation line, say c, lying in P and passing through which is conjugate to every inertia line in Q which passes through 0. Moreover, if R be the acceleration plane containing a and c, then we can also show that b is conjugate to every inertia line in R which passes through O. It is thus seen that there is a reciprocal relation between the separation lines b and c. We have now to introduce a new postulate. All the postulates which have hitherto been introduced may be represented by ordinary geometric figures not involving more than three dimensions, but we have now to introduce one which we cannot thus represent and which therefore gives our geometry a sort of four-dimensional character. It is as follows : POSTULATE XIX. If P be any optical plane there is at least one element which is neither before nor after any element of P. If we consider our usual illustration, we have seen that an optical plane is represented by a tangent plane to one of our cones and any point in the three-dimensional space which contains these cones is either before or after some point of such a plane. A point which actually lies in the plane will be before certain points of it and after certain others, but a point outside the plane cannot bear this double relation and must be either before or else after certain points of the plane. We cannot represent in three dimensions the case of an element such as that whose existence is asserted in Post. XIX. We may compare this with an analogous feature of an optical line in an acceleration plane. In that case, any element in the acceleration plane is either CONICAL ORDER 45 before or after some element of the optical line, and if we take the special case of an element of the optical line itself, it is before certain elements of the optical line and after certain others. The only way in which we can get an element which is neither before nor after any element of the optical line is if we go outside the acceleration plane. It will be observed that the analogy is very close. It is easy to show by the help of Post. XIX that : there are at least two distinct optical planes containing any optical line, and this might be taken as an alternative form of the postulate. In proving a number of theorems from this stage on, our usual illustration fails us and we have to get along without it. However, in many of the theorems which we require to con- sider, we can get a great part of the construction into three dimensions and the remaining portion is easy, but in any case the practice which we have had in proving theorems by means of the relations of before and after enables us to treat four-dimensional theorems without much extra difficulty. The first theorem which we prove by means of this postulate is as follows: If b be any separation line, and be any element in it, there are at least two acceleration planes containing O, and such that b is conjugate to every inertia line in each of them which passes through 0. Another important result which we reach is that we may have an acceleration plane and a separation plane having only one element in common, and such that each inertia line through the common element in the former is conjugate to every separation line through it in the latter. In ordinary three-dimensional geometry, of course, we cannot have two planes with only one point in common. Again, the following theorem may be proved: If two distinct acceleration planes P and P' have a separation line 6 in common, and if another separation line c intersecting b in the element be conjugate to every inertia line in P which passes through O, then if c be conjugate to one inertia line in P' which passes through O, it is conjugate to every inertia line in P' which passes through 0. 46 TIME AND SPACE NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES HAVING A COMMON ELEMENT WE are now in a position to define what we mean when we say that a general line a is normal to a general line b which has an element in common with it. Since a and b are not always general lines of the same kind, it is difficult to give any simple definition which will include all cases; but the introduction of the word "normal" is justified by the simplification which is thereby brought about in the statement of many theorems. Moreover, once we have introduced coordinates, the condition of the normality of general lines is the same in all cases. Only one case will be found to be strictly analogous to the normality of intersecting straight lines in ordinary geometry; namely, the case of two separation lines. The other cases are so different from our ordinary ideas of lines "aZ right angles'''' that we do not propose to use this expression in connexion with them. Thus for instance any optical line is to be regarded as being "normal to itself" and the use of the words "at right angles" would in this case clearly be an abuse of language. The extension of the idea of normality from the cases of general lines having a common element to the cases of general lines which have not a common element is, however, quite analogous to the corresponding extension in ordinary geometry and will be made subsequently. We are at present only concerned with the cases of general lines having a common element and shall naturally include among these that of an optical line being "normal" to itself. Thus the complete definition of the normality of general lines having a common element is to be taken as consisting of the following four particular definitions A, B, C and D. Definition A. An optical line will be said to be normal to itself. Definition B. If an optical line a and a separation line b have an element in common, and if no element of b with the exception of O be either before or after any element of a, then b will be said to be normal to a and a will be said to be normal to b. Definition C. If an inertia line a and a separation line b be NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES 47 conjugate one to the other, then a will be said to be normal to b and b will be said to be normal to a. Definition D. A separation line a having an element in common with a separation line b will be said to be normal to b provided an acceleration plane P exists containing b, and such that every inertia line in P which passes through is conjugate to a. In this last case since there is one single inertia line in P which passes through and is conjugate to b, it is evident that a and b lie in a separation plane. Further, the result mentioned immediately prior to the intro- duction of Post. XIX shows that in this case the relation between a and b is a reciprocal one, so that b satisfies the definition of being normal to a provided a is normal to b. It is clear from our definitions that for general lines which have an element in common we may have: (i) A separation line normal to an inertia line, an optical line, or a separation line. (ii) An optical line normal only to an optical line or a separation line. (iii) An inertia line normal only to a separation line. Again, if a be a separation line, and b a general line intersecting a and normal to it, then: (i) If b be an inertia line, a and b lie in one acceleration plane. (ii) If b be an optical line, a and b lie in one optical plane. (iii) If & be a separation line, a and b lie in one separation plane. If P be a separation plane, and if b be any separation line in P, and O be any element in 6, we can easily show that there is one, and only one, separation line in P and passing through which is normal to b. Again, if instead P be an acceleration plane, and if b be any general line in P, and be any element in b, then we know that if b be either an inertia or a separation line there is one and only one general line in P and passing through which is conjugate and therefore normal to b. Also from our definitions if b be an optical line there is still one and only one general line in P and passing through which is normal to b : namely, b itself. Thus we have the following general result : // P be either a separation plane or an acceleration plane, and 48 TIME AND SPACE if b be any general line in P and be any element in b, then there is one and only one general line lying in P and passing through which is normal to b. Now we have seen that if a separation line a be normal to a separation line b having an element in common with it, then a and b lie in a separation plane. Thus two intersecting separation lines in an optical plane cannot be normal one to another. Any separation line, however, which lies in an optical plane is normal to every optical line in the optical plane, since no element of the separation line except the element of intersection is either before or after any element of any optical line in the optical plane. Since there is one, and only one, optical line which passes through any element of an optical plane and lies in the optical plane, we have the following result : If P be an optical plane, and if b be any separation line in P, and be any element in b, then there is one, and only one, general line lying in P and passing through which is normal to b. If on the other hand b be an optical line lying in P, then every general line in P which passes through (including b itself ) is normal to b. There is another very important theorem concerning the normality of general lines which is as follows : // b and c be two distinct general lines having an element O in common, and if a general line a passing through be normal to both b and c, then a is normal to every general line which passes through O and lies in the general plane containing b and c. There are a number of special cases of this theorem which have already been mentioned, and some others which have not been referred to. An enumeration of the different cases will be found in my larger work. We can now prove that if b and c be two general lines inter- secting in an element and such that the one is normal to the other, and if they are respectively parallel to two other general lines b' and c' intersecting in an element 0', then of these latter two general lines the one is normal to the other. We can now give the following definition : Definition. A general line b will be said to be normal to a general line c' which has no element in common with it, provided that NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES 49 a general line b' taken through any element of c' parallel to b is normal to c' in the sense already denned. Since any optical line is normal to itself, it follows from the above definition that any two parallel optical lines are to be regarded as normal to one another. Definition. A general line a will be said to be normal to a general plane P provided a be normal to every general line in P. It is evident that if a general line a be normal to two inter- secting general lines in a general plane P, then a will be normal to P. In case P be an optical plane it is clear that, according to the above definition, any generator of P is normal to P. This is the only case in which a general line can be normal to a general plane which contains it. In no other case can a general line which is normal to a general plane have more than one element in common with the latter. It has already been pointed out that we may have an accelera- tion plane and a separation plane having only one element in common and such that each inertia line through the common element in the former is conjugate to every separation line through it in the latter. It is evident now that we have here two general planes which are so related that any general line in the one is normal to any general line in the other. In ordinary three-dimensional geometry two planes cannot be so related, and when we speak of one plane being normal to another, the normality is not of this complete character. We shall therefore introduce the following definition : Definition. If two general planes be so related that every general line in the one is normal to every general line in the other, the two general planes will be said to be completely normal to one another. We are now able to prove that if P be any general plane and be any element in it, there is at least one general plane passing through and completely normal to P. In fact if P be an acceleration plane the general plane com- pletely normal to it whose existence we prove is a separation plane, if P be a separation plane the completely normal general plane is an acceleration plane, while if P be an optical plane, the completely normal general plane is an optical plane. We can, however, go further and instead of taking as any 50 TIME AND SPACE element in P we can prove a similar result if O be any element whatever. Again, let O be any element and let S be any separation plane passing through 0, while P is an acceleration plane passing through and completely normal to S. Let a be any separation line in S which passes through O, and let b be the one single separation line in S and passing through which is normal to a. Let c be any separation line passing through O and lying in P, and let d be the one single inertia line in P and passing through which is normal to c. Then both c and d are normal to both a and b and so we have the three separation lines a, b and c all passing through O and each of them normal to the other two ; while in addition to these we have the inertia line d also passing through and normal to all three. This marks an important stage in the development of our theory as it suggests the possibility of setting up a system of coordinate axes one of which axes is of a different character from the remaining three. Various other theorems concerning normality which are im- portant in the logical development may now be proved and among these we mention the following: If three general lines a, b and c have an element in common, there is at least one general line passing through which is normal to all three. We are now in a position to take another important step in the development of our subject by defining three/olds. In defining general lines and general planes, it was found necessary to define particular types separately, before any general definition could be given. This difficult v does not occur in the case of general threefolds. Definition. If a general line a and a general plane P intersect, then the aggregate of all elements of P and of all general planes parallel to P which intersect a will be called a general threefold. It will be found that, just as there are three types of general line and three types of general plane, so there are three types of general threefold. The distinction will be made hereafter, but there are many properties possessed in common by all three types and of which general proofs may be given. NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES 51 Thus we can show that if two distinct elements of a general line lie in a general threefold, then every element of the general line lies in the general threefold. Also if a general plane have three distinct elements in common with a general threefold, and if these three elements do not lie in one general line, then every element of the general plane lies in the general threefold. Further, if a general line b lies in a general threefold W, and if A be any element lying in W but not in b, then the general line through A parallel to b also lies in W. Also if a general plane P lies in a general threefold W, and if A be any element lying in W but not in P, then the general plane through A parallel to P also lies in W. Moreover, we can show that if a general threefold W be deter- mined by a general plane P and a general line a which intersects P, then if Q be any general plane lying in W and if b be any general line lying in W and intersecting Q, the general plane Q and the general line b also determine the same general threefold W. It follows from this that any four distinct elements which do not all lie in one general plane determine a general threefold containing them ; as do also any three distinct general lines having a common element and not all lying in one general plane. We can also prove that if two distinct general planes P and Q lie in a general threefold W, then if P and Q have one element in common they have a second element in common and have there- fore a general line in common. Moreover, if P and Q have no element in common but both lie in W then they must be parallel. Now we have already seen that we can have a separation plane S and an acceleration plane P having an element in common and which are completely normal to one another. We have also seen that in this case P and S cannot have a second element in common. It follows that P and S cannot lie in one general threefold. Now let a x and a 2 be any two distinct general lines lying in P and passing through 0. Then S and % determine a general threefold, say W lt while S and a 2 determine a general threefold, saw W z . Now W^ and W 2 must be distinct, for if W 2 were identical with W^ then W would contain both a x and 2 and would therefore con tain P. 52 TIME AND SPACE But Wi contains S and so this is impossible. Thus Wj and W z are distinct general threefolds, each of which contains the separation plane S. Since there are an infinite number of general lines lying in P and passing through 0, it follows that there are an infinite number of general threefolds which all contain any separation plane S. Similarly, there are an infinite number of general threefolds which all contain any acceleration plane P. Without Post. XIX or some equivalent, we cannot from our remaining postulates show that there is more than one general threefold; for the proof of the existence of an acceleration plane which is completely normal to a separation plane depends upon Post. XIX. We can now prove that: if a, b and c be any three distinct general lines having an element O in common but not all lying in one general plane, and if a general line d also passing through be normal to , b and c, then d is normal to every general line in the general threefold containing a, b and c. Definition. A general line which is normal to every general line in a general threefold will be said to be normal to the general three- fold. We are now able to prove the existence of the three different types of general threefold and to give criteria by which we can tell in which kind of general threefold a given set of four elements (not all in one general plane) must lie. The three different types may be defined as follows : Definition. If a separation line a intersects a separation plane S and is normal to it, then the aggregate of all elements of S and of all separation planes parallel to S which intersect a will be called a separation threefold. Definition. If an optical line a intersects a separation plane S and is normal to it, then the aggregate of all elements of S and of all separation planes parallel to S which intersect a will be called an optical threefold. Definition. If an inertia line a intersects a separation plane S and is normal to it, then the aggregate of all elements of S and of all separation planes parallel to S which intersect a will be called a rotation threefold. As regards the characteristic properties of these different types ; NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES 53 no element of a separation threefold is either before or after any other element of it, and so the only type of general lines which it contains are separation lines and the only type of general planes are separation planes. As regards an optical threefold, through any element of it there is one single optical line lying in the optical threefold and all these optical lines are neutrally parallel to one another. These will be spoken of as generators. An optical threefold contains separation lines and optical lines but no other type of general line, and it contains separation planes and optical planes but no other type of general plane. As regards a rotation threefold, it contains all three types of general line and all three types of general plane. Through any element of it there are an infinite number of optical lines, which we shall call generators, lying in the rotation threefold and in fact all the postulates which we introduced prior to Post. XIX hold for the set of elements contained in a rotation threefold without going outside that rotation threefold. This is clearly not true for separation or optical threefolds. We are now in a position to introduce a new postulate which limits the number of dimensions of our set of elements. POSTULATE XX. If W be any optical threefold, then any element of the set must be either before or after some element of W. This postulate should be compared with Post. XIX and the difference noted. In Post. XIX the existence of an element neither before nor after any element of an optical plane is asserted, while in Post. XX the existence of an element neither before nor after any element of an optical threefold is denied. As in the case of an optical line and an optical plane, so too in the case of an optical threefold, if any element be after one element of it and before another it must itself be an element of the optical threefold. We are now able to prove that : if P be any general plane and O be any element of the set, there is one, and only one, general plane passing through and completely normal to P. We had previously shown that there was at least one such general plane and now we can show that it is unique. 54 TIME AND SPACE We can also prove that : (1) If P be any acceleration or separation plane and be any element outside it, then the general plane through and com- pletely normal to P has one single element in common with P. (2) If P be an optical plane and be any element outside it, the optical plane through O and completely normal to P has an optical line in common with P if be neither before nor after any element of P, but has no element in common with P if O be either before or after any element of P. We can further prove that: if W be any general threefold and be any element of the set, there is one, and only one, general line passing through and normal to W. Also if a be any general line and be any element of the set there is one, and only one, general threefold passing through and normal to a. Further, we can show that : if a be a general line and be any element in it while W is a general threefold passing through and normal to a, then (1) If a be an inertia line, W is a separation threefold. (2) If a be a separation line, W is & rotation threefold. (3) If a be an optical line, W is an optical threefold containing a. We can now show that: if W 7 be a general threefold and A be any element outside it, then any general line through A is either parallel to a general line in W or else has one single element in common with W ' . Since a separation threefold contains only separation lines, while an optical threefold contains only separation lines and a system of parallel optical lines, it follows from the last result that : every inertia line and every optical line intersects every separation threefold, while every inertia line and every optical line which is not parallel to a generator of an optical threefold intersects the optical threefold. Again, we can show that if W be a general threefold and P be a general plane which does not lie in W, then if P has one element in common with W, it has a general line in common with W. Further, if W^ and W z be two distinct general threefolds having an element A in common, then they have a general plane in common. We can also prove that: if W be a general threefold and be any element outside it, and if through there pass three general lines a, b and c which do not all lie in one general plane and which NORMALITY OF GENERAL LINES 55 are respectively parallel to three general lines in W, then a, b and c determine a general threefold W, such that every general line in W is parallel to a general line in W. We accordingly introduce the following definition : Definition. If W be a general threefold, and if through any element A outside W three general lines be taken not all lying in one general plane but respectively parallel to three general lines in W, then the general lines through A determine a general threefold which will be said to be parallel to W. It is clear that a general threefold can only be parallel to another general threefold if they are both of the same type. It is also easy to see that if A be any element outside a general threefold W, there is only one general threefold passing through A and parallel to W. Further, if two distinct general threefolds are both parallel to the same general threefold they are parallel to one another. There are various cases of partial normality of general planes to general planes and general threefolds, and of general threefolds to general threefolds considered in my larger work, but which we do not propose to go into here. There is one very important theorem we shall now enunciate which is required in the treatment of the theory of congruence: the subject we propose next to take up. It is as follows: If A, J5, C, D be the corners of an optical parallelogram (AC being the inertia diagonal line), and if A, B', C, D' be the corners of a second optical parallelogram, while A', B', C', D' are the corners of a third optical parallelogram whose diagonal line A'C' is conjugate to BD, then A', B, C', D will be the corners of a fourth optical parallelogram. The importance of this theorem lies in the fact that it enables us to show the unique character of the relations of certain elements in respect of congruence. 56 TIME AND SPACE THEORY OF CONGRUENCE WE are now in a position to consider the problems of congruence and measurement in our system of geometry. The first point to be considered is the congruence of pairs of elements and we shall find that there are several cases which have to be considered separately. Two distinct elements A and B will be spoken of briefly as a pair and will be denoted by the symbols (A, B) or (B, A). The order in which the letters are written will be taken advantage of in order to symbolize a certain correspondence between the elements of pairs, as we shall shortly explain. Since any two distinct elements determine a general line containing them, there will always be one general line associated with any given pair, but different pairs will be associated with the same general line. If we set up a correspondence between the elements of a pair (A, B) and a pair (C, D) we might either take C to correspond to A and D to B, or else take D to correspond to A and C to B. The first of these might be symbolized briefly by : (A, B) corresponds to (C, D), or (B, A) corresponds to (D, C). The second might be symbolized by: (A, B) corresponds to (D, C), or (B, A) corresponds to (C, D). If we consider the case of pairs which have a common element, say (A, B) and (A, C), and if (A, B) corresponds to (A, C), then the element A corresponds to itself and will be said to be latent. Now the congruence of pairs is a correspondence which can be set up in a certain way between certain pairs lying in general lines of the same type. The correspondence is set up in virtue of certain similarities of relationship. In dealing with this subject, it will be found convenient to have a systematic notation for optical parallelograms, so that we may be able to distinguish how the different comers are related. THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 57 If A, B, C, D be the corners of an optical parallelogram we shall use the notation A BCD when we wish to signify that the corners A and D lie in the inertia diagonal line and that A is before D, while B and C lie in the separation diagonal line so that the one is neither before nor after the other. If O be the centre of the optical parallelogram ABCD, it is obvious that O will be after A and before D. A pair (A, B) will be spoken of as an optical pair, an inertia pair or a separation pair according as AB is an optical, an inertia, or a separation line. We shall first give a definition of the congruence of inertia pairs having a latent element. Definition. If A 1[ BCD l and A 2 BCD 2 be optical parallelograms having the common pair of opposite corners B and C and the common centre O, then the inertia pair (0, DJ will be said to be congruent to the inertia pair (0, Z> 2 ). This will be written Similarly the inertia pair (O, Aj) will be said to be congruent to the inertia pair (O, A 2 ). If (0, Dj) be any inertia pair and a be any inertia line inter- secting OZ>j in O, then the above definition enables us to show that there is one and only one element, say X, in a which is distinct from O and such that : (0, D 1 )( = )(0,X). The unique character of the element X is proved by means of the theorem stated at the end of the last section. Again, if (O, D x ), (O, D 2 ) and (O, D 3 ) be inertia pairs such that: (0,DJ(*)(Q.D& and (0,D a )(=)<0,D 8 ), it is easy to show that : (0,DJ(=)(O t p 9 ). In order to see this we have only to remember that whether the inertia lines OZ) 15 OD 2 , OD 3 all lie in one acceleration plane or in one rotation threefold, there must be at least one separation line passing through and normal to all three. Thus for inertia pairs having a latent element the relation of congruence is a transitive relation. 58 TIME AND SPACE We shall next consider the congruence of separation pairs having a latent element. This case differs somewhat from the one we have considered. While two intersecting inertia lines always lie in an acceleration plane, two intersecting separation lines may lie either in a separa- tion plane, an optical plane, or an acceleration plane. An inertia line can only be conjugate to two intersecting separation lines if these lie in a separation plane, and so if we were to give a definition of the congruence of separation pairs having a latent element which was strictly analogous to that given for inertia pairs, such a definition would be incomplete. It is, however, possible to give a definition based on that already given for inertia pairs which will include all cases. In order to avoid complication we shall first explain what we mean by an inertia pair being "conjugate" to a separation pair or a separation pair being "conjugate" to an inertia pair. Definition. If ABCD be an optical parallelogram and be its centre, then the inertia pairs (0, D) and (O, A) will be spoken of as conjugates to the separation pairs (0, B) and (0, C) and also conversely. The pair (0, D) will be called an after-conjugate to the pairs (0, B), (0, C), while (0, A) will be called a before-conjugate to the pairs (0, B), (0, C). Further, either of the separation pairs (0, B), (0, C) will be called an after-conjugate to (O, A) and a before-conjugate to (0, D). Now we know that there are an infinite number of acceleration planes which contain any given separation line and so there are always inertia pairs which are conjugate to any given separation pair. Knowing this we can give the following definition of the "con- gruence" of separation pairs having a latent element. Definition. If (0, Bj) and (0, B 2 ) be separation pairs, and if (0, Z)j) and (0, D 2 ) be inertia pairs which are after-conjugates to (0, BJ and (0, B 2 ) respectively, then if (0, DJ (=) (0, D 2 ) we shall say that (0, B^ is congruent to (0, B 2 ) and shall write this: It is easy to see that the congruence of (O, BJ to (0, B 2 ) is independent of the particular after-conjugates to (0, B^) and (0, B 2 ) which we may select. THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 59 From the corresponding result for the case of inertia pairs we can prove directly that if (0, BJ, (0, Z? 2 ) and (O, B 3 ) be separation pairs such that : (0? B j { = } (0 , B 2 ), and (0,JB 2 ){=}(0,B 8 ), then (0,B,){=}(0,B S ), or for separation pairs having a latent element, the relation of con- gruence is a transitive relation. Again, if (0, B) be any separation pair and be any separation line passing through 0, there are two and only two elements, say X and Y lt in a which are distinct from and such that: (0,B){s}(0,Z 1 ), and (O f B){=}(0 9 Y 1 ). In fact if ABCD be an optical parallelogram and be its centre we observe that according to our definitions we have: (0,B){=}(0, C), but not (0,A)(=)(O t D). The reason why we make this distinction is that in the separa- tion pairs we have neither before nor after B and also neither before nor after C, while in the inertia pairs we have O after A and before D. Thus in the first case the relations are alike in respect of before and after, while in the second case the relations are different. The question now arises as to the "congruence" of optical pairs. In this case constructions such as those by which we defined the congruence of inertia and separation pairs having a latent element entirely fail and there is nothing at all analogous to them. We are thus led to regard optical pairs as not determinately com- parable with one another in respect of congruence, except when they lie in the same, or in parallel optical lines. In fact to suppose otherwise would be to destroy the symmetry of our geometry, and it is on this account that when we make use of our usual illustration of conical order by means of cones, we get distortion; since the generators of the cones are ordinary straight lines, and a portion of any one is comparable with a portion of any other in respect of length. As regards the "congruence" of pairs lying in the same general line, no definition has yet been given except for the very special 60 TIME AND SPACE case of inertia or separation pairs having a latent element; while no definition whatever has been given of the "congruence" of pairs lying in parallel general lines. The method by which we do this is by employing the properties of general parallelograms. Definition. A pair (A, B) will be said to be opposite to a pair (C, D), if, and only if, the elements A, B, C, D form the corners of a general parallelogram in such a way that AB and CD are one pair of opposite sides, while AC and BD are the other pair of opposite sides. This will be denoted by the symbols : It will be observed that the use of the symbol a implies that the pairs (A, B) and (C, D) lie in distinct general lines which are parallel to one another. If, however, we have and (E, F) a (C, D), then the pairs (A, B) and (E, F) may Jie either in the same or in parallel general lines. If (A, B) and (E, F) do not lie in the same general line, then it follows from a theorem already mentioned (p. 43) that we may write: (A,B)[=\(E,F). We can now prove the following theorem: If (A, B), (A', B') and (C, D) be pairs such that: (A, B) n (C, D), and (A 1 , B') a (C, D), and if (C", D'} be any other pair such that: (A, B) a (C', D'), and which does not lie in the general line A'B', then we shall also have: (A',B')C3(C' t D f ). We can now introduce the following definition : Definition. A pair (A, B) will be said to be co-directionally congruent to a pair (A 1 , B'} provided a pair (C, D) exists such that: (A , B ) a (C, D), and (A', B') a (C, D). THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 61 The theorem above enunciated shows that we are at liberty to replace the pair (C, Z>) by any other pair (C', D'} such that: (A, B) a (C, D'), provided that (C', D') does not lie in the general line A'B'. We shall symbolize the co-directional congruence of (A, B) to (A', B') thus: (A,B)\=\(A',B f ). It will be seen that (A, B) tt(A', B') implies that (A,B) = \(A',B') but that the latter does not imply the former except when AB and A'B' are distinct general lines. We can easily prove that if (A,B)\ = (C,D), and (C,D)\=\(E,F), then (A,B)\ = (E, F), or the relation of co-directional congruence of pairs is a transitive relation. It is now possible to give a general definition of the congruence of inertia or separation pairs. This is done by combining co-directional congruence with congruence in which an element is latent. This may be compared to combining translation with rotation, but differs in this, that it does not imply the motion of any rigid body. Definition. An inertia pair (A 1} Bj) will be said to be congruent to an inertia pair (A 2 , B 2 ) provided an inertia pair (A 2 , C 2 ) exists such that: (A l9 B 1 )\^\(A t9 C t ) t and (A t , B t ) (=) (A t , C 2 ). Definition. A separation pair (A, B t ) will be said to be congruent to a separation pair (A 2 , B 2 ) provided a separation pair (A 2 , C 2 ) exists such that: (A l9 B 1 )\ = \(A 9t C t ) t and (A 2 , B 2 ) {=} (A 2 , C 2 ). We shall denote the generalized congruence of inertia or of separation pairs by the symbol = thus : (A lt BJ = (A 2 , B 2 ). We shall also use the same symbol to denote the congruence of optical pairs, but in the latter case it is to be regarded as simply 62 TIME AND SPACE equivalent to the symbol | = | since the only congruence of optical pairs is taken to be co-directional. In my larger work several theorems are proved prior to the introduction of the general definitions of the congruence of inertia and of separation pairs. These theorems enable us to show that this general congruence is of a reciprocal character so that (A lt BJ = (A t , B 2 ), implies that (A 2 , B 2 ) = (A lt BJ, both for inertia and for separation pairs and also (A lt BJ = (A 2 , B 2 ), implies that (B lt AJ = (B 2 , A 2 ), for both types of pairs. Further, both for inertia and for separation pairs it is easy to see that (A, B) = (A, B), and we can also prove that if (A 1} BJ = (A 2 , B 2 ), and (A 2 , B 2 ) = (A 3 , B 9 ), then (A!, BJ = (A 3 , B 3 ). Thus for inertia or separation pairs the general relation of con- gruence is a transitive relation. Again, if (A, B) be a separation pair we can show that (A, B) = (B, A). We have not, however, a corresponding result in the case of either inertia or optical pairs since the elements in such pairs are asymmetrically related. We can easily prove that if (A lt BJ, (A 2 , B 2 ), (B lt CJ, (B 2 , C 2 ) be pairs such that (^,^1= (A 2 ,B 2 ), and (B^ CJ \=\ (B 2 , C 2 ), then if C x be distinct from A^ we shall also have (A lt Q) = (A t , C 2 ). We can also show that if (A lt BJ, (A 2 , B 2 ), (B lt C x ), (B z , C 2 ) be inertia or separation pairs such that (A lt B,) = (A 2 , B 2 ), and (B ly Q) = (B 2 , C 2 ), THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 63 then if B l be linearly between A l and C l while B 2 is linearly between A 2 and C 2 we shall also have (A lt C,) = (A 2 , C 2 ). A similar result also holds for optical pairs, but in that case the congruence must of course be co-directional. Again, we can show that if A and B be two distinct elements and E be any element in AB distinct from A and B, while F is an element in AB such that (A,E) =\(F,B), then we shall have (A, F) \=\ (E, B). Definitions. If A and B be two distinct elements, then the set of all elements lying linearly between A and B will be called the segment AB. The elements A and B will be called the ends of the segment, but are not included in it. The set of elements obtained by including the ends will be called a linear interval. If A and B be two distinct elements, then the set of elements such as X where B is linearly between A and X may be called the prolongation of the segment AB beyond B. Such a set of elements may also be spoken of as a general half-line. The element B will be called the end of the general half-line. We shall describe segments and general half-lines as optical, inertia, or separation, according as they lie in optical, inertia, or separation lines. If A, B, C be three distinct elements which do not all lie in one general line, then the three segments AB, BC, CA, together with the three elements A, B, C, will be called a general triangle or briefly a triangle in an acceleration, optical, or separation plane, as the case may be. The elements A, B, C will be called the corners, while the segments AB, BC, CA will be called the sides of the general triangle. We can now prove the following very important theorem : If A 1} B lt G! be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane P : and A 2 , B 2 , C 2 be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane (C lf A,) = (C 2 , A t ), 64 TIME AND SPACE while B^CI is normal to A^C^, and B 2 C 2 is normal to A 2 C 2 , then we shall also have (^ ^ = (^ 2? B 2 ). It will be observed that this theorem is analogous to the fourth proposition of Euclid for the special case of right-angled triangles and we are able to prove it without superposition. We can also prove two converses of this theorem as follows : If AH B 1} Cj be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane P lt and A z , B 2 , C 2 be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane P 2 , then: (1) If (C lf AJ = (C 2 , A 2 ), (Ai,BJ&(Ai,B t ), while B 1 C 1 is normal to A 1 C 1 and B 2 C Z is normal to A 2 C 2 , we shall also have ( 1? sj = (C 2 , B 2 ). (2) If (A 19 BJ = (A t , BJ, (Ai, CJ = (A 2 , C 2 ), (B l ,Cjm(Bi,Cj > while A 1 C 1 is normal to B^C^, then we shall also have A 2 C 2 normal toB 2 C 2 . A further theorem may now be proved whose importance consists in this : that it is equivalent to one of the assumptions used by Professor Veblen in his treatment of the subject of congruence in ordinary Euclidean geometry. It is as follows : If A-L, .B 13 Cj be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane Pj, and A 2 , B 2 , C 2 be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane P 2 , and if D^ be an element in B^C^ such that Cj is linearly between J5j and D lt while Z> 2 is an element in B 2 C 2 such that C 2 is linearly between B 2 and D 2 ; and if further (A lt B,) = (A 2 , B 2 ), (B lt d) = (B 2 , C 2 ), (C lf AJ == (C 2 , ^ 2 ), (5 15J D 1 )^(B 2 , J D 2 ), we shaU also have (A lt Dj) = (^ 2> ^2)- Definitions. If and -X" be two distinct elements in a separation plane S, then the set of all elements in S such as X, where (0, X) = (0, X Q ), will be called a separation circle. THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 65 The element will be called the centre of the separation circle. Any one of the linear intervals such as OX will be called a radius of the separation circle. If X-L and X. 2 be two elements of the separation circle such that X^X 2 passes through 0, then the linear interval X-^X^ will be called a diameter of the separation circle. Any element which lies in a radius but which is not an element of the separation circle itself will be said to lie inside or in the interior of the separation circle. Any element which lies in S but not in a radius will be said to lie outside or exterior to the separation circle. It is easy to see that any general line b in a general plane P divides the remaining elements of P into two sets such that if A and C be any two elements of opposite sets, then b will intersect AC in an element linearly between A and C; while if A and A' be two elements of the same set, then b will not intersect A A' in any element linearly between A and A. If elements X and Y lie in the general plane P but not in the general line b, they will be said to lie on the same side of b if they both lie in the same set and will be said to lie on apposite sides of b if X lies in one of the sets and Y in the other set. We can now prove that if a separation circle and a separation line both lie in a separation plane S, they cannot have more than two elements in common. We can also prove that if a separation circle in a separation plane S pass through an element A which is inside and another element B which is outside a second separation circle in S, then the two separation circles have two elements in common which lie on opposite sides of the separation line AB. This theorem also corresponds to one of Veblen's fundamental assumptions. We can also prove a theorem which is the equivalent of the well-known Axiom of Archimedes. It is as follows : If AQ, A and C be three distinct elements such that A is linearly between A and C, and if A 2 , A 3 , A 4 ... be elements such that A l is linearly between A and A 2 , A 2 is linearly between A^ and A s , and such that (A , AJ = (A lt A 2 ) = (A 2 , A, B. 66 TIME AND SPACE then there are not more than a finite number of the elements A lt A 2 , A s ... linearly between A and C. We shall now give the final postulate of our system which is equivalent to the axiom of Dedekind, and which therefore renders the set of elements a continuum in the mathematical sense. POSTULATE XXI. If all the elements of an optical line be divided into two sets such that every element of the first set is before every element of the second set, then there is one single element of the optical line which is not before any element of the first set and is not after any element of the second set. Since an element is neither before nor after itself it is evident that this one single element may belong either to the first or second set. It is possible to prove that the Dedekind property holds also for inertia and for separation lines, but in the case of the latter it is necessary to formulate it somewhat differently, since no element of a separation line is either before or after any other element. The necessary modification is given in my larger work. Definitions. If (A, B) and (C, D) be inertia or optical pairs in which B is after A and D after C, or if (A, B) and (C, D) be separa- tion pairs, then: (1) If (A, B) = (C, D) we shall say that the segment AB is equal to the segment CD. (2) If (A y B) = (C, E] where E is an element linearly between C and D we shall say that the segment AB is less than the segment CD. (3) If (A, B) = (C, F) where F is any element such that D is linearly between C and F we shall say that the segment AB is greater than the segment CD. In the case of separation or inertia segments we must always have either AB is equal to CD, or AB is less than CD, or AB is greater than CD. In the case of optical segments, however, this is only true provided they lie in the same or parallel optical lines. Again, if (A, B) and (C, D) be inertia or optical pairs in which B is after A and D after C, or if they be separation pairs, and if THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 67 E, F, G be elements such that F is linearly between E and G while ( A> #) = (E, F), and (C, D) = (F, G), we shall say that the length of the segment EG is equal to the sum of the lengths of the segments AB and CD. It is evident that the lengths of two optical segments can only have a sum in this sense provided they lie in the same or parallel optical lines, whereas the lengths of two inertia segments or two separation segments always have a sum. Having thus introduced the idea of the length of a segment being equal to the sum of the lengths of two others, we can obviously have any multiple and also (as follows from the remarks on p. 36) any sub-multiple of a given segment: using the terms "multiple" and "sub-multiple" in the ordinary sense. We can also clearly have a segment equal to any proper or improper fractional part of the given segment, and, by making use of our equivalents of the Archimedes and Dedekind axioms along with the corresponding properties of real numbers, we can complete the whole theory of representing lengths along a general line by means of real numbers. The logical details of this will be found, for instance, in Pierpont's Theory of Functions of Real Variables, vol. i, chapters i and n. The criterion of proportion given by Euclid is clearly applicable in our geometry, and we can readily show that separation segments are proportional to their conjugate inertia segments, etc. We have now reached a stage in our investigation where we are able to show that : the geometry of a separation threefold is formally identical with the ordinary (Euclidean) geometry of three dimensions. The way in which this is done in my larger work is by showing that, in a separation threefold, a set of propositions holds which had already been shown by Veblen to be sufficient as a basis for the ordinary three-dimensional (Euclidean) geometry. From this stage on, we are evidently at liberty to make use of any known theorem of ordinary geometry and apply it in the geometry of a separation threefold. Thus if A, B, C be the corners of a triangle in a separation plane, such that EC is normal to AC, then the theorem of Pythagoras shows that ^# )2 = ( BC y + ^ AC ^ 52 68 TIME AND SPACE For the details as to how this development is carried out, we must refer the reader to the works of Veblen and others. We have next to consider some congruence theorems in optical and acceleration planes, which in some respects are quite different from the corresponding theorems in separation planes. The following theorem is one which shows up this difference in a very striking way : If O and X Q be two distinct elements in a separation line lying in an optical plane P, then the set of elements in P such as X where OX is a separation line and (0, X) = (0, X 9 ) consists of a pair of parallel optical lines. In other words a pair of parallel optical lines is the analogue in an optical plane of a circle : that is to say, in so far as an analogue exists. It is obvious that two such loci in the same optical plane can never intersect although they may have an optical line in common. Further, instead of a single centre, as in the case of a circle, we have an optical line such that any element in it may be regarded as a centre. If A, B and C be the corners of a triangle in an optical plane P such that AB, BC and CA are all separation lines and we take optical lines in P passing through A, B and C, then these optical lines will intersect BC, CA and AB respectively in elements which we shall denote by A', B' and C' respectively. It is easy to prove that, in all cases, one and only one of the three elements A', B', C' lies linearly between a pair of the corners A, B, C. Now let us consider the case, for instance, where A' is linearly between B and C. It follows at once from the above-mentioned theorem that (B, A) = (B, A'), and (C, A) = (C, A'), a result which may be expressed in the following form : If all three sides of a triangle in an optical plane be separation segments, then the sum of the lengths of a certain two of the sides is equal to that of the third side. The geometry of an optical plane, although it shows some very THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 69 remarkable features, is yet, in many respects, simpler than that of either a separation plane or an acceleration plane. It is next necessary to consider some congruence properties of triangles in acceleration planes. If A lf B 1 , C l be the corners of a triangle in an acceleration plane P 1} and A 2 , B 2 , C 2 be the corners of a triangle in an accelera- tion plane P 2 , and if further, B 1 C l be a separation line which is normal to the inertia line A-^C^, while B 2 C 2 is a separation line which is normal to the inertia line A 2 C 2 , then: (1) If (C lt A,) = (C 2 , A 2 ), and (C lf BJ = (C 2 , B t ), we shall either have (A lt BJ ~ (A 2 , B 2 ), or else both A^B^ and A 2 B 2 will be optical lines. (2) If (A lt CJ = (C lt A t ), and (C 15 Bj) = (C 2 , B 2 ), we shall either have (A lt BJ = (B 2 , A 2 ), or else both A 1 B 1 and B 2 A 2 will be optical lines. It will be observed that this theorem corresponds to the fourth proposition of Euclid for the special case where the given sides of each of the two triangles are normal to one another. It will be noticed that when A 1 B l and A 2 B 2 are optical lines, we are not at liberty to assert the congruence of the corresponding pairs, although when they are not optical lines we can assert their congruence. It may even happen, if A^B V and A 2 B 2 are optical lines, that the segment A 1 B 1 is a part of the segment A 2 B 2 . It will be seen that this theorem is considerably more complicated than the corresponding theorem for the case of separation planes, and the same will be found to hold for other congruence theorems in acceleration planes. If we express these theorems in terms of segments instead of pairs, there is not so much complication, but by doing so we, to some extent, lose sight of certain before and after relations. It is nevertheless frequently desirable to express these theorems in terms of segments instead of pairs, but even then, optical segments are exceptional. The method by which the above theorem is proved, is by showing that these triangles in acceleration planes may each be 70 TIME AND SPACE correlated with a triangle in a separation plane, and the known congruence properties of these latter triangles are then used to establish the congruence properties of the former. If we consider the triangle whose corners are A : , B^, C 15 we have -BjCj a separation line, and A 1 C 1 is an inertia line normal to B 1 C 1 , while A 1 B 1 may be: (i) a separation line, (ii) an inertia line, (iii) an optical line. In case (i) we obtain a triangle whose corners are B lf C x and E l lying in a separation plane, and such that E 1 B 1 is normal to E! Cj and in which accordingly we must have the segment relation This triangle is related to the one whose corners are A^, B l} C : in such a way that (E lt Bj = (B 19 AJ, while (C 15 Ej) is a before- or after-conjugate to (C l5 Aj). Thus taking segments instead of pairs we get (B&)* = (B^Atf + (conjugate C^) 2 , which we may write in the form (BiAtf - (^C,) 8 - (conjugate C^) 2 ......... (1). Again, if we consider case (ii), we obtain a triangle whose corners are C 1? JB 1} F 1 lying in a separation plane and such that B 1 F 1 is normal to B l C l . Thus we must have the segment relation (C l F^=(B 1 C^+(B 1 F l )^ This triangle is related to the one whose corners are A lt B lt C 1 in such a way that (Cj , Fj) is a before- or after-conjugate to (C x , Aj), while (B l , F-j) is a before- or after-conjugate to (B 1} Aj), and so taking segments instead of pairs, we get (conjugate C^) 2 = (B-^C^Y + (conjugate B^Atf. This may be written in the form - (conjugate B^Atf = (B^Crf - (conjugate C^Atf ...(2). In case (iii) we obviously have = (BiCtf - (conjugate C^A^ ............ (3). We now see that (1), (2) and (3) constitute the complete analogue of the theorem of Pythagoras in an acceleration plane. THEORY OF CONGRUENCE 71 If now we consider a triangle whose corners are A l} B lt C L and which lies in an optical plane, then if B C x be a separation line, and A^C^ be normal to B l C l , we know that AC must be an optical line, while A 1 B 1 must be another separation line. Now we have seen that and so taking segments instead of pairs, we see that (BiAJ* = (BiCtf ........................ (4). This is the analogue of the theorem of Pythagoras in an optical plane. Considering now equations (1), (2), (3) and (4), we observe that the modifications which take place in the theorem of Pythagoras are such that when any side of the triangle becomes an inertia segment, the corresponding square is replaced by the negative square of the conjugate of this inertia segment, while if any side becomes an optical segment, the corresponding square is replaced by zero. It is easy to prove the converse of this generalized Pythagorean theorem and to show that when the sides of the triangle are of the specified kinds and the specified relations hold, then B^C^ is normal to A 1 C J . We can now show that: if A, B, C be the corners of a general triangle all of whose sides are segments of one kind, then : (1 ) If the triangle lies in a separation plane, the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than that of the third side. (2) If the triangle lies in an optical plane, the sum of the lengths of a certain two sides is equal to that of the third side. (3) If the triangle lies in an acceleration plane, the sum of the lengths of a certain two sides is less than that of the third side. These remarkable results show how necessary it is in studying this subject to lay down precisely what we take as our fundamental postulates, for it is clear that it would have been incorrect to have defined a linear segment in this geometry as : " the shortest distance between its extremities." 72 TIME AND SPACE INTRODUCTION OF COORDINATES IF we take any element O of the set as origin, we have already seen that we may obtain systems of four general lines through 0, say OX, OY, OZ, OT, which are mutually normal to one another. Three of these, say OX, OY, OZ, will be separation lines, while the fourth, OT, will be an inertia line. The three separation lines OX, OY, OZ will determine a separation threefold, say W, and OT will be normal to it. If we select any arbitrary separation segment as a unit of length and associate the number zero with the element 0, we may associate every other element of OX, OY, OZ with a real number, positive or negative, corresponding to the length of the segment of which that element is one end and the origin is the other. In this way we set up a coordinate system in W which will be quite similar to that with which we are familiar. Since all the theorems of ordinary Euclidean geometry hold for a separation threefold, the length of a segment in W will be given by the ordinary Cartesian formula. Again, not confining our attention merely to the elements of W, let A be any element of the whole set. Then A must either lie in OT, or else there is an inertia line through A parallel to OT, and as we have already seen (p. 54), this inertia line will intersect W in some element, say N. Further, AN must be normal to W. Now if A does not lie in W, there will be a separation threefold, say W, passing through A and parallel to W, and the inertia line OT must intersect W in some element, say M. Further, since W is parallel to W, both OT and AN must be normal to W. Thus if OM and NA are distinct, MA and ON must both be separation lines normal to OM, and so, since OM and NA lie in an acceleration plane, we must have MA parallel to ON. Now we may select a unit inertia segment, just as we selected a unit separation segment, and with each element of OT distinct from O, we may associate a real number positive or negative, corresponding to the length of the segment of which that element is one end and the origin is the other. INTRODUCTION OF COORDINATES 73 We shall suppose this correspondence to be set up in such a way that a positive real number corresponds to any element which is after 0, and a negative real number to any element which is before 0. As regards the relationship between the unit separation seg- ment and the unit inertia segment, the simplest convention to make is to take the unit inertia segment such that its conjugate is equal to the unit separation segment. More generally we may take the unit inertia segment such that (conjugate of unit inertia segment) = v (unit separation segment), where v is a constant afterwards to be identified with what we call the "velocity of light." Now the element N lies in W and is determined by three coordinates, say %, y lt %, taken parallel to OX, OY, OZ re- spectively in the usual manner. segment NA = segment OM, and so if ^ be the length of OM in terms of the unit inertia segment, then the element A will be determined by the four coordinates #i S/i> 2 i *i- Let the length of the segment ON be denoted by a. Then as in ordinary geometry 2 = *i + 2/i 2 + % 2 . Thus if OA should be an optical line we must have a 2 = t'V, or xf + z/! 2 + % 2 - V = (1). Again, if OA should be a separation segment, and if r l be its length, it follows from the analogue of the theorem of Pythagoras for this case that ft2 _ v z t z = r z t or 4 > + ft' + %'^rf|'~* t i l (2)- Finally, if OA should be an inertia segment and r : its length, it follows from the corresponding analogue of the Pythagoras theorem that fl2 _ ^2^2 = _ v *f^, or xf + yf + zf - v*tf = - v*rf (3). Thus from (1), (2) and (3) it follows that the expression 74 TIME AND SPACE is positive, zero, or negative according as OA is a separation line, an optical line, or an inertia line. If A be after 0, it is clear from the convention which we have made that ^ must be positive. Thus the conditions that A should be after are (1) Xj 2 + y 2 + Zj 2 - v 2 t 2 is zero or negative) and (2) t : is positive } ' The conditions that A should be before are similarly (1) Xj 2 + y^ + Zj 2 v 2 ^ 2 is zero or negative) and (2) t v is negative ) " The conditions that A should be neither before nor after are either that ^ j s identical with 0, in which case x l = y = % = ^ = ) or else x-f + y^ + Zj 2 v 2 ^ 2 is positive! ' If (X Q , y ,z , t ) and (x 1 , yi,z T , tj) be the coordinates of elements which we shall call A and A- respectively, we have simply to substitute (x 1 - x ), (y^ - y ), (% - z ), (^ - t ) for x lt y lt z lt ^ in the expressions obtained above in order to obtain the length of the segment A Q A-^ or to give the conditions that A should be after A Q , or before A , or neither before nor after A . It is to be noted that if (^ - * ) 2 + (*/! - y ) 2 + ( Zl - z ) 2 - v 2 (^ - t ) 2 = 0, and the elements A and A-^ are distinct, we are to take this as the condition that A and A^ lie in one optical line, and not, strictly speaking, that the segment A^A-^ is of zero length. We have already pointed out the peculiarity of optical segments, and how it is only possible to compare their lengths if they lie in the same or parallel optical lines, and we can now see how the analysis deals with this feature. Now the condition that two distinct elements lie in an optical line gives us also the condition that the one should lie in the a sub-set of the other. Thus if (x . y , z , t ) be the coordinates of an element A , the equation of the combined a and /3 sub-sets of A is (x - * ) 2 + (y~ 2/o) 2 + (^ - * ) 2 - v 2 (t - t ) 2 = 0. The a sub-set of A will then consist of all elements for which this equation is satisfied and for which t t Q is zero or positive: INTRODUCTION OF COORDINATES 75 while the j8 sub-set of A will consist of all elements for which the equation is satisfied and for which t t is zero or negative. The set of all elements whose coordinates satisfy the above equation will be called the standard cone with respect to the element whose coordinates are (# , y , z , t Q ). Taking v equal to unity for the sake of simplicity, it is evident that the equation x z + y z + z z _ t z = C 2 ? represents the set of elements such as A, where OA is a separation segment whose length is c. Similarly the equation x 2 + y 2 + z 2 - t 2 = - c 2 represents the set of elements such as A, where OA is an inertia segment whose length is c. If we put y = and z = in the first of these we obtain x z - t 2 = c 2 which gives us the relation between x and t for the portion of the corresponding set which lies in the acceleration plane containing the axes of x and t. This then represents the analogue of a circle in the acceleration plane. Similarly for the case of inertia segments putting y = and z = 0, we get x z _ t z _ _ c z f The two equations a<2 _ p = c 2 and x 2 - t 2 = - c 2 are of the same form as the equations of a hyperbola and its conjugate in ordinary plane geometry. The equation x z _ p _ Q along with y = and 2 = 0, represent the two optical lines through the origin in the same acceleration plane and these correspond to the common asymptotes of the hyperbolas. It is now possible to express the various results which we have obtained in coordinate form and treat the subject from the ana- lytical standpoint. TIME AND SPACE INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS IT is evident that any element whose coordinates are (a, b, c, 0) must lie in the separation threefold W and accordingly the three equations x = ^ y = ^ z = c must represent an inertia line normal to W and therefore parallel to or identical with the axis of t. Again, any equation of the first degree in x, y, z together with the equation t = will represent a separation plane in W, while any two independent but consistent equations of the first degree in x, y, z, together with the equation t = 0, will represent a separa- tion line in W. Thus any equation of the first degree in x, y, z (leaving out the equation t = 0) will represent a rotation threefold containing inertia lines parallel to the axis of t; while any two independent but consistent equations of the first degree in x, y, z will represent an acceleration plane containing inertia lines parallel to the axis of t. Thus corresponding to any theorem concerning the elements of W. there will be a theorem concerning inertia lines normal to W and passing through these elements. Conversely, if we consider the system consisting of any selected inertia line together with all others parallel to it, then any two such inertia lines will determine an acceleration plane, while any three which do not lie in one acceleration plane will determine a rotation threefold. Since these inertia lines must all intersect any separation three- fold to which they are normal, it follows that they have a geometry similar to that of the separation threefold and therefore of the ordinary Euclidean type. If then we call any element of the entire set an "instant"; any inertia line of the selected system a "point" ; any acceleration plane of the selected system a "straight line"; and any rotation threefold of the selected system a "plane" ; we can speak of succeeding instants at any given point and have thus obtained a representation of the space and time of our experience in so far as their geometrical relations are concerned. The distance between two parallel inertia lines of the system will naturally be taken as the length of the segment intercepted INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS 77 by them in a separation line which intersects them both normally. This then will be the meaning to be attached to the distance between two points. Time intervals in the usual sense will be measured by the lengths of segments of the corresponding inertia lines: that is to say, by differences of the t coordinates. Since we have defined the equality of separation and inertia segments in terms of the relations of after and before, and have assigned an interpretation to these, it follows that, if this inter- pretation is correct, the equality of length and time intervals in the ordinary sense is rendered precise. It is to be noted that the formal development of the theory of conical order does not in itself require that the a and /3 sub-sets should be determined by optical phenomena, but merely that there should exist some physical criterion of before and after such that the relations denoted by these words should satisfy our postulates. Accordingly, if it should be found that some other influence than light possessed these properties, we should merely require to substitute this influence for light and interpret our results in terms of it. The important point is that our theory gives a method of setting up a coordinate system on a purely descriptive basis and of introducing measurement without employing anything but the relations of before and after. If we have got one coordinate system with a definite physical meaning, we can introduce any number of others. The simplest is of course another system of the same kind as the first, and naturally it will be quite on a par with our original system of coordinates. The distinction between different systems of this kind is, that while two parallel inertia lines represent the time paths of un- accelerated particles which are at rest relative to one another; two non-parallel inertia lines represent the time paths of un- accelerated particles which are in motion with uniform velocity with respect to one another. Thus our geometry makes no absolute distinction between rest and uniform motion since any inertia line considered by itself is on a par with any other inertia line. It is possible of course to introduce coordinates which are various continuous functions of x, y, z, t, but it is to be noted that 78 TIME AND SPACE these have a meaning only in virtue of the meaning which we have already assigned to our original system of coordinates in terms of before and after. The change from one system of coordinates to another is equivalent to re-naming our set of elements, and may be compared to the translation from one language to another. The four numbers x, y, z, t constitute a name for an element, and if we take four functions of these variables such that x, y, z, t may be expressed in terms of them, then these four functions may be regarded as constituting another name for the element, in a different language so to speak. If we had a polyglot dictionary, it would be of little use to us unless we knew at least one of the languages which it contained, and a transformation from one system of coordinates to another without knowing the physical significance of at least one of the systems, leaves us in a similar situation to that which we might imagine an early Egyptologist would have been in who examined the Rosetta stone, but had no knowledge of Greek. We have made use of the properties of light to give a physical interpretation to our postulates, but, if this be only approximate, it may be necessary to find some slightly different interpretation of before and after, or it may be necessary to somewhat modify our postulates, but in any case, some such analysis as we have outlined above appears to be necessary before we are at liberty to introduce numerical coordinates in this subject. APPENDIX Ir we assume some definite interpretation of the before and after relations, which is not necessarily identical with the optical one which we have provisionally supposed, we are able to introduce measurement and to show that, for an inertia line, we have d s 2 = dt 2 - dx 2 - dy z - dz 2 . If now we change our system of coordinates and put x = r sin 6 cos , y = r sin 6 sin (/>, z = r cos 6, APPENDIX 79 then (r, 6, , t) constitutes a new name for the element formerly denoted by (x, y, z, t) and we get ds 2 = - dr 2 - r 2 dd 2 - r 2 sm*8d* + dt 2 . Now let a modified measure of interval be introduced such that the measure ds of an indefinitely small interval is related to the corresponding unmodified measure by the equation * 2 = ds 2 2m fdr\ 2 2m /dt\ 2 ) ~ r-2m (is) ~ (ds) J ' Then ds 2 + 2m dr 2 + dt 2 = ds 2 . r 2m r Thus This is the form given by Schwarzschild for the region round a single spherical body on Einstein's gravitation theory, and a similar method may be employed in other cases. The problem is very analogous to that of the brachistochrone, in which the modified measure of interval is the time taken to traverse it. The condition that the modified measure of an interval whose ends are at a finite distance apart should be stationary determines a path from the one to the other, which, in general, will not be a straight line in the original coordinates. In the general case suppose that we have any four coordinates % , x 2 , x 3 , # 4 , which have a definite interpretation in the simple theory as built up from the before and after relations, and suppose that for an indefinitely small interval we have ds 2 = hdx 2 + hdx 2 + hdx 2 + hdx and suppose we wish to derive a new system such that ds 2 = g^dxj 2 + g 22 dx 2 2 + g 33 dx 3 z + + ^gizdx^dxz + 2g 13 dx 1 dx 3 + + 2g 23 dx 2 dx 3 80 TIME AND SPACE In order to do so we have only to assume that ds is related to ds in such a way that It thus appears that these complicated systems of geometry may be constructed from before and a/fer relations, provided we make use of a modified measure of interval. If it be convenient for some purpose to describe the paths of particles as geodesies in some of these complicated geometries, there is no particular reason why we should not do so; but this does not imply any "curvature of space." I put forward the following suggestion as the book is going to press, though I cannot claim to have worked out its full implications : If, with Einstein, one takes a particular quadratic form as corresponding to a particular gravitation field, we might suppose that a change in the gravitation field produced by something else than gravitation (say, for instance, a change which was initiated by an act of will on the part of a living creature) corresponds to a change in the quadratic form. If it be permissible to take such change as the influence which gives the before and after relations their physical significance, instead of using optical phenomena for this purpose, then we might suppose that the before and after relations, as formulated, hold in some sense whether matter be present or not, but that it is only in the absence of appreciable quantities of matter that the pos- tulates can be interpreted strictly optically. Thus the original four-dimensional manifold would appear as the essential thing, while these complicated geometries would be regarded as analytical developments useful for special purposes. PRINTED IN ENGLAND BY J. B. PEACE, M.A. AT THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. FEB23 V G 27 195$ *UG 28 211957 APR 2 9 1957 AUR? R1957 KOV10 OCT 4 1962 .. IHTERLIBRABy LOAHS SEP 1 3 1962 H3UR WEEKS FROM OAIfc Of ttttlB NON-UNEWAI4I .yp WSTD ' 41974 1989 JUN271977 983 JUN 261964 Form LO-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 liiiiif AA 000779175 9