Jniversity of Ca] Southern Regi< Library Facili THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE BIGLOW PAPERS BY JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL ' The top of the hill He will ne'er come nigh reaching Till he learns the distinction Twixt singing and preaching." A. L BURT COMPANY, Publishers 52-55 Duane Street, New York Copyright, 1900, by A. L. HURT. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. BY HENRY KETCH AM. Lowell's Poem*. PS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. THE genius of James Russell Lowell places him in the front rank of American poets. He is one of the few who are read and appreciated on both sides of the At lantic. He made his mark in his earliest published volume, when he was but twenty-two years of age. From that time to the end of a long career he grew steadily in fame. Nor did his power wane, while his literary form showed an increasing perfection of polish. He was born in Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 22, 1819. His father was the Rev. Charles Lowell, D.D., minister of the West Church (Unitarian) of Boston, a scholar of high standing and author of several devotional books. He was descended from Percival Lowell, who came from England in 1639 and settled in Newbury, Mass. The subject of this sketch showed throughout life a fine example of the Puritan conscience, joined with a rare tenderness of nature and winsomeness of character. While he never lacked the moral courage which dared to stand " in the right with two or three," his nature and method were gentle and persuasive rather than severe or antagonizing. He was more than a poet. He was symmetrically developed as a man of letters. To his admirers he was the ideal man of letters. As such his life was vii 5000937 viii BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. quiet, and his biography will record the growth and products of his mind rather than external events which were never romantic. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1838. At that time he was class poet, but the reading of the poems was omitted from the exercises of Class Day owing to the unavoidable absence of the poet. This absence was caused by the fact that at just that time he happened to be under suspension from the college. His offence, however, was playful and in no wise seri ous, and his Alma Mater never ceased to do him honor in after years. On leaving college Lowell entered a law office and after the usual preliminary studies was, in 1840, ad mitted to the bar. He was, however, by nature a man of letters and was unsuited to the peculiar exactions of the legal profession. One is therefore not surprised tha f , 'here is no record of his practice of the law, but there was a tolerably steady stream of poems, essays and reviews flowing from his facile pen. The first year of his nominal law practice records a volume of poems (1841) entitled "A Year's Life." In this were evidences that he was a true seer, a genuine poet. His friends recognized the promise of a brilliant career, and they were not mistaken. Two years later he became editor of a magazine of which, however, only three numbers were issued. A year after that he issued another volume of poems. In this year, 1844, he married Miss Maria White, of Watertown, Mass. She was a charming and accom plished woman, possessing literary talent of no mean order. To her translations from the German she added original poems of more than ordinary merit. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. j^ She died in 1853, and it was her death which elicited from Longfellow one of the sweetest and most beautiful of all poems on death. It is that entitled Two Angels. T was at thy door, O friend, and not at mine, The angel with the amaranthine wreath, Pausing, descended, and, with voice divine, Whispered a word that had a sound like death. Then fell upon the house a sudden gloom, A shadow on those features fair and thin, And softly, from that hushed and darkened room, Two angels issued where but one went in. In 1845 he published a volume of essays, " Conver sations on Some of the Poets/' and thus we see that he was permanently out of the current of the law and in that of literature. In 1848 he published a volume that contained what have proved to be two of his most popular poems : namely, The Vision of Sir Launfal and The Biglow Papers. In 1851-2 he made his first trip to Europe. Most of the time he spent in Italy, especially in Some with his friend W. W. Story, the famous sculptor. In 1854-5 he delivered the Lowell Institute lectures on " British Poets." The most important event occurred that year when he was appointed professor of Belles Lettres at Harvard to succeed his distinguished friend H. W. Longfellow. Before assuming the duties of the professorhip he spent another year in Europe, chiefly in Dresden. In 1857 he married Miss Frances Dunlap of Portland, Maine. When the Atlantic Monthly was established he was X BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. its first regular editor, and continued in that work fol about five years, or from 1857 to 1862. Relinquishing this he edited the North American Review, then a quar terly, for a p eriod, of about ten years. In addition to his editorial work he contributed a large number of articles to this magazine, thirty-four in all, not count ing editorial notes, etc. During these fifteen years of editorship, while he had also the duties of professor, his general literary work did not lag, and he issued vol umes both of poetry and of prose. In 1872-4 he again travelled in Europe, receiving the unusual honors of the degrees of D. C. L. from the University of Oxford, and LL.D. from that of Cam bridge, England. In 1877 he was appointed Minister to Spain, and took up the duties of a post made illustrious by Irving. The lustre of the literary tradition suffered no diminution in his incumbency. He was later (1880-5) minister to England, and it is not too much to say that in that difficult and exacting position he stands second to none of all who have ever served. His honest, stiirdy, and outspoken democracy, his fineness of culture, his breadth of spirit, and his genial persuasiveness have had incalculable influence in promoting the friendliness between Americans and their British cousins. At this time he was honored by being appointed Lord Rector of St. Andrews Uni versity at St. Andrews, Scotland. But he soon resigned this position as being incompatible with his obliga tions as minister of the United States. In his later years he published several volumes of essays and addresses, the latter being largely on pa triotic or democratic subjects. The excellence of their BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. xi substance and the finish of their form entitle them to a permanent place in literature. They are, however, outside the scope of this sketch, which concerns Lowell as a poet. Lowell was one of a remarkable circle of literary friends, such as has hardly existed before in all his tory, and certainly never in the United States. His friendships included Longfellow, Emerson, E. H. Dana, W. W. Story, Fields, Holmes, Whittier, Agas- siz, E. E. Hale, and others of nearly equal prominence. Such friendship greatly enriched his life, but it in no wise quenched his originality nor weakened his vigor. In looking over his poetical works for a critical esti mate, we find no one poem which towers up above the rest, like Milton's Paradise Lost, Byron's Childe Harold, or Wordsworth's Excursion. But there are many shorter ones, each of which is sufficient to justify the high reputation which he holds on both sides of the Atlantic. In his first published volume, there is one, entitled " Ode," which must have been written when he was little more than a boy, which gave abun dant evidence of his high aspiration and of the earnest ness of his spirit. His admirers were justified in predicting from this poem a brilliant future for the author, and the result was not disappointing. The Biglow Papers are a political satire upon the Invasion by the United States of Mexico, the State of the Slavery Question, etc. They are written in the Yankee dialect verse by one Hosea Biglow, Birdofre- dum Sawin, edited with an introduction, notes, glos sary, and copious index, by Homer Wilbur, A. M., pastor of the First Church in Jaalam, and (prospec tive) member of many literary, learned, and scientific xii BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. societies. These placed Lowell in the front rank ol hnmorists. They were the first attempt to use the quaint New England dialect in verse, and they are probably the best imitations to be found either in poetry or in prose. They were received with favor, and their keen satire, their quaint drollery, their irresistible good humor, have held them in popularity for a half century. Po litical opponents enjoyed them hardly less than polit ical friends. The experiences of the Bay State recruit, with sly wit, set forth political questions and practices in a way to fill one with laughter. There is an under tone of seriousness, especially a hot hatred of slavery and all its concomitants, and indeed of all injustice. But the form is humorous, and they have been called an attempt to laugh down slavery. In the larger sense of the word, they are intensely patriotic. They are classic in their way, and are the only production in the English language worthy to stand by the side of Hudi- bras. It is this combination of fun that bubbles over and sturdy morality which places them on so high a plane both intellectual and ethical. They have held their place for fifty years and doubtless will hold it for many years to come. A second series of these charming papers was called out by the Civil War of 1861-5. These had not the advantage of newness enjoyed by the first series, never theless they are worthy of their name and do not de tract from the quality of the whole. If there is less rollicking fun in the second series, there is also more poetry. The Civil War was nearer to the poet than the Mexican War, and this fact could not other than influ ence his writing even of wit, humor, and satire. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. Another masterly piece of humor is the Fable for Critics, which is no fable at all, but a rhymed review, or at least criticism, of some of the more prominent American writers. One after another they pass under his scrutiny and receive his criticism or characteriza tion. It is not to be expected that this poem should have the balance of the regular review, but on the whole its criticisms are just, while his wit is as keen as a Damascus blade. It is to be noted that the poet does not spare himself, but raps his own knuckles quite as hard as any. There is Lowell, who's striving Parnassus to climb, With a whole bale of isms tied together with rhyme. The top of the hill he will ne'er come nigh reaching Till he learns the distinction 'twixt singing and preaching; The purpose and character of the Fable preclude the usual finish of form, so that it has been called clever doggerel. But along with its trenchant humor may be discovered a manly vigor, with occasional touches of the pathos which is rarely lacking in any of Lowell's poetry, either humorous or serious, and all joined by a good sense that bears the light of day. In 1865 Harvard College had a memorial service for those of her sons who fell in the Civil War, and for this was written the Commemoration Ode, whose stately measures rise sometimes to sublime heights. Patriotism tinges much of his poetry, for love of country and of freedom was a passion with him, but in this poem it has a freer course than elsewhere. He touches the ideal manhood, God's plan And measure of a stalwart man. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. The concrete example of this manhood is Lincolc " our Martyr-Chief." Then follows a characterization of him unequalled certainly in poetry, leading up to the climax, The kindly-earnest, brave, foreseeing man, Sagacious, patient, dreading praise, not blame, New birth of our new soil, the first American. The Present Crisis is probably the most quoted of his poems. It was written in December, 1844, and refers to one of the many crises of slavery. It displays the author's noble loyalty to Truth and his withering scorn of evasion or temporizing expedients. Later he treated similar subjects with humorous form in the Biglow papers ; but here he is serious in form as well as earnest in thought. Lord Bacon raised the ques tion of "jesting Pilate." What is Truth? Lowell answers with a clarion ring : Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim un known, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own. History is to Lowell a divine revelation, and the crisis of which he writes has the solemnity of the Judgment Day. Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side. This leads us to speak of the religious characteristic of the author's poetry. His poems are not religious in the same sense as those of Cowper. Possibly they are BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. X V not evangelical. But they are religious in the finest sense of the word, holding to an unshaken belief in God's everlasting righteousness, with sweet confidence in His overruling providence, with a profound belief in the practical piety of considering the poor and un fortunate, and especially with broad sympathy for " seekers after God." His " Vision of Sir Launfal" is a universal ^favorite. It tells of the quest of the Holy Grail, or the cup which Our Lord blessed in the Last Supper. The way the knight treats the beggai on his issuing from the castle and the way he treats him upon his return from his wanderings present a striking contrast. Other poems which may be classed as distinctly religious are Parable (two by this name) Ambrose, Extreme Unction, and The Cathedral. The Death of a Friend's Child may be" studied profit ably by every preacher, and After the Burial should be mastered by every pastor for the purpose of enter ing into the experiences of others where one so easily misunderstands. The Cathedral was originally entitled "A Day at Chartres." The reader can spend with profit and de light not merely one, but many, days in that poem. It opens with a discussion of first impressions, then describes the poet's overwhelming impressi n of the cathedral. Within he observes a solitary beldam list lessly counting her beads and has at first a scornful feeling towards her, which quickly gives place to sym pathy. This leads to the discussion of the various Faiths that grope after God, and the teaching is that God is nearer than men realize. The ancient forms, bare to the refined descendant of the Puritans, have their uses. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. Be He nowhere else, God is in all that liberates and lifts, In all that humbles, sweetens, and consoles. The cathedral was built with a sense of piety and consecration. Each person came bringing his "vote for God," for such were the stones built into that stately structure. From that work of conscience and devotion the " Western Goth " may learn that nothing pays but God, Served whether on the smoke-shut battle-field, In work obscure done honestly, or vote For truth unpopular, or faith maintained To ruinous convictions, or good deeds Wrought for good's sake, mindless of heaven or hell. The poem closes with witnessing to the universal presence of God, and leaves the reader in that frame of solemn awe as if he had shared the poet's own vision and experience in the aisles of that impressive cathe dral. One further poem ought to be mentioned for its del icacy of thought and perfectness of finish, and that is Auf WiederseJien. Sweet piece of bashful maiden art I The English words had seemed to fain, But these they drew us heart to heart, Yet held us tenderly apart ; She said, " Auf Wiedersehen ! " Gathering together the impressions of this poet, we find him fearless in moral courage, with unconquerable devotion to truth and scorn of temporizing expedients, with passionate love of freedom and hatred of slavery, with broad philanthropy and pervading piety. His satire is clever, his imagination vivid, his range of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. X vij thought wide, his intellectual grasp firm, and his ex pression vigorous. The introductions to the two parts of The Vision of Sir Launfal are models of graceful and delicate fancy clothed in absolute beauty of ex pression. Lowell's duties as minister to England came to an end in 1885. The later years of his life, however, were well filled with work. His residence was at Elmwood, Cambridge, where for many years he had been near neighbor to Longfellow. In 1885 he had buried in England his wife. The solitude of his latest years was broken by frequent visits to England where he had many friends, while his time was also occupied by lec tures and addresses. He prepared his complete works for the press, so that the public now have them in the form which the author would wish. His friend, Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, has since published his life and letters, to which the reader is referred for a fuller knowledge of this rare man. He died at Cambridge, August 12, 1891. He left an added dignity to American letters. He not only received the highest honors which his alma mater, Harvard, could give, but he was decorated by the uni versities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Bologna, in addi tion to Oxford and Cambridge above mentioned. To him may be applied the words which he wrote to a s friend, The birds are hushed, the poets gone Where no harsh critic's lash can reach, And still your winged brood sing on To all who love our English speech. HENRY KETCHAM, MELIBCEUS-HIPPONAX. THE BIGLOW PAPEKS EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY HOMER WILBUR, A. M. PASTOR OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN JAALAM, AND (PROSPECTIVE) MEMBER OF MANY LITERARY, LEARNED AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES (for which tee page v) The ploughman's whistle, or the trivial flute, Finds more respect than great Apollo's lute. Quarles's Emblems, B. n. E. 8. Margaritas, munde porcine, calcasti : en, siliquas accipe. Jac. Car. Fil. ad Pub. Leg. L NOTE TO TITLE-PAGE. IT will not have escaped the attentive eye, that I have, on the title-page, omitted those honorary ap pendages to the editorial name which not only add greatly to the value of every book, but whet and ex acerbate the appetite of the reader. For not only does he surmise that an honorary membership of literary and scientific societies implies a certain amount of neces sary distinction on the part of the recipient of such decorations, but he is willing to trust himself more entirely to an author who writes under the fearful re sponsibility of involving the reputation of such bodies as the S. Archceol. Daliom., or the Acad. Lit. et Scient. Kamtscliat. I cannot but think that the early editions of Shakspeare and Milton would have met with more rapid and general acceptance, but for the barrenness of their respective title-pages ; and I believe, that, even now, a publisher of the works of either of those justly distinguished men would find his account in procuring their admission to the membership of learned bodies on the Continent, a proceeding no whit more incongruous than the reversal of the judgment against Socrates, when he was already more than twenty centuries beyond the reach of antidotes, and when his memory had acquired a deserved respectability. I conceive that it was a feel ing of the importance of this precaution which induced Mr. Locke to style himself " Gent/' on the title-page of his Essay, as who should say to his readers that they 3 4 NOTE TO TITLE-PAGE. could receive his metaphysics on the honor of a gentle- man. Nevertheless, finding, that, without descending to a smaller size of type than would have been compatible with the dignity of the several societies to be named, I could not compress my intended list within the limits of a single page, and thinking, moreover, that the act would carry with it an air of decorous modesty, I have chosen to take the reader aside, as it were, into my private closet, and there not only exhibit to him the diplomas which I already possess, but also to furnish him with a prophetic vision of those which I may, with out undue presumption, hope for, as not beyond the reach of human ambition and attainment. And I am the rather induced to this from the fact, that my name has been unaccountably dropped from the last triennial catalogue of our beloved Alma Mater. Whether this is to be attributed to the difficulty of Latinizing any of those honorary adjuncts (with a complete list of which I took care to furnish the proper persons nearly a year beforehand), or whether it had its origin in any more culpable motives, I forbear to consider in this place, the matter being in course of painful investigation. But, however this may be, I felt the omission the more keenly, as I had, in expectation of the new catalogue, enriched the library of the Jaalam Athenaeum with the old one then in my possession, by which means it has come about that my children will be deprived of a never-wearying winter-evening's amusement in looking out the name of their parent in that distinguished roll. Those harmless innocents had at least committed no but I forbear, having intrusted my reflections and animadversions on this painful topic to the safe-keeping NOTE TO TITLE-PAGE. 5 of my private diary, intended for posthumous publica tion. I state this fact here, in order that certain nameless individuals, who are, perhaps, overmuch con gratulating themselves upon my silence, may know that a rod is in pickle which the vigorous hand of a justly incensed posterity will apply to their memories. The careful reader will note, that, in the list which I have prepared, I have included the names of several Cisatlantic societies to which a place is not commonly assigned in processions of this nature. I have ventured to do this, not only to encourage native ambition and genius, but also because I have never been able to per ceive in what way distance (unless we suppose them at the end of a lever) could increase the weight of learned bodies. As far as I have been able to extend my re searches among such stuffed specimens as occasionally reach America, I have discovered no generic difference between the antipodal Fogrum Japonicum and the F. Americanum sufficiently common in our own immediate neighborhood. Yet, with a becoming deference to the popular belief, that distinctions of this sort are enhanced in value by every additional mile they travel, I have in termixed the names of some tolerably distant literary and other associations with the rest. I add here, also, an advertisement, which, that it may be the more readily understood by those persons especially interested therein, I have written in that curtailed and otherwise maltreated canine Latin, to the writing and reading of which they are accustomed. OMNIB. PER TOT. ORB. TERRAR. CATALOG. ACADEM. EDD. Minim, gent, diplom. ab inclytiss. acad. vest, orans, 6 NOTE TO TITLE-PAGE. vir. honorand. operosiss., at sol. ut sciat. quant, glor. nora. meum (dipl. fort, concess.) catal. vest. temp, futur. afEer., ill. subjec., addit. omnib. titul. honorar. qu. adh. non tant. opt. quam probab. put. *** Litt. Uncial, distinx. ut Frees. S. Hist. Nat. Jaal. HOMER US WILBUR, Mr., Episc. Jaalam. S. T. D. 1850, et Yal. 1849, et Neo-Caes. et Brun. et Gnlielm. 1852, et Gul. et Mar. et Bowd. et Georgiop. et Viridi- mont. et Columb. Nov. Ebor. 1853, et Amherst. et Watervill. et S. Jarlath. Hib. et S. Mar. et S. Joseph, et S. Aud. Scot. 1854, et Nashvill. et Dart. et. Dickins. et Concord, et Wash, et Columbian, et Chariest, et Jeff. etDubl. et Oxon. et Cantab, et cast. 1855, P. U. N. C. H. et J. U. D. Gott. et Osnab. et Heidelb. 1860, et Acad. BORE us. Berolin. Soc. et SS. EE. Lugd. Bat. et Patav. et Lond. et Edinb. et Ins. Feejee. et Null. Terr, et Pekin. Soc. Hon. et S. H. S. et S. P. A. et A. A. S. et S. Humb. Univ. et S. Omn. Rer. Quarund. q. Aliar. Promov. Passamaqnod. et H. P. C. et I. 0. H. et A. A. 0. et II. K. P. et B. K. et Peucin, et Erosoph. et Philadelph. et Frat. in Unit, et -. T. et S. Archaeo- log. Athen. et Acad. Scient. et Lit. Panorm. et SS. E. H. Matrit. et Beeloochist. et Caffrar. et Caribb. et M. S. Eeg. Paris, et S. Am. Antiserv. Soc. Hon. et P. D. Gott. et LL. D. 1852, et D. C. L. et Mus. Doc. Oxon. 1860, et M. M. S. S. et M. D. 1854, et Med. Fac. Univ. Harv. Soc. et S. pro Convers. Pollywog. Soc. Hon. et Higgl. Piggl. et LL. B. 1853, et S. pro Christianiz. Moschet. Soc., et SS. Ante-Diluv. ubiq. Gent. Soc. Hon. et Civit. Cleric. Jaalam. et S. pro Diffus. Gen eral. Tenebr. Secret. Corr. NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PEES8. [ I HAVE observed, reader, (bene- or male-volent, as it may happen,) that it is customary to append to the second editions of books, and to the second works of authors, short sentences commendatory of the first, under the title of Notices of the Press. These, I have been given to understand, are procurable at certain estab lished rates, payment being made either in money or ad vertising patronage by the publisher, or by an adequate outlay of servility on the part of the author. Con sidering these things with myself, and also that such notices are neither intended, nor generally believed, to convey any real opinions, being a purely ceremonial ac companiment of literature, and resembling certificates to the virtues of various morbiferal panaceas, I con ceived that it would be not only more economical to prepare a sufficient number of such myself, but also more immediately subservient to the end in view to prefix them to this our primary edition rather than await the contingency of a second, when they would seem to be of small utility. To delay attaching the bobs until the second attempt at flying the kite would indicate but a slender experience in that useful art. Neither has it escaped my notice, nor failed to afford me matter of reflection, that, when a circus or a cara van is about to visit Jaalam, the initial step is to send forward large and highly ornamented bills of perform- 7 8 NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. ance to be hung in the bar-room and the post-office. These having been sufficiently gazed at, and beginning to lose their attractiveness except for the flies, and, truly, the boys also, (in whom I find it impossible to repress, even .during school hours, certain oral and telegraphic correspondences concerning the expected show,) upon some fine morning tne baud enters in a gaily-painted wagon, or triumphal chariot, and with noisy advertisement, by means of brass, wood, and sheepskin, makes the circuit of our startled village streets. Then, as the exciting sounds draw nearer and nearer, do I desiderate those eyes of A-ristarchus, " whose looks were as a breeching to a boy." Then do I perceive, with vain regret of wasted opportunities, the advantage of a pancratic or pantechnic education, since he is most reverenced by my little subjects who can throw the cleanest summerset or walk most securely upon the re volving cask. The story of the Pied Piper becomes for the first time credible to me, (albeit confirmed by the Hameliners dating their legal instruments from the period of his exit,) as I behold how those strains, with out pretence of magical potency, bewitch the pupillary legs, nor leave to the pedagogic an entire self-control. For these reasons, lest my kingly prerogative should suffer diminution, I prorogue my restless commons, whom I also follow into the street, chiefly lest some mischief may chance befall them. After the manner of such a band, I send forward the following notices of domestic manufacture, to make brazen proclamation, not unconscious of the advantage which will accrue, if our little craft, cymbula sutilis, shall seem to leave port with a clipping breeze, and to carry, in nautical phrase, a bone in her mouth. Nevertheless, I have chosen, as NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. 9 being more equitable, to prepare some also sufficiently objurgatory, that readers of every taste may find a dish to their palate. I have modelled them upon actually existing specimens, preserved in my own cabinet of natural curiosities. One, in particular, I had copied with tolerable exactness from a notice of one of my own discourses, which, from its superior tone and appear ance of vast experience, I concluded to have been written by a man at least three hundred years of age, though I recollected no existing instance of such ante diluvian longevity. Nevertheless, I afterward discov ered the author to be a young gentleman preparing for the ministry under the direction of one of my brethren in a neighboring town, and whom I had once instinc tively corrected in a Latin quantity. But this I have been forced to omit, from its too great length. H. W.] From the Universal Littery Universe. Full of passages which rivet the attention of the reader. . . . Under a rustic garb, sentiments are conveyed which should be committed to the memory and engraven on the heart of every moral and social being . . . We consider this a unique performance . . . We hope to see it soon introduced into our common schools . . . Mr. Wilbur has performed his duties as editor with excellent taste and judgment . . . This is a vein which we hope to see successfully prosecuted . . . We hail the appearance of this work as a long stride toward the formation of a purely aboriginal, indigenous, nati e and American literature. We rejoice to meet with an author national enough to break away from the slavish deference, too common among us, to English grammar and orthography . . . Where all is so good, we are at a loss how to make ex tracts. . . . On the whole, we may call it a volume which no library, pretending to entire completeness, should fail to place upon its shelves. 10 NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. From the Higginbottomopolis Snapping-turtle. A collection of the merest balderdash and doggerel that it was ever our bad fortune to lay eyes on. The author is a vul gar buffoon, and the'editor a talkative, tedious old fool. We use strong language, but should any of our readers peruse the book, (from which calamity Heaven preserve them !) they will find reasons for it thick as the leaves of Vallumbrozer, or, to use a still more expressive comparison, as the combined heads of author and editor. The work is wretchedly got up . . . We should like to know how much British gold was pocketed by this libeller of our country and her purest patriots. From the Oldfogrumville Mentor. We have not had time to do more than glance through this handsomely printed volume, but the name of its respectable editor, the Rev. Mr. Wilbur, of Jaalam, will afford a suffi cient guaranty for the worth of its contents . . . The paper is white, the type clear, and the volume of a convenient and attractive size ... In reading this elegantly executed work, it has seemed to us that a passage or two might have been re trenched with advantage, and that the general style of diction was susceptible of a higher polish . . . On the whole, we may safely leave the ungrateful task of criticism to the reader. We will barely suggest, that in volumes intended, as this is, for the illustration of a provincial dialect and turns of expres sion, a dash of humor or satire might be thrown in with ad vantage . . . The work is admirably got up ... This work will form an appropriate ornament to the centre-table. It is beautifully printed, on paper of an excellent quality. From the Dekay Bulwark. We should be wanting in our duty as the conductor of that tremendous engine, a public press, as an American, and as a man, did we allow such an opportunity as is presented to us by " The Biglow Papers " to pass by without entering our NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. H earnest protest against such attempts (now, alas ! too com mon) at demoralizing the public sentiment. Under a wretched mask of stupid drollery, slavery, war, the social glass, and, in short, all the valuable and time-honored insti tutions justly dear to our common humanity and especially to republicans, are made the butt of coarse and senseless ribaldry by this low-minded scribbler. It is time that the respectable and religious portion of our community should be aroused to the alarming inroads of foreiga Jacobinism, sanscu- lottism, and infidelity. It is a fearful proof of the widespread nature of this contagion, that these secret stabs at religion and virtue are given from under the cloak (credite, posteri /) of a clergyman. It is a mournful spectacle indeed to the pa triot and the Christian to see liberality and new ideas (falsely so called, they are as old as Eden) invading the sacred pre cincts of the pulpit . . . On the whole, we consider this vol ume as one of the first shocking results which we predicted would spring out of the late French " Revolution " (!) From the Bungtown Copper and Comprehensive Tocsin (a try- weakly family journal) . Altogether an admirable work . . . Full of humor, boister ous, but delicate, of wit withering and scorching, yet com bined with a pathos cool as morning dew, of satire ponder ous as the rnace of Richard, yet keen as the scymitar of Sala- din . . . A work full of "mountain mirth," mischievous as Puck and lightsome as Ariel . . . We know not whether to admire most the genial, fresh, and discursive concinnity of the author, or his playful fancy, weird imagination, and com pass of style, at once both objective and subjective . . . We might indulge in some criticisms, but, were the author other than he is, he would be a different being. As it is, he has a wonderful pose, which flits from flower to flower, and bears the reader irresistibly along on its eagle pinions (like Gany mede) to the " highest heaven of invention." . . . We love a book so purely objective . . . Many of his pictures of natural scenery have an extraordinary subjective clearness and fidel- 12 NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. it}- ... In fine, we consider thi:? as one of the most extraor dinary volumes of this or any age. We know of no English author who could have written it. It is a work to which the proud genius of our country, standing with one foot on the Aroostook and the other on the Rio Grande, and holding up the star-spangled banner amid the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds, may point with bewildering scorn of the punier efforts of enslaved Europe . . . We hope soon to en counter our author among those higher walks of literature in which he is evidently capable of achieving enduring fame. Already we should be inclined to assign him a high position in the bright galaxy of our American bards. From the Salt river Pilot and Flay of Freedom. A volume of bad grammar and worse taste . . . While the pieces here collected were confined to their appropriate sphere in the corners of obscure newspapers, we considered them wholly beneath contempt, but. as the author has chosen to come forward in this public manner, he must expect the lash he so richly merits . . . Contemptible slanders . . . Vilest Billingsgate . . . Has raked all the gutters of oui: lan guage . . . The most pure, upright, and consistent politicians not safe from his malignant venom ". . . General Cashing comes in for a share of his vile calumnies . . . the Reverend Homer Wilbur is a disgrace to his cloth . . . From tJte World-Harmonic-^Eolian-Attachinent. Speech is silver : silence is golden. No utterance more Orphic than this. While, therefore, as highest author, \ve reverence him whose works continue heroically unwritten, we have also our hopeful word for those who with pen (from wing of goose loud-cackling, or seraph God-commissioned) record the thing that is revealed . . . Under mfi.sk of quaintest irony, we detect here the deep, storm-tost (nigh shipwrecked) soul, thunder-scarred, semiarticulate, but ever climbing hopefully toward the peaceful summitb of uu In- NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. 13 finite Sorrow . . . Yes, thou poor, forlorn Hosea, with He brew fire-flaming soul in thee, for thee also this life of ours has not been without its aspects of heavenliest pity and laugh- ingest mirth. Conceivable enough ! Through coarse Ther- sites-cloak, we have revelation of the heart, wild-glowing, world-clasping, that is in him. Bravely he grapples with the life-problem as it presents itself to him, uncombed, shaggy, careless of the " nicer proprieties," inexpert of " elegant dic tion," yet with voice audible enough to whoso hath ears, up there on the gravelly side-hills, or down on the splashy, India- rubber-like salt-marshes of native Jaalam. To this soul also the Necessity of Creating somewhat has unveiled its aw ful front. If not CEdipuses and Electras and Alcestises, then in God's name Birdofredum Sawins ! These also shall get born into the world, and filch (if so need) a Zingali subsist ence therein, these lank, omnivorous Yankees of his. He shall paint the Seen, since the Unseen will not sit to him. Yet in him also are Nibelungen-lays, and Iliads, and Ulysses- wanderings, and Divine Comedies, if only once he could come at them ! Therein lies much, nay all; for what truly is this which we name All, but that which we do not possess ? . . . Glimpses also are given us of an old father Ezekiel, not without paternal pride, as is the wont of such. A brown, parchment-hided old man of the geoponic or bucolic species, gray -eyed, we fancy, queued perhaps, with much weather- cunning and plentiful September-gale memories, bidding fair in good time to become the Oldest Inhabitant. After such hasty apparition, he vanishes and is seen no more . . . Of " Rev. Homer Wilbur, A. M., Pastor of the First Church in Jaalam," we have small care to speak here. Spare touch in him of his Melesigenes namesake, save haply, the blindness ! A tolerably caliginose, nephelegeretous elderly gentleman, with infinite faculty of sermonizing, muscularized by long practice, and excellent digestive apparatus, and, for the rest, well-meaning enough, and with small private illuminations (somewhat tallowy, it is to be feared) of his own. To him, there, " Pastor of the First Church in Jaalam," our Hosea presents himself as a quiet inexplicable Sphinx-riddle. A rich poverty of Latin and Greek, so far is clear enough, even 14 NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. to eyes peering myopic through horn-lensed editorial specta cles, but naught farther ? O pur-blind, well-meaning, alto gether fuscous Melesigenes-Wilbur, there are things in him incommunicable by stroke of birch ! Did it ever enter that old bewildered head of thine that there was the Possibility of the Infinite in him ? To thee, quite wingless (and even feath- erless) biped, has not so much even as a dream of wings ever come? "Talented young parishioner "? Among the Arts whereof thou art Magister, does that of seeing happen to be one ? Unhappy Artium Magister ! Somehow a Nemean lion, fulvous, torrid-eyed, dry-nursed in broad-howling sand-wil dernesses of a sufficiently rare spirit-Libya (it may be supposed) has got whelped among the sheep. Already he stands wild- glaring, with feet clutching the ground as with oak-roots, gathering for a Remus-spring over the walls of thy little fold. In Heaven's name, go not near him with that fly-bite crook of thine ! In good time, thou painful preacher, thou wilt go to the appointed place of departed Artillery -Election Sermons, Right-Hands of Fellowship, and Results of Councils, gathered to thy spiritual fathers with much Latin of the Epitaphial sort ; thou, too, shalt have thy reward ; but on him the Eumenides have looked, not Xantippes of the pit, snake- tressed, finger- threatening, but radiantly calm as on antique gems ; for him paws impatient the winged courser of the gods, champing un welcome bit ; him the starry deeps, the empyrean glooms, and far-flashing splendors await. From the Onion Grove Phwnix. A talented young townsman of ours, recently returned from a Continental tour, and who is already favorably known to our readers by his sprightly letters from abroad which have graced our columns, called at our office yesterday. We learn from him, that, having enjoyed the distinguished privi lege, while in Germany, of an introduction to the celebrated Von Humbug, he took the opportunity to present that emi nent man with a copy of the " Biglow Papers/' The next morning he received the following note, which he has kindly NOTICES OP AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. 15 furnished us for publication. We prefer to print verbatim., knowing that our readers will readily forgive the few errors into which the illustrious writer has fallen, through ignorance of our language. " HIGH- WORTHY MISTER ! " I shall also now especially happy starve, because I have more or less a work of one of those aboriginal Red-Men seen in which have I so deaf an interest ever taken fullworthy on the self shelf with our Gootsched to be upset. " Pardon my in the English-speech unpractice ! " VON HUMBUG." He also sent with the above note a copy of his famous work on " Cosmetics," to be presented to Mr. Biglow ; but this was taken from our friend by the English customhouse officers, probably through a petty national spite. No doubt, it has by this time found its way into the British Museum. We trust this outrage will be exposed in all our American papers. We shall do our best to bring it to the notice of the Sta,te Depart ment. Our numerous readers will share in the pleasure we experience at seeing our young and vigorous national litera ture thus encouragingly patted on the head by this venerable and world-renowned German. We love to see these reciproca tions of good-feeling between the different branches of the great Anglo-Saxon race. [The following genuine "notice" having met my eye, I gladly insert a portion of it here, the more espe cially as it contains a portion of one of Mr. Biglow's poems not elsewhere printed. H. W.] From the Jaalam Independent Blunderbuss. . . . But, while we lament to see our young townsman thus mingling in the heated contests of party politics, we think we detect in him the presence of talents which, if properly directed, might give an innocent pleasure to many. As a 16 NOTICES OF AN INDEPENDENT PRESS. proof that he is competent to the production of other kinds of poetry, we copy for our readers a short fragment of a pastoral by him, the manuscript of which was loaned us by a friend. The title of it is " The Courtin'." ZEKLE crep' up, quite unbeknown, An' peeked in thru the winder, An' there sot Huldy all alone, 'ith no one nigh to hender. Agin' the chimbly crooknecks hung, An' in amongst 'em rusted The old queen's arm thet gran'ther Young Fetched back frum Concord busted. The wannut logs shot sparkles out Toward the pootiest, bless her ! An' leetle fires danced all about The chiny on the dresser. The very room, coz she wuz in, Looked warm frum floor to ceilin', An' she looked full ez rosy agin Ez th' apples she wuz peelin'. She heerd a foot an' knowed it, tu, Araspin' on the scraper, All ways to once her feelins flew Like sparks in burnt-up paper. He kin' o' 1'itered on the mat, Some doubtfle o' the seekle ; His heart kep' goin' pity pat, But hern went pity Zekle. SATIS mnltis sese emptores futures libri professis, Georgius Nichols, Cantabrigiensis, opus emittet de parte gravi sed adhuc neglecta historiae naturalis, cum titulo sequent!, videlicet : Conatus ad Dehneationem naturalem nonnihil per- fectiorem Scarabcei Bombilatoris, vulgo dicti HUMBUG, ab HOMERO WILBUR, Artium Magistro, Societatis his- torico-naturalis Jaalamensis Praeside, (Secretario, So- cioque (eheu !) singulo,) multarumque aliarum Societa- tum eruditarum (sive iueruditarum) tarn domesticarura quam transmarinarum Socio forsitan future. PROEMIUM. LECTORI BENEVOLO S. Toga scholastica nondum deposita, quum systemata varia entomologica, a viris ejus scientias cultoribus stu- diosissimis summa diligentia aedificata, peiiitus inda- gassem, non fnit quin luctuose omnibus in iis, quamvis aliter laude dignissimis, hiatum magni momenti per- ciperem. Tune, nescio quo motu superiore impulsus, aut qua captus dulcedine operis, ad eum implendum (Curtins alter) me solemniter devovi. Nee ab isto labore, 8aifj.ovnav (necnon " Publici Legentis ") nusquam explorato, me composnisse quod quasi pla centas praef ervidas (ut sic dicam) homines ingurgitarent 2 17 18 PROEMIUM. credidi. Sed, qunm huic et alii bibliopolae MSS. mea iubmisissem et nihil solidius responsione valde negativa in Museum meum retulissem, horror ingens atque misericordia, ob crassitudinem Lambertianam in cere- bris homunculorum istius muneris coelesti quadam ira infixam, me invasere. Extemplo mei solius irapensis librum edere decrevi, nihil omnino dubitans quin "Mundns Scientificus" (ut aiunt) crnmenam nieam ampliter repleret. Nullam, attamen, ex agro illo meo parvulo segetem demessui, prater gandium vacuum bene de Eepublica merendi. Iste panis meus pretiosus super aquas literarias fseculentas praefidenter jactus, quasi Harpyiarumquarmidam (scilicet bibliopolarum istorum facinorosorum supradictorum) tactu rancidus, intra perpaucos dies mihi domum rediit. Et, quum ipse tali victn ali non tolerarem, primum in mentem venit pistori (typographo nempe) nihilominus solvendum esse. Animum non idcirco demisi, imo seque ac pueri naviculas suas penes se lino retinent (eo nt e recto cursn delapsas ad ripam retrahant), sic ego Argo meam char- taceam fluctibus laborantem a quaesitu velleris aurei, ipse potius tonsns pelleque exutus, mente solida revo- cavi. Metaphoram ut mutem, boomarangam meam a scopo aberrantem retraxi, dum majore vi, occasione ministrante, adversus Fortunam intorquerem. Ast mihi, [talia volventi, et, sicnt Saturnus ille xatdoflopos, liberos intellectus mei depascere fidenti, casus mise- randus, nee antea inauditns, supervenit. Nam, ut ferunt Scythas pietatis causa et parsimoniae, parentes suos mortuos devordsse, sic filius hie meus primogenitus, Scythis ipsis minus mansuetus, patrem vivum totum et calcitrantem exsorbere enixus est. Nee tamen hac de eausa sobolem meam esurientem exheredavi. Sed PROEMIUM. 19 famem istam pro valido testimonio virilitatis roborisque potius habui, cibumque ad earn satiandam, salvapaterna mea carne, petii. Et quia bilem illam scaturientem ad aes etiam concoqaendum idoneam esse estimabam, unde aes aliennm, ut minoris pretii, haberem, circumspexi. Eebus ita se habentibus, ab avunculo meo Johanne Doo- little, Armigero, impetravi ut pecunias necessarias suppeditaret, ne opus esset mihi universitatem relin- quendi antequam ad gradum primum in artibus per- venissern. Tune ego, salvum facere patronum meum mnnificum maxime cupiens, omnes libros primae edi- tionis operis mei non venditos una cum privilegio in omne asvum ejusdem imprimendi et edendi avunculo meo dicto pigneravi. Ex illo die, atro lapide notando, curae vociferantes families singulis annis crescentis eo usque insultabant ut nunquam tarn carum pignns e vinculis istis abeneis solvere possem. Avunculo vero nuper mortuo, quum inter alios con- sangnineos testamenti ejus lectionem audiendi causa advenissem, erectisauribus verba talia sequentia accepi : " Quoniam persuasum habeo meum dilectum nepo- tem Homerum, longa et intima rerum angustarum domi experientia, aptissimum esse qui divitias tueatur, bene- ficenterque ac prndenter iis divinis creditis utatur, ergo, motus hisce cogitationibus, exque amore meo in ilium magno, do, legoque nepoti caro meo supranomi- nato omnes singularesque istas possessiones nee ponder- abiles nee computabiles meas quge sequuntur, scilicet : quingentos libros quos mihi pigneravit dictus Homerns, anno lucis 1792, cum privilegio ydendi et repetendi opus istud 'scientificum' (quod dicunt) suum, si sic elegerit. Tamen D. 0. M. precor oculos Homeri nepo- tis mei ita aperiat eumque moveat, ut libros istos ia PROEMIUM. bibliotheca unius e plurimis castellis snis Hispaniensibus tuto abscondat." His verbis (vix credibilibus) auditis, cor menm in pectore exsultavit. Deinde, quoniam tractatus Anglico scriptns spem auctoris fefellerat, quippe quum studinm Historiae Naturalis in Bepublica uostra inter factionis strepitum languescat, Latine versum edere statui, et eo potius quia nescio quomodo disciplina academica et duo diplomata proficiant, nisi quod peritos linguarum om- nino mortnarnm (et damnandarum, ut dicebat iste xavoupros Gulielmus Cobbett) nos faciant. Et mihi adhnc snperstes est tota ilia editio prima, quam quasi crepitaculum per quod dentes caninos den- tibam retineo. OPERIS SPECIMEN. (Ad exemplum JoJiannis Physiophili speciminis Monachologice. 12. S. B. Militaris, WILBUR. Carnifex, JABLONSK. Prof anus, DESPONT. [Male hancce speciem Cyclopem Fabricius vocat, ut qui sin- gulo oculo ad quod sui interest distinguitur. Melius vero Isaacus Outis nullum inter S. rnilit. S. que Belzebul (Fabric. 152) discrimen esse defendit.] Habitat civitat. Americ. austral. Aureis lineis splendidus ; plerumquetamen sordidus, utpote lanienas valde frequentans, foetore sanguinis allectus. Aniat quoque insuper septa apricari, neque inde, nisi maxima co- natione, detruditur. Candidatus ergo populariter vocatus. Caput cristam quasi pennarum ostendit. Pro cibo vaccam publicam callide mulget ; abdomen enorme ; faoultas suctus baud facile estimanda. Otiosus, fatuus : ferox nihilominus, eemperque dimicare paratus. Tortuose repit. Capite saepe maxima cum cura dissecto, ne illud rudimen- PROEMIUM. 21 turn etiam cerebri commune omnibus prope insectis detegere poteram. Unam de hoc S. milit. rem singularem notavi ; nam S. Guineens. (Fabric. 143) servos facit, et idcirco a multis summa in reverentia habitus, quasi scintillas' rationis psene humanse demonstrans. 24 S. B. Criticus, WILBUR. Zoilus, FABRIC. Pygmceus, CARLSEN. [Stultissime Johannes Stryx cum S. punctate (Fabric. 64- 109) confundit. Specimina quamplurima scrutationi micro- scopicae subjeci, nunquam tamen unum ulla indicia puncti cujusvis prorsus ostendentem inveni.] Praecipue formidolosus, insectatusque, in proxima riina anoiiyma sese abscondit, ive, we, creberrime stridens. Inep- tus, segnipes. Habitat ubique gentium ; in sicco ; nidum suum terebra- tione indefessa aedificans. Cibus. Libros depascit ; siccos praacipue seligens, et forte succidum. INTRODUCTION. WHEN", more than three years ago, my talented young parishioner, Mr. Biglow, came to me and sub mitted to my animadversions the first of his poems which he intended to commit to the more hazardous trial of a city newspaper, it never so much as entered my imagination to conceive that his productions would ever be gathered into a fair volume, and ushered into the august presence of the reading public by myself. So little are we short-sighted mortals able to predict the event ! I confess that there is to me a quite new satisfaction in being associated (though only as sleep ing partner) in a book which can stand by itself in an independent unity on the shelves of libraries. For there is always this drawback from the pleasure of printing a sermon, that, whereas the queasy stomach of this generation will not bear a discourse long enough to make a separate volume, those religious and godly- minded children (those Samuels, if I may call them so) of the brain must at first lie buried in an undis tinguished heap, and then get stich resurrection as is vouchsafed to them, mummy-wrapt with a score of others in a cheap binding, with no other mark of dis tinction than the word " Miscellaneous " printed upon the back. Far be it from me to claim any credit for the quite unexpected popularity which I am pleased to find these bucolic strains have attained unto. If I know myself, 1 am measurably free from the itch of 23 24 INTRODUCTION. vanity ; yet I may be allowed to say that I was no 4 ; backward to recognize in them a certain wild, puckery. acidulous (sometimes even verging toward that point which, in our rustic phrase, is termed shut-eye) flavor, not wholly unpleasing, ^or unwholesome, to palates cloyed with the sugariness of tamed and cultivated fruit. It may be, also, that some touches of my own, here and there, may have led to their wider acceptance, albeit solely from my larger experience of literature and authorship.* I was, at first, inclined to discourage Mr. Biglow's attempts, as knowing that the desire- to poetize is one of the diseases naturally incident to adolescence, which, if the fitting remedies be not at once and with a bold hand applied, may become chronic, and render one, who might else have become in due time an ornament of the social circle, a painful object even to nearest friends and relatives. But thinking, on a further ex perience, that there was a germ of promise in him which required only culture and the pulling up of weeds from around it, I thought it best to set before him the acknowledged examples of English compositions in verse, and leave the rest to natural emulation. With this view, I accordingly lent him some volumes of Pope and Goldsmith, to the assiduous study of which he promised to devote his evenings. Not long afterward, he brought me some verses written upon that model, * The reader curious in such matters may refer (if he can find them) to " A Sermon Preached on the Anniversary of the Dark Day," "An Artillery Election Sermon," " A Dis course on the Late Eclipse," " Dorcas, a Funeral Sermon on the Death of Madam Submit Tidd, Relict of the late Experi ence Tidd, Esq.," &c., &c. INTRODUCTION. 25 a specimen of which I subjoin, having changed some phrases of less elegancy, and a few rhymes objection able to the cultivated ear. The poem consisted of childish reminiscences, and the sketches which follow will not seem destitute of truth to those whose fortu nate education began in a country village. And, first, let us hang up his charcoal portrait of the school- dame. " Propt on the marsh, a dwelling now, I see The humble schoolhouse of my A, B, C, Where well-drilled urchins, each behind his tire, Waited in ranks the wished command to fire, Then all together, when the signal came, Discharged their a-b abs against the dame, Who, 'mid the volleyed learning, firm and calm, Patted the furloughed ferule on her palm, And, to our wonder, could detect at once Who flashed the pan, and who was downright dunce. There young Devotion learned to climb with ease The gnarly limbs of Scripture family-trees, And he was most commended and admired Who soonest to the topmost twig perspired ; Each name was called as many various ways As pleased the reader's ear on different days, So that the weather, or the ferule's stings, Colds in the head, or fifty other things, Transformed the helpless Hebrew thrice a week To guttural Pequot or resounding Greek, The vibrant accent skipping here and there, Just as it pleased invention or despair ; No controversial Hebraist was the Dame ; With or without the points pleased her the same ; If any tyro found a name too tough, And looked at her, pride furnished skill enough ; She nerved her larynx for the desperate thing, And cleared the five-barred syllables at a spring. 26 INTRODUCTION. Ah, dear old times ! there once it was my hap, Perched on a stool, to wear the long-eared cap ; From books degraded, there I sat at ease, A drone, the envy of compulsory bees." I add only one further extract, which will possess a melancholy interest to all such as have endeavored to gleam the materials of Kevolntionary history from the lips of aged persons, who took a part in the actual making of it, and, finding the manufacture profitable, continued the supply in an adequate proportion to the demand. " Old Joe is gone, who saw hot Percy goad His slow artillery up the Concord road, A tale which grew in wonder, year by year, As, every time he told it, Joe drew near To the main fight, till, faded and grown gray, The original scene to bolder tints gave way ; Then Joe had heard the foe's scared double-quick Beat on stove drum with one uncaptured stick, And, ere death came the lengthening tale to lop, Himself had fired, and seen a red-coat drop ; Had Joe lived long enough, that scrambling fight Had squared more nearly to his sense of right, , And vanquished Percy, to complete the tale, Had hammered stone for life in Concord jail." I do not know that the foregoing extracts ought not to be called my own rather than Mr. Biglow's, as indeed, he maintained stoutly that my file had left nothing of his in them. I should not, perhaps, have felt entitled to take so great liberties with them, had I not more than suspected an hereditary vein of poetry in myself, a very near ancestor having written a Latin poem in the Har- yard Gratulatio on the accession of George the Third. INTRODUCTION. 27 Suffice it to say, that, whether not satisfied with such limited approbation as I could conscientiously bestow, or from a sense of natural inaptitude, I know not, cer tain it is that my young friend could never be induced to any further essays in this kind. He affirmed that it was to him like writing in a foreign tongue, that Mr. Pope's versification was like the regular ticking of one of Willard's clocks, in which one could fancy, after long listening, a certain kind of rhythm or tune, but which yet was only a poverty-stricken tick, tick, after all, and that he had never seen a sweet-water on a trellis growing so fairly, or in forms so pleasing to his eye, as a fox-grape over a scrub-oak in a swamp. He added I know not what, to the effect that the sweet- water would only be the more disfigured by having its leaves starched and ironed out, and that Pegasus (so he called him) hardly looked right with his mane and tail in curl-papers. These and other such opinions I did not long strive to eradicate, attributing them rather to a defective education and senses untuned by too long familiarity with purely natural objects, than to a per verted moral sense. I was the more inclined to this leniency since sufficient evidence was not to seek, that his verses, as wanting as they certainly were in classic polish and point, had somehow taken hold of the public ear in a surprising manner. So, only setting him right as to the quantity of the proper name Pegasus, I left him to follow the bent of his natural genius. There are two things upon which it would seem fit ting to dilate somewhat more largely in this place, the Yankee character and the Yankee dialect. And, first, of the Yankee character, which has wanted neither open maligners, nor even more dangerous enemies in 28 INTRODUCTION. the persons of those unskilful painters who have given to it that hardness, angularity, and want of proper per spective, which, in truth, belonged, not to their sub ject, but to their own niggard and unskilful pencil. New England was not so much the colony of a mother country, as a Hagar driven forth into the wilderness. The little self-exiled band which came hither in 1620 came, not to seek gold, but to found a democracy. They came that they might have the privilege to work and pray, to sit upon hard benches and listen to pain ful preachers as long as they would, yea, even unto thirty-seventhly, if the spirit so willed it. And surely, if the Greek might boast his Thermopylae, Avhere three hundred men fell in resisting the Persian, we may well be proud of our Plymouth Kock, where a handful of men, women, and children not merely faced, but van quished, winter, famine, the wilderness, and the yet more invincible storge that drew them back to the green island far away. These found no lotus growing upon the surly shore, the taste of which could make them forget their little native Ithaca ; nor were they so wanting to themselves in faith as to burn their ship, but could see the fair west wind belly the homeward sail, and then turn unrepining to grapple with the terrible Unknown. As Want was the prime foe these hardy exodists had to fortress themselves against, so it is little wonder if that traditional feud is long in wearing out of the stock. The wounds of the old warfare were long ahealing, and an east wind of hard times puts a new ache in every one of them. Thrift was the first lesson in their horn-book, pointed out, letter after letter, by the lean finger of the hard schoolmaster, Necessity. Neither were those INTRODUCTION. 29 plump, rosy-gilled Englishmen that came hither, but a hard-faced, atrabilious, earnest-eyed race, stiff from long wrestling with the Lord in prayer,- and who had taught Satan to dread the new Puritan hug. Add two hundred years' influence of soil, climate, and exposure, with its necessary result of idiosyncrasies, and we have the present Yankee, full of expedients, half master of all trades, inventive in all but the beautiful, full of shifts, not yet capable of comfort, armed at all points against the old enemy Hunger, longanimous, good at patching, not so careful for what is best as for Aviiat will do, with a clasp to his purse and a button to his pocket, not skilled to build against Time, as in old countries, but against sore-pressing Need, accustomed to move the world with no x<>u arS> but his own two feet, and no lever but his own long forecast. A strange hy brid, indeed, did circumstances beget, here in the New World, upon the old Puritan stock, and the earth never before saw such mystic-practicalism, such niggard-gen iality, such calculating-fanaticism, such cast-iron-enthu siasm, such unwilling-humor, such close-fisted-gener osity. This new Grceculus esuriens will make a living out of any thing. He will invent new trades as well as tools. His brain is his capital, and he will get educa tion at all risks. Put him on Juan Fernandez, and he would make a spelling-book first, and a salt-pan after ward. In ccelum jusseris, Hit, or the other way either, it is all one, so any thing is to be got by it. Yet, after all, thin, speculative Jonathan is more like the Englishman of two centuries ago than. John Bull himself is. He has lost somewhat in solidity, has be come fluent and adaptable, but more of the original groundwork of character remains. He feels more 30 INTRODUCTION. at home with Fnlke Greville, Herbert of Cherbury, Quarles, George Herbert, and Browne, than with his modern English cousins. He is nearer than John, by at least a hundred years, -to Naseby, Marston Moor, Worcester, and the time when, if ever, there were true Englishmen. John Bull has suffered the idea of the Invisible to be very much fattened out of him. Jona than is conscious still that he lives in the world of the Unseen as well as of the Seen. To move John, you must make your fulcrum of solid beef and pudding ; an abstract idea will do for Jonathan. V TO THE INDULGENT READER. MY friend, the Reverend Mr. Wilbur, having been seized with a dangerous fit of illness, before this In troduction had passed through the press, and being incapacitated for all literary exertion, sent to me his notes, memoranda, &c., and requested me to fashion them into some shape more fitting for the general eye. This, owing to the fragmentary and disjointed state of his manuscripts, I have felt wholly unable tq do ; yet, being unwilling that the reader should be deprived of such parts of his lucubrations as seemed more finished, and not well discerning how to segregate these from the rest, I have concluded to send them all to the press precisely as they are. COLUMBUS NYE, Pastor of a Church in Bungtown Corner. IT remains to speak of the Yankee dialect. And, first, it may be premised, in a general way, that any INTRODUCTION. 31 one much read in the writings of the early colonists need not be told that the far greater share of the words and phrases now esteemed peculiar to New England, and local there, were brought from the mother country. A person familiar with the dialect of certain portions of Massachusetts will not fail to recognize, in ordinary dis course, many words now noted in English vocabularies as archaic, the greater part of which were in common use about the time of the King James translation of the Bible. Shakspeare stands less in need of a glossary to most New Englanders than to many a native of the Old Country. The peculiarities of our speech, how ever, are rapidly wearing out. As there is no country where reading is so universal and newspapers are so multitudinous, so no phrase remains long local, but is transplanted in the mail bags to every remotest corner of the land. Consequently our dialect approaches nearer to uniformity than that of any other nation. The English have complained of us for coining new words. Many of those so stigmatized were old ones by them forgotten, and all make now an unquestioned part of the currency, wherever English is spoken. Undoubtedly, we have a right to make new words, as they are needed by the fresh aspects under which life presents itself here in the New World ; and, indeed, wherever a language is alive, it grows. It might be questioned whether we could not establish a stronger title to the ownership of the English tongue than the mother-islanders themselves. Here, past all question, is to be its great home and centre. And not only is it already spoken here by greater numbers, but with a far higher popular average of correctness, than in Britain. The great writers of it, too, we might claim 32 INTRODUCTION. as ours, were ownership to be settled by the number of readers and lovers. As regards the provincialisms to be met with in this volume, I may say that the reader will not find one which is not (as I believe) either native or imported with the early settlers, nor one which I have not, with my own ears, heard in familiar use. In the metrical portion of the book, I have endeavored to adapt the spelling as nearly as possible to the ordinary mode of pronunciation. Let the reader who deems me over particular remember this caution of Martial : " Quern recitas, meus est, O Fidentine libellus ; Sed male cum recitas, incipit esse tuns.'' A few further explanatory remarks will not be im pertinent. I shall barely lay down a few general rules for the reader's guidance. 1. The genuine Yankee never gives the rough sound to the r when he can help it, and often displays con siderable ingenuity in avoiding it even before a vowel. 2. He seldom sounds the final g, a piece of self-denial, if we consider his partiality for nasals. The same of the final d, as han' and stan' for hand and stand. 3. The h in such words as while, when, where, he omits altogether. 4. In regard to a, he shows some inconsistency, some times giving a close and obscure sound, as liev for have, liendy for handy, ez for as, thet for that, and again giving it the broad sound it has in father, as hdnsome for handsome. 5. To the sound on he prefixes an e (hard to ex emplify otherwise than orally). INTRODUCTION. 33 The following passage in Shakspeare he would recite thus : " Neow is the winta uv eour discontent Med glorious summa by this sun o' Yock, An' all the cleouds thet leowered upon eour heouse In the deep buzzum o' the oshiii buried ; Neow air eour breows beound 'ith victorious wreaths ; Eour breused arms hung up fer monimunce ; Eour starn alarums changed to merry meetins, Eour dreffle marches to delightful measures. Grim-visaged war heth smeuthed his wrinkled front, An' neow, instid o' mountin' barebid steeds To fright the souls o' ferfle edverseries, He capers nimly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasin' uv a loot." 6. Au, in such words as daughter and slaughter, he pronounces ah. 7. To the dish thus seasoned add a drawl ad libitum. [Mr. Wibur's notes here become entirely fragmen tary. C. N.] . Unable to procure a likeness of Mr. Biglow, I thought the curious reader might be gratified with a sight of the editorial effigies. And here a choice be tween two was offered, the one a profile (entirely black) cut by Doyle, the other a portrait painted by a native artist of much promise. The first of these seemed wanting in expression, and in the second a slight obliquity of the visual organs has been height ened (perhaps from an over-desire of force on the part of the artist) into too close an approach to actual strabismus. This slight divergence in my optical apparatus from the ordinary model however I may have been taught to regard it in the light of a mercy 3 34 INTRODUCTION. rather than a cross, since it enabled me to give as much of directness and personal application to my discourses as met the wants of my congregation, without risk of offending any by being supposed to have him or her in my eye (as the saying is) seemed yet to Mrs. Wilbur a sufficient objection to the engraving of the aforesaid painting. We read of many who either absolutely refused to allow the copying of their features, as espe cially did Plotinus and Agesilaus among the ancients, not to mention the more modern instances of Scioppius Palseottus, Pinellus, Velserus, Gataker, and others, or were indifferent thereto, as Cromwell. ft. Yet was Caesar desirous of concealing his bald ness. Per contra, my Lord Protector's carefulness in the matter of his wart might be cited. Men generally more desirous of being improved in their portraits than characters. Shall probably find very unflattered like ness of ourselves in Eecording Angel's gallery. f. Whether any of our national peculiarities may be traced to our use of stoves, as a certain closeness of the lips in pronunciation, and a smothered smoulderingness of disposition, seldom roused to open flame ? An un restrained intercourse with fire probably conducive to generosity and hospitality of soul. Ancient Mexicans used stoves, as the friar Augustin Ruiz reports, Hak- luyt, III., 468, but Popish priests not always reliable authority. To-day picked my Isabella grapes. Crop injured by attacks of rose-bug in the spring. Whether Noah was justifiable in preserving this class of insects ? INTRODUCTION. 35 8. Concerning Mr. Biglow's pedigree. Tolerably certain that there was never a poet among his ancestors. An ordination hymn attributed to a maternal uncle, but perhaps a sort of production not demanding the creative faculty. His grandfather a painter of the grandiose or Michael Angelo school. Seldom painted objects smaller than houses or barns, and these with uncommon expression. e. Of the Wilburs no complete pedigree. The crest said to be a wild boar, whence, perhaps, the name.(?) A connection with the Earls of Wilbraham (quasi wild boar ham) might be made out. This suggestion worth following up. In 1677, John W. m. Expect , had issue, 1. John, 2. Haggai, 3. Expect, 4. Ruhamah, 5. Desire. " Hear lyes ye bodye of Mrs. Expect "Wilber, Y crewell salvages they kil'd her Together wth other Christian soles eleaven, October ye ix daye, 1707. Ye stream of Jordan sh' as crost ore And now expeacts me on ye other shore : I live in hope her soon to join ; Her earthlye yeeres were forty and nine." From Gravestone in Pekussett, North Parish. This is unquestionably the same John who afterward (1711) married Tabitha Hagg or Ragg. But if this were the case, she seems to have died early ; for only three years after, namely, 1714, we have evidence that he married Winifred, daughter of Lieutenant Tipping. He seems to have been a man of substance, for we find him in 1696 conveying " one undivided eightieth 36 INTRODUCTION. part of a salt-meadow " in Yabbok, and he commanded a sloop in 1702. Those who doubt the importance of genealogical studies fuste potius quam argumento erudiendi. I trace him as far as 1723, and there lose him. In' that year he was chosen selectman. No gravestone. Perhaps overthrown when new hearse-house was built, 1802. He was probably the son of John, who came from Bilham Comit. Salop, circa 1642. This first John was a man of considerable importance, being twice mentioned with the honorable prefix of Mr. in the town records. Name spelt with two Z's. " Hear lyeth ye bod [stone unhappily broken.] Mr. Ihon Willber [Esq.] [I enclose this in brackets as doubtful. To me it seems clear.] Ob'tdie [illegible ; looks like xviii.] iii \prob. 1693. J .... paynt .... deseased seinte : A friend and [fath]er untoe all ye opreast, Hee gave ye wicked familists noe reast, When Sat [an bljewe his Antinomian Waste, Wee clong to [Willber as a steadfjast maste. [A]gaynst ye horrid Qua[kers] It is greatly to be lamented that this curious epitaph is mutilated. It is said that the sacrilegious British soldiers made a target of this stone during the war of Independence. How odious an animosity which pauses not at the grave ! How brutal that which spares not the monuments of authentic history ! This is not improbably from the pen of Kev. Moody Pyram, who is mentioned by Hubbard as having been noted for a silver vein of poetry. If his papers be still extant, a copy might possibly be recovered. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. No. I. A LETTER FROM MR. EZEKIEL BIGLOW OF JAALAM TO THE HON. JOSEPH T. BUCKINGHAM, EDITOR OF THE BOSTON" COURIER, INCLOSING A POEM OF HIS SON, MR. HOSEA BIGLOW. JAYLEM, June 1846. MISTER EDDYTER : Our Hosea wuz down to Boston last week, and he see a cruetin Sarjunt a struttin round as popler as a hen with 1 chicking, with 2 fellers a drum- min and fifin arter him like all nater. the sarjunt he thout Hosea hedu't gut his i teeth cut cos he looked a kindo's though he's jest com down, so he cal'lated to hook him in, but Hosy woodn't take none o' his sarse for all he hed much as 20 Rooster's tales stuck onto his hat and eenamost enuf brass a bobbin up and down on his shoulders and figureed onto his coat and trousis, let alone wut nater hed sot in his featers, to make a 6 pounder out on. wal, Hosea he com home considerabal riled, and arter I 'd gone to bed I heern Him a thrashin round like a short-tailed Bull in fli-time. The old Woman ses she 37 38 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. to me ses she, Zekle, ses she, our Hosee's gut the chol- lery or suthin anuther ses she, don't you Bee skeered, ses I, he's oney amakin pottery * ses i, he's oilers on hand at that ere busynes like Da & martin, and shure enuf, cum mornin, Hosy he cum down stares full chiz- zle, hare on eend and cote tales flyin, and sot rite of to go reed his varses to Parson Wilbur bein he hain't aney grate shows o' book larnin himself, bimeby he cum back and sed the parson wuz dreffle tickled with 'em as i hoop you will Be, and said they wuz True grit. Hosea ses, tain't hardly fair to call 'em hisn now, cos the parson kind o' slicked off sum o' the last varses, bat he told Hosee he didn't want to put his ore in to tetch to the Rest on 'em, bein they wnz verry well As thay wuz, and then Hosy ses he sed suthin a nuther about Simplex Mundishes or sum sech feller, but I guess Hosea kind o' didn't hear him, for I never hearn o' nobody o' that name in this villadge, and I've lived here man and boy 76 year cum next tater diggin, and thair ain't no wheres a kitting spryer 'n I be. If you print 'em I wish you'd jest let folks know who hosy's father is, cos my ant Keziah used to say it's nater to be curus ses she, she ain't livin though and he's a likely kind o' lad. EZEKIEL BIGLOW. THE ASH away, you '11 hev to rattle On them kittle drums o' yourn, 'Tain't a knowin' kind o' cattle Thet is ketched with mouldy corn ; * Aut insanit, aut versos facit. H. W. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 39 Put in stiff, yon fifer feller, Let folks see how spry you be, Guess you '11 toot till you are yeller 'Pore you git ahold o' me 1 Thet air flag 's a lettle rotten, Hope it ain't your Sunday's best; Fact ! it takes a sight o' cotton To stuff out a soger's chest : Sence we farmers hev to pay fer 't, Ef you must wear humps like these, Sposin' you should try salt hay fer 't, It would du ez slick ez grease. 'T would n't suit them Southern fellers, They 're a dreffle graspin' set, We must oilers blow the bellers Wen they want their irons het ; May be it 's all right ez preachin', But my narves it kind o' grates, Wen I see the overreachin' 0' them nigger-drivin' States. Them thet rule us, them slave-traders, Hain't they cut a thunderin' swarth, (Helped by Yankee renegaders,) Thru the vartu o' the North ! We begin to think it 's nater To take sarse an' not be riled ; Who 'd expect to see a tater All on eend at bein' biled ? 40 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Ez fer war. I call it murder, There you hev it plain an' flat ; I don't want to go no furder Than my Testyment fer that ; God hez sed so plump an' fairly, It 's ez long ez it is broad, An' you 've gut to git up airly Ef you want to take in God. 'T ain't your eppyletts an' feathers Make the thing a grain more right ; 'Taint afollerin' your bell-wethers Will excuse ye in His sight : Ef you take a sword an' dror it, An' go stick a feller thru, Guv'ment ain't to answer for it, God '11 send the bill to you. Wut 's the use o' meeting-goin* Every Sabbath, wet or dry, Ef it 's right to go amowin' Feller-men like oats an' rye ? I dunno but wut it 's pooty Training round in bobtail coats, But it 's cnrus Christian dooty This ere cuttin' folks's throats. They may talk o' Freedom's airy Tell they 're pupple in the face, It 's a grand gret cemetary Fer the barthrights of our race ; THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 4| They jest want this Califdrny So 's to lug new slave-states in To abuse ye, an' to scorn ye, An' to plunder ye like sin. Ain't it cute to see a Yankee Take sech everlastin' pains, All to git the Devil's thankee, Helpin' on 'em weld their chains ? Wy, it 's jest ez clear ez figgers, Clear ez one an' one make two, Chaps thet make black slaves o' niggers Want to make wite slaves o' you. Tell me jest the eend I 've come . to Arter cipherin* plaguy smart, An' it makes a handy sum, tu, Any gump could larn by heart ; Laborin' man an' laborin' woman Hev one glory an' one shame, Ev'y thin' thet 's done inhuman Injers all on 'em the same. 'Tain't by turnin' out to hack folks You 're goin' to git your right, Nor by lookin' down on black folks Coz you 're put upon by wite ; Slavery ain't o' nary color, 'Tain't the hide thet makes it wus, All it keers fer in a feller 'S jest to make him fill its pus. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Want to tackle me in, du ye ? I expect you '11 hev to wait ; "Wen cold lead puts daylight thru ye You '11 begin to kaPlate ; 'Spose the crows T ,vuu't fall to pickin* All the carkiss from your bones, Coz yon helped to give a lickin' To them poor half -Spanish drones ? Jest go home an' ask our Nancy Wether I 'd be sech a goose Ez to jine ye, guess you 'd fancy The etarnal bung wuz loose ! She wants me fer home consumption, Let alone the hay 's to mow, Ef you 're arter folks o' gumption, You 've a darned long row to hoe. Take them editors thet 's crowin* Like a cockerel three months old, Don't ketch any on 'em goin', Though they ~be so blasted bold ; Ain't they a prime set o' fellers ? Tore they think on 't they will sprout, (Like a peach thet's got the yellers,) With the meanness bustin' out. Wai, go 'long to help 'em stealin* Bigger pens to cram with slaves, Help the men thet 's oilers dealin' Insults on your fathers' graves ; THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 43 Help the strong to grind the feeble, Help the many agin the few, Help the men thet call your people Witewashed slaves an' peddling crew ! Massachusetts, God forgive her, She 's akneelin' with the rest, She, thet ough' to ha' clung fer ever In her grand old eagle-nest ; She thet ough' to stand so fearless Wile the wracks are round her hurled, Holdin* up a beacon peerless To the oppressed of all the world ! Hain't they sold your colored seamen ? Hain't they made your env'ys wiz ? Wut '11 make ye act like freemen ? Wut '11 git your dander riz ? Come, I '11 tell ye wut I 'm thinkin* Is our dooty in this fix, They 'd ha' done 't ez quick ez winkin* In the days o' seventy-six. Clang the bells in every steeple, Call all true men to disown The tradoocers of our people, The enslavers o ? their own ; Let our dear old Bay State proudly Put the trumpet to her mouth, Let her ring this messidge loudlj In the ears of all the South : 44 THE BIGLOW PAPERS, " I '11 return ye good fer evil Much ez we frail mortils can, But I wun't go help the Devil Makin' man the cus o' man ; Call me coward, call me traiter, Jest ez suits your mean idees, Here I stand a tyrant-hater, An' the friend o' God an' Peace ! " Ef I 'd my way I hed ruther "We should go to work an' part, They take one way, we take t'other, Guess it would n't break my heart ; Man hed ough' to put asunder Them thet God has noways jined ; An' I should n't gretly wonder Ef there 's thousands o' my mind. [The first recruiting sergeant on record I conceive to have been that individual who is mentioned in the Book of Job as going to and fro in the earth, and walk ing up and down in it. Bishop Latimer will have him to have been a bishop, but to me that other calling would appear more congenial. The sect of Cainites is not yet extinct, who esteemed the firstborn of Adam to be the most worthy, not only because of that priv ilege of primogeniture, but inasmuch as he was able to overcome and slay his younger brother. That was a wise saying of the famous Marquis Pescara to the Papal Legate, that it was impossible for men to serve Mars and Christ at the same time. Yet in time past the pro fession of arms was judged to be xar i^o^ijv that of a gentleman, nor does this opinion want for strenuous THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 45 upholders even in our day. Must we suppose, then, that the profession of Christianity was only intended for losels, or, at best, to afford an opening for plebeian ambition ? Or shall we hold with that nicely meta physical Pomeranian, Captain Vratz, who was Count Konigsmark's chief instrument in the murder of Mr. uhynne, that the Scheme of Salvation has been ar ranged with an especial eye to the necessities of the upper classes, and that " God would consider a gentle man and deal with him suitably to the condition and, profession he had placed him in ? " It may be said of us all, Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus. H. W.] No. IL A LETTER FROM ME. HOSEA BIGLOW TO THE HON. J. T. BUCK INGHAM, EDITOR OF THE BOSTON" COURIER, COVERING A LETTER FROM MR. B. SAWIN, PRIVATE IN THB MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. [THIS letter of Mr. Sawin's was not originally written in verse. Mr. Biglow, thinking it peculiarly suscep tible of metrical adornment, translated it, so to speak, into his own vernacular tongue. This is not the time to consider the question, whether rhyme be a mode of expression natural to the human race. If leisure from other and more important avocations be granted, I will handle the matter more at large in an appendix to the present volume. In this place I will barely remark, that I have sometimes noticed in the unlanguaged prat- tlings of infants a fondness for alliteration, assonance, and even rhyme, in which natural predisposition we may trace the three degrees through which our Anglo- Saxon verse rose to its culmination in the poetry of Pope. I would not be understood as questioning in these remarks that pious theory which supposes that children, if left entirely to themselves, would naturally discourse in Hebrew. For this the authority of one experiment is claimed, and I could, with Sir Thomas Browne, desire its establishment, inasmuch as the 46 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 47 acquirement of that sacred tongue would thereby be facilitated. I am aware that Herodotus states the conclusion of Psammeticus to have been in favor of ai dialect of the Phrygian. But, beside the chance that a trial of this importance would hardly be blessed to a Pagan monarch whose only motive was curiosity, we have on the Hebrew side the comparatively recent investigation of James the Fourth of Scotland. I will add to this prefatory remark, that Mr. Sawin, though a native of Jaalam, has never been a stated attendant on the religious exercises of my congregation. I con sider my humble efforts prospered in that not one of my sheep hath ever indued the wolf's clothing of war, save for the comparatively innocent diversion of a militia training. Not that my flock are backward to undergo the hardship of defensive warfare. They serve cheerfully in the great army which fights even unto death pro aris et focis, accoutred with the spade, the axe, the plane, the sledge, the spelling-book, and other such effectual weapons against want and ignorance and unthrift. I have taught them (under God) to esteem our human institutions as but tents of a night, to be stricken whenever Truth puts the bugle to her lips and sounds a march to the heights of wider-viewed intelligence and more perfect organization. H. W.] MISTER BUCKIKTUM, the follerin Billet was writ hum by a Yung feller of our town that wuz cussed fool enuff to goe atrottin inter Miss Chiff arter a Drum and fife, it ain't Nater for a feller to let on that he's sick o' any bizness that He went intu off his own free will and a Cord, but I rather cal'late he's middlin tired o* roluntearin By this Time. I bleeve u may put de- 48 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. pendunts on his statemence. For I never heered nothin bad on him let Alone his havin what Parson Wilbur cals a pongshong for cocktales, and he ses it wuz a soshiashun of idees sot him agoin arter the Crootin Sargient cos he wore a cocktale onto his hat. his Folks gin the letter to me and i shew it to parson Wilbur and he ses it oughter Bee printed, send It to mister Buckinnm, ses he, i don't allers agree with him, ses he, but by Time,* ses he, I du like a feller that ain't a Feared. I have intusspussed a Few refleckshuns hear and thair. We're kind o' prest with Hayin. Ewers respecfly HOSEA BIGLOW. THIS kind o* sogerin* ain't a mite like our October training A chap could clear right out from there ef 't only looked like raininV An' th' Gunnies, tu, could kiver up their shappoes with bandanners, An' send the insines skootin' to the barroom with their banners, (Fear o' gittin' on 'em spotted,) an' a feller could cry quarter * In relation to this expression, I cannot but think that Mr. Biglow has been too hasty in attributing it to me. Though Time be a comparatively innocent personage to swear by, and though Longinus in his discourse Ilepi T^ovf has com mended timely oaths as not only a useful but sublime figure of speech, yet I have always kept my lips free from that abomination. Odi profanum vulgus, I hate your swearing and hectoring fellows. H. W. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 49 Ef he fired away his ramrod arter tu much rum an' water. Recollect wut fun we hed, you 'n I an Ezry Hollis, Up there to Waltham plain last fall, ahavin' the Corn- wallis ? * This sort o' thing ain't jest like thet, I wish thet I was furder, f Nimepunce a day fer killin' folks comes kind o' low fer murder, (Wy I 've worked out to slarterin' some fer Deacon Ce phas Billins, An' in the hardest times there wuz I oilers tetched ten shillins, There's sutthin' gits into my throat thet makes it hard to swaller, It comes so nateral to think about a hempen collar ; It 's glory, but, in spite o' all my tryin' to git callous, I feel a kind o' in a cart, aridin* to the gallus. But wen it comes to bein' killed, I tell ye I felt streaked The fust time ever I found out wy baggonets wuz peaked ; Here 's how it wuz : I started out to go to a fandango, The sentinul he ups an' sez, "Thet's furder 'an you can go." " None o' your sarse," sez I ; sez he, " Stan' back ! " "Ain't you a buster?" Sez I, "I'm up to all thet air, I guess I've ben to muster ; * i hait the Site of a feller with a muskit as I du pizn But their is fun to a cornwallis I ain't agoin' to deny it. H. B. f he means Not quite so fur i guess. H. B. 4 50 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. J I know wy sentinuls air sot ; you ain't agoin' to cat us ; Caleb hain't no monopoly to court the seenoreetas ; My folks to hum air full ez good ez hisn be, by golly ! " An* so cz I wuz goin' by, not thinkin wut would folly, The everlastin' cus he stuck his one-pronged pitchfork in me An' made a hole right thru my close ez ef I wuz an in'my. Wai, it beats all how big I felt hoorawin' in ole Fun nel Wen Mister Bolles he gin the sword to our Leftenant Cunnle, (It's Mister Secondary Bolles,* thet writ the prize peace essay ; Thet's why he did n't list himself along o* us, I dessay,) An' Rantonl, tu, talked pooty loud, but don't put his foot in it, Coz human life 's so sacred thet he 's principled agin* it, Though I myself can 't rightly see it 's any wus achokin* on 'em Than puttin' bullets thru their lights, or with a bagnet pokin' on 'em ; How dreffle slick he reeled it off, (like Blitz at onr lyceum Ahaulin' ribbins from his chops so quick you skeercely see 'em,) About the Anglo-Saxon race (an* saxons would be handy To du the buryin* down here upon the Rio Grandy), * the ignerant creeter meens Sekketary ; but he oilers stuck to hi* books like cobbler's wax to an ile-stone. H. B. ' THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 51 About our patriotic pas an' onr star-spangled banner, Our country's bird alookin' on an' singin' out hosanner, An' how he (Mister B. himself) wuz happy fer Amer- iky, I felt, ez sister Patience sez, a leetle mite histericky. I felt, I swon, ez though it wuz a dreffle kind o' privi lege Atrampin' round thru Boston streets among the gutter's drivelage ; I act'lly thought it wuz a treat to hear a little drum- min', An' it did bonyfidy seem millanyum wuz acomin' Wen all on us got suits (darned like them wore in the state prison) An' every feller felt ez though all Mexico wuz hisn.* This 'ere 's about the meanest place a sknnk could wal diskiver (Saltillo 's Mexican, I b'lieve, fer wut we call Saltriver). The sort o' trash a feller gits to eat doos beat all nater, I 'd give a year's pay fer a smell o' one good bluenose tater ; The country here that Mister Bolles declared to be so charmin Throughout is swarmin* with the most alarmin' kind o* varmin'. * it must be aloud that thare 's a streak o' nater in lovin' sho, but it sartinly is 1 of the curusest things in nater to see a ris- pecktable dri goods dealer (deekon off a chutch mayby) a riggin' himself out in the Weigh they du and struttin' round in the Reign aspilin' his trowsis and makin' wet goods of him self. Ef any thin 's f oolisher and moor dicklus than militerry gloary it is milishy gloary. H. B. 52 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. He talked about delishis f roots, but then it wuz a woppei all, The holl on't 's mud an' prickly pears, with here an* there a chapparal ; You see a feller peekin' out, an', fust you know, a lariat Is round your throat an' you a copse, 'fore you can say, " Wut air ye at ? " * You never see sech darned gret bugs (it may not be irrelevant To say I 've seen a scarabceus pilularius t big ez a year old elephant,) The rigiment come up one day in time to stop a red bug From runnin' off with Cunnle Wright, 't wuz jest a common cimex lectularius. One night I started up on eend an' thought I wuz to hum agin, I heern a horn, thinks I it 'a Sol the fisherman hez come agin, His bellowses is sound enough, ez I 'm a livin creeter, I felt a thing go thru my leg, 't wuz nothin* more *n a skeeter ! Then there 's the yaller fever, tu, they call it here el vomito, (Come, thet wun't du, you landcrab there, I tell ye to le' go my toe ! * these fellers are verry proppilly called Rank Heroes, and the more tha kill the ranker and more Herowick tha bekum. H. B. f it wuz " tumblebug " as he Writ it, but the parson put the Latten instid. i sed tother maid better meeter, but he said tha was eddykated peepl to Boston and tha would n't stan' it no how. idnow as tha wood and idnow as tha wood. H. B, THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 53 My gracious ! it 'a a scorpion thet 's took a shine to play with 'i, I dars n't skeer the tarnal thing f er fear he M run away witfa't.) Afore I come away from hum I lied a strong persuasion Thet Mexicans worn't human beans,* an ourang outang nation, A sort o' folks a chap could kill an* never dream on 't arter, No more 'n a feller 'd dream o' pigs thet he lied lied to slarter ; I 'd an idee thet they were built arter the darkie fashion all, An* kickin' colored folks about, you know, 's a kind o' national ; But when I jined I woru't so wise ez thet air queen o' Sheby, Fer, come to look at 'em, they ain't much diff'rent from wut we be, An* here we air ascrougin' 'em out o' thir own do minions, Ashelterin' 'em, ez Caleb sez, under our eagle's pin ions, Wich means to take a feller up jest by the slack o' 's trowsis An' walk him Spanish clean right out o' all his homes an' houses ; Wai, it doos seem a curus way, but then hooraw fer Jackson ! It must be right, fer Caleb sez it 's reglar Anglo-saxon. * he means human beins, that 's wut he means. I spose he kinder thought tha wuz human beans ware the Xisle Poles comes from. H. B. 54 THE BIGLOW PAPERS, The Mexicans don't fight fair, they say, they piz'n all the water, An' dn amazin' lots o' things thet is n't wut they ough' to ; Bein' they hain't no lead, they make their bullets out o' copper An' shoot the darned things at us, tu, wich Caleb sez ain't proper ; He sez they 'd ough' to stan' right up an' let us pop 'em fairly, (Guess wen he ketches 'em at thet he '11 hev to git up airly,) Thet our nation 's bigger 'n theirn an' so its rights air bigger, An' thet it 's all to make 'em free thet we air pullin' trig ger, Thet Anglo Saxondom's idee 's abreakin' 'em to pieces, An' thet idee 's thet every man doos jest wut he damn pleases ; Ef I don't make his meanin' Qlear, perhaps in some re- spex I can, I know thet "every man" don't mean a nigger or a Mexican ; An' there 's another thing I know, an' thet is, ef these creeturs, Thet stick an Anglosaxon mask onto State-prison feeturs, Should come to Jaalam Centre fer to argify an' spout on 't, The gals 'ould count the silver spoons the minnit they cleared out on 't. This goin' ware glory waits ye hain't one agreeable feetur, THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 55 An" if it worn't f er wakin' snakes, F d home agin short meter ; 0, would n't I be off, quick time, eft worn't that I wuz sartin They 'd let the daylight into me to pay me f er desartin ! I don't approve o' tellin' tales, bat jest to you I may state Our ossifers ain't wut they wuz afore they left the Bay- state ; Then it wnz " Mister Sawin, sir, you 're middlin' well now, be ye ? Step up an' take a nipper, sir ; I 'm dreffle glad to see VP" j b > But now it 's " Ware 's my eppylet ? here, Sawin, step an' fetch it ! An' mind your eye, be thund'rin' spry, or, damn ye, you shall ketch it ! " Wai, ez the Doctor sez, some pork will bile so, but by mighty, Ef I hed some on 'em to hum, I 'd give 'em linkum vity, I 'd play the rogue's march on their hides an' other music follerin' But I must close my letter here, for one on 'em 's ahol- lerin', These Anglosaxon ossifers, wal, tain't no use ajawin', I 'm safe enlisted f er the war, Yourn, BIKDOFREDOM SAWIN. [Those have not been wanting (as, indeed, when hath Satan been to seek for attorneys ?) who have maintained that our late inroad upon Mexico was undertaken, not so much for the avenging of any national quarrel, as for 56 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. the spreading of free institutions and of Protestantism. Capita vix duabus Anticyris medenda ! Verily I ad mire that no pious sergeant among these new Cru saders beheld Martin Luther riding at the front of the host upon a tamed pontifical bull, as, in that former invasion of Mexico, the zealous Diaz (spawn though he were of the Scarlet Woman) was favored with a vision of St. James of Compostella, skewering the infidels upon his apostolical lance. We read, also, that Kichard of the lion heart, having gone to Palestine on a similar errand of mercy, was divinely encouraged to cut the throats of such Paynims as refused to swallow the bread of life (doubtless that they might be thereafter incapacitated for swallowing the filthy gobbets of Ma- hound) by angels of heaven, who cried to the king and his knights, Seigneurs, tuez ! tuez ! providentially using the French tongue, as being the only one under stood by their auditors. This would argue for the pan- toglottism of these celestial intelligences, while, on the other hand, the Devil teste Cotton Mather, is unversed in certain of the Indian dialects. Yet must he be a semeiologist the most expert, making himself intelligible to every people and kindred by signs ; no other dis course, indeed, being needful, than such as the mack erel-fisher holds with his finned quarry, who, if other bait be wanting, can by a bare bit of white rag at the end of a string captivate those foolish fishes. Such pis catorial oratory is Satan cunning in. Before one he trails a hat and feather or a bare feather without a hat ; before another, a Presidential chair, or a tidewaiter's stool, or a pulpit in the city, no matter what. To us, dangling there over our heads, they seem junkets dropped out of the seventh heaven, sops dipped iq THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 57 nectar, but, once in our mouths, they are all one, bits of fuzzy cotton. This, however, by the way. It is time now revocare gradum. While so many miracles of this sort, vouched by eyewitnesses, have encouraged the arms of Papists, not to speak of those Dioscuri (whom we must conclude imps of the pit) who sundry times captained the pagan Eoman soldiery, it is strange that our first American crusade was not in some such wise also signalized. Yet it is said that the Lord hath manifestly prospered our armies. This opens the question, whether, when our hands are strengthened to make great slaughter of our enemies, it be absolutely and demonstratively cer tain that this might is added to us from above, or whether some Potentate from an opposite quarter may not have a finger in it, as there are few pies into which his meddling digits are not thrust. Would the Sancti- fier and Setter-apart of the seventh day have assisted in a victory gained on the Sabbath, as was one in the late war ? Or has that day become less an object of his es pecial care since the year 1697, when so manifest a pro vidence occurred to Mr. William Trowbridge, in answer to whose prayers, when he and all on shipboard with him were starving, a dolphin was sent daily, *' which was enough to serve 'em ; only on Saturdays they still catched a couple, and on the Lord's Days they could catch none at all " ? Haply they might have been per mitted, by way of mortification, to take some few scul- pins (those banes of the salt-water angler), which un seemly fish would, moreover, have conveyed to them a symbolical reproof for their breach of the day, being known in the rude dialect of our mariners as Cape Cod Clergymen, 58 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. It has been a refreshment to many nice consciences to know that our Chief Magistrate would not regard with eyes of approval the (by many esteemed) sinful pastime of dancing, and I own myself to be so far of that mind, that I could not but set my face against this Mexican Polka, though danced to the Presidential pip ing with a Gubernatorial second. If ever the country should be seized with another such mania de propa ganda fide, I think it would be wise to fill our bomb shells with alternate copies of the Cambridge Platform and the Thirty-nine Articles, which would produce a mixture of the highest explosive power, and to wrap every one of our cannon-balls in a leaf of the New Tes tament, the reading of which is denied to those who git in the darkness of Popery. Those iron evangelists would thus be able to disseminate vital religion and Gospel truth in quarters inaccessible to the ordinary missionary. I have seen lads, unimpregnate with the more sublimated punctiliousness of Walton, secure pickerel, taking their unwary siesta beneath the lily- pads too nigh the surface, with a gun and small shot. Why not, then, since gunpowder Avas unknown to the Apostles (not to enter here upon the question whether it were discovered before that period by the Chinese), suit our metaphor to the age in which we live and say shooters as well as fishers of men ? I do much fear that we shall be seized now and then with a Protestant fervor, as long as we have neighbor Naboths whose wallowings in Papistical mire excite our horror in exact proportion to the size and desirableness of their vineyards. Yet I rejoice that some earnest Protestants have been made by this war, I mean those who protested against it. Fewer they were than I THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 59 could wish, for one might imagine America to have been colonized by a tribe of those nondescript African animals the Aye-Ayes, so difficult a word is No to us all. There is some malformation or defect of the vocal organs, which either prevents our uttering it at all, or gives it so thick a pronunciation as to be unintelligible. A mouth filled with the national pudding, or watering in expectation thereof, is wholly incompetent to this refractory monosyllable. An abject and herpetic Pub lic Opinion is the Pope, the Anti-Christ, for us to pro test against e corde cordium.. And by what College of Cardinals is this our God's-vicar, our binder and looser, elected ? Very like, by the sacred conclave of Tag, Rag, and Bobtail, in the gracious atmosphere of the grog-shop. Yet it is of this that we must all be puppets. This thumps the pulpit-cushion, this guides the editor's pri, this wags the senator's tongue. This decides what Scriptures are canonical, and shuffles Christ away into the Apocrypha. " According to that sentence fath ered upon Solon, Ourut 8ijiJ.6fft.ov xaxdv ep%Tat ofza<5' ixdffrtp. This unclean spirit is skilful to assume various shapes. I have known it to enter my own study and nudge my elbow of a Saturday, under the semblance of a wealthy member of my congregation. It were a great blessing, if every particular of what in the sum we call popular sentiment could carry about the name of its manufacturer stamped legibly upon it. I gave a stab under the fifth rib to that pestilent fallacy, " Our country, right or wrong," by tracing its original to a speech of Ensign Cilley at a dinner of the Buugtown Fencibles. H. W.] No. III. WHAT MR. ROBINSON THINKS. [A FEW remarks on the following verses will not be out of place. The satire in them was not meant to have any personal, but only a general, application. Of the gentleman upon whose letter they were intended as a commentary Mr. Biglow had never heard, till he saw the letter itself. The position of the satirist is often times one which he would not have chosen, had the election been left to himself. In attacking bad prin ciples, he is obliged to select some individual who has made himself their exponent, and in whom they are impersonate, to the end that what he says may not, through ambiguity, be dissipated tenues in auras. For what says Seneca ? Longum Her per prcecepta, breve et efficace per exempla. A bud principle is comparatively harmless while it continues to be an abstraction, nor can the general mind comprehend it fully till it is printed in that large type which all men can read at sight, namely, the life and character, the sayings and doings, of particular persons. It is one of the cunningest fetches of Satan, that he never exposes himself directly to our arrows, but, still dodging behind this neighbor or that acquaintance, compels us to wound him through them, if at all. He holds our affections as hostages, the while he patches up a truce with our conscience. Meanwhile, let us not forget that the aim of the true 60 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 61 satirist is not to be severe upon persons, but only upon falsehood, and, as Truth and Falsehood start from the same point, and sometimes even go along together for a little way, his business is to follow the path of the lat ter after it diverges, and to show her floundering in the bog at the end of it. Truth is quite beyond the reach of satire. There is so brave a simplicity in her, that she can no more be made ridiculous than an oak or pine. The danger of the satirist is, that continual use may deaden his sensibility to the force of language. He becomes more and more liable to strike harder than he knows or intends. He may be careful to put on his boxing-gloves, and yet forget, that, the older they grow, the more plainly may the knuckles inside be felt. Moreover, in the heat of contest, the eye is insensibly drawn to the crown of victory, whose tawdry tinsel glitters through that dust of the ring which obscures Truth's wreath of simple leaves. I have sometimes thought that my young friend, Mr. Biglow, needed a monitory hand laid on his arm, aliquid sufflaminan- dus erat. I have never thought it good husbandry to water the tender plants of reform with aquafortis, yet, where so much is to do in the beds, he were a sorry gardener who should wage a whole day's war with an iron scuffle on those ill weeds that make the garden- walks of life unsightly, when a sprinkle of Attic salt will wither them up. Est ars etiam maledicendi, says Scaliger, and truly it is a hard thing to say where the graceful gentleness of the lamb merges in downright sheepishness. We may conclude with worthy and wise Dr. Fuller, that "one may be a lamb in private wrongs, but in hearing general affronts to goodness they are asses which are not lions." H. W.j 62 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. GUVENER B. is a sensible man ; He stays to his home an' looks arter his folks ; He draws his fnrrer ez straight ez he can, An' into nobody's tater-patch pokes ; But John P. Kobinson he Sez he wunt vote fer Guvener B. My ! ain't it terrible ? Wut shall we du ? We can't never choose him, o' course, thet's flat ; Guess we shall hev to come round, (don't you ?) An' go in fer thunder an' guns, an' all that ; Fer John P. Eobinson he Sez he wunt vote fer Guvener B. Gineral 0. is a dreffle smart man : He 's ben on all sides thet give places or pelf ; But consistency still wuz a part of his plan, He's ben true to one party, an' thet is himself ; So John P. Robinson he Sez he shall vote fer Gineral C. Gineral C. he goes in fer the war ; He don't vally principle more 'n an old cud ; Wut did God make us raytional creetnrs fer, But glory an' gunpowder, plunder an' blood ? So John P. Robinson he Sez he shall vote fer Gineral C. We were gittin' on nicely up here to our village, With good old idees o' wut's right an' wut ain't, THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 63 We kind o' thought Christ went agin war an* pil lage, An' thet epplyetts worn't the best mark of a saint ; But John P. Kobinson he Sez this kind o' thing's an exploded idee. The side of our country must oilers be took, An' Presidunt Polk, you know, he is our country ; An' the angel thet writes all our sins in a book Puts the debit to him, an' to us the per contry ; An' John P. Robinson he Sez this is his view o' the thing to a T. Parson Wilbur he calls all these argimunts lies ; Sez they 're nothin' on airth but jest fee, faw, fum ; An' thet all this big talk of our destinies Is half on it ignorance, an 't'other half rum ; But John P. Robinson he Sez it ain't no sech thing ; an', of course, so must we. Parson Wilbur sez he never heerd in his life Thet th' Apostles rigged out in their swaller-tail coats, An* marched round in front of a drum an' a fife, To git some on 'em office, an' some on 'em votes ; But John P. Robinson he Sez they did n't know everythin' down in Judee, 64 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. "Wai, it 's a marcy we 've gut folks to tell us The rights an' the wrongs o' these matters, I vow, . God sends country lawyers, an' other wise fellers, To drive the world's team, wen it gits in a slough ; Fer John P. Robinson he Sez the world '11 go right, ef he hollers out Gee ! [The attentive reader will doubtless have perceived in the foregoing poem an allusion to that pernicious sen timent, " Our country, right or wrong/' It is an abuse of language to call a certain portion of land, much more, certain personages elevated for the time being to high station, our country. I would not sever nor loosen a single one of those ties by which we are united to the spot of our birth, nor minish by a tittle the respect due to the Magistrate. I love our own Bay State too well to do the one, and as for the other, I have myself for nigh forty years exercised, however unworthily, the function of Justice of the Peace, having been called thereto by the unsolicited kindness of that most excellent man and upright patriot, Caleb Strong. Patrice fumus igne aheno luculentior is best qualified with this, Ubi libertas, ibi patria. We are inhabitants of two worlds, and owe a double, but not a divided, allegiance. In vir tue of our clay, this little ball of earth exacts a certain loyalty of us, while, in our capacity as spirits, we are admitted citizens of an invisible and holier fatherland. There is a patriotism of the soul whose claim absolves us from our other and terrene fealty. Our true coun try is that ideal realm which we represent to ourselves under the names of religion, duty, and the like. Our terrestrial organizations are but far-off approaches to so THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 65 fair a model, and they all are verily traitors who resist not any attempt to divert them from this their original intendment. When, therefore, one would have us to fling up our caps and shout with the multitude, " 0^l country, however bounded!" he demands of us that we sacrifice the larger to the less, the higher to the lower, and that we yield to the imaginary claims of a few acres of soil our duty and privilege as liegemen of Truth. Our true country is bounded on the north and the south, on the east and the west, by Justice, and when she over steps that invisible boundary-line by so much as a hair's breadth, she ceases to be our mother, and chooses rather to be looked upon quasi noverca. That is a hard choice, when our earthly love of country calls upon us to tread one path and our duty points us to another. We must make as noble and becoming an election as did Penelope between Icarius and Ulysses. Veiling our faces, we must take silently the hand of Duty to follow her. Shortly after the publication of the foregoing poem, there appeared some comments upon it in one of the public prints which seemed to call for some animadver sion. I accordingly addressed to Mr. Buckingham, of the Boston Courier, the following letter. " JAALAM, November 4, 1847. " To the Editor of the Courier : "RESPECTED SIR, Calling at the post office this morning, our worthy and efficient postmaster offered for my perusal a paragraph in the Boston Morning Post of the 3d instant, wherein certain effusions of the pastoral muse are attributed to the pen of Mr. James Russell Lowell. For aught I know or can affirm to S 66 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. the contrary, this Mr. Lowell may be a very deserving person and a youth of parts (though I have seen verses of his which I could never rightly understand) ; and if he be such, he, I am certain, as well as I, would be free from any proclivity to appropriate to himself what ever of credit (or discredit) may honestly belong to an other. I am confident, that, in penning these few lines, I am only forestalling a disclaimer from that young gentleman, whose silence hitherto, when rumor pointed to himward, has excited in my bosom mingled emotions of sorrow and surprise. Well may my young parishioner, Mr. Biglow, exclaim with the poet. 4 Sic vos non vobis,' &c. ; though, in saying this, I would not convey the impres sion that he is a proficient in the Latin tongue, the tongue, I might add, of a Horace and a Tully. 1 ' Mr.. B. does not employ his pen, I can safely say, for any lucre of worldly gain, or to be exalted by the carnal plaudits of men, digito monstrari, &c. He does not wait upon Providence for mercies, and in his heart mean merces. But I should esteem myself as verily de ficient in my duty (who am his friend and in some unworthy sort his spiritual fidus Achates, &c.), if I did not step forward to claim for him whatever measure of applause might be assigned to him by the judicious. " If this were a fitting occasion, I might venture here a brief dissertation touching the manner and kind of my young friend's poetry. But I dubitate whether this abstrnser sort of speculation (though enlivened by some apposite instances from Aristophanes) would sufficiently interest your oppidan readers. As regards their satirical tone, and their plainness of speech, I THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 67 will only say, that, in my pastoral experience, I have found that the Arch-Enemy loves nothing better than to be treated as a religious, moral, and intellectual being, and that there is no apage Sathanas I so potent as ridicule. But it is a kind of weapon that must have a button of good-nature on the point of it. " The productions of Mr. B. have been stigmatized in some quarters as unpatriotic ; but I can vouch that he loves his native soil with that hearty, though dis criminating, attachment which springs from an inti mate social intercourse of many years' standing. In the ploughing season, no one has a deeper share in the well-being of the country than he. If Dean Swift were right in saying that he who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before confers a greater benefit on the state than he who taketh a city, Mr. B. might exhibit a fairer claim to the Presidency than General Scott himself. I think that some of those disinterested lovers of the hard-handed democracy, whose fingers have never touched anything rougher than the dollars of our common country, would hesitate to compare palms with him. It would do your heart good, re spected Sir, to see that young man mow. He cuts a cleaner and wider swarth than any in his town. " But it is time for me to be at my Post. It is very clear that my young friend's shot has struck the lintel, for the Post is shaken (Amos ix. 1). The editor of that paper is a strenuous advocate of the Mexican war, and a colonel, as I am given to understand. I presume, that, being necessarily absent in Mexico, he has left his journal in some less judicious hands. At any rate the Post has been too swift on this occasion. It could hardly have cited a more incontrovertible line from 68 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. any poem than that which it has selected for animad version, namely, ' We kind o' thought Christ went agin war an' pillage.' " If the Post maintains the converse of this propo sition, it can hardly be considered as a safe guidepost for the moral and religious portions of its party, how ever many other excellent qualities of a post it may be blessed with. There is a sign in London on which is painted, ' The Green Man/ It would do very well as a portrait of any individual who would support so un- scriptural a thesis. As regards the language of the line in question, I am bold to say that He who readeth the hearts of men will not account any dialect unseemly which conveys a sound and pious sentiment. I could wish that such sentiments were more common, how ever uncouthly expressed. Saint Ambrose affirms, that veritas a quocunque (why not, then, quomodocunque 9) dicatur a spiritu sancto est. Digest also this of Bax ter : < The plainest words are the most profitable oratory in the weightiest matters." ' ' When the paragraph in question was shown to Mr. Biglow, the only part of it which seemed to give him any dissatisfaction was that which classed him with the "Whig party. He says, that, if resolutions are a nour ishing kind of diet, that party must be in a very hearty and flourishing condition ; for that they have quietly eaten more good ones of their own baking than he could have conceived to be possible without repletion. He has been for some years past (I regret to say) an ardent opponent of those sound doctrines of protective policy which form so prominent a portion of the creed of that party. I confess, that, in some discussions which I THE BIGLOW PAPERS. (J9 have had with him ou this point in iny study, he has displayed a vein of obstinacy which I had not hitherto detected in his composition. He is also (horresco ref- erens infected in no small measure with the peculiar notions of a print called the Liberator, whose heresies I take every proper opportunity of combating, and of which, I thank God, I have never read a single line. " I did not see Mr. B.'s verses until they appeared in print, and there is certainly one thing in them which I consider highly improper. I allude to the personal references to myself by name. To confer notoriety on an humble individual who is laboring quietly in his vo cation, and who keeps his cloth as free as he can from the dust of the political arena (though vce milii si non evangelizavero), is no doubt an indecorum. The senti ments which he attributes to me I will not deny to be mine. They were embodied, though in a different form, in a discourse preached upon the last day of public fasting, and were acceptable to my entire people (of whatever political views), except the postmaster, who dissented ex officio. I observe that you sometimes devote a portion of your paper to a religious summary. I should be well pleased to furnish a copy of my dis course for insertion in this department of your instruc tive journal. By omitting the advertisements, it might easily be got within the limits of a single number, and I venture to insure you the sale of some scores of copies in this town. I will cheerfully render myself respon sible for ten. It might possibly be advantageous to issue it as an extra. But perhaps you will not esteem it an object, and I will not press it. My offer does not spring from any weak desire of seeing my name in print ; for I can enjoy this satisfaction at any time by 70 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. turning to the Triennial Catalogue of the University, where it also possesses that added emphasis of Italics with which those of my calling are distinguished. " I would simply add, that I continue to fit ingenu ous youth for college, and that I have two spacious and airy sleeping apartments at this moment unoccupied. Ingenuas didicisse, &c. Terms, which vary according to the circumstances of the parents, may be known on application to me by letter, post paid. In all cases the lad will be expected to fetch his own towels. This rule, Mrs. W. desires me to add, has no exceptions. '' Respectfully, your obedient servant, " HOMER WILBUR, A. M." " P. S. Perhaps the last paragraph may look like an attempt to obtain the insertion of my circular gratui tously. If it should appear to you in that light, I de sire that you would erase it, or charge for it at the usual rates, and deduct the amount from the proceeds in your hands from the sale of my discourse, when it shall be printed. My circular is much longer and more explicit, and will be forwarded without charge to any who may desire it. It has been very neatly ex ecuted 011 a letter sheet, by a very deserving printer, who attends upon my ministry, and is a creditable speci men of the typographic art. I have one hung over my mantelpiece in a neat frame, where it makes a beauti ful and appropriate ornament, and balances the profile of Mrs. W., cut with her toes by the young lady born without arms. " H. W." I have in the foregoing letter mentioned General Scott in connection with the Presidency, because I THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 71 have been given to understand that he has blown to pieces and otherwise caused to be destroyed more Mexi- icans than any other commander. His claim would therefore be deservedly considered the strongest. Until accurate returns of the Mexicans killed, wounded, and maimed be obtained, it will be difficult to settle these nice points of precedence. Should it prove that any other officer has been more meritorious and destructive than General S., and has thereby rendered himself more worthy of the confidence and support of the con servative portion of our community, I shall cheerfully insert his name, instead of that of General S., in a future edition. It may be thought, likewise, that General S. has invalidated his claims by too much at tention to the decencies of apparel, and the habits belonging to a gentleman. These abstruser points of statesmanship are beyond my scope. I wonder not that successful military achievement should attract the admiration of the multitude. Eather do I rejoice with wonder to behold how rapidly this sentiment is losing its hold upon the popular mind. It is related of Thomas Warton, the second of that honored name who held the office of Poetry Professor at Oxford, that, when one wished to find him, being absconded, as was his wont, in some obscure alehouse, he was counselled to traverse the city with a drum and fife, the sound of which inspiring music would be sure to draw the Doctor from his retirement into the street. We are all more or less bitten with this martial insanity. Nescio qud dulcedine cunctos ducit. I confess to some infection of that itch myself. When I see a Brigadier-General maintaining his insecure elevation in the saddle under the severe fire of the training-field , 72 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. and when I remember that some military enthusiasts; through haste, inexperience, or an over-desire to lend reality to those fictitious combats, will sometimes dis charge their ramrods, I cannot but admire, while I de plore, the mistaken devotion of those heroic officers. Semel insanivimus omnes. I was myself, during the late war with Great Britain, chaplain of a regiment, which was fortunately never called to active military duty. I mention this circumstance with regret rather than pride. Had I been summoned to actual warfare, I trust that I might have been strengthened to bear my self after the manner of that reverend father in our New England Israel, Dr. Benjamin Colman, Avho, as we are told in Turell's life of him, when the vessel in which he had taken passage for England was attacked by a French privateer, " fought like a philosopher and a Christian, .... and prayed all the while he charged and fired." As this note is already long. I shall not here enter upon a discussion of the question, whether Christians may lawfully be soldiers. I think it suffi ciently evident, that, during the first two centuries of the Christian era. at least, the two professions were esteemed incompatible. Consult Jortin on this head. H. W. NO. nr. REMARKS OF INCREASE D. o'PHACE, ESQUIRE, AT AX EXTRUMPERY CAUCUS IX STATE STREET, REPORTED By MR. H. BIGLOW. [THE ingenious reader will at once understand that no such speech as the following was ever totidem verbis pronounced. But there are simpler and less guarded wits, for the satisfying of which such an explanation may be needful. For there are certain invisible lines, which as Truth successively overpasses, she becomes Untruth to one and another, of us, as a large river, flowing from one kingdom into another, sometimes takes a new name, albeit the waters undergo no change, how small soever. There is, moreover, a truth of fic tion more veracious than the truth of fact, as that of the Poet, which represents to us things and events as they ought to be, rather than servilely copies them as they are imperfectly imaged in the crooked and smoky glass of our mundane affairs. It is this which makes the speech of Antonius, though originally spoken in no wider a forum than the brain of Shakspeare, more historically valuable than that other which Appian has reported, by as much as the understanding of the Englishman was more comprehensive than that of the Alexandrian. Mr. Biglow, in the present instance, has only made use of a license assumed by all the his torians of antiquity, who put into the mouths of various 74 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. characters such words as seem to them most fitting to the occasion and to the speaker. If it be objected that no such oration could ever have been delivered, I answer, that there are few assemblages for speech-mak ing which do not better deserve the title of Parliamen- tum Indoctorum than did the sixth Parliament of Henry the Fourth, and that men still continue to have as much faith in the Oracle of Fools as ever Pantagruel had. Howell, in his letters, recounts a merry tale of a certain ambassador of Queen Elizabeth, who, having written two letters, one to her Majesty and the other to his wife, directed them at cross-purposes, so that the Queen was beducked and bedeared and requested to send a change of hose, and the wife was beprincessed ana otherwise unwontedly besuperlatived, till the one feared for the wits of her ambassador, the other for those of her husband. In like manner it may be presumed that our speaker has misdirected some of his thoughts, and given to the whole theatre what he would have wished to confide only to a select auditory at the back of the curtain. For it is seldom that we can get any frank utterance from men, who address, for the most part, a Buncombe either in this world or the next. As for their audiences, it may be truly said of our people, that they enjoy one political institution in common with the ancient Athenians : I mean a certain profitless kind of ostracism, wherewith, nevertheless, they seem hitherto well enough content. For in Presidential elections, and other affairs of the sort, whereas I ob serve that the oysters fall to the lot of comparatively few, the shells (such as the privileges of voting as they are told to do by the ostrivori aforesaid, and of huzzaing at public meetings) are very liberally distributed THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 75 among the people, as being their prescriptive and quite sufficient portion. The occasion of the speech is supposed to be Mr. Palfrey's refusal to vote for the Whig candidate for the Speakership. H. W.] No ? Hez he ? He hain't, though ? Wut ? Voted agin him ? Ef the bird of our country could ketch him, she'd skin him ; I seem 's though I see her, with wrath in each quill, Lake a chancery lawyer, afilin' her bill, An' grindin' her talents ez sharp ez all nater, To pounce like a writ on the back o' the traiter. Forgive me, my friends, ef I seem to be het, But a crisis like this must with vigor be met ; Wen an Arnold the star-spangled banner bestains, Holl Fourth o' Julys seem to bile in my veins. Who ever 'd ha' thought sech a pisonous rig Would be run by a chap thet wuz chose fer a Wig ? " We knowed wut his principles wuz 'fore we sent him"? Wut wuz ther in them from this vote to pervent him ? A marciful Providunce fashioned us holler 0' purpose thet we might our principles swaller ; It can hold any quantity on 'em, the belly can, An' bring 'em up ready fer use like the pelican, Or more like the kangaroo, who (wich is stranger) Puts her family into her pouch wen there 's danger. Ain't principle precious ? then, who 's goin' to use it Wen there 's resk o' some chap's gittin' up to abuse it ? 76 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. I can't tell the wy 011 : i, but uothiu' is so sure Ez thet principle kind o' gits spiled by exposure ; * A man thet lets all sorts o' folks git a sight on 't Ough' to hev it all took right away, every mite on 't ; Ef he can't keep it to himself when it 's wise to, He ain't one it 's fit to trust nothin' so nice to. Besides, ther 's a wonderful power in latitude To shift a man's morril relations an' attitude ; Some flossifers think thet a fakkilty 's granted The minnit it's proved to be thoroughly wanted, Thet a change o' demand makes a change o' condi tion, An* thet everythin' 's nothin' except by position ; Ez, fer instance, thet rubber-trees fust begun bearin' Wen p'litickle conshunces come into wearin', Thet the fears of a monkey, whose holt chanced to fail, Drawed the vertibry out to a prehensile tail ; So, wen one's chose to Congriss, ez soon ez he 's in it, A collar grows right round his neck in a minnit, An' sartin it is thet a man cannot be strict In bein' himself, wen he gits to the Deestrict, * The speaker is of a different mind from Tully, who, in his recently discovered tractate De Rupublica, tells us, Nee vero haberc vietutem satis est, quasi artem aliqam, nisi utare, and from our Milton, who says, "I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to he run for, not without dust and heat." Areop. He had taken the words out of the Roman's mouth, without knowing it, and might well exclaim with Austin (if a saint's name may stand sponsor for a curse), Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerint ! H. W. THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 77 Fer a coat tliet sets wal here in ole Massachusetts, Wen it gits on to Washinton, somehow askew sets. Kesolves, do you say, o' the Springfield Convention ? Thet's percisely the pint I was goin' to mention ; Eesolves air a thing we most gen'ally keep ill, They 're a cheap kind o' dust fer the eyes o' the people ; A parcel o' delligits jest git together An' chat fer a spell o' the crops an' the weather, Then, comin' to order, they squabble awile An' let off the speeches they 're ferful '11 spile ; Then Eesolve, That we wunt hev an inch o' slave territory ; Thet President Folk's holl perceedins air very tory ; Thet the war 's a damned war, an' them thet enlist in it Should hev a cravat with a dreffle tight twist in it ; Thet the war is a war fer the spreadin' o' slavery ; Thet our army desarves our best thanks fer their bravery ; Thet we 're the original friends o' the nation, All the rest air a paltry an' base fabrication ; Thet we highly respect Messrs. A, B, an' C, An' ez deeply despise Messrs. E, F, an' Gr. In this way they go to the eend o' the chapter, An' then they bust out in a kind of a raptur About their own vartoo, an' folk's stone-blindness To the men thet 'ould actilly do 'em a kindness, The American eagle, the Pilgrims thet landed, Till on ole Plymouth Rock they git finally stranded. Wal, the people they listen and say, " Thet 's the ticket ; Ez fer Mexico, 'tain't no great glory to lick it, 78 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. But 't would be a darned shame to go pullin' o' triggers To extend the aree of abusin' the niggers." So they march in percessious, an' git up hooraws, An' tramp thru the mud fer the good o' the cause, An* think they 're a kind o' fulfillin' the prophecies, Wen they 're on'y jest changin' the holders of offices: Ware A sot afore, B is comf'tably seated, One humbug 's victor'ous, an' t'other defeated. Each honnable doughface gits jest wut he axes, An' the people their annooal soft sodder an' taxes. Now, to keep unimpaired all these glorious feeturs Thet characterize morril an' reasonin' creeturs, Thet give every paytriot all he can cram, Thet oust the untrustworthy Presidunt Flam, And stick honest Presidunt Sham in his place, To the manifest gain o' the holl human race, An' to some indervidgewals on 't in par tickler, Who love Public Opinion an' know how to tickle her, I say thet a party with great aims liks these Must stick jest ez close ez a hive full o' bees. I 'm willin' a man should go tollable strong Agin wrong in the abstract, fer thet kind o' wrong Is oilers unpop'lar an' never gits pitied, Because it 's a crime no one never committed ; But he mus' n't be hard on partickler sins, Coz then he'll be kickin' the people's own shins ; On'y look at the Demmercrats, see wut they 've done Jest simply by stickin' together like f nn ; They 've sucked us right into a mis'able war Thet no one on airth ain't responsible for ; THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 79 They 've run us a huuderd cool millions in debt, (An' fer Demmercrat Homers ther 's good plums left jet); They talk agin tayriffs, but act fer a high one, An' so coax all parties to build up their Zion ; To the people they 're oilers ez slick ez molasses, An' butter their bread on both sides with The Masses, Half o' whom they 've persuaded, by way of a joke, Thet Washinton's mantelpiece fell upon Polk. Now all o' these blessins the Wigs might enjoy, Ef they 'd gumption enongh the right means to imploy ; * Fer the silver spoon born in Uermocracy's mouth Is a kind of a scringe thet they hev to the South ; Their masters can cnss 'em an' kick 'em an' wale 'em, An' they notice it less 'an the ass did to Balaam ; In this way they screw into second-rate offices Wich the slaveholder thinks 'ould substract too much off his ease ; The file-leaders, I mean, du, fer they, by their wiles, Unlike the old viper, grow fat on their files. Wai, the "Wigs hev been tryin' to grab all this prey frum 'em An' to hook his nice spoon o' good fortin' away frum 'em, An' they might ha' succeeded, ez likely ez not In lickin' the Demmercrats all round the lot, Ef it warn't thet, wile all faithful Wigs were their knees on, * That was a pithy saying of Persius, and fits our politicians without a wrinkle, Magisterartis,ingeniiquelargitor venter, H. W. 80 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Some stuffy old codger would holler out, " Treason 1 You must keep a sharp eye on a dog thet hez bit you once, An' /ain't a goin' to cheat my constitoounts," Wen every fool kuovvs thet a man represents Not the fellers thet sent him, but them on the fence, Impartially ready to jump either side An' make the fust use of a turn o' the tide, The waiters on Providunce here in the city, Who compose wut they call a State Centerl Committy. Constitoounts air henny to help a man in, But arterwards don't weigh the heft of a pin. Wy, the people can't all live on Uncle Sam's pus, So they 've nothin' to du with 't fer better or wus ; It 's the folks thet air kind o' brought up to depend on't Thet hev any consarn in 't, an' thet is the end on 't. Now here wnz New England ahevin' the honor Of a chance at the Speakership showered upon her ; Do you say, " She don't want no more Speakers, but fewer ; She's hed plenty o' them, wut she wants is a doer" f Fer the matter o' thet, it 's notorous in town Thet her own representatives du her quite brown. But thet 's nothin' to du with it ; wut right hed Pal frey To mix himself up with fanatical small fry ? Warn't we gittin' on prime with our hot an' cold blowin', Acondemnin' the war wilst we kep* it agoin* ? We'd assumed with gret skill a commandin' position, On this side or thet, no one could n't tell wich one, THE BIGLOW PAPERS. gl So, wutever side wipped, we 'd a chance at the plunder An' could sue fer infringin' our paytented thunder ; We were ready to vote fer whoever wuz eligible, Ef on all pints at issoo he 'd stay unintelligible. Wai, sposin' we hed to gulp down our perfessions, We were ready to come out next mornin' with fresh ones ; Besides, ef we did, 't was our business alone, Fer could n't we du wut we would with our own ? An' ef a man can, wen pervisions hev riz so, Eat up his own words, it 's a marcy it is so. Wy, these chaps frum the North, with back-bones to 'em, darn 'em, 'Ould be wuth more 'an Gennle Tom Thumb is to Bar- num ; Ther's enough thet to office on this very plan grow, By exhibitin' how very small a man can grow ; But an M. 0. frum here oilers hastens to state he Belongs to the order called invertebraty, Wence some gret filologists judge primy fashy Thet M. C. is M. T. by paronomashy ; An' these few exceptions air loosus naytury Folks 'ould put down their quarters to stare at, like fury. It 's no use to open the door o' success, Ef a member can bolt so fer nothin' or less ; Wy, all o' them grand constitootional pillers Our four fathers fetched with 'em over the billers, Them pillers the people so soundly hev slept on, Wile to slav'ry, invasion, an' debt they were swept on, Wile oui Destiny higher an' higher kep' mounting 6 82 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. (Though I guess folks '11 stare wen she hends her ac count in,) Ef members in this way go kickin' agin 'em, They wunt hev so much ez a feather left in 'em. An', ez fer this Palfrey,* we thought wen we 'd gut him in, He 'd go kindly in wutever harness we put him in ; Supposin' we did know thet he wuz a peace man ? Doos he think he can be Uncle Samwell's policeman, An' wen Sam gits tipsy an' kicks up a riot, Lead him off to the lockup to snooze till he 's quiet ? Wy, the war is a war thet true paytriots can bear, ef It leads to the fat promised land of a tayriff ; We don't go an' fight it, nor ain't to be driv on, Nor Demmercrats nuther, thet hev wut to live on ; Ef it ain't jest the thing thet 's well pleasin' to God, It makes us thought highly on elsewhere abroad ; The Eooshian black eagle looks blue in his eerie An' shakes both his heads wen he hears o* Monteery ; In the Tower Victory sets, all of a fluster, An' reads, with locked doors, how we won Cherry Buster ; An' old Philip Lewis thet come an' kep' school here Fer the mere sake o' scorin' his ryalist ruler On the tenderest part of our kings in future Hides his crown underneath an old shut in his bureau, Breaks off in his brags to a suckle o' merry kings, How he often hed hided young native Amerrikins, * There is truth yet in this of Juvenal, " D*t Yeniam corvis, vexat censura columbas." THE BIGLOW PAPERS. 83 An', turnin' quite faint in the midst of his fooleries, Sneaks down stairs to bolt the front door o' the Tool- eries. * You say, " We 'd ha' scared 'em by growin' in peace, A plaguy sight more then by bobberies like these " ? Who is it dares say thet " our naytional eagle Wunt much longer be classed with the birds thet air regal, Coz theirn be hooked beaks, an' she, arter this slaughter, '11 bring back a bill ten times longer 'n she oug't to ? " Wut 's your name ? Come, I see ye, you up-country feller, You 've put me out severil times with your beller ; Out with it ! Wut ? Biglow ? I say nothin' furder, Thet feller would like nothin' better 'n a murder ; He 's a traiter, blasphemer, an' wut ruther worse is, He puts all his ath'ism in dreffle bad verses ; * Jortin is willing to allow of other miracles besides those recorded in Holy Writ, and why not of other prophecies ? It is granting too much to Satan to suppose him, as divers of the learned have done, the inspirer of the ancient oracles. Wiser, Iesteem.it, to give chance the credit of the successful ones. What is said here of Louis Philippe was verified in some of its minute particulars within a few months' time. Enough to have made the fortune of Delphi or Hammon, and no thanks to Beelzebub neither ! That of Seneca in Medea will suit here : " Rapida fortuna ac levis, Prsecepsque regno eripuit, exsilio dedit." Let us allow, even to richly deserved misfortune, our com miseration, and be not over-hasty meanwhile in our censure of the French people, left for the first time to govern them selves, remembering that wise sentence of -lEschylus, *Affas fie rpavvs os, and so forth, And the gentleman somehow slunk out of the way, But, as he was going, gained courage to say, '' At slavery in the abstract my whole soul rebels, I am as strongly opposed to 't as any one else." "Ay, no doubt, but whenever I've happened to meet With a wrong or a crime, it is always concrete," Answered Phoebus severely ; then turning to us, " The mistakes of such fellows as just made the fuss Is only in taking a great busy nation For a part of their pitiful cotton-plantation. But there comes Miranda, Zeus ! where shall I flee to ? She has such a penchant for bothering me too ! She always keeps asking if I don't observe a Particular likeness 'twixt her and Minerva : She tells me my efforts in verse are quite clever ; She 's been travelling now, and will be worse than ever ; One would think, though, a sharp-sighted noter she'd be Of all that 's worth mentioning over the sea, For a woman must surely see well, if she try, The whole of whose being 's a capital I : She will take an old notion and make it her own By saying it o'er in her Sybilline tone, Or persuade you 't is something tremendously deep, By repeating it so as to put you to sleep j 204 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. And she well may defy any mortal to see through it, When once she has mixed up her infinite me through 'it. There is one thing she owns in her own single right, It is native and genuine namely, her spite : Though, when acting as censor, she privately blows A censor of vanity 'neath her own nose. " Here Miranda came up, and said, " Phoebus ! you know That the infinite Soul has its infinite woe, As I ought to know, having lived cheek by jowl, Since the day I was born, with the Infinite Soul ; I myself introduced, I myself, I alone, To my Laud's better life authors solely my own, Who the sad heart of earth on their shoulders have taken, Whose works sound a depth by Life's quiet unshaken, Such as Shakspeare, for instance, the Bible, and Bacon, Not to mention my own works ; Time's nadir is fleet, And, as for myself, I 'm quite out of conceit, "- " Quite out of conceit ! I 'm enchanted to hear it." Cried Apollo aside, " Who 'd have thought she was near it ? To be sure one is apt to exhaust those commodities He uses too fast, yet in this case as odd it is As if Neptune should say to his turbots and whitings, ' I 'm as much out of salt as Miranda's own writings,' (Which, as she in her own happy manner has said, Sound a depth, for 't is one of the functions of lead.) She often has asked me if I could not find A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 205 A place somewhere near me that suited her mind ; I know but a single one vacant, which she, With her rare talent that way, would fit to a T. And it would not imply any pause of cessation In the work she esteems her peculiar vocation, She may enter on duty to-day, if she chooses, And remain Tiring-woman for life to the Muses/' (Miranda meanwhile has succeeded in driving Up into a corner, in spite of their striving, A small flock of terrified victims, and there, With an I-turn-the-crank-of-the-Universe air And a tone which, at least to my fancy, appears Not so much to be entering as boxing your ears, Is unfolding a tale (of herself, I surmise, For 't is dotted as thick as a peacock's with Fs.) Apropos of Miranda, I '11 rest on my oars And drift through a trifling digression on bores, For, though not wearing ear-rings in more majorum, Our ears are kept bored just as if we still wore 'em. There was one feudal custom worth keeping, at least, Boasted bores made a part of each well-ordered feast, And of all quiet pleasures the very ne plus Was in hunting wild bores as the tame ones hunt us. ArchaBologians, I know, who have personal fears Of this wise application of hounds and of spears, Have tried to make out, with a zeal more than wonted, 'T was a kind of wild swine that our ancestors hunted ; But I '11 never believe that the age which has strewn Europe o'er with cathedrals, and otherwise shown That it knew what was what, could by chance not have known. 206 FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. (Spending, too, its chief time with its buff on, no doubt,) Which beast 't would improve the world most to thin out, I divide bores myself, in the manner of rifles, Into two great divisions, regardless of trifles ; There 's your smooth-bore and screw-bore, who do not much vary In the weight of cold lead they respectively carry. The smooth-bore is one in whose essence the mind Not a corner nor cranny to cling by can find ; You feel as in nightmares sometimes, when you slip Down a steep slated roof where there's nothing to grip, You slide and you slide, the blank horror increases, You had rather by far be at once smashed to pieces, You fancy a whirlpool below white and frothing, And finally drop off and light upon nothing. The screw-bore has twists in him, faiub predilections For going just wrong in the tritest directions ; When he '& wrong he is flat, when he 's right he can't show it, He '11 tell you what Snooks said about the new poet, 1 Or how Fogrum was outraged by Tennyson's Princess ; He has spent all his spare time and intellect since his Birth in pernsing, on each art and science, Just the books in which no one puts any reliance, And though nemo, we 're told, horis omnibus sapit, The rule will not fit him, however you shape it, For he has a perennial foison of sappiness ; He has just enough force to spoil half your day's hap piness, * If you call Snooks an owl, he will show by his looks That he ' morally certain you 're jealous of Snooks.) A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 307 And to make him a sort of mosquito to be with, But just not enough to dispute or agree with. These sketches I made (not to be too explicit) From two honest fellows who made me a visit, And broke, like the tale of the Bear and the Fiddle, My reflections on Halleck short off by the middle ; I shall not now go into the subject more deeply, For I notice that some of my readers look sleeply, I will barely remark that, Amongst civilized nations, There 's none that displays more exemplary patience Under all sorts of boring, at all sorts of hours, From all sorts of desperate persons, than ours. Not to speak of our papers, our state legislatures, And other such trials for sensitive natures, Just look for a moment at Congress, appalled, My fancy shrinks back from the phantom it called ; Why, there 's scarcely a member unworthy to frown 'Neath what Fourier nicknames the Boreal crown ; Only think what that infinite bore-pow'r could do If applied with a utilitarian view ; Suppose, for example, we shipped it with care To Sahara's great desert and let it bore there, If they held one short session and did nothing else, They 'd fill the whole waste with Artesian wells. But 't is time now with pen phonographic to follow Through some more of his sketches our laughing Apollo : " There comes Harry Franco, and, as he draws near, You find that 's a smile which you took for a sneer ; One half of him contradicts t' other, his wont Is to say very sharp things and do very blunt ; 208 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. His inaimer 's as hard as his feelings are tender, And a sortie he '11 make when he means to surrender ; He 's in joke half the time when he seems to be sternest, When he seems to be joking, be sure he 's in earnest ; He has common sense in a way that 's uncommon, Hates humbug and cant, loves his friends like a woman, Builds his dislikes of cards and his friendships of oak, Loves a prejudice better than aught but a joke, Is half upright Quaker, half downright Gome-outer, Loves freedom too well to go stark mad about her, Quite artless himself is a lover of Art, Shuts you out of his secrets and into his heart, And though not a poet, yet all must admire In his letters of Pinto his skill on the liar. " There comes Poe with his raven, like Barnaby Rudge, Three-fifths of him genius and two-fifths sheer fudge, Who talks like a book of iambs and pentameters, In a way to make people of common-sense damn metres, Who has written some things quite the best of their kind But the heart somehow seems all squeezed out by the mind, Who but hey-day ! What 's this ? Messieurs Mat thews and Poe, You must n't fling mud-balls at Longfellow so, Does it make a man worse that his character 's such As to make his friends love him (as you think) too much ? Why, there is not a bard at this moment alive A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 200 More willing than he that his fellows should thrive ; While you are abusing him thus, even now He would help either one of you out of a slough ; You may say that he 's smooth and all that till you 're hoarse, But remember that elegance also is force ; After polishing granite as much as you will, The heart keeps its tough old persistency still ; Deduct all you can that still keeps you at bay, Why, he '11 live till men weary of Collins and Gray ; I 'm not over-fond of Greek metres in English, To me rhyme 's a gain, so it be not too jinglish, And your modern hexameter verses are no more Like Greek ones than sleek Mr. Pope is like Homer ; As the roar of the sea to the coo of a pigeon is, So, compared to your moderns, sounds old Melesigenes ; I may be too partial, the reason, perhaps, o' 't is That I 've heard the old blind man recite his own rhapsodies, And my ear with that music impregnate may be, Like the poor exiled shell with the soul of the sea, Or as one can't bear Strauss when his nature is cloven To its deeps within deeps by the stroke of Beethoven ; But, set that aside, and 't is truth that I speak, Had Theocritus written in English, not Greek, I believe that his exquisite sense would scarce change a line In that rare, tender, virgin-like pastoral Evangeline. That 's not ancient nor modern, its place is apart Where time has no sway, in the realm of pure Art, 'T is a shrine of retreat from Earth's hubbub and strife As quiet and chaste as the author's own life. 4 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. " There comes Philothea, her face all aglow, She has just been dividing some poor creature's woe, And can't tell which pleases her most, to relieve His want, or his story to hear and believe ; No doubt against many deep griefs she prevails, For her ear is the refuge of destitute tales ; She knows well that silence is sorrow's best food, And that talking draws off from the heart its black blood, So she '11 listen with patience and let you unfold Your bundle of rags as 't were pure cloth of gold, Which, indeed, it all turns to as soon as she's touched it, And, (to borrow a phrase from the nursery,) muched it, She has such a musical taste, she will go Any distance to hear one who draws a long bow ; She will swallow a wonder by mere might and main And thinks it geometry's fault if she's fain To consider things flat, inasmuch as they're plain ; Facts with her are accomplished, as Frenchmen would say, They will prove all she wishes them to either way, And, as fact lies on this side or that, we must try, If we're seeking the truth, to find where it don't lie ; I was telling her once of a marvellous aloe That for thousands of years had looked spindling and sallow, And, though nursed by the fruitfullest powers of mud, Had never vouchsafed e'en so much as a bud, Till its owner remarked as a sailor, you know, Often will in a calm, that it never would blow, For he wished to exhibit the plant, and designed That its blowing should help him in raising the wind ; At last it was told him that if he should water A. FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. Its roots with the Wood of his unmarried daughter, (Who was born, as her mother, a Calvinist said, With a Baxter's effectual call on her head,) It would blow as the obstinate breeze did when by a Like decree of her father died Iphigenia ; At first he declared he himself would be blowed Ere his conscience with such a foul crime he would load But the thought, coming oft, grew less dark than before, And he mused, as each creditor knocked at his door, If this were but done they would dun me no more ; I told Philothea his struggles and doubts, And how he considered the ins and the outs Of the visions he had, and the dreadful dyspepsy, How he went to the seer that lives at Po'keepsie, How the seer advised him to sleep on it first And to read his big volume in case of the worst, And further advised he should pay him five dollars For writing |3wm, |Shtm, on his wristbands and collars ; Three years and ten days these dark words he had studied When the daughter was missed,and the aloe had budded ; I told how he watched it grow large and more large, And wondered how much for the show he should charge, She had listened with utter indifference to this, till I told how it bloomed, and discharging its pistil With an aim the Eumeuides dictated, shot The botanical filicide dead on the spot ; It had blown;, but he reaped not his horrible gains, For it blew with such force as to blow out his brains, And the crime was blown also, because on the wad. Which was paper, was writ ' Visitation of God/ As well as a thrilling account of the deed Which the coroner kindly allowed me to read. 212 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. " Well, my friend took this story up just, to be sure, Ai one might a poor foundling that 's laid at one's door She combed it and washed it and clothed it and fed it, And as if 't were her own child most tenderly bred it, Laid the scene (of the legend, I mean,) faraway a- -mong the green vales underneath Himalaya. And by artist-like touches, laid on here and there, Made the whole thing so touching, I frankly declare I have read it all thrice, and, perhaps I am weak, But I found every time there were tears on my cheek. " The pole, science tells us, the magnet controls, But she is a magnet to emigrant Poles, And folks with a mission that nobody knows, Throng thickly about her as bees round a rose ; She can fill up the carets in such, make their scope Converge to some focus of rational hope, And, with sympathies fresh as the morning, their gall Can transmute into honey, but this is not all ; Not only for those she has solace, oh, say, Vice's desperate nursling adrift in Broadway, Who clingest, with all that is left of thee human, To the last slender spar from the wreck of the woman, Hast thou not found one shore where those tired droop ing feet Could reach firm mother-earth, one full heart on whose beat The soothed head in silence reposing could hear The chimes of far childhood throb thick on the ear ? Ah, there 's many a beam from the fountain of day That to reach us unclouded, mast pass, on its way, Through the soul of a woman, and hers is wide op A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 213 To the influence of Heaven as the blue eyes of Hope ; Yes, a great soul is hers, one that dares to go in To the prison, the slave-hut, the alleys of sin, And to bring into each, or to find there, some line Of the never completely out-trampled divine ; If her heart at high floods swamps her brain now and then, 'T is but richer for that when the tide ebbs agen, As, after old Nile has subsided, his plain Overflows with a second broad deluge of grain ! What a wealth would it bring to the narrow and sour Could they be as a Child but for one little hour ! " What ! Irving ? thrice welcome, warm heart and fine brain, You bring back the happiest spirit from Spain, And the gravest sweet humor, that ever were there Since Cervantes met death in his gentle despair ; Nay, don't be embarrassed, nor look so beseeching, I sha'n't run directly against my own preaching, And, having just laughed at their Kaphaels and Dantes, Go to setting you up beside matchless Cervantes ; But allow me to speak what I honestly feel, To a true poet-heart add the fun of Dick Steele, Throw in all of Addison, mimes the chill, With the whole of that partnership's stock and good will, Mix well, and while stirring, hum o'er, as a spell, The fine old English Gentleman, simmer it well, Sweeten just to your own private liking, then strain, That only the finest and clearest remain, Let it stand out of doors till a soul it receives 214: A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. From the warm lazy sun loitering down through green leaves, And you'll find a choice nature, not wholly deserv ing A name either English or Yankee, just Irving. "There goes, but stet nominis umbra, his name Yon '11 be glad enough, some day or other, to claim, And will all crowd about him and swear that you knew him If some English hack-critic should chance to review him ; The old porcos ante ne projiciatis MARGARITAS, for him you have verified gratis ; What matters his name ? Why, it may be Sylvester, Judd, Junior, or Junius, Ulysses, or Nestor, For aught / know or care ; J t is enough that I look On the author of ' Margaret/ the first Yankee book With the soul of Down East in 't, and things farther East, As far as the threshold of morning, at least, Where awaits the fair dawn of the simple and true, Of the day that comes slowly to make all things new. 'T has a smack of pine woods, of bare field and bleak hill Such as only the breed of the Mayflower could till. The Puritan 's shown in it, tough to the core, Such as prayed, smiting Agag on red Mars ton moor ; With an unwilling humor, half-choked by the drouth In brown hollows about the inhospitable mouth ; With a soul full of poetry, though it has qualms About finding a happiness out of the Psalms ; Full of tenderness, too, though it shrinks in the dark, A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 215 Hamadryad-like, under the coarse, shaggy bark ; That sees visions, knows wrestlings of God with the Will, And has its own Sinais and thnnderings still/' Here, " Forgive me, Apollo/' I cried, " while I pour My heart out to my birth-place : 0, loved more and more Dear Baystate, from whose rocky bosom thy sons Should suck milk, strong-will-giving, brave such as runs In the veins of old Graylock, who is it that dares Call thee pedler, a soul wrapt in bank-books and shares ? It is false ! She's a Poet ! I see, as I write, Along the far railroad the steam -snake glide white, The cataract-throb of her mill-hearts I hear, The swift strokes of trip-hammers weary my ear, Sledges ring upon anvils, through logs the saw screams, Blocks swing up to their place, beetles drive home the beams : It is songs such as these that she croons to the din Of her fast-flying shuttles, year out and year in, While from earth's farthest corner there comes not a breeze But wafts her the buzz of her gold-gleaning bees : What though those horn hands have as yet found small time For painting and sculpture and music and rhyme ? These will come in due order, the need that pressed sorest Was to vanquish the seasons, the ocean, the forest, To bridle and harness the rivers, the steam, 216 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. Making that whirl her mill-wheels, this tug in her team, To vassalize old tyrant Winter, and make Him delve surlily for her on river and lako ; When this New World was parted, she strove not to shirk Her lot in the heirdom, the tongh, silent Work, The hero-share ever, from Herakles down To Odin, the Earth's iron sceptre and crown ; Yes, thou dear, noble Mother ! if ever men's praise Could be claimed for creating heroical lays, Thou hast won it ; if ever the laurel divine Crowned the Maker and Builder, that glory is thine ! Thy songs are right epic, they tell how this rude Rock-rib of our earth here was tamed and subdued ; Thou hast written them plain on the face of the planet In brave, deathless letters of iron and granite ; Thou hast printed them deep for all time ; they are set From the same runic type-fount and alphabet With thy stout Berkshire hills and the arms of thy Bay,- They are staves from the burly old Mayflower lay. If the drones of the Old World, in querulous ease, Ask thy Art and thy Letters, point proudly to these, Or, if they deny these are Letters and Art, Toil on with the same old invincible heart ; Thou art rearing the pedestal broad-based and grand Whereon the fair shapes of the Artist shall stand, And creating, through labors undaunted and long, The true theme for all Sculpture and Painting and Song ! A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 217 " But my good mother Baystate wants no praise of mine, She learned from her mother a precept divine About something that butters no parsnips, her forte In another direction lies, work is her sport, (Though she '11 curtsey and set her cap straight, that she will, If you talk about Plymouth and one Bunker's hill.) The dear, notable goodwife ! by this time of night, Her hearth is swept clean, and her fire burning bright, And she sits in a chair (of home plan and make) rock ing, Musing much, all the while, as she darns on a stock ing. Whether turkeys will come pretty high next Thanks giving, Whether flour 11 be so dear, for as sure as she 's living, She will use rye-and-injun then, whether the pig By this time ain't got pretty tolerable big, And whether to sell it outright will be best. Or to smoke hams and shoulders and salt down the rest, At this minute, she'd swop all my verses, ah, cruel ! For the last patent stove that is saving of fuel ; So I'll just let Apollo go on, for his phiz Shows I've kept him awaiting too long as it is." " If our friend, there, who seems a reporter, is through With his burst of emotion, our theme we '11 pursue/' Said Apollo : some smiled, and, indeed, I must own There was something sarcastic, perhaps, in his tone ; 218 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. " There '& Holmes, who is matchless among you for wit ; A Leyden-jar always full-charged, from which flit The electrical tingles of hit after hit ; In long poems J t is painful sometimes and invites A thought of the way the new Telegraph writes, Which pricks down its little sharp sentences spitefully As if you got more than you 'd title to rightfully, And if it were hoping its wild father Lightning Would flame in for a second and give you a fright'ning. He has perfect sway of what 7 call a sham metre. But many admire it, the English hexameter, And Campbell, I think, wrote most commonly worse, - With less nerve, swing, and fire in the same kind of verse, Nor e'er achieved aught in 't so worthy of praise As the tribute of Holmes to the grand Marseillaise. You went crazy last year over Bulwer's New Timon ; Why, if B., to the day of his dying, should rhyme on, Heaping verses on verses and tomes upon tomes, He could ne'er react the best point and vigor of Holmes. His are just the fine hands, too, to weave you a lyric Full of fancy, fun, feeling, or spiced with satiric In so kindly a measure, that nobody knows What to do but e'en join in the laugh, friends and foes. " There is Lowell, who 's striving Parnassus to climb With a whole bale of isms tied together with rhyme, He might get on alone, spite of brambles and boulders, But he can't with that bundle he has on his shoulders, The top of the hill he will ne'er come nigh reaching Till he learns the distinction 'twixt singing and preach ing ; A FABLE FOE THE CRITICS. 219 His lyre has some chords that would ring pretty well, But he 'd rather by half make a drum of the shell, And rattle away till he 's old as Methusalem, At the head of a march to the last new Jerusalem. " There goes Halleck whose Fanny 's a psendo Don Juan, With the wickedness out that gave salt to the true one, He 's a wit, though, I hear, of the very first order, And once made a pun on the words soft Eecorder ; More than this, he 's a very great poet, I 'm told, And has had his works published in crimson and gold, With something they call ' Illustrations/ to wit, Like those with which Chapman obscured Holy Writ, 1 Which are said to illustrate, bec'ause, as I view it, Like lucus a non, they precisely don't do it ; Let a man who can write what himself understands Keep clear, if he can, of designing men's hands, Who bury the sense, if there 's any worth having, And then very honestly call it engraving. But, to quit badinage, which there is n't much wit in, No doubt Halleck 's better than all he has written ; In his verse a clear glimpse you will frequently find, If not of a great, of a fortunate mind, Which contrives to be true to its natural loves In a world of back-offices, ledgers and stoves. When his heart breaks away from the brokers and banks, And kneels in its own private shrine to give thanks, There 's a genial manliness in him that earns Our sincerest respect, (read, for instance, his " Burns ") And we can't but regret (seek excuse where we may) That so much of a man has been peddled away. ^Cuts rightly called wooden, as all must, admit.) 220 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. " But what 's that ? a mass-meeting ? No, thera come in lots The American Disraelis, Bulvvers, and Scotts, And in short the American everything-elses, Each charging the others with envies and jealousies ; By the way, 't is a fact that displays what profusions Of all kinds of greatness bless free institutions, That while the Old World has produced barely eight Of such poets as all men agree to call great, And of other great characters hardly a score, (One might safely say less than that rather than more.) With you every year a whole crop is begotten, They 're as much of a staple as corn, or as cotton ; Why, there's scarcely a huddle of log-huts and shanties That has not brought forth its own Miltons and Dantes ; I myself know ten Byrons, one Coleridge, three Shelleys, Two Raphaels, six Titians, (I think) one Apelles, Leonardos and Rubenses plenty as lichens, One (but that one is plenty) American Dickens, A whole flock of Lambs, any number of Tennysons, In short, if a man has the luck to have any sons, He may feel pretty certain that one out of twain Will be some very great person over again. There is one inconvenience in all this which lies In the fact that by contrast we estimate size, 1 And, when there are none except Titans, great stature Is only a simple proceeding of nature. What puff the strained sails of your praise shall yo furl at, if 1 That is in most cases we do, but not all, Past a doubt, there are men who are innately small, Such as Blank, who, without being 'minished a tittle, Might stand for a type of the Absolute Little. A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 221 The calmest degree that yon know is superlative ? At Rome, all whom Charon took into his wherry must, As a matter of course, be well issimused. and errimused., A Greek, too, could feel, while in that famous boat he tost, That his friends would take care lie was temped and And formerly we, as through grave-yards we past, Thought the world went from bad to worse fearfully fast; Let us glance for a moment, 't is well worth the pains, And note what an average grave-yard contains ; There lie levellers levelled, duns done up themselves, There are booksellers finally laid on their shelves, Horizontally there lie upright politicians, Dose-a-dose with their patients sleep faultless phy sicians, There are slave-drivers quietly whipt under-ground, There book-binders, done up in boards, are fast bound, There card-players wait till the last trump be played, There all the choice spirits get finally laid, There the babe that 's unborn is supplied with a berth, There men without legs get their six feet of earth, There lawyers repose, each wrapt up in his case, There seekers of office are sure of a place, There defendant and plaintiff get equally cast, There shoemakers quietly stick to the last, There brokers at length become silent as stocks, There stage-drivers sleep without quitting their box, And so forth and so forth and so forth and so on, 222 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. With this kind of stuff one might endlessly go on ; To come to the point, I may safely assert you Will find in each yard every cardinal virtue ; ' Each has six truest patriots : four discoverers of ether, Who never had thought on 't nor mentioned it either : Ten poets, the greatest who ever wrote rhyme : Two hundred and forty first men of their time : One person whose portrait just gave the least hint Its original had a most horrible squint : One critic, most (what do they call it ?) reflective, Who never had used the phrase ob- or subjective : Forty fathers of Freedom, of whom twenty bred Their sons for the rice-swamps, at so much a head, And their daughters for faugh ! thirty mothers of Gracchi : Non-resistants who gave many a spiritual black-eye : Eight true friends of their kind, one of whom was a jailor : Four captains almost as astounding as Taylor : Two dozen of Italy's exiles who shoot us his Kaisership daily, stern pen-and-ink Brutuses, Who, in Yankee back-parlors, with crucified smile,* Mount serenely their country's funereal pile : Ninety-nine Irish heroes, ferocious rebellers 'Gainst the Saxon in cis-marine garrets and cellars, Who shake their dread fists o'er the sea and all that, 1 (And at this just conclusion will surely arrive, That the goodness of earth is more dead than alire.) 2 Not forgetting their tea and their toast, though, th while. A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. 223 As long as a copper drops into the hat : Nine hundred Teutonic republicans stark From Vaterland's battles just won in the Park, Who the happy profession of martyrdom take Whenever it gives them a chance at a steak : Sixty-two second Washingtons : two or three Jacksons : And so many everythings else that it racks one's Poor memory too much to continue the list, Especially now they no longer exist ; I would merely observe that you 've taken to giving The puffs that belong to the dead to the living, And that somehow your trump-of -contemporary-doom's tones Is tuned after old dedications and tombstones." Here the critic came in and a thistle presented * From a frown to a smile the god's features relented, As he stared at his envoy, who, swelling with pride, To the god's asking look, nothing daunted, replied, "You 're surprised, I suppose, I was absent so long, But your godship respecting the lilies was wrong ; I hunted the garden from one end to t' other, And got no reward but vexation and bother, Till, tossed out with weeds in a corner to wither, This one lily I found and made haste to bring hither." " Did he think I had given him a book to review ? I ought to have known what the fellow would do," Muttered Phoebus aside, "for a thistle will pass Beyond doubt for the queen of all flowers with an ass ; He has chosen in just the same way as he 'd choose 1 Turn back now to page goodness only knows what, Ana taKt> a 'fresh hold on the thread of nay plot. 224 A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. His specimens out of the books he reviews ; And now, as this offers an excellent text, I '11 give 'em some brief hints on criticism next." So, musing a moment, he turned to the crowd, And, clearing his voice, spoke as follows aloud, " My friends, in the happier days of the muse, We were luckily free from such things as reviews ; Then naught came between with its fog to make clearer The heart of the poet to that of his hearer ; Then the poet brought heaven to the people, and they Felt that they, too, were poets in hearing his lay ; Then the poet was prophet, the past in his soul Pre-created the future, both parts of one whole ; Then for him there was nothing too great or too small, For one natural deity sanctified all ; Then the bard owned no clipper and meter of moods Save the spirit of silence that hovers and broods O'er the seas and the mountains, the rivers and woods ; He asked not earth's verdict, forgetting the clods, His soul soared and sang to an audience of gods ; 'T was for them that he measured the thought and the line, And shaped for their vision the perfect design, With as glorious a foresight, a balance as true, As swung out the worlds in the infinite blue ; Then a glory and greatness invested man's heart, The universal, which now stands estranged and apart, In the free individual moulded, was Art ; Then the forms of the Artist seemed thrilled with de sire For something, as yet unattained, fuller, higher, As once with her lips, lifted hands, and eyes listening, A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. And her whole upward soul in her countenance glisten ing, Eurydice stood like a beacon unfired, Which, once touched with flame, will leap heav'nward inspired And waited with answering kindle to mark The first gleam of Orpheus that pained the red Dark ; Then painting, song, sculpture, did more than relieve ' The need that men feel to create and believe, And as, in all beauty, who listens with love, Hears these words oft repeated ' beyond and above,' So these seemed to be but the visible sign Of the grasp of the soul after things more divine ; They were ladders the Artist erected to climb O'er the narrow horizon of space and of time, And we see there the footsteps by which men had gained To the one rapturous glimpse of the never-attained, As shepherds could erst sometimes trace in the sod The last spurning print of a sky-cleaving god. " But now, on the poet's dis-privacied moods With do this and do that the pert critic intrudes ; While he thinks he 's been barely fulfilling his duty To interpret 'twixt men and their own sense of beauty, And has striven, while others sought honor or pelf, To make his kind happy as he was himself, He finds he 's been guilty of horrid offences In all kinds of moods, numbers, genders, and tenses ; He 's been ob and subjective, what Kettle calls Pot. Precisely, at all events, what he ought not, You have done this, says one judge ; done that, aj another ; A FABLE FOR THE CRITICS. You should have done this, grumbles one ; that, sayi t* other ; Never mind -what he touches, one shrieks out Taboo! And while he i?. wondering what he shall do, Since each suggests opposite topics for song, They all shout together you're right ! or you're wrong ! " Nature fits all her children with something to do, He 'vho would write and can't write, can surely review, Can set up a small booth as critic and sell us his Petty conceit and his pettier jealousies ; Thus a lawyer's apprentice, just out of his teens, Will do for the Jeffrey of six magazines ; Having read Johnson's lives of the poets half through, There 's nothing on earth he 's not competent to ; He reviews with as much nonchalance as he whistles, He goes through a book and just picks out the thistles, It matters not whether he blame or commend, If he 's bad as a foe, he 's far worse as a friend ; Let an author but write what's above his poor scope, And he '11 go to work gravely and twist up a rope, And, inviting the world to see punishment done, Hang himself up to bleach in the wind and the sun ; 'T is delightful to see, when a man comes along Who has any thing in him peculiar and strong, Every cockboat that swims clear its fierce (pop-) gun- deck at him And make as he passes its ludicrous Peck at him," Here Miranda came up and began, " As to that/' Apollo at once seized his gloves, cane, and hat, And seeing the place getting rapidly cleared, I, too, snatched my notes and forthwith disappeared. THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. PRELUDE TO PART FIRST. OVER his keys the musing organist, Beginning doubtfully and far away, First lets his fingers wander as they list, And builds a bridge from Dreamland for his lay ; Then, as the touch of his loved instrument Gives hope and fervor, nearer draws his theme, First gnessed by faint auroral flushes sent Along the wavering vista of his dream. Not only around our infancy Doth heaven with all its splendors lie ; Daily, with souls that cringe and blot, We Sinais climb and know it not ; Over our manhood bend the skies ; Against our fallen and traitor lives The great winds utter prophecies ; "With our faint hearts the mountain strives; Its arms outstretched, the druid wood Waits with its benedicite ; And to our age's drowsy blood Still shouts the inspiring sea. Garth gets its price for what Earth gives us ; The beggar is taxed for a corner to die in, 22? 228 THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. The priest hath his fee who comes and shrives ug, We bargain for the graves we lie in ; At the Devil's booth are all things sold., Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold ; For a cap and bells our lives we pay, Bubbles we earn with a whole soul's tasking ; 'T is heaven alone that is given away, 'T is only God may be had for the asking ; There is no price set on the lavish summer ; And June may be had by the poorest comer. And what is so rare as a day in June ? Then, if ever, come perfect days ; Then Heaven tries the earth if it be in tune, And over it softly her warm ear lays : Whether we look, or whether we listen. We hear life murmur, or see it glisten ; Every clod feels a stir of might, An instinct within it that reaches and towers, And, grasping blindly above it for light, Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers ; The flush of life may well be seen Thrilling back over hills and valleys ; The cowslip startles in meadows green, The buttercup catches the sun in its chalice, And there 's never a leaf or a blade too mean To be some happy creature's palace ; The little bird sits at his door in the sun, Atilt like a blossom among the leaves, And lets his illumined being o'errun With the deluge of summer it receives ; His mate feels the eggs beneath her wings, And the heart in her dumb breast flutters and sings j THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. 229 He sings to the wide world, and she to her nest, In the nice ear of Nature which song is the best ? Now is the high-tide of the year, And whatever of life hath ebbed away Comes flooding back, with a ripply cheer, Into every bare inlet and creek and bay ; Now the heart is so full that a drop overfills it, We are happy now because God so wills it ; No matter how barren the past may have been, 'T is enough for us now that the leaves are green ; We sit in the warm shade and feel right well How the sap creeps up and the blossoms swell ; We may shut our eyes, but we cannot help knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing ; . ' The breeze comes whispering in our ear, That dandelions are blossoming near, That maize has sprouted, that streams are flowing, That the river is bluer than the sky, That the robin is plastering his house hard by ; And if the breeze kept the good news back, For other couriers we should not lack ; We could guess it all by yon heifer's lowing, And hark ! how clear bold chanticleer, Warmed with the new wine of the year, Tells all in his lusty crowing ! Joy comes, grief goes, we know not how ; Everything is happy now, Everything is upward striving ; 'T is easy now for the heart to be true As for grass to be green or skies to be blue, 'T is the natural way of living : 230 THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. Who knows whither the clouds have fled ? In the unscarred heaven they leave no wake ; And the eyes forget the tears they have shed, The heart forgets its sorrow and ache ; The soul partakes the season's youth, And the sulphurous rifts of passion and woe Lie deep 'neath a silence pure and smooth, Like bnrnt-out craters healed with snow. "What wonder if Sir Launfal now Remembered the keeping of his vow ? PART FIRST. I. " MY golden spurs now bring to me, And bring to me my richest mail, For to-morrow I go over land and sea In search of the Holy Grail ; Shall never a bed for me be spread, Nor shall a pillow be under my head, Till I begin my vow to keep ; Here on the rushes will I sleep, And perchance there may come a vision true Ere day create the world anew." Slowly Sir Launfal's eyes grew dim, Slumber fell like a cloud on him, And into his soul the vision flew. ii. The crows flapped over by twos and three*, In the pool drowsed the cattle up to their kni, The little birds sang as if it were The one day of summer in all the year, THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. 331 And the very leaves seemed to sing on the trees : The castle alone in the landscape lay Like an outpost of winter, dull and gray ; T was the proudest hall in the North Countree, And never its gates might opened be, Save to lord or lady of high degree ; Summer besieged it on every side, But the churlish stone her assaults defied ; She could not scale the chilly wall, Though around it for leagues her pavilions tall Stretched left and right, Over the hills and out of sight ; Green and broad was every tent, And out of each a murmur went Till the breeze fell off at night. m. The drawbridge dropped with a surly clang, And through the dark arch a charger sprang, Bearing Sir Launfal, the maiden knight, In his gilded mail, that flamed so bright It seemed the dark castle had gathered all Those shafts the fierce sun had shot over its wall In his siege of three hundred summers long, And, binding them all in one blazing sheaf, Had cast them forth : so, young and strong, And lightsome as a locust-leaf, Sir Launfal flashed forth in his unscarred mail, To geek in all climes for the Holy Grail. IT. It was morning on hill and stream and tree, And morning in the young knight's heart ; 232 THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. Only the castle moodily Rebuffed the gifts of the sunshine free, And gloomed by itself apart ; The season brimmed all other things up Full as the rain fills the pitcher-plant's cup. v. As Sir Launfal made morn through the darksome gate, He was ware of a leper, crouched by the same, Who begged with his hand and moaned as he sate ; And a loathing over Sir Launfal came ; The sunshine went out of his soul with a thrill, The flesh 'neath his armor did shrink and crawl, And midway its leap his heart stood still Like a frozen waterfall ; For this man, so foul and bent of stature, Rasped harshly against his dainty nature, And seemed the one blot on the summer morn, So he tossed him a piece of gold in scorn. VI. The leper raised not the gold from the dust : " Better to me the poor man's crust. Better the blessing of the poor, Though I turn me empty from his door ; That is no true alms which the hand can hold ; He gives nothing but worthless gold Who gives from a sense of duty ; But he who gives but a slender mite, And gives to that which is out of sight, That thread of the all-sustaining Beauty Which runs through all and doth all unite, THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. 233 The hand cannot clasp the whole of his alms, The heart outstretches its eager palms, For a god goes with it and makes it store To the soul that was starving in darkness before." PRELUDE TO PART SECOND. Down* swept the chill wind from the mountain peak, From the snow five thousand summers old ; On open wold and hill-top bleak It had gathered all the cold, And whirled it like sleet on the wanderer's cheek It carried a shiver everywhere From the unleafed boughs and pastures bare ; The little brook heard it and built a roof 'Neath which he could house him, winter-proof ; All night by the white stars' frosty gleams He groined his arches and matched his beams ; Slender and clear were his crystal spars As the lashes of light that trim the stars : He sculptured every summer delight In his halls and chambers out of sight ; Sometimes his tinkling waters slipt Down through a frost-leaved forest-crypt, Long, sparkling aisles of steel-stemmed trees Bending to counterfeit a breeze ; Sometimes the roof no fretwork knew But silvery mosses that downward grew ; Sometimes it was carved in sharp relief With quaint arabesques of ice-fern leaf ; Sometimes it was simply smooth and clear For the gladness of heaven to shine through, and here He had caught the nodding bulrush-tops And hung them thickly with diamond drops, THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. That crystalled the beams of moon and sun, And made a star of every one : No mortal builder's most rare device Could match this winter-palace of ice ; 'T was as if every image that mirrored lay In his depths serene through the summer day, Each fleeting shadow of earth and sky, Lest the happy model should be lost, Had been mimicked in fairy masonry By the elfin builders of the frost. "Within the hall are song and laughter, The cheeks of Christmas grow red and jolly, And sprouting is every corbel and rafter With lightsome green of ivy and holly ; Through the deep gulf of the chimney wide Wallows the Yule-log's roaring tide ; The broad flame-pennons droop and flap And belly and tug as a flag in the wind ; Like a locust shrills the imprisoned sap, Hunted to death in its galleries blind ; And swift little troops of silent sparks, Now pausing, now scattering away as in fear, Go threading the soot-forest's tangled darks Like herds of startled deer. But the wind without was eager and sharp, Of Sir Launfal's gray hair it makes a harp, And rattles and wrings The icy strings, Singing, in dreary monotone, A Christmas carol of its own, Whose burden still, as he might guess, THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. 235 Was "Shelterless, shelterless, shelterless!" The voice of the seneschal flared like a torch As he shouted the wanderer away from the porch, And he sat in the gateway and saw all night The great hall-fire, so cheery and bold, Through the window-slits of the castle old, Build out its piers of ruddy light Against the drift of the cold. FABT BOOK. I. THERE was never a leaf on a bush or tree, The bare boughs rattled shudderingly ; The river was dumb and could not speak, For the frost's swift shuttles its shroud had spnn : A single crow on the tree-top bleak From his shining feathers shed off the cold sun ; Again it was morning, but shrunk and cold, As if her veins were sapless and old, And she rose up decrepitly For a last dim look at earth and sea. n. Sir Launfal turned from his own hard gate, For another heir in his earldom sate ; An old, bent man, worn out and frail, He came back from seeking the Holy Grail ; Little he recked of his earldom's loss, No more on his surcoat was blazoned the crosi, But deep in his soul the sign he wore, The badge of the suffering and the poor. 236 THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. III. Sir Launfal's raiment thin and spare Was idle mail 'gainst the barbed air, For it was jusb at the Christmas time ; So he mused, as he sat, of a sunnier clime, And sought for a shelter from cold and snow In the light and warmth of long ago ; He sees the snake-like caravan crawl O'er the edge of the desert, black and small, Then nearer and nearer, till, one by one, He can count the camels in the sun, As over the red-hot sands they pass To where, in its slender necklace of grass, The little spring laughed and leapt in the shade, And with its own self like an infant played, And waved its signal of palms. IV. " For Christ's sweet sake, I beg an alms ; " The happy camels may reach the spring, But Sir Launfal sees naught save the grewsome thing, The leper, lank as the rain-blanched bone, That cowers beside him, a thing as lone And white as the ice-isles of Northern seas In the desolate horror of his disease. T. And Sir Launfal said, " I behold in the An image of Him who died on the tree ; Thou also hast had thy crown of thorns, Thou also hast had the world's buffets and scorns, And to thy life were not denied THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. The wounds in the hands and feet and side : Mild Mary's Son, acknowledge me ; Bihold, through him, I give to thee ! " VI. Then the soul of the leper stood up in his eyes And looked at Sir Launfal, and straightway he Remembered in what a haughtier guise He had flung an alms to leprosie. When he caged his young life up in gilded mail And set forth in search of the Holy Grail. The heart within him was ashes and dust ; He parted in twain his single crust, He broke the ice on the streamlet's brink, And gave the leper to eat and drink, 'T was a mouldy crust of coarse brown bread, 'T was water out of a wooden bowl, Yet with fine wh eaten bread was the leper fed, And 't was red wine he drank with his thirsty soul. VII. As Sir Launfal mused with a downcast face, A light shone round about the place ; The leper no longer crouched at his side, But stood before him glorified, Shining and tall and fair and straight As the pillar that stood by the Beautiful Gate, Himself the Gate whereby men can Enter the temple of God in Man. VIII. His words were shed softer than leaves from the pine, And they fell on Sir Launfal as snows on the brins, 368 THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. That mingle their softness and quiet in one With the shaggy unrest they float down upon ; And the voice that was calmer than silence said, " Lo it is I, be not afraid ! In many climes, without avail, Thou hast spent thy life for the Holy Grail ; Behold, it is here, this cup which thou Didst fill at the streamlet for me hut now ; This crust is my hody broken for thee, This water His blood that died on the tree ; The Holy Supper is kept, indeed, In whatso we share with another's need ; Not what we give, but what we share, For the gift without the giver is bare ; Who gives himself with his alms feeds three, Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me." rr. Sir Launfal awoke as from a swound : " The Grail in my castle here is found ! Hang my idle armor up on the wall, Let it be the spiders banquet-hall ; He must be fenced with stronger mail Who would seek and find the Holy Grail." X. The castle gate stands open now, And the wanderer is welcome to the hall As the hangbird is to the elm-tree bough ; No longer scowl the turrets tall, The Summer's long siege at last is o'er ; When the first poor outcast went in at the door, She entered with him in disguise, THE VISION OF SIR LAUNFAL. And mastered the fortress by surprise ; There is no spot she loves so well on ground, She lingers and smiles there the whole year round ; The meanest serf on Sir Launfal's land Has hall and bower at his command ; And there 'B no poor man in the North Countree But is lord of the earldom as much as he. NOTE. According to the mythology of the Romancers, th San Greal, or Holy Grail, was the cup out of which Jesus par took of the last supper with his disciples. It was brought into England by Joseph of Arimathea, and remained there, an object of pilgrimage and adoration, for many years in the keeping of his lineal descendants. It was incumbent upon those who had charge of it to be chaste in thought, word and deed ; but one of the keepers having broken this condition, the Holy Grail disappeared. From that time it was a favorite enterprise of the knights of Arthur's court to go in search of it. Sir Galahad was at last successful in finding it, as may be read in the seventeenth book of the Romance of King Arthur. Tennyson has made Sir Galahad the subject of one of the most exquisite of his poems. The plot (if I may give that name to anything so slight) of the foregoing poem is my own, and, to serve its purposes, I have enlarged the circle of competition in search of the mirac ulous cup in such a manner as to include, not only other persons than the heroes of the Round Table, but also a period of time subsequent to the date of King Arthur's reign. APPLEDORE. How looks Appledore in a storm ? I have seen it when its crags seemed frantic, Butting against the maddened Atlantic, When surge after surge would heap enorme, Cliffs of Emerald topped with snow, That lifted and lifted and then let go A great white avalanche of thunder, A grinding, blinding, deafening ire Monadnock might have trembled under ; And the island, whose rock-roots pierce below To where they are warmed with the central fire, You could feel its granite fibres racked, As it seemed to plunge with a shudder and thrill Right at the breast of the swooping hill, And to rise again, snorting a cataract Of rage-froth from every cranny and ledge, While the sea drew its breath in hoarse and deep, And the next vast breaker curled its edge, Gathering itself for a mighty leap. North, east, and south there are reefs and breakers, You would never dream of in smooth weather, That toss and gore the sea for acres, Bellowing and gnashing and snarling together ; Look northward where Duck Island lies, And over its crown you will see arise, Against a background of slaty skis, 240 APPLEDORE. A row of pillars still and white That glimmer and then are out of sight, As if the moon should suddenly kiss, While you crossed the dusty desert by night, The long colonnades of Persepolis, And then as sudden a darkness should follow To gulp the whole scene at a single swallow, The city's ghost, the drear brown waste, And the string of camels, clumsy-paced : Look southward for White Island light, The lantern stands ninety feet o'er the tide ; There is first a half-mile of tumult and fight, Of dash and roar and tumble and fright, And surging bewilderment wild and wide, Where the breakers struggle left and right, Then a mile or more of rushing sea, And then the light-house slim and lone ; And whenever the whole weight of ocean is thrown Full and fair on White Island head, A great mist-jotun you will see Lifting himself up silently High and huge o'er the light-house top, With hands of wavering spray outspread, Groping after the little tower, That seems to shrink, and shorten and cower, Till the monster's arms of a sudden drop, And silently and fruitlessly He sinks again into the sea. You, meanwhile, where drenched you stand, Awaken once more to the rush and roar And on the rock-point tighten your hand, A you turn and see a valley deep, 16 TO THE DANDELION. That was not there a moment before, Suck rattling down between you and a hap Of toppling billow, whose instant fall Must sink the whole island once for all Or watch the silenter, stealthier seas Feeling their way to you more and more ; If they once should clutch you high as the knees They would whirl you down like a sprig of kelp, Beyond all reach of hope or help ; And iuch in a storm is Appledore. TO THE DANDELION. DEAR common flower, that grow'st beside the way, Fringing the dusty road with harmless gold, First pledge of blithesome May, Which children pluck, and, full of pride, uphold, High-hearted buccaneers, o'erjoyed that they An Eldorado in the grass have found, Which not the rich earth's ample round May match in wealth thou art more dear to me Than all the prouder Summer-blooms may be. Gold such as thine ne'er drew the Spanish prow Through the primeval hush of Indian seas, Nor wrinkled the lean brow Of age, to rob the lover's heart of ease ; 'Tis the Spring's largess, which she scatters now To rich and poor alike, with lavish hand, Though most hearts never understand To take it at God's value, but pass by Tht offered wealth with unrewarded eje. TO THE DANDELION. 243 Thou art ray tropics and mine Italy ; To look at thee unlocks a warmer clime ; The eyes thou givest me Are in the heart and heed not space or time : Not in mid June the golden- cuirassed bee Feels a more Summer-like, warm ravishment In the white lily's breezy tent, His fragrant Sybaris, than I, when first From the dark green thy yellow circles burst. Then think I of deep shadows in the grass, Of meadows where in sun the cattle graze, Where, as the breezes pass, The gleaming rushes lean a thousand ways, Of leaves that slumber in a cloudy mass, Or whiten in the wind, of waters blue That from the distance sparkle through Some woodland gap, and of a sky above Where one white cloud like a stray lamb doth move. My childhood's earliest thoughts are linked with thee ; The sight of thee calls back the robin's song, Who from the dark old tree Beside the door, sang clearly all day long, And I, secure in childish piety, Listened as if I heard an angel sing With news from Heaven, which he could bring Fresh every day to my untainted ears, When birds and flowers and I were happy peers. Thou art the type of those meek charities Which make up half the nobleness of life, Those cheap delights the wise Pluck from the dusty wayside of earth's strife - } 244 TO THE DANDELION. Words of frank cheer, glances of friendly eyes, Love's smallest coin, which yet to some may give The morsel that may keep alive A starving heart, and teach it to behold Some glimpse of God where all before was cold. Thy winged seeds, whereof the winds take care, Are like the words of poet and of sage Which through the free heaven fare, And, now unheeded, in another age Take root, and to the gladdened future bear That witness which the present would not heed, Bringing forth many a thought and deed, And, planted safely in the eternal sky, Bloom into stars which earth is guided by. Full of deep love thou art, yet not more full Than all thy common brethren of the ground, Wherein, were we not dull, Some words of highest wisdom might be found ; Yet earnest faith from day to day may cull Some syllables, which, rightly joined, can make A spell to soothe life's bitterest ache, And ope Heaven's portals, which are near us still, Yea, nearer ever than the gates of 111. How like a prodigal doth nature seem, When thou, for all thy gold, so common art I Thou teachest me to deem More sacredly of every human heart, Since each reflects in joy its scanty gleam Of Heaven, and could some wondrous secret show, Did we but pay the love we owe, DARA. 245 And with a child's undoubting wisdom look On all these living pages of God's book. But let me read thy lesson right or no, Of one good gift from thee my heart is sure ; Old I shall never grow While thou each year dost come to keep me pure With legends ~f - ny childhood ; ah, we owe Well more than h If life's holiness to these Nature's first lowly influences, At thought of which the heart's glad doors burst ope, In dreariest days, to welcome peace and hope. DARA. WHEN" Persia's sceptre trembled in a hand Wilted by harem-heats, and all the land Was hovered over by those vulture ills That snuff decaying empire from afar, Tlnn, with a nature balanced as a star, Dara arose, a shepherd of the hills. He, who had governed fleecy subjects well, Made his own vn age, by the self -same spell, Secure and peaceful as a guarded fold, Till, gathering strength by slow and wise degrees, Under his sway, to neighbor villages Order returned, and faith and justice old. Now, when it fortuned that a king more wise Endued the realm with brain and hands and eyes, 246 DARA. He sought on every side men brave and just, And having heard the mountain-shepherd's praise, How he rendered the mould of elder days, To Dara gave a satrapy in trust. So Dara shepherded a province wide, Nor in his viceroy's sceptre took more pride Than in his crook before ; but Envy finds More soil in cities than on mountains bare, And the frank sun of spirits clear and rare Breeds poisonous fogs in low and marish minds. Soon it was whispered at the royal ear That, though wise Dara's province, year by year, Like a great sponge, drew wealth and plenty up, Yet, when he squeezed it at the king's behest, Some golden drops, more rich than all the rest, Went to the filling of his private cup. For proof, they said that wheresoe'er he went A chest, beneath whose weight the camel bent, Went guarded, and no other eye had seen What was therein, save only Dara's own, Yet, when 't was opened all his tent was known To glow and lighten with heapt jewels' sheen. The king set forth for Dara's province straight, Where, as was fit, outside his city's gate The viceroy met him with a stately train ; And there, with archers circled, close at hand, A camel with the chest was seen to stand, The king grew red, for thus the guilt was plain. " Open me now," he cried, "yon treasure-chest !" 'T was done, and only a worn shepherd's vest TO J. F. H. 247 Was found within ; some blushed and hung the head, Not Dara ; open as the sky's blue roof He stood, and " 0, my lord, behold the proof That I was worthy of my trust ! " he said. " For ruling men, lo ! all the charm I had ; My soul, in those coarse vestments ever clad, Still to the unstained past kept true and leal, Still on these plains could breathe her mountain air, And Fortune's heaviest gifts serenely bear, Which bend men from the truth, and make them reel. " To govern wisely I had shown small skill Were I not lord of simple Dara still ; That sceptre kept, I cannot lose my way ! " Strange dew in royal eyes grew round and bright And thrilled the trembling lids ; before 't was night Two added provinces blessed Dara's sway. TO J. F. H. NINE years have slipped like hour-glass sand From life's fast-emptying globe away, Since last, dear friend, I clasped your hand, And lingered on the impoverished land, Watching the steamer down the bay. I held the keepsake which you gave, Until the dim smoke-pennon curled O'er the vague rim 'tween sky and wave, And closed the distance like a grave, Leaving me to the ovter world ; 24:8 TO J. F. H. The old worn world of hurry and heat, The young, fresh world of thought and scope ; While you, where silent surges fleet Toward far sky beaches still and sweet, Sunk wavering down the ocean-slope. Come back our ancient walks to tread, Old haunts of lost or scattered friends, Amid the Muses' factories red, Where song, and smoke, and laughter sped The nights to proctor-hunted ends. Our old familiars are not laid, Though snapped our wands and sunk our books, They beckon, not to be gainsaid, Where, round broad meads which mowers wade, Smooth Charles his steel-blue sickle crooks ; Where, as the cloudbergs eastward blow, From glow to gloom the hillside shifts Its lakes of rye that surge and flow, Its plumps of orchard-trees arow, Its snowy white-weed's summer drifts. Or let us to Nantasket, there To wander idly as we list, Whether, on rocky hillocks bare, Sharp cedar-points, like breakers, tear The trailing fringes of gray mist. Or whether, under skies clear-blown, The heightening surfs with foamy din, Their breeze-caught forelocks backward blown Against old Neptune's yellow zone, Curl slow, and plunge forever in. PROMETHEUS. For years thrice three, wise Horace said, A poem rare let silence bind ; And love may ripen in the shade, Like ours, for nine long seasons laid In crypts and arches of the mind. That right Falernian friendship old Will we, to grace our feast, call up, And freely pour the juice of gold, That keeps life's pulses warm and bold, Till Death shall break the empty cup. PKOMETHEUS. ONE after one the stars have risen and set, Sparkling upon the hoarfrost on my chain : The Bear that prowled all night about the fold Of the North-Star, hath shrunk into his den, Scared by the blithesome footsteps of the Dawn, Whose blushing smile floods all the Orient ; And now bright Lucifer grows less and less, Into the heaven's blue quiet deep withdrawn. Sunless and starless all, the desert sky Arches above me, empty as this heart For ages hath been empty of all joy Except to brood upon its silent hope, As o'er its hope of day the sky doth now. All night have I heard voices : deeper yet The deep, low breathing of the silence grew, While all about, muffled in awe, there stood Shadows, or forms, or both, clear-felt at heart ; But, when I turned to front them, far along Only a shudder through the midnight ran. 250 PROMETHEUS. And the dense stillness walled me closer round ; But still I heard them wander up and down That solitude, and flappings of dusk wings Did mingle with them, whether of those hags Let slip upon me once from Hades deep, Or of yet direr torments, if such be, I could but guess ; and then toward me came A shape as of a woman : very pale It was, and calm ; its cold eyes did not more, And mine moved not, but only stared on them. Their moveless awe went through my brain like ice ; A skeleton hand seemed clutching at my heart, And a sharp chill, as if a dank night fog Suddenly closed me in, was all I felt : And then, methought, I heard a freezing sigh, A long, deep, shivering sigh, as from blue lips Stiffening in death, close to mine ear. I thought Some doom was close upon me, and I looked And saw the red moon through the heavy mist, Just setting, and it seemed as it were falling, Or reeling to its fall, so dim and dead And palsy-struck it looked. Then all sounds merged Into the rising surges of the pines, Which, leagues below me, clothing the gaunt loins Of ancient Caucasus with hairy strength, Sent up a murmur in the morning-wind, Sad as the wail that from the populous earth All day and night to high Olympus soars, Fit incense to thy wicked throne, Jove. Thy hated name is tossed once more in scorn From off my lips, for I will tell thy doom. And are these tears ? Nay, do not triumph, Jove I PROMETHEUS. 251 They are wrung from me but by the agonies Of prophecy, like those sparse drops which fall From clouds in travail of the lightning, when The great wave of the storm, high-curled and black, Rolls steadily onward to its thunderous break. ' "Why art thou made a god of, thou poor type Of anger, and revenge, and cunning force ? True Power was never born of brutish Strength, Nor sweet Truth suckled at the shaggy dugs Of that old she-wolf. Are thy thunderbolts, That scare the darkness for a space, so strong As the prevailing patience of meek Light, Who, with the invincible tenderness of peace, Wins it to be a portion of herself ? Why art thou made a god of, thou, who hast The never-sleeping terror at thy heart, That birthright of all tyrants, worse to bear Than this thy ravening bird on which I smile ? Thou swear'st to free me, if I will unfold What kind of doom it is whose omen flits Across thy heart, as o'er a troop of doves The fearful shadow of the kite. What need To know that truth whose knowledge cannot save ? Evil its errand hath, as well as Good ; When thine is finished, thou art known no more : There is a higher purity than thou, And higher purity is greater strength ; Thy nature is thy doom, at which thy heart Trembles behind the thick wall of thy might. Let man but hope, and thou art straightway chilled With thought of that drear silence and deep night Which, like a dream, shall swallow thee and thine .: Let man but will, and thou art god no more ; 252 PROMETHEUS. More capable of ruin than the gold And ivory that image thee on earth. He who hurled down the monstrous Titan-brood Blinded with lightnings, with rough thunders stunned, Is weaker than a simple human thought. My slender voice can shake thee, as the breeze, That seems but apt to stir a maiden's hair, Sways huge Oceanus from pole to pole : For I am still Prometheus, and foreknow In my wise heart the end and doom of all. Yes, I am still Prometheus, wiser grown By years of solitude that holds apart The past and future, giving the soul room To search into itself and long commune With this eternal silence more a god In my long-suffering and strength to meet With equal front the direst shafts of fate, Than thou in thy faint-hearted despotism, Girt with thy baby-toys of force and wrath. Yes, I am that Prometheus who brought down The light to man which thou in selfish fear Had'st to thyself usurped his by sole right, For Man hath right to all save Tyranny And which shall free him yet from thy frail throne. Tyrants are but the spawn of Ignorance, Begotten by the slaves they trample on, Who, could they win a glimmer of the light, And see that Tyranny is always weakness, Or Fear with its own bosom ill at ease, Would laugh away in scorn the sand-wove chain Which their own blindness feigned for adamant. Wrong ever builds on quicksands, but the Eight PROMETHEtTS. 253 To the firm centre lays its moveless base. The tyrant trembles if the air but stirs The innocent ringlets of a child's free hair, And crouches, when the thought of some great spirit, With world-wide murmur, like a rising gale, Over men's hearts, as over standing corn, Hushes, and bends them to its own strong will. So shall some thought of mine yet circle earth And puff away thy crumbling altars, Jove. And, would'st thou know of my supreme revenge, Poor tyrant, even now dethroned in heart, Realmless in soul, as tyrants ever are, Listen ! and tell me if this bitter peak, This never-glutted vulture, and these chains Shrink not before it, for it shall befit A sorrow-taught, unconquered Titan-heart. Men, when their death is on them, seem to stand On a precipitous crag that overhangs The abyss of doom, and in that depth to see, As in a glass, the features dim and huge Of things to come, the shadows, as it seems, Of what have been. Death never fronts the wise, Not fearfully, but with clear promises Of larger life, on whose broad vans upborne, Their outlook widens, and they see beyond The horizon of the Present and the Past, Even to the very source and end of things. Such am I now : immortal woe hath made My heart a seer, and my soul a judge Between the substance and the shadow of Truth. The sure supremeness of the Beautiful, By all the martyrdoms made doubly sure Of such as I am, this is my revenge, 254 PROMETHEUS. Which of my wrongs builds a triumphal arch Through which I see a sceptre and a throne. The pipings of glad shepherds on the hills, Tending the flocks no more to bleed for thee The songs of maidens pressing with white feet The vintage on thine altars poured no more The murmurous bliss of lovers, underneath Dim grape-vine bowers, whose rosy bunches press Not half so closely their warm cheeks, unscared By thoughts of thy brute lusts the hive-like hum Of peaceful commonwealths, where sunburnt Toil Heaps for itself the rich earth made its own By its own labor, lightened with glad hymns To an omnipotence which thy mad bolts Would cope with as a spark with the vast sea, Even the spirit of free love and peace, Duty's sure recompense through life and death These are such harvests as all master-spirits Reap, haply not on earth, but reap no less Because the sheaves are bound by hands not theirs ; These are the bloodless daggers wherewithal They stab fallen tyrants, this their high revenge : For their best part of life on earth is when, Long after death, prisoned and pent no more, Their thoughts, their wild dreams even, have become Part of the necessary air men breathe ; When, like the moon, herself behind a cloud, They shed down light before us on life's sea, That cheers us to steer onward still in hope. Earth with her twining memories ivies o'er Their holy sepulchres, the chainless sea In tempest or wild calm repeats their thoughts, The lightning and the thunder, all free things, PROMETHEUS. 256 Have legends of them for the ears of men. All other glories are as falling stars, But universal Nature watches theirs ; Such strength is won by love of human kind. Not that I feel that hunger after fame, Which souls of a half-greatness are beset with ; But that the memory of noble deeds Cries shame upon the idle and the vile, And keeps the heart of Man forever up To the heroic level of old time. To be forgot at first is little pain To a heart conscious of such high intent As must be deathless on the lips of men; But, having been a name, to sink and be A something which the world can do without, Which, having been or not, would never change The lightest pulse of fate this is indeed A cup of bitterness the worst to taste, And this thy heart shall empty to the dregs. Oblivion is lonelier than this peak Behold thy destiny ! Thou think'st it much That I should brave thee, miserable god ! But I have braved a mightier than thou, Even the temptings of this soaring heart Which might have made me, scarcely less than thou, A god among my brethren weak and blind, Scarce less than thou, a pitiable thing, To be down-trodden into darkness soon ; But now I am above thee, for thou art The bungling workmanship of fear, the block That scares the swart Barbarian ; but I Am what myself have made, a nature wise 256 PROMETHEUS. With finding in itself the types of all, With watching from the dim verge of the time What things to be are visible in the gleams Thrown forward on them from the luminous past Wise with the history of its own frail heart, With reverence and sorrow, and with love Broad as the world for freedom and for man. Thou and all strength shall crumble, except Love, By whom and for whose glory ye shall cease : And, when thou art but a dim moaning heard From out the pitiless glooms of Chaos, I Shall be a power and a memory, A name to scare all tyrants with, a light Unsetting as the pole-star, a great voice Heard in the breathless pauses of the fight By truth and freedom ever waged with wrong, Clear as a silver trumpet, to awake Huge echoes that from age to age live on In kindred spirits, giving them a sense Of boundless power from boundless suffering wrung. And many a glazing eye shall smile to see The memory of my triumph (for to meet Wrong with endurance, and to overcome The present with a heart that looks beyond, Are triumph), like a prophet eagle, perch Upon the sacred banner of the right. Evil springs up, and flowers, and bears no seed, And feeds the green earth with its swift decay, Leaving it richer for the growth of truth ; But Good, once put in action or in thought, Like a strong oak, doth from its boughs shed down The ripe germs of a forest. Thou, weak god, PROMETHEUS. 257 Shalt fade and be forgotten ; but this soul, Fresh-living still in the serene abyss, In every heaving shall partake, that grows From heart to heart among the sons of men As the ominous hum before the earthquake runs Far through the JEgean from roused isle to isle Foreboding wreck to palaces and shrines, And mighty rents in many a cavernous error That darkens the free light to man : This heart Unscarred by thy grim vulture, as the truth Grows but more lovely 'neath the beaks and claws Of Harpies blind that fain would soil it, shall In all the throbbing exultations share That wait on freedom's triumphs, and in all The glorious agonies of martyr-spirits Sharp lightning-throes to split the jagged clouds That veil the future, showing them the end Pain's thorny crown for constancy and truth, Girding the temples like a wreath of stars. This is a thought, that, like the fabled laurel, Makes my faith thunder-proof, and thy dread bolts Fall on rne like the silent flakes of snow On the hoar brows of aged Caucasus : But, thought far more blissful, they can rend This cloud of flesh, and make my soul a star ! Unleash thy crouching thunders now, Jove ! Free this high heart which, a poor captive long, Doth knock to be let forth, this heart which still, In its invincible manhood, overtops Thy puny godship as this mountain doth The pines that moss its roots. even now, While from my peak of suffering I look down, 17 258 PROMETHEUS. Beholding with a far- spread gush of hope The sunrise of that Beauty in whose face, Shone all around with love, no man shall look But straightway like a god he is uplift Unto the throne long empty for his sake, And clearly oft foreshadowed in wide dreams By his free inward nature, which nor thou, Nor any anarch after thee, can bind From working its great doom now, now set free This essence, not to die, but to become Part of that awful Presence which doth haunt The palaces of tyrants, to scare off, With its grim eyes and fearful whisperings And hideous sense of utter loneliness, All hope of safety, all desire of peace, All but the loathed forefeeling of blank death Part of that spirit which doth ever brood In patient calm on the unpilfered nest Of man's deep heart, till mighty thoughts grow fledged To sail with darkening shadow o'er the world, Until they swoop, and their pale quarry make Of some o'erbloated wrong that spirit which Scatters great hopes in the seed-field of man, Like acorns among grain, to grow and be A roof for freedom in all coming time. But no, this cannot be ; for ages yet, In solitude unbroken, shall I hear The angry Caspian to the Euxine shout, And Euxine answer with a muffled roar, On either side storming the giant walls Of Caucasus with leagues of climbing foam, PROMETHEUS. (Less, from my height, than flakes of downy snow) That draw back baffled but to hurl again, Snatched up in wrath and horrible turmoil, Mountain on mountain, as the Titans erst, My brethren, scaling the high seat of Jove, Heaved Pelion upon Ossa's shoulders broad, In vain emprise. The moon will come and go With her monotonous vicissitude ; Once beautiful, when I was free to walk Among my fellows and to interchange The influence benign of loving eyes, But now by aged use grown wearisome ; False thought ! most false ! for how could I endure These crawling centuries of lonely woe Unshamed by weak complaining, but for thee, Loneliest, save me, of all created things, Mild-eyed Astarte 1 , my best comforter, With thy pale smile of sad benignity ? Year after year will pass away and seem To me, in mine eternal agony, But as the shadows of dumb summer-clouds, Which I have watched so often darkening o'er The vast Sarmatian plain, league-wide at first, But, with still swiftness, lessening on and on Till cloud and shadow meet and mingle where The gray horizon fades into the sky, Far, far to northward. Yes, for ages yet Must I lie here upon my altar huge, A sacrifice for man. Sorrow will be, As it hath been, his portion ; endless doom, While the immortal with the mortal linked Dreams of its wings and pines for what it dreams With upward yearn unceasing. Better so : ROSALINE. For wisdom is meek sorrow's patient child, And empire over self, and all the deep Strong charities that make men seem like gods ; And love, that makes them be gods, from her breasts Sucks in the milk that makes mankind one blood. Good never comes unmixed, or so it seems, Having two faces, as some images Are carved, of foolish gods ; one face is ill, But one heart lies beneath, and that is good, As are all hearts, when we explore their depths. Therefore, great heart, bear up ! thou art but type Of what all lofty spirits endure, that fain Would win men back to strength and peace through love : Each hath his lonely peak, and on each heart Envy, or scorn, or hatred, tears lifelong With vulture beak ; yet the high soul is left, And faith, which is but hope grown wise, and love, And patience which at last shall overcome. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., June, 1843. ROSALINE. THOU look'd'st on me all yesternight, Thine eyes were blue, thy hair was bright As when we murmured our trothplight Beneath the thick stars, Rosaline ! Thy hair was braided on thy head As on the day we two were wed, Mine eyes scarce knew if thou wert dead But my shrunk heart knew, Rosaline ! ROSALINE. The deathwatch tickt behind the wall, The blackness rustled like a pall, The moaning wind did rise and fall Among the bleak pines, Rosaline ! My heart beat thickly in mine ears : The lids may shut out fleshly fears, But still the spirit sees and hears, Its eyes are lidless, Rosaline ! A wildness rushing suddenly, A knowing some ill shape is nigh, A wish for death, a fear to die Is not this vengeance, Rosaline ! A loneliness that is not lone, A love quite withered up and gone, A strong soul trampled from its throne What would'st thou further, Rosaline ! 'T is lone such moonless nights as these, Strange sounds are out upon the breeze, And the leaves shiver in the trees, And then thou comest, Rosaline ! I seem to hear the mourners go, With long black garments trailing slow, And plumes a-uodding to and fro, As once I heard them, Rosaline ! Thy shroud it is of snowy white, And, in the middle of the night, Thou standest moveless and upright, Gazing upon me, Rosaline ! There is no sorrow in thine eyes, But evermore that meek surprise 262 ROSALINE. Oh, God ! her gentle spirit tries To deem me guiltless, Eosaline ! Above thy grave the Robin sings, And swarms of bright and happy things Flit all about with sunlit wings But I am cheerless, Rosaline ! The violets on the hillock toss, The gravestone is o'ergrown with moss, For nature feels not any loss But I am cheerless, Rosaline ! Ah ! why wert thou so lowly bred ? Why was my pride galled on to wed Her who brought lands and gold instead Of thy heart's treasure, Rosaline ! Why did I fear to let thee stay To look on me and pass away Forgivingly, as in its May, A broken flower, Rosaline ! I thought not, when my dagger strook, Of thy blue eyes ; I could not brook The past all pleading in one look Of utter sorrow, Rosaline ! I did not know when thou wert dead : A blackbird whistling overhead Thrilled through my brain ; I would have fled But dared not leave thee, Rosaline ! A low, low moan, a light twig stirred By the upspringing of a bird, A drip of blood were all I heard Then deathly stillness, Rosaline ! ROSALINE. The sun rolled down, and very soon, Like a great fire, the awful moon Rose, stained with blood, and then a swoon Crept chilly o'er me, Rosaline ! The stars came out ; and, one by one, Each angel from his silver throne Looked down and saw what I had done : I dared not hide me, Rosaline ! I crouched ; I feared thy corpse would cry Against me to God's quiet sky, I thought I saw the blue lips try To utter something, Rosaline ! I waited with a maddened grin To hear that voice all icy thin Slide forth and tell my deadly sin To hell and heaven, Rosaline ! But no voice came, and then it seemed That if the very corpse had screamed The sound like sunshine glad had streamed Through that dark stillness, Rosaline ! Dreams of old quiet glimmered by, And faces loved in infancy Came and looked on me mournfully, Till my heart melted, Rosaline ! I saw my mother's dying bed, I heard her bless me, and I shed Cool tears but lo ! the ghastly dead Stared me to madness, Rosaline 1 And then amid the silent night I screamed with horrible delight. ROSALINE. And in my brain an awful light Did seem to crackle, Rosaline ! It is my curse ! sweet mem'ries fall From me like snow and only all Of that one night, like cold worms crawl My doomed heart over, Rosaline ! Thine eyes are shut : they nevermore Will leap thy gentle words before To tell the secret o'er and o'er Thou could 'st not smother, Rosaline ! Thine eyes are shut : they will not shine With happy tears, or, through the vine That hid thy casement, beam on mine Sunfull with gladness, Rosaline ! Thy voice I nevermore shall hear, Which in old times did seem so dear, That, ere it trembled in mine ear, My quick heart heard it, Rosaline ! Would I might die ! I were as well, Ay, better, at my home in hell, To set for aye a burning spell 'Twixt me and memory, Rosaline ! Why wilt thou haunt me with thine eye, Wherein such blessed memories, Such pitying forgiveness lies, Than hate more bitter, Rosaline ! Woe 's me ! I know that love so high As thine, true soul, could never die, And with mean clay in churchyard lie- Would God it were so, Rosaline ! A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN SONNET. IF some small savor creep into my rhyme Of the old poets, if some words 1 use, Neglected long, which have the lusty thews Of that gold-haired and earnest-hearted time, Whose loving joy and sorrow all sublime Have given our tongue its starry eminence, It is not pride, God knows, but reverence Which hath grown in me since my childhood's prime ; Wherein I feel that my poor lyre is strung With soul-strings like to theirs, and that I have No right to muse their holy graves among, If I can be a custom-fettered slave, And, in mine own true spirit, am not brave To speak what rusheth upward to my tongue. A GLANCE BEHIND THE CUKTAIN. WE see but half the causes of our deeds, Seeking them wholly in the outer life, And heedless of the encircling spirit-world Which, though unseen, is felt, and sows in us All germs of pure and world-wide purposes. From one stage of our being to the next We pass unconscious o'er a slender bridge, The momentary work of unseen hands, Which crumbles down behind us ; looking back, We see the other shore, the gulf between, And, marvelling how we won to where we stand, Content ourselves to call the builder Chance. We trace the wisdom to the apple's fall, Not to the soul of Newton, ripe with all 266 A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. The hoarded thoughtfulness of earnest years, And waiting but one ray of sunlight more To blossom fully. But whence came that ray ? We call our sorrows destiny, but ought Rather to name our high successes so. Only the instincts of great souls are Fate, And have predestined sway : all other things, Except by leave of us, could never be. For Destiny is but the breath of God Still moving in us, the last fragment left Of our unfallen nature, waking oft Within our thought to beckon us beyond The narrow circle of the seen and known, And always tending to a noble end, As all things must that overrule the soul, And for a space unseat the helmsman, Will. The fate of England and of freedom once Seemed wavering in the heart of one plain man ; One step of his, and the great dial-hand That marks the destined progress of the world In the eternal round from wisdom on To higher wisdom, had been made to pause A hundred years. That step he did not take He knew not why, nor we, but only God And lived to make his simple oaken chair More terrible and grandly beautiful, More full of majesty, than any throne, Before or after, of a British king. Upon the pier stood two stern-visaged men, Looking to where a little craft lay moored, A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. Swayed by the lazy current of the Thames, Which weltered by in muddy listlessness. Grave men they were, and battliugs of fierce thought Had scared away all softness from their brows, And ploughed rough furrows there before their time. Care, not of self, but of the common weal, Had robbed their eyes of youth, and left instead A look of patient power and iron will, And something fiercer, too, that gave broad hint Of the plain weapons girded at their sides. The younger had an aspect of command Not such as trickles down, a slender stream, In the shrunk channel of a great descent But such as lies entowered in heart and head, And an arm prompt to do the Chests of both. His was a brow where gold were out of place, And yet it seemed right worthy of a crown (Though he despised such), were it only made Of iron, or some serviceable stuff That would have matched his sinewy brown face. The elder, although such he hardly seemed (Care makes so little of some five short years), Bore a clear, honest face, where scholarship Had mildened somewhat of its rougher strength, To sober courage, such as best befits The unsullied temper of a well-taught mind, Yet left it so as one could plainly guess The pent volcano smouldering underneath. He spoke : the other, hearing, kept his gaze Still fixed, as on some problem in the sky. " CROMWELL, we are fallen on evil times I There was a day when England had wide room 268 A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. For honest men as well as foolish kings ; But now the uneasy stomach of the time Turns squeamish at them both. Therefore let us Seek out that savage clime where men as yet Are free : there sleeps the vessel on the tide, Her languid sails but drooping for the wind : All things are fitly cared for, and the Lord Will watch as kindly o'er the Exodus Of us his servants now, as in old time. We have no cloud or fire, and haply we May not pass dryshod through the ocean-stream ; But, saved or lost, all things are in His hand." So spake he, and meantime the other stood With wide, gray eyes still reading the blank air, As if upon the sky's blue wall he saw Some mystic sentence written by a hand Such as of old did scare the Assyrian king, Girt with his satraps in the blazing feast. "HAMPDEN, a moment since, my purpose was To fly with thee for I will call it flight, Nor flatter it with any smoother name But something in me bids me not to go ; And I am one, thou knowest, who, unscared By what the weak deem omens, yet give heed And reverence due to whatsoe'er my soul Whispers of warning to the inner ear. Why should we fly ? Nay, why not rather stay And rear again our Zion's crumbled walls, Not as of old the walls of Thebes were built By minstrel twanging, but, if need should be, With the more potent music of our swords ? Think'st thou that score of men beyond the sea A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. 269 Claim more God's care than all of England here ? No : when He moves His arm, it is to aid Whole peoples, heedless if a few be crushed, As some are ever when the destiny Of man takes one stride onward nearer home. Believe it, 't is the mass of men He loves. And where there is most sorrow and most want, Where the high heart of man is trodden down The most, 't is not because He hides His face From them in wrath, as purblind teachers prate. Not so : there most is He, for there is He Most needed. Men who seek for Fate abroad Are not so near His heart as they who dare Frankly to face her where she faces them, On their own threshold, where their souls are strong To grapple with and throw her, as I once, Being yet a boy, did throw this puny king, Who now has grown so dotard as to deem That he can wrestle with an angry realm, And throw the brawned Antaeus of men's rights. No, Hampden ; they have half-way conquered Fate Who go half-way to meet her as will I. Freedom hath yet a work for me to do ; So speaks that inward voice which never yet Spake falsely, when it urged the spirit on To noble deeds for country and mankind. " What should we do in that small colony Of pinched fanatics, who would rather choose Freedom to clip an inch more from their hair Than the great chance of setting England free ? Not there amid the stormy wilderness Should we learn wisdom ; or, if learned, what room 9YO A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. To put it into act else worse than naught ? We learn our souls more, tossing for an hour Upon this huge and ever vexed sea Of human thought, where kingdoms go to wreck Like fragile bubbles yonder in the stream, Than in a cycle of New England sloth, Broke only by some petty Indian war, Or quarrel for a letter, more or less, In some hard word, which, spelt in either way, Not their most learned clerks can understand. New times demand new measures and new men ; The world advances, and in time outgrows The laws that in our father's day were best ; And, doubtless, after us, some purer scheme Will be shaped out by wiser men than we, Made wiser by the steady growth of truth. We cannot bring Utopia at once ; But better almost be at work in sin Than in a brute inaction browse and sleep. No man is born into the world whose work Is not born with him ; there is always work, And tools to work withal, for those who will ; And blessed are the horny hands of toil ! The busy world shoves angrily aside The man who stands with arms a-kimbo set, Until occasion tells him what to do ; And he who waits to have his task marked out, Shall die and leave his errand unfulfilled. Our time is one that calls for earnest deeds. Eeason and Government, like two broad seas, Yearn for each other with outstretched armi Across this narrow isthmus of the throne, And roll their white surf higher every day. A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. The field lies wide before us, where to reap The easy harvest of a deathless name, Though with no better sickles than our swords. My soul is not a palace of the past, Where outworn creeds, like Eorae's gray senate quake, Hearing afar the Vandal's trumpet hoarse, That shakes old systems with a thunder-fit. The time is ripe, and rotten-ripe, for change ; Then let it come : I have no dread of what Is called for by the instinct of mankind. Nor think I that God's world would fall apart Because we tear a parchment more or less. Truth is eternal, but her effluence, With endless change, is fitted to the hour ; Her mirror is turned forward, to reflect The promise of the future, not the past. I do not fear to follow out the truth, Albeit along the precipice's edge. Let us speak plain : there is more force in names Than most men dream of ; and a lie may keep Its throne a whole age longer, if it skulk Behind the shield of some fair-seeming name. Let us call tyrants tyrants, and maintain That only freedom comes by grace of God, And all that comes not by his grace must fall : For men in earnest have no time to waste In patching fig-leaves for the naked truth. " I will have one more grapple with the man Charles Stuart : whom the boy o'ercame, The man stands not in awe of. I perchanof Am one raised up by the Almighty arm 272 A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. To wituess some great truth to all the world. Souls destined to o'erleap the vulgar lot, And mould the world unto the scheme of God, Have a foreconsciousness of their high doom, As men are known to shiver at the heart, When the cold shadow of some coming ill Creeps slowly o'er their spirits unawares : Hath Good less power of prophecy than 111 ? How else could men whom God hath called to sway Earth's rudder, and to steer the barque of Truth, Beating against the wind toward her port, Bear all the mean and buzzing grievances, The petty martyrdoms wherewith Sin strives To weary out the tethered hope of Faith, The sneers, the unrecognizing look of friends, Who worship the dead corpse of old king Custom, Where it doth lie in state within the Church, Striving to cover up the mighty ocean With a man's palm, and making even the truth Lie for them, holding up the glass reversed, To make the hope of man seem further off ? My God ! when I read o'er the bitter lives Of men whose eager hearts were quite too great To beat beneath the cramped mode of the clay, And see them mocked at by the world they love. Haggling with prejudice for pennyworths Of that reform which their hard toil will make The common birthright of the age to come When I see this, spite of my faith in God, I marvel how their hearts bear up so long ; Nor could they, but for this same prophecy, This inward feeling of the glorious end. A GLANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN. " Deem me not fond ; but in my warmer youth, Ere my heart's bloom was soiled and brushed away, I had great dreams of mighty things to come ; Of conquest ; whether by the sword or pen, I knew not ; but some conquest I would have, Or else swift death : now, wiser grown in years, 1 find youth's dreams are but the flutterings Of those strong wings whereon the soul shall soar In after time to win a starry throne ; And therefore cherish them, for they were lots Which I, a boy, cast in the helm of Fate. Nor will I draw them, since a man's right hand, A right hand guided by an earnest soul, With a true instinct, takes the golden prize From out a thousand blanks. What men call luck, Is the prerogative of valiant souls, The fealty life pays its rightful kings. The helm is shaking now, and I will stay To pluck my lot forth ; it were sin to flee 1 " So they two turned together ; one to die Fighting for freedom on the bloody field ; The other, far more happy, to become A name earth wears forever next her heart ; One of the few that have a right to rank With the true Makers ; for his spirit wrought Order from Chaos ; proved that right divine Dwelt only in the excellence of Truth ; And far within old Darkness' hostile lines Advanced and pitched the shining tents of Light, Nor shall the grateful Muse forget to tell, That not the least among his many claims To deathless honor he was MILTON'S friend 18 SONG. A. man not second among those who lived To show us that the poet's lyre demands An arm of tougher sinew than the sword. A SONG. VIOLET ! sweet violet ! Thine eyes are full of tears ; Are they wet Even yet With the thought of other years, Or with gladness are they full. For the night so beautiful, And longing for those far-off spheres ? Loved one of my youth thou wast, Of my merry youth, And I see, Tearfully, All the fair and sunny past, All its openness and truth, Ever fresh and green in thee As the moss is in the sea. Thy little heart, that hath with love Grown colored like the sky above, On which thou lookest ever, Can it know All the woe Of hope for what returneth never, All the sorrow and the longing To these hearts of ours belonging I Out on it I no foolish pining THE MOON. 275 For the sky Dims thine eye, Or for the stars so calmly shining , Like thee let this soul of mine Take hue from that wherefor I long, Self-stayed and high, serene and strong, Not satisfied with hoping but divine. Violet ! dear Violet ! Thy blue eyes are only wet With joy and love of him who sent thee, And, for the fulfilling sense Of that glad obedience Which made thee all which Nature meant the! THE MOON. MY soul was like the sea Before the moon was made ; Moaning in vague immensity, Of its own strength afraid, TJnrestful and unstaid. Through every rift it foamed in vain About its earthly prison, Seeking some unknown thing in pain, And sinking restless back again, For yet no moon had risen : Its only voice a vast dumb moan Of utterless anguish speaking, It lay unhopefully alone And lived but in an aimless seeking. THE FATHERLAND. So was my soul : but when 't was full Of unrest to overloading, A voice of something beautiful Whispered a dim foreboding, And yet so soft, so sweet, so low, It had not more of joy than woe : And, as the sea doth oft lie still, Making his waters meet, As if by an unconscious will, For the moon's silver feet, Like some serene, nwinking eye That wa ; .ts a certain destiny, So lay my soul within mine eyes When thou its sovereign moon didst rise. And now, however its waves above May toss and seem uneaseful, One strong, eternal law of love With guidance sure and peaceful, As calm and natural as breath Moves its great deeps through Life and Death. THE FATHERLAND. WHERE is the true man's fatherland ? Is it where he by chance is born ? Doth not the free- winged spirit scorn In such pent borders to be spanned ? Oh yes ! his fatherland must be As the blue heavens wide and free ! Is it alone where freedom is, Where God is God and man is man ? A PARABLE. 277 Doth he not claim a broader span For the soul's love of home than this ? Oh yes ! his fatherland must be tJ As the blue heavens wide and free ! Where'er a human heart doth wear Joy's myrtle wreath, or sorrow's gyves, Where'er a human spirit strives After a life more pure and fair, There is the true man's birthplace grand I His is a world-wide fatherland ! Where'er a single slave doth pine, Where'er one man may help another Thank God for such a birthright, brother ! That spot of earth is thine and mine ; There is the true man's birthplace grand ! His is a world-wide fatherland ! A PARABLE. WORN and footsore was the Prophet When he reached the holy hill ; " God has left the earth," he murmured, " Here his presence lingers still. *' God of all the olden prophets, Wilt thou talk with me no more ? Have I not as truly loved thee As thy chosen ones of yore ? " Hear me, guider of my fathers, Lo, an humble heart is mine ; By thy mercy I beseech thee, Grant thy servant but a sign 1 " 278 A -PARABLE. Bowing then his head, he listened For an answer to his prayer ; No loud burst of thunder followed, Not a murmur stirred the air : But the tuft of moss before him Opened while he waited yet, And from out the rock's hard bosom Sprang a tender violet. " God ! I thank thee," said the Prophet, " Hard of heart and blind was I, Looking to the holy mountain For the gift of prophecy. " Still thou speakest with thy children Freely as in Eld sublime, Humbleness and love and patience Give dominion over Time. " Had I trusted in my nature, And had faith in lowly things, Thou thyself wouldst then have sought me, And set free my spirit's wings. " But I looked for signs and wonders That o'er men should give me sway ; Thirsting to be more than mortal, I was even less than clay. " Ere I entered on my journey, As I girt my loins to start, Ran to me my little daughter, The beloved of my heart ; ON THE DEATH OF A FRIEND'S CHILD. " In her hand she held a flower, Like to this as like may be, Which beside my very threshold She had plucked and brought to me." ON THE DEATH OF A FRIEND'S CHILD. DEATH never came so nigh to me before, Nor showed me his mild face : Oft I had mused Of calm and peace and deep forgetfulness, Of folded hands, closed eyes, and heart at rest, And slumber sound beneath a flowery turf, Of faults forgotten, and an inner place Kept sacred for us in the heart of friends ; But these were idle fancies satisfied With the mere husk of this great Mystery, And dwelling in the outward shows of things. Heaven is not mounted to on wings of dreams, Nor doth the unthankful happiness of youth Aim thitherward, but floats from bloom to bloom, With earth's warm patch of sunshine well content : 'T is sorrow builds the shining ladder up Whose golden rounds are our calamities, Whereon our firm feet planting, nearer God The spirit climbs, and hath its eyes unsealed. True is it that Death's face seems stern and cold, When he is sent to summon those we love, But all God's angels come to us disguised ; Sorrow and sickness, poverty and death, One after other lift their frowning maska, And we behold the seraph's face beneath, All radiant with the glory and the calm 280 Of having looked upon the smile of God. With every anguish of our earthly past The spirit's sight grows clearer ; this was meant When Jesus touched the blind man's lids with clay. Life is the jailer, Death the angel sent To draw the unwilling bolts and set us free. He flings not ope the ivory gate of Eest Only the fallen spirit knocks at that But to benigner regions beckons us, To destinies of more rewarded toil. In the hushed chamber, sitting by the dead, It grates on us to hear the flood of life Whirl rustling onward, senseless of our loss. The bee hums on ; around the blossomed vine Whirs the light hurnm ing-bird ; the cricket chirps; The locust's shrill alarum stings the ear ; Hard by, the cock shouts lustily ; from farm to farm, His cheery brothers, telling of the sun, Answer, till far away the joyance dies ; We never knew before how God had filled The summer air with happy living sounds ; All round us seems an overplus of life, And yet the one dear heart lies cold and still. It is most strange, when the great Miracle Hath for our sakes been done ; when we have had Our inwardest experience of God, When with his presence still the room expands, And is awed after him, that naught is changed, That Nature's face looks unacknowledging, And the mad world still dances heedless on After its butterflies, and gives no sigh. 7 T is hard at first to see it all aright j ON THE DEATH OF A FKIEND'S CHILD. 281 In vain Faitli blows her trump to summon back Her scattered troop ; yet, through the clouded glass Of our own bitter tears, we learn to look Undazzled on the kindness of God's face ; Earth is too dark, and Heaven alone shines through. How changed, dear friend, are thy part and thy child's ! He bends above thy cradle now, or holds His warning finger out to be thy guide ; Thou art the nursling now ; he watches thee Slow learning, one by one, the secret things Which are to him used sights of every day ; He smiles to see thy wondering glances con The grass and pebbles of the spirit world, To thee miraculous ; and he will teach Thy knees their due observances of prayer. Children are God's apostles, day by day, Sent forth to preach of love, and hope, and peace ; NOT hath thy babe his mission left undone. To me, at least, his going hence hath given Serener thoughts and nearer to the skies, And opened a new fountain in my heart For thee, my friend, and all : and oh, if Death More near approaches, meditates, and clasps Even now some dearer, more reluctant hand, God, strengthen thou my faith, that I may see That 't is thine angel who, with loving haste, Unto the service of the inner shrine Doth waken thy beloved with a kiss I CAMBRIDGE, MASS., Sept. 3, 1844. A. L. Burt's Catalogue of Books for Young People by Popular Writers, 52- 58 Duane Street, New York > ^ MZ BOOKS FOR BOYS. Joe's Luck: A Boy's Adventures in California. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 13mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. The story Is chock full of stirring Incidents, while the amusing situ ations are furnished by Joshua Bickford, from Pumpkin Hollow, and the fellow who modestly styles himself the "Rip- tall Roarer, from Pike Co., Missouri." Mr. Alger never writes a poor book, and "Joe's Luck" is cer tainly one of his best. Tom the Bootblack; or, The Eoad to Success. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. A bright, enterprising lad was Tom the Bootblack. He was not at all ashamed of kis humble calling, though always on the lookout to better himself. The lad started for Cincinnati to look up his heritage. Mr. Grey, the uncle, did not hesitate to employ a ruffian to kill the lad. The plan failed, and Gilbert Grey, once Tom the bootblack, came Into a com fortable fortune. This Is one of Mr. Alger's best stories. Dan the Newsboy. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Dan Mordaunt and his mother live In a poor tenement, and the lad la pluckily trying to make ends meet by selling papers in the streets of New York. A little heiress of six years Is confided to the care of the Mor- daunts. The child is kidnapped and Dan tracks the child to the house where she is hidden, and rescues her. The wealthy aunt of the little heiress is so delighted with Dan's courage and many good qualities that she adopts him as her heir. Tony the Hero: A Brave Boy's Adventure with a Tramp. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Tony, a sturdy bright-eyed boy of fourteen, Is under the control of Rudolph Rugg, a thorough rascal. After much abuse Tony runs away and gets a job as stable boy in a country hotel. Tony Is heir to a large estate. Rudolph for a consideration hunts up Tony and throws him down a deep well. Of course Tony escapes from the fate provided for him, and by a brave act, a rich friend secures his rights and Tony is prosperous. A very entertaining book. The Errand Boy; or, How Phil Brent Won Success. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth Illustrated, price $1.00. The career of "The Errand Boy" embraces the city adventures of a mart country lad. Philip was brought up by a kind-hearted innkeeper named Brent. The death of Mrs. Brent paved the way for the hero's subsequent troubles. A retired merchant In New York secures him the Bitnation of errand boy, and thereafter stands as his friend. Tom Temple's Career. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Tom Temple is a bright, self-reliant lad. He leaves Plympton village to seek work In New York, whence he undertakes an Important mission to California. Some of his adventures In the far west are so startling that the reader will scarcely close the book until the last page shall have been reached. The tale Is written in Mr. Alger's most fascinating style. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. BUST. 62-58 Duane Street. New York. 2 A. L. HURT'S BOOKS FOB YOUNG PEOPLE. BOOKS FOR BOYS. Frank Fowler, the Cash Boy. By HOEATIO ALGEE, JR. 32ino, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Frank Fowler, a poor boy, bravely determines to make a living for himself and his foster-sister Grace. Coins to New York he obtains a situation as cash boy in a dry goods store. He renders a service to a wealthy old gentleman who takes a fancy to the lad, and thereafter helps the lad to gain success and fortune. Tom Thatcher's Fortune. By HOEATIO ALGEE, JR. 12mo. cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Tom Thatcher is a brave, ambitious, unselfish boy. He supports his mother and sister on meagre wages earned as a shoe-pegger in Johu Simpson's factory. Tom is discharged from the factory and starts over land for California. He meets with many adventures. The story is told In a way which has made Mr. Alger's name a household word in so many homes. The Train Boy. By HOEATIO ALGEE, JE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Paul Palmer was a wide-awake boy of sixteen who supported hia mother and sister by selling books and papers on the Chicago and Milwaukee Railroad. He detects a young man in the act of picking the pocket of a young lady. In a railway accident many passengers are killed, but Paiil is fortunate enough to assist a Chicago merchant, who out of gratitude takes him into his employ. Paul succeeds with tact and judgment and is well started on the road to business prominence. Mark Mason's Victory. The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy. By HOHATIO ALGER, JB. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Mark Mason, the telegraph boy, was a 6tcrdy, honest lad, who pluckilj won his way to success by his honest manly efforts under many diffi culties. This story will please the very large class of boys who regard Mr. Alger as a favorite author. A Debt of Honor. The Story of Gerald Lane's Success in the Far West. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, pries #1.00. The story of Gerald Lane and the account of the many trials and dis appointments which he passed through bofoi he attained success, will Interest all boys who have read tlie previous stories of this delightful author. Ben Bruce. Scenes in the Life of a Bowery Newsboy. By HORATIO ALGER, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Ben Bruce was a brave, manly, generous boy. The story of his efforts, and many seeming failures and disappointments, and his final success, are most interesting to all readers. The tale is written in Mr. Alger's most fascinating style. The Castaways; or, On the Florida Eeefs. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. This tale smacks of the salt sea. From the moment that the Sen Queen leaves lower New York bay till the breeze leaves her bocalmed off the coast of Florida, one can almost hear the whistle of the wind through her rigging, the creak of her straining cordage as she heels to the leeward. The adventures of Ben Clark, the hero of the storv and Jake the cook, cannot fall to charm the reader. As a writer for young people Mr. Otis is a prime favorite. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. HURT, 62-68 Duane Street, New York, A. L. BURIES BOOKS FOR YOUlSG PEOPLE. 3 BOOKS FOR BOYS. Wrecked on Spider Island; or, How Ned Rogers Found the Treasure. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Ned llogers, a "down-east" plucky lad ships as cabin boy to earn a livelihood. Ned Is marooned on Spider Island, and while there dis covers a wreck submerged in the sand, and finds a considerable amount it treasure. The capture of the treasure and the Incidents of the voyage serve to make as entertaining a story of sea-life as the most captious boy could desire. The Search for the Silver City : A Tale of Adventure in Yucatan. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price 81.00. Two lads, Teddy Wright and Neal Emery, embark on the steam yacht Day Dream for a cruise to the tropics. The yacht is destroyed by fire, and then the boat is cast upon the coast of Yucatan. They hear of the wonderful Silver City, of the Chan Santa Cruz Indians, and with the help of a faithful Indian ally carry off a number of the golden Images from the temples. Pursued with relentless vigor at last their escape is effected in an astonishing manner. The story Is so full of exciting incidents that the reader is quite carried away with the novelty and realism of the narrative. A Runaway Brig; or, An Accidental Cruise. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. This is a sea tale, and the reader can look out upon the wide shimmer ing sea as it flashes back the sunlight, and imagine himself afloat with Harry Vandyne, Walter Morse, Jim Libby and that old shell-back, Bob Brace, on the brig Bonita. The boys discover a mysterious document which enables them to find a buried treasure. They are stranded on an island and at last are rescued with the treasure. The boys are sure to be fascinated with this entertaining story. The Treasure Finders: A Bo/s Adventures in Nicaragua. By JAMBS OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Roy and Dean Coloney, with their guide Tongla, leave their father's Indigo plantation to visit the wonderful ruins of an ancient city. The boys eagerly explore the temples of an extinct race and discover three golden images cunningly hidden away. They escape with the greatest difficulty. Eventually they reach safety with their golden prizes. We doubt if there ever was written a more entertaining story than "The Treasure Finders." Jack, the Hunchback. A Story of the Coast of Maine. By JAMES OTIS. Price $1.00. This is the story of a little hunchback who lived on Cape Elizabeth, on the coast of Maine. His trials and successes are most interesting. From first to last nothing stays the interest of the narrative. It bears us along as on a stream whose current varies in direction, but never loses its force. With Washington at Monmouth: A Story of Three Philadelphia Boys. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, ornamental cloth, olivine edges, illustrated, price '$1.50. Three Philadelphia lads assist the American spies and make regular and frequent visits to Valley Forge in the Winter while the British occupied the city. The story abounds with pictures of Colonial life skillfully drawn, and the glimpses of Washington's soldiers which are given shown that the work has not been hastily done, or without con siderable study. The story Is wholesome and patriotic In tone, as are all of Mr. Otis' works. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. BUKT, 52-58 Duane Street, New York. 4 A. L. Burr's BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. BOOKS FOR BOYS. With Lafayette at Yorktown: A Story of How Two Boys Joined the Continental Army. By JAMES Ons. 12mo, ornamental cloth, olivine edges, illustrated, price $1.50. Two lads from Portmtuth, N. H., attempt to enlist In the Colonial Army, and are given employment as spies. There Is no lack of exciting Incidents which the youthful reader craves, but It is healthful excite ment brimming with facts which every boy should be familiar with, and while the reader is following the adventures of Ben Jaffrays and Ned Allen he is acquiring a fund of historical lore which will remain in his memory long after that which he has memorized from text books has been forgotten. At the Siege of Havana. Being the Experiences of Three Boys Serving under Israel Putnam in 1762. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, ornamental cloth, olivine edges, illustrated, price $1.50. "At the Siege of Havana" deals with that portion of the island's history when the English king captured the capital, thanks to the assistance given by the troops from New England, led in part by Col. Israel Putnam. The principal characters are Darius Lunt, the lad who, represented as telling the story, and his comrades, Robert Clement and Nicholas Vallet. Colonel Putnam also figures to considerable extent, necessarily. In the tale, and the whole forms one of the most readable stories founded on historical facts. The Defense of Fort Henry. A Story of Wheeling Creek iu 1777. By JAMES Ons. 12mo, ornamental cloth, olivine edges, illustrated, price $1.50. Nowhere in the history of our country can be found more heroic or thrilling incidents than in the story of those brave men and women who founded the settlement of Wheeling in the Colony of Virginia. Tin- recital of what Elizabeth Zanc did is in itself as heroic a story as onn be Imagined. The wondrous bravery displayed by Major McCnlloch and his gallant comrades, the sufferings of the colonists and their sacrifice of blood and life, stir the blood of old as well as young readers. The Capture of the Laughing Mary. A Story of Throe New York Boys in 1776. By JAMES Ons. 12mo, ornamental cloth, olivine edges, price $1.50. "During the British occupancy of New York, at the outbreak of the Revolution, a Yankee lad hears of the plot to take General Washington's person, and calls in two companions to assist the patriot cause. They do some astonishing things, and. Incidentally, lay the way for an American navy later, by the exploit which gives its name to the work. Mr. Otis' books are too well known to require any particular commendation to the young." Evening Post. With Warren at Bunker Hill. A Story of the Siege of Boston. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo. ornametnal cloth, olivine edges, illoc trated, price $1.50. "This is a tale of the siege of Boston, which opens on the day after the doings at Lexington and Concord, with a description of home life In Boston, introduces the reader to the British camp at Charlestown, shows Gen. Warren at home, describes what a boy thought of the battle of Bunker Hill, and closes with the raising of the siege. The three heroes, George Wentworth., Ben Scarlett and an old ropemaker. Incur the enmity of a young Tory, who causes them many adventures the boys will like to read." Detroit Free Presg, For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. BUILT, 58-68 Duane Street, New York. A. L. HURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 5 BOOKS FOR BOYS. With the Swamp Fox. The Story of General Marion's Spies. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $ 1.00. This story deals with General Francis Marlon's heroic struggle In the Carolinas. General Marlon's arrival to take command of these brave men and rough riders Is pictured as a boy might have seen It. and although the story is devoted to what the lads did, the Swamp Fox Is ever present in the mind of the reader. On the Kentucky Frontier. A Story of the Fighting Pioneers of the West. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. In the history of our country there Is no more thrilling story than that of the wrk done on the Mississippi river by a handful of frontiers- - men. Mr. Otis takes the reader on that famous expedition from the arrival of Major Clarke's force at Corn Island, until Kaskaskia was captured. He relates that part of Simon Kenton's life history which is not usually touched upon either by the historian or the story teller. This is one of the most entertaining books for young people which has been published. Sarah Dillard's Hide. A Story of South Carolina in in 1780. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This book deals with the Carolinas in 1780, giving a wealth of detail of the Mountain Men who struggled so valiantly against the king's troops. Major Ferguson is the prominent British officer of the story, which is told as though coming from a youth who experienced these adventures. In this way the famous ride of Sarah Dillard Is brought out as an incident of the plot." Boston Journal. A Tory Plot. A Story of the Attempt to Kill General Washington. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. " 'A Tory Plot' is the story of two lads who overhear something of the plot originated during the Revolution by Gov. Tryon to capture or murder Washington. They communicate their knowledge to Gen. Putnam and are commissioned by him to play the role of detectives In the matter. They do so, and meet with many adventures and hair breadth escapes. The boys are, of course, mythical, but they serve to en able the author to put into very attractive shape much valuable knowledge concerning one phase of the Revolution." Pittsburgh Times. A Traitor's Escape. A Story of the Attempt to Seize Benedict Arnold. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This Is a tale with stirring scenes depicted In each chapter, bringing clearly before the mind the glorious deeds of the early settlers in this country. In an historical work dealing with this country's past, no plot can hold the attention closer than this one, which describes the attempt and partial success of Benedict Arnold's escape to New York, where he remained as the guest of Sir Henry Clinton. All those who actually figured in the arrest of the traitor, as well as Gen. Washing ton, are included as characters." Albany Union. A Cruise with Paul Jones. A Story of Naval Warfare in 1776. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This story takes up that portion of Paul Jones' adventuroms life When he was hovering off the British coast, watching for an oppor tunity to strike the enemy a blow. It deals more particularly with his descent upon Whitehaven,. the seizure of Lady Selkirk's plate, and the famous battle with the Drake. The boy who figures in the tale Is one who was taken from a derelict by Paul Jones shortly after this particular cruise was begun." Chicago Inter-Ocean. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price By the publisher. A. L. BUE.T, 52-58 Duane Street, New York. 6 A. L. BURT'S BOOKS FOE YOUNG PEOPLE. BOOKS FOR BOYST~ ~7~ Corporal Lige's Recruit. A Story of Crown Point and Ticonderoga. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1,00. "In 'Corporal Lige's Kecrult,' Mr. Otis tells the amusing story of an old soldier, proud of his record, who had served the king in '58. and who takes the lad, Isaac Rice, as his 'personal recruit.' The lad acquits himself superbly. Col. Ethan Allen 'in the name of God and the con tinental congress,' infuses much martial spirit into the narrative, which will arouse the keenest Interest as It proceeds. Crown Point, Ticon deroga, Benedict Arnold and numerous other famous historical names appear in this dramatic tale." Boston Globe. Morgan, the Jersey Spy. A Story of the Siege of York- town in 1781. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "The two lads who are utilized by the author to emphasize the details of the work done during that memorable time were real boys who livi'd on the banks of the York river, and who aided the Jersey sp3 r in his dangerous occupation. In the guise of fishermen the lads visit York- town, are suspected of being spies, and put under arrest. Morgan risks his life to save them. The final escape, the thrilling encounter with a squad of red coats, when they are exposed equally to the bullets of friends and foes, told in a masterly fashion, makes of this volume one of the most entertaining books of the year." Inter-Ocean. The Young Scout: The Story of a West Point Lieu tenant. By EDWARD S. ELLIS. 12uio, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. The crafty Apache chief Gerouimo but a few years ago was the most terrible scourge of the southwest border. The author has woven, In a tale of thrilling interest, all the incidents of Geronimo's last raid. The hero is Lieutenant James Decker, a recent graduate of West Point. Ambitious to distinguish himself the young man takes many a desperate chance against the enemy and on more than one occasion narrowly escapes with his life. In our opinion Mr. Ellis Is the best writer of Indian stories now before the public. Adrift in the Wilds: The Adventures of Two Ship wrecked Boys. By EDWARD S. ELLIS. 12nio, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Elwood Brandon and Howard Lawrence are en route for San Fran cisco. Off the coast of California the steamer takes fire. The two boys reach the shore with several of the passengers. Young Brandon be comes separated from his party and Is captured by hostile Indians, but is afterwards rescued. This is a very entertaining narrative of Southern California. A Young Hero; or, Fighting to Win. By EDWARD S. , ELLIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. Lost in the Rockies. A Story of Adventure in the Rocky Mountains. By EDWARD S. Ei.r.rs. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. Incident succeeds Incident, and adventure Is piled upon adventure, and at the end the reader, be he boy or mini, will have experienced breathless enjoyment In this romantic story describing many adventures In the Rockies and among the Indians. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postwifd on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. BUST, 52-58 Duane Street, New York. A. L. BURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 7 BOOKS FOR BOYS. A Jaunt Through Java: The Story of a Journey to the Sacred Mountain. By EDWARD S. ELLIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. The Interest of this story Is found hi the thrilling adventures of two cousins, Hermon and Eustace Hadley, on their trip acrosss the island of Java, from Samarang to the Sacred Mountain. In a land where the Royal Bengal tiger, the rhinoceros, and other fierce beasts are to be met with, it is but natural that the heroes of this book should have a lively experience. There is not a dull page in the book. The Boy Patriot. A Story of Jack, the Young Friend of Washington. By EDWARD S. ELLIS. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, illus trated, price $1.50. "There are adventures of all kinds for the hero and his friends, whose pluck and ingenuity in extricating themselves from awkward fixes are always equal to the occasion. It is an excellent story full of honest, manly, patriotic efforts on the part of the hero. A very vivid description of the battle of Trenton is also found in this story." Journal of Education. A Yankee Lad's Pluck. How Bert Larkin Saved his Father's Eanch in Porto Rico. By WM. P. CHIPMAN. 12mo, cloth, illus trated, price $1.00. "Bert Larkin, the hero of the story, early excites our admiration, and is altogether a fine character such as boys will delight in, whilst the story of his numerous adventures is very graphically told. This will, we think, prove one of the most popular boys' books this season." Gazette. A Brave Defense. A Story of the Massacre at Fort Qriswold in 1781. By WILLIAM P. CHIPMAN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Perhaps no more gallant fight against fearful odds took place during the Revolutionary War than that at Port Griswold, Groton Heights, Conn., in 1781. The boys are real boys who were actually on the muster rolls, either at Fort Trumbull on the New London side, or of Fort Griswold on the Groton side of the Thames. The youthful reader who follows Halsey Sanford and Levl Dart and Tom Malleson, and their equally brave com rades, through their thrilling adventures will be learning something more than historical facts; they will be imbibing lessons of fidelity, of bravery, of heroism, and of manliness, which must prove serviceable in the arena of life. The Young Minuteman. A Story of the Capture of General Prescott in 1777. By WILLIAM P. CHIPMAN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. This story is based upon actual events which occurred during the British occupation of the waters of Narragansett Bay. Darius Wale and William Northrop belong to, "the coast patrol." The story is a strong one, dealing only with actual events. There is, however, no lack of thrilling adventure, and every lad who is fortunate enough to obtain the book will find not only that his historical knowledge is increased, but that his own patriotism and love of country are deepened. For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by S. J. SOLOMON. 12mo, clotb, olivina edges, price $1.00. "Mr. Henty's graphic prose picture of the hopeless Jewish resistance to Roman sway adds another leaf to his record of the famous wars of the world. The book is one of Mr. Henty's cleverest efforts." Graphic. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by th publisher, A. L. BURT, 62-58 Duane Street, New York. ft A. L. BURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. BOOKS FOR BOYS. Roy Gilbert's Search: A Tale of the Great Lakes. By WM. P. CHIPMAN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. A deep mystery hangs over the parentage of Eoy Gilbert. He arranges with two schoolmates to make a tour of the Great Lakes on a steam launch. The three boys visit many points of interest on the lakes. Afterwards the lads rescue an elderly gentleman and a lady from a sink ing yacht. Later on the boys narrowly escape with their lives. The hero is a manly, self-reliant boy, whose adventures will be followed with Interest. The Slate Picker: The Story of a Boy's Life in the Coal Mines. By HARRY PRKNTICB. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. This is a story of a boy's life In the coal mines of Pennsylvania. Ben Burton, the hero, had a hard road to travel, but by grit and energy he advanced step by step until be found himself called upon to fill the position of chief engineer of the Kohinoor Coal Company. This is a book of extreme interest to every boy reader. The Boy Cruisers; or, Paddling in Florida. By ST. GEORGE RATHBOENE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00 Andrew George and Rowland Carter start on a canoe trip along the Gulf coast, from Key West to Tampa, Florida. Their first adventure Is with a pair of rascals who steal their boats. Next they run Into a gale In the Gulf. After that they have a lively time with alli gators and Andrew gets into trouble with a band of Seminole Indians. Mr. Rathborne knows just how to interest the boys, and lads who are In search of a rare treat will do well to read this entertaining story. Captured by Zulus: A Story of Trapping in Africa. By HARRY PRENTICE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. This story details the adventures of two lads, Dick Elsworth and Bob Harvi-y, In the wilds of South Africa. By stratagem the Zulus capture Dick and Bob and take them to their principal kraal or village. The lads escape death by dig Ing their way out of the prison hut by night. They are pursued, but the Zulus finally give up pursuit. Mr. Prentice tells exactly how wild-beast collectors secure specimens on their native stamping grounds, and these descriptions make very entertaining rending. Tom the Ready; or, Up from the Lowest. By KAN- DOLPH HILL. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1 00. This Is a dramatic narrative of the unaided rise of a fearless, ambi tious boy from the lowest round of fortune's ladder to wealth and the governorship of his native State. Tom Seacomb begins life with a pur pose, and eventually overcomes those who oppose him. How he manages to win the battle is told by Mr. Hill In a masterfrl way that thrills the reader and holds his attention and sympathy to the end. Captain Kidd's Gold: The True Story of an Adven turous Sailor Boy. By JAMES FRANKLIN FITTS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. There Is something fascinating to the average youth in the very idea of buried treasure. A vision arises before his eyes of swarthy Portu guese and Spanish rascals, with black beards and gleaming eyes. There were many famous sea rovers, but none more celebrated than Capt. Kldd. Paul Jones Garry Inherits a document which locates a considerable treasure burled by two of Kidd's crew. The hero of this book is an ambitious, persevering lad, of salt-water New England ancestry, and hl efforts to reach the island and secure the money form one of the mot absorbing tales for our youth that has come from the press. ^^^ For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by tbt publisher, A. L. BUKT, 62-58 Duane Street, New York. A. L. BURT'S BOOKS FOE YOUNG PEOPLE. 9 BOOKS FOR BOYS. The Boy Explorers: The Adventures of Two Boys in Alaska. By HARRY PRENTICK. I2mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Two boys, Raymond and Spencer Manning, travel to Alaska to Join their father In search of their uncle. On their arrival at Sitka the boys With an Indian guide set off across the mountains. The trip is fraught with periU that test the lads' courage to the utmost. All through their exciting adventures the lads demonstrate what can be accomplished by pluck and resolution, and their experience makes one of the most in teresting tales ever written. The Island Treasure; or, Harry Parrel's Fortune. By FRANK H. CONVERSE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Harry Darrel, having received a nautical training on a school-ship, is bent on going to sea. A runaway horse changes his prospects. Harry saves Dr. Gregg from drowning and afterward becomes sailing-master of a sloop yacht. Mr. Converse's stories possess a charm of their owu which is appreciated by lads who delight in good healthy tales that smack of salt water. Guy Harris: The Kunaway. By HARRY CASTLEMON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. Guy Harris lived in a small city on the shore of one of the Great Lakes. He is persuaded to go to sea, and gets a glimpse of the rough side of life in a sailor's boarding house. He ships on a vessel and for five months leads a hard life. The book will interest boys generally on account of its graphic style. This is one of Castlemon's most attract ive stories. Julian Mortimer: A Brave Boy's Struggle for Home and Fortune. By HARRY CASTLEMON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. The scene of the story lies west of the Mississippi River, In the days when emigrants made their perilous way across the great plains to the land of gold. There is an attack upon the wagon train by a large party of Indians. Our hero is a "ad of uncommon nerve and pluck. Befriended by a stalwart trapper, a real rough diamond, our hero achieves the most happy results. By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Else of the Dutch Republic. By G. A. HENTY.. With illustrations by MAYNARD BROWN. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price SI. 00. "Boys with a turn for historical research will be enchanted with the book, while the rest who only care for adventure will be students in spite of themselves." St. James's Gazette. fit. George for England: A Tale of Cressy and Poi tiers. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, olivine edgf-s, price $1.00. "A story of very great interest for boys. In his own forcible style the author has endeavored to show that determination and enthusiasm can accomplish marvellous results; and that courage is generally accom panied by magnanimity and gentleness." Fall Mall Gazette. Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California. By G. A. HENTY. Wiih illustrations by H. M. PAQET. 12moi cloth, olivine edges, price gl.OO. "Mr. Henty is careful to mingle Instruction with entertainment; and the humorous touches, especially in the sketch of John Holl, the West minster dustman, Dickens himself could hardly have excelled." Chris tian Leader. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L, BUST, 68-68 Duane Street, New York. BOOKS FOR BOYS. Budd Boyd's Triumph; or, The Boy Firm of Fox Island, By WILUAM P, CHIPMAN. ISmo, cloth, illustrated, price {1.00, The scene of this story Is laid on the upper part of Narragansett Bay, and the leading incidents have a strong salt-water flavor. The two boys, Budd Boyd and Judd Floyd, being ambitious and clear sighted, form a partnership to catch and sell fish. Budd's pluck and good sense carry him through many troubles. In following the career of the boy firm of Boyd & Floyd, the youthful reader will find a useful lesson- that industry and perseverance are bound to lead to ultimate success. Lost in the Canyon: Sam Willett's Adventures on the Great Colorado. By ALFRED R. CALHOUN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price ft This story hinges on a fortune left to Sam Willett, the hero, and the fact that it will pass to a disreputable relative if the lad dies before be shall have reached his majority. The story of his father's peril and of Sam's desperate trip down the great canyon on a raft, and how the party finally escape from their perils is described in a graphic style that stamps Mr. Calhoun as a master of bis art. Captured by Apes : The Wonderful Adventures of a Young Animal Trainer. By HARRY PRENTICE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated. price $1.00. Philip Garland, a young animal collector and trainer, sets sail for Eastern seas in quest of a new stock of living curiosities. The vessel is wrecked oft the coast of Borneo, and young Garland is cast ashore on a small island, and captured by the apes that overrun the place. Very novel indeed is the way by which the young man escapes death. Mr. Prentice is a writer of undoubted skill. Tinder Drake's Flag: A Tale of the Spanish Main. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "There is not a dull chapter, nor, indeed, a dull page in the book; but the author has so carefully worked up his subject that the exciting deeds of his heroes are never incongruous nor absurd." Observer. By Sheer Pluck: A Tale of the Ashanti War. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. The author has woven, In a tale of thrilling interest, all the details of the Ashanti campaign, of which he was himself a witness. "Mr. Henty keeps up his reputation as a writer of boys' stories. 'By Sheer Pluck' will be eagerly read." Athenseum. With Lee in Virginia : A Story of the American Civil War. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. ISmo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "One of the best stories for lads which Mr. Henty has yet written. Jhe picture is full of life and color, and the stirring and romantic Inci dents are skillfully blended with the personal interest and charm of the story. ' ' Standard. By England's Aid; or, The Freeing of the Netherlands (1585-1604). By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by ALFRED PEARSE. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "It is an admirable book for youngsters. It overflows with stirring Incident and exciting adventure, and the color of the era and of the scene are finely reproduced. The illustrations add to its attractiveness. " Boston Gazette. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt -ot price by the publisher, A. L. BUST, 68-58 Duane Street, New York. A. t. BTTRT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 11 BOOKS FOR BOYS. By Eight of Conquest; or, With Cortez in Mexico. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by W. S. STAGEY. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.50. "The conquest of Mexico by a small band of resolute men under the magnificent leadership of Cortez is always rightfully ranked among the most romantic and daring exploits in history. 'By Right of Conquest' is the neaiest approach to a perfectly successful historical tale that Mr. Henty has yet published. " Academy. For Name and Fame; or, Through Afghan Passes. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, ofivine edges, price $1.00. "Not only a rousing story, replete with all the varied forms of excite ment of a campaign, but, what is still more useful, an account of a territory and its inhabitants which must for a long time possess a supremo Interest for Englishmen, as being the key to our Indian, Empire." Glasgow Herald. The Bravest of the Brave; or, With Peterborough in Spain. By Q. A. HENTY. With illustrations by H. M. PAGET. 32mo cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Mr. Henty never loses sight of the moral purpose of his work to enforce the doctrine of courage and truth, mercy and loving kindness, as indispensable to the making of a gentleman. Boys will read 'The Bravest of the Brave' with pleasure and profit; of that we are qulto sure." Daily Telegraph. The Cat of Bubastes:A Story of Ancient Egypt. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00, "The story, from the critical moment of the killing of the sacred cat to the perilous exodus into Asia with which it closes, Is very skillfully constructed and full of exciting adventures. It Is admirably Illustrated." Saturday Review. Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Tale of Fontenoy and Cul- loden. By G. A, HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROVNB. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Ronald, the hero, is very like the hero of 'Quentln Durward.' The lad's journey across France, and his hairbreadth escapes, makes up aa good a narrative of the kind as we have ever read. For freohness of treatment and variety of Incident Mr, Henty has surpassed himself." Spectator. With Clive in India; or, The Beginnings of an Empire. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12uio, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "He has taken a period of Indian history of the most vital impor tance, and he has embroidered on the historical facts a story which of Itself is deeply interesting. Young people assuredly will be delighted with the volume." Scotsman. In the Reign of Terror: The Adventures of a West- minster Boy. By G. A. HENTY, With illustrations by J. SCHCNBERO, 12mo, cloth, olivino edges, price $1.00. "Harry Sand with, the Westminster boy, may fairly be said to beat Mr. Henty's record. His adventures will delight boys by the audacity and peril they depict. The story is one of Mr. Henty 'a best." Saturday Review. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of pries by th* publisher, A. L. HURT. 62-68 Duane Street, New York, A. L. SORT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE BOOKS FOR BOYS. The Lion of the North: A Tale of Gustavus Adolphus and the Wars of Religion. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by JOHN SCHONBERG. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "A praiseworthy attempt to interest British youth in the great deeds of the Scotch Brigade in the wars of Gustavus Adolphus. Mackey, Hep burn, and Munro live again In Mr. Henty's pages, as those deserve to live whose disciplined bands formed really the germ of the modern British army." Atheneum. The Dragon and the Raven; or, The Days of King Alfred. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. 12mo cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. In this story the author gives an account of the fierce straggle bfr tween Saxon and Dane for supremacy In England, and presents a vivia picture of the misery and ruin to which the country was reduced by the ravages of the sea-wolves. Th< story Is treated in a manner most at tractive to the boyish reader." Athenaeum. The Young Carthaginian: A Story of the Times of Hannibal. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by C. J. STANILAND. 13mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Well constructed and vividly told. From first to last nothing stays the interest of the narrative. It bears us along as on a stream whose current varies in direction, but never loses its force." Saturday Review. In Freedom's Canse: A Story of Wallace and Bruce. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 13mo, cloth: olivine edges, price $1.00. "It Is written In the author's best style. Full of the wildest and most remarkable achievements, it is a tale of great Interest, which a boy. once he has begun it, will not willingly put one side." The Schoolmaster. With Wolfe in Canada; or, The Winning of a Con tinent By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. I2mo cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "A model of what a boys' story-book should be. Mr. Henty has a great power of Infusing into the dead facts of history new life, and as no pains are spared by him to ensure accuracy in historic details, his books supply useful aids to study as well as amusement." School Guard ian* True to the Old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Does Justice to the pluck and determination of the British sollders during the unfortunate struggle against American emancipation. The son of an American loyalist, who remains true to our flag, falls among the hostile red-skins in that very Huron country which has been endeared to us by the exploits of Hawkeye and Cblngachgook." The Times, A Final Beckoning: A Tale of Bush Life in Aus tralia. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by W. B. WOLLEN. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "All boys will read this story with eager and unflagging Interest. Th episodes are in Mr. Henty's very best vein graphic, exciting, realistic; and, as in all Mr. Henty's books, the tendency is to the formation of ac honorable, manly, and even heroic character." Birmingham Post. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by tl.-- publisher, A. L. BUST, 62-68 Dvuuw Street, New York. A. L. KURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 13 BOOKS FOR BOYS. The Lion of St. Mark: A Tale of Venice in the Four teenth Century. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, olivino edges, price $1.00. "Every boy should read 'The Lion of St. Mark.' Mr. Henty has never produced a story more delightful, more wholesome, or more vivacious." Saturday Heview. Facing Death; or, The Hero of the Vaughan Pit. A Tale of the Coal Mines. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "The tale Is well written and well Illustrated, and there Is much reality In the characters. If any father, clergyman, or schoolmaster is on the lookout for a good book to give as a present to a boy who IE worth bis salt, this is the book we would recommend." Standard. Maori and Settler: A Story ox the New Zealand War. By G. A. HENTY. With Illustrations by ALFRED PKARSK. 12mo, clotht olivine edges, price $1.00. "In the adventures among the Maoris, there are many breathless moments in whicb the odds seem hopelessly against the party, but they succeed In establishing themselves happily in one of the pleasant New Zealand valleys. It is brimful of adventure, of humorous and Interesting conversation, and vivid pictures of colonial life." Schoolmaster. One of the 28th: A Tale of Waterloo. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by W. H. OVERKND. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Written with Homeric vigor and heroic inspiration. It Is graphic, picturesque, and dramatically effective . a . shows us Mr. Henty at his best and brightest. The adventures will hold a boy enthralled as he rushes through them with breathless interest 'from cover to cover.' " Observer. Orange and Green: A Tale of the Boyne and Limer ick. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by GORDON BROWNB. ISmo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1 .00. "The narrative Is free from the vice of prejudice, and ripples with life as If what is being described were really passing before the eye." Belfast News-Letter. Through the Fray: A Story of the Lnddite Eiots. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations by H. M. PAGET. ISmo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Mr. Henty inspires a love and admiration for straightforwardness, truth and courage. This Is one of the best of the many good books Mr. Henty has produced, and deserves to be classed with his 'Facing Death.' " Standard. The Young Midshipman: A Story of the Bombard ment of Alexandria. With illustrations. I2mo, cloth, olivine edges' price $1.00. A coast fishing lad, by an act of heroism, secures the Interest of a shipowner, who places him as an apprentice on board one of his ships. In company with two of his fellow-apprentices he is left behind, at Alexandria, In the bands of the revolted Egyptian troops, and Is present through the bombardment and the scenes of riot and bloodshed which accompanied H. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by tbn publisher, A. L. BURT, 52-53 Duano Street, New York. 14 A. L. SUET'S BOOKS FOE YOUNG PEOPL1. BOOKS FOR BOYS. In Times of Peril. A Tale of India. By G. A, HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. The hero of the story early excites our admiration, and is altogether a fine character such as boys will delight in, whilst the etory of the campaign is very graphically told." St. James's Gazette. The Cornet of Horse: A Tale of Marlborough's Wars. By Q. A. HENTT. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1. "Mr. Henty not only concocts a thrilling tale, he weaves fact and fiction together with so skillful a hand that the reader cannot help acquiring a just and clear view of that fierce and terrible struggle known as tht Crimean War." Athenaeum. The Young Franc-Trrems: Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "A capital book for boya. It is bright and readable, and full of good sense and manliness. It teaches pluck and patience in adversity, and shows that right living leads to success." Observer. The Young Colonists: A Story of Life and War in South Africa. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "No boy needs to have any story of Henty's recommended to him, and parents who do *.ot know and buy them for their boys should be ashamed of themselves. Those to whom he is yet unknown could not make a better beginning than with this book. The Young Buglers. A Tale of the Peninsular War. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1. "Mr. Henty is a giant among boys* writers, and his books are suffi ciently popular to be sure of a welcome anywhere. In stirring interest, this is quite up to the level of Mr. Henty's former historical tales." Saturday Review. Sturdy and Strong; or, How George Andrews Made his Way. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo. cloth, olivine edgea price $1.00. "The history of a hero of everyday life, whose love of tr-th, clothing of modesty, and innate pluck, carry him, naturally, from poverty to afflu ence. George Andrews is an example of character with nothing to cavil t, and stands as a good instance of chivalry in domestic life." The Rmpire. Among Malay Pirates. A Story of Adventure and Peril. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Incident succeeds incident, and adventure is piled upon adventure, and at the end the reader, be he boy or man, will have experienced breathless enjoyment in a romantic story that must have taught him much at its close." Army and Navj Gazette. Jack Archer. A Tale of the Crimea. BY G. A r HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Mr. Henty not only concocts a thrilling t-lc, he weaves fact and fiction together with so skillful a hand that the reader cannot help acquiring a Jmst and clear view of that fierce and terrible struggle." Athenaeum. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by tb publisher. A, L, WET, 62-68 Du*n Street, New York. A. L. BURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 15 BOOKS FOR BOYS. Eriends, Though Divided. A Tale of the Civil War. By G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1. "It has a good plot; it abounds in action; the scenes are equally spirited and realistic, and we can only say we have read it with much pleasure from first to last." Times. Out on the Pampas; or, The Young Settlers. B.y G. A. HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "A really noble story, which adult readers will find to the full as satis fylng as the boys. Lucky boys! to have such a caterer as Mr. G. A< Heuty." Black and White. The Boy Knight: A Tale of the Crusades. By G. A HENTY. With illustrations. 12mo, cloth, olivine edges, price $1.00. "Of stirring episode there Is no lack. The book, with its careful aecU' racy and its descriptions of all the chief battles, will give many a school boy his first roal understanding of a very Important period of history." St. James's Gazette. The Wreck of the Golden Fleece. The Story of a North Sea Fisher Boy. By ROBERT LEIGHTON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. A description of life on the wild North Sea. the hero being a parson's don who is appreciated on board a Lowestoft fishing lugger. The kid has .o suffer many buffets from his shipmates, while the storms and dangers 'vnich he braved on board the "North Star" are set forth with minute ^.lowledge and intense power. The wreck of the "Golden Fleece" forms the climax to a thrilling series of desperate mischances. Olaf the Glorious. A Story of the Viking Age. By ROBERT LEIGHTON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1 .00. This story of Olaf the Glorious, King of Norway, opens with the incident of his being found by his uncle living as a bond-slave In Esthonia; theo ~ome his adventures as a Viking and his raids upon the coasts of Scot land and England, his victorious battle against the English at Maldon In Essei, his being bought off by Ethelred the Unready, and his conversion cO Christianity. He then returns to Pagan Norway, is accepted as king- end converts his people to the Christian faith. To Greenland and the Pole. A story of Adventure in the Arctic Regions. By GORDON STABLES. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1 ''ne ttafailing fascination of Arctic venturing Is presented in this SMT? wltii new vividness. It deals with skilo'bning in the north of Scotland, deer-hunting in Noriray, sealing in the Arctic Seas, bear-stalking on the Ice-Goes, the hardships r>f a journey across Greenland, and a successful voyage to the bacK o* the NorO Pole. This is. indeed, a real sea-yarn by a real sailor, and the tone ia as bright and wholesome as the adventure are numerous. Yussuf the Guide. A Story of Adventure in Asia Minor. By GEORGE MANVILLE FENN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. This story deals with the stirring incidents 1C the career of a lad who has been almost given over by the doctors, but whc rapidly recovers health and strength in a Journey through Asia Minor. The advcntutes are many, and culminate in the travellers being snowed up for the winter In the mountains, from which they escape while their captors are waiting for the ransom that does not come. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by th publisher, A, L, BVB.T, 68-68 Duane Streat. New York. 16 A. L. BURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. BOOKS FOR BOYS. Urettir the Outlaw. A Story of Iceland. By S. BAB- ING-GOULD. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This is the boys' book of the year. That is. of course, as much as to say that it will do for men grown as well as juniors. It is told in Simple, straightforward English, as all stories should be, and it has a freshness and freedom which make it irresistible." National Observer. Two Thousand Years Ago. The Adventures of a Korean Boy. By A. J. CHURCH. Ifmo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "Prof. Church has In this story sought to revivify that most interesting period, the last days of the Roman Republic. The book is extremely en tertaining as well as useful: there is a wonderful freshness in the RomaE Scenes and characters." Times. Mat the Naturalist. A Boy's Adventure in the East- ern Seas. By GEORGK MAKVILLE FKNN. ISmo, cloth, illustrated, price $1, Nat and his uncle Dick go on a voyage to the remoter islands of the Eastern seas, and their adventures are told in a truthful and vastly in teresting fashion. The descriptions of Mr. Ebony, their black comrade, and of the scenes of savage life, are full of genuine humor. The Log of the Flying Fish. A Story of Peril and Adventure. By HARRY COLLINGWOOD. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. "This story is full of even more vividly recounted adventures than those WhiclJ charmed so many boy readers in 'Pirate Island' and 'Congo Rovers.' . . . There is a thrilling adventure on the precipices of Mount Everest, when the ship floats off and providentially returns by force of 'gravita tion.' " Academy. The Congo Rovers. A Story of the Slave Squadron. By HARRY COLLINGWOOD. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "The scene of this tale is laid on the west coast of Africa, and in the lower reaches of the Congo; the characteristic scenery of the great river being delineated with wonderful accuracy. Mr. Collingwood carries us off for another cruise at sea, in 'The Congo Covers,' and boys will need no pressing to join the daring crew, which seeks adventures and meets with any number of them." The Times, Boris the Bear Hunter. A Tale of Peter the Great and His Times. By FRKD WISHAW. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This is a capital story. The characters are marked and lifelike, and if IB full of incident and adventure." Standard. Ilichael Strogoff ; or, The Courier of the Czar. By JULES VERNE. I2mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "The story is full of originality and vigor. The characters are lifelike,, there is plenty of stirring incident, the interest is sustained throughout, and every boy will enjoy following the fortunes of the hero." Journal of Education. . Mother Carey's Chicken. Her Voyage to the Unknown Isle. By GEORGE MANVILLE FENN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price fl.OO. "Undoubtedly one of the best Mr. Fenn has written. The incidents are of thrilling interest, while the characters are drawn with a care and com pleteness rarely found in a boy's book." Literary World. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher. A. L. BTOT, 52-68 Duana Street. TIew York. A. L. HURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 17 Dick Sand; or, A Captain at Fifteen. By JULES VERNE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "Jules Verne himself never constructed a more marvellous tale. It con tains the strongly marked features that are always conspicuous In his stories a racy humor, the manly vigor of his sentiment, and wholesome moral lessons." Christian Leader. Erling the Bold. A Tale of the Norse Sea Kings. By R. M. BALLANTYNE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This volume makes a really fascinating book, worthy of its telling title. There Is, we venture to say, not a dull chapter in the book, not a page which will not bear a second reading*" Guardian. Masterman Ready; or, The Wreck of the Pacific. By CAPTAIN MARRYAT. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "As racy a tale of life at sea and adventure as we have met with for some time. . . . Altogether the sort of book that boys will revel In." Athencsum. The Green Mountain Boys. A Tale of the Early Set tlement of Vermont. By D. P. THOMPSON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1. A story of very great interest for boys. In his own forcible style the author has endeavored to show that determination and patriotic enthu siasm can accomplish marvellous results. This story gives a graphic ac count of the early settlers of Vermont, and their patriotic efforts in de fending their homes from the Invasions of enemies. Every Inch a Sailor. By GORDON STABLES. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "A story which Is quite as good in its way as 'Treasure Island,' and Is full of adventure of a stirring yet most natural kind. Although it is primarily a boys' book, It is a real godsend to the elderly reader." Evening Times. The Golden Galleon. A Narrative of Adventure on Her Majesty's Ship the Revenge. By ROBERT LEIGHTON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This story should add considerably to Mr. Lelehton's high reputation. Excellent in every respect, It contains every variety of incident. The plot Is very cleverly devised, and the types of the North Sea sailors are capital." The Times. The Gorilla Hunters. A Tale of the Wilds of Africa. By R. M. BALLANTYISE. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "We conscientiously belive that boys will find It capital reading. It is full of incident and mystery, and the mystery is kept up to the last moment. It is full of stirring adventure, daring and many escapes; and It has a historical interest." Times. Gascoyne the Sandalwood Trader. By K. M. BAL- LANTYNB. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "One of the best stories of seafaring life and adventure which have appeared this season. Entertaining in the highest degree from beginning to end, and full of adventure which Is all the livelier for Its close con nection with history." Spectator. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. BURT, 62-68 Duane Street, New York. 18 A. L. HURT'S BOOKS FOB YOUNG PEOPLE. BOOKS FOR BOYS. Two Years Before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea. By R. H. DANA, JR. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "One of the very best books for boys that we have seen for a long time: its author stands far in advance of any other writer for boys as a teller of stories of the sea." The Standard. The Young Rajah. A Story of Indian Life. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "This story will place the author at one* in the front rank. It is full of life and adventure, and the interest is sustained without a break from flrst to last." Standard. How Jack Mackenzie Won His Epaulettes. A Story of the Crimean War. By GORDON STABLES. 12mo, cloth, illustrated. price gl.OO. "This must rank among the few undeniably good boys' books. He will be a very dull boy indeed who lays it down without wishing that It had gone on for at least 100 pages more." Mail. The King's Pardon. A Story of Land and Sea. By ROBERT OVKRTON. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price 81.00. "An excellent story, the interest being sustained from first to last. This is, both in its intention and the way the story is told, one of the best books of its kind which has come before us this year." Saturday He view. Under the Lone Star. A Story of the Eevolution in Nicaragua. By HERBERT HATNES. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "We have not of late come across a historical fiction, whether intended for boys or for men, which deserves to be so heartily and unreservedly praised as regards plot, incidents, and spirit as this book. It is its au thor's masterpiece as yet." Spectator. Geoff and Jim: A Story of School Life. By ISMAY THORN. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price 75 cents. "This is a prettily told story of the life spent by two motherless bairna at a small preparatory school. Both Geoff and Jim are very lovable char acters, only Jim is the more so; and the scrapes he gets into and the trials he endures will, no doubt, interest a large circle of young readers." Church Times. Jack: A Topsy Turvy Story. By C. M. CRAWLEY- BOEVEY. 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A genuine children's book; we've seen 'em seize it, and read it greedily. Children are first-rate critics, and thoroughly appreciate Walter Crane's illustrations. ' ' Punch. Larry's Luck. By the author of "Miss Toosey's Mis sion." 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price 75 cents. "It is believed that this story, by this favorably known author of 'Miss Toosey's Mission,' will be found both highly interesting and instruc tive to the young. Whether the readers are nine years old, or twice as old, they must enjoy this pretty volume." The Examiner. A Child's Christmas: A Sketch of Boy Life. By MRS. MOLESWORTH. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price 75 cents. "This is another of those delightful juvenile stories of which this author has written so many. It is a fascinating little book, with a charming plot, a sweet, pure atmosphere, and teaches a wholesome moral in the most winning manner." Gazette. Chunk, Fusky and Snout. A Story of Wild Pigs for Little People. 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From the first to the last the book over flows with the strange knowledge of child-nature which so rarely sur vives childhood: and moreover, with inexhaustible quiet humor, which is never anything but innocent and well-bred, never priggish, and never clumsy. ' ' Academy. A Sweet Girl Graduate. By L. T. MEADE. 12mo, cloth, Illustrated, price $1.00. "One of this popular author's best. The characters are well imagined and drawn. The story moves with plenty of spirit and the interest does not flag until the end too quickly comes." Providence Journal. For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publisher, A. L. BXTBT, 62-69 Duane Street, New York. A. L. HURT'S BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. 23 BOOKS FOR GIRLS. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls. By JULIANA HORATIA EWINQ. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00. "There is no doubt as to the good quality and attractiveness ot 'Six to Sixteen.' The book is one which would enrich any girl's book shelf." St. James' Gazette. 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