THE MASTERY SERIES. HEBRE^W. Gutta cavat lapidem non vi sed s^pe cadendo. THE MASTERY SERIES. HEBRET^k^. BY THOMAS PEENDERGAST, LATE OF THE CIVIL SERVICE AT MADRAS ; Author of *THE MASTERY OF LANGUAGES;* 'HANDBOOK TO THE MASTERY SERIES; GERMAN, FRENCH, AND SPANISH MANUALS. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1871. The right of translation and all other privileges are reserved. OXFORD: BY T. COMBE, M. A., E. B.' GARDNEK, AND E. PICKARD HALL, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. CO'NTENTS. PAGE Preface . . . . . . vii Guide to Pronunciation . . . . xvi Emphasised Words . • . . . .xvi Bible References to the Texts ... 1 Texts and their Variations . . . . 2 Additional Texts, without Variations . . 90 The first seven Texts, and their Variations in Hebrew . . . . . .94 Hebrew Alphabet . . . . .103 Table shewing the Sound of each Syllable in Zeph. III. 8 . • . ■ . . .104 Opinions of the Home, Colonial, and Foreign Press. ...... 105 503 V ERRATA. [The first care of the Student should be to correct these errors.] Var. 24. f(yr l®goyav read l^goyo Text II, Sect. 2, for faces your read faces of you Var. 32. for councillors read counsellors „ 34. „ have walked „ walk „ 41. „ m^akeykhem „ malkeykhem „ 42. „ councillors „ counsellors 50. „ raglu „ riglu Texts IV and V (in literal English), for Jehovah read the Lord Var. 71. for shamartha read shamatha 74. „ v'^hashmiaha „ v^hashmiah 88. „ bo „ bah 90. „ hazzoth „ hazzeh 92. „ this „ thy 93. „ ubhenenu „ ubhaneynu Text X, Sect. 2 (in literal English), for to all read for all Var. 159. for the voice of read to all „ 166. read ^D^ ''"'3 pDN;| ♦» 175- S^ ^^^ QiO^ read the God „ 181. delete our „ 191. ,, not Text XIV (in literal English), /or him read and before Text XVIII, for raise up read depart — rise Var. 305. delete upon the mountains » 434- /o^ tlie jewels of silver read thy reward „ 439. read 1]b vh^^ PREFACE. This Manual is designed to enable beginners to learn to read the Hebrew Scriptures without the aid of a teacher, and to infuse vitality into the lifeless system resorted to by those who study languages without ever acquiring them. Mastery is the highest degree of fluency and readiness in reproducing foreign sentences with the words in their idiomatic order of arrangement. For the attainment of such facility and thoroughness in the most expeditious manner, this system requires that during the first fortnight six sittings shall be taken every day ; that the lessons shall be extremely short ; that they shall be repeated cumulatively in every sitting, and that be- ginners shall invariably read the whole of the lessons before they attempt to rehearse them. The exercises must be carried on so that one lesson shall never expel another from the memory. Mastery is an exact method, if beginners will be exact in observing its laws. It is a complete method, because sentences may be selected and their Variations may be arranged so as to comprise seriatim the whole of the constructions and inflections of any language. It is the method of Nature, because, although it sets aside the whole of the disorderly operations of children before they can string words together, it adopts their ulterior practice of learning complete sentences with their Variations, but methodizes it by exacting that they shall be mastered one by one. VUl PREFACE. Its main object is to guard the memory from that confusion which is the cause of thousands of failures, and it therefore provides that the beginner shall neither hear nor see any other words than those in each new exercise. On the same principle, the system prohibits conversation, composition, the learning of unconnected words, and all grammatical explanations and technical terms, during the first month. In these respects the Mastery System differs from every other hitherto made public. Grammar is forbidden to beginners, because all the elements and principles may be practically acquired through the medium of selected sentences, comprising all the inflections and con- structions; and these may be mastered more intelligently and more beneficially in the concrete than in the abstract. After mastering loo Variations, learners may begin the study of Grammar, if they are very anxious for it, but the longer it is postponed the more easily will they grapple with its puzzling technicalities and complications. Yet, as many learners will commence with the expectation of having to undergo examina- tions in Grammar, they may comfort themselves with the assurance that the mastery of sentences, carried on even for one month, will greatly facilitate, expedite, and rationalize that study. In putting forth an exact method, the mode of procedure must be clearly defined, and the beginner's operations must be regulated in respect to time, quantity, and quality. At least one month's trial is required to prove this system, although a fortnight will generally suffice to produce conviction of its efficacy in developing the linguistic faculty, even in those who imagine themselves to be too stupid or too old to learn a new language. During the first fortnight, beginners should never work more than ten minutes at a time, nor more than one hour a day; but during the first two days half-an-hour will suffice, subdivided, according to the convenience of the learner, PREFACE. IX into at least six sittings, at intervals of one or two hours. After the first fortnight, three sittings a day will suffice. A new lesson must never be undertaken unless the beginner can reproduce all the previous exercises with perfect fluency at sight of their Enghsh versions taken in ever varying succession. The number of minutes in each sitting ought to be regu- larly noted, in order that the quantity of work which the beginner has actually performed in a given time may be precisely known. The quality of the performance is to be determined by the degree of fluency, and unless beginners can rehearse all the foreign sentences as rapidly as they can read their English versions aloud, they must not commence a new lesson. The only trustworthy referee to decide whether the proper degree of fluency has been gained, is the clock! for teachers and friends are always too lenient in exacting perfect fluency. Beginners may rebel against the demand for extreme fluency in the recitation of exercises in a language which they are not expected to speak ; but fluency, accuracy, and readiness con- stitute that thoroughness which is the special characteristic of this Method. Fluency of speech is generally regarded as a finishing accomplishment, but in truth it is merely elementary. In learning foreign sounds and strange tones there is very little exercise of the reasoning faculty, and it will be found that the memory performs its part far more efficaciously when employed at intervals under high pressure, than when it is subjected to a prolonged strain. When vigorously exercised for not more than ten minutes at a time, the memory will never be ex- hausted, nor will its freshness be impaired. The work may therefore be carried on so that not a moment shall be wasted, not a syllable forgotten, nor a word misplaced, in the rehearsal of the exercises. b X PREFACE. The best mode of learning a lesson is to read it aloud very distinctly and slowly about twenty times, and then, to carry on the repetitions more and more rapidly, still reading them, until the measured time has expired. It is not allowable to shorten the time merely because the lesson has been thoroughly learnt ; for each lesson is to be retained in perpetuity, with an accurate recollection of each syllable and of each letter. The Plan of this Work, — This Manual consists of 34 Texts, and 485 Variations evolved from them ; but this number repre- sents a mere fraction of the Variations which the Texts are capable of yielding. The Variations exhibit the constructions latent in each Text, while their English versions afford all the requisite explana- tions of each phrase and the meaning of each word which has undergone alteration. The mastery of each individual word is greatly promoted by its constant reappearance with a dif- ferent context. The Vocabulary is studiously limited, because the whole of the rules of syntax may be exemplified in a very few sentences, and the smaller the number of words may be, the more expeditiously will the power be acquired of using the constructions, and of reciting them as readily as if they were English. This is the standard which beginners must always keep in view. The Variations contain from 15 to 20 English words each. This length has been fixed upon as affording the advantage of exhibiting to beginners complete sentences of a composite character, as models for framing similar combinations for them- selves at the proper stage of progress. It is a great mistake to commence with very short sentences, because they do not qualify beginners to make longer ones, and thus they form a barrier to progress in composition. On the other hand. Variations of 15 or 20 words in length give birth to vast numbers of Uttle ones (as shewn in Chap. IV of the * Mastery PREFACE. XI of Languages'). It is far easier for beginners to omit a word or a phrase from a long sentence without infringing the laws of the language, than it is to collect a number of scraps to be patched together to form a complete sentence.' Variations become unwieldy when they exceed 20 words in length, but these are comprehensive enough to afford the fullest and most instructive practice in the composition of the longest sentences in any language. Unless learners practise the important exer- cise of viva voce composition, by altering the words and phrases in each of the English Variations, so as to necessitate the insertion of the corresponding foreign words, Mastery can never be developed. Now such diversification of the Hebrew Texts is forbidden to beginners^ and on this account the Varia- tions are given as a substitute, with a view to producing the effect of familiarising learners with a variety of construc- tions expressed with a few words. This process and other exercises for learners, after they have mastered 200 of the Variations, are described in the * Handbook to the Mastery Series.' The Mastery of the first two pages cannot fail to convince the beginner that his dormant linguistic faculty has been called forth and exercised in a novel and unexampled manner. He will become conscious of the possession of a power which has been stifled by the tedious^ bewildering processes of studying grammar, analysing, parsing, construing, and composing written exercises. There being no precedent in his own experience either for the action taken, or for the peculiar results obtained, the beginner will be placed in a position to appreciate the efficacy of the method, and to testify that those who have not tried it are thereby incapacitated from estimating its full value. It is not generally known that a complicated foreign sen- tence may be committed to memory as easily as a simple one, b 2 XU PREFACE. and that the principles of its most difficult constructions may be mastered more intelligently and more readily by means of its variations, than by the most lucid expositions of a gram- marian. In fact, the sudden Mastery of a complicated sentence of about 25 words in a strange language by a series of six efforts of ten minutes each, will impart feelings of triumph and communicate an impulse which constitute a broad dis- tinction between the results of this and of all other methods. It is impossible for any one to make this experiment without arriving at the conviction that this is the veritable method of nature, and that it is incomparably superior to all others. It may appear strange to demand that so much time should be bestowed upon a few words, but the great object of the Mastery System is to maintain the soundness of this principle of action at the outset, in order to secure thoroughness in wielding all the distinctive constructions of the language, and to prevent that confusion of the memory which must inevitably arise from its being overloaded. Beginners must beware of learning, lessons to be recited and forgotten immediately, instead of doing it so that they shall be indelibly impressed on the memory. Perfect fluency is the only criterion for testing the soundness of the beginner's progress. Whilst developing the linguistic faculty to such a degree as to lead beginners to resolve never to adopt any other plan in learning other ' lan- guages, this system forms an admirable instrument for self- discipline and for acquiring and fostering habits of industry, of observation, of accuracy and of method, in the application of its principles to other studies and pursuits. Mode of Presenting Hebrew Words in Roman Letters. — The perplexity which attends our efforts to acquire the pronun- ciation of a foreign language represented in Roman letters, arises principally from the strangely irregular and inconsistent rules by which we are guided in the pronunciation of English PREFACE. XIU words. It is therefore impossible for beginners not to be puzzled and misled by the phonographic system employed as far as Variation 97 to represent the Hebrew sounds. The simplest way of overcoming this difficulty is to separate the Hebrew syllables of the words of the first text, and to spell them so that they cannot be mispronounced. This has been done on p. xvi of the Preface : see also in the Zephaniah Text, p. 104. Pronunciation, — In this Manual the vowels bear distinctive marks, and the sounds severally represented by these quali- fying marks will be found illustrated in the Alphabet, p. 103. Beginners must therefore be on their guard against uttering any syllable without referring it to the standard table given for their guidance. Every phonographic system is open to objec- tions, but if beginners undertake to learn a language without a teacher, there is no other resource *. Reading and Writing. — The first 97 Variations will be found printed in Hebrew at the end of the Manual, but beginners are advised to abstain from attempting to read them until they shall have mastered the first 6 Variations. Their progress in reading will be greatly facilitated if they will confine their attention to two or three letters at a time, and will train them- selves to write the w^ords of the first line in Hebrew from memory before they look at another. Let them also bear in mind, that however easy it may be to learn the letters, it is still more easy to forget them, and therefore the words ought to be wTitten afresh every day, not on paper but on a table, by tracing them with the finger on a gigantic scale, observing * As there is a great diversity of practice in pronouncing Hebrew, and as the true original pronunciation is undetermined, if the beginner intends to go to any of the Universities with a view to passing an examination, he ought to learn from some competent person the pronunciation used in that seat of learning. XIV PREFACE. the due proportions which the letters bear to each other. The most rational way of learning to read foreign characters is either to fix the words, in the first instance, decisively in the memory, or else to employ some one to read them aloud as slowly and as frequently as may be required. Emphasis, — ^The emphasis on Hebrew words is almost always placed on the last syllable, but a list is annexed of words in the first 97 Variations which have the stress on the last but one. The emphasis overrides the long and short marks upon the vowels, and the accents have been purposely omitted on the printed pages to save confusion. Beginners are advised to mark all these words with a pencil accordingly in the Manual. The Errata should also be corrected at once in ink. Peculiar Sounds, — ^There are several sounds in Hebrew which cannot be imparted to the learner through the medium of the English alphabet; but this is unimportant, because in England, as in all other parts of Europe, the knot is cut by the practice of casting out those sounds which are not represent- able by their own alphabets, or else by perverting the pro- nunciation of the Hebrew, Greek, etc. so that the sounds may harmonise with those of the vernacular tongue. Thus in Hebrew there are two consonants which are not sounded at all, because their true sounds are not found in any European language, tc is not a vowel, but it is a sound produced by holding the breath for two or three seconds before uttering the vowel that stands under it. y is a stronger utterance pro- duced in the same manner, and nearly resembling a hiccup. Every Hebrew word begins with a consonant, and therefore all Scriptural names commencing with a vowel, will be found on examination to have either X or y as the initial consonant. These two non-sonants are of course omitted in the phono- graphic system used in this Manual. There are three letters, represented by K, K, and Q, which are pronounced alike. There PREFACE. XV are two forms of the letter S, and two of the letter T, in the utterance of which no difference is made, although the dis- tinctive sounds of all these may be heard uttered in Arabic and other living cognate tongues. The letter n is sounded like S by those nations who have not the lisping sound of TH in their language, and cannot pronounce it at first, not knowing that it may be produced by keeping the tongue in contact with the upper front teeth during the utterance of the letter S. In the 1 6th Text an * will be observed over a word which is misspelt in accordance with the original MS. whereof the received Hebrew Text is an exact copy. The letter marked * ought to have been dotted. Instances of words similarly marked will be found through- out the whole Hebrew Bible. The term ' Adonai/ lord, master, has been inserted instead of ' Jehovah,' in accordance with the practice of the Jews, who from reverential motives print the same word in Hebrew thus ''^ regarding the Name as too sacred either to be written or uttered. On this account, also, the Hebrew numerals repre- senting 15, i.e. 10 and 5, are habitually replaced by two other consonants indicating 9 and 6. The Hebrew Exercises in this Manual have been revised by an Oriental Scholar of the highest attainments and of the most distinguished reputation. Meldon Lodge, Cheltenham, November, 187 1. XVI As a guide to the pronunciation of the Romanised Hebrew of the first Text, the syllables are here separated in such a vianner that no mistake can occur. | t Mah naw voo ull* hay haw ream (Variation 3. maw haw). ra>^g lay met va^s sair mash mee ah'(Yar. 4. hum) shaw loam \ tove yet shoo ah (Var. 8. hut) oh mare let tsee own maw la^k| J el o hah eekh (Vars.: 14. lake, 15. maylekh, 19. law maw). | * Pronounce ull as in skull. f Pronounce extremely short. Letters in italic are not to be sounded. The following words in the first ^^ Variations bear the emphasis on the last syllable but one. In all other words the last syllable is emphasised. Hammashmia, Variation 8. Elohaykh, Section 4, p. 5, and Var. 21. haraykhjVar. II. Gilboa,Var. 16. hammelekh,Var. 13, 29. 44, 49, 54; 65, 73. 75, 7^, 83. melekh, Var. 15, 23, 33, 81, 86. alu, Var. 16, 17, 19, 29, 37, 42. lamah, Var. 19, 39, 54, (i(i, 71, 75. hayinu, Var. 93. vayotsienu, Var. 93. l^phaneka, Var. 94. b^tsedeq, Var. 94. hishmia, Var. 22, 23, 35, 44, 68, 86. lale- kheth, Var. 51, 52. haarets, Var. 76, 82, 90. banu, Var. 77. beerets. Text VI, p. 15, and Var. 93. yomaim, Var. 80. mish- pateykha, Var. 81. meerets, Var. 84. Eloheykha, Var. 84, and Sect. 2, p. 17. laerets, Var. 65, 87. itthanu, Var. 88. vayyaal, Var. 97. hayitha, uz^kharthanu, baabhodathenu, hotseythanu, Var. 91. yamimah, Var. 95. ul^bhaneynu, Var. 96. bayith, Text V, p. 13. ebhed. Text VI, p. 15. hayitha, Var. (id, and TextVI, p. 15. veshim^ru.Var. 67. babbayith, Var. 73. baarets, Var. 66, 74. baerets, Var. 93. KEFEEENCES TO THE TEXTS IN THIS MANUAL." TEXT TEXT 1. Isaiah Hi. 7. 18. Exodus xii. 31. 2. Deuteronomy iv. 8. 19. Psalm Ixxxix. 20 (21) 3; Psalm i. I. 20. 2 Kings ix. 5. 4. Psalm exxvii. 2. 21. 2 Kings ii. 11. 5. Psalm exxvii. i. 22. Jeremiah lii. 7. 6. Deuteronomy v. 15. 23. Exodus xxxii. 18. 7. Genesis xxvi. 28. 24. Genesis xxxix. 5. 8. Isaiah vi. 8. 25. Numbers xxii. 6. 9. Deuteronomy xxxiv. 10. 26. Exodus V. 5. 10. Numbers xiv. 11. 27. Exodus xxxix. 43. 11. I Samuel ix. 2. 28. Psalm li. II (13). 12. Exodus xii. 35. 29. I Kings ix. 27. 13. Psalm viii. 4 (5). 30. Isaiah xxvi. 14. 14. Genesis xxxvii. i8. 31. Psalm xlix. 7 (8). 15. Exodus iv. 19. 32. Exodus ii. 9. 16. Psalm Ixxvi. 3 (4). S3. Genesis xxiv. 23. 17. Psalm Ixxviii. 34. 34. Isaiah xiii. 4. The figures in parentheses relate to the texts in the Hebrew Bible. > THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT I. Section 1. How beautiful upon the mountains are Variations. 1. The mountains are beautiful ! 2 . How lovely are the hills ! 3. What is upon the mountain ? Section 2. the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth 4. Beautiful are the feet-of the bearer of good tidings. " 1 5. A messenger-is upon the-hills-of Gilgal. | 6. The feet of those who bring glad tidings are upon the hills. Section 3. peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that pub- lisheth salvation; ^ 7. How excellent are the-messengers-of peace ! i 8. Peace to the good messenger who proclaimeth salvation on the mountains. 9. The-feet-of messengers-of peace and publishers-of salvation are upon the hills. I I o. The heralds-of salvation are bringing news of perfect peace. HEBREW. TEXT I. Section 1. How beautiful are upon the mountains Mah navu al heharim Variatio'ns. I. Navu heharim %, Mah navu heharim 3. Mah al ha-har Section 2. the feet-of a bearer-of-good-tidings, one-that-causeth-to-hear r^gley m^bhasser mashmia 4. Navu rag^ley hamm^bhasser 5. al harey Gilgal m^bhasser 6. al heharim rag^ley m®bhass®rim Section 3. peace ; a-messenger-of good, a herald-of salvation ; shalom m^bhasser tobh mashmia y^shiiah 7. Mah tobhim m^bhass^rey shalom 8. Shalom lim^bhasser hattobh hammashmia y^shuah al heharim 9. al heharim rag^ley m^bhass^rey shalom umashmiey y^shuah 10. Mashmiey y^shiiah m^bhass^rim shalom shalom B 2 [ THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 4. - - that saith to Sion, Thy God reigneth ! 11. How beautiful on thy hills, O Sion, are the footsteps of the messengers of the salvation of God ! 12. Go ye up, ye messengers of peace; proclaim ye the salva- tion of God to Sion. 13. What saith the good king? What say the heralds of salvation and the messengers of peace 1 14. He who reigneth on Mount Sion hath proclaimed salva- tion and peace. 15. What said the messenger to Israel? The King of kings is reigning on Mount Sion. 16. Heralds of salvation have gone up on the mountains of Gilboa to bear the glad tidings of peace. 1 7. The messengers have gone up, saying, The God of peace reigneth on Mount Sion ! 18. The kings who reigned upon the mountains of Gilgal went up against Sion. 19. Why went up the kings of Israel against the kings of the Ammonites and Edomites ? 20. Thy God reigneth, O Sion ! the King of kings is reign- ing on thy hills ! 21. How beautiful are the feet of the messengers of peace, who say to Sion, Thy God reigneth ! HEBREW. Section 4. saying to Sion reigned God-of-thee ! omer l^Tsiyyon malakh Elohaykh II. Tsiyyon mah navu al haraykh ragley m®bhass®rey y^shiiath Elohim i!Z. alu m^bhass^rey shalom hashmiu y^shuath Elohim PTsiyyon 13. Mah omer hammelekh hattobh. Mah om®rim mashmiey y^shuah um^bhass^rey shalom 14. Hammolekh al har Tsiyyon hishmia y^shuah v^shalom 15. Mah amar hamm^bhasser l^Yisrael melekh hamm^lakhim molekh al har Tsiyyon 16. Mashmiey y^shuah alu al harey Gilboa l^bhasser shalom 1 7. alu hamm^bhassrim lemor Elohey hashshalom molekh al har Tsiyyon 18. M^lakhim hammol%him al harey Gilgal alu al Tsiyyon 19. Lamah alu mal^khey Yisrael al maPkhey Ammon v^Edom 2^o. Tsiyyon malakh Elohaykh melekh hamm^lakhim molekh al haraykh ai. Mah navu ragley m^bhass^rey shalom haom^rim l^Tsiyyon malakh Elohaykh 6 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT II. Section 1. And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous - --.. 2 2. How excellent are the statutes and judgments which Jehovah hath proclaimed to Israel ! 23. What nation is there to whom the King of kings hath caused His righteousness to be heard 1 24. Who is the righteous man who published to his nation the statutes of the Lord ? 25. Proclaim ye to the nations the righteousness of the God of Israel, and His great salvation. 26. Kings and great men have gone up on the mountains to bear the glad tidings of His salvation. Section 2. | - - - as aU this law, which I set before you this day? I 27. Great is the Lord/ and righteous; great and righteous is His law. |i 28. The kings of the nations have said, How goodly is Sion! Peace, peace to Sion ! 29. Messengers have gone up and set all this law before the king and the queen. 30. Hearken ye to His law which I set before you and before all Israel this day. 3 1 . Peace be to you and to all who proclaim the salvation of the Lord to all the nations. HEBREW. TEXT II. Section 1. I nation great who , . statutes judgments righteous umi-goy gadol asher lo kuqqim umishpatim tsaddiqim 2%, Mah tobhu hakuqqim v^hammishpatim asher hishmia Adonay l^Yisrael 23. Mi goy asher melekh hamm^lakhim hishmia tsidqatho lo 24. Mi hatstsaddiq asher hishmia l^goyaar kuqqey Adonay 25. Hashmiu laggoyim tsidqath Elohey Yisrael vishuatho hagg^dolah 26. alu m^lakhim ug^dolim al heharim l^bhasser vishuatho Section 2. as all the law the this which I giving K^khol haththorah hazzoth asher anokhi nothen to facef^ou^ the day 1 lifneykhem hayyom 27. Gadol vHsaddiq Adonay g^dolah. v^tsaddiqah thoratho 28. am^ru maPkhey haggoyim mah tobhah Tsiyyon. Shalom shalom PTsiyyon 29. M^bhass^rim alu v^nath^nu kol haththorah hazzoth lifney hammelekh v^ammalkah 30. Shim^u el thoratho asher anokhi nothen lifneykhem v^lifney khol Yisrael hayyom 31. Shalom lakhem uMihol mashmiey y^shuath Adonay I'^^khol haggoyim THE MASTEBY SERIES. TEXT III. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly. 32. Blessed is the good man who hath walked in the counsel of just coumHUors. 33. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. 34. Blessed are the righteous who have walked in the law of the God of Israel. 35. Walk ye in the statutes and judgments which the Lord hath proclaimed to you this day. 36. Blessed are ye that cause the law of the Lord to be heard by all nations. 37. They went up and preached to the nations the statutes which the Lord gave to you. 38. The kings who reigned over the mountains of Edom walked in the counsel of the wicked. 39. Wherefore have they not published His goodness and His greatness to the kings of the nations ? 40. The Lord the judge shall decide this day who is righteous and who is wicked. 41. Have not your kings counselled you to walk according to the statutes of the Lord] 42. The councillors went up on the mountains to carry the glad tidings of salvation and peace. HEBREW. TEXT III. The blessings of the man who not walked in counsel of ashrey haish asher lo halakh baatsath wicked men. r^shaym 3:Z. Ashrey haish hattobh asher halakh baatsath yoatsim tsaddiqim 33. Ki el gadol Adonay umelekh gadol al kol Elohim 34. Ashrey hatstsaddiqim hahol^khim b^thorath Elohey Yisrael ^^, L^khu b^kuqqim ubh^mishpatim asher hishmia Adonay lakhem hayyom 36. Ashreykhem hammashmiim thorath Adonay ^khol haggoyim 37. alu ubhiss^ru laggoyim hakuqqim asher nathan Adonay lifneykhem 38. Hamm^lakhim hammol^khim al harey Edom hal^khu baatsath har^shaym 39. Lamah lo hishmiu tobhatho ug^dulatho Pma^khey haggoyim 40. Yishpot Adonay hashophet hayyom mi hatstsaddiq umi harasha 41. Halo y^atsukhem rQ^iMeykhem laleketh b^kuqqey Adonay ' 42. alu hay yoatsim al heharim l^bhasser y^'shuah v^shalom 10 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT IV. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. 43. He will not guard the nation that hath hearkened not to the statutes that He gave them. 44. Did not the king proclaim his law to the men who guard the great city] 45. If the kings will not keep the law of the Lord, He will not give the nations peace. 46. The watchmen were not wakeful, and the kings of the Amorites went up against the city. 47. Go ye up all of you to your city, and obey ye the statutes of your great King. 48. They will not go before the judges for justice, nor before the councillors for advice. 49. Blessed is the king who has good councillors, and righteous judges throughout all his kingdom. i , , '^ 50. His spies have inspected the great city on the hill, for the guards were not wakeful. 51. The king and his councillors did not take heed to walk in the law of the Lord. 52. It is in vain for you to walk in the counsels of the wicked, for God will not hear vanity. 53. Watch ye and keep all this law, which the Lord hath not given to you for naught. HEBREW. 11 TEXT IV. If Jeb e vftS' not shall guard city, vainly waked watcher. Im - Adonay lo - yishmar - ir shav shaqad shomer 43. Lo yishmor haggoy asher lo shama el hakuqqim asher nathan lo 44. Halo hishmia hammelekh thoratho laanashim hashshom^rim hair haggdolah 45. Im hamm^lakhim lo yishm^ru thoratli Adonay lo yiththen shalom laggoyim 46. Hashshom^rim lo shak^du umal^khey haemori alu al hair 47. alu kul^hem l^ir^khem v^shim^u el kuqqey malk^khem haggadol 48. Lo yePkhu liphney hashshoph^tim Pmishpat v^lo liphney hayyoatsim l^etsah 49. Ash^rey hammelekh asher lo yoatsim tobhim v^shoph^tim tsaddiqim b^hol mamlakhtho u 50. Eag^lu m^raglaiv hair hagg^dolah al hahar ki lo shaq^du hashshom^rim 51. Hammelekh v^yoatsaiv lo sham^ru lalekheth b^thorath Adonay 5:^. Shav lakhem lalekheth baatsath r^shaim ki shav lo yishma el 53. Shiq^du v^shim^ru eth kol haththorah hazzoth asher Adonay lo nathan lakhem lashshav ^ c 2 12 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT V. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. 54. Why will not the king build a city on the hill, and large houses for its guards'? 55. The Lord hath preserved the city, and its builders have not laboured in it in vain. ^6, Those who have published His statutes and judgments amongst the nations have laboured in vain in your city. 57. The king hearkened not to his councillors, but gave the houses to the watchmen of the city. 58. The builders have laboured in your house daily, and the men of the city have watched in it. 59. Who will give peace to the city of Sion 1 Oh ! for the salvation of Israel. 60. What have ye to do with peace? What peace is there for the wicked, who will not hearken to the law of the Lord 1 61. Nay, but a king shall reign over Israel. And Samuel said, Is not the Lord your God your King ? 62. Spake not the man to you, saying. Be watchful, and guard the house of the councillor? ^3. Have not all his sons heard the rumour that messengers of peace have gone up to Sion? 64. Is it well with you, with your sons, and with your sons' sons? And they said, It is well. HEBREW. 13 TEXT V. ^^^^d-^^-zJ^ qI^qII builders If Jdku I uli not 1^ -1 1 house, vainly laboured . , in it. Im-Adonay lo- yibhneh bayith sbav am®lu bonayv bo 54. Lamah lo yibhneh hammelekh ir al hahar ubathim g^dolim l^shom^rayv : 55. Adonay shamar hair v^lo am^lu shav bonayv bo 56. Mashmiey kuqqayv umishpatayv baggoyim am^lu shav b^irkhem 57. Lo shama hammelekh Pyoatsayv v^nathan bathim Pshom^rey hair 58. Habbonim am^lu yom yom b^bheth^khem v^an^shey hair sham^ru bo 59. Mi yithen shalom l^ir Tsiyyon. Mi yithen y^shuath Yisrael • 60. Mahlakhemul^shalom. Mali hashshalom lar^shaym asher lo yishm^u l^thorath Adonay 61. Lo ki melekh yimlokh al Yisrael vayyomer Sh^muel halo Adonay Eloheykhem malk^khem 62. Halo amar lakhem haish lemor shik^du v^shim^ru beith hayyoets 63. Halo sham^u kol banayv hashsh^muah ki m^bhass^rey shalom alu l^Tsiyyon 64. Hashalom lakhem libh^neykhemv^libh^neyb^neykhem vayyom^ru shalom 14 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT VI. Section 1. And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, 65. And the servants of the king went up to that land, and they buikled a city for him upon the hill. 66. Why rememberedst thou not the days in which thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt ^ 67. And the servants said to the builders, Be wakeful, and watch ye over the house of the queen. j 68. What nation is there to whom He hath given a law so * righteous as this which he hath published to-day] 69. Remember that the Lord hath preserved you in all the ^ days of your bondage in Egypt. |j 70. His servants bore the glad tidings of salvation of the house of Israel throughout all lands. 71. And thou, O king, why hast thou not obeyed the statutes which thy God gave to Israel 1 j I 72. His righteousness is as the great mountains: He hath magnified His law. 73. Thou hast not laboured for naught in the house which ^ the king builded for me on Mount Carmel. 74. And thou. Son of Adam, remember thou all this law, ', and publish it in that country. 75. Why didst thou not make mention to the king about '] the men who worked in his house? HEBREW. 15 TEXT VI. Section 1. .beredsTth^u *^^^ servant wast thou inland Egypt, V^zakhartha ki - ebhed hayitha b^erets Mitsrayim 6^, Vayyaalu abh^dey hammelekh laerets hazzoth vayyibhiiu lo ir al hahar 66. Lamah lo zakhartha hayyamim asher ebhed hayitha b^erets Mitsrayim 67. Vayyomru haabhadim labbonim lemor shik^du al beyth hammalkah v^shim^ruhu 68. Mi goj asher nathan lo thorah tsaddiqah kazzoth asher hishmia hayyom 69. Zikh^ru ki Adonay sh^markhem b^hol y^mey abhodathkem b^Mitsrayim 70. abhadayv bish^ru y^shuath beyth Yisrael b^khol haaratsoth 71. V^atthah hammelekh lamah lo sham^tha hakuqqim asher nathan Elohim 1® Yisrael 72. Tsidqatho k^harim g^dolim higdil thoratho 73. Lo amaltha lashav babbayith asher hammelekh banah li al har hakkarmel 74. V^atthah ben Adam z^khor kol haththorah hazzoth v^hashmialyf baarets hazzoth 75. Lamah lo hizkartha el hammelekh eth haanashim haomlim b^bheitho 16 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. and that the Lord thy God brought thee out* thence. 76. The king will not give thee this land, because thou hast not observed his law. 77. Hast thou not heard that the bondmen builded great cities in the land of Egypt ^ 78. How righteous are all the statutes and judgments which Jehovah has given to the nation ! j 1 79. My servants remembered my righteous law in the day in which they came out of bondage. 80. He remembered not that all the builders in that city laboured in his house for two days. 81. Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteous- ness unto the king's son. 82. Remember ye the Lord who brought you and your children forth from Egypt into this goodly land. 83. Dost thou not remember the city whither the king went and builded for himself a large house therein ? 84. Remember thou the day when thou cam est forth from that land, because the Lord thy God preserved thee. 85. When He led forth the Israelites from thence. He gave you the lands of the heathen. 86. Hath not the King of kings made known to you what is good, and what is the law of the Lord ? HEBREW* 17 Section 2. and brought out thee the Lord God, thy from thence, vayyotsiakha Adonay Eloheykha mishsham 76. Hammelekh lo yiththen Pkha haarets hazzoth ki lo shamartha thoratho 77. Halo shamatha ki haabhadim banu arim g^dolim b^erets Mitsraim 78. Mat tsaddiqim kol hahuqqim v^hammishpatim asher nathan Adonay lifney haggoy 79. abhaday zakh^ru thorathi hatstsaddiqah bayyom asher yatsu mibbeyth abhadim 80. Lo zakhar ki kol habbonim bair hazzoth am^lu b^bheitho yomaim • • 81. Elohim mishpateykha Pmelekh then v^tsidqath^khah Pbhen melekh . /': 82. Zikh^ru Adonay asher hotsi eth%hem ubh^neykhem Mimmitsraim el haerets hattobhah hazzoth S^, Halo zakhartha hair asher halakh hammelekh sham ubhanah lo bayith gadol bah 84:. Z^khor yom tseth^kha meerets hazzoth ki Adonay Eloheykha sh^mar^kha 85. Kaasher hotsi eth Yisrael mishsham v^nathan lakhem artsoth haggoyim 86. Halo melekh hamm^lakhim hishmia lakhem mah tobh umah thorath Adonay 18 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT VII. We saw certainly that the Lord was with thee. 87. And it shall be that when we go to that land we shall see the rulers of the mountain cities. 88. Will not the watchman go with us to see the city and the labourers therein? Sg, And the seer said to the man, Peace be to thee, and to all who are with thee in thy house ! | 90. And it came to pass, that when Moses ascended that goodly mountain he assuredly saw this good land. 91. Thou wast with us, and thou rememberedst us in our servitude, in the land whence thou broughtest us out. 92. Have we not vigilantly watched in thii- house, and care- fully guarded all that is thine therein? 93. For we were bondmen in that land, and the Lord brought us out from thence, and our children with us. | 94. How great is the peace that thou givest to those who^ walk before thee in righteousness ! 95. When the Israelites shall go up from year to year to Jerusalem we shall assuredly see the prophet. 96. We have carefully observed the law of the Lord, and He hath given peace to us and to our children. 97. And the man went with his sons, and all the servants whom he had, to see the great city. HEBREW. 19 TEXT VII. To see we saw that was the Lord with thee. Rao rainu ki haya Adonay immakh 87. V^hayah kaasher nelekh laerets hazzoth nireli mal^khey haarim asher al heharim 88. Halo y^ekh hashshomer itthanu liroth hair v^haom^lim h%^^ 89. Vayyomer haroeh laish shalom l^kha ul^khol asher imm^kha b^bheythakh 90. Vay^hi baaloth Mosheh al hahar hattobh hazz^Si raoh raah haerets hattobhah hazzoth 91. Hayitha immanu uz^harthanu baabhodathenu baerets asher hotseythanu mishsham gz. Halo shaqod shaqadnu b^bheith^kha v^shamor shamarnu eth kol asher Pkha bo 93. Ki hayinu abhadim baerets hazzoth vayyotsienu Adonay mishsham ubh^neynu itthanu 94. Mah gadol hashshalom asher atthah nothen lahoPkhim Pphanekha b^tsedeq 95. Ki yaalu b^ney Yisrael Lirushalem miyyamim yamimah raoh nir^eh eth hannabhi 96. Shamor shamarnu thorath Adonay v^nathan shalom lanu ul^bhaneynu 97. Vayyaal haish im banayr v%ol haabhadim asher lo liroth hair hagg^dolah D 2 20 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT VIII. Section 1. ' And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, - i I 98. And the seer said, Listen to the voice of the Lord, and let Israel go from before thee. 99. We have heard of the judgments of the king, and we will send builders every day to his city. 100. I will hearken to your voice, and I will send preachers of peace into your land. loi. Whom hast thou sent from the city, and what gavest thou to him, and what saidst thou to himl J 102. I will keep all the statutes and judgments of my God, and I will not walk with wicked persons. 103. I will call to mind all the days of our bondage when we were in Egypt and toiled hard there. 104. The kings have listened to the voice of evil councillors, and have sent spies to-day into our cities. 105. Art not thou his servant? why hast thou not observed the statutes of thy God? 106. In vain have they proclaimed the law of the Lord: the nations hearkened not to the preachers. 107. When the Lord brought you forth out of Egypt, the fame thereof was heard in all lands. 108. The Lord sent thunders from Mount Sinai on the day when he delivered his law to Moses. HEBREW. 21 TEXT VIII. Section 1. shall I send whom my Lord voice the I heard 'r«-ito"' rh\m ""a^^ h'iph y»t2? rr«hrr id«'»'i qg D521N *?« D'lVc? "•^'•atrn n^tp^i DiSpV 5^»^^ loo ]T^T3M rro'i 'h nni nt^i T^^nn nn'rtij ''»-n« loi T;— T — T-T — •T««t:— T • ... *'^-*- T •• • » .. .. . T v: •• : : • »•• •. t • v ^^-^ • T : T ; • -; • : * t •••-;- •• t -; •• : t : v D T : - T Dl'Tr in'jtiST cj^fih ''sy'' Vv"? i5^»tiJ o*«3':an 104 tHVm ^pn ir\'a^ nS nts':' l-nnsr rm« t^Vn 10-; Vaa :5;»uj3 hspn o'ii^d y"^«^ •'"' asw^'S^na 107 T— : T in-iift ]ri5 itt>« D*!"! ''5"'p -irra rriV^p '•'' nVc?i|i los 22 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. and who will go for us? and I said, Behold me! send me! 109. Remember me, my master! and preserve me, and take me out of the city to my own country. no. And the spies said. What shall we say to the king of that country to which we are going 1 111. Behold, I have set my righteous servant as a watchman on the tower on Mount Sion. 112. What said Samuel to the wicked king who kept not the charge of the Lord his God? 113. Why have not thy servants gone up from year to year to worship God in His house? 114. What man is he whose sons have built him a house like a palace in that city? 115. Peace be to the house which thou hast built; thy servants have not laboured in vain in it. 116. And the guards said. Behold us ! send us ! we will go to the city of Magdala. 117. Aforetime, when Pharaoh would not let the children of Israel go, did not the Lord lead us forth from Egypt ? 118. Let us listen to His voice and the Lord will remember us in the house of bondage. 119. Behold, He gave peace in all the days of Solomon, who built the house of God in our city. HEBREW. 23 Section 3. send me behold me and I said for us shall go and who • •• T : • : • - T T ' •• " . ^T)vh I'^rna ""i^inm "•anaaJi •'inw ••j'^it ioq lO V -: I V T T I V V V - - • : - : - : - ■*• T ' •••• ^1>^ ^? "^^^V P"''^-^D '''^^is? ''^pto ''SiN nin III -ittw k^*? nt:J« yt!?->n tj'^d'? ^r^iittttj i»n rro 112 - T V -; T TT 'v V : •• : - t ^ ^^-^ nM nhv'? rTO'^n'' □'«»''» Ti'^iiy ^h^f ikh rtah u, -:- X -T 'T* ' VT-: T TT -^^J ' V V - " : • - T T T V -: • T • ^ ^n" "• • T : T VT-: T -T V -: : •• : t ^^O : t T t : — ^«"itL^1 ^2il ri« nW b^ ikh oiinrr ^■nh^^ Di'-n my;: d« 129 DiV© T Di"" 26 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, 131. Hath not the Lord established his servant Moses as a prophet and a judge over us ? 132. And Moses said to Pharaoh, We know not with what , we shall serve the Lord in that land. | 133. Didst thou not know the man whom the king sent this day to the house of the prophet ? 134. And Pharaoh let all the children of Israel go from Egypt, and Moses and Aaron saw his face no more. 135. And it came to pass, that all who knew the law of the Lord went up to the house of God which was on the hill of Sion. 136. Behold, we have seen the king face to face, and we have given him this counsel. J 1 3 '7. The wicked knew not thy law, and they have not remembered thy righteous judgments. 138. And the men of the city said, We have been wicked, and the Lord our God will not protect us. 139. The Lord will save us, and we will make known to all nations the salvation of our God. 140. Publish ye the law of the Lord to all lands; make known his salvation to all nations. 141. And it fell upon a day that the prophet saw the king as he went forth from the city of David. HEBREW. 27 Section 2. faces to faces he knew him who like Moses •• T •• : • T : V : — v I - t — : v^ "•^ riN "Tiiw na V15 n'? nj^-is h^ n\2?Q,ink^''i 13a - I V V - T : V -• • T V T : -T -: UkJ ncJn^ Dl'i?'??? ''^": ''.n ^73 n« nns nVtt5':i 134 Tiy V30 w; ^h 'jhn^'i ■i2^« Vn m h^ ^h^ '1'' niin ^3^1^ h^ ""s "'n":i 135 ^i^s in Vy TOyn ^^ i3n:T a^:B Vn Cis ir'^arr ij^^i ic>6 T •• T -T: 'T V 'T 'V V - • T ^O^ T^Bm i-iit t^^i ^nn'in ^^n; ^h p^j^ann 137 D^':man ' . irrlVw ns^iti?"' o^'^arr 'ris i^^'niji ""ii^ i^j^-'ttji'' illb ini^'njj'' >i:ynirn n'ljn^n V5V '•'' ri-iln irom 140 • — T ; Tin ■^•'5?^ in«^a ^h^ri nw-j «''n3rTi D^xrr -"ri^T 141 £ 2 28 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT X. Section 1. How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be 142. Have not this people whom he brought out of the land of bondage provoked the Lord daily 1 -i 143. Let us beware of him, and obey his voice, for we cer- tainly know that God is with him. 144. How long shall my servants labour for nought in thy house from year to year? 145. And the people hearkened not to the voice of Moses, and they despised the counsel of the Lord. d 146. The wicked have provoked the Lord, saying, Who seeth us, and who knoweth our counciH 147. Hath not the prophet made known that there shall be no peace to those who provoke the Lord? 148. This shall be to you a day to be observed by you, and by your wives and children in this land. 149. And the man said to the councillors, Here am I ! send me to the house of the judge. 150. Knowest thou not that the Lord has given thee cities ich thou didst not build in the kingdoms of Canaan ? ^^ 151. Knoweth not thy king that I the Lord give peace to the nations that keep my law? 152. They rose up from thence to announce peace, and to make known the statutes of the Lord to all nations. HEBEEW. 29 TEXT X. Section 1. and how long this people will provoke me till when T T - : V - T T • ••.-:- : t t - *i«''2'in -itpK ■''' n« D*!"' □'I"' mn oyri y«3 ^Sn 142 la wv y'T ""S 'i'r'ip'? il^qujdi visn nb®: iao :-T— T • I: -:•: tt* :• t"J «iffiV ^fT^na rra'^n'' d^q^d ^nisr iVd^"' ton ^v 144 i!}«3 ■»'' mrT rrm h'\p^ D^n s?^® ikh") 145 'jiV n'-rT' isV oiVu? nto^'? M-'isn ^^i-rirr fc^'^n 147 D3'^3aVT DD'^QJdV^ 0?^ 'TJ.'?^'? H^.!?? ^JH Q^l^rr 148 .. - ... . X : • •• • • -: - • T V - ^n-y T • T V — : □••Ian "r^V 30 THE MASTERY SERIES. ^ Section 2. 1 - - - ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them? 153. Come ye, see all the signs which I have wrought among you, and believe ye in me. J 1 154. How great were the signs which the Lord wrought among us, in bringing us out of the land of bondmen ! g 155. Will not the Lord grant peace and truth to his people in the land which He giveth to them ? I 156. And he said, I have appointed my son to be king over Israel; and they said, Amen ! the Lord say so too. J 157. And it came to pass that Saul prophesied; and all who knew him said. Is Saul also among the prophets 1 | 158. The guards of the city sent his sons away from thence, because they had provoked the king. 159. If they will not believe thee, they will believe the voice -^ the sign which the Lord will make. 160. All nations have said, What meaneth this great sign which the Lord hath made? i6i. Am I thy son's keeper? How long wilt thou provoke me by Bending thy servants to follow me? 162. What man is he that judgeth righteous judgment? Peace be to him, and to all his house ! 163. And the king's sons said to the recorder, Build thyself an house in this city before finishing the palace. HEBREW. 31 Section 2. in midst of it I made which signs 4©^ all in me will believe V : :'• : • • t v -: t t : : ^OD ... . ,. .1, . T T V -: T :t — ^On- «^n -ieJn Y^Na ^ajrV ^9^1 d'i''^ '''' W ^^H 155 T --: : T V - T T • • • I- Of lySan n« 'iSNi ^^ dv^ V3a n« inVti? -I'^yn '•nauj i rs •ym n'ln'iNn h::h ^i'^j^^m ;ii imN-^ i^h d« icq V -: T T : • v: v : ' : • -:- • Oy it»N nt^tn nV-T^n rri^n nn a'^'iiirT "td 'ntsw 160 V -; — T : ~ T V • — T : T ■*-^^ T — : T T ^"'iny TinVti?! "'as^in n2« iv ""Sb^ T[3a "irsm 161 irv"! ^3^1 'i'? D'i'rej p^JJ tostib tooiijn ttJ"'Nn '^a 163 ^hi^n n''2 n'lS? ^aoV rii^-tn 32 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XI. And there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he. 164. I have heard that there is not a more righteous man than he among the sons of the prophets. 165. There is not one who knoweth not that Saul is the goodliest man among all the people. 166. Is there none that believeth in the Lord among all the people for all the signs that we have seen 1 167. There is not a city in all the kingdoms of Canaan which the Lord will not deliver unto us. 168. At the time when there was no king over our people He sent us Saul to reign over us. I 169. Am not I the Lord a just God and a Saviour? for I am God, and there is none else. 170. I have nothing in my house, and none of my servants have seen thy son, and he is not in this town. M 171. Behold, the Lord hath given us Saul the son of Kish, a goodly man, and hath caused him to reign over us. 172. Wherefore did the judges and the councillors listen to the false report concerning the good queen 1 173. In all the kingdom and in all the land we have made known that there is no god like our God. 174. Of old, when we were in Egypt, and when we had no protector, the Lord led us forth from thence. HEBREW. 33 TEXT XI. from him goodlier from sons man and ithere was not o^«^23rT '•ina 12120 p>^ t2j^« l^^w ^^ ^i^V^'<$ 164 h^'Q a'lta tJj'iN h'^m ■'3 s^t iih ->\^« t2J"'« pN 165 X T nlni«ri '^aa p»«^ ■»©« OirrT Vsp cj^« p^i^r 166'Lou li'iVy TiVnV Vi«tij n«-j -ym nnx^n tiJ-^u ^^^l ^n-'na hb 'h p« 170 nito ®^« ttJ"',?-]! '^WQ? n« 12V ]ri2 ■'2'i« n2rT 171 Q'ri'^^ r*:? ■'^ Vl'^O ^?^^ ™/'P'?i^ "^s^i la^^lin 173 ')2'iri^t^5 . •''' ')2nK 1?2tlj p«"} d^:?5J»l ')2"'^n •1UJN3 D''2dV 174 T • T • F 34 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XII. Section 1. And the sons of Israel did according to the word of Moses. 175. We have not done according to tlie statutes and judg- ments of-o^ God who brought us up from Egypt. 176. I have seen all the works of the king which he hath made throughout the whole of the land. 177. What w^ere the words which the guards of the city spake unto him in his going forth from thence 1 j 178. Behold, he has not hearkened to the words which the prophets spake unto the sons of Israel. 179. We have not acted according to the righteous law which' Moses proclaimed to us on Mount Sinai. 180. For this fellow, whose servants thou didst guard in the wilderness, is such a son of Belial that a man cannot speak to him. 181. The kings of the earth knew not that «*wr God spake to Moses face to face. 182. Rise ye, go to the city, and tell this word to the sons of the prophets. 183. Why have not my people Israel believed in all the words which my prophets have spoken to them ? J| '•* 184. We know that the men who talked with the spies have provoked the king from speaking to him. 185. Did not thy servants say, that they saw the man talking with the spies in his house ? i HEBREW. 35 TEXT XII. Section 1. according to the word did and the sons y-j^rr '^sa nto^ laj^ ii^arr ""toj^n ^5 •'n^'^'i 176 in^jja i^s^n •'■^pu? i^'^w ^la-i -i®« Q"'"!i'^n nn 177 T • •• T : • •• : ''i'^D -in V:y 13S ntdzs T • — — T D'^DS hvt CDS • T V • T t'^N '^^''33 113"7 12JX3 □••'rii-iiii-r Dj^ D'^-is-nan D-'W^Kn ■'3 12:1^1'' 184 v^N -i3"TO Tj'^Kirt nN ay -^31^ cj^^n i3^«-j nb«^ Tinnir 'i-^dm b^Vrr 185 F 3 36 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. And they borrowed from the Egyptians jewels of silver and jewels of gold, and garments. 1 86. Has not the Lord brought out you and your sons, with raiment, and with gold and silver 1 187. We asked the man, saying, Who gave thee the garments which we saw in thine house 1 188. And it came to pass, that in the days when we were in the wilderness we saw the great signs which the Lord wrought. 189. And his servants said. If the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldst thou not have done it *? TEXT XIII. Section 1. What is man, that thou art mindful of him ? 190. Wilt thou not remember the word which the man spake to the prophet in the wilderness ? 191. Thou shalt keep the gold and silver in thine house, and thou shalt »©t send the men from thence. ^ I 192. If ye will not hearken to the law of the Lord, He will not protect thee and thy children, nor will he give thee peace. 4 193. Remember ye to give to the sons of the prophets on Mount Carmel gold, silver, and garments. 194. Wilt thou not walk in the law of the Lord, as thou walkedst in the days when thou wast a bondman in Egypt ? HEBREW. 37 Section 2. garments and gold and silver jewels asked ^032 niVotpa DD"*:!^ a^m in''pn ^'^ kVh i86 "'^'iN ntoy icJN n'lVnan -.»..... ... • T- T T T TT-: : - xwy TEXT XIII. Section 1. thou wilt remember him that man what la-raa «^32^ cj''«n -is'i ncj« -iiin is^n ikhn mo tzjitpj^n nVffinn ^n'^^a fiDim imrr -ibtt^ri 191 T • Tii'i ^n« -ibtp:' i^V ■''' rn'\r\h *iypirn «V d« 192 am 'rrsnsn irr "r;; D"'«''a3r» '^nh nrh i-i3t 193 ntt)« S'lo^a ria'pn "i^k? •«'' ni*im ^^n b^*?;! 194 ciSDa may 38 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. and the son of man, that thou visitest him ? 195. And to Adam He said, Behold I have given thee this good land to dress it and to keep it. I 196. Thou shalt not visit the city; and thou shalt not hearken to the voice of the man that keepeth not the law. 197. When thou hast visited the king in the city, wilt thou not visit me in my house? 198. And the king said, Go from me; take heed to thyself, thou shalt see my face no more. 199. Thou shalt not serve the wicked king who obeyeth not my statutes and judgments. 200. The king visits our city, to see the men who remember the word of the Lord to do it. 201. If he will not remember the words of the messenger the king will not visit him. 202. And he said to the sons of the prophet, Go with us; and they went with him into the house. 203. Know ye the statutes of our God, which the kings and judges of the earth have not known. 204. How excellent are the words of the prophet who declares salvation to the sons of Israel ! 205. Wilt thou not remember my son, and visit him, when thou goest to ask about the land ? HEBREW. 39 Section 2. thou shalt visit him that of Adam son ni'iiflrT HD-j^rr vih jni '^3« ren i?dn d"t«Vi 195 T ; T : T : T : - tr-i^i-t V'ipV yaajn t^'r'i -i^-i^n nw npDn t^'? 196 n-iinn -lati? i33''« -itij^ — T : • ' : .. X • — T •• ' •• ' V V — V — -^ v ■ni-i Q'^iiTH D-iffiD^rr n*iK-iV i^T5^ ■'i'2? l^^'O 200 InpE)^ ^h 'qhi^'n n^h^ri ''■ii'i -isr \Ah qm 201 •'^BtUT "'sV^ IV"!:^ i^^ "^W. li""!?^]?? "'iiin n« ^y'n 203 •^piV nyitij^ 5^''»tp^n s»''n|rr ^na-t 11b nn 304 40 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XIV. And before he came near to them, they conspired against him to put him to death. 206. Before thou nearest tlie city thou shalt enquire for the house of the sons of the prophets. 207. Take heed to thyself, for behold the sons of Jacob have conspired against thee to put thee to death. 208. And it was so, that when the messengers drew near he gave them money, and they went to their own houses. 209. And the prophet said to the king. Thou shalt not put the men to death, for they are righteous. 210. Did not the great men of this land conspire to put him and his sons to death 1 211. Before we neared Mount Sion we prayed for the peace of the children of Israel. 212. If ye will not watchfully guard the jewels of gold and silver the king will put you to death. 213. Before the great men drew near to slay them, the seer brought them out from the city. 214. The men earnestly entreated us to let them go to see their sons and daughters in Bethel. 215. Remember ye that the prophet said to you. Ye shall serve the Lord in this land. 216. Remember ye the Sabbath-day, to observe it in . the land which I give unto you and to your children. HEBREW. 41 TEXT XIV. to kill ^i«> ^^^^they conspired them he will near iiieir^ D''«"'n3n ""pa jt'sV ''^^J? "'"'^0 ^^ ^"^i?^ ^T^^ 206 Tink 'h'z'inr} ipv^ •^31 r-r|n ••s ^V i^t^n 207 ■in^ tT'^rh n«tn y-j^n •''^ii^ ^'^s^i??? n'^l! 210 T T V : "n^an Djn^p^. r)D|rn nmri i-ipajn ntoc? n't dn 212 nrr^aa nlN-i'? onWV D^cji^rr ■^yhmi V«t» 214 r^-ivts n^tn Yn«| 05^ -ia« N"'n3rr •'a ii^t 215 42 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XV. Go, return into Egjrpt: for all the men are dead which sought thy life. 217. Go ye, return to Ziklag: for the men of this city seek your lives. 218. All the wicked men who have conspired against thee and sought thy life are returned home. 219. If thou seek the Lord from thence with all thy soul, He will preserve thee in the land whither thou returnest. 220. After all the children of Israel have gone forth into the. wilderness, thou shalt not cause the people to return thence. J 221. And he said to Elijah, There is no nation or kingdom whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee. « 222. When Balaam saw all Israel he said, May my soul die the death of the righteous ! 223. And it shall be in that day that the Lord shall be to you a God, and ye shall be to him a people. 224. And it was so, that the guards sent the man to the house in which they kept those who were appointed to death. 225. And now, O God of Israel, let thy word I pray thee be verified which thou spakest to thy servant David. 226. Hath not the king established judges, to condemn the wicked and to justify the righteous ? | 227. Come ye, let us return to our own land : for the man is dead who sought our lives. HEBREW, 43 TEXT XV. who sought they have died return go soul thy D-'trpno n«tn -i''5>n ''tij:« ""a >hp':h in^iu) 15*? 217 ■if « Y^Ki ?!■>»©■; "ntpw Vsa DC7Q ■'^ »(53ri dn 319 T X n»n 'tn "laita^ ^'^T^^\ '•;;? 'r? i^Vc "^^'ti^. ''■?.n^ 220' T T - T V -; TT : - I •• T • •• V V - '*'-** ^,^17 Dtp ''2"-tK Df1«1 D'TT^n'? D^S HTf "'J'lM V>(\7\r\ D*l''l HTn 23? V T •• : : T prtp ' iat» nisuj T T : • V V : I" T V 't •• : • — • t t h^ wp^h ci-hita ry^^h v-rnjr rhxii "^h^rt 228 ... ... ... T T : • - •• : - • T T :'t : '^ j T T : • — ; ^h^ nt^« Q'!"! V«-jtt5^ ^5^ Ta a-in ]''«t jao ]■>« 232 DO? Q'^VsilP liVrr "Titti d^^i nt^-tn I'^s^a q^n dn -lab^^i 2^4 : T - T T - ; — • T T •• • V - '^JT' Dn^n^n^« ay -i^s^rt ^n ca^s^an lanpi^ 235 Q'^inarr ri^rhi2 "h^ Va ™n -inuj ^^rrr 236 n*intt?)>im n'lannrn T-: - 'T ••::t:-t tt '^O/ liriffif?^ iTia-)!! o'^n^n Vaa 'laJipa".! nm iw^m 238 46 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XVII. When he slew them, then they sought him : and they returned and enquired early after God, 239. And the king's sons returned to that city with the soldiers, and slew him in his house. 240. I will obey the voice of the prophet: and I will send my servant to enquire early after God in His house. 241. The servants of the king conspired against him, and slew him on that day, and returned to their city. 242. The king and his sons searched for those who enquire early after God, according to the word of his prophet. 243. If ye shall go up against their city, will ye not demand from the king the soldiers who are with us 1 244. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves. 245. At the dawn of day they saw the men, and slew them in the city upon the hill. 246. When the judge was dead they returned to their own land, and told the matter to the prophet. 247. Thou hast magnified the law, and magnified thy word above all thy name. 248. And the prophet said to the king, Send soldiers to slay them who magnify themselves against thee. I 249. And David returned to Saul, and delivered to him the sword of the Philistine whom he had slain. 250. Seek ye the Lord, for He will give peace to the righteous men who keep his law. HEBREW. 47 TEXT XVII. enquired early returned they sought him he slew them if •• "; • : T : : t ; t t— : • "•©aw ojr iA-Tvi '^''vh cs'^an '^33 ^iw 2,0 f^^ "n^^HD iV«»Jn in "^n^'a ttV ''^O^ risn 266 P1D5 ■'Ippi nnt "'^aa □'^.1:212^ "'t?:^ n« ■-n^a^n 367 T : n"'3^n ijinn «2«Di hv nSi '\rhr&) '\iwp_ qv "^Varr ]5 *n'?n mri 270 T : H 2 52 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XX. And when he came, behold, the captains of the host were sitting. 273. I looked, and behold there came from the mountains a great host with their banners. 274. And they came, and behold the king's sons were sitting with the captains of the host. H 275. And the captains of the host of Midian came into the * land to war against Israel. 276. To which of all the captains of the host did Elisha send the son of the prophet to anoint him 1 277. And ye shall cause the prophet to come unto me, and ye shall bring forth gold and silver for him and his sons. 278. We have come to see the king, and we have brought with us the dwellers in the city of Ramoth Gilead. 279. I have an errand to thee, captain! And Jehu said, Unto which of all of us "? And he said, To thee. 280. Thou comest to me with a sword and a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts. 281. I have found the men whom ye sought, and behold they were taking counsel with the dwellers in Dibon. 282. Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian 1 - % 283. Wilt thou not make them to hear the words of the prophet who dwelleth on Mount CarmeH 284. Hearken ye to His voice to walk in His law which He gave to you by the hand of His servants. HEBREW. 53 TEXT XX. sitting army chiefs became h^r\r^ ""ito d:^ w^^xd^ •Ji'rtan ^n nam i^i""! 27. • TV "T • • : ' ... ... - .. : .. • : t- -^/^ ojr an^n^ x^i^rt hi^ ]yrQ h^r} ^-^xd in!i;i 275 w-'isn ;a n« ^cj''':« n'rcS Vvirr '«nto Vsj2 •'»'? 276 T T : i^yn ''ntt?'' ii2fiN 'ijwnm ^iVan n^^-i*? lixa 378 T : • T - .... . ; .. ... _ ... .. . ^ ^ -^jy t'^n ''J^«i ''3i«'» nni anni '•'?« n«n rrfiN 280 . -. T' ; V : I- . ..* -: 'T-iT ' XT -^^ ^ T- •••:x:— .'x •*: — •: :x • ■*'*-'•*» "in V:y atoTi M'lian ••-a'l on'? i^-iDmn b^'rn 28? .. - 'x- •• : • V X - • : - -. ^"^J Ta Di^ ]n2 ic>« innra n5^^ 'i^lpV 'li^atp 284 54 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXI. Section 1. Behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder ; -^ a 285. And it came to pass, that as they still went on and talked, lo, a chariot of fire and horses of fire. 286. And in their going forth they saw his captains and his^» chariots and his horses, a great army. ^ 287. The chief arose at the dawn of day, and ascended his chariot and went to see his army. .ji ■■ 288. And it came to pass, that the two chiefs came to the king, and he gave them all the jewels of gold. 289. And it happened on a day, that the sons of the seer were separated from their relatives, and they sought them in vain. /|B 290. In that day Saul and Jonathan were slain in battle, and in their deaths they were not divided. 291. And all his kindred remained with him all the days that David was in AduUam. 292. As they ascended the hill, lo, the captain of the host went forth in his chariot from the city to go to Heshbon. 293. And the two chiefs went forth to the battle, and the Philistines fled on that day before the Israelites. 294. And Moses ascended Mount Sinai, and there the Lord gave him His law in fire and with thunders. 295. When ye go forth to war, and see horses and chariots, know ye that the Lord will certainly fight for you. 1 HEBREW. 55 TEXT XXI. Section 1. two of them between separated horses fire chariot arv}xp pa 'nisilT ttj« ''piD'i ujn sdt nan tr« 131 nam la-ti if'^n Q-'sVn rrtan ""nil 38 <; •rlna h'^n vdidi T'lai v-ito ^i^i^t oriNia ^n""-! 286 T •• T : TT : TT :•- t •• : • :- ^"^^^ T T •• : T V T I •• • — ' V V — V • T — •• : T- ^2?jpn';l Dn'^i'i-),'pp i-r-iw n^'inn ''211 Dl^rr ''n']'i 289 : T — T fc^"? onloni ]r\y\^'\ h^m ii-)n3 «^nri n'i''a 290 i^:rna '^•'nn nto ksoi inn '^^^ on'i'^iyi ^n^i 29a D"'nt2jVsn imi"'! nnn'^aS d'litcn ""juj ins"') 29^ hi^yrf] "'isV^ K^nn oi^a in-j^n '•"' QttJ iV in";! ^5^p in Vj^ ncJD '^yni 294 niVipai ®«a "II •^a !ii^rj iiiii DID dn'^«-)i n^rh^h 'iMsn ""a 29 c 56 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. — and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 296. And there was a great whirlwind, and Elisha saw the prophet ascend to heaven in a chariot of fire. 297. Before the prophet ascended to the heavens in a whirl- wind, his servant saw the horses of fire. 298. Hallelujah ! praise Him, ye heaven of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens ! 299. From heaven He gave His voice: the voice of the Lord was heard in the whirlwind. 300. The Lord was not in the fire, and the Lord was not in the whirlwind ; but the prophet heard His voice. 301. Fire went forth from the Lord, and slew the Egyptians : He gave them over to hot thunderbolts. 302. And He gave His law from Mount Sinai, and lightning flashes went forth from His feet. *> 303. Wliilst he was yet speaking another came, and said. Thy sons and thy daughters have perished. 304. Thou hast provoked the king in that thou hast given a sword to David, and hast enquired of the Lord for him. 305. Ere the warriors approached the prophet upoa the moun- ^taJB) fire came forth from heaven and slew them on the way. 306. All thy works shall praise thee, Lord ! and we will cause the voice of thy praise to be heard. i HEBREW. 57 Section 2. heavens whirlwind ascend will iD"^?2t2?rT n-^i?D3. ^n'h^ h:)'^^ • -T- tt:- t'" — - nVj^ «^n3n n« v^-hin x-i"! rih>i> niyo ^n^i 206 V • T- V T • v: : — X : tt : • ;- '^y^ i^iy HN-) D^acjn n-\yDa K'lnan n'r'y q-idi 207 :- TT '-T- tt;- 't- V-:- V V : "^y/ •• T " rnvD^ yntt)3 1'' 'jlp—'iSip ]ri3 d":?2^n ]t? 299 'i'^'ip y>72W «"'n3n'i rr^^^Di •'"' pwii cj«n •''• pN 300 Qistih nrrh^ rh^ Q-iniJan Vi> ''''n t2?« ^jf ,01 • T : •.'••—: "" T : • : • — — •• •• tt o^ ]^a?3 Q""?©"! ^«^;;t ^3^0 -ino ■in-i^n nw jfiiT 302 T : — iV Jj'pNtjj") Ti-jV a^rr -^inm ij^arr nst m«3 304 »« «a'^ N'^narr ^« nnn'T'ian ''t»D« la-ip'^ ditoa 00 ^ T T • T - V T T : • - •• : - :>: • v v : D^O h^ T^fii^ lin^^*!! T^i?^ ^? ^^k^''. ''pH^ 306 58 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXII. Section 1. And the city was broken up, and all the men of war fled, and went forth out of the city 307. When the two chiefs broke into the city with their host, the soldiers slew the king and his son. 308. All the inhabitants of the city also, who were near the king, fled before the princes of Israel. 309. Why fought ye not for us? why fled ye before the Assyrians when our leader was slain in the battle ] 310. Come, let us flee to the mountains, every man to his own house, for now our city is broken up. 311. And two of the servants of Shimei fled, and he arose - and went to Gath to seek his servants. 312. And when he had found them, he arose and returned to Jerusalem, for he remembered not the words of the king. .^ 313. Know for a certain, on the day thou goest out and walkest abroad any whither, that thou shalt surely die. 314. Behold, O queen, they have risen up and have slain thy sons, and have carried thy daughters into captivity. 315. Then the king of Magdala, whose dwelling is on the lofty hills, came forth to war against us. 316. And we sent a great host against him, and they scaled the hill, and the city was broken up. 317. We put the chiefs to flight, we released the captives, we slew the king, and we captured his son. HEBREW. 59 TEXT XXII. Section 1. and went out fled and all was broken up ;t: :t tt:»- ••:- t: -t I-t*- irna ii^i|)'? D'-ihp vn itL^« -I'^^^n ''n©-' Va aa 308 T 't : • T — • •• : • 'TV V - : • : «J X!ip:h nr\ii ifr^n np"! ■'rnti)'? D''^l:sr "^^ts imi^i on l«. — : T • ' V •— iTT- • ; • : • t-: •• : : : •— J T T-: ^11-1 "iDt «V ""S cScJl-I^V ntZJ""! np^l D«2«3ai C512 .... -T • •- T • T T- Itt- y T : T : D ^ -••-T tt; ttt:-t:':" i xJ u T .... ' • - T V : T : 'T T : — •• • vj t ••X tt:*— * i" vp'2ir\ inn 'rjr ')V:5>''i v'^y h^i> ^12? n'pttjai 016 »- T • - T T - -: T T T T T '. ' ' %J 1 2 60 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 2. by night by the way of the gate between the two waUs, which was by the king's garden. 318. Then came the king of Babylon, with chariots and horses, and there was a great battle at the gates of our city. 319. And the captains and the men of war fled by night, because the walls of the city were breached. m 320. The two men are going to the city, because the judges of the land are sitting in judgment in the gate. 321. Who is He who went in the way before you in fire by night, to shew you by what path ye should go ? 322. And the captains of the host broke through the gate of the city by night, for the guards on the towers were not wakeful. 323. -I, Masha, king of Moab, built the gates of the city: I built its towers, and I built the palace. 324. When ye went forth into the wilderness, went not the Lord before His people in fire by night ^ 325. Let us flee with our children by night, by the way of the city gate, into the gardens of the queen. 326. When they searched, behold, the two servants of the chief were sitting between the city gate and the king's garden. 327. There is not a man in the host to whom the king hath not sent, saying, Slay not my son. HEBREW. 61 Section 2. garden two walls between gate way night rron^a -"rrriT D'-pioa^ aa-ia Via tiVd n| tn 318 ''iTV '''^V^^r^ i^V"'? nli2n ""a nV""*? ntsnVan "'traNT o'^-iterT imaxi ,10 Q-inoJ"' vn«rj '•nstiJ *»3 Tj;^ D^i'prr D^tpSKrr ^}W 3^0 n^^V ttj«a TJ'i? Q?''.??'? "^^PHrr nt «^n "•» 331 'ii liVri ittj« ij-j^rr DDni^in^ ''5i« -(""sm •'is^Qj "'n'-n nxli^ TjVa ytij-'o ''i!)« 02^? ttj«a 'lav ''Jd't «!J'^ ''3i« ikhn ina'r oinMsa 224 •• T — •• : • XT T — : -: t : • — v : •• ; O'^t" X : - V« "Tiyrt ij^ttJ ipna n^iV 'lyjni i^row mnj ^^is ib«^ v'tn 'r\hy^r} nV© «S ■)»« 'rina ©""^ pM 327 62 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXIII. It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, "^ neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome. m 328. Arise, for the Lord is with us, and will give us the mastery in all the kingdoms in this land. 329. I heard by night the voices of those that fled, for they and their chiefs had been overcome in battle. * 330. Hath not the Lord discomfited Pharaoh, and have not the waters prevailed over all his chariots and horses ? :i| 331. The Lord preserved the Israelites, and they passed through the waters as between two walls. , j 332. We heard the sound of the lamentations of the dying, when the warriors overpowered the dwellers in the city. 333. The captured princes answered and said to Gideon, Arise and slay us, for as the man is so is his strength. 334. It shall not be peace with the wicked man who shall magnify himself above the saints of the Lord. 335. Whence comest thou"? How went the matter? How knowest thou that the hero and his sons be dead? 336. I saw him in his going forth to the battle with his sons against the mighty men who dwell on the mountains. 337. In that night the chieftains sent their servants to the palace to bring from thence swords and missiles. 338. The king commanded, and they and their servants laboured day and night in building great walls for their city. HEBREW. 63 TEXT XXIII. defeat cries victory lamentation sound on^nfen nan '^3 d-in-ian 'r'lp n'^-'Vn •'wa^j ^20 hv ^-ina C3"'!sm nj>-is nN ©':'n '^j'in vhn 000 X ; T T : T 'ids D^an irini it^iji V«-ito': '^pa n« -itq^j •''' 331 ''tij^si ni^a a*'n?2n nl2j^ 'r'lp n^ i35^??2? 332 ■Y^yn 'iniy'' Vjr nan^ran Dip I'lj^ia ViN i-itti^"! Q'liitpn o''-)ton >)3y5 333 ••eyiip h^ hi-^ty^ "^m vni-h a'hir r^^'n'' i^h 004. •• ': - ..- ; • V -; T TT T V : • OOt" ••s WT* ii"'« •)iiii TT^rt na «nn nta ""M ^j^e • T : -T ' •• T T- TT V T V • " ODO inn 'isii -lisnn d^-)laan h^ 'ids qv i^^oV?*? 'i^'^^? in'^n-'^-i 336 n'^a 'r^ on'^'ini? nw !D"^-]©n in'raj «inn n^":V3 337 o'^rhvd^ n'iain ncJa ^''nnS ii'ran • T : T— : X • • T : ' v v — rh'h'] D'?*!"' DO''7.^5?'^ '^'I' ^''^^-l '^^^^ "^^lll 338 Di'^yV n'lV'na ninin r\'\22h 64 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXIV. From the time that he made him overseer in his house, and over all that he had, the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house. 339. Then take heed to yourselves, lest there be among you a man or a woman who serves the gods of the heathen. 340. On their return from the battle, the overseer gave corn to all those who had horses. 341. If thou wilt save Israel by our hand, give us a sign this day that thou wilt save them by our hand. 342. If thou wilt send the men of war with us, well: but if not, we will not go. 343. Then if thou knowest that there are any men of activity among them, make them chiefs over my horses. 344. And it came to pass that the king gave to our servants the gold and silver and the weapons of war found upon the slain. 345. And he said to the prophet, Bless me: for I wot that he whom thou blessest is blessed. 346. And now, O Lord, let the house of thy servant David be blessed and I will praise thy Name. 347. And all the people heard the words of their king, David, ' and they said, Amen ! and praised the Lord. 348. All ye that seek the Lord, glory ye in His Holy Name : seek ye the Lord, search for Him. 349. The blessing of the Lord is with us, since Pharaoll appointed this good man Joseph as our overseer. HEBREW. 65 TEXT XXIV. J caused him to oversee from that time 1^ will bless ^ was ihy-' nuJN n^^N ^iN tt)''M onn tjj"« ies oaS i-i?2t2jn ,.50 -:- V -: T • • V T •• I V V T J • ^ * OOy t!?;". n^N ^5^ -ii\» Tpsn ^na n^nVtann ay^m 340 ••t: t • • "T T : - : •- •• : - t ••: ,t : -t • : O^D ••^ii PiDin") nmn ')2"'"iiy^ "n/^n l^^ll o'l^n '^n^i 344 Tjinn -ni?« n« ■'WT' ""3 "lis-G wiaS -iDi^""! ,4^ ' "T ; V -: V • : -T • ••• :t •t- v - D'tO Tiauj n« ^Vn«T T)T Tinn:y rr^s Tp". "'"' nw"i 346 |n« ^ipN^T Ds^D TIT •'nn'n riN D5?n 'rs j^offiii 347 lun*^ 'iu?1,'^ om i'^VlJO'? "''' ""W^^ "^^Vl °^^ 348 TT ': — nitsn ^ij-iKn n« ii-rpon tNts iD'-Vy -"yiN n3-i3 oaq 66 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXV. Peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite them, and that I may drive them out of the land. . 1 350. Then said the king, If I shall not be able to slay hinij perhaps I may drive him out of my kingdom. 351. Let us flee by night to our own city: peradventure we shall be able to reach its gates before the day dawn. 352. If I shall be able to drive them out of your land, and to smite their king, ye shall return thither in peace. 353. "We heard the shouts of those that strove for mastery in the battle, and we brought our children by night from thence. 354. The soldiers of Pharaoh, and all his chariots and his horses, a mighty host, perished in the waters. ^ 355. And he said to the horseman. What hast thou to do with peace 1 and the two kings went forth, each in his chariot. 356. Walk ye in the ways of the Lord: peradventure he will preserve you from the hand of the wicked. 357. When he shall have brought thee into the land, thou shalt smite the nations and drive them from thence. Jb 358. Seek ye the Lord, peradventure he will hear your words, and will smite them that smite you. . . ' 4 359. If ye believe in the Lord, he will drive out great nations ' from before your face. 360. Is not his son the goodliest among all the men of valour who smote the Philistines to-day 1 HEBREW. 67 TEXT XXV. I shall drive him we smite I can perhaps -ini^n n'lby o-^^a iiiffiri oaSn nsNi q5?i« p t3a5-)3«i '^pi^ d« 35a T : T T T : — — T • •x.;t —• v:t;* ■■ "I"; i 'J*-' u^Bv;, Dtdn^n^ Di*ian nst nsri yi^nr ^« ti«;i": "'S 357 D3n« TOD 05^D^^ n^V"'^ 0^*13 aj")5": «in ""^a iJ^DNin n« 359 K 2 68 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXVI. Behold, the people of the land now are many, and ye make them rest from their burdens. 361. Ye shall observe my Sabbaths: for great are the bur- dens and the labours which ye lay upon my people. 362. As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest, because it did not rest in your Sabbaths when ye dwelt upon it. 363. Behold, whosoever doeth any work on the Sabbath-day,^ he shall surely be put to death. 364. The Lord will bless thee, and preserve thee, and will multiply thy people in the land whither thou goest. 365. And the bondmen said, Lo ! they have increased ou burdens this day: we cannot bear them. 366. Hath not the Lord blessed you, and driven out many and great nations before your face? 367. And many cities were broken up, and the Edomites slew all the souls that were therein. 368. Know ye that the Lord will greatly bless you, and will abundantly multiply the children of Israel. 369. Enquire whether there is among thy servants a man who fled by night from the army of the Assyrians. 370. Go ye and ask who is he that has come from the wilder- ness to see our chief, with many horses and camels. 371. God do so to me, and more also, if thou be not captain of the host before me continually. I HEBREW. 69 TEXT XXVI. burdens cause to rest many Lo T : • • T V - ; • : I V T T - T - . - I .. "rr ^-ip^"! 365 T : T J — q-'V't;^ Q^sin D^la cn^i D5ri« -iinn '«J■^« ikhrt 366 •73 tzj'n^ ""ii iisti r»*i a-i D-i-ur rr3i>pam ,67 T v: •• : — - -T t:)-t •- O^ / ■'ia n« m-i"' nanm 053-0'' "^-la ^'' '•3 lyn ,68 ... ... .,. .- •• : - : v: vt: '^ ^ ' • O ^ T : — -T V -: VT-: •• • v y • - : O y Qj? i3-|i2rTn «a "itt?« t»''«rr ■•a iV«tiJ 13^ 370 Nn?j -ito ^V D« F)"'p'i"' nbi dtiV^ "'V ^^1 "^^ 371 t3''b'»rf *?3 '■'SdV n\-in 70 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXVII. And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded. 372. Why have ye not yet finished the work which the king commanded you to perform this day ? 373. Will ye not hearken to the voice of the seer, and do according to the commandments of the Lord 1 374. The leader of the host said to the overseer, Look at the work which my servants have done, whether it be good or not. 375. As the messengers of the king commanded to the labourers on the wall of the city, so they performed their work. 376. Hast thou not seen the ambassadors who have come this day to speak to us the words of peace ? 377. And the angel of the Lord said. Only the word that I shall speak unto thee, that shalt thou speak. 378. Before ye send the workmen away, bring them to the dwelling of the overseer to give them money. 379. And the king commanded, and they brought his chariot and horses that he might go to see the princes. 380. ISTo work shall be done on this holy day according to the commandment of the Lord your God. 381. When thou hast done thy work, return to thy house and speak on this matter to thy sons. 382. And they came every one, and brought silver and gold, and gave them for the work of the sanctuary. HEBEEW. 71 TEXT XXVII. it made lo work will see nnk itoxr nam n3«Van 'rs n« n'm mi^t T T •• • : T T : — T V V i~"* commanded •'aiw nn;^p3 nitoi^V ni'> ^lp n« ttt}) d-t« lyow 394 Qvn 74 THE MASTEEY SERIES. TEXT XXIX. And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea. 395. Take heed to yourselves, come with us and ascend the ships that walk on the great waters. 396. And they placed the shipmen in custody, according to the command of the leaders of the host. 397. A great king shall come against them, with chariots and horses and many ships. 398. There was a mighty wind upon the sea, and the two ships were wrecked in the storm. 399. Have they not sent forth their navy upon the great sea, with many fighting men on board? 400. They brought the ships to Joppa, and the king went forth to board them with many expert seamen. 401. And the chief sought for men of skill, who built a goodly powerful ship for the queen. d 402. The sea was stormy and there was a mighty wind, and several ships were wrecked, and many expert seamen perished. 403. How beautiful upon the ocean are the great ships, that walk on the surface of many waters. 404^ The king and queen went to the water gate of the city, near which the fleet had come. HEBBEW. 75 TEXT XXIX. knowers of ships navy lyT' n'l'':^ ''a?:« vnnv riN ''3«2 m^'n rh\&^ TT-: V •t:t sea : - 'TIT - -;- T • : V T J : T • OyO "'"ito ni2D3 -(rsttJDi n^ii^Mn ''ffi3« n« ia''to''i 006 T -: • : - : • - 't: t •• : - v • t- Dy^ • T V n^^iMS'i D^DiD3 isna dniVy '^'na ij'^a ^^''i qg? • t: T • : V V : v ••-: t ' v v t- Oy / •t:t ••: :x*— t— — x ;— ' i — Dy TT : — •• : - : X- T- - X -x: : x -: oyy ]Trhv «ii^ Djn ■'V"!"' Q''?i"l nnltD n^3« ^321 "najw hyiD "'ttJiN jin -ifc^n ©,tiii 401 X : — X : inatiji n'la-i n^i^^w nVin mn inrri is^b d'tti 40a : : • — • x:x x ; — • : ~ •* t— : t ^ X- •• : • • — T~ ^y niD'^nn n^V-rurr n'l^JNn a»n V:s^ ii«3 nn 400 - : - : - • x; X X- ■ - X - T^ J i^V^ -i©w 0";arT -lyttj ^M niV'srT) lyV^rr ^iV^T 404 n''b« ninp ''»3«n -ittj« X V •• X :'x • x: X V -; L 2 76 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXX. They are dead, they shall not live ! they are deceased, they shall not rise ! 405. The king and all his host were overpowered, and many of his soldiers perished on the hills. 406. And the princes who came up against him with their armies, drove them out of their cities. 407. As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, king, I cannot tell whose son he is. 408. Thy dead shall live, they shall rise from the grave, but never shall the wicked rise nor live. 409. As they approached the city, they heard the sound of lamentations for the triumph of the Hittites. 410. And it was so, that as they searched for the king and his two sons whom the Philistines had slain, 411. Behold, they were unable to find the dead by reason of the multitude of the slain. 412. The Lord shall bless thee, and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. 413. And Moses said to Israel, See, I have set before thee this day, life and good, and death and evil. 414. For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything at all. 415. Hath not He commanded us to walk in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life? HEBREW, 77 TEXT XXX. shall arise not corpses shall live not dead nanVan ^tiJ3ND a^nii whn 'h^n h^^ ijSan 405 ^ina '^"'m vh)f o'-Vi^n a^-iicn onnya diuj-i3"''i 406 T •• : TT • T 'T — V "T •• :t:- ^"^^ — ; "•: ' : T • T V T :It : t* y L2^:r\Tf najM V3a '•JtL^ TyViin cam'jni ''H'^i 410 T-: V -: TT •• : ' v v - t '; - : • ;- ^f-J-v-' ' ... - •• : • - T : ; V : • : : v t : t--*- -^ Di^n T3c^ ""rinj n«i '^wi'jto^ 'tn najo lat^in 4x3 Q^:)f Qy^^ i3"'r»arn ina^aj ^''Vl'' i^^!'"?? ''3 414 T : »tt:» t ':• tt: vvt t-: t'^ — iT"*!/ 7.8 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXXI. ' None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him. 416. If ye will certainly redeem your brother, bring the jewels of gold by night to my house. 417. When they took the ambassadors between the two hills, they demanded a great ransom for their lives. 418. And their kindred sent much gold as a ransom, but before they delivered it, the ambassadors were slain. 419. Bless the Lord, my soul; blessed be the God of Israel, for He hath visited and redeemed His people. 420. Into thine hand I commit my spirit. Thou hast redeemed me O God of truth. 421. And the captives said, Who shall ransom us from those who fought against us and put us in guard i 422. As the Lord liveth, who hath redeemed my soul from all evil, I will surely ransom thy brother. 423. What nation is there in the earth like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself? 424. Our God will multiply redemption to His people, and He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. 425. None of those who provoked me shall see the land I promised to give to the sons of Israel. 426. Wherewithal shall I go before the leaders of the army, for I have no weapons of war with me ? HEBREW. 79 TEXT XXXI. som give not will redeem redeem brother 1-103 D'Ti'^N'? in"" fc^S" ©""N ms"' niD ikh n« : T • .. I .. . .... T ^ int "h^ rh'h^. i«^in D5^n« i-^sn n^s n« .16 im^n: D-iK)ii 1"! int -ids Dn^'i'i-i,'? '>\rh^^^^^ 418 '-T • •• T : • •••••: ' T V • :- • : t t- y - V TT r^nN '^w ""nlN ms '•mi Tpcw ^T3 420 T : • — T • T - : isi) Q''toN '^3 jri ':3n "'trsa n« ma -itt?« ""^ ^n 422 • T • - T • * : - V TT V -:, - ^f-^-** Q^iriV^ 13^:7 itiJ« V^^C ^'^ ''^"^'P^l ''''^ ''P 423 hij^'w'^, nw rvmy\ '\wh imQ rny_ ')2"'n':'M 424 T — : T • ''5?3 ■'ri« I'lN ""S 'r^nn nto ""^dV "H^^ rias 426 80 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXXII. Section 1. \ And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, 427. And Pharaoh's daughter came and said, Behold a child which I have found this day. 428. And the daughters of the king said to her, Take away thy daughter with this child. 429. Before the queen came near the place in which the child was found, his mother came forth to see her. 430. My daughters shall go into the midst of the people, and shall find and bring the child. 431. Take away the child and convey it to the house of Miriam, who dwelleth with her daughter in thy city. 432. And she said to her daughters, Why sent ye not the jewels which I demanded from youl 433. The prophetess whom thou sawest in the gate, asked the women. Why have ye not visited my daughter*? 434. If thou shalt not carefully guard this child, the daughter of Pharaoh will not give thee ^he jewels of silver. 435. The mother of Sisera said, Where is the chariot of my son 1 and the women answered, — Yea, she returned answer to herself 436. And thou, my daughter, arise and go to the queen who guarded thee and gave thee the jewels of gold. 437. Behold, she whom thou sawest to-day, and who drew the child from the water, is the daughter of Pharaoh. HEBREW. TEXT XXXII. Section 1. this child take away •int^^o -)»« n*?^^ nsrr "ini^ni nyis nn t^im 437 "'!?.^l' ""^t^ dp^n *:?« ni^ari n"5pjji CD->^a 429 T : • • T : T T : • n2«'^nni n^t^ipni o^n ijini ro^'pj^ ■'nija, 430 T • • V V - T : • V •• • : V V - • • •• T"0 ■*■ cujin n« nV^ttj -ir^n n''«"j "ittj« ni^xo nN ]m ""iNi "h nnprm •"n^nn nujN ^rirn "-Vs n« 'h ''i"'tpn rnten 438 •?in3to nw nVt2J« ''3«i ntrt nV;;n nw ■'V "'p''5"'n 439*^**' imiT a-itflia '^^nn ""-iteo oiito ^'^'Ktzj on'-aton 440 o'^-invn nV^n in«m iVti n«s?2 nins nn 441 • : • T .. . - . ... — V V — T : T :— ~ ii inn*!®?? D^on p ""S "i^^ni neb *iDffi N"jpnT 44a oyn Ti'irip n:''«2 nyop ]5-)5to ]3^ '^rina nsn 443 n?3N rY'iV ntt'N rentij nii*? p^ntrV nn^m 444 ■•ay nD37n nab X : - •• XT ^nV^tp DM "n*? 1^'! ^«"ito^ "'ij'^t^T 'o'hi^h ''3^ 445 ""-tto ''3SD nai^m ''i'rn n2«i n^i ntD ■>« nan 446 XT •• : • V - T X : X V • •• XT T^ rina im niicrr T •• V — ; X X — •lan nc5« «Vn 'r^-iin'' n« nitn t^baj ''D"«3 448 ..... _. .. T : • V T : : •• • *tt nnnt!5'i?2 o'lpab imia «-iD''D n« na-irr T : - ■ : • : X : x : • v x : t M 2 B4 THE MASTERY SERIES. Section 3. And the woman took the child and nursed it. 449. And the mother of the chikl took him and nursed him, and Pharaoh's daughter gave her wages. 450. Adam beheld her and said, She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. 451. And the Egyptian and Hebrew women came to see the host going forth to the battle. 452. The Hebrew woman nursed the child, and received her wages from the hand of Pharaoh's daughter. 453. If the nurses will not receive wages, we will give them gold ornaments. 454. Thou knowest not, O princess, that the child whom thou hast found shall lead forth all his people from Egypt. 455. And thou, hast thou given their wages to the women whom Pharaoh's daughter ordered to guard the child? 456. Ye knew not, then, that the woman who received the child to nurse it, was verily its mother ? 457. She said to the women, Lo, I have given you these jewels to give to your daughters and their children. 458. My daughters saw their sisters, and brought garments for them, and gave them their own jewels of gold. 459. The prophetess saw your sisters talking with mine in the way, and she sent them to your houses. 460. We have indeed seen thy sons and thy daughters, O Naomi, but not thy brothers and thy sisters. 461. On that day the whole of the Hebrew host passed through the great waters on foot into the wilderness. 462. And her mother came to her and said, Where is the child whom Pharaoh's daughter found ? HEBREW. 85 Section 3. nursed him rrr2\i] n« nj^-is m rh \F\n'\_ in)T:riT •ia^ innjpriT 449 tij-'ND "-p nt^« N-i;?": nt^tV nr^^tT d-jw nw-)''.! 450 h^jiTi ni«-]V r-i'mnirri'i n^itn^rsn n^^nrii 451 nnt •'^s ^rrV iri? ]-j3to mngn n't M'ip''?'?L' Qi^ 453 T T V -; V V- • XT - : - • : •• T-«JT- Dl-^^Sp lay 75 — iv**": t;* V—: 'T— Tx :~x— : :"•: ^uo "'^^.l' "i^^? i^li^"!? ; rrnp^ -itt?« n^^n •'S w'lnrr ol"! ]wt. ^''1^'? 456 'irsw w'-n N'^n iniT^m nV^n > V •• T TT- •• : Iv X • -T !•• %* "^ " "? ~ T^vJ/ : '•n'inw dv ri''"'^lP l^^^f^^ '^^^l ^^''^I'l' 459 'ja^n-'aV'in^tpniTi-j.'nn ' ' : x;— : "C'X XX— X— X — — ^ -i^-ian ^st n577 iD-ian d";d X : T V -: vv- •• - V - x v •• • x - 't •* 86 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXXIII. Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in? 463. Then the woman said, Let thy daughter speak one word, O my father ; and he said to her, Say on. 464. It may be, that the queen will listen to thy words, my daughter, and will do according to thy request. 465. If there be room in tliy father's house, my two daughters will lodge there this night. 466. Tell me now, I pray thee, whose house is this, and whose daughters are these who are with thee. 467. And it came to pass that they saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took to themselves wives. 468. They saw the women and said to them, Is the prophet here 1 and they said, Yes, Behold he is before you. 469. And she told him all the words of the prophet, and all those signs came to pass that day. 470. Who told thy daughters that there was room for them to lodge in the house of tliy sisters 1 471. Arise, ye daughters of Sion, go forth, serve the Lord in the place which the king hath shewed. 472. And yet verily she is my sister, my father's daughter but not my mother's, and she became my wife. 473. Whither thou goest I will go ; where thou lodgest I will lodge ; thy people shall be my people and thy God my God. HEBREW. 87 TEXT XXXIII. room inform It I • t •• ••-: • T . . — . _ . — to lodge I • T T - XT ' : • T •• - : • T T • T Vj - ^^o Dtij nsrVn Ti'in ''iw T^N rTiia Dipo xii'' d« 46(5 rrV« ''n ni:ai ntn rein '^r^h -h «3 •'-fan 466 ^inp"! nan n'inb •'S Qn« n'laa n^ ^«"i ■'S '^n-'T 467 ': •- T •• • T T : V T • J • :- *t / D"'®3 Dn7 nsi-in nta tn.';n |n7 ^nrpw^i a-'ffiijn n« i«-j 468 ' T T T- • T - •• : • T """■}' ' • ^ -^ «^nn di^si nVstn n"'nn ^•'V^ ^nV oipo ©;: ■'3 TO'i^^V "'"•^n "'P 470 Dipaa •'inM n« nj-iiin na--^? ^l"^ man naop 471 ••»« ni «V "n^ ''IN nn i^^n ""nh^ nan^ d^t 473 "nw rV*? ''^"'V^ "^^^^i 'n'pN ■'^V^ "^t^N *?« 473 88 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT XXXIV. The Lord of Hosts mustereth the host of the battle. 474. The inhabitants of the great and goodly city exalted themselves above all nations and all peoples; 475. They were renowned in all lands for their prowess in war and their skill in all the arts ; 476. And the king hearkened to the voice of his councillor and he built great walls and gates and many towers to the city; 477. And the citizens conspired against him; and the king fled by night to the island kingdom, he and all his house ; 478. Then arose a mighty monarch who had many horses and chariots, soldiers and arms, and great ships of iron: 479. And he mustered his host to pass through the realm to make war against the princes of the neighbouring territory; 480. And these went up against him like a whirlwind and prevailed and drove him and his army from before them ; 481. And they took the great king and his chiefs and all the valiant leaders of his host and put them in ward; 482. And his servants in the great city arose against him, they banished the queen and her son, and seized his kingdom ; 483. They fitted out great ships of war, and procured weapons from over the sea, that they might drive out the allies ; 484. And the kings went up against that great city, and built towers and trenches, and discharged missiles of fire; 485. And the towers of the great city were broken up, and all the leaders and their whole host were taken into captivity. HEBREW. 89 TEXT XXXIV. mustereth T T : • T : I.. - . T : D'^'ian hi h:f I'^^ann nntam nVian -^^vn •'ntt?"' 474 tD-'syn 73 by) xx: x; t:« — ; niV^a r-i'iDh ^n*;! 'isj^'' Vlpa ir^isn y^x&;'\ 475 •IN *?« n'^'^.V Ti^^rr n-\y<^ -cyn ■•©dn 'a ^^s^n";! 477 •'Vsi ''CJi^'l in 13-1.1 D'lD 1^1 '■^'aa "^79 D(^ ^« 478 : v:— • "T'.T xx:* D-'-^toi on'pn'? ynwi nivV 'it?!^ riN n.'^Q^i 479 ''■ily ^73 n«T i''-ito n^i Vtisn TiStsn nw inp^i 481 •• T X V : Tx V : X— ' V V — V ': •— *t iDtpai Q')a''to";i Qi-i'iian i«n:^ n« in^Qj-'i rhiyn i-'yi -hijm vnn:s? •\'hy '^r:>^p''^ 482 V :~:~ T ;- -'x V-: tx-: tx^ 't-t^^ X X : • •• : • X- : x x : • - • x: • t- t^ *./ rf^'\;2.r} -hv;^ orri ^-\^h Djrr hv^ tTM •'■an nn is'-'ptp^i ':'n'i n'h^x:? ' '?3'! c-iten ^73 'Q^;'! nV-rari ■T'jrn ■'^•nat? iy(?i':i 485 N 90 THE MASTERY SERIES. Additional Texts, without Variations. Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods ? who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders 1 Blessed be Thou, Lord God of Israel our father, for ever and ever. Thine, Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty : for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all. Lord God of our fathers, art not Thou God in heaven ] and rulest not Thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen 1 and in Thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand Thee? Behold, God is my salvation ; I will trust, and not be afraid : for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song ; He also is become my salvation. Lord, Thou art my God ; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name ; for Thou hast done wonderful things ; Thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. 1 will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which He hath bestowed on them according to His mercies, and accord- ing to the multitude of His lovingkindnesses. I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart : and I will glorify Thy name for evermore. For great is Thy mercy toward me : and Thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. Praise the Lord ; for the Lord is good : sing praises unto His name ; for it is pleasant. For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself, and Israel foK His peculiar treasure. For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not ini- quity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. HEBREW. 91 Additional Texts, without Variations. M-j^i] tyijpa "Yiti^a npbii ■'p "«'' ah^^ naba-'p T — : T •• • T •• T : • •• v: t — ' t T . , . .— TT «Ss n^toiy ^3 :in® rni« ^nri'iiw rim ""riS^ '•'' i'9^ ^^2^ p^y^ ^'^'^V o'^is?^ ^?2t2j ma^KT ""laS-VDa "Ti^w ^2'-r« "ni^N T : : • T : — :- • x : t ; - v: t -; : T*;— ;• •:""t:— •: tt X ::"■ • T • : • : - • X : - 'inVaoV VN-ito"" rr'' ^'r inn npy^-^? T •. : • •• X : • X - X ' -:- • n»Di im-i3 r^i 1^5^ '^'^ ^"' ^^n"* ^^ Dn«-ntr« X*: :i":ix :~ xx**: N 2 92 THE MASTERY SERIES. For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like if? Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, and live 1 Or hath God assayed to go and take Him a nation from the midst of another nation, by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes 1 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the Lord He is God; there is none else beside Him. Out of heaven He made thee to hear His voice, that He might instruct thee : and upon earth He shewed thee His great fire ; and thou heardest His words out of the midst of the fire. And because He loved thy fathers, therefore He chose their seed after them, and brought thee out in His sight with His mighty power out of Egypt; To drive out nations from before thee greater and mightier than . thou art, to bring thee in, to give thee their land for an inheritance, as it is this day. Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath : there is none else. Thou shalt keep therefore His statutes, and His command- ments, which T command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, for ever. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things : And blessed be His glorious name for ever : and let the whole earth be filled with His glory ; Amen, and Amen. HEBREW. 93 njjpnV'i vi^O"^V '^1'!? csTi'^M «-i| -itt)«' a^i'in • V- T - T : - T v'v • - '-T X • v: T • -: I •• • V : T • — - T T •• : X X —J u?«n TjinD ns^DCJ r-inn n'lj'rtan 'itiJH-n^ Ti«-in ••X ' • X : — X X X : X : — • v ■"::•.* r-in^ i:L^ita '\r\y^ Tnn«-n« nn« '^3 r->nm T—;— :— : — :*" 'v— : y — t • ~~: Q'^isaa Vian 'inbs T'^ds ti^^j^^t •x:«« X- : xx: -:•- •X:- .. — _ X — : — T : — V : v x ^^.^ '^sisf ni^N Yinl^tD-nN"! T^jpn-nst J3i"!»u?i T1«n l^^V'' T*^.n^ T.J^Vi'^'? ^^"'I "1^^ a'^i'in d''J2»n-b3 ':rV mi'TriV« '■''' -id« nmNn4:y Q"'t2'' •X - X ' : I •• V v: V -: x x-: x - • t iiiV iTi^Voi ntijj^ ^«"^to^ ''nS« Q'^Tihvt ''"' "n^ia 94 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT VII. ' T • T T • • T T o"'"!VC ^^^^ ^^1^ ^^''^ Vl^'? '^^^. "^^H? i^^OI ^s T ^av ntJJ« Vd^i ti*? o'iVtt? iS''^'? nt^nrr nj^b^ti tos : • V -: T : ' ; t • t v t v - rr«-j ni^-j ntn I'iisn -^rir} h^ twd trhv;! "'n^i a ni^tn nsltsri yi^C ' T • T •• Ss n« i2nt3ttj ntotsi ^rcni 'liipuJ ibc) t^^n n^j T V : - T T : : •• : :'-t ^ 1 t -: DcJa •'I ^]«"^i5i''T nb^-trr viNa ci'^niir 'ir'-n •'3 ;i2 T • •• T ')3''3s'7i liS Q'l'rtt? \ny\ •'•' n-i'in i3-\at2j -itoty 12 •• T : T T I - T : - : - T t .. V— ; •t-:t x; xx^- ' t — — HEBBEW. 95 Section 2. T Vi«2 n'h'^■^ CIV in dms^rr '^5 w»tij i^'rn tj^ I y V ; • : 'T T 'T-CT • T : - r -; • T : • rr-ap i«^; ntt?« D^in n,'?'''ian ''nn'in i-ipt nis^ toy 'in^'ni iVd5^ n^-tn "T^ra D"'3'Qn V:) "-a i3t «V d h\A D;'"^2:aD QD''3ni ninw i^-'^ln ntij« ■^'^ i-i3t na nt^tn niltarr 'yi^rr ' sh nni Dty Ti^an ir'^rr nttj« T-iyn ni5t b^Vn io TT T ' V V — »— T V — : • T J T : — T -; T T • — ^•i?5t2j Tf^H^N '«'' "'S riNtri y-)No "nn^? Q*i'' ibt ns rYijj-ix a:h \ny) au^a V^nto'^ n« «''!rin -smu no : — V T f - T : T • •• T : • v • v -; — ' ""^ nnin 96 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT VI. Section 1. • - : • I V V : T • T V V • x : -t ; inrr T T I V V : T • T V V V - : • T - T : - T T T • T : • n'^a h:jf 'npaj -ito«^ a'^^'\iih onnyn 'n?3«''T to If « ni^t3 rrj^'^'i^ rrj^in "h \n^ -ittJN "''i:! ''p no T— : T X : •• X : • •• — ; : • xx-; in-j'ifj Vn^n cVna ninnp Ini^i^ ny 'riy -^^ nn '^hl2irt -icj^ n-'nn «iu?S n^oj^ ikh a::r - • XX 'v V - V -: • — • "^j"" X : -T V^nsn -in x*;— : — X — T : ttIv x-; HEBEEW. 97 TEXT V, la V3ii iVnjr v^^^ rr;! n:i"; ^h "'•^ on T : : •ia V3*a Nitt? i':'^^ n'^i -I'^jrn -ijduj "i"" ro T : T : T : • t - t • T •• : : • T I - T : t - : : ' v v - ~ t V — : • T : T T — — X : v t — "!'' n-vinV ^vq^l Vihn Visi^r^tp -lOb^"} '^^"ito": hv iiht^i "^h^ "'S ikh «d 98 THE MASTERY SEBIES. TEXT IV. -^m Q^ipnn hik yn«5 ikh -^m ^"lan -ibtp^ ikh sq a'^npizJrr n'^iri^h 'm-jln ir^an y'^ptprr wVn "ra T : — • T •T — T ♦v:x ••:"" ': T ' i ~ lip© ikh •'3 -inn Vy nV-riin i^j^n v'^^-in I'^a-i 3 •''^ nilns rt:hh ^-ij3C) n't rsx^^'T irVart" n2 3?Qffi^ «*? N-ltJ? ^3 D^J^tD-l mj?3 n3^V Q3^ i^lttj ^3 HEBREW. 99 TEXT III. CD^^v^ jn^a -TilrrT itij« n'itsrt ttj-'^n ""itp^ n*? Q^rihvi Vs '7:1? Vina ij'^a'i ■>•' '^ina •?« "-s aS V : T - T ' V V T ^^iPl V^^ n^im D'^pVi^r? d''iT"7-?!!» ""Itrsi ih Dion • T : T XTT .». . _ .. - .. "•^"^^ ^^X}^ ^?^^ ^T^b^ °?^^r ^^n ^^ Q'i'r'Di nr^ti^': *imV ^^^^k^ ^p ^^'^vv ^^^ ^^ O 2 100 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT II. Section 1. lV 'inj^-rs ^''ptrrr Q'-D^an 'n'?^ ntt?« "^la •'p :o *inyittj-''i '?sinip'» ^rlV« r-ii^ia a^^sh 'ly-'ptprr n3 T : — Section 2. im'in npi"i!5i nVia "'iiN p'^^in hM^i. w D*iVcJ D'i':it2j tits ni'ita rra n'^'ian '^sVq nn^ na — •• X : • X T : T -: - :••♦;- x ; v x x n-iian HEBREW. 101 Section 4. Tjf^^^ 'n'?» P^^ "^QN nintr^ ntein 'h^l 'tryi h^ ii^j n^ ]^''2 n-" p^h n'^rihijt witi?^ ^T^'pri n^h^ ''itop ^':'S? i"! r ' Dibcn r^^W''^ T^'^pTi \'\^ in Vv "nVbr? T' „ 'rr "nipt) n'^pVarr '^h'o hi'^-W'h impri in« no its I p"? "in D'h^ nmV ??2iV? ''in 'rs^ iVy n^ity^ T^^^ ^ Q'i'i.^3 1*1^5^ ''?V? ^V '^1^1^'! ''5V'? i'^?? naV ts-" -^h^ l^^-$h D'^ipxn D'i'?^ ''imp "hri ^"1x2 nn «3 ' • T V : \ 102 THE MASTERY SERIES. TEXT I. Section 1. •TV T •TV T — inn hv no : T T — - Section 2. itenp ^a^a •'in Vir n Section 3. ■n^w'l Tf^'m I'itD im?2 D'i'rtp a'h)^ '^imp a-'iito no t nyiffi"! ''3^^otp?2i Q'h^ •'imp i^^-i tDnnn Vjr lo 103 Hebrew Consonants and the Numerals they represent. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 n t n I 72 mute B BHorV G(hard) D H WorV Z K T Yor J K KH kh final L M m final 50 : 1 60 D 70 V B 80 D n 90 a V 100 p 200 1 300 to to D 400 n N n final S mute P PHorF ph or f final TS ts final Q K S SH T TH Vowel sounds exemplified hy English words in Hebrew letters. Note— The vowels (except o__i) stand underneath the consonants. - t: T o o ^ CD ^ S^ ^ % t t ^ ^ ?• £ Hehreio Al'phahet, Aleph — both — gimel — daleth — he — van — zain — keth — teth — yod — caph — lamed — mem — nun — samekh — ain — pe — tsade — koph — resh — shin — sin — tau. 104 TABLE shewing, in Cols. 2 and 6, the sound of each syllable in Zeph. iii. 8. The mode 0/ spelling used in the Manual is shewn in Cols. 3 and 7. This Text includes the whole Alphabet. law cane i i3' n marm law B pi* f I koath 1 Ci cark PC & ? r coo lee 1 B lisli poke 01 1 P n nay 1 ss boa. 1 1 1 00m tYe ho vah 3 01 j^ mmsmo LD21A-40m-8,'72 (Qll73Sl0)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 1 COElDbDbSI