THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES '•^^ BLO/y THOUGHTS c5^ J^^^y VARIOUS SUBJECTS. BY IlEV. R. DONNELL, OF THE CUMBERLAND PRESBVTERIAX CHURCH. '■'rry all tbinga, hold fast that which is good." — Pkteh. LOmSVILLE, KY. Published, for the Board of ruhlioiuion, BY REY. LEE ROY WOODS, PUBLISIIIXG AGENT. 1854. ♦•'^y*^^*, \fe >i. - ^'.t Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, BY LEE ROY WOODS, For the Boaicl of Publication, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, la the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Kentucky. Printed ud Stereotyped by MOBTOX * ORiewOLD, LODISVILLE, KT. d 7 / o TABLE OF CONTENTS. Preface to First Edition, 3 Preface to Third Edition, 5 On tiie Character of God, - 9 On the Trinity, I - * - f'- • - -. - - - 12 On the Creation tf Man, *■ -.-.-. - - - - 14 On the Government of God, 15 On the Law of God, 16 On tlie Fall of Man, 20 On the Character of the Mediator, 21 On the Extent of tlic Atonement. - 22 On the Operation of tlie Hoh- Spirit, 24 On the Will of Man, - ' 27 On Man's Authority to Believe on (.'hri.jt, .... 30 On Experimental Reliprion, 34 On Faith and Regeneration, 3S Cardinal Poims, 43 On Election, - - 50 rerscvcrerance of the Saints, 53 I'rec Moral Agency^ 90 Predestination and Foreknowledge, or Knowlcd^ie and Decree, 98 The Personalty and Office of the Holy Spirit, .... lOl A Synopsis cf the Bible Doctrines in their Order, - - - 107 On Sanctiiication, Ill On Original Sin, 116 On the RcsuiTCCtion, .... ... 12I On Baptism, 125 The Sabbath, 130 On Missions, 134 The Church want* more Ministers of the liiglit Stamp, - - 130 The Church wants more Mothers, --.... 143 The Church wants more Sisters, ...... 146 Letter on CInirch, ----..- 149 The Interests of the Church, 154 Heligiou of the BibL', - - - 156 44 ?95i iy T A 15 L ]•: O If C <> N T E NTS. Comiffciit oil Jiidt; Ninth, ' - - - - ' - - • 158 Devils casting out Devils, - - - - - - • 161 A Short Sermon from a Long Text, - - ■ - - 165 Confession of Faitli, ..------ 169 Efficiency in the Clinrch, 1'2 A View of the Trcscnt and the Past, 175 Comment on 1 Peter iv, 12, - - - - - - - 1"9 Theological Class at Lebanon, Tennessee, - - - - 184 He was a Burning and a Shining Light, .... 187 On Free Communion, - 188 Why do wc Sir Still ? 189 Sin and Holiness, - - - - 191 When may we Know an Enemy or Friend*?' - ^ - - - 192 Who is in the Fault ? - - - - ' - : - - 195 On Building Churches, - 196 Church Business, .... ..... 193 Claims of tlie DilFcrent Denominations, - - - 200 Persecution has Contributed to tlie Spread of the Gospel, - 203 Be Patient in Tribulation, ... ... 207 Revivals— General Assembly, - - ... 210 Ciiristian Fellowship, - - - . ... 213 APPENDIX. Brief Historical Sketch of the Cumberland Presbyterian Chui ?h, 213 / / PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION In a country of equal rights, it is the privilege of every one to think freely, investigate fairly, and explain in the most simple, plain and candid manner. Truth acknowledges no dependence on sophistry for success. It relies alone upon fair argument, and, when properly understood, appears well even in a homely dress. It is the duty of every branch of the Church, when cir- cumstances require it, to give her view of what the Bible teaches. Concealment, double-dealing and mental reser- vations, in such cases, should always be carefully avoided. The Cumberland Presbyterians have adopted a system of doctrines, in the belief and practice of which they are, perhaps, as firm and uniform as any other denomination. While they claim the privilege of believing that this system is fully sustained by the word of God, they are very far from arrogating to themselves infallibility in interpret- ing the Holy Scriptures. They have ever maintained, that a diflference in subordinate points of doctrine, ought not to constitute separate communions, or destroy the unity of the church of Christ. Although they have adopted and published to the world, a Confession of Faith, and a system of Church Govern- ment, yet they have probably been remiss in not giving Vi r R E F A r F, . hese formularies a more general circulation. In this they re entirely singular. Other branches of the Church exer- c. 3e a laudible diligence inputting the volume containing iVsir peculiarities in the hand of every individual within (•oil- reach. They thereby manifest not only sincerity in i ) lir belief, but a wish to disseminate Avhat they deem < (r:ect principles. The Cumberland Presbyterians have heretofore, mani- f b-uod but little interest in "writing and publishing arguments J ox the purpose of defending the doctrines of their Church. Their fields of operation have been large and white unto harvest and have required the active and constant labors of all their preachers. This, in connection with a desire to fraternize with all religious denominations, has been, per- haps, of some disadvantage to them. It is still hoped, however, that they will forever banish that little sectarian bigotry that has on some occasions emanated from the presses of" other branches of the Church. The following thoughts and historical sketch have been elicited by frequent applications from abroad, for informa- tion concerning the doctrines and origin of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which the writer has the honor of being a member. He hopes they will not infringe upon that spirit of harmojiy and union which he wishes at all times to prevail among evangelical denominations. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. Several years ago the author consented to the pubhcar tion of a pamphlet entitled " Miscellaneous Thoughts on several subjects of Divinity, so much controverted in the World." This little work, so far as appeal's, met with the general approbation of the Church of which ho is a member and minister. Long has he been urged by many of his brethren to prepare and publish to the world an enlarged edi- tion of this production. With these urgent solicitations, he has ever felt inclined to comply. But his nume- rous and pressing calls, have hitherto prevented him. Being one of the oldest ministers of his denomination, the care for all the Churches devolved to some extent upon his mind. His presence was loudly and im- periously called for in many parts of the Church, which necessarily enlarged the field of his ministerial operations, as well as multiplied his many and arduous duties. Necessarily, much of his time and labors have been spent from home. During the period in which he has endeavored to meet these numerous and pressing calls, he has from time to time, as circumstances might suggest to his mind, snatched a few hurried moments from other en- gagements, to throw a few other miscellaneous thoughts together for the columns of the " Banner of Peace," and other religious periodicals of the Church. Having at length, become advanced in lir\ and well worn in. VUl PREFACE. the Service of the Church, tiiid in the cause of his Divine Master, he has, of necessity, become somewhat more local. To meet the^^prcsent demands of the Church, and to enable him >Yith more convenience hereafter to re- vise and enlarge his little Book, the author has re- solved to collect from the files of his religious papers, the short pieces written by him from time to time, and add these to Miscellaneous Thoughts, and thus enlarge his Miscellaneous Book, and send it out to a Miscellaneous Public. Should life be continued a few years, he fondly hopes to have it in his power to enlarge this volume ; but should he be removed from the Church below before that time, he desires that some of his surviving brethren, more capable than he now feels himself to be, will take up this little volume and enlarge, extend and perpetuate these very miscel- laneous thoughts — they are thoughts upon the Bible — and, if according to that book, they are thoughts of truth. The only desire of the author, in sending these thoughts to the world, is, that they may inspire those under whose observation they may happen to fall, with thoughts of truth — that thought may thus inspire thought, and the truth be perpetuated in the Church, and in the world. When the general mass of mind shall all think according to the truth, then will all be free from error and sin, and be sanctified and happy. The Author. Athens, Ala., May 3, 1851 MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS, &c. ON THE CHARACTER OF GOD. " God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and un- changeable in his wisdom, power, holiness, justice^ goodness, and truth," possessing, in himself, the rule and power of his own actions. There are two ideas concerning the nature and actions of Deity, both of which have been carried to extremes. One is, that holiness is not essential to his existence ; that it is not the source of the motives of his volitions and actions at all; but that' it depends entirely on his sovereign will. The other idea is, that God is essentially holy ; in which consists the essence of the moral la?w, which, when revealed, became the rule of action to every moral subject ; yet, his knowledge and power, with regard to sovereign influence, and the certainty of action, are abridged. It maintains the certainty of rule and freedom of action, but If^aves him without the knowledge and control of his sul)jects. 10 t N r n E The following vn w of this suhject seems, to me, to accord hest with Scripture and reason : — God is essentially holy, without which he could not exist; for quality belongs both to spirit and matter. Matter cannot exist without the quality of gravi- tation ; spirit cannot exist without a quality inclining it either to good or evil: therefore, you see that God must be holy. This is the lustre and glory of his character, the rule of all his volitions and actions, from which he can never deviate. All that he does is holy, not because he possesses absolute freedom of wil!> but because liis will always acts according to his own nature. If the holiness of God depended on his agency or volition, it follows, of course, that he could not be holy until he desired to be so ; or, in other words, decreed what holiness sft^uld be. Then, here would be a volition without holiness, and, also, without motive. If there be no principle of rectitude in the Divine Being, nothing can be done right; if nothing can be done right, there can be no glory. But, God is, holy, and whatever consists with holiness, he can do; and whatever will contribute most to his glory, He wl/l do. As holiness is the principle, out of which all the motives and volitions of Deity spring, it is evident that he never could have decreed sin, without going out of himself for a motive; and if he were to go out of himself for a motive, he CHARACTER OF GOD 1] would cease to be a selt'-sufiicient and perfect God. If holiness cannot present sin as a motive, God never could choose sin; if he could not make it his choice, he could not bring it to pass by his agency. Infinite knowledge is as essential to the existence of God as consummate holiness. While one renders every thing that he does correct, the other makes all things certain that transpire in the universe. Some have thought, that God's knowledge of events rested solely on his decrees ; that he could not know that any thing would take place but for a previous determination to bring it to pass. This hypothesis either proves that God is the author of sin, or that he knows nothing of its existence ; both of which would be contrary to divine revelation. It is indispensable that an intelligent being should know all that he does, hut it is not necessary for him to do all that he knows. If God can know any thing without first decreeing it, he can know many things. Hence, I conclude, that many events have and do transpire, which, though known -unto God, were never predestinated by him. I think the following is a correct view of this subject. All things are known unto God, yet he knows some things as taking place on or by his own agency, others on the principle of necessity, and others on the principle of \\y.u\9. agency. 12 O N T M K T R I .\ I T Y. Knowledge must always go before volition a choice without understanding, is a blind choice, and the action is not that of an intelligent beiui£. ON THE TRINITY. 1. There is one God. There is but one. There can be but one. But this one God is often spoken of in the Old Testament by means of the plural number, " Let us make man, &c." The New Testament reveals how many persons there are, and likewise their different names, viz., Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The Unity of God is taught in the Bible. The Trinity and equality of God are taught in the Bible. The Trinity and inequality of God are taught in the Bible. 2. There are certain peculiarities which con- stitute the Unity of God ; certain peculiarities which constitute the Trinity and equality of God; and certain peculiarities which constitute the Trinity and inequality of God. 3. Infinite perfection constitutes the Unity of God. There is but one Infinity. There can be but one. There are three persons, subsistences, or agents, that possess infinite perfection and are one God. Power to will and work constitutes ON r H E T ft I N I T Y. 13 an agent. The Father has power to will and work, the Son has power to wall and work ; and the Holy Spirit has power to will and work; therefore they are all agents. They are not one agent, but one God, possessing infinite perfection. They are, distinctly, objects of worship. One is not older or greater than another. But there is a sense, in which they are three, and not equal. In the plan ot man's redemption, one was appointed to overlook, and a name given him appropriate to his office. He is called the Father. Another to obey and suffer. He is called the Son. Another to apply the redemption to man, by converting and sanctifying him. He is called the Holy Ghost; not because he is more holy than the Father and the Son, but because his office is to make men holy. But the sceptic exclaims, I cannot understand . this TRINITY in UNITY. I auswcr, your under- standing was never intended to be the starfdard of truth. There are many truths entirely above your comprehension. All that you have to do, or can do, is, to determine whether it would be more reasonable to receive or reject them. Did you ever know a circle three feet in circumference, inclose one of ten feet I Injinite fulness dwells in Christ. If he had a beginning in all his natures, he must be finite : then, here would be finite, containing infinite ! Whether the doctrine of the Trinity be comprehensible or not, it is a matter 14 () N T H K C 11 K A T I O .N OF MAN. of Di\'me revelation, and demands our faith But am I told iliat mystery is inconsistent with the idea of a revelation from God 1 This I deny. A revelation is a developement of facts, and is not at all affected, though the mode by which the facts exist, be withheld. The Trinity is a fact revealed, and, notwithstanding the mode of the existence of this fact is not disclosed, its claims upon our credulity cannot be denied, without becoming downright Atheists; for, a God existing in one person, is as incomprehensible as a God in three persons. It is something remarkable, that, in every age, where the unity of God, in opposition to the TRINITY, has been taught, infidels express great friendship for the system. This must be owing to the fact, that there is something in this system agreeable to the carnal heart, and contrary to Divine revelation. ON THE CREATION OF MAN. Man was created with wisdom to knoiv, and power to do, all things which came within the capacity of created free agency. This alone could constitute him an accountable beins:. He, ot course, possessed determining power. To say that man is a free agent, and yet hold that God O N T 11 K G OVER N M E N T OF G O D. 15 deteruiliies his will by physical power, is, to ine, a palpable contradiction. The light and motive system, which is, that the will of man is deter- mined by an ove?- halcmce of motive, is equally absurd ; for, in this case, the motive would contain the physical power. I, therefore, contend, that the agency of man, in his primitive state, consisted in an ability to decide betAveen two opposite motives, neither of which exerted any physical force on his will. He w^as, also, either holy, or unholy, in nature : for we have already shown, that every intelligent being must have a disjJosing qualify. That this quality in man was holy, is evident from the consideration, that nothing of a contrary character can proceed from a Holy God. ON THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD. The government of God is a holy and ivise polity, including sovereignty, necessity, and free agency in his subjects. I am persuaded, it would be impossible to conceive of a well-organized government, without these three particulars. A government founded altogether on sovereignty is despotic, and precludes the necessity of laws, and destroys the freedom of its subjects. The design of laws, is, that the subjects may shape their 16 ON THE LAW OF GOD. characters by iliem. But, in a government possessing nothing but sovereignty, neither law nor subjects can have any thing to do in forming characters. Sovereignty, alone, does this. Then, why are laws necessary, and on what principle can subjects, in this case, either be accountable or punishable? It is neither an action nor the consequences of an action, abstractly considered, that renders the subject of it guilty ; but the exercise o^ free agency^ in the perpetration of that action. Punishment then becomes necessary, and this prepares the way for the exercise of sovereignty. Thus, you see, how these three particulars harmonize in a well-organized govern- ment. ON THE LAW OF GOD. There is a universal and immutable law, generally called moral, which is not dependent on sovereign power for its existence, but grows out of the eternal reason of things, and regards all circumstances of intelligent beings, and enjoins the duties which they owe to God and each other. Without such a universal standard of ri^ht and wrong, there could be no distinction between virtue and vice. ON THK LAW O F G O II . 17 This law is the great platform on which heaven itself is huilf, and on which Adam was placed in his state of innocence: but, while on trial, he fell from this platform, and can never return to it again, by any efforts of his own. If he is ever brought up to the righteousness and holy n&ture of tlie law, it must be by the aid of another. For this purpose, the gospel scheme has been irtro- duced, which serves as a ladder, on which fallen man may not only return to that state of holiness and happiness possessed by Adam before he fell, but to that confirmed state which he would have enjoyed, had he sustained his trial. But the gospel is not designed to destroy the law, any more than the making of a ladder to reach a platform, is designed to destroy that platform. If a sinner would ascend to this desirable plat- form, he must climb the gospel ladder, bv repentance and faith. Every one must conform to this law that would be happy; and it is not material how many rational beings there are, nor where they reside, nor how many peculiarities attend them, if they be conformed to it, they will be happy ; for they all harmonize: and, without a universal and immutable law, or standard of moral rectitude, tliey would not, and could not harmonize. This is evident, even from the law of matter. If, for instance, one })article of matter be under a different law from another, how could they 18 ON T II R LAW O ^• fJOD. Ijannonizc ( If Mercury were under a clifTerent law from Venus, or the Earth, how could there be liarmony in the solar system? There i-^ harmony in the solar system ; therefore, there is an immutable and universal law of matter: and it is by the same law, that the lofty pine falls, that the atumnal leaf drops to the ground. And so we may suppose, not only of a great number of bodies of matter, but of a great number of peculiar systems of matter; yet, as far as matter extends, the immutable law by which it is governed, is founded ; hence, there is general harmony throughout the natural world. Just so in art: if you wish to build an edifice, it is not important where you prepare the materials, pro- vided you make every part according to an immutable rule: when put together, each joint will fit, and all will harmonize. But, if you were to make one part according to one rule, and another part according to another rule, your building would neither possess wisdom, strength, nor beauty. The same will apply to civil matters. Let the law of virtue be immutable, and millions of rational beings be governed by it, and general harmonv will prevail; but if they were to be governed by laws differing in principle from each other, it is evident a harmonious system could not be formed. For example: life and liberty are the natural rights of all men. On this principle the ox THE LAW OF GOD. 19 Constitution of the thirteen United States was adopted ; yet eacli State was tolerated to have a constitution of its own, adapted to its local circumstances, but could not introduce a single article contrary to the principles of the general Constitution. This would have destroyed the harmony of the several States. In ecclesiastical affairs, harmony is also based upon certain immutable principles. Love to God and each other, should constitute the grand princi- ples of our Church government. Embracing these principles of government, tiie Church may be divided into several territories, and each one introduce a discipline adapted to its own peculiar situation ; yet, if the grand principles (love to God and each other) be preserved, all can unite and form one harmonious body. But, wherever these immutable principles are touched by a creed or discipline, that denomination, holding such, can never be received into the union by the Great Head of the Church. Then, my brethren, let us be careful not to introduce such rules in our Churches, as would destroy love to the brethren, and produce distrac- tion in the body of Christ. We are all one in Christ Jesus : let us, therefore, keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 20 O N T II K F A I- L OF MAN ON THE FALL OF MAN. Man, though made upright, was not confirmed. To create an intelligent being in a confirmed state, would destroy his agency ; but to create him pure and free, and give him a probation, in which his fidelity can be tested — if he prove faithful, lie can, then, be confirmed according to character formed during the trial. The condition on which man was to be confirmed, was obedience to a positive com- mand, founded on the moral law. His agency, in this state of trial, was tested in a very simple manner. God commanded him not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and enforced the prohibition by the threatening of death to himself and posterity ; but promised life in case of obedience. That Adam might have a view of the state in which he was placed, and, also, of that which was promised him, God placed two trees before him, viz., the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which represented that the condition in which he was then placed admitted of his acting so as to know good and evil ; and the tree of life, repre- senting, that if he obeyed the positive precept, he should be confirmed in a slate of complete ha]>piness. C H A R A C T E R O F T U tZ MEDIA T OR. 21 After man had violated tlie positive command, God placed a cherubim, with a flaming sword, which turned every way, to guard the tree of hfe, lest man should put forth liis hand and eat, and live for ever, or be confirmed in a state of sin and misery. ON THE CHARACTER OF THE MEDIATOR. Jesus Christ possesses three simple distinct natures, viz., Supreme divinity, spirit, and matter. These three natures, though united in one person, are not amalgamated. ]\Ian has two simple natures: spirit, and matter. Spirit can suffer, but cannot die; matter can both suffer and die. In addition to these two natures, Jesus Christ has divine nature, which can neither suffer nor die. These three, constitute him a complete Mediator for man. Like man, for wdiose benefit he came into our world, he had a nature that could suffer and die; a nature that could suffer, but could not die; and, as God, he had a nature that could neither suffer nor die. This nature gave worth, or virtue, to the obedience and sulTerings of his soul and body: so that a tem- porary sulTering, on his j)art, was of more value, in the eye of the law, than eternal suffering, on our part, could have been. The soul and body being . $ 22 ONT HE EXTENT united to the divine nature, in person, it was impossible for the one always to suffer, or for the other to remain under the power of death. He, therefore, as our Mediator, took away the sting of death, and the power of the grave, and brought life and innnortality to light. Man's death is a doctrine founded on the law: his resurrection is a doctrine founded on the Gospel: — For as in Adam, all died, even so, in Christ, shall all be made alive. As Christ arose for all men, he must have died for all; for the resurrection of all, is founded on his rising for all; and his rising for all, is founded on his having died for all: for he could not rise for any for whom he did not die. ON THE EXTENT OF THE ATONEMENT. All agree, that Jesus Christ died for sinnei's; but whether he died only for a part, or the whole of mankind, we differ. Those who contend, that Christ only died for a part of the human family, maintain, that that part was elected, from eternity, to everlasting life, and that the rest of mankind were fore-ordained to everlasting death. Others believe, that the death of Christ was a govern- mental thing, intended, merely, to restore the V ■ . OF THE ATONEMENT. 23 honors of tlie !:i\v, by which, all legal barriers have been removed, and that God may, upon the principles of justice, save all the human family; yet, lie only designs to save a part of mankind, whose hearts he changes by a sovereign act, without considering unbelief as a legal barrier, or sufficient to deprive the sinner of the blessing of regeneration. On this subject, / will also give my opinion. I beheve, that Jesus Christ was chosen as the second head, and representative for all that were involved by the first Adam ; that all the guilty, depraved sons and daughters of the first representative, were chosen i?i the second, not first to a state of glory, but to a state of trial. If they, during this state of probaiion, obtain a freedom from guilt, and a right to life eternal, then they are appointed to a state of glory. All mankind, by virtue of the atonement, have a personal opportunity of becom- ing confirmed for a state of happiness. The Gospel is proposed to us, as a covenant, in which we are made a party. We now have the terms of this covenant under consideration. But the Gospel would be vague, if no time was specified, in which these terms must be complied with. It is necessary for the will of man to determine, while the condition of this covenant is before him, to be saved by ihe second Adam. So soon as this determination takes place, he is justified — entitled to heaven : adopted into the heavenly family; and -^ 24 O I' K It A T I () N {> P THE S P I II I T . sealed to the day of redemption On the oilier iiand, tiie sinner that determines to reject Christ, after having had a fair opportunity of embracing the benefits of his death, is also sealed to ever- lasting misery. ON THE OPERATION OF THE HOLY SPIIUT. Alt, that I will now say on this subject, may be resolved into three parts: 1st. Tlie necessity of divine agency. 2nd. On what divine injiuence is founded. 3rd. The extent of this influence. There is a necessity for divine agency in the world, not only to reveal the plan of salvation, and establish, by prophecy and miracles, that plan; but to (juirken the soul, by giving the true spiritual meaning of the system of salvation. Paul was alive without the law once, hut when the command- ment came, sin revived, and he died. He had been instructed in the letter of the commandment, but did not understand the spiritual meaning thereof. It was this spiritual meaning that he refers to which came by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who dictated the commandment, and has not only a ri^ht to dictate, but, also, to explain his own doctrine. OPERATION OF THE SPIRIT. 26 If man were only guilty, a simple declaration of the fact would be sufficient; l>ut he is depraved also, by wliich, I understand, the head sick, and heart faint. His heart is not only opposed to the plan by which he is to be saved, but his under- standing is dark, and he is ignorant of that plan- He, therefore, not only needs instruction, but quickening; for, no man can say, that Jesus is the Lord, hut by the Holy Ghost: without holiness, no man shall see the Lord: and it belongs to his office to make men holy. There is, therefore, a necessity for divine influence on our hearts, in order to salvation; and what is necessary for the world, is necessary for every individual. But, secondly: On what is divine influence founded? Some say, on the revealed will, or Word of God ; and the reason why the Spirit operates, is because men have that revelation; and his influence vs only felt by those who have the Bible; and, beyond the extent of the letter, tliere is no Spirit. But, I think, the only reason why the Spirit operates on the world, is because an atonement has been ?}iade for the world by the death of Christ. And, so far are his operations from being founded on the revelation, that, the revelation is founded on his oj^eration. There was a Spirit before rliere was a Bible, or a Preacher, or a Church; and the Bible, th*s Preacher, and the Church, are the effects of his oiJcraiti^m. He inspired the mon who wrote tiao 20 OPERATION OF THE SPIRIT. Bible; he calls the men who preach; convinces the sinner; and seals the believer to the &<\y of conipieie redemption. Tliirdlj: As to the extent of divine operation, some, wiio maintain the agency of the Spirit, seem to limit his operations to those, and those only, who have the Bible, and other means of grace. They measure the extent of divine influence l)y the extent of the circulation of the written word. But, I think, we ought only to limit the Spirit's operation by the atonement. If, then, Christ tasted death for every man, and the atonement is 7nade for the xcorJd, the world is the field of divine operation. 1 regard the written word, and all the means of grace, as excellent facilities of spiritual and moral instruction; yet, they only answer a similar purpose to that of a uselui apparatus in an institution of learning, in which the teacher's presence is still necessary, and his agency important; and, although his books may answer a valuable purpose, yet, he can learn a student without them. How many iiearts were converted before there was a Bible \ It will not do to say that men only had the spirit of prophecy; they, also, must have had the spirit of conviction, to lead them to a knowledge of salvation. But, suppose we limit the spirit to the written word, or a knowledge of the written word, then, all infants, dying in infancy, as well as all idiots, are cut off fioui salvation. im« 4i*Ki 4^^^M^ ON THE \V T L L OF MAN. 27 There is a beauty in the Trinity, and the most perfect unison of office, in our salvation. The Father loved the world — the Son died for the world — and, the Spirit convinces the world. The office of the Spirit, is founded on the office of the Son; and the offiice of the Son, is founded on the offiice of the Father. The Father loved all, the Son atoned for all, and the Spirit strives ivith all; and, to tacihtaie liis work, he dictated the Bible — and now calls men to preach the Gospel, convinces the sinner, and sanctifies the believer. Oh, may the Spirit be poured out from on high, and the wilderness become a fruitful field, and the king- doms of thi^ world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. ON THE WILL OF MAN. That man is accountable for his actions — that an accountable being must he free — and that a free agent must possess determining power somewhere, are ideas generally believed by Christians; but they dilTer very widely with regard to the origin of this power. Some think that man, though rational, is entirely incapable of volition or action, without the innnediate a^^encv of God. notwithstanding motives fiom Heaven, Earth, and Hell, may be present. H VH% Wlk H€l^ ^ O N T II K ^V I L L OF MAN. Olliers believe iliar he fornis all his voHtions in view (A motives, witliout immediate agency, and tliat ihe mind is preponderated hy an over-halance of motive. Others, again, think, that the will is not determined by the immediate ageney of G».d, nor yet by an over-balance of motive; but iliat man, though fallen, lias power to determine riglit and wrong, \Niihont divine influence. They also deny tlie doctrine of the Trinity, and operations of the Holy Spirit; while others, although they admit the doctrine of the Trinity, the operations of the Spirit, and the influence of motive, to a certain extent, yet they contend, that the will is not determined by the immediate agency of God, nor by an over-balance of motive, and that man, in liis fallen state, has no depraved self-deter mining power to do good; that without something to counteract iiis depraved nature, it would constantly determine jiis will to evil; and although he would choose sin freely, yet he would choose it necessa- rily, for he could choose nothing else. But they iiold, that by the enlightening influence of the Holy Ghost, man's will is untrammelled, and restored to the privilege of choosing Heaven, as well as Hell. Hence, they think that lie can do, under the Gos[)el, what he could not have done without it, and what he cannot do, when the influence of the Spirit shall be withdrawn from him. This last view of the will, I think, is correct, antl it gives God all the glory of niaus ON THE WILL OF MAN. 29 salvation, and lays the guilt of damnation at every sinner's door. But if it be said, that man, by beinir placed under a dispensation of mercy, and receivinij the liiilit and influence of the Spirit of God, cannot determine either good or evil, without the sovereign and immediate agency of God, then. Divirte agency must lie at the bottom of every volition and action of man, wliether good or bad. This doctrine would present man as a mere instrument, and God the principal agent in all iiis actions, and must receive the praise or blame of all that is done. Indeed, upon this plan, I cannot see how sin could exist at all; for, if it be by the agency of God that man sins, he must decree all the actions of man; and if he both decree, and bring to pass, all that man does, by his own immediate agency^ all that is done, must be riijlit; for God can neither decree nor execute that which is wrons;. Is not this the foundation of TJniversalism, and many other isms so destructive in the world \ To hang every volition on the power of motive, alone, may conceal, but can never remove the difficnltv just noticed. "^I'rue, this scheme presents the will as choosing freelv, but it also chooses necessarily; for, in whatever end of the scale you place the greatest weijiht, that end, of course, will fall; and it may fall freely, too: yet, if it cannot turn the other way, it falls necessarily. One penny- weight in the other end of the scale, would cause 30 ON man's authority it to fall, and tlie first one to rise. So you see, that, to govern the will of man hy an over balance of motive, as effectualiy destroys his accoiintahility as to govern it hy immediate agency. The doctrine that fallen man. unaided hy divine influence, can choose salvation, is also ahsurd. It rohs God of all the glory of man's redemption, and is entirely inconsistent with the Bihie. The truth, then, seems to he this: Fallen man can, upon the Gospel plan, choose life or death, blessing or cursing. This is ahundantly evident from the word of God : *• Choose you this day wkoffi ye will serve;' Josh. xxiv. \b. '"Ye will not come to me that ye might have life ;" John V. 40. " Whosoever will, let him take the water of \iiQ freely;" Rev. xxii. 17. ON MAN'S AUTHORITY TO BELIEVE IN CHRIST. Faith in Christ, is composed of two parts: assent and consent to he saved on Gospel terms. But is every sinner authorized to do this? I answer, yes: every sinner to whom the Gospel is preached, lias sufficient authoritv to helieve that Christ died for him, and, therefore, is at liherty to believe in liim. TO BELIEVE IN CHRIST. 31 1. Every sinner lias negative testimony to believe, that Christ died for him. " Say unto thein, As I live, sailh the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the icicked ;" Ezek. xxxiii. 11. " The Lord is not slack concerning his pronnse as some men count slackness, hut is long suffering to vs ward, not tcilling that any should perish ;" 2 Pet. iii. 9. But negative testimonv is not snfficicnt to induce a sinner to helieve that God is willing to save him. Had God sent the whole human t'amily to hell, without providing salvation for any, if would have been no more than the infliction of a just punishment; yet, he would have liad no pleasure in their death ; therefore, a sinner must have positive, as well as negative testimony, before he can believe in Christ. This kind of testimony is also to be found in the Bible. "■For God so loved the twrld, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, hut have everlasting life;" John iii. J 6. " WJto will have all men to he saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth ;" 1 Tim. ii. 4. Before a njinister of the Gospel can assure any sinner that Christ died for hi)?i, and call on him to helieve, he must liave authoritv to sav, that he died for every sinner. Without such authority*, lie cannot urge one sinner to believe in Christ, without acting presumptuously. Nor has any sinner a right, without this knowledge, to believe 03 ON ftl A ^ ' S A U T H O Fl 1 r Y , in Christ : in so doing, lie would also act pre- suuiptuousiy. Therefore, a preacher must have evidence to believe that Christ died lor all men, before he can offer salvation to any ; and a sinner niiist have evidence also to believe, that Christ tasted death for every man, before he can say he died for him. The Bible contains the names ot" no particular individuals for whom Christ died. God makes no private communication to either preacher or sinner, on this subject: Therefore, it appears clear, that if God, the Father, only chose to save a part of mankind ; and God, the Son, only died for that part; that neither the elect nor non-elect can believe in Christ. It would certainly be presumption for the non-elect to believe that God was willing to save them; it would be equally so, for the elect to believe, without knowing that they were elected, and that Christ died for them. But how are they to know this ? Their names are not specified in the Bible; and to believe without the Bible, would be to believe without autliority ; and to believe without authority, would be acting pre- sumptuously. Suppose, for example, twenty men were in a state of starvation, and I were to make provision for one-half of them, and send a message to inform them of it, without mentioning any names; would he be authorized to say to any one of this twenty, that he was invited. Surely not: nor could any TO BELIEVE l.\ CHRIST. 33 one of the twenty, upon liearing this message, beheve that he was interested in the provision. But, if I provide for the whole number, and send a ir.essenger to apprize them of it, he is then authorized to invite all, and every one of the twenty can believe that the provision is for him, u iihout acting presumptuously. Therefore, if the Gospel, in all its parts, be not for all, but only for a part of the human family, can a preacher in truth say, that it is for any individual sinner] What would be more presumptuous, than for him to approach a sinner and inform him, that God had provided salvation for a part of Adam's race, and that he was one of that number. And it would be equally inconsistent for any sinner to conclude, that because .God designs to save a part, therefore, he designs to save him. Thus, you see, that if Christ has not died intentionally ^ox 'a\\ men, no preacher has a right to invite any sinner to the Saviour; nor has any sinner a right to believe in hiuK But the fallen family of Adam have a more sure word of prophecy, where unto they would do well to take heed, as unto a light that shiueth in a dark place. They have general and particular testi- niony, as well as negative and positive, that Ciirist died intentionally to save them all. Ii is considered < a sound maxim in mathematics, tiiat the whole is equal to all its parts, and that all the parts are equal to the whole. John ini'orms us, that Christ 34 ON EXPERIMENTAL RELIGION. is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours on/y, bat also for the sins of the whole world; and Paul tells us, that he tasted death for evekv man. Therefore, if the provision in the Gospel be for Ai.L, and every individual, of the iiuinan fainilv, then any and every sinner has authority to believe in Christ; and every minister of Jesus is at liberty, nay, it is his duty, to offer salvation to every sinner, and to urge him to accept of it. In doing so, he is in no danger of transcending his authority: "Go ye into all the world, and preach my Gospel to every creature." Every part of the gi-eat whole, can, and ought to believe; and he that helieveth not, shall be damned. ON EXPERIMENTAL RELIGION. Man is depraved in heart, and sinful in conduct, and, of course, is an enemy to God, both by nature and practice. In conversion, he becomes reconciled to the character, and conformed to the government of God. This change is wrought by dl\ine agency, though not without the concurrence of man's agency. The sinner cannot be saved without God, and God will not save the sinner without his consent. Regeneration constitutes one link of the beau- tiful chain in the Gospel plan of salvation. ON EXPERIMENTAL RELIGION. 35 1. God loved the world. 2. Tiie world was elected, in Christ, to a day of grace. 3. Christ made an atonement for the world. 4. Tiie Spirit reproves the world. 5. Tlie operations of the Spirit prepare the way for conviction. 6. Con- viction prepares the way for faith in Christ. 7. P'aith in Christ prepares the way for justifica- tion. 8. Then follows adoption. 9. Then the spirit of adoption, or regeneration. 10. Next, sanctification, or a life of holiness. 11. And then follows glorifiration. This completes the golden chain. Thus, you see, God provides and proposes, and man believes and receives. Sound theory lies at the bottom of experimental reliiiion, but there is somethino; to be felt in religion, as well as believed. Many hold a correct system of doctrines, but, it is to be feared, they have never felt the power of those doctrines on their hearts; have never iiad the fallow ground of their hearts broken up by genuine conviction, or known what it is to pass from death unto lite, it is not at all asionishing that such persons should feel opposition to heart- fflt religion in others, and regard all excitement on the subject of relitjion, as mere delusion. But what is more rational, than for a sinner to be excited about the salvation of his soul I If this does not interest his feelings, surely, nothing can. God is holv: he is unholy. A holy God will punish an unholj^ sinner. He feels this to be true, 36 ON EXPERIMENTAL RELIGlOit. and, in view of his danger, cries out, like the publican, God he merciful to me a sinner; or, like blind Bartimeus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me; or, like the jailor, Sirs, what must I do to he saved? Some are disposed to apologize for this disorder, as it would now be called, by saying, that the jailor was converted in a miraculous way, or alarmed by an earthquake, &c. But, upon reading the history, it will be seen, that the earthquake was over before he awoke. Nor did he then discover any symptoms of conviction, but believing the prisoners were gone, would have taken his own life, had he not been prevented by Paul. When the apostle spoke to him, the Spirit of God presented his sins in array before him, he fell down, and cried out, as thousands have done since, Sirs, what must I do to he saved? and presently, we see him a converted man, rejoicing over his house. Thus, you see, the jailor was neither convicted nor converted by an earthquake, nor by any miraculous power, but by the operations of the Holy Ghost. Then, let those who oppose religious excite- ments, beware, lest they be found fiorhling against the Spirit of God. I know that people may weep, and make a noise, without much feeling; yet it is repugnant to every law of our nature, for deep feeling to exist, without some external signs of it. It is not for me to say, how long a sinner must be convicted, nor how loudly he must cry, before ON E X P E R T M E .\ T A L RELIGION. 37 he can obtain religion; but thus much I will say, he must be so sensible of his lost condition, that he will freely part with his sins for Christ. It is a matter of no moment with me, whether he fall down or stand up, be silent or cry aloud; he may do either, and not obtain salvation. This requires an unreserved surrender of the heart to Christ. But, as legal principles are interwoven in the very nature of man, he will not submit to be saved by another, until he has exhausted his own strength. And when he does 'all in his power, and entirely fails, upon the ground of his own merit — sees that it will not do to turn back to sin — feels the immi- nent danger of remaining where he is, and is so guilty and unworthy, that he is afraid to go forward — yet, this is the only alternative. He finds, if he wait to get a good heart before he goes to Christ, he nev^er would go. Therefore he casts his all upon the Saviour, or, in common language, gives up his heart to him, and rests alone on him for salvation, acknowledging that it would be just to damn him, though he is not willing to he dannied. At that moment he is justified freely, and renewed in the spirit of his mind. And, althouoh all are not alike sensible that this is religion, yet all are sensible of the change. One thing they know, that, whereas, they were blind, now they see. Yet, owing to their preconceived ()[)lni()ns about how religion would come, and how ir would feel, and being disappointed in these 44 ?951 38 FAITH AND RECENERATIOIV. respects, it is not uncommon for those who are really horn of God, to he afrnid to rcco^iiiize tlie chancre as hein^ relijjion. They have ohrained sight, hnt it is dim; they only see men as frees walkinir. This, however, is not llie case with all. Some, at the moment of conversion, wiih an nnfaitering voice, claim the spirit of adoption, and cry out, My Lord and my God. FAITH AND REGENERATION. We have often heard from the pulpit, and sometimes seen from the press, sppculaiiotis with regard to the order in which Faith and Regenera- tion lake place. Some suppose that Reirenerarion precedes Faith; others contend, that Fai'h takes place first. As it relates to the nature of them, it is not important which is first; for thev are i{»«^eparahlv connected with each other: vet, it is evident, ihat one must take place hefore the other, and, to pervert their order, would not only present a distorted system, hnt involve error. Faith is an act of our own minds, founded on testimony afforded hy divine agency. If it he first, then salvation is susf)ended on the choice of man; hut if Regeneration ('which is effected, as some say, hy physical power, without the concurrence of man's agency,") precedy Faith, FAITH AND REGENERATION. 39 salvjition is suspended on divine agency. It* Fjiiili be first, damnation is susjjended on unbelief ; l)iu if Regeneration be first, then damnation is sus- 2)ended on God's unwillingness to ckattge the heart. In order to render this subject plain, to the weakest capacity, I will present Faith and Regeneration as two stakes, and from them, run to their beginning corners, and then, to their respective ends. Let us suppose Regeneration to be first : — Q. Are all regenerated ? A. No. ' Q. Why are not all regenerated? A. Because the Holy Ghost will not do it. Q. Why Avill not the Holy Gliost regenerate all ? A. Because Christ never died intentionallij to save all. Now, let us return. The Holy Giiost only reiienerates tiiose lor whom Christ died — inten- tionally. Only those who are regenerated, can believe; only those who believe, can be justified; only those who are justified, can be adopted; only tiiose wiio are adopted, can l)e glorified. I DOW suppose the following dialogue to take place between myself and a glorified saint :— Q. Why are you thus glorified ? A. Because I was adopted. Q. Why were you adopted ? A. Because I was justified. Q. Why were you justified? A. Because I believed. Q. Why did you believe ? 40 FAITH AND REGENERATION. A. Because I was regenerated. Q. Why were you regenerated ? A. The Spu'it did it, without the concurrence of my agency. Q. Why did the Spirit act thus ? A. Because Christ died, intentionally, to save me. Q. Why did Christ die for you intentionally ? A. Because God loved me, and designed, from all eter- nity, to save me. This may appear plausible, until we examine its counterpart. There are some sinners in hell, to whom I propose the following questions : — Q. Why are you in hell ? A. Because we could not be glorified. ' Q. Why could you not be glorified ? A. Because we were never adopted. Q. Why were you not adopted ? A. Because we were not justified. Q. Why were you not justified ? A. Because we did not beheve. Q. Why did you not believe ? A. Because we were not regenerated. Q. Why were you not regenerated ? A. Because the Spirit would not do it. Q. Why would not the Spirit change your hearts ? A. Because Christ never died for us, intentionally. Q. Why did He not die for you, intentionally ? A. Because God never designed to save us. So, you see, by placing Regeneration before Faith, that the damnatioii, as well as salvation, of every sinner, is bung on divine agency. Now let us put Faith before Regeneration, and trace it to its origin, and see what will be ihe FAITH AND REGENERATION. 41 result. First, Faith: llience to testimony, which is afforded, that the world may helieve: thence to the Ploly Spirit, who is come to convince the world of sin, Sfc: thence to the death of Christ: thence to the love of God, which is the heginning corner of Faith. Let us now run hark from the begm- ning corner, to the end. First, God loved the world; second, Christ died for the world; third, tlie Spirit strives with the world; fourth, the world may believe; fifth, those who believe, are justified; sixth, those who are justified, are adopted; seventh, those who are adopted, receive the S[)irit of adop- tion, or, are regenerated; eighth, those who are regenerated, are sanctified ; and, those who are sanctified, are also glorified. With this order of things, let me inquire of a glorified saint: — Q. Why are you in heaven? A. Because I was sanctified. Q. Why were you sanctified ? A. Because I was regenerated. Q. Why were you regenerated ? A. Because I was adopted. Q. Why were you adopted ? A. Because I was justified. Q. Why were you justified? - A. Because I believed. Q. Why did you believe ? A. Because I had testimony. Q. Where did you get testimony? A. From the Holy Spirit. 42 FAITH AND R K O E N E R A T I O N . Q. Why did the Holy Spirit give you testimony ? A. Because Christ died for me. Q. Why did Christ die for you ? A. Because God loved me. Thus, you see, that Faith, before Regeneration, brings the same glory to God, that Regeneration, before Faith, does. In each case, the glorified saint ascribes all to divine agency. But it does more. It makes the damnation of the sinner turn upon his own agency. With Faith before Regeneration, I begin with a sinner in hell, and run back: — Q. Why are you in hell ? A. Because I could not be glorified. Q. Why could you not be glorified? A. Because I Avas not sanctified. Q. Why were you not sanctified ? A. Because I was not regenerated. Q. Why Avere you not regenerated ? A, Because I was not adopted. Q. Why were you not adopted ? A. Because I was not justified. Q. Why were you not justified ? A. Because I did not believe. Q. ^Miy did you not believe ? A. Because I would not. Upon my own agency, my damnation turned. These are some of the reasons why I choose to put Faith before Regeneration. And I know of no other plan, that will enibrace the doctrine which seems to be so clearly taught in the Word of God, namely, that a sinner's damnation turns on his own agency. CARDINAL POINTS. 4*3 CARDINAL POINTS. The best way to decide points more obscure, and fess important, is, by the more clear and impoitant ones. They are, generally, more clear, while tlie less important are obscure. Every system has agreement and government. Just so with the system of divinity. I find, in the creed of all orthodox Christians, the following sentiments, which I will set up, at present, as leading, or car- dinal points, with which all our other sentiments will agree, if they be clear of error, 1st. There are some of Adam's family saved, and those who are saved, are saved by grace, and God receives all the glory. 2nd. There are some sinners damned, and they are damned for refusing grace, and the guilt hes at their own door. Now, whatever may be the sentiments of Chris- tians, in other respects, they all agree in these two points, whether they be Calvinists or Arminians. If I thought I believed one doctrine, which had a tendency to destroy either of these points, I would renounce it; and would not every Calvinist and Arminian do the same? If I know my heart, I most firmly believe, that some of Adam's family are saved; and those who are saved, are saved by grace, and God receives the glory; and that some 44 CARDINAL POTNTS. ^' are damned, and that the fault is their own Calvinist can be more firm in the behef of sala- tion by grace, and no Arminian more settle^ in the behef of the guilt lying at the door of tlie sinner that is damned, than I am. But, if our system only embrace one of the above points, there is error somewhere. Some think, if they can only save the sinner by ^race, they secure all the glory to God; and it is not material how others are damned, whetlier by divine agency, or their own. But our system ought to operate both ways, and fiecare both points. If we maintain a sentiment in our system which appears to contribute to the glory of God; yet, if v?e hold another, that certainly tarnishes the divine glory, we lose more than we make— we destroy more glory than we gain. I will now present you with two systems which, though they embrace one of the above points, severally, yet neither of them embrace botii. There is one class of divines that hang every- thing on sovereign agency: the system is called predestination. This system considers everything that comes to pass, to have had a previous decree, and is etTected by divine agency. The doctrine of particular and eternal election, limited atonement, and partial operations of the Spirit, is also con- nected with this system. It is contended, that the will of all who are saved, is determined by divine influenc© to choose life, and all the others were CARDINAL POINTS, 46 either ordained to wrath, or left unprovided for Let us now run (lie line of this system, to see whether it will embrace both those leading points, by which we are to be governed. Some are saved, and saved by grace, too, and God will receive all the glory of their salvation. But let us see whether the guilt of those who are damned, will lie at their own door. If everything turn on divine agency, without the concurrence of man's agency ; and those who are saved, are saved by divine agency; we gain the first point. But the same agent that saves one, damns another ; so, the other point is lost. Thus, you see, by hanging everything on divine agency, man ceases to be the cause of his own damnation, and so, the Calvinist loses more than he makes; for, if he brings some glory to God by the first act, he loses more by the second, than he gains by the first; therefore, there is error in his system somewhere. A second system hangs everything on man's agency, and teaches that man, though fallen, is capable of finding his way back to heaven, without the aid of divine influence. By this scheme, you can lay the guilt of the sinner at his own door; but this only secures one point — the other is lost. Those who are damned, are the cause of their own damnation; but those who are saved, are saved by their own agency, and God is robbed of his glory: so it is evident, there is error in this system also. 46 CARDINAL POINTS, Neither of the foregoing systems will secure those cardinal points, which we stated in our outset: therefore, those who hang everything, either on divine sovereignty, abstract from man's a'yency ; or on man's agency, abstract from divine agency; are evidently in error, in some part of their plan. I will now present you with a system, which, I think, will secure both the points in question; therefore, it must be true. The government of God is composed of four different parts. In this government, some things take place on sovereign principles; others, by the influence of established laws; others, by man's agency; and others, again, by a concurrence of divine and human agency. The will is not deter- mined by divine agenc}', as the Predestinarian^ supposes; nor by an over-balance of motive, as the Necessarian says; nor does man possess a depraved self- determining power to do good, as the Unitarian says: but, by the intervention of the Son of God, he is placed under divine influence, which counteracts his depravity, untrammels his will, and renders him capable of choosing life, as well as death; blessing, as well as cursing: and, in this situation, he possesses determining power — not a depraved self- deter inining power — but a determining power of the ability that God giveth. And as he is an agent in the government, he has ability to perform his part, and is held accountablo CARDINAL POINTS. 47 for what he can do, and ouglit to do. God will do his part in the government, but he will not do man's part; — man can, and must, do his own. But some object to any thing turning on man's ao;ency, and to his having ability to do any thing. Those, generally, who hang everything on divme agency, suspend the knowledge ot" God on his decrees, and say that God knows everything, because he has decreed everything; and those who hang everything on man's agency, generally say that God does not know everything, or, that he possesses the capacity of knowing everything, yet does not choose to exercise it. But, I would remark, that an intelligent being must know all lie does, but it is not necessary that he should do all he knows ; God must, and does know, all he does, but he does not do all he knows. His knowledge is infinite, and comprehends what he will do himself, and what every other being will do; yet, he is not the author of all he knows. He is, therefore, the proper judge of all the earth; for known unto him are all things, and the judge of all the earth loill do right. In order to embrace those leading points under consideration, all must have an election to a state of trial. Hence, all Adam's family were chosen in Christ, from the foundation of the world, that they might, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, be made holy, and become 48 CARDINAL POINTS. personaV.y the elect of God, and chosen, or set apart to a state of glory. Therefore, as all were chosen, in Christ, to a state of trial, the atonement was made for al.. All, then, have an election, and, founded on that election, is an atonement for all. Then, if the Father chose all, and the Son atoned for all, in order to have perfect unison in the office of the united three, all must come into this world under the office of the Holy Spirit, and a measure of his influence must be given to every man,, as well as a general influence: he must convince the world, S^c. We will now run our lines from all these general points, to see w hether we can secure those cardinal points for which we set out, and which we must embrace, in order to be correct. If only a part have an election, an atonement and divine influ- ence, then, only a part can be saved. Although I will admit, that those who are saved, are saved by grace, and God receives the glory; yet, there is a part damned, and why? Because God did not design to save them; therefore, they could not be saved. Then, we have laid the damnation of those who are lost, at the door of divine agency ; and so we have lost one of our leading points, desiojned to direct us in our system; and so it will be, if we hang everything on man's agency. The guilt of those who are lost, will lie at their own door; but, remember, some are saved, and God is robbed of the glory of their salvation, for they saved them- CARDINAL POINTS. 49 selves. But, if we give all an election, all an atonement, and all sufficient aid bj the Holy Spirit, then, any, and every sinner may, and can be saved. When a sinner may, and can, he ought to believe; and when he ought, and does, he has only done his duty; and when he has only done his duty, he has merited nothing; and if saved without his own merit, he is saved by grace; and if saved by grace, God receives all the glory; therelbre, we have gained the first point, namely, that there are some saved, and saved by grace, and God receives all the glory. But let us, in the next place, with this general plan, lay the guilt at the door of those who are damned. Ail have an election, all have an atonement founded thereon ; the Spirit convinces all : then, all sinners may, and can, be saved ; and if they may, and can, they ought; and if they ought, and refuse, they ought to be damned ; and if they be damned, the guilt will lie at their own door, and heaven will be clear. What more could the Lord have done for them that he has not done? So I have secured both points; my system operates both ways; and, of course, it must be true. 5 fiO ONELECTION. ON ELECTION. In the discussion of this subject, I propose, first, to consider the term ; secondly, the application. ]st. As to the term: it is to be understood in a gracious sense, as you may see in Romans xi. 5, where it is called an election of grace. An election of grace is not to be understood to take, or choose one, and leave another; for there is no grace in leaving any one; but choosing one or many to obtain salvation, when they might have been left on the principles of justice. To make a choice, which might not have been made, evinces sovereignty; to choose to save those, who mitiht have been damned, evinces grace. In the case of man, God did choose to do what he might not have done, and, therefore, election is sovereign. But, he not only chose to do what he niiaht not have done, but he chose to save those whom he might have damned; and, therefore, it is an election of grace, or a gracious election. An election that would leave any out, when all were exactly in the same situation, would be a sovereign partial election ; for there would be no grace in those who were left out. Grace would only be displayed in saving the unworthy, and not in passing by a uart of the uuvvorihy. ON ELECTION. 51 Man innst be considered as fallen, and, conse- quently, unworthy, wlien the decree of electing jirace took place; and, as in view of the divine mind, all things are present, so, in the first instance, man is considered as chosen from the foundation of the world, or before tlie world began. See 2 Tim. i. 9. As to the application of the term, it is first used in a general sense; secondly, in a personal sense: but l)oth the general and personal must be under- stood in a gracious sense. All were chosen in Christ, when they n»ight have been left. They were chosen in Christ, who died for their offences; and they were chosen, that they might be holy. The election, in the first instance, was not to a Slate of glory, but a state of trial, that they might be holy, &c. See the text above quoted, with many others. The election, in the first instance, gives all Adam's family an opportunity of salvation, and suspends that salvation on such a condition as excludes boasting, and completely saves the sub- ject by grace, as you may see in Mark xvi. 15; £ph. ii. 8 ; Romans iv. 16. Some say, that a part of the liuman family was chosen from eternity; others, think a certain character (the believer), was elected from eternity: but, as all are guilty and depraved, none could form the elect character, without a previous election ; and, to leave out a part, leaves that part under fate. 62 O N E L E C T I O N All nuist have liad an election, and when any believe, it becomes personal. In Christ, all have liad an election. Predicated on liiat election, all are called by the Holy Spirit, as you may see in Prov. i. 23; ''Turn }e at my reproof; buhold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you," «&c. John xvi. 8 ; *'And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment." There is just one thing more to make it per- sonal : '■''Give diligence to make your calling and election sure" by yielding to the Spirit, who will lead you to Christ, and enable you to rest upon him for salvation; and then you will be "electa according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through "sanctijication of the Spirit unto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ;" 1 Peter i. 2. ''But we are bound to give thanks cdways to God for you, brethren, beloved of the Liord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth;" 2 Thess. ii. 13. Every sinner 7}iay be saved by the death of Christ; for, by virtue of his death, all have an election in him; by the operations of the HoJv Spirit, every sinner can be saved, because a measure of his influence is given to every man. But every sinner must believe for himself The agency of man was first tested federdliy, but now, personally. When a sinner believes, then all the advantages of the first and general election P K R .S E V E li A N C K C» F S A T N T S 53 become jiis; and as only a part believe, so only a })art are elected to a stare of glory. 'J'lie first, and general election, was, from eter- nity, to a state of trial, that we mi«:lit be holy; the second, and present election, which is personal, is to a state of glory. Those who are personally elected, are justijied and sanctified, as you may see in the following scriptures: — '^ Knuio that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself 'f' Psalm iv. 3. ''Paul, a servant of God, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect;" Titus i. 1. ''Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ : Grace unto you^ and peace he multiplied'^' 2 Peter i. 2. ON THE PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS. Holiness of life, is a consequence of a change, of heart. This is an essential doctrine of our holy religion, abont which, we all agree. Bat whether the real Christian will persevere, and be eternally saved, is disputed. Some believe that he will; while others believe, that he may fall away, lose his religion, and obtain it again, become 64 PERSEVERANCE OF SAIIVTS. sanctified, and yet lose it, and ohrain it again. We believe, however, that a real Christian will not lose his religion, and finally tall into hell. But to be certain, let us reason tojiether. On this snhjert, one of two j)rop(»sitions must be true: either the Gospel secures to the hdiever c-Dinplete satety, at some given period, or else lie is eternally in danger of tailing; and, il" so, eternally the subject of fear, and, consequently, never the subject of real happiness This idea is contrary to the Gospel, which secures to every believer complete and everlasting felicity. There- fore, the doctrine of apostacy cannot be true, and the doctrine of final perseverance must be true. But at what period is the believer's happiness secured! Some say, at the hour of death. Bur if the Gospel cannot secure his happiness until death, then heath is the gkeat thing. // frees him from temptation, and makes his Heaveti seeare. But souje have been secured some time betore death. Job knew that he shouUl see his Redeemer for himself; and Paul had finished his course. And many saints, in our day, have an assurance of Heaven, which they could not have, if they were in a state of uncertainty. It is rruf", that sometimes they have doubts (and who will not douI)t. when he has a clear view of his own weakness, and, especially, if in additi(m to this he views the (Jospel as insnfficient to secure him until death I) yet, every time they have a spiritual PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 55 view of the Gospel plan, they can say, " I know v\ lioni I have heheved, and an) persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have conimitted unto iiini, against that day." Hence it app^•al•s, that salvation is made secure on this side of death; and, it* so, what period is so scripiurai, and reasonahle, as the moment ot* conversion, when a sinner fiist believes in Christ, and is sealed wiih the Holy Spirit of j)ron)ise? But, it is said, that the doctrine of apostacy is the safest, and, therefore, must be true. To which, 1 would reply, that many doctrines appear good in theory, which are not so in prac- tice; and we oujiht to prove all doctrines by their practical influence. No doctrine can be true, whose [)raciical influence is bad. Both doctrines have been long believed and preached. You can judge, as \^e\\ as I, of their practical influence. The safest doctrine will present the fewest instances of falling, backsliding, Slc. Are there fewer instances of falling, amono; those who preach and believe this doctrine, than among others? I think not. Why then advocate it v\ ith so nmch zeal since it does not, nor cannot, produce any truly benefical eflt'cts? I have long been of the opinion, that this doctrine was ot no utility in the Church. But, we shall be ask'-d, if there is not, in our country, as well as in diflerent other countries, a lariie and respectable demmiiuation, iliut have flourished under its 56 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. influence? Thej have flourished, it is true; but rather under the doctrines of repentance towards God, and faith in Jesus Christ, and other essential Gospel points connected with them. Of what advantage to the pious, is the doctrine of apostacy 1 The advantage proposed by its advocates, is, that they may bring forth more of the fruit of evangeUcal obedience, and so live more to the glory of God. But this kind of- obedience springs from one of two principles: either from that of love, or from slavish fear It is not possible that any man, acquainted with religion and his Bible, will say, that it proceeds from the latter. And all that is now necessary, on this subject, is to determine whether the above doctrine does, or does not, induce a slavish fear. The matter is so evident, that it needs no further examination. What, but frequent alarms, un- necessary fears and doubts, must be the legitimate offspring of such a belief? Now, suppose that the dread of losing religion, and going to torment, should set a Christian to work, would He, who knows the heart, recognize such works as evangelical I I think not. Suppose you have two sons; one obeys you of choice, and from a free good will, and love of your character and government; the other, from a dread of the lash, and exclusion from you as an heir of your pro- perty ; which renders you filial service, and which the service of a slave ? And does not this father PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS 57 know, that if this servile principle, which actuates the latter, should cease to exist, that all the obedience resulting from it, would come to a final close? Is this the "much fruit" by wliich God is glorified ? Does he want slaves to grace his throne 1 Suppose the wicked knew that the Christian was actuated by this principle, would it be to them any great recommendation of the divine government? Mia:ht they not say. Ye are a set of slaves; Ye serve not youi- God from love: '• Perfect love casteth out fear." To conclude, then, upon this part of the subject, the matter stands thus: Evangelical obedience flows from love, and not from slavish fear. Tlie doctrine of apostacy inspires this kind of fear; and, therefore, this doctrine does not promote evangelical obedience, and can be of no utility to the Christian. If the standing of the Christian is infallibly secured, it is through the abounding goodness of God. And is it the nature of a Christian to sin against God, because he is good to him ? If so, grace is no more grace; religion is no more religion. True, if he served God only from a principle of slavish fear, his standing being secured in this condition, he would, no doubt, take license to unbridle all his sensual appetites. But, if his heart is changed from nature to grace, and his obedience springs from a love of the divine pre- cepts, where is the danger? Thit gf.odness of 58 P E R S E V E R A N C K OF SAINTS. God, exemplified in any and every sliape, ought to have the very contrary effect, and certainly will, upon every true heliever. But, may not the doctrine of perseverance, exert a dangerous influ- ence upon those who are deceived? I answer, No. If they will examine themselves, and lor themselves, they may come to the truth. But, even admitting that it might, would it he as dangerous, in this respect, as the doctrine of aposiacy l The lialf-liearted are very apt to disgrace their profession, and, in times of trial, to fall away entirely. In such cases, the doctrine of perseverance, presumes they never liad religion; and if these persons should again think of getting to heaven, they must seek a religion different from what they had hetore: whereas, apostacy admits they had it, but have 'lost it, and only exhorts them to seek the same they had before/ I ask again, which is the most dangerous sentiment? The answer is unavoidable. And whatever effect the doctrine of final perseverance may have upon the half-hearted, or the hypocrite, I am sure it will tend to gratitude, love, humility, in all true believers, v^ ho are under its inHuence. I have heard, that some have said, "If they knew they were certain of heaven, they would do as they please — cheat, defraud," &c. Then, I suppose, they do not vow do as they 2)/ease ! ! A fine compliment, indeed, to their sincerity. But for the dread of apostatizing, or rather, its couse- PERSEVERANCE OF SAT NTS 59 qjiences. awav iniglit go tlie service of God. for tliem! But, })eri»H[)s. these persons do not spenk as iliey feel: nor do I. hy any means, design iliis to have a general application. I have no donht, there are ihonsands ainonir tiiose who oppose tiie doctrine of final perseverance, who would live as holv as they (h), and perhaps more so, under its influence, lint, once for all, if this senfnnent encourage wickedness in Christians, there are a greai nnnjher of positive assertions in the Bihle, which encourage wickedness, as they direcilv, and une(piiv()cally, support this sentiment, which we shall presentiv see. - lint, it is said, that man is a free agent, and the doctrine of perseverance destroys his free agency, and. ilieretore, cannot he true. To this, I would reply, that if the doctrine of perseverance destroys man's agency in this life, the doctrine of heiiig confirmei! in a slate of glory, destroys it also. And, as we have seen, if we are never confirmed, we are never irtic from fear, and "fear haih torment." Consequently, we are never happy, 'I'he idea, therefore, that ihe doctrine of perseverance destroys free agency, is unscripiural, and unreasonahle ; for the only ohjeo tion that can he made to (he confirming of a i'vt'c agent, aniounts to this, that it cannot he done uiihout trial; but all agree that a free agent can he conlirmed. consisienilv with his agency, aftei having passed ihrouj^h a slate ot trial. Is it not 60 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. true, that tlie whole human family have a state of triaU Now, for what purpose is it? Why, that they may be coufirmed in a state of holiness and happiness for ever. Was not the Christian an a^ent, and was not his agency consulted, when his standing in Christ was secured? Had this been done without his consent, or against his will, then, indeed, his agency would have been destroyed. But, if his will, and the will of God concurred in this matter, wherein is his agency disturbed ? Not at all. Does not the individual, who comes to Christ, choose him and his service, and the enjoyment of God, not only for time, but for eternity? If this be true, would he not be disappointed, should the Divine Being not secure these things unto him? I grant, indeed, if he chose religion for a limited time, or so long as it might suit his temporal convenience, or until he might take another notion, then, to impose religion, and in this condition to confirm him, would be trampling upon his agency. But, whoever embraced religion under such conditions, either expressed or implied, or lodged, unperceived by us, in the deepest and darkest folds of corrupt nature ? God is not to be deceived; nor would he commit to such hands, and such hypocrisy, the pearl of great 'price. No: we must be sincere. We receive Christ under no such condition. We choose him and his service for time and for eternity ; and this is done freely, PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 61 without any compulsion; and, in this choice, this free, voluntary act of the mind, is our a^encv for hfe, and for an eternity in heaven, confirmed and estabhshed. Suppose, now, that in the hour of conversion, the above choice is in substance made, (and none dare deny it), and upon this, God secures our standing, and seals us unto the day of redemption ; may we not, at any period, look back, and say, this is no more than what we freely chose in the moment of our deliverance? Nay, the saint of God may adopt the same language eternally in glory. Thus, I believe, that neither the doctrine of perseverance, nor a glorified state, is at all inconsistent with free agency; God's securing the eternal salvation of the agent con- taining, substantially, nothing more than what he freely chose. If the new nature of holiness existed only in exercise, the subject might lose it. For, although it is impossil)le, for those who are born of God, to commit the sin unto death, yet, through inad- vertence, or strong temptation, they may relax their religious efforts, and even be guilty of improprieties. The new nature, however, is a fixed principle of the heart, producing holy exer- (^ise — one is the cause, the other is the effect. Aiui I would here ask, does the cause sustain ilie effect, or the effect the cause! All will agree, that the latter is sustained by the former. Then it is improper to say, I shall keep i.-.) religion 62 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. if I remain tiiitliful. Holy prinriples are ueitliei produced nor preserved 1))" practice. 1 liey are impressed upon llie heart i)\ the moral iujaue n\ y Gt)d. and preserved hy tlie agency ot ihe Spirit, ilirou^h taiih in Jesus Christ. 1 sh\, rhev are imjire.sscd upon the heart bv ilje moral ima;j;e ot (i(jd, and not hv ph\siral power, as some have >upp(»sed, and thai, too, uilhout anv moral li^ht. \\ lien \ou u sh to ii\nk(i an impression, \ou tir>t St t \our t\[)e. ;nd then hrin": it ••• contact with the object desijined to receive the impression. The figure, when m.ide, will corresi)ond with the i\pe b\ which if was made. Alfhough (iod is a sovereign, he chooses to make a mi)ral impres- sion on the heart ol man, by causiuij his mural excellence lo siiine upon it, through the face of Jesus. Once more: I would argue, that the doctrine of rinal perseverance, in connection with a salva- tion Iree for all, is more consistent than anv other. They l)oth completely accord with every Christian's experience. I would ask, was there ever a soul converted, that did not view a fulness in Christ, tor all men I And does not the reflection, that a part of the human t'amilv is exclu.ied trom any possibility of salvation, tend to diminish the happines.s of the Christian? I would ask, again, when (lie soul is happy in the Lord, is that increased by tlie ihoughi, that it mav yet lose its religion, aud go to belli 1 thiuk PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 63 not. Tlierefore, I conclude, that neither of these doctrines is taujiht in the Bible. It" Christians were more particular in maintaining doctrines that would accord with their own experience, ihev would not be so often driven to the extremes of either Calvinism or Arminianism, and woidd l)etter enjov their God and brethren. If is asked, is not the Christian in a sitte of trial while in this world; 1 answer, ncs; but his trial dilli'rs very wiiicly from that of a sinm-r. 'I'he trial ot a simier is designed Jo afford him an oj)])ortunity of a|)j)lying to Christ for the pardon ot his sin, and a freedom Irom condemnation. iJut the Christian has received these things; then't'ore. ills trial is not intended to |)rf)ve uliether he will, but whether he has come to Christ; mid to j)rove, by his conduct, tliat there is a reality in religion, which relijiion shines brighter and briiihter the o o c more it is tried. The conclusion seems to be this: When the profession is genuine, the trial will be sustained ; but, where there is a deception, it will be made manifest. The Cln'istian's stay on earth, alter conversion, is intended to answer several important purposes. 1. That he may be ustt'ul to others; 2. That he may eidiance his own reward by his work ot taith at]d labor of love; 3. That iiis Christian graces n)ay be fairlv tested, w liich. as I betore retnarked, never fail to shine brighter and brighter in pro- 64 PERSEVERANCE OK SAINTS, portion to the trials throiigli wliicli he is called to pass. Some ohject to the doctrine under considera- tion, because it is connected, as they think, with eternal and unconditional election. They sup- pose there is no intermediate ground between Calvinism and Arminianism. This, I have often heard expressed, and, sometimes, by those who knew but little of the sentiments of either Calvin or Arminius. I would, by no means, disparage either of these men. They were, no doubt, both orthodox in some points, but in others they were not. This, I presume, will be admitted by all. The Arminians, surely, will not contend, that Arminius understood and taught correctly, all that is in the Bible. On the other hand, it is equally certain that Calvin did not reach the standard of perfection in every doctrinal point which he inculcated. This would preclude the idea of any improvement in theological knowledge, since the days of these two divines, and compel us to embrace either one or the other of their systems, without even investigation. I, however, crave the liberty of dissenting from either, or both of these great and, 1 hope, good men, where they have departed from the word of God. While I believe with Calvin in the final perseverance of the saints, I contend that this doctrine is not inseparably connected with eternal election. It is predicated on an appointment which takes place in time. PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. G5 not on one that has existed from all eternity. " Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God," says Paul, "whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemp- tion;" Eph. iv. 30. When does this sealins take place! Hear the same Apostle: "After that ye believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise." Sealing has a variety of applications, but, here, we apprehend, it means to conrtrui. After believing, then we are confirmed, " unto the day of redemption," and receive an earnest of our future inheiitauce. Thus, you see, that tlie perseverance of the saints has no connection whatever with eternal election. It might as well be contended, that prayer, or any other Christian duty, was connected with eternal election ; for the perseverance of the saints is nothing more than obedience, emanating from holy principles im- planted in the heart in conversion. •.Those who hold the doctrine of final apostacy, would think it very unfair, were I to charge them with believing the absurdities taught by the Papists, Socinians, and Pelagians, simply because they embrace one of their tenets, viz., falling from grace. Is it not equally unfair for Cumberland Presbyterians to be charged with holding the doctrine of eternal and unconditional election, merely because they have published, in their Con- fession of Faith, some of the tenets held by Calvin 1, But, it is said, if angels in heaven, and Adam in paradise fell, then, why may not Chrisitians fall! G6 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. I answer, there is no analogy l)et\veen the standing of Christians and that of angels and Adam. The latter possessed holy natures, and yet ange!s fell without being tempted hy any Hijent wliarever, and Adam \ielded to the first temptation.' Christians possess neitiier the holi- ness of Angels nor of Adam, yet all will agree that they withstand many temptations. There- fore, they stand npon a different loundation to that of angels, or of Adam in his primitive state. Then, nothing can he inferred from the fall ot either, in favor of the fall of a believer in Christ- He has Christ in him, formed iu him, has his spirit, his nature, his life. Bui, say some, if the real Christian cannot fall, what are we to do with several passages of i^cripture, a number of characters and figures, that seem to hold forth the possibility of losing religion ; I answer, that, upon examination, I think it will be found, that these aflford no arguments in favor of the doctrine of falling from grace, I only have time, at present, however, to give them a passing notice. The 18th chapter of Ezekiel, will, first, claim my attention. It is thought by many, that it contains incontrrnenible argument in favor of the doctrine against which 1 am now contending That the reader may have a correct under- standing of the true meaning of this chapter, it will be necessary for him to racolleet that the PERSEVERANCE OF S A T N T S 67 Jews, in the days of the propliet Ezekiel, were in a very depraved condition — g'lilty of many atrocious crimes, for whicli lie was sent to reprove them, and to warn them of their approach- ing captivity, and to urge a speed}' reformation, as the only means of escape They would, some- times, flatter tiien)selves, that, even if the prophet's message were true, yet the calamities which he threatened, were so far distant, that they would he dead and gone, before they would come. Their common proverb was, the days are pro- longed and every mslon faileth. In the chapter under consideration, they seemed to have viewed their danger as being near at hand, but attached all blame to their ancestors, saying. The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and have, thereby, set the children s teeth on edge ; that is, their fathers had sinned, which was about to subject them (the children) to a state of bondage to the Chaldeans. They, even dared to impeach the equity of God, saying, His loays are not equal. This led Ezekiel to a vindication of the divine character, from which is inferred the doctrine of falling from grace. The prophet supposes two opposite characters — one turning from righteousness, (verse 26) the other from wickedness, (verse 27.) both of whom receive at the divine hand according to their actions: one dies, the other lives. Now, it is evident, that by this ri;;hteons man, the prophot C8 P E II 5 E V E R A N C E OK SAINTS. intended to represent a former state of the Jevvs> when they were not guilty of tlie crimes with which they then stood charged, and that, by departing from that state, they became opposed to the calamities which were then hastening to overtake them. I ask, ivas that a converted state, and had they all fallen from grace \ It would be difficult to prove this. How many nations, besides the Jews, have brought upon themselves temporal calamities by departing from right or righteous actions, and indulging in certain crimes. Are we not now trembling for our own nation, in consequence of the crimes of Sabbath breaking and intemperance, and is not the warning voice of the watchman heard at every point \ Yet no one attributes this danger to the apostacy of true behevers. And, whatever difficulty there may be in understanding the prophet in the chapter before us, it is obvious that he did not mean, by the righteous man turning from righteousness, to incul- cate the doctrine of a true saint of God losing his religion and going to hell. His whole scope and design warrant the belief, that he intended the Jews to understand a strict analogy between themselves and the individual to whom he referred. But it is contended, that this righteous man must have been converted ; because, it is added, in the next verse, when a wicked man turneth away from his wickedness, 5fc., he shall save his soul alive. The . propLet. it will be observed was still PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 69 defendiDg the equity of God in tlie inipendin' T S / O that his object was to convince theai of the great advantages ot' the gospel over those of the ceremonial law, and to correct the errors of those who had embraced the Christian sys- tem, but still retained a predilection for the Jewish forms and ceremonies. In the passages just referred to, he seems to aim not only at purging out this old leaven from the true be- liever, but to prevent even such as had, from the external evidences of the gospel, (perhaps inward convictions too,) embraced it as true from renouncing it under persecution, and re- turning to the religion of the Jews. Every body knows, that simply to assent to, or receive the truth, does not constitute a true Christian. (See the stony-ground hearers, in Matt. xiii. 20.) It is also evident the Apostle could not have meant that every voluntary neglect of duty or commission of sin, (for I know of no sin with- out volition,) sealed the damnation of the Christian. This would have contradicted the doctrine of John, where he says, ''If any man sin, we have an advocate icith the Father ;" 1 John ii. 1. But Paul's whole scope and design clearly war- rant the belief, that he spoke with reference to the particular crime of renouncing the gospel dispensation, and returning to the ceremonial law. In all such apostacies, damnation would be inevitable ; lor there was no other sacrifice for sin, besides that which the gospel revealed 76 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS- Therefore, it was important for them not to cast away their confidence in the truth of the gospel, (v. 35.) though they might not as yet have experienced its saving benefits. The Apostle had the same ol)ject in view in verses 28, 29. ''If he that despised Moses law, died without mercy, (Deut. xvii. 2.) hoiu shall he escape who tramples under his feet the Son of Gcd, and regards the hlood of the covenant icherewlth he (the Son of God,) ivas sanctified^' or consecrated as the Saviour of the world, ''an unholy things The fact that the Apostle himself had not attained unto sanctification, (Phil, iii 12.) and that he had, in a previous part of this epistle, reproved the Jews for their low attainments in religion, together with the collocation of the words of this passage, proves that he had no reference to the sanctification or personal holiness of those to whom he wrote. Then, as receiving the truth does not neces- sarily imply real religion, as sinning wilfully after receiving it, refers primarily to the Jews returning to their old religion, and as sanctifica- tion, in the passage before us, relates to the manner in which Christ became the Saviour of mankind, I see nothing in this chapter to prove that a true believer may lose his religion and go to hell. But it is said, "7/' any man draw hack, ^r." v. 38. Does not this prove falling from grace \ PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 77 1 answer, no. There is a wide difference in supposing a thing, and in proving the reahty of the thing supposed. Paul supposed, that if even an Angel from heaven should preach any other gospel, he ought to ''be accursed'" but this does not prove that an Angel ever had, or ever would preach in any way. True, if a genuine Christian should draw back, so as to lose his religion, he would inevitably perish ; but this supposition does not prove that such an event ever iias, or ever will take place. But suppose I admit that a just man may draw back, still there is a great difference between backsliding and drawing back " to i^erdltion." This the Apostle carefully guards, by saying, •' We are not of them wlio draw hack unto perdition, hut oj them that believe to the saving of the souir V. 39. . But it is asked, if a Christian may backslide, why can he not fall from grace. Let God him- self answer this inquiry. "/ will be his father, and he shall he my son: if he commit iniquity, I ivill chasten him with the rod of 7nen, and with the stripes of the children of men. But my mercy shall not depart away from him., as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee!' 2 Sam. vii. 14, 15. Again, it is asked, where is a man's religion when he is backsliding; I would reply, by ask- ing, where is a man's reason when he commits 78 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS, an unreasonable act? Is he not still a rational being? And surely it will not be contended, that a man ceases to be a Christian so soon as he de- parts in thought, word, or action, from the re- qnirements of our holy religion. This would involve sinless perfection, to which none, except a few fanatics, make pretensions. But, says one, v/hat would become of a Christian, were he to die in a backsliding state. Before I answer this inquiry, reader, permit me to ask you one or two questions. Do you believe you have religion? you as happy now as you have been I If you are not, then, you are a backslider. Sin has separated between you and your God. Now, what would become of you, were you this mo- ment to die? God would reclaim vou. So, I say, concerning every genuine Christian. Again, it is thought, that chapter vi. 4, of this same epistle, inculcates the doctrine against which I am now contending : "For it is impojs- sible for those, who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance ; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." No\A', it is scarcely necessary for me to intro- duce an argument, to prove, that the Apostle had I'ERSEVERANCK OF SAINTS. 79 HO cillusioii here, to a truly converted man: he hiinself, has cieteruiiued tliis matter, (v. 8.) by the shiiilitude of the earth bringing forth nothing but briers and thorns, after being dressed, receiving rain from heaven, &c. I have often been aston- ished that persons, witii this exphination before them, would rely for a moment on these texts to prove the doctrine of apostacy ; for the earth referred to by the apostle, as a fit emblem of the character that he had just described, never yielded any fruit ; therefore, could not repre- sent genuine Christians. Tliey are represented by the soil tluit brings forth good fruit ; Matt, xiii. 23- But, if the passages under consideration, prove the possibility of losing religion, they also prove the impossibility of getting it again, (v, 6.) And, indeed^ upon the supposition of apostacy being true, it would seem to me, every way reason- able to suppose, that the apostate never could be restored; for it is admitted on all hands, that sinners, hefore conversioti, by rejecting light and abusing privileges, may lose their day of grace. But, I ask, can a sinner, under any circumstances, reject as much light, and abuse as many privileges, as the Christian would do, were he to throw away his religion? Surely not. Then, if a Christian were to fall, his damnation would be inevitable. Some, to avoid this difficulty, have applied the Scriptures in 80 PERSEVK RANGE OF SAINTS. question, only to those wlio are sanctifiecl " If they shall fall away, it would be impossible to renew them again unto repentance." Poor en- couragement this, indeed, to seek sanctificaiion as it is taught by those who hold the doctrine of falling from grace! They admit, I presume, that regenerated people go to heaven when they die, though they never obtained sanctification until their dying hour. Tiien, would it not be more safe to possess low attainments in religion, than to become sanctified, and still be liable to fall — and, what is worse, have no prospect of rising again. But this application of the Apostle's language, seems to me, to be entirely without foundation. Indeed, I think, it will appear, upon a minute examination, that he was so far from speaking of those who were sanctified, that his descrip- tion falls very far short of true Christians. " They were once enlightened." Are not all men enlightened? "They had tasted the heavenly gift, and been made partakers of the Holy Ghost," that is, they had received of the Holy Ghost, power to w^ork miracles, which was called a iieavenly gift. It is evident, that, in the days of the Apostles, such power was, in some in- stances, unaccompanied with saving grace. "Many will say to me in that day. Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, &c. And then will I t PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 81 profess unto them, I never knew jou ;" Matt. vii. 22. Orio-en and others afford corroboratins: tes- timonv, that devils were cast out among the Jews, by those who were strangers to true piety. But, should this explanation be rejected, I will insist that a sinner may receive a heavenly gift, consisting of divine influence, and partake of the Holy Ghost, as the Spirit of conviction — as the spirit of bondage unto fear — Rom. viii. 15 — ^'^d yet have no religion. Again, they tasted the good word of God ; so did Herod — Mark vi. 20 — so did the stony ground hearers : " But he that received the seed, into stony 'places^ the same is he that heareth the word, arid anon with joy receiveth it ; yet hath he not root in himself, hut endureth for a while ; for when trihulation or persecution ariseth, because of the iwrd, hy and by he is offended:' Matt. xiii. 20, 21. Here the word is received, and of course tasted ; but who would say that this character ever obtained religion ? I pass to the last characteristic. They tasted the powers of the world to come. This referred to the Christian dispensation, under which many have felt powerful impressions, but have stopped short of true conversion. The meaning, however, will not be altered, if we suppose the Apostle to allude to an invisible state. The soul tastes by feeling ; and who does not know, that sinners feel the reality of heaven and hell, and may make some efforts to escape the one, as well as indulge 82 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. pleasing anticipations of the other, and yet remain strangers to genuine religion 1 Acts xxiv. 25 ; xxvi. 28. Matt. xxv. 1, 12. With regard to the characters so often intro- duced to prove falhng from grace, the hmits of tny panipliiet will, at present, restrict me to very few remarks, and I will confine them entirely to the case of Jadas ; in which, it is thought, we have incontrovertible evidence of total and final apostacy. It will, however, be necessary, before this can be admitted, to prove that Judas was ever truly converted; for this has never yet been done to my satisfaction. The first argument in favor of the piety of Judas, is drawn from the following Scripture: j'.Mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted his heel against me^ Ps. xli. 9. This passage seems to be applied to Judas by our Saviour. John xiii. 18. Mine own familiar friend. Surely, says one, Judas could not have betm a friend without being a Christian. I ask, was he still a Christian after he had joined the wicked mob to betray Christ? Well, after he had done this, Jesus called him friend. " And Jesus said unto hi??i, Friend, where- fore art thou come,^' &c. Matt. xxvi. 50. But it is urged, the Saviour trusted in Judas. Whatever may be the meaning of this expression, I think, it cannot be pretended that Christ ever regarded him as a loyal subject; for it is expressly said, PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 83 tliiit he knew he would betray Jtlm, (John xiii. 11,) and that he knew it (rom the begiriuing. John vi, G4. The trtith is, we are to understand nothing more in the passage quoted . from Psahns, than expressions corresponding with the p?'ofession of Judas — not that Christ ever regarded hiui as liis true friend, or trusted in him, according to the true meaning of the term. The second evidence introduced to prove that Judas was a Christian, is, that he wrought miracles. To this 1 would reply, that it has already been shown, that a power to work miracles was some- thinji separate and distinct from real religion. Balaam possessed miraculous knowledge ; that is, a spirit of prophecy; (Num. xxiv. 2-17,) yet, I presume, no body believes he w"as a good man. Now, what is the difference between miraculous knowledge and miraculous power? Both come from God, and have been possessed by unconverted men. Then, a power to work miracles affords no evidence thai Judas was a true Christian. But it is said, Judas was given to Christ. True; but in what sense? Surely not as a true believer. I request the reader to examine the history of this case minutely. " The?i one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the High Priests, and said unto them, What will ye give vie, and I will deliver him unto you!' Matt. xxvi. 14, 15. Observe, this was before the Sacrament. If Judas fell from grace, it must have been previous 84 PEUSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. - to the administration of this ordinance. Now turn to what Christ said after the communion^ in his sacerdotal prayer, of tliose that had been given unto him. " Thou givest them me, and they have kept thy iwrdV John xvii. 6. The reader will discover, that Christ, in verses 6, 7, and 8, is speaking of the conversion of his Apostles, where Judas is not included ; for he had previously sold his Lord and renounced his word ; therefore, what is said in these verses, could not have been true concerning Judas. Hence, he had not been given to Christ, in conversion, as had been the other Apostles. But in verse 12, Christ alludes to his Apostles, as having been given to him in another sense, in which Judas is included ; viz., as external disciples. But, says one, Judas w^as chosen by Christ. Yes, I answer, chosen as a student, but not unto eternal life. '*/ speak not of you all: I know ivhom I have chosen!' John xiii. 18, In this choice, Judas is not included. Again, it is said, Judas was sent to preach, and the inquiry is frequently made with an air of triumph, would Ciirist send an unconverted man to preach the Gospel t It is true, Judas was suffered to remain with the Apostles, though he had not received the word from the lips of Christ, as they had done. John xvii. 6-8. Our Saviour did not see proper to execute the disciphne of the Church on him, as God, knowing the hearts of PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS- 85 men. While on earth, he chose to act in con- formity to his government of the Church in after ages. And, doubtless, there have been, and are now, but too many Judases in the Church. But, is she less under the government of Christ now, than she was then. But it is still urged, that, if I believe Judas had no religion, I am under the necessity of believing, also, that Christ calls and sends forth unconverted men to preach the Gospel. I would just reply, that those who believe Judas had religion, and lost it, are involved in a similar difficulty ; viz., that it is the will of Christ, that men should retain the ministerial office after their apostacy ; for he did not depose Judas, but suffered him to remain with the Apostles, and even administered the sacrament to him, after he had covenanted with the Priests to destroy him. But, if I had no other proof, that Judas was, from the beginning, an irreligious man, the following; would be sufficient. "Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil," (John vi. 70,) a fallen spirit. This was before Satan entered into Judas to betray Christ. Luke xxii. 3. John xiii. 2. He was also called a thief prior to this time. John xii. 6. These, I think, are bad marks of Christianity. The figures which seem to favor the doctrine of fallino^ from grace, such as twice dead, to my mind, refer to tiie almost Christian : to those 86 P E R S E V E il A N C E OF SAINTS. cliaracters, who, after liaviuu died in Adam, were placed under die quickeniiiij influence of rlie S{)irit, but rejected the light until it departed ; af^er v\iiicli they were no more quickened. Perhaps there is, no metaphor better calculated to represent this deploral)le situation of the sinner, than a tree, not oidj dead, but {)Iucked up by tiie roots, from which we may learn, that there was no {xissibiHty of its ever being -revived. Aiiain: the sow, alter she was washed, returned to her wallowing in the mire. All that I have to say on this subject, is, had her nature been changed, and rendered innocent and clean, she, no dou!)t, would have pursued a different course; and. had the character designed to be represented bv this fi»;ure, been changed iti heart, he would have remained icltk us. But for the want of a new uriture, it has happened unto him like the soiu that was washed, 3fc. He went out from us, that it might be manifest that he ivns not of us. Had he been of us, he no doubt would have continued with us. I will now conclude, by noticing a few passages of Scripture in favor of final perseverance: some have already been brought to view, which it will not be necessary here to repeat. "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin. for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." 1 John iii. 9. We are not to understand sinless pei-fection here. PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 87 This would contradict otiier parts of the word of God. Chapter i. 8-10 The Apostle gives his meaning in chapter v. 16, where he speaks of the sin unto death, and this is the sin which those who are born of God cannot commit; therefore, they shall never die. "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to se[)arate us from the love of God, whicli is in Christ Jesus our Lord.'' Rom. viii. 38, 39. Observe the manner in which this triumphant language is introduced. " I am persuaded " By whom was Paul persuaded 1 Surely not by the Devil, but by the Spirit of God. Then he was not deceived when he made this darino- challeno;e to the enemies of the true believer. Life is desirable, and death is terrible; i)ut neither the one nor the other shall be able to separate us from the love of God. " ISor angels, p?-7ncipnHties, nor powers." Good angels will not, for they are the friends of the Christian ; bad angels cannot, for, although they are enemies, thei/ are restrained enemies. "■ Nor principalities, nor potvers f' that is, the powers of civil authority. A Nero may rage, and others may vent their spite, but all combined shall not be able to effect a separation betu een Christ and the Christian. ''Nor things present^ nor things to come." 1 have often heard attempts 88 PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. made to evade the force of this passage, by saying, that nothing but sin could effect a Christian's fall; but surely the Apostle includes this in things iwesent. Nor heights, nor depths, nor any other creature ; that is, neither prosperity nor adversity, nor any thing that can be named or thought of. If the Apostle did not believe in the impossibility of losing rehgion, when he uttered this language, surely words have no meaning. " And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them to do them good, but I will put my fear in their hearts^ that they shall not depart from me." Jer. xxxii. 40. It is supposed by some, that this promise only extended to Israel according to the flesh ;- but inasmuch as there seem to be spiritual blessings couched in it, I think it also belongs to Israelites indeed, and that every true Christian may claim the benefit of it. In this promise, God pledges himself never to leave nor forsake his people. Oh, but, says one, that is not what we are in danger of The great danger lies in us forsaking God. But the promise under consideration pro- vides against this also. I iitill put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me. God knows if his people be left to themselves, they will depart from him ; but he has determined not to do this. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow in©, and I give unto them eternal PERSEVERANCE OF SAINTS. 89 life, and they shall never perish, neither shall an/ pluck them out of my hands. My Father, who gave them me, is greater than all, and none is able to pluck them out of my Father's hands.'' John X. 27, 28, 29. What language could he stronger? From it we learn that Christians now have eternal life : not tejnporanj life, which would be the case, were they to fall from grace. This, however, they cannot do; for he w^ho is greater than all, has them in his hand, and none is able to pluck them out of his hand. " Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believelh on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condem- nation, but is passed from death unto life," John V. 24. Here the present state of the believer is first brought to view. He has endless life begun in his soul. It is, then, most clearly shown, that this life will never be forfeited, for he shall NOT come into condemnation. The above quotations are but a brief specimen of what the word of God says concerning the security of the saints. It would be needless to multiply. The reader will plainly discover, that the passages we have recited are direct in their application, and too positive in their declarations to admit of doubt, with regard to their true meaning. This, I think, is not the character of those introduced to prove final apostacy 8 90 FREE MORAL A G E N C V , Their application is doubtful. Indeed, I never saw the fust positive text of Scripture to prove this doctrine. ON FREE MORAL AGENCY. A FRIEND requests, that I should say something about moral free agency — the true distinction between free agency and moral agency. I know not that I can say any thing satisfactory on that vexed question, which has employed the best pens for ages past ; but, if I cannot satisfy others, I ought to understand myself, what I mean by free moral agency. By a free agent, I understand one that acts without restraint or necessity. A moral agent, is one that is held responsible for his conduct. Man acts freely, without restraint or necessity; and is accountable for his actions: therefore, man is a free moral agent. We are now considering man in a state of trial; in which state he has power to act or do what he will not have power to do, when the advantages of probation are removed from him. Removed from these advantages, he may sin freely, or do what he is inclined to do ; but he will sin necessarily, having nothing to counteract his depraved nature. He can do nothing else but sin ; but he will be a FREE MORAL AGENCY. 91 moral agent, if he can sin. He has moral ability, for sin is an act of a moral as;ent; and having, by the abuse of his blessings, turned them into curses, he is responsible for his after conduct. But, as we are speaking of a subject in a state of probation, for the better understanding of this subject, we will remark, that, to understand the operations of God on mind, and the operations of mind toward God, is all important, in considering a free moral ajjent. That God does operate on mind, and that mind nmst co-operate with God, are truths plainly taught in the Bible. Theology and philosophy are two grand sciences. Theology teaches the nature and operations of God, philosophy the nature and operations of mind. We will say but little about theology at present : our business is principally with mind and its operations. And that we may better understand its nature and operations, we will consider the philosophy applied to mind. And, first, very different views have been entertained as to the philosophy of mind. All agree, where there is a moral action, there must be determining power somewhere ; but, where that power rests is disputed. All the views which have obtained notoriety on this subject, may be resolved into four. And, first, the philosophy that gives motive the power to determine the mind. Secondly, that philosophy that gives inclination the determining power over the mind or will 92 FREE MORAL AGENCV, Thirdly, that philosophy which gives nimi the determining power, without divine agency. And, fourthly, that philosophy that gives man the determining power by divine agency. The latter we think the true philosophy, which alone sustains the doctrine of man's moral free agency. But, to be better understood, we will review the different theories, and mark their results. First, motive : if that determines the mind, or if motive have the determining power, the being that governs the motive, governs the , mind or choice,- and the choice is necessitated ; and if the choice be necessitated, free moral agency is lost ; the being that controls the motive, controls the mind, and is responsible for the action. But, secondly, the philosophy that gives the inclination the determining power. The inclina- tion was inherited from another, over whom we have no personal control; and the choice is necessitated — whether Adam in innocency, or man in his fallen state. Adam received his quality of nature from God. We have received ours from Adam. Now, according to the philosophy, that inclination determines the mind, and that man can only choose as inclination dictates, how could Adam sin 1 Adam was holy ; he was inclined to good. How, therefore, could Adam, according to that philosophy, put forth an evil action 1 He could not choose to sin : and his F l; E E MORAL AGENCY. 93 inclination cDuld not be impaired by his own act. But, as it is a fact, that he did sin, some evil agent, over whom he had no control, must have defaced the divine image, or erased it .from his heart, and planted the principle of enmity to God therein. Then he had something within himself that accorded with the object presented by Satan ; and thus he had power to* do wrong, because he was inclined to evil. Or else his Maker, for the general good, as some suppose, by an act of his power, changed the law of his nature ; and then he could sin, and be the subject of misery; 9nd being a subject of misery, mercy could be developed ; and thus sin would be for the general good ; and as his object was to glorify his mercy, the end would sanctify the means. The same philosophy that is applicable to man in a state of probation, tliough a sinner, was applicable to Adam in innocency. Thirdly. The philosophy that gives man determining power in his fallen state, without divine aid, so that he can choose life as well as death, is contrary to the Bible ; and man, in his present state, is not deeply depraved : if man, by means or instrumentality alone, can correct his evils, and restore himself to the favor of God, you will find all those who consider man able to correct his evils by the use of means, deny the divinity of Christ, personality and influence of the Holy Ghost. And that philosophy is 94 FREE MORAL AGENCY. infidelity in disguise, though it may be called by the name of Christ. Fourthly. That philosophy that gives man power to act or determine by divine aid, or the agency of the Holy Ghost, and the means he uses to aid man rightly to determine, gives man, under an economy of mercy, power to use motive : he acts in view of motive, but he uses the motive. There is a great difference in the two theories. According to the first, the motive uses the mind ; according to the second, the mind uses the motive. Man also has power to use inclination. He can determine to accord with his inclination, or go contrary to it. We see this daily developed: the lazy man has no inclination to labor; yet, knowing he will starve if he does not, he will do what he is not inclined to do. The sick man is not inclined to take medicine ; he has no taste for it; yet he will take what be feels an aversion to, rather than die. The sinner is inclined to sin ; he loves sin ; and yet he can turn from it. Did not our Saviour teach this doctrine, when he said, '' Except a man deny himself, take up his cross and follow me, he cannot be my disciple 1" And did he not always teach this doctrine 1 Read the Bible throughout; it is full of proof, that man may act in accordance with his inclination, or go contrary to it. But w here is it said in the Bible, that without Christ, we can do all these thinjs^s 1 or what sinner convinced of his own FREE J\l O R A L A G E iN C Y . 95 sinfulness can do so! We do all these tliin«:s D by tiie ability that God giveth. We have said, the same philosophy that governs man in his probation, governed Adam in his probation. Adam was a free moral agent; he was not necessitated to good or evil ; though he was upright, he might do either; he acted in view of motive, but the motive ^lad not the determinino power; the law of his nature or inclination was to good, but he was not determined by his inclination, or he would not have sinned. But he had power to act consistent with that law, or contrary to it. He chose the latter, and by his improper choice, he lost his purity. God did not destroy it, before he sinned ; but he destroyed himself. He fell from his original rectitude, by his disobedience to a positive command, which was designed to test his loyalty; and thus became totally depraved, unable to help himself. According to the same philosophy, he must be brougbt back in the same way he went off from God. Here we might, for a moment, introduce theology, or the nature and operations of God, and see what he has done for us, for in him is our help. Now, man, as a free moral agent, could ruin himself, but could not restore himself Therefore, if God had not graciously and sovereignly exercised his agency, man never could have returned to bim. There were two impossibilities in his way ; he was guilty, and could not atone ; he was de|)raved, 96 FREE MORAL AGENCY. and could not, except an atonement be made for him. God, tlierelbre, chose the race of men, in Christ Jesns, to a day of probation. Christ Jesus made an atonement for man ; the Holy Spirit has come to operate on him and in him; to lead, and enable him to believe in Christ; and by his influence, and the means instituted by him, man is placed on equal ground with his foe. The law has been broken ; and he cannot restore himself to its righteousness or holy nature. But God does not ask him to keep the law, in order to be restored to his favor; this is out of the question. But the gospel is a positive institution, with which he may comply ; and by taking the vantage-ground of the gospel, he may be restored to the righteousness and holy nature of the law. The law cannot bring the sinner up to the gospel ; but the gospel can bring a sinner up to the law. It is not necessary, that the nature of the law be restored to the heart, in order to faith in Christ; the law would then bring the sinner up to the gospel, and the gospel would be of none effect. But, as Adam fell by violating a positive institution before he lost his purity, so the sinner, by the Holy Spirit's influence, complies with the gospel by faith, which is a positive institution, before he is regenerated. And, as according to the true philosophy of mind, though he acted in view of motive, he was not necessitated by it, though he was inclined to evil; vet that inclination did not FREE MORAL A r, E N C Y . 97 necessitate his choice; nor yet did he believe without divine aid. He was deeply sensil)le, by liis own experience, liiat he couKl not save himself; yet lie could cast his all upon Christ. And,- as Adam lost his purity, or the divine iniase, by sin, so ihe behever is restored to the divine image by laitii. By faith he enters into covenant with God. Justification, adoption, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification, are covenant blessinijs. The plan of the Bible is grace and dutv. God calls; the sinner must obey the call. God makes known the plan of salvation ; the sinner must accept it. Then God justifies, adopts, renews, sanctifies, and glorifies. The scheme of salvation originates with God, and is carried out in man's agency. The system is gracious; and personal accountability is secured. Election, in the first instance, was sovereign, gracious, and free; choosing all men to a day of mercy. Personal election turns on the choice of the sinner. Elect, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth. And thus free moral agency is sustained. God receives all the glory of faith; and man all the damnation of unbelief I have endeavored, in as brief a manner as possible, to present the subject before the mind. The reader may wish for explanations; but the subject is too copious to admit an explanation of every point, in one short essay. 9 98 P R E D E S T I N A T 10 N PREDESTINATION AND FORE- KNOWLEDGE, OR KNOWLEDGE AND DECREE. Some divines consider foreknowledge founded on predestination ; others believe predestination is founded on foreknowledge : there are others who blend the two together, and consider them synony- mous. We ask leave to offer a few thoughts on the perplexing subject. And first, the Bible settles the question whether knowledge is founded on decree or decree on knowledge. Rom. viii. 29 ; " For whom he did fore- know he also did predestinate." So we see, ac- cording to Paul, he did not decree and then know, but he knew and then decreed. As to whether knowledge and decree be the same thing, our knowledge of language must determine; know- ledge is a perfection of the Divine Being, decree is an act Now, if knowledge be essential to the being of God, and he could not know unless he decreed, then he purposed before he had a being. But this is absurd ; therefore we conclude that knowledge belongs to his being, and decree to his operations ; he must have a being before he can act, he must know before he decrees. His know- ledge is infinite ; but if it depends on decree, then decree makes it infinite — then all the perfection of AND FOREKNOWLEDGE. 99 knowledge possessed by God is created, and is n(»t a part of his being. But some consider that it establishes the doctrine of fate for God to know every thins. To this sentiment we would respond, would it not be idolatry to worship a being below inanity, and if the knowledge of God were not in- finite would it not detract from his excellence and render him less the object of our esteem 1 We conclude, that if he did not know every thing, we could not confide in him with safety ; we might be in trouble and need his aid, which could not be afforded, unless he knew it. It is certainly no ob- jection in the mind of a good man that God is in- finite in knowledge, or that he knows every thing: and fate cannot be attached to him on account of his infinite knowledge. It is desirable that he should know, and a pleasino; thought it is, that he does know every thing. It is essential to his being to know every thing; but it is not essential to his being, nor is it desirable, that he be considered the author of every thing that comes to pass; for sin comes to pass, and it is not desirable that the ob- ject of our worship be the author of sin. He must know all he does, but he must not necessarily do all he knows. He knows what we will do as well as what he will do himself. Our fate or end is no proof that he is the author of the evils which involved us in such an end : his knowing that a sinner will be turned into hell does not detract from his moral excellence. But if it 100 P R R D E S T I .\ A I" I O N wore known tlinr lie orHuiiiPfl him to liell, ^^'irllont the roiisiderfirioii of his choice, and execiuctl his decree \)\ his own njicncy that involved an inrelli- jjjenr heinji in the fires ot hell, man mijiht ohj* ci to the divine chaiacter and refuse to worship him; and indeed it would seem impossible to love a he- in^ iHider the cotiviction that He was ihe amhor of all the evils that involved him in miserv. lint not so as relates to the knowledjje of God; tor from the very fact that lie knows our down-lying and np-rising. and is acquainted wiili all our wa^s, |je ought to he loved the more and trusted in with the greatest confidence. AVe cannot forbid Hini who is infinite in knowledjie, from knowins: our end as well as our [)eo:innin'i, and all our w avs ; he is thereby considered the more worthy of the good man's love. But let us conclude this subject by presenting tiie character of God, as made known in the Bible. His knowledge is infinite, iiis purposes are all formed on holiness, according to his infinite knovvledjie; and his knowledge being infinite, com- prehends himself and all possibilities — he therefore knows himself and every other being. He knows what he w^ill do himself, and what everv other be- ing will do; and on his knowledge of what ought to be done, knowing what is done, lie fixes the des- tinies of all according to his infinite iiuowledge of what is right. According to the character of all is created intelligeuces, shall " not the Jud^e o( THE II C) L V S I' I R IT . J 01 all the earth do right ?*' His knowledge helongs to his l)eing, his purposes heloiig to his opcratioiis ; foreknowledge belongs to the being of God, pre- destination to his operations. Knowledge is a perfection of his nature, decree is an act. We are authorised to believe, and it is a pleasing tliouiiht. that God knows every thing; but we are nor au- thorised from the Bible to believe that he docs every thing he knows. Every thing God piirj)o- ses and does, has holiness stamped upon it; but many thinjis have not this stamp, therefore they do not belong to his operations. But He tells us who is the author of all evil ; that the Devil is the father of lies, the father of inconsistencies and that man has destroved himself; for all have sinned ;intl come short of the glory of God, Sin is known of God, and is what he hates; would he therefore be the author of what he hates ? Surely he knows what is wrong, but surely he would not purpose to tarnish his own glory. ON THE PERSON.ALITY AND OFFICE OF THE HOLY SPHUT. Bv the term Holy Ghost, is meant a person, not an influence, a spiritual person, not a phvsical. His essence and personality belong to the being of 102 ON THE PERSONALITY AND God, and his procession and office to the operations of the Godhead. According to the Bible, God is one and tliree : one in essence or perfection, three in person. By the unity of God, some understand only one person and one God, and exclude person- ality as belonging to the Holy Ghost — that by the Holy S[)irit, we are to understand the influence the one holy person, or God, exerts on the universe, and not a distinct person in the Godhead, but a personal influence from the one God who is but one person. We believe in a spiritual influence, put forth from one God, who is three as well as one ; and that the Holy Ghost, so often mentioned in the Bible, is a person, belonging to the being of God, and who is a Holy Spirit, and by an agreement or covenant of the united three, is the person or agent who, by direct or indirect influence, brings every thing to pass. This distinct personality in the Godhead is evi- dent from the Bible. 1 From the fact that God is often spoken of in the Bible, by means of the plural number: "Let us make man," «&c. &c. Gen. i. 26. " The man is become as one of us;" Gen. iii. 22. The New Testament reveals how many persons there are in the Godhead. There are three, and their distinct names are given: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; and these three are one. 2. Personal powers of will and understanding OFFICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 103 are ascril)cd to him: 1 Cor. ii. 10, 11 ; also xii. 11. Epli. iv. 3. 3. He is an ol)ject of worship: Matt, xxviii. 19: also 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The personal pronoun is used in proof of his personality, John xiv. 26; xv. 26; xvi. 13 ; also Eph. i. 13. Personal offices are ascribed to him, Rom. viii. 26. A number of personal acts are ascribed to him: speaking, teach- ing, witnessing, Sac. See Mark xiii. 11 ; Acts XX. 23 ; Rom. viii. 15, 16 ; 1 Cor. vi. 19 ; Acts XV. 28 : also xvi. 6, 7. The Holy Ghost is a per- son, equal in power and glory to the Father and Son. Names applicable to the most high God are ascribed to him : Acts xxviii. 25. Heb. iii. 7, 9. Attributes proper to be ascribed to God are as- cribed to the Holy Ghost: L Cor. ii. 10, 11; Isa. xl. 13, 14. He is emphatically called God; see Acts v. 3, 4. " Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God." Almost innumerable passages of scrip- ture prove his personality, and that he is a divine person, possessing power to will and work, and worship due him. He is equal in power and glory to the Father and Son, and essentially belongs to the beinii of God. The united three, in counsel or covenant, in view of creating a moral universe, provided to meet all the incidents of the universe. The Father is considered as the conservative of the Godhead, the Son as the medium of connnunication, and the Holy Spirit as the agent by whose operation 104 ON THE P K R S O N A I, I T Y A ^ [> every thin^ desiiiiieil by God should be brought to pass, ihrouoh the Sou, by the direction of the Father. His operations, by some, are explained as extraordinary and ordinary : the former by ma- king men prophets, the latter by his makin^^; men saints. By others, as direct and indirect : the di- rect without nieans, the indirect by means. And some exckide direct influence on the heart aUo- gether; and by the indirect, they evidently deny divine influence, and attribute all the means, with- out the Spirit. The means have the power to pardon and chanoe the heart by appointment : not that there is any divine agency, giving the means efficiency, but the means themselves, being appoint- ed by God, have the power to open or change the heart. Some consider the written truths of the Bible as the means, and the ministers of the gospel, as the agents to apply the truth, and by means of the truth they have power to change the heart ; and the Holy Spirit has nothing to do in our sal- vation. Indeed according to that theory, there is no Holy Ghost; but God, who is but one person as well as one God, does all that is done in the world in its conversion by the agency of men, presenting the truths of the Bible before the minds of the people, and by man's agency, not the Holy Spirit, sinners are converted to God But it is evident from the Bible, as we have shown, that there is a Holy Ghosi ; and that his agency is as necessary in restoring order to the OFFICE OF THE HOLV SPIRIT. 105 moral world, which is a moral chaos, as his agency was necessary to the proper organization of the physical world, when in its chaotic state. And the Holy Spirit can operate directly, on spirit, as well as indirectly. He that made man, and gave him a living soul, can he not have access to that soul, without recourse to means whicli can only address the senses of the body I But if he choose means, and means addressing the soul through the body, is not the agency of the Holy Spirit as essen- tial in the conversion of a sinner, as though lie operated directly 1 Tlie word of God is the great means, but the Spirit is the agent which makes the truth or the word of God efficacious ; and niinisters are but instruments in the great work. Wljat would a sword do, if no skilful and power- ful hand wielded it? And who is Paul? who is Apollos ? but ministers. Paul planted, Apollos watered ; but God gave the increase. So neither is he that planteth, or he that watereth, any thing, but God that giveth the increase. If then the agency of the Spirit be as necessary, where means are employed as where they are not, what has the objector to immediate intkience of the Holy Ghost gained I The agency of the Spirit is essentially necessary. Then if any deny direct inlluence on tlie heart of a sinner, the indirect operation is necessary, and no sinner will ever be saved with- out the agency of the Holy Spirit, however appro- priate the means may be. 3 06 ON THE PERSONALITY AND 1 he Holy Spirit is the agent which executes the divine purposes ; and he is called holy, not because he is essentially more so than the Father and the Son, l>ut because his work is to make men holy. He executes the decrees of God; and the decrees when brought to pass, have the impress of holiness on them. We may safely conclude that the Holy Spirit never brings to pass any thing unholy; and as he executes the decrees of God, sin is not to be found in the decrees. The Holy Spirit produced the humanity of Christ, anointed him, and in the emblem of a dove, testified that he was the Son of God. He raised him from the dead. He de- scended on the apostles, and inspired them to preach in every man's tongue. He convinces the world ; his operations are as extensive as the atonement; and the atonement as extensive as the Father's electing love which chose all men in Jesus Christ, that they might be holy or placed under a holy influence, exerted by the Holy Spirit. And when the sinner yields to that influence, he is led to Christ; and when he receives Christ, he is jus- tified, adopted, renewed by the Holy Ghost in the spirit of his mind, sealed to the day of redenijjtion, comforted and sanctified. Thus the Holy Spirit has a great work to do in the world; and without his soul-warming and holy influence, our world would be as cold religiously, as Greenland's icy mountain is naturally. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit's personality and BIBLE DOCTRINES, 107 holy agency is a pleasing sentiment; and he is promised to be with his servants to the end of the world. And by his influence the wilderness and solitary places shall blossom as the rose. He not only calls sinners to repentance, btit he also calls men to preach, and gives energy to their preach- ing. His Iruits are pleasant fruits: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meek- ness, temperance ; against such things there is no law. Who amono;st men would be a Christian? And what would a Christian be without those graces of the Holy Spirit? Let us, my brethren, yield to his influence, and never grieve the heavenly dove. Let the sinner turn at his reproof; and he will lead him to Christ. Remember, sinner, it is a fearful thing to sin against the Holy Ghost. A SYNOPSIS OF BIBLE DOCTRINES IN THEIR ORDER. 1 All religion supposes the worship of a God. The God of the Bible describes hiuiself a Spirit; infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness. Justice, goodness, and truth. Three classes of perfections are ascribed to him. 1st. Moral, which conveys to us the idea of law or rule. 2nd. Perfection, which conveys to 108 R I B r, E D O C T 11 I N E S. US the idea of agency ; wisdom to plan and power to execute, constitutes an agent; an agent must have a rule or a law by which to act; holiness is the rule of his agency : his willing or decreeing a thing does not make it a right, hut he wills or de- crees because it is right. The 3rd and last class of perfections ascribed to God, expresses the de- gree (if we may apply the term degree to Deity) in which he possesses the rule and power of ac- tion. He is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his rule and power of action. 2. The immutable perfections of his nature, which may be considered the law of his mind, and source of motive to his will, viz : holiness, justice, goodness, and truth, constitute the great principles of law to all intelligent beings. The law is im- mutable and universal. These grand principles cannot be brought down or modified to suit the weakness or wickedness of fallen creatures. The oflender may be brought up to the standard at the pleasure of God, but if brought up at his pleasure, his plan must and will sustain every principle of the government and develop the law by wiiich he, as a sovereign, purposes and acts. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? The Lord our God is holy, is essentially so, and declaratively so ; he is holy in all his works and righteous in all his ways. 3. Man was made upright, created in the image of God, natural and moral. By the natural, we understand he was au agent; by the moral, the B I B L E D O C T R I N E S . 2 09 nature of those iininutable principles was printed in his mind. It was his duty to love God, and he was disposed to do it, but he was not confirmed in that holy and happy state: his not being created confirmed, does not prove that he cannot be con- firmed in happiness or misery ; but, according to the immutable principles of law, his agency must be regarded, which would not have been had he been created confirmed. His agency must be tested, and, in a duration of time, according to the pnrt he acts while on trial, heaven or hell may be his eter- nal destiny, and the immutable principles of law fully carried out. Man's, agency was tested by a positive institution, securing all the principles of a moral government, Man, the first man, the natu- ral and legal head of all his race, eat the forbidden fruit, and by one man, this first man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death has passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. 4. The Gospel is a positive institution, which does not change one principle of the moral law, modify or bring it down to the weakness and wickedness of man, but provides to briii^ fallen man up to its righteousness and holy nature, and may be considered the administration of the law in a way of mercy, through a Mediator. The gospel is good news, a bundle of good news, con- taining the following important articles : First in order, election, unconditional, an election of the race or whole family of Adam. We said election '0t 110 BIBLE DOCTRINES. of the race to a state of probation, untlionglit of and unsolicited by liini, and without any condition required, whetiier he would accept or reject. He was graciously, and sovereignly, and freely chosen to this state without any condition on his part. The only condition, if it may be so called, was the death of Christ, if he died for the sins of the first Adam, he and iiib race shall have a personal being under an economy of mercy. What the Bible calls personal election turns on sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth, and that is an election to a state of glory. But as I must close this article, I will do it without comuient on the other points of the System. We have seen election of the race is first in order : second, the atonement: third, the operation of the Holy Spirit: fourth, conviction for sin : fifth, repentance: sixth, faith in Christ: seventh, justification: eighth, adoption : ninth, regeneration : tenth, sanctifica- tion: eleventh, glorification. Oh, the depths of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God, how unsearchable his judgments and his ways past finding out. Had he not chosen and revealed the plan of salvation, the world never would have known it. Let us esteem that revelation, which not only tells of the past and the present, but of things to come. SANCTIFICATION lU ON SANCTIFICATION. Sanctification is to be understood according to the Bible, in a two-fold sense : first, legally. When any thing or person is set apart by divine appoint- ment to a holy use, as pots, tables, &c., the ihi/igs themselves could have no holiness of nature, but by divine appointment were set apart to a sacred use. The children of believins; parents have a federal or legal, but not an inherent holiness; when one or both of the parents believe in Christ, the chil- dren are called holy. See 1 Cor. vii. 14; "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the hus- band : else were your children unclean ; bat now are they holy." Not only the children, but the unbelievino; husband and wife are sanctified bv each other's faith, to some sacred purpose and privilege. We are not to understand that the faith of the wife regenerated the husband, nor the faith of the husband regenerated the wife, or the faith of one or both the parents regenerated the children, cr gave them an inherent holiness; but brought them into a covenant relation with God : securing to the children advantages they could not enjoy out of the visible Church. The children of unbelieving parents, are not holy or sanctified in the same sense believer's children are; they ar^^ as 112 S A N C T I F J C A T I O N . \u)]y in their nature as the children of believing parents, but they are not legally so. Believing parents have rights and privileges promised by the Great Head of the Cliurch, both for themselves and children, while the unbelievers have not. Tlie promise to Abraham was, "1 will be thy God, and the God of thy seed." And again: Paul declares, Gal. iii. 9, '* They which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham." We have only to ask, how was Abraham blessed 1 and the answer is at hand : " I will be thy God, and the God of thy seed." From the above we have seen that persons and things that have no native holiness, can have holiness by appointment ; and, according to Scrip- ture language, can be pronounced sanctified. But secondly. We are to understand sanctifica- tion as relates to the nature and quality of the heart and life; an inherent holiness, by which we understand the heart is set apart to the service of God ; the love of sin is destroyed, and the affec- tions of the soul sanctified — consecrated to the service of God. This principle, when carried out, practically, brings the child of God up to the fulness of the stature of Christ, to be a perfect man or woman in Christ Jesus. It is our main object to notice sanctification in the latter sense. Sancti- fication in this sense, commences in regeneration, and develops itself in all the departments of life, until holiness, like leaven, diffuses itself into every S A N C r ) F I C A T I O N . 113 thought, word, and action, until the person knows how to possess his vessel unto sanctification and honor. Regeneration and sanctification are con- sidered as distinct doctrines by some, but tlie only difference is, regeneration begets the principles of lioliness in the heart, and sanctification brinfj;s it to full starure. Regeneration implants the principle of holiness in the heart ; sanctification, which is progressive, is the blade, the ear, the full c^rn in the ear. Various figures have been used to explain both. One illustrates the subject thus: the Holy Spirit, who is the agent, first draws the great out- lines of the Divine Image on the heart in regenera- tion, and fills up the out-lines in sanctification. According- to this view, the perfect image is not formed until the great out- lines are filled up, and the person cannot be properly a Christian until the image is completed in sanctification. But there is a different view, which we think is more scriptural and rational. The Holy Spirit, in regeneration, draws the perfect image of God upon the heart in miniature, and in sanctification, briniis it up to manhood. Thus the Bible explains it: the blade, the ear, and full corn in the ear; the germ was planted in the heart by the Holy Spirit, and the grain was a complete grain ; before it sent out its blade, it was not as laroe as when its blades and stalk, and full corn were produced, but it had \he nature of corn a.i perfectly in the grain as ia 10 114 S A N C T I F I C A T I O N . fhe full ear. Another figure is used by inspiration, the child, the young man, and the old man. Now, in a child is there not every constituent part of an old man ? has the old man any more members or senses than the child 1 No ; but those senses are matured, so that he can better discern good and evil ; the perfect man has learned how to use his members and senses for practical purposes, but the child is as perfectly a human being as the old man, but is not as perfect a man. The child has all the parts of human nature, and to advanced life there are no more members or senses created, but those members and senses are enlarged and strengthened; so with the spiritual child of God. The Holy Spirit, in regeneration, begets all the parts of the new man, and sanctification brings them up to full stature. When the child dies, it dies a human being, with all the members and senses of the matured man; when the child of God dies, if it be the hour of its birth, it carries with it all the spiritual members and senses of the old man in Christ: its knowledge and experience are not so extensive, but its holiness and love are as much the image of God as the old Christian. It is the duty of every Christian to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. Jesus Christ. Every natural child is furnished with natural food, that it may grow therehy ; so every child of God is furnished with spiritual food, and the better the food is suited to the age and SANCTIFICATION. 115 circumstances of the child, the better it thrives. There are two grades of vitahty, the one is natural, the other is spiritual ; the one is temporal, the other is eternal: the child of God may die a natural death, bat not a spiritual death; he may die a temporal, but not an eternal death. We are all, by nature, the children of the wicked one ; but man's Creator, in his great compassion, has arranged a beautiful plan by which we may become his children. He first chose us to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all mankind ; the Holy Spirit convinces all men, and, by yielding to the Holy Spirit, in the exercise of repentance and faith, we are justified and are declared righteous, in view of the law in heaven's court, and are sanctified and set apart lo a state of glory by divine appointment; and by the renewing influence of the Spirit our hearts are renewed, and we are sanctified inherently. We should therefore be careful to develop what we feel, feel what we. believe, and believe the truth, and the truth will make us free; for we are to be sanctified through the truth. As God has been at infinite pains to make us holy, that we might be happy, may it be our concern to glorify God in our bodies and spirits, which are his. The more holy we live, the better we reflect the divine image on the world, and the happier we are our- selves. J 16 • R I G 1 »\ A L S I iN ON ORIGINAL SIN. Nothing is more evident tlian that sin is in the world. But how it entered has perplexed theolo- gians, in every age and every pan of the world. But too many have displayed more concern about its introduction, than its destruction. They have been curious as to the manner of its enterins: into the world, but not much concerned about having it taken away. All agree that it exists; and wis- dom dictates that we should be united in one effort to have it removed. But although we should unite in the removal of sin; yet it may not be improper to offer a iew thoughts on its introduction, with due respect to the opinions of others, who have so widely differed on this perplexing question in theology. " By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death has passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." Romans v. 12. And first, Adam, by creation, was a natural head to all his posterity ; we having descended from him, have inherited his nature, both mental and physical. Secondly, Adam was a legal head, by covenant or appointment ; and as such, his sin, first sin, which was a breach of covenant, was imputed to his posterity ; and all the evils under which this world groans, both natural and moral. > O R IG I N AL S 1 N . 117 may be traced to this cause ; a curse rests upon all the family of Adam, and upon all things made for his benefit and placed under his control. Now the natural evils that prevail in the world, are the fruits of sin, either personal or representative. Some only admit of personal sin being the legal cause of suffering : while others maintain the imputaiion of representative sin as the cause of fc;uffering, we believe that death or privation is a legal punishment for sin, whether personal or representative. Personal sin involves personal guilt, and personal damnation ; and by personal sin, we may justly suffer in the present world, as wel! as in the world to come. By personal sin, we may prolong our lives or shorten them ; but by personal action, we cannot avoid death. Natural death is the reward of sin, but not of personal, but of representative sin — the sin of Adam : for in Adam all die. Now the sin of Adam, that brought death upon us all, considers death brought upon us, by his sin, as a legal punishment. See Rom. vi. 23 : " For the wages of sin is death." Again, see Heb. ix. 27: "And as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment." That appointment may be found in Gen. ii. 17 : " But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat ot it : for in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." Adam ate the forbidden fruit and died ; and we die in him, or on account of that 118 ORIGINAL SIN. 9- sin, which was a breach of covenant. Adam sinned as a legal head ; and by that sin, the wiiole race was to be blotted out, and Adam and Eve only to exist as subjects of personal suffering. Adam could no longer exist as a natural head, because, as a legal head, he had involved death, by a breach of covenant. But by the second Adam, Jesus Christ, who is not a natural head to the race of man, but a legal head, standing the trial of the first Adam, and atoning for his sin, securing by his representation, our personal being, by continuing the first Adam on earth, not as a legal, but a natural head. And we are introduced into the world personally, inheriting all his properties ot nature, natural and moral ; as our natural head, depravity and mortality being brought on himself and us, by a breach oi covenant, as our legal head. Thirdly. But although all die in Adam, by the imputation of his first sin ; yet his sin has not des- troyed personal accountability. Personal account- ability is moral ; and no positive institution will ever be enjoined by God, that would infract moral principle. "The soul that sinneth it shall die.'' The son shall not die for the iniquity of the father : that is, shall not be charged with personal guilt, for the sin of another. Adam's sin was imputed to his posterity ; but it was a representative sin ; and a representative sin is always connnitted against a positive institu- tion ; and no positive institution will be given, that ^^ OEi I G I N A L S J N . 119 will destroy moral principle. Personal account- ability is moraJ. Adam's sin could involve his race in a thousand evils ; and by it our world is inundated with evil, moral and natural ; yet Adam's sin could not involve personal guilt and personal damnation. Everv man shall die for his own iniquity. Now, as Adam's sin, as our legal head, has brought upon his race a train of evils, natural, moral, and spiritual, but yet has not destroyed personal accountability, we may infer — had he not broken covenant with God but kept his first estate — that he would have continued, both as a natural and legal head to his posterity ; and we would have inherited his advantages, both natural and legal ; we would have entered the world with healthy bodies, and upright souls, and under legal advantages far superior to his, while he was on trial, not liable to temptations as he was. Yet these advantages would not have destroyed per- sonal accountability. We would have been required to acquiesce in that arrangement or covenant, by which he was constituted our legal head and representative. But since Adam, as our legal head, broke covenant with God ; and we are depraved and mortal, and our personal existence is by virtue of the representation of Jesus Christ, the second Adam, who is our head in law ; our acquiescence personally is called for, in that covenant. Per- sonal responsibility is not destroyed, by the repre- 120 ORIGINAL 6 I A' . sentation of Christ. Every sinner must believe, or accept that remedy for himself -Representative advantages do not set aside personal accountability; and Motvvithstandin" we have inherited Adam's corrupt nature, and are surrounded by temptations to sin ; yet, by the provisions of the new and well ordered covenant, of which Christ is our legal head, we are under no necessity to choose that which is sinful. For the gospel, by the Holy Spirit, and the means he has instituted, counteracts our depravity, by enlightening our minds in the knowledge of divine things ; and thus life, as well as death, are set before the mind. And as the mind can only feel guilt, when it has made a wrong choice; and as the wrong is only discov- ered by the right; if the mind did not apprehend truth, it could not know falsehood. When, there- fore, the mind feels guilty, it is because it has made a wrong choice, in view of right. For we can only determine the finite, by the Infinite. The object or design of the gospel, in setting life before the mind, is to direct and enable the sinner to make a correct choice. If he choose life, he shall live; but if, under these advantages, although he be a sinner, he choose death, he shall die : he will be personally guilty, and personally damned. K E S U R K li C TI O N. J 21 ON THE RESURRECTION. The resurrection of the body, belongs to the toiiiidation on which the Church is biiik, and is an important part of it. 1 Cor, xv. 16, 17 ; "For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised ; and if Christ be not raised, jour faith is vain ; ye are yer in your sins." Again, see 20th verse ; '* But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept." But as the doctrine is mysterious, and lies beyond human reason, we will offer a few arguments to sustain it; for although it be mysterious, it is not absurd, and therefore, can be sustained by argument. And first: The resurrection of the body, being a part of human identity, is desirable. It is so, not only as relates to one, but as every man belongs to the same race of beings, it is also desi- rable, as relates to the great whole; every human being is tenacious of his person — body as well as soul ; and as the body must die, there is great solicitude felt that it should rise again, and rise in a better state than it now enjoys. The individual not only desires his body, to be united with the soul for ever, but he has many friends he desires to meet in full person — body as well as soul — and whose personal • pre^encs as well as personal 1 1 122 RESURRECTION. friendship, \\\\\ afford pleasure. We conclude, the resurrection is desirable, being founded in the constitution of man, whici) affords an argument in its favor. Secondly: It is possible. When we view the infinite wisdom, almighty power, &c., of the Creator of man, shall we think it incredible, that God should raise the dead I He who gave him being at first, can he not as easily raise the body from the dust, as he could form it out of the dust. Thirdly: It is probable tint a God who has given man being under such favorable circum- stances, will raise him from the dead. From all we know of ourselves, as the workmanship of God, and from what we know of him, is it not probable that God will raise the dead. Fourthly : It is certain there shall be a resurrec- tion, both of the just and unjust. Tlie Bible places the doctrine beyond controversy ; text after text might be quoted in its favor; but we will not insert them at this time ; let the doubtful mind read the Bible. Fifthly : The doctrine is a provision of the Gospel. It is in the Gospel that life and inmior- taiity are brought to ligiit: our resurrection is founded on the resurrection of Jesus Christ; and His resurrection is founded on his death ; and his death on his voluntary consent to take our place, in law. 'J' here shall be a resurrection, both of the just and unjust; the whole human family will R E S U R R E C T I O N. 1-23 rise, small iuui great. Then Christ rose for all ; and if He rose for all. He must have died for all ; and if He died for all, He musi have consented to do so; and if he consented to do so, it must have been because the law required it; and if the law required it, God the Father, who is the conservator of the God-head, must have given him up to take the sinner's place in law : and in Him chose the human family to obtain salvation; and He, Jesus Christ, is the Saviour of all men ; especially of those that believe. And as he consented to die for all men, and rose ao-ain from the dead for all men, so He was appointed the Judge of quick and dead, and we nmst all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, to answer for the improvement of all the advan- lajres secured us bv His intervention. He has secured advantages for all men, and therefore, all men nmst stand before the Judgment seat of Christ. Sixthlv : The manner of the resurrection. Whether the same body will arise, or a body at 9II — onlv something: aerial — has been controverted. This matter can only be settled by the Bible. And first: Christ rose with the very same body He died with ; and the body that died, was the same that was born of t!ie Virgin Mary. Second: He shall change our v'de bodies, that thev may be fashioned like unto His glorious body. His bodv became more glorious, when His work of humiliaticm was completed; but it was the ] 24 R K S U K R K C T I O iN . same body. His transfiguration was designed and calculated to show die disciples the glor^ ol' an iin- uiortal body, and was the most striking development of immortality ever beheld; and our bodies shall be like the glorious body of Christ; yet tlie same body. Every man, therefore, in the resurrection, shall have liis own body : the saint will not inherit the body of the sinner. Spiritual bodies, freed from the power of all the laws of organic matter. They will not hunger, nor thirst, nor be weary. They will have no ten- dency to the centre of matter, by the laws of gravi- tation, as the present body has. But this mortal shall put on immortality : the same body that was mortal shall put on immortality, and death shall be swallowed up in victory. We are not to expect all the particles that belong to this body, when it dies; or belonged to it in all its mutations, in its short history of mortality. This is not desirable, but the resurrection of the body is desirable, and this is sustained. Seventhly : The character of the resurrection. Morally, the resurrection of the body, is founded on the resurrection of Christ : but the character of the resurrection, will turn on personal responsi- bility. They that have done good, shall come forth to the resurrection of life, a capability of higher enjoyments; and they that have done evil, to the resurrection of damnation, a capability of deeper misery. We cannot, by personal effort, BAPTISM. 125 escape tlie resurrection. We must rist, whether we are good or bad; but we can escape, by personal effort, a resurrection of damnation, and may come forth to the resurrection of life. ON BAPTISM. Without any preliminary remarks, we explain Baptism to mean the application of one thing to another, with a view to cleanse, purify, or set apart to some particular use ; and it expresses the thing- done, and not the mode of doing it. Whether the thing applied be water, blood, fire, or spirit, to either body or mind, the application of one thing to another is done to cleanse, purify, or set apart to some particular purpose or use; and this is baptism. With this explanation, let us notice all the texts, or most of them, which speak of baptism. And first, the baptism of the children of Israel to Moses in the cloud and in the sea; see 1 Cor, X. 2. The miracles wrought at the Red Sea, called baptism, were designed to set apart the children of Israel to obey Moses as their leader. 2nd. Jesus Christ was baptized by John: See the connection, as recorded bv the Evangelist?. God gave to Moses a shadow of Christ's priesthood, which WHS to be confined to the familv of Aaron 126 BAPTISM. and tribe of Levi, John was of the above family and tribe, and was specially appointed to prepare the way of the Lord. In tiie discharjje of his duty, he made a transfer of the Levitical priesthood, of vvliich he was one, to Jesus Christ, who, according to the flesh, was of the tribe of Judah, and tlius the shadow was transferred to the substance. And the baptism John administered to Christ, was not designed to perpetuate the Levitical priesthood, but to put an end to it, by transferring the Levitical priesthood to Christ, and thus to set him apart to close the whole sacrificial dispensation, by the offering of himself once for sin. He acted as the priest; He ofifered himself: and, from (he time of his offering, the shadow fled away; and God has not required any of Aarons family, or Levi's tribe, to offer the blood of any victim for sin. The shadow has fled; Aaron hys aside his robe; and the Jewish altar ceases to smoke with the blood of slain beasts for sin. By one offering, and that himself, and by himself, he *' finished transgression, and to make an end of sins." Four thousand years of darkness had covered the world. Txpes and shadows had pointed to the great anti-tvpe and substance. Men had officiated as priests. But when the Truth or substance of all the types makes his appearance, who is a priest for ever, after the order of Melchizedec, and not after the order of Aaron; Aaron transfers all his authority to Christ in the act of baptism. BAPTISM. 127 3rd Christ was baptized with blood or suffering. **I have a baptism to be l)aptized vvitli; and iiovv am I straitened till it be accomplished ?" This baptism set him apart to make intercession for us: He entered the holy place, that is, heaven, by his own blood. 4ih. John's baptism with water was designed, in addition to his transferring llie Levitical priestjiood to Christ, which was but the shadow of his priesthood, who is a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedec, to set apart the Jewish nation to receive the gospel. He therefore baptized them to repentance, sayin«, that they should believe on him that should come after bin), tiiat is, on Christ Jesus. 5th. He [Christ] shall baptize with the Holy Ghost at)d with tire. The Apostles were set apart, who were unlearned men, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, to preach the gospel in every man's tongue, 6th. The Christian baj)tism, the application of water by an authorized minister to a iit subject, in the name of the Faiher, Son and Holy Ghost This baptisu). which is but an outward sii;n o\ uu inward grace or baptism, sets the subject apart to membership in the visible Church. 7th. Spiritual baptism, which sets an individual apart to membership in the invisible Church. 'Ibis (»aptism ujeans to cleanse, puiilV. or spt aparr lo some particular use. We think it unsafe to make 128 BAPTISM. baptism mean immersion or any mode of doing the thing. John baptized with water. There must be some mode of doing every thing, and often many modes ; but there is a striking difference between the thing done and the mode of doing it. John baptized with water, not in water. Christ baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, not in the Holy Ghost and fire. The children of Israel were baptized and not immersed. The Egyptians were immersed and not baptized. Christ should baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire — not fire literally — but, as fire is a purifying element when apphed to matter, so a holy influence applied to the soul cleanses, purifies, and sets it apart to membership in the invisible Church. To be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, and to be born of the water and Spirit, seem to mean the same thing: fire has a purifying influence, so has water; and both fire and water represent the purifying influence of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit or Holy Ghost applies a purifying, a holy influence to the heart. The text does not surely mean a literal apphcation of either fire or water to the body with a view to cleanse the soul, but a spiritual application of a holy influence by the Holy Ghost to cleanse, purify, and set the soul apart to the service of God. We would not pretend to say the mode constitutes the thing, or that the mode of doing and the thing done are the same. The thing done is baptism;, the mode of doing it is something else. B A P T I S M . 129 But as baptism must be done in some mode, and as water baptism is only the sign of the Spirit's baptism, we can safely say, tlie baptism of the Spirit is administered by pouring. See Acts i. 5 — "For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost, not many days he-nee," In explanation of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, see Acts ii. 17, 18: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, &c. And on my servants and on my hand-maidens 1 will pour out, in those days, of my Spirit," &c. The latter, therefore, explains the mode of baptism by the Holy Ghost, mentioned in the foregoing. Baptism, as we have explained, means the thing done, and not the mode of doing it. Yet as some mode is necessary in doing all things, some mode must be observed in administering baptism. And as the Bible has not expressly revealed the mode, we are left to infer that pouring is a proper mode of application; for it cannot be wrong to apply water to the body in Christian baptism, in the same mode the soul is baptized by the Holy Ghost. 130 THL SABBATH THE SABBATH. I find it vvritteu, " Ye shall keep my Sabbaths, kiid reverence uiy sanctuary : 1 am the Lord." Lev. xix. 30. The Sabbath and Sanctuary are standing monuments of important facts, recorded in ihe book of God, and they are also valuable emblems of things to come; and, as such, ought to be sacredly regarded by man. Tlie Sabbath is a memorial of the creation of the world, and the resurrection of Christ; and those who would blot (jut the Sabbath, would erase the finger of God from creation, and say with the fool, There is no God. The Sabbath ought not only to be kept as one of seven days, but should be kept holy to the Lord. We are commanded to labor six days for the benefit of our bodies ; and the day called the Sabbath, for the benefit of souls, by devoting it exclusively to the service of God, for his glory and our good, our spiritual edification and comfort. God has appointed a weekly Sabbath, and, under the Jewish economy, he appointed other days, called Sabbaths, to commemorate important events. Whatever God has appointed must be sacredly regarded by us — " Thou shalt keep my Sabbaths." While the Sabbath enjoins certain duties, it also forbids every thought, word, and action, being THE SABBATH. 131 performed on the Lord's day, which would divert our minds tVoni the service of God. We ail aj^ree that it forbids all kinds of manual labor, except works of necessity and mercy. But how many of us. have learned to promote our worldly interest on the Lord's day, by other arrangements than manual labor, VVordly interest is promoted, and the niiiid called off from the service of God by barjiain ujaking. on the Sabbath; a journey is to be taken; Sabbath is the day, or one of the days visits must be paid; friends must be seen ; Sabbath is the day the social party is formed; all the subjects of conversation are demoralizing, and calculated to banish thoughts of God, and to inflate the soul with pride and vanity : and thus the object of the Sabbath is lost. We have some- times known the house of God to be almost forsaken; the family must stay at home to enter- tain company, when all ou^ht to have been at Church, the family and company. We have generallv found the poor more careful to keep the Sabbnth than the rich ; yet sometimes the poor plead their poverty for breaking the Sabbath — we have to work hard all the week, and have no other lime for pleasure or friendly visits, but Sunday ; and we tnust go. Would it not be a kind act lor the men of this world, when they find the member of the Church desecrating the Sabbath, to admonish them not to break the Sabbath, that they ought to be at home instructing their families, or 132 THE SABBATH. at the Church m Sabbath School, prayer meeting, or at preaching, endeavoring to build up Zion, by provoking their fellow-citizens to love and good works. We should keep the Sabbath holy, not only because it is monumental, but also because it is emblematic of our eternal rest in the kingdom of God — " there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God," and they that keep the Sabbath, keep that rest in view ; and they who keep the Lord's Sabbath on earth, will keep the eternal Sabbath. But those who want no Sabbath in this world, will have none in the next ; they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. But 2ndly : We must reverence the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is a holy or sanciiiied place, as ist. the Holy of Holies, where the Ark and its appur- tenances, and the cloud representing the divine glory, stood ; Lev. iv. 6. The whole Jewish Temple is called the Sanctuary. Any place appointed for the public worship of God is the Sanctuary, the place where God dwells, and under the gospel dispensation, wherever his people meet to worship, there is a house for God. Our houses of public worship, built and dedicated to him, are his Sanctuary ; it is God's house, He is the proprietor, and is represented as dwelling in it; and those who go to the Sanctuary, go there to worship God. We should be respectful, in our outward deport- ment, in the hoivse of God ; if it be the duty of the young to bow before the hoary head and honor THE SABBATH. 133 the old man, we should all bow hefore God, ou approaching his house, and honor him by taking ofiour hats at the door of his house, and enter into his presence with deep humility. When services are opened, we should take an active part in them, and not sit there like statues, or by whispering, talking and laughing, tell God we have no reverence for his name, and tell (by the fool's eye) the whole congregation, that we do not know how to behave ourselves in the house of God. We think it indecorous to come into the house of God with hats on, and as soon as service is over, and sometimes before the benedic- tion is pronounced, pick up hats, and sometimes we have seen, to our niortitication, cigars lighting up, hats putting on, loud talk and perhaps loud laughter, all in the house of God; and perhaps too, after a solenm sermon, where probably serious mourners have knelt at the altar of prayer. Preachers and people should be careful how they enter the house of God ; the whole service should be orderly and solemn, and the same care should be taken when we close it. We should close the service respectfully, and not destroy all the good that might have been done during the sermon, by irreverence at the close. Nothing tells to more advantage, on the intelligence and piety of a people, than their behavior in the house of God, The old saying is true — the state of the people is known by the state of the temple. An 134 ON MISSIONS. iudifTereiir lionso, indiffereiirly kept tor the worship of (i()(l, more strikinjiiv discovers a want of interest as well as good taste: and ahhongh we woidd l)e far from extravagance, as to the iionse and its furniture, yet all houses of worship ought to he decently kept, and gravity should mark the house in all its departments. The people should strive ahove all things, in this world, to he decorous iii the house of God. But there may be an orderly congregation, in view of men, and yet the heart may not be right in the sight of God; and all the service iti His sio^ht mav he disorderly, for the want of the true spirit of reliijion. God is a S|)irit ; let this always be borne in mind bv the worshipper; and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth : in spirit, in opposition to form ; in truth, in opposition to error. ON MISSIONS. Our Church is not doing all she could to promote the cattse of Christ, in our great missionarv-field, the Valley of the Mississippi, and in the whole world, which is a missionary-field, and now white to harvest. Some are doinii but little for want of system, as they say, in our Church. Now I do not say we have the best system : I believe it can be ON MISSIONS. 135 greatly improved ; but if it be improved, it must be done practicnlly. We must operate on tbe capital we bave, or it will nor increase; we must reduce to practice, or it will not likely be bettered. 'J'lie best address ever delivered on cliarity, is a practical address. "Be ye warmed and filled," will not warm and fill. Our system will do, until, by practice, we learn better. Our Constitution authorises the pastoral relation and missionary plan. The plan is laid down, by which the pastoral relation is formed. A Church that wants a pastor, and a minister who wants a settlement, as pastor, have a plain system of operation before them. Let the minister devote Iiis time to pastoral duties. Let the Church sustain him by prayer, and by all other means that ma\ be necessary; and the Lord will give the increase. But although the system of operation is plain and good ; yet, if the preacher and the peo[)le neglect duty, the Church cannot be sustained. If a pastor wants to serve the people, he can do it; and if the people wish to give to the preacher, it they icill give, nothing shall be lost for want of form. Our Assembly is a Missionary Society; it has its Missionary Board; there are and will be regular channels to that Board; and that Board, so soon as it has funds for either Foreign or Doujestic missions, will endeavor, so far as it has men and means, to sustain or aniply occupy every important station. 136 ON MISSIONS. Synods are all Missionary Societies; let tliem he auxiliary to the parent Society. Presbyteries are also Missionary Societies; let the Presbyteries provide for their part of the great field, and aid the Parent Society. Congregations are Missionary Societies, let them see that their own congregation is supplied with all the means of salvation, and also aid the destitute. Every uidividual member of the Church should feel bound to aid the whole ; in so doing he sustains himself as well as others. Now, my brethren, let us improve our system pi'actically ; let us go to work with the system and means w^e have. A minister was once called on to preach to a benevo- lent institution a sermon ; his last proposition was to deliver a practical argument on charity. When he came to that division of his subject, he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the money, saying the poor had been starved by speculative benevolence; he proposed to treat it practically: " Give me your money, and I shall say no more." The policy that is wanting in our Church, and in every Church, is practical policy. We want missionaries in all parts of our country. In Cities and Towns, where we have no Churches nor preachers, our Board of domestic missions, as well as foreign, is ready to receive all money that may be sent, and make as wise an appropriation of it as possible. Let individuals Societies. Presbyteries, O- N MISSIONS. 137 and all others direct their money to the Treasurer of the Assembly's Board ot Domestic and Foreign Missions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, at Lebanon, Wilson county, Tenn. The contribu- tions of concert prayer-meetings will be received and appropriated. Will we not resolve that, in addition to our own Chmxhes, Presbyteries, &c., we will every year send something to aid the Board, in sending to the destitute, and where our Church is not planted. The way is open, and where there is a will there is a way. Solomon remarks, that through much weariness, the building decayeth ; and through idleness of the hands, the house droppeth through. A lazy man is almost always out of work, as well as of means : an industrious man can always find so met bins: to do. My brethren, if we are really disposed to work, there is work enough to be done. Let us go to work practically; and if we have but two mites, it will be much in God's esteem. But let us remember, it is practical work that is wanted to be done. We may think of doing good, and do nothing. May the Ijord rouse us all up to suitable action, for the time is at hand, when the Judge of all the earth will say, " Come, ye blessed of my Father; for I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat,'' &c. ; not that you thought ye would, but that ye did feed me. He that wishes to aid ihe cause of inissions. can fuul a wav to do 138 ON MISSIONS. it. Tlieie is money euougli in our Ciiurcli to sustain a missionary in every important place in our bounds, and aid tlie foreign lield, l)esides sustaining the pastoral relation in many congrega- tions, it* our brethren would encourage practical pohcy. By sustaining pastors at home and mi.s- sionaries abroad, the work of God would prosper better amongst us, and our ministers, who could bie tempted by money, to leave our Church, would be guarded against such temptations. But who among«^t us. who have been born again in our church, could be tempted to sell their birth-right for a mess of red pottage, or their Master for thirtv j)ieces of s'lver? Other denominations may solicit funds from our Church to assist their treasury, and with that money attempt to buy up the ministers of our Church, and send them out into tiieir own field. But let us not find fault with others, but endeavor, as Rev. John Wesley once said to his brethren, let us out-preach, out-pray, and out-hve all others. And let us excel all others in bringing all the resources and energies of our ('hurch to sustain the cause of Christ. MORE MINISTERS WANTED- 139 THE CHURCH WANTS MORE MINISTERS OF THE RIGHT STAJMP. An uncalled, unsent, unholy, and unfaithful niinisrrv, is the Ciiurch's greatest curse, A ministry called and sent of God, holy and faithf d, is the Church's greatest blessing. The middle of the 19th century needs not only more preachers, hut preachers qualified for the peculiar lahor of this age — men apt to teach, patient, who will not hold their peace day nor night; wise to win souls, who know how to behave themselves in the house of Goil — men who know how rightly to divide the word of truth, giving to each their portion in due season, prudent, faithful, humble, holy, zealous, watchful — men who will hazard their lives, fortunes, and every thing in this world, for Christ's sake and the salvation of souls — men who will seek to please God rather than men, and who will seek to please other men rather than themselves, who will preach Jesus, the Lord, and not them- selves — men whose hearts feel, whose eyes weep, and whose heads are fountains of water — men who are devoted to the cause of God, and not afraid ^o lift up their voices like a triim[)t^t, and show the 140 MORE M I N I S T E K S WAN V E D liouse of Israel tlieir sins — men who will warn sinners to flee the wrath to come, while it is yet to come, who will take mouthfuls of the threatened wrath of God, and pour it upon the wicked, who shall he turned into hell — men who will be instant in season and out ofseason, who will exhort and rebuke with all long-suffering and doctrine, who will teach publicly, and from house to house — men who know how to comfort the feeble-minded, to support the weak, and to be patient toward all men — men who will exemplify what they preach, preach what they feel, feel what they beheve, and believe the truth — men born of God, called of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, and clothed with salvation. Then the saints will shout aloud for joy. Men, wise as serpents and harmless as doves — men who can endure with the ox, soar with the eagle, roar with the lion, reason with the man, and love with the angel — men who weep between the porch and the altar, and who will stand between the living and the dead — men who will endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt — men who esteem Jerusalem above their chief joy, and who will only glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Men of the above character will show sinners the way of life ; they will take Zion by the hand ; they will feed the flock of God, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, not for fijthv lucre but OF THE RIGHT STAMP. l4l of a ready mind. And when tlie chief Shepherd shall aj)pear, they shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away, and will present a holy flock before the Son of Man, at his appearing. They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn many to righteous- ness as the stars, for ever and ever. May the great Head of the Church raise up men, eminently qualified to meet the wants of the Church and the world, the next half century. Men who will bless the next generation, must enter the sacred office with thoughts that breathe, and words that burn with living fire. The fields are large and white to harvest, and the Macedonian cry is heard from almost every quarter, "Come over and help ns," or send us help. The laborers are few — the Lord of the harvest should be appealed to, with great fervor and importunity by the Church for more laborers — the prayer to be successful, must be attended with correspondino; efforts. Institutions of learning must be sustained by the Church, and particularly when young men for the ministry can be aided in their high profession. To aid young men preparing for the ministry, not only personal effort should be made, but education associations should bo formed; a congregation, a Presbytery should aid all the young men, candidates for the ministry, who need aid, to receive an education, and send them to some good institution capable of quTtlitying 142 MORE MINfSTRRS WANTED. them to come up fully to our excellent staudard, and as nuicli farther as circumstances may jiistify. The first duty of the Church, in supplying the fields white already to harvest, is to pray the Lord of the harvest, who alone has the right to call laborers, to call a full supply for the field. The second duty is to aid them to obtain that education necessary, if they have not obtained it, and have not the means themselves. Education societies should be formed, and to sustain them is the third step the Church should take. The fourth step should be to form Home and Foreign missionary societies, as well as the congregational call, to sustain those that God may call and qualify for the work. All these steps taken by our Church, the Macedonian cry will be responded to in the true spirit of the gospel, and ministers will go in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ; men will be sent to preach the gospel, wiih ihe Holv Ghost sent down from heaven, and the harvest of the earth will be gathered. The University at Lebanon will afford all the aid it can: the tuition of young men for the ministry shall be gratis. A lecture on some branch of theology shall be gratis, once a week. 'J'he Church and citizens of Lebanon w ill aid, and are doing what they can. Let the Church abroad, as well as here, pray and contribute of their means as God has prospered them, and the work- will advance. •CHE C H t; R u n WANTS MOTHERS. 143 Our system of doctrines will do; the consti- tution oi our Church will do; hut we want men of great energy of cliaracter in sufficient numhers, to^seud ioto all the world, to aid other Christian denominations in the world's conversion. Our Church is purely American. Its doctrines more conservative, or as much so as any other, and therefore well calculated to hasten the millennial glory of the Church of Christ. THE CHURCH WANTS MOTHERS. The Church not only needs more ministers of the right stamp, hut ^she wants mothers to train up children for the Church. It is said, when France was involved in national difficulties, some ladies were in conversation together on that subject; and the conclusion was, that France needed mothers to train up sons for the defence of their country. Bonaparte heard the remark, and directed the mothers of France to train up their sons under the sound of the drum, and other instruments of music, with a view to inspire them in early life with martial skill and military ardor. The result was that he soon had an invincihle army to defend his country. It has been said, they that rock the cradle govern the %\-orld. If so. and we think it 144 THE CHURCH W A N 1 S MQ T H ^ II S . pretty correct, the Church wants mothers- to inspire the children with a niissionary spirit in * early life. The field the Church has to cultivate, is large; the country she has to incorporate is extensive ; the enemies she has to conquer are many and powerful. She wants ministers of the right stamp; and mothers must aid, by inspiring a love for Christ and souls in the hearts of their sons. Let them talk to their children about the wretched condition of the world, the love of God, the death of Christ for the world, the Holy Spirit's influence on the world, and the high commission given to men — " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," with the promise made, " Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world." And above all, let mothers loan their Samuels to the Lord, as long as they live ; let them pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest. And, if he should call their sons, aid them in obtaining a suitable education, make their coats, and furnish them, as far as possible, with every thing in their power, so that they may minister before the Lord. How many mothers, at an early period, inspire their sons with prejudice and opposition to religion, and the office of the holy ministry. They tell their sons, that the office is not honorable, not lucrative, much labor and little profit. You must not think of being a preacher. Other employ- ments and professions are more reputable and THE C H fJ R C U \y ANTS Y, O T H E R S . 145 pr()fital)le. Look at the merchant, the poli- tician, the lawyer, the doctor. Strive, my son, to be something, and do not throw yourself away. Your parentage is too respectable, your endow- ments too rich, your talents too great, and mind too noble, to engage in such an unprofitable employnient as the gospel ministry. And thus, no doubt, mothers, who ought to aid the church, hang as dead weights on the wheels of Zion, and are keeping back many whom the Lord would send. Oh! ye mothers in Israel, have you dedicated your children to God I Train them up to be his. And although vou have not the right to call them to the work of the holy ministry ; yet you can, and you ought to train them up to the Lord's service. And although you cannot call them to the work, yet for want of your aid, many whom the Lord calls may be kept back. And were the sons of the Church dedicated to God, and trained up with a spirit of Christian enterprise, the Lord of the harvest would call more ; and those called would meet with more aid, might be sooner in the field, and better laborers. Mothers in the Church, let me say a word to you before I close. You may have overlooked the importance of the office to which God may have called your sons; and for which you should train them. The office is paramount to all others. " He that winneth souls is wise." Should the Lord call your Samuels, ho will put honor upon 13 I IG THE c II u K c n u a is t s s i s t e i; s , you the world can never give. Train up your sons early to love the Saviour, to love souls. And may your sons, whom God may call, raise the flag of mercy, in view of many dying sinners, he a comfort to you, a blessing to others, and die at their posts. THE CHURCH WANTS MORE SISTERS. When the Lord Jesus Christ sent out his ministers or disciples, "Peter said to him, we have left all and followed thee." Mark x. 28, 29, 30 ; " And Jesus answered and said. Verily I say unto you. There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake and the gospel's, but he shall receive a hundred-fold now in this time; houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecution, and in the world to come eternal life." The ministers of Christ are promised sisters as well as other friends ; and at this time, when the Church needs so many faithful preachers, and the Lord is raising up young men, who are forsaking all, I hope for Christ's sake and the gospel's; the Church needs sisters who will fee! interested for THE C H U II C H W A .\ T S SIS i' E II S , 147 tlie cause o( God. Moses' sisters helped liim, Paul's aided liim, and the present ministers want sisters to help them ; sisters who will pray for them. Sisters of Lehanon, your influence can be felt, not only in this congregation and town, hut as so many youths are thrown amongst you from a distance, for educational purposes; and many froui a distance preparing for the holy ministry, your influence will be felt afar offj and through all time. In addition to your closet prayers, and your prayers at the family altar, (for you are not forbidden to pray there, and many of the best sisters of the Church have prayed with their families — the writer of this had a mother who praved regularly in the absence of the father, and her prayers were .seldom offered without tears from her eyes, and the eyes of her children,) your social prayers, united, fervent, faithful prayers will be heard at the court of heaven, and answered in blessings rich and profuse upon the Church and the world. But in addition to your prayers, nmch good may be done by your counsel, example, and the labor of your hands ; many weak Churches and poor people, have been aided by the hands of devoted females. Sisters of Lebanoi), you are doing much, not only by prayer, but by the labor of your hands, I trust ; but can you not, by a united effort do hiore ] United, you would provoke one another to love and good works, and accomplish mor" for others. Seek out some ] 4S T H s f: h I n c n w a n t s s i s t k r s . honevoleur oliJHct, some needy person, to wlioni voiir own hands could minister, and let it be said in the day ot" eternity, by those to wliom } ou liave ministered, when you shall meet in the streets of jjlory, these are the hands that ministered to me in the town of Lebanon or elsewliere, in yonder world. Sisters, your united efforts would provoke all around you to love and j>;ood works. Let me remark, in conclusion, that if all the preachers and lay members of the Church in Lebanon, fathers atid mothers, brothers and sisters, w'ere doing what they could to honor God and save souls, io;norance and crime would blush to be seen in our streets every sinner would Tepent and turn to God, or leave the place ; and our friends at a distance, wiio love their children, would have cause to praise God for ever, for the blessings bestowed on their children who were sent to Lebanon, in whose happiness the sisters took such an active part. The tender hearted sisters will pardon the free- dom I have used in calling on them to help the Church. She cannot live without your aid on earth, and her bliss would be incomplete in heaven, if you were not actively employed there. ON C II U R C }I DOCTRINES. 149 LETTER ON CHURCH DOCTRLNES. Addressed to the Editor of the Cumberland Presbyterian. I TAKE all the periodicals of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, weekly and monthly, and a few short articles have appeared in them from my pen ; but I do not recollect of having written any thing to you to fill the columns of the Cumber- land Presbyterian. 1 have had many thoughts of doing so, but they have gone like the morning cloud and earlv dew. But this mornino; the Rev. Mr. Lindley and myself, in conversation about old Tennnle, revived some thoughts which I will send you for publication, if you think proper. And first, my mind turned on the providence of God, that gave birth to the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church. She was not brought forth by a spirit of faction. No opposition was entertained to the mother Church as a cause of her orij^in. She loved her mother, and would have willingly staid under her roof had she not spurned her from her bosom. But for what was she thrown from a mother's arms \ Not heresy, immorality, or contu- macy, for she was never convicted of either. But the providence of God that gave rise to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in your country occupied my mind, and with thoughts on that subject the balance of my sheet will be filled. 150 ON CHURCH IXJ (J T II I N E s . Early in 1831, if I mistake not, a vacant congregation of the Presbyterian Church on Upper Tenmile, Washington county, Pa., Laving seen in Buciv's Tlieological Dictionary, a succinct account of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, by their Session, directed one or two of their members to write to some member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. At the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in May, 1831, Dr. Cossit laid before that body a letter or two from that country, requesting some one or more ministers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church to visit them. Whereupon the Assembl}' appointed Rev. Messrs. Alexander Chapman, John Morgan, A. M. Bryan, Reuben Burrow, and R. Donnell to visit that country. Those brethren appointed to hold a Camp Meeting on Tenmile, Washington county, Pa., the third Sabbath of September following, if the people were willing to do so. They parted in Nashville in May. Chapman. Morgan, and Bryan, soon after started, and travelling and preaching through Kentucky and Ohio, reached their destination perhaps some time in July. Burrow and Donnell passed through Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, and part of Maryland, crossing the Alleghany Mountains, on the Cumberland Road, and met their brethren on Saturday, before the third Sabbath in September, according to appointment, in a large encampment on Tenmile, Washinoion countv, Pa. I then ON CHUKCH i')()C r R I N KS. 151 felt, and jet fed, tlie Lord directed tliat mission. Wiien I survey the ground over which I travelled, in that country, and remember the kind reception we met wirh, the many warm hearts and weeping eyes we left behind, when we bid farewell to that land, we could wish ourselves standing in your midst once more. But this wish may never be met, until we meet in heaven. To that land may all our hearts aspire and our faces be set ! The doctrines first preached amongst you are, we presume, preached still — a system calculated to give God all the glory, and yet to save the veriest sinner of Adam's family who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, I will close with a brief summary of the Doctrines : — 1st. The Unity of God. 2dly. The Trinity of God. Srdly. His perfections, divided into three classes; 1st. His moral, which constitute a rule of action. 2dly. His natural wisdom and power, which constitute an agent. Srdly. Those perfec- tions which convey to our mind, an idea of the degree in which he possesses the rule and power of action. He is infinite, eternal, and unchange- able in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. 4. Man was created upright, but fell from that holy and happy estate, into an estate of sin and misery. 5. God graclouslv chose all mankind to a day of probation in Christ, and [)ersonal election turns 162 ON CHURCH D C T Jl I ^ E S . on sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth. 6. Jesus Christ is both divine and human — two distinct natures and one person for ever. 7. He died for all men. As many as were elected to a day of probation, were atoned for by tbe Son. 8. The Holy Spirit convinces the world, and operates on as inany as were atoned for, and as many as were elected. All were atoned for, because the Father had chosen all to obtain salva- tion through Jesus Christ. 9. Conviction is the result of Divine operation. 10. Repentance. 11. Faith in Christ. 12. Justification. 13. Adoption. 14. Regeneration. 15. Sanctification. 16. Glorification. 17. The resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. 18 A day of judgment and a state of ivJure rewards and punishments. And now, my dear brother, as I may never more see you, or any of the dear people who read your valuable paper, let me exhort you all to stand fast in the faith — quit yourselves lik^ men — 'te strong. The Church in that country must act defensively. Sustain your own ground, W\t be not ON CHURCH DOCTRINES. 153 contented with defence alone. You must operate aggressively; jpu must pull down strongholds of sin and Satan : jou must strive for Church extension, and when you lengthen your .cords you must strengthen your stakes. There is much land yet to be possessed; and while you are defending your own ground, and building up your own Church, always he ready to extend the hand of Christian friendship, to all who are doing the work of Christ, as ye also do. You must not be inattentive to Education, that excellent hand- maid of the Church. The old saying is true, they that rock the cradle govern the world, and they that teach the children will church them. Do not think if you are inattentive to schools, you can hold up your Churches. Your people must take an active part in the labor and expenses of schools, and so with your ministers ; and never believe you can serve God with that which costs you nothing. Finally, brethren, farewell! Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind. Live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you. Work with God, and work with one another. 154 INTERESTS OF THE CHURCH. THE INTERESTS OF THE CHURCH. Tlie University of Lebanon promises, at this time, to meet the most sanguine expectations of its friends ; and could there be a Theological Department, in full operation, the Church in g:eneral would be greatly profiled. A Theological Department, well sustained, has long been a desid- eratum in our Church, and if our Church would form Educational Societies, and by personal, congregational, and Presbyterial efforts, aid all young men connected with the Church, whom God might call to preach, and send them here, or to some good institution of learning, the call for pastors and missionaries would soon be met. Especially if the Church will pray the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers, and then sustain those who labor in the field, either as pastors or as missionaries, our Board of Missions would then have men and means to meet the Macedonian cry, coming up from every direction. The Board wish to take no young man away from any field, where he can be sustained : all the Board wish, is, to carry out, as fully as possible, the designs of the Church. Young men, coming up to Lebanon to prepare for the ministry, will not be influenced by the Board to leave the congregations and Presbyteries which RELIGION OF THE R I B L E . 155 have sent tliem here, aidiiio; them to come, and willing to sustain them on their return. But it" Churches and Preshyteries will not aid tiiem in coming, and not sustain them on their return, the Board would wish to aid, when it would be ueces- sary and send to destitute parts. The Church need not be afraid in sending her young ministers here to prepare for the work, that the Church iiere or the Board, will send them to other fields of labor, when they can be sustained by the country from which they come. We are workers together with God, The Lord, whose the field is, designs it should be cultivated ; and our Ciiurch ought to labor to carry out his designs. Our beloved Church has not had much experience, either in aiding young men to obtain an education, or in supporting those who aie laboring in the field. But she is improving in every respect, and we hope soon, she will practically know how to promote her own interest, by sustaining those who labor for her prosperity. RELIGION OF THE BIBLE. I APPROVE of the religion of the Bible, because it is just to God and safe to man ; and it has more claims to our confidence and love, than anv other, 156 RELIGION OF T H E B I B L E . from the fact that it has the strongest wisdom to sustain its claims, and the best object to warm the heart and sanctify the affections. The pardon it grants is full and free, and for Christ's sake, the image it restores to the heart, confirms the cove- nant. Faith enters into it as the seal of the Holy Spirit, and the earnest of the believer's inheritance: ' after that ye believed ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.' And the seal is to the day of re- demption — until all the business of time is wound up. But there are many things connected with these great cardinal points of but small moment, about which Christians differ ; yet, correct opinion.s, even in the smallest matters, are the best guardians of Christian morality and practical religion ; and, therefore, should be sought after by all men who know and love the truth. The religrion of the Bible binds us to God and one another — erroneous sen- timents have a tendency to separate us from God and man. God is love, and he that loveth dwelleth in God and God in him : and he that loveth God, loveth him that is begotten of him. I will here take the liberty to object to the opinions entertained by some professed (Christians. — I object to any mode of Christian baptism being considered essential to Church membership, and communion at the Lord's table, from the fol- lowing considerations: 1st. Because the Bible no where positively expresses the mode, and to entertain the sentiment, RELIGION OF THE B I U L E . 157 that the mode is essential to Church-membership and Christian communion, is a postscript, or, add- ingr to the word of God. 2nd. It confounds the mode with the thins done, and is calculated to establish a formal or ex- ternal religion. 3rd. I object to the mode being essential, be- cause it is contrary to experimental religion. Every Christian under the influence of first love, which is simple and sincere, loves all that love the Lord Jesus Christ; and could, without regard to modes or forms, meet them at the Lord's table. But the sentiment that makes the mode of baptism essential to communion, is contrary to Christian experience — not only the young, but old Christian — for whenever the Christian feels the love of God, he feels, also, love to the brethren, or all who have the divine image. 4th. I object to the sentiment, because it created schism in the body of Christ. Every Christian is a member of Christ's spiritual body, whether Jew or Gentile; if he believe in Christ, he is a member of his body. But he that makes the mode essential to Christian communion, cuts off from Christ some of the dear members of his body. 5th. I object to the sentiment, because it is des- titute of Christian courtesy. The community that ujakes the mode of baptism essential to membership and communion at the Lord's table, do not inquire for t('slimo!ii;j's of ijood bt'liin iu>).r, \> Ikmi they 158 COMMENT ON J U D E NINTH. receive members from other climclies. A certificate of good standing in other churches, is of no vaUie. Tins is rontrarv to Christian courtesy, and the cour- tesy of all associations ; and it opens a door ot retreat to all who wish to withdraw, to do so, without asking the body to which they belong for testimonials of their good standing in society. COMMENT ON JUDE NINTH. " Yet Michael, the archangel, when contending with the devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against hini a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee." 1. From the text, we learn, that devils are intel- ligent beings, and were made upright, but kept not the'r first estate. 2. They will contend with good and great angels, who have kept their first estate, and also with good men. 3. The subjects about which they dispute, are such things as are not clearly revealed in the Bible, Such things as are clearly revealed, can be easily sustained. The devils themselves, acknowledge Jesus Christ lo be the Son of God, C U M SI E .\ T ON J U D E NINTH. 159 4. Good angels and men leave God to be l)otli Judge and Executioner. Angels are intelligenl beings: and falling from their first estate, do not lose their intellecrna! powers, but their good moral qualities. And although they are intelligent, they are intelligent devils — disposed to dethrone Jehovah, and deface his image in man, or wherever it is found. The devil is a tempter — a disputant — and, if he loves any thing, lie loves sin — he loves to dispute — because, by disputation, he may put angels and good men off their guard, and lead them to usurp the throne of God, and take the reins of government into their own hands, and thus rebuke the devil — themselves not saying, The Lord rebuke thee. But 2nd. The subjects of dispute are dark and liiic rtain things; — such as the body of Moses. Moses died in the land of Moab, and the Lord buried him in the valley; and no man knoweth of his sepulchre until this day. Had the children of Israel found his body, they would likely have wor- shipped it. The Lord acted wisely in concealmg it ; and are we not safe in saying, many other things are concealed from man, not essential to his salvation, which, if they had been plainly revealed, might have become objects of worship. The mode of water baptism, seems not to be plainly revealed. Baptism is enjoined, but the mode is not so clear. And on account (>f its obscurity, and not being essential to sahntinji. ii is one of the best subjects IGO C IJ iM iM E N T ON J U U E N 1 N T l{ . for the Devil to dispute about. Tiie mode can't be settled by the Bible : and if it could, it would not save the sinner. But inasmuch as it is a (Church ordinance — but its mode not known — it would do for devils to dispute about, and all such doubtful matters. The devil has much more to contend about. Clear important truths admit o-f but little contention. An old preacher once said in the pulpit, that he had often been asked about Pharaoh's chariot, and the sprinkled birds, but no one had ever asked him what it was to be born again. ^ But 3rd. Railing accusations should not be brought against the Devil. It is true, that ironv has been used by good men against bad men ; and there are some vices, and perhaps some errors, which can only be put to the blush by ridicule. And there are some men who think they never have a powerful antagonist, unless he can rail and use as hard words as themselves. But Michael did not determine the subject by hard words, but left this dark and doubtful subject, and the sentence to be passed upon him, to the Lord. Michael was a good angel, and would not claim to be Judge and executioner. He was a holy angel, and would not sin so against God. He was a chaste angel, and could not pollute the language of heaven. He was a subordinate angel, and would leave all to God. He was a peaceable angel, and knew that railinoj was contra rv to the Prince of Peace. DEVILS C A S T I .\ G <) L T D K V I !, .? . ] G 1 It m;iy he that Michael was enrriisted with the l)nrial of Moses; aud the Devil, who was ouce an angel of light, was well acquainted with iiini, con- demned Iiin) for concealing the grave and hody of Moses. He reasoned with Michael thus : It would be of great service to the children of Israel, to know where his body was; — and thus tried to get Michael to betray his trust. And when he would believe and obev God rather than submit to his rea- soning, he had recourse to railing. This he could do as a devil. But although Michael could reason, he must not rail. In this, the Devil could excel Michael ; hut Michael submitted all to God. So, my brethren, let us do in all cases, when brought in contact with the Devil. I have seen much evil grow out of devils casting out devils. Whenever we attempt to cast out devils, let us do it by the finger of God « DEVILS CASTING OUT DEVILS. Not long since, reviewing the history of the world, a case came up, which transpired about eighteen hundred years ago, which interested me very much ; and I thought I would give it to the world; and it possiblv might illustrate some dark and difticult cases in ilje nineieendi century. I I J 02 O F. V I L S C A S T I N r; o (J r n F, V I l. s . The rase was this : Otic devil rastinir out another. I was much interested to learn his process, and see how he could accomplish his object, and how his process would result; and it turned out just like a devilish effort would do — both parties were injured. But the one that commenced the attack was the most injured. That vou may see that the case I refer to was not fiction, see in the History of the World, Acts xix. 13-16 : " Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them that had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you, by Jesus, whom Paul preacheth. And there were seven sons, of one Seeva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. And the evil Spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know ; but who are ye 1 And the man in whom the evil Spirit was, leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so thai they fled out of that house naked and wounded."' f have observed, that in the process of onf devil casting otit another, he never attempts it as a devil, but always puts on another form — an angel of light; or, as in the case before us, the attack against the evil Spirit was made in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preached. He always goes masked : hence, he always attends masquerade parlies and balls, and attempts but little, in this world, without a mask: but he is DEVILS CASTING OUT DEVILS. 163 Still as uiucli of a devil, when he goes in an angel's dress, and in the name of Christ, and his object is the same, as though he appeared in the Devil's livery ; and, when he, in his angelic dress, opposes Christianity, he always calls Christ Beelzebub, and does not oppose him for a good work, but for blasphemy — he being a man, maketh himself a God. Just so, when he opposes the Church of Christ; he calls Christians hypocrites; and in his angelic dress, he is going to purge the Church of its hypocrites and false prophets; but, although he is thus dressed, he has the devil's spirit. Enmity is his nature, and his operations will show what spirit he is of. Satan cannot love, he hates morality ; but never opposes it, until he gives it the name of vice, and then becomes the opposer of vice ; but, by such a spirit as to open the very flood-gates of immorality upon the world ; and the evil spirit he opposed in an angel's dress, leaps upon him, and overcomes his an^^el dress, and he shows himself all devil; then the people learn, when, perhaps, it is too late, that the devil was at the bottom of all : and, although it was his great zeal for religion and morality which led him to such action, yet, his course to stop it only opened the way to more immorality and irreligion. If he really appeared the devil opposing the devil, his kingdom would be divided, and could not stand; but he appears as an angel of light opposing the devil, and the 164 D E V I T, S C A S r 1 N O OUT I) F, V I L » . people are l)linded by him; and too often join with him, and cry out, Come and see my zeal for the Lord of Hosts ! when tlie spirit of the devil is in it. And the result is, when we oppose any thing under the name of evil, with an evil spirit, we are overcome by the evil spirit, and our professed Christianity is overcome, and we are found on the devil's side. With our professed zeal for literature, morality, and religion, we injure every thing good, and contribute to the devil's kingdom. The devil is fond of excitement, and seems to impregnate the very air (for he is the prince and power of the air) with faction ; and when the excitement abates, the feelings settles down in opposition to God and religion, and people become opposed to each other, and an unpleasant state of heart-burning is felt in society. The devil has his plan of bringing on his revivals, and he always commences more like an angel than a devil. He only whispers at first, and that prepares the way to talk confidentially, with promises to keep secret; but the secret keeper wants somebody else to help keep the secret ; and some get it, who think the secret too good or bad to be kept, and it is no longer a secret: property is injured, society is injured, and perhaps the very one who rose up to cast out the devil is ovelTome, and suffers more than the one he attempted to cast out, as in the text before us: the evil spirit answers. "Jesns A SHORT S K R >I O N . 105 1 know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?'' The excitement rises higher, and the last evil is worse than the first : the tide rises to the hijjhest point, and then begins to abate. It began by evil imaginations, and rises to fixed hatred, and death is the finishing stroke. Let us, my brethren, never attempt to cast out devils by Beelzebub, lest we be overcome by the very devils we oppose, and have to leave that house naked and wounded. A SHORT SERMON FROM A LONG TEXT. 2 Chron. xix. 5 — 7: "And he set judges in the land, throughout all the fenced cities ot'Judah, city by city ; and said to the judges, Take heed what ye do: for ye judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment. Wherefore now, let the fear of the Lord be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor takino; of gifts." Our text develops the policy of Jehoshaphat, (under the Divine Hand,) the son of Asa: he set his heart to seek the Lord God of his father David, 16G AS n () R T s E i; m o n and to l)r'mg Judali hack to the service of the true God. He liad riches and lioiior in abundance, and his lieart was lifted up in the ways of the Lord. He sent heralds to make known the will of God to the people; but he found that mere declaration was not sufficient ; judicial proceedings must be resorted to also. He therefore established two classes of judges : one ecclesiastic, the other civil. These judges or elders, were formed into three courts. The court of three, determined small matters; perhaps it was only a court of arbitration — each party choosing a judge, and they two chose a third. The second court consisted of twenty-three judges; this court determined matters of great uioment. And the third court, or sanhedrim, consisted of seventy or seventy-two judjres; this court deter- mined matters of the highest character — both in Church and State, No judge was allowed to receive presents, nor to regard men either for poverty or riches, or to follow a multitude, or be governed by public opinion ; but according to law and evidence. No man was to lie condemned unheard, nor on the testimony of less than two or three witnesses ; some of them called of God, others elected by the people. Different manners obtained of making known the sentence. The Jews made the sentence known by declarino: — thou art innocent or guiltv ; the Romans, by casting various tablets into a bo.\ — marked with a. for approval, and c. for condemna- F no M A I, () N G T E X T . 167 tion ; some of the Greeks, by giving a white stone as tiie emblem of innocence, aiul a black one as tbe emblem of iiuilt. See an allusion to this in Rev. ii. 17. The Church has always had its ministers called of God, and its judicial courts. The Gospel Church has its courts of judges, ministers called of God, and elders chosen by the people. See 1 Cor. v. 12, 13. "For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within ? But them that are without God judiieth." The power of a Church court is purely moral and spiritual. It is the duty of this court to main- tain the purity and peace of the Church, and to labor for her prosperity; and if any member of the Church has knowledge of any error or crime which ought to be noticed, let it be brought before this court, and not spread it abroad to the scandal of the Church: and he who will tell the faults of his brother to the world and not to the Church, lays himself liable to the censure of the Church. As God, therefore, calls men to preach, and also to rule in his house, we believe the policy is good in the government of the Church, to have its courts formed of men called of God, and men elected by the people, to act in concert with the ministry. The minister needs an advisory counsel, that is held responsible to the people for advice given. The preacher's business is with books, in hi.s studio, in the pul()it, and in the domestic circle, 168 A .'^ H O H T S K K .M O N giving instruction and offerin^i prayer, and lias nothing, or little, to do with secular matters; and he needs advisors acquainted with the people in all their vocations of life, that in the government of a Ciiurch those who rule may be acquainted with all the circumstances of its members. If the preacher has to govern without an appointment by the j)eople to aid him, he will have advisors; every member of the Church will advise — but who is responsible for that advice given. And if the counsel of brethren is not taken by the preacher, how many become offended that their sage advice was not taken? But when advice or counsel is given, or discipline carried out by members chosen by the people, they are held responsible to the Church who elected them to aid in forming a Church court, and giving advice and coui^sel to their minister: the Church court, then, being formed of men chosen of God to preach as well as administer government, and men chosen by the people, let all such courts, when assembled for judicial purposes, regard witii deep interest the instructions given by God to these judges: — You must not condemn or cast a member out of the Church unheard, nor on the testi- mony of less than two or three witnesses. You must not receive presents to pervert judgment. Money may not be offered the judges; but perhaps that which may be better calculated to pervert judgment, great kindness uvdy be shown by the dif- ferent parties, wiih a view to blind the eves. Gifts CONFESSION OF FAITH. 1G9 of any kind must have no influence on the court ; popular opinion, or the voice of the multitude, must not influence tlie court in its judicial proceedings; the sentiment should never be absent from the court, that it is to act in God's stead ; every mem- ber of a Church court should lay his personal feelings and interest aside, and remember he judges for the Lord and not for man, and that God is with him in the judgment, and with the Lord there is no iniquity, nor taking of gifts. Members of Church courts should take good heed to act impartiallj-, wisel}-, and justly, as ihey act for God who is with them in the judgment, and at whose bar they will soon appear. May every court of Christ on earth be a holy court. ON THE CONFESSION OF FAITH. I HAVE read the discussion on faith and a revision of our book, and ha\ie thought it might be of some advantage to say what the fathers, and those who adopted it, thought and said when they adopted the Confession of Faith. The framers of the book did not believe it per- fect. They i)elieved many words were retained in .the compilation which iniglit be ronsfruod bv those 170 CONFESSiON OF FAITH. specially, who were trained up under the West- minster Confession as the most ultra sentiments of Calvinism ; and they found it difficult to expunge every word from which might he inferred strong Calvinism, without making a new hook entire. But they thought that if the body of the work fully expressed our views that those words and phrases more ambiguous, ought to be understood in consis- tency with the body or general tenor of the work: and under this conviction they left words which might have been expunged ; and the book was unanimously adopted. The following may he clearly found in the Confession : 1st. That all men were chosen or elected to a day of grace or state of probation. None were reprobated from eternity. 2nd. That Jesus Christ is both God and man in two distinct natures, and person for ever. 3rd. That he, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man, and consequently for the whole world. 4th. That the Holy vSpirit is sent to convince the whole world, that his operation on the human heart is as extensive as the atonement; and the atonement perfectly accords with the election to a day of mercy. God chose all men, Christ died for all men, and the Holy Ghost strives with all men. In the offices of the united three, there is no dis- crepancy. 5th. That Adam represented all his posterity, CONFESSION OF T A I T II . 171 and lliat his siu was imputed to his posterity, and that we are all guilty mortals and totally depraved. But the election gave all an opportunity to receive justification and salvation. Tiie atonement consti- tutes the ground of the sinner's pardon. And the Holy Spirit, by his a<>;ency and means, instituted, controls, disposes and gives the sinner ability to do what he could not do witjiout that influence. He, the sinner, is able to do two things, and they must be done in order to salvation. He must repent and believe the gospel. Faith and repentance go hand in hand, only faith takes the first step. He first believes that there is a God, that God is truly a holy God, and will punish the sinner. This is the grace of repentance in its first grade; the sinner can and ought to put forth the exercise; but when he has done all he can do in the way of repentance, he has not lessened his guilt in view of law ; he must believe in Jesus Christ, or receive him, or commit the keeping of iiis soul to Christ. If he do not yield to the Spirit, he cannot repent ; and if he do not repent he cannot believe ; and if he do not believe he cannot be justified; and if not justi- fied he must be damned. The gospel, which is an economy of niercy, originated with God, and this makes it gracious; and it is carried out in man's agency, and this secures personal accountability. In the Book we declare what God does, and then what man docs. Salvation is an elVect pro- .172 EFFICIENCY IN THE CHURCH. duccd bv a concurrency of both agencies. Then Gud begins and man must follow or yield. I think the book fully gives our stand points, and by them doubtful words and ideas must be understood. I could write all day on this sub- ject; but might darken counsel by words without knowledge. EFFICIENCY IN THE CHURCH. The longer I live the more interest I feel for the Church of Christ. It has a great work to do. The Jewish Church has introduced the Saviour, who, by his death, has atoned for the sin of the world. It now belongs to the Christian Church to give publicity to what he has done, and spread his name abroad to the ends of the earth. I believe ihe Lord has raised up the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in this great valley, and in these ends of the earth, as a little missionary family, born in this field of missions to aid other Christian Churches in hastening that glorious day, when the world shall be filled with the glory of God. Perhaps no branch of Zion has superior advantages in the field of labor, and were her efficiency equal to her advan- tages, no Church could do more to promote the cause of Christ. The manner of lier birth gives E F F r C I E N G Y IN THE CHURCH. 173 hev advantatics ; she was horn in a revival of re- hgion, yet talked of as the great revival of eighteen hundred. She was born in this land of liberty, and is properly an American Church, if not the only one. The form of government she has adopted is not only congenial with our civil form, but the model from which it was drawn. Both preacher and people have a voice in the Church, from the lowest to the highest judicature ; her sys- tem of doctrines equally distant from the extremes of Theology so long taught in the world, and like a pendulum, finds its centre between the extremes of vibration, and being a medium system, it is more acceptable to the unbiased mind, and gives our Church doctrinal advantages no other enjoys. As relates to the terms of admission into the ministry, she thinks the Great Head of the Church, in con- stituting the ministerial body, has given a fair specimen, Paul, ApoUos, and Cephas, learned, less learned and eloquent. Her terms of Church-membership and com- munion. She considers Christian baptism an ordinance of tiie Church ; but makes a difference between the thing done and the mode of doing it. She would not make any mode of water baptism essential to membership in the Christian Church, or communion at the Lord's table. To make the mode a test of membership or communion, she thinks contrary to Christian experience and the religion of the Bible. Her constitution provides for 174 E F F 1 C I F: N C Y 1 i\ T HE C H U R C H . the pastoral relation, as well as the field of mis- sions. She also has a Board of Foreign, as well as Domestic Missions, which promises much, though in its infancy. She may not have every rule or by-law to aid her in furthering the cause ; but her constitution leaves an open door for every facility she may see proper to adopt. We ask, now, what is the great desideratum in our Church at the present time ? We answer, efficiency, a consecrated laity and ministry. Our doctrines, government, and rules, will not build up the Church, nor be instrumental in the conversion of sinners, without efficient preachers and people. A preacher who, like the lazy dumb dog, neither barks nor bites, will not guard the house. Our Church needs, at the present time, devotion to the cause. The best constructed ship needs a captain; the best constructed engine needs an engineer; and tlie best Church constitution must be carried out by efficient men. Our Church has schools, colleges, and a prosperous University, with her other advantages. Let her awake from her slum- ber, and put on the whole armor of God. Let her use the advantages she has, and she will be a pros- perous Church. I will conclude by saying, peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. A VIEW OF T II p: present, ejc. 175 A VIEW OF THE PRESENT AND THE PAST. In a Lettei- to a Friend in Lebanon. The children of Israel were directed to remem- ber, all the way the Lord their God led them, with a view to excite Immilitj and gratitude to God for his care over them. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church should never forget the way the Lord has led her, these thirty-six years past, and for ten years before, the miracles of grace wrought in the west which paved the way for her organization. I am now an old man. In 1798, I set out to seek the Lord, In November of 1800 I found him, the Lord God merciful and gracious, slow to anser and of great kindness. In the JNIay of 1801, I con- nected with the Presbyterian Church. Great changes have taken place since that time. Then there was but one Presbyterian Church in the United States. Now there are Cuml)erland Pres- byterians, Old and New School Presbyterians; and in forty-five years more, there may be many more branches of the Presbyterian Churches. Some steps iiave already been taken to found a Presbyterian Church North, on abolition principles. I hope, as I am an old Elder, and had to wade through difficulties, in the organization of the Cum- 176 A VIEW OF r H E I> R E S E > T bcrland Presbyterian Church, that the members, voung members of this Chnrch, will not stir np strife on that subject ; and that we will all work tO£:ether, and all work with God. And if other denominations will dispute, divide, and hinder the work of God, the brethren of the Cnmberland Presbyterian Church will keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace. Oh! what a change since 1810! Then there were but nine preachers in the whole body, four of whom only were ordained : all the preachers then could have been put into one pulpit, and nearly all the members into one house. But the Lord has greatly increased our infant Church. We should remember all the way the Lord our God has led us. Then we had no religious paper, no meeting- houses or but few, no institutions of learning, and not as many grammar books, as we now have colleu;es. Now, Dr. Cossitt, as you live away in that favored town, editing a religious paper, and in sight of the University, where so many young men are preparing for the ministry, some of them may in a short time come and preach away here, to the old Elder and the congregation in which he lives. Oh ! he wants to hear some of them, whose tongues may be like the pen of a ready writer, whose heads may be fountains of waters, and whose hearts may be filled with love. Can't you talk to them and tell them what a great work they have to do, and how many advantages they have over the first young AND THE PAST. 177 men in the Church ? Tell them, if they will live luiinble and be useful, the Churches will be pleased with them and the institution, and will help to endow it. Tell them how some of us preached and wept, and prayed, before they went there. Old Brother Calhoun, I understand, lives not far from that place ; he will exhort them to diligence. And there is brothers Donnell, T. C. Anderson, and many others, who know the necessities of the Church, and will aid them in preparing for the important work. Tell the good people of Lebanon to take good care of the sons of the Church, pray for them and watch over them. Some of their fathers and mothers would not have sent them there, if they had not heard that there were many prayino; people in that place. That the young brethren there and every where else, preparing for the ministry, may shine as lights in the world, is my ardent desire and constant prayer. A short history of our beloved Church maybe profitable to all, and shall close this letter. The first Presbytery was constituted 4tli of February, 1810, at Rev. Samuel McAdow's, Dixon county, Tenn , by Rev. S. McAdow, Finis Ewing, and Samuel King, all of whom have gone to their rewards. In April, 1813, two other Presbyteries were constituted : the Elk and Logan. These Presbyteries met the Cumberland, at the Beech meeting-house and constituted a Synod, on the 5th of October^ 1813. Fasting and prayer, both public 178 A VIEW OF THK PRESENT- and private, were common at that time. The 4th Monday in May, 1817, was observed as a day of fasting and prayer, for more lal)orers. The work of God greatly revived that year, and many laborers were called forth ; and their circuits were their colleges. On the 4th Tuesday in May, 1820, the McGee Presbytery was constituted, in Missouri, then a territory. On the 18th of October, 1821, the Elk Presbytery was divided, and Alabama and Tennessee Presbyteries were ordered to be constituted. At this time also, the Anderson Presbytery was stricken off from the Logan ; and Lebanon from the Nashville. On the 16th oi October, 1822, Illinois Presbytery was stricken off from the Anderson and McGee Presbyteries. Since that time, many Presbyteries and Synods have been constituted: the number and brief history of which^ together with the formation and history of our General Assembl}', I may hereafter furnish, provided no other does so, and I have leisure. Many literary institutions of different grades have been established, and many periodicals, both weekly and monthly, are now published. But I must close this interesting narrative. We ought to be humble and thankful as a Church, take encouragement and labor day and night; our work has just commenced. C O M JM P: N T , E T C . 1 70 COMMENT ON FIRST PETER IV. 12. " Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try yon, as though some strange thing happened to you." How common it is for Christians to think strange of their fiery trials, as though they had never heard of such tilings; and yet the Bible abounds with declarations of this character. "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecu- tion ;" 2 Tim. iii. 12. And again : " These are they who have come through great tribulation," &c. And have we espoused the cause of Christ, and yet think it strange that we have tribulation in the present world ? The truth is every individual who espouses the cause of Christ, should calculate on wading deep waters, breasting heavy storms, and passing through the fiery darts of the wicked one. God tries his people to prove their faith and every gr;»ce : '-the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth.'' One of the primitive saints said, "I know that when I am tried, I shall come forth as gold." But saints are sometimes tried not only to prove their sincerity, but to be an example to others. "Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of 180 CO M M E N T O N FIRS T I' K J' i; R the Lord," or the design he had in liis afflictions. See how varied his trials, and how severe ; one came and told him of what had befallen his children; another his camels; and before he was done speaking, another came with evil tidings about the sheep, &c., &c., until all he had was gone. So with good people in the present day. But should we think strange of it I Not at all. All these trials have befallen others, and can we expect to escape 1 If we are the heads of families, or the heads of any department, our messenger informs us one of the children is sick, or one of the house-hold servants is ready to die ; your father is at the point of death ; your mother cannot live long ; the house is deranged, the stock is suffering, the farm is out of repair, the crop is burning up for the want of rain, or the flood is sweeping it away : but many of these are small, and common to all men. Deep interest is felt for the education of the children, schools are established, good teachers must be had, but there is want of union amono;st the citizens. One wants this teacher, another that one ; and other difficulties take place ; union is dissolved and the institution broken up ; the parents and guardians are afflicted ; harmony is destroyed. But how many civil broils and pohiical contentious ! These all contribute to fill up the good man's cup. But here is the Church of God, preferred by the good man to his chief joy. Christians differ ; and the fighting of Christ's sheep presao;es foul and stormy •^\ eather. iMembers of FOLRTH AND T \V E L F T H . 181 the same congregation differ, and are cold-hearted to one another; the good man hears of one member walking disorderly ; another has neglected the sanctuary; the prayer-meeting is cold and but thinly attended ; but little attention to the Sabbath school; family prayer is neglected, perhaps by many; the preacher himself is cold and perhaps neglects his duty; the people think the preacher can get along better than they can ; he has nothing to do but be religious, and we have so many troubles ; we must attend to ourselves and let him do the best he can ; he don't need our aid — not ever our prayers. The good man is grieved ; no revivals of religion — none enquiring the way to Zion ; all the ways of Zion do mourn. A letter informs him a congregation has lost one of its most prominent lay-members; another informs him of the death of one of the most useful ministers; another minister has fallen a prey to temptation. All these thino;s combine, with personal and inward evils, presumption, and despair, to afflict the pious heart. Satan tempts to distrust the faithfulness of God ; one day I shall fall by the hand of my enemy. Hath God forgotten to be gracious 1 Hath he, in anger, shut up his tender mercies 1 All these things, and others innumerable, and perhaps much greater, afflict the Christian. " But beloved, liiink it not strange." Did you live in other parts of the world, your trials might have been as great or iiieater \l,\(\ you lirt'd in David's day, and 182 COMMENT ON FIRST PETER been as j^ood a man as he was, 30U would perhaps have had as severe trials. Had you lived in the days of the Saviour and his Apostles, your trials would have been more fiery. Had you hved in those days, one niiglit have written to you, " many of the people say Jesus is mad and hath a devil ; why hear ye him!" You woidd have heard one of his disciples had betrayed him, for thirty pieces of silver; another had denied him ; and all the rest are flying from him. You would next have iieard the boisterous crowd cry out, ''Crucify Wv.n, Crucify him. He is not fit to live." Who is not fit to live I Your only Saviour, the meek and lowly Son of God. Oh ! how would you have felt I You would have thought those fiery trials indeed. Many good men had all these fiery trials. Will you think your trials strange ] But more. He is nailed to the cross; and the crowd laugh him to scorn; and at length the hope of Israel dies. The heavens are hung in mourning; the afflicted disciples say, one to another, " We trusted that it was he that should have redeemed Israel." But he is buried, a guard surrounds his dead body ; rlie wicked are rejoicing; the Christians are all in trouble; some who thought their employment in future would be to preach him to the world, now talk about going back to their old employments. " I go a fishing," said one to his fellow. " I will also go with thee," said another. All was dark and gloomy ; but the e^orrow and silence of that last FOURTH AND TWELFTH. 183 long uiglit, when the Saviour lay in the tomb, was broken by the descent of an anjiel ; the stone was rolled back; the keepers became as dead men; and the hope of Israel rose triumphantly, and shouted victory over death. He gladdened the hearts of his friends with his bodily presence ; but after a few short days, he stepped on a cloud, and was shouted welcome to heaven. But his Apostles go out to preach and plant Churches; the Holy Ghost descends; sinners attend their ministry. But learn the troubles of Paul, when Christianity was in its infanc}'. " Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world ;'' and some who would once have plucked out their eyes for him, now become his enemies. Many went back from the Saviour, and walked no more with him. Many deserted the Apostles, " but they went out from us, because they were not of us." Had we, my brethren, lived then, our trials would have been greater than now. My dear brethren, of the 19th century, as God has told us in his word, that through nnich tribulation, we must enter the kingdom, and as Christ and all his followers in every age, have had tribulation, let us not think it strange that we are the subjects of fiery trials. But let us learn to glory in tribulation, and when we are tried we shall come forth :is gold. "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearitio; j)recious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bearing his sheaves with him." Let us ji;itient!y bear the tri;ils of iii'o Th(^ .Siivioisr was 184 TH t vn. '/ G I C A L CLASS. assailed by Satan, and he repelled liini, and the angels came and ministered unto him. Let ns resist evil spirits ; and after we are tried, as individuals and as a Church, angels will minister to us. God will revive us again. He has set light over against darkness, joy over against sorrow. Tn the world ye shall have tribulation; "but be of good cheer," said Christ, "I have overcome the world." Let us then, my Christian friends, sing with the poet, concerning the Saviour : " His way was much rougher and darker than mine. Did Jesus thus sufter, and shall I repine." THE THEOLOGICAL CLASS AT LEBANON, TENN. Dear Young Brethren — The close of the Collegiate Year of Cumberland University, is just at the door; the parting hour, at least for a time, is near at hand, when you must bid your brethren farewell; as you take your leave of the stately walls of your edifice; and the rooms in which so many useful lessons have been studied and recited, the President, Professors, and Tutors who have, with great interest, guarded the morals and aided the vounu men of the instirntion up t!ie T II E () L O G I C A L C L A S 3 .1 85 hill of science, the pleasant town of Lebanon, its pleasant families and citizens, its Churches; prayer meetings, Sabbath Schools, and the public ministry of the word, with all the useful lectures which have been dehvered to you How solemn must your feelings be. Your faces are towards your lather's house, or some distant field of labor, and you glance your eve back to the hallowed spot where your minds, under the tree of liberty, have been enlight- ened, and your hearts warmed while science and literature have opened their choice treasures; that same spot where not only the works of nature, but nature's God has revealed himself to some of you, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin. But once more, you think of the interesting Sabbath Schools you have, under God, built up in the surrounding country : will you return to water them, or will they be taken up by others, and sustained when you are gone ? Should you never return to visit the schools you have planted, and the Churches you have watered in the neighborhood of Lebanon, you may, in some distant field, and after years have passed by, find some of those very Sabbath School boys able ministers, cultivating the waste places of Zion. Many of you, we hope, will return to this favored spot, to prosecute your studies with double vigor, both of body and mind, and cultivate the little fields in which you have boeri laboring.' for some time in J 8G A T I, E B A i\ O N , T E N N . past. Otlicrs will never return; some will find soon their long home; some will he engaged in useful fields of lahor employed as Teachers, Pastors and Missionaries. But while some, who are now here, will never return to the walls of the University ; yet other young hrethren from different parts, will come to fill their places. Brethren preparing for the ministry, from eight or nine different States, are here now: we hope more States will be represented here the next year, that Presbyteries will aid their candidates for the holy ministry to obtain an education here and elsewhere. We have no Tiieological Department endowed here or any where else in our Church ; yet it is to be hoped, that as our infant and growing Church is so rapidly advancing in education, that some of its friends will voluntarily make donations to endow a Professorship in Theology, and that we may soon have a regular Department of Theology in the University. My dear young brethren, let us live humble, humble, humble, wherever we go, and during the Vacation, by humility and zeal, according to knowledge, be the representatives of this Institu- tion. Let the Church and the world see in your pulpit labors and private walk, that you are Improved, intellectually, morally, and relioiously, that you have not forgotten Zion. Never was there a time when our Church and the whole world needed more able ministers of the New A B U U > I i\ « AND SHINING LIGHT. 1 S7 Testament. An open door is found almost every where for our ministers. Tiie foreign as well as the domestic fielJ, calls for laborers. May the Lord of the harvest call and qualify for the exten- sive field now ready to harvest, more laborers. HE WAS A BURNING AND SHINING LIGHT. The anecdote of the preacher, who once thought loud preaching converted people, but afterwards learned that it was not the noise, but ihe light that produced the eifect — not thunder but lightning — has gone the rounds of the papers. We fear that some who cannot speak loud, may glory in being liuninous, because they do not speak loud, and therefore inter that, as they are not the thunder they must be the lightning. But if we judge from the effect of their preaching, they are neither lightning nor thunder*; for lightning severs the stoutest tree, and is always followed by thunder. H therefore our preaching be true spiritual lightning, it will break the sinner's heart, and the report will be heard afar off But, we often glory in the sentiment which seems best calculated to promote our own glory, 188 O N !■' H K K C O M M U N I O N . and often overlook what best promotes the ^lory o( God. Now, in order best to promote the divine glory, we must be burning, as well as shining and thundering preachers. John was a burning and shining light ; and to be useful, we must burn as well as shine. A thundering preacher may affect the ear; a luminous preacher affect the eye ; but it requires a burning preacher to affect the heart. Let us therefore, brethren, endeavor to be burning, as well as shining lights ; and if we have the true spirit of burning in our preaching, we will warm the heart, enliohten the head, and secure to our- selves, as ministers, by the effects of our preaching, the title of sons of thunder- ON FREE COMMUNION. The Lord's Supper was instituted for his followers, to be observed through all time, in remembrance of him. The Church of Christ is divided into several members; but it is but one spiritual body, and Christ is the head. The members should have the same care, one of another, as the members of the natural body have ; and if they do not all perform the same office, yet they should all subserve the interest of the snme hodv. WHY DO WE Sir STILL? f89 But should Christians all commune together, at the Lord's Table? I answer, "What the Lord hath joined together, let not man put asunder/' We have now thirty States in our Union; they are all equally free and independent; and yet thev are united and have one great central point, at which to meet and testify that they are free and independent States, and yet but one nation. The orthodox Churches should have one central point, at which to meet, and let the world know they are one ; and let that be the Lord's table. Many arguments might be offered in favor of free com- munion. First, Christians all feel alike, if they do not think alike. They can preach together, pray together, sing together, and love together ! Should they not commune together? I love the com- munion of Saints. And will not all meet at last in the same holy and happy land? WHY DO WE SIT STILL? Let every reader of this question answer. Has he a God to glorify, a God worthy of his warmest love, and who requires him to love him with all the heart, soul, strength and mind ? Why does he sit still as though he had nothing to do ? Again, has he a soul to be saved, and is that soul J.90 WHY no WE SIT S T I I. L ? valuable ? Did it come from the breath of God ? Is it nourished l)V the breath of his lips I Was it redeemed by the blood of his Son, and for his happiness are his intercessions continuous ; and \A hen he yields to the spirit, the Holy Spirit of God, does it enlighten, convince, and persuade him to repent and turn to God 1 And why does he sit still .' Do angels keep their watchful stations around him, and in his most insensible hours are there angels awake and hovering over him to arouse him to effort, and why does he sit still I The Church of God has important work to do; she has much to do on the defensive and she oujiht to be progressive as well as aggressive in her operations, and why does she sit still I The vi^orld is to be converted by her instrumentality, and she is to appear before the throne of God and praise him day and night in his temple; and why does she sit still I The world is convulsed, thrones, principalities, and powers are falling to the ground, and a crisis has come up in its history calculated to awaken all men, and why do we sit still ? The agriculturist, the mechanic, the merchant, the lawyer, the poliiician, are all up and at work to secure what will soon be wrapped in flames, and why do we sit still and neglect the one thing needful? The veriest sinner on earth is rapidly advancing to the gate of death, his day of mercy does not stop in its motion, and his judgment does not linger, and his damnation does not slumber, and why does he sit SIN AND HOLINESS. 191 Still ! Let us, my breihren and friends, awake from our slumbering, and prepare to see a world on fire and a God in grandeur. SIN AND HOLINESS. Some vears ago I read an author, who advanced the idea that holiness could not be developed to created intelligences without the existence of sin; and as God designed to develop his holiness, it was necessary, in that development, to create intelligent beings, and place them under a constitution which would be necessarily followed with the introduction of moral evil or sin, into the universe. That the introduction of sin necessarily had the greatest good in it, because it gave the Creator an opportu- nity to make known his perfections. I was astonished at the logic as well as the theology, and was compelled to call the logic sophistry, and the theology heresy. I had thought, and still think, the negative is known by the positive, the finite by the infinite, falsehood by truth ; and that truth could exist of itself, and be know n by its own infinite excellence, and so to speak is older than falsehood ; and so with all the perfections of the Deity. Holiness is the infinite, sin is the finite; holiness can exist and be known to intelligent beings, 192 \V HEN MAY WE K iN O VV without sin ; but sin cannot exist or be known with- out hoUness : holiness is therefore the infinite, sin is the finite; hoUn ess has the greatest good in it, sin has the greatest evil. Might not the writer as well have said, God cannot exist without a Devil, or make himself known without an evil being; and as God desired to be known, he must first, if he be first decree the medium to make himself known, and bring into existence devils and wicked men. To make holiness dependent on sin, either in its nature or development, is to place sin as the infinite and holiness as the finite; sin immutable, holiness inrniu- table ; the Devil as self-existent, and God dependent. The theology is heresy ; it makes the Devil the Lord's counsellor. But the Lord asks the question, who has been his counsellor? was a devil necessary to make known his glory 1 Or was he dependent on sin to make known his perfections 1 If so, he is not self-existent nor independent. The theology is not good, it contradicts the Bible, and the Bible is the standard of orthodoxy. WHEN MAY WE KNOW AN ENEMY OR FRIEND? If we wish to know whether our fellowmen are our friends or foes, let us observe the following rules : — Circumstances will develop the true feelings of AN ENEMY OR FRIEND. ] 93 the lieart. When we are in lieahh and prosperity we are likely to find a professed friend in every person ; but wait until adversity overtakes, and then you will find that the true, sincere-hearted friend will stick closer to you than before; and the heart of an enemy will discover his opposition — he has been watching for your halting, and will always try to overtake you between the straits. This rule will apply to the whole as well as its parts : it will apply to the Church as well as the world. How many seem to be friends in Zion's prosperity ; but let an evil day come upon the Church — or a Church — and then their true character is known; their poisoned arrows are now hurled with fury at the Church, and every advantage is taken of her affliction ; some are for leaving the Church in her adversity, who were her professed friends in pros- perity. Circumstances make great men ; and circumstances develop the true state of the heart. To forsake a friend in adversity argues a want of true friendship. Flavel, in his "Nature Spiritualized," very strikingly expresses this sentiment. "Meditation 4th — Upon a withered posy taken up in the way — Finding in my walk a posy of once sweet and fragrant, but now dry and withered flowers, which I suppose to be thrown away by one that had formerly worn it ; thus, said I, doth the unfahhful world use its friends when Providence hath blasted and withered them. Whilst they are rich and honorable, they will put them into their .17 194 HO VV T O K N () \V A F II I K i\ I) . bosoms, as the owner of this posy did whilst it was fresh and fragrant ; and as easily throw them away, as useless and worthless things, wiien thus they come to he withered. Such usage as this Peironius long since complained of: "Are they in honor ? Then we sniile like friends ; And with their fortunes, all our friendship ends." But this loose and deceitful friend stinks so odiously in the very nostrils of nature, that a heathen poet severely taxes and condemns it as most unworthy of a man : " 'Tis base to change with fortune, and deny A faithful friend, because in poverty." And is this indeed the friendship of the world ? Doth it thus use them whom it once honored? Then, Lord, let me never seek its friendship. Oh ! let me esteem the smiles and honors of men less, and thy love and favor more! Thy love is indeed unchangeable ; being pure, free, and built upon nothing that is mutable! Thou never servest thy friends as the world doth its darlings." Our venerable and highly respected John Flavel, who wrote some two hundred years ago, under- stood the Bible and the human family,and it was then pretty much the same as it is now, if improve- ments have been made since. Yet still ihefriciidship of the world is enmity with God. Let us depend less upon the world and more upon God, who is unchangeable, true, and jjood. WHO IS IN THE F A i; 1. I ! LS)5 WHO IS IN THE FAULT ? When persons differ, the enquiry is often made ■ — Wlio is in the fault ? We answer: That person who is hardest to be won. Tlie person who is not in the fault, is wilhng to have ilie matter investigated, and desires reconciliation ; but the offender is unwilling to he reconciled, because lie knows he would have to acknowledge his fault, and not being willing to confess his fault, he will be the last to seek a reconciliation. We oujjht all to try ourselves by this rule when we are at variance with oiiiers. Some men think the offended ou^ht always to wait until the offender acknowled":es his fault, but the sentiment is not correct. Had God waited, when man offended, forhini to acknowledge, no reconciliation would have been sought. But the offended God was first to seek friendship with offending man, and by His condescension, many have become reconciled to God ; goodness leadeth to repentance. We love Him because He first loved us. Christians must copy his example. 196 ON B U I J-. D I N (J CHURCHES. ON BUILDING CHURCHES. I HAVE just returned to my charge, after an absence of six weeks; during which time I visited several congregations and aided in the dedicationai services of a new Church, at Elkton, Giles county, Tenn. Tlie great Head of the Church seemed to approve the dedication ; a seriousness prevailed amongst all the people, and some three or four professed religion during the occasion. The old saying is pretty true, we judge the state of the people by the state of the temple. Man is a religious being; all nations have their gods, and have built temples in which to worship their several divinities. In this land of Bibles we are taught to worship the true God, the God of the Bible; but, alas! how indifferent are many professed Christians and Christian ministers about the Lord's house. Some claimingto be Christians have no house at all, and others who have houses of worship, allow them to be so badly constructed and meanly kept, that the worshippers must have a gross idea of the God worshipped there. They have no sexton, but little light and less heat, and but few worshippers ; and some of them seem to love the creature more than the Creator. But notwithstanding there is so little attention among the people to Church building. ON CHURCH BUILDING. 15>7 Church keeping, and Church going, many ot the preachers are more dehnquent than the people. There are but too many preachers, and perhaps some of them growing old, wiio have never aided in building a house for God or even planting a Church. They are waiting for others to plant Churches, build houses and secure them a good salary ; and then they will water those congrega- tions and occupy those pulpits ready furnished to their hands. Will my brethren in the ministry suffer the word of exhortation 1 Let us turn our attention to the Waste phices of Zion as well as to the wilderness ; plant Churches, build and rebuild houses of wor- ship, and be faithful in our attention to them, and see what the Lord will do for us this year. Would every preacher in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church plant one Church and build one meeting- house this year, there would be more than one .housand congregations organized and the same lumber of Church houses built in our branch of Zion, in the year 1849, and more than double that number of souls saved. Brethren, let us try, let us begin the year with God and his cause, relying on his promises, and see if he will not pour us out such a blessing that there will not be room enough to contain it. 198 CHURCH BUSINESS. CHURCH BUSINESS. The fall sessions of the Presbytery is at hand ; much business ought to be attended to ; theologi- cal schools must be acted on and reported to the committee appointed by the last General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. (See Minutes of the last Assembly.) Every Presbytery, according to the constitution of the Church, should have one or more missionaries constantly employed in its bounds; and would it not be good policy for every Synod to have at least one missionary constantly employed in its bounds, to learn its destitutions, as well as to stir up its ministers and Churches to a faithful discharo^e of duty, and report the condition of the whole field, and secure laborers, if possible, to occupy the whole ground. This article is not designed to argue the impor- tance ot such measures, but to bring the matter up before the Presbyteries ; though we could fill our mouth with arguments. Let every Presbytery call for volunteers to take the circuit, and if they cannot be had, draft a sufficient supply ; and let each Presbytery feel it must be done. This is the way we usecf to feel when the work of God and the worth of souls lay near our hearts. We have a good constitution. CHURCH BUSINESS. 199 providing for the Cluirches, both missionaries and pastors ; and we now have a Board of Foreign and Domestic Missions. Our system is good in its great outUnes, and the business of the Church now is, to fill up those outlines by having efficient pastors, missionaries, and agents, to carry out the measures. No system, however good, will succeed well, unless there is efficiency to carry out the plan. And next, the people must help sustain and patronize pastors, circuit riders, and aid the agents of the Missionary Board, The people may be faulty in this matter and not patronize as they should, but the fault ia fact, of their delinquency is the preacher's, because he does not teach them that the workman is worthy of his meat. Some preachers iua.y teach the people they must support them because they are needy; but perhaps never touch the broad principle that the workman is worthy of his meat, that every man ouaht to be rewarded according; to his own work. This is the principle the Judge of quick and dead will regard at the last day ; let us regard it in the Church. Brother Editor, as Ions smooth articles are seldom read, we hope this short one will be read by all, and that the judicatories of the Church will not let their doctrines and plan of operations be lost for want of energy. "A good foundation may be laid for a building, but through much weariness the building may decay, and through idleness of the bands, the house droppeth through." — Solomon. 200 CLAIMS OF THE Perhaps you may hear tVoin me again on this subject ; we would be glad if an abler hand would take hold of this subject, whether the fault lies in the constitution or in the men into whose hands it has fallen, and who solemnly bound themselves to see the constitution and government of the Church carried out. CLAIMS OF THE DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS. My attention has been called of late to the claims of different sectaries, claiming to be Chris- tians, vi^ho speak of themselves as the Church, and denounce all others as heretics. I have been led to examine their claims to such high authority, and I cannot see, either in their organization or character, anything that would justify such high claims. The first that I shall notice, claiming to be the Church of Christ, exclusively, is that sectary, callf^d by some Christians, by others Reformers, and by others Campbelhtes. The distinctive pecu- liarity which constitutes them the Church, is the doctrine of baptism, by immersion, for the remission of sins. This method of salvation, they say, coimnenced on the day of Pentecost, aYid ever since that dav, no one can be saved without DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS. 201 immersion for tlie remission of sins; and only such as hold that doctrine, can claim to he the Church. They do not say that this was always God's method of salvation, but only since the day of Pentecost. Now, I will set up the ark of God against this dogma; "To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name, whosoever believeth in him, shall receive remission of sins," Acts x, 43. God has revealed but one method of saving sinners, and that is by faith in Jesus Christ. The claims ot that people, therefore, who say they are the Church, is founded on a dangerous innovation ; but examine their Christian morality, their observance of the Sabbath, &c., and see if they have higher claims ta the Church, than all others. The next that I shall notice is the Baptist denomination. They claim to be the Church, the only Church of Christ, on earth, and this claim is founded on believers being baptized by immersion; and, although they denounce the Reformers as here- tics, and will not commune with them because they are not the Church, they denounce all others, who. notwithstanding they are orthodox in everything but the mode of baptism, as not being the Church. What, then, is the great distinguishing doctrine that gives them the right to call themselves the Church? Is it not water baptism, by immersion? May wc not here set up vhe ark of God beside this dogma? Gal. vi, 15: "For 'n C'lrist Jesus, 202 CLAIMS OF THE, ETC. neither circumcision avaiierli anytliing^ nor uncir- cuiucision, but a new creature." xA-gain : " the kintrdoni of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost." We ask whether their Christian inorahty gives them a greater right to be the Church ? This, they do not claim, and others may not award it to them. TJie tliird denomination claiming to be the only Church of Christ on earth, is the EpiscopaHans; this claim is founded on Apostolic succession. They can trace their Church, by regular succession, to the Apostles; they are the Church, the only Church; and they are more consistent than some others, who, while they claim to be the only Church, and will not commune with others, will, nevertheless, preach, sing, and pray with them. The Episcopalians will do neither. To co-operate with other Christians in religious worship, would be to acktiowledge them as belonging to the only Church. Now, in running back to the Aposdes, do they not contradict them ? 1 Cor. xiv, 34 : " Let your women keep silence in the Churches." Can it be a regular succession from the Aposdes, to come down to us through a civil king or priest, whether religious or irreligious I Did not Elizabeth claim to direct the Church? And did not Paul forbid women to control the Church 1 But let us next inquire into the religious chRr- acter of that j)eopie, and learn whether their t^ PFRSECUTION, ETC. 203 Cliristian morality authorizes them to say, " Stand by thyself— we are more holy than thou." The fourth sectary I shall notice, claiming to be the only Church of Christ on earth, is the Roman (/Htholics. This caps the climax. Infallibility is professed b}' them; and they only have the keys of the Kingdom. These keys were given to Peter, by the Saviour, and handed down l)y him, to the middle of the 19th century. But Peter claimed no more than the other Apostles, the Elders, &c. He exhorts, but does not command. See 1 Pet. v, 1. But, in conclusion, what is the Christian morality of that Church 1 Let its bloody history answer the question. PERSECUTION HAS CONTRIBUTED TO THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. Acts viii, 1, 2, 3, 4 : ''And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution ao:ainst the Church which was at Jerusalem : and they were all scattered abroad tliroughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the Apostles. And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and niade great lameiitarion over him. As for Saul, he made havoc of the Cliiuch, entering into every house, and haling 204 PERSECUTION AND THE men and women, committed them to pris. At. Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word." May the persecutions of the present time be followed with like effects. Ministers of the gospel are laborers with God. It is now time, high time, dear brethren in the ministry, to awake out of sleep ; and particularly preachers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. A crisis has come up in the history of the world, and particularly in our Churchy •which calls for ministers that will not hold tLe'/-! peace, day nor night; men who will lift up their voice like a trumpet, and show the house of Israel their sins Brethren, we have a great work to do, and we ought to be prepared for it and at our work. Personal piety is called for at the present time, and without it, the preacher, though he had the tongue of an angel, can do but little, if any good. Secondly — He must be consecrated to his work : he must feel himself not his own, and must be entirely devoted to the work of the Lord ; both as Pastor and Missionary. The Lord Jesus, the Captain of our Salvation, calls to arms! — to the field of battle ! " To arms ! — to arms ! — I hear him cry ! 'Tis yours to conquer or to die." To those who have no stated charges let me say, Can you^not take the field this year, and spivEad oj? the gospel. 205 travel through the Churches, two and two, and hold protracted meetings in the most needy places — cities, towns, villages, and country places. We need not expect the Church to arise and shake herself from the dust, until her ministers get up into the high mountains, and their voices are heard. " Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make the paths straight." It is the preacher's duty, instrumentally, to enUghten and warm the Church ; the Church needs to be enlightened in the duty of prayer, and in the duty of supporting the Gospel ; but the preacher must not sit still until the people awake. He must tell them their duty b}' doing his own. We will never see better times until the watchmen are awake, and crying aloud — not regarding their Hves — to supply the great lack of service in the Church. My brethren in the ministry, bear with me ; an old man feels great interest for the present genera- tion, as well as for every one that is to come. Can ne sit still while he can move a muscle ; or has a soul to see and feel the destitutions of Zion ? Can he fold his hands in view of her troubles ? He cannot — but must exclaim in the language of good Jeremiah, " Oh ! that my head were water, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep d:iy and night for the slain of the daughter of my people." 01). ! if he could see all his vouuirer brotlireri out iii the field, and the Church susrainijiir 206 P E R S E C U T r O N , ETC. tlieni in their labor, he could rejoice! for he would helieve God would again revive iiis work; and then, like an old Simeon, he would say, "Let thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen thy salvation.'' Oh ! it is important we should feel the worth of souls, and the word of the Lord like fire shut np in our hones. Bear with me, my brethren, the love of Christ constraineih me; his benevolence should move us to feel and act, and to devote our lives to his service. I heard a preacher say once, that he never lacked, when he was devoted to the Lord's work. If the people will not do their duty, the blessing will return into your own bosoms. God will not send you a warfare at your own charges; He will provide, whether the people will feed you or not. But the people will sustain you ; and many, who are not members of the Church, will help you, when they see you devoted to the Lord's work. We should awake, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand ! There is a better day coming, and it is not far distant ! Let us not " be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." " The reaping time will surely come, And angels shout the harvest home." BE PATIENT IN TRIBULATION. 207 BE PATIENT IN TRIBULATION. ROMANS XII. 12. On this sul)ject I wish to offer a few thoughts, it is designed for practical use. For a Christian to be cahn and serene on a smooth surface, is no great evidence of superior attaintiiients ; hut to l)e patient in trouble, calm on a roujjh sea and unshaken in the storm, evinces superior attainments in the Christian graces. This is a troublesome world, and he who would pass throuo;!! it comfortably, must be patient. Patience, as explained by one, is that calm and unruffled temper with which a good man bears the evils of life. It may be supposed that it only belongs to the afflicted to exercise patience; but neither health nor prosperity can be enjoyed without it. Patience is, as all other graces are, of an humble character; but does not alone belong to humble life : it belongs to the most dignified and the most exalted station ; it is essential to our happiness in every condition in life. While the Christian is in this world, he has trouble on every hand ; without are fightings, within are fears; the world, the flesh, and the devil, are all combined against him. The devil will try us by presumption and despair; the world will try us by vvpaltli, honor, and pleasure ; the flesh will try SOS BE P A 1" I K N T IN TRIBULATION. (IS by the pleasures of the eje and the pride ot'life-. it seems to be a part of tlie Christian's legacy in the present world — they who enter heaven do it through great tribulation. As therefore the Chris- tian must have tribulation, he ought to arm himself with the whole armor of God, that he may be able to stand against all the wiles of the devil; but let him be armed as he may, he must let patience have her perfect work. As we must have trouble in the present world, and patience is essential to our happiness, we will offer a few arguments to excite the Christian to be patient in tribulation. And 1st, He should be patient in tribulation, because God has enjoined it in his word ; had he not considered it necessary to our happiness in the present world, he would not have required it, 2nd. God himself is a God of patience : see Rom, XV. 5. If God, in the management of his affairs, exercises patience, we should be patient. 3rd. The example of Christ ; and the most pious men in the world were patient. The Saviour was patient — he opened not his mouth ; when reviled he reviled not again : the prophet Isaiah describes him thus — "We shall not fail nor be discourao;ed until he set judgment in the earth." You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, in permitting his afflictions, &c. 4th, The circumstances of life require patience ; we need the exercise of patience from others toward us; and we must exercise patience towards BE PATIENT IN TRIBULATION, 209 Others, '• Patience," sajs Mr. Jay, " must be displayed under provocations; our opinions, repu tations, connections, offices, and business, render u> widely vulnerable. The characters of men are various; their pursuits and interests perpetually clash. Some try us by their ignorance, some by their folly, some by their perverseness, some by their malice. Here then is an opportunity for the triumph of patience. We are very susceptive of irritation ; anger is eloquent, revenge is sweet ; but to stand calm and collected, to suspend the blow which passion was urgent to strike, to drive the reasons of clemency as far as they will go, to bring forward fairly in view, the circumstances of mitigation, to distinguish between surprise and deliberation, infirmity and crime ; or, if infliction be deemed necessary, to leave God to be both judge and executioner. This a Christian should labor after." " He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly." 5th. We should be patient in trouble, for pa- tience worketh experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Patience in trouble will renew our strength ; the working hand is the strong hand ; the deep- rooted tree is the one that has had its top shaken oftenest and hardest ; the most skillful mariner has sailed on the roughest seas. It is given to the 18 " ^ 21G H K V I V A L S. Cliiistian, not only to l)elieve in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake; and present sufferings for Clirist's sake, peaceably borne, will work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. If patience under sufferinji will promote our eternal happiness, then let the Christian be patient in tribulation. REVIVALS.— GENERAL ASSEMBLY. After long seeming neglect, I send you this epistle. I have had but little opportunity of writing, for months past; have been visiting the Churches to see how they do, and have but seldom preached twice in the same congregation. Ahhongh I have been pretty constantly at work in the Lord's vineyard, little fruit yet appears; but the plowman plows in hope, and finally is a partaker of his hope : so we ought to labor in the Lord's field, and, by the blessing of God, will reap the fruit of our labor. I learn from the Banner and other sources, that many changes have taken place in Lebanon, since I left; some citizens, devoted to the interests of Zion, have been carried by angels to Abraham's bosom ; and others are waiting the signal to fly away and be at rest. A revival has been realized GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 211 again, in our dear Lebanon ; many have been brought from darkness to light, from the power of Satau to God; many, wliose names have been inscribed in the family record, are now enrolled in the Lamb's book of life, which will be read at the last day, the day of judgment. Much good seed has been sown in Lebanon ; have tares sprung up ? An enemy hath done this. Are some good people ready to pull up the tares ? Let both grow together till the harvest; let angels, by the direction of the Head of the Church, gather them together to be burned, and gather the wheat into the garner. Unskillful hands and unsanctified hearts, are not prepared to pull up even the tares; they do not know the heart, and might pull up the true saint. Judge nothing before the time. Religious excitement requires divine skill to direct. Uzza's hand touching the ark, may displease the Lord. Troubled water requires a skillful pilot. May the excitement at Lebanon, of whatever kind settle down in a calm of love to God and man. Although I was not at the last General Assembly of our Church, yet I was pleased to read its journals. The Report of the Board of Missions greatly interested me; and although its doings may seem like a very small pebble thrown into the sea, its little waves may increase, and reach the distant shore. May many hearts be stirred up to sustain the cause of missions. 212 REVIVALS. Tiie Board of Publication is destiued, under the blessing of God, to preach Christ to every family. May it always have warm, practical friends. Theological institutions interested the Assembly, and the subject was discussed ; and although but little was done, yet that little stone may become a mountain, and all our ministers may have an opportunity of theological as well as hterary training. The door is now open, and the way prepared to take action on a very important point, the endowment. " Brother Cossitt, I wrote you and other brethren, during the sitting of the Assembly, but my letters did not reach in time, on another subject ; which has interested me, and on which I would have been glad if the Assembly had taken some favorable action. The celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the great revival of 1800, which gave birth to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, (an American Church, a revival Church) and which also gave rise to many valuable institutions ; and since which time many have gone forth, and knowledge has increased. This subject may be acted on at the next Assembly, but it should be thought of, and prayed over, before hand. 1 would be pleased, could the Celebration be on the day the meeting commenced, when the work developed itself so powerfully. Will our Assembly, at its next meeting, which will be not far from where the revival commenced, C H (i I S T I A N F E I. L O S H t I' . "2 J 3 recoinnientl that protracted or can)|> meetings he held in all our Clmrches, at that time, <;ommencing with fasting and prayer 1 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Jesus Christ has promised, that where two or three are gathered together in his name, he will be in the midst of them. Now, if two or three Christians, and members of a Church, are thrown together in the same neighborhood, town, or city, ought they not to unite together, in some religious form, to ])r()mote their own spiritual interest, and the interest of the Church ; and command all the means in their power to promote the Saviour's cause ? and \\ here can two or three be thrown together in this world, without some means, and sufficient means, to promote their own good, and the good of others, if they would only use those means ? Can they not meet, and speak one to another 1 Can they not pray and sing together? Can they not have Sabbath Schools ; and, if they jiave no preacher, can they not try to get one 1 And can they not exhort one another; and, if they use all the means in their power, cannot two or three build up a Church I And will not Christ be in the midst 214 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. of tliein, and bless them ; and as they prosper, can they not build a good house of worship 1 And can tliey not secure, and sustain, a pastor or missionary 1 And when they are all at work, and always at work, working with God, and working with one another, can such a Church die? The candle-Slick has never been removed, except from the negligent and slothful ! By religious industry and economy, they will secure the confidence and aid of others; but who can have confidence ; and who will aid a few or many, when they will not help themselves, and take care of what aid is afi^orded them ? And are not two or three, or a large congregation criminal, who have means at hand, and will not command or use the means to sustain themselves and build up the Church. BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. In giving a succinct account of the origin and progress of this infant branch of Zion, I will observe, in the first place, that the revival of reUgion in the Presbyterian Church, out of which Cumberland Presbyterians sprang, was brought about by the ordinary means, though used in an extraordinary way. The Rev. James M'Gready,* with a few other individuals of Logan County, Kentucky, near the close of the last century, began, like the remnant of Israel in the days of Ahab, to mourn over the desolations of Zion. At length tliey drew up, and adopted, the following preamble and covenant : — " When we consider the word and promises of a compassionate God, to the poor lost family of Adam, we find the strongest encouragement for Christians to pray in faith — to ask, in the name of Jesus, for the conversion of * It was under the preaching of this venerable Father in Israel, that the woik of God first appeared in Kentucky. 216 BRIEF H I S r (> k I C A I, SKETCH. their fellow men. Noue ever went to Christ when on earth, with the case of their friends, that were denied ; and, although the days of his humiliation are ended, yet, for the encouragement of his people, he has left it on record, that where two or three agree, upon earth, to ask in prayer, believing, it shall be done. Again : whatsoever you shall asTc the Father in my name, that will I do, that the Father may he glorified in the Son. With these promises before us, we feel encouraged to unite our supphcations to a prayer-hearing God, for the outpouring of his spirit, that his people may be quickened and comforted, and that our children, and sinners generally, may be converted. Therefore, we bind ourselves to observe the third Saturday of each month, for one year, as a day of fasting and prayer, for the conversion of sinners in Logan County and throughout the world. "We also engage to spend one half hour every Saturday evening, beginning at the setting of the sun, and one half hour every Sabbath morning, at the rising of the sun, in pleading with God to revive his work." The Great Head of the Church evidently owned and blessed tliis extraordinary effort, and soon commenced a powerful revival of religion, in the bounds of the Transylvania Presbytery. This Presbytery Avas divided in 1802, by the Synod of Kentucky, and the Cumberland Presbytery formed, including most of the preachers that had been active in promoting the revival, and embracing many of the societies that had been converted and organized after the revival commenced. The measures adopted for the purpose of perpetuating and extending this glorious work of God, and for the purpose of supplying newly- organized congregations with preaching, soon incurred the displeasure of the Synod, which will appear in the following letter : — BRIEF I! I S T () K 1 C A L >; K F. T C H . 217 CIRCULAR L E T T E R , Addressed to the Societies and Bretliren of the Presby- terian Churchy recently under the care of the Council^ by the late Oumberland Presbytery ; in ivldch there is a correct statement of the origin, jirogress, and termination, of the difference between the Synod of Kentucky, and the former Presbytery of Cumberland. Dear Brethren — The time is at last come, when we must either sacrifice our religious liberties and conscience, to what we judge unreasonable demands, cease our endeavors to promote the work of God among you, as we have hitherto done, or constitute a Presbytery separate from the Synod of Kentucky. We choose the latter as the only alternative, in which we can have the answer of a good conscience. We therefore deem it expedient to give you a retrospective view of the cause, together with the progressive means, by which matters have been brought to this issue. • A number of you will easily recollect, that about the close of the last century, or beginning of the present, God, in a very remarkable manner, began to revive his work amongst the inhabitants of this western country. The first symptoms of which, appeared under the ministerial labors of the Rev. James M'Gready, in Logan County. At the first commencement of this glorious revival, as also in its progress, the bodily affections and exercises of a number of those who were its subjects, were very uncommon. This soon caused a rumor to go abroad, and the people from every quarter come out to see. The consequence of which was, they not only had their curiosity satisfied, but a great number had their hearts deeply aflfected. This, in the hand of God, was a blessed means 19 218 B u I E r H I -s r o n i c v [, s k i-; t c m . of spreadin" the work through various ytarts of our country. For a while, at first, all the ministers in our bounds, seemed to participate in the glorious effusion of the Holy Spirit, and correspondent to this, proclaimed themselves friends to the REVIVAL. But, alas! it was soon after discoverable, that some of them had changed their opinion, otherwise they had never been well established. The consequence of this apparent change may easily be inferred ; notwith- standing the work still progressed. And although the few who remained friends to the revival, labored in the work of the ministry niffht and day^ yet the cries of the people for more preaching were incessant ; and those cries soon became so general, that they were heard from many parts of an extensive frontier. The ministers, in return, could only pity, and pray for them ; the congregations being so numerous, and in such a scattered situation, that they could not, by any possible endeavor, supply them. About this time, a venerable father in the ministry,* who was then resident in one of the upper counties of Kentucky, came down and attended a communion with some of our preachers in a vacant congregation : and he, havinof learned the situation of our country, and the pressing demand that there was for more preaching, proposed the plan of encouraging such amongst us, as appeared to be men of good talents, and who also discovered a disposition to exercise their gifts in a public way, to preach the gospel, although they might not have acquired that degree of human education, which the letter of discipline requires. This proposition was truly pleasing to our preachers ; and, indeed, it found general acceptance amongst the people, as soon as intimations thereof \sero given. The consequence was, an uncommon spirit of * Hcv. David Hitt, B ri 1 K F 11 1 S T O R I C A I. SKETCH. 019 prayer now seemed to prevail throughout the soeieties, that the great Head of the Church would, not only open an effectual door into the ministry, but also that he would raise up, qualify, and bring men into that sacred office, whose labors he would own and bless. And, brethren, that God who never told Israel to seek Mm in vain, evidently heard and answered the prayers of his people. Some, whose minds had been previously impressed with the duty of calling sinners to repentance, and of bearing public testimony to the work of God and the religion of Jesus Christ, and upon whom, also, the eyes of the Church, for some time, had been fixed with a degree of expecta-' tion, now made their exercise of mind on this subject, known to their Fathers in the ministry. The prospect was truly pleasing to the preachers, yet they considered it expedient to act with the greatest caution: for although tlie step about to be taken, was not unprecedented in the Presbyterian Church, yet, seeing it was out of the common track, they Avere well aware, that some of their brethren in the ministry would oppose the measure. However, they ventured to encourage three or four of the young men to pi-epare written discourses, and present them to the Transylvania Presbytery as a specimen of their abilities. They accordingly prepared discourses, and at the next stated session of said Presbytery, their case was brought before that reverend body. They met with warm opposition, arising principally, however, fi*om a quarter rather inimical to the revival. But after a lengthy con- versation on the subject, in which there was much altei-ca- tion, a majority of the members consented and agi-eed, that the young men might be permitted to read their dis- courses to an aged member alone, who should make report to the Judicature. We believe the report was favorable. It was thou directed, as well as we can recollect, that 220 BRIEF IIISTOmCAL SKETCH. those men should prepare other discourses to be read at the next Presbytery. They accordingly prepared, and three of them attended ; but, as soon as the subject of their case was resumed, a warm debate ensued. At length, however, a majurity of the members agreed to hear their discourses. After they were read, the question was put : '^ Shall these men be received as candidates for the ministry ?" The vote being taken, one of the three was received, and two rejected by a majority of one vote only. This circumstance much depressed the spirits of a number of the preachers, who were real friends to the revival, and likewise the congrega- tions generally, who had so earnestly desired their licensure, but more especially the spirits of those two candidates were depressed. They were men in a matrimonial state, and could not consistently with those relative duties, by which they were bound to their families, go and acquire the knowledge of all those forms of literature required by the book of discipline. Fain would they have returned home, and solaced themselves in the enjoyment of their domestic comforts, as private Christians, if they could have done so, and kept a good conscience : but this they could not do ; nor could they with clearness become members of any other Christian society, where the ministerial door was not so strait and difficult, and consequently, where they mio'ht have been at liberty to exercise their popular talents with approbation. No : they were attached to all the essential doctrines, and likewise the discipline of the Pres- byterian Church. It was in this Church they were early dedicated to God by their parents, and in this Church they first felt the power of the gospel upon their hearts, and tasted the sweetness of that grace, which brings salva- tion to man. Therefore in the conamunion of this Church they earnestly desired to live and die. By this time a number of others, who were generally BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. 221 esteemed eminent for gifts and piety, together with those Mho had ah-eadj offered as candidates, became solemnly impressed to proclaim the word of life and salvation to sinners. But alas ! the door of admittance seemed to be shut against them. In this dark state of matters, both the ministers them- selves, and likewise the candidates who had already offered, and others who were looking forward towards the ministry, together Avith all the societies in our bounds, began now, in good earnest, to reaUze the necessity of crying mightily to that God, who has Church judicatures in his hands, as Avell as the hearts of individuals. In the meantime, candidates, and other eminent characters, who were assiduously endeavoring in one way or another to promote the work of God, were encouraged by their fathers in the ministry to continue to their gifts in a way of public exhortation, which several of them did, laboring much till the next Presbytery, at which time several petitions were presented with hundreds of signatures, praying the Presbytery to license and send to their relief certabi denominated persons. The subject was again taken into consideration, after which the Presbytery that was per- sonally acquainted with those men embraced in the petitions, knowing their piety, soundness in the faith, aj^tness to teach, ^c, and taking into view the situation of the congregations, and the extraordinary demand for preach- ing, determined to hear trial sermons from three or four of them (at the then present session) to be considered as popular discourses, which accordingly were delivered, and sustained by a large majority of the judicature. And after an examination on various subjects, touching the ministry, which was also sustained, they w^ere " licensed to preach the gospel within the bounds of the Transylvania Presbytery, or wherever ebe, Goil in his providence, might call them." 222 BRIEF HISTORICAL S K E T C II . Certain members who had always been opposed to tlie measure, entered their protest against the proceedings of the majority. But the majority were not deterred thereby, from pursuing in their official capacity, that method which they conscientioiisly believed best calculated to promote the Redeemer's kingdom in the world. The Synod, not long after this, divided the Transylvania Presbytery, and formed what was called the Cumberland Presbytery, the bounds of which included all the members that attended the preceding session of the Transylvania Presbytery. This act gave a decided majority m the new Presbytery to the promoters of the revival, and those who were friendly to tJie licensure of the aforementioned young men ; which majority ever after continued and increased until the Presbytery was dissolved. The licensing of these men, on the petition of the con- gregations, seemed to be a mean in God's hand of increasing instead of decreasing, the demand for supplies. They, (the preachers) laboring both night and day, leaving their families for a considerable length of time, preaching the word, planting new societies, and watering those that were planted, would necessarily increase such demand, if attend- ed with divine influence. And, brethren, we need only appeal to many of you, to witness the success that evidently attended those men's labors. The feeling and experience of your own hearts are better evidences to you on that subject, than all the reasons that could be advanced. TJiough you may have ten thousand instructors, yet you have not many fathers in Christ. The Presbytery, in pursuing what they believed to be their duty, continued from time to time to license and ordain such men, both learned and unlearned, (what is meant by unlearned here, is not a want of common English education,) as they thought would be useful laboi-ers in .the BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. 223 vineyard of the Lord. And, if the old maxim be a good one, ("judge of causes by their effects,") the Presbytery will never have just cause to regret that they engaged in, and pursued such measures : for it is an incontesdble fact, judging by our Lord's rule, (^By their fruit ye shall knoiv them,') that there are multitudes of both men and women who will have cause to rejoice eternally that ever they heard those men preach a crucified Christ. The members who entered their protest, sent a petition to the next session of Synod, referring them to the protest, '• which they thouglit should have operated as an appeal," in which they comjilained of various irregularities in the Cumberland Pi-esbytery with respect to the licensure and ordination of men to the ministry. The Synod at that time did or said but little about the matter ; but, at their succeeding session, they appointed a Commission of Synod to meet shortly afterwards in the bounds of the Cumberland Presbytery at Gasper river, and directed certain members of the Commission to cite previously to that meeting, all our preachers, licentiates, candidates and public exhorters,* who generally met in obedience to the citation. We would observe here, brethren, that although the appointment of the Commission was, we hope, well intended, yet we believe it was unhappily selected as to a part of it, from what appeared in the prosecution of their mission. A number of that body, however, both preachers and elders, were meek and friendly disposed men, who felt themselves aa brethren, disposed to pursue the most pacific measures, * There was much noise about so many exliorters liaving been authorizt'd by the Presbytery. The members thought with the apostle, that it was tlie dutv and privile^je of all Christians to exhort in some manner: and the design they had in licensing such as made application was to giveihein moro wei'-rht amouL' the people, without the most Holy one of Israel ? 226 BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. often reminded bv certain members of the Commission, that thej they stood at the Commissioner's bar ! Indeed, brethren, it appeared to us very evident, that some of the leading members of that body, assumed attitudes and an authorit\^, which but illy comported with the character of ministers of the meek and lovrly Jesus sent on a pacific mission. After much reasoning, as well as positive assertion on the subject, the Commission demanded of the Presbytery, to give up to them all those men whom they had hcensed and ordained, for re-examination. The Presbytery refused, suggesting the danger of the example, and also that such a demand was without precedent. They moreover declared, that they believed the discipline of the Presbyterian Church had vested the sole power in the several Presbyteries, to judge of the faith and qualifications of their own candidates for the ministry.* After the refusal of the Presbytery, the Moderator of the Commission, proceeded to abjure the young men to sub- mit to their authority and be re-examined, when one of them asked liberty for himself and brethren to retire, and ask counsel of God before they would give an answer. This reasonable request was, at first, strongly opposed by one or two leading members of the Commission, but at length it was granted, and the young men retired to ask counsel of niM who is all wise. In a short time after they returned, when they were asked, individually, if they would submit as above. They all, except one or two, who wanted longer time to deliberate, answered in the negative, for the follow- *0n the principle of the Commission's demand, no Presbytery would know when there was an addition made to their body by a new ordination, in as micfh as the next Synod miyht demand a re-ex amina^ ion of the newly ordaii.c:) niiiii-ter, jadse him uuqualiHed, and declare he should no longer prcac': :is a ri-.'sbyteriau. BRIEF IIISTOKICAL SKETCH. 227 in<; reasons, viz : First They believed the Cumberland Presbytery, which was a regular Church Judicature, to be competent judges of the faith and abilities of their own candidates. Secondly. That they themselves had not been charged with heresj"- and immorality, and, if tiiey had, the Presbytery would have been the proper Judicature first to have called them to an account. Nothwithstanding, the Commission of Synod proceeded formally to prohibit all the men, learned and unlearned, whom the Cumberland Pres- bytery had licensed and ordained, from preaching the gospel in the name of Presbyterians, and also cited what was called the old members to attend the next stated session of Synod, to be examined on faith, and to answer for not having given up their young brethren to be re-examined ! Here, brethren, w^e would ask, knowing that a number of you have been thirty or forty years regular members of the Presbyterian Church, if ever you knew an instance, either in Europe or America, of a Synod undertaking to prohibit preachers, who had not been accused by their own or any other Presbytery ? We would also ask, if ever you knev,' an instance of any reformed Church Judicature silencing a minister or ministers, who had not been charged with heresy, immorality, nor even what our discipline calls contumacy ? This was certainly the case Avith the young men. That is, they were not charged with either of the above, yet they were prohibited and the Presbytery cen- sured, because they would not acknowledge the authority by which it was done. The members of Presbytery then retired (but not in a Presbyterial capacity) to consult what was best to be done, and after deliberation, they agreed to encourage the young men to continue the exercise of their respective fmctinns, which they themselves determined to do, except in such business as required the act of a Presbytery. 228 BRIEF HISTORICAL SKLTCII. Some months after, there was a general meeting or conncil held at Shilo, consisting of the ministers, elders, and representatives, from vacancies •v^■hich formerly com- posed a majority of Cumberland Presbytery. At that council, it was agreed on to petition the General Assembly; and in the mean time, cease our operations as a Presbytery but continue to meet from time to time in the capacity of a council, and promote the interests of the Church as well as we could, until an answer could be obtained from the Assembly. The council, at this meeting, unanimously declared it to be their opinion, that the Commission of Synod had acted contrary to discipline, which opinion was corroborated by the next Assembly, (though not officially) according to a private letter from a respectable member of that body, a part of wliich is as follows : " The unhappy diflferences in your quarter, so immediately succeeding what a great proportion of the Presbyterian interest in this place, believed to be a great revival of the work of God, has excited deep concern, and our General Assembly have had the matter fully before them. It appeared to be the decided opinion of the majority in the General Assembly, that no Synod had a right to proceed against ministers or individuals, except the matter shall have come before them, by appeal from the Presbytery. That only a Presbytery could call its members to account for errors in doctrine or practice. — That a man once ordained by a Presbytery is an ordained minister, though the Presbytery may have acted improperly in not requiring the due qualifications ; and that even a Presbytery could not afterwards depose, but for cause arising, or madepublic after ordination ; that licentiates are ahvays in the power of the Presbytery to examine them and to Avithdraw their licensui'e at discretion ; but, that a Synod may act against a Presbytery as such, by dissolving, di\^ding, censuring, BRIEF II I S T 11 1 C A L SKETCH, 229 &c., consequently, that the dealings with the Cumberland Prebjtery were legal, in dissolving thorn, and annexing them to Transylvania, but wholly improper in suspending ordained ministers, and still more improper was it, for a Commission of Synod to do it. But though the rule about knowledge of languages in our discipline is not often fully complied with, and though the rule is not found m the scriptures, yet it is so important, that though your case was an imperious one, yet they seemed to fear you had gone too far, especially in the licensures. But what the General Assembly hath finally done, will appear very inconclusive on these points ; because they wished to avoid offending the Synod and the Presbytery ; and the minority in the Assembly took advantage of this, to make the business end as much as possible in such a manner as not to be construed against the power of Synods and General Assemblies. The General Assembly have, however, questioned the regularity of the proceedings of your Synod." You may see, brethren, in the foregoing extracts, what was the decided opinion of what may be called the collected wisdom of the Presbyterian Church in the United Ststes on the points for which we contend. And, perhaps, in exam- ining the list of Commissioners who composed the Assembly, the members will be found to stand as high for learning, integrity, and piety, as a subsequent Assembly, which differed with them in opinion. You will moreover see the reason why we were not profited by the favorable ojnnion of the Assembly. As to the Assembly's fearing we had ' gone too far in the licensures,' we will not pretend to say their fears were altogether without foundation ; neverthe- less, the Presbytery that have been without sin on this ? ibject, 'may cast the first stone.' — That is, the Presbytery that have licensed as many as the Cumberland Presbytery 2S0 BRIEF HISTORICAL SKKTCR. have done, ami have licensed no imwoper person to preach the gospel.* The Assembly addressed a letter to the Synod informing tiiem, that what they had done 'was at least of questionable regularity,' and requested them to review their proceed- ings, and rectify what might have been done amiss. The Synod, avc understood, reviewed but confirmed all their Commission had done. The council, notwithstanding, were encouraged to forward another petition, after which they wei'e informed by a private letter, from another influential member of the Assembly, that it would be most proper for them to apply to the Synod to rescind their former order, as it respected the Presbytery ; and if they refused, then for the council to appeal to the Assembly, which ' no doubt would redress their grievances.' The official letter of that Assembh', not having come to hand, the council thought it prudent to postpone doing any thing in it, until such letter could be seen. After it was seen, a number of the members of council thought the prospect of a redress of grievances not flattering ; and at the next council it was voted by a large majority to go into a constituted state, and in that capacity, address the General Assembly ; but by reason of the minority refusing to acquiesce in what the majority had done, the council did not still constitute a Presbytery. Afcer some time, some of those who were of the majority, felt willing to comj)ly with the recommendation of the member who wrote to us, and told us to go up by appeal from the Synod, but before there was an opportunity of doing it, Ave heard to our astonish- ment, that the Assembly had decided in favor of the Svnod. *The Camberland Pres'tntery liave reasoa to thank G.-d, that every man wliom tliey licensed, except one iudividual, cculiuues to belicvo, pivacb. ai>d A [tiacticc ilic gospel ol Clirist. BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. "231 This step at once superseded the necessity of an appeal ; therefore, the council generally thought it was now time to constitute into a Presbytery, and proceed to business again in that capacity. But some of the members wished to make the last eifort with the Synod, which now had the business m their own hands, and the whole agreed at tlie Ridge Meeting House in August last, to propose their last terms, and forward them to the Transylvania Presbytery, or Synod, by two Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose, which was accordingly done, and the terms in substance were as follows : " We, the preachers belonging to the Council, both old and young, from a sincere desire to be in union with the general body of the Presbyterian Church, are willing to be examined on the tenets of our holy religion, by the Tran- sylvania Presbytery, Synod, or a committee appointed for that purpose ; taking along the idea, however, that we be received or rejected as a connected body. Also, all our ministers, ordained and licentiates, retain their former authority derived from the Cumberland Presbytery. It w^as, moreover, understood that if the Synod should require the preachers to re-adopt the Confession of Faith that it should be with the exception of fatality only." Our commissioners were directed to go, and take a copy of the above minute, w'.thout any discretionary power whatever, to alter the propositions in any way, and it was unanimously agreed and determined, that if the Synod would not accede to the propositions, that on the fourth Tuesday in October ensuing, the whole Council Avould go into a constituted state. The Commissioners accordingly went to the Synod ; and after their return, informed us that the Synod would not consider our case as a body, but as individuals ; neither would they suffer any of our preaclur.s to make the exception to the Confession of 2:*.i: r. ii i e r historical s k e t c n . Faith. The -Commissioners, notAvithstanding, obtained an order for an intermediate Presbytery " to be held at Green Town, to consider the case of Mr. Hodge and others." Here, brethren, we will insert for your informa- tion, the minute of the last Council, and also the preamble to the minute of our first Presbytery. " The Council met at Shilo, agreeably to adjournment on the fourth Tuesday in October, 1809. Whereupon Mr. King was appointed to the chair, and Thomas Donald clerk. The Council opened by prayer. " Inquirj'' was made, what progress the Commissioners had made at the Transylvania Presbytery or Synod, towards bringing about a reconciliation ; and how those Judicatures had treated the propositions of the Council. Mr. Hodge, after some preliminary remarks, in which he suggested that he thought the Commissioners had obtained a compliance with the substance of the Council's proposi- tions, read a copy of a petition he had presented to the Synod, and the Synod's order on that petition. After the matter was discussed, and after the minute of the last Council on that subject was read, and compared with the petition and order above, the vote was taken whether or not the Synod had complied with the propositions of the Council, which was decided in the negative, by a very large majority. The vote was then taken, whether or not the Council would put the resolution of last Council into execution, which went solemnly to declare, that unless the Synod acceded to their propositions, they would on this day constitute into a Presbytery, which was carried in the affirmative by a large majority : after which Messrs. Wil- liam and Samuel Hodge, ministers, and Thomas Donald, elder, withdrew from the Council, virtually declaring their intention to join tlie Transylvania Presbytery. Tliere being then oiilv three ordained ministers piesent. it win BR-IEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. 233 inquired -whether they were now ready to go into a constituted state ; when it was found that one of them was embarrassed in his mind. 'Jhe Council then adjourned, and met again, waiting the decision of that member: who at length declared he could not feel free at the present time to constitute. The Council then, together with all the licentiates and candidates present, formed into a committee and entered upon a free conversation on the subject before them ; when it was finally agreed to, that each ordained minister, licentiate, elder, and representa- tive should continue in union, and use their influence to keep the Societies in union, until the third Tuesday iu March next ; and then meet at the Ridge meeting house. After which, each one shall be released from this bond, unless previously to that time, three ordained ministers belonging to this body shall have constituted a Presbytery. Then, in that case, the committee will all consider the BOND of union perpetual; which Presbytery, after doing such business as they may think proper, are to adjourn to meet at the Ridge meeting house the said third Tuesday in March in a Presbyterial capacity.'' SAMUEL KING, Chairman. " In Dixon County, Tennessee State, at the Rev. M'Adow's, this 4th day of February, 1810. " We, Samuel jM'Adow, Finis Ewing, and Samuel King, regularly ordained ministers, in the Presbyterian Church, against whom no charge, either of immorality or heresy has ever been exhibited, before any of the Church Judicatures, having waited in vain more than four years, in the mean time, petitioning the General Assembly for a redress of grievances, and a restoration of our violated rights, have, and do hereby agree and determine, to con- stitute into a Presbytery, icnown by the name of the Cumberland Presbytery, on the following conditions: 2(; ' 20 1 ^ li 11 I E F HIS T R I C A L S K E T C II . "• All candidates for the ministry, who may hereafter hi licensed by this Presbytery, and all the licentiates or probationers, who may hereafter be ordained by this Presbyter;'-, shall be required, before such hcensure and ordination, to receive and adopt the Confession and Disci- pline of the Presbyterian Church, except the idea of fatality, that seems to be taught under the mysterious doctrine of Predestination. It is to be understood, however, that such as can clearly receive the Confession, without any exception, shall not be required to make any. Moreover, all licentiates before they are set apart to the ■whole work of the ministry, or ordained, shall be required to undergo an examination on English Grammar, Geo- graphy, Astronomy, Natural and Moral Philosophy, and Church History.* The Presbytery may also require an examination on all, or any part, of the above branches of literature before licensure, if they deem it expedient." Thus, brethren, we have, in the integrity of our hearts, endeavored to give you as correct and impartial an account of the rise and progress of the cause or causes, that have brought us into our present situation, as justice to ourselves, and our best recollection would admit. ^Ye have not intentionally and unjustly exposed or covered the conduct of any man or Judicature. We have only aimed at giving a clear, honest view of the matter, that you might be enabled to judge for yourselves whether we have acted with propriety or impropriety. We think, percipitancy or rashness cannot be justly imputed to us in the present case. We have Avaited in an unorganized state, for more than four years, and in that time, have repeatedly prayed the Judicatures to redress * It will not be uiiderstooii that pxaniiiint;(i;is on experimental reli;rii-.:i ana Theolo_'v will be omitted. BKIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. 235 our grievances ; and have not contended for one privilege but what we conscientiously believe God's word allows us. If we had sought or desired an occasion to make a schism in the church, we had an excellent pretext, after the unprecedented conduct of the Commission of Synod towards us. But instead of this, we volmitarily suspended our operations as a Presbytery, and waited from year to year, beset on every side, hoping the matter might be settled on principles just and equitable. AVe said " beset on every side." i'es, brethren, a number of you know that various sectaries took the advantage of our forbear- ance and peculiar situation, and endeavored to rend our flourishing congregations. The swarms of heretics and fanatics also, who came down from the upper counties of Kentucky, gave us much perplexity : yet we determined, through grace, to stand firm, and continue to appeal to the reason and justice of the higher Judicatures, until we were assured they were not disposed to restore our rights. This assurance we have at length obtained, and there was no alternative left us, but either to violate our solemn vows to our brethren, act contrary to our reason and conscience, or form ourselves into a Presbytery, separate from the Kentucky Synod. This step, at first view, may alarm some of you ; but be assured, brethren, that although we are not now united to the Presbyterian Church by the external bond of discipline, that we feel as much union in heart as formerly ; and we would further assure you, that we have not set up as a party, inimical to the general Presb\'terian church : no, — we, ourselves, are Presbyterians, and expect ever to remain so, whether united to the general body or not. Permit us fui-ther to inform you what we do know to be an incontestable fact. That is, there are a number of ministers who arc ke|;t in the bo.^om of tho Presbyterian 236 BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. Church, who liave deviated infinitely more from the Con- fession than we have done. One can boldly deny the imputation of Christ's active obedience to the sinner in justification, and publish it to the world — another can deny the operation of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration,* and yet, we, who only object to the unciualified idea of eternal reprobation, cannot be indulged in that objection ! It has been said that if all the ministers belonging to the Council, had continued together, and had constituted into a Presbytery, it would have been much better. Brethren, if individuals, for reasons best known to them- selves, and their God, have thought proper to change a position in which they thought God had blessed them, we have not yet felt at liberty to do likewise. We have to account to God, and our own conscience, how we have acted in this matter. Some have feared because of the smallness of our number. Brethren, we have yet left, in the bounds of our Presbytery, almost as many ministers, exclusive of candi- dates, as our blessed Lord chose to spread the Gospel through the world. And whilst we acknowledge the greatest inferiority to those twelve champions of the Gospel, yet, we profess to believe that neither the standing, nor the reputation of a people depends on their numbers. If this were admitted, the Roman church, when it Avas at its zenith of superstition and idolatry, would have been the most permanent, and respectable in the world. But the reformation and subsequent events have taught us that that was not the case with her. But notwithstanding some individuals have changed their ground, yet, as far as we * See Mr. Davis' publication in South Cflioliua, niul Mr. Ci;»i.i.'iie.-.d'8 of Teimessce. liKIEF IIIriTORICAL SKETCH. 2-:>7 have learned, but very few of the numerous and respecta- ble societies or congregations have abandoned us : and some individuals of those few, were partly constrained to do as they have done, from their local situation. Some of you are afraid you cannot be supplied by the Presbytery. Brethren, the same Almighty Lord of the harvest, who heard your prayers on that subject ten years ago, is willing to hear again. Is the harvest indeed great and the laborers fetv ? well then, pray the Lord to send more laborers. Some fear lest the Presbytery should take too much liberty in licensing and ordaining unlearned men. If by this you mean, you are afraid the Presbytery, in some instances, will dispense with the dead languages, your fears are well grounded. But if you are afraid we will license and ordain without a good English education, we hope your fears are without foundation. And while we thus candidly declare our intention to receive men as candi- dates, without a knowledge of the languages, who are men of good talents, and who appear to be evidently called of God, believing, as we do, that there are thousands in the Presbyterian Church of such description, who would make more able, respectable, and more useful ministers of Jesus Christ, than many who say they have been brought up at the feet of Gamaliel : we would nevertheless recommend it to all parents who have sons who promise fair for the ministry, to have them taught the Greek language, especially the Greek Testament. Some of us intend to do ourselves what we here recommend, and thereby more fully convince you of our sincerity. We would just add, that we have it in view as a Pres- bytery, to continue, or make another proposition to the Synod of Kentucky, or some other Synod, for a re-union. If we can obtain it witliuut vinlatiu:: our natural and 238 BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH. Scriptural rights, it will meet the most ardent wish of our hearts ; if we cannot, we hope to be enabled to commit ourselves and cause to Him who is able to keep us. Brethren, if we live at the feet of the Redeemer, and feel constant dependence on Him, we are not afraid but that he will be our God and director. And if God be for U8, ivho nan he against us? We therefore entreat you, brethren, to ivatch and he sober. Cultivate friendship with all societies of Christians, who maintain the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel, and whose lives comport with their profession; but avoid the multitude of deceivers, who have gone out into the world, and strike at the root of all real religion. Avoid them, we entreat you, as you wouM the open enemies of the cross of Christ. Crird on the tvhole armor of God. Fight the good fight of faith, live in ^jeacg, and the God of peace shall he with you. Amen. SAMUEL M'ADOW, Moderator. Test. YOUNG EWING, Clerk. Notwithstanding the peculiar dijQSculties with which this infant Church has had to contend, its members have continued to increase, and every year has augured more and more favorably for its stability. The first Presbytery became so much enlarged in the course of three years, that in April, 1813, at the Beach meeting house, Tennessee, it was resolved to divide it and form three subordinate Judicatories, which should constitute a Synod. The following minute is the preamble to this decision, and presents a pleasing prospect of the gradual increase of Cumberland Presbyterians : " Whereas, the Cumberland Presbytery have made ©verv reasonable effort fi.'i- a re-union witi! the Pre