UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR FORNIA SAN DIEGO 3 1822 00601 6687 'I ,'3^4 'UT A/ '. ' ' 15 L. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # ^ g^ l rm^^MfSimiimsm^Basmimsssm A NT El s^sass^i^siggg^lggl presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by JAMES A. LEFWICH Central University Library University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall after two weeks. Date Due AUG 1 6 1990 CI 39 (1/90) UCSDLib. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 00601 6687 f ^c^^ -"f. 'tr2^<^<^^itf:2^^-^ THE VISION; OB, HELL, PURGATORY, AND PARADISE, OP DANTE ALIGHIEPd. TKANSLATRD BY THE REV. H. F. GARY, A.M. T. Y. CROWBLL & CO.. BOSTON. 1881. J. Campbell, pkinteh, 15 Vandewater St., N. Y. P KEF ACE. In the years 1805 and 1806, I j)ul)lished the first part of I the following translation, with the text of the original. ' Since that period, two impressions of the whole of the j Divina Commedia, in Italian, have made their appear i ance in this country. It is not necessary that I should 1 add a third : and I am induced to hoj^e that the Poem, j even in the present version of it, may not be without j interest for the mere EnoHsh reader. The translation of the second and third parts, " The Purgatory" and "The Paradise," was begun long before the first, and as early as the year 1797 ; but, owing to many interruptions, not concluded till the summer before last. On a retrospect of the time and exertions that have been thus employed, I do not regard those hours as the least happy of my life, during which (to use the eloquent language of Mr. Coleridge) "my individual recollections have been suspended, and lulled to sleep amid the music of nobler thoughts ; " nor that study as misapplied, which has familiarized me with one of the sublimest efforts of the human invention. To those, who shall be at the trouble of examimug into the degree of accuracy Avith which the task has been VI PREFACE. executed, I may be allowed to suggest, that tlioir judg- ment should not be formed on a comparison with any single text of my Author ; since, in more instances than I liave noticed, I have had to make my choice out of a variety of readings and interpretations, presented by different editions and commentators. In one or two of those editions is to be found the title of " The Vision," which I have adopted, as more conformable to the genius of our language than that of "The Divine Comedy." Dante himself, I believe, termed it sim2:)ly " The Comedy ; " in the first place, because the style was of the middle kind: and in the next, because the story (if story it may be called) ends happily. Instead of a Life of my Author, I have subjoined, in chronological order, a view not only of the princij)al events which befell him, but of the chief public occur- rences that happened in his time : concerning both of which the reader may obtain further information, by turning to the passages referred to in the Poem and Notes. January^ 1814. A CHEONOLOGICAL VIEW TiHE .A^a-E o:r iDj^isrrcjB. A.D. 12G5 Dante, son of Alighieri degli Alishieri and Bella, is born at Florence. Of his own ancestry he speaks in the Paradise, Canto XV. and XVI. In the same year, Manfredi, king of Naples and Sicily, is defeated and slain by Charles of Aujoix. Hell, C. XXVIII. 13. and I'lirga- tor>% C. III. 110. Guido Novello of Polenta obtains the sovereignty of Ravenna. II. C. XXVII. 38. 1266 Two of the Frati Godenti chosen arbitrators of the differences at Florence. H. C. XXIII. 104. Gianni de' Soldanieri heads the populace in tliat city. H. C. XXXII. 118. 1268 Cliarles of Anjou puts Conradine to death, and becomes King of Naples. H. C. XXVIII. 16. and Purg. C. XX. 66. 1272 Henry III. of England is succeeded by Edward I. Purg. C. VII. 129. 1274 Our Poet first sees Beatrice, daughter of Folco Portinari. I'ra. Guittone d'Arezzo, the poet, dies. Purg. C. XXIV. 56. Thomas Aquinas dies. Purg. C. XX. 67. and Par. C. X. 96. Buonaveutura dies. Par. C. XII. 25. 1275 Pierre de la Brosse, secretary to Philip III. of France, executed. Purg. C. VI. 23. 1276 Giotto, the painter, is born. Purg. C. XI. 95. Pope Adrian V. dies. Purg. C. XIX. 97. Guido Guiuicelli, the poet, dies. Purg. C. XL 96. and C. XXVI. 8S. 1277 Pope John XXI. dies. Par, C. XII. 126. 'l278 pttocar, king of Bohemia, dies. Purg. C. VU. 97. (vii) via A CIIIIONOLOGICAL VIKW OF 1279 Diuiiysiiis hucccccIh to tlie throne of Portugal. Par. C. XIX. 135 1280 Albcrtiis Maxims dies. Par. C. X. 95. 1281 Pope Nicholas III. dies. H. C. XIX. 71. Dante studies at the universities of Bologna and Padua. 1282 The Sicilian vespers. Par. C. VIII. 80. The Frciicli defeated by the people of Forli. II. C. XXVII. 41. Tribaldello dc' Maufredi betrays the city of Facnza. II. C. XXXII. 119. 1284 Prince Charles of Aujou is defeated and made prisoner by Rngier de Lauria, admiral to Peter III. of Arraj^on. Pnrg. C. XX. 78. Charles I. king of Naples, dies. Purg. C. VII 111. 1285 Pope Martin IV. dies. Purg. C. XXIV. 2.3. Philip III. of France, and Peter III. of Arragon, die. Purg. C. VII. 101, and 110. Henry 11. king of Cyprus, comes to the throne. Par. C. XIX. 144. 1287 Guldo dalle Colonne (mentioned by Dante in his De Vulgari Elo- quio) writes " The War of Troy." 1288 Haquin, king of Norway, makes war on Denmark. Par. C. XIX l.SS. Count Ugolino de' Gherardeschi dies of famine. H. C. XXXII I. 14. 1289 Dante is in the battle of Campaldino, where the Florentines defeat the people of Arezzo, June 11. Purg. C. V. 90. 1290 Beatrice dies. Purg. C. XXXII. 2. He serves in the war waged by the Florentines upon the Pisans, and is present at the surrender of Caproua in the autumn. H. C XXI. 92. 1291 He marries Gemma de' Donati, with whom he lives unhappily. By this marriage he had five sons and a daughter. Can Grande della Scala is born. March 9. H. C. I. 08. Purg. C. XX. 16. Par. C. XVII. 75. and XXVII. 135. The renegade Cliristians assist the Saracens to recover St. John D'Acre. H. C. XXVII. 84. The Emperor Rodolph dies. Pnrg. C. VI. lOt. and VII. 91. Alonzo III. of Arragon dies, and is succeeded by James II. Purg. C. VII. 113. and Par. C. XIX. 133, 1294 Clement V. abdicates the papal chair. H. C. III. 56. Dante writes his Vita Nuova. 1295 His preceptor, Brunetto Latini, dies. H. C. XV. 28. Charles Martel, king of Hungary, visits Florence, Par. C. VIII. 57. and dies in the same year. Frederick, son of Peter III. of Arragon, becomes king of Sicily. Purg. C. VII. 117. and Par. C. XIX. 127. 1296 Forese, tlie coiupaniou of Dante, dies. Purg. C. XXXIII. 44. THE AGE OP DANTE. IX 1300 The Bianca and Ncra parties take their rise in Pistoia. II. C. XXXII. GO. This is the year in which he supposes liimself to see his Vision. II. C. 1. 1. and XXI. 109. Ho is chosen cliief magistrate, or first of the Priors of Florence ; and continues in office from June 15 to August 15. Cimabue, tlie painter, dies. Purg. C XI. 93. Guido Cavalcanti, the most beloved of our Poet's friends, dies. II. C. X. 59. and Purg. C. XI. 9G. 1301 The Bianca party expels the Nera from Pistoia. H. C. XXIV. 142. 1302 January 27. During his absence at Rome, Dante is mulcted by his fellow-citizens in the sum of 8000 lire, and condemned to two years' banishment. March 10. He is sentenced, if taken, to be burned. Fulcieri de' Calboli commits great atrocities on certain of the Glii- belline party. Purg. C XIV. 01. Carlino de' Pazzi betrays the castle di Piano Travigne, in Valdarno, to the Florentines. H. C. XXXII. 67. The French vanquished in the battle of Courtrai. Purg. C. XX. 47. James, king of Majorca and Minorca, dies. Par. C XIX. 133. 1303 Pope Boniface VIII. dies. H. C. XIX. 55. Purg. G. XX. 86. XXXII. 14G. and Par. C. XXVII. 20. The other exiles appoint Dante one of a council of twelve, under Alessandro da Romena. Ho appears to have been much dissatisfied with his colleagues. Par. C. XVII. 61. 1304 He joins with the exiles in an unsuccessful attack on the city of Florence. May. The bridge over the Arno breaks down during a representa- tion of the infernal torments exhibited on that river. II. C. XXVI. 9. July 20. Petrarch, whose father had been banished two years be- fore from Florence, is born at Arezzo. 1305 Winceslaus II. king of Bohemia, dies. Purg. G. VII. 99. and Par. G. XIX. 123. A conflagration happens at Florence. H. G. XXVI. 9. 1306 Dante visits Padua. 1307 He is in Lunigiana with the Marchese Marcello Malaspina. Purg. G. VIII. 133. and G. XIX. 140. Dolcino, tlie fanatic, is burned. H. G. XXVIII. 53. 1308 The Emperor Albert I. murdered. Purg. G. VI. 98. and Par. G. XIX. 114. Gorso Donati, Dante's political enemy, slain. Purg. G. XXIV. 81. He seeks an asylum at Verona, under the roof of the Signori della Scala. Par, G. XVII. 69. He wanders, about this time, over va- rious parts of Italy. See his Gonvito. He is at Paris twice ; and, as one of the early commentators reports, at Oxford. 1309 Gharles II. king of N.aplcs, dies. Par. G. XIX. 125. T X CHRONOLOGTOAI. VIEAV OF DANTE. 1310 The Order of the Templars abolished. Purg. C. XX. 94. 1313 The Emperor Henry of Liixembiirg, by whom he lind hoped to be restored to Florence, dies. I'lir. C. XVII. . descend. Before him stand Alway a num'rous throng; and in his turn 15 Each one to judgment passing, speaks, and. hears His fate, thence downward to his dwelling hurl'd. " O thou ! who to this residence of woe Approachest ? " when he saw me coming, cried Minos, relinquishing his dread employ, 20 16 II1CI.T>. " Look liow thou outer here ; beware in wlioin 'J^hou place tliy trust ; let not the entrance broad Deceive thee to thy harm." To him my g-tiide : "• Wherefore exelaimest? Iliiulor not his way IJy destiny ajijiointed ; so 'tis will'd 25 Where will and power are one. Ask thou no more." Now 'giu the rueful wailings to be heard. Now am I come Avhere many a plaining voice Smites on mine ear. Into a place I came Where light w^as silent all. Bellowing there groan'd 30 A noise as of a sea in tempest torn By warring winds. The stormy blast of hell With restless fury drives the spirits on ^Vhirl'd round and dash'd amain with sore annoy. When they arrive before the ruinous sweep, 35 There shrieks are heard, there lamentations, moans. And blasphemies 'gainst the good Power in heaven. I understood that to this torment sad The carnal sinners are condcmn'd, in whoni Reason by lust is sway'd. As in large troops 40 And multitudinous, when winter reigns, The starlings on their wings are borne abroad ; So bears the tyrannous gust those evil souls. On this side and on that, above, below. It drives them : hope of rest to solace them 45 Is none, nor e'en of milder pang. As cranes, 'Chanting their dol'rous notes, traverse the sky, Stretch'd out in long array : so I beheld Spirits, who came loud wailing, hurried on By their dire doom. Then I: "Instructor! who 50 Are these, by the black air so scourg'd ? " — " The first 'Mong those, of whom thou question'st," he replied, " O'er many tongues was emj)ress. She in vice Of luxury was so shameless, that she matte Liking be lawful by ])romu]g''d decree, 55 To clear the blame slie had herself incurr'd. This is Semiramis, of whom 'tis writ. That she succeeded Ninus her espous'd ; And held the land, which now the Soldan rules. The next in amoi'ous furv slew herself, 60 HELL. 17 And to SiclK'us' nshos broke her faith: 'I'heii follows Cleopatra, lustful queen." There markVl I Helen, for whose sake so long The time was fraught with evil ; there the great Achilles, who with love fought to the end. 05 Paris I saw, and Tristan ; and beside A thousand niore he show'd me, and by name Pointed them ont, whom love bereav'd of life. When I had heard my sage instructor name Those dames and knights of antique days, o'erpower'd 70 By i)ity, well-nigh in amaze my mind Was lost ; and I began : "Bard! willingly I would address those two together coming. Which seem so light before the wind." He thus : " Note thou, Avhen nearer they to us ap]»roach. 75 Then by that love which carries them along. Entreat ; and they will come." Soon as the Avind Sway'd them toward us, I thus fram'd my speech : " O wearied spii-its ! come, and hold discourse With us, if by none else restrain'd." As doves 80 By fond desire invited, on wide wings And firm, to their sweet nest returning home. Cleave the air, wafted by their will along ; Thus issu'd from that troop, where Dido ranks, They through the ill air speeding; with such force 85 My cry jjrevail'd by strong affection urg'd. " O gracious creature and benign ! who go'st Visiting, through this element obscure. Us, who the world with bloody stain imbru'd ; If for a friend the King of all we own'd, 90 Our pray'r to him should for thy peace arise, Since thou hast pity on our evil plight. Of whatsoe'er to hear or to discourse It pleases thee, that Avill we hear, of that Freely with thee discourse, while e'er the wind, 35 As now, is mute. The land, that gave me birth, Is situate on the coast, where Po descends To rest in ocean with his sequent streams. "Love, that in gentle heart is quickly learnt, Entangled him by that fair form, from me 100 2 18 IlKLL. Ta'en in siicli ci-uel sort, as gi'ievcs me slill: Love, tliat dciiial takes from none belov'd, Cauglit me with jdeasiiig Jiini so passing well, Tliat, as tliou scc'st, he yet deserts me not. Love brought us to one death : Caina Avaits 105 Tlie soul, Avho sj)ilt our life." Such were their words ; At hearing which downward I bent my looks. And held them there so long, that the bard cried : " What art thou pond'j-ingV " I in answer thus : "Alas! by what sweet thoughts, what fond desire 110 Must they at length to that ill i)ass have reach'd!" Then turning, I to them my speech address'd. And thus began : " Francesca ! your sad fate Evejr to tears my grief and |)ity moves. But tell me ; in the time of your sweet sighs, 115 By what, and how love granted, that ye knew Your yet uncertain wishes?" She rejdied: "No greater grief than to remember days Of joy, when mis'ry is at hand ! That kens Thy learn'd instructor. Yet so eagerly 120 If thou art bent to know the primal root. From whence our love gat being, I will do. As one. Mho weeps and tells his tale. One day For our delight we read of Lancelot, How him love thrall'd. Alone we Averc, and no 125 Suspicion near us. Ofttimes by that reading Our eyes were drawn together, and the hue Fled from our alter'd cheek. But at one point Alone Ave fell. When of that smile Ave read, The Avished smile, rapturously kiss'd 130 By one so deep in love, then he, Avho ne'er . From me shall separate, at once my lips All trembling kiss'd. The book and Avriter both Were love's purveyors. Li its leaves that day We read no more." While thus one spirit spake, 135 The other Avail'd so sorely, that heart-struck I through compassion fainting, seem'd not far From death, and like a corpse fell to the ground. HELL. 19 CANTO VI. My sense reviviiifj^, tliat erewhilc li;ul droopM Witli pity for the kindred shades, wlienee grief Overcame me wholly, straight around I see New torments, new tormented souls, which way Soe'er I move, or turn, or bend my sight. 5 In the third circle I aii'ive, of sliow'rs Ceaseless, accursed, l^eavy, and cold, unchang'd For ever, both in kind and in degree. Large hail, discolour'd water, sleety flaw Through the dun midnight air stream'd down amain : 10 Stank all the land whereon that tempest fell. Cerberus, cruel monster, fierce and strange, Thi'ough his wide threefold throat barks as a dog Over the multitude immers'd beneath. His eyes glare crinison, black his unctuous beard, 15 His belly large, and claw'd the hands, with which He tears the spirits, flays them, and their limbs Piecemeal disparts. ITowling there spread, as curs, Under the rainy deluge, with one side The other screening, oft they roll them round, 20 A wretched, godless crew. When that great worm Descried us, savage Cerberus, he op'd His jaws, and the fangs show'd us; not a limb Of him but trembled. Then my guide, his palms Expanding on the ground, thence filled with earth 25 Rais'd them, and cast it in his ravenous maw. E'en as a dog, that yelling bays for food His keeper, when the morsel comes, lets fall His fury, bent alone with eager haste To swallow it ; so dropp'd tlie loathsome cheeks 30 Of demon Cerberus, who thund'ring stuns The spirits, that they for deafness wish in vain. We, o'er the shades thrown prostrate by the brunt Of the heavy tempest passing, set our feet Upon their emptiness, that substance seem'd. 35 They all along the earth extended lay Save one, that sudden rais'd himself to sit, Soon as that way he saw us pass. " O thou ! " 20 IIKLL. IIo cried, "wlio tlirougli tlic infernal sliadcs art led, Own, if again thou know'st ine. Thou wast frani'd 40 Or ere my frame was broken." I replied : "The anguish thou endur'st })erchance so takes Thy form from my remembrance, that it seems As if I saw thee never. But inform Me who thou art, that in a place so sad 45 ' Art set, and in such torment, that although Other be greater, more disgustful none Can be imagin'd." He in answer thus : " Thy city heap'd with envy to the brim, Ay that the measure overflows its bounds, 60 Held me in brighter days. Ye citizens "Were wont to name me Ciacco. For the sin Of glutt'ny, damned vice, beneath this rain, E'en as thou see'st, I Avith fatigue am worn ; Nor I sole spirit in this woe : all these 55 Have by like crime incurr'd like })unisliment." No more he said, and I my speech resum'd : " Ciacco ! thy dire affliction grieves me much. Even to tears. But tell me, if thou knoAv'st, What shall at length befall the citizens 60 Of the divided city; whether any just one Inhabit there : and tell me of the cause. Whence jarring discord hath assail'd it thus ? " He then : " After long striving they Avill come To blood ; and the wild party from the woods 65 Will chase the other with much injury forth. Then it behoves, that this must fall, within Three solar circles ; and the other rise By borrow'd force of one, who under shore Now rests. It shall a long space hold aloof 70 Its forehead, keeping under heavy Aveiglit The other oppress'd, indignant at the load, And grieving sore. The just are two in number, But they neglected. Av'rice, envy, pride. Three fatal, sparks, have set the hearts of all 75 On fire." Here ceas'd the lamentable sound ; And I continu'd thus : " Still would I learn More from thee, farther parley still entreat. HELL. iii Of Ffivinata fiiifl Togghinio say, Tliey who so well dcserv'd, of Giacopo, 80 Arrigo, Mosca, and tlio rest, wlio bent Their minds on Av^orkiiig good. Oh ! tell me Avherc They bide, and to their knowledge let me come. For I am press'd with keen desire to hear, If heaven's sweet cup or poisonous drug of hell 85 Be to their lip assign'd." He answer'd straight : " These are yet blacker spirits. Various crimes Have sunk them deeper in the dark abyss. If thou so far descendest, thou mayst see tliem. But to the pleasant world when thou return'st, 90 Of me make mention, I entreat thee, there. No more I tell thee, answer thee no more." This said, his fixed eyes he turn'd askance, A little ey'd me, then bent down his head. And 'midst his blind conipaiiions with it fell. 95 When thus my guide : "No more his bed he leaves, Ere the last angel-trumpet blow. The Power Adverse to these shall then in glory come, Each one forthwith to his sad tomb repair, Resume his fie^hly vesture and his form, 100 And liear the eternal doom re-echoing rend The vault." So pass'd we through tliat mixture foul Of spirits and rain, with tardy steps; meanwhile Touching, though slightly, on the life to come. For thus^I quostion'd : "Shall these tortures. Sir ! 105 When the great sentence passes, be increas'd, Or mitigated, or as uow severe?" lie then : " Consult thy knowledge ; that decides That as each thing to more perfection grows. It feels more sensibly both good and i)ain. 110 Though ne'er to true ])erfection may arrive TJiis race accurs'd, yet neai-er tlien than now They shall appi'oach it." Coini)assing that path Circuitous we journeyed, and discourse JNlucli more than I i-elate between us j)ass'd : 115 Till at the ))oint, whence the ste])S led below, Arriv'd, there iMutus, the great foe, we found. i»? HELL. CANTO VIT. " An me ! O Satan ! Satan ! " loud exclaim'd Pliitus, in accent hoarse of wild alarm : And the kind sage, Avliom no event sur])ris'd, To comfort me thus spake : "Let not thy fear Harm thee, for power in him, be sure, is none 5 To hinder down this rock thy safe descent." Then to that swoln lip turning, " Peace! " he cried, " Curs'd wolf ! thy fury inward on thyself Prey, and consume thee ! Through the dark profound Not without cause he passes. So 't is will'd 10 On high, there where the great Archangel }iour'd Heav'n's vengeance on the first adulterer proud." As sails full spread and bellying with the wind Drop suddenly collapsVl, if the mast split; So to the ground down dropp'd the cruel fiend. 15 Thus we, descending to the fourth steep ledge, Gain'd on the dismal shore, that all the woe Hems in of all the universe. Ah me ! Almighty Justice ! in what store thou heap'st New pains, new troubles, as I here beheld ! 20 Wherefore doth fault of ours bring us to this ? E'en as a billow, on Charybdis rising. Against encounter'd billow dashing breaks ; Such is the dance this wretched race must lead, Whom more than elsewhere numerous here I found, 25 From one side and the other, with loud voice, Both roll'd on weights by main force of their breasts, Then smote togetlier, and each one forthwith Roll'd them back A'oluble, turning again. Exclaiming these, "Why boldest thou so fast?" 30 Those answering, " And why castest thou away ? " So still repeating their despiteful song, They to the opposite point on either hand Travers'd the horrid circle : then arriv'd. Both turn'd them round, and through the middle space Conflicting met again. At sight whereof 36 I, stung with grief, thus spake : " O say, my guide ! What race is this ? Were these, whose heads are shorn, iiEr,T,. 23 On our left Imnd, all sep'rute to the clmrch ? " He str:iii,^lit rejilied : "In their first life tlieso all 40 In mind were so distorted, that they made, According to due measure, of their wealth, No use. This clearly from their words collect, Which they howl foi-th, at each extremity Arriving of the circle, where their crime 45 Contrary' in kind disparts them. To the church Were separate those, that with no hairy cowls Are crown'd, both Popes and Cardinals, o'er whom Av'rice dominion absolute maintains." I then : " 'Mid such as these some needs must be, 50 Whom I shall recognize, that with the blot Of tliese foul sins were stain'd." He answering thus : " Vain thought conceiv'st thou. That ignoble life. Which made them vile befo)-e, now makes them dark, And to all knowledge indiscernible. 55 For ever they shall meet in this rude shock : These from the tomb with clenched grasp shall rise. Those with close-shaven locks. That ill they gave. And ill they kept, hath of the beauteous world Depriv'd, and set them at this strife, which needs 60 No labour'd phrase of mine to set if off. Now may'st thou see, my son ! how brief, how vain, The goods committed into fortune's hands, For which the human race keep such a coil ! Not all the gold, that is beneath the moon, 65 Or ever hath been, of these toil-worn souls Might purchase rest for one." I thus rcjoin'd : " My guide ! of thee this also "\vould I learn ; This fortune, that thou speak'st of, wdiat it is. Whose talons grasp the blessings of the world?" 70 He thus : " O beings blind! what ignorance Besets you '? Now my judgment hear and mark. He, whose transcendent wisdom passes all, The hea^'ens creating, gave them ruling powers To guide them ; so that each part shines to each, 75 Their light in equal distribution pour'd. By siinilar appointment he ordain'd Over the world's briu'ht imaproaches, hi the which all those are steep'd, 45 Who have by violence injur'd." O blind lust ! -t- 40 IIKI.L, i \ O foolisli wr.'itli ! who so dost goad us on I In the brief life, and in tlie eternal then I Thus miserably o'crwlielm us. I beheld I An ample fuss, (hat in a bow was bent, 50 ( As cireling all the plain ; for so my guide I Had told, lietween it and the rampart's base On trail ran Centaurs, with keen arrows arm'd, As to the ehase they on the earth were wont. At seeing us descend they each one stood ; 55 And issuing from the troop, three sj)ed with bows And missile weapons chosen first ; of whom One cried from far : " Say to what pain ye come Condemn'd, who down this steep have journied ? Speak From whence ye stand, or else the bow I draw." 6'J To whom my guide : " Our answer shall be made To Chiron, there, when nearer him we come. Ill was thy mind, thus ever quick and rash." Then me he touch'd, and spake : " Nessus is tliis, Who for the fair Deianira died, 65 And wrought himself revenge for his own fate. He in the midst, that on his breast looks down. Is the great Chiron who Achilles nurs'd ; That other Pholus, prone to wrath." Around The foss these go by thousands, aiming shafts 70 At whatsoever spirit dares emerge From out the blood, more than his guilt allows. We to those beasts, that rapid strode along, Drew near, when Chiron took an arrow forth. And with the notch push'd back his shaggy beard 75 To the cheek-bone, then his great mouth to view Exposing, to his fellows thus exclaini'd : " Are ye aware, that he who comes behind Moves what he touches? The feet of the dead Are not so wont." My trusty guide, who now 80 Stood near liis breast, where the two natures join, Thus made reply : " He is indeed alive, And solitary so must needs by me Be sliown the gloomy vale, thereto induc'd By strict necessity, not by delight. 85 She left her joyful harpings in the sky, 5 HELL. 41 \ I Who this iicw office to my care consigii'd. I lie is no robber, no dark spirit I. But by that virtue, which ein])o\vers my step ! To treat so wikl a ])ath, grant us, I ])ray, 90 I One of thy band, whom we may trust secure, Wlio to the ford may lead us, and convey Across, him mounted on liis back ; for he Is not a spirit tliat may walk the air." Then on his right breast turning, Chiron thus 95 To Nessus spake : "Return, and be their guide. And if ye chance to cross anotlier troop. Command them keep aloof." Otiward we mov'd, The faithful escort by our side, along The border of the crhnson-seething flood, 100 Wlience from tliose steep'd within loud shrieks arose. Some there I mark'd, as high as to their brow Immers'd, of whom tlie miglity Centaur thus : " These are the souls of tyrants, who were given To blood and rapine. Here they wail aloud 105 Their merciless wrongs. Here Alexander dwells, And Dionysius fell, Avho many a year ' Of woe wrought for fair Sicily. That brow I Whereon the hair so jetty clust'ring hangs, [ Is Azzolino ; that with flaxen locks 110 Obizzo' of Este, in the world destroy'd By his foul step-son." To the bard rever'd I turned me round, and thus he spake; "Let him Be to thee now first leader, me but next To him in rank." Then farther on a space 115 The Centaur ]»aus'd, near some, who at the tliroat Were extant from the wave ; and showing us A s])irit by itself apart retir'd, Exclaim'd : "He in God's bosom smote the heart, AVhich yet is honour'd on the bank of Tliames." 120 A race I next espied, who held the head. And even all the bust above the stream. ']\Jidst these I many a face remember'd well. Tims shallow more and more the blood became, So that at last it but imbru'd the feet ; 125 And there our ])assage lay athwart the foss. 42 HELL. " As ever on tliis side the boiling wave Thou seest diniinisliing," the Centaur said, " So on the other, be thou well assur'd, It lower still and lower sinks its bed, 130 Till in that part it reuniting join, Where 't is the lot of tyranny to mourn. There ITeav'n's stern justice lays chastising hand On Attila, who was the scourge of earth, On Sextus, and on Pyrrhus, and extracts 135 Tears ever by the seething flood unlock'd From the Rinieri, of Corneto this, Pazzo the other nam'd, who fill'd the ways With violence and war." This said, he turn'd, And quitting us, alone repass'd the ford. 140 CANTO XIII Eee Nessus yet had reach'd the other bank, We enter'd on a forest, where no track Of steps had worn a way. Not verdant there The foliage, but of dusky hue ; not light The boughs and tapering, but with knares deform'd 5 And matted thick: fruits there were none, but thorns Instead, with venom fill'd. Less sharp than these. Less intricate the brakes, wherein abide Those animals, that hate the cultur'd fields. Betwixt Corneto and Cecina's stream. 10 Here the brute Hai'pies make their nest, the same Who from the Strophades the Trojan band Drove with dire boding of their future woe. Broad are their pennons, of the human form Their neck and count'nance, arm'd with talons keen 15 The feet, and the huge belly fledge with wings. These sit and wail on the drear mystic wood. The kind instructor in these words began : " Ere farther thou proceed, know thou art now I' til' second round, and shalt be, till thou come 20 Upon the horrid sand : look therefore well Around thee, and such things thou shalt behold, As would my speech discredit." On all sides I heard sad plainings breathe, and none could see From whom they might have issu'd. In amaze 25 Fast bound I stood. He, as it seem'd, believ'd, That I had thought so many voices came From some amid those thickets close conceal'd, And thus his s])eech resum'd : " If thou lop off A single twig from one of those ill plants, 30 The thought thou hast conceiv'd shall vanish quite." Tliereat a little stretching forth my hand, From a great wilding gather'd I a branch, And straight the trunk exclaim'd : " Why j^luck'st thou me?" Then as the dark blood trickled down its side, 35 These words it added : "Wherefore tear'st me thus? Is there no touch of mercy in thy breast ? Men once were we, that now are rooted here. Thy hand might well have spar'd us, had we been The souls of serpents." As a brand yet green, 40 That burning at one end from the' other sends A groaning soiind, and hisses with the wind That forces out its way, so burst at once. Forth from the broken splinter words and blood. I, letting fall the bough, remain'd as one 45 Assail'd hy terror, and the sage replied : " If he, O injur'd spirit! could have believ'd What he hath seen but in my verse describ'd, He never against thee had stretch'd his hand. But I, because the thing surpass'd belief, 50 Prompted him to this deed, which even now Myself I rue. But tell me, who thou wast ; That, for this wrong to do thee some amends, In the' ujiper world (for thither to return Is granted him) thy fame he may revive." 55 " That pleasant word of thine," the trunk replied " Hath so inveigled me, that I from speech Cannot refrain, wherein if I indulge A little longer, in the snare detain'd. Count it not grievous. I it was, who held 60 Both keys to Frederick's heart, and turn'd the wards, 44 IIKT.T,. Opening and sliuUiiiir, witli :i skill so swcot, Tluvt besides me, into liis inmost In-enst Searee any other could admittance find. Tlie faith I bore to my hitfh charge was siicli, G5 It cost me the life-blood that wai-m'd my veins. Tlie harlot, Avlio ne'er turn'd lier gloating eyes From Ciesar's liousehold, common vice and j)est Of courts, 'gainst mc intlam'd the minds of all ; And to Augustus they so s])read the flame, 70 Tliat my glad lionours chang'd to bitter woes. My soul, disdainful and disgusted, sought Refuge in death from scorn, and I became, Just as I was, unjust toward myself. By the new roots, which fix tliis stem, I swear, 75 That never faith I broke to my liege lord, "Who merited such honour ; and of you, If any to the world indeed return. Clear he from wrong my memory, that lies Yet prostrate under envy's cruel blow." 80 First somewhat pausing, till the mournful words Were ended, then to me the bard began : "Lose not the time; but sjjcak and of him ask, If more tliou wish to learn." Whence I replied : " Question thou him again of Avhatsoe'er 85 Will, as thou think'st, content me ; for no power Have I to ask, such j^ity' is at my heart." He thus resum'd ; "So may he do for thee Freely what thou entreatest, as thou yet Be pleas'd, imprison'd s])irit ! to declare, 90 How in these gnarled joints the soul is tied ; And whether any ever from sucli frame Be loosen'd, if thou canst, that also tell." Thereat the trunk breatli'd hard, and the wind soon Chang'd into sounds articulate like these ; 95 Briefly ye shall be answer'd. When departs The fierce soul from the body, by itself Thence torn asunder, to the seventh gulf By Minos doom'd, into the wood it falls. No place assign'd, but wheresoever chance 100 Hurls it, there s]>routing, as a gi-ain of spelt. HKLL. 45 Xt rises to a sapling, grov/ini;' thciico A savage plant. The Harpies, on its leaves Then feeding, cause both pain and for the pain A vent to grief. We, as the rest, shall come 105 For our own sj^oils, yet not so that with them We may again he clad; for what a man Takes from himself it is not just he have. Hei-e we perforce shall drag them ; and throughout The dismal glade our bodies shall be hung, 110 Each on the wild thorn of his wretched shade." Attentive yet to listen to the trunk We stood, expecting farther speech, when us A noise surpris'd, as when a man perceives | The Avild boar and the hunt approach his place 115 ? Of station'd watch, who of the beasts and boughs Loud rustling round him hears. And lo ! there came Two naked, torn with briei's, in headlong tiiglit, Tliat they before them broke each fan o' th' wood. \ "Haste now," the foremost cried, "now haste thee, 1 death!" 120 > Tlie' other, as seem'd, impatient of delay Exclaiming, " Lano ! not so bent for speed Thy sinews, in the lists of To])po's field." ' And then, for that perchance no longer bi'cath \ Suffic'd him, of himself and of abui-h 125 One group he made. Behind them was the Avood Full of black female mastiffs, gaunt and lleet, ■ As greyhounds that have newly slipp'd the leash. On him, who squatted down, they stuck their fangs, = And having rent him piecemeal bore away 130 t The tortur'd limbs. My guide then seiz'd my hand, \ And led me to the thicket, which in vain \ Mourn'd through its bleeding wounds : " O Giacomo Of Sant' Andrea ! what avails it thee," It cried, " that of me thou hast made thy screen ? 135 \ For thy ill life what blame on me recoils ? " [ When o'er it he had paus'd, my master spake: 1 " Say who wast thou, that at so many points | Breath'st out with blood thy lamentable sj)eech ?" ITeanswer'd: "Oh, ye s])irits I arriv'd in time 140 46 HELL. To spy the shamofiil havoc, that from me My leaves hath sevcr'd thus, gather them up, And at the foot of their sad parent-tree Carefully lay them. In that city' 1 dwelt. Who for the Baptist her first patron chang'd, 145 Whence he for this shall cease not with his art To work her woe : and if there still remain'd not On Arno's passage some faint glimpse of him, Those citizens, who rear'd once more her walls Ul)on the ashes left by Attila, 150 Had labour'd without profit of their toil. I sluMg the fatal noose from my own roof." CANTO XIV. Soon as the charity of native land Wrought in my bosom, I the scatter'd leaves Collected, and to him restor'd, who now Was hoarse with utt'rance. To the limit thence We came, which from the third the second round 5 Divides, and where of justice is display'd Contrivance horrible. Things then first seen Clearlier to manifest, I tell how next A plain we reach'd, that from its sterile bed Each plant repell'd. The mournful wood waves round 10 Its garland on all sides, as round the wood Spreads the sad foss. There, on the very edge, Our steps we stay'd. It was an area wide Of arid sand and thick, resembling most The soil that erst by Gate's foot was trod. 15 Vengeance of Heav'n ! Oh ! how shouldst thou be fear'd By all, who read what here my eyes belield ! Of naked spirits many a flock I saw. All weeping piteously, to different laws Subjected : for on the' earth some lay supine, 20 Some crouching close were seated, others pac'd Incessantly ai'ound ; the latter tribe, More numerous, those fewer wlio beneath HEEL. 47 The torment lay, but louder in their grief. O'er all the sand fell slowly wafting down 25 Dilated flakes of fire, as flakes of snow On Alpine summit, when the wind is hush'd. As in the torrid Indian clime, the son Of Amnion saw ujion his warrior band Descending, solid flames, that to the ground 30 Came down : whence he bethought liim with his troop To trample on tlie soil ; for easier thus The vapour was extinguish'd, while alone ; So fell the eternal fiery flood, wherewith The marble glow'd underneath, as \mder stove 35 Tlie viands, doubly to augment the ])ain. Unceasing was the play of wretched hands. Now this, now that way glancing, to shake off The heat, still falling fresh. I thus began : " Instructor ! thou who all things overcom'st, 40 Except the hardy demons, that rush'd forth To stop our entrance at the gate, say who Is yon huge spirit, that, as seems, heeds not The burning, but lies writlien in proud scorn, As by the sultry tempest iramatur'd '?" 45 Straight he himself, who was aware I ask'd My guide of him, exclaim'd : " Such as I was When living, dead such now I am. If Jove Weary his workman out, from whom in ire He snatch'd the lightnings, that at my last day 50 Transfix'd me, if the rest be weary out At their black smithy labouring by turns In Mongibello, while he cries aloud ; ' Help, help, good Mulciber ! ' as erst he cried In the Phlegraean warfare, and the bolts 55 Launch he full aim'd at me with all his might, He never should enjoy a sweet revenge." Then thus my guide, in accent higlier rais'd Than I before had heard liim : " Capaneus ! Thou art more punisli'd, in that this thy pride 60 Lives yet unquench'd : no torrent, save thy rage, Were to thy fury pain proportion'd full." Next turning round to me witli milder lip 48 IIEI.L. Ho sj)!ikc : " This of tlie seven kiiiL^s was oiu', Who girt tlio Theban walls with sicuje, mid iield, 65 As still he seems to hold, God in (lisitet"ul mood Is ornament well suits the breast that wears it. Follow me now ; and look thou set not yet 70 Thy foot in the hot sand, Init to the wood. Keep ever close." Silently on we pass'd To whei-e there gushes from the forest's bound. A little brook, whose crimson'd wave yet lifts My hair with horror. As the rill, that runs 75 From Bulicame, to be portion'd out Among the sinful \vomen ; so ran this Down through the sand, its bottom and each bank Stone-built, and either margin at its side, Whereon I straight pcrceiv'd our passage lay. 80 "Of all that I have shown thee, since that gate We enter'd first, whose threshold is to none Denied, nouglit else so worthy of regard, As is this river, has tliine eye discern'd. O'er which the flaming volley all is quench'd." 85 So spake my guide ; and I him thence besought, That having giv'n me appetite to know, The food he too would give, that hunger crav'd. " In midst of ocean," forthwith he began, "A desolate country lies, wliich Crete is nam'd, 90 Under whose monarch in old times the world Liv'd pure and chaste. A mountain rises there, Call'd Ida, joyous once with leaves and streams, Deserted now like a forbidden thing. It was the spot which Rhea, Saturn's spoiise, 95 Chose for the secret cradle of her son ; And better to conceal him, drown'd in shouts His infant cries. Within the mount, upright An ancient form there stands and huge, that turns His shoulders towards Damiata, and at Home 100 As in his mirror looks. Of finest gold His head is sha|)'d, ])ure silver are the breast And arms ; thence to tlie middle is of brass. HELL. 49 And downward all beneath well-tcmper'd steel, Save the right foot of })otter's clay, on which 105 Than on the other more erect he stands, Each pai't except the gold, is rent thronghout ; And from the fissure tears distil, Avhich join'd Penetrate to that cave. They in their course Thus far precipitated down the rock 110 Form Acheron, and Styx, and Phlegethon ; Then by this straiten'd channel passing hence Beneath, e'en to the lowest depth of all. Form there Cocytus, of whose lake (thyself Shall see it) I here give thee no account." 115 ] Then I to him : " If from our world this sluice | Be thus deriv'd ; wherefore to us but now ] Appears it at this edge ? " He straight replied : J "The place, thou know'st, is round; and though great \ part i Thou have already pass'd, still to the left liiO Descending to the nethermost, not yet Hast thou the circuit made of the Avholc orb. Wherefore if aught of new to us a]tpear. It needs not bring up wonder in thy looks." Then I again inquir'd : "Where flow the streams 125 Of Phlegethon and Lethe? for of one Thou tell'st not, and the other of that shower, Thou say'st, is form'd." He answer thus return'd : "Doubtless thy questions all well pleas'd I hear. Yet the red seething wave might have resolv'd 130 One thou proposest. Lethe thou shalt see, But not within this hollow, in the place. Whither to lave themselves the spirits go. Whose blame hath been by penitence remov'd." He added : " Time is now we quit the wood. 135 Look thou my steps pursue : the margins give Safe passage, unimpeded by the flames ; For over them all vapour is extinct." 50 HELL. CANTO XV. One of tlie solid margins bears us now Eiivelop'cl in the mist, tliat from tlie stream Arising, hovers o'er, and saves from fire Botli piers and Avater. As the Flemings rear Their mound, 'twixt Ghent and Bruges, to ehase back • 5 The ocean, fearing his tumultuous tide That drives toward them, or the Paduans theirs Along the Brenta, to defend their towns And castles, ere the genial warmth be felt On Chiarentana's top ; such were the mounds, 10 So fram'd, though not in height or bulk to these Made equal, by the master, whosoe'er He was, that rais'd them here. We from the wood Were not so far remov'd, that turning round I might not have discern'd it, wlien we met 15 A troop of spirits, who came beside the jjier. They each one ey'd us, as at eventide One eyes another under a new moon. And toward iis sharpen'd their sight as keen, As an old tailor at his needle's eye. 20 Thus narrowly explor'd by all the tribe, I was agniz'd of one, who by the skirt Caught me, and cried, " What wonder have we here ! " And I, when he to me outstretch'd his arm, Intently fix'd my ken on his parch'd looks, 25 That although smirch'd with fire, they hinder'd not But I remember'd him ; and towards his face My hand inclining, answer'd : "Sir! Brunetto! And art thou here ? " He thus to me : " My son ! Oh let it not displease thee, if Brunetto 30 Latini but a little space with thee Turn back, and leave his fellows to proceed." I thus to liini replied : " Much as I can, I thereto pray thee; and if thou be willing. That I here seat me with thee, I consent ; 35 His leave, with whom I journey, first obtain'd." " O son ! " said he, " whoever of tins throng One instant stops, lies llien a hundred years, IIEIJ.. 51 No fan to ventilate liim, wlieii tlio tire Smites sorest. l*ass tlion tlierefore on. I close 40 Will at thy ijannents walk, and then rejoin My troo]i, Avho go mourning their endless doom." I darM not from the jiath descend to tread On equal ground with him, but held my head Bent down, as one who walks in reverent guise. 45 " What chance or destiny," thus be began, " Ere the last day conducts thee here below ? And who is this, that shows to thee the way ? " " There up aloft," I answer'd, " in the life Serene, I wander'd in a valley lost, 50 Before mine age had to its fulness reach'd. But yester-morn I left it : then once more Into that vale returning, him I met ; And by this path homeward he leads me back." "If thou," he answer'd, "follow' but thy star, 55 Thou canst not miss at last a glorious haven : Unless in fairer days my judgment err'd. And if my fate so early had not chanc'd, Seeing the heav'ns thus bounteous to thee, I Had gladly giv'n thee comfort in thy work. 60 But tliat ungrateful and malignant race, Who in old times came down from Fesole, Ay and still smack of their rough mountain-flint, Will for thy good deeds shew thee enmity. Nor wonder ; for amongst ill-savour'd crabs 65 It suits not the sweet fig-tree lay her fruit. Old fame reports them in the Avorld for blind, Covetous, envious, proud. Look to it Avell : Take heed thou cleanse thee of their ways. For thee Thy fortune hath such honour in reserve, 70 That thou by either party shalt be crav'd With hunger keen : but be the fresh herb far Fi"om the goat's tooth. The herd of Fesole May of themselves make litter, not touch the plant, If any such yet spring on their rank bed, 75 In which the holy seed revives, transmitted From those true Uomans, who still there -rcmain'd, When it was made the nest of so much ill." 62 HELL. "Were all my wish fulfill'd," I straight re))lied, " Thou from the oonfhies of man's nature yet 80 ITadst not been driven forth ; for in my mind Is fix'd, and now strikes full upon my lieart The dear, benign, paternal image, such As thine was, when so lately thou didst teach me The way for man to win eternity ; 85 And how I priz'd the lesson, it behoves, That, long as life endures, my tongue should speak, What of my fate thou tell'st, that write I down : And with another text to comment on For her I keep it, the celestial dame, 90 Who will know all, if I to her arrive. This only Avould I have thee clearly note : That so my conscience have no plea against me; Do fortune as she list, I stand prepar'd. Not new or strange such earnest to mine ear. 95 Speed fortune then her wheel, as likes her best. The clown his mattock; all things have their course." Thereat my sapient guide upon his right Turn'd himself back, then look'd at me and spake : "He listens to good purpose who takes note." 100 I not the less still on my way proceed, Discoursing with Brunette, and inquire Who are most known and chief among his tribe. " To know of some is well ; " thus he replied, " But of the rest silence may best beseem. 105 Time would not serve us for report so long. In brief I tell thee, that all these were clerks, Men of great learning and no less renown, By one same sin polluted in the world. With them is Priscian, and Accorso's son 110 Francesco herds among that wretched throng : And, if the wish of so impure a blotch Possess'd thee, him thou also might'st have seen, Who by the servants' servant was transferr'd From Arno's seat to Bacchiglione, where 115 His ill-strain'd nerves he left. I more would add, But must from farther speech and onward way Alike desist, for yonder I behold HELL. 16 A mist new-risen on the sandy plain. A company, with wliom I may not sort, 120 Ap])roaches. I commend my Treasure to thee, Wherein I yet survive ; my sole request." This said he turn'd, and seem'd as one of those, Who o'er Verona's champain try their speed For the green mantle, and of them he seem'd, 120 Not he who loses but who gains the prize. CANTO XVI. Now came I where the water's din was heard. As down it fell into the other round. Resounding like the hum of swarming bees : When forth together issu'd from a troop, That pass'd beneath the fierce tormenting storm, 5 Three spirits, running SMift. They towards us came. And each one cried aloud, " Oh do thou stay ! Whom by the fashion of thy garb we deem To be some inmate of our evil land." Ah me ! what wounds I mark'd upon their limbs, 10 Recent and old, inflicted by the flames ! E'en the remembrance of them grieves me yet. Attentive to their cry my teacher paus'd. And turn'd to me his visage, and then spake ; " Wait noM' ! our courtesy these merit M'ell : 15 And were 't not for the nature of the place. Whence glide the fiery darts, I should have said. That haste had better suited thee than them." They, when we stopp'd, resum'd their ancient wail, And soon as they had reach'd us, all the three 20 Whirl'd round together in one restless wheel. As naked chamjiions, smear'd with slippery oil, Are wont intent to watch their place of hold And vantage, ere in closer strife they meet ; Thus each one, as he wheel'd, his countenance 25 At me directed, so that opposite The neck mov'd ever to the twinkling feet. " If misery of this drear wilderness," f4 HEFX. Tims one bcc^an, " added to our sad cheer .And destitute, do call foilh scoru on us 30 And our entreaties, let our great renown Incline thee to inform us who thou art, That dost imprint Avith living feet unharm'd The soil of Hell. lie, in whose track thou see'&t My ste])s pursuing, naked though he be 35 And reft of all, was of more high estate Than thou believest ; grandchild of the chaste Gualdrada, him they Guidoguerracall'd, "Who in his lifetime many a noble act Achiev'd, both by his "wisdom and his sword. 40 The other, next to me that beats the sand, Is Aldobrandi, name deserving well, In the' upper world, of honour ; and myself Who in this torment do partake wdth them, Am Rusticucci, whom, past doubt, my Avife 45 Of savage temper, more than aught beside Hath to this e^il brought." If from the fire I had been shelter'd, down amidst them straight I then had cast me, nor my guide, I deem. Would have restrain'd my going ; but that fear 50 Of the dire burning vanquish'd the desire. Which made me eager of their wish'd embrace. I then began : " Not scorn, but grief much more, Such as long time alone can cure, your doom Fix'd. deep within me, soon as this my lord 55 Spake words, whose tenour taught me to exjDCct That such a race, as ye are, was at hand, I am a countryman of yours, who still Affectionate have utter'd, and have heard Your deeds and names renown'd. Leaving the gall 60 For the sweet fruit I go, that a sure guide Hath promis'd to me. But behoves, that far As to the centre first I downward tend." " So may long space thy spirit guide thy limbs," He answer straight return'd ; " and so thy fame 65 Shine bright, when thou art gone ; as thou shalt tell, If courtesy and valour, as they Avont, Dwell in our city, or have vanish'd clean? HKLT,. 55 Foe one amidst us lato condciiiuM to wail, Borsiere, yonder walkiiiim. 110 Then to tlie right he turn'd, nud from tlie brink Standing few ])aces distant, cast it down Into the deep abyss. "And somewliat strange," Thus to myself I spake, " signal so strange Betokens, which my guide with earnest eye 115 Tlius follows." Ah ! what caution must men use With those who look not at the deed alone, But spy into the thoughts with subtle skill ! " Quickly shall come," he said, " what I expeet, Thine eye discover quickly, that whereof 120 Thy thought is dreaming." Ever to that truth, Which but the semblance of a falsehood wears, A man, if possible, should bar his lip ; Since, although blameless, he incurs reproach. Biit silence here were vain ; and by these notes 125 Which now I sing, reader ! I swear to thee, So may they favour find to latest times ! That through the gross and murky air I spied A shape come swimming up, that might have quell'd The stoutest heart Avith wonder, in such guise 130 As one returns, who hath been down to loose An anchor grappled fast against some rock, Or to aught else that in the salt wave lies. Who upward springing close draws in his feet. CANTO XVII. " Lo ! the fell monster with the deadly sting ! Who ]>asses mountains, breaks through fenced walls And firm embattled spears, and with his filth Taints all the world ! " Thus me my guide address'd, And beckon'd him, that he should come to shore, 5 Near to the stony causeway's utmost edge. Forthwith that image vile of fraud appear'd, His head and np])er ])art expos'd on land, But laid not on the sliore his bestial train. His face the semblance of a just man's wore, 10 iiErx. 57 So kind and gracious was its outward clieer ; The rest was serpent all: two shaggy claws Keach'd to the armpits, and the back and breast, And eitlier side, were painted o'er with nodes And orbits. Colours variegated more 15 Nor Turks nor Tartars e'er on cloth of state With interchangeable embroidery wove, Nor spread Arachne o'er her curious loom. As ofttimes a light skiff, moor'd to the shore. Stands part in water, part iipon the land ; 20 Or, as where dwells the greedy German boor, The beaver settles watching for his prey ; So on the rim, that fenc'd the sand with rock, Sat perch'd the fiend of evil. In the void Glancing, his tail upturn'd its venomous fork, 25 With sting like scorpion's arm'd. Then thus my guide : " Now need our way must turn few steps apart. Far as to that ill beast, who couches tliere." Thereat toward the right our downward course We shap'd, and, better to escape the flame 30 And burning marie, ten paces on the verge I Proceeded. Soon as we to him arrive, A little further on mine eye beholds A tribe of spirits, seated on the sand Near the wide chasm. Forthwith my master spake : 35 " That to the full thy knowledge may extend Of all this round contains, go now, and mark The mien these wear : but hold not long discourse. Till thou returnest, I M'ith him meantime Will parley, that to us he may vouchsafe 40 The aid of his strong shoulders." Thus alone Yet forward on the' extremity I pac'd Of that seventh circle, where the mournful tribe Were seated. At the eyes forth gush'd their pangs. Against the vapours and the torrid soil 45 Alternately their shifting hands they plied. Thus use the dogs in sunmier still to ply Their jaws and feet by turns, when bitten sore By gnats, or flies, or gadflies swarming round. Noting the visages of some, who lay 50 58 HKLL. Beneatli tlio polling of that dolorous fire, One of tliom all I knew not ; but perceiv'd, That pendent from his neck each bore a pouch Witli colours and with emblems A^arious mark'd, On which it seem'd as if their eye did feed. 55 And when amongst them looking round I came, A yellow purse I saw with azure wrought. That wore a lion's countenance and port. Then still my sight pursuing its career. Another I beheld, than blood more red. 60 A goose display of whiter wing than curd. And one, wlio bore a fat and azure swine Pictur'd on his white scrip, addressed me thus: " What dost thou in this deep ? Go now and know. Since yet thou livest, that my neighbour here 65 Vitaliano on my left shall sit. A Paduan with these Florentines am I. Ofttimes they thunder in mine ears, exclaiming 'O haste that noble knight ! he who the pouch ' With the three beaks will bring ! ' " This said, he writh'd 70 The mouth, and loU'd the tongue out, like an ox That licks his nostrils. I, lest longer stay He ill might brook, who bade me stay not long. Backward my steps from those sad spirits turn'd. My guide already seated on the haunch 75 Of the tierce animal I found ; and thus Pie me encourag'd, " Be thou stout ; be bold. Down such a steep flight must we now descend ! Mount thou before : for that no power the tail May have to harm thee, I will be i' th' midst." 80 As one, who hath an ague fit so near, His nails already are turn'd blue, and he Quivers all o'er, if he but eye the shade ; Such was my cheer at hearing of his words. But shame soon interpos'd her threat, who makes 85 The servant bold in presence of his lord. I settled me upon those shoulders huge. And would have said, but that the words to aid My purpose came not, " Look thou clasp me firm ! " HKLL. 59 But ho whose succonv then not first I prov'd, 90 Soon as I mounted, in liis arms aloft, Embracing, lield me u]), and thus lie spake : " Geryon ! now move thee ! be thy wheeling gyres Of am])le circuit, easy thy descent. Think on th' unusual burden thou sustain'st." 95 As a small vessel, back'ning out from land, Her station quits ; so thence the monster loos'd, And when he felt himself at large, turn'd round There where the breast had been, his forked tail. Thus, like an eel, outstretch'd at length he steer'd, 100 Gath'ring the air up with retractile claws. Not greater was the dread when Phaeton The reins let drop at random, whence high heaven, Whereof signs y(;t aj'tpear, was wrapt in flames ; Nor when ill-fated Icarus perceiv'd, 105 By liquefaction of the scalded wax. The trusted ])ennons loosen'd from his loins, Plis sire exclaiming loud, " 111 way thou kee])'st ! " Than was my dread, when round me on each part The air I view'd, and other object none 110 Save the fell beast. He slowly sailing, wheels His downward motion, unobserv'd of me, But that the wind, arising to my face, Breathes on me from below. Now on our right I heard the cataract beneath us leap 115 With hideous crash ; whence bending down to' explore. New terror I conceiv'd at the steep plunge : For flames I saw, and wailings smote mine ear : So that all trembling close I crouch'd my limbs, And then distinguish'd, unperceiv'd before, 120 By the dread torments that on every side Drew nearer, how our downward course we wound. As falcon, that hath long been on the wing. But lure nor bird hath seen, while in despair The falconer cries, " Ah me ! thou stoop'st to earth ! " Wearied descends, and swiftly down the sky 126 In many an orbit wheels, then lighting sits At distance from his lord in angry mood ; So Geryon lighting places us on foot fiO ITKLT,. l«ow down at base of tlio dcep-l'urrow'd rock, 130 And, of liis bui'dcn llic^re discliai'g'd, fortliwith Sprang forward, like an arrow from the string. CANTO XVIII. There is a place within the depths of hell Call'd Malebolge, all of rock dark-stain'd Witli hue ferruginous, e'en as the steep Tliat round it circling Mands. Kight in the midst Of that abominable region, yaAvns 5 A spacious gulf profound, whereof the frame Due time shall tell. The circle, that remains. Throughout its round, between the gulf and base Of the high craggy banks, successive forms Ten trenches, in its hollow bottom sunk. 10 As where to guard the walls, full many a foss Begirds some stately castle, sure defence Affording to the space within, so here Were model'd these ; and as like fortresses E'en from their threshold to the brink without, 15 Are flank'd M'ith bridges; from the rock's low base Thns flinty paths advanc'd, that 'cross the moles And dikes, struck onward far as to the gulf. That in one bound collected cuts them off. Such was the place, wherein we fonnd ourselves 20 From Geryon's back dislodg'd. The bard to left Held on his way, and I behind him mov'd. On our right hand new misery I saw, New pains, new executioners of wrath, Tiiat swarming peopled the first chasm. Below 25 Were naked sinners. Hitherward they came, Meeting our faces from the middle point. With ns beyond but with a larger stride. E'en thus the Romans, when the year returns Of Jubilee, with better speed to rid 30 The thronging multitudes, their means devise For such as pass the bridge ; that on one side I All front toward the castle, and approach HELL. 61 Saint Peter's fane, on th' otlier towards the mount. Eacli divers way alonof the grisly rock, 35 Horn'd demons I belield, witli laslies huge, Tl;at on tlieir back unmercifully smote. Ah ! liow they made them bound at the first stri|)e ! None for tlie second waited nor the third. Meantime as on I pass'd, one met my sight 40 Whom soon as view'd ; " Of him," cried I, " not yet Mine eye hath had his fill." With fixed gaze I therefore scann'd him. Straight the teacher kind Paus'd with me, and consented I should walk Backward a space, and the tormented spirit, 45 Who thought to hide him, bent his visage down. But it avail'd him nought ; for I exclaim'd : " Thou Avho dost cast thy eye upon the ground, Unless thy features do belie thee much, Venedico art thou. But what brings thee 50 Into this bitter seas'ning?" He replied : "Unwillingly I answer to thy Avords. But thy clear speech, that to my mind recalls The world I once inhabited, constrains me. Know then 'twas I who led fair Ghisola 55 To do the Marquis' will, however fame The shameful tale have bruited. Nor alone Bologna hither sendeth me to mourn. Rather with us the place is so o'erthrong'd That not so many tongues this day are taught, CO Betwixt the Reno and Savena's stream, To answer Sij)ci in their country's phrase. And if of that securer proof thou need, Remember but our craving thirst for gold." Him speaking thus, a demon with his thong C5 Struck, and exclaim'd, " Away ! corrupter ! here Women are none for sale." Forthwith I join'd My escort, and few paces thence we came To where a rock forth issued from the bank. That easily ascended, to the right 70 Upon its splinter turning, we depart From those eternal barriers. When arriv'd, Where underneath the gaping arch lets pass 62 iiKi.r-. The scourgecl souls : " Pause liorc," tlic teacher said, "And let these others miserable, now 75 Strike on thy ken, faces not yet beheld, For that together they with us have walk'd." From tlie old bridge we ey'd the pack, who came From th' other side towards us, like the rest, Excoriate from the lash. My gentle guide, 80 By me unquestion'd, thus Ins si)eech resum'd : " Behold that lofty shade, who this way tends, And seems too woe-begone to drop a tear. How yet the regal asjiect he retains ! Jason is he, whose skill and ])rowess won 85 The ram from Colclios. To the Lemnian isle His passage thither led him, when those bold And pitiless women had slain all their males. There he with tokens and fair witching words Hypsipyle bf^guil'd, a virgin young, 90 Who first had all the rest herself beguil'd. Impregnated he left her there forlorn. Such is the guilt condemns him to this j^ain. Here too Medea's inj'ries are avenged. All bear him company, who like deceit 95 To his have practis'd. And thus much to know Of the first vale suflice thee, and of those Whom its keen torments urge." Now had ■we come Where, crossing the next pier, the straighten'd path Bestrides its shoulders to another arch. 100 Hence in the second chasm we heard the ghosts, Who jibber in low melancholy sounds, With wide-stretch'd nostrils snort, and on themselves Smite M'ith their palms. Upon the banks a scurf From the foiil steam condens'd, encrusting hung, 105 That held sharp combat with the sight and smell. So hollow is the depth, that from no part, Save on the summit of the rocky span, Could I distinguish aught. Tims far we came ; And thence I saw, within the foss below, 110 A crowd immers'd in ordure, that appear'd Draff of the human body. There beneath Searching with eye inquisitive, I mark VI HELL. fi;j One with his head so grim'd, 't were hard to deem, If he were clerk or layman. Loud he cried : 115 "Why greedily thus bendest more on nie, Than on these other filthy ones, tliy ken ? " "Because if true my mem'ry," I replied, " I heretofore have seen thee with dry locks, And thou Alcssio art of Lucca sprung-. 120 Therefore than all the rest I scan thee more." Then beating on his brain these words he spake : " Me thus low down my flatteries haA^e sunk. Wherewith I ne'er enough could glut my tongue." My leader thus : " A tittle further stretch 125 Thy face, that thou the visage well mayst note Of that besotted, sluttish courtezan, Who there doth rend her with defiled nails, Now crouching down, now risen on her feet. Thais is this, the harlot, whose false lip 130 Answer'd her doting ])aramour that ask'd, ' Thankest me much ! ' — ' Say rather wondrously,' And seeing this here satiate be our view." CANTO XIX. Woe to thee, Simon Magus ! woe to you. His wretched followers ! who the things of God, Which should be wedded iinto goodness, them, Raj)acious as ye are, do prostitute For gold and silver in adultery ! 5 Now must the trumpet sound for you, since yours Is the third chasm. Upon the following vault We now had mounted, where the rock impends Directly o'er the centre of the foss. Wisdom Supreme ! how Avonderful the art, 10 Which thou dost manifest in heaven, in earth, And in th^i' evil world, how just a meed Allotting by thy virtue unto all ! I saw the livid stone, throughout the sides And in its bottom full of ajiertures, 15 Ail equal in their width, and circular each, 64 BELL. Nor ample less nor larger tlicy appear'd, Tliun in Saint Jolui's fair dome of me belov'd Those fram'd to hold tlie j)ure baptismal streams, One of the which I brake, some few years past, 20 To save a wlielming infant ; and be this A seal to undeceive whoever doubts The motive of my deed. From out the mouth Of every one, emerged a sinner's feet And of the legs high u|)ward as the calf 25 The rest beneath was hid. On either foot The soles were burning, whence the flexile joints Glanc'd with such violent motion, as had suapt Asunder cords or twisted withs. As flame, Feeding on inictuous matter, glides along 30 The surface, scarcely touching where it moves ; So here, from heel to point, glided the flames. " Master ! say who is he, than all the rest Glancing in fiercer agony, on whom A ruddier flame doth prey?" I thus inquir'd. 35 "If thou be willing," he replied, " that I Carry thee down, where least the slope bank falls. He of himself shall tell thee and his wrongs." I then : " As pleases thee to me is best. Thou art my lord ; and know'st that ne'er I quit 40 Thy will : what silence hides that knowest thou." Thereat on the fourth pier we came, we turn'd, And on our left descended to the depth, A narrow strait and jDerforated close. Nor from his side my leader set me down, 45 Till to his orifice he brought, whose limb Quiv'ring express'd his pang. " Whoe'er thou art. Sad spirit ! thus revers'd, and as a stake Driv'n in the soil ! " I in these Avords began, " If thou be able, utter forth thy A^oice." 50 There stood I like the friar, that doth shrive A wretch for murder doom'd, who e'en when fix'd, Calleth him back, whence death awhile delays. He shouted : " Ha ! already standest there? Already standest there, O Boniface ! 55 By many a year the writing play'd me false. ITil •nrfwi'Mlfliillill ■■ MiiN - - HELL. 65 80 early ut onward now : For now doth Cain with fork of thorns confine On either heniisjihere, touching the wave ]5eneath the towers of Seville. Yesternight 125 The moon was round. Thou mayst remember well : For she good service did thee in the gloom Of the deep wood." This said, both onward mov'd. CANTO XXI. Thus we from bridge to bridge, with other talk, The which my drama cares not to rehearse, Pass'd on; and to the summit reaching, stood To view another gap, within the round Of Malcbolge, other bootless pangs. 5 Marvellous darkness shadow'd o'er the place. In the Venetians' arsenal as boils Through wintry months tenacious pitch, to smear Their unsound vessels ; for th' inclement time Sea-faring men restrains, and in that while 10 His bark one builds anew, another stops The ribs of his, that hath made many a voyage ; One hammers at the prow, one at the poop ; This shapeth oars, that other cables twirls, The mizen one repairs and main-sail rent 15 So not by force of fire but art divine Boil'd here a glutinous thick mass, that round Lim'd all the shore beneath. I that beheld. But therein nought distinguish'd, save the surge, Rais'd by the boiling, in one mighty swell 20 Heave, and by turns subsiding and fall. While there I tix'd my ken below, " Mark ! mark ! " my guide Exclaiming, drew me towards him from the jjlace, Wherein I stood. I turn'd myself as one. Impatient to behold that whicla beheld 25 He needs must shun, whom sudden fear unmans, HELL, 71 That lie his flight delays not for the view. Behind me I diseeni'd a devil black, That running up advanc'd along the rock. 'Ah! what fierce cruelty his look bespake ! 30 In act how bitter did he seem, with wings Buoyant outstretch'd and feet of nimblest tread ! His shoulder proudly eminent and sharp Was with a sinner charg'd ; by either hannch He held him, the foot's sinew griping fast. 35 " Ye of our bridge ! " he cried, " keen-talon'd fiends ! Lo ! one of Santa Zita's elders ! Ilim Whelm ye beneath, while I retnrn for more. That land hath store of such. All men are there, Except Bonturo, barterers : of 'no' 40 For lucre there an ' aye ' is quickly made." Him dashing down, o'er the rough rock he turn'd, Nor ever after thief a mastiff loos'd Sped with like eager haste. That other sank And forthwith writing to the surface rose. 45 But those dark demons, shrouded by the bridge, Cried " Here the hallow'd visage saves not : here Is other swimming than in Serchio's wave. Wherefore if thou desire we rend thee not, Take heed thou mount not o'er the pitch." This said, They grapi»led him with more than hundi'ed hooks, 51 And shouted : " Cover'd thou must sport thee here ; So, if thou canst, in secret mayst thou filch." E'en thus the cook bestirs him, with his grooms, To thrust the flesh into the caldron down 55 With flesh-hooks, that it float not on the top. Me then my guide bespake : " Lest they descry, That thou art here, behind a craggy rock Bend low and screen thee ; and whate'er of force Be offer'd me, or insult, fear thou not : 60 For I am well advis'd, who have been erst In the like fra}'." Beyond the bridge's head Therewith he jjass'd, and reaching the sixth pier, Behov'd him then a forehead terror-jDroof. With storm and fury, as when dogs rush forth 65 Upon the poor man's back, who suddenly 72 HELL. From Avlionco lie standctli iiiiikcs liis suit ; so riishVl Those from l)eTiontli tlie arcli, and npiiiist liim Their weapons all tliey ])ointod. He aloud : "Be none of you ouli-a<;eous : ere your time 70 Dare seize me, come forth from amongst you one, Who liaving lieard my words, decide he then If he shall tear these limbs." They shouted loud, " Go, MaLacoda ! " Whereat one advanc'd. The others standing firm, and as lie came, 75 " AYhat may this turn avail him ?" ho exclaim'd. "Believ'st thou, Malaeoda! I had come Thus far from all your skirmishing secure," My teacher answered, " without Avill divine And destiny ]iro]iitious? Pass we then 80 For so Heaven's ]»leasure is, that I should lead Another through this savage wilderness." Forthwith so fell liis ])ride, that he let drop The instrument of torture at his feet. And to the rest exclaim'd : " We have no power 85 To strike him." Then to mc my guide : " O thou ! Who on the bridge among the crags dost sit Low crouching, safely noAv to me return." I rose, and towards him moved Avith speed : the fiends Meantime all forward drew : me terror seiz'd 90 Lest they should break the compact they had made. Thus issuing from C'aprona, once I saw Th' infantry dreading, lest his covenant The foe should break ; so close he henim'd them round. I to my leader's side adher'd, mine eyes 95 With fixt and niotionless observance bent On their imkindly visage. They their hooks Protruding, one the other thus bespake : " Wilt thou I touch him on the hip ? " To whom Was answer'd : " Even so ; nor miss thy aim." 100 But he, who Avas in conf'rence with my guide, Turn'd rapid round, and thus the demon spake : " Stay, stay thee, Scarmiglione ! " Then to us He added : " Further footing to your step This rock affords not, shiver'd to the base 105 Of the sixth arch. But would you still proceed, HELL. 73 Up by tliis cavern go : not distant far, Another rock will yield you passage safe. Yesterday, later by five hours than now, Twelve hundred threescore years and six l>ad fill'd 110 The circuit of their course, since here the way Was broken. Thitherward I straight dispatch Certain of these my scouts, Avho shall espy If any on the surface bask. With them Go ye : for ye shall find them nothing fell. 115 Come Alichino forth," witli that he cried, j " And Calcabrina, and Cagnazzo thou ! | The troop of ten let Barbariccia lead. | With Libicocco Di-aghinazzo haste, ■ Fang'd Ciriatto, Grattiacane fierce, 120 j And Farfarello, and mad Rubicant. Search ye around the bubbling tar. For these, 1 In safety lead them, where the other crag i Uninterrupted traverses the dens." ; I then : " O master ! what a sight is there ! 125 \ Ah ! without escort, journey we alone. Which, if thou know the way, I covet not. Unless thy prudence fail thee, dost not mark How they do gnarl ui)on us, and their scowl Threatens us present tortures ? " He replied : 130 " I charge tliee fear not : let them, as they will, Gnarl on : 't is but in token of their spite Against the souls, who mourn in torment steep'd." To leftward o'er the pier they turn'd ; but each Had fii'st between his teeth prest close the tongue, 135 Toward their leader for a signal looking, Wliich he with sound obscene trhmiphant gave. CANTO XXII. It hath been heretofore my chance to see Horsemen with martial order shifting camp, To onset sallying, or in muster rang'd. Or in retreat sometimes outstretch'd for fiight Light-armed scjuadrons and lleet foragers 74 IIRI,L, Scoiirino; tliy jiluins, Arezzo ! liavo I soon, And clasliing tounianionts, and lilting jousts, Now with the sound of trumpets, now of bells, Tabors, or signals made fi-om castled heights, And M'itli inventions multifoi'm, our own, 10 Or introduc'd from foreign land ; but ne'er To such a strange rccoi'der I beheld, In evolution moving, horse nor foot, Nor shi]), that tack'd by sign from land or star. With the ten demons on our way we went ; 15 Ah fearful company! but in the church With saints, with gluttons at the tavern's mess. Still earnest on the pitch I gaz'd, to mark All things whate'er the chasm contain'd, and those Who bnrn'd within. As dolphins, that, in sign 20 To mariners, heave high their arched backs. That thence forewarn'd they may advise to save Their threaten'd vessel ; so, at intervals. To ease the pain his back some sinner show'd. Then hid more nimbly than the lightning glance. 25 E'en as the frogs, that of a wat'ry moat Stand at the brink, with the jaws only out, Their feet and of the trunk all else concealed, Thus on each part the sinners stood, but soon As Barbariccia was at hand, so they 30 Drew back under the wave. I saw, and yet My heart doth stagger, one, that waited thus, As it befalls that oft one frog remains. While the next springs away : and Graffiacan, Who of the fiends was nearest, grappling seiz'd 35 His clotted locks, and dragg'd him sprawling ujx That he appear'd to me an otter. Each Already by their names I knew, so well When they were chosen, I observ'd, and mark'd How one the other call'd. "ORubicant! 40 See that his hide thou with thy talons flay," Shouted together all the cursed crew. Then I : " Inform thee, master ! if thou may. What wretched soul is this, on whom their hands His foes have laid." My leader to his side 45 Appronoli'd, nnrl whence lie cnnic inquirVl, to whom Was answer'd tiius : "Born in Navarre's domain My motlier plac'd me in a lord's retinue, For she had borne me to a losel vile, A spendthrift of his substance and himself. f)0 The good king- Thibault after that I serv'd. To peculating here my thoughts were turn'd. Whereof I give account in tliis dire heat." Straight Ciriatto. from whose mouth a tusk Issued on either side, as from a boar, 55 Kipt him with one of these. 'Twixt evil claws The mouse had fall'n : but Barbariccia cried, Seizing him with both arms : " Stand thou apart, While I do fix him on my prong trans])ierc'd." Then added, turning to my guide his face, 60 "Inquire of him, if more thou wish to learn, Ere he again be rent." My leader thus : " Then tell us of the partners in thy guilt ; Knowest thou any sprung of Latian land Under the tar ? "— " I pa'rted," he replied, 65 "But now from one, who sojourn'd not far thence; So were I under shelter now Avith him ! Nor hook nor talon then should scare me more." — " Too long we suffer," Libicocco cried, Then, darting forth a prong, seiz'd on his arm, 70 And mangled bore away the sinewy part. Ilim Draghinazzo by his thighs beneath Would next have caught, whence angrily their chief. Turning on all sides round, with threat'ning brow Restrain'd them. When their strife a little ceas'd, 75 Of him, who yet was gazing on his wound, My teacher thus without delay inquir'd : "Who was the spirit, from whom by evil hap Parting, as thou has told, thou cam'st to shore?" — " It was the friar Gomita," he rejoin'd, 80 " He of Gallura, vessel of all guile. Who had his master's enemies in hand. And us'd them so that they commend liim well. Money he took, and them at large dismiss'd. So he reports : and in each other charge 85 76 IIEI.L. Committed to liis kcejiinc;, pl.iyM tlic part Of barterer to the heiglit : with liiiu cldtli liord The chief of Logodoro, Miclicl Zaiiclic. Sardinia is a theme, whereof their tongue Is never weary. Out ! abis ! l)ehold 90 That other, how lie grins ! More would I say, But tremble lest he mean to maul me sore." Their cai)tain then to Farfarello turning, Who roU'd his moony eyes in act to strike, Rebuk'd him thus : » Oi'f ! cursed bird ! avaunt ! "— 95 "If ye desire to see or hear," he thus Quaking with dread resum'd, " or Tuscan spirits Or Lombard, I will cause them to appear. Meantime let these ill talons bate their fury, So that no vengeance they may fear from them, 100 And I, remaining in this self-same place, Will for myself but one, make sev'n appear, When my shrill whistle shall be heard ; for so Our custom is to call each other up." Cagnazzo at that word deriding grinn'd, 105 Then wagg'd the head and spake : " Hear his device, Mischievous as he is, to plunge him down." Whereto he thus, who fail'd not in rich store Of nice-wove toils ; " Mischief forsooth extreme, Meant only to ])rocure myself more woe ! " 110 No longer Alichino then refrain'd. But thus, the rest gainsaying, him bespake : *' If thou do cast thee dow^n, I not on foot Will chase thee, but above the pitch will beat My plumes. Quit we the vantage ground, and let 115 The bank be as a shield, that we may see If singly thou prevail against us all." Now, reader, of new s])ort expect to hear ! They each one turn'd liis eyes to tlie' other shore, He first, who was the hardest to persuade. 120 The spirit of Navarre chose well his time, Planted his feet on land, and at one leap Escaping disappointed their resolve. Them quick resentment stung, but him the most, Who was the cause of failure ; in pursuit 125 HELL. 77 He tlierefore sped, exclaiming; " Tliou art cauglit." But little it avatlVl : terror outstrippM His following flight: the other ])lung\l beneath, And he 'with upward pinion rais'd his breast : E'en thus the water-fowl, when she ])erceives 130 The falcon near, dives instant down, while he Enrag'd and spent retires. That nicjckery In Calcabrina fury stirr'd, who flew After him, with desire of strife inflam'd ; And, for the barterer had 'scap'd, so turn'd 135 His talons on his comrade. O'er the dyke In grapple close they join'd ; but the' other prov'd s A goshawk able to rend well'liis foe; '. And in the boiling lake both fell. The heat ? Was um|)ire soon between them, but in vain 140 To lift themselves tliey strove, so fast were glued Their pennons. Barbariccia, as the rest, That chance lamenting, four in flight disjiatch'd From the' other coast, with all their weapons ai'm'd. They, to their post on each side s])eedily 1-45 Descending, stretch'd their hooks toward the fiends, Who flounder'd, inly burning from their scars : And we departing left them to that broil. CANTO XXIII. In silence and in solitude Ave went. One first, the other following his steps. As minor friars journeying on tlieir road. The present fray had turn'd my thoughts to muse Upon old ^Esop's fable, where he told 5 What fate unto the mouse and frog befell. For language hath not sounds more like in sense, Than are these chances, if the origin And end of each be heedfully com])ar'd. And as one thought bursts from another forth, 10 So afterward from that another sprang. Which added doubly to my former fear. For thus I reason'd : " These throuu'h us have been 78 HKLL. So foil'd, with loss ;m(l Jiiock'ry so complete, As needs iiitist stini^ llieiu sore. If aii^vr then 15 ]>e to their evil will eoiijuiiiM, more fell They shall ])iirsue us, than the savau;e hound Snatehes the leveret, ])antinL!; 'twixt liis jaws." Already I ])erceiv'd my hair stand all On end with terror, and look'd eager hack. 20 " 'J'eacher," I thus began, " if sjieedily Tliyself and me thou hide not, much I dread Those evil talons. Even now hehind They urge us : quick imagination works So forcibly, that I already feel them." 25 He answer'd : " Were I form'd of leaded glass, I should not sooner draw unto myself Thy outward image, than I now imprint That from M'ithin. This moment came thy thoughts Presented before mine, with similar act 30 And count'nance similar, so that from both I one design have fram'd. If the right coast Incline so much, that we may thence descend Into the other chasm, we shall escape Secure from this imagined pursuit." 35 He had not spoke his purjiose to the end, When I from far beheld them with spread wings Approach to take us. Suddenly my guide Caught me, ev'n as a mother that from sleep Is by the noise arous'd, and near her sees 40 The climbing fires, who snatches up her babe And flies ne'er pausing, careful more of him Than of herself, that but a single vest Clings round her limbs. Down from the jutting beach Supine he cast him, to tliat pendent rock, 45 Which closes on one part the other chasm. Never ran water with such hurrying ])ace Adown the tube to turn a land-miirs wheel. When nearest it ap}>roaches to the spokes, As then along that edge my master ran, 50 Carrying me in his bosom, as a child, Not a companion. Scarcely had his feet Reach'd to the lowest of the bed beneath, HELL. 79 Wlion over us the steep they renchM ; but fear In him Avas none ; for tliat hi]»ress'd, so slowly came 70 The fainting people, that our company Was chang'd at every movement of the step. Whence I my guide address'd : " See that thou find Some spirit, whose name may by his deeds be known. And to that end look round thee as thou go'st." 75 Then one, wiio understood the Tuscan voice, Cried after us aloud : " Hold in your feet, Ye who so swiftly speed through the dusk air. Perchance from me thou shalt obtain thy wish." Whereat my leader, turning, me bespake : 80 " Pause, and then onward at their pace proceed." I staid, and saw two s])irits in whose look Impatient eagerness of mind was mark'd To overtake me ; but the load they bare And narrow path retarded their a])proach. 85 Soon as arriv'd, they with an eye askance Perus'd me, but spake not: then turning each To other thus conferring said : " This one Seems, by the action of his throat, alive. And, be they dead, wliat privilege allows 90 They walk unmantled by the cumbrous stole ? " Then thus to mo : " Tuscan, Avho visitest The college of the mourning hypocrites, 80 II KM.. Disdnin not 1o instruct us who tliou art." "By Anio's pleasant stre.aiii," I thus i-cplicfl, Oft " In tlie great city I was bred aiul grew, And wear the body 1 have ever worn. But who are ye, from wliom sucli mighty grief, As now I witness, coursetli down your cheeks? What torment breaks foitli in tliis bitter woe?" 100 "Our bonnets gleaming briglit with orange hue," One of tliem answer'd, "are so leatlen gi-oss, That witli tlieir weight they make the balances To crack beneath them. Joyous friars we were, Bologna's natives, Catalano I, 105 He Loderingo nam'd, and by thy land Together taken, as men used to take A single and indifferent arbiter. To reconcile their strifes. IIow there we sped, Gardingo's vicinage can best declare." 110 " O friars ! " I began, " your miseries — " But there brake off, for one had caught my eye, Fix'd to a cross with three stakes on the ground : He, when he saw me, Avrith'd himself, throughout Distorted, rufHing with deep sighs his beard. 115 And Catalano, wlio thereof was 'ware. Thus spake : " That ])ierced sj^irit, whom intent Thou view'st, was he who gave the Pharisees Counsel, that it were fitting for one man To suffer for the peo})le. He doth lie 120 Transverse ; nor any passes, but him first Behoves make feeling trial how each weighs. In straits like this along the foss are plac'd The father of his consort, and the rest Partakers in that council, seed of ill 125 And sorrow to the Jews." 1 noted then. How Virgil gaz'd with wonder upon him. Thus abjectly extended on the cross In banishment eternal. To tlie friar Pie next his words address'd : " We pray ye tell, ISO If so be lawful, whether on our right Lies any opening in the rock, Avliereby We both may issue hence, without constraint HELL. 81 Oil tlic dark aiigvls, tlial conipcll'd tliey come To load us from tliis de|»tli." He tlius rcidied : 135 "Nearer than tlioii dost lioi)e, tliere is a rock From the next circle movina', whicli o'erstej)s> Each vale of horror, save that here his co})C Is sliatter'd. By tlie ruiu ye may mount : For on the side it slants, and most the height 14C Iiises below." With head bent down awliile My leader stood, then s])ake : " He warn'd us ill, Who yonder hangs the sinners on his hook," To whom the friar : At Bologna erst I many vices of the devil heard, 145 Among tlie rest was said, ' He is a liai*. And the father of lies ! ' " When he had spoke, My leader with large strides ])roceeded on, Somewhat disturb'd with anger in liis look. I therefore left the s])irits heavy laden, 150 And following, his beloved footste]»s mark'd. CANTO XXIV. In" the year's early nonage, ^\■hen the sun Tempers his tresses in Aquarius' urn, And now towards equal day the nights recede, When as tlie rime u])on the earth jnits on Her dazzling sister's image, but not long 5 Her milder sway endures, then risetli up The village hind, whom fails his wintry store, And looking out beholds the plain around All whiten'd, whence impatiently he smites His thighs, and to his hut returning in, 10 There paces to and fro, wailing his lot, As a discomfited and heljiless man ; Then comes he forth again, and feels new hojDe Spring in his bosom, finding e'en thus soon The world hath chang'd its count'nance, grasps his crook, And forth to ])asture dl•i^•es his little flock : Ifc So me my guide dishearten'd when I saw His troubled forehead, and so speedily I I II - ■. :■■— ^-- ---v-^ I I, mil nr I "T-i 'I ,.-,,.-. 82 HELL. That ill was ciirM ; for at the fallen hridge Arriviiiti:, towards ine with a look as sweet, 20 lie turiiM him back, as that I first beheld At the steep mountain's foot. Kegardinii; well The ruin, and some counsel first maintain'd With his own thought, heopen'd wide his arm And took me up. As one, who, Avhile he works, 25 Computes his labour's issue, that he seems Still to foresee the' effect, so lifting me Up to the summit of one peak, he fix'd His eye upon another. " Graj^ple that," Said he, " but first make proof, if it be such 30 As will sustain thee." For one capp'd with lead This Avere no journey. Scarcely he, though light, And I, though onware the nose; and swell'd Into due size protuberant the lips. lie, on the earth who lay, meanwhile extends 120 Ilis sharpen'd visage, and draws down the cars Into the head, as doth the slug his horns. I His tongue continuous before and apt ! For utt'rance, severs ; and the other's fork Closing unites. That done the smoke was laid. 125 The soul, transform'd into the brute, glides off, Hissing along the vale, and after him The other talking sputters ; but soon turn'd His new-grown shoulders on hira, and in few ' Thus to another si)ake : "Along this path 130 Crawling, as I have done, speed Buoso now ! " So saw I fluctuate in successive change Th' unsteady ballast of the seventh hold : And here if aught my tongue have swerv'd, events So strange may be its warrant. O'er niine eyes 135 Confusion hung, and on my thoughts amaze. Yet 'scap'd they not so covertly, but well I mark'd Sciancato : he alone it was Of the three first that came, who chang'd not : thou, | The other's fate, Gaville, still dost rue. 140 HELL. 89 CANTO XXVI. Florence exult ! for thou so mightily llast thriven, that o'er laud and sea thy wings Thou beatest, and thy name spreads over hell ! Among the phmd'rers such the three I found Thy citizens, whence shame to me thy son, 5 And no proud honour to thyself redounds. But if our minds, when dreaming near the dawn, Are of the truth presageful, thou ere long Shalt feel what Prato, (not to say the rest) Would fain might come upon thee; and that chance 10 Were in good time, if it befell thee now. Would so it Avere, since it must needs befall ! For as time wears nie, I shall grieve the more. We from the depth departed ; and my guide Kemounting scal'd the flinty steps, Avhich late 15 We downward trac'd, and drew me up the steep. Pursuing thus our solitary way Among the crags and splinters of the rock, Sped not our feet without the help of hands. Then sorrow seiz'd me, which e'en now revives, 20 As my thought turns again to what I saw, And, more than I am wont, I rein and curb The powers of nature in me, lest they run Where Virtue guides not ; that if aught of good My gentle star, or something better gave me, 25 I envy not myself the precious boon. As in that season, when the sun least veils His face that lightens all, what time the fly Gives way to the shrill gnat, the peasant then Upon some cliff reclin'd, beneath him sees 30 Fire-flies innumerous spangling o'er the vale, Vineyard or tilth, where his day-labour lies : With flames so numberless throughout its space Shone the eighth cliasm, apparent, when the depth Was to my view expos'd. As he, Avhose wrongs 35 The bears aveng'd, at its dei)arture saw Elijah's chariot, when the steeds erect Rais'd their steep flight for heav'n ; his eyes meanwhile, 90 HELL. StrnininGj parsii'd them, till tlie flame alone Upsoariug like a misty s|)(;ck he keiiii'd ; 40 E'en thus along the gulf moves every flame, A sinner so enfolded close in each, That none exhibits token of the theft. U])on the bridge I forward Lent to look. And grasp'd a flinty mass, or else had fall'n, 45 Though push'd not from the height. The guide, M'ho mark'd HoAV I did gaze attentive, thus began : " Within these ardours are the spirits, each Swath'd in confining fire," — " Master, thy word," I answer'd, " hath assur'd me ; yet I deem'd 50 Already of the truth, already wish'd To ask thee, Avho is in yon fire, that comes So parted at the summit, as it seem'd Ascending from that funeral pile, where lay The Theban brothers ? " He replied : " Within 55 Ulysses there and Diomede endure Their penal tortures, thus to vengeance now Together hasting, as erewhile to wrath. These in the flame with ceaseless groans deplore The ambush of the horse, tliat open'd wide 60 A portal for that goodly seed to pass, Which sow'd imperial Rome ; nor less the guile Lament they, whence of her Achilles 'reft Deidamia yet in death complains. And there is rued the stratagem, that Troy 65 Of her Palladium s]>oil'd." — " If they have power 0£ utt'rance from within these sparks," said I, " O master ! think my prayer a thousand fold In repetition urg'd, that tliou vouchsafe To pause, till here the horned flame arrive. 70 See, how toward it with desire I bend." He thus: " Thy prayer is worthy of much praise, And I accept it therefore : but do thou Thy tongue refrain : to question them be mine, Por I divine thy wish : and they perchance, 75 For they were Greeks, might shun discourse with thee." Wlien there the flame had come, where time and place IIELT,. 91 SeeTu'd fitting to my guide, he thus began : " O ye, who dwell two sj)ints in one fire ! If living I of you did merit auglit, 80 Whate'er the measm-e were of that desert, Wlien in the world my lofty strain I pour'd, Move ye not on, till one of you unfold In what clime death o'ertook him self-destroy'd." Of the old flame forthwith the greater horn 85 Began to roll, murmuring, as a fire That labours with the wind, then to and fro Wagging the top, as a tongue uttering sounds, Threw out its voice, and spake : " Wlien I escap'd From Circe, who beyond a circling year 90 Had held me near Caieta, by her charms, Ere thus ^neas yet had nam'd the shore, Nor fondness for my son, nor reverence Of my old father, nor return of love. That should have crown'd Penelope witli joy, 95 Could overcome in me the zeal I liad T' explore tlie world, and search the ways of life, Man's evil and his virtue. Forth I sail'd Into the deep illimitable main, With but one bark, and the small faithful band 100 That yet cleav'd to me. As Iberia far, Far as Morocco either shore I saw, And the Sardinian and each isle beside Which round that ocean bathes. Tardy with age Were I and my companions, when we came 105 To the strait pass, where Hercules ordain'd The bound'ries not to be o'erstepp'd by man. The walls of Seville to my right I left. On the' other hand already Ceuta past. ' O brothers ! ' I began, who to the west 110 ' Through ])erils without number now have reach' d, ' To this the short remaining -watch, that yet ' Our senses have to wake, refuse not proof ' Of the unpco]iled world, following the track ' Of Phoebus. Call to mind from wlience we sprang: 115 *Ye were not form'd to live the life of brutes, ' But virtue to pursue and knowledge liigh.' 92 IIKTiT-. Witli tliosc few words I s]iav])eir(l for tlio voyage The mind of my assoc.inlcs, tliat T then Cotdd scarcely liave withhold Ihcni. "^fo the dawn 120 Our ])oo]> wc turiiM, and for the witless Hioht IMade our oars wings, still gaining on the left. Each star of the' other pole night now helield,- And ours so low, that from the ocean-floor It rose not. Five times re-illum'd, as oft 125 Vanish'd the light from underneath the moon Since the deep way we enter'd, when from far Appear'd a mountain dim, loftiest metliought Of all I e'er beheld. Joy seiz'd us straight, But soon to mourning changed. From the new land 130 A wliirlwind sprung, and at her foremost side Did strike the vessel. Thrice it whiri'd her round With all the M^aves, the fourth time lifted up The poop, and sank the prow : so fate decreed : And over us the boomin