LIBRARY UNIV&KSITY OP QOJFORNlA SANDICeO C^7 BOHEMIAN (CECH) BIBLIOGRAPHY Edited by Thomas Capek BOHEMIA under Hapsburg Misrule A Study of the Ideals and Aspirations of the Bohemian and Slovak Peoples as Related to and Affected by the European War 12mo, Cloth, net $1.00. "The story is both argument and appeal. As argument, it reveals that Bohemian character, citing the place of Bohemia in the art of citizenship, in the power of self-control, in its na- tional ideals, in its policies of accom- modation to the plans of neighboring states, in its contribution to the world of creative arts, and in its personal views of national duty and responsi- bility. As appeal it enumerates, point by point, the injustice of many years of Hapsburg rule, and sets out in clear light the many reasons why the Bohemians deserve freedom." — Washington Star. THE ^ af BOHEMIA THE COVNTRyr mrVATh ±Q *^U{ozt& Aram tl? ocdinmq <9(^ ■the Nattofv to -Aeir fivft c p^ut tAe yeare or CEnflr The History of Bohemia Harleian MS., British Museum. The earliest story of the nation in English, written by an unknown author, presumably in the first quarter of the seventeenth century BOHEMIAN (CECH) BIBLIOGRAPHY A finding list of writings in English relating to Bohemia and the Cechs BY THOMAS CAPEK AND ANNA VOSTROVSKY CAPEK ILLUSTRATED New York Chicago Fleming H. Revell Company LONDOM ANI3 pDINpURG^ Copyright, 1918, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 75 Princes Street CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Introductory 1 1 II. Art 58 III. Bibliography 64 IV. Biography and Portraits 66 V. Bohemian Glass 71 VI. Dictionaries. Grammars. Interpreters 72 VII. Drama 76 VIII. Fiction 78 IX. Folk and Fairy Tales. Mythology. Legends 83 X. Guides 85 XI. History 87 XII. John Hus. Jerome of Prague. United Brethren. Moravians 108 XIII. John Amos Komensk^ 128 XIV. Language and Liter.\ture 140 XV. Miscellany 147 XVI. Music 151 XVII. Periodicals / 158 XVIII. Plans. Maps. Views. Journ.\ls 159 XIX. Politics 162 5 6 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XX. Prague 176 XXI. Sociology and Economics 179 XXII. The Sokols 185 XXIII. Travel. Description. Geography 187 XXIV. Bohemia in British State Papers AND Manuscripts 194 ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGB The History of Bohemia in MS Title Anne of Bohemia 20 John Hus 30 Protest against the burning of John Hus 40 The KraHce Bible 50 News from Bohemia 60 Why the Bohemian Estates rejected Ferdinand 70 Why Frederick accepted the Bohemian Crown 80 Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia 90 Unjust Mandates against the Bohemians 100 John Amos Komensk^ (Comenius) no Komensky's first work translated into English 120 Komensky's History of Bohemian Persecution 130 Augustine Herrman's Map 140 Wcnceslaus Hollar 1 50 Wenceslaus Hollar's Memorial Tablet 160 Sir John Bowring's Bohemian Anthology 170 Bedrich Smetana i So Antonin Dvorak 190 Coimt Francis Liitzow 200 Thomas G. Masaryk 210 The Bohemian Voice 220 The Bohemian Review 230 7 NOTE ON BOHEMIAN PRONUNCIATION A noted authority has said that "no other modern language can translate the ancient classics so readily, and yet so completely and forcibly as the Bohemian." The Bohemian is the most developed of the Slavic tongues. Consistently a phonetic tongue, it is pro- nounced as it is written. The vowels are pronounced as in Italian. Invariably the accent falls on the first syllable, irre- spective of the length of the word. Before Hus's time Bohemian orthography resem- bled somewhat that of the present day Polish. By in- troducing the diacritic mark, the reformer did away with groups of consonants such as cs, cz. The diacritic mark occurs on the following letters: a, e, c, d, i, n, f, s, f, u, u, y, z. £) and 6 are used least of all. The mark tends alike to soften and shade the sound of the letter. a is pronounced long as in darling. e as a in care. e as ye in yellow. c as ch in cherry. i and y as ee in tree. n as n in canon. f is thought to be unpronounceable by a non Bohemian. 9 10 NOTE ON BOHEMIAN PRONUNCIATION The Germans taunt the Bohemians with the r. The rsh in Pershing approaches the sound though it does not quite express it. s as sh in shall. u and u long as in rule. z as in j in the French word jour. ch as in the Scottish loch. INTRODUCTORY It sounds incredible, yet it is literally true, that every Slavic nation was, before the war, and probably still is, better known to the English speaking people than the Bohemians (Cechs). What is the reason? That the Bohemians, who are the most literate of all the Slavs, have remained undiscovered may be attributed to three main causes: They are not a free nation. They are a landlocked nation. They are rated a small nation. The opportunities which a seacoast offers to a people, to mention the Dutch, Irish, Belgians, Norwegians, Swedes and Danes, all of whom are numerically smaller than the Bohemian-Slovaks are inestimable. In the forum of world's commerce and politics, the sea is their powerful sponsor. To a landlocked people this great boon is denied. Inland nations may reach the outside world through an intermediary only, and if that intermediary happens to be a powerful and un- generous state, the policy of which is to keep its little neighbor in the background, the consequences are ob- vious. That there live in Central Europe Teutons and none others but Teutons was being daily demonstrated to the Americans by a most convincing proof. Almost every 11 12 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY box of merchandise shipped here from that part of the world bore the tell-tale mark "Made in Germany." Rarely one saw at the terminals goods labelled "Made in Austria," and rarer still, "Made in Bohemia." And yet many an article of merchandise thus marked was really made in Bohemia, for parts of Bohemia teem with all kinds of wonderful industries. Because of centuries of political and economic sub- jection, the very existence of the nation has been lost sight of by the Anglo-Saxons. In the interval between the catastrophal defeat of the Bohemians in 1620 and 1848, the year of revolutionary changes, nothing has occurred in Bohemia to attract the attention of the world to the Bohemian nation. The Seven Years' War, and later the Napoleonic Wars, were events that concerned not Bohemia as an independent state, but the whole of the Hapsburg Empire. The Russians acquired renown in the first quarter of the nineteenth century by their defeat of Napoleon. Later, during the Crimean War, Russia again came into promi- nence in the Anglo-American press. Kosciuszko and Pulaski were names to be conjured with by the Polish immigrant. The uprisings in 1830 and in 1863 made sufficiently known to the Americans the ideals and the miseries of Poland. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877 and the Berlin Congress following it made the English reader familiar with the geography and political ambi- tions of the Balkan Slavs. The Serbs, the Bulgars, the Montenegrines were successively introduced to the newspaper man and through him to the public at large. INTRODUCTORY 13 Alone the Bohemians remained undiscovered, un- known. Before the war the average reader did not know where Bohemia was located with respect to Austria- Hungary. That ethnically, there might be a difference between a Cech, Hungarian and an Austrian he suspected, yet it was not wholly clear to him wherein the dissimilarity lay. One could cite countless in- stances of astonishing naivete concerning the history of the nations which inhabit central and southeastern Europe. Four years ago a journalist and a writer who served on the western front in the capacity of a war correspondent made the astounding discovery that "the ancient Czech (Bohemian) language still continues to be spoken in Prague." It would no doubt amuse a Dutchman to read that "Dutch is still spoken in Amsterdam"; yet transpose Dutch for Bohemian and Prague for Amsterdam and the analogy is precise. When one remembers with what fine scorn an Ameri- can looked down upon that corner of Europe, which in his opinion exhibited altogether too many super- fluous boundary dots, one begins to realize what thank- less, almost futile task it was to talk to him of the trials, ambitions and triumphs of the Bohemian O'Con- nells. Emmets, Shelleys, Macauleys and Hallams. With the rest, the Bohemians had to pay the penalty of being thought a small nation. Again there are the Bohemians and bohemians and how to differentiate between the two is still a puzzle to a considerable portion of the public. Are all the Bohe- 14 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY mians artists, who "secede from conventionality in life and art"? That even cultured — let us not hope edu- cated — Americans and Englishmen entertain the weird notion that there exists some distant relationship be- tween Bohemians, bohemians and gypsies, is, alas, too true. In the novel Strathynore, Louise de la Ramee (Ouida) for instance, asserts quite seriously that gyp- sies in Bohemia have Slavonic features, that their lan- guage is a dialect of the Bohemian and that the "law- less, vagrant, savage race" is a Slavic tribe domiciled in Bohemia. Not a few are misled by the term Czech, thinking it probably signifies a people other than the Bohemians. A New York paper, in enumerating the disaffected races of Austria-Hungary, named the Bohemians and the Czechs. This is precisely like saying Yankees and Americans or Germans and Teutons, for, as informed readers are aware Bohemians and the Czechs are one and the same.^ Of the continental nations, Germany excepted, the French were the first to look inquiringly into the queer Austrian household. No doubt they were led to study Slavic Austria largely because of their alliance with Russia and because of their historical friendship for the Polfs. Due to the labor of three pioneers, Saint- ^ The race name of the Slavic inhabitants of Bohemia in the native language is Cech (singular), Ccchove (plural). The country is called Cecity. Cecil is pronounced nearly like Chech (the last ch as in the Scottish loch). The use of the form Czech should be discouraged, inasmuch as it wholly fails to bring out the proper sound. The Cambridge Modern History, a distinguished work, adheres consistently tO the spelling C-e-c-h. INTRODUCTORY 15 Rene Taillandier (1817-1879), Louis Leger (1843-) and Ernest Denis (1849-) ^^ Nation T die que is no longer unknown in France. Other and younger Frenchmen, — to name one, Andre Cheradame, the author of the widely quoted volume, The Pmigcrman Plot Unmasked, — continue the apostolary work in France; but Taillandier, Leger and Denis will always be honored as the pioneers of this propaganda. Of the trio, Ernest Denis, Professor of the Sorbonne, stands closest to the Bohemian heart. Denis' monumental researches, Huss et la Guerre des Hussites, La Boheme depuis la Montagnc Blanche, and Fin de Vindepcndance Boheme, when published, may be said to have caused a sensation. Unhampered by the censor, Denis was able to bring out facts of Bohemia's past which were a revelation to the Bohemians themselves. The Anglo-Saxon who visited the Hapsburg domin- ions thirty or forty years ago was yet unable to see anything but Teuton Austria ; that is to say, he looked at Bohemia and the other Austrian states wholly from the official viewpoint of Vienna. As a sample of the notions of Bohemia and the Cechs professed in America and England a generation ago, suffice it to cite a passage or two from Bayard Taylor's Views A-Foot, or Europe seen zvith Knap- sack and Staff: ^'The very name of Bohemia is asso- ciated with wild and wonderful legends, of the rude barbaric ages. The civilized race, the Saxon race, was left behind; I saw around me the features and heard the language of one of those rude Slavonian tribes 16 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY whose original home was on the vast steppes of Cen- tral Asia ( !)" Again: "In passing the shrines by the wayside, the poor degraded peasants always uncovered or crossed themselves, but it appeared to be rather the effect of habit than any good impulse for the Bohe- mians are noted all over Germany for their dishon- esty . . . ." Taylor's grossly distorted appraisal of Bohemia was not shared by Henry Wads worth Longfellow, as ap- pears from the following lines by the famous Ameri- can poet: "Hold your tongues! both Swabian and Saxon, A bold Bohemian cries ; If there's a heaven upon this earth. In Bohemia it lies." Overnight the Great War has changed many a wrong notion. "Time changes all, and by time is truth to victory guided ; what in their errors the years planned, in a day is o'erthrown," prophetically sings John Kollar, the great Slovak poet. Following the example of the French, several English and American writers, Henry Wickham Steed, R. W. Seton- Watson and Will S. Monroe among them, have in recent years paid visits to Bohemia, and the result is both surpris- ing and gratifying. It is certain that, once aroused, Anglo-Saxon curiosity will not abate until it has learned all about Bohemia, even though the knowledge obtained may disagree with the Alice in Wonderland INTRODUCTORY 17 tales that have been related in Vienna to the old time British and American travelers. A new development in the study of Bohemia and her people by foreigners may be said to date from the time the dual system of government was introduced (1867). Until then the interest of scholars was con- fined wholly to historic and sectarian questions; from that time on, political and ethnological issues began to engage their serious attention. The present bibliography lists, besides books and pamphlets, magazine articles only ; it does not pretend to register items appearing in the weekly, much less in the daily press. To attempt the latter would be be- yond the scope and purpose of the catalogue. Excep- tions to the rule have been made in favor of articles bearing the signature of authors who are known to be especially qualified to discuss the subjects selected by them. Scarcely a book has been written on Austria or the Slavs which does not, directly or indirectly, discuss Bohemia and the Cechs. The catalogue cannot take cognizance of such publications, although, in this re- spect also, the rule has been relaxed and books have been indexed, dealing broadly with Austria and the Slavs. Colquhoun's The Whirlpool of Europe: Austria-Hungary and the Hapsbitrgs, Steed's The Hapshnrg Monarchy and Seton-Watson's German, Slav, and Magyar may be cited as typical examples of these publications. Quite correctly the spelling of proper names, though 18 BOHE]\nAN BIBLIOGRAPHY obsolescent, has been left nndisturbed. The Bohe- mians spell Hus, not Huss; Zizka, not Zisca. Comenius is a Latinized form dating back to an age when it was the custom to Latinize one's surname ; the real name is Komensky and Bohemian history knows the educator by this name only. The authors have availed themselves of the skilled services of Leonard C. Wharton, who was asked to look into the rare Bohemica preserved in the British Museum. Mr. Wharton performed this part of the work with painstaking care. Many of the seventeenth century items have been extracted from the British Miiscum Catalogue of Printed Books. The Catalogue of the Ilarleian Manu- scripts in the British Museum has yielded The Historic of Bohemia, written presumably in the first quarter of the seventeenth century. Items of minor value were obtained from the State Papers of John Thurloe; the Harleian Miscellany, or a collection of scarce, curious and entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts; Robert Watts' Bihliotheca Britannica, or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. For numerous current items the authors are indebted to Poole's Index to Periodical Literature and the Readers' Guide to Periodical Litera- ture. The reader will probably agree with the present authors that but for Bohemia's Protestant past, Anglo- American Bohemica would be practically non-existent. Strip the source book of Hus, of the events which fol- lowed the Reformation and the anti-Reformation, of introductory; 19 the United Brethren and their alleged offspring, the Moravians, of Komensky, and Bohemia would stand before the Anglo-American world like Cinderella from the fairy tale — unwritten about, still waiting to be dis- covered. The bibliography proper is subdivided into twenty- two parts, a brief and relevant comment accompanying each part. The respective sub-titles are: Art, Bibli- ography, Biography, Bohemian Glass, Dictionaries, Drama, Fiction, Folk and Fairy Tales, Guides, His- tory, John Hus, John Amos Komensky, Language and Literature, Miscellany, Music, Periodicals, Plans and Maps, Politics, Prague, Sociology and Economics, Sokols, Travel and Description. A separate chapter, entitled Bohemia in the British State Papers and Manuscripts, contains bibliographical extracts from the Calendar of State Papers, the Reports of the British Historical Manuscripts Commission, the Reports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Papal Registers, etc. The especial acknowledgments of the authors are due to Prof. Will S. Monroe, author of Bohemia and the Cechs, and to Mr. Leonard C. Wharton of London. Prof. Monroe kindly read and compared with his own, the bibliography on Komensky. The material which Mr. Wharton has sent from England emphasizes anew the enthusiastic interest he takes in the language, his- tory and literature of the Bohemian people. Art. Reference is made in this biographical man- ual to the work of three artists. The first is Vaclav 20 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Holar of Prichefi, or Wenceslaus Hollar, as his name was spelled in England. A Protestant exile, whom the edicts of anti-reformation had driven from his home, Hollar drifted to England, where he gained the repu- tation as the foremost etcher of his time. His plates, which number about 2,400 pieces, are highly prized by art collectors. "He drew plans, prospects and por- traits; habits and dresses; churches, monuments and antiquaries, or etched designs by famous Italian, Ger- man, Dutch and English masters, some done from the collection of King Charles I. and especially from those belonging to Thomas Earl of Arundel, who brought Hollar to and supported him in England." (Vertue). Born in 1607 in Prague, he was buried in St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, 28th of March, 1677. He showed the lasting attachment to his fatherland by signing many of his works "Wenceslaus Hollar Bohemus." Vaclav Brozik (1851-1901) was a noted painter of historic subjects. His greatest picture is "Master John Hus condemned to death by the Council of Constance," now the property of the municipality of Prague. American art lovers will remember Brozik's "Defenes- tration, or thrown from the window at Prague," ex- hibited at the Chicago World's Fair. The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art owns a large canvas by him, "Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isa- bella." The Lenox Library (now the New York Pub- lic Library) has "Rudolph II. in the Laboratory of his Alchymist," and "The Grandmother's Namesday." "As a historical painter, Brozik equals the greatest by Anne of Bohemia (1366-1394) Daughter of Charles IV., wife of Richard II. of England INTRODUCTORY 21 his breadth of conception, fine composition, strength of work and dramatic effect." This is the estimate of the painter by Mr. Larroument, Secretary of the French Academie des Beaux Arts. For his art galleries in New York and Philadelphia, John Wanamaker pur- chased several of the artist's smaller themes, and from his executors the entire contents of his Paris studio, studies, sketches, antiques, draperies and hangings. Alfons M. Mucha, born in i860 in Moravia, earned his spurs in Paris as a poster artist. He is not un- known in the United States, having visited this coun- try on two or three occasions, working here as por- traitist, illustrator and interior decorator. For several years he has been engaged on a series of allegories in- tended to portray the historical development of the Slavs. When finished, the canvases are to be presented to the City of Prague as the gift of the well-known Slavophile, Charles R. Crane of Chicago and New York. BiBLioGRAPtiY. So far as the writers know, no one has before this concerned himself with a systematic compilation of a bibliography of this kind. The late Herman Rosenthal, Director of the Slavonic Depart- ment of the New York Public Library, is said to have been at work on a Slavic bibliography; but his literary executors have not yet published it. Dr. A. Sum, member of the English Club in Prague, has taken more than a passing interest in English Bohemica. The late Jeffrey D. Hrbek, an exceptionally gifted young man (see his biography published posthumously), pre- / 22 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY pared for the Osvcta Americkd (1908) what was then considered to be a fairly exhaustive bibhography. The list mentions ninety volumes, many of them contain- ing but remote and irrelevant allusions to Bohemia. The bibliography appended to Miss Balch's Our Slavic Fellow Citizens is quite considerable; however, this work treats not of Bohemians alone, but of all the Slavs, and, when the process of elimination is applied, it will be seen that the purely Bohemian share of ref- erence books is small. Then there is Leonard C. Wharton's list, printed in the Guide to the Kingdom of Bohemia j^ this takes notice of thirty-ifive items. As regards the Hus and the Moravian Church literatures, Wm. Gunn Malin's catalogue is, without doubt, the richest and the most valuable of all. Biography. Biographical material in the several encyclopaedias is meagre and perfunctory and what there is of it has been chiefly extracted from German lexicons. Count Liitzow edited items on Bohemia for the Eneyclopccdia Britannica. J. J. Krai has written for Johnson's Universal Cyclopcedia short biographical sketches of several authors — Jungmann, Kollar, Nem- cova, Neruda and the Jireceks among them. The Biographical Dictionary of the Library of the World's Best Literature contains the lives of some two dozen men of letters. Injudiciously the editor of the Bi- ographical Dictionary has included among Bohemian (Cech) writers Charles Sealsfield (pseudonym of Karl Anton Postl, by some written Postel) and Fritz Mauthner. While it is true that the first named was INTRODUCTORY 23 born In Moravia and the other In Bohemia, both Seals- field and Mauthner were, as a matter of fact, Germans. P. Selver In his Anthology of Modern Bohemian Poetry gives, besides specimens of their verse, an illu- minating account of the lives of a number of poets. The biographies of the literary w^orkers of old Bohemia are treated adequately in Liitzow's History of Bohe- mian Literature. No Cecil has been more written about than Hus; and, incidentally, none has shed greater lustre on his native land than he. Every volume dealing with the causes and effects of the Reformation necessarily con- siders Hus's part therein. Associated with Hus us- ually appears the name of his fellow-martyr, Jerome of Prague. Biographies of Komensky are not wanting, for which thanks are due principally to educators the world over, who regard Komensky's writings as milestones in the progress of education. Music, speaking as It does a language which is unij versally understood, has granted a passport to Anton Dvorak and in a lesser degree to Bedfich Smetana and Zdenek Fibich. The interested public will find many portraits and life sketches in VIcker's, Gregor's, Maurice's and Mon- roe's volumes. Some have been published in The Bohemian Voice; however, complete files of this maga- zine are now exceedingly rare. Bohemian Glass Is renowned everywhere for its excellence and beauty. The Industry is an old one 24 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY and there are some two thousand shops and factories in the country engaged in the making of it. As an export article Bohemian glass constitutes a major item. Dictionaries. Grammars. Interpreters. Adolf William Straka, (died in London in 1872), a political exile, who lived for years in England, becoming a Brit- ish subject, was the first to write an English Bohemian Grammar. It was printed in Prague in 1862. The first English Bohemian dictionary, by Charles Jonas, was published in Racine, Wisconsin. Before emigrating to the United States in 1863, Jonas spent some time in London. In the English metropolis he associated with Straka and the inference is that the author of the English BoJicmian Grammar inspired a liking for lexicographical work in his younger fellow- exile. Charles Jonas, the "first Bohemian in America" was born in 1840 and died abroad in 1896 while serving the United States in the capacity of Consul. He was buried in Prague, "in the land he loved above all else." Although he was not a philologist by training, having studied in a technological institute, he plunged coura- geously into lexicography. His introductory work was the Bohemian English Interpreter ( 1865), followed by the Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Lan- guages (1876). Like every initial effort, the diction- ary was deficient in many respects. Each succeeding edition, however, was improved and amplified, so that now Jonas' dictionaries compare favorably with like German publications. Other American Bohemians INTRODUCTORY 25 have achieved pohtical distinction in the United States (Jonas was successively State Senator, Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin and U. S. Consul at Prague), yet Jonas the journalist, Jonas the author, Jonas the politician had not, in the estimation of pioneer immi- grants, an equal among his American co-nationals. F. B. Zdrubek's Anglickd mliwnice (1870) is the earliest publication of its kind in America. Crude typographically and faulty textually, the volume is a compliment neither to the printer nor to the author. Jonas and Zdrubek, one will observe, worked along parallel lines. This is explained by the circumstance that the two men were attached to two rival newspaper and printing concerns — Jonas to the weekly Slavic published in Racine, and Zdrubek to the daily Svornost of Chicago. F. B. Zdrubek, for over thirty years editor of the Chicago Svornost, and one of the leaders of the Bohe- mian rationalists in the United States, was born in 1842 and died in Chicago in 191 1. He took a course first in a Catholic, then in a Protestant theological seminary. Convinced that "as a minister of the gospel he could not make an honorable living unless he chose to make of his vocation a vulgar traffic and practiced from the pulpit pious extortion," as he wrote in his autobiography, he gave up the ministry and devoted himself to journalism. Most prolific of all the Ameri- can Bohemian men of letters, Zdrubek was in fact not a creative writer but a translator. As a journalist he was distinctly commonplace. 26 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Jaroslav J. Zmrhal, teacher in a Chicago school, has given the pubhc in his Anglicky snadno vc triceti nlohdch, one of the best hand-books for the learning of the English language thus far compiled. Zmrhal's method of pronunciation is clearly an improvement over all previous books; certainly it is superior to Zdrubek's, who after all, possessed but a book knowl- edge of English. Last, but not least, is a comprehensive Ucebnice by F. Francl of New York. Altogether it may be stated that grammars and interpreters by American Bohe- mians who know alike the vocabulary and the spirit of the English tongue, are more serviceable, if not wholly superior to most of the "English Easy and Quick" hand-books which have been published in Prague. The most versatile linguist in Bohemia was Francis Vymazal ( 1841-19 17), who compiled a lengthy row of manuals of the "English at a glance" type. Vymazal's series includes the study of English, Bulgarian, Rus- sian, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Latin, Magyar, German, Gypsy, Modern Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Slovak, Slovene, Serbo-Croatian, Old Greek, Spanish, Turkish and Italian, Owing to his manner of life and dress — he was not afraid to lead the life of a lowly proletarian — the people of Brno, in which city he lived and died, nicknamed him "Bohemian Diogenes." Drama. That the Poles and the Bohemians, two submerged nations, have each given to the American stage a tragic actress — the Poles Helena Modjeska, the INTRODUCTORY 27 Bohemians Frances Janaiischek — may and may not be accidental. Many people have supposed Janauschek to be a German tragedienne, because in the early years of her career, before she mastered the English lan- guage, she played in German, on the German stage. But she was of pure Bohemian stock, born in Prague in 18.30. By virtue of her long residence in America and her devotion to and life-long association with the American stage, she was really an American actress. Fiction. Translations from fiction are disappoint- ingly few. Of course, this is no evidence that Bohe- mia has no fiction writers ; the truth is that she has not found Isabella Hapgoods and Jeremiah Curtins to translate what she has. With one notable exception, Bozena Nemcova's Babicka, nothing worth note has been rendered into English from the prose. The story Maria Felicia by Karolina Svetla, which an American Bohemian woman has translated into English, is no more typical of Bohemia than it is of Finland, Spain or any other country. One should not only know how to translate, but, what is just as essential, what to translate. A. V. Smilovsky, whose story, Ncbesa, the Moureks translated, is a meritorious writer, but by no means of the high type of Alois Jirasek or Julius Zeyer. Several foreign writers of fiction have made use of a Bohemian theme more or less successfully, the earliest of them being George Sand. Unfortunately Sand's Bohemians in Consiielo and in its sequel The Countess 28 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY of Rudolstadt, are about as real as Robinson Crusoe's Man Friday. Folk and Fairy Tales. Karel Jaromir Erben (1811-1870), whose folk tales Rev. Wratislaw trans- lated into English, is recognized as an authority on folk lore. "If Erben had left nothing else but his Nosegay of National Folk Talcs, his name would always rank among Bohemian writers of the first mag- nitude," says a critic. Most of the writers of folk tales here listed have borrowed from Erben. The Guide to the Kingdom of Bohemia, pub- lished in Prague in 1906, is primarily intended to at- tract travelers to the ancient capital of the country; however, the information it contains is of interest alike to travelers and to non-travelers. History. Probably the first instance in which the English and the Bohemians came into contact with each other, although as foes on the field of battle, occurred in 1346 at the battle of Cr6cy. Here fell, fighting on the side of the French, against the English, John of Luxemburg, the blind King of Bohemia. King John's crest was three ostrich feathers and his motto "I serve"; which the Prince of Wales and his successors adopted in memorial of this great victory of the Eng- lish. A more agreeable event in the relationship of Eng- land and Bohemia took place thirty-six years later ( 1382), when Richard H. engaged himself to Anne of Luxemburg, the granddaughter of the very ruler whom the English had fought at Crccy. The popular though INTRODUCTORY 29 erroneous belief is that through Queen Anne the writ- ings of Wicliffe were introduced into Bohemia. In her readable Lives of the Queens of England, Agnes Strickland devotes a few warmly written pages to "Anne of Bohemia, surnamed the Good, first Queen of Ricliard 11." The gallant knight, Sir Simon Burley, the English ambassador, was charged with bringing Richard's bride from Prague to London. "England was to Bo- hemia a sort of terra incognita; and as a general knowledge of geography and statistics was certainly not among the list of imperial accomplishments in the fourteenth century, the empress (Anne's mother) des- patched duke Primislaus of Saxony on a voyage of discovery, to ascertain, for the satisfaction of herself and the princess what sort of country England might be." ' England may have seemed an out of the way land to the Bohemians of old, yet the English people were by no means unknown to them. The fondness of the Bohemians for travel in foreign countries was well known.^ That entertaining compilation of wonder- 1 Agnes Strickland: Lives of the Queens of England, v. I, p. 592. 2 See in History: Wratislaw's Adventures; Sasek's Diary of an Embassy. The Embassy which Sasek describes was led by Leo z Rozmitalu (Leo von Rosmital,) a highly distinguished personage. The Embassy, or mission, consisted of forty persons with fifty-two horses and a Kamer-wagon and set out from Prague November 26, 1465. Sasek (Shassek) relates how, when the mission reached London (p. 430) "crowds assembled in the streets to stare at these Bohemian Samsons and Absolons." In London they remained for forty days, being feasted by the King and the nobility. At Dunkirk they (the Bohemians) caught 30 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY stories comprised in Sir John Mandeville's Travels was translated at an early date into the national lan- guage. Students from Bohemia were wont to go to the universities at Oxford and Paris in order to broaden their education, Jerome of Prague is known to have studied at Oxford. Like others of his countrymen he had been drawn thither by the fame of Wicliff's name. Most readers will be surprised to learn that a Bohe- mian had been one of the torchbearers of Reforma- tion in Scotland. The name of this minor reformer is Paul of Kravaf or Crawar, as Scotch writers spell the name. According to Burton^ "Crawar was a Ger- man, believed to have come from Bohemia to propose the doctrines that had been preached by John Hus and Jerome of Prague. All that we are told of him per- sonally is that he professed to be a physician, and to be traveling and visiting in the practice of his calling." Kravaf was burned at St. Andrews, July 23, 1433, as a heretic Hussite. "The churchman who records his burning," relates Burton, "takes occasion to enlarge on the characteristics of Taborites and other Bohemian heretics." Lang^ states that "he was an envoy of the Hussite 'miscreants.* Lawrence of Lindores attacked him, but he found him well read in scriptures." the first view of the sea — Shakespeare's description of Bohemia in the I]' inter's Talc as "desert country near the sea" to the contrary notwithstanding. ijohn Hill Burton: The History of Scotland, v. 3, p. 114. The lords of Kravaf were an ancient Bohemian family, who took a prominent part in the affairs of their nation already in the thirteenth century. Certain branches of the family were strong Hussite partisans. 2 Andrew Lang : History of Scotland, from the Roman Occu- pation, V, I, pp. 310-11. John Hus Portrait by Hans Holbein INTRODUCTORY 31 At no time before or after have the English taken a more genuine interest in Bohemia and her affairs than during the events which followed the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. Their concern over what was happening in Bohemia at that time was due, mainly, to two reasons. The first was that an Eng- lishwoman, a daughter of the reigning family, had been elevated to the dignity of queen of that country. The second motive was a religious one. Bohemia lay in the direct zone of the conflict raging between Cathol- icism and Protestantism and Protestant England could not but be gravely concerned over the fate of Protestant Bohemia. Money was collected and troops were raised to sustain the cause of the Stuart Queen in Prague and incidentally of Protestantism and it has been said that if James had given his daughter the sup- port which she and her husband expected from him, Bohemia's position might have been wholly different today. But "King James," a historian tells us, "never stood greatly affected, either to this war, or to the cause thereof and thereupon some regiments of inex- perienced volunteers going over, instead of a well composed army, it was one reason, among many others, that not only Bohemia, but the Palatinate were also lost ..." Elizabeth graced the Bohemian throne only for a few months between 1619-1620, but she insisted upon bearing the title of Queen of Bohemia to the end of her days (1596-1662). Likewise her husband, Fred- erick, (1596-1632) "was resolved to foregoe not the 32 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY title of the King of Bohemia that he hath allreadie gotten." All Britain rejoiced when Elizabeth the "Pearl of the Stuarts" was wedded to Frederick of the Palatinate. John Taylor, the Water-Poet, wrote a poem about the "beloved Marriage of the two peerelesse Paragons of Christendome." Historians have dutifully chronicled the event of "the most blessed and happie marriage betweene the High and Mightie Prince Frederick the Fifth, Count Palatine of the Rhein, Duke of Bavier, etc. And the most Vertvous, Gracious and thrice excel- lent Princesse, Elizabeth, Sole Daughter to our dread Soueraigne, James by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, etc., celebrated at White- Hall the fourteenth of Februarie, 1612." In 1 6 19, the Bohemian Protestant Estates deposed their King and offered the crown to Frederick, in the hope that the "King of England would, out of his three kingdoms, send such a continued stock of men to the Palatinate, that the crown of Bohemia should be estab- lished on the head of the Elector Palatinate and that by no course sooner than by virtue of the English arms." ' We read of the "Departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: With his royall and vertuous Ladie Elizabeth: And the thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg to- wards Prague, to receive the Crowne of that King- dome. Whereunto is annexed the Solempnitie or maner of the Coronation." INTRODUCTORY 33 On another page the reader will find a quaint ac- count of the coronation ceremonies in Prague written by an eyewitness, presumably John Harrison. On the 8th day of November, 1620, near Prague, on the slopes of the White Hill (Bila Hora), was fought a fateful battle between the Imperialists (Austrians) and the Bohemian Army. Referring to this catastrophal battle, which cost Bo- hemia her independence. Sir Charles Montagu, Eng- lish Ambassador stationed at Vienna wrote to his kins- man. Sir Edward Montagu: "To begin with the worst first, there is news come now of more certain truth than heretofore from Bohemya, which is that the King's army hath had a great overthrow, and Prage is lost, but the King and Queen are at a strong place called Presslaw in Selecya, and the King of Hungary and he have met and they both intend to raise a far greater force to set on them (the Imperialists) sud- denly; God give them better success." The King of Bohemia, as subsequent events proved, did not meet with better success. In a day or two after that fatal 8th day of November, when Bohemia was going to her destruction, he left Prague precipi. tately with his queen, never to return to that capi- tal .. . Bohemian historians speak in terms of warm praise of Elizabeth, the "Winter Queen," but their estimate of Frederick, "First Prince of the Imperiall bloud, sprung from glorious Charlemaigne," falls lamentably 34 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY short of the measure taken of him by the Bohemian Estates, as reprinted on another page. Conceivably for the "Winter Queen's" enhghten- ment, John Harrison, who accompanied the royal pair to Prague in the capacity of court chaplain, sketched the "Historie of Bohemia, the first parte describing the Countrye, Scituation, Climate, Commodities, the Name and Nature of the People and compendiously continu- ing the Historie from the beginning of the Nation to the First Christian Prince, about the year of Christ 990." Speaking "in the name of all our exiled nation" the Bohemian Church appealed for help "to the lord pro- tector, his highness council, and the parliament.^ As in the case of the Waldenses, Protector Crom- well ordered a national subscription; and a handsome amount was collected during the spring of 1658 to re- lieve the distress of Bohemian Protestants. Komen- sky and his fellow exiles were invited to settle in Ire- land, the Protector desiring to strengthen the Protes- tant element there. The "Act for the Satisfaction of Adventurers and Soldiers" authorized "all persons of what nation soever professing the Protestant religion to rent or purchase forfeited lands," but the Dutch, German and Bohemian emigrants whom this clause contemplated never came.^ Believing in the fulfillment of Drabik's false prophecy, that the cause of Protes- 1 John Thurloe: Collection of State Papers, v. 2, p. 441. 2 Charles Harding Firth : Tlie Last Years of the Protectorate, 1656-1658. Also Vaughn: Protectorate of Cromwell, v. II, p. 447. INTRODUCTORY 35 tantism in Bohemia would prevail in the end and that the exiles would yet return home in triumph, Komen- sky hesitated to accept England's proffer, Protestant refugees, who had been driven from home by Ferdinand's edicts, wandered to England in pursuit of religious freedom and livelihood. Simon Partlicius (1593- 1639), preacher and author and Samuel Martinius (1588- 1640), writer and mathema- tician, both enjoyed England's hospitality for a time. So did Komensky who came in 1642 to London to visit friends and to further his literary projects. Wen- ceslaus Hollar established a permanent residence in England. Letters are extant written by Komensky's son-in-law, Peter Figulus, and dated at Oxford. At least two exiles, Wenceslaus Libanus and Paul Hart- mann, both members of the Brethren's Unity, had been ordained as ministers of the Church of England. That the Irish Franciscans had been invited to Bo- hemia during the Thirty Years' War to assist in the re-Catholisation of the country, is known. In Hybern- ska ulice, a famous thoroughfare in Prague, named after them, the Irish Friars founded a monastery in 1630. Later (1659) they built there the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception. Although the monastery has long passed out of existence and even the church edifice has been forced to give way to busi- ness, the name, Hybernska ulice, still reminds the tourist of the presence of the Hibernians in Prague. An Irish name — that of Count Edward Fr^iiJa Josef Taafe — has figured largely in Austrian and Bohemian S6 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY politics of yesterday. The Taafes secured an incholate in Moravia in the middle of the eighteenth century and have intermarried with the Slik, Chotek and Pachta families. No narrative of the Thirty Years' War is complete or understandable unless the student knows what part Bohemia took in the great struggle. A recognized authority on the subject is Anton Gindely, (1829- 1892) Professor at the Prague University. Gindely's Gcschichte dcs drcissigjdhrigcn Kriegcs has been translated by A. Ten Brook. A quarter of a century ago one could not find on the shelves of an American library a comprehensive history of the Bohemian nation written in English. The task and the distinction of writing such a work fell to the lot of a Chicago lawyer of Scotch-Irish ancestry, Robert H. Vickers. Vicker's History of Bo- hemia was published in 1894 in Chicago, the munifi- cence of the Bohemian National Committee making the publication possible. Stranger to the subtle mod- ern forces of the nation's life, unfamiliar with its language, unduly in love with the rust of the past, Vickers produced a volume suffering obviously from bookiness. The Chicago Bohemians erected a monu- ment in the National Cemetery to the memory of their Scotch-Irish friend. A year later (1895), there appeared another history of the nation: Frances Gregor's Story of Bohemia. In translating into idiomatic English the little classic, Nemcova's Babicka — the first story book by a Bohe- INTRODUCTORY 37 mian author to be so honored — Frances Gregor ren- dered an actual service to literature. Many an Ameri- can Bohemian youth has had his or her first glimpse of the charms of Bohemian country life from Babicka, but her Story of Bohemia has since been supplanted by newer and abler historical studies. Frances Gregor's talents lay not in historical research but in light fiction writing and literary criticism. An incurable malady greatly interfered with intensive literary labor, making her life all but unendurable. She died in Colorado in 1 90 1, aged fifty-one years. Two additional histories were put on the market by publishers in 1896: Bohemia: an Historical Sketch, by Count Liitzow ; and Charles Edmund Maurice's Bohe- mia: from the earliest times to the fall of national in- dependence in 1620. It is no secret that English Bohemica cost Count Liitzow (born 1849 ^^i Hamburg, died 1916 in Switzer- land) his diplomatic career, making him persona non grata at the Vienna court. Of the several volumes written by this high-minded, unselfish nobleman, the most erudite and mature is The Hussite Wars. Liitzow is especially esteemed by English-speaking Bohemians, for they alone are able to appreciate the measure of his labors. Will S. Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs was pub- lished in 19 10. It is profusely illustrated and contains an informative review of the literature, art, politics and the economic and social conditions of the people. Monroe knows his Bohemia from close personal asso- 38 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY ciation and not from books alone, and his Bohemia and the Cechs has achieved wider popularity than any of the accounts preceding it. In the Cambridge Modern History the student will find abundant and reliable material on Bohemia, from such noted writers as Robert Nisbet Bain, A. W, Ward, Louis Eisenmann, and others. John Hus. Jerome of Prague. Unity. Mora- vians. The Hussite Reformation in the fifteenth cen- tury was a movement which concerned not Bohemia alone, but the entire Christian world. "Thus begun," remarks Bishop de Schweinitz, "one of the most re- markable and at the same time terrific wars the world has seen ; for sixteen years Bohemia single handed de- fied papal Europe." Two Englishmen, John Wick- liffe and Peter Payne, the first impersonally, through his writings, the other personally, played not an in- conspicuous role in the great religious awakening which followed the burning of Hus at the stake in 1415- The Hussite literature, as the reader will perceive, is cjuite bulky. Of the non-Bohemian Hus scholars, whose works have been written in English or trans- lated into that tongue, these deserve to be mentioned: De Bonnechose, Les Rcformateurs avant la Reforme, known as Reformers before the Reformation; Johann Loserth's Hiis iind Wiclif; De Schweinitz's History of the Church knoivn as the Unitas Fratrum, or the Unity of the Brethren; Count Liitzow's The Hussite Wars; David S. Schaff's John Hiiss; His Life, Teachings and INTRODUCTORY 39 Death; W. N. Schwarze's John Hits, the Martyr of Bohemia. Knowing the Bohemian language and being in a position to make use of native sources, some of them still unpublished, Count Liitzow has had an un- doubted advantage over Hus commentators who were not so fitted. Rev. E. H. Gillett's Life and Times of John Jiuss, was, after it had been published, adversely commented upon, the author being openly charged with taking bodily sentences, paragraphs and pages from De Bonnechose, without giving the Frenchman due credit. (See North American Reviezu, July, 1865.) Rev. A. H. Wratislaw's John Httss, the commence- ment of resistance to papal authority, has for its basis the trustworthy researches of the historians Palacky and Tomek. The Moravian Church, claiming direct descent from the Unity of Bohemian Brethren, has produced note- worthy sectarian literature. In fact, the Moravians, to mention only one scholar, the late Bishop de Schwei- nitz, have done more than any other evangelical church in the way of interpreting to the English speaking people the most stirring chapters of Bohe- mian history. There is this criticism to be made, however, in refer- ence to the Hus literature, that while non-Bohemian writers regard Hus as a religious reformer only and treat the reformation inaugurated by him wholly in the light of a religious upheaval, the Bohemians insist on taking a broader view of Hus and of Hussites. To them Hus reveals himself not only as a religious reformer, 40 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY but likewise as a champion and purifier of the native tongue. In the Hussite Wars they recognize a pohtical- spiritual revolution, having for its purpose the libera- tion of the Bohemian nation alike from papal tram- mels and from German domination. The Bohemian Church, Unity, Unitas Fratrum, tJnity of Bohemian Brethren, Brethren's Unity, are the names given to a church which originated in the second half of the fifteenth century. In the severely strict no- tions as to what is proper in the practice of religious duties, the Unity bore a striking resemblance to the Puritans. Its doctrine and discipline are admirably set forth in the articles passed in 1616 at the Synod of Zeravice. These articles, provided with annotations by Komen- sky have been translated into English, under the title Ratio disciplinac, or the Constitution of the Congrega- tional Churches. Thus one is able to trace the influence of the Unity upon the Church of England. When the Bohemian Revolution broke out (161 8) the nobil- ity belonging to the Unity were powerful enough to influence the selection of a new King in the place of Ferdinand H., who was dethroned by the Estates. The choice, as we know, fell upon Frederick of the Palati- nate. The Patent of Tolerance, (1781) allowing Protestant worship in Austria, purposely excluded the Unity. To the Government the church was objection- able, first because of its Bohemian national traditions, and secondly because of the leading part its members had taken in the revolution against Ferdinand. INTRODUCTORY 41 Some of the greatest writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were members of the Unity: John Augusta (i 500-1 572, Bishop and writer), John Blahoslav (1523-1571), collaborator on the Kralicc Bible, author of Grammatika Ccskd, Charles, Lord of Zerotin (i 564-1636), John Amos Komensky. The Unity reformed schools and promoted literature by setting up printing shops in Bohemia and Moravia. Toward the close of the fifteenth century a printing shop was opened in Mlada Boleslav; in the first part of the sixteenth century another was established at Bela, near Bezdez, and still another at Litomysl. The last named town was, up to 1547, looked upon as the chief seat of the administration of the church. Be- cause of persecution, the Unity transferred its centre to Pferov in Moravia. Here too, it set up printing es- tablishments, the one at Ivancice becoming in time far- famed. In 1578 the Ivancice concern was moved to Kralice (Moravia). By common consent, the Kralice Bible, so called from Kralice, where it was printed, is regarded as the most enduring literary work of the Unity. For four- teen years eight eminent scholars worked on this Bible, rendering the translation into a language idiomatic, and pure beyond that of any other book. It was pub- lished between the years 1579-93, and Lord Zerotin bore the expense of it. The British Bible Society in publishing a Bohemian Bible followed exactly the edi- tion of 1613. The New York Lenox Library, which is now a part 42 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY of the New York Public Library, owns : i . A complete set of the Kralicc Bible; the sixth volume, however, is of a later edition. 2. Two copies of the Prague Bible. 3. One copy of the Paul Sevcrin of Kapi Hora Bible of the- edition of 1537. The Kralice Bible was bought by Lenox, the founder of the Lenox Library, from the collection of the Duke of Sussex/ John Amos Komensky. John Amos Komensky (or Comenius, which is the Latinized form of the name), one of the great figures in Bohemian history, was born in 1592 in Moravia, (hence the sufhx "Mora- vus" seen on some of his works) and died as an exile in 1670 in Holland. Though he was a churchman of prominence, being the last Bishop of the Unity, his reputation is founded not on his ecclesiastical and philosophical writings, but on his pedagogical studies. As a school reformer he was the first to carry out the principle, long since recog- nized as sound by all teachers, of appealing to the senses; so he called the artist to his aid. The result was the Orbis Sensualiiiin Pictus or the Visible World. *'The circumstances of his life were as unfavorable as possible to his career as a writer," remarks Liitzow. "Traveling from Moravia to Bohemia, thence to Po- land, Germany, England, Sweden, Hungary, Holland, ever unable to obtain tranquillity, often in financial difficulties, twice deprived of his library by fire, forced to write school-books, when he was planning meta- 1 See article Moravsti Brain v Amcricc by Thomas Capek, Osveta, Prague. 19:565-72. 1889. INTRODUCTORY 43 physical works that he beHeved to be of the greatest value, he always undauntedly continued his vast liter- ary undertakings." From Cotton Mather^ we learn (a fact which is con- firmed by other sources) that Governor Winthrop of- fered to Komensky the Presidency of Harvard Col- lege. "That brave old man Johannes Amos Comenius, the fame of whose worth hath been Trumpetted as far as more than Three Languages (Whereof everyone is endebted unto his Janua) could carry it, was agreed withal by our Mr. Winthrop, in his travels through the Low Countries, to come over into New England and Illuminate this Colledge and Country in the Quality of President: But the Solicitations of the Swedish ambas- sador, diverting him another way, that Incomparable Moravian became not an American." Biographers are not agreed as to the number of Komensky 's works. F. J. Zoubelc has enumerated 137 of them; Keatinge lists 127. Some were written in Latin, others in Bohemian, though Komensky, having received his theological training in Germany, was con- versant with the language of that country also. As a master of Bohemian diction he had few, if any, peers. To the revivalists Komensky's writings were a safe and never-failing storehouse of philologic ma^ terial and even today, despite the circumstance that Bohemian syntax and orthography like the English, have undergone an essential change, his style is a source of delight to literary purists. 1 Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England. Book IX., p. 128. 44 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY His chief writings that have been translated into EngHsh, and the main facts of their publication, are as follows: The Gate of Tongues Unlocked first appeared in Latin in Leszno (Lissa), Poland, in 1631; the same year in German. The Bohemian edition is dated 1633, the English 1633. The School of Infancy. This manual was written primarily for the use of Bohemian schools, but when the author realized that he could not return to his fatherland, being a Protestant, the work was trans- lated into German. The English edition is dated 1641. The Bohemian manuscript was discovered only in 1856 and put into print two years later. A Reformation of Schooles was printed for Michael Sparke, London, 1642. The History of the Bohetnian Persecution, which is one of the author's church works, was completed in Bohemian in 1632, but was not published in that tongue until 1655. The date of the Latin version is 1647; of the English, 1650. Jeremy Collier's rendering into English of the Pan- sophiae, or, as the translator entitled it, Pattcrne of Universall Knoivledge, is dated, London, 165 1. Pub- lished in 1643, in Danzig, it was printed two years later in Amsterdam. The Bohemian translation is quite recent, dating from 1879. "No one can impar- tially claim for Komensky a high rank as a philoso- pher," comments Count LiJtzow, "and it is certainly a mistake to speak of Komensky's system of philosophy. INTRODUCTORY 45 There is no philosophical system of Komensky in the sense that there exists a philosophical system of Spinoza." The Physicae or Naturall Philosophic Reformed by Divine Light was printed in Leipsic in 1633, i" Am- sterdam 1643, 1645, 1663, etc. The Bohemian trans- lation is recent. The English edition, in this catalogue, is of 1651. The True and Readie Way to Learne the Latine Tongue appeared in Leszno, 1633. It was translated later into Dutch, English (our catalogue's London edition is of 1654), Magyar, Swedish and Polish. The Latin-Bohemian-German edition is dated Trencin, Hungary, 1649. Komensky 's most popular book, the Orhis Sensua- lium Pictiis, was printed originally in Nuremberg, in 1658. The English translation by Charles Hoole fol- lowed one year later. The Latin-German-Magyar- Bohemian edition was issued in 1685; the first Ameri- can edition, a reprint from Hoole's twelfth London edition, in New York, in 18 10. That the English translation of The Great Didactic, which Komensky wrote between 1627-1632 in the Bo- hemian language and in 1640 in Latin (published in Amsterdam, 1657), was not undertaken until our time (1896) is a matter of great surprise. The same com- ment is pertinent to Komensky's most readable little volume, The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, which strikingly reminds one of Bun- yan*s Pilgrim s Progress. It was only in 1905 that it 46 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY found an able translator in the person of Count Lut- zow. The Praxis Pietatis, an oft-quoted book which passed through several editions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries has not been translated for the very good reason that it, in itself, was an adaptation, from the Practice of Piety, a volume by an English divine. The Exhortation of the Churches of Bohemia to the Church of England, Englished by Joshua Tymarchus and printed for Thomas Parkhurst, in Cheapside, 1 66 1, was used eighty-seven years later as an argu- ment and a plea by a distinguished English American, Gen. Oglethorpe. Addressing the English Parliament (1748) in favor of the passage of a bill to relieve the United Brethren, or Moravians, from military duty and oaths, General Oglethorpe explained that the "Brethren were received in England under King Edward the Sixth, and coun- tenanced under his successors. . . . And to speak a few words of their further intercourse with the Church of England. Their Bishop, Comenius, presented the history of his church to King Charles the Second, in the year 1660, with a moving account of their suffer- ings, addressed to the Church of England. . . In the year 1683, a most pathetic account of these Brethren was published by order of Archbishop Sancroft and Bishop Compton. They also addressed the Church of England, in the year 1715, being reduced to a very low ebb in Poland; and his late Majesty, George I., by the recommendation of tb^ late Arghbishop Wake, gave INTRODUCTORY 47 orders in Council for the relief of these reformed epis- copal churches, and Letters Patent for their support were issued soon after." The prognostications made in Revelation Revealed by two Apocalyptical Treatises, is a book which re- lates to prophecies and alleged visions by Christopher Kotter, Christina Poniatovia and an unscrupulous im- postor, Nichols Drabik by name. Genuinely believ-' ing in the truth of the prophecies of this trio, Komen- sky was ridiculed and criticized by contemporaries, es- pecially by the Frenchman, Pierre Bayle (1647- 1706) in his Dictionnaire Historiqite et Critique. Hallam's belittling appraisal of the author of Orhis Sensualium Pictiis ("this author, a man of much industry, some ingenuity, and a little judgment, made himself a tem- porary reputation by his Orhis Sensualium Pictus, etc.") is no doubt traceable to Bayle's unfavorable esti- mate. Bayle's writings, be it remarked, were held in high regard by men of letters of his time. In 1892 educators the world over observed the threes hundredth anniversary of Komensky's birth. The March (1892) number of the Educational Review was wholly devoted to him ; it contained articles by the editor, Nicholas Murray Butler (now President of Co- lumbia University) S. S. Laurie, C W. Bardeen, Paul H. Hanus. The American Bohemians in several cities, Chicago, New York, Omaha, Milwaukee and Cleve- land, by appropriate ceremonies also celebrated the an- niversary of the birth of their distinguished fellow- countryman. 48 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Language and Literature. The Cheskian An- thology (1832) compiled by Sir John Bowring (1792- 1872) is the earliest known effort to acquaint the Eng- lish reading public with Bohemian literature which was just then beginning to revive from the debacle of the Thirty Years' War. Before this, Bowring had written a sympathetic review for the Foreign Quarterly Re- viezv (1828) of Joseph Jungmann's Historie literatury ceske. For the Westminster Review (1830) he wrote a resume of the Manuscript of the Queen's Court (Rukopis Kralodvorsky) since pronounced by philol- ogists, like Macpherson's Songs of Ossian, spurious. Another Englishman who formed a deep attach- ment for the youthful Bohemian republic of letters was the Rev. Albert Henry Wratislaw (1821-1889). By his several translations and original studies Wratislaw rendered valuable service in England to the nation from which his ancestors had sprung. Wratislaw claimed descent from the ancient and honorable fam- ily of the Wratislaws of Mitrovic. Conceivably the relationship with the Wratislaws of Bohemia prompted him to translate into English The Adventures of Baron Wenceslas Wratislazu of Mitroivitz. Wratislaw's Bo- hemian Poems, Ancient and Modern, from the orig- inal Slavonic (Bohemian) is a skillful piece of work. Writing under the pen name Talvj, Mrs. Robinson, wife of the Rev. Robinson, has devoted a chapter in her Historical Viezv of the Languages and Literaturei of the Slavonic Nations to the History of the Czekhish or Bohemian Languages and Literature. Mrs. Robin* INTRODUCTORY 49 son's views on Bohemian literature are by no means her own. Palacky and Safaf-ik have pointed out that the chapter is nothing but an extract from Paul J. Safafik's Geschichte dcr slaviscJien Spraclic iind Lite- ratur nach alien Mnndartcn. The pseudonym Talvj, by the way, she conceived by putting together the ini- tial letters of her maiden name, T. A. L. v. J., that is, Theresa Albertina Louisa von Jacobi. Flora P. Kopta's Bohemian Legends and Other Poems is not a satisfying work. Far more felicitous than her poetry is her prose volume. The Forestman of Vimpek. The credit for worthily introducing Bohemian poetry belongs to an Englishman, P. Selver. The An- thology of Modern Bohemian Poetry is an admirable achievement. Not only is Selver's interpretation faith- ful, but the selection of authors is representative. Leo Wiener, a well-known Slavic scholar connected with Harvard University, has presented to the public a fine rendition of J. S. Machar's Magdalen. Richard WilHam MorfiU (1835-1909), late Slavic Professor at Oxford, has written voluminously on Slavic history and philology. Among his philological studies are: a simplified grammar of the Polish lan- guage, a grammar of the Russian language, a grammar of the Bulgarian language, A Grammar of the Bohe- mian or Cecil language. The last named is the only work of its kind in English, Charles Jonas' Bohemian Made Emy being really an interpreter and not a scien- tific grammar. The Bohemian Literary Society of Chi- 50 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY cago, it is reported, has in preparation a new English grammar for the study of the Cech language. In Count Liitzow's History of Bohemian Literature, the student will find an excellent manual. With his usual painstaking care, the author recounts in a lucid manner the story of Bohemian literature, its glory and its vicissitudes. Miscellany. Attention is called to a meritorious volume under this subtitle, by de Moleville, The Cos- tumes of the Hereditary (!) States of the House of Austria. Fifteen plates portray old Bohemian, Slo- vak and Moravian costumes. Music. Critics rate Bedfich Smetana (1824-1884) as the greatest Bohemian composer, yet it is Dr. An- tonin Dvoi^ak ( 184 1 -1904) who is the most widely known outside of his native country. The reason for this is that Dvorak visited England and spent a num- ber of years in New York as director of a conservatory of music. "The forcefulness and freshness of Dvo- rak's music," writes H. E. Krehbiel, the noted New York musical critic, "come primarily from his use of dialects and idioms derived from the folk-music of the Chekhs. . . . Dvorak is not a nationalist in the Lisztian sense; he borrows not melodies but the charac-= teristic elements from the folk-songs of his people." Smetana's renown was won on precisely the same ground which made Dvorak famous, the only differ- ence being that Smetana applied the principle of the folk-song before Dvorak. Previous to Smetana's time one could speak of music in Bohemia, but not of Bohe- The Kralice Bible Though not the oldest in point of date, the Kralice Hible (ist ed. 1570-0^ 6 vs ) IS the most renowned of all the Bohemian Bibles. Formerly in I«;ll c "°»''i°'t"'""^-'^'^-"°"■ "'^ property, with other rare Bohemian Bibles, ot the New York Cit\ Public Library INTRODUCTORY 51 mian music. George Benda (i 721-1795), Joseph Myslivecek (i 737-1 781), John Ladislav Dusik (1761- 1812 — the name of this "neglected composer" is also spelled Dussek), Vaclav John Tomasek or Tomaschek (1774-1850), author of the usual method of fingering double scales, were writers of music who belonged to the period when there was music in Bohemia, when composers were content to imitate Beethoven, Bach, Mozart and Wagner ; when they strove to out-German the Germans in music. Smetana was the first to strike the true chord of inspiration — the chord touching the nation's soul — the folk-song. It was the influence of the folk-song which lent to his masterpiece, the Bar- tered Bride (Prodana Nevesta) its exquisite charm and enduring freshness. Apropos, the Bartered Bride was introduced to the American public at the New York Metropolitan Opera House on April 29, 1909, and the baton on this unforgettable occasion was wielded by Gustav Mahler, also a native of Bohemia, though not a Cech. Of the several musical artists who have visited the United States, none have won larger recognition from the critics and the public than Jan Kubelik (born 1880), violinist, Emmy Destinn (born 1878), soprano. Periodicals. The long cherished wish that there might be an English language newspaper which should interpret to the Americans the ideals of the Bohemian race was realized in September, 1892, when The Bohe- mian Voice, a monthly printed in Omaha and pub- lished by the National Committee, was issued. Through 52 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY lack of funds The Bohemian Voice was forced to sus- pend publication in November, 1894. The first editor of this "organ of the Bohemian-Americans in the United States" was Thomas Capek; upon his resigna- tion, in April, 1894, J. J. Krai took charge as editor. The speculative American Bi-Monthly, launched in Chicago in 19 14, failed after publishing two numbers. In February, 19 17, the Bohemian National Alliance in America started a monthly in Chicago, The Bohe- mian Review. In the initial number the editor, Dr. J. F. Smetanka, argues as follows: "If some two hun- dred thousand people^ can support more than eighty publications in the Bohemian language, why should not three hundred thousand of their children, more used to the English language, establish and support just one organ devoted to their interests as Americans of Czech descent?" In conclusion it may be added, that The New Europe, of London, though by no means a Bohemian or a Slavic magazine, has paid generous attention to Bohemian questions as affected by the war. Among the collaborators of The New Europe are such able students of Austrian politics as Thomas G. Masaryk, late Professor at the Bohemian University of Prague, Dr. R. W. Seton- Watson of King's College and H. Wickham Steed of the London Times. Plans, Maps. etc. Of especial interest to the students of American Colonial history is the Map of 1 The 1910 U. S. census has found in the country 539,392 people of Bohemian stock, of whom 228,738 were foreign born, 310,654 native born. INTRODUCTORY 53 Virginia and Maryland this present Year 1670 Sur- veyed and Exactly Drawne by the Only Labour and Endeavour of Augustin Herrnian, Bohemiensis." A copy of this rare map is on file in the Library of Con- gress in Washington.^ In addition to the Map of Maryland, Herrman made a sketch of New Amster- dam (New York) as that city looked in 1650. Herr- man is reputed to be the first Bohemian immigrant to America, coming here in 1633. On the site of the former Bohemia Manor in Cecil County, Maryland, there is still preserved a tombstone bearing this in- scription: "Avgvstine Herrmen Bohemian The First Fovnder Seater of Bohemea Manner Anno 1661." Like Wenceslaus Hollar, John Amos Komensky, Paul Skala ze Zhofe, (the historian) and thousands of other Protestants, Herrman, the son of a minister of the gospel, was forced to flee from Bohemia after the overthrow of the Protestants there. Politics and War Publications. Publication has received an unwonted impetus from the war. Never since the Thirty Years' War have the grievances and political aspirations of the Bohemians been given more widespread publicity. Woodrow Wilson stated the situation precisely in one of his books when he declared that "no lapse of time, no defeat of hopes, seems suffi- cient to reconcile the Czechs of Bohemia to incorpora- tion with Austria." Since 1848, the year which saw ■^ For Augustine Hcrrman's life see Pamdtky Ccskych Emi- grants V Americe (Data on Bohemian Immigration to America), oy Thomas Capek, Omaha, 1907. J. V. Nigrin described Herr- man's map in the Chicago Svoniost, August 2-9, 1914. 54 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY the dawn of constitutionalism in the Hapsburg monar- chy, the Bohemians have been asking for home rule; the lessons of war at once suggested a bolder program, a new orientation. Presently their leaders demand a separation from Austria and the inclusion in an inde- pendent Bohemian State of the Slovaks of Hungary, Under this subtitle the reader will find indexed articles by opponents (Heilprin) as well as by well-wishers. Of the new orientation, that is, of a Bohemian-Slovak State, free and independent, the leading intellect out- side of Bohemia is Professor Masaryk, temporarily an exile in England. Thomas Garrigue Masaryk (the middle name is as- sumed from that of his American wife, Miss Charlotte Garrigue of New York) is writing his name large in what posterity will joyfully call Bohemian Emancipa- tion. Masaryk was born of humble Moravian-Slovak parentage in 1850. From the time he entered public life, he was always a rebel, though in the finest sense of the term; rebel in politics, rebel in literature, rebel in the manner he interpreted Bohemian nationalism. That he was not summarily removed from the chaif he occupied in the Prague University was due to feaf of the man, to fear of his large following, and not to the want of powerful accusers or because of scruples on the part of the government. In native literature and politics alike, Masaryk's activities are bound to leave a deep mark. Fortunately for the cause, he was able to effect his escape from Austria in the early stages of the war. INTRODUCTORY 55 An able writer and a forceful advocate of Bohe- mia's cause in the United States is Charles Pergler, vice-president of the Bohemian National Alliance 'm^ America. Prague. Von Humboldt was not the only traveler -who thought that the capital of the Bohemian Kingdom was the most beautiful inland town of all Europe. American and English tourists who have visited the city all concur in the opinion of von Humboldt. "Prague to a Bohemian," to quote Arthur Symons (Harper's Magazine, Sept., 1901), "is the epitome of ihe history of his country ; he sees it as the man sees the woman he loves, with her. first beauty." Liitzow's Story of Prague will fully repay the reader who would like to know more of this beautiful mediaeval city. Sociology and Economics. The theme of Slavic immigration to America within the last twenty-five years has been considered by politicians, settlement workers, immigration "specialists," professional labor agitators and others. The caption of Alois B. Kou- kol's article in The Clmritics and Commons, A Slav's a Man for A' That, sums up the situation precisely. Yes, the American Slav is a man, for all that has been said about him — chiefly against him — by professional labor agitators; but it took the Great War to demon- strate his utility to America. No economist has writ- ten of him with greater sympathy, understanding and tact than Emily Greene Balch, teacher at Wellesley College. To get a more accurate perspective on the 5Q BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY subject, Miss Balch went to the source, to their home- lands to observe Our Slavic Fclloiv Citizens. SoKOLS. The "Sokol Union" (Sokol in Bohemian means falcon, a bird typical of strength and fearless- ness) is, or rather was, until the Great War, the most powerful non-political organization in Bohemia. Sus- pecting its members of disloyalty, the authorities in the first stages of the war, dissolved it. Miroslav Tyrs and Henry Fiigner founded the "Sokol Union" in 1862. Body culture is the primary though not the sole aim of the society; considered from its ethical aspect the "Sokol Union" contemplates nothing less than the moral and physical regeneration of the Bohemian race. From Bohemia the Sokol idea has gradually found its way into other Slav countries, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria and there are Sokols, men and women, even in America. Travel and Description. The old time travelers like Christian Frederick Bamberger, Georg Robert Gleig, Johann Georg Keysler, Johann Georg Kohl, de- scribed not the kingdom of the Cechs, but Bohemia, the Province of Austria. After 1621 Bohemia ceased to exist as an independent state and the veneer of Teu- tonism thickened from year to year. So complete seemed the denationalization of Bohemia in the eigh- teenth century and even in the first part of the nine- teenth, that foreigners visiting the baths at Carlsbad and Marienbad were surprised to hear peasants talk in an unknown tongue. As for the real Bohemia, after she had again found herself, no English or Amer- INTRODUCTORY 57 ican traveler has more trenchantly described her cas- tles, her mediaeval churches, her splendid ruins, her roads, her industries, her schools, than James Baker. Two books by travelers of Bohemian nationality might be mentioned, though, strictly speaking, they have no place in our Bohemica. They are Dr. Emil Holub's Seven Years in South Africa; travels, re- searches, and hunting adventures betzueen the diamond fields and the Zambesi, 1872-79, translated by Ellen Frewer and published in London by Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington in 1881. Tiie other is B. Kroupa's An Artist's Tour; gleanings and impressions of travels in North and Central America and the Sandwich Is- lands. With illustrations by the author. Published by Ward & Downey, London, in 1890. The opinion has been expressed that John Lederer, the Virginia traveler, was not an Austrian, as some surmise, but a Bohemian.^ Lederer is by no means an uncommon surname among Bohemians ; moreover, there is evidence that Bohemian exiles began settling in Virginia during the Thirty Years' War. ^ The Discoveries of John Lederer, in three several marches from Virginia to the west of Carolina, and other parts of the Continent: Begun in March, 1669, and ended in September, 1670. Together with a General Map of the whole territory which he traversed. Collected and translated out of Latine from his Dis- course and Writings by Sir William Talbot, Baronet. London. Printed by J. C. for Samuel Heyrick, at Grays Inne-Gate in Holborn. 1672. II ART PUBLICATIONS Berlin Photographic Company, Catalogue of an exhibi- tion of contemporary graphic art in Hungary, Bohemia and Austria, December 6-27, 1913. In- troductory by Martin Birnbaum. Portraits. Plates. 50 pp. New York. 1913. Brozik, Vaclav. Catalogue of the studies, sketches, paint- ings, antiques, tapestries of fully described with sketch of his life. 60 pp. Exhibited at John Wanamaker Art Gallery. New York. 1902. Holarek, Emile. War. Pictures by with read- ings in the subject from the writings of Leo Tolstoy and others. Edited by V. Tchertkoff. Christchurch. Free Age Press. 4° 17 1. New York. Hollar, Wenceslaus. The foremost reference book is George Vertue's, Description of the Works of the Ingenious Delineator and Engraver Wenceslaus Hollar, disposed into Classes of Different Sorts; with some account of His Life. Printed in Lon- don, for the editor G. V. A Member of the Society of Antiquaries. 1745. Lists over 1000 works. Included therein is: A small view of 58 ART 59 Prague, Another small view of Prague from St. Lorentzberg to Schloss, Two Coins in Honour of the Garter, upon the Investiture of Frederick, King of Bohemia, View of Prague, Another View of Prague by the River Molda, A large Prospect of Prague, in three plates, drawn in 1636 and done at Antwerp. With F. Place, Hollar drew among others: An exact Map of America, A Map of Hungary, A Map of Africa, A Map of England. Under Various Habits of Nations is found, Mulier Pragensis, Civis Pragensis Filia, Mercatoris Pragensis Uxor, Mulier Bohemica bonffi qualitatis, Nobilis Mulier Bohemica, Rustica Bohemica, Two different heads of Hol- lar's wife. The Guide to the Drawings and Prints exhibited to the Public in King's Library, British Museum, enumerates nearly two hundred portraits of eminent personages of the time, views, etc. A valuable reference is: A catalogue of a collection of Prints, the work of , the property of a distinguished collecter. Added, a small collection of portraits of distinguished artists ; also some choicer productions of Morglen, Hogarth, Wille, etc. Sold by auction, by Mr. Sotheby, i6th July, 1827. 8°. 28 pp. Davy. London. 1827. Of the more noted subjects men- tion is made of: Solemn League and Covenant, for reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happinesse of the King and the peace and safety of the three Kingdoms o£ England, Scotland and Ireland. 1643. The Holy Bible, etc. With large engravings chiefly by , 1659. fo. The Fables of ^sop para- 60 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY phrased in verse, by J. Ogilby. The frontispiece and the engravings to ^sop. Pt. i, fables i, 2, 4, 5, 7-19, etc. ; pt. 2, fables 1-13, etc., and to the Ephesian Matron, being by , 1665. fo. Exact surveigh of the streets, lanes and churches contained within the mines of the city of Lon- don. 1667. London Topographical Society. London. 1908. Dance of Death, painted by J. Holbein, and engraved by . The Dance of Machabree, wherein is lively expressed . . . the state of manne. . . . ^lade by Dan John Lydgate, Monke of S. Edmunds Bury, The whole edited, with preface and description of the plates, etc., by F. Douce. London. 1794. 8°. 33 plates, including the portrait of Hollar and that of Holbein. Holme, Charles, editor. Peasant Art in Austria and Hungary. Introduction by A. S. Levetus; Peasant Art by M. Haberlandt. Bohemia-Eger- land, plates Nos. 226-300; Moravia, 301-360; Silesia, 363-373. Illustrated. The Studio. Lon- don. Paris. New York. 191 1. Lehner, Ferdinand. Ceska Skola Malifska XI. veku. The Bohemian School of Painting of the XI. Cen- tury. Bohemian text; preface translated into English by Jane Mourek. Illustrated. Reprodukci a tiskem Ceske Graficke Spolecnosti Unie. Prague. Lessing, Karl Friedrich. Notices in English of his paint- ing: The Martyrdom of Huss. From a catalogue of the Diisseldorf Gallery. Mucha, Alphonse Marie, in Posters by Charles Matlack Price. Illustrated. George W. Bricka. New York, 191 3. NEVVES From Bohemia. An Jpologie Made by the States of the King-- dome of Bohemia , Ihcwing the Rcafons why ihofeof the Reformed Religion were mowed to take Armes/or the de- fence of the King and themfciucs, eJpecUlly agAtnfi the iingt- roHS SeB ef lefitites. WITH A plaine Declaration, that thofe who belono; vnto the Monafteries and Ecclcfiafticall lurirdidion ( according rnto his Maicrtics Letters, and Agreements made bccweenc tlic Stares of the Reformed Religion and the Papifts) hauc good right, ns being Sub- ^^ ■ ieds of the Imperial! Maieftic, to the peaceable excrafi of tlie'ir Di- id>]t Sendee., avd building of Cburchet, Tranflatcd out of Dutch into Latin« , anci thcHce intoEr^glifljy ^Will. Philip. LONDONy PiintcJ by Georae Pwfioyf for Ralph RottuthwAtte , and arc to bee Ibia at his Shop, at the Signe of die Flow«rdcluce andCiownc, inPnHls Church-y::rd. » 6 19. News from Bohemia Recital of reasons why the Protestants resorted to arms to protect themselves ART 61 Naprstek's Bohemian Industrial Museum from , Our Mothers' Work. A Selection of Bohemian National Embroidery, fo. 25 plates. 33 pp. English and French preface, signed Jan Koula. Prague. 1898. §ima, Joseph. Selections of native designs of embroid- ered work from Bohemia, Moravia and north- eastern Hungary, fo. 30 colored plates and 19 illustrations. A. Pisa. Brno, Moravia. 1909. Vojan, J. E. S. Some Thoughts on the Graphic Arts. Introductory to, A Portfolio of Prints. Etchings by Rudolph Ruzicka, etc. The Graphic Arts Club. New York, 1908. Vondrous, J. C. The Etchings of , by William B. M'Cormick. Exhibited in the gallery of Arthur H. Hahlo & Co. Illustrated. 27 pp. New York. 191 7. ARTICLES Connolly, Louise. What Shall "Made in America" Stand For? The Woman Citizen. New York. 2:210- II. Feb. 9, 1918. Czecho-Slovak Exhibition of Art, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The New York Times Magazine Section. Dec. 23, 1917. Fred, W. Two Bohemian Painters: F. Jennewein and E. Holarek. Illustrated. Artist. New York. 32:196-200. 1902. Korbel, Mario. The Work of . The Interna- tional Studio. New York. 57:XIX. Nov., 1915. Memorial Sculpture in Denver by . Illustrated. ^ 62 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY The International Studio. New York. 59:LXI. Sept., 1916. Sculptures by . Town and Country. New York. 71 :27. Nov. i, 1916. American Art News, New York. 15:1, Nov. 11, 1916. ■ by C. Owen Lublin. Illustrated. Town and Coun- try. New York. 71 126. Mar. 10, 191 7. -Three plates from an exhibition of sculpture by . The New Country Life. New York. 32:53-5- June, 1917. A Portrait Bust: The Art World. New York. 3:135. Nov., 1917. Kratina, Joseph. Exhibit of the Work of ^ . Il- lustrated. The International Studio. New York. 58:61-3. Apr., 1916. Levetus, A. S. Austrian Peasant Embroidery. The International Studio. New York. 29:111-18; same, The Personal Ornaments of the Austrian Peasant. 29:332-38. 1906. McCabe, Lida Rose. Peasant Art in New York's Bo- 1 hemia. Joseph Mrazek's Peasant Art. The Art World. New York. 3:356-58. Jan., 1918. Moravian Slovakei Art. A. S. L. Illustrated. The International Studio. New York. 50:150-55. Aug., 1913. Mucha, Alphonse M. and the New Mysticism. By Christian Brinton. Illustrated. Century. New York. 69:216-25. Dec, 1904. Polasek, Albin. The Exhibition of the works of , by Agnes Gertrude Richards. Fine Arts Journal. "4- Chicago. 35:122-26. Feb., 1917. ART 63 Prinsep, V. C. Bohemia: New Country for the Artist. Illustrated. Magazine of Art. New York. '^28:125-28. Jan., 1904. Ruzicka, Rudolph. An Appreciation of , by D. B. Updike. Illustrated. The Printing Art. Cam- bridge. 30:17-24. Sept., 1917. Wood Engraver. By S. H. Horgan. The Inland Printer. Chicago. 59:617. 1917. Schanzer, Hedwig. Teaching of Design at the Prague Arts and Crafts School. Illustrated. The In- ternational Studio. New York. 45 :277-86. Feb., 1912, Tyrs, Renata. Bohemian Needlework and Costumes. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. 2:5-8. Jan., 1918. Vojan, J. E. S. Indians in Bohemian Art. Daily News. Chicago. Dec. 14, 1912. Story of Bohemian Graphic Art. The Sunday Re' publican. Cedar Rapids. Mar. 30, 191 3. Fine Arts in Bohemia. The Bohemian Review, Chicago. 1:8-10. Oct.; 1:6-8. Nov.; 1:5-7. Dec. y 1917; 2:23-7. Feb., 1918. .A, Ill BIBLIOGRAPHY PUBLICATIONS AND ARTICLES Balch, Emily Greene. Bibliography. Pp. 483-512. Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. Charities Publication Committee. New York. 1910. Bibliography. Division of . Library of Congress. Supplementary to list of books on immigration, 1907. List of references on Slavs in America. Select list 52. Typewritten. Washington. 191 5. Firkins, Ina Ten Eyck. Slavs in the United States. A reading list compiled by . Bulletin of Bibliography. Boston. 8:217-21. Oct., 1915. Hrbek, Jeffrey D. List of books in English relating to Bohemians and Bohemia. Osveta Americka. Omaha. Dec. 30, 1908. Kerner, R. J. Foundations of Slavic Bibliography. Re- printed from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. 10:3-39. Jan., 1916, Pub- lished for the Bibliographical Society of America. Chicago. 1916. Slavic Europe. A Selected Bibliography in the Western European Languages comprising history, languages and literatures. 500 pp. Harvard University Press. Cambridge. 1918. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY 65 Malin, Wm. Gunn. Catalogue of books relating to, or illustrating the history of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, as established in Bohemia and Moravia by followers of John Huss, overthrown and exiled by Ferdinand II, of Austria, renewed and reorganized under the auspices of Count Zinzendorf, and now generally known as the Moravian Church. Pp. i-131. Includes Bohe- mian, English, Latin, German, Dutch and French books collected by Wm. Gunn Malin, member of the Church. The Malin Library, so-called, numbers (1881) 690 works and is the property of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pa. Philadelphia. 1881. Rosenthal, Herman. A List of Russian, other Slavonic and Baltic periodicals in the New York Public Library. 36 pp. Bohemian periodicals pp. 30-31. New York Public Library. 1916. Sum, A. Bohemica. List of books in English. Prague. 1913- Wharton, Leonard Cyril, English books on Bohemia, including translations. Pp. 145-48. Guide to the Bohemian Section and the Kingdom of Bohemia. Prague. 1906. Yarros, Gregory. The Slav Peoples. A study outline. Tentative edition. 23 pp. The H. W. Wilson Co. White Plains and New York. 1915, IV BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAITS PUBLICATIONS AND ARTICLES Augusta, John. Portrait! De Schweinitz's The Unitas Fratrum. Biographical Dictionary of the World's Best Literature. Lives of numerous Bohemian writers. Charles Dudley Warner, editor. J. A. Hill & Co. New York. 1896. Brozik, Vaclav. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Dec, 1892; Biography: Art. New York. 47:130. 1895; Portrait: Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. Budovec, Vaclav of Budova. Portrait : De Schweinitz's The Unitas Fratrum. Cech, Svatopluk. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Nov., 1893; Portrait: Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. Destinn, Emmy. Portrait: Illustrated London News. April 30, 1904. See Music. Dignowity, Anthony M. Autobiography : Bohemia under Austrian Despotism. 12°. 236 pp. By the author. New York. 1859. Dobrovsky, Josef. Portrait: Vicker's History of Bo- hemia. 66 BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAITS 67 Dussek (Dusik) Jan Ladislav. Biography t Baker's Biog. Diet, of Music, i6o; Paine's Famous Com- posers, 2:588. Pvofak, Antonin. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Nov., 1892; Portrait: Baker's Biog. Diet, of Music, 161; Century, 22:642. 1892; Critic, 30:241. 1897; Elson's Modern Com- posers of Europe; Hadow's Studies in Mod. Music, 2:190; Harper's Magazine, 90:428. 1895; Harper's Weekly, 38:441. 1894; Outlook, 71 :650, 1902 ; Paine's Famous Composers, 2 :50 ; Review of Reviews, 29 :75o ; Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. See Music. Fibich, Zdenek. Portrait: Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. Gregr, Edward. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. April, 1893. Havlicek, Karel. Biography : J. E. S. Vojan in Memorial (English and Bohemian), issued by the Publica- tion Committee of the Association for the erection of a monument to Karel Havlicek in Chicago, July 30, 191 1 ; Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. July, 1893 ; Portrait : Vicker's History of Bohemia; Gregor's Story of Bohemia; Biography: J. E. S. Vojan in the Eng- lish Section of Organ Bratrstva C. S. P. S. 24:258. 19 1 6. Herrman, Augustine. Portrait and biography: New Amsterdam and its People. J. H. Innes. Hollar, Wenceslaus. Portrait and biography: Douce's edition, 1794, of Dance of Death; portrait and biography: Vertue's Description of the Works of 68 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Hrbek, Jeffrey D. Biographical Sketch in his Linden Blossoms. Poems. With foreword by C. F. Ansley. 8°. 126 pp. The Torch Press. Cedar Rapids. 1908. Hus, John. Portrait and biography: Hume's Portraits of Leading Reformers. 1851 ; Illustrated London News, 119:821. 1901 ; Maurice's Story of Bo- hemia; Rolt's Lives of the Principal Reformers, 12-22. 1759; De Schweinitz's The Unitas Fratrum; Vicker's History of Bohemia; Gregor's Story of Bohemia; The Bohemian Voice. July, 1894; Review of Reviews, 43:620-21. 1911; ^^ Portraits are very numerous. The only monu- ' ment in the United States to Hus stands in Bohemia Village, Long Island. Description and picture in the Bohemian Voice. Oct., 1893. Janauschek, Frances. Portrait : McClure's Magazine. Sept., 1894. See Drama. Jerome of Prague. Portrait: Hume's Portraits of Leading Reformers. 185 1 ; Rolt's Lives of Re- formers. 1759. Jirasek, Alois. Portrait: Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. Jonas, Charles. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Mar. 1894. Jungmann, Josef. Portrait: Vicker's History of Bo- hemia. KoUar, Jan. Portrait and biographical note: The Bo- hemian Voice. Aug., 1893; Vicker's History of Bohemia; Gregor's Story of Bohemia. Biog- raphy: Louis Leger's article Le Poete du Pan- slavisme, translated for the Bohemian Voice. June to Sept., 1894; The Life of — — r-^, a biograghy. BIOGRAPHY AND PORTRAITS 69 32 pp. English version by John Kulamer, Slovak version by Peter S. Kompis. Slovak League of America. Pittsburgh. 1917. Komensky, John Amos. Portrait and biographical note : The Bohemian Voice. Oct., 1892 ; Harper's Weekly, 36:326. 1892; Maurice's Story of Bo- hemia; De Schweinitz's The Unitas Fratrum; Vicker's History of Bohemia ; Review of Reviews, 43:620-21. 191 1. Kubelik, Jan. Portraits : Century, 41 :745. 1902 ; Critic, 40:6. 1902; Harper's Weekly, 45:1131. 1901 ; same, 46:1. 1902; Illustrated London News, 119 :77i. 1901 ; Vanity Fair Album, 35 :877. 1903. Kvapil, Jaroslav. Biography; Sarka B. Hrbkova, Poet Lore, 27:76-80. 1916. Liitzow, Count Francis. Biography: J. E. S. Vojan, English section of Organ Bratrstva C S. P. S. 24:55. 1916. Masaryk, Thomas G. Biography; J. E. S. Vojan, Eng- lish section of Organ Bratrstva C S. P. S. 23:260. 191 5; same, and portrait, The Bohemian Review, i i^-y. 191 7. Mucha, Alphonse M. Portrait: Lamp, 28:330. 1904. Naprstek, Vojta. Biography: Clara Vostrovsky, The Sequoia, Palo Alto, Cal., Mar. 8, 1895; Portrait and biography: The Bohemian Voice, Sept., 1893; same, Oct. and Nov., 1894; Portrait: Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. Nemcova, Bozena. Portrait and biographical note : The Bohemian Voice, May, 1893; Biography: Frances Gregor's Grandmother. Neruda, Jan. Portrait and biographical note: The Bo- hemian Voice. June, 1893. 70 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Ondficek, Frantisek. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Oct., 1893. Palacky, Frantisek. Portrait : Vicker's History of Bo- hemia; Gregor's Story of Bohemia. Rieger, Frantisek L. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. Jan., 1893. Rokycana, Jan. Portrait: De Schweinitz's The Unitas Fratrum. Safafik, Paul Josef. Portrait : Vicker's History of Bohemia. Sladek, Josef Vaclav. Portrait : Jacks' Robert Burns in other tongues, 254. 1896. Smetana, Bedf ich. Portrait and biographical note : The Bohemian Voice. Feb., 1893; Baker's Biog. Diet, of Music, 549. 1900; Elson's IModern Composers of Europe; Portraits: Alonroe's Bohemia and the Cechs; Review of Reviews. May, 191 1; by Max Svabinsky in, Bohemia, published by The Bo- hemian National Alliance in America. See Music. Svetla, Karolina. Portrait and biographical note: The Bohemian Voice. ]\Iar., 1894. Tyrs, Miroslav. Portrait and biography: Introduction to the foundations of gymnastics. See Sokols. Vrchlicky, Jaroslav. Portrait and biographical note : The Bohemian Voice. June, 1894; Biography by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. 24:309-11. 1913. Portrait : Monroe's Bohemia and the Cechs. 2erotin, Lord Karel. Portrait: De Schweinitz's The Unitas Fratrum. 2izka, Jan. Portrait of monument : The Bohemian Voice. Feb., 1894; Portrait: Review of Reviews, 43:620-21. 191 1. THE REASONS '^. which .Z compelled the States of Bohemia to reied the Arckidukc Ferdinand &c,&inforccd them to elect a new King. Togeathct. WITH THE PROPO- fition which v as made vppon the firft motion of the chocie of th' Ektior P alar me to be King o£ Bohe- mia, hy the States of that Kingdome in their pttbllqueaflcmblyonthe of Auguflj being the birth day of the fame Either PaUtine. Tranflatcd out of the french copies; at. Dort. Trintct by; ^corgc Waters; The Reasons Which compelled the Bohemian Estaici to reject For 'inand of x'Xustria and choose Frederick of the Palatinate as their King / BOHEMIAN GLASS PUBLICATIONS Dillon, Edward. Glass. 4°. 374 pp. Bohemian Glass, pp. 242-93. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. 1907. Sauzay, A. Wonders of Glass Making in all Ages. 63 engravings. Bohemia, pp. 49-55 ; 146-47. Scrib- ner, Armstrong & Co. New York. 1872. ARTICLES Baker, James. The Glass Trade of Bohemia. Chamber's Journal. London. Oct., 1903. Bohemian Glass. Illustrated. National Magazine. Ne w * York. 3:489-94. Dec, 1853. Dyer, W. A. Bohemian Glassware. Illustrated. Coun- try Life. New York. 13:401-3. Feb., 1908. Powell, H. J. Glass-Blowing in Bohemia. Magazine^ of Art. New York. 28:421-23. July, 1904. Schwartz, H. Bohemian Glass. Popular Science Monthly. New York. 29:346-52. 1886. 71 VI DICTIONARIES. GRAMMARS. INTERPRETERS PUBLICATIONS Eliasova, B. M. (Cvicebnice anglickeho jazyka pro skoly.) Text Book of the English Language for Schools. 250 pp. Bursik & Kohout. Prague. 1909. Fejfar, F. (Anglicka fraseologie obchodni.) Business Phraseology in English. Prague. 1904. Francl, F. (Ucebnice jazyka anglickeho pro samouky.) Text Book of the English Language for Self- tuition. 248 pp. Bohemian Publishing and Im- porting Co. New York. 1912-13. Jonas, Charles. (Cesko-anglicky Tlumac.) Bohemian English Interpreter. Teaching English to the Bohemian Immigrant in America. Two parts. Racine. 1865. Enlarged in 1884 under the title New American Interpreter (Novy Tlumac Amer- icky). i6th edition in 191 5. ■ (Slovnik cesko-anglicky i anglicko-cesky s dopliiky.) A complete Pronouncing Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Languages, for general use. Two parts: Bohemian-English and English-Bohemian. 72 DICTIONARIES. GRAMMARS 73 1 176 pp. Slavic. Racine, 1876. Numerous edi- tions since. Bohemian Made Easy. A practical Bohemian course for English speaking people. 294 pp. Racine. 1890. Jung, V. A. Unabridged Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Languages. 8°. 1576 pp. J. Otto. Prague. 191 1. Krupicka, Frantisek. (Ucebnice jazyka anglickeho pro obchodni akademie.) Text Book of the English Language for the use of business schools. So- ciety for the support of the Bohemian Slavic Business Academy in Prague. Three parts. 442 pp. 1907. Morfill, R. W. A Grammar of the Bohemian or Cech Language. 8°. 170 pp. Clarendon Press. Ox- ford. 1899. Mourek, V. E. (Slovnik jazyka anglickeho i ceskeho.) A Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Lan- guages. Two parts : English-Bohemian and Bo- hemian-English. L L. Kober. Prague. 1879. Second edition, Otto Holtze's Nachfolger. Leipsic. 1912. (Ucebne listy jazyka anglickeho pro samouky.) Lessons in English for Self-tuition. Two parts. 748 pp. F. A. Urbanek. Prague. 1889. Nigrin, Jaroslav Victor. Bohemian Grammar. (Bo- hemian Made Easy.) 200 pp. Slavic Publishing Company, Chicago. 19 18. Pacak, L. English for Emigrants. 119 pp. Prague. 1912. Shearer, James William. A combination method of in- 74 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY struction for quickly teaching English pronouncia- tion to foreigners. Bohemian. 144 pp. William R. Jenkins Company. New York. 1914. Sladek, J. V. (Anglicka citanka se slovnickem.) Eng- lish Reader and Pocket Dictionary in one. Prague. 1875- (Prupravna mluvnice anglickeho jazyka.) Pre- paratory Grammar of the English Language. 294 pp. F. Rivnac. Prague. Soukup, Anthony M. (Prakticka skola anglickeho jazyka.) Practical School of the English Lan- guage. 366 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1895. (Znalec angliciny.) Teacher of English. New English Grammar. 250 pp. By the author. Chicago, 1899. (Ctenar novin anglickych.) English Newspaper Reader. 240 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1900. (Novy velky anglicko-cesky slovnik.) New Un- abridged English-Bohemian Dictionary. 360 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1900. (Samouk cesko-anglicky.) English Self-Taught. 144 pp. By the author. Chicago. 1906. Straka, Adolf W. English Grammar. Prague. 1862. Vana, Jan. (Strucna anglicka mluvnice.) Brief Eng- lish Grammar and Reader. Prefaced by, How to Pronounce. For the use of schools and self-in- struction. 160 pp. 3rd revised edition. Prague. 1911. • Pocket Dictionary of the English-Bohemian and Bohemian-English Languages. Two parts. 16°. 474 pp. Jindrich Lorenz. Tfebic. Moravia. 1907. DICTIONARIES. GRAMMARS 75 Vymazal, F. (Anglicky snadno a rychle.) Easy Method for Learning English Quickly. 70 pp. F. Backovsky. Prague. 1902. Zdrubek, F. B. (Anglicka mluvnice.) English Gram- mar, or a new proved method to learn to read, write and speak English in three months. 206 pp. Cedar Rapids. 1870. (Nova anglicka mluvnice.) New English Gram- mar. Do you speak English? Cenek Duras. Omaha. 1874 ; same, amplified, two parts. 272 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1874. (Citanka prvni s obrazky.) Illustrated First Reader for the use of American-Bohemian Schools. 116 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1875. (Anglicky vyslovovatel.) English Pronouncer, for the use of American-Bohemian Schools and Self- instruction. 215 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1883. (Kapesni slovnik anglicke a ceske feci.) A Pocket Dictionary of the Bohemian and English Lan- guages, with full pronunciation and accentuation. Part I, English and Bohemian, 288 pp. Part 2, Bohemian and English, 390 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1886. (Ceskoanglicky Tlumac.) Bohemian and English Interpreter. 258 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1898. Zmrhal, Jaroslav J. (Anglicky snadno ve tficeti lilohach.) Easy Method for Learning English in Thirty Lessons. 112 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 191 3. VII DRAMA ARTICLES Hilbert, Jaroslav. Whom the Gods destroy. A one-act drama of the war of 1866. Prefaced and trans- lated by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 27:361-89. 1916. Hrbkova, Sarka B. A Brief History of Modern Bo- hemian Drama. University (of Nebraska) Bul- letin. Lincoln. July, 1914. Janauschek, Francesca Romana Magdalena. Famous American Actors of today, by F. E. McKay. Janauschek, pp. 18-25. Portrait. 8°. T. Y. Crowell & Co. New York. 1896. Passing of . Current Literature. New York. 33:395- Oct., 1902. Estimate of . E. Fuller. Bookman. New York. 20:541-3. Feb., 1905. Portraits of — . McClure's Magazine. New York. 3 :346-47- 1894. Kvapil, Jaroslav. The Will o' the Wisp; a drama in four acts. Translated by Sarka B. Hrbkova. Poet Lore. Boston. 27:1-75. Jan., 1916. Appreciation of , dramatist. By Sarka B. Hrbkova. Poet Lore. Boston. 27:76-80. Jan., 1916; same, Komensky, Organ of the Federation 76 DRAMA 77 of Komensky Educational Clubs. Omaha. June, 1917. The Clouds. A play in three acts. Translated by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 21 '.417-66. Nov. and Dec, 1910. Subert, Frantisek Adolf Jan Vyrava; a drama in five acts. Translateu by Sarka B. Hrbkova. Poet Lore. Boston. 26:281-350. 191 5. The Four Bare Walls ; a drama in four acts. Trans- lated by Beatrice M. Mekota and Francis Haflfkine Snow. Poet Lore. Boston. 28:497-552. The Message of The Four Bare Walls, p. 553. Autumn. 191 7. Vrchlicky, Jaroslav (Emil Frida). At the Chasm; one- act play for the library table. Translated by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 24:289-308. 1913- — ^By Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 24:309-11. 1913- The Witness. Translated by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 25:546-58. 1914. Vengeance of Catullus. Translated by Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 25:536-46. 1914. and his place in Bohemian Drama. Charles Recht. Poet Lore. Boston. 25:534-36. 1914. VIII FICTION PUBLICATIONS Alcock, Deborah. Crushed, yet Conquering: a Story of Constance and Bohemia. 576 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 1892. Baker, James. The Gleaming Dawn. A Romance of the Middle Ages. 8°. 391 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. 1896. The Cardinal's Page. A Story of Historical Ad- venture. Bohemia in the fifteenth century. 8°. 314 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. 1899. Mark Tillotson. 8°. 548 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. Bertram, Paul. The Fifth Trumpet: A story of the last years of the Council at Constance. John Lane Co. London and New York. 1912. Crawford, F. Marion. The Witch of Prague. A Fan- tastic Tale. Illustrated. 8°. 435 pp. The Mac- millan Company. London. 1891. Hay, Marie. The Winter Queen. Being the unhappy history of Elizabeth Stuart, Electress Palatine, Queen of Bohemia. A Romance. 8°. 432 pp. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York and Boston. 1910. 78 FICTION 79 Kopta, Flora P. The Forestman of Vimpek. A Bo- hemian Forest Village Story, 8°. 345 pp. Lathrop Publishing Company. Boston. 1900. Kryshanovskaya, V. I. The Torch-Bearers of Bohemia. Translated from the Russian by Juliet M. Soskice. 302 pp. Chatto and Windus. London. 1916. Leslie, Emma. Before the Dawn. A Tale of Wicliffe and Bohemia. Illustrated. 240 pp. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1880. Lucas, Annie. Wenzel's Inheritance; or, Faithful unto Death. A Story of the Hussites. T. Nelson & Sons. London. 1880. Morfill, R. W. The Last Days of John Hus. A His- torical Romance. Anonymous. Translated from the original Cech and prefaced by . Il- lustrations by J. Dedina. 8°. 173 pp. The Re- ligious Tract Society. London. 1909. Mylechreest, Winifred B. The Fairest of the Stuarts (Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia). 8°. S. Low, Marston & Co. London. 1912. Nemcova, Bozena. The Grandmother (Babicka). A Story of Country Life in Bohemia. Translated with a biographical sketch of the authoress, by Frances Gregor. 8°. 352 pp. A. C. McClurg and Co. Chicago. 1892. Paalzow, Henriette von. Thomas Thyrnau: The Citizen of Prague. Translated from the German by Mary Howitt. 12°. 3vs. London. 1846. Ramee, Louise de la (Ouida.) Strathmore; or, Wrought by His Own Hand. A Life Romance. 12°. 622 pp. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1866. 80 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Sand, George (Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin Dude- vant). Consuelo. Translated from the French by Francis G. Shaw. 12°. W. H. Graham. New- York. 1848. Numerous translations. The Countess of Rudolstadt. Sequel to Consuelo. Translated by Francis G. Shaw. 12°. W. D. Ticknor & Co. Boston. 1847. Numerous trans- lations. Smilovsky, Alois Vojtech. Heavens (Nebesa). Trans- lated from the Czech by V. E. and Jane Mourek. 8°. Bliss & Sands. London. 1894. Svetla, Karolina. Maria Felicia, the Last Mistress of Hlohov. A Story of Bohemian Love. Trans- lated by Antonie Krejsa. 278 pp. A. C. McClurg and Co. Chicago. 1900. Vickers, Robert H. Zawis and Kunlgunde, a Bohemian Tale. 307 pp. C. H. Kerr & Company. Chicago. 1895- Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky. Barbora: Our Little Bo- hemian Cousin. Illustrated. 12°. 99 pp. L. C. Page & Company. Boston. 191 1. ARTICLES Arbes, Jakub. A Modern Bohemian Novelist. By J. J. Krai. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:1-6. Jan. 15, 1892. Newton's Brain. Translated by J. J. Krai. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:429-634. Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, 1892. Reprinted in Clever Tales. Copeland and Day. Boston. Under a Bush of Lilacs. Translated by J. J. Krai. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:318-28. June, July, 1892. A DECLARATION OFTHECAVSES,FOtl THE WHICH, WEE Frederick, BY THE GRACE OF*GOD KING OF Bohemia, COVNT PALATINE OFTHE Rhine, ELECTOR OfJbe Sacred Em- PIRE,&C. feauo T^ ACCEPTED OP THECROIVN E OP^, BoHBiHA, AND OF THE COVN- TryesThfrevnto annexed. V MIDDLEBVRG. Printed by Abrahtun schtUeri, •./ The. Declaration Why Frederick of the Palatinate accepted the Bohemian Crown FICTION 81 Reprinted in Clever Tales, a collection of Twelve Stories by European authors. Copeland and Day. Boston. 1897. ' The Solomon of a Country Town. Translated by J. J. Krai. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. May, June, July, Aug., 1894. Art-Life in Bohemia. All the Year Round. (A weekly journal conducted by Charles Dickens.) London. 23:601-9. 1870. Benes-Tfebizsky, Vaclav. Farmer Krakora. Trans- lated. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Oct., 1894. Breuer, Libbie A. St. Lucy's Eve. A Bohemian legend. University of Texas Magazine. Austin. Nov., 1910. A Bohemian Ballad in verse. University of Texas Magazine. Austin. Dec, 1910. Cech, Svatopluk. The Woes of a Literary Critic. Trans- lated by Thomas Capek. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. July, 1893. The Tailor and the Sparrow. Translated by J. J- Krai. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Apr., 1894. A Pawned Character (Zastavena povaha). Eng- lished by Rose M. Humpal. The International Magazine. Chicago, i ■.26y-yo. Oct., 1896. Same, translated by J. J. Krai, under title. Character in Pawn. Truthseeker. New York. 1901. Herites, Frantisek. A City Son. Translated by Thomas Capek. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. May, 1893. Nemcova, Bozena. Twelve Months (Dvanact mesicu). Translated by Flora P. Kopta. Illustrated by F. C. Gordon. Short Stories Magazine. New York. Nov., 1893. 82 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Neruda, Jan. How She Ruined a Beggar. Translated by Thomas Capek. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. May, 1893. He was a Rascal. Translated by Clara Vostrovsky. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Feb., 1894. The Little White Stranger (Ballada Detska.) Adapted by Libbie A. Breuer from a poem by . University of Texas Magazine, Austin. Dec, 1911. A Week in a Quiet House. Translated by Guido Bruno, Lantern. Chicago. Dec, 1913; Jan., and Feb., 1 9 14. Stories Told by the Moon. Translated by Guido Bruno. Saturday Lantern. Chicago. Jan., 1914. — Day and Night. Translated by Guido Bruno. '^ Greenwich Village. New York. 1:13. Feb., 1915- Dead Men's Eyes: After a Motive in Trhani (Hoboes). Translated by Guido Bruno. Green- wich Village. New York. 1 126. Feb., 191 5. A Reporter's Diary. Translated by Guido Bruno. The Bohemian Review. Chicago, i :9-i3. Nov., 1917. Svobodova, Ruzena. The Penitence of Blazena. Trans- lated by Beatrice M. Mekota. The Storyteller's Magazine. New York. Christmas. 1916. Zeyer, Julius. Phenicia's Sin. Englished by Frances Gregor. The International Magazine. Chicago. 1 : 147-62. Sept., 1896. IX FOLK AND FAIRY TALES. MYTHOLOGY. LEGENDS PUBLICATIONS Carlyle, Thomas. Tales translated from the German. Libtissa ; a myth about the origin of Bohemia, pp. 58-97. Chapman and Hall. London. 1827. Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and Folk Tales of the Rus- sians, Western Slavs and Magyars. 8°. 555 pp. Six Chckh Myths and Folk Tales, pp. 273-370. Little, Brown & Co. Boston. 1890. Fairy Tales of Eastern Europe. Illustrated in color by Geo. Hood. 259 pp. Three Fairy Tales from the Bohemian. McBride, Nast & Co. New York. 1914. Czech Folk Tales. Collected and translated from differ- ent Czech sources. Illustrated. By Josef Baudis. 8°. 175 pp. George Allen & Unwin. London. 1917. Mythology of all Races. Herbert Gray, editor. The Slavic Section, by Jan Machal of the Bohemian University of Prague. Marshall, Jones Company. Boston. 1917. Naake, John T. Slavonic Fairy Tales. Collected and translated from the Russian, Servian, Polish and 83 84 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Bohemian. 12°. 272 pp. 4 pi. H. S. King & Co. London. 1847. Vernalecken, Theodore. In the Land of Marvels. Folk Tales from Austria and Bohemia. Sonnenschein & Co. London. 1884. Wratislaw, A. H. Sixty Folk Tales from exclusively Slavonic sources. Translated from the Bohemian, with . . . introduction and notes based on Karel J. Erben's Folk Tales. 12°. 315 pp. E. Stock. London. 1889. ARTICLES Koerner, K. T. Hans Heilings Rocks: a Bohemian Legend. Translated from the German of . Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh and New York. 8:625-33. 1821. Legends of the Giant Mountains of Bohemia. Colburn's New Monthly. London. 154:79. X GUIDES PUBLICATIONS Baedeker, Karl. Section V. Bohemia and Moravia, pp. 219-72. Leipsic. London. New York. 1900. Bohemian Section at the Austrian Exhibition, Earl's Court, London, 1906. Under the auspices of the City Council of the Royal Capital Prague and under the honorary presidency of Francis Count Liitzow and Vladimir Srb, ex-mayor of Prague. With a Guide to the Bohemian Section and the Kingdom of Bohemia. 224 pp. Illustrated. Map. Plan. Alois Wiesner. Prague. 1906. Guide, to Carlsbad. By Franz R. von Gintl. Trans- lated by Henry S. Langridge. Otto Maass' Sons. Vienna. 1909. of the Bohemian Union for promoting visits of foreigners to the Kingdom of Bohemia. Illus- strated. 40 pp. Prague. 191 1. to Prague and to the Kingdom of Bohemia. Il- lustrated. 105 pp. Bohemian Union for pro- moting visits of foreigners to the Kingdom of Bohemia. Unie. Prague. ■ of the City of Prague. Illustrated. 12 pp. Bo- 85 86 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY hemian Union for promoting visits of foreigners to the Kingdom of Bohemia. Prague. • to the Royal Castle on the Hradschin in Prague. 4 pp. to Luhacovice, Moravia. Cure Resort. Illustrated. Politika. Prague. XI HISTORY PUBLICATIONS* A Declaration of the Cavses, for the which, Wee Fred- erick, ... By the Grace of God King of Bo- hemia, . . . Covnt Palatine of the Rhine, Elector of the Second Empire, etc., haue accepted of the Crowne of Bohemia and of the Covntryes there- vnto annexed. 4°. 23 pp. Middlebvrg. Printed by Abraham Schilders. Nov. 7, 1619. A Short Relation of the Departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: With his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth. And thryse hopeful! yong Prince Henrie, from Heydel- berg towards Prague, to receive the Crowne of that Kingdome. Whearunto is annexed the Solempnitie or maner of the Coronation, Trans- lated out of dutch. And now both togither pub- lished (with other reasons, and iustifications) to give satisfaction to the world, as touching the ground, and truth, of his Maties proceedings, & vndertakings of that Kingdome of Bohemia: law- fully and freelie Elected, by the generall consent 1 Most, if not all, the seventeenth century publications here listed are found in the British Museum. 87 88 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY of the States, not ambitiouslie aspiring thearvnto, etc. 4°. Printed by George Waters. At Dort. 1619. Newes from Bohemia. An Apologie Made by the States of the Kingdome of Bohemia, shewing the Rea- sons why those of the Reformed Rehgion were moued to take Armes, for the defence of the King and themselues, especially against the danger- ous Sect of lesuites. With a plaine Declaration, that those who belong vnto the Monasteries and Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction (according vnto his Maiesties Letters, and Agreements made be- tweene the States of the Reformed Religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being Subiects of the Imperial! Maiestie, to the peaceable ex- ercise of their Diuine Seruice, and building of Churches. Translated out of the Dutch into Latine, and thence into English, by Will. Philip. Printed by George Purslow for Ralph Roun- thwaite and are to bee sold at his Shop, at the Signe of the Flower de luce and Crowne, in Pauls Church-Yard. London. 1619. The Reasons which Compelled the States of Bohemia to reiect the Archiduke Ferdinand, etc., inforced them to elect a new king. Togeather with The Proposition which was made vpon the first mo- tion of the chocie (choice) of th' Elector Palatine to be King of Bohemia, by the States of that Kingdome in their publique assembly on the i6th of August, being the birth day of the same Elector Palatine. Translated out of the french copies. 4°. 30 pp. By John Harrison. Printet by George Waters. At Dort. 1619. HISTORY 89 Gallants, to Bohemia, Or, let vs to the Wa/res againe: Shewing the forwardnesse of our English Soul- diers, both in times past, and at this present. To a pleasant new Warlike tune. In two parts, with two cuts. Imprinted at London, by G. E. 1619. The Declaration and Information of the High and Puis- sant King of Bohemia, against the vniust Man- dates in the name of the Emperour: As also against those that are further threatned to be decreed and executed, touching the Crowne of Bohemia. Given at Prague the i. of July, 1620. No imprint. London. A Most true Relation of the late Proceedings in Bohemia, Germany and Hungaria. Dated the i. the 10. and the 13. of July, this present yeere 1620. As also the happie Arrivall of Sir Andrew Gray into Lusatia. Together with the Articles of Peace be- tweene Maximilian, Elector of Bavaria, on the part of the Catholikes and Joachim Ernest, Margrave of Brandenburg, on the part of the Princes of the Reformed Religion in Germany in the Citie of Ulme, the third of July last. Faithfully translated out of the high Dutch. 4°. 14 pp. Ornamented. Dort. 1620. A Letter written by a French Gent: of the King of Bohemia his Army: Concerning the Emperour Ferdinand his Embassage into France. Trans- lated out of the French Coppie. 4°. 13 pp. Printed at Flushing. 1620. The Popes (Paul V.) Complaint to his Minion Cardinals, against the good successe of the Bohemians and their generall Proceedings. In verse. 4°. 26 pp. l620(?). 90 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Prosopopoe. Or, a Conference held at Angelo Castle, between the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Spaine. In verse. 1620 (?). The Late Good successe and victory, which it pleased God to give to some of the King of Bohemia's Forces, vnder the Conduct of the Prince Anhalt, Generall for the said King, Against the two great Generalls of the Emperour, Bucquoy and Dam- piere, atchieued neare Home in Austria. With many other considerable things concerning the affaires of that Countrye. Vnto which is added the Articles of agreement, made betweene the said King of Bohemia and Bethlem Gaber, Prince of Hungaria and Transiluania. Printed by Abrahm Schilders. Middleburg. 1620. A Cleare Demonstration that Ferdinand is by his own demerits fallen from the Kingdome of Bohemia and the incoiporate Provinces. Written by Noble- man of Polonia. And translated out of the second edition enlarged. Printed by George Waters. 4°. 25 pp. Dort. 1620. An Answere to the Qvestion: Whether the Emperour that now is, can bee fudge in the Bohemian Con- trouersie or no ? Together with the Extract taken out of the Acts of the Dyet at Auspurghe, in the yeare 1584; Concerning the Kingdome of Bo- hemia. 1620. Two Letters or Embassies. The one Sent by the States of Bohemia, to the Elector of Saxony. The other from the Popes Holines to the Emperour, con- cerning the Troubles of Germany. (William Bar- low writes dedication to H. C. & Thos. Frodring- ham to W. B.) Printet (!) at Amsterdam. 1620. Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) Daughter of James I. of England, wife of Frederick of the Palatinate, Queen of Bohemia from 1619 to i6jo HISTORY 91 A Proclamation made by the High and Mighty Fred- ericke by the Grace of God King of Bohemia, etc., Commanding All those his Subjects (altered in MS. to Feodaries) which are now in the Service of his Majesties Enemies, to repair Home within the space of 14. dayes, vpon paine of his Highnes displeasure, and Confiscation of Goods and Lands. Translated out of the Dutch Coppie. 4°. 6 pp. Printed at Prague. 1620. A Relation Containing the Manner of the Solemnities at the Election and Coronation of Ferdinand the Emperour, in Franc ford the 30. of August last past, 1619. With other occurrences in Bohemia, and divers parts of Germany, for three Moneths last past. 4°. 43 pp. Printed for Robert Myl- bourne. London. 1620. The Trve Copies of Svndrie Letters concerning the Affaires of Bohemia, as they have beene seuerally written in High Dutch, Latine aind French, to Princes, and other men of account. Ornamented. No imprint nor note of the translator. 1620. The Present State of the Affaires betwixt the Emperor and the King of Bohemia, and their Confederates as it hath beene very Truely related, by certaine Letters Sent by Persons of extraordinary quali- ties, etc. Together with the occurents lately hap- pened in the Armies of Generall Veere, the Princes of the Vnion and Spinola. Translated out of the French, and High Dutch Coppies. 4°. 22 pp. 1620. The Bohemian Lawes or Rights Defended, Against the Informer: or an Answer to an Information, falsly so called, secretly printed and divulged 92 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY against the Writings published by the States of Bohemia. Translated out of Latin by 1. H. (John Harrison). This is followed by & forms one with : The Instruments of the Pactions or Con- ditions concerning a Perpetuall Succession in the Kingdomes of Hungary and Bohemia, and the Provinces thereunto belonging. 4°. 16 pp. 1620. A Plaine Demonstration of the Vnlawful Succession of the now Emperovr Ferdinand the Second, because of the incestuous Marriage of his Parents. Trans- lated out of the Latine printed copie. Printed at the Hage. 4°. 1620. Bohemia Regnum Electivum. That is, A Plaine and True Relation of the proceeding of the States of Bohemia, from the first foundation of that Province, by Free Election of Princes and Kings vnto Ferdinand the eighteenth King of the house of Austria. Wherein is evidently manifested, that the first Princes were elected, and no true and simple Hereditary Succession established, nor practiced in all that time, containing about 900. yeares ; taken out of vnpartial and Classique Authors. 4°. 26 pp. 1620. No further imprint. The Last Newes from Bohemia, with all the adioyning Prouinces that be now vp in Armes. Wherein is related all the passages that haue happened since the high and mighty Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine was elected and Crowned King of Bohemia, with other accidents very delightfull to the Reader, 4°. 1620. En English-Man's Love to Bohemia; with a friendly Farewell to all the noble souldiers that goe from Great Britaine to that honorable expedition, etc. HISTORY 93 In verse by John Taylor, 4°. 10 pp. Dort. With the arms of Sir M. M. Sykes stamped on the covers. London. 1620. The Instruments of the pactions or conditions concern- ing a perpetuall succession in the Kingdomes of Hungary and Bohemia and the prouinces there- unto belonging . . . made at Prague, Philip the III. King of Spaine, renouncing his right. . . . Ferdinand, Arch-Duke of Austria accepting . . . them. . . . Mathias the II. Emperor of Rome . . . confirming them. 16 pp. London. (?) 1620. Two Letters or Embassies. The one Sent by the States of Bohemia to the Elector of Saxony: the other from the Popes Holines to the Emperour, con- cerning the Troubles of Germany. Translated by W. Barlow. 4°. Amsterdam. 1620. A Briefe Description of the reasons that make the Declaration of the Ban made against the King of Bohemia, as being Elector Palatine, Dated the 22 of Januarie last past, of no value nor worth, and therefore not to be respected. 4°. 13 pp. Printed at the Hayf by Arnold Meuris. 1621. A True Relation of the Bloudy Execution, lately per- formed by the Commaundment of the Emperors Maiestie, vpon the persons of some Chiefe states- men, and others, in Prague, the chiefe City of the Kingdom of Bohemia; the nth of June, 1621. With the Manner and Proceedings therein ob- served. Faithfully translated out of the Dutch copye. 4°. 24 pp. Printed the 2ist of July, 1621. The King of Bohemia's Welcome to Count Mansfield, 94 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY And into the Palatinate: With the defeat of Bavaria's and Monsieur Tilley's Army, since his Arrivall: (the King being there in person). Their resolution to March into Bavaria. The Papists feare of his good successe, and further progression: And many other remarkable things concerning Brvnswick and his Actions. Faith- fully taken out of the Letters of best Credit. 4°. 19 pp. Printed. 1622. The Apollogie of the illustrious Prince Ernestus, Earle of Mansfield, & Wherein from his first Entertain- ment, are laid open the Occasions of his Warres in Bohemia, Austria, and the Palatinate, with his faithfull Services to the King of Bohemia. Trans- lated out of the Originall French coppie. 4°. 76 pp. Printed at Heidelbergh. 1622. The Continvation of the German History. Part V. The History of the Present Warres of Germany. Part VI. The German History Continued. Part Vn. The Modern History of the World. Printed for Nath. Butter and Nicholas Bourne. London. 1632-35. The Great and Famous Battle of Lutzen, fought be- tween the renowned King of Sweden and Wal- stain. Wherein were left dead upon the Place between Five and Six Thousand of the Imperial- ists, where the King himself was unfortunately slain, whose Death counterpoised all the other. Pappenheim, Merode, Isolani, and divers other great Commanders, were offered up like so many Sacrifices on the Swedish Alter, to the memory of their King. Here is also inserted an Abridgd- ment of the King of Bohemia's Death, faithfully HISTORY 95 translated out of the French copy. 4°. 45 pp. London. 1633. The Relation of the Death of Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein, the Duke of Friedland. To- gether with the cause thereof. A coppy of the oath taken by his Commandere (to be faithful! unto him) but a little before the same, etc. Lon- don. 1634. Monroe or Munro, Robert Colonel. Monro his expedi- tion with the worthy Scots Regiment (called Mac- Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626 by Sir Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, Colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one Company in Sep- tember 1634, at Wormes in the Paltz. . . . Col- lected and gathered together ... by Colonell Robert Monro, etc. Dedicated to the Elector Palatine, son of Frederick. Part I, 84 pp., and table. Part II, 244 pp., and table. 8°. Printed by William Jones. London. 1637. A Protestation of the Most High and Mighty Prince Charles Lodowicke, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Archidapifer, and Prince Elector of the sacred Empire, Duke of Bavaria, etc. Translated out of the High-Dutch, into English, French, and Latine and Printed at London for Richard Whitaker. 4°. 26 pp. 1637. The Dutie of Sir Francis Wortley deliniated, in his pious pitty and Christian Commiseration of the sorrowes or sufferings of the most vertuous, yet unfortunate lady Elizabeth, queene of Bohemia; being a dedication to fame and truth, prefer'd to both the houses of Parliament. By her humble 96 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY servant and honourer, Sir Francis Wortley, Knight and barronet. London. 1641. A Declaration of his Highness, for a collection towards the relief of divers Protestant Churches driven out of Poland; and of twenty Protestant families driven out of the confines of Bohemia. Printed by Henry Hills and John Field. London. 1658. An Animadversion upon the late Lord Protector's Declaration, for the distressed Churches of Lesna, etc. London. 1659. A Prospect of Hungary, and Transylvania, With a Cata- logue of the Kings of the one, and the Princes of the other; Together with an account of the Qualities of the Inhabitants, the Commodities of the Countries, . . . An Historical Narration of the bloody Wars amongst themselves, and with the Turks; continued to this present Year 1664. As also A brief Description of Bohemia. , . . 4°. Printed for William Miller. London. 1664. Death of John of Luxembourg, King of Bohemia, de- scribed in The French King Conquered by the English. 8°. 31 pp. Printed for William Birch at the Sign of the Peacock, at the lower end of Cheapside. London. 1678. The Annals of King James and King Charles the First. Both of Happy Memory. Containing a Faithful History, and impartial Account of the Great Affairs of State, and Transactions of Parliaments in England, etc. Printed by Tho. Braddyll, for Robert Clavel, at the Peacock in St. Pauls Church- yard, London. 1681. Historical Register and Chronicle of English Affairs, be- fore and after the restoration of King Charles II. HISTORY 97 Comprehending the most authentick materials re- lating to the Transactions of this Kingdom, Ec- clesiastical, Civil and Military. Letter by Joh. A. Comenius (Latin) on behalf of the Bohemian Church, dated Amsterdam Sep., 1661. London. 1744. Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvie. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James the First. 2 vs. 8°. Longrr.ans, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. London. 1825. Berkeley, George Monck. Literary Relics; containing Original Letters from King Charles IL, King James, the Queen of Bohemia, Swift, Berkeley, Addison, Steele, Congreve, The Duke of Ormond and the Bishop Rundle ; with an Inquiry into the Life of Dean Swift. London. 1789. Blaze, de Bury (Marie Rose Stewart). Memoirs of the Princess Palatine of Bohemia; including her correspondence with the great men of her day. 8°. 400 pp. R. Bentley. London. 1853. Bohemia. Elizabeth, Queen of . Twenty-five Unpublished Letters from the Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James L to Sir Edward Nicholas between April, 1655 to January, 1656. Footnotes by John Evans. The letters which passed between the Queen and Sir Edward, from August, 1654 to January, 1655, fifteen in number, have beerv published in the Appendix to Evelyn's Diary, edited by Bray. Archaelogia: or. Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Society of An- tiquaries of London. 37 1244-43. General Index to Dodsleys Annual Register from its Commencement in 1758 to the Year 181Q. 98 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY London. 1826. Invaded by the King of Prussia, 1 :9, 16, 42; Battle of Prague, i :i6; Prince Henry- enters, 2:9; Ravaged by the Prussians, 14:83, 16:43; MortaHty in, 15:152, 16:43; Abridgment of statute work, 18:153; Insurrections in, 18:151, 103, 187; Abohtion of slavery, 27:13; Enrolment of a militia, 38:283. ■ A Brief Evaluation of Bohemia's Contribution to Civilization, Illustrated. Edited by J. J. Zmrhal and Vojta Benes. Articles by: Harry Pratt Jud- son, Bohemia — A Foreword. J. J. Zmrhal, Con- tribution to Literature. J. E. S. Vojan, Music. Vojta Benes, Art. L. J. Fisher, The Sokols. 64 pp. The Bohemian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1917. Bolton, Henry Carrington. The Follies of Science at the Court of Rudolph II., 1552-1612. 217 pp. Illus- trated. Plates and portraits. The Pharmaceu- tical Review Publishing Co. Milwaukee. 1904. Capek, Thomas. Bohemia Past and Present. 12 pp. Reprint of an article in the Omaha Bee, on Bohemian Day at the Trans-Mississippi Exposi- tion, held at Omaha, Nebraska, Aug. 27, 1898. ■ The Slovaks of Hungary, Slavs and Panslavism. 8°. 214 pp. The Knickerbocker Press. New York. 1906. Carleton, Sir Dudley. Letters from and to . . . during his Embassy in Holland, from January to Decem- ber 1620. 510 pp. London. 1780. The Bohe- mian Estates have a secret agent at the Hague, P- 317- Queen Elizabeth gains the love of the Bohemians by her free and gracious demeanor, p. 419. King Frederick (of the Palatinate) not HISTORY 99 supported by his father-in-law, King James I. Aid given him by the Holland states general, p. 425. His ambassador to the states, pp. 436, 438, 442. Not acknowledged by King James I., his father- in-law, nor the French King, p. 436. His election disliked by the latter, p. 440. The Bohemians desire to borrow the sum of 600,000 florins of the states general, p. 314. Assistance for them from the states general solicited, p. 337. Preparations in all parts against them, p. 339, Suspension of arms between them and the emperor, p. 347. They send two agents to the states general, p. 355. Troops raised for them, p, 357. A letter written in their favor by the states general to King James ■"■•» P- 359- The Bohemian agents furnished by the states with two months advance, p. 369. Chapman, Benjamin. The History of Gustavus Adolphus and of the Thirty Years' War, up to the King's Death : with some account of its conclusion by the Peace of Westphalia, anno 1648. 8°. 441 pp. Bohemia, chap. 5. Longmans, Brown, Green and Longmans. Lindon. 1856. Colquhoun, Archibald R. and Ethel. The Whirlpool of Europe. Austria-Hungary and the Hapsburgs. Illustrated. 338 pp. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York. 1907. Cox, William. History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218-1792. London. 1807. Eden, Lizzie Selina. A Lady's Glimpse of the Late War in Bohemia. 8°. 313 pp. Hurst & Blackett. London. 1867. 100 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Eisenmann, Louis. Austria-Hungary. Chap. 7, v. 12, pp. 174-212. Cambridge Modern History. Uni- versity Press. Cambridge. 1910. Englishman. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Policy of Count Beust. A Political Sketch of Men and Events from 1866 to 1870. By an . 8°. 331 pp. Chapman and Hall. Lon- don. 1870. Fitz-Simon, Henry. Words of Comfort to Persecuted Catholics. Written in exile, anno 1607. Letters from a cell in Dublin Castle, and Diary of the Bohemian War of 1620. With a sketch of his life by E. Hogan. 8°. 284 pp. Gill & Son. Dublin. 1881. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, editor. Letters and other Documents illustrating the relations between Eng- land and Germany at the Commencement of the Thirty Years' War. From the Outbreak of the Revolution in Bohemia to the election of the Emperor Ferdinand H., pp. 212. From the Elec- tion of the Emperor Ferdinand H. to the Close of the Conferences at Miihlhausen, pp. 194. Camden Society. London. 1865. The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648. Longmans, Brown, Green and Longmans. London. 1874. Gindely, Anton. History of the Thirty Years' War. Translated by A. Ten Brook. With an introduc- tion and a concluding chapter by the translator. 2 vs. Maps. Portrait. 8°. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. 1884. Glenn, Thomas Allen. Some Colonial Mansions. Edited by . Augustine Herrman of Bohemia Manor, v. i, pp. 121-38. Fredrych Philipse, v. 2, ^ . THE DECLARATION AND INFORMATION Of the High and Piiiflanc King of 'Bohemia, againft the vniuft Man- dates publiflied in the name of theEmpc|:our: Js al/o again fl thofe that are further threatncd to be decreed and executed, -^ ' ^ tOMchincrthcCrowneof M. D. C. X X. The Declaration Concerning the unjust Mandates against the Bohemians HISTORY 101 pp. 243-78. Henry T. Coates and Company. Philadelphia. 1897. Green, Mary Anne Everett. Elizabeth, Electress Pala- tine and Queen of Bohemia. Revised by her niece, S. C. Lomas. With a prefatory note by A. W. Ward. 8°. 469 pp. Methuen & Co. London. 1855. Gregor, Frances. The Story of Bohemia. 8°. 486 pp. Cranston & Curts. Cincinnati. Hunt & Eaton. New York. 1895. Hayes, Carleton J. H. Political and Social History of Modern Europe. 2 vs. 8°. Maps. The Macmil- lan Co. New York. 1916. ' Hazen, Charles Downes. Europe since 1815. Henry Holt and Company. New York. 1910. Modern European History. Illustrated. Maps. Henry Holt and Company. New York. 19 17. Innes, J. H. New Amsterdam and its People. Studies, social and topographical, of the town under Dutch and early English rule. With maps, plans, views. 365 pp. Augustyn Herrman's life, portrait, etc. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1902. Jenkins, Robert Charles. The Last Crusader : or, The Life and Times of Cardinal Julian, of the House of Cesarini. A Historical Sketch. 8°. 408 pp. R. Bentley. London. 1861. Jicinsky, J. Rudis. Historical Sketch of Bohemian Free- thought in the United States. 20 pp. Free- thought Society. Cedar Rapids. Reprint of an article from the Truth Seeker. New York. 1908. Kerner, R. J. Bohemia under Leopold H., 1790-1792. A study in the political, economic and social his- 102 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY tory of Bohemia in the eighteenth Century. 415 pp. MS. Harvard University Library. 1914. Leger, Louis Paul Marie. A History of Austro-Hungary from the earhest times to the year 1889. Trans- lated from the French by Mrs. Birbeck Hill, with a preface by Edward A. Freeman. 672 pp. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. Lodge, Henry Cabot, editor. Austria-Hungary. Based on the work of Louis P. M. Leger, by Wm. E. Lingelbach. v. 17. Illustrated. 468 pp. John D. Morris and Company. Philadelphia. 1906. Liitzow, Count. Bohemia. An Historical Sketch. 12°. 359 PP- J- M. Dent & Sons. London. E, P. Dutton & Co. New York. 1896. Lectures on the Historians of Bohemia ; being the Ilchester Lectures for the year 1904. 8°. 120 pp. Henry Frowde. London. 1905. — ' — Later Thoughts of the Apostles of Moravia and Bohemia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, v. 30. London. 191 1. Bohemia. Reprint from the lith edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 55 pp. Bohemian Na- tional Council. Prague. 191 1. Mallery, Charles Payson. Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor, their homes and their graves. 4°. 74 pp. The Historical Society of Delaware. Wilmington. 1888. Maurice, Charles Edmund. The Revolui-onary Move- ment of 1848-49 in Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany, with some examination of the previous thirty-three years. 515 pp. G. Bell & Sons. Lon- don. 1887. Bohemia: from the earliest times to the fall of na- HISTORY 103 tional independence in 1620: with a short sum- mary of later events. Illustrated. 8°. 533 pp. T. Fisher Unwin. London. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. 1896. Michiels, Alfred. Secret History of the Austrian Gov- ernment and of its systematic persecutions of Protestants. The Austrian System applied in Bo- hemia, pp. 18-45. Compiled from official docu- ments. Chapman and Hall. London. 1859. Mitchell, John, Major General. The Life of Wallen- stein, Duke of Friedland. 8°. 368 pp. James Eraser. London. 1837. Monroe, Will S. Bohemia and the Cechs. The history, people, institutions, and the geography of the Kingdom, together with accounts of Moravia and Silesia. Illustrated. 12°, Map. 45 pi. 10 portraits. 488 pp. D. C. Page & Co. Boston. 1910. Newman, Francis William. The Crimes of the House of Hapsburg against its own Liege Subjects. 12°. 60 pp. John Chapman. London. 1853. Peabody, Elizabeth P. Crimes of the House of Austria against Mankind. Collected from accredited his- tory and edited by . 230 pp. Bohemia,, pp. 65-90. For the benefit of the Hungarian fund, by Rudolph Garrigue. New York. 1852. Poyntz, Sydnam. A True Relation of these German Warres from Manslield's going out of England which was in the yeare 1624 until this last yeare 1636 whereof my self was an ey-witnesse of most I have here related as followeth. By Mee Sydnam Poynes. 144 pp. Edited for the Royal Historical Society by A. T. S. Goodrick. London. 1908. 104 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Putnam, Samuel P. 400 Years of Freethought. Pp. 634- 37 allude to Bernard Bolzano, Francis M. Klacel, Karel Havlicek, Augustin Smetana, Jakub Arbes, Jaroslav Vrchlicky; pp. 155-58 to J. A. Komen- sky. Illustrated. 8°. 874 pp. The Truth Seeker Company. New York. Reich, Emil. Hungary and the Slavonic Kingdoms. Chap. 10, V. I, pp. 329-46. Cambridge Modern History. University Press. Cambridge. 1902. Sasek, Vaclav of Birkov ( ?). Diary of an Embassy from King George of Bohemia to King Louis XL of France in the year of Grace 1464. From a con- temporary IMS. Literally translated from the original Slavonic (Bohemian) by A. H. Wratislaw. 8°. 80 pp. Bell & Daldy. London. 1871. Sidney, Sir Philip and Hubert Languet. Correspondence of -. Now first collected and translated from the Latin with notes and a memoir of Sidney by Steuart Pears. Letters dated Prague, 18 Sep., 1575, relates to Bohemia, p. 100; John Hus, p. 94 ; Baron Slavata, pp. 22, 113. William Pickering. London. 1845. Smith, Charlotte Fell. Life of John Dee (1527-1608), astrologer at the Court of Rudolph H. Portraits and illustrations. Numerous references to persons and places in Bohemia. Constable & Company. London. 1909. Steed, Henry Wickham. The Hapsburg Monarchy. 8°. 304 pp. Constable & Company. London. 191 3. Stiles, William H. Austria in 1848-49: Being a history of the late political movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice and Prague. 2 vs. Harper & Bros. New York. 1852. HISTORY 105 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman conquest ; with anecdotes of their courts now first published from official records and other authentic documents, private as well as public. Anne of Bohemia,^ surnamed the Good, First Queen of Richard II., pp. 206- 22. 3 vs. in I. 8°. Blanchard & Lea. Phila- delphia. 1855. Vickers, Robert H. History of Bohemia. 8°. 757 pp. I map. 21 illustrations. Charles H. Sergei Com- pany. Chicago. 1894. Ward, A. W. The Outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. Chap. I, V. 4, pp. 1-34. The Protestant Collapse 1620-30. Chap. 3, V. 4, pp. 64-84. Cambridge Modern History. University Press. Cambridge. 1906. Williams, W. H. Elizabeth Stewart, Queen of Bohemia, pp. 189-92. Portrait. Transactions of the His- toric Society of Lancashire and Cheshire for the year of 1916. Printed for the Society. Liverpool. 1917. Wratislaw, Mitrowitz Wenceslas, Baron. Adventures of . What he saw in the Turkish metropolis, Constantinople ; experienced in his captivity ; and after his happy return to his country. Committed to writing in the year of our Lord 1599. Literally translated from the original Bohemian by A. H. ^ "It is possible," says WicklifFe in his work called The Three- fold Bond of Love, "that our noble queen of England, sister of the Cssar, may have the gospel written in three languages, — Bohemian, German and Latin ; now, to heredicate her on that account, would be Luoifcrian folly." Agnes Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England, v. I, p. 599. 106 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Wratislaw. 8°. 256 pp. Bell & Daldy. London. 1862. Wratislaw, A. H. How Saints are made at Rome in Modern Days. An enquiry into the canonization of St. John Nepomucen (patron saint of Bohemia) in 1729. 16°. London. 1866. ^Life, Legend, and Canonization of St. John Ne- pomucen, Patron Saint and Protector of the Order of the Jesuits. 8°. 86 pp. Bell & Daldy. London. 1872. ARTICLES Baker, James. A Great Historian (Palacky) Honoured. The Times and Mirror. London. July 15, 1912. > Bohemia. An Historical Sketch. Athenaeum. Lon- don. Sept. 19, 1896. Bohemian History. English Historical Review. Lon- don. 29:131-33. Jan., 1914. Cope, G. Will of Augustine Herrman. Pennsylvania Magazine of History. Philadelphia. 15:321. Hrdlicka, Ales. Civilization of Bohemia. Science. New York. 30:880. Dec. 17, 1909. Hye, Isadoor. Bohemian Embassy to England, Spain, etc., in 1466. Quarterly Review. London. 90:413-44. 1852. See, Vaclav Sasek of Birkov. Jacox, F. Seacoast of Bohemia ; a vexed question in Shakespearian geography. Bentley's Miscellany. London. 61:205-11. 1867; same, Bohemian Voice. Omaha. 3:8-9. Sept., 1894. Krai, Josef Jifi. Shakespeare in Bohemia. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:231-32. Apr., 1892. HISTORY 10? Palacky, Francis. History of Bohemia; the most part from MS. and original documents. Review in Foreign Quarterly Review. London. 20:21-38. 1838. Safaf^ik, Paul J. Sclavonian Antiquities. Review in Foreign Quarterly Review. London. 20:21-38. 1838; same, 26:57-80. 1841. Vericour, L. R. de. Bohemia Past and Present. Trans- actions of the Royal Historical Society. London. 2:54-76. 1873. Wratislaw, A. H. How History is Sometimes Written. Frazer's Magazine. London. 12:519-27. 1875. Bloody Parliament of Wilemow. Frazer's Maga- zine. London. 14:294-301. 1876. St. Procop of Bohemia : a Legend of the Eleventh Century. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. London. 4:439-48. 1876. ■ History of Bohemia. Athenaeum. London. 2:597- 734. 1882. XII JOHN HUS. JEROME OF PRAGUE. UNITED BRETHREN. MORAVIANS PUBLICATIONS Baker, James. A Forgotten Great Englishman; or the Life and Work of Peter Payne, the Wycliffite. Illustrated. 8°. i6o pp. The Rehgious Tract Society. London. 1894. Benham, David. Notes on the Origin and Episcopate of the Bohemian Brethren. 148 pp. Dalton & Lucy. London. 1867. Bohemian and Moravian Brethren. Translated from the German. 12°. Bradford. 1822. Bohemian Brethren. Note on the Reformation in Poland. V. 2, pp. 634-38. Cambridge Modern History. University Press. Cambridge. 1903. Bonnechose, Francois Paul Emile Boisnormand de. The Reformers before the Reformation. The Fif- teenth Century. John Huss and the Council of Constance. Translated from the French by Camp- bell Mackenzie. 8°. 2 vs. 659 pp. William Whyte & Co. Edinburgh. 1844. 108 JOHN HUS 109 L etters of John Huss, written during his exile and imprisonment. With Martin Luther's Preface, and containing a general view of the works of Huss. Translated by Campbell Mackenzie. 8°. 244 pp. William Whyte & Co. Edinburgh. 1846, Best, Ami. History of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren. Translated from the French, and abridged, with an appendix. 12°. 428 pp. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1838. Chase, Edith Fowler. The Bohemians. A Study of the Land of the Cup and the Book. Illustrated. 8°. 63 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 1914. Cranz, David. The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren. Translated from the German of with Notes and Emendations, by Benjamin La Trobe. 8°. 726 pp. W. & A. Strachan. Lon- don. 1780. Creighton, M. A History of the Papacy during the Period of Reformation. 2 vs. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. 1882. Fisher, George Park. History of the Christian Church. With maps. 701 pp. Bohemia, pp. 164-409. Charles Scribncr's Sons. New York. 1887. Fox, John (Martyrologist). The History of the Ten Persecutions in the Primitive Church. To which is added. An Account of the Martyrdom of John Huss and Jerome of Prague; together with divers Letters, wrote by John Huss while he was under Persecution. Extracted from the Martyrology of Mr. John Fox. Printed by John Gray and Gavin Alston . . . for Andrew Leslie. ... 8°. 402 pp. Edinburgh. 1761. 110 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Book of Martyrs : a complete and authentic Account of the Lives, Sufferings and triumphant Deaths of the Primitive and Protestant Martyrs in all part^ of the World. With Notes, comments and illustrations, by the Rev. J. Milner. 8°. London. 1848. Numerous editions. Book of Martyrs. Hus, Zizka and Jerome, pp. 150- 68. John F. Winston Co. Chicago. Gataker, Thomas and others. The City Ministers un- masked, or the Hypocrisie and Iniquitie of Fifty nine of the most eminent of the Clergy, in and about the City of London. Clearly discovered out of two of their own pamphlets, One Intituled, A Serious and Faithful Representation ; The other a Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel, in and about the City of London. Together with a Prophesie of John Hus, touching the Choosing of a new Ministry; and an ancient Prophetical farewel of Hildegards, to the old corrupt Min- istry. Both very useful for the Knowledg of the long deceived Nations. By a friend of the Armies, in its ways of Justice and Righteousness. 4°. 31 pp. Printed for Giles Calvert. London. 1649. Gillett, Ezra Hall. The Life and Times of John Hus^ or the Bohemian Reformation of the Fifteenth Century. 8°. 2 vs. 632 pp. Gould and Lincoln. Boston. 1863-64. Gilpin, William. The Lives of John Wickliff; and of the Most Eminent of his Disciples, Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca. 8°. 368 pp. I portrait. J. Robson, London. 1765. Gradin, Arvid, member Qi the church. A Short History Loe^, lure an Cxile, ivko tn ftrui his ^od, ' ^m Xatk sharply iasted ofproud Fashurs Mod, r Wkofe hamitio. Piety, &• true worth 6^eina knumnt To all the worH, makef a// tAe world his owne, John Amos Komcnsky Portrait after Wenceslaus Hollar JOHN HUS 111 of the Bohemian-Moravian Protestant Church of the United Brethren. In a letter to the Arch- bishop of Upsal. Primate of Sweden. 8°. 64 pp. James Hutton. London. 1743. Hamilton, John Taylor. A History of the Church known as the Moravian Church, or the Unitas Fratum, or the Unity of the Brethren, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 631 pp. 20 port. Times Publication Co. Bethlehem. 1900. Hasse, A. C. The United Brethren (Moravians) in England, from 1641-1742. 8°. 38 pp. W. Mal- lalieu & Co. London. 1867. Herrick, S. E. Heretics of Yesterday. Houghton Mif- flin Company. Boston. 1885. Hodgson, William. The Lives, Sentiments and Suffer- ings of some of the Reformers and Martyrs be- fore, since and independent of the Lutheran reformation. 8°. 4C5 pp. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1867. Holmes, John. History of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. 2 vs. 8°. 848 pp. London. 1825- 1830. Hus, John, and Jerome of Prague, the Bohemian Mar- tyrs. Sketches of their Lives. Presbyterian Board of Publication. Philadelphia. 1868. Hus, John. Article on, 9th ed. Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, by John Sutherland Black. De Ecclesia. The Church. Translated, with notes and introduction by David S. Schaff. 8°. 304 pp. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 191 5. ' The Letters of with introductions and ex- planatory notes. By Herbert B. Workman and 112 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY R. Martin Pope. 8°. 286 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. London. 1904. or, The Council of Constance : a Poem. With his- torical and descriptive notes. 12°. C. J. G. and F. Rivington. London. 1829. The Five Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of , the Bohemian Reformer and Martyr, 8 pp. Celebrated at Bethlehem, Pa. July 6, 1873. Independent Bohemia. Memorial in honor of the quincentenary of . 4 pp. London. July 6, 1915. . Martyrdom, Semi-millenial Commemoration of , held in Cleveland, O., July 6th, 191 5. With articles by Herbert Adolphus Miller, Count Liitzow, Sarka B. Hrbkova. 16 pp. Cleveland. 1915- Memorial of the Central Association of Freethought Societies for the Hus Celebrations in Chicago. 62 pp. By J. J. Krai. 1915. ' In honor of the quincentenary of . The Future of Bohemia: a lecture delivered at King's College, London, by Robert William Seton- Wat- son. 8°. 31 pp. Nisbet & Co. London. 1915. The Man and the Martyr. An address delivered before the faculty and the students of Lincoln University, by John James Carter. 39 pp. West- minster Press. Philadelphia. 191 5. ^—Program of Celebration (1415-1915) by the Jan Hus Bohemian Presbyterian Church and Neighborhood House. 8 pp. New York. July, 191 5. The Five Hundredth Anniversary Celebration of the Martyrdom of , Bohemian Reformer. 4 pp. Held at Oberlin College, Oberlin. Oct. 10, 1915. JOHN HUS 113 Hutton, J. E. A History of the Moravian Church. 8°. 520 pp. Moravian Pubhcation Office. London. 1909. James, Henry. Sketches of Moravian Life and Char- acter. Chapter 2, The Ancient Unitas Fratrum. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 1859, Kautsky, Karl. Communism in Central Europe in the time of the reformation. Heretical Communism: its general character. The Taborites. The Bo- hemian Brethren. Translated by J. L. and E. G. Mulliken. London, 1897. Kitts, Eustace John. Pope John the Twenty-Third and Master John Hus of Bohemia. Illustrated. 8°. 446 pp. Constable and Co. London. 1910. Krasinski, Count Valerian. Sketch of the religious his- tory of the Slavic nations. Being a second edition of his lectures on the subject, revised and en- larged. 8°. 358 pp. Johnstone and Hunter. Edinburgh. 1851. Kuhns, L. Oscar. John Huss: The Witness. 12°. 174 pp. Jennings & Graham. Cincinnati. 1907. Latrobe, C. L Select Narratives extracted from the History of the Church known by the name of Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren. . . . Chrono- logically arranged. Part i, containing the an- cient history. Translated from the German. 8°. 132 pp. London. 1806. Latrobe, Bishop James. Historical Sketch of the Church of the United Brethren or Moravians. 24°. 32 pp. Samuel Gibbs. Bath. 1850. Lenfant, Jacques. The History of the Council of Con- stance. Translated from the new edition, printed at Amsterdam, which the author not only revised 114 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY and corrected, but considerably augmented. With plates. 4°. 2 vs. 1376 pp. London. 1730. Loserth, Johann. Wiclif and Hus. Translated from the German by M. J. Evans. 8°. 366 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. London. 1884. Liitzow, Count Francis. Article on Hussites, nth ed. Encylopsedia Britannica. ■ The Life and Times of Master John Hus. Il- lustrated. 8°. 398 pp. J. M. Dent & Co. Lon- don. E. P. Dutton & Co. New York. 1909. The Hussite Wars. 8°. 384 pp. i portrait. J. M. Dent & Sons. London. 1914. McCorry, John Stewart. Four Catholic Lectures, dedi- cated to the Hon. Lord Ardmillan, in answer to the Four Protestant Lectures of the Rev. William Hanna, on the Dawn of the Reformation in Eng- land and Bohemia; in sketches of the lives of Wycliffe, Huss and Jerome of Prague, which were delivered in connection with the Philo- sophical Institution, February 1858. 8°. 63 pp. Marsh & Beattie. Edinburgh. 1858. Malin, William Gunn. History of the Bohemian Bible, with an examination of its claim to European priority. Appendix to Catalogue of books relat- ing to or illustrating the History of the Unitas Fratum, or United Brethren, pp. 135-47. Phila- delphia. 1 881. Same, Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. Nazareth, Pa. I :i43-53. 1876. Ziska. Brief notices of the career ,of this great captain of the Hussites. Appendix to Catalogue of books relating to or illustrating the History JOHN HUS 115 of the Unitas • Fratrum, or United Brethren, pp. 133-35- Philadelphia. 1881. Mangasarian, M. M. John Hus, the man who struck the first blow. A lecture delivered before the Independent Religious Society (Rationalist). 23 pp. Chicago. 191 5. Mears, John W. Heroes of Bohemia : Huss, Jerome and Zisca. Presbyterian Board of Publication. 8°. 345 pp. Philadelphia. 1879. Moravians. Primitive Church Government, in the Prac- tice of the Reformed in Bohemia, or, an Account of the Ecclesiastick Order and Discipline among the Reformed; or, (as they call'd themselves) the Unity of the Brethren in Bohemia. With same Notes of John-Amos Comenius, serving to illustrate the same ; and a preface pointing out the True way to a Solid Peace, Order and Unity. And giving an Abstract of the History of the said Brethren, in so far as it relates to this ac- count. 4°. 55 pp. Edinburgh. 1703. A short View of the Continued Sufferings . . . and heavy Oppressions of the Episcopal Reformed Churches, formerly in Bohemia and now Sn Great Poland and Polish Prussia. Printed by John Baskett . . . and by the Assigns of Thomas New- comb and Henry Hills, deceas'd. 4°. 4 pp. London. 17 16. The Contents of a folio History of the Moravians or United Brethren. . . , Printed in 1749 and privately sold . . . under the title Acta Fratrum Unitatis in Anglia: with Suitable Remarks. Humbly addressed to the Pious of every Protestant Denomination in Europe and America. By a 116 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Lover of Light. (Said to be John Wesley.) By G. Lavington, Bishop of Exeter. 8°. 60 pp. Printed for J. Roberts. London. 1750. A Brief History of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Known by the name of Unitas Fratrum, or the United Brethren. Together with the Reasons for and against the Privileges granted them in the British Dominions in the Year 1749: So as they are inserted in the Months of April and May of the Universal Magazine. 32 pp. Printed by S. Powell. Dublin. 1750. Some Observations. I. On the Antiquity of the Present United Brethren, called Moravians. II. On some of the Extracts of their General Synods. III. On the Doctrine of the Trinity and Person of Christ. 8°. 24 pp. W. Owen. London. 175I; Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Herrn- huters, commonly called Moravians or Unitas Fratrum. London. 1754. Compared and detected. By the author of the En- thusiasm of the ]\Iethodists and Papists compared. G, Lavington, Bishop of Exeter. 8°. London. 1755- (Opponent of Moravians.) Brief Narrative of the Origin and Progress of the Church of the United Brethren commonly called Moravians, especially as connected with their recognition by the Church and Government of England. No title page. 8°. 7 pp. London. 1820. ( ?) Sketch of the History of the Church and Missions of the United Brethren. 8°. London. 1822. A Concise History of the Unitas Fratrum, or Church JOHN HUS 117 of the United Brethren commonly called Mora- vians. 12°. 190 pp. W. Mallalieu & Co. Lon- don. 1862. ' Historical Society Transactions of . . . 1st v. in 1876. Nazareth, Pa. Debate in the English Parliament on a bill to relieve the United Brethren, or Moravians, from military duty and taking oaths. As reported for the Uni- versal Magazine. Remarks made by Lieutenant Gen. Oglethorpe when the Petition of the Depu- ties of the said People was brought in, Feb. 9, 1748. Printed in Catalogue of books relating to or illustrating the History of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren. Pp. 148-72. Philadelphia. 1881. Ogden, John C. An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth in Pennsylvania in the year 1799; with a succinct history of the Society of the United Brethren commonly called Moravians. 12°. 167 pp. Charles Cist. Philadelphia. 1800. Oldham, Samuel S. John Huss: His times, life, faith and martyrdom. A Lecture delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association, at the Ro- tundo, Dublin. 8°. 47 pp. Seeley. London. 1854. Pastor, Ludwig. The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages. Drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican and other original sources. From the German of . 8°. K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co. London. 1906- 1912. Pennington, Arthur Robert. Epochs of the Papacy, from its Rise to the Death of Pope Pius IX,, in 1878. 118 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 496 pp. Hussites, p. 234. G. Bell & Sons. London. 1882. Pescheck, Christian Adolf. The Reformation and Anti- reformation in Bohemia. From the German of . 2 vs. 8°. 901 pp. Houlston & Stone- man. London. 1845. Prynne, William. A Seasonable Vindication of Supream Authority and Jurisdiction of Christian Kings, Lords, Parliaments, as well over the possessions, as Persons of Delinquent Prelates and Church- men ; or, an Antient Disputation of the famous Bohemian Martyr John Hus, in Justification of John Wickliff's 17. Article. Transcribed out of the printed Works of John Hus, and Mr. John Fox his Acts and Monuments. . . . With an addi- tional appendix thereunto of Proofs, and Domes- tick Presidents in all ages, usefull for present and future times. Printed by T. Childe and L. Parry and are to be sold by Edward Thomas. 4°. 118 pp. London. 1660. Rashdall, Hastings Stanhope. John Huss. Historical Essay. 8°. 41 pp. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. London. 1879. Reincke, Abraham. A register of members of the Moravian Church and of persons attached to said church in this country and abroad, between 1727- 1754. 144 pp. Bethlehem. 1873, Risler, Jeremias. Select Narratives from the History of the Church known by the name of Unitas Fra- trum or United Brethren. Translated from the German. Part i. Ancient History. 8°. 132 pp. Wm. McDowell. London. 1806. JOHN HUS 119 Rogers, Henry. The Story of John Huss. 8°. 12 pp. Reprint from Good Words. London. Rolt, Richard. The Lives of the Principal Reformers. Embellished with the heads of the reformers in mezzotinto by Houston, fo. 202 pp. 21 portraits. E. Bakevvell and H. Parker. London. 1759. Rundle, Charles Elizabeth. Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. Sketches of the United Brethren of Bohemia and Moravia. 75 pp. London. 1865. Schaff, David Schley. John Huss. His Life, Teachings and Death. After five hundred years. 349 pp. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 191 5. Schwarze, W. N. John Hus, the Martyr of Bohemia. A Study of the Dawn of Protestantism. Illu- strated. 8°. 152 pp. Fleming H. Revell Com- pany. New York. 191 5. Schweinitz, Edmund de. The Moravian Episcopate. 8°. 28 pp. Bethlehem, Pa. 1865. Who are the Moravians? A discourse preached at the dedication of the lecture room of the Second Moravian Church in Philadelphia. 8°. 12 pp. Philadelphia. 1867. A History of the Unitas Fratrum, from its over- throw in Bohemia and Moravia to its renewal at Herrnhut, 1627 to 1722. 8°. 16 pp. Bethle- hem. 1877. The History of the Church known as the Unitas Fratrum, or the Unity of the Brethren, founded by the followers of John Hus, the Bohemian Re- former and Martyr. 8°. 693 pp. Bethlehem. 1885. Small, J. Some account of the original protest of the 120 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Bohemian nobles against the burning of John Hus. Edinburgh. 1861. Smith, J. Milton. Stars of the Reformation; being short sketches of eminent reformers and of the leading events in Europe which led to the revival of Christianity. Bohemian Reformation, pp. 18- 36. S. W. Partridge & Co. London. Trench, Richard C. Bohemia and Huss. Lectures on Mediaeval Church History. 8°. 321 pp. London. 1877. Ullmann, C. Reformers before the Reformation, princi- pally in Germany and the Netherlands, depicted by . Translated by Robert Menzies. Hussites included. 8°. 2 vs. T. & T. Clark. Edinburgh. 1855. Van Dyke, Paul. The Age of the Renascence. 397 pp. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1913. Varillas, Antoine. The Pretended Reformers : or, a true History of the German Reformation, founded upon the heresie of John Wickliffe, John Huss and Jerom of Prague; and an impartial account of the wars, which ensued thereupon. Made English from the French original, by Matthias Earbery. 8°. 93 pp. Printed for T. Jauncy. London. 1720. Whately, Jane E. The Gospel in Bohemia. Sketches of Bohemian Religious History. 8°. 190 pp. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1876. Williams, Robert F. Lives of the English Cardinals. English Opinion in Bohemia, pp. 33-58. William H. Allen & Co. London. 1868. Worthington, John. The Diary and Correspondence of United Brethren and Moravians in, v. I, THEGATE OF TONGVES VN LO CKED AND OPENED, Ordfe, A Seminarieor fccd-plot of all Tongues and Sciences. ■' ThiX IS- A iTcrt way of teaching and thorowly learning ^ rh.'-. ■>. yccr; and i ni.t'c at :»c fifth«>,:iK: Lat.a,£n^«li, f rrn.'h, ij\4 any ^ther wn-^^ -ogcrhcr v»iti; d-.c grauoi '<2 cocprifcd cQiimcihaniiredTirtei, scda And now at a roktn of rbaokfblneflc brcsgEttO h'^ht m Lattn>. £n?iiih,andFcc:ach> In chei>ehai£ft ^i :iie moU lUuiiriouj Prince C«e« ^}}« Komensky's The Gate of Tongues Unlocked JOHN HUS 121 pp. 164, 21 T, 238, 241, 260, 269, 29T, 299, 316, 318; account of the life of the United Brethren exiled in Hungary, by Figulus (Komensky's son- in-law), pp. 153-56. Workman, Herbert B. The Dawn of the Reformation. V. I, The Age of Wiclif ; v. 2, The age of Hus. 8°. 374 pp. Charles H. Kelly. London. 1901. Wratislaw, A. H. John Huss and the Ultramontanes. 8°. 22 pp. Reprint from the Contemporary Re- view. London. 1872. ^John Huss. The Commencement of Resistance to Papal Authority on the Part of the Inferior Clergy. Society for Promoting Christian Knowl- edge. 12°. 408 pp. London. 1882. Wyatt, Margaret Anne, translator. A Memoir; illus- trating some of the workings of Popery in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Translated from the German. With an introductory note on Popery, by a Beneficed Clergyman of the Anglican Church. 8°. 136 pp. L. B. Seely and W. Burn- side. London. 1841. Wylie, James Hamilton. The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus. 12°. 192 pp. 3 plates. Being the Ford Lectures delivered in the Uni- versity of Oxford. Longmans, Green & Co. London. 1900. ARTICLES • Anketell, John. The History of the Church in Bohemia and Moravia. The American Church Review. New York. 29:357-87; 29:557-91, 1877. 30:41- 122 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 63; 30:245-61; 30:376-90; 30:601-15, 1878. 31 -35-42; 31 :9i-ioi ; 31 :20i-io, 1879. Baker, James. Sion-Bohemia. Morning Post. London. June I, 1892, Banks, J. S. The Story of Jan Hus. Wesleyan Methodist Magazine. London. 117:245-50; 353- 57. 1894. Behringer, G. F. John Huss. Lutheran Quarterly Re- view. Gettysburg. 22:223-37. April, 1892. Blaikie, W. G. The Bohemian Centenary. The Catholic Presbyterian. London. 3:241-50. Oct., 1881. The Bohemian and Moravian Centenary. Postscript. The Catholic Presbyterian. London. 3 :240. 1881. Bohemia: How it became Romanist. Christian Ob- server. London. 71 :9i. Protestant clergy in . Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature. London. 30:282. Counter-Reformation in . Christian Remem- brancer. London. 53:271-89. April, 1867. Lon- don Times military correspondent at the seat of war. Reconquered, in 1620-28. The Congregationalist. London. 4:615-19. 1875. Commemoration. The Catholic Presbyterian. Lon- don. 3:70. 1 88 1. Brown, D. John Hus and Wicklif. British and Foreign Evangelical Review. London. 33 :572-78. July, 1884; Spectator. London. 57:851-52. 1884; Athenaeum. London, i :625. 1884. Review of Johann Loserth's Wickliff and Hus. Cisaf, F. Los von Rom. The Presbyterian and Re- formed Review. Philadelphia. 12 :66o-66. 1901. JOHN HUS 123 Translated from the author's MSS. by Vaclav Losa and Charles E, Edwards. Cramer, M. J. John Huss; Letters to his Church in Prague. Christian Literature. New York. 13: 179-85. Aug., 1895. Crawford, W. H. John Hus and the present demand for home rule in Bohemia. The Methodist Re- view. New York. 58:681-95. 1898. Dusek, V. Early Struggles in the Bohemian Church. The Catholic Presbyterian. London. 3 :356-66. May, 1880. Bohemia after the Death of John Hus. The Catholic Presbyterian. London. 4:132-40. Aug., 1880. Bohemia during the Reformation. The Catholic Presbyterian. London. 5:361. May, 1881. Felts, P. Jerome of Prague. The Lutheran Quarterly. Gettysburg. 26: 380-93. 1896. Giddins, George H. John Hus ; the Preacher of Prague. The Methodist Review. New York. 12:569-75; 669-74; 753-59; 830-37; 916-22. 1899. Gillett, E. H. The Taborites and the Germ of the Moravian Church. The American Presbyterian Review. New York. 13:391-410. July, 1864. The Sermons of John Huss. The New Englander. New Haven. Oct., 1864. Good, James L John Huss and the Reformed Church. The Reformed Church Review. Lancaster, Pa. 19:161-71. 1915. Hallivell, George W. The Oldest Protestant Denomina- tion. The Sunday School Times. Philadelphia. 40:523-24. 1898. 124 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Hark, J. M^,x. History of the Church of the Moravians. Andover Review. Boston. 4:587-93. Dec, 1885. Review of De Schweinitz's Unitas Fratrum. Hus, John. Our John Hus Celebration. Jubilee num- ber of the Radost, published by the John Hus Bohemian Presbyterian Church. New York. July, 1915. Five Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of , by Herbert B. Workman. Quarterly Review. London. 124:145-49. July, 1915. His Message to the Preachers of To-day. Portrait. By Count Liitzow. Homiletic Review. New York. 70:3-9. July, 191 5. The Life and Work of . An address delivered April I, 1915, in honor of the five hundredth anniversary of the martyrdom of , by Rem- sen du Bois Bird. The Princeton Theological Review. Princeton. 13:256-74. 1915. The Outlook. New York. 110:545-47. July 7; 110:594. July 14, 191 5. His Work, Trial and Martyrdom. Spectator. Lon- don. 115:10-12. July 3, 1915. Five Hundredth Anniversary. By Father Sebastian. Supplement to the Herald of the Serbian Church, San Francisco. 191 5- Quincentenary of . . . Nation. New York. loi : 73-5. July 8, 1915. ' and the Hussites. The Treasury. New York. 17:335-45- 1899-1900. • and the Hussites. United States Catholic Magazine. Baltimore. 4 :409. Jerome of Prague. Methodist Magazine. London. 45:508. JOHN HUS 125 Jewett, J. L. Life and Times of John Huss. Methodist Quarterly. London. 3 :220. Miskovsky, Louis Francis. The Catholic Counter-Re- formation in Bohemia. Bibliotheca Sacra. Oberlin. July, 1900. The Unitas Fratrum. Bibliotheca Sacra. Oberlin. July, 1908. The Moravians. The American Quarterly Church Re- view. New Haven. 13:80-97. 1861. Antecedents of . The American Presbyterian Review. New York. 7 :']']. History of . Southern Review. St. Louis. 10:189-215. Jan., 1872. Neisser, George. A List of Bohemian and Moravian Emigrants to Saxony. Collected from various sources in print and manuscripts ; begun and com- pleted at New York from June 2, to July 20, 1772. Translated and edited by Albert G. Rau. Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. 9:41-93. Bethlehem Times Pub. Society. 1913. Piper, C. R. Protestantism of John Huss. Portrait. Open Court. Chicago. 29:321-31. June, 1915. Rogers, Henry. The Story of John Huss. Good Words. London. 7:21-30. Jan., 1866; same, Living Age. Boston. 88:341-52. Feb., 1866. Schaff, David S. A Spurious account of Huss's Journey to Constance, Trial, and Death. An exposure of a book in German, published in St. Louis, 1875, on the Infallibility of the Pope, etc. With note by Preserved Smith. The American Journal of Theology. Chicago. 276-82. April, 1915. Sherwood, J. M. Comment on Gillett's Life and Times of John Hus. Reformation in Bohemia. The 126 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY American Presbyterian Review. New York. 13: 114-36. Jan., 1864; same, The Biblical Review. London, i :i23. 1864. Smyth, J. J. Life and Times of John Huss. Evangelical Review. London. 18:473. Spalding, M. J. John Huss and the Hussites. Miscel- lanea. London. 1855. Stevenson, W. F. How John Hus became a saint in the Romish Calendar. Month. London. 15:425; same, Good Words. London. 4:339-44. 1863. The Taborites and the Calixtines. The American Pres- byterian Review. New York. 5:1. Thurston, Herbert. John Huss. Month. London. 156-64. Aug., 191 5. Torry, H. W. Life and Letters of John Huss. The North American Review. Boston and New York. 65 :265-305. Oct., 1847. Review of de Bonne- chose's The Reformers before the Reformation and of Letters of John Huss written during his exile and imprisonment. Vojan, J. E. S. Bohemian-American Freethinkers and John Huss. English Section of the Organ Bratrstva C. S. P. S. 23:223. Chicago. 191 5. Wratislaw, A. H. Protestants of Bohemia. Good Words. London. 3:607-8. 1862. An Account of the Writings of John Huss, in the Czeskish or Bohemian language (including his letters from Constance), most of them now printed for the first time. Review of the collected Bohe- mian writings of Magister John Huss by Karel Jaromir Erben. The Contemporary Review. London. 10:530-55. 1869; same, Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature. London. 40:97; same, JOHN HUS 127 The American Presbyterian Review. New York. 5 :228. Precursors of John Huss in Bohemia. The Con- temporary Review. London, 13:196-210. 1870. ^John Huss and the Ultramontanes. The Contempo- rary Review. London. 19:238-59. 1872; same, Living Age. Boston. 112:427-39. Feb., 1872. 2izka, John, the Bohemian Patriot. Leisure Hour. Lon- don. 10:263-67. 1861. and the Reformation in Bohemia. Macmillan's Magazine. London. 72 :346-55. Sept., 1895 ; same, Living Age. Boston. 207-297. 1895. XIII JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY (Comenius) PUBLICATIONS Bristol, Frank M. John Amos Comenius. Lecture de- livered March 29, 1892. Fleming H. Revell Com- pany, New York. 1892. Butler, Nicholas Murray. Place of Comenius in the History of Education. 20 pp. C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, 1892. Compayre, Gabriel. The History of Pedagogy. Trans- lated by W. H. Payne. Comenius, pp. 122-37. D. C. Heath & Co. Boston. 1907, Field, E. M. The Child and His Book. Gardner, Darton & Co, London. 1891. Graves, Frank Pierrepont. A History of Education in Modern Times. Comenius, pp. 271-91. The Macmillan Company. New York. 1914. Hanus, Paul H. Educational Aims and Educational Values. Comenius, pp. 193-21 1. The Macmillan Company. New York. 1899. Hark, J. M. The Private Life and Personal Character- istics of John Amos Comenius, pp. 196-204 of Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence 123 JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY 129 of the National Educational Association for 1892. C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse. 1892. Hoyt, Charles Oliver. Studies in the History of Modern Education. Comenius and Realism in Education, pp. 21-48. Bibliography, p. 27. Silver, Eurdette & Co. Boston. 1908. Kiddle, Henry and Schem, A. J. The Cyclopaedia of Education. Comenius, pp. 159-61. E. Steiger & Co. New York. 1883. Komensky, John Amos. Janua Linguarum Reserata. The Gate of Tongues Vnlocked and opened, or else, A Seminarie or Seed-plot of all Tongues and Sciences. ... In Latine first ; and now^ as a token of thankfulnesse brought to light in Latine, Eng- lish, and French. In the behalfe of the most illustrious Prince Charles, and of the British, French and Irish youth. The second Edition, much enlarged. By the labour and industry lohn Anchoran, Licentiate in Divinity. Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Thomas Slater, dv^elling at the White Swan, in Duck-Lane. London. 1633. ———The School of Infancy. An essay on the Education of Youth during the first six years. 76 pp. To which is prefixed a Sketch of the Life of the Author by . . . David Benham. 176 pp. W. Mal- lalieu & Co. London. 1858. Another edition by D, C. Heath & Co., Boston, 1896, edited with notes and in reduction by Will S. Monroe. First English ed. 1641. ' A Reformation of Schooles, Designed in two ex- cellent Treatises : the first whereof Summarily sheweth the great necessity of a generall Reforma- tion of Common Learning, What grounds of 130 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Hope there are for such a Reformation. How it may be brought to passe. The second answers certaine objections ordinarily made against such undertakings and describes the severall Partes and Titles of Workes which are shortly to follow. Written many yeares agoe in Latine by that Reverend, Godly, Learned, and famous Divine Mr. John Amos Comenius, one of the Seniours of the exiled Church of Moravians. And now upon the request of many translated into English, and published by Samuel Hartlib, for the generall good of this Nation. 4°. 94 pp. Printed for Michael Sparke, Senior, at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbor. London. 1642. His Last Porch of the Latin Tongue: Setting out the agreement of Things and Language (made fit unto the Rules of the last Method of Languages) made English, according to the Copy thereof, turned into Low-Dutch by Henry Schoof and carefully compared with the Original, Also so fitted with a Vestibulary Grammar, and an Eng- lish Table, that hence the Latin Tongue may be perfectly well learned in a short time : By J. Brookbank. 8°. 221 pp. Printed by R. Hodgkin- sonne. London. 1647. A Continuation of his School Endeavours. Or a Summary Delineation of Dr. Cyprian Kinner Silesian. His thoughts concerning Education : or the Way and Method of Teaching. Exposed to the ingeneous and free Censure of all Piously- learned men The which shal shortly be seconded with an Elucidarium or Commentary to open the sense of whatsoever is herein contained, chiefly of . T HE >i^\ HISTORY 01 the Bohemian Perfccutioii Froai Vfce beginning of their conrcrfion to Chr ifiiaoity in the year 8 94. to the year I ^3 3. firifffAnd the aiaf ^i(/frM,^cigning. Iq which the unheard of fccrcts of po- licy, Counfclh, Arts, and draiirull Judgt- mepis are exhiblced. LO N D ON -/' ^ rrh o^b. PrifJted by S* A, for lohh fFalkfr at the Star in Popcs-Hcad-AIly ^4 D C L, Komensky's History of the Bohemian Persecution JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY 131 what Is paradoxall and obscure, (if any such shall appear to be). Together with an advice of how these thoughts may be successfully put in practice. Translated out of the Original Latine, transmitted to Sam. Hartlib and by him pub- lished and in the name of very Godly and Learned Men, recommended to the serious Consideration, and Liberall Assistance, of such, as are willing to favour the Reformation of all Christian Churches and Commonwealths : but more espe- cially the Good and Happiness of these United Kingdoms. Published by Authority. 4°. Printed for R. L. London. 1648. -The History of the Bohemian Persecution, From the beginning of their conversion to Christianity in the year 894 to the year 1632. Ferdinand the 2nd of Austria, Reigning. In Which the unheard of secrets of policy, Counsells, Arts, and dreadfull Judgements are exhibited. 12°. 284 pp. Printed by B. A. for John Walker at the Star in Popes- Head- Ally. 1650. -Pansophiae diatyposis. A Patterne of Universall Knowledge, in a plaine and true Draught ; or, A Diatyposis, or Model of the Eminently Learned and Pious Promo tor of Science in generall, Mr. John Amos Comenius. Shadowing forth the largenesse, dimension, and use of the intended Worke, in an Ichnographicall and Orthographicall Delineation. Translated into English by Jeremy Collier. 8°. 180 pp. Printed by T. H., and are to be sold by Thomas Collins, Bookseller in Northampton. 1651. -Naturall Philosophic Reformed by Divine Light ; or. 132 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY a Synopsis of Physicks. Exposed to the censure of those that are Lovers of Learning, and desire to be taught of God. Being a view of the World in generall and of the particular creatures therein contained; grounded upon Scripture Principles. With a briefe Appendix touching the Diseases of the Body, Mind, and Soul; with their generall Remedies. 8°. 256 pp. Printed by Robert and ' William Leybourn, for Thomas Pierrepont, at the Sun in Pauls Church-yard. 165 1. Revelation Revealed by two Apocalyptical Treatises, translated out of the High Dutch, with a Dedica- tion to Oliver St. John by Sam. Hartlib, and a long Discourse by John Durie. London. 165 1. The True and Readie Way to Learne the Latine Tongue. Attested by Three Excellently Learned and Approved Authours of three Nations. By Samuel Hartlib, London. Printed by R. and W. Leybourn for the Common-wealth of Learning. London. 1654. The Gate of the Latine Tongue Unlocked. Ex- hibiting in a natural order the structure of Things and of the Latine Tongue (according to the Rules of the newest Method of Tongues). With an etymological Index of the words, gathered out of the Janual Lexicon, Varro, Scaliger, Isidore, Martinus and other Classical Autors, and Alpha- betically disposed by W. D. 8°. 332 pp. Printed by William Du-Gard ; and are to be sold by John Clark at the entrance into Mercer's Chappel, at the lower end of Cheapside. A. Dom. 1656. Orbis Sensvalivm Pictus (Visible World), or, A Picture and Nomenclature of all the chief Things JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY 133 that are in the World, and of Mens employments therein, A Work newly written by the Author in Latine, and High-Dutch (being one of his last Essays, and the most suitable to Childrens Capaci- ties of any that he hath hitherto made & trans- lated into English. By Charles Hoole, Teacher of a Private Grammar-School in Lothbury. Lon- don. For the use of young Latine-Scholars. With portrait of Komensky. 8°. 309 pp. Printed for J. Kirton, at the Kings-Arms, in Saint Paules Church-yard. 1659. An Exhortation of the Churches of Bohemia to the Church of England: Wherein is set forth the Good of Unity, Order, Discipline and Obedience, in Churches rightly now, or to be Constituted. With a Description premised of the Order and Discipline us'd in the Churches of the Brethren in Bohemia. Written in Latine and dedicated to his most Excellent Majesty Charls the Second, in Holland, at his Returning into England; if possible it may be for an Accomodation amongst the Churches of Christ. By J. Amos Comenius, the only surviving Bishop of the Remains of those Churches. 4°. 78 pp. Translated by Joshua Tymarchus. Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Three Crowns, over-against the great conduity at the lower end of Cheapside. 1661.^ A General Table of Europe, representing the Present ^ On p. 447 of his PisejHnutvi Ccske (Bohemian Literature), Dr. Flajshans asserts that Komensky wrote in 1660 a Latin treatise on the Unity of the Brethren, entitled De Bono Unitatis, etc., which he dedicated to Charles IL Ohviously the treatise referred to by Flajshans and the Exhortation of the Churches of Bohemia to the CImrch of England is one and the same. 134 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY and Future State thereof: The Present: Govern- ments, Languages, Rehgions, Foundations and Revolutions both of Governments and Rehgions. The Future: Mutations, Revolutions, Government and Religion of Christendom, and of the World. From the Prophecies of the three late German Prophets, Kotterus, Christina (Poniatovska) and Drabicius, etc. All Collected out of the Originals, for the common Use and Information of the English. 4°. 288 pp. Benjamin Billingsley. London. 1670. Janua Linguarum. Translated into English, and printed according to J. A. Comenius his last Edi- tion, delivered with his own Hand. So much altered, augmented, and amended, that it may be accounted as a new Work. 8°. 285 pp. Illus- trated. Printed by John Redmayne. London. 1670. Ratio Disciplinse, or the Constitution of the Congre- gational Churches. By T. C. Upham on the model of K's and Mather's books. Portland, Maine. 1829. Rules of Life. Regulae vitse. 19 pp. W. Mallalieu & Co. London. 1865. The Great Didactic. Now for the first time Eng- lished, with introduction, biographical and his- torical, by M. W. Keatinge. 319 pp. Adam and Charles Black. London. 1896. The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart. Edited and Englished by the Count Liitzow. 16°. 2 pi. 306 pp. I portrait. The Temple Classics. J. M. Dent & Co. London. 1905. JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY 135 Kvacala, John, editor. Korrespondence Jana Amose Komenskeho. Collection of Latin, Bohemian, English and German letters written by or con- cerning Komensky. Three volumes, two edited by John Kvacala and one by A. Patera. Pub- lished by the Francis Joseph Bohemian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts. Prague. 1892, 1898, 1902. Lang, Ossian H. Comenius: His Life and Principles of Education. E, L. Kellogg & Co. New York. 1891. Laurie, S. S. John Amos Comenius, Bishop of the Moravians; His Life and Educational Works. Reading circle edition ; with five authentic portraits and a new bibliography with fifteen photographic reproductions from early editions of his works. 272 pp. C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse. 1892. Studies in the History of Education, Comenius, pp. 138-58. University Press. Cambridge. 1903. Maxwell, W. H. The Text-Books of Comenius . . , address before the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association at Brook- lyn. 24 pp. C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse. 1892. Monroe, Paul, editor. A Cyclopaedia of Education. Comenius, v. 2, pp. 135-41. The Macmillan Com- pany. New York. 191 1. Monroe, Will S. Comenius, the Evangelist of Modern Pedagogy. 7 pp. Reprint from Education. Boston. Dec, 1892. Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Re- form. 8°. 184 pp. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1907. 136 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Munroe, James P. The Educational Ideal. Comenius, pp. 68-94. D. C. Heath & Co. Boston. 1896. Painter, F. V. N. A History of Education. Comenius, pp. 200-12. D. Appleton & Co. New York. 1891. Great Pedagogical Essays. John Amos Comenius; selections from his Great Didactic, with bio- graphical sketch. American Book Company. New York. 1905. Parker, Samuel Chester. A Text-book in the History of Modern Elementary Education. 12°. 505 pp. Illustrated. Comenius, pp. 136-48. Bibliography. Ginn and Company. Boston. 191 2. Paterson, Maurice. Johann Amos Comenius. A sketch of his life and educational ideas. 8°. 48 pp. Blackie & Son. London. 1892. Payne, Joseph. Lectures on the History of Education. London. 1892. Payne, W. H. A Short History of Education. Bibliog- raphy of Comenius. Pp. 100-04. C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse. 1881. Quick, Robert Herbert. Essays on Educational Re- formers. Comenius, pp. 1 19-71. D. Appleton & Co. New York. 1902. Sloane Manuscripts, in the British Museum. By J. L. Scott. London. 1904. Letters to and from J. Hiibner, between 1638-40, alluding to Komensky. Pp. I -66-98- 1 23, 152-200. Vaughn, Robert. The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the state of Europe during the early part of the reign of Louis XIV. Letters written by Samuel Hartlib relating to Komensky, pp. 430- 31-32-37-44-47. 2 vs. Henry Colburn. London. 1838. JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY 137 WilLams, Samuel Gardiner. The History of Modern Education. i6°. 481 pp. Comenius, pp. 163-86. C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse. 1899. The World's Best Essays, from the earliest period to the present time; edited by David Brewer. Comenius, pp. 1122-28. Fred P. Kaiser. St. Louis. 1900. Worthington, John. The Diary and Correspondence of . From the Baker MS. in the British Mu- seum and the Cambridge University Library and other sources. 2 vs. Edited by James Crossley. Printed for the Chetham Society. 1847. Copious references to Komensky.^ ARTICLES Blodgett, J. H. Was Comenius called to the Presidency of Harvard? Educational Review. New York. 16:391-93. 1898. Busse, F. Object Teaching. American Journal of Edu- cation. Hartford. 30:417-30. 1880. Calkins, N. A. The History of Object Teaching. Ameri- can Journal of Education. Hartford. 12:633-45. 1862. Eaton, John. Comenius. The Philadelphia Sunday School Times. 39:562-63. 1897. Fisher, Philip Melanchton. Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Comenius, at Pasa- dena, California. Pacific Educational Monthly. 8:147-50. 1892. * On pp. 78-9, V. 2, part I, is a poem by James Montgomerj', reprinted from his Greenland, edit. 1850, pp. 73-4, which pictures Komensky leading out the remnant of the United Brethren from the land of their sires. 138 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Gregor, Frances. A Pioneer of Learning. The Chicago Times. Mar. 26, 1892. Klose, Edwin G. John Amos Comenius: His Life, Services to the Brethren's Church and to Educa- tion. The Moravian. Bethlehem. Mar. 9, 16, 23, 1892. Komensky, John Amos. On the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Educational Review, New York, Mar., 1892, printed four papers : i . John Amos Comenius, by the editor, Nicholas Murray Butler. 2. The Place of Comenius in the History of Education, by S. S. Laurie. 3. The Text Books of Comenius, by C. W. Bardeen. 4. The Permanent Influence of Comenius, by Paul H. Hanus. the Encyclopaedist and Founder of Method. Journal of Education. London. Mar. i, 1892. ^Labyrinth of the World. Review in Athenaeum. London. 2 :343. Sept., 1901 ; same, Nation. New York. 74:138. Feb., 1902. Orbis Sensualium Pictus. American Journal of Education. Hartford. 12:647-50. 1862; 28:859- 60. 1878. Writes a Letter, June, 1644. Educational Review. New York. Pp. 487-94. Dec, 19 17. Krai, J. J. (J. G. Krall.) Comenius and His Views of the Drama. The Theatre. London. 19:195-96. April, 1892. Law, Mary E. Comenius or Komensky. Kindergarten Primary Magazine. Manistee. 27:66. Oct., 1914. Lippert, Emanuel. Child Study in Bohemia and Moravia and Report of the Bohemian National Committee JOHN AMOS KOMENSKY 139 for the Protection of Children. Pedagogical Seminary. V. 4. Worcester. 1916. Monroe, Will S. Comenius, the Evangelist of Modern Pedagogy. Education. Boston. 13:212. 1892. At Comenius' Grave (Naarden, Holland). Journal of Education. Boston. Nov. 15, 1894. Was Comenius called to the Presidency of Harvard? Educational Review. New York. 12:378-82. 1896. ■ Comenius and the Beginnings of Educational Re- form. Review by P. Monroe. Educational Re- view. New York. 20:525-26. Dec, 1900. Quick, Robert Herbert. John Amos Comenius; his life and educational works. Academy. London. 21 :57-8. 1882. Raven, J. H. Comenius. An Old School Book. Living Age. Boston. 169:373-80. 1886; same, Macmil- lan's Magazine. London. 53:437-44. 1886. Raumer, Karl von. John Amos Comenius. American Journal of Education. Hartford. 5 :257-98. 1858; same, Chamber's Journal. Edinburgh. 11:249-52. 1848. Vojan, J. E. S. John Amos Comenius, Bohemian, not German savant. The Iowa Citizen. July 11, 1910. Vostrovsky, Clara. A European School of the Time of Comenius. Education. Boston. 17:356-59. Feb., 1897. Watson, Foster. Comenius. Academy. London. 43 : 149-50. 1893. XIV LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE PUBLICATIONS Bain, Robert Nisbet. National influences in Bohemian and Polish Literature. The Cambridge Modern History. 1 1 :653-6o. Bibliography, p. 922. Cam- bridge. 1908. Biographical Dictionary of the Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern. Charles Dudley Warner, editor. 31 vs. Contains among others, biographical notices of these Bohemian authors: Emanuel Bozdech, Svatopluk Cech, Frantisek Lad. Celakovsky, John Amos Komen- sky (Comenius), Josef Dobrovsky, Josef Vaclav Fric, Vitezslav Halek, Karel Havlicek (Borov- sky), Boleslav Jablonsky (Karel Eugen Tupy), Bohumil Janda, Alois Jirasek, Jaroslav Kalina, Josef Kalousek, Josef Vlastimil Kamaryt, Vaclav Kliment Klicpera, Josef Jiri Kolar, Jan Kollar, Karel Hynek Macha, Ferdinand Bretislav Mik- ovec, Otakar Mokry, Bozena Nemcova, Jan Neruda, Frantisek Palacky, Pavel Josef Safai^ik, Julius Zeyer. The International Society. New York. 1896. 140 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 141 Bohemian Classics. School edition. Readers for the teaching of the Bohemian language in American High Schools, Colleges, etc. V. i. Tale by A. V. Smilovsky ; v. 2. Bohemian Folk-lore. Bohemian text; English introduction. Arranged by J. V. Nigrin. Bohemian Literary Society of Chicago. 1916. Botta, Anne C. Lynch. Handbook of Universal Litera- ture, from the best and latest authorities. The Bohemian Language and Literature, pp. 373-75. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. 1883. Bowring, Sir John. (Wybor z basnictwi ceskeho.) Cheskian Anthology. Being a history of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia, with translated specimens. 16°. 270 pp. Rowland Hunter. St. Paul's Church- Yard. London. 1832. Manuscript of the Queen's Court. A collection of old Bohemian lyrico-epic songs, with other ancient Bohemian poems. Translated. 12°. London. 1843. Havlicek, Karel. Gleanings of Epigrams of ■ , translated by Jaroslav J. Zmrhal. English-Bo- hemian Memorial, published on the occasion of the unveiling of a monument to in Chicago, July 30, 191 1. Kopta, Flora P. Bohemian Legends and other Poems. 8°. 183 pp. William R. Jenkins. New York. 1896. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, editor. Poems of Places. Switzerland and Austria. Moldava, the river, by James Gates Percival, p. 227; The Stu- dent of Prague, by Karl Immermann, translated by J. C. Mangan, pp. 230-33 ; Battle of Prague, 142 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY translated by H. W. Dulken, p. 234; The Old Clock of Prague, by Josiah Gilbert Holland, pp. 236-38; The Beleaguered City, by H. W. Long- fellow, pp. 238-40; On the River Tepl, Bohemia, by R. E. Egerton-Warburton, p. 248; J. R. Os- good & Co. Boston, 1877. Liitzow, Count. A History of Bohemian Literature. 8°. 425 pp. D. Appleton & Company. New York. 1899. Machar, J. S. Magdalen. Authorized translation, by Leo Wiener. 257 pp. Mitchell Kennerley. New York. 1916. Morfill, Richard William. The Dawn of European Literature. Slavonic Literature. 16°. 264 pp. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London. 1883. Selver, P. An Anthology of Modern Bohemian Poetry. 12°. 128 pp. Henry J. Drane. London. 1912. Sonnenschein, W. S. Best Books. Slavonic Philology and Literature, p. 638. London. 1887. Talvj (pseud, of Theresa Alberta Louisa von Jacobi, Mrs. Robinson). Historical View of the Lan- guages and Literature of the Slavic Nations ; with a sketch of their popular poetry. Preface by Edward Robinson. History of the Czekhish or Bohemian language and literature, pp. 147-21 1. 8°. 412 pp. G. P. Putnam. New York. 1850. yickers, Robert H. Martyrdoms of Literature. 8°. 456 pp. Sassawa, pp. 70-73 ; John Hus, pp. 120- 22; Bohemia, Ferdinand L, pp. 203-12; Bohemia, Ferdinand H., pp. 295-313. Charles H. Sergei & Co. Chicago. 1891. Augustine TTcrrman and his Map of Vir; Herrman is the first known I LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 143 Wratislaw, A. H. (Lyra Czecho-Slowanska.) Bohemian Poems, Ancient and Modern ; translated from the original Slavonic, with an introductory essay. i6°. 120 pp. John W. Parker. London. 1849. Patriotism: an ancient lyrico-epic poem, translated from the original Slavonic (Bohemian), with in- troduction. 8°. 20 pp. Whittaker and Co. London, 185 1. Manuscript of the Queen's Court. A collection of old Bohemian lyrico-epic songs, with other an- cient Bohemian poems. Translated. Polyglotta Kralodvorskeho Rukopisu. F. Rivnac. Prague. 1876. The Native Literature of Bohemia in the Fourteenth Century. Four lectures delivered before the Uni- versity of Oxford on the Ilchester Foundation. 8°. 174 pp. Geo. Bell & Sons. London. 1878. ARTICLES Bohemian National Hymn (Kde domov muj.) Trans- lated. Chicago University Settlement Song Book; same, Charities. New York. 13:205. 1904. Bowring, Sir John. History of Bohemian Literature. Review of Joseph Jungmann's Historic literatury Ceske. Foreign Quarterly Review. London. 2:146-48-74. 1828. Ancient Bohemian Ballads. Westminster Review. London. 12:304-21. Apr., 1830. Commentary on the Queen's Court MS.; a collection of old Bohemian Lyrico-Epic Songs, with other ancient Bohemian poems. Discovered and published by 144 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Wenceslaus Hanka and translated by Wenceslaus Aloys Swoboda. Bohemian and Slovak Literature. History of . 31 pp. Westminster Review. London. 112:413. 1879. Blind, K. Vicissitudes and Literature of Bohemia. Na- tional Quarterly Review. New York. 24:1. 1871. Capek, Thomas. Revival of the Bohemian Language. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Oct., 1892. Hapsburgs and the Bohemian Language. The Bo- hemian Voice. Omaha. June, 1893. The Decline and Rise of Bohemian Letters. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Sept. and Oct., 1893. Cech, Svatopluk. Songs of the Slave. Third Song, translated by Jan Havlasa. Osveta Americka. Omaha. Aug. 5, 1908. Songs of the slave. Translated by Otto Kotouc. Komensky, Organ of the Federation of Komen- sky Educational Clubs. Omaha. 4:1. 1912; 4:481-82; other Songs in Poet Lore. Boston. 27:114-16. 1916. Cermak, B. Bohemian Literature. Athenaeum. Lon- don. 2:8; 1888-89. 2:9; 1889-90. 2:10; 1890-91. Fairfield, A. R. Slavonic Literature. Academy. Lon- don. 24:344. 1883. Review of R. W. Morfill's Slavonic Literature. Farnham, Amos W. Bohemia, Bohemia. A poem adapted to the music of Maryland, My Maryland. Oswego Daily Times. Sept. 27, 1916. Gregor, Frances. Bohemian Novelists. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Sept. and Oct., 1892. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 145 Gurowski, A. de. Slavic Languages and Literatures. North American Review. Boston and New York. 71:329-59. 1850. Review of Talvj's Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations. Halek, Vitczslav. Evening Songs. Translated by Libbie A. Breuer, University of Texas Magazine. Austin. Jan., 191 1. Feb., 1912. Evening Songs. Translated by Otto Kotouc. Poet Lore. Boston. 27716-18. 1916. Literature of Bohemia. Westminster Review. London. 116:372-91. i88r. Liitzow, Count. Ancient Bohemian Poetry. New Re- view. London. 16:181. 1897. • The Literature of Bohemia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. 21 •.20'/-22. London. 1900. Machar, J. S. The Passing of Satan. A poem. Trans- lated by J. J. Krai. The Truth Seeker. New York. J\lar., 1901. A Fantastic Ballad. Translated by Otto Kotouc. Komensky, Organ of the Federation of Komen- sky Educational Clubs. Omaha. 2:2. 1910. On Golgotha. Translated by Otto Kotouc. Poet Lore. Boston. 28:485-87. 1917. Marchant, Francis P. An Outline of Bohemian Litera- ture. The Anglo-Russian Literary Society. The Imperial Institute. London. Pp. 48-75. Pro- ceedings of Feb., Alar., Apr., 191 1. Neruda, Jan. An Ancient Cottage. (Slara chatrc.) A poem translated by Libbie A. Breuer. The New South. Dallas. May, 191 2. 146 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Nigrin, Jaroslav Victor. Teaching of Bohemian in (American) High Schools and Colleges. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. i:ii. June, 1917. Periodical Press of Bohemia, Illustrated. Review of Reviews. New York. 31:85-6. Jan., 1905. Political and Social Poetry among the Czechs. Review of Reviews. New York. 47:358-59. Mar., 1913. Sclavonic Traditional Poetry, in a letter to . . . Zaboy, Slawoy, and Ludeck. A Sclavonian Tale. Trans- lated from the Bohemo- Sclavonian Dialect. Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh. 10:145-51. Sept., 1821. Sladek, Josef V. A Handful of Bohemian Heather. The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Feb., 1893. Talvj (Mrs. Robinson). Slavonic Popular Poetry. North American Review. Boston and New York. 43:85-120. 1836. Tille, Vaclav. Bohemian Literature. Athenaeum. Lon- don. 1891-92, 2:6, July 2; 1892-93, 2:8, July i; 1893-94, 2:8, July 7; 1896-97, 2:8, July 3; 1897- 98, 2:11; 1899-1900, 2:6-7, July 7> 1900-01, 2:10- II, July 6; 1901-02, 2:8, July 5; 1902-03, 2:8, July 4; 1903-04, 2:296-97, Sept. 3. Vrchlicky, Jaroslav. An Arabic Motive. Translated by Jan Havlasa. Osveta Americka. Omaha. Oct. 7, 1908. Ward, A. W. Bohemian Literature in the 14th Century. Macmillan's Magazine. London. 38:40-48. 1878. XV MISCELLANY PUBLICATIONS Baker, James, Report on technical and commercial edu- cation in East Russia, Poland, Galicia, Silesia, Bohemia. 122 pp. Wyman & Sons. London. 1900. Bohemian- American Letter Writer; or Directions how to compose correctly, letters, documents, etc., which occur in the social relations and business life of the United States. 122 pp. August Geringer. Chicago. 1907. Born, Baron Inigo. (Mineralogist and Counsellor of the Mines at Prague.) Series of Letters to Prof. Ferber on the ]\Iines and Mountains of different Countries. To which is added John James Ferber's Mineralogical History of Bohemia. 8°. Translated from the German by R. E. Raspe. 1777. London (?). Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Prague. 6 pp. Politika. Prague. 191 1. Merrylees, John. Carlsbad and its environs. With a medical treatise on the use of the waters by B. 147 148 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY London. Illustrated. 8°. 199 pp. Sampson, Low & Co. London. 1886. Moleville, M. Bertrand de. The Costumes of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria. Dis- played in fifty coloured engravings; with descrip- tions and an introduction. 15 plates are Slovak, Bohemian and Moravian. Translated by R. C. Dallas, fo. 50 pi. W. IMiller. London. 1804. Rosicky, Marie Bayer. Bohemian-American Cook Book. Tested and Practical Recipes for American and Bohemian Dishes. Translated into English by Rose Rosicky. 8°. 306 pp. National Printing Company. Omaha. 1915. Royal Bohemian Coal and Mining Company, Limited. Reports. 8°. 16 pp. Printed by McNeil and Moody. London. 1864. Schoberl, Frederick. Austria: containing a description of the manners, customs, character and costumes of the people of that Empire. Illustrated. Bo- hemia, chap. 2, and pp. 28-31. C. S. WilHams. Philadelphia. W. Brown, printer. 1828. Zmrhal, Jaroslav J. (Prvni citanka obcanska.) A Primer of Civics ; designed for the guidance of the immigrant. English and Bohemian on opposite pages. 66 pp. Colonial Dames of Illinois. Chicago. 1 91 2. ARTICLES Baker, James. Manual Training in Central Europe. The Practical Teacher's Art Monthly. London, r Aug., 1900. MISCELLANY 149 Canalization of the Elbe (Labe) and the Moldau (Vltava). Illustrated. Scientific American Sup- plement. New York. 57 :23598. Mar., 1904. Cleef, E. van. Overlooked Bohemia. Map. Journal of Geography. Appleton, Wis. 14:39-42. Oct., 1915- Executioner's Sword. The Sabbath School Visitor. Philadelphia. 36:19. Oct. i, 1885. Reprint from the Edinburgh Children's Record. Description of the (supposed) sword with which Bohemian Martyrs were beheaded at Prague, June 21, 1621. Feistmantel, O. The Bohemian Coal Beds. Nature. London. 14:268-70. 1876. Hawes, J. B. Streets and Roads of Bohemia. U. S. Consular Reports. 38:495. 1891. Kay, C. de. Trout Farms of Bohemia. U. S. Consular Reports. 49:41. 1895. Krabschitz Institute. A Singular History. By R. S. A. The CongregationaHst. London. 7:611-14. Oct., 1878. Krai, J. J. Reminiscences of a Bohemian Gymnasium. The Inlander. Ann Arbor. 2:309-15. Apr., 1892. The Three Bohemias. Music. Chicago. 5:103-05. 1893. Prokop Divis, Inventor of the Lightning Rod. Popular Science Monthly. New York. Jan., 1893. Milles, Jeremiah. Of the Carlsbad Mineral Waters in Bohemia. Philosophical Transactions. London. Abr. 11:68. 1757. Newbigin, M. I. Departments of Natural History of the Bohemian Museum. Natural Science Maga- zine. London. 8:168. 150 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Slavic Transliteration. Report of the A. L. A. Com- mittee. International Congress of Librarians in Paris. 1900. Report by Bofivoj Prusik of Prague. Library Journal. New York. 25 :58o- 83, 1900; 27:16. 1902. DESCRIPTIOS O F T i: E WORKS Of the Ingenious Delineator and Engraver WENC£SLAUS HOLLAR, DISPOSED INTO Classes of Different Sorts; WITH Some Account of His LIFE* Mj^ Printed in London, for the Editor G. y. A Member of the Society ot Anti qjja r i e s. MDCCXLV. Wenccslaus Hollar Portrait by Himself XVI MUSIC PUBLICATIONS Baker, Theodore, editor. A Biographical Dictionary of Musicians. Contains short biographies of Antonin Dvorak, J. L. Dussek, F. Skroup, B. Smetana, Z. Fibich, V. Novak, V. J. Tomasek, etc. G. Schirmer. New York. 1905. Bendl, Karel. Twelve Gypsy Songs. Czech and Eng- lish texts. Novello, Ewer & Co. London. Burchenal, Elizabeth, editor. Folk Dances and Singing Games : twenty-six folk dances including Bohe- mian. Illustrated. G. Schirmer. New York. 1909. Celebrated Pianists of the Past and Present Time. Con- tains portraits and biographies of V. J. Tomasek, J. L. Dussek, etc. H. Grevel and Co. London. 1895- Dickinson, Edward. The Study of the History of Music. Recent Music in Bohemia, pp. 375-76. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1905. Dickinson, Clarence and Helen A. The Influence of the Reformation on Music: 1517-1917; in. Excursions in Musical History. The H. W. Gray Co. New York. 1917. 151 152 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Dussek, Jan Ladislav. The Captive of Spillburg, in two acts. Altered from the favourite French drama called Le Southerrain, with a preface by the translator. The music by . 8°. 47 pp. M. Stace. London. 1799. Dvorak, Antonin. Saint Ludmila; an oratorio, written by Jaroslav Vrchlicky, the music composed by . The English version by the Rev. Dr. Troutbeck. Book of words, with analytical notes, by Joseph Bennett. Novello, Ewer & Co. Lon- don. 1886. The Spectre's Bride ; a dramatic cantata, written by K. J. Erben. English version by the Rev. Dr. Troutbeck. Novello, Ewer & Co. London. 1886. Four Songs. English words by Mrs. John Morgan, authorized by Dvorak. N. Simrock. Berlin. 1887. ^by Henry T. Finck in, Famous Composers and their Works, edited by John Knowles Paine and others. J. B. Millet Co. Boston. 1891-1900. in, From Grieg to Brahms ; studies of some modern composers and their art, pp. 72-95, by Daniel Gregory Mason. The Outlook Co. New York. 1903- Sketch of his life and estimates of his genius and place in art. Portrait and bibliography in. Masters in Music, v. 4, p. 20. Daniel Gregory Mason, editor. Bates and Guild Company. Boston. 1904. Elson, Arthur. Modern Composers of Europe. Bo- hemians and others, pp. 91-114. Portraits of Dvorak and Smetana. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons. London. 1909. ■A. IVIUSIC 153 Grove's Dictionary of ]\Iusic and Musicians. Includes mention of V. J. Tomasek, B. Smetana, Antonin Dvorak, Z. Fibich, V. Novak, O. Novacek, F. Ondficek, Jan Kubelik, etc. The Macmillan Co. London and New York. 1904. Hadden, J. Cuthbert. Modern Musicians. Jan Kubelik, pp. 166-71. Portrait. T. Foulis. London. 1914. Hadow, W. H. Studies in Modern ]\Iusic. Antonin Dvorak, pp. 171-225. Portrait. Seeley and Co. London. 1895. Kappey, J. A., editor. Songs of Eastern Europe, a collection of 100 volkslieder. Includes 18 Bo- hemian songs. English translation by Clara Kappey. William A. Pond & Co. New York. Narrative History. The Art of Music. A compre- hensive library of information for music lovers and musicians. Illustrated. 14 vs. Daniel Gregory Mason, editor-in-chief. Includes : Musical De- velopment in Bohemia, v. 3, pp. 165-86; Bohemian and Polish Folk Song, v. 5, pp. 127-28; Chamber Music Works of Smetana and Dvorak, v. 7, pp. 338-585 ; The Orchestra, Modern Bohemia, v. 8, pp. 374-82; Bohemian Opera, v. 9, pp. 439-41. The National Society of ]\Iusic. New York. T915-17. Pisek, Vincent. Twenty Bohemian Folk Songs. English and Bohemian texts. Translated and compiled by . 70 pp. New York. 1912. Pratt, Waldo Selden. The History of Music. A Hand- book and Guide for Students. G. Schirmer. New York. 1907. Runciman, John F. Old Scores and New Readings: Discussions on Musical Subjects. 8°. 279 pp. 154. BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Antonin Dvorak, pp. 249-54. Unicorn Press. London. 1899. Smetana, Bedfich. The Bartered Bride : a comic opera in three acts, Hbretto by K. Sabina. Enghsh version by Helen J. Harvitt. 8°. 43 pp. F. Rullman. New York. 1908. ' Synopsis of the Bartered Bride in, A Guide to Modern Opera, by Esther Singleton. Pp. 1-9. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York. 1909. The Bartered Bride: For the benefit of the Legal Aid Society, Metropolitan Opera House, April the twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and nine. 7 plates. New York. ■ Bohemian Cradle-Song from the Opera Hubicka (Kiss), adapted for concert use by Kurt Schindler. English version by Henry G. Chapman. G. Schirmer. New York. 1910. in, The Opera Goers' Complete Guide, by Leo Melitz. Translated by Richard Salinger. Synopsis of The Bartered Bride, pp. 31-32. Dalibor, pp. 63-65; The Kiss, pp. 169-71. Dodd, Mead and Com- pany. New York. 1913. ' Synopsis of The Bartered Bride in. The Opera Book, by Edith B. Ordvvay, pp. 28-30. Sully and Klein- teich. New York. 191 5. Spacek, Anna and Boyd, Neva L. Folk Dances of Bo- hemia and Moravia for School Playground and Social Center. Harmonizing of music by Gertrude Shoemaker. Saul Brothers. Chicago. 191 7. Stories of the Operas and the Singers. Emmy Destinn, p. 40. Portrait. John Long. London. 19 10. Zajicek, Frank. John Huss Oratorio. English words by according to the Bohemian version of V. MUSIC 155 J. Dvorak and a short sketch of the life of Huss. National Printing and Publishing Co. Chicago. 1915- ARTICLES Dvorak, Antonin. By H. E. Krehbiel. Portrait. The Century Magazine. New York. 44:657-60. Sept., 1892. . By J. J. Krai. Music. Chicago. 4:561-71. 1893. Biographical Sketch. Metronome. New York. July, 1894. ' Saturday Review. London. 81 1^2^-24. Mar., 1896. The Return of . Portrait. The Critic. New York. 21:236. 1892; 30:241. 1897. 'Symphonies of by W. B. S. Mathews. Music. Chicago. 17:615. Apr., 1900. The Work of . Portrait. By Daniel Gregory Mason. The Outlook. New York. 71 :649-56. 1902. Some Appreciative Remarks on by P. M. F. Hedley. Portrait modelled from life. Musical Standard. London. 20:506. Sept. 12, 1903. • Sketch and portrait. Athenaeum. London, i :6o3. May 7, 1904. Independent. New York. 56:1077-78. May 12, 1904. Dead. Sketch of his life with list of his works, and portrait. Musical Courier. New York. 48:18; 25. May, 1904. Bohemian-American Composer. Portrait. Review of Reviews. New York. 29:750. June, 1904. 15G BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY The Music of . Musician. Boston. 15:89. Feb., 1910. Portrait of. Review of Reviews. New York. 43:621. May, 191 1. Student Days with . By H. P. Hopkins. Etude. Philadelphia. 30:5. 1912. Destinn, Emmy. An Opera Singer, who is a musician, a musician who is a cultivated woman. By Katherine M. Roof. Musician. Boston. 19:4; 265-66. 1914. Dussek, John L. A Neglected Composer. By J. Mendel- sohn. Musician. Boston. 19:91. Feb., 1914. Hejda, F. K. The Echo. Translated by J. J. Krai. Music. Chicago. 10:584-92. Oct., 1896. Hensel, Octavia. Student Days in the Imperial Land. Music. Chicago. 12:567-69. 1897. Hlavac, V. J. His Sustaining Piano-forte. Music. Chicago. 4:311-15- 1893. Krai, J. J. Bohemian Popular Poetry and Music. Music. Chicago. 3485-509- Mar., 1893. Bohemian Music in 1894. Translation of an article by F. K. Hejda in Dalibor (Prague). Music. Chicago. 7:514-19. Mar., 1895. History of the Polka. Music. Chicago. 9:305-12. Jan., 1896. Krehbiel, H. E. Folk-music Studies of the Magyars and Slavs, including Bohemia. New York Daily Tribune. July 30; Aug. 6, 1899. Jan Kubelik, with portrait sketch by Cecelia Beaux. The Century Magazine. New York. 41 :744-46. 1902. Mackenzie, A. C. The Bohemian School of Music. MUSIC 157 Quarterly Magazine of the International Musical Society. Part 2. 7:145-72. Leipsic. 1905-06. Smetana, Bedfich. The Famous Czech Composer. The Review of Reviews. New York. 9:482. Apr., 1894. Father of Bohemian Music. By J. J. Krai. Music. Chicago. 9:144-53; 10:11-15; 10:155-58. 1896. Celebrated Original Compositions: Overture to the Bartered Bride. Metronome. New York. 27 :5 ; 40, 41, 55. May, 191 1. By J. E. S. Vojan. The Sunday American. Cedar Rapids. Apr. 21, 1912. Dvorak and Fibich. By J. E. S. Vojan. The Sun- day Republican. Cedar Rapids. May 5, 1912. My Country: Six Symphonic Poems. By J. E. S. Vojan. The Sunday Tribune. Chicago. Oct. 9, 1912. Vojan, J. E. S. The Bohemian Opera. The Daily News. Chicago. Nov. 8, 191 1 ; same, The Record-Herald. Chicago. Nov. 19, 191 1. Composers of Genius, whose works are neglected in the United States. The Sun. New York. Nov. 18, 191 1 ; same, The Daily Tribune. Chicago. Dec. 2, 191 1. A Sketch of the Modern Musical History of Bo- hemia. English section of the Organ Bratrstva C. S. P. S. Chicago. 25:258. 1917. Zelenka, Lerando L. Music in Bohemia. Komensky, Organ of the Federation of Komensky Educa- tional Clubs. Omaha. 8:271-76. Dec, 1916. XVII PERIODICALS PERIODICALS^ The Bohemian Voice. Omaha. Organ of the Bohemian Americans in the United States. Published from Sept., 1892, to Nov., 1894. Thomas Capek edited the magazine from the beginning to Apr., 1894, when J. J. Krai became editor. American Bi-Monthly. Chicago. Two numbers pub- lished, Dec, 1914 and Feb., 1915. A. G. Melichar and J. J. Zmrhal, editors. The Bohemian Review. Monthly. Chicago. Official Organ of the Bohemian (Czech) National Alli- ance in America. First number Feb., 1917. Jaroslav F. Smetanka, editor. ' Josef Pastor published a monthly journal devoted to the interests of emigrants, in Hamburg, 1884. Lessons in ele- mentary EngHsh were printed in every issue. The pubhcation •wdi?. called CcskS Osady v Americe. (Bohemian Settlements in America.) The Organ Bratrsiva C. S. P. S., Chicago, official organ of the Bohemian Slavonic Benevolent Societies in the United States of America and Canada, has an English section. The Bratrsky Vcsinik Z. C. B. J., Omaha, official monthly of the Western Bohemian Fraternal Association, maintains an Eng- lish section. 158 XVIII PLANS. MAPS. VIEWS. JOURNALS PUBLICATIONS Bohemia, Account of the Campaign of 1756, in Bohemia, Silesia and Saxony. 8°. GrifBth. London. 1757. The Theatre of War in the Kingdom of • by T. Jefferys. Drawn from the Survey of J. C. Mijller. London. 1757. Moravia, Saxony, Silesia, etc. Correct Map of . Showing the Seat of War between the Prussians and Austrians in those parts. 1770. ( ?) Cruchley's New Map of the Seat of War in . Showing all the fortified Towns, Railways, Roads, etc. London. 1866. Two Views of by Walmsley, engraved by Bluck. 1801. The Campaign in , 1866, by G. J. R. Gliinecke. Maps and Plans. London. 1907. Prague. An Internal View of a Great Hall at . George Egidius Sadcler. 1607. An Exact Plan of with the particular Dis- position of ye French and Austrian Armies, in 159 160 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY ye present Siege, with ye Retrenchments made by ye Marshals de Broglio and de Belleisle for its defence. Taken by M. de BrogHo's Chief En- gineer and sent to Mr. Donnelly. Engrav'd, Printed and Publish'd for D. Donnelly. Sept. 6, 1742. A Plan of the City of with the French Camp, and the disposition of the Austrian Army to attack the same in their Trenches. Copyed from an original Draught sent from the Austrian Camp. M. Senex. London. 1742. An Exact Account of all that passed at , from the French Army's flight thither after the battle between the King of Prussia and Prince Charles of Lorrain, down to the raising of the Siege . By an Engineer in the French Armey at Prague. Translated from the French. With a postscript, containing a few reflections on Marshall Belleisle's evacuating Prague, etc. 8°. London. 1743. > ^A Journal of the Siege of , wrote by a princi- pal ofiicer to one of his friends. 8°. Dublin. 1743- ^A Plan of the City of with the Prussian Camp and Batteries. 1757. With a Map of the Country round showing ye Junction and March of the Prussian Armies. Herrman, Augustine. View of New Amsterdam (New York) about the year 1650. Appended to J. H. Innes' New Amsterdam and its People. Virginia and Maryland. As it is Planted and In- habited this present Year 1670 Surveyed and Exactly Drawne by the Only Labour and En- PLANS. MAPS. VIEWS. JOURNALS 161 devour of , Bohemiensis. W. Faithorne, Sculpt, The Czecho-SIovak State, map of colored. Sup- plement to The New Europe. London. 2:64-5. Jan., 1917. XIX POLITICS PUBLICATIONS Austrian Terrorism in Bohemia. Introduction by Thomas G. Masaryk. 12°. 38 pp. Chap. I., The PoHtical Murder of Dr. Kramaf, reprint from The New Statesman. London. June 17, 1916; Chap. II. and III., reprint from articles in La Nation Tcheque. Paris. May i and June 15, 1916. Czech National Alliance in Great Britain. Printed by J. Truscott & Son. London. 1916. Bailey, W. F. The Slavs of the War Zone. 8°. 266 pp. Illustrated. Chapman and Hall. London. 1916. Benes, Edouard. Bohemia's Case for Independence. Introductory by Henry Wickham Steed. Map and bibliography. 129 pp. George Allen and Unwin. London. 1917. Benes, Vojta. A Memorial (appeal) to the International. Pp. 3-8. Signed : Bohemian Section of the So- cialist Party in America. In Russian, French, English, German, Bohemian. Chicago. 1917. Brown, Charles L. Our Fellow Citizens — The Bohe- 162 POLITICS 163 mians and Slovaks. 8 pp. Address delivered at Philadelphia, Apr. 14, 1917. Capek, Thomas. Austria-Hungary and the Slavonians. 22 pp. Written in commemoration of the Mass Meeting of citizens of Slavic origin, held at Carnegie Hall, New York City, December 14, 191 2, for the purpose of protesting against Austria- Hungary's unjustified interference with the Balkan Slavs. Bohemia Under Hapsburg Misrule. A Study of the Ideals and Aspirations of the Bohemian and Slovak Peoples, as they relate to and are affected by the great European War. Articles by, Thomas Capek : Have the Bohemians a Place in the Sun ? and. The Slovaks of Hungary. Bohumil Simek: Why Bohemia Deserves Freedom. H. A. Miller: The Bohemian Character. Will S. Monroe: Place of Bohemia in the Creative Arts. Leo Wiener: The Bohemians and the Slavic Regenera- tion. Emily G. Balch : The Bohemians as Immi- grants. Edited by . 8°. 187 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 191 5. Cheradame, Andre. The Pangerman Plot Unmasked. Berlin's Formidable Peace-Trap of the Drawn War. With an introduction by the Earl of Cromer. Maps. 235 pp. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 191 7. Curtin, D. Thomas. The Land of Deepening Shadow; Germany-at-war. 8". 337 pp. Police Rule in Bohemia, pp. 194-201. George H. Doran Com- pany. New York. 1917. Czech Hatred of Austria Grows. Reprint of an article 164 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY in the New York Sun. 4 pp. Bohemian National Alliance in America. New York. 1917. Gayda, Virginio. Modern Austria ; her racial and social problems. Czechs, pp. 66-89. Dodd, Mead and Company. New York. 191 5. Headlam, J. W. The Dead Lands of Europe. 31 pp. Bohemia, pp. 13-18. George H. Doran Company. New York. The Independence of the Czecho-Slovak Nation. Quota- tions from Wilson, Viviani, Balfour, Palacky, Masaryk, Seton-Watson and others. 20 pp. Printed for the Czecho-Slovak Arts Club of New York City. Feb. 26, 191 8. Kelly, R. J. Bohemia and the Czechs. 12 pp. Illus- trated. Dubhn. 191 5. Kratochvil, Slavomir, editor. The Voice of Freedom (Revolucni Vyzva.) English issue of the Czech- Slovak monthly. Pp. 153-92. New York. Oct., 1916. Lowell, A. Lawrence. Governments and Parties in Con- tinental Europe. 2 vs. Bohemia, chap 8. Hough- ton Mifflin Company. New York. 1896. Mamatey, Albert. The Situation in Austria-Hungary. 16 pp. Reprint of an article published in the Journal of Race Development. Worcester. Oct., 1915- Marchant, Francis P. Bohemia: Her Story and her Claims. 15 pp. Czech National Alliance in Great Britain. London. 1917. Reprint of an article in the Asiatic Review. London. 22:147-62. Aug., 19 1 6. POLITICS 165 Masaryk, Thomas G. The Problem of Small Nations in the European Crisis. Inaugural Lecture at the University of London, King's College. 32 pp. Council for the Study of International Relations. London. 1916. Condensed in Times Current History Magazine. New York. Dec, 191 5. The Slavs among the Nations. Reprint of an article from La Nation Tcheque. Paris. May 15, 1916. Lecture delivered by Feb. 22, 1916, before the Institute of Slav Studies in Paris. 38 pp. Czech National Alliance in Great Britain. Printed by J. Truscott & Son. London. 1916. Declaration of the Bohemian (Czech) Foreign Com- mittee. Comments of London papers. 14 pp. Bohemian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1915- Memorandum submitted by the Bohemian (Czech) Pres- byterians to the General Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in the U. S. A. at Dallas, Texas. 4 pp. May 17-25, 191 7. Namier, Lewis B. The Czecho-Slovaks, an Oppressed Nationality. 24 pp. Hodder and Stoughton. London. 191 7. The Case of Bohemia. 10 pp. Czech National Alliance in Great Britain. London. 191 7. Re- print from The New Statesman. London. Dec, 1916. Pergler, Charles. Bohemia's Claim to Independence. An address delivered before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the United States, February 25, 1916. 12 pp. Bo- 166 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY hemian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1916. ' Bohemian (Czech) Hopes and Aspirations. A lec- ture delivered before the State University of Minnesota, March 28, 19 16. 19 pp. Bohemian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1916. An Open Letter to Miss Jane Addams and Other American Advocates of Peace. 2 pp. Signed: Bohemian National Alliance in America. 1916. The Bohemians (Czechs) in the Present Crisis. An address delivered on the 28th day of May, 1916, in Chicago, at a meeting held to commemorate the deeds of Bohemian volunteers in the Great War. 23 pp. Bohemian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1916. The Pleart of Europe. An address delivered in Washington, December 11, 1916, at a Conference of oppressed or dependent nationalities. With a foreword by Alois F. Kovai-ik. 39 pp. Bohemian (Czech) National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1917. The Bohemian Question. 6 pp. Reprint from Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia. 191 7. Should Austria-Hungary Continue to Exist ? 14 pp. Reprint from The Yale Review. New Haven. 7:308-21. Jan., 1918. Yale Publishing Associa- tion. New Haven. Prochazka, J. Bohemia's Claim for Freedom. Edited by . Introduction by G. K. Chesterton. Illus- trated. Map. 12°. 66 pp. Chatto & Windus. London. 191 5. POLITICS 167 Recht, Charles. Bohemia and her Position in the War. 14 pp. Map. 24°. Czech ReUef Association. New York. 191 5. Schierbrand, Wolf von. Austria-Hungary: The Polyglot Empire. Map. 8°. 352 pp. Frederick A. Stokes. New York. 1917. Seton- Watson, Robert William (pseud. Scotus Viator). The Future of Austria-Hungary and the Attitude of the Great Powers. 8°. ^y pp. Archibald Constable & Co. London. 1907. German, Slav and Magyar. A Study in the Origins of the Great War. 198 pp. Maps. Williams and Norgate. London. 191 6. Smetanka, J. F. The Position of the Bohemians (Czechs) in the European War. 40 pp. Bohe- mian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1916. Steed, Henry Wickham. A Programme for Peace. Re- print from the Edinburgh Review. London. 24 pp. Bohemian National Alliance in America. New York. 1916. Toynbee, Arnold J. Nationality and the War. With many colored maps. Tchech (Czech) and Ger- man in the New Austria, pp. 261-72. J. M. Dent & Son. London. 191 5. The Voice of an Oppressed People. 48 pp. Two maps. Articles by T. G. Masaryk and Jaroslav F. Smetanka. Bohemian National Alliance in Amer- ica. Chicago. 19 1 7. 168 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY ARTICLES Allen, Frederick H. Austria the Crux of the Peace Problem. Renationalization of Dual Monarchy and abolition of autocratic rule over subject races necessary forerunner of any permanent settlement of world troubles. Position of Czechs, as vassals of Vienna. War section magazine of the New York Herald. Sept. 30, 1917. Austria and Bohemia. By the Bohemian National Alli- ance in America. The New York Times. Jan. 21, 1917. Hungary and the Slavs. The New Europe. Lon- don. 5:312-16. Dec. 20, 1 91 7. Constitutionalism. The Westminster Review. Lon- don. 79:175-97- Apr., 1863. Baker, James. The Struggle at Prague. The Quiver. London. 700-05; 786-91. 1902. Barry, Canon William. How to Break Austria. The Nineteenth Century. London and New York. 82:885-902. Nov., 191 7. Benes, Edouard. Germany and the Hapsburg Problem. The New Europe. London. 4:51-6. July 26, 1917. Bohemian Settlement. New Diet of Bohemia. The Spectator. London. 64:109. Jan., 1890. Bohemia, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Edin- burgh Review. London. 198:463. Oct., 1905. Two Rival Nationalities. Political Science Quarterly. Boston. 21 : 1 55-58. Mar., 1906. Troubles. Independent. New York. 75 '.^2/^-2^. Aug. 28, 1913. POLITICS 169 • Under Hapsburg Misrule. Review. The Spectator. London. 115:19-20. July 3, 1915. The Outlook. New York. 114:159. Sept., 1916. The Round Table. London. 333-41. Mar., 19 17. Future. Review of Reviews. New York. 55 :3o7-o8. Mar., 191 7. and Hungary. The Outlook. New York. 116:282. June 20, 191 7. Fighters. The Literary Digest. New York. Illus- trated. 54:1920. June 23, 1917. The Voice of. The New Europe. London. 5 :223. Nov. 29, 1917. Army. The New Ally. The New Europe. London. 5:284-86. Dec. 13, 1917. and Alsace. The New Europe. London. 5 :3i8. Dec. 20, 19 1 7. and the Allies. The New Europe. London. 6:27- 29. Jan. 17, 191 8. Bonsai, Stephen. Bohemia. The Submerged Front. The North American Review. New York. 206: 426-35. Sept., 1917. Brooks, Sydney. Fifty Years of Francis Josef. Harper's Magazine. New York. 98:310-19. 1899. Bruno, Guido. The Czechs and their Bohemia. Pear- son's Magazine. New York. 38:110. Sept., 1917. Buxton, N. and Masaryk, Thomas G. Liberation of Bohemia. The New Statesman. London. 8:419- 21. Feb. 3, 1917. Catholic Crisis in Bohemia. The Literary Digest. New York. 53:1036-37. Oct. 21, 1916. Chcradame, Andre. How to Destroy Pan-Germany. The Atlantic Monthly. Boston. 120:819-33. Dec, 1917. 170 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Crumbling of Austria-Hungary. The Spectator. Lon- don. July lo, 1 91 5. Czech Aspirations. The Literary Digest. New York. 51:11. July 3, 1915. Dorrian, Cecil I. Ideal of re-nationalized Europe un- folded by great Czech leader. (Masaryk.) The Globe and Commercial Advertiser. New York. Jan. 25, 1917. Dusek, V. Liberal Austria. The Catholic Presbyterian. London. 2 .^.y-T^-i)- 1879. Forman, Josef. Liberation of the Czecho-Slovaks. The Nineteenth Century. London and New York. 81:570-78. Mar., 1917; same, The Spectator. London. 118:98. Jan. 27, 1917. Liberation of Bohemia. The New Statesman. Lon- don. 8:443-44. Feb. 10, 191 7. Gooch, G. P. Czechs: Elections in Austria. West- minster Review. London. 154:619-25. Dec, 1900. Grande, Julian. Austria Seething with Dissension. The New York Times, July 22, 1917. Gribble, Francis H. Bohemia in the Battle. The Aspira- tions of the Czechs. A Problem of the War. Map. The Graphic. London. 95:120. Feb. 3, 1917- Czech claims and Magyar intrigues. The Nineteenth Century. London and New York. 81 :579-92. Mar., 1917. Hamlin, C. Slavic Races and Panslavism. Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover. 34:158-67. 1877. Hapsburg Monarchy and the Slavs. Nation. New York. 87:541-42. Dec. 3, 1908. WYBOR Z BASNICnVI CESKEHO. CHESKIAN anthology: alRXG A HISTORY OF THE JJortiral Eiteraturt of 33o5emia, WITH TRANSLATED SPECIMENS BY JOHN BOWRING. Tuto n«b2e biU am JcTHAti. KoLLtm. *• Oiir heart — oor counfry'ii ra«ket and defeno* — (Jur ci>unrn-, none «hall steal — nuoe tear it thenrr. Hudbu a zpewy Cech milne. LONDON: ROWLAND HUNTER, &r. PAL L S CHURCH- YARD. 1832 Sir John Bowring's Bohemian Anthology POLITICS 171 Hard, William, The Case of Austria-Hungary. Metro- politan. New York. 46:23. Oct., 1917. To Split the Germans. Metropolitan. New York. 47:12. Feb., 1917. Heilprin, A. Bohemia and Bohemians. Nation. New York. 60:305-06. 1895. Review of Robert H. Vickers' History of Bohemia and James Baker's Pictures from Bohemia. Heilprin, M. The Bohemian Question and the Bohe- mians. Nation. New York. 9:246. 1867. Slavic Agitations in Austria. Nation. New York. 12:38. 1871. Nationality Strifes in Austria-Hungary. Nation. New York. 36:291. 1893. Czech Revival in Austria. Nation. New York. 36:545. 1883. Hrbkova, Sarka B. The Attitude of the Bohemians. Nebraska State Journal. Lincoln. Feb. 13, 1916. An Eloquent Appeal for a Free Bohemia. Omaha Nebraskan. Omaha. May 31, 1917. Why Bohemia? Why Czechs? Omaha Nebraskan. Omaha. July 26, 1917. Hrdlicka, Ales. Austria's Babel of Tongues Brings her Low in World's War. Public Ledger. Phila- delphia. Aug. 31, 1916. Jerrold, Walter C. The Czechs. Pall Mall Gazette. Lon- don. Oct. 26, 1914. Kelly, R. J. The Slavic and Other Small Nations and the War. The Outlook. I-^ndon. Oct. 30, 191 5. Repression in Bohemia. The Outlook. London. Nov. 20, 1915. Kramaf, Karel. Europe and the Bohemian Question. National Review. London. 40:183. 1902. 172 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Condemnation of with portrait. The Bohe- mian Review. Chicago. 1:11-14. Mar., 1917. Landa, M. J. Bohemia and the War. The Contemporary Review. New York and London. 108:100-04. Jwiy, 1915. Levine, Isaac Don. Bohemia. The Birth of New Na- tions. Series of articles in the New York Tribune. July 8, 1917. Long, R. C. Race questions and the British policy; a letter from Vienna. Fortnightly Review. Lon- don and New York. 92:160-74. July, 1909. Lutzow, Count. The Bohemian Question, The Nine- teenth Century. London and New York. 44 :957. 1898. American Influences on Austria-Hungary. World's Work. New York. 9:564-65. Dec, 1904. Masaryk, Thomas G. Pangermanism and the Eastern Question. The New Europe. London, i :2-ig. Oct. 19, 1916. Austria Under Francis Joseph. The New Europe. London, i :i93-203. Nov. 30, 1916. Bohemia and the European Crisis. The New Europe. London. 2:33-47. Jan. 25, 1917. The Future Bohemia. The New Europe. London. 2:161-74. Feb. 22, 1917. ]\Iika, G. H. The Army of Victory or Death. The Out- look. New York. 118:321. Feb. 27, 1918. Miller, H. A. Nationalism in Bohemia and Poland. North American Review. New York. 200:879- 86. Dec, 1914. Nosek, V. Austria: a Study in Confusion. The New Europe. London. 4:167-71. Aug. 2^, 1917. POLITICS 173 Ordega, L, Bohemia and Austria. Chautauquan. Meadville. 19:203-07. 1894. Palda, L. J. The Bohemians and their Struggle for Home Rule. Lecture prepared for the Astor (New York) Library Club. Midland Monthly Magazine. Des Moines. Feb., Mar., 1896. Panther, (pseud.) Poles, Czechs and Jugoslavs. The New Europe. London. 3 :225-36. June 7, 1917. Pan-Slav Congress meeting in St. Petersburg in 1908. Fortnightly Review. London and New York. 90:145-46. July, 1908. Pergler, Charles. Independent Bohemian-Slovak State. The New Republic. New York. 11:21-2. May 5, 1917- Prince, J. D. Pan-Slavonic Ideal. Canadian Magazine. Toronto. 47:15-18. May, 1916. Roosevelt, Theodore. The Peace of Victory for which we Strive. With Map. Metropolitan. New York. July, 191 7. (The Czech and his close kinsmen outside of Bohemia should form a new commonwealth.) Rubicon, (pseud.) The Czechs and Austria. The New Europe. London. 6:144-50. Feb. 14, 1918. Schauffler, R. H. The Bohemian. The Outlook. New York. 97:558-61. Mar., 1911. Schmitt, Bernadotte E. The Liberation of all Peoples. The New York Times. Apr. 22, 191 7. Sellers, Edith. Rival Leaders of the Czechs. Temple Bar. London. 107:335-52. 1896; same. Living Age. Boston. 236-48. 1896. Seton- Watson, R. W. Pan-Slavism. The Contemporary Review. London. 140:419-29. Oct., 1916. 174 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Slav Mutterings in Austria-Hungary. Map. The Liter- ary Digest. New York. 47:301-02. Aug. 9, 1913. Sloss, Robert. Hope for Small Nations. The Globe and Commercial Advertiser. New York. July 27, 1916. Smetanka, J. F. The Demands of the Bohemian People. The Journal of Race Development. Worcester. 8:157-70. Oct., 1917. Steed, Henry Wickham. The Quintessence of Austria. The Edinburgh Review. London. 222 :225-47. Oct., 1915. Austria and Europe. Lecture delivered at King's College, London. The New Europe. London. 5 :359-66. Jan. 3, 1918 ; same cont. 5 :388-97. Jan. 10, 1918. Stevenson, I. P. Bohemia's Attitude Toward Francis Joseph. Independent. New York. 53:2036-39. Aug. 29, 1 90 1. Toynbee, Arnold J. The Slav Peoples. Political Quar- terly. London. 4:33-68. 1914. Twain, Mark. Stirring Times in Austria. Harper's Magazine. New York. 96:530-40. 1898. Voice of the Little Peoples. The Literary Digest. New York. 655-56. Sept. 25, 191 5. Vojan, J. E. S. Charles Havlicek, a National Poet and Martyr. The Record-Herald. Chicago. Feb. 6, 1911. Washington, Booker T. Bohemia: Races and Politics. The Outlook. New ,York. 98:75-80. May 13, 1911. Wertenbaker, T. J. Bitter war of races spurs cause of Middle Europe, , Germans in Dual Monarchy 'id POLITICS 175 look to the Hohenzollerns for help against Czech and Magyar encroachments upon their dominance. The Ledger. Philadelphia. July 30, 1917. Wiener, Leo. The New Bohemia. Nation. New York. 73:128-29. Aug. 15, 1901. Wistein, Rose. The Little Peoples. Fra. East Aurora. June, 1917. What Bohemia Demands. Address. Fra. East Aurora. August, 191 7. Wittelshofer, O. Race Question in Austria-Hungary. Chautauquan. Meadville. 20:404-08. 1895. XX PRAGUE PUBLICATIONS Haven, Gilbert. The Pilgrim's Wallet ; or, Scraps of Travel Gathered in England, France and Germany. 12°. Prague, pp. 461-70. Hurd & Houghton. New York. 1869. Howell,. Charles Fish. Around the Clock in Europe; A Travel Sequence. Illustrated by H. F. Kellog. Prague, 4 P. M. to 5 P. M., pp. 101-134. Hough- ton Mifflin Company. Boston. 1912. Liitzow, Count Francis. The Story of Prague. Illus- trated by Nelly Erichsen. 212 pp. J. M. Dent & Co. London. 1902. — — The Old Town Hall of Prague. Illustrated. 18 pp. Extract from a speech delivered at the Old Town Hall of Prague on the occasion of the visit of the Lord Mayor and Deputation of the Corporation of the City of London on the i8th day of Septem- ber, 191 1. Prague and its Environs. 8°. Charles Bellmann. Prague. 1905. Kralovske Hlavni Mesto Praha. Preface in Bo- hemian, French, English. 30 plates. City of Prague. 1908. 176 PRAGUE 177 English Club. Annual Report. 33 pp. Prague. 1913- Symons, Arthur. Cities. 8 photogravures. Prague, pp. 133-54. Pott, James & Co. New York. 1903. ARTICLES Baker, James. The Carl's Bridge at Prague. Leisure Hour. London. 40:752. Sept., 1891. Prague and Bristol. Bristol Times and Press. Feb. 21, 1907. Bedford, H. Visit to Prague and Vienna. Month. Lon- don. 39 :33. Davis, Mrs. J. W. Glimpse of Prague. Harper's Maga- zine. New York. 56:161. 1878. Glaser, M. Pictures of Prague by Modern Artists. The International Studio. New York. 34:118-22. April, 1908. Jansa, V. An Entrance Gate, Prague. Artist. New York. 31 :iii. 1902. Ostrov Kampa, Prague, i pi. International Studio. New York. 28:166-67. 1906. Pite, Beresford. The Cathedral of St. Vitus, Prague. The Architectural Review. London. 8:226. 1900. Prague. During the Feast of St. Nepomuk. Fraser's Magazine. London. 34:339-46. Sept., 1846. ' and its Memories. Leisure Hour. London. 7:451- 54. July, 1858. Once a Week. London. 3 :579-66o. i860. Thein (Tyn) Church. American Architect. New York. 3:42. Feb. 2, 1878. 178 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Rudolphinum. American Architect. New York. Dec. 20, 1890. Ralston, W. R. S. Huss Festival at Prague. Good Words. London. 10:839-47. 1869. — Poor of Prague. Good Words. London. 1 1 :257- 62. 1870. Renselaer, M. G. van. Prague. American Architect. New York. 18:123. Sept., 1885. Sweny, H. W. Prague. Cassel's Magazine of Art. London, i :37. Symons, Arthur. Prague. Illustrated. Harper's Maga- zine. New York. 103:508-17. Sept., 1901 ; same condensed, Current Literature. New York. 31 : 450. Oct., 1901. XXI SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS PUBLICATIONS Balch, Emily Greene. Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. 8°. 536 pp. Charities Publication Committee. New- York. 1910. Hodges, LeRoy. Slavs on Southern Farms. An account of the Bohemian, Slovak and Polish agricultural settlements in the Southern States. 21 pp. Wash- ington. Government Printing Office. 1914. Hrbkova, Sarka B. History of the Bohemians in Ne- braska. 48 pp. Nebraska State Historical So- ciety. Lincoln. 1914. Karpeles, Benno. Moravian and Silesian Miners; statis- tical inquiries into their social and economic condition. V. i. Tables. Sonnenschein & Co. London. 1894. McClure, Archibald. Leadership of the New America, Racial and Religious. 12°. 314 pp. The Bohe- mians, pp. 47-60. George H. Doran Co. New York. 1 9 16. Riis, Jacob. How the Othei Half Lives; studies among ^~ the tenements of New York. 304 pp. The Bo- 179 180 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY hemian tenement house cigar making, pp. 136-47. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1891. Stanton, Theodore, editor. The Woman Question in Europe. Introduction by Francis Power Cobbe. 8°. Chapter on Bohemian Women by EHska Krasnohorska. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. 1884. Steiner, E. A. On the Trail of the Immigrant. Illus- trated. 8°. 375 pp. Fleming H. Revell Com- pany. New York. 1906. -From Alien to Citizen. The story of my life in America. Illustrated. 8°. Among the Bohe- mians, pp. 169-76. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 1914. ARTICLES Baker, James. Small Holdings in Ireland and Bohemia. Times. London. Oct. 17, 1891. Balch, Emily Greene. The Story of a Bohemian Pioneer. Chautauquan. Chautauqua. 49:396-403. Feb., 1906. Slav Emigration at its Source. Charities. New York. 15:438, 591- 1905-06. Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. The question of as- similation. Illustrated. Charities. New York, 19:1162-74. 1907. Peasant Background of our Slavic Fellow-Citizens. Illustrated. Survey. New York. 24:666-67. Aug. 6, 1 910. Capek, Thomas. The Bohemians in America. The Chautauquan. Meadville. 14: 55-60. Oct., 1891. r Bed rich Sinclana Portrait by Max Svabinsky SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS 181 Christmas Day and how it is celebrated in old Bo- hemia. Illustrated by E. V. Nadherny. Christmas number Herald. New York. Dec. 12, 1897. Census of the U. S. As a country of birth Bohemia has appeared at every census from 1870 to 1900. See Bulletin of Population: 1910, pp. 959-61 68- 69-70-75-85-86-89-90-9 1 -92- 1 01 2. Davis, Catherine B. Modern Conditions of Agriculture in Bohemia. Journal of Political Economy. Chicago. 8:491. 1907. Hrbkova, Sarka B. Bohemian Citizens have done much for Cedar Rapids. Illustrated. Semi-Centennial edition of The Cedar Rapids Republican. June 10, 1906. The Immigrant. Nebraska State Journal. Lincoln. May 29, 1 910. The Melting Pot. The Daily Star. Lincoln. Feb., 1914. . Bohemians in Nebraska. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. I :io-4. July, 1917. Hrdipcka, Ales. Bohemia and the Czechs. Illustrated. The National Geographic Magazine. Washing- ton. 31:163-87. Feb., 1917. Industrial Census of Bohemia. Scientific American Sup- plement. New York. 55 :22907. May 23, 1903. Jonas, Charles, late U. S. Consul to Prague. Bohemian and Hungarian Emigration to the United States. U. S. Consular Reports. 32:491-94. 1890. Bohemians in Chicago. Preface by to page article. Illustrated. The Chicago Sunday Times. Jan. 24, 1892. Kissner, J. G. The Catholic Church and Bohemian Im- 182 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY migrants. Charities. New York. 13:313-14. Dec, 1904. Kohlbeck, Valentine. The Bohemian Element. Short History of the Bohemian Catholic Congregations in Chicago. The New World. Chicago. Pp. 136- 40. Apr., 1900. The Catholic Bohemians in the United States. Champlain Educator. 25:36-54. Jan., Mar., 1906; same, Mt. Angel Magazine. Oregon. Jan., Feb., 1909. Kotouc, Otto. The Bohemian Settlement at Humboldt in, A History of Richardson County (Neb.). 1917. Komensky Club of Columbia University, New York. Memorial. 16 pp. English and Bohemian. Apr. 21, 1917. Koukol, Alois B. A Slav's a Man for A' That. Illus- trated. Charities and Commons. New York. 21 :589-98. Jan., 1902. Kucera, Magdalena. The Slavic Races in Cleveland. Charities. New York. 13777-78. Jan., 1905. McLaughlin, Allan. The Slavic Immigrant. Popular Science Monthly. New York. 63 :30-32. May, 1903. Masaryk, Alice Garrigue. The Bohemians in Chicago. A Sketch. Charities, New York. 13:206-11. Dec. 3, 1904. Thomas Garrigue. The Labor Academy of Bohemia. A new feature of the labor question. Translated by Josefa Humpal-Zeman for the Chicago Record. Public Opinion. London. 22: 203-04. Feb. 18, 1897. c SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS 183 Mashek, Nan. Bohemian Farmers in Wisconsin. Chari- ties. New York. 13:211-14. Dec. 3, 1904. Miller, Kenneth D, Bohemians in Texas. The Bohe- mian Review. Chicago, i :4-5. May, 1917. Robbins, Jane E. The Bohemian Women in New York: Their work as cigar makers. Home work among them. Charities. New York. 13:194-96. Dec. 3, 1904. Ross, E. A. Slavs in America. Illustrated. Century Magazine. New York. 88:590-98. Aug., 1914. Rudis-Jicinsky, J. Bohemians in Linn County. Linn -^_ County Atlas. Iowa Publishing Co. Davenport. 1907. Schauffler, H. A. Slavonic Populations in the United States. Evangelical Alliance. 89:248. Steiner, E. A. Character of the Bohemians in the U. S. Outlook. New York. 73 :968-72. Apr. 25, 1903. Svarc, Vaclav. The Culture which the Slav offers America. The handicraft and industrial exhibi- tion conducted by the Slavic Alliance in Cleve- land. Illustrated. Charities. New York. 14: 875-81. July I, 1905. Swehla, Francis J. The Bohemians in Central Kansas. Portraits. Map. Kansas Historical Society Col- lections. 13:469-512. Topeka. 1915. Turner, R. W. Emigration from Bohemia. U. S. Consular Reports. 32:343-44. Feb., 1890. Vlach, J. J. Our Bohemian Population. Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Pp. 159-62. Madison. 1902, Zeman, Josephine Humpal. The Bohemian People in Chicago, pp. 115-28. In, Hull House Maps and 184 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Papers, A presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago. By residents of Hull House. T. Y. Crowell & Co. New York. 1895. Bohemian Settlements in the United States. In- dustrial Commission. 15:507-10. 1901. Bohemia: A Stir of its Social Conscience. The Commons. New York. July, 1904. XXII THE SOKOLS PUBLICATIONS Tyrs, Miroslav. Historical Sketch and Introduction to the foundations of Gymnastics. Translated from the original manuscript by J. Rudis-Jicinsky. 28 pp. National Printing & Publishing Co. Chicago. 1914. Our Task, Aim and Goal. Translated by J. Rudis- Jicinsky. 32 pp. ARTICLES Baker, James. The Historical and Athletic Fetes at Prague. Queen Magazine. London. July 13, 1912. The Sokol Festival at Prague. Illustrated London News. July 13, 1912. • Woman's Work in the Famous Sokol Organization. Queen Magazine. London. Aug. 3, 1912. The Palacky and Sokol Commemoration at Prague. Author's Magazine. London. Oct., 1912. 185 186 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY National Renaissance and its Motive Power. The Sokol Organization of the Slavs. Illustrated. Re- view of Reviews. London. 47:369-71. Apr., 1913- Jerrold, Walter Copeland. The Bohemian Sokol. Fort- nightly Review. London and New York. 94 :347- 58. Aug., 1913. XXIII TRAVEL. DESCRIPTION. GEOGRAPHY PUBLICATIONS Absolon, K. and Sykora, A. J. Description in Bohemian, German, French, Russian, PoHsh, Slovene and Enghsh of the Moravsky Kras (Moravian Carso), particularly the far-famed chasm Macocha in Moravia, near Brno. 40 illustrations. The Moravian Union for promoting visits of foreign- ers. Brno. Moravia. 1904. Baker, James. Pictures from Bohemia. Drawn with Pen and Pencil. Drawings by Walter Crane, H. Whatley and the best Bohemian artists. 4°. 192 pp. The Religious Tract Society. London. 1894. Austria : Her People and Their Homelands. 48 illustrations by Donald Maxwell. 8°. 310 pp. John Lane. London. 1913. Days Afoot and European Sketches. 4°. Simpkins, Marshall & Co. London. Bird, A. F. R. Boating in Bavaria, Austria and Bo- hemia. 4°. Andrews, Hull. 1893. 187 188 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Clark, Francis E. Old Homes of New Americans. The Country and the People of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and their contribution to the New World. With illustrations from photographs. C. 266 pp. Bohemians, pp. 10-58. Houghton Mif- flin Company. New York. 1913. Cole, G. A. J. The Gypsy Road. A Journey from Krakow to Coblentz. Illustrated by Edmund H. New. 8°. 166 pp. Macmillan & Co. London and New York. 1894. Cyclists Touring Club. Continental Road Book. V. 3. Maps. London. 1901. Bamberger, Christian Frederick. Travels in Bohemia between the years 1781 and 1797. Translated from the German. London. Dominian, Leon. Linguistic Areas in Europe: Their Boundaries and Political Significance. Maps. Reprint from the Bulletin of the American Geo- graphical Society. New York. 47:6. June, 191 5. The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe. 20 Maps. Bohemian, Moravian, and Slovakian, pp. 141-53. Henry Holt and Co. New York. 1917. Doughty, Henry Montague. Our Wherry in Wendish Lands from Friesland through the Mecklenburg lakes to Bohemia. 4 maps and 89 illustrations. 8°. 406 pp. Jarrold and Sons. London. 1893. Gleig, Georg Robert. Germany, Bohemia and Hungary visited in 1837. 3 vs. Bohemia and Moravia, pp. 272-372. John W. Parker. London. 1839. Handbook for Travellers in South Germany and Austria : being a guide to Wiirtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, TRAVEL. DESCRIPTION. GEOGRAPHY 189 Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, the Austrian and Bava- rian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea. With maps and plans. Bohemia, Moravia and Gallicia ( !), pp. 472-528. 8°. John Murray. London. 1879. Hodgson, Randolph L. On Plain and Peak. Sporting and other sketches of Bohemia and Tyrol. Illus- trated by Princess Mary Thurn and Taxis and from photos. 8°. 254 pp. A. Constable & Co. London. 1898. Keysler, Johann Georg. Travels through Germany, Bo- hemia, Hungary, etc. Translated from the Ger- man. Bohemia, v. 4, p. 247. Printed for A. Linde in Catherine Street. London. 1760. Kohl, Johann Georg. Austria, Vienna, Hungary, Bo- hemia and the Danube, Galicia, Styria, Moravia, Bukovina and the Military Frontier. From the German. 8°. London. 1843. Philadelphia. 1844. Macdonald, James. Glimpses of Bohemia, Past and Present. 8°. 55 pp. i plate. Lorimer & Gillies. Edinburgh. 1882. Meynier, H. The Tradesman's Travels in Germany, Silesia and Bohemia. London. 1805-1807. Moryson (or Morison), Fynes. An itinerary written by . First in the Latin Tongue, and then translated by him into English. Containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. 3 vs. J. Beale. London. 1617. 190 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Niederle, Lubor. Geographical and statistical views of the contemporary Slav peoples. Smithsonian Re- port 1910, pp. 509-612. Extracted by Ales Hrdlicka, from Niederle's Slovansky Svet (Slavic World). Government Printing Office. Washing- ton. 191 1. Patin, Charles. Travels through Germany, Bohemia,, Switzerland, Holland and other parts of Europe; describing the most considerable citys, and the palaces of Princes. . . . Made in English and il- lustrated. 12°. London. 1696. Another edition. 1701. Salvo, Marquis Carlo de. Travels in the year 1806 from Italy to England through the Tyrol, Styria, Bo- hemia, Galicia, Poland and Livonia . . . contain- ing particulars of the liberation of Mrs. Spencer Smith from the hands of the French police. Trans- lated from the Italian by W. Eraser. 12°. Lon- don. 1807. Silesia. An Autumn in Silesia, Austria Proper, and the Ober Enns. By the author of Travels in Bohemia. 8°. London. 1859. Stoddard, J. L. Lectures. Illustrated. Bohemia, supple. V. 5, pp. 237-328. Geo. L. Shuman & Co. Chicago and Boston. 19 13. Taylor, Bayard. Views A-Eoot; or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff. Scenes in Prague, pp. 140- 55. George P. Putnam. New York. 1850. Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Switzerland, Hol- land, and other parts of Europe in 1756. Also, Travels in the year 1806 through Bohemia. No particulars as to author or publisher. Antonin Dvorak TRAVEL. DESCRIPTION. GEOGRAPHY 191 Travels in Bohemia; with a walk through the Highlands of Saxony. By an Old Traveller (Thomas Brown of Edinburgh?). V. i, 341 pp; v. 2, 397 pp. 8°. Guildford (printed). London. 1857. Vizetelly, E. A. In Seven Lands : Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Spain, Portugal, Italy. 16 illustrations. 8°. 393 pp. Chatto and Windus. London. 1916. White, Walter. A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia and Silesia. 8°. 305 pp. Chapman and Hall. Lon- don. 1857. ARTICLES Baker, James. Round about Haida, Bohemia. Cornhill Magazine. London. June, 1885. Undiscovered Bohemia. Saturday Review. London. 62 148 ; same, American Architect. Boston, 20 :ioi. 1886. At the Oybin, Bohemia. Cornhill Magazine. Lon- don. Aug., 1886. At Bosig, Bohemia. Gentleman's Magazine. Lon- don. Apr., 1887. Why not Bohemia? Illustrated by H. Whatley. Illustrated London News. London. Pp. 203, 218. Aug. 17, 1889. Schreckenstein, the Key of the Elbe (Labe). Gentle- man's Magazine. July, 1890. A Pompeii in Bohemia. Cornhill Magazine. Lon- don. Jan., 1 891 ; same. Living Age. BostoH. 188:617. 1891. 192 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Some Rock Towns and Castles of Bohemia. Times. London. Oct. 2^, 26, 1893. A Visit to Peter Payne's Prison. Leisure Hour. London. Dec, 1894. In the Haida District. Sunday At Home. London. Apr., 1897. Prachatice, a Perfect Mediaeval Town. Leisure Hour. London. Sept., 1898. An Ancient Treasure Town — Kutna Hora, Sunday At Home. London. May, 1901. EngUsh Writers and JournaHsts in Bohemia. Author's Magr^zine. London. 1905-08; same, PubHsher's C.cular. London. July 15, 1905; same, Times and Mirror. July 21, 28, 1908; same. Author. London. Oct., 1908. In a Bohemian Cottage. Queen Magazine. London. Aug. 12, 191 1. Bohemia: Manners, Fashion and Things in General. A Summer Tour. Eraser's Magazine. London. 21 :425. Apr., 1840. Bohemian School Master. Household Words. London. 3:496. 1 85 1. Bohemian Forest. Cornhill Magazine. London. 50-257- 72. 1884. Brinton, Christian. Midsummer in Bohemia. Illustrated by Alfons M. Mucha. Appleton's Magazine. New York. 8:131-38. Aug., 1906. Farnham, Amos W. The Land of Bohemia. The Voca- tionist. Oswego. 2:4. June, 1914. Kopta, Flora P. Peasant Life in Bohemia. Southern Magazine. Louisville. 5 1394. TRAVEL. DESCRIPTION. GEOGRAPHY 193 Macdonald, James. A Visit to Moravia and Bohemia. The Cathohc Presbyterian. London. 3:446-55. Dec, 1 88 1. Midsummer Eve in Bohemia. Once a Week. London. 11:54-6. 1864. Mud-Larking in Bohemia. Temple Bar. London. 84:371. 1888. Nedobyty, Anna. Bohemia Revisited. Illustrated. Overland Monthly. San Francisco. 39:776-81. Apr., 1902. Rae, W. Eraser. Life at Bohemian Baths. Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh. 148:515-29. Oct., 1890. Reminiscences of a Ride in a Schncll Wagon. Eraser's Magazine. London. 31 :433. 1845. Street, G. S. Visit to Bohemia. People. London. 275-301 ; same. Fortnightly Review. New York. 93:541-53. Mar., 1910; same. Living Age. Bos- ton. 265:86:95. Apr. 9, 1910. Walk Across Bohemia. Eraser's Magazine. London. 29:290-301. 1884. The Travels of Three English Gentlemen, in the Year 1734, A Journey from Vienna in Austria; to Prague, the Capital of Bohemia. The Harleian Miscellany ; or, a Collection of Scarce, curious and entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in Manuscript as in Print, found in the late Earl of Oxford's Library. London. 5 :338-65 ; 8 :222-24. 1810-11. XX lV BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS In the compilation of the material here given the authors have consulted and drawn from the following sources: * Close Rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office ; Calendar of the Patent Rolls; Calendar of entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ire- land ; Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic of the reign of Henry VIII., preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum and elsewhere in England; Calendar of State Papers, of the reign of successive English Kings; Rolls of Parliament, comprising the Petitions, Pleas and Proceedings of Parliament from A.D. 1278 to A.D. 1503; Journal of the House of Lords, compiled by the direction of the Lords Com- mittee for the Journal; Collection of the State Papers of John Thiirloe (Thurlow), Secretary first to the Council of State, and afterwards to the two Protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell, being Authentic Me- 194 BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 195 morials of the English Affairs from the Year 1638 to the Restoration of King Charles II. ; Papers relating to John Drury's Mission to the Continent; Reports of the British Historical Manuscripts Commission; Re- ports of the Royal Commission on Historical Manu- scripts. From the mass of references to Bohemia which one finds stored in the Calendar of State Papers, the au- thors have practically noted only such as have some bearing on the relationship between that country and England. England's most genuine concern in Bohemia dates to the first quarter of the seventeenth century, when Elizabeth Stuart had been called to guide the state affairs of the ancient Kingdom. "Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia" occupies a leading place in every index to the Calendar of State Papers. Certain school histories would make it appear that it was Austria and Austria alone which combated the Turkish invasion of southeastern Europe. A perusal of the reports which English ambassadors sent home from various posts on the continent, make it clear that the Bohemian State contributed its full share, in men and in treasure toward crushing the Turkish menace. It is well worth recalling in this connection, that the present Hapsburg monarchy really originated as a re- sult of a voluntary union entered into in 1 526 between Austria, Bohemia and Hungary, United we stand, divided we fall before the Turkish peril, was the chief argument used to effect the union of these three states. 196 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1302, Nov. 10. Westminster. Safe-conduct, until Easter, for Gotfried, chaplain and envoy of the King of Bohemia and Poland, returning home. Patent Rolls, V. 1 301 -1 307, p. ^2. 1302, Nov. 13. Westminster. To Wenceslaus king of Bohemia and Poland. The king has received his let- ters of credence presented by Godfrey, Wenceslaus' chaplain, the bearer of the presents, and he understands what the chaplain wished to say to him on Wenceslauses behalf. He has caused the relics of St. Thomas, some- time archbishop of Canterbury, which the chaplain prayed on Wenceslauses behalf might be sent by the king, and also other relics be sent by the chaplain to Wenceslaus whom he prays to receive them and to have and keep in fitting reverence. Close Rolls, v. 1296- 1302, p. 611. 1339, Dec. 3. Antwerp. Whereas of late when the king was passing with his army through France certain enemies of the household of the king of Bohemia lying in ambush attacked the king's clerks, William de Dalton and William de Hugate, parsons of the churches of Southdalton and Northburton, took them and brought them against their will to High Almain, where they de- tain them in captivity, to the king's distress, he requests the provost of Beverley, his officers and ministers and all others interested to be favorable and gracious to the prisoners in those matters wherein they have to do with them, not seeking occasion against them in respect of their beneficies or the fruits thereof, and pardoning William de Dalton if during the present impediment he be not ordained to the orders which his benefice requires. Same, v. 1338-40, p. 400. 1346, Sept. Rome. To John, King of Bohemia. Ex- horting him to assist certain nuncios in their mission, BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 197 and to interpose in the interests of peace between the Kings of France and England. Calendar of Papal Registers, v. 7, p. 28. 1354, Dec. 2. Westminster. Protection and Safe con- duct, until Michaelmas, for John le Hammer of Boemia, who lately came to England on business affecting the King, who is going back to his own parts with three Knights and their grooms, and returning with thirty six Knights and their grooms, horses, armour, goods and things. Patent Rolls, v. 1354-58, p. 132. 1354. Enrolment of indenture made between the King (of England) and Master John Hanner and Herman de Reynesthorp of Boem, mynours (miners). The King has committed to John and Herman his mines in Devon- shire and elsewhere in England, rendering to the King the tenth part of their receipts and profits both of gold and silver and of lead and copper extracted from those mines. Same, v. 1354-60, p. 98. 1381, May I. Westminster. Grant of life annuities at the Exchequer to the following, whom the King has retained to stay with him for life, they doing homage therefor: Peter de Wartemberg, Knight, master of the chamber of the King's brother, the King of the Romans and Bohemia, 250 marks. Same, v. 1381-85, p. 4. 1382, March 14. Westminster. Gives to Simon de Burle, Kings Knight, certain grants for life, as recom- pense of his labor and expense in journeying to Germany and Bohemia to conduct the King's consort to England. Same, v. 1381-85, p. 107. 1385, May 21. Westminster, Grant to the King's esquire Roger Siglem of Bohemia, for his habitation, of a tenement at the corner of a lane called Wyndgoos- lane. Same, v. 1381-85, p. 107. 198 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1388. Simon de Burley impeached for retaining sundry Bohemians in the King's household. Rolls of Parliament, v. 3, 242a. 1388. Chancellor, etc., to warn such Bohemians as are not retained in the Queen's service, to void the Realm. Same, v. 3, 247a. 1388. Duke of Norfolk banished the Realm, and ordered to abide only in Almain, Hungary, and Bo- hemia. Same, v. 3, 383b, 1398, Oct. 3. Westminster. Licence for the king's lieges Thomas Gray of Heton, knight, William Elmham, knight, George Felbrigg, knight, Richard Craddock, knight, Richard Burgh, John Lancastre, Thomas de Brunham, Thomas Yokflete, clerk, and John Rome, clerk, to be of the entire and continous council of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, going to stay in Almain, Bohemia and Hungary. Same, v. 1396-99, p. 422. 1418, Mar. Constance. To the Archbishops of Can- terbury and York, the Bishops of London, Rochester, Chichester, Winchester, Exeter, Lincoln, Bath and Wells, Salisbury, Worcester, Hereford, Coventry, Lich- field, Norwich, Ely, St. Davids, St. Asoph, Llandoff, Bangor, Durham, Carlisle and Candida Casa, and in- quisitors of heresy in the provinces of Canterbury and York. Condemnation of the errors of John WickleiT of England, John Huss of Bohemia and Jerome of Prague ; Form for examining heretics and suspected heretics, etc. Calendar of Papal Registers, v. 7, p. 22. 1427, April. Rome. To Henry, Cardinal priest of St. Eusebius's, papal legate. The Pope has from time to time sent divers nuncios and legates for the extirpa- tion of heresy in Bohemia and neighbouring parts, but without result, nevertheless, he does not lose hope, and BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 199 daily prays that the sick flocks may be healed of their leprosy or be cut off from the land of the living, lest with their contagion they infect others. _As the most fitting leader of the attack on heresy and the defense of the church, to convert or do battle with the heretics, the pope has singled out the cardinal for many reasons, his wisdom and prudence, as shown formerly (at Con- stance) in the matter of the union of the church, his high lineage, his experience of great affairs, the glory of the realm and nation, which will make him the more to be feared in war. The pope has therefore made him legate a latere throughout all Germany and the realms of Hungary and Bohemia, and urges him not to refuse to undertake the burden. The enterprise will bring great and lasting glory to the King of England; etc. Same, V. 7, p. 30. 1427, July. Rome. To Henry, Cardinal of England, legate of the Apostolic see. The Pope rejoiced to receive his letters dated at Mechlin on the 15 of last month containing that he had undertaken the office of legate and is hastening against the Bohemians. Same, v. 7, P- 34- 1427, Oct. Rome. To Henry, Cardinal of England, legate of the apostolic see. The pope has with grief heard, from the legates chancellor, Nicholas Bildeston, of the disgraceful flight of the army of the faithful in Bohemia Aug. 2, 1427, from the siege of Meis (Stfibro) to Tachau (Tachov) where it was met by the legate, and from Tachau to the frontier on Aug. 4. He com- mends the cardinal for promptly betaking himself to Bohemia, and for his efforts with the princes and the army. The cardinal must persevere with his enterprise, and is to strive in season and out of season with the 200 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY princes and prelates of Almain. The clergy and prelates of Almain, the archbishops of Cologne and Mainz if they had joined those in Bohemia as they ought, and as had been arranged, the army would not have retreated with such disgrace. Same, v. 7, p. 35. 1429. Kingdom of Bohemia destroyed through Infi- delity. Rolls of Parliament, v. 4, p. 335. 1 5 18, Mar. 19. London. Ratification by Henry VIH. with Charles King of Spain, as principal contrahent, of the treaty of London, including his allies, Bohemia among them. V. 3, p. 40. 1524, Jan. 20. Greenwich. Henry VHI. to Fred- erick, John, and George, Dukes of Saxony. His (Luthers) doctrine is like that of Wycliffe, which, he doubts not, they abhor, as German Princes and their progenitors endeavoured to exterminate it, and have con- fined it to Bohemia. Feels sure they will prevent it from flooding Saxony and the whole of Germany. V. 4, part I, p. 17. 1527, Jan. 12. Sir John Wallop to Wolsey. It is thought the King of Bohemia is sending Salamanka to ask the King of England for aid against the Turk. Thinks he intends first to make himself King of Hungary. V. 4, part 2, p. 1249. 1527, May 20. Pressell, in Silesia. Wallop to Wolsey. I assure your Grace that I was not in all my journey so well entreatid, as I was with Hym (King of Bo- hemia) and his nobles. Howe be it, me thowght afore I was as well entreatid as cowde be, but this chere was so goode and with so goode hartes, that I cannott write to moche thereof. And also presentes was geven to me, not allone by the King Hym selfe, but also by his nobles. Over all this tyll I came into the King of Beemes contrey, Count Francis Liitzow Pioneer worker in English Bohemica BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 201 I lay every nyght yn the Kinges castelles, or some of his noble mennys, all waies well providid for. As towching newes, I have none of any certainte, but that the King of Beeme departithe frome hens the 21th day of this moneth towarde Prage, there to tary 7 other 8 daies att the ferdest, and fro thens to departe to Vienne where he entendith to putt Hym in a redynes to invade the royalme of Hungarie. And the likelyhode is grete as I before tyme in my laste letters have written to your Grace, for the Beemes have promysed Hym 6000 fote- menn and 1000 horsmenn ; The Moraviens 3000 f otemenn and 500 horsmenn ; and the Slesiens 2000 f otemenn and oone thowsond horsmenn, the space of half an yere. V. 6, part 5, pp. 581-82. 1536, Feb. 8. Reginald Pole to Gasper Cardinal Con- tarini. Writes to commend Peter Bechimius, of Bo- hemia. Is pleased that he is looking for his writings. Asks him to read like an enemy, not like a friend. Will send immediately the portion about the authority of the Pope, and will not cease to work at the rest. Hears that Peter the Bohemian has delayed his journey, and still has Pole's letters to the Cardinal. V. 10, p. loi. 1544, Aug. 16. Antwerp. Stephen Van Hassenpergk, a gentleman of Moravia, to whom Henry, with his ac- customed liberality has given something in his realm, fears to be hindered in the enjoyment and receipt of it, and asks her (Queen of Hungary) to write in his favour; which both for his virtues and because he is her subject as dowager of the Kingdom of Bohemia, she cannot refuse, and therefore begs Henry to give orders to his officers and subjects therein. V. 19, part 2, p. 37. 1554, April 6 and 12. Switzerland. Extracts of letters from the French Ambassador . King Ferdinand 202 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY has sent to levy 4,000 horse in Bohemia and a number more in Hungary (against the Turk). . . . Last Friday, the Ambassadors of the Kings of Bohemia and the Romans left England. ... V. 18, p. 92. 1556, March 29. Bruxelles. Masone to Devonshire. Foreign News. The King's journey to England deferred by reason of a visit from the King of Bohemia. V. 1547- 80, p. -JT. 1559, Jan. 17. Gottorp. Adolf, Duke of Holstein, to the Queen. Desires her licence for Joachim Bekeman, Henry of Czevona, and John Militor to export from England to Bohemia and Poland each of them 500 white clothes of the sort called "Wilser et Westerlaken," to be purchased by them from the weavers at Blackwall hall. V. 1559-60, p. 202. 1578, June I. Grenwich. The Queen to the Princes of the Empire, professing the Augsburg Confession. We therefore earnestly pray You that certain delegates from various regions in Scotland, France, some of the provinces of Belgium, Poland, Bohemia, and elsewhere, who invoke Jesus Christ, may be peaceably joined in a common council, to consider of the common cause. V. 1583, p. 512. 1619, May 8. Lord Doncaster has set out for Bohemia, his expenses will be £30,000. V. 10, p. 44. 1619, Oct. 2. Sir Horace Vere to Carleton. Great longing for news of the King of Bohemia's coronation. Much suing for the command of the troops to go to Bohemia, but his Majesty has not yet resolved to send any. V. 10, p. 82. 1619, Oct. 5. Thos. Locke to Carleton. Greater diffi- culty than ever in getting money. It is thought that BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 203 letters from Bohemia must be intercepted in the way, they are so long in coming. V. lo, p. 83. 1619, Oct. II. The general loans will not supply the Bohemian wants. V. 10, p. 557, 1619, Nov. 21. A gentleman has arrived from the King and Queen of Bohemia, to announce their arrival at Prague; their coronation is fixed for the 25th and the 26th. V. 10, p. 97. 1620, Jan. 18. Sir Fras. Nethersole to (Carleton). To be zealous in the cause of Bohemia is thought a fault in the eyes of those that govern. V. 10, p. 113. 1620, Feb. 20. Sir Fras. Nethersole to . The King commanded Baron Dona to prepare an answer to the Spanish minister's information that the Crown of Bohemia was only elective of heirs male, and that Ferdinand's deposition was unlawful. His answer to the first part was conclusive and he is sent to prepare one to the second. He was sanguine at first, from the zeal of the Prince, Buckingham and others, as to obtain- ing substantial aid, but the King, unwilling to call a Parliament, sits still, seeing what will be done without him; he even refused to second the King of Bohemia's request to the City of London for a loan of £100,000. V. 10, p. 124. 1620, Feb. 26. Chamberlain to Carleton. Sir And. Gray has made suit to be allowed to raise 2,000 volun- teers for Bohemia. V. 10, p. 125. 1620, Mar. II. Chamberlain to Carleton. Drums beat for recruits for the King of Bohemia. V. 10, p. 129. 1620, Mar. 21. Sir Fras. Nethersole to (Carleton). The City of London would contribute freely to the Bo- hemian cause, if they could have some warrant from the 204 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY King or Council that they would not afterwards be blamed for it. V. lo, p. 132. 1620, April (10?). Sir Jas. Wolveridge to Lord Zouch. Thanks for good tidings of the progress of the war in Bohemia; trusts that party will avenge the death of Jan Huss and Jerome of Prague, etc. V. 10, p. 138. 1620, Apr. 28. List of Dr. John Lambe of contribu- tions in Rothwell Deanery to the aid for the King of Bohemia. V. 10, p. 140. 1620, May 15. Rich. Stockwell to (Dr. Lambe). Sends up certain moneys, among which is £62 4s. col- lected for the King of Bohemia. V. 10, p. 145. 1620, May 18. List of contributions from thirty two parishers in Leicestershire, for the King of Bohemia. V. 10, p. 146. 1620, June I. Memo, by the Bp. of Peterborough, of the receipt of acquittances for iioo, as part of the collection made in the diocese for Bohemia. V. 10, p. 149. 1620, June 14. Sir Richard Younge to Lord Zouch. Embassies preparing to mediate a peace for the King of Bohemia. V. 10, p. 152. 1620, June 15. Account of Rich. Lightfoot, Rector of Stoke-Bruerne, co. Northampton, of contributions from his parish for the Bohemian loan, with receipt of £10. V. 10, p. 152. 1620, June 15. Account of Rich. Lightfoot, Rector of Stoke-Bruerne, co. Northampton, of contributions from his parish for the Bohemian loan, with receipt of £10 i6s., the amount thereof, by Dr. John Lambe. — Memorandum by Wm. Jones, Parson of Syresham, of his contribution of 20s., towards the benevolence for Bohemia. Hopes to be excused more, not being rich. — BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 205 List of contributions to the collections for Bohemia, by the clergy of different parishes, in the diocese of Peter- borough, with the names of many of the clergy; total iy] 14s. — Seven papers of memoranda relative to pay- ments for the Bohemian loan in the diocese of Peter- borough. V. 10, p. 152. 1620, June 28. Chamberlain to Carleton. The levies for Bohemia continue, but the recruits come in slowly and there are great jealousies about the appointment of officers. V. 10, p. 15. 1620, July 29. Examination of Simon Weston, Said in his Speech in the County Hall at Stafford, when urging the benevolence of Bohemia that Henry HI. and Henry IV. of France were murdered by Jesuits. V. 10, p. 169. 1620, Sept. 14. Baron Achatius de Dona, Bohemian Ambassador, to Lord Zouch. Requests his aid toward levying the contribution there for Bohemia. Incloses, the same to the Mayors, etc., of the Cinque Ports. Their Majesties of Bohemia requiring aid in maintaining their just cause. V. 10, p. 177. 1620, Sept. 16. Chamberlain to Carleton. Baron Dona is most arrogant in demeanour; he made a progress in Buckinghamshire to Lady Darmers and Lady Tresham's, and founded a counter contribution to that of Bohemia. V. 10, p. 178. 1620, Oct. 7. Mayor of Sandwich to Nicholas. Sends £153 IIS., collected for tlie Bohemian wars in the town. V. 10, p. 183. 1620, Nov. 9. Chamberlain to Carleton. His Majesty expects those who have already subscribed for Bohemia to contribute again. V. 10, p. 191. 1620, Nov. II. Examination of Hen. Foxwell, of 206 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Baltonsborough, Co. Somerset. Meant, by the expres- sion in his letter to Mrs. Fitzjames, of Charlton, that "the taking of Bohemia and Palatinate would be to the good of the Church, the good of the Roman Catholic Church." V. 10, p. 191. 1620, Nov. 2^. Submission of Jos. Maxwell, ad- dressed to the Council, acknowledging and retracting his error in presuming to determine that the Kingdom of Bohemia is not elective, and that therefore the recent deposition of one king and the election of another is unlawful. Will publish his retraction, if Baron Dona wishes it. V. 10, p. 194. 1620, Dec. 13. Difficulty in collecting the contribution for Bohemia. The City (London) would rather give £5,000 from the common stock, than £5 from their separate purses. V. 10, p. 199. 1621, Jan. 26. Jos. Maxwell to the Council. Repeats his penitence and submission for his pamphlet on Bo- hemia. V. 10, p. 216. f 1 62 1, Apr. 18. Chamberlain to (Carleton). News of the loss of Bohemia, submission of Hungary, etc. V. 10, p. 248. 162 1, Aug. 12. Articles of misdemeanor charged against Sir Robt. Bendloss, that he declared the King was of no religion; dissuaded the benevolence for the King of Bohemia as a dangerous precedent. V. 10, p. 283. 1621, Nov. 24. Chamberlain to Carleton. The Lo|-d Treasurer spoke (in Parliament) of the poverty of the Exchequer, the King having himself spent £211,000 on the Bohemian war, besides £34,000 given by the nobility and £70,000 by the Commons. V. 1619-23, p. 312. 1622, July 23. Memo, of the payments by Art. Jarvis, BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 207 collector of the gifts of the laity, to the aid of the King and Queen of Bohemia. V. lo, p. 429. 1622, Oct. 12. Bailiff and Jurats of Lydd to Lord Zouch. Have collected such moneys as were freely given toward the contribution for the King of Bohemia. V. 10, P- 454. 1622, Oct. 29. Mayor of Sandwich to Lord Zouch. Has received, since the last payments made £10 iis. lod. from Brightlingsea, co. Essex, towards the contribution for Bohemia. V. 10, p. 458. 1624, Mar. I. Observations on the proceedings with Spain, since the commencement of the Bohemian war, in reference to the Palatinate, etc. V. 11, p. 174. 1624, July (?). Prayer for the King and Queen of Bohemia and their affairs to be used by the English companies abroad, after the prayer for the King. V. 11, P- 319- 1624, Dec. 10. Lord Cham. Pembroke to Carleton. Though proceedings are slow, the King will prove to the world his affection to the cause. Thinks the present war had better be styled a war for the Kingdom of Bohemia than for religion. Never saw the Kingdom so affectionate for any business, etc. V. 11, p. 404. 1626, Feb. (?). News Letter from Flanders contain- ing interesting details respecting the Pope, Emperor and King of Spain, the state of Bohemia, etc. Found among the Conway Papers. V. 1625-49, p. 722, Add. 1630. Project for a trade to be made from England to the lower parts of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Slavonia, Croatia, Carinthia, Styria, Tyrol, Morlacca and other countries. V. 1629-31, p. 449. 1633, Sept. 10. Bohemian divines to the divines of Sion College, London. Give a history of the Bohemian 208 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Church, and express their own desire for unity. Noted in Laud's handwriting, "Rece. Octob. 21. 1633. These letters were delivered by some Bohemians to them of Sion College about the peace .between Lutherans and Calvinists, etc." Papers Relating to John Drury's Mis- sion to the Continent. Rep. 4, p. 160, part i. I 1635, July 18. Certified particular of the names of all such strangers born as dwell within such parts of Middlesex as are adjacent to the city of London. Among them is Jeremy Lefeaver, born in Bohemia, weaver. V. 1635, p. 283. 1635, Sept. 20. Return of all the strangers born at present inhabiting within ward of Cripplegate Within: the total number was 23. In the parish of St. Alban, Wood Street, dwelt Christopher Mecenere, a jeweller, born in Bohemia. V. 1635, p. 389. I 1 648- 1 649. Treatise relative to the position and claims of the Elector Palatine and the King of Bohemia so far as dependent upon the Emperor. It is divided into para- graphs designated "considerations." Under the loth "Consideration": "To cover the cause of the (Thirty Years) war made for religion, a desire for peace is everywhere pretended, but that which is done proves more than that which is deceitfully conceived to the grief and terror of Germany. The Bohemish cause might have been compounded by a friendly treaty or decided by law, both which the Palatine always desired, and it had been best for the Empire that it had been ended by law. It might have been ended by arms in Bohemia, where the war began, etc." V. 1648-49, pp. 398-99. I 1654, July. Leszna, Poland. Peter Figulus (Komen- sky's son-in-law), to Samuel Hartlib in London. I can- not but bless the name of the Lord our God, whenever BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 209 I get something from you ; for I see evidently, that God hath chosen you long since to be an instrument in his hand, as for many other his good works, so likewise to work a Godly comfort and edification in our souls, whereof all your letters are full. The public letters which were sent to you, are subscribed by baron Sadow- sky, brother to him that is in England. They are written in the name of all our exiled nation, and directed to the lord protector, his highnes's council, and the parliament. The baron is a very good soldier, hath served long in the Swedish wars, longs mightily for some help to the church of God grievously distressed and afflicted in these quarters by the Papal and Austrian adherents, being willing and resolved to spend himself, and do all what he can to that end. . . . But he and we all leave the whole management of this affair to the wisdom of the lord protector and his council. Perhaps they will thereby be moved, or occasioned to take into a more serious deliberation the case of our nation, and of us miserable exiles. . . . The emperor seeks nothing but the suppres- sion of the Gospel, and a dilatation of the Austrian power. There is a monk lately converted to our re- ligion, who tells, that the emperor with the pope are resolved infallibly to make a war against the protestants. All the cloisters have promised to such a war to con- tribute each of them two soldiers and he tells, that they reckon under the emperors dominions 96,000 cloisters or monasteries. But now the exacerbation of minds in- creaseth by the most grievous persecution in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Austria. There are thousands of those, that wait and pray to God for some Zyska, that would begin a religious war for the protestant cause: yet none of the princes in Germany have the courage 210 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY to oppose themselves against the house of Austria. B. Sadowsky is fully persuaded, that God would bless this enterprise thus seconded, and purely directed to the glory of God and the relief of the oppressed; especially if in the meantime the triumphant arms of the Com- monwealth of England permit not the Spaniards to assist the emperor. . . . My good Father Mons. Comenius is once come again out of Hungary to us at Lesna; the Lord's name be praised for it. (Appended: Greeting in Latin by Comenius.) Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe. 1657, Nov. 4. In Council. The Petition of the pastors of several churches of the Reformed religion in Higher Poland and Bohemia, now scattered abroad by persecu- tion, asking relief. V. 1657-58, p. 149. 1658, Mar, 25. Mr. Secretary reports his Highness's approval of the declaration for a collection for dis- tressed Protestant churches in Poland, with some addi- tional clauses concerning 20 Protestant families hitherto seated in Bohemia. V. 1657-58, p. 343. 1658, May 12. In Council. The Treasurers for money collected for the Piedmontese Protestants to advance £500 for 20 Bohemian families, and dispose it as the Committee for that affair shall direct. V. 1658-59, p. 21. 1658, June 24. In Council. Whereas on 15 June, for better transmission of moneys collected for the distressed Protestant churches in Poland, and 20 families in Bo- hemia, it was agreed between Sam. Hartman and Paul Cyrillus, agents for the churches, and Fredericus Kret- techmarus (Kretchmar), agent for the families that £400 should be paid to the families, and /50 to their agent and the whole remainder to the Poland exiles. V. 1658-59, p. 76. Thomas Ci. Masaryk Portrait by Max Svabtnsky BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 211 1658, July 6, In Council. The papers of request from Adam Samuel Hartman and Paulus Cyrillus, the 2 Bohemian and Polonian agents, for an order to issue from the Committee on Piedmont and Poland, for iioo to be paid them from the money collected for the Protestants exiled from Poland, to buy 3 of the Bibles lately printed in the learned languages, etc. V. 1658-59, p. 89. 1668, Jan. 8. Warrant to the Treasury Commissioners to allow to Edw. Grey a moiety of such moneys raised for the distressed inhabitants of Piedmont and Bohemia, as shall be recivered by him. V. 1667-68, p. 161. 1669, Apr. 28. Petition of Wenceslaus Libanus^ to the King, for the living of St. Andrew's, Walpole, co. Norfolk, value iioo a year. Was born in Moravia, and is a member of the poor persecuted Bohemian churches ; has been tossed up and down the world for 40 years, and afterwards brought to England, where having at- tained a knowledge of the English tongue, he put himself in holy orders, and has been a constant preacher in co. Herts for 5 years as a curate. Annexing, Certificate by Dr. John Durel, that Wenceslaus Libanus, a priest of the Church of England, is a learned and sober man, and a very good preacher. V. i668-6g, p. 311. Letter from Her Majesty, the Queen of Bohemia to the Speaker of this House, expressing her regret at the present Distractions of this Kingdom; 19 Car. I. VI. 15b. 17a. Another Letter from the Queen to the Speaker of this House on the subject of Relief. 193b. 1 This Libanus is no other than VVaclaw Libanus, whom Komensky ordained as an acolyte of the Unity at the Synod held at Leszno (Poland) Oct. 14, 1638. Libanus lived for some time in exile in Hungary. Korrcspondence Jana Amose Komcn- skiho. V. 2, pp. 182, 194. 212 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Thanks to both Houses from her. 17 Car. I. VI. 583a. Letter from the Lord General concerning the making of some Provision for the Queen of Bohemia. 20 Car. L VI. 583a. Chaplain to be recommended to her. Reso- lution for charging i 10,000 per annum upon the revenue of the Crown, for the maintenance of the Queen ; agreed to and H. C. acquainted. 22 Car. I. VIII. 280a. Let- ter of thanks from the Qlieen read. Journal of the House of Lords. ^ The Manuscripts of the Marquess Townshend 1628, Oct. 22. Gray's Inn. N. Bacon to his uncle Sir Nathaniel Bacon. For Bohemia the nevves is verrie uncertaine as allsoe for Hungaria. The King of Bohemia is comme back againe to the Hage, being resolved to forgoe not a title that he hath allreadie gotten. V. 11, p. 22, app. 4. The Manuscripts of His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K. G. Various notes, chiefly out of Sir S. D'Ewes collec- tions : . . . story that the crown of Bohemia was offered in Queen Elizabeth's time to Humphrey Tindal, dean and afterwards bishop of Ely, of whom the w^riter re- marks that, though he bore the arms of Bohemia, "how Bohemian blood came into his veins I know not." In the margin is a pedigree, in the handwriting of Peter Le Neve, showing the connextion of the Tindal family, by their descent from Will Tindal, of Felbrigge who married Ala, the daughter of Sir Simon Felbrigge, K. G. BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 213 and Margaret, daughter of the nephew of the then King of Bohemia, who had come into England with her cousin Anne, the wife of Richard 11. V. 12, p. 156, app. 9. The Manuscripts of Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford A Declaration of the Commons House of Parleamente made the 4th daye of June 1621. (to assist the King of Bohemia) fo. 33. & another of the same, fo. 34. V. i, p. 5- Original Letter of Rycharde Marlande, to the Lord Cobham Deputie of Calais, Dat. from Frankefort 13 daye of Aprill, advertising him that Seignor Peter Cap- tain of the Albeneses, offereth to leave the Contede Buars, and to save his Majestic with 200 Man well horsed and armed. That the Emperor is departed from Nurenburg where he determined to raise an Army for reinstating his Brother in the Throne of Bohemia, from whence he was driven by his own Subjects ; and against the Duke of Saxony & Landgrave of Hessen, who are assisted by the French King. V. i, p. 121. The Entry of the King & Queen of Bohemia into the City of Prague & their coronation there. A. D. 1562. V. I, p. 171. The Consaile, touching the method to be taken in men- tioning certain matters to the Emperor; and requiring ... to keep a watchful eie upon the Romans & Maxi- milian the King of Bohemia. V. i, p. 335. A shorte Note of the Charge committed to John Sheres, sent of late to the King of Romans. To shew the Kings will continue the ancient amity with the House of Austria, & particularly to the King of the Romans & Maximilian King of Bohemia. V. i, p. 335. ^14 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Notes of the time when K. Charles I. & his Sister the Queen of Bohemia were born. V. 2, p. 17. A lamentable Petition exhibited in the Names of the afflicted Christians in the East-parts (viz. of Bohemia, Hungarie, Polonia, & Helvetia) to the Christian King- domes in the West. V. 2, p. 132. A Note of all such Moneys as have bin payd unto me Sir Edward Barrett Kt. for the Affairs of the King of Bohemia. A. D. 1620. V. 2, p. 135. Original Letter of Mons. de Plessen, to Achatius Bourgrave de Dona Ambassador of the King of Bohemia at the Court of England, in French. Heidelberg. 19 Jan., 1620. V, 2, p. 142. Mandate of the Emperor Rudulph. H. against the English Merchant Adventurers. Dat. at his Castle of Prag. 5 Aug. anno Imp. 22. Translated out of Highe- Dutche, into Englishe by W. Smythe. V. 2, p. 237. Brief of Pope Martine V. to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury; against John Huss & Hierome of Prague; after their martyrdome: translated into English. V. 3, p. 16. The D. of Buckingham's Letter to General Cecyll, about assisting the King of Bohemia, dated Whitehall 4th May, 1625. V. 3, p. 48. News of the Wars in Bohemia. V. 3, p. 78. The Historic of Bohemia, the first parte describing the Countrye, Scituation, Climate, Commodities, the Name and Nature of the People and Compediovsly con- tinving the Historic from the beginning of the Nation to their first Christian Prince about the yeare of Christ 990. In ten Chapters, with an Appendix containing a Proclamation of the Estates of Bohemia, whereby the whole order of the Jesuites is proscribed and banished BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 215 out of that Kingdome, as publick disturbers of the Peace, and enemies of the State; with proviso yt they shall never be admitted again. Whereunto is added a breefe Narration, how the Jesuites are or have beene by solemne Decree banished out of everye Kingdome and Province in Europe, very few excepted, and where they be they are held in great jealousie and suspition to be publick perturbers of the Peace, and dangerous Enemies of the State. V. 3, p. in. The Manuscripts of William More Molyneux, Esq., of Loseley Park, Co. Surrey 1619, Aug. 16. A Proposition made by the Estates of Bohemia in thire assembly at Prague vpon the election of a Kinge, the i6th of August 1619, being the birth-day of ye Prince Elector Palatine. Rep, 7, part i, p. 673. The Manuscripts of Trinity College, Dublin The King of Bohemia, anciently in right of that King- dome, Butler to the Roman Empire, as the heyre male of this family (House of Ormonde?) is by hereditary right Butler of Ireland. Rep. 8, part i, p. 588. The Manuscripts of the Earl of Ashburnham Passages and occurrences relating to the Crown of Bohemia and the Palatinate. A folio of 80 pages, in writing of the reign of James I. Rep. 8, part 3, p. 14. 216 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY The Manuscripts of the Right Honourable the Earl De La Warr (Baron Buckhurst) at Knole Park, Co. Kent. 1 62 1, Nov. 2. Abstracts of such moneys as nave been issued for the affaires of the Palatinate, as well to the Ambassadors as otherwise, out of the Receipts of His Majesty's Exchequer. Viscount Doncaster, Ambassador to Bohemia, etc. £28,745. Rep. 4, part i, p. 281. 1626, June 16. Stepney. Sir Ralph Hopton to the Earl of Middlesex. The ill success at home frustrates our successes abroad ; for the Bohemian agent showed him yesterday letters whereby he is confidently assured that the Revolt in Upper Austria is much strengthened, so as they can march 70,000 men ; they have defeated their Governor and do now beseige Lints. (2^ pp.) Rep. 4, part i, p. 290. The Manuscripts of the Corporation of Sandwich Letter from Edward, Lord Zouch, to the .Mayor and Jurats, Commonalty and inhabitants, of Sandwich, re- quiring a subscription for the King and Queen of Bo- hemia; date 1620. Rep. 5, part i, p. 570. The Manuscripts of the Corporation of Totnes A letter to the Mayor and burgesses of Totnes, dated the 9th of January, 1612, and signed "W. Exon" (Wil- liam Cotton, Bishop of Exeter). It is the desire of his Majesty and the Archbishop of Canterbury that collec- BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 217 tions be made throughout the Kingdom for the Reformed Churches, and the College, in the City of Prague, Bohemia. Rep. 3, p. 349. The Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Edinburgh Protest by the nobles of Bohemia and Moravia, ad- dressed to the Council of Constance, on 2nd of Sep- tember, 141 5, in reference to the burning of John Huss and Jerome of Prague. The document is written on a sheet of parchment, authenticated by 100 signatures and as many seals. It was bequeathed to the University in 1657, by Dr. William Guild, sometime principal of King's College, Aberdeen, an office from which he was deposed by five colonels of General Monk's army in 165 1, but it is uncertain how it was acquired by Dr. Guild. Statement by John Stuart. Rep. i, p. 121. The Manuscripts of the Right Honourable Lord Cal- thorpe, Grosvenor Square, London A discourse concerning the Palsgrave's accepting the crown of Bohemia. Rep. 2, p. 43. The Manuscripts of the Most Honourable the Marquis of Westminster, at Eaton Hall, Co, Chester A true description of the late deceased Prince of Bo- hemia, taken 1629 (11 pages), by an attendant. Rep. 3, P- 215. 218 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY The Manuscripts of the Most Hon. Marquis of Salisbury, at Hatfield House 1554, Apr. 27. Letter from Queen of Bohemia to the Queen, Rep. 4, p. 204. 1554, Apr. 27. Letter from King of Bohemia to the Queen, Rep. 4, p. 204. Manufacture of saltpetre by Lazarus Erkerne, chief master of the Emperor's mines in Bohemia. The Arms of the King of Bohemia, viz. a red lion (?) with 2 tails in a red field. Rep. 3, p. 188. States of Bohemia to the Elector of Saxony. Rep. 3, p. 214. 1619, Sept. 7. Bohemian States to Queen of Bohemia. Rep. 3, p. 179. 1620, May 31. Baron Dona (Bohem. Amb.) to Salis- bury. Rep. 3, p. 179. The Manuscripts of the Earl of Ancaster, preserved at Grimsthorpe Newsletters 1620, Oct. 21. The Hague. The new King of Hungary was in the field with 70,000 men. He had sent 20,000 men into Stiria (where they sacked and burned divers places and ordered the States to join the Confederation), and another 20,000 into Bohemia and Moravia. He himself was going with 30,000 into Austria, having left strong garrisons in Hungary. V. -, p. 395. On the 28th ult. the King (Frederick) left Prague BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 219 accompanied by the Bohemian nobles, with two companies of guards and a thousand Silesian horse, to go with the new King of Hungary into Moravia. The army of the Emperor had again entered Bohemia, and beseiged Wit- tinga, but the Bohemian army, having heard of Bucquoy's designs from the prisoners, followed them and forced them to retire. P. 395. 1620, Nov. 4. The Hague. From Prague, news comes that the soldiers of Bavaria have surprised Brachaditz, killing 1 1 20 persons, including women and little children, and sacking the town, in addition to what Bucquoy had killed at Pisseck and Budian. V. -, p. 396. The Manuscripts of his Grace the Duke of Portland, K. G., preserved at Welbeck Abbey 1648. John Sictor, a Bohemian exile, to the House of Commons. Petition, stating that it was nearly two years since he had presented to them 250 copies of Chrono- metrae (a specimen of which is probably among Lord Braye's papers) and other poems on the events of the Civil War, and entreating a grant to enable him to return to Prague, which had been — as was reported — occupied by the Swedish army. In Latin, v. I, p. 507. 1704-08. Baron Postheld, of Ollersfeld, being a native Bohemian and a Protestant, and as such unable to enjoy his estate there, fled to Denmark and took shipping for England aboard the Sorlings (Captain Cony, com- mander), with letters of recommendation from the Dan- ish King to Prince George. But the ship was taken by the French squadron under Monsieur St. Paul. After- wards he was sent to Holland with a French pass and 220 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY the French King's allowance for a prisoner (which was six livres only), whence he came to England and de^ livered his letter to Prince George, who relieved his necessities and recommended him to the King of Prussia, where, meeting with the like ill fate, he returned to England, in hopes to be employed in the forces ordered on the descent, but they being gone he prays to be em- ployed in some of the regiments which are designed to follow the said descent. V. 8, p. 364. (Perhaps by "the descent" is meant the despatch of troops with and following Lord Galway, in the summer of 1704.) The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton 1630, Novemb. David Ramsay in Hague to Marquis of Hamilton. I am in a very good houp boeth from the King of Boheme and the esteatis to procur sum as- sistance for the advancement of your lordships affairs. . . . My greatest deficulties with the King of Boheme and the esteatis is that they cannot believe that the King of Ingland intendis aneything realie for the advancement of your busines, the wich your lordship must remowe boeth by his letteris and your awine. V. n, p. 70, app. 6. The Marquis of Hamilton to King Charles the First. I woold say sumnhatt of the King of Boyem boot I knoe nott whatt more then thatt he lives heir as ane priuatt wolantir. He is contented with this way of lyf bot I knoe not another thatt is much in loufe with itt or ambitious long to karie thatt name. For my oune part I feir my accommodatioun will be so euill during the tyme thatt I ame of thatt number as I shall be con- Bohemian Voice I THE UNITED STATES. l>MAIIA, NKR, SKlTKMItKU 1, 1892. t•i^ ovfrwLelniiuKly I It-*] !«).I7 per cent, .ii .Vd l.'it; iwr ffiil- .it prim to ITM, in alh. huUv ii.>i.i; pi'f cfiit HikI t>U))>1<>\ itK 111 iti iiiHia>r:i( tuHiig uud nniiiii^ KJ.5 per n.-iit 111 rouiuitt.f i,iilii.,taitit(. ttr., trnd ht.n |.er cMit f.trn tlifir ns !.it;4.i.-M llitli-rao in lUtlitToia is iit(iiilly clim»pn*.ariiiK. Arctird- Ini: to llif jiPiit^j;*! C'-ii-Uft ..f l-^-t tlitriUln of iidulla uuHbk to rtitii mi.t N^ni*- i> ;■■;< I'ti '«-ni rthicU coOH'^res favor- iitil) wttli tliriT iif tlir luo^t iiiis;imt-l 'jf Konipvaii nations, KiKtirr« cuinjjili-il in 1^.«| hIkh\ il]e r.Unj of illiteracy to be hi Kiigiaml. I'l i*i lent voiLina 1?, IreUud. *i; France. ili»n> l.aelt*ttnt m Huii«.ii> ;iiiii Tirou. 'X'lKklih." or 'Txi tliBt llie le.tdtfr'h luttne v\lio tondi to Bohemia wiis Cetli, heuce the '-■' TrHditioii Ham It hd the rifMt Slav tribe e natue. The Ijitlu clirotiiclem of tjiu Middle Ages wtre nUogt^ttler igrioruut «tf tlil», »ud jHrr»lstL*d in calltug the pi^«pie wtm bore it HoheniiniiB, »i»d tlius Uie SUvs of BohentiH Iubeiit«Ml llie Utiin«ort)ie Itoil (t^crnianic rHce)wh<>nt Ibey buildiaplHced. Kin«riut«iiden(. uf the C'enmu) Dureau, Mi', rorler.would hardly Haiuctiou tli« uiethiHl adopted by the Aui^triHU gt.iv- eninifut In dHtenuliilng ihe riatioiMllty of r iHx^tle. In* Utiliciiiiti tlie langno'jt MpolLeii is the Utt. Amerkuit^ or Uuhnien would, thcreforv, Ui Auntila, Xx cImw^I ut "Kug- Usb," beCAUite tliey iiprak that luuxu'agv. Thta iijgviiloufl iftethnd i» blgbl; "u.teful." edpecidlly io the preftent cou- ilici of niceJt, for it helps to Uulxtvr up the nltiority lu the land, di*c«i¥h'g mmiy ii» to the actual alrruglh of the Clirkhs, thouKBiid^ of whom urf tije <;emiai) lunguftge lu liititiueitB and iNtcfftl retalioim. Accepting the Imiguage aa a teati ft.'.Ti« i>«r cent ncr« found tn \t4ni bi fiohnmla to ^uat^ Uie Itoheinlan »nd|mr cent tke<;enuan toDgue. Austria is a perfect uioaaic of races. Tills diversity is l«Bt exemplitied in the complexion of the schools, where alt the dominant languages of the moiian-h> clamor for tecogiiilioii. There aiv iiniversitiea at Vienna, l^raguf, (;r.-il/., Innsbruck, Ceruovice. Cracow, Lwow, Iluda-r(y»tli, Kolonvar and Zagreb. Tlie universities In Vienna. (>ratr, Iniinbnirk and C^rnovice teach ii( (ierman; the Pragne in Cbekhz that of Lwow in Polish and Rutheniuu; thitt of CrHcow ill I*olis)t; thOBc of IIuda-I*e8th and Kolosvar lu Magyar; that of /Zagreb in rroatian. Au CiiKli&hniiui travellhg tbrougli Itohemia t)iu'< de- ficribes the people in the f/lugtruted Netra: "Aa tvt the j*opl«' there wan not h sign of tlie drtumy sadueax and .strunge mvPtici.Hui of Ihe .Slav one i» forever reading about. They workt-d with a dogged energy and comniou- plHcc Industry that would not have been out of the way In ZoIu'a peasants. In no other country i«'it mi impowible t^) remain uiicoiiiscious of the fturplua population ques- tion and the hoj-elesBiieBB of the pea»ant'a fate. In i-cr- many, or ■during our rides in-FrancL*, in Italy, in Kngl.ind we sometimes hud the road to onraelvcN; in P-nhenilu. never. There »■a^ always* someone just luiiiinl n-i or in front of UH.^' This latter etatemcut al>out the -ifiiMty ..f population will be und^rntood when we rinif inlur tliat but 41 per cent, of all the land in lJohenii« in tiot under cultivation. hike Irehind Il cottimiite*' again Ute rhursliAl pn- nldaa. For jHilitical and admliij&iratlve punK»«» thc counlry la divided Into circles, the circles aie nuh^UvidttI into captaincies. The two ciuwnlunlN, Moravin and SilealN, have tMich luopuljf. Tins iaepeclaljy the cHse witl^ the uillUury c.t|>uiii- t<.i Vhom the itfuple oonet)l%e as Wuch Hklng me tlir ItMlinop had for Itadetxky and I>ach*a. liiiiifTimLJ.v aUfi old, n.'p«llaiit and atvere, they wen- irgardMl liv the |-«<>ple ju lAe Muroe of all iheir woes. ^^ The Bohemian Voice Forerunner of English language publications for the Bohemians BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 221 straned to remain in sume toune till I be meaid happi by your Majesties commands, the treu performens of iihich shall euer be the chiffer kair of him who is borene and obliged in the heayest degrie to dey your Majesties most humbill thankful! obediantt saruant and loyall subieck, Auxburg, May, 1632. V. 11, p. 81, app. 6. Letters from various officers who served with Thirty Years' War. Banier is preparing to go into Bohemia, and an endeavour will be made to carry the war into the Emperors possessions. The death of Wallenstein is reported, but the writer is not yet assured of it. . . . V. II, p. 84, app. 6. To the Marquis of Hamilton from "Robert Weir" (perhaps of the family of Stonebyres) giving an ac- count of the movements of the army in Silesia. To Aus(cha) fra thence to Littmirittz (Litomefice) quhair Don Baltassar was lying with 8000 horses and fut; bot as son as thai saw that was war fully resolved not to sport with them thai past the watter (Elbe) and burnt the bridg not being abone 20 killed to thaim so we played on thaim with canon bot thai marched Frag, quhair the next morning we marched for Rautnitz bot thai deffended the pass that we passed 2 myll higher to Melnick quhair we gott 3 prams and so passed our infantrie and small pices in a littill Hand quhair we could waid to the vther mainland and so passed. Four regements of horss wes past, and than past our muskettiers which waidit, not being above the belt and then past our collers and the rest of our horss and lay wil the Due of Saxon cam with his army which he past lykwayis in twa dayis and marched for Frag quhair the nixt morning about 8 of the clok we aryved at Marie de la Victorie quhair th? enemi had som groves 222 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY of horss standing bot thai stayed not long but were beattin in to a schance and trenchis that thai had maid on the end of the whyt berg amongst the wynzeards nixt to the town wher we marched hard to them, quher we sustained som loss with their canon both amongst our horss and fut. Ther wes once a resollutionn takin to storme thair .trenchis bot it semes the Due of Saxxon wes not wilHng for it wald have trubilled vs; thai were to the number of 15000 men as thai report, Collredo and Don Baltasser. We continewed 3 dayis wher ther wes grit hunger, for ther wes nether bred nor forrage, nether is 4 myll fra Prag, for the diversiown that wes in winter hes spoylled all about Prag, that for fait of victuall we war forcit to draw back to Melneck quhair the Due of Saxxon past the watter and we marched down the watter to Littmirritz and intrenched our self against Littmirritz and maid som 8 redouts quhair we could draw our battell up behind them, quhair we haue lyne this fyne weikes. Signed "Robert Weir" Littmir- ritz 28 August 1634. Another letter, also from Litomefice from "David Drummond," probably Sir David Drummond narrates in a more summary manner the events referred to in the previous letter. V. 11, p. 90, app. 6. The Manuscripts of the Marqcss of Ormonde, preserved at Kilkenny Castle A Brief Account of the Conspiracy to place the Duke of York on the Throne. The general design of these confederates is to reform, that is in their sense, to re- duce by the sword all other ways being found ineffectual BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 223 all people of his Majestys dominions to the Romish religion and obedience, without giving any tolerance at all, as they (Jesuits) have practiced in Bohemia and other hereditary countries of the Emperor with desired success to their enrichment. The collection contains a valuable portrait of the Queen of Bohemia. V. 4, p. 182. The Manuscripts of the Earl of Denbigh, preserved at Newnham Paddox, Lutterworth 1636, May 19. Hague. Sir William Boswell to Lord Fielding. An Ambassador from the King of Poland (who was two years since in England or Scotland with his Majesty Zavaisky) came lately hither and had audi- ence of the Queen of Bohemia. His business is about the Princesse her daughter, which is to be treated as occasion shall require in England. V-, p. 28, part 5. 1636, Dec. 2. Ratisbon. John Taylor to Lord Field- ing. Bohemia and Silesia fear that Wrangle, a brave commander of the Swedes, will fall into their countries, he having already defeated some Saxon regiments, which he pursued into Silesia. V.-, p. 42, part 5. The Franciscan Manuscripts at the Convent, Merchants Quay, Dublin 1642, May 17. Brussels. Hugh Bourke (Commissary of the Irish Friars Minors in Germany and Belgium) to Luke Wadding, Guardian of St. Isidores, Rome. I am Killing myself with travel and travail, and yet can- not accomplish any good result for lack of means; 224 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY wherefore I am minded to leave all and withdraw to Bohemia for I can do no more. . . . V.-, p. 140. The Manuscripts of the Duke of Buc clench and Queens- berry, K. G., K. F., preserved at Montague House, Whitehall. 1610, Feb. 26. Dusseldorp. Jo. Dickenson to Win- wood. Touching affairs and disputes in Germany, Bo- hemia and the Netherlands. V. i, p. 98. 161 1, March 20. Dusseldorp. Same to same. Affairs in Bohemia, Alsace, the Palatinate, Juliers, Germany, Brussels, etc. V. i, p. 98. 1613, Dec. 29. Mons. J. Luntius to Winwood. Affairs of Germany, the Turks, Transylvania, Hungary, Bo- hemia. V. I, p. 148. 1614, Mar. 29. Mons. Dathenes to Winwood. Refers to the affairs of France, Spain, Transylvania, the Bo- hemians, Austrians, Hungarians, Germany and the Swiss Cantons. V. i, p. 157. 1 61 7, Apr. 10. Cologne. Mons. Bilderbeck to Win- wood. Affairs of Italy, France, Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Spain. V. i, p. 195. 1620, Dec. 13. Spittle. Sir Charles Montagu to Sir Edward Montagu. To begin with the worst first, there is news come now of more certain truth than heretofore from Bohemya, which is that the King's army hath had a great overthrow, and Prage is lost, but the King and Queen are at a strong place called Presslaw in Selecya, and the King of Hungary and he have met and they both intend to raise a far greater force to set on them suddenly; God give them better success. V. i, p. 255. BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 225 The Manuscripts of the Earl of Mar and Kellie, pre- served at Alloa House, N, B. 1621, Feb. i8th. London. The Archbishop of St. Andrews to John, Lord Erskine : In Bohemia they ar making to the feildis. Count Mansfeild layis in Bohem with ane army of ten thowsand. The King is yit in Silesia with another. It wold appear that His Majesty expectis good and honest dealing at the Spanishe hand, quharin I bessech God he be not deceavit. V.-, p. 94. 1626, Mar. Intelligence from Germany. The Bohe- mians have got a great defait. Count of Manflet, thair generall, being courting his mistres in Pragg, and his armie upon the fieldis with his Serjant-Major, Count Bucquoy set upon them on a sudden, Kild 300 men and defait the rest. V.-, p. 149. The Manuscripts of J. B. Fortesciie, Esq., preserved at Dropmore 1788, Aug. 4. The Marquis of Buckingham to W. W. Grenville, in London. I have seen a great deal of a very intelligent Irish Bohemian Count Taafe, who is come to collect part of Butler's property at Ballyragett, to which he is heir, and his language is that of the most sovereign contempt for the Imperial Joseph and his army. . . . His accounts of the disaffection of Hungary and Bohemia are very interesting, ... V. i, p. 349. 226 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY The Manuscripts of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu 1620, Sept. A Letter worthy the overlooking from a gentleman in Vienna attending on Sir Henry Wotton, Lord Ambassador to the Emperor and sent to his brother-in-law in London. Newsletter from Vienna: "Now to return to the King of Bohemia. He hath likewise several armies in the field, several friends ans several generals. The first is the Prince of Anhalte, the second the Earl of Mansfield, the third the Earl of Tourne (Thurn) ; who have under them fifty thousand men in several quarters, whereby they have so well de- manded themselves, and wherewith so well withstood their enemies, that the Emperor hath no cause to boast of his summers work, for his forces hitherto have done nothing but received loss, and it is very likely that if the Transilvanian Prince do join once with the King of Bohemia, they will surely put the Emperor to a sore plunge, for story doth not acquaint us with such a formidable division again, and I believe it is a secret locked up in the treasury of heaven to know or discover what will be the issue of these terros and threatenings of all sides. V.-, pp. 97-104. The Manuscripts of the Earl Cowper, preserved at Mel- bourne Hall, Derbyshire 1624, Oct. I. John Coke to the Lord Brooke. Out of Germany a bruit flieth which I hope is not true that Tilly hath either taken or besieged Basle and that the Emperor hasteneth the Diet for a ratification of the BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 227 Electorate and a final exclusion of the person of the King of Bohemia. V, 12, p. 172. 1633, May 16. Copy of accounts passed by Sir J. Coke, of Sir Robert Anstruther, Ambassador Extraor- dinary in Germany, etc. Allowance for blacks for him and his family to condole the deaths of the Kings of Sweden and Bohemia. £200. V. 12, p. 9, app. 2. 1 64 1, July 12. London. Ed. Sidenham to Sir John Coke. From Bohemia they write the 22nd of June 1641 that the 19th there was a battle fought betwixt the Swedes and the Imperialists, wherein the Imperialists lost four or five thousand and the Swedes 500 men. This was fought at Walstadt in Bohemia. V. 12, p. 287, app, 3. The Manuscripts of George Wingfield Dighy, Esq., of Sherborne Castle, Co. Dorset 161 1, July 10. Bruxcelles. W. Trumbull to Sir Digbye. The Emperor and his brother Mathias are now in treaty for a reconciliation ; but what appearance is there of an agreement, when ye younger will have all, and leave the other nothing. Eight arbitrators are chosen to accomodate their quarrells whereof De Bal- thazar de Cunega, is ye Firste on ye Emperour's parte, although in ye deposing of him from ye crowne of Bohemia, hee did wholly runne course with K. Mathias. V. 10, p. 523, app. I. 161 1, Aug. 10. Venice. Sir Dudley Carleton to Sir J. Digbye. The new King of Bohemia hathe lately written his letters to this State and changed his language from Latin (wherein he was ever wont to write) into Highe-Duche. V. 10, p. 527. 228 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Feb. 8. Venice. Sir D. Carleton to Sir J. Digbye. This State apprehending ye King of Hungarie as a Knowen ill-wilier of theirs, runne on in projecting his certaine election, and, ut est timor ingeniousus interpres, thei frome out of general prognostiques a conclusion unto themselves wh thei most feare. His being allready possessed of Hungarie & Bohemia, thei doubte will drawe on by a necessary consequence the thirde Crowne. ... V. lo, p. 561. 1617, July 29. Sir Ralph Winwood, Secretary of State, to the Earl of Buckingham. ... I have thought yt necessary to acquaynt your Lordship with an ad- vertissment I lately receaved . . . from hys Agent Mr. Cottington, at Madrid that ... of a propownded mar- riage between the sonne of Ferdinando of Gratz lately elected Kyng of Bohemia and the Infanta Donna Maria daughter of the King of Spayne. V. 10, p. 102. 161 7, Aug. 15. The same to the same. May yt please your Lordship. The resident of Venice lately hath been with me advertising that from that Due he had charge to declare to Hys Majesty thease three poynts. That the treaty between the new Kyng of Bohemia and that Commonwealthe was resumed and upon the poynt to be concluded, etc. V. 10, p. 103. The Manuscripts of the Earl of Westmorland, at Ape- thorpe, Northamptonshire 1619, Sept. 24. Heidelberg. The Elector Palatine to Sir E. Herbert. Bohemia has become the scene of the most bloody and horrible tragedies that have ever been heard of among Christians, The Roman Catholic Princes BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 229 and Electors have collected a great number of soldiers. Foreigners, mostly in the pay of Spain, have been al- lowed to pass through the Empire into Bohemia con- trary to Imperial Constitutions. The Princes and States united with me have armed in self-defence, considering the trouble that might arise after the disbandement of the troops in Bohemia. . . . You will have heard that the States of Bohemia have unanimously elected me, although I had not in any way inspired to that crown. V. 10, p. 381. 1619, Dec. 24. The Hague. Viscount Doncastcr to Sir E. Herbert . . . Ferdinand would give me no answer because the Spanish Ambassador, Count d'Og- niate, was not there. . . . Finding no disposition to peace in either part, I pretended the necessity of making a journey to the Spa for my health. Here I received the news that the Prince Palatine was chosen King of Bo- hemia. I was afterwards told to return to Frankfort to congratulate the Emperor on his election, and to protest that our King had neither hand nor Knowledge of this action of the Bohemians. . . . V.-, p. 1621, Oct. 6. Copy of a letter written by a dutiful servant "Nobody" sent from Bruxelles to his worthy master "Nemo." On Bohemian affairs, & Lord Digby's embassy to the Emperor. V. 10, p. 20, app. 4. The Lord Digbie's propositions to his Cesarean Matie, for the restoration of the Count Palatine & on Bohemian affairs. V. 10, p. 22, app. 4. 1621, Nov. 12. The King's letter to the Emperour as to the Count Palatine & on Bohemia affairs. V. 10, p. 22, app. 4. 1622, June 2. A copy of a letter sent from Mannheim on Bohemian affairs. V. 10, p. 2^. 230 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY The Manuscripts of the Family of Gawdy, formerly of Norfolk 1 63 1, Nov. 8. Sir Edmond Moundeford to Fram- lingham Gawdy. The King of Sweden is stept to the side of the Upper Palatinate ; the King of Bohemia is go- ing to him. 24,000 men by our King and the States are parlied of for him. V. 10, p. 136, app. 2. 1 66 1 -2, Feb. 13. T(homas) L(any) to Anne de Grey. The Queen of Bohemia died last night. V. 10, p. 195. The Manuscripts of Hon. Frederick Lindley Wood 1639, -^u&- 27. London. Philip Burlamachi to Sir Arthur Ingram. The Swedes armees are in Bohemia keeping the Imperialist within Prague perplexed with plague and famine ; there may everi day some notable incontre follow ; a niew suply is come to the Swedes from Sweden and Liffland which gives them courage to march towards Slesia. V. 8, p. 52. The LansdoTjme Manuscripts in the British Aluseum. Trickings of the arms of the Emperors, Kings and nobility of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, etc. fo. 34. A relation of the defeat of the King of Bohemia's army and of the subsequent misfortunes of himself and his Queen, fo. 80. Ad Serenissimam Regiam Majestatem Magnae Britan- nise Job. Amos Comenius. Supplex vox Afflictorum pro The Bohemian Review OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE BOHEMIAN CZECH NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF AMERICA Smrt*rvJL«. Editor, 2324 S- C«nlr«l P«rk A.»., CKicAro Bu^neM NUn«(«r. 2«U S. S» . L»uil A«.. Chlc^o. FEBRUARY. 1917. Mdsaryk and His Work A patriot desires but one reward : that he should live to see his labors bear fruit. On January 12, 1917. thousands of Czechs in the United States found time in the midst of their joyous celebration of the dawn of Bohemia's inaependence to remember the grand old man of Bohemia. Thomas Gari gue Masar>'k. He it was who put the an- cient kingdom of Bohemia once more upon the map of Europe. On the day when the Allies' answer to President Wilson was pub- lished, he surely was happy, for he had proof that his titanic labors, his tremendous^ personal and family sacrifices were not made in vain. Bohemia's right to indepen- dence was clearly recognized by the Allies and the liberation of the countr>' from for- eign domination was made one of the con- ditions of peace. For centuries no one in Bohemia did more than dream of independence. This Slav country had been subject to the Hapsburgs for so many generations and so thoroughly was it repressed that even the boldest spirits among its leaders regretfully put aside all thoughts of absolute freedom as visionarj' and aimed merel.v at securing for the lands of the Bohemian crown the widest possible autonomy within the confines of the Aus- trian Empire. On several occasions during the long reign of Francis Joseph the Czechs came near to the realization of these mod- erate ambitions, but always the emperor drew back unable to give up his ambition to be the German ruler of German or Ger- manized subjects. Of late years the struggle of the Czechs for a certain amount o{ liberty at home and for the right to participate in the govern- ment of the Empire was growing more and more hopeless. The general European sit- uation was undergoing a change greatly to the disadvantage of Bohemia. The Haps- burg realm waj losing its standing as a great power, due mainly to the constant in- ternal dissensions and language disputes. while the truly national states of Europe were growing in population, wealth and military power. Above all Germany, e.xcel- ling in industrial and military preparedness, aggre.ssive and domineering, was looking for new worlds to conquer. America was out of the question, for the United States was guarding jealously against the invasion of the two western continents through its Monroe doctrine. Germany's African colo- nies were unsuitable for colonization by white men and constituted merely a finan- cial burden. Only Asia offered an undevel- oped field — the ramshackle Turkish Em- pire — and to that land of promise the road from Germany led through the dual empire and the Balkan states. Prague was the lirst stage on the Berlin-Bagdad highway, and the Czech people were the first obstacle to German expansion. It was a part of Ger- many's plan to reduce Austria to complete subserviency by the exaltation of its Ger- man minority and a more thorough repres- sion of the Slav and Latin races, with the as- ."•istance of the Mag>'ars. There were not lacking statemen in Bo- hemia who saw whither things were tend- ing. Two of them stand out above the other Czech patriots: Dr. Charles Kramar and Professor Thomas G. Mafarjk. Kramar, the leader of the Young Cz^ch party, for years representative of the middle class of Bohemia, yielded to no one in his devotion to the race from which he sprang or in the sincerity of his intentions to serve the Czech people to the best of his great ability. But I'eing a wealthy manufacturer, a "practi- cal" man, intent upon gaining results in the Vienna parliament, he failed to draw the only conclusion necessitated by the changed European situation which he so well under- .«tood. He realized that Germany was "peacefully penetrating" the Danube mon- archy, that the ver>- existence of the Czech nation was imperiled ; on the floor of the parliament and in the Austrian delegation The Bohemian Review BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 231 Christo ex Bohemia, Moravia, Polonia, et Hungaria. fo. 190b. A proposition made by the Estates of Bohemia, in theire Assembly at Prague, upon the election of a Kinge, the i6th of August 1619, being the birthday of the Prince Elector Pallatine. fo. 198, Chronograms respecting the King of Bohemia, fo. 202. Copy of the King of Bohemia's answer to a letter of King James I., thanking him for the education of his eldest son at his Court, etc. Hague, 20-30 Decem. 1623. fo. 335- The Manuscripts of Sir Hervey Juckes Lloyd Bruce, preserved at Clifton Hall, Nottingham 16 19, A Proposition made by the States of Bohemia in theyr Assembly at Prague uppon the Election of a Kinge the i6th of August, beinge the birthday of the Prince Elector Palatine. "Albeit the nomination of a Kinge of Bohemia requires a mature councell and de- liberacion, which ought to precede the nomination, it is an affayre notwithstandinge of the lesse difficultye then the iejectinge (sic) of a king which gave a beginninge to this and stands in neede both of a good justification and of a great power, where (as) the nomination hath of those aydes but follows of itselfe after the rejection. Now therefore, since the iejection (sic) as the things importinge us is already done, the nomination wilbe much the more easily provided that in the choyse we stand not presisely upon such a perfection as the world cannot yeild us. It behoves us also to set apart all perticuler passions and to have regard only to those 232 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY reasons that are fundamental!, for there are requisite points so necessary to be considered in the election of a Kinge that (it) is not for a good patriot to give his councell for receivinge of one in whome those points required is not found, but one may with very good as- surance conclude for him in whome they doe dayly more meete than in any other man. As in the first place in such a subject it is necessary that there be none of those thinges to be feard; for if Kinge Ferdinand was rejected, that is to say, he ought not eyther to prosecute or advance in the respect of religion nor exceede in the dependance of his owne coun- saylors or of strangers, but to joine himselfe with the States he ought not to be opiniative nor given to doe thinges of his owne head, but to accomadate the customes of his house and his to the ordinances and liberties of thys crowne. In the second place it is required that he affect the States' reputation. Thirdly, that in time both of peace and warr he governe his Kingdome by his owne presence worthyly and profit- ably. Fourthly, that confederates receive no cause of feare from eyther of danger or damage. Since then there are few that are inferred into the treaty of eleccion, that is to say, the Kinge of Denmarke, the Elector Palatine, the Elector of Saxoni, the Duke of Savoy, and the Prince of Transilvania, yt will therefore be to purpose to con- sider that, although every one of these princes in his owne perticuler deserveth prayse and commendation, neverthe- lesse there is amongst them a certaine diversity which everyone by himselfe may prudently waigh. And for- asmuch as it is not permitted us to judge liberally of BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 233 great princes in this place, it shall suffice without oflfence of any breifely to deduce the reasons for which the Elector Palatine ought to be esteemed very capable of the crowne of Bohemia, and fitt to mainteyne the present estate of the kingdome, for although his highnesse be not above 23 yeeres of age, he is a prince of great judge- ment bred up from his cradle in goodnesse and vertue, one that hath persons of quality about him as well of the feild as for the state who are used to curteisy, and himselfe of very plentifull hopes, and besides at this age he will better accomodate himselfe to the customes of the kingdome then if he were more increased in yeares; and God bestows not wisdome alwayes according to the age of a man, but to him that calls to God for it in His feare. He is a prince moderate, virtues and resolute in his actions, quick and sharpe in his discourse, true, courte- ous towards all men, very well languaged, holds a very fayre court of earls, barrons and gentlemen, loves and cherishes the nobility, imployes in his service even men of meane condition when he finds meritt in them for it. He letts no worthy service passe him without his acknowl- edgement, he governs his subjects and country (in part the frontives of this kingdome) with prudence, gives estimation to men of honor, holds a well ordered coun- cell, frequents the councell table in his owne person, takes an exact heed of the opinions and propositions of his councellors, gives good cause of havinge his judge- ment approv'd and commended of thinges of importance, inclines his understandinge willingely to other mens in- formation, loves the common good and therein takes paines with zeale and without feare, beares compassion to the afflicted, shewes himselfe laborious and resolved, 234 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY is beloved of his subjects, beares himselfe peaceably with his neighbors of what rehgion soever they be, and winnes respect of those different behefs for his owne rehgion. He is well affected, yet those who are of another fayth in his countries doe not find themselves disquieted in their consciences nor in their exercise of their religion, so as every man may live freely under him, videlicet, his conversation be honest and vertous. There is none can abuse or accuse him of precipitation or opinatives (sic), a thing worthy remarkeable (sic). He is in correspondence with those of the house of Palatine and Bavoirs and, notwithstandinge so, that cause forsakes nothinge of those rightes nor of the duties belonginge to the generall estate of the country, and howsoever that this prince be but younge and shewes himselfe courteous and sweet towards his people, for all that there is no lightnesse, dissollutions (sic) nor voluptuousnesse scene in him nor any disorder nor ex- cesse in his diett nor any avarice and digality (sic) or any other thinge whatsoever unbecominge or contrary to the reputation of a prince. For the assistance the crowne of Bohemia may expect from him, it may be understoode of any man that not only he is not in debt, and that of his revenue he can lay some things upp, but that also the Kinge of Great Brittaine is his father-in-law, the Kinge of Denmark is his neere kinsman, and likewise the Elector of Brandenbourh, the Prince of Orenge his uncle, the Duke of Bullion his ally, the States of the United Provinces his confederates, and ancient alliances with France, the Kinge of Sweden and the Hanse T ownes his friends, and for his correspondents the Duke of Savoi, Venice and Switzerland. He is a good credit with all the Princes Electors and other princes and BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 235 Estates of the Empire, more perticulerly with those of the Union he hath confederacies, the Prince of Transsil- vania and High Hungary doe beare affection to him, Saxonie and Bavoir are in good termes with him, Mentz and the neighbouring countries looke uppon him with honor and respect, insomuch as the crowne of Bohemia by this only meanes may procure the amity of all those which we doe now labour for with so much paine and travell, and by the same meanes may be conserved and fortified against our enimies, which cannot of any other nominated in the election be eyther expected or hoped for. And since it is a certainty that this prince would not accept of the election for Ambition sake, but only for the common good, we may therefore promise our- selves that he will alwayes continue in the good affection he hath already shewed to this crowne by the profitable counsell and assistances which as well as his owne person as other wayes according to the occasions he hath made to appeare, where (as) there are some others that for for theyr perticuler conservations have greatly prejudiced not only the estates of the kingdome of Bohemia but the countries also and provinces confederats. Thirdly, the sayd confederated provinces are to con- sider whoe are already in good understandinge with this prince, that they cannot have the like confidence in others who are to much tyed in the respect of the house of Austria to succour the sayd provinces in theyr neede, and in such a case the confederations would bring them prejudice rather than benefitt, a point of great waight touchinge this crowne as may be scene by experience. Since then that all these qualities required doe meete in the person of the Prince Elector, and that in those of the others treated in the election (the Prince of 2S6 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Transilvania excepted, who hath his eye upon another marke) there are many imperfections to be found, as may easily be shewed, it is therefore a matter to no purpose longer to defer the election, and so much the rather because the crowne of Bohemia with the coun- tries confederate will now after the rejection be more disquieted than ever; and remayning without a head we shall find none whoe will duly undertake our protection or defence. V, 7, p. 269. 1619. The joyfull receivinge, triumphant entronce and stately formall coronation of Fredericke, the Prince Elector Palatine, and the Lady Elizabeth, Princesse Electoresse, King and Queen of Bohemia, on Munday and Thursday the 25th and 28th day of October ould stile, 1619. It is knowne unto all men for what weightie reasons the States of the kingdome of Bohemia and of the in- corporated countries have with one joynte consent ex- cluded Kinge Ferdinand from the kingedome, and have in his place, with an especially mutuall agreement, chosen and named for theire kinge the right highe and mightie Prince Fredricke by the grace of God Erie Palatine of the Rhyne, Duke of both the Bavaries, Prince Elector and Vicar of the Romane Empire, whome after a law- full callinge they have crowned on the 4th and 7th dayes of November, newe stile, that is, the 25th and 28th of October, ould stile, 1619. Uppon the 21-31 of October, 1619, afternoone, came his Majestie with the Queene his wife, the younger prince theire eldest sonne, his Lord brother Duke Lodo- wicke, the Duke of Wcrtemberge, the 2 Princes of Anhalt, together with his whole retinue, consistinge of five companies of curast horsemen, 500 harquebus horse- BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 237 men, and 3 auncients of footemen of 300 a peece, with many coatches and a very greate number of wagons laden with the carriages towards Prague, and beinge come within 2 or 3 Enghshe miles there of into a faire pleasant place be a parke called the Starre, where the Lords, the States of the kingdome of Bohemia and of the incorporated countryes of Moravia, Silesia and both of Lusatiass, with the magistrates and chiefe men of the 3 citties of Prague, attended his Majesties cominge, accompanied with about a 1000 horse, very statelie and well appointed; there the(y) alighted and received him out of his coatche with greate state, honor and rever- ence, unto whome the Baron of Tallenberge, Lord Greate Chamberlaine, made a speech in the Bohemian tongue, which the Barron of Ruppa interpreted in Dutche; his Majestic gave thereunto so good an answere as that the States much rejoyced thereat, which done, they came one after another, kneeled downe and kissed his INIajesties hand. In like respect every way was the Queene received, save that they kneeled not unto her. Then his Majestic mounted on horsebacke, but yett stayed a whyle, till the lords and gentry were also mounted and that theire Coronell Kinski had orderly marshall'd them, whose discipline his Majestic well liked. Then the(y) marched on conductinge his Majestic to- werds Prague ; when he came into the cittie, the citizens of the 3 citties of Prague stdode in armes, very bravely appointed, as well on horsebacke as on foote on both sides of the street and open places, makeinge a lane or courte or guarde frome the entringe in of the cittie unto the castle; theire Majesties rid alonge, and that in this manner. They of the little cittie were one cornett of horse with 238 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 trumpetts and one kettledrumme, they of the newe cittie one cornett of horse with 6 trumpetts and one kettledrumme, they of the ould cittie one cornett of horse with 6 trumpetts and one kettledrumme, as also another companie of 200 horse voluntary well-willers, and 7 companies of foote, all citizens, exceedingly well mounted and furnished. And when his Majestic came nere unto the newe forte and bullwarke before the castle, whereon stood a com- panie on foote with a displayed ancient, there were stand- inge 400 boures or husband and laboringe countrymen representinge the communalty and 4th state or parte of the land, all armed accordinge to the ould and auncient custome and manner of their country, videlicet, they had an ould weatherbeaten ancient wherein was painted the name Ziseha (sic),^ theire auncient captaine or generall and deliverer, with a challice, and the hoste or signe of a wafer, cache theire armes of the ould fashion, a hevy brestplate, a massie headepeece to assault and scale with all, wooden clubes set with iron spikes, iron flayles of threshalle, crosbowes, great iron sheildes, with 2- handed swords, and stood in battaile array as Lizeha (sic) had in his time appointed them. When his Majestic came unto them he stayed a while and was by theire captaine entertained and welcommed with a Lattine ovation, who did greatlie congratulate his Majes- ties comeinge, and havinge concluded, the multitude began to cry out, Vivat, vivat Rex Fredericus! and so ran together to route on a heape one amongst another, makinge such a greate noyse with theire armes as that his Majestic tooke greate pleasure thereat and could not forbeare laughter. Before his Majestic there marched 1 John 2izka, the Hussite. BOHEMIA- IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 239 400 horsemen under theire Coronell Kinsby (sic), repre- sentinge the knightehood and gentry of the land, who had 8 silver trumpetts and 4 other trumpetts with 8 cettledrummes ; theire cornett was of blew damaske whereon were the Prince Elector Palatine's armes richly imbrodered; the Lords Derectors and States of the land followed after bravelie mounted; after them rid the Duke of Mansterberge (sic) of Silesia, haveinge on his right hand the Duke of Wertemberge and on the left hand the younge Prince of Anhalt. Then rid his Majes- tie's Lord brother Lodowicke with ould Prince Dhinstion (Christian) of Anhalt, after whome imediatelie fol- lowed his kinglie Majestie on a blacke greate horse covered with a blacke footeclothe all over imbrodered with silver. Then followed the Queene ridinge in a exceeding rich coatch, like the whereof had never beene scene afore in Prague, and by her sate the younge Prince her Sonne; after her Majestie came 2 other coatches wherein were the wives and daughters of divers princes and earles, after which followed sundry other coatches with many gentlewoemen, maides of honor and others, and after these came lastly the Prince Electors owne coronell and harquebus horsemen and footemen in good order, the horsemen well mounted, all statelie deckt with brave attire, faire liveries and gallant scarfes of blewe, the King's colours. This ridinge through the cittie lasted 3 houres longe, and was beheld of many thousands of people to theire greate admiracion ; his Majestie tooke therein greate pleasure and did oftentimes put off his hatt, and with a chearefull countenance bowe himselfe towerds the people, as did also the Queene both chearefully and with greate majestie. When they were come within the castle 240 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY court there the(y) sawe a man sittinge above uppon the churche with an auncient in his hand and waveing it over his heade, and then another man sittinge uppon the rounde ball on the steeple toppe, who played a longe time uppon a kettledrumme. In the castle court theire Majesties alighted nere unto the longe hall and went towerds the greene chamber, where there stoode a great number of Bohemian laydes and gentlewoemen of good rancke richly attired, who received her Majestic with greate reverence, and so attended on her into her lodgings. All things were ac- complished with such state, honor, and good successe as the like was never yett done unto any Romane Em- peror; all which shall shortlie be cutt in brasse, and made publicke unto the viewe of the worlde. Here followeth the King's coronacion. All the highe officers of the kingdome as of nobilitie the Lord Chiefe Burgrave Lord Bhonstowe, Barron of Bercha, the Lord Highe Steward of the Lands, Lord Wilham Lobkowth or Belkowth Barron, Lord de (sic) High Chamberlaine Lord John Barron of Tallonberge, the Lord Chiefe Justice of the land, Lord Wentzeslawe, William Barron of Ruppa, the Lord Highe Chancellour Lord Paul Barron of Ritschan, the Lord Chiefe Justice of the Feodaries, Lord Peter Barron of Schambergke, the Lord Chiefe Burgrave of Charlestone, Lord Joachim, Andrew Erie of Sclicke, Knights of the gentry, the Chiefe Secretary of the land, Caspar Caepler, Under- treasurer Procopius Dirarssetche, Underburgrave of Charlestone Bohnslaire of Micholowth, and the Burgrave of the knightlie province, or tract of Grotzer, Henry Ottoe of Losse and many others, beinge summoned and come the 22th of Octob. ould stile, 2 (sic) Novemb. BOHEMIA IN, BRITISH STATE PAPERS 241 newe stile, to give their attendance, and doe their service at the coronacion, the same was done on Munday the 4th of Novemb. newe stile, that is the 25 of October, ould stile in the manner as followeth. First after the lords, the States, had attended his Majestie into the castle churche and brought him into St. Wentzeslawes chappell, there they putt uppon his Majestie the regall robe, which was a longe white sat- tine or damaske gowne all over imbroidered with goulde ; before went 40 preists, singeinge men and querresters in white surplices, then behinde them 7 other more principall preists in blewishe or violett cloakes with rich taffitie hatts of the same collor; after them followed the officers of the kingedome carryinge the Jewells and en- signes belongeing to the coronation, as namely, the hereditary Archbutler of the kingedome of Bohemia with a gilded silver tunne, the hereditarie Archcupberer with a silver potte, and 2 others foUowinge them, bearinge 2 gilded bowles; the(n) followed the Lord High Stew- ard of the land with the scepter, the Lord Chiefe Justice of the kingedome with the regall ball, the Archburk- grave with the crowne, bearinge it in bothe his hands ; after went the Heralde of the kingedome Bohemia in his coate of armes with a white staffe in his hand, then the hereditarie Lord High Marshall of the crowne of Bohemia with the regall electorall sworde in a red vel- vett sheathe, after whome immediatelie 'followed his Majestie bareheaded, havinge on the right hand the Lord Administrator of the Bohemian Protestant Colledge and on his left side another Bohemian preacher (who after- wards made the sermon), both of them attyred in blacke velvett gownes. These 2 brought his Majestie unto the alter, where they kneeled downe with him and prayeci 242 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY a while, and then goeinge backe from the alter, they sett his Majestic in a faire chaire of hayre-colored vellvett, who returneinge to the alter, the Lord Administrator began to act and reade aloude certaine statutes of Lat- tine, which done, the trumpetts sounded a greate noise; after was begun to be sunge in Lattine Veni Sancte Spiritus, and thereuppon in the Bohemian tongue God the Father dwell us by was also sunge, a collect reade, and the preacher putt on his white surplice, went up into the pulpitt to preach in the Bohemian speech. After he had propounded the matter he was to treate of, and prayed, he stayed there till the people had sunge the 20th Psalme also in the Bohemian language ; then he went on with his sermon, and yet in the meanewhile, betweene the partes thereof, were 3 severall times Bohemian hymnes sunge; the sermon beinge ended the foresaid Lord Ad- ministrator went againe to the alter and did there in Lattine singe the Letany, which done, the trumpetts and musicke made a marveilous sweete melodic, which done, a chapter out of the Apostle Paule to Timothy was reade before the altar, and 2 Bohemian himnes sunge; this ended, the Lord Administrator, with the preacher, the Lord Chief Burgrave, the Lord High Steward and Lord Greate Chamberlaine of the land, attended his Majestic to the alter, where they all kneeled downe and prayed againe. Then they stoode up and, haveinge spoken unto his Majestic concerninge the accustomed oathe he was to take, the Lord Chiefe Burgrave spake thrice alone unto the people to this effect: "Seeing we arc nowe aboute to crowne his Majestic, it is thought meete againe to admonishe you joyntlie to tell us freclic, whether it be your wills that we shall proccede on for- BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 243 wards and crowne his Majestic?" Whereupon the people with a full and jointe consent cryed out amaine and said everie time, "We will." Then the Lord Cheife Burgrave held a booke unto his Majestie, whereon his Majestic haveing laide his 2 fingers, the Lord Cheife Burgrave reade the accustomed oathe unto him in the Bohemian tongue, which his Majestie performed unto the Lords the States repeatinge every word of it after the Lord Chief Burgrave. Then his Majestie kneeled downe before the altar, where the Lord Administrator stoode before him, holdinge on the booke a gilded box, wherein was oyle, of which he tooke a little with one finger and anointed therewith his Majestie's foreheade, strekeinge it in forme of a crosse. This beinge done, the Lord High Marshall delivered the sword into the hands of the Lord Administrator, who took it and presentlie gave it to his Majestie, sayinge these wordes: Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Amen. After this he delivered unto him, first the scepter, then the regall ball, put a red velvett cap upon his heade, and the lord Administrator takeinge up the crowne in his hands, whereon the Lord Chiefe Burgrave, the Lord Highe Steward of the land, the Lord Great Chamber- laine of the land, and the other prei^t or minister tooke holde, and so joyntly seft the crowne uppon his Majes- ties head in the name of the Holy and Blessed Indivisible Trinitie, and then (he) was by them all lifted up, at- tended to his chaire and sett therein with the crowne upon his heade and the ball and scepter in his hands. Now when all this was done the Lord Cheife Bur- grave said unto the Lords the States : "My Lords, seeinge our gracious Kinge is already crowned, so are we nowe 244 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY accordinge unto our custome to sweare allegeance unto him and to the crowne and acknowledge him for our gracious Kinge and lord." Hereupon the Lord Cheife Burgrave kissed the regall ball, his Majestie's right hand, touched the crowne with his 2 fingers, bowed himself before his Majestie, and so went aside, giveinge way. About an 100 persons did all the like. After this did the Lord Administratour with a loude voyce singe Te Deum laudamus. This followed the whole musicke, cornetts, saggebutts, trumpetts, kettledrummes ; the bells in all three citties of Prague did ringe, 28 peeces of great ordinance made readie for the purpose were discharged, and the citizens and souldiers of the cittie, beinge 13 companies of foote and sundry cornetts of horse, dis- charged all theire ouer (sic). After that his Majestie had (sittinge in his corona- tion chaire) knighted 5 lords and 3 gentlemen, he rose and went thence attended with all the lords others to the records of the land, where also accordinge to aun- cient use and custome he sware to preserve and maine- taine them and subscribed unto all he was to subscribe unto. Where as his Majestie went and returned there were divers sorts of coynes of gould and silver throwne amongst the people, one of which had on the one side this inscription, God and theire (sic) cuntryes have given unto me this crowne, and on the other side were five hands houldinge on a crowne, signifying the kingedome of Bohemia and the 4 incorporated cuntries. All alonge the streetes, and within the castle whereupon his Majestie rid and went to the records of the land, there was broade clothe spr^ade on the ground, which at his BOHEMIA IN BRITISH STATE PAPERS 245 comeing backe was all given for larges and made prizd unto the people. At his comeinge backe into the castle dinner was made ready, where was one table of state prepared, whereat his Majestie sate in his regall robes with the crowne on his heade, and the Qiieene with him. There were other tables besides furnished as whereat sate the above said greate officers and the rest of the Lords the States, and the(n) 14 other free tables for strangers: within the castle court there were goodlie fountaines made, which untill night ran plentifullie with wine red and white free for all to take of that would. About the midst of dinner his Majestie, the crowne to be taken off, stoode up and dranke into the health of all the 3 states and Bohemia, and caused it to be drunke round aboute hall. In the interim betweene his Majes- tie's coronacion and the Queene's, his Majestie first confirmed all the officers and governours of the kinge- dome in theire offices and governmentes, commanndinge justice and government to goe on in the ordinarie due course as was meete and requisite. Then next perceiv- inge that the stewes and brothelhouses were there still in use and tollerated, and had theire house within the bulwarke round aboute the cittie, and withall a world of poore and needy people as well of able bodyes as aged, sicke and impotent, lyinge and standinge in the streets to the great dishonor of God and of religion, his Majestie both put downe the stewes presentlie and commannded an hospitall and house of correccion to be forthwith builded; that so theis aged, sicke and im- potent might be sufficicntlie relived and mainetained and the idle bodie to be put into gives and forced to worke 246 BOHEMIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY and labour for theire livelnge, that so both the cittie and the state might be eased and clensed of all such, as is his owne cuntry. The Queene's coronacion was on Thursday the 28th of October ould stile in all respects like the Kinge's saye that the sermon was in High Dutche and no coynes cast about thereat. V. 7, p. 23. INDEX* Absolon, K., 187 Alcock, Deborah, 78 Allen, Fred. H., 168 Anchoran, John, 29 Anketell, John, 121 Ansley, C. F., 68 Arbes, Jakub, 80 Augusta, John, 41, 66 Bailey, W. F., 162 Bain, Robert Nisbct, 38, 140 Balch, Emily Green, 22, 55, 56, 64, 163, 179, 180 Baker's Biog. Diet, of Mu- sicians, 67, 70, 151 Baker, James, 71, 78, 106, 108, 122, 147, 148, 168, 171, 177, 180, 185, 186, 187, 191, 192 Banks, J. S., 122 Barlow, William, 90, 93 Bardeen, C. W., 47, 138 Barry, Canon William, 168 Baudis, Josef, 83 Bedford, H, 177 Behringer, C. F., 122 Bendl, Karel, 151 Benes-Tfebizsky, Vaclav, 81 Benes, Edouard, 162, 168 Benes, Vojta, 98, 162 Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvie, 97 Bcnham, David, 108, 129 Berkeley, George Monck, 97 Bertram, Paul, 78 Biog. Diet, of Literature, 66, 140 Bird, A. F. R., 187 Bird, Remsen du Bois, 124 Birnbaum, Martin, 58 Black, John S., in Blaikie, W. G., 122 Blaze, de Bury, 97 Bhnd, K., 144 Blodgett, J. H., 137 Bolton, Henry €., 98 Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. dc, 38, 39, 108, 126 Bonsai, Stephen, 169 Born, Baron Inigo, 147 Bost, Ami, 109 Botta, Anne C. L., 141 Bowring, Sir John, 48, 141, 143 Boyd, Neva L., 154 Breuer, Libbic A., 81, 82, 145 Brinton, Christian, 62, 192 Bristol, Frank M., 128 Brookbank, J., 130 Brook, A. Ten, 36, 100 Brooks, Sydney, 169 Brown, Charles L., 162 Brown, D., 122 Brozik, Vaclav, 20, 58, 66 Bruno, Guido, 82, 169 * Bohemia in British Stale Papers and Manuscripts not indexed. 247 248 INDEX Budovec, Vaclav of Budova, 66 Burchenal, Elizabeth, 151 Burton, John Hill, 30 Busse, F., 137 Butler, Nicholas M., 47, 128, 138 Buxton, N., 169 Calkins, N. A., 137 Cambridge Modern History, 14, 38, 100, 104, 105, 140 Capck, Thomas, 42, 52, 53, 81, 82, 98, 144, 158, 163, 180, 181 Carleton, Sir Dudley, 98 Carlyle, Thomas, 83 Carter, John J., 112 Cech, Svatopluk, 66, 81, 140, 144 Cermak, B., 144 Chapman, Benj., 99 Chapman, Henry G., 154 Chase, Edith B., 109 Cheradame, Andre, 15, 163, 169 Chesterton, G. K., 166 Cisaf, F., 122 Clark, Francis E., 188 Cleef, E. van, 149 Cobbe, Francis P., 180 Cole, G. A. J., 188 Collier, Jeremy, 44, 131 Colquhoun, Archibald P., 17, 99 Colquhoun, Ethel, 99 Compayre, Gabriel, 128 Connolly, Louise, 61 Cope, G., io6 Cox, William, 99 Cramer, M. J., 123 Cranz, David, 109 Crawford, F. Marion, 78 Crawford, W. H., 123 Creighton, M., 109 Cruchley, 159 Curtin, D. T., 163 Curtin, Jeremiah, 83 Dallas, R. C, 148 Damberger, Christian F., 56, 188 Davis, Catherine B., 181 Davis, J. W., 177 Denis, Ernest, 15 Destinn, Emmy, 51, 66, 154, 156 Dickinson, Clarence, 151 Dickinson, Edward, 151 Dickinson, Helen A., 151 Dignowity, Anthony M., 66 Dillon, Edward, 71 Dobrovsky, Josef, 66 Dodsley's Annual Register, 97, 98 Dominian, Leon, 188 Dorrian, Cecil L, 170 Doughty, H. M., 188 Dulken, H. W., 14:2 Durie, John, 132 Dusek, v., 123, 170 Dussek (Dusik), J. L., 51, 67, 151, 152, 156 Dvorak, Antonin, 23, 50, 67, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 Dvorak, V. J., 155 Dyer, W. A., 71 Earbery, Matthias, 120 Eaton, John, 137 INDEX 249 Eden, Lizzie Selina, 99 Edwards, Charles E., 123 Eisenmann, Louis, 38, 100 Eliasova, B. M., 72 Elson, Arthur, 152 Erben, Karel J., 28, 84, 126, 152 Evans, John, 97 Evans, M. J., 114 Fairfield, A. R., 144 Farnham, Amos W., 144, 192 Feistmantel, O., 149 Fejfar, F., 72 Felts, P., 123 Ferber, John James, 147 Fibich, Zdenek, 23, 67, 151, 153 Field, E. M., 128 Figulus, Peter, 35, 121 Finck, Henry T., 152 Firkins, Ina Ten Eyck, 64 Firth, Charles H., 34 Fisher, George P., 109 Fisher, L. J., 98 Fisher, Philip M., 137 Fitz-Simon, Henry, 100 Forman, Josef, 170 Fox, John, 109, no Francl, F., 26, 72 Eraser, W., 190 Fred, W., 61 Freeman, Edward A., 102 Frewer, Ellen, 57 Fuller, E., 76 Gardiner, Samuel R., 100 Gataker, Thomas, no Gayda, Virginio, 164 Giddins, George H., 123 Gillctt, Ezra Hall, 39, no, 123, 125 Gilpin, WilHam, no Gindely, Anton, 36, 100 Gintl, Franz R. von, 85 Glasser, M., 177 Gleig, Georg R., 56, 188 Glenn, Thomas A., 100 Gliinecke, G. J. R., 159 Good, James I., 123 Gooch, G. P., 170 Gradin, Arvid, no Grande, JuHan, 170 Graves, Frank P., 128 Green, Mary A. E., loi Gregor, Frances, 23, 36, 37, 67, 68, 69, 70, 79, 82, loi, 138, 144 Gregr, Edward, 67 Gribble, Francis H., 170 Grove's Diet, of Music, 153 Gurowski, A. de, 145 Haberlandt, M., 60 Hadden, J. Cuthbert, 153 Hadow, W. H., 153 Halek, Vitezslav, 140, 145 Hallivell, George W., 123 Hamilton, John T., in Hamlin, C., 170 Hanka, Wenceslaus, 144 Hanus, Paul H., 47, 128, 138 Hard, William, 171 Hark, J. M., 124, 128 Harrison, John, 34, 88, 92 Hartlib, Samuel, 130, 131, 132, 136 Harvitt, Helen J., 154 250 INDEX Hasse, A. C, ill Haven, Gilbert, 176 Havlasa, Jan, 144, 146 Havlicek, Karel, 67, 140, 141, 174 Hawes, J. B., 149 Hay, Marie, 78 Hayes, Carleton J. H., loi Hazen, Charles D., 101 Headlam, J. W., 164 Hedley, P. M. R, 155 Heilprin, A., 171 Heilprin, M., 171 Hejda, F. K., 156 Hensel, Octavia, 156 Herites, Frantisek, 81 Herrick, S. E., iii Herrman, Augustine, 53, 67, 100, loi, 106, 160, 161 Hill, Birbeck, 102 Hilbert, Jaroslav, 76 Hlavac, V. J., 156 Hodges, Le Roy, 179 Hodgson, Randolph L., 189 Hodgson, William, iii Holarek, Emile, 58, 61 Holland, J. G., 142 Hollar, Wenceslaus, 20, 35, 53, 58, 59. 60, 67 Holme, Charles, 60 Holmes, John, iii Holub, Emil, 57 Hoole, Charles, 45, 133 Hopkins, H. P., 156 Horgan, S. H., 63 Howell, Charles Fish, 176 Howitt, Mary, 79 Hoyt, C. O., 129 Hrbek, Jeffrey D., 21, 64, 68 Hrbkova, Sarka B., 69, 76, ^^, 112, 171, 179, 181 Hrdlicka, Ales, 106, 171, 181, 190 Humpal, Rose M., 81 Hus, John, 18, 22, 38, 39, 68, 108-127 Hutton, J. E., 113 Hye, Isadoor, 106 Immerman, Karl, 141 Innes, J. H., 67, loi Jacox, F., 106 James, Henry, 113 Janauschek, Francesca R. M., 27, 68, 76 Jansa, V., 177 Jefferys, T., 159 Jenkins, Robert C, loi Jennewein, F., 61 Jerome of Prague, 30, 38, 68, 108-127 Jerrold, Walter C, 171, 186 Jewett, J. L., 125 Jicinsky, J. Rudis, loi, 183, 185 Jirasek, Alois, 27, 68 Jonas, Charles, 24, 25, 49, 68, 72, IZ, 181 Judson, Harry P., 98 Jung, V. A., 73 Jungmann, Josef, 22, 48, 68, 143 Kappey, Clara, 153 Karpeles, Benno, 179 Kautsky, Karl, 113 Kay, C. de, 149 Keatinge, M. W., 43, 134 INDEX 251 Kelly, R. J., 164, 171 Kerner, R. J., 64, loi Keysler, Johann Georg, 56, 189 Kiddle, Henry, 129 Kinner, Cyprian, 130 Kissner, J. G., 181 Kitts, Eustace J., 113 Klos6, Edwin G., 138 Koerner, K. T., 84 Kohl, Johann Georg, 56, 189 Kohlbeck, Valentine, 182 Kolldr, John, 16, 22, 68, 140 Komensky, John Amos, 18, 19, 23, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 69, 128-139 Kompis, Peter S., 69 Kopta, Flora P., 49, 79, 81, 141, 192 Korbel, Mario, 61, 62 Kotouc, Otto, 144, 145, 182 Koukol, Alois B., 55, 182 Koula, Jan, 61 Kovafik, Alois F., 166 Krkl, J. J., 22, 52, 80, 81, 106, 112, 138, 145, 149, 155, 156, 157. 158 Kramif, Karel, 162, 171 Krasinski, Count V., 1 13 Krasnohorska, Eliska, 180 Kratina, Joseph, 62 Kratochvil, S., 164 Kravaf (Crawar), Paul, 30 Krehbiel, H. E., 50, 155, 156 Krejsa, Antonie, 80 Kroupa, B., 57 Krupicka, Frantisck, y^ Kryshanovskaya, V. I., 79 Kubelik, Jan, 51, 69 Kucera, Magdalcna, 182 Kuhns, L. Oscar, 113 Kulamer, John, 69 Kvacala, John, 135 Kvapil, Jaroslav, 69, 76, 77 Landa, M. J., 172 Lang, Andrew, 30 Lang, Ossian H., 135 Langridge, Henry S., 85 La Trobe, Benjamin, 109 Latrobe, Bishop J., 113 Latrobe, C L, 113 Laurie, S. S., 47, 135, 138 Lavington, G., 116 Law, Mary E., 138 Lederer, John, 57 Leger, Louis, 15, 68, 102 Lehner, Ferdinand, 60 Lenfant, Jacques, 113 Leslie, Emma, 79 Lessing, Karl F., 60 Levetus, A. S., 60, 62 Levine, Isaac Don, 172 Lingelbach, William E., 102 Lippert, Emanuel, 138 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 102 Lomas, S. C, loi Long, R. C, 172 Longfellow, Henry W., 16, 141, 142 Losa, Vaclav, 123 Loserth, Johann, 38, 114, 122 Lowell, A. L., 164 Lublin, C. Owen, 62 Lucas, Annie, 79 Liitzow, Count Francis, 22, 23, 37. 38. 39, 44, 46, 50, 55, 69, 85, 102, 112, 114, 124, 134, 142, 145, 172 176 252. INDEX Machal, Jan, 83 Machar, J. S., 49, 142, 145 McCabe, Lida Rose, 62 McClure, Archibald, 179 M'Cormick, W. B., 61 McCorry, John S., 114 Macdonald, James, 189, 193 MacKay, F. E., 76 Mackenzie, A. C, 156 Mackenzie, Campbell, 108, 109 McLaughlin, Allan, 182 Mallery, Charles Payson, 102 Malin, William Gunn, 22, 65, 114 Llamatey, Albert, 164 Mangan, J. C, 141 Mangasarian, M. M., 115 Marchant, Francis P., 145, 164 Masaryk, Alice G., 182 Masarj'k, Thomas G., 52, 54, 69, 162, 164, 165, 167, 169, 170, 172, 182 Mashek, Nan, 183 Mason, Daniel G., 152, 153, 155 I^Iathews, W. B. S., 155 Alauricc, Charles E., 23, 2n, 68, 69, 102 Maxwell, W. H., 135 Mears, John W., 115 Mekota, Beatrice M., T], 82 Melichar, A. G., 158 Melitz, Leo, 154 Mendelsohn, J., 156 Menzies, Robert, 120 Merrylees, John, 147 Mcynier, H., 189 Michiels, Alfred, 103 Mika, G. H., 172 Miller, H. A., 112, 163, 172 Miller, Kenneth D., 183 Milles, Jeremiah, 149 Miskovsky, Louis F., 125 Mitchell, John, 103 Moleville, M. Bertrand de, 50, 148 Monroe, Paul, 135, 139 Monroe (Munro), Robert, 95 Monroe, Will S., 16, 19, 23, 37, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 103, 129, 135. 139, 163 Montgomery, James, 137 MorfiU, R. W., 49, T2,, 79, 142, 144 Morgan, J., 152 Moryson, Fynes, 189 Mourek, Jane, 27, 60, 80 Mourek, V. E., 27, Ti, So Mrazek, Joseph, 62 Mucha, Alfons M., 21, 60, 62, 69 , Mulliken, E. G., 113 Mulliken, J. L., 113 Munroe, James P., 136 Mylechreest, Winifred B., 79 Naake, John T., 83 Nadherny, E. V., 181 Namier, Lewis B., 165 Naprstek, Vojta, 61, 69 Narrative History of Music, 153 Nedobyty, Anna, 193 Neisser, George, 125 Nemcova, Bozena, 22, 27, 36, 69, 79, 81, 140 Neruda, Jan, 22, 69, 8j, 140, 145 Newbigin, M. L, 149 INDEX 253 Newman, Francis W., 103 Niederle, Lubor, igo Nigrin, J. V., 53, ^z, 141, 146 Nosek, v., 172 Ogden, John C, 117 Oldham, Sam. S., 117 Ondncek, F., 70 Ordega, L., 173 Ordway, Edith B., 154 Paalzow, Henrietta von, 79 Pacak,, Tz Painter, F. V. N, 136 Palacky, Francis, 39, 49, 70, 106, 107, 140, 164 Palda, L. J., 173 Panther (pseud), 173 "" Parker, Samuel C, 136 Pastor, Josef, 158 Pastor, Ludwig, 117 Patera, A., 135 Paterson, Maurice, 136 Patin, Charles, 190 Payne, Joseph, 136 Payne, Peter, 38, 108, 192 Payne, W. H., 128, 136 Peabody, Elizabeth P., 103 Pennington, Arthur R., 117 Percival, James G., 141 Pergler, Charles, 55, 165, 1O6, 173 Pescheck, C. A., 118 Philip, Will., 88 Piper, C. R., 125 Pisek, Vincent, 153 Pite, Beresford, 177 Polasek, Albin, 62 Pope, R. Martin, 112 Powell, H. J., 71 Poyntz, Sydnam, 103 Pratt, Waldo S., 153 Price, Charles M., 60 Prince, J. D., 173 Prinsep, V. C, 63 Prochazka, J., 166 Prusik, Bofivoj, 150 Prynne, William, 118 Putnam, Samuel P., 104 Quick, R. H., 136, 139 Rae, W. Eraser, 193 Ralston, W. R. S., 178 Ramee, Louise de la, 14, 79 Rashdall, Hastings S., 118 Rau, Albert G., 125 Raumer, Karl von, 139 Raven, J. H., 139 Recht, Charles, 70, 76, "]■], 167 Reich, Emil, 104 Reincke, Abraham, 118 Rensclaer, M. G. van, 178 Richards, Agnes G., 62 Rieger, F. L., 70 Riis, Jacob, 179 Risler, Jeremias, 118 Robbins, Jane E., 183 Robinson, Edward, 142 Robinson, T. A. L. von J. (Talvj), 48, 49, 142, 145, 146 Rogers, Henry, 119, 125 Rokycana, Jan, 70 Rolt, Richard, 119 Roof, Kathcrine M., 156 Roosevelt, Theodore, 173 Rosenthal, Herman, 21, 65 254 INDEX Rosicky, Marie Bayer, 148 Rosicky, Rose, 148 Ross, E. A., 183 Rubicon (pseud), 173 Runciman, John F., 153 Rundle, Charles E., 119 Ruzicka, Rudolph, 61, 63 Sabina, Karel, 154 Sadeler, George E., 159 Safafik, Paul J., 49, 70, 107, 140 Salinger, Richard, 154 Salvo, Marquis Carlo de, 190 Sand, George, 27, 80 Sasek, Vaclav of Birkov, 29, 104, 106 Sauzay, A., 71 Schaff, David S., 38, in, 119, 125 Schanzer, Hedwig, 63 Schauffler, H. A., 183 Schauffler, R. H., 173 Schem, A. J., 129 Schierbrand, Wolf von, 167 Schindler, Kurt, 154 Schmitt, Bernadote E., 173 Schoberl, Frederick, 148 Schwartz, H., 71 Schwarze, W. N., 39, 119 Schweinitz, Edmund dc, 38, 39, 66, 68, 70, 119, 124 Scott, J. L., 136 Sebastian, Father, 124 Sellers, Edith, 173 Selver, P., 23, 49, 142 Seton-Watson, R. W., 16, 17, 52, 112, 164, 167, 173 Shaw, Francis G., 80 Shearer, James W., 73 Sherwood, J. M., 125 Sidney, Sir Philip, 104 Sima, Joseph, 61 Simek, Bohumil, 163 Singleton, Esther, 154 Sladek, Josef V., 70, 74, 146 Sloss, Robert, 174 Small, J., 119 Smetana, Bedfich, 23, 50, 51, 70, 151. 153, 154, 157 Smetanka, J. F., 52, 158, 167, 174 Smilovsky, Alois V., 27, 80, 140 Smith, Charlotte F., 104 Smith, J. Milton, 120 Smith, Preserved, 125 Smyth, J. J., 126 Snow, Francis H., ^^ Sonnenschein, W. S., 142 Soskice, Juliet M., 79 Soukup, Anthony M., 74 Spacek, Anna, 154 Spalding, M. J., 126 Stanton, Theodore, 180 Steed, H. Wickham, 16, 52, 104, 162, 167, 174 Steiner, Edward A., 180, 183 Stevenson, I. P., 174 Stevenson, W. F., 126 Stiles, William H., 104 Stoddard, J. L., 190 Straka, Adolf W., 24, 74 Street, G. S., 193 Strickland, Agnes, 29, 105 Subert, Frantisek A., ^^ Sum, A., 21, 65 Svarc, Vaclav, 183 Svetla, Karolina, 27, 70, 80 INDEX ^55 Svobodova, Ruzena, 82 Swehla, Francis J., 183 Sweny, H. W., 178 Swoboda, Wenceslaus, A., 144 Sykora, A. J., 187 Symons, Arthur, 55, 177, 178 Taillandier, R. G., 15 Talvj (Robinson) Taylor, Bayard, 15, 190 Taylor, John, 32, 93 Thurloe, John, 34 Thurston, Herbert, 126 Tille, Vaclav, 146 Tomek, V. V., 39 Torrey, H. W., 126 Toynbee, Arnold J., 167, 174 Trench, Richard C, 120 Troutbeck, Rev., 152 Turner, R. W., 183 Twain, Mark, 174 Tymarchus, Joshua, 46, 133 Tyrs, Miroslav, 56, 70, 185 Tyrs, Renata, 63 Ullman, C, 120 Updike, D. B, 63 Upham, T. C, 134 Vana, Jan, 74 Van Dyke, Paul, 120 Varillas, Antoine, 120 Vaughn, Robert, 34, 136 Vericour, L. R. de, 107 Vernalecken, Theodore, 84 Vertue, George, 20, 58, 67 Vickers, Robert H., 23, 36, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 80, 105, 142, 171 Vizetelly, E. A., 191 Vlach, J. J., 183 Vojan, J. E. S., 61, 63, 67, 69, 98, 126, 139, 157, 174 Vondrous, J. C., 61 Vostrovsky, Clara (Winlow) Vrchlicky, Jaroslav, 70, 77, 146, 152 Vymazal, P., 26, 75 Walmsley, 159 Warburton-Egerton, R. E., 142 Ward. A. W., 38, 105, 146 Washington, Booker T., 174 Watson, Foster, 139 Wertenbaker, T. J., 174 Wharton, Leonard C., 18, 19, 22, 65 Whately, Jane E., 120 White, Walter, 191 Wickliffe, John, 29, 30, 38, 79, IDS, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122 Wiener, Leo, 49, 142, 163, 175 Williams, Robert F., 120 Williams, Samuel G., 137 Williams, William H., 105 Wilson, Woodrow, 53 Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky, 69, 80, 82, 139 Wistein, Rose, 175 Wittelshofer, O., 175 Workman, Herbert B., iii, 121, 124 World's Best Essays, 137 Worthington, John, 120, 137 Wortley, Sir Francis, 95, 96 Wratislaw, A. H., 28, 39, 48, 84, 104, 106, 107, 121, 126, 143 ^56 INDEX Wratislaw, Baron Mitrowitz W., 29, 48, 105 Wyatt, Margaret A., 121 Wylie, James H., 121 Yarros, Gregory, 65 Zajicek, Frank, 154 Zdrubek, F. B., 25, 75 Zelenka, Lerando L., 157 Zeman, Josephine Humpal, 182, 183, 184 2erotin, Lord Karel, 41, 70 Zeyer, Julius, 27, 82, 140 2izka, John, 18, 70, 110, 114, iij, 127 Zmrhal, Jaroslav J., 26, 75, 98, 141, 148, 158 Printed in the United States of America UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 878 781 4 '7 ' fr