UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY Some Early Legislation and Legislators m Upper Canada By THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE RIDDELL. L.H.D.. LL.D.. &c. •r^^^r<^2 1 M I ; Tiir: Carswei.l Co., Limited, TORONTO Wanted to Purchase for Cash All early publications of the various Governments or Governors-in-Council of Van- couver Island, British Col- umbia, Hudson's Bay Com- pany, North-west Territories, Manitoba. THE CARSWELL COMPANY LIMITED 19 Duncan Street, Toronto. Some Early Legislation and Legislators m Upper Canada By THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE RIDDELL, L.H.D., LL.D., &c. ^s^e." In 1810, it was directed that the gaol and court-house for the Home district should be erected at York (now Toronto), of, Geo. III., ch. IS. We shall meet these Districts again, and ])ass over them for the time being. Chapter 4, abolishing the summary proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas in actions under £10 sterling, and chapter 5, providing for the appointment of firemen, we also pass over. The above constitutes the legislation of the first Parlia- ment of Upper Canada during its first session at Newark beginning Monday, September 17th, and ending Monday, October 15th, 1792. But there were other matters of great interest at this session. On the 19th September, the Secretary of the Province ' presented for the consideration of the House, a signed and sealed instrument delivered to him by Philip Borland of Adolphustown in the county of Lennox. This set out n " certain writ under the great seal of this Province of Upper Canada . . . directed to the returning oflScer of the County of Prince Edward and District of the Township of Adolphustown '' requiring him " to send one knight girt with a sword, the most fit and discreet to represent the said County"; also an election by the freeholders, of Philip Dor-, land; "that he, Philip Dorland, being "one of the persons commonly called Quakers," could not take the oath pre- scribed for members of the House, but he would make a declaration to the same effect. He then asked that if he could not sit without the oath, a new writ might issue. The House ordered a new writ to issue, as Dorland " was incom- petent to sit or vote in the House without having taken and subscribed the oath set forth in the Act of Parliament." On Saturday, September 29th, Mr. Colin McNabb, as preventative officer, was " ordered to attend at the Bar of the House to give information respecting the contraband traffic carried on in this district, as far as the same has come within his knowledge." It is time, now, that we enquire into the personnel of the Legislature. Much of my information, as to those I owe to two papers by C. C, James, Esq., C.M.G., LL.D., contributed to the Eoyal Society of Canada, in 1902 and 1903,— vol. 8, sec. 2, pp. 93 sqq., and vol. 9, sec. 2, i))). 1-15 s^qq., respectively. We may disregard \joxA Dorchester, the celeln-ated Sir Guy Carleton, who was Governor-General of Canada — but 6 Lieutenant-Colonel Jolin Graves Simcoe, the Lieutonant- Governor, is not negligible, for it is certain that he took a personal interest in much of the legislation. There was a Legislative Council appointed ])y the Crown for life, and a Legislative xVssembly to be periodically elected by the people; the electoral franchise was almost universal suffrage, as the qualification was placed very low — in counties, land worth 40 shillings sterling per annum, and in towns the possession of a dwelling house and lot worth £5 per annum, or being resident for 12 mouths and having paid rent to the amount of £10 sterling. There was also an Executive Council referred to in an indefinite way in sec. 38 of the Act; the members were appointed by the Crown, and were not necessarily members of either House — they held office at the will of the Crown. They corresponded more nearly to the cabinet of the Presi- dent of the Tnited States than to anything now extant in the Briti-^h world; and were not unlike the Privy Council as it then existed in England. Of course, the Executive Council formed no part of the Parliament, but there can be no doubt of the accuracy of the following passage to be found in an address to the King by the Legislative Council, April l!»th, 1836: — " For many years the Legislative Council of I^pper Canada consisted of but four or five members, connected witli the Executive Government by the most confidential rela- tions, and forming in reality a body scarcely distinct from the Executive Council of the Colony." A number of legislative councillors, lour in all. had lieen a])poiiitcd by the Home (Jovernment before Simcoe arrived in Canada. One of these was William Osgoode, who was the first Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and al'tciwards, in 1794, api)ointed Chief Justice of Lower Canada: he was an English barrister of good standing. Osgoode Mall is called after liim. Peter Pussell was also appointed in England. He became Administrator of the Governim nt in I"!*."), on Simcoe's resig- nation; and some scandal was attached to his name, arising from his practice of making grants of Crown lands to him- self and his sister, while ho was Administrator. Alexaiuler Grant was tln' only eounoillor a]i])ointed among the fir-^t lot who was at the time in Camida. He was commonly known as Commodore Grant. He also became- Administrator — this was in 1805, on the deatli of Lieuten- ant-Ciovernor Hunter. William Rohertson had also been appointed; he had beien a resident of Detroit, then and until 1796 part of Canada; but had gone to England in 1790, and never afterwards came to Canada. He resigned shortly afterwards, being in June, 1793, replaced by ^neas Shaw. There were consequently only three councillors with Simcoe; and as the Act, 31 Geo. III., ch. 31, sec. 3, required at least seven councillors, these were not a majority — and conseciuently not a quorum — of the council. Accordingly Simcoe had James (Jacques) Baby appointed — he lived in Detroit, and was of a well-known French-Canadian family. Osgoode and Eussell 'arrived in Canada in June, 1793, and Osgoode, Eussell, Grant and Baby were sworn in as members of the Executive Council at Kingston, in July, 1792 •• — writs of summons calling them to the Legislative Coun- cil, were on the 16th of that month issued to these four, and also to Eichard Duncan, AVilliam Eobertson, Eobert Hamil- ton, Eichard Cartwright, Jr. and John Munro (of Matilda), Hamilton took part in the prosecution of Gourlay in 1819, and was said to have acquired 100,000 acres of Crown lands from the lots granted to sons and daughters of U. E. Loyalists. Cartwright was the ancestor of those of that name familiar in Canadian legal, military and political annals. He was the grandfather of Sir Eichard Cartwright, and was even before his appointment to the Legislative Council, a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas (the Court of Common Pleas, we shall meet again). J. S. Cartwright, the present Master in Chambers, and J. R. Cartwright, the Deputy Attorney-General, are also grandsons. Osgoode wa- the speaker of the Legislative Council, being appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor under sec. 13 of the Act ; and Messrs. Baby, Hamilton, Cartwright, Munro, Grant and Eussell all attended during the session. A provision in sec. 6 for hereditary rank entitling to a seat in the Legislative Council, never was in fact brought into force. On Monday, July, 16th, 1792, Simcoe issued a Eoyal proclamation, dividing L^pper Canada into 19 counties; and directing the holding of elections for 16 representatives in the House of Assembly. We are sometimes apt to say that Ontario is divided into counties, and the counties into town- 8 ships; but historically, in many cases, the townships came first, and the counties were formed by a grouping of town- ships. The counties formed by Simcoe's proclamation were: 1, Glengarry; 2, Stormont; 3, Duudas; 4, Grenville; 5, Leeds; 6, Frontenac; 7, Ontario; 8, Addington; 9, Lenox; 10, Prince Edward; 11, Hastings; 13, Northumberland; 13, Dur- ham; 14, York; 15, Lincoln; 16, Norfolk; 17, Suffolk; 18, Essex; and 19, Kent. All these names are still used except Suffolk; but "Ontario" is now applied to a different part of the province: what is now Ontario was in those early times almost wholly destitute of inhabitants — " Ontario County " was then the islands west of the Gananoque river. Glengarry had two members. For the first riding Hugh Macdonell was returned; for the second, his brother John, who became the Speaker of the first House. As he was a lioman Catholic, he occupied a dignity which he could not at that time occupy in any other part of the British Domin- ions, except Lower Canada. These two brothers were U. E. Loyalists, and w^ere the maternal uncles of Lt.-Col. John Macdonell, who was Brock's aide-de-camp, and was killed with his chief at the Battle of Queenston Heights in the war of 1812. He was also Attorney-General of Upper Canada ; a mural plate to liis memory is to l>e found in the east wing of Osgoode Hall. Stormont wa/S represented by Lieutenant Jeremiah French, a U. E. Loyalist from Vermont. Dundas sent Alexander Campbell, of whom little is known, or at least recorded. Grenville sent another TJ. E. Loyalist, Ephraim Jones, the father of Jonas Jones, afterwards a Judge of the (King's) Queen's Bench; he had also two Pon?-iu-law. who achieved the same distinction, Levins P. Sherwood and Plenry John Boulton. Leeds and Frontenac were allotted one member: John "White, an English barrister, who had been appointed by the Home Government, Attorney-General of Upper Canada, and had come out in tl.une, 1702, was by Simcoe's influence elected member. He was killed in a duel some years after. Addington and Ontario sent Joshua Booth, a U. E. Loyalist, who died in the war of 1812. Lenox, Hastings and Northumberland had one represen- tative — and Lieut. Hazelton Spencer, also a U. E. Loyalist, 9 was elected. ("Leuox'" was the spelling at that time; now the word is spelled with two n's). Prince Edward and Adolphustown had one member (for the township of Adolphustown was detached from Lenox for electoral purposes). Philip Borland was elected, but not taking the oath required by sec. 29 of the Act, 31 Geo. III., ch. 31 (as he was a Quaker) a new writ was issued, and ]\rajor Peter Yanalstine was elected in his place — they were both U. E. Loyalists. Durham, York and first Lincoln sent Nathaniel Pettit, of Grimsby, a member of the Land Board of Nassau District. The second riding of Lincoln sent Col. Benjamin Paw- ling, who had been in Butler's Rangers during the Revolu- tionary war. The third riding of Lincoln sent Isaac Swayzie, who had been a noted scout on the British side. His enemies called him a " spy " — a mere difference in terminology. He later took a prominent part in the prosecution of Gourlay; and it is said narrowly escaped prosecution for the murder of Wil- liam Morgan, who had threatened to disclose the secrets of Freemasonry, and who mysteriously disappeared. The mys- tery has never been wholly cleared u]); l)ut it \vas made evi- dent that Swayzie had nothing to do with ^lorgan's abduc- tion and death, notwithstanding hisJ^oast that he had.^ He undoubtedly was a Freemason, however. The fourth riding of Lincoln and Norfolk together had one representative. Parshall Terry was elected; he was one of Swayzie's bondsmen (v. the note^) and afterwards was drow'ned in the Don in 1808, having removed to York when Siracoe made the change. ^This is told of him in Dout's "Upper Canada Rebellion," and should be taken cinn yruno. That he had enemies was to be expected, and indeed is fairly certain : there is on record a petition by him. of April, 1700, to the Laud Board of Nassau District. " setting forth that from his character having been traduced he had been prevented from enjoying the privileges of other loyal citizens." The Board found that he had produced sufficient proof that his character had been misrepresented; and lu'ld that he should receive the (lu.iiitity of land his services entitled him to as a volunteer in the British army at New York He was not a member of the second Pauliament. When that was in existence, the following mi-sfortune befel him (or some other of the same name, unknown to fame) as appears by the Term Books at Osgoode Hall: On Monday, .\pril 20th. ]7!>r). an infor- mation for sedition was filed by the .\ttorney-neneral. .Tohn White, against Isaac Swavz^, and a capiat was granted to bring him before the Court to answer it. The Court of King's Bmich, on that appli- cation, was composed of William Duminer Powell. PuisuT' .Justice, and Peter Russ(>ll. sitting on Spi'cial Comnu'ssion. On Wednesday. .\pril 22nd. Mr. Swayz^ appeared and pleaded '* not guilty." giving 10 Suffolk and Essex sent Francis Baby, a prominent Can- adian of Frencli descent, and like the Macdonells a Eoman Catholic. Kent sent William IMacoml) and David William Smitli.f the former of North of Ireland descent, and the latter, sou of the coiniiiaudant at Detroit. This first session was held it is said by some — but there seems to be a doubt — in Freemasons' Hall at Newark (see note 10 post 36). The first name of what is now Xiagara- on-the-Lake was Niagara, then it was successively called Lennox, Nassau and Newark. As Newark it was the cai)ital of Tpper Canada until after the selection of Toronto was made — the name being changed by Simcoe from Toronto to York in honour of the Duke of York, the King's brother. Newark had been chosen by reason of the proximity of forts lield by the British ; Simcoe expected that the British would continue to occupy the forts on the right side of the Niagara Kiver. A guard from the 5th Kcgiment was kept on duty during tiie whole session — the Lieutenant-Governor attended in state accompanied by a guard of honour and opened Parliament by a speech from the Throne in traditional British form — and Upper Canada was fairly launched on her free career. It was no doubt dut^to the presence of such lawyers as Chief Justice Osgoode and Attorney-General White in the two Houses, that the legislation is couched in such accurate and efficient language. two siirc'tit's. Parsliall Terry aiul Essni Daiton, in £-"0 each, liiin- sflf in £1(M), to appoar on Fridav next to ^inswcr to tho informa- tion asrainst liini. Friflay, April 'J4th. a voiirr was directed to issue retiu-nahlc Fridav next to try the issue, and Mr. Swayze ?iive new- sureties. .Toiin Wilson and Samuel Pew. May 1st. a jury was sworn, whose names are given, and these, on May 2nd. '" bv their foivrnan. Andrew Tenipleton. find the defendant jruilty." He then found sureties, William Reid and -Tohn ITainer to appear for judgment the first day of Trinity Term. .Tulv 2()th. On that day he eutei'cd into a refosnizanee himself in £2fK) I'.M. (i.e.. provincial money), and Oeorse I*^lrsyth and .Toseph F-dwards in £100 each, to appear Fridny, July 24th. There the <'ourt senteneed liim to pay a fine of £10 P.^I. and stand committed until it sliould he i)aid. an(T also to enter into a recognizance with two suretii-s for his pood behaviour for two years. He nfterwards jvas eleeted for the tliird. fourth, sixth and seventh Parliaments, dying in 1S2S. The name is spelled " Swayzie." " Sway/.e." '• Swayze." "Snavze" and " Swavzv " in different places. iDavid William Smith. Deituty .Tudge .\dvocate. of Newark, receivi'd a license dated at .V.ivy Hall, .Tuly 7th. 17i^>.">. under the hand and seal-at-arms of Governor Simcoe. count(>rsigned by W. Mayne. Acting Secretary, authorizing him to be and appear as an advocate or attorney in all and every of His Ma.iestv's Tourts. He afterwards removed to England, became a Baronet in 1R21, and died in England, IS.",?, at the age of 7."]. 11 SECOIS'D SESSIOX. The second set^sion of the first Parliament met iit Newark. Friday, 31st May, 1793, the Legishitive Councillors present being Osgoode, Eussell, Grant, Cartwright, Baby and Hamil- ton. The session lasted till Tuesday, 9th July, and was not unfruitful. The first chapter provided for the better regulation of the militia of the Province. Before this time a regulation passed at Quebec in 1777, had been in force, but it was now repealed; it had, indeed, given great offence even in Quebec, long before. It had provided for compulsory service on very insufficient pay, for payment at fixed rates for labour ren- dered, etc. ; and generally had all the defects and faults and few of the advantages of a system of corvee. It was petitioned against; and the attempts of Hamilton, the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor to enact a new militia law led to his recall in 1785. War was in 1793 going on between France and England; the people of the United States (speaking generally) were strongly in favour of France, and although Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality, the people and the Gov- ernment of Upper Canada lived in constant dread of an invasion from the south, a dread that was afterwards shewn to be fully justified by the war declared l)y the Ignited States in 1812. This war it is now reasonably certain had for its main purpose the acquisition of Canada. The speech from the Throne by Simcoe recommended an early remodelling of a militia bill on account of the war with France. The House did not delay, and by July 2nd they had agreed upon legislation. This authorized the appointment of a Lieutenant in each county and riding Avith power to call out, arm, array and train militia once a year — each Lieutenant to appoint a Deputy-Lieutenant and " a sufficient number of Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors and other officers '" to do tlic training (we have seldom been lacking in colonels) — the militia to be composed of all male inhabitants from 16 to 50 years of age, and in case of emergency to be liable to be called on to serve in any part of the Province. Provision was made for division into regiments, companies, etc. Sec- tion 22 excused " the persons called Quakers, Mennonis-fs and Tunkers" from serving, but they were to pay to the Lieuten- ant, each, per annum, 20 shillings in times of peace and £5 in time of actual invasion or insurrection. Special legisla- 12 tions for these classes of people will be fouiul more than ouee in subsequent J'ears. The second chapter was the beginning of our municipal system, providing as it did for the election of parish or town officers. It authorized the inhabitant householders of any parish, town or township, reputed township or place to elect a parish or town clerk, assessors, collectors, overseers of highways, pound-keepers, town-wardens or church-war- dens, high constables, etc. Chapter three was the first of our assessment acts, and it also provided " for the payment of wages to the Members of the House of Assembly." Frequently we hear it said of Members of Parliament that they are the servants of the ixople; but we do not nowadays hear of them being paid '• wages " — the sum paid them is dignified by the name " in- demnity." But the blunt plebeian word was that used in England so long as the practice itself lasted. From the earliest times payment was made to Knights of the Shire and Burgesses; and in 1323, by Statute of 16 Edward XL, the wages were fixed at four shillings per day for a Knight and two for a Burgess or citizen. These payments were made I)y the constituency, and continued regularly until the end of the reign of Henry VII T. When the time oame to incor- porate Wales with England, the Act of Parliament providing for representation of Wales, passed in 1535-6, 27 Henry YIII., ch. 26, provided that towns should pay wages to their i-epresentatives, and the second Act, passed in 1543-4, 34 and 35 Henry VIII., eh. 2(), had similar provisions. When the universities received the right to send representatives to Parliament, it was provided that the burgesses were to be at the charge and costs of the Chancellor, masters and scholars; there is ample evidence that the members for the University of Cambridge in 1603-4, nearly if not quite the first to represent a university, were allowed five shillings per day for their expenses. The practice gradually died out. 'i'he ol't-repeated story tiiat the well-known Andrew Marvell, who sat for Hull in the reign of Charles II., was the last member of the Com- mons to receive wages, is not true, for in 16»i, ttiree years after Marvell's death, King, who had been M.P. for Harwich, obtained a writ from the Chancellor for his expenses as member of the House. But so far as appears it may be con- 13 sidered that Marvell was the last to receive a regular salary in this way. Lord Campbell seems to think that the writ never was abolished, but could l>e claimed as of right. How- ever that may be, the payment of wages to members died out in England more than two centuries ago, and they served without remuneration until the other day. Many looked upon it as part of the constitution that the Commons should serve at their own expense, but it is not reported that any very dire calamity has followed the new measure. It is to be noted that both in England and in Canada the present method is payment by the State; but as we shall see, the ancient method in England was followed in Upper Canada at first, and the constituencies were liable for the wages. In the Irish Parliament, the practice of paying members also prevailed, the freeholders being assessed and the money collected by the Sheriff: in 1666 a Bill passed the Irish Commons abolishing wages for its members entirely; but this was rejected by the Irish House of Lords, and the old law continued until the Union in 1800. In Scotland as early as 1587 there .was statutory provi- sion for wages to be paid to members by the freeholders; further legislation took place in 1648 and 1661. The " Commissioners " or members for shires were by this last Act to receive five pounds Scots (i.e., 8 shillings and 4 pence sterling) ]>er day. These wages were not paid after the Union with England in 1707, the last Act providing for them being in 1690: when, seventeen years afterwards, the Union came about, all wages and allowances from constitu- encies were allowed to lapse. However, the "wages" given in 1793 in Upper Canada did not alarm by excess. Section 30. after reciting that " it was the ancient usage of England for the several members representing the counties, cities and boroughs therein, to receive wages for their attendance in Parliament," enacted that everv' member of the House of Assembly should be en- titled to demand from the Justices of the peace of the dis- trict in which his riding was situated, a sum not exceeding 10 shillings per day (i.e., $2) for each day he had been engaged in attendance on the House, and been necessarily absent from his hous'e, the amounts to be paid out of the 14 rates. This was slightly amended ten years after by (1803) 43 Geo. III., eh. 11.- Chapter four provided for laying out and repairing high- ways by the agency of Commissioners or overseers, the begin- -Tbat this provision for the wages of members of the popuhir House was not a dead letter is seen from the records at Osgoode Ilall. For example: In Michaelmas Term. 59 Geo. III.. Nov. 13th, IMS. in the Court of King's Bench (praes. I'owell, C.J., Campbell, and Boulton, JJ.), a niaiidamvs nisi was issued to the Justiices of Gore, requiring them to issue an order to the treasurer of the dis- trict for the payment to Richard Hall. Esq., a member of the Com- mons House of Assembly of t'pper Canada, of the sum of .thirty pounds, being the amount of his wages for sixty days' attendance at the last session of the rrovincial Legislature, out of the monies which may come into his hands under and by virtue of any Act of the Provincial rarliament. And a similar order to pay James Durand, Esq., Member of the Assembly. These were made absolute April 17th. 1819. Other instances may be of interest : — •• At a meeting of the Quarter Sessions for the District of New- castle, holdeu at llaldimand. April lOth. 1804. at which were pres- ent Timothy Thompson. Benjamin Richardson, Asa Burnham, Joseph Kedcr, Joel Merriman. John Spencer, Leonard Soper, Asa Weller, Elias Jones and Richard Lovekin, Esquires, the following order was made : " The Magistrates in Quarter Sessions assembled in the district of Newcastle, the 10th of April, 1804. order that the sum^ of fiirty-five pounds, ten shillings, be collected in the county of Nor- thumberland to compensate David M. Rogers for services as Member of the House of Assembly for the years 1801, 1.^2. 1803. and 1804. " (Sgd.) Tim'y Thompson, " Chainnan.'' And on April 9th. 1805, this order was made : " Ordered that tlie sum of nine pounds, ten shillings, be collected in the county of Northumberland for the wages of David Macgregor Rogers, Esquire. Slembcr of tlie House of Assembly, representing the counties of Hastings and Xorthumlierland, for his services during the first Ses- sion of the Fourth I'arliainent. "April Sessions. Haldimand, 9th April, 1805. " Alex. Chisholm, " Chairman." On April 8th. 180C). the following: "Ordered that the sum of nine shillings and five i)ence halfpenny, be allowed in abatement to Benjamin Ewing, collector of the rates for tlie township of Haldi- mand, for the year ls05,'for the rates of persons not living in the township. The Clerk of the Peace presented the following Assess- ment Rolls to the Magistrates for the townships of Murray. Cramahe. Haldimand, Hamilton. Hope. Darlington. Ordered that tlie clerk transmit a ci>py of the said assessments agreeable to law. Ordered that the sum of five pounds, fifteen shillings, Halifax cur- rency, be collected for (he payment of the wages of the Member of the House of .Vssembly for the second Session of the Fourth Parlia- ment in the county of Northumberland. " (Sgd.) Benjamin Richardson. " (liairmdn." On April 14tli. ISOT. tlie following: "Ordered that the sum of eleven pounds, five shillings, be collected for the payment of the wages of the Slember of .Vssembly repi-esenting the counties of Hast- ings and Northumberland, for the third Session of the Fourtli Pro- vincial Parlianient. being the proportion of Northumberland." Davir towns in which the Quarter Sessions were held and wliich liad ;. population of one thousand, and the town of Niagara sent Edwai-d McBride as a memher to the Legislative .Assemhly. the Court /'^W. that he was not entitled to wages: The Kind e.r rrl. Edward l/c- Bridr. Esnuirr. ^r.P.. nqainxt the ■Justice!': of the District of '\\ag'irn (1S;2ni. Tav.. ."42. Members for towns had to serve without wages till lS3."i, .". Wm. IV.. ch. C 'It seems to have been not unusual for a surgeon to tie ihe matrimonial knot, and it is not at all unlikely that the fol^lowing instance accounts for the mention of them in the .Vet. (aptain James Mathew Hamilton, of the r>th Nr>rthuml)erland Regiment .>f Foot, when stationed at Mackinac, married Louisa, daughter of Dr. 16 person in any public office of employment. For the future and until there should be five parsons of the Church of Eng- land ill any one district, a J.P. might- solemnize the mar- riage, using the form of the Church of England. It was of course quite too much to expect in the then existing state of religious toleration that any parson or minister of any other church or sect should receive such authority. The Lieutenant- Governor, Simcoe, indeed, wrote to Dundas expressing his astonishment that it had even been proposed to give such power to ministers of otlier denominations. At all events this i)roposition had to be abandoned. The Lieutenant-Gov- ernor did not like the Act which was passed, but-public opin- ion was too strong for him and he assented to the Bill. Simcoe was most anxious for the establishment of the Church of England in Tapper Canada, and bent all his energies toward that end. The provisions of the bill were wholly unsatisfactory to ni'any of the settlers. Some were Presbyterians who had come from Scotland, where their church was established and where Episcopalians were the dissenters; others were Lutherans whose church was established in parts of Germany. j\Iany had come from the colonies to the south without an estab- lished church at all ; not a few were members of the ancient Church of Pome, which had been the established Church in Canada till a few years before. None of these could see why their clergy- were not quite as good as those of the Church of England. Petitions were signed and presented to the Lieutenant-Governor for a repeal of this marriage Act of 179,3. These he treated with lofty scorn. He said that he thought it proper to say that he looked upon the petition as the product of a wicked head and a disloyal heart; but at length in 1798 an Act was passed, 38 Geo. IIL ch. 4, making it Lawful for a minister or clergyman of any congregation or religious connnunity professing to be members of the Church of Scotland, or Lutherans, or Calvinists, to celebrate the 17 ceremony of marriage for members of their own congregation or religious community, upon the minister procuring a pro- per certificate from the Quarter Sessions.* Similar marriages in the past were also validated. This was so little to the taste of the Lieutenant-Governor that he reserved the Bill for His Majesty's pleasure. The royal assent was given Dec. 29, 1798, and the Bill became law. This made the trouble if anything more acute. So long as one Church had the monopoly it was not so bad, but when four participated, all those who were excluded insistently demanded the reason why. The agitation was at length successful. In 1830. by the Act of 11 Geo. IV., ch. 36, the power of celebrating marria'-es was given to clergymen and ministers of the Church of Scot- land, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Baptists, Independents, Methodists, Menonists, Tunkers or Moravians, the celebrant to take out a certificate from the Quarter Ses- sions. The restriction to marriages of persons one of whom at least was a member of the denomination, was removed. Former marriages " before any justice of the peace, magis- trate or commanding officer of a post, or before any minister or clerg)-man,"' were validated and confirmed unless either of the parties to an invalid marriage had thereafter con- tracted matrimony according to law.^ *How the license was obtained may Ibe seen fram a concrete example. -. ,. tv • 4. At a meetine of the (Teneral Quarter Sessions for the District of Newcastle, held April 0th. f^O.", at Haldimand : Present. Alexander Chisholm. Robert Baldwin. Richard Lovekin. Elias Smith, senior, Asa Weller. Elias .Jones. Benjamin Marsh, .Tohn Spencer. Benjamin Richardson. Leonard Soper. .Joseph Keeler. Asa Burnham and Joel Merriman. Esquires, the following: took place : '• Reuben Crandel of Cramahe. appeared, pursuant to notice given at the Clerk of the Peace's office, professing himself to be a Minister of the Religious Congregation of Calvinists. and having called upon John Spencer, Esquire, Moses Hinman, Joseph 1 hillips. Joseph J Losie. Benjamin Ewing. Moses Doolittle and John Phinn. all of Haldimand. members of the said congregation who openly owned and acknowledged the said Reuben Crandel to be their Min- ister and the Court being satisfied that he is regularly ordained according to the rules of that society, do allow him a certificate to enable him to celebrate marriage agreeable to law." 'The right to solemnize matrimony was of some value, and un- authorized celebrants were proceeded against criminally. I give one ^^^"^ iT Easter Term. 42 Geo.. III.. April 0th. 1S02. before Elmsley. C J and Vlkock J., a rule was issued against John Wilson, calling on 'him to shew cause why "an information for a misdemeanour should not be filed against him . . ._ for having solemnized or pretended to solemnize marriage on the .th day f't ;'»nr • • '^?'; between Paul Marin, of York, baker, and Jane Butterfield, of the same place, spinster, otherwise called Jane Burke, in contemp: ot 18 hi 1857, by the Act 20 Vic. eh. 66, the power of celebrat- iDg marriages was given to ministers and clergymen of every religious denomination in Upper Canada; in 1896, by 59 Vict., ch. 39, also to an elder, evangelist or missionary of the " Congregation of God "' or " Of Christ," i.e., " Disciples of Christ," and also to a Commissioner or Staff Officer of the Salvation Army. (Quakers are specially provided for.= the law, contrary to the statute in such case made and provided, and in profanation of religion." This last clause is especially fine. The rule, after two enlarirements. came on before the Full Court (Elmsley. C.J. and Powell and Allcock, JJ.), in Trinity Term, 14th July, 1S02, and it was made absolute. " The information was a proceeding now practically obsolete, but much in use in those days in place of an indictment. No doubt Wilson was tried upon the information ordered to be issued against him but I do not find any record of the result. liev. John Carroll, in the first volume nough. if we include the Canadas. Within a square of 400 miles may be found the professors of 100 religions, creeds and systems, from the Menonist, Tunkard, nnd <'liild of Peace of lipper Canada, to the Ilopkinsian, the Chrystian and T'niversalist across the Niagara." The Children of Peace consisted of thirty or forty families in or II. 'ar the village of Hope, in the township of East f:wil1iml)ury. about .".."» miles from York, and 4i.j miles from Newmarket. David Willson was their leader, but they had no written creed. At an election nt Niaijara Falls, for the county of T>incoln. July 2r!th, 1824, Mackenzie says, p. .80: "there were Christians and Tieailiens. Meiionites and' Tunkards, Quakers and T'niversalists, Presbvterians and P.aptists. Roman Catholics nnd American Metho- dists;" there were Frenchmen and Yankees. Irishmen and Mulattoes. Scotchmen and Indians. Englishmen. Canadians. Americans and Negroes, Dutchmen and Cermans. Welshmen and Swedis, Highland- ers and Lowlanders." 19 The number of persons with this authorit}' is fairl}- large; but no one is justified in getting up a little denomination of his own, and claiming the power to celebrate the marriage ceremony just because he is the minister of it. One Robert Brown tried that; he was the minister of a congregation known as " The First Christian Chinese Church, Toronto,'" and as such solemnized marriages. The Judge of the County Court of Toronto convicted him of the crime of unlawfully performing the marriage ceremony and the Court of Appeal aflBrmed the conviction: Bex v. Brown (1908), 17 0. L. E. 197. Eeturning now to the Legislation of 1793. Chapter 6 fixed the times and places of holding the Quar- ter Sessions in each District — in the Eastern District at Xew Johnstown and Cornwall, in the Midland at Adolphustown and Kingston, in the Home at Newark and in the Western at Detroit — also a Court* of Si>ecial Sessions at Michilimackinac. Detroit was considered as part of Canada till 1796, and was governed accordingly — Michilimackinac was given up about the same time. Chapter 7 is a most creditable piece of legislation. It practically abolished slavery in the Province, repealed for Upper Canada, 30 Geo. III., ch. 27, authorizing the importa- tion of slaves into a colony. All negroes then slaves con- tinued to be slaves, children of female slaves born after the Act served the master until the age of 25 years and then became free. It was the Lieutenant-Governor who was responsible for pressing this legislation, though Chief Justice Osgoode and Solicitor-General Grey also deserve credit. It was by no means popular, on account of the scarcity of labour; and the old story of Canaan serving his brethren, Gen. x., 25, was made to do duty over and over again. But " the power of the Crown" was then something to be afraid of. and Simcoe got his wish. Upper Canada had reason to be proud of her record in respect of Slavery. The number of negro slaves in the Province was not very large absolutely-, but in comparison with the number of free settlers it was not insignificant; many had been captured by the Indians in their incursions into United States territory and sold to Canadians at a small price, and their labour was very valuable.' 20 In the case of the negro Sommersett, to be found in 20 Howell's State Trials, 29, the Court of Kiug's Bench in 1T?3 had unanimously decided that as soon as a slave set his foot upon the Jjoil of the British Isles he became free. Cowper in The Tank, in 1785, sang:— '• Slaves cannot breathe in England ; if their lungs Receive our air, that moment they are free; They touch our country and their shackles fall." But that was in the mother country ; in the Colonies the curse of negro slavery prevailed to an extent limited only by the opportunity of obtaining negroes and the supposed need for their labour. Wilberforce had only in 1787 taken up the cause — which had been a favourite for many years among the Quakers — of the abolition of the slave trade; but as yet no British Colony had spoken ; and Upper Canada led the way. She had been indeed preceded in 1792, May 6, by Denmark, but she led the British Colonies and all other na- tions in abolishing this infamous traffic. It was not till 1807 that it was foi-biddeu for all the British Dominions, and not till 1833 was the Act passed abolishing slavery itself. August, 1838, saw the end of slavery under the Union Jack. Chapter 8 established a Court of Probate in the Province and a Surrogate Court in each District. The Governor, Lieu- tenant-Governor or Administrator was to preside in the Court of Probate, and a Commissioner in each Surrogate Court. An appeal lay from the Surrogate Court to the Court of Probate. This system existed till 1858. In that year, by 22 Vic. ch. 93, the Court of Probate was abolished, a Surrogate Court for each county organized with a Judge with the same auth- ority as a Judge of a County Court, and 33 Geo. III. ch. 8, was formally repealed. Our present system is substantially that of 22 Vic. ch. 93. By cliapter 9 the Lieutenant-Governor was authorized to appoint three Commissioners to consult and agree with an equal numlxr from Lower Canada as to duties to be im])o^ed in the passing of goods from one Province to anotlier. This may l)e passed over for the time. Cliapter 10 provided for the payment of officers of the two houses. Chapter 11 for the payment of a bounty for killing bears and wolves, 10 shillings for a bear and 20 shillings for a wolf, but tliis was not to extend to the Western District nor was anv Indian to receive anv reward for such killing. 21 Chapter 1'^ provided for the appointment by the Governor of returning otficers, in elections for the Assendjly. Chapter 13 provided for salaries of officers of the two Houses and for contingent expenses. This is the form; but the substance is rather different. By an Act of the Imperial Parliament in 1774, it had been provided that a duty of £1 16s. sterling should be paid for every license in the Pro- vince of Quebec for keeping a house of public entertainment or for retailing wine, brandy, rum or other spirituous liquor within the Province. The matter of duty upon wine and liquor brought into the Province had been up in tlie first session, but nothing came of the discussion. A bill passed the Assembly October 4th, 1792, but received the three months' hoist in the Council October 8th. In 1793 the Committee of' Ways and Means in the As- sembly reported in favour of a retail license fee of £2 per annum, and a bill was introduced accordingly and was sent up to the Council July 2nd, 1793; and this bill, after some opposition, was passed by that body. As finally passed it imposed a further license fee (in addition to the former of £1 16s.) of 20 shillings for each retail license, but this was not to extend beyond April 5th, 1797. The Receiver-Gen- eral was allowed to retain 3 per cent, for himself of all money raised by this method. During this session, Peter Van Alstine, already men- tioned, took the necessary oath, on the second day of the session. The day following it was ordered that such Acts as had passed or should pass the Legislature should be trans- lated into French for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Western District and other French settlers who might come to reside within the Province, and A. Macdonell, Esquire, Clerk of the House, was employed as a French translator for this and other purposes of the House. Thus early we meet bilingualism. A Bill to establish two annual fairs at Xew Johnstown did not pass; and the same fate met a proposed "Bill to relieve the inhabitants of the Western District from the necessity of boltins? the grain they grind at their mills for toll.^' The House was not unmindful of the privileges attached to the position of Member of Parliament. We find on !Mon- day, 17th June, this resolution carried: "That the Speaker do inform W. B. Sheehan, Esquire, Sheriff of this district, that the House entertain a strong sense of the impropriety 23 of his conduct towards a member of this House in having served a Writ of Capias upon the said member contrary to his privilege, and that the House has only dispensed with the necessity of bringing him to their bar to be further dealt with from a conviction that want of reflection and not contempt made him guilty of an infringement upon the privileges of the House." That the members of the Upper Canada House had the same privilege from arrest as a member of the Imperial House of Commons is certain — and that, not only during the sittings of the House, but for forty days before and forty days after: Reg. v. Gamble and Boulton (1832), 9 U. C. E. 5-iG, and several other cases down to Cox v. Prior (1899), 18 P. E. 492. Accordingly the sheriff had reason to consider himself lucky in escaping the fate of others who had been guilty of somewhat similar acts. Upon the first day of the first Parliament of James I. in 1603, a complaint was made that Sir Thomas Shirley, who had been elected a member of the House of Commons, was arrested four days before the sitting of the Parliament and im})risoned in the Fleet. A writ of Habeas Corpus was issued and he was discharged. Precedents were looked unto and the plaintiff at whose suit and the sergeant by whom the arrest was made were sent to the Tower. The Warden of the Fleet, who had persisted in refusing to obey the writ of Habeas Corpus and deliver up his prisoner, was ordered to be com- mitted " to the place called the Dungeon or Little-Ease in the Tower." Afterwards " delivering his prisoner " and " upon his knees confessing his error and presumption and professing he was unfeignedly sorry, the Speaker pronounced his pardon and discharge, paying ordinary fees to the clerk and the sergeant." And in February, 1606, an attorney who had procured the arrest of Mr. James, a member of the House of Commons, and the officer who had arrested him, were " for their contempt committed to the custody of the sergeant for a month, which judgment was pronounced against them kneeling at the bar, by Mr. Speaker." It is to be hoped that Sheriff Sheehan was duly grateful for the clemency shewn him. On ^londay, 8th July, the House waited upon the Lieu- tenant-Governor with their address to His Majesty, express- ing their horror and abhorrence of '' the sacrilegious murder in France," and hoping " that a conduct so baneful to every precept of Eeligion and law may serve to rivet the loyalty and 23 attachment of our fellow-subjects, as it has ours, to the best of Kings and of constitutions the most excellent." Louis XVI. had been executed the Januar}^ before. This was *' the sacrilegious murder," sacrilegious because Louis was King by Divine Right — and notwithstanding that his right to the Crown was statutory, the doctrine of Divine Right was dear to GTeorge III. It was, of course, George III. who was the best of Kings," and the constitution as it tlien existed unrc- formed, the most excellent of constitutions. Everybody knows that it was the perfection of reason acquired by long study, observation and experience, and refined by learned and patriotic men in all ages — as Simcoe in his speech from the throne put it, " equally abhorrent of absolute monarchy, absolute aristocracy or tyrannical democracy.^' It may not be without interest to see who attended the meetings of the Houses of Parliament. During the Session of 1792, the following Legislative Councillors are noted in the proceedings as being present at some time : William Osgoode, James Baby, Robert Hamilton, Richard Cartwright, Jr., John Munro, Alexander Grant and Peter Russell. In 1793 all these were also in attendance, and in addition, Richard Duncan attended, having been sworn June 17th, 1793. He had lieon appointed in the pre- vious August, and hailed from Rapid Plat. As is the case with the Legislative Council, I do not know of any record kept of the attendance of members of the As- sembly; but from the proceedings it is clear that of the six- teen members elected for the assembly in the first Parlia- ment at least thirteen were in attendance at some time dur- ing the first session. The names of all but Joshua Booth and Parshall Terry appear as taking some part — Philip Dor- land, of course, could not act. In the second session I find the names of thirteen re- corded as taking some part in the proceedings, Major Van Alstine among them. Those whose names do not appear are Hugh Macdonell, Parshall Terry and Nathaniel Pettit. This was a very fair attendance, but it does not seem that all attended every day, as Sept. 18, 1792',% resolution was ' Wraxall tells us that it was King George's opposition to the claims of his American subjects that was the cause of his unpopu- larity with the English people ; and it is. beyond doubt, true that as soon as peace was in 17cS.S declared, granting independence to the North American Colonies, he recovered all his lost favour with his people. There never was a King more generally loved than he. ex- cept during the years of the Revolutionary War. 24 passed that nine members should make a House; and this number was reduced on Oct. 10, to eight. There had always been a difficulty in England of securing attendance of members of the House of Commons; and one statute, G Henry VIIL, ch. 16, was passed punishing the absence of a member by deprivation of pay. No other pun- ishment has ever been enacted in England. Ireland was cursed with absentee members; in one in- stance it is said a member was an absentee for twenty years; but no means were taken to compel attendance. In Scotland absentees were liable to a fine. It is said: '' By ancient law absentees were liable to be unlawed and amerced in fines''; the fines were substantial, and "without prejudice of what further censure Parliament shall think fit to inflict.'' In the Upper Canada Parliament there does not appear to have been any necessity for such measures. THIRD SESSION. The third session of the first Parliament began June 2nd and lasted till July 7th, 1794. The first chapter of the legislation of this session regulated juries to be called to " serve on trials at any Assizes or Nisi Prius, Quarter Sessions or District Court." Not less than 36 nor more than 48 jurymen were to be returned in any Dis- trict or place; those returned, if they did not appear; were to pay a fine not less than 20 shillings ($4) or more than £3 ($12). Section 9 provided that every juryman should receive one shilling from the plaintiff or liis attorney in ■ every cause in which he was sworn — if a view should be allowed, six jurymen agreed upon or named by the Judge or some officer of the Court had the view and were allowed each 10 shillings for each day they were so employed. The Court of King's Bench was authorized to order a special jury to be struck as in England, the fee of each special jury- man to be 5 shillings. Chapter two established a Court of Law by the name and style of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench for the Pro- vince of Upper Canada, with the same authority as the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer in England. Before the conquest of Canada, of course the French system of Courts was the only system in Canada. From this 25 time until the Koyal Proclamation of 1763. there were Courts presided over by the captains of militia. These Courts were set up by the conquerors as part of their military rule, and could only be temporary. By the Proclamation of 1763, it was provided that the Governor should have the power of constituting Courts of Law and Equity with civil and criminal Jurisdiction to hear and determine causes as near as may be agreeable to the laws of England. Murray, accordingly, pursuant to his instnictions and his Commission, established a Court of King's Bench with £ivil and criminal jurisdiction with an appeal to the Governor in Council or to the King in certain cases — the Court to sit twice a year, in January and June, in Quebec — and a Court of Assize and Gaol Delivery once a year in Montreal and Three Eivers. A Court of Common Pleas was also estab- lished, — an appeal lay to the King's Bench, or if of sufficient importance to the Governor in Council or the King. Justices of the Peace were also appointed with civil jurisdiction up to £5 for a single magistrate or £10 for two sitting together. Three justices could hold a Court of Quarter Sessions with civil jurisdiction from £10 to £30. Several departures from English precedent are mani- fest. The Common Pleas administered Equity, and Conser- vators of the Peace both singly and in the Quarter Sessions had civil jurisdiction. Then came the Quebec Act of 1774, 11 Geo. III., ch. 83. This revoked the Proclamation of 1763, all ordinances rela- tive to the administration of justice and all commissions to Judges, etc., made or issued under the authority of the Pro- clamation. It further provided for the King constituting Courts of civil, criminal, and ecclesiastical jurisdiction and appointing Judges and officers thereto. The American invasion of Canada prevented anything being done at the time — inter arma silent leges — but in 1776, Courts were established for the Districts of Montreal and Quebec, and a Court of Appeal was also constituted. Courts were organized for Three Eivers, and afterwards, when in 1788, Dorchester divided what was afterwards Upper Can- ada into Districts, Courts were instituted also in these four Districts, i.e., Luneburgh, Mecklenl)urg, Xassau and Hesse (this last including Detroit). These were Courts of Common 26 Pleas. Commissions of Oyer and Terminer were also issued to the Judges of these Courts, as occasion required. Jury trial having been established by chapter 2 of 32 George III., chapter -i of the same statute abolished smnmary proceedings in these Courts, which had formerly obtained in cases involving less than £10 sterling. The time was now come to abolish these Courts of Common Pleas in Upper Canada, and chapter 2 of the third session be- came law. This constituted a Court of King's Bench, with a Chief Justice and two Puisne Justices (increased to four in 1837 by 7 Wm. IV., ch. 1) to sit at a place certain, i.e., at the place where the Governor usually resided, and until such place should be fixed, at the last place of meeting of the Parliament. Four terms were prescribed; the first and orig- inal process directed to be a writ of capias ad respondendum; special bail also provided for, and the statutes of jeofails, etc., as in England, notice of trial, examinations de bene esse, costs, etc. The Courts of Common Pleas disappear and their records become records of the King's Bench. A Court of Appeal was constituted (composed of the Governor or Chief Justice and two or more members of the Executive Council) to which an appeal lay in matters over £100 ; and a further appeal when the amount in controversy exceeded £500 sterling was reserved to the Privy Council. As indicating the nationality of the inhabitants of Upper Canada it may be mentioned that the notice to the defendant to be endorsed on the writ was required to be in French (ac- cording to the form given) when the " party defendant is a Canadian subject by treaty or the son or daughter of such Canadian subject": sec. 9. This Court of King's Bench (becoming in 1839 by 2 Vic. ch. 1, Queen's Bench) continued until, in 1881, it was con- solidated in the Supreme Court of Judicature. The former Courts of Common Pleas entirely disappeared in 1794, and the Court of Common Pleas created in 1849 has no relation to tliese whatever. In 1837 a Court of Chancery was established, presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of Upper Canada: and in 1849, 12 Vic. -ch. 63, a new Common-law Court, the Court of Common Pleas, with the same jurisdiction and prac- tice as the Court of Queen's Bench. At the same time the Court of Cliancery was reconstituted with a Chancellor and two Vice-Chancellors, 12 Vict. ch. 64. These three Courts 27 continued side by side as the Superior Courts of original jurisdiction until 1881. By the Act of 1794, as we have seen, the Lieutenant- Governor of the Province or the Chief Justice, with two or more of the Executive Council, constituted a Court of Appeal from the King's Bench, and the same Court be- came the Court of Appeal from Chancery in 1837; but in 1849 this Court of Appeal was abolished and a new Court of Error and Appeal was constituted to hear appeals from both the Common-law Courts and the Court of Chancery. This new Court was much like the Court of Exchequer Chamber in England, and consisted of all the Judges of the three Courts of first instance. In 1874, 37 Vic. ch. 7, this Court was reconstituted and thereafter consisted of Judges permanently of the Court of Appeal. In 1881, 44 Vic. ch. 5, the former system was abolished; all the Courts, Appeal, Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas, were united and consolidated into one Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, composed of two permanent di^isions : 1, The Court of Appeal for On- tario (this had five Judges), and, 2, the High Court of Jus- tice for Ontario : and of this High Court of Justice there were the three divisions, i.e., the Queen's Bench, Chancery and Com- mon Pleas Divisions. Later, another division was added in the High Court, viz., the Exchequer Division. Each of these divisions of the High Court of Justice had three Judges. The still recent reform effected by the Law Refonn Act, 1909, need not here be considered. I shall later speak of the defects of the original Court. It may here be said, however, that William Dummcr Powell, who had been commissioned as Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas for the District of Hesse, and had actually sat as such at L'Assomption (Sandwich), was after the passing of this Act appointed a Justice of the Court of King's Bench, and was afterwards, in 1816, created Chief Justice. As the Courts of Common Pleas were abolished, it bo- came necessary or at least advisable to constitute Courts to take their place for the trial of causes involving small amounts. In the Legislative Council, Cart^Tiglit atnd Hamil- ton caused to be entered in the proceedings their formal pro- test against the one Superior Court for the Province, rather than Courts of local and exclusive jurisdiction in each District. A Court was by Chapter 3 constituted in each District, by the name of District Court, to sit where the Court House 28 had been (by 32 Geo. III., ch. 8), directed to be built, except " in the ^Yestern District, wliere the said Court shall be holden in the Town of Detroit." In 1796, by 36 Geo. III. ch. 4, s. 3, it was declared no longer expedient to hold the Court in Detroit, and it was directed to l)e held at the Parish of Assumption (Sandwich), or nearer the Isle of Bois Blanc— in 1801, by 41 Geo. III., ch. 6, s. 2, the place was definitely fi.xed at Sandwich. The District Courts were given jurisdiction in all actions of contract from 40 shillings up to £15; this was in 1797, by 37 Geo. III. ch. G, sec. 1, increased to £40 in cases of con- tracts where the amount is liquidated, and to £15 in trespass where the title to land was not brought in question. After several amendments, the legislation was consolidated in 1822 by 2 Geo. IV., Sess. 2, ch. 2, and again with amend- ments in 1845 by 8 Vic. ch. 13. At length in 1849 the Dis- tricts became so multiplied that their boundaries in many eases became identical with the boundaries of Counties, and tlie Statute 12 Vic. ch. 78, abolished the division of the Pro- vince into Districts for judicial and other purposes and the District Courts were made County Courts by sec. 3. In the Statutes for that year they are called sometimes County Courts, sometimes District Courts and sometimes District or County Courts, but thereafter the new name, which still continues, is consistently used. Chapter 4 authorized the Governor to grant a license to any number of His Majesty's liege subjects not exceeding six- teen, to act as attorneys and advocates in the Province. The reason for this was the scarcity of lawyers acquainted with the English Civil law in the Province. Before 1792 of course the English Civil law liad not been in force, at least in theory. This Act of 1794 suspended for two years for Upper Canada the ordinance made in Quebec in 1785 providing for the pro- fession. The Act was not abused — only some five gentlemen were licensed under it in 1803, one being D'Arcy Boulton, an English barrister who afterwards became Judge of the King's' Bench, and the ancestor of a distinguished family; another, Dr. William AVarren Baldwin, a prominent barrister and politician, and fatlier of the still more celebrated Pobert Baldwin. The formation of the Law Society of Upper Canada in 1797 we shall have occasion to note when we reach that date. Chapter 5 provided for tlie accounting for all fines, etc. Chapter 6 was an assessment Act of no great consequence except that it ordered the payment in full of the wages of the members of the Assembly. The Militia received attention in chapter 7, which author- ized Cavalry and a Navy. Chapter 8 enabled the householders of every District at their annual town meetings to determine in what manner and at what periods horned cattle, horses, sheep and swine, or any of them, should be allowed to run at large, and permitted impounding of the offending animals. Chapter 9 amended tke Act of the previous session as to highways, and was equally futile. Chapter 10 allowed the inhabitants of the Eastern District to build a gaol (it is called in the Statutes a "goal") and Court House in Cornwall, as well as those in Xew Johnstown authorized by the Act. Chapter 11 laid a duty on "' Stills for tiie purpose of dis- tilling spirituous liquors for sale," 1 shilling and 3 pence per gallon of the capacity of the still. The owner must procure a license, paying a fee for it of course; no one could do any- thing in those days without paying a fee for it — except (possibly) die. Chapter 12 regulated the . manner of licensing public houses, requiring the keeper to procure a certificate of his fit- ness from the magistrates of the District — the magistrates were given the power to limit the number of inns and the names of all licensees were to be published in the Upper Canada Gazette. A bill to regulate the practice of physic and surgery passed the Assembly, but the Council amended it in such a way that it did not suit the Assembly; a conference was directed to be held, but nothing seems to have been done, and the bill did not pass this year. It had better luck the following session, 35 Geo. III. ch. 1. In the Council during this session the "following Council- lors are noted as taking part: Osgoode, Baby, Hamilton, Cart- wright, Munroe, Grant, Kussell and Aeneas Shaw, who pre- sented his summons and was sworn in, June 10, 179-1. He was a Scotsman, the lineal descendant of Macduff, first 30 Thane of Fife : of great mental and bodily vigor, he served in the Revolutionary war, and was created a Major-General in Upper Canada. At his house, Oakhill, he entertained the Duke of Kent, father of Queen Victoria, during his tour in Canada in 1799. The Major-General died in 1813 during the war with the United States, it is said from over-fatigue. We have not the complete record of the Assembly of this Session — tiio only available copy extending only to June 11th; in what is preserved, I find the names of twelve members mentioned as taking part — Speaker Macdonell, Hugh Macdonell, Alexander Campbell, Ephraim Jones, John White, Joshua Booth, Hazelton Spencer, Benjamin Pawling, Isaac Swayzie (this name is spelled Swayze in the report), Parshall Terry, David William Smith; no trace is found of Jeremiah French, Peter Van Alstine, Nathaniel Pettit or William Macomb, although they all may have been in at- tendance. FOUIJTH SESSIOX. The fourth session of the first Parliament also met at Newark like its predecessors; it lasted from July 6th to August 10th, 1795. We have no records of the proceedings except the statutes themselves. The first chapter regulates the practice of physic and surgery. I have thus spoken of it in a paper prepared for the Ontario Medical Association, and published in the " Cana- dian Journal of Medicine and Surger}'," September, 1911 : — " At the time of the separation of our Province, and for some time thereafter, there was no regulation as to who should practice medicine, or " physic," as it was called. Many of the practitioners were old army or navy surgeons; some were importations from the United States, but most of those who treated disease were mere empirics. There had, indeed, been an Act or Ordinance passed by the Council of the old Province of Quebec in 1788, forbidding anyone to practise without a licence from the CJovernor — which licence was to be granted without an examination to all graduates of any British univer- sity and to all surgeons of the army or navy; l)ut this was largely a dead letter in the newer parts of tlie colony, as our country was at that time. In 1795 the Provincijil Parliament of Upper Canada passed an Act, 35 Geo. Ill, ch. 1, forbidding the sale of medi- cine, prescribing for the sick and the practice of physic, sur- 31 gery or midwifery by anyone who had not been licensed. The Governor was lo appoint a board to examine all who should apply for a licence, and those approved of by the Board, upon the examination were to be granted a licence, the fee being £2 currency, i.e., $8. A penalty of £10, i.e., $40, was imposed for selling medicines, prescribing for the sick or practising physic, surgery or midwifery without a licence. An excep- tion was made for surgeons or surgeons' mates in the army or navy, and for those who had been practising at the time of the passing of the Act of 1791; these, however, were not to take apprentices or students. There is no record of anything ever having been done under these provisions; the Act was found unworkable, and it was accordingly repealed in 1806 by 46 Geo. II. ch. 2, and the profession was again much at large, although the Act of 1788, already spoken of, was still nominally in force. Much public dissatisfaction was the result, and at length a new Act was passed in 1815, 55 Geo. III. ch. 10, which forbade prescribing for the sick or the practice of physic, surgeiT or midwifery without a licence — saving the case of graduates of a university in British Dominions, surgeons and surgeons' mates in the British x\rmy or Xavy, and those wdio had practised before 1791. The pro- hibition against these taking apprentices or students was not repeated in this Act, nor was the prohibition against selling, etc., medicines. And it was expressly provided that women might practise midwifery without a licence. The Governor was to appoint an examining and licensing Board. Nothing seems to have been done under this Act either, and it was repealed in 1818 by 59 George III. ch. 13, which, however, contained much the same provisions." I do not here trace the legislation further. Chapter 2 prohibited any person coming from any place not within his Majesty's Dominions at the time of the passing of the Act, and not being a hana fide subject of His Majesty for seven years before the passing of the Act, from voting for a member of the House and from being a candidate. This was to meet what was tlien and for some years thereafter a very real danger. Americans coming into Upper Canada, with a hatred of monarchical institutions, obtruded themselves among the voters, preached, and, where they dared, practised disloyalty. Chapter 3 ratified an agreement entered into with Com- missioners from Lower Canada as to the division of certain duties, and an agreement that the Upper Province would not impose duties upon goods imported into Lower Canada and passing into Upper Canada, receiving one-eighth of the duties levied thereon by Lower Canada. Chapter 4 gave jurisdiction to the Court of King's Bench similar to that of the Court of Exchequer in England in the case of goods seized or contraband. This jurisdiction proved of very great value : the old Term Books are full of cases of confiscation of goods seized as being smuggled.** Chapter 5 is the first of our Eegistry Acts, establishing a registry office for each county and riding. Memorials only were to be registered, not the deed, etc., itself. FIFTH SESSIOX. The fifth and last Session of this Parliament met May 16th, and lasted till June 3rd, 1795. No records of the pro- ceedings other than the Statutes are extant. Chapter 1 regulated the weight, etc., of coins and their rat- ing as legal tender. British Guinea . . . .weighing 5 dwt. 6 gr. Troy^£l 3s. 4d. Johannes of Portugal, .weigliing 18 dwt. 6 gr. Troy==£4 Os. Od. Moidore of Portugal .. weighing 6 dwt. 18 gr. Troy=£l 10s. Od. The milled Doubloon or four Pistole piece of Spain weigliing 17 dwt. Troy=£3 14s. Od. The French Louis d' or (before 1793) . . . .weigh- ing 5 dwt. 4 gr. Troy=£l 2s. 6d. Etc., Etc. American Eagle, .weighing 11 dwt. 6 gr. Troy=£2 10s. Od. American Dollar ^£0 5s. Od. * For example, wo liiul in MicliiU'lnias Term. 40 (Teo. III.. Xov. 14th. ISOS. l).-f(uc Scdtl. <"..T.. ;in(l rowell. .7.: In "7'/ir K\nq v. John Young, on the information of Wm. Frith. Esqnire, Atty.-Gen'l, prochimation is made in open Court for condemnation of sroods seized as forfeited. The Att.v.-Gen'l suggesting that it is his inten- tion, on tlie part of the Crown, to take the goods in specie, this, on proclamation, is. by the Court, considered deficient.'' Trinity Term, .">0 Geo. III.. .July 11th. ISIO. proclamations were made for condem- nation of goods seized as forfeited: 10(! gals, of brandy. 75\^ gals, of rum. l.CtOO lbs. of tobacco. 00 lbs. of tea. ~^0 lbs. of tobacco, called pecan. KS lbs. of snuff, and TtO lbs. of cotton wool ; also 22G gals, of whiskey. l.fJOO lbs. of pork. 120 gals, of gin. and the boat tackle and furniturt'. In Michaelmas Term the proclamations were renewed and, finally, judgment was jiiven for forfeiture. 33 Many other gold and silver coins are named and valued. The value given to the American dollar shews that in Can- adian currency 1 shilling=20 cents (what was known even in my day as Halifax currency). Counterfeiting was made felony punishable with death on conviction " in His Majesty's Court of his Bench." Utter- ing, for a first offence, one year's imprisonment and one hour in and upon the pillory in some public and conspicuous place ; a second offence was punishable with death as a felon without benefit of clergy. Importation of false coin was to be pun- ished by twelve months' imprisonment. Xo one was to be compelled to take more than 1 shilling in copper; every pay- ment exceeding £50 currency in gold coin was to be by weight. Chapter 2 provided for juries at the assizes. Chapter 3 made further provision for licensing inn- keepers. Chapter 4 altered the place of meeting of the Quarter Sessions and the District Court of the Western District from Detroit, as has already been stated. Detroit was definitely abandoned by the British the following year, under the pro- visions of "Jay's Treaty," 1794. Chapter 5 abolished the bounty for killing bears. Chap- ter 6 provided for Commissioners to treat with Commissioners from Lower Canada as to duties, etc., and chapter 7 further secured those " wages," so often spoken of. This is the by no means discreditable or insignificant record of the first Parliament of Upper Canada, the only Par- liament under Simcoe. I shall now say something as to some of these statutes. There was very great reason for the protest of Cartwright and Hamilton. They had caused to be entered upon the pro- ceedings of the Council 3rd June, 1794, a formal protest against the proposed Act which effected the abolition of local Courts, in the geographical situation of the colony, '"with a thin population scattered over so immense an extent of coun- try" — all writs issuing from the "fixed place" at which the Court sat, and all proceedings to be there filed. It was indeed provided that where the first process went to the Sheriff of the Home District, fifteen days should elapse between the teste and return, forty days in any other District. But the necessity of "day's journeys" in procuring process, etc.. must in the then 34 condition of the colony have been very annoying; and many must have wished the return of the old Common Pleas Court in their District. But in 1797, by 37 Geo. III. eh. 4, it was provided that the Clerk of the Crown and Pleas should have in every district an office and a deputy whom he should fur- nish with blank writs, and in which office pleadings should be filed ; moreover, a form of writ where special bail should not be required was given. This was made quite clear in 1845 by Statute 8 Vic. ch. 36 ; it was enacted that the Clerk of the Crown should supply his deputies in every district with writs of mesne and final process, except writs in ejectment, and the deputies were directed to issue such writs in the same manner as might be done in the principal office at Toronto. They were also authorized to issue rules upon the Sheriff for return of mes7ie or final process. Then in 1849, the Act 12 Vic. ch. 63 altered the office of Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, and made the several Clerks of the County Courts ex-officio Deputy Clerks of the Crown and Pleas in the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas — so that at length there was in each county town an office where process could be sued out. Thus, most of the advantage of a local Court and all the advan- tage of a strong central Court were combined. In the Statute concerning coins, reference is made to standing in the pillory. This time-honored punishment in the English law might be a triumph for the prisoner, or a capital punishment, according to the feeling of the populace. I find instances of the punishment being actually inflicted or at least ordered in Upper Canada, e.g., a case mentioned by Read in his life of Chief Justice Elmsley, page 46 ; a prisoner convicted at New Johnstown of perjury, Sept. 11th, 1793. was sentenced to be pilloried three times.'' The pillory was abolished witli us in 1841, by 4 and 5 Vic. ch. 24, sec. 31. "A vase well known to all studi'iits of the Constitutional llis;.)ry of Canada is the foll<)\ving : — In Mioliaelmas Term. 00 Geo. III., Xov. Sth. IRIO. The Kin(j_\. liartiinus Fcrf/u.ioii, tin- prisoner was sentenced to pay a fine of £r»0, province rurrenoy. and to he imprisoned in the common jraol at Niagara for IS months; in the first of these months he was to stand in tiie rnl)lic Tillory 'between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 ji.m. At the .■\-I)iration of tlic term lie was to K^ve security for good behaviour for seven years himself, in fHOO, ami two sureties in £250 each, and to be imprisoned until the fin<> was paid and security ffiven. (Present: Powell. CJ.. Camphell and Boulton. .7.T.) The prisoner's counsel was Mr. Thomas Taylor, the reporter and editor of Taylor's Reports, called in Hilary Term the same year. He himself was the editor of the Niagara Spectator, and in his journal, in his absence from home, had appeared a letter written and 35 A second conviction for uttering, meant felony " without benefit of clergy." Xo lawyer is at all likely to think witKsome popular writers that this means " without the benefit of clerical attention and advice." Of course it originally was the privilege allowed to ^ Clerk in Holy Orders, when prosecuted in the temporal Courts, of being discharged from such Court and turned over to the ecclesiastical Courts — in other words to get clear almost altogether. This privilege was gradually extended to all who could read, and many a notorious rascal escaped well-merited punishment by reading his "neck- verse,'' possibly by a recently learned accomplishment. Ulti- mately, in 1706, by 6 Anne, ch. 9, the privilege was extended to all, whether they could read or not. This privilege did not extend to all felonies, but only to capital felonies, and even of these some were " without bene- fit of clergy '"; moreover, by an early statute (1488), -i Henry VII., ch. 13, laymen allowed their clergy were burned in the hand, and could not claim it the second time, and the practice grew up of imprisoning for life clergymen where the offence was heinous and notorious. " Benefit of Clergy " was abolished in England by sec 6 of the Criminal Law Act of 1827, and in Upper Canada in 1833 by 3 William IV., ch. 3, sec. 25. This Act provided that all crimes made by the Act itself punishable with death — murder and accessory before the fact to murder, rescue of one committed for or found guilty of murder, rape, carnal know- ledge of a girl under ten, sodomy, robbery of the mail, burg- lary, arson, riot after the reading of the Eiot Act, destruc- tion of His Majesty's dockyards, etc. (a sufficiently long list indeed) — should be so punished, but that all other felonies should be punishable by banishment or imprisonment for any term not exceeding 14 years. Thus the counterfeiter escaped the punishment of death, to the great grief of many very good and very intelligent people who thought that a death sentence for the offender was the only safeguard for society. Simcoe returned to York at the close of the fifth Session ; a short time after his arrival, he received an answer to his request of the previous December for leave of absence on the ground of ill-health. His request was granted in most flat- tering terms. Causing Peter Russell to be sworn in as Admin- signed by Gourlay, animadvertinjr on the Administration of the day. Ferguson was indicted for libel, and found guilty, with the result we have seen. On his making a humble submission, be was relieved of some part of the penalty and imprisonment. 36 istrator, he left York for Quebec, and thence sailed for London in September, 1796, never to return. After effective service in the West Indie?, he died at Exeter in 1806. A man of great force of character, a devoted patriot, hold- ing his Cliurch entitled to loyalty second only to his King, a soldier of valor and capacity, his mistakes were for the most part the mistakes of his time and his rank, and he well deserves the encomium of his epitaph in Exeter Cathedral, that " in his life and character the virtues of the hero, patriot and Christian were eminently conspicuous.^' Of the Executive Council I have said. little; that body took no part in legislation. All its members, however, were Legis- lative Councillors. In the Houses, even at this early date, we see differences of opinion, the Council inclining to the aristocratic, the Assembly to the democratic view. The embryo of an opposi- tion also makes its appearance, even in the select body. Ham- ilton and Cartwright seem to have acted together — we have seen that they joined in a protest 'against the formation of a great central Court, the King's Bench ; Simcoe had no hesita- tion in calling Hamilton a republican, and Cartwright he thought little, if any better. The custom of dubbing a politi- cal opponent a traitor began very early in Upper Canada. Simcoe also intimated that Cartwright's position as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for his District had something to do with his objection to the abolition of these Courts. How- ever, Hamilton was created Lieutenant of Lincoln, and Cart- wright of Frontenac, by the Lieutenant-Governor; so we may judge that his suspicions of their loyalty were but temporary. This was the only Parliament which met at Niagara — Simcoe had changed the old name into Newark. The first session was held, it is said, in the Freemasons' Hall,'" all the others in what Simcoe calls " sheds " — additions built to the Barracks of Butler's Rangers by the garrison. Simcoe recognized that Newark was too close to the bor- der to be the permanent capital; in 1793 he made a some- '" Some say that the first session of Parliainout was hohlen in "a marquee tent, one remove in the scale of ascending civilization from the aboriginal council-lodge." some, that Navy Ilnll was rm scene of the meeting. Willinin Diiiinner Towell. Chief .Tustice of T'pper Cnnnrla. says, in his MSS. Narrative, now in the possession of his great-grandson Aemiliiis .Tarvis, Esf)iiire. of Toronto, that the House mot in canvas houses, which had hoen prepared for and used by Banks and Solander, in their voyage of discovery, i.e., with Captain Cook. ITti^lTTl. 37 what extended trip into the interior, and decided tiiat a spot at or near to what is now London should be the future capi- tal. In the same year he fixed on Toronto as a suitable place for fortifieation. He changed its name to York, in considera- tion and compliment of the Duke of York's victories in Flanders. The Duke of York was a brother of George III., and had, earlier in the year, achieved some success against the French; but he was recalled not long after, and placed in charge at London. He was no great General, but as Adminis- trator he was a success, doing much for the comfort of the soldiers, whether on active service or on pension.^- Dorchester, the Governor-General of Canada, overruled Simcoe's selection of a site for the capital, and chose York, which, with a change to its old name of Toronto in 1834, remained such — with* intermittent intervals after the Union of the Canadas in 1841-18-1:2 — till the present time. The second Parliament met at York, not at Newark. The state of legislation as left by the first Parliament deserves consideration. The security of the Province from foreign aggression was, so far as was possible, secured by the Militia Acts providing for infantry, cavalry and navy. Simcoe rather favoured the formation of a hereditary aristocracy who should have the right of being Lieutenants of their counties. This fortunately did not come to pass, but like the provision in the Act, 31 George III., ch. 31, looking to hereditary seats in the Legislative Council, was allowed to pass out of notice. Upper Canada has never been favourable to hereditary titles. The loyalty of the Members of Parliament was secured by excluding ahens from House and electorate. Payment to members also had been provided for on a moderate but suffi- cient scale. The Courts were practically what they are now, with the exception that in civil matters all Judges are now, even in the case of petty claims, trained barristers. The Courts of "Every lover of Sir Walter Scott will remember, in the am is- ing introduction (1819). to the first edition of the " Legend of Mont- rose," his description of Sergeant More M'Alpin. who was induced to remain at Gandercleugh when on his way with his sister to Glas- gow to take passage to Canada. The Sergeant, an old pensioner, " seldom failed to thank Ood and the Duke of York, who had made it much more difficult for an old soldier to ruin himself by his folly than had been the case in his younger days."' 38 Eequests, presided over by magistrates, corresponded to our Division Courts; the District Court to our County Courts; the King's Bench to the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario. The ultimate Court of Appeal was tlien composed of laymen, or it might be so constituted, and this was certainly objectionable — while the Court of King's Bench had the defects already referred to. The English law was introduced, civil as well as criminal. Standards of weight and measure, coin, legal tender, had been set and fixed, tolls in mills regulated, provision made for killing dangerous wild animals, tavern and distilling licenses had been regulated, former invalid marriages ren- dered valid, and provision for the future solemnization of marriage made ; practitioners in the Courts were also provided for, and physic and surgery not forgotten. In addition to the ordinary Courts of law, a Court of Probate with Surrogate Courts was provided. The criminal law was not neglected, meetings of the Quarter Sessions were arranged for and Court Houses and gaols directed to be built. A satisfactory adjust- ment was made with Lower Canada through which prac- tically all imports came, except those from the United States. The curse of slavery was doomed to early extinc- tion — a result in itself well worth all the first Parliament of Upper Canada cost in time, labour and money. The first foundations of our municipal system were laid — afterwards to play such an important part in our national life. A later Governor called mimicipal corporations " Sucking liepublics"; they are not that, but assuredly they are the very nursery for public spirit and capacity to say effec- tively what a freeman thinks. For a beginning, the provision for the registering of docu- ments must be considered creditable. The Registry system now much elaborated has been invaluable in saving trouble and money. I should not omit the provision for highways. It must be said tbat highways under local and municipal control have not been a brilliant success. Much of tbe failure has no doubt been due to the rich soil of a great part of the Province. A reverend gentleman who was stationed at Thornhill in the third decade of the nineteenth century, complained that 39 there Avere no stones to make a road with.^- It may have been that nothing better could be devised, but there can be no doubt that the roads of the Province have been no credit to us. What could be done by a central authority is seen in what was done. Practically the only roads wliich deserved the name were those built by the Government — Yonge Street, built by the soldiers, Uuudas Street from Burlington Bay (Coote's Paradise) to London, and then from Burlington Bay to Toronto, built in the same way; the Danforth Road built on contract by Danforth, an American, in 1799-1800, from York to the Bay of Quinte. The neglect of municipalities led to the formation of com- panies to build toll-roads, plank or gravel, of which many were incorporated in the 30's and 40's — and their works do follow them even to the present. Perhaps there is nothing which pays a country better than good roads; and it is to be re- gretted that for so many years road building was neglected. But everything cannot be done by a poor country, and perhaps no better solution offered itself to our first legislators. And when all is said, they certainly have earned the admira- tion and gratitude of all who have lived in the Province since their time. " " Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners and Emi- ^M-ation in the United States and Canada ... in 1832, by the Rev. Isaac Fidler, for a short time missionary of Thornhill on Yonge street, near York, Upper Canada, London / . . 18.33." In this most entertaining volume, written by a clergyman of the Church of England, is found the following : — ' " I must here explain . . . that the roads in many parts of Canada are composed entirely of earth, of a rich soil, among which no stones or gravel is intermingled. Many farms along Yonge street. of two hundred acres in extent, have not so much stone on them as would serve to lay the foundation of a house. This is a proof of the fineness of the land ; hut also of the paucity of materials for making solid and substantial turnpikes. . . . ' The heavy rains make a road a complete puddle, which affords no sure footingto man or beast." Most Upper Canadians have seen such roads ; and they are not few or far between now. eighty years after Mr. Fidler wrote. Wanted to Purchase for Cash Any Government Publi- cation of Upper Canada, from its earliest organization 1792 to 1840— whether Sta- tutes, Journals, Sessional Pa- pers, and also any law book or other book touching on the interests of Canada published during this period. Government Publications — Statutes, Journals, Sessional Papers, etc. — of Lower Can- ada from 1763 to 1840. The same for Nova Scotia from 1756 to 1860, the same for New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. THE CARSWELL COMPANY LIMITED 19 Duncan Street, Toronto. FOR SALE STATUTES SESSIONAL PAPERS JOURNALS, Etc. Rare Statutes* published over one hundred years ago, of the EARLY PROVINCES OF CANADA. Dominiorv of Canada, and of all the Provinces. Scarce Newfoundland Statutes and Government Docun\ents. Annual Statutes for the Dominion and of the Provinces supplied promptly ^ls published. PRICES ON APPLICATION The Carswell Company, Limited 19 DUNCAN STREET TORONTO, CANADA ] PAMPHLET BINDER S/rocuje. N. Y UCSOUTHt 5P5RYF'.CILITY AA 000 785 591 9