IBRARY j ^tvtusin or j :aiipobnia J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/deluxeillustrateOObardrich ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1918 UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE THE BEAUTIFUL ART TREASURES AND ANTIQUITIES THE PROPERTY OF 5IGNOR 5TEFANO BARDINI TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE AFTERNOONS OF APRIL 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th AND 27th, 1918 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK AND ON THE EVENING OF THURSDAY, APRIL 25th BEGINNING .AT 8.15 O'CLOCK No. :^72"Fiktki;ntii ("kntikv Gi.a/kd Tkkua-cotta HA^s-lll••.I.ll•;K is i is Orioinai- Tai!1-.kxa('<)t.() Fuamk (/i// Aiidrcii Ddla liohhia) u DE LUXE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE BEAUTIFUL TREASURES AND ANTIQUITIES ILLUSTRATING THE GOLDEN AGE OF ITALIAN ART BELONGING TO THE FAMOUS EXPERT AND ANTIQUARIAN SIGNOR STEFANO BARDINI OF FLORENCE. ITALY THE ENTIRE COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF SIGNOR BARDINI, THE SOLE OWNER ON THE AFTERNOONS AND EVENING HEREIN STATED CATALOGUE COMPILED, FROM DESCRIPTIONS AND PROVENIENCES FURNISHED BY PROFESSOR STEFANO BARDINI, BY MR. HORACE TOWNSEND OF NEW VORK THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. O. BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 1918 bRl J i'^ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY THE BARDINI COLLECTION Sig-nor Stefano IJardiiii. of Floreiicx', wlio has consigned to the American Art Association, to he sold at nnrestricted jjuhlic sale, the objects herein described, has for nearly two generations held a fore- most place among' European experts and anticiuarians. Not only a majority of those i)rivate collectors interested in the artistic produc- tions of Renaissance Italy, but most of the Directors of the great National Museums, have been wont to repair to him during the past half-century. By them he has been regarded not merely as a dealer in precious things, but as an expert who has made a life study of the art of the Quattrocento and Cinquecento, and to him they have often turned when the authenticity of any particular piece was in question. Signor Bardini's determination to offer so large a proportion of his gatherings of a lifetime to the American public is due to the dis- turbed state of his coimtry, brought about by the present war con- ditions, and so the people of this country have an opportunity, which would not otherwise be afforded them, of purchasing at an unre- stricted public sale Italian Objects of Art selected and assembled to- gether by one of the world's acknowledged experts. The collection, so interestingly representative of Signor Bardini's career of over half a centin-y. has as one of its outstanding featm-es a grouj) of some twenty-nine colored Stucco Reliefs which were gath- ered during the first years of his business experience. This means that they were selected some half-century ago when creations by tlie leading artists of the Renaissance were readily obtainable, and it is, therefore, not surprising to find among them the works of such masters as liUca della Robbia, Donatello. Desiderio da Settignano and Antonio Rossellino. The JMarbles, headed by an exquisite torso assigned by leading critics to Polykleitos. include also master])ieces of the ^liddle Ages by such sculptors as Benvenuto Cellini. Baccio Bandinelli and the painter we know as Francia. while the works in glazed terra-cotta by the Della Robbia family, of which there is a quite surprising showing. number auK^nti' them a superb ]Madonna and Child by nt) less a hand than that of Andrea himself. Signor liardini's collection of Bronzes, amon<)' which will be found examples l)v Giovanni da Bolo<^na. Rustici and Verrocchio, is especially notaljle for the number of Plaquettes, ]Medallions and Medals therein included, for during; the past two decades examples such as comprise Signer Bardini's collection ha\e won the appre- ciation of all collectors of Florentine and Paduan art at its very best. Testimony to the care and discrimination of Signor Bardini as a collector is afforded by the fact that from his treasiu'e house many pieces of note have found their way into the I^ouvre, the South Ken- sington and other National ]Museums, in whose catalogues they have been deemed worthy of illustrating. The temptation is great to linger nj)on the Bardini ^la- jolicas, among which will be seen typical jiroducts from the kilns of Faenza, Caffaggiolo, Urbino, Deruta and Siena, upon the small but delightful collection of Tapestries, and upon such "Ogetti Varie" as the magnificent Porcelain Clock case made for his own use by the ]Marchese Ginoni at Doccia, as the carven Reliquary and as the cleverly Avrought ^Monstrance, or upon the collection of pictures chosen mainly for their decorative value. Particular attention, hoAvever, must be directed to Avhat may form a chief attraction of Signor Bardini's collection. This is the gathering of Italian Furniture, representing the craftsmanship of some three centuries, although the larger proportion consists of the work of the Italian artificers of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Here are Chairs ranging from the dignified Seggiole, covered with lordly tapestries with golden grounds, to those of Sgabello type, with wood seats and backs, delightsome in the intricacy of their carving. Tables distinguished by the stately nobility of their appearance, and Cabinets, the severity of whose outlines is relieved by the graceful elegance of their detail. To these must be added what is probably the largest collection of Cassone ever placed on exhil)ition in this country — carved, gilded, inlaid, painted and finished with the richest of pastiglia work — and a very striking gathering of the carved and gilded furniture of later days when the Italians vied with the French in the luxury and display which served as a background to their domestic life. Unfortunately, this remarkable collection is not as complete and representative of the owner's taste and ability as a connoisseur as Signor Rardiiii orioiiially intended, owing to the fact that at ahnost the last moment the Itahan Government, under tlie provisions of its statutes, exercised its right to l)econie the owner of a number of important objects, and to refuse permission for the exportation of other objects of artistic distinction. Wliile tlie pubhc sale of this collection, like all others managed by the American Art Association, will be subject to its usual terms and conditions as set forth in this and other catalogues it publishes, a final word may be said to the effect that Signor Eardini has himself assigned to each object its authorshij), or period, therebv giving to it, as it were, the stamp of approval of one whose opinion in such matters, as already has been pointed out, is universally regarded as authoritative. Horace Towxsend. New York, A2)ril 10, 1918. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance niav be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot s-o in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of tho purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given innnediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and rc-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. -i. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. INI. and 1 P. M., and on other days — except holidays — between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made onl}' at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibilit}- on its jiart for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticit}' of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to tlie effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. CATALOGUE Ill the following catalogue of Bronze Plaquettes, JNIedals and Medallions, references are made to: ''Catalogue of Italian Bronzes," Berlin ]\Iu.seuni, 1904. "Les Plaquettes," by Eniile Molinier, Paris, 1886. "Italian Medals," by Cornelius von Fabriczy, New York, lOO-i. "Catalogue of tlie Wallace Collection," London, 1910. "Guide to tlie Medifeval Room, British Museum," London, 1907. The Bronze Placiiiettes and JNIedals of the fifteenth and early six- teenth centuries have, within the last decade, become highly prized by collectors. Largely copied from anticiue gems or from engravings, they were evidently made \\ith the object of rendering fine work acces- sible to a wider circle than that of the rich and noble, but even such artists as Donatello did not disdain to take them as their models for work of a more imjjortant character. Principally made in the North of Italy, in Padua, Mantua, Venice, Bologna and Ferrara, their popu- larity soon sjjread into other countries, especially France and Ger- many. Their chief use was to decorate such things as caskets, ink- stands and sword pommels, but some were evidently treasured for their own lieautv alone. FIRST AFTERNOON'S SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 28. Tin 8 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNIXU AT 2.30 o'CLOCK FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURY BRONZE MEDALS AND MEDALLIONS 1 — Fifteenth Cextuky Italian Bronze ^1kd.vi.lion Oval shajjc. Ohversc modeled, in low relief, with a bust portrait of the Empress Faustina; reverse, with a Roman Triumph. l)iiiiintn\ 11 J incites. 2 — Three Fieteenth Century Italian Bronze Sworu Pom- mels (a) Circular slia])e, with floral border, modeled, in low relief, with a subject of "Ijaocoon Attacked by Serpents." iVfter an anticjue t^em. (iilded. Din met cr, 1 inch. Anotht'i- cxaniplo is in the Berlin Museum. Illustrated. Catalogue, Plate XLI. (b) Circular shape, with scrolled border, modeled, in low relief, with a seated Cupid. Gilded. Din meter. 1 inch. (v) Circular shape, enclosed by a wreath. INIodeled. in low relief, with a sul)ject of "Lcda and the Swan." From an an- tique f>em. Gilded. Diiiiiiefer, 1 inch. 3 — Sixteenth Century Italian Bronze INIedalijon Circular shape. ]Modeled. in low relief, with a subject of Cupid forging his darts. From the antique. Diameter. 2'-. inches. v ' 14 FlFTEKNTH CkXTUUY ]MaXTI\\X BuOXZK ]Me1)AT.I.IOX BY jNIelioli Circular shape. jModeled, in low relief, with a suhjeet of '\\n Offering." Under a tree is seated a nude man approached hy three others bearing baskets of fruit. The similarity between this and No. 24 is obvious. By Bartolommeo ^lelioli (1448- 1514). Gilded. Diameter, 2 inches. Otlicr examples are in tlie I^ouvre and Eerlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate LVIII. 15 — FiFTKKXTii Cextuuy ]Maxtuax Buoxze ]Mei)al by jNIeeioi.i Circular shape. Reverse modeled, in low relief, with a subject of Orpheus standing under a tree and chariuing the animals who surround him. By Bartolommeo ^Melioli ( 1448-1.)14) . Diameter, '2 inches. Otiicr examples are in the I.ouvi't' and Berlin ^lusrums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate I.VIII. 16 — Fifteenth Century Xoktii Iiwxian jMed.u.liox by 3iu- DERNO Circular shajje. jNIodeled, in low relief, with a subject of a Pieta. The Virgin, at the foot of the cross, bends over and raises the arm of the dead Christ, wdio lies in the foregroimd on a linen cloth upheld by two boy angels, one at each side. In the foreground are two nails and flowers. By 11 ]Moderno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). j,. , ., • , ^ ' Diameter, .i inches. 17 — Sixteenth Cextuky Itaijax ]?iu)x;^e ^NIedai, Circular shape. Obverse modeled, in low relief, with a bust por- trait of a Cirand Duchess wearing a helmet. D'uimcicr. "J^ inches. AnotluT ox;iiiii)le is in tlio Birlin Musciiin. Illust rated. Catalogue, No. LXXIX. 18 — SixiEExrii Cextuky Itaijax Broxze jMedalliox Circular shape. Modeled, in low relief, with a profile head of Alexander the (ireat wearing a helmet and looking to the left. Did null' r, :il.. iuclies. 19 — FiiTEEXTH Cextury Itai>iax IJkoxze ^Iedai.mox Circular shape, with beveled rim. Modeled, in low relief, with a "Picta." iVt the foot of the cross the \'irgin, assisted by Angels, is supporting on hei- knees the l)ody of Christ, wliich has been lowered from the cross. Did meter. 15' ■> inches. 20 — FiiTF.KXTii C'kn'ithy XoKTir Italian Bkox/k Mkdai.i.iox hy JMODERXO Circular shajje, with raist'd rim. Modeled, in low relief, with a subject of a "Lion Hunt." On the left a nude man on horse- back, and on the ri^ht one on foot are attacked by a char<>;ing lion. The fi(>ure on horseback is tlie same as that in No. 32. By II INIoderno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). Diiiwcttr, ',i iiirhi'-'i. Other ux;iiii]>lcs ;\.rv in llu' Loin it and Burlin .Museums. Illustrated in Molinior's "rhujucttis," NO. 21 T, and Herlin ('atal<)f>iu', Plate LII. ]\Iolinier points out that the subject was enoraved by the German Mono- eranimist "A" in the sixtet'iith eenturv. 21 — IjAtk FiFTKKXTii Ci;xi'riiY FADrAX Bhoxxk Mf.o.m.i.iox Circular shape, with molded border. ^Modeled, in low relief, with a figiu'c of jMercury, bearded, reclining and holdino' his Caduceus. On the right is a vase of flowers. By one of the Biceio School. Ditniiftrr, .'514 ""'"'■'>'• Examples of Mei-euiv with a beard are not uneommon. Kaspe in 1791 illustrates moi-e than one. Otiier co})ies in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate lAl. -FlFTEEXTH CkXTURY Fi^ORENTINE UkONZE INIeDAE 15Y 1?ER- TOLDO Iri'egular circular shape. Obverse modeled, in low relief, with the head of Lorenzo de' Medici, in profile and looking to the right, and with the octagonal chair of the Cathedral of Florence with the priest celebrating High JNIass and the Pazzi conspira- tors attacking the brothers outside. Reverse, with the head of Giuliano de' ]Medici looking to the left, and the same scene. Inscribed in raised Roman letters, the olnerse, "laurentius . MEDiCEs" and "saeus . pe'blicus"; the reverse, "iueianus . MEDicEs" and "euctus . pubeicus." By Bertoldo di Giovanni (1420-14.91). Diiimetcr, 21 -. iiirJw.i. Tliis is the celebrated "Pazzi" jNIedal formerly attributed to Antonio Pollaiuolo, but now generally conceded to have been niotleled by Bertoldo. It commemorated tlie conspiracy of 1478 to which (iiuliano de' Medici fell a victim, and is illustrated on Plate XXII of "Italian ^Fedals," by Cornelius von Fabriczy, New York, 1904, and at p. 178 of Dr. Bode's "Florentine Sculptors of the Renaissance," 1908. 23 — Fifteenth Cextuky Fi.okentine Ekoxzk ]Med.u, bv Pasto- RINI Oval shape. Obverse modeled, in low relief, with a portrait of Hippolyta Gonzaga of ]Mantua, surrounded by a legend in Roman eharaeters; reverse, with a figure of Diana. By Pasto- rini de' Pastorini (l.)08-l;592) . Dill me fir, 2% inches. 24 — Fifteexth Cextury Florextixe I^ead ]Mkdaij,iox by ]Me- LIOLI Circular shape. JNIodeled, in low relief, with a subject of a Roman soldier with the head of St. John the Baptist ajjproach- ing Ilerod, who is crowned and sits on a bench on the left with two bearded figures behind him. By Bartolommeo JNIelioli (1448-1.314). Diameter, 2 inches. Otlicr oxamplcs are in tlie Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate I.XX. 2.5 — FiFTEKXTii Ckxttky ]Manti\\x Broxxk ]Mei)ai.i,iox by ]Me- IJOLI Circular shape. JNIodeled, in low reliff, with a subject of a Hunter and a Bacchante. By IJartoloninieo Melioli (li-lS- l.jl-t). ProI)ahly fVoiii the anti- a large turban. Sur- rounded by the legend, in Roman characters "soi.ymax . imp. TUR." By Leone Leon i ( 1.j09-1.'590) . I'luler SulfVin.ui I, cillid hy lMir()|)i;iiis "Tlu' Mu^niificcnt," tlie Turkish Etiipiru nai-licd the Mumnit of its jjowct ami glorv. Tliis medal was ])rohahly imxhkd to tlie order of the Emperor Ferdinand of Austria in 1548, when a truce was made with the invadinfr Turk. D'mvictcr, .5 inches. 43 — Fifteenth Centiuy ^Iaxttan Bronze Medallion «y JMelioli Circular sha])e. iNIodclcd, in low relief, with a subject of "The Judgment of Solomon." In the center Solomon sits on a high throne, on the left ai'c the contending women and on the right a soldier with a drawn swoi-d. By Bartoloiimieo JMelioli (1448- 1.514). Diameter. 2 inches. Otlicr examples are in the L()u\ re and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate LA'III. 44 — FiFTEKXTii Ckntuhy Xohtii Italian Bronze ]Medai. ry ue' Pasti Circular shajie. Obverse modeled, in low relief, with the por- trait head, in profile and looking' to the left, of Sigisniondo I'an- dolfo JNIalatesta, Tyrant of Rimini. Inscribed in raised Roman characters: "sigismundus . pandulfvs . malatesta . i-an. e." Reverse, with the Rocea Malatestiana, that castle of the INIala- testa at Rimini described by Dante. By 31atteo de' Pasti (1 4.20-1400). Diameter, li huhes. Another uxaiiijilo of tills nudal is in tlie Wallace Gallery, No. 844 (Gallery III), ;uul a version is illustrated on Plate IX of "Italian ]\Iedals" by Cornelius von Fahrie/.v, New York, 1904. (Illii.sf rated) 4.J FlETEENTH CeNTIHY XoUTII ItAMAN BkONZE MeUALI.ION 1{\' jModerno Circnlar shajje. Modeled, in low relief, with a subject of the "Death of Orpheus." Orpheus, under a leafless tree with his hands tied behind his back, is assailed by two Monads wielding clubs. Two others carry armor. By II IModerno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). Diameter, 'IV^ iuches. Another example is in the Herlin .Museum. Illustrated. Catalogue, I»late LI. 46 — Fifteenth Centiky ^"u■ENZAN Buonze ]Mei)ae hy Bei.ei Circular shape, with reeded rim. Reverse modeled, in low re- lief, with a "Way of the Cross." Christ, bending under the weight of the cross, which he carries on His shoulders, is dragged and lu'ged forward by Roman centurions. Signed: "vaeerixts . vK'ENTirs . E." By A'alerio Belli (14(!.')-1.14(>). Hei(/lif. .'J'-j iiielies: leii(/tli. ^ iiieliex. Other e\am|)les are in the l,ouvreaii(l Merlin Museums. Illustrated. Ilerlin CataloniK', Plate I,XI\'. (I II /IS /rated) 47 — Fifteenth Centiky Iiallvn Buonze ]Mei)ai,i,ion Oval shape. jModeled, in low relief, with a subject of xVlex- ander the Great receiving the Wife of Darius. Signed. Hciyht. ifl/j iiiehe.i; rcidth. '2\'._< iiiehes. '>^^'v ,^. r- '■-' / , ^/' ;- >* W ^~ ij f^' ^,^-3 :,i&r .-^ N^^-^ FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURY BRONZES 48 — Early Sixteenth Century German Bronze Pouncet Box BY ^''iSCHER Formed as a dog sittino' on its haunches and seratcliing its face with one paw. The ])ack hinged to form Hd. By Peter Vischer (Uoa-lo-iO). Height, '2 inches. 49 — Sixteenth Cextuuy Paduax Bkoxze FuiURE Sejant hon. intended to form a tinial. Height. ;}lo inchc! oO — Sixteenth Cextuky Italian Buonzk Inkstand Formed as a couchant l)ull witli short liorns, the hack hinu'ed to form lid. On rectaiii>uhir hase witli shaped aprons and scrolled feet. Ih'iyht, .'J iiichc.f: Iciu/tli, .'5 incites. 51 — Fifteenth Century Italian Bronze Bell Baluster-shaped handle and body with incurved sides, decorated, in low relief, with shields charoed with coats-of-arnis and having winged gryphon supporters. Height, 5•]/^ inches. 52^ — Sixteenth Ckxtuhv Florentine Bronze Bell Handle formed as a partially drajjed figure; eurved body, deeo- rated, in low relief, with hands of aeantlms leaves and figures. Head of figure missing. Height, 6 inches. 53 — Sixteenth Century ^'I■,NI tian Brass Flask Pear-shaped, with short eylindrieal si)out and ring for suspen- sion. Body decorated with an escutcheon, masks and scrolled / branches of leaves and flowers. Height, H inches. •? O-i SlXTKKXTII CkXTUKV Fi.OKKXTINK UkoXZK HoWJ, C()upe-.slia])i'(l howl, with incurxed sides uplicld hy tliree ])i(ili with hands held hehiiid them. The interior is decorated, in low relief, with a serolled j)atternin<>'. IIci(/lif. 41 '( iiicliis: (Hiniif/tr. (11. . inclii'!;. 55 — SixTEEX'TH Ckxtukv Itai.iax ]ii{ox>;i: Mohtak Straight taperiiii^' sides and molded rim and hase. Side deco rated, in low relief, with winged y'rv])lions. serolls and trophies. Height, 3'^ iiiclics: (lidiiictcr, 41/1 iiiclii's-. 5(i — SiXTKEXTii Cextuky Fi.ouextine IJroxze JNIortar Ta2)eriii<4' sides, with molded rim and foot and two looped han- dles formed as dolphins. Sides decorated, in low relief, with festoons of pointed leaves and hranches of oak leaves supported hy statant lions; rim enriched hy band of acanthus leaves and foot by band of fliitings. Height, 51/4 inches: diameter, 6I4 inches. Former] II l)elnngin() to the dcUa Uovcre fa mil//. .'57 — SixTEEXTH Century Fi.orextixe Eroxze jNIortar Tapering incurved sides, with molded rim and foot, and two scrolled loojjcd handles. ]iody decorated in low relief witli figures of playing amorinl, rim with l)and of acanthus leaves and foot witli detached leaves. Height, 51 o inches; diameter, (i'-]\ inches. jua*»' 58 — Sixteenth Cexti'hy Italian I^uoxze ^NIoutak Tapering iiicur\t'(l sitles, with molded rim and loot and two pro- jeeting handles, formed as hands of pcjinted leaves. Sides deco- rated, in low relief, with vases, supported hy Grecian sphinxes, and surmounted hy scrolled cornucopia* of fruits and leaves. Rim enriched with acanthus leaves and foot with scrolled fes- toons of leaves. IId(/lit, (i'o inches: diinntter. T-"''i inclus. 59 — Fifteenth Century Italian Bronze ^NIortak Swelling sides and molded rim. enriched with hand of pointed leaves and modillions. Body decorated, in low relief, with vases of flowers and emhlem of monastery (a circle with letter "B" and cross). JNIolded foot. Height, G inches; diumctcr, 7';4 inches. (!0 SiXTKF.XTII C'KXTrUY (ilCKMAX BuASS C'aXDI.KSTICK Formed tis a figure dressed in gathered tiiiiie with balloon sleeves and knee breeehes and with wides])read arms holding two cylin- drieal eandle-soekets. On round and oetagonal base with branehed feet. Il,i(/ht, 10 iiiflics. 01 — SixTKKXTii C"K\Tri!Y \'r.\i;TiAX Broxzk Caxdi.kstuiv by Saxsovixo Ink recei^tacle .shaped as a cyliiulrical vase, deeorated, in low relief, with masks and snpported, on their shonlders, hv two winged undraped ainoriiii. On reetangular stand bordered with scrolls and masks. ]i\ Jaeopo Tatti — II Sansovino (IJ'TT- l.")7()). Ilriijlif, !) inrlu-s. This caiullo soi-ktt is of uiiusuiil sl/.v in onliT Hiat it ini<;'lit liold the glass tube wliicli sliithk-d tlio t-andli' from (h-auglits. Anotlur example' is in the Louvro Museum. G2 — SixTEEXTir Century Paduax Buoxze Caxdeestkk Calyx-sliaprd ink receptacle, supported by three scrolled acan- thus leaves on triangular stand decorated with voluted gry- })hons' heads and acanthus leaves, and with handle formed of volutes suj)j)ortiii,n' a human head. HcU/ht, -i iiicJirs: -cidtli. 5'^ indies. {Illiistrafcd) 63 — Pair of Sixteexth Cextuky A^exetiax Eroxze Caxdle- STR'KS BY VlTTORIA Shajjed as a tripod formed of three voluted scrolls faced with female caryatid figures and with feet formed as dolphins' heads, separated l)y masks, ^'ase-shaped candle-sockets modeled with figures of j)iitti and rams' heads. By Alessandro Vittoria (l.Vi.j- 1(113). Height, T inches. { in nst rated) 04. — Pair of Sixteexth Cexttry A'exetiax Broxze Caxiiee- sTKKs r,Y Vittoria Shaped as a tripod formed of tlu'ee voluted scrolls carrying female caryatid figures, with festoons of flowers and leaves be- tween and with square molded feet. Vase-shaped candle- sockets, modeled with piitli and rams' heads. By iVlessandro Vittoria (l.J2.j-ir)13) . Heiijht. 7 inches. (Illustrated) 6.5 — Sixteenth Ckxtuky Italian Bkonze INIoktak Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides, molded rim and body, decorated, in low relief, with floral rosettes and a band of vine-leaf meander patterning. ^Molded foot. Height, f? hiclics: dUnneter, 6% inches. 66 — Sixteenth Century Italian Bronze JNIortar Straight tapering sides, molded rim and foot, with two looped acanthus-leaf handles. Body decorated, in low relief, with a scrolled escutcheon, flanked by scrolled ribl)ons and bearing an incised monastery emblem. Height. 7 itirhes: ilia meter. 81 4 inches. 67 — Itai.iax Bkonze iMouTAu Cylindrical shape, witli fur\t(l sj)i-ca(liii^' sidts, molded I'iiii, in- cised with maker's name. "v. (JAETAxo davaxxkij,!"": Ixxly deco- rated, in relief, witli scrolled escntcheon, charged with the em- blem of S. Francis of Assisi. Molded base and foot and two scrolled and \-olute(! looped handles. Iliif/li/, Ki ii/<:li('s : d'tauictcr, 18 inches. 68 — Skvextkkxtii Ckntikv Fi.okkxtixk Hhoxxi; Moriak Vase-shaped, with reeded rim and circnlar spreading foot deco- rated, in relief, with hand of acanthus leaves. The body deco- rated, in relief, with lions' masks and festoons of fruit and leaves. Two projecting handles formed as dragons' heads, Hciylii. i;j inches: dianictcr, 11 inclics. 09 — Florentine Bkonze JNIortah Cylindrical shape, with molded rim, inscribed in raised letters, "ad usum PHARMACui'AE MONIALIUM s. DOMiNici," and molded foot. Body decorated, in relief, with detached acanthus leaves. Two jjrojecting side handles formed as eagles' heads. Hc'u/ht, \) inches; diameter, 10-)4 inches. (Illii.st rated) 70 — Seventeenth Century Florentine Bronze INIortar Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides and reeded rim and foot. Body decorated, in low relief, with hands of acanthus leaves and floral meander patterning. Two projecting handles formed as horses' heads. Heiijlii. 9 iiiehex; diameter, 10 inchct. {Illustrated) 71 — Seventeenth Century Italian Bronze jNIortar Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides and molded rim and foot. Body decorated, in relief, with scrolled escutclieon and drapery festoons. Two looped, scrolled and volutcd handles, Avith knobs formed as hooded grotesque heads. Heiijitt, 10 incites; diameter, 10')4 inches. (Illustrated) 72 — Sixteenth Century Italian Bronze ^Mortar Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides, molded rim, body decorated, in low relief, Avith monastic monogram ( A.P.C. surmounted by a cross) and two projecting handles sha})C(l as lions' heads. Iltiijlit. 14 inches; diameter, H inches. (Illnstrated) 73 — Sixteenth Cen'iury Flokentixe Buonze ^MourAi! Cylindrical shajK', with curved spreading sides, molded rim, body decorated, in low relief, with floral festoons and scrolled ribbons, two looped handles shaped as dolphins and molded base. Heie/hf, 1'2 inches; diameter, 15 inches. {Illnstrated) 74 — Sixteenth Century It.vlian Bkonze Knocker Plate formed as the head of a woman wearing a Phrygian cap and supporting the looped knocker, formed as scrolled cornu- copiffi having between them a woman's head. Height, 9l/o inches. {Illustrated) 7.5 — Sixteenth Century Bolognese Bronze Knocker Plate formed as a shell, flanked by voluted scrollings from which hangs the looped knocker, formed as twin dolphins supporting a projecting shell above which stands the figure of a putto. Height, 91/2 inches. (lUustrated) 7G — Fragment oe a Seventeenth Century Italian Bronze Fountain by Tacca Modeled as the mask of a bearded satyr, with horns and open moutli. By Pietro Tacca (1.577-16-10) . Height, 12 inches. Tills mask formed a portion of a monument at Leghorn by Pietro Tacca. {Illt).strated) 77 — Fifteenth Century Itaijax I^konze Knockek Plate shajjcd as a grotesque mask holding in its mouth a ring on which swings the looped knocker, formed as acanthus-leaf scrolls and winged s])hinxes. Excej)tional patina. IIti(jlit, 10 inclics. {lUustralid) 78 — Sixteenth Centuky I-'ekuauese Bhonze Knockek Plate formed as a human mask, below which is a bar from which swings the looped knocker, formed as twin dolphins holding a bearded satyr mask. Uc'ujht, l()i ^. inchc.i. {lll/i.stndcil) 79 — Fkaument of a Sixteenth Centuky Italian Buonze Fountain jModcled as the head of a fabulous monstei' with open mouth for the egress of water, with a lion's mask below. lIii F. F. Barborini F. MDCCCIX." The body decorated with lion masks, festoons of beads, loops of ribbon and band of pointed leaves. Two pro- jecting handles shaped as leopards' heads. Heiglif, 8 inches; dinnu'tcr, 91^4 i'lclies. 83 — Fifteenth Cextuky (Lehman Broxzk Eweu Spherical body, with long cjdindrical neck, spreading rim, hinged dome eovcr with luiman head finial, looped handle, bird- shaped spont, cylindrical stem and circnlar loot. Height, 10 inches. 84 — Se\'ENTeenth Century Paduan Bronze JNIortar Cylindrical shajje, with straight spreading sides and molded rim. The body decorated in relief with masks and vertical bands of scrolling, the base with a band of scrolling. One twisted, looped handle. Height, 4^ ^ inches: Jin meter, (5 inches. 85 — Sixteenth Century Italiax Ei{()x;iE Ewi.k Pear-shaped body, with incurved neck, molded rim and circular molded stem, and two scrolled looped handles terminating in scrolled masks. The curviui)' spout is molded as a grotesque winged head with ojjen mouth. Height, 15 inches. 8(5 — SixTEEXTir Cexti'kv Itai.iax 1?u()xze Kwek Pear-shaped body, with incurved neck, circular foot and over- handle formed of two voluted scrolls starting from masks at the sides and with a shield charged with the ^Medici coat-of- arms in the center. Curved sj)out with dragon's head mouth and acanthus-leaf em'ichment. Hiifjiit. 'I'l inches 87 — Sevextkkxtii C'i;xti'ky Fi.okkxtixk Bkoxzk Ewkr Ovolo-shaped hody. with incurved rim and molded foot, fixed .scrolled and molded over-handle sprin<)int>' from satyr masks, and straight spout suppoi-ted by win<>ed (xreeian sphinx head with shaped escutcheon below. Ilcii/ht, .'{() inches. 88 — Skyexteextii CExiria- 1* lOKi'.xrixE Kkoxze ^NIoktak Cylindrical sluq^e, with curved sjjreading sides and molded rim and foot. The body is decorated, in low relief, with festoons of <>Tapes and vine leaves and bands of scrollin,<>s and acanthus leaves. Two scrolled and voluted loo])ed handles. Ili'xjhi, ISl-. inches; duuiiefer, 17'' inches. 89 — Pakman Bkonze JNIoktar Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides and molded rim inscribed in raised letters with the names of the maker, "ioseph MONTANARi," and the owner, "dominico baborini." The body decorated, in relief, with festoons of fruits, birds and putto masks. Molded foot, decorated with masks and acanthus leaves, and two projecting handles. Hciglit, 13Vi' inches; diameter, 1.5 inches. (Illustrated) 90 — Eighteenth Century Florentine Bronze Mortar Cylindrical shape, with curved sjireading sides and molded rim and foot. Body decorated, in low relief, with scrolled oval me- dallion enclosing a cherub, with scrcjlled strapwork and acanthus leaves and with incised name, "maxa'el baragi.i," and date, "1761." Two scrolled, voluted and looped handles. Height, l-t inelies; diameter, 1414 inches. {Illustrated) 91 KlGHlTLENTH CeNTURV ItALIAN BroXZE MoRTAR Cylindrical shaj^e, with cin-\ed spreading sides and molded rim and foot. Body inscribed, in raised letters, "A. S. R. F. 1761." Two looped handles formed as nude female caryatids. Height, 14 inches; diameter, ISl/^ inches. {Illustrated) 92 — Florentine Bronze Mortar Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides and rim deco- rated, in low relief, with bands of scrollings and floral festoons. The body with the names of the maker, "carlo RUt'iNi," and the owner, "bartolo-nieo buscioni," with the date "mdccliii." Molded foot, decorated, in low relief, with rosettes and acanthus leaves. Two looped handles. Height, 1.5 inches; diamrter, I8V2 inches. {Illustrated) 93 — Seventeenth Century 1'aduan Bronze JNIortar Cylindrical shape, with curved spreading sides and molded rim and foot. Body decorated, in relief, with shaped escutcheon, charged with the Piccolomini coat-of-arms and flanked by quatrefoil medallions and acanthus-leaf scrollings and by a fes- toon of tigs and leoves. Two scrolled and Ioo])ed handles. Height. 18 iiielies; diameter, 21 inches. {Illustrated) 1)4 — FiiTKEXTH Century Fi.orkxtine Ekoxze Statuette i?v da Bologna Fi<>'ure of ^lercurv wt'ariiif>- the "petasiis," or winded cap. witli his left arm raised. Shown to tlie knees only. On cylindrical pedestal. l)y (iiovanni da Holoyiia ( l.VJ8-l(;()8) . Ill it/lit. ()l '( iiiihes. 'J'liis is t'l-oin ;i study in wax for the hirf^c hi-on/u fii^uri' inocK-k'd by (iioxanni da liolof^na in 15(')4. (Illiistnitfd) Ho — Sixteenth Century Florentine Bronze Statuette Figure of "Silence." Standing figure of a Avoman in classical robes, with lier right hand on her hip and her left with out- stretched finger raised to her lips. Height, (i\\ inrlu's. TIktc is a striking rcstuiblaiicL' hitwriii tills figure and a (h'awing by lAiiiii Beinardino in the Louvre. {lUuxt ratal) 9(5 — Sixteenth Century Florentine I^ronze Fujure by da Bologna Figure of a Bacchus, shown as a nude youth holding in liis outstretched right hand a wine cup and in his left hand a hunch of grapes. On circular hase, di-uin-shaped bronze pedestal, decorated with festoons of drapery and three j)aw feet. By Giovanni da Bologna ( l.j-JS-KUIS) . Hcif/Iit, S iiii-Jiis. This is a ])ortrait of ^NForgante. tlie Court Duai-f of ("osiino I de' INIediei, as Bacelius. Anotlier example is in tlie Herhn .Museum. Illustratech Catalogue. Plate X\'. {llhixtriital) \ r i 97 — Sixteenth Century Italian Bkonze Equestrian Figure (School of Riccio) Figure of a bearded man, with his right arm held out and bearing on his shoulders a cornucopia. Seated on a horse with elaborate tra])piiigs. On hexagonal shaped base with plinth decorated, in low relief, with honeysuckles and scroUings and supported by three sejant lions. By a jnipil of Andrea Briosco (IlKiccio). Height, 8V2 inches. Anotlur example is in tlic Berlin Museum. Illustrated. Cata- logue, Plate XX. 98 — Late Sevextekxtii C'extuky Itaeiax Broxze Statuette Equestrian figure. Bare-lieaded and carrying a drawn sword in his right hand, while tlie left holds the reins aloft. The horse has a saddle-clotli and its arched tail is tied with a ribhon. On an oval pedestal, probably Paduan of the fifteenth century, broken at the angles by four caryatid figures with tapering ter- minations. ]Molded cornice, and base and body decorated with acanthus scrolls arranged in quatrefoil. Height, 1-i inches. 1)9 — FiiTKKNTH C'kxti'kv I'adi'ax Ukonzk Staitkttk l^'igure of Atlas heariufi' the world. Xiulc figure of a bearded man, seated upon the stump of a tree and suj)porting on his shoulders, with both arms raised, a olohe. On molded oval bronze base. Gilded. Iltii/lif, () iiichc.i. 100 — Fifteenth Century Paduan Buoxze Candlestick by Ie Kiccio Kneeling fi<)in'e of a satyr with goat's heard, a horn appearing from liis forehead, and goat's lioofs, and with his head thrown haek. hokhng in one hand a vase-slun)ed acanthns-leaf deco- rated candle-socket. Snpjxirted on a triangidar stand encircled by a band of foliage ornamentation and with three paw feet. By Andrea Briosco 11 Riccio (U70-1.j:32) . Height, 10 inches. 101 — Sixteenth Century Fi,(juentink Gilt Bronze Siaiuette Figure of Hercules. Standing, di-aped from the waist down- ward witli his hon's skin thrown over liis left shoulder and hold- ing his elul) in his right hand. In his outstretched left hand he holds the three golden apples of Ilesperides. On s(juare hase. Completely gilt. Height, 8' J inches. 102 — Fjiteextii C'kxtuuv Fi.ohkxtixk Bkoxzk STATri/rn: by Saxsovixo Full-lenotli fi inches. ( Illustrated) 114 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Wrought-iron Basin Stand Standard of spirally twisted iron, with molded I)all knop and l)asin-holder of four branches of strap-iron with voluted ter- minations. On three curved and voluted feet of strap-iron with wrought-iron ball pendant. Height, 28 inches. {Ilhist rated) 115 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Wrought-iron Basin Stand Of tripod form, with circular basket top and three legs of scrolled and voluted strap-iron. Triangular base, with three scrolled and voluted legs of strap-iron. {lUiintrated) Height, 31 iiiehes. 116 — Sixteenth Century Florentine AVrought-iron Basin Stand Of tripod form, with circular top and three legs of strap-iron of scrolled and voluted design. Triangular base and three curved and voluted feet of strap-iron. Height, t}\ inches. {Illustrated) 117 — SixTKKXTii Centi'uv Flokextixe Wuoi'taiT-iiiox Staxi) Of tripod form, with triangular top and three stanchirds of scrolled and voluted design of wrouglit stra[)-iron. Triangular base and three scrolled and voluted feet of strap-iron. Height, ;52 inchcx. 118 FiFTKEXTH CkXTURY Fl.OKKXTlXE WrOUGHT-IKOX IJaSIX- HOLDER Basin-liolder of pointed and serrated leaves, s(|uare ii-oii bar standard witli oetagonal kiioj), and tripod base witb enrved and straight legs and spreading feet. Height, .'5() hicht's. 119 — Fifteenth Centuky Florentine Wrought-iron Stand Formed of three radiating iron bars, supported by cm'ved brack- ets, one terminating in mask, two in voluted scrolls and all three sujiporting loose iron rings. The three triangular-shaped wings are occupied by shields surrounded by wrought-iron leafage, and end in scrolled hoops. The standard is square and enriched with pointed leaves and the tripod base is formed of carved and straight legs ending in paw feet. Height, .'J.'S inches. 120 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Wrought-iron Stand Formed of three radiating iron bars, sujjjjorted by curved brack- ets, one terminating in mask, two in \'oluted scrolls and all three supporting loose iron rings. The three triangidar-shaped wings are occupied by shields surroimded by wrought-irt)n leafage, and end in scrolled hoops. The standard is square and enriched with pointed leaves and the tripod base is formed of carved and straight legs ending in paw feet. Height. 35 inche.i. [lUust rated) 121 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Wrought-iron Stand Formed of three radiating iron bars, supported by curved brack- ets, one terminating in mask, two in \oluted scrolls and all three su2)porting loose iron rings. The three triangular-shaped wings are occu])ied by shields surrounded by wrought-iron leafage, and end in scrolled hoojjs. The standard is scjuare and enriched with ])()inted leaves and the tripod l)ase is formed of carved and straight legs ending in paw feet. Height. 35 iiiehe.t. (Illustrated) 122 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Wrougiit-irox Stand Formed of three radiating iron bars, su])portc(l by curved brack- ets, one terminating in mask, two in voluted scrolls and all three supporting loose iron rings. The three triangular-shaped wings are occupied by shields siu'roimded by wrought-iron leafage, and end in scrolled hoops. The standard is scjuare and enriched Avith pointed leaves and the tripod base is formed of carved and straight legs ending in paw feet. Height, 35 inehes. {Illustrated) 123 — Pair of Fifteenth Centuky Florentine Wrougiit-iron Andirons Baluster-shaped standards, witli ball knops and incised pattern- ing of conventional foliage, large acorn finials and molded bases. On trefoil arched feet of wrought strap-iron with incised pat- ternings. In front are wrought-iron l)raekets with acorn finials. Height, 33 inches. 124 — Pair of Fifteenth Centuky Florentine WRorcaiT-iRON Andirons Baluster-shaped standards, witli l)all knops and incised pat- ternings of conventional leaf design. In front are ciu'ved bal- uster-shaped brackets with leaf finials. On trefoil arched feet of wrought iron witli incised patternings. Hright, ti'2 inches. 12o — Pair of Fifteenth Centuky Florentine Andirons Square standards, ending- in volutes with voluted s parte, or brackets, and arched feet with trefoil scrollings. Height, -iO inches. {Illiist rated) 126 — Earey Fifteenth Century Florentine Wrox^ght-iron Washstand liasin-liolder of four scrolled Hat iron arms, square standard with sfjuare knop, on tripod stand of scrolled bar-iron and strap-iron legs and spreading feet supporting a square bar vertical standard with scrolled top and arm from which hangs a basin-shaped bronze water foinitain. Height, 61 inches. ( III II. '<1 rated) <^^ // ^5p ££j:' 127 PaIU of Fll'TEEXTII CkXTUKY Fl.OKKXTIXK AxDlltOXS Standards of .s(iuare iron bars witli hcxfled kiiops, spoiic. or brackets, of wrougbt-iroii rinos, with l)all fiiiials and smaller In-ackets below. Arched and trefoil scrolled feet. IliiyJit, .")() iiiclics. 128 — Paik of Futkkxtii C'r.xTi'UY Fi.okkntine WuoutiiiT-iuox TORCHEKES Standards of sj)irally twisted flat iron, circular hobeches, with scalloijed ajirons supported by curved iron brackets and crowned with trefoil serolhu^s, and trii)od l)ases of scrolled flat iron. Height, (i.'Jl^ inches. 129 — Pair of Sixtkknth Cextuky Flokentixe Wkougiit-ikon Torcheres Standards of round iron bars witli (l()ul)lc balustcr-sliaped kno])s; saucer-shaped hobeches supported by scrolled strap-iron brackets and pointed prickets. On tripod bases formed of scrolled and voluted strap-iron legs, enriched by spiral tendrils and bronze vase-shaped finials. H tight, 5 feet ^ inches. 130 — Pair Early Fiftekxth Century Florentine Wrougiit- iRON Torcheres Standards of wrou<^ht-iron bars: circular boheches, witb scal- loped aprons supported by cin-ved iron bar brackets. On trij^od bases with straight legs ending in spreading feet. Height, 5 feet '.i iiu-hcs. 131 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Florentine ^Vuouca^T-IRON Torcheres Standards of rounded iron bars, with pear-shaped knops. Cir- cular bobeches with scalloped and pierced aprons, supported by scrolled brackets, pointed prickets, and tripod stands of scrolled flat iron bars. {lU list rat id) Height, 63 inches. 132 — Early Fifteenth Cextuky Wkouciit-irox Torciikhe Standard of a square iron bar, the upper seetiou wrouglit with spiral ribbon ein'ielmient, circular bobeche with scalloped apron supported on a pointed-leaf collar by three twisted iron bars. pointed candle pricket and trijxwl base of Hat iron bars and pointed leaves. H light, G;J inches. 133- -FlFTEENTH CeNTURY FeoUENTINE WkOUGHT-IKOX FiKE Screen Formed of two sciuare iron bar standards, with knops of pointed leaves and curved pistils, terminating in sporte, or brackets, of iron rings with flat scrolled iron side, connected above by a round-arched brace of scrolled iron and below by two parallel square bars, fitted in with flat iron scrollings. On arched feet of fiat iron with incised patterning. Height, -t'i inches; xcidth, 381/. inches. 134 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Cast-iron Fire Uack In the I'orni of an architectural tablet with round-arched pedi- ment supported l)y volutes. Above is a winged mask, in low relief, and below a shaped molded escutcheon enclosing a female figure. On sipiare molded base. lIcKjIit, '1^ inches: wiilfli, 25 inclics. 135 — SiXTKKxrii Ckxti'uy Fi.okkxtixk Cast-ikox l^'iKK Hack Sliaped as a rectan<^'ular tablet with molded frame, l)roken and cliamfered angles and arelied top. Flanked by voluted braekets and .siu'mounted by voluted serollin^s. Interior modeled, in low relief, with an oval eoat-of-arms of the Delia Rovere quartered with those of the Belnionte families, framed in a wreath of oak leaves and aeorns and surrounded by seven daneing and play- ing putti, flying draperies and serollings. IJelow is a serolled tablet with the date, pai'tly obliterated by the aetion of the tire, "M. D. ? ?" Iliir/ltt. 85 iiiclics; icidth, -i'Z inches. 136 — SixTKEX'rii Ckntuky Fi.okkxtixk Wkought-ikox Fkxdkr Formed of a plinth of wrought iron, with molded border top and bottom, serolled and voluted with a tin-ned handle in the eenter. Ihii/lit, ii iiiflics; icidth, 25 inches. SECOND AFTERNOON'S SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 191H AT THE A^IERICAX ART GALLERIES ]5K(iixxix(; AT iJ.SO o'clock FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURY BRONZE PLAQUETTES 137 — Fifteenth CENTURy Italian Ruonze Flaquettp: Octayoiiiil shaped. ^lodeled, in low relief, with a Crucifixion realistically treated, 'i'he cross in the center and many Dis- ciples, Roman soldiers and Jewish pi'iests stand around it. Hiiyht, I'o inches. 138 — Fifteenth Century Italian Ekonze Plaquetti-: Irregular oblono- shape. JModeled, in low relief, with an al- legorical subject of a reclining female figure. After an antique gem. I^fii- off Dejanira. Hy II Modenio (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). lliiAS-KKI,1KI' JNIodeled, in low relief, without hackground, with a standing figiu'e of the Virgin, holding on her left arm the undraped C'liild Christ. On octagonal base, denoting its oi'iginal use as a tinial. H(i(/lit. .■{ iiirlic.i. 14G FllTEKXTH CkXTI'HY I'aDI'AX liuOXZE Pl^AQl'KTTK 1!Y Fol'l'A Rectangular sha])e, with molded frame. jNIodeled. in low relief, with a suhject of a "Flagellation." Christ tied to a column, forming a colonnade surmounted hv a rich entablature, is heing scourged by two Roman soldiers. By Anibrogio Fo])pa (14.")2- 1.526). Height, '2^>/\ inches; xcidth. '1 iiirJies. Other cxain])les arc in the I.oiivre ami Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate L\'III. The plaquette closely resembles Man- tegna's eiigraxing of tlii' "l''lagellatioii." ( Bartsch, No. I.) 147 — FiKTEEXTii Ckxtuuy Ir.M.iAX Bkoxze Bas-kki.ief Shaped in the form of a Tabernacolo frame, with circular pedi- ment and cornice, pilasters and molded base. Occupied by a round-arched niche, modeled, in low relief, with the figure of the Virgin adoi'ing the Child Christ. Height, .'Jl,4 iiiehes; xcidth, I'o inches. 148 — FiFTEEXTii Cextury Pisax Bkoxze Bas-reijef Shaped as a trefoiled and pointed-arched panel flanked by two Gothic buttresses, surmounted by a pointed crocketcd gable and pierced and modeled, in low relief, with a figure of Christ on the cross with the Virgin and St. .Tohn on either side. Height, .'}! o inches; xcidth. '1 inches. Another very similar exani])le in the Berlin Museum. Illustrated. Catalogue, Plate XXXVII. 149 — Fifteenth Cextuky Italian Bronze Pi„\quette by Enzola Oval shape, with raised horder. IModeled, in low relief, with "St. George and the Draf>on." The Saint, on horsehaek, is transfixing the Dragon with his spear, while in the hackground kneels the daughter of the king of Lydia. By Giovanni Fran- cesco Enzola (Fifteenth Century). Diameter, 2 inches. Other examples are in tlie I^ouvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate XLIX. {Ilhistrntrtl) I.'jO — Sixteenth Century Florentine Bronze Pi,aquette Rectangular shape. JNIodeled with a standing figure of the Virgin holding the Child Christ, to whom a standing infant St. John tenders fruit. Heif/hf, 2-;4 inches; xeidth, l-;4 inches. (IlhistnifeJ) 1.51 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Bronze Pi^aquette Rectangular shape. ^lodeled, in low relief, with an allegorical figure in sixteenth century costinne, holding a scepter. Height, "i-;/; inches; width, 1">4 inches. {Illustrated) 152 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Bronze Plaquette Rectangular shape. ^Modeled with an allegorical figure of Time carrying his symholic scythe and holding an infant in his arms. Height, .'5 inches; u-idth, '2^^ inches. {Illustrated) 1.53 — Sixteenth Century Nuremberg Bronze Plaquette by Flotner Symbolic figaire of "^Nlusic." A female figure in loose robe playing upon a pipe. In front of her is an t)rgan. Background ■pointillc in scrolls. By Peter Flotner (d. 1.54(J) of Xuremherg. Anotlier exam])le, in lead, is in tlie Medi.-eval Room of tlie Britisli IMuseuni. Illustrated, (Juide, Fig. 1(5(5. {lUust rated) 1.54 Fll'TKKXTH CkXTUUY Fi-OKKNTIXK EkoXZK l^I.AQl'KT'n". It ectan (pillar shape. JNIodeled. in low relief, witli a Baccha- nalian siihject of Silenus riding' ii])on a lion with rnins in the hackgToiind. H('i(/ht. .'3 iiirlu'x: rciiltJi, '2\'^ inches. 155 — FiFTEEXTH Ckxtukv Fi.okkxtixk Broxze Pi.aquette l{ectan<>'n!ar shaj^e. JNIodeled, in low relief, with a Baccha- nalian snhject of Silenus astride a wine-harrel, with satyrs and an ape. Hi'ujlit. .'J iiiclus; zciiltli. 21,4 iiicltf.s. loG — FiFTEEXTii Cextuky Paduax Bkoxze Peaquktte liectangular shape. ISIodeled, in low relief, with a square panel sin-rounded hy a scrolled border and occupied by a seated figure of the Virgin with the undraped Child Christ on her lap. On either side stand l)oy angels. By an anonymous follower of Mantegna. H(i(/Jit, .'{ inrht's: -icidth, 21 4 inclics. 157 Fn-TEEXTH CeXTI'UY XoKTir ItAI.IAX BuoNZE Bl't'KEE Oval shape, with i'raiiie formed of a wreath, ])iilli and scrollings. "" ' ^v Within is a half-length figure, modeled in low i-clicf. of Judith ^ holding the head of Ilolofernes. Hvi(/lit. '.i iiiclus. 158 — FiiTKKXTn Ci'.XTritY Fi.oukxtink Bkoxzk Plaqi^'Vite Kcctangular sliape. Clodded, in low relief, with a liacchanalian suhjeet of Sileiius ii])on an ass supported l)y Haeeliantes. IIci()ht, .'5 Inches; icidtli, "Jl/'i '"<■/"'■'• 159 — FiFTF.EX'rir Ckxtuuy Floukxtixk Bkoxzk Pi.aqukttk Keetaiigiilar shape. ^Modeled, in low relief, with a Baeehanalian subjeet of nude Haeehantes di'inkiiiic and an Ass. Hiic/lif. -i inrlits; iciiltJi. 2V4 inches. KiO — Fn-i'KKxrn CKXTrKV Paduax Lead Pi.aqukttk i?y Riccio Reetano'ular-shaped, with ehanifered angles. INIodeled, in low relief, with a standing figni-e of Venus attended by Cupid, who stands elasping her knee. After an antitjue gem. By Andrea Brioseo— 11 Kieeio (1470-1.532). Height, 374 incites; iciilfli, '2\'i incites. OtluT Lxainjiks iire in tlic Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated in the Berlin Catalogue. Itil — SixTKKNTii Ckxtuhy Xouth Ii'.vliax Bkoxzk Pi.aquktte HY JMoDKKXO Iteetangidar shape. ^Modeled, in low relief, with a figure of St. Sebastian shown as a nude youth pierced with arrows, his hands tied behind his back to a Renaissance column. 3Iodeled by II iModerno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). Iliii/hf, '.i inches; zcidtlt, 21/^ inches. OHur examples are in llie I,()U\ri' anil Hie Bei'lin ^luseunrs. Illus- trated, No. liS2, in Molinier's "I'lacjuettes," and Berlin Catalogue, Plate LI. 162 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Bronze Peaquette Rectangular shape. IModeled, in low relief, with an allegorical figure of a Xyiiiph reading a hook. IIii(/Jit, ;5 iiiclns: xddlh. "Jl \ inches. 1(53 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Euonxe Peaquette Rectangular shape. jNIodeled, in low relief, with an allegorical figure of "Truth" shown as a winged female gazing in a INIirror. Hc'ii/hf, .'5 'niches : xchlih. '2^'\ iiirhrs. 164< — Sixteenth Century Florentine Bronze Peaquette Rectangular shape. INIodeled, in low relief, with an allegorical figure synil)oli'/,ing Architecture shown as a Xvnij)h with her foot on a glohe and holding a pair of Compasses. Hc'icfht, .'3 inches: rcidth. '2^\ inches. 16.5 — Sixteenth Centi'ry North Italian Bronze Peaquette Rectangular shape, with raised frame. INIodeled, in low I'elief, with a suhject, "A Roman Trium])h." ^Vrmed men, some bear- ing trophies, while others on horseback are issuing from the gate of a city. By one of the school of JModerno. Hei(jht. 2 inches: -icidth. '•) inches. OthcT examples are in tlie T.ouvrc and lUrlin Alusiuin-i. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate \A\ . l(i(j — Sixteenth Centuuy Flohextixe Bronze I'laqi'ette Hectanyular sliapc. ^Modeled, in low relief, with an allegorical figure of "Truth" gazing in a mirror. Hdiilar sliape. ^lodeled witli an alle — SiXTEEXTii Cextuhv Kj.ohf.xtixe Buoxze ]'j,A(JUETTE I{cctanouvie and Berlin jNIuseunis. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate LIV. 188 — Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Pi,aquette i5y Biccio Rectangular shape with raised frame. INIodeled, in low relief, with a figure of St. Roch standing in a landscape, with build- ings and figures in the distance. He holds a Pilgrim's staff and hat in his left hand, and with the right he points to the plague spot on his thigh. By Andrea del Briosco — II Riccio (1470-1532). Height, 3 inches; zcirlth, 2y^ inches. IMolinier gives this plaque unhesitatingly to Vlocrino, whom he identifies with Riccio. Other examjiles are in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate LXI. 189 — IjAte Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Plaquette Rectangular shape. INIodeled, in low relief, with a standing- figure of St. Jerome with the symbolic lion at his feet. Signed "vlocrino." By Andrea Briosco — II Riccio (1470-1.532). Height, -i inches; zcicUh, 2 inches. Other examples are in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated in Molinier's "Plaquettes," No. 248. M. IMolinier has identified the plaquettes signed "N'locrino" as heing hy Briosco (II Riccio). 186 — FouRTKENTH Century Italiax Bronze Bas-kei.ief Formed as a Tabernacolo frame with pointed pediment the tj'mpanum oecupied by a cherub with floral finial, two voluted pilasters and acanthus-leaf apron. The frame encloses a figure of Clirist in ecclesiastical robes and wearing a mitre on the cross. In the angles are winged angels. Tlie Clirist represents the famous ^\)lto Santo of the lAicca Cathedral. Height, 3 incliex. 187 — Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Plaquette Rectangular shape. Modeled, in low relief, with an elaborate "Deposition from the Cross." I^eaning against the arms of the cross are two ladders, on each of which stands a Disciple, one lifting down the body of our I^ord, the other receiving it. Around the foot of the cross are other figures. By a Paduan follower of Mantegna, after an engraving by Andrea JNIan- tegna (Bartsch, No. 4). Height, '2"'/x inches: icidth, 2 inchcx. Other examples are in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate LIV. 188 — Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Pi.aqiette by Riccio Rectangular shape with raised frame. INIodeled, in low relief, with a figure of St. Roch standing in a landscape, with build- ings and figures in the distance. He holds a Pilgrim's staff and hat in his left hand, and with the right he points to the plague spot on his thigh. By Andrea del Briosco — II Riccio (1470-1532). Height, 3 inches; width, 214 inches. Molinier frivcs this plaque unhesitatingly to Mocrino, whom he identifies with Riccio. Other examples are in the I.ouvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate l^XI. 189 — I.ATE Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Plaquette Rectangular shape. IModeled, in low relief, with a standing- figure of St. Jerome with the symbolic lion at his feet. Signed "VLOCRINO." By Andrea Briosco — II Riccio (1470-1532). Height, 3 inches: xcidth, 2 inches. Other cxamjilcs are in the I.ouvrc and Berlin Museums. Illustrated in Molinier's "Plaqucttes," No. 248. ;M. Molinier has identified the plaquettes signed "Vlocrino" as being by Briosco (II Riccio). 190 — Late I'iftkkxtii Ckxtuky North Itauax Bkoxzk l*r,A- QUETTK BY MoDKUXO Rectangular shajje, with raised frame. ^Modeled, in low relief, with a figure of "Hercules Strangling the Xeniean I^ion." Adapted hy II INIoderno from a Syracusan gold coin of the fifth centiny B.C. Hiighf, .'J iiiclies; icidth. "JVi inches. Otlicr examples are in the Louvre, tlie Wallace Gallery and the Berlin Museums. Illustrated, No. 198, in Molinier's "Plaquettes," and Berlin Catalogue, Plate LII. (Ilhisfnitcd) 191 — Sixtj;extii Century North Italian Bronze Peaquette by mouerno Rectangular shape. Modeled, in low relief, with a figin-e of St. Sehastian shown as a nude youth pierced with arrows, his hands tied hehind his hack to a Renaissance colunni. By II iNIoderno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). Height, .'5 inches; xeidth, 21/^ inches. Other exani])les are in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated, No. LS'i, in :\Iolinier"s "Phuiuettes" and Birlin Cataloi-ue, Plate IJ. (lUnslratcLl) 192 — FiETEEXTH Century North Itaeiax Bronze Peaquette by MODERNO Rectangular shape, with molded frame. Clodded, in low relief, with a suhject of a "Pieta." The upright, undraped hody of Christ shown to the waist and su})porte(l hy JNIary Magdalene and St. John. Flanked hy two candelahra supporting, hy a festoon tied with scrolled rihhons, a tahlet with the Sacred Monogram. Below, the sculptured front of the tomh forms a dado. By 11 INIoderno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries). Height. ;{' I inches: u-idtJi. •Jl', inches. Another example Is in tiie Berlin Museum. Illustrated. Catalogue, Plate L. 193 — Fifteenth Cextuuy Fi.okextixk Bkoxze Pi.aquette Kectaiiht Apollo stands with his lyre and a miniature figure kneeling at his feet imploring mercy for Marsyas. xVfter an anticjue in Lorenzo de' Medici's col- lection. Hci(/Iit, .'5 incJu'.t; width, 'il^ iuclics. Aiiotlier example is in the Iki-liii Museum. Illustrated i)i Cata- logue. 194 — Fifteenth Cextuky ^'R'EXZIAX Bkonze Peaquette by Belli Rectangidar shape, with raised frame. Modeled, in low relief, with an "Ascension." Ahove, a standing figure of Christ in the clouds with His right hand upraised, and flanked by angels. Below, the empty tomb, with Roman soldiers seated beside it asleep. Gilded. By Valerio Belli — called Valerio Vicentino (14C5-1.)46). Hn(/lit. ;}i/t inches. Other exanijiles are in the Louvie and Ikrjin .Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Cataloftue, Plate LIV. 19.5 — Fifteenth Century Ferrakese Bronze Plaquette by Castelbolognese Rectangular shape, with round arched top. Alodeled, in low relief, with a subject of the Adoration of the Magi. The Vir- gin, with the Child Christ on her lap, sits on the left, with St. Joseph behind her. Before her kneels Caspar, with his crown by his side, offering a vase, while behind him stand Balthasar and ^lelehior holding their offerings. In the background is a gabled building, and above, a star with a guiding ray of light By Giovanni Bernardi da Castelbolognese (11<96-1.).'33) . Height. 4 inelies: xcidt]!, '21^ inches. Otlier exani]5les in the Louvre and Berlin ^Museums. Illustrated. Cataloffue, Plate LXIX. 196 — Fifteenth Century Itai.iax Broxze Plaquette Rectangular shajje. 3Iodeled, in low relief, with a "Deposi- tion." The Virgin and St. John at the foot of the cross, sup- porting and weeping over the body of Christ. Height, 3 inc]ies; width, 2lo inches. 197 — Early Fifteexth Century P.aj.uax Bronze Plaquette Rectangular shape. IModeled, in low relief, with a subject of the Crucifixion. Beneath a triple Gothic arched canopj' is a figure of Christ on the Cross with His hands outspread, as though in benediction. At the foot of the cross is ]Marv ]Mag- dalene and on either side Discijjles. In tlie background are Jewish Priests. Surmounted by a scrolled cresting. Height, .'Jiy4 iiiclus. 198 — Sixteenth Century Paduan Bronze Bas-relief In the form of a Tabernacolo frame, with round arch sur- mounted by a palmette finial supported by twin pilasters on a molded base. Occupied by a figure of the Virgin seated on an elaborate throne holding the Child Christ on her lap and sur- rounded by cherubim with figures of St. Francis and other saints on either side and two kneeling figures below. By a Paduan Master influenced by Mantegna. Height, -i inches; xcidth, '2 inches. Other examples are in tlic Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate XLVI. 199 — Fifteenth Century North Italian Bronze Plaquette by Moderno Rectangular shape, with molded frame. IModeled, in low re- lief, with a "Pieta." The upright, undraped body of Christ shown to the waist and supi^orted by INIary INIagdalene and St. John. Flanked by two candelabra sujjporting, by a festoon tied with scrolled ribbons, a tablet with the Sacred 3IonogranL Below, the sculptured front of the tomb forms a dado. By II Moderno (Fifteenth and Sixteenth CentiuMcs). Height, .3 inches; xcidth, 2\'-. inches. Anotlier example is in the Berlin ^Museum. Illustrated. Catalogue, Plate L. 200 — Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Plaquettf: Rectangular shape. Modeled, in low relief, with a ])anel sur- rounded by a scrolled border and occupied by a "Picta." The upright body of Christ, seen to the waist, supported on either side by the Virgin and St. John. AVith an inscription below "o domine iesv &c." By an anonymous follower of JSIantegna. Height, t'}^^ "lehes; xcidth, 21^ inches. Other examples are in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalo70). Height, 3 inches. (lUiistrated) 208 — Fifteenth Century Italian Bronze Bas-relief by Rossel- LINO Modeled, in low relief and without background, with three- quarter-length figure of the Virgin seated and supporting on her knee the Child Christ dressed in a tunic and holding a bird in His hand. By Antonio Rossellino (14.27-14.79). Height, 514 ii'ches. {Illustrated) 209 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Bronze Bas-relief Modeled, in low relief and without background, with the seated figure of the Virgin with her right hand ui)raised. She sup- ports on her lap the Child Christ, who holds in His hand some fruit He has taken from a dish presented to Him by an infant St. John the Baptist. Height, 4 incJies. (Ilhist rated) lilO — Sixteenth Ckntiky Fj.okkxtixk liuoNZK Plaquette by Saxsovixo Rectangular .shape. ^Modeled, in low reliel'. with a siil)jeft of "Our Lady of I^oreto." The ligure of the \'irgin seated on the roof of a chin-ch and holding on her knee the erect figiu'e of the Child Christ. In the distance is the Campanile of the Chie.sa della Casa Santa, at Loreto, and helow are cheruhini. By Jacopo Tatti — II Sansovino ( 148(')-1.J7()) . Hc'u/ht. 4';/4 iiiclifs; icidtli. i iiiclics. AiiotlRT cxiuiipk' is in tlii' Ikriiii Mustum. Illust rutid, Catalogue Mate LXXXII. !1] — Fifteenth CEXTriiV Xoktii Italian Huoxze Pi.aqi-kttk l{ectangular shape, with molded frame. Modeled, in low re- lief, with a "Dcjjosition in the Tomh." The disciples and Holy Women laying the hody of Christ in tlie tomh. In the distance is Golgotha. ci-()wned with crosses. Com])letely gilded. Ildouvre and Berlin ]\Iuseums. Illustrated, Berlin Catalogue, Plate LXXI. {lUust rated) 216 — Fifteenth Century INIilanese Bronze Plaquette Rectangular shape. INIodeled, in low relief, with a hust por- trait in profile of Gian Galeazzo Visconti. shown as a young man, clean shaven save for a pointed goatee and dressed in a closely buttoned jerkin. Inscribed, in raised Roman letters, "lOANNES GALEAc'ivs." Possihly hy Vittore Pisano — Pisanello (1380-14r)l). Height, 61 o inches; uidth, .5 inches. Of Gian Galeazzo A'isconti, the great Duke of Milan who for seven- teen years (138.5-1 402) threatened the freedom of all Italy, Pisano made a famous medal which has now disappeared. There is a silver- point portrait of Gian Galeazzo by Pisano in the Louvre. It is highly probable that, as Signor Bardini believes, this is the only example of this plaquette in existence. {niustratcd) 217 — Fifteenth Century Italian Bronze Bas-reeief In the form of a Taberiuicolo fi-ame. Circular pediment, cor- nice and frieze supported by j^ilasters witli fifTures of saints on either side and molded base with scrolled plinth. Enclosing a figure, modeled in low relief, of the seated A'irgin holding the Child Christ. Gilded. Height, 4 inches; K'idth, 2yu inches. 218 — liATE Fifteenth Century Boeognese Plaquette Rectangular shajae. Modeled, in low relief, with an "Entomb- ment." The undraped figure of Christ being laid into the tomb by figure in tight-fitting costume. At either side stand the Virgin and St. John. In the distance, on one side, is Golgotha, with the three crosses, and above are clouds. By an anonymous Bolognese artist. IlciyJit. -i[._. iiicJies; icidth, 4 inches. AnotlitT cxami)Ie is in tliu Ikrliii Muscuin. Illustrated. Cata- logue, Plate lAX. 219 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Bas-relief ky da Malvno In the form of a Tabernacolo frame with round-arched top, square molded pilasters and molded base. Occupied with a figure of the Virgin seated on a throne under a shell canopy and holding the undraped Child Christ on her lap. By Bene- detto da Maiano (1442-1497). Height, 5 inches; width, 2^4 inches. Other examples are in the Louvre and Berlin Museums. Illustrated. Berlin Catalogue, Plate XLV. 220 — Fifteenth Century Paduan Bronze Plaquette Rectangidar shape, with round-arched top. INIodeled, in low relief, with a figure of the ^"irgin looking to the left and holding on her lap the undraped Child Christ, surrounded by cherubim. INIounted as a Pax in a Tabernacolo frame, with pointed pedi- ment surmoimted by a figure of the Deity holding an orb and flanked by figures of St. Gal)riel and the Virgin. Frieze incised with an Ave ]Maria inscription and supported by two cylin- drical Doric pilasters. Broken base and plinth incised with Eatin inscription. At the sides are panels of niello work. Par- tially gilded. By a Paduan master influenced by Mantegna. Height, (i inches. (Illustrated) No. 220 FlP'TEEXTU ('kXTLKV I'aiHAX IJuoNZi; PL.\(ilETTE 221 — Fu'TEENTH Century Fi/)Kextixe Buoxzi: Pi.aquette by VEliliOCCHIO I?L'C'tun<4ular .sha2)e. JModelcd. in low relief', with a "Deposi- tion." The undrajied body of Christ being lowered to the ground l)y weeping women and Disciples. In the l)ackoTound is the cross, treated decoratively rather than realistically. By Andrea Verroccbio ( 14..32-U88) . Hch/ht. 5 iiuliis; -icidtli. 'i^o inrhc.s. Ulliisf ratal) 222 — Fifteenth Centuky Fj^okentine liuoNZE Plaquette 15y MonERNO Rectangular shape. ^lodeled, in low relief, with a "Flagella- tion." In the center, tied to a pillar, is Christ, undraped, save for a loin cloth. On either side stand Roman soldiers, partially draped, wielding scourges. By II Aloderno ( Fifteenth and Six- teenth Centuries) . HcU/ht, (Jl/i inches: icidth. 5^4 inches. AnotliLT exaiiijjlL' is in the LouviT Musfuiii. {lllustralcd) 223 — Sixteenth Centuky Feouextixe Buonze Intaueio Seal Circular shape. Intaglio-engraved with a subject of St. Fran- cis of Assisi receiving the Stigmata. The Saint in a monk's robe kneels in the center, with rays proceeding to his out- stretched hands and feet from a winged seraph hovering above him. In the distance are trees, and on the right a church porch with lyco, St. Francis' disciple, standing in the open doorway. Surrounded by a border of inscrijjtion in Lombardic characters. Tills seal was probably in use at the Franciscan Monastery of Assisi. {lUti si rated) 224' — Fifteenth Centuky Italian Bkonze 33as-rei,iee ^lodeled, in low relief and without Ijackgroiind, with a standing figure of the Virgin holding in her arms the iindraped Child Christ. Gilded. Height, 5 incites. (lUuat rated) 225 — Fifteenth Century ^"ENKT1A^• I^konze Has-kei.iee by I^om- BARDI JModeled, in low relief and without haekground, with standing figure of the Virgin holding in her right arm the Child Christ. On semieireidar hraeket. By Tidlio Lomhardi ( 1-K)0-1.>32) . Height . (J inehes. Another exaiiijjlu in tliu Berlin ^luseuni. Illustrated. Catalogue, Plate LXII. (lUust rated) 22G — Eakey Fifteenth Centuky Bas-relief by Donatello Standing figiu'e of the Virgin, with hooded mantle and halo, holding on her left arm the undraped Child Christ. Completely gilded. By Donato de' Bardi— Donatello (1:383-14(5(5). HeigJit, 7 inches. (Ill/ist rated) 227 — Fifteenth Century Italian Bronze Bas-relief by MiCHELOZZI INtodeled in the form of a Tahernaeolo frame with eroeketed Gothie arehed top and "poppy" tinial, paneled pilasters and molded base. Oceupied by a three-quarter-length figure, mod- eled in low relief, of the ^^irgin sui)porting the Child Christ on her left arm. Above are two flying angels holding a crown over her head. By ^lielielozzo JNliehelozzi (139(5-1470). Height. 7 inches; width. 4 inelies. Otlier examples ai"e in the I.ouvrc aiul He rlin Museums. IlUistratetl. Berlin Catalogue, Plate Xl.II. 228 — SixTKKXTH Ckxtury Italian Bkoxzk Pi,aquktte by I^o:\i- BARDI Oval sluqje, with molded Irainc. ^lodekd, in low relict', with an "Assiunjjtion ol' the \"ii\nin," ha\ ing the fi<>nre of the Vir- gin standing, within a iiiandorla. upon a ereseent snpported by a eherul) and sni'ronnded hy a border ol' ehernhini, some of whom are playing upon musieal instrnments. ^Modeled by Tullio Lombardi ( 14()()-ir)32) . Iliiyht. 7 iiirlifs; -cldth. 41.. inches. OtluT t'xaiiipks in the Louvre and Hrrlin Museums. Deserihed in Molinier's "Phuiui ttes," No. J-K). Iliust r.-ited. IJerlin ( '.•it:d()ular niche, with pointed canopy of Gothic arched tracery surrounded by a border of circular holes, siu'niounted by a senii-hexagonal canopy witli carved pendants and cusped pointed arches surmounted by cusped gables and pinnacles, the spandrels occupied by Gothic leaf carvings, trefoils and a painted lialf-length figure of Christ, and Hanked by spiral pil- lared buttresses having pointed-arch panels filled with paint- ings of saints and surmounted by crocketed gables and pin- nacles. On molded and carved stand with octagonal stem; molded knop and octagonal foot, carved M-ith Ciothic leaves and shields. Painted and gilded. Height, ().'5 in^lies. (Illiistrnfrd) •2-1-8 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Pastkjllv Decorated Box Rectangular shape. Hinged lid, with rounded edge, decorated with pastiglia fleuions. Body with molded cornice and base enriched with bands of j)astiglia ornamentation and front deco- rated with a repeat of masks. grotes(|ue figures and acanthus scrolls all in raised pastiglia. Conipletely gilded. H light, 7' -J inches: length, 2.'5 iinliis: -,cialuster-shaped candlesticks mt : n prickets for candles. On molded hexagonal hases. I'mted in natural colors and gilded. Height, i inches. '250 — FitTFJiXTH CeXTUKY Fi.ORKXTIXK CAKVyj), PaINTD AXD Gilt Wood Altar Cross Floriated cross, bordered with carved and gilt acantus-leaf crockets and turned pointed spindles, and occupied by jiaint- ing of a crucifix with figure surmounted by an "I. X R- I." label and a figure of the Pelican feeding its young. In the floriations are paintings of God the Father alxive, and tee Vir- gin and St. John at either side. On turned and paintd stem and square base, with incurved sides and painted flutijQ,s. Height, 'iHnches. i •i.51 — I.ATTi^lXTEEXTH CkXTURV CaRTED. GlLT AXD PaIXTED WoOD -LTARPIECE ! ' - . uiteil by a triple round-arclied can- - _ . Uothic traceries, ending in pointed > and crocketed at the sides with flowers and leaves. . ....c encloses on a projecting paneled base, carved with c»Liii:t'ons. a crucifix: the cross, with floriated arms bordered tc Ciothic traceries, is sumiounted by an "I. X. R. I." : iiketl by a sun and moon above and two flying angels belo^vthe anns. On either side are figures of the Virgin with ' -ted. and St. John gazing upwards. The figures are the dei-orative cannngs and background gilded. Height. '29^-2 inchrs: zridth, 20 inch^t. '2i[) — 1'aiu of Sixtkextii Ckxtuuy Flouextixe Carvei), Paixted AXI) Gll/r AXGELS Carved figures of ang-els with outstretched wings, eurhng hair and loose tunic and robe, kneeUng on one knee and on the other sup])ortin<>- turned, baluster-shaped candlesticks with iron ])rickets for candle.s. On molded hexagonal bases. Painted in natm-al colcrrs and gilded. Height, V2. inches. 250 — FiFTEEXTH Cextuuy Fi.oKKxrixE Cauved, Paixted axd Gii.T Wood Aetak Cross Floriated cross, bordered with carved and gilt acanthus-leaf crockets and turned pointed spindles, and occupied by a paint- ing of a crucifix with figure surmounted by an "I. N. R. I." label and a figure of the Pelican feeding its young. In the floriations are paintings of God the Father above, and the Vir- gin and St. John at either side. On turned and painted stem and square base, with incurved sides and painted flutings. Hcitjht, \l\ inchrs. 251 — I.ATE Sixteenth Centuky Cakyed, Gilt and Painted \V()()1) Altarviece Round-arched niche, sin-nionnted by a triple round-arched can- opy and a cresting of Horid Gothic traceries, ending in pointed ])innacles and crocketed at the sides with flowers and leaves. The niche encloses on a projecting paneled base, carved with escutcheons, a ci-ucifix; tlie cross, with floriated arms l)ordered by delicate Gothic traceries, is surmounted by an "I. N. R. I." lal)el, flanked by a sun and moon above and two flying angels below the arms. On either side are figures of the Virgin with head averted, and St. John gazing upwards. The figures are painted, the decorati\'c cai'vings and background gilded. Heifjht, '29y.j inchcx; uidtli, '20 inches. 252 — Eighteenth Cextuky Doccia Porcelain Bracket Clock Enamel dial, with hours in Roman and minutes in Arabic numerals. Rectangular case of colored porcelain, with domed top of diapered open trellis-work pattern surmounted by a figure of Time with a scythe. In the center is a scrolled es- cutcheon painted with the coat-of-arms of the Ginori family and surmounted by scrolled acanthus leaves and putti with mu- sical instruments. The cornice is molded and painted, and the chamfered angles are supported by voluted acanthus enriched brackets serving as pedestals for two figures eml)lematic of Ijiterature and INIusic. The dial i)late is surrounded with a painted diaper of open trellis-work pattern; below are six puii'i, modeled in low relief, idaying musical instruments, and the base is formed of a laurel-leaf band, with scrolled acanthus-leaf and lions' paw feet. The movement is signed, "J. Robert et fils et Compagnie l\ la Chaux de Fonds," and plays airs on a metal pipe organ. Hci(/Iit. 4() hiclirs; rcidfh, '26 iiicJica. Til is clock was inatk' hv workiiun from Saxony who were iiiijiortud by tlie ]\IarclR'st' Cai-lo Ginori in 17>'55 wlicn lie founded tlic Doccia fac- tory. It was purchased hy Sio-iior Hardini from the present ^larchesc Carlo (iinori. (llhixt ratal) No. 252 — Eighteenth C'exttiry Doccia Pokcelaix Uracket Clock 2>53 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Carved and Gilt Wood Candelabrum Turned, fluted, voluted and carved columnar stem, with large vase-shaped fluted base with voluted brackets and fluted cir- cular foot. On cylindrical pedestal carved with reedings, vo- lutings and headings, and carved circular base. Saucer-shaped bobeche, carved with gadroons and scrolled leaves. Gilded and painted. Htiyht, 5 -feci 'ly^ inches. (lUustrnfcd) 254 — Fifteenth Century Fi.okkntixk Carved and Gilt Wood Candelabrum Turned, fluted, voluted and carved columnar stem, with large pear-shaped fluted base and circular foot, on square pedestal with incurved sides carved with scrolled acanthus leaves and circular carved base. Saucer-shaped bobeche, carved with gad- roons and scrolled leaves. Gilded and painted. Height, 5 fci't 3 inches, {llhist rated) 255 — Seventeenth Century Italian Standing Dial Turned baluster-shaped stem, on molded circular foot sur- mounted by an armillary dial consisting of a series of brass rings, some engraved with ecjuatorial divisions. Height, 40 inches. 2.5G — Seventeenth Century Genoese Terrestrial Globe Terrestrial globe of papier-mache, mounted on a wooden stand of annular shape, with turned projections and four voluted feet ending in lions' paws. Height, 2(5 inches. ITALIAN MAJOLICA 2.57 — Sixteenth Century Deruta Ma.ioi.ua Hand Warvier Shaped as a Book of Devotions, with the sides decorated with five cinquefoil medallions, between which are triangular panels of scrollings. Invested with a blue glaze. Height, '.V -^ iiiclns: rcidtli. 6 inches. ^•^ '^>.. 2;58 — Sixteenth Century Faenza JNIajoi.ica Ai.bareij.o Cylindrical body, with incurved neck and foot. Decorated, on a white ground, in l)lue and yellow, with a laurel-leaf wreath enclosin<>' a horseshoe-shaped rayed figure surmounted hy a cross and occupied by the initial "F." Hciijht, 8' .J inches. 2.59 — Sixteenth Century Faenza jMa.ioijca Aebarello Cylindrical body, with incurved sides, molded neck and carved foot. Decorated, on a wliite ground, with scrolled trefoil leaves and an o\'al panel of reserve j)ainted, in outline, with a three-quarter-length figure of a man in monastic I'obe playing a cornemuse. Height. H inehe.'^. 2G0 — Fifteenth Century Sienese INIajolica Pharmacy Ai.ba- rello Cylindrical body, with inciu'ved sides, incurved neck and foot. Decorated, in blue and yellow on a white ground, with an oval laurel-leaf wreath enclosing a painting of a rooster and the name of a drug in Roman letters. Above and below, the em- blem of the monastery with the letter "s." Bottom missing. Height. 10 inches. 261 — Fifteenth Centi'ry Dei,i,a Kobbia ^NIa.tolk'a A^ase Pinea])ple-sha2)ed, on a molded foot, with surface modeled to simulate the fruit. (Foot faulty.) Invested with a blue glaze. • Height, 8Vo inches. 262 — Fifteenth Century Deruta Majolica Vase Pineapple-shaped, on molded foot, with surface modeled to simulate the fruit. (Cover missing.) Invested with a golden lustre glaze. Height, 81. inches. 263 — Fifteenth Century Deritta Pineapple Vase Of pointed pineap2)le shape on cylindrical stem and circular foot. Invested with a mottled lustred glazing of yellow, red and green. Originally designed without cover. (Foot faulty.) Height. UJ'^ inches. 264 — Fifteenth Century Dei,i>a Robbia Pineapple Vase Of pointed ])inca])])le sha])e on cylindrical stem and circular foot. Originally designed without cover, (ilazing of Delia Itobliia bhii'. Height, 1.") inche.f 2G.) — Fifteenth Century Faenza ^Majolka Peate Circular shape, witli curved rim. Decorated, on a white ground, as to the center witli a circuhir niedalHon with orange back- oround occupied by tlie profile portrait bust of a young woman in fifteenth century costume, surrounded l)y bands of toothed and imbi-icated ])atternings in blue, white and orange. l)i(inu'te)\ 9Vj 'inches. 26G — Sixteenth Century Caffaggiolo JNIajolica Pitcher Pear-shaped body, with j)inched-in rim and pointed spout. Decorated, on a white ground, in blue with a wreath of berries enclosing the letter "R." (Handle missing.) Hc'iyht. 10 inches. 2G7 — Fifteenth Century Padua ^Iajoi.ica Peate Circular shape, without rim. Decorated, on raised '"stucco" work on a white ground, as to the center, with a scrolled shield charged with a coat-of-arms of a hound rampant, and sur- ^ ^^ rounded by a deep border of acanthus-leaf scrollings proceed- ^ ing from lions' heads and separated by panels of honeysuckle "^ ornamentation. Diameter, 10 incites. 268 — Sixteenth Cextury Urbixo ]Majoi,ica Tazza Circular sliape, with curved rim and circular foot. Decorated. on a white ground, as to the center with a marine view. On the right, a round tower Avith pinnacled roof and a chmx'h. On the left, a harbor witli a ship having a lateen sail. Surrounded l)y a border of guilloche ])atterning. Didiiu'tfr. 91 .. indies. 269 — Sixtkkxth Cextuky Caffaggioi.o ^Ma.iolra Plate Circidar shape, with flat rim. Decorated, ])lue and brown, on white ground, as to the center with a circular medallion of radiations surrounded by a border of interlacements, and as to the rim with six scmicircidar radiations with trefoils between. Diiimitcr. inches. 270 — Fifteexth Cextury Faexza JMajoijca Peate Circular shape, with a carved rim. Decorated, on a white ground, as to the center with a circular medallion occupied by the profile portrait bust of a young woman in fifteenth century costume, siu'roimded by bands of twisted ribbon and meander patternings. Diameter, 91-. inches. 271 — Sixteenth Centuky Faenza jNIajolica Plate Circular sliape, without rim. Decorated in lustre on a white ground with a circular medallion occupied by the profile bust of a Roman statesman shown as a bearded man with aciuiline nose and bald head, surrounded by a deep border of bold acan- thus-leaf scrollings, flowers and medallions. Diamttfr, 11 inches. {lUiistrntcd) 272 — Sixteenth Century Faenza ^Ma.ioi.ica Plate Circular shape, without rim. Decorated, on a white "round, as to the center with a statant heraldic gryphon holding in its front jjaws a shield charged with a cross and sin-mounted by a deep border of pointed ribbon interlacements. (Repaired.) Din nut IT. \'.i iinlws. (Ill list rated) 273 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Glazed Terra-cotta Basket by Della Robbia Circular cluster of fruits and leaves realistically modeled and glazed in natural colors. Diameter, S) inches. (Illustrated) 274 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Glazed Terra-cotta Bas- ket BY Della Robbia Circular cluster of fruits and leaves, with a frog realistically modeled and glazed in natm'al colors. Dia meter, lO'-j incites. 27.5 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Glazed Terra-cotta Bas- ket BY Della Robbia Circular cluster of fruits and leaves, with a lizard realistically modeled and glazed in natural colors. Diameter. lO'^ inches. (Illustrated) 27G — Sixteenth Century Florentine C^lazed Terra-cotta Bouquet by Della Robbia Circular cluster of fruits and lea\es, with a frog realistically modeled and glazed in natural colors. Diameter, 13 incites. (Illustrated) 277 — Fourteenth Cextuky Pkimitive Orvieto ^Majolica Vase Pear-sliaped body, with incurved neck and two flat looped han- dles. Decorated, on a cream-colored ground in brown and manganese, with a band of scrollings containing trefoil flowers with hatched petals. Hciyht, 7 iiiclics. (Illustrated) 278 — Sixtp:exth Century Faenza 3Ia.toi.ica Vase Bottle-shaped, with globular body and incurved cylindrical neck. Decorated in blue, on a white ground, with an all-over I^atterning of heart-shaped and acanthus-leaf scrollings. Height, !)lo inches. {Illustrated) 279 — Sixteenth Century Faenza JMajoi.ica Pharmacy Ewer Pear-shaped body, with incurved cylindrical neck, carved spout and flat straight looped handle. Decorated, on a white ground, with a wreath of acanthus leaves enclosing cornucopia?, scrolls and a rectangidar tablet inscribed "a celiuonia" in Roman letters. Height, 10 inches. (Illustrated) 280 — Fifteenth Century Caifaggioi.o ^Majolica Bowl Coupe-shaped howl, decorated, on a white ground, as to the center of the interior with tlie enihleni of St. Francis of ^Vssisi, two chisped hands having' ahove a cross and hch)w a hd)el with the word "fede" (faitli), surrounded hy a hand of honeysuckle patterning and a rosetted horder. Hci(/]it, S iiiclifs- iliii meter, 11 inches. (Ill list rafetl) 281 — Fifteenth Century Sienkse jMajoi.ra Two-handlki) Vauv. Pear-shaped hody, with incurved neck and two flat looped han- dles. Decorated, on a white ground, with a wreath of laurel leaves tied and handed with scrolled rihbons and enclosing a shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arnis. Heiijlit , 1 1 inches. {Ill list rat eil) 282 — Fiftfextii Century Sienkse Ma.ioek'a Two-handled Pharmacy Vase Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck and two twisted looped handles. Decorated, on a white ground, with horizontal bands of zigzag ornament, vertical ])anels of guilloche patterning and the body with a rectangular panel having the name "i'ANTA silea" in l{oman lettering. Hcijjht. 10^. inches. (lUnstratc(l) 283 — Sixteenth Century Faenza Ma.iolica Pharmacy Vase Bottle-shaped, with o\'ol() body and incurved cylindrical neck. Decorated, on a white ground, with scrolled label inscribed in CTothic characters with the name of the drug, surrounded by floral scrollings with the emblem of the monastery below. ( Kim faulty.) Heiyht. 11 indies. iSi — Sixteenth Century Flokentine Glazed Terra-cotta Vase Urn-shaped body, with incurved neck, circuhir foot and two dol- phin-shaped looped handles. Decorated, in low relief, the under part of body with flutings. the upper part with a band of inter- laced strapwork and the neck with a diaper of imbrications. In- vested with a blue glaze. AVith cover. Height, 11 incites. 285 FlKTEEXTir CkXTUKY DkI.I.A lioiSBIA Gl.AZEl) TEKUA-eOTTA ^^^SE Uni-.sliaped l)ody, with inciirvet] neck, circular foot and two dolphin-shaped looped handles. Decorated, in low relief, the under part with a hand of interlacements and the neck with a diapered pattern of imbrications. Invested with a light blue glaze. Similar to No. 284 but of earlier date. Heigh f, 10 inches. Professor Allan Marquand, in his "Dtlla Uohbias in America," illustrates. No. 5-i, a similar vase antl boucjuet, antl calls attention, as a parallel, to the vase in the framework of tjie altar])iece at \erona by Giovanni della Robbia. A similar vase, too, is in the ^'ictoria and Albert Museum, South Kensiiifrton, and is illustrated in 'SI. L. Solon's "Italian Majolica," 1907, ¥\g. V. 286 — Fifteenth Cextuky Ukbixo ^Ia.ioi.ka Two-haxdled Vase Pear-shaped body, with cyHndrical neck and two upright looped handles witli scrolled ribbon terminations. Decorated, on a white ground, with a floral and pointed-leaf wreath, tied with a knotted ribbon, enclosing, on a yellow groinul, a painting of an amorino with outstretched winus brandishing' a thvrsus. IIcKjIit. n inchc: 287 — SixTKKNTii Century Faf,x>;a IMajolica Pharmacy Ewer Pear-sliaped l)ody, with incurved neck, straight spout with twisted support and flat straight looped handle. Decorated in reserve with an arahesque of scrolled acanthus leaves and chimeric and with a scrolled lahil of white reserve inscrihed "a. acetose" in Konian letters. Height, 1 .'5 inches. i — FiFTKKXTii Cextuky Fakxza ]Ma.t()i,K'a PiiAiniAt'Y Kmer Pear-shaped l)()(ly, with cyh'ndrieal neck, straifjht ringed spout and flat looj^ed handle. Decorated in reserve, al)ove. with acan- thus-leaf scrollings proceeding from a mask; helow, with ro- settes and a cheriih with outstretched wings; and between, with a label inscribed with the name of the drug in Roman letters: S.l). PAl'AVER. Hiu/lit, 9'm hiclics. 289 — Sixteenth Century Castee Durante Pharmacy Vase Pear-shaped body witli incurved neck, straight spout witli twisted supporting l)race and fhit looped handles. Decorated, in blue and yellow, on an orange ground, with cornucopia, scrolls and dolphins and with a label in white reserve inscribed, in Roman letters, "ey" dinaui cose." Height, 11 inches. 290 — Pair of Sixteenth Cextuky Fakx;^a Ma.ioi.ka Pharmacy Aebarelli Cylindrical body, with incurved sides, molded rim and foot. Decorated, on a white ground, with a scrolled label inscribed with the name of the drug in Gothic characters with ornamental initials, surmounted by the figin-c of a rooster and with the emblem of the monastery below. H fight, l.'J inches. (lUiist rated) 291 — Sixteenth Century Faenza JNIa.toeica Deep Dish Circular shape, with fiat rim. Decorated, on a white ground, the center with a circular medallion enclosing an armorial shield surmounted by a Bishop's Hat inscribed "do l6" and sur- rounded by a l)and of acanthus-leaf scrolling in blue on an orange ground. The rim is decorated with a similar band of ornamentation. ( Repaired. ) Diameter, 1-i iiielie.i. {Illustrated) 292 — FiiTKKNTii Cextury Ukbino ^Majolica Bowl Circular shape, with scalloped rim and fluted sides. Decorated, on a white nrouiul. in hlue and yellow, as to the center with a scrolled shield charged with a eoat-of-arnis, surmounted hv a helmet and mantled with acanthus-leaf scrollings, within a cross- shaped shell formed by four oval panels connected by straight lines and occupied by floral and pointed-leaf arabesques. The rim is boi-dei-ed with a band of blue and white patterning. Height, (514 inches; diameter, 15 inches. 293 — Sixteenth Centxtry Faexza JMa.tgi.ica Bowl Circular coupe-shaped. Decorated, on a white ground, as to the center of the interior with a circular medallion occupied by a conventionalized dolphin, in colors, and as to the sides with a diapering of pointed-leaf scrollings in blue. Heifjlit, H\-2 inches; din meter, 17' j inclies. 294 — Fii'TKEXTH Cen'ituy Deruta 3Ia.i()I,K'a Deep Dish Cii-fiilar .shape, with Hut rim and reeded ed^e. Deeorated, in Kistre. the eeiiter witli tlie hust {)r()file portrait of a Roman Km- peror, the rim witli alternate panels oeeupied hy eheekered dia- perino's and floral and leaf scrollings. Diameter, 151/. inehes. 295 — Sixteenth Centvuy Faexza JNIajoeua liowi. Cireular coupe-shaped. Decorated, on a white oround. as to the center of the interior with a circular medallion occupied hy tish, crahs and froos in natural colors, symmetrically disposed, and as to the side with a diapered patterning- of pointed-leaf scrollino's in hlue. Heiylit, 9 iiicheii; diameter, 18 inehes. 296 — Sixteenth Cextury Ukbino ISIa.tomca Two-haxdeed Vase Pear-shaped body, with two round looped handles with ram's head terminations. Decorated, on a white ground, with an all- over patterning of floral and pointed-leaf arabesques, including chimera', and tablet dated "IMDC" and a blank panel for a name. Height, 13 inches. (lUnstrated) •297 — Fu'TEEXTii Cextury Faexza JNIajolica Pharmacy Two- H AX DEED Vase Pear-shaped body, with incurved neck, annular foot, and two twisted looped handles. Decorated with a scrolled oval es- cutcheon charged with a coat-of-arms, a hound rampant on a brown ground and having above a mask and acanthus-leaf scrollings. and below a lal)el inscribed with the name of the drug in Roman letters. Height, 13 inches. (Illustrated) 298 — Fifteenth Cextuky Caitaggioi.o JMajolica Two-haxdi.ed Vase Pear-sliaped body, with cvliiulrical neck. strai<^lit spout and two looped twisted handles. Decorated, on a white <>roini(l. with a resetted wreath of laiu'el lea\'es l)anded with crossed ribbons and enclosing a scrolled ej^'g-shaped escutcheon charged with a coat-f)f-arins quartered with that of the JNIedici family and sur- mounted by a radiated crown. Hci(/ht, 19 inchc.i. (lUii.st rated) 299 — Sixteenth Century Faenza 3Ia.toi,ka Plaque Rectangular tablet, modeled, in basso-relievo, with a three- quarter-length figure of the Virgin in red robe, girded at the waist, a blue mantle seme with stars, and a linen veil. Her head is inclined toward the right; she is standing and supporting with both hands the undraped Child Christ, who has His right arm thrown around His ^Mother's neck and holds the neck of her robe with His left hand. Abo\e are two angels with wings. In the lower left-hand corner is a panel jjainted with a subject of St. Francis receiving the stigmata. Glazed in natiu'al colors. Ilih/ht, '1\ inches: ic'ulth. 17 inches. {I II list rated) 300 — Fifteenth Centuuv Caitacxuolc) jMa.ioi.ra 1'iiau.^iacy Vase Pear-shajjed body, M'ith high cvhndrical neck. Decorated, in bhie on a white ground, with a scrolled label inscribed with the name of tlic drug in (Gothic characters with ornaniental initials. Above is the enibleni of the monastery. Ilcujht, 15 inches. ( I II Its f rated) ;301 — Pair of Sixteextji C'EXTruv Dei.la RoiiuiA ^Ia.iolra 'S'^ases avith Bouquets Pear-shaped bodies, with molded bands, cylindrical necks, an- nular feet, projecting volutcd and acanthus-leaf scrolled han- dles, and raised spout apertures shaped as masks. Glazed in white and i)ainted, with pear-shaped scrolled escutcheons sur- mounted by crowns and charged with the arms of the ]Medici family. The bouquets are of terra-cotta modeled with fruits, tiowers and lea\es glazed in their natiu'al colors. Height, 27 lo inches. [Ilhtstrdted] [€. 302 — Pair of Eighteenth Cextury Capo di jNIoxte Porcelain Vases and Covers Pear-shaped bodies, cj'lindrical necks and domed covers. In- vested with a fine white glaze and jjainted in natural colors, the bodies with crater-shaped vases of roses, other flowers and leaves on rocky bases, tlie covers with floral sprays, and the necks in gold, with medallions and scrollings. (Finials re- stored. ) Height. 17 inches. 303 — Eighteenth Century German Porcelain Pitcher and Base Pear-shaped body, with scrolled looped over-liandle formed as a dolphin, and turned-over lip. In front of the body is a half figin-e of Silenus, crowned with leaves, terminating in voluted scrollings and sujiporting a festoon of husk patterning. In- vested with a plain white glaze. On carved and gilded wooden pedestal sui)j)ortcd on tripod of scrolled acanthus leaves with a molded triangular base. Hciyht. 28 inches. This vase and jicdestal came from the Borghcse Palace, Rome. THIRD AFTERNOON'S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1918 AT THE AMERICAN ART GxVLI.ERIES BEGINNING AT "2.30 o'cLOCK COLORED STUCCO OF THE FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES y ANTONIO DA SAN GALLO Sixteenth Century 30.) — SiXTEKNTH Century L'eokentine Coloked Tekra-cotta Rust of St. John the Raptist Ilalf-leiioth figure of tlie Child Christ, witli ciirhn' over a skull cap a Florentine bonnet Around the rim is the name "cosiMUS :\iKmcES." L^ncolored. Diiinu'Ur, l(i inches. This is a study ti)i' one of tlic cclcliratfd serit's of medals of Cosiiiio the Elder concerning which a sforiii of i(intro\ trsy has raged. For long they were attributed to Donatello. Arnianil and Heiss, however, give all four variants to Michelozzo, Friedliinder to Niccolo Fioreiitino, and Dr. Bode, finally, to Bcrtoldo di Giovanni. I\L\TTEO CIMTALI 143.5—1.501 308 — Fii'TKKNTii Centuky Tkhka-cotta Figure of St. Sebastian, shown as a nude youth with his hands tied behind his back, standing against a rocky pedestal. The figure, which has preserved its original coloring, is placed in a round-arched niche having its background colored blue and s-c»ic with gilded stars. Hc'u/hf. IS iiiclics: ic'itltli. TJ iiichcx. This terra-cotta is a sketch by Civitali himself, for his life-sized marble statue of St. Sebastian now in the temple of the Voti Santi in the Cathedral of Lucca. This temple, the first contract for which was signed in 1482, is dated 1484, and offers abundant proof that, though Civitali worked as a sculptor during the greater part of his life, he was also a tlioroughly accomj)lished architect. BENEDETTO DA MALVNO 1 ■442— 1498 309 — Fifteenth Centuky Flokentine Coloked Tekua-cotta Figure Seated figure of the Virgin, her head co\ered with a veil and wearing a red tunic and loose blue mantle. On her left knee she holds the seated Child Christ, who presses close to His ^Mother as though for ])rotecti()n. On irregular terra-cotta base. Nat- uralistically colored. Hckjht, 18 inches. ? 310 — Fifteenth Centuky Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Figure The Vir<4in, witli bare head and clothed in a robe with embroid- ered border and bhie mantle, sits npon a bench, with her left hand holding the standing nnde fignre of the Child Christ, who supports Himself with His arm thrown around His JNIother's neck. Her right hand the Virgin holds pressed against her breast. On octagonal terra-cotta base. Xatiu-alistically col- ored. Height. 18 liichcs. FLORENTINE SCHOOL FiFTEEXTH Century 311- o \ -Fifteenth Century Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Group Seated figiu'e of the Virgin, in red robe and flowing blue mantle, with the nude Child Christ sitting on her left knee. She points witii both hands to her heart, as she turns her head to gaze at St. Klizabeth, who stands behind her. On circular molded base of terra-cotta, the plinth decorated in relief with masks and dolphins. Heiglit, Ki imhcs. 312- 'M FLORENTINE SCHOOL FiFTEKNTH CeNTURY -Sixteenth Cextuky Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Figure "St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness." The youthful saint, with long, curling hair and clothed in camel's hair tunic over which is thrown a loose mantle, stands against a rocky ledge, his right arm extended with forefinger jiointing. Ahove, on a ledge of rock, sits a small animal. On rocky hase. Naturalisti- eally colored. Height, 17 inclicn. GIOVANNI BATTISTA TASSO U(?)— 1548 313 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Figure "St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness." The youthful saint ^ is shown seated on a pedestal of stratified rocks. He wears a garment of goat-skin, holds in his left hand a scroll, and hy his side, on the left, is the figure of a lamh. Height, 18 inches. Architect, as well as sculptor, Tasso, though born in tlie fifteenth century, died an old man in the middle of the sixteenth century. FLOREXTIXE SCHOOL FiFTEEXTH Century 314 — Fifteenth Cextukv Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Figure "St. Francis of Assisi." The saint is shown as the standing fiu;- ' lire of a middle-aged man witli shglit l)eard. He wears the fN rol)e of his Order, with a rope girdle. The left iiand is pressed ^ to his breast and in the right he holds a small book and a jjouch. In hands and feet are shown the sacred "stigmata." On square molded terra-cotta base. Naturalistically colored. Height. 21 inclics. {lUitstrafal) FLORENTINE SCHOOL Fim-EENTH CeNTUHV 31.5 — Fourteenth Century liiRcirxDiAx Walnut Wood Carv- INfi "The Uirth of the Virgin." The Mother of the Virgin reclines .0 in a low post-bed of the period, her head coifed with a linen cloth, vv and hands the infant A^irgin to a nurse, who wears a liurgundian peasant's cap. At side of the bed are seen various utensils. Hfiglif, 17 iiichi'x; 7ci(ItJi. 19 inches. (lUnstnitid) ANDREA BELLA ROBBIA Fifteenth CEXTiiiv 316 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Terra-cotta JNIedali.ion Circular medallion of terra-cotta, modeled with a bust portrait •L, of a youth, shown in full face, with slightly curling hair and ,^i wearing a tunic and a mantle secured at the right shoulder with a brooch. In a contemporary richly carved and gilded wood frame. Diamciir of ftrrii-rotta. 1.5 iiiflitw: (Vuimffcr of fninw. IS inches. (Ilhi.stnitcl) .i:^^i;;:l- PIERO TORRIGIANO 14-72—1522 317 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Figure Nude figure of St. Sebastian, his limbs tied with ropes to a tree trunk and the head fallen forward as if in the throes of dis- j^ solution. Around his waist he wears a knotted loin-cloth. His ■^ body shows the marks of wounds, and at one side is the body ^■^ armor of a Roman warrior and on the other the standing figure '^ of a piitto. On the tree is hung a (juiver full of arrows. On irregular rocky base. Xaturalistically colored. Height. 26 inches. Torrigiano is, ]ierha]).s, best known as thu dcsifrncr and sculptor of the tomb of Henry \'II in Westminster Abbey, liOndon. (Illusfrafed) AJVDREA VERROCCHIO 1432—14.88 318 — Fifteenth Century Fi>grentine Coiajred Stucco Figure "Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpent." Undraped figure of an infant with voluminous closely curling hair, leaning against a rock, lying upon one side and seizing with his right Q hand (now absent) the head of a serpent the body of which he N? holds in his left hand. Rectangular base of gesso duro. Colored naturalistically. Height. 24 iiiehe.i; length. 27 inchen. Tliis stucco closely resembles a marble bas-relief by \'erroccliio wliich formerly adorned one of tlie doors of tlie Palazzo Veccliio, Florence. A'errocchio, like so many of his contemporaries, began as a goldsmith and most of the works lie has loft to us are in bronze. He was an artist of great power, and among the pupils he influenced were Leonardo da Vinci, Lorenzo da Credi and Pietro Perugino. (Illiist rated) \5 GIOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA 1 J-3T— 1 528 319 — Fifteenth Cexttjky Fi>orkntixe Coi.oked Terra-cotta PUTTI Figure of two mule children, or piitti, tlispiitinj^' over a vase of fruit which stands between them. One, on the left, is stand- ' ing and brandishes in his left hand a fruit, while with his ri,i>ht '^ he endeavors to withdraw another fruit from the vase. The other putto, on the right, seated on a tree stump, restrains his companion. He has seized him by the right wrist and is biting his forefinger in an attempt to make him let go of the fruit. On rectangular terra-cotta base. Colored naturalistically. Height, 21 hicJu's; length, IVA inchefi. (Illiistrdtal) DESIDERIO DA SETTIGNANO U.57— U8.5 320 — Fii'TKEXTH Century Colored Stucco Figure Standing figure of the Child Christ, nude, with curling brown hair and with the right hand raised in the act of benediction. The left arm hangs by His side, the hand holding the symbolic ,<3 nails, supported by a fold of colored drapery. On rocky base Vo and scjuare ])yraniidal molded pedestal of colored stucco. Height, 22 inehex. Tills is a rrplii-ii, in coiort'd shici'o, of the niurblr figure h\ Desi- (lerio ill file Cliureli of San I.oreii/o, Florence. (lUnstrntei}) FLORENTINE SCHOOL FiFTEEXTH Century ,321 — Fifteenth Centuky Feokentine Coeoked Tekua-cotta Group "Chanty." Shown as a beautiful woman of ripened eiianiis, with long hair falling over her .shoulders, dressed in a loose rohe with one breast exposed and holding on her knee a nude ehild around whom her left arm is thrown as though in proteetion. Her right arm falls by her side and her hand holds that of an- other nude ehild, who stands by her side. One the right kneels yet another ehild. On roeky terra-eotta base. Xaturalistieally eolored. Height, 21 iiiclics-. Dr. Bode attrihutrs tlii' iirou]) to tliu jinoiiyiiious I'lorentiiu' jiiitlior of the "Struirirliiiii' Cliildrin," illustrated at n. 15!) of "Florentine Sculptor.s of til Donatello." R. nais.sanet', where it i.'^ ■iiffiieil to the "School of laoo FLORENTINE SCHOOL Fifteenth Century 322 — Fifteenth Century Fi.okkntine Coeored Papier-mache liusT Portrait Bust-length jjortrait of St. Anthony, Archbishop of Florence. The saint is shown as an old man with emaciated features, thin, tightly closed lips, a partially l)ald head and an expression of great benevolence. He wears an ecclesiastical robe with hood thrown back at the shoulders and banded with a white orphrey jjatterned with crosses in red. On octagonal molded wooden base. Height, 20 niches. ^ ^ FLORENTINE SCHOOL FiFTEENTir Century 323 — Sixteenth Century Coeoked Stucco Bust Poktrait Bust-length portrait of an elderly man with long forked and curling gray beard and l)ald liead. He wears a Senator's robe. On octagonal base, jjainted and gilded. Naturalistically col- ored. Height, 2'>i inches. u4oo p'j^^ ^B- ALESSANURO VITTOKIA 1525—1613 3'24 — Sixteenth Cextuky Coeoked Stucco Bust Poutrait Half-length portrait of a lady with hare head, the eurliiig hair tightly drawn hack from the forehead. She wears a close-fitting l)odice huttoned np the front, a high collar and frilled rutt' and ^N sleeves puffed and slashed at the slioulders. In front is a ^^ scrolled tablet for the name. ^ Height. 2(5 inches. o This and the following bust came from a palace in Padua, belonging ^ to an old family, of whose ancestors they are bcHevcd to be portraits. -^^ Of Vittoria it may be said that he was a })upil of Jacopo Sansovino, 5 whose place he took after liis death as the leader of \ enetiaii artists. •(jiL In that city of ids adoption lie has left a nunihii- of sculptural and w architectural monuments to his undoubted talents. ALESSANDHU \ ITTOKIA 1525—1613 32.5 — Sixteenth Century Coi.okkd Terra-cotta Portrait Bust Bii.st-len<4th portrait of a middle-aged nobleman witli partially bald bead, full eurlinj^- beard and mustaebe. lie wears a tig'bt- fitting jerkin witb narrow turned-over eoUar and a fur-trimmed ^'l "i^' robe witb putted and slasbed sleeves. Round bis neek is a beavy linked ebain witb a cross and eagle as pendants. In front of tbe base is a voluted name tablet. Height, 30 invhcs. LUCA DELLA R015BIA 14.00— 14.82 326 — Fifteenth Centuky Florentine Colored Stucco Bas- relief Rectangular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a small three- . quarter-length figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle ^ standing and supporting, with her left arm, the Child Christ, '^■' who stands by His ^lother's side, leaning His head against hers and with His arms around her neck. Colored naturalistically. In molded and carved frame of stucco. Htiyltf, 19 iiicln:s; zciilfli. 14 iiichcu. No. 326 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Coi,ored Stucco Bas-relief NEROCC'IIIO BARTOJ.OMMEO DA SIENA U27— 1500 327 — Fii'TKENTii Century Sikxese C'oi.oued Papiek-mache Bas- KEI.IEF Kectan^ular rouiKl-archtd tablet, inodclt'd, in low relief, with a , three-quarter-length fi,<>in'e of the Virgin in a dark red robe and blue hooded mantle. Her head is inclined toward the left, and she is seated and holds on her lap the Child Christ, in a red tunic, who raises His right hand in the act of benediction. Be- low is an inscription, "kegixa coel. maria," in l{oiiian letters. In contemporary molded and painted wooden frame. HcUjht, '28 linlus; icidth, 17'^. inches. Xo. 327 — Fifteenth Centuuv Sienesi, Lueuueju I'ai'Ieu-mache Bas-relief FLORENTINE SCH(X)L Fifteenth ('EXTruY 328 — Sixteenth Cextuky Fi.okextixe Colored Stucco Bas- relief Rectangular round-arched tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a full-length figure of the Virgin in red robe, seated on a chair ;? with voluted arms and holding in botli arms the Child Christ, . who is nursing at her breast. Above, on either side, a cherub with outstretched wings. On rectangular base incised, in Roman letters, with an "aye maria" inscription. Colored nat- uralistically. In contemporary Taliernacolo frame of molded, carved, painted and gilded wood, with a molded, dentelled and egg and dart carved cornice and plain fric/e su})p()rted by two fluted and astragalled Ionic pilasters. On molded base and apron. Height, 21) inches; icidtli. 17|- inelie.s. SCHOOL OF SIENA Fifteenth Century 329 — Fifteenth Century Sienese Colored Stucco Bas-relief Rectangular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a small tliree- ([uarter-length figin-e of the Virgin in red robe and blue hooded mantle. She holds in her arms the undraped Child Christ and restrains Him from leaping forward by clasping His right arm with one hand. Colored naturalistically. In contemporary Tabernacolo frame of molded, carved, painted and gildeil wood. Molded cornice with plain frieze supported on two fluted pi- lasters witii H()manes(iue capitals. jNlolded base and shaped, scrolled and voluted apron. Hc'tghf. 36 inches; rcidtli, 19 iiichcu. ANTONIO ROSSELLINO 1427—1490 330 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Colored Stucco Ma- donna BY RoSSELLINO Rec'tan<4ular tablet modeled, in low relief, with athree-tiuarter- lengtli figure of the A^irgin in a red robe with gold-enibroidered border and blue hooded mantle looking to the right. She is seated in a ehair and holds in her lap with ])()tli hands the ' undraped Child Christ, wearing a neeklace of beads with a eross pendant. The baekgroimd is oeeiipied by a festoon and ])endants of eherries and leaves. Within a reetangular stucco frame, molded and decorated in relief with bands of reel and bead and acanthus-leaf ornamentation on a paneled base deco- rated, in relief, with a \ ase and rinceaux of acanthus leaves and flowers. Htiylit. 24 iiirlii:s; zciiltli, l(v''| iiiclus. LUCA DKLLA l^OHBIA 14.()()— 14S1 ,331 — FiFTEEXTH C'exti'ky Flokextixe Colored SiTt'co Uas- RELIEF Rectangular tal)let, modeled, in low relief, with a half-lenii'tli figure of the Virgin in led rol)e and hlue hooded niajitle, stand- ing and holding with hotli ariji.s the Child Christ in linen tunie. He presses His I'aee close to His Mother's and with the left hand clasps a fold of hei- mantle. Colored naturalistieally. In contemporary molded, painted and gilded wood Tahernacolo frame. Pointed pediment, with molded cornice and plain frieze supported l)v two pilasters with Huted shafts and ca2)itals. On molded apron. Hciglit. ;3T inclifs: jcidth. '20 inclies. (,0' DESIDERIO DA SETTIGNANO 1457—1485 332 — Fifteenth Cextuky Floukxtixe Coldued Stucco Bas- KELIEF Rectangular round-arclied tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle with bare head, standing and pointing with her right hand to the seated Child Christ, who, undraped, turns His head to the right. On a base with two flying putti. who support a circular medallion % enclosing an armorial shield. Original coloring. In contem])o- rary arched frame with base of molded and painted wood. Hc'u/ht. '34 iciilitu; rcidtli. "25 iiirlir.i. A Madonna by Desidcrio, precisely similar to this, but in gray ■stone, is in the \'ictoria and Albert Museum, Soutii Kensington. N BENEDETTO UA MAIANO U42— U9S 333— Fifteenth Century Feokextixe Colored Stucco INTa- DOXXA Round-arched tablet modeled, in low relief, with a three-quar- ter-length seated figure of the "N^irgin in a red robe and blue mantle, her head drajjed with a white linen veil. She is looking to the left, and holds in her arms the Child Christ undraped save for a fold of linen. He lies upon a tasseled cushion with His right hand raised and clutching at His ^Mother's veil, while He nurses at her right breast. She bends her head over Him in loving adoration. Surounded by a round-arched molded and carved stucco frame, with a molded base, plain plinth and molded apron, colored red and blue. Height. -iS hiclu-s: -u-idfli. 2i iiiches. ^^V^ FLORENTINE Sf'HOOI. Eari-y Fifteenth C'extfry 3ii4< — Fifteenth Ckxtuuy Fi.okextine Coi.oked Stucco AIadoxxa Half-length fi<^ure of the Virgin, in red rohe and bine mantle, with head veil falling in folds. She holds in her right hand. jjressed to her breast, a frnit. and snpports on her left arm the Child Christ elad in a tunie. He enibraees His Mother's neck with both arms and presses His face close to hers. The faces of INIother and Child are snffused with a lirooding melan- choly. On a s(inare molded bi-aeket of painted wood with traces of an inscription and a shaped apron painted with scrolls and a shield charged with a coat-of-arms. H(i(/ht. 28 inches. MASTER IXFIA ENCEU BY BELLA QCEIU lA EiFTEEXTii Century 33.5 — Fifteenth Cexti'uy Flohextixe Coeoked Stucco Bas- relief Modeled, in low relief and without background, with a half- length figure of the ^'irgin, the head only inclined to the right. She wears a hooded mantle of blue, within which she has pro- tectingly wrajjped the undraped Ciiild Christ, whom she holds on her left arm. He clasps with both hands the red tunic of His INIother. On a rectangular molded base of stucco modeled in the center with two flying angles supporting a wreath enclos- ing the Sacred INIonogram, and at the sides with armorial pointed shields. Height, 'M inchcn; icidtlt. '27 inches. LUCA BELLA ROBBLV 1400—1482 336 — Fifteenth Cextuky Florentine Colored Stucco Eas- RELIEF Tondo-like circular medallion, modeled, in low relief, with a three-qnarter-len<;th figure of the A^irgin in red rohe, blue man- tle and a linen veil, standing with her head inclined to the right and gazing down at the Child Christ, whom, clothed in a girdled tunic, she holds in her arms. He hides His head on His Mother's breast and holds both hands before His face. Above is seen the Sanctus Spiritus Dove hovering above the Virgin's head, while, slightly below, on either side, is a cherub with folded wings. Colored naturalistically. Enclosed in a plain border of stucco. Diameter. 22 inches. SCHOOL OF SIENA Fifteenth Century 337 — FiFTEEXTH Century Siexese Colored Stucco Bas-relief Tondo-like circular medallion, modeled, in low relief, with a small three-quarter-length fi<>ure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle, her head covered l)y a fold of linen. She supports with both arms the undraped Child Christ, who clasps His hands together as He smiles with an expression of childish glee. Col- ored naturalistically. Surrounded by a molded and carved frame of stucco. Dicimctir. 21 inches. ■•■'■ ^m.^^4 338- ANTONIO FEDEKKilll (l)KTTO DE" TOLOMEl) ^•2.5{?) — Ui)()) -FiFTKKXTlI C'kXTUKY SlKXKSE Coi.OHEU StUC'CO BaS-KKLIKF Hound-arched tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a three-(juar- ter-len^th standing figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle draped about her head. With one hand slie .su])ports the Child Christ, who, elad in a linen tunie, stands and nurses at her breast. Colored naturalistically. In a contemporary Tabernaclolo frame of molded, carved, painted and gilded wood It has a round arch flanked and surmounted by volutes and honeysuckle ornaments and supported on two pilasters with acanthus-leaf capitals and fluted and astragalled shafts. The base is molded and inscribed, in Koman letters, with a nearly ef- i^' faced I>atin inscription, and an apron of voluted acanthus leaves j,"^ enclosing a shield. ^^ Height, '-V.i inclus: u-'ulth. '1^ inclir.i. ^^ DKSIDKUIO DA SETTKiNANO 1427—1-1-85 .'339 — FiFTEEXTii Ckxti'uy Fi.ohkxtixk Coi.okki) STrit'o Bas- REIJEl' Reetan<4iilar tal)let, modeled, in low relief, with a tliree-(juarter- lengtli figure of the Virgin in red robe girdled at the waist, blue mantle and linen head veil, seated and holding on her left knee, her left hand clasping His waist, her right hand holding His feet, the Child Christ, who is clothed in swaddling-bands.. Col- ored naturalistieally. In a contemporary molded, carved, painted and gilded wood Tabernacolo frame. On molded base, with dentelled and egg and dart cai'vcd apron. A iiuirhk' l)as-rulirf 1) was recently sold l)v the H( of Paris. H(i ji>^ Hi-i(/ht. 38 inrhc.i: -u'ldtli, 29 inches.-^ {Illustrated) A > V No. 342 — FiFTEEXTn Centuuv Florextixk Coloued Stlcco Bas-relief ANTONIO ROSSELLINO 1427— U9() 343 — Fifteenth Centuky Feurextixe C'oluked Stucco Eas- KEEIEF ^Modeled, in low relief and without background, with a half- length figure of the Virgin with long curling hair, the head in- clined to the left and looking downwards with a pensive ex- pression, holding in her arms and clasping with both her hands the Child Christ, who reclines in a seated position against her right arm. The figiu'es are on a scjuare molded l)ase. the front modeled with a festoon of fruits and leaves Hanked by cherubim and the broken angles siu'mounted by spheres. Colored natural- istically. In original molded, carved and gilded wood Taber- nacolo frame. Pointed molded and dentelled pediment and cornice with plain frieze, supported on two pilasters with pan- eled shafts and Composite capitals. On molded base with molded apron. Tabernacle: Height, 55 inches; width, -K) inches. Stucco: Height, 20 inches; -icidth, 21 inches. Tliis stucco, ill Sifrnor Bardini's ()])ini()n, served as a model for tlie torra-c'otta now in tlie Berlin ]Museuiii, wliieh is a tenth smaller in every (iiri'etioii, due to the shrinkajje of the clay when haked. {Illustrated) No. '•iili I'l I 1 1 I,;. 1 il tlXllK'l I'l.OUKXTINK ( '() I.Oli KI) Sticc'o Ha.s-kelief SIENESE SCHOOL Fifteenth Century 34,4 — Fifteenth Cextury Siexese Colored Stucco Bas-kelief Rectangular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a half-length figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle draped over her head, seated and embracing the undraped Child Christ, who sits and with one hand arranges the folds of His INIother's mantle. Above is a cherub with outstretched wings, and below, a base modeled in relief with a cherub and two putt I hold- ing escutcheons. Colored naturalistically. In contemporary molded, carved, painted and gilded wood Tabernacolo frame (- having a triangular pediment with painted tympanum, molded ^ and dentelled cornice, frieze carved in I'elief with ox-skulls and festoons of laurel leaves supported by two fluted pilasters with Composite Corinthian capitals. INIolded base carved with water leaves. Height, 4(5 luetics; u'itttli, 20 incties.^ {lUustrateJ) 'V^ ^ s^ ■^ff^Vlt^^Jut^l■^l^m^,>,^^Mo*^t l tm tf'<^ ^* ' m < |l iiti j >nil w » I ' I n ^WMli^WWIpl No. 344 — Fifteenth CEXTriiv Siexese Colored Stucco Bas-uelief FHAXCKSC'O DI (JIORGIO 14.'J9— 15()() .'j4o — FiFTEKXTH Cextury Sienesk Coi.ouEi) Stucco Eas-kelief Round-arched tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a three-quar- ter-len<4'th fi<>in-e of the Virgin in a loose robe with full sleeves, her head hooded with a flowing veil. Her face, seen in profile and looking downward, is turned toward the Child Christ, whom she holds in her arms. He is undraped. and is laughing in child- ish glee as He grasps with one hand a fold of His Mother's veil. Colored naturalistically. In original molded wooden frame, with arched top and molded base and a])ron. Hti'eccliietta's taber- nacle in tlie Cathedral at Siena. (llhi.st rated) No. 3-15 — FiKTKKxrn Cknti uv Siexese Coluued Sruct'o Has-uelief DONATO DE' BARDI— DONATELLO 138.3—1466 346 — Fifteenth Centuky Fi.okentine Coi,oreu Stucco Bas- relief Round-arched tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a half-length life-size and seated figure of the Virgin dressed in a red robe with tight-fitting sleeves and a blue mantle which serves also as a hood, holding on her lap with one arm the Child Christ, who, undraped, leans His chin upon His right hand. His left hand rests on the outstretched left hand of His Mother. Both Ma- donna and Child have gilded haloes. In molded frame of stucco. Colored naturalistically. Height, ii'JVi; tiiehcs; zcidth, 2\\'-> inches. This bas-rc'liuf is especially jtri/.ed hy Siure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle and with bare head. She is standing and clasping with caressing fervor tlie undrajjed Child Christ, whom she carries in her arms, her face seen in profile looking to the right, turned toward ^ Him as though in listening adoration. He clasps His IMother's neck with His left arm and turns His face toward the spectator. Colored naturalistically. In contem2:)orary molded wooden frame. Hiic/Iit, 20 inches; icidtli. 16 inches. {Illustrnted) No. 3-18 — Fifteenth Centuuy Siexese Colored STUtco Bas-kelief LUCA DELLA ROBBIA 1400—148-2 349 — Fifteenth Cextukv Feorextixe Stucco Bas-keeief Rectangular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a full-length figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle which is hooded over her head, kneeling, with both hands brought together in front of her, in adoration of the Child Christ, who reclines on q a cushion looking up at His INIother and drawing aside a youth- ^ ful St. John the Baptist with his cross, also adoring the Christ, while above on both sides are angels in the same attitude, with hands brought together in front of their breasts. Original col- oring. Enclosed in molded and carved frame of stucco. Height, 281^. itichcs: width, 181 o inches. (Illustrated) No. li-ii) — Fifteenth C'EXTiitv Feouextixe Stucco Bas-rheiee SPERANDIO MAGLIOLI 1425—1500 350 — Sixteenth Century Mantuan Terka-cotta Bas-relief Round-arched niche; the arch, with shell haekground and span- drels occupied hv cheruhini. is supported hy plain pilasters with molded capitals. The niche is occupied by a subject, modeled in low-relief, of "The Resurrection." Christ, partially robed in a flowing garment, kneels on the tomb, holding in ITis left hand a cross and holding up His right in the act of benediction. Below is seen the figure of a Roman centurion asleep and lean- ing against the tomb. Painted in white to sinudate marble. In a molded, j^ainted and gilded Tabernacolo frame with molded and dentelled cornice and frieze painted with a meander pat- terning, supported by two Doric pilasters, their shafts painted with arabesfiues proceeding from urn-shaped vases. JNIolded l)ase ]>ainted with rosettes, and a])ron with voluted and scrolled acanthus lea\'es enclosing a shield charged with a coat-of-arms. Painted white. Height, .'}.'5 'niches; zciiltli, Ki'^. iiichc.i. Sperandio was one of tlio gi-eatest iiiedallists of liis time, as is evidenced by the surprisingly able manner in which he has handled this composition within the limits of so confined a space. The same treatment appears in the monument by Sperandio now in the Church of S. Fi-ancisco at Bologna. {Ilhisfnifei]) 4 No. 350 — Sixteenth Cextiuv Maxtiax Terra-cotta Bas-rei.ief DONATO DE' BARDI (DOXATELLO) 1388—1-1.66 351 — Fii-TEENTH Centuky Fi.ohextine Colored Tekra-cotta Bas- relief Three-quarter-length figure of the \"irgin, modeled in low relief. Seen in profile, with the head turned to the left, the Virgin, who is clothed in a gold robe brocaded with red, and a blue mantle with trimmings of unusual richness, the most prominent of which is a broad band embroidered on a gold ground in red with conventional cherubim at regidar intervals, holds with both finely modeled hands the Child Christ, dressed in a linen gar- ment dotted with gold and banded with red, arranged after the fashion of the swaddling clothes then the fashion in Italy. He presents His full face to the spectator and His childish features are composed into an expression of foreboding melancholy. In the background are two cherubim with smiling children's faces and red-feathered wings. In a very richly decorated, slightly restored Tabernacolo frame of molded, carved, gilded and painted wood. It has a round-arched opening, the molding en- riched with egg and dart carving and the finial formed of two voluted acanthus leaves surmounted by a fan-shaped ornament. At either side are pilasters with molded console capitals and shafts carved in low relief and painted with clustered acanthus- leaf pendants. The base is molded and carved and the bracket apron formed of scrolled acanthus leaves enclosing an oval panel painted with a figiu'e. Upper part restored. Mfdsuroiicnt of the Bas-rdicf : Hciylit, 35 iiic]ifx: rcidt]!, 28 inclics. Few of tlie sculptors of tlic Italian Renaissance so impressed his own and succeeding generations as did Donatello. His work, indeed, as astonisliing in the extent of its output as in its surpassing beauty, is typically rej)resentati''e of his school and epoch. The Madonna here under consideration possesses supreme interest, for while tlie face of the Madonna herself is strangely attractive by reason of its very un- usuahiess, tlie two cherubim sum up for us the wiiole sjiirit, half-Pagan, half-Christian of the Italian Quattrocento, while the face of the Christ with its weird foreboding of jiain and sorrow iiu\ it.ilily st.unps the woik as being that of the master himself. {Illiistnital) No. 351 — Fifteenth Century Flouextine Colored Terra-cotta Bas-relief 352 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Colored Stucco Bas- relief Tondo-like circular medallion, modeled, in low relief, with a three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin in a red robe and blue mantle and with bare head. She sits with her hands in her lap, her face in profile, looking toward the left, gazing with ma- ternal solicitude at the Child Christ, who lies undraped before q her. His face turned toward the spectator and His right hand O raised in the act of benediction. Colored naturalistically. En- "^ closed in a border modeled with cherul)im witli outstretched wings, symmetrically disposed. Diameter, '2ii^'-^ iiiehes. (lUiisfrateiJ) BENEDETTO DA IMAIANO 14^2—1498 3.)3 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Colored Terra-cotta Ma- donna liY Benedetto da Maiano Three-quarter-length standing figure of the Virgin in red robe and blue mantle, her head hooded by a white linen veil. She holds in her arms the Child Christ, whose head, with a profusion of curls, is thrown back as though in contemplation. His right hand is raised in the act of benediction. Both Mother and Child are haloed. Colored naturalistically and placed in a tondo frame of glazed terra-cotta and of the della liobbia school of the fifteenth century. The glazed terra-cotta frame, of the period of Andrea della Robbia, consists of a wreath of fruits and leaves, in their natural colors, with an inner border, in white. of egg and dart ornament and an outside border of imbricated patterning. He'ujht of fujure. .'57 'niehes; <] id meter of frame, 54 iiiehex. This bas-rcliof is so iiiucli larger tlian tliu marble it closely re- sembles, of the Tornabuioni inonuinent in Sta. Maria Novella, that Signor Bardini deeiiis it to be a study by the artist for the marble wliich exigencies of arrhitictural space forced him to make smaller. (lUiistrateil) BENEDETTO DA MAIAXO 14.4.2—1498 3.54 — Fifteenth CEXTinjv Florentine Colored Stl^cco Bas- KKEIEF Kectan<)ular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a three-quarter- length figure of the Virgin in red robe, blue mantle and wearing a white linen veil. She holds in her arms the Child Christ, who. undraped save for a fold of linen, lies upon a tasseled eushion and nurses at His ^[other's breast. The Virgin gazes down at her Child in loving and maternal adoration and He looks up at her in childlike trust and confidence. Colored naturalistically. In the original Tabernacolo frame of molded, carved, painted and gilded wood. ]Molded triangular pediment, with a carved, 1^ bearded and haloed head of (iod the Father occupying the Q> tympanum; molded cornice and frieze painted with a circular ^■ medallion enclosing the sacred monogram and flanked by scrolled leaves; su])i)<)rte(l on two fluted pilasters with Koman- escjue capitals. ^lolded base; i)linth with an "avk maiua" in Roman characters and molded apron. Hi'ighf. 50 inchcx: width. 28 inches. ( 111 II strut, (I ) No. 354 — Fifteenth C'extuky Florentine CoLOKEn Stucco Bas-uelief DONATO UE' BARDI (DONATELLO) ;3.}.5 — FiFTEEXTH Century Flouextixi: C'oloked Stucco Bas- KELIEF Kec'taiigular tablet, inodeled, in low relief, with a lialf-lenytb. figure of the Virgin in red ro])e Avith blue mantle and linen Aeil, her face in profile turned toward the right, with hanils brought together in front of her, adoring the Child Christ, who sits, draped in swaddling clothes, on a small chair in front of her. Coloi'ed naturalistically. In the original Tabernacolo frame of molded, ear\ed, ])ainted and gilded wood. Triangular pedi- ment, the tympanum oecu])ied by a Sanctus Sjiiritus Dove in high relief, with molded cornice, and frieze carved with two cherubim and catenaries, supported by two fluted jjilasters with pointed-leaf capitals. On molded base, the plinth painted in t) Lombardic characters with an "Ave ^laria" flanked by es- cutcheons charged with the coat-of-arms of the jNIedici family. Molded apron. Ht'Kjht. T)! 'inches: iciilth. •_'!);'•! iiithr.i. A careful study of this stucco will suggest, according to Signor Hiirdini, tluit it Tiiust have been the model on which was based the famous bronzed terra-cotta no« in the \'icti)ria and Albert Museum at South Kensington. (llliislraUd) No. 355 — Fifteenth C'?:xtuuy Flouentine Coloued Stucco Bas-relief ANTONIO IIOSSEI.LINO 1427— l-t'JO 356 — Fifteenth CEXTCitv Fi.okextine JMadoxna and Child in Coi>oKED Stucco Bas-relief Rectangular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a three-quarter- len<>th fii^ure of the "N^iri^in in a red robe and blue mantle, her head covered by a thin veil. Seated and regarding with face turned to the right and with a dignified calm the Child Christ, who, in a white tunic with red girdle, is seated on her knee clasping in both hands a bird, at which He looks with childish glee. On either .side, in the background, is modeled a "candeli- eri" decoration of vases festooned with ribbons and supporting a floral festoon. Original coloring. In original Tabernacolo frame of molded, carved, painted and gilded wood. Pointed pediment, with molded and dentelled cornice and plain frieze supported on two Hutcd pilasters with acanthus-leaf and shell- carved capitals. JNJolded base, the plinth ))ainted with an "ave makia" inscription in Roman lettering, and molded apron. Height. 55 inches; ic'ulth, .'50 inehex. {Illustrated) No. 356 l''lKTEKXTH C'KXTrliV FlOH KNTIX E ^I.MIOXXA AXl) ClULD IX Colored Sntto I?as-kelief ANTONIO ROSSELLINO 1427—1490 3.37 FlFTEKXTH CkXTUKY Fl.ORKXTlNE CoLOKKD StUCCO BaS- REIJEF Rectaii<;ular tablet, modeled, in low relief, with a three-quarter- length life-size figure of the ^''irgin in red robe, blue mantle and linen veil, seated, looking to the left and regarding, with down- cast eyes and an expression of maternal solicitude, the Child Christ, who, clad in a purple tunic, sits on her lap, supported by His ^Mother's hand, which clasps His shoulder. On either side, in the uj^per backgroimd, is an Angel in green robe with red wings adoring, with folded hands. Traces of original col- oring. In original Tabernacolo frame of molded, carved, painted and gilded wood. Pointed pediment, with molded cornice and frieze decorated with three cherubim, modeled in papier-mache and separated ])y catenaries tied with scrolled ribbons, supported on two fluted pilasters with Corinthian capitals. INIolded base, the plinth flanked by modeled escutch- eons, with molded apron. Ilchjlit. .').') iiulirx; icidth, '.W inclifx. Si^nor Bardini coiisidt is tliis tlio most beautiful of all the Ma- donnas modeled by Antonio Hossellino. (lllu.itrntfd) No. 357 — 1<'ifii-;eniii Ckxi-i k\ I'lou k.\ rixi-: t'uLouKU Sm i o Uas-kklikk GIOVANNI PISANO 1250— 1829 358 — Thiktekxtii Cexti^hy PiSxVx Coeoueu Wood Figure Full-lengtli .standiii<^' figure of the Virgin, wearing a trefoiled crown over a linen \eil, a red robe and blue mantle. She .sup- ports, on her left arm, the partially draped figure of the Child Christ, while raising her right hand and bending lier liead as though to listen to His ehildish prattle. He, on His part, looks into her gentle, calm face with a delightfid air of confidence. His right hand is raised as though to attract His INIother's at- tention, while He rests tlie left on His knee. His little bare right foot is bent downward in a surprisingly natural attitude. Colored naturalistically and gilded. On circular wooden base and an octagonal molded stand. Hfu/ht. .').'5 inches. The son of Nicola Pisano, tliat greatest of Italian mediaeval sculp- tors, Giovanni, as well as Arnolfo di Canibio and others, pupils -with him of hi.s father, carried from Pisa into otlur ])arts of Italy that revival of the art of sculpture for which Nicola was chiefly resj)onsible. Siena, Padua and Pistoja are enriched by examples of his skill. This statue betrays the .strong influence of the anticjue works of art the Pisani studied to such advantage. (Illustrated) No. ;}58 — TmitTEEXTH Centuuv Pisax Colored Wood Fu;rnE GLAZED TERRA-GOTTAS BY THE DELLA ROBBIA FAMILY PETM ■ (ilOVANNI DELLA ROBBIA SiXTEKXTII C'EXTfliY 3j9 — Sixteenth Century Floukxtink Glazed TEHUA-t'OTTA Tablet Shaj)e{l tahk't, glazed white with painted iiiseription paneled in Roman eharaeters. "D. PET. ]NL." snrniounted hy a triple loop of i-ihhons, hranehes of aeanthns and a shell and with an apron of a chei-nh with outstretched wini^s within a festoon of fruits and leaves. Tablet and cherub <^laze(l in white, the rest in nat- ural colors. Hiiqlit. 'i.'J hicliiw: ic'idtli. IS iiiclu's. BELLA ROBBIA FAMILY Sixteenth Centikv 3(50 SiXTEEXTH CeXTUKY (il.AZEl) TeUKA-C'OTTA Fl(iUl{E Half-length figure of an angel, shown as a woman with long eurling hair and pointed diadem, with wings, clothed in a sleeve- less tunic girdled with knotted rihhon and holding on the right arm a stem of lilies. On a hase formed of clouds. I^eft arm missing. Glazed in natural colors with jjortions left unglazed. Htic/ht, 21 inchfs. Tlic admirable fi^-uro, according to Signor Bardini, was modeled bv tlio mombLi- of tbc dclla Robbia family wlio madf tlu' famous frieze on tbe front of the Hospital of Pistoja. •V LUC A di>:lla robbia 14.00—1482 3()1 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Cii-AZEi) TERKA-toTTA Medaij.ion Circular medallion, modeled in low relief with a shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arms on a hlue ground consisting of a field argent with a hend or, mantled with a scrolled yellow rih- bon. Enclosed within a frame of wreath of fruits and leaves glazed in their natural colors. Diamettr, ^9\j inches. (lUiist rated) LUCA DKLLA U()BI$IA 1400— 1-1.8-2 3(52 — Fifteenth Centuuv Florentine Glazed Terra-coi-ta Medallion Circular medallion, modeled on a blue ground with the emblem of St. Lawrence, a purple gridiron surmounted by two yellow ^ ears of wheat and a white floriated cross. Enclosed within a >^ frame having an inner border of egg and dart patterning glazed white, sin-rounded by a wreath of fruits and leaves l)anded with ribbons. Glazed in natural colors. Dianuicr, 'l'\ inches. (lUnstniied) LUCA DELL A ROBBLV 1 400—1 482 363 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Glazi:d TEKRA-toTTA jNIedallion Circular medallion, modeled, in low relief, with a shaped shield charged with the coat-of-arms of the della Kobbia family, party per fesse argent, a cross crosslet, three daggers displayed, surrounded by a wreath of acorns and leaves. Enclosed within a frame of a wreath formed of alternate sections of fruits and leaves and pine cones and needles glazed in their natural colors. Diameter, 2.5 '^ inches. (Illiislnitcil) '"■*^'-^^J^J LUC A BELLA ROBBIA 14.00—1482 3()4. — Fifteenth Century Florentine Gi>azei) Terka-cotta JNIedali.ion Circular medallion, modeled in very low relief, with a circle containinfi^ the Sacred JNIonogram (I.H.S.) combined with a cross, and surrounded by pointed alternate straight and spiral rays in yellow on a blue ground. Enclosed within a frame of a wreath of fruits and leaves banded with ribbons on a white ground, (ila/ed in natural colors. Did meter, 25 inches, {niii.strateil) BELLA ROBBL\ FAMILY SiXTEEXTH CkXITRY 365 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Glazed Terra-cotta Medallion Circular medallion, modeled with a shaped shield, glazed blue on a green ground and charged with the emblem of St. Anthony, a hand resting on a crutch, and mantled with a scrolled and tasseled ribbon. Enclosed in a frame having, on a white ground, a wreath of bimehes of fruits and fir-cones tied with scrolled ribbons. Glazed in natural colors. Diameter, 29 inches. Tills and tliu followiiifr nudallion camu from a nionastury near Florence. (Illustrated) BELLA ROBBL\ FAMILY SiXTEEXTH CeXTI'RV 3GC> — Fifteenth Century Florentine Glazed Terra-cotta Medallion Circular medallion, modeled with a shaped shield glazed in blue and charged with the emblem of St. Francis, two crossed hands showing the stigmata below a Horiated cross in white, j)urple and j'ellow. Enclosed within a frame formed of a wreath of fruits and leaves on a white ground naturalistically colored. Diameter, IJO ' j inches. (Ilhistratnl) M ' LUCA DELLA ROBBIA 1400—1482 367 — Fifteenth Century Glazed Tekra-cotta Portrait ]Mei)aij.ion Circular medallion, modeled with the hiist portrait of a Roman Kmperor shown as a young man with a wreath of laurel tied with scrolled rihhons. Glazed in white, with a hlue hackground and enclosed in a frame of glazed tcrra-eotta modeled with a wreath of fruits and leaves glazed in their natural colors. Dunneter, 28 inches. Tlio iidiiiirabk' iiiodfliiifr of tliis hiist, so Siirnor Bardini asserts, cannot fall to yivc assurance that it is tlic work of l.uca liiinsilf. {Ilhistrtit,;!} ANDREA DELLA ROISBLV 1 4:57—1 528 368 — Fifteenth Century Glazed Terra-cotta Portrait Medallion Circular medallion, modeled with a hust portrait, in the antique style and glazed in white, of a hearded man of middle age look- ing downwards and wearing a toga with an under tunic. En- closed in a frame of glazed teri'a-cotta modeled as a wreath of fruits, flowers and leaves glazed in their natural colors. The hackground to the hust is of wood. Diiiiiuttr, 'SI uiclua. (Ilhist ratal) ANDREA DELLA ROBBLV 1437—1528 369 — Fifteenth Century CtLazed Terra-cotta Portrait Medallion Circular medallion modeled with a portrait hust, in the antique style, of a man shown in full face wearing an inider tunic and with a toga dra^ied around his shoulders. Glazed in white with a hlue hackground. Surrounded hy a glazed terra-cotta frame of a wreath of fruits, flowers and leaves glazed in their natural coloi's. Diumctir, 34 inches. {Uhi strafed) GIOVANNI DKLLA ROBBIA 14.69—1529 370 — FouKTEKXTii Century Glazed Tekra-cotta Bas-relief ]iectaii<;'ular tablet of terra-ccitta. ,ylazed in natural colors. A copy of Hossellino's luarhk' has-rclief of "St. Jerome in tlie Desert." There are a few minor differences, the saint, for instance, heinf^- shown as an old man with a heai-d, but otherwise the compositions are alike. In terra-cotta frame glazed in wliite. Iliiqht, AH inches: width. 12'.. inches. '- - .g It is an undoubtL'tl fact that the Delia Kobliias, witli tbc j)ossiblc ^>^ exception of Luca, availed tbcni.selves of the creative abilities of other sculptors whose orif^iiials they reproduced in glazed terra-cotta. An instance of this is a tiella Hobbia referred to by Sir J. (". Robinson, wiiich is a partial reproduction of Antonio Rossellino's celebrated marble altarpiece in the Church of Monte Oliveto at Naples. {Illustrated) No. ;37()— FoiKTEEXTH CeXTIKV (iLAZKl) TkKUA-COTTA Ba.S-1(EL1EF GIU\ A.\M DKLLA KOBBIA 14.(59— 15-29 371 — Fij-TEENTH Cexti'hy 1''l()kkntixe Glazed Tekua-cotta Statue Standing figure of Judith, with long curhng liair falling over her shoulders and dressed in a loose rohe gathered over the hips and with the sleeves rolled u]). In the left hand she holds by the hair the deeajjitated head of Ilolofernes. Her right arm is uplifted. On eii-cular base, lettered "judit," and square molded i)edestal, tiie sides enriched with festoons of flowers and fruits and with eheruhim. The figure glazed in white, the ])edestal in wliite and eoloi's. l^ight arm missing. Height, -12 inches. Sigiior Biinliiii ilirocts attrntioii to tliis statue as being of excep- tional artistic value. Durinir the Decadence, the followers of the Delia Robbias frequently co])ie(l this subject, hut their co])ies entirely lack the brilliancy of the irla/e and Die admirabh' niodelini;- sliow n in this example. 4 ANDRKA DELLA KOHUIA U;i7— 1528 'i7'2 — Fifteenth Cextuuy (ii.AZi.i) 'rKKKA-coTTA Eas-uei.ief ix its Original Tabehxaiolo Fkame Kound-arclicd tahk't, inodflcd with tlirec-ciuarter-k'H^tli figure of the A^ir^in in rohe c-ontined at the waist with a knotted ,<>'irdk' and hooded mantle fastened at the neek with a cord and huttons. She is standin<4' with her hea(k seen in three-cinarter view, in- clined to the left, the featnres sureluirged with an expression of pensive melancholy. Her left hand holding His left ankle and her right hand clasping His hody, she supports the un- draped standing Child Christ, who has His left arm thrown around His ]Motiier's neck and holds in His right hand a hird. His full face is turned to the spectator, at whom he gazes with an air of Divine dignity. The haekground is diversified with horizontal hands of clouds, while ahove are three cherubim, one with outstretched and two with folded wings shown with the faces of smiling care-free children. JNIother and Child, as well as the three cherubim, have haloes. This excjuisite tablet is l>laced within a Tabernacolo frame having an inner broad ])or- der of seven cherubim with outstretched wings, some with smil- iijg faces, some looking downwards with a pitying expression; the outer border is a molding of eiy- shell-like flutings, having- in the center a shaped escutocheon charged with the arms of a Florentine family (a rampant lion), surrounded by a scrolled ribbon with tasseled ends. Enclosed in a frame with inner border of egg and dart patternino- olazed white and sur- rounded by a wreath of fruits. Howei's and leaves. All glazed in their natural colors. Diamcler, TG inches. STONE AND MARBLES Of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 375 — Fifteenth Ckxtuky Isthiax Stone Liox JMarzocco. Formed as a lieraldic sejant lion witli conventional- ized mane massively curled. Height, 1 foot 8 iiiclirs. Tliis lion i-('])ri\srnts a Marzocco, tlie cmbli'in of the City of Floroiu'u, as tliu Lily was its C'oat-of'-arnis. It was foniicrly a -1<. (Slightly repaired.) Hei(/ht. 2.") inclies; u-idth, -K)l^ incites. {lUust rated) 39.5 — Fifteenth Centl'ry Italian jMarble Papal Coat-of-akms Rectangular tablet, carved with a catenary of festoons of fruits tied with scrolled ribbons and with fi'uit pendants and witli a shield charged with the coat-of-arms of the Piccolomini family (a cross and five crescents) surmounted by the Crossed Keys and Papal Tiara tied with an embroidered stole. This coat- of-arms is that of Knea Pio Piccolomini (Pius II), Pope from U.")8 to 14G4. Ueiiiht, n incites; :cidth. 2") inches. (Illnstriifetl) ?S>1; 396 — Roman JNIarrle Bas-rei,ief (Second ccntiiri/ A.D.) Rectangular tablet, jji-obaljly a jjortion of a sepuchral iikhiu- nient. Chamfered upper corners, carved in low relief with en- twined rinceaux of acanthus leaves and flowers, which sujjport, at either side, seated piitti holding flaming cornucopia;. In the center is a square pedestal, surmounted by a fluted urn-shaped vase from which issue conventional flames. Height, 2(5 iiichcn; wiiltli, "JO iiichrs. {lUustrated) 397 — Sixteenth Century Italian INIakble Papal Coat-of-arms Rectangular tablet, carved in low relief with a shaped escut- cheon charged with the coat-of-arms of the ^Medici family ( five pellets and three fleurs-de-lis) , surmounted by the Crossed Keys and Papal Tiara tied with an embroidered stole, flanked by cir- cular rosettes, cords and pendent tassels. Below is carved "Firma Fides" (Constant Faith). This is the coat-of-arms of Giovanni de' Medici (Leo X), Pope from l.)13 to 1523. Height, 32 inchex; xcidth, 23 inches. {Illustrated) 398 — Sixteenth Century Italian jNIarble Papal Coat-of-arms Rectangular panel, with molded border. Carved in low re- lief with a shaped escutcheon charged with the coat-of-arms of the della Rovere family (an oak tree), surmounted by the Crossed Keys and Papal Tiara, tied with an embroidered stole, and flanked by a scrolled ribbt)n. This coal-of-arms is that of (xiuliano della Rovere (Julius II), who was Pope from l.)03 to 1513. Height, 44Vo inches; width, 2T(j inches. (llliistnited) >>. JlLii .-■"■-'^ '^jL^^ 399 — Fifteenth Cextuky Flokextixe Liox" JNIavzofco. Formed as a heraldic sejant lion with open mouth and conventionalized curled mane. On I'ocky hase. Hfifjilt, 1 foot 10 inches. P'ornierly a decoiiitioii of the l-,uygi;i iltir Orcagiia, Florence. JACOPO TATTI (IL SANSOVIXO) U7T— 1569 400 — Sixteenth Cextiky Fi.okentine Makble FuiUKE Nude figure of St. John the Baptist, with curling hair and heard, seated, with crossed legs, in the cleft of a tree trunk, ,'3 around which and across his lap are thrown the folds of a skin "^ garment. At his side stands a lamh. On irregular rock hase. Portions of figure missing. Hciijlit, 19 iiiclicf:. UOxNATO UE' BARDI (DONATELLO) 1. -383— 146(5 401 — Fifteenth Century Florentine INIarhle Tabernacolo Apron Triangidar-shaped apron, carved with two voluted and fluted scrolls enclosing two winged angels hearing hetween them a chalice and holy wafer. Below are a shaped escutcheon charged with a coat-of-arms, and scrolled rihhons. Height, '12 inches; width, ',i'l incJtcx. This apron is very similar to that of Donatcllo's frame, containing a bronze statue by Verrocchio, in the Churcli of San Michelc in Florence. MINO DA FIESOLE 1400—1485 402 — Fifteenth Century ]Marbi,e Head of St. John the Baptist Head of St. John the Baptist, shown as a hearded young man, thrown hack with eyes looking upward and mouth slightly /o opened. The lifelike expression and attitude of his head are ^ remarkahle. On s(|nare molded wooden hase painted with scrolled foliage, gilded and enriched 1)V carving. Height, 18 inches. ITALIAN SCHOOL SlXTEENDl C'eNTUKY 403 SiXTEKXTII CKNTrUY StOXK PuoriLK PoUTKAIT Rectangular panel, molded on three sides and oeeiipied by a carving in low relief of the ])rolile portrait bust, looking to the right, of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. He is shown with a short cnrling heard and mustache, curling hair confined hy a knotted fillet, and wearing a loose-fitting toga and a "radiated" crown. Below is the inscrijjtion in Roman letters "adiuaxus AUGUSTi'S." From the antigue. Height, 21 inches; width. 15 inches. ^ FLORENTINE SCHOOL Fifteenth C'entiry .0 n.' •i04 P'iFTEEXTII CkXTUKV ^MaKHLE PkOFIEE I'oKTUAIT Rectangular tablet, oeeupied with a protile portrait bust, look- ing to the left, of a young girl with wavy hair confined by two fillets, and a robe open at the throat and with a turn-over collar. In Tabernacolo frame of wood, with broken pediment, molded cornice and base and shaped apron. Height of marhlf. 11 incites: iciiltli of iiKirhlc. S inchcf:. FRANCESCO RAIBOLIM (IL FRANCIA) 14.50—1517 405 — Fii'TEENTH Century INIakble Poktrmt Bust of 3Iixo Rossi Square panel, surrounded by raised molding with circular ro- settes at the angles and enclosing a circular medallion with molded frame carved with cable and bead and reel enrichments, and enclosing a profile portrait, looking to the right, bust in high relief, of a yoimg warrior with heavy waving hair. He wears a round silk birctta-like cap and a steel breastplate with chased, scrolled and shelled ornaments. The background is of colored marble. Hiifjht, 17 incliis; icidfli, 13 iucJirs. Tills beautiful bust of Mino Rossi, of Bologna, came direct to Sigiior Bardiiii from the celebrated Palazzo Bevilacque, a noted store- house of superb works of art. Its centuries-old attribution to Francesco Raibolini, better known as Francia, is entirely warranted when the facts arc taken into account that Francia was until middle life a gold- smith and medallist, that one of the most famous medals by him now in existence is a profile portrait of Bernardo Rossi, Count of Berceti, Governor of Bologna in 1519 and a kinsman of i\Iino, and that the tech- nique of the medallion is very similar to that of the Bentivoglio busts in the family chapel in Bologna, which are undoubtedly the work of Francia. {lUii.strutnl) No. 405 — FiFTEKNTH Ckxtiuv Marble Poutrait Bust of jMixo Rossi FLORENTINE SCHOOL FiFTEEXTTr Century 406 — Fifteenth Century ]Marhee Portrait Bust Bust portrait of a nii(l(lle-a<>ed Florentine merchant witli clean- shaven face and curling- hair, wearing- a close-fitting Florentine cap with tiu'ned-up back lappets, and a mantle draped over his shoulders. On octagonal molded and gilded wooden base. Hchjht. 1 9 inches. ARNOLFO DI CAMBIO 1232—1310 407 — Early Fouutekxth Ckxtuky JMarbi.e Pokikait Bust Life-size bust of a man witli regular features and eiu'linf>' hair and weariui^' a round Florentine eap. He is dressed in a tight- fitting" jerkin fastened elosely at the neek. On oetagonal molded and gilded wooden base. (Restored.) Height, 19 inches. Arnolfo di C'aiiihio, oiif of tlic most celebrated earlv fourteentli century architects and sculptors, was a distinguislied pupil of Nicola Pisano. The churches of Sta. Croce and Sta. ]Maria del Flore in Florence are monuments to his skill. NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL Fourteenth Century 408 — Fourteenth Century jNIarble Portrait JMedallion Circular medallion, framed with a wreath of leaves and berries with cross bands of ribbon and occiij^ied with a profile portrait head, looking- to the left, of a lady, prol)ably a (jueen. with curl- ing hair confined by a net and with pearl-embroidered lappets. The panel is of the fifteenth century. Diameter. Ki inches, {llhist rated) NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL Sixteenth Centitry 409 — Sixteenth Century Lomhakdic INIarble JMedallion Circidar medallion, occupied with a portrait head in profile, looking- to the right, of a Roman Emperor with curling hair and beard tied with a ribbon fillet, and wearing a "i-adiated" crown. After the antique. Diameter. 22 inches. {lUnst rated) ALESSANDRO ALGARDI Seventeentit Century 410 — Seventeenth Century JNIarhle Portuait Oval medallion, supported by two pntti and enclosing a bas- relief bust portrait of an ecclesiastic with a skull cap, long curl- ing hair, a closely buttoned cossock and a turned-over linen collar. Arm and foot of j)utt(t missing. Ileii/hf. 20 incJu's: :cidt]i. 22 inches. {Illustrated) 411 — Marble Head (lioman. of the second century A.D.) Head of a statue of Juno, with curling hair confined hy a fillet. On a fifteenth century Istrian stone molded cylindrical base en- riched by carving', and square ])edestal with tongue-shaped leaves at the angles. Height, '1\ inchex. {lUuxtnttcd) 412 — Makbee Head {Roman, of the first century A.D.) Head of a statue of Apollo with long curling hair confined by a knotted fillet. On cylindrical molded marble base. Height, 21 inches. ( III II. it rn ted) 413 — Marble Bust oe a Warrior {Roman, of fJie second century A.D.) liust of a youthful warrior looking downward and wearing a steel helmet with visor, and a breastfjlate witli shoulder-pieces enriched with figures of bearded warriors in low relief, and a winged mask in low relief in center of breast. On contem])orary cylindrical molded base. Height, 3.5 inclics. {Uhmtratcd) s 7 LEONE LEON I 1525—1587 414 — Sixteenth Century Lombakdic Marble Bust Portrait of CosiMO I de' JNIedici, Duke of Fi>orence Bust of a middle-aged man with curly haiv, a spade-sliaped beard and mustache, betraying strength and determination in the strong features with tightly closed lips. He wears a classic toga secured at the left shoulder with circular brooch. On square base. Hciijlif. 'i.'} incJies. (Illiistrntefl) LEONE LEOM 1.525—1587 415 — Sixteenth Century Lombardic JMarbi.e Bust Portrait of A Duchess of the jNIedici Famii>y Bust portrait of a lady in fifteenth century costume of embroid- ered sleeveless timic, undei'bodice with full sleeves of silk and stiffly starched lace-bordered ruff. iVround her neck she wears a necklace of large pearls, falling in two loops over tiie tunic. Her hair is curled and dressed to fall on either side of the face, which looks downwards with an enigmatic smile on her lips. ( Nose restored. ) Height, 25 inches. Porliaps tlio most famous Lombard artist of his day, Leone Leoni, goldsmitli, medallist and sculptor, was called not only "II Cavaliere Aretini," hut also II Scultore Cesareo, because he made so many portraits of the Impfrial family. {llliisfnitn]) I,EO\E LEONI 1.52.5—1587 416 — Sixteenth Century Lombardic ]NL\rhi.e Bust Portrait of Kino Phieip II of Spain liust-lcngth portrait of the monarch in a steel breastplate with large riveted shoulder guards and a high standing collar bor- dered with lace. He wears his hair long and carelessly thrown back, and the familiar mustache and goatee. On s{|uare base. (llhistnitnl) Ihiijhf. 2() inches. N LORENZO BERNINI 1598—1680 417 — Seventeenth Century jNIarbi.e Bust Portrait Bust of a lady of the Roman court with hair drawn back from, and plaited above the forehead and falling behind in a loose lock. She is dressed in a loose robe bordered with Venetian point lace. On cylindrical carved, molded, fluted and gilded marble base. Height, 35 inches. This and the two foUowing busts by Cavahcrc Lorenzo Bernini came from the Villa Lamporecchio, built by Prince Uospl^rlioni during the seventeenth century from a design by Bernini. ^" LOKKNZO BKRMM 1598—1680 418 — Seventeenth Century ]Maui!LK Bust Portrait Bust-leiifith portrait of a young lady of the Roman court. Her curling hair is hrushed hack from the forehead and falls in two long ringlets over her shoulders. She is dressed in a loose-fitting rohe trimmed with piinto goiico lace. On cylindrical carved, molded and fluted marhle hase. Height, 38 iiichcu. LORENZO BERNINI 1598— 1G80 419 — Seventeexth Century JNIakule Bust Puktkait Bust-length portrait of an ecclesiastic with clean-slunen face and curling hair brushed back from the forehead. He wears a loose cassock-like robe buttoned up to the neck. On cylin- drical carved, molded, fluted and gilded marble base and high wooden pedestal elaborately carved with cherubim and scrolls and with a shield-shaped escutcheon charged with a papal coat- of-arms and surmounted by a papal tiara and crossed keys. Completely gilded. Hci(/ht eipsic IMuseum, of wliich lie is tlie Director. He begins by saying: "To Signor Bardini of Florence belongs the Statue of a Youth in Parian marble. This statue comes from the Villa Borghese and is very well preserved, having retained even its original surface"; and contimies: "As one can see almost at the first glance, we have here to do with a work of Polykleitos. Its movement and bear- ing are so intimately suggestive of the Diadumenos that, were it not for the fortunate preservation of the head, one might have supposed this c^ \o. 427 — Parian AIauhle Torso of a Yoithful Athlete POLYKLEITOS OF SIC'VON Greek Sculptor of the Fifth Centvuy B.C. 427 — Fabian JMakiu.k 'JVjkso of a Youtiifiti, iVtiilete Figure, almost to the knees, of a boy atlilete. Shown as a nude youtli with closely curling hair, the head inclined forward, the face down-looking and the features, of extreme masculine beauty, charged with a jjensive expression. The pronounced muscular development of the body, the clearly indicated ana- tomical structure of ribs and breast bone and the prominence of the lyre-sha2)ed abdominal muscles are all exceedingly char- acteristic of Polykleitos and his school. The head has been broken off, but has been replaced; there are slight restorations to the upper lip and the nose, as well as to the left hip. The arms are missing, but the rectangular socket for the tenons which originally held them in place are plainly visible. The torso has for base the capital of a Greek Ionic column of the second century B.C., with plain solutes, a band of egg and dart molding, and bolsters formed of banded pointed leaves. Of white Parian marble, with a fine patina, beautifully colored by age and showing only a few surface indications of l)iu-ial. Hcighf, a feet 11 14 inches. From the Borc/luse Palace, Home. This stiitiK', excavjitcd in tlic gardens of a ^ ilia in Ronir, was for long ill the Borghcsc Collection in Rome, and, save that it was aeeident- ally omitted from the official Fide Commisso, would have passed with the rest of the Borghese Museum into the possession of the City of Rome. His belief that it is a work of the contemj)orary and rival of Plieidias, the Argive sculptor of the Diadumenos in the British ^Museum, the Doryphoros at Naples and the Amazon in Berlin, Signor Bardini sliares with many European critics of eminence. Peter von Bienkowski has written an exhaustive monograph "On a Statue by Polykleitos" in the monthly Review of the Leij)sic Museum, of which he is the Director, lie htgins by saying: "To Signor Bardini of Florence belongs the Statue of a Youth in Parian marble. This statue comes from the Villa Borghese and is vei-y well preserved, having retained even its original surface": and continues: "As one can see almost at the first glance, we have here to do with a work of Polykleitos. Its movement and bear- ing are so intimately suggestive of the Tliadunienos that, were it not for the fortunate preservation of the head, one might have sujiposed this c^ No. -127 — Pakian Mauhi.f. Tousd ok a Yoithfi'l Athlete [Xo. i'27 — Continued^ torso to be a replica of that statuu. Like tlie Uiadunienos, the Bardini Youth arrests his stride and turns his head to the rigiit." The writer then points out that tiie proportions of tlie Bardini athlete scarcely differ from those of the celebrated Canon of Polvkleitos and that the details of the modeling, such as the lyre-shaped outlines of the abdom- inal cavitj-, are of themselves essential characteristics of the Polykleitos style, though these, he avers, are displayed by the head even more than by the body. The shape of the head, the arrangement of the hair, the shape of the ears, are all as in the Doryphoros and the statues related to it. Finally, he adds: "The half-open mouth, the broad planes of the delicate cheeks, the whole expression of the wonderful nobility and modesty shown in the refined face, remind one of the Diadumenos and the Amazon. From all this it seems to me that the Bardini Athlete displays so plainly the characteristics of Polykleitos as one knows them from his authentic and recognized works that I wish to attribute the original, naturally of bronze, to the Master himself." The loss of the arms prevents any positive determination, according to the writer, of the reason for what must have been their raised posi- tion, and no contem])orary woi-ks throw any light upon the subject, for, as he points out, the only statue that is probably a co])y of the Floren- tine Athlete is in the Uffizi (No. T6, Alinari Photo I, 1170) and that has no arms or thighs and is headless. "So," he concludes, "it only remains to seek an explanation in the head itself of the Bardini Statue. The unswollen cars and the delicate contours of the lower part of the face show that the youth represented was not a hero of the fist, or Pancratium, but must have been the winner of a race, or of the Pen- tathlon, in which it was a question rather of agility than of mere brute strength." (Illustrated) PISAX SCHOOL Fourteenth Century 428 — FouKTKKXTH Ckxtuky Makble Statue Staiuliii<^- figure of tlic Viro'in in a tight-fitting tunic and loose mantle, with long liair and wearing a trefoiled crown. On lier left arm slie carries, and with her right hand points to. the Child Christ, who is nude to the waist; with His right hand He sup- ports Himself hv His Motlier's tunic and in His left He holds a bird. On circular base. Height, ,39 inches. {Illustrated) No. 428 — Fourteenth Cextuky Marble Statue PISAN SCHOOL Fourteenth Century 429 — Pair of Foukteextii Century INIarble Statues Chief figures in an Annunciation. The Virgin, clothed in a tunic and loose mantle with a veil thrown over her head, stands in a listening attitude, her right hand holding an open missal. The Angel Gabriel, shown as a yovith with curling hair, stands hold- ing open with both hands a parchment scroll. Both figures are on circular bases and ai-e supported on similar contemporary columns with heavily fluted shafts, molded bases and square ])edestals, with tongue-sha2)ed leaves at the angles. Heights of .statues, 45 hielics; of bases, 37 inehes. {Illustrated) 430 — Pair of Eighteenth Century ^Marble Flowek-holders Oval shape, with incurved sides and plain rim and base. The sides fluted and carved with two goats' heads and two ribbon bows, supporting festoons of ivy lea^•es and berries. Of white statuary marble. Heiyhf, 2 feet 5\-2 inehes; diameter 2 feet .'3 inehes. / Vr ■v ■lltflfl A; Vlir I ' No. -i'lQ — Paii! of FutiiTEENTii ('kniiuy INIakhle Staties 431 — Thirtkentii Cextury Italian ^Iauhi.k Holy \Vatek Stoup Circular bowl, with straight sloping side and annular rim. studded at regular intervals with sea-horses in the form of hu- man masks. On fluted columnar step spreading to a polygonal foot. On a scpiare marble base of second century B.C. Etruscan workmanship. At the angles are rams' heads with large voluted horns, the plinth between being decorated with figures of danc- ing satyrs. Below, the edge is molded. Height, .5 feet: dUnncter of bowl, 3 feet 4 inches. {Illustrated) 432 — Thikteextii Cextuky Italian ^Makiile Holy Water Stoup Circular coupe-shaped bowl, with heavily gadrooned sides, ter- minating around the rim with a (iothic-like arcading. The stem is formed as a tapering fluted column, with molded capital and base, the whole standing on a square base, with molded sides enriched with bands of guilloche and vine-leaf patterning, and resting on two couchant lions of highly con\'entional character. Heiijht, 5 feet; diameter of howl, 2 feet 9 inches. {Illustrated) 433 — Fifteenth Century Roislvn INIarule ]Manteli'iece Of white marble. INIolded cornice, enriched by acanthus-leaf, beaded and egg and dart carvings and frieze carved with three festoons of fruits. flf)wers and leaves sepai-ated by two shaped shields, one charged with the coat-of-arms of the Borgia family, a bear and three pellets, the other with the initials "G. P. Q.," supported on two voluted console brackets carved with flutings and two paneled pilasters carved with pendants of fruits and leaves. Fitted with raised stone hearth. Height, 6 feet 1 iueir, icidtli, 5 feet 4 inches. {Illustrated) m 434 — Fii'TKKXTii Ckxti'ky FlokkxtinI'; Stoxk JNIaxtki.vifa'K Of graystone or p'lctra scrciHi. ISloldcd cornice, enriched with egg and dart carving and paneled frieze carved witli two flying amorini holding with outstretched arms and scrolled ril)l)ons a wreath of laurel leaves and berries enclosing a shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arnis. supported on two \()lute(l con- sole brackets, the fronts carved with laurel leaves, and on j)an- eled pilasters enriched with pendants of shields and weapons. , Square base. Height y 7 feet 1 inch: rcidth. 7 fcrt '2 incites. 435 — Fifteenth Cextuuy U^rnuiAx Uruixo Stoxk ^LvxTKi.rnx'E Mantelpiece of cream-coloved Urbino stone, with molded cor- nice enriched witli e<^<>- and dart carving antrpancled frieze en- closing a carving in low relief of two flying amorini holding with hotli hands a wreath of laurel leaves occupied by a sliaped shield supported by two acanthus-leaf carved, voluted console brack- ets, below which are paneled pilasters, the sliafts enriched with stems of pointed leaves carved in low relief. Htiyht, (i feet 1 inch; icidtli, 5 feet -1 inches. 436 — Fifteenth Century Fi.orentine Stone ^NIantei, Of graystdiie or pictra scrcna. Surmounted by a shaped over- piece carved in the center with an urn-shaped fluted vase in front of which is a sliaped sliield chari^ed with the fleur-de-lis of Florence. From the vase depend two festoons of fruits and leaves, the other ends of wliich are held by win<>ed amorini hold- ing pointed shields. The cornice of the chimneypiece proper is molded, enriched with an egg and dart carving, and the frieze is paneled with a beaded molding and enriched with a carving of two flying amorini who hold a laurel wreath pierced with a cusped rosette and are flanked by two cherul)im with folded wings. Both are supported by voluted console brackets carved with acanthus leaves and by beaded and molded paneled pi- lasters enriched with arabesques of acanthus leaves, rosettes and cherubim springing from urn-shaped ^ases. On square base. Hc'u/hf, 7 feet 7 Inches: width. (5 feci 7 inches. This mantelpiece is more complete tlian usual, in that it possesses the decorative over-piece which marked the starting of tlie cappa. or tapering iiooded smoke-flue, examples of which may now be seen in the famous cliimneypieces of the Ducal Palace in Urbino. (lUnst rated) No. 4-W — FiKTEEXTn Centi-ry Florextine Stone Mantel 4.37 — Sixteenth Cextuky Lombardic JNIarbee Tabernacle Niche Recessed niche of architectural character, with a semicircular pediment having a fluted and lotus-leaf carved arch molding- flanked hy cinquefoil rosettes and honeysuckle ornaments, sur- mounted by two similar rosettes and a flamed vase and occupied hy a carving in low relief of God the Father shown as a bearded man with his arms extended in the act of benediction and sur- i-ounded by four cherubim. The molded and dentelled cornice and bowed frieze, carved with honeysuckle and lilies, are sup- ported by flat pilasters with voluted acanthus-leaf capitals and shafts carved with stems of pointed leaves and flowers springing from urn-shai)ed vases. Below the molded base is a segmental apron carved with acanthus-leaf rinceaux, cinquefoil blossoms and honeysuckles of white marble. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; rc-iilth, 3 feet 2 inches, {in II. 'it rated) JV^"^>jU. No. -IJiT SiXTEKNTH ( ' KXTT It V LoM liAlt IlIC Tah El! N ACI.E NlCHE ^i^i^t J<38 TlIlKTEENTII CkXTIM{V StoXI', FOUNTAIN Kectangular sarcophagus shape. Of Istrian Hniestone. Heavy molded top with tlie upper member enriched with a hand of honeysuckle ornamentation carved in low relief. The vertical sides are carved with five masks of bearded men, some with curling- hair and some with close-fitting caps, from whose open mouths streams of water proceeded. These masks are sepa- rated by scrolled acanthus-leaves on fluted grounds, and at the angles are voluted acanthus leaves. The receding base is formed with a plain cavetto molding and the mountain rests on two plainly molded blocks which in turn rest upon the backs of two marble couchant lions of fourteenth century workmanship. Height, 3 feet 5 iiirlir.f; length, 4 feet !)',o iiiehe.s: 7c-i(ltli. 2 feet 4 iiichex. This fountain is peculiarly interesting, as offering a noteworthy example of tlie manner in wiiich tlie Gothic feeling exerted its influence upon the early Renaissance designers. Entirely mediaeval in its con- ception, even such obviously Classic details as the Greek honevsuckle and acanthus-leaf ornamentation are yet touched with a lingering Gothicism. The Lions, fashioned at least a century later, show a much more intimate commingling of the two apparently antipathetic styles. EVENING SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1918 AT THE A^IEKICAN ART GAIJ.ERIP^S BEGINNING AT 8.1.) o'cLOC'K VECEELI TIZIAXO TITIAN A'f.xktian: 1-189—1.576 MO~PEN AND JXK DRAWING Studv Tor a laiidsc-apc. On tlie right is a trunk of a tree, seated under wliieh is a fif>ure in classical costume with right arm upraised. On i,s the left is a clump of trees and shruhs. A recent biognij)licr of Titian says: "No estimate of Titian's art would be sufficient without mentioning the surpassing beauty of his landscape back- ground." GIOVANNI DOMENRO TIEPOLO Akxktiax: 1727—1804 Ul— GROUP OF NINE SKETCHES IN SEPIA (For cciliii;/ (Iccoraiion) (a) Bearded man in flowing U— CRAYON DRAWING Study in life size of the head of a child with curling hair. Seen nearly in profile looking to the right. (Illustrated) ITALIAN SCHOOL Sixteexth Century U5— DRAWING IN TWO-COLORED CHALK Head of a bearded man seen in three-ciuarter ^•iew looking to the right. He wears a frilled tiu-ned-over collar. (Ill list rated) GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIAZETTA 4m~DRAWING IN BLACK AND WHITE CRAYON Hehjht. — iiielies; width. — inches liiFE study of a sleeping yoimg woman. She lies on the ground M'ith her head pillowed on the right arm. Over the left arm is the handle of a large basket from which three loaves of bread have tumbled out. {Illitstrated) ^^ ' pff p iBk^IKk. -^ ^ i '^ r m -'■ c . .1 ■145 i \ ^ ^ . ,J!tatK7.x.rx.iia^. ^.^la^'^sjbi. "^^'^V::!^ ^j FLORENTINE SCHOOL Fifteenth Cexti'ry U7—HERCVLES AND ANT J JUS ( Panel ) Height, IT iiulics: 7ci(lfli. V2^ ■_. inches IlEiuri.KS, fonipletely nude, stands with liis hack to the spectator, liis head, with eurlino- liair, tlirown hack and his face seen in three- quarter view. He liokls with hotli arms Ant;eus, whom he raises from tlie ground. The latter, witli liis right hand, clutches Hercules's hair and grasps the arm of his adversary with liis left. The figures are ])laeed in a landscape with a rocky eminence on the left side. On the right is a tree from the branches of which hangs a shaped shield charged with the coat-of-arnis of the Rovere family of Flor- ence. In the distance are trees. In old. molded wood frame. {Ilhistrateil) FRANCESCO (iUARDI 1712—179:3 448— r//iir OF SAN GIORGIO MAGGIOliE, VENICE Hciyhi, 15 inches- -icidth, 20Vi; inches Ix the center is tlie island of San Giorgio Maggiore. with the church distinguished by its classic portico, lofty dome and s([uare campanile, and on the right a low brick building with a round-arched entrance. In the foreground is the Lagoon. Inning in the center a gondola propelled by two gondoliers, and on the right the prow of a ship with a flapping sail. In the distance, on the left, is a shore with build- iiiffs. Blue sky and white clouds. o? No. 447 — Heuc'ii-es axd Axt.eus \^ FRENCH SCHOOL SiXTEENTir CeNTUKY U9^PORTliAIT OF A HOY (Canvas) Hiiyht, 25 inches; icidth, 181/, inches Oval shape. Halt'-len<>tli jjortrait, seen in tliree-qiiartev view turned to the left, of a youth with lon<<' hair. He is dressed in a richly em- broidered coat of sixteenth century style with full sleeves, lace cuffs, a falling lace collar and a beribboned under-jerkin. His right hand holds the hilt of a sword and the left rests on his hip. Inscribed: "aetatis svae VII." In old carved and gilded frame. RACHEL RUYSCH Flemish: 166-i— 1750 450—./ BOWL OF F LOWE US (Panel) Hi'u/lit, 17 inches; icidtli. 2()l,.j inches Ix a bronze bowl is a Ijoiujuet of peonies, roses and anemones, some of which have fallen out of the bowl and lie on the table. In the foregrt)imd is a white butterfly. In a car\ed and gilded wooden frame by the famous Brostolone of Venice. LUCA SIGNORELLI Coetona: 1441 — 1523 4'51—THE FLA GELLA TION (Panel) To the right of the center, Christ, undraped save for a loin cloth, is tied with His hands behind His back to a post, the bands being strengthened by a nude man with violent contortions. Around are four nude men with scourges, and on either side Roman soldiers. On the left is a group of Romans and .Jews, and I'ilate seated on a throne under a canopy. In old molded wood frame. Heiijht. 14 inches; rcidth. IW inches, (llhistniteil) ^■•^ GERMAN SCHOOL Sixteenth C'exturv ^52— PORT li AIT OF A YOVNG WOMAN (Panel) Height, 21 inches; -idilfh, 15 inches Half-i.kxgtii figure of a younf)- woman sliown in full face. Her dark hair is ])arte(l in the middle, hrushed smoothly back and bound with a circle of beads. Around her neck she wears a necklace with center clasp and dou])le-looped gold chain, while in her left hand she sujjports a riclily repousse gold cup, the cover of which she holds in hei- right hand. Through an open window on the right is seen a landscape with figiu'es and rocky eminence. {Ilhist rated) PRIMITIVE ITALIAN SCHOOL FOURTEEXTH CeXTI'KY i53— BIRTH OF THE VIRGIX (Polygonal Panel) The polygonal pictiu'e is divided into three parts by a fiat arch of stone supported on two clustered Gothic cokunns. The center division is occupied by the figure of St. Anne (the mother of the Virgin) . She is seated upi'ight in a large bed at the side of which stands a woman offering a platter of fruit. In the center foreground are two figiu'es of women, one dressed as a nun, having between them the imdraped figure of the infant Virgin. In the right hand is the figure of a mm holding a metal bowl; in the left hand are two figures of women. In the background is seen an open walled coiu'tyard with a niche in which is seen a vase of flowers. The influence of Diirer is obvious through- out the composition. In old molded wood frame. Diameter, 20 inches. (Illustrated) vVO FLORENTINE SCHOOL Fifteenth Century 454—^ FLORENTINE PATIUCIAN AND HIS WIFE (Fresco) Height, '2'2 iiirlir.'i; width, 2()K. inches Half-lexgth i)ortraits, seen in jjrofile, of husbaiul and wife in fif- teentli century co.stinne. Tlie\' stand faeinsjr each otlier with uplifted hands, the man witli his haii" in the style of the jjeriod and thin, pointed beard, his wife with fair hair dressed in a knot behind. The fi_<>in'es are placed in a round-arched niche with tiled backgroinid. while at the left are seen the cupola, tiled roof and niachicolated battlement of a castle. In old carved and "ilded wooden frame. ,_y'*^' ^'9 FRENCH SCHOOL Seventeenth Century 4,55— PORTRAIT OF AN ECCLESIASTIC (Canvas) Hii<)hf. '2H hiclifs: cc'idth. •23 inches Bust portrait, the face in three-quarter view and looking to tlie left, of a niiddle-ao-ed man, clean shaven and wearing a curled wig, a turn-over collar and a loose hahit huttoned up the front. In old pierced, carved and gilded wood frame. \ VENETIAN SCHOOL Fifteenth ('EXTruv 456— PORTRAIT OF A PATRICIAN LADY llc'ujht, 27 inches; -icidfJi. 20 iiichi's Three-quarter-i,kx(;tii portrait of a lady .staii(liii<^-, her face seen in profile looking to the right. She wears a richly einhroidered rohe of white satin and an enihroidered undergarment with tight-fitting sleeves, a pearl-einhroidered coif, and a frilled ruff. In her right hand she holds a rose. In the distance is a mountainous landscape with the towers of a castle. In car\'ed and gilt wood frame. LAMBERT LOMBARD or SUSTERMANN Flemish: 1505—1566 ^57— PORTRAIT OF LEOPOLDO DEI MEDICI Hiir/ht, '29 iiirlifs; icidfli, 21 incites Half-i,exc;tii portrait lookiii59>— PORTRAIT OF A MEDICI Htiyht, ;j;i (Ith, '25 inches Half-length portrait of a yoiin<>' man with face flcan shaven save for a light mustache, his curhng liair phiited into a h)n<>' braid which falls over his left shoulder. He wears a broad-brimmed hat, a deep falling lace collar, a steel corselet and a silken sash over the right shoulder. In tlie lower left-hand corner of the picture is a steel morion. xVTTKlBU TED TO FRANCIS POURBUS Flemish: 1569—1622 4>o'd— PORTRAIT OF A MAXTUAN NOBLEMAN HcUjht, .'37 hiclicn; zcidfit, 2y'>; iiiclii's Three-quarter-lex(jtii portrait of a youth in sixteenth eentnry cos- tume of striped green jerkin, full crimson breeches and frilled lace ruff and cuffs. He wears a jeweled chain and is standing looking to the left and rests his right hand on a brass-bound red velvet coffer, on which is thrown his steeple-crowned hat. In carved and gilt wood frame. LUCAS CRANACH German: 1472 — 1553 4>60— MADONNA AND CHILD (Panol) Height, 29\., niches; zcidth. •>•> iiiclies The Virgin, strongly German in character, with long fair hair fall- ing, in rippling strands, over her shoulders, is seated facing the si^ectator with an air of mild henignity. She wears a red robe with large sleeves with gathered linen hands at the wrists. On her lap she supports, with both hands clasping His body, the Child Christ undraped save for a linen loin cloth. AVith His head slightly on one side He looks iiKiuiringly at the spectator, rests His left hand on His Mother's and the right on a bunch of grapes which she holds in her left hand. Dark background. Signed in the upper right-hand corner witli Cranach's emblem, a f!i/ing driigon. {lUuxtrated) TOMMASO GUIDI (kxoavn as ]MASACCI0) Florentine: 1401—14.28 4^(M—3IADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS (Panel) Height, .'57 inches; :cidth, 22'. j inches In the center of the picture, upon a stone throne, sits the Virgin presenting her full face to the spectator, wearing a blue mantle with white linen veil draped over her head and embroidered undergar- ment. On her left knee she holds, with her left hand, the undraped figure of the Child Christ, who lifts His right hand in the act of bene- diction and holds in His left a scrolled label inscribed "ego sum." On either side stand two saints, the lower figure on the left side wear- ing a bishop's mitre and holding a crozier. All the figures have haloes, that of the Christ having a cross. In old, carved, molded and painted frame. (Ill list rated) iB^aagaaspMaE^gaai GEORGES DES MARIEES Fkexch : 1G97 — 1776 ElGIITEEXTH CkXTIKV mi—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG PlilNCE Hcufht, 'I'i iiichrs: K-iilth, 25'^. inclir.s Thrj:e-qi^\kteh-lkx(;tii portrait seen in full face .sli,L>litly turned to the left of a youth with a notahly plum]) face, and ciu-led hair. He wears a black turned -up hat fastened at the side with a jeweled aigrette, a short coat trimmed with ermine and an ermine-lined crim- son mantle. In his left hand he holds the scabbard of a sword which he has half drawn out with his right. On a cushion on the right is an Im])erial crown. On the left is the l)ase of a column with draperies and in the background a balustrading with s2)herical fiuial. FREXCir SCHOOL S V. V E X T E E X T H C E X T V K V iU'S—PORTliJIT OF A SOLDIFAi Hi'njht, V.i ///(/(cs-,- 7ci(lfli, :U) iiirht's Thkek-quaktek-lexgtii portrait of a man with face turned to the right. He wears a full curling peruke, steel armor consisting of a breastplate and armpiece, a lace and cambric steenkirk and a silk sash. The right hand rests on the top of a cane. The left is sup- ported by the sash. Background of sky and clouds. SPANISH SCHOOL Sixteenth Ckntury M\^— PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH NOBLEMAN (Canvas) Iliiijlif, oQlj iiulics; rcidtli, -H inches Three-quarter-length portrait with face turned to the right of a young Spanish nobleman. He is clean shaven, save for a slight mus- tache and dressed in a sixteenth century costume of pointed jerkin, buttoned at the front with tight-fitting undersleeves and puffed knee breeches. He wears a lined cloak thrown over the right shoulder, a lace ruflf around the neck and ruffed wristlets. His left hand rests on the hilt of his sword. Dark background. Carved and gilded wood frame. ITAlJxVX SCHOOL Seventeenth Century m5— PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH CA RDINAL ARCHBISHOP Height, 571 -2 hichi dth. 37 Inchc Nearly full-leiigtli portrait of an ecclesiastic. He stands facing the spectator, with bushy dark liair, a inustaclie and imperial, wearing a brown-colored cape from undei- which appears a cassock with bands of lace insertion, a Vandyked border and lace cuflfs to the fidl sleeves. The right hand rests on a table on which stands an archbishojj's mitre and in the left he holds a leather-bound book with silver clasps. Dark background. In old carved and yilded wood frame. FLEMISH PRIMITIVE F I F T K E X T H C E X r r li V im—TIIK EXUUUTIOX OF CHlilST TO THE PEOPLE: WINGS OF AN ALTARPIECE (I'juhI) HchjJit, :5S inches: xcidth, 11 inches Two rectangular-sliaped panels. One occupied l)y a painting, in monotint, of the figure of Cln-ist, after the flagellation, undraped save for a loin cloth and shoulder cape and with His hands tied in front of Him, surrounded hy a soldier with a scourge, the Jewish high priest and a man in pointed high hat; the other, with a group of Jews, lifting their hands and turning aside their faces in an attitude of negation, lioth grou])s are on semi-octagonal bases with acanthus hracketings and in arched niches, one of them surmounted hy a hell- shaped canopy. In old painted and gilded wood frame. ■^ ITALIAN PRIMITIVE PisAX School of the Foi'Rtehnth Cextury mi—TlilPTYCII ( Panel ) Hcighi, -iO tnchcx; -width, 44' niches Centek panel with pointed top and two hinged wings. Center panel with subject in low relief and in gilded gem of a standing figure of Christ in glory with right hand upraised in the act of benediction, the left hand holding a book and with rays proceeding from the wound in His side. Around Him are twelve adoring angels with ujjraised hands. The background is incised with a pattern of scrolled vine leaves. Below is a jjainted panel representing the service of the Mass. On either side a priest and a deacon are celebrating at an altar, while in the middle a priest administers the host to a communicant. The wing on the right hand is occupied with a figure of Christ en- throned and resting His hands on a crucifix on which is a figure of Himself. Eelow, a monk is preaching from a wooden pidpit to an audience of monks and laity, while l)elow stands a bearded and ton- sured monk. That on the left is occupied at the top with a figure of the Virgin seated and holding the Christ Child. Eelow are twelve panels, each representing an incident in the life of Christ, including Christ bearing the Cross, the Crucifixion, the Flagellation, the Trial before Pontius Pilate and the Keception into the Glory. FRANCP^SCO ITBERTINI (kxown as IL BACCIIIACCA) 1494—1557 mS—THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL A\l) THE MIRACLE OF MAXNA (Pain I) Ix the center, slightly to the left, stands JNloses, directing the people with his rod of office. Some are seated behind him and others ap- proach him carrying vessels of gold and silver in which they have stored the manna which othei's are still gathering from the gronnd. Directly behind Closes stands iVaron, emptying into a vessel held by a woman the "omer" of manna he was to preserve. In the middle distance is a rocky landsca])e with other gronps of figures, some of whom are catching the (|nail sent in a miraculous flight. In tiie fore- ground are leopards, goats, an ox and a giraffe, and in the distance an arm of the sea with mountains and buildinys. Cy^' SPANISH SCHOOL Sevexteexth C'extiik V 469— TJ/i? ROM AX DAUGHTER (Canvas) Hihjht, ;57 inches: iddth. l-i iiirlirs The Roman father fondenined to inipi-isoiiiiR'iit ocrupies the center of the canvas. He is seated in his cell, nude save for a mantle thrown over his left shoulder and with his hands manacled. His stern, bearded face is seen in profile turned to the right. On the left, grasj)- in<>- with one hand the bars of the "grated window, his youno- daughter stands looking inward at her parent. The only light comes through the barred window. In old carved, painted and gilded wood frame. ATTRIIU'TED TO J AX 1 YT Flemish: 1()()9~1661 ^10— STILL LIFE ( riuifi ) Hciijlit. ;J7 iiicln:s: rcidtli. 50 iiiclics Ox the right, restiiiy on a tirstled tal)le with a red eloth. is a repousse brass vase in Avhicli are a Avhite napkin, a l)uneh of asparagus and a blue and wliite delft bowl of strawl)erries. In the eenter a dead hare, dueks and artieliokes, while on the left is a round wiekerwork basket filled with l)unehes of white and purple grapes. Dark back- ground. '0 ROMAX SCHOOL Seventeenth Centvuv i71—SET OF THREE DECORATIVE P AXELS H tight , 41 inches; iddtli, .31 iiulies Rectaxgular shape. In the center of each is an oval escutcheon sup- ported by nude kneehng figures and surmounted by nude putti. These escutcheons are occupied with emblematic devices: (a) A globe, an open book and a sword; (b) the open Tables of the Law and a . i hand clasping a naked sword: and (c) a bursting bomb in the air t) above a fortress. Two have I>atin mottoes and one a French motto, v on scrolled labels. Above them are the skulls of oxen and catenaries in gold: on cither side are caryatids, and btlnw. masks and festoons of fruit and leaves. ATTRIBUTED TO 3IELCHIOR DHOXDECOETER 1636—169.5 il-I— FLOWERS AND BIRDS (Canvas) Height. 67 inches: width. 50 inches Ix the foreground are two geese and a mallanl duck luning behind them in the middle distance a molded stone plinth of which the top is strewn with l)rilliantly painted cut Howers. On the left is a carved stone IVmntaiii and on the right a })eacock. Above is a looped drapery and, beyond, a park with clipped hedges and a flight of marble steps with, in the distance, a mansion of white stone. In carved and gilded wood frame. {lUitstrated) 'r^^'!T^rf^j^*YrnyfW^VTW^^r^f ^r,ir?Vfi-^ SCHOOL OF PAXIXI Eighteenth Cextihv i7S— RUINS: PAIR OF DECOR AT IVE PANELS (Painted in 'IVniporii on Canvas) Height, 55 inches: icidfh, .'J.S inches (a) 111 the center, classic ruins consisting of a cluster of Corinthian columns with niarhle shafts and the springing of an arch. On the left are a weir with falling water, a stream crossed hy a bridge and a Palladian palace. In the immediate foreground are fragments of masonry and figures. (b) On the right, a ruined portico with Doric columns and a flight of steps. In the distance, a Gothic Church with spire and gable. In the immediate foi-egroimd on the left, the large scrolled wings of a flight of steps and figures, and on the right a broken rusticated column. In slia])(.(l, molded and gilt wood frames. m— LANDSCAPE PANEL ( I'aiiitetl ill 'IVniptrji on C';inv;i.s) Iliii/ht, 85 iiirhcs; xcitltli. 7(i inches A WATEKFALi,. Ill the center is a tree with fohaged hraiiches, heneath which a young woman is seated on a donkey, with a bearded man with wide-brimmed hat by her side. On tlie right is a rocky waterfall, formed of three steps, and in the distance a landscape with figures. In molded and yilt wood frame. I 'i A LI AX PR 1 .Al I'i 1 \'E ScHOOi- OF Pisa: Fifteexth Cextiky ^Si—FIGUIiE OF SAIXT STEPHEN (In Oil on Panels) Hchjht, 5 feet 10 inches; u-idth. 2 fret 10 inches P^'iGUKE of a saint shown as a deacon, clean shaven, standing upright, holding in his right hand a palm branch and in his left an open book. His head is tonsured, surmounted by the syinl)olic stone and sur- rounded l)y a gilt halo. He wears a rich deacon's dalmatic, the collar embroidered with an "Ave ]Maria,"' the body with crane-like birds symmetrically disposed, and the cuffs and apparel of rich brocade. The alb below is of white linen with a brocaded apparel, and the maniple is embroidered with crosses. Behind him is a brocaded hang- ing, and he stands in front of a square recess, the side pierced with Romanesque, round-arched windows, through which are seen, on one side, a landscape with winding stream and a turreted building and, on the other, two yew trees. At the same side kneels the miniature figure of a tonsured ecclesiastic with a scrolled label inscribed in Gothic characters, "fkat maten iay prior." In molded and gilt wood frame. FLORENTINE I'UI.MITIVE FiFTEEXTH CeNTUKV i82—THE STORY OF DAEDALUS Height, 23 iiicJirs: length, 71 inches Front ol' a cassonc divided into three panels, separated by fluted pilasters and flanked by figures of warriors with clubs holding pointed shields. In the left-hand panel Theseus and the ]Minotaur are shown in the Labyrinth constructed by King Minos. At the entrance are the King and a sentinel, and on the left is a river with the prow of a ship. The background is a landscape. In the center, ^Egeus is cast- ing himself into the sea, where his son. in error, displays a black sail, while in the right-hand panel, Daedalus is shown flying in the air with the wings he made for himself and his son Icarus, \\\\o is falling into the lacarian sea, owing to the melting in the sun of the wax which fastened liis wings. {Illustrated) SCHOOL OF riSA F O r R T E E X T IT C E X T l^ K V ^m -ITALIAN PRIMITIVE (111 Teiii])C'i';i on I'aiu'l) Height, 6 feet .3 inches Oxi-, wing of an altarpiece. Divided into two panels by borders painted in imitation of geometrically patterned marble inlay. In the u])i)er panel is a figure of God the Father in the character of Judge. He is shown as a bearded man. dressed in flowing robes, and seated on a throne with canopied top and column supported wings. He holds in His right hand a scepter and points to one side with the index finger of His left. In the panel below is shown the death of a bishop, avIio. in mitre, and ecclesiastical robes, lies stretched on a drapery-festooned bier. At one side an acolyte swings a thurifier, his head is supported by a priest in embroidered cope, in front of him a woman holds her hand to her face with an expression of grief and on the left stands a tonsured priest. Below is painted a fringed curtain \\ ith embroidered border. FOURTH AFTERNOON'S SALE FRIDAY, AI'UII. •_'(), 1918 AT TIIK AMERICAN ART GALLERIES liK(;iXXlX(i AT '2.'M) ()\l,(K'K 487 — FiFTEKXTii Ckxtuky Italian Cakved Wood Mikkok Rectangular mirror in molded frame enriched with egg and dart and headed carvings, surmounted h\ a molded and fluted cornice and a cresting of two scrolled cornucopia\ Apron carved with , S two half figures of winged sphinxes and a shaped shield. Height. 25 'niches: icidtli, 10' 2 inehes. 487a — Skvkxtkkxtii Ckxtcuy Italian Cakvkd Wood ^Iiuuok Circular mirror, the frame carved with two half-length nude 'y figures of putti holding a crown and terminating in acanthus- leaf scrollino's. 488 — Sixteenth Century Flokentine Carved and Gilded Wood Mirror Circular mirror surrounded by a border carved witb the clasped hands of St. Francis of Assisi and a Cherub and set in a Taber- nacolo frame with seniicircidar pediment, flanked and sur- mounted by rosettes and honeysuckle ornaments, enclosing a female figure holding two shaped shields and supported on two As cylindrical Doric pilasters. JNIolded base with carved plintli and shaped ajjron. Partially gilded. Iltiglif. 2() iiiclu's; ichltli. Mi inches. (lUust ratal) 489 — Sixteenth Century Italian Carved Wood INIirror Rectangular mirror in Tabernacolo frame with voluted and scrolled pediment, molded and dentelled cornice and plaui frieze suijported on fluted and astragalled pilasters. ^lolded base and shaped apron outlined with voluted .scrolls. Height, "ifi iiirhex; rcidth, l.'5l-_> inches. {lUustrated) 490 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Carved Wood INIirror Rectangular mirror in Tabernacolo frame with round-arched pediment flanked and surmounted by volutes and honeysuckle ornaments, with molded cornice and plain frieze supported by two fluted and astragalled pilasters with Ionic capitals. INIolded base and apron carved with two ciu'ved cornucoi)ia' and a shaped shield. Height. '.W inches: iciilth. 1 4 inches. (Ill It St rated) /^- '^..•.i5^ 4.91 — SixTEEXTH Cextury Itai.iax Carved Wood ]Mirkor Circular mirror with frame carved as a bandetl wreath of fruits and leaves surmounted by an eagle with outstretched wings flanked by winged dragons and with an apron carved with voluted cornucopiiu, a Pan's pipes and scrollings. Height, 24 iiicJuii; nidtli. 15 iiuhcs. (lUufitrtital) 492 — Fii'TEEXTir Cextury Fi.orextixe Carved Wood ]Mirror Frame Rectangular tablet of marble incised with an oval medallion within a rectangular border, within a molded frame of wood carved with flutings and headings, surmounted by a band of wood carved with flutings and molded and iluted cornice and a voluted pediment, with an oval escutcheon charged with a coat- of-arms in the center. Voluted side brackets and shaped apron carved with acanthus leaves and a shield charged with a coat-of- arms. (Illiisfratcd) 493 — Sixteenth Cextury Italian Carved Wood ]Mirror Circular mirror in frame carved as a wreath of flowers, fruits and leaves, surmounted by a shaped cresting carved with drag- ons and with an apron carved with voluted acanthus-leaf scroll- ings and a sha])ed shield. Height. 21 iiiehes- leidth. V.i iitehes. {Ill IIS till fed) 494 — Set of Six Eighteexth Century Itai.iax Waexut Arm- chairs OF THE Directory Period Square backs, with molded side supports, voluted ears and shaped head rail carved with shells, acanthus leaves and diapers. Curved and acanthus-leaf carved arms on car\ed cabriole sup- ports. Serpentine seat fronts carved with shells, acanthus leaves and diapers; curved legs with voluteil feet and curved cross stretchers. Seats and backs paneled witli woven canework. (Illiisf rated) 495 — Set op^ Six Eighteenth Cextury Italian Walnut Chairs OF the Direc'toky Period Square backs, witli incurved tops, reeded and carved side sup- ports and horizontal splats enclosini>' oval panels with reeded frames. Circular seats, with molded frames carved with central rosettes and l)roken by quatrefoiled dies which serve as the ter- minations of the square curved, reeded and carved legs. Seats and backs ])aneled with woven cancwork. (Illustrated) 49G — Se^t.nteenth Century Italian Walnut Chair High back, with turned and medallion carved side supports, carved ball finials; oval panel with scrolled, voluted and acan- thus-leaf carved frame and cresting pierced and carved with voluted scrolls and acanthus leaves. Reeded seat front, flanked by rosetted dies, and turned and carved bulbous legs with pear- shaped feet. Back and seat paneled with woven canework. { 111 II. it ni ted) 497 — Set of Six Eighteenth Ckntury French Walnut ^Vrm- CHAIRS OF the I^OUIS XVI PeRIOD Oval backs, with molded and acanthus-leaf carved frames; curved, molded and voluted arms on curved molded supports. Bowed molded seat front, fianked by rosetted dies, and turned tapering and fluted legs. Scats and backs paneled with woven canework. {Illustrated) 498 — Set of Six Eighteenth Century Walnut Itai,ian Arm- chairs OF THE Louis XV Period Rectangular backs, with molded and carved side su])i)orts and sliaped head rails carved with shells, acanthus leaves and dia- perings. Straight car^•ed arms on curved supports carved with acanthus leaves; serpentine seat fronts carved with shells and acanthus leaves, and cabi-iole legs with shell-carved knees. Backs and seats ])anelcd with woven canework. (Ilhist rated ) 499 — EiGHTEKXTii Ckxti'ky North Italian Walnut Arjichair Shield-sliaped hack, with scrolled and shell-carved frame, pierced and carved head rail and center vase-shaped splat, scrolled and carved. Cm'ved scrolled arms on cahriole acanthus- leal' carved supports; howed seat front with shaped and carved apron, cahriole legs and curved, scrolled and carved stretcher and side rails. Seat and hack in woven canework. .500 — Early Eic;htkknth Century Vknetlvn Walnut Armchair or THE Ivouis X^'' Period Shield-sha2)ed hack, with molded frame and pierced and carved cresting. Curved, molded and voluted arms on curved, molded su])ports. Bowed seat front, with pierced and rococo scroll carved apron; cahriole legs, with scroll carved knees and voluted feet. Seat and hack ccnered with silk damask woven on a rose-colored ground in a pattern of scrolls and floral sprays. (lUii.^trafcil) .501 — Set oe Four Late Eighteenth Century Italian Arm- chairs OE THE Louis XVI Period Spade-shaped backs, with molded frames carved with husk pat- ternings. Enclosing shaped medallions with molded frames and with carved shells in the spandrels. Bowed seat fronts, carved with husk patternings and flanked hy rosetted dies. Turned tapering and lluted legs. Seats covered and hacks jjaneled with satin damask. Carving gilded. {Ill II strafed) 502 — Set oe Four Late Eighteenth Century Italian Arm- chairs OF THE Louis XVI Period Square open hacks, with molded frame enclosing circular me- dallions, with frames carved and pierced in a pattern of animlar interlacements. Cui'ving molded arms, straight molded seat fronts flanked hy rosetted dies and turned ta])ering and fluted legs. Seats covered and l)acks paneled with satin damask. {Ilhistnitiil) 503 — Set ok Six Roman Walnut Akmchaius of the Louis XVT Pekiod Square backs, with reeded frames, rounded tops and carved crestings. Curved reeded and voluted arms on curved reeded supports. Bowed molded seat fronts, and tapering turned and fluted legs with hall feet. Seats and backs covered with green satin damask woven in a design of scrolls and flowers. (lUii.'itratal) .504 — Pair Roman Walnut Akmchairs of the Louis XVI Period Similar to the above, with the exception of the covering, which is in red satin damask. 50.5 — Set of Four Late Eighteenth Century Italian Arm- chairs OF THE Sheraton Period Scjuare open backs, with frames carved with a bead and reel pattern and with vertical slats pierced with geometrical inter- lacements. Flat curved arms on curved supports, bead and reel carved seat fronts flanked by rosetted dies and square tap- ering legs witli spade-shaped feet. Seats covered with satin damask. {I II II. strut til) 50(5 — Set of Four Eighteenth Century Italian Walnut Chairs of the Louis XVI Period Oval I)acks carved with interlaced strapwork and floral crest- ing; circular seats, the frames carved with interlaced strapwork and broken by square rosetted dies. Four tapering turned fluted and acanthus-leaf carved legs with pear-shaped feet. Seats and backs upholstered with silk brocade in a pattern of classical figiu'cs and A'itru\ian scrollings. (Illii.striital) 507 — Set of Four IjAte Eighteenth Century Italian Arm- chairs OF the Louis XVI Period Open backs of interlaced ovals, with molded frames and carved medallion cresting. Curving voluted arms on ciu'ved acanthus- leaf carved supports. Bowed molded seat fronts, pierced and carved with festoons and flanked by rosetted dies. Turned tajjering and fluted legs. Seats covered with satin damask. (Illii.striitcil) 508 — Set of Fouu Latk Eujiitkkxth Ckxti'uy Italiax Akm- CHAIRS OF THE ShERATON PeKIOD Open shield-shaped hacks, with slats pierced and carved with diamond medallions and husk festoons; curving molded arms and molded seat fronts carved with festoons and flanked hy rosetted dies. Square tajjering legs, carved with husk pendants, and with hall feet. Seats covered with satin damask. Carving gilded. (Ill list ratal) 509 — Pair of I.atk Eigiitkextii Cextury Italiax Gilt iVR:\i- CHAIRS OF THE LaTE LoUIS XA'I PeRIOD Sjjade-shaped hacks, with rounded tops and molded frames. Curving upholstered arms, witli cur\e(l molded and voluted front supports. JNIolded howed seat front and s(}uare tapering paneled legs with acorn feet. Backs, arms and seats are cov- ered with hlue silk hrocade, woven in a design of ])illared pavilions and vases of flowers. Frames completely gilded. {Illii.sl ratal) 510 — Pair of Late EiciiiJ'EExrii Cextury Italiax Ctii.t Arm- chairs OF THE I^ATE LoUIS XVI PeRIOU Similar to the preceding. 511 — Pair of IjAte Eighteexth Cextury Italiax Gilt Arm- chairs OF THE Late I^ouis X^"I Period Similar to Catalogue No. 509. 512 — Set of Six I^ate EuiiiTEEXTii Cexti'ry Italiax Gilt Chairs of the I>ouis XVI Period Oi^en shield-shaped hacks, with scrolled and douhle voluted frames, molded and carved with sprays of foliage. The vertical open splats are pierced and carved in the form of classic vases, with handles from which s])ring three stems of acanthus leaves. (I II 11. it ratal) 513 — Pair of Late Eighteexth Cextury Italiax Gilt Chairs OF THE I>ouis X^'I Period Similar to the preceding. 514 — Skt of Six Eighteenth Century North Italian Gilt Armchairs of the Louis XVI Period Shield-sliaped hacks, with arched frames carved in guillnche patterning and floral medallions, curved molded and voluted arms on turned tapering and fluted supports, howed seat fronts carved with circular medallions and turned tapering and fluted legs. Seats and backs u2iholstered in silk brocade woven in a pattern of Vitruvian scrolls and animals. (Ilhistnifnl) .51.5 — Set of Six Late Eighteenth Century Italian Walnut Armchairs Shield-shaped backs, with carved and pierced rococo scrolled frames and floral and rocaille head rails. Curved voluted and molded arms; seat frames carved with scrolls and rocaille orna- mentation and cabriole legs. Seats and backs upholstered in Hungarian point embroidery in a design of scrolls and flowers on a yellow ground. ( lU Its f rated) .516 — Set of Three Late Eighteenth Century Italian Painted and Gilt Armchairs of the Louis XVI Period Circidar backs, with frames carved with laurel-leaf wreaths, spreading molded, carved and voluted arms on molded, carved and turned supports. Bowed molded and carved seat fronts and tapering turned fluted and pointed-leaf carved legs with pear-shaped feet. Backs and seats upholstered in blue and white silk damask woven in a pattern of classical figures. Frame painted white and gilt. (lU list ratal) 517 — Pair of Late Eighteenth Century Italian Gilt Chairs of the Louis XVI Period Rectangular back with rounded top and melon-shaped flnials, with molded and carved frame, car\'ed acanthus-leaf enriched arms on carved supports carved with acanthus leaves. Bowed molded and carved seat fronts with rosetted centers flanked by square dies and with square tapering molded and carved legs with ball feet. Seats and backs covered with blue and white silk damask woven in a design of classical figures. Frames entirely gilt. (Illustratal) 518 — Pair of Sevextkenth Centuky Venetian Walnut Chairs Kectangular l)acks, with square side supports. SeroUed, vo- luted and acanthus-leaf carved legs, with pierced, carved, scrolled and voluted front rails and square side and back rails. Seats and backs covered with Hunoarian point embroidered in designs of acanthus-leaf scrollings and vases and finished with deep silken fringe. .519 — Fair of Eighteextii Centikv Italian Painted Chairs Shield-shaped molded and carved backs, scrolled serpentine ^ seat fi-onts and cabriole legs. Seats and backs covered with silk ^"^ brocade woven in a rose-colored and white striped and floral pattern. Frames jiainted white. 520 — Pair of Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- chairs Rectangular backs, with gilt acaiitlius-lcal' carved finials. Curv- ing flat volutcd arms on curved acanthus-leal' carved supjjorts. Straight square legs on square base rails, with paw terminations and deep front rail carved with a rosette and voluted scrolls. Seats and backs covered with cut velvet in a diapered design secured with oval brass-headed nails and finished with a silken frins'e. Carvino- oilded. 521 — Pair of Eighteenth Century Italian (iii/r Chairs of the Louis XV Period Straight upholstered backs, with shaped tops, square seats and cabriole legs carved at the knees with scrolled escutcheons and with paw feet. Frames gilt. Backs and seats covered with silk brocade woven in a pattern of floral sprays on a white ground. 522 — Sixteenth Century Flokentine Waenut Armchaik Rectangular hack witli acanthus-leaf carved finials. Flat molded arms on turned haluster-shaped supports, straight square and tin-ned legs on stiuare hase with paw terminations and deep front rail carved with voluted scrollings and a central egg-shaped escutcheon. Back and seat covered with contem- porary tapestry, the hack woven in a design of a large goat's- head trophy with crossed swords. 523 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchair Similar to the preceding. 524 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchair Similar to the preceding. -Pair of Sixteenth Century Florentie Walnut Chairs Rectangular upholstered backs and seats; turned baluster- shaped legs, with turned front rails, side rails and stretchers. Seats and backs upholstered in sixteenth century varicolored woven stuff finished with silken fringe. 526 — Eighteenth Century Italian Wai.nut iVRMciiAiK Shield-shaped back, with molded and scrolled side supports and head rail carved with a circular portrait medallion, curved and molded arms on carved sujjports, bowed scrolled and medal- lioned seat front and cabriole legs. Seat and back upholstered in silk brocade woven in a design of floral sprays. 527 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchair High rectangular back with finial carved as female mask, flat voluted arms on turned baluster-shaped supports, straight square and turned legs on square base rails Avith paw termina- tions and deep front rail, carved with acanthus-leaf scrolls and cherubim and with scrolled and voluted apron. Back and seat covered with contemporary tapestry, the back woven in design of a soldier in sixteenth-century costume and carrying a musket. {Ilbt.ifrntal) 528 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchair High rectangular back, with finial carved as female mask, flat voluted arms on turned baluster-shaped supports, straight square and turned legs on square base rails with paw termina- tions and deep front rails carved with acanthus-leaf scrolls and cherubim and with scrolled and voluted apron. Back and seat covered with contemporary tapestry, the back woven in design of a huntsman, in sixtecnth-centm-y costume and carry- ing a musket. (Ilhistnital) 529 — Pair of Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- chairs Rectangular backs, with gilt carved finials, straight flat molded arms on scpiare supports carved with acanthus leaves. Square legs and base rails with paw terminations. Backs and seats, the latter with deep apnms, covered with cloth-of-gold silk having a pattern of acanthus-leaf scrolls, tulips and floweis in silk ap- plique bordered with gold. CarAing gilt. {1 II list ratal ) 530 — Pair of Sixteenth Cknti'kv I-^i.orentine Walnut ^Arm- chairs Rectangular backs, with gilt carved finials; straight flat molded arms on scjuare supports carved with acanthus leaves. Scpiare legs and base rails with paw terminations. Backs and seats, the latter with deep aprons, covered with cloth-of-gold having a ])attern of acanthus-leaf scrolls, tulips and flowers in silk ap- ])li(|uc embroidery bordered with gold. Carving gilt. 531 — Seventeenth Century Venetian Wai,nut Armchair Straight back with turned side supports, witli center panel sur- rounded by scrolls and shells and with cresting carved to cor- respond. Boldly scrolled and voluted arms on scrolled sup- ports. Scrolled and voluted legs with deep front rail, also carved with a shell and voluted scrolls. Seats covered and back paneled with Hungarian point enihi-oidered in a design of a vase on a pedestal and acanthus-leaf scrollings and finished with knotted fringe. 532 — Pair of Ki(iHTEENTii Century Itajjan Walnut Armchairs Shield-shaped backs, the head rails carved with rose blossoms. Curved and voluted arms on carved supports. Carved serpen- tine seat fronts and cabriole legs. Seats and hacks covered in silk brocaile with rose-colored "round. 533 — Se^t.nteexth Ckntuky Roman Cahykd and (iii/r Wood Armchatk Strai^lit hiu'k, with arclifd toj). carved and molded frame and scrolled crestiny, carved with festoons of Howers, acanthus leaves and pointed leaf and berry pendants. Scrolled and voluted arms carved with acanthus leaves on voluted scroll sup- ports, scrolled and voluted legs carved with acanthus leaves and scrolled acanthus-leaf carved cross stretchers carved with shells at their intersections. Back and seat covered with silk brocade woven in a pattern of scrolls, leaves and flowers and finished with silken frinue. Frame entirelv gilded. 534 — Eighteenth Century Italian Walnut Armchair Open back, with arched, molded and beaded head-rail and vase- shaped central splat carved with imbrications and an oval leaf- carved medallion. Curved and voluted arms on fluted tapering columnar top. incurved l)caded seat front and fluted tapering leg's. Seat covered with red and white silk brocade. 535 — Pair of Eaki.y Eighteenth Century Venetian Gilt Chairs oe the Louis XIV Period Shai^ed backs, with scrolled, voluted and acantluis-leaf carved frames. Cabriole legs, floridly carved with acanthus-leaf scrolls, and grotesque masks and with voluted feet. Scrolled and acan- thus-leaf carved cross stretchers, with pineapple finials. Backs paneled and seats covered with red velvet, the latter finished with silk yalloon and fringe. Frames entirelv gilt. 5iiG — Set of Four Eighteenth Century Italian Walnut Chairs Shield-shaped hacks, with molded side supports and head rails. Serpentine carved seat fronts and carved ca])riole legs. Seats and l)acks covered in red silk brocade with stripes of white and areen. s5*"> 537 — Seventeenth Cextuky Venetian Cauved anu Gilt \Vo(JD Armchair Straight upliolstered hack, with shaped cresting pierced and carved in a design of a sliield charged with a coat-of-arnis, sur- mounted hy a coronet and flanked hy voluted scrolhngs and floral pendants. Kococo scrolled and acanthus-leaf carved arms on molded supports carved with masks, scrolled legs on voluted feet and scrolled and acanthus-leaf carved cross stretchers with pointed finial. Back and seat covered Avith crimson velvet em- hroidered with silver thread in a design of a sliield, charged witli a coat-of-arms, surrounded hy scrollings, flowers and leaAes, and finished with silk fringe. T'rame entirely gilded. .538 — Eighteenth Century Itaijan Walnut Armchair Shield-shaped molded and carved back, curved molded and voluted arms on molded and carved supports, scrolled and £ o carved bowed seat front and caliriole legs. Seat and back covered with silk ])i-ocade Avoven in a pattern of floral sprays on a rose-colored ground. 539— Seventeenth Cextuky Venetian Walnut Armchair Strai<4lit back, with shaped top. Curving, molded, voluted and carved arms on hulhous acanthus-leaf carved supports. Turned legs, with acanthus-leaf carved domed feet and deep front rail pierced and carved with acanthus-leaf scrollings. Back and seat covered in yellow and red brocatelle woven in a design of acan- thus-leaf scrolls and flowers and finished with silken fringe. .iiO — Set of Six EuiiiTEENTii Century Italian Walnut Arm- chairs Shield-shaped hacks, with molded side supports and head rails carved with volutes and acanthus leaves. Curved, molded and voluted arms, carved with acanthus leaves, on curved supports. Carved and scrolled bowed seat fronts and cabriole legs carved with acanthus leaves at the knees. Seats and backs covered in red silk brocade with white and green stripe. 541 — Seventeenth Centx ky ^^KNKTIAN AValnut Armchair Straight hack, with shaped top. Curving, molded, vohitcd and carved arms on acanthiis-leaf carved supports. Scrolled and acanthus-leaf carved legs on voluted feet, with deep pierced front rail pierced and carved with linked acanthus and pointed- leaf scrollings. Square back rail. Seat and hack co^■ered with yellow and red l)i-()catellc woven in a design of acanthus scrolls and flowers and finished with silken frinoe. .542 — Set of Foik Eighteenth Century Italian W^venut Chairs Shield-shajjed hacks, with molded and carved side supports and head rails, howed and carved seat fronts and molded and carved cabriole legs. Seats and backs covered with silk brocade woven in a design of floral sprays on rose-colored grounds. 5i3 — EiGHTEKXTii Ckxtuky Cakvkd and Painted ^"KNKTIAN Chair Straight open back, with s(iiiare reeded side supports, molded head rail carved with crossed palm branches, and oval medallion with sunken molded panel painted with wreath. At the angles i-^ are car\ed rosettes. Serpentine seat front, carved with a central acanthus-leaf scroll, and turned tapering and fluted legs. Seat covered with red silk brocade. oH — Skventeenxii Centtuy \'enetian Walnut Chau! Straight square back and seat. Scrolled and acanthus-leaf carved legs with pierced and carved scrolled and voluted front rail and scjuare side rails. Seat and back covered in Hungarian point finished with silk fringe. 54.5 — Sixteenth Centuky Flokextixe Akmchah} Straight back, with carved and gilt finials. Straight molded / arms on turned baluster supports, turned legs and s([uare base /O rails with paw terminations. Seat and back covered with red ^^ and yellow brocatelle secured with brass-headed nails and fin- ished with silk fringe. .540 — Pah{ oe Sixteextii Centuky Feokentine Walnut Arm- chairs Straight backs, with carved and gilt acanthus-leaf linials, curved fiat voluted arms on tiu'iied supports, and scjuare legs, with deep front rails car^■ed with voluted scrolls and gilded. Seats and backs in contemporary leather secured with brass-headed nails o and finished with silken fringe. The back tooled in gold with ,^^ scrolled armorial shield. .547 — Sixteenth Centi'ry Florentine \Valnut Arju hahj Straight square back with carved and gilt finials. Hat cin-\ed arms on cin-ved acanthus-leaf carved supports, and straight s(|uare legs, with front rail carved with volute and a rosette, and gilt square base rails with paw terminations. Seat and back covered with brown velvet cut, on a yellow ground, in a diapei'ed pattern of scrollings and finished with silk fringe. ■>J^ 548 — Pair of Fii-teextii Ckntuky Fi.okextink Walnut Chairs Straight hacks, with shajjed tops, scjuare cui-\c(l cross legs with voluted feet pivoted as though to fold and with tui-ned rails. Seats and hacks covered in red and yellow hrocatelle. .549 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Ar.aichair Straight hack, with carved and gilt finials, straight molded arms on turned haluster supports, turned legs and square hase rails with paw terminations. Seat and back covered with red and yellow hrocatelle woven in a design of crowns, scrolled leaves and flowers and finished with silken fringe. ,550 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchair Straight scjuare hack, with gilded finials car\e(l as masks hold- ing rings, straight molded arms on turned haluster supports, straight scjuare legs with deep front rail carved with voluted scrolls and escutcheon and gilded. Stjuare hase rails, with voluted terminations. Seat and l)ack covered with Hungarian point secured with brass-headed nails. 551 — Pair of Seventeenth Century P'lorentine Walnut Arm- chairs Straight backs, with shajjcd top. Curved, molded and voluted arms on square baluster-shaped supports. Scjuare tapering- carved legs and molded and voluted arched cross stretchers. \ Seats and backs covered with crimson silk damask finished with silk fringe. 552 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- ^ chairs \ ^ Similar to the preceding. 553 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- q chairs \ Similar to the preceding. 5.34 — Sixteenth Century Feokentine Walnut Armchaik Rectan<>ular straight back, witli gilded acanthus-leaf carved finials, flat molded arms on square supports with acanthus-leaf carved brackets, straight square legs and base rails terminating in paws, and deep front rail carved with voluted scrolls and a central oval escutcheon. Back and seat covered with contempo- rary tapestry. 555 — Pair of Late Eighteenth Century Italian Gilt Chairs OF THE Louis XVI Period Rectangidar back with rounded top and melon-shaped finials, with molded and carved frame, carved acanthus-leaf enriched arms on carved supports carved with acanthus leaves. Bowed molded and carved seat fronts with rosetted centers flanked by square dies and with square tapering molded and carved legs with ball feet. Seats and backs covered with silk damask woven in a design of classical figures. ^ 556 — Set of Six Italian Mahogany and Gilt Bkonze jMouxtkd Wood Ctiaik.s of the Empire Period Square open backs, curving to meet the seats, with square side supjjorts paneled witli gilt bronze moldings and with rosettes and round head rails carved below with winged medallions. The legs, mounted at the seat levels with gilt bronze lions' masks, are tapering, square, paneled with gilt moldings and with feet of gilt bronze birds' legs and claws. The sides are decorated with gilt six-pointed stars. The open panels at top are laced with gilt bronze cords, the fronts of the seats are finished with deep knotted fringes and the seats and backs are covered with silk. These chairs, possibly made in Rome, came to Signer Bardini direct from the apartment of Princess Pauline Borghese. 557 — Eighteenth Century Gii,t Venetian Stool / Rectangular shape, with cabriole legs. Completely gilded. Cov- '>^A^ ered with silk brocade. 558 — Pair of Eighteenth Century Gilt Roman Stools Rectangular shape with shaped aprons carved with sliells, four cabriole and voluted legs carved with floral pendants, voluted cross stretchers and carved pineapple flnials. Tops covered with old crimson velvet appli(iue in a scroll design with gold galloon. Hc'ujht. 22 Indus. 559 — Pair oe Eighteenth Century Gilt Roman Stools Companion to the preceding. 560 — Pair oe Sixteenth Century Florentine Carved and Gilt Wood Stools Of sgabello tj'pe. Rectangular molded seats, with shaped front supports carved with voluted scrolls, acanthus leaves and grotesque masks. Back supports shaped and incised with vo- luted scrollings. Painted cream color and brown, and gilded. Height. 22 inches. 561 — Pair Sixteenth Century Gilt Tuscan Walnut Wall Pedestals Console form, with square molded shelf and square bracket J^ carved with scrolled escutcheon and winged masks. Supported A^ ^ by a caryatid figure of a child having a double fishtail termina- K tion carved with acanthus leaves. On scpiare molded base. 562 — Pair Sixteenth Century Gilt Tuscan Walnut Wall Pedestals Console form, with shaped and molded shelf and bracket sup- ported by large \'olute masked by a car^'ed acanthus-leaf scroll- ing and with a tapering fluted termination carved with husked patterning. On square molded base. Height. 4 feet 11 inches. 563 — Eighteenth Century Carved and Gilt Wood Pedestal Circular fluted top, with paneled and carved apron. On tripod scrolled and voluted stand with carved festoons of fruits and leaves. On triangular marbled base. Height. :i feet 7 inches. 564, — Pair oe Seventeenth Century Italian Painted Pedestals Triangular tapering shape with molded capitals and bases on ball feet. Painted on a brown ground in colors with an arabes(|ue , design of scrolls and intersections. I'ortion of one capital ^ missing. ■^^^.iCggg^iim^ 56.5 — Paik ()!•' Late Eighteenth Cextuky Roman Gh.t Console Taki.es of the Louis XVI Period Seniic'ii-cular toj^s, with friezes carved witli aeantluis rinceaux separated by square dies having oval niedalhoiis. On four turned, tapering, fluted and carved legs with acorn feet. The tops are of African marble shaped and with mounts of gilded bronze. Height, 2 feet Sl/o inches; zciilfh, '.i feet (i inches: depth, 1 foot 81/; inches. Tliest' uiul tilt' following ta])k' (■.■iiiic from tlir Horglu-su Palace, Rome .560 — Late Eighteenth Century Roman Gii.t Console Table or the Louis XVI Period Semicircular top with frieze carved with acanthus rinceaux separated by square dies having oval medallions. On four turned tapering, fluted and carved legs with acorn feet. The top is of African marl)le shai)ed and mounted with gilded bronze. Height. '2 feet 81 'o inches: width. .'5 feet (! inches: depth. 1 foot 81/' incJies. 507 ElGHTKKNTH CeNTUUY RoMAN CaRVEP AND GlI,T WoOD Tahi.e Circular top ol' l)lac'k slate painted witli a view of tlie waterfalls at Tivoli. Apron carved with oval floral medallions and acan- thus lea\'es. On four turned tapering legs carved with lotus and acantluis leaves. Carving gilded. Height, 2 feet fi inches; dunnctcr, 2 fee/ 9 inches. 508 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Italian Gii.t Torcheres Shaped as partially draped female figures symholizing Ceres and Flora, Ceres holding in her hand a sheaf of wheat. Flora a bunch of flowers. The figiu'cs support circular brackets en- circled by wreaths of fruits, flowers and leaves. On rectangular pedestals, paneled with masks and with voluted consoles at the angles. Completely gilded. Height, 66 inches. 509 — Eakly Eighteenth Cextuky Italian Gii/r Console Table OF Eons XV Pekiod Shaped marble top, witli niolck-d aiul carved edge and shaped aiiron pierced and carved in a design of rococo scrolhngs, vo- hites and flowers on four scrolled and voluted cabriole legs carved Avith acanthus-leaf scrolls and flowers. Rococo scrolled cross stretcher, with jiierced and carved finial. The top is of African marble shaped and mounted with gilded bronze. Hcujltt, .'J4 inches: icidfJi. (i fcif 4 iiiclic.t: (]cjitli, 24 inclirx. This and tlu' two following tables caiiie from tlir IJoro'lu'st^ Palace, Rome. .570 — Early Eighteenth Centl^ry Italian Gilt Console Table OK Eons XV Period Similar to the preceding. Height, .'J-t inehes; xcidth, (! feet 4 iiiehes; depth. 24 iiiche.i. 571 — Early Eighteenth Century Italian (iii/r Console Table or I.,ouis XV Period Similar to Xo. .)(;9. Height, :U inches; xcidtli, (> feet 4 inches: depth, 24 inches. -Italian Gilt Skttkk of the Late I^ouis XVI I'eriod Sliaped back, witli molded frame carved witli twisted ril)l)oii and beaded patterning- and vvitb a central mask and acantbus-leaf scrolling. Tbc back is cnrved to form arms for the end seats and terminates vvitb leopards' beads and fluted, acantbus-leaf carved pilasters. Tbe molded apron is carved, to match the frame, with a central rosette and acanthus-leaf scrolls. On six taperin<>' fluted and acanthus-leaf carved legs. Seat, back and arms upholstered in silk brocade woven in a pattern of stripes and floral spray. .573 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Gilt Walnut I^ectern Formed of two straight cross supports with voluted ends, the fronts and sides carved in a pattern of overlapping ]niter;v and | <^ pivoted at their intersections with large carved rosettes. Carved and scrolled cresting and apron and turned cross rails. Carving heightened with gilding. 574 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Lectern Formed of two straight cross supports with paw feet and vo- luted ends tlie sides carved with overlapping patera> and ^ ^ pivoted at their intersections with carved rosettes. Carved and voluted cresting and apron and turned cross rails. Original leather book-rest. ."575 — Eighteenth Century Venetian Painted and Gilt Settee Upholstered back with scrolled and voluted frame carved with flowers and acanthus leaf scrollings, molded and voluted arms .< on curved supports, scrolled and voluted serpentine seat front and cabriole legs. Seat and back covered with striped bro- cade. Frame painted light green and gilded. 576 — Eighteenth Century Venetian Painted and Gilt Settee Rectangular shaped back with carved top and frame carved with shells and sprays of leaves and berries, scrolled and voluted arms and shaped apron pierced and carved with shells and floral sprays. On cabriole legs carved at the knees. Seat and back covered with silk brocade woven in a floral pattern on a blue ground. Frame painted blue and gilt. Lcnc/fh, () fft't '2 inclifs. 577 — Pair or Seventeenth Century Fi,orentine Walnut Stools Rectangular shape, with molded aprons. Scrolled and voluted legs, white cross stretchers and turned flnials. Decorated with incised and gilded lines. Tops covered with contemporary leather. .578 — Seventeenth Centuky Florentine Wai>nut Stool Square seat, with shaped apron on cabriole legs, carved at tlie knees with grotesque masks and ending in goat's hoof feet. Carved cross stretchers with turned finial. Seat covered in leather, finished with gold and silk fringe. Hrighf, 19 inches. .579 — Pair of Eighteenth Century Florentine Walnut Stools Oval tops, with four scrolled and voluted legs and cross stretch- ers with turned finials. Seats covered with red silk damask finished with red silk fringe. Carving heightened with gilding. Hchjlit, 21 inches. 1" ;)80 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Walnut Hat Rack Rectangular shape. Molded and carved cornice and ])lain frieze. Body divided by carved brackets into six panels in each of which is a turned wooden hat-peg. Below is a scrolled and carved \ apron. llciyht, 1 fitot 1 inch: Iciii/fli. -i f'cef '.i inches. .581 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Walnut Hat Rack Rectangular shape. INIolded and fluted cornice with frieze di- vided b}' molded modillions. The body is divided into three oval panels, each with two turned hat-pegs, and below is a scrolled and voluted apron carved with a mask in the center. Height. Vl inches: length, -i feet. •> 582 — Sixteenth Century Umiuuan Walnut Work Table Rectangular sunk paneled toj), with molded edge, paneled frieze fitted with drawer, on two urn-shaped side supports with sjjreading sliaped feet. Shaped longitudinal stretcher secured with keyed tenon. Height, 2 feet 2 iiiehen: leiu/th, 2 /(•(/ 1 iricJi; wkltli. 1 foot (i iiiclies. {lU list rut id) .583 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Work Table Rectangular top, with molded edge and frieze carved with acan- thus-leaf scrollings and fitted as a drawer supported on four turned baluster-shaped legs, square rails and cushion feet. He'njht, 2 feet 2 inches- lenyth, 2 /(■(■/,• width, 1 foot (i inches. {Ill list rated) 584 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Chair Straight Ijack with square side supports and voluted finials, shaped head rail carved with scrolled escutcheon-shaped hori- zontal s2)lat with turned spindle, molded wooden seat, straight legs, deep pierced and carved front rail and square hack and side rails. {I II list rated) 585 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Chair Straight back with square side su})ports, carved acanthus-leaf finials, shaped and carved head rail, carved horizontal sjdat with turned spindles, wooden seat, turned baluster-shaped legs and s(iuarc Front, back and side rails. (I I! list rated) 58ti — Pair of Sixteenth Century Florentine ^VALNUT Chairs Straight backs with square side sujjports, carved acanthus-leaf finials, shaped and carved head rails and carved horizontal splats with turned spindles. INIolded wooden seats, straight square legs and shaped side, front and back rails. (Illustrated) 587 — Pair of P'ifteenth Century Umbrian W^vlxut Chairs Sgabello type. Triangular MioUowed backs with molded .side and center ribs and shaped, fluted and voluted head rails, oc- tagonal seats and four spreading s(|uare legs with deep shaped aprons. .588 — Set of Five Fifteenth Century Umbrian Walnut Chairs Sgabello type. Triangular liollowed backs with molded sifle and center i-ibs and head rail carved Avith scrolls and flutings, semi-octagonal molded seats, tapering box pedestals and shaped front and back su])ports. 589 — Fifteenth Century Ujibrian Waenut Chair Sgabello type. Triangular hollowed back with molded side and center ribs and shaj^ed voluted head rails. Shaped seat, tapering box pedestal and shaped side and front supports and turned rails. 590 — Pair of Fifteenth Century I^mbrian Waenut Chairs Sgabello type. Triangular backs with molded center and side ribs, carved head rails, molded hexagonal seats and shaped front and back supports. 591 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Umbrian Walnut Chairs Sgabello type. Triangular hollowed backs with molded side and center ribs and voluted head rails. Hexagonal seats and four sjireading square legs with shaped aprons. 592 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Umbrian Walnut Chairs Sgabello type. Triangular hollowed backs with molded side and center ribs and fluted and voluted head rails. Hexagonal seats and four spreading square legs with shaped a[)rons. 593 — Two Fifteenth Century Umbrian Walnut Chairs Sgabello type. Shaped backs car\ed. in low relief, with voluted scrolls and escutcheons. Octagonal seats, tapering paneled box pedestals, sha2)ed front supports with a rosette in low relief and shaped back supports. 594 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Wai,nut Round Table Circular top with molded rim, supported by four voluted brack- ets springing from the angles of a rectangular pedestal paneled and carved with headings and bands of guilloche patterning. On s(iuare molded base, enriched with acanthus-leaf car\ing and four paw feet. Height, 2 feet 8 inehes; did meter, 3 feet -i inches. (Illitstrnted) 595 — Sixteenth Century Tuscan AValnit Octagonal Tarle Octagonal top with molded rim, supported on four voluted and leaf-car\e(l brackets springing from the angles of a square <~\/ paneled pedestal. On square molded base and four large % curved paw feet. Height. 2 feet 9 inehes; diameter. 3 feet i inehes. {lUust rated) 596 — Sixteenth Century Umbrian Walnut Table Octagonal top with edge carved in flutings, turned baluster- shaped stem, square pedestal with molded base and four turned cushion-shaped feet. Height. .'JO inehes; diameter. US inches. {Illustrated) 597 — Sixteenth Cextuky Tuscan Walnut Cabinet Rectani^ular shape. ]Molded top, witli frieze fitted witli a drawer, its front carved with overhipi)in_i4- paterjt and Hanked by twin carved consoles. The lower part is arranged as a cuj)- board, with two hinged doors with wooden knobs and sunken panels carved with medallions, surrounded by car\'ed borders of o^'erlapping paterti? and flanked by twin female caryatids witli car\ed tapering terminations. At the angles are turned, fluted, tapering columns carved with imbrications. The plinth is fltted with a drawer having a bronze looped handle, and front carved w ith medallions. IMolded base and voluted bracket feet. Ildijlit. ;> fccf i' iiiclics; K-!Uiiiiirs. acanthus leaves and ivntral pointotl-leaf pen- dants, legs pierced and carved with vohited scrolls, husk pen- dants and acanthus-leaf scivUs. acanthus-leaf carxcd and scmlletl side, front and hack rails with central pointed-loaf tin- ials eorrespondinij with the pendants ahove and lions" paw feet. Height, 2 fe4et ll^j^ iiKthes; length, 4 fret 10 hwhes: rcidth. '2 ftct 81^ inches. Brostolone was the most noteworthy VonetJan carver of his genera- tion, tliougli his efforts wexe chiefly confinetl to picture frames. {IJItistrated) 150.5 — SEVKXTKtrs'Tii Ckxtirv Vkxetiax Tabix 15Y Ekostoi oxk Rectanjjular top with nioldetl eilge. Apron carved with \ ohited scrolling^, acanthus leaves and tvntral pointed-leaf pendants. le«s pierced and carved with voluteil scrolls, husk pendants and acanthus-leaf scrolls, acanthus-leaf carved and scrolled side, front and hack rails witli central pointeil leaf tinials ctirrespond- uig with the pendants almve. and lions" paw feet. 604' — Sevexteextii Century Vexetiax Waexut Table by Bros- TOI.OXE Rectangular top with iiiolclcd edye. Apron carved with vo- luted scrollings, acanthus leaves and central pointed-leaf pen- dants, legs pierced and carved with voluted scrolls, husk pen- dants and acanthus-leaf scrolls, acanthus-leaf carved and scrolled side, front and hack rails with central pointed-leaf fin- ials corresponding with the pendants above and lions' paw feet. Hfiyht, 2 feet 111-, inches: length, 4 ftrt 10 inches: u-idth. 2 feet 31/0 inches. Brostolone was tlio most noteworthy \\iietiaii cai'ver of his genera- tion, thoii^'h Ills efforts were chiefly confined to ]iicture frames. {Ilhist rated) 60.5 — SEVEXTEEX'rii C'extury 'N^exetiax Table by Bhostoloxe Rectangidar top with molded edge. ^Vpron carved with voluted scrollings, acanthus leaves and central pointed-leaf pendants, j_y legs pierced and carved with voluted scrolls, husk pendants and acanthus-leaf scrolls, acanthus-leaf carved and scrolled side, front and hack rails with central pointed leaf finials correspond- ing with the pendants above, and lions' paw feet. n ^ 600 — Sevkxtekxth Cextury TustAx Ixlaid Walnut Table Hectano'ular shaj^e, with molded top and IVieze carved with ()verhipi)iii,<>- patera\ finished with a scrolled and voluted apron and supported at the angles hy scrolled hrackets. Turned. w fluted, headed and carved tapering legs. The toj) is inlaid in ehony antl light-colored woods with a design of scrolled acan- tlius leaves, flowers and geometrical intersections. Iliiijht. 2 fcft 7 inchcf; li'iigth, 4 feet 4 iiuliix; rchltli, 2 feet -i inches. 607 — Sevexteexth Cextury ^"EXETIAx Walxut Table Rectangular toj) with molded edge and plain frieze with scrolled and voluted apron. Legs of rectangular section scrolled, vo- luted, decorated with raised lozenges and set diagonally on molded hases with raised chamfered dies. Ijongitudinal molded stretcher with scrolled and voluted finials and curved and scrolled rising hraces decorated with raised lozenges. Hchjlit, .31 inches- length. 511^. inches; rcidth. 25 inches. (Ill list rated) ^' 608 — Sixteenth Cextukv Tuscan Gilt Walnut ^Iikror Frame Rectangular shape. The inner frame molded and carved with flutings, headings and reel and l)ead ornament. The sides sup- ported hy scrolled and voluted hrackets meeting on sliell centers, and the apron carved to correspond. On cresting is a scrolled and voluted carved hroken pediment, having in the center a scrolled oval escutcheon charged with a coat-ot'-arms of a couped dragon, supported hy two youthfid angels and sunimunted 1)V the ]*a])al Tiara and crossed keys. Carving heightened hy ailding. This f();it-()f-iirin> was that of I ',<;'( Pope Grf^'orv XIII. t'oi- whom thr tram that «■(• owe the (ircirorian cak'iular, in ahnost uiiixei present (lay. Hii()iic(,inpa,on„ ( 1.')()2-158.'3), was made. It is to tliis Pope at tlie llJlii£lJJ!Uriiai\lKlUi,UI(litiilli 609 — Sixteenth Centukv TrscAx Walxut Miuuor Fkajie Rectanular consoles with Hated fronts and jjcndants carved with overlapping' patera-. The frame is molded and carved with hands of giiilloche patterning separated l)y stjuare rosetted dies, and the a2)ron is scrolled, voluted and carved with a female. Height, 641^. inchr.'i: -u-idfh. i-2^ ■_. inchc.xut Cassoxi Sarcojjhagus-shajJed, witli molded, domed and hinged lids and friezes carved in relief with drapery festoons depending from Avinged masks and knots of ribbon. The lower parts of the bodies are carved with carved gadroonings and acanthus leaves in the centers and at the angles. On carved lions"-paw feet. Height. '24 inches: JciujtJt, (>.'{ iinhcs: icidth. 20 inches. {Illustrated) 616 — SiXTEEXTii Cextury Florextixe Carved Walxut Cassoxe Sarcophagus-shaped, with molded, carved, domed and hinged lid and incurved frieze carved with astragalled flutings and acanthus leaves. The lower part of the body carved with curved and voluted gadroonings having a banded laurel wreath in the center occii])ied by a scrolled escutcheon charged with a coat-of- arms and acanthus leaves at the angles. Above are bands of shell and bead and interlaced annular, and below a band of bead ornament. On car^-ed, Aoliited and fan-carved feet. Height. "23 inches; length. ()8 inches; zcidth. 23 inches. [Illustrated) 617 — Sixteenth Century Boi.ocjnese Ineaid Cassone Rectangular shape, with domed, molded and liinged lid. The front and sides are paneled and painted with arabesque pattern- ings of grotesque animals, birds and scroUings, the front with a ])ear-shaped cartouche in the center. The panels are sur- rounded l)y borders painted, in line, with a meander patterning, and the base is molded and painted, in line, with acanthus-leaf scrollings. On four carved paw feet. Height. 2 feet 2'o inclic.s; IciKjth, 5 feet 11 inches. {lUii.st rated) G18 — Sixteenth Centuky Feokentine Ineau) \VAENrT Cassone Rectangular shape, with a sunken paneled and hinged lid in- laid with bands of geometrical interlacements and frieze inlaid with false flutings. The front is divided by four pilasters with acanthus-leaf capitals and paneled shafts with three panels sur- rounded by sunken moldings and bands of differing inlaid pat- ternings and occupied with intarsiatured woi-k, the center hav- ing a shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arms and supported by headless horses and bows of ribbons, that on the left with a view of a tiled courtyard, a classic building, trees and hills, and that on the right with a landscape and trees, a castello, a church, a river with boats and a bridge. Molded base carved with an imbricated patterning. Height, 'M) inches: length. 7'J'- inclie-'i; zcidth. 261 o inches. (Ilhistratcd) K .i 617 — SixTEKXTii Ckxtukv Bologxese Ixi.Aii) Cassdxe Rectangular .shape, with domed, molded and liiiiged lid. The front and sides are paneled and painted witli arabescjue pattern- ings of grotesque animals, birds and serollings, the front with a pear-shaped cartouche in the center. The panels are sur- rounded by borders painted, in line, with a meander patterning, and the base is molded and painted, in line, with acanthus-leaf serollings. On four car\'ed paw feet. Height. 2 fret 21. _. inrhf.s; Iciujth, .5 feet 11 inches. {lUihst rated) G18 — Sixteenth Cextuky Flokextixe Ixj.au) AVai.xut Cassoxe Rectangular shape, Avith a sunken paneled and hinged lid in- laid with bands of geometrical interlacements and frieze inlaid with false Hutings. The front is divided by four pilasters with acanthus-leaf capitals and paneled shafts with three panels sur- rounded by sunken moldings and bands of differing inlaid pat- ternings and occupied with intarsiatured work, the center hav- ing a shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arms and supported by headless horses and bows of I'ibbons, that on the left with a view of a tiled courtyard, a classic building, trees and hills, and that on the right with a landscape and trees, a castello, a church, a river with boats and a bridge. Molded I)ase carved with an imbricated ])atterning. Height. ;j() iiiehe.s: leiigtii. 7l!'- iiiehe.s; icidth. 20'-. inches. { III n. -it rated) i ,;• 'tt^^^^^. *X... 619 — Sixteenth Century Brescian Walni^t Cabinet and Stand Rectangular cabinet, with molded and dentelled cornice and bowed frieze carved in a double guilloehe patterning. The front is divided into fourteen drawers, eight with square and i^ six with oblong fronts and two cupboards with hinged doors. '^ These and the drawer fronts are paneled and carved with acan- thus lea\es, scrolled strapwork and berries forming quatrefoii patterns and the base is molded. The stand has a molded top, with a frieze fitted with two drawers having carved fronts to correspond with those above and supported by two sluiped brackets on cross bases with paw terminations. Height. () fci-t 9 inches- width, ,5 feet. (Illustrated) No. f)19 — SixTi'.KXTii Century Bkesciax Walnut Cabinet and Stand 620 — Sp;ventekxtii Cextury Italian Ehoxy axd liuoxzi'. Caij- IXKT Rectan-C:-. No. 625 — EiciiiTKENTH C'extvkv \'exetiax Lacqieked Escritoire 626 — Sea'exteexth Cextuky Vexetiax Paixii:d Cabixet ox Staxd Rectangular shape, made in two portions. The upper part, with broken pediment, the pedestal surmounted by a circular pedi- ment, painted with the sacred monogram and with a painted frieze, is arranged as a cupboard, the interior fitted with drawers, having two hinged doors painted with stems of scrolled acanthus leaves and flowers springing from gadrooned vases. The lower portion, with ])lain cornice and painted frieze, supported at the angles by two detached Ionic cohnnns, is also arranged as a cupboard fitted with drawers, and having two hinged paneled doors painted with grotesqueries of female figures holding dolphins, vases of flowers and scrollings. The stand has a double molded top, with aperture for writing slab, and shaped, scrolled and ])ainted apron supported on two spiral colunms painted with branches of vine leaves and grapes. ^Molded stretcher shelf and ball feet. All painted in gold and colors on a black ground. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; tdyv Height. 40 ineliex; icidtli, 24 inches. (Ilbixf rated) 042 — Seventeenth Century Venetian Carved Wood Coat-of- ARMS Oval escutcheon sun-ounded ])y a fluted frame and by bold voluted scrollings carved with masks, a double festoon of flowers and leaves and surmounted by a heraldic statant lion. The es- cutcheon is charged with the coat-of-arms of the Capello family. cup with cords, a rayed sun and a cioss. Ileiijlit, ")(■> iiieJie.s; viilth, '.Hi iiiehex. (Ilhistrtited) 643 — Sixteenth Centuky Fi,orkxtixe Carved axd Paixted coat-of-aujis Scrolled and voliited oval escutcheon carved above with two dolphins, below with a grotescjue mask and charged Avith a painted coat-of-arnis. llcujht. ;}() iin-his; iddth. '11 inches. {lUust rated) 6-14 — Sixteenth Cextuky Florentine Carved and Giet Walnut Hat Rack Rectangular shape, witli molded and iluted cornice. The body is arranged in fi\'e molded panels enclosing carved rosettes, in the center of which are turned wooden hat-pegs. The cresting is formed of a scrolled egg-shaped armorial escutcheon, charged with a coat-of-arms and flanked by two voluted scrolls and cherubim. The apron is shaped, scrolled and carved in the center with a winged mask. Carving heightened by gilding. Hcifjht. 2 fcft ti iiichi-s; length. 4 feet I ineli. (IllnstnifeJ) (j44a — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Hat Rack Rectangular shajje, with molded and iluted cornice. The body is arranged with three oval scrolled and voluted panels, having in each two turned and carved hat-pegs. Shaped and scrolled apron, carved with overlapping patera^ and with an oval ar- morial escutcheon painted Avith a rampant lion in the center. Height, 1 foot 4 inches; length, 4 feet 5 inches. {Illustrated) ^ G-1.5 — 1'aik ()!■ SiXTKKNTii Cknithy \'Kxr,TiAx Walxtt Ciiaius Strai<>lit open l);K'k with sciuarc side supports, ac-autlms-kaf carved fiuials and two horizontal splats earved with pear-shajjed escntdieons, seroMinys and aeanthus leaves. Wooden seats with straight s(|uare legs, shaped si(k' rails and dcei) front rails carved with pear-shaped eseuteiieons and seroUings. (Ilhistnitnl) oh; SlXTEKXlll CkXTIHV Fj.OKKXTIXF. \\'AI,XrT AuMCilAlK Straight haeh with s(|uai-e side suppoi-ts, earved (inials and two horizontal splats piei-eed and earved with aeanthus-leaf seroU- ings and a shell. Straight molded arms on scpiare supports with aeanlhus-lear hraektts. wooden seat with scroll carved apron, straight srpiare legs and side rails and deep front rail carved witli xoluted scrolls and demi-rosettes. {Uhi.stniln}) Oil — h\}vu SiXTKF.XTii C'KxrriiV Fi.ouKxrixK \\'Ai,xrr Aumchaius Straight hacks. Scjuare side supports with acanthus-leaf carved tinials and two horizontal shaped splats carved with trefoils and fan-shaped leaves and incised with scrolled and voluted line. Straight Hat mohkd arms on scpiare sup[)orts. wooden seats ^ with shaped aprons and front rails cai-\ed and incised with ^ scrolled anV.) l-'olK SiXll-.F.XTII C'kXTLKV 1''jJ)1{FXT1XK WaI.XIT AUMIIIAIRS .Similar to No. ()47. 6.50 — Four Sixtkkxth CF.xriMjY Fi.ouKxrixF. Wai.xi't AininrAiKS j-^'^^ Similar to No. 047. ^' 645 — Pair or Sixteenth Century \'enetian Walnut Chairs Strai^'ht open back with square side supports, acanthus-leaf carved finials and two horizontal s])lats carved with pear-shaped escutcheons, scrollings and acanthus leaves. Wooden seats with straight scjuare legs, shajjcd side rails and deej) front rails carved with jiear-shaped escutcheons and scrollings. (IUu.it rated) 61(3 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchair Straight hack with scjuare side supports, carved finials and two horizontal splats pierced and earned with acanthus-leaf scroll- ings and a shell. Straight molded arms on square supports with acanthus-leaf brackets, wooden seat with scroll carved ajjron, straight square legs and side rails and deep front rail carved with voluted scrolls and demi-rosettes. (in 11 strata]) 647 — Four Sixteenth Century* Florentine Walnut Armchairs Straight backs. Square side supports with acanthus-leaf carved finials and two horizontal shaped splats carved with trefoils and fan-shaped leaves and incised with scrolled and voluted line. Straight flat molded arms on s(}uare supports, wooden seats ^ with shaped aprons and front rails car\ed and incised with ^ scrolled and voluted lines. Square legs, shaped side rails. Carving and incised lines gilded. (Ilhisfrated) 648 — Four Sixteenth Century Ilorentine Wai,nut Ar:mchairs . o Similar to the preceding. 649 — Four Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Armchairs Similar to Xo. ()47. 6.30 — FoiTR Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut iVrmchairs ^n^ Similar to No. 647. 6.51 — Sixteenth Centuky Boeognese Waexut Chaiks Straight ojjeii l)acks witli sciuare fliited side sui)p()rts and acan- thus-leaf carved finials. Deep (luatrefoil-shaped splat pierced and carved with scrollings and flowers. Wooden seats with shajjed and scrolled aprons. Straight, stjiiare and turned legs with shajjed side and back rails and deep shaped front rail carved with acanthus-leaf scrf)lls. (Illii.st ratal) 6.52 — Pair of Eaiu.y Sixteenth Centuky Florentine Walnut Chaiks Rectangular hacks with s(|uare side supports, gilded acanthus- leaf carved finials and two horizontal splats pierced and carved in a design of quatrefoils and flein's-de-lis. Pierced and carved apron, stjuare legs and side rails, and deep front rail ])ierced and carved with quatrefoils and fleurs-de-lis. (Illiisfnital) 6.53 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnl^p xVkmchair Straight back with scjuare car\ed side supports, acanthus-leaf carved finials and two horizontal splats pierced and carved with acanthus-leaf scrollings and a shell. Curved flat voluted arms on square sujjports with acanthus-leaf brackets. I^eather-cov- ered seat with leather apron secured by large brass-headed nails. Straight square legs and side rails. Shaped and pierced hack rail and deep front rail pierced and carved with acanthus-leaf scrolls. {llhi.'nor Bardini diructs attfiitioii to Hiusc c-liiiirs as fonniiiilt hron/e hall finials; eurviii"^', reeded and voluted anii.s on scjuare supports; scpiare molded legs pan- eled and carved with twisted rihhon patterning. Scrolled, vo- luted and carved cross stretchers. Seats and hacks covered in Hungarian point enihroidered in designs of scrolled acanthus leaves and flowers and finished with silken fringe. 678 — SixTEEXTH Cextury Fi.orextixe Wai.xut Armchair Rectangular hack, with gilded acanthus-leaf carved finials. Flat molded arms on cm-ved acanthus-leaf carved supports; 'si/-* straight s(juare legs and deep front rail carved with an oval escutcheon charged with a coat-of-arms, and with acanthus-leaf scrolls and volutes. Back and seat covered with crimson velvet, hordered and paneled with hroad gold galloon and finished with silken fringe. G79 — 1'aik of Sixteenth Cextuky Flokextixk Walxut Akm- CHAIKS Square backs, witli gilded aeantlius-leaf carved tinials; flat curving voluted arms on turned and carved baluster-shaped supports; straight turned and carved legs on square base rails, with carved terminations and deep front rails carved with vo- luted scrolls and rosettes. Seats and backs covered with con- temjjorary crimson velvet bordered with gold galloon, secured with large round brass-headed nails and flnished with silk frintre. 680 — Six Early Sixteexth Cextuky Fixikextixe Walxut Chaiks Straight backs, with acanthus-leaf carved flnials. Straight scjuare legs, with deep front rail pierced and carved in a design of voluted scrolls, and shaped back rail. Seats and backs cov- vO ered in original leather fastened with round-headed brass nails. The backs gold tooled with circular medallion enclosing a chrysanthemum blossom and the insci-iption: "ss. hosaki del MOD." 681 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut xVrmchair Square back, with carved finials, flat arms on turned baluster- sliaped supports, s■ 697 — Sixteenth Cextuky Tuscax Walxut Cabinet Rectangular shape. ^Molded top, with frieze fitted w itli two drawers with molded paneled fronts and turned wooden knobs. Tlie body is arranged as a cupl)oard with two hinged doors with sunken paneled fronts and diamond-shaped medallions formed by raised moldings. These doors are separated and flanked by columnar pilasters with fluted cajjitals and tapering and vase-shaped shafts carved with imbrications, flutings and gad- roonings. Plain broken plinth, molded base and shaped cross block feet. The sides arc paneled to conform with the front. Hiighf, 3 feet .'5 iinlu-s: uidlh, .'3 feet 2 inches: depth. 1 foot (! inehex. 698 — Sixteenth Century North ItxVLian Waexvt Cabinet Rectangular shape. IMolded and carved cornice and plain frieze carved with a bearded mask and rosettes supported by seven caryatids: four of queens, with drapery and voluted termina- tions ; three of Tritons, with twisted fishtail terminations. Ar- ranged as a cupboard, with hinged panel doors having in the centers bronze masks supporting swinging looped handles of bronze. Molded base. Heighi, 3 feet 9 inches; rcitltli. 4 feet 71 o inches; depth, 1 foot Ql/o inches. 699 — Fifteenth Cexti'ky Itaijax Walxtt Caxopiei) Catteiira High paneled back, witli molded cornice and plain frieze sup- ported by two shaped brackets. The arms are shaped and \-oluted, the seat formed as a box with hinged lid and paneled front and sides, and the base molded. ll(i(jlif, 7 fcft 7 inclir.i. C^: S^tM U 700 — Sixteenth Centuuy French AN^vlnut Thkone Chaik High hack, witli molded cornice and carved frieze supported hy two jMlasters having paneled shafts and Composite Corin- thian capitals, enclosing a paneled center carved with acanthus- leaf rinceaux springing from a vase with flowers, tahlets, a cheruh and masks. Curved, molded and voluted arms on carved paneled supports. Seat formed as a hox. with twin jjaneled front cai'\ed with linen folds. Height, (i feet .5 inehe: ■i inchefi. length, 1 foot 9 iiiehes; icidth, .3 feet Signor Bai'dini liais ahvays attaclicd particular ini})ortaiU'e to this chair as an admirable example of the French Renaissance. It came from the collection of M. Carrand, Director of the Lyons Museum, who bequeathed a large ])ortion of his collection to the Bargcllo Museum, Florence. 701 — 'J'avo SiXTEEXTii Century Flokextixe Wai,xut Akmchaiks Straight back with fluted and astragalled side supports and acanthus-leaf carved finials and two horizontal splats carved with voluted scrolhngs and pointed leaves. Flat curving voluted arms on square supports with acanthus-leaf brackets, wooden seat with pierced apron carved in voluted scrolls, straight square legs and side rails, shaped back rail and deep front rail pierced and carved in scrolls and a center diamond-shaped medallion. 702 — SixTEEXTH Cextuky Fi.okextixe Wai.xut Armchair Rectangular back, with gilded acanthus-leaf carved finials. Flat molded arms on curved acanthus-leaf carved supports, straight sfjuai-e legs and deep front i-ail carved with an oval escutcheon charged with a coat-of-arms. and with acanthus-leaf scrolls and volutes, liack and seat covered with crimson velvet, bordered and paneled with broad gold galloon and finished with silken fringe. 703 — Seventeenth Century Tuscan Walnut Armchair Rectangular back, with .s{|uare side supports, acanthus-leaf carved finials and large horizontal quatrefoil-shaped splat carved with scrolled egg-shaped escutcheons and acanthus-leaf scrollings, straight flat molded arms on turned baluster-shaped supports, square and tiu'ned legs with shaped and carved front rails. Seat covered with Hungarian jjoint embroidery finished with silken frinae. 704 — Sevkntj:enth Century Florentine Walnut Arm and Side Chair Sloping rectangular backs with gilded acanthus-leaf carved finials, the armchair with straight flat voluted arms and square supports. Straight square legs, with deep front rails pierced and carved with fleurs-de-lis, and square lower front, side and back rails. Seats and backs in original leather, secured with large and small rosetted brass-headed nails. The backs are gold-tooled, witli s(|uare scrolled escutcheons charged with coats- of-arms, supported by ])iii1i surmoimted l)v helmets and sur- rounded by scrolled and rosetted borders. (lUu St rated) 70.J — Sixteenth Cextuky Florextixe Waexut Armchair Square back, w ith scjiiare side supports and gilded, carved and gilt finials, tlat molded arms on turned baluster-shaped sup- ports, square legs on square base rails and scjuai-e back rail. Back and seat covered with leather, gold tooled, as to the back, with armorial shield and scrolled borders, and as to the apron, with bands of scrollings. Secured by round brass-headed nails and finished with silken fringe. {IIh<.sfratal) 700 — Pair of Sixteexth Cextury Fi.orextixe Walxut Akm- CHAIRS Straight backs, with square side supports and finials carved as honeysuckles and gilded. Flat molded arms on turned bal- uster-shaped supports, square legs and base rails. Backs and seats covered with contemporary leather, gold tooled, as to the backs, with scrolled shields charged with coats-of-arnis sur- mounted by helmets and with palmette-shaped ornamentations, and as to the aprons, with bands of flcurons. Secured by double rows of round brass-headed nails and finished witli silken fringes. 707 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- chairs Straight rectangular backs ; one with tin-ned ball finials, straight sjiirally turned arms on spirally turned supports, spirally tui-ned legs, front and side rails and stretchers. Backs and seats in original leather, secured with large and small rosctted brass-headed nails, the seats finished with leather fringe, the backs repousse with oval escutcheons charged with coats-of-arms and rtanked by acanthus-leaf scrolls and stars. {Illustrated) 708 — Sevexteexth Cextury North Italiax Walxut Armchair Straight back, ^ith gilded acanthus-leaf carved finials. Flat curved, \'oluted ai-ms on square supports, square legs with vo- luted feet, deep i^ierced and scroll carved front rails and square side rails. Seat and back in original leather, secured with large and small star-headed brass nails and finished with silk fringe. The back repousse in a design of a central cartouche surrounded bv acanthus-leaf sci'oUino's. r:^K^v^y^^^' ■ V n '• SiTll- h;-;^<<<^ 709 — Sixteenth Century Flokentine Walnut Armchair Straight back Mitli square side sujjports and finials carved as crowned eagles. Flat molded and voluted arms on square carved baluster-shaped sujiports, square legs, side and back rails and deej) front rail carved with oval escutcheons and vo- luted scrolls. Back and seat covered with contemporary leather, gold tooled, as to the backs with scrolled shields charged with coats-of-arms surmounted by helmets and surrounded by a bor- der of scrollings, and as to the aprons with bands of fieiu'ons. Leather secured by double rows of round bi-ass-headed nails and finished with silken fringes. 710 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- chairs . / Straight rectangular backs, spirally turned arms, supports, legs, '^- ' front and side rails and stretchers. Backs and seats in original leather secured with brass-headed nails. 711 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Florentine Wai,nut Arm- , ^ chairs J Similar to the preceding. 712 — Pair of Seventeenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- ^^ CHAIRS ^ Similar to the preceding. 713 — Sixteenth Century Fi.okextink Walnut Armchair Straight hack, witli square side supports and finials carved as Gothic leaves. Straight flat molded arms on turned baluster- shaped supports; turned legs and scjuare base rails with paw terminations. Back and seat covered with contemporary leather, gold tooled, as to the back with a diamond-shaped me- dallion surrounded by a border of scrollings, and as to the apron with a band of scrollings, secm-ed by large roinid-headed brass nails and finished witli knotted silken fringe. 714 — Pahj of Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Ak^m- C HAIRS Straight backs, with carved and gilt acanthus-leaf Hnials. Flat molded arms on turned baluster supports; straight legs and cross braces. Seats and backs in contemporary leather secured with brass-headed nails and finished with silk fringe. Backs tooled in gold with central scrolled armorial shields and pal- mette-shaped ornaments in the angles. /^ 71.) — Pair oe Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Arm- -, b CHAIRS Similar to the preceding. ^0 71() — Pair of Fifteenth Century Florentine Walnut Chairs Straight sciuare backs and seats, turned legs, side rails and { stretchers. Seats and backs in original leather, secured with \ round-headed brass nails, finished with silk fringe. 717 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Fi.oRENriNE Walnut Chairs Straight square backs and seats, tui'ued legs, side rails and stretchers. Seats and backs in original leather, secured with brass-headed nails and finished with silk fringe. Backs tooled in gold with a sci'olk'd ai'iUDrial escutcheon and lloi'al boi'ders. (lllnsfrafal) 718 — Pair of Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut AR:\r- chairs Square back, with square side supports and gilded, carved acan- thus-leaf finials, flat molded arms on turned baluster-shaped sujjports. stjuare legs on square base rails with paw terminations and shaped back rails. Backs and seats covered with leather, gold tooled, as to the backs, with ([uatrefoil medallions siu'- rounded by paneled borders, and as to the aprons, with dia- mond-shaped medallions, secured by double rows of round brass-headed nails and finished with silken fringe. {lUustrafed) 719 — Set of Two Fifteenth Centl^ry Florentine Walnut Chairs Straight backs, with car\ed gilt shell-shaped finials. square scrolled cross legs with voluted feet jjivoted as though to fold, and with tiu-ned front and back rails. Seats and backs in original leather fastened with round-headed brass nails and finished with silk fringe. (Illiistratc(l) 7'20 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Florentine Walni't Chairs wSimilar to the iJreceding. 721 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Florentine Walnut Chairs Similar to the pi'cceding. 722 — Pair of Fifteenth Century Florentine Walni't Chairs Similar to the preceding. CUSHIONS AND TAPESTRIES OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 72.) — Pair of Sixtkkxtii Ckxtuuy Fi.okkxtixe E:\im{on)ERED Sii.K Cusiiioxs Rectangular shape. Covered witli hlue silk. eiul)roi\'-2 inches; xcidfh, 20V-> inches. 729 — Pair of Sixteenth Cextuky Flokkxtink Emhkoideked Sn.K Cushions Rectangular shape. Covered with red silk, embroidered in gold and colored silks with oval medallions occvipied by figures of Minerva with spear and shield and Diana with a bow, en- closed by a border of medallions and acanthus leaves and sur- rounded by scrolled ribbons. At the angles are scrolled pal- mettes, and the borders are of acanthus-leaf scroUings sym- metrically diapered. Finished with tassels. Height, 15 inchc-t; xciclth, 191^4; inches. 730 — Sixteenth Century Flokentixe Ki\ii!K()ii)euei) Silk Cushion Rectangular shape. Covered with red satin, embroidered in gold and colored silks with a scrolled escutcheon charged with a coat-of-arms and with voluted and floral pahnettes at the angles and with a border of acanthus-leaf scrollings and flowers. Height. 21 Inches; xcidth, 15 inches. (lUust rated) 731 — Sixteenth Cexti'hy Feokextine Embkoideued Cushion Covered with red silk embroidered in colored silks, as to the center with a two-headed eagle sin-niounted by a crown and displaying a shield charged with a coat-of-arms. In the angles are heraldic eagles. Surrovmded by a border of scrollings and flowers. Finished with silk tassels. Height, 20',^ inches; width. 151/^ inches. {Illustrated) 732 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Tapestry Cover Rectangular shape. Woven to simulate an Asia IMinor rug, with a field of quatrefoil-shaped interlacements, inner and outer guarils of s(iuare quatrefoiled rosettes, main border with a dia- jjered pattei-n of looped interlacements and leaves, and outer border of looped tassels. Length. 11 feet 5 inches; u-idth. (5 feet 10 inches. (Ulust rated) J.-* ^■«lilliflilli!ii«'i«'^^ 733 — Skventeenth Cextuky Heraldic Tapestky Paxel Rectangular shajje. The center w()\en with a central s(|uare panel, occupied by a .scrolled and shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arnis, and surrounded by an arabesque patterning of scrolled acanthus leaves and cornucopia' filled with fruits and leaves. The border is of meander pattern of acanthus-leaf scrollings separated by fluted vases. The whole patterned in light colors on dark grounds. Height, 8 fcrt !) inches; icidth, t) feet i iiiehcs. (Illustrated) 734. — Seventeenth Cextuky Italian Heraldic Tapestry Panel Rectangular shape. The center woven with a central square panel, occupied by a scrolled and shaped shield charged with a coat-of-arms. and surmounted by an arabesfjue patterning of scrolled acanthus leaves and cornucopia* filled with fruits and leaves. The border is also of meander pattern of acantlius-leaf scrollings separated by fluted vases. The whole patterned in light colors on dark grounds. Height. 8 feet 9 inches; icidth, 9 feet -i inches. u^" \o. 73.'} — Seventeenth C'kntukv IIekaedic Tai'estkv Paxei. 735 — Seventeenth Century Flemish Verdure Tapestry Panel Rectangular shape. The center woven in a "verdure" design of large scrolled, pointed and serrated leaves in ^•arying shades of green on a dark ground and intertwined with anemone, iris and (jther flowers, buds and leaves, and with birds. The border is a broad band of flowers and fruits, woven in their natural colors, and leaves on a light ground. Heic/lif, 11 firt li inclufi; uichh, 9 ftrt 1 inch. (lUiistrati'tl) 736 — Seventeenth Century Flemish Verdure Tapestry Panel Rectangidar shape. The center woven in a "verdure" design of large scrolled, j)<)inted and serrated lea\'es in varying shades of green on a dark ground and intertwined with anemone, iris and other flowers, buds and leaves, and with birds. The border is a bi'oad band of flowers and fruits, woven in their natural colors, and leaves on a light groimd. Hdyht, 10 feet 8 iiu-lu:s: icidtli. 11 /V(7 2 inclun. \o. T.'i/) — Sevextkexth Cextuuy Flemish ^ erdure Tapestry Paxel 737 — Sixteenth Century Italian Tapestry Panel Rectangular shaj^e. Woven with episodes of the Siege of Troy. In the center are the figures of Paris, in classical armor, and Helen in a loose robe and wearing a close-fitting cap. On either side are the ti-unks of trees, that on the left being an apple tree with a small animal below jJi'cparing to climb it and a scrolled escutcheon charged witli a coat-of-arms above, while that on the right is an oak tree with a jjarrot perched on one of the branches. On the left is Diomedes with the captured Palladium, and on the right Achilles seizing Polj^xena. On the extreme right is a city gate. In the distance a landscape with figures and a castle. The architecture and costumes, with the exception of that of Paris, are Italian of the sixteenth century. Surrounded by a l)order of a laurel-leaf garland and clusters of fruits, fiow- ers and leaves. Height, 5 feet 7 ' /^ iiiehe.s; icidtJi, l.'J feet 9 inches. S{oO FURNITURE OF THE FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 7.*}8 — Sixteenth Century Florentine AVai,nut Cabinet Rectan<>ular shape, with molded and dentelled coniiee< paneled frieze fitted with dra\\'er, arranged as cuphoard with hinged paneled door, having in the center an applied carving of a scrolled and voluted lion mask. The sides have scrolled and voluted round-arched niches occupied with carved figures of bearded men, manacled and wearing Phrygian caps, on brackets. INIolded base. Height, 4 ffct \ width. 1 foot 10 inches. {lUuxtruted) 739 — Sixteenth Century Tuscan Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shape, with molded top carved with two bands of flutings. The frieze fitted with two drawers, separated and flanked by carved voluted lions' masks and with sunken paneled fronts carved with voluted strapwork scrollings. The lower part is arranged as a cupboard with two hinged sunken paneled doors separated and flanked by narrow \ertical panels carved with floral rosettes. The jilinth is carved with circular fluted rosettes and the base is molded and fluted. On double fluted block feet separated by voluted carved fan-like ornamentations. Swinging scrolled and looped handles of bronze. Height, 4 feet '2 inrhes: icidth, .'5 feet 4 iiielies; depth. 1 foot 'ii inches. (lU list rated) 740 — Fifteenth Century Xokth Italian Carved, Painted and Gilded Wood Overmantel Rectangular shape. Of molded and carved wood painted in gold on a blue ground and divided, horizontally, into sections bj^ molded cornices and friezes enriched with carved acanthus- leaf scrollings, and vertically, into three divisions by four Ionic pilasters with shafts and jjcdestals paneled and carved with candelabra and acanthus-leaf scrolls. In the middle section these divisions form niches with round-arched tops, shell pedi- ments and spandrels carved with scrollings. Height, 47 inches; zcidtli, .y.i inches. (Illust rated) 7-11 — Sixteenth Centi-ry Erescian Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shaj^e, with molded and carved cornice and frieze, fitted with two drawers with jjaneled and carved fronts sepa- rated and flanked by acanthus-leaf carved console brackets, which also form drawer fronts, and supjiorted by three jjilasters with paneled and carved fronts. Arranged as a cupboard with hinged doors, the fronts with roimd-arched panels enriched by radiating and horizontal flutings. On molded and carved base and paw feet. Height, i feet 2 inclies; lengtli. 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 9 incites. {Ilhist rated) 5Av-OX^ )*^'Jl«5 1^ .v?4.Vw^|j|g L j_i-iL- ' ' -jL-i— u-ii I I I ! u I I I n . 1 I -t. 1-1 1 Jzr- &ife»'^«'^*^^^*^^ 742 — Sixteenth Century Venetian Walnut Cabinet Rectangular sliaped, witli molded fornicr and i'rieze flanked by dies carved with tleur.s-de-lis, siippoi-ted by pilasters carved with female caryatids, pendants of fruits and leaves and tassels. Ar- ranged as a ciijjboard with hinged doors, each having two broken / and three plain molded panels, with carved masks in center v^ panels. jNIolded base and shaped bracket feet. '^ Helyht, 4 feet 8 IncheK; icidfh, 3 feet 5 inches: depth, \ foot G inches. (Illustrated) 743 — Sixteenth Century Tuscan Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shape, with niolded and carved top. ^Vpron divided by three carved console lirackets and fitted with two panel- fronted drawers. The lower ])ortion divided into two portions by bearded and female caryatids, with flower and leaf pendants, having between two sunken paneled hinged doors with turned wooden knobs, molded and gadrooned base and paw feet. Height, 4 feet 2 inches: i^'idth. 5 feet: depth. 2 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) 744 FOUKTEENTH CeNTUKY FLORENTINE InLAID WaLNUT INIaDIA OR Bread Chest Rectangular shape, with hinged lid having a molded front. The body of the chest is divided vertically into three parts, the center of which is enriched hy sunk and raised molded panels sur- rounded by bands of geometrical inlay. This is flanked by squares with diagonal bands of inlaid fleurons. These side sec- tions are shaped below so as to form a cuspcd arch with carved rosettes at the points. Height, ."J feet: rcidtli. 5 feet: depth, 2 feet. Si^nor Hardini considers this as a vi_rv intc rostiiiir pirce on account, not only of its rarity, hut of its c\cc])ti(inal state of ]ircscrvation and ricli jiatina. (lUii.itrafccl) 745 — Fourteenth Century Sienese Pastigeia Decorated Cas- SONE Kectangidar shape, with domed, hinged and molded lid deco- rated with painted panels of interlacements. The front is sur- roimded, in pastiglia work, with a band of eight-jxtinted star- shaped sunken medallions enclosing conventional foliage sprays ; within the border, on a ground decorated in relief with scrolled sprays of pointed leaves, is a central round and cusped arclied panel, the arch supported on spirally fluted pilasters, enclosing a heraldic figure of a statant lion on a ground seme with floral sprays. This is flanked by two quatrefoil-shaped me- dallions enclosing shields charged with coats-of-arms. On base shaped Avith a series of cusped pointed arches. The sides are decorated with quatrefoil medallions, on grounds of scrolled sprays of pointed leaves, and enclosing figures of animals. Heiijht. :j feet 5 inehex: length. 5 feet 5'^ ;•;/(■/(. .v; zcidth. 2 feet 11 o inehes. (Illustrated) rj.G — FuuRTEEXTH Cextuky Flouextixe Irox-bouxu Paixted COFl-ER Rectangular .sliape, witli liiu^cd lid having side braces. The front and sides are decorated in colored gesso with a raised diapering of large Heurs-de-lis enriched with stalks of trefoil blossoms, and with two heart-shaped escutcheons surmounted by bishops' mitres. Above and below are bands of diamond-shaped patternings in raised gesso. Vertically banded with seven strajjs of wrought ii-on shaped with recurrent heart-shaped bosses. Shaped apron painted with masks. Hfi;/hi, 1 foot 11 '^ inclux: length, -i feet 7 inches. This c-oilcr fuiiR' from the Hospital of Santa Maria Xuo\a, Florence. {lllitstnited) nl^ 747 — Early Fourteenth Century Paduax Painted Cassone Boat-shaped, with arched hinged cover and side braces. The entire cassone is covered witli painted leather and the body is strapped with two bands of wrought iron. The front is painted in a design of a central circular medallion with red ground, sin-rounded by green, with a banded laurel-leaf wreath which encloses a shaped armorial shield. The ground is divided into twelve squares of alternate conventional wave ])attern diaperings in red and white and A-shai)ed figures entwined with white looped ribbonings on blue ground. On molded cross- i)race feet. Height, 1() inches; length, i feet 9 iiichex: depth, 17 inches. Tlii.s cassone is considered to be one of the earliest in existence. Consideration being had as to its age, its state of preservation is re- markable. {lUitstratcd) 748 — Fifteenth Century Fi.okkntine Cahvkd Walnut Cassone Rectangular shape, with molded and carved hinged lid. Front with one long panel surrounded by a ribbon-bound band of fruits and leaves Hanked by nude male caryatids. IMolded base and carved and molded l)racket feet. Height. 1 foot 11 inches; length, 5 feet S inches; icidth. 2 feet 1 inch. {Illustrated ) 747 — Early Fourteenth Century Paduan Painted Cassone Boat-shaped, with arched hinged cover and side braces. The entire cassone is covered with painted leatlier and the body is strapped with two bands of wronght iron. The front is painted in a design of a central circular medallion with red ground, surrounded by green, with a banded laurel-leaf wreath which encloses a shaped armorial shield. The ground is divided into twelve stjuares of alternate con\'entional wave pattern diaperings in red and white and A-shaped figures entwined with white looped ribbonings on blue ground. On molded cross- brace feet. Heicjht, Ki inches: Iciif/tli. 1 fn-t !) iiiclus; depth, 17 inches. This cassone is considered to be one of the earliest in existence. Consideration being had as to its age, its state of preservation is re- markable. [Illustrated) 748 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Carved ^VALNUT Cassone Rectangular shape, with molded and carved hinged lid. Front with one long panel surrounded by a ribbon-bound band of fruits and leaves Hanked by nude male caryatids. jNIolded base and carved and molded bracket feet. Height, 1 foot n inclics; length, 5 feet « inches: -width, 2 feet \ inch, [llliistrdtcd) ^-^0 749 — Sixteenth Century Paduax Carved AValxut Cassone Rectangular shape, with molded, domed and hinged lid and frieze carved in low relief with a hand of guilloche patterning. The front is decorated with a panel carved in low relief with a voluted shield charged with a coat-of-arms, flanked hy scroll- ings of oak leaves and acorns, vine leaves and hunches of grapes and surrounded hy a horder of trefoil meander patterning. At the angles are female caryatid figures. Incurved hase carved with astragalled flutings and carved paw feet. Height, '1 feci (i iiuhc-i: length, <5 feet ll-_. inches: xcidfh, 2 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) 750 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Carved Walnut Cassone Rectangular shape, with carved and molded hinged lid. Tiie front is divided hy rosette and acanthus-leaf carved horders into three jnniels; the center carved witii a scrolled armorial es- cutcheon surmounted hy a cherul) and the side ones with stand- ing figures of winged puiii. Gadrooned hase i'orming a drawer front at one end and paw feet. Height. 2 feet; length, ,5 feet G inclies; depth, 1 foot K) inches. {Ulust rated) 'V, 7.51 — Sixteenth Century Feorentine Carved and CtIeded Wal- nut Cassone Sarcoijhagus-shajjed, with molded and domed hinged hd carved with jilaited strapwork. Frieze carved with fliitings and orna- mented astragals and lower part of hody carved, hetween bands of head and reel and twisted ribbon pattern, with scrolled oval escutcheon charged with a carved coat-of-arms and supported l)y winged youthful sphinxes terminating in scrolled acanthus leaves and flowers upheld by two standing figures of piitti. At the angles are acanthus leaves and voluted scroUings terminat- ijig in female heads. On carved jiaw feet. Carving heightened by gilding. Hii(/]it. '2 feet 1 inch; length, 5 feet SV-t inclus: width. 1 foot 9 inches. (lUustratecl) -SiXTEEXTH Ckxtuky Fi.okextixe Ixlaid Wai.xut Cassoxe Kectaii^ular shape, witli molded, domed and carved liiiiyed lid, inlaid in light and darker colored woods with oval and octagonal medallions. The front is divided into three panels inlaid in light-colored woods, the center with a scrolled armorial es- cutcheon charged with the Florentine lilies, those on either side with arabesque serollings of winged dragons, putti. lions, birds and serollings. Carved and molded base and large ])aw feet. Height, "28 iiichc.i; hiigfli, i feet 5 incliex; depth. 2G inchea. (lUitstruted) 7.53 — SiXTEEXTH Cextuky Boi.ogxese Ineah) Walnut Cassoxe Rectangular shape, with molded and domed hinged lid inlaid, in light-colored woods, with scrolled medallions and interlace- ments. Front divided into three panels with raised moldings, the center inlaid with an oval escutcheon supported by amorini. the side ones with figures of Venus in a triumphal car drawn by sheep driven by amorini. At the angles are caryatids formed as winged sphinxes, with acanthus-leaf terminations. Molded and carved base and paw feet. Height. 'I feet 1 ineh; length. 5 feet 8 iiielies; icidth. 1 foot 11 iiiehex. (lllnstrated) 7.54 — Sixteenth Century Boi.ognese Walnut Cassone Rectangulai- shape, with molded and fluted top and frieze carved with oval and circular medallions separated by voluted console brackets, supported by paneled pilasters carved with cherubim on voluted console brackets. Arran<'ed as a cupboard with hinged paneled doors carved with oval medallions surrounded by turned rosettes. JNIolded base and plain plinth, on square base rails with carved terminations. Hihjht, i ft'ft 2 inches; zeidth, .5 feet o inchts: dt-pth. 1 foot 4 inches. {lUust rated) 755 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shape, with molded and dentelled cornice and frieze, with two drawers separated and flanked by gryphons' masks, supported by three tapering turned and carved baluster- shaped pilasters with Ionic capitals. Arranged as cupboard, with two pairs of paneled hinged doors. INIolded broken base. Height, 4 feet li inches: -.cidth. G feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 3 inches. {Illustrated) M'?i«iiMimiinMiwiii(ai«Mui»»HHiffilwiiiHSwlHiHnWw %. ii**ll ' 1 : 1 1 ^ mmmmamttas 75(5 — Sixteenth Century Tiscan Walnut Caiunet Rectangular shajje. with molded top broken by three dies with carved fronts which divide the frieze into two divisions, eacli fitted with a di-awer with molded front. The lower portion is divided by two bearded and one female caryatid, with tapering carved pedestals, into two divisions, each fitted with a hinged door having paneled fronts and centers carved with bearded masks. On molded base with plain plinth. Height, 4 feet 41/) inches; width, 5 feet TVi; inches; depth, 1 foot 11 inches. {Illustrated) 757 — Sixteenth Centuky Florentine Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shape, with molded cornice and frieze, with two drawers ha\'ing paneled fronts, separated and divided by three console brackets, supported on three pilasters with tapering fluted shafts and voluted capitals. Arranged as a cupboard, with two hinged paneled doors. The sides are paneled to cor- resj)ond. On molded base, the plinth fitted with two drawers having paneled fronts. Swinging loop handles of bronze. Height, .5 feet 11 inches; icidth, 6 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) -i^o 758 — Sixteenth Cextukv Florentine Waj.nut Cabinet ]{ectaii<>'ular .shape, made in two parts. The ujjper inirt, with molded corniee and iluted frieze siqjported hy two piUister.s with paneled fronts earved witli stems of interlaeing leaves, is fitted with six long and four sciiiare drawers of later date with original paneled fronts surrounded hy hands of carved guilloehe pattern- ing and with turned knobs. The lowei- portion is divided by three broad lonie pilasters, with twin shafts paneled and earved with guilloehe patterning, into two sections with ])anelcd hinged doors. JNIolded base and ball feet. Hdyht, (5 fei't i ic'ultlt, ti feet 9 iiiclif.s: depth. 1 foot (5 inchcx. _^ 759 — SiXTEEXTii Cextuky Lk;i'kiax Waj.xi't C'ahixkt Rectangular shapt", iiiadf in two parts. The upper part, witli molded and carved cornice and niodillioned frieze supported on thi'ee fluted Ionic pilasters, is arranged as a cupboard with two paneled hinged doors surrounded by heavy raised molding carved with rosettes, the jjanels carved with flat acanthus-leaf scrollings and j)rojecting female heads. The lower part, with carved top and frieze carved with gadroonings forming the froiats of two drawers, is divided by three fluted Ionic pilasters into two parts, with hinged doors matching those above, the panels carved with voluted strapwork. On molded and carved base and ball feet. Height, G feet; -width, -i feet: depth. 1 foot 9 iiiehex. [lZ!lJi^f' • ^-^^^^^ ^frSSB ^gig 760 — SixTEKXTii Century Fi.orextixk Wai.xit Cahixet Rectangular .shape, made in two parts. The U2)per portion, with a molded and dentelled cornice and plain frieze supported hy two caryatid figures terminating in tapering pedestals and paw feet, has been, at a later date, partitioned into eleven drawers, with ])aneled fronts and a central compartment with a hinged door, the front of which is architecturally treated with a l)roken jjediment and molded cornice. The lower portion, with a moldid and carved top and modillioned frieze, fitted with a carved front drawer supported by two female caryatids with tapering- pedestals and flanked by two detached turned l)alustei--shaped coluDins, is arranged as a cupboard with hinged door having a paneled front with raised molding. Molded base and paw feet. Drop looped handles of chased bronze to all drawers and doors. Height, (5 feet ; xciilih, ',i feet •} iinhe.s; depth, 1 foot (! inehes. "^r^ 761 — Seventeenth Centi^ky Ligukian Wai.nit Cahinet Rectangular shape, made in two parts. The ujjper portion, witti broken straight pediment, its finial made in tlie form of a broken pedimented ronnd-areh niche, molded cornice, supported by two detached columnar pilasters, and frieze with raised center panel and divided by modillions, is arranged as a cupboard with two molded and raised paneled hinged doors. Tlie lower por- tion, with molded top, supported by console brackets and broad pilasters with paneled and oval medallion carved fronts, and triple paneled frieze car\ed with a cherub, is also arranged as a cupboard with two molded and raised paneled hinged doors. Molded base, ball feet and paneled sides. Height, 7 feet 10 iiichex 6 inches. iciiJth. 3 feet 6 iiiehex: depth. 1 foot This piece illustrates most adinirahly the Freiieli influence re- ceived, by way of Lyons, by the North Italian furniture makers of the seventeenth century. 762 — Pair of Fifteexth Cextuky L'l(jukntixe ^VAI,xuT Gradixi Rectangular shape. The jjair form two incurved sections, one superinn)ose(l on tlie other and carved with a diapered pattern- ing of phiited stra2)work. In tlie center of the lower section is a scrolled o\al escutcheon chargeil with the coat-of-arnis of the Arnolfi family of Florence, flanked by medallions carved re- spectively with the letters "L" and "E." Heigh f, 1 foot -i iiulic.'i; zcidfli. (i fct't iiichis. TIk'sl' "(Tradiiii" were usud l)y the Flortiitincs of the Renai^isance for tln' display of inajolifas, bronzes and i>lass. 763 — Sixtf;exth Cextuky Flokextixe \Valxut Cabixet Rectangular shaped, with broken molded cornice and fluted frieze supported in front by three fluted and astragalled Ionic pilasters and with two corresponding pilasters at the sides. Arranged as a cupboard, with two hinged paneled doors flanked by narrow vertical molded panels. Incurved gadrooned and molded base on four carved paw feet. Hciylif, i feet 2 irnlif.f; ic-idth, (! feet 10 iiirlirs; depth. 'I feet 7 inches. {llliLst rated) No. 763 — Sixteenth Century Flouentixe Walnut ("auinet 764 — P'ouKTEEXTH Cexti'ky Sienese Pastigeia Coffer Kectangular shape, witli molded and domed hinged lid. The front has a molded panel decorated in gilded pastiglia with an arcading of jjointed and cusped arches supported by spirally scrolled pilasters, the four center ones occupied by three women in flowing robes, two warriors in a boat, two women and a warrior at a city gate, and a woman with drawn sword con- fronting a warrior, the two side cmes with .shaped shields sm-- mounted l)y helmets, mantled with scrollings and charged with coat-of-arms. Above and below are bands of heraldic passant lions separated by heart-shaped acanthus leaves, and the panel is flanked by vertical panels of scrollings, interrupted in the center by heart-sha])cd cartouches. The base is molded. Height, 2 feet 5\-2 inches; length, 5 feet 11 inches. {Illustrated) 705 — FiFi-EENTH Ckntury Paintei) Fi.orentixk Cassone Rectangular shape, with hinged hd having a molded edge, plain sunken paneled front, decorated with three painted panels sur- rcnnided hy i-aised moldings, borders painted with leaf scrollings, quatrefoils and diamond-shaped interlacements and eight raised turned rosettes. JSIolded base, with plinth painted with a pat- tern of scrollings. Plain wrought-iron lock plate. The three painted panels, probably by Dello-Delli (l-J-Oi-UOO), though decoratively similar, are unrelated in subject. One is devoted to the life of Apollo. On the left tlie god is seen, armed with a bow and arrow, destroying the serj^ent Python, while on the right lie pursues Daphne, who is changing into a laurel tree. In the background he stands conversing with Cupid, who is credited with inducing him to seize Daphne. The center panel suggests the use of this cassone as a marriage chest, for it sliows a young Florentine bridegroom, accompanied ])v his father and attendants bearing gifts, approaching a young jjrince who stands at the gate of his castle. In the background stands the bride. The other panel probal)ly illustrates a contemporarv novella; it shows a youth seated at a tal)le under an arched jja- vilion with an older man at side. On the left is a maiden pluck- ing fruit from a tree; on the right a nude figure bathing in a stream of water; in the distance is a female figure. Height, 2 fret 2 inches; length, 6 feet ^Y_< inches; rciJth, '2 feet 3 inches. {lUust rated) 76G — Sixteenth Century I^mbriax Cakved Waenut Cassoxe Rectangular shaped, with molded and domed hinged lid carved with shallow tiutings. The front is paneled and carved with an oval scrolled cartouche in the center, surmounted hy a winged mask and sujjported hj' two winged female sphinxes terminating in bold acanthus-leaf scrollings interspersed with coiled ser- pents and winged dragons. I^ower portion carved, fluted and astragalled. Supjiorted on carved paw feet. Hiit/]if. 2 feet ii inrlirs: Iciu/tli, .5 feet 9 hiclic.s: icidfli. '2 feet. {Illustrated) 767 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Carved and Ineaid Wal- nut Cassone Rectan<>ular sluipe, witli domed hinged lid molded and carved with imhrieations, and fluted and astragalled frieze, supported at the angles hy carved scrolled medallions and wings. The front is paneled, bordered with a hand of inlay and a molding, and is occujjied by a view of the Florentine square. Piazza Sta. Croce. with palaces, executed in intarsiata work. The ends are plainly paneled, with the IMonastery device of "O.S" in circle with cross. The base is molded and carved with an acan- thus-leaf bordering and the plinth is carved with a meander pattern of scrolls and pointed leaves. On large ])aw feet. Hchjht. .'5 feet 5 inches: length, 7 feet .") indies; zciiltJi. 2 feet 9 inelics. (Ilhistr<(te(]) 7(58 — Fii'TEEXTH Cextury ^"exetiax IxLAiD Walxut Cassoxe Rectangular sliape, witli sunk paneled, molded and inlaid hinged lid. The front is divided into four square panels- surrounded by bands carved with florid Crothic pointed-leaf meanders and enclosed by inlaid moldings, l^ordered })y inlaid bands of geo- metrical interlacements and sunken panels molded and carved with pointed-leaf patternings and occupied alternately by banded laurel-leaf wreaths and pointed-leaf carved medallions, the centers of which are carved bosses surrounded by curved Gothic traceries. 'I'he shaped plinth is carved with bands of acanthus leaves and enriched flutings and the base is molded. Hchiht. '2 fci-t () inches: Joujth, (i fai 1 inch: icidth, 2 feet 1 inch. (lUustrated) 769 — Fifteenth Cextuky I'lokextine Gii.t Gesso Decorated Cassone Rectangular shape, with inokled, domed, hinged Hd and frieze decorated with gilt gesso work on green ground in a pattern of scrolls, Aolutes and trefoils. The front is decorated with a panel hordered hy a raised molding and occupied by gilt gesso work on a green ground in a pattern of m-n-shapcd vases, acan- thus-leaf scrollings and large flowers, with a circidar medallion in the center enclosing a shield charged with a coat-of-arms on a red ground, the whole flanked by two paneled pilasters with acanthus-leaf capitals and shafts decorated in gesso work with stems of pointed leaves rising from urn-shaped vases. The sides are decorated with panels of gilt gesso Avork on green grounds in a pattern of cusped quatrefoil Gothic tracery, and the plinth with a band of gesso work in a pattern of scrolls, volutes, pointed leaves and vases. INIolded base. Height, -2 feet !) inehe.^; length, (i feet 'i'^. iiiehes; -,dilfh. 2 feet 21/i inche.s. iHIuntrated) r70 — Sixteenth Cextuky Flokentine Walxut Tai$i,e Rectangular top with molded edge and Hiited scalloped apron, on bracketed cross braces and shaped molded supports carved with bold ^•olutes and acanthus lea^•es, and ending in lions' legs and paws. Heavy shaped longitudinal stretcher secured b\' keyed tenons. Height, 2 ft'ct i) inches: length, 8 feet 11'.. hiclica: icidth, '.i feet 5 incites. {Illustrated) 771 — Sixteenth Century Central Italian Walnut Table Rectangular toi) with moklt'd edge and chamfered cross braces, on lyre-sha2)ed vokited supports, on carved bases with large paw terminations. Longitudinal shaped stretcher secured by keyed tenons and enriched with incised, gilded scrollings. (Illustrated) 772 — Sixteenth Century Perugian Walnut Table Rectangular top with molded edge, and fluted and scalloped ajji'on on shaped supports carved on one side with volutes, oval escutcheons charged with a coat-of-arnis and pointed leaves, ending in paw feet and shaped and carved hase rails. Longi- tudinal shaped stretcher secured with keyed tenons. Height. 2 feet 8 inches; length. 7 feet 2 inches; uiclth, 2 feet 41/^ inches. (Illustrated) 773 — Sixteenth Century Ferrarese Waenut Table Rectangular toiJ with molded and fluted edge, with heavy scrolled, voluted and leaf-carved supports on shaped voluted and incised base rails. Shaped longitudinal stretcher, secured into end supports by keyed tenons. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 10 feet 41 ^ inches; icidth, 2 feet 8V2 inches. {Ilhistrated) 774 — Sixteenth Century Florentine Wai,nut Table Rectangular top with deep molded and fluted edge, on molded and voluted supports carved with central acanthus leaves and with lions' legs and paws. Longitudinal shaped stretcher se- cured with kej'ed tenons. Height, 2 feet 8 inchct: hiiyth, 10 feet '.i inehe.s: leidth. -I feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) PR 77.5 — SiXTEEXTH Cextuky Rolooxese Wai.xut Tabi-e Rectangular top with molded and fluted edge, on bracketed cross braces and shajjed molded supports, carved with bold vo- lutes and ending in lions' paws. Shaped longitudinal stretcher incised with gilded lines and secured by keyed tenons. Height, 2 feet 8 inches: length, 11 /Vc/ 21^ inches; ifidtli, 2 feet 1 11/ 2 inches. {Illustrated) 77G — SixiT.ENTH Cextuky Flokentixe Waexut Table Rectangular top with molded edge, on lyre-shaped supports, pierced and carved in a design of central fleurs-de-lis, voluted scrolls and acanthus leaves on shaped and scrolled base rails. Square molded longitudinal stretcher secured with keyed jaws to end supports. Height, 2 feet 11 inches: length. 8 feet 3 inchca: -.cidth. '2 feet n inches. (Illustrated) 777 — Fifteenth Century Florentine Inlaid Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shaped, with serpentine front. Molded cornice, with frieze inlaid with intarsia work in a band of geometrical interlacements. The front and sides divided into sections by five vertical molded panels of geometrical interlacements. Ai*- ranged as a cupboard, the front, with two hinged doors, having paneled fronts bordered with bands of diamond and twisted ribbon interlacement, patterned inlay and bronze knobs. The sides are paneled to corresi:)ond. JMolded base with inlaid plinth. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; length, 8 feet 6 inches. 778 — Fifteenth Centuky Florentine Inlaid Walnut Cassa- PANCA Rectangular .slia])ed. Straight hack and pedestal arms with flat voluted arm-rests. Back paneled with large molded panels surrounded by borders of diamond-shaped inlay and narrow vertical molded panels of double guilloche pattern inlay. Seat formed as a box, with molded hinged lid and paneled front bor- dered with band of inlay. Molded base, with inlaid plinth and molded platform base, the front and side enriched with inlaid band of Greek key pattern. Height, 3 feet 8 incites: length, 8 feet 2 inches. {Illustrated) 779 — Sixteenth Century Tuscan Cae\'ed and Gilt Wood Frame Rectangular shajje. ]M()lde(l cornice and frieze, carved, in re- lief, witli scrolled acantlius leaves and flowers, supjjorted on two lialf-round i)ilasters Avith Composite Corinthian capitals, shafts carved with linked acanthus-leaf scrollings, molded bases and square pedestals carved with voluted scrolls. Plinth carved, in relief, with a half figure holding acanthus-leaf scrollings and molded base. Inner molded and scroll-carved frame. Entirely gilt. Height, 4 feet 9 inchcx; rcidtli, 4 feet 61/{. inches. Inside, 32 bi/ 37 inches. (lUnstrated) 780 — Sixteenth Century Tuscan Gilded Walnut Four-post Bed Posts formed as Doric columns, encircled by reeded rings lacquered in gold, on a black ground, with spirally disposed vine leaves and tendrils, and supported on square pedestals. Above is a molded and modillioned cornice supporting vases of flames at the angles and with a ceiling divided by molded stiles into square and octagonal panels. Below the cornice is a knotted silken fringe. The headboard is jjaneled, supported at the sides by voluted brackets and carved with an oval scrolled medallion enclosing a figure of Sleep shown as a nude nymph reclining and holding an orb, with the towers and Duomo of Florence in the distance. The medallion is supported by two winged drag- ons. Abo\'e is a shajjed cresting carved with an oval scrolled medallion flanked by acanthus-leaf scrollings; the side and foot rails are molded, bracketed and carved in the center with cheru- bim having voluted scrolls in jjlace of wings. On pear-shaped feet, carved with imbrications and beads. The paneled ceiling is painted with subjects of the "Life of the Virgin." In the center is the kneeling Virgin, above Avhose head the two First Persons of the Trinity hold a crown, while the Dove of the Holy Sjiirit descends. This panel is surrounded by others con- taining angels playing musical instruments, while at the four corners are octagonal j^anels of Virtues. Beyond these, again, are other panels of angels, and at the angles scenes from the Life of the Virgin, including the Annunciation, the Visitation and the Nativity. Height, 1 foot inches; length, 7 feet 9 inches: width, fi feet. {lUustrated) S500 No. 779 — Sixteenth Century Tuscan Carved and Gilt Wood P'rame No. 780 — Sixteenth C'extikv Tiscan Gii.dki) Walntt FoiK-ro.sT Bed No. 780 — Paneled Ceilixc. : Subjects of the "Life of the \'ii!gin" 781 — Sixteenth Century North Italian Gilded Walnut I^ow Post Bed The four posts are formed as heavy columns witli spirally fluted and acanthus-leaf carved shafts, with capitals carved with shields and floral festoons, molded bases and urn-shaped finials carved with the figures of piitti holding floral festoons. These columns rest on square pedestals with turned medallions and on turned pear-shaped feet. The headboard is paneled with an oval scrolled medallion enclosing a figure of Sonuius, shown as a winged youth holding an orb rejjresenting the sun and moon in one hand. Above is a shaped cresting carved in the center with an oval escutcheon carved with a floriated cross and the initials "D. B." and flanked by conventional dolphins with scrolled tails. The side rails are jjlain, with voluted brackets. Height, fi ffcf; hngfh, 7 feet 4 inches: -cidth, 5 feet 9 inches. (Ilhist rated) 782 — Sixteenth Century Brescian Carved and Gilt Walnut LoAv Post Bed Tlie posts are of baluster shape, with shafts carved with pointed leaves and pear-shaped finials carved with gadroonings, rosettes and pineajjples. The headboard is paneled, carved with acan- thus-leaf and flowei- scrollings and sui'inoujited by a shaped and voluted cresting with an oval medallion carved with a figure and by sci'ollings of jjointed leaves and volutes. The end and sides are carved with acanthus-leaf rinceaux, the footboard being surmounted by a shaped voluted cresting carved with scrollings and a medallion charged with a coat-of-arms. The legs are straight and carved with large acanthus leaves with voluted ends. Height, 5 feet; lengtli, 7 feet 2 inches; -width. G feet. 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