V K \ /tot OALING, DOCKING, REPAIRING FACILITIES ORTS OF THE WORLI OFFICE NTELLIGENCE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRIM TING OJ 19( Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/coalingdocki.ngreOOunitrich COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING FACILITIES PORTS OF THE WORLD FIFTH ZEZDITIOHST. OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1909, V/AT3 6/ Navy Department, July 8, 1909. Commanding officers of United States ships of war will, upon visiting foreign and home ports, embrace every opportunity to report without delay all errors and omissions which may occur in this publication, together with the corrections therefor, to the Navy Department. All other persons who may use or be interested in this publication are requested to forward to the above address similar information. G. v L. Meyer, Secretary of the Navy. I N T R ODUCTION Report upon the Comparative Merits of Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, to which was added in a second edition, issued in 1888, a num- ber of analyses and tests of different kinds of coal, together with cor- rections in the tables to that date. A third edition was issued in 1892, omitting the discussion of the relative merits of anthracite and bituminous coal ; the form of the tables was altered in some particu- lars and many additions and corrections were made. A fourth edition was issued in 1900 and a supplement thereto in 1905. In the compilation of the present edition information has been obtained from reports from cruising vessels and other official sources, from the proprietors of docks and industrial establishments, and from various commercial and technical publications, such as the Dock Book of the British Hydrographic Office, and Lloyd's Register. This compilation was made by direction and under the supervision of Rear-Admiral Raymond P. Rodgers, U. S. N., formerly Chief Intelligence Officer. C. E. Vreeland, Captain, U. S. N., Chief Intelligence Officer. Approved : W. P. Potter, Cliief of Bureau of Navigation. 3 EXHIBIT OF COAL TO BE HAD AT THE PORTS OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC, SOUTH ATLANTIC, PACIFIC, ASIATIC, ANI) EUROPEAN STATIONS. CW.TfSG. DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Name of port. ,, . Kinds of fuel i)dte - on hand. Tons Average of each at supply during date. year. Cost per ton Distance or barrel at from coal pile date. to ship. Port Arthur, Feb., Youghiougheny 1909. coal. Pittsburgh coal. . 13.454-diitv. Ontario. $3.45+dutv $0.50+duty $3.00 Two Harbors, Feb., 1909. Ample Minn. Duluth, Minn Feb., Anthracite coal.. $0.50 $3. 35 to $3. 75 1909. Bituminous coal. Large Superior, Wis Feb., do 1 909 . Anthraci te coal . . do $3. 45 to $3. 75 $6.50 Washburn, Wis Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Ample $3.45 Ashland, Wis Feb., 1909. '.....do do $3. 45 to $4. 00 Feb., 1909. do do $3.45 Marquette, Midi.. . Feb., 1 999. do do $3. 25 to $4. 50 Feb., 1909. do Anthracite coal.. do $3. 25 to $3. 50 $7.50 Mich. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Jan., 1909. Bituminous coal. 6,099 11,000 $3. 75 to $5. 50 On dock Feb., 1909. do.. Ample $3.45 96. 69 Mich. Green Bay, Wis... Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. 20,000 9,600 Very large — do $3.50 $6.25 On dock do Feb., , Ample Large $3.50 1909. Feb., 1909. . ..do •■.-..(MM) $3.65 On wharf • FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Lake ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Two Harbors, Duiuth, Ashland, Marquette. S. Ste. Marie. from Lake Erie ports dur- ing the season of naviga- tion, and kept in the open. ...do do do Duiuth, Ashland, Marquette, S. Ste. Marie. Coal received in vessels from Lake Erie ports dur- ing the season of naviga- tion, and kept in the open. There is always enough on hand to supply the de- mand. At wharf; derricks, wheel- barrows, chutes. do do Two Harbors, Ashland, Marquette, S. Ste. Marie. Harbor closed by ice from December to April; coal is received in vessels from Lake Erie ports during the season of navigation, and kept in the open; always enough to supply demand. At wharf; derricks do do Two Harbors, Ashland, Marquette, S. Ste. Marie. Coal is received during the summer months from Buf- falo, Erie, and Cleveland; kept in the open; always enough on hand to supply the demand. At wharf; derricks and wheelbarrows. do do Two Harbors, A shland, Marquette, S. Ste. Marie. Coal received during sum- mer months from Lake Erie ports; kept in the open. do do .do Duiuth, Washburn, Marquette, S. Ste. Marie. Do. ....do .. .do do Duiuth, A shland, Marquette, S. Ste. Marie. Coal received at this port during summer months; kept in the open. At wharf; derricks, wheel- barrows, chutes. do do Duiuth, Ashland, 8. Ste. Marie. Coal comes by vessels from Buffalo, Erie, and Cleve- land; part under cover, and part in the open. do do do Duiuth, Marquette, Kscanaba. Navigation interrupted from December to April; coal is kept partly under cover and partly in the open. At wharf; chutes and der- ricks. do do Duiuth, Marquette, Escanaba. Part under cover and part in the open. Derricks, at wharf do do Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chicago, Bay City. Coal kept in the open; al- ways enough on hand to supply the demand. Wheelbarrows, 200 tons in 10 hours; hoppers, deliver 200 tons per hour. do do Escanaba, Milwaukee, Chicago, Cheboygan, Bay City. 4 dealers; bituminous kept in the open; anthracite under cover. ! At wharf; wheelbarrows.. do do Escanaba, Milwaukee, Chicago, Bay City. At wharf; 50 tons per hour. do do Escanaba, Manitowoc, Chicago, Bay City. Coal kept in the open. COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Name of port. rw» Kinds of fuel ^ ate -| on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Chicago, 111 Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. 12,000 Large $3.75 At wharf Grand Haven, Feb., 1909. do 13.75 Mich. Cheboygan, Mich. . Feb., 1909. do $3.50 Algoma, Ontario.. Feb., do 1,500 1909. Midland, Ontario.. (GeorginaBay) Feb., 1909. do 10,000 25,000 tons.... $3.25 On wharf Collingwood, Ontario. Jan., 1909. do 2,500 1,000 tons $3. 60 do Owen Sound, Ontario. Jan., 1909. do 10,000 10,000 tons.... $3.60 do Bay City and Saginaw, Mich. Feb., 1909. do 1,000 5,000 tons $2. 00 to $3. 00 do Port Huron, Mich. Feb., do Large sup- ply- do $2. 85 to $3.35 ...do 1909. Oil do $1.25 Tank cars on dock. Port Sarnia, Ontario. Feb., 1909. Bituminous Oil 2,000 Large sup- ply- do.... do.... 3,000 tons Large $3.25 $1.25 On wharf Detroit, Mich Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. do do $2. 50 to $3. 50 $5.00 do Oil Ample sup- ply- 350 3,000 Ample 200 tons 2,000 tons $1.25 Windsor, Ontario.. Jan., 1909. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. $6.00 $7.00 <)n wharf Sandwich, Ontario Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal Ample sup- ply- Ample $2. 80 to $3. 30 do Amherstburg, Ontario. Feb., 1909. do Mode rate supply. Moderate $2. 80 to $3. 30 do Toledo, Ohio Feb., iwe. do Anthracite coal . . Oil Amplesup- piy- Moderate supply. Amplesup- piy- do.... Mode rate supply. Amplesup- piy- do.... do.... do.... Ample Moderate Ample do Moderate Ample do do do $2. 50 to $3. 50 $5.00 $1.25 do Sandusky and Huron, Ohio. Feb., Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. Oil.. .. $2. 50 to $3. 50 $5.00 $1.25 On wharf.. . . Lorain, Ohio Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. Oil $2. 50 to $3. 50 $5.00 $1.25 On wharf Lake FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. e ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf or by lighters. . . Southern Illi- nois. Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Bay City. Coal kept in the open . do Corunna, 100 miles distant by rail. Milwaukee, Chicago, Cheboygan. Kept in the open. .. .do Chicago, Kept under cover. Milwaukee, S. Ste. Marie, Bay City, do do S. Ste. Marie, Owen Sound, Bay City. Coal belongs to Smelting and Refining Co.; rail- roads import coal for their own use, and would prob- ably sell to vessels needing it; 21 to 24 feet of water at wharves. At wharf; rapid do ^. do S. Ste. Marie, Owen Sound, Bay City. Total receipts 75,000 tons per annum; partly under cover. derricks. do do Owen Sound, Bay City. Kept in the open; 3 dealers. do do do Collingwood, Bay City. Mostly under cover; 6 deal- ers; 27,000 tons per annum imported. At wharf; 30 to 50 tons per hour. do Several mines within a ra- dius of 10 miles. S. Ste. Marie, Port Huron, Detroit. Kept in the open. At wharf; derricks and chutes; also by lighters. do Bay City, Detroit, Toledo. Do. Lighters; 300 tons per day. do do Bay City, Detroit, Toledo. Oil refinery at Sarnia has pipe connections to river. At wharf; derricks and chutes; also by lighters; 500 to 2,000 tons per hour. Tank cars at dock. do At Jackson, Mich., 75 miles distant. Bay City, Port Huron, Toledo, Sandusky. Coal kept in the open; re- ceipts by lake about 90,000 tons per annum. At wharf; trucks at 1 ton capacity. do As for Detroit.. Coal kept partly under cover; partly in the open. By lighters, or from pock- ets at dock. do do do Coal kept in the open. By lighters and derricks, and from pockets at wharf. do do do Do. Chutes, dumps at wharf, and by lighters; rapid. do Ohio fields Port Huron, Detroit, Do. Tank cars at dock. Sandusky, Cleveland. By lighters, and at dock; dumps and chutes; rapid. Tank cars at dock. do do Detroit, Toledo, Lorain, Cleveland. Distance from Sandusky to Huron, 9 miles; coal kept in the open. By lighters, and at dock; dumps and chutes; rapid. Tank cars at dock. do do Toledo, Sandusky, Cleveland, Ashtabula. Coal kept in the open. 10 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fur! to be had at the following Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. A vorage supply during year. ! Cast per ton Distance or barrel at from coal pile date. to ship. Cleveland, Ohio... Feb., 1909. Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. Oil Bituminous coal. Ample sup- ply- do do.... do.... Ample do do $2. 50 to $3. 50 $5.00 $1.25 $2. 50 to $3. 50 On wharf Ashtabula, Ohio... On wharf Erie, Pa Feb., 1909. do do.... do $3.50 At wharf Buffalo, N. Y.... Jan., 1909. do do.... do $2.75 Port Col borne, Feb., 1909. do 200 1,000 tons $3.25 On wharf Ontario. St. Catharines, Ontario. Feb., 1909. do 500 500 tons $4.00 in yard.... Smile Port Oalhousie, Feb., do 500 700 tons $3.25 On wharf Ontario. 1909. Hamilton, Ontario. Jan., 1909. do None on docks. 800 tons dur- ing season of navigation. $3. 50 to $4. 00 do Toronto, Ontario. . Feb., 1909. do 00,000 • 30,000 tons.... $3. .50 do Port Hope and Coburg, Ontario. Feb., 1909. do 1,000 1, (MX) tons $3. 50 do Chariot le,N.Y ... Apr., 1909. do 10 10 tons $2.40 to $2.50 do l';urliaven,N. Y. Feb., 1900. do Large sup- ply avail- able by rail. Large $2.80 Oswego, N. Y Mar., 1909. do 300 801 tons $2.80 At wharf I'iHon, Ontario Jan., 1909. do 200 75 tons $5.00 do Trenton, Ontario. . Jan.. 1909. Anthracitecoal.. 8,000 4,000 to 5,000 Ions. $7.00 do FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Luke porls, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 11 Maimer of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. By lighters, and at dock; dumps andchutes; rapid. Pipe line from refinery to dock. None Ohio fields.... Toledo, Sandusky, Lorain, Ashtabula. Coal kept in the open. At wharf; wheelbarrows, chutes; also steam light- ers; rapid. do do Sandusky, Cleveland. Erie, Buffalo. do About 100 miles distant. Sandusky, Cleveland, Ashtabula, Buffalo. By lighters of 200 to 500 tons, with derricks and self-dumping buckets. do Ashtabula, Erie, Port Colborne, St. Catherines. Receipts during 1908, 350,- 000 tons; 7 dealers; coal in cars direct from mines. At wharf; derricks do do Erie, Buffalo, St. Catharines. Toronto. Coal kept in the open; 1 dealer. No facilities for fueling vessels. do do Buffalo, Port Colborne, Port Dalhousie, Toronto. At wharf; chutes from pockets; rapid. do do Buffalo, St. Catharines, Toronto, Charlotte. 1 dealer. At wharf; derricks and wheelbarrows. do do Buffalo, Port Dalhousie, Toronto, Charlotte. 6 dealers; all coal comes from U. S. Carts and dump wagons, at wharf. do do Hamilton, Port Dalhousie, Charlotte. 500,000 tons received annu- ally from U.S.. mostly for local consumption; steam- ers plying to this port us- ually coal at U. S. ports, thus saving customs du- ties. .do... .do.. Toronto, Charlotte, Oswego, Belleville. annually from U. S.; practically no fueling of steamers done here. do do do Toronto, Port Hope, Fairhaven, Oswego. Can supply any quantity at short notice. do.. do. Charlotte, Oswego, Belleville, Kingston. Dump cars from trest le, 1 >y chutes to steamer. do do Charlotte, Fairhaven, Belleville, Kingston. Large supply available by rail. At wharf; 200 tons per day. do do Belleville, Kingston, Oswego, Charlotte. Plentiful supply at short notice. do do do As for Picton. 12 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Belleville, Ontario. Kingston, Ontario. Jan., 1909. Jan., 1909. Bituminous coal. do 500 3,000 500 tons 6,000 tons $4. 25 to $4. 50 $3. 50 to $3.75 Close to wharf At wharf Exhibit of coal, 'patent and oil fuel, to be had at the following Brockville,Ontario Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. 4,000 4,000 tons $4.50 On wharf Ogdensburg, N. Y. Feb., do Consider ible supply. $3.00 Prescott, Ontario.. 1909. Feb., 1909. do 1,000 1,500 tons $3.75 On wharf. Montreal, Quebec . Feb., 1909. do 100,000 150,000 tons... $4.00 do Sorel, Quebec Feb., 1909. do 1,000 1,000 tons $4. 15 to $4. 50 At wharf Three Rivers, Que- bec. Feb., 1909. do 600 8,000 tons $4. 85 to $5. 00 do Quebec, Quebec. . . Jan., 1909. Canadian coal . . . Pittsburg coal... Newcastle coal... 10,000 5,000 3,000 20,000 tons.... 5,000 tons.... 5,000 tons $4. 85 alongside. $5. 00 alongside. $5. 00 alongside. J mile Exhibit of coal, patent and oil fuel, to be had at the following North Atlantic Gaspe, Quebec Feb., 1904. Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. (Nova Scotia.) do 1,500 150 1,500 tons 3(H) tons $5.00 $5.00 At wharf Rlvlere-du-Loup, Quebec. Summerside, P. E. I. Feb., ..do... 3,000 1,000 4,000 tons 2,500 tons $5.00 J inili> 1909. Feb., 1909. Nova Scotia coal. $4. 00 to $4. 25 loo yds. from wliurf. Charlottetown, P. E. I. Jan., 1909. do 7,000 8,000 tons $4.00 (lose to wharf Plctou N S Feb., 1909. do Unlimited. Unlimited.... $3. 00 to $4. 00 • St. Johns, Newfoundland. Oct., 1908. Scotch coal Kimli-shcoal C:ip<- Breton American anthra- cite. 1 21,000 3,000 18,000 tons...] 2,500 tons $6.00 $6. 00 to $8. 00 $5.75 $7.50 Close to wharf FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Lake ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 13 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf, carts or cars; 300 tons per day. At wharf, carts, buckets . . As for Picton. Belleville, Brockville, Ogdensburg, Prescott. British do All coal comes from Penn- sylvania and Ohio; ample supply during navigation season. St. Lawrence River ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. At wharf; poor facilities. . . Kingston, Ogdensburg, Montreal. All coal from U. S.; all un- der cover. do do Kingston, Prescott, Montreal. At wharf; poor facilities... do do Kingston, Ogdensburg, Montreal. All from U. S.; all under cover; 3 dealers. Barges, 100 to 1,500 tons; from 50 c. to GO c. per ton for transferring coal from barges to bunkers. do do Ogdensburg, Quebec. Coal receipts for 1908, 1,548,- 459 tons; many dealers; coal under cover. At wharf or by barges; from 50 c. to 60 c. per ton for transferring coal from barges to bunkers. do do Montreal, Quebec. A t wharf or by barges; 50c. to 60c. per ton for trans- ferring coal to bunkers. do do Montreal, Quebec. Coal principally from Nova Scotia; some Newcastle coal, and some from U.S. At wharf (30 ft. at low wa- ter), or by lighters of 100 to 600 tons; 800 tons per day of 10 hours. do do Montreal, Oaspe. Coal in open. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. At wharf; wheelbarrows . . At wharf; light-draft ves- At wharf; carts, derricks; slow. At wharf; baskets, or from lighters alongside; 150 tons per day. At wharf, or by lighters. At wharf or by lighters; wheelbarrows J ton ca- pacity; lighters from 25 to 1,000 tons; 20 tons per hour for each hatch. None. 6 miles from wharf, 15,000 tons. None .do. .do. British (con- tract). None. .do. 80 miles dis- tant by wa- ter. 50 miles dis- tant. AtPictou. None. Quebec, Pictou. Gaspe, Pictou. Charlottetown, Pictou. Summerside, Pictou, Halifax. Summerside, Charlottetown, Sydney, Halifax. St. Pierre, Sydney, Halifax. Stored in the open; 2 deal- Mostly under cover; 2 deal- Kept under cover; 2 dealers. Mostly under cover; 2 deal- ers. Several dealers. Frozen up in winter. 14 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North Atlantic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. • [ Cost per ton Distance or barrel at from coal pile date. to ship. St. Piute, Miquclon Is. Oct., 1908. Soft coal (Nova Scotia). 1,100 500 tons $4.75 at wharf, $6.00 alongside. 200 yds. from wharf, \ mile fromanch'ge. Sydney, Cape Breton I., N. S. Fob., 1909. Bituminous coal. 15,000 10,000 tons.... $3.25 200 feet Port Morien, Cape Breton I. (Formerly Cow Bay.) Feb., 1909. do 800 Daily output of mines 250 tons if neces- sary. $3.00 500 yards Louisburg, Cape Breton I. Feb., 1909. do Unlimi ^d supply. $3.25 24 to 41 miles from mines. Halifax, N. S Oct., 1908. do Anthracite coal.. Fuel oil 20,000 10,000 None at date. 20,000 tons.... 10,000 tons.... 750,000 g a 1- lons. $4.50 $6.50 6c. to 7o. per gal. At wharf Liverpool, N. S Sept., 1908. Nova Scotia coal . Lehigh coal 1,200 900 1,200 tons 500 tons $1.50 $6.50 At wharf, ' in i 1 o from anchorage. Yarmouth, N. S... Jan., 1909. Nova Scotia coal. Anthr'te(U. S.). 1,400 1,500 1,500 tons 2,000 tons $5.00 $6. 50 On wharf Annapolis, N. S... Jan., 1909. Bit um ino us coal. Lehigh Valley coal. 330 1,200 500 tons 1,000 tons $5.00 $6.25 On wharf, 1 mile from an- chorage. Parrsboro, N. S . . . Jan., 1909. Nova Scotia coal: Screened Run of mine... 850 1,000 250 tons 500 tons At wharf, 1* $3.75 miles from $3.00 anchorage. St. John,N. B.... Jan. , 1909. Nova Scotia coal. Anthracite coal.. 8,000 5,000 10,000 tons.... 0,000 tons $4. 00 to $4. 50 $5.50 On wharf Bangor, Me Feb., 1909. New River coal.. 1,200 1,000 tons $4.75 do Belfast, Me... Feb., 1909. Biluin i n o u s coal. Anthracite coal.. 1,000 2,000 $4.50 $7.25 do 2,000 tons Rockland, Me I'VI... 1909. Bitumiiiouseoal. Aiittnacili'cnal . 1,800 3,800 1,500 tons 4,000 tons $4. 00 to $5. 10 $6. 00 to $6. 50 on wharf, 1 milefrom an- chorage. Bath, Me Feb., 1909. Mituiniiioiiscoal. Aiithracilfcoiil •J,(HM> 7,WX> 3,000 tons 18,000 tons $4.50 On wharf $6.75 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 15 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Small vessels at dock; larger ones at anchorage; lighters, 40 tons capacity. Merchant vessels up to 28 ft. draft, at wharf; war vessels by lighters at an- chorage, 1,200 tons per day. No facilities for coaling deep-draft vessels; small vessels coal at a pocket, built on a block in the harbor. At wharf, or at anchorage by lighters, 1,200 tons per day. At wharf or from lighters; 20 tons per hour. Oil pumped from wharf or lighters. Vessels drawing 16 ft. or less, at wharf, larger ves- sels at anchorage by lighters, 100 tons capac- ity, with steam hoist. At wharf, lighters. baskets; no At wharf or by lighters; cost of delivery about $1 per ton; owing to rise (28 ft.) and velocity of tide, but one delivery a tide. Vessels drawing less than 23 ft., at wharf; 1,500 tons in 10 hours. At anchor- age by lighters, schoon- ers, or barges, 100 to 1,000 tons capacity. At wharf or at anchorage; lighters of 100 to 250 tons capacity plentiful. Can deliver from 400 to 600 tons per day of 9 hours. At wharf At wharf for vessels draw- ing 10 ft. or less; no light- ers. At wharf; baskets, wheel- barrows; 50c per ton f.o.b. by lighters, $1 f.o.b. 100 to 150 tons per day of 10 hours. At wharf or from lighters. Government coaling stations in vicinity. British, tons. None. .do. .do. British, tons. Hrilish at Hal- ifax. None .do. .do. .do. ..do. .do. Coal mining in vicinity. None. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). At Sydney At Port Mo- rien. 24 miles tant. dte- tOO miles dis- tant. None. .do. .do. 27 miles dis- tant. Bitum inous mines at Grand Lake, N. B. None. do .do.... .do. St. Johns, Sydney, Halifax. Port Morien, Louisburg, Halifax. Sydney, Louisburg, Halifax. ' Sydney, Port Morten, Halifax. Sydney. Louisburg, Liverpool, Yarmouth, Portland. Halifax, St. John, Portland. Halifax, St. John, Portland. St. John, Portland. St. John. Portland. A nnapolis, Yarmouth, Halifax, Portland. St. John, Belfast, Bath, Portland. St. John, Bangor, Portland. St. John, Bath, Portland. Bangor, Rockland, Portland, Boston. Remarks. Kept under cover; 3 dealers Output of mines for 1908, 4,000,000 tons; kept in open; 3 dealers. Annual output of mines about 20,000 tons. Largest coal exporting port on Cape Breton Id.; 1 wholesale dealer. 200.000 tons per annum from mines; under cover; oil tanks not completed at date, but soon to be put into operation. All under cover; 1 dealer. Annual receipts: Anthra- cite, 3,900; Nova Scotia, 5,000 tons; no supply from neighboring ports; 3 deal- ers. None kept under cover; 2 15 dealers; ample supply from neighboring ports. Harbor open all the year; soft coal kept under cover; unlimited supply from Nova Scotia on short no- tice. 20,000 tons annually; under cover. Kept in sheds. Partly under cover; 3 deal- ers; good steam coal. 5,200 tons annually from Norfolk and Baltimore; 45,000 from Phila.; all in sheds; 1 dealer. 16 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North Atlantic Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons Average Cost per ton | Distance Name of port. Date. of each at supply during or barrel at from coal pile date. year. date. to ship. Portland, Me Feb., Pocahontas coal . 7,000 15,000 to 10,000 f tons. $4.00 On wharf 1909. GeorgesCr'kcoal 3,000 Cumberland coal } 4,200 /4,000 to 5,000 \ tons. $4.20 New River coal . . Portsmouth, N. H. Feb., Bituminous coal. 4,500 4,500 tons $5. 25 On wharf, 2 1909. Anthracite coal.. 5,000 5,000 tons $7.25 miles to lower harbor. Boston, Mass Feb., Pocahontas coal. 25,000 1 ( $4.40 About 1 mile. 1909. New River coal.. Peerless coal 10,000 3,000 f 50,000 tons. J $4.40 $4.25 GeorgesCr'kcoal 50,000 30,000 tons. . . . $4.50 Trimmed in bunkers in lots of 100 tons or over. New Bedford, Feb., New River coal . . 15 000 15,000 tons $4.25 At wharf Mass. 1909. Pocahontas coal . Cumberland coal 13,000 1,000 13,000 tons. 1,000 tons. Newport, R. I Feb., Pocahontas coal. 1 f 1909. Georges Cr'k coal Cumberland coal Anthracite coal. V 2,200 18,000 2,200 tons 18,000 tons. $3.50 alongside.. On wharves J Fall River, Mass... Feb., Pocahontas coal . ) f 1909. New River coal.. Sterling coal Anthracite coal.. V 25,000 30,000 25,000 tons . . . 30,000 tons. $4.30 alongside.. On wharves. < New London, Feb., Pocahontas coal . 1,000 2,000 tons $4.35 At wharf. Conn. 1909. New River coal.. South Fork coal . Georges Cr'k coal Cumberland coal 400 1,300 } 2,000 1,200 tons $4.90 $4.35 New Haven Conn Feb Anthracite coal } Large supply. | $5.50 to $6.00 1909'.' Bituminous coal. $3.40 at wharf. New Yorlc Feb., 1909. Anthracite coal.. Bituminous coal . l _. and Brooklyn, N.Y. Jersey City, N. J. > Large supply. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together ivith the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 17 Government Next coaling Manner of coaling; rapid coaling Coal mining in ports en route Remarks. or slow, etc. stations in vicinity. (the nearest vicinity. in italics). At wharf or by lighters, $1 per ton for delivery along- None N one Bath, 74,000 tons annually from Balto. and Newport News Boston side. stowed in elevators; 2 dealers. Lighters, 250 tons in 8 Navy yard, do Portland, 75,000 tons annually, hours. 10,000 tons. Boston. Georges Cr'k, New River, Pocahontas; all under cover; 3 dealers. Lighters, 500 to 700 tons Navy yard, do Portland, Kept in hulks; also on wharf; some kept in open; capacity; largest lighter can deliver 60 to 75 tons 11,000 to Portsmouth, 12,000 tons. Newport, Standard Oil Co. has pipe per hour in bunkers. New London. lines to its wharf and one lighter carrying 3,000 bbls. There is, however, no de- mand for fuel oil at this port. At wharf, or by lighters $1 Bradford, R.I. do Boston, 6 dealers. per ton extra. Newport, New London, New York. At wharf; carts, 1 to 3 tons Bradford, R.I., Portsmouth, It. Boston, All under cover; 7 dealers; capacity; at anchorage, 40,000 tons. I.; this coal is New Bedford, no fuel oil; it is stated, by lighters, 25 to 150 tons; anthracite, Fall Rircr, however, that fuel oil in can deliver alongside 350 but must be New London, barrels in any quantity tons per day of 8 hours. treated chem- ically to ren- der it fit for use. New York. can be obtained in Provi- dence on 24 hours' notice. At wharf, or by lighters; Bradford, R.I., Portsmouth, Boston, Bituminous coal kept in 180 tons per day of 8 40,000 tons. R.I. Newport, open; 7 dealers; no fuel oil. hours. New London, New York. At wharf, 35 tons per hour; by lighters 50 tons per New London, None Boston, All undercover; 2 dealers. 2,300 tons. Newport, hour, 75c. to $1 extra for New Haven, coal trimmed in bunkers. New York. No facilities for fueling ves- New London.. None Boston, sels. No lighters. Newport, New London, New York. Navy yard, 8,000 to 10,000 Lehigh, 120 Boston, No provision is made, along the water front for fueling miles. Newport, tons. New London, Perth Amboy. steamers, and New York can not be said to be, in any sense, a coaling port. The large supply in barges and lighters at the piers of the coaling yards is for the city's needs; very little bituminous coal is landed here; just enough for the electric and a few other plants. Practically all coal shipped to New York coal ports (hereafter set down) is dumped into lighters at the terminals and towed to consumers. Contracts for coal are made with one of the sales agents, who quotes the price f. o. b. in vessels alongside of wharf, if they are to coal there; otherwise he makes an ar- rangement with one of the stevedoring companies to deliver thecoal,and quotes the price alongside, or in 652—09- 18 Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North Atlantic Name of port. New York and Brooklyn, N.Y. Jersey City, N.J. South Ainboy, N.J. Perth Amboy, N.J. Port Reading, N. J. Elizabethport, N.J. Port Johnson, N.J. Bt. George, S. I., N. Y. Greenville, N. J Date. Feb., Feb. Feb. 1909. Feb.. Feb., 1909. Feb. 1909. Feb., 1909. Feb., Port Liberty, N.J. F.h 1909. Ilarsimus Cove, Feb.. N. J. IMS Kinds of fuel on hand. Anthracite coal. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal. Briquettes Anthracite coal. Bituminous coal Anthracite coal. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal. Bituminous coal Anthracite ooal. Bituminous coal .do. Tons of each at date. Average Cost per ton j Distance supply during or barrel at from coal pile year. date. to ship. Large supply. Large supply available, i Large supplv. 2,000 2,000 tons. Large supply. $1.25 to $4.95 $2.75 f.o.b. in lighters or vessels at wharf. $1.25 to $5.00 f.o.b. in lighters at wharf. $1.50 to $0.00 12.35 to 13.75 f. o. b. in light- ers or vessels ~-at wharf. ,ly availal.le.j gjjgg?j | f. o. b. in light- ers or vessels at wharf. Large supply. Plentiful supply. 600 600 tons. 900 900 tons. $1.50 to 85.06 f. o. b. in vessels or lighters at company's wharf. 1,000 1 ,000 ton*.. 10,000 10.000 tons Unlimited supply avail- able. $2.90 to $3.15 f.o. b. in vessels or lighters at piers. $1.45 to $4.95 $2.80 f. o. b. in ves- sels or light- ers at the wharf. $1.50 to $5.00 $2.70 to $3.25 f. o. b. inves- sels or light- ers at wharf. $3.25 f. o. b. In vessels or light- ers at wharves. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 19 Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. Government Next coaling Manner of coaling; rapid coaling Coal mining in ports en route Remarks. or slow, etc. stations in vicinity. (the nearest vicinity. in italics). Navy yard , 8,000 to 10,000 Lehigh, 120 miles. Boston, Newport, the bunkers. Towing lim- its are: 90th street on East tons. New London, Perth Amboy. River, 59th on North River, and The Narrows. The lighterage tariff with- in these limits is, gener- ally, $10 for the first 100 tons and 2c. or 3c. per ton for each additional. Be- yond these limits it is from 2c. to 5c. per ton extra, de- pending on the distance. There are available about 3,500 lighters and 375 tugs. Only 4 or 5 lighters arc fit- ted with hoisting appara- tus. Stevedore compa- nies can furnish gangs to "coal vessels." They can coal ships with their own gangs at the rate of from 20 to 200 tons per hour per ship, depending upon the number of lighters and men put to work. The cost is $3 per man per day of 10 hours, and 45c. per man for overtime work. Vessels drawing 22 ft. can Navy yard, N. ISO miles dis- As for New See Remarks for New York, coal at wharf from cms. Y. tant. York. Brooklyn, and Jersey City. Vessels drawing 20 ft. can do do Do. coal at piers. Vessels drawing 15 ft. can do Do. be coaled at piers. Vessels drawing 18 ft. can coal at wharf. do Do. Vessels drawing 20 ft. can coal at outer end of wharf; 125 miles dis- do Do. tant. vessels drawing 14 ft. can coal at shore end. Vessels drawing 20 feet Navy Yard, do Do. can coal at piers. N.Y. Vessels drawing 18 feet can do Do. coal at wharf. Vessels drawing 22 feet can 100 miles dis- do Do. coal at wharf from chutes. tant. Vessels drawing 12 feet can do Do. coal at wharf. 20 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North Atlantic Name of port. Hoboken,N. J.... Guttenburg, N. J. Weehawken, N. J Edgewater, N. J.. Newburgh, N. Y. Bayonne, N. J. Bayway, N. J.., Constable Hook, N.J. Long Island City and Newtown Creek, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa... Marcus Hook, Pa. Kinds of fuel on hand. Feb., 1909. Feb., 1909. Feb., Feb., 1909 Feb., 1909 Feb. Feb., Feb., 1909. 1909. Feb. Tons of each at date. Average | Cost per ton Distance supply during j or barrel at | from coal pile year. date. to ship. do do do do Oil fuel: Standard Co. Oil Gulf Refining Co. Texas Co.. Oil fuel (Standard Co.) Oil Oil fuel: Standard Co. Columbia Co. Oil Oil Oil fuel (Standard Co.) Oil Anthracite coal. . Large supply available. Ample supply available. Large supply, do. 11,000 11,000 tons. Ample supply. 18,000 bbls. of 42 gals. 18,000 bbls. Ample supply. do. do. 35,000 bbls. of 42 gals. 35,000 bbls. Ample supply. SffiSrSi: Un llmlte d SU p„l.v Oil fuel. Feb., . 1909. i .do. Large supply. do. $1.50 to $5.00 f. o. b. in ves- sels or light- ers at wharf. do .do. $1.50 to $4.90 in vessels or lighters at wharf. $1.00 at works, $1.05 f.o. b.in bunkers of ves- $1.05 f. o. b. in bulk in light- ers at com- pany's piers. $0.90 to $1.40 f. o. b. at pier, depending on the market. $1.00 at works, $1.05f.o.b. in vessels' bunk- ers. On wharf. ....do. At wharf. .do. The same as for Bayonne. Piped t( wharf. The same as for Bayonne. $1.50 to $3.00 At coal docks f. o. b. $2.62 to $4.00. $1.05 to $1.1.' f. o. b. $1.05 to $1.15 Piped to wharf FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 21 Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Vessels drawing 22 to 20 feet can coal at wharf. Vessels drawing 22 feet can coal at wharf. Vessels drawing 20 feet can coal at wharf. Vessels drawing ISh feet can coal at wharf. Vessels drawing 16 feet can coal at wharf. Pumped from lighters into vessels' bunkers. Vessels drawing 24 ft. can take oil at company's pier. Usual 1 ighter charges for vessels at anchor. Vessels drawing 26 ft. can fill their bunkers at wharf. A lighterage charge of 10c. per bbl. (which includes pump- ing) for vessels at anchor. Pumped from lighters into vessels' bunkers. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Vessels drawing 26 ft. can take oil at pier. This company has no lighters. At wharf, chutes, steam hoists, wheelbarrows; by lighters at anchorage; ca- pacity 300 to 750 tons; rapid. At wharf or by lighters, 2,000 bbls. per hour; vessels drawing 26 ft. can take oil at wharf. At wharf or by lighters, 250 to 300 tons per hour. Navy Yard, League Id., 6,250 tons. Coal mining in vicinity. 200 miles dis- tant. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). As for New York. .do. 160 miles dis- tant. Pa. and Md. Remarks. New York, Hampton Roads, Baltimore. See Remarks for New York, Brooklyn, and JerseyCity. Do. Do. Do. Does not operate during winter months. In connection with Its other stations in this vicinity, this company can deliver oil into vessels' bunkers at a possible rate of 60,000 bbls. in 24 hours to each ship or a reasonable num- ber of ships; average sup- ply on hand in all the sta- tions, 500,000 bbls. Oil can be pumped into ves- sels' bunkers from wharf or from lighters at the rate of 30,000 gals, per hour. Oil can be delivered in ves- sels' bunkers at the rate of 1,000 bbls. per hour from each lighter. See Remarks for Bayonne. Do. Oil can be delivered to two vessels at a time at the company's pier at the rate of 1,000 bbls. per hour for each. Oil lighters can be obtained for vessels at an- chor; service equally rapid. See Remarks for Bayonne. Kept principally in cars until needed; some piled under cover; numerous dealers. 22 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North Atlanti Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Baltimore, Md Feb.. 1909. Anthracite coal.. Bituminous coal. 19,000 70,800 15,400 tons.... 87,700 tons.... $5.00 to $7.00 $2.50 to $3.00 in bunkers. At wharves... Oil fuel 96,000 bbls. 60,000 23,300 5,000 100,000 bbls... 60,000 tons.... 10,000 to 20,000 tons. 5,000 tons $0.95 $2.65 to $2.95 f. o. b. in bunk- $2.40 to $2.75 $2.95 trimmed in bunkers. A t wharf Newport News, Va. Jan., 1909. New River coal . Admiralty smokeless. Pocahontas coal. On wharf ' Norfolk, Va Jan., do 1909. 40,000 50,000 tons.... $3.05 trimmed in bunkers. At wharves... Bituminous coal. 20,000 20,000 tons.... $3.05 At wharf Wilmington, N.C. Jan., ; Pocahontas coal. ) $4.75 trimmed in bunkers at 300 yds. to an- chorage. 1909. New River coal.. [ 3,000 3,000 tons.... wharf. $5.10 trimmed in bunkers in stream. Charleston, S. C... Feb., 1909. do Pocahontas coal . Powelton coal . . . Atlantic smoke- less coal. 2,850 1,700 1,000 850 Ie,500 to 8,500j f tons. $4.50 f. o. b., $5.25 trimmed in bunkers. At wharf Port Royal, S. C... Jan., 1909. Anthracite coal.. (Lehigh Val- ley.) 1,000 500 to 1,000 tons. $9.80 trimmed in bunkers. On wharf Savannah, Ga Feb., 1909. Pocahontas coal. New River coal.. Jellicocoal 6,000 8,500 2.500 7,300 tons 7,200 tons 2,000 tons $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 do Jacksonville, Fla . . Feb., 1909. Pocahontas coal. New River coal.. 3,000 6,000 3,000 tons 6,500 tons $4.50 $4.50 do Fuel oil 800,000 gals. 800,000 gals... $1.05 per bbl. of At wharf Key West, Fla Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal.. 4,000 125 4,000 tons 50 tons 42 gals. S(i.2. r ) trimmed in bunkers. $8.50coalinpile. close to wharf Port Tampa, Fia. . Mar., 1900. 40,000 bbls. l'».(HKt bbls.... $1.05 f.o. b. Piped to wharf. of 42 gals. Pensacola, Fla F..|,., 1900. Alabama coal — 2,300 2,600 tons $3.35 trimmed in bunkers. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 23 Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued . Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. At wharves, through chutes. At anchorage, lighters of 250 to 300 tons, steam hoists, tubs. Very rapid. At wharf or from barges, 2,300 bbls. per hour. At wharf and from light- ers. Lighters; rapid. At wharf; rapid. At wharf or from lighters; rapid. At wharf; chutes; rapid. At wharf or by lighters of 200 tons capacity. At wharf, by carts, 1 ton capacity; at anchorage, by lighters of 100 to 250 tons; can deliver along- side about 1,000 tons daily. Vessels drawing 24 ft. can coal at wharf; lighters of 50 to 100 tons each are available; can deliver alongside only about 200 tons daily. At wharf or by lighters, in tubs by steam hoist; ca- pacity of tubs, 600 to 1,000 lbs.; ample lighter ton- nage can be furnished by "Lighterage and Trans- fer Co. ;" can deliver 1 ,900 tons per day of 10 hours. At wharf; steam hoist, and tubs of 000 to 1,000 lbs. capacity; can deliver 1,000 tons daily. At wharf, through pipe line; 500 gals, in 5 minutes At wharf; overhead tram- way with barrows of £ ton each; carts of 1 ton each; 20 tons per hour; by lighter of 50 tons; slow. At wharf; 23 ft. of water at dock. At wharf; coal chutes; el- evated tracks on 2 wharves; by chute, 1 ton per minute; by elevated track, 320 tons per day per gang. Government coaling stations in vicinity. None. Navy Yard, Norfolk. U. S. Navy Yard. None. Limited emer- gency supply at navy-yard. None. .do. Key West, 25,000 ton.*- capacity. P e n s a c o 1 : navy-yard. Coal mining in vicinity. Pa., Md., and Va. Md. and Va As above. None. None. .do. do. .do. None .do. Next coaling j ports en route (the nearest in italics). See Hampton Roads. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston. As for New- port News. Newport News, Charleston , Savannah , Key West. Newport News, Wilmington, Savannah, Key West. Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Key West. Wilmington, Charleston, Key West, Ila'bana. Charleston, Savannah, Key West, Habana. Charleston, Habana, Port Tampa, Pensacola. Key West, Habana, New Orleans, Galveston. Alabama coal Key West, fields. Habana, Mobile, Galveston. Item arks. Kept in open cars; 37 deal- 2 dealers. Several dealers; kept chief- ly in open cars. Kept usually in cars; coal principally from Pocahon- tas and Bluefield districts. About 3,000 tons under cover; other coal in open cars; coal arrives daily from mines; 3 dealers; highest grades of Poca- hontas and New River. 500 tons under cover, the rest in the open; high grade steaming coal; 3 dealers. Partly under cover; 1 er. Highest grades; not under cover; 4 dealers. Highest grades; kept in the open; 3 dealers. 2,000,000 gals, received an- nually from Port Ar- thur, Tex.; 1 dealer. Coal is received from Phila- delphia, Baltimore, and Newport News; kept in the open; 2 dealers. Regular supply from Port Arthur, Tex. Kept in the open; 3 dealers; receipts for 1908, 28,000. 24 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North Atlantic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Mobile, Ala Feb., 1909. Alabama coal . . . 4,000 1,000 to 2,000 tons. $3.00 f. o. b. (short ton). At wharf New Orleans, La.. Feb., 1909. Pittsburg coal... Alabama coal — Fuel oil None at date. 15,000 290,000 bbls. 2.50,000 tons... 50,000 tons. 230,000 bbls... $3.75 alongside, $4.00 f. d. b. $0.85 to $1.00.... Coal kept in barges. At wharf, pipe line. Galveston, Tex Feb., 1909. Georges Creek coal. Penn. Anthra- cite coal. Fuel oil 3,500 3,000 40,000 bbls. 6,000 tons 3,000 tons 25,000 bbls $5.85 at wharvi's $7.00 to $10.00... $0.95 to $1.00.... At wharf . .do Tampico, Mexico.. Mar., 1904. Mav, 1909. Alabama coal — Virginia coal Alabama coal 40,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 tons.... 3,000 tons 5,000 tons $6.00 $6.00 $6.50 Vera Cruz, Mexico. Oct., 1908. Steaming coal. .. Fuel oil 2,000 7,000 tons $5.25 U. S. cur- rency. 1 mile \ mile use of Mexican Railway. Coatzacoalcos, Mexico. Oct., 1908. Steaming coal. . . 1,600 1,600 tons $7.50 300 yards . Fuel oil 18,000 bbls. 700 10,000 bbls $1.50 Frontera, Mexico.. Apr., 1904. Pittsburg coal... 1,000 tons $15.00 gold. At wharf Sept., 1908. do 300 300 to 500 tons. $6.50 Mex. On wharf Belize, British Honduras. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. 1,750 1,000 tons $7.00 2 miles Port Union. Costa Rica. Nov., 1908. Patent fuel 4,000 Supply \ :tl i:i- $10.00 | mile Colon, Panama — • ■at Bituminous opil. 22,000 12,000 tons .... $6.15 At wharf FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 25 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. High trestle with elevators and chutes, and dump cars of 40 to 50 tons capac- ity; lighters fitted with steam hoist; 20 ft. of water at wharf. At wharf or anchorage At wharf; no delivery in stream. At wharf; 300 to 500 tons daily; no lighters. At wharf; piped into ships' tanks. At dock from cars; from steamers discharging at dock; from hulks and lighters. At wharf from cars, 20 tons capacity; at anchorage from lighters, 50 tons ca- >acity; 400 tons daily. Pipeline. At wharf from cars; 100 tons per hour. At wharf. At wharf or river bank; None, baskets; very slow. At wharf, by peons who are paid 50 c. per ton; very slow. Ljghters of from 5 to 15 None, tons; possible rate of de- livery 150 tons per day of 10 hours. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Pensacola . U. S. Naval Station; 5,000 tons. None. .do. At arsenal in harbor; 3,000 tons. None. Coal mining in vicinity. Near Birming- ham, Ala. North Alaba- ma. None. .do. do. None. None. At wharf, 100 tons per day . At wharf, cantilever crane with clam shell of 1 ton capacity, or by lighters of 250 to 300 tons capac- ity; fairly rapid. .do. U. S. by con- tract. None. .do. do. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Pensacola, Key West, New Orleans, Galveston, Habana. Key West, Pensacola, Mobile, Galveston, Veracruz. Key West, Pensacola, New Orleans, Veracruz. Pensacola, New Orleans, Veracruz, Key West, Habana. Pensacola, New Orleans, Tamvico, Key West. Pensacola, Key West, Vera Cruz, As for Vera Cruz. Key West, Habana, Cienfuegos, Kingston, Colon. Kingston, Colon, St. Lucia. Kingston, Curacao, St. Lucia. Remarks. 200,000 tons received annu- ally; kept in cars; 4 deal- ers. During low water in the Ohio River no coal comes from Pittsburg. 3 dealers. Kept in the open; 2 dealers. 90,000 tons received annu- ally; chiefly for railways, but coal is always avail- able; a few hundred tons kept in hulks for use of coastwise steamers. Not under cover; 4 dealers Oil refinery at Minatitlan; this oil depot is a new en- terprise, and little is known concerning it. 6,000 tons annually from Great Britain; not under cover; supplied by Te- ll uan tepee Railway as an accommodation to ship- ping. 130,000 bbls. annually, all from U. S. About 10,000 tons received annually from U. S., via New Orleans; J of the stock under cover. 1 private dealer who re- ceives about 1,000 tons an- nually; coal consumed here is exclusively em- ployed on small river steamer. Over 2,000 tons received in 1908; in future it will be possible to supply about 700 tons in any one month ; Electric Lighting Co. will keep large supply on hand ; good steaming coal; not under cover. Total annual receipts 27,300 tons, principally from Great Britain; no fuel im- ported for sale, but vessels are generally supplied in case of need, as an accom- modation. 350,000 tons annually from U.S.; none undercover; 1 26 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at Hie following North Atlantic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel , on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Sent.. 56,000 bbls. 50,000 bbls.... $0.90 Pi ped to wharf. Canal Zone. 1908. Boca del Toro, Panama. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. 200 200 tons $8.00 1 mile Curacao, Dutch W. I. Sept., 1908. Pocahontas coal. New River coal.. 10,000 4,000 8,000 tons $6.00 at wharf, $6.40 at an- chorage in La- goon. i mile from anchorage. La Guayra, Venezuela. Sept., 1908. Patent fuel (Cardiff block.) Government coal 1,000 500 1,000 tons $12.00 $5.00 50 feet from wharf. Carenero, Venezuela. Apr.. 1904. Briquettes, 500 500 tons $13.00 Nearby St. George, Bermuda. Sept., 1908. Pocahontas coal . Cardiff coal 3,000 1,200 \b, 000 tons. ..{ $8.75 at Murray's anchorage. 5 miles from anchorage. Hamilton, Bermuda. Sept., 1908. Pocahontas coal. Anthracite coal.. 1,000 600 2,000 tons 800 tons $8.00 $10.00 At wharf Sagua la Grande, Cuba. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. 14,000 25,000 tons. . . . $5.55 alongside.. 100 yds. from wharf. Cardenas, Cuba Nov., 1908. Cumberland coal. West moreland coal. Anthracite coal.. 12,000 4,000 5,000 30,000 tons.... 10,000 tons.... 12,000 tons $6.25 $7.00 $8.50 200 yds. from wharf. Matanzas, Cuba'. . . Oct., 1908. Bituminous coal. 2,200 2,000 tons . $6.00 2 to 3 miles... Sept., 1908. do 16,000 1,500 2,000 20,000 tons.... 1,000 tons 1,800 ions $6.00 $8.00 $12.00 to $13.00 i to J mile Anthracite coal.. Coke Onfuegos, Cuba.. Sept., hk is. Pocahonta- coal. Westmoreland omL Anthracite ro:il.. 2,000 1..MM) 12,500 tons.... 8,500 tons $6.00 $6.00 2 miles 500 500 tons $10.00 Santiago, Cuba «:■ Bituminous ooaJ 1,200 1,000 tOM $6.00 in balks Guantanamo, rul.ii. Port Antonio. J:illi;iiea. Oct., 1908. I'.M-aliiintaseoal. 2,000 I..MK) tons $6.25 alongside at pier. (lose to wharf. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 27 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. As for Colon... United Fruit Co. has a de- posit here for its own use; in case of necessity a small amount of coal might be obtained. At wharf or by lighters of 20 tons capacity; can de- liver alongside 120 tons per hour. do do Colon, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, Kingston. Quality good; undercover; 2 dealers. At wharf or anchorage; lighters of 30 tons capac- ity; slow. Venezuelan at La G u a i r a and at Puerto Cabello. La Vela de Co- ro, and Cura Michate. Curacao, Colon, St. Lucia. 1,400 tons Westmoreland from Baltimore; 1,600 Car- diff block from Wuii s; kept mostly in the open; railroad and Electric Light Co. import coal for their own uSe. La Guaira, Curacao. St. Lucia, St. Thomas. In railroad storehouse. Newport News, Key West, San Juan. from each lighter. St. George. At wharf or by lighters; rapid. British, 10,000 tons. do Newport News, Key West, San Juan. Undercover and in hulks. Lighters of 30 tons each; Key West, Habana, Matanzas, Cardenas, San Juan. 25,000 tons annually from 250 tons per day. Baltimore, Newport News, and Philadelphia, open yards; 2 dealers. Lighters of 65 to 75 tons each . Charge for lighter- age about $0.75 to $1 per do do Key West, Habana, Matanzas, 40,000 tons annually, chiefly from U.S. ton. Sag u a la Grande, San Juan. Lighters of 90 to 125 tons each; 500 tons daily. do do Key West, Habana, Cardenas, San Juan. 12,000 tons annually from U. S.; open yards; 2 dealers. Lighters of 50 to 500 tons each; 500 tons per day. At arsenal, 4,000 tons. do Key West, Matanzas, San Juan, St. Thomas. 700,000 bituminous coal an- nually from U. S.; not under cover; 5 dealers. Lighters, 50 to 60 tons ca- pacity; lighterage charge $1 per ton; slow. None do Key West, Habana, Santiago, San Juan, St. Thomas, Kingston. Kept in the open ; 1 dealer. 100 tons per day of 9 hours is the average delivery with Cuban labor. do do Habana, Port Antonio, Kingston, St. Lucia, St. Thomas. 1 dealer. U. S do Cienfuegos, Santiago, Port Morant, Kingston, Colon. At wharf; baskets 30 to the ton; 50 tons per hour. 10,000 tons annually from the U. S.; kept under cover. 28 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following North A (Jan fir Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Port Morant, Jamaica. Sept., 1908. Pocahontas coal. 1,500 1,000 to 1,500 tons. $7.00 200 yards Kingston, Jamaica. Sept., 1908. Eureka coal Pocahontas coal. Cardiff coal Cardiff patent fuel. 5,000 5,000 4,000 1,000 Ample do do do $4. 13 to $4. 38 $4. 13 to $4. 38 $5.10 At wharf 1909 Porto Rico. St. Thomas, Danish W.I. Sept., 1908. Pocahontas coal. Ferndalecoal 5,500 4,000 6,000 tons 3,000 tons $6.25 Near wharf. . . Fort de France, Martinique, F.W.I. Sept., 1908. Eureka, coal West moreland coal. \ 15,000 Good supplyj $6.00 At wharf Port Castries, St. Lucia, B.W.I. Sept., 1908. Pocahontas coal. Eureka coal New River coal.. 6,000) 3,000[ 3,000) 20,000 tons.... $6.38 Close to wharf Bridgetown, Barbadoes, B.W.I. Sept., 1908. Admiralty Welsh coal. Pocahontas coal. 4,000 5,000 2,000 tons 4,000 tons $8.75 trimmed in bunkers. $6.80 trimmed in bunkers. J mile Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I. May, 1905. do Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana. Mar., 1904. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. Scotch coal 3,000 2,000 2,000 tons 1,000 to 2,000 tons. $8.00 to $10.00... $5.00 to $6.00.... Short do Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana. Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal 1,000 1,000 tons $9.00 f. o. b. at wharf, $9.75 in stream per ton of 1,000 kilos. do Manaos, Brazil Oct., 1908. do 4,500 1,500 to 3,000 tons. $13.00 to $15.00. Prices do not include trim- ming. In hulks and covered lighters. Para, Brazil Oct., 1906. Welsh coal 10,000 12,000 tons.... $11.47 f.o.b.... Afloat in lighters and pontoons. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 29 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf; baskets; 75 tons per hour. British at Port Royal. Santiago, St. Thomas, Port Antonio, Kingston, St. Lucia, Colon. 2,800 tons annually from Norfolk; kept in the open. Port Royal, 80,000 tons. do St. Thomas, Port Antonio, Port Morant, St. Lucia, Colon. 100,800 tons annually from the U. S. and from Wales; government supply under cover. U. S. Naval Station. do Vessels drawing 31 ft. can coal at wharf; baskets; 90 to 120 tons an hour; also by lighters of 15 to 65 tons each. do Newport News, Bermuda, Key West, Guantanamo, San Juan, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, Curacao, Colon. Kept in the open; 1 dealer. At wharf, baskets, 75 tons per hour; lighters are not always available. French do Colon, Kingston, Curacao, St. Lucia, Barbadoes. 52,000 tons annually from U.S. Kept in open. Gov- ernment coal comes from France and is undercover. At wharf; baskets; 60 to 140 tons per hour. None do San Juan, Colon, Martinique, Barbadoes, Port Spain. 111,232 tons received in 1907; kept in the open; 3 deal- ers. Lighters of 25 to 30 tons each; 700 tons per day of 12 hours. do do Colon, San Juan, St. Lucia, Port Spain. 20,000 tons Welsh coal re- ceived annually; under cover; 2 dealers. From hulk, moored in 16 ft. water; alongside or by lighters. do do Curacao, Colon, Barbadoes, St. Lucia, Para. Lighters, in stream; at wharf by baskets; 32 bas- kets to the ton. Lighters; 300 tons per day. do do San Juan, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, Paramaribo, Para. 20,000 to 25,000 tons import- ed annually for use of sugar estates; the small quantity kept in town is under cover. At wharf, 20 ft. of water; slow; by lighters; 20 tons each, very slow. d ° do St. Lucia, Curacao, Georgetown, Para. Coal in sheds; 1 dealer. Lighters of 20 to 500 tons capacity; baskets and tubs; 100 tons daily do do St. Lucia, Barbadoes, Para, Pernambuco. 15,000 to 30,000 tons received annually; 2 dealers. Lighters of 60 to 100 tons each; 300 tons daily. Brazilian, small supply. do St Lucia Barbadoes, Manaos, Pernambuco. Large supply received an- nually. 30 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following South Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. , Natal Brazil Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal 2,000 (Brazilian Govt.) Pernambuco, Brazil. Oct., 1903. &' Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Admiralty Welsh coal. Cardiff coal Ample supply. $8. 48 f.o.b. $9.50 stowed $12.00 inside harbor, $14.50 outside harbor. \ to 1 mile 400 yds. 4,500 2,000 tons Bahia, Brazil May, 1905. Nov., 1908. Welsh coal Ampl b supply. $9.40 trimmed . . 1 to 3 miles... do 7,500 4,500 tons $12. 65 May, 1905. Oct., 1908. .do $7.12 trimmed.. $9.00 alongside.. 3 to 1 miles... Brazil. do 70,000 25,000 to 30,- 000 tons. Santos, Brazil Dec., 1908. Ocean Morthyr coal. 1,000 1 ,500 tons $10.00 Jmilc R io Grande do Sul, Brazil. Nov., 1908. Cardiff coal Cardiff patent fuel. 5,000 200 17,000 tons.... $12.80 1,000 yards.... Montevideo, Uruguay. Oct., 1908. Welsh steam coal 50,000 35,000 tons. . . . $9.75 4 to 6 miles. .. Rosario, Argentina. Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal 5,000 5,000 tons $10.75 On wharf Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oct., 1908. do 80,000 tons. 12,(KK) tons re- ceived every 2 weeks. $6.25 to 10. 00 Close to docks Aug., 1903. Welsh coal 3,000 $7.80 alongside.. Argentina. Bahia Blanca, Apr., I'.inl. OH.. 1908. do 10,000 8,000 10,000 tons.... 6,000 to 12,000 tons. $8.50 $10.65 1 mile from wharf. Argentina. Cardiff coal Port Stanley, Falkland Is. Feb., 1902. Aug., 1904. Welsh coal do 1,000 30 1,000 tons • r >0 tons $16.80 $15.00 In hulks Mar., 1900. ...do By courtesy, at cost to naval vessels. Jamestown, St. HH-'Iia. Sept., 1904. Admiralty Welsh coal. 2,400 2,000 tons $13.63 f. a. s. Jmile St. Pauldelxrando, J»iy, I'.to'l. Can liir coal 1,500 to'J.IHKI $11.87 2,000 yards... W.I \frica. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Atlantic Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. 31 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Lighters; 60 to 120 tons ca- pacity; 200 tons a day in- side "harbor; 120 tons a day outside. Lighters; 20 to 60 tons each; can deliver about 25 tons per hour. Lighters; 50 to 100 tons each; can deliver 1,000 tons per day alongside. At wharf, or by lighters of 50 to 100 tons each; can deliver 50 tons per hour. Lighters; about 25 per hour. tons Bagged coal in lighters, of 100 to 350 tons each; rapid. At anchorage from light- ers; 50 tons per hour. Lighters of 200 to 400 tons each; 30 tons per hour. In docks available for ves- sels of 22) ft. draft; at wharf or by lighters; ' apid. At wharf, or by lighters of 300 to 500 tons each; can deliver alongside 1 ,000 tons per day. Alongside hulks, or by small lighters; all work by ship's crew; liable to interruptions by weather. Small lighters; liable to in- terruptions by heavy Lighters; 200 tons per day; liable to interruption by heavy seas. Bv baskets from lighters of 30 tons, 200 tons in 24 hours. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Brazilian; ca- pacity, 5,000 tons. None. .do. .do. .do.... .do I Next coaling Coal mining in : ports en route vicinity. (the nearest in italics). None. .do. .do. .do. Argentina at La Plata 40,- 000 tons. Argentina. Argentina, 20,- 000 tons ea pacity. British, 6,000 tons capac- ity. .do.... .do. British . .do. Portuguese small sup- ply). .do. .do. See Pernam- buco. St. Lucia, Para, Bahiu, Rio de Janeiro. Para, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo. Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Bahia, Santos, Montevideo. Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo. Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo. Rio de Janeiro, Buenos A ires, Port St aide v, Sandy Point. Montevideo, Buenos A ires. Rio de Janeiro. Montevideo, Rosario, Port Stanley, Sandy Point. Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Port Stanley, Sandy Point. Rio de Janerio, Montevideo, Sandy Point, Lota, Valparaiso. Pernambuco, Porto Grande, St. Helena, Loanda. Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Grande, Ascension I., Cape Town. St. Helena, Fernando Po, Banana, Cape Town. Remarks. For the use of the Brazilian navy. 45 000 tons annually im- ported for sale (1908); kept in depots and hulks; 2 dealers. 50,000 tons annually; under cover; 2 dealers. Coal under cover; 3 dealers; 500,000 tons received an- nually. 100,000 tons imported annu- ally; kept in the open; 1 dealer. Coal kept in the open; 5 dealers. Kept under cover; 4 ers. Kept In the open; 1 dealer. 1,500,000 tons imported an- nually; k 5 dealers. nuallv; kept in the open; ilei $0,000 tons imported annu- ally; kept in the open; 2 dealers. All coal the property of British Government; sold only as an accommodation and in smallest quantities necessary. Coal under cover; 1 dealer. Best coaling port of West Africa south of equator. 32 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following South Atlantic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Cape Town, Cape Colony. Sept., 1908. Admiralty Welsh coal. Natal steam coal. Scotch coal 500 1,000 500 500 tons 1,000 tons 500 tons $9.37 f. o. b. $6.08 to $6.69 f.o.b. $7.30 f. o. b. 50 yards Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. Nov., 1908. Natal coal 500 500 tons $9.00 f. a. s., ton of 2,000 lbs. 100 yards East London, Cape Colony. Nov., 1908. do 500 do $6.50 per ton of 2,000 lbs. In hulks at wharf. Durban, Natal Oct., 1908. do Unlimi ted supply. $4.65 at wharf f. o. b. $6.25 f.o.b. by lighters, 30c. per ton for trimming. 1 mile from moorings in stream. Lourenco Marquez, Delagoa Bay, Southeast Africa. Oct., 1908. Best Cardiff coal. Transvaal coal... 1,300 500 1,300 tons 2,000 to 3,000 tons. $15.20 f. o. b. $3.00 to $4.00 at wharf, 50 c. extra for lightering. In hulk i to 2 miles... Mozambique, 1900. Cardiff coal 1,000 to 2,000 tons. $13.38 1 mile Mozambique. Zanzibar, East Africa. Oct., 1908. Nixon's Naviga- tion coal. 820 1,750 tons $13. 95 Smile Oct., German E.Africa. 1908. Tamatave, Apr., 1904. 1,800 2,000 tons $12.75 alongside 1! miles Madagascar. Diego Suarez, Madagascar. Oct., 1908. Bituminous coal. 5,000 5,000 tons $11.58 1 kilometer.. Port Louis, May, 1905. Admiralty Welsh coal. $10. 00 J mile Mauritius. Port Victoria, Mahe I., Seychelles. 1901. Cory's Merthyr coal. 2.300 2,500 tons ( 1, 000 al- ways re- served for British ad- miralty). $16. 42 | to 1 mile FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 33 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharves in docks; coal in bags; rapid. At wharf or by lighters; rapid. At wharf, or anchorage by lighters 300 to 400 tons per day of 9 hours. At wharf by gov't coaling appliances, 200 tons per hour; at wharf or by lighters, with native la- bor, 80 tons per hour. Lighters of 90 tons each; 220 tons per day ; at wharf or anchorage, 200 to 1,000 tons per day. Lighters of 30 tons capaci- ty; must be towed by ships' boats; 150 tons in 24 hours. Lighters. 70 tons capacity; 400 tons per day can be delivered if notice is giv- en beforehand. British at Si- mons Town, 10,000 tons. None do do do do do Loanda, Port Elizabeth, East London, Zanzibar, Mauritius. Cape Town, East London, Durban, Mozambique. Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Mozambique. Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Mozambique. Port Elizabeth, Durban, Mozambique. Durban, Delagoa Bay, Zanzibar. do 210 miles dis- tant. 13 collieries in the vicinity. Eastern Trans- vaal, 12 hours by rail. None 6,000 tons Natal coal monthly. 54,000 tons annually from Natal; open storage; sev- eral dealers. 38,000 tons annually. Coal stored in bins and cars; if ordered in advance, any quantity up to 25,000 tons can be stored for ship- ment; no coal imported. New coal store being con- structed; after Jan., 1909, a stock of not less than 10,000 tons of Transvaal coal will be kept on hand; 5 dealers. do Small quantity of Natal coal, the property of the Deutsch Ost Afrika]S team- ship Line; no dealers. Lighters of 20 to 100 tons each; 150 tons per day. 100-ton lighters French at Di- ego Suarez. French, 1,400 tons. British None Delagoa Bay, Diego Suarez, Mauritius. Delagoa Bay, Zanzibar, Mauritius. Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Aden, Colombo. Zanzibar, Mauritius, Colombo, Aden. .....do do No regular dealer; coal is the property of the Mes- sageries Maritimes Co., who sell it to vessels need- ing it as an accommoda- tion; price uncertain. Annual receipts about45,000 tons, principally from Great Britain. Only 1 dealer. Lighters of 50 tons each; 300 tons in 24 hours; lia- ble to interruptions from December to May. Lighters; slow British (con- tract). do 652—09- 34 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Pacific Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Cape Sabine, Alaska. 1904 Semibituminous coal. (Native.) Mined as required. J mile from vein to an- chorage. 1900 Bituminous coal. (Native.) d ). li miles from anchorage. Alaska. Unalaska, Alaska. . Aug., 1903. Wellington coal . 2,300 2,000 tons $10.75 alongside. 200 yards for vessels at coal wharf. Iliuliuk, Aug., 1903. Comox coal Wellington coal. 2,000 Unalaska I., Alaska. Dutch Harbor, Aug., 1903. Comox coal Wellington coal. 4,000 5,500 tons $12.50 delivered at dock. 500 ft Unalaska I., Alaska. Coal Harbor, 1901 Comox coal 8,500 5,500 $12.50 500 ft Unga I., Alaska. Kodiak, Alaska Nanairno coal Near wharf. . . Sitka, Alaska 1900 Wellington coal . 400 $10.00 100 yds. for vessels at wharf. Comox, Vancouver I., 15. C. Mar., 1904. Comox coal 4,500 3,000 to 10,000 tons. $4.00 11 miles Union Bay, Vancouver I., B.C. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. 4,400 1,800 tons Subject to agree- ment; about $4.00. At wharf Boat Harbor, Vancouver I., B.C. Feb., 1909. do 15,000 15,000 $3.50 to $6.60, according to size of lump. do Nanairno, Vancouver I., B.C. Feb., 1909. Bituminous lump coal. 6,000 5,000 to 10,000 tons. $4.50 do Departure Bay, Vancouver I., B.C. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. 3,000 3,000 to 5,000 tons. $4.50 At wharf Ladysmith, Vancouver I., B.C. Sept., 1908. do 3,000 3,000 tons $3. 00 to $4. 00 do Vancouver, B.C. Sept., 190K. do Ampl 3 supply. $5. 00 f. a. s. In scows Victoria, B.C Sept., 1908. do io. $5.50 to $6.00 f.a.s. lmile Seattle, Wash Feb., 1909. do Large supply. $3. 00 to $5. 00 At wharf Fuel oil 40,000 bbls. 40 ,000 bbls.... $1.15 do (FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. tation ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. 35 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Mined by boats' crews from large vein on beach; boats land in surf. From mine to water front by tram car; then by 40- ton lighter. At wharf; wheelbarrows; rapid. Tram cars and wheelbar- rows at wharf. At wharf; rapid. At wharf; rapid. None. do.. ...do .do. ...do.... At wharf for light-draft vessels; moderately rapid At wharf or by lighters; moderately rapid. At wharves; 28 ft. of wa- ter; cars of 20 tons capac- ity; can deliver 400 tons an hour. At wharf or anchorage; 32 ft. of water; can deliver 3,000 tons per day of 10 hours. At wharf; 42" belt con- veyor direct to vessel; capacity 600 tons per hour. Electric and gravity chutes; 600 tons per hour Electric chutes; 400 tons per hour. Gravity chutes and elec- tric conveyor; very rapid. From scows at wharf or Esquimalt. anchorage. Government coaling stations in vicinity. None. Unalaska. U. S. tons. U.S. (1903).. .do. Lighters of 250 to 500 tons each. Electric conveyors, 500 tons per hour at wharf. Pipe line to wharf, 250 bbls. per hour. Esquimalt; 3,000 tons ca- pacity; 1,000 tons patent fuel. Bremerton Next coaling Coal mining in ! ports en route vicinity. (the nearest in italics). Veins not regu- larly worked Not regularly worked ; ca- pacity 20 tons per day. To be increased. None. .do. Coal Harbor mine, poor quality. None do Ex tensi ve; 1,500 tons daily output. Extensive. .do.. ..do. Extens io n mines. Vancouver Is- land. ..do. Extensive . Unalaska. .do. Petropaulovski Sitka, Nanaimo. Dutch Harbor, Kodiak, Sitka. Kodiak, Sitka. Dutch Harbor, Kodiak, Sitka. Sitka, Dutch Harbor. Unalaska, Comox, Nanaimo. Sitka, Nanaimo. Sitka, Comox, Nanaimo. Comox, Union Bay, Nanaimo. Comox, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, San Francisco Comox, Nanaimo, Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco. Comox, Nanaimo, Seattle. Comox, Nanaimo. Seattle, San Francisco. Comox, Nanaimo, Seattle, San Francisco. Comox, Nanaimo, San Francisco. Remarks. This coal has been favor- ably reported upon. Coaling station of the North American Commercial Co. Alaska Commercial Co. A seam of semianthracite has been discovered. An unlimited amount can be supplied direct from mines. Coal is known as Welling- ton coal. 400,000 tons annually, direct from mines; covered and open storage; 1 dealer. 200,000 tons annually, direct from mines; covered stor- age; 1 dealer. Average output, 1,700 tons daily. Coal towed in scows from Vancouver Island; 4,000 to 7,000 tons daily; 4 dealers. 5,000 tons can be supplied on 24 hours' notice; kept under cover; 6 dealers. 2,000,000 tonsannually from mines ; mostly under cover. 36 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Pacific Station Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Instance from coal pile to ship. Tacoma, Wash Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. Fuel oil 3,265 17,500 bbls. 8,720 tons 18,000 bbls.... At wharf, $4.00 trimmed; by lighters, $4.50 trimmed. $1.15 At wliarf Piped to wharf. Astoria, Oreg Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. 10,000 10,000 tons $7.00 At wharf Fuel oil Largt supply, do. $0.90 to $1.10 .do Portland, Oreg Feb., 1909. Bituminous coal. $5. 50 to $7. 50 On wharf Fuel oil 160,000 bbls. 180,000 bbls... $1.00 to $1.10 Piped to wharf. San Francisco, Cal. Feb., 1909. Washington coal Australian coal.. Japanese coal Fuel oil 3,000 40,000 9.000 112,000 bbls. Ampl 2,000 to 3,000 tons. 5,000 to 8,000 tons. 2,000 tons 112,000 bbls... $5.50 f. 0. b., $5.75 trimmed. $6.50 f. o. b. to $7.00 trimmed. $6.50 f. o. h. to $7.00 trimmed. $0.90 to $1.10 imile Piped to wharf. do Monterey Cal Feb., 1909. do e supply. $1.00f. o. b. Gaviota, Cal Feb., 1909. do 100,000 bt )ls. capacity. $1.00f. o. b. Piped to wharf. Redondo, Cal Feb., 1909. do Ampl i supply. $0.90 to $1.00 do San Pedro, Cal Feb., 1909. do 45,000 bbls. 50,000 bbls.... $1.00 to $1. 10 At wharf San Diego, Cal Feb., 1909. Nanaimocoal 6,265 5,000 tons $7.50 alongside; 50c. to 75c. for trimming. $1.00 to $1.10 On wharf. Fuel oil Amp e supply. Piped to wharf Pichilinque Bay, Mexico. Mazatlan, Mexico.. Oct., 1908. Bituminous coal. Limited quantity . 2,000 tons $10. 00 gold 2 miles Manzanillo, Oct., 1908. None for sale Mexico. Acapulco, Mexico. . Oct., IMS. Cardiff coal 4,500 5,000 tons .$18. 00 gold J mile Australian coal . . 11,000 3,000 tons $10.00 Corinto, Nicaragua. Nov., 1908. do 900 Uncertain $22.00U.S.gold i mile Panama and La Boca, l'iinama. Nov., 1908. Pocahontas coal . Fuel oil Ample sup 1.50,000 bbls ply available. 150,000 bbls... $7.35 1 to 3 miles... 1,000 yards... FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. ports, together with the usvxil supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 37 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Electric conveyors; 500 tons per hour; 30 lighters available, with capacity of 7,500 tons. Pumped on board at wharf. At wharf; conveyors; rapid. Pumped on board at wharf. Conveyors; 250 tons per hour. Pumped into vessels at wharf, or from lighters of from 1,000 to 4,000 bbls. capacity. Lighters; 300 to 500 tons per day. Pumped Into vessels at wharf or from lighters; 15,000 bbls. daily. Pumped into vessels at moorings. Pumped into vessels at moorings. Pumped into vessels at wharf. Pipe connection at wharf, or from barge with pump. Lighters of 125 to 150 tons capacity ; 300 tons per day. Bremerton Extensive None Comox, yanaimo, Seattle, San Francisco. Nanaimo, Seattle, San Francisco. Seattle, Victoria, Astoria, San Francisco. Nanaimo, Victoria, Seattle, Port Los An- geles, San Diego. San Francisco, Gaviota. Monterey, Redondo, San Diego. Monterey, San Pedro, San Diego. San Francisco, Monterey, San Diego. San Francisco, Acapulco, Panama. 150,000 tons annually from mines in vicinity; kept under cover. 5 dealers. do Mare Island . . . In Washing- ton. None... 50 per cent under cover; dealers. Mostly under cover. Oil from Coalings field. 2 dealers. 750,000 bbls. crude oil an- U.S do nually; 2 dealers. 25,000 tons annually; open storage; 1 dealer. 2 oil dealers. U. S., 10,000 tons. None do do do do San Francisco, San Diego, Acapulco, Panama. Lighters and men, $2.50 per ton. 15,000 tons annually from Australia and British Co- lumbia; mainly for local consumption; kept under cover. A concession has been Lighters of 40 to 50 tons each; 400 tons a day. Mexican, 3,000 tons. do do San Francisco, San Diego, Panama. Acapulco, Panama. San Francisco, San Diego, Acapulco, Callao. granted by the Mexican government for the estab- lishment of a coaling sta- tion. Annual receipts, 10,000 tons from Cardiff; covered stor- age; Australian coal not for sale. 1,000 tons annually; open Atwharf (La Boca) or by lighters. Pumped to vessel at wharf. do do storage; 1 dealer. Vessels usually coal at La Boca; open storage; 1 dealer. 38 Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Pacific Station Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Guayaquil, Ecuador. Nov., 1908. Callao, Peru Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Australian coal . . Pocahontas coal. 4,350 737 1,480 6,000 ( $15. 00 alongside { $15.50f. o. b. l$15.75 trimmed. In bulks Mollendo, Peru Oct., 1908. Bituminous coal. 300 1,000 tons $7.30 500 yds Oct., 1908. Australian coal . . 2,000 do $14.60 to $17.00 Iquique, Chile Dec, 1908. West Hartley coal. Cardiff coal Australian coal.. 1 Plentifv 1 supply. | $7.66 f. a. s. At wharf Tocopilla, Chile.... Apr., 1904. do Fuel oil 5,000 tons 7,000 bbls $5.60 f. a. s. 500 yds. from wharf. Piped to wharf from tank. Antofagasta, Chile. Dec, 1904. 30,000 tons.... $9.25 f. a. s. 500 yds. from wharf. Taltal, Chile Dec, 1904. do Fuel oil 5,000 tons 7,000 bbls... $9.25 f. a. s. do Piped to wharf from tank. Caldera, Chile Dec, 1904. Oct., 1908. Chilean coal English coal Australian coal.. 2,000 000 2,000 1,400 tons 1,000 tons $5.50 to $5.75 f. a. s. J mile 500 meters from anchor- age. 4,000 tons Coquimbo, Chile... Oct., 1908. Chilean coal Australian coal . . \ 2,000 10,000 tons.../ $12.50 lmile Valparaiso, Chile.. Nov., 1908. do Pocahontas coal . Cardiff coal 8,000 2,000 4,000 5,000 to 6,000 Ions. 2,000 to 3,000 tons. 3,000 to 4,000 tons. $10.00 $11. 25 $11.25 Coal mostly afloat. Talcahuano, Chile. Nov., 1908. Australian coal.. Chilean coal 2,000 Large sup 2,000 tons >lv available. $8.75 Inhulk Coronel and Lota, Nov., 1908. ...do $6.25 to $7.50 500 yards Chile. Ancud, Chile Mar., I'.MIS. Admiralty Welsh coal. 3,000 3,000 tons $11.00 Quellon, Chile Mar., 1908. do 300 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 39 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Lighters; 600 tons per day. Lighters; very slow; bad anchorage; heavy swell. Lighters; 150 to 200 tons a day. Lighters of 20 to 40 tons each; rapid; liable to in- terruption. Lighters of 30 tons ca- pacity. Would have to string about 300 ft. of hose to Lighters of 30 tons ca- pacity. .do. Would have to string about 300 ft. of hose to Lighters of 20 tons ca- pacity. Lighters of 25 tons ca- pacity; 200 tons per day. Lighters; 30 to 40 tons ca- pacity; 500 to 800 tons per day. Lighters of 20 to 50 tons capacity; 300 to 500 tons per day. Alongside hulk or by light- ers; 200 tons daily. At anchorage; lighters of 20 to 50 tons, 1,500 to 2,000 tons per day of 10 hours. Lighters; 300 tons a day. . . Small lighters; 100 tons a day. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Ecuador,small. None .do. ..do. None. .do. Chilean, 6,000 tons. Chilean, 15,000 tons. Chilean, 20,000 tons. Talcahuano. Coal mining in vicinity. None. ....do. do. do. ....do. .do. None. .do. do. Coronel Lota. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Panama, Iquique, Coquimbo, Valparaiso. As for Callao Callao, Iquique, Valparaiso. Callao, Arica, Caldera, Valparaiso. Iquique, Antofagasta, Caldera. Iquique, Caldera. Iquique, Caldera. Chilean do Iquique, Coquimbo, Valparaiso. Callao, Iquique, Valparaiso, Talcahuano. and j Callao, Iquique, Coquimbo, Talcahuano, Lota. 40 miles dis- tant. 4 mines at these points. None. . do. Valparaiso, Lota, Sandy Point. Valparaiso, Talcahuano, Sandy Point. Lota, Quellon. Lota, A mud. Remarks. Coal here is ordinarily not for sale. 5,000 to 6,000 tons annually; under cover; coal belongs to railway and gas com- panies. 325,000 tons annually; also about 25,000 tons of bri- quettes for use of railways; 6 dealers. 60,075 tons imported be- tween July 1, 1907, and June 30, 1908; mostly for railways and nitrate works. Oil in quantities of not less than 2,000 barrels will lie delivered in tank ships or barges at any point. 157,000 tons imported be- tween July 1, 1907, and June 30, 1908; mostly for railways and nitrate works. 40,000 tons imported annu- ally, for railways and ni- trate works. Oil in quantities of not less than 2,000 bbls. will be delivered in tank ships or at any point. Supply can not be de- pended upon; 25,000 tons imported by railways and smelting works; no other holders of coal. 25.000 tons annually; kept under cover; 1 dealer. 430,000 tons annually, mostly in the open; 3 deal- ers. Coal under cover. Output80,000 to 100,000 tons per month. 40 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Pacific Station Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Sandy Point (Pun- ta Arenas), Chile. Nov., 1908. Cardiff coal 4,000 1,000 to 2,000 tons. $13.75 to $15.00 In hulks Honolulu, Hawaiian Is. 1908 Bituminous coal. Fuel oil Ample supply. 1 $7.00 to $10.00 $1.00 to $1.15 On wharves; coal often in colliers. At wharf Papeete, Tahiti, Society Is. June, 1904. Newcastle coal... 600 Supply of fuel varies great- ly and is un- certain. $11.25 J mile Oct., 1908. French bri- quettes. 4,300 $10.00 Apia, Upolu, Samoan Is. Oct., 1908. Australian coal . . 800 400 tons $14.60 f. o. b. do Aug., 1908. do Supply uncertain. In hulk....... Fiji Is. New Caledonia. Matupi, Blancke Bay, New Britain. 200 yds Ternata, Ternata I., Moluccas. 1900 Cardiff coal 500 Gov't 7.50 tons supply. $14.60 f. o. 1). Amboyna, Amboyna I., Moluccas. Jan., 1902. Australian coal.. 1,000 1,000 tons $8.00 Macassar, Celebes. . June, 1904. Cardiff coal Australian coal . . Japanese coal 3,000 8,000 4,000 3,000 tons 10,000 tons 3,000 tons $9.50 $7.00 $7.00 500 yds Kupang, Timor, Sunda Is. 1900 Port Kennedy, Thursday I., Torres Straits. 1900 Australian MMl. . Ampl b supply. In hulks Townsvillf, Queensland. . iralia. Nov., 1908. do 2,000 2,000 tons $6.50 do Rockhampton, Queensland. Australia. Oct., 1908. BitmniiM Hinir Colliery coal. 200 $5.50 $4.35f. a.s. At wharf FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 41 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Alongside of hulks; 300 to 600 tons a day. Chilean, 1,500 tons. Iquique, Valparaiso, Talcahuano, Montevideo, Ilio de Janeiro. 12,000 to 20,000 tons annu- ally. At wharf or by lighters, liable to interruption by S. winds. Pumped into vessels at wharf. U. S do San Francisco, Tahiti, Apia, Yokohama. At wharf and by lightsrs of 20 to 25 tons; 60c. a ton for lighterage. do Honolulu, Auckland. All coal in stock (1908) be- longs to Government; kept under cover. Lighters of 25 tons capac- ity; 150 tons a day. German by contract. U. S. at Pago Pago. do Honolulu, Pago Pago, Tahiti, Auckland. 1,000 tons annually from Westport, N. Z.; under cover; 1 dealer. Alongside hulk; 200 tons a day, hurricane season December to March. None do As for Apia Union S. S. Co. of New Zealand, keeps a variable supply in hulk; no coal can be purchased except through the courtesy of this company. At wharf or by lighters. . . . French do do Coal mmes, apparently rich but reported unproduc- tive (1891), owing to lack of capital and proper labor. German by contract. do do At pier; 5 fms. water Netherlands gov't depot. do Manila, Sourabaya. Coal also kept by Nether- lands India S. S. Co. At coal wharf; slow; wharf unsafe in 1902. Netherlands... do Manila, Sourabaya. Other Netherlands gov't depots at Gisser, Banda Is., at Gorontalo, and Kema, Celebes, and at Buton, Buton I. (1888). By lighters or at piers, or at gov't coal wharf; 20 to 22 ft. of water; slow. Netherlands, 1,000 tons. do AsforAmboyna Coal under cover. Sheds on beach; by ship's boats; no landing; coal carried to boat in bas- kets by natives; very slow. do Sourabaya, Batavia. Supply maintained by Netherlands India S. S. Co. Alongside hulk (22 ft.) or by lighters; slow in latter case. British do Townsville, Brisbane. Alongside hulks; 21 ft. wa- ter; 15 tons per hour per gang. do Brisbane. At wharf or by lighters; 20 tons an hour. do Bluff Colliery, ! 107 miles dis- tant. Townsville, Brisbane. No stock of Bluff Colliery coal is kept on hand; shipped as soon as mined. 42 Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Pacific Station Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Oct., 1908. Australian coal . . 4,800 3,000 tons $2.25 In cars at wharf. Newcastle, N. S. W., Australia. Oct., 1908. do Plentiful supply. $2.68 f. o. b. at wharf; $3.28 f. o. b. by lighter. At wharf Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Nov., 1908. do Large supply. $2.50 to $3.65 do Melbourne, Williams town, and Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Oct., 1908. Newcastle coal... 25,000 25,000 tons $4.74 In hulks or on wharves. Port Adelaide, S. Australia. Oct., 1908. do 8,000 8,000 tons $7.00 In hulks ! Albany, W. Australia. Sept., 1908. Jan., do do.. 2,500 5,000 3,000 30,000 1,500 2,500 tons $7. 00 to $7. 50 $7.00 do Freemantle, W. Australia. 1909. May, 1904. Jan., 1909. Oct., 1908. do do 3,500 tons 25,000 tons 1,200 to 2,000 tons. $7. 00 to $7. 50 $6.70 $5.50 do do Hobart, Tasmania. do Launceston, Mar., 1904. do 500 500 tons $4.86 Tasmania. Auckland, New Zealand. Oct., 1908. Whangerei coal and Westport coal. 3,500 2,800 tons $4.50 to $5.50 when taken from colliers; 50c. per ton extra when taken from hulks. In hulks or colliers. Wellington, New Zealand. Oct., 1908. Westport coal and Oreymouth coal. 4,700 5,000 tons $5. 00 to $5. 75 In hulks Lyttleton, New Zealand. Oct., 1908. New Zealand coal. 3,000 2,800 tons $5.00 if taken from collier; $5.75 if taken from hulk. In hulks or colliers. Ihineilin and Port Chalmers, New Zealand. Oct., ions. do 3,000 2.500 tons $6.00 stowed. In hulks and sheds. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 43 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf, 90 tons per hour; by lighters, 15 tons per hour; lighterage, 40c. per ton. 15 mines with- in 21 miles. Townsville, New Castle. 600,000 tons annually; kept in cars; 8 dealers. At wharf or by lighters do Extensive Townsville, Brisbane, Sydney. 6,000,000 tons annually; not under cover. At wharf or by lighters; rapid. British do Brisbane, Newcastle, Melbourne, Auckland. 1,700,000 tons annually; 3 dealers. Steam cranes at wharf, or alongside of hulks; rapid. None None Newcastle, Sydney, Adelaide, Auckland. 20,000 tons weekly; 8 deal- ers. Alongside hulks; rapid do do Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne, Albany. Kept in hulks; 6 dealers. Alongside hulks; 40 tons per hour; delivery extra; labor, 25 cts. per hour per man. British (1891).. do Sydney, Melbourne, Freemantle, Mauritius, Colombo. 20,000 tons annually ; 4 deal- ers. Alongside of hulks; rapid. None 136 miles dis- tant; coal of poor quality. Melbourne, Adelaide Albany. 100,000 tons annually; 4 dealers. Lighters; 25 tons per hour. do None Adelaide, Melbourne, Launceston, Sydney, Dunedin. 26,000 tons annually; 2 deal- ers. Lighters do do Adelaide, Melbourne Hobart, Sydney. From hulks or colliers alongside; rapid. do 40 and 80 miles distant. Pago Pago, Newcastle, Wellington, Lyttleton. No estimate of the annual receipts can be made ex- cept the small amount for local consumption; the coal is all afloat in hulks and colliers and as it pays no wharfage, the port au- thorities make no record of it. .do Auckland, Dunedin. Annual receipts, 120,000 tons; 3 dealers; on reason- able notice large deliveries can be arranged for. Hulks or colliers alongside . do do Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin. See remarks for Auckland; without previous arrange- ments it would be unsafe to rely upon obtaining any considerable quantity of coal at this port. At wharf or lighters; mod- erately rapid. do do Auckland, Wellington. 30,000 to 40,000 tons annu- ally; in hulks and sheds. 44 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Asiatic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Petropaulovskl, Kamchatka. Jan., 1909. Bituminous coal. 200 300 tons $10.30; sold only by courtesy of Russian Govt. Near the shore. Vladivostok, Siberia. Jan., 1909. Japanese coal Sakhalin coal 1,500 3,000 \ 2,000 to 3,000\ / tons. / $5.15 to $6.70... J mile { Otaru, Japan Oct., 1908. Yubari lump coal Yubari un- screened coal. Poronai un- screened coal. Rumoicoal 22,000 37,000 20,000 13,500 22.000 tons 50,000 tons.... 30,000 tons 13,500 tons Yen 9.00 Yen 7.30 Yen 7.00 Yen 8.00 lmile Kushiro, Japan Oct., 1908. Kushiro coal 11,000 11,000 tons.... Yen 7.00 1J miles Mororan , Japan Oct., 1908. Yubari lumpcoal Yubari un- screened coal. Poronai un- screened coal. 4,500 38,000 20,000 10,000 tons 38,000 tons 20,000 tons.... Yen 9.00 Yen 7.30 Yen 7.00 lmile Hakodate, Japan. . Oct., 1908. Yubari coal Kushiro coal Rumoicoal 8,000 1,800 2,500 lLarge supply j Yen 12.00 Yen 8.75 Yen 11.00 \ mile Ominato, Japan. . . 1903. Yokohama, Japan. Nov., 1908. Japanese coal (of all kinds). 3,000 3,000 tons Yen 6.00 to 11.40 \ to \ mile Yokosuka, Japan. . 1909. None for sale Japanese lovt. suddIv only. Osaka, Kobe, and Hiogo, Japan. Oct., 1908. Japanese coal Ampl b supply. $2.55 to $5.00 imile Nagasaki, Japan... Oct., 1908. Japanese coal Cardiff coal 39,000 1,200 Ample supply 3,000 tons $3.50 to $5.00 $11.50 In lighters Miike and Kuchinotsu, Japan. Oct., 1908. Miike coal 57,600 Variable $4.75 do Sasebo, Japan July, 1908 Karatsu, Japan Oct., 1908. Bituiuinouscoal Abunda Jit supply. $3.75 to $4.50 lmile Hakata, Japan Takeshiki, 1900 Ample supply from mines. July. 1903. Japanese coal Tsushima Island, Japan. Shimonoseki,Japan 1902 do FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WOULD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. 45 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Small lighters; very slow. . Russian None Unalaska, Hakodate, Vladivostok, Yokohama. All coal from Japan and Sakhalin, and belongs to Russian Govt. ; no dealers. Large iron lighters; 11 tons per hour. Russian; a de- posit of Car- dif f coal ; quantity un- known. 60 miles dis- tant. Otaru, Hakodate, . Nagasaki. 35,000 tons annually, prin- cipally from Japan and Cardiff; Cardiff coal is for the use of Russian naval vessels only ; 8 dealers. Lighters of 40 to 100 tons capacity; coal in bags of 160 lbs. each. Japanese 60 miles by rail Vladivostok, Hakodate, Yokohama, Nagasaki. 600,000 tons exported an- nually; coal kept in sheds Lighters of 40 tons capac- ity; loading facilities poor; port open to S. E. 10 miles dis- tant. Hakodate, Mororan, Yokohama. 50,000 tons annually; open storage. Lighters; coal in bags; rapid. Japanese Hakodate, Otaru, Nagasaki, Yokohama. 500,000 annually; covered storage. Lighters of 50 to 100 tons capacity; coal in bags of 160 lbs. each; rapid; alongside hulk in 5£ fms. water. Japanese; 2,000 tons Cardiff; 1,000 tons pat- ent fuel. Japanese (tor- pedo boats) do Vladivostok, Otaru, Yokohama Nagasaki. 12,000 tons kept in sheds; 5,000 tons in hulk. Lighters, 30 to 90 tons ca- pacity ; coolie labor ; rapid under good conditions. Japanese None Hakodate, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai. Kept under cover; 12 deal- ers. do do See Yokohama. Lighters of 25 to 35 tons ca- pacity; coolies and bas- kets; rapid. do Yokohama, Nagasaki, Shanghai. Kept in hulks; many deal- ers. By lighters; coolies, bas- kets; 250 tons per hour have been delivered. Japanese; large stock of Car- diff coal. Extensive Hakodate, Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Chifu. Coal under cover; several dealers. Lighters; rapid Miike, 40 miles by sea; Ki- shim a, 70 miles by sea. As for Naga- saki. Daily output of Miike mines about 4,000 tons; the island of Amakusa produces anthracite which is used in making briqu- ettes for Japanese navy. Japanese As for Naga- saki. do Lighters; average delivery on board, 100 tons per hour. .do Shipments during 1907 amounted to 792,946 tons. do do Japanese As for Naga- saki. As for Naga- saki. do 46 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Asiatic Station Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Moji, Japan Oct., 1908. Japanese coal . . . Abundg nt supply. $4.00 to $4.50 At water front Chemulpo, Korea.. Dalny, China (Manchuria.) Oct., 1908. Fushun coal Japanese coal 20,000 4,000 Planned to keep on hand 50,000 tons. 2,200 $3.32 f. o. b. $4.40 to $4.70 f. o. b. At wharf 1 mile Port Arthur, China. (Manchuria.) Niuchwang, China Nov., 1908. Kaiping lump coal. Kaiping dust coal. Fushun dust coal. Japanese lump coal. 1,500 4,500 1,000 7,000 tons 12,000 tons... . 10,000 tons... $5.50 $4.50 $4.50 At wharves.. 2,000 10,000 tons... $6.00 Chingwangtao, China. Oct., 1908. Tongshan and Linshi coal. Ampl i supply. $6. 50 to $10. 00 2 miles from wharf. Taku, China Oct., 1908. do d 0. $6. 00 to $9. 50 Close to wharf Tientsin, China.... Oct., 1908. do 4,500 2,500 tons $6. 40 to $8. 90... do Chifu, China Nov., 1908. Japanese coal Cardiff coal Shantung coal... 5,000 4,900 300 20,800 tons.... 7,000 tons 1,000 tons $10. 00 to $11. 00 $25.00 $10.00 li miles Tsingtau, Nov., 1908. Fangtzecoal 2,000 Large $7.00 Mex. On wharf Kiauchau,China. (German.) Chingkiang, Yangtse River, China. Mar., 1904. Native coal Japanese coal } $5.50 } mile J Ilankau, Yangtse River, China. Oct., 1908. do Pingsiangcoal... 50,000 100,000 50,000 tons.... 100,000 tons... $3. 50 to $4. 00 $3. 00 to $4. 00 Near river Shanghai, China... Oct.. 1908. Japanese coal — Kaiping coal Cardiff coal Australian coal.. Shantung coal... Hongaycoal Szecnuen coal . . . 86,000 16,000 28,000 3,000 None. 6,000 1,500 100,000 tons... 15,000 tons.... 25 000 tons.... 3,000 tons 300 tons 5,000 tons 1,600 tons $2. 75 to $4. 75 $2. 75 to $4. 75 $8. 00 to $9. 00 $6. 00 to $7. 00 $3. 00 to $4. 00 $6. 00 to $7. 00 $4. 75 to $6. 50 At wharves... Fuchau, China June, 1904. Japanese coal Formosa coal 1,200 250 U,000 to 2,000/ J tons. "\ $12. 00 to $18. 00 $10.00 1 mile Amoy, China Dec., 1908. Kaiping coal Japanese coal 650 1,000 $8.50 to $11.50 Mex. f. o.b. $12.00 Mex. f. o. b. $13.75 U.S. f. o. b. imile 5,000 tons Cardiff coal 3,000 3,500 tons FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Ports, together with the usual supply- on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 47 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Extensive As for Naga- saki. Shipments during 1907 amounted to 3,906,691 tons. At wharf; baskets At wharf or by lighters; 15 tons per hour per gang. Fushun. 267 miles by rail. Tientsin, Chifu, Nagasaki, Shanghai. Annual receipts: Fushun 500,000 tons, Japanese 28,000 tons; stored in the open; 4 dealers. At wharf, rapid; by light- ers, slow. None Kaiping; Fu- shun. Tientsin, Chingwangtao, Chifu. do Tongshan and Linshi. Dalny, Chifu, Shanghai. At wharf or from lighters. . do do Chingwangtao, Chifu, Shanghai. At wharf, or at Bund from lighters; rapid. do do Chingwangtao, Chifu, Shanghai. Lighters of 14 and 22 tons; extra charge for lighters and coolie hire. do Chingwangtao, Dalny, Shanghai, Nagasaki. 6 dealers At wharf; baskets 25c. per ton for stowing and trim- ming. German, 15,000 tons. Extensive Nagasaki, Shanghai, Chifu. Not under cover, but sup- ply kept fresh; mining company can supply any quantity up to 1,000 tons daily on immediate no- tice. Lighters 2 mines 20 miles distant. Shanghai, Nagasaki. Lighters of 50 tons capaci- ty 90c. Mex. per ton for loading and lightering. do 4 mines Shanghai, Nagasaki. Lighters; rapid do Chifu, Nagasaki, Fuchau, Amoy, Manila, Hongkong. Oil fuel station, Shell Trans- port and Trading Co. Junks of 50 to 100 tons ca- pacity. do do Shanghai, Keelung, Amoy, Hongkong. Lighters; coolies; 300 to 400 tons per day. do do Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila. Under cover. 48 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Asiatic Name of port. Date Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Keelung, Formosa. Hongkong, China.. Canton and Whampo'a, China. Hongay, Tonkin, China. (French) Saigon, Cochin China Bangkok, Siam.. Manila, Luzon, P. I. Isabella Basilan, P.I. Victoria, Labuan, B.E.I. Sandakan, British N. Borneo. Samarang, Java Surabaya. Java. Hatavia, Java. Singapore, Straits Settlements. Oct. Oct., 1908. Oct. Oct. Nov., 1908. Apr., 1904. 1903 1900 Oct., Oct., 1908. Nov. Dec 1908. Keelung coal . Cardiff coal. Australian coal . Japanese coal... Oil fuel Bituminous coal Hongay coal: briquettes lump dust Labuan coal Cardiff coal Hongay coal (briquettes). Japanese coal Welsh coal Australian coal. Japanese coal... India coal Cumb crland coal. Pocahontas coal Borneo coal Labuan coal Bituminous coal Cardiff coal.... Borneo coal Australian coal Welsh coal Australian coal Japanese coal . . Oil fuel Japanese coal.. Welsh coal Indian coal Australian coal . . Labuan coal.. Natal coal Ombllirj coal. Patent fuel... 9,000 8,000 80,000 3,000 20,000 40,500 2,000 60,000 18,000 tons.... 7,000 to 8,000 tons. 6,000 tons 70,000 tons.... 3,000 tons 20,000 tons.... 100,000 tons... 15,000 tons.... 150,000 tons... 2,000 tons 500 6, 000 ! 6,000 tons 5,000 1,200 2,000 300 2,000 tons 500 to 1,000 tons. 1,200 tons 2,000 tons 200 to 400 tons Ample supply. Largesupply(U. S. Gov't.) I Ample. Small supply. 2,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 6,178 11,131 9,525 2,000 tons.. 2, 000 tons. 3,000 tons.. 2,000 tons., 2,000 tons., 6,000 tons. 10,000 tons 8,500 tons. 3,000 tons. 130,000 tons of all kinds... Yen 7. 50 $8.50 $5.00 $9.00 $11.25 per ton.. 2 miles . imile. $5. 25 U. S. $6.00 to $6.50 U.S. gold. $4.00 $2.50 $6.00 $10.00 $9.10 $5.50 $10.00 $6.75 $5.75 $6.00 100 yds. from river. Short. 300 yds. to 2 miles. At wharves. $4.27 $7.00 850 ft. Near Gov't wharf. $6.80 to $10. 00 $6.40 $8.00 $10.00 at wharf.. $6.80 at wharf . . $6.50 at wharf . . $9.65 per ton at wharf. $10.00 to $12.50 Straits. Close by. Imile. 50 yds. to 1 mile. 1 mile. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 49 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vcinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Lighters of 6 to 15 tons ca- pacity. Coolies; baskets; 8 to 10 tons per hatch per hour. Japanese Keelung mines Nagasaki, Shanghai, Amoy, Hongkong. 35,000 tons annually; deal- ers numerous and unre- liable. Lighters; 75 tons each; slow. At wharf or from tank lighters. British, 150,000 tons. Nagasaki, Shanghai, Manila, Singapore. Annual receipts: 65,000 tons Cardiff, 65,000 Australian, 782,000 Japanese, 20,000 patent fuel, 12,000 tons oil fuel from Sumatra; 12 coal dealers; oil in the hands c f importers. Junks of 30 to 40 tons ca- pacity; 200 to 300 tons a day. .....do See Hongkong. Coal under cover. Alongside of wharf; 500 to 600 tons per working day. French at Port Courbet (Hai- fong). Extensive Hongkong, Saigon, Manila. Lighters, at cost of , 60c. per ton. French; 20,000 tons capac- ity. AtHongay Hongkong, Bangkok, Manila. Generally not under cover; poor quality; 6 dealers. At wharves, or by lighters of 15 tons. Coolies with baskets; 50 tons a day for each gang. None Hongkong, Manila, Saigon, Singapore. Partly under cover; coal can be had from any of the shipping firms. U.S.atCavite. Deposits un- developed. Nagasaki, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, Batavia. U.S Manila, Singapore. At wharf; 44 tons an hour . Output 1,000 to 1,500 tons per week. Hongkong, Manila, Singapore, Batavia. Coal suitable for steam- raising purposes. Isabella, Manila, Singapore. are developing coal fields and laying a railway from there to Sandakan. Lighters of 100 to 150 tons each, at a cost of $1.00 per ton. Macassar, Surabaya, Batavia, Singapore. 5,000 tons annually from England, Australia, and Borneo; not under cover. Netherlands: 6,000 tons Cardiff, 5,000 tons Ombilin. do As for Sam- arang. Partly under cover; 3 dealers. At wharf; baskets; by lighters when at buoys or at anchor outside; lighterage 40c. per ton at buoys; 80c. per ton out- side; 75 tons per hour; oil fuel, 50 tons per hour. None do Manila, Singapore, Penang, Surabaya. Receipts 3,000 tons per month; partly under cover; 4 dealers. At wharves; coolies; bas- kets; rapid; lighters of 20 to 75 tons each. British do Hongkong, Manila, Surabaya, Batavia, Penang. Mostly under cover; 10 dealers; oil fuel station, Shell Transport and Trad- ing Co. 652—09 50 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Asiatic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Penang, Straits Settlements. Nov., 1908. Indian coal Australian coal.. 22,000 12,500 13,000 tons 5,800 tons $10.00 to $11.00 Straits. $10.00 to $12.00 \ mile to 2 miles. Japanese coal . . . Borneo coal Liquid fuel 1,000 2,000 2,000 tons.. 1,000 tons 2,000 tons 2,000 tons $10.00 Straits. $9.50 Straits. $10.25 per ton 1 J miles Straits. Sabang, Pulo Weh, Sumatra. May, 1905. Admiralty Welsh coal. $8.15 trimmed.. 50 to 150 yards Port Emma, Sumatra. 1902 Ombilincoal Larg( 3 supply. $5.00, stowed At wharf Padang, Sumatra. . Nov., 1908. do 5,000 3,000 tons $5.40, stowed 600 yards Port Blair, 1904 Cardiff coal Not less than 500 tons. Andaman Is. 1900 22,000 tons. . . British Burmah. Rangoon, British Burmah. Nov., 1908. Bengal coal Oil fuel 48,000 All reserv 45,000 tons.... 3d for British $4.90 \ mile to 4 miles. No particulars obtainable. Chittagong, India. . Nov., 1908. India coal N Quantit avy. y uncertain. $3.75 to $4.50 \ mile Calcutta, India Oct., 1908. Bengal coal Large supply. $2.00 to $2.50 33.50 f.o.b. 100 to 1,000 yards. Madras, India Oct., 1908. do 7,000 4,000 to 5,000 tons. $6.00, trimmed. 600 yards Point de Galle, 1900 Welsh coal $6.57, alongside . 1 mile Ceylon. Colombo, Ceylon. . Oct., 1908. Ad m i r al t y Welsh coal. Bengal coal Australian coal.. Fuel oil 24,500 38,140 1,200 2,100 25,000 tons.... 40,000 tons 1,500 tons 3,000 tons $9.60 to $10.60 $6.00 17.10 $10. 21 do Bombay, India Dee., 1908. Indian coal 40,000 25,000 tons 5,000 tons 10,000 tons.... 5,000 tons $4.38 on wharf. . $5. 52 on wharf. . $6.00 on wharf. . $4.95 on wharf.. 33 c. per ton extra lor light- erage. 1 mile Welsh coal Australian coal.. 5,000 5,000 Karachi, India Oct., 1908. A d m i r a 1 1 y Welsh coal. Natal coal North Wales coal " ii 3,500 5,000 1.000 10,000 7,000 tons 25,000 tons 4,000 tons 00,000 tons.... $8.25 $7.25 $6. 75 $5.25 From \ milo to 2 miles. Maskat, Oman, Arabia. Nov.. 1908. Welsh coal 800 to 900 1,700 to 2,000 tons FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usuat supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 51 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Lighters of 50 to 75 tons each; 300 to 500 tons daily; prices include trimming in bunkers in- side harbor limits. Piped to pier; 200 tons per hour. Singapore, Sabang, Point deGalla, Rangoon. 8 dealers; oil fuel station, Shell Transport and Trading Co. At wharf; 50 to 80 tons per hour. do Ombilin Penang, Port Emma. Sabang Bay Harbor and Coal Co. (Ltd.) At wharf for vessels draw- ing less than 22 ft. ; rapid . Netherlands... Lounte mines, O m.b i 1 i n River. Sabang, Padang, Batavia. At wharf from cars of 10 tons capacity; also by lighters of 75 to 150 tons each; 100 tons per hour. Net herlands; 9,000 tons. Ombilin Mines. Batavia, Colombo. No dealers; Netherlands India govt, sells direct to consumers. Lighters; liable to inter- ruption. British None Singapore, Penang, Rangoon, Colombo. Coal is for British naval vessels; other vessels can not depend upon obtain- ing more than a small quantity. Lighters; 300 tons per day at moorings off the town; 22 ft. water. None do Penang, Port Blair, Rangoon. Lighters of 50 to 200 tons each; 25 c. per ton for de- livery. do do Penang, Port Blair, Moulmein, Colombo. Coal under cover; 4 dealers. Lighters; 45 to 50 tons each. do do Penang, Calcutta, Colombo. Coal is not stored here in large quantities, but is brought down from Assam and Calcutta as required. At wharf or by lighters; rapid. do........ 150 miles dis- tant. Penang, Rangoon, Port Blair, Chittagong; Madras. Oilfuelstation,ShellTrans- port and Trading Co. Small lighters; very slow . . do Singapore, Penang, Point de Galle, Colombo. Open storage; oil fuel sta- tion, Shell Transport and Trading Co. Lighters; coal in bags; rapid. Ground swell from S. W. do do Singapore, Padang, Colombo, Bombay. Lighters and barges along- side; coal, 60 tons per hour; oil, 80 tons per hour. do do Singapore, Penang, Bombay, Mauritius. Mostly undercover; oilfuel station, Shell Transport and Trading Co. Lighters of 50 to 250 tons capacity, 900 tons in 24 hours. British; 10,000 tons. do Colombo, Karachi, Aden. Open storage; 17 dealers; oil fuel station, Shell Trans- port and Trading Co. Lighters of 25 to 100 tons capacity, 800 tons a day. None do..'. Colombo, Bombay, Aden. Kept under cover; 5 dealers; oil fuel, station, Shell Transport and Trading Co. British, French. do Bombay, Karachi, Aden. All coal belongs to British and French govts. 52 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Asiatic Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Aden, Arabia Perim Id., Oct., 1908. Jan., 1904. Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Bengal coal Welsh coal Cardiff coal Oil fuel 33,500 9,000 12,000 3,800 2,500 60,000 tons 6,000 tons $6.00 to $12. 50 $7. 92 f. o. b. $9.50 $13.75 per ton... fmile Close to water front. At quay Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb. Suez, Egypt 5,000 tons 3,500 tons Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Stromness, Apr., 1904 English coal Scotch coal 50 of each . . 50 tons $5. 00 to $5. 75 Orkney Is. Inverness, Sept., 1908 Scotch coal 1,000 1,000 tons $4. 50 to $5. 50 Scotland. Peterhead, Apr., 1904 Scotch coal 500 of each. 500 tons $3. 75 to $5. 40 At wharves... Aberdeen, Scotland. Sept., 1908 Scotch coal 6,500 5,800 tons $4. 00 to $5. 00 imile Montrose, Scotland. Feb., 1904 English coal Scotch coal \ Receipts 4 / ni ),000 tons an-f lally. \ $4. 00 to $5. 00 Arbroath, Feb., 1904 Scotch coal English coal 600 300 500 tons $5.50 Scotland. Dundee, Scotland. Sept., 1908 Scotch coal English coal \ Large supply by rail, 11 I day's notice. \ $3.00 to $3.75 trimmed. At dock Kirkcaldy and 1901 Scotch coal $2.19 f. o. b. in docks; stowage, 16c. Burntisland, Scotland. Alloa, Grangemouth, and Bo'ness, Scotland. Sept., 1908 do Large sup IK ply at short )tice. $2.91 to $7.30 f. o. b. At docks Gran ton, Scotland. Bent., ifde do do. $2.91 to $7.30 f. o. b. 1J miles Lelth, Scotland.... Sept., 1908 do do. $2.91 to $7.30 f. o. b. 1J miles Blyth, England... Oct., 1908. Northumbrian coal. Large supply. $2.19 to $2.43 f.o.b. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 53 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Lighters; coal in bags, 600 tons per day. Colombo, Bombay, Mauritius, Zanzibar, Perim, Suez. See Aden Aden, Perim, Port Said, Alexandria, Malta. Open storage; 4 dealers. 10,000 tons in sheds. do do At quay or by lighters of 40 to 100 tons each. Pumped into vessel at quay; 100 tons per hour. do do Coal kept in the open; 4 dealers; 1 oil dealer. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. Stornoway, Lerwick, Aberdeen. 3 hulks at Longhope, 17 miles distant, have a sup- ply of steam coal. At wharf, or at anchorage; coal in bags, 140 lbs. each; 20 tons per hour. do do Stornoway, Stromness, Aberdeen. Annual receipts 80,000 tons. At wharf; carts of 2 and 2 \ tons each; coal in bags; slow. do . ...do Inverness, Aberdeen, Dundee. Annual receipts 27,300 tons; coal under cover; 4 deal- ers. In Victoria docks; rapid; or by lighters at anchor- age; coal in bags; 30 tons an hour. do Fife coal fields, 120 miles dis- tant. Inverness, Montrose, Dundee, Leith. Annual receipts 1,150,000 tons; kept under cover; numerous dealers. do do Aberdeen , Dundee. Partly under cover. do do Aberdeen, Dundee. At dock; hydraulic cranes. do Fife coal fields, 30 miles. Aberdeen, Montrose, Leith, Newcastle. At coal staithes in Burnt Island docks; very rapid; or at anchorage by lighters. do Fifeshire, 8 to 25 miles dis- tant. Dundee, Grangemouth, Leith, Newcastle. At docks; hydraulic cranes; rapid. do Stirling, Clack- mannan, and West Lothian. Dundee, Burnt Island, Granton, Leith, Newcastle. and chutes; lighters of 700 tons each. British, 1,000 tons Welsh. Midlothian, ex- tensive. See Leith Numerous dealers. At wharf; hydraulic cranes; lighters of 700 tons each. Extensive Dundee, Burnt Island, Grangemouth, Newcastle. Do. At coal staithes; 29 ft. at H. W.; 14 ft. at L. W.; very rapid. do Extensive, 4 miles distant. Leith, N. Shields, S. Shields, Newcastle, Sunderland. 54 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIKING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date, of fuel hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. North and South Shields. Newcastle-on- Tyne, England. Seaham, England. Sunderland, England. Hartlepool, West Hartlepool, and Mid dies - borough, England. Hull, England. Goole, England.... Grimsby, England. Boston, England.. King's Lynn, England. Oct. Oct., 1908. Oct. Oct., 1908. Oct., 1908. Oct., 1908. Oct. 1908: Oct. WestHartley coal. Durham coal. Large supply. 1901 Northumb r i a n coal. Durham coal Texas oil fuel Durham coal ..do ....do Yorkshire coal . do Derbyshire coal. Yorkshire coal... Derbyshire coal. Yorkshire coal... Not t i n g h a m - shire coal. $2.19 to S2.43 f. o. b. in dock; lighters 12 c. extra. do. 3,000 $2. 62 to $3. 04 2,000 to 5,000 tons. Large supply. do. do. Unlimited supply. Large supply. do. 815. 82 to $20. 69 $3.41 $3.41 $2. 43 to $2. 92 Cost of trim- ming, 2c. to 9c. per ton. $1.44 to $3. $2. 40 to $3. 60 $3. 00 to $3. 36 300 yds. to 4 miles. Large supply available. Yarmouth E'ngland. Harwich and Ipswich, England. Tilbury, England. Gravesend and Northfleet, England. London, England. 1904 loor, Oct., 1 Ampl 3 supply. $5. 00 to $6. 00 Close at hand. Haugesund, Norway. Sept., 1908. Steam coal 3,500 3,000 tons $5.00 Stavanger, Norway Sept., 1908. Newcastle coal . . 2,000 2,000 tons $5.00 Egersund, Norway Apr., 1904. Steam coal 100 100 tons $6. 16 f. o. b. At wharf Christiansand, Norway. Sept., 1908. Newcastle coal.. Scotch coal 600 1,500 |2,000tons...{ $4.95 $4.80 500 yards Christiania, Norway. Sept., 1908. English and Scotch coal. 20,000 20,000 tons $5. 35 f. o. b. Close to wharf Frederikshaven, Denmark. Sept., 1908. Northumberland coal. 2,500 2,000 tons $5.25 Close by Uddevalla, Sweden. Oct., 1908. English coal Scotch coal Welsh coal I 8,000 6,000 tons $4. 82 to $5. 10 At wharf Gothenborg. Sweden. Oct., 1908. English coal Scotch coal \ 20,000 20,000 tons.... $4. 14 to $5. 10 Varberg, Sweden.. Oct., 1908. Welsh coal English coal Scotch coal Welsh coal J I 2,000 2,500 tons $4.60 to $4.85 in yard. Il:ilnistad, Sweden. Oct., 1908. Steam coal 3,200 2,100 tons $5. 00 to $5. 25 Close to wharf. Helslngborg, Oct., 1908. do Amp e supply. $4. 86 to $10. 72 lnjile FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 61 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. At wharf or by lighters. . . Lighters of 30 tons each . Lighters , Lighters of 50 to 80 tons each. Lighters. Lighters; 60 to 100 tons each; rapid. At wharf; 300 tons per day At wharf; 400 tons daily. At wharf; carts. Lighters; 300 tons daily. Lighters at 30 to 80 tons each; rapid. At quay; 25 tons per hour. Government coaling stations in vicinity. None. .do. .do. None. Gravdal; 2,000 tons. None. .do. .do. Marviken: 1,500 tons. At dockyard; 1,600 tons. Horten. None... At wharf; slow do At wharf or by lighters of 50 to 60 tons each; mod- erately rapid. At wharf; baskets or wheelbarrows. Lighters in outer harbor; 200 tons per day of 12 hours. At wharf or by lighters of 100 tons each; 10 tons per hour. At wharf, 19 to 21 ft. water, baskets; lighters of 300 to 500 tons each; 20 to 50 tons per hour. ..do. .do... Coal mining in vicinity. None. ....do. For railways. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). .do. .do ..do Hoganas, Bjuf, Billesholm, Hy Hinge. Tromsoe, Trondhjem. Hammer f est, Trondhjem, Bodo. Tromsoe, Trondhjem, Christiansand. Tromsoe, Bodo, Christiansand, Trondhjem, Bergen. Trondhjem, Christiansand, Haugesund, Stavanger. Bergen, Stavanger, Christiansand. Haugesund, Egersund, Christiansand. Stavanger, Christiansand. Stavanger, Egersund, Christiania, Gothenburg. See Christiania Christiansand, Gothenburg. See Gothen burg. Christiania, Gothenburg. Christiania, Frederikshavn, TIelsingborg, Helsing0r, Copenhagen. See Gothen- burg. ....do See Copenha- gen. Remarks. Kept under cover; 10 deal- ers. 40,000 tons imported an- nually; kept in sheds; 10 dealers. Kept in sheds and lighters. Under cover; several deal- ers. 23,712 tons imported in 1907; under cover; 5 dealers. 67,775 tons imported in 1907; mostly under cover. 10,000 tons annually; coal under cover. 70,000 tons annually; coal under cover; 2 dealers. 800,000 tons annually; partly under cover; sev- eral dealers. 3,000 tons annually; not under cover; 2 dealers. 4 dealers. Partly under cover; 4 deal- ers. 62 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. • Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Elsinore, Denmark. Sept., 1908. English coal 5,000 6,000 tons $4. 00 to $4. 50 At wharf Landskrona, Sweden. Oct., 1908. do 15,000 15,000 tons.... $4. 38 to $5. 00 do Copenhagen, Denmark. Sept., 1908. Newcastle coal . . Scotch coal } 5,500 5,000 to 8,000J tons. $4.50 f. o. b. at wharf. $4.38 f. o. b. at wharf. do Malmo, Sweden... Oct., 1908. Newcastle coal . . Scotch coal Anthracite coal.. I 30,000 30,000 tons.. J $5. 25 to $6. 00 Anthracite, $11.40 do Trelleborg, Sweden. Oct., 1908. Scotch coal English coal Welsh coal Anthracite coal.. 1 4,000 4,000 tons $4. 70 to $5. 00 Close to wharf. Ystad, Sweden Oct., 1908. Scotch coal English coal Welsh coal 1 4,000 5,000 tons $5. 10 to $5. 65 Near wharf... Karlskrona, Sweden. Oct., 1908. Scotch coal English coal Welsh coal 1 1,500 j" to 2,000 2,000 tons $4. 60 to $5. 10 do Stockholm, 1905 British coal 60,000 tons ni imported an- lally. $4.29 to $6.35 trimmed. Sweden. Sundsvall, Sweden Mar., 1904. English coal 2,000 2,000 tons $4.25 to $4.50 Wasa, or Nikolaistad, Russia. Feb., 1904. Newcastle coal . . 2,000 2,000 tons $7.50 trimmed 2 to 3 miles. . . Bjorneborg, Russia. Feb., 1904. do 200 200 tons $5.35 At wharf Abo, Russia Mar., 1904. British coal 250 900 tons $4.40 to $6.75 Helsingfors and Sveaborg, Russia. Mar., 1904. Newcastle coal . . (5,000 15,000 tons re- ceived an- nually. $5.00 Near by Cronstadt, Russia. Sept., 1908. do 1,600 4,000 $6.00 alongside; $6.75 stowed in bunkers. 1 mile St. Petersburg, Russia. Apr., 1904. do Cardiff coal (Small sup- \ Ply in [ summer. 167,000 tons in winter. $5.00 In hulks Reval, Russia Oct., 1908. English coal Oil fuel 2,500 2,500 2,500 tons 2,000 tons $5.65 $0.77 per pood. Jmile FACILITIES OF THE POETS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 63 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. At wharf; tubs and bas- kets; 24 tons per hour. At wharf; 15 tons per hour. Vessels drawing less than 20 ft., at wharf; larger vessels by lighters at anchorage; lighterage 12 c. per ton. At wharf, 17 ft. water; in roadstead by lighters of 60 to 80 tons each; 15 tons an hour; coaling carried on day and night. At wharf; wheelbarrows; 10 tons per hour. At wharf; 18 ft. water; 150 to 300 tons a day of 12 hours. At wharf for vessels of less than 16 ft. draft; larger vessels by light- ers; 100 tons an hour. Lighters; rapid. At wharf or by lighters. At wharf; 14 ft. water; very slow. At wharf. At wharf or by lighters; 3 lighters of 150 tons each. At wharf or anchorage; lighters of 180 tons each; 100 to 150 tons a day. Lighters; 60 tons per day per lighter. Lighters; 800 tons each. Lighters; harbor available for vessels of 22 ft. draft. Government coaling stations in vicinity. None. ...do. Danish; small supply of Welsh coal. Swedish, for railways, 10,000 tons. Karlskrona. .do. Swedish; 20,000 tons. Swedish. Russian, for pilot and cus- toms steam- ers. None Russian; 6,000 tons. Russian; 50,000 tons. Russian tor- pedo-boat station. Coal mining in vicinity. None 19 miles dis- tant. None. 50 miles dis- tant. See Helsing- borg. ....do. None. .do. .do. do... .do. ....do. do ..do. .do. do Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Christiania, Gothenborg Helsingborg. Landskrona, Copenhagen. See Helsing0r. Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Landskrona, Malmo, Kiel. See Copenhj gen. Copenhagen, Malmo , Ystad. Copenhagen, Trelleborg, Karlskrona. Malmo, Trelleborg, Stockholm. Karlskrona, Sundsvall, Reval, Hclsingfors. Stockholm, Abo, Reval. Sundsvall, Bjorneborg, Abo. Wasa, Abo, Helsingfors. Stockholm, Helsingfors, Cronstadt. Stockholm, Abo, Cronstadt, Reval. Stockholm, Helsingfors, St. Petersburg, Reval, Riga. See Cronstadt. Cronstadt, Helsingfors, Stockholm, Riga. Remarks. 30,000 tons annually; stored in the open; 5 dealers. 90,000 tons annually; partly under cover; 5 dealers. 90,000 tons annually; open storage; 4 dealers. Open storage; 8 dealers. Open storage; 3 dealers. 50 per cent under cover; 4 dealers. Mostly open storage; 4 lv ( ilers. Open storage; 1 dealer. 1 dealer. All open storage except 1,000 tons in hulk; 4 dealers. 1 dealer. 10 dealers. 64 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Riga, Russia Oct., 1908. Bituminous coal. 5,000 4,000 tons $4. 65 to $4. 95 At wharf Libau, Russia Sept., 1908. English coal 3,500 4,000 tons $5.00 do Memel, Germany. . Oct., 1908. British coal 3,000 3,000 tons $4.75 to $5.50 do Pillau and Konigsberg, Germany. Mar., 1904. Oct., 1908. . . .do Scotch coal Silesia coal Newcastle coal . . Scotch coal Silesia coal } 10,000 500 2,500 8,000 200 10,000 tons.... 1,000 tons 3,000 tons 10,000 tons.... f $4.50 $5.38 $6.00 $4.50 to $5.00 On wharf Dantzig, Germany. Oct., 1908. Silesia coal Scotch coal Briquett fuel 300,000 ton ceived. 400,000 ton ceived. 3,000 s annually re- i annually re- 4,000 tons $6.00 $4.50 $5.80 In hulks Swinemunde, Germany. Oct., 1908. English coal 1,200 3,000 tons $4.25 On wharf Stettin, Germany . . Nov., 1908. Newcastle coal . . Cardiff coal Silesia coal \ 100,000 55,000 tons $5.50 to $5.70 Near wharf. . . Rostock, Germany. Sept., 1908. English coal Scotch coal } 6,800 6,, 500 tons.... | $5. 00 to $5. 25 $4. 25 to $4. 75 On wharf Lubeck, Germany. Oct., 1908. West Hartley coal. Scotch coal 7,000 8,000 15,000 tons.... 15,000 tons.... $4.75 $4.40 At wharf Kiel, Germany Sept., 1908. do English coal Cardiff coal 1,500 700 600 1,500 tons 700 tons.'. 400 tons $5.00 $5. 40 $8.60 300 yds. from wharf. Flensburg, Germany. Sept., 1908. Westphalian coal Scotch coal 600 1,400 600 tons 2,000 tons $5.75 $4. 30 to $4. 55 Near wharf. . . Nyborg, Denmark. June, 1904. do Newcastle coal . . Br idleness coal.. Lynn coal 2,000 800 300 400 1,000 10,000 tons.... 1,000 tons 1,200 tons.... 100 tons 12,000 tons... $4.50 $5. 50 $6.00 $6.00 Close to wharf. Korsor, Denmark.. June, 1904. Scotch coal Newcastle coal . . } 5,500 5,500 tons $4.82 Close to (|iiav. 18 to 21 ft. water. June, 1904. Scotch coal Newcastle coal Welsh coal 11,500 1,500 500 7,000 tons 1.500 tons 500 tons $4.55 $4.55 18. n Cuxhaven, Germany. Oct., 1908. Westphalian coal English coal 2,000 700 25,000 tons.... 3,000 tons $5.35 $5.00 Near wharf. . . BrunsbUttel. German jr Sept., 1908. .do Scotch coal Germaaeoal I 3,500 3,500 tons $4.65 At wharf or in hulks. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 65 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf, or by lighters of 100 tons each; 400 tons a day. Reval, Libau, Karlskrona. Open storage; poor quality. do do Riga, Dantzig. Open storage; 4 dealers. At wharf; coal in bags; 50 to 100 tons per hour. do do LAbau, Dantzig. Do. At wharf, or at anchorage by lighters of 150 to 200 tons each. German at Pillau, 0,000 tons. do Libau, Dantzig, Karlskrona, Stettin. Partly under cover- 16 dealers. Lighters of 200 to 500 tons each; 400 to 500 tons per day. Silesia Libau, Pillau, Stettin, Malmo, Copenhagen. 12 dealers. At wharf, and by lighters at anchorage. Pillau, Dantzig, Stettin, Karlskrona, Liibeck. 200,000 tons annually; 3 dealers. At wharf, 300 tons a day; or by lighters, 500 tons a day. German, for state rail- ways. do See Swine- miinde. 1,000,000 tons received an- nually; 4 dealers. At wharf; baskets; 250 tons a day. do Swinemiinde, Liibeck, Kiel. 160,000 tons annually; open storage; 10 dealers. Lighters of 100 to 200 tons each; 1 ,000 tons can be de- livered In one day to one vessel. do do Dantzig, Rostok, Kiel, Copenhagen. 200,000 tons annually; kept under cover; 3 dealers. At wharf, 10 tons an hour; lighters of 100 to 200 tons each, and of about 1,000 tons total capacity are available. German; 20,000 tons. do Flensburg, Lubeck , Swinemiinde. Cardiff coal under cover. At wharf; lighters with a total capacity of 800 to 900 tons are available. None do Lubeck, Kiel, Copenhagen. 180,000 tons annually; open storage; 4 dealers, only one of whom has lighters. At wharf ; carts; baskets.. Danish for rail- ways; 4,000 tons. do Flensburg, Copenhagen. At quay; baskets and tubs; rapid. Danish for rail- ways. do Flensburg, Nyborg, Copenhagen. 90,000 tons annually; open storage; 2 dealers. At wharf; carts; 20c. a ton for delivery alongside. None do Nyborg, Korsor, Copenhagen. Gothenburg. Partly under cover; 5 deal- ers. At wharf, cars; at anchor- age, lighters of 100 to 450 tons each; 6 to 7 tons per hour delivered alongside. do do Hamburg, Bremerhaven. Amsterdam. Antwerp, Southampton. Kept under cover; 3 deal- ers. Alongside wharf or hulks. . German; 10,000 tons coal, 500 tons bri- quettes, 800 tons oil fuel. do Cuxhaven, Hamburg, 800 tons in hulk, the rest in open storage. 652—09 5 66 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Hamburg, Germany. Bremerhaven, Germany. Nordenham, Germany. Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Emden, Germany. Amsterdam, Holland. Rotterdam, Holland. Flushing, Holland Antwerp, Belgium Ostend, Belgium. Date Sept. 1908. Sept., Sept. Apr. 1904. Nov., 1908, Oct., 1908. Mar. 1904. Nov. 1908. Mar., 190 J. •Dunkirk, France.. Sept., Calais, France Sept.. Boulogne, France.. Oct., Briquettes. 11908. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Durham coal Northumbr i a n coal. Scotch coal Westphalian coal German coal Patent fuel British coal. Westphalian coal .do do Newcastle coal. . . 12,000 in hulk. 9,500 in yards. 5,000 in trucks. 3,000 in hulk. 500 in yards. Westphalian pat- ent fuel. Westphalian coal Cardiff coal 150 150 Belgian coal . Westphalian coal Newcastle coal... 1,000 Average supply during year. 10,000 tons. 20,000 tons. 5,000 tons.. 20,000 tons.. Large supply available. 1,500,000 tons annually. 100 tons. 300 tons. Unlimited supply with 24 hours' notice. Newcastle coal. Belgian coal . . . French coal French patent fuel. Uii.uminouscoal. Patent fuel 1.000 1,500 1,500 300 1,600 500 1,000 tons. 1,000 tons. Cost per ton or barrel at date. $3.90 to $4.15 f. o. b. $3.80 $3.80 $4.30 f. o. b. $3.65 f. o. b. ex lighters, 10 days' notice; $3.80 ex coal tip, 4 days' notice. Lots above 200 tons as per special arrangement. $4.40 to $5.20 $3.85 $4.00 $6.50 1.500 tons. 2,000 tons. 2,000 tons. 500 tons.. 2,000 tons. Small quantity for local use. $3.89 to $4.62 f. o. 1)., and trimmed. $3.86 15. 25 16.00 $5.00 to $6.00, trimmed. $7.00, trimmed. Distance from coal pile to ship. In lighters. Near by. 100 yards. Close to whar .do In barges and at wharves. Near by and in lighters. At wharf. At the quay FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 67 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Lighters; 200 tons per gang per day of 12 hours. Brunsbiittcl, Hoesen a u, Wilhelmsha- ven. Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Southampton. 25 dealers. At wharves in docks, or at anchorage by lighters of 200 to 500 tons each. W i 1 h elmsha- ven. do Hamburg, Cuxhaven, Wilhelmshaven, Amsterdam, Antwerp. 50,000 tons annually, prin- cipally German coal; kept under cover and in hulks; 12 dealers. At wharf; electric cranes; 180 tons per crane per day of 12 hours. None do See Bremerha- ven. 30,000 tons annually; open storage; 1 dealer. German do do 1 At wharf, or by lighters of 700 tons each; floating cranes; rapid. ....do... . Cuxhaven, Amsterdam. At wharf, steam cranes; or from lighters of 100 tons tons each. do do Bremerhaven. Emden, Rotterdam, Flushing, Antwerp, Southampton. 5,500,000 tons per annum; small stock kept on hand; received from mines at short notice. Floating elevators of 600 tons each; can deliver in bunkers 7 tons per min- ute. do do See Amster- dam. 1 dealer. At wharf; baskets; rapid.. N e t h e rlands (contract). do... Rotterdam, Antwerp, Dunkirk, Southampton. At quays or by lighters, coal in bags; good facili- ties; rapid. None Extensive, 70 miles distant. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Flushing, Southampton, Havre. 26 dealers. In docks, 18 ft. water, or by lighters; rapid. Belgian; 1,200 tons patent fuel. Antwerp, Dunkirk, Calais. At wharf or by lighters of 300 tons' capacity; float- ing cranes; 200 tons daily. French Extensive in Pas de Calais and Depart- ment of the Nord. Antwerp, Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe, Havre 5 dealers. At wharf or by lighters. . . French, for tor- pedo boats. Pasde Calais.. Antwerp, Dunkirk, Boulogne, Dieppe, Havre, Southampton. 300,000 tons from England and 25,000 tons from Pas de Calais; open storage; 3 dealers. No coaling facilities See Calais 68 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. 1 Kinds of fuel ; on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Dieppe, France Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Newcastle coal... Scotch coal 8,000 1,000 4,000 8,000 tons 1,000 tons 4,000 tons $4. 34 $4.10 $4.22 $4.83 $6.00 500 yards Anthracite 2,000 2,000 tons Fecamp, France... Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... 2,000 500 2,000 tons 500 tons $5.60 $4.63 150 yards Havre, France Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal. . Briquettes 2,500 3,500 2,500 2,500 tons 3,500 tons 2,500 tons $4.82 to $6.35 $4.82 to $6.35 $4.82 to $6.35 On quays Rouen, France Oct., 1908. Newcastle and Scotch coal. Cardiff and Ad- miralty Welsh coal. 10,000 10,000 tons.... $4.80 Near qua ys... 30,000 30,000 tons $5.40 Honfleur, France . . Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... Scotch coal Briquettes 1,800 600 400 200 2,000 tons 1,000 tons 500 tons 250 tons $4.80 $4.60 $4.65 $4.82 50 yards Trouville, France. . Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... Scotch coal Briquettes 1,500 500 200 500 2,000 tons 500 tons 200 tons 500 tons $4.85 Close to quay. $4.65 $4.65 : $4.90 Caen, France Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... Scotch coal Briquettes 2,000 1,000 500 1,000 2,500 tons 1,000 tons 500 tons 1,000 tons $4.82 to $6.50 $4.82 to $6.50 $4.82 to $6.50 $4.82 to $6.50 100 yards Cherbourg, France. Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastlecoal... Scotch coal Briquettes 400 500 500 200 i2,000tons.. J $4.90 $4.65 $4.65 $4.50 2 miles St. Helier, Feb., ! Welsh coal ....... 100 100 tons $7.00 Jersey, Channel Is. 1904. Granville, France.. Apr., 1904. Cardiff coal Newcastlecoal... 500 500 500 tons 500 tons $5.79 $4.65 Close to dock . St. Malo and St. Servan, France. Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastlecoal... Briquettes 500 5,000 500 500 tons 5,000 tons 500 tons $5.05 $4.80 $5.00 (Mose to quay. Brest, France Mar., 1904. British coal Briquettes 15,000 2,000 12,000 tons 2,000 tons $3.90 to $4.90 $4.90 At wharf L'Orient, France. . Apr., 1904. British coal 43,000 tons 1903 foi imported in ■ local use. $6.00 to $7.00 St. Nazaire, France Mar., 1904. Patent fuel Steam coal 30,000 30,000 20,000 tons.... 20,000 tons $6. 00 $7.00 100 yards Nantes, France Mar., 1904. Patent fuel Steam coal 30,000 22,000 15,000 tons.... 18,000 tons.... $6.00 $7.00 50 yards | FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 69 Station ports, together with the, usual supply on hand, cost, etc.— Continued. Manner of coaling; rapid or slow. etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf ; 25 tons per hour. No lighters. None Calais, Newhaven, Fecamp, Havre, Southampton. 207,000 tons annuallv; open storage; 5 dealers. At wharf; carts; baskets; 200 tons a day. No lighters. do . .do Dieppe, Havre, Southampton. 35,000 tons annually from Cardiff, 25,000 from New- castle; open storage; 3 dealers. At quay; electric cranes; at anchorage, by lighters of 400 to 500 tons each; 300 tons a day. do do Antwerp, Dieppe, Honfleur, Trouville, Cherbourg. 934,000 tons annually; part- ly under cover; 16 dealers. At quay or by lighters of 350 to 600 tons each. do do Havre, Honfleur, Trouville, Cherbourg. 1,500,000 tons annually; mostly open storage; 12 dealers. At wharf; steam cranes; 20 tons an hour. do do See Havre 85,000 tons annually; partly under cover; 4 dealers. At quay; steam and hand cranes. do do do 85,000 tons annually; open storage; 2 dealers. At quay; no lighters; 240 tons a day; available for vessels not exceeding 1G ft. draft. do do Havre, Trouville, Cherbourg. 420,000 tons annually ; partly under cover; 4 dealers. Lighters of 60 to 100 tons each; 200 tons a day. French; 25,000 tons. do Havre, Southampton, Portland, Brest. 54,000 tons annually from England; 9 dealers. By lighters or at wharf, 14 ft. atL. W. Slow. do See Cherbourg. At wharves in docks do do Do. At wharf; steam cranes; 20 tons an hour; no lighters. French, for tor- pedo boats. do Plymouth, Portland, Cherbourg, Brest. 260,000 tons annually; kept under cover; 4 dealers. At wharf; 20c. per ton; 200 tons per day; or at anchorage by lighters of of 60 to 80 tons; 77c. per ton for delivery. French; 150,000 tons. do Southampton, Plymouth, L' Orient, Bordeaux. Annual receipts 60,000 tons; . open storage; 3 dealers. At wharf; steam cranes; 120 tons a day. French; 25,000 tons. do Brest, St. Nazaire, La Rochelle, Bordeaux. Military port. At wharf, cranes; or by lighters with floating cranes; rapid. do Brest, L' Orient, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux. Patent fuel manufactured at St. Nazaire with Brit- ish coal. At wharf and by lighters; floating cranes; rapid. do do See St. Nazaire Patent fuel manufactured at Nantes with British coal. 70 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. I,a Rochelle, Nov., 190S. Welsh coal Briquettes 25.000 5,000 25,000 tons.... $5. 80 to $S. 70 Slightly cheap- er than coal. On wharf Mar., 1904. Welsh coal 200,000 ton ni 5 received an- tally. Bordeaux and Pauillac, France. Oct., 1908. Scotch coal Welsh coal Welsh patent fuel. Welsh anthracite 6,000 4,000 2,000 6,000 tons 4,000 tons 2,000 tons S4.80 $5.80 $5.80 200 yards from quays. 2,000 2,000 tons 18.70 Bayonne, France .. Oct., 190S. Welsh coal Scotch coal Newcastle coal . . Welsh patent fuel. Welsh anthracite 2,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 tons 4,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons $5.80 $4.80 $5.00 $5. SO Near wharf. . . 500 500 tons $6.00 Bilbao, Spain Sept., 1908. Welsh coal English coal Native coal 3,500 4,000 1,000 3,500 tons 4000 tons 1,000 tons $6.25 $6.00 $5.75 2 miles Santander, Spain.. Sept., 1908. Bituminous coal. 4,000 5,000 tons $4.84 1 mile Gijon, Spain... Sept.. 1908. do 240,000 toi yeJ is received irly. 14.50 At wharf Ferrol, Spain Apr., 1904. Cardiff coal 1,000 tons.. 1,400 tons $6.50 600 to 1,000 ft.. Corunna, Spain Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal Asturian coal 2,500 1,000 1,500 tons 1,000 tons 15.75 15.25 Corcubion, Spain.. Mar., 1904. Cory's Merthyr coal. 2,500 4,000 tons $5.25 In hulks Vigo, Spain Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal 3,000 3,000 tons $5.65 do Oporto, Portugal.. Sept., 1908. British coal 1,700 20,000 tons.... $4.50 to $6.00 In lighters .. . Lisbon, Portugal... Oct., 1908. Welsh coal 8,000 30,000 tons.... 15.35 Close by Huelva, Spain Sept., 1908. do 3,000 20,000 tons 10.50 f. o. b. 400 yards FACILITIES OF TEE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 11 Station ports, together ivith the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At anchorage by lighters of 50 to 1,000 tons capac- ity. By giving notice in advance any amount of coal can be delivered alongside as fast as it can be taken. Rochefort; 30,- 000 tons.(?) St. Nazaire, Rochefort, Bordeaux, Bilbao, Ferrol. 300.000 tons received annu- ally from Wales; open storage; 3 dealers. French; very large supply. do Brest, St. Nazaire, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Corunna. 200,000 tons received annu- ally. At quay or by lighters; 30 to 40 tons an hour. None do St. Nazaire, La Rochelle, Bayonne, Bilbao, Ferrol. 1,346,000 tons received an- nually from England; open storage; 8 dealers. At wharf or by lighters; 20 to 30 tons an hour. do do La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Bilbao. All British coal; mostly open storage; 4 dealers. Lighters of 200 to 300 tons each. do do Bordeaux, Bayonne, Gijon, Ferrol. 65,000 tons annually from Great Britain; 8 dealers. At wharf, or by lighters of 50 to 150 tons each; slow. do In Asturias Bilboa, Gijon. 69,000 tons annually from England; 70,000 tons from Spanish ports; 3 dealers. Lighters and small steam- ers of 50 to 300 tons each . do do Bilbao, Ferrol, Corunna. No coal in stock in Sept. 1908, owing to lack of rail- way trucks; 4 dealers. Lighters; 30 to 50 tons each; 40 tons per hour. Spanish (con- tract). Bordeaux, Bilbao, Gijon, Corunna, Vigo. Under cover; 2 dealers. At anchorage by lighters of 20 f^o 35 tons each; 30 tons per hour. do Bilbao, ■. Gijon, Ferrol, Corcubion, Vigo. Undercover; 4 dealers. Alongside hulk; lighters also employed to insure dispatch in supplying large quantities; rapid. do do Corunna, Vigo. 10,000 tons received annu- ally; 1 dealer. Alongside hulk or by large lighters; rapid. do Ferrol, Corcubion, Oporto, Lisbon, Gibraltar. 20,000 tons annually; 3 deal- ers. Lighters of 30 to 400 tons each; also alongside hulk; 200 tons a day. do do See Vigo 10 dealers; stock often gets very low. At wharf or at anchorage; lighters of 100 to 150 tons each; rapid. Portuguese do Ferrol, Vigo, Oporto, Huelva, Cadiz, Gibraltar. 330,000 tons annually; most- ly under cover; 4 dealers; prices vary with rate of exchange. At wharf, or by lighters of 50 tons. ..do Open storage; 1 dealer. Cadiz, Gibraltar. 72 COALING, DOCKING, AND KEPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Seville, Spain Oct., 1908. Welsh coal 4,000 4,000 tons $6.68 i mile Cadiz, Spain Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Newport coal Scotch coal Spanish coal 4,500 750 750 3,500 4,000 tons 1,000 tons 700 tons 3,500 tons $8.00 $7.50 $6. 75 $7.50 In hulk and at wharf. Gibraltar Sept., 1908. Welsh coal Newcastle coal . . 15,000 2,000 20,000 tons.... 2,000 tons $7.35 $6.00 In hulks Malaga, Spain Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal. . . J- 5,000 5,000 tons $5.00 to $5.50 Near by Almeria, Spain Apr., 1904. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... 700 500 700 tons 500 tons $7.75 f. a. s. $7.50 f. a. s. £ mile Cartagena, Spain... Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... 3,000 8,000 3,000 tons 10,000 tons.... $8.00 $6.42 100 yards Alicante, Spain Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Welsh patentfuel 1,800 300 2,000 tons $8.00 to $8.70 $8.70 1 mile from Valencia, Spain Sept., 1908. Admiralty Welsh coal. Patentfuel 5, GOO 1,000 5,500 tons 1,000 tons. $7.50 on wharf; $8.00 alongside in lighters. On wharf and in hulk. Tarragona, Spain.. Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal 1,500 2,000 tons $7.35 £mile Barcelona, Spain.. Sept., 1908. do Anthracite coal. . 10,000 2,000 10.000 tons.... 2,000 tons $4.84 to $5.19 $6.06 to $6.92 do Palma, Majorca, Balearic Is. Sept., 1908. Welsh coal 800 900 tons $7.80 lmilo Port Mahon, Minorca, Balearic Is. Sept., 1908. do 2,200 2,200 tons $7.60; 37c. extra for delivery in bunkers. On wharf. Cette, France S-pt,., 1908. French coal Ample sum adi >ly if ordered in ance. $5.80 to $6.17 f. o. b. 2miles Marseilles, France. Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal . . Westphalian coal 40,000 2,000 7,000 30,000 tons.... 2,000 tons 7,000 tons $6.32 $5.83 $6.07 On wharf Toulon, France Sept., 1908. French Go' rernment stc ck only. Cannes, France Oct., 1908. Newcastle coal . . 7,500 5,000 tons $7.80 500 yards FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc.— Continued. 73 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf; baskets; 200 tons a day. Cadiz, Gibraltar. 95,000 tons annually; mostly under cover; 4 dealers. At wharf or by lighters of 30 to 120 tons each; 300 tons a day. Spanish; 4,000 tons. do Lisbon, Gibraltar, Malaga, Oran. 50,000 tons annually ; mostly open storage; 4 dealers. Alongside hulks, or by lighters at additional cost of 60 c. per ton; 80 tons an hour. British; 140,000 tons. do Lisbon, Cadiz, Fayal, Madeira, Malaga, Malta. At wharf, or by lighters. . . Belmez, Prov- ince of Cor- dova. Gibraltar. Almeria, Oran, Cartagena, Algiers. Lighters of 20 tons each; 500 tons in 24 hours. do Gibraltar, Malaga, Algiers. At wharf; small carts; 500 tons a day can be de- livered. do do Gibraltar, Malaga, Algiers, Alicante, Valencia, Barcelona. 125,000 tons annually; open storage; 1 large dealer, 5 small dealers. At wharf, or by lighters of 15 to 20 tons each; 150 tons a day. do do Algiers, Cartagena, Valencia. 6,000 tons annually from Wales; partly undercover; 3 dealers. At wharf, from hulk, or by lighters; 600 tons a day. do do Algiers, Cartagena, A licante, Port Mahon, Barcelona. 126,000 tons annually; open storage; 3 dealers. Lighters; 40c. per ton ad- ditional for coal in bun- kers. do do Valencia, Port Mahon, Barcelona. 60,000 tons annually; kept under cover; 4 dealers. Alongside hulks, or by lighters of 30 to 40 tons each; 400 to 600 tons a day. do do Algiers, Valencia, Port Mahon, Marseilles, Villefranche, Genoa. Annual receipts 50,000 tons for bunker purposes; 4,000 tons of Cardiff coal can be obtained from 2 hulks at any time, and this amount can be doubled by giving about two weeks' notice; 15 dealers. Lighters of 50 to 100 tons capacity, 300 tons daily. Port Mahon... do Valencia, Port Mahon, Barcelona. 35,000 tons annually; 1 dealer. Spanishr 2,500 tons. do Barcelona, Marseilles, Villefranche. 8,000 tons annually; kept under cover; 3 dealers. Lighters of CO tons each; delivery rapid if ordered 10 days in advance. French; small. Grande Combe, Carmaux Barcelona, Marseilles, Cannes. 3 dealers. At wharf and by lighters; 600 tons per day of 10 hours. French; 2,000 tons bri- quettes. SeeCette Algiers, Barcelona, Genoa, Leghorn, Naples. Not under cover; 6 dealers. Vessels coaling at Toulon must have coal brought in lighters from Marseilles. At wharf and by lighter. . Villefranche. . . Marseilles, Villefranche. 74 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. I Distance from coal pile to ship. Nice and Villefranche, France. Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal . . Anthracite coal. . Patent fuel 5,700 8,200 4,000 3,500 4,000 tons 6,500 tons 6,000 tons 4,000 tons $8.60 $7.80 $11.20 $9.00 3i miles Ajaccio, Corsica — May, 1904. Cardiff coal None for sale. $5.21 J mile Bastia, Corsica Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal Non( for sale. $5.21 imile Savona, Italy Oct., 1908. do 2,600 2,000 tons $6.00 to $6.50 Short Genoa, Italy Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Welsh anthr'te. . 97,740 8,400 100,000 tons... 8,400 tons $6.00 f. a. s. $8.20 to $8.78 f. a. s. $5.75 f. a. s. $4.50 to $5.20 do English coal Scotch coal Westphalian coal Cardiff coal New Pel ton coal. 32,100 26, 350 5,800 | Ampl 32,100 tons.... 26,350 tons.... 5,800 tons Spezia, Italy Oct., 1908. a supply. ($6.18 on railway 1 truck. 1 $4.82 on railway I truck. 1 mile Leghorn, Italy Oct., 1908. Patent fuel Cardiff coal English coal 500 600 500 tons 800 tons 900 tons 500 tons $6.50 f. a. s. $6.00 f. a. s. $5.00 f. a. s. $7.50 f. a. s. 1 to 3 miles... Anthracite coal.. 300 Sardinia. Cagliari, Sardinia. . Naples, Italy Nov., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal . . 30,000 10,000 30,000 tons.... 20,000 tons.... $6.00 to $6.25 $5.00 1,200 yards . . . Torre dell 'Annun- ziata, Italy. Mar.. 1904. Welsh coal Newcastle coal . . Patent fuel (Car- diff). 12,000 3,250 8,000 12,000 tons.... 3,250 tons 8,000 tons $5.00 $4.50 $5.50 100 yards Castellamare, Italy 1905. Welsh coal Newcastle coal . . 3,000 2,500 3,000 tons 2,500 tons $5.10 trimmed.. $4.75 300 yards Messina, Sicily MOB. Pocahontas coal . Welsh coal Newcastle coal .. I 12,700 f 1,000 tons ex- 1 elusive of 1 govt, sup- Ipiy. $4.75 400 yards Millazzo, Sicily Palermo, Sicily.... Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Newcastle coal . . Anthracite coal.. 1,500 1,000 500 4,000 tons 3,500 tons 1,000 tons $7.35 $6.56 $8.10 1,000 yards... FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 75 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Electric cranes on wharf at Nice; lighters at Ville- franche. French at Villefranche; 10,000 tons. Marseilles, Cannes, Genoa, Leghorn. Kept undercover; 3 dealc. ;. French, for tor- pedo boats. do Marseilles, Cannes, Villefranche, Bastia, Leghorn. In an emergencv, can be supplied at short notice from Leghorn. French for tor- pedo boats. Villefranche, Genoa, Spezia, Leghorn. In an emergency a supply can be obtained at short notice from Leghorn. At quay from carts at 1 to 3 tons; at anchorage by lighters of 40 to 200 tons; 300 tons a day. With notice, any quantity can be made ready in lighters . do Marseilles, Villefranche, Genoa, Spezia, Leghorn. 1,056,768 tons annually from England; not under cover; 7 dealers. Lighters of 100 tons each; rapid; 1,000 tons a day. Italian for tor- pedo boats. do Barcelona, Marseilles, Savona, Spezia, Leghorn, Naples. 3,000,000 tons received an- nually ; not under cover; 8 dealers. Lighters of 50 to 150 tons each. Italian; 400,000 tons. do Marseilles, Genoa, Leghorn, Naples. 518,000 tons annually; open storage; 6 dealers. Lighters of 50 tons each; 400 tons a day. Italian for tor- pedo boats. do Genoa, Spezia, Naples. 200,000 tons annually; open storage; 8 dealers. Italian, also at Porto Torres. do Sec Leghorn... do do Lighters of 50 to 250 tons each; 100 tons per hour per ship. Italian; 20,000 tons. do Genoa, Leghorn, Palermo, Messina, Malta. 500,000 tons annually; not under cover; 4 principal dealers. Lighters of from 30 to 100 tons each; 1,000 tons in 24 hours. do See Naples Lighters of 30 tons each; 500 tons in 24 hours. do do Italian for tor- pedo boats. do do At wharf, or by lighters of 30 tons each; rapid do Genoa, Leghorn, Naples, Palermo, Malta, Alexandria. Under cover; 7 dealers.. Italian for tor- pedo boats. do Naples .' Messina, Palermo. Small lighters and bas- kets; fairly rapid. None do Naples, Messina, Trapani. 50,000 tons annually; kept in hulks; 3 dealers. 76 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Trapani, Sicily Oct., 1908. Newcastle coal . . 1,050 15,500 tons an- nually. 2,800 tons an- nually. 2,800 tons an- nually. 10,000 tons an- nually. $5. 21 500 yards Cardiff coal New Pelton coal . Anthracite coal.. 550 440 1,500 $6.75 $5.40 $9.07 Valetta, Malta Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal . . Scotch coal Patent fuel I 75,000 i,ooe 70,000 tons... 1 1,000 tons $5.60 f . o. b. $5.25 f. o. b. $5.25 f. 0. b. J mile Syracuse, Sicily — Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal 600 ( Property o 600 tons 150 ft f Italian Govt.) Augusta, Sicily Mar., 1904. do 6,000 (Property o: 7,000 tons 50feet Italian Govt.) Catania, Sicily Mar., 1904. Welsh coal Patent fuel 3,000 2,000 2,500 tons 3,000 tons $5.50 $5.12 150 ft Brindisi, Italy Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal 3,000 1,500 tons $6.75 At wharf Venice, Italy Sept., 1908. Welsh coal Patent fuel Northumberland coal. Scotch coal Eracleacoal 5,000 1,000 3,000 4,000 2,000 H0,000tons..J $6.75-8.00 f. a. s. $6.65-7.75 f. a. s. $5.50-6.40 f. a. s. $5.25-6.15 f. a. s. $5.25-6.15 f. a. s. 2J miles Trieste, Austria.... Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... Scotch coal Yorkshire coal... Lancashire coal.. 2,500 2,500 4,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 tons 2,250 tons 5,000 tons 1,000 tons 1,000 tons $6.00 $5.00 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 500 yds. to 1 mile. Jan., 1909. Mar., 1904. Cardiff coal Scotch coal Newcastle coal... Austrian coal 30,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 Supply m Austr ) 600,000 tonsf > imported^ J annually. | $5.68 $4.87 $4.06 $4.47 Pola, Austria aintained by an Govt. Flume, Austria Dec., 1908. English coal Welsh coal 4,400 3,300 125,000 tons annually. $5.08 imile 7ara, Austria Mar., 1904. Bituminous coal. (Native.) 2,400 600 tons $4.00 Sebenico, Austria. . Mar., 1904. Mar., 1909. Bituminous coal. (Native.) I'.iltiiuinouscoal. (Native.) 2,000 8,000 2,000 tons 100,000 tons received an- nually. $3. 75 $3.65 Near at hand. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 77 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Lighters of 8 to 25 tons each Italian for tor- pedo boats. Messina, Palermo, Malta. 25,000 tons annually; kept in hulks; 2 dealers. do do Palermo. Tunis. Malta. At wharf and by lighters of 30 tons each; 150 tons an hour. British; 112,000 tons. do Gibraltar, Algiers, Tunis, Messina, Naples, Piraeus, Alexandria. 425,000 tons annually, chief- ly from Cardiff; mostly open storage; British ad- miralty is building large tanks for petroleum. Lighters; 500 tons a day . . Italian for tor- pedo boats. do Malta, Catania, Messina. No dealers. At wharf or by lighters Italian do Malta. Catania, Messina. Do. Usually at wharf; some- times by lighters; rapid. Augusta and Syracuse. do Naples, Messina, Taranto. 90,000 tons annually; open storage; 4 dealers. Italian; also at Gallipoli and do Malta, Messina, Brindisi, Venice, Zante. 100 tons an hour; 20 c. per ton for delivery on board. Italian; also at Otranto for torpedo boats. do Taranto, Venice, Trieste, Lanta, Alexandria. 2 dealers. Lighters of about 50 tons each; 500 tons a day. Italian; 30,000 tons. Trieste, Pola, Fiume. 1,000,000 tons annually; open storage; 15 dealers. At wharf or by lighters of 40 to 120 tons each; 100 to 400 tons a day. Pola 60 to 300 miles distant. Brindisi, Venice, Pola, Fiume. Open storage. Austrian, 20,000 tons. Venice, Trieste, Fiume. Lighters with a total ca- pacity of 660 tons; light- erage 2c. per ton. Pola and Sebe- nico. Sebenico Venice, Trieste. Pola. Partly under cover; 3 deal- ers. At wharf; rapid Austrian; 1,500 tons. Velusic and Monte Prom- ina. Venice, Trieste, Sebenico. - do Austrian; 6,000 tons Welsh. Sec Zara Trieste, Pola, Zara, Spalato. 78 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Spalato, Austria... Mar., 1904. Bituminous coal. (Native.) Scotch coal 3,000 1.000 tons ja.7« $4.75 200 200 tons Lissa, Austria Mar., 1904. Bosnian coal 150 150 tons $3.75 Metkovic, Austria. Mar., 1904. do 150 150 tons $3.75 Ragusa, Austria* . . Mar., 1904. Mar., do 500 50 tons Austrian Gov't, supply. $4.00 Teodo, Austria 1904. Cattaro, Austria. . . Mar., 1904. do. Corfu, Id. of Corfu, Greece. Oct., 1908. Welsh coal 4,500 11,000 tons $6. 00 to $6. 25 On wharf Patras, Greece Oct., 1908. Cardiff coal 1,500 800 tons $8.25 to $8.37 f. a. s. Jmile Zante, Id. ofZante, Greece. Oct., 1908. do 2,500 3,000 tons $6.20 do Navarino, Greece.. Supply m aintained by Kalamata, Greece.. Oct., 1908. Welsh coal G 900 ov't. 900 tons $5.70 to $6.40 lmile Poros, Russian (1 Gov't depot 883). Id. of Poros, Greece. Piraeus, Greece Nov., 1908. Welsh coal Newcastle coal... Swansea patent fuel. 18,000 4,000 6,000 1350,000 tonsf > rec'dannu-l 1 ally. 1 $5.75 $4.65 $6.35 Close at hand . Syra, Id. of Syra, Greece. Nov., 1908. British coal Turkish coal 10,000 1,100 8,000 tons 350 tons $5.00 $4.12 At wharf St. Nikolo, May, 1904. Admiralty Welsh coal. 7,000 4,000 tons $5.35 Zea Id., Greece. Volo, Greece Nov., 1908. English coal 4,000 14,000 tons rec'd annu- ally. $6.25 to $7.50 500 yards S; i Ionic: i, Turkey. . 8ept., 1908. Cardiff coal Newcastle coal... Heracleacoal (Black Sea.) 900 170 390 il, 900 tons...] $9.00 $7.00 $4.85 J mile FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 79 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. At wharf; rapid. Austrian . At wharf. Austrian; 700 tons Welsh. .do. Austrian . Zeneca and Hokang, Do- baj, Bosnia. See Lissa .do. Lighters of 40 to 60 tons each; 500 to 700 tons a day; interrupted dur- ing rough weather. Lighters of 15 to 25 tons each; 150 tons a day. Lighters, 400 tons a day; for gunboats at wharf, can deliver 1,000 tons a day. Austrian; 4,000 tons Welsh. Austrian; 15,000 tons Welsh. Austrian; 10,000 tons. British (con- tract). do.. None. None. .do. ..do do.... Greek. .do. At wharf or by lighters; slow. Navarino. .do. .do. Lighters of 35 to 80 tons; 50 tons an hour. Lighters of 30 to 60 tons each. Lighters; moderately rapid Lighters of 30 to 60 tons each, when coal is obtain- able. Lighters of 30 to 40 tons. . . . Salamis. .do. None. .do. .do.... ...do. do. .do .do. .do. Zara, Sebenico, Lissa. Sebenico, Spalato, Metkovic. Spalato, Lissa, Ragusa. Lissa, Metkovic, Teodo. Metkovic, Ragusa, C attar o. Teodo. Taranto, Patras, Zante. Corfu, Zante, Messina. Messina, Corfu, Patras, Kalamata. Patras, Zante, Piraeus. Patras, Zante, Pireeus. Malta, Zante, Syra, Smyrna. Malta, Patras, Zante, Piraeus, Salonica, Smyrna, See Syra. Syra, Salonica. Piraeus, Syra, Volo, Smyrna. Coal under cover; 2 dealers. 2,500 tons annually; kept under cover; 1 dealer. Kept under cover; 1 dealer. 16,000 tons annually ; mostly for local use. Open storage; 6 dealers. Kept under cover; 3 dealers. Open storage; 1 dealer. Open storage; 4 dealers. Larger supplies in 2 days' time from Piraeus. 80 Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Dardanelles (Chanak), Turkey. Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Turkish coal. 1,050 2,500 tons $9.73 lmile Constantinople, Turkey. Sept., 1908. Black Sea coal... Welsh coal . / English coal Scotch coal Russian coal 16,500 15,000 7,500 500 2,500 16,500 tons.... 15,000 tons 7,500 tons 500 tons 2,500 tons $4.00 to $4.65 $6.00 to $6.60 $5.25 to $6.25 $5.50 to $5.75 $5.75 3 to 4 miles...' Odessa, Russia Dec, 1908. Done tz coal 7,000 11,000 tons $7.20 In lighters Nicolaieff, Russia.. Dec., 1908. do 7,000 7,000 tons $6.75 100 yards Sevastopol, Russia. Taganrog and Ros- tjff-on-Don, Russia. 1904 Nov., 1908. do Large suj from >ply directly mines. $4.75 lmile Mar., Russia. Batoum, Russia... 1904. Mar., 1904. Sept., 1908. Donetz coal Petroleum Donetz coal Fuel oil 2,500 500 1,500 8,500 Variabl 5,500 tons.... 2,500 tons.... 1,500 tons 5,000 tons $8. 00 to $8. 50 $9. 00 to $10. 00 $11.30 $22. 00 Short At wharf 1904 Heracleacoal 3 supply. Turkey. Zongouldak, Turkey. Sept., 1908. Turkish coal 60,000 1 ons daily. $2. 25 to $3. 00 lmile Smyrna, Turkey... Sept., 1908. Admiralty Welsh coal. Heracleacoal 4,300 4,000 tons $6. 81 f. o. b. J mile 2,200 2,000 tons $5.47 Mersina, Turkey (Asiatic). Mar., 1904. Patent fuel (Cardiff). 1,500 1,000 tons $5. 75 to $6. 00 At wharf Tripoli, Syria Oct., 1908. do 700 500 tons $7.50 2 to 5 miles . . . Beirut, Syria Oct., 1908. do Cardiff coal 5,000 1,500 4,500 tons 1,500 tons . } $6.81 to $7.30 On wharf Haifa, Syria Oct., 1908. Patent fuel Supply sm t all and uncer- ain. $10.00 2 miles Jaffa, Syria 1902 Cardiff coal do. $11.58 lmile Port Said, Egypt. . Oct., 1908. Admiralty Welsh coal. Ampl e supply. • $7. 35 Near by FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 81 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Small lighters; slow Lighters of 35 to 40 tons each; 300 tons a day; 600 tons a day can be deliv- ered in an emergency. Turkish; small supply of Black Sea coal. None Piraeus , KeDt under cover: 2 dealers. Extensive on Black Sea coast. Donetz See Odessa do 50 and 150 miles distant. Syra, Salonica, Con stanti- nople, Smyrna. See Dardanelles Cons tan ti- nople, Nkolaieff, Sevastopol. Odessa, Sevastopol. Odtssa, Batoum, Heraclea. Odessa, Batoum, Heraclea. 525,000 tons annually ; partly under cover; 5 dealers in British coal; 8 dealers in Black Sea coal. Open storage; 10 dealers. Sevastopol Russian: 1,500 tons British coal. Russian ;70,000 tons. Open storage; 4 dealers. Steam barges in Taganrog roads. Open storage; 15 dealers. Lighters; rapid Russian; 1,000 tons. 90 m i 1 e s dis- tant. Odessa, Trebizond. Open storage; 2 dealers. 100,000 tons of oil annually Pipe line to wharf. Lighters None Batoum, Zongouldak, Heraclea. Batoum, Trebizond, Constanti- nople. Dardanelles, Piraeus, Syra, Beirut. Smyrna, Beirut, Port Said, Alexandria. See Mersina. . . Piraeus, Syra, Smyrna, Port Said, Alexandria. See Beirut do Malta, Piraeus, Alexandria, Suez, Perim . from Baku. At wharf; steam crane; and by lighters of 60 to 70 tons each. Lighters of 130 tons each; with 48 hours' notice, 1,000 tons can be deliv- ered in one day. At wharf; 63 c. a ton for de- livery. Lighters of 20 tons each; slow. Lighters of 10 to 20 tons, or 50 c. a ton for delivery. Lighters; poor facilities; very slow. Lighters; slow Lighters of 50 to 300 tons each; rapid. do do do do do do.. r do do Extensive Open storage; 10 dealers. 35,000 tons Welsh coal and do do do do do do 55,000 tons of Heraclea coal annually; kept under cover. 3,000 to 4,000 tons annually; 2 dealers. Fuel is imported for the use of silk factories; 50 per cent under cover; 3 dealers. About 40,000 tons annually; partly, under cover; 3 deal- ers. 1,200,000 tons annually; 5 dealers. 652—09- 82 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following European Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance from coal pile to ship. Alexandria, Egypt. 1905 Admiralty Welsh coal. Amp] e supply. $7.00 a mile Sfax, Tunis 1905 do 6,000 6,000 tons... $6. 10 Tunis, Tunis Nov., 1908. Cardiff coal Patent fuel Anthracite coal.. 7,000 1,500 1,000 Il0,000tons. J $3.98 at coal yard $3.85 at coal yard $1.45 at coal yard do Bizerta, Tunis 1905 Admiralty Welsh coal. 1,000 1,500 tons.... $5.80 On quay Bona, Algeria Sept., 1908. Welsh coal Welsh patent fuel. 2,500 2,000 2,000 tons.... 1,500 tons $5.50 $6.00 do Philippe ville, Algeria. Sept., 1908. Welsh coal Welsh patent fuel. 2,000 2,000 2,000 tons 2,000 tons $6.00 $7.20 250 yds. from quay. Algiers, Algeria Sept., 1908. Welsh coal Newcastle coal... Welsh patent fuel. 30,000 6,000 6,000 35,000 tons.. 8,000 tons.... 9,000 tons.... $5.30 $5.12 $5.79 Near at hand. Oran, Algeria Sept., 1908. Cardiff coal Scotch coal English coal Welsh patent fuel. 3,000 1,200 10,000 3,000 3,900 tons |s,000tons .... 2,500 tons $5.30 $5.06 $7.23 300 yds. to J mile. Tangier, Morocco.. Dec, 1908. Cardiff coal 2,500 6,500 tons re- ceived annu- ally. $10.00 to $14.00 J mile Horta, Fayal, Azores. Nov., 1908. do 4,000 5,000 tons $6.75 to $7.50 Near wharf. Ponta, Delgada, St. Michaels, Azores. Nov., 1908. Best Welsh coal . 10,000 11,000 tons $6.75 to $7.75 100 yds. from wharf. Funchal, Madeira.. Oct., 1908. Welsh coal Westphaliancoal 25,000 4,000 25,000 tons 4,000 tons \$6.75 to $7.50 ft. a. s. Jmile ' Santa Cruz, Teneriffo, Canary Is. Oct., 1908. Welsh coal 15,000 20,000 tons $7.85 J mile Las Palmas, Oct., 1908. do 41,500 •;u,(K)()tons.... $7.85 500 yards Grand Canary, Canary Is. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 83 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. None See Port Said.. 10,000 tons Texas liquid fuel in store. (1908.) do do do Alexandria, Malta, Tunis. do do do Malta, Bona, Algiers. 70,000 tons annually. " Lighters of 50 to 100 tons; fairly rapid. French .do See Tunis 3 dealers. Lighters of 100 tons each; can deliver 1,000 tons a day. French, for tor- pedo boats. do Tunis, Pkilippevillc, Algiers. 50,000 tons annually; open storage; 2 dealers. Lighters of 100 tons each; 40 tons an hour. French; 2,500 tons. do Tunis, Bona, Algiers. 15,000 tons annually; open storage; 3 dealers. Lighters of 90 to 300 tons can be delivered along- side. French; 4,000 do Malta, Palermo, Tunis, Palma, Barcelona, Oran, Gibraltar. 600,000 tons annually; 5 dealers. Lighters of 40 to 150 tons French; 3,000 do Algiers, Cartagena, Gibraltar. 230,000 tons received in 1907; 1,200 to 1,500 tons are continually kept in light- ers, which can be put alongside immediately; coal not under cover; 4 dealers; there is at Mers- el-Kebir a patent - fuel manufactory, using Eng- lish small coal, which turns out 20,000 tons a year. Lighters; slow .do Oran, Gibraltar, Lisbon. Kept under cover; 2 dealers. Lighters of 25 tons each; 40 tons an hour. do do Lisbon, Gibraltar, Ponta Delgada, Madeira, Teneriffe, Porto Grande, St. Thomas. Do. Lighters of 20 to 25 tons; 100 tons an hour deliv- ered alongside. do do Gibraltar, Horta, Madeira. Teneriffe. Porto Grande. Lighters; rapid; coal in bags, 10 to the ton. do do Gibraltar, Lisbon, Horta, Ponta Delgada, Teneriffe, Porto Grande, St. Thomas. 400,000 tons annually; kept under cover; 7 dealers. Lighters of 100 to 200 tons each; rapid. do do Lisbon, Gibraltar, Horta, Madeira, Las Palmas, St. Thomas. 320,000 tons rec'd annually; kept under cover; 3 deal- ers. Lighters of 200 tons; coal in bags; rapid. do do See Santa Cruz. 450,000 tons annually; kept under cover; 6 dealers. 84 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Exhibit of coal, patent, and oil fuel to be had at the following Euro pan Name of port. Date. Kinds of fuel on hand. Tons of each at date. Average supply during year. Cost per ton or barrel at date. Distance, from coal pile to ship. Porto Grande, St. Vincent, C. V. I. Dakar, Senegal Freetown, Sierra Leone. Sept., 1908. 1905 Oct., 1908. Welsh coal do do 40,000 6,000 5,000 40,000 tons 5,000 tons 5,000 tons $8.35 $7.25 $9.75 to $10.00 i to 1 mile lmile Near wharf. . . W. Africa. Libreville, Gaboon River, W. Africa. 1901 Cardiff coal $11.97 alongside. Kongo River, W. Africa. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. Station ports, together with the usual supply on hand, cost, etc. — Continued. 85 Manner of coaling; rapid or slow, etc. Government coaling stations in vicinity. Coal mining in vicinity. Next coaling ports en route (the nearest in italics). Remarks. Lighters of 50 to 200 tons each; can put any re- quired amount alongside on half an hour's notice. Lighters of 150 to 200 tons; rapid. Coal in bags, al- ways ready in lighters. Lighters; 500 tons a day under favorable condi- tions. Lisbon, Gibraltar, Madeira, LasPalmas, St. Helena, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro. See Porto Grande. Dakar, St. Helena. 400,000 tons annually; kept under cover, on shore and in lighters; 3 dealers. Kept under cover. Kept undercover; 1 dealer. French British; 4,000 tons patent fuel. German (con- tract). do do do Supply owned by French By small steamers at an- chorage off French Point; slow. Libreville, Loanda, St. Helena. Cape Town. Gov't.; sold only by cour- tesy; paid for through diplomatic channels. II. PARTICULARS OF DOCKING AND REPAIRING FACILI- TIES OF THE PORTS OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC, SOUTH ATLANTIC, PACIFIC, ASIATIC, AND EUROPEAN STATIONS. S7 88 COALING, DOCKING. AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H.W., ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all, Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Ontario. Duluth, Minn WestSuperior,Wis. 1908 Superior ShipbuildingCo. : Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 537 620 487 570 52 66 18 19 Not des. Marquette, Mich... Sault Ste. Marie, 1908 None 1895 Dry Dock proposed Mich. Manitowoc, Wis... 1908 Manitowoc Dry Dock Co.: 340 320 140 44 40 13 10 Not des. Floating Dock (350 tons) Milwaukee, Wis. . . 1908 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co. : Dry Dock No. 1 (timber) Floating Dry Dock No.3 Floating Dry Dock No.4 Floating Dry Dock No. 5 455 200 130 90 434 63 21J d 0. Chicago, 111 1908 Chicago Shipbuilding Co.: Dry Dock 564 320 485 556 300 402 70 50 60 16 12.8 15.6 d ). AmericanShipbuildingCo.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Ship Owners Dry Dock Co. : Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Chicago and Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co.: Floating Dock (1,000 tons). 500 320 180 120 480 300 160 120 60 50 40 60 16 14 10 1908 None Mich. Oollingwood, Ontario. 190S Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. (Ltd.): Dry Dock (stone) Wet Dock 524 570 (long) 515 54 (bottom) 90 (wide) 17* 20 (deep) Not ides. 1908 Graving Dock 250 225 36 10 d 0. Ontario. Bay Citv, West Hay City, Saginaw, and Hast Saginaw, Mich. 1908 Davidson, James: Dry Dock feast side).. - Dry Dock (west Side). . 315 435 295 415 42J 60 13 14J d 0. Port Huron, Mich.. 1908 Dun ford «V Alverson: Dry Dock 412 212 550 400 198 65 38 80 18 15 20 d ). Wolverine Floating Dock (1,000 tons). Columbia Iron Works: Dry Dock (building)... (FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. cilities of the following Lake ports. 89 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Superior Shipbuild- ing Co. Lake Shore Engine Works. 1908 1904 Hulls and en- gines; large. Any repairs . 14 in. diam., 20 ft. long, turned. 10 in 24 tons... Gantry hoist, steam hammers. work stock up to 6 in. diameter. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co. Gunnell Machine Co. Boiler Works. Milwaukee Boiler Co. Vulcan Iron Works . Chicago Shipbuild- ing Co. (American Ship- building Co.) Chas. P. Willard & Co. Vulcan Iron Works. Tarrant, Robert Chris. Pfeiffer Boiler Co. Chicago and Great Dock Co. Johnston Brothers. . Collingwood Ship- building Co. (Ltd.) Owen Sound Ship- building Co. Davidson, James (West Bay City). Bartlett, A. F., & Co. (E. Saginaw). Wickes Bros. (E. Saginaw). West Bay City Ship- building Co. Jenks Shipbuilding Co. Port Huron Ship- building Co. 1908 1908 1904 1904 1908 1908 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1908 1908 1904 1904 1900 1908 1904 1908 30-ton derrick; pneu- Machinery. machinery. Boilers only; large. Engines and repairs. Large Hulls and en- gines. Machinery . . Engines Hulls and boilers. Hulls, en- ers. do Hulls and en- gines; large. Hulls and machinery. Wooden hulls. Engines and boilers; large. do Hulls. Engines and boilers. do matic tool plant. Fully equipped for any kind of boiler work. 16 in. diam., No facilities . 6 in. diam., forged; 26 in. diam., turned. 24 in. diam., 30 ft. long. 13 tons. No facili- ties. 6 tons. 20 tons. 6in Any size . . 100-ton shears; heavy hammers; expert div- ers. Any repairs to hulls that do not require docking. Derricks, steam ham- mers, expert divers. Any repairs to hulls that do not require docking. Shears; derricks; expert divers. 20 in. diam., 12 in. diam., 20 ft. long. Any size 10 in 12 in Any size... No facili- 2 tons 40 tons . . . 25 tons. 14 tons 12 tons.... 20 in. diam., 24 ft. long, turned. No facili- ties. 20-ton shears. hammer; expert diver. 90 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing Name of port. Detroit and Wyandotte,, Mich. Windsor, Ontario Toledo, Ohio Sandusky, Ohio.. Lorain, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio.. Ashtabula, Ohio. Erie, Pa Buffalo N. Y.... St. Catherines, Ontario. Port Dalhousie, Ontario. Hamilton, Ontario. Toronto, Ontario. Oswego, N. Y. Kingston, Onturiu. Date. Length. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Over all. 1908 1908 1«K« 1908 Detroit Shipbuilding Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Great Lakes Floating Dock (4,000 tons). Marine Rwy. (W. H. Oads) 400 tons. Marine Rwy. (The Davis Co., Wyandotte, 100 tons.) Great Lakes Engineering Works: Floating Dock (6,000 tons). None. 387 245 Toledo Shipbuilding Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 (tim- ber). Dry Dock No. 2 A. Gilmore & Sons: Dry Dock Marine Railway (400 tons). American Shipbuilding Co. Dry Dock 1 Dry Dock 2 2;S5 American Shipbuilding Co. Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 None.. ....do. Buffalo Dry Dock Co. Dry Dock No. 1... Dry Dock No. 2... Dry Dock No. 3... Dry Dock No. A... Shicluna Dry Dock Co. Dry Dock Muir Bros.: Dry Dock. None. Toronto Bay Dock Co. Dry Dock Dry Dock . Dry Dock (Government). i).i\ i , i u v i lock 0o.: Dry Dock 771 5 if) 450 360 381 ll.'. L98 is.", Over blocks. 240 450 186 no 425 235 160 (cradle.) 550 721 52S 180 340 438 326 270 350 260 200 290 is;: Width at en- trance. Feet. 21 ;;i Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. Ordi- nary sp'gs. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. facilities of the following Lake ports — Continued. 91 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Detroit Shipbuild- ing Co. Central Boiler Works. Great Lakes Engi- neering Works. McGregor, Thomas. . Toledo Shipbuilding Co. 1908 1904 1908 1908 1903 Hulls and en- gines; large. Boilers only. Any size Any size... 25 tons 10 tons. None 60-ton shears; steam hammers; expert divers. Hulls and small en- gines. No facilities for large work. No facili- ties. 40-ton shears. American Ship- building Co. do 1908 1908 1908 1908 Hulls Facilities for minor re- Large , Engines. Boilers. 12 in. diam., 36 ft. long. 6ft 25 tons. pairs to machinery at R. R. shops. McBethlronCo D. Connelly Boiler Co. do Buffalo Dry Dock Co. Bell, David 1908 1904 1904 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1900 1908 General r e- pairs. 80-ton shears; 30-ton 8 tons. 50 tons. electric traveling crane. W. A. Case & Son... King Iron Works. . . Lake Erie Boiler Works. Hamilton Bridge Co. Copper- smithing. Machinery. Large 30 in. diam., 30 ft. long. 24 in Engines and boilers. Engines and boilers; large. Hulls, en- gines, boil- ers. M achinery; small. large. Hulls and engines; small. Forge, 6 in.; turn any diam. 6 in. diam., 25 ft. long. 30 ft. long. 8 in. diam. 20 tons. 4J tons. Inglis, John, & Sons. Canadian Ship- building Co. Vulcan Iron Works tive and Engine Co. Davis Dry Dock Co O r dinary sizes. Expert divers; length of dock can be increased to 313 ft. by moving caisson; depth on sill when water is high, 18 ft.; when low, 16 ft; highest water in July; lowest in September. 92 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Name of port. Date Ogdensburg, N. Y. 1908 Montreal, Quebec. Quebec, Quebec. 1908 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) St. Lawrence Marine Rwv. Co.: Marine Rwy (700 tons) Can tin's Dry Dock Tate's Dry Dock No. 1 Basin (Wet Dock). Davie's Floating Dock No. 1 (2,175 tons). Davie's Floating Dock No. 2 (1,605 tons). Davie's Patent Slip (500 tons). Lome Dry Dock (Govern- ment). Wolfe's Gridiron Russel's Floating Dock (Levis). Russel's Gridiron Louise Basin. Length. Width at en- trance. Over all. Over blocks. Feet. Feet. Feet. 300 44 (cross- arms.) 400 400 540 400 400 45 45 200 (wide) 236 234 41 180 178 39 500 648 120 (cradle) 600 62 322 228 225 4lj 200 2,400 1,350 (wide) Rise of tide. Depth on sill, II. W. springs. gp , gs neap; Ordi- Ore Feet. 15 aft; 7 for'd. m 17 aft; 14 f'd. Feet. Feet. No tides. do. Particulars of docking and repairing facilities 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 6 6 4 4 P.E.I. Pictou, Nova Scotia. J. & J. Yorston: Patent Slip No. 1 (1,400 tons). Patent. Slip No. 2 (810 tons). 220 (cradle.) 178 (cradle.) 40 40 13 f'd; 20 aft. 12 f'd; 18 aft. New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Dry Dock 610 135 260 413 369 460 300 569} 135 90 (cradle.) 162 (cradle.) 75 150 75 84J 49 232 HI 9fd.; 12 aft. 10 f'd.; 15* aft. 9i f'd.; 124 aft. lOJf'd.; 15* aft. 9} f'd.; 124 aft. 3} 4} 7 31 2 4 Newfoundland. (Reid Newfoundland Co.) Sectional Floating Dock (200 tons). Patent Slip (150 tons) Societe" du Patent Slip des llrs St. Pierre et. Miquelon: Patent slip No. l (700 tons). Patent Slip No. 2 (200 tons). F.Lebuf: Patent Slip No. 1 (400 loll -.). Patent Slip No. 2 (100 tons). Newfoundland. St. Pierre, Miquelon Is. 40 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. of the following St. Lawrence River ports. 93 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- Pipes: Di- ameter and ameter of length of largest that largest that can be can be made. brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Bt. Lawrence Ma- rine Rwy. Co. Laurie Engine Co... Caledonian Iron Works. Hall Engineering Works. J.&R.Weir G.T. Davie & Son.. Francois H. Drolat. . 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Can repair wooden hulls not larger than 700 tons displacement; expert diver. Machine shops con- Hulls and engines; large. do Engines and boilers. do Hull and en- gines; large. Engines; large. 30 tons . . . 20 tons. .. 10 in. diam., 25 ft. long. Any size... nected with both Dry Docks; docks are in Lachine Canal; 2 locks must be passed to en- ter Dock No. 1; 3 locks to enter Dock No. 2; 1 lock to enter Wet Dock; locks are 270 ft. long, 45 ft. wide, 18 ft. deep. Docks are said to be out of repair. Several machine shops in the city. Any size 10 in 18 tons. of the following North Atlantic Station ports. Charlotte town Foundry and Ma- chine Co. Bruce Stewart & Co. Matheson & Co Nova Scotia Steel Co. Nova Scotia Steel and Forge Co.(Ltd.) Reid Railway Co... Terra Nova Foundry and Boiler Works. 1908 1904 1900 1900 1908 1908 1908 Engines and boilers; small. Hulls and engines. Engines and boilers;, large. Machinery; large. Large Hulls and en- gines . Machinery; large. 9 in. diam., 16 ft. long. 21 ft. long.... 8in lOin 6,000 lbs.. 5 tons. 12,000 lbs. 15 tons. 20 tons* 5 tons 4 tons 2 machine shops at which small repairs can be made. 20 in. diam., 37 ft. long. 22 in. diam. . 6 in. diam.. . 10 in. diam., 20 ft. long, turned. Any size... do Expert divers. 40-ton shears. Thelot's Machine Shop. 1904 Machinery... IJ in. diam., 15 ft. long. 30 in 2,000 lbs. iron, 800 lbs.brass. 94 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of the Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps North Sydney, Cape Breton I., 1908 1908 Patent Slip (250 tons) Patent Slip (250 tons) Patent Slip (350 tons) Feet. 100 100 700 Feet. 100 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 150 (cradle.) Feet. Feet. Feet. 5 Feet. •1 lOf'd.; 12 aft. 15f'd.; 16 aft. Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton I., Nova Scotia. 1908 Marine Rwy., Point Tup- per (1000 tons). Marine Rwys., on single track (100 and 250 tons, resp'y). 650 550J 200 (cradle.) 96 (cradle.) 66 (cradle.) 45 (cradle.) 30 (cradle.) 29 (cradle.) 17f'd.; 20 aft. 18 16 4J Halifax, 1908 Halifax Graving Dock Patent Slip No.l (3000 tons) Patent Slip No. 2 (900 tons) Patent Slip No. 3 (150 tons) Patent Slip No. 4 (150 tons) 600 570 270 (cradle.) 200 (cradle.) 180 (cradle.) 180 (cradle.) 85 48 35 28 30 14; 18 9; 14 9; 14 9; 14 6 Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. 190S Marine Rwy. Track: No. 1 (250 and 400 tons) . No. 2 (300 and 600 tons). 45o| 450J 75 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 85 (cradle.) 110 (cradle.) 1 ) II; Mi 13|; 16 6 Liverpool, Nova Scotia. 1908 Marine Railway (400 tons) 450 120 (cradle.) 10; 12 8 5 1908 Patent Slip (600 tons) 650 150 (cradle.) 10; 12 Nova Scotia. St. John, 1908 1908 Gridiron: City 200 300 300 500 16 15 16 8 27 14 12 Hilyard's.. Bangor, Me Marine Rwy. (1,000 tons), E. I. K. Stetson. 170 (cradle.) 40 (cradle.) Belfast, Me . . . 1908 Merchant's Marine Rwy. (800 tons). 155 (cradle.) 50 (cradle.) 10 fd. 14 12 Rockland, Me 1908 Snow, I. L., A Co.: Marine Rwy., No. 1 (800 tons). Marine Rwy., No. 2 (400 tons). 150 (cradle.) 130 (cradle.) 9; 14 8J; 10.; Bath, Me 1908 Marine Rwy. (1,200 tons).. 250 200 (cradle.) 43 9; 14 7i 01 Portland, Me 1908 The Portland Co.: Marine Rwy. (1,500 tons). Marine Rwy. (300 tons) . 900 350 230 (cradle.) 104 (cradle.) 60 (slip.) 14 9J 9 Portsmouth, N. II. 1908 U. 8. Government: 91 81 Floating Dock, 8 sec- tions (. r >,30o tons). Dry Dock (stone) 350 750 - { ""J 20 ;:n, Boston, Mass 1908 U. S. Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 402.8 750 357. 7 60 679 100 25 ; 10 (head.) 1908 None. .do. .do. 1908 .do. French Gov't: Dry Dock . 393.6 360.8 87 27.88 None. .do. Screw Lifting Dock (1,000 tons). Patent Slip, Gov't (400 tons). Floating Dock (4,000 tons). 240 21.-. 166 (cradle) Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana. Para, Brazil 1908 15)08 Sproston's Dock Patent Slip (300 tons). Patent Slip (500 tons). Gridiron (500 tons). Gridiron (500 tons). Gridiron (400 tons). Gridiron (400 tons) . 210 295 2.-.0 150 150 200 ISO 375 in 150 (cradle) 15 4; 7 18 8 4J; 6 7; 10 4; 6 4; 6 4; 6 4; 6 Particulars of docking and repairing facilitie Maranham, Brazil . 1908 1908 1908 16* 10J do Pernambuco, do 8 • Brazil. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. following North Atlantic Station ports — Continued. Ill Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length o f largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 Small repairs to ma- chinery. Floating Dock Co... Royal Mail Sieam Packet Co. Hulls; ordi- nary re- pairs. All ordinary repairs. Machinery; small. do 5 in. forged. Any diam. 22 ft. long, turned. 6in Small brass castings only. Small. Derr & Co down at St. Johns. Small repairs to engines and boilers can be made. Compagnie Generate Transatlantique. 1904 1904 1904 1904 1903 1904 Ordinary re- pairs. 12 x 17* ft. turned. 8in lton. None pairs. John Blackwood Ellis, Groll & Co. . . . Sprostons Hulls and machinery. Small repairs Hulls and engines. 6 in. x20ft.. 10 ft. long.... 14in 112 lbs.... J ton. 5 tons. 10 in. x 20 ft. 12 in Facilities for ordinary repairs. of the following South Atlantic Station ports. 1904 1904 1908 1904 pairs. Brazilian Gov't. Dockyard. Wilson, Sons & Co. . Ordinary re- pairs. Large 1J tons, lton pairs in railway shops. 4 in. by 10 ft. forged; 20ft. turned. 10 in A 6-in. shaft has been welded. 112 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of the Name of port. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill. II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Onli nary neap F(( Aracaju, Brazil... Bahia, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1908 1908 1908 Santos, Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Montevideo, Uruguay. Colonia, Uruguay. . Paysandu, Uruguay. Rosario, Argentina. Parana, Argentina. San Fernando, Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1908 1908 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 None . . do. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 8i Gov't Dry Dock (Imperial) Santa Cruz Dry Dock, Gov't. Saude Dry Dock. (Lloyd Brazileiro.) Mocangue Dry Dock. (Lloyd Brazileiro.) Wilson, Sons & Co., Slip (Conceicao I.) 400 tons. Lage Irmaos, Dry Dock (Ilhade Vianna). Slip(Ilha dosFerreiros)400 tons. Slip at Togue Togue (800 tons). Santos Dock Co.: Slipway (250 tons) 423 258 520 400 220 423 258 400 80 (cradle.) 400 j 375 140 115 S (cradle.) 270 200 (cradle.) 5* Patent Slip (600 tons) Cibils-Jackson Dry Dock . Mafia Dry Dock (Monte- video Gas Co.). Patent Slip (400 tons) None. .do. .do. .do. Dry Dock (Gov't). 170 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 24 (cradle.) '55, top, { 40, bot- ( torn. 50 Gov't Dry Dock No. 1. Gov't Dry Dock No. 2. Patent Slip (800 tons) . Patent Slip (750 tons) . Patent Slip (000 tons) . Wet Dock No. 1 Wet Dock No. 2 Wet Dock No. 3 Wet Dock No. 4 860 590J 489 410 218 224 | 1,870 1,870 2,263 2,066 330 587 488- 185 (cradle.) 84 (cradle.) 177 (cradle.) 525 (wide.) 525 (wide.) 525 (wide.) 525 (wide.) 20 18 22 16 10 18 8J; 9i 10; 11 4; 7 15 12 10 No regular tides; wa- ter va- ries with winds. 88 25 25 10; 15 7; 8 10; 11 23J 23j 233 23J 3 to 5 folio FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. owing South Atlantic Station ports — Continued. 113 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. William Smith 1904 Small Small repairs Small 100 lbs. Wilson, Sons & Co. (Ltd.) Fundacao do Pilar . . Brazilian Gov't. Dockyard. 1904 1904 1908 General re- pairs. Small Large 6 in. by 24 ft. turned. Small repairs Turn 30 ft. long. 12 in Small Any size... 3 tons. \ ton. 6 tons. Brazilian Gov't. Dockyard. Lloyd Brazileiro Lage Irmaos 1908 1908 1908 do do do 12 in. forged; any diam. 40 ft. long turned. 12 in. forged. 10 in. diam . . 90-ton shears; 60-ton Any size... ....do 5 tons. 1 ton floating derrick. Shafting of different sizes in stock. 1904 Boilers and engines. 12 in. x 36 ft. ....do..... ....do The Santos Dock Co. have 4 expert divers; 20 ton snears, and derricks. J. J. Dias 1900 1908 Small 8 in. x 24 ft. . 4in 2 tons. Cibils-Jackson Dock. Dock can be divided into 2 sections; outer 255 ft., inner, 195 ft. Montevideo Gas Co. 1908 Ordinary re- Hurley, Wm Humphreys & Co. . . 1900 1904 Large do 12 in. x 18 ft. 11 in Any size... ....do 5 tons. \\ tons. 1904 do 1904 Topping & Seavill. . . 1904 General re- pairs. 8 in. x20ft.. Any size... 5 tons Any repairs to hulls that do not require docking; expert div- ers. 15, 30, and 50 ton float- ing derricks. II. Hersent&Son... 1904 Hull and en- gines. 13 in. x 22 ft. turned. ...do 440 lbs.... Municipality 1904 Large Turn 20 ft. long. 10 in \\ tons. La Platense Flotilla Co. McQueen, Carboni & Wilson. Felipe Schwartz Montaldo, Fucrte & Co. Gov't repair plant. . . 1908 1901 1900 General "re- pairs; large. Large Engines; large. Engines and boilers. General re- pairs. 12 in. diam... G in. x 35 ft. 10 in. x26ft. Any size... 6 tons. 8 tons. 1908 1900 652—09- 114 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of the Docks, etc. ( Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Djate. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps | 1904 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 3 to 5 Feet. La Plata, Argentina. 1904 Gov't Dry Dock 728* 713* f 85.3 \ 77.5 } 32* 10 and Puerto Bel- grano, Argentina. Port Stanley, Falkland Is. 1904 1904 do 1903 Patent Slip 28 (cradle.) 12 5 3* Niger River. (Royal Niger Co.) 1908 1908 Patent Slip 7 5 (Royal Niger Co.) Floating Dock (1,200 tons) at Duala. 203 203 42 13 St. Paul 1908 Gov't Floating Dock (1,500 tons). 206* 196 49 «f de Loando, W. Africa. Cape Town , Cape Colony. 1908 Robinson Dry Dock Patent Slip (1,000 tons).... 529* 800 500 184 (cradle.) 68 50 (cradle.) 24* 15; 22 5 H Simons Town, Cape Colony. 1904 Government: Patent Slip (1,000 tons) Patent Slip No. 1 700 250 (cradle.) 176 (cradle.) 78 (cradle.) 107 (cradle.) 74 (cradle.) 15; 19 10 (head.) 7 7* 4 51 3i 48* (cradle.) 21 (cradle.) 22 (cradle.) 19 (cradle.) Patent Slip No. 2 Patent Slip No. 3 Patent Slip No. 4 Graving Docks (under construction). Graving Dock No. 1— Outer 470.9 256.4 320.9 406.4 470.9 244 320.9 394 95.1 95.6 95.1 95.6 36.3 38.9 36.3 38.9 Inner Graving Dock No. 2— Outer Inner Mossel Bay. 1908 Slipway (150 tons) 262. 68 (cradle.) /3.6f'd.\ \7. 6 aft./ 5 32 Cape Colony. (Mossel Bay Boating Co.) Port Elizabeth. 1904 Patent Slip (400 tons) (Harbor Hoard.) 720 120 (cradle.) 91; 14* 51 32 Cape Colony. East London. 1908 Patent Slip (1 ,000 tons). . . . (Harbor Board.) 628 200 (cradle.) 8; 17 5 32 Cape Colony. Durban, Natal 1908 <;<>\'f Moating Dock (8,500 tons). Government: Patent Bllp(i^ootons). Patent Slip (200 tons)... 475 485 418 425 180 (cradle.) 114 70 23 7i; 15 9; 16 6 H FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. following South Atlantic Station ports — Continued. 115 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Argentine Naval Station (New). De Baltasar, Anga- nuzzi y Cia. Gov't Dock Yard (Not completed). Falkland Islands Co. British Gov't shops. 1908 1900 1908 1908 1904 Ordinary re- pairs. 6 tons. 3 movable hydraulic cranes. Slight 7cwt. 240 lbs.... Small 6in Artificers supplied by the ship. Gov't Repair Shops at Duala. Public works Table Bay Harbor Board. Cunningham & Gearing. Colonial Machine and Construction Co. HarcombeBros H.B.M. Dockyard. 1908 1908 1908 1900 1900 1904 1908 Boilers and engines ; moderate. Machinery... Ordinary re- pairs. Machinery... Large Ordinary re- pairs. Small 5 in. forged; 28 in. x 40 ft., turned. 10-in.diam. . 20-in.diam. . Any size. . 6in 14in 6 tons. None Large. 5 tons. 3 tons. 50-tonshears; steam and electric cranes. Turn 26 in... 4 in. forged; 18 in. x 28 ft., turned. Any size... 24 in Docks will probably be completed about the end of 1908. 1904 1900 1908 1908 1908 1908 1903 1900 Howard, Farrar & Co. Harbor works Colonial Rwy. Shops. Natal Harbor Board Natal Rwy. Shops. . Umgeni Engine Works. Point Engine and Boiler Works. Machinery; small. Large 6in.xl6ft... 6in 14 tons. .. Divers. 25-ton crane. Machine r y ; large. Hulls and en- gines. Machine r y ; small. Machine r y ; large. Large 6 in. x 17ft... 20 in. x8ft... No heavy forging. 12 in. x 15ft.. 24 in x 26 it... 10 in No facili- ties. Moderate.. 15 in 14in 2 tons None. 1 ton. 10 tons. 7 tons. Divers. 116 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of the Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- Ordi- nary nary sp'gs. neaps Lourenco Marquez, Delagoa Bay, S. Africa. 1904 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 Allen, Wack & Co Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 6 Feet. Feet. Marine Rwy. Portuguese Gov't Marine Rwy. (small). German Gov't Floating Dock (1,8C0 tons). Graving Dock (proposed).. None (2 Drv Docks build- ing, 1903; will probably not be ready until 1911). Dry Dock 212* 160 55| 13 19? 9 and Zanzibar, E. Africa. "tfajunga, Madagascar, N. W. Coast. jOiego Suarez, Madagascar; N. Coast. St. Pierre and 100 7 3* 3 ii 7 in. 2 114§ 22J Patent Slip (400 tons) 8; 17 12* 18* 6; 10 Reunion I. 324 430 318 417 140 (cradle.) 38 60 (45 on blocks.) ritius. Stevenson Dry Dock Patent Slip Particulars of docking and repairing facilih Vancouver, B. C... Victoria, Vancouver I., B.C. Esquimalt, Vancouver I. B.C Port Townsend, Wash Fairhaven, Wash. . 1908 1908 L906 British Columbia Marine Rwy Co.: Marine Rwy. (1,500 tons). Turpel's Marine Rwy. (500 tons). Star Ways Marine Rwy. (800 tons). Bow and stern caisson Gov't Dry Dock British Columbia Marine Rwy. Co.: Marine Rwy. (2,400 tons). Marine Rwy. (300 tons). .. . Pacific American Fisheries Co.: Marine Rwy tat 450 150 451 1,000 250 (cradle.) 170 (cradle.) 165 300 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 35 (cradle.) 55 (cradle.) 24 (cradle.) 10; 16 11; 15 14; 18 26$ 7 to 10 5 to 8 (Diurnal in- equality.) FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. following South Atlantic Station -ports — Continued. 117 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Allen, Wack& Co. vy Portuguese N Yard. Electric Street Rwy. and Light Plants. Workshop at Zan- zibar. Flotilla of the W. Coast of Madagas- car. French Coaling and Lighterage Co. Dry Dock and Slips Co. Foreign and Foun- dries Co. Gov't Rwy. shops. Character of repairs, large or 1904 1908 1903 General re- pairs; small. Small Ordinary re- pairs to elect r i c a 1 machinery. Small Hulls and engines. Slight re- pairs. Hulls and engines , large. M a chinery; large. Ordinary re- pairs to ma- chinery. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. 4 in. x 12 ft., forged. 12in.xl3ft., turned. 16 in. x 14 ft . 12 in. diam., any length. Small forg- ings. Any diam., 19 ft. Ion g, turned. 10 in. x 12 ft. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. 4 in. Any size. ...do... ...do... Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Minor repairs can be made at railway work- 150 lbs. brass. Slight repairs to ma- chinery can also be made at Barro do Limpopo, Chinde, Kiliman, and Mozam- bique. Good machine shop at Dar-es-Salaam. 2,000 lbs. Facilities for small re- iron, 1,700 pairs at French Gov't lbs. brass, depot, Mayotte, Co- mora Is. 6 tons . 6 tons iron, 2£ tons Facilities for large re- pairs to machinery at Pointe des Galets. 25-ton crane. 2 tons. of the following Pacific Station ports. British Columbia Iron Works. 1908 Machinery; ordinary re- pairs. Albion Iron Works. . 1908 Engines and boilers; large. Forge 10 in. diam.; any length; turn any diam. Any size... 12 tons. H. B.M. Dockyard. Victoria Iron Works 1908 1903 Large do Forge 6 in., turn 36 in. x 21 ft. ...do 2 tons Dock can be extended to 480 ft., and cradle of marine railway can be lengthened 40 ft. Burpee & Letson (Ltd.). 1904 Machinery . . 43 in. x 16 ft., turned. 2\ tons. Moran Bros. Co 1908 Large 42 in. x 42 ft.. Any size.. 30 tons iron; 10 tons bronze. 100-ton crane; 75-ton floating derrick; 6,000- lb. steam hammer; expert divers. 118 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Date. Docks, etc. ( Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill. H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Seattle, Wash 1908 Moran Bros. Co.: Floating Dock (3,000 tons). Floating Dock (1,000 tons). Marine Rwy. (2,500 tons). Hall Bros.: Marine Rwy. (3,500 tons). Seattle Shipyards Co. (Ballard): Marine Rwy. (3,000 tons). King & Winge: 2 Marine Rwys. (560 and 200 tons). Feet. 225 Feet. 225 Feet. 55 Feet. 24 Feet. 10 Feet. 8J 100 100 29 12 300 320 55 (wide.) 80 (wide.) 46 20 16; 21 18 300 250 Tacoma, Wash 1908 Puget Sound Dry Dock and Machine Co.: Floating Dock (5,000 tons). 325 325 100 23 14 Port Orchard, U. S. N. Station, Wash. 1908 U. S. Gov't, timber 640 608 (floor.) \ 46 } 30/ 2 10 6 Portland, Oreg 1908 Port of Portland Floating Dock (10,000 tons). 468 468 82 25 4to7 Eureka, Cal 1908 Eureka Foundry Co.: Small Marine Rwy. (155 tons). 6 San Francisco, Cal. 1908 San Francisco Dry Dock Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry DockNo.2 Floating Dock No. 1 (1,000 tons). Floating Dock No. 2 (2,000 tons). Floating Dock No. 3 (2,500 tons). W. A. Boole & Son: Marine Rwy.(4,000 tons) Southern Pacific Co.: Marine Ways (3,000 tons). Pacific Marine Rwy. Co.- Marine Rwy. (700 tons). 5 4 482 750 210 271 301 800 464 (floor.) 716 (floor.) 208 231 301 330 (cradle. ) 309 f 921 I 60* / 104 \ 86 62 66 68 76 41 } » } 30J 16 16 16 15; 18 6 Oakland, Cal 1908 500 161 11; 18 5 4 Mare Island, Cal. . . 1908 Government: Dry Dock (stone) Dry Dock (timber; building). 505 750 (cradle.) 418 703 79 101 27* 30.5 n 5 Santa Cruz, Cal 1908 None 5 3i 3J Ban Diego, Cal 1908 Marine Railway (1,000 tons). 750 245 (cradle.) 54 (cradle.) 10; 20 5 Guaymas, Mexico. 1908 Government Marine Rwy. (900 tons). 709 200 (cradle. ) 40 (cradle.) 15; 26 4 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. of the following Pacific Station ports— Continued. 119 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Queen City Boiler Works. Hall Bros., Wins- low, Wash. Seattle Shipyards Co . (Ballard, Wash.). Vulcan Iron Works. Westerman Iron Works. Puget Sound Dry Dock Co. Puget Sound Iron and Steel Works. U. S. Naval Station. Willamette Iron Works. Portland Ironworks Eureka Foundry Co. Eureka Boiler Works Union Iron Works San Francisco Iron Works. Fulton Engineering and shipbuilding Works. C. H. Evans & Co.. W. A. Boole & Son. Southern Pacific Co. United Iron Works U.S. Navy-Yard.. Sterne Bros. & Co... Sonora Rwy. Co. Date. 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Character of repairs, large or small. Boilers only. Ordinary re- pairs. Ordinary re- pairs. Machinery . Heavy forg- ings. Large. Machinery Large. Large... Engines. Boilers and Boilers only. Large .do .do.... Machinery. . . Large. Engines and boilers. Machinery. Large Machinery. . . Machinery; small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. 10 in. x 24 ft. 10 in. x 30 ft. 12 in. diam. 10 in. x 20 ft. forged, 16 in. x 20 ft. turned. 33 in. x 22 ft. turned. Any diam., 40 ft. long. 12Jin.x20«'t. forging; ish No can furnisl shafts up to 6 in. diam., various lengths. 24 in. x 50 ft. 42 in. turned. 14 in. x 30 ft 12 in. x 21 ft. 20 in. x 30 ft. 42 in. x 26 ft Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. 12 in. No brazing No brazing Any size... 72 in. 20 in. Weight of largest that can be made. 5 tons 10 tons. 10,090 lbs. 32 tons. 12 tons. 6,000 lbs. 60 tons iron, 2 tons steel 15 tons 20 tons. Steem hammer; expert diver. Expert divers. 100-ton shears. 100- ton shears; heavy steam hammers; ex- pert divers. 90-ton shears, stern cais- son, 4,000 tons; tidal basin. Main shops at Sacra- mento. 100-ton crane. 3 tons iron, 1 ton brass. 120 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facih't ies Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary | neaps 1908 1908 1908 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 5 5 5 Feet. 1 do Acapulco, Mexico. . SalinaCruz, Cal... .do 1908 675 625 100 36 1904 La Boca Marine Ways (200 tons). 125 13 3; 15 20} 16} Gridiron. V S N. Cn 300 (Taboga Id.) Guayaquil, Ecuador. 1904 Callao, Peru 1908 Callao Dock Co.: Floating Dock (4,500 tons). 300 300 50 21 4 4 Iquique, Chile Tocopilla, Chile.... Antofagasta, Chile. 1908 - 5 1908 .do 5 1908 do 5 Taltal, Chile 1908 1908 1908 .do 5 5 5 Caldera, Chile .do Coquimbo, Chile . . Valparaiso, Chile... do 1908 "Santiago" Floating Dock (4,500 tons). " Valparaiso" Floating Dock (2,000 tons). 300 265 300 240 60 60 22 15 5 Talcahuano, Chile. 1908 Gov't Dry Dock (stone) . . . 2 small slipways for steam launches, etc. 614 599 f 87 (top.) \ 69 (bot- l torn.) 42 30} 6} 5 Floating Dock (1,000 tons). 216 216 Ooronel and Lota, 1908 6 Chile. Punta Arenas, 1908 Slipway ( i .ooo tons) 220 (oradfo.) 30 (cradle.) 9; 14 7} Sandy Point Chile. Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Is. l'.MIS Saurenson & Ljrta MariM Uwy. (1,500 tons). 750 1874 (cradle.) 40 13; 20 n FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. of the following Pacific Station ports — Continued. 121 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- j ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. 1Q03 Machinery. . . 8 in. x 18 ft.. 10 tons. 14,000 lbs. 12 in. x 18 ft. E. K. Smoot 1904 Machinery, small. 6 in. diam. welded. Small 500 lbs. 1904 La Boca machine shops, Panama R. R. Co. 1908 Hulls and engines. 10 iii. x 20 ft.. 12ln lton 15-ton crane. Gridiron will take a vessel drawing 12 ft. 2 small machine shops. 1904 Slight 250 lbs.... Nearest dock at Callao, Peru. CallaoDockCo Wm.White&Co... 1908 1904 Dock considered un- Ordinary 24 in. xl6ft. 12 in 5 tons safe; a new floating dock of 4,500 tons lift- ing capacity is about to be installed at Callao. 40- ton shears. Nitrate R.R. Co.... 1908 Boilers and engines. 8 in. x 16 ft. forged; 24 in. x 18 ft. turned. lOin 3 tons Good facilities for ordi- nary repairs. Railway machine shops. 1908 Ordinary re- pairs. Antofagasta and Bo- livia R. R. Co. 1908 do 8 in. x 10 ft. turned. 4in 2 tons. Railway machine shops. 1908 do do 1908 do 16 in. x 22 ft. turned. Any size... 4 tons. Gov't railway shops. 1908 do 6 in. diam... 12 in lton iron; 5 c w t . brass. 12-ton crane on wharf. Lever, Murphy & Co. (Sociedad de Fun die ion de Chile). 1908 Large 12 in. diam.; any length. Any size... 20 tons iron, i ton steel, any re- quired size brass. 30-ton traveling crane. Gov't Arsenal 1908 Moderate 16in.x33ft.. ...do 5 tons 50-ton floating crane; U. S. S. Iowa docked here in January, 1902. Arauco Railway ma- chine shops. 1904 do 6in lton. 2 machine shops . . . 1908 Ordinary re- pairs. 4 in. xl5ft.. Any size. . . 2 tons Divers. Honolulu Iron Works. 1900 Large ma- chinery. 15 In. x 20 ft. 12 in 15 tons. 122 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Papeete. Tahiti, Society Is. 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 .1908 Small PatentSlip(200 tons) (Destroyed 1906.) Patent Slipway (1,000 tons) Patent Slip (1,000 tons).... Patent Slip (100 tons) (Harbor Board.) Circular Slip (560 tons) .... Gov't Dry Dock Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 11 4 12 9} 9 8 Feet. 4 71 7 6 845 280 ' 172 280 431 J 488 300 393 110 270 170 185 350 200 250 477 637 150 640 765 227 (cradle.) 126 (cradle.) 67 (cradle.) 85 (cradle.) 430 200 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 151J (cradle.) Hi; 17* 5; 12 4; 7 4; 10 19 7; 20 New Caledonia. Queensland, Australia. Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Maryboro. Queensland, Australia. 25 (cradle.) 55 Queensland, Australia. Peters' Patent Slip (1,000 tons). (Kangaroo Pt.) Peters' Patent Slip (400 tons). Kangaroo Pt.) Moar's Patent Slip (500 tons). Gov'tDryDock 7i; 18 8} 3; 6 4; 6 3J; 8 9; 15 4; 10 6; 10 21$ 32 8 19J 28 8i;l7 8; 16 2i;5J 12 15 8 li 4to6 5i I 3to4 4 Clarence River, N. S. W., Australia. Newcastle, N. S. w., Australia. 42 14 (cradle.) 16 (cradle.) 18 (cradle.) 45 (cradle.) 40 (cradle.) (At Ashby.) Patent Slip (250 tons) (At Harwood.) Patent Slip (80 tons) (At Maclear.) Patent Slip (200 tons) (At Grafton.) Orris, Duke & Sons: Patent Slip (1,000 tons). P. Callen: PatentSlip (200 tons).. M. A. & H. Callen: Patent Slip (150 tons)... Fitzroy Graving Dock, Gov't. (Cockatoo Id.) Sutherland Dock, Gov't. . . (Cockatoo Id.) Drake's Floating Dock (300 tons). (White Bay.) Mort's Graving Dock New Graving Dock (Woolwich.) Mort's Patent Slip No. 1 (2,000 tons). Mort's Patent Slip No. 2 (1,500 tons.) Mort's Patent Slip No. 3 Mort's Floating Dock (Mort's Bay.) Victoria Jubilee Floating Dock. (Balmain.) Floating Dock (150 tons) . . . (Johnson's Bay.) Atlas Pontoon Floating Dock (1,500 tons). 92 (cradle.) 70 (cradle.) 75 (cradle.) 200 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 463 630 150 640 Sydney,N.S.W., Australia. 59 84 40 69 83 270 (cradle.) 200 (cradle.) 50 (cradle.) 163 320 109 40 44 23 (ex- treme.) 60} 317 100 195 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. of the following Pacific Station ports — Continued. 123 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Marine Arsenal (French Gov't.). Cleveland Foundry. Bums& Twigg J. Walker &Co. Evans, Anderson, Phelan & Co. Australian United Steam Navigation Co. Smith, Faulkner & Co. Orris, Duke & Sons. P. Callen & Sons Morrison & Bearby.. J. S. Rogers & Co.. N. S.W. Rwy. shops Gov't Dockyard (Biloela). Mort's Dock and Engineering Co. (Ltd.). Atlas Foundry and Engineering Co. (Ltd.). Foster & Minty (Balmair). Clyde Engineering Works (Granville). Date 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 Character of repairs, large or small. Machinery... Hulls and machinery. Boilers and machinery; large. Hulls and machinery; large. Hulls and machinery. Large General re- marks. Hulls only. Machinery.. do do 1908 Large do.... do Engines and boilers. do Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. 8in.xl5ft .. 9 in. x 18ft... 6 in. x 15ft.. 12in.x20ft.. 6in.xl3ft.. 14 in. x 24 ft.. 18in.x30ft.. 24 in. x 38 ft . 10in.x20ft.. 12in.xl8ft. 12in.x20ft. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. 8 in. 12 in. 18 in. 24 In. Any size. Any size. do.. do.. Any size. 36 in Any size. 15in Any size. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. 100 lbs... 10 tons. 12 tons... 13 cwt. brass, 4 tonsiron. 20 tons. 10 tons. ....do.. 25 tons. 20 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. Repairing done by C. A. F. Ducorron. 2 Gov't shops for light machine work. Expert diver. 25 ton shears. 14-ton crane; expert divers. Practically any repairs that do not require docking can be made at this port; expert divers available. For the use of Gov't docks application must be made in writ- ing to the under sec- retary for public works; all parties us- ing docks must make their own arrange- ments for repairs; ap- plication for the use of any of the machinery or gear must be made in writing to the gen- eral superintendent at the dock works; charges include steam power and the use of the ordinary machine tools; special tools charged for separately. 124 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Date. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs Feet. 2\ Ordi- nary neaps Melbourne, Victoria, 1908 G. S. Duke & Son: Feet. 520 320 470 216 Feet. 510 310 459 200 100 (cradle.) 165 (cradle.) 66 (cradle.) Feet. 70 46 80 36 Feet. 23 17 26 12 Feet. 2 Australia. Wright, Orr & Flett: Alfred Graving Dock, Gov't (At Williamstown.) Melbourne S. S. Co. (Ltd.): Floating Dock (at Wil- liamstown). Gov't Slipway (500 tons, at Williamstown). Patent Slip (400 tons, at Williamstown): Wright, Orr & Flett.... t Melbourne S. S. Co. (Ltd.). 2 other slipways (small) 750 8; 12 Port Adelaide, 1908 Dry Dock ( proposed ) Patent Slip (1,500 tons)... . (Fletcher's.) Moore's Slip (150 tons) Jenkins's Slip (300 tons). . . Birkenhead Slip (300 tons). 470 720 220 300 350 8 41 S. Australia. 250 (cradle.) 70 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 130 33 (cradle.) 13; 201 4J; 8 7; 17 8; 15 Taylor's Slip (200 tons). . . . Wet docks: 210 550 750 (cradle.) 60 (cradle.) 550 (wide.) 300 (wide.) 5; 10 25 22 55 60 Albany, W. Australia. 1908 Small Floating Dock 130 121 22 61 3 2 Freemantle, W. Australia. 1908 Gov't Dry Dock (building) Patent Slip (850 tons) 610 660 560 185 ( cradle.) 80 26 31 10|; 181 3 2 Hobart, Tasmania. 1904 Kennedy's Patent Slip (1,000 tons). McGregor's Patent Slip (450 tons). Mackey's Patent Slip (250 tons). 940 580 300 219 (cradle.) 150 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 13; 24 8; 15 5; 9 41 31 Devonport, Tasmania. 1908 Wood'sSlipway (350 tons). 220 112 7; 12 Launceston, Tasmania. 1908 Floating Dock (1,200 tons). 160 155 37 12J 121 10 Auckland, New Zealand. 1904 Calliope Dry Dock (11 arbor Board.) 566 312 521 300 80 43 33 131 11 9 (Harbor Board.) Graham town, River Thames, New Zealand. Napier, New Zealand. 1908 Patent Slip (150 tons) 190 90 (cradle.) 23 (cradle.) 4; 7 3to4 Wellington, New Zealand. 1908 Patent Slip (2,000 tons)... . (Evans Bay.) 1,075 260 (cradle.) 30 (cradle.) 16; 26 3J 3i FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. of the following Pacific Station ports — Continued. 125 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. G. S. Duke & Son... Victorian Gov't Wright, Orr&FIett. Johnson & Sons Melbourne S.S. Co.. 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 Large do 18in.diam... Any size... 20 tons. do do do 20in.x27ft.. 34in.x30ft.. Any size... lOin 20 tons. Melbourne S. S. Co. execute repairs when in the Gov't dock. South Austra 1 i a n Gov't Dockyard. J. Playfair 1908 1908 1908 do do Machinery; large. Large Forge, 8 in.; turn any size. Turn any size. 12 in. x 18 ft. 15 in 6 tons No progress made with Dry Dock, Feb., 1904. John Fletcher Martin & Co 1908 15 in. x 21 ft.. 15 in 3 tons. Gov't 1908 do 8 in. x 20 ft. 5 in Do. Gov't workshops . . . 1908 Hulls and en- gines. 6 in., forged; 24 in. x 22 ft., turned. Any size... 5 tons Expert divers. R. Kennedy & Sons. 1908 Machinery ; small. Knight & Co Salisbury Foundry 1908 Ensrines and boilers; small. 1908 do Co. Calliope Dock Re- pair Shops. Massey Bros 1908 Large 1908 Engines and boilers. Forge, 9 in.; 48 in. x 60 ft., turned. 9 in 5 tons Several firms can under- take small repairs. Price Bros 1908 Large do 8 in x 24 ft 24 in Hawkes Bay Foun- dry. Vulcan Foundry Co. 1900 10 in. x 12 ft. 16 in 5 tons. • 1908 ! Engines and 1 boilers. Cable & Co 1908 OrHinarv ro. Gin. x 20 ft.. Any size... 10 tons... Several firms can under- take ordinary repairs. pairs. 126 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill. II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps 1908 1908 1908 1908 Gridiron Feet. Feet. 130 450 90 (cradle.) 328 Feet. Feet. 61; 7 J 23 51 19i 22 Feet. 14 6i 6J 51 Feet. 10 6 43 New Zealand. Lyttelton, Dry Dock 481 270 348 500 62 New Zealand. (Harbor Board.) Patent Slip New Zealand. 50 70 Port Chalmers, do New Zealand Bluff Harbor, New Zealand. Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Vladivostok, Siberia, Ominato, Japan... Hakodate, Japan. Yokohama, Japan Yokosuka, Japan.. Uraga, Japan. Tokyo, Japan. Ohama, Province of Mikawa, Japan. Toba, Owari Baj lapan. Kobe, Japan. 1908 1908 l'.KIS 1908 1901 1908 1908 Floating Dock (8,000 tons) Dry Dock Do Gov't Floating Dock (1,500 tons). Dry Dock (Hakodate Senkyo Kaisha) Patent Slip (1,400 tons).... (Hakodate Senkyo Kaisha) Yokohama Dock Co: Dry Dock No. 1. Dry Dock No. 2. Gov't (stone): Dry Dock No. 1 . Dry Dock No. 2. Dry Dock No. 3. Dry Dock No. 4. Uraga Dock Co. (Ltd.): Dry Dock No. 1 . . . Dry Dock No. 2. Ishikawajlma (Dry Dock). KinuuraShip Building Co.: Dry Dock Toba Iron Works: Dry Dock.... Kawasaki Dockyard Co.: Patent Slip No. 1 (2,000 tons). Patent Slip No. 2 (600 tons). Dry Dock. 30!) 57_> (135 280 5301 4001 392 502 308 590J ■in: 450| 270 250 280 900 600 425 260 512 618 482J 204 (cradle.) 4SoA 861 361 J 467* 2s2< 551J 4S2 •114 280 200| (floor.) 275 250 (cradle.) 180 (cradle.) 377 90 105 93J top. 75J bot- tom. 60S top. 46 bot- tom. 75J 70; 60 65i 53; 48 24 (cradle.) I'.''. (cradle.) { i 26 30 321 1 25 6 } 30* 6 28 5 3 i 29 t 26 22J 28$ 18g 36 8 4 251 51 3J } 24J } •» 61 } » 7 131 7 15; 241 52 41 12; 18 } * FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. of the following Pacific Station -ports — Continued. 127 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Atlas Engineering Works. Lyttelton Harbor Board. 1904 1901 1900 1908 1904 Large Do. Small 6 in. x30ft.. do.... 10 tons . . . iton 8 tons iron, 3 tons brass. 3 tons Several other firms can undertake large re- pairs. Ordinary repairs; 5 small foundries. Several other firms in Dunedin and P o r- Chalmers can undert takeextensive repairs. 2 other firms (1904). A. & T. Burt (Dun- edin). Southland Engi- neering Co. Large do Any size 7in.xl2ft... Any size... ...do of the following Asiatic station ports Russian Gov't Dock- yard. 1908 All ordinary repairs. Hakodate Dock Co.. 1908 Machinery and boilers. 8 in. x20ft.. 1 ton. Yokohama Engine Works. 1908 Large Forge 9 in., turn 15 in. x25ft. 20 in 10 tons . . . 35-ton derricks; expert divers. Imperial Gov't Dockyard. 1908 do 12 in. x 20 ft. 21£in 10 tons iron, 8 tons brass. 40-ton crane; 20-ton floating derrick. Uraga Dock Co. (Ltd.). 1908 do 12 in. x 30 ft. Any size... 10 tons . . . 80-ton floating derrick; 60-ton shears. Ishikawajima Works 1908 do 8 in. x20ft.. 18 in 8 tons. Kawasaki Dockyard Co. 1908 Large 12 in x 23 ft.. 8in 8 tons Charges reported ex- orbitant. 1907. Mitsu Bishi Dock- yard and Engine Works. 1908 do 128 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Date. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Feet. Kobe, Japan — Continued. 1908 Mitsu Bishi Floating Dock (7,000 tons.) Feet. 412* Feet. 387* Feet. 85* Feet. (depth.) Feet. Osaka, Japan 1908 Osaka Iron Works: Dry Dock (stone) 250 247 33 14 5? 1908 Harada: Dry Dock (wood) Do 210 152 180 245 210 (floor.) 152 (floor.) 175 230 35 28 28 38 Ml 10* 12 Ml Ono Dry Dock (wood). Fujinagata Dry Dock (wood). Do 1908 160 223 246 156 208 225 35 42 42 11 14 16-i 4* Osaka Dock Co.: Dry Dock (wood and stone). Do In-no-Shima, Innoshima Dock Co.: Inland Sea, (S.W.End) Japan. Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 364 300 360 280 / 50 \ 44 j 39 \ 36 )• 30 } " 24 18 Bingo Dockyard: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 410 294 57 42 Habu, Province of Bingo, Japan. 1901 Habu Dock Co.: Dry Dock (stone) 300 300 / 39 \ 36 } w 4* Kure, Province of Aki, 1908 Gov't Dry Dock No. 1 (granite). } 463i 418* / 79 \ 58 \ 28 4 Japan. Gov't Dry Dock No. 2.... 492fc 4821 / 93 \ 81 j 351 Gov't Dry Dock No. 3 (proposed). Maidzuru, Japan. . 1908 Dry Dock 543 505 249J 190} 85 31 24* 32f 15 ' 121 2 (Gov't, for battle ships.) Dry Dock (Gov't, for destroyers.) Dry Dock (Gov't, for torpedo boats.) Sasebo, Japan 1908 Gov't Floating Dock(l,500 tons). Gov't Dry Dock (stone). . . Do 282 282 60 11? 11 8 436 273 539 403 237 492 90 62$ 95* 34} 15* 35* Do Nagasaki, Japan... 1908 Mitsu Bishl Co.: 101 1 Dry Dock No. 1 (Tategami) 523 513 / 89 \ 76 } 27* Dry Dock No. 2 (Mukaijima.) Dry Dock No. 3 (MinogaPt.) Patent Slip, 1,200 tons. (Kasuge.) New Graving Dock (Naghama.) 371 722 750 \ 320 350 714 220 (cradle.) 310 / 66 \ 53 / 96* I 88 130 (cradle.) f 48 \ 40 } n } 35 18 } " Okawa. Province of Chikugo, Japan. 1901 Okawa Transportation Co. (wood and stone). } 250 230 f 40 \ 30 > " Takeshlki, 1908 Gov't Floating Dock (1,600 tons). 285 25 Tsushima I., Japan. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WOKLD. the following Asiatic Station ports— Continued. 129 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be mad*. Remarks. Osaka Iron Works . . Innoshima Dock Co. 1908 1908 Ordinary re- pairs. Small 6 in The company is In- creasing its plant; no pilots are needed to get to docks; docks are quarried out of the solid rock. Gov't Dockyard — Japanese Gov't Dockyard. Japanese Gov't Dockyard. Mitsu BishiCo Japanese Gov't Dockyard. 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 100-ton crane; gun, tor- pedo, and shell fac- tories. do do do 14 in. x 20 ft. Any size 14in Any size... 5 tons. 50 tons . . . 15 tons. 100-ton shears. 652—09 — 130 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Chemulpo, Korea.. Dalny, China Port Arthur, China Niuchwang, China. Taku, China.... Chifu, China. Wei-hai-wei, China. Tsingtau, Kiauchau.China. (German.) Hankau, China (Yang-tse River). Shanghai, China. . . Fuchau, China Amoy, China Hongkong, China. Whampoa, China. Haifong, Tonkin... Saigon, Cochin China. Date. 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1JHW 1906 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) None Dry Dock. do.... Mud Docks. Chinese CfOv't: Dry Dock Taku Tug and Lighter Co. Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 None. .do. German Gov't: Floating Dock (16,000 tons). None. Farnham, Boyd & Co.: Old Dock Tunkadu Dock Cosmopolitan Dock . . International Dock... New Dock Gov't Dock , (Kiangnon Arsenal.) Gov't Dry Dock Amoy Dock Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co. (Ltd.): Hope Dock Lamont Dock No. l(Kaulun) No. 2(Kaulun) No. 3(Kaulun) Pat. Slip (1,200 tons)... Pat. Slip (1,000 tons)... Cosmopolitan Dock Butterfield & Swire Dry Dock (building). Imperial Gov't Chinese Gov't: Cooper Dock . . . Locksun Dock . Patent slip (400 tons). French Gov't: Dry Dock Dry Dock (small). Length. Over all. Feet. 300 335 3(10 400 365 580 r» to 473 31)0 32S 300 430 334 573 394 265 700 568.7 508i 2293 Over blocks. Feet. 380 370 335 315 275 300 309 355 532 528 450 376 Width at en- trance. Feet. 42.11 72 9SJ 32 430 333 500 370 264 240 39 (cradle.) (cradle.) 200 | 37 (cradle.) (cradle.) 851 750 82 Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 19.9 32 554.9 430 450 130 (cradle) 05 23f m 30 18J 14 13; 21 8; 15 20 32 16 18 6; 10 27J H Rise of tide. Ordi nary sp'gs Feet. 10 121 10 HI Ordi nary Feet, 18J U « 7to8 12] 3 to! FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following Asiatic Station ports — Continued. 131 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. British and U. S. gun- Chinese Gov't Dock- yard. Taku Tug and Lighter Co. 1901 1901 Large do 12 in. x 30 ft.. 15 in Any size... 10 tons . . . 3 tons boats occupied mud docks during winter of 1903-4. 50-ton shears. 25-ton shears. Railway machine Hon- Yang Iron and Farnham, Boyd & Co. (Ltd.), Shan- ghai Dock & Engi- neering Co. Chinese Gov't Arse- nal. Gov't Dock Yard . . . Amoy Dock Co Hong-Kong and Whampoa Dock Co. (Ltd.). H.B.M. shipyard... Butterfield & Swire (building). yard. 1908 1904 1908 Hull and machinery. Large 12 in. x 30 ft. 10 in. x 60 ft. 14in Any size... 15 tons. 20 tons. 1908 1900 1900 1908 1908 1902 1901 Large do Small Large do Do. 14 in. forged, turn any size. 18 in. x 85 ft. Small 16 in. x30ft. 10 in do Medium. . . Any size... do 20 tons. ...do 3 tons. 20 tons.... 2 tons 30-ton shears; dock badly placed and un- safe; limited supply of material for repairs. 40-ton shears. 75-ton shears at Kaulua Docks. 50-ton shears. French Gov't Dock yard. Cie. Messageries Fleurales. 1908 1898 Large do there is a basin 240 ft. x 78 ft. with 13 ft. of water. 132 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. ( Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Riseo: Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. nary Bangkok, Siam 1908 1908 1908 1900 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Bangkok Dock Co. (Ltd.): Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Feet. 300 110 3211 215 Feet. 260 100 302 205 150 (cradle.) 270 (cradle). 173 (cradle). 120 (cradle.) 160 (cradle.) Feet. 45 23 48 33 40 (cradle.) 36 25 Feet. ui 144 13 11 8J; 18| 7; 13 7; 12 10 Feet. 11 Kim Seng Lee Dry Dock.. Howartn Erskine (Ltd.): Patent slip (250 tons) .. 54 Manila (Cavite), P.I. Cafiacao, Patent Slip (1,700 tons). Conacao Patent Slip (1,000 tons). San Roque Patent Slip (250 tons). Malabon Patent Slip (500 tons). Government, Arsenal Slip (300 tons). Gov't Floating Dock (18,500 tons). Slipway (200 tons) 820 734 400 190. 6 500 Olongapo (SubigBay), P.I. 500 82i 374 2 9 2 8 9 7 6 3 P.I. Surabaya, Java — Gov't Floating Dock (4,800 tons). Gov't Floating Dock (1,400 tons). 328 196.8 324 520 367 486 800 420 454 407 420 350 300 300 62* 57 67 24.6 18 20 19 } 20 } 21 32 15 1 » } 20 8; 12 13 6; 9 20 324 Batavia, Java Patent Slip (will take ves- sels 200 ft. long. Floating Dock, Tanjong Priok (4,000 tons). Patent Slip (2,000 tons). . . Tanjong Pagar Dock Co: Victoria Dock Albert Dock Singapore, Straits Settlements. 450 470 t 64.J \ 60 ( 59 t 56 95 42 j 64 \ 52 i JO \ 5o Graving Dock Keppel Harbor Section, No. 1. Keppel Harbor Section, No. 2. Keppel Harbor Section, No. 3. Tanjong Rhoo Slipway (500 tons). Tanjong Rhoo Slipway, Nos. 2 and 3 (150 and 100 tons). Riley, Hargreaves & Co, 2 slips (350 and L0 tons). Prye River Dock Co.: Dry Dock 416 444 400 175 (cradle.) 330 100 (cradle.) 296 Penang, Straits Settlements 45 35 (cradle.) 69 Sabang, PuloWeh, Sumatra. Padang, Sumatra.. Slipway (100 tons) Floating Dock (3,000 tons). FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following Asiatic Station ports — Continued. 133 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Bangkok Dock Co. (Ltd.). 1904 1904 1904 General r e - repairs. do do 6 in Any size... 6 in Any size... 5 tons 1£ tons. .. 5 tons. 25-ton shears; expert divers. 6 in Ilowarth Erskine (Ltd.) 14in Varadero de Manila. Dockyard (Cavite).. 1908 1908 Ordinary re- pairs. do 8 in 2\ tons. Small Spanish Gun* Gov't. Dockyard... Ned. Ind. Industrie Co. Fabrick Kaliemaas . Younge& Gill 1908 1908 boats have been, hauled up. do Any size Any size... 15 tons. .. 20-ton crane. 1908 1904 do do do do ...do ...do ...do 12 tons . . . Do. 15-ton crane. Dry Dock Co., Tan- jong Priok. 1908 General No forging... ...do 10 tons. .. 25-ton crane. Tanjong P a g a r Dock Co. (Ltd.) Riley, Hargreaves & Co. Ilowarth, Erskine &Co. 1908 1908 Large do 15in.x20ft.. 7 in. x20ft.. ...do 12 in ...do 5 tons. 50-ton shears; expert divers. 1908 Machinery... 7 in. welded, 14 in., turned. Any size... 10 tons. Prye River Dock Co. Allan & Irving 1908 1908 1908 General re- pairs. Machinery... Weld 9 in.. . any length. 8in.x20ft... Any size. . ...do 18 in 6 tons 5 tons 50-ton shears. Expert divers. Sabang Bay Co. (Ltd.). 1908 General re- pairs. Forge 8 in. x 18 ft., turn 24 in. x 20 ft. 12 in 1 ton 15-ton derricks. Govt. Railway workshops. 1904 8 in \ ton. 134 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks^etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sih, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Port Blair, 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Andaman Is. Patent Slip (90 tons) Patent Slip 350 110 (cradle.) 180 (cradle.) 230 ) 4 to 12 \ 7 to 17 7; 10 12; 14 20 12 12 British Burmah. Rangoon, British Burmah. 45 Gridiron 230 Akyab, British Burmah. Chittagong, India.. Calcutta, India Small Slipway (80 tons) ... None Port Commissioners: Kidderpore Dry Dock No. 1. Kidderpore Dry Dock No. 2. Gov't Graving Dock Gov't Dry Dock 535 520 450 337 264 180 347* 190 308 339 230 305 362 342 255 (cradle.) 255 (cradle.) 250 (cradle.) 240 (cradle. ) 80 (cradle.) 67 67 60 43 46 50 40| 52 44* 41 431 57 76 23* 24 23 17 12 350 264 197 359 202 334 342 234 310 368 350 620 625 640 640 300 Gov't Upper Dry Dock Calcutta Dry Dock ( Port Commissioners). Lower Howrah Dry Dock. Upper Howrah Dry Dock.. Caledonia Dry Dock Commercial Dry Dock Hooghly Dry Dock Lower Union Dry Dock . . . Upper Union Dry Dock . . . I. G.N. & R.Co. (Ltd.): Patent Slip (600 tons) . . Patent Slip (800 tons) . . Rivers Steam Nav. Co. (Ltd.): Patent Slip (900 tons).. Patent Slip (600 tons).. Patent Slip (120 tons).. 10SJ 16* 9* 20* 18 8 16* 19i 17? 5; 12 5; 13 5; 15 5; 15 2*; 12 Pondlcherry, India. Negapatam, India. Trincomalee, do do do Ceylon. Point de Galle, do Ceylon. Colombo, Ceylon . . Govt Dry Dock 720 800 150 700 220 (cradle.) 45 (cradle.) 85 (at cop- ing.) 40 (cradle.) 32 10*; 21* 4;7 3 2 Gov't Patent Slip (1,200 tons). Walker s Patent Slip Walker s Coffer-dam Cochin, India.. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following Asiatic Station ports— Continued. 135 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Dalla Dockyard Railway workshop. . Royal Indian Ma- rine Dockyard. B.I. S.N. Co Burn & Co. (Ltd.).. Ing Co. Massey&Co.(Ltd.). 1904 1904 1908 1908 1904 1904 Hulls and en- gines. Boilers and engines small. 36 in 5 tons 20- ton shears. Large 15 in. x 25 ft . Any size... 40 tons. Small 6 in. x22ft.. - 4 tons. II. B. M. Dockyard. 1908 1898 1908 1908 Small Small repairs only. 4£in.x4ft... 4in 10-ton shears; 7 ft. alongside at L. W.; dockyard in use as a supply depot. 7- ton shears. Indian Gov't Shops. Walker, C. A. & Co.. 15-ton crane. Large. 1 136 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Bombay, India... K arachi, India. . . Bussorah, Asiatic Turkey. Aden, Arabia. Perim Id., Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb. Suez, Egypt 1(108 Docks, etc. ( Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Govt.: Upper Bombay Dock. Middle Bombay Dock. Lower Bombay Dock. Upper Duncan Dock.. Lower Duncan Dock.. Torpedo Boat Dock. . . Patent Slip, (200 tons). Mazagon Dry Dock (B. I. S. N. Co.) Merewether Drv Dock (Bombay Port Trust.) P. & O. S. N. Co.: Ritchie Craving Dock. Small Dock Mazagon Patent Slip (Pestonji Nusserwanji.) Wet Docks: Princess Dock Victoria Dock. Sassoon Dock. Gov't Dock... Giles Graving Dock (Manora Port Trust.) Mud Dock. Pontoon (750 tons) (Dinshaw & Bros.) Patent Slip (200 tons)... (Luke Thomas & Co.) Patent Slip (100 tons)... Ismail Dry Dock (Port Ibrahim.) Length. Over all. Feet. 200 183 256 302^ 316| 160 280 413 538| 495 154 225 1,460 (long.) 1,270 (long.) 632 (long.) Irreg 2601 150 Over blocks. Feet. 199 183 256 287£ 316J 154 62 (cradle.) 395 500 232 (cradle.) 1,000 (wide.) 1,000 (wide.) 80 (wide.) ular. 238 60 to 80 (cradle.) 24 (cradle.) Width at en- trance. Feet. 25 65) 50 22 (cradle.) Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. 14| 16J 16J 24 24 12 4i;7 HI 8 4; 5 Riseoftide. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Feet. Feet. 14j! Hi Irregular. 9J £ Irregular. Particulars of docking and repairing facilities Orkney Is. Inverness, Scotland. Banff, Scotland.... Peterhead, Scotland. 1908 1908 Cairston Patent Slip (900 tons). Ness Patent Slip (300 tons). None. Morton's Patent Slip (150 tons). New Dock. Old Dock. L90 138 200 (cradle.) 104 (cradle.) 62 (cradle.) 174 128 27 (cradle.) FACILITIES OF THE POETS OF THE WORLD. the following Asiatic Station ports— Continued. 137 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Gov't Dockyard.... Alcock, Ashdown & Co. P. & 0. S. N. Co... T. Cosser & Co 1908 1908 1904 1908 Large do do do Any size turned. 30- ton shaft can be sup- plied. Any size turned. 8 in. x 18ft... 22 in Any size... do.... do 10 tons... Any size. 8 tons: 5 tons. 50-ton shears. Cowasjee Dinshaw & Bros. Luke Thomas & Co. Perim Coal Co Egyptian Gov't 1904 1904 1908 1900 Machinery... do Engines and boilers. Ordinary No forging... Turn 20 in. x 20 ft. 14in.xl8ft.. Forge 4 in., turn 16 in. x 18 ft. Any size... 12 in do 16 in 6 cwt. 1£ tons. 2\ tons... I ton 20-ton shears; 10-ton derrick; complete sal- vage plant. 400 ft. on blocks can be obtained if necessary. of the following European Station ports. 1908 1904 Wooden shipbuilding. Rose Street Foundry and Iron Works Co. Castings. Carnegie & Mat- thews. Forbes & Birnie il908 /W o o de n \ hulls. 24 in. x 14 ft. 10 in None Diver available; 3 wet docks with 18 ft. water at H. W. S. 138 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Aberdeen, Scotland. Montrose, Scotland. Arbroath, Scotland. Dundee, Scotland Dysart, Scotland.. Kirkcaldy and Burntisland, Scotland. Methel, Scotland... Bo'ness, Scotland . Alloa, Scotland.... Grangemouth, Scotland. Granton, Scotland. Date. KM IS 1908 1908 Docks, etc. ( Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Graving Dock (Harbor Commissioners.) Pontoon (425 tons) (Harbor Commissioners.) Patent Slip (800 tons) (Hall, Russell & Co.) Patent Slip (500 tons) (A. Hall & Co.) Patent Slip (1,000 tons).. . . (J. Duthie, Sons& Co.) Wet Dock (Victoria) Montrose Patent Slip (500 tons). Wet Dock Patent Slip (600 tons) (Harbor Trustees.) Wet Dock (Harbor Trustees:) West Graving Dock (old). East Graving Dock (new). Patent Slip (600 tons).. Wet Docks KingWilliamlVDock.... Earl Grey Dock Camperdown Dock Victoria Dock East Tidal Basin West Tidal Basin Patent Slip (200 tons) (Town Council.) Wet Dock Patent Slip (300 tons; In- verkeithing, 10 miles dist.) Wet Dock (Kirkcaldy).... Wet Dock (Burntisland).. New Dock Wet Dock do Dry Dock (Alloa Dry Dock and En- gineering Co.) Wet Dock Grangemouth Dry Dock. . . Wet Docks: Old Dock Junction Basin New Dock Patent Slip (950 tons) (Hawthorne & Co., Ltd.) Length. Over all. Feet. 524 126 380 335 650 2,850 (long.) 300 450 (long.) Over blocks. Feet. 500 126 166 (cradle.) 141 (cradle.) 180 (cradle.) 525 (wide.) 120 (cradle.) 318 (wide.) 150 (cradle.) 258 (long.) (wide.) 278 516 545 (long.) 711 540 639 1,299 320 700 200 (long.) 200 250 (long.) 540 (long.) 651 (long.) 600 (long.) 831 (long.) 210 636 (long.) 273 (long.) 256-534 r 600-\ l 1,200/ 300-450 320 250 500 177 (cradle wide.) 429 420 549 380 260 280 85 (cradle.) 80 (wide.) 100 (cradle.) 250 (wide.) 500 (wide.) 540 (wide.) 351 (wide.) 400 (wide.) 200 (wide.) 273 (wide.) 147-300 216-405 255-336 •236 (cradle.) Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 45 (cradle.) 42 I (cradle.) 25 | (cradle.) I 70 ! 1 60 32 (cradle.) 55 (cradle.) 40 38§ 50§ 44 (cradle.) 39 55 60 60 135 210 38 (cradle.) 37 26 (cradle.) 31 40 (cradle.) Feet. 20 12 7; 13 8; 12 6; 13 22 7i; 13 21 8; 12 14 132 184 7J;1$| 15 17< 21i 21! 27 20 "i; io 14 6J; 10i 13i 22J 23 22 14 21 14 20 24 20 10J; 15 Rise of tide. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Feet. 12 Feet. 10 14 11 14 14* 9 n 13J 171 15 15 12 16 121 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 139 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. 20 in 16 in Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Hull, Russell & Co.. A. Hall&Co J. Duthie, Sons & Co. Montrose Shipbuild- ing Co. 1908 1908 1908 1908 General re- pairs. Hulls and en- gines. No forging. . . 18 in. x20ft. 15 tons. None. Hulls and machinery. docks. Dundee Shipbuild- ing Co. Gouriay Bros. & Co. Caledon Shipbuild- ing Co. (Ltd.). Cooper & Greig 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 Hulls Hulls and machinery. Do. Machinery. Hulls and machinery. Mackay Bros Grangemouth Dock- yard Co. 1908 1908 Hulls 140 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of of port. Leith, Scotland. Blyth, England. Berwick, England North Shields, England. South Shields, England, Date. 1908 Docks, etc. ( Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Harbor Commissioners: Prince of Wales Dry Dock. Alexandra Dry Dock . . . Edinburgh Dry Dock. . Commercial Dry Dock.. West Commercial Dry Dock. Lower Dry Dock New Dry Dock (pro- posed.) Sandport Street Dry Dock. Wet Docks: Albert Dock Edinburgh Dock Victoria Dock East Old Dock West Old Dock New Dock Blyth Shipbuilding Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 Dry Dock No. 5 Floating Dock (.Harbor Commissioners.) 1899 Wet Dock. 1908 Young's Dry Dock. (Shields Eng Co., Ltd.) Smith's Dock Co. (Ltd.): Dry Dock No. 4 Dry Dock No. 6 Dry Dock No. 6 Pontoon, East No. 7 (3,000 tons). Pontoon, West No. 8 (6,400 tons). Smith's Dock Co. (Ltd.): Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 TyneDock Kng.Co (Ltd.): Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Holborn Dry Dock (T. Morales & Co ). West Dock (John Keadhead & Sons). Fast Dock (Middle Docks and Eng. Co, Ltd ) West Dock (Middle Docks and Eng. Co . Ltd ) Brigham & Cowan (Ltd.): Dry Dock Hepple's Dry Dock, No. 1 . Hepple's Dry Dock, No 2. TyneDock FloatingDoe!: . Long How Floating Dock.. W info's Floating Dock Ki-nnoldson I Patent Slip (800 tons) Dry Dock, Jarrow: No. 1 No 2 No.3 Length. Over Feet. 325 300 266 176 174 500 180 (long.) 1,100 1,500 750 750 750 1,900 378 320 480 345 285 122 420 (long.) 1S2 367 300 335 430 322 305 428{ 315 280 233 329j 329 400 138 lit. 139 135 120 250 m 363 450 Over blocks. Feet. 325 800 266 165 174 180 (wide.) 450 650 300 300 300 280 307 .J 475 340 280 118 340 (wide.) 182 435 365 300 316* 301 424" 300 275 226 3294 329 297 160 136 116 132 127 (16 Width at en- trance. (cradle) 425 362 450 Depth j on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of ti Feet. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Feet. 10-i 19 : 17$ 154 13$ HI 23 20 l.vi 171 m 21$ 16$ 18$ 16 23J 18 21 21 21.3 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports— Continued. 141 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Several firms. Blyth Shipbuilding Co. Black, G. Smith's Dry Dock Co. (Ltd.). John Readhead Sons. J. P. Rennoldson & Sons. Date I Character of •i repairs, large or small. Hulls and machinery. Hulls. 1908 Boilers. Hulls.. Hulls and machinery. Do. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: V. eight of largest that can be made. Remarks. 80-ton cranes. 50-ton shears. Floating Dock Is very old and fit for barges only. Several other firms un- dertake repairs to hulls and machinery. 142 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Newcastle-on- Tyne, England. 1908 1908 R. Stephenson & Co.: Graving Dock (Heb- burn). Hebburn Dry Dock (Hawthorn, Leslie & Co.) Palmer's Dry Dock Palmer's Patent Slip (1,200 tons). Swan & Hunter's Dry Dock. Wallsend Co.: Dry Dock Feet. 711 450 440 600 550 553 1,000 1,000 550 240 260 300 238 350 350 300 200 180 290 Feet. 700 425 412 240 (cradle.) 550 544 300 (cradle.) 300 (cradle.) 550 Feet. 90 68 70 Feet. 28* 21 18 7; 18 26.8 25 13; 23 13; 23 26§ 17 18 20 m 9 9; 12 9; 12 6; 8 9; 12 6*; 11 8; 11} 5}; 10 5}; 10 12; 26 12; 26 24 30 24} 32 24} 19} 16} 15 16} 15} 19 15} 8; 15 8; 14 Feet. 15} 14} Feet. Ill 11 76 66 33 41 76 Patent Slip (2,000 tons). - Patent Slip (2,000 tons). Tyne Pontoons Co.: Dry Dock Pontoon No. 1 (2,000 tons) . Pontoon No. 2 (3,000 tons) . J. & D. Morris: HighSlipway (500tons). Low Slipway (1,000 tons). Unite Alkali Co. (Ltd.): Patent Slip (500 tons).. St. Anthony's Slipway (200 tons). (J. Lindsey.) St. Lawrence Slipway (250 tons). Friar's Goose Slipway (300 tons). (Tyne Wherry Co.) St. Peter's Quay Slipway (200 tons). 90 (cradle.) 140 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 95 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 81 (cradle.) 107 (cradle.) Ill (cradle.) 210 (cradle.) 310 (cradle.) (wide.) 651 900 720 434 352 318} 400 306 Willington Slip No. 1 (1,200 tons). (Clelands Dock Co.) Willington Slip No. 2 (2,500 tons). (Clelands Dock Co.) Wet Docks: Northumberland Dock. Albert Edward Dock . . Tyne Dock 580 620 (long.) 3,700 1,300 2,490 441J 356 318} 400 306 360] 320 600 330 52 60 f 60 \ 70 I 80 50} 60 45 44 45 Sunderland, England. Graving Dock No. 1 (River Wear Commission- ers.) Graving Dock No. 2 (River Wear Commission- ers.) Dcpl ford Dry Dock (Sir .1. i,;iing & Sons.) ill Dry Dock (Sir J.Laing &Sons.) Wear Dry Dock » (S. P. Austin* Son.) Pontoon Dock (3,000 tons). 'in & Son.) 310 230 (cradle.) 150 (cradle.) 48 40 (cradle.) 42 (cradle.) < K. Thompson & Sons.) Strand Slipway (750 tons). . (John Crown & Sons.) lis lion slipway (460 tons). (John Wigham.) FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 143 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. R. Stephenson & Co. R. & W. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. Palmer's Shipbuild- ing and Iron Co. Mercantile Dry Docks Co. Wallsend Slipway and Engineer'g Co. Swan, Hunter, & Wigham Richard- 1908 1904 1908 Sir James Laing & Sons (Ltd.). S. P. Austin & Son (Ltd.). R. Thompson & Sons. John Wigham Character of repairs, large or small. Large Hulls and machinery. ....do Hulls Hulls and machinery. General re- pairs. 1908 1904 Hulls. Do. Do. Machinery. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Any size Any size Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Any size. 50 ton crane. 80 ton shears. 10 ton crane. 80 ton shears. 80 ton shears. Several other firms un- dertake repairs of more or less exten- sive character. 60-ton shears, at No. 2 Dock. Several other firms undertake repairs to hulls and machinery. 144 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 L908 South Hylton Slipway (350 tons). (Lisler & Henderson.) Wet Docks: North Dock Feet. 300 (long.) 5*9 420 } 2,800 800 (long.) 526 400 620 385 346 386 577 156 380 150 (long.) 1,935 930 1,420 800 858 \ 580 Feet. 100 (cradle.) (wide.) 495 (mean.) 258 420 600 (wide.) 225 255 220 373 341 370 565 Feet. Feet. 22 | 23; 28 25i 27 23* 26J 16 16 13 15 m 16 19 10 21 14 20 25 20 1 . 20i } 20J 20i 214 15J 4 8i; 16 J 9 9 28; 24 10 11 19 21J 21 J Feet. m 15 17 15 20j 10J 11} 1 = 1 1 Hi id England- Continued. 50 / 60 \ 65 f 65 \ 65 / 60 \ 60 33 32 40 60 50 56 50 North Half-Tide Basin. Hudson Dock, North. . . Hudson Dock, South... Seaham, England . Wet Docks:' North Dock Hartlepool, England. Jackson Graving Dock (W. Gray & Co., W. Hartlepool.) Swainson Graving Dock. . . (W. Gray & Co., W. Hartlepool.) narbor Graving Dock (Irvine's Shp. Bldg. & Dock Co.) (North Eastern Rwy. Co.) (North Eastern Rwy. Co.) Middleton Graving Dock . . (Furness, Withy & Co.) Gridiron (Old Harbor) (Furness, Withy & Co.) Wet Docks: 360 48 (wide.) 480 660 330 420 500 450 42 60 60 40f / 50 \ 60 50 60 46 18 (cradle.) 44 (cradle.) 30 Swainson Dock Middlesborough , England. 576 310 400 135 165 1.200 (long.) 113 163 508 558 501 555 111 (cradle.) 258 (cradle.) 135 (Tees Conservancy Commissioners.) Patent Slip (Tees Conservancy Commissioners.) Patent Hydraulic Slip (2,000 tons). (Sir Haylton Dixon & Co.) ( A mold Bennett & Co.) Gridiron Whitby, England. Hull, Kngland (Arnold Bennett & Co.) Wet Dock(being enlarged) . 645-1,100 (wide.) 108 155 500 550 460 50 31.3 36J 59 64 50 (G. Brown & Sons.) Alexandra Dry Dock No. 1 . (Hull & Barnsloy Rwy. and Dock Co.) Alexandra Dry Dock No. 2. (Hull & Barnslcv Rwy. and Dock Co.) Graving Dock No. 1 (Northeastern Rwy. Co.) FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 145 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can l)e brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. W. Gray & Co Irvine & Co 1908 1908 1908 Hulls a nd machinery. Hulls 15- ton shears; heavy forgings. Furness, Withy & Co. Do. &Co. W. Harkness & Son. R. Craggs & Sons... Thos.Turnbull&Son G. Brown & Sons... Cook, Welton & Gemmell. R.J. Harper & Co.. Cooper & Co Hull Central Dry Dock and Eng. Works. Bailey & Leetham (llumber Iron Works). 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 1904 1904 Hulls. Do. Do. Hulls Machinery... Hulls and machinery. Machinery". do Hulls No forging. . . Any size... 20 tons. No forging... Any size... 20 tons. Hulls and machinery. 652—09- -10 146 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Riseofti.lo. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. nary neapa Feet. Hull, England- Continued. 1908 1908 1908 1908 Dry Dock No. 1, High Street. (R. J. Harper & Co.) North Bridge Dry Dock. . . (Tindall, Earle & Hutch- inson.) Feet. 150J 170 216 350 120 104 600 594 700 750 800 360 360 (long.) 3,420 2,300 1,390 2,100 } 330 912 645 1,700 720 1,890 255 180 (long.) 1 570 260 870 280 300 614 828 700 466 1,252 98 400 400 450 Feet. 140 170 214 345 120 104 293 (cradle.) 175 (cradle.) 260 (cradle.) 270 (cradle.) 330 (cradle.) 142 (cradle.) 142 (cradle.) (wide.) 300 1,000 220 378 346 342 405 246 165 250 253 73 (cradle.) (wide.) 470 210 150 77 150 322 190 206 378 200-442 96 350 390 440 Feet. 39 33* 48* m 39 21 Feet. 14 15 14 18 12 10 U; 17 8*; 19* 7J; 17 8; 1\ 8*; 18 J 102; 161 101; 161 28J 34 28 } 25 } 27 20§ } 20? } 20§ 26? 29jj HI 5J; 10* } - } « 22 22 Feet. 201 (Cooper & Co.) Central Dry Dock (Hull Central Dry Dock and Eng. Works.) Dry Dock (W. Nettleton.) Crown Dry Dock (Geo. Cooper.) Humber Iron Works Pat- tent Slip (1,500 tons). 3 Patent Slips (400 tons). . (Northeastern Rwy. Co.) Patent Slip (1,800 tons)... (Northeastern Rwy. Co.) Slip No. 1 (1,500 tons) (Earle's Co.) Slip No. 4 (2,600 tons) (Earle's Co.) Slip No. 5 (400 tons) (Earle's Co.) Slip No. 6 (400 tons) .- (Earle'sCo.) Wet Docks: Albert Dock 80 85 50 / 45 \ 50 ( 32 \ 60 Alexandra Dock William Wright Dock. . Victoria Dock Victoria Half Tide Basin. Prince's Dock / 52 \ 60 1 60 \ 70 80 50 42* 18 (cradle.) / ' 47 \ 58 / 32* \ 22 36 Goole, England St. Andrews Dock Dry Dock (Aire & Calder Naviga- tion.) Patent Slip (200 tons) (Aire & Calder Naviga- tion.) Wet Docks: OuseDock (entered by Ouse Lock and by Victoria Lock). Barge Dock Branch Dock No. 1 Branch Dock No. 2 • Timber Pond No. 1 Timber Pond No. 2 Ship Dock 58 22 22 22 8 20 18 20 Selby, England.... Grimsby, England. Connells Dry Dock Great Central Rwy.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 26 70 30 35 191 ir,j FACILITIES OF THE POETS OF THE WOKLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 147 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Earle's Shipbldg. and Eng. Works. Amos & Smith (Al- bert Dock Works). Chesterfield & Jew- itt (St. Andrews Dock). C. D. Holmes & Co.. Globe Iron Works (St. Andrews Dock). G. Clark & Sons J.J.Hall Harrison & Ilohen- rein. Goole Shipbldg. and Repairing Co. Webster & Bicker- ton. Charlton & Co Schofield, Hagerup & Doughty. Date 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 Character of repairs, large or small. Hulls and machinery. Machinery . . Do. Do. Do. Shafts: Di- Pipes: Di- ameter and ameter of length of largest that largest that can be can be made. brazed Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. No forging. Any size... J 20 tons.. ...do i 20 tons. .do Do. Do. Engines and boilers. Do. Engines and boilers. Bailers Any size... 2 tons, Remarks. 50-ton shears. Dry Dock is entered from Ouse Dock. 30-ton shears. 148 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilit us of Name of port. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Grimsby, England- Continued. Boston, England. King's Lynn, England. Yarmouth, England. Lowestoft, England. Harwich, England Ipswich, England England. Wyvenhoe, England. East Donyland, England. Tilbury, England. 1908 1908 1908 1908 IMS 1908 1901 Schofield, Hagerup & Doughty: Patent Slip (200 tons). Smith Bros.: Patent Slip (200 tons) . Pontoon (425 tons) (In No. 2 Fish Dock.) Wet Docks: Alexandra Dock (en- tered by Union Dock) Royal Dock Union Dock Fish Dock No. 1 Fish Dock No. 2 way Boston Dock Slip (800 tons). Thompson's Patent Slip (50 tons). Gridiron Wet Docks: Boston Dock Wet Docks: Alexandra Dock. Beutinck Dock.. Fellows & Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 (in 2 sections). Beeching Bros.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Graving Dock Patent Slip (200 tons) . Patent Slip (500 tons) . (W. B. McLearon.) Patent Slip (300 tons) . . . (W. II. Orvis & Co.) Patent Slip (600 tons) . . . (W. H. Orvis & Co.) Wet Docks: Ipswich Dock Aldous's Patent Slip Stone's Patent Slip.. Root's Patent Slip . . . Dry dock (Forrestt & Son, (Ltd.) Patent Slip (350 tons) (Forrestt & Son, (Ltd.) Patent Slip (loo tons). Gridiron London and India Docks Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Wet Do Main Branch East Branch Center Branch West Branch Feet. 321 300 116§ (long.) 0,300 2,328 558 1,280 900 607 200 100 (long.) 825 (long.) 780 1,000 Feet. 79) (cradle.; 100 (cradle.) Feet. 25 (cradle.) Feet. 9: 14 Feet. !77 250 240 330 (long.) 3,300 846 (long.) i.sis 1,602 1,603 1,602 (wide.) 450 500 95 500 200 (cradle.) 84 (cradle.) 70; 45 44 30 (wide.) 450 (wide.) 420 400 166 245 143 125 240 84 (cradle.) 108 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 140 (cradle.) (wide.) 360 (cradle.) 75 (cradle.) 66 (cradle.) 200 101 (cradle.) (cradle.) 26 21J 16 20 10; 19 8J; 12 12 25 (cradle 35 (cradle 30 (cradle 30 (cradle 50 24 (cradle.) 21 (cradle.) 21 (cradle.) 35 24 (cradle.) 816 846 (wide.) 600 300 300 300 12 10J 13 13*; 14 8; 11 5; 8 6J; 10 25 10; 14 8; 10 7§; 10 Hi 7; 15 8; 13 12 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 149 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Great Grimsby Co- operative Eng. and Repair Co. Great Grimsby Coal, Salt, and Tanning Co. 1908 1904 Engines and boilers. Do. Crab tree & Co. (Ltd.) Hewett & Co. f Ltd.) J. Snowden J.W.Brooke Davis & Co. (Oul- ton Broad). 1908 1904 1904 1904 1908 Engines and boilers. Boilers. Machinery . . Engines and boilers. Ransome & Rapier. . Jeffries. 1908 1908 Engines and boilers. Do. Forrestt & Son (Ltd.). 1908 Hulls, en- gines, and boilers. 50-ton floating crane; these docks can be di- vided into sections va- rying from 300 to 547$ ft. in length. 150 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Docks, etc. Length. Width Depth on sill, Risen l Name of port. Date. (Basin dry docks, unless at en- 11. W. Ordi- Ordi- otherwise stated.) Over Over trance. ordin'y all. blocks. springs. nary sp'gs. nary neaps Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Gravesend, 1908 England. London, England. . 1908 North side of Thames: London and India Docks Co.— 23 Royal Albert Dock, No. 1. 420 408 S6J 22 Royal Albert Dock, No. 2. 510 498 62 22 Thames Iron Works- West Dock 475 472 64 25 East Dock 335 330 46 21 East India Dock (Lon- don Craving Dock 290 290 55 171 Co.). R. & H. Green (Ltd.)— Upper Yard Dock.. 335 385 62 175 192 1 1 New Dock 496 496 65 23 23* 18* Canal Dry Dock (J. Stewart&Son, Ltd.)— Lower • 295 294 61 19* Upper 238 236 49 17* 19? West India Dock (Lon- 450 448 . 64 21 don Graving Dock Co.). Cubitt Town Dock 362 362 50 182 20 16 (Rait & Gardiner). Poplar Dock (Brown's DryDock&Eng.Co.). 390 390 52* 21 Britannia Dry Dock 300 300 47 18 20 12 (W.C.Reeder&Co.). Millwall Dry Dock 450 445 65 25 27 22 (Rait & Gardiner). Glengall Dry Dock 345 336* 43 18 20 11 (Glengall Iron Works). Regen t Dry Dock 283 276 50 20* 23* HU (Glengall Iron Works). Union (Fletcher, Son & Fearnall)— Upper 334 352 440 192 287 328 350 440 46* 60 18* 17 22 12; 14 16* 19* 18 23 18 Ml 13 18 11* Middle Lower Gridiron Bridge Dry Dock South side of Thames: m Fountain Dry Dock 161 161 48 15 (Mills & Knight). Princes Dry Dock (C. 255 252 42 19 Crouch & Co.). Horseferry Dry Dock 225 225 42 19 (J.McDowall&Co.). Nelson Dry Dock 370 370 68i 21 (Mills & Knight). Nelson Patent Slip 215 212 29 12* ; 16* (Mills & Knight) (600 tons). Deptford Groon Dock (Deptford Dry Docks Co.). Metropolitan Dry Dock (cradle.) (cradle.) 417 399* 62 20 23 18 820 300 40 14 16 (Deptford Dry Docks Co.). Blackwall Point Dock 475 472 60 15 21 15* (J. Stewart & Son). Wet Docks: North side of Thames— (long.) (wide.) Royal Albert 8,000 490 80 H Royal Victoria 5,400 1,000 80 28 East India— Import 1,400 535 47J 24f Export 778 436 60 30 East India Basin. . . 600 440 47J; 65 32 West India- Import 2,600 400 60 30 Export 2,600 500 60 30 Blackwall Basin.... 750 500 60 30 . FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 151 the following European Station ports— Continued. Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. i K. A. & IT. Sandford. F. Braby & Co., Deptford. Hammersmith Iron Works. Thames Iron Works, &c. (Blackwall). R. & II . Green (Blackwall). Samuda Bros. (Isle of Dogs). Edwards & Co. (Millwall). Nioudslay, Sons & Field (S. Green- wich). J. Penn & Sons (G reen wich & Deptford). Glengall Iron Works (Millwall). Fletcher, Son & Fearnall, Ltd. (Linehouse). G. Rennie & Co. (Greenwich"). A. & W. Robertson & Co. (Victoria Docks). J. I. Thomycroft & Co., Ltd. (Chis- wick). Mills & Knight Deptford Dry Docks Co. Ilumphrys, Ten- nant & Co. (Dept- ford). J. Stewart & Son, Ltd. (Isle of Dogs). Yarrow & Co., Ltd. (Isle of dogs). Victoria Dock Co. (Victoria Docks). W. Walker (Roth- erhithe& Poplar). Westwood, Baillie & Co. (I. of Dogs). Willans & Robin- son (Thames-Dit- ton). Alex. Wilson & Co. (Vauxhall Iron Wks.). Date, 1904 1908 190-1 1904 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 Character of repairs, large or small. Machinery. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Hulls Machinery Hulls and machinery. General re- pairs. Hulls only. Do. Machinery... .do. Engines and boilers. Hulls only... Do. Engines and boilers. Hulls, en- gines, and boilers. Hulls. Do. Engines and boilers. Hulls, en- gines, and boilers. Do. Hulls only. Do. Do. Machinery. Do. Any size. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can lie brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that caa be made. Remarks. Royal Albert Docks have floating cranes of 30 and 50 tons. 70-ton shears. Poplar Dock has 13 and 11 ton cranes; Britan- nia Dock has 15-ton crane. Dock situated in Mill- wall Wet Dock; 80-ton shears. 8, 9, and 10 ton cranes. 152 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. London, England- Continued. Woolwich, England. Chatham, England. Sheerness, England Date. 1908 1903 1908 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Wet Docks— Continued. North side of Tnames — Continued. Limchouse Basin... South West India Basin. South West India Dock. Junction Dock North London Rwy.Co.'sDock. Midland Rwy. Co's Dock. MillwallDock Regent's Canal Dock. London Docks St. Katharine's Docks- Western Eastern Basin South side of Thames- Surrey Commercial Docks- South Dock Greenland Dock Norway Dock. . Lady Dock Ship Channel, Acorn and Lav- ender Ponds. Surrey Basin Island Dock Stave Dock Russia Dock Albion Dock Canada Dock Government Docks: No. 1 Dock No.2Dock No. 3 Dock Inner Basin, Entrance. Outer Basin, Entrance . Government Docks: No. 2 Dock No.3 Dock No. 4 Dock No. 5 Dock No. 6, Dock E. No. 7, Dock F. No. 8, Dock G. No. 9, Dock II North Lock: M,<> uteri K, Inner/ South Lock: L, o ntert I, Inner f m, Entrance A. In, Entrance B. No. 3 Basin, Entrance C. Government Docks: No. 1, Dock D. No. 2, DockE. No. 3, Dock P. No. 4, DockG. No. 5, Dock 11. Length. Over all. Feet. 350 600 2,650 320 1,290 350 4,300 4,500 540 500 450 2.350 580 770 1,530 400 950 1,000 2,370 1,180 1,530 (Over aU.) 276^ 273J 288 409 303J 253 457* 457i 457J 656i 477J 497J 253J 251g 290 201 Over blocks. Feet. 170 375 150 309 248 350-4,230 680 470 400 200 320 450 270 450 100 300 170 200 250 400 460 (On blocks.) 250 241J 282] 385:. 336?, 232 491 J 416 416 416 660 06 Width at en- trance. (Caisson 268g Gates 241 225. 268 Feet. 55 48 00 44 36J 34 65 83| 63 80 *-7, 01! B4| 79J 84 84 67J 671 63] 60 U Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 22 28 Rise of tide. Ordi- Ordi- nary I nary sp'g's. neaps Feet. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 153 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. H. B.M. Dockyard. H.B.M. Dockyard. Date Character of repairs, large or small. Hulls and machinery. Hulls and machinery. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largestthat can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. In each of these docks an extra length of 17 ft. 3 in. can be gained by S lacing the caisson in le Outer Stop. 154 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Riseoftide. Ordi- Ordi- nary ; nary sp'gs. neaps Sheerness, England — Continued. Rochester, England. Whitstable, England. Ramsgate, England. Dover, England... Folkestone, England. Rye, England 1908 Newhaven, England. Shoreham, England. Littlehampton, England. Bosham, England. Portsmouth and Gosport, England. 1908 1908 1908 Small Basin, Entrance (Tidal) A. Great Basin, Entrance B . . Boat Basin, Entrance (Tidal) C. Gill Bros: Patent Slip (300 tons).. Gridiron (Acorn Barge Bldg. Co.) Wet Dock Patent Slip (200 tons) . Patent Slip (500 tons). (Board of Trade.) Patent Slip (800 tons).... (Dover Harbor Board.) Wet Docks: Granville Dock Wellington Dock Gridiron. Patent Slip (300 tons). Gridiron Gridiron: Northern . Southern. Adur Patent Slip (650 tons) (Stow & Son.) Gridirons (Harbor Trustees.) Harvey's Patent Slip (400 tons). Harvey's Gridiron Robinson's Gridiron Apps' Patent Slip (250 tons). H. B. M. Dockyard: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 Dry Dock No. 5 Dry Dock No. 6 Dry Dock No. 7 \ Hnnhlp Dry Dock No. io/ donblc Dry Dock No. 8 DryDockNo.il.... Dry Dock No. 12 K. Dry Dock No. 13 1. Dry Dock No. 14 II.. Dry Dock No. 15 G . . Deep Lock D North LockB North Lock E South Lock C South LockF Feet. Feet. 150 198 (long.) 410 (long.) 800 1,290 130 (cradle.) BO 04§ 100 28 (cradle.) 114 (wide.) 110 (cradle.) 130 (cradle.) 175 (cradle.) (wide.) 147-324 78-430 28 52 (cradle.) ■22^ 900 KM) 258 100 2531 254 287 2869 22S,; 222 658 343J 427 500 568 612 461 i 408 100 (cradle.) 20 (cradle.) 160 (cradle.) 15 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 80 (cradle.) 2281 221.'. 275 278} 2093 L89J 6141 307 4001 II.-. 559 657 CM L5fi 186 24 (cradle.) Feet. Feet. w 9 12 Oj 9 9; 11 8:13 5:10 8; 9i FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 155 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Gill Bros 1908 1908 Hulls. Do. • Goldfinch Bros - 48-ton crane. 50- ton shears. Stow & Son . 1908 1908 1908 1908 Hulls J.& W.B.Harvey.. T. Apps. . .do do Slip available only at H.B.M. Dockyard. Hull and ma- chinery. spring tides. (Can be lengthened 30 \ ft. 4 in. Can be lengthened lift. 8 in. Can be lengthened lift. 3 in. Bottom rises 1 ft. to head; can be length- ened 17 ft. 3 in. Bottom rises 6 in. to head; can be length- ened 17ft. 3 in. No's. 14 and 15 can be lengthened 17 ft. 3 in. Can be lengthened 31 ft. (Can be lengthened 48 \ ft. 3 in. (Can be lengthened 48 \ ft. 5 in. 156 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill. H. \V. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary % 1908 1908 1908 No. 4 Basin, Entrance A. . Feet. Feet. Feet. 80 80 94 80 78$ 64 50 35 (cradle.) Feet. 33' 33', 33 J 83J 27 17J 9; 12 5; 7 7; 12 7; 10 19J HI 24', 23£ 32J 33 (on blocks.) 12 11; 17 9; 14 6; 10 7; 11J 11; 16 16 12 10; 16 16 15 8; 13 12; 17 11; 16 13 10J 10 9; 11 9; 11 Feet. Feet. and Gosport, England- Continued. No. 3 Basin, Entrance M. . No. 4 Basin, Entrance N. . 349J 500 100 200 150 400 280 520 477 750 875} 240 620 430 400 320 400 75 120 125 211 205 3.50 440 700 110 90 70 150 150 328 150 (cradle.) (J. Read, jr.) Camber Patent Slip (500 tons). (J. Read, jr.) 13 12J 10 9J Southampton, England. (J. Read, jr.) Patent Slip No. 1 (500 tons) (J. T. Crampton.) Patent Slip No. 2 (200 tons) (J. T. Crampton.) London & South Western Rwy.Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 Dry Dock No. 5 Dry Dock No. 6 Northam Half Tide Dry Dock. Northam Iron Works: Patent Slip ( 1 ,000 tons) . Patent Slip (600 tons) . . Jas. Dible & Sons: Northam Slipway G. Napier & Son: Crosshouse Patent Slip (300 tons). White Bros.: Itchen Ferry Patent Slip (500 tons). Itchen Ferry Gridiron.. Do 150 (cradle.) 90 (cradle.) 377 236 495 448 705 839 36* (cradle.) 22 (cradle.) 66 51 80 56 91 90 52} 60 (cradle.) 70 (cradle.) 220 (cradle.) 160 (cradle.) si (cradle.) 142 (cradle.) 115 (cradle.) 52 (cradle.) J. G. Fay & Co. (Ltd.): Gridiron Summers & Payne: Gridiron Do Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. Geo.-Marvin: Biancas Patent Slip (350 tons). Czarina Patent Slip (1.000 tons). Minerva y<>vonport) Ki vham— ' No. r.(S„nth) G.... No. 6 (Middle, P. No. 7 (Queen's) E.. Entrance Ix>ck Entrance to N. Ba- sin. Entrance between Basins. 1,200 306 452 41UJI 277J 355 307) 418 253 390 (wide.) 100 (cradle.) 20-40 (cradle.) 144 125 (cradle.) 18 21 (cradle.) 37 35 (cradle.) (wide.) """"456" 303$ 406] 2t;a 347 295] 413 7; 10i 8; 13i 8; 13 5; 8 4il;7J 6; 10 6; 10 9; 12 22 10 8; 12 7; 10 12-40 22 25j •2fS\ 35J: 33 \ m «4 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 159 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed . Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. J. F. Borthwick & Co. Dorset Iron Foun- dry Co. • -.-••• v 1904 1908 1904 Hulls Engines and boilers. Small repairs at Wey- mouth Works. . • Philip & Son Simpson, Strickland & Co. (Ltd.). Willoughby Bros. (Ltd.). 1 W. Shilston 1908 1908 1908 1904 1904 1908 1908 Hulls, en- gines, and boilers. Do. do Hulls. Do. Engines and boilers. Large. Hulls and machinery. 8-ton shears; a patent 8 in. x 12 ft. forged. Any diam. x 22 ft. turned. 18in.x22Jft. Any size... 10 tons. slip for 00-ton vessels. W. S. Kelly (Nit. Batten Yard). Co. H. B. M. Dockyard. • No. 3 can be lengthened 16 ft. lengthened 8 ft. Can be lengthened 12 ft. 160 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of ti Ordi- nary sp'gs. Devonport and Key ham, England- Continued. Par, England. Falmouth, England. Penzance England. Appledore and Bideford, England. Bridge water, England. Avon mouth, England. Portishead, England. Bristol, England . 1908 Sharpness and Gloucester, England. IT. B. M. Docks— Cont'd. Key ham— Con tinued . No.8 No. 9 No. 10 Entrance of Lock.. Entrance of Tidal Basin. Entrance of Closed Basin. B. Tregaskes: Dry Dock Falmouth Dock Co.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 W. II . Lean: Bar Patent Slip (280 tons) . Dry Dock Wet Dock Richmond Dry Dock Newquay Drv Dock Churchfield "Patent Slip (300 tons). Gridiron Gridiron (Hubbastone Yard). Gridiron (Bideford) P. J. Carver & Sons: Dry Dock Bridgewater Corporation: Gridiron Pon toon (3,800 tons) Graving Dock Wet Dock Bristol Corporation: Great Western Dry Dock C. Hill & Sons: Albion Dry Dock G. K. Stothert & Co.: Stothert's Dry Dock. . . Bristol Corporation: Patent Slip (250 tons) . . Gridiron Wet Docks: Avonmouth Dock Cumberland Basin, ball tide. Plotting Harbor Bathurst Basin, half tide. Royal Edward (under construction). BbarpoeM Dry Dock Gloucester ry Dock. (J Inures!, r JUOCtlorj Dock . Gloucester Hempstead Dock. Wet Dock Feet. Feet. 715 741 730 130 05 130 ma 530 217 1.800 (long.) 200 125 850 oo7 95 (cradle.) 217 300 (wide.) 314 288 121 (cradle.) 44 19 (cradle.) 108 161 365 914 1,800 (long.) 325 542 305 265 260 (long.) 1,400 702 5,400 420 850 300 (wide.) 322 540 300 97 (cradle.) 68 29, (cradle. (wide.) 500 300 255 210 711 861 123 17S nit; 2,200 (long.) 240-430 (wide.) Feet. 50 14 71 20 (on blocks) 24 6; 10 (cradle.) 12} 14 13} 7: 11 12* 15 144 5; 8 22 38 33 26 21 4to7 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 161 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. No. 8 Dock will be i lengthened in the future. Nos. 9 and 10. As two ! docks each. Can be lengthened 41 ft. 6 in. Can be lengthened 83 ft. Can be lengthened 85 ft . Cox & Co 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. Hulls. 9 in. xl8ft.. 18 in 5} tons. W. H. Lean R. Cock & Sons P.K.Harris J. Westacott (Bide- ford). 1908 1908 1904 Hulls Do. Do. C. Hill & Sons (Al- bion Dockyard). D.K. Stothert&Co. J. Payne (Vauxhall Works). Jeffries & Sons T. Peckett& Sons.. Bishop, Miles & Co.. Summers & Scott Fielding & Piatt (Gloucester). W. Sisson&Co.... 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. Do. BO. i Engines and boilers. Boilers. Do. Hulls and machinery. Engines and boilers. Do. 652—09- -11 162 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Newport, England, Cardiff, Wales. Penarth, Wales. Barry, Wales. Date 1908 1908 L90B Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Alexandra Dry Dock Old Dry Dock No. 1 Old Dry Dock No. 2 New Dry Dock Severn Dry Dock No. 1 Severn Dry Dock No. 2 Tredegar Dry Dock (double dock). Gridiron Wet Docks: Alexandra Dock- North South Town Dock- Outer Inner Mount Stuart Dry Dock No. 1. Mount Stuart Dry Dock No. 2. Mount Stuart Dry Dock No. 3. Junction Dry Dock Mercantile Pontoon Co., Ltd.: Pontoon Dock (3,500 tons). Bate Dry Dock Hill's Dry Docks & Eng. Co.: No. 1, East Bute Dock. No. 2, East Bute Dock. N. 3, West Bute Dock.. Channel Dry Dock Pontoon (3,000 tons) Thos. Hodge: Canal Dry Dock, No. 1. Canal Dry Dock, No. 2. Canal Dry Dock(Shaddick) Cardiff Rwy. Co.: Bute Public Graving Dock. Bute Channel Gridiron. Windsor Patent Slip, No. 1 (5,000 tons). Windsor Patent Slip, No. 2 (5,000 tons). Gridiron, No. 3 Wet Docks: Bute East Dock Bute West Dock Roath Dock Roath Basin Bute New Dock (under construction). Glamorganshire Canal Basin. Patent Slip (2,450 tons) Gridiron Double Docks: Barry Graving Dock, No. 1. Barry Graving Dock, No. 2. Barry Rwy. Co.: Commercial Dock (double dock). Wet Docks (Barry Rwy. Co.): Dock No. 1 Dock No. 2 Dock No. 3 Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. ae Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Feet. 523 222 289 350 520 357 708 Feet. 500 216 289 350 520 350 708 Feet. 50 36 47 462 65 57* 65 Feet. 20 16 21 25 28 24 28* Feet. 38 Feet. 29 250 (long.) 37 15 (wide.) 2,500 1,500 500 550 65 72 35 35 798 955 240 339 61 70 31 27* 440 430 52J 27 36* 27 420 420 52 27 550 550 66 28 419 419 60 19 360 360 60 20 600 600 55 25* 408 400 235 635 335 408 400 235 618 335 48* 45 38 62* 57* 19* 19* 12* 28 21* 140 90 98 140 90 95 27* 19 22 10 7 7 600 576 60 231 350 900 900 450 (long.) 4,300 4,000 2,400 1,000 2,550 23J •18; 28 18; 28 20; 25 31J 283 35J 351 42J 340 (cradle.) 350 (cradle.) (wide.) 300-500 200 600 550 800-1,000 49 36 80 80 90 600 120 27 18 870 384 300 (cradle.) 18; 28 21; 26 30* 27 784* 784* 60 263 37* 28* 625 618 70 27§ 867} 867* 60 263 (long.) 3,100 3,320 600 (wide.) 1,100 400-000 500 80 373 37§ 373 80 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 163 the following European Station ports — Continued. Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Mordey, Carney & Co., Ltd. E. Finch & Co., Ltd. (Chepstow). Mount Stuart Dry Docks (Ltd.). Cardiff Junction Dry Dock & Eng. Co. (Ltd.). Mercantile Pontoon Co. (Ltd.). Hill's Dry Docks & Eng. Co. (Ltd.). Bute Shipbldg. & Eng. & Dry Dock Co. (Ltd.). Cardiff Channel Dry Docks & Pontoon Co. (Ltd.). Thos. Hodge Penarth Shipbldg.& Repairing Co. Tyneside Engine Works. Mordey Carney Co. (Ltd.) El" Hot & Jeffrey. D. B. McCallum & Son (Ltd.). Penarth Shipbldg.& Repairing Co. (Ltd.). Barry Graving Dock and Eng. Co. Date. 190S 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 Character of repairs, large or small. General re- pairs. Do. Hulls and machinery. Engines and boilers. .do. Hulls and machinery. do .do. Hulls and machinery. Do. Do. General re- pairs. Hulls and machinery. Engines. Hulls and machinery. .do. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. 30-ton cranes. 12-ton crane. 20-ton crane. Steam traveling cranes. 30-ton cranes. 20- ton crane. 164 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Date. Porthcawl, Wales. PortTalbot, Wales Briton Ferry, Wales. Swansea, Wales.. Burry Port, Wales Llanelly, Wales.... Milford Haven, Wales. Pembroke, Wale*. Carnarvon, Wales. Port Dlnorwlc, Wales. 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 19QI Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Wet Dock. Dry Dock (entered from Wet Dock). Wet Docks: Old Dock New Dock Wet Dock. Victoria Dry Docks Co. : Albion Dry Dock Globe Dry Dock Ocean Dry DocksCo.(Ltd.) : Central Graving Dock, No. 1. Central Graving Dock, No. 2. Harris Bros. (Ltd.): Cambrian Dry Dock. . . Do Cambrian Gridiron G. B. Meager & Co.: Villiers Dry Dock Jersey Dry Dock and Eng. Co. (Ltd.): Jersey Dry Dock Prince of Wales Graving Dock. Wet Docks: Prince of Wales Dock. . . North Dock Beaufort Dock South Dock Wet Docks: Burry Port Dock. Tidal Harbor Samuel Bros.: Patent Slip, 800 tons. . . Wet Docks: Great Western Rwy. Dock. Copper Works Dock Commissioner's New Dock. Milford Dock Co.: Milford Dry Dock. Gridiron Do Wet Dock Pembroke Docks: Allen's Dock Francis' Dock Government Dock No.l, H. Owen e made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Alison & Co. (Dock Engine Works). Cammel, Laird & Co. (Ltd.). Clover, Clayton & Co. (Ltd.). A. Rutherford & Co. Worth & Hancock (Britannia Works). 1908 1901 1908 1904 Hulls, en- gines, and boilers. Hulls and machinery. Do. Do. Do. Any size. ....do.. Any size... 10 tons. .do... 120- ton crane; several 40-tou cranes. The depths on sills giv- en for the docks be- longing to the Mersey Board and to Laird Bros, apply to tides rising 18 ft. 10 in. above the Datum Old Dock Sill for ordinary springs. 170 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Birkenhead, England- Continued. Manchester, England. Ellesmere Port, England. Preston, England. Fleetwood, England. Lancaster, England. Barrow, England. Whitehaven, England. Workington, England. Maryport England. Campbelltown, Scotland. Ayr, Scotland Date, 1908 1908 1908 1908 1906 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Laird Bros.— Continued. Birkenhead Ironworks, No. 4. Birkenhead Ironworks, No. 5. Wet Docks: West Float Basin near Canada Works: West East East Float Corn Warehouse Dock. . Rwy. Co.'s Basin Wallasey Dock Alfred Dock Egerton Dock Morpeth Dock Rwy. Co.'s Basin North Basin Graving Dock (Mode Wheel). Pontoon (2,000 tons) Dry Dock Pontoon (3,000 tons). Wet Dock. Gridiron (2,500 tons)... Patent Slip (300 tons). Wet Dock Nicholson & Sons: Graving Dock. Furness Rwy. Co.: Graving Dock Depositing Dock (3,000 tons). 2 Gridirons (each) Wet Docks: Ramsden Dock Buccleugh Dock Devonshire Dock Patent Slip (1,200 tons)... Gridiron Wet Dock: Queen's Dock.. Wet Dock: Lonsdale Dock. Harbor Commissioners: Gridiron Wet Docks: Senhouse Elizabeth None. AilsaShp. Bldg Co.: Patent Slip, 1,000 tons.. Wet Dock Length. Over all. (Long.) f>35 260 425 (long.) 3,240 310 280 1,000 (long.) 197 515 242 270 (long.) 9,000 3,000 2,500 250 200 (long.) 570 (long.) 000 200 (long.) 850 000 BOO 030 (long.) Over blocks. Feet. 440 430 (Wide.) 535 260 415 300 (wide.) GOO 310 100| (cradle.) 400 (wide.) 1S4 487 242 (bottom) (wide.) 1,500 252 252 200 (cradle.) (wide.) 321 (wide.) 300 (wide.) 300 240 200 (cradle.) 300-510 (wide.) Width at en- trance. Feet. 68 80 100 50 50 100 100 70 86 25 500 64| 45 6* 100 36| (cradle.; 60 Depth on sill, EL W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 15J 7; 16 Ordi- nary sp'gs. 30 7J; 16J 12 20 16 14; 15 25 20 92; 14 21 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 171 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Manchester Shi Canal Pontoon 35 1,581 789 600 287 450 800 36 60 80 100 10? m 25? 26? 24 22 27 39 24 33 (wide.) G46 200 225 240 160 550 50 60 100 160 180 York Tidal Dock Milewater Basin Spencer Tidal Dock Warrenpoint, Ireland. 1908 Patent Slip (500 tons) 290 101 (cradle.) 40 (cradle.) 8; 12 14J 12 Dundalk, Ireland.. 1908 Patent Slip (350 tons) 400 165 (cradle.) 40 (cradle.) 8; 11 15 ni Dublin, Ireland 1908 Port & Docks Board: North Wall Graving Dock. Grand Canal Graving Dock No. 2. Grand Canal Graving Dock No. 3. Patent Slip No. 1 (200 tons). Patent Slip No. 2 (450 tons). Gridiron 420 165 92 200 453 100 (long.) 3,015 756 651 321 417 1,710 412 165 80 76 (cradle.) 153 (cradle.) 70 35 22 29 (cradle.) (cradle.) 18i 13 10 5J;9J 6J; 13} 9 17J 15 16} 17| 16 13J Wet Docks: G rand Canal Dock Royal Canal Dock George's Dock: (wide.) 360 96 300 258 216 90 35 27 35J 35J 35 26 Outer Old Custom House Dock. Wexford, Ireland.. 1908 Patent Slip (400 tons) 360 98 (cradle.) 58 (cradle.) 6; 12 6 4 Queens town, Haulbowline, Passage West and Cork, Ireland. 1908 II. B. M. Dockyard: Haulbowline Dock Channel Dry Docks Co.: Rushbrook Dry Dock. . Royal Victoria Dry Dock. Albert Treble Dry Dock. Do... 425§ 435 370 4081 430 365 94 60 82 32§ 16 19 121 91 198 235 109 250 193 230 104 54 54 54 15 15 15 8; 10} Do... Cummin's Gridiron (Carrigaloe). FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 177 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Londonderry Shp. bldg. & Eng. Co. Harlan d& Wolff. Workman, Clark & Co. (Ltd.). John Butler V. Coates & Co. (Ltd.). MacColl&Co.(Ltd.) Dundalk Pat. Slip & Shp. bldg. Co. (Ltd.). Dundalk Eng. & Iron Works. Dublin Dockyard Co. W. Robertson* Co, Ross & Walpole (Ltd.). The Dockyard Co. H. B.M. Dockyard, Haulbowline. Channel Dry Docks, Shp. bldg. & Eng. Co. Date, 1901 Character of repairs, large or small. Hulls. 1908 1904 1901 1904 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 Large . .do. Engines. Engines and boilers. Engines. Engines and boilers. Hulls and machinery. Engines and boilers. Do. Hulls. General re- pairs. Hulls and machinery. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can 1)0 made. No forgings; 28 in. x 50 ft., turned. Any size 7 in.. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. 30 in. Any size... 15 in Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. 35 tons . . . Any size. Remarks. 100-ton shears. 3 tons 60-ton shears. 652—09 IS 178 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill. II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over, all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Queenstown, etc., Ireland — Continued. 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1903 1908 1903 1903 1903 Cork: Patent Slip (250 tons). . Gridiron Feet. 240 300 428 800 (long.) (long.) 717 350 308 378 Feet. 120 (cradle.) Feet. 35 (cradle.) Feet. 3§; 8| 6; 9£ 17 22 16£ 24 15 Feet Feet. 13' Limerick, Ireland . Graving Dock 396 410 (wide.) (wide.) 580 160 45} I 70 56 52 50 49 (in connection with Wet Dock.) Wet Dock Gal way, Ireland . . . Wet Docks: Old Dock Archangel, Russia . Dry Dock 8 6 Slipway (2,000 tons) Tromso, Norway . . (under construction.) Tromso SkibsvarFls: Patent Slip (500 tons) . . Patent Slip (250 tons) . . Patent Slip (200 tons).. Patent Slip (200 tons).. Patent Slip (150 tons).. Patent Slip (100 tons).. P. K. Johnsgaard: Patent Slip (150 tons).. Patent Slip (100 tons).. Patent slip (50 tons) 400 275 225 225 200 200 224 132 100 64 200 (cradle.) 125 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 75 (cradle.) 65 (cradle.) 80 (cradle.) 60 (cradle.) 40 (cradle.) 38 (cradle.) 12* 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 7 Bod 6, Norway Small slipway Namsos, Norway.. do Trondhjem, Norway. Trondhjems, Mek. Vaerk- sted: Dry Dock, No. 1 Dry Dock, No. 2 Patent Slip (400 tons).. 280 309 276 305 112 (cradle.) 200 50; 40 55; 40 Hi 124 10 14; 25 10; 13 (i; 8 7;9J 14; 25 n 8; 20 4; 12 81 8 4 Christianssund, Dale Brug Patent Slip Norway. Common Slips: OleBak (cradle.) 150 A. Andersen (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 90 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 150 (cradle.) 198 (cradle.) 80 H. C. Dahl Edward Aspen Aalesund, Norway. A. M. Liaaen: Patent Slip (350 tons).. Aataranda Ifak. Vaocfca: Patent Slip (700 tons).. Patent Slip ( 1. 50 tons).. 3( i() 500 330 (cradle.) FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 179 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having Bate, facilities for repairs 1 to steamers. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Knappe-Fasse 1900 Small hulls and ma- chinery. Turn 81 ft--- 8 in > Norwegian Gov't Dockyard. Trondhjems, Mek. Vaerksted. 1908 1908 Small Hulls, e n - gines, and boilers. 12 in. x 20 ft. 20 in 10 tons... 70-ton shears; divers. Small repairs to ma- chinery; 20 and 15 ton cranes. 180 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Date. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Fect.l Bergen, Norway.. . 1908 Dry Docks: Laxevaag Dok Coy .... Bergens Mek. Vaerk- sted. Brunchorst & Dekke. . . Mjellem & K arisen: Patent Slip, A (1,400 Feet. 365 269J Feet. 365 265J Feet. 55 39H Feet. SI Feet. 4 250 - 700 250 220 40 12J 104; 22 10£; 19J 10J; 18 tons). Patent Slip, B (350 tons). Laxevaags: Patent Slip (2,000 tons) 750 700 (cradle.) 190 (cradle.) 284 (cradle.) Stavanger, Norway. 1908 Stavanger Stobari & Dok: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Patent Slip 295 224 275 224 120 (cradle.) 145 (cradle.) 43 43 11 I3| 4 Rosenberg Mek.Vaerksted: Patent Slip (1.000 tons). 162 40 (cradle.) 9; 14 Christiansand, Norway. 1908 Chris tiansands Tordok: 320 309 41 19 Not Ides. Christiansands Mek.Vaerk- sted: 3 Slips Arendal, Norway.. Porsgrund, 1908 1908 Porsgrund Mek.Vaerksted: Patent Slip (200 tons). . 259 78 12 J; 24 Not ides. Sandefiord, Norway. 1908 Framnaes Mek.Vaerksted: Floating Dock (1,600 tons). Floating Dock (1,000 tons). 237 (cradle.) 237 52 15 d [). 156 156 52 15 Tonsberg, Norway. 1908 Kaldnaes Mek.Vaerksted: Patent Slip (150 tons). . 600 220 (cradlo.) 7; 16 d >. Horten, Norway... 1908 Norwegian Gov't: Dry Dock 346 906 ooj 20J do. Dramraen, Norway. 1908 Jernstoberi & Mek. Vaerk- sted: Patent Slip (130 tons). . 300 75 n ladlci 64; 92 d o. Christiania, Norway. 1908 AkersMek. Vaerkstod: Dry Dock. L'M 2KI 46 14 (1 0. Nylands: Floating Dock (1,500 tons). Floating Dock (1,000 tons). 200 200 47J 15 150 150 47$ 15 Moss, Norway 1908 Akties. Moss Vaerft.: Floating Dock (800 tons). Floating Dock (500 tons). Patent Slip (2.50 tons). . 142 142 46 15 d 0. 108 108 100 46 18 6; 9 Jernstoberi & Mek. Vaerk- sted: Patent Slip (500 tons). . (cradle. 180 (cradle.) 8; 9 Fredrikstad, 1P08 Floating Dock, wood and iron (1,200 tons). ii,:, 165 55 17 d I FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. following European Station ports — Continued. 181 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Laxevaags Mask in Jernskibsbyggeri. Bergens Mek. Vaerk sted. Mjellem & Karlsen.. Stavanger Stoberi & Dok. Rosenberg Mek. Vaerksted. Christiansands Mek Vaerksted. Fevigs Jernskibs- byggeri. Porsgr u n d s Mek. Vaerksted. Framnaes Mek. Vaerksted. Date. K a 1 d n a e s Vaerksted. Mek. l'X.N 1908 Character of repairs, large or small. Hulls and mat hinery. do .do.. Hulls and machinery. do , .do. Karljohansv a e r n s Verft. Drammens Jernsto- beri & Mek. Vaerk- sted. Akers Mek. Vaerk- sted. Nylands Vaerksted Bjergning& Dykker. Moss Jernstoberi og Mek. Vaerksted. 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 Hulls. Hulls and machinery. Hulls and boilers. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. 10 in. diam., any length. 11 in 20 in. x25 ft. 5 in. x 20 ft. Any size- Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can 1)6 brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Any size. . 15 in Any size... 12 in. Any size. Boilers. Hulls and l: machinery. do .do. .do. Fredrikstad Vaerksted. Mek. 18 in. x 24 ft 18 in. x 28 ft Any size. 15 tons. 10 tons. 5 tons . . 10 tons. None.. 4 tons. Any size. 15 in. 24 in. Any size... Remarks. 70-ton shears. 60-ton crane. 40-ton crane. Divers. 60-ton floating derrick. 10 tons. 12 tons. Any size.. 30-ton shears; divers. 100-ton shears; divers. 45- ton shears; diver; Floating docks can be worked together lift- ing 2,400 tons. 30- ton derrick; divers. Floating, can be worked together, lifting 1,300 tons. 182 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Feet. Not d d d d Ordi- nary neaps Feet. des. 0. ). 0. Gothenborg, Sweden. 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Lindholmens Dry Dock. . . Lindholmens Patent Slip, No. 1(1,000 tons). Lindholmens Patent Slip, No. 2 (800 tons). Goteborgs Mek. Werk- Pat'ent Slip (500 tons) . . Patent Slip (1,500 tons). Eriksberg Mek. Werk- Patent Slip (500 tons) . . Wilhelmsbergs Mek. Verk- stad: Patent Slip Feet. 420 540 540 528 660 500 Feet. 405 220 (cradle.) 186 (cradle.) 158 (cradle.) 226 (cradle.) 165 (cradle.) 125 (cradle.) 269 338 372 214 (cradle.) Feet. 58} 38 (cradle.) 34 (cradle.) 37 (cradle.) 37 (cradle.) Feet. 19} 7; 18 7; 13 9; 18 9}; 18 5; 13 Helsingborg, Sweden. Elsinore, Denmark. Landskrona, Helsingborg Dry Dock Helsingors Jernsk. & Mas- kinbyggeri: Drv Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Patent Slip (750 tons).. 284} 350 379 250 48 43 57 22 (cradle.) 14 14 18 18 Sweden. Copenhagen, Denmark. Government: 288} 106} 113} 412 260 469 350 350 350 296 303 656 140 300 115 129 124 273 1044 113} 192* (cradle.) 246 450 247 (cradle.) 247 (cradle.) 309 (cradle.) 2% 90 (cradle.) 656 80 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 59} 272 31 23 (cradle.) 52 65 55 (cradle.) 55 (cradle.) 55 (cradle.) 50 2 7°| HI 20} 15J 23| 6; 17 6; 17 7; 19 17 3}; 8 36 3; 10 6 Floating Dock (145 tons). Floating Dock, new (250 tons). Patent Slip (1,870 tons). Refshaleoens Dry Dock — Refshaleoens Patent Slip, No. 1(2,000 tons) Refshaleoens Patent Slip, No. 2 (2,000 tons) Refshaleoens Patent Slip, No. 3 (2,500 tons) Kjobenhavns Flydedok: Floating Dock (2,900 tons). Patent Slip (200 tons) . . Burmelster & Co.: Floating Dock (11,500 tons). Ordinary slip (150 tons) . . . .. .do... Aarhus, 98 Denmark. Kolding, 32 (cradle.) 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. Denmark. Korsor, do... Denmark. Svendborg, Denmark. Floating Dock (400 tons) . . Ordinary slip (300 tons) . . . Patent Slip (200 tons) 129 42 11} Nyborg, Denmark. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 183 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Lindholmens Verk- stad Aktiebolag. Goteborgs Mek. Werkstads Aktie- bolag. Eriks bergs Mek. Verkstads Aktie- bolag. W ilhelmsbergs Mek. Verkstad. Helsingborg Varfs Aktiebolag. Helsingborgs Mek. Verkstad. Helsingors Jern- skibs & Maskin- byggeri. Ahlberg & Bengtson Royal Dockyard Burmeister & Wains. Kjobenhavns Flydedok & Skibs- varft. 1908 1908 1908 1908 loos 1904 Character of repairs, large or small. ....do Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Hulls, boil ers, and en- gines. Hulls and 29ft, machinery. Boilers and machinery. Pipes: Di- Castings: ameter of j Weight largest that of largest can be i that can brazed. be made. 30ft. long, us- Any size... 1 6 tons. . ual diame- ters, turned.; long do lGtons. Hulls and machinery. Boilers and machinery. Hulls and machinery. Machinery; small. Hulls and machinery. do do Gin. x20ft. 19 in. x 21 ft. 9 J in. x 19J ft Any diam.,25 ft. long. 30 in. x GO ft. 15 in. x2Gft 8 in.. ...do. Any size... Any size. 24 in 30 tons. 5 tons. . Remarks. 50- ton derrick. 50-ton derrick: divers. 30-ton derricks; diver. 45-ton shears; divers. 184 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing j aril ■ Name of port. Malino, Swedeti.. Limhamn, Sweden. Trelleborg, Sweden. Ystad, Sweden... Solvesborg, Sweden. Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark. Nexo, Bornholm, Denmark. Karlskrona, Sweden. Kalmar, Sweden.. Oscarshamn, Sweden. Westervik, Sweden. Norrkoping, Sweden. Stockholm Sweden. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Harbor Commissioners: Dry Dock Kockums: Patent Slip (1,700 tons). Floating Dock ( 1 1 ,500 tons) . (building.) Dry Dock None. Patent Slip (400 tons) . Dry Dock Small Slipway Harbor Trust: Dry Dock. Government: Dry Dock (old). Dry Dock No. 1. Dry Dock No. 2. Dry Dock No. 3. Dry Dock No. 4. Dry Dock No. 5. Oscar II Dock... A. E. Sjogren: Patent Slip (700 tons). Oscarshamns Mek. Verk- stad: Dry Dock Do Patent Slip (200 tons) . Vulcan Dry Dock (Vulcan Co.). Government: Galervarfvet Dock Beckholmen: Ostra Dockan Vcstra Dockan W. Lindbergs Co.: Pontoon Dock (2,200 tons). Bergsund Co.: I innboda Slip (1,500 tons). Bergsunds Slip (430 tons). Stockholms Stad.: Maiarcvarfvrl, Slip (280 tons). MiUarevarfvet Slip (110 tons). Stockholms Transp. o. Bogs. Akt.: Ekensbcrg Slip (150 tons). Feet. 243 150 285 170 216 294 221 231 233 no 356 157 2131 340 :;io 808 Over blocks. Feet. 243 230 (cradle.) 17 (cradle.) 280 225* 182 258 102 203 203 300 185 (cradle.) 311 117 140 (cradle.) 227J 280i 325 321 J 225 (cradle.) 136; (cradle. 100 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 78 (cradle.) Width at en- trance. Feet. 34 42 (cradle.) m 30 (cradle.) 45 ■in 1 , 46 511 464 46 ■Hi 681 mi mi 30 (cradle.) 354 58j 52 35 _ xl Rise of tide. Depth on sill, II. W. ord . in 'y narT sprmgs. $g Feet. 12| 8J; 17 5| 5; 11* 14 121 8; 15 15 84 8; 14 23 17 13 18 8; 19 9J; 18 9; 12 5; 7 4J; 12 Ordt- Ord nary - sp'gs. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 185 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Kockums Mek. Verkstad. 1908 Hulls and machinery. 50- ton derrick; diver. J. C. Petersons Ystads Gj uteri & Mek. Verkstad. 1904 1904 Mach inery and boilers. do Sin. x 22 ft.. Small Any size... Small 4,000 lbs.. Small. Divers. Bornholms Maskin Fabrik. 1908 Swedish Gov't Dockyard. Facilities for minor repairs. Oscarshamns Mek. Verkstad. 1908 Hulls and machinery. 1908 Hulls and machinery. Dockyard. Bergsunds Mek. Verkstad. Motala Verkstads. (Beckholmen Docks). W. LindbergCo.... Stockholms Transp. & Bogs. Aktie. 1908 1908 1904 1908 Hulls and machinery. Hulls. Hulls and machinery. Engines and boilers. 30 ft. long.... Any size... 10 tons... 40-ton shears; divers. 186 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill , H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over Over all. | blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Gefle, Sweden 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Korsnas Co.: Bomhusvarfvet Slip (100 tons). Aktiebol. Gefle Verkstader: Atlas Slip (1,250 tons).. Stenakers Slip (1,000 tons) . Sunds Bruk Patent Slip (200 tons). Vindskarsvarf Patent Slip (200 tons). Hernosands Verk. & Varfs Aktie. : Patent Slip (350 tons).. Johansson's Patent Slip (260 tons). Feet. 200 900 500 330 Feet. 44 (cradle.) 219 (cradle.) 200 (cradle.) 137 (cradle.) Feet. *20 (cradle.) (cradle.) Feet. 5; H 8J; 142 8; 19 11 Feet. Feet. No tides. do. Sweden. Sundsvall, do. Sweden. do. do. Hernosand, Sweden. Lulea, Sweden 300 380 80 (cradle.) 104 (cradle.) 25 (cradle.) 8; 8J 8; 16 Uleaborg, Russia. . Bjorneborg, Russia. Abo, Russia 1 do. Bjorneborgs Mek. Verk.: Patent Slip (200 tons). PihlavaMek. Verk.: Patent Slip (150 tons).. W. Crichton & Co. (Ltd.): Marine Rwy. (700 tons) . Marine Rwy. (75 tons). Marine Rwy. (160 tons). Patent Slip (1,200 tons).... Sandvikens Skeppsdocka och Mek. Verks.: Dry Dock.. . 400 200 475 180 270 735 300 190 80 175 75 120 100 '100 130 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 40 (cradle.) 25 (cradle.) 35 (cradle.) 20 (cradle.) 18 (cradle.) 60 (cradle.) 56 6; 8 8 9; 15 4; 8 2; 6 9J; 16 18J 7; 15 5; 7 7; 10 5; 9 d d d d d d 0. ). 0. 0. ). ). Nystad, Russia Ilelsingfors, and Sveaborg, 218 (cradle.) 280 Patent Slip Do Maskin och Brobyggnads Aktiebolaget: Patent Slip (560 tons).. Patent Slip (100 tons).. J. D. Stenberg & Soner: Patent Slip 160 (cradle.) 70 (cradle.) Do Wasa, (Nfkolaistad), Russia. Wlborg, Rus.su Metvikens Mek. Verks.: Patent Klip (200 tons).. Slip way (120 tons)... 100 (cradle.) 55 (cradle.) 18 10 9 8 Slip way (100 tons) Slip way (80 tons) FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 187 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Gene Verkstader Aktiebolag. 1908 Hulls and machinery. 40-ton shears. Soderhamns Verk- stads & Varfs Ak- tiebol 1908 do 25-ton crane. Hernosands M e k . Verkstad. 1908 Machinery... 12 in. x 20 ft.. 4 in 6 tons Hull repairs above water line. J. P. Johansson's Mek. Verkstad. 1904 Admiralty Works. . . Bjorneborgs Mek. Verkstad. Pihlava Mek. Verk- stad. 1900 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do 10 in. x 21 ft.. 10 in. x 22 ft.. Gin 5 tons 3£ tons . . . 35-ton crane. W. Crichton & Co. (Ltd.). 1908 do Forge 7 in . . . Any size... 10 tons . . . 40 and 20 ton shears. Nystad Mek. Verk- 1904 Large Turn 30 ft. Gin 3 tons. Sandvikens Skepps- docka o. Mek. Masking Brobygg- nads Aktiebolaget. Helsingfors Skepps- varfo. Mek. Verks. J. D. Stenberg & Soner. Russian Gov't Dockyard (Svea- borg). 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 General re- pairs. Hulls and machinery. General re- pairs. Hulls and machinery; small. Small. Any diam., 20 ft. long. 20in.xl7ft.. 12 in 12 in. x 20 ft.. 24 in 20 in 12 in 8 tons 20 tons... 2 tons 6 tons. 35-ton shears; divers. 22- ton shears. 5-ton derrick; diver. Metvikens Mekanis- ka Verkstad. 1904 do 10 in. x 30 ft.. None 1,500 kilos 20-ton shears; diver. Karmenkallio Slip Dock. Kaksoissaari Slip Dock. Wekrotniemi Slip Dock. ' 1904 1904 1904 Hulls and machinery; small. Do. Wooden hulls 188 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Cronstadt, Russia. St. Petersburg, Russia. Riga, Russia. Libau, Russia. Memel, Germany. Pillau, Germany.. Konigsberg, Germany. Dantzig, Germany Btralsund, Germany. Date 1908 1908 1908 1908 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Government: Peter Dock Nicolai Dock Constantine Dock Alexander Dock Pontoon No. 1 Pontoon No. 2 Patent Slip (400 tons). Transverse Slip (tor- pedo boats). Government: Baltic Dock Nevsky Dock 1- ranko-Russian Dock. Ochta Dock Patent Slip Floating Dock (2,350 tons) . (AtBolderaa.) Patent Slip (1,000 tons).... Government: Dry Dock Do Floating Dock (in 3 sec- tions). Government: Patent Slip Memeler Schiffsrimmer Genossenschaft: Patent Slip, 500 tons... F. Schichau, Elbing: Pontoon (1,100 tons) . . . Floating Dock (700 tons). G. Fechter: Floating Dock (750 tons). Union Giesserei: Slipway (GOO tons) Government: Floating Dock (0,000 tons). F. W. Klawitter: Floating Dock (2,500 tons). Patent Slip (550 tons). . Patent Slip (250 tons).. Johansen & Co.: Patent Slip (1,000 tons). 3 Common Slips (200 tons each). Length. Over all. Feet. 487 GOO 202 nr. ooo 60Q 131J 150 260 Over blocks. Feet. 200 (cradle.) 55 (cradle.) 237 215 (cradle.) 190 (cradle.) 210 (cradle.) Width at en- trance. Feet. 09 (cradle.) 33 40 (slip.) 58 71) Depth o.i sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 17 5; 10 9 9; 12 111; Hi 12 23 17 7; 10 G; 91 9; 13 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 189 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Russian Gov't Dockyard. R. Hardesty 1908 1904 Hulls and machinery. Small Small Small. 1908 Large floating shears. Principally a gun fac- tory. Dockyard. OboukoflE Works . 1904 do Heavy — Do. Do. Do. Baltic Works Franko-Russian Co . Kolpino factory (16 miles from St. Pe- tersburg). Jas. Pulman 1908 1908 1904 do do do do Large do Any size... '.'.'.do'.'.'.'.'.'. 1904 Hulls and machinery. Small Medium... ...do Above-water repairs to hulls. Bolderaa Maschi- nenfabrik. Lange & Son 1908 1904 Hulls Hulls and machinery. 12 in. x 20 ft.. Any size. . . 20 tons... 30-ton crane. Constantin Strupp.. 1898 Large 18 in. x 15 ft.. 7in 12 tons. Schneider & Co 1908 Moderate 6in.xl2ft... 12 in 2 tons Facilities for all ordi- nary repairs. F. Schichau (Elb- ing). 1904 Hulls and machinery. (Tor pedo boats). G. Fechter 1904 1908 Hulls Union Giesserei Machinery. G erman Go v ' t D ock- vard. J'. W.Klawitter.... Johansen & Co F. Schichau 1908 1908 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do do do 20 in. x 20 ft. loin 20 tons... 50 tons . . . 60-ton floating crane. 120-ton crane. Slight re- pairs. 190 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Length. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Width at en- trance. Name of port. Date. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nar neaps Stettin, Germany.. 1908 Vulcan Co.: Floating Dock (12,000 tons). Floating Dock (1,000 tons). Floating Dock (3,500 tons). 4 caissons (185 tons each). 2 caissons (245 tons each). 2 caissons (255 tons each). Oderwerke, Act. Ges.: Floating Dock (1,000 tons). Floating Dock (1,300 tons). Niiscke & Co.: Floating Dock (1,700 tons). Feet. 506 101| Feet. 506 1011 Feet. 83 48i Feet. 21 13} Feet. Feet. No tides. 205} 205| 44§ 13} 131 131 52} 16 164 164 52} 16 221 221 62 Uj Rostock, Germany. 1908 Act. Ges. "Neptun:" Floating Dock (3,000 tons). Patent Slip (900 tons). . 270 800 270 233 (cradle.) 58 36 (cradle.) 17 7; 14 do. Liibeck, Germany. 1908 H. Koch: Floating Dock (1,500 tons). 220 220 46 2; 14 d ). Kiel, Germany 1908 Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 Dry Dock No. 5 Dry Dock No. G Floating Dock •123 393} 374 367} 587 587 237 197 132} 226 139 60 407 377 357 334 574} 574} 237 71 70 64} 61 J 95} 95} 50 54| 543 65} 45i 45i 28 25} 21} 15| 37 37 20 17 17 25} 15 15 d 5. Howaldtswerke: Floating Dock No. 1 (1,700 tons). Floating Dock No. 2 (1,130 tons). Floating Dock No. 3 (4,570 tons). Ges. J. W. Seibel: Floating Dock No. 1 (700 tons). Floating Dock No. 2 (300 tons). Flensburg, Germany. Tonning, Germany. 1908 Schiffsbau Ges.: Pontoon (2,800 tons) . . . Schomer & Jensen: Patent Slip 280 68 19 d 0. 1908 200 122 (cradle.) 30 8; 12 8 1908 2 slipways (300 tons each ) . . 6; 12 10i 6i 7} Germany. Hamburg, Genimiiv. 1908 Blohm & Voss: Floating Dock No. 1 (3,000 tons). Floating Dock No. 2 (4,700 tons). Floating Dock No. 3 (17,000 tons). Floating Dock No. 4 (18.000 tons). Floating Dock (35,000 tons). (Proposed.) 320 355 320 355 52 CD! 18- 18 5} 560 GOO 560 600 88 89 25 25 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 191 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Stettincr Mas. Act. Ges. "Vulcan." Stettiner Oderwerkc Act. Ges. Niiscke & Co 1908 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do Hulls and boilers. 16 in. x 10 ft. 8 in. x 33 ft.. Any size... 8in 45 tons... 5 tons 3 floating cranes of 65, 100 and 150 tons, re- spectively; divers. 30 and "0 ton shears. Act. Ges. "Neptun" 1908 Hulls and machinery. Henry Koch 1908 do German Gov't. Dockyard. 1908 Do. Howaldtswerke Germania Works (Krupp). 1908 1908 Large Do. Flensburger Schiffs- ban Ges. 1908 Hulls and machinery. Eiderwerft Aktien Gesellschaft. 1908 Do. Facilities for small repairs. Blohm & Voss IT. C. Stiilcken & Sohn. H. Brandenburg Reierstieg Schiffs- 1908 1908 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do derrick. do do 60-ton shears. werfte. J. H. N. Wichhorst. 1908 Do. 192 COALING. DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing far Hit i< Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. 10 4 Hamburg, Germany— 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Hamburg Amer. Pktfahrt- Act. Ges.: Graving Dock Feet. 400 210 460 600 520 250 330 508 600 300 550 210 175 270 190 360 240 450 370 754} 335 185 393 230 320 343} 1, 120 (long.) 385 197 136 428 428 :<77 584 56 1 584 llli 180 Feet. 400 210 460 240 (cradle.) 520 120 (cradle.) 330 160 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 550 210 175 270 190 360 240 Feet. 50 45 60 Feet. 16 15} 17 10; 20 21 6; 14 19 22 8; 13 6; 11 21 17 17 17 17 20 20 19} 19} 35] 15 15 16 16 9; 17 13 m 27 21 21 27J 27 2M 374 Kl 37} 29 Feet. 10? lOf 15 6 HI Stiilcken's Floating Dock, No. 1 (1,000 tons). Stiilcken's P'loating Dock, No. 2 (5,000 tons). Stiilcken's Patent Slip (1,000 tons). Brandenburg's Floating Dock (7,000 tons). Brandenburg's Patent Slip (450 tons). Reiherstieg's Floating Dock, No. 1 (5,000 tons). Reiherstieg's Floating Dock, No. 2 (11,500 tons). Wichhorst's Patent Slip (600 tons). Wichhorst's Patent Slip (400 tons). G. Seebeck Act. Ges.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2{^"--- Dry Dock No. 3{^-"- Dry Dock No. S,f\- • • • Norddeutcher Lloyd: 64 85 (extrm.) 100 Bremerhaven, Germany. 65 45 45 52J 52^ 54 54 56 56 98.1 402 40] 45} 45* DryDockjjf^ Geestemunde, Germany. Gov't of Bremen: Kaiser Dry Dock G. Seebeck, Act. Ges.: Dry Dock No. 1-ftjV"; J. C. Tecklenborg, Act. Ges., &c: 741J 335 185 382 223 120 (cradle.) 343\ 400 (wide.) 385 195 135 410 410 354 557J 557J 111} in: Dry Dock. D y'" Patent Slip (250 tons) . . O. II. Thyen: Brake, Germany . . 42 43 90 49 46 70 70 102 102 102 49 48 70 Wet Dock Bremen, Germany. Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Weser, Act. Ges.: Floating Dock (10,500 tons). Floating Dock (1,290 tons). Floating Dock (1,970 tons). Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2.. .. Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 fbuild- Div Dock No. 5 (build- Dry Dock No. 6 (build- ing). Floating No. 2 Wet Dock FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 193 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. G. Seebeck Act. Ges. Norddeutcher Lloyd Tecklenborg, Act. G. H. Thyen. Weser, Act. Ges. German Gov't.Dock yard. Date. 1904 Character of repairs, large or small. Hulls and machinery. Machinery. Hulls and machinery. Hulls. Hulls and machinery. Large. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. 24 in. x 70 ft. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can lie brazed. Any size... Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. 100-ton floating crane. 50-ton floating shears. The dry docks being entered from wet dock are independent of the tides. 652— 09 13 194 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of >jameof port. Emden, Germany. Delfzyl, Holland. Harlingen, Holland. Amsterdam, Holland. Rotterdam, Holland. Hellcvoetsluis, Holland. Nleuwedlep Flushing, Holland. Date 1908 1908 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Floating Dock (4,500 tons) C. Cassens: Slip way Do. Do. J. Janssen: Slip way . Do. Government: Slip way . . 6 slips 4 careening pontoons, 500 to 700 tons. 4 slips (200 tons) 2 pontoons (400 tons) . 2 pontoons(300 tons) . Wilheminadok, Floating (7,500 tons). Koningsdock, Floating (3,200 tons). Koninginnedok, Floating (4,000 tons). Floating Dock do do Wet Docks: Entrepothaven Oude Houthaven Railway Basin West Dock East Dock Nieuwe Vart City of Rotterdam: Floating Dock No. 1 (2,000 tons). Floating Dock No. 2 (4,000 tons). Floating Dock No. 3 (6.000 tons). Floating Dock No. 4 (l. r >,ooo tons). Prins Hendrik Floating Dock No. 1 (7,500 tons). Prins Hendrik Floating Dock No. 2 (3,000 tons). Patent Slip (1,200 tons).. . . Patent Slip (3,000 tons).. . . Government: Dry Dock (double)- Outer Inner Gover nm ent: Dry Dock. Do.... Dry Dock. Length. Over all. Feet. 377 150 150 120 115 115 150 90-150 424$ 401| 201 164| 1641 (long.) 5,036 157$ 295J 360 H 555| 438 301$ 855 3901 2K.HJ. 244 Over blocks. Feet. 120 (cradle.) 120 (cradle.) 100 (cradle.) 80 (cradle.) 80 (cradle.) 150 (cradle.) 424$ 402 401 1 201 164| 164* (wide.) 157$ 2951 3601$ 555| 436 300 170 (cradle.) 300 (cradle.) 239 J 231* 374 273$ 244 Width at en- trance. Feet. 621 71$ (bottom.) 56 63$ 62| 62| 62* 66 270 681$ ni 681$ 84$ 73 51 511 81 Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 17 7$f*d. 71 f 'd. 7$ fd. 7 I'd. 7 I'd. 15 fd. 12$; 26$ Rise of tide. Ordi- nary sp'gs FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD, the following European Station ports — Continued. 195 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can lie brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. "Nordse ewerkc " Kinder Werftund Dock, Act. Ges. Johs, Berg & Co 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do.... Works in course of con- struction. ' Amsterdam D r y - dock Co. D. Goedkoop Netherlands Engine & Rwy. Works. "Feyenoord" Shp. Bldg. & Eng. Co. Bonn & Niees P. Smit, jr 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 Hulls and boilers. Hulls and machinery. Machinery... Hulls and machinery. Hulls. Hulls and machinery. do Small Any size do 10in.x40ft.. 16 in. x 18 ft.. Any size... ...do ...do ...do 40 tons . . . 40 tons. 23 tons.... 5,280 lbs. 90-ton floating derrick. 60-ton crane; divers. "Industry" Eng. Fac. & Shp. Bldg. Co. Gov't Dockyard Royal Shp. Bldg. & Eng. Co. 1908 Hulls and machinery . Any size Any size... Any size.. 60-ton shears; divers. 196 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, 11. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Middleburg, Holland. Antwerp, Belgium. Ghent, Belgium... Ostend, Belgium.. Dunkirk, France . . 1908 Gravelines, France. Calais, France 1908 Boulogne, France. St.-Valery-on-Som- me, France, Dieppe, France St.-Valery-en- Caux, France. Fecamp, France. . . 1908 190K 190S Dry Dock. City Dry Dock No. 1 City Dry Dock No. 2 City Dry Dock No. 3 City Dry Dock No. 4 City Dry Dock No. 5 City Dry Dock No. 6 Antwerp Engineering Co.: Drv Dock Do Hoboken Dry Dock Hoboken Floating Dock (11,000 tons). Numerous Wet Docks 248 177 440i 440& 440* 330 300 -100 ■192 Feet. 420 459 213 147 403| 403i 403J 300 280 372 492 City of Ghent: Dry Dock. Do.... 249 220 393 Government: Dry Dock (building). Several wet docks Government: Dry Dock No. 1. Dry Dock No. 2. Dry Dock No. 3. Dry Dock No. 4. Chambre du Commerce: Slipway (1,000 tons)... Gridiron 2 pontoons (Hivin) Several wet docks 393 393| 3174 246 155? 367 857 277 022 Feet. 66 81* 39J 32| 49J 494 494 40 36 41 73| 36-81 36 83 39-60 45| (on sill.) IN (on sill.) 45| (on sill.) 68f (on sill.) Municipality: Gridiron.. Government: Dry Dock (entered from Bassin Carnot.) Wet Dock (Bassin Carnot) Chambre de Commerce: Gridiron (1,500 tons).. 508 2,620 (long.) 655 (wide.) 881 Feet. 15 20J-23 25 18-22 21-25 11; 11 28§ 28§ 15*; 15* Gridiron. Government: Dry Dock. Several wet docks . Patent Slip 861 321) Chambre de Commerce: Oridiron ISO 59 (on sill.) 46-59 49} 39 26g 23-32 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 197 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Royal Shp. Bid. & Eng. Co. Antwerp Engineer- ing Co. Atlas Engineering Co. A. Bonholle Guthrie & Murdock. C. Baxter Beauval 1904 Carels Freres Date, 1908 1904 1904 1908 1904 Society du Phoenix . Several shipyards. . Ziegler Freres Society Anonyme de Construction. Society des Ateliers et Chantiers. Societe Anonyme de Constructions Me- caniques et Mari- times. Amblard & Cie. Character of repairs, large or small. Large General re- pairs. Do. Boilers. Ordinary re- pairs. Hulls and machinery. Engines and boilers. Do. Ordinary re- pairs. Engines and boilers. Machinery. Hull. Hulls a n d machinery . Hulls and machinery. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Any size. 13? in. x 30 ft. None. No forge; turn any size. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Any size... Any diam Ordinary sizes. Any size. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. 17tons None. None. Remarks. 2 feet less water at fore end of dock than on sill. 25-ton cranes; divers obtainable. 25-ton crane. 50-ton shears; divers. 30-ton crane. 198 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Havre, France. Rouen, France. Honfleur, France. Trouville, France. Cherbourg, France. St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Is. St. Sampsons, Guernsey, Channel Is. St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Is. Granville, France. St. M alo and St. Servan, France. Palmpol, France. Brest, France Docks, etc. Date. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) 1908 ! Cales de la Citadelle, No. 1 Cales de la Citadelle, No. 2 Cales de la Citadelle, No. 3 Cales de l'Eure, No. 4 Cales de l'Eure, No. 5 Cales de l'Eure, No. 6 Numerous wet docks 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Patent Slip, (1,800 tons). Gridiron 4 wet docks. broadside Gridiron... 2 wet docks. Government: Dry Dock, No. 1... Dry Dock, No. 2... Dry Dock, No. 3... Dry Dock, No. 4... Dry Dock, No. 5... Dry Dock, No. 6 . . . Dry Dock, No. 7... Dry Dock, No. 8... Commercial Dry Dock. Patent Slip No. 1 (650 tons) Patent Slip No. 2 (500 tons) Patent Slip No. 1 (400 tons) Patent Slip No. 2 (350 tons) Floating Dock. Dry Dock , Gridiron (200 tons). St. Malo: Gridiron St. Servan: Gridiron Wet Docks: . BassindeSt. Malo... Bassin de St. Servan. Reservoir Interieur... Dry Dock Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 Dry Dock No. 5 Dry Dock No. G Dry Dock No. 7 Dry Dock No. 8 Dry Dock No. 9 Chambre de Commerce, building: Dry Dock Gov't, torpedo boats: Floating Dock Pontoon , Chambro de Commerce: Gridiron (1,200 tons)... Gridiron Length. Over all. Feet. 249 234* 288* 674 621* 500* 291 233 160 Over blocks. Feet. 219f 226* 278? 649* 597 433 360 , 393 390* 360 499J 513J 265 257* 249 450 •120 135 216* 101* 170 165 (long.) 3,430 2,478 1,443 229? 861 105 331* 331* 299 452| 461 237* 219 238 145 (cradle.) 130 (cradle.) 121 (cradle.) 110 (cradle.) 132 183* (wide.) 456 620 950 187 246* 220* 375 324f Width at en- trance. Feet. 34 50 65 98 65 52 40-100 43f 38 33f-54 9-U 94* 118 108 81J 78| 40 Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Feet US 20 21 28* 28* 25* 20*-34 16] 15* 15J-22 29* 29* 29* 29* 36i 26 | 18 10; 14* 10; 14* 10; 14* 10; 14* 11 23 28 28 21* to 23 14* 74 < 22} 7ft 13f 74 2lf 78 131 SI 33$ 65 13* 111 31* ill- 33 16] BS| 89] Ordi nary sp'gs FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 199 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and i length of largest that j can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Forges et Chan tiers delaMediterranee. Society Anonyme Westinghouse. Caillard& Cie B. Duchesne Aug. Norman Society des Ateliers et Chantiers de St. Nazaire. Renaux, Vve., fils... 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. Machinery... do do Light repairs Small 15} Id. x 26 ft. 30 in. x 15 ft., turned. 32 ft. long.... 19£ in. x 294 ft. Any size... 10 in 6* in 5in Any size. 32 tons . . . 30 tons. 10 tons. 550 lbs. bronze. 70 and 120 ton cranes. Machinery. Small repairs Hulls and machinery. Boilers only. French Govt. Dock- yard. Soci6t6 Anonyme du Temple. 1908 1904 • Jersey Rwy. & Tramways Co. 1908 Small None 10 in 25 cwt. Facilities for minor repairs. 1904 4 tons de St. Malo. French Gov't Dock- yard. M. Esneault Toer & Nicoleau Western Rwy. Co... 1908 1904 1904 1904 Docks Nos. 1 and 3 can Machinery. Do. do be used as one dock; also Nos. 2 and 4. be used as one dock. Western Rwy. Co. has 80-ton crane. 200 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars oj docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Ordi- nary sp'gs. L'Orient, France. St. Nazaire Franc Paimboeuf, France. Nantes, France. . . La Rochelle and La Pallice, France. 1908 1908 1908 Rochefort, France. Bordeaux, France. Bayonne, France. Bllboa, Spain Santander, Spain.. Oljon, Spain Ferrol, Spain 1908 1908 1908 Government: Dry Dock No. 1. Dry Dock No. 2. Feet. Gov't; leased to Cie. Gen. Trans, et Chantiers de la Loire: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Gov't; leased to M. Allean: Dry Dock Chambre de Commerce: Patent Slip (1,800 tons) La Pallice; Gov't: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 La Rochelle, Chambre de Commerce: Gridiron Lie & Son: Patent Slip (125 tons) . 393 492 G30 557 : 280 590J 364 2471 188 Feet. 367 607 393§ 557| 311. (cradle.) 553 328 Feet. ^l Wet Docks: Bassin de La Pallice. Bassin Exterieur Bassin Interieur (long:) 2,297 67 (cradle.) (wide.) 414-656 Government: Dr- Dock No. 1 . Dry Dock No. 2. Dry Dock No. 3. Commercial Dock. . Gridiron 3 wet docks 246 120 196 246 369? 246 Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Patent Slip (250 tons) Lormont: Patent Slip (3,000 tons) Patent Slip (800 tons). 3 wet docks 505$ 357 177} •100 426J 496J 328 108i (cradle.) (cradle.) 164 (cradle.) 46-59 72 52J 36 (cradle.) 42 (cradle.) 46 (cradle.) Chambre de Commerce: Dry Dock Compania Euscalduna: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Astilleros del Nervion: Dry Dock Dry Dock (building). Socledad Espafiola de Con- st riieeiones Metalicas: Dry Dock Government: San Julian Dry Dock... Slipway (1,000 tons). 802 328 314J 614 •120 MB 4?5J 52$ 321. 814; 606 416 133 211 409. 262 (cradle. Feet. 27U 16f 27 14f 13; 16§ 801 27J 161 5§,51 16 ltt 2;V. 18| 23 23 5; 10 17 7; 12 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 201 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. French Gov't Dock- yard. 1908 120-ton crane. Societe A™ des Ate- liers et Chantiers de la Loire. Societe A«» des Chantiers et Ate- liers de St. Nazaire. 1908 1908 Hulls 18 in 18 in 4 tons 4 tons. 80, 60, and 40 ton shears. Hulls and machinery. 18 ft. long.... Ateliers et Chantiers de la Loire. 1908 Hulls and machinery. Vessels hauled up side- ways. Ateliers et Chantiers de La Pallice. Decout-Lacour 1908 1908 Large Engines and boilers. Forge 10 in. x 35£ ft; turn lfi in. xany length. 16 in 5 tons Dry docks are entered from the Bassin de La Pallice, and are there- fore not affected by the tides. 1908 100-ton shears. yard. Decout-Lacour 1908 Engines and boilers. Dyle & Bacalan 1908 Hull and machinery. Any size Any size... Any size.. Dry dock is entered from wet dock. Dagousset, J. B 1900 Large Large do 300 lbs. Compafiia Euscal- duna. Astilleros del Ner- vi<5n 1908 1908 Hull and machinery. do 8 in. x25ft.. 24 in 25 tons . . . 100-ton shears. Talleres de San Mar- tin. 1908 Sociedad Espanola de Construcciones Metalicas. 1908 Hull and boilers. Spanish Gov't Dock- yard. Astilleros de Vila. .. 1908 1908 Hull and machinery. Do. 100-ton shears. 202 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on si!!, II. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Lisbon, Portugal . . 1908 1908 1908 1908 Government: Dry Dock Feet. 258.1 607 377i 225 150 200 2594 371* *m 492 511g 216J 863 563 463 261 Feet. 233.2 549 3284 216 145 170 (cradle.) 237 3284 1924 Feet. 5<; : ; 75 (bot- tom.) 49i (bot- tom.) 37 25 Feet. 19§ 32§ 27 8 to 12 6 to 10 12 22 224 104 33 23 Feet. 13J 10 3 Feet. 9i 7 Parceria dos Vapores Lisbonenses— Dry Dock No. 1.... Dry Dock No. 2 H. Parry & Son: Dry Dock Do II . Hersent heirs: Patent Slip (300 tons).. Government, Carraca, San Fernando: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 (build- ing K). Compafiia Transatlantica: Dry Dock Cadiz, Spain 54 J 50 492 130 (cradle.) 852 552 450 251 64 Government: Marine Rwy. (600 tons). Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Topham, Jones & Railton: New Dock Gibraltar 95 (coping.) 95 (coping.) 95 (coping.) 46 384 38J 384 144 Malaga, Spain Almerla, Spain Cartagena, Spain: 1908 .do 1908 1908 1908 1908 Government: Floating Dock (6,000 tons). 319? 492 61 3193 429J 1043 (ex- treme.) 1 98J t 49J 284 } 31? 6 20 Not d d d ides. 0. 0. 0. Patent Slip (150 tons).. Harbor Bd.: Floating and Deposit- ingDock (0,000 tons). Government: Self-docking Pontoon (13,000 tons). Ciedes Docks et Entrepots: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Docks Nos. 3 and i. each. Dry Docks Nos. 5 and 6, each. Barcelona, Spain . . 367 450 566 345} 280 4114 68 85 61 i 624 Port Mahon, Balearic Is. Marseilles, France. SON 300 U 295fc 426J 23 19§ 214 45 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 203 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Portuguese Gov't Dockyard. H. Hersent heirs... H. Parry & Son 1908 1904 1908 Hulls and machinery. ....do do Turn, any size. 18 in. x23ft. None Any size,.. 12 in Any size... 15 tons. 4 tons 3 tons 65 ton shears; divers. 15 ton shears. Spanish Gov't Dockyard, Carraca. Compaflia Transat- lantica. 1908 1908 do do Any size do Any size... 14 in 20 tons . . . 2 tons 100-ton shears. 40-ton shears; divers. British Gov't Dock- yard. Thos. Haynes Jas. Durante 1908 1904 1904 Docks can be length- Hulls and machinery. Do. Large 18 in 3 tons. ened 25 ft. Carlos Bahlsen 1904 Boilers and machinery. 24 in. x30ft. Any size... 4 tons Divers. Spanish Gov't Dock- yard. 1908 Hulls and machinery. 12 in 10 tons . . . 60- ton shears; 2 other firms execute light re- pairs to machinery. La Maquinista Alexander Hermanos 1908 1908 Boilers and machinery. Boilers and machinery. 10 in. x24ft. Any size... 15 in 30 tons . . . 8 tons 80-ton shears; divers. 20-ton derrick. Sociedad Anglo Es- panola. 1904 Engine and boilers. Stapfer de Duclos & Cie. Chantiers et Ateliers de Provence. Societe des Ateliers Terrin. Societe Marseillaise de Constructions Mecaniques. E. & J. M. Favre.... Societe Anonyme des Forges et Chantiers de la MexHterranee. 1908 1908 1908 1908 Boilers and machinery. do General re- pairs. Machinery. . 16 in. x 26 ft. 18 in. x 32i ft. Any diam. 32 ft. long. Any size 113 in Any size... ...do ...do 10 tons . . . 25tons . . . 12 tons. 14 tons. 100- ton crane. 60-ton shears. 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. Large. Any size ...do Any size.. 120-ton shears; CO-ton floating crane. 204 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, ir. W. ordin'y springs. Riseoftidp. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps LaClotat, France.. 1908 Messageries Maritime: Feet. 5284 272f 268} Feet. 513} 241 (floor.) 229} (floor.) 275} (floor.) 324} (floor.) 383 (floor.) 532} (floor.) 421J (floor.) 421 \ (floor.) 588 i (floor.) Feet. 70} 47| 49} Feet. 20 T V 18| 214 Feet. Feet. No tides. Toulon and La Seyne, France. 1908 Arsenal Vauban: Government- Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 d a. Dry Dock No. 3 Arsenal Castigneau: Government — Dry Dock No. 1 312J 3401 514 52} 301 Dry Dock No. 2 Dry Dock No. 3 Arsenal Missiessy: Government- Dry Dock No. 1.... 399| 548} 440 524 524 82 32 311 34 Dry Dock No. 2.... 440 82 34 Dry Dock No. 3.... 600| 82 34 Forges et Chantier de la Mediterranee: Slip way No. 1 (1,500 492 tons). Slip way No. 2 (2,000 590 tons). Slip way No. 3 (4,000 656 Nice, France 1908 tons). None Vlllefranche, France. 1908 Gov't, Graccio Freres, Les- sees: Dry Dock 203 189} 28 18 d ). Savona, Italy 1908 None Genoa, Italy 1908 N. Odero & Co.: Bacino do Darscna Societa Esercizio Harini: Floating dock (2,900 tons). Dry Dock (Gov't Les- sees. Do 267J 257 2631 257 78J 46 22 17 d a. 571 702 561 695 81} 60} 30} 28 Spezia, Italy 1908 Government: f 70i| top 52} [bottom. d 0. Dry Dock No. 1 354} 341| 1 29A Dry Dock No. 2 428} *»A ) 291 Dry Dock No. 3 428} 409/, Tm 29 * Dry Dock No. 4 884] 341J \ 52.. } 29rV Dry Dock No. 5 702A 687 1 105} 1 84 \ 33^ Dry Dock No. 6 504} 491 / 90: I 70} ) 323 FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 205 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Vv'eight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Compagnie des Mes- sageries Maritimes. 1908 General re- pairs. 60-ton crane. French Gov't Dock- yard (Toulon). Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee (La Seyne). 1908 1904 Do. Giordan Fils 1904 Machinery... 10in.x23ft.. 12 in 13,000 lbs., 1,400 lbs. I. Dumontant & Cie. 1904 do 18in.x20ft.. 8in bronze. 20,000 lbs., 800 lbs. bronze. Gov't Torpedo Dockyard. 1908 Small Fratelli Migliardi . . . G.Servettas&Co... Fratelli Conti 1908 1904 1904 Hulls and machinery. Do. N. Odero & Co. (Ses- tri Ponenta). Societa Esercizio Bacini. Ansaldo, Armstrong &Co. Ingegnieri Torriani &Co. Italian Gov't Arse- nal. 1908 1908 1908 do do do Any size do do Any size... ...do ...do Any size.. ...do ...do Divers. Do. 150-ton shears; divers. 1904 1908 Small. Torpedo boats. Italian Gov't Dock- yard. Cantieri di Muggi- ano. 1908 1908 150-ton crane; divers. do Do. Dock No. 5 can be used as one of two docks; ram vessels 691 ft. 4 in . in length can be docked. Pontoons are for tor- pedo boats; ship ways can take 6 torpedo boats each. 206 COALING, DOCKING, AND EEPAIEING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Spezia, Italy- Continued. Leghorn, Italy. Pozzuoli, Italy Maddalena, Sardinia. Naples, Italy Castellamare, Italy. Messina, Sicily Palermo, Sicily. Valetta, Malta. Taranto, Italy Hrlnf list, Italy Ancona, Italy Venice, Italy . 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1902 1908 Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Government— Cont'd. 2 steel Pontoons (125 tons each). 2 Slip ways Orlando Bros.: Dry Dock 2 patent Slips (1,500 tons each). None. Pontoon (for torpedo boats). Government: Dry Dock Dry Dock (building)... Do. 2 pontoons for torpedo boats. None. Government: Dry Dock Nav. Gen. Italiana: Patent Slip, 2,300 tons. Government: Outer Dock, No. 1 Inner Dock, No. 2 Somerset Dock Hamilton Dock Dry Dock No. 5 (Dou- ble Dock). Dry Dock No. 6 (Dou- ble Dock). Pontoon No. 1 (1,800 tons). Pontoon No. 2 (1,000 tons). Dry Dock No. 7 Government: Dry Dock, 2 sections.. . Quelrolo's Patent Slip Pontoon. (For torpedo boats.) 3 Patent Slips (out of re- pair). Floating Dock (5,000 tons), building. 4 slips, new (1,500 to 6,000 tons). Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Floating Dock (5,500 tons). Length. Over all. Feet. 105 (each.) 400 (each.) 451 280 246| 256 300,". 468 ' 558 440 336 344 210 556 708J 196} 252 521 1 295 365J Over blocks. Feet. 250 (cradle), 234 (cradle) 256 427§ 558 420 330 530 690| Width at en- trance. Feet. m 62J 79 (bot- tom). S3] (bot- ' torn). (cradle) . 95 ■31} 41 32 681 62J Depth on sill, II. W. ordin'y springs. Feet. 2:5; 26 9; 14 m 25.1 L9] Rise of tide Ordi- Ordi- nary nary sp'gs. neaps Feet. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 207 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- a meter of largest that can l)e brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Orlando Bros Lanza & Dello Stro- logo. 1908 1904 Large Hulls and machinery. Any size Any size... 30 tons . . . 70-ton derrick; divers.. Stabilimento Arm- strong. 1908 Machinery... do 8in 20 tons, iron, 14 tons steel, 5 tons brass. 100-ton shears; jetty to accommodate large vessels. Facilities for minor 1904 repairs. Italian Gov't Dock- yard. C. & T. T. Pattison. Societa Industrial Napoletana. 1908 1904 1908 Machine r y ; large. Hulls and machinery. 75 & 40 ton floating 8 in. x 18 ft.. Any size... 10 tons iron, 2 tons bronze. Heavy br o n ze castings. shears. 40-ton floating derrick. Italian Gov't Dock- yard. 1908 Stabilimenti Mecan- ici Sicilian!. 1908 Hulls and machinery. None 13 in 4 tons 8-ton crane; divers. Navigazione Gener- ale Italiana (Fon- deria Oretea). 1908 do 12 in. x2Gft. Any size... 20 tons. H. B. M. Dockyard. 1908 Large Any size do 12 tons . . . 160-ton crane; 30-ton shears. No. 1 and 2 docks form one dock with 634 ft., 9 in. on blocks. Italian Gov't Dock- yard. 1908 / 160-ton crane. Officine e Cantieri, Liguri- Anconetani . 1908 Italian Gov't Dock- yard. Vianello Moro, Sar- tori & Co. Federico Layet 1908 1908 1908 Large Ordinary re- pairs. Do. Small Any size... Any size.. 160-ton crane; 50-ton shears. 208 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Riseoftide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Trieste, Austria — 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 Stabilimento Tecnico: Feet. 414 456 305 200 453 398 460 236 479 584 229J Feet. 394 450 302 200 405 342 460 236 479 584 Feet. 66 f 73 \ 53 621 56 83 91 86 29 95 110 Feet. 26 } - 183 (sill.) 5h at head. 15 27 32 30 10 32 Feet. Not d d d Feet. ides. ). ). 0. Pola, Austria Austrian Lloyd's: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Floating Dock (2,000 tons). Government: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 2 Floating Dock (15,000 tons), said to be a failure. Floating Dock (6,000 tons). Floating Dock (18,000 tons), building. Floating Dock (22,000 tons), proposed. Floating Dock (1,300 tons), building. Piraeus, Greece Harbor Trust: Dry Dock No. 1 (build- ing). Dry Dock No. 2 (build- ing). Basiliades: Marine Rwy. No. 1 (3,500 tons). Marine Rwy. No. 2 (800 tons). Floating Dock, Salamis (Gov't) 3,000 tons. Patent Slip (1,200 tons)... . } 483 } 341 612 357 311J 460 320 336 (cradle.) 198 (cradle.) 311* 250 (cradle.) ISO (cradle.) 380 no 480 240 / 091 \ 51 / M I 31 } 293 } 25g 16; 21 10; 12 21 10; 14 10; 14 35 29 29 10 Syra, Id. of Syra, 59 (ex- treme.) Patent Slip (600 tons) Constantinople, Turkey. Government: Dry Dock, No. 1 Dry Dock, No. 2 Dry Dock, No. 3 Floating Dock(K00 tons) Slipway (:.oo ions) Chirket i HairieCo.: Slipway (670 tons) Y. Olivea: Slipway (450 tons) M. Foscolo: Slipway (300 tons) Floating Dock (1,200 tons). ding Dock (1,200 Government: iui •, I)ock(450tons) 400 285 500 245 120 17C 154 112 132 132 147/ 3 72 62 62 48 6; 7 10; 11 15; 16 16A lfi* 10} Galatz, Roumanla. 132 132 1I7 I2 55§ 55§ 29J FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 209 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Stabilimento Tec- nico. Austria Lloyd's Thomas Holt W.Greeham&Co... A. Metlicovitz Giorgio Galatti Austrian Gov't Dockyard. Whitehead & Co. . . . Stabilimento Laza- rus. 1908 ,1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do Engines and boilers. do do E 1 e c trical machinery. Hulls and machinery. Engines and boilers. Hulls, en- gines, and boilers. Any size do do do do Any size . . do.... do.... do.... do.... 30 tons.... 25 tons... 8 tons 3 ton. 1J tons. 3 tons. 30 tons... 40-ton floating cranes. 120-ton crane. Steam hammers. Any size Any size... Divers. Vulcan Engine Works. Basiliades Bros Greek Gov't Dock- yard, Salamis. Forges et Chantiers de Syra. Turkish Gov't Dockyard. Constantinople Eng. & Shp. bldg. Co. Bond &Co 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 Hulls and machinery. do 8 in. forged.. 4 in. x30ft.. Any size... do.... 10 tons... 10 tons. Gov't (1895). 30-ton shears. Ordinary re- pairs. Hulls and machinery. do do Engines and boilers. Any size 14 in. x24ft. Any size... 12 in 6 tons. 6 tons. floating shears. Marine & General Engineering Co. State Railway's Docks can be used as one dock. 652—09- -14 210 COALING, DOCKING, AND BEPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Name of port. Date Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Over all. Over blocks. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill: H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide, Ordi- nary sp'gs. Nicolaieff , Russia. Sevastopol, Russia. Rostoff-on-Don, Russia. Novorossisk, Russia. Batoum, Russia.. 1908 1908 Smyrna, Asia Minor. Port Said, Egypt. Alexandria, Egypt Tunis, Tunis. La Goulette, Tunis. BIzerta, Tunis. Algiers, Algeria. Bona, Algeria. 1908 1908 1904 1906 Bellino, Fenderich & Co.: Broadside Slip (1,000 tons). Steam Nav. & Trading Co.: Broadside Slip (7 tons). Floating Dock (4,800 tons). Government: Patent Slip (1,200 tons). Feet. 250 357 381 511 Feet. 210 (cradle.) Feet. Feet. Pontoon (1,800 tons). 381 180 (cradle.) Government: Alexandrovsky Dry Dock. Alexievsky Dry Dock.. Pontoon (4,200 tons) . . . Patent Slip (1,200 tons), Broadside Marine Rwy. (500 tons). Do Patent Slip (700 tons) 4S2 2S0 415 487 (floor.) 445 (floor.) 250 (cradle.) 150x180 317 None. 200 (cradle.) .do. Hamiedie Co.: Patent Slip (500 tons). Suez Canal Co.: Floating Dock (3,000 tons). 2 patent slips (300 tons each). KhedivalMailS.S.Co.: Dry Dock Floating Dock (3,300 tons.) Government: Dry Dock Dry Dock. do 205 French Gov't.: Dry Dock No. 1 Dry Dock No. 3 Dry Dock No. 4 3 floating docks (tor- pedo boats). Government: Dry Dock No. 1 533 465 230 183 I'.Hi, 1 888 295 866 295 150 (cradle.) 620 466 175J 193* Dry Dock No. 2. Floating Dock (200 tons). I56J 82 None. 63 19] 5J; 21J H;7 46j 86* 24 (on blocks.) 17 (on blocks.) m Feet. Feet. No tides. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. the following European Station ports — Continued. 211 Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that can be made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Bellino, Fenderich &Co. Russian Steam Nav. & Trading Co. 1908 1904 Hulls and machinery. Do.' 7 in. x25ft.. Any size... 12 tons. .. 25 and 30 ton cranes; divers. Russian Go v't Dockyard. Chan tiers Navales . . 1908 1908 do 50-ton floating derrick. Large i 20 in. x 50 ft. 48 in 60 tons... 80-ton shears. Russian Go v't Dockyard. 1904 do 48 tons . . . floating shears. D. A. Pastoukoff.... 1904 Ordinary re- pairs. McLaren, Friechist &Co. 1904 Machinery. . . 12 in. x21ft. 15 in 4 tons 40-ton floating crane. Kaplan, Foundry & Machine Shop. 1904 do None lOin 2 tons 50-ton floating crane. Rice Bros 1904 1904 1904 do do Do. do do 12 in lOin 3 tons. 2 tons. Rankin & Demas . . . Suez Canal Co 1908 Ordinary ro- 12 in. x 15J ft. 7Hn 3 tons 40-ton floating shears. Dowdie& Co 1900 Large 15in. xl4ft, turned. 18 in 2\ tons. Khedival Co. (Arse- nal). 1908 Hulls and machinery. 9 in. x40ft.. Any size... 7 tons Floating derricks, cranes, hydraulic jacks. Dock reported unavailable. French Gov't Arse- nal. 1908 French Gov't Dock- yard. E. Febure 1908 1904 1904 . ...do Cranes, floating der- ricks, heavy shears. Hulls and machinery. Do. Rousier & Gayte Small repairs to ma- chinery. 1908 Small 6 in. diam... 8in \\ tons. 212 COALING, DOCKING, AND REPAIRING Particulars of docking and repairing facilities of Date. Docks, etc. (Basin dry docks, unless otherwise stated.) Length. Width at en- trance. Depth on sill, H. W. ordin'y springs. Rise of tide. Name of port. Over all. Over blocks. Ordi- nary sp'gs. Ordi- nary neaps Oran, Algeria Horta, Fayal, Azores. Ponta Delgada, St. Michaels, Azores. 1908 1098 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1908 1908 1908 1905 Slipway (200 tons) Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 5 9 8 8 Feet. 1 7 5 5 None Slipway (250 tons) 120 110 (cradle.) Santa Cruz, Tenerifie, Hamilton & Co.: Slipway (600 tons) Teneriflfe Coaling Co.: Slipway (130 tons) Blandy Bros.: Patent Slip (1,000 tons) Blandy Bros.: Patent Slip (1,000 tons) . 600 300 500 180 (cradle.) 90 (cradle.) 200 (cradle.) 200 (cradle.) 9; 14 6; 9 8; 12 8; 12 Canary Is. Las Palmas, Grand Canary. Puerto de la Luz, Canary Is. 30 St. Vincent, Cape Verde Is. Dakar, Senegal Dry Dock (building) Marine Rwy (250 tons) . . 787 656 ss>, 32 to 35 Freetown. Sectional Pontoon Dock (2,700 tons). 250 250 52 Nigeria. FACILITIES OF THE PORTS OF THE WORLD. 213 of the following European Station ports — Continued. Shipyards, machine shops, etc., having facilities for repairs to steamers. Date. Character of repairs, large or small. Shafts: Di- ameter and length of largest that canoe made. Pipes: Di- ameter of largest that can be brazed. Castings: Weight of largest that can be made. Remarks. Facilities for ordinary 1908 1908 1908 1908 1904 1904 1904 1908 Small Any size... 10 in 8 tons. 1 ton repairs to machinery. Offlcina de Repar- ac6es Maritimos. Facilities for small repairs. Hamilton & Co Blandy Bros. & Co . do Facilities for small repairs. French Gov't Naval Station. General re- pairs. G in Hulls Hulls and machinery. do 5 in. x 10 ft. . 14 in. x 14 ft. 24 in. x 25 ft., turned. None. Any size... 14in 200 lbs.... 1 ton. 12 cwt. Small repairs of any kind. Capable of extension; another section will be added in near future. INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Aalesund, Norway Aarhus, Denmark Aberdeen, Scotland Abo, Russia Acapulco, Mexico Adelaide, South Australia. (See Port Adelaide.) Aden, Arabia Ahuriri (Port), New Zealand. (See Napier.) Ajaccio, Corsica Akassa, Niger River, Africa Akyab, British Burmah Albany, Western Australia Alexandria, Egypt. Alexandria, Virginia Algiers, Algeria Algiers, Louisiana. (See New Orleans.) Algoma, Ontario Alicante, Spain Aliwal, South Cape Colony. (See Mossel Bay.) Alloa, Scotland. Almeria, Spain Altona, Germany. (See Hamburg.) Amboyna, Amboyna Island, Moluccas Amherstburg, Ontario *. Amlwch, Wales Amoy, China .• Amsterdam, Holland Amsterdam Island, Java. (See Batavia.) Ancona, Italy Ancud, Chile Andaman Islands. (See Port Blair.) . Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis, Nova Scotia Coaling facilities. Page. (M 52 62 36 52 71 •12 82 82 8 72 52 72 40 38 14 215 216 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Coaling facilities. Antofagasta, Chile Antwerp, Belgium . . Apia, Upolu, Samoan Islands Appledore, England Aracaju, Brazil Arbroath, Scotland Archangel, Russia Ardrossan, Scotland Arendal, Norway Arica, Chile Ascension Island Ashland, Wisconsin Ashtabula, Ohio Astoria, Oregon Auckland, New Zealand Augusta, Sicily Avonmouth, England Awarua, New Zealand. (See Bluff Harbor.) Ayr, Scotland Azores Islands. (See Horta.) Bahia, Brazil Bahia Blanca, Argentina Balboa, Panama Baltimore, Maryland Banana, Congo River, West Africa Banff, Scotland Bangkok, Siam Bangor, Maine Bangor, Wales Barbadoes, West Indies. (See Bridgetown.) Barcelona, Spain Barranquilla, Colombia Barrow, England Barry, Wales Basilari, Philippine Islands. (See Isabela Basilan.) Basrah, Asiatic Turkey. (See Bussorah.) Basseterre, St. Christopher, British West Indies Bastia, Corsica Batavia, Java Bath, Maine Page. 38 66 40 52 58 38 30 6 10 36 42 70 58 30 30 36 22 84 48 11 72 58 56 74 48 11 INDEX TO PORTS. 217 Name of port. Coaling facilities. Batoum, Russia Bay City, Michigan Bay of Island, New Zealand. (See Russell.) Bayonne, France Bayonne, New Jersey Bayway, New Jersey Beirut, Syria Belfast, Ireland Belfast, Maine Belize, British Honduras Belleville, Ontario Bergen, Norway Bermuda. (See Hamilton.) Berwick, England Bideford, England Bilbao, Spain Birkenhead, England Bizerta, Tunis Bjorneborg, Russia Bluff Harbor, New Zealand Blyth, England Boat Harbor, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Boca del Toro, Chiriqui Lagoon, Colombia Bodo, Norway Bombay, India Bona, Algeria Bo'ness, Scotland Bordeaux, France Borrowstounness, Scotland. (See Bo'ness.) Bosham, England Boston, England Boston, Massachusetts Boulogne, France Bowling, Scotland. (See Glasgow.) Brake, Germany Bremen, Germany Bremerhaven, Germany Bremerton, Washington. (See Port Orchard.) Brest, France Bridgetown, Barbadoes, British West Indies Page. 80 8 70 20 20 80 58 14 24 12 60 GG 28 218 INDEX TO POETS. Name of port. Coaling facilities. Page. Bridgewater, England Brightlingsea, England Brindisi, Italy Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Bristol, England Bristol, Rhode Island Briton Ferry, Wales Brockville, Ontario Brooklyn, New York Brunsbtittel, Germany Buenos Aires, Argentina Buffalo, New York Burntisland, Scotland Burry Port, Wales Bussorah, Asiatic Turkey Cadiz, Spain Caen, France Cagliari, Sardinia Calais, France Calcutta, India Caldera, Chile Callao, Peru Camden, New Jersey Campbeltown, Scotland Cannes, France Canton, China Cape Sabine, Alaska Cape Town, Cape Colony Cardenas, Cuba Cardiff, Wales Carenero, Venezuela Carnarvon, Wales Carrickfergus, 1 reland Cartagena, Colombia Cartagena, Spain Castellamare, Italy Castries (Port), West Indies. (See Port ( 'aslrics. ) Catania, Sicily Cattaro, Austria Cavite, Luzon, Philippine Islands 70 42 5<> 12 16 64 30 10 52 m 72 68 74 66 50 38 38 72 48 34 :\-2 26 56 26 INDEX TO PORTS. 219 Name of port. Ceara, Brazil Cette, France Charleston, South Carolina Charlotte, New York Charlotte town, Prince Edward Island Chatham, England Cheboygan, Michigan Chemulpo, Korea Cherbourg, France Chester, Pennsylvania Chicago, Illinois Chifu, China ."" Chingkiang, Yangtse River, China Chingwangtao, China Chittagong, India Christiania, Norway Christiansand, Norway Christianssund, Norway Cienfuegos, Cuba Ciotat. (See La Ciotat.) Clarence River, New South Wales, Australia. Cleveland, Ohio Coal Harbor, Unga Island, Alaska. Coatzacoalcos, Mexico Coburg, Ontario Cochin, India Collingwood, Ontario Colombo, Ceylon Colon, Panama Colonia, Uruguay Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Connah's Quay, Chester, England Constable Hook, New Jersey Constantinople, Turkey Copenhagen, Denmark Coquimbo, Chile Corcubion, Cape Finisterre, Spain Corfu, Island of Corfu, Greece Corinto, Nicaragua Cork, Ireland Coaling facilities. Page. ■10 68 8 46 46 46 50 (if) CO 26 10 34 24 10 50 21 34 220 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Coronel, Chile Cortez (Port), Honduras. (See Puerto Cortez.) Corunna, Spain Cotrone, Italy. (See Taranto.) Cow Bay, Cape Breton Island, Novia Scotia. (See Port Morien.) Cowes, Isle of Wight, England Cronstadt, Russia Curasao, West Indies. (See Willemstad.) Cuxhaven, Germany Dakar, Senegal Dalhousie, Ontario. (See Port Dalhousie.) Dalny, Manchuria, China Dantzig, Germany Dardanelles, Turkey Dar-es-Salaam, East Africa Dartmouth, England Delagoa Bay. (See Lourenco Marquez.) Delfzyl, Holland Demerara, British Guiana. (See Georgetown.) Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia Detroit, Michigan Devonport, England Devonport, Tasmania Diego Suarez, Madagascar Dieppe, France Dinorwic, Wales. (See Port Dinorwic.) Dover, England Drammen, Norway Drangsund, Russia. (See Wiborg.) Drontheim, Norway. (See Trondhjem.) Dublin, Ireland Duluth, Minnesota Dumbarton, Scotland Dundalk, Ireland Dundee, Scotland Dunedin, New Zealand Dunkirk, France Durban, Natal, South Africa Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska Dysart, Scotland Coaling facilities. and repairing facilities. Page. Page. 38 120 70 INDEX TO POETS. 221 Name of port. East Donyland, England East London, Cape Colony East Saginaw , Michigan Edgewater, New Jersey Egersund, Norway Elizabethport, New Jersey Ellesmere Port, England. (See Port Ellesmere.) Elsinore, Denmark Emden, Germany Ensenada, Argentina Erie, Pennsylvania Escanaba, Michigan - Esquimalt, British Columbia Eureka, California Evans Bay, New Zealand. (See Wellington.) Exeter, England. (See Topsham.) Exmouth, England Fairhaven, New York Fairhaven, Washington Falkland Islands. (See Port Stanley.) Fall River, Massachusetts Falmouth, England Fayal, Azores. (See Horta.) Fecamp, France Ferrol, Spain Fiji Islands. (See Suva.) Fiume, Austria Fleetwood, England Flensburg, Germany Flushing, Holland Folkstone, England Forcados River, Nigeria, Africa Fort de France, Martinique, French West Indies. Frederikshaven, Denmark Frederikstad, Norway Freemantle, Western Australia Freetown, Sierra Leone Frontera, Mexico Fuchau, China. Coaling facilities. Page. 32 20 60 18 100 62 182 66 194 30 114 10 90 6 10 222 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Fukuoka, Japan. (See Hakata.) Funchal, Madeira Gaboon River, West Africa. (See Libreville.) Gaeta, Italy. (See Naples.) Gage Road, Western Australia. (See Freemantle.) Galatz, Roumania Galle, Ceylon. (See Point de Galle.) Galveston, Texas Galway, Ireland Gasp6, Quebec Garston, England Gaviota, California Geelong, Victoria, Australia Geestemunde, Germany Gene, Sweden Genoa, Italy Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana Georgina Bay. (See Midland, Ontario.) Ghent, Belgium Gibraltar Gijon, Spain Gladstone, Michigan Glasgow, Scotland Gloucester, England Goletta, Tunis. (See Tunis.) Goole, England Gosport, England Gothenborg, Sweden Gourock, Scotland Grahamtown (River Thames), New Zealand Grand Canary, Canary Islands. (See Las Palmas.) Grand Haven, Michigan Grangemouth, Scotland Granton, Scotland Granville, France Gravelines, France. Grao de Valencia, Spain. (See Valencia.) Gravesend, England Gravosa, Austria. (See Cattaro.) Great Grimsby, England. (See Grimsby.) Coaling facilities. Page. 82 24 58 12 72 70 6 58 56 54 56 80 8 52 52 (IS r,i INDEX TO PORTS. 223 Name of port. Coaling facilities. Great Yarmouth, England. (See Yarmouth.) Green Bay, Wisconsin Greenock, Scotland Greenville, New Jersey Grimsby, England Guadeloupe, West Indies. (See Pointe-a-Pitre.) Guantanamo, Cuba Guayaquil, Ecuador Guaymas, Mexico Guayra (La), Venezuela. (See La Guayra.) Guernsey, Channel Islands. (See St. Peter Port.) Guttenburg, New Jersey Habana, Cuba Habu, Japan Haifa, Syria Haifong, China Hakata, Japan Hakodate, Japan Halifax, Nova Scotia Halmstad, Sweden Hamburg, Germany Hamilton, Bermuda Hamilton, Ontario Hammerfest, Norway Hancock, Michigan Hankau, Yangtse River, China Hanyang, China. (See Hankau.) Harbor Grace, Newfoundland Harsimus Cove, New Jersey Harlingen, Holland Hartlepool, England Harwich, 'England Haugesund, Norway Haulbowline, Ireland Havre, France Hellevoetsluis, Holland , Helsingborg, Sweden Helsingfors, Russia '. Helsingor, Denmark. (See Elsinore.) Hepburn. (See Newcastle-on-Tyne.) Page. 6 66 18 54 28 38 '20 26 80 •II 44 14 <;<; 26 10 60 6 46 J 8 54 54 00 68 224 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Coaling facilities. Herendeen Bay, Alaska Hernosand, Sweden Hiogo, Japan Hobart, Tasmania Hoboken, New Jersey Hobson Bay, Australia. (See Melbourne.) Holyhead, Wales Honfleur, France Hongay, Tonkin, China Hongkong, China Honolulu, Hawaii Horta, Fayal, Azores Horten, Norway Huelva, Spain Hull, England Huron, Ohio Iliuliuk, Unalaska Island, Alaska In-no-Shima, Inland Sea, Japan Invercargill, New Zealand. (See Bluff Harbor.) In verki thing, Scotland. (See Kirkcaldy.) Inverness, Scotland Ipswich, England Iquique, Chile Irvine, Scotland Isabela Basilan, Philippine Islands Jacksonv lie, Florida Jaffa, Syria Jamestown, St. Helena Jarrow. (See Newcastle-on-Tyne.) Jenchuan, Korea. (See Chemulpo.) Jersey, Channel Islands. (See St. Helier.) Jersey City, New Jersey Kalamata, Greece Kalmar, Sweden Kamerun, West Africa Kamerun River. (See River Kamerun.) Karachi, India Karatsu, Japan Karlskrona, Sweden Keelung, Formosa Page. 34 44 42 20 58 68 48 48 40 82 60 70 54 8 34 16 100 78 184 84 50 136 44 62 184 48 INDEX TO PORTS. 225 Name of port. ! Coaling ; facilities. Docking and repairing facilities. Keyham, England Key West, Florida Kiauchau, China. (See Tsingtau.) Kiel, Germany Kings Lynn, England Kingston, Ireland Kingston, Jamaica Kingston, Ontario Kingstown, St. Vincent, British West Indies Kirkcaldy, Scotland Kittery, Maine. (See Portsmouth, New Hampshire.) Kobe, Japan Kodiak, Alaska Kolding, Denmark Konigsberg, Germany Korsor, Denmark Kuchinotsu, Japan Kure, Japan Kushiro, Japan La Boca. (See Balboa.) Labuan Island, East Indies. (See Victoria.) La Ciotat, France Ladysmith, Vancouver Island, British Columbia La Goulette, Tunis La Guayra, Venezuela Lamberts Point, Virginia. (See Norfolk.) Lancaster, England Landskrona, Sweden La Pallice,' France La Paz, Mexico. (See Pichilinque Bay.) La Plata, Argentina. (See Ensenada.) Larne, Ireland La Rochelle, France La Seyne, France Las Palmas, Grand Canary, Canary Islands Launceston, Tasmania League Island, Pennsylvania Leghorn, Italy Leith, Scotland Lezardrieux, France. (See St. Malo.) 652—09 15 Page. 44 34 64 44 44 34 20 62 70 82 42 74 52 226 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Coaling facilities. Page. Libau, Russia Libreville, Gaboon River, West Africa Limerick, Ireland Limhamn, Sweden Limon (Port), Costa Rica. (See Port Limon.) Lisbon, Portugal Lissa, Austria Littlehampton, England Liverpool, England Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Llanelly, Wales Loando, West Africa. (See St. Paul de Loando.) London, England Londonderry, Ireland Long Island City, New York Lorain, Ohio L'Orient, France Lota, Chile Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Lourenco Marquez, Delagoa Bay, South Africa. . . Lowestoft, England Ltibeck, Germany Lulea, Sweden Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Lynchburg, Texas. (See Galveston.) Lynn, England. (See Kings Lynn.) Lyttelton, New Zealand Macassar, Celebes Maddalena, Sardinia Madeira. (See Funchal.) Madras, India Main', Seychelles Islands Maidzuru, Japan Majunga, Madagascar Malaga, Spain Malmo, Sweden Malta. (See Valetta.) Manaos, Brazil (Amazon) M;i n< heater, England Manila, Luzon, Philippine Islands 64 84 70 58 14 56 54 58 20 8 68 88 14 32 64 42 40 74 50 32 7L> 62 28 48 INDEX TO PORTS. 227 Name of port. Manitowoc, Wisconsin Manora, India. (See Karachi.) Manzanillo, Mexico Maracaibo, Venezuela Maranham, Brazil Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania Mare Island, California Marquette, Michigan Marsala, Sicily " Marseilles, France Martinique, West Indies. (See Fort de France.) Maryboro, Queensland, Australia Maryport, England Maskat, Arabia Matanzas, Cuba Matupi, Blanche Bay, New Britain Mauritius. (See Port Louis.) Mazatlan, Mexico Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Memel, Germany Mersina, Asia Minor Messina, Sicily Methel, Scotland Metkovic, Austria Middleburg, Holland Middlesborough, England Midland, Ontario (Georgian Bay) Miike, Japan Milazzo, Sicily Milford Haven, Wales Milwaukee, Wisconsin . . . . : Mobile, Alabama Moji, Japan Mollendo, Peru Monterey, California Montevideo, Uruguay Montreal, Quebec Montrose, Scotland Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. (See Brisbane.) Mororan, Japan Coaling facilities. Page. 36 20 58 50 26 40 36 42 64 80 74 78 54 8 44 74 58 6 24 46 38 36 30 12 52 44 228 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Coaling facilities. Moss, Norway Mossel Bay, Cape Colony Moulmein, British Burmah Mozambique, Mozambique Muskat, Arabia. (See Maskat.) Page. Namsos, Norway Nanaimo, Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Nantes, France * Napier, New Zealand Naples, Italy Nassau, Providence Island, Bahamas . . . Natal, Brazil Natal (Port), South Africa. (See Durban.) Navarino, Greece Negapatam, India Nelson, New Zealand Neufahrwasser, Germany. (See Dantzig.) New Bedford, Massachusetts Newburgh, New York Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Newcastle-on-Tyne, England New Glasgow, Nova Scotia New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, England New London, Connecticut New Milford (Neyland), Wales. (See Milford, Haven.) New Orleans, Louisiana Newport, England Newport, Rhode Island Newport News, Virginia Newtown Creek, New York -\<-w York, New York Neyland, Wales. (See Milford Haven.) NexO, [dank! of I'.ornholm, Denmark Nice, France Xiroluieff, Russia Nieuwediep, Holland Nikolaistad, Russia Niuchwang, China -14 34 74 30 L6 20 42 f>l 71 80 62 Hi INDEX TO PORTS. 229 Name of port. Nordenham, Germany Norfolk, Virginia Norrkoping, Sweden Northfleet, England North Shields, England North Sydney, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.. Noumea, New Calidonia Novorossisk, Russia Nyborg, Denmark Nystad, Finland, Russia Oakland, California Odessa, Russia Ogdensburg, New York Ohama, Japan Okawa, Japan Olongapo, Philippine Islands Ominato, Japan Onrust Island, Java. (See Batavia.) Oporto, Portugal Oran, Algeria Oregon City, Oregon. (See Portland.) Orient, France. (See L'Orient.) Orkney Islands, Scotland. (See Stromness.) Ortona, Italy. (See Ancona.) Osaka, Japan Oscarshamn, Sweden Ostend, Belgium Oswego, New York Otago Harbor, New Zealand. (See Dunedin.) Otaru, Japan Otranto, Italy. (See Brindisi.) Ounalaska, Alaska. (See Unalaska.) Owen Sound, Ontario Padang, Sumatra Paimboeuf , France Paimpol, France Palermo, Sicily Palma, Majorca, Balearic Islands Palmas (Las), Canary Islands. (See Las Palmas.) Panama, Panama Coaling facilities. Page. 66 22 54 54 40 80 61 12 44 70 82 44 74 72 36 230 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Coaling facilities. Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands Par, England Para, Brazil Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana.. Parana, Argentina Parrsboro, Nova Scotia Passage West, Ireland Patras, Greece Pauillac, France Paysandu, Uruguay Pembroke, Wales Penang, Straits Settlements Penarth, Wales Pensacola, Florida Penzance, England Perim Island, Strait of Bab-el-man-deb Pernambuco, Brazil Perth, Western Australia. (See Freemantle.) Perth Amboy, New Jersey Peterhead, Scotland Petropaulovski, Kamchatka Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philippeville, Algeria Pichilinque Bay, Mexico Picton, Ontario Pictou, Nova Scotia Pillau, Germany Piraeus, Greece Plata (La), Argentina. (See Ensenada.) Plymouth, England. Point de Galle, Ceylon Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, French Wed Indies. Pointe des Galets, Reunion Pola, Austria Pondicherry, India Ponta Delgada, St. Michaels, Azores Poole, England Poros Island, Greece Poregrund, Norway Port Adelaide, South Australia Page. 10 28 28 14 50 56 22 56 52 30 18 52 44 20 82 36 10 12 64 78 56 50 76 82 78 1L> INDEX TO PORTS. 231 Name of port. Port Ahuriri, New Zealand. (See Napier.) Port Antonio, Jamaica Port Arthur, Manchuria, China Port Arthur, Ontario Port-au-Prince, Hayti Port Blair, Andaman Islands Port Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies Port Chalmers, New Zealand Port Colborne, Ontario Port Dalhousie, Ontario Port Dinorwic, Wales Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony Port Ellesmere, England Port Emma, Sumatra Port Glasgow, Scotland Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Porthcawl, Wales Port Hope, Ontario .Port Huron, Michigan Port Ibrahim, Egypt. (See Suez.) Portishead, England Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia. (See Sydney.) Port Johnson, New Jersey Port Kennedy, Thursday Island, Torres Straits Portland, England Portland, Maine Portland, Oregon Port Liberty, New Jersey Port Limon, Costa Pdca Port Louis, Mauritius Port Mahon, Minorca, Balearic Islands Port Morant, Jamaica. .*. Port Morien, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Port Natal, South Africa. (See Durban.) Port Nicholson, New Zealand. (See Wellington.) Porto Corsini, Italy. (See Ancona.) Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies Porto Grande, St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands Porto Maurizio, Italy. (See Savona.) Port Orchard, Washington Coaling facilities. Page. 26 46 6 Docking and repairing facilities. Page. so 28 42 10 10 32 50 10 18 40 56 W 36 18 24 32 72 28 U 108 130 88 108 134 110 126 90 164 114 170 172 94 164 88 160 158 94 118 106 116 202 1 10 212 j 18 232 INDEX TO PORTS. Name of port. Porto Torres, Sardinia. (See Maddalena.) Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia. (See Melbourne.) Port Reading, New Jersey Port Royal, Jamaica Port Royal, South Carolina Port Said, Egypt Port Sarnia, Ontario Portsmouth, England Portsmouth, New Hampshire Portsmouth, Virginia. [See Norfolk.) Port Stanley, Falkland Islands Port Talbot, Wales Port Tampa, Florida Port Townsend, Washington Port Tupper, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. (See Port Hawkes- bury.) Port Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles Pozzuoli, Italy Prescott, Ontario Preston, England Providence, Rhode Island Prye River, Straits Settlements. (See Penang.) Puerto Belgrano, Argentina Puerto Caballos, Honduras. (See Puerto Cortez.) Puerto Cortez, Honduras Puerto de la Luz, Canary Islands Punta Arenas, Chile. (See Sandy Point.) Qartermaster Harbor, Washington, i/vr Tacoma.) Quebec, Quebec Queenstown, Ireland Quellon, Chile Ragusa, Austria Ramsgate, England Rangoon, British Burmah Redondo, < lalifornu Eteval, Russia Rhyl, Wales Riga, Russia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio ( trande doSul. Brazil Docking Coaling and facilities, repairing facilities. Page. P<\