V 3 UC-NRLF SB 3D1 35fi *4> VASSAR COLLEGE BULLETIN VOL. X NO. 3 A List of References on College and University Government and Administration 1819-1920 Compiled by Fanny Borden, Reference Librarian Vassar College Library Vassar College Bulletin Published Quarterly by Vassar College poughkeepsie, n. y. May, 1921 Entered as second-class matter January 21, 1911, at the Post Office at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., under the Act of July 16, 1894 lt>^' s/3 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS BULLETIN MAY BE OBTAINED FROM BUREAU OF PUBLICATIONS VASSAR COLLEGE POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. AT . . 50 CENTS PER COPY 1/3 PREFACE The following list is a contribution towards a bibliography of discussions of American college and university government and administration, with a few titles on foreign universities. It does not include material on salaries and pensions, curriculum and en- trance requirements, or such special topics as student discipline, degrees, scholarships, etc. Discussions on academic freedom have been included when closely related to questions of college govern- ment but many general discussions, and controversies in denomina- tional institutions have been omitted. This list is far from complete, and least complete for 1919 and 1920, since most of the work on it was done two years ago. The opportunity to print it came unexpectedly, and it has been hastily brought down through December, 1920. No titles have been in- cluded which have not been examined by the compiler. In addition to the indexes to periodical literature, the following bibliographies have been examined: Adamson, J. W. A guide to the history of education. Lond., Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1920. 47 p. (Helps for students of history, no. 24.) Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations — Committee on college organization and policy. Bibliography on college organization and administration. (In Association of American agricultural colleges and experi- ment stations. Proceedings. 1915. p. 115-123.) Bryner, Edna. A selected bibliography of certain phases of educational measurement: Articles about surveys and lists of surveys. In National society for the study of education. Year- book 1918. v. 17, pt. 2, p. 182-183. Columbia University — Library. Books on education in the libraries of Columbia University. N. Y., Columbia Univ., 1901. 435 p. (Library bulletins, no. 2.) Higher education, p. 137-212. Keppel, F. P. Books about the college. School and society, 3:639-642, Apr. 29, 1916. Levin, Nathan R. Annotated bibliography of educational surveys. 1918. Ms. bibliography, New York State Library School. MacCaughey, Vaughan. The college president; a concise bibliography. School and society, 6:474-478, Oct. 20, 1917. Oberlin College. Report of the committee on tests of college efficiency: Bibliography. In its Annual reports of the presi- dent and treasurer. . . 1908-1909. p. 202-205. U. S. Bureau of education. Bibliography of education for 1907-1912. (Its Bulletin, 1908, no. 3; 1909, no. 9; 1911, no. 10; 1913, no. 59; 1915, no. 30.) f A 97W U. S. Bureau of education. List of references on educational surveys. 16 p. (Its Library leaflet, no. 12, Oct., 1920.) U. S. Bureau of education. Monthly list of current educational publications, Jan. 1913-Dec. 1920. Wyer, J. I. jr. & others. Bibliography of education for 1899- 1906. Educational review, Apr., 1900, Apr., 1901, June, 1902, June, 1903, June, 1904, June, 1905, Sept. and Oct., 1906, June, 1907. The catalogues of several college and university libraries and especially the notes of Miss Edith Coulter, Reference Librarian of the University of California and of Mr. Phineas Windsor, Librarian of the University of Illinois added many important references. The interest and advice of Professor Lucy M. Salmon, Professor Rose Peebles, and Miss Adelaide Underhill, all of Vassar College, have been of great help. Material on individual institutions has been included when at hand but extensive search has not been made for it. It is hoped that a supplementary list may be issued next year and if individual colleges and universities will send to Vassar College Library copies of their publications on government and administration or will send us lists of titles, they will be included. Charters, by-laws, reports of surveys, reports of committees of governing boards and reports on faculty organization are especially desired. The reports and proceedings of the following associations, con- tain many papers on college and university questions besides those which have been separately listed: American association of colle- giate registrars, American association of university professors, Association of alumni secretaries, Association of American colleges, Association of American universities, Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching, General education board, National asso- ciation of state universities, National conference committee on standards of colleges, National education association. Official reports of colleges and universities, reports of the various associations of colleges and preparatory schools, the annual reports of the United States Bureau of education and its Higher education circular contain much material on the subject in addition to that included here. The list is arranged chronologically and is followed by an author and institution index. Anonymous articles have not been indexed. A LIST OF REFERENCES ON COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 1819 1. The trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward. In U. S. — Su- preme Court. Reports of cases... Newark, N. Y., Lawyers' co- operative pub. co., 1882-date. v. 4: Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Feb. term, 1819, by Henry Wheaton. v. 4, p. 514-712. 1821 1. D wight, Timothy. Travels in New England and New York. New Haven, T. Dwight, 1821. 4 v. Criticism of the system of college government at Harvard and at Bowdoin. v. 2, p. 212-213. 1825 1. Norton, Andrews. Speech delivered before the overseers of Har- vard College, Feb., 1825, in behalf of the resident instructors of the college. . . Bost., Cummings, 1825. 23 p. 1831 1. Hamilton, Sir William. [On the patronage and superintendence of universities.] A review of: Report. . . by a Royal Commission of enquiry into the state of the universities of Scotland. .. 1831. Edinburgh review, 59:196-227, Apr., 1834. Reprinted with addi- tions in his Discourses on philosophy and literature, education and university reform. ..2nd ed. Lond., Longman, 1853. 2. [On the state of the English universities, with more espe- cial reference to Oxford]. Edinburgh review, 53:384-427, June, 1831. Reprinted in his Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university ref orm ... 2nd ed. Lond., Longman, 1853. 3. [On the state of the English universities, with more espe- cial reference to Oxford (supplemental).] A review of: The legal- ity of the present academical system of the University of Oxford asserted against the new calumnies of the Edinburgh review, by a member of Convocation, Oxford, 1831. Edinburgh review, 54: 478-504, Dec., 1831. Reprinted in his Discourses on philosophy and literature, education and university ref orm ... 2nd ed. Lond., Longman, 1853. 1833 1. Davis, Henry. A narrative of the embarrassments and decline of Hamilton College, pref. 1833. 158 p. 1835 1. Harvard University. Constitutional articles and legislative en- actments relative to the Board of overseers and the corporation ...also rules and regulations of the overseers. Camb., C. Fol- som, printer to the Univ., 1835. 38 p. 1837 1. Union College. Charter. . . and the laws of the state of New York relating to said college. Schenectady, 1837. 49 p. 1838 1. Adams, Jasper. On the relation subsisting between the board of trustees and faculty of a university. In American Institute of Instruction. Lectures ... at Worcester, Mass., Aug., 1837. Bost., J. Munroe, 1838. Lecture VI, p. 139-158. 1842 1. Wayland, Francis. Thoughts on the present collegiate system in the United States. Bost., Gould, 1842. 160 p. 1851 1. Smith, Francis H. College reform. Phila., Thomas, 1851. 61 p. 1853 1. Hamilton, Sir William. Discussions on philosophy and litera- ture, education and university reform, chiefly from the Edinburgh review; corrected, vindicated, enlarged ... 2nd ed. Lond., Long- man, 1853. 1857 1. Harvard College. Rules and by-laws of the Board of overseers to which is appended the college charter. .. Bost., J. Wilson, 1857. 2. Notes on the constitutions of universities with reference to the rights of the Scottish graduates. Aberdeen, Herald office, 1857. 67 p. 1858 1. Ferrier, J. F. A letter to the. . . Lord Advocate of Scotland on the necessity of a change in the patronage of the University of Edin- burgh. Edin., Sutherland, 1858. 16 p. 2. Roby, Henry John. Remarks on college reform with special reference to...H. Latham's "Considerations of the suggestions of the university commissioners with respect to fellowships and scholarships." Camb., Macmillan, 1858. 52 p. 3. (Universities of Scotland bill). Remarks on the condition, neces- sities and claims of the Universities of Scotland ... by a graduate. Lond., E. Stanford, 1858. 72 p. 1870 1. Atkinson^W. P. Freedom of teaching: a reply to an attack in the Boston Watchman and reflector. [Bost.?], 1870. 28 p. 2. The college government. Harvard advocate, 8:145-146, Jan. 18, 1870. 3. Pouchet, Q. University education in Germany; [translated from Revue des deux mondes]. Littell's Living age, 104:3-13, Jan. 1, 1870. v 1874 1. White, Andrew D. A national university. In National educa- tional association. Addresses ... 1874. v. 14, p. 58-76. 1875 1. Adams, C. K. Review of Ten Brook's American state universi- ties. North American review, 121:365-408, Oct., 1875. 2. Ten Brook, Andrew. American state universities, their origin and progress . . . and hints toward the future of the American univer- sity system. Cln., R.sClark, 1875. 410 p. 1877 1. Magoun, Q. F. The source of American education — popular and religious. New Englander, 36:445-486, July, 1877. 1878 1. Adams, C. K. Ought the state to provide for higher education? New Englander, 37:362-384, May. 1878. 2. Porter, Noah. The American colleges and the American public. New ed. N. Y., Scribner's sons, 1878. The guardianship and control of the college, p. 238-249. 3. Wine hell, A. University control. In New York State University — Regents. Annual report, 1878. v. 91, p. 381-390. 1881 1. Helmholtz, H. L. F. Ton. On academic freedom in German uni- versities. In his Popular lectures on scientific subjects, ser. 2. N. Y., D. Appleton. 1881. p. 237-265. ' 1883 1. Oodkin, E. L. The real weakness of American universities. Nation, 36:377, May 3, 1883. 1885 1. The transformation of the college. Nation, 41:418-419, Nov. 19, 1885. 1887 1. Lafayette College. Laws for the government of Lafayette College. 1887. 14 p. 6 1888 1. Fitch, J. Q. Endowments; an address ... before the College asso- ciation of Pennsylvania at the University of Pennsylvania, July 5, 1888. Phila., Globe printing house, 1888. Reprinted in his Edu- cational aims and methods. N. Y. t Macmillan, 1900. p. 176-217. 1889 1. Adams, Herbert B. On the state and higher education. In An- nual report of the regents of the Smithsonian Institution . . . 1889. p. 695-710. 1890 1. Blackmar, Frank W. . ..The history of federal and state aid to higher education in the United States. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1890. 343 p. (Bureau of education. Circular of information, no. 1, 1890. Contributions to American educational history, ed. by H. B. Adams, no. 9.) 1896 1. [Ross, G. W.] The universities of Canada, their history and or- ganization with an outline of British and American university systems. Toronto, Printed by Warwick bros., 1896. App. to the Report of the Minister of education, 1896. 2. Salmon, Lucy M. Some political principles applied to education. Educational review, 11:220-232, Mar., 1896. 1897 1. [Lehrfreiheit.] Educational review, 14:199-202, Sept., 1897. Resig- nation of President Andrews from Brown University. 2. Mead, E. D. Academic freedom in America; the collision at Brown University. Bost., 1897. 12 p. Reprinted from New England magazine, 17:119-128, Sept., 1897. 3. Perry, Bliss. The life of a college professor. Scribner's magazine, 22:512-518, Oct., 1897. 1898 1. Have we no more college presidents? Educational review, 16:405- 407, Nov., 1898. 2. State aid to higher education; a series of addresses delivered at the Johns Hopkins University. Bait., The Johns Hopkins press, 1898. 99 p. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Extra v. XVIII.) Contents: State aid to higher education, by C. K. Adams ; Statistics on state aid to higher education, by St. George L. Sioussat ; The state universities of the West, by J. B. Angell; A city university, by Seth Low; The en- couragement of higher education, by H. B. Adams. 3. Status of the American professor. Educational review, 16:417-434, Dec, 1898. 1899 1. Abbot, Willis J. Necessity of an independent school of economics. Arena, 22:472-481, Oct., 1899. 2. Bemis, E. W. Academic freedom. Independent, 51:2195-2199, Aug. 17, 1899. 3. Clews, Elsie W. Educational legislation and administration of the colonial governments. N. Y., Macmillan, 1899. 524 p. (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychology and education, v. 6, nos. 1-4.) 4. Flagg, Isaac. Anthology of university reform. California Uni- versity. University chronicle, 2:190-216, Aug., 1899. Selections read and parts of an address delivered before the California Union, Apr. 18, 1899. 5. The new college presidents. Educational review, 18:199-200, Sept., 1899. 6. The professor's freedom of speech. Review of reviews, 20:713-716, Dec., 1899. Professor Herron's retirement from Iowa College. 7. Small, A. W. Freedom in the teaching of sociology and economics. Arena, 22:463-472, Oct., 1899. 8. Thwing, C. F. The college president. Independent, 51:1145- 1148, Apr. 27, 1899. Reprinted in his College administration. 1900. 7 1900 1. Be mis, E. W. Liberty in economic teaching. Gunton's magazine, 18:226-233, Mar., 1900. 2. Bigham, John. College endowments: a new way of gathering moss. Methodist review, 82:941-944, Nov., 1900. 3. Brown, E. E. Academic freedom. Educational review, 19:209-231, Mar., 1900. 4. Despotism in college administration, by a professor. Nation, 70: 317-318, Apr. 26, 1900. 5. Draper, A. S. The ethics of getting teachers and of getting posi- tions. Educational review, 20:30-43, June, 1900. 6. Hart, Albert Bushnell. Taxes refunded; Basis of exemption; Extent of the decision; Why Harvard should be exempted. Har- vard graduates' magazine, 8:339-343, Mar., 1900. 7. Perplexities of a college president. Atlantic monthly, 85:483-493, Apr., 1900. 8. Seefye, L. C. Limitations of the power of the college president. Educational review, 20:444-449, Dec., 1900. 9. Shibley, George H. The university and social questions. Arena, 23:293-300, Mar., 1900. 10. Swain, Joseph. State aid to higher education in Europe and America. In National educational association. Journal ... 1900. v. 39, p. 457-462. 11. Taxation of college property. Nation, 70:334-335, May 3, 1900. 12. Theory and practice. Dial, 28:425-427, June 1, 1900. A criticism of "Perplexities of a college president" in Atlantic monthly, 85: 483-493, Apr., 1900. Includes an account of dismissals at the University of Cincinnati. 13. Thwing, C. F. College administration. N. Y., Century, 1900. 321 p. 1901 1. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Freedom of speech in connection with education. In its Proceedings of the 15th annual convention . . . Nov., 1901. p. 49-86. Contents: Rights of donors, by St. Clair Mc- Kelway, p. 49-58; Duty of the institution to maintain freedom of speech, by J. G. Schurman, p. 59-67; Discussion by J. C. Colgate, W. H. P. Faunce. A. B. Parker. 2. The case of Professor Ross [of Leland Stanford Junior University]. Science, n. s., 13.361-370, Mar. 8, 1901. Includes Report of the San Francisco alumni and Report of a committee of economists. 3. The dismissal of Professor Ross [from Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity] : report of . . . Committee of economists, Feb. 20, 1901. 15 p. 4. Dismissal of professors. Views on the subject by leading college presidents. Evening post, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1901, p. 7, col. 1-5. 5. Du Bose, J. C. The ideal university. In Alabama historical society . Transactions, 1901. v. 4, p. 269-276. 6. Harper, William Rainey. Freedom of speech. University record. University of Chicago, 5:375-378, Jan. 18, 1901. In the thirty- sixth quarterly statement of the president of the University of Chicago, made at the quarterly convocation. .. Dec. 18, 1900. 7. Hyde, W. D. Academic freedom in America. International monthly, 4:1-20, July, 1901. Reprinted under title "The six partners in college administration," in his The college man and the college woman. Bost., Houghton, 1906, p. 275-305. 8. Lummis, Charles F. Stanford and liberty. Nation, 72:153-154, Feb. 21, 1901. 9. Parker, A. B-. Rights of donors. In Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Proceed- ings, 1901. v. 15, p. 49-86. Reprinted in Educational review, 23: 15-21, Jan., 1902. 10. Ranck, S. H. Alumni representation in college government. Edu- cation, 22:107-113, Oct., 1901. 11. Stanford University. [Letters to the editor of the Nation by W. J. Ashley, and W. C. Lawton.] Nation, 72:89-90, Jan. 31, 1901. Replies by Ewald Flugel, and "Alumnus" quoting from the Daily Palo Alto for Jan. 29, 1901, in Nation, 72:131-132, Feb. 14, 1901. 12. University administration. Independent, 53:2425-2427, Oct. 10, 1901. 13. Will, T. E. Menace to freedom: the college trust. Arena, 26:244- 257, Sept., 1901. 8 1902 1. American college president. Harper's weekly, 46:489, Apr. 19, 1902. 2. Cattell, J. M. Concerning the American university. Popular science monthly, 61:170-182, June, 1902. Reprinted in his Uni- versity control. 1913. 3. Colgate, James C. The rights of donors. Educational review, 23:203-209, Feb., 1902. Reprinted from Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Pro- ceedings 1901. v. 15, p. 67-74. 4. Dewey, J. Academic freedom. Educational review, 23:1-14, Jan., 1902. 5. Graves, F. P. Need of training for the college presidency. Forum, 32:680-685, Feb., 1902. 6. James, Edmund J. Some features of American higher education. Evanston, 111. 22 p. Inaugural address as President of North- western University, Oct. 21, 1902. 7. Stevenson, J. J. University control. Popular science monthly, 61:396-406, Sept., 1902. 8. Thilly, Frank. [Academic freedom.] Educational review, 23:199- 203, Feb., 1902. 9. Thwing, C. F. Sorrows and joys of a college president. Inde- pendent, 54:1890-1894, Aug. 7, 1902. 10. Universities and their benefactors. Educational review, 23:106- 108, Jan., 1902. 11. Wenley, R. M. Academic freedom. Educational review, 23:195- 199, Feb., 1902. 12. Willard, James Field. The royal authority and the early English universities... Phila., 1902. 89 p. Thesis (Ph.D., Univ. of Penna.) Bibliography: p. 86-89. 1903 1. American college president. Nation, 77:244, 300, Sept. 24, Oct. 15, 1903. 2. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Proceedings of the 16th annual conven- tion . . . 1902. Albany, 1903. (University of the State of New York. Bulletin 289, June, 1903, Regents bulletin, no. 60.) Rela- tive functions and powers of president, trustees and faculty: The president, by I. Remsen, p. 51-57; The trustees, by S. J. McPher- son, p. 57-64; The faculty, by G. S. Fullerton, p. 64-75. 3. Brown, E. E. The origin of American state universities. Uni- versity of California publications: Education, v. 3, no. 1, p. 1-45, Apr. 10, 1903. Bibliography, p. 41-45. 4. Choosing college professors. Nation, 76:511, June 25, 1903. 5. Dexter, E. G. Training for the learned professions. Educational review, 25:28-38, Jan., 1903. 6. Hadley, A. T. Academic freedom in theory and practice. Atlan- tic monthly, 91:152-160, 334-344, Feb., Mar., 1903. 7. Stanford, Jane Lathrop. Address on the right of free speech. .. to the Board of trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity, Apr. 25, 1903. Stanford University, 1903. 24 p. 8. Stimson, Henry A. The financial administration of colleges. Outlook, 74:1028-1030, Aug. 29, 1903. 9. Thwing, C. F. Business of a college president. Harper's weekly, 47:1780, Nov. 7, 1903. 1904 1. Crime of being a college president. Nation, 78:164-165, Mar. 3, 1904. 2. Draper, A. S. Government in American universities. Educa- tional review, 28:228-239, Oct., 1904. 3. Leland Stanford Junior University — Board of trustees. Report of the organization committee upon the organization of the faculty and articles of organization of the faculty of the University, as adopted Mar. 31, 1904. 28 p. 4. Perry, B. College professors and the public. In his The amateur spirit. Bost., Houghton, 1904. p. 93-115. 5. Stevenson, J. J. Status of American college professors. Popu- lar science monthly, 66:122-130, Dec, 1904. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 6. Trinity College (Durham, N. C.) and academic liberty. South At- lantic quarterly, 3:62-72, Jan., 1904. 1905 1. Burden of the college president. Nation, 81 :335, Oct. 26, 1905. 2. Cattell, J. M. The university and business methods. Indepen- dent, 59:1514-1516, Dec. 28, 1905. 3. College tuition fees, by J. W. M. Nation, 80:129-131, Feb. 16, 1905. 4. Harper, W. R. The trend in higher education. Chic, Univ. of Chic, press, 1905. 390 p. 5. Munroe, J. P. Closer relations between faculty and trustees. Science, n. s., 22:848-855, Dec, 1905. Also in National conference of college and university trustees, Oct., 1905. Proceedings. Urbana, 1906. p. 21-28. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 6. Pritchett, H. S. Shall the university become a business corpora- tion? Atlantic monthly, 96:289-299, Sept., 1905. 7. Stevenson, J. J. Status of American college professors. Popu- lar science monthly, 67:748-753, Dec, 1905. Reprinted in Cattell. J. M. University control. 1913. 1906 1. Academic welfare. Dial, 40:31-34, Jan. 16, 1906. 2. Adams, Charles Francis. The ideal college organization. Har- vard graduates' magazine, 15:202-203, Sept., 1906. From an ora- tion before the Phi Beta Kappa chapter of Columbia University, June 14, 1906. 3. Andrews, E. B. University administration. Educational review, 31:217-225, Mar., 1906. 4. Association of American universities. Exemption of educational institutions from taxation. In its Journal of proceedings . . . 1906. v. 8, p. 49-64. 5. Interchange of professors in universities ... In its Jour- nal of proceedings . . . 1906. v. 7, p. 14-23. 6. Cattell, James McKeen. University control. Science, n. s., 23: 475-477, Mar. 23, 1906. Reprinted in his University control. 1913. 7. Draper, A. S. University presidency. Atlantic monthly, 97:34-43, Jan., 1906. Also in National conference of college and university trustees, Oct., 1905. Urbana, 1906. p. 8-20. 8. Fellows, Q. E. College methods and administration. Education, 27:1-9, Sept., 1906. 9. Oilman, Daniel Coit. The launching of a university... N.Y., Dodd, 1906. 386 p. Johns Hopkins and the trustees of his choice, p. 25-38. 10. Hadley, A. T. Administrative problems. Yale alumni weekly, 16:212-213, Nov. 28, 1906. 11. Jastrow, Joseph. The academic career as affected by adminis- tration. Science, n. s., 23:561-574, Apr. 13, 1906. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National conference of college and university trustees, Oct., 1905. 12. Jenks, J. W. Free speech in American universities. In his Citizen- ship and the schools. N. Y., Holt, 1906. p. 153-169. Written at the time of the resignation of President Andrews from Brown University in 1897. 13. Laughlin, J. Laurence. Academic liberty. Journal of political economy, 14:41-43, Jan., 1906. 14. Lawton, W. C. The decay of academic courage. Educational review, 32:395-404, Nov., 1906. 15. Mathews, S. The university president. World today, 11:710-713, July. 1906. 16. National conference of college and university trustees, Oct., 1905. Proceedings... Urbana, 1906. ( University of Illinois bul- letin, v. 3, no. 8, pt. 1, Jan. 8, 1906.) Installation of E. J. James as president of the University of Illinois . . . pt. 1. Addresses: The university presidency, by A. S. Draper; Closer relations between the trustees and faculty, by J. P. Munroe; The academic career, by J. Jastrow; Questions regarding college administration, by C. E. Bessey; State supervision of endowment funds, by J. P. Lippin- cott; University investments and accounting, by W. Heckman; Need of business methods in our universities, by W. S. Dyche; The selection of trustees, by P. Jones; Secondary administrative positions in university organizations, by E. Davenport. 10 1906 17. Paulsen, Friedrich. The German universities... N. Y., Mac- millan., 1906. 18. Stearns, W. N. University president. Forum, 38:250-254, Oct., 1906. 19. Stevenson, J. J. University control. Popular science monthly, 69:385-397, Nov., 1906. 20. Still man, J. M. Organization of university government. Science, n. s., 23:536-540, Apr. 6, 1906. 21. West, A. F. The changing conception of "the faculty" in American universities. In Association of American universities. Journal ...1906. v. 7, p. 65-74. Reprinted in Educational review, 32: 1-14, June, 1906. Also in his Short papers on American liberal education. N. Y., Scribner's sons, 1917. p. 25-46. 22. Wood, Leonard P. Alumni representation in college government. Technology review, 8:301-310, July, 1906. A study of 72 institu- tions with statistics jand tables. 1907 1. Alden, R. M. College authority [at Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity]. Nation, 85:12-13, July 4, 1907. 2. Andrews, E. B. The organization of the university and the dis- tribution of authority and function therein. National associa- tion of state universities. Transactions. ..1907. v. 5, p. 114-123. 3. Bascom, John. The college tax exemption... Williamstown, Mass. 1907. 8 p. 4. Canfield, James H. On "The decay of academic courage" and such like. Educational review, 33:1-10, Jan., 1907. 5. Eliot, Charles William. Academic freedom. Science, n. s., 26: 1-12, July 5, 1907. Also in Journal of pedagogy, 20:9-28, Sept.- Dec, 1907. 6. College taxation. Harvard graduates' magazine, 15:766- 774, June, 1907. Remarks before the Joint committee of taxation, Massachusetts Legislature, Mar. 13, 1907. 7. From an American college window; Professorial reflections; The administration; Practical disabilities. Scribner's magazine, 42: 121-124, July, 1907. 8. German view of the American university president. Review of reviews, 36:110-111, July, 1907. 9. Harvard University — Joint committee on the organization of the University. Reports, Dec. 12, 1906, Jan. 9, 1907. . Harvard graduates' magazine, 15:528-531, Mar., 1907. 10. Reber, L. E. Some phases in the organization of state universities. Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings 1907. v. 15, p. 271-284. 11. Rolfe, H. W. Autobiography of a college professor. World's work, 13:8775-8782, Apr., 1907. 12. Stratton, Q. M. Externalism in American universities. Atlantic monthly, 100:512-519, Oct., 1907. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 13. Super, Charles W. The administration of the Ohio University. Science, n. s., 26:178-180, Aug. 9, 1907. 14. College tyranny. Nation, 84:540, June 13, 1907. 15. Vanderlip, F. A. Co-ordination of higher education. In his Business and education. N. Y., Duffleld, 1907. p. 1-19. 16. Yale alumni weekly. Refitting old rules to the modern corpora- tion; New corporation rules: important changes in university and departmental government. In its issue for Apr. 10, 1907, v. 16, no. 29, p. 659, 662. 1908 1. Administrative methods in American universities. Popular science monthly, 73:93-94, July, 1908. 2. As to university administration. Science, n. s., 28:308-309, Sept. 4, 1908. 3. Burden of university presidents. Nation, 87:483-484, Nov. 19, 1908; Also in Science, n. s., 28:729-730, Nov. 20, 1908. 4. Butler, N. M. The academic and the practical. Educational review, 36:377-381, Nov., 1908. Reprinted from Evening post, N. Y., Sept. 26. 1908. 11 1908 5. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Organ- ization of German universities. In its Bulletin, no. 2, p. 63-69, May, 1908. 6. The support of higher education. In its Annual report, 1908. v. 3, p. 144-149. 7. Tenure of office and the method of appointment in Ameri- can colleges and universities. In its Bulletin, no. 2, p. 55-57, May, 1908. 8. Draper, A. S. The rational limits of academic freedom. Uni- versity record, (University of Chicago) 12:135-146, Apr., 1908. Also in his Addresses and papers, 1908-1909. Albany, 1909. p. 3-20. Address at 66th convocation of the University of Chicago, Mar., 1908. 9. Eliot, C. W. University administration. Bost., Houghton. 1908. 266 p. 10. Greene, Jerome D. Taxation of college property. Harvard graduates' magazine, 17:368-309, Dec, 1908. Reprinted from Cambridge Tribune, Aug. 15, 1908. 11. Jastrow, J. Academic aspects of administration. Popular science monthly, 73:326-339, Oct., 1908. 12. Jordan, David Starr. The American university and the college president. Independent, 65:1035-1037, Nov. 5, 1908. 13. Kemp, G. T. Administration at the University of Illinois. Science, n. s., 28:483-488, Oct. 9, 1908. 14. Kent, W. Ideal university administration. Science, n. s., 28: 8-10, July 3, 1908. 15. Miller, G. A. Appointments in colleges and universities. Science, n. s., 28:561-562, Oct. 23, 1908. 16. Ohio college association — Committee on efficiency. Report. In Ohio college association. Transactions 1908. v. 39, p. 29-38. 17. Pritchett, Henry S. The support of higher education. Independ- ent, 65:1543-1547, Dec. 24, 1908. 18. Risk, Robert K. America at college, as seen by a Scots graduate. Glasgow, J. Smith, 1908. The president, p. 182-192. 19. Shall the people rule — in Oklahoma? Do the people rule — in Okla- homa? Outlook, 90:15-18, 242-244, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, 1908. 1909 1. Benton, Guy Potter. The real college. Cin., Jennings, 1909. The president of the real college, p. 29-75. The faculty of the real college, p. 123-165. 2. Birdseye, C. F. Analyzing the college business. American col- lege, 1:85-102, Nov. , ; 1909. 3. College bookkeeping and accounting. American col- lege, 1:15-24, Oct., 1909. 4. The reorganization of our colleges. N. Y., Baker, 1909. 410 p. 5. Candler, Warren A. Dangerous donations and degrading doles; or, A vast scheme for capturing and controlling the colleges and universities of the country. [Atlanta? Ga., 1909.] 53 p. 6. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. The function of the college trustee. In its Annual report . . . 1909. v. 4, p. 122-125. 7. Principles of college administration. In its Annual report. . . 1909. v. 4, p. 125-127. 8. Curzon, G. N. C, 1st baron. Principles and methods of univer- sity reform, being a letter addressed to the University of Oxford . . . Oxford, Clarendon press, 1909. 220 p. 9. Draper, Andrew S. American education... Boston, Houghton, 1909. The college and the university, p. 187-271. 10. The democratic advance in American universities. In his Addresses and papers 1908-1909. Albany, 1909. p. 54-70. At head of title : New York State education department. 11. Firth, C. H. The faculties and their powers, a contribution to the history of university organization... Oxford, B. H. Blackwell, 1909. 43 p. 12. Flexner, A. Adjusting the college to American life. Science, n. s., 29:361-372, Mar. 5, 1909. 12 1909 13. Hyde, W. D. Personality and college professors. Outlook, 92:931- 937, Aug. 21, 1909. 14. "In-breeding" in colleges. Nation, 88:576-577, June 10, 1909. 15. Marx, G. H. Some trends in higher education. Science, n. s., 29: 759-787; 30:87-89, May, July, 1909. 16. Mayer, A. G. Autonomy for the university. Science, n. s., 30:673- 675, Nov. 12, 1909. 17. Oberlin College. Report of the committee on tests of college effi- ciency. In its Annual reports of the president and treasurer... 1908-1909. p. 135-206. Bibliography, p. 202-205. Also in American college, 2:40-51, 115-122, 233-238, 305-311, Apr.-July, 1910. Reviewed by A. B. Wolfe in Educational review, 47:217- 236, Mar., 1914. 18. Purinton, D. B. Academic freedom from the trustee's point of view. In National association of state universities. Transactions ...1909. no. 7, p. 177-186. 19. Schurman, J. Q. The problem of the professor. In Cornell uni- versity. Annual report of the president, 1909-1910. p. 14-19. 20. Some problems of our universities, state and endowed. In National association of state universities. Transactions. .. 1909. no. 7, p. 18-54. 21. Thwing, C. F. College president and the undergraduate. Harper's weekly, 53:31, Feb. 6, 1909. 22. Van Hise, Charles Richard. University government and academic freedom. Wisconsin alumni magazine, 11:99-103, Dec, 1909. 1910 1. Another Ross case [at the University of Wisconsin]. Independent, 68:540-542. Mar. 10, 1910. 2. Avery, S. What should be the duty of deans? In National asso- ciation of state universities. Transactions . . . 1910. no. 8, p. 201-211. 3. Baker, J. H. University a(iministrative problems outside of teach- ing. In National education association. Proceedings, 1910. v. 48, p. 537-542. 4. Brown University. Final report of the committee appointed to consider possible changes in the charter of Brown University, pre- sented to the Corporation at its annual meeting, June, 1910. Provi- dence, R. I., The University, 1910. 58 p. 5. Notes on college charters. Providence, R. I., The Uni- versity, 1910. 44 p. 6. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Stan- dard forms for financial reports of colleges, universities and tech- nical schools. .. N. Y., 1910. 37 p. (Bulletin, no. 3.) 7. Chapman, J. J. Professorial ethics. Science, n. s., 32:5-9, July 1, 1910. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 8. Cole, Charles N. An experiment in college self-examination [at Oberlin College]. American college, 2:35-39, Apr., 1910. 9. Cooke, M. D. Academic and industrial efficiency. N. Y., 1910. 134 p. (Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Bulletin, no. 5) 10. Creighton, J. E. Government of American universities. Science, n. s., 32:193-199, Aug. 12, 1910. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 11. Davenport, E. The administrative relations between the board of trustees, the college president and the dean and director. In Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment sta- tions. Proceedings ... 1910. p. 148-151. 12. Exemption from taxation. Addresses, reports, judicial proceedings, legislative bills, acts and other documents relating to the exemp- tion of Massachusetts colleges and universities from taxation. Bost., Printed for the col. and univ. of the commonwealth, 1910. 282 p. 13. Handschin, C. H. Inbreeding in the instructional corps of Ameri- can colleges and universities. Science, n. s., 32:707-709, Nov. 18, 1910. 14. Hill, A. R. The ideal plan of university organization, including the agricultural college as a part of a university. In Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Pro- ceedings. . . 1910. p. 144-148. 13 J 1910 15. Jameson, J. F. ... The control of higher education in the United States... Richmond, Ind., Press of G. O. Ballinger co., 1910. 27 p. (Earlham College bulletin, v. 7, no. 5, Aug., 1910.) 16. Keppel, F. P. College and university administration; the office side of the question. National education association. Journal . . . 1910. v. 48, p. 542-547. Also appears under title: "The adminis- trative organization of the university," in Educational review, 40:293-299, Oct., 1910. 17. Maclaurin, R. C. Some tests of academic efficiency. Popular science monthly, 76:487-494, May, 1910. 18. Martin, Fernando W. The government of American universities. Science, n. s., 32:343, Sept. 9, 1910. Essential features of the new constitution of Randolph-Macon Woman's College. 19. Marx, Q. H. The problem of the assistant professor. In Associa- tion of American universities. Journal of proceedings ... 1910. v. 11, p. 17-46. Also in Science, n. s., 31:401-406, 441-450, 488- 497, Mar. 18, 25, Apr. 1, 1910. 20. Matthews, Brander. University organization. Columbia Uni- versity quarterly, 13:67-73, Dec, 1910. Revised from New York Times, Sept. 17, 1910. 21. A new academic career. Nation, 90:155-156, Feb. 17, 1910. 22. Ousley, Clarence. A special state tax for higher institutions of learning. In Conference for education in Texas. Proceedings . . . 1910. v. 4. p. 81-89. 23. Oxford University. Principles and methods of university reform. Report of the hebdomadal council with an introduction ... by Lord Curzon. .. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1910. 98 p. 24. Page, A. W. Are the colleges doing their job? World's work, 20:13431-13439, Sept., 1910. 25. Powers, James K. College administration. In Arkansas state teachers' association. Proceedings ... 1910. v. 43, p. 155-162. 26. Starbuck, E. D. Centralized authority and democracy in our higher institutions. Popular science monthly, 77:264-273, Sept., 1910. 27. Strong, Frank. Boards of control of higher educational institu- tions, with special reference to Kansas. In National association of state universities. .. Transactions. .. 1910. no. 8, p. 105-114. 28. Temptation of a college president. Educational review, 40:113-120, Sept., 1910. 29. Thompson, W. O. In what sense and to what extent is freedom of teaching in state colleges and universities expedient and per- missible? In National association of state universities. Tran- sactions. . . 1910. no. 8, p. 64-87. 30. Van Hise, C. R. The appointment and promotion of young men in the faculty. In National association of state universities . . . 1910. no. 8, p. 262-286. 31. Appointment and tenure of university professors. Science, n. s., 33:237-246, Feb. 17, 1911. Also in Association of American universities. Journal. .. 1910. v. 12, p. 50-61. 32. The university and the state. American educational review, 31:675-678, Aug., 1910. 33. Virginia — Education commission. A tentative report.. .on a mill tax for the educational system of the state, by C. G. Maphis, secretary. Charlottesville, Va., The Michie co., 1910. 29 p. 34. What is a university professor? Independent, 68:209-210, Jan. 27, 1910. 35. Williams, James. The law of the universities. Lond., Butter- worth, 1910. 151 p. Bibliography: p. XV-XVIII. 36. Williams, W. M. University organization and accounting. Amer- ican college, 2:13-19, 123-132, 221-226, Apr.-June, 1910. 1911 1. Amherst College — Class of 1885. The '85 address together with some newspaper and magazine articles discussing the Amherst idea. N. Y., De Vinne press, [1911?]. 80 p. 2. Amherst College Trustees. Reply to the Class of 1885. Am- herst College, 1911. 16 p. 3. Ayres, B. Departmental organization. In National association of state universities. Transactions. ..1911. no. 9, p. 140-148. 14 1911 4. Benton, G. P. University president and his professors. Science, n. s., 34:488-491, Oct. 13, 1911. 5. Bryan, William Lowe. Economy in university administration. In National association of state universities. Transactions. . . 1911. v. 9, p. 181-189. Also in Science, n. s., 36:41-45, July 12, 1912. 6. Butler, N. M. University administration in the United States... evidence before the Royal commission on university education/ in London, July 14, 1910. Educational review, 41:325-344, Apr., 1911. 7. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. The development of an effective board of government. In its Annual report. . . 1911. v. 6, p. 112-115. 8. Cole, C. N. The effort at Oberlin for college efficiency. In Ohio college association. Transactions ... 1911. v. 42, p. 18-27. 9. Eliot, C. W. University president in the American commonwealth. Educational review, 42:433-449, Dec, 1911. 10. Fite, W. The case of the college professor. Popular science monthly, 78:273-282, Mar., 1911. 11. Government of universities. Science, n. s., 33:692-694, May 5, 1911. Also in Nation, 92:390-391, Apr. 20, 1911. 12. Greene, E. B. Departmental administration in American univer- sities. In Association of American universities. Journal. ..1911. v. 13, p. 17-27. • 13. Gunn, Sidney. The appointment, promotion and removal of officers of instruction. Science, n. s., 33:727-730, May 12, 1911. 14. Hadley, Arthur T. Powers and duties of professors. In Yale University — President. Report, 1910-1911. p. 15-21. 15. Hill, A. R. Departmental organization. In National association of state universities. Transactions. ..1911. no. 9, p. 133-140. 16. Lange, Alexis F. Some phases of university efficiency. In National education association... Journal ... 1911. v. 49, p. 672-679. 17. Modern universities and their government. Times (London). Edu- cational supplement, no. 8, p. 69-70, Apr. 4, 1911. 18. Monroe, Paul. Cyclopedia of education... N. Y., Macmillan co., 1911-1913. 5 v. Articles under "College, The American," v. 2, p. 57-79; "Freedom, Academic," v. 2, p. 700-705; "Univer- sities, v. 5, p. 651-680; etc. 19. Nearing, S. The increase of unskilled labor in American univer- sities. Educational foundations, 22:603-606, June, 1911. 20. Paton, S. University administration and university ideals. Science, n. s., 34:693-700, Nov. 24, 1911. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. Uni- versity control, 1913. 21. Professor and the president. Nation, 93:332-333, Oct. 12, 1911. 22. Sledd, Andrew. The dismissal of Professor Banks [from the Uni- versity of Florida]. Independent, 70:1113-1114, May 25, 1911. 23. Spingarn, J. E. A question of academic freedom; being the official correspondence between Nicholas Murray Butler and J. E. Spingarn . . . Columbia university. . . 1910-1911 ... N. Y., 1911. 53 p. 24. The status of the professor. Science, n. s., 33:459-460, Mar. 24, 1911. From the New York Evening post. 25. Taylor, J. M. The problem of the larger college. Educational review, 42:79-84, June, 1911. 26. The tenure of professorships. Science, n. s., 33:457-458, Mar. 24, 1911. From the Springfield Republican. 27. Thomas, T. P. Some rights of college students. Independent, 71:695-698, Sept. 28, 1911. 28. Trustees and professors. Independent, 71:907-909, .Oct. 26, 1911. 29. University inaugural. Dial, 51:515-516, Dec. 16, 1911. 30. Van Hise, Charles Richard. Central boards of control. In National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1911. v. 9, p. 62-104. 31. Walcott, G. D. Faculty or president? Science, n. s., 33:31-32, Jan. 6. 1911. 32. Webster, A. G. Scientific management and academic efficiency. Nation, 93:416-417, Nov. 2, 1911. 33. Westgate, L. G. Efficiency and the college faculty. In Ohio col- lege association. Transactions ... 1911. v. 42, p. 31-39. 15 1912 1. Bowman, J. G. Qualities which go to make the highest type of professor. In National association of state universities. Trans- actions. . . 1912. v. 10, p. 178-186. 2. Bryan, W. L. The life of the professor. In National association of state universities. Transactions. .. 1912. v. 10, p. 26-34. 3. Butler, N. M. The office of provost. In Columbia University — President. Annual report. ..1911-1912. p. 15-17. 4. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Uni- versity and college financial reporting. In its Annual report . . . 1912. v. 7, p. 130-133. 5. Cattell, J. M. University control. Science, n. s., 35:797-808, 842-860, May 24, 31, 1912. Reprinted in his University control. 1913. 6. Christensen, J. C. University business administration. [Topeka], Kansas State Agricultural College, [1912]. 23 p. 7. Congress of the universities of the empire, 1912. Representa- tion of teachers and graduates on the governing body of a university. In its Report of proceedings. Lond., Hodder, 1912. p. 354-360, 455-464. Paper by Sir James Donaldson, followed by discussion and app. giving summary of information concerning the univer- sities represented. 8. Draper, A. S. Weaknesses in American universities. Educational review, 43:217-235, Mar., 1912. 9. Few, William P. The administration of American colleges. In Bulletin of the Board of education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, v. 2, no. 1, p. 36-41, May, 1912. 10. Furst, C. Tests of college efficiency. School review, 20:320-334, May, 1912. 11. Gay, E. F. Tests of college efficiency. School review, 20:335-338, May, 1912. 12. Great Britain — Board of education. Universities in the overseas dominions. Lond., 1912. 301 p. (Special reports on educa- tional subjects, v. 25.) 13. Jastrow, J. Administrative peril in education. Popular science monthly, 81 :495-515, Nov., 1912. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. Uni- versity control. 1913. Reviewed in Nation, 95:476-477, Nov. 21, 1912. 14. Jesse, R. H. Presidents and faculties in state universities. Edu- cational review, 44:1-12, June, 1912. 15. Kent. W. Academic efficiency. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings ... 1912. v. 20, pt. 1, p. 145- 160. Reprinted in Science, n. s., 36:841-850, Dec. 20, 1912. 16. Ladd, George T. On the need of administrative changes in the American university. Popular science monthly, 80:313-325, Apr., 1912. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 17. Lefevre, Arthur. A study of the financial basis of the state uni- versities and agricultural colleges in fourteen states. Pub. by the Organization for the enlargement by the state of Texas of its insti- tutions of higher education, 1912. Also in Texas school journal, 29:1-10, Apr., 1912. 18. Mead, Arthur R. How our colleges and universities maintain personal relations with the individual students ... In National education association. Journal. .. 1912. v. 50, p. 790-800. 19. Murphree, Albert Alexander. How may we eliminate or neu- tralize the effects of practical politics in the management of state universities? In National association of state universities. Trans- actions. .. 1912. v. 10, p. 208-225. 20. Penrose, Stephen B. L. The organization^ a standard college. Educational review, 44:119-127, Sept., 1912. 21. Schurman, J. G. Faculty participation in university government. Science, n. s., 36:703-707, Nov. 22, 1912. Reprinted from Cornell University. Annual report of the president. ..1911-1912. p. 8-14. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 22. Stewart, Charles A. Appointment and promotion of college in- structors. Educational review, 44:249-256, Oct., 1912. 23. Tucker, W. J. Administrative problems of the historic college. Educational review, 43:433-448, May, 1912. 16 1912 24. University control. Science, n. s., 35:893-903, 964-967, n. s., 36: 19-28, 174-186, June 7, 21, July 5, Aug. 9, 1912. Letters from Harvard, Yale, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, Cornell and Univ. of Chicago. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 25. University efficiency. Educational review, 43:77-80, Jan., 1912. 26. Whitaker, S. E. The application of scientific management to the operation of colleges. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings, 1912. v. 20, pt. 1, p. 205-216. 1913 1. Adamson, J. W. Education. In Cambridge history of English literature, v. 9: From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift. 1913. p. 425-462. Bibliography, p. 620-627. 2. The administrative peril in education, by another university pro- fessor. Educational review, 45:184-186, Feb., 1913. 3. Aley, R. J. University organization. In National association of state universities. Transactions . . . 1913. v. 11, p. 154-156. 4. Asterisk, J. The reorganization of the University of London. Edu- cational review, 46:109-134, Sept., 1913. 5. Can by, H. S. The professor. Harper's magazine, 126: 782-787, Apr., 1913. Reprinted in his College sons and college fathers. N. Y., Harper, 1915. p. 48-70. 6. Cattell, J. M. University control. N. Y., Science press, 1913. 484 p. 7. Christensen, J. C. The business side of the registrar's office. Re- print from the Proceedings of the fourth annual meeting of the American association of collegiate registrars. .. 1913. 5 p. 8. Cook, G. C. The third American sex. Forum, 50:444-463, Oct., 1913. 9. Craighead, E. B. Functions and limitations of the governing board. In National education association. Proceedings, 1913. v. 51, p. 502-507. Reprinted in Science, n. s., 38:319-326, Sept. 5, 1913. 10. Duniway, C. A. Functions and limitations of the president. In National education association. Proceedings, 1913. v. 51, p. 507- 510. 11. Foster, W. T. College presidency. Science, n. s., 37:653-658, May 2, 1913. 12. Qerrans, H. T. Oxford University finance. Educational review, 45:376-387, Apr., 1913. 13. Grummann, P. H. Functions and limitations of the faculty. In National education association. Proceedings, 1913. v. 51, p. 510- 514. Also in School journal, 80:363-365, Oct., 1913. 14. Hadley, A. T. Methods of ascertaining and apportioning cost of instruction in universities. Educational review, 45:58-69, Jan., 1913. Also in Association of American universities. Journal... 1912. v. 14, p. 35-42. 15. Handschin, C. H. American college as it looks from the inside. Popular science monthly, 82:556-558, June, 1913. 16. Johnston, J. B. University organization. Science, n. s., 38:908- 918, Dec. 26, 1913. 17. Leland Stanford Junior University. Organization, general legislation and standing regulations of the faculty. Stanford Uni- versity, 1913. 30 p. 18. National association of state universities. University organ- ization... In its Transact ions ... 1913. v. 11, p. 154-168. 19. Next college president, by a near-professor [by Lucy M. Salmon]. Popular science monthly, 83:265-285, Sept., 1913. 20. Papillon, T. L. What is going on at Oxford. Educational review, 45:433-443, May, 1913. 21. Person, H. S. Academic efficiency. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings . .. 1913. v. 21, p. 39-48. 22. Rosengarten, Joseph George. A counsel of perfection; a plan for an automatic collection and distribution of a state tax for higher education ... In American philosophical society. Proceedings . . . 1913. v. 52, p. 243-256. Abstract in Science, n. s., 37:719-720, May 9, 1913. 17 1913 23. Schurman, J. Q. Faculty participation in university government. In Cornell University. Annual report of the president. . . 1912-1913. p. 16-17. Reprinted in Cattell, J. M. University control. 1913. 24. Society for the promotion of engineering education. A sympo- sium on scientific management and efficiency in college adminis- tration. Ithaca, N. Y., Office of the secretary, 1913. 226 p. 25. Strong, Frank. University press and publicity. In National association of state universities. Transactions . . . 1913. v. 9, p. 285- 301. 26. Tillyard, A. I. A history of university reform from 1800 to the present time with suggestions towards a complete scheme for the University of Cambridge. Camb., [Eng.], W. Heffer, 1913. 392 p. 27. Williams, C. W. His all-round excellency, the college president. Independent, 74:499-503, Mar. 6, 1913. 1914 1. Alexander, H. B. The professor and the institution. Science, n. s., 40:60-62, July 10, 1914. 2. American philosophical association and American psychologi- cal association — Committee of inquiry. The case of Professor Mecklin: Report. Journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific method, 11:67-81, Jan. 29, 1914. Extracts from this report under title "The professorship of philosophy and psychology at Lafayette College," reprinted in Science, n. s., 39:164-168, Jan. 30, 1914. 3. American sociological society. PreUminary report [Dec., 1914] of the Joint committee on academic freedom and academic tenure. In its Papers and proceedings, 1914. v. 9, p. 170-176. Joint committee of the American economic association, American socio- logical association and American political science association, Edward Seligman, Chairman. 4. At the University of Washington. Educational review, 47:315-316, Mar., 1914. 5. Ayers, B. Educational surveys. In National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1914. v. 12, p. 207-224. 6. Benjamin, C. H. The cost of educating a student. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Bulletin, v. 4, no. 5, p. 34- 39. Jan., 1914. 7. Bryan, W. L. Share of faculty in administration and government. In National association of state universities. Transactions . . . 1914. v. 12, p. 92-111. •—8. Butler, N. M. Academic freedom. Educational review, 47:291- 294. Mar., 1914. 9. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Educa- tional surveys. In its Annual report, 1914. v. 9, p. 118-123. 10. A study of education in Vermont. . . N. Y., 1914. 241 p. (Bulletin, no. 7) 11. A case of academic freedom [at Lafayette College]? Educational review, 47:313-315, Mar., 1914. 12. Cattell, J. M. Democracy in university administration. Science, n s 39*491-496 Anr 3 1914 13. Claxton, P. P. College surveys. In National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1914. v. 12, p. 186-206. 14. Craighead, E. B. State control of all higher education. In Nation- al association of state universities. Transactions ... 1914. v. 12, p. 227-235. 15. Fischer, M. H. The spirit of a university. Science, n. s., 40:464- 471, Oct. 2, 1914. 16. Forman, L. L. College faculties and the time-card. Nation, 99:73-74, July 16, 1914. 17. Hall, Q. Stanley. Contemporary university problems. Science, n. s., 40:727-736, Nov. 20, 1914. Address at the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Clark University. Reprinted from Pedagogical seminary, 21:242-255, June, 1914. 18. Hart, J. K. Democratic organization of a state university. Popu- lar science monthly, 84:91-99, Jan., 1914. 19. Heliems, F. B. R. The professorial quintain. Forum, 51: 321- 332, Mar., 1914. A reply to "The third American sex" by G. C. Cook in Forum, 50:444-463, Oct., 1913. 18 1914 20. Hughes, R. M. A possible basis for judging the efficiency of a college administration. In Ohio college association. Transac- tions. ..1914. v. 44, p. 22-33. 21. Hutchins, H. B. The president's office, center of university organ- ization and activity. In National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1914. v. 12, p. 116-129. 22. Kirkland, J. H. Conditions of efficient faculty service. Religious education, 9:490-496, Oct., 1914. Also in Vanderbilt University quarterly, 14:101-109, Apr.-June, 1914. 23. Lefevre, A. Organization and administration of a state's institu- tions of higher education... Austin, Tex., Von Boeckmann- Jones CO., 1914. 524 p. 24. McKnight, T. H. B. The financial management of a school or university. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings, 1914. v. 22, p. 45-52. 25. Mann, C. R. Relation of the administration department to the teacher. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Bulletin, v. 5, p. 56-62, Oct., 1914. 26. Matthews, B. Organization of a university department. Science, n. s., 39:870-871, June 12, 1914. 27. Meany, E. S. Electing a college president. Harper's weekly, 58:13, Apr. 25, 1914. 28. Monarchy and democracy in education [by Lucy M. Salmon]. Un- popular review, 2:356-371, Oct.-Dec, 1914. 29. The participation of university professors in politics. [Correspond- ence between Joseph L. Lewinsohn, professor of law, and Frank L. McVey, president, of the University of North Dakota.] Science, n. s., 39:424-426, Mar. 20, 1914. 30. Passano, L. M. Academic efficiency — undefined and unrewarded. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings ...1914. v. 22, p. 85-95. 31. The college as a commercial factory. Educational review, 46:457-472, Dec, 1913; 47:343-365, Apr., 1914. 32. Educational costs. Science, n. s., 40:39-44, July 10, 1914. 33. Pritchett, H. Reasonable restrictions upon the scholar's freedom. In American sociological society. Papers. ..1914. v. 9, p. 150- 159. Discussion, p. 159-168. 34. Professors in council. Nation, 98:321-322, Mar. 26, 1914. 35. Sanderson, E. D. Definiteness of appointment and tenure. Science, n. s., 39:890-896, June 16, 1914. Address before College section of the Association of American agricultural colleges . . . Nov. 13,1913. 36. Schurman, J. Q. Business reorganization; Faculty participation in university government. In Cornell University — President. Annual report 1913-1914. p. 5-9. 37. Small college and its faculty by one of the presidents. Popular science monthly, 85:184-188, Aug., 1914. 38. The small college and its president by one of its professors. Popular science monthly, 84:449-458, May, 1914. 39. A survey of the University of Wisconsin, by C. H. J. School review, 22:485-488, Sept., 1914. Reply by W. H. Allen in School review, 22:555-559, Oct., 1914. 40. Thompson, W. O. University finances: Improvement in busi- ness management. In National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1914. v. 12, p. 138-159. 41. Thwing, Charles Franklin. The American college. What it is and what it may become. N. Y., Piatt & Peck co., 1914. 294 p. The force, p. 24-74. 42. Unhappy college president. Educational review, 48:320-322, Oct., 1914. 43. University and the yardstick. Nation, 98:686-687, June 11, 1914. 44. A victory for democracy in education. The Vanderbilt University case decided against the church. Independent, 78:24, Apr. 6, 1914. 45. Warren, H. C. Academic freedom. Atlantic monthly, 114:689- 699, Nov., 1914. 46. Washburn, F. L. Heads of departments... Science, n. s., 39: 646-648, May 1, 1914. 47. Weatherly, U. Q. Freedom of teaching in the United States. In American sociological society. Papers . . . 1914. v. 9, p. 133-149. 19 1914 48.* Wisconsin, University of. By-laws and laws of the regents with extracts from the federal and state laws relating to the University. Madison, Wis., 1914. 167 p. New ed. in preparation in 1920. 49. Wolfe, A. B. Tests of college efficiency. Educational review, 47: 217-236, Mar., 1914. Review of Oberlin College report. 1915 1. Academic freedom — a confession [by "Professor Ordinarius"]. New republic, v. 1, no. 9, p. 17-18, Jan. 2, 1915. • 2. Academic freedom in Utah. New republic, 4:274-275, Oct. 16, 1915. 3. Aley, R. J. The college and the freshman. School and society, 2:152-154, July 31, 1915. 4. American association of university professors. Report of the Committee of inquiry on conditions at the University of Utah. Printed for the association, July, 1915. 82 p. PreUminary sum- mary of findings in Nation, 100:624-625, June 3, 1915. Also in School and society, 1:861-864, June 12, 1915. 5. American association of university professors — Committee on academic freedom. General report. InBulletin of the Ameri- can association of university professors, v. 1, no. 1, p. 15-43, Dec, 1915. 6. Arnett, T. College finance. Board of education of the Northern Baptist convention, 1915. 11 p. 7. Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations — Committee on college organization and policy. Report [Aug., 1915]. In Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment stations. Proceedings of the 29th annual convention . . . 1915. p. 104-123. I. The general report. II. Tentative out- lines of a plan for study of college organization and policy. III. Bibliography on college organization and administration, p. 115- 123. 8. Bourne, R. S. Democracy and university administration. Edu- cational review, 49:455-459, May, 1915. 9. Bum pus, H. C. The obligations of the trustees, faculty, and alum- ni to the college. School and society, 2:73-81, July 17, 1915. In- augural address, Tufts College, June 12, 1915. 10. Efficiency in the university. School and society, 1:664- 667, May 8, 1915. 11. Butler, N. M. Annual report of the president of Columbia Uni- versity, 1914-1915. p. 19-23. Extract on academic freedom re- printed in Educational review, 60:417-421, Dec, 1920. 12. Concerning some matters academic. Educational review, 49:391-399, Apr.. 1915. 13. Cheyney, E. P. Trustees and faculties. School and society, 2:793- 806, Dec. 4. 1915. 14. Comstock, Q. C. The University of Wisconsin survey and legis- lation. In National association of state universities. Transactions . . . 1915. v. 13, p. 102-122. 15. Cornell alumni news. Faculty desires representation. Would have voting representatives on Board of trustees. In its issue for Apr. 8, 1915. v. 17, p. 326. 16. Cubberley, E. P. University surveys. In National education association. Journal . . . 1915. v. 53, p. 755-757. 17. Decline of college presidents. New republic, 4:203-205, Sept. 25, 1915. 18. Dewey, J. The American association of university professors... Science, n. s., 41:147-151, Jan. 29, 1915. 19. Control of universities. School and society, 2:673, Nov. 6, 1915. 20. Faculty share in university control. In Association of American universities. Journal ... 1915. v. 17, p. 27-32. Dis- cussion, p. 32-39. 21. Dickey, F. A. Academic fees in the United States. Educational review, 50:136-143, Sept., 1915. 22. DM lard, J. H. Colleges and democracy. School and society, 1:697- 700, May 15, 1915. 23. Dodd, William E. Democracy and the university. Nation, 101: 463-465, Oct. 14, 1915. »• 20 1915 24. Effect on a university faculty of arbitrary dismissals. Nation, v. 101, sup. p. 10, Dec. 23, 1915. 25. Fite, Warner. The state-university idea. Nation, 101:322-324, Sept. 9, 1915. 26. Foster, W. T. Reed College. School review, 23:97-104, Feb., 1915. 27. Freedom of speech at Harvard University. School and society, 1 :668, May 8, 1915. 28. Furst, C. Status of the university professor in the United States. In Pan American scientific congress. Proceedings. ..1915. v. 4, p. 578-584. 29. Qildersleeve, Basil L. A letter from Professor Gildersleeve read at the opening session of the meeting for the organization of the American association of university professors. School and society, 1:717-718, May 15, 1915. 30. Gillette, J. M. Academic freedom. School and society, 2:873- 879, Dec. 18, 1915. 31. Hoi man, Frank E. The policy of repression, suspicion and oppor- tunism at the University of Utah. School and society, 1:515-522, Apr. 10, 1915. 32. Illinois, University of. Report of special senate committee ... to make . . . investigation of the . . . organization and efficiency of the university, with a view to drafting ... a constitution for the uni- versity ... June 7, 1915. Urbana, The University. 44 p. Re- view: A constitution proposed for the University of Illinois. School and society, 2:597-599, Oct. 23, 1915. 33. Increased tuition fees in colleges and universities. School and society, 2:206-207, Aug. 7, 1915. Quotation from New York Sun. 34. Is the college professor a "hired man"? Literary digest, 51:65, July 10, 1915. 35. Jastrow, J. The Wisconsin situation. Educational review, 50:325- 347, Nov., 1915. 36. Jordan, D. S. Administration of the American university. In National education association. Addresses. ..1915. v. 53, p. 522- 525. 37. Laughlin, E. V. At the helm of the small college. Unpopular review, 4:160-171, July-Sept., 1915. 38. Lovejoy, A. O. [Faculty share in university control.] In Asso- ciation of American universities. Journal. .. 1915. p. 37-38. 39. McCormick, S. N. Efficiency in college administration. In Society for the promotion of engineering education. Proceedings . . . 1915. v. 23, p. 193-203. 40. MacDonald, W. Shall professors form a union? Nation, 101: 621-622, Nov. 25, 1915. Quoted in School and society, 2:818-819, Dec. 4, 1915. 41. Marx, C. D. Questions relating to outside remunerative work by professors. In Association of American universities. Journal... 1915. v. 17, p. 57-64. 42. Meyer, A. W. Leaves of absence in American universities. School and society, 2:356-360, Sept. 4, 1915. 43. Morris, R. T. Problems of university administration. Educa- tional review, 50:458-470, Dec, 1915. 44. A university president. Journal of education, 82:511- 512, Nov. 25, 1915. Upon retiring as a trustee of Cornell Uni- versity. 45. Pennsylvania, University of. [Amendment to the statutes of the University modifying . . . the regulations . . . with regard to the tenure of teaching positions, the procedure in the dismissal of pro- fessors and the like, adopted Dec. 20, 1915.] In American asso- ciation of university professors. Bulletin, v. 2, no. 3, pt. 2, p. 42- 43, May, 1916. 46. Power of regents. Journal of education. 82:238-239, Sept. 16, 1915. 47. Professors of the University of Montana and the tenure of office. School and society, 2:856-857, Dec. 11, 1915. 48. Reinsch, P. S. The inner freedom of American intellectual life. North American review, 201 :733-742, May, 1915. 49. Representation of the faculty on the board of trustees at Cornell. School and society, 1:601, Apr. 24, 1915. 50. The revolt of young Mormonism. Literary digest, 51 :66-67, July 10, 1915. 21 1915 51. The rights of professors and students. Independent, 83:4-5, July 5, 1915. 52. Royce, Josiah. The Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching and the case of Middlebury College. School and society, 1:145-150, Jan. 30. 1915. 53. Schelling, F. E. The American professor. In Modern language association. Publications, 1915. v. 30 (n. s., v. 23), app., p. 54- 73. President's address at ... annual meeting of the Modern language association of America, Dec. 29, 1914. 54. Schurman, J. Q. Faculty representation on the board of trustees. In Cornell University. Annual report 1915-1916. p. 5-9, also app., p. 1-2. Includes text of resolutions adopted 29th Apr., 1916. 55. Seligman, Edwin R. A. The committee on academic freedom of the American association of university professors. Educational review, 50:184-188, Sept., 1915. 56. Sharpless, I. The American college. N. Y., Doubleday, 1915. 221 p. 57. Showerman, Q. The liberal arts and scientific management. Popular science monthly, 86:539-549, June, 1915. 58. Sisson, E. O. Idaho situation. In National association of state universities. .. Transactions. . . 1915. v. 13, p. 55-65. 59. Smith, J. Russell. Dismissing the professor. Survey, 35:131-134, 153-154, Nov. 6, 1915. 60. Sturtevant, J, H. The University of Wisconsin. Educational review, 50:109-119, Sept., 1915. 61. Three college presidencies. Independent, 84:421-422, Dec. 13, 1915. 62. The trustees of the University of Pennsylvania on academic freedom. School and society, 2:607-608, Oct. 23, 1915. 63. U. S. Bureau of education. Report of a survey of the Univer- sity of Oregon, made by the U. S. Bureau of education, Sept., 1915. Dr. S. P. Capen, specialist in higher education in the . . . Bureau. .. Salem, Oreg., State printing dept., 1915. 28 p. (Uni- versity of Oregon bulletin, n. s., v. 13, no. 4.) 64. University of Pennsylvania and academic freedom. Outlook, 111: 1016-1017, Dec. 29, 1915. 65. University tuition. Outlook, 110:698-699, July 28, 1915. 66. Villard, O. Q. Academic freedom: changes in the status. . . Nation, 101:745-746, Dec. 23. 1915. 67. Who owns the universities? New republic, 3:269-270, July, 1915. 68. Wisconsin — State board of public affairs. Report upon the sur- vey of the University of Wisconsin . . . Madison, Wis., State board of public affairs, 1915. Reviewed in article entitled "A bull in the educational china-shop," in Dial, 58:445-448, June 10, 1915. Reply by W. H. Allen, entitled "The Wisconsin University survey," in Dial, 59:14-15, June 24, 1915. "The Wisconsin survey once more," by G. C. Comstock, in Dial, 59:51-53, July 15, 1915. "Results of the Wisconsin survey," by W. H. Allen; Reply by G. C. Com- stock; "The Wisconsin thesis," by David E. Berg; "Mr. Allen and the Wisconsin faculty," by W. E. Leonard; in Dial, 59:93-96, Aug. 15, 1915. "Wisconsin university study (Editorial)" in Journal of education, 81:143-144, Feb. 11, 1915. 69. Witmer, Lightner. The Nearing case; the limitation of academic freedom at the University of Pennsylvania by act of the Board of trustees, June 14, 1915; a brief of facts and opinions prepared by L. Witmer. .. N. Y., B. W. Huebsch, 1915. 123 p. 70. Yale University. Yale corporation; charter, legislative acts, by- laws and other official documents. Yale Univ., 1915. 83 p. 1916 1. Aley, R. J. University president to the faculty. Educational review, 51:92-97, Jan., 1916. 2. Allen, W. H. Smashing the looking-glass. Survey, 35:602-606, Feb. 19, 1916. A reply to "Madison" by G. H. Mead, in Survey, 35:349-351, 354-361, Dec. 25, 1916. m . 3. American association of university professors. Report of the committee of inquiry on the case of Professor Scott Nearing of the University of Pennsylvania. 57 p. (Bulletin, v. 2, no. 3, pt. 2, May, 1916.) Extracts in School and society, 3:757-763, May 27, 1916. 1916 4. American association of university professors. Reports of com- mittees concerning charges of violation of academic freedom at the University of Colorado and at Wesleyan University. 76 p. (Its Bulletin, v. 2, no. 2, pt. 2, Apr., 1916.) 5. Baker, James Hutchins. American university progress and col- lege reform relative to school and society. N. Y., Longmans, 1916. 189 p. 6. Birge, E. A. How many hours a week should be required of teachers in a university? In National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1916. v. 21, p. 64-76. 7. Burton, H. E. Aspects of college and university administration; report to the trustees of Dartmouth College. Hanover, N. H., Published by the College, 1916. 32 p. 8. Capen, S. P. Recent movements in college and university admin- istration. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1917. 60 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin, 1916. no. 46.) 9. A report on the colleges of North Carolina . . . Issued from the office of the State superintendent of public instruction. Raleigh, N. C, 1916. 12 p. 10. Chancellor, W. E. Academic freedom. Discussion of the report of university professors. School and society, 3:241-243, Feb. 12, 1916. 11. College autocracy and democracy. Literary digest, 53:670-671, Sept. 16, 1916. Administration of Northwestern University. 12. Conditions at Bryn Mawr. School and society, 3:716-717, May 13, 1916. 13. Conditions at Bryn Mawr College. School and society, 3:642-647, Apr. 29, 1916. 14. Cornell University — Secretary of the university faculty. Report for 1915-1916. In Cornell University. Annual report of the presi- dent, 1915-1916. App. 1. Includes a report on faculty represen- tation on the Board of trustees, p. 1-2. 15. Demands of the professors' union for protection and academic free- dom. Current opinion, 60:192-193, Mar., 1916. 16. Duggan, S. P. Present tendencies in college administration. In National education association. Addresses. .. 1916. v. 54, p. 312- 318. Also in School and society, 4:229-235, Aug. 12, 1916. 17. Duniway, C. A. Written constitutions for universities. In Nation- al association of state universities. Transactions ... 1916. v. 14, p. 112-117. 18. An experiment in college administration [at Reed College]. American school, 2:239, Aug., 1916. 19. Faculty participation in the government of Cornell University. School and society, 3:707-708, May 13, 1916. 20. Farrand, L. Code of procedure of governing boards regarding appointment, dismissal and tenure of university teachers. National association of state universities. Transactions ... 1916. v. 14, p. 205-211. 21. Foster, W. T. Faculty participation in college government. School and society, 3:594-599, Apr. 22, 1916. 22. Furst, C. Problem of the financial support of higher education. Education, 36:277-287, Jan., 1916. Paper at the annual meeting of the New England association of colleges and secondary schools, Oct., 1915. 23. Godfrey, H. The institutional budget. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1916. 16 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Higher education circular, Apr., 1916.) Also in Association of American colleges. Bulletin, v. 2, no. 3, Apr., 1916. 24. The government of Bryn Mawr College. School and society, 3:867- 869, June 10, 1916. Plan adopted by the Board of directors. May 19, 1916. 25. Hill, A. R. Democracy in the university: Shall full power go into the hands of the faculty and the president be selected by the faculty? In National association of state universities. Transactions . .. 1916. v. 14, p. 177-195. 26. Hiscock, F. H. Faculty participation in the government of Cornell University. School and society, 3:247-249, Feb. 12, 1916. 27. Hyde, W. D. Angell and his fellows. Nation, 102:377, Apr. 6, 1916. 28. College administration and the college instructor. Nation, 102:434-435, Apr. 20, 1916. 1916 29. If I were a college president. Unpopular review, 5:51-65, Jan.- Mar., 1916. 30. Jastrow, J. Academic consciousness. Dial, 60:262-263, Mar. 16, 1916. 31. Judges and professors. Nation, 103:581-582, Dec. 21, 1916. 32. King, C. L. The public services of the college and university expert. Annals of the American academy of political and social science, 67: 291-296, 1916. 33. Lovejoy, A. O. Academic freedom. Nation, 103:561-562, Dec. 14, 1916. 34. Mead, G. H. Madison: the passage of the University of Wisconsin through the political agitation of 1914. Survey, 35:349-351, 354- 361, Dec. 25, 1916. Reply by W. H. Allen and Rejoinder by G. H. Mead in Survey, 35:602-610, Feb. 19, 1916. 35. Mecklin, J. M. Academic freedom and status. School and society, 3:624-630, Apr. 29, 1916. 36. Meiklejohn, A. Discussion of academic freedom and tenure of office. In Association of American colleges. Bulletin, v. 2, p. 179- 187, Apr., 1916. 37. Metcalf, M. M. Oberlin as a model of college administration. School and society, 3:635-638, Apr. 29, 1916. 38. Methods of the Board of regents of the University of Utah. School and society, 3:314-316, Feb. 26, 1916. 39. Minnesota, University of — Board of regents. Biennial report, 1915-1916. Teaching staff, p. 39-49. 40. The new democracy of university government. School and society, 4:903, Dec. 9, 1916. Cornell University resolutions on faculty participation adopted Apr. 29, 1916. 41. Nomination of the trustees of the University of Pennsylvania by the alumni. School and society, 3:599-600, Apr. 22, 1916. 42. Oberlin College. Charter and by-laws with amendments to date of Jan. 1, 1916. 31 p. 43. Professor's place in the world. Nation, 102:96, Jan. 27, 1916. 44. Ralph, Georgia G. and Allen, W. H. Record aids in college management; ... compiled ... by G. G. Ralph, W. H. Allen, with aid from 52 colleges. N. Y., Institute for public service, Nov., 1916. 128 p. 45. Report of the committee of the American association of university professors, on academic freedom and academic tenure. School and society, 3:109-121, Jan. 22, 1916. 46. Scudder, V. D. Academic freedom. Century, 92 (n. s., 70):222- 230, June, 1916. 47. Seligman, E. R. A. The real university. Educational review, 52: 325-337, Nov., 1916. Reviewed under title, "The university's place in the world." Nation, 103:316-317, Oct. 5, 1916. 48. "Shoddy Prussianism" in England. Literary digest, 53:559-560, Sept. 2, 1916. Dismissal of Mr. Bertrand Russell from Trinity College, Cambridge. 49. Thomas, J. H. State appropriation for existing colleges. Educa- tion, 36:318-323, Jan., 1916. Paper read before the New England association of colleges and secondary schools, Oct., 1915. 50. Thomas, M. C. Commencement address [1916, on conditions at- Bryn Mawr College]. School and society, 3:864-866, June 10, 1916. 51. U. S. Bureau of education. State higher educational institutions of Iowa. A report... of a survey... Wash., Govt, print, off., 1916. 223 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin, 1916, no. 19.) m 52. A survey of educational institutions of the state of Wash- ington. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1916. 228 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin, 1916, no. 26.) 53. University as a republic. School and society, 4:372-374, Sept. 2, 1916. 54. University management. Independent, 86:126. Apr. 24, 1916. 55. University of Colorado vindicated. Independent, 86:321, May 29, 1916. 56. The upheaval at Bryn Mawr. Nation, 102:451, Apr. 27, 1916. 57. Van Hise, Charles R. Place of the university in a democracy. School and society, 4:81-86, July 15, 1916. 24 1916 58. Welch, H. Academic freedom and tenure of office. In Associa-^/ Hon of American colleges. Bulletin, v. 2, no. 3, p. 157-171, Apr., 1916. 59. Wells, Guy F. The Dunster case [Henry Dunster, first president of Harvard]. School and society, 3:572-573, Apr. 15, 1916. 60. What the Nearing case won. Literary digest, 52:70, Jan. 8, 1916. 61. Wigmore, J. H. Academic freedom of utterance. Nation, 103: -- 538-540, Dec. 7, 1916. 62. Wisconsin, University of — Board of regents. Biennial report . .. 1914-1915 and 1915-1916. Faculty organization, p. 10-11. 1917 , 1. Academic freedom. Scientific American, 117:450, Dec. 15, 1917. v 2. Academic tenure at the University of Pittsburgh. School and society, 5:656-657, June 2, 1917. 3. Adamson, J. W. Education. In Cambridge history of English literature, v. 14. The nineteenth century. 1917. p. 425-483. Bibliography, p. 648-669. 4. Allen, W. H. Contrasted methods of surveying higher education. School and society, 5:171-173, Feb. 10, 1917. 5. Self-surveys by colleges and universities. Yonkers-on- Hudson, N. Y., World book co., 1917. 394 p. 6. American association of university professors. Academic free* dom: Report of the sub-committee on the case of Professor Joseph K. Hart of the University of Washington. In itsBulletin, v. 3, no. 4, p. 13-16, Apr., 1917. 7. Academic freedom and academic tenure: Report on con- ditions at Allegheny College. In itsBulletin, v. 3, no. 8, p. 19-22, Dec, 1917. 8. Report of the Committee of inquiry concerning charges of violation of academic freedom ... at the University of Montana. 52 p. (Its Bulletin, v. 3, no. 5, pt. 2, May, 1917.) 9. Report on College of Wooster. 150 p. (Its Bulletin, v. 3, no. 5, pt. 1, May, 1917.) 10. Association of alumni secretaries. Handbook of alumni work. 1917. 158 p. 11. Association of American colleges. The efficient college, contain- ing Prof. Miller's review of the previous report, Dr. French's oral presentation of his report, "The efficient college," revised edition by Dr. French, and review by the committee ... 58 p. (Its Bulletin, v. 3, no. 2, Mar., 1917.) 12. Report of the committee on academic freedom and tenure of office. .. Educational review, 53:416-424, Apr., 1917. 13. Blaisdell, James A. Constructive criticism of the American col- lege. In Association of American colleges. Bulletin, v. 3, no. 3, p. 131-151, Apr., 1917. 14. Bourne, R. The idea of a university. Dial, 63:509-510, Nov. 22, 1917. 15. Those Columbia trustees. New republic, 12:328-329, Oct. 20, 1917. 16. Bryn Mawr College — Alumnae directors. Special report on the new plan of government for Bryn Mawr College. Bryn Mawr alumnae quarterly, 11:18-19, Apr., 1917. 17. Buckingham, B. R. Critical present-day issues in administra- tion of higher education. In National education association. Journal of proceedings. . . 1917. v. 55, p. 305-313. Also in School and society, 6:721-728, Dec. 22, 1917. 18. Burk, C. F. University control — a subject for study by the alum- nae. Wellesley alumnae quarterly, v. 1, no. 2, p. 101-103, Jan., 1917. 19. Butler, N. M. Annual report of the president of Columbia Uni- versity, 1916-1917. p. 41-52. 20. Butte, George Charles. Academic freedom; or, "In the spirit of' 1836;" the "Independence day" address delivered before the stu- dent body of the University of Texas on Mar. 2, 1917. Austin, 1917. 8 p. 21. Case of Columbia professors. Nation, 105:388-389, Oct. 11, 1917. 22. Cattell, J. M. Academic slavery. School and society, 6:421-426, Oct. 13, 1917. 23. Caullery, M. J. G. C. Les university et la vie scientifique aux Etats-Unis . . . Paris, A. Colin, 1917. 302 p. 25 1917 24. Colorado College. Report on college and university administra- tion. In its Publications, General series, no. 94, Social science series, v. 2, no. 14, p. 271-308, June, 1917. Reviewed in Ameri- can association of university professors. Bulletin, v. 4, no. 6, p. 10- 12, Oct., 1918. 25. Columbia University. Report of the Special committee appointed March 5, 1917, to inquire into the state of teaching in the uni- versity, Oct. 1, 1917. Letter of the president to the Committee on education and to the Special committee. . . Sept. 28, 1917. lip. Quoted in Bulletin of the American association of university pro- fessors, v. 4, no. 2-3, p. 11-12, Jan., 1918. 26. Council of church boards of education. A statistical survey of Illinois colleges, by B. Warren Brown. [Chicago, Council of church boards of education, 1917.] 78 p. 27. Dartmouth College. [Propositions submitted June 4, 1917, by a committee of the trustees and adopted by the Board of trustees and by the Faculty.] In American association of university professors. Bulletin, v. 3, no. 6, p. 5-6, Oct., 1917. 28. Dewey, J. Case of the professor and the public interest. Dial, 63:435-437, Nov. 8, 1917. 29. Diemer, H. Causes of turnover among college faculties. Annals of the American academy. . . 71:216-224, May, 1917. l 30. Elliott, E. C. Administrative responsibility and current doctrines of academic freedom and academic tenure. School and society, 6:121-123, Aug. 4, 1917. 31. Faculty meetings. New republic, 10:69-71, Feb. 17, 1917. 32. Jastrow, J. As to faculty meetings. New republic, 10:295-296, Apr. 7, 1917. 33. Kentucky, University of. ...Report of the investigating com- mittee, presented to the Board of trustees, June 7, 1917. Report of the survey commission. [Lexington, Ky.] The University, 1917. Ill p. (Its Bulletin, v. 9, no. 5. July, 1917.) 34. Keppel, F. P. The undergraduate and his college. Bost., Hough- ton, 1917. 374 p. 35. Kolbe, P. R. The efficient college. School and society, 5:281-284, Mar. 10, 1917. 36. Linn, J. W. College professor. New republic, 11:159-160, June 9, 1917. 37. Lowell, A. L. Academic freedom. In Harvard University. Report of the president, 1916-1917. p. 17-21. Quoted in Educational review, 60:427-432, Dec., 1920. 38. Meiklejohn, A. Fiat justitia — the college as critic. Harvard graduates' magazine, 26:1-14, Sept., 1917. 39. Merrill, E. T. Faculties and academic freedom. Nation, 105: 598-599, Nov. 29, 1917. 40. Meyerhardt, M. W. University reform in Germany. Pedagogical seminary, 24:149-179, June, 1917. 41. Nearing, S. Who's who among college trustees. School and society, 6:297-299, Sept. 8, 1917. 42. Ohio State University, Columbus. Constitution proposed for the Ohio State University. 24 p. (Ohio State University bulle- tin, v. 21, no. 19, Mar., 1917.) Extracts and comment in Bulle- tin of the American association of university professors, v. 3, no. 6, p. 6-11, Oct., 1917. 43. The public, the university and the professor. Independent, 92:118- 119, Oct. 20, 1917. 44. Reynolds, E. S. Another phase of academic freedom. Science, n. s., 46:184-185, Aug. 24, 1917. 45. Schurman, J. Q. [On the satisfactory experience of Cornell with representation of the Faculty on the Board of trustees.] In Ameri- can association of university professors. Bulletin, v. 3, no. 7, p. 7- 10, Nov., 1917. 46. Slocum, W. F. Academic freedom and tenure of office. Educa- tional review, 53:416-424, Apr., 1917. 47. Stewart, H. L. Columbia University and the liberties of the citi- zen. Nation, 105:451-452, Oct. 25, 1917. 48. Sutton, W. S. The assault on the University of Texas. Educa- tional review, 54:390-409, Nov., 1917. 26 1917 49. Thomson, F. A. College and university surveys. School and society, 5:721-728, June 23, 1917. 50. Trustees and college teaching. Nation, 104:305, Mar. 15, 1917. 51. Trustees and faculty of Dartmouth College. School and society, 5:745-747, June 23, 1917. 52. U. S. Bureau of education. Report of a survey of the University of Nevada. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1917. 184 p. (Its Bulletin, 1917 no. 19.) 53. State higher educational institutions of North Dakota; a report. . . of a survey. . . Wash., Govt, print, off., 1917. 204 p. (Its Bulletin, 1916 no. 27.) 54. Studies in higher education in England and Scotland with suggestions for universities and colleges in the U. S. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1917. 279 p. (Its Bulletin, 1917 no. 16.) 55. Studies in higher education in Ireland and Wales, with suggestions for universities and colleges in the U. S., by G. E. MacLean. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1917. 118 p. (Its Bulletin, 1917 no. 15.) 56. The University of Minnesota and Professor Schaper. School and society, 6:443-445, Oct. 13, 1917. 57. Utah, University of. Constitution. [Extracts]. In American association of university professors. Bulletin, v. 3, no. 4, p. 8-12, Apr., 1917. 58. Vincent, George E. Six years of transition [a summary of the evolution and development of university policy and administra- tion from 1911 to 1917]. In University of Minnesota. Presi- dent's report for. . . 1916-1917. p. 51-65. 59. Wellesley College alumnae association — Executive committee. "University control" — Outline for study of local institutions. Wel- lesley alumnae quarterly, v. 1, no. 2, p. 103-104, Jan., 1917. 60. Wood bridge, H. E. Controversy at Colorado College. Nation, 105:481-482, Nov. 1, 1917. 61. Wooster, College of. Relation of Board of trustees and Faculty [action adopted June, 1917]. In Bulletin of the American associa- tion of university professors, v. 3, no. 6, p. 3-4, Oct., 1917. 62. Yale University. Yale endowments; a description of the various rif ts and bequests establishing permanent university funds . . . r ale Univ., 1917. 203 p. git Yi 1918 1. Academic freedom at Harvard. School and society, 7:82-83, Jan. 19, 1918. Quoted from Evening post, N. Y. Comment on President Lowell's discussion of academic freedom in his Annual report, 1916-1917. 2. Academic poltroonery. Nation, 106:230, Feb. 28, 1918. 3. American association of university professors. Notes from local branches: Princeton. [Resolution of Board of trustees regarding academic tenure.] In its Bulletin, v. 4, no. 6, p. 9-10, Oct., 1918. 4. Boas, F. Scientific progress and university government. Nation, 106:539-540, May 4, 1918. 5. Bryner, E. A selected bibliography of certain phases of educational measurement: Articles about surveys and lists of surveys. In National society for the study of education. Yearbook, 1918. v. 17, pt. 2, p. 182-183. 6. Buchner, E. F. Educational surveys: Higher educational institu- tions. In U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin 1918 no. 45, p. 45- 50. Advance sheets from the Biennial survey of education in the U. S., 1916-1918. 7. Butler, N. M. Annual report of the president of Columbia Uni- versity 1917-1918. p. 15-19, 44-51. 8. Capen, S. P. The Bureau of education and the educational survey movement. 6 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Higher educa- tion circular, no. 11, July, 1918.) 9. Colorado College. Report on college and university administra- tion. Part II. (Its Publication, General series, no. 97-98, Social science series, v. 2, no. 15, p. 309-388, Mar.-Apr., 1918. 10. Demos and academe. Unpopular review, 10:393-404, Oct.-Dec, 1918. 1918 11. Dinsmore, J. C. Co-operative purchasing for colleges. In Asso- ciation of American colleges. Bulletin, v. 4, no. 3, p. 17-20, Apr., 1918. 12. Furst, Clyde. Educational surveys. Columbia University quarterly, 20:81-90, Jan., 1918. 13. Jarvis, C. D. Administrative organization of the college of agri- culture. 16 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Higher education circular, no. 8. Mar., 1918) 14. Kallen, H. M. Professors' union. Public, 21:732-734, June 8, v 1918. x 15. Meiklejohn, A. Freedom of the college. Atlantic monthly, 121: 83-89, Jan., 1918. 16. Review of college policy from 1912 to the present time. In Amherst College. Report of the president to the trustees, 1918. p. 17-38. 17. Miami University. Charts showing the organization of Miami University: education, business and student activities. R. M. Hughes, E. S. Todd, H. G. Hodges, C. P. Herbert. Oxford, O., Miami University, [1918?] 48 p. Cover-title: The organization of Miami University. 18. Minnesota, University of — Board of regents. Biennial report. . . for 1917-1918. Organization of departments, p. 79-80. Regu- lations governing secretarial, clerical and stenographic service, p. 110-112. 19. Morrison, A. J. Trustee or faculty control. Nation, 106:620- 621, May 25, 1918. 20. The need for a modern university. New republic, 17:130-132, Nov. 30, 1918. 21. Neilson, W. A. Inaugural address of the president of Smith Col- lege. School and society, 8:61-68, July 20, 1918. Also in Smith alumnae quarterly, 9:281-291, July, 1918. 22. Proposed amendments to the educational law of the State of New York. School and society, 7:284-285, Mar. 9, 1918. 23. Stone, H. F. University influence. Columbia University quarterly, 20 '330-339 Oct 1918. 24. Trustees and' faculties, by Academicus. Nation, 106:618-620, May 25, 1918. 25. U. S. Bureau of education. The educational system of South Da- kota. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1918. 304 p. In its Bulletin, 1918, no. 31. Higher education, p. 256-290. 26. A university in a university court [at the University of Nebraska]; by Censor Peregrinus. Nation, 106:732-734, June 22, 1918. 27. Veblen, T. The higher learning in America; a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men. N. Y., Huebsch, 1918. 286 p. 28. Wheeler, Benjamin I. The state university as a factor in Ameri- can life. In National association of state universities . . . Trans- actions. ..1918. v. 16, p. 169-180. 1919 1. American association of collegiate registrars. Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting. . . Apr. 24-26, 1919. 160 p. 2. American association of university professors — Committee on academic freedom. Report of enquiry into conditions at Bethany College. In Bulletin of the American association of university pro- fessors, v. 5, no. 5, p. 26-61, May, 1919. 3. Report of the sub-committee of inquiry for Colorado College. In Bulletin of the American association of university pro- fessors, v. 5, no. 7-8, p. 51-130, Nov.-Dec, 1919. Reviewed in Nation, 110:33, Jan. 10, 1920. Statement on the case of Professor Louis Levine of the University of Montana. In Bulletin of the American association of university professors, v. 5, no. 5, p. 13-25, May, 1919. 5. Arnett, T. College financial statements. In Association of Ameri- can colleges. Bulletin, v. 5, no. 3, p. 50-64, Apr., 1919. 6. Boas, F. Freedom to teach. Nation, 108:88-89, Jan. 18, 1919. 7. Bowdoin College. Charters, laws and regulations ... together with standing rules and orders of the Board of overseers and plan for nominating overseers by the alumni. Printed by order of the boards, 1919. 46 p. 28 1919 8. Burton, M. L. The president's report. In Twentieth biennial report of the Board of regents of the University of Minnesota, 1916- 1918. p. 34-134. 9. Butler, N. M. Columbia University. Annual report of the presi- dent. .. 1918-1919. Timeo Danaos, p. 6-9. 10. Capen, S. P. and John, W. C. A survey of higher education, 1916-1918. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1919. 67 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin, 1919 no. 22.) 11. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Four- teenth annual report. N. Y., 1919. College government and the teachers' salary, p. 27-31. A misconception of government, p. 31- 32. 12. Carpenter, William H. Recent educational surveys. Educa- tional review, 58:130-142, Sept., 1919. 13. A code of ethics for the teaching profession. School and society, 9:599-601, May 17, 1919. 14. The demobilized professor; by one of them. Atlantic monthly, 123: 537-545, Apr., 1919. 15. Dinsmore, J. C. Co-operative purchasing. In Association of American colleges. Bulletin, v. 5, no. 3, p. 86-89, Apr., 1919. 16. Educational notes: Ohio State University. School and society, 10: 80, July 19, 1919. 17. The endowment of Princeton University. School and society, 10:46, July 12, 1919. 18. The faculty memorial. California alumni fortnightly, 12:316, Nov. 1, 1919. 19. Foster, W. T. First report of the president of Reed College 1910- 1919. 104 p. (Reed College record, no. 34, Dec, 1919.) Gov- ernment of the college, p. 46-53. President Foster's report to the trustees containing a history of the college and of his administra- tion, submitted after his retirement. 20. Gerould, G. H. Professor and the wide wide world. Scribner's magazine, 65:465-470, Apr., 1919. 21. Great Britain — Board of education. Report of the British educa- tional mission. Lond., H. M. Stationery off., 1919. 23 p. 22. Hadley, Arthur T. A few of the leading features of the reorgan- ization plan. In Yale University. Report of the president, 1918- 1919. p. 16-22. 23. Reconstruction at Yale. (A memorandum based on the discussion of the subject at a University council meeting, Jan. 9, 1919.) Yale alumni weekly, 28:427-429, Jan. 17, 1919. 24. Hellems, F. B. R. An enlightened appointment [at the University of Colorado]. Nation, 108:695, May 3, 1919. 25. Hilton, H. H. Lessons from the war for the colleges. School and society, 10:1-9, July 5, 1919. 26. Modification of business methods for our educational institutions. Journal of education, 90:87-90, July 24, 1919. 27. Hopkins, Ernest Martin. Dartmouth College: an interpretation of purpose. Hanover, N. H., 1919. 11 p. (Dartmouth College reprints, series 1, no. 3, Dec, 1919.) 28. The importance of being a professor; by one. Atlantic monthly, 124: 770-778, Dec, 1919. 29. Jastrow, J. The academic unrest. Nation, 108:158-160, Feb. 1, 1919. 30. Kirkpatrick, J. E. The present situation in Washburn College. School and society, 10:289-291, Sept. 6, 1919. 31. The why of academic unrest. School and society, 10:52- 53, July 12, 1919. 32. Koos, L. V. The adjustment of the teaching load in a university. Wash., Govt, print, off., 1919. 63 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin, 1919 no. 5.) 33. Leigh, R. D. A center for progress in higher education. School and society, 10:323-324, Sept. 13, 1919. 34. Lovejoy, Arthur O. Annual message of the president. In Ameri- can association of university professors. Bulletin, v. 5, no. 7-8, p. 10-40, Nov.-Dec, 1919. Extract in Educational review, 60: 423-427, Dec, 1920. 35. MacDonald, W. The blight of intolerance. Nation, 108:691- 692, May 3, 1919. 1919 36. Ogden, R. M. The idea of a university. School and society, 10: 271-281, 311-317, 361-373, Sept. 6, 13, 27, 1919. 37. Passano, L. M. The financial administration of education. School and society, 9:527-531, May 3, 1919. 38. Patterson, D. L. Growth of democracy in university and college administration. Graduate magazine of the University of Kansas, 14:195-201, Apr., 1919. 39. Princeton University — Endowment committee. Princeton. Published by the Endowment committee, 1919. Princeton's organ- ization and administration, p. 79-84. 40. The professor and the Anaconda. New republic, 18:170-171, Mar. 8, 1919. 41. Reflections of a prospective pensioner [by Lucy M. Salmon]. School and society, 9:429-436, Apr. 12, 1919. 42. The reorganization plan of Yale University. School and society, 9:481-482, Apr. 19, 1919. 43. Salaries and appointments at the University of California. School and society, 9:739, June 21, 1919. 44. Shipley, A. E. The university in North America. Edinburgh review, 229:310-325, Apr., 1919. Reprinted in Living age, 301: 608-618, June 7. 1919. 45. [Smith, F. M.l Professor-errant. Unpopular review, 11:40-55, Jan -JVIar 1919 46. Stair, Bird'. The unionizing of teachers. School and society, 10: 699-703 Dec 13 1919. 47. Stevens, Edwin B. How much does higher education cost? 30 p. (U. S. Bureau of education. Higher education circular, no. 17, Aug., 1919). 48. Stokes, A. P. University reorganization problems and policies; abstract of address at a New York Yale club mass meeting . . . Jan. 13, 1919. Yale alumni weekly, 28:429-435, Jan. 17, 1919. 49. Tup per, Frederick. An academic autocrat. (Richard Bentley, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1700-1742.) Nation, 109:330-331, Sept. 6, 1919. 50. The unionizing of professors. Nation, 109:237, Aug. 23, 1919. Re- printed in School and society, 10:265-266, Aug. 29, 1919. 51. U. S. Bureau of education. An educational study of Alabama: Ad- ministration of higher education in Alabama; State support of higher education; Comparison of Alabama with other states. In its Bulletin, 1919 no. 41. p. 431-486. 52. Washburn College and Professor Kirkpatrick. School and society, 10:406-407, 558-559, Oct. 4, Nov. 8, 1919. 53. Washington (State) — Joint board of higher curricula. First biennial report. . . to the Governor of Washington, 1919. Olympia, Wash., 1919. 48 p. 54. Yale alumni weekly, Jan.-Mar., 1919. [Editorials, special articles and letters on Yale's reconstruction plan.] The alumni com- mittee's report, Feb. 28, 1919, p. 583-586. Yale reconstruction from the standpoint of the university administration, Feb. 28, 1919, p. 593-594. The corporation decision ; full text of the actions voted . ..Mar. 21, 1919, p. 685-690. 55. Yale University. Report of the Committee on educational policy to the Yale corporation, Mar. 17, 1919. New Haven, Yale Uni- versity, 1919. 30 p. 1920 1. Abbott, William L. The functions of the governing board in the administration of the university. School and society, 12:445-449, Nov. 13, 1920. 2. American association of collegiate registrars. Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting . . . 1920. 258 p. 3. American association of university professors. Report of the committee of inquiry on the Colorado School of Mines. In its Bulletin, v. 6, no. 5, p. 19-40, May. 1920. 4. American association of university professors — Committee T. Report on place and function of faculties in university government and administration. In Bulletin of the American association of university professors, v. 6, no. 3, p. 17-47, Mar., 1920. Reprinted In School and society, v. 11, May 15, 22, 29, 1920. 30 1920 5. Barrows, David P. Academic freedom. Inaugural address [at the University of California, Mar. 23, 1920. California alumni fortnightly, 13:108-110, 116, Apr. 3, 1920. Reprinted in School and society, 11:451-457, Apr. 17, 1920. Extracts reprinted in Educational review, 60:421-423, Dec., 1920. 6. Boas, Franz. Endowed institutions of learning. School and society, 12:167-169, Sept. 4, 1920. 7. Brannon, Melvin A. Adequate financing of teaching in higher institutions. School and society, 12:295-300, Oct. 9, 1920. 8. Tasks associated with administration in the modern college. School and society, 11:427-431, Apr. 10, 1920. 9. California alumni fortnightly. Alumni advisory board (Editor- ial). In its issue for Feb. 28, 1920, v. 13, no. 4, p. 63-64, 70. 10. The control of college teaching. School and society, 11:744-745, June 19, 1920. 11. Creed, W. E. Alumni associations. University of California chronicle, 22:162-167, Apr., 1920. 12. Curtis, Winterton C. Comment upon the articles of Professor Lovejoy and Dean Russell [on unionization]. Educational review, 60:335-341, Nov., 1920. 13. Unionization from the standpoint of a university teacher. Educational review, 60:91-105, Sept., 1920. 14. Graves, Frank Pierrepont. Our new college presidents. Edu- cational review, v. 60, no. 4, Nov., 1920, Supplement. 16 p. 15. Hodder, F. H. Democracy in education. In Bulletin of the Ameri- can association of university professors, v. 6, no. 5, p. 16-18, May, 1920. Reprinted from Graduate magazine, University of Kansas, 16. Holme, E. R. The American university ; an Australian view. Syd- ney, Angus, pub. to the Univ. of Sydney, 1920. 242 p. 17. Johnson, Burges. Educational elephantiasis. North American review, 212:803-808, Dec, 1920. 18. Kidd, A. M. Faculty representation; a discussion of the proposed plan to give the faculty a voice in university affairs. California alumni fortnightly, v. 13, no. 2, p. 20, 22-24, Jan. 31, 1920. Ex- tracts from the proposed plan are in California alumni fortnightly, 12:316, Nov. 1, 1919. 19. Kirkpatrick, J. E. The place of the faculty in the organization and government of colleges. School and society, 12:22-23, July 3, 1920. 20. Laski, H. J. English and American universities. Harvard alumni bulletin, 22:538-540, Mar. 4, 1920. Reprinted from Manchester guardian. 21. Lea veil, R. H. Underdogs in American colleges. Educational review, 60:432-436, Dec, 1920. 22. Leighton, Joseph A. The functions of the faculty in the adminis- tration of a university. School and society, 12:449-458, Nov. 13, 1920. Address at University of Michigan, Oct. 14, 1920. 23. University government. Educational review, 60:363-375, Dec, 1920. 24. Leland Stanford Junior University. Trustees' manual of legis- lation, trusts, faculty organization, by-laws, rules of order, and General resolutions. 3rd ed. correct to Aug. 1, 1920. Stanford rniv., Cal., 1920. 164 p. (Leland Stanford Junior University publications. Trustees' ser. no. 35.) 25. Lovejoy, Arthur O. Better organization of teachers without unionization. Educational review, 60:329-335, Nov., 1920. 26. Proprietary professorships and academic freedom. Weekly review, 3:417-418, Nov. 3, 1920. 27. Teachers and trade-unions. Educational review, 60:106- 119, Sept., 1920. 28. Lowell, A. Lawrence. Organization of universities and colleges; extracts from the Annual report of the president of Harvard Uni- versity 1919-1920. In Bulletin of the American association of uni- versity professors, v. 7, no. 3, p. 17-25, Mar., 1921. 29. McConaughy, James L. The recruiting of teachers for colleges. School and society, 11:721-725, June 19, 1920. 30. MacCracken, John Henry. College and commonwealth, and other educational papers and addresses. N. Y., Century co., 1920. 420 p. 31 1920 31. Mc Murray, Orrin K. University organization. University of California chronicle, 22:22-32, Jan., 1920. Also in California alumni fortnightly, 13:36-38, 44, Feb. 14, 1920. 32. Meiklejohn, Alexander. The liberal college. Bost., Marshall Jones co., 1920. 165 p. 33. Merrill, W. A. A plan for the government of the University of California. University of California chronicle, 22:183-187, Apr., 1920. Reprinted under title "University government" in Cali- fornia alumni fortnightly, 13:210-211, May 22, 1920. 34. Michigan alumnus. The inauguration of President Burton. In its issue for Nov., 1920. v. 27, p. 85-123. Contents: The inaugu- ral conference, The session on educational readjustments, The conference on administrative problems, The session on construc- tive measures, The inaugural banquet, The meeting of the regents of state universities. Includes extended extracts from addresses. 35. Minnesota, University of. Constitution and by-laws and senate committees for 1919-1920. Minneapolis, 1919. 14 p. 36. Laws and regulations governing the University of Min- nesota. .. Minneapolis, The Univ. of Minn., 1920. 541 p. 37. Report of the Survey commission: I. The growth of the University in the next quarter century. 50 p. (Bulletin of the University of Minnesota, v. 23, no. 25, June 21, 1920.) 38. Mudge, E. L. Washburn College situation. School and society, 12:97-99, Aug. 7, 1920. 39. Neilson, William Allan. A note on college finances. Smith alumnae quarterly, 12:1-4, Nov., 1920. 40. Nelson, C. Ferdinand. Problems of democracy in university ad- ministration. Graduate magazine of the University of Kansas, 18:89-93, Jan., 1920. 41. Princeton University. Report of the president for. .. 1920. .. p. 7-9, 30-33. 42. Pritchett, H. S. The democracy of the American college. Edu- cational review, 60:376-385, Dec, 1920. 43. Schurman, J. Q. Annual report to the trustees of Cornell Uni- versity 1919-1920. Extract in School and society, 12:558-590, Dec. 11, 1920. 44. Seligman, Edwin R. A. The true meaning of the university. Uni- versity of California chronicle, 22:270-282, July, 1920. Read before the Berkeley Club, Apr. 15, 1920. A rearrangement of his address at the University Convocation at Columbia University, Sept., 1916, which appeared in the Educational review, 52:325-337, Nov., 1916. 45. Stevens, Edwin B. Cost accounting in universities. Educational review, 60:226-243, Oct., 1920. 46. Stevenson, J. J. Academic unrest and college control. Scientific monthly, 10:457-465, May, 1920. 47. Tyler, H. W. Academic freedom. Educational review, 60:386- 393, Dec, 1920. 48. University commissions. University record (University of Chicago) n. s., 6:264-265, 288-290, Oct., 1920. Reprinted in Bulletin of the American association of university professors, v. 7, no. 3, p. 11-13, Mar., 1921. 49. University government. Educational review, 60:83-85, June, 1920. 50. The university president. Review, 2:410-412, Apr., 17, 1920. 51. The vacant presidencies. Educational review, 60:80-83, June, 1920. 52. Warshaw, J. Private benefactions to state universities. School and society, 11:371-374, Mar. 27, 1920. 53. Werner, William L. The ethics of academic freedom. American teacher, 9:151-156, Oct., 1920. Bibliography: p. 156. 54. Yale University. By-laws of the Yale Corporation, May, 1920. 16 p. 55. Reports of the president, acting provost and secretary . . . 1919-1920. p. 13-17, 33-38. 56. Situation in Washburn College. School and society, 11:738, June 19, 1920. 32 INDEX TO AUTHORS AND INSTITUTIONS Abbot, W. J., 1899:1 Abbott, W. L., 1920:1 Adams, C. P., 1906:2 Adams, C. K., 1875:1; 1878:1; 1898:2 Adams, H. B., 1889:1; 1898:2 Adams, J., 1838:1 Adamson, J. W., 1913:1; 1917:3 Alden, R. M., 1907:1 Alexander, H. B., 1914:1 Aley, R. J., 1913:3; 1915:3; 1916:1 Alleghany Col., 1917:7 Allen, W. H., 1914:39; 1915:68; 1916:2, 34, 44; 1917:4, 5 Amer. ass. of collegiate registrars, 1919:1; 1920:2 Amer. ass. of univ. prof., 1915:4, 5; 1916:3, 4; 1917:6-9; 1918:3; 1919:2-4; 1920:3, 4. Amer. phil. ass., 1914:2 Amer. psychological ass., 1914:2 Amer. sociological soc, 1914:3 Amherst Col., 1911:1, 2; 1918:16 Andrews, E. B., 1906:3; 1907:2 Angell, J. B., 1898:2 Arnett, T., 1915:6; 1919:5 Ass. of alumni sec, 1917:10 Ass. of Amer. agr. col. and experiment stations, 1915:7 Ass. of Amer. col., 1917:11, 12 Asterisk, J., 1913:4 Atkinson, W. P., 1870:1 Avery, S., 1910:2 Ayers, B., 1911:3; 1914:5 Baker, J. H., 1910:3; 1916:5 Barrows, D. P., 1920:5 Bascom, J., 1907:3 Bemis, E. W., 1899:2; 1900:1 Benjamin, C. H., 1914:6 Benton, G. P., 1909:1; 1911:4 Berg, D. E., 1915:68 Bessey, C. E., 1906:16 Bethany Col., 1919:2 Bigham, J., 1900:2 Birdseye, C. P., 1909:2-4 Birge, E. A., 1916:6 Blackmar, F. W., 1890:1 Blaisdell, J. A., 1917:13 Boas, P., 1918:4; 1919:6; 1920:6 Bourne, R., 1915:8; 1917:14, 15 Bowdoin Col., 1821:1; 1919:7 Bowman, J. G., 1912:1 Brannon, M. A., 1920:7, 8 Brown, B. W., 1917:26 Brown, E. E., 1900:3; 1903:3 Brown Univ., 1897:1, 2; 1906:12; 1910:4, 5 Bryan, W. L., 1911:5; 1912:2; 1914:7 Bryn Mawr Col., 1916:12, 13, 24, 50, 56; 1917:16 Bryner, E., 1918:5 Buchner, E. F., 1918:6 Buckingham, B. R., 1917:17 Bumpus, H. C, 1915:9, 10 Burk, C. P., 1917:18 Burton, H. E., 1916:7 Burton, M. L., 1919:8 Butler, N. M., 1908:4; 1911:6; 1912:3; 1914.8; 1915:11, 12; 1917:19; 1918:7; 1919:9 Butte, G. C, 1917:20 Cal., Univ. of, 1919:18, 43; 1920:9, 18, 33 Cambridge Univ., 1913:26; 1916:48 Canby, H. S., 1913:5 Candler, W. A,, 1909:5 Canfleld, J. H., 1907:4 Capen, S. P., 1916:8, 9; 1918:8; 1919:10 Carnegie foundation, 1908:5-7; 1909:6, 7; 1910:6; 1911:7; 1912:4; 1914:9, 10; 1919:11 Carpenter, W. H., 1919:12 Cattell, J. M., 1902:2; 1905:2; 1906:6; 1912:5; 1913:6; 1914:12; 1917:22 Caullery, M. J. G. C, 1917:23 Chancellor, W. E., 1916:10 Chapman, J. J., 1910:7 Cheyney, E. P., 1915:13 Chic, Univ. of, 1901:6; 1920:48 Christensen, J. C, 1912:6; 1913:7 Cin., Univ. of, 1900:12; 1908:1 Clark Univ., 1914:17 Claxton, P. P., 1914:13 Clews, E. W., 1899:3 Cole, C. N., 1910:8; 1911:8 Colgate, J. C. 1902:3 Colo. Col.. 1917:24, 60; 1918:9; 1919:3 Colo. School of Mines, 1920:3 Colo., Univ. of, 1916:4, 55; 1919:24 Columbia Univ., 1911 ;23; 1912:3; 1915:11; 1917:15, 19, 21, 25, 47; 1918:7; 1919:9 Comstock, G. C, 1915:14, 68 Cong, of the univ. of the empire, 1912:7 Cook, G. C, 1913:8 Cooke, M. D., 1910:9 Cornell Univ., 1909:19; 1912:21; 1913:23; 1914:36; 1915:15, 49. 54; 1916:14, 19, 40; 1917:45; 1920:43 Council of church boards of educ, 1917:26 Craighead, E. B., 1913:9; 1914:14 Creed, W. E., 1920:11 Creighton, J. E., 1910:10 Cubberley, E. P.. 1915:16 Curtis, W. C, 1920:12, 13 Curzon, G. N. C, 1909:8 Dabney, C. W., 1913:18 Dartmouth Col., 1819:1; 1916:7; 1917:27, 51; 1919:27 Davenport, E., 1906:16; 1910:11 Davis, H., 1833:1 Dewey, J., 1902:4; 1915:18-20; 1917:28 Dexter, E. G., 1903:5 Dickey, F. A., 1915:21 Diemer, H., 1917:29 Dillard, J. H., 1915:22 Dinsmore, J. C, 1918:11; 1919:15 Dodd, W. E., 1915:23 Donaldson, Sir J., 1912:7 Draper, A. S., 1900:5; 1904:2; 1906:7, 16; 1908:8; 1909:9, 10; 1912:8 Du Bose, J. C, 1901:5 Duggan, S. P., 1916:16 Duniway, C. A., 1913:10; 1916:17 Dwight, T., 1821:1 Dyche, W. A., 1906:16 Edinburgh, Univ. of, 1858:1 Eliot, C. W., 1907:5, 6; 1908:9; 1911:9 Elliott, E. C, 1917:30 Farrand, L., 1916:20 Fellows, G. E., 1906:8 34 Ferrier, J. F., 1858:1 Few, W. P., 1912:9 Firth, C. H., 1909:11 Fischer, M. H., 1914:15 Fitch, J. G., 1888:1 Fite, W., 1911:10; 1915:25 Flagg, I., 1899:4 Flexner, A., 1909:12 Florida, Univ. of, 1911:22 Forman, L. L., 1914:16 Foster, W. T., 1913:11; 1915:26; 1916:21; 1919:19 Fullerton, G. S., 1903:2 Furst, C, 1912:10; 1915:28; 1916:22; 1918:12 Gay, E. F. f 1912:11 Gerould, G. H., 1919:20 Gerrans, H. T., 1913:12 Gildersleeve, B. L. t 1915:29 Gillette, J. M., 1915:30 Gilman, D. C, 1906:9 Godfrey, H., 1916:23 Godkin, E. L., 1883:1 Graves, F. P., 1902:5; 1920:14 Gt. Brit.— Board of educ, 1912:12; 1919:21 Gt. Brit. — Royal com. on univ. educ, 1911:6 Greene, E. B., 1911:12 Greene, J. D., 1908:10 Grummann, P. H., 1913:13 Gunn, S., 1911:13 Hadley, A. T., 1903:6; 1906:10; 1911:14; 1913:14; 1919:22, 23 Hall, G. S., 1914:17 Hamilton, Sir W., 1831:1-3; 1853:1 Hamilton Col., 1833:1 Handschin, C. H., 1910:13; 1913:15 Harper, W. R., 1901:6; 1905:4 Hart, A. B., 1900:6 Hart, J. K., 1914:18 Harvard Col., 1821:1; 1825:1; 1857:1; 1870:2; 1916:59 Harvard Univ., 1835:1; 1900:6; 1907:9; 1912:24; 1915:27; 1917:37; 1918:1 1920*28 Heckman , W. , 1 906 : 1 6 Hellems, F. B. R., 1914:19; 1919:24 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von, 1881 :1 Hill, A. R., 1910:14; 1911:15; 1916:25 Hilton, H. H., 1919:25, 26 Hiscock, F. H., 1916:26 Hodder, F. H., 1920:15 Holman, F. E., 1915:31 Holme, E. R., 1920:16 Hopkins, E. M., 1919:27 Hughes, R. M., 1914:20 Hutchins, H. B., 1914:21 Hyde, W. D., 1901:7; 1909:13; 1916:27, 28 Id., Univ. of, 1915:58 111., Univ. of, 1904-2; 1906:16; 1908:13; 1915:32 Iowa, Univ. of, 1916:51 Iowa Col., 1899:6; 1900:9 James, E. J., 1902:6 Jameson, J. F., 1910:15 Jarvis, C. D., 1918:13 Jastrow, J., 1906:11, 16; 1908:11; 1912:13; 1915:35; 1916:30; 1917:32; 1919*29 Jenks, J. W., 1906:12 Jesse, R. H., 1912:14 John, W. C, 1919:10 Johns Hopkins Univ., 1906:9; 1912:24 Johnson, B., 1920:17 35 Johnston, J. B., 1913:16 Jones, P., 1906:16 Jordan, D. S., 1908:12; 1915:36 Kallen, H. M., 1918:14 Kansas, Univ. of, 1910:27 Kemp, G. T., 1908:13 Kent, W., 1908:14; 1912:15 Ky., Univ. of, 1917:33 Keppel, F. P., 1910:16; 1917:34 Kidd, A. M., 1920:18 King, C. L., 1916:32 Kirkland, J. H., 1914:22 Kirkpatrick, J. E., 1919:30, 31; 1920:19 Kolbe, P. R., 1917:35 Koos, L. V., 1919:32 Ladd, G. T., 1912:16 Lafayette Col., 1887:1; 1914:2, 11 Lange, A. F., 1911:16 Laski, H. J., 1920:20 Laughlin, E. V., 1915:37 Laughlin, J. L., 1906:13 Lawton, W. C, 1906:14 Leavell, R. H., 1920:21 Lefevre, A., 1912:17; 1914:23 Leigh, R. D., 1919:33 Leighton, J. A., 1920:22, 23 Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1901: 2, 3, 8, 11; 1903:7; 1904:3; 1906:20; 1907:1; 1913:17; 1920:24 Leonard, W. E., 1915:68 Linn, J. W., 1917:36 Lippincott, J. P., 1906:16 Lond., Univ. of, 1913:4 Lovejoy, A. O., 1915:38; 1916:33; 1919:34; 1920:25, 26, 27 Low, S., 1898:2 Lowell, A. L., 1917:37; 1918:1; 1920:28 Lummis, C. F., 1901:8 McConaughy, J. L., 1920:29 McCormick, S. N., 1915:39 MacCracken, J. H., 1920:30 MacDonald, W., 1915:40; 1919:35 McKelway, S., 1901:1 McKnight, T. H. B., 1914:24 Maclaurin, R. C, 1910:17 MacLean, G. E., 1917:55 McMurray, O. K., 1920:31 McPherson, S. J., 1903:2 Magoun, G. F., 1877:1 Mann, C. R., 1914:25 Martin, F. W., 1910:18 Marx, C. D., 1915:41 Marx, G. H., 1909:15; 1910:19 Mathews, S., 1906:15 Matthews, B., 1910:20; 1914:26 Mayer, A. G., 1909:16 Mead, A. R., 1912:18 Mead, E. D., 1897:2 Mead, G. H., 1916:34 Meany, E. S., 1914:27 Mecklin, J. M., 1916:35 Meiklejohn, A., 1916:36; 1917:38; 1918:15, 16; 1920:32 Merrill, E. T., 1917:39 Merrill, W. A., 1920:33 Metcalf, M. M., 1916:37 Meyer, A. W., 1915:42 Meyerhardt, M. W., 1917:40 Miami Univ., 1918:17 Mich., Univ. of, 1920:34 36 Middlebury Col., 1915:52 Miller, G. A., 1908:15 Minn., Univ. of, 1916:39; 1917:56, 58; 1918:18; 1919:8; 1920:35-37 Monroe, P., 1911:18 Mont., Univ. of, 1915:47; 1917:8; 1919:4 Morris, R. T., 1915:43, 44 Morrison, A. J., 1918:19 Mudge, E. L., 1920:38 Munroe, J. P., 1905:5; 1906:16 Murphree, A. A., 1912:19 Nat. conf. of col. and unlv. trustees, 1906:16 Nearing, S., 1911:19; 1917:41 Neb., Univ. of, 1918:26 Neilson, W. A., 1918:21; 1920:39 Nelson, C. P., 1920:40 Nev., Univ. of, 1917:52 N. D., Univ. of, 1914:29; 1917:53 Northwestern Univ., 1916:11 Norton, A., 1825:1 Oberlin Col., 1909:17; 1910:8; 1911:8; 1914:49; 1916:37, 42 Ogden, R. M., 1919:36 Ohio col. ass., 1908:16 Ohio State Univ., 1917:42; 1919:16 Ohio Univ., 1907:13 Oklahoma, Univ. of, 1908:1, 19 Ousley, C, 1910:22 Oreg., Univ. of, 1915:63 Oxford Univ., 1831:2, 3; 1909:8; 1910:23; 1913:12, 20 Page, A. W., 1910:24 Papillon, T. L., 1913:20 Parker, A. B„ 1901:9 Passano, L. M., 1914:30-32; 1919:37 Paton, S., 1911:20 Patterson, D. L., 1919:38 Paulsen, F., 1906:17 Penn., Univ. of, 1915:34, 45, 59, 62, 64, 69; 1916:3, 41, 60 Penrose, S. B. L., 1912:20 Perry, B., 1897:3; 1904:4 Person, H. S., 1913:21 Pittsburgh, Univ. of, 1917:2 Porter, N., 1878:2 Pouchet, G., 1870:3 Powers J K 1910*25 Princeton' Univ., 1918:3; 1919:17, 39; 1920:41 Pritchett, H. S., 1905:6; 1908:17; 1914:33; 1920:42 Purinton, D. B., 1909:18 Ralph, G. G., 1916:44 Ranck, S. H., 1901:10 Randolph-Macon Woman's Col., 1910:18 Reber, L. E., 1907:10 Reed Col., 1915:26; 1916:18, 21; 1919:19 Reinsch, P. S., 1915:48 Remsen, I., 1903:2 Reynolds, E. S., 1917:44 Risk, R. K., 1908:18 Roby, H. J., 1858:2 Rolfe, H. W., 1907:11 Rosengarten, J. G., 1913:22 Ross, G. W., 1896:1 Royce, J., 1915:52 Salmon, L. M., 1896:2; 1913:19; 1914:28; 1919:41 Sanderson, E. D., 1914:35 Schelling, F. E., 1915:53 Schurman, J. G., 1901:1; 1909:19, 20; 1912:21; 1913:23; 1914:36; 1915:54: 1917:45; 1920:43 37 Scudder, V. D., 1916:46 Seelye, L. C, 1900:8 Seligman, E. R. A., 1915:55; 1916:47; 1920:44 Sharpless, I., 1915:56 Shibfey, G. H., 1900:9 Shipley, A. E., 1919:44 Showerman, G., 1915:57 Sioussat, S. L., 1898:2 Sisson, E. O., 1915:58 Sledd, A., 1911:22 Slocum, W. P., 1917:46 Small, A. W., 1899:7 Smith, P. H., 1851:1 Smith, F. M., 1919:45 Smith, J. R., 1915:59 Smith Col., 1920:39 Soc. for the promotion of engin. educ, 1913:24 Spingarn, J. E., 1911:23 Stair, B., 1919:46 Stanford, J. L., 1903:7 Stanford Univ., see Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Starbuck, E. D., 1910:26 Stearns, W. N., 1906:18 Stevens, E. B., 1919:47; 1920:45 Stevenson, J. J., 1902:7; 1904:5; 1905:7; 1906:19; 1920:46 Stewart, C. A., 1912:22 Stewart, H. L., 1917:47 Stillman, J. M., 1906:20 Stimson, H. A., 1903:8 Stokes, A. P., 1919:48 Stone, H. P., 1918:23 Stratton, G. M., 1907:12 Strong, P., 1910:27; 1913:25 Sturtevant, J. H., 1915:60 Super, C. W., 1907:13, 14 Sutton, W. S., 1917:48 Swain, J., 1900:10 Syracuse Univ., 1908:1 Taylor, J. M., 1911:25 Ten Brook, A., 1875:1, 2 Tex., Univ. of, 1917:48 Thilly, F., 1902:8 Thomas, J. H., 1916:49 Thomas, M. C, 1916:50 Thomas, T. P., 1911:27, 28 Thompson, W. O., 1910:29; 1914:40 Thomson, F. A., 1917:49 Thwing, C. P., 1899:8; 1900:13; 1902:9; 1903:9; 1909:21; 1914:41 Tillyard, A. I., 1913:26 Trinity Col. (Durham, N. C), 1904:6 Trinity Col. (Cambridge, Eng.), 1916:48; 1919:49 Tucker, W. J., 1912:23 Tupper, F., 1919:49 Tyler, H. W., 1920:47 Union Col., 1837:1 U. S. — Bureau of educ, 1915:63; 1916:51, 52; 1917:52-55; 1918:25; 1919:51 Utah, Univ. of, 1915:2, 4, 31, 50; 1916:38; 1917:57 Vanderbilt Univ., 1914:44 Vanderlip, F. A., 1907:15 Van Hise, C. R., 1909:22; 1910:30-32; 1911:30; 1916:57 Veblen, T., 1918:27 Villard, O. G., 1915:66 Vincent, G. E., 1917:58 Va. educ. com., 1910:33 Walcott, G. D., 1911:31 Warren, H. C, 1914:45 Warshaw, J., 1920:52 Washburn, P. L., 1914:46 Washburn Col., 1919:30, 52; 1920:38, 56 Wash. (State), 1919:53 Wash., Univ. of, 1914:4; 1916:52; 1917:6 Wayland, P., 1842:1 Weatherly, U. G., 1914:47 Webster, A. G., 1911:32 Welch, H., 1916:58 Wellesley Col., 1917:18, 59 Wells, G. P., 1916:59 Wenley, R. M., 1902:11 Werner, W. L. t 1920:53 Wesleyan Univ., 1916:4 West, A. P., 1906:21 Westgate, L. G., 1911:33 Wheeler, B. I., 1918:28 Whitaker, S. E., 1912:26 White, A. D., 1874:1 Whitman Col., 1912:20 Wigmore, J. H., 1916:61 Will, T. E., 1901:13 Willard, J. F., 1902:12 Williams, C. W.. 1913:27 Wilhams, J., 1910:35 Williams, W. M., 1910:36 Winchell, A., 1878:3 Wis., Univ. of, 1910:1; 1914:39, 48; 1915:14, 35, 60, 68; 1916:2, 34, 62 Witmer, L., 1915:69 Wolfe, A. B., 1909:17; 1914:49 Wood, L. P., 1906:22 Woodbridge, H. E„ 1917:60 Wooster, Col. of, 1917:9, 61 Yale Univ., 1906:10; 1907:16; 1911:14; 1912:24; 1915:70; 1917:62; 1919:22, 23, 42, 48, 54, 55; 1920: 54, 55 FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ^'ar'bSRF . *AR 1 1 T95r 30May5£LS REC'D LD MAY 1G 1958 30cA59 G1 * ^ I ^>*... SEP 24192 f?ECD LL/ **•*& Tn91-10nm2'^ General Library