'■J\il wmt mm IHi wv. ^r '^;.< ■• -.' j 's.;!:',. ;' ■ Kr:^ ■ ^^'■'■■'v";'':^^M :■'-;' ill P i;i:-^ , ' '* '' i -■ '. ' ■'' ' .' ■ ■' ' .' '■ ', ' i7U^\ :■..■■, r. " ''\'i ' ' ' '-: ' \ ' '■ '■' ' ' \ ' P^: \ ^"';'^'': •' i;v;: ;;-'!;i ;■ ;',^,; ^ tvn('-■ V'^;> mmms: ^^^^^^^^^^^n|i||i^ m-ym-)' mr ^^^^^^H mxm ^^^HHP mml ^^^^Klf:';:^ ;;'^'^:":;::;-';^;-.;s);.; '^mpr^' cdMi -''O, cO>^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofportiOOeltorich iji/A. An^^/Jt<.c<^h ^^^ (r .£ h A CATALOGUE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES ISAAC ELTON AND MARY AUGUSTA ELTON. "in ipso ieternitatis gremio, inter tot illustres animas, sedem mihi sumo." Heinsius. ci H Lj LONDON: QUARITCH 1891. LONDON: PRINTED BY V/ILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limitho, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. ,o^'^.: tzb' PREFACE. In the preparation of this Catalogue we have been assisted and advised throughout by Mr. Alfred W. Pollard, of the British Museum, whose skill in such matters is known to all who have seen the Catalogue of the " Rowfant Books " in Mr. Locker-Lampson's library. For the success of the illustrations we have to thank Mr. Prsetorius. We think that the work as a whole needs no "preface of the German cut," or garnish of common-places. The compilers are content to be like the writer known to Montaigne : " L'autheur commettant a divers de ses amis sgavans la recherche de cette-gy et de cette autre matibre, k le bastir; se contentant de sa part d'en avoir projette le dessein, et \\6 par son Industrie ce fagot de provisions incogneues : au moins, est sien I'encre et le papier." C. I. E. M. A. E. The Manor House, Whitestaunton, Chard. yuly I, 1891. MEMORANDUM. In this Catalogue an Asterisk is prefixed to the names of Authors whose works appeared anonymously or under false names. C. I. E. M. A. E. A CATALOGUE OF A PORTION OF THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES ISAAC ELTON AND OF MARY AUGUSTA ELTON. iDDISON, Joseph. Remarks on several Parts of Italy, &c., in the Years 1701, 1702, 1703. [Motto from " Cicer. de Amic."] London^ Printed for Jacob Tonson within Gray's I?in Gate, 1705. 8vo. The first edition. Presentation copy to D'. Sacheverell, "Ex dono eruditissimi Authoris" : with Addison's autograph, "For the Rev**. M'. Sacheverell, Fellow of Magd. College. J. Addison." From the library of David Garrick, with his book-plate and motto ; " La premiere chose qu'on doit faire quand on a emprunte un livre, c'est de le lire, afin de pouvoir le rendre plutdt. Menagiana, vol. 4." Bequeathed by Mrs. Eva Maria Garrick to G. F. Beltz. Panelled calf. The Free-holder, or Political Essays. London, Printed for D, Midwinter at the three Crowns in St. Paul's Churchyard; and /. Tonson at Shakespear's Head in t/ic Strand, 1 7 1 6. 8vo. The first edition. A Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning. By the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. ; now first published from an Original Manuscript of Mr. Addison's, Prepared and Corrected by himself. London, Printed for T, Osborfie, in Grafs Lnn, 1739. fol. The first edition. ADDUENSIS, Ferdinandus. Ferdinandi Abduensis contra jurispru- dentiae vituperatores oratio. Ejusdem Epigrammata nonnulla, &c. [Device.] Apud Aldi filiosy Venetiis, 1546. 8vo. -^LIANUS, Claudius. Claudius ^lianus, His Various History. London, Printed for Tho77ias Bring at the George in Fleet Street near St. Dunstan's Church, 1666. 8vo. The translation was by Thomas Stanley, son of the poet of that name ; he is said to have completed the work at about the age of fourteen. ^MILIUS PROBUS. ^milii Probi Vitre excellentium Imperatorum Tito Poraponio Attico dcdicatae. Ti. Pomponii Attici Vita per ornelium Nepotem dcscripta. Plutarchi liber de illustrium muHerum virtutibus. 2 ^SCHYLUS—ALAMANNI. Eiusdcm Paralclia. Colophon : Argaiioraiiy in ccdibus Schurcriajiis, Ann. 1506. 4to. Vellum. -^SCHYLUS. ^scliyli tragcedire sex. [Device.] Colophon : Vcfictiis, in (Bdibus Aldi et Andrcce Soceri^ 15 18, tnense Februario. 8vo. Editio princeps. With title in Greek and Latin, the " Life of ^schylus " in Greek, and a preface on the House of Aldus by Franciscus Asulanus. Old calf, gilt. ' AGRICOLA, Georgius. De Re Metallic^ Libri XII. [Froben's device.] Basiled, 1556. fol. With plates of mining operations. From the Jesuits' Library at Paris, with a note " Domus professa paris. Soc. Jesu." Calf, gilt. AGUILAR, M. L., Marquis a\ Vers, par le Comte d'Aguilar. Amsterdam, 1788. i8mo. Edition Cazin. With the music printed at the end. French calf, gilt, g.e. AHMED IBN SEIRIM. Apomazar. Des significations et ^v^nemens des Songes selon la doctrine des Indiens &c., mis de nouveau en Frangoys. Tourne dii Grec en latin par J. Leunclavius. Paris, Dti Val, 1581. 8vo. J. A. de Thou's copy : bound with * Artemidorus, De Somniorum interpretatione.' ** Get ouvrage n'est pas autre chose que I'Oneirociiticon d'Achmet. Leunclavius le traduit en latin, et le publia sous le nom d' Apomazar, k Frankfort, 1577, et ce fut d'apres sa version que D. Duval donna la sienne." Brunet. Calf, gilt. AICHER, Otto. Hortus variarum inscriptionum. Salisbitrgi, 1676. 8vo. From the library of Charles de Sainte Maure (1610-90), an account of which is given by MaroUes in the " Description de Paris" : his arms are quartered with those of his wife, Julie d'Angennes, in gold on the sides. The volume was also in the collections of Hyacinthe Theodore Baron and the great scholar J. B. G. d'Ansse de Vidoison. A continuation was published in 1684. Red mor., gilt. AKENSIDE, Mark. The Pleasures of Imagination. A Poem. In three books. By Mark Akenside, M.D. [Vignette by Boitard.] London, Printed for R, Dodsley at Tulles Head in Pall Mall, 1744. 8vo. The first edition : bound with Daniel's "Royal Penitent." ALAMANNI, Luigi. Opere Toscane. Colophon : Stampato in Vinegia per Pieiro Sceffer Germano Maguntino ad insta?itia delli heredi di M. Lucatitvnio giiinta, 1542. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. ALAMANNI— ALEXANDER AB ALEXANDRO. 3 ALAMANNI, LuiGi. La Avarchide, Alia sereniss. Madama Margherita di Francia. F'Uippo Giunfiy Firenze, i57o- ^vo. Russia, gilt, stamped with the WodhuU arms in gold. ALBERT, LE Petit. Secrets Merveilleux de la Magie Naturelle et cabalistique du Petit Albert. Enrichi de Figures mysterieuses, &c. Paris, An viii. i2mo. *ALBIZZI, Bartholomeo. L'Alcoran des Cordeliers, tant en Latin qu'en Frangois . . . tir^ du grand livre des Conformitds, jadis compost par frbre Barthelemi de Pise, Cordelier en son vivant. Nouvelle Edition ornde de figures dessindes par B. Picart. Atnsterdam, 1734. i2mo. 2 vols. Tallest size, uncut. With plates and frontispiece dated 1733, by Bernard Picart, who died in that year. It is a ferocious commentary on the " bourdes et blasphemes " of Bartholomew of Pisa, whose Order retaliated by criticisms in the same style. ALCIATI, Andrea. Clarissimi viri D. Andreas Alciati Emblematum libri duo. [De Tourne's device ; with his motto.] Lugduni, apud loan. TomcBsium d>* GuUdmum Gazeium, 1549. i6mo. The plates have been attributed to Le petit Bernard. Red mor. by Petit. Les Emblemes de M. Andrea Alciat, puis nagueres par luy augmentee et depuis mis en ryme Francoise, avec diligente correction. [Wechel's device.] d> Paris, ches Chrestien Wechcl, en la rue S. lehan de Beaiivais au cheual volatit, 1549. 12 mo. With the French version of Jean Le Fevre, and dedication to Philippe Chabot, " Admiral du Bryon." Omnia Andrese Alciati V. C. Emblemata : cum Commentariis quibus Emblematum omnium aperta origine, mens auctoris explicatur, et obscura omnia dubiaque illustrantur. Per Claudium Minoem Divioncnsem. [Plantin's device : with his motto.] Antverpice, 1577. 8vo. One of the best editions of Alciati, yet not noticed in the Annalcs Planiinicnnes. The plates, except those signed "A," were the work of Virgil Solis. *ALEMAN, Matheo. Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, par Le Sage. Paris, 18 1 8. 12 mo. 2 vols. A translation by Alain Rene Le Sage, of the " Vida del picaro Guzman de Alfarache," of which the fiist part appeared in the year 1600. ALEXANDER AB ALEXANDRO. Alexandri ab Alexandro Neapo- litani L C. Genialium dierum Libri sex. Lugdnni, apud Paiihtm Frcllon, 1608. 8vo. Stamped Lyonncse binding, with device of **I>ion and Sun" in gold on sides, and initial letters in gold. Brown mor,, gilt, g.e. li 2 4 ALLATIUS— ALMANACS. ALLATIUS, I^EO. In Antiquitatum Etruscarum fragmenta &c. animad- versiones. [Device : the Cockatrice ] Homce, Mascardus^ 16^2, 8vo. With Mr. Mitford's MS. notes. Symmicta, sive Opuscula Graecorum et Latinorum vetustiorum ac recentiorum, Gr. Lat. interprete eodem Allatio, cujus etiam inserti sunt varii ejusdem argumenti Tractatus, edente Bartholdo Nihusio. Colon, Agrip,^ 1653. 8vo. With title in Greek and Latin. ALMANACS. Merlini Anglici Ephemeris or Astrological Judgments for the year 1669 by William Lilly. Londo?i, 1669. i2mo. Bound up with the other almanacs of the year. Charles the Second's copy, in brown morocco, with his cypher on the corners and in the panels of the back. With MS. note, "Formerly in the Library of the celebrated John Evelyn at Wootton, Surrey: purchased at Upcott's sale, June 15, 1846, No. 14." Goldsmith. An Almanach for the year of our Lord God, 1678. London, 1678. 24mo. With MS. references to the Popish Plot, " 1678. S'. Edmunbury. 2 Sam., ch. 30. v. 33. Ye text was this, ' And the King lamented over Abbner.' Dr. Flidy prcche this S'. Edmunbury ffunerall sermon, St. Mary's. Oct. 31. Thursday." "Oxford ye 5 of November. Prech ye text this. Genesis, ch. 49. v. 5. 6. 7. * Simeon and Levi are brethren.' 1678." Black morocco, painted in red and white, with finely tooled gold border. The Ladies Diary: or the Womens Almanack. 1707. Apollo Anglicanus, by Richard Saunders, &c. London, 1707- i8mo. Bound with other almanacs for that year. This is No. 4 of the Ladies' Diaiy, containing "a short entertainment by the Blew-coat Boys of Babblelake," in celebration of Marl- borough's victory : " O Ramelis ! of most renouned Fame, The Allies glory and the Frenches Shame." Bound in black calf, with Queen Anne's cypher and crown in gold on the corners and in the panels of the back. Calendrier des Princes et de la Noblesse de France, &c. Paris y au Temple du GoUt, 1769. 12 mo. From the library of Gabriel de Sartine, Comte d'Albi : " L'ancien lieutenant-general de police avait reuni une collection prodigieuse de plaquettes sur I'histoire de Paris. Cette collection unique fut vendue sans catalogue et par lots a des libraires etrangers." Bound in red morocco, with the arms of de Sartine (three sardines) in gold on the sides. 6tat des gardes du corps du Roi pour I'Annce 1783. Paris, 1782, i8mo. Red mor., gilt, g.e. ALMANAC. 1678. ALMANACS— ANVILLE, 5 ALMANACS. The Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack, compiled by Samuel Watson, Bookseller, for the Year of our Lord, 1786. Containing the Days of the Year and Month, &c. The Names of the Lord Lieutenant, of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and of the Lords and Commons of Parliament. Dublin^ 1786. 12 mo. Bound in scarlet and white morocco, with device of harp, and foliage in gold, on sides. "With list of the owner's furniture: "Bedstead, coppying Box, Coulor box, 2 Banboxes, Spice-box, Umbrellas, Scrap books. Prayer Book." Calendrier de la Cour. 1787. 6trennes Nationales curieuses et instructives. 1787. 32mo. A woodcut, Red Indians with a cap of Liberty, is inscribed, •' Hommage des Americains ^ la France, sous le r^gne de Louis xvi., Pacificateur des deux Mondes." Red mor., gilt, g.e. Rider's British Merlin. Compiled for his Country's benefit by Cardanus Rider. London ^ 18 17. 12 mo. Red mor., g.e., silver clasps, •' AMPHION, The New. The New Amphion : being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair, in which are contained sundry Artistick, instructive, and diverting Matters, all now made publick for the first time. Edinburgh University Press ^ 1886. 3 2 mo. Containing contributions by A. Lang, R. L. Stevenson, and others, including R. Browning's song on the Tulips : *' Dance, yellows and whites and reds ! Lead your gay orgy, — leaves, stalks, heads, Astir with the wind in the tulip-beds ! " ANCORA, Gaetano d'. Guide du Voyageur pour les Antiquites et Curiosites Naturelles de Pouzol, etc. Naples^ 1792. 8vo. With portrait of " Maria Teresia," plates, and plans : and MS. note from Cicognara, ** Libretto assai ben fatto." ANDREW, GuDMUNDUS. Lexicon Islandicum, sive Gothicai Runa), vel linguae septentrionalis dictionarium : scriptum h, Gudmundo Andrese Islando, €t nunc tandem in lucem productum per Petrum Johan. Resenium. Havniie, 1683. 4to. With a portrait of Gudbrand the printer-bishop : also a portrait of Arngrim Widalin of Wididale : **from him all Icelandic Widalins, a goodly race of men, are descended." ANVILLE, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'» Geographic Ancienne abregee, par M. d'Anville, de 1' Academic Royale des Belles-Lettres. [Frontis- piece by Gravelot.] Paris, 1768. i2mo. 3 vols. From the Gibson-Craig Collection, Bound in French red morocco, g.e., with the arms of Gabriel de Saitine, Comte d'Albi, in gold on the sides. APPIAN—A RENES, APPIAN. Appiano Alessandrino delle guerre civili et esterne de Romani . . . Aggiuntoui alia fine un libro del medesimo, delle guerre di Spagna, non piu ueduto. [Aldine device.] Fwegia, Aldus, 1545. 2 vols. 8vo. Vellum, gilt. J| APULEIUS, Lucius, Madaurensis. L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, sive lusus Asini libri xi., &c. Isagogicus liber Platonicse philosophic per Alcinoum philosophura, graect; impressus. Nam maluimus hunc grcecum imprimere, quhm latinum . cum inepta tralalione cujusdam Epicopi Tropiensis barbarus esset. [Aldine device.] Ve?ieiiis, Aldus, 15 21. 8vo. •" Olive mor., g.e. S Luc. ApuMe de L'Ane Dore . . . Plus y a sus les 4. 5.6. liures traitans de Tamour de Cupido et de Psyches, xxxii. huictains mis en leur lieu, traduits, &c. Paris, Bonfons, 1586. 8vo. With woodcuts. From the Hamihon Palace Collection. m Blue mor., g.e. -^ Apuleii Madaurensis opera omnia quae exstant . . . Editio nova, Lugdun. Balav., 1623. 8vo. The most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Done into English by William Adlington of University College in Oxford. With a discourse on the fable by Andrew Lang, late of Merton College in Oxford. London, 1887. 8vo. Godescalci Stewechi Heusdani in L. Apuleii opera omnia quoestiones et conjecturae. [Device.] Atitverpice, Ex officinh Christophori Plantini, 1586. 8vo, From the library of J. A. De Thou. With his arms and those of his first wife (m. 1587) in gold on sides, and his monogram on the panels of the back. This book bel mged to M. Boissonade after the dispersion of the library in 1788. A clause in De Thou's will, forbidding its sale, kept most of the books together for more than 170 years. *' l>iI)liothecam meam XL. amplius annorum spatio magna diligentia ac sumptu congestam . . . dividi vendi ac dissipari veto." Calf, gilt. ARENES, Antoine d*. Ant. De Areni Provengalis, de bragardissima Villa de soleriis, Ad Suos Compagnones studiantes, qui sunt de personis friantes, bassas Dansas et Branlos practicantes, &c. [Device: the Peacock.] Stampatus in Stampaturd, Stampatorum, 1670. i2mo. The first part deals with dancing. The poet leaves the Siege of Naples for Soliers, where his house, "rOustourarie," still stands by the Toulon Road : *• Et quia passavi per guerras mille dolores, Ad gayas dansas me retirare volo." The volume also contains his half-serious poem, " De Bello Huguenotico." The second part, entitled •* Nova Novorum Novissima," was written by Bartholoraeo CoUa, in a mixture of Macaronic Latin and Bcrgamasquc. GODE80ALCU8 IN APULEIUM. 1586. > ARNAULD. 1664. ARGENS—ARNAULD, ^ 7 ARGENS, Jean Baptiste de Boyer. Lettres Morales et Critiques sur les diflcrens etats, et les diverses occupations, des hommes. Par M*". le Marquis d'Argens. Amsterdam, 1737. 8vo. With the arms of the Infante Don Gabriel in gold on the sides. ' Old calf, gilt. ARISTyENETUS. Arista^neti Epistolae Graeca2 cum versione Latina. Trajccti ad Rhenum, 1737. De Pauw's edition. From the library of the Rev, Theodore Williams, with his signature, and arms in gold on sides. Green mor., g.e. Double in white. Lettres galantes d'Aristinbte, traduites du Grec, par Alain Ren(5 Le Sage. Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrig^e. Lille, s.a. i2mo. Bound with the " Les fiphesiaques de Xenophon Ephesien." ARISTOPHANES. Aristophanis Comcedise novem cum Commentariis Antiquis admodum utilibus, duaeque sine Commentariis. Basilece, in Officind Frobeniand, An. 1547. fol. With title in Greek and Latin, containing a list of the plays and an epigram. On the title-page "Ex dono Anthonii Cooke, Militis, Rob. Le Grys, 1764"; with an autograph letter from D'. Parr to M'. Le Grys inserted. • Aristophanis Comoedise ex optimis exemplaribus emendatse, studio R. F. P. Brunck, Argentoratensis. Argentorati, 178 1-3. 8vo. 4 vols. Russia, gilt ARISTOTLE. Autoritates Aristotelis, Senece, Boecii, Platonis, Appulei Affricani, Porphirii, et Gilberti Porritani. Daventrice, 1489. 4to. Bound with the ' Boethius, De Consolatione,' of 1491. ARNAND, Francois THfeoDORE M. de Baculard d'. Le Comte de Comminges, ou les Amans Malheureux. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1768. 8vo. Bound with the author's " Euphemie " of the same date. With plates by Marillicr and Restou. Old French calf, gilt. ARNAULD, Antoine. La Logique ou L'Art de Penser : Contenant, outre les Regies communes Plusieurs Observations nouvelles, propres ^ former le Jugement Seconde Edition, reveue & augmentee. [Device : the Virtues.] Fai-is, chcz Charles Savreux, au pied de la Tour de Nostre Dame, d l^enseigne des trois Vertus, 1664. 12 mo. Known as the " Portroyal Logic." The preface is preceded by a list of errata : «*Fautes a corriger avant que de lire." From Count d'Hoym's library, with his first arms, and the Polish White Eagle, on the sides. According to the priced catalogue, it sold for 6 liv. 4 sols, at his sale. Bound by Boyer in citron morocco, with marbled edges gilt. 8 ARNOBIUS—ATHENALUS. ARNOCIUS. Arnobii disputationum adversus gentes libri septem. Antwerp,, Plant in, 1582. 8vo. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. "With the cypher and arms of Antoine Barillon de Morangis (d. 1686). According to Guigard, ** Cet amateur possedait une riche Biblio- th^que, dont la plus grande partie lui venait de son pcre le President Barillon*" ARNOLD, Matthew. Poems. By Matthew Arnold, Second Series. London, 1855. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author to Miss Marianne Sugden. With his autograph inscription. Green mor. - Poems. By M.Arnold. Third Edition. London, \Z^i, 8vo. With the author's autograph inscription. Green mor. ARRIAN. The Voyage of Nearchus from the Indies to the Euphrates, collected from the original journal preserved by Arrian, and illustrated by authorities, ancient and modern. By William Vincent. London, 1798. 4to. Maps and plates. ARTEMIDORUS. Artemidorus, De Somniorum interpretations Lugduni, Gryphius, 1546. 4to. From the Bibliotheca Thuana ; J. A. de Thou's copy, with his (first) arms stamped in gold on the sides. On the back is the monogram of Charron de Menars, who acquired a great part of the library in 1680. On the fly-leaf is a faintly impressed note, "J. A. Mahc de Pare. Ce que je veux je ne puis, ce que je puis je ne veux. Je porteray en ma devise mon cceur, mon nom ne changera jamay." Calf, gilt. ASCHAM, Antony. A Discourse : wherein is examined what is particularly lawfuU during the Confusions and Revolutions of Government. By Ant. Ascham, Gent London, 1648. 8vo. Calf, gilt ASSER, Menevensis. Annales rerum gestarum ^Elfredi Magni. Auctore Asserio Menevensi recensuit Franciscus Wise. Oxonii, 1720. 8vo. With a portrait of Alfred, and other plates. Red mor., g.e, ATHEN.^2US. Athenseus. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Venetiis, apiid Aldum, et Andrea in Socerurn, mens e Augusta, 15 14. fol. Editio princeps, with full Greek title, describing the difficulties which led Aldus and Musurus into their " numerous errors and unaccountable omissions." Vellum. * Athenaei Dipnosophistarum, hoc est argutb scit^que in convivio disserentium, Libri XV. [Device : the Parrot.] Basil., Valder us, i^^i^, fol. Bound in red morocco, stamped all over with fxCur-de-Iys in gold. AURELIUS ANTONINUS. 1560. AUSONIUS. 1575. A UBIGNE—A USONIUS. 9 AUBIGNE, THfioDORE Agrippa d*. Les Avantures du Baron de Fceneste, comprises en quatre parties. Au Dezert, imprimes aux depens de TAutheur^ 1640. 8vo. The printer clmms the whole credit of the work : *' II m'en est due plus qu'i I'Autheur, lequel ayant perdus ses humeurs gaillardes, ou par I'aage ou pour les afflictions, avoit con- damn6 au feu ce dernier livre." From the Gaisford Collection, with a note by M'. Gaisford, that "^the Moyen de Parvenir has also been attributed to D'Aubign^." AURELIUS ANTONINUS, Marcus. Vita Di M. Aurelio Imperadore , . . tradotta di Spangnuolo in lingua Toscana per Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano. Romaj i^^2, 8vo. - ; / ,; Aureo Libro di Marco Aurelio, con I'Horologio de Principi, in tre volumi. Composto per II Molto Reuerendo Signor Don Antonio de Guevara, uescouo di Mondognedo, Predicatore, & scrittore delle chroniche della Maesta Cesarea . . . [Device.] In Vinegia appresso Francesco Portonaris da TrinOy 1560. 4to. Bound for Jean Grolier in red morocco, with arabesques, fleurs-de-lys, and interlaced branches in gold. On the front cover is the inscription : — J O. G R. AMICO D. D. D. EURIALO SILVESTRI stamped in gold, and on the other side : — " • EURIALO SILVESTRI. Gauffred edges. The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, newly translated from the Greek : with notes, and an account of his Life. Glasgow y Foulisy 1794. 8vo. 2 vols. AURELIUS VICTOR, Sextus. Historiai Romanse Breviarium. Trajecti ad Rhenum^ 1696. 8vo. Variorum edition, with the notes of "Anna Tanaquili Fabri filia," better known as Madame Dacier. From the Osterley Park Collection. AUSONIUS, Decius Magnus. Ausonius. [Aldine device.] Venctiis, in cBdibus Aldi^ et AndrecR Soceri^ mense Noveitibri^ 15 17- 8vo. Vellum. D. Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis . . , opera. Recognita sunt ^ Josepho Scaligero, &c. [Device.] Lugdun.., apud Ant. Gryphiiim^ 1575. 8vo. Old Lyonnese stamped calf binding, gilt, with gilt and gauffred edges, lettered on the sides •*LVDD.S.P."and "A.C.C. Par. R." D. Mag. Ausonii Burd. Opera. J. Tollius M.D., recensuit. Amstelodami^ 1671. 8vo. The Varioium edition ; with engraved frontispiece. From the Osterley Park Collection. 1 ' 'M P« 1632. ACON, Francis. The Essayes or Counsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. Newly enlarged. London, Printed by John Haviland, in the Utile old Bayly, 4to. Calf, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. " Katherine Chamberlin Her Book 169!," on last page. Franc. Baconi de Verulamio Historia Regni Henrici Septimi i2mo. Angliae Regis Opus vere politicum. Lug. Batavor., 1642. Brown mor., g.e., by Chatelin. Scripta in Naturali et Vniuersali Philosophia. [Device.] Amstelod., apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1653. 12 mo. M'. Goldsmid has shown that Louis Elzevier only printed the last gathering and six preliminary leaves, including the engraved title. The remainder was probably printed by I. de Jonge. Brown mor., g.e., by Chatelin. Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, oeconomici : sive interiora rerum. Accedunt Faber Fortunce, Colores boni et mali, &c. Amstelodamiy Ex officina Elzeviriajia, 1662. 12 mo. Brown mor., gilt, g.e., by Chatelin. BAIF, Jan Antoine de. Les Mimes, enseignemens et proverbes de Ian Antoine de Baif. Reueus & augmentez en ceste derniere edition. A Paris, Par Matnert Patisson Lmprimeur du I\oy, Chez Rob, Estiefine, 1597. 8vo. With autograph letter, signed by De Baif, inserted. *' Monseigneur, Monseigneur d'Auxerre, Ambassadeur Le Roy vers nostre saint pere. *' Monseigneur pour ce que le porteur de la presente, nomme maistre ysidore de padova, a quelques affaires li Rome, m'a faict pryer par aulcuns miens amys de luy faire la presente de raccommandation, ce que ne leur ay peu reffuser car il est homme qui le vault. Et prandray le hardiesse de vous pryer derechef que luy veuilliez ayder et porter faueur en tout ce qu'il vous sera possible. Et ce faisaiit vous me obligcrez a vous faire le semblable si le cas y eschet. ** Monseigneur je supplye le Createur vous donner en seurte tres bonne et longue vye. De Venyse ce xxiv. d'apuril. " Tres humble seruiteur, Jan An t. de Baif. " Red mor., g e. jl BAILLET-^BALLADS. • ii \ '-'BAILLET, Adrien. Jugemen des Sgavans sur les principaux ouvrages [ (lesauteurs. jP^m, 1685. i2mo. 4 vols. '■ T?y Andrew Baillct, the •* learned and indefatigable librarian of Lamoignon." This is the Chancellor Lamoignon's own copy. In red morocco, the Lamoignon arms in gold on the sides. BALDUINUS, Benedictus. B. Balduini Calceus Antiquus et Mysticus, et Jul. Nigronus de Caliga veterum . . . [Device.] Lugd. Bat., 171 1. i2mo. Engraved titlepage and plates. Calf, gilt. ^'-_ BALLADS. Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. By Walter Scott, Esq. Edinburgh, 1806. 8vo. Ballads published in the Tales of Wonder and Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, *' now *.' .^rst collected into one volume." Russia. Eight Ballads on the Fictions of the Ancient Irish. [Privately pr'mtcd, London, ca, 1824.] 12 mo. By Richard Ryan. Bound with his ** Poems on Sacred Subjects," pul)lished in the same year. Some of the poems indexed lor the first part are printed in the second, and vice versd. Songs and Ballads, with other short poems, chiefly of the reign of Philip and Mary. Edited from a manuscript in the Ashmolean Museum, by Thomas Wright. London, i860. 4to. Published by the Roxburghe Club. A Lennox Garland : gleaned from divers fields of Scottish Poesy. Printed for J, J, at the Cross at Dumbarton, In this present year, i860. 8vo. With memorandum on the fly-leaf: •' 10 printed for sale, 20 for presents." Printed in black letter. Calf, gilt, by Bedford. • The Ballad Book. A selection of the choicest British Ballads, edited by William Allingham, Author of " Day and Night Songs," &c. [Vignette by J. H. Baton.] London &* Cambridge, Macmillaii, 1864. 8vo. Brown mor., gilt, by Ramage. A Collection of seventy-nine Black-Letter Ballads and Broad- sides, printed in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, between the years 1559 and 1597. Accompanied with an introduction and illustrative notes. London, 1867. 8vo. Bound by Bedford, and purchased at his sale. Calf, gilt, g.e. The Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Edited by the Hon. Charles Gavan Duffy. Dublin, 1869. 8vo. 12 BANDURI—BARTHEZ. BANDURI, Anselmo. Imperium Orientale sive Antiquitates Con- stantinopolitanae in quatuor partes distributae. Paris ^ 17 ii. fol. 2 vols. Engraved title, plates, and maps. With careful studies from the "Storied column," set up in honour of the victories of Theodosius over the Goths. The column was destroyed about two centuries ago. From the Earl of Hopetoun's Collection. Vellum. BANVILLE, Theodore de. Trente-Six Ballades Joyeuses. Par Theodore de Banville. Prdceddes d'une histoire de la Ballade. Par Charles Asselineau. Paris ^ 1873. 8vo. BARB6 de MARBOIS, Francois de. Voyage d'un frangais aux Salines de Bavibre et de Salzbourg en 1776. Paris ^ An. 5. i2mo. BARCLAY, John. Jo. Barclaii Argenis. Editio novissima. Cum clave, hoc est, nominum propriorum elucidatione hactenus noiidum edita. Lugd. Bat, Ex officina Elzeviriana^ Anno 1630. 12 mo. The third and best of the editions bearing this date. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. BARCLAY, Robert. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by the people called, in scorn, Quakers . . . Presented to the King. Written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay, and since translated into High Dutch, Low Dutch, French, and Spanish, for the information of strangers. The sixth edition in English. [Texts.] London^ Printed and sold * * , at the Bible in George Yard, Lombard Street, 1731. 8vo. Old brown mor., gilt, g.e. Large paper copy. BARDI, GiROLAMo. Delle Cose Notabili della Citt^ di Venetia, Libri 11. Nei quali si contengono Usanze antiche, Habiti et vestiti, &c. Fatta da Girolamo Bardi Fiorentino. [Device.] In Venetia, Appresso Felice Valgrisio, 1587. 12 mo. With Bardi's " Dichiaratione di tutte le istorie," &c., in an Appendix, separately paged. Vellum. BAROTTI, Giovanni Andrea. Memorie istoriche di Letterati Ferraresi. Opera postuma. Ferrara, i^j^j^j. fol. Frontispiece and plates, including views of Ferrara. BARTHEZ, Paul Joseph. Nouveaux elements de la Science de r Homme. Par M. Barthez, Chancelier de TUniversite de Medecine de Montpellier, &c. Montpellier, 1778. 8vo. By an eminent physician, of whom it v/as said, by his rival Bouvart, that "steeped in all the sciences, he even knew a little of medicine." Red mor., g.e. BARTHOLINUS—BELm. 13 BARTHO LINUS, Thomas. Antiquitatum Danicarum de causis con- temptae \ Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres. Hafjtice^ 1689. 4to. Calf, gilt. BATTELEY, John. Antiquitates Rutupinse, Autore Joanne Batteley, S.T.P. OxonicB^ 1745. 4to. With vignette of Richborough, plates, and maps. BATTEUX, Charles. Les Beaux Arts reduits k un meme principc. Paris ^ 1746. 8vo. Vignettes by Eisen. Goethe criticised, as ** the half-truth of Batteux," the saying that " Art consists in the imitation of Nature." French calf, gilt. BAYLE, Pierre. Dictionaire Historique et Critique par Monsieur Bayle. Seconde Edition. Rotterdam^ 1702. folio. 3 vols. BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre Augustin Caron de. La Folle Journ^e, ou le mariage de Figaro, com^die en cinq actes, en prose, par M. de Beau- marchais. Representee pour la premiere fois par les Comediens Frangais ordinaires du Roi, le Mardi 27 Avril 1784. [Device.] Seconde Edition. Au Palais-Royal^ 1*]%^, 8vo. With five engravings by St. Quentin. BEAUMONT, Francis, and FLETCHER, John. The Maids Tragedy, as it hath been divers times acted at the Black-Friers, by the King's Majesties Servants. Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. The sixth impression, revised and corrected exactly by the original. London, 1661. 4to. Another "6th impression" was issued in 1650. *BECCARIA, Cesare Bonesana, Marchcse di. Traits des Delits et des Peines, traduit de I'ltalien d'aprbs la troisibme edition. Revue, corrig^e & augmentee. Avec des additions de I'Auteur, qui n'ont pas encore paru en Italien. Nouvelle edition, plus correcte que les precedentes, & avec le Commentaire. [Vignette.] A Philadelphie, chez John Robert, Imprimeur du Congrls General, 1775. i2mo. The first Philadelphian issue of Morellet's translation appeared in 1766. This seems to be an American issue of the translation by Challon de Lisy, printed in 1773. *BELIN, Jean Albert. Traitd des Talismans, ou Figures Astrales : dans lequel est monstre que leurs effets, & vertus admirables sont naturelles, & enseigne la maniere de les faire & de s'en servir avec un profit & advantage merveilleux. Troisi^me edition. A Paris, chez Pierre de Bresche et Jacques de Laize de Bresche, 1 67 1. 1 2mo. The book is dedicated "a Monsieur le chevalier D'Igby, Chancelier de la reyne de la Grande Bretagne." Calf, gilt. 14 BELL EA U-^BENI VI EN I BELLEAU, Remi. La Bergerie de R. Belleau, divisde en une prcmibre et seconde journde. [Device.] A Paris ^ chez Gllles Gillcs, Rue S. Jean de Latrafi,atix trois Couronnes^ 1572. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Trautz-Bauzonnet. BELLINGER, Fleury de. L'dtymologie ou explication des Proverbes Francois divisee en trois livres par chapitres, en forme de dialogue . . . Par Fleury de Bellinger. A La Haye, c/iez Adrian Vlacq^ 1656. 8vo. From the Gaisford Collection. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Bedford. BELLORI, Giovanni Pietro. Notae in Numismata, turn Ephesia turn aliarum Urbium, apibus illustrata. Roinoi^ 1658. 4to. With plates of ancient Greek coins, stamped with the figures of Bees. — . Veteres Arcus Augustorum triumphis insignes ex reliquiis quas Romgj adhuc supersunt cum Imaginibus Triumphalibus restituti antiquis nummis notisque lo. Petri Bellorii illustrati. Nunc primum per lo. lacobum de Rubeis seneis typis vulgati. Romce^ ad TemJ)lum sandce Maria de Pace^ 1690. fol. From the library of Augustus Frederic, Duke of Sussex, ■ Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata, ejus rebus gestis in Germania, &c., brevibus notis lo. Petri Bellorii illustrata. Et \ Petro Sancto Bartolo juxta delineationes in Bibliotheca Barberina asservatas . . . sere incisa. Iterum in lucem prodit. Romce^ ex Chakographia Domifiici de Rubeis ad Templum S. Marice de Pace^ 1704. fol. From the library of Augustus Frederic, Duke of Sussex. BEMBO, Pietro, CardiftaL Gliasolani di Messer Pietro Bembo. Colophon : Impressi in Venetia 7ielle case d^Aldo Romano nel anno 1505 del mese di Marzo ; con la concessione della Jllustrissinia Signoria nostra, etc, 8vo. One of the copies issued without the dedication to Lucretia Borgia. With the Aldine anchor on the last leaf. From the Gaisford Collection. " D'. Wellesley tells me that 'lis more unusual to find this vol. without the Aldine anchor than with it."— M'. Gaisford's note. BENIVIENI, GiROLAMO. Opere di Girolamo Benivieni Firentino nouissamente riuedute et da molti errori espurgate con una cazona dello Amor celeste & diuino, col cSmeto dello 111. S. Conte Giouani Pico- Mirandolano distinto in Libbri. III., et altre Frottole de diuersi Auttori. Colophon : Stampato in Venegia per Gregorio de Gregori, Nellanno del nostra Signore 1^24. A. di iS de Aprile. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e. '* E libris Robcrti Samuclis Turner." BERN A RD—BE YER. 1 5 BERNARD, Jean FRfiofiRic. Mdmoires de Giii Joly Conseiller an Chatelet, &c. Contenant I'Histoire de la Rdgencc d'Anne d'Autriche & des I premibres Annees de la majoritd de Louis XV., jusqu'en 1666 . . . Nouvelle I edition. A Amsterdam, chez Jean Frederic Bernard, 1738-9. 8vo. I 2 vols. Calf, gilt. Memoires de Madame la Duchesse de Nemours : contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus particulier en France pendant la Guerre de Paris, jusqu'k la prison du Cardinal de Rets en 1652, avec les differens caracteres des Personnes de la Cour. A Amsterdatn, chez Jeaii Frederic Bernard, 1738. Bound as vol. 3 of the " Memoires de Gui Joly." BERNARD, Pierre Joseph. (Euvres completes de M. Bernard. Nouvelle Edition. Avec figures. A Paris, 1793, an, 3°. 8vo. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. BERNHARDT, Sarah. Dans les Nuages. Impressions d'une Chaise. Recit recueilli par Sarah Bernhardt. Illustrd par Georges Clairin. Paris, Charpentier, s.a. 4to. " Elle ni'enfon9a vingt-deux clous dorcs dans la poitrine. A chacun d'eux ellc accrocha une medaille sur laquelle etaient ecrits ces mots : Souvenir de mon Ascension dans le Grand Ballon capttf dr vapeur de M. Henri Giffard." BEROALDUS, Philip. Declamatio lepidissima Ebriosi Scortatoris Aleatoris de viciositate Disceptantium : Condita a Philippo Beroaldo. [Device.] Colophon : l77ipressnm Parisiis in Vico Sancti Jacobi per Anthonium Bonemerep dyonisio Roce commorante in eodem vico sub Signo Div, Martini, anno dni millesimo quingefttesimo viii. (1508). 4to. ** This work was written by Philip Beroaldus, the Elder {1453-1505). His Declamation, for which it is said ' his early life furnished ample materials,' was paraphrased by Calvi de la Fontaine, Paris, 1556, and in French verse by Gilbert Damalis, Lyons, 1558." *BERQUIN, Arnaud. The Looking-Glass for the Mind ; or intellectual Mirror j being an elegant collection of the most delightful little stories and interesting tales, chiefly translated from that much admired work "L'Ami des Enfans.' With seventy-four cuts, designed and engraved on wood by T. Bewick. London, Newbery, 1796. 8vo. BEYER, Augustus. M. Augusti Beyeri Memoriae Historico-Critica^ Librorum Rariorum. Accedunt Evangeli Cosmopolitani notae ad Jo. Burch Menckenii De Charletaneria Eruditorum Declamationes, &c. Presdce 6^ Lipsioi, 1734. 8vo. From the Hamilton Palace Collection. 1 6 ^ BEZE— BIBLE, BfeZE, Theodore de. Theodori Bezoe Vezelii Pocmata varia. Sylvce Elegise . . . Cato Censorius, Abrahamus Sacrificans, Canticum Canticorum. Omnia ab ipso Auctore in unum nunc Corpus collecta et recognita. Accessit Jac. Lectii Jonah seu poetica paraphrasis ad eum vatem. Ex typographic Jacobi StoeTy [ Gcneva^'l 1 6 1 4. 12 mo. BIBLE, Holy. [Biblia Vulgatse Editionis.] Colophon : Exadum est iftdytd in urbe venetiaru sacro sandu biblie volumen integerriniis Utterarum caraderibus Magistri Johannis didi 7nagni : Herbert de Selgenstat aleitiani : qui salva dium pace ausunt illud affirmare : ceteros facile omnes hac tcrnpcstate supereminet, Olympiadibus dominicis. An, do, 1484, pridie kalendas Maij, 4to. One of the editions with the verses " Fontibus ex Groecis," &c., at the end. From the library of Francesco Scipioue Maffei (1675-1755), with his autograph signature and notes. " Questo libro appartenne a Scipione Maffei, Verona," Red mor., g.e. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New, newly translated out of the Original Tongue and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesties special command appointed to be read in Churches. Lofidon^ Baskett, 1 7 1 2. 8vo. Bound with the Prayer-book of 17 13 in an embroidered binding, with patterns in silver- wire and needle-work, representing a lady and gentleman of the Restoration period. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. With notes by the Editor. Bristol, 1803. 24mo. On the false title: "Parsons's Bible. With notes. To be had of the Proprietor, No. 29, Clare Street, Bristol." Edward's Diamond Edition. Red mor., gilt. , Septuagint. Vetus Testamentum Grcecum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum juxta exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum. Canta- brigicB, 1665. i2mo. With the Greek title (mis-spelt) prefixed. Benjamin Franklin's copy, with his autograph, the initials B. F. on title, and the words " Benjamin " and "cost six shillings" written in Greek characters on the fly-leaf and inside of cover. On the covers and back are the initials C. C. for * Cheshunt College.' , Kings. Reges. Paralipomena. [ParisiiSf Robertus Stepha- nus^ s,a, 8vo. The Books of the Kings and Chronicles in Hebrew, with Hebrew and Latin title. •, Psalms. Gabrielis Brebiae Expositio in Psalmos. Mediolaniy 1477. 4to. Liber Psalmorum. With Rubric and initials in red. The Psalms are followed by a Hymnal ; " Hymni qui in vesperis matutinis atque aliis horis canonicis in ecclesia dei per totum annum leguntur." ParisiiSj ex officinC Dionysii Janottii, s.a. 8vo. From the Horwood Collection. Given to M', Horwood by Sir H. Bedingfield. SPANISH NEW TESTAMENT. 1556. BIBLE. 17 BIBLE, Psalms, The whole Booke of Davids Psalmes both in Prose and Meetre with apt notes to sing them withall. Printed by W. S. for the Company of Stationers^ London^ 163 1. 8vo. Contemporary stamped calf binding, wiih gold devices, and gilt gauffred edges. From M'. Fry's collection. "Fine and sound copy Perfect, last leaf facsimul, correct, F. Fry." , Books of Solomon. Libri Salomonis Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica Canticorum, Sapientia, Ecclesiasticus, Cum notis Jacobi Benigni Bossuet, Episcopi Meldensis. Accesserunt ejusdem supplenda in Psalmos. Paris ^ 1693. ^vo. The Lamoignon copy, with the plate of the " Bibliotheca Lamoniana." Red mor., g. e, , New Testament. El Testamento Nuevo de nuestro senor y Salvador lesu Christo. Nueua y fielmente traduzido del original Griego en romance Castellano. En Venecia^ en casa de luan Philadelpho^ 1556. 8vo. The translation by J. Perez, almost entirely suppressed by the Inquisition. In the original Venetian calf binding, stamped in the Grolier style, gilt, and with gilt and gauffred edges. With the autograph of * Lisle Chandieu, 1665,' . Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi i Grseco-Latinum, Theodoro Beza interprete. Editio nova & accurata. I Tiguriy ex Typographceo Bodi7teriano y i6ti. 8vo. With title in Greek and Latin. Vellum, Le Nouveau Testament, c'est h, dire, La Nouvelle Alliance de nostre Seigneur lesus-Christ. [Device.] Se vend d Charenton, par Estienne Lucas ^ Marchand Libraire^ demeurant a Paris rue Chartiere^ prh le Puits Certain^ a la Bible dOr^ 1678. i2mo. One of the Huguenot editions : probably printed at Sedan. The device is the figure of a book on a shelf, open at the words " Recherchez au livre de I'Eternel et lisez. Esaie Chap. 34. Vers. 16." On the fly-leaf is a note: "This book belong'd to Addison, and was bought at his Sale, May, 1799, at Leigh and Sotheby's by M'. Jas. Payne ; the binding is most probably by Du Seuil." It is entered in a priced copy of the Sale Catalogue at the British Museum as ** 108. Nouveau Testament, feuilles dorees. Charentoriy 1678. 5/6. Payne.'' Old olive mor., g.e. Het Nieuwe Testament ofte Alle Boecken des Nieuwen Verbonts onses Heeren Jesu Christi . . . Endc Door gemeene ordre der Kercke van Druckfauten verbetert. Te Utrecht^ 1740. i2mo. With the Psalms set to music, and forms of Common Prayer, The second part inchules ' De 150 Psalmen des Piophcten Davids, met andere Lof-zangen.' Old calf, gilt, g.c. C I a BIBLE—BOARDMAN. BIBLE, New Testament. Novum Testamentum ... in quo selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi Testamenti voces continentur, asteriscis notantur, &c. Auctore Johanne Leusden. Lugdimi Batavorum^ \']()<^. 8vo. Calf, gilt. BIDPAI. Contes et Fables Indiennes, de Bidpai et de Lokman ; traduites d'Ali Tchelebi-ben-Saleh, auteur turc. Ouvrage commence par feu M. Galland, contimie & fini par M. Cardonne, &c. Paris ^ 1778. i2mo." 3 vols. Old French calf, gilt. BILIJNGSLEY, John. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Somerset, with observations on the means of its improvement. By John Billingsley, Esq., of Ashwick Grove, near Shepton Mallet. Bath^ 1798. 8vo. With maps and plates. BLACKBURN, Henry. Breton Folk. An artistic tour in Brittany by Henry Blackburn, with one hundred and seventy illustrations by R. Caldecott. London, 1880. 8vo. The first edition. Bound in Japanese brocade. BLAKE, William. Visions of the Daughters of Albion. " The eye sees more than the heart knows." William Blake, 1793 (1885). 4to. Re-printed in facsimile. Limited edition. "" Red mor., by Zaehnsdorf. BLONDEL, David. A Treatise of the Sibyls, so highly celebrated, as well by the Antient Heathens, as the Holy Fathers of the Church. Written originally by David Blondel; Englished by J. D. Printed by T, P. for the Aitthour, London, 1661, fol. With dedication " To the worthy of all Honour Sir Edward Maunsell of Morgann in the County of Glamorgan and Sir Edward Maunsell of Mudlescomb in the County of Car- marthen, Baronets," by the translator, John Davies. With a Catalogue of books printed for John Starkey, "Bookseller at the Miter in Fleet-Street," including Milton's *' Tetrachordon," *' Paradise Regain'd, to which is added Samson Agonistes," and ** Accidence Cotmuenc'd Grammar^ aud supplied with sufficient Rules ; or a new and easie method for the learning of the Latim iongiie. The Author John Mtlton. in twelves, price bound 8 * * C 2 20 BOETHIUS—BOSSUET. " Vinuni super omnia bonum diligamus, Nam purgamus vitia dum vinum potamus, Dum nobis est in copia vinum, turn clamamus, Tu qui es in gloria, te deum laudamus." The form * Fasculinum ' must be due to a Welsh Scribe. BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus. An. Man!. Serv. Boetii. Consolationis Philosophise libri v. Ejusd. opuscula sacra auctiora. Renatus Vallinus recensuit & notis illustravit. [Engraved title.] Lugd, Batavorufriy apud Franciscum Hackium^ A° 1656. 8vo. Brown mor., g.e., by Chatelin. BOILEAU, Nicolas-Despr6aux. CEuvres de M. Boileau Desprdaux. Londres^ 1780. 12 mo. 2 vols. Edition Cazin, with frontispiece and portrait. BONA, John, Cardinal. De la Preparation \ la Mort Opuscule du Cardinal Bona, traduit du latin en frangais par Messire Robert-Frangois Joseph Lemaire, Chevalier, &c. Douay^ 177 1. 8vo. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. BONAVENTURA, Saint [Giovanni Fidenza]. Dieta Salutis a beato bonaventura ultimate emendatum ac parisius noviter impressum. [Device.] Colophon : Parisius impressus^ Anno domini millesitno quingentcsinw seamdo, septimo die mensis Februarii (1502). 8vo. The ascription of this work to St. Bonaventura is of very doubtful authority. BORGHINI, Raffaello. II Reposo di Raffaello Borghini. Fiorenza, 1584. 8vo. BORRIONI, Splandiano. Peregrinaggio di Gerusalemme, Poema. Roma, Mascardi, 16 10. 8vo. BOSSCHE, WiLHELM Van den. Historia medica, in qua libris iv. Animalium Natura et eorum medica utilitas exactb & luculenter tractantur. Cum iconibus eorum, ad vivum delineatis. Auctore GuiHelmo van den Bossche . . . [Device.] BruxellcB, typis Joannis Mommarti, 16^^. 4to. Calf, with the arms of J. A. de Thou, quartered with those of his second wife, stamped in gold on the sides, and their cypher on the panels of the back, with the addition of the Urn and Flowers, denoting that the book belonged to Fran9ois Auguste de Thou. BOSSUET, Jacques Benigne. Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle ^ Monseigneur le Dauphin : pour expliquer la suite de la Religion, et les changements des Empires. Premiere partie . . . Par Messire Jacques-Benigne Bossuet, Eveque de Meaux. — Suite de I'Histoire Universelle — Seconde partie. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, i^ $2. 8vo. Old red mor., gilt. BOS WELL—BOUFFLERS. 2? BOSWELL, James. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By James Boswell, Esq. Containing some poetical pieces by Dr. Johnson relative to the tour, ... a series of his conversations, &c., with an authentick account of the distresses and escapes of the grandson of King James II. in the year 1746. [Crest, and motto: 'Vraye Foy, J. B.'] London, 1785. 8vo. The first edition, The Life of Samuel Johnson. LL.D. Comprehending an Account of his Studies and numerous Works, in chronological order ; a series of his Epistolary Correspondence & Conversations with many eminent persons; and various Original Pieces of his composition never before published. The whole exhibiting a view of literature and literary men in Great Britain, for near half a century, during which he flourished. In two volumes. By James Boswell, Esq. [Portrait.] London, i79i' 4to. 2 vols. The first edition. Boswell's Life of Johnson; including their Tour to the Hebrides. By the Right Honourable John Wilson Croker, LL.D., F.R.S. A new edition, with much additional matter, with portraits. London, 185 1. 8vo. With facsimile of the title of the one-volume edition of 1847 and portrait of James Boswell, engraved by F. Holl from a sketch by Sir Thomas Lawrence. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. ; including a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides. By James Boswell, Esq. New Edition, with numerous additions and notes by the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, M.P., &c. London ^ 1856. 8vo. 10 vols. BOTFIELD, Beriah. Praefationes et Epistolse editionibus principibus Auctorum Veterum praepositae. Curante Beriah Botfield, A.M. Cantabrigice, € prelo Academico, 1861. 4to. Inscription: " From Beriah Botfield, Esq"., 18. 11. 1862." BOUCHOT, Henri. Les Reliures d'Art \ la Bibliothfeque Nationale. Par Henri Bouchot, du Cabinet des Etampes. Quatre-vingt planches, reproduites d'apres les originaux par Aron Freres. Paris, E, Rotiveyre, 1888. 4to. No, 316 of the limited edition. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Birdsall. *BOUFFLERS, Stanislas Jean de. Marquis, Poesies et pieces fugitives diverses de M. le Chevalier de B. , . . Paris, 1782. 8vo. French calf, gilt. 22 BO UGEA NT— BRA CHELIUS. *BOUGEANT, Guillaume HvAdiNTHE. Amusement philosophique sur le langage des bestes. Nouvelle Edition, augment^e, .&c. Amsterdam, 1750. 8vo. French calf, gilt. *BOUHOURS, Dominique. Pensees Ingt^nieuses des Anciens et des Modernes, Recueillies par le P. B. . . . Nouvelle edition augmentee. [Device.] A Paris, chez la veuve de Sehastien Mabre Cramoisy, Imprimeur du Roy, rue Saint Jacques, aux Cicognes, 1692. 121110. With frontispiece by Schoonebeck. BOURDIGNE, Charles. La Ldgende de Maistre Pierre Faifeu, mise en Vers, par Charles Bourdignd. Pa7'is, 1723. 8vo. From the collection of Mr. E. L. S. Benzon. Calf, gilt. BOURNE, Vincent. Poemata, Latine partim reddita, partim scripta : a V. Bourne, Collegii Trinitatis apud Cantabrigienses aliquando Socio. Lo?idini, 1734. 8vo. With signature of *♦ W. G. Ward. Oct'. 2, 1827." Black mor., gilt, g.e. BOUTERWEK, Frederick. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. By Frederick Bouterwek. Translated from the original German, by Thomasina Ross. London, 1823. 8vo. 2 vols. BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius. Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Originum Gallicarum liber. . .Cui accedit antiquae linguae Britannicse lexicon Britannico- latinum, cum adjectis & insertis ejusdem authoris adagiis Britannicis sapientise veterum Druidum reliquiis & aliis Antiquitatis Britannicse Gallicasque nonnullis monumentis. [Device : the Sphere.] Amstelodami, apud Joannem Janssonium, 1654. 4to. BRACHELIUS, Adolphus. Adolphi Brachelii Historiarum Nostri Temporis editio ultima in duas partes divisa. Prioribus multo emendatior, et continuata in Annum 1654. diversis variorum Principum et Virorum Illustrium Figuris exornata. Adjuncti in Fine Articuli Pacis inter Anglos & Belgas, cum Iconibus praecipuorum Maris Prsefectorum. [Device : Pallas with the Olive tree.] Amstelodami, apud Jacobum van Meurs Calco- graphum, Prostant apud Joh. Jattssoniuvd junior., 1655. i2mo. 2 vols. With engraved false titles, differing in the two volumes. Among the portraits in vol. i are those of the Emperors Matthias, Ferdinand II., and Ferdinand III., Frederic the Elector Palatine, Gustavus Adolphus, Wallenstein, Charles the Second, Piince Rupert, Thomas Fairfax, Oliver Cromwell, and "'i'homaso Aniello populi Neapolitani rebellici dux" (Masaniello) Among the portraits in the 2nd vol. are those of Piccolomini, Oxenstiern, Turenne, De Witt, Van Ruyter, and General Monk. Maroon mor., gilt, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. BRACTON— BROWN. 23 BRACTON, Henricus de. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Libri quinque. Lo7idon^ 1569. fol. Henrici de Bracton, De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, libri Quinque. In varies tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissi- morum Codicum collationem, ingenti cura denub Typis vulgati . . . Loiidini^ Typis Milonis Fleshcr et Roberti Youngs Assign. Johannis More, Arinig., 1640. 4to. BRASH, Richard Rolt. The Ogam inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil in the British Islands ; with a dissertation on the Ogam Character, &c. By the late Richard Rolt Brash, M.R.I.A., &c. Edited by George M. Atkinson. London, 1879. 4to. Illustrated with 50 photo-lithographic Plates of inscribed Ogam stones. BROOKE, Robert. La Graunde Abridgement, coUecte et escrie per le Judge tres reverend Syr Robert Brooke Chivalier nadgairs chiefe J ustice de Common Banke. Colophon : Imprinted at London in Fleie strete within Temple Barre at the sigfie of the ha?id and Starre by Richard Tottyl, 1576. 8vo. 2 vols. Woodcut titlepage. BROOKFIELD, William Henry. Sermons by the late Rev. W. H. Brookfield, Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, &c. Edited by Mrs. Brookfield. With a biographical notice by Lord Lyttelton. London, 1875. 8vo. The volume contains the first issue of Lord Tennyson's sonnet : — *' Brooks, for they called you so that knew you best, Old Brooks, who loved so well to mouth my rhymes, How oft we two have heard St. Mary's chimes ! How oft the Cantab supper, host and guest, Would echo helpless laughter to thy jest ! " BROWN, Edward. The Travels and Adventures of Edward Brown, Esq., formerly a merchant in London. Containing his observations on France and Italy; his voyage to the Levant; his Account of the Isle of Malta; his Remarks in his journies thro' the lower and upper Egypt, together with a brief Description of the Abyssinian Empire. Interspersed throughout with several curious historical passages relating to our own as well as foreign nations ; as also with critical disquisitions as to the present state of the Sciences in Egypt, particularly Physic and Chemistry. London, Printed by J. Applebce,for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, 6^r., 1739. 8vo. From the collection of Mr. H. T. Buckle. 24 BROWNE— BROWNING. BROWNE, Thomas. Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall, or a Discourse of tihe Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk. Together with the Garden of Cyrus, or the Quincunciall, Lozenge, or Net-work Plantations of the Ancients, artificially, naturally, mystically considered. With sundry observations by Thomas Browne, D. of Physick. London^ Printed for Hen. Brome at the Signeofthe Gun in Ivy-lane, 1658. 8vo. The first edition. Religio Medici. The fifth Edition, corrected and amended. With annotations never before published, upon all the obscure passages therein. Also observations by Sir Kenelm Digby, now newly added. [Frontispiece.] London, Printed by Tho. Milbournfor A. Crook at the Green Dragon in Paut s-churchyard, 1659. 8vo. With Sir K. Digby's letter on the Animadversions "to come forth upon the imperfect and surreptitious copy of Religio Medici ; whilest this true one was going to the Presse." Certain Miscellany Tracts. Written by Thomas Brown Kt. and Doctour of Physick ; late of Norwich. London, Printed for Charles Mearne, and are to he sold by Henry Boftwick, at the Red Lyon, in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1684. 8vo. With portrait of Sir Thomas Browne. The first edition. From the collection of Mr. Alfred J. Horwood. The Works of the learned Sir Thomas Brown Kt. Doctor of Physick, late of Norwich. Containing I. Enquiries into Vulgar Errors. II. Religio Medici : with Annotations and observations upon it. III. Hydriotaphia j or, Urn-Burial : Together with, The Garden of Cyrus. IV, Certain Miscellany Tracts with Alphabetical Tables. London, Printed for Tho. Basset, Ric, Chisivell, Tho. Sawbridge, Charles Mearn, and Charles Browne, 1686. fol. With portrait of Sir Thomas Browne as frontispiece. First edition of his collected works. BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett (and Robert Browning). Two Poems by Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. London, 1854. 8vo. Contains " A Plea for the Ragged Schools of London. Written in Rome," by E. B. Browning, and "The Twins, *Give' and * It-shall-be-given-unto-you.'" by R. Browning. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Ramage. BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett. Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. In three volumes. London, 1856. 8vo. Blue mor., g.e. Aurora Leigh. (With portrait.) London, i860. Svo. BRO WNING~BR UFA L INI. 25 BROWNING, Robert. Paracelsus. By Robert Browning. London^ 1835. 8vo. The first edition. • Bells and Pomegranates. No. i. — Pippa Passes. By Robert Browning, Author of " Paracelsus." London, id>j^i. 8vo. " What follows I mean for the first of a series of Dramatical Pieces, to come out at intervals, and I amuse myself by fancying that the cheap mode in which they appear will for once help me to a sort of Fit- audience again." — Author's advertisement. Bells and Pomegranates. No. II. — King Victor and King Charles. By Robert Browning. London, 1842. 8vo. Bells and Pomegranates. No. III. — Dramatic Lyrics. By Robert Browning. London, 1842. 8vo. *' Such Poems as the following come properly enough, I suppose, under the head of ' Dramatic Pieces ' ; being, though for the most part Lyric in expression, always Dramatic in principle, and so many utterances of so many imaginary persons, not mine. — R. B." Bells and Pomegranates. No. IV. — The Return of the Druses. A Tragedy. In five acts. By Robert Browning. Z^?;?^*?;?, 1843. 8vo. Bells and Pomegraiiates. No. V. — A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. A Tragedy. In three acts. By Robert Browning. London, 1843. 8vo. Bound with the preceding Numbers in one volume, with a letter from R. Browning to C. Elton inserted. Men and Women. By Robert Browning. In two volumes. London, 1855. 8vo. The first edition. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. London, 1868. 8vo. 6 vols. With a letter from R. Browning to C. Elton inserted. • — ^-- The Ring and the Book. By Robert Browning. In four volumes. London, 1872. 8vo. 4 vols. Pacchiarotto and How he worked in Distemper j with other poems. By Robert Browning. London, 1876. 8vo. Asolando. London, 1890. 8vo. The first edition. BRUFALINI, Marco Mario. Les Avantures de Tinfortund Florentin, ou rhistoire de Marco Mario Brufalini. Seconde edition, avec figures. Amsterdam, 1730. i2mo. 2 vols. With the badges of the Prince de Soubise, the mascle and hermine maculk, both crowned, stamped on the panels and back. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. Old calf, gilt. 26 B UCHINGER—B UTLER. BUCHINGER, Bernardin. Recit de plus de cent quatre-vingts t'vene- ments miraculeux qui ont eu lieu au Pelerinage de Notre Dame de Kienzheim en Alsace, &c. 2nde Edition, revue et corrigee. Bruckcrt, \s.a?^ 8vo. Buchinger was Abbot of Lucelle. His book was first published in l66a. Bound with a translation of the " Imitation " by the Jesuit priest, De Gonnelieu. BUEIL DE RACAN, Honorat de. Les CEuvres de M. Honorai de Beuil, Chevalier, Seigneur de Racan. Paris ^ 1724. 8vo. 2 vols. From the collection of E. L. S. Benzon. Old French calf, gilt. BURNS, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. In two volumes. The second edition considerably enlarged. Edinburgh^ 17 93* 8vo. With portrait of Bums as frontispiece. The name "John Johnstone" is on the half- title, and on the fly-leaf a note : ** Mary Gertrude Johnstone. My dear Papa, when a pupil at Mr. White's school at Dumfreish^ often met Burns at breakfast on Saturday mornings." BURTON, Henry. England's Bondage and Hope of Deliverance. A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Parliament, at St. Margarets in Westminster. By Mr. Henry Burton, late Rector of St. Mathewes Friday- Street, in London, June 20, 1641. Lo?ido?t, 1641. 4to. Vindiciae Veritatis : Truth vindicated against Calumny. In a Briefe Answer to Dr. Bastwick's two late Books, entituled Independency not God's Ordinance, with the Second Part, styled the Postscript, &c. By Henry Burton, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. [Texts.] London^ Printed by M.S. for Gyles Calvert ^ and are to be sold at his Shop at the West end of Pauls, 1645. 4to. " H. Burton, Rector of S*. Matthew's in Friday S*., London, was prosecuted for his sermons entitled ' For God and the King,' and sentenced to the pillory, to pay a fine of /"5000, and to be imprisoned for life. His sentence was reversed by the House of Commons in 1640. Wood says that his views became moderate when he saw to what extravagant lengths the Parliament went." At p. 28 he objects to the Independents having been called ** Grolles, Puffoists, and Wild Geese," by D'. Bastwick. BUTLER, Samuel. Hudibras. In Three Parts. Written in the time of the late Wars . . . Adorned with Cuts. London^ 17 10. i2mo. With portrait and plates. Hudibras. In Three Parts Written in the time of the late Wars. Corrected and amended. With large annotations and pref:ice, by Zachary Grey, LL.D. Embellished with Engravings by T. Rowlandson, Esq. London^ 18 10. 8vo. 2 vols. With plates after Hogarth. BYRON. 27 BYRON, George Gordon Noel, Lord Bvron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. By Lord Byron. The Second Edition. Lofidon^ J. Murray^ 1812. 8vo. Cantos I. and II. with other poems. First 8vo edition. The work was issued in 4to in the earlier part of the same year. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto the Third. By Lord Byron. London, J. Murray, 18 16. 8vo. The first edition. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto the Fourth. By Lord Byron. London, J, Murray, 1818. 8vo. The first edition. Lara. A Tale. London, 18 14. 8vo. Published with Rogers' ** Jacqueline, a Tale." The first edition. Hebrew Melodies. By Lord Byron. Londott, J. Murray, 18 1 5. 8vo. The first edition. Poems. By Lord Byron. London,/. Murray, i2>i6, 8vo. The first of the four editions issued in that year. The Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems. By Lord Byron. London,/. Murray, 18 16. 8vo. The first edition. The Siege of Corinth. A Poem. Parisina. A Poem. Londott,/ Murray, 1816. 8vo. The first edition. Don Juan. " Difficile est proprie communia dicere." Hor. Epist. ad Pison. London, T. Davison, 1819. 4to. The first edition of Cantos i. and 11. Don Juan. Cantos iii., iv., and v. [Motto.] London^ T. Davison, 1821. 8vo. The first edition of these Cantos. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An historical tragedy, in five acts. With notes. The Prophecy of Dante, a poem. By Lord Byron. London,/ Murray, 182 1. 8vo. The first edition. The Age of Bronze ; or, Carmen Seculare et annus hand mirabilis. *' Imparcongressus Achilli." London, /. Hunt, i2>2^. 8vo. The first edition. ^SAR, Caius Julius. C. Julii Cesaris rerum ab se gestarum commentarii. Lugduni^ apud Antonium Vincentium, 1558. 8vo. Hoc volumine continentur Commentariorum de bello Gallico libri VIII. Cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii. Venetiis, Aldus, 1559. 8vo. C. Jul. Caesaris rerum ab se gestarum commentarii . . . Reliqua sequens docebit pagella. Lugduni, Gryphius, 1565. 8vo. Bound in contemporary calf, stamped with gilt device, gilt and gaufFred edges. This book appears to have belonged to the Emperor Rodolph II. On the back of the title is the signature ** Rodolphus Archidux," and there are many notes in the same handwriting. C. Julii Caesaris quae extant, ex emendatione Jos. Scaligeri. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officind Elzeviriand, 1635. i2mo. The genuine first issue, with the bison's head above the dedication, and pp. 149, 335, and 475, misnumbered 153, 345, and 375. Height 4I in. by 2| in. Red mor., g.e. C. Julii Caesaris quae extant .... Lugduni Baiavorum, ex officind Elzeviriand, 1635. i2mo. This is the first reprint, of the same year, with the dedication, and p. 238 mis- printed 248. Red mor., g.e. C. Julii Caesaris quae extant . . : . Lugduni Batavorum, ex officind Elzeviriand, 1635. 12 mo. This is the second reprint of the same year. Blue mor., gilt, g.e. C. J. Caesaris quae extant omnia, cum animadversionibus integris Dion. Vossii . . . et qui vocatur Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Caesaris, ex Musaeo J. G. Graevii. Lugd, Bat, 17 13. 8vo. Vellum. Caii Julii Caesaris opera omnia. London, 1790. 8vo. 2 vols. Red mor., gilt, g.e. CAiSARUM VIT^— CAMDEN. ' 29 C^SARUM VIT^. In hoc volumine haec continentur. Neniae & Traiani, atq. Adriani Csesarum uitse ex Dione, Georgio Merula interprete. Aelius Spartianus. lulius Capitolinus. Lampridius. Flaccius Vopiscus. Trebellius Pollio. Vulcatius Gallicanus. Ab loanne Baptista Egnatio Veneto diligentissime castigati, etc. [Device.] Colophon : Venetiis^ in cddibus Aldi et AndrecB soceri mense Augusto^ 15 iQ- 8vo. Vellum. CAILLIERES, FRANgois de. La Logique des Amans, ou TAmour Logicien. Par monsieur De CailU^res, le fils. [Device : the Sphere.] Suivant la copie imprimee d Paris, 1669. i2mo. Calf, gilt, g.e., by R. Muller. CAILLOT, Antoine. Precis de I'Histoire de Riissie, Contenant la description de ce vaste Empire, les mceurs de ses Habitans , . . et le recit de la Campagne de I'Empereur Napoleon contre les Russes jusques mois de decembre 181 2. Par Ant. Caillot, ancien maitre-bs-arts. Orne de jolies Gravures. Paris, 1813. 12 mo. CAIUS, John. Joannis Caii Britanni De canibus Britannicis Liber unus. De rariorum animalium et stirpium historia Liber unus. De libris propriis Liber unus. Per G. Seresium, Londini, 1570. i2mo. Calf, gilt. CALLIMACHUS. Callimaco Greco-Italiano ora pubblicato. Per le auguste nozze della R. Principessa di Parma Carolina Teresa di Borbone con S.A.S. il Principe Massimiliano de Sassonia. Panna, Nel Regal Palazzo, impresso cd tip I Bodoniani, 1792. fol. Printed in capital letters. , CALMO, Andrea. Le giocose moderne et facetissime egloglie, &c. [Device : Moses receiving the Book of the Law.] In Vinegia, appresso Jovambattista Bertacagno, al segno di San Moise, 1553. Svo. Vellum, CALNES, Gerald. Sermones super Apocalypsim. [Device of Jean Petit : " Petit k Petit."] Venundantur in vico sancti Jacobi a Johanne Parvo sub flore lilii, 1 5 1 2. Svo. Sermons by Gerald Calnes. With his autograph : " Geraldus Calnes . in Tolosa . 15 12: Pro communi Bibliotheca Civitat. Tolos. G. C. Predicator," and MS. extracts from S*. Augustine and S*. Ambrose, signed " Fr. G. C. T.' (Frater Geraldus CalnesiusTolosanus). A good specimen of the work of Jean Petit, the printer to the University of Paris, who, •though more of a bookseller than a printer,' kept fifteen presses constantly employed. Piinted in black letter. CAMDEN, William. Guill. Camdeni viri clarissimi Britannia ... in E[)itomen redacta. [Maps.] Avisterdami, aptid Guilielmum Blcev, 1639. 1 2 mo. 30 CA MDEN—CA PJCIUS. CAMDEN, William. Britannia ; or, a Chorographical Description of Great Britain & Ireland, together with the adjacent Islands. Revised, &c.,' by Edmund Gibson, D.D. Second Edition. Londojt,\i'j 22]. fol. 2 vols. CAMELLO, Antonio, da Pistoia. Tragedia de Antonio da Pistoia. A lo Illu. & Excellen. Duca Hercule de Ferrara. Colophon : Stampata in Venetiaper Manfredo Bono de Monteferrato nel 1508. 8vo. CAMERON, Charles. The Baths of the Romans, explained and illustrated ; with the restorations of Palladio corrected and improved ... By Charles Cameron, architect. London, 17 75. fol- With plates, illustrations, and plans. The titlepage of the edition of 1722 is prefixed. CAMUS, Jean Pierre. The Loving Enemie, or a famous true Historic. Written originally in the French tongue by the most incomparable Pen-man of this age, J. P. Camus, B. of Belley. Made English by Major Wright, as his recreation during his imprisonment. London, 1650. 8vo. With commendatory verses by James Howell and James Shirley. CANDIA, Siege of. lournal de 1' Expedition de Monsieur De la Feuillade, Pour le secours de Candie. Par un Voluntaire. A Lyon, chcz Iea7i Thioly, rue Mercilre, a la Palme, 1669. i2mo. A relation of the Siege of Candia. From the first Expedition of the French Forces under the command of M. de la Fueillade, Duke of Roannez, to its Surrender, the 27th of September, 1669. Written in French by a gentleman who was a voluntier in that Service, and faithfully Englished. London, Printed for T. Williams and L. Starkey, and are to be Sold at their Shops, at the Bible in Little Britain, and the Mitre in Fleet Street, near Temple Barr, 1670. 12 mo. CAOURSIN, Guillaume. Guilelmi Caoursin Rhodior. Vicecancellarii oratoris pr^cellentissimi magistri Rhodi; ad Sumu Pontificem Innocentiu papam Octiuu: oratio. Colophon: Habita in cosistorio publico : qinnta calendas Februarias Anno M • cccc ' Ixxxv. a natiuitate. [Seb. Plannck, Rojne, 1485.] 4to. Written by command of Peter d'Aubusson, the last Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes, in order to give information as to the designs of the *' Turkish prince Bagiazit." *CAPELLE, Louis Pierre. Aneries Revolutionnaires, ou Balourdisiana, Betisiana, &c., &c., &c. Anecdotes de nos jours, recueilHes et publiees par Cap. — L. [Motto.] Deuxierae Edition. A Paris, chez Capelle, An. X. i2mo. CAPICIUS, SciPio. Scipionis Capicii De Principiis Rerum libri duo, Eiusdem de Vate Maximo libri tres. [Device.] Aldi Filii, Venetiis,ic^j^6. 8vo. From the Seilliere Collection, with the Seillicrc arms stamped in gold on the sides. Olive mor. , g.e. CA RA FA—CA SA UBON. 3 l CARAFA, Carolus. Caroli Carafa Episcopi Averrani Commentaria de Gemiania sacra restaurata, sub summispp. Gregorio xv. & s.d.m. Urbano viir. Colonkz Agrippincdy apud C. ab Egmond^ 1639. 8vo. Calf, gilt, with the arms of J. A. de Thou, quartered with those of his second wife, stamped in gold on the sides, with the addition of the Urn and Flowers, denoting that the Look belonged to Fran9ois Auguste de Thou. CARION, JoHANN. Chronicon Carionis expositum et auctum multis et veteribus et recentibus historiis, in descriptionibus regnorum et gentium antiquarum, & narrationibus rerum Ecclesiasticarum, & Politicarum, GrDe- carum, Romanarum, Germanicarum et aliamm, ab exordio mundi usque ad Carolum quintum imperatorem, a Philippo Melanthone & Casparo Peucero. [Device.] Lugdiml, apud Petrum Sa?itandrcanum, 1576. 8vo. 2 vols. From the Hopetoun Collection. CARO, Annibale. Rime del Commendatore Annibal Caro. [Device.] In Venetia^ appresso Aldo Manutlo, 1572. 4to. From the Syston Park Collection. Red mor., gilt, CARSTAIRS, Christian. The Hubble-Shue. By Miss Carstairs. •* Harry, harry, hobillischowe ! Se quha is cummyn nowe." The Crying of A ne Flay e. Edinburgh^ \\^ZZ\. 8vo. One of 30 copies printed. CARYOPHILUS, Blasius [Biagio Garofalo]. De antiquis Mar- moribus Blasii Caryophili opusculum, cui accedunt dissertationes iv. numini majestatique Theresije Reginse Plungarise et Bohemia dicatum. — De Thermis Ilerculanis nuper in Dacia detectis, etc. — De usu et praestantia Thermarum I lerculanarum quae nuper in Dacia Trajani detecta^ sunt, etc. Trajedi ad Rhe7ium^ 1743- 4to. Each dissertation has a separate titlepage and pagination. With a portrait of Maria Theresa and vignettes. CASAUBON, Meric. A Treatise of Vse and Custome. [Motto.] London^ Printed by I, Z., Anno Doni. 1638. 4to. Presentation copy to Sir Edward Bering : " 1640. 12 mart. Dono missus ab au there merico Casaubono. S. Th. D°. Edwarde dering," A Treatise concerning Enthusiasme, as it is an effect of Nature : but is mistaken by many for eitlier Divine Inspiration or Diabolical Possession. By Meric Casaubon, d.d. [Device.] Londo?i, 1^5 5* 8vo. 32 CASTRICIUS—CA TALOGUES. CASTRICIUS, Henricus. Spes, sive De votis hominum. Henrici Castricii Geldorpij Carmen. Ejusdem, de Opificio Dei, et iustitia provi- dentise Sapphicum. Eiusdem de Invidia ode Graeca Anacreontica. [Device.] Coionice^ Apud hceredes Arnoldi Birkmanni, i559' 8vo. Bound with the ** Christus Patiens" attributed to Gregory Nazianzen. CATALOGUES. Bibliotheca Lambertina, seu Catalogus Librorum bibliothecae illustrissimi viri D. D. Nicolai Lambert. Cum indice auctorum alphabetico. Farisiis, Martin^ 1730. 8vo. A priced catalogue of the sale of a great library, formed by Nicholas Lambert de Thorigny, Conseiller a la Cour d'accomptes, with his arms on the frontispiece. A Polyglot Bible and Sanson's ** Cartes de la Geographic" had been bequeathed by Lambert to his friend the Chancellor Daguesseau, but they appear to have been sold with the rest. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae illustrissimi viri Caroli Henrici Comitis de Hoym . . . Digestus et descriptus k Gabriele Martin, Bibliopola Parisiensi. [Device of Count d'Hoym.] Patisiis^ Martin^ 1738, 8vo. A catalogue of Count d'Hoym's sale, with the prices marked in ink. Old French calf, gilt. Catalogue des Livres de feu M. Barre auditeur des comptes. Dont la vente se fera en detail le Lundy 13. Janvier 1744 & jours suivans, en la maison ou il est decede, rue des Bernardins. Paris ^ Martin^ i743' Svo. 2 vols. From the Library of the Prince de Soubise, with his badges. The prices are marked in the margins in ink. " Feu M. Barre avoit des Lettres et aimoit les Livres : mais son gout dominant etoit pour les Traites singuliers en tout genre et pour les Pieces fugitives." Old French calf, gilt. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. [By Joseph Planta.] London^ 1802. fol. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum. With indexes of persons, places and matters. [Edited by H. Wanley, &c.] London^ 1808-12. fol. 4 vols. • Three Catalogues ; describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer, of the Dodsworth Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, and of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. By the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A. London^ Pickering, 1838. 8vo. Catalo'gue of the Clevedon Court Library. Printed for Sir Arthur Hallam Pulton, Bart. Bristol, 1871. 410. CA TA L OG UES—CA TULL US. 33 CATALOGUES. Catalogue illustre de la Biblioth^que de feu M. le Marquis de Morante . . . et quelques mots sur cette Biblioth^ue par M. Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob). Paris ^ 1872. 8vo. With copies of bindings reproduced in colours. The Marquis died of an accidental fall from the steps in his library. '* Paul Lacroix," says Guigard, " cite plusieurs amateurs ou bibliotliecaires qui perirent de la meme fagon : entre autres le P. L. Jacob, auteur du Traite des plus belles btb It othiques ; Frederic Adolphe Ebert, directeur de la bibliotheque de Dresde, et I'helleniste Coray." The Huth Library. A catalogue of the printed books, manuscripts, autograph letters, and engravings, collected by Henry Huth, with collations and bibliographical descriptions. London^ 1880. 4to. 5 vols. With portrait of M'. Huth as frontispiece. Roxburghe binding. Bibliographie raisonnee et pratique. Guide du Libraire- Antiquaire et du Bibliophile. Vade-mecum \ I'usage de tous ceux qui achetent ou vendent des livres. Par J. de Beauchamps et Ed. Rouveyre. Preface par Jules Richard. [Device.] Parls^ Edouard Rouveyre edlteur^ 1884-1885. 8vo. Illustrated with reproductions of book-bindings, titlepages, etc. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. Catalogue of an important portion of the very Choice Library of the late Baron Seillibre. London^ i^%T. 8vo. Bound up with cuttings relating to bibliography. Red mor. A Catalogue of some Printed Books and Manuscripts at St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, and Aldenham House, Herts. Collected by Henry Hucks Gibbs. London, 1888. 4to. Roxburghe binding. CATECHISME. Le Catdchisme des Indulgences, et du jubilt^, \ I'u^age des Confesseurs et des Penitens. De la Boutique de M./osset, d Paris, 1722. 8vo. Stamped on the back with the badges of the Prince de Soubise. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. Old calf, gilt. CATULLUS, Caius Valerius. Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii, cum notis integris Jos. Scaligeri, &c. [Device.] Trajecti ad PAenum, 16S0, 8vo. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. Catullus Tibullus et Propertius, pristine nitori restituti, et ad optima exemplaria emendati. Accedunt fragmenta Cornelio Gallo D 34 CA TULL US—CHA NDLER. inscripta. [FronUspiece.] LuteticB Parisiorum^ apud Josephum Barhou^ 1753. i2mo. *'Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." M. J., Graf von Borch, author of * Lettres sur la Sicile,' collected a great library at Warkeland, near Diinaberg. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. CATULLUS, Caius Valerius. Catulli TibuUi Propertii Opera. ParmcBy in cedibus Palatinis, typis Bodonianis^ 1796. fol. Stamped calf. CAVACIUS, Joannes. Historiarum Coenobii D. Justinae Patavinae libri sex. Quibus Casinensis Congregationis origo, &c., interseruntur. Auctore D. lacobo Cavacio Patavino, monacho eiusdem congregationis . . , Venetiis, 1606. 8vo. *Ce livre est devenu rare. L'auteur etait nomine Injeniomm Portentum.'' From the Syston Park Collection. Red mor., gilt. CAYLUS, Anne-Claude, Comte de. Histoire du Vaillant Chevalier Tiran le Blanc. Traduite de I'Espagnol. London. s.a. [circa ij^j.] 8vo. Memoires de I'Acaddmie des Colporteurs. [Plates.] Paris, 1748. 8vo. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. CELLINI, Benvenuto. Vita di Benvenuto Cellini, orefice e scultore Fiorentino da lui medesimo scritta. [Device; Arms of Cellini.] Milano, 1805. 8vo. 2 vols. Vellum, gilt. Two volumes bound in one. CHANDLER, Henry W. Five Court Rolls of Great Cressingham in the County of Norfolk. Translated, with an introduction and notes, by Henry W. Chandler, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford. London^ 1885, 8vo. *• Fifty copies printed. No. 39." Presentation copy from the author. CHANDLER, Richard. Ionian Antiquities, Published with per- mission of The Society of Dilettanti, by R. Chandler, M.A., F.S.A. ; N. Revett, Architect; W. Pars, Painter. [Plates.] London, 1769. fol. In the year 1764 the Society of Dilettanti resolved, that "a Person or Persons properly qualified, should be sent, with sufficient Appointments, to certain Parts of the East to collect Informations relative to the former state of those Countries. Three persons were elected for this undertaking. M'. Chandler, of Magdalen College, Oxford, Editor of the Marmora Oxoniensia, was appointed to execute the Classical part of the Plan. The Province of Aichitecture was assigned to M'. Revett. The Choice of a proper Person for taking Views and copying Bass Reliefs, fell upon M'. Pars, a young Painter of promising Talents." Red mor. CHARLEVOIX— CHA UCER. 35 CHARLEVOIX, Pierre Francois Xavier de. Histoire du Japon, ou Ton trouvera tout ce qu'on a pu apprendre de la nature & des productions du pays . . . Nouvelle Edition, enrichie de Figures en taille-douce, par le pbre de Charlevoix, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris ^ 1754. 8vo. 6 vols. Old French calf, gilt. CHARRON, Pierre. De la Sagesse, trois livres, par Pierre Charron. A Leide^ chez Jean Elsevier^ 1659. 12 mo. Mr. Goldsmid shows, from Blaeu's Catalogue of 1659, that this undated edition was printed in that year. ** This edition is not so handsome as that of 1646, but it is rarer." It has the same mistakes in pagination as the issue of 1656. Olive mor., with the arms of Choiseul and Juvigny quartered, stamped in gold on the back. De la Sagesse, par Pierre Charron. Reimprim^e sur la vraye copie de Bourdeaux. A Paris^ chez Gabriel Quinet, au Palais^ dans la Gallerie des PrisonnierSy d, VAnge Gabriel^ 1663. * 2mo. From the library of the Rev. Mark Pattison. CHASSANT, Alphonse. Les Nobles et les Vilains du temps passd, ou recherches critiques sur la noblesse et les usurpations nobiliaires. Par Alph. Chassant, Paleographe. PariSy 1857. Svo. Calf, gilt, by Bedford. Nobiliana, Paris ^ 1858. 8vo. A continuation of the preceding work. Calf, gilt, by Bedford. CHATTERTON, Thomas. Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley and others, in the fifteenth century. Cambridge ^ 1794. 8vo. Sir C. A. Elton, in a note to his " Boyhood," p. 85, says : '* My old master, the late Rev. Samuel Seyer, a zealous Rowleian, confessed to me, that during the necessary researches into the ground-plan and architecture of Bristol Castle, to be made available in his learned and accurate Memoirs, he was both astonished and mortified to find that Rowley's drawings of 'Bristowe Castle' were wholly fantastical." CHAUCER, Geoffrey. The works of our Ancient and learned English Poet, Jeffrey Chaucer, newly printed. To that which was done in the former Impression, thus much is now added. 1. In the life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2. The whole worke by old Copies reformed. 3. Sentences and Proverbes noted. 4. The signification of the old & obscure words prooued : also Caracters shewing from what Tongue or Dialect they be deriued. D 2 36 CHA UDON— CICERO. . 5. The Latine & French, not Englished by Chaucer, translated. 6. The Treatise called Jacke Upland, against Friers : and Chaucer's A. B. C, called La Priere de nostre Dame, at this Impression added. London^ Printed by Adam Islipy Ann, Dom. 1602. fol. This is Speght's second edition. Printed in black letter. Calf, with device in gold on sides. *CHAUDON, Louis Mayeul. Dictionnaire anti i)hilosophique, pour servir de Commentaire, de Correctif au Dictionnaire Philosophique, & aux autres Livres qui ont paru de nos jours contre le Christianisme . . . Nouvelle edition considdrablement augmentee. Par Monsieur * * *. A Avignon^ 1 774« 8vo. 2 vols. Old French calf, gilt. *CHAUSSARD, Jean Pierre Baptiste Publicola. Le Nouveau Diable Boiteux, tableau philosophique et moral de Paris ; Memoires mis en lumibre et enrichis de Notes par le Docteur Dicaculus, de Louvain. [Motto.] Paris, an vii. de la Republique. 8vo. 2 vols. French calf, gilt. *CHICANEAU DE NEUVILL^, Didier Pierre. UAbeille du Par- nasse, ou Nouveau Choix de Pens(5es, Reflexions, Maximes, Portraits et Caractbres. Tirees des Meilleurs Poetes Frangois Modernes. Par M . . . A Londres^ 1752. 8vo. 2 vols. With engraved titlepage. Two volumes bound in one. Old French calf, gilt. CHINIAC DE LA BASTIDE DU CLAUX, Pierre de. Discours sur la nature et les dogmes de la religion gauloise. Par M. de Chiniac de la Bastide du Claux, Avocat au Parlement. Paris ^ 1769. i2mo. CHOISEUL-MEUSE, YtiACiTt de, Comiesse. Recreations morales et amusantes, k I'usage des jeunes Demoiselles qui entrent dans le monde. Par Mme. la Comtesse de Choiseul. Seconde edition, corrigee et augmentee de six nouvelles Recreations et six jolies gravures. Paris, 181 7. 8vo. CICERO, Marcus Tullius: Marcii Tullij Ciceronis Arpinatis latini eloquij authoris Epistolaru vt inscribitur famiHarium Libri xvL cum lodoci Badij Ascensij familiarissimis interpretationibus, &c. Colophon : Parrhisijs, Impresse opera et Impensa Johdnis petit illius vniuersitatis bibliopole iurati, 15 19. 4to. Marci Tullii Ciceronis Officia diligenter restituta. Eiusdem de Amicitia, & Senectute Dialogi singuli, etc. Parisiis, ex officina .Simonis Colincei, 1543. 8vo. Old red mor,, gilt. CICERO: RHET. 1551, CICERO. 3; CICERO, Marcus Tullius. M. T. Cic. Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium libri quatuor. Eiusdem de Inventione libri duo. Ex Petri Victorii ac Pauli Manutii castigationibus. Lugduniy apud Seb. Gryphium^ \^\ A. Arch, Gracechurch Street, 1798. 8vo. The first edition, with the titlepage printed for Arch, It contains * The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere ' in the original form. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Ramage. COLLINS, William. The Poetical Works of William Collins, enriched with excellent engravings, to which is prefixed a life of the Author by -Dr. Johnson. London, 1798. 8vo. Variegated morocco, with illustrations on sides, and numerous engravings by E. Harding, of 98 Pall Mall. Certain gaps in the Ode to John Home are filled up by Mackenzie, " whose lines are annexed for the purpose of comparison, and to do justice to the elegant author of the Man of Feeling." COLLINSON, John. The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, collected from authentick records, and an actual survey made by the late Mr. Edmund Rack ... By the Reverend Jolin CoUinson, F.A.S., Vicar of Long Ashton. Bath, i^c)!. 4to. 3 vols. • The Life of Thuanus, with some account of his writings, and a translation of the Preface to his History. By the Pev. J. Collinson, M.A., of Queen's College, Oxford. Lotidon, yZo^. 8vo. With portrait of Dc Thou as frontispiece. COLONNA—COOK. ' 41 *COLONNA, Francesco. Le Tableau des Riches Inventions couvertes du Voile des feintes Amoureuses, qui sont representees dans le Songe de Poliphile desvoilees des ombres du Songe, & subtilement exposees. Par Beroalde. A Paris, chez MattJiien Guille?nof, au Palais en la Gallerie des Priso?miers, 1600. 4to. With an engraved titlepage and woodcuts, taken by Jean Cousin from those of the oiiginal edition of the Hypnerotomachia. Old red mor. Songe de Poliphile. Traduction libre de I'italien. Par J. G. Legrand. A Paris, de rimprimerie de P, Didot LAink, An, XIII. (1804.) 1 2 mo. 2 vols. COMENIUS, Joannes Amos. J. A. Comenii Pansophise Diatyposis, ichno- graphica & orthographica delineatione totius futuri operis amplitudinem, dimensionem, usus, adumbrans. [Device.] Amsterodami, aptid Ludovicuin Elzevirium, 1645. i2mo. Red mor., gilt, red edges. CONGRfeS CELTIQUE. Congres Celtique International, tenu h'Saint- Brieuc (C6tes-du-Nord), Bretagne, en Octobre 1867. Saint-Brieuc, 1868. 8vo. This collection contains the "Adieu to Brittany," by Sir Samuel Ferguson. ** Rugged land of the granite and oak, I depart with a sigh from thy shore, And with kinsman's affection a blessing invoke On the maids and the men of Arvor. *' For the Irish and Breton are kin, Though the lights of Antiquity pale In the point of the dawn where the partings begin Of the Bolg and the Kymro and Gael. " ♦CONSTANT DE REBECQUE, Samuel. Laure, ou lettres de quelques personnea de Suisse. A Lojidres, i']Zt, i2mo. 5 vols. Frontispieces by Dunker. ]&dition Cazin. Old calf, g.e. COOK, James. A Journal of a Voyage round the World in His Majesty's ship Endeavour, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, and 177 1, under- taken in pursuit of Natural Knowledge at the desire of the Royal Society ; containing all the various occurrences of the voyage ... To which is added a concise vocabulary of the Language of Otaheite. [M otto.] London, Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, in the Strajid, 177 1. 4to. The author of this book is not known. It is in the library of the Admiralty, but not in those of the Royal Geographical Society and Royal Society. It is thought that it must have been written by some naval officer serving in the Euiieavour, The work is interesting as having been published immediately after the return of the Endeavour in 1 77 1. The authorised account of the voyage by llawkcsworth was not published till 1773. Calf. gilt. 42 . COOK— COURTS, COOK, James. A Vogage towards the South Pole, and round the World. Performed in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure, in the years 1772, 1773, and 1775. Written by James Cook, Commander of the Resolution. Londotif 1777. 4to. 2 vols. Portrait of Cook as frontispiece. Plates, maps, charts. Calf, gilt. COQUILLART, Guillaume. Les Poesies de Guillaume Coquillart, Official de Teglise de Reims, /(^m, 1723. 8vo. From the collection of Mr. E. L. S. Benzon, Old calf, gilt. CORNEILLE, Pierre & Thomas. Chefs-d'ceuvres dramatiques de P. & T. Corneille. Avec le Jugement des Savans k la Suite de chaque Piece. A Londres, 17S3. i2mo. 5 vols. With portraits. Edition Cazin. Old calf, gilt, g.e. COSTER, Franciscus. Sica Tragica Comiti Mauritio \ lesuitis, ut aiunt, Calvinistae Leydae intentata. Nuper Germanice \ Francisco Costero nunc Latinb edita ab ^gidio Schondoncho, utroque Societatis lesu Sacerdote. [Device.] AntverpicB, apud loachimum Trogncesium, \^()^, 8vo. COURTS. Diuersite de courtz et lour iurisdictions, et alia necessaria et utilia. Colophon : Thomas Bertheletus regius impressor cxcudebat^ Anno dni 1530. 8vo. Printed in black letter. Brown mor., gilt, g.e., by Riviere. Articuli ad Narrationes Novas pertin. formati. London^ Berthelet^ 1530- 8vo. Printed in black letter. Brown mor., gilt, g.e., by Riviere. Modus tenedi unum hudredum siue curiam de recordo. Colophon : Impressum Londini in vico qui vocatur Fletestrete per me Robertti Redman an. D?u, 1538. 8vo. Bound with the same printer's ** Maner of kepynge a Courte Baron. • The maner of kepynge a Courte Baron and a Lete with diuers fourmes of entries playntes processis presentmentes and other matters determinable there. Newely imprynted and correctyd. Colophon : /;//- pressum Londini i7i vico qui vocatur Fletstret, per 7ne Robertum Redvian [Circa 1538.] 8vo. Printed in black Ictlcr. COURTS— COUTUMES: 43 COURTS. The Charge of a Lete. The Charge of a Court Baron. MS. Scec. xvL Written in a parchment volume from some monastic library, with signature, *'M'. Garrysone the Younger, 1572." It contains several entries as to bondmen in blood, here called "duemen," perhaps on the analogy of "due-days," meaning "boons" or customary workdays. *' Also yf ther be anye Bondman of this manor y* withdrawe himselfe his goods & chattels out of this Lordshipe into anye other, ye shall present it. Also yf anye Bondman putteth his sonne to scole to the intent to make him a Preste ... or marrieth his daughter without licence of the lord. Also yf ther be anye dueman or anye other copieholder that putteth out their lande to hiere &c. Also yf ther be anye dueman of blode that purchaseth anye freeholde &c. ye shall doe us to vvitt." L'Authoritie et jurisdiction des courts de la Maiestie de la Roygne. Nouelment collect and compose, per R. Crompton del Milieu Temple, Esquire, apprentice del ley. London^ 1637. 4to. Printed in black letter. ' Code des Seigneurs hauts-justiciers et feodaux . . . par Messire Henriquez, Avocat en Parlement. Senlis, it^i. 8vo. ■ Records of the Borough of Nottingham ; being a series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Nottingham. Vol. I. King Henry II. to King Richard II. (i 155-1399). Vol. II. 1399-1485. Vol. III. 1485-1547. Vol. IV. 1547-1625. Published under the authority of the Corporation of Nottingham. London and Nottingham^ iZZi-^^. 8vo. 4 vols. The Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester from the year 1552 to the year 1686, and from the year 1731 to the year 1846. Printed under the superintendence of a Committee appointed by the Municipal Council of the City of Manchester, from the original Minute Books in their possession. Manchester, 1884-9. ^vo. 10 vols. Presentation copy. Vellum. COUTUMES. Coustumes du Pays et Conte de Nyvernoys, enclaves et exemptions dicelluy, &c. [Arms of France, Nevers, and Dreux, on title.] Colophon; Cy fine le coustumier ... et fut acheve d^imprimer le dernier jour du moys daoust mil cinq cens trentecinq par Nicholas hicman imprimeur pour honeste perso7ine Jehan le noir, mar chant libraire dcmourant d, la chariie pres la halle a Venseigne Saint Jacques, [/'t^^/j', I535-] 4to. Black letter. Bound with the ** Ordonnances Royaux " of 1539. The Custumal contains rules for managing house-communities of serfs, and for their dissolution by the division of * pain et sel pose.' Les trois Coustunies voisines de Chasteauneuf Chartres et Dreux, avec les notes de M. Ch. Du Moulin, Chartres^ 1679. 4to. 44 COUTUMES—CRASHA W. , COUTUMES. Coutumes generales de la Ville et Duchd de Cambray. Par M. Pinault des Jaunaux. Douay^ 1691, 4to. With motto : "Fructus Alta omnes Pinus ad astra refert." Nouveau Coutumier General, ou Corps des Coutumes generales et particuli^res de France et des provinces connues sous le nom des Gaules. Par Charles A. Bourdot de Richebourg. /'^m, 1724. fol.' 4 vols. French calf, gilt. Coutumes des Bailliages et Villes et 6chevinage de Saint-Omer, Audruic, etc. Faris^ i744. 4to. Containing instances of junior-right. Observations detachees sur les coutumes et les usages anciens et modernes du ressort du Parlement de Metz, par feu M. Gabriel. Bouillon^ 1787. 4to. 2 vols. Coutumes locales du Bailliage d' Amiens, redig^es en 1507. Par M. A. Bouthors. Amiens, iZ^^, 4to. 2 vols. The customs of "junior-right" in Picardy and Artois are classified; under some the youngest takes the house and land, in others the youngest son or daughter has choice of a *' manoir," or takes the *' Chef-lieu," or the *' Quief-mez " where the parents dwelt ; else- where the privilege extended only to a preference in the division of the house, land, and heirlooms. ♦COX, Thomas. Magna Britannia et Hibernia, Antiqua et Nova; or a New Survey of Great Britain, wherein to the Topographical Account given by Mr. Cambden and the late Editors of his Britannia is added a more large history . . . Collected and composed by an impartial Hand. In the Savoy, 1720. 4to. 6 vols. A compleat history of Somersetshire. Sherborne, 1742. foL This is a separate issue of the description of Somerset in the Magna Britannia. It is usually known as " Stuckey's History." CRASHAW, Richard. Steps to the Temple. Sacred Poems, with other Delights of the Muses. By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pembroke Hall, and late Fellow of S. Peter's Coll. in Cambridge . . . London, Frinted by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley and are to be sold at his shop at the Frinces Arms in St. FauPs Churchyard, 1646. 8vo. This book belonged to Crashaw's friend John Collet, and has this note : "Johannes Collet, filius Thomse Collet, pater Thomae, Gulielmi, et Johannis, omnium superstes, natus quarto Junii 1633, denasciturus quando Deo visum fuerit, interim hujus proprietarius." Also printed at the beginning is this notice — ** Reader, there was a sudden mistake (tis too late to recover it) thou wilt quickly find it out, and I hope as soone passe it over, some of the humane Poems are misplaced amongst the Divine." This was subsequently corrected. There is a separate titlepage for the " Delights of the Muses, or other poems written on sevcrall occasions." The first edition. CRASHAW—CURTIUS RUFUS. - 45. CRASH AW, Richard. Steps to the Temple. Sacred Poems. With the DeHghts of the Muses. By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pembroke Hall, and late Fellow of St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge. The second edition, wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. London^ Printed for Humphrey Moseley^ and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Arms in St. PauTs Churchyard, 1648. 12 mo. With frontispiece, ** Steps to the Temple, by R. C. Cantabr." Steps to the Temple, The Delights of tlie Muses, and Carmen Deo Nostro. By Ric. Crashaw, sometimes Fellow of Pembroke Hall, and late Fellow of St. Peters College in Cambridge. The 2nd Edition. In the Savoy, Printed by T. W, for Henry Herringman at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1670. 8vo. According to Dr. Grosart, this is the fourth edition. CR6bILL0N, Claude Prosper Jolyot de. (Euvres de Crebillon ; nouvelle edition, corrigee, revue, & augmentee de la Vie de I'Auteur. [Portrait.] 1772. i2mo. 3 vols. CREVIER, J. B. L. Histoire des Empereurs Romains, depuis Auguste jusqu'k Constantin. Par M. Crevicr, Professeur, &c., au CoUbge de Beauvais, Paris, 1749. 8vo. 12 vols. From the library of the Prince de Soubise, with his badges. Calf, gilt. CRUCIUS, Alsarius Vincentius [Vincenzo Alsario Della Crock]. Vesuvius Ardens, sive exercitatio medico-physica ad . . . motum et incendium Vesuvii montis in Campania xvi. mensis Decembris anni 1631. Libris 11. comprehensa. Pomce, Facciotti, 1632. 4to. From the " Bibliotheca Thuana," with the arms and monogram of J. A. de Thou and his second wife, and the Urn and Flowers added by Franfois-Auguste de Thou. Calf, gilt. CUN^US, Petrus. p. Cunsei Satyra Menippea Incastrata. Item D. luliani Imperatoris Satyra. Lugd, Bat,, ex officina Justi Livi in Principio. 1632. 1 2 mo. With an etched titlepage. CURTIUS RUFUS, Quintus. The ten Books of Quintus Curtius Rufus. Containing the Life and Death of Alexander the Great. Exactly conferred with the Original, and purged from many gross errours, and Absurdities, with which it before abounded. By the same hand which translated the last volume of the Holy Court. London, Printed by Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his House near the Upper Pomp in Grub Street^ 1652. 4to. 46 CURTIUS RUFUS— CYRANO DE BERGERAC. CURTIUS RUFUS, Quintus. Q. Curtius Rufus De rebus Alexandri Magni, cum commentario perpetuo & indice absolutissimo Samuelis Pitisci. [Device.] Ultrajecti^apud Franciscum Halma^idZ^. 8vo. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Old red mor., gilt. Q. Curtii Rufi de rebus gestis Alexandri Magni libri decern. [Device.] Farisiis,typis /. Barbou^ i^^^j, 12 mo. Frontispiece by Eisen. " Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. CYRANO DE BERGERAC, Savinien. Les CEuvres diverses de Monsieur Cyrano de Bergerac. Amsterdam^ 17 61. 8vo. 3 vols. With portrait and engraved titles ; the titles to vols. 2 and 3 are taken from the edition of 1741. Under the portrait are the lines : " La terre me fut importune, Je pris mon essor vers les Cieux, J'y vis le Soleil et la Lune, £t maintcnant j'y vois les Dieux." ACIER, ANDRfe. The Life of Pythagoras with his Symbols and Golden Verses. Together with the Life of Hierocles and his Commentaries upon the Verses ... by M. Dacier. Now done into English. The Golden Verses translated from the Greek by N. Rowe, Esq. [Vignette.] London^ i7o7. 8vo. DAN^US, Lambert [Lambert Daneau]. Geographiae Poeticae, id est, Universse Terrae Descriptionis ex optimis ac vetustissimis Latinis Poetis libri quatuor . . . Lamberti Danaei opus. Apud Jacohum Stoer. s.l,^ 1580. 8vo. With a dedication to Sir Philip Sidney. Old calf, gilt. DANIEL, Richard. The Royal Penitent : a Paraphrase on the seven Penitential Psalms. By the Rev. Mr. Richard Daniel, Dean of Ardmagh. Lojidon, Lintofy at the Cross- Key s^ between the Temple-Gates ^ 1727. 8vo. . A Paraphrase on some Select Psalms . . . entitled the Royal Penitent, by the Rev. Richard Daniel, Dean of Armagh. London^ Fisher^ over-against Tonis Coffee-house in Cornhill^ 1737. 8vo. Bound with the edition of 1727. With note on fly-leaf: " They are exceedingly rare, according to M'. Montague: see his Preface to the Seven Penitential Psalms, London, 1851." DANSE MACABRE. Imagines Mortis. His accesserunt Epigrammata, &c. Ad haec, Medicina Animae. Colonice^ 15 57* i2mo. With *free renderings' of the cuts in the Imagines Mortis of 1545. Under the plate of Death's Orchestra are the lines — " Quantumcunque boni vobis Fortuna ministret, Pallida Mors veniens omnibus hospes erit." There is an allusion in one of Petrarch's letters to Francesco Bruni, which is inte- resting, if we remember that the phrase *' Je fis de Macabre la Danse " was first known about the time of Petrarch's death. The passage in M. Develay's version runs thus : " Les Souasy h la place des Muses ^ habitent mon cceur affligi. La Mort impirieuse forme avec eux des danses funestes ou la Fortune marque la cadence.''^ Brown mor.,gilt, g.e. La Grande Danse Macabre des hommes et des femmes, Historiees et renouvellees de vieux Gaulois, en langage le plus poli de notre temps. Avec le debat du Corps et de I'Ame, &c. [Device ; Death's Orchestra.] Troyes, 1728. 4to. One of the rude copies sold at the Fairs of Troyes, for which the 15th century wood- blocks were still used. This copy follows the edition of i486, when the " Danse Macabre 48 DANSE MACABRE. des Femmes " first appeared. The figures of the Emperor and King are conventional, and not portraits, as in other editions. The King's remonstrance begins thus : — " Je n'ai pas appris k danser, Votre danse est un pen trop sauvage : O Mort ! vous pouver me laisser, Cherchez quelqu' autre personnage." DANSE MACABRE. The Dance of Death. Painted by H. Holbein, and engraved by W. Hollar. [London^ I794-] ^vo. The Dances of Death through the various stages of Human Life . . . from the original designs,, which were cut in wood and afterwards painted by Hans Holbein in the Town-House of Basil ... Etched by D. Deuchar, F.A.S. London, 1803. 4to. M', Noel Humphreys refers, on the subject of Holbein's authorship, to Prior's lines, ** Imperious Death directs the ebon lance. Peoples great Harry's tomb and leads up Holbein's dance." MoNTAiGLON, Anatole de. L' Alphabet de la Mort de Hans Holbein, entoures de bordures du xvi""^ sibcle, suivi d'anciens pobmes fran9ais sur le sujet des trois mors et des trois vis, &c. Paris, 1856. 8vo. A proof impression still preserved at Basle shows that Hans ZUtzenberger was the original engraver. His monogram also appears on one of the cuts in "Les Simulacres " of 1538. The legend of the "Three living and three dead" has been attributed to the Egyptian ascetic. Saint Macarius. M'. Humphreys discusses the question whether the name '* Macabre " refers to the Saint or to a mediaeval author. There was an English family of '* Machabre," to which the modern Norfolk '* Micawbers " may have belonged. Humphreys, H. Noel. Hans Holbein's celebrated Dance of Death . . . and a concise history of the origin and subsequent development of the subject. London, Quaritch, 1868. 8vo. With facsimiles of the plates in the '* Simulacres et Historiees Faces de la Mort," published by the Brothers Treschel at Lyons in 1538. The plates are evidently portraits. Under that of the Empress Mary are the lines — *' Qui march ez en pompe superbe La Mort vrg iour uous pliera. Coriie soubz uoz piedz ployez I'herbe, Ainsi uous humiliera." The Dance of Death. Engraved from the fresco-paintings on the cemetery wall of St. John's Church at Basle. Basle, Schneider, s.a. 1 2mo. In French, German, and English, with old-fashioned verses in each language, e.g, with the figure of the Cardinal-Legate — " Lord Cardinal,, 'twill give me pleasure To see your red hat join the measure ; The laymen whom you oft have blest Are here, and you must join the rest." DA NTE—DA VENA NT. 49 DANTE. Vocabolario portatile per agevolare la lettura degli autori Italian! ed in specie di Dante. Farigi, 1768. Appresso Marcello Prault i2mo. This book has successively belonged to Edward Hawkins of the British Museum and to Mr. Ruskin, at whose sale in Oxford it was purchased by Mr. T. H. Ward. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. . *DANTINE, Maurice Francois. L'art de verifier les dates, des faits historiques, des Chartes, des Chroniques, et autres anciens Monumens, depuis la naissance de notre Seigneur. [Vignette.] Paris ^ 1720. fol. Compiled by D. Maurice Fran9ois Dantine, D. LTrsin Durand, and D. Charles Clemencet. From the collection of M. de S*. Leu. DAVENANT, William. Salmacidse Spolia. A Masque. Presented by the King & Queenes Majesties, at White-Hall. On Tuesday, the 21 day of January 1639. London^ Printed by T. H. for Thomas Walkley^ and are to be sold at his shop at the sigiie of the flying Horse neere Yorke-house, 1639. 4to. *The Invention, Ornament, Sceans and Apparitions were made by Inigo lones.' Gondibert : An heroick Poem, written by S"" William D'Avenant. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb for Johfi Holden, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Sign of the Anchor in the New Exchange, 165 1. 4to. With laudatory notices by Cowley and Hobbes, and Waller's encomium — " Now to thy matchlesse Book, Wherein those few that can with judgment look, May find old Love in pure fresh language told, / Like new stampt Coin made out of Angel-gold." On the fly-leaves are MS. copies of '* Verses written by the author's friends " (published in 1653). John Denham writes a poem " Upon y* three Praisers of Gondibert, not then Published." *' Room, room for y* best of Poets Heroick, If you'll believe two wits and a Stoick . . . But we have just quarrell to his defeat, You give us a stomadk, he gives us no meat, A preface to no book, a Porch to noe House, You shew us y* Mountain : but where is y° Mouse ? " Of another the copyist remarks, "hanc scripsit, non dico, sed evomuit J. Donne, optimi patris filius." In another Donne calls Gondibert " a bable " — ** Like to y' hundred merry tales. Or like Don Quixots fight with sailes Of windmills, or like to Tom Thumbe, Or like y' pranks of Jack-a-Drum, Or like to Garagantua, Or like to Musidorus Play," &c, £ 50 DAVIS— DES FONTAINES. ♦DAVIS, John Francis. Poetry & Criticism, By Outis. [Illustrations by G. Scharf.] London^ 1850. 8vo. Privately printed. A presentation copy to Mrs. Elton, with an autograph inscription in English and Chinese by Sir John Davis. *DELBARE, Fran90IS-Th^odore. Relation fiddle et de'taillee de la dernibre campagne de Buonaparte, terminee par la Bataille de Mont-Saint- Jean, dite de Waterloo ou de la Belle-Alliance. Par un temoin oculaire. Deuxibme edition. Paris, 18 15. 8vo. Frontispiece, vignette, and two plans. The work is attributed by Querard to Rene Bourgeois. DE LOLME, Jean Louis. The Constitution of England; or, an Account of the English Government ... By J. L. De Lolme. A new Edition, with supplemental notes and a preface, biographical and critical. London, 1816. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e. DEMETRIUS, Aletheius [Julien Offroy de la Mettrie]. Ouvrage de Penelope, ou Machiavel en Medecine. Par Aletheius Demetrius. [Motto.] Geneve, 1748. i2mo. 3 vols. Old French calf, gilt. DENHAM, John. Poems and Translations ; with the Sophy. Written by the Honourable Sir John Denham, Knight of the Bath. The second impression. London, Printed by J, M,for H. Herringman at the Sign of the Blew- Anchor in the Lower- Walk of the New- Exchange, 1 67 1 . 8vo. Poems and Translations, with the Sophy. London, 1703. 8vo. With the autograph of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon : " S. Huntingdon Given me By my Dear Lord 1 728." From the library of the Marquis of Hastings. DENIS, Jean Ferdinand. Le Monde enchantd Cosmographie et histoire naturelle fantastiques du moyen age. Par M. Ferdinand Denis. Orne d'une jolie gravure, par M. Vattier. Paris, 1843. 32mo. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Riviere. DESBILLONS, Francois Joseph Terrasse. Francisci-Josephi Des- billons Fabulse -^sopise, curis posterioribus omnes fer^ emendatse : quibus accesserunt plus quam clxx. novae. Sexta Editio. [Device.] Parisiis, typis J, Barbou, 1778. 12 mo. ** Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." With frontispiece by Durand. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. *DES FONTAINES, Pierre FRAN901S Guyot. L'Esprit de I'Abb^ Des Fontaines, ou Reflexions sur differens genres de Science et de Litterature : avec des jugemens sur quelques auteurs & sur quelques ouvrages tant anciens que modernes. A Londres, 1757. 12 mo. 4 vols. This book was composed by Joseph de La Porte, and the preface by C. M. Giraud. Old French calf, gilt. DESHOULIERES--DIOGENES LAERTIUS. 51 DESHOULIERES, Antoinette de la Garde. CEuvres de Mme. et Mile. Deshoulibres. Nouvelle edition, augmentde de leur eloge historique, etc. Paris, 1747. 1 2 mo. 2 vols. With portrait of M""'. Deshoulieres by Cochin, and vignettes by Eisen, Old French red mor., gilt. CEuvres choisies de Madame et de Mademoiselle Deshoulibres, A LondreSy I'j^o. i2mo. 2 vols. With frontispiece. Edition Cazin. Old calf, gilt, g.e. DES PERIERS, Jean Bonaventure. Les contes ou les nouvelles recreations et joyeux devis, de Bonaventure des Periers, varlet de Chambre de la Royne de Navarre. Nouvelle edition. Augmentee & corrigde . . . par M. de la Monnoye. Amsterdam, I735' i2mo. 2 vols. MS. note on fly-leaf: "Le vrai nom de B. de Periers etoit Nicolas Denisot, Comte d'Alsinois." " B. de Periers se tua de sa propre epee, etant devenu furieux, h. ce que dit H. ifetienne, ch. 18. apol : p : Herodote. Ce mesme Periers avoit dorenavant fait le Conte d'un Fou qui se per9a d'outre en outre de son epee, pour faire repriesve de son Buffle." — Ducatianaf p. 47. DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. An Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Roman Classics. Gloucester, 1802. 8vo. Calf, gilt, by C. Lewis. The Bibliomania ; or Book-Madness ; containing some account of the history, symptoms, and cure of this fatal disease. In an Epistle addressed to Richard Heber, Esq. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, F.S.A. London, 1809. fol. DIGBY, George, 2nd Earl of Bristol. The Lord George Digby's Cabinet and Dr. Goffs Negotiations ; together with His Majesties, the Queen's and the Lord Jermin's, and other Letters : taken at the Battel at Sherborn in Yorkshire about the 15th of October last. Also observations upon the said Letters . . . Londo7i, printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honourable House of Commons, dwelling in Fleetstreet at the sign of the Golden Dragon. March 26. 1646. 4to. DIODORUS SICULUS. The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian. In fifteen Books ... To which are added, the Fragments of Diodonis that are found in the Bibliotheca of Photius : together with those publish'd by H. Valesius, &c. Made English, by G. Booth, of the City of Chester, Esq. London, 1700. fol. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. The Lives, Opinions, and Remarkable Sayings of the most famous ancient Philosophers. Written in Greek, by Diogenes Laertius. Made English by several hands. London, 1696. Svo. 2 vols. E 2 52 DION CASSIUS— DOMESDAY BOOK. DION CASSIUS. The History of Dion Cassius abridg'd by Xiphilin . . . Done from the Greek by Mr. Manning. London^ 1704. 8vo. 2 vols. DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSEUS. Dionysii Halicarnassei Antiqui- tatum, sive Originum Romanarum libri x. Sigismundo Gelenio interprete, &c. [Device.] Lugduni^apud Seb. Gryphium^ 1555- ^vo. Bound in Lyonnese stamped calf, with Grolieresque pattern in gold and colours. DIXON, Richard Watson. Odes and Eclogues by Richard Watson Dixon. Printed at Oxford by Henry Daniel ^ 1884. 4to. No. 32 of one hundred copies printed. DOBSON, Austin. Vignettes in Rhyme and Vers de Soci^td (now first collected) by Austin Dobson. LondoJt^ ^^873. 8vo. Proverbs in Porcelain and Other Verses. By Austin Dobson. " Majores majora canent." London^ i^^^j, 8vo. DODD, William. The Visitor, by Several Hands. Published by William Dodd, M.A., Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. London, 1764. Svo. 2 vols. D'. Dodd was appointed Chaplain in Ordinary in 1762 ; his name was struck out of the list in 1774 for attempting to bribe the Lord Chancellor's wife to procure him the living of S*. George's, Hanover Square. He was then presented to the living of Winge "as a means of relief." He was executed for forgery in 1777. DOLCE, LoDOvico. Epistole di G. Plinio, di M. Franc. Petrarca, del S. Pico della Mirandula, et d'altri eccelentiss. huomini. Tradotte per M. Ludovico Dolce. Vinegia, Ferrari, 1548. 8vo. Vellum. DOMESDAY BOOK. Domesday Book ; seu Liber Censualis Wilhelmi primi regis Anglise, inter archivos regni in domo capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus. Jubente rege Georgio Tertio praelo mandatus typis. London, 1783. fol. 2 vols. Edited by A. Farley. Libri Censualis, vocati Domesday-Book, Indices. Accessit Dissertatio Generalis deratione hujusce Libri. Londo?i, 18 16. fol. With the introduction by Sir Henry Ellis. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book additamenta ex codic. antiquiss. Exon Domesday. Inquisitio Eliensis. Liber Winton. Boldon Buke. London, 1816. fol. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. DOMESDAY BOOK—DRAGONETTI. 53 DOMESDAY BOOK. Dom Boc. A Translation of the Record called Domesday, so far as relates to the County of York, including also Amounderness, Lonsdale, and Furness, in Lancashire \ and such parts 01 Westmoreland and Cumberland as are contained in the Survey. Also the Counties of Derby, Nottingham, Rutland, and Lincoln, with an introduction, glossary, and indexes. By the Rev. William Bawdwen, Vicar of Hooton Pagnell, Yorkshire. Doncaster, Shcardoivn^ 1809. 4to. DONATUS, Alexander. Roma Vetus ac Recens, Utriusque sedificiis ad eniditam cognitionem expositis : Auctore Alexandro Donato e societate Jesu. Tertio edita ac multis in locis nedum aucta, et castigatior reddita; verum etiam figuris aeneis veterum ^dificiorum integritatem, & eommdem reliqua vestigia fideliter exprimentibus, illustrata. [Device.] Roitkb^ ex Bibliotheca Fratruni de Rubeis^ sub sigrio Salamandrce. Aniio Jubil^i^ 1725. 4to. This is a duplicate of the edition of 1665, with a different titlepage and new dedication. Vellum. DORE, Pierre. Les AUumettes du feu divin pour faire ardre les cueurs humains en lamour de Dieu. Ou sont declairez les principaulx articles et mystbres de la passion de nostre saulueur Jesus. Avec les voyes de Paradis que a enseignees nostre benoist saulueur Jesus en son euagile. ^ Autheur F. Pierre Dore, Docteur en Theologie, 1538. ^ On les ved au Falais m la galleriepar ou on va a la Chancellerie en la boutique de Vincet Scntenas. 8vo. Black mor., g.e. Pnnted in black letter. DORHOFF, Bernhard. Credo Calvinisequarum monasterii in celebri gymnasio Paulino societatis lesu in gratiam Calvinistarum tertio disputatum. In quo Calvini de primariis fidei Christianas capitibus . . . dogmata execranda proponuntur. Hasc denuo excudi curauit R. D. Bernardus Dorhoflf, SS. Theolog. Baccalaureus. [Device.] Monast. Westphal. typis Lamberii Rassfeldt^ Ajino 1607. 8vo. Bound with Serarius' " Rabbini et Herodes." DOUZA, Jan. Jani Douza a Noortwyck, Epigrammatum lib. 11, Satyrae 11, Elegorum lib. i, Sylvarum lib. 11 . . . [Device.] Antverpice excudebat Gulielmus Silvius typographus Regius, Anno 1570. 8vo. With portrait of John Douza, and his motto " Dukes ante omnia Musse." Calf, gilt. DRAGONETTI, Giacinto, Marquis. A Treatise on Virtues and Rewards. London, 1769. 8vo. With Italian and English versions, and vignettes by Grignon. Red mor., gilt. 54 DRECHSLER—DU LAURENS. DRECHSLER, Wolfgang. De Saracenis et Turcis Chroiiicon Volfgangi Drechsleri. Item De Origine et progressu et fine Mahometi, et quadruplici reprobatione Prophetiae ejus Joannis Galensis Angli, liber. Omnia nunc primum edita. Argentorati^ i550- i2mo. Bound with the " Turcicarum rerum commentarius " of Paulus Jovius. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. DREXELIUS, HiEREMiAS. Recta Intentio omnium humanarum actionum Amussis. Auctore Hieremia Drexelio ^ societate Jesu. Col. Agrippincs^ 1631. i6mo. Aloe amari sed salubris succi jejunium, etc. Ajifwerpice^ 1650. i2mo. A Sermon on Fasting, preached before Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria. With engraved titlepage. Old calf, gilt. DRURY, C. A descriptive Catalogue of the Maiolica, Hispano- Moresco, Persian, Damascus and Rhodian Wares, in the South Kensington Museum, with Historical notices, marks and monograms, by C. Drury and E. Fortnum, F.S.A. Londoft, 1873. 8vo. With coloured illustrations. DUGDALE, William. Origines Juridiciales, or historical memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryal, Punishment in Cases Criminal, Law-Writers, I.aw-Books, Grants and Settlements of Estates, Degree of Serjeant, Innes of Court and Chancery. Also a Chronologic of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the great Seal, Lord Treasurers, Justices Itinerant, Justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, Barons of the Exchequer, Masters of the Rolls, Kings Attorneys and Solicitors, and Serjeants at Law. By William Dugdale, Esq. ; Norroy King of Arms. The Second Edition with additions. In the Savoy, printed by Tho. Newcomb^ for Abel Roper ^ John Martin^ and Hemy Herringman^ etc. 167 1. fol. Russia, gilt, g.e., by Bedford. Monasticon Anglicanum. A History of the Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with their dependencies in England and Wales . . . originally published in Latin by Sir William Dugdale, Knight, Garter Principal King at Arms. By John Caley, F.R.S., Sir Henry Ellis, F.R.S., and the Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel, D.D. [Portraits, and plates.] London^ 1846. fol. Six volumes, bound in eight. DU LAURENS, Henri Joseph. Le Compere Matthieu, ou les bigamires de Tesprit humain. [Plates.] /V?m, 1796. 8vo. 3 vols. Old French calf, gilt; D UNKIN—D URFE Y. 55 DUNKIN, Alfred John. The pooms or the Saxon Laws of Kent, with a commentary by Alfred John Dunkin of Dartford, Kent. [Dartfbrdy s.a.] 8vo. One of 12 copies printed for private circulation. Bound with an essay by G. R. Comer, F.S.A., On the custom of Borough-English as existing in the County of Sussex, London, 1853. DUPATY, Emmanuel. Les Ddlateurs, ou trois annees du dix-neuvi^me sibcle. Par M. Emmanuel Dupaty. Troisieme Edition. PaHsj 1820. 8vo. MS. note on half-title : " Cet ouvrage faisait partie de la Bibliotheque de Napoleon k S*". Helene que nous avons achete du Gouverneiuent Anglais en Juin 1822, Martin Bossange & Cie." With the Emperor's autograph : "L'Empereur Napoleon." Green calf, gilt, g.e. by Zaehnsdorf. DUPUY, Pierre. Histoire de la Condannation des Templiers, celle du Schisme des Papes tenans le Siege en Avignon & quelques Procbs criminels. Par Monsieur Pierre Dupuy, Conseiller du Roi, en ses conseils, & Garde de sa Bibliotheque. Edition nouvelle, augmentee de I'Histoire des Templiers de M. Gurtler, & de plusieurs autres Pieces curieuses sur le meme sujet. A Brusselky chez Francois FoppenSy \1 17^, 8vo. 2 vols. With a portrait of Pierre Dupuy as frontispiece. The first arms of J. F. L. Matignon, Comte de Thorigny are stamped in gold on the sides, and his cypher on the corners and panels of the back, with his bookplate of 1 713. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. Calf, gilt, by Du Seuil. DURANDUS, GoNSALVus, Bishop of Monte Feltro, Revelationes S. Brigittse ; olim k Card. Turrecremata recognitae, nunc \ Consalvo Durante a Sancto Angelo in Vado, Presb. et S. T. P. . . . notis illustratae. [Vignette : Portrait of St. Brigit.] Antwerp. 1611. fob From the library of *' Robert James, Lord Petre, of Thorndon, Essex." Calf, gilt. D'URFEY, Thomas. Tales Tragical and Comical. . . . From the prose of antique Italian, Spanish, and French authors. Done into several sorts of English verse, with large Additions and Improvements. By Tho. D'Urfey, Gent. [Motto.] London, B. Lintott, 1704. 8vo. Calf, gilt ARLE, James. Verses upon several occasions. By J. Earle, Chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Douglas. London^ 1723. i2mo. With a printed note, *'To the reader. Errata in the running title: for Hymns read Verses:' Red mor., gilt, g.e. EARLE, John. ISl icro-cosmographie, or a Piece of the World Discovered. In Essayes and Characters. The Ninth Edition. London^ 1669. i2mo. From the library of G. Chahiiers. A scarce edition, "unknown to D'. Bliss." Hallam has compared Bishop Earle'> work with Overbury's Characters : " Every sentence is a point or a witticism"; the whole makes a Dutch picture, "a Gerard Dow, somewhat too elaborate." Red mor., gilt. EAST INDIA COMPANY. A True Relation of the Unjust, Cruell, and Barbarous Proceedings against the Enj;lish at Amboyna in the East- Indies by the Netherlandish Governour and Councel there, &c. By the English East-India Company. The second impression. [Frontispiece ; English under torture.] London^ N. Newberry^ 1624. 4to. "There suffered ten Englishmen, viz. Cap*. G. Towerson, the Agent of the English at Amboyna, Samuel Colson, Factor at Hitto, &c. Ihe names of the laponeses that suffered (if any be curious to know them) were as followeth : Hitieso . . . Sidney Miguel, Pedro Congie, Thome Corea, borne at Nangasacque, Quiondago, native of Corasts, &c." EDGEVVORTH, Maria. The Parent's Assistant, or Stories for Children. [Plates.] Londoft, 1800. 8vo. Six volumes bound in two. Popular Tales by Miss Edgeworth. London^ 1807. 8vo. 3 vols. D'. Edgeworth's preface expl.ins the art of " reading with the thumb," otherwise called by him "hunting a book." Moral Tales. London, 1809. 8vo. 3 vols. "With preface by D'. Edgeworth. Tales of Fashionable Life. London, 1^0^-12. 8vo. 6 vols. With prefaces by D'. Edgeworth. EDICTS—ELIOT, 57 EDICTS. Libelli seu decreta a Clodoveo et Childeberto, & Clothario prius edita, ac postremum k Carolo lucide emendata, auctaque plurimum. S, I. et a. \Circa 1560.] 8vo. With the " Lex Alamannorum," *' Antiquye Burgundiorum Leges," etc. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum, gilt. Edict du Roy, Contenant restablissement des Edicts de Pacification, faicts par le defunct Roy Henry troisieme sur les Troubles de ce Royaume. Leu et public en la Cour de Parlement scant a Chaalons, le 24 luillet, 1591. Chalo?is. 12 mo. Declaration du Roy, faicte a Mante le 27 Decembre, 1593. Tours, 1594- i2mo. Articles accordez pour la Trefve generalle. Angers, i594' 1 2 mo. With several "Continuations de la Treve." Edictes et Articles accordez par le Roy sur la reunion du Sieur de Bois-Dauphin, au Service de sa Majestd Angers, 1596. i2mo. Edict du Roy, sur les articles accordez \ monsr. le due de Mercoeur, pour sa reduction, & des villes de Nantes, & autres de la Bretagne en I'obeyssance de sa Majeste. Angers, 1598. Svo. EGLISHAM, George. Prodromus Vindictae in Ducem Buckinghamiae, pro virulenta csede potentissimi Magnae Britanniae Regis lacobi, &c. Indice Georgio Eglisham Scoto. Francofurti, 1626. 4to. The author, who was for ten years physician to James I., accuses the Duke of Buckingham, the Marquis of Hamilton, and others, of murdering the King. From the Hamilton Palace Collection. ELEGANT EXTRACTS. Elegant Extracts, or useful and entertaining passages in Prose, &c. London, 1 808. 8vo. 2 vols. Elegant Extracts, or useful and entertaining pieces of Poetry, &c. London^ 1809. Svo, 2 vols. ELIOT, George [Mary Ann Evans]. Silas Marner, the Weaver of Raveloe. By George Eliot, Author of Adam Bede. Edifiburgh and London^ 1 86 1. Svo. The first edition. Olive mor., by Zaehnsdorf. Romola. By George Eliot. With Illustrations by Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A. London, 1880. Svo. No. 153 of the Edition de luxe. 58 ELLIS— ELTON. ELLIS, John. The Canto added by Maphaeus, to Virgil's twelve books of -^neas. From the original Bombastic. Done into English Hudibrastic ; with notes beneath and Latin text. In ev'ry other page annext. [Motto.] London^ Printed for R. and J. Dodsley in Pall Mall ^ i75<^- 12 mo. With frontispiece by Cipriani. Maffei Vegio (1406-58) added a book to the ^neid. The burlesque by Ellis was founded on the English translation by Moses Mendez. Calf, gilt. ELTON, Arthur Hallam. An Inquiry into the alleged Justice and Necessity of the War with Russia ... By an English Landowner. London^ 1855. 8vo. Where are we drifting? or, a plain question for the British Peoj)le on the War with Russia ... By Sir Arthur Hallam Elton, Bart. London^ 1855. 8vo. Poems of Past Years. London^ iS $6. 8vo. Below the Surface. A Story of English Country Life. London, 1857. 8vo. 3 vols. The Case against the late Ministry plainly stated. London, 1858. 8vo. Herbert Chauncey : A Man more sinned against than sinning. By Sir Arthur Hallam Elton, Bart. London, i860. 8vo. 3 vols. A i^"^ years of the Life of Mary Elizabeth Elton. Bristol, 1877. 4to. Privately printed. The work includes a journal kept by Sir A. H. Elton, with notes of conversations with W. S. Landor. "The rush of his varied conversation shows itself in faint and broken lights through the recollections of the listener." Discussing the Portuguese at dinner, Landor said that they spoke a sort of bad Spanish, "such Spanish as a negro would speak." Of Godwin and his school he remarked that they pretended to know nothing and believe nothing, " Lucretius was most absurd. According to him every limb was obtained by the striving of successive generations. The elephant, by pushing and pushing forwards, gradually obtained his trunk. According to this theory we ought now to be struggling for wings and fins. Conceive too the offspring succeeding to the exact quantity of leg or arm obtained by the parent. Poor Lucretius ! " In reference to a story that Virgil on his death-bed wished to destroy the ^Eneid, C. said that he did not believe that Virgil really wished to put the poem in the fire. Landor exclaimed, " He should have put some of the poem into the fire, and some of the fire into the poem." ELTON, Charles Abraham. Poems. By Charles A. Elton. London, 1804. 8vo. Tales of Romance, with other poems; including selections from Propertius. London, 1810. 8vo. Frontispiece. ELTON. 59 ELTON, Charles Abraham. The Remains of Hesiod. Translated from the Greek into English verse. London^ 1812. 12 mo. Specimens of the Classic Poets in a Chronological Series from Homer to Tryphiodorus. Translated into English verse, etc. London^ 18 14. 8vo. 3 vols. Elton. The Brothers, a Monody ; and other Poems. By Charles A. •* So frequent Death Sorrow he more than causes, he confounds." — Youns;. London^ 1820. 12 mo. Boyhood, and other Poems and Translations. By Charles A. Elton. ** Sic tamen absumo, decipioque diem." London^ 1835. ^vo. Mr. Foster quotes a letter from Landor to Southey, referring to this volume : — ** I have been reading for the third time (Sir) Charles Elton's Elegy on the loss of his two sons. It is not an elegy, though the structure of the verse has nothing to do with the matter, but many parts strike me as much as anything I ever read of the elegiac. Tears were in my eyes the first time, the second time, and the third time, on reading — * That night the little chamber where they lay, Fast by our own, was silent and was still.' " ELTON, Charles Isaac. Norway, the Road and the Fell. By Charles Isaac Elton, late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. London and Oxford^ 1864. 8vo. Brown mor.j by Ramage. The Tenures of Kent London^ 1867. 8vo. Olive mor., by Ramage. A Treatise on Commons and Waste Lands, with special reference to the Law of Approvement. London, i2,62,. 8vo. A Treatise on the Law of Copyholds and Customary Tenures of Land. London, 1874. 8vo. Observations on the Bill for the Regulation and Improvement of Commons. London, 1876. 8vo. Origins of English History. [Maps.] London, 1882. 8vo. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Riviere. Origins of English History. [Maps.] London, 1882. 8vo. Bound in needlework, with Grolieresque design, by Mrs. Elton. 6o ELTON, ELTON, Charles Isaac. Custom and Tenant-Right. By Charles Elton, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. London^ 1882. 8vo. With appendices on Manorial Courts, the customs of Yetminster Prima, and old forms of Primogeniture. By the Yetminster custom the new tenant paid "for every Lot \2d. and for every Half-place dd. and shall give unto the Homage a gallon of good ale and a loaf of bread, which is the customary -hold." Origins of English History. [Maps.] Second Edition. London^ 1890. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. ELTON, Edward. An Exposition of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Colossians. Delivered in sundry Sermons preached by Edward Elton, Minister of God's Word at St. Mary Magdalen's, Bermondsey, neere London. . . . The Second Edition, revised and corrected by the Author. At London^ Imprinted by Felix Kytigston^ 1620. fol. There is an account in the Harl. MSS. 3142. of the burning of a work on the Ten Commandments by the same writer on account of its Puritanical doctrines. "The burning of M'. Elton his booke at Pauls crosse &c. The K. most excellent Ma"' having viewed a booke ... is most highly displeased with the foule & grosse errors contained therein." Among the errors reported by the Royal Commissioners is the following : "6. for averring y* no man of this country may weare the apparell of any other nation whatsoever." " His Ma"* out of a princely care & prouidence for y* welfare of this church & y" members of y" same, hath comanded y* aforesaid propositions, contained in y° said booke to be here publiquely declared as scandalous & seditious, tending to innovation & to y° subversion of y' religion & pietie w*'' is received among us & in consideration of y° premisses, hath further required & comanded, y' y' whole impression of y° bookes be now comitted to y' fire, in yo' presence, there to be burned to y° perpetuall ignominie & shame of all such as seeke to make any innovation in y® church or state. God save y* King." A Complaint of a Sanctified Sinner Answered, or an Explana tion of the Seventh Chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, de- livered in divers Sermons. The Seconde Edition. Printed by G. Eld for Robert Mylbourne, and are to be sold at the great South doore of Paul's, 1622. 4to. ELTON, James Frederic. With the French in Mexico. [Plates.] By J.F.Elton. London, i2>6t . 8vo. Travels and Researches among the Lakes and Mountains of Eastern and Central Africa. Edited and completed, H. B. Cotterell. London, 1879. 8vo. With maps and plates. ELTON, Laura Beatrice [Mrs. George Lewis Monck Gibbs]. Poems by L. B. G. Composed for the most part at Clevedon Court, Somerset. (Privately printed), 1883. 8vo. ELTON, Richard. The Complete Body of the Art Military, in three Books ... By Richard Elton. Formerly written by Thomas Rudd, ELTON— ERASMUS. 6i Chief Engineer to K. Charles the First. London : Printed for W. L. and are to be sold by Henry Brome at the Star in Little-Britaifi^ and Thomas Basset under St. Dunstaris Church in Fleet Street. 1668. fol. The first edition was published in 1650 and the second in 1659. ELTON, Romeo. Life of Roger Williams, the Earliest Legislator and True Champion for a full and absolute Liberty of Conscience. By Romeo Elton, D.D., F.R.P.S., Fellow of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, &c. London^ 1852. i2mo. With an Appendix containing the Charter of Rhode Island, dated July the S*^*, 1663. Another edition was published at Providence, Rhode Island, in 1853. EM MI US, Ubbo. Graecorum respublicae ab Ubbone Emmio descriptae. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana^ anno 1632. i2mo. The genuine edition of this year. An imitation appeared in 1644. Titlepage engraved. ENNIUS, QuiNTUS. Quinti Ennii . . . Reliquiae quae extant omnes, ex editionibus variis conquisitae k J. A. Giles. Oxonice. 1834. 8vo. EPICTETUS. Manuels d'Epictete, suivis du Tableau de Ceb^s, Farts y de r imprinter ie de Boiste^ 1796. 32mo. Largest paper, uncut. ' EPIGRAMMATA. Epigrammatum Delectus ex omnibus turn veteribus turn recentioribus poetis accurate decerptus, &c. Farisiis^ apud Carolum Savreux insignis Ecclesicz Farisiensis Capituli Bihliopolam, in A trio Temp it Beatce MaricE^ sub insigni trium Virtutum, i6^(). 8vo. From the Mitford Collection. Red mor., g.e. ERASMUS, Desiderius. Pacis querela. De regno administrando. Institutio Principis Christiani. Panegyricus ad Philippum & Carmen. Item ex Plutarcho. De discrimine adulatoris et amici, &c. Item declamatio super mortuo puero. Colophon : Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et AndrecB Soceri^ mefise Septe7nbri, i^i2>. 8vo. Epistola nuncupatoria ad Carolum Caesarem. Exhortatio ad studium Euangelicae lectionis. Paraphrasis in Euangeliu Matthaei, per D. Erasmum Rot. nunc denuo recognita. Epistola ad R. D. Matthaeum Card. Sedun. Basil.^ 1522. 8vo. The title is enclosed in an engraved border bearing the date 1520, but the dedicatory epistle is dated * Basilese, Id. Ian. An. 1522.' Inserted are steel-engraved portraits of Simon Grynreus and Simon Gediccus. On the titlepage is a MS. note: "Ep'* Charissimi mihi amici que super 5es mortales diligo. J. Ashlock. Pretium xxd." Original stamped calf, floral de>ign in blind tooling in two compartments, between which are the words ' S. Ihesus : Maria.' 62 ERA SMUS—ESTIENNE, ERASMUS, Desiderius. Des. Erasmi Roterod. CoUoquia nunc Emen- datiora. [Frontispiece : with motto, * Vidit Pervidit Risit,' and medallion portrait.] Lugd, Batavorum, ex officina Elzevirian^,, 1636. i2mo. Olive mor., gilt, g.e. Des. Erasmi Roterod. de utraque Verborum ac Rerum Copia lib. II. Ad Sermonem & Stylum formandum utilissimi. Amstelodami, apud Joannem Jansoonium:, A°. 1645. i2mo. With engraved titlepage. Old calf, gilt. Des. Erasmi Roterodami Dialogus, cui Titulus Ciceronianus sive de optimo genere dicendi. Oxonice, 1693. i2mo. Stultitiae Laudatio. Desiderii Erasmi Declamatio : Editio castigatissima. Denuo recognovit A. G. M. Q. [Device.] Londini d^ venit Farisiis, apud Barbou, i777' izmoT "With title in Greek and Latin. " Ex bibliothec^ Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. ERASTUS, Thomas. Repetitio disputationis de Lamiis seu strigibus : in qua plenb, solidb, & perspicue, de arte earum, potestate, itemque poena disceptatur. Authore Thoma Erasto. Libellus cum aliis omnibus, tum maximb ad gubernacula Rerumpub. & ludicia sedentibus, utilis ac necessarius. BasilecBy apud Petrum Fernam, [1578.] 8 vo. The dedication to three senators of Basle is dated " Heidelbergae Cal. April. Anno 1578." The treatise was completed ** Cal. lulij anno. 77." From the library of the Rev. Mark Pattison, with his stamp on the titlepage. Old calf, gilt. ESCOLE DES PRINCES. L'Escole des princes, ou Alexandre le Grand comble de gloire et de malheurs. [Device : the Sphere.] A Amsterdam^ chez Jaques le Jeune, 1671. 12 mo. An English translation of this book appeared in 1680. Vellum, gill. ESTIENNE, Henri. Henrici Stephani Dialogus de bene instituendis Grsecae linguae Studiis . . . Eiusdem alius dialogus de parum fidis Grsecae linguae magistris. Excudebafur anno i^^T. 4to. Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum in septem libros divisum. [Device.] Colophon : Excudcbat Henricus Siephajius, illusiris vir, Iluldrichi Fuggeri typographus, (Paris,) 1^66. fol. From the library of H. B. de Requeleyne, Baron de Longepierre, bound in veau fauve, with the device of the Golden Fleece. After the success of his tragedy *' Medea" the Baron used no other device, *'afm de porter jusqu'a ses derniers neveux le souvenir d'un fait assez rare." With title in Greek and Latin, and motto by H. Estienne. k EURIPIDES. 1508. '^ESTIENNE— EURIPIDES. 63 ESTIENNE, Henri. Ad Senecae lectionem Pro-odophoeia . . . Autore Henr. Stephano. Epistolae ejusdem, &c. [Device.] Paris^ 1586. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Chatelin. L' Introduction ou Traits de la conformity des merveilles anciennes avec les modernes : ou Traite preparatif \ TApologie pour Herodote. . . . [Motto, and device of the Hazels.] Sur les Hasles^ Van 1607. 8vo. With MS. note by M'. Alfred Horwood on the term "pro uno Albo estis contenti damnari," rendered *• Un blanc, qui vaut cinq deniers tournois, &c." p. 38. EUCLID. 'EvAcXctSou o-Totx«W )8t/3A. U, (Euclidis elementorum libri xv.) . . . Adjecta praefatiuncula in qua de disciplinis Mathematicis nonnihil. Basilece^ apud Joan. Hervagium^ anno 1532 mense Septembri. fol. The Editio princeps of Euclid's Elements, taken from the Collections of Theon, with the Commentary of Proclus. The preface, by S. Grynseus, is addressed to Archbishop Tunstall. With MS. note on title : " Bibliothecae Windhaagianae Catalogo adscripta anno 1666." I Original stamped calf. EUNAPIUS. Eunapius Sardianus de vitis philosophorum et sophistarum, Hadriano Junio Hornano interprete. [Device, with the motto : ' Oliva Pauli Stephani.] Paris ^ 16 16. 8vo. With title in Greek and Latin. I Old calf, gilt. EURIPIDES. Euripides. Venetiis, Aldus, 1503. 8vo. A volume containing the Alcestis, Andromache, Supplices, and Iphigenia, taken from the Aldine Euripides, bound in old Venetian calf, gilt, with Grolieresque pattern, and gauflfred edges. Euripidis Electra, nunc primum in lucem edita. Romany 1545. 8vo. Editio princeps. Euripidis Tragoediae xx. . . . opera Gulielmi Canteri Ultra- jectini. [Device.] Aiitwerpice, Plantin, 157 1. 8vo. Old olive mor., gilt, g.e. Euripidis poetae Tragici tres Tragoediae, Phoenissae, Hippolytus Coronatus, atque Andromacha, de Graecis olim Latino carmine conversse et nunc primum editae, auctore G. Ratallero. Antwerp., Plantin, 1586. 8vo. From the Syston Park Collection. Red mor., g.e. Euripidis Tragoediae xix. Accedit nunc recens vigesimae, cui Danae nomen, initium . . . Carminum ratio ex Gul. Cantero diligenter observata, additis ejusdem in totura Euripidem notis. [Device.] Hcidel- bergcB, typis Hieronymi Cotnmelini, 1597. 8vo. This edition contains the preface and notes of William Canter, whose work, according to Dibdin, was always " very neat and correct." The skill of Canter in restoring a corrupt 64 E USEBIUS—E UTR OPIUS. text is described by Hallam as being not only scientific, but as "approaching sometimes to the logic of the Novum Organum." Lit. Hist. ii. 20. Ancient binding, with back and sides stamped all over udth gilt fleurs-de-lys. Red mor., gilt, g.e. EUSEBIUS, Pamphili. Ecclesiasticae Historiae Eusebii Pamphili Lib. X. Ejusdem de Viti Constantini Lib* v. Socratis Lib. vii. Theodoriti episcopi Cyrensis Lib. v. Collectaneorum ex historia eccles. Theodori Lectoris Lib. 11. Hermii Sozomeni L b. ix. Euagrii Lib. vi. [Device, and motto.] Lutetice Parisiorum^ ex officind, Roberti Stephani typographi Regit, Regiis typis, 1544. fob With title in Greek and Latin. Bound in red mor., stamped with gilt fleur-de-lys on the sides and panels of the back, and on the i-ides arms and motto in gold : " Collegium Grassinseum. Lilium inter spinas." EUSTATHIUS. Les Amours d'Ismene et d'lsm^nias. A la Haye. [Paris], 1743. 1 2mo. With vignette on titlepage, and engravings. Translated by P. F. Godart de Beauchamps. Old French calf, gilt. Les Amours 'd'Ismene et d'Ismenias, suivis de ceux d'Abro- | come et d'Anthia. A Genhe^ijSz. 12 mo. | With frontispiece by Marillier. ; Calf, gilt, g.e. Eustathii De Ismenise et Ismenes Amoribus libellus. Grsecb * et Latine. Curavit L. H. Teucherus. LipsicB, 1792. 8vo. ' With title in Greek and Ladn. Calf, gilt. EUTROPIUS. Eutropii de gestis Romanorum libri decem. Paris, Colinceus, 1531. 8vo. Bound with " Paulus Diaconus de Gestis Romanorum libri octo, ad Eutropii historiam additi, Parisiis, 1531," the Latin Froissart, " Frossardi . . , historiarum opus omne, &c. Parisiis, 1537," and "Turcicarum rerum commentarius Pauli Jovii," printed at Paris by R. Stephanus in 1538. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. , 'Eutropii Breviarium Hisloriae Romanse, Lugdun, Batav,, 1729. 8vo. From the Osterley Park Collection. Calf, gilt. Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae. Paris, BarboUy 1754. i2mo. *• Ex bibliothec^ Warclanensi, Comitis de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. WEREAU, — . Tableaux clu Temple des Muses : lirez du cabinet de feu M^ Favereau, conseiller du Roy en sa Cour des Aydes, & gravez en Tailles-douces par les meilleurs Maistres de son temps, pour representer les Vertus & les Vices, sur les plus illustres Fables de I'Antiquite. Avec les descriptions, remarques et annotations composdes .par M"". Michel de MaroUes, Abbe de Villeloin. f'arls, 1655. fol. With frontispiece, portrait of M. Favereau, and 58 plates, by Blocmaert, after Diepenbeke. There is a second engraved titlepage. From the Sunderland Collection. Old French calf, gilt. FEITHIUS, EvERHARD. Everhardi Feithii Antiquitatum Homericarum libri IV. Editio nova. Argentor ati^ i^^t,, 8vo. With " the Apotheosis of Homer" and other plates. Vellum. FEN^LON, Francois de la Motte. Recueil des Mandemens de Messire Francois de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, Archeveque de Cambray, Prince du Saint-Empire. . .depuis le 15 Novembre 1701 jusqu'au 23 Fevrier, 17 13. Paris y 17 13. 8vo. FERRALDUS, Johannes [Jean Ferrault]. Insignia peculiaria xrianissimi Fracorum regni numero viginti, seu totide illustrissime francorum corone prerogative ac preeminetie : per excellente utriusque iuris licentiatum, Consiliarium fisci ac reipublice Cenomanen, pcuratorem Johannem ferraldum in luce edite. [Device of Jean Petit.] Vemmdantur Parisiis a Johanne pm-vo sub Lilio aureo via regia ad divutn Jacobum commoran, s.a. [Circa 15 10.] 8vo. FIELDING, Henry. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. By the late Henry Fielding, Esq. Londoiiy 1755. 8vo. The first edition. FIERA, Baptista, Mantuanus. Baptist^ Fierf Mantuani : Hymni Diuini -. Sylv^ : Melanysius : Caena. Manfuce, 15 15. 4to. F e^ FISH— FLEETWOOD, FISH, Simon. A Supplication of the Poore Commons. Proverbes xxi. Chapiter. Whoso stoppeth his ear, &c. Whereunto is added the Supph- cation of Beggers. — The Supplication of Beggers compyled by Symon Fyshe. Anno 1524, Psalmus 93. Blessed is the man, &c. [London, 1546.] 8vo. These "slanderous and celebrated" books are of great importance in the history of the Reformation. Foxe gives the following account of the presentation of the Supplication of Beggars to Henry VIII. " One Edmund Moddis, the king's footeman, being with the king in talk of religion, & of the newe bookes which were come from beyond the seas, said if it might please his grace to pardon him, & such as he would bring to his grace, he should see such a booke as was marvele to hear of . . . When he saw it, he demanded if any of them could read it. * Yea,' said George Elyot, *if it please your grace to heare it.' ' I thought so,' said the king, * for if need were, thou canst say it without booke.' The whole booke being read out, the king made a long pause, & then sayd, ' if a man should pull dowue an old stone wall, & begin at the lower part, the upper part thereof might chance to fall upon his head.' And then he tooke the booke, & put it into his deske, & commanded them upon their allegiance that they should not tell to any man that hee had seen the booke." — Foxe, ii. 280. A Supplicacyon for the Beggers. Reprinted from the original edition of 1524. London, W. Pickering, i2>^^. 8vo. One of an edition of 100 copies. With an introduction giving reason-; for attributing this libel to Simon Fish, who died of the plague in 1530. Wood, Athen. Oxon. i. 59. ^FITZGERALD, Edward. Rubdiydt of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer- j Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. Third edition. London, \ Quaritch, 1872. 4to. Rubdiydt of Omar Khayydm ; and the Sdldmdn and Absdl of Jdmi, rendered into English Verse. [Frontispiece.] London, Quaritch, 1879. 8vo. Presented to M". Elton by the Publisher. Agamemnon ; a tragedy. Taken from ^schylus. Lojidon, Bernard Quaritch, 1876. 4to. FL^CHIER, Valentin Esprit. M^moires sur les Grands-Jours d' Auvergne en 1 665. Precdd^s d'une notice par M. Sainte-Beuve. Paris, 1862. 8vo. " II y a des portraits piquants, d'un demi-comique acheve." Among the nobles brought before the High Commission for feudal tyranny were *' M. Nau le croquemitaine," M. de Novion "avec sa legere nuance d'iniquiie," and the Vicomte de la Mothe de Canillac "le plus innocent de tous les Canillac." FLEETWOOD, William. Chronicon Preciosum ; or, an account of English gold and silver money; the price of corn and other commodities, and of stipends, salaries, wages, jointures, portions, day-labour, &c., in FLETCHER— FLOWER-GARDEN. 67 England for Six Hundred Years last past ... By Bishop Fleetwood. To which is added an historical account of Coins, illustrated with several plates of gold and silver coins. London^ i'] \^. 8vo. William Fleetwood, Bishop of St. Asaph, was Chaplain to William III. The preface to his volume of Sermons, preached between 1695 and 1705, and published in 1712, gave such offence, that the work was publicly burned in that year ; this preface was reprinted in the spectator^ No. 384, for May 21, 1712, as *' an excellent Piece lately come out." FLETCHER, Phineas. The Purple Island, or Isle of Man, an allegorical poem, by Phineas Fletcher ... To which is added Christ's Victory and Triumph, a poem in four parts. By Giles Fletcher ... A new edition. London^ 1783- 8vo. " Peruse it, as thou shouldst thyself, from thy first sheet, to thy last." — Preface. •» FLORIST. The Compleat Florist. London, 1747. 8vo. With coloured frontispiece and border to titlepage, and 100 coloured plates of flowers. Old red mor. - ^ FLORUS, Lucius Ann^eus. L. A. Florus cum n'otis mtcgris CI. Salmasii et selectissimis Variorum, &c. Additus est L. Ampelius e?^ Bibliotheca CI. Salmasii. [Engraved title.] Amstelodami, Ex officma Elzevirianay A\ 1674. 8vo. L. Annsei Flori Epitome rerum Ronianarum ex recensione Jo. Georgii Graevii . . . Accesserunt notae integrae CI. Salmasii, Jo. Frenshemii, et Variorum. Necnon numismata et antiqua monumenta. [Frontispiece.] Amstelodamij Gallet, 1702. 8 vo. 2 vols. From the Osterley Park Collection. Epitome Rerum Romanarum libri iv. Paris , Barbou, 1776. i2mo. Old French mor., gilt, g.e. FLOWER-GARDEN. The Flower Garden display'd, in above four hundred curious representations of the most beautiful flowers ; regularly dispos'd in the respective Months of their Blossom, curiously engrav'd on Copper-plates from the Designs of Mr. Turber, and Others, and coloured to the life. With the Description and History of each Plant, and the Method of their Culture ; whether in Stoves, Greenhouses, Plot-beds, Glass-cases, Open- borders, or against Walls. The Second Edition. To which is added, A Flower Garden for Gentlemen and Ladies, &c. Also the Method of raising Salleting, Cucumbers, Melons, &c., at any time of the year. As it is now practised by Sir Thomas More, Bart. London, i734« 4to. With an engraved titlepage. This seems to be nearly a duplicate of the edition of 1732, with some additional matter. F 2 68 FOGLIETTA—FULGOSUS. FOGLIETTA, Uberto. Uberti Folietse de Linguae Latinse usu et praestantia libri tres. Quae disputatio coram juvene clarissimo Jacobo Bon- compagno . . . ab Antonio Saulio habita est. [Device.] Eomce, apud losephum de Angelis^ i<^']^, 8vo. Dedicated "ad amplissimum principem Hernestum comitem palatinum Rheni." Red mor,, gilt. FORCEVILLE, Le Chevalier de. Memoires du Comte de Baneston. La Haye et d, Paris ^ i755' 12 mo. 2 vols. Old French red mor. "With the name of " Racine Demonville" in gold on the sides. FORD, John and Thomas Decker. The Sun's-Darling. A Moral Masque. As it hath been often presented by their Majesties Servants ; at the Cockpit in Drury Lane, with great Applause. Written by John Foard and Tho. Decker, Gent. Vignette on title-page. London^ Printed by J, Bell, for Andrew Penneycuicke, Anno Dom, 1637. 4to. FORNERIUS, Gulielmus. Selectionum libri tres . . . Cura et studio Henrici Fornerii. [Device : the Samaritan Woman.] Parisiis, apud loannem Orryj Vid JacobcBdy ad Insigne Samaritance, 1611. 8vo. Calf, gilt. FORTESCUE, John. De Laudibus Legum Angliae. Written by Sir John Fortescue, L. Ch. Justice and after L. Chancellor to K. Henry VI. Hereto are ioined the two Summes of Sir Ralph de Hengham, &c. London, For the Company of Stationers, 16 16. 8vo. FOX, Francis F. Some Account of the Ancient Fraternity of Merchant Taylors of Bristol, with transcripts of Ordinances and other Documents. By Francis F. Fox. Bristol, 1880. 4to. One of fifty copies printed for private circulation. FRICKIUS, Joannes Georgius. Commentatio de Druidis occidentalium populorum philosophis, &c. Ulm, 1744. 4to. *' Men may laugh or rave about Druids, but I conclude that their history has not been written, and if you read Frickius and the Irish writings, you may leave out almost all the rest."— D'. Angus Smith in " Loch Etive," p. 291. FULGOSUS, Baptista [Battista Fregoso]. De dictis factisque memo- rabilibus Collectanea : a Camillo Gilino Latina facta. Colophon : Jacobus Ferrarius Mediolani x KV Julias a redemptione Christiana anno 1509 impressit. Regnante Ludouico xti gallorum rege : quo tempore accisis Venetoru rebus : quod Addua: Pado: Mincio : Benacoq^at^alpibus co7itifietur: ab eis de Vicccomitum Sfortianorumq principu manu dolo magis q uirtute longo tempore extortum : ipse uno magno% prcelio Mediolensi ducatui restituit. Qui huic impressioni priuilegium . . . sub graui poena cocessit. fol. Vellum. ALE, Thomas. Antonini Iter Britanniarum, commentariis illustratum Thomae Gale . . . Accessit Anonymi Ravennatis Britanniae Choro- graphia, &c. London^ 1709* 4to. From the Osterley Park Collection. GALL^US, Servatius. Dissertationes de Sibyllis earumque Oraculis. [Frontispiece, and plates by R. de Hooghe.] Amstdodami^ 1688. 4to. Large paper copy. Vellum, gilt. Sibyllina Oracula ex veteribus codicibus emendata, &c. [En- graved title.] Amstelodaini^ 1689. 4to. Vellum, gilt. GALLI, Giuseppe, da Bibiena. La Poupee, par M. de Bibiena. La Haye, 1747. 8vo. From the libraries of Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closebume, and C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe. GARDETON, Cesar. Dictionnaire de la Beaute, ou la toilette sans dangers . . . Par M. Cesar Gardeton. [Engraved frontispiece.] Paris, 1827. i2mo. GASKELL, Elizabeth Cleghorn. The Life of Charlotte Bronte, author of "Jane Eyre," '• Shirley," &c., by E. C. Gaskell, author of " Mary Bajton," " Ruth," &c. London , i2><^'], i2mo. 2 vols. Portrait of Charlotte Bronte as frontispiece. The first edition. GASSEND, Pierre. The Miriour of true Nobility & Gentility. Being the Life of the Renowned Nicolaus Claudius Fabricius, Lord of Peiresk, Senator of the Parliament at Aix. Written by the learned Petrus Gassendus, Professor of the Mathematicks to the King of France. Englished by W. Rand, Doctor of Physick. London, 1657. 8vo. On the title ; " Dorothy Rogers, her booke." With a portrait of Peiresc inserted. ;o GA UTIER— GILES. [GAUTIER, Th^ophile.] Le Tombeau de Theophile Gautier. Paris, 1873. 4to. In the original vellum wrapper. With' etched portrait. Memorial verses by Victor Hugo, Theodore de Banville, A. C. Swinburne and others, in several languages. " Blue lotus-blooms and white and rosy-red We wind with poppies for thy silent head, And on this margin of the sundering sea Leave thy sweet light to rise upon the dead." — Swinburne. GEIER, Martin. Martini Geieri de Ebrseorum Luctu lugentiumque tittbus; E Sacris praecipue, nee non R. Mosis B. Maimon. tit. Efel, aliisque, Editio altera correctior et auctior. £t/>scs, Liter is Hahnianis, 1666. 12 mo. Wiih Chronogram : "Dabam Lipsiae, Cal. Maji, A.C. cIo loc LVI. (cujus Symbolum Pfalm. 119. 82. qVanDo ConsoLaberls Me?)" GELLIUS, AuLUS. Noctium Atticarum Libri 18. Nam octavus desideratur praeter Capita cum indicio, &c. Venundatur ipsi Ascensio. Farrhisiis, 1524. fol. With finely engraved titlepage representing the printing-house of Josse Badius of Asch (** Prelum Ascesianu'') in the year 1520. "In the room, lighted by two windows, the compositors work. In front one works at the bar, while his comrade distributes the ink on the balls." Bouchot. Auli Gellii, luculentissimi scriptoris, Noctes Atticae. [Device.] Colonice, Martinus Gym7iicus excudebat, Anno 1549. 8vo. Philip Melanchthon's copy, with this note in his writing on the inside of the cover : "Plato. — Eloquentia est deo grata dicere, ut grata deo dicas, vera discenda & dicenda sunt, & sit sirmo rectus ut intelligi possit. Sumptum manu Philippi." In stamped pigskin, with portraits of Melanchthon, Erasmus, and other Reformers, on the sides. From the library of W. S. Thorpe, with his signature. GEORGICA. Vetustissimorum Authorum Georgica, Bucolica, et Gnomica poemata qus supersunt. Crispinus, (s.l.) 1570. 8vo. Contemporary stamped calf, with portraits. GERVAISE, Nicholas. Description Historique du Royaume de Macagar divisee en trois Livres. Paris, 1688. 8vo. From the Hamilton Palace Collection, Calf, gilt, g.e., by Bozerian. GILES, J. A. History of the Parish and Town of Bampton. Bamptoft, 1848. 8vo. Printed at the author's private press. Containing an account of a lot-meadow. "From time immemorial there have been sixteen marks established in the village, each of which corresponds with four yardlands. A certain number of the tenants consequently have the same mark, which they always keep, the use of thc^e marks enabling the tenants every year to draw lots for their portions of the meadow. When the grass is fit to cut, the Grass-stewards and Sixteens summon the tenant's to a general meeting and the following ceremony takes place. Four of the tena'its come forward, each bearing his mark cut on a piece of wood, — as the frying-pan, the hern's foot, &c. The first drawn entitles the owner to have his portion in set i, the second in set 2, and so on." GILLET DE MOIVRE— GORDON. 71 GILLET DE MOIVRE. La vie de Properce, Chevalier Romain, et la traduction en prose, et en vers Frangois, de ce qu'il y a de plus interessant dans ses poesies. Avec des remarques, & I'histoires des principaux evenemens de son sibcle, qui ont rapport k ses ouvrages. Par M. Gillet de Moivre. Nouvelle Edition. /^^nV, 1755. ^vo. „; «-.- r ,.i?. From the library of M'. E. L. S. Benzon. Calf, gilt. GIUSTINIANI, PiETRO. Rerum Venetarum ab urbe condita ad annum MDLxxv. historia Petri Justiniani patritii Veneti. [Device.] Venetiis, 1576. fol. Calf, gilt. GLANVILLA, Ranulphus de. Traictatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus regni Anglise, tempore Regis Henrici Secundi compositus, &c. In cedibus T. Wight, London, 1604. 8vo. GLAS, George. The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands. Translated from a Spanish manuscript, lately found in the Island of Palma. With an Enquiry into the Origin of the Ancient inhabitants. To which is added, A Description of the Canary Islands, including the Modem History of the Inhabitants, and an account of their Manners, Customs, Trade, &c. London, 1794. 4to. The author of the MS. history was named Juan d'Abreu de Galindo. GLASS, Samuel. Advice from a Lady of Quality to her Children, in the last stage of a lingering illness. . . . Translated from the French. Gloucester, Printed by R. Raikes, 1778. 8vo. 2 vols. Dedicated to the Queen by Samuel Glass, the translator. " In one of Pope Ganganelli's letters this work is honourably mentioned as being a complete treatise on education." Preface. . ^, Calf, gilt. GODEFROY, Denys. Auctores Latinae linguae in unum redacti corpus . . . adjectis notis Dionysii Gothofredi. S. Gervasii, 1602. 4to. Red morocco, stamped all over with gold fleurs-de-lys^ with the arms of Emm. Jos. de Wignerot de Richelieu, Abbe de Marmontier (1639-65), in gold on the sides. His library has been described by Guigard. V* Presque tous les volumes avaient ete richement habilles par du Seuil en maroquin rouge a tranche doree &c." From the Sunderland Collection. GOETHE. JoHANN Wolfgang von. The Sorrows of Werter , a German story. ' Tsedet cseli convexa tueri.' London, i^Z^. 8vo. 2 vols. GORDON, Alexander. Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a journey thro' most of the counties of Scotland and those in the North of England. In two parts. [Plates.] London, 1726. fol. Calf, gilt. 72 GORGY—GRIMSTONE. *GORGY, Jean Claude. Saint Alme. Par I'auteur de Blan9ay, &c. Paris y 1790. 121x10. 2 vols. Calf, gilt. *GRAFFIGNY, Francois Huguet de Happoncourt. Lettres d'une Peruvienne. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1761. i2mo. 2 vols. Calf, gilt. GRAY, Thomas. The Poems of Mr. Gray. To which are prefixed Memoirs of his life & writings. By W. Mason, M.A. The Second Edition. London, 1775. 4to. GRAZIANI, Antonio Maria. Anton. Mariae Gratiani a Burgo S. Sepulcri, Episcopi Amerini, de Bello Cyprio libri v. juxta exemplar Romre impressum. [Engraved title, with arms of Barberini.] j.^t. [1624.] i2mo. Dedicated to Cardinal Francis Barberini. This is the Lamoignon copy, with the label ** Bibliotheca Lamoniana, N. 49," and the crowned L. on p. 3. With R. Southey's bookplate and autograph *' Southey." (See the Catalog. Bibl. Lamon. 10957.) Vellum. *GREGORY NAZIANZEN, Saint. Christus Patiens. Pomce, 1542. 8vo. Bound with the Latin poems of Henricus Castricius Geldorpius (Cologne, 1559). The title of the " Christus Patiens " is in Greek and Latin. The authorship of St. Gregory Nazianzen is very doubtful. The work has been attributed to Theodorus Prodromus, and the date fixed as being in any case subsequent to the lo*"* century. Calf, gilt. GRESSET, Jean Baptists Louis. CEuvres de M. Gresset. Nouvelle e'dition. Revue, corrigee, considerablement augmentee, & donnee au public par I'Auteur. A Londrcs, i'jGk^, i2mo. 2 vols. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. GRIMM, Jacob. Deutsche Rechts-Alterthiimer. Gottingen, 1828. 8vo. With memorandum by D'. E. B. Tylor, dated Nov'. 1872. Deutsche Mythologie. Gottingeit, 1844. 8vo. GRIMM, Jacob, [and Wilhelm Grimm]. German Popular Stories. Translated from the Kinder- und Haus-Marchen, collected by MM. Grimm, from Oral Tradition. Lonfon, 1834. i2mo. 2 vols. Engraved titlepage, and plates by George Cruikshank. Calf, gilt, g.e., by Tout. GRIMSTONE, Edward. The Estates, Empires, & Principalities of the World. Represented by y" description of countries, maners of inhabitants, &c. Translated out of French by Edw. Grimstone, Sargeant at Armes. [Engraved title-page.] London, Printed by Adam /slip, for Matthewe Lownes ; and John Bill, 161 5. fol. Calf, gilt. GROTIUS-'GUILLAUME. 73 GROTIUS, Hugo. De Veritate Religionis Christianae. Editio Novissima, in qua ejusdem Annotationes suis quaeque Paragraphis ad faciliorem usura subjectae sunt. Amstelodami^ ex Officina Elzeviriand, 1680. i2mo. De Jure Belli et Pads libri ties. Avtsterdam^ 1689. 8vo. ' — Adamus Exsul, auctore Hugone Grotio, juvene duodevicenario, accurante Gul. Lauder. London^ 1752. 8vo. Bound up with Andrew Ramsay's Poemata Sacra into a volume of ' precursors of Milton,' "Delectus auctorum Miltonum praslucentium." This boyish poem byGrotius was first published in i6oi. *GUENEBAULD, Jean. Le Reveil de Chyndonax Prince des Vacies Druydes Celtiques Diionois, avec la sainctete, religion & diuersit^e des cerimonies obseruees aux anciennes sepultures. Par I. G. D. M. D. [Plates.] A DiioUy de V impression de Claude Guyot, i?n-primeur ordinaire du Roy^ 1 62 1. 4to. Old calf, gilt. GU^RARD, Benjamin Edm^ Charles. Polyptyque de I'Abbe Irminon ou Denombrement des manses des serfs et des revenus de I'Abbaye de Saint- Germain-des-Pres sous le regne de Charlemagne. Publics d'apres le Manu- scrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi avec des Prolegomenes pour servir \ I'histoire de la condition des personnes et des terres depuis les invasions des barbares jusqu'a rinstitution des communes. Par M. B. Guerard, Membre de rinstitut. Tome premier. Prolegomenes, commentaires et eclaircissements. Polyptychum Irminonis Abbatis, sive Liber Censualis Antiquus Monasterii Sancti German! Pratensis. (Tome second.) Faris, 1844. 4to. 2 vols. With the inscription on the title of vol I : ** A Monsieur Laboulaye offert par son bien affectionne Guerard," in the author's handwriting. GUEVARRA, Antonio de. Les Epistres dorees et discours salutaires de Don Antoine de Guevarre, Evesque de Mondonedo . . . Avec un Traite des travaux et privileges des Galeres. [Device.] A Lyon^ Four Loys Cloquemin d^• Estienfie Michel, 15 75- 8vo. Old stamped calf, gilt. GUILLAUME, Jacqueite de. Les Dames Illustres, 011 Par bonnes et fortes raisons il se prouve que le Sexe Feminin surpasse en toute sorte de genres le Sexe Masculin. Par Demoiselle J. Guillaume. Faris, chez Thomas lolly ^ au Falais dans la petite Salle des Merciers, a la Falme aux Armes dllollande, 166^. 8vo. 74 GUILLEVILLE—GUYS. *GUILLEVILLE, Guillaume de. Le pelerin de vie humaine. Colophon : Ce present liure appelle le pelerinaige de homme humain a este imprime a par is par Anthoyn verard, libraire demourant sur leponf nostre dame a lymaige sainct iehan leuangelisfe, ou au palais au premier pillier deuant la chappelle ou len chante la messe de messeigneurs les presidens [Circa 1500]. fol. Forming the first part of " Le Romant des trois pelerinaiges." Printed in gothic letter with numerous woodcuts. From the collection of Baron Seilliere. Bound in red mor., by Chambolle-Duru, with the Seilliere arms in gold on the sides. GUTBERLETHUS, Tobias. De Saliis Martis Sacerdotibus, &c. [Portrait and plates.] Frankfort^ i^o^. 8vo. Red mor., gilt. GUYS, Pierre Augustin. Voyage litteraire de la Gr^ce, ou lettres sur les Grecs anciens et modernes. /Vzr/>, 1776. 8vo. 2 vols. Old French calf, gilt. .■- > . " -^^ ■ -r.. U ', -i ABINGTON, William. Castura : * Carmina non prius Audita, Musarum sacerdos Virginibus/ The third edition corrected and augmented. London^ 1640. 8vo. The first complete edition. Habington's Castara, with a preface and notes, by Charles A. Elton. Bristol, 181 2. Svo. ** In re-editing one of our earlier poets I was not sorry to embrace an occasion of saying something in defence of a poet (Pope), who in his day was reverenced by the learned and esteemed by the wise ; but whom it is now the fashion to pity for the poverty of his genius." Editor's Preface. From the Mitford Collection, with M'. Mitford's autograph. *HALE, Matthew. Contemplations Moral and Divine. By a Person of great Learning and Judgment . . . London^ Pritited by William Godbid^ for William Shrowsbury at the Bible in Duke-lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell in Fleet street near Chaficery-lane^ 1677. Svo. There is a MS. note in the Bodleian copy, by Barlow : "The preface was written by M'. Stephens, an honest and learned lawyer, from Gloucestershire." Bound in seventeenth century English brown morocco, completely covered with fine tooling and inlaid work. * HALL, Joseph. Mundus Alter et Idem, sive Terra Australis antehac semper incognita . . . Authore Mercurio Britannico. Accessit proper afiini- tatem materiae Thomse Campanella Civitas Solis et Nova Atlantis Franc. Baconis, Bir. de Verulamio. [Device.] Ultrajecti, 1643. i2mo. ' With engraved title and maps of the imaginary Southern Continent. HALLAM, Arthur Henry. Remains in verse and prose of Arthur Henry Hallam. With a Preface and Memoir. [Portrait, with Motto : " Vattene in Pace, Alma Beata e Bella." Ariosto.] London^ 1863. 8vo. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Holloway.' HAMILTON, William. Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other volcanos : in a series of letters addressed to the Royal Society, from the Honourable Sir W. Hamilton, K.B., F.R.S., His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Court of Naples, to which are added explanatory notes by the Author, hitherto unpublished. The second edition. London, i^TS- 8vo. 'je HAMILTON--HARCOUET DE LONGUEVILLE, HAMILTON, William. Campi Phlegraei. Observations on the Volcanos of the Two Sicilies as they have been communicated to the Royal Society of London by Sir William Hamilton, K.B., F.R.S. Edited by Mr. Peter Fabris. [Plates.] Naples, i^^j 6. folio. The text is in French and English. Bound with the Supplement of 1779. Russia. Supplement to the Campi Phlegraei, being an account of the great eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in the month of August 1779. By Sir William Hamilton, K.B., F.R.S. [Plates.] Naples, 1779. fol. The first edition. Large paper. The plates are described as being "illuminated from drawings taken and coloured after nature, under the author's inspection, by the editor M'. Peter Fabris." HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Joseph von. Mithriaca, ou Les Mithri- aques . . . par Joseph de Hammer, Membre de plusieurs Academies, public par J. Spencer Smith. Caen et Paris, 1833. 8vo. With '* Atlas " of plates bound with the text. Olive mor., gilt. HANWAY, Jonas. An Historical account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea : with a Journal of Travels from London through Russia into Persia ; and back again through Russia, Germany and Holland. To which are added, The Revolutions of Persia during the present century with the particular history of the great usurper Nadir Kouli. [Maps and Plates.] London, 1753. 4to. 4 vols. The 3rd and 4th parts have separate titlepages. The first part of the work deals with the establishment of the Russo-Persian trade by Captain John Elton, and its failure on his taking service under Nadir Shah. In 1735 he joined the Russian expedition to Orenburg and spent four years in surveying there. The first vol. contains copious extracts from his journal *' from Mosco to Reshd," with an account of his gaining a decree in favour of the British merchants, and his attempts to set up a trade between London and Bokhara. In the second vol. are details of his service under the Shah, who gave him the title of Gemal Beg, and appointed him Admiral of the Persian navy on the Caspian. In the same vol. is an account of his murder in 1751, during the civil war which followed the death of Nadir Shah. HARCOUET, DE LONGUEVILLE. Histoire des Personnes qui ont vecu plusieurs sibcles, et qui ont rajeuni : avec le secret du rajeunissement . . . A Paris, 17 16. i2mo. With engraved frontispiece. '* Guy Donatus remarque, qu'en 1223, il connut un Richard age de plus de 400 ans ; il etait Soldat de profession, et pouvoit avoir porte les armes sous Charlemagne." p. 96. Calf, gilt. HARTMAN—HEINSIUS, 77 HARTMAN, George. The True Preserver and Restorer of Health . . . with the description of an ingenious and useful Engin for dressing of meat and for distiUing the choicest Cordial Waters without Wood, Coals, Candle, or Oyl. The Second Edition with additions. Published for the Publick-Good by G. Hartman, Chymist. London, Churchill^ 1695. ^vo. The writer makes many references to his '* glorious master," Sir Kenehn Digby. The second part contains receipts **made or approved by SirKenelm himself," such as the Viper- ale, Sympathetic powder for wounds, and " Sir Walter Raleigh's great Cordial." The third part has receipts for making Sir Kenelm's favourite drink, ** Meath" or Metheglin, communi- cated to him by "the Lord Gorge," "My Lady Salisburie," M". Evelin, and other friends. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Niedree. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 1636. Harvard University. 1886. A Record of the Commemoration, November Fifth to Eighth, 1886, on the Two Hundred and Fifdeth Anniversary of the Founding of Harvard College. Cambridge, N.E., 1887. 8vo. Presentation copy from the President and Fellows of Harvard University. HAVARD, Henry. La Hollande k vol d'oiseau. Eaux-fortes et fusains, par Maxime Lalanne. Paris, id>%i. 4to. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Transformation : or the Romance of Monte Beni. By Nathaniel Hawthorne, Author of " The Scarlet Letter," &c. London, i860. 8vo. 3 vols. *HEAD, Sir Francis Bond, BarL Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. By an old man. Motto. "Bubble (bobbel, Dutch;, anything which wants solidity and firmness. Johnson's Dictionary." The second edition. London, 1834. 8vo. With frontispiece and engraved title. Calf, gilt, by Bedford. HEALTH-DRINKING. The Great Evil of Health-Drinking; or, a Discourse, wherein the Original Evil, and Mischief of drinking of Healtlis, are discovered and detected ; and the Practice opposed. With several Remedies and Antidotes against it, in order to prevent the sad Consequences thereof. [Motto.] London, Printed for Jonathati Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. PauPs Churchyard, 1684. 8vo. HEGENITIUS, Gotfridus. Itinerarium Frisio-Hollandicum, &c. Lugd, Batav,, Elzevir, 1630. i2mo. HEINSIUS, Daniel. Laus Asini, tertia parte auction Cum aliis festivis opusculis. Lugd. Batav., Elzevir, 1629. i2mo. " Here was the famous Dan. Heinsius, whom I so long'd to see, as well as the Elzivirian printing-house and shop, renown'd for the politeness of the Character and editions of what he had publish'd through Europe. I visited their garden of simples, wh. was indeede well stor'd with exotic plants, if the Catalogue presented to me by the Gardiner be a faithful register." Evelyn's Diary. 78 HELIODORUS—HERODIAN. HELIODORUS. Heliodori Historlae Aethiopicae libri decern, nunquam antea in lucem editi. [Device.] BasilecR^ ex offic'ma Hervagiana, An. 1534, mense februario. 4tQ. Heliouori ^thiopicorum libri x. . . . Hieronymi Commelini opera. Cofnmelinus, \Heidelberg^ 1596. 8vo. L'Histoire 6thiopiqiie d'Heliodore, contenant dix liures, traitant des loyales & pudiques amours de Theagenes Thessalien, & Chariclea Ethiopienne, nouuellement traduite de Grec en Francois. A Pans, par Charles PAn^elier, Ubraire iure de Vuniuersite de Paris, tenant sa boutique en la grand salle du palais, au premier pillier, 1554. 12 mo. On the fly-leaf is drawn a heart transfixed with arrows, with the couplet : '* Dames, voyla mon Coeur comme il est tourmante Par les fleches et darts de ce dieu indompte," and on the inside of the cover in a similar writing is the name " Mamine." The titlepage bears the signature of " Beaumarches." From the library of Etienne Baluze, with his autograph, " Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis," and a Note "N°. 10495." Old Lyonnese stamped calf, with Grolieresque designs in gold and colours, and gilt medallions. From the Seilliere Collection. The Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea. A romance, translated from the Greek of Heliodorus. London, 1789. i2mo. 2 vols. *HEMSTERHUIS, Francois. Aristee, ou de la Divinitd [Motto.] A Paris, 1779. 12 mo. Large paper copy. With vignettes. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. HERBERT, George. The Temple. Sacred poems, and private ejacula- tions. By Mr. George Herbert, late Oratour of the University of Cambridge. The ninth edition. London, Printed by J. M. for Philemon Stephens, etc, 1667. i2mo. The Temple. Sacred Poems and private Ejaculations. By M^ George Herbert, late Orator of the University of Cambridge; Together with his life. The thirteenth edition corrected. London, 1709. i2mo. HERBERT, William. History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of the City of London, collected from their Grants, Records, etc., with Notes, Historical Introduction, account of their Estates, Charities, Attested Copies and Translations of their Charters, etc. London, i^2> A- 8vo. 2 vols. Large paper. HER0DL4N. Herodiani historiarum libri viii. Colophon: Venetiis,in cedibus Aldi, et AndrecB Asulani socen, mense Septembri, 1524. 8vo. CaK, gilt. Herodiani Historiae de Imperio post Marcum, vel de suis temporibus, libri viii. Angelo Politiano interprete. [Device.] Antverpice, ex officina Christophori Plantijti, 1566. ,8vo. Russia. HELIODORUS. 1554. HE VIA BOLANOS—HOLBERG. 79 HEVIA BOLANOS, Juan de. Curia Philippica, donde breve e compre- hendioso se trato de los juyzios, mayoramente forenses, ecclesiasticos, y seculares, &c. Por Juan de Hevia Volano, natural de la Ciudad de Oviedo en el Principadode Asturias. ValladoUd^ 1609. 8vo. With the arms of J. A. de Thou, quartered with those of his second wife, on the sides, and their monogram on the panels of the back. Old French calf, gilt. HEYLYN, Peter. A Help to English History, containing a succession of all the Kings of England, the English Saxons, and the Britains ; the Kings and Princes of Wales, the Kings and Lords of Man, the Isle of Wight. As also of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls and Bishops thereof, with the description of the places from whence they had their titles. Together with the names and ranks of the Viscounts, Barons and Baronets of England. By P. Heylyn, D.D. And since his death, continued to the present year 1675, with the Coats of Arms of the Nobility blazon'd. London^ Printed for Tho. Basset^ at the George in Fleet street^ 1675. 12m o. Red mor., gilt, g.e. HEYWOOD, Thomas. The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells. Their names, orders, and offices. The fall of Lucifer with his Angells. Written by Thomas Heywood. "Vita scelesta vale, cselica vita patet." London^ Printed by Adam Islip, 1635. fol. The argument of the ** 7*^ Tractat" is preceded by a plate containing portraits of the King, Queen, and Royal Family, seated in the clouds. The book is now best known for its extraordinary ghost-stories, and for the lines on familiarity with the poets : — ** Mellifluous Shake-speare, whose inchanting quill Commanded mirth or passion, was but WiU ; And famous Jonson, though his learned pen r •., •• • • t» Be dipt in Castaly, is still but Ben:'' With engraved titlepage and plates. Calf, gilt. HOBBES, Thomas. Elementa Philosophica de Cive, auctore Thorn. Hobbes Malmesburiensi. Amsterodami^ apud Danielem Elzevirium^ An, 1669. i2mo. Titlepage engraved. *HOLBERG, LuDWiG von, Baron. Voyage de Nicolas Klimius, dans le Monde Souterrain, contenant une nouvelle teorie de la terre, et I'histoire d'une cinquieme monarchic inconnue jusqu'k present. Ouvrage tire de la Bibliotheque de M^ B. Abelin ; et traduit du Latin par M"". de Mauvillon. A Copenhague, 1741. 8vo. Frontispiece, a portrait of " AHc. Klimius^ Ejnpereur dc Quamu, et ensuite Marguillier de P Ail Use ^^ ^o, Croix a B^rge en Norxvi^e:'' From the library of M'. Edward Solly. Red. mor., gilt, g.e. 80 HOME—HORATIUS FLACCUS. *HOME, John. Alonzo, a tragedy in five acts. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. [Motto.] London, i773« Svo. With memoranda on the fly-leaf: " To M". Garrick from the Author," and " Bought at the sale of M". Garrick's books. The ink writing was then said to be that ol David Garrick." Green mor., gilt. HOMER. Homeri Odyssea. Batrachomyomachia. Hymni 32. Omnia ncua recognitione castigata. Colophon : Veiieiijs apiid Pdrum de Nicolinis de Sabio, sumptu Melchioris Sessce, 1547- 8vo. Homeri Vita, noua recognitione castigata. [Device : the Cat.] Venetiis, [1547.] 8vo. Bound with the ** Odyssea " of Nicolinus de Sabio. Homeri opera Graeco-Iatina, quae quidem nunc extant, omnia. In hsec operam suam contulit Sebastianus Castalio, sicuti in prae- fatione verso mox folio videre licet. Editio tertia, superioribus longe & emendatior, & auctior : adjectis etiam, qui in prioribus alicubi desiderantur, versibus aliquot, & varia lectione : ad fidem postremae editionis Henrici Stephani diligenter expressa. [Device : Lions and Hour-glass.] BasilecBy per hceredes Nicolai Bry lingerie 1567. fol. The sides are indented with floriated patterns in gold, with the inscription " Dono atque insigni munificentia perillustris domini Maecenatis nostri D. Josephi de Noyelle Bari^;nis de Torsy etc. Hallis. 1647." Old calf, gilt. The Odyssey of Homer. Done into English Prose by S. H. Butcher, M.A., Fellow & Praelector of University College, Oxford, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and Andrew Lang, late Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. London, i^^^. 8vo. Large paper. Presentation copy, *' M. & C. Elton, from A. L." HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus. Q. Horatii Flacci Poemata omnia. Centimetrum Marij Seruij. Annotationes Aldi Manutij Romani in Horatium. Ratio mensuum, quibus Odse eiusdem Poetae tenentur eodem Aldo authore. Nicolai Peroti libellus eiusdem argument!. [Device.] Colophon : VenetiiSy in cedibtis Alai, et Andrece socerl, mense Scptembri, 1527. 8vo. Brown mor., bUnd tooled, the title gilt in the upper centre-piece, and the figure of a naked boy holding up a swelling sail in gold on the lower cover. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Lutetim, ex Typographia Rob, Stephani, 161 3. 12 mo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Bedford. HORATIUS FLACCUS—HOTOMANUS. 8i HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus. Quinti Horatii Flacci Poemata, scholiis sive annotationibus instar Commentarii illustrata ^ loanne Bond. Editio nova. Amstelodaini^ apud Danielem Elzevir ium, i6'j6, i2mo. Red mor. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus et interpunctione nova saepius illustratus. Editio altera. Glasguce^ Foulis^ 1750- Svo. Calt, gilt. Quinti Horatii Flacci Carmina, detersis recentibus plerumque maculis, nitori suo restituta. Nova editio. [Frontispiece by Picart.] Parisiis^ typis J. Barbou, 1775. 12 mo. " Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. *HORNECK, Philip. The High-German Doctor, with many additions and alterations. To which is added a large explanatory index. London^ 1 7 15-19. i2mo. 2 vols. Lord Bolingbroke is the Harry Gambol of this satire, and the Pretender the " Knight of the Warming-pan." Calf, gilt. HORNIUS, Georgius. Area Noae, sive Historia iinperiorum et regnorum a Condito orbe ad nostra Tempora. Lugd. Batavor.^ Ex officind Hackiand^ 1666. i2mo. From the libraries of W. Jennens of Leyden and Sir J. S. G. Sawle of Penrice. The work contains a description of the American tribes in the manner of Tacitus. Georgi Horni Area Mosis sive Historia Mundi. Quae com- plectitur Primordia Rerum Naturalium omniumque artium ac scientiarum. Magdcburgi^ impensis Johannis Liiderwaldi Bibliopole ibidem^ A", 1 669. 1 2mo. With engraved titlepage. HOTOMANUS, Franciscus. Franc. Hotomani Juriscons. De Feudis commentatio tripertita. [Device.] Lugdimi^apud Johannem Lertotium^ 1573 fol With the Marlborough arms stamped in gold on sides, and dolphins on the back. Matagonis de Matagonibus, Decretorum Baccalaurei, Moni- toriale adversus Italogalliam sive Antifrancogalliam Antonij Matharelli Alvemogeni. s.l. 1578. 12 mo. Red mor., gilt. 82 HOUBRAKEN— HOWELL. HOUBRAKEN, Arnold. Stichtelyke Zinnebeelden . . .in 57 tafereelen vertoont door A. Houbraken. [Device : Abraham's Sacrifice.] jT Amster- daffty by Isaak Tirion^ 1729. 8vo. With engraved false title, and verses by Gezine Brit, the writer of the explanatory notices of the 57 plates of Emblems. The device by Philips is dated 1727. Vellum. HOWELL, James. Dodona's Grove, or The Vocal Forrest. By L H., Esq. " Nee erubuit silvas habitare camaena. — Virg. Eel." [Engraved title, and plates by M. Merian, Jun.] By T, B. for H. Mosley at the Princes Arms in St. Paules Church-yard^ London, 1640. fol. With Greek and Latin title. The first part, with MS. key to the allegory. '* Druina " is England, and "Monticolia" Wales: America is Columbina, "which as some strongly conjecture was found out by a straying Prince of Monticolia seven ages since : and this pre- sumption is drawne from the analogy of speech, wherein there are diverse words that are the same in both languages, with other traces and markes." Ireland (Lurana) is described as **a fripperie of Bankerupts who flie thither from Druina to play their after-game." Dodona's Grove, or The Vocall Forest. Second Part. " Sylvae sunt Consule dignae. — Virg." By James Howell, Esquire. Printed by W, H. for Hutnphrey Moseley^ and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Arms in St. PauVs Church-yard^ 1650. 8vo. With title in Greek and Latin. Frontispiece and plates, ** F. Sculpsit " and full-length portrait of the author at the end by " C. Melan et Besse." Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar Letters Domestic and IHistoricall, Politicall, upon emergent occa- Philosophicall, sions. By J. H., Esq. one of the Clerks of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Councell. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at the Prince's Arms in S. PauVs Church-yard, 1645. 4to. With an engraved titlepage, signed and dated : '* Will. Marshall sculp : 1650." The first edition. Calf, gilt. A New Volume of Letters, partly Philosophicall, Political, Historical. By James Howell, Esq. ' Ut clavis portam, sic pandit Epistola pectus.' London, Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Armes in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1647. 8vo. The book is dedicated to James Duke of York : ** A star of the greatest magnitude in the Constellation of Charles-wayn." Dated, *' this may day 1647. From the Prison of the Fleet." Brown mor., by Ramage. HO WELL—HUTTICHIUS. %% HOWELL, James. S.P.Q.V. A Survay of the Signorie of Venice, of Her admired policy, and method of goverment, &c. With a Cohortation to all Christian Princes to resent her dangerous condition at present. By James Howell, Esq. [Device : the Lion of St. Mark.] London, Printed for Richard Lowndes at the White Lion in S. PauFs Churchyard, neer the West-end, 1651. 4to. The Parly of Beasts, or Morphandra Queen of the Inchanted Hand: Wherein Men were found, who being transmuted to Beasts, though proffer'd to be dis-inchanted, and to becom Men again ; yet, in regard of the crying sins, and rebellious humors of the Times, they prefer the life of a Brute Animal before that of a Rational Creture. With Reflexes upon the present State of most Countries in Christendom. Divided into a xi Sections. By Jam. Howell, Esq. ; ' Senesco, non Segnesco.' [Portrait and Frontispiece.] London, Printed for William Palmer, at the Palm-Tree in Fleet-street, near St. Dunstan's Church, 1660. fol. HUGO. Hermann. Pia Desideria emblematis, elegiis et affectibus, SS. Patrum illustrata. Antverpice^ 1624. i2mo. Pieux Desirs imit^s des latins du R. P. Herman Hugo, de la Comp6. de lesus, par P. L Jurisc. Mis en lumiere pur Boece a Bolswert. lis se vendent d Paris chez Seb: Cramoisij, 1627. i6mo. From the Gaisford Collection. With an engraved title. Old French calf, covered with gold tooling. HUGO, Victor. Chatiments. Par Victor Hugo. 1853. Geneve et New York, 3 2 mo. The first edition. Printed at S*. Helier. Green mor., g.e. HUTCHINSON, William. The History & Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham. By William Hutchinson, F.A.S. [Plates.] Newcastle, 1785. 4to. 3 vols. HUTTICHIUS, Joannes. Imperatorum Romanorum l^ibellus cum Imaginibus, ad uiuam effigiem expressis. [Device.] Cum Privilegio Csesareo. Colophon ; Wolfgangus Cephalceus Argentina suo cere et impensis excussity anno salutis 1526. 8vo. With portraits of the Emperors from Augustus to Charles the Fifth. From the Gaisford Collection, Calf gilt, by Bedford. G 2 AMBLICHUS. De Mysteriis ^gyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum, &c. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Veneiiis, in cedibus Aldi et AndrecB socerij 1^16. fol. The work comprises a large collection of Neo-Platonist treatises. Duplicate from the Magliabecchi Libiary at Florence. Vellum. lamblichi Chalcidensis ex Syria Caele, De Vila Pythagorae et Protrepticse orationes ad Philosophiam Libri duo, nunquam hactenus visi, nunc primum Grsece et Latinb editi, &c. Johanne Arcerio, Theodoreto, Frisio, Authore et Interprete. [Device.] /;/ Bibliopolio Commeliano. Colophon : Excudebat Aegidius Radceus Ordinmn FrisicR typographus Franekerce^ 1598* 4^0- The Editio princeps of the Life of Pythagoras. Vellum. De Vita Pythagorica liber Grsec^ et Latinb. Accedit Malchus, sive Porphyrins, de Vita Pythagorae, &c. Amstelodami, 1707* 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. IMBERT, Barth^lemi. La Nouvelle 6sope, fables choisies.' A Paris, 1749. 8vo. Bound with the ** Fables Nouvelles." Fables Nouvelles, par M. Imbert. Paris, 17 73- 8vo. INCHBALD, Elizabeth. A Simple Story. In four volumes. By Mrs. Inchbald. London, i^^i. 8vo. 4 vols. Nature and Art. Second editi :>n corrected and improved. London, 1797. i8mo. 2 vols. INGHIRA MIUS—ISSEL T. 85 INGHIRAMIUS, Curtius. Ethruscarum Antiquitatum fragmenta, quibus Urbis Romse, aliarumque gentium primordia, mores, et res gestae indicantur, k Curtio Inghiramio reperta, Scornelli propter Vulterram. [Plates, and inscriptions.] Fraiicofurti^ Anno Salutis^ 1637, Ethrusco verby ] 4495. fol- With the arms of Louis Phelipeaux (1643-81), and of the Intendant Jean Phelipeaux ' 1646-1711), in gold on the sides : of the first it was said by Jacob in the " Traicte des plus belles bibliotheques," ** Ce seigneur ne laisse pas de rechercher les bons livres pour enibellir la somptueuse bibliotheque qu'il a erigee dans son palais." From the library of- Etienne' iJaluze, with his autograph signature, " Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis." ISIDORE, Bishop of Seville. Isidorus Hispalensis Episcopus Originum libri viginti ab antiquitate eruti. Et Martiani Capellas de nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii libri novem. Uterque . . . illustratus opera atque industria Bona- venturae Vulcanii Brugensis. [Device, and motto, ' Lucerna pedibus meis.'] BasilecB,per Fetrum Fernam,\i^']'].'\ fol. Vellum. ISOCRATES. Isocratis orationes et epistolas . . . Gorgiae et Aristidis quaedam, ejusdem cum Isocraticis argument!. Guil. Cantero interprete. [Device.] Excudehat Henricus Stephanus ^ \<^^l. fol. With title in Greek and Latin. ' From the Sunderland Collection. ■ -^^ . , Vellum, gilt. Pensees morales d'Isocrate, extraites de ses oeuvres, et traduites par M. L'Abbd Auger. [Device.] A Faris, chez Didot TAink, 1782. i2mo. From the " Collection des Moralistes Anciens." ISSELT, Michael ab. Michaelis ab Isselt De Bello Coloniensi libri quatuor. [Device.] Colonice Agrippince^ apud Godejridum Keinpenseniy [1584.] 8vo. With plates of battles and siege operations. ' Brown mor., g.e., by Chatelin. ACOB, Edward. The Lamentable and true tragedy of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent, who was most wickedly murdered by the means of his disloyal! and wanton wyfe, who . . . hyred two desperat Ruffins, Black-will and Shagbag to kill him. With a preface in which some reasons are offered in favour of its being the earliest dramatic work of Shake- spear now remaining; and a genuine account given of the murder from authentic papers of the time. Favershanij Jacob, i^jTo. 8vo. '*With ten parallel places of this play and Shakespeare's known productions." The most interesting allusion, in the words "Black Will" and " Shakebag," is not noticed. With MS. notes. This copy formerly belonged to M'. A. C. Swinburne, and was given by him to Mrs. Elton. *JAMIN, Nicolas. Pensees Theologiques, relatives aux erreurs du temps. [Motto and Device.] Paris, i779' 8vo. This work was suppressed by a decree of the Council, Feb. 4, 1769. French calf, gilt. JANNOTIUS, DoNATUS. [Donato Giannoiti.] Donati Jannotii Florentini dialdgi de repub. Venetorum, Cum notis et lib. singulari de forma ejusdem reip. Lugd. Batav., Ex ojfic'ma Elzevhiana, anno 1631. 24mo. Tiilepage engraved. The second edition of this year. Vellum. JESUIT ORDER. Arcanorum Societatis lesu Daedalus k Laurentio Forero . . . dedolatus, &c. Ingolstadii, 1636. 8vo. From the Rev. Mark Pattison's Library. Vellum. Elixir Jesuiticum, sive quinta essentia Jesuitarum . . . Alembico veritatis extracta, niundi theatro exhibetur . . . Collectore Gratiano Leosthene Saliceto. Anno primi Jubilaei Jesuitici. j./. 1645. i2mo. From the library of Lord Stuart de Rothsay, with his arms stamped in gold on the upper cover. Vellum. JESUIT ORDER— JORNANDES. S7 JESUIT ORDER. Imago Vechiana Alexandre VII. Pont. Max. dedicata. Farisiis^ Ex offidnA Cramosiandj 1656. 4to. With the arms of Pope Alexander VII. stamped in gold on the sides. The plate representing the death of Horazio V'echio, from Le Brun's picture, is dedicated to the Pope by the Order of Jesuits. Red mor. Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits. London^ ^723. i2mo. The dedication is from the bookseller *' To the Right Honourable Robert Walpole, Esq.," whom he informs that " Here is the origin of those schools wherein Garnet, John Chastel, and Plunket, were educated. 'Tis to you. Sir, chiefly owing, that the last of these wretches, instead of sei-ving here as an example of the blackest of criminals, is not this day triumphant with his confederates, giving the law to that great assembly, whose justice now hangs over their heads." An advertisement to the reader gives a history of the publication. The work is in Latin and English. Les Mysteres les^ plus secrets des Jesuites. Contenus en diverses Pieces Originales. A Cologne, chez les Heritiers de Pierre Marteau^ d. r Ens eigne de la Verite^ 1727. 8vo. JESUP, Edward. The Lives of Picus and Pascal, faithfully collected from the most authentic accounts of them, to which is subjoined a Parallel between those two Christian Worthies, by Mr. Jesup. London^ 1723. 8vo. Blue mor., gilt, g.e. JOHN, OF Salisbury. Joannis Saresberiensis Policraticus, sive de Nugis Curialium, & vestigiis Philosophorum, libri octo. [Device.] Ltigduni Batavo- rum J Ex officind Flantiniand, apud F. Raphelengiutn^ 15 95- 8vo. JOHNSON, Samuel. The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale in two volumes. London^ Printed for R. and J, Dodsley in Pall Mallj and W. Johnston in Ludgate Street^ i^j ^^. 8vo. The first edition. With an advertisement inserted from the Gentleman's Magazine of July, 1736 : "At Edial, near Litchfield in Staffordshire, Young Gentlemen are Boarded, and Taught the Latin and Greek Languages, by Samuel Johnson." Calf gilt, by Zaehnstlorf. JORNANDES. Gothicarum et Langobardicarum lerum Scriptores aliquot veteres ; Ex Bibliotheca Bon. Vulcanii et aliorum, &c. Lugduni Batavorum, apzid Joannem Maire, 161 7. 8vo. The principal contents are the Chronicles of Jornandes and Isidore, extracts from Procopius' Gothic War, Peutingtr on the fall of the Empire, Marinaeus Siculus on the Goths in Spain, and Ricobald of Ferrara on the reign of Theodoric. These are followed by Paulus Diaconus de Gestis Langobardorum, Commentaries on the Gothic and Lombardic alphabets and languages, and specimens of the Crimean Gotldc, early Basque, Anglo- Saxon, and Lingua Romana, an Essay on the Nubian Vagrants (Gypsies) with a glossary, and arrolhtr on " Jerigance " and Thieves' Latin, *' a Nubianis non admodum absimilium." Vellum. 8S JORNANDES—jOVIUS. JORNANDES. Histoire gendrale des Goths, traduite du Latin de Jomandds, arch^veque de Ravenne. A Paris, chez la veuve de Claude Bar bin, au Palais ^ sur le second Perron de la Sainte Chapelle, 1603. 12 mo. Calf, gilt. JOSEPH 11. , Efnperor, Dialogue entre Joseph II. Empereiir des Remains, et Giovanni Braschi, Pape, sous le nom de Pie VI. et le Comte de Lauragnais. [Motto.] A Pome \The Hague\, 1782. Calf, gilt, with the Le Roux arms stamped in gold on sides. Bound with the "Cor- respondance du Grand Turc avec N. S. Pere le Pape " of the same date and place. JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Tredecim articuli fidei Judaeorum. Item, Com- pendium elegans historiarum Josephi . . . Hsec per Sebastianum Munsterum et Hebraeis et Latinis legenda exarantur. Colophon : J. Viiormacice, apud Petriim Schcsfer, mense Septevibri, i^2<^. 8vo. With Hebrew and Latin title and text, paged backwards, and the device of 'the Shepherds watching their flocks by night.* Peter Scha^fer the Younger was a grandson of Peter Schseffer, or Schoffer, Fust's partner at Maintz. Vellum. JOVIUS, Benedictus [Benedetto Giovio]. Benedicti Jovii Novoco- mensis Historiae Patriae libri duo. Vettetiis, 1629. 4to. JOVIUS, Paulus [Paolo Giovio]. Turcicanim rerum Commentarius Pauli Jovii Episcopi Nucerini ad Carolum V. Imperatorem Augustum, ex Italico Latinus factus, Francisco Nigro Bassianate interprete. Parisiis, Ex officiticL Roberti Stephani, 1538. 12 mo. Bound with Eutropius, " De gestis Romanorum." Descriptio Britanniatj, Scotiae, Hyberniae, et Orchadura, ex libro Pauli Jovii, Episcopi Nucer : De Imperiis, et gentibus cogniti orbis, cum ejus operis prohoemio, ad Alexandrum Farnesium Card, ampliss. [Device.] Venetiis, apud Michaelem Tramezijium, 1548. 4to. With the signature of the French historiographer, " Carol us Bernard," written on the titlepage. From the Sunderland Collection. . Pauli Jovii Novocomensis Vitae Duodecim Vice-Comitum Mediolani Principum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. [Device : Greek motto.] LufeticB, Ex officind Rob, Stephani, typographi Regii, 1549. 4to. With MS. memoranda on the fly-leaf as to the business of the " renowned Stephani." ** This rare and Beautifully printed Book, embelished with ten spirited engravings on wood, issued from the press of Robert Stephen at Paris, who was printer to the King ; and the twisted snake was his Device, which was afterwards adopted by bis brother Charles." Stamped calf. La Vita di Alfonso da Este, Duca da Ferrara, Scritta di il vescovo lovio. Tradotta in lingua Toscana, da Giovanbatista Gelli, Fiorentino. Firenzc, 1553. 8vo. - . . JOVIUS. 1553. yOVIUS-yUSTINIANUS. 89- From the Gaisford Collection. In a contemporary mor. binding, gilt, g.e., with Grolieresque designs and poiiitilU compartments. JOVIUS, Paulus [Paolo Giovio]. Pauli lovii Novocomensis Episcopi Nucerini Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium, septem libris iara olim ab Authore comprehensa, et nunc ex ejusdem Musaeo ad viuum expressis Imaginibus exoraata. [Engraved title ; plates.] Petri Femes iypographi Basil, ope?'d ac studio^ i57S« fol* From the Bibliotheca Thuana, with the first arms of J. A. de Thou in gold on sides, and his cypher on the panels of the back. Elogia virorum literis illustrium quotquot vel nostra vel avorum memoria vixere. Basils i577« fol* Bound with the Elogia of 1575. JUNIUS, Franciscus [Francois Du Jon, the younger ?\ Francisci Junii F. F. de Pictura Veterum libri tres. [Device.] Roterodami^ typis Rcgneri Leers ^ 1694. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. With a second titlepage, engraved. Stamped vellum, gilt. JUSSERAND, Jules J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. XIV century. By J. J, Jusserand. Translated from the French by Lucy Toulmin Smith. Illustrated. London, i2>2>(). 8vo. ' Presentation copy from the author to C. I. Elton. JUSTIN, Martyr. Divi Justini philosophi ac martyris opera non ita pridem Graece edita, nuper verb Latine redditi interprete Sigismundo Gelenio : quorum tituli pagina operis initio obversa apparent. Denub ad verum Exemplar accurate recognita exactbque emendata. [Device.] Farisiisy apud Guilielmuin Tullianumy sub signo Amicitice^ prope Collegium Camera- cense, 1565. 8vo. Blue mor., g.e., by Chatelin. JUSTIN lANUS, Flavius, Emperor. End: Finis 2" ptis eximij legum doctoris domini Bartholi sup ff. nono. m.cccclxxiij. Si correcta voles digesta euoluere legum Hec eme : qua nulla carpere parte potes. ' ' Perlege : non paruo sunt emendata labore. Nil nisi correctu vedere spira iubet. Vindelinus de Spira, Venice, 1473. ^^1. The commentary of Bartholus de Saxoferrato on the portion of the Digest relating to Obligations. Printed in Gothic Letter in double columns, with initials in red and blue, supplied by hand. The margin of the first leaf is finely illuminated in gold and colours. With an inscription, " Collegii S. Petri junioris Argentinae." Original vellum-covered wooden boards. 90 yUSTINIANUS. JUSTINIANUS, Flavius, Emperor, Autenticse lustiniarii L. Impe- ratoris Augusti, De Rebus Sacris, per compendium a lohanne Cochl^o comemorat^. Epitomes liber primus. Paraphraseos costitutio vltima. Colophon: Lipsice, Ex officmd Nicolai Fabri xviii. cal. August. 1529. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt, with Fleurs-de-lys in panels on the back. Digesta, Codex, Novelise Constitutiones, Feudorum libri 2 Index. [Device on titles.] Paris, Guillard, 1548-50. 8vo. 10 vols. From the Sunderland Collection. Old stamped calf. Institutiones luris, D. lustiniani Sacratis. Principis Prima legum cunabula, k Clarissimo lurisco. D. Sylvestro Aldobrandino Floretino Annotationibus illustrata : sed ita, vt omnia in vnum contulerit. In quibus etiam nihil prsetermissum, quod a G. Haloandro & E. Perrino est obseruatum, [Vincent's device.] Lugduni, apud Antonium Vincentium, i553« 8vo. In black letter. With the device of Dionysius de Harsy at the end. Bound in old Lyonnese stamped calf, "with the geometrical interlacing and painted compartments of Grolier's style, combined with the gold-dotted surfaces of Henri II." Historia luris ^ lustiniano compositi. Titulus Digestorum de origine luris. Fragmenta legum xii. Tabularum . . . Vlpiani Fragmenta, Titul. XXIX. Gaii Institutionum libri 11. Notae Dionys. Gothofr. I. C. ad superiores authores. Excudebat Jacobus Stoer, s, /., 1597. 8vo, Calf, gilt. Institutionum Civilium lustiniani Imperatoris Sacratlssimi Principis Liber primus carminibus expo situs. Authore D. Francisco Metaxi Melitensi. Neap,, Typis Honophrii Savii, 1654. 8vo. Justiniani Perp. Aug. Institutionum sive Elementorum . . . Libri quatuor. Emendatissimi ex editione Jacobi Cujacii. In eosdem Jani a Costa antecessoris clarissimi commentarius. Nunc primum editus opera ac studio G. N. cum variis indicibus. Lutetice Farisiorum, ^659* 4to. The first edition of Acosta's Commentary. From the Sunderland Collection. D. Joannis Brunnemanni jurisconsult! commentarius in duodecim libros codicis Justinianei . . . Editio novissima. [Device.] Lugduni, sumptibus Joannis Antonii Huguetan, 6^ Guilliehni Barbier, 1669. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Stamped vellum, gilt. JUSTINIAN. 1553. yUSriNIANUS—yUVENALIS. 91 JUSTINIANUS, Flavius, Emperor. D. Justiniani Sacra tissimi Principis Institutionum sive Elementorum libri quatuor, notis perpetuis multo quam hucusque diligentius illustrati, cura & studio Arnold! Vinnii, I.C. Editio postrema ab auctore recognita. [Device.] Amstelodaml^ Ex officina Elzeinriana, 1669. 12 mo. With an additional engraved titlepage, in which the date is rightly given as 1679. ** The frontispiece is sometimes dated 1663 and sometimes 1679. This proves that there were two editions, in the first of which the old frontispiece was used, while in the second a new one was inserted. It is evident too that the date of 1669 on the printed titlepage is an error for 1679." — Goldsmid. Calf, gilt. Antonii Schultingii Enarratio partis primae Digestorum sou Pandectarum D. N. Justiniani, Sacratissimi Principis. Accedit Dissertatio ad /. I. § ult. D. De Quasstionibus, &c. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Joh. Vander Linden^ junior em ^ 1720. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. JUSTINUS, Marcus Junianus. Trogi Pompeii Historia, per Justinum in compendium redacta proximeq emendatissime edita. Colophon : Habes Cddide Lector in hoc uolumie : no minus utilia q lepida lustini in Trogum : 6^ E/ori in Liuium : insuper Sexti Ruffi uiri consularis Epithomas Nuper castigatissime Mediolani impressas apud Leonardum Vegium, 1510. Nonis Maiis. fol. Velium. lustini ex Trogo Pompeio historia, diligen tissimi . . . repurgata. [Device.] Basiiece, apud Michaelem Isengrimium^ i^2>9' 4^^. The Palm on the title was the device of Bebel, the printer's father-in-law. lustini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis lib. xliiii. Accessit De vitae &c. moribus omnium Imperatorum S. Aurelio Victori addita Epitome ex variis . . . auctoribus coUecta. Antverpice, iti cedibus viduce 6^ hceredum loannis Stelsii^ 1565, 8vo. M. luniani lustini Historia ex Trogo Pompeio. Diligentissime recensuit et emendationes addidit Tanaquill. Faber. Editio nova. Salmurii, apud Renatum Fcan^ 1671. i2mo. From the Sunderland Collection. JUVENALIS, Decimus Junius. luuenalis Persiique satyrae feliciori lima quam prius impressae sunt. Distichon : Hi tetricas ambo satyras cecinerc poetse In nymphis quorum gloria magna tumat. 92 JUVENALIS—JUVENCIUS, Colophon : /. luuenalis Persij% satyrce. fine sumpserunt in inclyta vrhe Lugd. opera Guillehni huyon impressoris mcttse lunio, 152 1. 8vo. ■ The title is printed in red within a woodcut border. A re-impression of the Aldine edition of 152 1, with the letter of Aldus to Carteromachus. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. JUVENALIS, Decimus Junius. lunii luuenalis Aquinatis satyra^ decern et sex, cum annotatiunculis in margine adiectis, quae breuis comentarij vice esse possint. Farisiis, apud Simonem Colinceum^ 1528. 8vo. With the small device designed for Colin by Geoffroy Tory. On the title is the signature of Charles Bernard, the French hi>toriographer. From the Sunderland Collection. D. lunii luuenalis Satirarum libri v. Sulpiciae Satira. Nova Editio, cura Nicolai Rigaltii. [Device.] Lutetice, Ex qfficina Rob, Strphani, 1616. t2mo. Bound with the Horace of 161 3. D. Junii Juvenalis Satyrse. [Device : the Arms of Louis xiv.] Farisiis, e Typographic, Regia^ 1644. fol. Satyrae, schoiiis veterum & fere omnium eruditorum, qui ex professo in eas scripserunt, commentariis, tam antea vulgatis, quam novis, &c. Omnia sigillatim recensuit ... H. C. Henninius. Ultrajecti, 1685. 4to. Vellum, gilt. JUVENCIUS, JosEPHUS [J. Jouvency]. Josephi Juvencii ratio discendi et docendi. [Device.] Farisiis^ apud J. Barbou, 1778. i2mo. " Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." ^MPFER, Engelbert. Amoenitatum exoticarum politico-physico- medicarum fasciculi V . . . ab auctore Engelberto Kaempfero. [Plates.l Lemgovi(B, 17 12. 4to. Ksempfer is nearly the only authority for Japanese affairs during the period of the exclusion of foreigners. KEMPIUS, Cornelius. De Origine, situ, qualitate et quantitate Frisiae et rebus k Frisiis olim praeclarb gestis, Libri tres . . . Authore M. Corn. Kempio Docoemensi Frisio. [Device.] Colonice AgrippincEy 1588. 8vo. With plates of old Frisian costumes. -,.•-! Vellum, gilt. KEMPIUS, Joannes. Monumenta Vetustatis Kempiana, ex vetustis scriptoribus illustrata, eosque vicissim illustrantia ; altera Mumias, Simulacra, Statuas, &c. ; altera Nummos, materia raodoque diversos, continet. [Plates.] Londini, 1720. 8vo. KENNET, Basil. Romae Antiquse Notitia : or, the Antiquities of Rome. In two parts, i. A Short History of the Rise, Progress, and Decay of the Common-wealth. 11. A description of the City, &c. With Cojiper Cuts of the Principal Buildings, &c. The seventh edition. By Basil Kennett of C.C.C. Oxon. London, 1721. 8vo. With a portrait of the *' Duke of Gloucester " as frontispiece. KERALIO, Louis F^lix Guinement. Recherches sur les Principes Generaux de la Tactique. Par M. de Keralio, premier aide-major k I'ecole royale-militaire, &c. [Plates.] Paris, 1767. 8vo. With the arms of Etienne-Fran9ois, Due de Choiseul (1719-85) in gold on the sides. Most of his books are in the Bibliotheque Nationale. The gold-starred inside paper has printed on it the manufacturer's licence from the Emperor Joseph Frederick. Red mor., gilt, g.e. KERSEY, John. Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum. By John Kersey, Philobibl. The second edition corrected. Lofidon, 1715. 8vo. 94 KE YSLER—KRANTZIUS. KEYSLER, JoHANN Georg. Antiquitates Selectse Septentrionales et Celticse . . . Cum figuris seri incisis, autore Joh. Georgio Keysler, Societatis Regise Londinensis socio, ffannoverce, sumtibus Nicolai Foersteri bibliopolcB aulici Sacrcz Regicz Maiestatis Britannic(B^ 1720. 8vo. With frontispiece and 17 plates, including those of " Stonehenge restored," and the *' German mandrake." KIEN-LONG, Emperor of China. 6loge de la ville de Mouk-den. Pofeme compost par Kien-Long, Empereur de la Chine et de la Tartaric actuellement regnant . . . Traduit en frangois par le P. Amiot, Missionaire \ Peking. Paris ^ i77o« 8vo. KIRCHER, Athanase. La Chine lUustree, &c., avec un Dictionaire Chinois et Frangois. [Frontispiece, with vignette map of China.] Amsterdaniy 1667. fol. The author having been " ridiculously fond of hieroglyphical characters and inscriptions," his works are still valuable. The book contains pictures of the great bell of Pekin and the Porcelain Tower, with a number of Chinese portraits and several valuable mediaeval maps of Eastern Asia. Large paper copy. KOPPIERS, Petrus Henricus. Petri Hemici Koppiers Observata Philologica in loca quaedam Antiphanis, Theocriti, Pauli Apostoli, Eratos- thenis, et Propertii. Lugdimi Batavorum, i^Ti. 8vo. From the Gibson- Craig Collection. French red mor., gilt, g.e. KRANTZIUS, Albertus. Chronica regnorum aquilonarium Daniae Svetiae Norvagiae, per Albertum Kranlzium Hamburgen. descripta. Argent.^ apud loantiem Schottuffty 1548. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. A BEAUMELLE, Laurent Angliviel de. Memoires pour servir k I'histoire de Madame de Maintenon et k celle du si^cle passd par M. de la Beaumelle. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee des remarques critiques de Mr. De Voltaire. sJ, 1777. 1 21110. With MS. references Six vols, bound in three. "Michael Wodhull, Dec. Io'^ 1760." to ' Biblioth. Instruct. N*"'. 5302-3.' Essai d'fiducation 8vo. LA CHALOTAIS, Louis-Ren^ de Caradeuc de la. Nationale, ou plan d'^tudes pour la jeunesse. Paris^ 1763. On the fly-leaf is the author's autograph inscription : — *' Pour Mademoiselle de Malboissiere de la part de Son tr^s humble, et tres obeissant serviteur." La Chalotais. From the library of M. de Liancourt and the Gibson-Craig Collection. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. Memoires de M. de la Chalotais, Procureur-Gendral au Parlement de Bretagne. /Vzm, 1766. i2mo. On p. 53 is a description of the way in which the MS. of the first Memoire was written." " Fait au Chateau de Saint-Malo, 15 Janvier 1766, pouvant a peine avoir quelques Livres, m'en ayant ete enleves concernant la procedure criminelle ; ecrit avec une plume fait d'un cure-dent, & de I'encre faite avec de la suie de cheminee, du vinaigre & du sucre, sur des papiers d'enveloppe de sucre & de chocolat." Old French red mor. LACINIUS, Janus Therapus. Pretiosa Margarita novella de thesauro, ac pretiosissimo philosophorum lapide. Artis huius divinas typus, & methodus : collectanea ex Arnaldo, Rhaymundo, Rhasi, Alberto, & Michaele Scoto ; per lanum Lacinium Calabrum nunc primum, in lucem edita. [A Idine device : Plates.] Colophon: VeneiiiSy apud Aldi filioSy i<,^6. 8vo. Vellum, gilt, with the Aldine device stamped on the covers. LACTANTIUS, Firmianus. L. Celij Lactatij firmiani christiano2jt eloquentissimi de opificio dei vel formatione hominis liber per vigintiunu capita distributus, cu eloquetia : turn eruditione pr§clarus. Colophon : Lactantij I'irtniafii viri jiixta docti 7 eloquetis Liber de formatione hois, ad Demetria7iu auditore sun felici at^ castigatissimo coinponitur exitu Colonie in Officina Quetell Anno supra sesquiviillesimu sexto (1506). ad fesiu G?'egoriJ pape erudiiissimi die. 4to. A copy by Quentel of the Venetian Edition of I497' 96 LACTANTIUS—LA FONTAINE. LACTANTIUS, Firmianus. Divinarum Institutionum libri septem proxime castigati, et aucti. Eiusdem De ira Dei Liber i. De opificio Dei Liber i. Epitome in libros suos, liber acephalos. Phoenix . . . Tertulliani liber apologeticus cum indice. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Venetlis^ in cedibus hceredum Aidi, et A?idre(B soccri, mense Martio^ i535- ^vo. The second Aldine edition. L^^T, Joannes de. loannis de Last . . . Notse ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii De origin e gentium Americanarum, et observationes aliquot ad meliorem indaginem difficillimse illius Quaestionis. [Device.] Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzivirium^ 1643. 12 mo. This work is an answer to the treatise in which Grotius maintained that the native races of America *' came from Norway, Ethiopia, and China." It contains the text of the " Dissertatio de Origine gentium Americanarum." Vellum. LA FARRE, Charles Auguste, Marquis. Poesies de Monsieur le Marquis de la Farre. Nouvelle Edition considerablement augmentee. A Londres^ 1781. i2mo. With frontispiece. This seems to be the Cazin edition, though not in the lists of the * * Cazinophile. " At the end is a prospectus of the "Collection de petits formats," "En beau papier, belle impression, belles gravures, et en tout superieure^ celle imprimee i Lyon... Tons ces ouvrages se vendent separement a un prix modique en egard a la btaute des Editions . . . Les personnes qui desireront avoir tous ces petits volumes, relics en veau, ecaille, filet, bord et bordure dores sur tranche, paieront la reliure 16 sols le volume." Old calf, gilt, g.e. LA FAYETTE, Marie Madeleine Motier de, Countess. La Princesse de Cleves. A Paris, 1704. 8vo. Two volumes bound in one. The work was composed by the Countess Motter de la Fayette, J. Regnauld de Segrais, and Fran9ois VI., Due de la Rochefoucaujd. Black mor., gilt, g.e. *LAFOLIE, C. L. de. Le Philosophe sans pretention, ou I'homme rare : ouvrage physique, chymique, politique et moral, Dedie aux Savans, par M. D. L. F. [Vignette.] A Paris, in S- ^vo. Old French calf, gilt. LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Contes et Nouvelles en vers de Monsieur de la Fontaine. Nouvelle e'dition enrichie de tailles-douces. A Amsterdam, chez Henry Desbordes dans le Kalver-Straat^pres le Dam, 1 685. 1 2 mo. 2 vols. The first of the three issues under this date, with plates by Remain de la Hooghe. The two volumes are bound in one. Green mor. gilt, g.e., by Bedford. LA FONTAINE— LAMBERT. 97 T/A FONTAINE, Jean de. Les Amours tie Psichd et de Cupidon. Par Monsieur de la Fontaine. [Device.] A la Haye^ 1700. i2mo. With engraved frontispiece. The Loves of Cupid and Psyche ; in verse and prose. From the French of La Fontaine. London^ 1744. 8vo. Two vols, bound in one. With frontispieces after West by Humphreys, and after Cipriani by Bartolozzi. Calf, gilt, g.e. Contes et Nouvelles en vers, par M. de la Fontaine. A la ffayCy 1778. i2mo. 2 vols. With engraved portrait as frontispiece. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de la Fontaine ; avec un nouveau commentaire par M. Coste. A Paris^ 181 1. i2mo. 2 vols. With engraved portrait as frontispiece. " Edition Cazin." Old calf, gilt, g.e. LAMARCA, Luis. El Teatro de Valencia. Desde su orio-en hasta nuestros dias. Par D. Luis Lamarca. Valencia^ i^^o. 8vo. Calf, gilt, by Clarke and Bedford. ** E libris Robert! Samuelis Turner." *LA MARTINIERE, Pierre Martin de. Nouveau voyage du Nort. Dans lequel on voit les Moeurs, la Maniere de vivre, et les Superstitions des Norweghiens, des Lapons, des Kiloppes, des Borandiens, des Syberiens des Moscovites, des Samojedes, des Zembliens et des Islandois, par le Sr. * * * [Plates.] Amsterdam^ aux depens d'Estienne Roger ^ Marchant Libraire chez qui on trouve toute sorte de Musique, s.a, i2mo. Calf, gilt, by Bh-dsall. LAMBARDE, William. A Perambulation of Kent; conteining the description, hystorie and customes of that shyre. Written in the yeere u;7o by William Lambarde of Lincolne's Inne, Gent. Lofidon, Imprinted for RalpJie Newberiey 1576. 4to. Printed in black letter. Vellum. *LAMBERT, Claude Francois. Relation singuli^re, ou le courier des Champs Elis^es. Seconde edition. A Cologne^ 1772. 8vo. 98 LA MESNARDIERE-'LANG, LA MESNARDIERE, Jules de. Les Podsies de lules de la Mesnardibre, de TAcaddmie Fran^oise, Conseiller du Roy, et Maistre d'Hotel Ordinaire de sa Maieste. [Engraved title after Le Brun.] A Paris, chez Antoine de Sommaville, au Palais, sur le deuxilme Perron allant d la Saitite Chappelle, d, rEscu de France, i6$6, fol. LANDOR, Walter Savage. Gebir, Count Julian, and other poems. By Walter Savage Landor, Esq. London, Edward Moxon, 1831. Svo. Presentation copy to **Miss Mary Elton, from her friend the Author." "Landor is generous, he has presented me with ' Gebir ' dehciously bound in Russia leather. Gebir is very grand, and does not at all answer P.'s description of the mysterious impossible-to-be-understood allegory. Do you believe that soft-sounding W. S. L., who says his library, 40CK) volumes, is all well-bound — *he sent every one to be re-bound in russia.' Fancy ^2CXX) at least to the book-binder. By the way Mr. Landor, with great pomp, sent a little sixpenny pot to K., containing a small flower, with one little blossom, all the rest faded : perhaps, who knows? — he alluded to Pericles and Aspasia, where the philosopher sends some dead flowers, I can only send My wisest, loveliest, latest friend. These weather-worn and faded flowers." Mary Elton's Letters, May lo, 1837. Russia, gilt, g.e. Pericles and Aspasia. London, 1836. Svo. 2 vols. Presentation copy. The first edition. LANG, Andrew. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France : with other poems. By A. Lang. London, i^T 2. 8vo. Presentation copy to M". Elton, from the Author. Black mor., gilt, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. XXII Ballades in Blue China. Londoft, 1880. 8vo. Presentation copy to M". Elton. " From the Author." Vellum. Ballades in Blue China. London, 1881. Svo. Presentation copy to M". Elton. "From the Author." With copy of the "Ballade of Summer," in the author's writing, inserted. The Library. By Andrew Lang. With a Chapter on Modern English illustrated Books by Austin Dobson. London, 1881. Svo. Presentation copy to M". Elton. " From A. L." * The Black Thief. A New and Original Drama (adapted from the Irish). In Four Acts. London, 1S82. i2mo. Helen of Troy. By A. Lang. London, xZZi, Svo. LANG, 99* LANG, Andrew. Helen of Troy. Her Life and Translation. Done into Rhyme from the Greek Books. By Andrew Lang, sometime Fellow of Merton Coll. in Oxford. Motto : " Nul ne sy frote." The second time set forth. London^ 1883. 8vo. With dedication : — ** To all old Friends ; to all who dwell Where Avon dhu and Avon gel _2. ^ Down to the deep Loch Aline flow Through valleys dear from long ago ; To all who hear the whisper'd spell Of Ken and Tweed like music swell Hard by the Land Debatable, Or * roaring Yarty ' seaward go, To all old Friends ! " Ballades and Verses Vain. By Andrew Lang, Author of Helen of Troy. New York ^ \2>%d^. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. With Ballade Dedicatory "To M'*. Elton of WHiitestaunton " — ** The painted Briton built his mound, And left his celts and clay, On yon fair slope of sunlit ground That fronts your garden gay ; The Roman came, he bore the sway, He bullied, bought, and sold. Your fountain sweeps his works away Beside your manor old I But still his crumbling urns are found Within the window -bay. Where once he listened to the sound That lulls you day by day ; The sound of summer winds at play. The noise of waters cold To Yarty wandering on their way, Beside your manor old ! The Roman fell : his firm-set bound Became the Saxon's stay ; The bells made music all around For monks in cloisters grey, Till fled the monks in disarray From their warm chantry's fold. Old Abbots slumber as they may, Beside your manor old ! Envoy. Creeds, empires, peoples, all decay, Down into darkness rolled ; May life that's fleet be sweet, I pray, Beside your manor old ! " H 2 100 LA NG^LA URENCE. LANG, Andrew. Custom and Myth. By Andrew Lang. London^ 1884. 8vo. Rhymes k la Mode. By A. Lang. Motto : " Hom, c'est une ballade!" — Vadius. London, \%Z^, 8vo. Presentation copy. *' M". Elton Her Book. From A. L." With dedicatory Ballade, " To M". Elton of Whitestaunton." Blue mor., gilt, g.e., by Riviere. Letters to Dead Authors. By Andrew Lang. Z^«^(?;?, 1886. 8 vo. Presentation copy from the author. Aucassin and Nicolete. Done into English by Andrew Lang. [Etched title.] London, 1887. 8vo. Vellum. Myth Ritual and Religion. By Andrew Lang. London, 1887. 8vo. 2 vols. Presentation copy to C. I. Elton from the Author. Ballads of Books. Edited by Andrew Lang. London, 1888. 8vo. Large paper. No. 2 of an edition of 113 copies. Presentation copy, from the author. Old Friends. Essays in Epistolary Parody. By Andrew Lang. London, 1890. 8vo. LANGON, ;6tienne LfiON de la Mothe, Baron, Evenings with Prince Cambacerbs, Second Consul, Arch-Chancellor of the Empire, Duke of Parma. By Baron Langon. [Portrait of Napoleon.] London, i^^"] . 8vo. 2 vols. LA PEYRERE, Isaac de. Relation de I'lslande. [Device.] A Farts, chez Louis Billaine, au second pillier de la grand Salle du Palais, d la Palme, &» au grand Cesar, 1663. 8vo. LA RAMEE, Pierre de. Traictd des Fagons et Coustumes des Anciens Gaulloys, Traduit du Latin de P. de la Raniee par Michel de Castelnau. Paris, Wechel, 1559. 4to. Bound with the " Recueil" of Le Rouille. LA TOUCHE. N. de. L'Art de bien parler Frangois, qui comprend tout ce qui regarde la Grammaire, & les fagons de parler douteuses. Amster- dam, 1730. 8vo. 2 vols. Frontispiece by B. Picart. With the arms of Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, stamped in gold on the sides. LAURENCE, Edward. The Duty of a Steward to his Lord ... To which is added an Appendix, shewing the Way to Plenty . . . Both designed originally for the use of the several stewards and tenants of his Grace the Duke of Buckingham. By Edward Laurence, Land-Surveyor. London, 1727. 4to. LEENHEER—LELAND. lor LEENHEER, JOANNES. V I MARIA G MYSTICA SUB SOLIS IMAGINE emblematic^ expressa. Opusculum votivum vovente et votum reddente P. F. Joanne de Leenheer. \_Brussels^ 1681. 4to. *' ^g. Lovanii dono Authoris." - _ LE GALLIENNE, Richard. Volumes in Folio. By Richard le Gallienne, Author of My Lady's Sonnets, &c. London^ 1889. 4to. Limited edition. LEIBNITZ, GoDF. W. de. Essais de Th^odic^e sur la Bontd de Dieu, la Liberte de THomrae, et I'Origine du Mai. Par M. Leibnitz. [Vignette : portrait of Erasmus.] Amsterdafn, i"] 20, 8vo. From the Rev. Mark Pattison's library. LEIGH, Charles. The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak, in Derbyshire ; with an Account of the British, Phoenician, Armenian, Gr. and Rom. Antiquities in those parts. By Charles Leigh, Doctor of Physick. Oxford, Printed for the Author, 1700. fol. With portrait of the author by Faithorn, and plates. Russia, gilt. LE LABOUREUR, Jean. Les Memoires de Messire Michel de Castelnau, Seigneur de Mauvissiere, &c. Par I. Le Laboureur, Conseiller et Aumosnier du Roy, Prieur de luvigne. [Device : Au Grand Cesar.] A Paris, chez Pierre La7ny, au Palais, au second Pillier de la Grand^ Salle, au Grand Cesar, 1659. fol. 2 vols. From the library of Louis XIV., with his arms in gold on the sides. Red mor., gilt, g.e. LELAND, John. The Itinerary of John Leland,the Antiquary. In nine volumes. Published by Mr. Thomas Hearne. The third edition, printed from Mr. Hearne's corrected copy in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1770. 8vo. 9 vols. Nine volumes bound in three. The Lives of those Eminent Antiquaries John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony h. Wood ; with an Authentick Account of their respective Writings and Publications from original papers. In which are occasionally inserted Memoirs relating to many eminent Persons, and various Parts of Literature. Also, several Engravings of Antiquity never before published. [Portraits.] Oxford, 1772. 8vo. 4 vols. 102 LELAND—LEON HEBREU, •LELAND, Thomas. Longsword, Earl of Salisbury. An historical romance. A new edition. London^ 1775. 8vo. 2 vols. With frontispieces by C. Grignion. Red mor., gilt. LE M AIRE, Jean. Les Illustratios de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye, etc. On les vend a Paris: a la rue sainct Jaques : a lens eigne du Lyon dargent: au pres des Maiurins, Colophon : Imprime a Paris au mois Daoust Lan mil cinqcentz vingt 6^ vng Pour maistre Jehan de Mar?ief Libraire iure de Luniuer- site de Paris y demourant en la Rue sainct Jaqs a lens eigne du Pellican deuant Sainct yues. Et pour Pierre Viart Libraire demourant a Paris en la rue salct Jaqs au Lyon dargent, — Le traictie de la difFerece des scismes et des Concilles de leglise, etc. Colophon : Lfnprime a Paris au moys de Septebre Lan mil cinq centz 6^ xxi. Pour Englebert et Jehan de Marnef^ etc. Lepistre du Roy a Hector de Troye. Et aucunes autres ceuures assez dignes de veoir. Colophon : Imprime a Paris au Moys Daoust ^ Lan mil cinq centz et xxi., etc. 4to. J. Le Maire is described as secretary to Anne de Bretagne ** deux foys royne de France." ♦LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Nicolas. De I'usage des Romans, oli Ton fait voir leur utility et leurs differents caracteres : avec une bibHotheque des Romans, accompagn^e de remarques critiques sur leur choix, et leurs Editions. Par M. le C. Gordon de Percel. A Amsterdam^ i734« i2mo. 2 vols. Old calf, gilt, by Boyer. Les Princesses Malabares, ou le C^libat Philosophique. Ou- vrage interessant & curieux. A Adrinople^ chez Thomas Franco, 1^2,$' 12 mo. From the library of Madame de Pompadour, with her arms in gold on the sides. With MS. note: "Le relieur de Madame de Pompadour etait Biziaux, rue du Coin S*. Jacques N". 32." Calf, gilt. LEO, Joannes [Hasan Ibn Muhammad Al Wazzan, Al Fdsi\. Joannis Leonis African! Africae descriptio ix lib. absoluta. Lugd. Batav., apud Elzevir., A" 1632. 8vo. With engraved titlepage. Vellum, L^ON HEBREU. Philosophie d' Amour de M. Leon Ht^breu. Traduicte d* Italien en Frangoys, par le Seigneur du Pare Champenois. A Lyon, chez Guil. Rouille, 155 1. 8vo. Old Lyonnese stamped calf, with Grolicresque and poititilU designs in black, white, and gold. Engraved titlepage. "Cette traduction a ete reimprimee plusieurs fois. II existe une autre traduction, publiee a Lyon et attribuee k Ponthus de Thyard." LE PRINCE— LETL 103 *LE PRINCE, Nicholas Thomas. Essai historique sur la Bibliothbque du Roi, et sur chacun des depots qui la composent, avec la description des Batimens, & des objets les plus curieux \ voir dans ces differens depots. FariSj 1782. i2mo. Original issue. The book was objected to by Bignon, the king's librarian, as inaccurate. In consequence of the difficulties put in his way by Bignon, the author suppressed in a certain portion of the issue pp. 337-372, which relate to '* Bibliotheques publiques et particulieres, " and reprinted pp. 337-343 in such a way as to conceal the alteration. He was the Inspector *' charge de veiller au recouvrement des Exemplaires dus a la Bibliotheque. " Old French calf, gilt. *LE ROUGE, George Louis. Curiositds de Paris, de Versailles, Marly, Vincennes, Saint Cloud, et des environs. Nouvelle Edition . . . Par M. L. R. A PariSy 1778, i2mo. 2 vols. Frontispiece, and plates of public buildings. Old French calf, gilt. LE R0UILL6, GuiLLAUME. Le recueil de I'Antique Pre-excellence de Gaule et des Gauloys. Compost par M. Guillaume Le Roville d'Alengon, licentid es Lois. [Device.] A Paris ^ par Chrestien Wechel, en la rue S. lehan de Beauuais^ au cheual volant^ 155 1. 4to. ♦L'ESTRANGE, Roger. A Brief History of the Times, &c., in a Preface to the third volume of Observators. London, Printed for Charles Brome at the Gun at the west end of St, Pauls, 1687. 8vo. " Here's a Preface made of a Book, and a Book out of a Preface, and each, at the same time, to serve in a double capacity." Old red mor., gilt, g.e. A Brief History of the Times, &c., shewing the Pretended Popish Plot to have been quite another Thing then it has been taken for. Part 2. London, 1688. 8vo. A Brief History of the Times, &c. Part 3. Treating of the death of Sir E. B. Godfrey. By Sir Roger L' Estrange, Knt. London, 1 688. 8vo. Three parts bound in one volume. *LETI, Gregorio. Conclave nel quale fii eletto Fabio Chiggi detto Alessandro VII. [Device.] sd. 1664. i2mo. An ** Elzevir " mentioned in the Catalogues for 1675 and 1681. Ascribed to Gregorio Leti. From the Gaisford C«^llection. Olive mor., gilt, by Muller. 104 LETTERS. LETTERS. Petri Abselardi Abbatis Ruyensis et Heloissse Abbatiss^e Paracletensis Epistolaj a prions editionis erroribus purgatse, &c., cum cod. MS. collat3e cura Ricardi Rawlinson, A. M. Londini, inipensis E, Cur 11^ 6^ W. Taylor, 17 18. 4to. Red mor., gilt, by J. Clarke. Delle lettere volgari di diversi nobilissimi huomini, et eccellen- tissimi ingegni scritte in diverse materie, con la giunta del Terzo libro, nuouamente ristampate, & in piu luoghi corrette. [Aldine device.] Aldus, In Vmetia, 1567. 8vo. 3 vols. Calf, gilt. Original Letters, illustrative of English History . . . with notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis, F.R.S., etc. London, 1825-27. 8vo. 7 vols. Both series of letters are bound in one set. The second series appeared in 1827, in 4 volumes. Letters relating to the family of Beaumont of Whitley, York- shire, from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. Edited, from the originals in the Bodleian Library by Rev. W. D. Macray, M.A., F.S.A. London, 1884. 4to. Printed for the Roxburghe Club. * Letters written by SirW. Temple, Bart., and other Ministers of State, both at Home and Abroad ... In two volumes. Review'd by Sir W. Temple sometime before his Death: and published by Jonathan Swift, Domestick Chaplain to his Excellency the Earl of Berkeley, one of the Lords Justices of Ireland. London, i^qq 8vo. 2 vols. Calf, gilt. Letters written by his Excellency Hugh Boulter, D.D., Lord Primate of All Ireland, &c., to several ministers of State in England, and some others. Containing an account of the most interesting transactions which passed in Ireland from 1724 to 1738. Oxford, 1769-70. 8vo. 2 vols. Calf, gilt. The History of Sir William Harrington. Written some years since and revised and corrected by the late Mr. Richardson, author of Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa, &c. The second edition. [Motto.] London, 1772. 1 2 mo. 4 vols. ** That M'. Richardson revised these letters is truth, on my own knowledge. We both had an intimacy of some years with the writer, and he paid this claim of friendship a short time before his death. What that excellent author thought worthy of his attention, cannot be undeserving that of the public." Preface. Calf, gilt. LETTERS— LIGHT. 105 LETTERS. Familiar Letters, on a variety of important and interesting subjects. From Lady Hariet Morley, and others. London^ i773' Svo. Letters written by the late Right Honourable Lady Lux- borough, to William Shenstone. London^ 1775. 8vo. On the MS. copy of these letters Shenstone made this note — ** Letters from The Right Honourable Lady Luxborough ; written with abundant Ease, Politeness, and Vivacity, in which she was scarce equalled by any woman in her time. They commenced in the year 1739, and were continued to the year of her death (1756), with some few intermissions. Will. Shenstone." Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M y W y M e : written during her Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c., in different parts of Europe. Which con- tain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks ; drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers. A new edition. In two volumes. London^ 1778. 8vo. "The publication of these letters will be an immortal momument to the memory of Lady Montague These letters are so bewitchingly entertaining that we defy the most phlegmatic man on earth to read one without going through with them, or after fmishing the third volume not to wish there were twenty more of them." — Smollett. Lettres k Sophie. Contenant un examen des fondemens de 1 1 Religion Chretienne, etc. A Londres, Dix-huitihne silcle. 8vo. " Par le Baron d'Holbach," according to a MS. note on the titlepage. Old French red mor. A Tour in quest of Genealogy, through several parts of Wales, Somersetshire and Wiltshire, in a Series of Letters to a friend in DubUn . . . together with various anecdotes, and curious fragments from a manuscript collection ascribed to Shakespeare. By a Barrister. London^ 181 1. 8vo. Plates. *LE VAYER, FRANgois de la Mothe. Cincq dialogues faits \ I'imitation des Anciens. Par Oratius Tubero. A Frankfort, par Jean Savius, 1716. 2 vols. Calf, g.e., by Boyer. *LEVY, O, DE, PrksidenU Journal Historique, ou Fastes du rbgne de Louis XV., surnomme le Bien-amit^. sJ. 1757. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Derome. LIGHT, William. Sicilian Scenery. From Drawings by P. De Wint. The original sketches by Major Light. [Plates.] London, 1823. 4to. Red mor.. gilt, by Wright. io6 LILLE— LITTLETON. LILLE, Jacques DE. Les jardins, ou Tart d'embellir les paysages. Pobme par M L'Abb^ de Lille, de L'Acaddmie Frangoise. A Paris, 1782. 12 mo. " ;6dition Cazin." Titlepage engraved. Old French calf, gilt, g.e. L'homme des champs ou les g^orgiques frangois ; par Jacques de Lille. [Plates by Gudrin.] A Strasbourg, Anviii. (1800.) 8vo. *LILY, William. A short introduction of Grammar. Compiled & set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin Tongue. [Woodcut border on title.] Loftdon, Norton, 1661, 8vo. Bound with *• Lilies Rules Construed." Lilies Rules Construed, whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latine Syntaxis and Qui Mihi, &c. London, Norton, 1661. 8vo. Contemporary black calf, stamped all over with daisies and other floral devices in gold. From Lord Gosford's Collection. LINGARD, John. A History of England from the first invasion by the Romans to the accession of Henry the 8th. By John Lingard, D.D. London, 181 9. 4to. 8 vols. LINWOOD, William. Anthologia Oxoniensis. Decerpsit Gulielmus Linwood, M.A., ^dis Christi alumnus. Londini, 1846. 8vo. Green mor., gilt, g.e. L'ISLE, William. Divers ancient monuments in the Saxon Tongue, written seven hundred yeares agoe. Shewing that both in the Old and New Testament, the Lord's Prayer and the Creede were then used in the Mother Tongue . . . Published by William L'IsleofWilburgham, Esquire to the King's Body. Whereunto is added out of the Homilies and Epistles of ^Ifricus a second edition of a testimony of antiquity touching the Sacrament, and a sermon on the Paschall Lambe, &c. London, Printed hy E. G.,for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the signe of the Marigold in S. PauPs Church- yard, 1638. 4to. From the Osterley Park library. Calf, gilt. LITTLETON. Littleton's Tenures in Englishe. f-Cum priuilegio. [London, circa 1560.] 8vo, On the fly-leaf is written: "David Constable, 1807"; on the inside of the cover, "Sir Rob. Sydney, Lincoln's Inn, 1814," and "To my old Friend Harry Wilmot Buxton, Esq'., W. R. Sydney, 1856." Old brown calf, gilt. LILY. 1661. LITURGIES AND PRAYERS 107 LITURGIES AND PRAYERS. Horae Beatie Mari^ Virginis. MS. written in France at the end of the 14th century. On vellum. A finely written and illuminated MS., measuring 2| in. X ig in., and containing 163 leaves, and 20 miniatures. Contents :— (i) The Calendar, with the emblems of the months and the signs of the Zodiac. The emblem for January appears to be a later addition. (ii) Nine full-page miniatures, representing Christ, the Virgin, and S*. Christopher and other saints. (iii) The Hours of the Virgin. (iv) Seven Penitential Psalms, (v) Litany of the Saints. Each of these contains numerous miniatures, and the book is adorned throughout with initials in gold and colours, those at the beginning of each section being of elaborate execution, with borders of the ivy-leaf pattern, the scrolls often terminating in grotesques. On the first flyleaf, in a hand of the i8th century, is written, '* Ce livre a appartenu h. la Reine Jeanne de Naples," i.e. Jeanne II. [b. 1370, crowned 1414, d. 1435], ^^^ ^^ the second leaf, " Horarium lat. sec. xv. Neapoli adlatum." From the Collections of Prince Galitzin (see his Catalogue of 1816 and his Sale Catalogue 1825, No. 12), and the Duchesse de Berri (see her Sale Catalogue, 1864, No. 17). Black mor. in case. Horae Beatss Marise Virginis. MS. written in England at the beginning of the 15th century [circ. 1410-20]. On vellum. A carefully written illuminated MS., measuring 3 J by 2 J in. and containing 142 leaves. Contents :— (i) The Calendar, the first pnge of which is missing. The entries on the 7th of July and the 29th of December (the feasts of S*. Thomas the Martyr) have been partially erased. The prayer to S*. Thomas on fol. 36 verso has been similarly treated, (ii) The Hours of the Virgin, (iii) Memorials of Saints. (iv) Seven Penitential Psalms, (v) Litany of the Saints, (vi) Vigils of the Dead, (vii) Commendations of Souls. With illuminated borders and large initials at the commencement of the various services. The initial letters throughout are in gold on a blue and red ground. There are two full-page illuminations of later workmanship. Brown mor. A Primer in Latin. MS. written in France during the 15th century. On vellum. A beautifully written MS., measuring 7 X 5i in. and containing 30 leaves. Contents : — (i) Seven Penitential Psalms. (ii) Fifteen Psalms (three only of which are given in full), (iii) Litany of the Saints, (iv) Office of the Dead (imperfect at the beginning). The first page has a fine initial letter in red and blue on a gold ground, with sprig borders. Throughout the book the initial letters are illuminated. io8 LITURGIES AND PRAYERS. LITURGIES AND PRAYERS. Horje Beatae Marise Virginis, with other Offices. MS. written in France, probably at Le Mans, during the 15th century. On vellum, A well-written illuminated MS., measuring 7| X Sl in. and containing, in its present form, 148 leaves and 12 three-quarter page miniatures of fine execution. i. The Calendar, containing commemorations of several Bishops of Le Mans, ii. Part of the first chapter of S*. John's Gospel. iii. Prayer to the Virgin (the first leaf, probably containing a miniature, missing), iv. The Hours of the Virgin. V. Seven Penitential Psalms (the first leaf, probably containing a miniature, missing). vi. Litany of the Saints. vii. Vigils of the Dead, viii. Antiphon of S. Eustace, ix. Antiphon of S. Margaret (imperfect at end). Ornamented throughout with initials and illuminated borders of delicate design. Brown leather, stamped in gold with the devices of Henry III. of France, viz. the Crucifixion (which he adopted as a Capuchin), Death's heads, and cypher of two Ms, the latter standing probably for Memento Mori, but possibly for Marie de Cloves, Princesse de Conde, though her usual cypher contained the three letters M.D.C. The back of the binding is stamped with fleurs-de-lys. Canons or Hymns used in the service of the Greek Church. :MS. written probably in the 17th century. On vellum. Greek and Arabic. A well-written MS., with ornamental interlaced headpieces and titles in gold or red ; measuring 7x5 in., and containing 98 leaves, of which the last three are blank. Without musical notes, but having the tone {b elpfxhs) marked at the head of each hymn or division of a hymn. Amongst the contents are two canons of S*. John of Damascus entitled (i) Kavwv fls tV KvpiaK)]v rov iriaxo- [Easter Sunday] and {2).Kav^v els ®(0(p6,via [the Nativity of our Lord], cf. Migne's Patrologia Grseca, torn. xcvi. 840, 826. The last page contains a grammar of Greek accents in form of question and answer. Throughout the latter part of the volume are interspersed passages from Scripture for reading on Sundays and festivals, in Arabic. The following colophon occurs on the last page but one. "TeAos, 4k x^'P^^ l(i)[dvvov] ifpeos iK AafidaKov,^' dated 7161 "roD'ASa/i." The era of Constantinople is probably meant, the year 7161 of that era = 1653 of the Christian era, which very well agrees with the handwriting. Dark red Italian mor., of an oriental pattern, with gold indented devices in the centre and at the corners. — Evangelia et Epistolse, quae diebus dominicis et festis Sanc- torum in Ecclesia, & usitato more proponi solent, Grsecis versibus reddita. . . h. Johanne Posselio. Cum interpretatione Latina, &c. Witcbergice, 16 10. 8vo. From the library of James I. Bound in calf, with the corners tooled in gold, and the royal arms on the sides. With MS. notes. Liturgia Grseca. (The Book of Common Prayer, in Greek.) [Cambridgey Field ^ 1665.] 8vo. ■68ZL sgioanxn LITURGIES AND PRAYERS, 109 LITURGIES AND PRAYERS. Supplications of Saints. A Book of Prayers and Praises. . . Wherein are three most excellent Prayers made by; the late Famous Queen Lizabeth. By Thomas Sorocold. London^ Printed for Peter Parker at the Sign of the Leg and Star over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1700. 12 mo. Black mor., gilt, g.e. ' Office de la Quinzaine de Pasque, Latin-Frangois, h, I'usage de Rome & de Paris. A Paris ^ aux depens des Libr aires associes pour les usages du Diodse, i^j^c^. 8vo. '. Old red mor., with the arms of Philippe d'Orleans (Egalite) and his wife Marie Louise Adelaide de Bourbon- Penthievre in gold on the sides. Heures Nouvelles d^diees k Monseigneur Dauphin. 6crites et gravees par Elizabeth Senault.' A Paris, chez Dansy, Libraire sur le Pont' au Change d, St, Nicolas, s,a, 24mo. With portrait of S*. Bruno, engraved by Raymond. Engraved throughout. On the fly-leaf: "Ce livre appartient a mademoiselle Therese Desfosset a I'hotel du faisant blanc, ■ , • . envin vous me jure -■. ; . * . ' , . i dans vos rigueurs ;- ,< - ■ . . < . - . cruelle de ne jamais rien faire ' " en faveur de ma foy en priant Dieu pour tous les fidelles sans doute belle Iris - . ■ . . vous priez Dieu pour moy. 1754." From the Collection of Sir Edward Marwood Elton. Old French citron mor., with borders of gold, the centres of the sides inlaid in red mor. Horae Diurnae Breviarii Romani. Antverpice, Plantin, 1763. With MS. prayers to English Saints, as SS. Edmund, Erconwald, Hugh, John of Beverley, Thomas of Canterbury, and a service for S. Johannes Cantius or John de Chelm, **gentis Polonise gloria." Livre d'^glise, k I'usage des laiques, contenant Toffice du matin et de I'aprbs-midi, pour tous les Dimanches et Fetes de Tannde, selori le nouveau Breviaire et le nouveau Missel du Mans, imprimd par ordxe de r^veque du Mans. Au Mans^ 1801. i2mo. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. Preces Niersis Clajensis. VenetiiSy in insula S, Lazari, 1818. i2mo. Containing the Prayers of Nicrses, Patriarch of Armenia, in Armenian, Turkish, and fourteen other languages. no LITURGIES AND PRAYERS—LIVIUS, LITURGIES AND PRAYERS. Officij misse sacricg canonis exposicio. n signoT^ que inibi quotidie fiut repsentaconis declaratio. cii periculoi? contingere potentiu obuiacione. in alma vniuersitate lipc3ensi edita. incipit feliciter. \H. Eggesteyn^ Sirasburg, circa 1469-75.] 4to. The history of the theories concerning the singularly beautiful Gothic type in which this book is printed, is sufficiently curious. In Braun's Notitia the type is ascribed to Christopher Valdarfer of Milan, as being used in an edition of the Confessionale of Bartholomseus de Chaimis, ascribed in the colophon to Valdarfer. The colophon, however, was merely a reprint from the Milan edition of 1474, and occurs in no less than six other editions by different printers. Panzer corrected Braun's error and gave a list of thirty books printed in the type, as the work of an unknown Strasburg printer, possibly George Reyser, who afterwards printed at Wurzburg. In doing this Panzer confused two types, similar in character, but differing by a twentieth in size and also in the ligatures connecting the letters cty st. This confusion was rectified by Klemm, who, by finding the type of this book used in the 1474 edition of the Vita Christi of Ludolphus in conjunction with the type of Eggesteyn's edition of the Consuetudines Feudorum^ was at last able to clear up the whole question. Eggesteyn used this type at least as early as 1469, and used it for two editions of this work, the present, with the title in black, and another with slight differences in setting up, and the title in red. LIVIUS, Titus, Patavinus. Titi Livii Patavini decas quarta. [Aldine Device.] Colophon : Venetiisy in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Soceri^ Mense Novembriy 1520. 8vo. The book begins with an index, with separate titlepage. From the Collection of Sir Edward Sullivan. An early Venetian binding, in brown mor. Within a gold border on the upper cover is the title ** T. L. Decas IIII. " ; on the lower, the figure of Fortune holding out a sail, with the initials *' I. S. " in gold. T. Livii Patavini historiarum ab urbe condita, libri, qui extant, xxxv. Cum uniuersis historiae epitomis \ Carolo Sigonio emendati, etc. [Aldine Device.] VetietiiSy 1555. Apud Paulum Mamitiuniy Aldi F. foL With MS. note on fly-leaf; '* Editio hoec est omnium quotquot ante Gronovianam prodierunt prsestantissima, etc." Old stamped vellum. Titi Livii historiarum quod extat. Cum perpetuis Gronovii et variorum notis. Amstelodamiy apud Ludovicum 6- Danielem Elzevirios^ 1665. 8vo. 3 vols. The titlepage of vol. i is engraved : those of vols. 2, 3, are dated 1663, 1664, respectively. Vellum. Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe corjdita libri qui supersunt xxxv. Recensuit J. N. Lallemand. [Device.] Parisiis^ typis BarboUy 1775. i2mo. 6 vols. ** Ex bibliothcca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Red mor., gilt, g.e. LOCCENIUS—LONGUS. iji LOCCENIUS, Johannes. Johannis Loccenii J. C. De Jure Maritimo & Navali libri tres. ffolmice, ex qfficina Joannis Janssonii^ anno 165 1. 12 mo. With an engraved titlepage, representing a ship bearing the name of the book on one of its sails, and with a figure of Justice at the helm. Black mor., gilt, g.e. LOCHNER, Michael Friedrich. Michaelis Friederici Lochneri archiatri Caesar. Meconopaignion sive Papaver, ex omni antiquitate erutum, nummis, gemmis, statuis et marmoribus aeri incisis illustratum. Editio secunda auctior. [Plates.] Noribergice^ i^jig, 4to. The title is in Greek and Latin. With ** Cupid asleep on the lion's skin," as frontis- piece, and numerous plates relating to poppies and the " poppied sleep." LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Hyperion. A Romance. By Henry W. Longfellow, Author of " Voices of the Night, and other Poems." London^ 1844. i2mo. Red mor., g.e. Outre-Mer. A Pilgrimage beyond the Sea. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. To which are added the latest Poems of the Author. London^ 185 1. i2mo. LONGOLIUS, Christophorus. Christ. Longolii Civis Romani Per- duellionis Rei defensiones duse. VenetiiSj in cedibus Aldi^ et Andi-ecB socerL s.a, [15 18]. 8vo. With inscription •* Antonii est Brugnatii." Christophori Longolii orationes duae pro defensione su^ in crimen lesae maiestatis . . . Oratio una ad Luterianos. Ejusdem epistolarum libri quatuor, Epistolarum Bembi & Sadoleti liber unus. Longolij uita perdocte quidem at(^ eleganter ab ipsius amicissimo quodam exarata. [Device : the Lily.] Colophon : Florentice, per ITceredes Philippi luntcBy Anno Dominiy 1^2^ Mense Decembri J Clementeviu Font, Max, 4to. The life of Christophe de Longueil (1490-1522) was written by Cardinal Pole, with whom he lived, while studying at Padua. The volume is from the Collection of M'. Michael Wodhull, bound by Roger Payne in russia, ruled in red, and with the Wodhull arms in gold on the sides. With MS. note on fly-leaf: '■^Baker's auction^ libr. B. Hoblyn^ Esq'. Mending and tin. rubr, 3:6, binding in Russia by Rog : Payne 6:6. M, Wodhull. Mar. 25*'' 1778." LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chlod [Engraved title: Plates by Scotin.] s.l. 1745. 8vo. Old French calf, gilt, g.e. 1 12 LOU VAIN— L UCANUS, LOUVAIN, Siege of. lentaculum Lovaniense, ^ sive de Obsidione oppidi Lovaniensis, k duobus Hollandorum et Gallorum Exercitibus h. 24 Junii ad 4 Julii, anno 1635. [Folding plate: the " Verloore-cost Tower." Querela ad Galium. "Quis dedit Gallo intelligentiam ? " Job 38. [Chronogram for 1635 : VeXatIo, 6 reX, IVsto Dat InteLLIgentlaM.] Expeditio Hollando-francica in Brabantiam, vulgb La Conqueste de Brabant, facta mensibus Junii et Julii anno 1635. [Frontispiece : Castle of Louvain.] Louvain^ 1635. 8vo. With note : " Ce livre apartient k Michael Francois Pelckmans. Louvain I7]^8l." The three satires appear to have been issued separately. Old calf, gilt. LUCANUS, Marcus Ann^eus. Lucani Cordubensis Pharsalia. Colo- phon: Impressum Mediolani per Vldericum scinzenzeler^ i49i> die decimo jiovembris, fol. With the prefatory essays of Johannes Britannicus and others, dated from Brescia in i486, and the Commentary of Omnibonus Vincentinus. . . From the Sunderland Collection. Old citron mor., gilt, g.e. Lucanus. (M. Annaei Lucani Civilis Belli liber primus, &c.) Colophon: VenetiiSy apud A Idum mens e Apriii^ i<^o 2, 8vo. The first Aldine edition. With autograph signature and MS. notes of Philemon Holland, the translator of Pliny. *' Philemon Holland. Coventry. 1587." Calf, gilt. M. Annaei Lucani de bello civili libri decern. Eiusdem uita in fine operis. [Device.] Lutetice, Ex officina Rob, Stephani typographi Regij, 1545- 8vo. From the Osterley Park Collection. Calf, gilt. Pharsalia, sive de Bello Civili Caesaris et Pompeii libri x. Ex eraendatione V.C. Hug. Grotii, cum ejusdem notis. [Engraved title, with the Sphere.] Amsterodami^ apud Guiljehn, laftss, Ccesium, 1627. Svo. From the Perkins Collection. Purple mor, gilt, g.e., by Hering. Pharsalia, cum supplement© Thomae Maii. [Frontispiece by Gravelot.] Farisiis^ iypis Barbou, i^^t. Svo. ♦' Ex bibliothccd Warclanensi, Comitis dc Borch." Red mor., gilt, g.e. LUCIAN. 113 LUCIAN. Quae hoc volumine continentur . Luciani opera . Icones Philostrati . Eiusdem Heroica . Eiusdem vitae Sophistarum . Icones iunioris Philostrati . Descriptiones Callistrati. Colophon : Venetiis in czdib. Aldi mense lunio, 1503. fol. Luciani Samosatensis Opuscula quaedam, Erasmo Rote. & Thoma Moro interpretib. Quorum elenchum sequens pagella complectitur. [Device.] Colophon : Sebastlanus Gryphius Germanus excudebat Lugduni, anno 1528. 8vo. From the Bibliotheca Cortina, with the device on both covers: '*J. Gomez de la Cortina et Amicorum." Green mor., gilt. Lucien, de la traduction de N. Perrot, S'^ D'Ablancourt. Avec des remarques sur la traduction. Nouvelle edition, reveue et corrig^e. A PariSf i7o7- 8vo. 3 vols. With a small Booksellers' Directory on the reverse of the title : — ** J. et M. Guignard, rue saint Jacques, vis a vis la rue du Platre, a Tlmage S. Jean. La veuve de CI. Barbin, sur le second Perron de la sainte Chapelle. P. Auboiiin, Quay des Augustins, a la Croix d'Or. G. Cavellier, grande salle du Palais, a la Palme. H. Charpentier, grande salle du Palais, au bon Charpentier. M. David, Quay des Augustins, a la Providence. Christ. David, Quay des Augustins, k I'lmage S. Christophe. Ch. Osmont, rue Saint Jacques, a I'Ecu de France. M. Clousier, Quay Malaquais, a la Charite. J. G. Nion, Quay Malaquais, au Nom de Jesus. P. Ribou, Quay des Augustins, a I'lmage S. Louis " From the Sunderland Collection. Lucien, de la Traduction de N. Perrot, S*^ D'Ablancourt. Avec Jes remarques sur la traduction. Nouvelle edition revue et corrigee. [Frontispiece and Plates.] Amsterdam, 1709. 8vo. 2 vols. Bought by Mr. M. Wodhull on Feb. 2, 1790, at the sale of the "magnificent and celebrated library of Mafisei Pinelli," the foundation of which is described in the Life of Peiresc. Formerly in the library of Louis Jean Gaignat, No. 2474 in his Catalogue of 1769. " Almost all his books were in the choicest condition, being the cream of the collections of Colbert, Prefond and De Boze."— Dibdin. Old French calf, gilt. Essays and Dialogues. The Ridiculous Orator. The Lyar. Triumphs of the Gout, &c. (Translations in prose and verse). By Gilbert West, Esq. MS. 1757. 4to. An unpublished work by G. West, the translator of Pindar, copied from the original MS. soon after his death. Calf, gilt. I 114 LUCRETIUS CARUS—LUSSAN. LUCRETIUS CARUS, Titus. Lucretius. Aldus. [Aldine device.] Colophon: Venetiis^ in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Soceri^ mense Januario, 15 15. 8vo. With Errata, blank leaf, and device at the end, each book beginning *'T. Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Liber Primus" ("Secundus," &c.). Red mor. gilt, g.e. T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura libri sex. [Device.] \Lugd. Bat.,"] Ex officina Flantiniand Raphelengii^ 161 1. 8vo. With MS. list at end : "2 Ruflfs, i shirt, i half-shirt, 2 pair boot-hose." Titi Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura libri sex. Accedunt selectse lectiones dilucidando poemati appositae. [Device.] Luietice Parisiorum^ i744. 8vo With plates, and vignettes, by Francis von Mieris. Old French calf, gilt, g.e. Titi Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura libri sex. Londini, 1824. 4to. Red mor., gilt. LUNARDI, Vincent. An Account of Five Aerial Voyages in Scotland, in a series of letters to his guardian, Chevalier Gerardo Compagni, written under the impression of the various events that affected the undertaking, by Vincent Lunardi, Esq., Secretary to the late Neapolitan Ambassador, First Aerial Traveller in England, &c. Edinburgh, i']2>6. 8vo. LUNDIUS, Carl. Zamolxis, primus Getarum legislator, auctore Carolo Lundio. Upsalice, 1687. 4to. With title in Greek and Latin. Bound with the " Parnassus " of Matthias Martinus. LUNEAU DE BOISJERMAIN, Pierre Joseph Franqois. Discours sur une nouvelle manibre d'enseigner et d'apprendre la Geographic, d'aprbs une suite d'op^rations typographiques : par M. Luneau de Boisjermain. Paris, 1759* i2mo. From the geographical collection of Fr. C. Le Tellier, Marquis de Courtenvaux, with his arms stamped in gold on the sides. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. *LUSSAN, Marguerite de. Les Veillees de Thessalie. [Vignettes.] A Paris, chez la Veuve Pissot, Quay de Conti, a la Croix d' Or, h la descente du Pont- Neil f, 1 741. 8vo. Eight parts bound in four vols. With MS. notes by M'. M. Wodhull, who purchased the book at *' Payne's sale, Nov. 5. 1768." This work, and the *'Histoire de Louis XL" are attributed to Nicolas Baudet de Juilly. From the La Valliere Library. Old French calf, gilt, g.e. LUSSAN-'LYTE. 115 LUSSAN, Marguerite de. Histoire et r^gne de Louis XI. Par Mademoiselle de Lussan. A Paris ^ chez Fissoty Libraire^ Qiiai de Conti^ d la desccnte du Poiit-neuf^ i755« 8vo. 6 vols. With MS. notes, by M'. M. Wodhull, who purchased the work at *' Baker and Leigh's sale, Feb. 9. 1769." Old French calf, gilt. LYCOPHRON. Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra siue Cassandra . . . loannis Tzetzae Variarum Historiarum liber, versibus politicis ab eodem Graecb conscriptus. BasilecB^ 1546. fol. LYSONS, Daniel. An historical account of those parishes in the County of Middlesex which are not described in the Environs of London. Plates. London, 1800. 4to. Large paper. The Environs of London. Plates. Second edition. London^ 181 1. 4to. 2 vols. LYTE, Henry Churchill Maxwell. Dunster and its Lords, 1066- 1881. By H. C. Maxwell Lyte, M. A., F.S.A. [Plates.] Printed for Private Circulation. 1882. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author. i 2 ABILLON, Jean. Io. Mabillonii Iter Germanicum, et lo. Launoii de Scholis celebribus b. Carolo M. et post Carolum M. instauratis liber. [Plates.] Hamburgi^ 1717. 8vo. From the collection of the Prince de Soubise, with his badges in gold on the back, French calf, gilt. MABLY, Gabriel Bonnet de. Observations sur les Remains. Par M. I'Abbd de Mably. Seconde Edition. Gefilve^ i^di, i2mo. From the Gibson- Craig Collection. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. MACARIUS, Joannes. loannis Macarii Canonici Ariensis Abraxas, Feu Apistopistus; quae est antiquaria de gemmis Basilidianis disquisitio. Accedit Abraxas Proteus, seu multiformis gemmae Basilidianae portentosa varietas; exhibita & Commentario illustrata \ loanne Chifletio, Canonico Tomacensi, &c. [Plates.] Antverpics, ex officind Flantiniand Balthasaris Moreti, 1657. 4to. The first part describes a series of Gnostic gems. The second part deals with the " Grylli," or grotesque figures used by the Romans as amulets. Bound in one volume with ** loannis Chifletii Socrates, sive de gemmis eius imagine coelatis indicium," issued at Antwerp in 167 1 as an appendix to the ** Gemmae Abraxese." The face of Socrates, " backed by the head of a boar, a ram, or an elephant," appears on most of these composite figures. Vellum, gilt. MACCHIAVELLI, Niccolo. Nicolai Machiavelli Florentini dispu- tationum de Republica, quas Discursus nuncupavit, Libri III, Quo modo in rebusp. ad antiquorum Romanorum imitationem actiones omnes benb malbve instituantur. Ex Italico Latinb facti. [Device : the Phoenix.] Lugduni Batavorum, apud Hieronymum de Vogel^ 1643. 12 mo. Red mor., g.e., by Chatelin. MACCHIA VELLI^MADERUS, \\j MACCHIAVELLI, Niccol6. Nicolai Machiavelli Florentini Princeps, ex Sylvestri Telii Fulginatis traductione diligenter emendatus. Adjecta sunt ejusdem argument! aliorum quonindam contrk Machiavellum scripta, De po testate & officio Principum contra Tyrannos. Quibus denuo accessit Antonii Possevini iudicium de Nicolai Machiavelli et loannis Bodini scriptis. [Device.] Lugduni Batavorum^ ex officina Hieronymi d€ Vogel, 1643. i2mo. This volume contains a reprint of the " Vindiciae contrk Tyrannos," by Stephanus Junius Brutus Celta, which has been attributed to Hotman, Beza, De Mornay, Buchanan, and others. Reasons are given in MS. notes on the fly-leaf for attributing *' this rare piece " to Hubert Languet. " There is an English translation (1648), said to have been made by Walker, the executioner of Charles I." Reflexions de Machiavel sur la premibre decade de Tite Live. Nouvelle traduction, precedee d'un discours preliminaire, par M. D. M. M. D. R. A Amsterdam et se trouve d Farts, chez Alex, Jambert Libraire, rue Dauphine, i'jd>2, 4to. 2 vols. Bound by Derome le Jeune, and having his engraved ticket : ** Relie par Derome le Jeune, rue St. Jdque audessus de St. Benoist." The principal ornament in the panels on the back is "I'oiseau de Derome," the bird on a heart, with extended wings, enclosed in a vase-like figure. Olive mor., g.e. MACPHERSON, James. Fin gal, an Ancient Epic Poem. In six Books : together with several other Poems, composed by Ossian the son of Fingal. Translated from the Galic Language, by James Macpherson. Dublin, 1763. 1 2 mo. The Poems of Ossian. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. ... A new edition. Containing Dr. Blair's three celebrated critical dissertations ; and a preliminary discourse or review of the recent controversy relative to the authenticity of the poems, etc. London, 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. ** D'. Blair asked D'. Johnson whether he thought any man of a modern age could have written such poems. Johnson replied, *'Yes, sir, many men, many women, and many child ren.' ' — Bos well. Red mor., gilt, g.e. MADELENETUS, Gabriel. Gabrielis Madeleneti Carminum Libellus. Parisiis, apud Claudium Cramoisy, via Carmelitarum, sub sacrificio Abelis, 1662. i2mo. The firm of the Cramoisys had by this time changed their sign of " the Storks " for that of the ♦ ' Sacrifice of Abel." Old French red mor., g.e. MADERUS, Joachim Johann. J. J. Maderi De Coronis, nuptiarum praesertim, sacris et profanis, libellus. Helmiestadi, apud G. IV, Hatnmium, 1678. 4to. U% MA BOX— MA GNUS. MADOX, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, in two Periods, viz. ; from the Norman Conquest to the end of the Reign of King John ; and from the end of the Reign of King John to the end of the Reign of King Edward II. Taken from Records. Together with a correct Copy of the Ancient Dialogue concerning the Exchequer generally ascribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis. Londo7i^ 171 1. fol. Brown mor. Firma Burgi, or an Historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs of England. Taken from Records. London^ I'j 26, fol. Calf, gilt. Baronia Anglica or an History of Land-Honours and Baronies, and of Tenures in Capite, verified by Records. Londoft, 1741. fol. Published after the writer's death. Bound with the ' * Compleat Index to Madox's History of the Exchequer. London, 1741." Brown mor. MAFFEI, SciPiONE Agnello. Gli Annali di Mantova, scritti da Scipione Maffei, vescovo di Casale. Tortona, 1675. fol. With a dedication to Ferdinand Duke of Mantua, by the editor, Lepido Maria Agnello Maffei. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. MAGIRUS, Tobias. Tobiae Magiri Eponymologicum Criticum, com- plectens cognomina, descriptiones, elogia, et censuras Personarum ac Rerum. Nunc duplo quam olim auctius editum cura Christiani Wilhelmi Eybenii. [Portrait.] Francofurfi et LipsicBy iG^T. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum. MAGNUS, Olaus. Historia Olai Magni Archiepiscopi Upsalensis de gentium septentrionalium variis conditionibus statibusque, et de morum, rituum superstitionum, exercitiorum, regiminis, disciplinse, victusque mirabili diversitate. Item de bellis, &c. [Device.] Basilece^ ex qfficina Hetiric. Petrina^ 1567. fol. With woodcuts and map of Northern Europe. The work contains many extracts from the Chronicle of Sweden and Gothland, published in 1534 by the author's brother Johann Magnus, his predecessor in the titular Archbishopric of Upsala. With the arms of Cardinal Perettini stamped in gold on the sides. From the library of the Marquis of Hastings. Vellum, gilt, g.e. Olai Magni Gentium Septentrionaliu historiae breviarium. [Engraved title.] Lugd, Batavorum^ ex qfficina Adriani Wijngaerdt^ 1652. i2mo. Red mor., g.e., by Chatelin. AIA GN US— MA 10 R A Gl US. \ \ 9 MAGNUS, Olaus. Historiae de Gentibus Septentrionalibus, auctore Olao Magno, Gotho, ArchiepiscopoUpsalensi, Suetiaeet Gothic Primate, k Cornelio Scribonio Graphaeo in epitomen redactae Libri 22, adjecto duplici capitum et materiarum indice. [Plates.] AntverpicRy apud loannem Belleruniy s.a. 8vo. Brown mor., g.e., by Kaufmann. MAHOMET THE Second. Lettres Turques, historiques et politiques, ecrites tant par M^hemet II., Empereur Ottoman, que par ses ge'neraux, ses Sultanes, un de ses Ambassadeurs, & Usum-Cassan, Roi de Perse, son contemporain. Traduites du Grec et de I'Arabe sur des Manuscrits trouves k Constantinople ; avec des notes interessantes, et une Histoire de la vie de ce Conquerant. Par M. Belin de Monterzi. A Amsterdam ^ et se trouve d Paris, 1764. 1 2 mo. With the arms of Claude Antoine de Choiseul Beaupre in gold on the sides. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. v MAIMBOURG, Louis. Histoire du Schisme des Grecs. Par le P. Louis Maimbourg, de la Compagnie de Jesus. [Device : the Sphere.] Suiv ant la Copie imprimee d> Paris, s.l. 1682, i2mo. Two volumes bound in one. Maimbourg's "Histoire du Lutheranisme " had been published by the Elzeviers in 1681. His other works were printed in the same style by " some Dutch printer, probably Wetstein, who had purchased the plant of the Elzevier firm." — Goldsmid. MAINE, Henry Sumner. Ancient Lavv ; its connection with the early History of Society, and its relation to Modern Ideas. By Henry Sumner Maine. London, 1861. Svo. Vellum, gilt. Lectures on the Early History of Institutions. By Sir Henry Sumner Maine, K. C.S.I. London, 1875. 8 vo. Presentation copy, from the author. MAINTENON, FRAN901SE d'Aubign^. Lettres de Madame de Maintenon . . . Nouvelle edition. s.L 1758. 8vo. Nine volumes bound in five. With M'. M. Wodhull's MS. notes, dated 1760, 1763, and 1809. Calf, gilt. *MAIORAGIUS, Marcus Antonius. Luti Encomium. Magdalene comitis matris suae mortuas laudatio. Quae dure orationes nunc primum in lucem proferuntur. [Device.] Mediolani, apud Franciscufn Moschenium^ 1566. 4to. Attributed to Antonio Maria dei Conti. Old stamped c.ilf. 1 20 MA IS T RE—MA L VEZZL MAISTRE, XavieR' de. Voyage autour de ma Chambre. Paris, 1828. i6mo. 4 vols. With another title : " GEuvres de M. le Comte Xavier de Maistre." The author was the younger brother of Joseph de Maistre. He also wrote the " Lepreux de la cite d'Aoste." MAITLAND, William. The History and Survey of London from its foundation to the present time. [Plates and maps.] London, iTS^* ^o^- 2 vols. *MAJOR, Georgius. Sententise singulis versibus contentse, ex diversorum Poetarum sententiis Graecis, Latinse redditse. Colophon : Antverpice, exciidebat Joannes Loens, An. 1544. 8vo. With an appendix containing the '* Christian! hominis institutum," and translations from Isocrates and Periander, by Erasmus. Bound with the " Adamus," of G. Macropedius (Langhemveldt). From the Sunderland Collection. Calf gilt. MAJOR, JoHANN Daniel. J. D. Majoris Wratislaviensis De Nummis Graecb inscriptis epistola . . . cum Appendice de suspecta etiam, imo olim nulla, lotorum subscriptione. Kilice Ilolsatorum, i6d>^. 4to. MALEBRANCHE, Nicolas. Entretiens sur la metaphysique et sur la religion. Nouvelle edition. . .Par le R. P. Malebranche, Pretre de TOratoire. Paris, 1703. i2mo. 2 vols. From the library of the Rev. Mark Pattison. MALLEUS MALEFICARUM. Malleus Maleficarum, maleficas et earum hseresim ut phramea potentissimb conterens. s.1. et a. 8vo. Begins on sig. a-ii. with the " Appologia auctoris." Probably printed at Nuremberg, by Koberger, about 1487. Vellum. MALVASIA, Carlo Cesare. Aelia Laelia Crispis non nata resurgens in expositione legali Co. Caroli Caesaris Malvasise . . . Domino D. loanni Baptistse Colbert dicata. [Device of Colbert.] Bononice, typis H.H, Dominici Barber ii, 1683. Expensis losephi Antonii David de Turrinis, fol. With engraved frontispiece, and plates. **Nec vir nee mulier nee androgyna nee puella nee juvenis nee anus nee casta nee meretrix nee pudica sed omnia, sublata neque fame neque ferro neque veneno sed omnibus, nee coelo nee aquis nee terris sed ubique jacet." The epitaph remains unexplained. From the Hamilton Palace Collection. Vellum, gilt. MALVEZZI, Virgilio. II Romulo del Marchese Virgilio Malvezzi. Nella Ilaya, Apresso Isaaco Boxhornio, i6Tf^. 12 mo. With the first arms and second cypher of J. A. De Thou. From the library of F. A. De Thou. Compare a similar example, No. 670, in the Morante Collection. MALVEZZI. 1633. MALVEZZI—MANWOOD. 121 MALVEZZI, ViRGiLio. II Tarquinio Superbo del Marchese Virgilio Malvezzi. Nella Haya-, Apres so Antonio Tongerloo, 1634. i8mo. Bound with " 11 Romulo " of the same author. From the BibUotheca Thuana. Discourses upon Cornelius Tacitus, written in Italian, by the learned Marquesse Virgilio Malvezzi. Dedicated to The Serenissimo Ferdinand the second Great Duke of Thuscany. And translated into Enghsh by Sir Richard Baker, Knight. London, 1642. fol. MANDEVILLE, John. The Buke of John Mandeuill; being the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Knight, 1322-1356. A hitherto unpublished English Version from the Unique Copy (Egerton MS. 1982) in the British Museum. Edited, together with the French Text, Notes, and an Intro- duction, by G. F. Warner. Illustrated with Twenty-Eight Miniatures, reproduced in Facsimile from the Additional MS. 24,189. Printed for the Roxburghe Clubj Lofidon^ 1889. fol. ** The present volume has grown to its actual bulk from a small beginning. It originated in a desire on the part of the Roxburghe Club to possess facsimiles of some fine fifteenth-century miniatures illustrating the earlier chapters (and, unfortunately, the earlier chapters only) of Sir John Mandeville's famous work. These miniatures, of which I shall have more to say hereafter, are contained in the Additional MS. 24,189 of the British Museum. They are unaccompanied by any text ; and it was at first intended to issue the plates in like ruanner, or with such extracts only from one or other of the numerous MSS. or printed editions of Mandeville as might serve to elucidate them. Subsequently, however, it was proposed instead to utilise the opportunity to print in full a hitherto unpublished English version of the Travels, differing widely from that commonly known, and, like the latter, preserved in a unique MS. in the Museum. To this suggestion the Club readily agreed, and the carrying it into effect was entrusted to me."— Editor's Intro- duction. MANUTIUS, Paulus. Antiquitatum Romanarum Pauli Manutii liber de Legibus. Index rerum memorabilium. [Aldine device.] Venetiis, 1557. 4to. MAN WOOD, John. A Treatise of the Lawes of the Forest . . . Also a Treatise of the Pourallee, declaring what Pourallee is, how the same first began, what a Pourallee man may do, how he may hunt and use his own Pourallee, &c. Collected ... by John Manwood. Whereunto are added the Statutes of the Forest, a treatise of the severall offices of Verderors, Regardors, and Foresters, and the Courts of Attachment, Swanimote, & Justice seat of the Forest & certaine principall cases, judgements, and entries of the Assises of Pickering and Lancaster; never heretofore printed for the publique. London, Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1615. 4to. 122 MARCARDUS— MARGUERITE. MARCARDUS, Petrus. Meditatio pia. De Nativitate humano generi saluberrima . . . quibusdam carminum generibus conscripta a Petro Marcardo Bischofsheimensi Creichgaeo. [Plates.] Viemm AustricB, fypis Leonardi Formicce^ anno 1592. 8vo. With note in MS. on title : "Ex libris P. Petri freyenstein." Brown mor., gilt, g.e. MARCELLINUS, Ammianus. Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum qui de xxxi. supersunt libri xviii. Necnon Excerpta vetera de gestis Constantini et Regum Italiae, &c. [Device.] Farisiis, ex qfficiftd Afttonii Dezallier, vid Jacobced^ ad Coronam aurearn^ 1681. fol. With the arms of Le Clerc de Lessville, Comte de Brioude, stamped in gold on the sides. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt, g.e. MARCULFUS. Collatoes qs dicunt fecisse mutuo rex Salomon sapie- tissimus & Marcolphus facie deformis & turpissimus tamen ut fertur eloquen- tissimus sequuntur. Colophon : Finit dyalo^ inf Salomone rege &* Marcolphu. \P ev enter J Jacob van Breda ^ i486.] 8vo. With xylographic title containing the symbols of the Evangelists, commonly used by Jacob von Breda. The grotesque dialogue of King Solomon and the Dwarf Marcolf or Marculfus is said to have been popular as early as the loth century. Blue mor., gilt, g.e. MARCULFUS, Monachus. Marculfi monachi Formularum libro duo. Item veteres formulae incerti auctoris. Ex bibliotheca regia. Accesserunt & veteres aliae incertorum Auctorum Formulae ex vetustiss. Codd. Hieronymus Bignonius nunc primum edidit, & notis illustrauit. LuteticB Farisiorum, Sumptibus Hieronymi Drovart^ vid lacobced^ sub scuto Solaris 16 13. 8vo. Marculfus was a monk, who lived at Paris, in the reign of Cluvis the son of Dagobert, about the middle of the 7th century. This is known from his letter of dedication to Landeric, Bishop of Paris. '* The Formulae consist of drafts or forms for every species of legal writing, whether they relate to the appointment of counts and bishops by the king, or to the. most ordinary traffic between man and man." — Smith's Essay on Marculfus, Leic. 1836. From the Sunderland Collection. MARGUERITE de Valois. Les memoires de la roine Marguerite. A FariSy par Charles Chappellain, rue de la Bucherie^ d V image Saincle Barbe, 1629. 8vo. From the Gibson- Craig Collection. Red mor., gilt, g.e. Histoire de la reine Marguerite de Valois, premiere femme du roi Henri IV., par M. A. Mongez. A Faris^ ct se trouve d Liege^ ^111 - 8vo. French calf, gilt, MARGUERITE— MARTIAL DE PARIS. 123 MARGUERITE, Sainte. La vie de madame Saincte Marguerite, vierge & martyre, auec son oraison. s.l. [Farts, area 1^40.] 8vo. ■ Printed in black letter. MARIANA, Juan de. Io. Marianae Hispani, e societate lesu, Historise de rebus Hispanise, libri xx. [Device.] Tolefiy typis Petri Roderid, 1592. fol. From the Osterley Park Collection. MARIVAUX, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de. La Vie de Marianne, ou les Aventures de Madame la Comtesse de * * *. Par M. de Marivaux. [Frontispieces.] A Londres, 1782. 8vo. 4 vols. Edition Cazin. Calf, gilt, g.e. MAROT, Clement. GEuvres de CMment Marot, Valet de Chambre de Frangois I., Roy de France. Reviles sur plusieurs Manuscrits, &c. Avec les ouvrages de Jean Marot son Pere, ceux de Michel Marot son fils, et les pieces du Different de Clement avec Francois Sagon. La Haye, 1731. 4to. 4 vols. With portrait, plates, and engraved borders. From M'. Wodhull's Collection, with his arms stamped in gold on the sides. On the fly-leaf is a note ; *' M. Wodhull Ap. 19. 1766 : much superior margins to a copy called L. P. which I examined in Count Carreyre's Auction at Leigh's in May 1797 : this appears to be the second of three papers which 1 saw in May 1803 in the national Library at Paris." Russia, gilt. CEuvres de Marot, valet de chambre du Roi. [Portrait, after Holbein.] Genlve^ 1781. 12 mo. 2 vols. Edition Cazin. Beneath the portrait are Rousseau's lines to Marot : — ** Par vous en France Epitres, Triolets, Rondeaux, Chansons, Ballades, Virelais, Gente Epigramme et plaisantes Satires Ont pris naissance." Old red mor., g.e. MARTIAL DE PARIS, dit d'Auvergne. Les vigilles du roy charles ou est cotenu coment il conquist Frace sur les angloys La duchie de normedie et la duchie de guiene Et des nobles coquestes et vaillaces qui furent faictes Come plus a plain est cotenu en la table de ce present liure. [Woodcut of ' Le lis de iustiee,''] Colophon : Cy finis set les vigilles 6^ la jnort du roy charles septiesme: a neuf pseaiilmes et neuf lecons. Co?itenans la cronicque des faitz aduenuz durdt la vie dudict feu roy composees par maistre MarciaV de paris dit dauuergne proeureur enparlement. hnprime a paris par la veufue feu Jehan trepperel et Jehan iehannot demourans en la rue neufue nostre dame A lejis eigne de lescu de France. 8vo. The date is somewhat uncertain. Jean Trepperel died about 1520. His widow was in the printing trade between that date and 1533. Olive mor., gilt, g.e. 124 MARTIAL DE PARIS— MAXIMUS TYRIUS. MARTIAL DE PARIS, dit d'Auvergne. Les podsies de Martial de Paris, dit d'Auvergne, procureur au Parlement* Farts, 1724. 8vo. 2 vols. From the library of M'. E, L. S. Benzon. Calf, gilt MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius. M. Val. Martialis Epigrammaton libri xiiii. [Device.] Lugduiii, Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1546. 8vo. Contemporary binding in black calf, with Grolieresque geometrical design in red and gold, gilt edges. M. Val. Martialis Epigrammaton libri xiiii. Post omnes omnium editiones summa denuo vigilantia recogniti. [Device.] VenetiiSy apud Hieronymum Scottwi, i549« Svo. M. Val. Martialis Epigrammaton libri xiiii. Interpretantibus Domitio Calderino, Georgioque Merula. Cum indice copiosissimo : additis argumentis locis suis mira et dilucida brevitate poetoe mentem explicantibus. [Device : the Siren.] Venetiis, ex Sirenis Offidndy anno 1552. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Citron mor., gilt, g.e. MARTINIUS, Matthias. Parnassus Regum Sueciae ; exhibens brevitbr & succinctb Sveo-Gothorum regum potissima gesta et molimina ... ex optimis accuratissimiscg Historicorum Svecicorum scriptis heroico-carmine exstructus & in publicum productus labore & sumptibus . . . Matthiae Martinii. Aboce, excusus cL Johanne Laurentii Wallio, A, 1686. 4to. Bound with the " Zamolxis " of Carl Lundius. MASENIUS, Jacobus. Sarcotis, et Caroli V. Imp. Panegyris, Carmina ; turn de heroica poesi tractatus, auctore Masenio. Adjecta est lamentationum Jeremiae paraphrasis, auctore D. Grenan. [Device.] Londini, et venit Farisiis, Apud J. Barbou, vid Mathuri?tensium, i77i» 12 mo. ** Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. MAXIMUS TYRIUS. Maximi Tyrii Philosophi Platonic! sermones sive disputationes xli. Graecb nunc primum editae. — Maximi Tyrii Sermones, ex Cosmi Paccii archiepiscopi Florentini interpretatione, ab Henrico Stephano quamplurimis in locis emendati. [Device.] Ex officina Henrici Stephani Parisiensis typographic An, 1557. 8vo. Two vols, bound together. The first Latin version of these dissertations was published at Basle by Archbishop Cosmo Pazzi in 15 19: Henri Estienne printed the editio princeps of the original, adding Pazzi's version, with many corrections. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. ^MEHDI HASAN— MELA: 125 MEHDI HASAN. Extracts from the Diary of the Nawab Mehdi Hasan Khan, Fathah Nawaz Jung. London^ [1889.] 4to. Printed for private circulation. Brown mor., by Ramage. MEIBOMIUS, Henricus. Henrici Meibomii Lemgoviensis fe Saxonibus Westuali Parodiarum Horatianarum libri duo. Helmastadii^ 1588 (1688). 8vo. Irmensula Saxonica, Hoc est, Ejus nominis Idoli, sive Numinis Tutelaris, apud antiquissimos Saxones paganos culd, et \ Karolo M. Augusto per occasionem belli Saxonici devastati, luculenta accurataque descriptio, &c. Auctore Henrico Meibomio, Poeta et Historico, Acad, luliae professore. Helmcestadii^ 1672. 4to. Henry Meibom, son of John Henr-y Meibom, was appointed in 1678 to the Chairs of Poetry and History at the University of Helmstadt, to be held in conjunction with the Professorship of Medicine. MEIBOMIUS, Joannes Henricus. Joan. Henrici Meibomii de Cer- visiis potibusque et ebriaminibus extra vinum aliis commentarius. Accedit Adr. Turnebi libellus de Vino. HelmcBstadii^ 167 1. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. MELA, PoMPONius. Pomponii Melae De situ Orbis, libri tres. Cum indice. [Woodcut title.] s.L (15 12.) 4to. The dedicatory epistle is dated **pridie nonas Septembris, 15 12." Calf, gilt. Pomponius Mela, Julius Solinus, Itinerarium Antonini Aug., Vibius Sequester, P. Victor de Regionibus urbis Romae, Dionysius Afer de situ Orbis Prisciano interprete. [Device.] Colophon : Venetiis^ in cedibus Aldi et AndrecB soceri, mense Octobri, 15 18. 8vo. The preface, by Franciscus Asulanus, describes the daily work of the House of Aldus : " labores, quos ut olim Aldus sororius meus, Andreas pater, ego, et Federicus frater, quotidie vestrce utilitati destinamus." Vellum. Pomponius Mela De situ Orbis. C. Julii Solini Polyhistor. -^thici Cosmographia, cum notis Variorum. [Engraved title.] Lugd, Batavorum, apud Hieronymwn de Vogel^ 1646. 12 mo. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum. Isaaci Vossii Observationes ad Pomponium Melam de situ Orbis. Ipse Mela long^ quam antehic emendatior praemittitur. Hagcs Comitis^aptid Adriatttwi Vlacq^ 1658. 4to. " Collated, with notes in margins, Ex manuscripto Warei." 126 MEMNON^MERCURIALIS. MEMNON. Ex Memnone excerptae historiae, de tyrannis Heracliae Ponticae. Ex Ctesia& Agatharcide, &c., excerptse historiae. s.L Anno i^g^j excudebat Henr. Stephanus. 8vo. With title in Greek and Latin. The work includes the " Hannibalica " and " Iberica" of Appian. The translations are by L. Rhodomannus and Henri Estienne, From the Osterley Park Collection. Red mor., gilt, g.e. M^MOIRES INSTRUCTIFS. Par le Baron de B. Amsterdam, 1741. 8vo. Calf, gilt, g.e. With the ducal arms of Mad. de Pompadour. *• Ce fut apres 1752 ou elle obtint le tabouret, et les honneurs de duchesse, que son relieur Biziaux fit graver des nouveaux fers portant les armes des Pompadour surmontees de la couronne et du manteau ducal." *MENCKE, JoHANN BuRCHARD. De la Charlatanerie des Savans ; par Monsieur de Menken. Avec des remarques critiques de differens auteurs. [Vignette, by B. Picart.] La ITaye, 1721. 8vo. Calf, gilt, g.e. MENESTRIER, Claude ERAN901S. Symbolica Dianse Ephesiae statua, "k Claudio Menetreio ceimiliothecae Barberinae praefecto exposita. [Device : Plates.] RomcB^typis Mascardi, id^']. 4to. MERCERIUS, Joannes. Jo. Mercerii I. C. Emblemata. [Plates by Queyz.] Avarici Biturigum, 1592. 4to. Calf, gilt. MERCIER, Louis Sebastien. Mon Bonnet de Nuit. Par Monsieur Mercier. Ouvrage qui doit servir de suite au Tableau de Paris du meme Auteur. Neuchatel, 1784. 8vo. 2 vols. MERCIER DU PATY, C. M. Jean Baptiste. Lettres sur 1' Italic, ecritesin 1785. [Plates.] Paris, 1^2/^. i2mo. 2 vols. Mercier Du Paty was successful in procuring the abolition of" breaking on the wheel." Voltaire wrote to him in 1 769, * • Un beau siecle se prepare : vous en serez un des plus rares ornements." MERCURIALIS, HiERONYMUS. De arte g}mnastica libri sex... Quarta editione correctiores et auctiores facti. [Plates by Le Coriolan.] Venetlis, apud Juntas, 1661. 4to. From the library of Fabry de Peiresc, with his cypher in gold on the sides. Gassendi says that '• Peiresc kept an industrious bookbinder in his house, who did exquisitely bind and adorn his books : nor did his care only extend to such as were entire and perfect, but even to the fragments of Books and Leaves half-eaten, that they might be prized at least for the beauty of their binding, and so escape the danger of the Tobacconi.st and Grocer." Red mor., gilt. MERVESIN— MILTON, 127 MERVESIN, Joseph. Histoire de la Poesie Fran^oise. Paris, chez Pierre Giffart, rue S. Jacques, d rimage Sainte Therlse, 1706. 8vo. Old French calf, gilt. M^ZERAY, FRANgois Eudes de. Histoire de la mere et du fils ; c'est \ dire de Marie de Medecis, femme du Grand Henry, et mere de Louis XIII., Roi de France et de Navarre. Par Fran9ois Eudes de Mezeray, His- toriographe de France. Afnsterda?n, iT^i. i2mo. 2 vols. Old French calf, gilt. — MILTON, John. Paradise lost. A Poem in ten books. The Author John Milton. London, printed by S. Simmons, and to be sold by S. Thomson at the Bishops- Head in Duck-lane, H, Mortlack at the White Hart in West- minster Hall, M. Walker under St. Dunstan^s Church in Fleet-street, and R. Boulter at the Turks- Head in Bishopsgate street, 1668. 4to. The first edition, with fourth titlepage. ** April 27, 1667." "Milton" (says Timperley) "executes this day the contract disposing of the copyright of his Paradise Lost to Samuel Simmons, a printer and stationer of London, for the * present sum 'of ;^5, and ;^5 more when 1300 copies of the first impression should be sold in retail, and the like sum at the end of the second and third editions." From the Gaisford Collection. Blue mor., gilt, g.e., by Bedford. Literse Pseudo-senatQs Anglicaui, Cromwellii, ReUquorumque Perduellium nomine ac jussu conscriptae, k loanne Miltono. Impresses anno 1676. i2mo. *' Videas post Reges exactos quam ornate pelle Leonina indutus sit Asinus." — Editor's Preface. A Brief History of Moscovia and of other less-known Countries lying eastward of Russia as far as Cathay. Gathered from the Writings of several Eye-witnesses. By John Milton. London, Printed by M, Flesher, for Brabazofi Aylmer at the Three Pigeons against the Royal Exchange, 1682. 1 2 mo. The first edition. " This Book was writ by the Authour's own hand, before he lost his sight. And sometime before his death dispos'd of it to be printed. But it being small, the Bookseller hop'd to have procured some other suitable Piece of the same Authour's to have joyn'd with it, or else it had been published 'ere now." Paraphrasis poetica in tria lohannis Miltoni, viri clarissimi, Poemata, viz. Paradisum Amissum, Paradisum Recuperatum, et Samsonem Agoniste \ Autore Gulielmo Kogaeo. Londini, Typis Johannis Darby, aft?w Domini, 1690. 8vo. Calf, gilt, g.e. 1 28 MIR A BE A U—MOISS Y. *MIRABEAU, Victor de Riquetti de, Marquis. Lettres sur le Commerce des Grains. A Amsterdam^ et se trouve d Paris^ 1768. i2mo. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. MIRANDULA, Octavianus. Viridarium lUustrium Poeta?. Editum per Reuerendum Patrem Dnm Octavianu De Florouantis Mirandulensem. Lugduni^ per Gilbertum de Viliiers, 15 12. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Old blue mor., gilt. MIZAULD, Antoine. Secrets de la Lune. Opuscule non moins plaisant que vtile, sur le particulier consent, & manifeste accord de plusieurs choses du monde, auec la Lune : comme du Soleil, du sexe feminin, de certaines bestes, oyseaux, poissons, pierres, herbes, arbres, maladies, & autres de grande admiration & singularite. Par Antoine Mizauld, medecin et mathematicien. [Device.] A Paris^ de ritnprimerie de Federic Morel, 157 1. 8vo. The " Epistre nuncupatoire " is addressed ** ^ noble homme et docte, monsieur M. Franjois Le Comte, Seigneur et Baron de la Trene & Cenac, etc." From the Hamilton Palace Collection. *MODESTE, W. De Veldgezangen van Thyrsis, door W. M. [Plates.] Te Ley den, 1702. 4to. MODESTUS. [Modestus de re militari : Pomponius Laetus de magis- tratibus, sacerdotiis, et legibus : Suetonius de grammaticis et rhetoribus.] Begin : '* In Hoc Volumine Continef de re militari. De Magistratibus Vrbis, & Sacerdotiis. Et de Legibus. Colophon : 1474, die 27 Mai Nicholao Marcello duce ueneciarum regndte IpressUfuit hoc opus fceliciter. 4to. "With notes by M'. M. Wcdhull, dated Feb. 26, 1790, as to the purchase of the book at thePinelli Sale in 1790. Vellum. In Hoc Volumine continetur de Re Militari, De Magistratibus Vrbis et Sacerdotiis et de Legibus. ^Romce, Schurener, circa 1474.] 4to. Bound with the early edition of ijolinus, attributed to John Schurener, and printed with the same type. Brunet thought that this " Modestus " came from the press of Geo. Sachsel and Barth. Golsh. MOISSY, Alexandre Guillaume Moustier de. Les jeux de la petite Malie, ou nouveaux petits drames dialogues sur des proverbes, propres k former les moeurs des Enfans et des jeunes personnes, depuis I'age de cinq ans jusqu'k vingt. Par M. de Moissy. Paris, i']6(). 8vo. j vols. Old French calf, gilt. MONTALBAN. 1644. MOLIERE— MOORE. 1 29 MOLIERE, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. Les ceuvres cle Monsieur de Moliere. Reveues, corrigees & augmentees. Enrichies de figures en taille- douce. A Faris, Chez Denvs Thici-ry^ rue Saint Jacques^ d renseigne de la Ville de Paris, Claude Barbin, au Palais^ sur le second Ptrron de la Sainte Chappelle^etChez Pierre Irabouillct., au Palais^ dam la Galleriedes Prii>onniers^ d riniage S. Hubei't^ &* d la Foi'tu7ie^ proche le Greffe des Eaux 6- Forests^ 1682. i2mo. 8 vols. The title pages of vols. vii. and viii. read : "Les oeuvres posthumes de Monsieur de Moliere . . . Imprimees pour la premiere fois en 1682." The first collected edition. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. *MONBRON, FouGERET de. Le Pot-Pourri, ou Pr^servatif de la Melancolie, contenant La Henriade travestie, la Pipe Cassee, et autres poesies diverses. A Londres , i^'^^t- i2mo. * Edition Cazin.* With MS. note after the preface: *' Fougeret de Monbron {1745): qui croirait en lisant ce poeme, que son auteur etait sombre, taciturne, atrabiliaire ? " The serio-comic " ripe Cassee " was written by J. J. Vade. MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem de. Les Essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne. Edition nouvelle. Corrige suivant les premieres impressions de L'Angelier. Et augmentee d'annotations en marge, de toutes les Mati^res plus remarquables. Avec la vie de I'Autheur extraicte de ses propres Escrits. [Portrait on title.] A Paris^ chez Michel Blageart^ rue de la Calandre, d la Fleur de Lys^pres le Palais., 1640. fol. MONTALBx^N, Juan Perez de. Les nouvelles de Montalvan, traduites d'espagnol, par le Sieur de Rampalle. A Paris., chez Pierre Eocolct., Imprimeur et Lib?', ordin. du roy, au Palais., aux Amies du roy., et de la Ville, 1 644. 8vo. With the ducal arms of Madame de Pompadour stamped in gold on the sides. One vol. bound m two. Old French calf, gilt. MONTESQUIEU, Charles Secondat de. Lettres persanes, par M, de Montesquieu. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee de douze Lettres qui ne se trouvent point dans les precedentes : et suivie du Temple de Gnide. LondreSy 1784. 1 2 mo. 2 vols. * jfedition Cazin.' MOORE, John. A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany. With anecdotes relating to some eminent characterj. By John Moore, M.D. Dublin., 1780. i2mo. 2 vols. MOORE, Thomas. The Epicurean, a tale by Thomas Moore. London, 1827. i2mo. K 1 30 MORA TA --MORHOFIUS. MO RATA, Olympia Fulvia. Olympiae Fulviae Moratse foeminae doctissimae ac plane divinse Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolae, Carmina, tarn Latina qiikm Graeca : cum eruditoru de ea testimonijs & laudibus. Hip- polytae Taurellae elegia elegantissima. Ad Sereniss. Angliae Reginam D. Elisabetam. [Device.] BasilecB^ apud Petrum Fertiam, i$62, 8vo. Engraved frontispiece, .showing her monument, erected at Basle in 1555. Bought by M'. M. Wodhull at Payne's sale in 1771 ; with his MS. notes on the fly-leaf. From the Gaignat Collection. Red mor., gilt, g.e. Olympia Morata, her Times, Life, and Writings, arranged from contemporary and other authorities. London^ 1834. Svo. Her tutor Curio wrote of her : "I have heard her at Court declaiming in Latin, speaking Greek, and answering questions, as well as any of the females among the ancients could have done. Do not feel a doubt respecting the Sapphic Ode, written in Greek. It is indeed the work of a real Olympia^ whom we have known from her infancy." MORE, Henry. A modest enquiry into the Mystery of Iniquity, the first part, containing a careful and impartial delineation of the true idea of Antichristianism in the real and genuine members thereof. By H. More, D.D. Londofiy Printed by J, Flesher for W. Morden^ bookseller in Cambridge ^ 1664. fol. Part II., which begins on sig. R 2, with a false title, contains a " Synopsis Prophetica." It is followed by the Apology of D'. Henry More, "wherein is contained as well a more general account of the manner and scope of his writings, as a particular explication of several passages in his Grand Mystery of Godliness." Red mor., gilt. MORE, Thomas. L'Utopie de Thomas Morus, Chancelier d'Angleterre, Traduicte par Samuel Sorbiere. [Device : the Sphere.] Amsterdam, chez Jean Blaew, 1643. 12 mo. » De optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova insula Utopia, libri duo. Authore Thoma Moro, Angliae Cancellario, &c. Cura et studio A. G. M. Q. Londini, et venit Paris iis, apud Barbou, 1777. 12 mo. " Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Thomas More, the Chancellor's descendant, showed that many good men and learned divines were taken in by " this jolly invention of Sir Thomas More " : ** he doth most lively and pleasantly paint forth such an exquisite platform, pattern, and example of a singular good commonwealth, as to the same neither the Lacedaemonians, nor the Athenians, nor yet the best of all other, that of the Romans, is comparable ; full prettily and probably devising the said country to be one of the countries of the new-found lands, declared to him in Antwerp by Hythlodius a Portingal, one of the sea-companions of Americus Vesputius, that first sought out and found those lands." Old French red mor. gilt, g.e. MORHOFIUS, Daniel Georgius. De Scypho vitreo per certum humanae vocis sonum fracto. Editio altera. Kiloniiy i(>%2, 4to. MORN A Y—MUSGRA VE. 131 MORNAY, Philippes de. Le Myst^re d'lniquit^, c'est ^ dire I'Histoire de la Pdpaute. Par Philippes de Mornay, Chevalier, seigneur du Plessis- Marly, &c. Saunmr, 161 1. fol. MORRIS, W/LLiAM. The Defence of Guenevere, and other poems. By William Morris. London^ 1858. 8vo. Inscription on fly-leaf: *' C. A. Howell from his friend the Author." M0UFFL6 D'ANGEVILLE. Vie privee de Louis XV., ou principaux ^venemens, particularites, et anecdotes de son Regne. Orne de portraits. [Vignette.] Londres^ 1781. 12 mo. 4 vols. With portrait of Louis XV. as frontispiece. Old French calf, gilt. MUNDUS DESCRIPTIONUM. Mundus descriptionum, sive Descrip- tiones rerum omnium quas sunt apud Illustres latinae linguae scriptores, cum soluta, tiim astricta numeris, oratione ad Mundi exemplar digestae, indicatis breuitbr Auctorum locis. Italian MS. 17 th cent. 8vo. Vellum. MURETUS, Marcus Antonius. Orationes. Colophon : Romce, [A/dus^] KaL Alartij^ Anno 1565. 8vo. Bound with his "Hymni Sacri," and the *' Aristotelis ethicorum ad Nicomachum liber quinctus," published at Rome in 1 57 1. MURRAY, James Erskine. A Summer in the Pyrenees. By the Hon. James Erskine Murray. [Plates.] Lonion^ Macrone, 1837. 8vo. 2 vols. Some of the illustrations are attributed to John Leech. MUS^US. Vetustissimi venustissimique Poetae Graeci. Erotopsegnion Herus et Leandri. Cum versione Latina prorsa-vorsa : cui accesserunt alia eiusdem argument! poematia : quae singula coUegit, & Commentario libro illustravit Daniel Pareus, Philippi filius, Davidis nepos. [Device.] Francofurti, 1627. 4to. MUSGRAVE, William. Julii Vitalis Epitaphium cum notis criticis explicationecg V. C. Hen. Dodswell et commentario Guil. Musgrave. [Plates.] Iscce Dumnoniorum, i^jii. 8vo. Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicae, praecipu^ Romanae, figuris illus- tratae, tribus voll. comprehensae ; quorum i, De Belgio Britannico. n. De Geta Britannico. iii. De Julii Vitalis epitaphio : quibus accedit Appendix. Auctore Guilh. Musgrave, Belga, Reg. Societ. utriusque Socio. [Plates.] "Veterum volvens Monumenta virorum." — Virg. Isccn Dumnonioru7n, i^jif), 8vo. 3 vols. K 2 132 M us SET. MUSSET, Alfred de. Voyage oii il vous plaira, par Tony Johannot, Alfred de Musset, et P. J. Stahl. Motto : " La vie est un songe." Calderon. Paris ^ Hetzel^ 1843. 8vo. The first edition. ** Voyage ou il vous plaira. Livre ecrit a la plume et au crayon, avec vignettes. Legendes, episodes, commentaires, incidents, notes, et poesies. Selon MM. Louandre et Bourquelot, Musset, malade au moment de la publication de ce livre, ne put fournir sa part de collaboration, qui revint tout enti^re k Hetzel." — Guide du Libraire-Antiquaire, 1884-85. eau-forte de 1879. 8vo. Vellum, gilt Comedies et Proverbes, avec un portrait de I'Auteur, et una M. Lalauze d'aprbs Bida. [Plates.] Paris^ Charpentier^ 6 vols. s APHSUS, Phileloaus. Naphsi Phileloai, autoris Graeci, TrapayyiX' fiara. A Jacobo Blanchono Latin^ facta, et commentariis ex plicata. [Device.] Zugduni, apud Joan. TorncBsium, 1553. 8vo. NAUD6, Gabriel. Gabrielis Naudsei Parisini Epigrammatum libri duo. [Device.] Parisiis^ apud Sebastianum Cramoisy, architypographum Regis^ et RegincB Regentis, et Gabrielem Cramoisy^ via lacobcea sub Ciconiis, 1650. 8vo. " Ex bibliotheca Heberiana." Red mor., gilt. NEAPOLITANS HISTORIC. Neapolitans Historise k Julio Caesare Capacio eius Urbis ^ Secretis et Give conscriptae. [Plates.] Neapoli^ 1707. 4to. Red mor., gilt, g.e. With the " neatly interwoven " cj^her of N. C. Fabry de Peiresc on the sides. "Those books which he bound for his own use, he would have his Mark stamped upon them, which Mark was made up of these three capital Greek letters, N. K, *." From the Gosford Collection. NEEL, Jean Balthasar. Voyage et retour de S. Cloud, par mer et par terre. Premiere partie. Nouvelle edition, augmentee des Annales & Antiquitds de S. Cloud. Par M. NeeL Paris ^ 1760. i2mo. Old French calf, gilt. NEPOS, Cornelius. Cornelius Nepos, De vita excellentium Impera- torum. [Frontispiece by Cochin.] Farisiis, Typis Barbou, 1767. 12 mo. " Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. NEWSPAPERS. Mercurius Aulicus, June 11-17, 1640. " It was advertised this day that Dunster Castle belonging to Master Lutterell, a place by reason of the strength and situation conceived to be almost impregnable, was yielded up unto the Lord Marquess of Hartford for the use of Ilis Majestie, as soone as he had settled his affairs in Bridge water." Mercurius Pragmaticus, communicating intelligence from all parts touching all affairs, designs, humours & conditions throughout the kingdom. Especially from Westminster and the Head Quarters. 1648. 134 NEWSPAPERS, NEWSPAPERS. Mercurius Pragmaticus, For King Charles II., Com- municating intelligence, &c. Especially from Westminster and the Head Quarters. Feb.-Aug., 1649. " They have altered the very Mace belonginq; to the House of Commons^ and framed one without crosses ; the old Baddges of Christianity not suiting with their new Turkish empire ; instead whereof they have put Oaken leaves, which (since Absolom was hang'd upon the tree) may serve very well as the proper emblem of Rebellion." — June 12, 1649. Mercurius Politicus. Feb. 2-9, 1660. Mercurius Publicus. May 10-24, 1660. , •• Oxon, May lo, 1660. This day the king was proclaimed here in a very solemn, magnificent, splendid and joyful order." Mercurius Publicus. Dec. 6-13, 1660. •• Westminster. On Saturday the Most Hon*'^". House of Peers concurr'd with the Commons in the order for the digging up the carkasses of Oliver Cromwel, Henry Ireton, John Bradshaw, and Thomas Pride, and carrying them on an Hurdle to Tyburn, where they are to be first hang'd up in their Coffins, and then buried under the Gallows. And we must not conceal that, while the Noble Peers and Commons of England are taking up the carrion of the English regicides, the Loyal Scots are taking down the Martyr'd corps of that most Renown'd James Lord Marquess of Montrose, to give it just and honourable Burial as a tribute too long due from that Nation." The London Gazette. June 25-29, 1674. Smith's Protestant Intelligencer. Feb. 28-March 3, 168^. Mercurius Reformatus, or the New Observator. Jan. 2, 1691. The Whitehall Evening Post. Sept. 18-20, 1722. The London Chronicle, or Universal Evening Post. Sepf., Nov'., Dec'., 1762. *• Three or four families have formed an Opposition that dares to threaten and insult their Sovereign. They have assumed to themselves, as most honourable, the no-longer- cxisting title of Whigs ; they have given to us. Country Gentlemen, as most ignominious, the no-longer-existing name of Tories." — Letter from the Cocoa-Tree, Nov. 30, 1762. The London Evening Post. Oct. 25, 1763. The Hibernian Chronicle. Cork^ Printed by William Flyn^ at the sign of Shakespeare^ Feb. 10, 1772. The World. Sept. 18, 1788. " The Coachmakers Hall Society for free debate, Foster Lane, Cheapside. Love. This evening will be debated the following question, viz : * Is it possible for a lady, who has lost the husband that was the object of her first Love, to entertain as strong an affection for the second as the first ? ' " The Sun. Sept. 26, 1798. " Action between the British and French fleets. We stop the Press to announce the following very pleasing and important Intelligence having this forenoon reached Lord Grenville's office, respecting the Action between Sir Horatio Nelson's and the French fleet in the Mediterranean." NICAISE— NIGER. 135 NICAISE, Claude. De Nummo Pantheo Hadriani imperatoris, Ad ill™^"*. Spanhemium dissertatio. [Plates.] Lugduni^ i6()o, 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Les Sirbnes, ou discours sur leur forme et figure. [Plates.] Paris ^ 1 69 1. 4 to. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum, gilt. NICHOLSON, Joseph, & Richard Burn. The History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland. By Joseph Nicholson, Esq., and Richard Burn, LL.D. London^ i777« 4^0. 2 vols. With portraits and illustrations inserted. Russia, gilt. NIEUPOORT, GuLiELMUS Henricus Rituum, qui dim apud Romanos obtinuerunt, succincta explicatio; ad intelligentiam veterum auctorum facili modo conscripta k G. H. Nieupoort. Editio quinta, &c., iterum curante Gul. Ott. Reizio. Trajecti ad Rheftum, 1747. 8vo. Explication abr^gde des Coutumes et ceremonies observ^es chez les Romains, pour faciliter Tintelligence des Anciens Auteurs, &c. Paris, Barbou, 17 70* Svo. Old French calf, gilt. NIGER, Stephanus. Stephani Nigri elegatissime b gr^co author sub- dito* Traslationes . uidelicet . Philostrati Icones. Pythagorf Carme aureu. Athen^i collectanea. Musonii philosophi Tyrii de prTcipe optimo. Isocratis de regis muneribus oro et alia multa scitu digniss . & rara inventu, quae uersa pagina lector bone lubes, & gaudens inuenies. [Engraved title.] Colophon : Impressum Mediolani per lo. de Castelliono Anno Dni 15 21 Mensis Augusti. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. Dialogus Mercurii et Stephani. Philostrati Icones. Colophon: Impressum Mediolani per lo, de Castelliono Anno Dni 15 21 Mensis Augusti, 4to. Bound in one volume with the Translationes, under the title ** Stephani Nigri Ele- gantiae." The Dialogue of Mercury and Stephanus was a dedication to Jean Grolier of the translation of Philostratus, first issued in June 1521. There is a reprint of this first issue in the same volume. From the Sunderland Collection. 1 36 NIPH US—NUREMBER G. NIPHUS, AuGUSTiNus. Augustini Niphi, sua tempestate Philosophi omnium celeberrimi, Opuscula Moralia et Politica : cum Gabrielis Naudsei de eodem auctore judicio. [Device : " Justice."] Parisiis^ Sumptibus Roleti Le Due, via Jacobcea, sub sigjio Justitice, 1645. fol. Bound in red mor., stamped all over with g\\i Jleurs-de-fySy with the arms of Louis XIV. on the sides. NORDEN, John. Speculum Britannice : an Historical and Choro- graphical Description of Middlesex and Hartfordshire ... By John Norden. Illustrated with maps, curiously engraved by Mr. Senex, and the Arms of the principal Persons interr'd in the County of Middlesex, &c. London, 1723. 4to. In the Journals of the House of Commons for the year i6cx) there is a notice of a patent granted to John Norden, "to print Speculum Britanniae." Old calf, gilt. NOY, William. A Treatise of the principal grounds and maximes of the Lawes of this nation . . . Written by that most excellent and learned expositor of the Law, W.N., of Lincoln's Inn, Esquire. The second edition, with additions. London, 16^1. 8vo. Sir Philip Sydenham's copy, with his memoranda and autograph signature. The Compleat Lawyer. Per Guliel. Noy, Armigerum, nuper Attoumatum Generalem Caroli Regis defunctum. London, 1651. 8vo. A Treatise of the Rights of the Crown. Declaring how the King of England may support and increase his annual Revenues. Collected, &c., in 1634, by William Noy, Esq., then Att^ Gen'. Now first published. London, 17 15. i2mo. NUGiE VENALES. NugiE Venales, sive thesaurus ridendi & jocandi ad gravissimos severissimosque viros, patres melancholicorum conscriptos. Editio ultima auctior & correction A7ino i'j20,prosta?it apud Nenmiem, sed iamen Ubique, i2mo. This edition contains several Macaronic poems, as well as the " Pugna Porcorum," in which every word commences with the letter P. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by J. Mackenzie. NUREMBERG. Actus publicationis privilegiorum doctoralium Universit. Altorph. Norimbergens. Accessit Renunciatio Doctorum prima, cum auctario gratulationum. Altorphi, 1624. 4to. From the library of the City of Nuremberg, with the arms of the town impressed in gold on the front cover. Red mor,, gilt. DHELIUS, Olaus. Dissertatio philologlco-historica, de convcnientid linguse Persicas cum Gothicl 65>J'<^//^, [1723.] 121110. Dedicated to O. Rudbeck, Junior, and Carl Gustav Bjelke, " Msccenati maximo." Bound with the tract by Carl Enstrom, ** De Pn^st. ling. vet. Gothicoe. Aros, 1707." O'FLAHERTY, Roderic. Ogygia : sive, rerum Hibernicarum chrono- logia, ex pervetustis monumentis fideliter inter se collatis eruta . . . Auctore Roderico O'Flaherty, Armigero. Londoft^ 1685. 4to. Vellum. OPSOPOEUS, Johannes. Oracula magna Zoroastris cum scholiis Pletbonis et Pselli nunc primum editi. E Bibliotheca Regia. Studio Johannis Opsopoei. [Device.] Parisiis^ i599» 8vo. Vellum. ORICHOVIUS, Stanislaus. Stanislai Orichovii Rutheni de lege Ccelibatus, contra Syricium in Concilio habita oratio. Eiusdem Stanislai ad lulium Tertium Pont. Max. Supplicatio, de approbando matrimonio k se inito. Item, de bello aduersus Turcas susclpiendo, ad Equites Polonos, Turcica prima. Ad Sigismundum Polonise Regem, Turcica secunda. Colophon : Basilecu excudehatur^ in officina loannis Oporini, anno Christiano 1551, mense Dece??tbri, 8vo. From the library of G. G. de Servais. "With a memorandum, ** Fxemplum summi nitoris, corioTurc. coerul. deaur. Liber rarissimus : Maittaire ignotus." Stanislaw Orzechowski was a Pole who fouglit strongly aj^ainst the rule of celibacy ordained by the Council of Trent. In the first Essay he gives some curious details as to Roman society {Romanum fccus), from the " Rationes Bariselli." Blue mor.j gilt. 138 ORTELIUS—OVIDIUS NASO. ORTELIUS, Abraham. Deorum dearumque capita ex vetustis numis- matibus in gratiam Antiquitatis studiosorum effigiata et edita. [Plates.] Ex museo Abrahami Ortelii^ AntwerpicB^ i573' 4to. With a dedication " Candidis spectatoribus." Calf, gilt. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Arthur W. E. An Epic of Women, and other poems. By Arthur W. E. O'Shaughnessy. London, 1870. 8vo. With woodcut title-page and illustrations by G. Scharf. OVERBURY, Thomas. Sir Thomas Overburie his Wife. With additions of New Characters, and many other witty conceits never before printed. The sixteenth Impression. Printed by John Haviland for A, Crooke, and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in FauPs Church-yard, London, 1638. 8vo. With portrait inlaid : " the Lively Portraiture of Sir Thomas Overbury. /Etatis suse 32." The introduction contains the epigram by "J. M." on the author's death by poison in the Tower : — *• Though dumbe, deafe, dead, I crie, I heare, I kill, Thus growne a Politician 'gainst my will." Green mor., g.e. OVIDIUS NASO, PuBLius. Quae hoc volumine continentur. Ad Marinum Sannutum Epistola, &c. Aldo privilegium concessum ad reip. literarise utiHtatem . . . Ovidii Metamorphosewn libri quindecim. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Venetiis in cedib. Aldi mense Octobri, 1502. 8vo. Contemporary Italian binding in brown mor., blind tooled, with gold scrolls in the centre of the covers, that on the upper cover enclosing the title : ** P. Ovidii Metamor.," that on the lower cover, the bust of Ovid. Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon, Hoc est, Transfor- mationum, libri xv. Cum indice fabularum locupletissimo. [Device.] Lugduni, apud Seb, Gryphium, i^^i^. 8vo. 3 vols. Bound in pigskin, blind tooled, with initials C. E., and date 1540, stamped on the sides. Ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphosenn libris xv. electorum libri totidem, ultimo integro. Ad eosdem novi Commentarii, &c. studio & opera lacobi Pontani, de Societate lesu. [Device.] Antwerpice, apud heredes Martini Nutii, idi^. fol. With the signature of the historiographer, Charles Bernard. Ovidii Metamorphosis, Englished, Mythologiz'd, and Repre- sented in figures by G. Sandys. [Plates.] Oxford, 1640. fol. Epistole Eroiche di P. Ovidio Nasone. Tradotte da Remigio Fiorcntino. /;/ Farigi, 1762. 8vo. With an engraved title-page and vignettes by Zocchi. French calf, gilt. OVIDIUS NASO—OWEN. 139 OVIDIUS NASO, PuBLius. Publii Ovidii Nasonis Heroides, ex editione Petri Burmanni. Londini^ 1789. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, g.e. OWEN, John. Epigrammatum loannis Owen Cambro-Britanni, Ad excellentissimam & doctissimam Heroinam, D. Arbellam Stuart, Liber Singular! s. Editio prima. Londtni, ex officind Humfredi low fides , 1607. 1 2 mo. Epigrammatum loannis Owen Cambro-Britanni libri tres. Ad Illustrissimam D. Mariam Neuille, Comitis Dorcestriae filiam, Patronam suam. Editio Tertia, prioribus emendation Londoni^ ex officind, Humfredi Lowndes, 1607. i2mo. Epigrammatum loannis Owen Cambro-Britani, Oxoniensis, Editio postrema. [Engraved title.] Lugd, Bat, ex officina Elzeviriana, anno 1628. 24mo. The first Elzevir edition. It also contains 128 epigrams by Michael Verino. ^....c^^:' ^ [ACICHELLUS, Joannes Baptista. Abb. Jo. Bapt. Pacichelli . . . Schediasma juridico-philogicum tripartitum in otio Romano Cani- culari anni Christiani M.DC.XCII. de Larvis, de Capillamentis, de Chirothecis, vulgo Mascheris Perruchis Guantis, etc. Neapoli^ anno 1693, ex officina Camilli Cavalli. i2mo. *' Libellus curiosus et omnigena eruditione refertus." MS. note on fly-leaf. With an engraved frontispiece by O. Frezza. Vellum. PAL^PHATUS. Palsephati de Incredibilibus. Vellum. UpsalicB, 1663^ 8vo. PALGRAVE, Francis Turner. The Golden Treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English Language. Selected and arranged with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. [Vignette.] London &= Cambridge^ 1861. 8vo. The first edition. Vellum, The Treasury of Sacred Song Selected from the English Lyrical Poetry of four centuries with notes explanatory and biographical, by Francis T. Palgrave. Oxford, 1889. 4to. Large paper. "No. 271." PALLADIUS. Palladius de Gentibus Indise et Bragmanibus. S. Ambrosius de moribus Brachmanorum. Anonymus de Bragmanibus . . . In lucem protulit Edoardus Bissaeus. [Vignette.] London, Excudchat T. Roy croft, RcgicB Majestatis in Unguis Orientalibus typographus, 1665. fol. PALMARIUS, JuLiANUS. Juliani Palmarii de Vino et Pomaceo libri duo. [Device.] Parisiis, apud Guilklmum Auuray, via D. Loan. BeUovacensis, sub insigni Bdlerophontis coronati, 1588. 8vo. A poem in praise of Cider by Julian Le Paulmier de Grentemesnil. The sight of the massacre of S*. Bartholomew's Day is said to have affected him with hypochondria, of which he professed to have been cured by the use of his favourite beverage. PANCIROLLUS—PARR, 141 PANCIROLLUS, Guido. Rerum memorabilium jam olim deperditarum : contra recens atque ingeniosb inventarum : iibri duo, \ Guidoni Pancirollo I. C. Clariss. Italic^ primum conscript!, nee unquam hactenus editi. Nunc verb & Latinitate donati, per Henricum Salmuta. Amber gee, typis For- sterianisy 1599. 8vo. Notitia utraque dignitatum, cum Orientis, turn Occidentis, ultra Arcadii Honoriique tempora. Et in earn Guidi Pancirolli . . . Commen- tarium, &c. Lugduni^ ex Offi. Q. H. cL Porta: apud lo. de Gabiano, 1608. fol. PANEGYRICI. Panegyrici Veteres. Antverpice^ ex officind> Plantiniand, 1599. 8vo. XII. Panegyrici Veteres, ad antiquam, quk editionem quk scripturam, infinitis locis emendati, aucti ; nuper quidem ope Job. Livineii : nunc vero opera lani Gruteri, &c. Francofurti^ 1607. 8vo. Vellum, gilt. Panegyrici Veteres. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Jacobus de la Baune, Soc. Jesu, jussu Christianissimi Regis ad usum Serenissimi Delpbini. Parisiis, 1676. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. PANVINIO, Onofrio. Onuphrii Panvinii Veronensis . . . xxvii. Pon- tificum Maximorum elogia et imagines accuratissime ad vivum jseneis typeis delineatae. [Engraved title : Plates.] Fom ce, i^62>, fol. With inscription on title in Southey's writing: "Robert Southey, Keswick, 1824, from Walter Savage Landor." "After dinner Landor came in. He talked of Wordsworth, and admired him in many respects. Landor seemed to adore Southey : ' noble-minded man, delightful companion.' He would have * given it to him,' if Wordsworth had said anything to him against Southey." — Sir A. H. Elton. Journal, 1836. PARNASSE. Le Parnasse, ou Essais sur les Campagnes du Roi. Poeme. s.l, 1752. 8vo. Southey's copy, with his autograph note : " Robert Southey, 20 May, 181 7." From the Gosford Collection. Calf, gilt. PARR, Samuel. Praefationes ad tres Gulielmi Bellendeni libros, De Statu. Editio secunda. [Plates.] Londini^ 1788. 8vo. "This republication the Doctor inscribed to the three political associates, Burke, North, and Fox, whose characters he drew with great vigour and elegance ; this procured him from the Whig club an annuity of ;^300." With an autograph letter from D'. Parr to M'. Le Grys inserted. Green mor., g.e. 142 PARUTA—PASQUm. PARUTA, FiLiPPO. La Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con medaglie e ristampata con aggiunta da Leonardo Agostini. [Device.] I?i Roina, 1649. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Old calf, gilt. PASCAL, Blaise. Pensees de M. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelqiies autres sujets, qui ont este trouvees aprbs sa mort parmy ses papiers. Paris, Guillaume Desprez, 1670. i2mo. M. Rouveyre has described this book in the "Guide du Libraire-Antiquaire." " ifcdition originale. D'apres le redacteur du Catalogue Rochebiliere et autres, cette edition aurait ete donnee par les soins de M"^ Perier, soeur de Pascal. Personne ne nie la part que put avoir Gilberte Pascal dans cette publication. EUe fut en cela puissamment secondee par Arnauld, Nicole, ^^tienne Perier, le Due de Rouannez, de Brienne, Dubois de Lacour, &c. : Suum cuique." Blue mor., gilt, g.e. CEuvres de Blaise Pascal. [Portrait] La Haye^ 1779. 8vo. 6 vols. PASQUILLA. Pasquillorum Libri Duo. EleuiheropoU, \Basel, Oporiniis^ 1544. 8vo. A collection of satires against the Papal cause by Ulric Hutten and others. The "Julius Exclusus" has been ascribed to Erasmus. " It is no wonder," says Jortin, "that this book of Pasquill's was sought after and almost entirely destroyed " ; at least so thought Daniel Heinsius, who being at Venice purchased a copy at a great expense, and in the first leaf wrote these lines, " Roma meos fratres igni dedit : unica Phoenix Vivo, aureisque veneo centum Heinsio." Several copies have since been sold in Germany. Olive mor., gilt, g.e. *PASQUIN. Anthony. [John Williams.] Poems : by Anthony Pasquin. Second edition. [V'gn::tte.] London, 1790. 8vo. 2 vols. " When the bosom associate of Johnson and Goldsmith praises my poetical efforts, I flatter myself they are not entirely contemptible." Author's Address to Richard Brockelsby, M.D. The second volume contains the Children of Thespis, first pubhshed in 1786. The list of performers at the Opera House for 1789 gives the salaries, and the agreement with the Prima Donna ; "Madame Guimar, ;^i5oo, with all imaginable expenses of her journey, with a courier to attend her, board and lodging, and benefit free of all expenses ordinary and extraordinary, a carriage for the whole time that she remains in London, and for the journey, and that Signer Ravilli shall be at Dover to receive her." The Life of the late Earl of Barrymore. Including a history of the Wargrave Theatricals, and original anecdotes of Eminent Persons. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. Third edition. Motto : " Rien n'est beau que le Vrai, le Vrai seul est aimable." London, 1793. 8vo. With portrait of the Earl of Barrymore as frontispiece. PA THELIN— PENROSE. 143 PATHELIN, MaItre Pierre. La Farce de Maistre Pierre Pathelin, avec son Testament k quatre Personnages. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1723. 8vo. From the library of Mr. E. L. S. Benzon. Calf, gilt. PATRICK, Symon. The Parable of the Pilgrim : written to a friend. By Symon Patrick, B.D. Londoji, printed by Robert White for Francis Tyton at the sign of the three Daggers in Fleet-street, 1668. 4to. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. -^ " PAULINUS, Fabius. Fabii Paulini Utinensis . . . Hebdomades, sive septem de Septenario libri, etc. [Device.] Venetis, apud Franciscum Franciscium Senensem, 1589. 4to. PAULUS ^GINETA. Pauli ^ginetse medici prsestantissimi de medica materia libri septe, totius fere artis medic§ breuiarium. [Device.] Colophon : Venetiis, in cedibus Lucceantonii Tuntce Florentini, 1532, mense Augusto, fol. Paul of ^gina, called by his Saracen friends *'A1 Kawabeli," or the Accoucheur, preserved many fragments of medical learning from the lost works of Antyllus, Archigenes, and Diodes Carystius. PAUSANIAS. The description of Greece by Pausanias. Translated from the Greek. [Maps and plates.] London, 1794. 8vo. 3 vols. PAVILLONS. La Connoissance des Pavilions, ou Bannieres, que la plupart des Nations arborent en mer, comme sont ceux d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse & d'lrlande . . . de Barbaric, et des Indes Orientales, &c. [Plates.] La Haye, 1737. 4to. With note inserted as to the Sandwich Islands: "their national flag was given them many years ago by the British government, accompanied by an assurance that it would be respected wherever the British flag was acknowledged : it is an EngHsh jack with eight or nine horizontal stripes of white, red, and blue." PECKHAM, John, Archbishop. lohanis Pithsami Archiepi Canthua- riensis : ordinis fratrum minoz;i, liber de oculo morali. s.l. [Augsburg, A?iton Sorg, circa 1476.] fol. With the index of " Mathias de Wienna" separately printed. PENNANT, Thomas. A Tour in Scotland; 1769. [Vignette: Plates.] Warrington, 1774. 4to. PENROSE, Francis Cranmer. An investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture or the Results of a Survey conducted chiefly with reference to the optical refinements exhibited in the construction of the ancient buildings at Athens. By Francis Cranmer Penrose, Archt. M.A., " F.R.A.S., &c.. Member of the Society of Dilettanti. [Plates.] New and enlarged edition. Published by the Society of Dilettanti. London 6^ New York, 1888. fol. 144 PERRA UL T-PERSIUS FLA CCUS. PERRAULT, Charles. Paralelle des Anciens et des Modernes, en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences. Nouvelle edition augmentee de quelques dialogues. Par M. Perrault, de I'Academie Frangoise. A Paris ^ [Ainstcr- dam\ 1693. i2mo. 2 vols. Old calf, gilt. Tales of Passed Times, by Mother Goose. With morals. Written in French by M. Perrault and Englished by R. S. Gent. To which is added a new one, viz. ; the Discreet Princess. The six edition, corrected, and adorned with fine cuts. Londofif 1^6^. i2mo. In French and English. PERRIER, FRAN901S. Segmenta nobilium signorum et statuarum, quae temporis dentem invidium evasere Urbis Eternse ruinis erepta, typis seneis ab se commissa, perpetuae venerationis monumentum, Franciscus Perrier, D.D.D. Romce, 1638. fol. Engraved title and ico plates, without letterpress. Dedicated to Roger Du Plesseis, the Marquis de Montfort, the Comte de la Rocheguion, and others. *PERROT, Nicholas. [N. Perottus Sypontinus.] In hoc volvmine habentur haec. Cornucopias, siue linguae latinae Comentarij diligentissime recogniti : atcg ex archetypo emendati. Index copiosissimus, &c. Eiusdem Sypontini libellus, quo Plynij epistola ad Titum Vespasianum corrigitur. M. Terentij Varronis de lingua latina libri tres, Quartus, Quintus, Sextus. Eiusdem de Analogia libri tres. Sexti Pompeij Festi undeuiginti librorum fragmenta. Nonij Marcelli Compendia, &c. [Aldine device.] Venetiis^ in cedibus Aldi^ i^iZ- fol. The first Aldine edition. *PERROT, Paul. Le Contr'empire des Sciences, et le Mystere des Asnes, P.P.P.P. Avec un Paysage poetic sur autres diuers sublets, Par le mesme Autheur. A Lyon^ de rifnpression de Francoys Aubry^ d renseigne de PAsne barde, 1579. 8vo. *' Ex bibliotheca Nicolai Joseph Foucault, comitis Consistoriani. " PERSIUS FLACCUS, Aulus. Auli Persii Flacci satyrae sex. Cum annotatiunculis in margine adiectis, quae breuis commentarij vice esse possint. [Device.] Par isiis, apud Simonem Colinceum, 1^2^. Svo. From the library of Charles Bernard, the French historiographer, with his MS. notes. From the Sunderland Collection. Auli Persi Flacci Satyricorum celeberrimi, gravissimi & difficil- limi satyrae VL . . . illustratae &c. commentariis Eilhardi Lubini. Amstelredamij 1595. Svo. Aulus Persius Flaccus. [Device.] Lutetice^ ex typographia Rob, Stephanie 16 14. Svo. Bound with the same publisher's ** Horace" of 1613. PER VIGILIUM—PHALARIS. 145 PERVIGILIUM VENERIS. Pervigilium Veneris ex editione Petri Pithoei cum ejus & Justi Lipsii notis. Ausonii Cupido Cruci Adfixus, cum notis Mariang. Accursii, &c. Accessere ad calcem Jos. Scaligeri et Caspari Barthii animadversiones. [Device.] Hagce Cojnitum^ 1^12. 8vo. Russia, gilt. PESCHWITZ, Gottfried von. Godofridi de Peschwitz Familia Caesarum Augusta . . . Editio altera. Jencs^ 1662. i2mo. PETAU, Paul. Pa. P. in Fracor. curia consilia. Antiquarise Supellectilis portiuncula. [Engraved title : plates.] Farisius^ 1610. 4to. With portrait of Paul Petau, and his motto : *' Non nisi prisca peto, et veteri mens vivere more, Qui nova vult, habeat, non nisi prisca peto." The first part includes the exquisite plates of the Cybele, of the Gaulish god Tanaris, described as " popa aeneus," of the Gaulish Mercury and his consort '* Rosmerta," and many Roman and Frankish antiquities. The second part has the imprint ''^ Parisius^ 1610" ; but a MS. note, apparently by the antiquarian Jobert, shows that the second part belonged to Isaac Vossius in MS., and was bought from him for ;^io, and afterwards printed at Utrecht. ^'■Partem secundum hujus portiuncula; hactenus ineditam a Dom. Is. Vossio emi libr. x. ac Ultrajectum transmisi ad Dom. Jac. de Goyer, ut incidi atque excudi curaretj^ This portion includes the prints of Frankish coins presented to Petau by Peiresc. The book comes from the libraries of Louis Jobert and Hadrian Beverland. Red mor., gilt, g.e. PETIT, Pierre. Traitd historique sur les Amazones : 011 Ton trouve tout ce que les Auteurs, tant anciens que Modernes, ont ^crit pour ou contre ces heroines. Par Pierre Petit. [Plates.] A Leide^ i^\Z. i2mo. 2 vols. Old French calf, gilt. PH^DRUS. Phsedri Aug. lib. Fabularum ^sopiarum libri quinque. Cum annotationibus Johannis Schefferi, Argentoratensis. UpsalicR^ 1663. 8vo. Vellum. Phaedri Fabularum ^sopiarum Libri quinque. Cum anno- tationibus Joannis Schefferi, Argentoratensis. [Engraved title.] Hamburgi^ 1673. 8vo. Phsedri Augusti liberti Fabulae Aesopiae. Publii Syri Sententiae. Dionysii Catonis Disticha de Moribus. Beroiini, 1753. 8vo. *' Ex libris Matthsei Kantacuzini." Vellum, gilt. PHALARIS. Begin. Proemio di Bartolomeo Fontio a Francesco Baron- cini nella traductione de le epistole de Phalari. End. Phalaris epistolarum opus nobilissimum a Bartho. Fontio Florentino a Latino in vulgarem sermonem traductum feliciter finit. sJ. [F/ormce,] i^'ji. 410. End. Phalaridis tyranni agrigentini Epis.'ole ad illustrem Principem Malatestam per Fraciscu aretinu tnslate felicit expliciut. s./. da. \Rome^ circa 1472.] 4to. L 146 PHARETRA DOCTORUM—PHILOPONUS. At the end of the volume are six pages of directions to the "rubrisher "concerning the rubrics to be placed at the head of each epistle. From the collection of the Rev*. Thomas Crofts. Red mor., gilt. PHARETRA DOCTORUM. Begin. Auctoritates ac dicta pulcherrima sanctorum doctoru i dXxorq, ph'oz;i ac poetaru fide dignoru alphabeti ordine de vicijs % vtutibus necno p deuocone i pdicacone qd' alio noie pharetra doctog: nucupatur incipiunt feliciter. End. Explicit pharetra doctorum. s.l &> a, {Ulric Zell: Cologne, circa i^']o.'\ fol. In original leather binding, stamped with fleurs-de-lys and scrolls bearing the inscription * Maria hil/.' PHILELPHUS, Franciscus. Philelfi Epistolae. Colophon : Impressum Brixice per lacobum Britannicum Brixianum, 1485, die vii Maii. fol. PHILES, Manuel. Sapientissimi Phile Versus lambici de Animalium proprietate, cum auctario loach. Camerarii, expositi eodem metro versuum Latinorum a Gregor. Bersamo, Annseburgensi. {Heidelberg^ ex typographcBO H, Commelini, 1596. 8vo. Title in Greek and Latin. Calf, gilt. PHILICINUS, Petrus. De Clade Hannoniae & Binchio obsesso ^ Delphino & Duce Aureliano . . . Carmen tumultuarium. M. Fomius ex- cudendiim curahat, an?io 1543, Antiierpice, 4to. PHILIPPS, Fabian. Tenenda non ToUenda, or the Necessity of pre- serving Tenures in Capite and by Knight-Service. By Fabian Philipps, Esq. London, printed by Thomas Leach, for the Author, 1660. 4to. Red mor. PHILO BYZANTINUS. Philo Byzantinus de Septem Orbis Spectaculis, Leonis AUatii opera nunc primum Graece & Latinb prodit, cum Notis. [Device.] Romce, excudebat Mascardus, 1 640. 8vo. With dedication to Prince Francis Barberini, the founder of the Barberini Library, and a Greek poem on the Palazzo. The Great Pyramid is described as being cased in polished stone of all colours, white, black, transparent blue, quince-yellow, and Tyrian purple, with- out a break in the surface. Vellum. PHILOPONUS, PIoNORius. Nova Typis transacta Navigatio. Novi Orbis Indioe Occidentalis admodum reverendissimorum PP. ac FF. Reveren- dissimi ac Illustrissimi Domini, Dn. Buellii Cataloni Abbatis montis Serrati, & in vniversam Americam, siue Novum Orbem Sacrse Sedis Apostolic^ Romanae k Latere Legati, Vicarij, ac Patriarchae : Sociorumc^ Monachorum ex Ordine S. P. N. Benedicti ad suprh, dicti Novi Mundi barbaras gentes Chrlsti S. Evangelium proedicandi gratia delegatorum Sacerdotum, Dimissi per PHILOSTRATUS—PICARD. 147 S. D. D. Papam Alexandmm vi. Anno Christi 1492. Nunc primum e varijs Scriptoribus in vnum collecta, & figuris ornata. Authore Venerando Fr. Don Honorio Philopono Ordinis S. Benedict! Monacho. sj. 1621. fol. Engraved title, with eighteen plates. This copy agrees generally with the first of the two editions described in M'. Huth's catalogue. But the two leaves, '* Observatio de magnete nautico," followed by a plate of an owl standing on a cushion, which belong to the second edition, have been inserted. PHILOSTRATUS, Flavius. Philostratus. De Vitd ApoUonii Tyanei Scriptor luculentus a Philippo Beroaldo castigatus. Colophon : Impressum Venetiis per Bernardimim Veiietum de Vitalibus^ Anno Dni 1502, die ult'uno mensis lanuarii. fol. ■ Philostratorum quae supersunt omnia, Vita ApoUonii libris viii., Vitae Sophistarum libris ii., Heroica, Imagines priores atque posteriores et epistolae. Accessere ApoUonii Tyanensis epistolae, Eusebii liber adversus Hieroclem, Callistrati descript. statuarum. Omnia ex mss. codd. recensuit Gottfridus Olearius. [Device.] Lipsice^ 1709. fol. Title in Greek and Latin. Stamped vellum. PHOTIUS. Photii Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca librorum quos Photius patriarcha Constantinopolitanus legit & censuit. Graec^ edidit David Hoe- schelius Augustanus & notis illustravit. Latine verb reddidit & scholiis annexit Andreas Schottus Antverpianus. [Device : " Oliva Pauli Stephani."] [Paris,] 16 1 2. fol. PICARD, Jean, 0/ Toiitry, loannis Picardi Toutreriani De prisca Celtopaedia Libri Quinque. [Device.] Paris iis, ex typographic Mathcei Davidis, via amygdalind, ad Veritatis insigne, 1556. 4to. With signature of " loannes filesac," who was Rector of the University of Paris in 1586. At the end is a MS. " Chanson " in six stanzas, beginning ; — ** Qui d' Amour na faict preuue n'est digne detre ayme ou si mal il sen treuue a droict il est blasme Mais qui bien a propos s'y conduit, ha repos." The last stanza runs thus :— " L' Amour chaste et honneste, requiert semblables meurs : egalle est sa conqueste soit en ioie ou en pleurs rendant de son desir ' immortel le plasir." L 2 148 PICCA R T—PISA URIUS. PICCART, Michael. Michaelis Piccarti Franci, Periculorum Criticonim liber singularis diu desideratus, multorum rogatu alter^ jam vice editus curd lohannis Sauberti. Helmestadii^ 1663. 4to. PICTORIUS, Georgius. IlavTOTrwXtoj/, continens omnium fermb quad- rupedum, avium, piscium, serpentum ... & gemmarum naturas carmine Elegiaco per D. Georgium Pictorium, Villinganum, conscriptum : una cum Ejusdem de apibus, cera, melle . . . breuissima methodo ex optimis authoribus collecta. Prasterea de Daemonum qui sub Lunari collimitio versantur ortu nominibus . . . Isagoge, eodem authore ; Quibus accedit Ejusdem de Speciebus Magise ceremonialis, quam Goetiam vocant, Epitome, Et an Sagae vel mulieres quas expiatrices nominamus cremari debeant, resolutio. Colophon : Basilece^ per Henricum Petri^ a7ino 1563, mense martio. i2mo. The true contents appear in the Table on a. 2, the author never having reached the subject of demonology and witchcraft. Under the heading " De Lepore," at p. 10, there is an interesting collection of hare-superstitions. On pp. 12, 13, is a valuable description of the Urus, or the Bos Primigenius of the German forests, the cups made of its horns, and the uses for the milk of the wild cows : " Lac ventrem solvit : Bezoar lac est." " Bestia vasta quidem est Urus, sed cornibus uncis Quae nigrum hirsutam et corpus habet faciem." From the Sunderland Collection. PIGNORIUS, Laurentius. Vetustissimse Tabulae ^neae sacris -^gyp- tiorum simulacris ccelatae accurata Explicatio &c. auctore Lauren tio Pignorio Patavino. [Plates.] Veftefiis, apud Jo. Anto. Ra7npazettum, 160^. 4to. With vignette of the Piazzetta at Venice, engraved on the title. PILES, Roger de. Abregd de la vie des peintres, avec des reflexions sur leurs ouvrages, et un traite du peintre parfait, de la connoissance des desseins, Sz: de I'utilite des Estampes. [Frontispiece.] A Paris ^ chez Charles de Sercy. 1699. 8vo. From the library of the historian, Paul de Rapin Thoyraz, with his signature. Calf, gilt. PINELLI, GiAMBATTiSTA. Jo. Baptista Pinelli Genuensis Carrainum Liber primus (secundus, tertius), ad Florentisimam atque Excellentissimam Academiam Cruscae. [Device.] Florentice^ in cedibus Philippi Jwitce, 1594. 4to. PISAURIUS, Aloysius. De Priscorum Sapientum placitis ac optimo philosophandi genere sententiae et theoremata varia, ad ingenuas disciplinas pertinentia. Ab Aloysio Pisaurio, Marini filio, patricio Veneto, proposita. Patavii, 1567. 4to. With the Foscarini arras stamped in gold on the sides. Red mor., gilt. PITT-RIVERS— PLINY, 149 PITT-RIVERS, Augustus Henry Lane Fox. Excavations in Cran- borne Chase, near Rushmore, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. By Lieut.-General Pitt Rivers, D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. [Plates.] Printed privately, London^ 1887. 4to. 2 vols. With a printed memorandum inside the cover of each volume : " The design on the binding of this volume is a fac-simile of that on a tablet of Kimmeridge shale, found by Lieut.-General Pitt-Rivers in the Romano-British village at Rotherley, near Rushmore, 1887." Presentation copy. PLAISIRS INNOCENTS. Les Plaisirs Innocents et amoureux de la Campagne, contenant le traite des mouches k miel, . . . et un traitd des Chasses, de la venerie & fauconnerie &c. [Frontispiece.] Aj?isterdam, 1699. i2mo. In the stag-hunting the Piqueurs cry " Tallyho ! " " lis doivent crier, ' Tkia hillaut,* plusieurs fois, jusqu'a ce que les Chiens sont venus h. eux." PLATO. Divini Platonis Gemmos, sive illustres sententiae ad excolendos mortalium mores, et uitas rectb instituendas, "k Nicolao Libumio Veneto col- lectae. Colonice AgrippincB, 1^^'^. 12 mo. Platonis omnia opera, ex vetustissimorum exemplarium col- latione multo quam antea emendatiora. [Device.] Basilece, apud Henrichum Petri, 1556. fol. Title in Greek and Latin. ** Liber beatae Mariae Magd. ex dono M'' Nicolaj Gibber hujus Collegii quondam Socij." Vellum, gilt. La Republique de Platon, ou Dialogue sur la Justice. Divise en dix Livres. Paris, 1762. 12 mo, 2 vols. This translation is attributed to M. De la Pelloniere. Old French calf, gilt. The Dialogues of Plato, translated into English, with analyses and introductions by B, Jowett, M.A., Master of BalUol College, Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford. Oxford, 187 1. 8vo. 4 vols. PLAUTUS, Titus Maccius. Marci Accii Plauti Comoedise quae super- sunt [Device.] Parisiis, typis J. Barbou, 1759. 12 mo. 3 vols. * ' Ex bibliothec^ Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. PLINY, the Naturalist. Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis hystoriae libri 37. Colophon : Partnce impressus opera &> impesa Andrece. Portilice Anno Nativi- tatis Domini 1481. Octavo idus julii. Reg?idte Illustrissimo principe Joantie Galeazo Maria duce Mediolani. fol. ^ From the Sunderland Collection. Old calf, gilt. C. Plinii Secundi natural. Historiarum libri 37. e castiga- tionibus Hermolai Barbari. [Engraved title.] Parisiis, ex officina honesti viri Petri Gaudoul Bibliopoles adscripticii ad templU diui Hila7'ii. Sub signo beati Cirici, 1524. fol. Calf, gilt. ISO PLINY, PLINY, the Naturalist, C. Plinii Secundi Historise Mundi libri xxxvii. Vetustissimorum codicum coUatione . . . k vitiis quibus multiplici olim impres- sione contaminati fuerat vindicati. Lugduni^ apud kceredes lacobi luntcEy 1561-62. 8vo. 3 vol. Lyonnese stamped calf, with Grolieresque pattern in gold and colours, edges gauffred. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis libri xxxvii. [Engraved title.] Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elzevir iana, A\ \(i2>^. i2mo. 3 vols. Red mor., gilt. The Historie of the World : commonly called, the Naturall Historie of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by l^hilemon Holland, Doctor of Physicke. [Device.] London^ priiited by Adam Islip^ and are to be sold by lohn Grismond, in Ivy-Lane at the Sigtie of the Gun, 1635. fol. 2 vols. The second edition. " The second Tombe " is dated 1634. From the library of John A. Carlyle. Old calf. Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae Libri xxxvii. in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Pai'isiis^ apud Franciscum Muguet, idZ^. 4to. 5 vols. With engraved titlepage and vignettes by Moreau. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. Caii Plinii Secundi Historias Naturalis libri xxxvii. Quos recensuit et notis illustravit Gabriel Brotier. [Device.] FarisiiSy typis FarboUy 1779. 12 mo. 6 vols. •'Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. Beatus Rhenanus Selezestadiensis in C. Plinium. [Device.] Colophon: Basilece apud Johanncm Frobenium 7nensc Martio, 1526. fol. A Geographical Appendix, by Sebastian Miiller, is added. It contains interesting accounts of the British Isles. The Scotch Highlanders are described thus : " Sago et interiore tunica, hybernico more, tincta croco amiciuntur, nudisque genu tenus tibiis incedunt. Arma sunt arcus et sagittse, cum ense admodum lato, et pugione una tantum ex parte acuto Omnes hybernice loquuntur." Old calf, gilt. • In C. Plinii Majoris capita aliquot, ut difficillima, ita pul- cherrima et utiUssima, Commentarius . . . Authore Melchiore Guilandino, Philosopho, &c. [Device : Arms of Berne.] Lausannce, excudebat Francisais le Freux^ Illustris. Domin. Bernens. Typographus^ 1576. 4to. This is the work of a great Paduan botanist on Pliny's account of the Papyrus j he forgets to describe the plant, though he went to see it growing in Egypt. From the library of Etienne Baluze, with his signature, '* Stephanos Baluzius Tutclensis. No. 4953-" Vellum. PLINY. 1561, PLINY— PLUTARCHUS. 151 PLINY, ike Naturalist. De veia C. Plinii Sec. superioris Patria, atque ea Verona, libri tres . . . Polycarpo Palermo Juris. Veron. Auctore. [Device.] Veronce, ex officina Ta??tia?idj 1608. 4to. " No. 3693 " in the library of ifctiemie Baluze, with his signature, " Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis." Vellum. PLINY, the Younger. C. Plinii Secundi Novocomensis epistolaru libri decern, in quibus multae habentur epistolae non ante impressse, etc. Colophon : Venetiis in cedib. Aldi, et Andrece Asulani soceri^ Mese Noveinbri^ 1508. 8vo. The first Aldine edition. C. Plinii Secundi Novocomensis Epistolarum libri x. Eiusdem Panegyricus Traiano Principi dictus. Eiusdem de Viris illustribus, etc. [Device.] Colophon : Venetiis ifi cedib. Aldi^ et Andrece Asulani soceri, 7nense lunio 1 5 18. 8vo. The second Aldine edition. * From the Sunderland Collection. C. Plinii Secundi Novocomensis de viribus illustribus liber. [Device.] Parisiis, ex officina Roberti Stephanie 1529. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Lettres de Pline le Jeune. A Paris, chez Claude Barbin, au Palais, sur le second Perron de la Sainte Chapelle, 1699. 12 mo. Old French calf, gilt. ■ Epistolarum libri x. Cum adnott. J. M. Gesneri. Lepsice, 1739. 8vo. Bound in citron mor., gilt, by Derome. From the Lamoignon Library. C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolae et Panegyricus Trajano Dictus, Nova Editio. Recensuit Johannes Nic. Lallemand. [Device.] Parisiis, ex typographia Barbou, 1769. 12 mo. *' Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. The Letters of Pliny the Consul. With occasional remarks. By William Melmoth, Esq. In two volumes. With heads. Londofi, 1800. i2mo. PLUTARCHUS. Plutarchi quae vocantur Parallela. Hoc est Vit^e illus- trium vironim &c. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Venetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece soceri, mense Augusto, 1519. fol. 152 PLUTARCHUS—POLENTONUS, PLUTARCHUS. Plutarchi Chseronei de Oraculorum Defectu liber. Ab Adriano Turnebo latinitate donatus, & annotationibus quibusdam illus- tratus. Lufetice^ 1556. 4to. Apophthegmata Graeca regum & ducum, philosophorum item, aliommque quorundam ex Plutarcho & Diogene Laertio. Cum Latina interpr. [Device.] Anno 1568, Excudebat Henricus Stephanus^ illustris viri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus, 8vo. Bound in old French brown mor., gilt, tooled on back in the style of Clovis Eve. Plutarchi de Iside et Osiride liber : grascb et Anglicb. Re- censuit &c. Samuel Squire, A.M. Archidiaconus Bathoniensis . . . Cantabrigi(B^ Typis Academicis,\i']^^.'\ 8vo. Title in Greek and Latin. The Preface refers to the use made of Bentley's MS. notes. "Bentleii animadversiones ex ora Libri ejus ipse decerpsi quem mecum, qua est humanitate, communicavit Ric. Bentleius nepos, cui supremge Voluntatis exequendse Ope- rumque postumorum curam commisit Patruus." Red mor., gilt. Plutarchi Chseronensis Moralia, id est, Opera, exceptis Vitis, reliqua. Graeca emendavit . . . Daniel Wyttenbach. Oxonii I typographcso Clarendotiiano, 1795-1810. 8vo. Six volumes bound in thirteen. Russia, gilt. ■ POE, Edgar Allan. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nan- tucket, North America : comprising the details of a mutiny, famine, and shipwreck, during a voyage to the South Seas; resulting in various extra- ordinary adventures and discoveries in the eighty-fourth parallel of southern latitude. Zo?tdon, 1838. 8vo. POEMS, Collected. Poetae Grasci Principes heroici carminis, et alii nonnulli, Homerus, Hesiodus, Orpheus, Callimachus, . . . Coluthus, Tryphio- dorus, &c. Amio 1566, Excudebat Henricus Stephanus^ illustris viri Hul- drichi Fuggeri iypographus. fol. With MS. note : " E libris Theodori de Graeflf." From the Sunderland Collection. Old calf, gilt. Carmina Quadragesimalia ab ^dis Christi Oxon. alumnis com- posita. Oxonii^ 1723. 8vo. Red mor., g.e. POLENTONUS, Sicco. End. Explicit vita sancti Antonii confessoris de Padua per excellentissimum oratorem Siconem Polentonum Patavum, 1476, die XI. mensis lunii. Finem habuit foeliciter. B. V\aldezoch O^ivis^ P\atavus'\ F[ieri] F[ecit]. 8vo. Red mor., gilt, by Derome. POLENTONUS. 1476. PONTANUS. 1509. POLLARD— PONTANUS. 153 POLLARD, Alfred William. Odes from the Greek Dramatists. Translated into Lyric Metres by English Poets and Scholars. Edited by Alfred W. Pollard. [Device.] Londoji, David Stotf, iZ()o, 4to. No. 24 of fifty large paper copies printed for presentation only. Presented to C. Elton by the editor. Parchment. POLYBIUS. The history of Polybius the Megalopolltan. The fine first Bookes entire : With all the parcels of the subsequent Bookes vnto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke originall. Also the manner of the Roman encamping, Extracted from the discription of Polybius. Translated into English by Edward Grimeston, Sergeant-at-Armes. London^ Printed by N. Okes for Cornelius Bee^ and are to be sold at the Kings Armes in little Brittaine^ 1634. fol. The History of Polybius, the Megalopolltan : containing a general Account of the Transactions of the World, and principally of the Roman People during the First and Second Punic Wars. Translated by Sir H. S. To which is added, A Character of Polybius and his Writings. By Mr. Dryden . . . Second edition. London^ 1698. 8vo. 2 vols. The translation was by Sir Henry Savile. PONA, Francesco. Francisci Ponae Ormundus. Libri vii. [Engraved title.] Veronce, 1635. 4to. Pona was a member of the Filarmonica of Verona and of the Incogniti of Venice. This is the Latin version of his romance '* L'Ormonde." Vellum. PONTANUS, lOANNES loviANUS. loannis loviani Pontani De Aspira- tione, libri duo. Charon, dialogus : Antonius, dialogus &c. Belli, quod Ferdinandus Senior Neapolitanus Rex cum loanne Andeganiensium duce gessit, libri sex. Colophon : Venetiis^ in cedibus Aldi^ et Andrece soceri, Mense Ap'tli, 1509' 4to. Bound in contemporary black Venetian morocco, with Grolieresque decoration in gold ornaments, and the letters " G. A. C. " in gold on both covers, loannis louiani Pontani Opera. Colophon : Iinpressum Venetiis per loamiem Ruheum dN Bcrnardinum Vercellenses^ Anno Salutis 15 12, die odauo Nouembris. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. Pontani Opera. Colophon : Venetiis in cedibus Aldi et Andrea Asulani soccriy 1513- Svo. Green mor., gilt, g.e. PONTANUS, loANNES IsAcius. Originum Franciscarum libri vi., in quibus, prseter Germanise ac Rheni Chorographiam, Francorum origines ac 1 54 PONTOPPIDA N—PORPH YR Y. primae sedes, aliaque ad gentis in Gallias transitum variasque victorias, instituta ac mores pertinentia ordine deducuntur, authore Johanne Isacio Pontano. [Device.] Hardervici, 1616. 4to. John Isaac Pontanus was Professor of Philosophy at Harderwick, and Historiographer to the King of Denmark. Vellum. PONTOPPIDAN, Erik. The Natural History of Norway. In two parts. Translated from the Danish original of the Right Rev^ Erick Pontoppidan, Bishop of Bergen in Norway, and Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Copenhagen. Illustrated with copper plates, and a general Map of Norway. Londo?i, i"] ^^, fol. With the signature of the Hon. Daines Barrington. One of the plates shows the ''sea- serpent " seen by the Rev*. Hans Egede on his voyage to Greenland. Russia, gilt. POOLEY, Charles. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Old Stone Crosses of Somerset. By Charles Pooley, F.S.A., &c. With Map and Plates. London^ 1877. 8vo. P0R6e, Charles. Caroli Poree, e societate Jesu, sacerdotis, Fabulse dramaticae, editse ab uno ejusdem societatis sacerdote. Parisiis^ apud J. BarboUy 1761. 12 mo. Charles Poree (1675-1741) was Professor of Rhetoric at the College de Louis le Grand at Paris. PORPHYRY. Porphyrii Philosophi Pythagorici de non necandis ad epulandum animalibus libri iiii. [Device.] Lvgduni, siimptibus Claudii Morillon^ Typographi Sereniss. Duds. Mofitispenseriiy 1620. 8vo. With title in Greek and Latin. From the Sunderland Collection. Porphyrii Philosophi liber de vita Pythagorse. Eiusdem Sen- tentiae ad intelligibilia ducentes. De antro Nympharum quod in Odyssea describitur. Lucas Holstenius Hamburgen. Latin^ vertit, &c. Romce, typis Vaticanis, 1630. 8vo. Title in Greek and Latin. Dedicated to Cardinal Francis Barberini, with his arms on the titlepage. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum. ' Moralis interpretatio errorum Ulyssis Homerici ; commentatio Porphyrii Philosophi de Nympharum antro ... Ex commentariis Procli Lycii Philosophi Platonici apologias quaedam pro Homero & fabularum aliquot enarrationes. Interprete Conrado Gesnero, medico, Tigurino. Omnia nunc primum nata^ et excusa Tiguri apud Pros choverum. s.a. i2mo. The dedication is dated "anno salutis 1542, mense martis." From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. POR TIUS—POSTEL. 1 55 FORTIUS, Camillus. La Congiura de' Baroni del Regno di Napoli contra il Re Ferdinando Primo, raccolta dal S. Camillo Portio. [Device : " the dolphin of Aldus."] In Roma, 1565. 4to. With the signature of " Caspar o de Simeonibus. " PORTIUS, Leonardus. Leonardii Portii de Sestertio, talentis, pecuniis, ponderibus, mensuris, stipendiis militaribus antiquis, ac pro- uinciarum, regum, populi Romani, Csesarum^ redditibus, libri duo . , . [Device.] Basilem, in cedibus Frobenianis, Anno 1530. 8vo. rxH " Calf, gilt. PORTIUS, Simon. An Homo Bonus vel Malus volens fiat Simonis Portii disputatio ad Laelium Taurellum iurisconsultiss. Duci Florentinorum a Secretis. FlorenticB, \^^\. 4to. De Dolore Simonis Portii Neapolitani liber. Florentice^ apud Laurentium Torrentinum, 15 51* 4to. De puella Germanica quae fere biennium vixerat sine cibo potuque ad Paulum iii. Pont. Max. Simonis Portii disputatio. FlorenticSy apud Laurentium Torrentinum, 155 1. 8vo. An interesting account of a Cerman *' fasting-girl," addressed to Pope Paul the Third, but printed two years after his death. Simonis Portii Neapolitani De Humana Mente disputatio. FlorenticB, apud Laurentinum Torrentinum^ i55i« 4^0. De rerum naturalium principiis Simonis Portii Neapolitani Libri duo ; quibus plurimse, esecg haud contemnendae, quaestiones naturales expli- cantur. Neapoli, per Matthiam Cancer, 15 53* 4to. These works by Simon Fortius are bound together in one volume. From the Sunderland Collection. • POSTEL, GuiLLAUME. Sacrarum apodixeon, seu Euclidis Christiani lib. ii. Parisiis, excudebaf ipsi authori Petrus Gromorsus sub Pkosnicis signo, juxta scholas Remenses, 1543. 8vo. The fanatical author called himself " Postellus Restitutus," pretending that he had died and been restored to life with the soul of Adam. French red mor., gilt, g.e. De Etrurise Regionis, quae prima in orbe Europaeo habitata est, originibus, institutis, religione & moribus, & imprimis de aurei saeculi doctrina & vita prsestantissima quae in divinationis sacrae usu posita est, commentatio. [Vignette : view of Florence.] Florentice, i^^i. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. 156 POSTEL—PRISCIANUS. POSTEL, GuiLLAUME. Guillelmi Postelli De Republica seu Magis- tratibus Atheniensium liber. Ex Musaso Joan. Balesdens, in Principe Senatu advocati. [Device.] Lugduni Batavorum^ ex officina Joannis Maire, 1635. 8vo. Red mor., gilt. POTGIESER, Joachim. De Conditione et Statu Servorum apud Germanos tam veteri quam novo libri tres. Coloni(B Agri_pJ>ince, I'jo'], 8vo. Calf, gilt. PR^TORIUS, JoHANN. Philologemata abstrusa de Pollice, in quibus singularia animadversa vom Liebes-Daume et manu : item de patibulo, vir- gula mercuriali, alruna, esu casei magico &c. Interprete Johanne Prsetorio, P.L.C. Lipsice, im_pensis E lice Fiebig, 16']']. 4to. With a woodcut of the " thumb " on the title. PRICE, John. Historiae Brytannicae defensio, loanne Priseo eques- tris ordinis Brytanno authore. [Device.] Lottdiniy impressum in cedibus JET, Binneman typographic impensis Humfredi Toy, Anno 1573. 4to. From the library of Philippe Desportes. With MS. note, " Ex libris Ph. Portsei." In the second part is printed, as an answer to Polydore Vergil, a tract *'De Mona Dniidum insula epistola H. Lhuyd." Vellum. PRIOR, Robert. Lusus Westmonasterienses, sive epigrammatum et poematum minorum delectus. [Arms of the school.] Wesfmonasterii, 1730. 8vo. With dedication by R. Prior to James, Duke of Chandos, and the other Westminster scholars of 1730. On p. 10 is a MS. epigram to Sleep : — " Somne levis, quanquam certissima Mortis imago, Consortem cupio Te tamen esse tori. Alma quies, optata veni ! nam sic sine vita Vivere quam suave est, sic sine morte mori." From the Mitford Collection. Red mor., gilt, g.e. PRISCIANUS. Prisciani Grammatici Caesariensis libri omnes. [Device.] Colophon : Ijt cedibus Aldi et Andrece Asulani soceri, Venetiis, 1527. 8vo. Prisciani Caesariensis, Rhemnii Fannii, Bedae Angli, Volusii Metiani, libri de nummis, ponderibus, mensuris numeris eorumc^ notis & de vetere computandi per digitos ration e, ab Elia Vineto San tone emendati. Parisiis^ in cedibus Rouillij via lacobcea^ sub signo Concordice. Et Pictavis apud Enguilbertum Marnesium, i^6^» 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. PROBUS—PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS. 157 PRO BUS, Marcus Valerius. Valerii Probi Grammatici de scripturis antiquis compendiosum opusculum. Farisiis^ apud Simonem ColitKZum, 1527. 8vo. Described by Panzer, vol. 8, p. 102, No. 1580. From the Wodhull Collection, with a note as to the purchase by Mr. Wodhull, March 21, 1787. Bound with the " Valerius Maximus " of the same date. PROCESSUS SATANE. Tractatus iudiciorum. Processus sathane contra gen' humanum. [Device.] Colophon : Seeks tissimi Sathane litigationis, contra genus humanum^ Impressus Parisius pro God/redo de Marnef^ liber feliciter explicit, 8vo. Printed in black letter. Calf, gilt, g.e. PROPERTIUS, Sextus Aurelius. Sex. Aurelii Propertii Elegiarum lib. iiii. Cum variis veterum exemplarium lectionibus. [Device.] Parisiis, Prostant exemplaria apud ^gidium Gorbinum^ I regione collegii Cameracensis sub insigni Spei, 1585. 4to. PROSPER ACRIMATUS. Prosper! Acrimati Sabini de Ufedio Pareneticum Carmen in Catonis praecepta de moribus. Colophon : Imp7'essum in civitate Castelli, per Antonium Mazochium 6*' Nicolaum Guccium Cor- tonensem Socios, 1559. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Bound with Geo. Schroegel's " Elegia." PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS, Aurelius. Aurelius Prudentius Clemens Theodori Pulmanni Cranenburgii, et Victoris Giselini opera, ex fide decern librorum manuscriptorum emendatus, et in eum eiusdem Victoris Giselini commentarius. [Device.] Antverpice, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1564. 8vo. Aurelii Prudentii Clementis quae exstant Nicholaus Heinsius Dan. fil. ex vetustissimis exemplaribus recensuit, et Animadversiones adjecit. [Device.] Afftstelodami^ apud Danielem Elzevirium^ 1667. i2mo. From the library of Etienne Baluze : with his signature on the title, *' Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis." Red mor., gilt. Nicolai Heinsii Dan. F. in Prudentium adnotata. [Device.] Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzeviritiin^ 1667. 12 mo. 158 P TOL EM Y—P UTEA NUS. PTOLEMY. Geographi CI. Ptolemsei Alexandrini olim a Bilibaldo Pirckheimero traslata, at nunc codicibus graecis collata, pluribusque in locis ad pristinam ueritatem redacta a losepho Moletio mathematico. [Device.] Venetiis^ apud Vincenthun Valgrisium, 1562. 4to. Old red Venetian mor., gilt. PUTEANUS, Erycius. Erici Puteani Historise Cisalpinae libri duo. Res potissimum circa Lacum Larium \ Jo. Jacobo Medicseo gestae. Accedit Galeati Capellae De Bello Mussiano liber hactenus non editus. [Device.] Mediolatii, 1629. fol. Calf, gilt. UARITCH, Bernard. Quaritch's Facsimiles of Choice Examples of Historical and Artistic Bookbinding in the Fifteenth and Six- teenth Centuries. London^ 1889. 8vo. With 103 plates printed in gold and colours. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. QUARLES, Francis. Divine Fancies ; digested into Epigrammes, meditations, and observations. By Fra. Quarles. Londoji^ printed by M. F. for John Marriott and are to be sold at his Shop in S. Dunstans Churche, and i7i Fleet Street. 1641. 4to. Portrait of Quarles as frontispiece, QUERCETANUS, Josephus [Joseph Duchesne]. Jos. Quercetani Doctoris Medicique Regii, Diseteticon Polyhistoricon. Pai'isiis, 1606. 8vo. Vellum. *QUERLON, M. de. Les Soupers de Daphnd et les Dortoirs de Laced^mone. Anecdotes grecques ou Fragments Historiques publics pour la premiere fois et traduits sur la version arabe imprimee k Constantinople, I'An de I'Hegire iiio. et de Notre Ere 1731. A Oxfort, 1740. 8vo. With MS. key to the characters by Deneux. Calf, gilt. QUEROLUS. Querolus, antiqua Comoedia, nunquam antehac edita, quoe in vetusto codice manuscript© Plauti Aulularia inscribitur. Nunc primum a Petro Daniele Aurelio luce donata &c. Farisiis, ex officind Fob. Stephani Typographi Fegii^ 1564. 8vo. The comedy of Querolus was adapted in the 4th century from the Aulularia. It contains curious information about the Druids. '* Vade, ad Ligerim vivito. lllic jure gentium vivunt homines : ibi nullum est proestigium : ibi sententioe capitales de robore proferuntur, et scribuntur in ossibus." Vellum. Plauti Querolus, sive Aulularia, ad Camerarii codicem veterem denuo coUata &c. [Device.] E typographeio H, Cojumelini. s.l. 1595. 8vo. Vellum. i6o QUINTILIANUS. QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum Oratoriarum libri xii. diligentius recogniti. mdxxii. [Aldine device.] Colo- phon : Veftettis, in cedibus Aldi et AndrecR soceri, mense lanuario^ 15 21. 4to. In a 1 6th century Italian binding. Red mor., with Grolieresque geometrical designs in gold. On the upper cover are the words, " N. De Einsiedeln," nearly defaced, followed by "M. F. Quint. Institut."; on the lower cover, "ill. lunius. mdxliii. Bononise." M. Fabii Quintiliani, Oratoris eloquentissimi, Institutionum Oratoriarum libri xii. [Device.] Basilece^ 1529. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. M. Fabii Quintiliani, oratoris eloquentissimi, de Institutione Oratoria libri xii. ... ad fidem vetustissimorum codicum correcti & emendati, argumentisque . . . Petri Gallandii . . . elucidati. Ejusdem Quintiliani De- clamationum liber. L. Annaei Senecae Declamationum liber unus, cum Rodolphi Agricolae luculentis commentariis. Parisiis^ apud Vascosanum^ in via quce. est ad D. Jacobum^ sub Fontis insigni, 1549. fol. With MS. note as to a former owner : " Metelli Crispoliti et amiconim." Stamped vellum, gilt. Institutionum oratoriarum libri duodecim, summa diligentia ad fidem vetustissimorum codicum recogniti ac restituti. [Device.] Lugd. Batav. et Rotterodami^ ex officind ffackiattd^ 1661. 8vo. There is also an engraved titlepage to each volume, the first representing the "Hercules Gallicus " described by Lucian. Vellum. Quintilien. De 1' Institution de TOrateur. Traduit par M. I'Abb^ Gedayn, Chanoine de la S**' Chapelle de Paris, de TAcademie Royale des inscriptions et belles lettres &c. Baris^ I'jiS. 4to. Old French calf, gilt. QUINTILIAN. 1521, [ABELAIS, FRAN901S. Docteur en Medecine. Les oeuures de M. Francois Rabelais, Contenans la vie, faits et dits Heroiques '^M\ de Gargantua, et de son filz Pantagruel, Auec la Prognostication Pantagrueline. 1559. 8vo. The first of the editions published after the death of Rabelais. Calf, gilt. (Euvres de F. Rabelais. Nouvelle edition augment^e . . . de deux Chapitres inedits du V"^ livre, d'aprbs un manuscrit inddit de la Biblio- th^que du Roi . . . Par L. Jacob, bibliophile. FarzSy 1841. i2mo. With a note in the Preface by M. Paul Lacroix as to the origin of the work : " Cette edition avait ete commengee par M. Ch. Labitte, un de nos critiques les plus distingues, et les deux cent premieres pages etaient me me imprimees, lorsque le depart de cet ecrivain laissa son oeuvre interrompu." Le Rabelais de poche, avec un dictionnaire Pantagruelique tire des ceuvres de F. Rabelais. Alen^on^ i860. 8vo. With etched titlepage by Deloitre. RACINE, Jean. La Th^bayde ou les Freres Ennemis. Tragedie. A Pm-iSy chez Claude Barbin^ au Palais^ vis d vis le grand Portail de la Sainte Chapelkj au Signe de la Croix ^ 1664. 12 mo. The first edition. Bound in red morocco, with doublure in gx^^yx pointillk^ by Petit. Esther, tragddie tiree de I'Escriture Sainte. A Paris ^ chez Denys Thierry^ rue saint Jacques^ d la Ville de Paris ^ 1689. 12 mo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Chambolle-Duru. (Euvres de Racine. A Paris^ chez Claude Barbin^ sur le second Perron de la Sainte Chapelle^ 1697. 12 mo. 2 vols. The last original edition published in the life-time of Racine, and the first containing Esther and Athalie. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Kiedree. M 1 62 RACINE— RAY. RACINE, Jean. OEuvres de J. Racine, de rAcaddmie Frangoise. Nouvelle Edition, plus correcte et plus ample que les precedentes. Paris, 1770. i2mo. 3 vols. Old French calf, gilt. RADINUS TODISCHUS, Thomas. Hexasphaerium Thomse Todischi Placentini Pansophili un. Leonis x. Pont : max : isigne sex Pilis effulgeat elego carmine concinnatum. [Engraved title.]. Colophon : Impressum RomcB per Magistrum lacohu Mazocium, 15 16. 4to. RADULFUS, Abbot of St. AlbatCs. Historia Alexandri magni regis mace- donie de preliis. Colophon : Imp-essa Argentine Anno domini mccccxciiii. Finita altera die Urbani. fol. R^NERIUS Joannes. Mopsi et Nisse Lugdunensium McTa/Aopc^oxrcts loanne Rsenerio autore. Lugduni, apud loanncm Franciscum de Gabiano, 1 541. 4to. Printed in italics, the pages ruled with red lines. Calf, gilt. RAPIN THOYRAS, Paul de. Histoire d'Angleterre, par M. Rapin de Thoyras. Nouvelle edition augmentee des notes de M. Tindal, & de quelques autres remarques mises au has des pages; de I'abr^gd historique fait par Rapin Thoyras; du Recueil des actes publics d'Angleterre, de Thomas Rymer, dispersd dans cette edition k la fin des volumes auquels chaque partie en peut appartenir; & de memoires pour les vingt premieres annees du Rbgne de George II. Par ks soins de M. de S. M. A La Haye^ i749- 4to. 16 vols. Calf, gilt. RAVENNAS, Geographus. Anonymi Ravennatis qui circa sasculum vii. vixit de Geographia libri quinque. . . Notis illustravit D. Placidus Porcheron. Parisiis, 1688. 8vo. RAY, John. Observations Topographical, Moral, and Physiological; made in a Journey through part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy, and France : with a Catalogue of Plants not Native of England found spon- taneously growing in those Parts, and their Virtues. By John Ray, Fellow of the Royal Society. Whereunto is added a brief Account of Francis Willughby Esq. ; his Voyage through a great part of Spain. [Plates.] London^ 1673. 8vo. The catalogue of plants has a separate titlepage in Latin. With note on titlepage : "E libris Petri Le Neve, generosi." RAY— RAYNAUD. 163 RAY, John. Catalogus Plantarum Angli^e, et Insulanim Adjacentium : turn indigenas, turn in agris passim cultas complectens Editio secunda plantis circiter quadraginta sex & observationibus aliquammultis auction Opera Joannis Raii M.A. & Societatis Regise Sodalis. [Plates.] Londini, typis Andr, Clark, impensis Joh, Martyn RegicR Societatis typographic 1677. 8vo. Calf, gilt. A Collection of English Words not generally used, with their Significations and Original, in two Alphabetical Catalogues, the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties, with an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. The second edition, augmented by John Ray, Fellow of the Royal Society. London, 1691. i2mo. Containing an account of "the smelting and refining of silver at the silver mills in Cardiganshire," the process of "blowing of tin" in Cornwall, the method of working iron ** from one of the chief Ironmasters in Sussex," " the manner of wire-work at Tintern in Monmouthshire," and the making of salt at "Namptwych." A Collection of curious Travels & Voyages. In Two Tomes. The First containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolffs Itinerary into the Eastern Countries, as Syria, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c. Translated from the High Dutch by Nicholas Staphorst. The Second taking in many parts of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, Arabia Felix, and Petraea, Ethiopia, the Red Sea, &c. To which are added, Three Catalogues of such Trees, Shrubs, and Herbs, as grow in the Levant, By John Ray, Fell, of the Royal Society. London, 1693. 8vo. Select Remains of the learned John Ray, M.A. and F.R.S. With his life by the late William Derham, D.D. and F.R.S. Published by George Scott, M.A. and F.R.S. [Portrait : "Johannes Rajus, A.M."] London, 1760. 8vo. *RAYNAL, GuiLLAUME Thomas Francois. Anecdotes litteraires, ou histoire de ce qui est arrive de plus singulier & de plus interessant aux 6crivains Frangois, depuis le renouvellement des lettres sous FranQois I, jusqu'k nos jours. Nouvelle Edition augment^e. La LLaye, 1756. i2mo. 3 vols. Old French calf, gilt. RAYNAUD, TnfioPHiLE. Scalae a visibili creatura ad Deum. R. P. Theophili Raynaudi Soc. lesu. Theol. [Engraved title.] Lugduni, sumptihus Claudij Landry, 1624. 12 mo. Bound in French morocco, with the arms of Salins and the device of Alberic, Comte de Macon, in gold on the sides, and on the panels of the back. M 2 i64 REGE SINCERA—RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. *REGE SINCERA. Observations both Historical and Moral upon the Burning of London, September 1666, with an Account of the Losses. And a most remarkable parallel between London & Mosco, both as to the Plague and Fire. Also an Essay touching the Easterly- Winde. Written by way of Narrative for satisfaction of the present and future ages. By Rege Sincera. Loitdoft, Printed by Thomas Ratdiffe^ and are to be sold by Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chancery-lane ^ 1667. 4to. REGNIER, Maturin. CEuvres de Regnier. Nouvelle Edition, con- siderable augmentee. A Geneve, I'] 2"]. i2mo. 2 vols. Frontispiece by Marillier. •* Edition Cazin." Old red French mor., gilt, g.e. REINESIUS, Thomas. Thomae Reinesii D. de Deo Endovellico, cujus memoria nullibi veterum monumentorum prseterek, quam in inscrlptionibus antiquis in Villa Vizosa Lusitaniae repertis & post Resendiuni 'k CI. Grutero editis, extat, commentatio parergica . . . Altenburgi, per Ottonem Michaelein, 1637. 4to. From the Sunderland Library. Vellum. Thomse Reinesi D. 'lo-Topov/xcm Linguse Punicae : errori populari, Arabicam & Punicam esse eandem, opposita. Ad CI. Theol. D. Vitum Wolfrum, nunc post tot annorum latebras primiim in publicum producta opera Tobiae Seifarti Leucopetr. Schol. Altenb. p.t. Rectore. Altenburgi^per Otthonem Michaelem, i.(i2>1' 4tO' RENNELL, James. The Geographical System of Herodotus, examined ; and explained by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with modern Geography. The whole explained by eleven maps. By James Rennell. [Portrait.] Lotidon, 1800. 4to. Russia, gilt. *REPTON, Humphrey. Variety. A collection of Essays written in the year 1787. [Motto.] London, 1788. 12 mo. With inscription ** To Mrs. Adey from the x\uthor." The book has also been attributed to Miss Anna Seward. Red mor., gilt. RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE, Nicolas Edme. Lettres de Lord Austin de N. \ Lord Humphrey de Dorset, son Ami. Frankfort, 1769. 8vo. The half-titles run, *' La Confidence Neccssaire. Lettres Anglaiics.^'' Tiie imprint of the RE VEILLE-MA TIN—RICCOBONL 165 second part is, '*(i Cambridge'^ The preface, " ^ Miss Betty, Jeune Irlandaise," contains an allusion to the author's name : — " Personne ne pouvait dire avec autant de verite, Pour moi Phebus est sourd et Pegase est Retif." A French Bibliophile has lately explained the way by which this voluminous writer's works were forced into favour : " ensuite les Restifs cessant d'etre soutenus eprouv^rent une jolie baisse, et depuis on a cesse de delirer pour ces bouquins imprimes avec des tetes de clous sur du papier a chandelle." REVEILLE-MATIN. Le Facecieux Reveille-Matin des Esprits Melan- choliques, ou le remede preservatif centre les Tristes. Auquel sont contenues les meilleurs rencontres de ce temps, capables de rejoiiyr toutes sortes de personnes, & divertir les bonnes compagnies. En cette derniere edition, augmente de divers contes tres-recreatifs. A Nymegice^ de rimprivici'ie de Rene Smefius, 1681. i2mo. REVUE CELTIQUE. Revue Celtique, publide avec le concours des principaux savants des iles Britanniques et du continent, et dirigee par H. Gaidoz. Librairie A. Franck, Paris ; Trilbner and Co., London j 1870-90. II vols. 8vo. With the facsimile reprint of " A Welsh Grammar and other tracts by Griffith Roberts, Milan, 1567," published as a supplementary volume. Green mor., g.e., by Zaehnsdorf. REYBAUD, Louis. Jerome Paturot a la recherche d'une position sociale, par Louis Reybaud . . . Edition illustree par J. J. Grandville. FariSy 1846. 8vo. " Ouvrage humoristique, plein de verve et de bon sens. On y voit figurer toutes leg celebrites litteraires et artistiques de I'epoque. Dans cette edition les gravures sont de premier tirage." — Rouveyre. In the original covers. Jerome Paturot a la recherche de la Meilleure des Repub- liques, par Louis Reybaud. Edition illustree par Tony Johannot. Faris^ 1849. 4to. *'La couverture, illustree, ajoute de la valeur a I'exemplaire, quand elle est conservee intacte." — Rouveyre. In the original covers. RICCOBONI, Marie Jeanne. Lettres de Milady Juliette Catesby \ Milady Henriette Campley, son amie. Seconde edition. [Device.] Amsterdam^ 17 59- 8vo. Calf, gilt. i66 RICHARDSON— ROBIN. RICHARDSON, John. The Canon of the New Testament vindicated : in answer to the objections of J. T. in his Amyntor. By John Richardson, B.D. The second edition corrected with several additions. To which is now added a letter from the learned Mr. Dodwell, concerning the said J. T. London^ 1701. 8vo. This is one of the numerous answers to John Toland's Amyntor. A letter of the author to Mr. Rogers is inserted, directing certain erasures tD be made in the copy presented to Lord Hatton. Black calf, gilt, g.e. RICHARDUS, Joannes. Joannis Richardi Antiquitatum Divionensium, et de statuis nouiter Diuione repertis in collegio Godraniorum, liber. . . [Device.] Farisiis, apud Guliehnum Liiiocerium^ in Monte D. Hilarij\ ad insigne vasis aureij 1585. Svo. Calf, gilt. RICHELIEU, Cardinal. Testament Politique du Cardinal Due de Richelieu, premier ministre de France sous le regne de Louis xiii. Premiere (seconde) partie. Sixibme edition, reveue, corrigee & augmentee d'observa- tions historiques. A msterda?n^ 1709- Vellum. *RIGOLEY DE JUVIGNY, Jean Antoine. Cause c^bbre. M^moire pour I'asne de Jacques Feron, Blanchisseur k Vanvres, Demandeur & Defendeur ; contre I'asnesse de Pierre Le Clerc, Jardinier fleuriste, Deman- deresse & D^fenderesse. \s.l. circa 1760.] Svo. RIZZI ZANNONI, Giovanni Antonio. Atlas gdographique, contenant la Mappemonde et les quatres parties, avec les differents 6tats d'Europe, dresses sous les yeux de Mr. Rizzi Zannoni; de la Societe Roiale de Gottingue. Paris^ 1762. Svo. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. Atlas geographique et militaire, ou Theatre de la Guerre presente en Allemagne, ou sont marques les marches et campemens des Armees depuis I'entree des troupes prussiennes en Saxe en August 1756 jusqu'au commencement de 1763. Par Mr. Rizzi Zannoni. Paris^ s.a. 1 2 mo. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. '~" ♦ROBIN, Claude. Recherches sur les initiations anciennes et modernes. Par M. TAbbe R. [Motto.] Amsterdam, 1779. Svo. Old French calf, gilt. ROMAN MARTYROLOGY, 1568. ROBINSON—RONSARD. 167 ROBINSON, Hugh. Annalium Mundi Universalium Origines Rerum et Progressus . . . Jussu Regio recognovit &c. Thomas Pierce, S. T. P. Decanus Sarisburiensis. London y 1677. fol. Colbert's copy, with his arms in gold on the sides, and double cipher, coronet, and crest, on the back. With MS. note, **Bibliotheca Colbcrtiana," in the handwriting of Etienne Baluze. Red raor., gilt, g.e. ROLEWINCK, Werner. De Westphalorum sive Antiquorum Saxonum situ, moribus, &c. virtutibus et laudibus, libri iii. . . . Authore Wernero Rolewinck Larense, Ordinis Carthusiani. [Device.] In fczlidssima Ubiorum Colonia, swnptibics Balthasari Clipei^ anno 1602. 12 mo. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. ROLLENHAGEN, Gabriel. Nucleus Emblematum selectissimorum, que Itali vulgo Impresus vocant, . . . k G. Rollenhagio Magdeburgense, ColonicBy e MuscBO Ccelatorio Crispiani Parscei^ [circa 161 1.] 8vo. ROMAN MARTYROLOGY. Martyrologium secundum morem Sacro- sanctse Romanse et Universalis Ecclesiae R. D. F. Maurolyci. Venetiis, 1568. 4to. Olive mor,, richly tooled, with the arms of the Ruizi family. ROMANS HISTORI-^ SCRIPTORES. Vitse Caesarum quarum scriptores hi — C. Suetonius Tranquillus . . . Ammianus Marcellinus longe alius qukm antehac unquam . Annotationes D. Erasmi Rot. & Baptistoe Egnatii in vitas Csess . Accessuerunt in hac editione Velleii Paterculi libri ii. ab innumeris denuo vendicati erroribus, addito indice copiosissimo. [Froben's device.] Basilece^ 1546. Colophon : Basilece, apud Hieronymum Frobenium et Nicolaum Episcopium, mense martis^ an, 1 545. foL On the titlepage is written ** Sum Frobenii, 1559." Calf, gilt. Conciones et orationes ex historicis latinis excerptas. Argu- menta singulis preiixa sunt . . . Opus recognitum recensitumque in usum Scholarum Hollandise & Westfrisiae. Ex decreto Illustriss. D.D. Ordinum ejusdem Provinciae. [Device.] Amstelodami^ apud Ludovicum Elzevirium^ 1652. i2mo. With an additional engraved titlepage, dated 1653. Red. mor., g.e., by Chatelin. RONSARD, Pierre de. Les ceuvres dc P. de Ronsard Gentil-homme Vandomois, Prince des Poetes Frangois. Reueues et augmentes. [Vignette.] 1629. i2mo. 5 vols. Vellum, giJt. i68 . ROSSETTI—RUDBECK. ROSSETTI, Christina. Goblin Market and other poems. By Christina Rossetti. London dr- Cambridge^ 1862. 8vo. With two etchings by D. G. Rossetti. ROS-WEYDUS, Heribertus. Lex Talionis xii. Tabularum, Cardinali Baronio ab Isaaco Casaubono dicta : Retaliante Heriberto Ros-Weydo Ultratrajectino, Societatis lesu Theologo. [Jesuit device.] Antverpice^ ex officind Planfiniandy 1614. 8vo. Described in the preface as *' Scorpiacum contra Casaubonum." From the library of the Marquis de Morante. Green mor. with the arms of '* Cortina." Het Leven vande Heylige Maghet ende Moeder Godts Maria princesse des Maeghden. . . Met seer schoone Figuyren verciert &c. Totloven, 1629. 8vo. Velhim. *ROUS, Francis. Thule, or Virtues Historic. To the Honourable and vertuous Mistris Amy Audley. By F. R. [Device.] At London^ Printed by Felix Kifigston for Humphrey Loimes, 1598. 4to. Title in facsimile. With MS. note on fly-leaf: " Parts of this poem are pecuharly fine and smooth, nearly equal to Spencer, and worth reprinting. The second Part is often wanting and does not seem to have been known to Lowndes." Calf, gilt. RUDBECK, Olof. O. Rudbeckii ad Thomam Bartholinum Epistola, qua sibi primam inventionem Vasorum Serosorum hepatis &c. asserit. UbsalicB^ 1657. 1 2 mo. Rudbeck, when a student at Leyden, discovered the anatomical distinction between the lacteal and lymphatic vessels. Olai Rudbeckii Atlantica sive Mannheim. Upsalce, 1679- 89-98, 1702 (1863). fol. 5 vol. With engraved titles, maps, woodcuts, and atlas of antiquities. In Swedish and Latin. Vol. I. is of the second issue of 1679. Vol. II. has the forty-four pages of Testimonia. Vol. III. is an original, saved from the fire at Upsala In 1702, and Vol. IV. is a photo-lithograph, with M'. Klemming's notes. Gibbon described the critics who traced the children of Japhet to their northern hive : " The most entertaining was Olaus Rudbeck. Whatever is celebrated either in history or fable this zealous patriot ascribes to his country. Of that delightful region, for such it appeared to the eyes of a native, the Atlantis of Plato, the country of the Hyperboreans, the garden of the Hesperides, the Fortunate Islands, and even the Elysian Fields, were all but faint and imperfect transcripts." — Anteckningar om Rudbeck's Atland. Stockholm^ 1863. 8vo. This is the separate issue of M'. Klemming's notes on Vol. IV. of the Atlantica, In it will bt found a letter from Queen Christina, declining the dedication of Vol. II. RUTILIUS. 169 ** M'. Oliwe-Crantz ; J'aurois receu avec Joye les Attlentiques, Si Rubeckius m'en eust dedie Le premier Tome. Mais La pensee de vouloir me dedier le Second n'est pas honeste ; quand il auroit dedie le premier a I'Empereur du monde, Le Second ne doit et ne peut plus S'adresser a moy ; Cest pourquoy ditez Luy de ma part, que Je le prie de me reserver pour quelque autre ouvrage qui sera tres bien receu. Je sui fachee que cette pensee ne Luy est pas veniie au premier Tome, Car cet excellent Liure me deuoit appartenir de Justice. Pour L'Epitete de La Pallas Byperborea il me fait trop d'honneur, mais qu'il se souvienne que Pallas filoit a merveille, et peut estre scavoit elle coudre de meme, et moy Je suis si mal habile que Je ne scoy faire ny I'un ny I'autre ; \ cela pres Je crois que ne nous resemblons eut estre pas trop mal. Mais treue k la raillerie, etc. — Christina Allessandra." RUTILIUS, Bernardinus. Jurisconsultorum Vit«. Romce^ apud A, Bladtif?i, 1536. 8vo. With notes as to fonner owners : " Laurentii Blasii et amicorum : " "Julii Benigni." " Petri Servii." From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum. SDECOLINES ACCUS, Bernardus. De Italicamm Rerum varietate et elegantly, Libri x., Bernardo Sacco Ticinensi patritio autore. [Device.] Ticini^ apud Hieronymum Bartoliim^ i557' 8vo. From the library of l^tienne Baluze, being No. 3197 in his catalogue. With his signature : *' Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis." Vellum. SACERDOTES. Manuale Sacerdotum pro missa celebranda. Neapoli^ 1793. i2mo. Red mor., gilt, g.e., with the arms of Ferdinand IV., King of Naples. SACHS, Michael. Arcana Annuli Pronubi. [Device.] Lubeck^ 1605. i2mo. A book on wedding-rings, by the Rector of Thonna, near Lubeck. SACY, Louis de. A Discourse on Friendship. In three books. Trans- lated from the French. London^ 1707* 8vo. The translation is attributed to D. Bret. Red mor., gilt, g.e. SAINT-6TIENNE, Jean Paul Rabaut de. Lettres \ Monsieur Bailly sur L'Histoire Primitive de la Grfece. Par M. Rabaut de Saint ^^tienne. Paris ^ 1787. 8vo. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. *SAINT-FOIX, Philippe Auguste de, Chevalier D'Arcq, Mes Loisirs. Motto : " Quid verum atque decens euro & rogo, & omnis in hoc sum." Hor. Ep. i. I. Paris ^ i755- 8vo. From the collection of Sir Edward Marwood Elton. Old brown mor., with floral arabesques in gold, g.e., by Derome. *SAINT-LAMBERT, Jean Francois de. Les Saisons, Poeme. Nou- velle Edition. " Puissent mes chants etre agrdables \ I'homme vertueux et champetre." Wieland. d, Londres^ 1781. i2mo. " Edition Cazin." With engraved titlepage. Old French calf, gilt, g.e. SACERDOTES. 1793. SAINT^PHILIP—SANNAZARO 171 *SAINT-PHILIP, Cartier de. Le Passe-tems agrdable, ou nouveau choix de Bons-mots, &c. Enrichi d'une dite des plus vives Gasconnades, qui ne sont point dans le Gasconniana. Rotterdam^ 17 11. 8vo. This work is sometimes attributed to De Rochefort. *SALLENGRE, Albert Henri de. Memoires de Litterature. [Device.] A la Haye, 17 15-17. 8vo. 2 vols. Old French calf, gilt. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, Caius. C. Sallustius Crispus, cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. [Engraved title.] Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriand, anno 1634. i2mo. The first and best of the four editions under this date. From the library of Antoine Bernard Caillard. Vellum. C. Sallustius Crispus, cum veterum historicorum fragmentis. Lugduni Batavoricm, ex officind Elzeviriand, anno 1634. 12 mo. The second edition under this date. From the collection of the Rev*. Mark Pattison. C. Crispi Sallustii opera omnia quae exstant, cum commentariis integris loh. Rivii &c. [Device.] Amstelodami, 1690. 8vo. The Variorum edition. The engraved titlepage is dated 1681. From the Osterley Park Collection. Calf, gilt. La Conjura9ion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurtha, por Cayo Salustio Crispo. [Plates.] Madrid, Ibarra, 1772. fol. The chef-d'oeuvre of Ibarra. The translation was by the Infante Don Gabriele. Calf, gilt. SALVAING, Denis de. De I'Usage des Fiefs et autres droits seigneuriaux. Grenoble, 1668. fol. From the library of Nicolas Remy Frizon de Blamont, President du Parlement, with his bookplate by Le Roux, dated Aug. 14th, 1704. SANDYS, George. A Relation of a lourney begun An. Dom. 16 10. Foure Bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Egj-pt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote parts of Italy, and Hands adioyning. The third edition. [Plates.] London, 1632. fol. Calf, gilt. SANNAZARO, Iacomo. lacobi Sannazarii Opera Omnia, Latinb scripta, et in tres De Partu Virginis libros Valentini Odoricii Utinensis Commentaria . . . cum indice rerum memorabilium locupletissimo. Venetiis, 1593. 8vo. 172 SANNAZARO—SCHEFFER. SANNAZARO, Iacomo. Actii Synceri Sannazarii, Neapolitani, Viri Patricii, Poemata . . . Item Gabrielis Altilii, et Honorati Fascitelli carmina nonnulla. [Portrait: Vignette.] Patavii^ 1729. 4to. From the library of ** Myles Cooper LL.D. Coll. Regis Nov. Ebor. in Americd, Pr^eses, et Coll. Reginse de Oxon. Socius." The Rev. M. Cooper entered Queen's College as a "batler," and matriculated, in 1753; B.A., 1756; M.A., 1760; D.C.L., by diploma, 1767, being then President of King's College at New York (now Columbia College), and of the Convention of the American Clergy. "In 1775 ^ ^lob forced him and Governor Tryon, with other loyalists, to take shelter on board one of H.M. ships of war, and spoiled his library and effects." He was elected Fellow of Queen's College in 1771, and presented to the living of Sulhamstead in Berkshire. SARBIEVIUS, Matthias Casimir. Matthias Casimiri Sarbievii ^ Societate Jesu Carmina. [Device.] Parisiis^ Barbou, 1759. i2mo. The poems of Maciaj Kazimierz Sarbiewski (1595-1640), employed by Pope Urban VIII. to correct the hymns in the Breviary. "Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comitis de Borch." Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. SAVOYE, Les Infantes de. Discours de ce qui c'est passe aux nopces des Infantes de Savoye. Avec les courses & tournois faits h. la Barri^re, tant ^ pied que a cheval. Par L. S. D. P. [Device.] FariSj 1608. 8vo. SAXO GRAMMATICUS. Saxonis Grammatici HistoriDS Danicse Libri xvi. Stephanus loliannis Stephanius summo studio recognovit. [Engraved title.] Sorce, 1644-5. fol. Vellum. SCHEDIUS, Elias. Elise Schedii de Diis Germanis, sive veteri Ger- manorum, Gallomm, Britannonuii, Vandalorum, religione Syngrammata quatuor. Amstei'odami, apud Ludovicum Eizevirium^ Anno 1648. 8vo. SCHEFFER, Johann. The History of Lapland, wherein are showed the Original Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations &c. of that People. Written by John Scheffer, Professor of Law & Rhetoric at Upsal in Sweden. At the Theater in Oxford, \(i^^. fol. With engraved title, maps, and plates. De natura et constitutione Philosophise ItaHcae sive Pytha- goricce. Upsalice^ 1674. 12 mo. From the Sunderland Collection. Upsalia Antiqua. [Device.] Upsallce, Curio, 1676. 8vo. SCHEFFER—SCUDERL 173 SCHEFFER, Johann, and Sven Carlstrom. De Thule Veterum disssrtatio. HolmicB^ typis Wankivianis, 1673. 12 mo. To a dissertation by Sven Carlstrom is added a letter by J. SchefFer on the situation of Thule. From the library of Carl Gustav Bjelke, " Maecenas maximus," with his signature, dated March nth, 1731. SCHIMMELPENNINCK, Rutger Jan. Dissertatio de imperio popu- lar! ritb temperato. Lugduni Batavoruni^ 1"]^^^. 8vo. " Pulcherrimum exemplar exhibuerunt Massaschusettani aliique Americae Septentrio- nalis incolse." Many references are made to the Constitution of '* Massaschusett's-baay." Calf, gilt, g.e. SCHOTT, JoHANN Carl. Explication nouvelle de FApothdose d'Hombre representee sur un marbre ancien ; de I'usage du Trepied de Delphes ; et de I'emploi des engastrimythes, par M^. Schott. Amsterdam^ 17 14. 4to. J. C. Schott was Hbrarian to Frederic II. of Prussia. The first " Explication " was published at Berlin in 171 1. "1 can't leave the Basso Relievo's, without mentioning one of 'em, where the thought is extreamly noble. It is call'd Hotner's Apotheosis ^ and consists of a Groupe of Figures cut in the same Block of Marble, and rising one above another by Four or Five ascents." Addison, Remarks, 343. This Relief was found at Bovillae, and was formerly in the Cclonna Palace. It is now in the British Museum. SCHRIJVER, Pieter. Respublica Romana Honori Urbis ^ternse P. Scrivenius restituit. Lugd. Batavorum^ ex officina Elzeviriana^ 1629. 32mo. A collection of Tracts about Ancient Rome by Dominicus Floccus (pseudo-Fenestella), Pomponius La^tus, Andrea Alciati, and others, ending with the *' Mirabilia Urbis Romoe." From the library of the Jesuits' College at Paris. Vellum. SCORTIA, Johannes Baptista. De Natura et Incremento Nili, libri duo. Lugduni^ 161 7. 8vo. With the signature of Charles Bernard, the historiographer of France. SCUD^RI, George de. La Mort de Cesar. Tragedie. Par Mons^ de Scudery. [Frontispiece.] A Paris, chez A. Courbe^au Palais, e7i la petite salle, a la Palme, 1637. 4to. Autres ceuvres de Monsieur de Scudery. [Device : the Palm.] Paris, C our be, 1637. ^to. L'Apologie du Theatre. Par Monsieur de Scudery. Paris, Angus tin Courbe, 1639. 4to. L' Amour Tirannique, Tragi-comddie. Paris, 1640. 4to. Eudoxe, Tragi-come'die. Paris, 1641. 4to. Bound with the preceding works by the same author. " George de Scudery est celebre par ses vers empanaches, par ses jactances et ses rodomontades dans lesquelles il eut le malheur, un jour, recontrer et d'ofifenser Corneille : la posterite ne le lui a point pardonne." — Sainte-Beuve. Old French calf, gilt. 174 SELDEN— SENECA. SELDEN, John. Joannis Selden de Jure natural! & gentium juxta disciplinam Ebraeorum, libri septem. London, 1640. fol. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by Selden on title : ** Virtute, morum suavitate atque eruditione ornatissimo Juveni, Frederico G., summge benevolentiae testandae ac gratitudinis causa, ab Authore." With the signature of "B. de Soumaise." From the Sunderland Collection. Stamped vellum. De Dis Syris syntagmata 11. Adversaria nempe de Numinibus commentitiis in Veteri Instrument© memoratis. [Portrait.] Amstelodami, 1680. 8vo. Fleta, seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani sic nuncupatus sub Edwardo Rege Primo . . . Accedit Tractatulus vetus de Agendi Excipiendio^ formulis Gallicanis, Fet A SSavoir dictus. Subjungitur etiam Joan. Seldeni ad Fletam dissertatio historica. Editio secunda, multis Erroribus purgata. Londini, 1685. 4to. Calf, gilt. SELLER, Abednego. The Antiquities of Palmyra. Containing the history of the City, and its Emperors, from its foundation to the present time. With an Appendix . . . and a Commentary on the inscriptions lately found there. London, Printed for S. Smith and B. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, at the Princes- Arms in St. PauVs Church-Yard, 1696. 8vo. With a dedication to the Royal Society, which had lately published the journals of discoveries made at the expense of the Levant Society : " Nor is this the only Instance wherein those eminent Merchants have been benefactors to the Commonwealth of Letters." SENECA, Lucius ANNiEus. Senecse Tragoediae. Colophon : Florentice, sumptibus Philippi de Junta, 1513 mense Julio. 8vo. The second Junta edition. Vellum. Seneca tragoediae. [Device.] Colophon : Venetiis in cedibus Aldi et AndrecB soceri, mense octobri 15 17. 8vo. The first Aldine edition. Calf, gilt. L. Annaei Senecae Fil. Philosophi : Nee non M. Annaei Senecae Pat Rhetoris, opera omnia. Accedunt etiam L. Senecae^ ac P. Syri Mimi Sententiae aureae , . , Ln BibliopoUo Commeliano. [j-./.] 1604. 8vo. With title in woodcut border. L. Annaei Senecae Philosophi opera omnia . . . et M. Annaei Senecae Rhetoris quae exstant ex And. Schotti recens. [Engraved title.] Amstelodami, apud Elzevirios, j6^^. 12 mo. 3 vols. With a dedication to ''Christina Maxima," Queen of Sweden. Height 5^ in. Bound in vellum, gilt, with the crest of the ' Grand Dauphin ' on the backs. From the Sunderland Collection. SENECA— SEVIGNE, 175 SENECA, Lucius Ann^eus. Joh. Fred. Gronovii ad L. et M. Annaeos Senecas notse. [Engraved title.] Amsfelodami, apud Ludovicum &* Danielem Elzevir ios^ 1658 (1659). 12 mo. With the crest of the * Grand Dauphin.' From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum, gilt. Selecta Senecae Philosophi opera, in Gallicum versa, opera & studio P. F. X. D. [Device : the Storks.] Parisiis^ typis y. Barbou^ vid San-Jacobcsdf sub signo Ciconiarunif i']6i. 12 mo. "Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comitis de Borch." Red mor., gilt, g.e. Analyse des Traites des Bienfaits et de la CMmence de Senbque, pr^cedee d'une vie de ce Philosophe plus ample que toutes celles qui ont paru. Paris, BarboUy i'j']6. 12 mo. This volume also is from Count de Botch's library at Warkland. Red mor., gilt, g.e. SERENUS, AuRELius. Theatrum Capitolinum magnifico luliano insti- tutum per Aureliu3 Serenu3 Monopolitanum. Et de Elephante carmen eiusdem. [Colophon :] Romc& in ^dibus Mazochianis imperante diuo Leone X pontificatus sui anno secundo, anno dni 15 14. 4to. Bound with the " Carmina de certo Turca^^j adventu non credito,' of J. B. Cathaneus. SEVERUS, SuLPiTius. Vita S. Martini : Dialogi de Miraculis S. Mar- tini episcopi. s.l. {circa 1530). 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. — Sulpitii Severi opera omnia quae exstant. [Engraved title.] Amstelodami, ex officind Elzeviriand, 165,6. i2mo. Calf, gilt, g.e., by Dumergue, Opera omnia, cum notis Johannis Vorstii. [Engraved title.] Berliftiy 1668. i2mo. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum, gilt. ■ Beati Sulpicii Severi, Bituricensis Episcopi, opera omnia . . . Opera diligentia M. Hieronymi Mercier. [Device.] Farisiis^ 1675. i2mo. Calf, gilt. S^VIGNlfe, Marie de. Marquise. Recueil des Lettres de Madame La Marquise de Sevignd k Madame la Comtesse de Grignan sa fille. Nouvelle edition augmentde. Paris, 17 54* 8vo. 8 vols. 1/6 SE WARD—SHELLE V. SEWARD, Anna. Elegy on Captain Cook. To which is added An Ode to the Sun. By Miss Seward. The third edition. London, 1781. 4to. With portrait of Captain Cook, and extract from the official despatches as to his death, inserted. The poet describes the gifts of farm-stock to the tribes of " antarctic Zealand : " " The downy Goose her ruffled bosom laves. Trims her white wing and wantons in the waves ; Stern moves the Bull along th' affrighted shores. And countless nations tremble as he roars." Red mor., g.e. SEXTUS EMPIRICUS. Sexti Empirici opera quae exstant &c. Grsece nunc primum edita. [Device : Abraham's Sacrifice.] FarisiiSy in officind Abrahami Pacard, via Jacobced, sub signo sacrificii Abrahami, 1621. fol. SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. The second edition corrected. By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, s. I. 17 14. 3 vols. With portrait, and vignettes by S. Gribelin. Red mor., gilt, g.e. SHEE, Martin Archer. Elements of Art. A poem in six cantos; with notes and a preface; including Strictures on the State of the Arts, Criticism, Patronage, and Public Taste. By Martin Archer Shee, R.A. London, 1809. 8vo. Presentation copy from the author, Sir M. A. Shee, P.R.A., "to the Right Hon^'° Lord Lyttelton with the author's comp"." Red mor., gilt, g.e. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland. With letters descriptive of a sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni. London, T, Hookham &» C.&'J. Oilier, 181 7. 8vo. The first edition. Calf, gilt. The Revolt of Islam ; a Poem, in Twelve Cantos. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. London, Oilier, 1818. 8vo. Prometheus Unbound. A Lyrical drama, in five Acts. With other poems. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. * Audisne, Amphiarae, sub terram abdite ? ' London, Oilier, 1820. 8vo. The first edition. Citron mor., gilt, by Ramage. The Cenci. A Tragedy in Five Acts. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. Second edition. London, Oilier, 182 1. 8vo. SHELLEY-^SILIUS ITALICUS. 17; SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. Queen Mab. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. London^ Clark, 1821. 8vo. One of the pirated editions. The Masque of Anarchy. A Poem. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. Now first published, with a preface by Leigh Hunt. [Motto.] London, 1832. 8vo. The first edition. Brown mor., gilt, g.e. The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. [Portrait : Vignette.] London, 1853. 8vo. Vellum, gilt. SHILLIBEER, Henry B. The Ancient Customs of the Manor of Taunton Deane. Tiverton, 182 1. 8vo. Presentation copy. The most remarkable custom relates to a local substitute for the wife's dower : " If a tenant dies seised of copyholds of inheritance, his wife ought to inheiit the same lands as heir to her husband, and to be admitted thereto to hold the same to her and her heirs for ever." There is also a custom of "junior-right," or inheritance of the youngest, extending to females and collaterals. SIDONIUS, Caius Sollius Apollinaris. Sidonii ApoUinaris poema Aureum ejusdemque epistole. Colophon : Ii7ipressum Mediolani per Magistriun Uldericum ScTzenzeler. Impensis venerabilis dominorum Presbyteri Hyeronimi de Asula 7iecnon Joannis de abbatibus placentijii sub anno doj?tini i^^2> Quarto Nono maias. fol. Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii, Arvernorum Episcopi, Opera castigata et restituta. Lugduni, apud Johan. Torncesium, 1552. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii, Arvernorum Episcopi, Oper.i. lo. Savaro recognovit et librum commentarium adjecit. [Device.] Fa?'isiis, ex officina Plantiniand,^ apud Adrianum Perier, via Jacob cBa, 1599. 4to. A prize copy from the Oratorian College at Sens, awarded to A. Le Vayer. Red mor., gilt, g.e. SILIUS ITALICUS, Caius. Silii Italic! De Bello Punico Secundo xvii. libri nuper diligentissime castigati. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Venetiis^ in cedibus Aldi et AndreeB Asulani socef'i, mense Julio, 1523. 8vo. Calf, gih. Silii Italici clarissimi poetae De Bello Punico libri septem- decim. Cum argumentis Hermanni Buschii, & scholijs in margine adiectis, quae vice vberis commentarij esse possunt. [Device.] Parisiis, apud Simonem ^olinceum, 1531. 8vo. The commentary of H. Busche seems to have been written soon after his appointment to the chair of History and Poetry at Marburg in 1526, N 1/8 SINSART—SOMNER. *SINSART, BENoiT. La Veritd de la religion catholique, demontree contra les Protestans, et mise k, la portee de tout le monde. Strasbourg^ 1746. 8vo. From the library of the Prince de Soubise, with his badges in gold on the back. SLATYER, William. Tne History of Great Briianie from the first peopling of this Island to this present Raigne of o*" happy and peacefull Monarke K: James, by Will. Slatyer. [Engraved title.] Lo?idoft, Printed for W. Stanshy for Rich : Maigheti, 6^ are to be sold at his shop at St. Clemeiifs Churchy [162 1.] fol. With dedications of " False- Albion " to the author's friends, Michael Drayton and Samuel Purchas, and a preface *' to the well-affected and ingenious, or no more curious than courteous readers." SLEIDANUS, Joannes, [J. Philippson.] I. Sleidani de quatuor summis imperils libri tres. Postrema editione hac accurate recogniti, Lugd, Batavorum^ ex officind Elzeviriand^ 1655. 8vo. Brown mor., gilt, g.e., by Chatelin. *SMITH, Robert Angus, M.D. Loch Etive and the Sons of Uisnach. With illustrations. London^ 1879. ^vo. SMITH, Thomas. Thomse Smithi Angli de republica Anglorum libri tres. Quibus accesserunt chorographica illius descriptio, aliique politici tractatus. [Engraved title.] Lug. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1630. 8vo. *♦ R. Allyn, CCC. Oxon. Soc," on fly-leaf. Olive mor. SOLINUS, Caius Julius. Cai lulii Solinii re^ memorabilia collectanee. Begin : Solinus Auetino. Salute. E?id: Insula:;: qualitatem. Finis. Laus Deo. s.l. et a. [^Romce^ Joan. Schurejier de Bopardid^ circa i^']^.'] 8vo. A rare edition, copied from the " Solinus " printed by Boninus Mombritius at Milan before 1469. Bound with the "Modestus, de re militari," of Geo. Sachsel and Earth. Golsh. From the Sunderland Collection. Old blue mor., gilt. C. lulii Solini Polyhistor. [Device.] Lugdu?ii, apud Seb, Gryphiuniy 1537. 8vo. SOMNER, William. A Treatise of Gavelkind both name and thing London^ 1660. 4to. With sijmalure " Thomas Wroth." SOAINER—SPENCE. 1 79 SOMNER, William. A Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent. By William Somner. Published by James Brome, M.A., Rector of Cheriton and Chaplain to the Cinque Ports. To which is prefixt the Life of Mr. Somner. [Portrait] Oxford, Printed at the Theater^ \(i<^l. 8vo. With a portrait of W. Somner. " Ex dono Jacobi Brome : G. Rooke." SOPHOCLES. Sophoclis Tragoedi^ Septem, cum versione et notis ex editione Ric. Franc. Phil. Brunck. Argentorati, 1786. 8vo. 4 vols. Russia, gilt. Bound by Kalthoeber, with his ticket. SOUTHEY, Robert. Poems. By Robert Southey. Bristol, Printed for Joseph Cottle, 1797. 8vo. With the "Tale of Paraguay," in Southey's writing, inserted: ** A party of Spaniards gathering the Herb of Paraguay traced out a little hovel containing a mother, a son in his twentieth and a daughter in her fifteenth year. The girl gathered fruits and wood, through thorns and reeds in a dreadful country. Not to be alone at the employment, she usually had a parrot on her shoulder, a monkey on her arm, fearless of tigers tho' the place abounded with them." Red calf, gilt, g.e. Wat Tyler. A Dramatic Poem, in three Acts. By Robert Southey, Esq., Poet Laureate to Her Majesty. London, John Cleard, Shoe Lane, one door from Fleet Street, (1837.) i2mo. Bound with " Magna Charta," and a number of political tracts by Robert Dale Owen. *SPEARMAN, John. An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the County Palatine of Durham. Wherein are shewn the oppressions which attend the subjects of this county by the male-administration of the present ministers and officers of the said County Palatine. Pri?ited in the year 1729. [Edindt^rgh.] 4to. With the rare Postscript relating to the estates of the Dean and Chapter of Durham. SPELMAN, Henry. De non temerandis Ecclesiis. A tract of the Rights and Respects due unto Churches. Written to a Gentleman, who having an Appropriat Parsonage, imploied the Church to prophane uses, and left the Parishioners vncertainly provided of diuine service, in a Parish neere there adioyning. By S" Henry Spelman Knight. [Device.] At London, Printed by John Beak, 1 6 1 3 . 8 vo. SPENCE, Joseph. Polymetis : or, an enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman Poets, and the remains of the Antient Artists. Being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. In ten books. By the Rev. Mr. Spence. [Plates.] London, iT^^. fol. With the satirical portrait of D'. Cooke, Head-master of Eton. Calf, gilt. N 2 i8o SPERLING—STA TIUS. SPERLING, Otto. Ad nummum Furiae Sabiniae Tranquillinas Aug. Imp. Gordiani Tertii Uxoris Dissertatio. Auctore Otthone Sperlingio. Amstelodami^ 1688. 8vo. Dissertatio de nummis non cusis tarn veterum quam recentio- rum. [Device : the Battle of Constantine & Maxentius.] Amstelodami^ apud Franciscum Halman^ Typogr. sub signo Constantini Magniy 1700. 4to. O. Sperling helped to arrange Colbert's Library. He was elected a member of the Royal Society in the year 1700. SPON, Jacques. Ignotomm atque obscuronim quorundam Deorum Arse, nunc primum in lucem datae, notisque illustratae, studio Jacobi Sponii, Med. Doct. &c. Lugduni^ 1676. i2mo. Presentation copy, with MS. notes, "Donum Authoris," and " Volumetto rarissimo." Calf, gilt. *SPRINT, John. The Experienced Fowler : or, the Gentleman's Recreation, . . . containing i. The true art of taking Water and Land Fowl. 2. Directions for Bat-fowling, Lowbelling, Trammeling and driving Fowl. 8. To order Bees to great advantage. London^ Pritited by G. Conyers at the Golden Ring^ and J. Sprint at the Bell in Little Brittain^ [1700.] i2mo. SPROTT, Thomas. Thomas Sprotti Chronica. E Codice antiquo MS*«. In Bibliotheca praenobilis Adolescentis D"** Edwardi Dering, de Surrenden Dering in Agro Cantiano, Baronetti, descripsit ediditque Tho. Heamius . . . Oxonii, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 17 IQ* 4to. Large paper copy. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. STATIUS, PuBLius Papinius. Statii Sylvae cum Domitii commen- tariis . Statii Thebais cum Lactantii commentariis . Statii Achilleis cum Maturantii commentariis. Colophon : Hoc per Bartholameum de Zanis de Fortesio Venetiis impressum opus feliciter explicit 1494, Die 15. Martii. fol. Vellum. Achillis Statii Lusitani Sylvae aliquot vna cum duobus hymnis Callimachi eodem carminis genere ab eo latine redditis. [Device.] Farisiis^ apud Thomam Richardum, sub Bibliis aureis, I regione collegii Remensis, 1549. 4to. Emerici Crusei ad P. Papinii Statii Silvas Muscarium sive Helelenchus. Farisiis^ apud M. Solly, viA Jcu:obcecL sub signis FhoeniciSy 1640. 8vo. STA TUTES^STERNE. i8i STATUTES, Magna Charta, cum statutis quag Antiqua vocantur . , . quibus accesserunt nonnulla nunc typis edita : apud Richard Tottelum. 12 Jun. 1556. " Conferre and then preferre." Colophon: Imprinted at London in Flite-strete within Temple darre, at the signe of the hande and starre by Richard TottelV 12 mo. From the libraries of Sir Roger Manwood, and his son Serjeant Manwood, the writer on Forest-law. With a note, '* On of my father his bookes at S*. Stephens. Jo. Manwood." Anno Quinto Henrici Octavi. {London^ 1540.] foL Anno XXI. Henrici Octavi. Londini^ Berthelet^ 1562. fol ' Anno Vicesimo Secundo Henrici Octavi. Statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in parliamento tento apud westm. xvi die lanuarii, Anno regni pr^potentissimi et metuendissimi Anglie et Francie regis, fidei defensoris, & domini hibernie, Henrici octavi xxii. Colophon : Imprinted at London in Flktstreete^ by Tho^nas Powell. \s.a, circa 1562.] lol. There are in all sixteen chapters; Cap. 10 is "an Acte concernynge ouilandishe people, callyng themselves Egiptians," the next chapter is "an Acte concernynge Powdike in Marshlande " ; Cap. 12 provides for the relief of the poor, "and howe vacaboundes and mighty strong beggers shal be punished " ; among them are mentioned " proctours and par- doners," and scholars of the Universities, " that go about beggynge, not beyng authorysed under the scale of the said Universities," Anno xxiiii. Henrici viii. Actis made in the Session of this present parlyament, &c. Londini^ Berthelet, 1538. fol. Henry the Eyght &c. began this thirde Session of his most high court of parliament at Westminster the xiiii. daie of Januarye in the fyve and thirty yere of his maiesties moste noble and victorious reigne, &c. Londini, Berthelet^ iS44' fol. All the statutes of Henry 8 printed in black letter, with capital letters illuminated, STERNE, Laurence. The Sermons of M^ Yorick. [Portrait] London^ Dodsley. [1760.] i2mo. 2 vols. With signature of " James Martin, 1761." Bound uniformly with the later sermons into a set entitled " Yorick's Sermons." The first edition of all the sermons. The Sermons of M'. Yorick. Vol. iii. [and Vol. iv.] London, Becket &> De Hondt, I'jbS. 12 mo. 2 vols. On the false title of each volume of " Yorick's Sermons" is the description : " Sermons by Laurence Sterne, A.M. Prebendary of York, and Vicar of Sutton on the Forest, and of Stillington near York." Sermons by the late Rev. M'. Sterne. Vol. v. [vol. vi. vol. VII.] London, Strahan, 1769. i2mo. 3 vols. Bound as the last three volumes of " Yorick's Sermons." i82 STERNE— STOW, STERNE, Laurence. The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. London^ 1767-1769. 8vo. 5 vols. The first and third volumes have frontispieces by Hogarth. The fifth is of the second edition printed in 1767, and contains the signature of " L. Sterne." A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By M'. Yorick. London, 1768. 8vo. The first issue of the second edition. Two volumes bound in one ; with list of subscribers, • A Sentimental Journey through France & Italy. By M'. Yorick. London^ 1769. 8vo. 3 vols. With the continuation by " Eugenius." The Works of Laurence Stern, A.M., Prebendary of York, and Vicar of Sutton on the Forest, and of Stillington near York. Lo7idon, 1769. 8vo. 5 vols. The first and second volumes are described as the third edition of Tristram Shandy. The next two are *' the sermons of M'. Yorick in two volumes," The last contains the two volumes of the Sentimental Journey, with the continuation by "Eugenius," an account of Sterne's life and writings, and the " Political Romance," written by Sterne in 1759, but not published till after his death in 1768. The Life states that " the Editor has been informed, to his great concern and astonishment, that the body of M'. Sterne, who was buried near Marybone, was taken up some time after his interment, and is supposed to have been carried to Oxford and anatomized by an eminent surgeon of that city." STOB^US, Joannes. Loci communes sacri et profani sententiarum omnis generis ex authoribus grsecis plus quam trecentis congestarum per loannem Stobaeum, et veteres in Graecia monachos Antonium & Maximum . a Conrado Gesnero Tigurino Latinitate donati, & nunc primiim in unum volumen Graecis ac Latinis b regione positis coniuncti. [Device.] Franco- furti, 158 1, fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Stamped vellum, gilt. STOW, John. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently collected, abridged, & continued vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1604. By John Stow London, imprinted by John Harrison, 1604. i6mo. Title within a woodcut border. Printed in black letter. Vellum. The Survay of London : containing the originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Modern Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Government thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments and other especiall Observations, both in and about the same Citie. Written in the yeere 1598, by John Stow, citizen of London. Since then, continued, STRABO—STROBELIUS, 183^ corrected, and much enlarged with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie ; such as were never published before this present year 16 18. [Device.] London^ Printed by George Purslowe^ dwelling at the East Efid of Christ Church, 16 18. 4to. Printed in black letter. Vellum. STRABO. Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum libri xvii. Isaacus Casau- bonus recensuit . . . Adjuncta est etiam Gulielmi Xylandri Augustani Latina versio ab eodem Casaubono recognita. Lutetice Parisiorum, Typis Regiis, 1620. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt, g.e. STRAUCHIUS, ^GiDius. Breviarium Chronologicum. Being a treatise describing the Terms and most celebrated Characters, Periods and Epocha's us'd in Chronology. By which that useful science may easily be attained to. Writ in Latin by Gyles Strauchius, D.D. and Publick Professor in the University of Witteberg, and now done into English from the third Edition, with additions. [Engraved frontispiece.] London, 1699. 4to. The first English edition, with a preface by the translator R. S. (Richard Sault). On the false title is a quotation from " M'. Lock in his Thoughts of Education " : *♦ The most useful Book I have seen in that part of Learning is a Treatise of Strauchius, . . . out of which may be selected all that is necessary to be taught a Young Gentleman concerning Chronology." Breviarium Chronologicum, or a Treatise describing the Terms ... & Epocha's used in Chronology. Originally written by Giles Strauchius, D.D. &c. First done into English by Richard Sault, F R.S. ... Now again published in a third edition. Lojidon, 1722. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. STRAUCHIUS, Johannes. Lexicon Particukrum Juris ... Ex penu D. Johannis Strauchii. Je7tcB, 1684. 4to. "With portrait of the author as frontispiece. STREINIUS, Richard. De Gentibus et Familiis Romanorum, Richardi Streinii, Baronis Schnarzenavii. [Aldine device.] Venetiis, 15 91. 8vo. Richard Strein, Baron von Schnarrenaw (1538-1601), was librarian to the Emperor, as well as Superintendent of Finance at Vienna. Vellum. STROBELIUS, George Theodore. loannis Camerarii de Vita Philippi Melanchthonis narratio. Recensuit, notas, documenta, bibliothecam librorum Melanchthonis aliaque addidit Ge. Theodor. Strobelius. Balce, 1777. 8vo. With portrait of Melanchthon, after Albert Diirer, as frontispiece. i84 STRUTT— SUCKLING. STRUTT, Joseph. Horda ADgel-cynnan : or a compleat view of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c., of the Inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons, till the reign of Henry the Eighth, with a short account of the Britons, during the Government of the Romans. By Joseph Strutt, Author of the Regal & Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England. London^ printed for the Author^ i^jT^-T 6. 4to. 3 vols. Calf, gilt. STRUVIUS, Friedrich Gottlieb. Tractatus juridicus de Balneis ac Ba'neatoribus. [Device : the Pehcan.] JencB, sumptibus J. Bjelkii^ 1703. 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. STUCKIUS, Joannes Guillelmus. J. G. Stuckii Tigurini operum tomus primus, continens antiquitatum convivialium libros tres. — Tomus secundus, continens sacrorum et sacrificiorum gentilium brevem et accuratam descriptionem &c. Ltigdu?ti Batavortim, i6(^^. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Stamped vellum. STUKELEY, William. The Philosophy of Earthquakes, natural and religious, or an inquiry into their cause, and their purpose. [Motto.] By William Stukeley, M. D. ... The third Edition, to which is added Part 3 on the same subject. London^ 1756. 8vo. From Benjamin Franklin's librar}'. Presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription : *' Eximio Viro Benjamino Franklyn, F.R.S. Electricitatis Patrono Solertissimo. d. d. auctor. 1758. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. STURLUSSON, Snorri. Heimskringla, edr Noregs Konunga-Soger, af Snorra Sturlusyni. Historia regum Norvegicorum conscripta h, Snorrio Sturlae filio. [Vignettes.] Havnice, 1777. fol. 6 vols. " A wondrous book, Of legends in the old Norse tongue, Of the dead kings of Norroway, — Legends that once were told or sung In many a smoky fireside nook Of Iceland, in the ancient day. By wandering Saga-man or Skald, Heimskringla is the volume called." Longfellow. SUCKLING, John. Fragmenta Aurea. A Collection of all the incom- parable Peeces written by Sir John Suckling and published by a Friend to perpetuate his memory. Printed by his owne Copies. London^ 1648. 8vo. With portrait of ** Sucklin," by W. Marshall, as frontispiece. In several parts, wiih separate titles and pagination, (i) **Pocms^, &c. Written by Sir John Suckling. Printed SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS— SWIFT. 185 by his owne Copy. The Lyrick Poems were set in Musick by M'. Henry Lawes, Gent, of the Kings Chappell, and one of His Majesties Private Musick." (2) "Letters to divers eminent Personages written on several occasions," &c. (3) *' Aglaura. Presented at the Private House in Black-Fryers, by His Majesties Servants." (4) "Aglaura. Presented at the Court, by His Majesties Servants." (5) *' The Goblins. A Comedy," «&c. (6) "An Account of Religion by Reason," &c. (7) "Brennoralt. A Tragedy." All published by H. Moseley at the sign of the Prmce's Arms in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1648. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, Caius. C. Suetonii Tranquilli Duo- decim Caesares, ex Erasmi recognitione. [Device.] Parisiis^ apud Simonem Colinceiim^ 1527. 8vo. With the annotations by Egnatius and Erasmus, and the *' Epitome Assis Budaici." Calf, gilt. Caii Suetonii Tranquilli duodecim Caesares, cum Philippi Beroaldi . . . aliorumque doctorum virorum annotationibus. [Device : Crab and Butterfly.] Ltigduhi, apud /oanne?n Frellonium^ 1548. fol. One of the prize-copies from the College de La Fleche. Bound in red mor., stamped on back and sides with go\d Jieurs-de-lys and the arms of Louis XIV., as the donor of the prize. With cenificate, dated Sept. 3, 1687, hy C. Caignard e Soc. Jesu, and seal of the Jesuit Order. SURIREY DE SAINT REMY, Pierre. Memoires d'Artillerie, recueillis par le S^ Surirey de Saint Remy . . . A Paris, chez Jean Anissoji, Directeur de rimprimerie royale, rue de la Harpe d la Fleur de Lis de Florence, 1697. 4to. 2 vols. With engraved frontispiece, vignettes, and portrait of Saint Remy. Old French calf, gilt. SWEDISH HISTORY. Suecia, sive de Suecorum regis dominiis et opibus. Commentarius politicus. [Engraved title.] Lugd. Batav.^ ex offidna Elzeviriana, 1633. i2mo. SWIFT, Jonathan. Baucis and Philemon ; A Poem on the Ever lamented Loss of the two Yew-Trees, in the Parish of Chilthorne, near the County Town of Somerset. Together with Mrs. Harris's Earnest Petition. By the Author of the Tale of a Tub, As also an Ode upon Solitude, By the Earl of Roscommon. London, Printed a?td sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars, near the Water-side, 1709. 8vo. The first edition of the "Baucis and Philemon." ■ ■ A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To which is added, An Account of a Battel between the Ancient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. London, 17 10. 8vo. Calf, gilt. 1 86 S WIFT—S YNESIUS. SWIFT, Jonathan. Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships. Lofidon^ 1726. 8vo. 2 vols. With portrait of Gulliver, and maps of his travels. Vol. I. is of the first edition. Vol. II. is of the second edition in the same year. Voyages du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver, en divers pays dloignez. La Haye^ 1727. 12 mo. Translated by the Abbe Desfontaines, who also published a continuation of Swift's work, which he entitled : *' Le Nouveau Gulliver." Two vols, bound in one. French calf, gilt. Memoirs of the Life & Writings of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Dean of S*. Patrick's, Dublin. London, 1752. 8vo. With an account of the Dean's family. *' It must be owned, he was the ingenious Herald who blasoned the dignity of their arms." In the Dean's MS. "Memorial of my Grandfather " there is a note as to the arms of M'. Godwin Swift, " Or^ chevron ijJhuU argent and azure, between three bucks in full course." But in the "Anecdotes" preserved at Dublin he mentions another coat, borne by one of his ancestors, * * a dolphin, in those days called a Swift, twisted about an anchor, with this motto, Festina Icnte." SYLVIUS, ^NEAS [Pope Pius II.]. Pii Secundi Pont. Max. Epistolae in Pontificatu editae. Colophon: Has Pii Secundi : pont. Max. Epistolas g, dili- gentissime castigatas Antonius Zarothus impressit, opera 6^ iinpendio Johafinis petri nouariensis. Anno domini 1487. Octobris, fol. Vellum. ^neae Sylvii, episcopi Senensis, postea Pii Papae II, Historia rerum Friderici Tertii Imperatoris. . . . Accesserunt diplomata et documenta varia, rebus Friderici III. illustrandis, ut et figurse, imagines, nummi, &c. Argentorati, 1775. fol. SYLVIUS, Emmanuel Tellesius. De Rebus Gestis Joannis II. Lusi- tanorum Regis, optimi Principis nuncupati ; ad augustissimum regem Petrum II., Auctore Emmanuelle Tellesio, Sylvio Marchione Alegretensi, . . . Juxta editionem Ulyssiponensem. [Device.] If agce-Comitum, 1^12, 4to. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. SYNESIUS. Synesii Cyrenaei Episcopi epistolae. Graecis cum antiquis codd. MSS. accurate collatis cum interpretatione Latina. [Device : the Fountain.] Parisiis, ex off. Typ. Clandii Morelli, via lacobcea ad insigne Fontis, 1605. 8vo. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. ACITUS, Caius Cornelius. Cornelii Taciti illustrissimi hystorici de situ, moribus, et populis Germanic, Aureus Libellus. Colophon : Impressum est hoc Cor. Taciti aureu opuscuhim Lips, in edihus Melchior Lotters. Anno domini M.D. 7iono (1509) ultimo die Decemhris. 4to. Printed in black letter. Cornelius Tacitus exacta cura recognitus et emendatus. Copiosus index rerum locorum, et personarum, de quibus in his libris agitur. Varia lectio, in calce operis impressa. [Aldine device.] Colophon : Venetiis in cedibus hceredtcin Aldi Manutii Roitiani et Andrecd Asulani soceriy mense Novembriy i^2>A' Svo. Les CEuvres de C. Cornelius Tacitus, Chevalier Romain. A scauoir les Annales et Histoires des choses aduenues a 1' Empire de Rome depuis le trespas d'Auguste . La description des Peuples de Germanie, & de leurs moeurs &c. Le tout traduit du Latin, et nouvellement reueu et corrigd. [Device : the Storks.] Anvers^ chez Martin Ntitius^ aux deux Cigoignes, 1546. 8vo. Vellum. The Annales Germanie, 1622. New title: of Cornelius Tacitus. The Description of The End of Nero and Beginning of Galba. Foure Bookes of the Histories of Cornelius Tacitus. The Life of Agricola. The fifth edition, 1622. London, printed by John Bill^ 1622. fol. According to M'. Huth's Catalogue the translator of the first portion, dedicated to the Earl of Essex, was Richard Greenwey ; of the second, Sir Henry Savile, who inscribed his work to the Queen. Following this inscription occurs an address headed, "A. B. to the Reader"; which, as we learn from Ben Jonson's conversations with W, Drummond of Hawthornden, was written by Lord Essex. i88 TA CITUS—TAILLEPIED. TACITUS, Caius Cornelius. C. Corn. Tacitus ex J. Lipsii editione, cum not. et emend. H. Grotii. [Engraved title.] Lugduni Batavorufn, ex offidna Elzeviriana^ anno 1640. 8vo. With inscription on fly-leaf: "dulcia non meruit qui non gustavit amara. pridie kalendas Novemb. 1641." Vellum. Nouvelle traduction de deux ouvrages de Corneille Tacite. [Vignettes : maps.] A Lyon, chez Anisson 6- Fosnel, 1706. Svo. This translation of the Germania and Agricola was written by Philip the S*** of Spain. •' Celui qui m'a Communique le manuscrit m'a assure qu'elles etoient le fruit des premieres etudes d'un grand Prince, & plusieurs raisons ne me laissent pas lieu d'en douter." — Preface. This copy seems to have belonged to Philip the S*"" himself, his arms and fleurs-de-lys being stamped in gold on the cover. It seems to be the copy mentioned by Lebarbier as having afterwards belonged to Chardon de la Rochette : " il parle d'un exemplaire aux armes de Philippe V., traducteur de ce livre, qui appartenait a Chardon de la Rochette." — MS. note on fly-leaf. Old French calf, gilt. C. Cornelii Taciti quae extant opera. Recensuit J. N. Lalle- mand. [Device.] Farisiis, TyJ>is J. Barboti, via Saft-Jacobc&ji'j^o, i2mo. 3 vols. " Ex bibliothec^ Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch.'* Frontispieces by Eisen. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. C. Coraelii Taciti Opera. Far??icB, in adihiis Palatinis^ i79S> typis Bodoniajtis. fol. No. 14 of an edition of only 30 copies. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera recognovit emendavit, notis, disser- tationibus, tabulis geographicis illustravit Gabriel Brotier. Edinbtirgi, 1796. Svo. 4 vols. Red mor., gilt, g.e. Jani Gruteri varii discursus ; sive Prolixiores Commentarii ad aliquot insignia loca Taciti. Inbibliopolio Commeliano,\A7itwerp^ 1604. 4to. From the Bibliotheca Thuana, with cypher and arms of J. A. de Thou and his second wife, and the urn and flowers added by P^ranjois Auguste de Thou. Olive mor., gilt. TACQUET, Andr6. Elementa Geometriae planae ac solidae. Quibus accedunt selecta ex Archimede theoremata. Auciore Andrea Tacquet. Antverpice, apud lacobum Meursium, Anno 1672. Svo. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. TAILLEPIED, Noel. Histoire de L'Estat et Rdpublique des Druides, Eubages, Sassonides, Bardes, Vacies, Anciens Erangois, Gouuerneurs des pais de la Gaule, depuis le deluge vniversel iusques a la veniie de Jl'sus- TASSO. 1678. TA SSO'-TA TIUS, 189 Christ en ce monde. Compris en deux liures, contenants leurs Loix, Police, Ordonnances & coustumes, tant en I'Estat Ecclesiastique que S^culier. Par P. F. Noel Talepied, lecteur de Pontoyse. [Device : the Galley with " Vogue la Galhre /"I A Paris ^ chezjean Faranty rue S. Jacques^ 1585. 8vo. Red mor., gilt. TASSO, ToRQUATO. Aminta, favola boscareccia di Torquato Tasso. [Engraved title.] In Amsterdam, nella stamperia del S, D. Elsevier, et iti Farigi si vende appresso Thomas Jolly, nel Palazzo, 1678. 8vo. _^ Calf, gilt. Aminta, favola boschereccia di Torquato Tasso. Di nuovo correttamente stampata con un brieve argomento, e nella fine L'Amor Fuggitivo dello stesso autore. [Plates.] Napoli, 1709. 8vo. Brown mor., gilt, g.e., by Chatelin. Jerusalem Delivree, Pobme du Tasse. Genlve, 1777. i2mo. 2 vols. Edition Cazin. "With portrait of Tasso after Marillier, Old calf, gilt, g.e. La Gerusalemme Liberata di Torquato Tasso. Parma, nel regal palazzo, 1794, cd tipi Bodoniani. fol. 2 vols. Aminta, Favola boschereccia, di Torquato Tasso alia sua vera lezione ridotta. Londra, Dulau, 1800. 8vo. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. Red mor., g.e. TASSONI, Alessandro. La Secchia Rapita. Poema Eroicomico di Alessandro Tassone. Modena, 1743. 8vo. From the library of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, with his autograph signature. Le Seau Enleve, poeme heroi-comique, imite du Tassoni. ' Par Auguste C. A Paris, de timprimerie de P. Didot Vaink, Pan iv. de la Republique (1796). 12 mo. Red mor., gilt, g.e. TATIUS, Achilles. De Clitophontis et Leucippes amoribus libri viii. ex editione CI. Salmasii. Lugd, Batavor., apud Franciscum Hegerum, 1640. i2mo. With title in Greek and Latin. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. 190 TA TLER. TATLER, The. The Tatler. By Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; [i2»^ April, 1709, to 2"'* Jany i7tt-] London, Printed for the author, 1709. Sold by John Morphew, near Stationers' Hall, 1709-10, fol. The original issue of the Tatler in 271 numbers. In the last number Steele discloses his name. * * I am now come to the end of my ambition in this matter, and have nothing more to say to the world under the character of Isaac Bickerstaff ... I have published my name to my writings, and given myself up to the mercy of the Town (as Shakespear expresses it), with all my Imperfections on my Head." Bound with the continuations of the Tatler, ending with No. 330, Saturday, May 19th, 1711. Red mor., g.e., by Ramage. The Tatler. AVith the character of Mr. Steele, alias Isaac Bickerstaff Esq ; " Sequiturque patrem non passibus sequis." From Tuesday, Jan^ 2, to Thursday, Jan^ 4, 17 11. No. 272. — The Tatler, by Isaac Bicker- staff, J'. From Thursday, Jan^ 4, to Saturday, Jan^ 6, 1711. No. 273. Sold by John Baker at the Black Boy in Paternoster Row, {London), 17J?. foL These are "spurious Tatlers," appearing between the end of Steele's work and the beginning of the Tatler as continued under Swift's patronage. Chalmers says that the series lasted through 30 numbers. It was by "Donald Macstaff" (Robert Hepburn), of the North Briton. The Tatler. By Isaac Bickerstaff Esq ; " Certa Bonis Laus est displicuisse Malis." From Saturday, Jan^ 6, to Tuesday, Jan^ 9, 17 10. No. 274. — The Tatler . . . from Tuesday Jan^ 9, to Thursday, jan^ 11, 1710. No. 275. — The Tatler ... from Thursday, Jan^ 11, to Saturday, Jan^ 13, 1 7 10. No. 276. Sold by John Morphew near Stationers' LLall, {London^ i7tt« ^"^l' The last number contains the following advertisement. " Whereas an Adv*. was yesterday issued out by the Authour of the late Female Tatler, insinuating, (according to his custom) that he is Isaac Bickerstaff Esq ; this is to give notice That this paper is continued to be sold by John Morphew as formerly, and may easily be distinguished from that Spurious Paper by the Number & Publisher's name he has assumed." The Tatler. By Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; [Greek motto.] From Saturday, Jan^ 13, to Tuesday, Jan^ 16, 17 10. No. 277 From Thursday, May 17, to Saturday, May 19, 171 1. No. 330. Sold by John Morphew near Stationers Hall, {London^ i7tt» 17 h* fol- The continuation of the Tatler, in 52 numbers, was published by William Harrison, a young poet patronised by Swift and St. John. He was assisted in the work by Henley and Congreve. The subject is mentioned in the Journal to Stella for 1710. Swift appears to have helped in writing the first number, containing the letter of '* Aminadab Grunter." He also wrote No. 281, on the subject of Nothing, beginning, " Whether some darkening cloud has cast a veil over my understanding, as the Drop Serene often does the eye ... I know not." He is also believed to have written No. 304, reviewing the 16*'' number of the Spectator, which he had " never before seen or heard of." This paper harps on the subject of insanity, and pretends that Charles Lillie the perfumer, of Beauford Buildings in the Strand, was in a '* manifest phrenzy." TA TIER— TENNYSON. 191 TATLER, The. The Female Tatler. By M". Crackenthorpe, a Lady that knows every thing. " Sum Canna Vocalis." Friday, July the 8*^ No. i. — No. 19. From AVednesday, August 17, to Friday, August 19. Sold by B. Bragge at the Black Raven in Paternoster Row, London, 1709-10. The Female Tatler. By M". Crackenthorpe, &c. No. 20. The Female Tatler, 5z:c. Sold by A. Baldwin at the Oxford- Arms in Warwick Lane. The Female Tatler. No. 21. — No. 51. [Woodcut portrait.] Sold by A. Baldwin, 6^r. The Female Tatler. Written by a Society of Ladies. From Wednesday, Nov. 2, to Friday, Nov. 4, 1709. No. 52. — No. iii. Wednesday, March 29, to Friday, March 31, 17 10. Sold by A. Baldwin at the Oxford- Arms ifi Warwick Lane, (London,) 1709-10. foL ** M". Crackenthorpe, resenting the affront ofFer'd to her by some rude citizens, altogether unacquainted with her person, gives notice that she has resigned her pretensions of writing the Female Tatler to a Society of Modest Ladies, who in their turns will oblige the Publick with whatever they shall meet with, that will be Diverting, Innocent, or Instructive." (No. 51, Adv*.). In No. 12 of the General Postcript, Oct. 24, 1709, there had been an attack on **The Female Tatler, by Scandilossima Scoundrelia, and her two natural Brothers." TAYLOR, Bayard. Views Afoot, or Europe seen with knapsack and staff. With a preface by N. P. Willis. New York, 1850. 8vo. TAYLOR, Silas. The History of Gavelkind, with the etymology thereof; containing also an assertion that our English laws are, for the most part, those that were used by the ancient Brytains &c. To which is added, a short History of William the Conqueror written in Latin by an Anonymous Author, in the time of Henry the First. To be sold at the Mitre in Fleet Street, between tJu Middle-gate and Temple-Barre, Londoft, 1663. 4to. TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. In two volumes. London, Moxon, 1842. 2 vols. With letter from Lord Tennyson to Sir Charles A. Elton inserted. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Ramage. Ode on the death of the Duke of Wellington. By Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate. London, 1852. 8vo. Prolusiones Academicse praemiis annuls dignatag et in curii Cantabrigiensi recitatse comitiis magnis. [Timbuctoo. A Poem, which obtained the Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge Commencement, 1829. By Alfred Tennyson, of Trinity College. — Carmen Grsecum numismate annuo dignatum &c., auctore C. R. Kennedy. — Carmen Latinum . . . auctore Carolo Merivale. — Epigrammata. . .auctore Carolo Merivale. Senarii Grasci praemio Porsoniano quotannis proposito dignati . . . auctore C. R. Kennedy.] Cam- bridge, 1829. 8vo. 192 TENNYSON— TERR^'FILIUS. TENNYSON, Frederick. Days and Hours. By Frederick Tennyson. London, 1854. 8vo. With an inscription by the author. In * the Blackbird ' we find descriptions of west- country churches : — ** The scribbled benches underneath the porch, Bask in the kindly welcome of the West, But the broad casements of the old Three Kings Blaze like a furnace, while the Blackbird sings." TERENTIUS, Publius. P. Terentii Aphri Comoediae. Farisiis, ex officina Michaelis Vascosani in uia qucR est ad diuum lacobum, sub Fontis insigni, 1545. 4to. Bound in brown mor., with Grolieresque geometrical designs finely executed in a mosaic of black, red, white, and gold. Terentius. In singulas scenas argumenta, ferb ex ^lij Donati commentariis transcripta. Versuum genera per Erasmum Roteroda- mum. [Device.] Lutetics, ex officina Fob. Stephanie Typographi Fegij\ 1551. 8vo. Old French red mor., g.e. Pub. Terentii comoediae sex. Ex recensione Heinsiana. [Engraved title.] Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana. A^. 1635. 1 2 mo. "The fourth edition of 1635, with ' Laches' on p. 51 in black and * Prologus' on p. 54 in red : nearly as rare and as good as the first." — Goldsmid. Red mor., g.e. P. Terentii Comoediae sex cum interpretatione Donati et Calphurnii, et commentario perpetuo curavit Am. Henr. Westerhovius. [Frontispiece] FTagce Comitum, 1732. 8vo. Calf, gilt. Terentii Comoediae Sex. [Device.] Londini^ Brindley^ i744. i2mo. Olive mor., gilt, g.e. •; Les Comedies de Terence ; avec la traduction et les remarques de Madame Dacier. Nouvelle edition. [Plates.] A Amsterdafn 6^^ Z^/)>i-/^, 1747. 1 2 mo. 3 vols. French calf, gilt, g.e. TERRiE-FILIUS. Terrae-Filius : or, the Secret History of the Uni^ varsity of Oxford j in several Essays. To which are added Remarks upon a late Book, entitled University Education, by R. Newton, D.D., Principal of Hart-HalL London, Frinted for F. Franklin, under Tom's Coffee-House, in Russel Street, Covent- Garden, 1726. i2mo. With frontispiece by W. Hogarth. TERENTIUS. 1545. THA CKERA F— THEOPHRA STUS. 193 THACKERAY, Anne Isabella (Mrs. Richmond Ritchie). The Storj^ of Elizabeth. Illustrated edition. London, 1868. 8vo. With inscription : " C. E. & M. E. fr. A. I. T." Calf, gilt, by Mansell. THACKERAY, William Makepeace. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. [Plates.] London, 1850. 4to. Mr. Thackeray's new monthly work. The Newcomes. Me- moirs of a most respectable family. Edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq*"". Illustrated by Richard Doyle. London, 1853-5. 8vo. In the original monthly numbers. The Rose and the Ring ; or the history of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. A fire-side Pantomime for great and small children. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. [Plates.] London, 1855. 4to. With an original drawing by M'. Thackeray inserted. THEOCRITUS. Theocritus translated into English Verse. By C. S. Calverley, late Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge &c. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose. With an introductory essay by A. Lang. London, 1880. 8vo. Sixe Idillia. Oxford, H. Daniel, 1885. 4to. No. 14 of one hundred copies of "Sixe Idillia, that is, sixe small or petty poems, or aeglogues, chosen out of the right famous Sicilian Poet Theocritus, and translated into English verse. Oxford, Joseph Barnes. 1588." Printed at M'. Daniel's private press. THEODOLPHUS, Bishop of Orleans. Theodolphus antistitis Floria- censis, postea Episcopi Aurelianensis, . . . Paraenesis ad Judices pia lectuque digna. s.L 1598. 4to. The poems of Theodulf, Bishop of Orleans in the reign of Charlemagne, edited by Peter Daniel, the learned antiquary of Orleans, as appears by a MS. note on the title. With the Sunderland arms in gold on the sides. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt. THEOPHRASTUS. Theophrasti notationes morum. Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit, in Latinum sermonem vertit, & libro commentario illustravit &c. [Device : the Crab and Butterfly.] Liigdwil, apud viduam Ant, de Harsy, ad insigne Scuti Colon iensis, 1 6 1 2 . 8 vo. Old Lyonnese stamped binding. Calf, gilt, g,e. 194 THOMAS— TIBULLUS. ♦THOMAS, Antoine Leonard. Essai sur le Caractere, les Moeurs, et TEsprit des Femmes dans les differens siecles. Par M. Thomas. De I'Academie Fran9oise. Paris ^ 1772. 8vo. Old French calf, gilt. THOMAS A KEMPIS. De ITmitation de Jesus-Christ. Divise en quatre Livres. Par Thomas k Kempis, Chanoine Regulier, Traduit en Francois du Latin pris sur le MS. original de I'Autheur, de Tan 1441. Par Hdribert Ros-weyde, de la Compagnie de Jesus. [Plates.] A Faris, de rimprimerie Roy ale ^ 1652. 8vo. With the arms of Louis XIV. in gold on the sides. The book appears to have been kept in sheets, the plates being added on the occasion of the king's marriage. From the Gibson-Craig Collection. Red mor., gilt, g.e , by Ruette. Imitation de Jesus-Christ fidelement traduite du Latin par Michel de Marillac, Garde des Sceaux de France. Edition nouvelle, soigneusement reueiie et corrigde, par U. S. De Sacy. Paris ^ Techener, 1854. Red mor., g.e., by Cape. THOMSON, James. The Seasons, by James Thomson. [Plates.] Londofi^ 1752. 1 2 mo. Green mor., gilt, g.e., by Riviere. Les Saisons. Poeme traduit de I'Anglois de Thompson. Paris, 1779* Svo. With an engraved titlepage, and plates by Eisen. The privilege is dated 1759, the colophon 1769, the engraved titlepage 1779. Old French calf, gilt. The Seasons, by James Thomson, with his Life. Complete Index and Glossar)'. [Plates.] London, 1802. 8vo. Red mor., gilt. THOU, Jacques Auguste de. Jac. August! Thuani Historiarum sui temporis, tomus primus, (secundus &c.). Sylloge scriptorum. [Portrait.] Londini, 1733. fol. 7 vols. With the anns of the Duke of Marlborough on the sides. From the Sunderland Collection. Calf, gilt, g.e. TIBULLUS, Albius. Albii Tibulli Carmina libri tres. Cum libro quarto Sulpiciae et aliorum, novis curis castigavit Chr. I. Heyne. [Vignettes.] Lipsice, 1798. 8vo. With MS. notes by M'. M. Wodhull, as to its purchase at Payne's sale. Russia, gilt. THOMAS A KEMPIS. 1652. TOMA SINI—TOUSSAINT. 195 TOMASINI, GiACOMO Filippo. Jac. Philippi Tomasini De Tesseris hospitalitatis, liber singularis, &c. [Plates.] Amstelodami^ 1670. i2mo. The author was Bishop of Citt^ Nuova in Istria. With MS. note : " Rare. Voyez catalogue du feu M. Barre dont la vente se fera en detail, 1744. 6 liv. 12 s. = 18 fr." This volume is however only marked ''12 sous " in the copy of Barre's Catalogue, with prices, belonging to the Prince de Soubise, catalogued above. Green mor., by Zaehnsdorf. Jac. Philippi Tomasini, Episcopi ^moniensis, Titus Livius Patavinus. Editio novissima aucta, emendata, & figuris seneis adomata, [Device.] Amsfelodami, 1670. i2mo. Bound with the volume "De Tesseris." Tomasinus wrote several other works on the antiquities of Pavia, and, like Livy himself, was celebrated for **a certain flavour of Patavinity." Green mor., by Zaehnsdorf. TOMITANUS, Bernardinus. Bemardini Tomitani Coridon, sive de Venetorum laudibus. [Aldine device.] VenetiiSy Aldus , 1536. 12 mo. Clonicus, sive de Reginald Poli, Card. Ampliss. laudibus. [Aldine device.] Venetiis^ Aldus ^ 1556. 12 mo. Bound with the " Coridon," by the same author. TOTTI, PoMPiLio. Ritratti et Elogii di Capitani Illustri. [Plates.] In Ro7na alle spese di Pomponio Totti Libra ro^ 1635. 4to. The first edition. Several of the portraits are taken from the collection of Paolo Giovio. The "Columbus" is the Cogoletto portrait, attributed to the Admiral by mistake. The description is also wrong: "Era il Colombo di carnagion bianca : d' occhi azzurri : e di pelo, e capelli neri." According to Don Ferdinand Columbus he should have said, " Aveva il naso aquilino, e gli occhi bianchi, bianco, e accesso di vivo colore : nella sua gioventu ebbe i capelli biondi." Herrera, in M'. Major's version, says : " His nose was aquiline ; his eyes blue ; his complexion clear, and having a tendency to a glowing red ; the beard and hair red in his youth ; but his fatigues early turned them white." TOUP, Jonathan. Emendationes in Suidam. Scripsit lo. Toup, A.M. Ecclesise S. Martini, cum Capella de Loo, in Agro Comubiensi, Rector. Londoni, 1760-75. 8vo. 3 vols. M'. Wodhull, according to his MS. notes, bought the five parts, sewed, on March 26, 1776, for 18/6, and had them bound in these three volumes. Calf, gilt. *TOUSSAINT, Francois Vincent. Les Moeurs. [Vignettes.] i A7?i- sterdam, aux depens de la Compagriie, 1763. i2mo. Calf, gilt. o 2 196 TREBA TIUS—TURPIN. TREBATIUS, Bernardinus. Onis Apollo Niliacus de Hieroglyphicis notis, k Bernardino Trebatio Vicentino latinitate donatus. [Engraved title.] Colophon : Venetiis^ apud D. Jacob, d Burgofranco, Papiensem, 1538. 8vo. TRENT, Council of. Canones, et decreta sacrosancti cecumenici et generalis Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III, Julio III, Pio IIII. Pontificibus Max. [Aldine Device.] Aldus ^ Venetiis, 1564. Svo. TRIBUTE, The. The Tribute: a Collection of Miscellaneous Un- published Poems, by Various Authors. Edited by Lord Northampton. Loftdon, 1837. Svo. This '* fortunate volume," as M'. A. C. Swinburne has called it, contains some of Landor's strongest and most dramatic work," besides the first issue of Tennyson's '* Oh ! that 'twere possible ! " The following extract relates to the poems contributed by Sir C. A. Elton. " Lord Northampton, you remember, was the Chairman at the British Association — a handsome Paganini. Papa searched out in an old New London Magazine an extract from a poem which he entitles * Byron in Greece.' In parts I admire it very much, though some lines may be a little confused : also a translation of Gray's Latin ode on the Monastery of La Chartreuse : and a little poem to myself; and those lines, ' A Thought from La Bruyere.' I don't think you know the lines to me ; they are simple and pretty, quite the opposite to the high-sounding address to Grecian priestesses, haunted groves, Keats and his poem of Titans, Byron fighting and ' Fixing on the azure of the skies The last fond glances of his fading eyes.' " Letters of M. E. Elton. 1837. *TRYON, Thomas. The Way to get Wealth, i. Directing how to make 23 sorts of English wine equal to French, and cyder equal to Canary, to make wine of all sorts of herbs, to make mead, rumrack, mum, coffee, tea, . . . and 40 sorts of ale in a minute. 2, A help to discourse, &c. 3. A book of knowledge ... of sun rising and setting, tide ebbing and flowing, make strops to set razors, to preserve the eyes, and other rarities. The second edition enlarged. London, priftfed for G. Conyers at the Gold Ring in Little Britain, 1706. i2mo. Attributed to Thomas Tryon, who published a similar work in 1683. In the second part is the recipe for making of tea. ** Set on your Boiler with fair water, put into it a few tops of Hysop, let it boil . . . then add a few leaves of sage and a lump of white sugar or sugar-candy : and drawing it off into less pots, put to every pint of the liquor a dram & a half of the herb Tea, & put it before the fire to settle & heat, & infuse well, for if it boil anything after the Tea is in, much of the strength will evaporate." TURPIN, Francois RfiNfi. Histoire de la vie de Mahomet, Legislateur dc r Arabic, par M. Turpin. Paris, 1773. i2mo. 3 vols. The third volume bears the imprint of Amsterdam, and is dated 1779. Old French calf, gilt. TURRECREMA TA. 197 TURRECREMATA, Joannes de. Begin : Beatissimo patri 1 clementis- simo domino Pio secundo potifici maximo Joh'es de Turrecremata sabinesis episcop' : sancte Romane eccKe cardinalis sancti Sixti vulgariter nuncupatus : post humile recOmendatione ad pedu oscula beat02;r, etc. Colophon : Reuer- endissimi cardinalis tituli sancti Sixti domini Johannis cf Turrecremata: expositio breuis et vtilis super toto psalterio. Argentine impressa. Anno domini 1482. nono KaV maiifeliciter est consummata. fol. Printed by J, Gruninger. From the library of the Capuchins at Bamberg. Original wooden boards, with leather back. "" RSINUS, FuLVius. lUustrium imagines, ex antiquis marmoribus, numismatibus et gemmis expressae : quae exstant Romse, major pars apud Fulvium Vrsinum. Editio altera. [Plates.] Antverpice^ ex qfficind Flantiniand, 1506. 4to. Calf, gilt. URSPERG. Vrspergenis Coenobii Chronicon, quo omnes ferb veteres, potissimum vero rerum Germanicarum et Gallicarum Historici succinctb continentur, &c. [Device.] Argentorati^ sumptibus Lazari Zetzneri BibliopoLy 1609. fol. Compiled by " Conrad a Liectenaw," with a preface by Philip Melanchthon. XJZANNE, Octave. UOmbrelle . Le Gant . Le Manchon. Par Octave Uzanne. Illustrations de Paul Avril. Paris ^ 1883. 8vo. ALERIUS FLACCUS, Caius Balbus. C. Valerii Flacci Argonau- tica. Jo. Baptistae Pii Carmen ex quarto Argonauticon Apollonij. Orphei Argonautica innominato interprete. [Aldine device.] Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi, 1523. 8vo. Barthius identified the "unnamed interpreter" of Orpheus with Leodrisio Cribello, ** ami de Philelphe, et d'une famille connue et consideree k Milan." • C. Valerii Flacci Argonauticon libri octo, k Philippo Eugentino emendati, & ad vetustissima exemplaria recogniti. [Device by G. Tory.] Farisiis, apud Simonem Coii?icdum, 1532. 8vo. Bought by M'. Wodhull *'at L. Davis' sale, Feb. 17th, 1775." With the Wodhull arms in gold on the side. Tree-calf, gilt, by Kalthoeber. C. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi libri viii. A Ludouico Cassione Brugensi locis prope innumerabilibus emendati. Antverpice^ ex offici?ia Christophori Planting 1565. 8vo. With the signature of ** Jo. Bapt*. Perusinensis." Red mor., gilt, g.e. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Valerius Maximus. Addito indice perbrevi, ceu ad omnes Historias asylo tutissimo. [Device : the Conies.] Parisiis^ apud Simonem Colinceuni^ 1527. 8vo. Purchased by M'. M. Wodhull, March 21st, 1787. With his MS. notes. Calf, gilt. Valerius Maximus. Addito indice perbrevi, ceu ad omneis historias asylo tutissimo. Farisiis, ex officincL Simonis ColincBt, 1533. 12 mo. Vellum, gilt. Valerii Maximi Dictorum et Factorum memorabilium libri novem. Venetiis, Aldus, [1534-] 8vo. With inscriptions *' Leonardus" and " Terminatis hie liber est." Vellum, gilt. 200 VALERIUS PROBUS— VELLEIUS PA TERCUL US. VALERIUS PROBUS, Grammaticus. Valerii Probi Grammatici de scripturis antiquis compendiosum opusculu. Parisiis, apud Simonem ColifKeuniy 1527. 8vo. Bound with the Valerius Maximus of the same year. VALLON-CHALYS, Marguerite-El^onore Clotilde de. Poesies de Marguerite-Eleonore Clothilde de Vallon-Chalys, depuis Madame De Surville, poete Frangais du xv™'' siecle. Publiees par Ch. Vanderbourg. [Engraved title.] d Paris ^ de rimprimerie de P. Didot Vaine^ an. 12, 1804. 12 mo. Red mor., gilt, g.e. VARRO, Marcus Terentius. M. Terentii Varronis opera omnia quae extant. Cum notis Josephi Scaligeri, &c. His accedunt Tabulae Naufragii, seu Fragmenta ejusdem, &c. [Device : Bears in a wood.] Durdrechti^ ex officina Joannis Berewout^ 161 9. Svo. Bound by Roger Payne, with his letter inserted : '* Rev. Mr. Bay ley in Russia b*. as sum lately don Lett^. M. Terentii varr. opera omnia cum not. var." Russia, gilt. VASLET, Louis. Introduction k la Connoissance des Antiquites Romaines, traduite en partie d'un petit ouvrage latin de Cellarius en partie tiree des Meilleurs Auteurs anciens et modernes par Louis Vaslet. [Device.] La Haye^ 1723. Svo. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. VEGETIUS RENATUS, Flavius. Viri illustris Flavii Vegetii Renati, & Sex. Julii Frontini viri consularis, de Re Militari opera : ex recensione Petri Scriverii. [Device.] Ltigduni Batavorum, ex offic'ma Joannis Maire, 1633. Svo. From the Sunderland Collection. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Caius. C. Velleius Paterculus, cum selectis variorum notis. Antonius Thysius, J. C. edidit & accurate recensuit. [Engraved title.] Lugd. Batav. et Roierod. ex officina Hackiana, 1668. Svo. From the Osterley Park Collection. Vellum, gilt. Abreg^ de I'Histoire Grecque et Romaine, traduit du Latin de Velleius Paterculus; avec le Texte corrige &c. par M. I'Abbe Paul. [Frontispiece.] Paris^ Barbou^ 1770. i2mo. " I.e modele inimitable des Abreges." Acad. Roy. Inscript. xxviii, 611. From the library of the Duchesse de BoufHers, the friend of Rousseau. Madeleine- Angelique de Neufvilie de Villeroi, widow of the Due de Boufllers, married in 1750 Charles VELLEIUS PATERCULUS— VERMES. 201 Fran5ois Montmorency, Due de Piney-Luxemburg, known as the ** Marechal de Luxem- bourg" (1702-1764). **Elle laissa Tune des plus belles bibliotheques de son epoque, tant au point de vue litteraire que de la richesse de I'ornamentation." With the arms of Neufville-Villeroi quartered with those of Montmorency-Luxembourg stamped in gold on the sides. Calf, gilt. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Caius. Caii Velleii Paterculi Historise Romanae libri duo. Nova editio, &c. [Device.] Parisiis^ apud J, Barbou^ via Mafhurinensium, 1777. 12 mo. *' Ex bibliotheca Warclanensi, Comit. de Borch." Red mor., gilt, g.e. VENIERI, Francesco. Dialogo di Messer Francesco Venieri, nel quale si ragiona intorno k la volontk de Thuomo. s.l. [^Venice, circa 1560.] 8vo. With the Foscari arms in gold on the sides. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. VEREP^US, Simon. Catholijck Handtboecxken van Godtvruchtighe Ghebeden . . . Eerst in Latijnsche sprake vergadert, door M. Simonem Verepeum. Nu van nieus ouergheset in Nederlantshe sprake . . . door M. God. vanden Berghe. Tantwerpen^ By Jan Bellerus, 1595. i2mo. With Grolieresque designs stamped in gold on sides. On the upper cover the name ** Elysabeth van Alkamade," and on the lower the date of binding, *' Anno 1596." VERGIL, PoLYDORE. Polydori Vergilii Vrbinatis Anglicae historiae libri uigintisex. Ab ipso autore postremum iam recogniti, ad^ amussim, salua tamen historiae ueritate, expoliti. [Device : the Palm.] Basilece^ apud Mich. Isingrimium, 1546. fol. From the Sunderland Collection. Vellum, gilt. Polydori Vergilii Urbinatis Anglicse Historiae libri vigintisep- tem. Ab ipso autore postremum iam recogniti, ad que amussim, salua tamen historiae veritate, expoliti. [Device : * Palma Guarini.'] Basilece, apud Thomam Guarinum, ^SJo. fol. With the arms of Frangois Grolier, and device of the ^*' groseillier^^'' and the motto " Nee arbor nee herba " stamped in gold on the sides. Vellum, gilt. VERNES, le fils. Poesies de M. Vernes, fils, citoyen de Geneve. [Engraved title.] A Londres^ 1786. i2mo. " Edition de Cazin, rue dcs Magons, No. 31." Calf, gilt, ge. 202 VERSTEGAN— VILLETTE. *VERSTEGAN, Richard. Theatrum cnidelitatum hsereticonim nostri temporis. [Plates.] Antverpice, 1592. 4to. With separate titles for the cruelties under Henry VIII., the " Horribilia scelera ab Hugenotis in Galliis perpetrata," and the "English Inquisition " under Elizabeth. Mary Queen of Scots is represented as kneeling on a cushion at a high block. VERTOT D'AUBERT, Ren^ de. Histoire des Revolutions de Portugal. Par M. I'Abbe De Vertot. Faris^ 17 11. 8vo. Old calf, gilt. A Critical History of the Establishment of the Bretons among the Gauls, and of their Dependence upon the Kings of France, & Dukes of Normandy. By Monsieur the Abbot of Vertot. London, 1722. 8vo. 2 vols. Translated by John Henley, who signs the dedication, and whose name occurs on the titlepage of vol. 2. VIDA, Marco Geronimo. Marci Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis, Albae Episcopi, Christiados libri sex. Colophon : Cremonce in cedibus divce Margaritas J anno a partu virglnis, 1535, mense Octobri. Ludovic. Britan. Impr. 4to. With the arms of Wodhull on the cover, and M'. WodhuU's MS. note as to its purchase "from the Due de la Valiere's Auction," in 1788. Red mor., gilt. VIEL-CASTEL, Horace de. Marie-Antoinette et la Revolution frangaise. Recherches historiques par le Comte Horace de Viel-Castel, suivies des Instructions morales remises par I'imperatrice Marie-Therbse k la reine Marie-x\ntoinette lors de son depart pour la France en 1770, et pubhees d'aprbs le manuscrit in^dit de I'empereur Frangois son pfere. Paris, 1859. i2mo. From the library of Mr. E. L. S. Benzon. With portrait and plates in two states. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Bedford. VIGNOLIUS, Joannes. Joannis Vignoli de Columna imperatoris Antonini Pii Dissertatio. Accedunt antiquae inscriptiones ex quamplurimis, quae apud Auctorem extant, selectse. [Plates.] Rom(B,\^o^. 410. VILLETTE, Charles, Marquis de, CEuvres de M. Le M^- De Villette. A Londres, 1782. i2mo. "Edition Cazin." The volume contains several letters and poems by Voltaire, who named the author "le Tibulle Fran9ais," and married him to "Belle et Bonne" (Mad"^ Reine de Varicourt). Here also is Voltaire's adieu to the French : — " Je retourne a ces monts qui menacent les cieux A ces antres glaces ou la Nature expire, Je vous regretterois a la table des Dieux." "On ne peut remarquer sans attendrissement, que voila les derniers vers qu'ait fait M. de Voltaire." Calf, gilt, g.e. VILL ON— VIRGILIUS MARO. 203 VILLON, Francois. Les oeuvres de Frangois Villon. Faris^iT2^. 8vo. From the library of M'. E. L. S. Benzon. Calf, gilt. QEuvres de Frangois Villon : avec les remarques de diverses personnes. Motto : *' Peu de Villons en bon sgavoir : Trop de Villons pour decevoir." Marot. La Haye, 1742. 8vo. With the inscriptions of former owners, " W. Gerard," " Caesaris De-Missy Berolinenis," and " Pour Monsieur Des Champs par son tr. h. et tr. ob. s. Fonney." With an autograph letter from the ChevaHer D'^on, signed in the feminine character, inserted. "Je trouve, mon cher ami, dans le restant de ma Bibliotheque, les oeuvres de quatre anciens poetes frangois dont les editions sont rares aujourd'hui. Je vous prie de les mettre dans votre Bibliotheque en memoire de votre tres-devouee Servante, Genevieve Deon. Londres, 15 fev'. 1793." The sale of the " Scarce books and valuable MSS. of the Chevaliere D'Eon, formerly Plenipotentiary from France to England," took place at Christie's on May 24th, 1793. *' Of my library," D'Eon wrote, about that time, nothing remains but the shelves and the MSS. of Marshal Vauban, which I have preserved as an offering to the National Assembly, for the glory of my country, and the instruction of the brave generals employed in her defence." VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera. [Device.] Luietice, ex qfficina Rob, Stephani, 1549. 8vo. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. The XII Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned Laureat- Prince of Latine-Poets. Translated into English deca-sy liable s, By lohn Vicars. [Engraved title.] Are to be sold by N: Alsop at the Angell in Popes head ally, [London.'] 1632. 8vo. Red mor., by Zaehnsdorf. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera : Nic. Heins. Dan. F. e membranis compluribus iisque antiquissimis recensuit. Anistelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1676. i2mo. A copy of the 1679 re-issue of the edition of 1676. Height, 135 mill. The date has been altered. With note on the fly-leaf: "This book belonged to the late Topham Beauclerc, & was purchased at his sale, by Priestly, bookseller, and of him by me. Price, I. . I. . o. W. H. H." Bookplate of Winchester Henry Hartley. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. An English version of the Eclogues of Virgil, by Samuel Palmer. [Etched plates.] London, 1883. fol. Virgil in English verse. Eclogues and ^neid i — vi. by the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bo wen, one of Her Majesty's Lords Justices of Appeal, once fellow, and now visitor of Balliol College; F.R.S., Hon. D.C.L. of the University of Oxford. Z^«^ are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard^ 16 14. 4to. The second edition. With signature of " Sam. Stillingfleet " on title, and MS. notes. ■ Appius and Virginia. A Tragedy. By John Webster. Printed in the year 1655. 4to. Loves Graduate. A Comedy by John Webster. Printed at the Private Press of H, Daniel^ Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford, 1885. 410. WECKER— WITHER. 207 WECKER, Jacob. Goetia, vel Theurgia, sive Pr3estigiarum magicarum descriptio, revelatio, resolutio, inquisitio, & executio, Das ist, wahre und eigentliche Entdeckunge, Declaration oder Erklarunge fiirnehmer Articul der Sauberey &c. Leipzig, 1631. 4to. Vellum. WENCKEBACH, Christian Eberhard. Jus Theelacticum, oder Neu revidirtes Theel-Recht. Halle^ 1758. 4to. A treatise relating to the " theel-lands," doles, or allotable lands at Norden in East Friesland. An inherited allotment was indivisible : on the father's death it passed to the youngest son, and on his death without issue it fell into the possession of the community. WERDENHAGEN. Johan. Angelius. De Rebuspublicis Hanseaticis. Tractatus generalis. Pars prima. De Rebuspublicis Hanseaticis et earum nobis confoederatione. Pars secunda. Tractatus specialis &c. [Vignettes.] Lug. Batav.f J. Maire^ 163 1. i2mo. 4 vols. Red mor., gilt, g.e. WEST, Thomas. The Antiquities of Furness; or, an Account of the Royal Abbey of St. Mary, in the Vale of Nightshade, near Dalton in Furness, belonging to the Right Honorable Lord George Cavendish. London^ 1774. 4to. WHITINTON, Robert. Roberti Whitintoni Lichfeldensis lucubra- tiones. De synonymis. De epithetis. De variandi formulis tam pedestri q, soluto sermone. Experientiae de virtutis immortalitate. De veterum Romanorum magistratibus. Colophon : Londini in ^dibus Winddi de Worde, anno domini 1527, Mense Februario, With Caxton's large device and the name of ** Wynkyn Worde." Brown mor., by Ramage. WITHER, George. Sigh for the Pitchers: breathed out in a Personal Contribution to the National Humiliation the last of May, 1666. In the Cities of London and Westminster, upon the near approaching Engage- ment then expected, between the English and Dutch Navies . Wherewith are complicated such Musings as were occasioned by a Report of their Actual Engagement ; and by observing the Publike Rejoycing whilst this was preparing by the Author George Wither. Hold, If ye knock, ye are broke, unless God prevent — Hold. [Woodcut: the Pitchers.] Printed in the sad year expressed in this seasonable Chronograjn LorD ha Ve MerCIe Vpon Vs, 1666. 8vo. From the Alderley Collection. Calf, gilt. 208 WORDS IVOR TH— WORM, /// WORDSWORTH, William. The Excursion, being a portion of The Recluse, a Poem, By WiUiam Wordsworth. London^ 1814. 4to. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1820. By William Wordsworth. London^ 1822. 8vo. Yarrow Revisited and other Poems, by William Wordsworth. London, 1835. i2mo. Green mor., by Zaehnsdorf. The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. A new edition. London, 1836. 8vo. 6 vols. Calf, gilt, g.e. WORM, Olaf. Daniconim Monumentorum Libri sex e spissis anti- quitatum tenebris et in Dani^ ac Norvegia extantibus ruderibus eruti, ab Olao Worm. [Plates.] Haf7iice, apud Joachimwn Moltkemium, Bibliopolam ibidem, 1643. fol. Vellum. ENOPHON EPHESIUS. Les Eph^siaques de Xenophon Eph^sien, ou Les Amours d'Anthie et d'Abrocomas : traduits en Frangois. Faris^ i736» 12 mo. Senofonte Efesio, degli amori di Abrocoma e Anzia libri 5. Tradotti dal Greco da A. M. Salvini. Crisopo/i, tmpresso cd tipi Bodoniani, 1794. 8vo. OUNG, Edward. A Poem on the Last Day. By Edward Young Fellow of All-Souls College, Oxon. " Venit Summa Dies." Virg. Oxford, Printed at the Theatre for Edward Whistler, I7i3' 8vo. Presentation copy, with inscription on the fly-leaf, "The Right Honourable ye Earl of Abingdon," and on the reverse the following note : " This copy of the Poem on the Last Day &c. came out of the library of the Earl of Abingdon ; it was covered with Gilt paper & the edges of the leaves were likewise Gilt ; from these circumstances it seems probable that this was a Copy presented to the then Earl by the Author." Les Nuits d'Young, traduits de I'Anglois par M. Le Tourneur. " Sunt lacrymae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt." [Plates.] Paris ^ 1772. 8vo. 2 vols. With a life of Young. ** Le grand poete, I'ecrivain original, est sur d'accompagner \ immortalite les Swift, les Shaftesbury, les Pope, les Adisson, les Richardson, dont il fut ou rami ou I'associe literaire. II eut part au celebre ouvrage du Spectateur." ACHRISSON, Olaf Troil. Dissertatio de Linguae Suecanae ortho- graphia. Upsala,, 1694. 8vo. Calf, gilt. ZANETTI, Bernardino. Del Regno de' Longobardi in Italia memorie Storico-Critico-Chronologiche del Dottore D. Bernardino Zanetti. In Venezia, appresso Lorenzo Baseggio, I753' 4^0. Two vols, in one. With the Lamoignon ticket: "Bibliotheca Lamoniana," *' Get ouvrage eprouva quelques critiques, mais Zanetti, dans une reponse ^ ses censeurs, n'eut pas de peine ^ demontrer que leurs reproches n'etaient nuUement fondes." Olive mor., gilt, g.e., by Padeloup. ZANOTTI, GiAMPiETRO Cavazzoni. Didone, Tragedia con altre Poesie di G. C. Zanotti. Bologfia, i']2^. 12 mo. With the " Rime," and the " Proposte e Risposte." *' Zanotti, tu, che le bell' Alme suore Hai si propizie, e il divo Apollo, e I' arte Si ben possedi, e tutti a parte a parte I modi; ond' Uom d'altrui fassi Signore." ZESEN, Philipp von [Philippus CiESius], Philippi Caesii II Zesen Leo Belgicus, hoc est, succincta ac dilucida narratio exordii progressus, &c., Reipublicae foederatarum Belgii regionum. [Device.] Amstelcedami, apud Ludovicum ^ Danielein Elzevirios^ 1660. i2mo. With an additional engraved titlepage. Vellum. ZSCHACKWITZ, Johann Ehrenfried. Heraldica, oder Wapen- Kunst, worinnen der Avahre Ursprung der Wapen und deren Bedeutung behorig, und sonderlich aus denen Altherthiimem aufgesuchet, zugleich eine Nachricht von dem Alten Kriegs-Wesen . . . nicht weniger das Ceremoniel grosser Herren und deren Abgesandten beygefiiget wird. Leipzig^ i735- 8vo. From the Giustiniani Collection. P 2 A COLLECTION OF SMALL BOOKS. BATI, Antonio. Delle Frascherie di Antonio Abati. Amsterdam^ s.a. 3 X 2 in. From the Beckford Collection. Green mor., gilt, g.e. AFFECTION'S KEEPSAKE. Original Poetry, 1836. 4 x 2f in. AKENSIDE, Mark. The Poetical Works of Mark Akenside, M.D. Lofidon, 1825. 3I X 2 in. ALMANAC. Almanach pour I'an de Notre Seigneur 177 1. Suppute par Maitre Matthieu Laensberch Mathdmaticien. Liege^ s.a. 3f x 2| in. Le Tresor des Almanachs, dtrennes nationales, curieuses et necessaires, avec figures. PariSy 1780. 3i X 2 in. Le petit Theatre de Tunivers, ^trennes naturelles, prdcieuses, ... pourl'annde 1814. Parts, 3 J x 2 J in. — Diario Ecclesiastico Para os Bispados do Rio de Janeiro, S. Paulo, e Marianna. Zisdoa, 18 15. 4 X 2 in. Old red mor., gilt, g.e. Le nouvel Almanach de Milan pour I'Annd 1830. Milan^ Zl X 2\ in. ANACREON. 'At tgv 'AvaKpewTos wSai, k.t.X, GlasgtKB^ Foulis, 175 1. 3 X ij in. 'At ToC 'AmK/3eovTos w8at, K.T.X. Edinburgiy I754' 3| X 2 in. 'At Tou 'AvaKpeoKTOs l William Falconer. London^ 1836. 4 X 2f in. FENi^LON, Francois Salignac de La Motte. Pious Reflections for every day of the Month. Translated from the French of Fdndlon, Arch- bishop of Cambray. 1804. 3J X 2 J in. Green mor,, by Ramage. Les Aventures de Tdemaque, Fils d'Ulysse, par Fdndlon. Paris ^ 1 8 14. 3J X 2^ in. French calf. AY, John. Fables, and other Poems, by John Gay. London^ s»a. 3^ by 2^ in. GIFFORD, William. The Baviad and Mseviad. London, 1828. 3^ X 2 in. GRAMMAR. Short and easy rules for attaining a knowledge of English Grammar, To which are added a few letters for the formation of juvenile correspondence. [Plates.] London, i8oi. 3^ X 2 in. GRANTH, Adi. Extracts [in Gurmukhi]. MS. scec. 18. f x |- in. This MS. consists of extracts from the Sacred Book of the Sikhs, apparently intended for use as an amulet : from the Temple at Amritsar. GRAY, Thomas. The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray. London, 1829. 3^ X 2 in. GRESSET, Jean Baptiste Louis. CEuvres choisies de Gresset. Paris, 2j X 2\ in. From the series of the ' Bibliotheque portatif.* ANDBOOKS FOR CHILDREN. i. History of England. 2. Famous Men of Britain. 3. ^sop's Fables. 4. Little Crusoe. 5. Country Walks. 6. Town Sights. 7. Surrey Gardens. London, s.a. 7 vols. With plates. 3X2:^ in. A History of Beasts. London, s.a, 2 vols, ij X 12^ in. HANDBOOKS FOR CHILDREN— LA FONTAINE, 217 HANDBOOKS FOR CHILDREN. A History of Fishes. London, s,a, if X li in. Wisdom in Miniature or the young Gentleman & Lady's Pleasing Instructor, being a Collection of Sentences, Divine, Moral & Historical, selected from the writings of many ingenious and learned Authors both Ancient & Modern. Intended not only for the use of Schools but as a Pocket Companion for the youth of both sexes. London, 17 94* 3 J X 2f in. The Little Linguist; or a Complete Guide to English Philology. London, 1836. 3 x 2 in. HAYLEY, William. The Triumphs of Temper. A poem in six cantos, by William Hayley, Esq. London, 1830. 3^ x 2\ in. HEMANS, Felicia Dorothea. Early Blossoms, a Collection of Poems written between eight and fifteen years of age, by Felicia Dorothea Browne : afterwards Mrs. Hemans. With a life of the authoress. London, 1841. 4 X 2f in. HOMER. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea. Londini, 183 1. 2 vols. 3^ X 2^ in. One of Pickering's Diamond Classics. HORACE. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Londini, 1824. 2k X 2| in. One of Pickering's Diamond Classics. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Londini, G. Pickering. 1824. 4I X 2f in. A large paper copy. The engraved title is dated 1826. Orange mor., inlaid with green, gilt, g.e. . Quinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia, recensuit Filon, in regio Ludovici Magni Collegio Professor. Parisiis, apud A, Sautelet, Bibliopolam, inplatea dicid de la Bourse, 1828. 2f X if in. The * Didot Press ' edition. Green mor., g.e. A FONTAINE, Jean de. Fables de Jean de La Fontaine, l^dition Miniature. Paris, 1850. 2 J X ij in. Blue mor., gilt, g.e. by Thivet. Fables. Paris, s,a, 2 vols. 2J x 2 in. 2i8 LAMB— MILTON, LAMB, Charles. Rosamund Gray, a tale. London, 1836. 2 J x 4 in. LANGHORNE, John. Theodosius and Constantia. By John Lang- home, 1826. 2 X 3i in. Green mor., by Ramage. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, FRAN901S, Due de. Maximes et R(^flexions Morales du Due de La Rochefoucauld. Paris ^ 1827. 2^ x if in. Red mor., gilt, g.e., by Thivet. LIPSIUS, Justus. Justi de Constantia, libri duo. Lipsii^ ex offidnd Flantiniand Rqpkelengii, 1605. 2f x if in. Olive mor., gilt, g.e. LOCKE, John. Some Thoughts concerning Education. jLonaon, 1820. 4x2^ in. LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et de Chlo^, Traduites du Grec de Longus par J. Amyot [Vignette.] Paris, s.a, 3 X 2J in. LYTTELTON, George, Lord. The Poetical Works of Lord Lyttelton. London, 1826. 2^ x 2 in. AGIC. Charm against the Evil Eye. [Ethiopian MS.] Circa 1840. 3 X 2 in. A roll in case, 17I in. long, with charms against the Evil Eye in man, woman, or beast. After the invocation, a list follows of demons and diseases against which the charms are efficacious. MAUNDER, Samuel. The Little Gazetteer ; or Geographical Dictionary in Miniature. London, s.a. 2 x 3 in. Blue mor., g.e., by Ramage. METASTASIO, Pietro. Opere Scelte di Pietro Metastasio. Publicate da A. Battura. Parigi, 1823. 3 vols. 3^ x 2^ in. Green mor., gilt. MILTON, John. Paradise Lost. A Poem in twelve books by John Milton. London, 1828. 3J x i^^ in. One of Pickering's Diamond Classics. Paradise Lost. A Poem, the author John Milton. London 1836. 2 vols. 3 X 2 J in. MOLIERE—RICHA RDSON, 2 19 MOLIERE, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. CEuvres de J. B. Poquelin de Moliere. Faris^ s,a. 2f x 2^ in. MORE, Hannah. Sacred Dramas; the Search after happiness; and other poems. By Hannah More. London^ 1825. 2>^ x 2\itl MORE, Thomas. Thomae Mori Utopia, a mendis vindicata. Oxonii, 1663. 2| X 2 in. ARIS. Vues de Paris en Miniature, formant une collection de trente-cinq Gravures. Paris, 3 J x 2 J in. PELLICO, Silvio. Mes Prisons, edition illustrde par Tony Johannot. Paris, s.a. 3X2^ in. PETRARCH. II Petrarcha di nuovo ristampato et diligentemente corretto. Venetia, 1580. 3I X 2 in. Old French red mor., gilt, g.e. Le Rime del Petrarca. Londra, 1822. 8vo. 3 x if in. One cf Pickering's Diamond Classics. Le Rime del Petrarca. Venezia, 1879. 2\ 'k \% in. Vellum, gilt, g.e. Lettres de Petrarque k son fibre, traduites pour la premiere fois par Victor Develay. 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