 SOCIETY was organized in 1906 to ad- 
 vance the theory and practise of illuminating 
 engineering and to disseminate knowledge 
 relating thereto. The Society now has about 
 1600 members who are interested in the sub- 
 ject of lighting from various standpoints : 
 engineering, economic, hygienic, esthetic. 
 The Society has no affiliation with any com- 
 mercial organization. Any one interested in 
 its objects may become a member. 
 It is the purpose of this publication to assist the user in mak- 
 ing artificial light effective, whether the light be produced by 
 oil, gas, electricity or otherwise. 
 By proper use you can get good illumination from any of 
 these sources, but by misuse you are likely to get lighting that 
 is bad, costly, and even dangerous to the eyesight. 
 To see easily and comfortably you must select the lamps, 
 Fig. 1. The eye: essential parts shown in section. 
 fixtures and globes and arrange the lights so as to best suit the 
 particular conditions which have to be met, but certain prin- 
 ciples which must always be followed may safely be laid down. 2 
 Fig. 2. Pupil of eye ex- 
 panded to let in plenty of light 
 when illumination is dim. 
 Same pupil contracted to shut 
 out excessive light. 
 1 A primer of illumination prepared under the direction of the Illumi- 
 nating Engineering Society. (Copyright 1912.) Applications for per- 
 mission to reprint this primer should be addressed to the Illuminating 
 Engineering Society, 29 W. 39th Street, New York. 
 2 To understand these principles better, take a glance at the eye and 
 Don't Judge Illumination by the Brightness of the Lamps 
 Judge the light you are getting by the way it helps you to 
 see. Do not think because a lamp looks glaring and brilliant 
 that it is giving you good light. It may be merely giving you 
 too much light in the wrong place. On the other hand, a 
 well shaded table lamp may look dim because it is well shaded, 
 and still be giving first-class light for working purposes. 
 You must get enough light to see by, and as you see things 
 chiefly by the light which they reflect, it is evident that dark 
 colored objects which reflect light badly require more light than 
 do light colored objects to see them comfortably. That which 
 is quite sufficient for sewing on white cloth, for example, will 
 not do at all for working on black cloth. 
 Don't Work in a Flickering Light 
 See that your light is steady. If you leave a dark room and 
 go into bright sunshine the sensation is unpleasant to the eye ; 
 if you use a light that flickers, you get this same unpleasant 
 sensation, perhaps as rapidly as twenty times a minute. Fur- 
 thermore, the eye endeavors to adjust itself to suit the light ; 
 if the light flickers it keeps the iris of the eye "see-sawing," 
 as it were, and the muscle that governs it gets tired and reacts 
 see how it works. Figure 1 shows the parts of the eye as they would ap- 
 pear if it were cut through from back to front vertically. 
 In the process of seeing, the light passes through the cornea, pupil, and 
 lens of the eye to the retina, just as in a camera light passes through the 
 lens to the sensitized film. The picture is formed on the retina, which is 
 a layer made up of the ends of nerve fibers which gather into the optic 
 nerve and go directly to the brain. The optic nerve sends along the pic- 
 ture to the brain for notice. The lens of the eye, unlike that of the camera, 
 automatically changes in thickness to focus or make a clear image on the 
 retina for seeing at different distances. This focusing action is called the 
 accommodation of the eye, and when the light is dim or bad the focusing 
 muscle vainly hunts for some focus which may make objects look clear and 
 gets tired in trying to do it. The muscles which move the eye about also 
 get tired in the same way and the result is eye-strain, which stirs up pain 
 and headache just as any other over-tired muscles of the body may set 
 up an ache. 
 The iris (which gives the eye its color) serves to regulate the amount 
 of light which reaches the eye. In very dim light it opens out making the 
 pupil big, as shown in figure 2, and in very bright light it shuts up as 
 shown, and thus keeps out a flood of brilliant light which might hurt the 
 retina. The protective action of the pupil is pretty good, but by no means 
 complete, for it seldom gets smaller than shown in the illustration, how- 
 ever bright the light. 
 on the nerves to cause discomfort and pain. Reading in railway 
 trains causes similar strain ; the eye muscles get tired in trying 
 to follow the shaking page, and are likely to provoke a headache. 
 Don't Expose the Eyes to an Unshaded Light 
 It is bad to have an unshaded brilliant light glaring into the 
 eyes, for it throws hard labor upon them in an effort at adjust- 
 ment. This applies even to common electric, gas, or oil lamps. 
 (See figs. 3, 4, 5.) While artificial light may be made a good 
 Fig. 3. Very bad lighting. This man receives, full in the face, both 
 direct light from the unshaded lamp and reflected 
 glare from the table top and papers. 
 substitute for daylight, you have constantly to beware lest rays 
 that are too bright, either from the lamps or from their reflec- 
 tions, hurt the eyes. You can get reflections, so bright as to 
 be harmful, from polished metal or glass, from bright varnished 
 surfaces, or even from glossy white paper upon which the 
 light falls. 
 A bright light fairly in the field of view means a very brilliant 
 light on the retina, producing fatigue. Everyone knows the 
 blinding sensation of looking at the sun with its sequence of 
 dazzling colored images. Babies are here common sufferers 
 when careless mothers or nurses allow them to lie in their car- 
 riages with eyes exposed to the unclouded sun. Bright arti- 
 ficial lights, in a less degree, do the same thing to all of us. 
 And when you get a bright light in the field of view, the pupil 
 tries to shut it out ; in so doing it renders less bright things 
 Fig. 4. Faulty arrangement of dining-room lighting. The lamps exposed 
 in the dome shine in the eyes. Trouble is aggravated by 
 general darkness of the room. 
 all but invisible. Thus it is hard to see things which are 
 nearly in line with a brilliant light, as you often find in facing an 
 automobile headlight, or looking into a show window like fig. 6. 
 Place an unshaded lamp in front of a picture 
 A Couple of on the wall and then gtand back a f ew f eet and 
 Simple Experiments 
 note how much of the picture you can see 
 clearly. Then hold a book or paper at arm's length so as just 
 to cover the bright light and note the way in which the pic- 
 ture clears up. Again, put an unshaded lamp about a foot in 
 front of your eyes and try to read a newspaper just beyond it. 
 Then shade your eyes from the lamp and try it again. You 
 will soon find out in this way that lamps can be so placed that 
 they will be a hindrance rather than a help in seeing. (Com- 
 pare fig. 7 with fig. 6.) 
 Prom time immemorial mankind has received 
 its light mostly from the sky. Consequently 
 the part of the retina on which the light from 
 above chiefly falls is pretty well used to it, while bright light 
 Best Direction 
 of Light 
 Fig. 5. These ladies are annoyed by the glare of the unshaded light when 
 they look across the room. Common and faulty arrangement. 
 Lamps should be enclosed in diffusing globes. 
 from below, falling on the part of the retina which commonly 
 gets light only from grass or dark pavements; may be very ir- 
 ritating and unpleasant. Thus the glare from snow and sand 
 is not only disagreeable on account of its intensity but because 
 of the unusual direction from which it comes. Just so with a 
 brilliant beam reflected from glossy paper on which you are 
 writing. Its rays strike you from an unusual direction and 
 are harmful for that reason. Other smooth and shiny sur- 
 Fig. 6. Poor arrangement for display. You see the lamps 
 instead of the sweets. 
 Fig. 7. Excellent arrangement for display. No lamps in sight. 
 Every garment is brightly lighted. 
 faces deliver an equally hurtful assault on that sensitive and 
 much abused organ, the eye. 
 Don't Read Facing the Light 
 It is best to have the light come from above and somewhat 
 sidewise, as it commonly does in nature, so that you will not 
 get a brilliant reflection or glare from what you are trying to 
 see. In reading and writing it is better to have the light come 
 from the left, to avoid getting a shadow of the hand that holds 
 the book or pen. Let the lamp be just far enough behind to 
 keep direct reflections from the paper out of the eyes. (See 
 figs. 8, 9, 14, 15.) But what has been said of reflections from 
 paper applies with even more force to the case of polished metals, 
 or the like, over which one is busy. Individual lights placed close 
 over the work are very likely to produce these troublesome 
 direct reflections and consequently such lights are falling into 
 disuse. In an interior otherwise dark, their use is open to the 
 further objection of giving bright spots of light and so pro- 
 ducing too violent contrasts of light and shade. (See figs. 16, 17.) 
 Don't Use a Bright Light Against a Dark Background 
 Almost any light will glare unpleasantly if the surroundings 
 are thoroughly dark. As an extreme illustration, the light 
 from a big arc lamp hung close to the sidewalk may be very 
 annoying at night, but by day you would hardly notice it. Just 
 so a bright lamp against a dark background may be annoying, 
 while against a light background it would not be so unpleasant. 
 One may choose to-day among lights of many kinds. There 
 are at hand candles, oil lamps, open flame gas jets, upright and 
 inverted mantle gas lamps, electric incandescent lamps of car- 
 bon and of tungsten, electric arcs of half a dozen varieties, 
 besides mercury- vapor tubes, acetylene lamps, as used on mo- 
 tor-cars, and so on through a long list. 
 What do you wish to use a light for ? To read or write by, 
 to bring into view the working parts of a machine, to match 
 colors, to display goods, or pictures ; or merely to make a path- 
 way safe and plain ? Each case is to be studied by itself, and 
 the effect is to be accomplished by such lamps, globes and re- 
 flectors as, properly disposed, will insure ample lighting with- 
 out glare, and yet with strict economy. 
 However good and suitable the lamp, it will be put at a dis- 
 advantage unless the lighting fixture which carries it is 
 designed to hold the lamp in the right position to enable one 
 to best utilize the light which comes from it. Prettiness in a 
 fixture is well enough ; but let the fixture be serviceable first ; 
 then it may be also as pretty as you please. But don't buy 
 prettiness if it makes war on good service. 
 Daylight is naturally well diffused ; but artificial light, poured 
 Fig. 8. A bad position for reading. In spite of the shaded lamp, glare 
 from paper reflected into eyes, is very trying and harmful. 
 out as it is from mere points, or narrow surfaces, needs to be 
 tempered or softened by shades. And it sometimes further 
 requires to be directed upon a desk or table or other object. 
 In some cases it is better to adopt indirect methods, and throw 
 the beams of a lamp upon a ceiling whence the rays are scat- 
 tered. For every particular need there is ample provision 
 amid the abounding lamps, globes and reflectors of present 
 day designers. 
Arranging Lights 
 Two methods are usual in arranging lamps : 
 first, to secure general illumination by so plac- 
 ing the lamps that you may see with comfort anywhere in a 
 room ; second, in cases where a bright light is not necessary 
 throughout a room, local illumination can be planned, placing 
 the lights where they will be most used, always remembering 
 Fig. 9. Good position in reading. No light directly hits the eyes 
 and no glare is reflected from the book. 
 that it will not do to localize light too much, since you need 
 for comfortable seeing a fair quantity of light broadly dis- 
 In any artificial lighting the lamps should be so well shaded 
 that the eye does not see them directly nor brilliant reflections 
 from them. You can accomplish this end by putting the light 
 Diffusing and in diffusing globes of, for instance, ground glass 
 Shading by Globes or white or opal glass or other translucent ma- 
 and Reflectors terial. To secure the best diffusion, the globes 
 should be dense enough not to reveal the form of the actual 
 light source within, but to give the effect of the light pouring 
 forth from the globe as a whole. (See fig. 10.) 
 Another way of accomplishing the same result is to put a 
 shade around the lamp, which screens it and reflects downward 
 much of the light which would otherwise idly fall on the walls 
 or ceiling. (See fig. 11.) Such shades may be of mirrors or 
 Opal glass globe. Ground glass globe. 
 Fig. 10. Within each globe is a lamp of the same candle-power. 
 Note the superior diffusion of the light by the opal globe. 
 polished metal or white or opal glass, of ground or prismatic 
 glass, all of which, in a measure, work alike. Glass shades 
 are generally preferable to metal ones, for a little light pene- 
 trates them sidewise, just enough to keep the upper part of 
 the room from being too dark. 
 Another scheme successfully used to shield the 
 light is to turn the light from the lamp upward 
 on to the ceiling by means of an opaque reflector underneath. 
 The reflector conceals the lamp, and the brightly illuminated 
 ceiling by which the light is diffused serves as the actual 
 source of the illumination. (See fig. 12.) This plan should 
 be used only on white or very light ceilings and is subject to a 
 heavier loss for securing diffusion than some other methods, 
 but often this loss is reimbursed by the thoroughness with 
 which the ceiling diffuses the rays that fall upon it. 
 Don't Use Local Lighting by Itself 
 In ordinary cases general illumination is the best way of 
 lighting an interior unless some of the work in 
 General Illumination han( ^ ag sewin g dark goods or rea ding very fine 
 print, demands exceptionally strong lighting in 
 Fig. 11. General illumination by direct lighting; lamps concealed 
 in diffusing glass reflectors. 
 some parts of the room. In this case local lights may be added, 
 but they .ought not to be used without pretty strong general 
 illumination. The commonest sort of localized lighting is that 
 furnished by a table lamp. Such a lamp should always be 
 shaded to keep the direct light out of the eyes, best by a 
 translucent shade which will add something to the general 
 In any one of these plans for general illumination, lights 
 should be so placed as to give at least fairly uniform lighting 
 everywhere in a room, otherwise there may be strong and jar- 
 ring contrasts of light and darkness. 
 In using shades open at the bottom, such as are very com- 
 mon, their shape and character can be so chosen as to distribute 
 the light precisely as desired ; this result can in less degree 
 be accomplished by using enclosed globes or by indirect lighting. 
 Fig. 12. General illumination by indirect lighting; lamps are concealed 
 in opaque reflectors and the light is diffused from the ceiling. 
 Any of the schemes here sketched can be made to give good 
 results. The choice between them turns upon just what task 
 is required of the light and what its surroundings are to be. 
 Ordinarily, lighting from shades open at the bottom gives a 
 stronger light than other methods, but you must carefully 
 avoid glare in these cases. Lighting by wholly indirect means, 
 in which all the rays are diffused from the ceiling, demands 
 lamps of extra power for the same illumination, but requires 
 little care to avoid glare. Rooms lighted from diffusing globes 
 take an intermediate position with respect to freedom from glare. 
 (a) Concentrating re- 
 flector : lights a small 
 area brilliantly. 
 /b) Semi-concentrat- 
 ing reflector: lights a 
 larger area less bril- 
 (c) Distributing re- 
 flector: lights a wide area 
 -- - ^^^^1 
 Fig. 13. Reflectors put the light where you want it; (a), (b), and (c) 
 have lamps of the same candle-power. (These pictures are in- 
 tended only to show, in a general way, the effect of different types 
 of reflectors.) 
 For a lamp to do its best work, it should not be 
 Misplaced Brackets . . ;, . 
 too near a wall, especially if this wall is dark. 
 Hence only very small rooms can be well lighted by the usual 
 side brackets, say 4 to 6 feet high. In a large room the eye 
 cannot avoid glare from such brackets unless their lamps are 
 so heavily shaded as to dim the room. In large rooms where 
 brackets can be placed high enough to be out of the general 
 Fig. 14. Don't place a desk lamp like this; it glares from the 
 paper and shines in your eyes besides. 
 view, they may be used to advantage ; and they are often 
 convenient for occasional use, as in bedrooms, when the room 
 is also lighted by other means. 
 Don't Waste Light by Using the Wrong Reflectors 
 By using reflectors you can put the light from a lamp where 
 it will do the most good, much as an automobile headlight 
 sends the light along the road just where it is wanted. In 
 fig. 3 there is a lamp without any shade or reflector and 
 you will see that the light goes in all directions, only a 
 small part of it falling on the level of the table where it is 
 needed. The rest hits the walls and is reflected about the 
 room losing intensity at each reflection. Obviously an un- 
 shaded lamp does not throw the light where it is wanted. To 
 ensure the light falling upon the table you must use a reflec- 
 tor that will bring it there. 
 Fig. 15. If you must use a desk lamp, put it in this position. If an open 
 reflector is used let it be of the diffusing type. Better still is a 
 reflector with a diffusing glass bottom. 
 Of such reflectors there are three general types, either of 
 glass or of metal, which we may call concentrating, semi-con- 
 centrating, and distributing. (See fig. 13, (a), (b) and (c).) 
 The first acts almost like an automobile headlight, throwing 
 its light downward into a comparatively small area. The sec- 
 ond kind spreads out the light over a much wider area, of 
 diameter perhaps as great as the height of the lamp above the 
 table, while the third is planned to light a comparatively big 
 area not very intensely at any one spot. 
 No reflector ever increases the total light that streams out 
 of a lamp ; it only puts the light where it is needed instead of 
 letting it go unguided. 
 Fig. 16. More light in the eyes than on the work and 
 not enough light in the room. Sharp shadows and 
 much glare from the polished metal. Discomfort 
 to the worker: loss to his employer. 
 Don't Use Shallow Reflectors 
 All reflectors should come far enough down over their lamps 
 to prevent you from seeing the bright sources of light them- 
 selves without actually looking upward. 
 Hekht of Lam * With proper reflectors, their height above the 
 table, counter, or bench ordinarily makes little 
 difference since it is the purpose of the reflectors to send the 
 light where it will do the most good. 
 Because dark walls absorb light strongly in- 
 stead of reflecting it they demand much 
 stronger lamps for sufficient illumination than 
 do light walls. (See fig. 18.) A very dark wall-paper or a 
 dark wood finish may require three or four times as much 
 light as a really light finish. Dark reds, greens, and browns 
 reflect pnly 10 to 15 per cent, of the light which falls on them. 
 Effect of Dark Walls 
 and Colored Globes 
 Fig. 17. Example of good general illumination in a factory; the whole 
 area is uniformly and brightly lighted. 
 White, cream color, and light yellowish tints may reflect over 
 one-half the light. 
 Likewise, deeply tinted globes and shades absorb much light, 
 a fact which must be borne in mind in considering economy. 
 Don't Let Lamps and Globes Get Dirty 
 Dirt on lamp chimneys, electric bulbs, globes, or reflectors 
 absorbs and wastes much light. The country over, it is safe to 
 say that millions of dollars are wasted every year by letting 
 lamps become foul and dust laden. Nor is there any economy 
 in using electric bulbs until they blacken. It pays to renew 
 promptly blackened bulbs and defective gas mantles. 
 Don't Save Light at the Expense of Your Eyes 
 Saving light at the cost of eyesight is false economy. To 
 Real and False get good lighting it is generally necessary to 
 Economy diffuse the light from the lamps either directly, 
 by opal or ground glass shades, or indirectly, by turning the light 
 Fig. 18. Each of these two little rooms receives the same 
 light. Dark walls absorb most of the rays of 
 light in left-hand room. 
 first on the ceiling or wall. The use of ground glass involves the 
 absorption of 15 to 20 per cent, of the light to secure diffusion, 
 opal glass of various kinds from 20 to 40 per cent., while some 
 forms of art glass and most diffusing ceilings absorb more than 
 half the light that falls upon them. Even though all these ap- 
 pliances absorb light in the process of diffusion, there is gain in 
 their use because they yield rays more grateful to the eyes. 
 But your eyes may tire easily even with good lighting. If so, 
 consult an oculist and don glasses if you need them. Eye-strain 
 often comes from defective eyes as well as from faulty lights. 
 In gas lighting there is no economy in using 
 Economy in . 
 Selecting Lamps open name burners unless the exposure is such 
 that gas mantles would often be broken. Sim- 
 ilarly, with electric lights it is very wasteful in most cases to 
 use carbon filament lamps when tungsten lamps are available. 
 The carbon lamps cost less to install or replace, but much 
 more for electric current. 1 
 The common unit of illumination is the foot-candle, mean- 
 ing thereby the light which the object would receive from a 
 standard candle at the distance of one foot. This is the meas- 
 uring rod, as it were, by which comparisons are made. 
 No absolute rule can be laid down for the number of foot- 
 candles required for good seeing. Individuals differ widely in 
 their requirements; and the conditions under which the light 
 is used cause still greater variations in requirement. How- 
 ever, where lighting arrangements are well planned it has been 
 found by experience that ordinary reading, writing, or work on 
 white or light colored material, can comfortably be carried on 
 by most people with an illumination of 2 to 3 foot-candles. For 
 sewing dark goods, or reading fine type, 5 foot-candles are none 
 too much, while for drafting, engraving, watchmaking, work- 
 ing on black cloth, and the like, from 7 to 10 foot-candles should 
 be furnished. 
 1 The amount of electricity taken by an electric lamp is expressed in 
 watts. Most electric lamps now manufactured have the 
 number of watts which they are rated to consume 
 printed on a label on the bulb. The old-fashioned car- 
 bon filament incandescent lamp of 16 candle-power has the candle-power 
 on the label, and takes from 50 to 60 watts. 
 To determine the cost of operating an electric lamp, divide the number 
 of watts it consumes by 1000 to reduce to kilowatts, and multiply the 
 number of hours the lamp is to be operated by the kilowatts to obtain 
 the kilowatt-hours of electrical energy. The kilowatt-hours multiplied by 
 the rate per kilowatt-hour which is charged gives the cost of operation 
 for the stated time. 
 The consumption of gas lamps is expressed in cubic feet of gas per hour. 
 The number of cubic feet of gas per hour taken by a burner, divided by 
 1000, and multiplied by the cost per thousand cubic feet of gas, and by 
 the hours of burning, gives its cost of operation for the stated time. 
 The consumption of open flame burners is commonly taken at 5 cubic 
 feet per hour. Upright single mantle burners usually take from 3^ to 5 
 cubic feet per hour, though some smaller ones take less. Most individual 
 inverted gas mantle burners take from 3 to 3^ cubic feet per hour. 
 Artistic Effects 
 In a room suitably arranged for comfortable 
 seeing, you may have plenty of light, but the 
 general effect may be displeasing. The illumination may quite 
 fail to bring out the good points of the room in architecture 
 and decoration, or may play pranks with the appearance of 
 persons or things in the room. (See fig. 19.) One may not 
 object to ghastly tints in a factory, but in lighting a drawing 
 room such effects would not be tolerated. Hence one often 
 Bust lighted from above and in 
 The same bust lighted from di- 
 rectly overhead. 
 Fig. 19. Bad lighting defeats good art. 
 should sacrifice strict economy to get the most pleasing effect 
 in the room. The fixtures that carry the lights should har- 
 monize with their surroundings if the general effect is to be 
 agreeable. Handsome fixtures have a decided decorative value 
 whether their lamps are lighted or not. As strongly colored 
 objects give something of their own hue to all the light which 
 they reflect, the color of lamp shades, walls, and furnishings 
 plays an important part in the artistic effect. 
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