-NRLF RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877-1886, AND CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION IN MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF STARS, SUN, MOON, AND PLANETS, FOR REVISED READINGS OF THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, AND OF THE BAROMETER, IN THE YEARS 1877-1886, MADE AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH^. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF W. H. M. CHRISTIE, M.A., F.R.S., ASTRONOMER ROYAL. (Formiti/i A/>/it'n>lix III. to the Volume of Greenwich Observations for the Year 1887.) LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, Br DARLING k SON. LTD.. 1-3, GBKAT ST. THOMAS AI-OSTI.K. E.C. 1889. " / APPENDIX III. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. (a) RECOIPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE TEARS 1877-1886, (b) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION IN MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF STARS, STJN, MOON, AND PLANETS, FOR REVISED READIN&S OF THE EXTERIOR THERIOIETER, AND OF THE BAROMETER, IN THE TEARS 1877-1886, OBSBBVATJONS. 1887. M (a) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM OBSERVA- TIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. In the. course of the Computations for the Ten -Year Catalogue it was found necessary to revise the several " Investigations of the Position of the Ecliptic from Ob.-ervations of the Sun " which are given in the Annual Volumes from 1877 to 1886. The N.P.D.'s of the Sun therein emplovc-d are not reduced to a uniform system of refraction and co-latitude. R 1) correction, and thermometer correction, and the deduced quantities for correction of the position of the Ecliptic are thus not comparable inter se. The N.P.D.'s have accordingly been corrected as follows : (1.) Corrections have been applied in the year 1877 to reduce to co-latitude 38 31' 21"'9() and to Bessel's Mean Refractions of the Tabulae Regiomontanae. The co-latitude used for the daily reduction of observations in 1877 was 38 31' 21"'60 and the refractions those of the Tabu las Regiomontanae diminished in the proportion of 1 : IV994G9. But in the Introduction to the Greenwich Observations for 1877, p. Ixxv. it is remarked : " From the result of investigations given in an Addendum to the Introduction to the Nine-Year Catalogue it appears that these refractions are too small, and that the mean refractions of Bessel's Tabulae Regiomontanae do not require any correction. In the year 1877, the N.P.D.'s have been corrected in the Annual Star Catalogue for reduction to Bessel's Refractions of the Tabulae Regiomontanae and to the corresponding co-latitude 38 31' 21"'90. , In the other sections, including the planetary results, the diminished refractions have been used, the calculations being too far advanced at the time of the alteration in the adopted refractions to allow of corrections being applied." (2.) Corrections have been applied to the refractions in the years 1877 and 1878 on account of an index error of + 0'7 in the exterior thermometer (as determined by comparisons with the standard on 1879 April 3). The thermometer readings from is 7'.) January 1 had been corrected for this index error, although it might appear from the Introduction to the Greenwich Observations for 1S79, p. Ixxvi., that this correction had not been applied to the observations before 1879 April 3. (3.) Corrections to eliminate the flexure correction 0" - 12 sin Z.D. applied in 1877, 1878 and in the first four months of 1S79 (to April 19), have been applied to the N.P.D.'s. (4.) Corrections have been applied to the N.P.D.'s in the years 1877-1882 to reduce them to the same system of R D as that used in the years 1883-1886. See Introduction to Ten- Year Catalogue, p. 11. A 2 (4) RECOMPUTATION OK THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM The formula; for R D correction originally used in the reduction of the observations in the several years are as follows : Year. Correction to Direct Observations. 1877 ... + 0-015 + ' 2 79 s i n Z.D. COB* Z.D. 1878 ... o-oio + 0-639 sin Z.D. cos* Z.D. 1879 ... + 0-034 + '386 sin Z.D. cos* Z.D. 1880 ... + 0-068 + 0-538 sin Z.D. cos* Z.D. 1881 ... + 0-018 + 0-550 sin Z.D. 1882 ... + 0-052 + 0-436 sin Z.D. 1883 ... 0-019 + '693 sin Z.D. 1884 ... 0-026 + 0-658 sin Z.D. 1885 ... 0-018 + 0-687 sin Z.D. 1886 ... o-ooo + 0-692 sin Z.D. In view of the close accordance of the results in the years 1883-1886, after the extension of the available range of stars (consequent on the alteration in the mounting of the collimators), the mean variable term for these years + 0"'692 sin Z.D. was adopted for the whole ten years, the constant term peculiar to each year being retained. (5.) Corrections have been applied to the refractions in all the years 1877-1886, representing the effect of substituting readings of the thermometer in the front court for those of the exterior thermometer placed near the north wall of the transit-circle room. The reason for this change is explained in the following passage of the Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors for 1887 June 4, p. (7) : "It has appeared doubtful whether the reading of the exterior thermometer placed near the north wall of the transit-circle room represents the true temperature of the external air as affecting the refraction for the sun and other southern objects in the day-time. A discussion of simultaneous readings of the exterior, front court, and meteorological standard thermometers, which is being made by Mr. Thackeray, shows systematic differences between the first and last at the time of observation of the sun, the mean monthly excess of the meteorological standard over the exterior thermometer for the ten years 1877-1886 ranging from +0'7 in December to +2 0< 1 in May and August, and + 2'6 in September. The reading of the front court thermometer (which is at a distance from any building) appears to agree closely with that of the meteorological standard, and it has been adopted, from the beginning of this year (1887), in computing refractions for the sun, moon, planets, and stars south of the zenith observed in the day-time, the exterior thermometer being still used for northern stars as probably representing better the temperature of the air on the north side of the transit-circle. The systematic differences in thermometer readings have a sensible effect on the position of the ecliptic as deduced from observations of the sun, the discordance in the results between the summer and winter solstices found when the readings of the exterior thermometer are used being rendered insensible when corrections are applied to reduce to the reading of the meteorological standard thermometer." OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, ix THK YKAKS 1877 TO 1886. (5) The corrections applied to the refractions in the years 1877-1886 represent the effect on the refraction for the Z.D. of the sun on the mean day of each group corresponding to the monthly mean differences between the exterior and front court thermometers as found from observations made from 1887 -Inn. 1 to 1888 Sept. 30, at the transit of the sun, which were the only set of observations available. The adopted monthly mean differences were us follows : Mouth. January February March April May June Front Court Ext. o + 0-5 + 1-6 + i-5 4- 2-2 + 3'5 + 4'3 Month. July AugURt September October November December Front Court Ext. o + 2-8 + 3'5 + 27 + 27 + 17 + I-I In the following tables are given the various corrections to N.P.D., the corrected error of X.IM)., and the deduced corrected error of E.N.P.D. These new errors have been substituted in the equations already formed in the annual volumes for each year, and the equations have been re-solved. In the year 1879 there was originally a mistake in computation, the error in E.N.P.D. for July having been taken with the wrong sign. It will be convenient here to compare the original and corrected values of the quantities, ,r, //. * ; mid of the correction to epoch depending on x. X. Correction to Epoch. .'/ - Y.-ar. Original Corrected Original Corrected Original Corrected Original Corrected Value. Value. Value. Value. Value. Value. Value. Value. I8 77 + o'35 + 0-26 + '059 M + '4+ // - 0-25 + 0-36 H + I-I3 - 0-15 1878 O'2I 0-29 - -035 - '49 + 0-23 + 0-52 + 0-31 4- 0-09 I8 79 + 0-43 + 0-15 + -072 + '025 O'OO + 0-26 + 0-42 4- 0-40 1880 0^46 - 0'55 - '77 -092 0-08 + 0-05 o - o3 0-07 .1881 O'll O'2I '019 - '35 + 0-13 4- 0-06 4- 0-03 + 0-26 1882 0-08 0-16 - -014 - -027 + 0-48 + 0-42 + 0-38 + - 53 1883 + 0-07 o'oi ; + 'OI2 'OO2 + O'22 + O'lO O'22 4- 0'12 1884 + 0-58 + 0-,0 + '096 + -084 + '45 + o'34 O'5O 0-18 1885 + o'oi 0-05 + 'OO2 '009 + 075 4- 0-65 - 0'45 0'12 1886 + 0-6; + 0-56 + '109 + -94 ! + 0-46 + '35 - 0-13 4- 0'20 Mciin ... 4- o'i2 : + 0-02 4- '021 + -003 + 0-24 + 0-31 + 0-09 4- o'n It will be noticed that the values of z in the years 1879 and 1882 are somewhat large. There is evidence that these discrepancies are due to changes in the staff' of regular observers in those years. RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM ^t-i Jt i|l vo N o - OO o 00 VO N N N ^ s- N b O " o o O O O o o O III 1 + + + + 1 + + 1 1 1 + g o ^ to vo M <*-. -t- (^ ,,_ 10 to -2 -> Q to ON N -ri- N Tl- O N ^ f^ gjS'pn" * O O o o o o o o O o O Jll* + 1 1 + + + 1 1 + 1 1 1 a g (^ o o o m * * __ to VO to ^ ""* O w Tt- ON o ^~ o VO w t^. g oCM e O o O o o o o o O O m m N c o ^ ^- N H M N o g g * b O O o O _,= + 1 + + + 1 + 1 \ 1 + 1 "8 B 00 *> 00 M M w * f^. M VO l"~* OO ^ "" '" Q o vo o l^ OO 1^\ w N r<^ 8 g .5-pj b o o o o O O O caiS* 1 1 1 + + + + + + + 1 1 "8 a w> o *<*- ^. t| ^ VO in w. g Q 00 *- 00 o t^ OO N OO * **^ b o o o o o o O O I!* 1 1 1 1 + + + H- + + + 1 ^ o VO *r> J. o N ^, ON vo OO VO . t-^ M O *1 Wl s 3 o o o o O O cc 1 1 1 1 + + 1 + 1 1 1 1 ill R s^s ON b o b rh N b *T) b OO b OO b N b N b b b tr* -i- b b % III + + + .s H N ^ M o o -(- o * ON ^_ ON t^ - + f4 w\ f*} <** x Srt " 6 N N N " * vo' r: - ON ~ !T 1^1 r^ N OO M N Er ^ w N ON r vo '^ g DC a" 1 1 1 0, 1 G S "2 1-5 bo p 1 1 > O O VO 1^.00 N unoo fr> + if m N C g^fC *bbb b bb O 3*8* + +I+ + + + + + + 1 ga . fM 2<^ N ONt^--OONNCO - M - S h HbbOpMMM*BMM b gi* + +I+ + + + +I+ + 1 VO -o O N wi O ^f* "^ <*^ 1^ NO "^NtONO 1 OOOOO rj a BO q * b b b b b b b b b b b i i i i + + i + i + i o 1 3 c 5 |l| ONO -^-moooo o N r^-i^Lrt *+ -^-f^N N N Mt*~itO "~* "^ 9 b b bob b b b b b b b 41 1 * N N- ON OO " ^ o o ; : ; : : 8 M o o o o : : ; 6 E III! f-irj-u-\l^f-voc -*-i^O O ^ SO "* ^- to r4 i~i N N ^" IJ ~* NO VO M a b b b b b b b b b b b i i i i i i i i i i i 1 Sri *-*^ NO to -*"\ O^*O *^ O H~ OO OO *$- |^ ON- *N ON. O N O N vo OpH *~~bbb--~~~-~ O I" + + i + + + + + i + + + .B O to o O oo i^- O * oo t-^. ^~ ^ ff> M -^-O vo u-!N O O ^ P p o o o o o o o rr bbbbbbbbbbb O b H + + + + i + + + + + + + f gfi" ^ OO \O NO -^- ^J- ^4- NO ^^ N ** to fO w" -H- ^- N T^-N tO"^*N m ajft ' N O ^* T^ * \O *^ *^*> I"" 1 * t^^- ^N ^^ o &* oo t^. so i > * r^-- oo ON o 1! ,d a j 5 oo oo 0.63 << CTNN J^O W^CO 0^" ^?^T ^ & i^Ovo w^-^o ^-r^NOO o I 4 ' J ,1^,333 ^,l l ^t 1 ll^*'!l^l-5l-3 COOl^< o Q OBSKRVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (18) Equations formed by assuming the Error in Ecliptic North Polar Distance to be represented by the Formula j- x cos Sun's longitude -f y x sin Sun's longitude + z, :i!id altering the number of observations BO as to make the assumed weights of opposite parts of the year equal : + 1-34 = + 0-2560 x x 0-9667 x y + z Weight 4 + 1-02 = + 0-8790 x x 0-4769 x y + s ,, 4 0-61 = + 0-9970 x x 0-0776 x y + z ii Summer ... Autumn ... Winter ... -f 072 = + 0-9729 x x + 0-2312 x y + z ,, 5 + 0-88 = + 0-5979 x x + 0-8016 x y + 2 ,, 8 + 1-25 = + 0-1216 x x + 0-9926 x y + 2 ,, 6 0-6004 x x + o'7997 x y + 2 , , 2 0-7802 x x + 0-6255 x y + 2 ,, 10 0-9949 x x + o-ioii x y + 2 ,, 7 0-9467 x x 0-3220 x y + 2 ,, 6 0-5618 x x 0-8272 x y + 2 ,, 8 0-2062 x x 0-9785 x y + 2 , , 5 Equations multiplied by the Weights : Spring Summer... + 5-36 = + 1-0240 x x 3-8668 x y + 42 + 4-08 = + 3-5160 x x 1-9076 x y + \z 6-71 = +10-9670 x x 0-8536 x y + 112 f + 3-60 = + 4-86 | + 7-04 = + 4-78 ( + 7-50 = + 0-72 + 3-60 = + 4-8645 x x + 1-1560 x y + 52 .-7832 x x + 6-4128 x y + % z 7296 x x + 5-9556 x y + 6 z \ Autumn ... Winter I-2008 X X + I"5994 X IJ + 2 Z 7-8020 x j- + 6-2550 x y + 10 z 6-9643 x x + 0-7077 x y + 7 z 5-6802 x x 1-9320 x y + 6 z 4-4944 x x 6-6176 x y + 82 1-0310 x x 4-8925 x y + 52 (14) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM New Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter + 3o"'96 = rz884 x x + 2-0164 x y + 76 z Spring + Summer Autumn Winter + 10*78 = + 53'57 x x + 117764 x y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter 9" - 48 = + 9-8912 x x 42-1566 x y Solution of these Equations : t x = + 0-15 y = + 0-26 z = + 0-40 The first term, taken alone, indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the Error of the tabular Ecliptic N.P.D. is positive, or that the assumed Ecliptic is south of the Sun's true path, by 0"'15, and therefore that the right ascensions of all stars ought to be 8- 15 increased by - -r=-, = 8 '025. J lo x sin 26 . 27 The second term, taken alone, indicates that the obliquity assumed in the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by /- 26. The third term indicates the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is less than that deduced from the northern solstice by 0"'80 ; or that the mean of observed distances from the Pole to the Ecliptic is too small by O'^-iO. OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN TIIE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (75) c-S o N N o r>* Ov O^ O N S ~ o ^- U^ **- TH M t^ O >^ ||| * b o o O O O O O O O O O + 1 + 1 1 + 1 + + + 1 1 8 so o M ON - M OO \O C^ H ^O OO ** """ O -h O u- so O ** N ^*- G"^ o o o o o o o o iia* 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 + + + + ^ ~ . NO -*- 00 t^ M N t^. ON OO N ^ t> in t^. N NO + tx \O b o o o o o o o o o o o a* 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + +.+ + + | * b b b o - b b _ o p O p O 7 b b b b b b b O to 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + 1 1 IH T w I- 8 fil ^> OO OO O *^ I 1 *""" f** 1 * *^ 4 s * W '^ S - -* f* r* N r< r4 T^ W% i-^ *^\ -^- 5 ^ *" I b o o o o o o o o o a 1 2 J + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 *&* 6 d o NO 5 ON '4* I** 1 * N to in ^- NO 00 00 N N to TJ- m NO 1 * b o o o o o o o Pi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -* M y NO *! O N ^5 l***- ^ ^O *^ ' 1>> OO to? * b o O O O o o o o o o o 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + )H N NO O b o b 00 I b -i- tn O f b b O N * ^ ON ON ft H ro NO t* T ON - O - - b b b b o o o + + 1 1 + + + + + + + + m ^- i^ O VO ^ ON 62 *!" * ON o o -j- d t-^ \O oo oo oo oo I^N. m ^O ^O f^ 1 oo ^^ O " . _ o * 00 00 N ^\ f^. f^ fi O 5jH a S-J5 a 6 in -^ ^ N N '"' M GO N N zr rJ3 N " M r^. N i-^. u^ r* N M W M M M M M d 1 n> 1 S 1 | 1 1 I 1 1 1 (16) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC IBOM Equations formed by assuming the Error in Ecliptic North Polar Distance to be represented by the Formula x x cos Sun's longitude + y x sin Sun's longitude + z, and altering the number of observations so as to make the assumed weights of opposite parts of the year equal : ( 0-45 = + 0-5284 x x 0-8490 x y + z Weight 9 Spring < o-io = + 0-8215 x x ~ 0-5702 x y + z ^ ( ro2 = + 0-9996 x x 0-0297 x y + z ,, 12 ? o-og = + 0-8505 x x + 0-5260 x y + z ,, 9 o-oi = + 0-5459 x x + 0-8379 x y + z > io 0-52 = 0-0073 x *' + i 'oooo x y + z ,, io ( + 0-68 = 0-4260 x oc + 0-9047 x y + 2 , , 1 1 Autumn ...-J 0-06 = 0-8635 x x + '543 x y + 2 ,, 8 ' + 0-19 = 0-9961 x x + 0-0880 x y + z ,, io !+ 0-12 = 0-9238 x x 0-3830 x y + z , , 9 + 0-26 = 0-6359 x x 0-7718 x y + z ,, 12 + 0-48 = - 0-1579 x x - 0-9875 x y + z ,, 8 Equations multiplied by the Weights : ! 4-05 = + 4-7556 x x 7-6410 x y + 92 0-80 = + 6-5720 x x 4-5616 x y + 82 12-24 = + 11-9952 x x 0-3564 x y + 12 2 ! 0-8 1 = + 7-6545 x x + 4734 x 1 J + 9 z o-io = + 5-4590 x x + 8-3790 x y + 102 5-20 = 0-0730 x x + 10-0000 x y + io z 4-6860 x x + 9-9517 x y + ii z 6-9080 x x + 4-0344 x y + 8 z 9-9610 x x + 0-8800 x y + io z 8-3142 x x 3-4470 x y + 9 z 7-6308 x x 9-2616 x y + 12 z 1-2632 x x 7-9000 x y + 8 z OBSERVATIONS OK THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (17} New Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter 6"-26 = 2-3999 x x + 4-81 15 x / + 1162 Spring + Summer Autumn Winter - 4o"-i4 = + 75-1265 x a- + 16-2965 x y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter n"-84 = + 14-6291 x x 71-1467 x y Solution of these Equations : x= - 0-55 y = + 0-05 Z = - 0-07 The first term, taken alone, indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the Error of the tabular Ecliptic N.P.D. is negative, or the assumed Ecliptic is north of the Sun's true path, by 0"'55, and therefore that the right ascensions of all stars ought to be O s "55 15 x sin 23. 21' = The second term, taken alone, indicates that the obliquity assumed in the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by 0"'05. The third term indicates that the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is greater than that deduced from the northern solstice by 0"'14 ; or that the mean of observed distances from the Pole to the Ecliptic is too great by 0"'07. OBSERVATIONS. 1887. RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM I'M w* SO SO OO L*1 i SO **!< N O K1 SO OO ^H ^ OS -^- to M o o" * o b b b b b b o o o o o f| 1 + + + 1 1 1 + + 1 + 1 "S fl . If'-sp tn tr\ >f N so o N SO K-> * O ^ *^ N Os ;2 l pk' = o o b b b b ~ 0000 O a H l* + 1 1 1 + + + 1 + + + + "8 a ^t~ OS OS N O OS VTN N -^ m N o O * 00 N N 1-1 J1 N N - S * b b b b b b b O O O O o a "g 2 _ .2 w^iP + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 *^i t^ ** O t*^> ^D r** s ** r^ f** M p ~ - o o o o ~ ~ N- 3 *b b b b b b b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o 1 1 1 1. 1 S 00 SO N "-> f^ N 00 - O O " m N. M O |S = b - b b b b - o o o o o + 1 1 1 1 + + 1 + + + 1 _g CT^ O t^- N N O *^ v^ \O ri O "^~ ^^ O^ o o o o o o o Os N- t^ o * * so oo o o o o o IP " b b b b b b b o o o o o - So ~--<' o o o' o" so' 00 -( O ON OO t^ SO SO f*-) OO O SO* OO O ON 1^ 00 O O oo rA . N o ***> oo r^ so t^- O Ti- - SO *d 2 3 g^ps ds N t~^ *^ N "N 00 O 00 r 1- | | | I | | I & - ^ > P 3) o o ^ so O & d 0) Q OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE VEAKS 1877 TO 1886. (19) Equations formed by assuming the Error in Ecliptic North Polar Distance to be represented by the Formula x x cos Sun's longitude + y x sin Sun's longitude + z, and altering the number of observations so as to make the assumed weights of opposite parts of the year equal : Spring Autumn Winter + 0-3990 x x 0-9169 x y + z Weight 8 + 0-8914 x x - 0-4532 x y + z ,, 5 + 0-9994 x x 0-0340 x y + z ,, 10 !- 0-19 = + 0-9158 x x + 0-4017 x y + z + 0-24 = + 0-5495 x x + 0-8355 x y + z + 0-61 = + 0-0967 x x + 0-9953 x y + z (+ 1-05 = - ... < O'O2 = ( + 0-16 = - !+ 0-53 = - + 0-24 = - + 0-29 = - 0-3453 x x + 0-9385 x y + z 0-7958 x x + 0-6055 x y + z 0-9972 x x + 0-0753 x y + z 0-8890 x x 0-4579 x y + z 0-5544 x a? 0-8323 x y + z 0-1094 x x '994 x y + 2 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 Equations multiplied by the Weights : !+ 4'56 = + 3' - 2-55 = + 4- no = + 9' Autumn Winter ... 1920 x x 7-3352 x y + 8 z 4570 x x 2-2660 x y + 5 z 9940 x x 0-3400 x y + 10 z ! 1-33 = + 6-4106 x x + 2-8119 x y + 7 z + 1-92 = + 4-3960 x x + 6-6840 x y + $ z + 4-88 = + 0-7736 x x + 7'9<5z4 x y + 8 z !+ 8-40 = - - 0-16 = - + I-I2 = - 2-7624 x x + 7'5 8 x y + 8 z 6-3664 x x + 4-8440 x y + 8 z 6-9804 x x + 0-5271 x y + 7 z 7-1120 x x 3-6632 x y + 8 z 4-4352 x x 6-6584 x y + 80 0-7658 x x 6-9580 x y + 7 z (20) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM New Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter + Z3"'93 = + 0-8010 x x + 3-1166 x y + 92 z Spring + Summer Autumn Winter ii"-i7 = + 57-6454 x x + 11-9176 x y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter - 5"73 = + 9' 8 59 x * - 57'55 8z x V Solution of these Equations : X = O'ZI y = + 0-06 z = + 0-26 The first term, taken alone, indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the Error of the tabular Ecliptic N.P.D. is negative, or the assumed Ecliptic is north of the Sun's true path, by 0"'21, and therefore that the right ascensions of all stars ought to be 2 * ,. = O s> 035. 15 The second term, taken alone, indicates that the obliquity assumed in the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by 0"'06. The third term indicates that the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is less than that deduced from the northern solstice by 0"'52 ; or that the mean of observed distances from the Pole to the Ecliptic is too small by 0"'26. OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (21) 1*4 UN r, _ u, ON NO -,- * '* O O " O o o c. S S 5*1 1 b b b b b b b 1 1 + + 1 + 1 b b b b o H-2-2 to UN \o ON s - O^ N N <*- O " O UN ~ 00 UN \O OO 00 t^ W M to 8 o.2*p^ = b b b b b - O o Jll* + + + + + + + + + + + + J--ei !** o ^H *-^> ^^ r^fc o O --) !-5 ? f ' V J <; ae o S5 Q (**) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM Equations formed by assuming the Error in Ecliptic North Polar Distance to be represented by the Formula x x cos Sun's longitude + y x sin Sun's longitude + z, and altering the number of observations so as to make the assumed weights of opposite parts of the year equal : )+ 0-23 = + 0-3786 x x 0-9255 x y + z Weight 6 + 0-45 = + 0-8642 x x 0-5033 x y + 2 ,, 8 + 0-06 = + i-oooo x x 0-0038 x y + z ,, 7 + o-ig = + 0-9241 x x + 0-3821 x y + z ,, 6 Summer ...-J + 1-09 = + 0-5388 x x + 0-8424 x y + z ,, 10 + 0-0343 x x + '9994 x y + z 5 Autumn ... Winter 13 = - 0-4033 x x + 0-9151 x y + z ,, 0-7725 x x + 0-6350 x y + z ,, 5 0-9915 x x + 0-1302 x y + z ,, 8 0-9061 x x 0-4229 x y + 2 ,, 7 0-5868 x a; 0-8097 x y + ,, 9 0-1138 x # 0-9935 x y + ,, 5 Equations multiplied by the Weights : !+ 1-38 = + 2-2716 xx 5'553 x y + 60 + 3-60 = + 6-9136 x x 4-0264 x y + 82 + 0-42 = + 7-0000 x x 0-0266 x y + j s Summer . Autumn Winter + 1-14 = + 5-5446 x x + 2-2926 x y + f> z + 10*90 = + 5-3880 x x + 8-4240 x y + 10 s + 2-95 = + 0-1715 x x + 4*9970 x y + $ z -i !+ 8-96 = - + 4'4 = - + 6-00 = (+ 2-52 = - ...-J+ 2-52 = - ( + 0-65 = - 3-2264 x x + 7-3208 x y + 82 3-8625 x x + 3'i75 x y + 5 z 7-9320 x x + 1-0416 x y + 80 6-3427 x x 2-9603 x y + 7 z 5-2812 x x 7-2873 x y + 90 0-5690 x x 4-9675 x y + 50 OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (23) New Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter + 45"'44 = + 0-0755 x x + z- 4*99 x !/ + 8 4 * Spring + Summer Autumn Winter - 4"-66 = + 54-5031 x x + 9-7853 x y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter 23"-z6 = + 7-9091 x x 52-0721 x y Solution of these Equations : x = 0-16 y = + 0-42 z = + 0-53 The first term, taken alone, indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the Error of the tabular Ecliptic N.P.D. is negative, or that the assumed Ecliptic is north of the Sun's true path, by 0"'16, and therefore that the right ascensions of all stare ought to be 15 x 23. 27- \ The second term, taken alone, indicates that the obliquity assumed in the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by 0"'42. The third term indicates that the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is less than that deduced from the northern solstice by 1"'06 ; or that the mean of observed distances from the Pole to the Ecliptic is too small by 0"'53. (24) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM 1! *"* *" 2 N is\ t^ \j~. . O O ^to,^ON--00 o b b b oooooooo III 1 + + + 1 1 1 + + + 1 ^ fl o . "N O O \O t^OO t^-t^.N ^N to - o N O to in ro N O O w Ill* O O O O OOOOOOOO 111*' + 1 + + + + + + 1 I + + Jfc *-*" ^^ *^ t^. , r r* N o oo ir\ONVO OOO toON OtOt^VOONN o o o o oooooooo Ji* + 1 + 1 + + + + + + s . 9 O ^3 r*- c*"* oo O^ O * . a - w ^-o *" ^ ^~ s * b b b b b b b b b b b b Q " i , , , , , . , , , , , pj X t* c ^ o w Jel ON O -^- to OO OO ** + N N M M N to to o i^\ -i- 5 o *> = b b " b b b b b b b b b b o "i s| + + + + + + + + + + + + j ^ o to to to N N N N N to tO to *O O O O O O O o o o p p p * b b b b b b b b b b b b pq 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OO N H O 10 OO vo ON *"* Q N 00 ~ to O O vo Ov O N o P* 5 b b b b b b b b b b '- - I* + 1 + 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .s VO ON N M OO N O t* N to t-t LO OO O 10 O * oo t^ vo to s O O O O O - p P P P r r fc b b b b b b b b b b b b H + + + + + + + + + + + + "s Q ' " - * OS JP -* oo r*. Tt- oo ^- N to m ft a.* 1 " o N tA o\ d so oo' vo' i-^ dv lA N BO 0., o o^ t^* r>* so - OO N rt SO rrj M to to 00 10 O O *c *! fi r^ ^~ Tt- *- to to LO c.<* O N rn - to SO N H N ^ ON - to .0 & O f~** N v^*. 00 M vo vo vo oo ON .0 Q ^ - co I 5 U TM CD ^ fl ST* 0> J5 ^ VH "3 ^ S* "5 .2 ^ >-5 / 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 1 1 1 1 to o OO l"^ N t^^ ** ^* OO *-^ ^^ fi N H- M VD f~i M OO OO N t^- t- -i-i p.fe O _* N O Ch O ^O c>*oco ooo ci 4* - O O\t^.t^^o v or^-ooo H ff t^CTxH-N N -f-OO^OOOOO g z 7-3472 x x 3-1640 x y + 8 z 2-33*4 x x - 3-2496 x y 4- 4 g 1-1528 x x 7-9168 x y + 8 z (32) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM New Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter 6"-26 = + 2*3058 x x + 5742Z x y + 80 z Spring + Summer Autumn Winter + 3"-i4 = + 51-5036 x x + 10-5368 x y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter 32"'32 = + 9-6506 x x 48-9860 x y Solution of these Equations : a x = 0-05 y + 0-65 3 = 0'12 The first term, taken alone, indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the Error of the tabular Ecliptic N.P.D. is negative, or that the assumed Ecliptic is north of the Sun's true path, by 0"'05 ; and therefore that the right ascensions of all stars ought to be diminished by - -J-^ ^ = 9 '009. J la x sin 23 . 27 The second term, taken alone, indicates that the obliquity assumed in the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by 0"'65. The third term indicates that the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is greater than that deduced from the northern solstice by 0"'24 ; or that the mean of observed distances from the Pole to the Ecliptic is too great by 0"'12. OBSERVATIONS OF THK SUN, IN THK YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (33) B '" '- NO b 00 b b p b NO O o N b NO NO OJO b o b p b H N O I O I o I p b I a a o b o I p b I a S S2S o b oo oo o o o o 8 b 8 b 8 b o o o I p b oo b o o vo o o I 8 b o b o o o I o b p b p b p b p b p b p b oo O .-o o ON ON O b E oo ON ON 1 & VO 1 a i-s bo 00 1 O P OBEENWICH OBSKKYATIOXS, 1887. (34) RECOMPUTATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC FROM Equations formed by assuming the Error in Ecliptic North Polar Distance to be represented by the Formula x x cos Sun's longitude + y x sin Sun's longitude + z, find altering the number of observations so as to make the assumed weights of opposite parts of the year equal : !+ 0-66 = + 0-4597 x x 0-8881 x y + 0-83 = + 0-8268 x x 0-5626 x y 0-15 = + 0-9922 x x 0-1245 x y '+ 0-66 = + 0-4597 x x 0-8881 x y + Weight 10 + 2 ,, 8 + 2 12 ) + 0-45 = + 0-8879 x x + '4599 * y + s + 1-23 = + 0-5802 x a; + 0-8145 x V + z 11 9 + 0-73 = + 0-0837 x x + 0-9965 x y + z ,, 13 Autumn 0-3420 x x + 0-9397 x y + z ,, 10 0-8418 x x + 0-5398 x y + z ,, 10 0-9916 x x + 0-1297 x y + z ,, 10 Winter 0-9392 x x - 0-3434 x y + z ,, 10 0-5721 x x 0-8202 x y + z ,, 10 0-0779 x x 0-9970 x y + z ,, 10 Equations multiplied by the Weights : Spring + 4-5970 x x 8-8810 x y + 10 z + 6-6144 x x ~ 4'5o8 x y + 8 z + 11-9064 x x 1-4940 x y + 122 f+ 3-60 = + 7-1032 x x + 3-6792 x y + 82 Summer...-? + 11-07 = + 5*2218 x x + 7-3305 x y + 92 (+ 9-49 = + 1-0881 x x + 12-9545 x y + 13 z !+ 0-40 = 3-4200 x x + 9'397o x y + 10 z 0-70 = 8-4180 x x + 5-3980 x y + 10 z 2-50 = 9-9160 x x + 1-2970 x y + 10 z ! 2-50 = 9-3920 x x 3-4340 x y + 102 5-40 = 5-7210 x x 8-2020 x y + 102 0-50 = 0-7790 x x 9-9700 x y + 10 2 OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 188G. (35) Xew Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter + 24-40 = - 1-1151 x x + 3*5744 x y + no z Spring + Summer Autumn Winter + 46'-8o = + 74-1769 x x + 14-6024 x y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter i8"'32 = + 15-5667 x .r 76-5380 x .'/ Solution of these Equations : a- = + 0-56 y = + 0-35 S = + O'ZO The first terra, taken alone, indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the Error of the tabular Ecliptic N.P.D. is positive, or that the assumed Ecliptic is south of the Sun's true path, by 0"'56, and therefore that the right ascensions of all stars ought to be /V; ( r (* increased by - - = 8< 094. J 15 x sin 23. 27' The second term, taken alone, indicates that the obliquity assumed in the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by 0" - 35. The third term indicates that the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is lc>s than that deduced from the northern solstice by 0"'40 ; or that the mean of observed distances from the Pole to the Ecliptic is too small by 0"'20. E 2 (36} CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION II MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS FOR REVISED READINGS OF THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER AND OF THE BAROMETER, IN THE TEARS 1877 TO 1886. In examining the computations for the Ten- Year Catalogue several instances were found in which the exterior thermometer (or sometimes the barometer) was not read sufficiently near the observation of a star, and the usual practice of using the reading immediately preceding each observation did not therefore give a sufficiently accurate value of the refraction for the time of observation. A careful list has been made of these cases, and the reading of the thermometer or barometer has been inferred from comparison of neighbouring readings with the meteorological register ; or, in some cases, on referring to the original observers' books, an actual reading of the exterior thermometer was found, which had hitherto been overlooked. With the new readings the refractions were re3alculated in the original zenith distance computations. The following is a list of all such cases of corrections to the refraction of stars in the years 1877-1885 arranged in order of Right Ascension. The year 1886 is treated separately at the end. Column 1 gives the date. Column 2 the Star's name. Column 3 the approximate right ascension for 1880'0. Column 4 the reading of the thermometer used in the original computation of refraction. Column 5 the correct reading, either as found from the original books, or as inferred from the meteorological register. When it appeared that the new reading did not differ more than 0'5 from the old, the case was not investigated further. Column 6 the approximate refraction, in seconds of arc. Column 7 the correction to refraction, i.e., the difference between the original refractions and those recomputed with the corrected thermometer readings. All corrections less than 0"'10 have been neglected. These corrections have been applied in forming the Mean N.P.D's. in the Ten- Year Catalogue, with the exception of a few which were inadvertently neglected and which have been incorporated in the errata prefixed to the Ten- Year Catalogue. THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 188G. (37) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS FOR REVISED READINGS OF EXTERIOR THERMOMETER AND BAROMETER IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1885. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1 880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1884. April 22 1877 Nov. 16 )1 1882 April 8 1882 May 26 1885 Dec. 8 1884 May 20 1884 April 22 1884 April 22 1884 Sept. 29 j 1884 May 13 1882 Sept. 12 1885 May 2 1885 May 2 1880 June 1 8 1884 April 9 1884 Oct. 28 1884 April 9 1879 Nov. 7 1879 June 10 1 88 1 April 9 1883 May 17 1884 April 22 1883 May 23 1885 Sept. 5 1884 Nov. 20 1882 April 6 1877 Sept. 29 1877 Nov. 14 1879 Nov - l8 1877 Nov. 7 1878 April 23 1879 June 10 1880 June 8 1880 Sept. 22 1 88 1 May 6 > 10 CaHsiopeiaB S P h m a o. o. 13 O. 2. II o. 2.47 o. 7. 3 o. 9.27 o. 10. 31 o. 18.37 o. 19. 15 0.23. 15 0.23.55 o. 28. 49 o. 29. 28 0.33.42 0-34-55 0.42.27 0.43.27 0-45-45 o. 49. 29 o. 56. 14 o. 59. i i- 3-53 i. 4.23 I. 8.21 i. 14. 18 i. 14.45 367 48-9 4' - 5 62-8 31-9 53'i 367 J > 367 52-9 > 55'9 > 48-8 45'9 45 - 9 66-5 40-8 j > 467 40-8 41-9 6o - i 367 53'9 34'8 63-3 53-0 40-2 42-6 487 42-4 > i 44'9 48-4 52-9 6o - i 54-8 64-1 54'3 > > 36^0 44' i 1 407 57-8 30-6 52-1 35-6 J J 35'3 51-8 > 54'9 > 47'i 45'z 45'2 65-0 39'9 1 43 'l 39-6 41-0 59-2 35'9 53'' I 4 ' 1 65-3 5*'3 39'4 4''3 46-4 44-0 ) 43-6 50-3 49-1 58-0 51-8 66-6 53'' > 127 *5 J 162 '54 45 75 '44 236 69 > 73 > 85 21 I 212 177 "5 > 57 i*5 67 '43 150 82 6 9 116 67 IO2 50 44 45 J J 45 48 47 48 48 47 49 " n + 0-19 + 0-24 i * + 0-26 + '-54 + 0-13 + 0-16 + o-33 > + 0-69 + 0-16 + 0-15 > + 0-30 + 0-30 + 0-30 + 0-53 + 0-22 + 0-40 + 0-3I + 0-13 + 0-26 + 0-26 -f OM3 + O'M - 0-46 + o-io + 0-17 + 0-13 -t- 0'2 1 - 0-15 + 0'12 O-14 + 0-30 + 0-20 + 0-29 - 0-23 + O'I2 9 > a Andromeda; R. ..D Bradley 6 S P Piazzi 0. 25 S P R. , D. Bradley 23 SP D. Bradley 34 S.P R. ...D. 12 Ceti Bradley 49 8 P ...D. Bradley 82 S P W B 77? y Cassiopeiae S.P Groom bridge 215 S P Bradley 109 S P 33 Ceti 37 Ceti a 1 Ursie Minoris S P ...R. D. Polaris S P R ...L>. /3 Cassiopeia S.P. (1882 May 36). It is assumed that an error of 5 was made in the reading of the thermometer. f Pegasi. The automatic register having failed on thij day, the reading of the thermometer ha* been interpolated from neighbouring reading. 32 Cassiopeue S.P. The correction for index error of the thermometer hrul been erroneously applied. Polaris S.P. (1877 November 7). The reading of the barometer (29 iB 74) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29 iD 7i. (38) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1 880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1882 April 6 1882 April 14 1883 April 16 1883 June 4 1883 Sept. 14 1883 Oct. 17 1884 April 21 1884 June 13 1881 May 7' 1883 May 21 1883 Dec. 6 1 88 1 May 7 1 88 1 May u 1883 Nov. 12 1882 Oct. 30 1882 Feb. i 1883 Dec. 14 1 88 1 May u 1879 Nov. 14 1884 Nov. 7 < 1883 June 6 1883 June 6 1884 May 24 1885 May 15 1 88 1 May 12 1885 Nov. 2 1 88 1 May 7 1883 June 4 1 88 1 May 7 1883 Oct. 13 1883 June 6 1883 Oct. 13 Polaris S.P b ni s I. 14.45 I. 22. 30 1.28.57 I.3I.38 1.33.28 I-36.39 1.38.30 i-39- 3 1.45.46 1.54.21 2. O. 25 2. 2. 5 * 5-55 \ 2. 14. 2. 18. 23 2. 19. 12 2. 19. 13 2.28.35 2. 30. 48 *-33-4 6 42^6 44'9 > > 42-9 61-6 65-2 507 34-8 67-1 55-8 53'5 3'4 55-8 40-8 357 48-6 ) ) 33-8 45'i 40-8 32-2 46-8 * 50-8 50-8 55'9 477 i > 46^0 48-2 > 51-2 58-3 ) 51-2 51-0 50-8 51-0 o 4''3 43-8 > 4''5 60-3 69-0 52-0 33-8 65-6 517 52-3 30-8 5''4 39-6 34-8 47'5 > * 32'9 43'5 39-6 31-7 44-6 > 5-3 5'3 55'3 47-2 ) 44-8 4 6- 3 1 5 49-8 57'5 49-8 477 49'3 477 // 5 48 ? 49 47 47 48 5 47 "S 86 in 1 06 108 87 142 J 57 53 131 198 32 9 > 214 105 105 1 06 > > "93 5i s 109 105 ? 109 322 90 H7 + 0-13 + O'l I ? ? + 0-14 + 0-13 - 0-38 - 0-13 + 0-17 + 0-14 + 0-95 + 0'22 O'll + '95 + 0-26 + 0-16 + '4 2 > + o-n + 0-18 + 0-32 + o'34 + 0-15 j + 0'2I + O'll + 0-13 + 0-13 > 5 + '47 + - 20 > 5 + 0-3I + 0-16 ) + '3i + 2M2 + 0-28 + 0'80 ...R. D. Lalande 2651 2 SP Piazzi I 131 w Ciissiopeiae S P W. B. I. 664 T Ceti R ...D Cassiopeiae S P v Ceti a Arietis R. D. Piazzi I 256 SP Lalande 3987 SP ...R. ...D. i Persei S P Arietis R. D Bradley 332 SP ...R D 7-Year Cat. (1860) No. 156 S.P. Piazzi II 122 Bradley 353 S P Ceti Polaris S.P. (1883 June 4). The correction for index error of the thermometer had been erroneously applied. Polaris S.P. (1.883 July 2). The reading of the barometer (29'" -91) has been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29'" -99 : the consequent correction to refraction is o'-i3. Polaris S.P. (1883 September 14). The reading of the barometer (29 in '97) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29'"'99. Lalande 2651-2 S.P. It is assumed that the reading of the interior thermometer was entered by mistake. 1879 Jan. 15 1 88 1 May 23 1883 May 31 1883 May 23 jj 1885 Nov. 30 1884 July i 1884 July i 1884 May 8 1883 Dec. 3 1884 Nov. 7 1883 May 24 1885 June 26 1881 Feb. 16 M 1884 June 27 1885 May 20 1881 Jan. 4 1881 Feb. 16 1882 July 15 1884 May 29 1 88 1 Jan. 4 1885 Feb. 7 1885 May 20 > 1881 June 22 1 88 1 Jan. 4 1882 July 15 1877 May i^ 1882 June 23 1884 July i 1878 Jan. 10 1 88 1 Jan. 4 f Ceti h 111 s 2-37- 5 2. 44. 42 2. 46. 2 7 2.49. 4 2.57. 17 2. 59 . 48 3. 0.25 3. 2. 18 3. 12. 14 3.14. 16 3- '7- 54 3.22. 5 3.28.29 3-30-I5 3-3'. 45 3-37-43 3.46.51 3- 5- * 3. 52. 26 3-54- i 3-55-*6 3-57-53 3.58.46 3- 59- 2 3 3- 59- 57 4. 2. u 4- 3-45 4. 5.11 4. 6. 14 4. 6. 20 4- 9-45 o 34-1 44'3 5*7 ) J 51-0 437 J J 39'9 54'' 53-0 61-4 J J 46-8 64-8 64-8 50-8 > 49'9 43-8 557 > > S3'' 45-6 j 6 1 -9 43'' > 37-6 45-6 61-6 44-8 37-6 43-8 43'i 9 55'3 37-6 61-6 50-5 54-3 63-7 ) 9 36-4 37-6 o 33'4 43-8 5i-4 J 9 477 43'i 38-6 53'' 50-9 597 9 9 46'0 64-1 64-1 50-1 9 9 49'3 43-0 54' 5 > > 5* - 3 42-0 9 9 61-2 42-1 9 9 36-6 41-8 60-3 43-8 36-2 43'4 41-1 9 9 54-6 36-2 59'9 477 53-o 62-4 9 9 34'4 36-2 68 3'7 136 9 5 39 123 i > 47 *97 297 81 9 9 77 118 87 85 9 9 190 "I 126 ^ 9' 12 ) 126 64 9 9 130 18 97 85 38 122 54 9 9 347 38 57 169 64 133 101 101 + O'lO + 0-33 + - 37 + 0-26 + 0-15 i + O'I2 + 0-66 + 1-27 + 0-28 4-0-13 + 0-16 + O'I2 + 0'12 + 0-24 + OM9 4- 0-31 + 0-15 + 0-13 + 0-18 + 0-13 9 9 + 0-27 + 0-18 + 0-25 + 0-17 + 0'2I '+ O'lO + O'l I > + 0-49 + OMI + 0-19 + 0-98 + 0-16 -r 0-34 9 9 4- 0-42 4- 0-30 Piazzi II 200 Lalande 5273-4 8 P R I) p ! Arietis Lalande 5579 S.P R D W. B. II. 1033 t Pereei S.P Groombridge 612 S.P R. ...D. 95 Ceti Piazzi III. 27 S.P Bradley 459 S.P Bradley 471 S.P R D. r" Eridani Lalande 6661 Piazzi III. 94 S.P R. ...D y Camelopardi S P Piazzi III. '177 Piazzi III. 160 S.P R. ...D y 1 Eridani Lalande 7284 Lalande 7284 S P Groom bridge 771 SP Piazzi III. 238 W B. III. 1120 Groombridge 750 S.P R D. c Persei S.P > 48-4 50-6 5 > 2 9 7 48-9 25-5 ) > 547 > 25-9 48-9 69^0 70-1 25-9 25-9 45'3 38-5 64-9 * 4o - o 40-8 25 - 5 ) 65-5 38-5 64-9 42-9 40^0 64-9 58-3 64-9 42-9 57'5 43'2 J 34 -I 29-4 47-1 > J 557 41-2 29-1 59-2 ) ) 46-9 497 J 28-6 477 24'0 > 53-5 > * 24-4 477 68-1 69-1 24'0 24^0 43'8 38-1 63-3 39'i 397 23-2 > > 64'3 38-0 64-2 4'"5 39-6 64^0 57-0 62-5 4''5 141 93 ) 34 131 76 I 76 72 H3 80 ? > 81 82 > > 280 201 31 J J 128 ) 68 IOO 156 67 76 76 126 132 124 > 148 108 26 ) ) 75 125 U7 '55 158 174 135 191 79 + 0-23 + 0'12 > + 0-17 + 0-15 + O'2I > + 0-15 + 0-15 + 0-25 + 0-14 > + 0-25 + 0-I 5 > ) + 0-66 + '49 + O'lO ? + 0-31 + 0'2I + 0-25 + 0-28 + 0-13 + 0-31 + 0-3I + 0-5I + 0'12 + - 39 + 0-28 + 0-24 + 0-13 > + 0-18 + 0-13 + 0-16 + 0-46 + 0-13 + 0-31 + '34 + 0-92 + 0-23 Lalande 8154 R D /c 2 Tauri 53 Eridani Piazzi IV. 1 1 2 S P R ...D W. B. IV. 936 60 Eridani Piazzi IV. 191 S.P R ...D Piazzi IV 207 S P R D Piazzi IV. 289 Leporis 103 Tauri R ...D 14 Camelopardi S.P R ...D P Orionis Rigel 15 Camelopardi SP Piazzi IV. 311 S.P Bradley 750 o Orionis 8 Leporis 17 Camelopardi S.P ...R D Lalande 10182 W. B. V. 4n . Groombridge 966 R ...D Groombridge 966 S.P 19 Camelopardi S.P a Leporis 22 Camelopardi S.P 23 Camelopardi S.P 25 Camelopardi S.P Orionis p Orionia, Bradley 750, and o Orionia. The automatic register haying failed on this day, the readings of the thermometer have been interpolated from neighbouring readings. 8 Leporis. The reading of the barometer (29 in -56) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29'" -53. THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (41) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. isxo-o. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Uefraotion. Used. Corrected 1885 Mar. ii 1883 July 26 1881 June 29 1884 July 9 1885 Dec. ii 1 88 1 Mar. n 1882 Aug. 8 1882 June 27 1884 Aug. 4 18X4 July ; 1884 Aug. i 1884 Aug. 16 i 883 June 30 1882 July 26 1880 Mar. 1 8 1880 Mar. 19 1*8} July 26 1884 Aug. 5 i>'8 ( Mar. 10 1885 Jan. zo 1880 Mar. 1 8 1 88 1 Aug. 10 1882 Aug. 7 1882 Aug. 23 1884 Mar. 24 1880 Mar. 24 188; Jan. 20 1882 Aug. ii 1884 Mar. 10 1880 Mar. 24 1884 June 27 1879 Mar. 6 1885 Dec. 28 1885 Jan. 20 1884 Aug. 6 1882 Mar. 1 6 1882 Mar. 31 1884 Mar. 24 Piaz/.i V 220 h ui t 5. 40. 24 5- 44- 47 5.48.22 5- 59- H 6. 1.32 6. 2. 27 6. 4.54 6- 5-37 6. 6. 17 6. n. i 6. 15.39 6. 16. 8 6. 16. 8 6.21.49 6. 22. 2 6.22.45 6. 27. 9 6.27.32 6.27.35 6. 28. 12 6.29.25 6. 30. 58 6.31.27 6- 34- 37 6-35-37 6.35.38 6.36. 13 6.37. 13 6. 38. 12 6- 38- 33 6- 39- 5* 6. 40. 49 6.42. 32 6. 43- 46 o 40-0 58-3 56-9 64-1 2 5 -6 52-0 58-6 58-5 62-3 6r8 637 65-4 59'5 J J 56-9 ? 41-9 4.1-1 56-3 59'4 40-8 27 ! 8 41-9 6ro 57'< 54 - ' 447 43'4 27-8 57'4 J 40-8 ) 43'4 56-9 477 38-1 27-8 62-8 54'3 49'4 447 39'0 57' 557 63-3 25-2 50-9 56-3 56-6 6ri 6o - i 62-9 65-, 58-4 J J 55-6 > 40-9 40-4 55'2 t > 58'0 1 4O*O * 1 27-0 40-9 6o - o 56-, 527 43' 4'7 26-8 57'o 39-8 4'7 56-0 44" 3 37-2 26-8 6r8 52-9 47-2 42-1 72 183 1 06 '49 220 3' 144 96 94 131 130 285 156 1 > 70 > J 89 89 81 > 81 > I I I 9 i'7 7 132 55 129 59 167 224 148 1 t 102 * 4 6 182 47 '45 57 7' 42 4" 4* + 0-16 + 0-48 + 0-26 + 0-24 + 0-19 + 0-07 + 0-66 + '37 + 0-2:5 + 0-45 + O'22 + 0-17 + - 34 1 1 + 0-19 i + 0-18 + 0-13 + o-iS > * + 0-23 + 0-19 + 0'20 + 0-16 + 0-26 + o-ii + o'37 + 0'20 + '59 + 0-48 + OM2 > + 0'2I + 0-16 + '.H + 0-36 + 0-27 + 0'I2 + 0-I4 + O'I2 + OM9 + 0-23 Aurigw S.P Piazzi V. 246 S.P 37 Ciunclop irdi S.P Pi&zxi \_342 3 Geminoruin 40 Camelopardi S.P Piazzi V. 335 S.P Piazzi V. 337 S.P 3 Lyncis S P 46 \uri ".T S P Piazzi VI 61 SP ... . 5 Lyncis SP Groombridge 1 1 5 1 SP R ...D i o Monocerotis Radcliffe 1742 S P R ...D. D Piazzi VI. 154 R. ..D. W B VI 771:.. 10 Lyncis S P Carrington 929 SP 41 Camelopardi S.P W B VI 999 1 2 Lyncis SP (ist Star) 12 Lyncis S.P (2nd Star) W. B VI 1064 R. . D 30 Geminorum .. Lalande (F ) 968 Geminoruin Sirius 1 7 Moiioccrot is . Piuzzi VI 201 S P Cephei 51 i Oeminorum. The reading of the barometer (30'" 17) ban also been supplied from the meteorological regisu-r. the reading previously used being 30'" 1 5. GRKEXWICH OBSEBVATIONS. 18S7. (42) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION KOK REVISED READINGS OK CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. * Q Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1877 Sept. 5 1 88 1 May 31 1882 May 29 1882 Aug. ii 1882 Aug. 21 1882 Aug. 23 1883 June ii 1883 Sept. 19 1884 July 9 1884 Aug. 4 1885 July 22 1885 Aug. 14 1885 Aug. 25 1885 Oct. i 1884 Aug. 6 1884 Mar. 24 1884 Mar. 15 1883 Aug. 21 1884 July 17 1884 Feb. 25 j> 1884 Mar. 15 1882 Aug. 9 1883 Aug. 21 1883 Mar. 15 1884 Mar. 15 1882 Jan. 24 1880 Feb. 4 1884 Feb. 21 1884 Feb. 25 1884 Mar. 15 1883 Mar. 15 1885 July ii 1880 Mar. 23 1884 Feb. 25 1880 Feb. 4 1882 Mar. 17 1883 Mar. 30 1882 April 6 1882 Mar. 1 8 1880 Sept. 3 1884 Mar. 24 Cephei 51 SP ll 111 S 6.43.46 6. 47. 43 6.47. 56 6-53-4 1 6. 55.2; 6.56. 3 6.58.52 7- o-44 7. i. 20 7- 2.32 7- 3-31 7- 4- 9 7- 5- 2 7 7- 5-44 7. 7.18 7. 8.47 7. 10. o 7- II-33 7- 12. 57 7. 13.41 7. 15.32 7- 19- 15 -o 56-3 54'3 55'5 57'4 57-4 54'I 51-9 6l-i 62-7 60-7 55'3 56-1 58-6 53-6 62-8 447 54'9 67-1 577 ? 42-6 ? ) 54'9 57'3 67-1 29-9 54'9 33'4 34'8 43'2 42-6 54'9 29-9 62-2 37-6 42'6 J > 34-8 54-6 487 51-7 7 j 51-0 66-6 41-8 o 52-6 52-8 54-0 56-4 56', 527 46-9 6o'o 6 1 -4 59-6 53-8 51-9 56-2 52-0 61-4 42'O 54-0 66-5 56-8 ? 5 4'7 53'9 56-7 66-5 28-4 53-8 32-1 34' 6 43-6 41-8 537 28-4 61-3 36-8 41-8 ? 5 34'2 54-0 48-1 50-0 ? 5O'o 65-1 40-8 5 5' 5i 5 5 5 51 5 49 5 5i 5i 5 5 89 29 238 142 144 ? 9 ) 283 208 204 33 i ? 226 1 06 142 + 0-38 + 0-15 + o'i 6 + O'l I + 0-14 + 0-14 + '59 + O'l I + 0-13 + O'l I + 0-15 + '43 + 0-24 + 0-17 + 0-25 + 0-16 + '44 + 0-17 + 0-26 ? > + 0-17 + 0-18 + 0-17 + 0-17 + O'2O + 0-13 + O'lO + O'l 2 O'll + 0-23 + 0-34 + O'2O + O'lO + '43 + 0-18 J J + 0-36 + 0-29 + 0-24 + O'l I ) + 0-46 + 0-30 + 0-30 Groombridge 1228 S.P 37 Geminorum Piazzi VI 303 Piazzi VI 2938? ...R ...D Lalande 13627 R ..D 1 7 Lyncis S P Lalande 13781 W B VI 1877 Piazzi VI 285 8 Canis Majoris Lalande 13928 Piazzi VII 8 Piazzi II. 292 SP 26 Canis Majoris Lalande 14091 .... R ...D Bradley 1061 Lalande 14200 ...D 29 Canis Majoris Groombridge 1 299 S P Piazzi VII. 100 Cephei 51 S.P. (1883 June 1 1). It is assumed that an error of 5 was made in the reading of the thermometer. Groombridge 1299 S.P. The thermometer was read by the observer as above, but the reading had been accidentally omitted from the computation sheets. THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, IN THK YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (43) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1 880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected 1 882 ^ Jan. 24 1884 Mar. 29 i*S2 April 6 51 11 1882 Jan. 24 1882 Mar. 2 1883 Mar. 5 1885 April 22 1884 Mar. 24 1884 Feb. 25 1884 Mar. 20 1884 Mar. 24 1880 Feb. 17 1883 Feb. 23 1885 Mar. 12 1882 Jan. 23 1883 July 17 1884 Mar. 7 1885 o'ct. 8 1880 Mar. 13 1882 Mar. 31 1884 Mar. 14 1885 Mar. 30 1884 April 10 1883 July 17 1883 Aug. 28 11 1885 July 22 1885 Aug. 15 19 1885 Mar. 30 1885 Mar. 30 1884 April 9 1884 April 10 1882 Mar. 27 1884 April 9 1 88 1 April 7 l'iax/i VII 97 h m j 7- 9-45 7.21.47 7.26. 56 7. 26. 56 7.27.31 7.28.55 7-33- ' 7- 34- 54 7-35-31 7.43- 6 7-44- '5 7- 44- 30 7-45-49 7.51-41 7- 5'-4 2 7-51-54 7- 53-44 7- 56. 45 7-57-53 8. i. 40 8. 2.26 8. 2.34 8. 5.43 8. 7.49 8. 8. 50 8. 10. o 8. 15. 14 8. 19. 40 8. 19.48 8. 21. 52 8.21.55 O 37-9 4''3 5'7 J J 1 37'9 39-8 46-1 i i 63-0 41-8 42-6 43'8 41-8 41-1 40-5 40-5 4''5 33'' 537 > 4 I- 3 4I 'I 49-6 44-8 46-9 48-6 J J 43'8 47-8 537 i > 627 > 52-8 > ? 567 J 43-8 43-8 ' 47-8 477 45'i 40-8 o 32-9 40-5 49-2 ) 32-9 39-2 44-8 f 58-3 40-2 41-1 43'o 40-2 4''S 397 397 40-2 327 52-9 > > 39'8 39-8 48-7 43'i 44' 3 47'8 i i 40-6 46-5 52-9 62-0 ? 517 55'3 > 40-6 40-5 43'5 46-1 457 43'' 39-1 35 '53 20 > > > 22 193 61 58 '35 104 104 253 227 67 67 4' 211 '36 J 83 33 93 27 218 81 ) 5 98 136 126 > 124 ) 128 ? 127 ? 53 204 83 83 39 131 44 + '37 + 0-26 + O'lO > > > + 0-24 + 0-24 + 0-16 j j + o'45 + '45 + o - 33 + 0-17 + 0-83 0-19 + O'l I + O'l I + O'l I + 0-18 + 0-22 * + 0-26 + O'lO + 0-18 + O'lO + 1-17 + 'I3 > i + 0-65 + 0-36 + 0-21 + Vl7 J J + 0-29 ) + 0'37 ? + 0-36 + ''39 + 0-27 + 0-29 + 0-16 + 0-54 + 0-16 Lilii'le 14545 Cantor R D. lira Hoy 1090 Lulunde 14810 Proc von R ...D. B F 1071; y Moiiocerotis o Puppis Ar 'iis W H VII 1289 W 1> VII 1324-37 Piax./.i VII 261 Phiz/a VII 2518? R. ...D. unbridle 1400 S.P D. W B XIII 84 57 Cuuielopardi S.P R. ...D .R ...D ..R ....D. ...R D. BD 22 No 22t* .. W 15 VIII 538 Piazzi VII 97 Bradley 1090. It is assumed that an error of 5 was made in the reading of the thermometer. Procvon (1883 April 22). The reading of the barometer (29">-68) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29' n '73. (44} CORKECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOK R.KVrSED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, he. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A 1 8X0-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correctior to Refraction. Used. (Corrected. 1885 Auir. 15 j> 1884 April 9 1884 April 9 1879 F^b. 24 1882 Mnr. 2 1882 Mar. 6 1882 Mar. 27 1885 April 6 1878 Mar. 26 1878 Mar. 26 1882 Jan. 6 1885 Mar. 12 1885 Sept. ii V 1884 April 9 1879 Aug. i 1878 Mar. 26 1882 Jan. 6 1878 Mar. 26 1884 April 9 1884 April 10 1884 April 5 1879 April 17 1880 May 14 1883 Aug. 25 1883 Nov. 13 1885 April 17 1884 Sept. 4 1885 Feb. 23 1885 April 17 1884 Sept. 4 1885 April 17 1880 Mar. i 1885 April 17 1880 Mar. i 1884 Sept. 20 > 1884 April 22 1878 April 6 1884 Sept. 20 1880 Mar. i A TJrsse Majoris S.P H. tl 111 S 8. 23. 50 8.24.48 8.27.45 8.32.29 8. 36. 20 8. 36. 57 8-49- 3 8.51.14 8.51.55 8.55.50 8. 57. 50 8. 57. 54 8. 59. 49 9- '-'5 9- 3-15 9- 3-26 9- 3- 27 9.21.41 9-22. 3 9-23-5I 9.31.36 9-32-59 9- 34- 2 9 9-35-3 9.38.23 9- 39- 10 9.45.56 9- 5- 4 9-53- 5 2 10. o. 1 8 10. i. 23 10. 4.44 10. 9. 1 8 10. 10. 14 1*7 45' 1 45-1 287 39'8 43'3 477 4 2 7 38-6 38-6 4.I.-I 39'9 52-9 42-7 56-1 38-6 41-1 38-6 4 2 7 45'5 i 47'i 42-8 62-8 577 41-7 49-8 52-2 38-6 49-8 52-2 49-8 437 49-8 437 55'5 ) 39-8 1 ? 4 2 '5 55'5 437 54'5 ) 43-0 43 ' 29-4 38-4 40-2 f5'3 41*6 377 37'5 40-0 38-9 52-2 42'O 55-3 37-0 40-0 37'0 417 447 i 46^0 417 67-8 567 41-0 49'4 5i-3 43-6 49-1 5 - 3 49-1 39-2 48-9 39' 2 54'9 ) 39'5 ? 41-8 54'J ) i 387 113 ? 37 54 66 33 34 33 63 59 5 2 48 75 104 1 5 240 103 5 5 49 ii" 116 216 99 96 122 95 2 33 65 no 215 120 2O6 27 52 53 117 ) ) 146 ) 116 i ii ? > 44 + 0'5 ' ? ? + 0-16 + 0-23 O'lO + O'lO + O'22 + 0-16 J + 0-15 + O'l I + 0'12 + O'l I + 0-16 + 0-14 + 0-35 + 0-17 + 0-17 + O'I2 + 0-17 + 0-25 + 0-19 + '49 + 0'22 - - 95 + 0-25 + 0-14 + 0-18 + O'I2 - 0-87 + 0-31 + 0'22 + 0-29 + 0-25 + O'lO + 0-50 + 0-14 J ) + O'lO ) > + 0-17 + 0-32 ) + 0-46 D Pia/M VIIT 86 W B VIII 671 o- Hyclrsti Y Cancri ..R. D. rj Hydrse 4 Hydra* B F 1267 a Ciincri W B VIII 1406 n- 1 Frsa? Majoris S P R. ...D. Lacaille 3652 o- 2 IJrsae Majoris S P K Cancri Piazzi VIII 263 W B IX 28 ,..R. D. Oeltz Arg (8)9575 6 a HYdrsB h TJrsjc Majoris S P d TJrstB Alajoris S P Ijftcaille 3928 Groombridge 1562 SP Bradley 1361 Oeltz Arg (S ) 10011 Bradley 1363 SP Bradley 1393 Groom bridge 1609 SP R ...D Lalande 19750 R ,..D A Hydras 32 TJrsp Majoris S P R ...D 37 IjeoniB h Urs;e Majoris S.P. The correction for index error of the thermometer had been erroneously applied. It Leonis. ir Leonis, 37 Leonis. The thermometer readings previously used appear to be erroneous. The new readings have been supplied from the meteorological register. THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, IN THE YKAHS 1877 TO 1886. (45) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &<-. continued. Date. v:ir'H Name. Jl"*" iSao'O. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Use>l. Corrected 1883 April 9 1880 Jan. 26 1880 Mar. i 1878 April 26 1878 April 6 1878 April 26 iSSi May 7 Mar. 18 1880 Mar. i 1882 Feb. 8 Sept. 10 1880 Mar. i 1885 Feb. 19 1878 April 6 1878 April 6 1878 April 26 1880 Mar. i 1878 April 26 1878 April 6 Mar. 8 1878 April 26 1883 Mar. 8 1880 Mar. i 1878 April 6 1879 April 24 1885 April 25 1879 May 2 1883 April 9 1878 April 26 1880 May 11 1884 Sept. 10 1880 May ii 1882 Mar. 6 1 879 Mar. 29 1884 April 10 1882 Aug. 8 1883 April 9 1880 Mar. i 1880 May n 1879 Nov. 18 1879 Mar. 7 1879 Mar. 8 W H X 204 h ID a 10. 13.23 10.14.15 10. 15.23 io. 18. 56 10. 19. 16 io. 20. 17 IO. 21. 19 IO. 21. 40 IO. 22. 56 io. 26. 29 io. 32. 28 io. 36. 26 10. 38. vS 10.39. 5 1 io. 39. 56 '0.43.43 10.46. 4 io. 47- 37 10.49. 7 10.49.32 'o. ,3-35 io. 53. 56 io. 54. 14 10. 54. 22 io. 56. 19 io. 58. 50 >o. 59- 33 II. 2. 56 ii. 4. 8 ii. 4.30 n. 6.33 7-43 ii. 7.57 " '5-43 ii. 17.53 43'9 23'4 42-3 49'3 42-5 49'3 49'3 607 47'4 42-3 33'i 537 42-3 377 42-5 42-5 47-6 *'7 47-6 42-5 25-8 47-6 25-8 427 42-5 43'' 49'9 ? J 41-9 42-6 47-6 50-2 527 50-2 39'4 42-9 42*0 49'9 42'6 4^7 50-2 48-0 37'4 37'' o 43'3 21-6 387 47-9 41-2 47'9 47'9 59'4 467 38-0 30-8 527 38-0 32-8 40-5 40-5 46-8 377 46-8 40-5 25-2 46-2 25-2 377 4' 5 42-0 48-6 1 40-9 ** 46-0 49-0 52-3 49-0 36-8 41-8 41-6 49'3 41-9 377 1 48-5 47-0 36-4 38-2 Il8 6l 57 42 53 52 52 140 142 50 404 176 5' 52 4' 64 63 65 57 37 107 69 80 28 70 70 135 ) ? '55 126 63 62 '3' 55 45 288 455 99 156 34 9 4' 118 7' 7' + 0-15 + 0-24 + 0-43 + O'I2 + OM5 + OM5 + OM5 + 0-36 + 0'2I + 0-45 + '-98 + 0-36 + 0-46 + 0-54 4- 0-17 + 0-27 + O'l I + 0-68 + O'lO + 0-15 + 0-13 + O'2O + o-io + 0-30 + 0-29 + 0-16 + 0-35 > > + 0-33 4- 0-28 + O'2I + 0-15 + o'li + 0-13 + 0-24 + 0-66 + 0-38 4- O'I2 4- 0'22 4- 0-31; 1 + 0-14 4- 0-24 4- 0-14 - 0-17 P. F 14.64 . 42 Leonls 44. JjOoiiis |v. //i X 67 36 UrsHe Majoris S P 34 Sextantis 36 Sextant in W B X 760 B F ic -to W B X 844 ...D. L*alunde 21110 R. ...D. a Crateris W B X 951 Lalande (F ) 1729 Piazzi XL 2 Oeltz Arg (N ) 11509 S.P ...D. Piazzi XI 43 S P B. F. 1464. 45 Leonis (1880 March i). The thermometer readings previously ued appear to be erroneous. The new readings have been supplied from the meteorological renter. (46) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Stars Name. R.A. 1880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1879 April 4 1879 April 4 1879 Mar. 8 1879 April 4 1879 Mar. 8 1879 April 4 1880 Mar. i 5? 1880 April 22 1885 Dec. 8 1877 Ma y 8 1882 Mar. 2 1879 April 4 1885 Mar. 20 1885 April 13 1880 Mar. i )> 1879 May 9 1879 May 6 1882 Aug. 8 1885 April 27 1882 May 26 1884 Oct. 3 1884 April 21 1879 May 30 1882 May 26 1879 April 1 8 1879 July 24 1882 April 4 1880 Mar. 24 1884 May 13 1877 Oct. 2 1882 May 26 1883 Mar. 31 1882 May 26 1 879 May 2 1877 May 29 1879 Mar. 6 1882 April 10 1879 May 2 1880 June 1 8 79 Leonis h in 8 II- 17-53 I I. 2O. 41 II. 20. 42 II. 2 1 . 46 11.21.47 I I. 22. 13 II. 24. II ii. 24. 1 6 11.25.33 H.27. 6 I I. 30. 48 11.33.47 11.35.46 37-47 .38.41 40- 39 43- 3 44- 54 47-31 . 48. 36 1 54- 43 11.58.34 i 2 - 3-57 12. 6. 25 12. 9. 12. 9.25 12. 10. l6 12. 12. 12. 12. 31 12. 13. 10 12. 13. 46 12.23.38 12.23.39 12- 23-39 o 4 I'D 4i - o ? > 37-i 41-0 37'i 4.1*0 427 ) 46-4 3i-9 59'5 37'2 41-0 46-3 38-6 427 ) 5 40^2 4' 3 49'9 52-3 63-3 49'9 37 56-5 63-1 38-5 72-1 4i-9 35'9 55'9 ? ? 44-6 62-8 39 - 5 62-8 4'3 53-1 37'i 42-9 4'3 ) J 66-5 397 397 3 8 : 2 397 38-2 397 38-0 45'4 31-1 49-6 36-8 397 45-8 377 38-1 39-3 39'3 49-2 50-9 58-3 48-9 367 54'4 58-, 37'5 70-8 41-4 34'8 55'2 437 57'2 38-8 57-2 39-6 52-1 36-5 42-1 39-6 ) J 65-5 69 65 6 7 65 6 7 65 1 1 79 99 4i 422 74 126 128 16 ) 92 154 133 40 84 203 243 55 55 64 184 196 82 103 9 2 29 84 7i 102 7' 76 74 142 9 '33 + 0-18 + 0-18 ? > - 0-15 + 0-17 0-16 + 0-17 + O'll > j + 0-18 + 0-17 + 076 + o-35 + 0-20 + 0-13 + O - 22 + o 16 5 5 + 0-17 + 0-32 + 0-19 + 0'12 + 0-84 + 0-42 + ro2 + 0-24 + '55 + 0-13 + 0-46 + 0'20 + 0-19 + 0-15 + 0-17 + 0-32 + 0-24 + 0-80 + 0-15 + 0-14 + O'lO + O'I2 + O'2I ? ^ + 0-27 83 Leonis Piazzi XI. 71 T Leonis W. B. XI 34.0... Piazzi XI. 74 R ...D e Leonis A Draconis S.P 88 Leonis Bradley 1580 f Leonis W. B. XI. 563 3 Draconis R D Piazzi XI. 148 '(, Crat eris Groombridge 1826 S P B. F. 1658 Piazzi XL 167 y Ursse Majoris S.P Lalande 22439 JT Virginia Piazzi XI 227 Corvi W B XII 69 W. B XII 107 R ...D Groombridge 1863 SP 7 Coma? Piazzi XII. 32 1 3 Virginis 14 Virginis 77 Virginis S 1 Corvi S 2 Corvi ; X Draconis S.P. The automatic register having failed on this day. the reading of the thermometer has been interpolated from neighbouring readings. 88 Leonis. The thermometer was read by the observer as above, but the reading had been accidentally omitted from the computation sheets. Piazzi XI. 167, IT Virginia (1882 May 26). It is assumed that an error of 5 was made in the reading of the thermometer. THK EXTKKIOH THERMOMETER, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c.contintted. (47) Date. Star's Name. ,*, Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1884 April 21 1882 May 26 1877 May 3 1882 April 4 1884 Sept. 29 1882 May 27 1880 May 29 1881 Mar. 25 1884 May 20 1882 Jan. 9 1884 May 13 1884 May 20 1883 Mar. 23 1883 May 17 1882 Jan. 9 1879 Mar. 6 1884 May 13 1882 Jan. 9 1 88 1 May u 1885 Mar. 2 1885 May 15 1883 May 23 1 88 1 May n 1883 May 17 1880 April 23 1879 June 9 1883 June 4 1881 May 7 1883 April 4 1884 Sept, 29 1879 May 31 1 88 1 July 4 1882 April 4 1883 April 3 1883 May 24 1883 Dec. 14 1 88 1 May 7 1879 June 9 1885 April 17 1885 May 2 1885 May 2 P Corvi R h in 12.24.5! 12.28. 5 12. 3O. 28 '2-33- 3 '2- 35-35 '2-35-45 12. 42. I I 12.48. 4 12.48. 7 12.48.45 12.49.34 12. 56. 12 12.57. 5 12.57.21 12. 57.44 13. o. 14 '3- i-37 13. 2. 17 >3- 3-44 13. 12.24 13. 12.32 13. 18. 52 13.21. 3 13.21.54 13.26.27 13-28- 3 13.28.35 13.30. 9 3-3. 9 36-0 > > 62-8 38-0 41-9 52-9 59'3 53'9 32-8 52-1 42-0 54'4 52-1 > 25-6 53'9 42*0 37 - i 54'4 42-0 42-0 36-5 49 - 9 > ? 63-3 42-0 53'9 47'9 56-7 6r6 55-8 48-9 50-9 SI'S 86-0 40-5 47'3 58-2 45-i 55-8 55'3 43-8 447 447 o 35'4 > 55'9 37'5 40-6 5 I-6 i > 58-8 53'3 3''9 5'"3 41-4 53-6 50-8 > > 25-0 53'4 41-4 35'9 53'4 41-1 41-2 35 - 4 49-0 65-3 41-2 52-9 47-2 56-, 60-6 52-1 48-2 50-0 50-5 84-5 4i - o 47-8 57-2 45-8 5''5 54'4 42-5 43'3 4.V3 142" 9 '9 206 206 64 > 94 75 77 94 127 no in j * 107 102 I 80 66 48 123 176 83 81 ) 756 I 10 107 100 86 85 201 2OI 99 107 IO2 III I 10 '33 122 I 3 2 62 74 252 252 + 0-18 s ? + 0-26 + O'2I + 0-56 + 0-17 J + O'lO + o-io + 0-14 + 0-15 + 0-16 + 0-18 + 0-29 i > + 0-14 + O'lO + 0'22 + 0-17 + O'lO + 0'22 + 0-29 4- 0-19 + 0-15 j 1 - 3'39 4-. 0-19 4- O'22 + 0-14 + o-ii + 0-17 + 1-51 + 0-28 + 0-18 4- O'22 4- 0-30 O'l I o-i i + 0-27 0-18 + 1-15 + O'l I 4- O'2O + 0-73 4- 073 ...D 4 Dracoiiis fi Corvi Groombridge 1909 SP R ..D Y Virginia y Virginia (both Stars) 28 Virginia Groombridge 1926 S.P W. B. XII 793 .. . R. ...D >// VirginiH t Uraae Majoris S.P c Virginia t Virginia Piazzi XII. 255 SP Lalande 24277 48 Virginia ...R. ,..D. Lacaille 5400 ff Virginia B. F. 1805 6 Virginia y H Y drse . . Lalande (F.) 2236 S.P Spica 69 Virginia Piazzi XIII. 96 SP 75 Vir^inis 78 Virginia Virginia Cape (1880) 74. CA Piazxi XIII. 135 y 1 and jr* Virginia (1880 May 29 and 1881 March 25). The thermometer was read by the obierver. but the reading had been accidentally omitted from the computation sheets. Lacaille 5400. The correction for index error of the thermometer had been erroneously applied. y Hydra 1 . 75 Virginia. It is assumed that the reading of the interior thermometer wan entered by mistake. (48) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS or CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, & c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1885 May 2 1 88 1 May 11 1883 May 24 1884 May 23 1878 June 10 1877 Nov. 14 1883 May 23 1884 May 29 1880 Feb. 4 1883 May 24 1884 June 14 >? 1879 May 19 1882 May 19 1879 May 30 1882 May 16 1883 May 23 1879 June 4 1882 Feb. i 1877 May 3 1878 Oct. 14 1882 May 1 6 1881 May 12 1880 Feb. 13 1880 July 15 1 88 1 May 7 1882 May 29 1883 June i 1885 May 15 1883 June 8 1885 May 15 1885 June 2 )> 1 880 Feb. 1 3 1 88 1 May 3 1 88 1 May u 1885 June 2 * 1885 June 12 1883 May 7 1885 May 20 1880 May 28 1885 Jan. 8 m Virginia h in g "3- 35- 9 13-39- 7 I3-40-53 13.40.54 13.42.49 13. 46. 1 8 13.47.29 13.47.56 13.48.41 13.48.58 13-53- 2 '3- 55- 2 4 I3-55-3Z 13.56. 4 13-59-57 14. 1.51 14. 2. 37 14. 6. o 14. 6. 30 14. 8.47 14. 9. 20 14. 10. ii 14. 12. H. 12.37 H- '3-33 14. 16. 58 14. 17.29 14. 20. 52 14.27.48 14. 28. 6 H-35- 2 5 H-39- 3 H- 39- 4 14.39. 14 14.40. ii 14.42.45 447 40-8 57-0 57-1 56-3 42-4 63-6 47-8 38-1 57-0 60- 5 5 49'4 J 50-4 51-0 46-1 63-6 51-6 33'8 34' 6 5o'o 46' i 46^0 437 69-8 51-2 61-8 58-3 477 55'3 477 597 437 39' 39-3 597 1 ? 59'9 437 44'9 51-9 29-5 o 43'' 39' 6 56-3 56-1 55-6 44'4 62-8 46-9 38-8 55'9 59-1 47'5 ) j 48-3 49'5 42-1 62-0 507 32-0 34' ' 49-1 43'* 45' 1 42-3 67-0 50-6 61-3 57 - 4 467 54" ' 46-3 57'3 40-9 38-4 38-6 567 59-0 43'3 44-0 49'9 28-7 99 138 101 102 144 283 416 33 118 95 37 J 1 32 ? > 32 52 69 405 99 55 108 77 107 154 7' 34 158 118 69 I 12 52 36 35 -6 '75 177 44 232 235 199 67 129 + '33 + '35 + 0-15 + 0'2I + 0'2I i'i7 + 0-67 + 0-56 0-18 + 0-14 + 0'12 ) ? + 0-13 ) + 0-14 + 0-16 + 0-57 + i - 3 + 0-18 + 0'21 + O'l I + 0-15 + 0-65 + 0-29 + 0'2I + 0-19 + O'2C + O'l 2 + O'lO + 0-23 + 'i 3 + O'l I + 0-17 + '44 + O'2I + 0-25 + 0-26 ? + 0-42 + O-ig + 0-38 + 0-27 + 0-22 8 c Virginis B F 1886 87 Virginia y Ursae Majoris S P h Centauri Piazzi XIII 230 . i Draconis S P . . . . Bradley 1820 ... >? Bootis R. ...D i o Bootis R. ...D W B XIII 932 Lacaille 5791 QA. Vinrinis .. Groombridge 2099 S P ... 96 Virginis 3 Ursse Minoris S.P K Virginis Piazzi XIV 22 4 TJrs3G Minoris SP Arcturus . . . . Laltinde 26150 .. \ Virginis W B (2) XIV 213 2 Li brse Piazzi XIV. 69 (N. & S. Stars)... f Bootis ...R. ..D. 5 Ursse Miiioris S.P Piaz/i XIV 116 Bootib R. D. r^ Hydras fist Star) 54 Hydrae (ist and 2nd Stars)... Lalande 26855 1 09 Virginis IL Librae ; Draconis S.P. The automatic register having failed on this day. the reading of the thermometer has been interpolated from neighbouring readings. j) Bootis. The reading of the barometer (so 1 "' 17) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 3o in 'i(>. 54 Hydra (1883 May 7). The correction for index error of the thermometer had been erroneously applied. THE EXTEUIOB TlIEUMOMETEH, IX THE YlCAHb 1877 TO 1886. (49) CORRECTIONS TO INFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. BJL i Sho'o. Thermometer. Ruf ruction. Correction to Refraction rjMd. OorrecUxl. 1877 May 3 1879 June 9 i 1882 June 27 1883 June 4 n 1883 June 8 1883 July 13 1884 May 29 188; May 23 1881 May 12 1883 Dec. 14 1883 July 13 1883 Jane 8 i 1884 May 29 > 1885 June 9 1885 May 15 1883 May 31 1883 July 6 1884 June 14 1884 May 8 1 88 1 April 30 1 88 1 June 2 1882 June 23 1884 June 25 1885 June 17 1880 April 30 1 88 1 April 30 1881 June 2 1882 June 23 1884 June z 1885 June 18 1884 July i 1 88 1 May 3 1885 May 23 1883 June 16 1884 June 2 8 Libras h m K 14.44. 3 14.44. H 14.44.52 14.45.14 14.51. 4 H-5'-43 14.55. 6 15. o. 7 15. 5.23 15. 6.37 15.10.33 15. 14. 19 15. 16. 20 15. 17. 17 I5-I9-57 15. 20. 56 15.21.29 15.27.58 15.28.49 15.30.44 15.32. o 15.37.19 15.38.21 34-6 S 2-6 > 66-2 57'i 9 54-0 * I 63-1 46-6 > 48-0 44-5 43'5 58-5 54-0 9 46-6 9 9 53-4 45-6 53' 65-3 9 9 56-1 50-8 4 6 '3 577 56-4 637 55'9 5i'3 46-3 577 56-4 51-0 56-6 9 9 64-8 37'9 467 50-0 51-0 o 3 2-8 51- 9 > i 64'! 56-3 j 53-0 > 62-1 45 - 9 ) 9 47'3 43-8 44-6 62-1 53-0 9 45'' ) 9 5^5 44' 5 50-9 64-0 55-o 50-4 44-8 56-9 56-0 62-7 52-0 52-1 44-6 56-9 55-6 50-1 56-0 j j 637 36-4 46-2 48-6 50-1 i '39 '35 > > 132 "34 9 1 "34 9 13' '37 > i 136 '5 86 *4 1 08 9 9 80 9 9 139 166 36 98 102 '34 '3 129 129 "3 '4 88 140 140 '39 100 127 9 9 49 165 161 '34 56 + '53 + 0-19 > + 0-55 + 0'22 1 I + 0-28 1 J + 0-26 + O'tO 1 f + 0'2O + 0'22 O'2O - 0-18 + O'22 9 f + 0-25 ) + 0-25 4- 0-38 + 0-16 + 0-25 + 0-23 + O'l I f 0-40 + - 2I + O'lO + 0-23 + O'l I - 0-15 + 0-49 f O'22 + O'22 -f OM9 + 0-15 i ? + OMO + 0-62 + 0-17 + 0-38 + O'l I a Libra) R D R D !> ,. D Bradley 189^ 6 Ursse Minoris S P /3 Ur88e Minoris 1 7 Libra; R D Piazzi XIV. 239 R ...D y* Libras W B (2) XV. 1 06 ft Librae R ...D o l Librae o 1 Librae Piazzi XV. 54 y Ursa3 Minoris S P B F. 2110 y Librae R. .. D f) Libras a Serpentis ft Ursa; Minoris. The reading of the barometer (29'" -66) has lo been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29 '''67. ft Libre (1883 July 6). The thermometer was read by the observer as above, but accidentally omitted from the computation sheets. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1887. (50} CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1 880-0. Thermometer. Refract.oii. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1879 April 28 1883 June 4 1885 Nov. 30 ? 1881 June 22 1884 June 14 1885 June 12 1882 June 27 1885 My 1 6 1884 June 12 1879 July 28 1882 June 27 1885 June 2 1884 June 14 1882 June 23 1879 May 20 1878 June 7 1883 July 13 1882 July 15 1879 June 10 1878 June 26 1885 June 27 1885 June 13 1885 June 26 1 88 1 June 2 1885 July 14 1885 July 14 1879 June ii 1883 July 2 1884 July 7 1880 Aug. 9 1884 July 7 1885 July 22 1883 July 17 1884 Aug. i 1885 June 2 1885 Sept. 3 1885 July 22 1883 July 4 1877 June 23 1883 July 4 1880 Aug. 9 Groombrid nr e 2286 h m w 15-39- 54 15.41.43 15.44.20 1 5. 44. 44 15.46.25 1 5. 46. 44 15.46.47 15.47. o 15.50.40 15-50-55 15-53-I4 I5-53.36 15.54.54 l6. 0.22 16. 5. o 16. 5. i 16. 5.26 16. 5.37 16. 8. 3 16. 16. 38 16. 19.53 16. 22. 3 1 6. 24. 1 6 1 6. 24. 52 16.30. 3 16.34.38 16.34.41 16.48. 25 16.49. 6 16. 54. 7 16.55.42 17. 0.40 17. 1.17 17. 2. 2 17. 3.30 17. 6.48 17. 7.46 17. 7.58 I/. 8.26 38-8 557 45-8 ? > 55'3 54'9 57'9 62-9 44' 5 58-2 67-0 62-9 56-4 54'9 54'3 51-0 1 ) 56-1 58-3 61-6 53' 70-8 52-9 56-7 5'7 56-1 58-7 58-7 58-7 68*7 61-9 65-9 i * 61-9 57'9 56-6 65-9 54-6 63-9 57'9 55-8 51-0 55-8 65-9 ! 1 37'3 54-0 4S'i ) 54-8 54-0 56-9 62-0 437 557 657 61-6 55'2 53-8 53-0 50-0 ? i 55'4 577 58-9 5'-4 68-9 52'3 55'9 50-8 55'3 577 577 5^3 66-7 61-3 63-2 j 60-9 56-8 55'3 65-3 53-4 62-8 56-3 55'4 50-2 55'4 62-4 > > H 3 6 43 186 J > 231 235 221 209 142 177 40 192 139 62 '75 163 ) J 103 97 79 36 42 258 140 68 78 62 62 20 I 3 8 449 21 ) ) 75 149 74 132 136 131 5 258 261 259 15 5 ) H + O'll + 0-15 + 0-26 > + 0-23 + '43 + '45 + '37 + 'Z3 + 0-90 + O'lO + 0-50 + '34 + 0-14 + '45 + '34 ) 5 + 0-I4 + O'l I + 0-42 + O'I2 + O'l6 + 0-32 + '23 + O'I2 + 0'12 + - I2 + 0'12 + O-26 + C'I2 + '54 + 0'12 i ? + 0-15 + 0-32 + O-ig + 0-16 + 0-32 + 0-30 + 0-17 + O'2O + 0-48 + O'2O + O'lO 5 J v Sfcrpeiitis Oeltz. Arg (N ) 15662 S P Oeltz Ar<* (N ) 1 5666 8 P A Scorpii . . ... Bradlev 2009 Piazzi XV 192 8 Librae B. F 2173 . y Serpentis S Scorpii 49 Librae 3 Herculis . . . Piazzi XVI 3 v Scorpii ^ Scorpii 1 6 Hcoi-pii f> Ophiuchi .... y Herculis w Herculis Antures Opliiuchi A Ophiuchi 12 Ophiuchi in 1 Herculis in 2 Herculis 53 Herculis Piazzi XVI 232 Piazzi XVI 255 f Herculis R D W B XVI 1125 Piazzi XVI 297 Piazzi XVI 303 7) Ophiuchi 37 Ophiuchi Oeltz "Vr" (S ) 16505 A Ophiuchi (both Si .rs) ?> 4 Draconis R ...I) A Scorpii (1881 June 22). The thermometer was read by the observer, but the reading had been accidentally omitted ill the computat on sheets. Piazzi XVI. 232. The reading of the barometer (:9 in '9o) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used beinpr 29 in 'yg. TIIK ExTKUIOR TlIEKMOMETER, IX THE \~KAHS 1877 TO 1886. (51) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Xaine. R.A. 1880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected 1883 July 4 1882 June 27 188). July 9 1877 June 2-, 1883 July 4 1884 Aug. ii 1885 July 14 1878 Oct. 7 1879 Aug. 6 1885 July 14 1883 July 4 1883 Nov. 23 1884 July 5 1883 July 4 1883 Dec. 15 1884 July 7 1884 July 7 1884 Aug. i 1884 Sept. 10 1884 Aug. i 1877 Aug. 14 1883 Aug. 13 1885 July ii 1878 Sept. 26 1880 July i^ 1885 June 18 1881 May 15 1882 Aug. 23 1885 June 26 1884 Aug. 5 1877 Aug. 14 1878 June 18 1878 Aug. 7 1880 July 15 1880 July 22 * 1880 Aug. 9 l'i-i//i XVII 45 h m B 17- 12-35 17. 14.38 17.15.49 17. 18. 14 17. 20. 1 6 17. 20. 1 8 17.20.34 17.24. 6 17.28. 6 17. 29. 22 17.36. 14 7- 37- 33 '7.37-39 17.46.31 17.48.51 17.52. 52 i7- 54- 9 17.54.25 1 8. 0.29 1 8. o. 51 1 8. 1.40 1 8. 6.35 18. 10. 32 18. II. 2 55-8 58-5 65-5 51-0 55-8 77'9 56-9 J 63'O 56-7 56-9 1 55-8 j > 40-6 61-8 55-8 40-8 1 ? 60-6 60-6 637 58-8 637 63-5 66-2 6 3'4 55-8 63-0 54-0 47'5 54' i 49-0 59'4 63-5 54'2 64-4 5 > 63-0 58-6 ) J 65-9 55'I 58-2 64-5 50M 547 77-0 > 56-2 > 62-0 557 56-0 ? 54'3 J 44-0 on 54'3 39'5 > 59-6 59-6 63-3 |77 63-3 62-4 65-7 62-5 54 - 4 6ro 53' 46-7 537 48-5 58-6 62-1 62-8 6ro 57'3 ? 6o'5 a 79 231 2Z 5 299 5* 82 ? "7 * i 60 2'3 1 1 1 > 46 > 47 183 6l > 99 68 156 170 82 H3 302 302 '43 5' 5' 5' 1 80 178 184 *74 39 40 39 > > 40 40 * 40 i 4- OMI + 0-13 + '44 + 0-6 1 + OM2 + OM4 > + 0-17 + OM2 + '44 + O'2I + 0-13 J J - '34 + 0-25 + 0-18 i + 0-27 9 J + 0-I4. + O^I + 0-14 + 0-18 + 0'I2 + 0-66 + 0-31 + 0-26 + 0-14 + 0-19 + o-u + 0-30 + 0-14 + 0-19 + 0-45 + o-u + 0-17 + 0'12 > + 0-16 + O'l I * i + 0-43 43 Ophiuchi Pia/./.i XVI 1 84 Pia/'/i XVII 99 R ...D ...I) W B XVII 493 R. ...I). ...D. 58 Ophiuchi $ Ophiuchi R ,..D. u> Draconis S.P R. D Piazsi XVII 266 Pi ix7i XVII 277 Phisf/i XVII 304 Piazzi XVII 359 Oeltz Ar" (S ) 17670 Pia/zi XVIII. 24 ...R ...D. ::::::;::::::::::: D. (52) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star'3 Name. R.A. iSSo-o. Thermometer. Refraction. Correct on to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1 88 1 June 25 1881 Sept. 14 1883 Aug. 25 1883 Sept. 19 1880 Dec. 30 1885 July 6 1885 June 26 1882 Aug. 7 1882 Aug. 21 1884 Aug. 16 1884 Aug. 5 1883 July 17 1 88 1 Sept. 14 1884 June 27 1884 Aug. ii 1885. Sept. i 1885 Aug. 14 ? 1885 July 24 1885 June 26 1883 Feb. 23 1884 Feb. 1 8 1882 Aug. 7 1882 Aug. 21 1883 July 4 1 88 1 July 1 8 1882 Sept. 20 1885 Aug. 15 1885 Sept. 22 1885 Oct. i 1885 Aug. 15 1885 Sept. 22 1885 Oct. i 1883 July 4 1 88 1 July 10 1882 July 26 1879 Jul y 8 1882 Aug. 12 1883 Sept. 27 1884 Mar. 24 1882 Sept. 7 H Ureas Minorifl h m s l8.II. 2 18. 13. 14 18. 14. 25 18. 15. 6 18. 18. 12 18. 18. 35 18. 20. 34 18.21. 4 18.22. 7 18.22. 9 18.23. 9 1 8. 24. 24 18.25.52 1 8. 26.48 18. 28.41 18.30.43 1 8. 30.49 18.31.44 i8-3 2 -53 18.35.32 18.35.42 53'4 60-5 627 69'3 > 9 34'3 64-9 49-0 57-1 57'4 65-4 59'4 9 9 547 60-5 56-9 74-6 53 - i 56-1 > ? 6o'9 49-0 41-7 33'9 9 9 57-1 57'4 53'9 687 537 58-8 6ro 53-6 58-8 6ro 53-6 53'9 60-4 56-9 53'9 64-4 50-8 447 54'9 o 5 I-8 58-0 60-4 6r8 9 33'i 61-8 48-3 56-6 57-0 65-1 58-6 > 9 54-0 57'5 56-6 74-2 52-7 53'3 ? ? 60-0 48-0 40-7 3 2 '4 9 56-3 56-8 53'4 677 53-1 58-4 57-8 52-4 58-4 57-8 5 2 '4 53-4 59-2 55'4 53' 2 62-7 56-6 4 2 '5 53'5 4' 40 4 39 9 1 '53 40 140 3' 2 307 35 80 9 > '75 33 2 43 232 244 72 9 9 58 59 163 160 9 9 '59 157 158 152 '55 3i 130 130 131 130 130 98 184 58 178 '77 13 73 103 H + 0-13 + 0'20 + 0-18 + 0-46 9 9 + '33 -f 0-24 + 0'20 + o'3 2 + 0-24 + 0-18 + 0-13 > > + 0-24 + 0-19 + 0-15 + 0-18 -f 0-19 + 0-41 ? ? + O'JO + 0-12 + '34 + 0-51 J J + 0-26 + 0-19 + 0-16 + 0-30 + 0-19 + 0'I2 + 0-84 + 0-32 -f- O'I2 + 0-84 + 0-32 + O'lO + '44 + 0-18 + 0-26 + o'6o - 0-15 + 0-33 + 0-29 R. D. $ Ursaa Minoris 8.P Bradley 2296 ..* * La.la.nde 33738 i) Serpentis R, ...D. 2 1 Sagittarii A Sagittarii d Serpentis R. ...D. Lalande 34128 b Draconis S P ...R D Piazzi XVIII 82 Piazzi XVIII 92 i Aquilse Bradley 2332 Bradley 2335 2 AouilcC $ Ursse Minoris (1883 September 19). It is assumed that an error of o in 'i was made in the reading of the barometer. $ Ursa; Minoris S.P. (1880 Dec. 30.) The reading of the barometer (39 in '65) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 29' '54. THE EXTKUIOK TllKKMOMKTKU, IN THE YKABS 1877 TO 1886. (55) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c.,;tti,in,;l. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1880-0. Thermorteter. Kefraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Correortxl. 1883 July 17 1884 July 9 1885 Sept. l > 1885 Sept. 22 1885 Oct. i 1877 Ma y * 8 1879 Aug. 1 8 1884 Aug. 6 1879 June 6 1884 June 27 1877 May 28 1883 Aug. 3 1883 Aug, 3 1883 Sept. 19 n 1884 Oct. 24 1880 Sept. 3 1879 July 8 1884 Sept. 25 1884 Sept. 2; 1885 July 8 1881 July 12 1880 Sept. 3 1882 Oct. 2 ?> 1879 Aug. 1 8 1883 Aug. 16 ?i 1885 Aug. 8 1884 July i 1880 Sept. 3 1883 Aug. 21 1883 Aug. 16 n 1883 Aug. 21 1883 Aug. 28 1885 Aug. 24 1879 July 8 1 88 1 July 12 1885 June 2 1884 Feb. 21 2 Aquilse R h in * 18.35.42 18. 38. 10 18.40.48 18.41. 5 1 8. 46. 50 18.47.49 18.48. 36 18.48.49 1 8. 50. 9 18.50.34 18.55. 7 18.57.30 18. 58. 36 18.58.37 18.58.49 18.59.27 18.59.45 18.59.53 18.59.54 18.59.58 19. 8. II 19. 8. 15 19. 9.46 19. 9.52 19. 10.35 19. 10.37 19. 12. II 19. 14. 8 19. 14. 20 o 547 62-7 > 53'i > 6ro 53-6 47'9 58-0 62-8 54-0 56-9 47'9 59-6 59-6 6n 5 > 48-9 66-6 53'9 55'9 55'9 57-6 63-3 66-6 56-4 > > 58-0 55-6 > 59'9 58-9 66-6 67-1 55-6 > 67-1 64-0 56-8 53'9 63-3 507 43-2 537 i > 61-4 ) * 52-1 ) 57'3 52-0 47-3 57'4 6r8 53-0 55'9 47'i 58-5 58-5 60-0 48-0 66-3 53'o 55-0 55'o 56-6 62-4 66-0 55-8 ) 567 54'* > ) 59'3 58-0 65-4 657 53'5 > 657 63-0 56-0 5 2 '5 61-8 52-8 44-0 it IO2 99 > 102 f j 101 IOI 273 271 85 89 185 258 141 141 76 ? ) 184 230 187 84 84 136 290 196 87 > > 44 45 39 241 219 42 43 42 60 l6l 48 4 8 90 219 + 0'2I + 0-26 9 ) + O'2I > + 075 + '33 + '33 + 0-31 + 0-17 + 0-18 + 0-38 + 0-37 + 0-32 + 0-32 + 0-17 9 + 0-33 + OM4 + '34 + 0-15 + 0-16 + 0-28 + 0-52 + 0-24 + OMO 1 + O'll + 0-13 J + 0-17 + 0-43 + 0'53 + O'I2 + 0-18 + 0-12 + 0'12 + 0-27 + OM3 + OM4 - 0'39 O'36 ...D B ...D K D ^ Sagi ttari i 6 AquiJse R Scuti n Saffittarii . o- Sagittarii Oeltz. Arg. (8.) 18841-2 Oeltz. Arg. (S.) 18847 Lalande 35281 R. D. ' Sagittari i Piazzi XVIII 261 o Sagittarii Bradley 2398 h Aquilas B. D. 15 No. 5223 T Sagittarii Piazzi XVIII. 294 \ Aqailse R ..D Aquilse ...R ...D Lalande 35693 \l/ Sagittarii Piazzi XIX. 22 W. B. XIX. 197 W. B. XIX. 200 R ...D. 22 Aquilaa '/ S;uyitt'trii 1885 July 22 1885 Aug. 24 1878 June 26 1883 Aug. 22 1 88 1 July 12 1877 Sept. 5 1 88 1 Sept. 14 1882 Mar. 17 1880 Sept. 3 1882 Sept. 6 1882 Sept. 7 tl 1877 July 2 1879 July 10 1883 Feb. 22 1883 Mar. 3 ?> 1 88 1 Aug. 7 1883 Aug. 21 1877 June 27 1878 June 26 ci Aquilae h in a 19.14.24 I 9 . 14.51 19. 1 6. ii 19.17.51 19. 18. 4 19. 18. 14 19. 18. 59 19. 19. 21 19. ig. 22 19. 19.27 19.21. 6 19.22.57 19. 24. 23 J9- 2 5-53 19.28.55 19.29. 4 19. 30. 26 I9-33-5I 19-35-37 19. 39. 22 19.40.33 19.44. I0 56-8 577 61-2 > ) 60-4 39'5 45-2 57-8 53-9 67-1 47'3 67-1 63-3 S4'3 59-1 ) 5 55'3 ) 56-8 66-7 637 63-3 56-3 J > 57'5 > 53'3 66-6 55'5 ' 53-2 > 57-0 54' i 9 9 45-2 > sr ; 1 58-3 67-1 i 58-0 66-7 55-6 55'9 60-3 58-8 38-9 44-8 57-2 5^5 65-5 46-4 65-5 61-8 52-9 58-1 5 J 53-2 J 55'3 65-0 63-0 61-3 Si'5 ? f 55-0 > 52-6 64-6 54-6 > 52'5 > 54' 3 50-0 ? 44'4 36-3 > 57-1 65-3 ? 1 56-8 64-4 a 75 138 137 ) > 73 87 171 214 217 39 '35 39 64 65 65 > > 66 ) 65 153 6 7 80 25 ) ? 3 ? 68 27 95 96 ) ) 140 21 ? ? 93 T 94 i 169 49 1 > 44 43 I + 0-18 + 0-51 + 0-24 ) > + 0-23 + 0'12 + 0-13 + 0-26 + O-62 + 0-13 + 0-25 + 'i3 + 0-20 + 0-18 + 0-13 + 0-28 i ? + 0'20 + '53 + 0-10 + 0-32 + 0-24 ) > + 0-16 ) ? + O'lO + O'l I + 0-17 1 + 0-14 '? > + 077 + 0-17 ) 1 + 0-15 > ) + 0-15 > + 0-40 + 0-18 ? < + O'll + O'2O v Sa^ittarii D W B XIX 357 T Draconis S P Groombrid r e 2827 S P Y 3 S 59'5 58-3 547 56-9 33'6 54'3 527 56-1 54-8 56-9 44-8 ) 37-9 46-5 4''3 33-8 5'7 67-1 J 54'3 56-2 5'7 62-7 59'3 537 50-6 % i 4.1-1 58-0 40-8 477 51-8 54-8 6ro 50-5 41-1 64-8 58-3 64-8 40-8 64-8 o 64-0 > > 58-4 57'i 53'3 55' 35'3 50-5 SI'S 54-9 53'2 55-3 43-8 > 32-4 45'5 40-1 32-8 50-2 65-2 50-5 55-6 49-8 62-3 57'9 52-9 49-6 > 40-4 ) ) 56-0 40-2 46-1 50-9 54'4 60-2 50-0 40-5 64-, 57-8 64-2 40-0 64-0 a 43 1 > 44 44 44 44 46 44 44 44 44 44 49 > > 5 48 49 5 54 52 J '4 105 33 118 75 75 77 1 136 194 "4 73 120 121 131 '33 I2 5 '49 '54 132 105 128 H + O'22 + o-io + O'lO + O'I2 + OM7 0-26 + 0-34 + O'l I + O'l I + 0-14 + 0-15 + O'lO 1 J + '53 + O'lO + O'l 2 + O'l I + 0-26 + 0'2O j + O'l I + 0-13 + ''4 6 + O'lO + 0'2I + O'I2 + 0-15 J 4- 0'20 J J + 078 + 0-14 f 0-24 + O'22 + 0'10 + 0'2I + 0-13 + O'l6 + 0-18 + 0-14 + 0-15 + 0-17 + 0'20 D X Ursfe Minoris S P R ...D a Aquilae ...R. D W B (2) XIX 1617 W B XIX 1300 R. D 68 Draconis S P R .. 1) Oeltz Arg (N.) 20313 SP K Cephei S.P v Capricorn! 8 Capricorn! . ... B D +63No 1618 S P B. A. C. 7063 B. D. + 67No. 1248 S I 1 \V. li. XX. 664 \ Urs:c Miuoris (i8Si October 31). The barometer and thermometer were read l.y the observer, but the readings had been accidentally omitted from the computation sheets. The barometer reading was 29'" -97, that previously used being 30'" -ot. a Aquilae aud'r Sagittarii (1879 Sept. 25). The reading of the barometer (3c'"-i5) has also been supplied from the meteorological register, the reading previously used being 3O'"'i4. (56) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 18800. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1882 July 29 1882 Sept. 23 1879 July 2 4 1881 July ii 1 88 1 July 12 1882 July 29 1881 July 12 1881 July 12 1879 Aug. '8 1884 Feb. 29 1883 Nov. 19 1884 Aug. 15 1884 Sept. 14 1877 Oct. 16 1879 Sept. 25 1880 May 14 1884 April 5 1885 April 17 1884 Sept. 14 >j 1877 Mar. 14 1883 Aug. 25 1881 July 12 1883 July 20 1883 Nov. 13 1880 June 25 1883 Nov. 26 1883 Aug. 29 1884 Sept. 14 ?? 1884 April 10 1885 Sept. 20 1883 Aug. 25 1884 April 10 1882 Mar. 1 8 1884 Sept. 4 1879 Sept. 26 1882 Mar. 4 1 88 1 Sept. 9 1882 Feb. 8 Piazzi XX. 194 h m B 20. 28. 45 2O. 30. 29 20. 32. 34 20. 34. 4 20. 39. 12 2O. 46. I I 2O. 51.11 20. 54. 38 2O. 59. 12 21. 7.52 21. 15.34 21- '5-43 21. 16.57 21.21. I 21.24.31 21.27. 6 21. 29. 2 21. 31. 22 21. 31.24 21.35. I 21. 38. 18 21.39. '3 21.45. 14 21.47. n 21.47.54 21.50.51 21. 53. 16 21.56.58 21.59.57 22. O. 17 22. 4. 8 22. 6. 42 o 58-3 50-5 56-0 6ro 59'9 58-3 59'9 59'9 55'3 33'5 J ) 44-0 60-3 59'4 > ) 43' 49-1 62-8 47'i 50-5 59'4 ? > 49'5 577 58-3 527 4'7 537 44-8 ) ) 59'4 5 59'4 5 ? 43'8 55'5 577 43'8 48-5 52-2 51-9 39'9 5i-4 33-1 57-8 497 55'i 60-2 58-6 57-8 58-6 58-6 547 3*'4 5 43'2 59-5 567 J 1 42-5 48-6 67-8 46-0 49'8 56-2 ) J 48-3 567 57-0 52-1 41*0 52-8 44'3 5 ) 58-0 ) J 56-4 43'2 55-0 56-7 42-9 47-6 5i'3 51-0 39'4 50-8 31-9 144 H5 80 132 133 133 42 189 102 63 5 ) 287 149 28 > ? I)' 150 129 87 89 3 5 94 85 99 98 77 128 128 J ? 5> > 28 1 ) 119 109 86 '83 128 93 130 131 I 12 '74 o + - '3 + 0-25 + 0-15 + O'22 + '34 + 0-13 + O'll + '49 + 0-13 + 0-15 ? > + 0-47 + 0-23 + 0-15 ? 5 + 0-16 + 0-16 1-28 + 0'20 + 0-13 + 0'20 , + 0-24 + 0-17 + '23 + 0'12 + 0'12 + 0-23 + 0-14 j ) + 0-15 > + 0-17 ? > + 0-15 + O'll + 0-17 + 0-34 + 0-33 + 0-17 + 0-23 + 0-14 + 0-14 + 0'44 70 Aquilfe T~ Capricorni a Delpliini 17 Capricorn! p. Aquarii 76 Draconis S.P R. D Piazzi XX 411 77 Draconis R ,..D i Capricorn! o Cephei S.P Oeltz Arg (N ) 22 1 3 1 S P . ... Oeltz Arg (N ) 22261 S P 2 Pegasi R , D (f Cephei SP Piazzi XXI. 190 Aquarii B. F. 204 1 . 42 Capricorn! ...D ...D K Pegasi R. D Groombridge 3588 S.P B F 2988 Piazzi XXI 320 /x Cephei S P Piazzi XXI 360 S P 30 Aquarii t Aquarii 18 Cephei S P Cephei S P Piazzi XXI. 190, Piazzi XXI. 320. The correction for indez error of the thermometer had been erroneously applied. THE EXTKKIOK TllKHMOMKTKli, IN TDK YlOAKS 1877 TO 1886. (57) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. continued. Date. Star's Name. R.A. 1 880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Infraction. Used. Corrected 1880 Jan. 26 1879 Sept. 26 1880 June 25 1884 Sept. 4 1881 Sept. 14 1882 Mar. 14 1883 Aug. 19 1884 Sept. 10 1 88 1 Feb. 28 1882 Mar. 4 1 88 1 Feb. 28 1882 Mar. 4 1883 April 9 1885 Mar. n 1880 April 29 1883 Mar. 15 1884 Oct. 24 1878 April 6 1878 April 6 1880 April 29 1883 April 9 1 88 1 Sept. 14 1883 Aug. 19 1885 Oct. i 1883 April 4 1880 Sept. 24 1877 Oct. 1 8 1883 Dec. 14 1877 Sept. 6 1877 Oct. 27 1877 Dec. 10 1882 Mar. 2 1877 Oct. 15 1877 Oct. 27 1877 Sept. 6 1877 Oct. 15 1877 Sept. 6 1877 Oct. 27 1882 Mar. 13 1879 Nov. 13 1877 Oct. 15 1879 Sept. i 1877 Oct. 27 1883 Sept. 15 Hradli'V 2934 S P ... U m i 22. 7.54 22. IO. 30 22. 10. ;i 22. 14. l8 22. I7. 5 2 22. ig. II 22. l8. 12 22. 22. 38 22.22.54 22. 24. I 8 22.24.42 22.24.43 22. 24. 44 22. 28. 48 22. 29. II 22.31.32 22.33- 3 22. 34. 24 22.44. 13 22. 46. 21 22. 47. IO 22.47.47 22.47. 54 22.51.49 22.53.16 22. 58. 12 22-59-37 . 23. 0.41 23. 4. 5 23. 8. 6 23- 9- 5 23. 10.57 23. 11.24 23-4 51-9 55-9 52-2 53-3 45-8 53'4 537 30-6 39-9 30-6 39'9 43'9 35-8 43-0 28-8 44-0 42-5 4 2 '5 43-0 43'9 53'3 53'4 48-9 51-1 58-9 38-0 47-1 51-1 51-0 38-1 > ) 38-3 46-4 51-0 s r 46-4 5 i-i 51-0 43' 39'3 46-4 48-3 51-0 53'5 2 ,-6 51-0 52-7 51-0 52-3 44' 5 5 2 7 5 2 7 2 9'3 39-0 29-3 39' 43'i 34'i. 42-0 28-3 43'4 41-2 41-2 42-0 42-7 51-6 5 2 7 48-1 50-6 57-0 36-8 46-6 50-3 49-6 35-6 > 37'5 45-8 49-6 50-2 45-6 49-8 49-6 40-9 38-5 45-5 46-9 497 53-0 95 100 98 97 90 '34 89 89 "4 I 12 114 1 12 113 55 97 '3 167 167 96 7' 75 87 327 127 3 IO2 98 IIO 118 35 J ) 60 "5 H3 123 120 IIO 121 82 9 6 "'7 68 116 117 + 0*37 + O'l8 + 0-64 + 0-24 + 0-19 + 0-36 + O'I2 + 0-18 + 0-32 + 0'2I + '3 2 + 0'2I + OM9 + O'2I + O - 2O + O'l I + 0-14 + '45 + 0-45 + 0'2O + 0-18 + 0-26 + O'I2 + 0'55 + 0-13 + O'l I + 0-26 + O'lO + 0-19 + '34 + 0-19 j 4- o'io + 0-15 + o'33 + 0-23 + 0'20 + 0-30 + 0'35 + 0-37 + 0-16 + O'22 + OM9 + 0'3I 4- O'I2 6 Aquarii 25 Cephei S P ,i Aquarii Groombridge 37608.? Radcliffe 5671 S.P Bradley 2993 S.P Lalande (F.) 4151 S.P a Aquarii Bradley 2972 S P S Cephei S.P Lalande (F.) 4162 S.P P Cephei S.P r) Aquarii K Aquarii Lacaille 9204 30 Cephei S.P w Pei'asi . A Aquarii 74. Aciuarii . 75 Aquarii Bradley 3038 R D Bradley 3038 S.P W. B. XXII. 1047 Piazzi XXII. 264 w. i;. xxn. 1204 W 15. XXII. 1232 \V. B. XXII. 1249 T Cephei S P * Aquarii Lalande 45504 y Piscium \V. B. XXIII. 185 51 Aquarii (1883 August 19). The correction for index error of the thermimcter had been erroneously applied. K Aq-oarii. The correction for index error of the thermometer had not been applied. GKEEXWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1887. II (58) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF STARS, &c. concluded. Dfcte. Star's Name. R.A. 1880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1877 Oct. 15 1884 Mar. 24 1877 Oct. 27 1880 Sept. 24 1883 April 9 1877 Oct. 27 1877 Oct. 15 1879 Sept. i 1877 Oct. 15 1884 Mar. 24 1885 April 17 1880 Sept. 24 1877 Oct. 20 1877 Oct. 15 1883 Sept, 15 1877 Sept. 5 1877 Nov. 16 1884 April 21 1877 Sept. 5 1877 Nov. 16 1885 Sept. 5 1883 Sept. 15 1877 Nov. 1 6 1877 Nov. 1 6 1882 Mar. 2 1882 April 8 1882 April 8 1883 May 16 \jp Acjuarii h m B 23. 12.43 23- '3- 4 2 23. 14.38 23. 14.42 23. 15. 20 23. 16.47 23. 17. 4 23.20.47 23.21.50 23.22. 13 23-23- 5 23.23. 17 23.26. 13 23-29-15 23.29.45 23.34. 26 23. 34. 56 23.36.38 23.40. 16 23.42. 56 23-43- '9 23.46.56 23.49. 23. 56. 28 23. 56. 30 23.58.29 46-4 36-8 > ) 51-0 58-9 42-6 51-0 46-4 48-3 46-4 36-8 9 467 J 58-9 > 47-6 46-4 53'5 49-2 48-9 387 49-2 48-9 J J 547 53'5 48-9 48-9 37'2 +i'J 4''5 56-3 45-5 35'4 J 497 57-0 41-9 497 45'4 46-9 45'4 35'4 ) 46'2 ) 57-0 ) 46-5 45'4 52-9 48-5 47-0 37'4 48-0 46-3 ? 537 527 45'i 44-8 36-6 40-9 40-9 SS'5 a 108 1 08 > > I 10 31 139 112 107 73 116 99 > > 96 ? ) 47 9 J 80 114 113 112 . II 4 75 III 4 2 J ) 64 68 72 70 82 117 117 108 a + O'2O + '3' J ? 4- 0-29 + OM2 + 0'2I + 0-30 + O'22 + 0'2I + 0-24 + 0-29 + O'lO > ) + 0-18 > > + 0-18 + 0-24 + 0-14 + 0-17 + '44 + O'2O + 0-29 + 0-23 > j + 0-14 + OM I + 0-57 + 0-59 4- o - i I + 0-14 + 0-14 + 0-18 o Cephei S P R. D. W B XXIII 265 T P6UBi Bradley 3104 S P W B XXIII 315 K Piscium W. B. XXIII. 402 Bradley 3125 S.P R. ...D ...D q Pegasi R ...D 1 1 Piscium W. B. XXIII. 497 W.B. XXIII. 571 W B XXIII 583 y Cephei S.P Piazzi XXIII 153 76 Pegasi R ...D 1 9 Piscium W B. XXIII. 853 2 1 Piscium 25 Piscium Groombridge 4163 S.P Bradley 3202 SP Oeltz. Arg. (N.) 26322 S.P Groombridge 4220 S P The following is a list of the similar corrections for planetary observations during the same period. TIIE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (59) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF SUN, MOON, AND PLANETS FOR REVISED READINGS OF THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER AND BAROMETER IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1885. Date. Planet. Thermometer Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrtotid. 1880 August II 1883 May 25 1883 June 5 1880 July 15 1881 May 11 1 88 1 June I 1882 May 26 1884 May ii 1885 June 26 1885 July 22 1879 September 2 1883 April 8 1883 May Z2 1883 August 13 1883 November 23 1885 April 17 1877 October 15 1877 October 18 1877 October 27 1877 November 16 1884 April 22 1885 May 23 1882 August ii 1885 April 27 1 88 1 May 7 1877 October 15 1884 August J 1877 May 15 1885 July 22 1879 July 24 1883 May 24 1883 May 31 1884 April 9 1883 June 4 1883 May 24 1882 September 12 1884 March 24 1884 March 24 1885 February 19 1885 February 23 1877 October 15 Sun 69-9 66-9 65-8 69-8 40-8 73'3 63-3 55-1 49-0 57-9 62-4 46-9 62-5 68-9 40-6 57-0 46-4 38-0 51-0 48-9 43-8 50-4 55'9 5*'3 49'9 46-4 547 5'5 55'3 59-2 557 53-0 40-8 557 557 48-8 36-8 41-8 377 38-6 46-4 73-8 7i-4 69-1 69-0 4O - o 77-1 58-3 54'5 48-5 57'* 647 44'9 65-S 7*'3 42-9 58-0 45-8 36-5 49-6 48-0 40-8 49'3 54-0 50-9 47'9 45'4 53-0 47'5 53'* 58-3 54'5 50-3 39-6 54-0 54'5 47'5 35-4 40-2 32-7 43-6 45-5 4" 33 3' 37 132 40 78 1 60 164 154 103 105 5 36 214 54 I 12 113 103 9' 36 54 45 38 80 '34 200 67 in 2OI 2O2 197 49 79 *77 43 61 34 48 48 99 l - 0-32 - 0-34 0'22 + O'22 + '*3 O'30 + 079 + O-ig + OM7 + O'22 - '45 + o'43 0-30 0-26 roz O'lO + 0-14 + '35 + 0-29 + 0-16 + 0-23 + O'I2 + 0-17 + O'lO + 0-32 + 0-28 + 0-69 + 0-41 + '47 + 0-36 + '49 + 1-09 + 0-12 + 0-27 + 0-67 + O'I2 + 0-17 + O'l I + 0-50 O'JO + OM9 Moon Venus ... . Mara Ceres n) Pallas (2) Juno Mj Vesta (T) Hebe fiT) Flora (7) Irene (u) Amphitrite (5) Alcmene fc) Jupiter Saturn Sun. 1883 May 25. The reading of the barometer has also been altered from 29'" -84 to 29'" '80. 1883 Jane 5. The reading of the barometer has also been altered from 29'" 77 to 29' 76. US (60} CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION FOR REVISED READINGS OF CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF SUN, MOON, AND PLANETS, &c. concluded. Date. Planet. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. 1877 October 27 1883 February 16 1 88 1 March ' i <; 1882 March 6 1882 March 13 1884. March 1884 Mai-h 24 1884 April 21 1880 March i 1882 February i 1 88 1 July ii 1882 May 12 Saturn 51-0 44-0 38-5 39-4 43-1 37-8 36-8 387 42-3 3'7 6ro 49'3 49-6 417 367 36-6 40-9 36-5 35'4 37-1 377 30-6 6o - 2 47'9 98 43 57 61 60 69 69 67 5' 47 62 81 + 0-29 '+ 0'2I + 0'2I + 0-36 + 0-28 + O-ig + O'2O + 0-23 + '49 + O'll + OTO + 0-24 Uranus Neptune Comet b, iS3i S P a. 1882 .. For the year 1886, the necessity of revising the thermometer and barometer readings was noticed in time to correct the Star Ledgers and Planetary Ledgers and other results ; but not before the Daily Observations were printed. In the Volume for 1886, therefore, the following Corrections are required in the section of Zenith Distances observed with the Transit Circle to make it consistent with the later sections. CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF SUN, MOON, PLANETS, AND STARS FOR REVISED READINGS OF THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER AND BAROMETER, IN THE YEAR 1886. Date, 1886. Star's Name. E.A. i88o'0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. Jan. 2 Jan. 14 Jan. 1 6 March 4 46 Tauri R &D ll 111 ti 4- 7- 5 4- 13- V 1 6. 21. 2 16. 28. 13 4- 4'- 4 1 17. 8. 26 4- 2 9 5- 25- 53 5- 42- 4 5- 48. 4 1 45'3 45'3 45'3 45-3 45'3 34-6 36-9 33'5 33'5 33'5 44'5 44' 5 44 - 3 44-1 44-1 33'5 38-9 32-6 32-1 32-1 57 60 76 99 54 i'5 42 76 108 58 + 0-09 + O'lO + 0-16 + 0-2; + 0-13 + 0-27 - '37 + 0-14 + 0-31 + 0-17 W. B. IV. 248 R & D ijUrsse MinorisS.P R. & D. A Draconis S.P R &D W. B. IV. 863 4 Draconis S.P R. & D. D S. L S Orionis K Orionis a Orionis Jan. 16. D S. L. For this observation the reading of the barometer lias also been altered from 29 in '52 to 29 in '39. THK EXTKIUOK TlIKKMoMKTKK, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (61) CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF SUN, MOON, PLANETS, &c.fn s 22. 25. 48 10. 31. 38 o. 28. 49 o. 29. 28 13. 12. 8 i. 14. 45 12. l6 13. 26. 27 12. 27. 21 o. 57. 14 o. 58. 44 I. I. 13 1. 3. 48 13. ii. 9 13. 12. 8 I. 15. 17 I. 17. 28 '3- 38. 55 44- 32 12. 13. 46 '2- 35- 35 ' 3- 53 i. 34. 31 i. 50. 48 13. 55. 56 14. 0. 22 14. 6. 30 14. 44. 14 2. 53- >3 13. 48. 58 3- 55- 32 15- io- 33 o 46-5 46-5 48-8 48-8 39' 2 39'* 4''5 45 '9 53'9 52-6 52-6 52-6 52-6 52-6 52-6 52-6 52-6 50-9 50-9 52-0 52-0 51-8 50-1 50-1 48-6 48-6 48-6 47-0 47-0 66-0 66-0 60-9 o 45'9 45'9 47 -6 47-6 37'J 37 - > 40-9 45-0 53'' 51-9 51-9 51-9 51-9 5''3 5>'3 5'"3 5i-3 50-4 50-4 51-0 49-8 51-0 49-1 487 477 477 47'z 46-0 46-0 64-3 64-3 6o - i 7> 121 211 211 I 5 6 5 78 129 "5 47 '47 164 197 105 150 465 . 103 244 270 72 74 118 146 121 1 66 102 1 06 1 3 8 6 4 3 6 66 100 I + O'll + 0-19 + 0'44 + '44 + 073 + 0-23 + O'lO + 0-25 + 0-18 + 0'2O + O'2I + 0-24 + 0-29 + 0-28 + 0-40 + 1-23 + 0-27 + 0-25 + 0-27 + 0-14 + '33 + O'2O + 0-30 + '34 + 0-31 + O'2O + 0-31 + 0-28 + 0-13 + 0'I2 + O'22 + 0-16 U Hydras Groombridge 96 S.P I'.nulli-v 49 S.P 61 Virginia Polaris S.P I minus. . ~i Virginia R &D W. 15. XII. 429 R & D 15. D. + 59 No. 176 S.P B. D. + 59 No. 180 S.P G roombridge 244 S.P ti Cassiopeia) SP 5 8 Virginia 61 Virginia Andromedae S.P if Cassiopeia) S.P Piazzi XIII. 180 g Persei S.P >j Virginia R & D / Virginia R &D 32 Cassiopeiae S P Piazzi I. 139 S.P B. F. 222 S.P Piazzi XIII. 276 95 Virginia K Virginia a Libras R / Boo tie r Virginia /3 Libra) R & D April 12. The rcadinjr of the barometer has also been altered from 2<, 10 '97 to 2c, in- 98. April 27. The rea 17. 38. 1 8. ii. 40 18. n. 41 18. 17. 15 18. 22. 7 18. 25. 52 1 8. 26. 48 17. 7- 58 17. 10. 42 17. 10. 42 5- * 6 - 44 4- 57- 15 5- 3- 26 17. 48. 51 6. 40. 46 6. 58. 52 16. 28. 25 17. 20. 34 17. 39. 24 18. 25. 52 19. 23. 7- 5 1 - 54 8. 0. 12 6i - o 5^4 52-4 52-4 52-4 5^4 S^H 52-4 727 69-9 69-0 69-0 69*0 56-2 56-2 56-2 56-2 56-2 56-2 62-1 62-1 62-1 62-1 617 61-7 60-6 597 59'7 62-1 577 577 55-8 54'9 54'9 54'9 59-8 51-9 51-8 51-8 51-8 51-8 51-8 51-8 7I-5 69-0 67-9 67-9 66-9 55'5 55'5 55-5 55'o 55-0 55' 6i'o 61-0 6ro 60-4 60-7 607 6o - o 58-8 58-8 61-3 56-9 56-5 55'3 54'3 53'3 53'3 ki 352 1 80 322 160 1 60 162 I2O 56 65 123 53 84 158 158 119 58 132 131 257 217 217 197 80 82 157 97 "37 292 62 59 130 415 136 156 i + 0'20 + 0'35 + 0-23 + 0-39 + 0-14 + OM4 + OM9 + 0-15 + 0-14 + O'll + 0-26 + O'I2 + 0-35 + 0-23 + 0-23 + 0-17 + 0-15 + 0-3I + 0-31 + 0-66 + 0-45 + Q'45 + 0-80 -f 0-16 + 0-16 + 0-18 + 0-14 -r- 0'2l + 0'47 + 0'12 4- 0-14 + 0-13 + 0-50 + 0- 44 + 0-50 Lalande 33537 Lalande 33642 Oeltz Arg. (S.) 18017-8 Lalande 33748 Lalande 3^871 .. A Ophiuchi R. & D. 17 Camelopardi S.P R. & D. Groombridge 944 S.P Juno Oeltz Arg (S ) 18017 8 Lalande 33873 Lalande 34128 Bradley 2323 Bradley 2327 A 1 Ophiuchi Piazzi XVII 31 Piazzi V 1178? Piazzi IV. 254 SP Groombridge 928 S.P Piazzi XVII 277 . R & D 17 Lyncis SP R &D T Scorpii a Ophinchi W.B. XVII. 751 Bradley 2323 R. & D. Ceres Piazzi VII 251 SP R &D Groombridge 1407 S P July 1 6. For A 1 Ophiuchi. Piazzi XVII. 31 and 39 Ophiuohi, the reading of the barometer has also been altered from 29">-85 to 29'" "86 and for Piazzi V. 117 S.P. to 29"" '87. July 20. 43 Camelopardi S.P. and 17 Lyncis S.P. The reading of the barometer has also been altered from 29'" '98 to 29'" '97. Aug. 2. a Ophiuchi. The reading of the barometer has also been altererl from 29' '8 1 to 29'" -8 2 ; for W. B. XVII. 751, to 29!" -83 ; for 57 Camelopardi S.P., o Capricorni and Piazzi VIII. 105 S.P. from 29">'84 to 29'" -87, the corrections to Refraction being + o*'ii, + o"'i6 and + o"'2i, respectively. THE EXTERIOR THERMOMETER, IN THE YEARS 1877 TO 1886. (63} CORRECTIONS TO REFRACTION OF SUN, MOON, PLANETS, &c. concluded. Date, 1886. Star's Name. R.A. 1 880-0. Thermometer. Refraction. Correction to Refraction. Used. Corrected. August 4 August 10 August 1 1 August 26 August 18 August 30 Sept. 7 October 4 Phrm VIII 40 S P h m K 8- H- 43 20. 32. 59 8. 37. 56 17. 48. 51 6. 58. 52 19. 19. 27 20. 5. 7 20. 59. 12 9- 26. 36 18. 42. 33 6. 55. 25 9- 33- 5' '9- 33- S3 19. 53. 16 8. 23. 50 8- 29- 43 8. 51. 42 21. 6. 6. 40, 46 7- 2- 3* 8. 23. 50 8. 32- 43 8. 37. 56 8. 57- 7 18. 42. 33 19. 21. 62 19. 49. 25 8. 30. 24 9. 36. 40 9- 47- 37 18. 36. 53'5 53'5 53'5 61-5 58-4 58-4 56-9 55'> SS'i 56-4 56-4 54'9 54'9 54'9 607 607 607 607 64-5 64-5 63-5 63-5 63-5 63-5 59-9 587 587 56-9 55'' SS'i 66-4 o S 2-8 52-5 5 Z> 5 60- 1 57-8 57'3 55'9 54'5 54'4 55'5 55'5 54'3 54'3 53'4 6o - 2 6<3'2 59'9 59 - 9 63-9 62-5 62-9 62-5 62-5 6, -4 59-1 58-1 56-9 S5 i 54-6 54'3 65-4 * 211 81 106 >55 136 64 74 '49 224 '74 '45 ' H' 141 107 in "5 JOO '93 t 61 in 390 103 296 172 156 58 216 119 82 1 60 + 0-30 + 0-16 + O'2O + 0-47 + 0-16 + 0-16 + 0-18 + 0-19 + 0-32 + 0-32 + 0-26 4- 0-19 + 0-18 + '33 + O'I2 + 0'12 + 0-16 + 0-30 + O'll + 0-24 + 0-16 + 0-91 + 0-25 + ''44 + 0-28 + 0-18 + 0-23 + o - 57 + 0-12 + OM4 + 0-32 Hnullev 2659 Piazzi VIII. 137 S.P Piazzi XVII 277 i7LynciflS.P R &D f \quilae Aquilae R. & D. Capricorn! 26 Ursae Majoris S.P 29 Sagittarii Piazzi VI 2938? R &D Oeltz. Arc ( S 1 io8c7 . W B XIX 1300 R. & D AUrsffi Majoris S.P R. & D. r Ursae Majoris S.P R. & D. p Ursse Majoris S.P Aglaia 43 Camelopardi S.P R. & D. Piazzi VI 285 S P R. & D AUrsse Majoris S.P R. & D. 34 Lyncis S.P Piazzi VIII. 137 S.P. ...R.& D. Groombridge 1508 S P 29 Sa^ittarii Lalande 36688 /3 Aquilas Piazzi VIII. 105 S.P 28 Ursae Majoris S.P. ...R. & D. Piazzi IV. 187 S.P R. & D. jN. L Aug. 10. Piaui XVII. 277. The reading of the barometer haa also been altered from 29'" '63 to 29'" -65 ; f or - 87. 41'. 41''36, read 87. 41'. 41*77. (70) No. 2. Refraction, for 1'. B2*'01, read I'. 52*'15 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 101. 13'. 22"'29, read 101. 13'. 22''43. (70) No. 3. Refraction, for 1'. 51*-98, read V. 52*'12 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 101. 13'. 21"-97, read 101. 13'. 22*'ll. (70) No. 6. Refraction, for 1'. 38*-87, read 1'. 39*'06 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/r 98. 11'. 0*'21, read 98. 11'. 0""40. (70) No. 7. Refraction, for 1'. 38*-87, rend I'. 39*'06 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre./ur 98. 10'. 56'-80, read 93. 10'. 53*'99. (70) No. 13. Refraction, far 2'. 14"'44, re/i2 : Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 98. 21'. 31"'9C, read 9S. 21'. 32"'25. (82) No. 9. Refraction, for \ '. 30*72, read 1'. 30"'88 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/or 95. 43'. 51*'03, read 95. 43'. 51' 19. (82) No. 10. Refraction, for 1'. 30*72. read V . 30"'88 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 95. 43'. 50*'9H, read 95. 43'. 51*'14. 33 Mars. Oct. 15. N.P.D. from Observation, fur 101 13'. 22*-00. read 101. 13'. 22"'14 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., /; 0"'80, read 0*'94. 33 Mare. Oct. 18. N.P.D. from Observation, for 100. 5(1'. 2G"-47, read 100. 50'. 26*'82 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D. ,for 0"'47, read 0*'82. 33 Mara. Oct. 27. N.P.D. from Observation, far 99. 30'. 17"'39. read 99. 30'. 1 7"-G8 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., for 1*'19, read l'-48. 33 Mars. Nov. 16. N.P.D. from Observation, fur 95. 43'. 50"-89. read 95. 43'. 51"'05 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D. ,for 0*'59, read 0"75. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1877 ctntlnved. PAGE. 34 Vesta. 34 Hebe. Oct. 15. N.P.D. from Observation, for 105. 18'. 32"'1<;, read 105. 18'. 32"'38 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., fur + 4 30. read + 4*'02. May 15. N.P.D. from Observation, for 87. 41'. 41*-27, read 87. 41'. 41*'68 ; Apparent Error of Berliner Jahrbuch in N.P.D., for 18*-97, read 19"'38. 40 Saturn. Oct. 15. N.P.D. from Observation, for 98. 10'. 5S'-39. read 98. 10'. 58"'58 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., for S*-49, read 8''68. 40 Saturn. Oct 27. N.P.D. from Observation, for 93. 21'. 33"'13, read 98. 21'. 33*'42 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D.,/or 11"-13, read 11"'42. 45 Mars. Oct. 23. Mean Error in N.P.D., far 1"'41. read 1"'50 ; Error in Longitude, for + 5"'48, read + 5''51 ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/r + 0*-73, read + 0"'65. 45 Vesta. Oct. 15. Mean Error in N.P.D., fur + 5"'88, read + 5"-79 j Error in Lonfritude. for 13"-22, read 13"-17 ; Error in E.N.P.D., for + 0*77, read + 0*70. 4fi Saturn. Oct. 13. Mean Error in N.P.D., for 9*"35, rend 9*'40 ; Error in Longitude, for 1"'85, read l*-83 ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/o;- 10''93, read 10''97. 47 Mars. 48 Vesta. 49 Saturn Oct. 23. Error of Tables in Hel. E.P.D., far + 0*'28, read + 0"'25. Oct. 15. Error of Tables in Hel. E.PJX,/r+ 0*'90, read + 0"'85. Oct. 13. Error of Tables in Hel. E.P.D., far 9*'99, read 10''03. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 18V9. (49) No. 20. Refraction, far 3'. 21*'27, read 3'. 21"-63 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, Jor 112. 55'. 38'"28. read 112. 55'. 38"'G4. (63) No. 16. Refraction, fur 1'. 43*-32, rea/l I', 42""87 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 99. 35'. 47"'28, read U9. 35'. 4(i'-S3. 37 Venus. Sept. 2. N.P.D. from Observation, for 99. 35'. 47''39, mul 99. 35'. 4(i*-'.l4 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., fur 0"'19. read + 0''26. 38 Flora. July 24. N.P.D. from Observation, for 112. 55'. 38''8o, mul 112. 55'. 38*71. 50 Venus. September 1. Mean Error in N.P.D., far 0*'21, read 0*'l>y ; Error in Longitude, for + l*'(iO, read + 1"'G5 ; Error in E.N.P.D../wy 0*'!>2. read 0*'81. 52 Venus. Sept. 1. Error of Tables in Hel. E.N.P.D., for 0*"44, read 0''39. KliK ATA Al'l-KXlMX III. (65) GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1880. PAGE. (19) No. 34. Refraction, far 51*-39. mnl 51*-8S : Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/.-;- 80. 13'. 2o'-40, read 80'. 13'. 2.V-89. (5) Nos. 29 & 80. Refraction. for >'. 17''37, read 2'. 17*-59 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/'/- 105. 57'. 17''47. mnl 105. 57'. 17''69. (73) No. 3. Refraction, for 41"'07. mnl 40"-75 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/or 74. 54'. 16*-i>5. read 74. 54'. 16"'33. 39 Sun. Aug. 11. N.P.D. from Observation, for 74. 54'. 16'"92, read 74. 54'. 16"'60 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., for 2"-i)i>. /v ad 1*'70. 41 Moon. July !.">. N.P.D. from Observation,/,!/- 105. 57'. 17''61, rniil 105. 57'. 17'-83 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D.,/or + 3'-5'J, read + 3' 37. 48 Uranus. March 1. N.P.D. f rom Observation./or 80. 12". 25*-67, mnl 80. 12'. 26'-16; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D.,/,.;- 2*'47, read 2*"96. 52 Sun. August 22. Mean Error in N.P.D., for + 0*'21, read + 0"'2a ; Error in Longitude, far + 0*'96, read + 0'-97 ; Error in E.N.P.D../r 0*-13, read O'-IO. 54 Uranus. February 23. Mean Error in N.P.D., for l'-24, read l*-32 ; Error in Longitude, for 1"'88, read r-77 ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/r 0*'59, read 0"'66. 57 Uranus. February 23. Error of Tables in Hel. E.N.P.D., for 0'-5o, read 0'"62. 60 Moon. July 15. Error in N.P.D., for + 3"'59, read + 3''37 ; in Longitude, for + ll'-43, read + ll'-35 ; inE.N.P.D., fur 0*-53, read, 0''73. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1881. (18) No. 31. Refraction, for 56* -61. not Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 81. 51'. 2U''S5, read 81. 51'. 20"'76. (3rt) No. 28. Refraction, for 1'. 20"'49, read 1'. 20*-81 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, far 92. Il'.34*-83,;rarf92 c . ll'.35*-15. (..IS) Nos. 4 & 5. Refraction, for 2'. 12"-36. read 2'. 12'-39 ; Geo- centric N.P.D. of Centre, for 103. 39'. 58'-45, read 103. 39'. 58"-68. (40) Nos. 26 & 27. Refraction, for 40*'30, read 40''00 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/or 74. 5'. 12*'50, read 74. 5'. 12*"20. (58) No. 13. Refraction, for 1'. 1''87, read I'. l'-97 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 8. 48'. 52*'28, read 8. 48'. 52*-38. 36 Moon. May 11. N.P.D. from Observation, for 103. 39'. 58"-97, mnl 103. 39'. 59*-20 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D.,/or + 4*'68. read + 4*'40. :i7 Moon. June 1. N.P.D. from Observation, for 74. 5'. 12'-85, read 74. 5'. 12*'55 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., far 4'-15, read 3'"85. 41 Juno. May 7. N.P.D. from Observation, for 92. 11'. 35'-30, read 92. 11'. 35'-62 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D.,/or 7"-.">n. read 7"'82. 45 Comet * 1881 S.P. July 11. N.P.D. from Observation, for 8. 48'. 52*-64, read 8. 48'. 52*-74 ; Apparent Error of Ephemeris inN.P.D.,/or -|-2'-89, ivwZ + 2*-79. 47 Uranus. March 15. N.P.D. from Observation./or 81. 51'. 20*'95, read 81. 51'. 21*16 ; Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac in N.P.D., for 2*'05, read 2*'26. GBBENWICH OBSERVATIONS. 1887. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, ISSleo PAGE. 53 Juno. May 12. Mean Error in N.P.D., for 6'-28,read 5'-36 ; Error in Lonjritude./or 45*'18, read 45*"20 ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/,.;- +6'-62, read +6"-:.0. 53 Uranus. March 18. Mean Error in N.P.D., for l*-87, ;<'. 52*-98, read 83. 55'. 53*-34 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanao,/r + u" :n'. mid + 0*'56. 49 Uranus. Mar. 13. N.P.D. from Observation, for 83. 48'. 46*'98, read S3'. Iff. 17 JC; Apparent Error of N P.O. in Nautical Almanac, for + l'"72, read + l'-44. 49 Neptune. Feb. 1. N.P.D. from Observation, for 75. 42'. 21*'S5, r,-a,l i:.\ li'. 21*-46; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac,/r l*-63, read l"-76. (66) ERRATA APPENDIX III. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1882 continued. PAGE. 50 Comet a 1882 S.P. May 12. N.P.D. from Observation, for 15. 32'. 38*-72, read 15. 32'. 38"'96. 55 Uranus. March. 13. Mean Error in N.P.D., for + 1"'62, read + 1*'57 ; Error in Longitude, for + 3"'23, n-ad + 3"'21 ; Error in E.N.P.D.. /<)) + 0"-39, read + 0"'35. 58 Uranus. March 13. Error of Tables in Hel. E.N.P.D., for + 0"-37, read + 0"'33. 60 Moon. May 26. Error in N.P.D., for + l'-51, read + 0''72 ; In Longitude, for + 7"'67, read + 7""36 ; In E.N.P.D., for 1*'64, read 2""37. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1883. (17) No. 32. Refraction,/or42"'92. /r<7**43''13; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre./or 74. 14'. 55"-33, read 74. 14'. 55"'54. (17) No. 33. Refraction./*) )-42"'92, read 43"-13; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*)/- 74. 14'. 54"-58, read 74. 14'. 54'-79. (41) No. 1. Refraction, for 1'. 44"'69, read 1'. 45"-12 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*))' 99. 8'. 19"-24, read 99. 8'. 19"'67. (41) No. 2. Refraction, for 1'. 44*-69. read 1'. 45*'12 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*))- 99. 8'. 16*'77, read 99. 8'. 17"'20. (55) No. 34. Refraction, for 50"-44, read 50"-14 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/oc 80. 6'. 30"'37, read 80. 6'. 30"'07. (57) No. 30. Refraction, for 3'. 21"'64, read 3'. 22"'13 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 112. 52'. 50"'16, read 112. 52'. 50"'65. (57) No. 31. Refraction,/r 4'. 36"'61, read 4'. 37"'28 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 117. 9'. 53*'96, read 117. 9'. 54"'63. (58) No. 3. Refraction,/*)?' 33"'39, read 33"-05 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*)?- 69. 3'. 34"'47, read 69. 3'. 34"'13. (58) No. 4. Refraction,/*)/- 32"'70, read 32"'36 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*))' 69. 3'. 37"'44, read 69. 3'. 37"'10. (61) No. 29. Refraction, /*)? 3'. 17"'34. read 3'. 18*'43 ; Geocentric N.P.D. ofCentre,/*))- 112. 23'. 39"'47, read 112. 23'. 40''56. (63) No. 23. Refraction, for I'. 19"-33, read I'. 19"-60 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 92. 45'. 56*'36, read 92. 45'. 56" '63. (64) No. 1. Refraction,/*))- 31"'30, read 31"'08 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*-/- 67. 27'. 23*-65, read 67. 27'. 23"'43. (64) No. 2. Refraction,/or 30"-62, read 30"'40 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/or 67. 27'. 23"-30, read 67. 27'. 23"'08. (88) No. 16. Refraction,/*)/- 36"-26, r*;a*f 36"'00 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*);- 71. 38'. 40'-80, read 71. 38'. 40'-54. (134) No. 18. Refraction, for 3'. 33"-63, read 3', 32"'61 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre./*) ) 113. 25'. 43"-64,r<;a7"-17) : Minutes and Seconds of N.P.D. in Berliner Jahrbuch, fur 45'. (42*'66), read 45'. 42'-66 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Berliner Jahrbuch. for 0'. H"-24. read 0'. 14"'51. 64 Amphitrite. May 24. N.P.D. from Observation,/*)?' 117. 9'. 54"'62, read 117. 9'. 55"'29 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Berliner Jahrbuch, fur 0'. 2*'44, read 0'. 3"'ll. 66 Saturn. Feb. 1C. N.P.D. from Observation, for 74. 14'. 55"-34. read 74. 14'. 55""55 ; Apparent Error of N.P D. in Nautical Almanac, /*') I"'(i4, read 1'85. 72 Venus. April 2. Mean Error in N.P.D.,/*))- 1*'80, read 1-S6 : Error in Longitude, fur + 1"'09, read -4- l*'ll ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/())' l"'ol, read 1"'57. 72 Venus. Aug. 19. Mean Error in N.P.D.. for + 0'13. mia + O'"08 ; Error in Longitude, for + 0"'82, read + 0"'80 ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/*))' 0"'13, read 0"-17. 72 Venus. Nov. 30. Mean Error in N.P.D.. for 1''99. read 1'-78 ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/*)/- 2"'04, read 1"'83. 74 Venus. April 2. Error of Tables in Hel. E.N.P.D., for 2"'12, mid 2'-21. 74 Venus, i Aug. 19. Error of Tables in Hel. E.N.P.D.,/*))- 0*-31. read 74 Venus. Nov. 30. Error of Tables in Hel.'E.N.P.D.,/*)/- 4'-48, read 4 '03. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1884. (24) No. 30. Refraction, for 1'. 8"'83, read 1'. 9"'02 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre,/*))' 87. 51'. 48"-ll, read 87. 51'. 4S"'30. (32) No. 16. Refraction./*))-33"-74. read 33"-85 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 68. 10'. 9*-33, read 68. 10'. 9"'44. (32) No. 17. Refraction./o/-33''72, reo<2 33' -83; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, far 68. 10'. 7'-53, read 68. 10'. 7'-64. (32) No. 30. Refraction, for 1'. 0'-55, read 1'. 0"'72 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 83. 51'. 7''63, read 83. 51'. 7*'80 ERRATA APPENDIX III. (67) GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. 1884 f ontin,,l. PAGE. (32) No. 31. Refraction, for 1'. 8*'94. mid 1'. 9'-14 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre. /or 87. 34'. 19*'2ti. n ml 87. 34'. 19''40. (37) No. 14. Refraction./cr 48'-50, read 48'-62 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 77. 56'. 29"-:>. read 77. :.l'. S*-n7. mi,! s3. SI'. 8'-24 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Berliner Jahrbuch, fur 0'. 5*79, read 0'. 5'-96. 61 Jupiter. Mar. 11. N.P.D. from Observation, for 68. 10'. 8'73, ' 68. 10'. 8'-84 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, for + 0'-67. read + 0''56. 62 Uranus. Mar. 7. N.P.D. from Observation, for 87. 51'. 48''58, read 87. 51'. 48'77 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, for + l*-92, read + 1'73. 62 Uranus. Mar. 24. N.P.D. from Observations./or 87. 34'. 19'-67, nad 87. 34'. 19''87 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, fur + 2*-03, read + l'-83. 62 Uranus. April 21. N.P.D. from Observation, for 87. 9'. 25*-93. mul 87. 9'. 26'-16 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, for 0'-33, read 0*-56. 73 Moon. May 11. Error in N.P.D., for 4''27. read 4'"46 ; In Longitude, for + 0'-43. read +0''41 ; In E.N.P.D., for 4'-37. read 4*-55. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1885. (15) No. 15. Refraction, for 47'-88. read, 48''38 : Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 77. 37'. 32*'35, read 77. 37'. 32'-85. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 188-, rontitu,,!. PAGE. (15) No. 16. Refraction, for 47*'88. read 48'-38 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 11. 37'. 2'.f".ll. 'read 77. 37'. 30"'41. (39) No. 14. Refraction, far 53''85, read 63'75 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, fur 81. 4" . .Mi u;i. read 81. 40'. 55'-99. (39) No. 15. Refraction, for 53'-8:>. read 53'75 ; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre./.'/- 8P. HI . :,:' -\->. ,rr 71. 35'. 2'M3. read 71. 5.V. 2"-23. (58) No. 27. Refraction, for r4"-n2. /.'. 34'-39, read 2'. S4'-61 ; Geo- centric N.P.D. of Centre, for 107. 38'. 57''88, read 107. 83'. > M (75) No. 29. Ref raction. for I'. 50''50, readl'.WW; Geocentric N.P.D. of Centre, for 100. 51'. 34''19 read ! 00.51'. 34''66. 50 Moon. June 26. N.P.D. from Observation./r 108. 27'. 21"-47, n ml 108. 27'. 2K-64 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, for + O'-IS, read 0*"04. 50 Moon. July 22. N.P.D. from Observation, for 1 07. 33'. 58''50, read 107. 33'. 58"'72 ; Apparent' Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, fur (C'60, read 0'~82. 52 Venns. April 17. N.P.D. from Observation, for 81. 40'. 67" '06, read 81. 40'. ."r,"-96 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac,/r l'-16, read l'-06. 54 Ceres. May 23. N.P.D. from Observation, for 81. 42'. 46"'12, read 81. 42'. 46"'24 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac,/or 7*'02, read 7'"14. 54 Pallas. April 27. N.P.D. from Observation, fur 71. 5.1'. 2'-Bl, rend 71. 55'. 2"'61 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nantical Almanac,/r l'-21, read l'-Sl. 55 Hebe. July 22. N.P.D. from Observation, for 100. 51'. 34'-78. read 100. 51'. 35*'25 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Berliner Jahrbuch. for o'-55, read l"-(i2. 57 Jnplter. February 19. N.P.D. from Observation, fur IT. 37'. sr-66, read 77. 37'. 32*-05 ; Apparent Error of N.P.D. in Nautical Almanac, for -f- l"-95, nail + l'-45. 64 Jupiter. February 23. Mean Error in N.P.D., fur + 0*'06. read ^'02 ; Error in Longitude, for + 0' - 20, read + O'-n ; Error in E.N.P.D.,/or O'-Ol, read O'"09. 68 Jupiter. February 23. Error of Tables in Hel. E.N.P.D., far O'tll. read 0*'07. 70 Moon. June 26. Error in N.P.D., for + O'-IS, read 0''04 ; In E.N.P.D., for + O'-IS, read 0'-04. 70 Moon. July 22. Error in N.P.D.. for 0*-62. read 0'-84 ; In Longitude, for + 4"'78. read + 4*75 ; In E.N.P.D., for l'-18. read I RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO +> 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FEB19 1984 pLcia.jaiWSI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 783 BERKELEY, CA 94720 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY