OOPS AN' DOONS, AN' SAVIN'S AN' DOIN'S 0' MOTHY GOORKRODGER, HIS AUDDEEAMF, AN' DARTER MEARY, A' BONNYBECK SCARBRO' HARROGAIT KNARESBRO 5 LEEADS FOONTIN'S ABBEY Y ARK DONCAASTER SHEVVILD AN' ITHIR PLEEACES WITH A COPIOUS GLOSSARY. CON, KNAIi PRICE ONE SHILLING. OOPS AN' DOONS, AN' SAYIN'S AN' COIN'S TIMOTHY GOORKRODGER, HIS AUD DEEAME, AN' DARTER MEARY. A' WHOAME AN' ABKOAD. ENTERED AT STATTONERS' HALL. PRINTED FOB THE AUTHOE, F. M. FETHEBSTON, JtNABESBBO', YOBKSHIBE. PEICE ONE SHILLING. INTRODUKSHUN. ADDRESS TIT EEEADEE. Asia iwer been i' t' village o' Bonny^ecTi ? Iv thou hast, thou'lt know a' aboot it ; iv thou hasna, thou'lt know naught. Jist as thou com'st intul t' pleeace, thur's a' broo o' t' left hond, an' a neeat staan-built cot or twea perched heigh oop, wi' pratty gardens an' a few aud elm treeas aroond 'em t' shelter 'em loike. A lahtle further on, thur's a varry aud church, wi' a low square toor an' a graave- yerd roond aboot wi' mony a staan aboon mony a guid an' mony a lad Christian ; an' oft t' moast praaise is poot ower t' bad mair's t' pity. Weel, yoh mun goa acrass kirkyerd, alang graavel paath, an' throf white yat. T' rest o' t' village, an' t' chaapel where t' Methodises meeat, ligs further doon t' rooad, by t' pooblic hoose ; bud iv ony yan waants t' sea mah ferme, he mun, as ah saaid, goa oot o' yat an' intul pasthur. Yoh mun folly paath mebby hawf a mahle, tull yoh coom tit Beck Tallymen toombled in : bigow, ah laf a' it noo ! Meend hoo ye crass plaank its none o' t' strangest an' smoothest ; then gang alang paath reight straait forrad, an' t' aud weeather- beeten ferm wi' t' lairs, wi' lichens an' moss growin' atop, is mah whoame. Iv yoh sea Deame or Meary, they'll tell 'ee thou'rt welcome as t' floors o' May ; bud iv it be na moorn, or neight, or feedin' toime a' nean, yoh'll no sea ma ! Ah've spoken oot, ah knaw, i' mah buk ah meeans no offence t' ony yan ah'm neea greeat scholard ; bud ah knows reight fra wrang, an' iv ah sea wrang taakin' t' pleeace o' reight, ah mun cree oot, " Coom oot o' that ! ah'll no staand still an' sea that !" An' ah whope t' deay'll coom whin iwery Englishmen wull do t' saame ! Yours t' command, TIMOTHY GOORKEODGEB. TAAKE NOTIDGE. Iv t' pooblic loike mah buk, ah wull wreet agin, an' gie some more o' mah nooations an' oops an' doons i' this waarld o' oors. T. G. 2108776 CONTINTS OV MAH BUK, Paage. Meary an' t' Melisha Chap I Oor Ootin' at Scarbro' 7 Aud Deeame an' Tallymen 20 Mah Cloob Deay a' Foontain's Abbey..., 24 T' Noorsesarry Goovertess a' Fermer Yapham's 31 A Weeak at Harrogait .... 38 Aud Knaaresbro T' Droppin' Well Caastle an' Ugin Aram's Cav' .... 50 Ah Goa Tiv Doncaaster Raaces, an' Git Mobbed an' Robbed Treein' t' Foot Wrang Reight ... .... 59 Meary Gangs Mooshroomin' an' t' Ind ov it 70 Ah Visit Smooaky Leeads, an' Mak mah Reflekshims on mony Soights an' mony Things ... 76 CONTINTS. Yark Stattis 87 Mah F eight wi' T' Greeat Boreal * .... 96 Lawyer Graaball an' Blaack Dick's Tom Cat 103 Ah Git Amang t' Shevvild Blaades .... 106 Ah Goa Doon intul a Bairnsla Cooal Pit, an' Git Weel Paaid fer mah Fond Laark 123 Hoo Squeer Foot t' Quaacks oop an' Foots a Quaack doon 133 Ah'm Taen an' Taen in by a Fotty- graapher 135 Bonnybeck Penney Reeadin's 140 A Hit at T' Waakfield Foaks 144 T' Pooet Lawihaate's " Proputty, Proputty, Proputty" 146 g^tfijttpn Ah Tree t' Cauld Watter Sistim at Bin Rhyddin', Whaarfe- daale, an' Git Cuered by a Maad Attindint again mah Wull ... .. 150 A Few Remairks aboot Hallifax an' Hoodersfield 160 NOTE. The chief occurrences mentioned in this article are facts. CONTINTS. Langrick's Letter fra Hool 163 Mah Noations on a' soarts ov Subjix, naamely : Reights ov Womon lOjf Oor Doomed Saillers lOo Waar an' Felghtin' .... 169 Emnilgraashun ... ... >. > I */O Baacl Traade 1 7^ Pooir Foaka an' Traamps 17* Mah Laast Wards tiv Mah Reeaders .... 172 Mah Varry Laast Wards 173 POASTE SKRIPT. Foaks tell ma ah doan't allus spill t' saame waay. Ah knaw that weel enuf. Ah canna at a' toimes wret aloike- Noosepappers, buks, Penney Reeadins, skeulmeaster, sarmons gie ma freash wards an' freash spellin', an' ah'v beein i' mony pairts ov Yarkshure, an' ha' possed oop t' lingo a bit, ah daare saay ; bud doant'ee leuk oot fer mistaakes ; leuke oot fer t' sinse : that'll poot a' t' wrang wards reight, ah'm seer ! Gooid bye ! N.B. ONY WUN CON HA' MAH BUK POASTE IEEE FER 14 QUEEANS YEDS. HEIGHT OV TRAAXSLASHUN RESARVED. OOPS AN' BOONS, AN' SAYIN'S AN'DOIN'S 0' TIMOTHY GOORIEODGEB. MEARY AN' T' MELISHA CHAP. A ] H donna disloike sogers and sogerin' i' thur proper pleeace. Ah loikes t' see 'em marchin' an' paradin' aboot thur own barrax, or on a laarge common, mebbe, loike Harrogaate Stray, bud whin you've gotten foive or six fellows i' red cooates, who eat loike Fussikers i' yer oon hoose, why then ah say it isna noice or pleeasant. Weel, t' Melisha wur oot last May twelvemoonth, an' Aunt Bessie (she keeps a potshop, an' canna abear t' ha' her pleeace ony waays oot o' order), bein' a lone widdy wi' twea big bairns o' boys t' feead, thinks she con git a lahtle brass takin' a few o' t' chaps t' lodge, an' vittal. They hadna room i' t' toon for a' t' men, soa sum cam' t' Bonnybeck. They mad' a bargaan t' paay at moonth's indfor lodgin', weshin', an' cookin' ; an' varry glad Aunt Bessie wur t' git 'em t' coom, bud she wur a precious soight gladder for 'em t' goa ; for, what wi' roisterin', an' feightin', an' smashin' o' crockery, an' laate hoors, an' eeatin' an' drinkin' a' deay, her whoame wur no whoame at a', an' she'd no peeace neight or deay, or pleeace tiv hersel. Them Melisha chaps sang ivery blessed Lunnun sang they'd gotten hod ov sin they wur babbies, an' as lood as iver they cud ; yoh'd ha' heerd 'em a mahle off, ah'll be bund. Then they'd feigbt jist for feightin's saake, an' then they'd mak' it oop an' git gallons o' yal, an' git droonk and feight agin, tull Aunt Bessie wur fairly kraised loike wi' 'em ; an' bud for her brass a' moonth's ind, wud ha' sooin ha' sint t' whole lot oot a' deers. Weel, sum o' t' chaps wur not soa bad as t' rest, one o' them i' partickular wur a noice free speakin' chap, an' he oops tiv oor Meary fra t' furst deay, an' he says : " Ah'v a crooel Feyther, mees ; he's rollin' i" muney, an' he'd gie ma gowpins o' gowd if ah'd marry as he loikes ; bud ah'll nivir wed whur mah heart isna ;" an' he soighed an' leuked sheeap's eeys at Meary. " She's and an' ugly as ah'm t' marry ; an' ah'v roon awa' t' larn sogerin' ; an' sum deay, when ah knaws mah dooty, mah sister wi' mak' it oop for ma wi' Feyther ; an' he'll git ma mad' an' officier i' t' army." Weel, mah conshunce, Meary tuk' tiv him quite sudden loike ; he didna drink an' feight loike t' others ; he'd walk sentimental loike (as skeualmeaster said) ov an' evenin', an' he spake weel enuf, an' he leuked weel enuf i' his red coaat, t' cotch ony coontry lass. Mah aud Deeame didna loike him tho', and gat lungus ower him, an' ah spoke caushus loike t' Meary; hud lawkes, its na use speeakin' t' giddy yung coofs, who think "foine feeathers mak' foine hirds," an' that they'v gat mair sinse in thur yeds than a' t' aud foaks i' t' warld. Meary 'd git donned oot in her bonny breead-ratch'd gownd, an' goa alang t' lones an' field paaths wi' her sweeataart be mooinleight, an' coom whoame lik' a feeol, prattin' o' officiers, an' ginerals, an' field marshuls. Thin she'd leuk oot ony sang she cud feend i' t' sang buk aboot sogers, an' sing " T Soger's teear," "Adoo! adoo! mah only luv, mah honour caws ma fra thee" T Captain wC f whiskers" an' ah donna know how mony mair. Whoile them Melisha chaps wur at Aunt Bessie's, a' t' weshin 1 an' hoose cleeanin' wur lift t' Deeame an' oor lass Nancey ; Meary did naught bud floornt aboot an' sing. Wun daay, whin t' fire wint oot fer waant o' eldin, an' Meary sittin' by it, Deeame caw'd her a big, idle gawvison, an' banged her soondly. Ah didna loike this at a'. Meary wur dree an' dowly ower it, and varry lahtle wi' mak a yung donnot gang wrang ; soa ah tould Deeame my nooations aboot Meary. Says ah, " Deeame, steyk t' deer whin yoh skeual Meary, an' dinna let foaks heer yoh, an' fleer at her. Eeight's reight, and wrang's wrang, bud you're misteean, Deame, iv yoh think t' fleet oor Meary fra wrang t' reight ; mebby yoh'd mitch sooner wind her oop gently loike. She's coom'd o' age, (says 8 ah), an' a prood yung lass she be, an' she weeant be drove oot o' any yat loike a tike. Nivvir baang t' lass, Deeame, ah donnat hod wi' baangin' big bairns, or mebby she'll leeave whoame wi' her soger, an' we'll freeat loife-lang tull we dee aboot her." Ali'm nobbut a small fermer, mah kye's milk addles moast o' mah brass. Ah'v hed lahtle eddicashun at skeual ; bud ah knaws wheeat fra whoates, an' a slam pieace o' waark whin ah sees it, an' ah'v used t' eeys and sinsis God has gien ma ; an' whin ah sees t' cleear, straaight paath o' dooty, ah'll tree t' walk i' it. Weel, ah saaid mitch mair t' Deeame aboot Meary, an' she let her a bee a bit, a' bud coomin' whoame sooin a' neights ; an' Deeame an' ah wur o' wun moind aboot this, fer ah wudna let a lass o' moine gang oot o' neights. Meary saw we wur reight, an' gave in. Weel, t' coortship wint on. Meary saaid, " ony wun cud sea her sweeataart war wun o' t' better soart ; an (says she) he'll congker his crooel Feyther soom deay, an' ha' his reights, an' wed ma instead o' t' aud woman." Meary did booast a bit aboot bein' an officier's leedy " when Charley," as she caw'd him, " made it oop a' whoame." Ah thought it part mud be true ; ah'd yeard o' yung fellows roonin' awaay fra whoame, an' listin', an' a' sorts o' things ; bud Deeame shook her yed, an', says she, " Thy Charley's been a' Lunnun, an' has gotten a bit o' polish loike ; he con talk loike a nanpie, an' is heigh i' his boots, but donna be meead a feeol of, Meary. Ah'd sooiner see thee haanged on rekken creeak than shed rahves ower thee as t' fleer o' a fause teeastrill." Meary, hooivir, wur confident i' hursel, an' giggled wi' consait loike ; an' says, " Nivir heed, mither, ah'll ha' t' gowd ring on at t' kirk seer enuf ; an' afore coorn's ripe. Charley's gien ma his trooth, an' he's fand enuf o' ma t' mak ma his woife ony deay ! Maund iv ah donna ha' a' fortoon wi' gowd raain' on ma i' clusters, an' get t' laf yet at a' t' foak," an' t' pooir thing raan oop t' broo t' meet her soger laddie, as she caw'd him, loike a young filly fresh i' t' pasthur. Pooir William Oakworth, her aud sweeathert, wur quite put oot noo. He's a decent chap is William, an' as clivir a bond at leea or ploo, an' con addle as mitch as ony mon i' t' West Keedin'. His feyther, aud Oakworth, has a' his loife been puttin' stoof oot tiv t' best advantaage, an' he's gaained a guid bit o' brass. He's t' best ind o' a hoondred sheeap, three coos, an' twinty acres o' lond ; he's a dry coostumer, an' taks care o' t' odd ind, he doa. Meary sint William away sharp, an' wud floornt aboot wi' her " soger laddie " reight past pooir William's whoame. This wasna reight, an' ah toold Meary soa, bud she says, " it sarred him reight t' late her, an' be crack on her, whin she didna waant him, or ony coontry ploo-boy loike him." "Ha! puir thing," says ah, "you may 'gang foorther an' faare wus' than hovin' an honest coontrymon like yer feyther for a husband. Think o' t' aud sang yer grond dad used t' sing tiv yob whin a wee bairn : " T' collyer had a darter, An' she wur wondrous bonny, A laird he wur that soort her, Eich baith i' londs an' muney. She wadna ha' a laird, Nor wad she be a ladie, Bud she wad ha' a collyer, T' coollur o' her daddie." " That wur a sinsible lass," says ah, " ah wish thou'st copy her, Meary." "Hoo yoh talk, Feyther," says she, " ah wadna let mesel doon. Iv ah con be a ladie ah wull." " Weel, weel," says ah, " you mun gang yer own gate, bud git t' gowd ring on t' finger onyhow ; donna breeak puir aud mither's heart, or leeave whoame for ony pleeace bud kirk," an' t' teear wur i' mah ee. Meary saw it, an' kissed ma, an' promised she'd be caushus loike ; ah know she's a guid lass at bottom, but a bit yedstraang, loike mony other lasses these deays Weel, t' inspecshun o' Melisha cam' on, an' Giueral saaid they wur a' foine fellows, an' nearly equal t' rig'lars. Aunt Bessie gaet moast o' her brass ; she'd to tak' sum shirts, hose, an' boots t' rnak' oop, bud they paaid honorable, an' she gat rid o' her sogers jist before she wur 5 fit for Waakfield .* Meary wur heart brack leavin' her " soger laddie." He sed he mun be off t' caatch early traain by 4 o' t' clock i' t' moorn, an' wished her guid bye t' neight afore. He sed he'd wreet tiv her, an' coom an' fetch her wun deay wi' a coaach an' paair tiv his Feyther's coontry hoose. A' that deay an' nixt, Meary wur acreein' an' singin' " Oh whoor, an' oh whoor is mah soger laddie gaen ?" tull Deeame took oop t' dolly t' baang at her behoind winterhedge, whur she wur sittin', an' mad' her stoppin'. Then Meary sang, " Twea hearts thur's breeakin', Twea sowls thur's shaakin', This dowly moorn ; No mair koind learkin', They'v fled whoile speeakin', Whoapes newly boorn. " "Meary, thoult drive ma niaad," says Deame, "weeant thee hod thy tongue ? ah'll breeak thy beeans iv thou dostna !" An' Meary says, " Ah carena iv thou dost, mither, noo mah tru luv he is gaen." "Hang thee tru luv, an' thee too, for a paair of donnots," says Deeame ; " Asta windered t' coorn." " Noa," says Meary, " dusta think ah con waark t' deay whin mah tru luv he is gaen?" Deeame oop wi' t' dolly stick an' mad' a hit forrad. Meary bobbed her yed, an' dolly wint baang through t' windy, wi' a lood smash. A' t' foaks roond aboot cam' runnin' t' sea t' foon. Ah bleemed Deeame soondly fer her bonny fling. " Prethe," says she, " hod thy tongue, thou'rt as bad as she, and noo mah temper's oop, mebby ah'll gie thee a toorn." Ah says t' Meary, " Gowa till yer mither's a bit cool loike. Ah a'most think wi' Ned Hazleyed, he's best off who's not bothered wi' no womin koind, they sa sane git sit oop ;" an' ah took mah rooad an' wint off oot o' t' hoose. Ah loike peeace in mah whoame better nor a feeast, an' iv ah'v nubbot a loomp o' brid, as ah tell 'urn, gi ma peeace tiv it. Ah nivvir quarrel wi' Deeame, its nae use, we mun mak' it oop agin ; iv she's lungus, ah leeave her tull she's sweeat timpered agin. * The West Eiding Lunatic Asylum is at Wakefield. 6 Weel, hahvist toime cam' roond, but nae gowd ring on Meary's finger, an' nae letter, an' nae cooach an' horses t' fetch her. Bud she held oop ; it wur t' poastmon's mistaake, or Charley wur at whoame makin' it oop wi' his Feyther ; an' wud coom yet, an' soa forth. Weel, Meary wur so sad a' whoame at last, ah thought a chaange wud doa her guid, an' ah tuk her an' Deeame t' Leeads by 'xcurshun. Ah'd bizness thur as ah ha' soomtoimes. We wur a walkin' aboot roond new Infirmary ; an' it is a foine buildin' nae doubt, an' cleean leukin', but it'll sooin be as blaack as its neebours, ah think, the smoak spoils a'. We had toorned oop a sma' streeat t' waay tiv moor, whin ah yeard a voice ah knew creein' oot, " Ony and raags an 1 boones ;" an' oh mah eeys ! ah cud'nt believe mah senses, thur wur Meary's " soger laddie" in a dirty raaged cooat, a broken aud beaver haat, an' a stinkin' seek acrass his shoolders, a creein' oot looder an' looder, " Ony and raags or boones." Meary saw him ; Deeame didna ; an' t' chap didna sea us. Meary squeedged mah aarm, as much as to saay, " Donna speeak, Feyther," an' ah didna ; ah pitied her too mitch, poor thing, she leuked sae paale an' wae begone ; bud she bore oop weel, an' better efter ah asked Pollis, an' they telled ma Charley had a woife and twea bairns, oop a coort i' Kirkgate ; an' were a low, lazy sort o' chap, who mud doa beeater, an' wur t' biggest lear i' Leeads ; an' thur's mony a big on' thur ! That luv' affair chaanged an' sobered Meary a guid bit ; she dropped a' her soger Bangs an' a' mention o' Charley, t' Deeam's greeat wonder- ment an' ah'v whoapes sum deay William Oakworth an' her wull mak it oop, an' be mad' one ; bud ah keeaps mah thoughts t' mesel, an' leeaves toime t' wark a' things roon an' straaight for t' best. Ah found oot Charley, whin t' Melisha left, wint off at 4 o'clock i' t' moorn, i' aud raags sike as we saw him in i' Leeads. He's a raank teeastrill. OOK OOTIN' AT SCABBED', Aud Deeame gat seeapoot oot by oor Meary's coortship, an' felt seea weeak loike i' t' insoide, she says one deay, "Ah'll tell'ee what, Tim, ah mun goa t' seasoide loike ither foaks, or ah'll nivir see fog floors agin. John Foggathorpe reeads Leeads Murkry, an' he says we con goa t' Scarbro' an' back by 'xcurshun, for a matter o' six shillins', an' one or twea weeaks gin us. We con lock oop best raams, an' git aud Bob Shuttleworth an' his Deeame t' moind ferm an' kye for a bit, whoile we goa tiv seasoide." This clash'd on ma a bit ; Deeame had gotten it a' seea pat an' plain, an' ah telled her it wur na' t' preece o' t' 'xcurshun, it wur t' eeatin', an' drinkin', an' lodgin' brass, as wad mak a whole i' mah pocket. Bud what woman ivvir listened t' reeason, whin her moind wur mad oop on onything i' t' wide waarld ? an' aud Deeame says, "Ah tell'ee what, Tim, thou art a selfish mon ; yer think naethin' o' spendin' a pund or mair a' Cloob Feeast, or Barnaby, an' noo yoo're testy ower a few shillins ah'v helped t' yearn, t' saave mah loife. Weel, ah'll stop whoam, an' yer con paay t' doctor yer brass, instead o' spendin' it on sea-soide !" What cud ah do ? Ah wur forced t' gie in, an' let Deeame ha' her own waay. An' then, wud yer believe it ! ah'd t' persuaade her t' goa, an' her mad' it quite a faavor t' leeave whoam at a' ! " Oh ! ah donna caare a bit," says she, " ah'm jist as weel a' whoame ; ah care naught for spooart an' pleasurin', an' nivir did, tho' thou'rt allus sayin' ah'm calin' an' gaddin' aboot t' tea fuddles, an' sick loike. Ah con sit by mah own heearth, an' daarn yer aud hose. Thur's plinty for a woman t' doa a' whoame, wioot gangin' by 'xcurshuns t' seasoide ; ah'll waark tull ah dee, an' then thou can'st poot ma i' t' kirkyerd ; bud thou'lt nivir poot a staane ower mah graave, it'll cost thee tu mitch brass, loike Ealf Mackfield poot ower his woife, wi' these loines on it : " A loovin' woife, a mither deear, A faaithful frind a' ligeth heear." Thou'lt nivir poot that ower ma, ah know ! An' ah'v 8 wrought twice as haard as Margery Mackfield ivir did. Ah'v been married an' been a slaave tiv yoh, an' Meary, an' t' bairns gaeu afore, for thirty yeear. Thou know'st ah helped t' git in a tun o' cooals t' deay arter ah wur wed, an' ah'v been waarkin' haard ivir sin'. Bud thou nivir heed'st or caarest what ah goa through ; ah'v nae thaanks fra naebody ! Ance gaen a' forgot, as t' aud sayin' is, an' ah niun dee, an' then thou'lt cree a bit t' let neebours sea, an' i' twelvernoonths Betty Murgatroyd '11 be i' mail pleeace, an' pun* aud haard waarkin' Deeame be nae mair thought o'. Nivir moind, ah'll dee a' whoame, ah'll no goa abrooad t' dee." Noo, whin Deeame gaes on this waay, it rnak's ma feeal queerish loike ; she's been a guid woife t' ma, an' ah luv her weel enuf t' doa aught for her ah con. As to Betty Murgatroyd, that's a flam. Ah dusna caare a bootton for her, an' t' taalk that cam' oop aboot mah bein' thick wi' her, wur set aflooat by sum gooid-for-nowts, a' aboot a bit o' fond gaame a' Whisunteed. Ah'll tell'ee a' aboot it sum deay. Weel, ah begged an' praayed Deeame " not t' think o' deein', bud t' goa to t' sea-soide." Bud she says, " Noa, ah's not waanted i' t' warld," an' " she wad dee." Lord a blessee t', trouble ah had t' git her t' promise ma not t' dee ! At laast she did saay soa, an' says she, "Weel, Tim, for thy saake an' Meary's, ah'll tree not t' dee this toorn. Ah'll goa, as thou wish'st soa mitch, t' sea-soide, bud Meary an' ah mun goa decent loike ; we mun ha' new muslin gownds an' haats." "Haats!" says ah, "wullna a new bonnet doa, sam' as thy mither an' grondmither wore afore thee ? thou art only a plaain former's woife. Ah whoape thou'lt keep, Deeame, t' aud waays an' aud fashuns, they beeat a' t' new-fangled wuns ; haats are for yoong foak." "Hoo thou talk'st," saays Deeame, "iviry wun a' t' sea-soide weears haats. Mrs. Ruth Eillingham, who keeaps t' groacer's shop, weears yan, an' she's foive yeears older thon ma coom next Collop Monday. They'll leuk varry neeat wi' feeathers and ribbons, an' t' chignon wi' keeap 'em oop behoind." " Chignons !" says ah, " surely a deacent woman, mither o' a family, wull na weear them beeastly things." " Why not ?" says she, " its fashun, an' Meary an' ah ha' bought oors, not t' be singular loike i' a graand pleeace loike Scarbro'." " Oh ! thou'st got em," says ah, an' opened mah eelids raather woide. " Yea," says Deeame, " laast weeak whin Kitty Stixwould wint a' Braadfurth, she gat us twea buties." Weel, in for a lamb, in for a sheeap, thinks ah, she mun goa t' whole hog noo, an' ah only said, "Weel, Deeame, git thysel an' Meary reeady, an' ah'll tak' ee t' Scarbro'," an' ah wint mah waay t' mah haaymakkin, thinkin' Deeame cudna ha' been i' eearnest aboot deein', whin she cud send t' Braadfurth for a chignon ; bud who con git tiv t' bottom o' a woman's moind ? Ah donna think t' mon who laaid Tilegraaph tiv Americy cud, an' he mun a been a cute on'. Weel, they mun ha' a dressmakker, one o' t' pooir things who waark a' thur best deays for mere brid, an' what they mun doa whin they git aud, an' eesight faails, ah canna comprehend. Ah do pity t' puir yung things, ah doa, an' ah pity em moast iv theyre guid leukin. I' this lond o' gowd an' misery, sair want maks moniiy an honest lass shaame her mither, an' rooin hersel mairs t' pity, mairs t' disgraace ! Weel, a' t' deay wur takin' oop cuttin' oot,makkin' oop, an' rneasurin', an' calin' aboot gownds, an' trimmins, an' ribbons, an' things ah knawed naught aboot ; an' it wur as mitch as ah cud doa t' git a bit, or a soop, wi' thur sewin' an' treein' on. At laast a' wur got reeady, an' twea greeat boxes an' no ind of boondles paacked for Scarbro'. Ah brooshed up mah Soonday cleeas, an' mah brooad brimmed beeaver haat, an' mad' mesel respectaable loike. They waanted ma t' git a new Frinch haat an' fashunable cooat, but says ah, " Yoh dress as yoh loike, an' ah'll dress as ah loike ; let ma aloon pleease," an' ah hed mah own waay, an' they'd thur own waay ; bud ah nivvir see sike froights as Deeame an' Meary had mad' o' thurselves ! Them jimcrackery musliuds may do varry weel whin yoh con bespeeack t' sunshine ; but they donna doa i' Yaarkshire wi' a wet drippin' sky an' a soo-eeaster blooin', an' them woide third claass wi' winders open a' roond, an' 10 men sittin' neear 'em, who wearnt shut 'em for onyone. Puir things ! Deeame an' Meary began to shiver an* shaake afore they wur twinty mahles, an' they axed for mah bottle oftener than ah liked afore soa mony. And thur haats loike a pooff o' doon, an' a handful o' sti*aaw, poot tegither wi' fether roond 'em ; they did leuk feeols in 'em, thof ah say it, an' they knawed it, and wur uncomfertaable loike ; and whin foaks staared at 'em (an* foaks wi' eeys wull staare t' ind o' t' warld) they leuked saavage loike, as mitch as t' say, " Weel, then, what do yoh sea extra i' ma ?" By t' time we'd gotten t' Malton, the raain cam 1 doon i' pelters, an' whin traain ran intul Scarbro' staashun thur wur quite a gale o' wind, an' wet cam' doon i' caats an' dogs. What t' doa, whur t' goa, ah knowed na mair than a gawvison. All lift Deeame an' Meary i' t' waaitin' raahm, an' wint t' leuk fer lodgins. I gat alang a rooade ower a pratty plantaation koind o' a pleace, wi' slopin' soides an' waalks, an' seeats ; this tuk mah ower what they ca' a s'penshun brig, whur they mad' ma paay, an' then ah waalked on alang a lot o' new streeats wi' a foine kirk o' twea, an varry big hooses. T' hooses wur a' sae big an' graand, ah felt shamed loike t' ask fer lodgins at 'em, thof ah seed apaartments as large as loife i 1 sum o' t' winders ; bud t' raain poored sae, an' ah thought o' Deeame an' Meary waatin', an' ah mad bould t' goa oop an' knock at one o' smallest hooses ; it wur foor stories heigh. A big laad wi' bootons cam t' deer, an' whin ah tould him ah waanted lodgins, he staared at ma loike a new stoock sheeap, an' then flung a deer open, an' showed ma intul a great raahm wi' glasses, an' paintins, an' pictures i* graand gowd frames, an' foine taables an' cheers wi' red velvet tops, an' a bright green an' orange caarpet mah mooddy boots soonk haalf in, it wur so flooffy loike. Ah felt uneeasy loike coomin' intul sike a pleeace, an' guid laack ! ah'd brought mah aud oombrella drippin' wet i' wi' ma, an' thur it wur makkin' a pool i' t' corner, an' runnin' ower a butifool heearth roog, worth iwir sae mony punds ! Ah wur aboot t' move it whin a graand leedy cam' in a' dressed oot i' silks, wi' a toorban on, or 11 Bummat o' t' soart, an' a gowd chaain a' acrass her breeast. She staared at naa, an' ah staared at her, and then her axed ma t' be seeated ; an' ah says, " Mum, ah an' mah Deeame an' darter ha' coom t' sea-soide fur a toime fur oor heealths." An' then her axed ma iv ah wur leukin' oot for apaartments, an' ah saaid, " Yea, by mah trooly its weeather t' git settled soomwhur." Then her axed ma " iv ah'd ony sweet ?"* Ah wur poot oot by sike a questshun, bud ah saaid, " Mah teeath wearnt let ma eeat 'em, mum, bud Meary's varry fond on 'em, an' she speends a vaast o' brass i' toffy an' lemon drops." " Oh ! ah meeant sarvents," saaid leedy, " ah thought yoh mud be a coontry gintleman ; we've queear coostomurs soom- toimes fra moors an' wolds," an' she did laf, an' then saaid, " Mah apaartments are ten guinees a weeak, wi' sarvents, an' attindance, an' ivvirythin' i' foirst raat style." " Ten guinees !" says ah, staartin' oop, " ah donna waant foirst raate style ; its only for mesel, an' Deeame, an' darter Meary ; yan bedraahm for aud woman an' ah wull doa ; Meary con sleeap on a soffy, or wi' yer darter mebby. We've coom by 'xcurshun," says ah. "Iv ah didn't think soa !" says she, taart loike, a' at onst, " an' who recom- mended yoh t' mah establishment ?" " Why," says ah, " t' caard i' yer winder, bud ah canna paay ten guinees ; ah donna moind ten shillin' ; Deeame wull mak' her own bids an' cook ma a chop or steeak now an' thin. We donna eeat mitch meeat i' yat weeather, and we'll be on t' saands moast o' oor toime ; ony small raahm wi' doa for oos." " Oh," says she, " yoh ha' coom t' wrang pairt, only t' hairystockcrazy coom here." "Weel, ah beg pardin', Mum," says ah. "Oh! no offinse, 1 ' says she; "bud t' nixt toime yoh goa intul a deacent boose wi' a caarpet, leave yer oombrella i' t' passaage ;" an' she raang t' bell, an' t' big laad wi' t' bootons cam in, soa suddent, ah'm seer he wur ootsoide deer listenin', as ah know mony a servin' laad an' lass doa, an' its a mean, paltry thing for ony one t' doa, ah think ! * Sirite. In the Visitors' List, I've seen " Mrs." or " Miss Dash and suite" down more than once. The suite being a servant girl and a boy in buttons ! 12 "Adolf," says slie, "show this gintlemon oot," an' iv buttons wearn't a'most bustin' wi' laffiii' as ah tuk mah oombrella, an 1 saaid, " guid deay, mum, sorry ah'v troobled yoh," an' followed him oot. Ah longed t' gie t' ower-fed, oonder-brid whippersnaapper, a guid cloot i' t' eear ! Whin he steyked t' deer arter ma, an' ah stood t' open mah oombrella, iv tlmr wearnt three sarvin' lasses at t' kitchin' winder a laffin loike foon, an' pressin' thur poog nooases flat agin t' paanes t' ha' a guid leuk at ma. "Weel," says ah, "this is a bad beginin'," an' ah wint on oop an' doon yan streeat an' anither ; bud t' hooses seeamed a' o' a bigness ; some o' them wur pratty enuf wi' gaardins i' front, an' graass plots slopin' doon tit cliffs, wi' t' white horsemen oot at sea raagiu' an' foamin' fool i' view. Says ah, " Its a' varry noice an' graaiid, bud a mon niun be mad o muney t' coom an' loive here. Ten guinees a weeak ! Why, a' whoame that'll paay hawf a yeear's rent, an' then t' loivin', an' waast, an' sarvents, why you mun ha' a theasand a yeear t' clear yer waay." Weel, efter hoontin' a' aboot toathree hoors, ah wint baack ower brig tit staashun. Deeame an' Meary wur hawf ded wi' cowld, an' tired oot wi' waitin', an' they fand faut enuf wi' ma for bein' sae lang. " Git a caab at onst," says Deeame, " an' let us goa ; ah sooppose thou'st ordered a coop o' tea to be gotten ready ?" Whin ah tould 'em " ah'd gotten naething, lodgin' or tea." " Gotten naething?" creed Deame, " an' thou hast been three hoors by t' clock ; Tim, thou hast been drinkin', ah's seer ?" " Not a soop," says ah, an' then ah telled her t' trooble ah'd had an' what they waanted for lodgin's. " Fiddle-de-dee," says she, " ah'd ha' sooin ha' beeat 'em doon ; they ask ten toimes mair nor they'll tak', as Mrs Bootterwick foond oot as kips draaper shop a' Bonnybeck. Thou'rt not hawf a mon, Tim, t' bring ma t' sea-soide against mah wull, an' then kip ma i' t' cawld i' these thin things o' muslinds, boor after hoor, becas thou wiltna speeak oot." " Weel, ah'll goa agin," wur a' ah spoak baack ; an' ah axed a porter whur ah'd better goa. " Donna think yoh'll git a lodgin' onywhur neear here to neight, Sir," saays he ; " t' voloonteers is here, an' 13 no ind o' 'xcurshuns, and the circoos foaks. Ali'v known traavellers glaad t' sleeip i' t' baathin' masshins, sike toimes as these." Deeaine an' Meary grooaned ! Weel, it wur gettin' daark, an' despraat loike ah wint oot agin a 1 through raain doon a lang streeat fooll o' shops ; ah axed an' ah axed, tull at a laarge Inn they telled ma they cud 'commodaate oos, iv ah an' aud Deeame cud poot oop \vi' a maatrass o' t' fleer o' a spaar raahm. An' t' obleege ma, bein' a straanger, they'd only chaarge ma foive shillins a neight. " Ony poort i' a storm," says ah to mesel, an' ah paaid foirst Height's lodgin' to secure t' pleace, an' brought Deeame an' Meary doon. They leuked loike draahnded raats coomin' through raain an' mood, an' sum lahtle fisher laads followed on us, creein oot, " Mak raahm, mak raahm, here's soom o' t' royal familee a coomin' !" At laast we got tit inn, an' hed t' sit doon t' oor teea in a pooblic raahm, wi' men drinkin' an' smooakin' a' roond. Hoo diff rent fra oor snoog lahtle parlour a' whoame ! Ah hadna draaiik a coop o' teea or eeaten a morsel, tired oot as ah wur, whin Meary poot her haand behoind her yed, an' toorned as paale as a ghaist. " Oh ! mither, mither," says she, " ah'v been an' lost mah chignon ; ah mun ha' dropped it i' waaitin raahm at staashun ; ask feyther t' goa for it ; ah's flay'd foak'll pick it oop." An' ah'm blessed, fer t' saake o' peeace an' quietness, iv ah hadna t' gang a' throogh poorin' raain t' staashun, for that beeastly thing, afore ah'd a bit or a soop !" "Oh! praay mak haste," says Deeame an' Meary i' a breeath, " or sum wun wull foiud it." "Ah whoape they may," says ah t' mesel, an' off ah goes. Whin ah got t' staashun, thur wur t' oogly thing, reight doon i' t' graate o' t' sittin' raahm ; ah poot it i' mah pocket, an' cam' baack wi' it. Meary kissed ma, an' saaid, " Thankee, feyther ;" bud a' t' best o' t' teea wur gane, an' naught bud hot watter an' leeaves left ! " Weel," thinks ah, u ah'll consider a bit afore ah cooms t' sea-soide agin." Meary wur tired oot, soa wur aud Deeame, an' soa wur ah ; soa we caw'd for neight cannal, an' wint early t' bed. Ah nivvir waant ony rockin', an' ah wur sooin soond 14 asleep as a poast. Hoo lang ah slept, ah donna knaw, bud it cudna be varry lang, whin ah heeard, " Tim ! Tim !" shaated i' mah eear. " Tim ! Tim ! get oop, ah'm deein' ;" an' aud Deeame, seer enuf, wur that bad wi' craamps, ah thought she'd dee. " Ah donna knaw mah weay oot, mair nor a blind fiddler," says ah, ' whur'st lussifurs ?" " We hav'nt ony," says Deeame; " oh Tim ! Tim ! mak' haaste, ah'm doobled oop loike." " Weel," says ah, " they're moving aboot still. Ah seed bell pool by bed soide last neight, ah'll pooll it and ax for sum yat brandy an' watter." " There's a string here," says she, an' she poo'd it haard, and, wud yoh believe it, a deluge o' cawld watter cam' poorin' on us enuf t' droownd us. Lord hoo we shaated an' screamed ! an' ah poo'd bell pooll neear ma, fierce loike, for ah wur maad, an' wet t' mah skin, an' Deeame wur wus, an' mooanin' an' grooanin' enuf t' freet a basteel noorse. Weel, as ah poo'd an' poo'd, doon cam' anither deluge; bud this toime it wur yat watter, an' i' gallons, ah's seer ! Yoh cud noo ha' yeard us a mahle off, creein' for help. Soon a roosh o' peuple cam' wi' laamps an' cannals o' a' soarts ; an' they tore intul t' rooam, Meary wi' 'em i' her neight dress an' aud cloak. A pratty soight we wur ! They'd put us i' t' Baath raahm, an' this wur t' ind. T' sarvant lasses (lafiin t' thursens, ah cud sea) wraapped aud Deeame i' a blaanket, an' carried her t' thur raahm, an' lit a big fire. Ah hed t' dry mesel by kitchen fire, sittin' i' front o' t' winterhedge, an' thin git what sleeap ah cud i' a big airm cheer. " Nea mair sea-soide fer ma," says ah, " iv ah knaws it !" Next moorn Deame wur better than yoh'd ha' thought ; she'd no cold, naythur had ah, an' as sun wur shinin' brightly, an' pleace leukin' pratty, we wint oot. Certainly Scarbro' is a foine pleace, an' it beeats aught as ivvir ah sea fer greeat hottels an' lines o' big hooses. Thur's one hottel Graand Hottel they caw it a pallis loike, fit for Kings, an' Queeans, an' Imperors, an' Loord Maires, perched heigh oop on t' cliffs faacin' sea. A giant o' a hoose it is. Ah canna tell hoo mony stories it 15 mun be ; an' thur's toores aboon t' garrets heigher oop still It do leuk splendid loike ; thof ah pity t' pooir sarvent lasses who ha' t' gang oop t' staairs t' top o' that hoose, an' t' toores, wi' shaavin' watter o' a moorn. Ah know it wud weer oot mah legs varry sooin ! An 1 they've gotten anither spenshun brig, heigher than t' one ah crossed, fra cliff tiv cliff ; reight acrass saands, fra Graand Hottel, tiv a' t' big hooses, i' hawf roonds an' squaares, ligging hoondreds o' fit aboon t' sea. Ah do think that spenshun brig one o' t' foinest things i' Scarbro' ; it leuks noice an' noable fra ony point, it doa. JBeyaut brig, they've coot waalks i' t' cliffs, an' plaanted trees, an' floors, an' ivir greens, an' built lahtle summer hooses here an' there, oop an' doon, an' lang Hitallyon terrasses, as they caw 'em, wi' pratty pleaces fer musik paarties an' baand t' plee ; wi' plaashin' o' t' waaves helpin' t' sweet soonds. If yoh're tired, thur's seeats iviry where, an' hoondreds o' leedies an' gintlemen, donned oot i' thur best, taalkin' an' makkin luv loike, an paassin' remarks aboot t' walkers by. That ah think's t' warst pairt. Ah paaid saxpence eeach fer us tiv a mon i' a wee box or hoot, neear top o' cliff, an' doon an' roownd t' waalks ah wint wi' Deeame an' Meary, foine enuf noo i' t' sunshine ; foine enuf t' think aud Feyther not hawf foine enuf for 'em ! I saw they leuked a' mah breead-brimmed beeaver haat an' mah cleas, an' wad rayther waalk by thursens ; soa, says ah, " Ahll sit doon o' this seeat a bit, yoh con goa t' Hittalyon Terrasse an' heear t' musik, an' coom baack t' ma arter a bit." Weel, off they wint, an' whur ah wur sittin', ah cud see ^m waalkin' oop an' doon, an' foaks quizzin' an' gigglin', an' makkin' remarks ah's seer aboot 'em a' saame toime ah felt 'shamed an' heurt fur 'em ; bud they didna seeam t' notidge what ah did. Arter a while, they sot doon by t' sea wall ; an' a tall, whiskered chap near 'em began taalkin' tiv 'em, explaainin' t' musik tiv Meary. She wur varry wise arter aboot Hittallyon musik ; she cud tell ma t' naames o' neearly ivviry mon who pleed. Thur wur Beeatovven, an' V&rdy, an' Mendels' son (f yoong fellow, ah suppose, wi' key bugle), and ither chaps 16 ah forget ; mebby Mosheart wur mm (ah think he wur), bud neea makkins, Meary knows 'em, an' cud tell what they pleed too. " Hoo ah luv that sweeat musik," says she, " fra t' soonny sooth, as gintlemon said," Meary brook oot t' ma arterwards, " Ah wur deein' at ' Lah Me-ei/e Ler-tish-e-arJ* an' ' Spar-guy Dame-a-row^ an' 1 Hah Voes Jews Mess A-mees,'^ set ma i' raptures o' deloight. Ah'll nivvir gie a Jarmin baand a hoppenny noo ; ah'll nivvir agin listen tiv "em." Gintleman towed Meary, Mad-a-morsel Christeen, Nils' son, (ah think it ought t' be Nils' darter) wur a coomin', an' iwirywun ought to heer her. Weel, ah cud fill a' mah buk, ah cud, wi' a' ah saw and did a' Scarbro', "f Queean o' watterin' pleaces," as they caw it. We wint oop Moont Oliver. Thur's waalks coot roond an' roond, an 1 yoh con git t' top wi'oot ony trooble; t' view fra thur is foine, an' beeats amoast t' view fra mah baack winder ower Bonnybeck broo. A' Scarbro' ligs below yoh, an' t' cliffs, an' sea fooam breeakin' o' t' shore i' soight for mahles and mahles. We'd a blew an' soonny sky, t' deay we wint oop ; t' laarks wur singin' a' roond, an' t' keen, pure aair braaced ma oop, an' mad' ma feeal quite yoong agin, it did ! Ah donna know a foiner pleace for a mornin's stroal onywhur ; bud iv Oliver Cromwell battered that aud caastle thur reight acrass t' toon, an' saands, an' haarboor, a' ah con say is he'd precious guid goons, an' we'd better (as ah yeard a soger sort o' chap say) dig sum o' 'em oop an' copy 'em, when next we goa feightin' ! Wun deay we wint t' aud caastle, ah'v been speaakin' aboot. T' wind wur blooin' greeat goons, an' Deeame had a baad rnisfortin'. She wur hooldin' her muslind dress doon wi' one haand, an' keepin' her haat on wi' tither, an' forgot a' aboot her chignon ; an' i' t' Caastle yerd a trimmenjus poof o' wind cam' an' carried it reight awaay ower t' rocks intul Jarmin Oshun. Sum voloon- teers seed it goa, an' they did mak' foon o' it ! " Hawf-a- * " La Mia Letizia " of Verdi. t " Spargi d'amaro " in Lucia. t " A vos jeux mes amis." 17 croon rewaard \vull be offered," saays one. " Maan t' leef-boat, a leedy's chignon's droonin',' 1 creed anither ; an', says an officier, " Ah wish a' t' naasty things wud folly suet."* " Yoh dirty fella," saays aud Deeamee tull him, " ah'd let yoh knaw ah poot na greease on maah haair bud t' best o' oil!" " Ah daare saay," saays Meary, helpin' mither, " whin he's gotten his foine cleeas off, he's nobbut a butcher, or he wudna taalk aboot sut." Hoo a' t' voloonteers chaps did laf, an' they says, " Gie it him agin, Mees, it saarves bun reight !" Weel, ah drew 'em awa' t' anither paart, fu aud Deeame wur lungus aboot her chignon, an' t' fellows makin' gaame, an' ah donna loike bein' mad a show ov. It's a pratty scene fra aud Caastle t' harboors, an' shippin', an' piers, an' toon, an' Graand Hottel t' 'spen- shun brig, t' cliffs, an' gaardins, an' terrasses, a' below an' before yoh, an' t' ivir-moovin' Oshan spreeadin' oot loike a' image o' t' greeat Creeator's poor an' majesty. A'tegithur it is graand, an' leeaves mony guid thoughts i' t' moind o' mon : at a' events, it did mak ma think o' God's waarks, an' might, an' greeatness, an' oor weeakness an' littleness before Him ! who rules t' waaves an' t' winds. T' gaale wur too strang fer oos oop thur, soa we cam' baack throf t' churchyerd an' by aud ruined kirk; Deeame grumblin' an' fraaighin' wi' Meary for bein' soa gaumless i' teein' her chignon on, an' Meary snappin' aboot aud foaks aapin' yung ones. Ah let 'em alane ; they're often at it, an' iv yoh donna poot eldin on a feer, it'll goa oot o' itsel ! We'd taen lodgins i' yan o' t' small streats lift o' t' Eailwaay staashun, an' had oor boxes mooved thur. Deeame kipt a shaarp leuk oot ; bud she foond t' booter, an' teea, an' sugar goa faaster nor she loiked, an' t' caat a puir toothless aud totershell had it x a' poot tiv her 'coont ! Deeame tayed it varry mitch t' heart ; she alms wur a saavin' body, an' pooir foakes mun saave, iv they wud paay thur waay, an' kip fra waarkhoose; bud ah tould her noo, "donna be mezzerin' hances, an' coontin' * Stvit, he must have said. P.D. 18 graains ; we mun poot oop wi' sum lodgin' Loose keeapers takin' a lalitle ; they expect t' booard wi' thur visitus ; they cleem welly eaght moonths o' t' yeear, an' donna, fu t 1 saake o' a shillin' o' twea, mak yersel unhaappy. Tak' things as they coom, its only a weeak or twea at moast ; they canna tak mitch i' that toime ; its a baad haabit nae doot, an' mak's thur bairns grow oop wi' pilferin' fingers ; bud poot oop wi' it, Deeame, an' tak caare nivir agin t' goa tit foakes hooses who've cheeated yoh yance." Iv t' visitus wud a' doa this, petty steealin' wud sooin be poot a stop tiv. Ah donna think mony Scarbro' foaks plaay these tricks, bud sum doa, an' ah whoape they'll repint by nixt seeason ! Wun deay it wur that yat, yoh cud haardly abeer yohsel i' yer cleeas. Deeame an' Meary had t' laf a' nia noo, fer ah hed braid cloath, an' them muslinds. Ah tuk mah cooat an' haat off, an' sot by a cliff, wi' an oombrella t' kip sun off; an' that's a sinsible, noice waay a' sea-soide, for thur's no treeas, or shaade on t' beeach, an' peuple lose heealth sittin' an' walkin' i' t' sunshine, at t' varry pleace they coom tiv t' gaain it. Naethin' wud doa, bud Deeame an' Meary mun ha' a baath. Masshins wur goin' in an oot ivviry miuut, an' ah saays, "Varry weel, ah'll sit here, an' leuk a' them fisher booats, an' yoh con paddle aboot loike mermaaids, only donna stop too lang i' t' watter ; it spoils hawf t' baathing, ah'm tould, an' maks mony foaks baad who's not used tiv it." In they wint, an' t' masshin were taen oot to sea. Ah heerd sum lahtle scrimmin' arter i' that quaarter, an' they tould ma arter they kipt pootin" thur fit i' t' watter, an' pootin' them oot agin, an' daaredna goa in sea. At laast they wint doon steps, an' Deeame says she'll niwir forget that ploonge tiv her deein' deay. A waave cam' teearin' oop jist as they gat in, an' daashed reight ower 'em ; they boath scrimmed fer help ; bud t' watter wur soa waarm they boath gat used tiv it, an' paddled aboot sum toime. Meary had gotten intul masshin, Deeame wur followin' oop t' steeaps, whin t' masshin boy hooked t' horse on, an' giein' a knock a' deer fer a toaken, whipped t' animal oop. Oot t' masshin wur 19 dragged; pooir Deeame wur jerked off t' steeaps, an' fell flaat intul sea, an' shaated loike maad, " Help ! help ! ah'm droonin'." Masshin wimmin an' ithers rooshed in ; ah raan doon t' pleace, an', wi' gigglin' fra sum an' koind words fra ithers, Deeame wur dragged' oot scrimmin' looder an' looder, wrapped oop i' baathin' dress, an' caarried tit masshin. Ah did gie it that horse boy, ah did ; he saaid he thout they wur in, they'd been soa lang ; hud he seemed jist t' moonkey t' plaay sike a trick. Thur wur nae mair baathin' arter this, an' we spint t' rest o' oor toime a' Scarbro' waalkin' on iron peeir, tither soide o' caastle, haavin' a row i' t' harboor, an' fishin' ; ah caught naethin' bud a could ! Ah wint yance t' drink watter at Spaw, as they caw it ; bud la ! its naethin' bud watter wi' a salty, inky taaste. They say thur's iron i' it, an' mabbe thur is ; ony one con poot an' aud rousty ploo-shaare doon a well, an' add a few punds o' saalt, an' thats hoo they mak hawf t' spaws i' mah beleef, an' Deeame thinks sae too. Weel, oor toime wur oop, an' baack we wint t' Bonnybeck. Deeame an' Meary did hoould oop thur yeds a bit amaang t' neebours, whin they taalked o' Scarbro', an' t' Spaw, an' Graand Hottel, an' Hittallyon Terreasses, an' a' they saw an' did a' sea-soide ; an' ah doa think t' chaange did 'em boath guid, an' sweeatened thur timpers for a whole weeak ! 20 AUD DEEAME AN' TALLYMON. A weeak or twea arter oor ootin' t' sea-soide, ah wint fra whoame fer a deay, t' leuk at a horse as neeboor Eaistrick wur ahoot t' sell. Ah waanted sike an' animal, an' as it wur a lang waay t' Kirby-blow-haard, ah tould aud Deeame ah wouldna be whoame tull neight. Weel r ah gat saafe t' Raistrick's yaamsted, leuked at his kye, an' wint ower his wheeat, an' whoats, an' turmets, an' poot aud Tyke through his paaces, an' then mad a bargaain, which saaved ma one pund ten shillin's, fer ah'd nearly taen anither aud horse fer mair muney, an' ah'd gotten a better wun fra Raistrick (as ah'v been saayin') fer less brass. Ah wur merry enuf coomin' whoame wi r mah bargaain. "That one pund ten," says ah t' mesel, " wull paay mah pocket baack part o' oor ootin' brass a r Scarbro' !" Ah wur that leight o' heart a' mah saavin' soa mitch, ah saang as ah coomed alang, jinglin' mah brass i' mah pockets t' help t' tuune. " Deeame," creed ah, whin ah'd gotten t' deer, " ah'v mad' a goodly bargaan, an' saaved wun pund ten." "Ah'v mad' a goodly bargaan, toa," saays Deeame, " coom in, Tim, coom in ; Meary, bring 'em doon." " What's oop noo ?" saays ah. " Weel," saays she, " thou hadna been gaue hawf-an hoor, whin a noice yung chap, dressed loike t' betterin' soart, wi' a gowd chaain roond his neck, cam' here wi' a paircel o' goods, a baank- roopt stock (he caw'd it), an' saaid he'd sell 'em a' moock cheeap, an' ah'v boought twea loovly cherry-cooloured silk dreasses, jist what leedies weear a' Scarbro', for mesel an' Meary, an' a greeat cooat for thee ; a' tegither it isna bud sax punds, eaghteen shillin', an' foorpence !" " An' whur i' t' warld," says ah, " did'st thou feend t' brass ? By mah heart, bud this licks ma, it doa !" " Oh," saays Deeame, quite cheerfool loike, " he'll coom for it a lahtle at a toime, mebbe iwiry weeak, an' ah con lig it by fer him, oot o' mah markettin' brass." Weel, " born donnot," an' hawf a dozen ithir pratty 21 -words wur a' tip o' mah tongue ; bud ah kipt mail timper doon, an' ah took oop t' cherry -cooloured silk, an' t' braid clooath for mah cooat, an' o' a' t' stoof yoh ivir seed, that silk an' clooath beeat it ; t' silk wur braid-ratched wi' white, an' sooiled, an' nobbut what mah caoof o' a Became wud a boought a' ony preece ! A deacent sarvent lass wud ha' toorned her nooase oop at it, ah'll be bund ; an' t' think o' mah gooid brass gaein' for sike roobish, it did mak ma maad, it did ; an' then t' cooate claath, it wur mad o' shoddy, an' ah cud a'most sea through it i' soom pleeaces. " Thou'rt simple as a soockin' doock," says ah,' " that Tallymen's been an' doon yoh." "Oh! he's nae tallymen," says Deeame an' Meary i' a breeath ; " he's jist sellin' t' cleeas t' help a pooir bank- roopt, an' ha mak's naethin' by it : he saaid soa, an' we boought paartly t' help t' pooir mon who's bankin'." "Tell that stooary t' nanpie," says ah; "dusta think he'll goa aboot fer luv o' his neeboor ? we've not mony sike saaints i' these deays i' Yarkshur. Its luv o' t' brass brings yon chap roond ; bud he'll ha' nun o' moine ; ah wunnot paay him fahve faarthin's for a' t' cleeas ; thur guid fer naught. Hasta a bill ?" says ah, sharp loike, t' Deeame, fer ah wur awful lungus. Deeame an' Meary wud ha' it ah wur mistean ; bud Tallymen had gien a bill, an' it wur saemthin' loike this ah forget t' streeat : LEEDS. BOUGHT o' Messrs. MCALPINE, MALCOLM, & Co. 2 Lyons Silk Dreeasses, an' Cloath for Cooat - - 6 18 4J Weeakly paayments taen. "Weel,"says ah, " didsta sign onythin' ?" "Only a Ttit o' paper," saays Deeame, " t' let 'em know ah'd gotten t' gooids, an' wud paay for 'em sum deay." " Then ah'm dun," says ah, " bud ah'll tree it." Deeame an' Meary beegged an' preed ma t' kip t' cleeas, an' paay for 'em, t' saave trooble ; bud ah wudna gie waay t' cheeatin' iv its only a saxpence ; ah'll staand mah groond tull t' last, whin ah'm i' t' reeight. Neeboors cam' in, an' saaid as ah saaid. Isaac Barraclough, oor skeualmeaster, tould us he wur .agin a' these weeakly paayments ; he said he- knew a mon poot his naame doon fer a History o' Englaand, or summat o' t' soart, an' they brooght him paarts oopon paarts, as they caw'd 'em, a hawf-a-croon eeach, an' when he wudna tak' 'em he wur bud a daytlemon they coorted him, an' mad' him paay fer ivviry wun o' t' buks, sum punds i' a', an' he yearnin' only fifteen shillin' a weeak, wi' woife an' foor bairns. T' pictures took him, an' he con reead a bit, bud he'd nae noation o' paayin' punds fer a buk. Weel, taalk wint on, an' Deeame an' Meary yeard soa mony taales o' Scotch paackmen an' ithers, they wur poot oot o' consait o' thur " goodly bargaan." Tallymon cam' neext weeak for his brass, a' smilin' loike, donned i' foine cleeas, wi' his gowd chaain, an' a braan new Frinch haat. " Quid moornin', marm," says he t' Deeame ah kipt back a bit : " deloightfool weeather, marm, for t' haarvest," an he rubbed his honds, an* smiled agin : " onythin' mair t' deay, marm ? Ah'v sum foine henkerchers, raal bandannas, dirt cheeap ;" soa he wint on. Deeame saaid, " Mah aud mon donna loike strap, bud here he coomes." Then ah coom oot wi' t r things, an' ah says, "Air yoh t' mon who seld thees cleeas t'mah Deeame ?" "Yea sir," says he, smilin' agin, " ony thin' else, sir ; ah'v sum foine stoof for trooserin." " Yoh've plinty o' stoof" nae doobt, saays ah, " an' plinty o' brass too ; bud yoh mun git off mah preemises dooble quick, an' tak that roobbish baack wi' ye, fer ah'll nivir paay yoh a penny, yoh cheeatin' teeastrill ;" an' ah floong t' cherry-cooloured silk an' braid cloath on his paack. Mah ee ! his smoiles wur gane i' a twinkle ! " Ah'll not tak' a fraacshun baack, " says he, " they're sold faair, an r varry cheeap. That ere silk is best Lee-on." " Lee-onl" saays ah, "that's jist what yoh're doin' a' deay." "An* that cloath," saays he, takkin nae notdige, "is best West o' Englaand, hawf preece ; i' faact, a'moast gien awa." " Tak it baack tiv West o' Englaand," saays ah, " we're not sike gawvisons i' t' north as t' paay guid brass fer roobbish. Ah's Yarkshur, iv yoh be Scotch ; an' ah'll not be robbed wi' mah ees open, yoh brassy- faaced 23 roague." "Yoh may goa on, and mon," saays tallymen, "bud its nae use, ah'v yoh woife's agreeament, an' that's guid as yourn; yoh'd better paay an' saave trooble." " Agreeament be haanged !" saays ah, " ah'v agreead t' naethin'." " It's nae consequince," saays he, " yoh'll ha' t' paay, or we'll Coort yoh." " What ! !" saays ah. " Coort yoh," saays he, " an' expoase yoh i' t' ' Leeads MurtfryJ an' ' Yarkshur Poast,' an' i' a' t' paapers as a mon who weant paay his lawfool honest debts." " Ali'll Coort yoh," says ah, " yoh theeavish raascal ; git off mah preemises," an' ah roon at him. Tallymen snaatched oop his paack, floong silk an' cloath throo oor open winder (ah didna sea this thof), and wint off doon paath loike a shot. Deeame an' Meary wur houldin' ma, an' t' fellow toorned roond, an' mad' faaces, an' caw'd oot, " Gooid bye, and leeather breeaches." Ah wur mad ! Ah dragged oot o' mah cooat, an' left it wi' Deeame, an' arter him ah wint. Ah let oor mastiff, Jowler, lose ; ah wur i' a timper ! Tallymen wur agangin' quick as leightnin' doon field paath. Hawf waay alang thur's a beck, an' a plaank brig t' crass it. Ah shaated, " Git off mah preemises, yoh cheeatin' scaamp." Ah raan, dog raan, Tallymen raan ; he'd gotten on plaank ; Jowler gav' a growl, Tallymen toorned t' sea whur we whur, plaank wur slippy, an' ower Tallymen what intul beck, wi' his boondle o' roobbish. It wasna deeap, bud thur wur watter enuf t' wet him weel throo ; his new silk haat wur bent reight in, his foine cleeas a' moocky, an' his troosers tore reight oop t' leg. He did cree oot fer help, an' begged fer massy, an' t' kip dog off ! Mb passhun had cooled a bit noo. Ah fasten'd Jowler oop, an' helped Tallymen oot o' beck, an' he wur a seight wi' moock, an' watter, an' freight. An' as he wint doon t' rooad, oot o' mah field, ah thought tiv mesel, ah'd nivvir seen a mair doon-leukin' meeaan chap i' a' mah loife. Tallymen nivvir cam' agin for his brass, bud Messrs. McAlpine & Co. sint ma a soomons, an' ah hed t' paay ivviry penny/ an' mair nor twea pund ten coasts. Soa ah think ah'd a better stopped a' whoam t' deay ah' mad' mah goodly bargaain a' neerboor Kaistrick's ! 24 MAH CLOOB DEAY A' FOONTAIN'S ABBEY, We've gotten a cloob a' Bonnybeck, an' a foine wun it be. We paay soa mitcb a moonth, and whin a mimber dees, his widely gits t' braass t' bury him, an' iv she dees, he gits t' braass, an' iv a bairn dees, its t' saame. Ah think oor Cloob, an' t' Odd Fellers, an' Forresters, an' Drooids, an' t' ither societees o' traadesmen an' waarkin- men, air raal guid things. They saave t' paarish iwir soa mitch, an' mak' a mon prood o' his coontry. Mair's t' pity soa mony Cloobs isna saafe, an' a mon, arter paayin' in moonth arter moonth, an' yeear arter yeear, an' pinchin' hissel t' doa it, feends at laast he's naethin' t' git baack i' sickniss or deeath i' his family, a' t' braass gane lang agoa. Ah'd troonce wi' caat-o'-neen-taails, ah wud, thoase meean thievish teeastrills i' a' societees, big and lahtle, who tak a mon's haard yearnins t' varry brid, ah may saay, o' his lahtle ones an' i' toime o' need gie him baack a staane ! Sike roagues degraade humon nattur, an' mak' iviry yan flay'd o' puttin' by his braass fer a raainy deay, an' sit doobt an' mistroost ivirywhur. Who con tell t' haarm them rich chaps i' Lunnun doa, wi' thur booble compaanees an' dishoonest waays ? They rooin t' pockets o' monny, bud they rooin mair the sowls, an' hearts, an' faaith o' thersends. Foaks are bringin' oop aud coostooms ivirywhur : let 'em bring oop, an' poot oop t' Pillory (ah'v yeard feyther speeak ov) agin i' t' citty o' Lunnun, an' sit a' t' cheeatin' baankers, an' secretaarees, an' directurs i' it ! Mah woord, it 'ud mak a chaange varry sooin " on 'chaange" as they caw it i' paapers ! We el, onst a yeear we had a Cloob ootin' sumwhur or ither, an' t' deay ah'rn speeakin' ov we wint t' Foontairfs Abbey, the foinest aud rooin, ah'll be bund, i' a' Englaand. We mad' reeady t' goa eearly i' t' moorn, an' drew oop i' proceshun i' t' villaage. T" shops wur a' shoot, bud 25 pooblic hoose taaps open. We cam' alang doon broo, an' paast choorch i' fust raate style, wi' oor bannir fioatin' aboon oor yeads, an' oor baand pleein' " Ah'm off fer Chaarls-toon, eearly i' t' moornin 1 ; Ah'm off t' Charles-toon afoor t' breeak o' deay !" an' sooin we gat tiv railwaay stashun. It wur a graand deay, an' ah wur pleeased enuf t' ha' an ootin' t' freesh pleaces, an' sea t' waarks o' God a' roond, an' t' anshunt waarks o' mon, mad' i' t' honoor an' praaise o' t' guid Creeator. Ah wint happy enuf, an' ah wished t' sea a' ithers happy aroond ma, innocent loike, wi' cleear yeads an' waarm heearts, an' een open t' a' things bootifool. Bud drink ! drink ! forgie ma ! that coorsed drink spoild it a'. Moast o' mah freends an' neeboors had gotten drink i' t' villaage afoor they staarted ; sum had taen greeat bottles i' t' traain (not swanky yoh maay be seer), an' draank a' t' waay ; an' t' foirst thing mony did whin we gat t' Eipon, an' passed ower lang brig (oor baand pleein' " Rory O'More " intul toon) wur t' goa t' pooblic hooses, an' drink jacks an' yal agin. Baand gat moast o' a'. Wun saays, " It mun be dhry waark whiselin' throo that big thing tak' a soop." Anither caw's oot, " Its waarm to deay wi' that heavy droom ha' a drew ;" an' soa on fra Bonnybeck t' Eipon. We paassed oot o' Kipon a' reight, an' on t' Stoodley Kooad, baand pleein', bud varry squeaky loike, " T Flaaxen-yeaded Plooboy." Weel, on we wint, an' a' t' foaks cam' oot t' leuk a' oos, as we waalked in processhun (sum o' oos not varry straaight) alang heigh rooad. Arter a toime we toorned off t' goa throo Stoodley Royaal Pairk. We haalted insoide iron yats, an' sat on graass, an' thin mair drinkin' oot o' big bottles, an' baand agin gettin' mair than enuf, an' mitch ower its shaare. Oor baand wur a Feef, a Droom, a Troompit, an' a lang Brass Thing gangin' in an' oot, wi' a lahtle wee troompit at t' ind ov it. We gat oop arter a toime, an' wint on by twea's and three's ; bannir wint foirst, thin baand. Troompit saays, "Noo laads, streek oop, ' And Lang Syne. 1 " " Noa," saays Lang Brass Thing, 26 " ah'll plee ' T Leight o' ither Deays.'" " It wasna leight r bud daarkaess, i' thim deays ; thou'rt a Kooaman gooise," saays Troompit. " Nivvir thee moind what ah be," saays Lang Brass Thing, " ah'll plee what ah loike." " An' ah'll plee what ah loike," says Feef; " ah'll plee ' T Deays whin ah wint gipsyiri, a lang toime agoa.' " An' at it they a' wint, i' thur own waays an' toones ; an' Droom mad' a' t' noise he cud t' droond 'em a' ! An' that wur t' waay we maarched oop t' graand avenue o' Stoodley Pairk Royaal t' drink kip waarkin'! Arter a lahtle while, Lang Brass Thing says t' Troompit, " Yer aud feol, yer noa fit t' plee a penny whisel, or Jew'a haarp ! Ah pleed a' Dewsbre Braas Baand conteest.'* " Ah con beeat thee ony waay," saays Troompit, " at musik or fisty coofs." " Hod thy din, thou fond gawvison, ah'm gaen t' gie t' coompany, ' Slaap Baang t Here we air agin, Jolly dogs air we," 1 " creed oot Lang Brass Thing. " Thou wert contraary, an' ah'll be contraary," saays Troompit ; " ah'll plee ' Not fer Joseph, iv he knaws it /' " " An' ah," saays Feef, " wull plee A Cure ! a Cure ! a perfect Cure? fer yoh're a' a set o' cures." "Am ah a cure ?" saays Droom, leukin' vicious loike. " Yea," saays Feef, "A Cure! a Cure! a perfect Cure !" an' he pleed toon weel as he cud. Droom oop an' hits him a craack acraass yed wi' droomstick. Feef fell tiv kickin', an' mak's big whoales i' droomsoides. Troompit caw's Lang Brass Thing, " a waall-eed donnot ;" Lang Brass Thing aaimes a blaw at Troompit ; Troompit hods oop his instreament t' waard it off, an' thur wur a reg'lar free foight a' roond. Troompit doobled oop Lang Brass Thing /" Lang Brass Thing knocks mooth pieece off Troompit f Feefldps kickin' soides o' Droom in, an' Droom waacks reight an' leeft wi' droomsticks ! Cloob numbers had t r roosh i' wi' keeapers an' separaate 'em. Then they waalked on sneerin' an' jeerin' at eeach ither, an' treein* i' vaain t' mak musik i' a varry wheeazy soart o' waay. Feef wax t' only wun who cud mak' onything loike ; he pleed " Sea f Congkerin 1 Hearo coomes .'" an' maarched i' sike a consaited waay loike, t' ithers rooshed on him, gat hod o' feef an' floong it intul big laake. Soa drink 27 spoiled a' oor musik that deay ! An' noo oor bannirmen begaan t' roister ! Oor bannir wur a foine laarge blue wun, wi' yellow fringe, an' o' wun soide thur wur writ i' big gowd letters, "BONNYBECK FRIENDLY SOCIETY," wi' twea hawf neaked men a-shaakin' bonds, wi' " United we stacmd, divided we faall," oonderneeath. On t' ither soide, i' gowd toa, an' varry big, wur thease woofds, "BROOTHERLY Luv, CONCOORD, AN' UNITY." Boath bannirmen staagered loike wi' drink, bud wudna let onny wun tak' tbur pleaces. Saays Taall Bannirmon t' Slioart Bannirmon, " Waalk straaigbt, yer aud fussiker, doant yer sea thim leedies a leukin' at oos fra t' bonk yonder ?" Leedies !" saays Sboart-un, " thim's lillies ! waalk straaigbt yersel ; ah cen waalk weel enuf, bud its mah belief, freend, thou'rt droonk." " Saay that agin," saays Taall-un ! " an' bigow, ah'll kick tbee doon t' bonk." " Thee dustna," creed Shoart-un. " Waait a wee, tull ah git a mon i' mah pleace wi' t' bannir, an' ah'll show thee, thou straackle-braained idyot," saaid Taall-un agin. " Ah'm not afeerd o' thee, thof thou art a big bully ; ah'll feight tull ah dee," saays Shoart-un. " Ah'll waalk nae mair wi' t' loikes o' thee, thou Saatan's kin," shaated Taall-un, an' he dug his pole i' t' groond. Shoart-un did t* saame, an' thin wi' " Brootherly Luv, Concoord, /' Unity" floppin' ower thur yeads, at it they wint loike tigers ! An' it wur a' throo drink, fer ah knawed 'em t' beest o' freends, an' quiet, respectaable foaks, whin sober. Taall-un hit Shoart-un i' t' brid baas'ket (as thim poogalists caw it). Shoart-un rooshed in an' stroock oot, an' brout claaret fra Taall-un's sneezer. Then Taall-un boonged oop Shoart-un's reight peeper ; an' soa it wint on, giv' an' taake, tull ah an' ithers gat roond a piece o' watter, an' stopped t' foon. Pratty freights they wur wi' bluid, an' sweeat, an' mud;; for they'd fall'n an' rowl'd ower eeach ither i' t' moock. An' noo, loike feeals, they boath begaan t' cree, an' shaake bonds, an' taalk a' soarts o' silly things, tull disgoost mad' ma toorn awaay. Soa drink mak's a strang mon weeak, an' a weeak mon a idyot ! Ah saay, whin a mon's droonk, he's miraculus an' maad! an' iv 28 -we've asyloonas fer foaks maad wi' religin, or luv', or wi' prood thouts, all saay we neead asylooms fer foaks maad wi' drink ! That soart o' maadness mak's mair haarm than a' soarts o' ither maadness poot tegither ! Iviry Juge, ivery majistraate, ivery ministear i' t' lond '11 saay t' saame, ah knaw ! Ah sea a' roond ma what a evil thing drink is ! Ah con point oot a doozen whoames i' Bonnybeck mad' writched by it ; an' soom deay ah'll tell'ee mair aboot thease whoames, iv yoh loike ! Whin ah think what Englaand mud be iv it wur bud a sober lond ; whin ah sea what oor waarkmen con doa ; whin ah goa tiv pleaces loike smooaky Leeads an' Braadforth, an' sea t' factorees, an' massheen shops, an' iron waarks, an' weirhooses, an' a' t' moades an' meeans o' makkin' braass, an' then sea hoo sum men waaste it, arter yearnin' it soa haard, oopon stoof that yeats t' braain, an' weears oot t' heealth an' stringth, an' mak's woives writched, an' bairns raagged, an' whoames lahtle hells oopon eearth ; whin ah seas a' this, ah soighs an' ah crees oot, " Only git Yarkshurmen an' Englishmen t' giv' oop drink, an' they'll beeat t' waarld i' ony weay yoh loike !" Bud ah mun coom baack t' Foontain's Abbey. Arter gettin twea ither men i' pleeace o' droonken feools wi' bannir, we wint on throf Pairk an' by a greeat laake tiv a lahtle cot, whur an' aud deeame tak's t' shillin's fer Loord dur Graay an' Eipon, an' then rings a bell. A gide cooms at this an' shows foaks a' aboot. Ah strooled aboot wi' sum soober freends alang butifool shaady waalks, wi' foine treeas o' a' soarts an' sahzes, sum foiner than ony ah'd ivir seean onywhur afoore i' mah leef reeal gyants. It's a graand pleace that Stoodley Pairk Eoyaal, an' t' groonds roond it. They're laaid oot wi'oot a thout o' t' braass it coast. Laakes, an' shroobberees, an' floor beds o' a' coolers, an' oop, an' doon, an' roond aboot paaths, wi' mahles o' coontry oonder yer een, an' ivvirythin' i' order loike, an' neeat an' cleean as a new pin. Yoh con waalk fer hoors through t' gaardins, an' foind ivvirywhur .sumthin' freash an' pleeasin'. Oop wun steeap waalk, we 29 cam' tiv a koind o' soommer hoose (Hanna Bollen's seeat they caw it). T' gide floong oopen t' deer, and creed oot " Foontains Abbey" An' thur, faar doon belaw, acrass a pratty streeam, a' amid graass plots, an' treeas, an' booshes, loike a pictur' i' a noable fraame, wur t' foine and rooins o' famus Foontain's Abbey. T' squaare heigh toor, an' roond an' poointed aarches (gide saaid they wur Normon an' Guthic, an' t' beast contraast i' Englaand), an' oopen winder ceills, air whoite an' cleean as a weel kipt skeeleton, t' fleesh, an' soul, an' sperit a' gane, bud t' foarm an' boanes still compleete an' perfeect. Ah leuked sum tonne at this, t' iioablest pleace o' aud deays ; an' ah canna think o' a better whoame fer a mon who whishes t' pree an' pree a' his deays, far fra t' waarld an' a' mortaal soonds, in solitoode an' peeace. Ah canna think o' a better pleeace for sike a mon than Foontain's Abbey, wi' t' gifts an' graaces o' Natter a' aroond, an' silence deay an' neight, shaarin' t' vaales an' woods wi' t' saangs o' t' birds o' heeaven ! We wint doon t' broo, an' had a neear leuk a' aud Abbott's hoose an' choorch, an' chaapels, a' neearly perfeect bud t' glaass an' roofs ; ah foond mony o' oor foaks thur alreeady. Baand had gotten moast drink, bud reest had been driiikin' toa, an' whin they'd gotten insoide rooins, they mad' Troompit an' Lang Brass Thing tree a poker, they saaid, t' daance tiv on t' graass. Thur wur sum lassies wi' oos, an' they seeamed willin' enuf ; but ah oop tiv 'em, an' says, " If yoh mun daance, daance i' anither pleace ; t' pooir aud moonks who'v pred soa oft atween thease broaken an' fallin' staanes, an' mony o' whose boones, mebbe, air oonderneath oor fit,, wull moove i' thur graaves, iv ye daance i' sike a wholy pleace." " Its nae a wholy pleace," saays Bill Halliwell, oor blaacksmith's soon, " that's only Poapish sooper- stishun." " Weel," saays ah, " whuriwir men woorship God wi' honest heearts, an' ha' built timples to "f honor o' His naame, ah saays that pleace is nae pleace fer foon or spoart. Iv ah wur t' goa intul a Jews' chaapel (synagoog, ah think they caw's it), ah'd behaave deacent loike, an' not hoort t' feealins o' onny wun ; an' oonder 80 t' shaade o' thease graand rooins, ah'd ha' a' behaave t' saame." "Whoas feealin's con we hoort, and thirty stun," saays anither yoong chap, an' t' lassies a' tittered loike, " whin they're deead, an' rotten lang agoa. Ah'll daance." " Soa wull ah," saays anither ; " soa wull ah," wint roond amaang t' yoong an' thoutless. Sum o' mah neehoors saaid, " Goorkrodger, thou'rt reight, mon ; it isna proper t' daance whur foaks ha' preed i' aud toimes, an' ower whur oor forefeythers lig hurried." An' we a' treed t' mak' t' yoongsters gie oop, hud it wur na goa. Drink mad' 'em eaqual t' onnythin', an' they toorned oopon ma an' mah freends, an' saaid, "Yoh as donna waant t' daance, mun goa oot." " Leuk at yer hannir," saays ah, " let oos aact oop tiv it." " Dang t' bannir," saays a droonken cawf, " oot ye mun goa." T' gide had lift oos fer a toime ; ah an' ithers wi' ma wur looathe t' f eight i' sike a pleace, soa we wint oot o' lahtle deer, an' lift t' silly laads an' laassies t' thursens. Weel, ah saw a' ah cud o' aud pleace ; gide shoowed oos sum aud yew treeas, varry big an' spreeadin', whur moonks sleapt oonder, wahle abbey wur a bildin', an' they mun ha' had guid ploock, an' graand heealth, t' sleeap i' t' oopen air fer moonths.* Gide tould ma he'd seean doozens oopon doozens o' boadies o' moonks dug oot o' groond, an' neearly ivviry wun, yoong an' aud, had t' foinest an' whitest teeath he ivir saw ; an' saays he, "Mah yoong bairns, an' mony yoong bairns an' foaks roond aboot, ha' a' thur teeath rotten." " Hoo's that ?" saays he, ah cudna tell ! Moast o' oos gat baack t' Bonnybeck i' guid toime ; bud sum wur left behoind drinkin', an' sum wint whoame mirackulous droonk, an' a' oor toime wur taen oop leukin' arter t' beeasts, an' kippin' 'em fra haarmin' thursens an' ithers. We a'moast sneeaked intul Bonnybeck, ah maay saay, we wur soa ashaamed o' oor droonken maates ! Ah wint whoame, an' t' bead, wishin' drink an' droonkaards fur enuf, an soa ended " Mah Cloob deay a 1 Foontain's Ab/iey." 41 They tould us t' moonks wur caw'd Sitter- She-tins ; ah think Erother-He-uns wud be better. 31 T NOOBSESABBY GOOVENESS A' FEBMEB YAPHAM'S, Iv ah pity onny pooir creeature i' t' woide warld, iv ah feeal for onny humon bein' o' t' yearth, ah'v pity an' feealin' fer a Noorsesarry Gooveness I An iv ah'v contimpt, iv ah'v ill thout fer onybody, it is fer thoase seelfish, haardharted, feeolish mortaals, who ill-treeat pooir yoong heelpless creeatures they've taen intul thur whoames, t' teeach thur faamilies, an' tre t' degraade 'em i' thur awn ees, an' t' ees o' ithers. Whin ah leuk aroond ma, ah'v often nae paashense t' sea hoo things goa agin reight an' reaason. Leuk at pooir Nelly Hoyland ! Ah knawed her feyther yeears agane ; an' a better or faairer mon nivvir stepped i' shoo leeather. He'd a deacentish ferine neear t' wild, woide-streeatchin' mooars o' nor-eaast Yarkshur soa graand i' thur saavage-loike solitood ; an' seeamed weel enuf t' doa ; an', o' coorse, had plinty o' freends. Bud 'lecshun cam'. Squeer wint wun weay, Fermer t' ither. Squeer saays, "Ah expects mah tenants t' voat as ah voat." Fermer saays, " Ah'v taen yer lond, sir, an' ah paay yoh a faair rint fer it ; ah owe yoh that, an' ah paay it. Ah donna owe yoh onnythin' eelse, bud proper civility as mah londloord. Mah conshunce an' mah principles air mah own. Ah'll voat as a free Englishmen, an' ah shall allus voat as ah think reight an' best fer mah coontry !" Noo iv ah wur a rich mon, an' hed plinty o' braass, an' lond o' mah own, ah should rispect a tenant loike honest Hoyland 1 He wur worth twinty lick spittles, ah saay, but Squeer thinks this " doctrene," as he caw'd it, " daang'rus," an' he gies Fermer six moonths' noatice t' quit. He wur saadly poot aboot t' gat a frish ferme. His Deeame cudna abear t' leeave aud whoam, an' fell sick an' deed. Iwiry wun cooms on him a' at onst ; Fermer seells off at' greeat loss, An' paays a'. He has wun hoondred an' fifty punds left, 82 an' taakes groacer's shop at Whitby ; a noice pleeace, Nelly tould ma, wi greeat cliffs, an' a foine saandy beeach, an' rooined Abbey o' Saaint Hilda oop a' top o' wun soide, an* rows o' big hooses fer visiters on t' ither, wi' toon an' haarboor doon atween. Weel, Fermer Hoyland mad' a pooir adoo o' bizness ; thur's mony loike him, they canna tak' tiv a new loine a' at onst. He wur honest, toa, an' gav' guid weeight, an' sold his sugaar, an' teay, an' coffy, an' ivvirythin' wi'oot 'doolteraatin 1 'em, as they caw it. An' ah'd flog (an' loike t' job vaastly) wi' a rod o' neettles t' mon who cheeats t' pooir wi' faalse meeasure, an' mak's t' food God seends oos fer oor heealth an' streength intul pooison i' oor booels. Ah think t' heighwaay robber (t' mon who steeals, mebbe, t' satisfy his hoongry faamily) nae sinner at a' besoide thoase smirkin', smilin', hoombooggin' fellers behoind a coonter, who gie yoh a staane whin ye ax fer brid, an' mix, an' chaange, an* 'doolteraate ivvirythin', t' git mair braass oot o' yoh, tull yoh donna knaw iv onnythin' yoh eeat or drink is guid or baad. T' seeads ah bout baack ind o' laast yeear, wur hawf o' 'em deead. They've mad' Act o' Parl'rnent, ah heer, agin pooisonin' and chaangin' seeads. What villaains men mun be t' rooin t 1 increease o' mon's food fer profit ! An' t' deein' mon's droogs air of teen (oor Bonnybeck dochter saays) nae guid, thur weeakened soa by t' drooggisters, to gaain mair. Oot on sike raascals, ah saay, evin iv they sit i' t' froont bench a' kirk or chaapel o' Soonday, weear braaid clooath, an' gowd waatches, an' gie pairt o' thur ill-gat braass t' skeuals an' misshuns ! Oot on 'em, laads, ah'd loike t' set Jowler at 'em better nor Talleymon, ah wud ! * Weel, Fraank Hoyland wur an' honest mon, an' gay' perhaaps toa mitch strap, thinkin' ithers loike hissel ; onnyhoo he baanked, an' t' baankin' brack his heeart. He cudna beear t' ha' it saaid he owed monny t' onywun, an' whin he faailed, a' faailed moind, an' sperrits, an' poor o' waark. His boady ligs on that cliff ah spoak o', *Ah meean this fer braid Englaand; not fer Whitby, or onny toon aloane. 33 beneeath t' shaade o' t' aud abbey, an a' t' stoorms o' t' Jarmin Oshun sweeap ower his pooir graave wi'oot a staane or maark, oanly a loo graass mound t' shoow his reestin' pleeace. Pooir Nelly had nae meeans t' doa mair than burry her feyther ; bud thoase stoorms, an' thoase winds as they sough a' roond oor cooast, donna blaw onnywhur ower t' graave o' a mooar honest mon, or trooer English heeart, than pooir Fermer Hoyland ! Pity it is t' raace is deein' oot ! ah con sea it deay by deay ! Munny is gettin' a' praaise, a' dooty, dmoast a' woorship i' Englaand, an' t' aud virtues, t' aud sperrit o' 't' peuple is sinkin' oonderneeath t' looad ! Ah con sea it, ah greeave at it, ah doa ! Weel, pooir Nelly mun doa sumthin' ; she'd noa toime t' spind weeapin' an' lamentin', loike monny betterin' foaks doa, makkin', as paarson saaid i' t' poolpit, a looksarry o' sorrow ! Her feythur had gien her a pratty deacent eddicashun, an' she noo treed t' toorn it t' accoont teeachin' ithers. She cam' t' stop wi' oos at Bonnybeck whilst she advurtysed fer a situaashun. An' what that pooir laass wint throf cawin' oopon foine leedies an' stook oop foaks, and pootin' oop wi' thur insoolts, ah canna tell ! Ah'm ashaamed o' wimmin koind whin ah sea 'em wi'oot heeart or feelin' fer t' sooft'erin's an' misfertoons o' thur own sex. Monny feeamales deloight i' shaamin' an' crooshin' thoase who air crooshed enuf alreeady, God knaws, by powerty an' t' greefs o' humon loife ! Ah beleeve ah knaw leedies, or thoase who caw thursels leedies, who answer advurtysements, an* git pooir creeaturs anxious aboot gettin' ony pleeace i' t' woide waarld t' traavel lang mahles fer mere paastoime, an' foon, t' fill oop idle hoors o' t' moorn. Wun foine creeature, fra neear Halifax, wroat t' Nelly, an' axed her aage, an' ither things. Nell wroat baack, saayin' she wur eaghteen. Leedy sint fer her a' t' waay ; an' off Nelly wint fool o' whoape an' joy. Leedy wur donned oot i' crimson silk an' gowd chaains, an' arter a quesshun or twea, she saays, " Ah donna waant o 34 onny wiin oonder twinty-fahve." That is trooth ! an' why did she sind fer Nelly, an' tak' oop her whoale deay, an' deceive an' plee wi' her feelin's, whin she knawed she wur oanly eaghteen ! Ah saay sike things air crooel, an' they're doon ivviry deay, becas pooir gooveness lasses air moastly defeenceless, an' offen ha' nae freends. Ah'd loike t' tell that paarty she's nae reeal leedy ! a bit o' mah moind, ah shud, wi' a' her crimson silk an' gowd chaains ! Weel, Nell treed iwirywhur, an' paaid fer advurtyse- ments, an' wroat t' advurtysenients, an' a' nae guid. She wur a'moast brocken heearted, fer she knew ah wur- a pooir mon, an', willin' as ah an' aud Deeame wur, cudna kip her fer iwir. At laast she heeard o' a pleace as Noorsarry Gooveness, t' teeach foor bairns, at a ferine hoose neear Wetherby, an' mak' hersel ginerally usefool. She wroat aboot it, an' Mrs Yapharn, the former's woife, agreead t' tak' Nelly a' foorteen punds a yeear, an' paay her own weshin'. Weel, pooir Nelly wished oos " guid bye," an' wint tiv her pleeace, happy enuf t' be doin' sumthin' i' t' waarld fer hersel, fer she wur an active, willin' laass, an' wudna be a boorden t' onny wun, if she cud heelp it. Meary had a latter noo an' agin fra her, an' ah didna loike t' waay they wur wroat in; they seeamed (whin Meary red 'em tiv oos) t' be foarced loike, an' not i' Nelly's natteral waay. Moonth arter moonth wint on, an' wun deay, ah'd been gittin' tatees i' t' cloase, an' wur staandin' wi' mah foark i' mah hond, an' thinkin' hoo t' groobs had beean amang mah crop, draat 'em, whin ah seed a leedy coomin' alang t' paath oop t' mah hoose* Ah wint in t' tell Deeame an' Meary, an', saays Deeame, " Ah'll be bund its t' traact leedy, an' ah'v been an' lit t' fire i' t' daark wi' t' wun she left. It wur, thou knawest, 'A Deealog atween a Baarber's block an' a Minister;' what mun ah doa." " Paay fer it," saays ah. " Ah mun gie saxpence tit leedy, fer pooir skeuals," saays Deeame, " ah'll paay that waay," an' she'd gotten her purs reeady t' foind wun, whin who shud coom in bud pooir Nelly Hoyland, leukin' soa 85 paale, an' soa weeak ! She kissed oos, an' then ah saays, " What's matter, laass ? ah think thou heant coomfort- aable loike wur thou art." T' pooir thing, fer answer, boorst intul teears. An' it wur a sorroofool taale she tould oos. She'd only a Ketoorn Ticket fer the deay, an' they'd haardly let her git that, an' she'd t' mak' a lang stooary shoart. She tould oos she had foor bairns, fra three years aud t' neen, t' eddicaate, an' they wur oonrooly, wilfool childre, an' t' mither tuk thur pairts i' a' things. Iv Nelly treed t' mak' 'em doa aught i' t' warld, mither wur oop an' saays, " Ah wullna ha' t' sperrits o' mah bairns brocken by t' loikes o' yoh ; yoh mun be koind tiv 'em or goa !" as if Nelly cud be onnything bud koind t' a' aroond her ! Then t' bairns wud mock, an' mak' gaame o' thur skeulmistriss, an' gang thur own gate, an' doa jist as they'd a moind t' doa i' spite o' Nelly ; an' then mither wud boorst in agin, creein' oot, " Ah'll noa paay goovenesses fer helpin' bairns plaay ; yoh mun teeach 'em an' mak' ''em leearn, or goa." An' Nelly treed her best deay arter deay, bud it wur seead caast oopon rock, an' didna sink in ; an' they leearnt lahtle or naught, an' only what they pleeased, an' that wur preesheus lahtle ! Mither allus taakin' thur pairt, an' makkin' gooveness "kip her pleeace," as she cawd it. Arter teeachin' a' deay, an' keeapin' t' foor oonroolly braats i' oorder fra moorn tull neight ; gettin' 'em oop, weshin' 'em, coorlin' thur yair, (that wur bein' ginerally usefool !) servin' 'em a' meeals, waalkin' 'em oot at toimes, an' haappy releease ! poottin' 'em t' bed, Nelly had t' sit oop makkin' an' mendin' thur cleas, oft an' oft tull paast twelve o' t' clock ! Onst whin a ferme lassie fell sick, Deeame Yapham axed Nelly t' tak' her pleace, an' goa tiv market wi' eggs, an' bootter, an' foules. Nelly saaid, " That isna t' dooty o' a noorsesarry gooveness " "Aye bud it be," saays mistress, "yoh're t' be 'ginerally usefool, 1 an' yoh mun doa it or goa !" An' pooir Nell wi'oot whoame, wi'oot freends, an' wishin' t' git a charaktur fer a better pleace, walk'd foive mahles t' market i' t' raain, an' cowld, an' 36 mad' hersel " ginerrally usefool " i' fifty waays She had t' toorn chaamber maaid, hoose maaid, noorsesarry gooveness, an' maarket lass. " Ah shudna moind soa mitch," saaid pooir lass, " iv they wur koind wi' it a', an' treed t' mak' ma coomfortable, bud they think ah'm better toort an' aboon 'em soa far, an' they tak' preed i' woondin' mah feealins. Iv onny body coomes t' sea 'em, they mak' ma shaamed loike : its allus, " Donna moind her, she's only oor noorsesarry gooveness ;" an' mistress oorders ma aboot, an' chides ma loike a bairn afoor onywun. Ah oust spoake aboot leeavin', ah wur soa heurt ; an' she saaid, " Yoh remimber thur's sax moonths notidge atween oos, ah ha' it i' yoor haand wreetin', an iv yoh leeave, ah'll stap yoor mooney, an' mebbe prison, yoh, an' whur wull yoor charakturbe then !" " T' aud vixen," saays ah. staartin' oop ; " niwer moind 'em, Nelly, ah'll staandt' raacket; stop here wi' oos, mah pooir bairn." Deeame an' Meary saaid t' saame, an' preed Nelly " not t' goa baack t' sike a baad lot ;" but she wur firm to goa, an' saaid, " Hoo ah thaank yoh, Mister Goorkrodger, an' yoor koind woife an' darter ; ah shall allus feeal graatfool t' yoh, bud ah mun goa baack, an' gie sax moonths' notidge ; ah'v agreead tiv it, an' ah rnun keeap mah woord." As an honest mon, ah cud saay naethin' 'gaainst this, bud ah saaid, " Moind, an r gie notidge at onst, an' coom here whin toime's oop ; an', Nelly, tell Mistress Yapham that yoh ha' freends who'll tak' yoor pairt, iv they treeat yoh baadly onny niair." She wint baack, an' letters cam' fra her, bud nae coomplaints. She'd telled oos t' letters wur taen t' poast office by t' maister, an' she knew mistress red 'em ; an T trooly t' wuns we gat leuked as iv they'd been opened, an' plaaistered oop agin. We a' felt a greeat deeal fer pooir Nelly, her sperits seeamed soa broken, (thof Yapham's bairns wur not t' ha' thur's broken !) an' whin t' heeart is sair, t' body sooin follas ; a moind ooneaasy mak's a fraame oonheealthy ; an' its nobbut worrit kills hawf t' waarld afore thur toime, ah's seer ! Weel, weeak arter weeak passed, an' noa letter fra Nelly. Meary wroate an' wroate, an' noa answer. At 37 laast wun moorn a greeat scrawly letter cam'. 1" teears fell faast as Meary reead it. It wur as follars : " T' MISTER TIMOTHY GOORKKODGEB, " FEEMER, BONNYBECK. " Sur, As ah larnt fra t' laate Ellen Hoyland that yoh wur a freend o' hers, ah wrete t' saay that she wur taen ill sum weeaks ago wi' feaver, an' we sint her thof a lang waay off tit Infermarry, as ov coorse we cudna kip her i' t' hoose wi' hairns. She deed thur twea deays ago, an' wull be burred to-morrow moorn. She'd been ailin' sum toime, an' cudna teeach as agreead, an' we had a docter's bill t' paay, soa thur's naethin' owin' tiv her. Her cleas yoh con ha' by sendin', or we wull sind 'em by traain. " Yoor Sarvent, " GREGORY YAPHAM." An' this wur t' ind o' pooir Nelly ! Ah canna troost mesel t' say what ah think aboot t' brootes, (an' thur's monny sike i' t' warld aroond,) who ill-treeated, an' ah may saay, moordered her ! Bud fer her, an' fer a thoosand ither dealy an' hoorly maartyrs, thur is a woord that canna lee, an' it written " Vengeance is moine, saayeth f Loord, cm' ah wull repaay" 88 A WEEAK AT HAEROGAIT, Wun toime ah wur troobled varry mitch wi' rhooniatiz,. an' mah cloob docter saays, " Iv yoh con manidge it, Mister Oroorkrodger, ah'd advahse yoh t' goa tiv Harro- gait a bit ; t' watter thur is guid fer rhoomatiz, an' yoh con git t' beast advahce thur." Ah'd gat soa mony akes, an' twinges, an' nae releeaf deay or neight, ah mad' oop mah moind ah wud goa tit watters by mesel, an' Deeame an' Meary t' coom arterwaards, fer a deay or twea, an' goa baack wi' ma. Soa ah gat mah traaps an' changes tegither, an' wint by traain t' Harrogait. Ah'd gotten oot o' traain at stastmn, an' wur leukin' arter mah baag an' box, whin a mon cooms oop, an' stairin' quite haard at ma, caws oot lood, " Pat Lee this waay !"* Ah saays, " Mah naame isna Pat Lee, ah's not Irish, ah's Yaarkshure, an' mah naame's Timothy Goorkrodger, an' ah'm not gaein' yoor waay." Mah ee, what wur thur fer them big porturs t' laf at ? bud they did laf, an' a' t' peuple roond aboot, an' ah wur glaad t' tak' oop mah baag an' sma' box, an' git oot o' stashun. Weel, ah wint oot, an' axed a chap staanding by a carridge t' waay tit Jordge, Harrogait. "Is it Heigh or Low ?" saays mon. " Its naythur," saays ah. " It mun be wun," saays he. " Noa," saays ah agin, " ah'v noa braass fer t' Heigh, an' ah'll not goa tit Low ; its a Middle pleeace ah want." "Weel," saays mon, " thur's only Heigh an' Low here." " Jim," saays he t' a chap at a hoarse's yed " Jim, here's a gent as waants Middling Harrogait ; whur is it ?" An iv a' them cooachmen an' fellows waaitin' aboot stashun didna laff loike guid uns, an' mad ma quite shaamed loike ! Soa ah wint on an' tuk noa notidge, which is t' beast waay offen whin foaks mak' gaame o' yoh ! Ah wint straait acrass by sum big * Ah foond oot arterwaard, Portur meeant Pateley Brig Stashun. 89 red Looses an' shops, an' cam' t' a noable Poast Offis, wi' V. B. an' a Croon i' gowd i' a' t' Aviiiders. Poast Offis foaks wur that busy, ah pittid 'em. A. boy creed, " A penney staamp, pleease 1" a leedy saays, " Ah'm coom t' paay dooty fer this pooppy dog ; is he and enuf?" a girl waanted t' poot hawf-a-croon i' t' saavin's bonk ! thin a' aud mon axed aboot annooities ! agin, a gintlemon saays, " This tilligraam mun goa immeadiately ! hoo mitch is it ?" Thin foaks had letters fer Americy, an' Ingia, an' Hostrallyer, an' noa ind o' quesshuns t' ax ; ithirs had taaxes t' paay, poast offis oarders t' git an' send, staamps t' bye an' sell ; an r altegither its haard waark fer braains o' maist foaks. Ah axed Postmeaster, a varry civel aud gintlemon, t* waay t' Jordge Hottel. " Furst toornin' reight," saays he, " jist by Kally-be-ate-Spaw." Soa ah wint as he toold mah, an' found the pleeace weel enuf. Arter a Height's rest, ah wint t' sea t' toon, an' a' t' soights, an' ax aboot docters an' t' watters. Harrogait is built on a greeat common chiefly, caw'd t' Straay, wi' hooses faacin' twea waays ; wun soide is Heigh Harrogait, tither Low Harrogait. On t' biggest pairt o* t' Straay, faacin' Heigh Harrogait, thur's t' aud wells, Too Hits an' Saaint John's, an' in Low Harrogait, thur's a' t' soolphur wells, an' ither Kally-be-at-wells, or spaws. It mun be a varry airy pleeace in winter, ah think, wi' a nor-eeaster a blowin' ; fer a' t' hooses ha' plenty o' spaace roond 'em, an' thur's naethin' t' stop t' wind, onnywhur, eeast, weest, nor, or sooth. An' it'll allus be the saame, for Act o' Parl'ment saays, Straay o' twea hoondred akers, mun be kipt free o' hooses fer ivvir. Ah think a few mair treeas mud be plaanted, fer shaade is a reeal blessin' i' t' soommer. Thur's monny graand Hottels i' Harrogait. T' Queean's is t' audest, ah'v been tould ; it staands neear whur t' furst pooblic hoose o' t' saame naame onst stood. It has pratty gaardins i' t' froont, an' a foontin', an' leuks a raare neeat pleeace fer them as lies plinty o' braass ; bud t' insoide isna fer t' loikes o' ma. Thur's wooden seeats ootsoide moast o' t' hottels, an hoo foaks 40 con sit tliur hoor arter hoor, i' t' soon, wi' lioondreds o' paassers by leuken at em, ah canna mak oot ! Ah loike a quiet pleeace t' sit an' smoak mah peep. Thur's plinty o' seeats, an' paaths here an' thur an' ivvirywhur for pooblic, wi' pratty lahtle white yats, bud naane toa woide fer a mon o' mah sahze ! ah stoock faast i' wun ! All toorned roond by t' Prince o' Whales, anither big hottel foorther on than Queean's, an' wur reeadin' aboot a saale an' a consoort ; t' bills wur paasted oopon a big heigh staane by rooadside ; whin a yoong gintlemon who wur reeadin' saame bills, spoak t' ma. Saays he, "Its a foine deay." " A graand deay, thank God," saays ah. " Noice weeather fer t' crops," saays he. " Jist whot'll bring t' wheeat an' wheats on," saays ah, pleeased enuf t' ha' sum wun t' speeak to i' mah solitood ! " Yoor gangin' mah waay, ah sea," saays yoong gintlemon ; an' he wur dressed neeat an' i' t' beast o' cleas, an' wur a gintlemon ah cud seea. " Ah'm gangin' doon Parl'ment streeat," he wiut on, "we con waalk tegither." We waalked alang by sma' straay, an' whin we gat faacin' Prospect Pleeace, gintlemon saaid, " Yoh seeam tired." Ah wur tired wi' hoors o' waalkin'! " Sooppoase we sit doon a few minutes." Ah agreead, an' we sot doon o' a white seeat. " Pratty pleeace this, "saaid yoong gintlemon ; " Heigh Harrogait remoulds ma varry mitch o' Claapham Common, Lunnon : thur's a church i' ' middle o' t' graass, a bit o' a pond, hooses an' villas a' roond, donkeys an' pleeasure coompany ; iv thur wur a few boosses, ah mud think mesel at whoam." " Yoor fra Lunnun, sir," saays ah. " Lunnun laast," saays he, " bud ah'm a cityzen o' t' waarld ; ah'v seean mony londs, an' breeathed t' perfoomed air o' mony climes. Ah'v coom t' far faamed Harrogait fer mah heealth ; are yoh, mah freend, i' poorsoot o' t' saame blessin' ?" Ah tould him, " Yea," an' axed him "whur ah cud git advahce cheeap." " Why," saays he, " thur's a Baath Hospitaal ower the bogs yonder, bud ah wudna advahse yoh t' goa thur. Yoh git advahce, an' med'cin, an' watter grattis, bud yoh mun live i' t' hoose, an' mak' yoorsel usefool, an' doa a' t' waark they gie yoh. Ah'm tould wun 41 paashent (an' he wur mair paasJient thin ah'd be), had saxty-eaght paair o' moody boots t' cleeau eeach moorn, an' he only gat off, arter a weeak's waark, by shaammin' he'd a greeat rhoomatiz in his reight aarm an' shoolder. Ah'v seean t' Eooles o' t' Hospitaal, an' they say, ' Iv yoh ax onny questshuns o' onnybody, or goa aboot wi' yoor shoon on, or whistle, or blow yoor noase too haard, or smooake, or tak' mair nor wun peace o' brid at dinner, yoh'll be leable t' instaant dismissall.' " " Ah'll noa goa thur," says ah ; "ah'm not coom t' that yet 1 !" " Weel," saays yooiig gintlemon, " ah'v a seacret : con yoh kip it?" "Ah think ah con," saays ah, "noo Deame isna here t' git it oot o' ma !" " Yoh knaw," saays he, " t' pooir Yarkshur foaks o' docters canna be suspected t' ken aboot fissick loike t' Lunnun ones wi' t' Queean, an' t' Hoose o' Loords, an' a' t' Hairystockrazy roond 'em ! Weel, ah yeeard a greeat fissishun saay a'moast a' complaaints cud be cured by t' Harrogait watters ; bud t' pooir feeols o' Yarkshur docters donna knaw hoo t' presscribe 'em. Whur is yoor mah leedy, mah freend ?" and he toorned t' ma. Ah thout it a straange queshun ; bud ah saaid, " She's a-whoam, bud she's neea leedy, bud a plaain fermer's woife, is mah aud Deeame !" He smoiled an' said, " Ah meean yoor dissease, what yoh ha' t' maatter wi' yoh ?" " Oh," saays ah, " its a plaggy rhoomatiz, an' ah canna mooave it." " Jist t' thing," saays he, monny, an' they kicked ma shaamefool. At a cree, " T' bobbees ! t' bobbees !" wun gav' ma a kuoock doon bloe, an' left ma. It wur a faalse alaarm ; noa polls cam'. They wur gittin' cooarse cleear, foaks saayed ; an' on gittin' man haat oop agin, ah foond Langrick by mah soide, an' t' raascals gane. " Ah gie thee credit, Goorkrodger," saays he ; " yoh hit straaight oot fra t' shoolder ! Ah gat a guid 'un i' t' ribs by mistak', as ah wur helpin' yoh." " Ha' they robbed yoh ?" saays ah. " Yea," saays he, " all bud t' retoorn tickkits ; ah'vt'heni saafe, thaank good- ness ; ah'm hoort an' sair a' ower ; ah think we'd beast gangwhoame ; what dusta saay, Goorkrodger ?" " Haang t' raaces," saays ah, " ah con haardly staand; ah'm fer whoarne, soopper, an' bed." They wur gettin' reeady fer Greeat Kaace noo, an' bell raang fer cooarse t' be cleeared a lang job that deay. " We mun seea that," saays ah, " arter coomin' soa faar ; ah'm robbed an' woorn oot, bud ah mun seea t' Ledger," Langrick wur warked oop too by t' soights an' soonds aroond. " Let's staay," saays he, "ah con leean agin this poast; it'll sooin be ower." Certaainly thur's summat varry fasseenaatin' (oor skeul- measter offen uses that ward,) i' hoarse raacin' ; we forgat oor sair skins an' impty pockkets, an' wur discoosin' aboot this hoarse an' that hoarse, an' ah wur laayin' doon t' laaw aboot t' merrits o' t' faavorite ; whin who shud coom oop bud oor cockney freend wi' a doazen ithirs. " Noa wel- shurs allowed heeare !" creed they; "Off! off! they're a' expelled t' cooarse by oarder o' t' Committee ! send t' welshurs off! send t' welshurs off!" An' t' mob tuk' oop t' cree, an' iv a paarcil o' bairns didna pelt oos wi' rotten appels, an' noots, an' bits o' paarkin', an' ginger beer bottels ! " Goa intul toon an' git shaampooed," whativer is that? creed cockney; "Noa welshurs heeare !" Ah cud foight noa mair nor Langrick nayther, soa we thout it beast t' goa. We draaged oorsels alang by t' big rows o' staables, wi' a hootin' set o' blaackligs, an' a lot o' bairns kippin' oop t' cree, "Welshurs! Welshurs!" an noo an' agin sendin' a staane arter oos. Cockney-leukin' mon creed oot t' his gaang, " Iv Sallinger wearnt a- coomin' off, we'd folly t' faat hoomboogs, an' doock 69 'em i' t' hoarse pond acrass rooad yander !" We gat off t' cooarse at laast, an' sot doon on a seeat t' taalk maatters ower. We wur boath raythur doon i' t' mooth. We agreead we mun goa whoame, an' mak' t' beast o' it ; soa we wint baack intul toon, weeary enuf. We paassed foine new choorch, jist loike an aud wun bilt ivvir soa mony yeears, wi' a greeat toor an' big winders a' roond fool o' staained glaas, loike Yark Minster, we wur tould, bud we'd noa haarts t' stoody it. We gat t' Bail- waay Stashun, coort a traane, an' wur sooin baack i' Wak'field Ah borrowed enuf munny thur t' tak' oos whoame, an' arter pairtin' wi neeboor Langrick wi' a " bettir looik nixt toime," ah foond ma waay whoame. Deeame mad' oot ah'd beean drinkin', an', saays she, " Ah donna hawf believe yoor fond taale. What biziness had yoh t' goa tit Sallinger at a', wi'oot lettin' ma knaw afoorhond?" "Ah hadna toime, Deeam," saays ah, "it wur a' setteld i' a moament." " Fiddle-de-dee," saays she, " it leuks varry mitch loike a mad' oop thing atween yoh an' that Langrick, it doa ; ah'd Langrick him, iv ah had him heere, ah wad ! Bud, Tim, yoh nivvir con saay ' Noa ' tiv onnywun ; or cree ' Bo ' tiv a gooise ! Yoh lit onny gawvison leead yoh by t' noase, an' ha' noa wull ov yoor awn loike ithir men." " 'Specially whin thou goest on," thinks ah t' mesel ; " thou art gray maare too offen, ah knaw !" bud ah held mah tung, kipt eeatin' mah soopper, an' lit aud Deeame fire awaay ! She wur poot oot, too, at mah loass, an', saays she, " That's a varst warse than Tallymen, ah think." Weel, ah canna help t' baad thouts o' peuple ; a' ah knaw is, ah'v spoaken t' trooth, an' neeboor Langrick wull baack ma oop i' ivviry ward! MEAKY GANGS MOOSHROOMIN', AN' T f IND 0V IT. It wur jist t' toime o' yeear whin t' hedges is coovered wi' caat-haws, an' hips, an' bummelkites, an' maass webbs, an' cock webbs, loike daainty laace, haang a' alang t' booshes ; an' at evintoide t' blaackclocks " Wheeal thur droony floight," as they saaid a' Beeadins, an' t' lones git sodden wi' t' raain, an' t' sough o' t' wind soonds a lahtle wintrey loike, an' t' moorn gits laater, an' t' neight draaws i' soonner it wur jist this seeason oor Meeary wint mooshroomin'. Deeame wur allus a guid haand at makkin' Ketchoop, an' monny o' t' quaality cam' fer bottels, an' it wur woorth whoile makkin' it. Meary poot on an aud rid shaawl an' ivviry-deay bonnet, an' tuk oor bootter baasket, an' wint her waay ; Deeame cawin' oot, " Moind, Meary, donna bring onny taedsteals this toime ! thou'lt foind fermer Nankivell's fields beast pleeace." Off wint Meary ; it wur jist arter breeakast. Deeame sit t' wark t' battledeer t' cleas ; its set pot an' battledeer ivviry weeak, an' ah haate thim deays, ah doa ! ah'v nae meeals i' coomfort, yat or cowld. Weel, ah wint off t' ploo, an' whin ah cam' whoame a' neean t' dinner, Deeame saays, " Hasta seean Meary ?" " Noa," saays ah, " yoh doant meean t' saay her's noat coom whoame?" "Ah, bud ah doa," saays she, "an' varry flay'd ah'm aboot her ! Yoh mun goa an' seeak her." Weel, ah hadna had a bit o' a soop sin' hawf-paast sivin o' t' moorn, an' it wur noo paast neean ; an' plooin's a famus thing t' gie a mon a squeese o' t' stoomark ! Ah 71 wur moortaal hoongry, ah wur ; an' t' smeall o' t' stew Deeame had maade, wur enuf t' mak' onny mon's mooth watter ! bud ah wint off t' leuke fer Meary. Ah wint alang by t' Beeas, an' oop t' broo, an' acrass fermer Coult- hard's an' aud doctor Poppleton's paasthurs ; (ah'v a foonny taale aboot thoase chaps t' tell soom deay !) an' ah caw'd, " Meary ! Meary ! Meary !" as lood as ah cud, an' mad' din enuf a'maist t' wakken t' deead. Ah met wun o' fermer Nankivell's daytle men, an' ah axed him iv he hadna seean oor Meary. " Noa," saays he, " ah'v nivvir sot ees on her." Thin ah toorned oop a lone, an' kipt a shaatin' oot, " Meary ! Meary ! Meary !" an' a paarcel o' oonroolly baairns, gaein' whoame fra t' skeual, mad 1 foon o' mah, an' caw'd oot lood a' doon t' lone, " Meary ! Meary ! Meary!" Skeualmeaster shud teych 'em better, ah think ! manners maks t' bairn an' lad, as weel as t' mon ; an' ah donna knaw onnythin' mair vexin' than t' ha' t' doa wi' a lot o' sawsy, ill- bred, bawld-leukin, an' fool speeakin' lads an' laasses : yoh canna beeat bairns ither foaks bairns 'specially an' .they laf at guid wards an' correkshun o' the tonge. What wull t' warld cum to, iv oor skeual bairns dizzened git proaper eddicashun. Keeadin' an' wreetin', ah think, air oanly pairt o' eddicashun ! Ah shud loike f sea ? heeart eddicated, as weel as t 1 yed. Wi'oot this, bairns groo oop forrad, prood, an' consaited loike, an' despise aud foak. It mak's ma saad, it doa, t' sea soa monny feeals coom oot o' skeuals, an' guid skeuals too. Ah think, wi' a' t' taalk aboot eddicashun, t' raal trooth is t' eddicaters want eddicatin'. MaK skeualmeaster's pleeace mair honooraable loike; paay him better ; fer ah hoold a guid, conshyhenshoose Skeualmeaster, who trees his beast t' bring oop bairns t' feear God, honoor thur paarents, respeact aud aage, an' luv thur neeboors an' naative lond, is woorth his weeight i' gowd, onny deay. Shoo yoor yoong-uns yoh leuk oop t' him, an' then we may whoape fer men o' laarnin', wi' t' genus, bud not t' vice, o' Ugin Aram, t' tak' teeachin' i' haand, an' refoorm oor bairns' maanners as weel as fill thur yeds. That's t' oanly waay t' chaange oor stook oop 72 yoong shaavers intul deacent chaaps au' hoanest men. Ah yeard pairson saay onst, " A labile larnin' is a dang'rous thing ; Drink deeap or taast noat t' pie herring spring." Thof what that maay be, ah donna knaw ; an' foaks mun begin wi' a drew, ere they impty t' raoog Bud ah'm forgittin' Meary ! Ah wint oop wun laane, an' doon anither, an' alang wun field, an' alang anither, an' i' t' tatee clooas, an' by t' bit o' moorlond Blaacksmith wint spoartin' ower laast baack ind : that's anither foonny taal t' tell ! Ah shoo'd a' t' burds awaay wi' mah " Meary ! Meary ! Meary !" an' thoase durty, lahtle, oogly, blaack- gaard lads an' laasses, ivvir soa faar off, mockkin' ma wi' teeny vices, creein' oot, " Meary ! Meary ! Meary 1" Weel, ah spint an' oor or mair leukin' fer mah laass, an 1 ah wur that doon oop an' hoongry, ah wur fain t' teeak an' eeat t' berris off t' hedges an' rest awhoile on t' bonk. Jist i' t' pleeace ah wur gain t' sit doon on, thur wur sum coosh-a coo-leedies ; ah caarefoolly poot t' pooir things on Wun soide, fer ah donna hoold wi' killin' onny thing bud what ah'm obleegated t' kill, an' ah thinks as ah canna poot loife intul t' mee.anest insect, ah ought t' let "^em liv' thur lahtle deay. Mony things t' Almighty has mad' air usefool, thof we canna, wi' oor pooir eesoight, mak' it oot cleear. Ah wur dooin' an' thinkin' thoos, whin ah yeard, a feeld or twea off, a Bool bellooin', an' thin sooin wun greet faaint loike. Mah ward, ah wasna lang crassin' t' headge ; an' thur ah seed Squeer Scamodeen's greeat Bool a teearin', an' roisterin', an' traamplin' soommat oonder his fit. Hoo ah trimbled, yoh maay be seer, whin ah seed it wur pooir Meary's bonnet a' i' peeaces, an' her bootter baasket crooshed quoite flaat by t' foorioos broot ! Ah had coom behoind a lair, an' t' bool wur i' t' field beyant. Ah cud sea him roon at t' lair deer, an' drive his horns agin it, an' thin ah leuked oop, an' thur wur mah pooir Meary on t' lair roof, hooldin' on fer deear loife to t' thaatch, an' bool cloas oonderneeath ! " Oh mah laass," ah creed, " ah'm heare, hoold faast fer God's saake! ah'll git thee doon." " Oh feyther ! feyther !" 78 grooaned t' pooir thing, " ah'm a'maist ded ; t' bool has kipt ina heare sin' t' moorn, an' ah'v haad graand wark t' git awaay fra him." " 'Tis thy rid shaawl, Meary," saays ah, " gie it ma iv thou canst." An' arter mitch trooble ah gat it fra her. Ah thin toold Meary t' hoold toight fer a lahtle langer ; an' arter ah'd gatten a boo off a tree, ah poot rid shaawl ower it, an' wint tit headge, waavin' it loike. Mah ee, hoo t' beeast toor an' raaged arter it ! Hoo he rooared saavage loike, tull ah wur afeared he'd teear throf hedge at ma ; bud it wur gooid sycamoore trees an' thick braahs, an' beeast cudna mak' a rooad. On ah wint leeadin' him foorthur an' foorthur t' ind o' field ; an' thin, whin he wur chargin' loike oor West Eeedin' Yomen Cavalry at a Eevue, as ah'v seen 'em on Knaavesmire, fool speead loike, wi' his baack t' Meary, ah creed oot : " Noo, lass, 1100 ! drap an' roon fer yat." It wur hawf waay crass paasthur, an' iv bool had toorned he'd a' coort her ; bud ah kipt him i' plaay, an' pooir thing she drooped doon off lair. Ah thout she'd a gotten saafe acrass, bud oh, marsy, she grooaned an' saaid, " Oh feyther ah'v poot mah foot oot, an' ah canna moove a bit! ah'm in sike paain !" Ah saaid, "fer Hivin saake, tree t' crawl onny- hoo t' git t' yat." She begaan t' doa as ah saaid, bud vaary slaw an' mooanin', an' she saaid, " Oh feyther, ah'm i' sike paain, an' soa weeak, ah shall faaint." Bool noo stood an' listened loike ; he kipt rooshin' noo an' agin at rid shaawl ; bud he seeamed ristless an' ooneeasy, an' waanted t' toorn roond. Ah did a' ah cud t' mak' him kip at mah soide o' field, shook shaawl, shaated at him, an' treed t' fix his raage on ma. Ah leuked agin fer Meary bool wur i' mah leight fer a moament an' caw'd her, bud oh mah haart an' sowl ! she'd gane i' a swoond, an' wur liggin' flaat on t' groond hawf waay acrass t' yat. Feythers an' mithirs wull knaw what ah sooffered keeapin' t' furioos beeast fra mah cheeld, an' expectin' iwiry moament he wud toorn an' kill her ! Ah canna tell mah feealin's ; ah offen woonder mah haair didna toorn gray a' at onst wi' freight an' greeaf ! Ah wur woorn oot, mah airms soa stiff ah cud haardly hoold oop 74 t' rid shaawl, an' ah begun t' shaate loostily fer help. Ah wur flay'd t' leeave bool t' goa t' Meary ; he wud reeach her foirst. Ah cudna git throf headge, an' iv ah cud, ah cudna measter bool. Ah'd nobbut a weeak stick, bud ah's seer, i' mah laass's froightfool keeas, ah shud ha' gaen t' gaainest waay tiv her, iv thur wur onny rooad. Ah did tree t' foarce throf braahs, bud cudna ; bool this moaraent toorned an' raaced loike maad roond feeld. Oh mah braain ! t' blooid seeamed t' boorst mah veeins ! Bool haad raaced roond onst, thin he saaw Meary ; he wint oop tiv her an' smealt her ; thin he baacked t' ha' a guid roon at her a' toss her, whin, wi' lood shaats, yoong William Oakworth cam' roonin' oop wi' soom o' his daytlemen, wi' roapes an' peetchfoarks. In a moament they'd roapes ower bool's hoarns an' neack, an' mad' him faast tiv a treea. Pooir Meary wur taen oop ; ah saaw teears i' yoong William Oakworth's een. Ah wur greetin', too, an' a'maist reeady t' swoon loikewoise. Meary sooin cam' roond; she leuked varry graatefool at yoong Oakworth ; an' weel she mud, fer he saaved her loife, nae doobt ! We loaned a cairt, an' gat whoame aboot foor o' t' clock. Deeame hawf deead wi' froight ; she'd beean oop an' doon a' t' feelds roond aboot, an' roosin' foaks t' helppin' her t' leuk fer oos. Meary toold oos hoo it wur she cam' acrass bool. She'd gane fra pasthur t' pasthur, an' haad gatten her maarket baasket hawf fool, mebbe, o' mooshrooms, whin she yeard a bellooin' i' t' nixt feeld, an' seed bool raacin' loike maad tiv her. Thur wur a yat i' t' feeld, an' she didna feeal timmid coontry lasses sealdom doa bud beeast droave fool at yat, an' yat wur rotten, loike monny fermer's yats, an' teed wi' roape jist as rotten. Bool broak his waay throf. Meary ran fer her loife ; she droapt baasket ; that stoapped bool a moament. Meary raan fer lair, foond deer steyk'd, an' paadlock on it. Bool cam' tearin', roorin' beyant ; Meary mad' desp'raate roosh, poot foot on paadlock, an' gat oop on loo rooaf o' baarn ; she cud baarely hoold on t' thaatch, an' bool jist beloo. Her boannet droapt off gettin' oop, an' t' foorioos beeast toare an' traampled it t' peeaces. 75 Weel, t' pooir lass sooffered a guid deeal fra that deay's wark, an' offen staarted i' her sleeap fer weeaks, creein* oot, "Oh, feyther! feyther ! t' bool ! t'bool!" Ah doa saay that its mah nooation, that a' that keeap saavage beeasts o' onny koind shud keeap 'em saafe, or be fined enuf t' mak 'em doa it. Meary has niwir gaen moosh- roomin' agin ; bud ah donna think yoong William Oak- worth be altegither sorry fer that deay's wark ! He wur quite a hearo wi' a' t' lasses, an' Meary, ah think, isna oongraatefool I Onny hoo, t' Sweeat-William i' t' gaardin' is noo mair tended an' leuked arter than a' t' ithir floors poot tegither, an' ah think that mun meean summat 1 Bud ah mun ax noa queshuns ! AH VISIT SMOOAKY LEEADS, AN' MAF MAH KEFLEKSHUNS 0' MONY SOIGHTS, AN' MONY THINGS. As ah ha' saaid, ah soomtoimes goa t' Leeads on bissiness, an' soomtoimes ah'v taen Deeame an' Meary ; thof Meary donna loike t' pleeace mitch arter seein' her Melisha chap thur. Bud he's cleean gane oot o' her yed noo, an' ah wadna be i' his shoon iv he wur t' tree t' git in agin ! ah wudna ! "Weel, nae doobt Leeads is a foine toon, wi' foine streeats an' bildin's, bud a' spoilt t' mah taaste, by t' cloods o' smooak. T' foirst laarge hoose yoh seea, whin yoh leeave Sintraal Stashun, is caw'd Queean's Hottel ; an' a' its pillaars, an' winders, an' balloostraades (a mon tould ma t' naame o' them things,) air begreemed wi' moock an' soot ; an' it's t' saame wi' ivvirythin' big an' lahtle i' Leeads. "Smooak," ahyeard a' engineerin' mon saay onst, " is loast yeat ;" an' why donna they saave this "loast yeat," an' mak' t' sky leighter, an' t' pokkets o' faactory measters heeavier ? An' aboot t' dirt an' feelth in an' aroond Leeads, an' ither big pleeaces, ah knaw ah sud be glaad enuf t' ha' soom o' t' moock o' mah feelds they fool the watter wi'. T' groond taks tiv it natterally loike. Ah saay t' y earth is mad' fer moock, an' moock is mad' fer t' yearth ; thin why not bring 'em tegithir ? Why, i' t' naame o 1 common sinse, pooison yoor streeams wi' it ? Ah think soom deay, whin woiser an' happier foaks liv' i' t' warld, they'll saay, " What boom donnots oor foorbears wur t 1 kip a stink oonder thur noases, an' waast thahsands oopon thahsands o' punds, whin they mud ha' mad' 77 moock a blessin' as we doa." That's jist hoo they'll speeak o' oos a sentry t' coom, ah knaw ! Con thur be onnythin' i' Natter mair bootifool thon a booblin', rooshin', spaarklin' streeamlet, coomin' freash doon fra t' fells or t' moontains, a' broightness an' puritty an' pooir ? an' con thur be onnythin' mair clisgoostin' to t' een, an' t' noase, an' t' feealins, than t' saarue streeam as it flows throf t' smooaky streeats o' a faactory toon ? T' watter blaack as ink, an' reeakin' wi t' feelth o' mills, an' dye-hooses, an' drooggisters' warks, an' t' beeastly oot- falls an' boominashuns o' hoondreds o' thahsaands ; wi' a naasty scoom, an' a cloody steeam, enuf t' pooison and nick hissel ; an' wi' deead caats an' dogs' flooatin', insteead o' watter lillees an' crasses ! Ah canna fer mah loife think, whin ah knaw what fortoons air maade i' traade doant we heeare ivviry deay a'maist o' men leeavin' yeaps o' gowd, mad' i' oor laarge toons ! ah canna think why they doant mak' t' soorroondin's o' traade mair pleeasant an' 'tractive loike, fer thursens an' warkpeuple, an' a' t' warld ! Thur wur a mon i' a laarge waay o' buziness i' Braadfurth, an' he foond a big toon wurna t' pleeace fer t' heealth or moraals o' his warkpeuple, or his awn coomfort an' traade. Soa he wint soom mahles oot intul t' coontry, an' beilt a graand new pleeace, a toon i' itsel, by t' Rivvir Aire ; an' as his naame wur Salt Titus Salt he caw'd t' freash warks Saltaire. Ah've beean thur ; an' onny wun con sea at onst t' warkfoaks air a diffrent raace fra thoase i' t' cloas, dirty, oonwholesoom streeats o' t' faactory toons. They're heealthy : leukin', neeatly donned, thur bairns roasy an' fool o' cheeldhood's plaay as a' bairns shud bea an' thur whoames cleean, an' wi' deacent foorniture i' 'em ; an' thur's Skeuls, an' Baaths, an' Wesh- hooses, an' Eeeadin' Eaahms, an' Arms Hooses, an' caare o' warkfoaks' morals, an' coomforts, an' sooffrins, an' aud aage. That's t' waay fer manufacterrers t' yearn brass an' blessin's at t' saame toime ! Ah wish thur wur feefty Saltaires coot oot o' Leeads an' Braadfurth, ah doa. Whin oor grashus Queean God bleass her ! gav' Titus Salt a haandle tiv his naame (he's 78 Sir Titus noo), ah donna think t' biggest Eaadical i' Yarkshur wud saay it wurna reight t' honoor sike a mon. Ah wish a' teetles an' honoors wur as weel desaarved, ah doa ! Warkfoaks air not masshins, an' iv they wur, they'd neead oil a' toimes ; they waant freash aair, an' leight, an' whoalesoom whoames, an' propper fooid fer moind an' boady. Foaks air emigraatin' t' Ameriky ; ah'd loike t' sea a lahtle emigraashun a' whoame emigraashun fra t' crooded, smooaky toons to t' freea freash coontry vaales, an' sloapes, an' hill soides. That's what Englaand neeads noo. Weel, ah'v saaid enuf aboot this ; ah'll leuk aroond ma a bit. T' cheaf streeat o' Leeads is caw'd Briggaite. Its a laang oop-hill rooad wi' hooses o' a' shaapes an' sizes ; soom air graand, soom toomble doon, soom wi' pointed roofs, soom wi' flaat wuns, soom laanky, soom brooad, soom cottaige loike, soom loike pallises, giunts, an' dwaarfs, and an' new feshioned, whoite, rid, gray, blaack ; bud a'maast a' wi' noable an' bonny shows o' guids i' t' winders, wi' iwerythin' a mon can waant fer t' iusoide an' t' ootsoide, an' enuf an' t' spaare o' a' ! Thurs a new streeat, Boar Lone, they'v caw'd it, by Briggaite, thof it noa mair leuks loike a lone than ah leuks loike a taylyer. Thur air soom splindid shoaps thur. Ah think that lone beeats onny streeat or gait i' Leeads ; an' iv they goa on soa, an' mak' sike lones, ah woonder bigow what thur beeast streeats wull bea soom deay ! T a big streeat, leeading doon fra inither lone, Pairk Lone, ah think, thur's a Royaal Feelosoffical Museeum, an' its oanly a penney eeach t' goa in. " Wilta goa ?" saays ah t' Deeame an' Meary. " Yea, iv thou loikest," saaid they; soa in we wint. Thur's a turnsteel koind ov a thing yoh'v t' poosh throf ; by gum, ah etoock faast ! it isna mad' fer coontry fermers, ah think ! Aud mon insoide haad t' pool, Deeame an' Meeary haad t' shoove, an' at laast ah wint throf ; bud ah fell on, an' a'maist crooshed, aud mon, an' ah yeard him saay t' hissel, " Ah whoape ah'll not ha' monny mair sike coostomers as yon chaap ; he's as big an' heeavy as oor stooffed booffaloo !" Ah tuk noa notidge, fer ah'd mad' him flaat as a pancaake ; an' 79 we toorned to glaass caases. Thur's a' soarts o' things fra a' soarts o' pleeaces, wi' tikkets on 'em a'. Thur's speears, an' daaggers, an' sheelds, an' thoonderin' big waar cloobs o' New Zeealand saavages : mah ee, thim things wud gie a craack ower yoor yed ; wun o' cheef Shoongie's is a stoonner, an' noa misteak. Thur's kannus an' paaddles, an' an oombrellow thahrty fit heigh ; ah shud loike t' sea t' chaap who waalks oot wi' thaat aartikle, ah shud ! Then thur's a moommy, as they caws it a soart o' pikkled boady fra Egipt wlmr they kipt thur deead relaashuns i' greeat cav's an 1 peerhymeeds, insteead o' burryin' ov 'em as we doa. Meary red what waas rit on it. It saaid, " Ah'm Eukasiv Amun, Freest, boom 1722, B.C." Leedy staandin' by saaid B.C. meeans "Befoor Christ;" she saaid, too, she'd nivvir seean a moommy wi' graander paaintin' an' gealdin' on it. Them Egiptshuns mun ha' bin queear foaks t' pikkle eeach ithir i' this faashun ; an' t' foonny thing is they pikkled caats an' crookadyles, an' ithir varmints saame waay. They mun ha' had plinty o' vinnegaar, ah think, an' lots o' spaare toime i' them aud deays ! A bit farthur on thur's a caase wi' a loomp o' summat wi' baanes, staanes, chaarcoal, fleent, an' ithir things a' mixed oop tegither; thur's writ on a caard, " Prehistorick mon Beccia o' Calcarious cintur." Ah treed t' mak' it oot, an' cudna ; ah '11 leeave it t' woiser yeds than moine. Thur's a pictur o' Leeads wi'oot onny faactorees mony yeears agoa, an' Leeads cooat o' airmes, twea daancin' ools, twea troonchshuns, an' a laamb haangin' by t' middel. Thur's bottels an' joogs wi' haardly onny mooth, an' odd inds o' bricks an' brokken crockenly artickles : ah cud pick oop bettir o' onny doost heeap ! an' heeare they air poot i' foine caases an' kipt loike gowd an' silver ! On t'. staairs thur's fottygraafs mony fit lang o' t' Forhum, Saaint Pitturs, an' Kolly-see-um, Eoome. Them Eooamons knaw hoo t' bild graand pleeaces, onnyhoo ; bud that Kolly-see- um doa waant repaairin' a bit, an' a rooaf t' kip raain oot. Ah seed nixt a bonny model o' Jaroosallem ; Deeame an' ah leuked lang toime at it whoile Meary stoodied t' picturs. 80 A leedy an' gintlemon wur reeadin' what they caw'd " Magnur Kart-Her ;" " Oor greeat beell o' reights," saays they. Wun paart mad' gintlemon laaf ; it saays, " A'o mon con be convickted on f oaath o' a wommun." " No wommun's reights thin," saaid he tiv leedy. I' t' raahms oop staairs thur's birds, an' beeasts, an' repteels, an' feeshes, an' otocyps ; aud mon wur shawin' foaks t' beast, bud he fout shy o' ma. T' Torgons, an' Parots, an' Cockatoos, an' Paroquettes, an' Peeacocks, an' birds o' Paaradise air bootifool ; it mun be graand t' sea 'em fleein' i' t' aair wi' a' t' coolers o' t' raainboo on thur daainty wings an' breeasts. Thur's a laang rid-neacked thing caw'd a Flaammingo, an' a big whoite bird, wi' a mooth woide enuf t' taake in onny feesh bud a whaale or a shaark. He mun be a laawyur amang t' birds, ah think, wi' sike a swaaller ; Pellicon, he's caw'd. Thur's a foine Scots bird, too ; Mac-caw, its naamed. T' shealls i't' Museeum air noice pratty things ; soom loike foire waarks an' caathereen wheeals. Frotoezoher,* they're caw'd, ah think, an' thur's caases fool o' Hacktineehers^ Sea-Ann-Hemmonees ; varry coorios, wi' ootlaandish shaapes an' luvly coolers. Bud beeasts tuk mah faancy maist. Thur's lots o' wild caats, an' beeastly things thim woild caats air. Ah con teel a taale or twea aboot 'em on aud Hebblethwaite's Moorelaand Ferme. Thur's Booffaloos mon saaid ah wur loike Lions, a noable Tiager he beeats t' king o' boeasts, he doa he's tin fit lang fra taal t' snoot, an' a braave Englishmen, Kurnal Eeid, kill'd him. Thur's Beers, Zeabras, Deears, Moonkees, an' Aapes beatter leukin' than monny foaks ah knaw ; wun caw'd Presbiteus Nasalleys Probosses,l a moonkey o' Borneo, has a famus noase ; aud leeather snoot, ah caw'd him ! Thur's lots o' ithir things ah canna disremember jist noo ; skeuls, skeletoons, caases fool o' aud baanes, loomps o' staane big as yoor yecl poor stoof, ah think, fer beildin' or t' rooads ; ah wadna gie saxpence fer t' whooale lot ! Bud thur's mony woonderfool things we nivvir dreeampt * Protozoa. f Actinia. J Presbytes Nasalis Probocis. 81 ov afoor, an' ah think yoong foaks wi' plinty o' toime mud spind mony an hoor i' sike pleeaces, an' poot sum- mat i' thur yeds t' help mak' 'era laarned chaps soom deay ! Ah'd fergat t' poast a letter ; soa ah tould Deeame an' Meary ah wud goa t' Poast Offis an' coom baack t' 'em. We waalked t' toornsteel ; ah saw a crookled soart o' a kneeafe, wi' Goorka swooard writ on it. " Leuk," saays ah, " ah dussaay them's oor foorbeears," fer t' naame stroock ma. Aud mon had kipt awaay oot o' mah reeach, bud noo he caame oop, an' saays he, "Ah beg paardin', sir, bud ah think ah yeard yoh speeak o' yoor foor beears ?" " Yea, ah did," saays ah ; " an' what thin yoh'v foor beears as weel, ah think ?" " Yea, sir," saays he, roobbin' his haands, " an' foine wuns ; ah whoape yoh'll sea oor Cure-eeator ?" " Yoor what," saays ah " cure-eeator ? what mun he bea ?" " Oh, feythur ! feythur ! donna waait !" creed Meary, " that cure-eeator may bea a monstur o' a woild beeast aloive, an' eeat oos oop!" Mon haad gaen off; he noo cam' baack wi' a gintlemon a paarson soart o' a chaap, wi' a whoite choaker on. " Ah'm tould," saays he, varry ceevil loike, " that yoh'v foor beears ; mud ah ax thur coolor ?" " That's a comikel queshun," thout ah; " does he tak' ma fer a moongrel, whin ah'm Yarkshur brid an' boorn, an' a' mah raace ? does he faancy wun o' mah graand-daads wed wi' a nigger ?" Soa ah saaid, shaarp loike, " Mah foorbeears wur naythur blaack nor broon, bud whoite." " Jist t' thing," saays cure-eeator; " we waant a whoite Poalar beear ; whur con ah sea yoor foor beears ?" " In t' kirkyaard o' Bonnybeck !" saays ah. Whin he foond he wur mistean, an' it wur mah aancesturs ah wur taalkin' aboot, cure-eeator did laf aboon a bit ; ah left him laffin', an' wint to poast mah letter. Leeads Giniral Poast Offis is i' t' saame streeat as Museeum, an' a big pleeace it be. Ah wint oop soom steeaps oonder soom laarge pillers. Faacin' me wur three big whoales ; wun had writ on it, " TOO LAATE Box; A' i' THIS BOX WULLNA GOA." What's t' use on it, thon, saays ah t' mesel. Tither soide thur wur Writ "A' I* THIS BOX WULLNA GOA Wl'oOT EXTRA STAAMP;" an'i' t' middel it wur writ " NOOSEPAAPERS." Ah wur 82 faairly poozzled aboot thim three boxes, ah wur ! an', seein' soom chaps insoide a glass deer, ah pooshed it oapen. "Wur mun ah poast a letter fer Bonnybeck," saays ah tiv a chap tithir soide o' a coonter, pickin' his teeath wi' a steeal pin. " Ootsoide, ootsoide fool direck- shuns ootsoide !" saaid he, shoart loike, an' ah wint oot agin. A poastmon wur coomin' i', an' saays ah, " Wur air t' direkshuns fer poastin' letters ?" I' thim fraames, sir," saays he. Ah leuked ower twea fraames wi' glaas ; thur wur a hoondred pleeaces, mebbe, doon, bud noa Bonnybeck. Thin ah toorned tiv anither fraame, wi' blaack stoof oonderneeath, an' bits o' buks paasted a' ower it; t' print wur that sma' ah cudna mak' it oot wi'oot poottin' mail noase cloase agin t' paaper ; it wur a job, ah con tell'ee. Ah red, ah dussay, a thahsand naames, an' soom o' thim wur raale breeak-jaw wuns. Leuk heare ! Thur wur BOOHAKNOISE, AuD CALLABAB, NASSAGIWIGS, YAYNAGALLAK, NlMITYBELLA, YACKANDANDAH, an' hoondreds o' ither ootlaandish naames, bud noa Bonny- beck. Ah did git lungus, ah did ; an hoor or mair gane, an' Deeame an' Meary waaitin' ! Ah oops tiv chap insoide agin, an', saays ah, " Ah canna mak' yed or taal ov yoor direckshuns; ah canna foind mah pleeace onnywhur." " Whur is yoor letter t' goa tiv ?" saaid chap, smootherin' a laf. "Bonnybeck," saays ah. "Oh!" saays he, "yoor too laate ; letters on that loine wint hawf-an-hoor agoa." " Its a creein' shaame," saays ah, " not to poot Bonnybeck doon wi' ithir pleeaces." "Yoh con wreet it yoorsel," saays he, poottin' pin an' ink afoor ma; "thur's raahm enuf o' t' booard." " Ah'll not tak' t' trooble," saays ah. Thur wur ithir chaps behoind t' coonter, an' foaks buyin' staamps; an' they wur a' gigglin', t' gawvisons ! " Ah'll not be poot doon," thout ah ; " ah'll ha' mah reight, an' saay mah saay 1" " Mah letter," saays ah, " is aboot sellin' soom Kye ; its t' Mister Ebbenezzer Sheeapshaanks, an' it mun goa foirst poaste, or ah'll looase t' mairket." Chap saw ah wur determeened loike, an' chaanged his 83 toone, he did. " Ali'm varry sorry, Sir," saaid he ; " praps if yoh wur t' wreet t' Poaste Maister Grineral i' Lunnun, he'd alter t' hoor ;" an' he pooshed paaper an' pin mah waay agin foaks a' laffin i' fits. " Ah'v bout a Queean's yed," saays ah, varry lood, " an' poot it on mah letter ; wiltna a Queean's yed tak' a letter onnywhur i' Eng- laand ?" " Yea," saays he. " Then," saays ah, " it mun tak' mah letter t Bonnyleck ! ah'll not leeave this offis tull it doa !" An ah brout mah fist doon on t' coonter an' mad' it soond agin, ah did ! Mah ee, ah poozzled 'em an' freeghtened 'em a bit, ah knaw ; an' poast chap saaid, " Is yoor letter, Sir, o' varry greeat konsiquence ?" " 0' t' varry greeatist konsiquence," saays ah. " Mister Ebben- ezzer Sheeapshaanks mun git it i' toime t' sell mah Kitty an' Boottercoop, mah coos ! an' ah'll looase noa ind o' braass iv mah letter dusna goa." "Weel," saays poast chap, " oonder thim circoomstaances, ah think we mun streeatch a point ; leeave yoor letter, Sir, ah'll tillygraf t' Poast Measter Gineral at Lunnun, an' iv he saays ' Yea,' an' ah dussaay he wull, ah'll oorder oot a Eid Poast Offis Caart, an' sind yoor letter expriss t' Bonnybeck !" Weel, ah didna altegither beleeve him, bud Deeame an' Meary wur waaitin', an' what cud ah doa ? soa ah haanded him mah letter, an' pooshed oapen glaass deer an' wint oot ; an' ov a' t' shoots o' laftur ah ivvir yeard, t' laftur o' thim darks an' foaks beat a' ! Ah'd dun naethin' t' laf at, as ah knawed ; bud ah didna loike it t' mair for that, an' ah mad' quick maarch an' gat baack t' Museeum. A TOON HAALL CONSOKT. Deeame blooed ma oop skee heigh fer keeapin' her waaitin' ; an', t' mak' a' reight agin, saays ah, "Ah'v seean a Bill o' a Toon Haall Consort ; ah'll tak'ee iv thou'lt hod thy tung. Seetha a' t' foaks air leukin' ; they'll think ' graay meer is t' better hoarse!" "An* they'll think reight," saaid aud Deeame ; " what a pooir thing thou wud'st bea wi'oot thy healpmeeat, aye, Tim ! Whativvir thou did'st i' t' waaiid afore ah wed thee, ah cud niwir mak' oot ; thou mun ha' beean loike a sheearlin' laamb i' t' cawld woind, an' noo thou aart as waarm an' coomfortaable as a hog 84 sheeap i' winter neights ; a' yoor waants proveeded fer, naught t' think aboot, an' faat an' roond as a woolpaack," Thur noo earn' a boorst o' laffin beyant, an' a lot o' sarsey yoong chaaps mad' foine gaame o' oos. " Fer marsy saake," saays ah, " donna speeak as iv ah wur deeaf an' doomb ; thur'll bea a crood arter oos afore lang !" " Ah donna caare a pin iv thur bea," saays Deeame ; " iv thou aart ashaamed o' thy oown woife, thou aart not hawf a mon, Tim. Lit t' geeise caackle ; its t' oanly waay the pooir things con shoaw thur meeanin' ;" an' she toorned tiv yoong chaaps, who chaaffed her, an' creed oot, " Goa it, mither, gie it him ; pitch intul him, aud wommon !" an' thur wud ha' beean a roo i* noa toinie, bud Meaiy an' ah got aud Deeame oop a soide streeat, an' lit t' blaackguaards paass on. Ah thin tould Deeame ah wudna bea caw'd an' blaack'd i' t' pooblic streeats ; that t' wimmin's gift o' t' gaab' wur t' rooat o' a' eavil ; an' we a'maist caame t' wards, bud ah indid it by saayin', " Nivvir moind, we'll goa an' hav' sooni haarmonny, an' lit's droap jaanglin', an' not git oot o' timper aboot triafles." Soa we' mad' it oop, as we allus doa; an', as ah saaid afore, ah donna sea t' use o' mon an' woife quaarrelin' at a', fer they're bund t' mak' freends agin. Weel, we had soom tay, an' brid an' bootter, an' cauld meeat, an' thin we mad' fer Toon Haall. At Bonnybeck, we've a pratty pictur' o' it i' coolers ; it wur gien awaay wi' soom 'loostraated noosepaaper i' Lunnon. Ah beleave its a leight yellar, i' t' soonshine, wi' a blew skee oweryed, an' treeas an' booshes beyant. Bud t' leight yellar is sootty blaack, t' blew skee is dool wi' cloods o' smooak, an' t' treeas an' booshes air twea mahles off. Bud that Toon Haall is raalely a foine pleeace, thof thur's moock enuf on it t' tak' a' t' chimley sweeaps o' Leeads a weeak t' cleean it. Fer a' that its a graaiul bildin', an' rnun ha' coast a mint o' braass. We moontecl oop soom braaid, lang steeps, twinty or mair, ah think, wi' greeat lions at eeach iud, an' wint oonder t' pillers, ivvir soa heigh aboou yoor yed, intul t' haall. An' ah con teel a' mah Yarkshur freends its weel woorth seaiu' 85 is that saame insoide, iv they tak' soorn trooble an' a bit o' a joorney t' coom. A' t' seealin' is gowd an' coolers, an' marbel pillers, wi' aarches o' breight shiney stoof, an' glaass cannelsticks aboon fer leights They've gat immaages o' Baains an' Rob Haall insoide ; they've better off thon Queean an' Prince Albert, whoase boosts .air poot i' t' paassage, or vestibool, as ah yeard a daandy soart o' chaap naame it ; an' agin, Queean an' Prince air better off than pooir aud Dook o' Wellington : he's oot i' t' froont o' Toon Haall, wi' his yed baare, an' haat i' his hond, an' blaack as a nigger wi' t' smooak. Ah'd t' haart t' saay, " Poot thee haat on, an' thee aarm doon, Dook ; thou mon bea stiff, an' welly staarved oot." Thur's seeats an' cheers by thahsands, an' a monstur o' a oargan, wud mak' twinty o' oor Bonnybeck kirk oargans reight oot, ah knaw. Weel, Deeame, an' Meary, an' ah saat doon wi' hoondreds o' ithirs, t' heer Docter Spaark an' Tommy Dodd plaay : thof why a docter shud plaay t' oargan, ah donna knaw ; iv he fissicks an' leuks arter men's oargans as weel as he plaays on that oargan, he mun cure a vaast. Tommy Dodd is soa weel loiked i' Leeads, t' bairns ha' gatten a saang aboot him : " Yeds or taales, he's seer t' win, Tommy Dodd, Tommy Dodd!" They did plaay butifool, an' t' foaks claapped thur honds, an' ah claapped mah honds, an' knokked wi' mah big stik, tull a mon sittin' neear saays, " Donna knok a whole i' t' fleer, mah freend," an' ah coollered oop, an' stoapped. Nixt a yoong leedy cam' forard, an' we a' cheeared agin, an' she saang loike a noightingaale Oh ! mah haart is a free an' a fetterless thing ; A waaive o' t' oshun, a burd o' t' wing, A riderless steead o' t' desart plaane boondin', A peeal o' t' stoorm o'er t' vaalley resoondin'. Hoo we a' clapped an' shaated tull we mad' her coom an' show her pratty faace agin ! Thin a mon saang anithir peeace aboot "Ithir lips an' ithir haarts," an "taals o' luv," an a lot mair loike that ; an' it seeamed t' 86 pleease a' t' yoong foak 'maazingly, bud ah loiked better anither peeace by t' saame mon. It wur : " Vartue, mah sowl shall still embraace, Gooidness shall raak' ma greeat ; Who beilds oopon this steeady baase Feears no evint o' faate." Ah loike that ! that soonds noable ! an' whin ah lift Toon Hall, ah felt better fer heearin' that mussick an' thini saangs, ah did. Ah thinks t' peuple o' Leeads air doin' reight : thur foine Toon Haall cudna be better mad' use ov, an' ah whoape they'll goa on, an' gie t' Leeads warkin' foaks an' ithirs iwiry chaance o' leeavin' drink, an' spindin' thur toime i' sike pleeaces. Foot Toon Haall Consorts agin Pooblic Hoose Consorts, wi' thur durt, an' nooise, an' beeastliness, an' mah ward ah knaw which wull conker i' t' lang roon. In t' wards o' t' bairns saang, ah saay, " Soocces t' Tommy Dodd (an' Docter Spaark too) ; he's seer t' win t' daay !" An' soa "guid bye" t' smooaky Leeads tull ah wreet anither buk ! YARK STATTIS. At t' baack hid o' t' yeear, mah liind gat wid an' lift ma ; soa ah wint t' Yark Stattis, or Hirein', t' git anithir loikely yoong chaap. It wur a daark, daamp Novembur daay, wi' t' raain poorin' doon, an' t' paavemint as slippury as iv yoh'd beean poottin' punds o' greease a' alang t' stanes moock an' pooddles laayin' traaps fer yoor fit iwiry seccund steap, an' altegithir a maist ooncoomfertaable staate o' things fer onnywun, evin Avi' t' beast o' cleas, a guid oombrellar, an' munny i' t' pokket. Faancy what it mun ha' beean wi' pooir laasses, straangers, an' wi' leight dreasses on, soaked i' t' wet, staandin' on t' cowld stanes, hoor arter hoor, waaitin' fer thur " God's penney !" Ah think monny a laass gits her deeath at t' Stattis, ah doa ; its a' ower oor coonty, bud its a baad coostom. An' iv pooir laass gits tired o' t' streeats, an' t' impoodent leuks an' queshuns o' monny who aught t' knaw beatter aud men air offen t' warst, wi' t' guid leiikin' wuns, an' pester 'em enuf iv she gits tired, whur mun she goa ? Why, to t' pooblic-hoose taap raahm, an' draam shoap. Thur's nae ithir shealter ; an' thur's plinty o' laads an' men t' ax her in t' ha' a drew ; an' thin cooms t' daance, an' evinin' appoointmints agin ; an' onnywun o' sinse con sea t' ind o' it. Ah wud aask, what wud feythurs an' mithers ov t' beatterin' or middel claass saay t' lettin' thur neeat, pratty, innercent darters staand oot i' t' pooblic streeats ridin' t' staanes they caw it fer yoong an' gray-yedded sinners t' pick oot fer thur leuks, as is offen dun ; toornin' 'em roond an' roond, t' sea iv they're braid shooldered, loike slaaves i' Ameriky used t' be sarved ? Hoo wud they loike fer thur lasses o' saxteen an' sivinteen t' be floong amang a' 88 soarts o' chaarackturs, wi' timptaashuns a' aroond 'em, an' t' pooir, simpel, giddy things loike moaths neear t' flaame o' a cannel gangin' roond an' roond, an' at laast fleein' intul daanger an' destroockslmn '?* Ah aask mithers an' feythers, iv they cudna an' wudna let thur oan fleash an' blooid goa t' sike pleeaces, hoo con they staand by an' sea hoondreds o' pooir foaks' baairns rooined ivviry yeear, boady an' sowl, at thease hireins, an' not tree t' aalter t' whoale wreached sistem ? Yark, 'specially, is fool o' clargy, an' gintry, an' weealthy foaks o' traade ; why canna they sit an exaample, an' gie t' yoong an' simpel-moinded soom proteckshun fra t' weeather, an' timptation ? Ah think it is wun o' t' greeatest blessin's o' t' yearth, fer innercent yoong laasses t' graw intul vartuous wimmin an' luvin' woives. Saave an' eddicate t' yoong, an' yoh'll refoorm t' warld ! Ah'v saaid too mitch fer soom foaks, who'll stick, throf thick an' thin, t' and coostoms, ah daare saay ; bud ah canna sea oor yoong Yarkshur laasses, wi' thur natty haats an' bonnets, an' petticoats toocked oop, trippin' it to t' Stattis, wi' thur heealthy, roasy faaces, an' t' soonlight o' joy beeamin' in thur een guid timper coomin' fra guid blooid wi'oot feealin' fer t' delicaate, bonny critturs, an' treein' t' mak' t' pooblic feel too. Ah whoape they wull; an' poot wraang reight. Nae doobt thur's plinty o' roof coostomers, maale an' female too, who loike t' foon, an' noise, an' drinkin', an' goins on at the Hireins. Yoh con sea thease soart o' laads an' laasses a' roond. They're indepindint enuf i' a' conshunce, an' bide naewhur lang ; soom chaange measters ivviry yeear, tull maist air glaad t' git shut on 'em at onny preece. " Hoigh, Bess !" saays wun o' thease bowld'uns, oot lood acrass t' streeat, " hoigh, laass, hoo beest thoo ? hoo solid thoo leukest ! thou'rt a reight straanger ! gotten hired yit ?" " Noa," shaats ither baack agin, "ah'm not guid-leukin' enuf, loike thee, Maggie;" an' thur's a laf * Men, almost universally, hire their female servants. A farmer's wife, by chance, engaged a girl at York ; the farmer, when he saw her, would not let her return with them. " She was too ugly," he said ! 89 &' fjoond. " Holloa, Dick !" crees anitlier, "hoo doo ? is that thee ?" " Yea, Susey, its a' 'at's lift omma," saays Dick ; " hasta taen fist munny yet ?" " Noa," saays she, " ah'v haad wun or twea aud gawvisons poottin' t' ward tiv mea, an' axin' iv ah con milk, an' fother, an' beeak ; bud ah waant a yoong measter, an' not an aud wun, an' noa misstress ower ma." " That's yoor gaame," saays Dick, " yoh waant t' wid a rich nion ; bud moind, ' thur's monny a slip 'tweean t' coop an' t' lip !' " "Git oot wi' yoh ; doant bea soa fond, yoh lang-eeared fussiker," crees laass ;" an' a laf gaes roond agin. Ah loike t' sea oor coontry chaps coomin' i' t' toon, joakin', an' twirllin' thur steecks aboot. They're foine straapin' fellars, firm on thur fit, braid i' t' shoolders, straait i' t' aarm, wi' guid woind, an' straang narves, an' haard as noots, an' tooff as pin woire. Jist t' soart o' chaaps yon recrooatin' sarjunt, wi' t' gaay ribbuns, wud loike t' git hod ov, t' mak' sodgers ov, t' caarry oor English Union Jaack a' ower t' waarld ; an' ah wish Englaand haad mair o' sike men ; oor breeid is saadly faallin' off i' t' laarge toons mair's t' pitty. Thease coontry chaps coom t' Stattis t' kick oop a bit ov foon ; an' it tak's varry lahtle t' pleease foaks who'v liv'd, mabbe, t' yeear roond i' t' solitood o' t' moors or wolds an' it is solitood thur, ah con tell yoh ! Bud ah'd loike t' seea ah's allus groomblin', as aud Deeame saays ; bud ah saays, "groomble an' git on" ah'd loike to seea at oor faairs, an' feeasts, an' hirein's soomthin' doon t' instrooct t' peuple, an' ammuse 'em in an innercent soart o' waay. Why shud a'maist a' t' spoarts o' t' peuple be lift i' t' Divil's honds ? an' a' soarts o' roages, scheemers, an' ootcaasts, an' vagabones, ha' iwiry pooblic merry makkin' as a pleeace fer preyin' on, an' cheeatin' an' de- graadin' t' yoong; t' aud con tak' caare o' thursens. Mony honnist foaks git a livin' at sike pleeaces, ah knaw ; bud they're saadly ootnoombered by t' blaackligs an.' cheeats : this waants mendin'. T' greeat squaare caw'd t' Paavement, an' mony ithir pleeaces i' Yark, wur coovered wi' shows, an' booaths, an' spice staalls, wi' ivvirythin' timptin' to t' ee an' t' taaste. Thur wur plinty ov chaffin' gaein' on atween toon an' coontry foaks. A 90 jockkey soart o' a chap gits hod ov a big coontrymon, an' crees oot, " Tree yoor stringth, mah mon, afoor yoor heered ; tree hoo fur yoh con sind mah buffer in : fermer'll raaise yoor waages whin he knaws t' poor ov yoor airm." " Git oot," saays big coontrymon, flingin' jockkey chap o' wun soide ; " iv yoh poot yoor jaaw intul ma, ah'll poot mah fist intul yoh." " Goa on," saays jokkey chap, " goa on, yoh yokel ; ah wudna heer yoh fer naethin' a weeak an' yoor groob ; yoh doa mair wark wi' yoor teeath thon yoor honds, ah'll be bund !" An' soa t' foon gaes on. Thur's a graand Mennadgaree cooms aboot " t r eddicaate t' peuple i' Natteral Hist'ry," t' bills saay. They've a paintin' ootsoide ov a porkkupine as big as a lion, shooatin' greeat quills loike Eobin Hood's yaard shafts at twea Bengaal Tigars who air staandin' on thur heend ligs, fool o' quills, an' fear an' trimellin' ! A gintle- mon did laf at this waay ov " eddicaatin' t' peuple !" Saays he tiv woild beeast mon, " Ah'd gie fahve punds t' sea t' porkkupine as did that ; ha' yoh him insoide ?" "Noa, Sir," saays mon, "he deed ov ower exershun; we did a' we cud t' saave him : gav him coords an' whaay neight an' moornin', an' a feeathur bed to sleeap on, bud he nivvir gat ower t' exershun o' shootin' thim tigars !" " Ah sud think not !" saaid gintlemon. Mon he wur a hairy, oogly chap, he wur tould oos, an' it wur on bills, hoo they'd cout twea monstur blue-faaced Gorillers by leeavin' jaars o' hooney an' oppioom i' t' wooads, an' taakin' t' brootes naappin', an' pootin' straait waaistcoats on 'em. He saaid alsoa, we cud sea " Steeaple chaasin' ower hoordles by elephaants ; boilin' scorpiuns ; an' a collony o' chacmas, wi' yoong uns soocklin', who'd fit a terribool feight wi' t' crew ov a steeamer." " That's teeachin' Natteral Hist'ry wi' a vengaance !" saaid gintle- mon; an' whin mennadgeree mon poointed oot an aape, a gooid deeal loike hissel, gintlemon saaid : "Wun tootch o' Natter mak's t' hoale warld kin," an' wint off laffin'. "Why shud men who mud teeaeh pooir foak summat, tree t' hoomboog t' pooblic i' this waay ? " Speeak t' trooth an' shaame t' divil !" ah saay. As ah wint throf t' shows an' booaths, ah wur sit oopon 91 by a noomber o' fellars, " Tree thy poor o' loongs !" saays wun, shaatin' loike a troompit. " Thur's noa neeead t' tree t 1 poor o' yoor loongs," saays ah ; " they're a' reight !" " Tak' yoor fottygraf, Sir," crees anither, " fer yoor sweeat- haart ; truer an' better thon natter, saxpence, fraame glaass an' a' coompleeat, Sir!" " Ah'll be contint \vi' natter," saays ah. " Tree yoor weaght !" shaats a thurd. "Noa! noa! donna let him," bawls oot a showtnon neear ; L< he'll tak' a' yoor weaghts an' breeak yoor masshine doon !" an' thin a lot o' gawvisons roond laffed loike guid uns ! Thin a quaack soart o' a fellar caw'd alood, " This waay ! this waay ! t' greeat woonder o' t' yeearth Medikal Galvanhisum !" " Ha' a shoack, Sir?" saays he t' ma. " Noa," saays ah, " ah'm shoacked enuf t' seea foaks paayin' thur haard yearned braass t' quaacks an' moonte- baanks ;" an' ah paassed on, an' did not tree what &too he'd gotten i' his glaass bottles, an' braass coops. Ah noo leuked at t' shows. Thur wur a Big Pig " Moost be seean t' be beleeved !" it saaid ootsoide ; ah paaid a penny t' seea that, an it wur a big 'un ! bud not hooalsoom, as thim ower faat things seldoom air. Nixt tiv Pig wur a Greeat Blue Affrikin Booar Hoond t' pictur' mad' it as big as a hoarse wi' twea men on its baack. Nixt wur a Sheeap wi' sax ligs arU twea yeds ; ah paaid a penney t' seea that sheeap ! it's a natteral cooriosity. Thin coomed a show wi' t' Smaallest Mon t" the Warld, wi 1 three ligs, foor fit, an' twinty toes: thin a Skiliton Wummon; an' nixt a Rid Injian jire-eeatiri 1 King fra f Bermurder- Eelaands. Ah yeeard a saaylor soart o' chap saay tiv his freend, "Ah'm blow'd, Jaack, thur's a tak' in! ah'vbeean tiv Bermurder ! an' thur's noa mair rid Injians or kings thur, thon thur's oaraange an' cokka noot treeas growin' on t' Yark Knaavesmeer !" Waax Wark wur i' t' nixt show ; moorderers, heighwaaymen, ginerals, an' ithir noated foaks wi' craacks acrass thur faaces, an' noases a bit flaat fra traavellin' soa mitch, ah sooppoase. Thur wur a moddel o' t' Seeameese Twins, too ; ah'd a smooth- ered 'em, ah wud ! sike monsturs air beast oot o' t' warld fer thur awn saake, an' t' saake ov ithirs ! Ah noo cam' oopon a crood roond a hawf droonken mon an' wummon, 92 singin' saangs ah wudna loike rnah Meary t' heeare ; an* thur wur plinty ov galls, a'maist bairns, takkin' in ivviry loo, vile ward an' sintiment. Cloas by wur beggin' saaylors an' colyers saaylors wi' a paaintin' o' a ship i' flaames ; a colyer leein' doon i' t' rooad, an' pikkin' awaay at nout, chaantin' a koind o' ditti a' t' toime. Ah'd loike t' knaw hoo ruony caadgin' saaylors an' colyers ivvir saw a waa^ 7 e o' t' oshun, or a cooal pit bottom ? Roond t' coorner, ah cam oopon a lot o' niggar chaps, an' varry dree an' dowley ah thout 'em, an' soom- toimes not ower deacent. Ah think thim blaack fellars air a'rnaist plaayed oot ; they had better goa whoame an' sit thur wool t' wark, hoo t' grow cottun fer oor mills. T' nixt soight pleeased ma better ; it showed stringth an' actively, an' thur wur noa tom-feeollery aboot it. A woiry yoong chap gat a mon i' t' crood he axed onny- wun t' tee him roond an' roond, haands an" fit, wi' eaghteen yaards o' roape, an' mak' a' faast wi' big knoats, Thin he saaid, iv they'd throw a "bob," as he caw'd a shillin', i' t' ring; he'd loose hissen i' tin minnits. An he did it varry nately an' clivirly. Ah gav' him tuppense. Weel, ah canna tell hawf ah saaw thot deay. Thur wur roondaboots an' pooppy shows fer bairns ; Ant Saally's; Shooitin' Gaalleries, " Paatroonized by His Koyaal Heeniss t' Prince o' Whaales ;" an' a' soarts o' waays o' gettin' braass oot o' foaks poackets. Wun chaap haad a lot o' Shewild waasters* doog intul an aud box oopsoide doon ; an' yoh cud tree t' throaw three rings ower 'em fer a penney. Iv wun wint ower, it wur yoorn. Ah, an' a noomber o' ithir feeols, treed oor loock, an' a' missed. Ah seed thot chaap tak' twinty pense, an' not loase a singel knoife, i' a quaarter o' an hoor. Ah think sike a traade, an' beggin' beeats maist, as t' saang aays : " 0' a' t' traades thot's gaein', Seer beggin' is t' beast ; Fer whin a mon is toired, He con sit him doon an' reast." * Cheap common knives. 93 As ah wur leeavin', ah saaw a durty, shaabby soart o' a booath, wi' paatches, an' moock a' ower it. A loo, coonnin', leearin', Lunnon chaap wur ootsoide on a steul, speeakin' t' crood. "Ah saay agin," creed he, "this soight is not t' bea maatch'd i' t' Univarse. T' nondisscript ! gintlemen, t' nondisscript ! gintlemen, beeats iwirythin' yoh iwir saaw i' yoor loives; an' ah saay agin, noa femaales admited ; ah wudna lit gaalls or wimmin i' fer tin pund ! Doant loase this chaance o' seein' this maarvel o' creashun ! waalk in, waalk in, gintlemen, oanly tuppense." Thur wur a roosh o' men an' laads ; an', loike a sheeap i' a flock, wun feeol mak's monny, ah wint i' too. Whin we cam' oot, Lunnon fellar shaated, " Weel, gintlemen, what doa yoh think o' t' ' raraw homo in terrer,' as ah caw him ? air yoh saatisfied ?" They wur a meean-leukin' lot, an' maist saaid "Yea," an' sneeak'd off. Mon toorned t' ma, an' saaid, "Air yoh saatisfied, sir?" "Yea," saays ah, " ah'rn saatisfied." "Gintlemen, leuk heare," creed t' Lunnon chaap, " heare' s a respectaable Yarkshur fermer beean an' seean mah exhibishun, an' he's saatisfied !" "Yea, ah'm saatisfied," saays ah, oot varry lood " quoite saatisfied that yoh're a hoomloog, an' yoor show too, an' t' pollis aught t' poot yoh doon ;" an' ah wint off, crood lafnn', an' mon sweearin' an' coorsin' loike a baad'un, as he wur, arter ma. Ah noo wint amang hierin' lads an' lasses They'd thinned varry mitch, an' t' pooblics wur fool o' a' soarts. Ah cud sea decoy burds i' gaay cleas, wi foine haats, an' ribbons, an' feeathers, t' catch t' simpel dooves o' coontry laasses, an' leead 'em i' t' wraang paath ; mairs t' pity ! Ah paaid God's-penney t' a' loikely yoong chap fra Pickerin' ; an' thin ah wint t' sea aboot Yark a bit, as ah'd nivvir beein thur afore, an' ah'd yeard a greeat deeal aboot t' Minstur an' ithir raare soights. Yark is a foine citty, wi' choorches i' ivviry streeat a'maist, an' waalls roond, an' waalks insoide ; bud yoh mun tak' caare i' wet weeathur, or froast, or mebbe yoh'll slip doon intul toon, fer thur's nae raal, an' a mon o' mah soize con eeasily tip ower, makkin' waay an' giein' waall tiv leedees, as ah allus doa. On foor diff'rent soides o' 94 Tark thur's greeat yats wi' toors ower 'em, jist loike it wur i' t' aud toimes o' t' anslmnt Brittaains, whin boos an' aarroos wur t' faashun. T' toors ha' breight spaarklin' cooats o' aarms i' t' froont, an' doa reeally leuk graand an' noable. T' Rivvir Oose flooes throf Yark, an' thur's twea brigs ower it. By t' iron pratty wun thur's t' rooins o' an aud Eooman Caastle an' Abbey, an' a Museeum. Ah didna goa i' this wun ; ah'd seean enuf o' aud staanes an' stooffed things a' Leeads, an' this pleeace wur a shillin' t' goa in. Ah think thot's a pitty : fer pooir foak canna gie soa mitch, an' theaase Museeums aught t' bea mad' wun meeans o' eddicaatin' t' peuple. Its varry selfish keeapin' 'em fer t' rich, who neead 'em leeast. Ah saay, mak' 'em a' free, an' librayreys too, an' yoh'll saave mony foaks fra spendin' thur toime i' taap raahms. That's t' beast waay. " 'Tice 'em, 'tice 'em," loike ah 'tice mah kye whoame at neights wi' a feead o' waarm graains, or new haay, or cloaver. Shaatin' an' drivin' isna hawf soa pooerfool as loorin' an' 'ticein'. 7 Tice V peuple, ah saay, wi' Toon Haall Consorts, an' Free Librayreys, an' Museeums, an' cheeap usefool exhi- bishuns, an', loike mah coos, they'll coom arter a toime, natterally, tiv " T' feeast o' reeason, an' t' floo o' sowl," as lecktoorer saaid at oor Penney Eeeadin's. Paassin' Museeum, oop alang Bleeak Streeat, ah cam' i' soight o' t' greeat gloary o' Yark an' ah maay saay t' greeat gloary o' a' Englaand t' aud graay MINSTUE. Ah wint insoide at a deer oonder t' big toors. Bless mah haart an' sowl ! ah niwir seed sike a soight i' a' mah loife, or i' a' mah dreeams ! It wur a whoale toon mad' intul a kirk ! winders as laarge as a hoose soide, an' fool o' daainty glaass o' a' coollers, showin' aangils, an' saaints, an' pattryarks, an' apostils, an' Christ himsel, o' a' soides, i' mony shaapes, an' mony luvly groops an' cloosters hoondreds o' big pillers a' aroond, gangin' oop an' oop, heigher an' heigher, an' smaaller an' srnaaller, tull they wur a'maist loast t' soight aboon yer yed ; an' 95 ivvirythin' o' a peeace splindid, an' vaast, an' butifool ; naethin' meean, or low, or warldloike ! Ah heerd a leedy saay ootsoide, " A thing o' buty is a joy fer iwir !" Noo, ah cudna think o' sike wards, or mak' sike wards, bud ah felt 'em troo j an' whin ah heerd 'em, they didna seeam straange t' ma, they spoake mah feealins soa weel ! An thin, whin t' graand oargan peealed oot loike a thoonder stoorm amang t' Eibbledaale moontaains, an' araay o'laate soonshoine sint blu, an' greean, an' oraange, an' krimson leight a' alang mah paathwaay bless mah haart an' sowl ! as ah waalked oop an' doon t' noable hoiles, ah filt twinty fit neearer hivin ! an' mah kneeas seeamed draawn doon loike, an' a' warldly thouts poot oot ov mah moind, an' ah kneealt an' praayed tiv t' Almighty who brout this " Joy fer iwir" oot o' t' puny braain o' a mortaal mon! Ah' 11 niwir fergit Yark Minstur. They saay nae wun knaws who mad' oor greeat Catheedrals. They luv'd thur waark ; they did thur waark ; they left thur waark t' speeak t' thahsands oopon thahsands, aage arter aage, an' deed wi'oot a sign or effort t' mak' a neame. We neead sike men, ah think, i' oor deays. Self-deeneein', self-fergittin', treein' t' healp monkoind, an' leead 'em t' puir an' hoaly thouts, an' caareless iv onny wun bud God Almighty knaws thur guid deeads an' guid intenshuns. Ah praay t' ha' sike men i' t' waarld agin, ah doa ! Ah'll niwir i' mah loife fergit Yark Minstur ! T' hoor or twea ah spint thur has mad' ma a better mon ; at leeast ah whoape soa ! Iv men con mak' sike hivinly pleeaces on t' yearth, whaat mun t' aangels mak' i' Hivin ? MAH FEIGHT WI' T' GEEEAT BOBEAL Mah laandloord is Squeer Spennithorpe, an' a raal guid feller he be. Alt feeal quoite saafe wi' him, thof I shud loike a bit o' a leease i' caase o' accidints. Squeer wun deay saays, " Goorkrodger, ah con poot a thing i' yer waay, ah think. Sum o' mah tinnents ha' coom t' ax ma t' git 'em seeads fer turmets an' Spring sowin' o' wheeat an' ithir things ; an' iv yoh git 'em, an' sooply 'em, yoh wull mak' a few punds profit fer yer trooble," saays he. "Thankee, Sir," saays ah; "bud whur mun ah git 'em t' mak' a profit ?" " Fra Maark Lone, Lunnun," saays Squeer; "that's t' addriss; git saamples o' a' soarts, an' show 'em aboot, an' it'll paay yoh." Weel, ah got Meary t' wreet fer ma, an' gat a letter baack sayin' saamples had beean sint off by Greeat Boreal Raailwaay t' Bonnybeck Stashun. Ah tould neeboors Eoundhay, Burley, Scarcroft, Sheeapshaanks, an' ithirs aboot, that ah'd ha' mah saamples i' a deay or twea ; an' they a' saaid they wad be glaad t' sea 'em, an' wad buy o' ma. Weel, ah wur leukin' oot fer mah saamples iwiry hoor o' t' deay, an' weeary wark it be waaitin' an' waaitin' fer onnythin' yoor anxshus aboot. Hawf t' misery o' t' warld cooms fra waitin', an' expectin', an' bein' disaappointed ! Wun deay paased, twea deays paassed, an' noa saamples. Its a lang weay tit Staashun, bud ah waalked it mony toimes axin' aboot mah paircel. Staashun Measter saaid he'd yeard naught aboot it ; ah'd better wreet t' Lunnun. Weel, Meary writ, an' we gat a letter baack, noomber A 326, 481. Meary saays that mun be mair nor a quarter ov a million, an' ah saays, " What 97 heeaps o' lost paircels they mun ha' at Greeat Boreal ! they mun be wreetin' an' wreetin' aboot 'em deay an' neight !" Letter saaid as paircel wur sint off fra Lunnun i' guid toime, an' they'd mak inqueeries' aboot it. Ah cudna mak' oot t' neame at botham o' letter ; Deeame cudna, Meary cudna, Pairson cudna, Cleerk cudna ! Ah doa wish foak wud wreet plaain ! Lunnun foak i' offises tak' preed, ah beleave they doa, i' makkin' a' soarts o' heero- gliffiks (as pairson saays), oot o' thur neames, as iv they wur 'shamed ov 'em loike ! At laast skeulmeaster leuks at letter, an' mak's neame oot t' be Famus CocJcshot. " Weel," saays ah, "iv he's ' a famus cockshot,' ah wish he'd sind mah paircel straait tit mairk ! bud ah think they mun be makkin' gaame o' ma wi' sike ootlaandish neames." Weeak arter weeak passed, an' noa paircel ! Neeboors saays they're varry sorry, bud they canna waait ; an' wun arter anither gat thur seeads fer thursens at ither pleeaces. Ah tvur mad ! an' ah gat Meary t' wreet saavage loike t' Greeat Boreal an' Famus Cockshot, Esqueer. Ah gat an answer, promisin' " t'mak' mair inqueeries ;" an' wud yoh beleeave it ? arter sivin weeaks ah gat mah paircel, an' it wur thin o' noa use o' ony koind t' ma. T' thick- yedded gawvisons at t' Greeat Boreal had beein an' sint mah paircel to " MISTER TIMOTHY, ' ' GOORKROD(JER RAILWAAY STASHUN," an' nivir tuk t' trooble to reead " BONNYBECK " at a'. It had beein kipt at " GOOEKEODGEK " Kailwaay Stashun, an' nivvir leuked at a' thim sivin weeaks t' bloind boozzards I Ah lost punds an' punds. Ah'd beein traampin' baack- ards an' forrads tit Eailwaay Stashun, an' t' neeboors makkin' excuses ; ah'd beein woorried, an' floostered, an' poot aboot varry mitch ivvery waay, an' ah wroate tiv Famus Cockshot, Esqueer, axin' fer foive punds t' coover mah daamaage an' loss. Ah gat a letter baack, saayin' mah paircel wur wrangly direckted, an' Coompanny wur nae responsible ; bud as ah'd beein poot oot, they sint ma hawf-a-croon i' poastaage staamps (" wi'oot prejew- dice) whativvir that may meean ! which they thout a 98 plinty. T' sliaabby chaps ! Ah did goa on a bit, ah did ! an' ah thout onst o' gittin' Lawyur t' wreet tiv 'em, bud neeboors saaid it wur nae use. Its ither peuple's munny they've gat t' deeal wi', an' they donna caare aboot Law a bootten ; a' t' expinse fa's oopon widders an' ither pooir foaks who've gotten shaares. Mah paircel had on it " MISTER TIMOTHY GOORKRODGER, "KAILWAAY STASHUN, " Tull caw'dfer." " BONNYBECK. an' it wur wroate plaain enuf fer onny donnot t' mak' oot ; ah wish railwaay foak wud wreet as plaain. Weel, moonth arter moonth wint on, an' noa ind o' letters on boath soides, whin Famus Cockshot, Esqueer, sint waard he wur coomin' t' cheef Greeat Boreal Stashun i' mah neeboorhood, an' ah cud meeat him, an' taalk aboot mah paircel, onny toime fra 9 tull 12. Ah'd bizziness a' whoame, an' ah'd trooble enuf t' git off, bud ah did mannidge it, an' wint. Ah mad' seer ah'd h' mah caase seein' to, an' faairly settled. By t' soide o' t' Greeat Boreal Stashun thur's a monstur hottel, neearly as big as the Graand wun at Scarbro' ; an' ah'd t' goa thur t' sea Famus Cockshot, Esqueer. Mah ee ! what a pleeace it is insoide ! graand staircaases, wi' flooffy caarpits, fra top tit botham, noable raahms wi' furnitoore fit fer a pallis lofty, wide, an' cleean, an' fool o' leight an' splindoor ; bootlers an' footmen waaitin' ivviry nod an' beck o' t' Greeat Boreal Pottintaates ; smells o' a' t' guid things o' t' yearth coomin' oop fra beloo ; an' wine i' daainty bottles taen intul Direckturs, offen enuf t' mak' a teetooatul shaareholder gae raavin' maad ! Thur wur a Booard Meetin' t' deay ah wint. Famus Cockshot wurna to be seean. Floonkeys o' hottel fleered at ma, behoind mah baack, an' tuk ma oop an' doon staairs t' foind him ; an' thin waard wur sint he wur a' stashun. Ah wint thur ; an' bed t' waait agin fer t' greeat mon. Ah wint intul seccund claass waaitin' raahm : an' oh ! t' differunce atween hoo t' pooblic, an' t' sarvents o' t 1 pooblic, (fer whot air Direckturs, big as they bea, bud sarvents o' t' pooblic who 99 paays 'em ?) air lodged an' proveeded fer ! That waaitin' raahm is a raal blaack whoale ; it wur mid-deay, an' ah cud baarely sea who wur sittin' on t' haard lang bincbes, it wur that daark an' dowly, an' t' fleer thick wi' laashins o' moock an' seccund claass leedies air sarved noa bettur they ha' a miseraable lahtle raahm wi' noa caarpit, bud an' aud maat, an' soom brokken-doon, haard wood cheers, an' t' fleer here tu wur as blaack as ink. Oh t' contraast atween t' hottel an' t' stashun it wur loike gaein' oot o' a pallis intul a cooal pit. T' pooir feeols o' seccund an' thurd claass find maist a' t' braass t' kip oop t' graandeur o' t' Booard, an', fussikers as they air, poot oop wi' onny dirty, meean 'comniodashun fer thursens. That's wrang t' f pleace o 1 reight ! an' ah whoape, sum deay, seccund an' thurd claass wull demand t' be treeated better nor pigs an' coos. Weel, Famus Cockshot, Esqueer, wur soa engaaged ah cudna sea him, mair thon iv he'd beein Proime Minis- teer as ah tould him arter. Porturs seed ah'd bizziness wi' t' greeat mon, an' it wur raare foon t' sea hoo civhill they wur a' at onst. Ah hadna t' caw three toimes, as i' aud deays ; they cam' twea tegither at a roon, an' it wur " Sir this," an' " Sir that," tiv ivviry waard ! Aa' hoo t' pooir fellars seeamed scaared loike, an' cript tegither i' coaruers i' cloosters, whin great Boreal Pottintaates cam' oot ov Booard Eaahm, a' maarchin' oop an' doon plaat- foorm, loike pooffed oop Kursmas Turkey Coacks, fool ov feeid an' cwffsikense ! Ah did pity thim poorturs, bud mah pity had a lahtle of contimpt ; fer God Almighty has gien 'em t' foorm ov men, an' they cud obay an'" obay we a' mun wi'oot showin' sike a slaavish un-English feear o' thur fellar mortaals ! Bud as ah saaid afoor, it is Munny ; Munny is gettin' a' worship i' Englaand, an' dreevin' oot oor anshient maanhood, an' anshient vartue mair or less we air a' t' bleeam fer makkin' weealth t' hidol it is. That's wrang f pleeace ov reight agin ! Yeds oop, Yarkshuremin, Englishmin ; noa booin' t' gowden cawf or cawves \ Wun Pottintaate ah saw let 'xpriss tniain goa afoor his ees whoile he wur a chattin', an' thin he gies Famus Cockshot oarders t' oarder Speecial 100 Traain oot, an' he gaes off loike a loord by hissen ! Thin Farnus Cockshot caw'd ma intul Staashun Measter's raahm, and saays he, " Weel, Mister Bonny- beck, hoo aboot this paircel ?" " Mister Cockshot" (he's a lanky, leeight-haaired mon o' forty, mabbe) " Mister Cockshot," saays ah, "mah neame isna Bonnybeck" Weel. thin, Mister Timothy .'" saaid he. " Its nae Mister Timothy ather," creed ah, " an' ah think yoh ought t' knaw by this toime, arter mah booshel o' letters, that mah neame is Timothy Goorkrodger /" Oh, ah disreinem- ber ma," saays he, " ah'v gat a' yoor letters here ;" an' he tuk a boondle oot ov his pokket. " Yoh mak a claaim agin t' Coompanny, bud ah con tellee yoh havena a leg t' staand oopon ; yoor paircel wur wraangly an' impir- fectly direckted." "Why," saays ah, "thur's t' addriss, an' its plaain as a pike staaf!" an' ah red it. "Noa," saays he, " that wullna doa ; oor chaaps o' clarks air nae t' bleeam fer sindin' paircel t' Goorkrodger Stashun in- teead o' Bonnybeck." " Not t' bleeam !" saays ah, " hoo else cud it be direckted ?" " Why," saays Famus Cockshot, " it shud a beein Timothy Goorkrodger, Esqueer" " Ah'm uoa Esqueer," saays ah, " thof yoh may be ; ah wadna be Esqueer iv ah cud; iwiry coonter joomper an' deerkeeaper is an Esqueer i' thease deays !" "Or," saays Cockshot, ."it mud ha' beein Mr. T. Goorkrodger, or evin plaain' Timothy Goorkrodger, or Goorkrodger wi'oot t' Timothy or T. at a' ; foaks mud be contint wi' wun neeame, ah think !" " Them's a' poot offs an' mak' shifts," saays ah, "f git oot ov t' hobble yer thick-yedded clarks ha' gatten yoh intul t' bloind boozzards. Iv yoh air honnest min ov conshunse, yoh'll paay ma fer mah trooble an' loss." "Ah doan't leuk t' conshunse at a'," saays he ; " its t' interist o' t' Coompaanny ah leuk tiv, an' ah'Il oanly paay t' claaims ah canna help paay." " Eeight an' wrang air naethin' tiv yoh, ah sea," saays ah ; " bud ah'll niwir gie oop ; ah'll staand t' mah reight tit laast." " Thin," saays Famus Cockshot, roisin' oop oot ov his cheer he nivvir offered ma wun an' toornin' his sleeave coof pairtly baack, " We mun feight it oot ! we mun feight it oot !" " That's it, is it ?" saays ah ! " Weel, 101 iv ah mun feight, ah mun ! heere gaes !" an' ah offs wi' mah cooat, doobles oop mah fists, an' mak's plee wi' mah honds, as iv t' gie Famus Cockshot a brod i' t' faace. Mah ee, bud thur wur a shindy i' a moamint ! Famus Cockshot gat oonder big taable, middle o' t' ofiis, paale as deeath, an' trimmelin' a' ower loike an aaspin leeaf. Stashun Measter gat t' greeat ledger, an' heeld it oop loike a sheald; an' clark rooshed oot, creein', " Pollis ! Pollis !" Thur wur a set oot i' noa toime, ah con tellee ! " Coom oot o' that yer lang-caatchin' cooward, an' feight loike a mon !" ah creed t' Farnus Cockshot. " Oh, Mister Goorkrodger, mah deer Sur .'" squeeaked t' Greeat Boreal Sooperintindint fra oonder taable, as saft as Jooly bootter ; " ah didna meean that koind o' feightin' at a' ; ah meeant at feight a' Law, i' t' Coorts. " Did yoh, yoh teeastrill ?" saays ah, " becas ah'm a pooir mon yoh think yoh con doa as yoh loike wi' ma, wi' Coompanny's heeavy poorse ; to Law wi' ithir foaks' munny is eeasy enuf. Bud ah've confedence t' deay'll coom an' a' shud tree t' haasten it whin joostice wull bea oapen t' pooir, as weel as rich ; an' iv that deay shud nivvir coom o' yearth, remimber thur's anither pleace aboon whur weealthy roages wull git thur desarts ; an' yoh canna saave yoorsel thur by pleedin' yoh aacted wrangfoolly, an' agaainst conshunce t' sarve yoor measters t' Coompanny. Git oop, ah'll leeave yoh noo. Yoh an' yoor Pottintaates o' Direckturs spind mair i' an hoor or twea eeatin' an' drinkin', at yon hottel, than the moddest soom ah ax, an' canna git ; bud sooiner or laater yoh'll git joostice iv ah canna ; an' noo ah'll goa." Ah lift offis jist as three pollismen an' sax porturs, wi' lang brums an' poales, wur coomin' t' help Famus Cockshot ; an' t' this deay ah've gat naught' fra Coompanny. Soom saay "Goa t' Law, goa t' Law !" Bud ah saays, "Law is a lottery that has mair blaanks thon preezes ; iv ah gaain t' deay, lawyur wull taake moast ivviry penney ; an' " a freash treeal " that new faangled plaan o' foindin' waark fer lawyurs, an' giein' t' lang poorse iwiry chaance t' shortun wull mebbe oopset mah verdict, an' leead tiv nao ind o' expinse. Noa, t' Pottintaates o' t' Greeat 102 Boreal air shaabby chaaps, noa doobt, i 1 mail caase, bud ah'll git t' verdict o' t' Pooblic aloane an' be oontint wi' it. NOTTEB BENNY.* Ah wudna menshun mah caase, iv ah didna heer o' monny foaks sarved as baad. Oanly laast weeak Meary red o' a railwaay, a lang waay off, who paaid wun shillin 1 intul Coort ; an' joory gav' siven hoondred punds damaages ! Ah saay, shaareholders, leak oot ! coot doon yer Law expinses ; an' paay yer lawyur by t' yeear, an' not by t 1 caase. That's t' waay ah con tell'ee wi' sike chaaps ! * Note. Ah axed skeualmeaster whot N.B. meeant, botham o' bills an' ithir things ; he saays, its Lattin, an' meeans Notter Benny, or Taake Notidge ; soa ah'll be larnt fer oust, an' wreet Lattin. LAWYUR GRAABALL, AN' BLAACK DICK'S TOM CAAT, Ah donna loike Lawyur Graaball, an' Lawyur Graaball doan't loike ma. Ah think soa mony lawyurs iwirywhur air at t' beast bud oonnecessarry eavils ; thur air guid an' honnist min amang 'em, nae doot ; bud varry neear t' all lot mud emmigraate, iv we wur Christian loike tiv wun anithir ; an' oor greeat min i' Lunnun wud mak' laws i' plaain English, an' foonded on commuii sinse ! T' warst koind o' mon o' law, ah think, is a pettifoggin' soart o' fellar i' emaall toons an' pleeaces, wi' lahtle or naethin' t' doa ; reeady t' stooip t' onny meeanness ; an' allus on t' leuk oot t' knoack neeboors yeds tegithir, t' mak' waark fer hissen. At 'Lecshun toimes thease chaps mak' a raare hahvist : they git mad' Aagints. Pooir mon who waants t' be Mimber o' Parl'mint oop i 1 Lunnun, an' show off his pow'r o' taalk gift o' t' gaab, ah caw it mun paay doosens o' sike fellars oop an' doon, t' leuk arter voaters : soomtoimes threeatenin' honnist min, broibin' ithirs, an' dooin' onnythin' an' ivvirythin' fer thur braass. Iv ah wur Preem Minister o' Parl'mint, ah'd poot a stop tiv this ploonder fer doorty waark, by mah trooly wud ah ! Leeave voaters, ah saay, t' thur- sens, iv they've t' ploock an' spirit o' Englishmen, they'll coom tit scraatch, wi'oot canvaassin', or pressin', or persuaadin' ! 104 Weel, atween his wun hoondred poonds an' anithir as aagint, Lawyur Graaball had naught a'maist t' doa, soa he mak's hissen a lungus cockmadoor t' iwiry wun he dusna feear. Pooir foaks 'specially he tormints, an' poota t' reights. He's a sma' bit o' gaardin groond, roond baack o' sooin pooir cots, an' grows peeas, an' beeans, an' cabbaages, an' tatees. Noo, if boys wull be boys, caats wull be caats ; an' iv yoh con kip a caat oot o' a gaardin', its man: thon ah, or maist foak con doa. Lawyur Dewdrop tould pooir foaks a' roond he'd prossikute onny wun who let thur caats gae intul his gaardin, or mah-yow an' caatterwaul on his treeas or finces. " We canna help 'em, sir," saays foaks; " caats wull climb ower waall ; we canna tee 'em oop loike doags." " Weel," saays Lawyur, " ah'll help it, an' yoh'll sooin sea hoo." An' iv he didna gae an' git a greeat heeavy paavmint staane, an' set it oop on edge, wi' a stick t' kip it oop, an' a big loomp o' leets teed t' stick, t' tirnpt t' poossies t' coom. Pooir aud Tabby o' Widder Bubwith t' only thing she caared fer a'most, an' t' only thing as seeamed to caare fer her wint oot a-neight, smelled leets, an' pool'd an' pool'd, an' doon cam' staane an' crooshed Tabby oonderneeath. Bud ony wun cud tell she didna dee a' at onst ; mabbe t' pooir creeature wur hoors a-deein', an' this mad' t' thing warse an' mair crooel. Lawyur Graaball draaged pooir Tabby oot, an' laffed tiv hissen pooir foaks aroond a' spitefool loike, bud afeeard t' saay aught or blaack Lawyur t' his faace, as they'd loike t' doa an' he desarved. Lawyur cam' t' nixt moorn t' sea what freeash gaame he'd cotched, an' thur wur Blaack Dick, t' cooalmon's, greeat Tom caat cought by t' taail an' heend leg : string had gotten roond an' roond, an' helped t' hould him toight. Lawyur smoiled, an' saays, " Ah'll cleear a' t' vaar- mints at this raate ; ah'll stoon an' braain this wun, an' settle him reight off." Lawyur tuk oop laarge brick ind, an' mad' aaim at Tom caat's yed ; bud his foot slipped intul peease trench, an' he fell forrads. His haat 105 flew off, an' lie toombled oonder a big gooiseberry boosh, wi' wun leg doobled oop, an' tither saank i' t' yearth. T' prickles o' t' gooiseberry boosh wur ower him, an' Tom caat's claaws jist i' froont o' his faace. Lawyur treed t' poosh oot ; Tom caat seized hod o' his noase, an' claawed his faace reight an' left tull he rooared agin ; an' he wur foarced t' git baack oonder boosh, oot o' Tom's waay. Wiclder Bubwith an' ithir foaks saaw t' foon, an' heerd lawyur caw oot, " Hilp ! hilp ! coom an' hilp ma oot !" bud they tuk noa notidge ; an' Blaack Dick saays, " Lit 'em alone, lit 'em bide; lawyur an' Tom mun feight it oot ; ah'll baack Tom i' a tussik agin lawyur onny deay." An' they a' laffed. Lawyur's faace wur a' blooid ; bud he treed agin, an' noo-itwur " blarney,^ as Hirish saay: " Pooir poos ! pooir feller ! tit ! tit ! tit /" an' he poot oot hond t' stroke Tom ; bud it wur noa goa ! Tom got hoold o' his finners, an' maulled 'em raarely ; an' lawyur drawed baack an' cawed oot agin loostily, " Am ah t' be moordered i' mah awn gaardin ? ah'v poot mah leg oot; wi' naebody coom ?" Noa wun did coom ; noa wun felt enuf fer him t' coom ; they hid an' kipt quiate. Lawyur stoapped faacin' Tom caat, treein' a' soarts o' waays ; staanes, sticks, blarney an' a', bud it wur nae gooid. Tom caat beeat him at a', an' drave lawyur baack oonder gooiseberry boosh ivviry toime. Ah daare saay t' skirmidge wint on fer hawf-an-hoor or mair, whin lawyur gat desp'raate loike, toorned his baack, poot his honds ower his faace, an' pooshed oot beyeant waay. Tom caat seeazed hod o' lawyur' s cooat collaar wi' wun paaw, an' claawed awa' loike maad wi' tithir. Lawyur draaged an' draaged, an' at laast pooled Tom free fra staane an' string ; he joomped off Lawyur's baack on t' wall, an' wur off loike a laamp-leeter I Lawyur wint off, limpin', baack waay whoame, t' blooid a' ower his faace an' honds, an' his haat an' cleeas a' moocky. He didna show oot o' hoose fer a weeak or twea. Widder Bubwith saw his lass goa tit shop fer saxpennorth o' stickin'-plaaster an' sarve, an' ah think he gat sarved, an sarved reight ! AH GIT AMANG T' SHEVVILD BLAADES. Squeer saaid, " it wur varry haard" ali'd loast a' mah proffit on t' seeads, throf Greeat. Boreal's bloonderin' elarks ; an' saays he, " Goorkrodger, ah waant soom guid coottin, mowin', an' reeapin' masshines ; an', as ah'm not varry weel fer a joorney, wilta goa fer ma, an' pick 'em oot fer ma ? Ah'm tould soom guid cootters air t' be had at Shevvild ; thur's t' addriss : onnyhoo yoh con goa an' leuk at 'em ; ah'll paay a' expinsis, an' gie yoh t' discoont hallowed mah fer caash, fer yoor trooble." Ah tould Squeer ah didna waant onny discoont, bud ah'd goa, an' be glaad t' obleege him. Brooshin' oop an' makkin' mesel reeady, off ah wint wun moorn tit stashun, an' buked fer Shevvild. Ah wur taen t' a new stashun they've beilt ; soomthin' loike a staashun, not a hawf-an'-hawf jaale soart o' pleace, loike Greeat Boreal ah've spoaken off afore. Ah canna git t' Coompanny oot o' mah yed ! This stashun is caw'd t' New Midlaand ; an' it's airy, leight, laarge, an' neeat, an' coomfortaable, an' a' that t* pooblic has a reight t' expict. Whin ah gat oot, " Mah ees," saays ah, " whot a dool, dowly, dismaal toon ah've gotten intul ; it beeats Leeads oot an' oot i' t' smoakin' loine, it doa." Eeight fornint staashxm thur's doosens oopon doosens o' Foondries, an' Faactories, an' Foorges, an' Roallin' an' Grindin' Mills, an' Steeam Haammers, an' Iron an 1 Steeal Waarks ; wi' taall chimlers, an' shoart chimlers, 107 an' laanky chimlers, an' doompy chimlers, an' chimlers o' a' soarts an' seizes, giein' oot smooak, smooak, smooak, enuf t' choake a pig ! Smooak aboon, smooak alangsoide, smooak doon beloo ! Thur's blew smooak, an' whoite smooak, an' broon smooak, an' blaack smooak; smooak thick as a Lunnon Novimbur fog ; smooak thin as a feeld vaaper i' Appril ! Yoh git smooak i' yoor ees, smooak i' yoor noase, smooak i' yoor mooth ! smooak that smealls, smooak that taastes, smooak that blinds I Iv yoh sea a yoong guid leukin' laass an' thur's monny t' be seean i' Shevvild, ah con tell'ee ah'll laay tin t' wun she's a greeat blaack smoodge o' smoot on her ploomp cheeaks, or acrass her daainty noase; an' soot spoats air noa buty spoats, as iwiry vnin knaws. Naethin' con be ld.pt cleean lang i' sike a aatmossfeer; streeats, choorches, shoaps , guids, cleeas, faaces, ribbons, shurts, honds, iwiry thin' in deers an' oot gits moocky aloike ! As ah saaid a' Leeads " Smooak is loast yeat ;" an' iv Shevvild blaades wud boom it oop i' thur foornaaces, they wud saave iwiry waay, i' eldia', clothin', heealth, an' leuks ; why wilna they tree ? They've munny enuf, an' inergy enuf (ah saw soigns ov Shewilders' greeat inergy on iwiry soide) why mak' thur whoames pig- styes, an' thur daaily loife warse thon an oouder- groond collyer's ? It is a soight t' sea t' waarkfoaks coom oot at dinner hoor i' thahsands, neearly a' as blaack as tinkers, bud still maistly wi' a leuk o' manliness an' indepindince i' thur sooty faaces ah loiked weel t' sea ! A deacent warkin' mon gav ma t' neames o' monny o' thur traades. Thur's Plaaters, an' Foorgers, an' Cootlers, an' Poodlers, an' Moolders, an' Boornishers, an' Wier Rollers, an' Shaaft Toorners, an' Chaasers, an' Grinders, an' ither opperaateevs who waark at makkin' files, an' saws, an' knives an' forks, an' razers, an' sissers, an' leas, an' teapots, an' iron plaates, an' kannons, an' a' soarts o' things fra penknives t' sax hoondred poonders fer iron- claad war ships. " They're famus raw mattereal, yon chaps," saays ah 108 tiv mah warkin' freend by mah soide ; " pitty mair paains isna taen to foarm 'em intul noable shaapes !" " Yea, they're straang fellars," retoorned he, " haard as noots, an' shaarp as t' razers they mak' ; bud ah donna loike a' they doa. Yoh'll sea fra paapers they're oop to Ratfning agin, an' ah doan't hould wi' that." " Rattin' !" saays ah ; "what doa they goa rattin' fer ?" "Oh!" saays warkin' mon, " whin they canna git thur ' Natty munny!'" "Pooir fellars !" saays ah, "its haard wark, thof yoh'v plinty o' watter, an' they lig aboot streeams. "Whin ah goa rattin', ah'v ferrits t' toorn t' varmints oot o' wheeat ricks, an' we staand roond wi' goons and shoot 'em, iv doogs miss 'em, bud Jowler seldoom doos. 1 Rattin' !' pooir fellars oot o' wark canna git mitch that waay, ah think!" Mon did laf, an' saays he, " Its nae caatchin' raats we caw Ratt'ning i' Shevvild, bud taakin' baands off wheeils t' stoap wark. They saay ' Mary Ann 1 sits t' gaame a-goin'." " Yea," saays ah, " iv thur's ony mischeef gaein' on, foaks saay a womon is seer t' be at t' botham ov it !" Glaad ah wur aud Deeame wurna neear to heear mah speeach ! We boath laffed, an' mon wished ma " gooid deay !" Oh, the smooak ! the smooak ! it seeamed t' coom warse an' warse. Ah spoak tiv a shopkeeaper aboot t' cloods o' smooak, an' hoo bad it mun be fer peuple's heealth. Shopkeeaper saaid, " T' smooak wullna kill Shewild foaks iv thur wur naught ealse, iv they wur soaber, an' kipt guid hoors, an' leuked tiv thur whoames mair." " Bud," saays ah, " what whoames ha' they ? ' Things air i' a vishus cirkel,' as ah yeard a gintlemon saay. ' Cleenliness is nixt t' Godliness ;' an' gie t' pooir cleean streeats, an' cleean hooses as far as yoh con to begin wi' ; taackle thur vices too : ah'll niver oophold droonkaards or neight-revellers, rich or pooir !" " Yoh've steeal refahners an' convarters i' Shewild i' plinty; tree a lahtle mair to convart yer warkpeuples' moinds, an' refahne thur manners ; munny-makkin' isna iwirythin' !" We saaid mair, bud 'that's t' pith o' oor discoorse. Ah'd gat in earley, an', thinks ah, ah'll ha' a stroale afoor buzziness, an' leuk aboot a bit, an' git oot o' 109 smooak iv ah con. Ah axed a pooir, paale, raagged, hawf-staarved leukin' laad, waaitin' aboot wi' ithirs loike hisseu fer a job, whur t' rooad reight oop broo by stashun led to ! " Tit Pairk, Sur," saays he. " Jist whur ah'd loike t' goa," saays ah t' mesel, " an' git a moothfool o' freeash air." Weel, ah wint oop by brick waall aboon raailwaay, bud ah seed nea PairJc ! " What pleeace mud this be caw'd ?" saaid ah tiv a mon wi' blaack streeaks a' doon his cheeaks, loike a niggar hawf white-weshed. " It's t' Pairk, Sur," saays he. " Weel, ah'm blessed," thinks ah, " this is a Pairk !" Eoond ma wur loines o' sma' oop an' doon streeats, an' lones, an' coorts, an' alleys roonnin' oot ov 'em, paaved wi' brokken bits o' staanes, an' a' aloike, oogly, dingy, an' moocky. T' hooses soa sma', twea gooid barras fool o' foorniture wud ha' filled 'em fra groond tit rooaf ; shoaps wi' unwhoalesooni- smellin' fooid an' sassages ;* meean, uncanny leukin' pooblic-hooses, warkshoaps wi' a' t' winders brokken, toomble-doon sheds, brickyeards, doost heeaps, pools o' foul watter, waaste bits o' groond, wi' rotten raales an' waals capped wi' foornaace coak, fool o' reffoose, deead caats an' doags, an' cindars, an' pooir-leukin' maingy coacks an' bins diggin' oop t' moock, treein' t' foind a meeal ; roapes acaass soom streeats wi' hawf-durty, paatched oop cleas haangin' oot t' dree ; an' a leuk o' whoaplessniss an' noa- haartedniss ivvirywhur. Mony o' t' wimmin seeamed slatterns, an' wur as durty as thur streeats an' whoames ; ithirs hadna loast a' t' cooller o' t' coontry i' thur cheeaks, or thur aud cleeanly waays, an' wur treein' t' mak' thur hooses deacent loike : they wur moppin' paavemint, an' weshin' deer steeaps ; bud t' cloods o' soot wud mak' t' pleeace blaack as ivvir in an hoor or twea, an', loike t' rest, they'll loase whoape at laast ! An' t' bairns, oh C pooir bairns ! mah haart wur sail-, an' t' teears cam' offen intul mah ees, as ah saaw t' pooir thing^, wi' noa plaay groond bud t' streeats, noa sky bud a paall o' smooake, noa floors bud t' faaded mak'-beleeves *A mon wur laately taen oop i' Shewild fer sellin' sassages mad' o' disseased hoarse fleeash. Ah'd mak' him liv' on his awn sassages fer a weeak. 110 i' mithir's bonnit, noa birds bud t' oonbaappy drooapin' hoose spaarrows, as durty, roof, an' ooncaared fer as thursens ! Oh t' bairns, t' pooir bairns ! paale, raagged, aud, an' coonnin' leukin' ; deay by deay loosin' t' print o' God an' hivin i' thur lahtle faaces, an' gettin' t' caares o' t' waarld intul tbur yoong haarts, t' sins o' t' waarld oopon thur yoong yeds ; whin heealthy, innercent plaay, an' loovin' caare, an' eddicashun, shud fill oop a' thur paassin' boors, an' mak' 'em fit t' doa t' waark o' noable min an' wimmin heare on yearth, i' Toime, an' fill t' pleeace o' saaints an' aangils in Eternity ! Oh t' bairns, t' pooir bairns ! wull noa wun tree t' saave 'em ? Wull noa greeat mon rise oop i' oor graand, gineroos Englaand, an' saay, " This rooin, this 'bommer- nashun, this distruckshun o 1 yoong sowls, t' f naame o' f' MOST HIGH, shall ceease ?" We air waaitin', t' Waarld is waaitin', fer sike a mon t' appeear, an' poot wrang reight oopon t' yearth ; an' oh ! hoo oor haarts wud leeap, an' goa oot tiv him, an' oor moinds boo tiv him, iv we saw his footstips paass alang oor waay ! Ah'd bed enuf o' t' Pairk whot a naame fer sike a neeboorhood an' ah axed, "Whur mud that rooad, liggin' doan thur, (pointin' t' reight), leead to, oot o' toon?" "Its t' gaainest waay t' Victorria Staashun, Sur," saaid t' bairn ah axed, " an' beyant, oot o' toon, is Broightsoide." " Thaank'ee," saays ah, " that'll doa." " Ah'v beean on t' daarksoide a lang toime," thinks ah, " ah'll goa t' broightsoide willin' enuf." Soa ah wint alang by Iron Waarks an' Steeal Waarks, an' a' soarts o' waarks, tiv a koind o' mairket pleeace, an' inch deeap i' cooal moock. "Wull that rooad," saays ah tiv a mon sellin' tatees, "tak' ma t' Broightsoide ?" "Yea," saays he, " oop broo, an' foirst toorn lift." Weel, oop ah wint, an' foond ah'd t' toorn oop Blaast Lone a varry pratty naame fer a varry pratty pleeace, ah'll asseer yoh doost heeaps, an' cinder heeaps, moock, an ? waarks a' roond, an' a cannal, loike a sewer ditch, reight alangsoide. " It isna Broightsoide yet," thinks ah. Ah wint roond an' roond tull ah cam' tit Voolcan Taavern, an' thin gat throf an aarchwaay, an' reight agin sooin Ill mair waarks monstroos waarks baith soides o' rooad, caw'd Cycloops Iron Waarks, wi' smooak that thick it a'maist bloinded ma. "What mud Cycloops naeean, Sur ?" ah axed ov a gintlemon at deer o' waarks ; " is it a mon's neame ?" He smoiled, an' saaid, "I' t' aud toimes they caw'd Voolcan t' God o' blaacksmiths, an' t' Cycloops wur his waarkmen i' t' booels o' Moont Hetner ; they'd oanly wun ee i' t' middle o' thur foryeds." " Thaank'ee, Sur," saays ah, " ah'm allus glaad t' pick oop onny freash laarnin', bud ah doan't think t' naame quoite reight !" " Why not ?" saays he. " Becas," saays ah, baack agin, " yoh Shevvild foaks ha' twea ees, an' boath woide oapen, t' mak' braass an' yoor waay i' t' waarld." Gintlemon laffed, an' saaid, " Weel, we're Yarkshur, an' ah think yoh're Y arkshur, tu ; an' maist Yarkshurmin ha' thur yeds screwed on reight, an' soa we git on." Ah booed tiv gintlemon, an' wint on. Warse an' warse ! waarks ! waarks ! waarks ! smooak ! smooak ! smooak ! thicker an' thicker ! Ah seed writ oop Bessemer s Steeal Waarks ; an' it is a big pleeace. A foremen koind o' chaap tould ma they'd " A new proacess fer makkin' steeal." " Ah wish," saays ah, " yoh'd git a newer proacess, an' consoom yer oan smooak." " Yea," saays foremon, "its a greeat nooisance, bud we git used tiv it i' toime." "Bud t' bairns, t' pooir bairns, in thoase thaahsands o' hooses reight faacin' a' this moock an' smooak, what ov them ?" ah axed foremon. " Its baad fer them," saays he ; " they doan't live hawf thur proaper loives ; monny ha' beean caarried off this winter wi' Scaarlitteener, an' ithir coomplaaints." " Ah woonder yoh reear onny bairns at a', ah doa," saays ah, " wi' thur dellicat labile loongs pisoned deay an' neight." " Childer air a greeat trooble an' annoyince i' sike pleeaces," saays foremon, " an' ah'm sorry t' saay monny foaks git rid ov 'em." " Moorder 'em ?'' axed ah. " Yea," saays he; " Infaantiseed, as they caw it, is an ivviry-deay thing heare, an' ah sooppose i' ithir big toons. Ded babbies air offen discoovered i' oor pootids, an' waaste groonds, an' streeams; an' t' moorderers air seldom or niwir foond oot." " That's 112 horribil 1" saays ah. " It is horribil," saays foremen, "an'wewaarkin'min feeal it(t' tkinkin' ww??samangoos),an r wish fer a mair natteral staate o' things i' t' lond, we doa ; bud thease laarge toons, ' whur,' as oor and pooet Elyot saays ' Whur liv' t' sons o' toil, Whoase sowls toorn graay ! 0' a' creeated things, T' maist oonblest air they,' mun grow laarger, an' increease. Ah wish chaarity, an' fellar-feealin', an' guidness wud increease at saame toime, ah doa! bud buzzar is soondin', ah mun goa." " Ah wish t' saame, mah freend," saaid ah t' foremon, "bud remimber yoor saalvashun is in yoor oan pooer ; t' prommissed lond is afore yoh ; self-deneal, unety, an' eddicashun wull chaange yoor faate, an' t' faate o' tins o' thaahsands ! Gie ma yoor hond, an' noo guid deay." Ah shuk his blaack hoarny hond, an' wint mah waay. All noo cam' tiv anither warks, bigger thon onny ah'd seein i' Shewild yet ; it mun ha' taen oop akers o' groond, ah think, an' t' smooak wur blaacker an' blaacker, cooverin' ivvirything wi' a clood loike a plage o' Egipt ! " Ah think ah'm gaein' wrang fer Brightsoide ?" saaid ah tiv a smootty-faaced womon gittin' a blaack oot ov a squarlin' bairn's ee. " Noa, thou'rt reight," saays she ; "this be Broightsoide a' alang here." " Weel," thinks ah, " ah'll gae nae foorthur, or ah'll git intul lower reguns ! It's weel t' mak' beast o' a baad baargin, bud noat t' tell lees an' deceeave foaks. Brightsoide indeed !" Ah toorned baack intul toon throf a brooad streeat they caw Wicker, smooak an' warks oopon warks a' alang eeach soide, an' pooblic-hooses t' suit 'em, sike as "Anvils," " Locomoteevs," " Coarner Pins" Foornaaces" etc. By Raailwaay Aarch is a maarbil Foontin', pratty an' neeat ; bud it wur dree, an' baasin.fool o' doost an' soot ! A' illigance, a' loife aboon loife deein' oot ! Ah paassed soom foine mairkets ; foaks tould ma they belanged an' nearly all Shewild tit Dook o' Norfolk ; he gies a greeat deeal i' chaarity, thaahsands soomtoimes : ah yeard saay, ah larnt 113 too, he's mad' a raal >Patrk oot o' toon, o' 90 akers, an' kips it oop hissen. A mon naamed Bailey has gien anither Pairk, ah'm tould, tit peuple o' Shevvild, an' ah'm varry glaad t' heeare it, ah's seer. 1" main streeats o' Shevvild airna brooad or strait, an' air a' oop an' doon, in an' oot loike ; bud they've gotten monny foine shoaps fool o' splindur, an' thur's plinty o' traade an' boostle. Ah settled mah bizziness fer Squeer, an' thin toorned intul Aangil Inn fer a bit o' loonch an' a glass o' paale yale. Thnr's a figger o' an aangil oop oot- soide Inn, a blaack fallin 1 aangil, sooty fra yed t' fit, wings an' a'. Ah wud cleean that aangil wunce a yeear at Kursmas, (whin a' gooid aangils leuk thur beast !) ah wud ! Arter mah took oot, ah leaft inn fer a raamble, as ah wur to stoap tull nixt deay, an' loike t' sea a' ah con i' straange pleeaces. Arter ah'd gaen oop wun durty streeat an' doon anither durty streeat, an' alang monny durty streeats, ah axed a mon, " Is thur nae oapen spaaces i' Shevvild, nae squaares whur a mon con git a moothfool o' freash air ?" " Faaith an' be shure thur is, Sur," saaid mon, "thur's a moighty foine squaare Paaradise Squaare they caw it ower fornint aud choorch ; they hould nae ind o' pooblic meeatins thur." Off ah wint t' foind it. Ah wint paast aud choorch wi' heigh blaack speer, and kirkgaarth a' roond, oop St. Jaames's Pleeace, doon a lahtle broo, an' ah cam' t' Paaradise Squaare a noice pleeace fer a mon who'd jist left t' Aangil Inn ! an' a noice pleeace it bea. Its a durty, oonevin, oapen spaace, aboot a hoondred fit eeach waay, hawf t' groond baadly paaved, an' hawf yearth, wi'oot a sign ov a treea, or a blaade ov graass, or a shroob, or a boosh, or a plaant. Thur's a laamp-poast i' t' middel, wi' soom brokken atips aroond it, an' fornint it ithir heigh oop stips leeadin' tiv a skeual fer boys. Thur's foor or fahve pot shoaps i' t' squaare, an' aboot hawf-a-doosen hawf ginteel hooses, soom wi' braass plaates, air roond aboot, an' a stook oop Laand an' Agency Offis, on wnn soide ; scaattered a' ower, air lots o' pot sheads, straaw inds, H 114 brick baats, brokken crockkenly, an' moock, moock, moock ; an' this is Paaradise Squaare ! " What neames," thinks ah, " Shevvild blaades gie thur oogly plaaces." Ah'd yeard ov Fig Tre.ca Lone, an' Orcliaard Streeat, bud ah didna goa t' leuk at 'em, or seeak ferfrooitl loike ded sea aapples (Meary red aboot i' a buk), dootless its laang agoa toorned tiv doost an' aashes ! an' " Jericho"* ah kipt awaay fra, fer feear ah mud fa' amang robbers. Ah lift Paaradise wi'oot bein' drivven oot, an' wint intul cheeif streeats agin. Ah leuked at a statty ov a blaack mon sittin' doon, faacin' Poast Offis. ''That's poot oop fer soom greeat Afrikan, ah 'spose," saaid ah t' a caab rnon, chaaffin' mabbe a bit. " Afrikan be haanged," saays he, " yoh mun be a coontry boompkin noat t' knaw that's oor pooet Elyot !" " Weel," saays ah, " he's blaack enuf !" " An' yoh'd be blaack i' t' faace, aud fellar," saaid Cabby, " iv yoh'd sit oop thur as laang as he has wi'oot onny groob !" an' a lot o' chaaps roond did laf. Thur's anither ruonumint ah saw. Its a piller insoide a raailiu', wi' a wunimon at top, wi' an' iron hoop i' wun hond, an' a swoard i' t' ithir, an' twea kannuns at bothara. It's poot oop in mimory ov Shevvild min who fell i' feightin' Eooshins i' Krimmeah war. Gaein' oop Norfolk an' Aroondil streeats, ah gat tit Theatur Eoyaale, wi' warks an' warks agin a' aroond ma ; ah toorned a coorner intul Sorry streeat, an' cam' fornint a big, blaack, staane bildin', wi' AES LONGA. VITA BREVES, writ oop i' laarge letters i' froont. Ah'm varry curious loike ; ah wishes ailus t' knaw t' yed an' taail ov a' ah seeas, an' ah axed twinty blaades what thim letters naeeant, an' they cudna tell ma ! Ah willna saay what t' foirst chap'tould ma; he wur a blaackgaard ! Anither saaid it wur Grik aboot fissick an' oor vitals ; " VITA " mud meean that ! At laast ah axed a mon wi' a durty whoite choker on, a deacent soart ov fellar, an' saays he, it meeans "oor haart is lang, oor loife is skoart." Thinks ah, "that's commikal, laarge-haarted men shud liv' * Part of Sheffield so named. 115 langest ; bud it may meean complaaint ov t' haart." Ah wint on t' a lahtle deer i' t 1 bildin', an' oapened it, an' wint in. Agin t' waall wur paasted oop this notidge, or summat loike it : PEEEZES OV 5. FEE MED'SIN AN' CLEENIKAL MED'SIN 5 SERJtJRRY AN' CLEENIKAL SERJUERY - - - - - 5 HANNAH TOMMIKAL FRYNOLLODQY - - - - - 5 MlDWOIPPERY AN' MEDDIKAL JOOEYS' PEOODINCE - 5 BOTTANNY AN' MATTERIAH MEDDICAH - - - - 5 N.B. All and Baanes V be taen awaay. " What's t' meeanin' o' that Hotter Benny ?" saaid ah, tiv soom stoodent chaps roond aboot ah let 'em seea ah Imawed soom Lattin ! " Them's oor preezes fer coottin' oop an' baane settin'," saays wun ; an' noo lots o' t' stoodents gat roond ma, an' blocked oop rooad tit deer. " Wud yoh loike, Sur, t' seea oos disseckt a boddy ? we've a foine toof and wummun oop staairs ! It's haard t' git boddies noo t' coot oop ; resserreckshunnests, an' boddy- snaatchers fra choorch yeards, used t' git copses lang agoa ; noo we-'ve oanly chaance wuns, warkhoose foaks, an' straaugurs wi'oot frinds." " Doa yer reeally coot oop foaks ?" saays ah, an ah treed t' git neear deer. "Yea," saaid stoodent, " bud, as ah saaid, they're varry leean uns ; ah'd loike noo t' git a gooidfaat weel-fed-un fer a chaange. Wilta waalk oop staairs?" "Noa thaankee," saays ah, " Gooid deay ;" an' ah pooshed fer deer : loockily a mon loike an' aud docktur cam' in saame moament, an' ah gat oot, glaad enuf ! Ah didna loike t' taalk aboot coottin' oop, an' faat uns at a' ! Iv ah'd gane oop staairs, mabbe ah'd nivvir seean Bonnybeck agin ! Who knaws ? 116 Cloase by Coottin'-oop-Haall, as all caw'd it, tliur's anither laarge pleeace or twea, mad' o' staane. At wun ah seed numbers o' foaks gangin' in an' oot. "What's oop noo ?" thinks ah, an' ah waaited aboot leukin' on. Ah seed yoong gals an' wimmin wi' approons an' shaawls ower yed, an' soom mail- neeatly poot on ; pooir mither- less leukin' bairns o' boys, mecannicks, 'prentise loike chaaps, aud totterin'min an' wimmin, leedies an' gintlemin, a' gaeiii' in wi' buks o' a' seizes i' thur honds, an' coomin' oot wi' buks agin. " What con it be," thinks ah ; " it isua a choorch, or chaapel, or meeatin' hoose ; fer foaks coom oot as shaarp as they goa in. What pleeace con it be ?" Thin ah leuks oop at big laamp ower deer, an' it had writ on it, "FREE LIBRAYRY." "Oh!" thinks ah, " they're giein' buks awaay, ah'll gae an' git wun fer Meary ; she tak's mortaal t' reeadin'." Ah oops intul a pleeace wi' a foine pictoor o' Rooame, wi' a big caastle feerin' awaay ; Saaint Angillow mon caw'd it. " Ah wish they'd leeave goonpahder aloane !" tliinks ah. Koond t' raahm wur hoondreds o' thahsands o' buks o' a soizes; an' yoong chaps haanded 'em oot tit foaks. " They maay weel gie 'em awaay," saays ah, " whin they've gat soa rnonny." Ah let yoong chaps sarve wun or twea foaks, whin ah oops, an' saays ah, " This is t' Free Librayry, ah think ?" " Yea," saays chap. " Weel, thin," saays ah, " yoh con hond ma soom noice buk o' pooetry, or taales fit fer a lass a neeat pratty vollom ; bud ah donna caare fer that shiney stoof roond t' leeaves." " What's yoor neame ?" saays chap. " Timothy Goorkrodger, Fermer, Bonny- beck, Yarkshur," saays ah. "Whur'is yoor tikket ?" saays chap. " Ah ha' nae tikket," saays ah. " We nivvir lind buks wi'oot a ticket signed by a raate-paayer, bud thur's a raahm opposit, whur yoh con sit an' reead what yoh loike ;" an' yoong fellar toorned t' ithers. Foaks roond begaan t' giggle a bit ; soa ah thaanked yoong chap, an' wint acrass intul REEADIN' RAAHM, as they caw it ; an' a noice pleeace it be, thof they bang t' deer a lahtle too mitch, an' a mon loikes quiate whin he's a stoodyin'. Thur wur twea gooid foires, sax lang taables an' binches eeach soide ; an' oshuns o' pappers an' buks 117 lift on ^taables fer onnywuu t' reead. Thur wur Poonch an' ither foouny Perryoddicawls (as a rnon caw'd 'em) ; Reveus, Maggerzeens, Joornaals, Boys' buks, Katterlogs, Dickshonnarries, Gides, an' ah donna knaw what. Ah gat oop i' a cooarner neear a maap ov Shevvild, an' soom gloobes ; an' as thur wxirna onny wun else neear, an' a noice foine leukin' mon smoiled at ma, ah tuk t' libberty o' axin' him soom queshuiis i' a loo doon vice loike. Thur's boosts a' roond on winder sills ; an' ah axed thur neeames. " That aud mon wi' beeard an' nao ees," saays mah koind freend, " is Hommer, t' greeat Grik pooet. That yoong haandsoom chap wi' t' flooin' haair is Happollow, god o' musick an' t' foine aarts. That sollid-leukin' mon, wi' thout sittin' o' his broo, is Jaames Watt, who mad' t' steeam engin." "He niud weel ha' hed thout settin' on his broo, an' insoide his braain alsoa, t' mak' that woonder o' t' yearth, steeam poor; what wud Shevvild doa wi'oot it ?" saaid ah. " Yoor reight," saays mah in- stroocter, an' he thin wint on aboot t' boosts. " Thoase twea ower thur air in honner o' twea sons ov Shevvild, Elyot an' Moontgonamery, boath pooets," saays he. " It mun be dowly wark," saays ah, " t' wreet pooetry oonder yoor smooak ; ah'd sooner groind raazers, ah wud !" " T' sowl tak's nae noate ov soorroondin's," saaid mah koind freend an' teeachur ; " soom ov oor best an' maist noable warks ha' beean coompoased i' prisson ; an' t' ee ov ginneus con sea buty, an' hollyness, an' puritty, an' God's luv an' gooidness, amid t' croods ov min, as weel as in t' luvliest scenes ov Natter. Mon is t' rooler ov t' univarse, an' t' stoody, an' gie shaape, an' ootterrance t' mon's thouts, an' whoapes, an' aspirashuns, is t' heighest pooetry. The true pooet con foind " Sweeatness an' leight," as MetJiew Arnuld saays, evin amid oor smooak an' glooim ; an' what doos glorius aud Joan Million wreet i' his greeat wark " The sowl is its oan pleeace, An' ov itsel con mak' A Hivin ov Hell, A Hell ov Hivin !" 118 An', agin, hoo foine thoase loines ov t' dreeamer, Cooalridge : " We recee've bud what we gieve, An' in oor loives aloane doth Natter live ; Oor's is her weddin' gaarmiut, Oor's her shrood ; an' wud we aught acqueer 0' heigher woarth, thon this inanimaate cauld warld alloos To t' pooir luvless", ivvir anxshus crood ; Oh,/V-fl t' sorvl itnel inun thur proceead 'A leight, a gloary, a faair loominus clood, Bnvelloppin' t' yearth; an'/m f sowl itsel Mun thur be sint a sweeat an' poatent voice ov its oan berth, Ov a' sweeat soonds t' loife an' illimint." " That's varry foine an' graand," saays ah, " thof ah canna oonderstaand hawf ov it ; bud ah stick tit aud saayin', " GOD MAD' T' COONTKY, MON T' TOON." T' woisest an' t' beast air woiser an' better wi' t' luvly an' grashus warks o' t' Almighty aroond 'em. By choise nae wun, ah think, wud liv' i' glooim an' moock. Ah nivvir cud mak' " A Hivin ov Hell," as pooet saays, ah's seer ! Foaks tell rna thur's plinty or Free Theenkers a' Shevvild ; what woonder peuple ceease t' beleeve i' Hivin, whin they con nivvir see it !" saays ah. " Ma freend," saaid gintlemon, " we mun mak' t' beast ov prisent circoomstaances ; we munna owerleuk humaanity, becas it dwells i' masses i' poovitty, durt, an' vice ! Iv a' t' gooid, an' larned, an' rispicktaable seeak whoarnes awaay fra oor laarge toons, (an' too mony who ha' mad' thur fortoons by t' laboor ov ithirs doa this noo,) what wull becum ov t' thahsands an' tins ov thahsands ov pooir, hignoorant, an' helpliss beeings i' sike pleeaces aa Shevvild ? - "Thur is waark, noable waark, amid sike pleeaces. It will be toime enuf fer mon t' gie mon oop whin God gies mon oop." Ah foond ah'd noa coammon mon t' taalk tiv, (he's weel knawn an' luv'd, ah'v larnt, by thaahsands i' Yarkshur) ; an' glaad ah wur t' lissen tiv him. He wint on, " That seveer, foine-leukin' faace is t' boost or Markus Brutus, who killed Ceesar." "What hed he dun?" axed ah; "hed he gaen maad ?" "Noa," saaid mah 119 teeachur, "he wur a greeat teerant, who distroyed t' libberttees ov his coontry, i' t' aud Rooamon toinies." Ah thout he wur a doag ! Ah'd nivvir yeeard ov onny Ceesars bud doags ; bud ah heald mah peeace. Giritlemon thin saaid, " That's anithir Eooamon, ower thur, t' Imperor Vittillyus." "Air not Eooamons, an' Griks, an' English possed oop a bit?" saays ah." " T' librayry is i' its infaancy," saays he ; " thur'll be mair boosts an' mair oarder Boom deay." "Ah wur glaad t' sea," saays ah, " a' soarts ov foaks coomin' fer buks ; " it mun be a greeat deloight fer thim as is fond o' reedin' ; iv mah darter Meary wur heear, she'd reead maist o' yoor buks, ah'm seer !" " She'd ha' soom trooble," saaid gintlemon, sniilin', " an' tak' soom toime ; we've mair thon 30,000 volloms !" " Do yoh nivir lose 'em ?" saays ah, " lendin' 'em oot ?" " Soomtoimes," saays he ; " bud naethin' t' speeak ov oot ov soa inonny." "Is it t' waarkin' men, or middlin' soart ov foaks, who tak' buks cheeafly ?" " We've a' raanks an' claasses," he retoorned, " an' ah'm glaad, an' prood t' saay, we've waarkin' min who con reead an' oonderstond oor foirst buks o' sciance an' litteratshure." " Ah'm varry pleeased t' heear it," saaid ah ; " thur wur noathin' loike this i' mah yoong deays. Thur's whoape fer Englaand i 1 sike institooshuns. Bud is it sollid buks or novvils yoh ha' t' maist ov ?" axed ah. "Heare's a Katterlog," saaid mah instroocter, " an' iv yoor toime isna taen oop, ah'll jist goa throf it a bit." " Ah'm noa pressed," saays ah, " an' ah'll tak' it varry koind o' yoh, Sur, iv yoh'll gie ma onny infoormashun yoh con ; ah'm alias reeady t' larn, an' iwiry deay ah feeal t' waant ov a gooid eddicashun, ah doa." Mah gooid freend tuk a pleeasure, ah cud sea, i' tellin' ma things, fer ah wurna aboon axin' an' enqueerin' ; an' t' oanly waay fer an hignoorant mon t' larn, is t' ax, an' ax, an' kip on axin'. Gintlemon tuk oop vollom wi' t' list o' buks ; an' saays he, " We're varry Katholick i' oor seleck- shun." " Rooamon Katholick ?" saays ah. " Noa," saays he, " ah meean univarsal, not confoined, loike, t' onny skeul, or creeid, or teeachin' ; 'we let a' ha' faair 120 plaay.' In HISTORY we've gooid edishuns ov a' t' anshent oarthers, sike as Jossephoos, Herrodditoos, Livvy, Salloost, an' t' moddern wuns ov Gibboon, Robertsun, Hume, ffallum, doon tiv t' warks ov Boockley, Looey Blong, Maccoolley, Hallisun, Frood, Lingaerd, an? Kinglaake. Thin cooms BEHOGGRAFFY, or loives o' t' greeat min ov t' warld ; thur's neeaiiy thurty paages of thease, incloodin' PlootarKs Loives, Rosckoe's Leeho f Tinth, Talleyroond, etsetterah. A varry attraacteev teetle coomes nixt : VOYAAGES AN' TRAAVILS ; we've a lang list o' thease, fra Cooake an' Moongo Pairk tiv Caatlin, an' Doo Shallhoo an' Livinstaane. In MAATHEMATTICKS AN' FISSICAL SCEEANCES, we've Hugh Clyd" " Ah'v yeeard o' him," saays ah! " an' monny greeat neeames doon : Newtin, Cuveehair, Arahgoa, Farro^ deay, Leeal, an 1 Hooxley." Ah'd beein taen' neeames doon fer Meary an' mah huk i' pincil ; ah'v lift oot soom o' t' Fissical min, ah foind; bud nea makkins. Gintlemon wint on taalkin'. "Nixt we ha', yoh sea, NATTERAL HISTORRY AN' FISSYOLLOGY, twinty paages or mair ; Gowdsmeeth, Booffong, Whotte, Coom, Spoorshim, an' ithirs. Thin THEOLLOGY ; noat monny paages, fer we're noat greeat theollogeeuns i' She wild ; bud thur's t' Feythurs ov f Choorch, Saaint Thomas Acquinnus ; an' imparshall loike, we gie Whaately, Strass, Collinso, an' ithirs, fer a' creeids an' waays o' thinkin'." " T' greeat thing," saays ah, " is t' teeach oor English foaks Chaarity, an' mak 'em act loike Christiaans wun tiv t' ithir Doa yoh think yoh're doin' that, wi' a' this larnin' ?" " We've mitch t' doa yit t' poot aud Englaand's hoose in carder," saaid mah teeachur ; " bud, thenk God, we've mad' a beginnin', we've mad' a beginnin' !" " Ah'll toorn ower," he wint on, " tiv MINTAL AN' MORRAL FEELOSSOOPHY a sma' bud rich collickshun ; Baacon, Watts'" " Him as foond oot steeam poor," saays ah, to show ah'd taen summat in ! " Noa," saays gintlemon, "DOCTER Watts." "Ah whoape he cuered t' peuple weel," saays ah. "Not a docter ov Med'sin," saays he, "bud a docter ov Divinnitty." "Oh!" saays ah, as mitch i' t' daark as ivvir ; bud ah lit him goa on. " Thur's Watts, Dooghall Stooart, Smeeath, Reeid, Lewis, 121 Mills, an' ithirs fer mintal stoodents. RHETTORRICK an' EDDICASHUNAL WAARKS cooms nixt, wi' Million, Poapc, Booms." Noa all's wrang, gintlemon didna saay that ah'v possed mah nooates oop "POOETRY" cooms foiret, wi', ah think, BROOM, BLAACKSTAANE, DICKENS, COOAK, THAAKERRY. Noa, all's wrang agin ! he didna poot it that waay ; thoase chaaps coom oonder JURRYSPRUDINSE. Ah'v mad' a tengle altegithur ov what gintlemon saaid ; an' ah canna git it oot. Ah'v gat heare POLLITIKAL ECCONNOMY, an' thin cloas by thur's t' naames ov Riynolds, Pttgin, Flaaxmon, Toorner, Rooskin, an' soom ithir chaaps ah'v gat on an aud enveloop o' Meary's. Thin ah'v gat writ FEEN AARTS, wi' Adaam Smeeath, Riccaddo, an' Cobdin, i' wun cornir ; bud they doan't seeam t' belang tiv Feen Aarts. USEFOOL AARTS cooms nixt on mah papper, wi' Shaakespeear ; bud that canna be, thof his aart wur a usefool wun fer oor haarts an' braains ; ah'v yeard ov Shaakespeear afoor. Ah'v gat POOETRY an' DRAMMAH, wi' 20 paages agin it ; an' 80 paages agin NOVVILS, EOMAANCES, an' MISSELLANNEUS. As gintlemon gat tit ind ov kattalog he laffed, an' saaid, " We've gat evin A SLAANG DICKSHONNARRY fer oor roofs, an' BUKS FER T' BLOIND : a whoal paage fool o' Histories, Taales, an' guid waarks." " That's noable," saays ah ; " ah'v seein bloind min reeadin' wi' thur finners, an' its varry gooid t' foind 'em buks ; bud ah doan't loike that Slaang Dickshonnarry , It isna quoite t' thing ; bairns an' bits o' boys larn slaang sooin enuf, wi'oot havin' that buk t' goa tiv." Ah thin thaanked gintlemon moast sinceerly, an' tould him hoo pleeased an' prood ah wur t' sea Shevvild foaks treein' t' spreead eddicashun, an' gie innercent meeans o' amoosemint tit peuple, an' weean 'em awaay fra pooblic- hooses, an' drinkin' plaaces ; an' ah saaid ah whoaped soom deay ivviry toon i' Englaand wi' ha' a Free Librayry." " Ah whoape soa too, mah freend," saaid gintlemon, " an' we shall advaance, noa doot. tiv a better futoor. We're noo oapenin' braanches o' t' Librayry i' t' ootskirts ; fer monny foaks canna coom intul toon t' chaange thur buks." "Caapital!" creed ah, "yoh'v 122 soom greeat idees oonder a' yoor smooak ; an* ah'll leeave Shevvild better pleeased thon ah intered it." An' we wished eeach ithir " gooid deay." Arter gintlemon lift, ah stoapped reeadin' a bit. Ah gat hoold ov a foonny buk wi' a' soarts o' daates an' noates aboot Shevvild. Heare's wun or twea : A.D. 1160. " Foirst Iron Waarks 1 f Shevvild:' That's a lang whoile agoa ! A.D. 1571. " Toon Troosteas Sot oop a Pillor //."" Sit it oop agin," thinks ah, " an' poot sassage mon in foirst 1" A.D. 1696. " Foirst Brick Hoose f Shevvild." An' noo they've tins ov thahsands ; bud they're pooir, poaky, wholes maistly ; an' noa yaards t' swing a caat evin. Ah doan't think we mun booast too mitch ov t' increease ! Thur's noa coomfert or heealth wi'oot raahm t r breeath ! A.D. 1749. " Cootler'sFeeast, coast 42/9, hawfpaaid oot ov stock." Themwurt'raal gooid aud toimes ; noo Cootlers ha' gat a graand Haall i' Shevvild fer feeastin', which coast thahsands oopon thahsands; an' voate '200 a yeear t' thur rneaster fer groob. Ah whoape they'll lit t' croombs o' thur taable goa tiv pooir ! Ah lift Librayry, an' wiiit tit Pooblic Baaths, sit oop by t' Corperashun. Ivvirythin' is noice an' weel arraanged thur ; bud whur i' t' warld they git thur cleean watter fra ah donna knaw ; that poozles ma ! Thin ah wint tiv man Inn an' mah bid, eearly enuf, as ah wur teerd oot. Nixt moorn off ah goas tiv Staashun ; an', rnarsy on ma ! who shud ah meeat bud aud Langrick agin ; bud ah'll leeave him, an' oor adventoores tegithur, fer anithir artikcle. AH GOA DOON INTUL A BAIRNSLA COOAL PIT, AN' GIT WEEL PAAID FEE MAH ' FOND LAARK. " Holla, Langrick," saays ah, shaakiii' his hond nearly off ; " Lord-a-blessee, who'd a thout ov rneeatin' thee at Shewild ?" " Why," saays he, " ah've coom tit funiral ov mah nevvy : bud ah'm reight glaad t' sea thee, aud fellar. Did aud womon gie it thee aboot Doncaaster, aye ?" an' he poaked ma i' t' ribs ! " Aye, bud she did !" saays ah, " an' she'll neer forgit it, ah think ; she laays it on pratty thick aboot drinkin', an' raaces, an' low coonipany whinivvir ah gie her a chaance, or poot her oot " " T' saame heare," saays Langrick; "ah copped it, ah did ! bud we're free men noo, aye, Goorkrodger ? an' con goa an' doa as we loike !" " Noa," saays ah, "ah mun be whoame t' moorn; ah promessed aud Deeajne, an' ah kip mah ward far as ah con." "Pettycoate goovernmint !" saays he ; " whot differ con it mak' soa as yoh git whoame afoor neight ? Its varry eearly noo, coom wi' mah tiv Bairnsla ah'v bizziness thur an' yoh con goa on by anithur eearly traain; aud freends loike oos ha' varry mitch t' taalk aboot, an' sildom meeat." Weel, he parswaded ma t' buk oanly tiv Bairnsla, an' off we wint. Langrick had gotten soom bizziness aboot cooals t' doa, soa we wint fra Stashun t' Collyerrees. 124 " Asta ivvir beein doon a Cooal Pit, Goorkrodger ?" saaid he tiv ma, ,whin we gat neear wun. " Noa," saays ah, " an' donna waant t' goa." " Yoor noat afeeard o' t' daark ?'' saays he. " Ah'm noat afeeard at a','' saays ah ; " bud what use con it be bud t' git cooals ?" " Monny foaks goa doon," saays Langrick, " oot ov curiossity, an' t' saay they've beein. It's a curius soight, ah'm tould, an' ah loike t' sea a' ah con i' t' warld." " Oh ! soa doa ah fer that faact," saays ah ; " bud what's t' use ov moockin' yoor cleas fer sike a soight ?" " Noa neead ov that," saays he ; " we con chaange oor cleas an' poot a collyer's duds on, an' chaange agin whin we coom oop. Mah broothur wint doon, an' he tould ma it tak's varry lahtle toime, an' it's a raare oot ov t' waay koind ov pic- tur t' sea an' taalk aboot arterwaards." Weel, arter a lang discooshon loike, we baith agreead t' goa doon intul pit. " Bud," saays ah, " who'll gae foirst ?" We'd agreead t' tak' it i' toorns, an' fer wun t' stoap at top an' moind tithers cleas. " We'll toass," saays Lang- rick, an' oop he sint saxpinse. " Yed," saays ah. "Taal," saays he ; it wur a taal, an' ah hed t' goa foirst. We wint intul ingine hoose, aboon shaaft o' pit ; an ah poot on a collyer's greeasy moocky duds, wi' an aud caap ; ah mun ha' leuked a gui fox, ah mun ; Langrick an' collyers roond did laf a bit ! Mah new cooat an' troosers wur a mahle too sma', an' cam hawf waay oop mah ligs an' airms ; bud they'd nae ithirs, an' ah wur fooarced t' tak' 'em. Ah cudna bootten' waaistcooat nae hoo, soa ah teed a bit ov string tiv boottens an bootten hoales, an' kip 'em tegither that waay ! " A' reeady," a mon creed oot noo ; " shift's gaein' doon;" an' ah wint oot an' gat intul caage, as they caw a koind ov iron box faastined wi' roapes an' chaains heigh oop tiv a soart ov gallus " Yed geear," they caw it. Ah saays, " Gooid bye, Langrick ! yoor toorn nixt !" an' mon set windin' ingine a-moshun ; an' doon we wint intul t' booels ov t' yearth ! Lower an' lower, t' shaaft haardly bigger thon a gooid-soized well; t' leight oop aboon growin' less an' less, oor laamps growin' breighter an' breighter, an' mah maates, iwiry noo an* thin, 125 shewin' thur whoite teeath varry wlioite wi' thur blaack faaces aii' thinkin' it foine foon, noa doobt, t' ha' sike a comraade. Lower an' lower ! Ah'd uoa noshun it wur sike a waay doon ! Collyer chaaps grimmaacin' , an' makkin' sly joakes on mah cleas an' leuks. Lower an' lower ! Ah treed t' leuk ower soide. " Moind ! moind ! thou'll owerset caage !" creed a mon they caw'd Bootty ; an' he wur as faat as bootter, wi' a faace loike a Chesshur cheeis. They'd poot him in t' baalance ma ! Lower an' lower ! tull ah thout ah wur mahles doon i' t' yearth. " Ah donna relish this at a'," saays ah t' niesel ; "ah wish ah wur weel oot ov it ; bud ah munna show t' whoite feeathur ; ah mun caarry it throf noo, an' mak' beast ov it !" an' ah taalked oonconsarned loike tiv Bootty an' ithirs. Doon! doon! lower! lower! " Whin wull ah git tit botham," thinks ah. " Ah wish aud Deeame cud sea ma noo. Ah'v yeard Meary reead aboot foaks i' Horsetrallyer beein' oor Hanttippodees, which meeans oonder oor fit, tithir soide o' t' waarld. Iv they goa on diggin' an' diggin' this waay, they'll git tit Hanttippodees, an' we con goa tiv Melboorne, t' geeeat gowd toon ah'v yeard aboot, slaap baang throf t' booels ov t' yearth !" Lower an' lower still ! " Mah ee, bud this pit's a deeap uu," saays ah tiv Bootty. " Kaythur," saays he, " bud uoathin' tiv t' Oaaks wun, wur 360 min an' boys loast thur loives soom. toime agoa." " Hoo ?" saays ah. "By an' exploshun," saays he; " ah expict we'll ha' an exploshun i' oor pit soom deay ; it's a varry fierry wun, an' onny thing maay sit gaass afoire, an' thin aftur- daamp wi' finish oos a' off i' nae toime." " Ah wish ah'd a knawn that afoor," saaid ah. " Weel," saaid Bootty, " we're i' daanger deay an' neight, an' git used tiv it ; bud it dusna seeam reight that a thahsand pooir fellars shud be killed ivviry yeear i' oor pits, gittin' cooal fer foaks' cooni- fert." "A thahsand a yeear!" saays ah ; "we've wun monny a greeat baattle wi' less loass o' min than that ; its a shaame an' a sin ; bud con it bea hindered ?" " Yea, it 126 con, i' greeat measshur," saaid mon, " by haavin 1 mair shaafts, bettur riggulashuns, an' gooid inspeckshun l>nd heare we air at botham." Glaad ah wur t' git oot ov caage, an' stritch mab ligs a bit ; bud ab badna rnitcb raabni or toime. Bootty wint on tbrof laaug narrer paassaages, wi' shoiney blaack deeamons a' roond, an' blaack deenaons a gettin' 'eni ! In soom woider pleeaces greeat loomps ov cooal loike pil- lers bild oop t' rooif, an' collyer cbaps wur a' roond wi' laamps an' picks, soom staandin', soom sittin', soom kneealin', soom ivin Hggin' doon. " Staand by," mon saaid i' wun pleeace, " corves air coomin'." " Cawves ?" saays ah ; " doa yob kip coos doon heeare ?" " We've hoarses," saays he, " i' soom pits, bud noa coos, as ah knaw ov." He shewed ma oopcaast shaaft an' foornaace drift, an' explaained hoo t' fooul air is sint oot an' freeash gat in. " Ventilaashun, that's t' greeat thing i' a' collyerees, an' it's a' a matter ov expinse," saaid Bootty. " Measters soomtoimes saave thur brass, an' pooir fellars loase thur loives." We gat foorthur an foorthur intul t' booels ov t 1 yearth. Ah cud soomtoimes baarely breeath. " Ah whoape thur's nae aftur-daamp heeare," thinks ah ; "it's a feearfool thing t' ha' deeath neear yoh deay an' neight, an' meeat it i' sike a pleeace, far fra a' humaan aaid !" T' git t' gaainest waay tit biggest pairt ovmoine, thur wur a narrer paassaage loike, coot throf t' cooal, an' it wur soa loo, collyers had t' creeip on bonds an' kneeas. Ah wint foirst, an' ah hadna gaen twinty fit, whin ah stoock faast, an' cudna goa baackards or forrards ! Bootty beyant saays, " Yoh mun git on." Ah saays, " Ah canna !" He saays, " Bud yoh'll bloack oop pit, an' kip nixt shift waaitin' ; an' mabbe they'll toorn staark giddy, as they saay i' mah pairt that's aangry maad oor collyer chaaps air not t' beast timpered--au' gie it thee m' thur picks." " Oh marsy," saays ah, ' iv ah'd known ov this jubblemint afoor ma, ah'd beean noau soa keen coomin' doon ; ah canna moave aither waay. Oh graashus ! ah'll be boorried aloive !" an' ah did git flay'd a bit, ah oan it ; ah treed an' treed t' git throf, or poosh baack ; t' sweeat an' moock fra t' cooals raan a' 127 doon mah faace, bud all cudna stir. " Iv ah git oot ov this mess, ah'll nivvir gang doon a cooal pit agin i' mah loife," thinks ah. Ah cudna moave ! ah wur doon oop, an' faair staalled ; an' ah laay doon, ah did, an' paanted fer breeath loike a jaack haare wi' t' doags beyant. Bootty ah cud heear sweearin' tiv hissel ; an' saays he, " This wullna doa; let's pool thee baack !" an' he toogged at mah ligs tull ah thout they'd coom oot ov joints, an' ah gerned alood ! " "Weel," saays Bootty, " this is a noice goa. stoappin' t' ventillashun, an' an exploshun reeady t' coom onny minnit !" Ah gerned agin ! ah cudna healp it ; ah'd t' yed-waark baad enuf, an' ah thout ov whoame, an' Deeame, an' Meary. " Iv ah wur thee," saays Bootty, " ah'd poosh throf toom hoo, an* snoin. We've soom desp'raate chaaps i' this shift; an', iv thee dizzant inoind, they'll think naught o' pootin' soom blaastin' paahder roond thy boady, an' blooin' thee oot." " Oh hivins !" saays ah, an' ah gerned ower agin ; " doan't saay that, ah'm dooin' mah beast." Ah noo mad' a greeat draag forrad, an' aftur teearin' mah collyer cleas, an' makkin' mah noase an' boath mah kneeas bleeid, ah foarced mah waay oot. Ah'd noo gat iutul a laarge raahm loike, wi' pillers ov cooal an' timber heeare an' thur t' kip oop rooif. Noombers ov collyer chaps wur gaen aboot, an' warkin' loike sperits ov daarkniss. A laad who cam' doon wi' ma i' t' caage, tould who ah wur ; an' sooin' they cam' roond ma i' cloosters, grimmacin', an' showin' thur teeath ; an' it wur, " Fuottin" 1 brass! Foottin 1 brass! plaze, Sur, noo yoftre loomed collyer .'" a' roond ; an' they hild oot thur inoocky paws fer munny ! " Ah'm hawf deead," saays ah, " an' ah've gat naught wi' ma ; mah duds air aboon, whur ah wish ah wur ! Ah'll goa noo !" " Noa," saays a big oogly boolly ov a fellar, " that wullna doa wi' oos ; yoh con sind oop, an' we'll git a gallon ov yale doon.-" " Ah saay Ezra,'' saaid he tiv anither collyer, bigger thon hissen, " doa ye moiud t' aud fellar who wadna paay his 'foottin' brass ' laast moonth, hoo we kipt him doon i' t' pit twea deays an' neights ? we'll be obligaated t' doa saame noo, ah think !" Collyers a' roond ma did leuk visshus 128 loike, shaakin' thur laamps an' sliaatin', " Foottin' brass, Foottin' brass ! gie oos oor Foottin' brass !" Ah reeally think they'd a poised ma, or shoot ma oop, Whin Bootty cam' forrad, an' saays he, "Ah'll lind gintlemon hawf-a-craawn." All gav' it t' grinnin' chaaps roond, an' they gav' ma three cheears, an' poot a pick i' mah hond ; an' ah doog soom cooal oot, " foirst raate," they saaid. Ah thin mad' mah waay t' shaaft botham. Caage wur reeady t' goa oop ; ah gat in glaad enuf, an' wur sooin at .top, haawf bloinded wi' t' soon-leight, bud thaankfool enuf t' sea it agin. Ah leuked roond fer Langrick, bud cudna sea him ; ah caw'd an' caw'd bud gat noa aanswur. T' pleeace at toap seeamed dissaarted loike. Soom waay off thur wur a greeat crood shaatin', an' grooanin', an* thrawin' staanes. "What's oop ?" saays ah tiv a collyer roonnin' tiv crood. " Thur's a skermaage gaein' on," saays he ; " thim gooid-fer-nowts ov blaack sheeap wull cop it ; ah allus saaid they'd doa thursens a mischeef at laast." An' off he wint, shaatin' " Noa blaack sheeap ! doon wf blaack sheeap!" All shaated, too, " Langrick ! Langrick !" bud nae Langrick cam'. " Hasta seein a mon moindin' soom cleeas ?" saaid ah tiv a collyer bairn staandin' by. " Thur's a mon ower thur roonnin' awaay wi' a boondle ov cleas, ah think," saays bairn ; " he's roabbed 'em." An' seer enuf a mon wur gangin' awaay doon heigh rooad, wi' a big boondle. " They've sot oopon an' roabbed pooir Langrick," thinks ah; "ah mun git mah cleas, an' thin coom baack an' seeak him." An' off ah wint arter mon; he seeid mah cooniin', an' off he wint faaster, (this maade ma certaain he'd gat mah cleeas). He wur gaein' alang pike; whin ah raan, he raan ; whin ah waalked, he waalked ; whin ah reasted an' ah wur that winded, ah wur foarced soomtoimes t 1 stoap he reasted. This wint on fer mahles, an' ah kipt him i' soight, bud ah gaained varry lahtle on him. Ah gat oonder a raailwaay brig, an' thin t' rooad tak's a greeat roond by a pleeace they caw Kixbroof, ah think. Foaks wur oot alang rooad, wimmin an' bairns, an' they shaated, " Blaack sheeap ! blaack sheeap !" arter ma ; an* 129 soom sint staanes at ma. Ah mun a leaked a blaack sheeap, ah think. " Oh, t' weeary deay ah caame t' Bairnsla !" thinks ah; "pooir Langrick ! they'v taen him, an' roabbed him, an' praaps moordered him ! Weeas ma ! weeas ma !" Foaks that met ma did staare at ma, an' tvvea pollis- rnin waaitin' an' waatchin', seeamed dispoased t' tak' ma oop. " That chap's a ringleeder, ah doa beleeave," saays wun tit ithir. " We've nae prooif," saays tither, " an' it isna saafe t' tak' him wi' that crood coomin' on ; bud leuk at him, an' mark his faace weel." Ah meeant t' ask thur hilp, bud what they saaid flay'd ma. " They'll nivvir be- leeave ma; they tak 1 ma fer a collyer i' thease things," saays ah t' mesel, an' soa ah wint on arter mon. He wur a thin, woiry fellar, an' kep' a yed o' ma a' alang. At laast he toorned roond, savaage loike, an' saays he, "What air yoh a-follerin' ov ma fer ? It's a free lond. Iv ah chuse t' wark oot ov Uniyon, ah wull ! Ah've gat yoh awaay fra ithir chaaps, an'noo ah'llfeight or caw pollist'yoh!" " Ah'll caw pollis !" saays ah ; " 'gie ma that boondle !" "Ah wullna," saays he. "Thin ah'll tak' it," saays ah. " Wilta ?" saays he. " Ah knaw hoo monny beeans mak' foive, an' ah doan't think thoo wilt !" At it we wint tooin' at paircil. Arter a toog or twea, papper cam' off, an' oot dropped a greeat looaf, a loomp ov baccon, a paair ov and booats, a durty shurt, an' warse soacks, an' a raagged waaistcooat ! Ah wur doomfoonded ! " Iv ah'm a blaack sheeap," saays he, " ah'll let thee sea a blaack sheeap con boot;" an' afoor ah knawed it, he poot doon his yed an' raan intul mah stoomark. Ah wur woinded afoor, an' noo ivviry blessed breeath seeamed broded oot o' ma ! Ah sot doon on bonk-soide, whoile mon picked oop his things, an' wur off agin loike a laampleightur. " Gooid bye, aud chap," saays he ; " ah think yoh've had enuf ! Goa whoame an' leeave blaack sheeap aloane !" Ah didna ansur him ; ah wur too oot ov woind, an' fool ov thout. "What mun ah doa," thinks ah. "Ah've coom foive mahles, mabbe, arter nout ; ah mun noo goa baack ! Oh, weeas ma ! weeas ma !" As ah wur toornin 1 t' gang baack t' Bairnsla, a collyer chaap caame roonuin' oop, an' i 130 saays he, " Sodgers air oot, an' makkin' reeady t' foire; staanes air gaeiu' loike haale ; roon, roon fer yoor loife ! they're coomin' this waay ! they're coornin' this waay ! we'll be moordered !" an' off he wint. Ithirs caame raaciii', too, an' ah, loike a sheeap, raaced off wi' em. Ah raan tull ah gat neear a staashun. Hoo ah langed fer a shillin' or twea t' taake traain. Ah seearched i' t' beeastly collyer duds ah'd gat on. This is a' ah foond i' t' durty pokkets : 1. A tikket fer a Eaaffel fer a poopp bool doag ; "foirst raate breeid" it saaid. 2. A shoart claay poipe. 3. A saang aboot t' " Jooavil Pooachurs. " 4. A bit ov aud roape, soom cooal doost, brid croombs, an' cheease paarrin's an'thatwur a'. " Weel," saays ah, " ah'm in fer it ! Oh that cooal pit ! that wreatched cooal pit. They've moordered pooir Langrick, an' stoalen rnah cleeas, nae doobt ; an' noo ah mun waalk whoame i' thease beeastly things ! Thur's naethin' else fer it." Soa ah teed bit ov roape toight roond mah waaist, t' kip hoonger doon, an' off ah wint fer Bonnybeck on Shenk's poany. T' mak' a lang stoary shoart arter draaggin' alang mahles arter mahles, faaint, an' a'maist droappin' wi' hoonger an' thoirst pollis an' peuple leukin' at ma loike a maad doag ah gat intul Bonnybeck at twea o'clock i' t' moorn, that dun oop ah cud baarely drag wun lig arter tithir. Ah gat oop t' broo soomhoo, an' maade fer mah deer, Jowler growlin' loike maad. As ah knoacked at deer, aud Deeame leuked oot ov winder, an', ha\vf scrimmin', dreaw baack agin. " Theeaves ! theeaves ! moorder ! moorder !" Meary an' her begaan shaatin' ; an' she caw'd oot, " Goa awaay, goa awaay, or ah'll foire bloonderboos !" an' ah yeard her click t' coack, t' maake reeady. I' a moament winder wur pooshed ooapen, an' aud Deeame she's graand ploock, she lies lit's fly. Shot caame jist ower mah yed ; an' ah did shaat oot, ah did. Meary had let Jowler loase ; he cam' an' rooshed oop 131 tiv ma, bud he smilt ma, an' his quiateniss an' mah nooise tould who ah wur. They oapened deer, an' thin ah did cop it ! " It's a rnarsy,"' saaid aud Deeame, ' ah didna shooit thy hraains oot, iv thou hast onny i' thy skool ! What dost thoo meean coomin' whoame at this hoor, an' i' thease filthey moocky cleeas ?" " Fer marsy saake," saays ah, "gie ma summat t' eeat an' drink ; ah'm welly clammed oot ; an' ah'll explarain it a' tiv thee i' t' moorn." Bud she wad git it oot ov ma at onst ; soa arter a few moothfools, an' a drew o' yale, ah tould Deeame an' Meary mah taale. Ah indid by saayin', " Ah'll nivvir goa doon a cooal pit agin, as lang as ah liv' ; that ah'll proo- mise thee, Deeame !" il It's eeasy enuf t' taalk that waay noo," saays she ; " bud nae wun wi' a nounce o' sinse wud gae doon a cooal pit at a'. It's mah beleef, Tim, thou'rt beean foodlin', an' gat intul loo coompaany." " Nobbut Langrick," saays ah. " T' haangmint tak' that Langrick," creed aud Deeame ; " ah havna forgotten Don- caaster yit, an' yoor foand gaame tegither ; he shaall nivvir daarken mah deer agin, iv ah knaws it ; he'll git t' thible stick iv he doa, or warse. Yoor noat a drinkin' mon, Tim, bud that Langrick has led yoh intul soom room coompaany, an' yoh've beean oop tiv yoor laarks ; he con staand mair yale thon yoh : ' whin t' yale's in, t' wit's oot ;' an' yoh've chaanged cleas wi' a durty, naasty, moocky collyer ! Ah whoape yoor ashaamed ov yoorsel, an' yoor foand spreeas ! A noice bran new cooat, an' troosers, an' waaistcooat, swapped fer thim filthey things a raag mon wudna pick oop. Yoh maay goa aboot, an' tit choorch i' yoor collyer's duds ; ah'm seer ah donna knaw whur yoh'll git new wuns." Ah wur riled a bit, an' ah saays, " Pra Talleymon !" bud as ah saw a stoorm abrewin', ah saaid, " let ma eeat an' drink i' peeace, fer ah'm faair staalled ; an' yoh maay pitch intul ma i' t' moorn, fer ah knaws ah desarve it. Ah've beean a feeol, ah awn it ! Thur, wull that doa ?" That paacified aud Deeame ; she saw ah wur doon oop, an' she hasn a a baad haart at botham. She's a timper ov her awn ; bud she wad goa tit warld's ind fer ma or Meary. Ah gat t' bid, an' wur faast asleeap whin t' poastmon 182 caame i' t' moorn wi' a letter fer ma. Ah oapened it, an' this is what ah red insoide : " MAH DEEAK GOORKRODGEK, "Hoo i' t' waarld did ah miss yoh this moorn? Yoh kipt ma soa lang waaitin', ah gat toired ov leukin' doon shaaft, an' cooutin' t' Icoads ov cooals that cam' oop ; soa ah toorned intul t' Joally Collyer Pooblic Hoose, an' tould a rnon at pit baank t' lit yoh knaw whur all wur. It seeams thur wur a' roo amang t' Collyers, an' mou raau off t' sea t' foon. Foaks hed seein yoh roonnin', an' saaid yoh wur flayed at t' noise. Ah canna mak' it oot. Yoor cleas an' rnuimy air a' saafe, an' ah'll sind 'em, iv yoh wreet an' saay yoh've gat whoame. Iv yoh did wi' them beeastly duds on, ah 'spects yoh copped it fra aud womaan ! an' noa misteeak ! She knaws hoo t' use her rid raag, she doa ! Nivvir moind, aud freend, we'll meeat agin soom deay, an' whur thur's uae wimmin koind t' look oos oop, an' spoil oor pleeasure wi' thur catterwaulin'. " Yoors trooly, " ABRAAM LANGRICK." " ' Aud womaan? ' rid mag,' ' catterwaulin'' ;' thim noice waards t' be used tiv yoor woife, Tim! Iv yoh're a mon yoh'll lit that Langrick knaw yoh'll noat poot oop wi' sike insoolts !" saaid Deeame. An' iv Meary an' her didnt maake oop a letter fer Langrick, an' gat ma t' soign it ; enuf t' maake a' saaint oot ov timper. It hoort pooir Langrick's feealins, ah knaw, an' fra that deay tiv this ah'v nivvir seein him, thof ah'v gotten a noice letter fra him, as a few paages niair wull shew. Ah gat mah cleeas ; an' mah sooit ov Collyer's duds air i' t' loaft noo. Onny wun who con descraihe 'em, is quiate welcoom tiv 'em. Ah'd be varry glaad to be shut ov 'em. HOO SQUEEK FOOT T' QUAACKS OOP FOOTS A QUAACK DOON. At wun toime a' oor pleeace roond ivviry blaank waall, ivviry yat poast fer mahles aboot Bonnybeck, wur coovered wi' beeastly bills ov soom shaam doctur i' Leeads. T' papper wur that thin, an' t' paaste that straang, yoh cudna git bills off wi'oot a vaast ov trooble ; an' iv yoh did git 'em off wun deay, t' nixt oop freash wuns wud bea agin ! It wur a raare noosance, ah con tellee ; fer yoong an' aud, bairns, an' lasses evin, wud reead t' beeastley things, an' they wur nae fit fer onny deacent foaks t' leuk at. Ah eout fellar a loo, impudint toon chap paastin' 'em oop on a waall, an' saays ah, " We're noat agaein' t' ha' thim filthey bills i' oor village ; tak' 'em awaay ; goa baack tiv Leeads." " Is it yoor waall ?" saays he, bould as braass. " Noa," saays ah, " or ah'd sooin ha' yoor bills an' paaste pot, an' yoor oogly caarcass off t' groond !" " Thur's twea wards t' that baargaain," saays mon, gaein' on paastin' ; " this is a free lond ; thur's nae law aginpoottin' bills oop, an' advar- tysin'." Weel, we foond we cud dca nout agin him ; treeas, brigs, waalls, yats, wur kipt -coovered wi' t' docters bills ; an' his mon, ah think, cam' twoice as oft t' oor pleeace as onny, bacas ov oor objickshuns. Squeer saays, " Ah'll noat ha' this ; ah'll poot yon fellar doon, by mah trooly wull ah !" An' he wint to printurs, an' gat soom Doocks mad', wi' "Quaack! Quaack! Quaack ! ! !" on a tung coomin' oot ov doock's mooth. Squeer gat soorn thahsands o' thease, on lang slips ov 134 thin papper ; an' whinivvir mon paasted ooop sliaam docter's bills, off soom .o' oos Bonnybeck chaaps wint, an' paasted Doocks wi' "Quaack! Quaack ! ! Quaack ! ! !" reight acrass, an' oonder sliaam docter's naame. 'Mali ee! mon wur i' a raage. " What doa yoh meean," saays he, " a-spoilin' man bills ? Ah'll lit yoh knaw iv yoh donna gie it oop !" Ah saays, " Its a free lond ; thurs na^e. laaw agin paastin' picters oop /" an' at it we wint. He paasted, we paasted ;. Bills wint oop, Doocks wint oop ; thin Bills ower Doocks, an' Doocks ower Bills ; bud we beeat him, an' arter a weeak's feight, Quaack ! Quaack ! ! Quaack ! ! ! droave t' Quaack oot ov Bonnybeck, an' he nivvir caame agin. Ah'll rickommind foaks a' ower Yarkshure t' doa t' saame. Eoages a' pretinders ov a' soarts con staand onnythin' bud bein' laffed at. That wull shoot 'em oop, iv naught else wull ! AH'M TAEN, AN' TAEN IN BY A FOTTYGMAPHEB. Yan simmer, a chaap wi' a soart ov vaan poot on a sma' peeace ov waaist graass, by t' rooad soide at Bonnybeck, an' sint arooiid bills wi' this on 'em : X Begs to infoorm t' Nobillity, Gintry, an' Pooblic OY this y Loocallity, that he wull tak' thim . IIST IPTJEIRIS 3ST^.TTEK,-A-LLIBOOS , ^ THAT IS, Y o "ACCORDIN' TO NATTUR," X y as the greeat Grik pooet saays ; an' at t' sma' chaarge o' WUN g SHILLIN' each, or FOIVE AN' SAXPINCE fer a Doozen splindid, A foirst-raate CAIRTS DU R VISSIT. N.B. Noa connixshun mV onny ither Smiths. 136 Mearj 7 saays, " Oh, feythur, doa ha 1 yoor loikeness taen ; yoh knaw mitlier an' ah ha' oors. Yoh allus objick, bud ah think yoh wull noo, as t' mon is cloase tiv oos; doa, feythur, t' pleease wa." " Hoo doa ah knaw he's a guid un at it ?" saays ah. " Leuk, feythur !" saays she, " thur's t' Eoyaal Cooat ov Airms a' toap." " That coonts fer noathin'," saays ah ; " ivviry baaker's baag, ivviry 'baacca papper has t' pooir aud Lion an' Unecoorn on 1100 ; they're makkin' thim annimals saadly too cheeap, ah think. Whin ah wur a bairn, yoh hed t' paay aguid roond soom t' use Koyaal Cooat ov Airms ; an' foaks thout 'em soommat graand an' noable, staandin' fer t' King loike, bud noo they're thout lahtle or naethin' ov ; they're too cheeap, too cheeap. Meary." " Bud thin, feythur, he taakes t' loikeness," Meary wint on, " ov t' Kaam ov Tartarry, an' t' Imperor ov Morrocko." " Ah nivvir yeard ov thim chaaps," saays ah. ' " An' thur's t' Prince ov "Whaales," saays she. " Ah whoape, ah doa whoape, fra t' varry botham ov mah hart," saays ah, " fer t' saake ov his greeat an' worthy feythur, who has gaen afore ; fer t' saake ov his excillint, an' greeaf- crooshed mithir, t' Prince wullna niaake hissel too cheeap. Ah sea soigns ov it ; an' as a loyaal mon, ah'm sorrey fer it. Thease air noat toimes t' mak' royaalty too cheeap" " Weel, feythur, t' pleease ma wilta ha' thy loikeness taen ?" saays Meary, an' she cooddles intul ma loike ; ah cudna wi'staand that hoog, an' that kiss ! an' ah gaave mah ward. Ah wint nixt deay bud wun tiv fottygraaph mon, an' saays ah, "Ah'v coom t' ha' mah loikeness taen." "Varry weel, sur," saays he, "sit doon, splindid toime, soon shinin' glorioosly." Ah didna loike chaap; ah mad' seer ah'd seein him, an' yeard his vice afoor, bud ah cudna teel whur ; he wur donned oot foine, wi' big chaain an' reengs, an' hed a Cockney Jewish leuk aboot him. " Ah'll sooin git mah apperatoos i' oarder, sur," saays he ; " wull yoh be taen soide faace or. froont ? His Eoyaal Heeness ah allus taake i' froont, bud t' Imperor ov Morrocko loikes t' profeel steeal beast." " Ah'm loike an ool," saays ah, "fool i' t' stoomack, fool i' t' faace, fool a' ower; yoh'd bettir taake ma fool." 137 "Varry weel, sur," saays he, "ah loike sike a soobjict as yoh ; a doosen o' cairts, ah sooppoase, sur." " Yea," saays ah, " mah darter wull weant soom fer frinds an' relashuus." He thin plaaced ma i' an aud-fashuned heigh-baacked cheer, wi' a toiny piller by mah soide, an 1 a voos ov flooers on it, an' a coortain wi' tassils haangin' doon beyant ma. Ah'd a loiked bettir t' ha' beean taen wi' a plooshaare, or leea, by mah soide, an' a haay foark i' mah hond ; " bud nea makkins," thinks ah, "lit chaap tak' ma as he loikes." He fixed soommat reight faacin' ma, as iv he wur gaein' t' shooit at ma, an', saays he, " Eeeady, sur?" "Yea," saays ah. At that varry moament ah cudna healp it fer mah loife ah wur foarced t' .yorn, an' whin ah doa yorn, ah mak' a famus mooth, ah doa. " Spoilt !" saays mon, " why didna yoh kip still ? ah'll maake reeady agin; noo, sur, noo ?" Ah wur beweetched that moorn, ah think, all's seer. A beeast ov a fly sittled on mah noase; ah cudna staand it ! ah poot t' ind ov mah thoomb quiate gintly loike t' mah noase, an' fingers spreead loike a faan t' keeap 'em awaay fra mah faace. Mon shaated agin, " Thur, noo ! ah tould yoh t' kip quiate still; thur's anithir dun wraang ; ah mun fix yer yed, ah sea." An' he poot mah yed i' a masshin loike a pillory. " Ah mun roob t' apperatoos wi' gowd noo, t' maake it goa reight," saays mon ; " jist lind ma a sov'rin, sur, t' saave gaein' t' caash box, an' kippin' yoh waaitin'." Ah haanded mon a pund ; he mad' hissel hussy, an' gat a' reight agin. Ah'd tied Jowler oop ootsoide ; he did howl a bit, an' noo he broake looase, an' caame roonnin' an' joompin' t' ma, jist as mon saays, " Steeady ! kip quiate still this toime." That plaggy doag joomped intul mah laap, poot his paaws on mah shoolders, an' licked mah faace. " Has t' broot spoilt mah loikeness ?" saays ah t' mon ; " git doon, Jowler, git doon." Mon treed t' coom neear ma ; bud Jowler shoawed his teeath an' he's gat twea rows o' foine uns, ah con tell'ee an' groawled soa, mon drew baack. " Has he spoilt ma ?" saaid ah agin ; " ah'm faast ; yoh mun loosen ma soomhoo !" " Hould 138 t' doag teight," saays mon, " or ah durstna coom !" Ah heald him, bud ah had a job ; mon sit mah yed free, an' ah draagged Jowler oot. Mon steyked t' deer, an' creed oot fra winder, " Ah'll sind yoor cairts an' t' chaange t' yoor hoose, sur; whur mun it bea ?" Ah tould him, an' wint off wi' Jowler. Ali'd a' t' trooble i' t' waarld t' git him alang ; he'd gat soom noation i' his yed mon had saarved ma baadly ; an' he treed an' treed t' git baack, t' ha' it oot ov mon's baacon. Ah draagged him whoame at laast, an' teed him oop ; an' wint t' mah waark, arter tellin' Meary mah loikeness wud sooin be whoame. A lahtle whoile arter, a durty soart o' a laad cam', an' saays he, " Is this Mr. Goorkrodger's ?" " Yea," saays aud Deeame ; " what dusta waant wi' him ?" " Mr. Smith tould ma t' gie this tull him," saays laad, haandin' in a paircil ; an' he wur off afoor aud Deeame cud oapen it. Thur wur three doozin Cairts dur Vissit insoide, an' three shillin's an' saxpinse wi' this accoont : GOORKRODGER, EsQUEER, Tiv ESAIAS SMITH. s. d. To 3 doozin Cairts dur Vissit a' 5/6 - - - 16 6 Keceived, ESAIAS SMITH. " I' t' neeame ov fortoon what's this ?" saays aud Deeame, " three doozin Cairts dur Vissit ! why, Tim, yoh nivvir cud ha' beean sike a feol !" " Ah nivvir oardered bud wun doozin!" saays ah; "it's a mistaake." "Bud thou hast paaid fer 'em," creed she ; " hoo can'st thoo staand ma i' t' faace ov that ?" Ah explaained things tiv her, an' she did git lungus ; " troostin' yoor haard-yearned braass tiv a straanger ; yoh sea he's doon yoh ; why didna thou git t' chaange at onst ?" "Why," saays ah, " ah didna loike t' let him think ah cudna troost him ; ah doan't loike t' heurt t' feealin's ov onny wun, iv ah con hilp it." " Yoh heurt mah feealin's offen enuf," saays aud Deeame, " wi' thy extravagaance an' feoolish waays ; yoh mun tak' 139 twea doozin baack, Tim, an' git t' brass." " Let's leuk at 'em," saays ah : we tuk 'em oop, an' o' grashus hivins ! ah wur taen, an' taen in sam' toime. Foirst doozin mad' ma wi' a mooth woide oapen, big enuf t' tak' a lig o' mootton doon, whoale. Nixt doozin, ah wur taen a soight ; mah thoomb on rnah noase, an' mah finners oot loike a faan ! Thurd doozin, Jowler mad' t' yed an' shoolders, wi' mah ligs oonderneeath. Hoo Deeame did goa on ! It wur nae use explaainin', she wur that poot oot ! " Ov a' feools," saays she, " an aud feool's t' warst ; thy fond tricks wull leead thee tit galloos at laast ! ' Ah wur poot oot a vaast mesel ! I' a raage ah tuk oop t' Cairts an' mah haat, an' rooshed oot t' foind mon, an' git mah braass baack agin. Ah foond t' pleeace impty whur he'd beean, an' foaks saaid he'd gaen off eearly ov t' moorn. Ah think an' be- leeve noo t' teeastrill is t' sam' mon who cheeated foaks wi' lokkets at Doncaaster. Ah'v yeard nae mair ov Fottygrapher abrooad ; bud ah niwir heeare fc' laast ov him a' whoame ! BONNYBECK PENNEY REEADIN'S, Ah'v spoaken onst or twoice, or mabbe mair, aboot oor PENNEY BEEADIN'S ; au ! noo ah'll gie a specinaint ov 'em. Maist ov oor Bonneybeck foak who've had onny koind ov eddicashun, join in 'em. We're a varry uneted vil- laage ; Choorch ov Englaand, Dissinturs, Katholicks, Quaakers, Moormons, (we've yan o' thim queear chaps heeare ; bud he's an' honnist mon, an' that's a' we o' yearth con leuk tiv ; t' Creator ov oos a' wull settle t' rist i' anither warld) : nivvir querrel aboot religun ; an' ah think it shows min ha' varry lahtle vital religun t' querrel ower it ! Let's stoody t' doctreen preeached on t' Itoorns ov Hattin, THE SARMON ON T' MOONT that foondashun ov a' morallity an' troo Christianitty ! an' indivoor, a' ov oos who ha 1 t' meeans an' pow'r, t' doa what gooid we con i 1 oor ginerashun, an' " heave f warld better nor we foond it." Noo an' agin Paarson, Ministeer, Freest, Skeul- measter, an' Traadesfoak, poot thur yeds tegither an' gie oos a treeat at a varry cheeap raate. He mun be a coodmoodgin who'd begroodge a penney fer a neight's amoosemint, an' that paays gaas. Yan neight we had a raare treeat : Katholick precast lint a new haarmonnium, which Miss Denholm, Paarson's neece, pleed. Reverund Mr. Scott, Wesleyaan Ministeer, an' Mr. Eoundhay, cheeaf soopporter ov t' Indepindints, an' lots ov a' soarts wur thur, an' hilped t' amoose an' instrooct t' peuple. Ah wur haappy nuf t' sea t' chaarity an' fellowfeealin' amang oos ; an' ah whoape an' praay it maay continue. T' oogliest fellar i' oor villaage soong t' foirst peeice ; 141 he's gat a rid yed, goggle ees, an' a toorn oop uoase. Ah wudna mins'hun this ; bud he's soa consaaited, an' thinks ivvirywun mun fa' i' luv' wi' him at foirst soight. He toorned sheeap's ees at ivviry laass i' t' raahm, an' begaan " Oh ! meeit ma by moonleigbt aloaue, An' thur ah wull tellee a taale, Moost be tould by t' moonleight aloane, In t' groave at t' ind ov t' vaale." " Ah'd be varry sorry," thinks ah, " t' ' iJeeat thee by moonleight aloane,' ir ah wur a laass !" bud he saang weel, an' ah cheeared him. Then Skeualmeaster red " Mrs. Bardel versus Mr. Pickwick;" by Dickins. Ah loike that Piciwick, ah doa ! he's a joally, straait- forrard chaap, an' ah loike him beast ov a' fer pitchin' intul lawyur. He dooes tooch him on t' raaw ! Lawyur tak's doon a' t' neames aud Pickwick caws him, an' saays, " Praaps yoh'd loike t' kick ma doon staairs ? it'll a' add t' mah ackshun fer daamages." Ah'd a taen him at his waard, bleassed iv ah wudna ! an' sint him fleein' ower bannisturs, t' teeastrill ! They saay thur's tin thahsand ov 'em on t' "Roll" as they caw it, i' Englaand; ah wish they'd roll, an' roll, an' roll ower oor cliffs, oot or t' coontry, all doa. Con we woonder at t' tatee diseease, caattel plaage, an' baad traade, \vi' tin thahsand sike fellars amang oos ? Emmigraashun is a' t' goa noo ; why canna 'goovemint fooud a coliinny, i' a varry yat pairt, caw it New Pandy- moneeum, an' sind hawf ov t' divils oaii thur ! Bud ah'ru gaein' awaay fra Penney Eeeadin's. A noice yoong chaap, i' t' draapery loine, noo cam 1 forrard, an' saang whoile Miss Denholm pleed " T' leight ov ithir deays is faaded, An' a' its gloary paast ; Fer greeaf wi' ebon wing hath shaaded T' whoapes too breight t' laast," 142 an' a lot mair loike that. We encoored an' encoored him, an' he caame agin, an' gaave oos " Ah'd be a bootterfly, Boorn i' a booer." " Crissen'd i' a coffy poat, An' deed i' liawf-an-hoor," soom yoong vaagabund neear ma squeeaked oot ; an' sit a' t' foaks laffin'. " Oarder ! oarder !" cheermon creed ; " its disgraacefool t' interroopt a gintlemon singiu' a saang." Bud draaper chaap cudna finish, " Ah'd be a bootterfly;" he wur soa poot oot wi' t' laffin'. An' cheermon caw'd Mr. Eoundhay t' reead "T Baashfool Mon" This wur aboot a chaap gaein' tiv a dinner pairty, an' missbehaavin' hissen. He pooled a librayry ov buks on his stoopid yed ; dipped his henkercher in t' inkstaand, an' roobbed it a' ower his faace ; an' squirted braandy oct ov t' coorners ov his oogly mooth ower t' ledees at taable. He wur a feeol, an' a beeast, an' noa mistaak. Roundhay red weel, an' a' t' foaks laffed at it ; bud ah fealt disgoosted ! Miss Denholm thin favoored t' coompany wi' " Bid ma discoorse, an' ah wull enchaant thy eear." An' thin oor Poastmeaster red soommat fra " Thaackkerry 's BuTc ov Snobs," aboot an aud coontry hawf-paay officier, who leuked doon on t' pooir, an' leuked oop to an' aaped t' reech ; an' gat snoobed ivviry deay fer his paains, as saarved t' fond pretinder reight. It inded wi' thease waards ; an' ah think 'em foirst raate, ah doa ! " Yoh who despoise yoor neeboor air a SNOB. Yoh who fergit yoor can freends, mearly t' foliar arter thoase ov heigher degreea, air a SNOB. Yoh who air ashaamed ov yoor povirty, or bloosh fer yoor honnist caallin', air a SNOB. Soa also air yoh who booast ov yoor peddigree, or air prood ov yer weealth." Braavo Thaackkerry ! ah think thou'll foind a foine riggimint o' SNOBS i' Englaand ! bud mair's t' pitty. God has mad' oos a' ov wun blooid, wun sma' spaace ov 143 yeartli mun coover t' rich an' t' pooir, t' teetled an' t' poaper aloike ; an' why canna we be broothurs in oor shoart pilgrimaage beloo ? Ithir peeices wur soong an' saaid mah faavoorit " Baccon an 1 Greeins" foirst raate varses amang 'em ; bud ah canna gie 'em noo. We finished oop loike loyaal foaks, wi' Nashunal Anthum i' fool choorus GOD SAAVE T' QUEEAN. God saave oor graashus Queean, Lang maay Victoria rein, God saave t' Queean ! Sind her vietorrius, Haappy an' gloarius ; Lang to rein ower oos, God saave t' Queean ! Lord oor God arise, Scaatter her inimies, An' mak' 'em faall ; Confoond thur polliticks, Froostraate thur knaavish tricks ; On Thee oor whoapes we fix ; God saave oos all ! Thy choicest gifts in stoare, On her be pleeased to poour, Lang maay she rein ! Maay she defind oor laaws, An' ivvir gie oos coase To singwi' haart an' voice, God saave t' Queean ! "We thoondered laast varse oot, gaave a lood cheear, an' thin whoame t' bid. A HIT AT T' WAAK'FIELD FOAKS. Waak'field is a noice toon, a varry noice toon, wi' a foirst-raate mairket, an' fool ov foine beildin's ov a' soarts. Thur's t' Coarn 'Xchaange, a noable pleeace, woide an' oapen, wi' raalim fer hoondreds ov faat coontry fermers loike ma. Ah loike plinty ov elboo raahm ; all allus did, ah an' allus shall. Ah canna abeear t' be squeedged oop onnywhur ; an' hawf t' seeats i' hawf t' choorches, an' chaapels, an' pooblic pleeaces air maade t' tormint pooir foaks who air a lahtle bigger than thur neeboors. That waants alterin', it doa ; an' ah think Paarsons, an' Ministurs. an' Foon Proveeders o' a' soarts, wild foind they'd git mair listeners iv they'd niak' oos mair coomfertaable. All think soa, ah doa. Thin thur's a graand Coort Hoose at Waak'field, wi' statty at toap ; an' it leuks splindid whin t' royaal flaag is fleein' Thur's a Choorch Institoot, monny laarge Choorches an' Chaapels, a Bool Hottel, an' lots ov ithir beildius ov a' soarts ; caapped wi' a Loonatick Assyloom, which, ah'iu soarry t' saay, gits mair foaks, an' waants mair raahm iwiry yeear. Munny groobbin' is a raare thing fer oopsettin' mon's intellicks ! an' ah think muuny- groobbin' has soommat t' doa wi' oor increease ov maad chaaps, ah doa ! Munny, loike foire, is "a varry guid sarvent, bud a varry baad measter." Weel, bud ah'v gat t' foind faut wi' Waak'field foaks a lalitle bit, an' ah'll tell'ee t' reeason why. Whin ah wur cooniin' laast toime fra Kaailwaay 145 Stashun intul Waak'field, ah saaw poot oop ootsoide a Theeatur koind ov pleeace t' followin' NOTIDGE : ROYAAL ALLAAMBRA MUSICK HAAL. ROOLS FEK T' AUDIANCE I 1 T 1 GAALLEKY. 1st. That onny persun spittin, throwirf caaps, paaper, oraange peeal, or onny ithir missil intul f Boxes, Pit, or Prominaard, wull be immediaately expilled. 2nd. That onny persun shaatin' at, or insoolting paarties, or staampin\ whistlin\ or malckiri onny oonseeamly noise, wull be saarved t saame. 3rd. Onny persun leightin' his poipe or ceegar at t y gaass, ditto, ditto. 4th. Persuns querrellin 1 an 1 feightin', or makkiri 1 distoorbance, wull be taen intul coostody. 5th. Noa munny retoorned tit paarties expilled. t Ah reead that i' a maain streeat whur hoondreds ov straangers mun paass daaily fra Staashun. Ah axed a briggaand soart ov chaap, maarchin' oop an' doon, who belaanged tit Haall, " Is that Notidge reeally nicissarry ?" " Nicissarry !" saays he ; " why they'd pool t' pleeace doon wi'oot it. They mak' a rigular beear gaardin' ov oor Haall ; an' t' laanguidge an' condooct ov soom is disgoostin' ; enuf t' droive a' deacent foaks awaay." " Its disgraacefool," saays ah ; " soom ov oor English chaaps air raale paagans, 'specially whin they've hed a soop ov drink. Whur abrooad wud yoh sea sike a notidge ootsoide a pooblic pleeace ov anmsemint ?" " Noawhur," saays mon. " Ah whoape Waak'field chaaps wull refoorm," ah saaid ; an' ah saay soa noo ! T' POOET LAWIHAATE'S "PROPUTTY, PROPDTTY, PKOPUTTY. "Wun deay Meary cam' rocmin' intul ma, houldin' oop a foine-leukin' buk, an' saays she, '* Feyther, feyther, seetha what a noice volljm Miss Denholm's beein an' lint ma !" " What is it," saays ah. " 7" \\'hoalli/ Graaynl,'" saays she. "T Whoally what?' 1 saays ah. < T \Vhoally Grani/al," saays she agin ; " by t' Pooet Lawihaate." "Ah wish," saays all " wreetin' chaps wud caw thur huts by neeames a mou con oonderstaand ; bud who mud Pooet Lawihaate be ?" ' Oh !'' saays Meaiy, " he's t' yed ov a* t' Pooets, an' Queean paays him foive hoondred punds a yeear ; an' lie's bund t' mak' a new pooetery buk ivviry toime a yoong prince or princess is boom. Ah yeard Miss Denholn? talkin' aboot it." " Weel," saays ah, " he's gat noa sinicuer, (as they saay aboot Choorch Paarsons,) fer ivvivy toime a'rnaist ah tak' oop a noose- papper, thur's a tilly^raam aboot a new boomed prince or princess ! Pooir Pooet Lawihaate mun poozzle his braains, ah think, t' wreet a new buk fer each on 'em, he mun !" " An', Feyther," Meary saays, " Miss Denholm saays thur's sum mat i' t 1 buk yoh'll loike." " Doan't 'ee be fond laass," saays ah ; " hoo con ah reead an' oonder- staand new-faauglod pooetry ?" " Bud it's a' i' oor waay ov speeakin', Feyther ; it's neear iud ov buk ah'll foind it;" an' i' a lahbla whoile Meary foond it, an' saays, 147 " Mun ah reeadit t' thee, Feyther?" "Iv thoo loikeet, deear," saays ah. An' she begaan : THE NORTHERN FERMER. Dosn't thou 'ear my 'erse's legs, as they canters awaay ? Proputty, proputty, proputty that's what I hears 'em saay. Proputty, proputty, proputty Sam, thou'sfc an ass fer thy paains : Theer's moor sense i' one o' 'is legs nor in all thy braains. Woa theer's a craw to pluck wi' tha, Sam : yon's parson's 'ouse Dosn't thou knaw that a man mun be either a man or a mouse ? Time to think on it then ; fer thou'll be twenty to weeak. Proputty, proputty, woa then woa let me 'ear mysen speak. He an' th' muther, Sammy, 'as bein a-talkin' o' thee ; Thou's been talkin' to muther, an' she beaan a tellin' it me. Thou'll not marry fer munny thou's sweet upo' parson's lass Noa thou'll marry fer luvv an' we boath on us thinks tha an ass. Seea'd her to-daay goa by Saaint's-daay they was ringing the bella. She's a beauty thou thinks an' soa is scoors o' gells, Them as 'as munny an' all wot's a beauty ? the flower as blaws. But proputty, proputty sticks, an' proputty, proputty graws. Doa'n't be stunt : taake time ; I knaws what maa'ks tha sa mad, Warn't I craazed fer the lasses mysen when I wur a lad ? But I knawed a Quaaker feller as often 'as tow'd ma this : " Doan't thou marry fer munny, but goa wheer munny is !" An' I wint wheer munny war : an' thy muther coom to 'and, Wi' lots o' munny laai'd by, an' a nicetish bit o' land. Maabe she warn't a beauty : I niver giv' it a thowt But warn't she as good to cuddle an' kiss as a lass as 'ant nowt ? Parson's lass 'ant nowt, an' she weant 'a nowt when 'e's dead, Mun be a guvness, lad, or summat, an' addle her bread ; Why ? fer 'e's uobbut a curate, an' weant nivir git naw 'igher ; An' 'e maade the bed as 'e ligs on, afoor 'e coom'd to the shire. An' thin 'e coom'd to the parish wi' lots o' 'Varsity debt. Stook to 'is taail they did, an' 'e 'ant got shut on 'em yet. An' 'e ligs on 'is back i' the grip, wi' noane to lend 'im a shove. Woorse nor a far-welter'd yowe ; fer, Sammy, 'e married fer luvv. Luvv ! what's luvv ? thou can luw thy lass an' 'er munny, too, Maakin' 'ein goii togither as they've good right to do ; Could'n I luvv thy muther by cause o' 'er munny laa'id by ? Naay fer I luvv'd 'er a vaast sight moor fer it : reason why. Ay an' thy muther says thou wants to marry the lass, Cooms of a gentlemen burn : an' we boath on us thinks tha an ass. Woa then, proputty, wiltha? an' ass as near as mays novrt Woii then, wiltha ? dangtha ! the bees is as fell aa owt. 148 Break ma a bit o' the esh fer 'is 'ead, lad, out o' the fence ! Gentleman burn ! what's gentleman burn ? is it shilliii's an* pence f- Proputty, proputty's ivrything 'ere, an', Sammy, I'm blest If it isn't the saame oop yonder, fer them as 'as it's the best. Tis'n them as 'as niunny as breaks into 'ouses an' steaals Them as 'as coats to their backs an' taiikes their regular meals. Noa, bud it's them as nivir knaws wheer a meal's to be 'ad. Taake my word fer it, Sammy, the poor in a loomp is bad. Them or thir feythurs, tha sees, mun 'a bean a laazy lot, Fer work mun 'a gone to the gittin' whiniver munny was got. Feyther 'ad ammost nowt ; leastaway's munny was 'id. Bud 'e tued an.' moiled 'issen dead, an 'e died a good un, 'e did. Look thou theer wheer Wrigglesby beck conies oot by t' 'ill ! Feyther run up to the faarm, an' I runs up to the mill ; An' I'll run up to the brig, an' that thou'll live to see, And iv thou marries a guid un, I'll leave the land to thee. Them's my uoations, Sammy, wheerby I meeans to stick; Bud iv thou marries a b.i-l un, I'll leave the land to Dick. Coom oop, proputty, proputty that's what I 'ears 'im saay Proputty, proputty, proputty canter an' canter awaay. Arter Meary hed doon reeadin', "What doost thoo think ov it, feythur ?" saays she. " Oh, ah loike t' pooetry weel enuf ; its a varry noicely-written peeace or varse," saays ah, " bud ah donna agreea wi' t' sintimint ov it." "Hoo?" saays she. "Why," saays ah, " it a' roons to t' toone ov t' and womon's coonsil, ' Git munny, Jaack, honistly iv thoo canst, bud onny hoo git munny.'' Son waants t' wed a womon a preshus deeal too gooid an' weel eddicated fer sike a faamily, ah daare saay. Feythur waants son t' wed a munny baag. Its t' aud folly, t' aud sin, t' aud coorse ov makkiri munny ivvirytliiri confeermed an' mad' mair poppular, an' mair 'tracktive loike, by a rnon ov moind an' genus. Thur's t' pitty, Meary ! Min tak 1 natterally t' munny-groobbin'. They doan't waant ouny urgin' t' that ; bud they waant urgin' t' sealf-deneeal, t' chaarity, an' guidness, an' vartue. Pooets, an' rain ov haart an' sowl, shud goa agin t' vices, an' faailins, an' meeannesses ov t' aage, an' not incoorage 'em ! Thur's enuf ov this o' a' soides i' ivvirydeay loife, mairs t' pitty." " Yea, feythur," saays Meary, " ah git sick ov t' penney paaper ah tak' in, fool ov taales They mak' yooth, an' buty, an' fashun, an' 149 heigh-loife, an' munny, ivvirythin'. They doan't reead reeal loike to ma." " Noa," saays ah, " they're noat reeal ; bud trooth, chaarity, an' luv', an' self-saacrefice air reeal; an' thease air what Englaand waants maistnoo. Proputty ! Proputty ! Proputty ! PROBUTTY ! PROBUTTY ! PROBUTTY ! that's what ah saay, an' what ah'd loike ivviry noorthern fermer t' heear his hoarse's hoofs soond, deay by deay. Honisty an' troothfoolness afoor a'. We doan't waant yer toon munny-groobbin' sperit t' git hould ov oos i' oor coontry pleeaces. What has, it doon fer yer? mad' roages an' fellons by doozins amang t' betterin' soart ; an' brout t' faair faame an' characktur ov Englaand doon intul t' moock an' mire ! An' noo, Meary, they'd mak' t' whoalliest thing i' loife marridge a thing ov rnuniiy. Takkin' a woife, a coompanyun fer a' yer daays an' neights, fer t' braass her feythur has scraaped tegithir by cheeatin', speculaatin', or bettin', mabbe : takkin' her noat fer her vartue, her heealth, her buty, her luv, an' koindness bud fer her caash buk, an' munny, an' hooses, an' lond. Hoo con God's blissin' coom doon on sike a uniun ? Bud ah've confeedence i' English laasses kickin' agin sike a skeem ; an' wi' monny an Englishmen, heigh an' low, Luv conkers a', an' soa it iwir wull be, i' spoite ov munny-groobbin' feythurs an' Pooet Lawihaates. Ah'v seein maarryin' fer munny, an' t' ind ov it. Thoo knawest, Meary, yoong Hebblethwaite, who raan awaay wi' t' baankur's darter ? What a loife she lid that pooir mon ! pooshin' her weealth an' his povirty intul his faace, neight an' moorn ; an' indin' by eloapin' wi' a gaay Draagoon officier fra Yark. An' skeualmeaster saays Divoorse Coorts air fool ov sike caases. What a mon haankurs arter is Haappiness ; an' munny canna gie this, bud A/eckshun ; moind that Meary ! Ah've saaid a vaast, bud ah cud saay a vaast mair. Ah think t' foirst things in a mither ov a faamily ort t' be gooid heealth, faairish leuks, an' a sweeit timper /" " Tim ! Tim ! ah'll noat be call'd an' blaacked i' mah oan hoose ; doant'ee sit mah bairn agin her mither !" creed aud Deeame, coomin' suddant loike fra oor baack raahm ; an' this stoapped mah preeachin' I AH TREE T' CAULD WAITER SISTIM AT BIN RHYDDiF, WHAARFEDAALE, AN' GIT CUERED BY A MAAD ATTINDINT AGIN MAHWULL! Mah akes an' paains Idpt on ; ah cudna niak' yed nor taale ov 'em. Soom saaid it mun be Bheumatiz ; ithers saaid it mun be t' Livvir ; ithers it wur an obstroockshun i' t' blooid ; an' ah .wur faairly poozled amang t' lot. Ah knowed a chap i' Braadfurth who'd summat t' saame soart o' thing aboot him, an' he advahsed ma t' tree cauld watter cuer : he saaid it hed doon him gooid, an' wad ma. So ah off t' Braadfurth on mah rooad ; aud Deeame giein' ma noa ind ov corshuns agin makkin' a feeol ov rnesen, an' ah listeuin' as meeak as a soockin' doock ; fer ah'd hed t' persuaade her t' lit ma goa, an' she mud ha' chaanged her moind (as t' leeadies offen doa) at t' laast moamint. Ah promissed a' she axed, an' kissin' her an' Meary sat off. Ah lahtle thout that soonny moorn what ah'd gat t' goa throf ! BRAADFURTH is yan ov t' smooakiest toons ov t' Noorth, thof Shevvild beeats it oot an' oot i' that waay ; bud its a famus pleeace fer bizziness an' toornin' braass. Foaks 151 coom fra a' pairts t' hilp toorn an honnist penney ; an' wreet thur breeak-jaaAV naames oop, yaards lang, i' gowd letturs, on woppin' greeat waarehooses, loike pallises. Its t' shoiney soart ov stooff, Alpackur, they caw it, has mad' Braadfurth groaw soa, an' its groawin' mair an' raair ivviry deay. They've sum foine beildins i' this toon. Saaiut Jordge's Haall is a raare graand loomp ov staane; an' they're makkin' greeat improavemints i' t' streeats, an' they neead it varry mitch. Soom deay ah wull, pleease God, wreet a vaast rnair aboot this busy pleeace ; noo ah'll goa on by raail t' Bin Rhyddin' Staashun. That loine roons by t' moontaains, an' a few mahles oot ov Braadfurth yoh begin t' feeal t' puer air fra t' moors an' fells. Whin ah gat oot ov traain, ah saaw a noable soart ov beildin' heigh oop t' moontaain soide, wi' toors, an' lang loines ov winders, an' terrises, jist loike a Loord's coontry seeat. " Who oans that pleeace ?" saays ah. " Docter Macclood," saays poartur ah'd spoaken tiv. " A gooid naame," saays ah, " as he lives oop i' t' cloods." Ah'd noa ideea ah wur t' coorn t' sike a foine pleeace ; an' ah filt jist a trifel poot oot as ah wint oop waalk by plantaslnms, an' flooer bids, an' graass ploats, tit Cauld Watter Hoose. Ah wint oonder twea poorches, as they caw 'em, an' axed fer docter. Ah wur taen alang corrydeers, as they caw 'em, tiv docter's raahm. He wur yarry koind ; an' arter soondin' mah cheast, an' poottin' a troompit koind ov a thing ower mah haart ; saays he, " Mr. Goorkrodger, ah think yoh con saafely begin mah sistim i' t' moorn. Ah'll gie instroockshuns aboot yer> caase. Coom this waay pleease." Docter shoawed ma ower pairt ov hoose, an' t' groonds' ; an' t' leuk-oot fra t 1 winders, an' fra t' laawn, an' terris, is a raale graand an' luvly yan. Thur's sloapes oopon sloapes, reight doon t' bonks o' Whaarfe ; an' thin t' sloapes gae oop an' oop agin tithir soide ov rivvir. Thur's mahles oopon mahles ov coontry t' be seein ; haamlits, fermes, choorches, woods, manshuns a' afoor yoh. Its a pratty sceane, nae doobt, an' t' keean, braacin' moorlaand air mak's yoh feeal joavil, an' varry mitch inclined fer a took-oot ! 152 Docter left ma wi' a lot ov coompanny i' a big raahm weel filled wi' haandsoom cheers, taables, sofiys, an' ither foornitoor it seeamed a sliaame t' use, they wur soa shiney an' noice-leukin' ; and Deeame wud ha' coovered 'em oop wi' canvaas, an' locked deer on 'em. Thur wur a' soarts o' foaks i' t' raahm. Ah sooin gat a-whoame talkin' tiv a fermer fra Eichmond, i' t' Noorth Keediii', aboot turmets an' preece o' wheeat. They've a noosepapper raahm at Bin Ehyddin', an' fermer had beein reeadin', he saaid, sax or aight Joornals, to paas awaay his toime ; soa he wur choock fool ov noose, an' he tould ma it a', glaad enuf t' ha' foond a lissener. Ah sooin arter yeard a greeat bell soondin' "What's that?"saays ah; " is t' hoose on foire ?" " Noa," saays fermer, " that's t' waarnin' bell fer dinner," " Keight glaad ah am," saays ah, " ah'm faairly claammed, gowa!" "Its a quaarter yit," saays he ; " anithir bell rings at 2." " Grashus !" Baays ah, " ah haardly think ah con staand that quaarter oot ;" an' we boath laffed. Ah'd coom laast, soa ah wur poot laast at taable; that's t' roole, an' as foaks goa, yoh mooave oop heigher. Arter dinner, ah wint a waalk to t' cleean, pratty villaage ov ILKLEY, a noice pleeace fer thoase who luv quiate, an' freash air, an' foine boald sceanery. It is increeasin', ah con tell'ee ; choorches, hottels, villers, shoaps, springin' oop a' aroond t' hill soides. It mun be cauld i' winter, bud i' soommer it is deloightfool stroallin' alang Whaarfe soide, leukin' doon fra aud weeathur beeaten brigs intul t' eddyin' streeam beloo, or moontin' hill soides, amang t' goarse an' heeathur, an' hoontin' fer craanberries, an' ivviry noo an' thin sittin' doon t' gaaze at t' noable picter spreead aroond an' doon beloo. Ah gat baack t' Bin Ehyddin' i' toime fer a gaame at draafts, an' tea ; an' thin, as ah'd a koind ov deeafness coomin' fer soom toime, Docter recomminded ma t' goa fer a toime wi' soom ithir foaks intul Comprissed Air Baath, as he caw'd it. They've gat a greeat hollar thing, loike t' boiller ov a steeam ingine, wi' cloase-fittin' dooble iron deers, an' sma' winders ov plaate glaass. T' 158 pleeace has seeats roond, air whin yoh git in they steyk t' deer, an' sit a sivin hoarse pooer ingine at waark, t' poomp fooul air oot, an' freash air in. Its varry pleeasant an' soothin' sittin' thur, bud t' gintle roosh ov yat dry air mak's yoh droosy loike, an' ah fell off asleeap. Ah'd a dreeam. Ah wur i' cooal pit agin. A crood ov collyers wur roond ma ; an' yan saays, " Yoh'll stoap i' t' mine noo, mah foine fellar, tull moorn !" an' ah thout he caut hould o' ma. "Wull ah !" saays ah ! an' ah stroock oot. Mah ee ! thur wur a shaat, an' a scrim, an' a tooxzel ; an', as ah woake oop, ah yeard Docter's vice saayin', " Carn't alloo this ; carn't alloo sike condukt i' mah estaablishmint !" An' ah foond, t' mah shaame, ah'd stroock oot. an' hit anithir paashent's noase ; an' he wur bleeidin' loike a pig, he wur ! Ah explaained : moast ov t' foaks i' t' hoose hed gat roond, an' they did laf aboon a bit. Ah axed gintlemon's paardin ; an' saays he, " Ah wish ah lied yoor pooer ov airm, ah doa ! bud ah woan't sit nixt yoh agin onnywhur, iv yoh pleease." Nixt moorn ah had t' tree t' Rooamon or Toorkish Baatk, as they caw it, t' mooave mah paains. Ah gat oop eearly, an' had mah breeakfaast, an' a lang walk ower mooar- laands, an' thin ah wint intul doctur's raahm, an' he wint wi' ma intul a laarge beildin' by t' hoose, wi' pillers, pottyco, an' noicely dun oop. Doctur saaid it had coast him twea thahsand punds, makkin' Rooamon Baath. Foirst raahm ah wint intul, they caw t' Fridgeedarryoom.* It's a big squaare pleeace, wi' tyles fer fleer, an' soom pratty roack wark, fearns an' moasses i' t' middle, wi' a tiny foontin : thur's cooches a' roond, an' coompairt- mints wi' coortains fer foaks t' oondress. Ah had t' tak' off mah cleas, an' poot on a paair ov draawers, an' soom wooden shoon wi' saandles ; ah cud baarely kip 'em on mah fit. Thin ah poot a sheeit roond ma, an' doctur saaid ah wur loike an' ainshent Rooamon ! " Mair loike a feeolish shiverin' ghaist oot at twea o' t' moorn !" thinks ah, i' this " claassic gaarb" as doc- * Frigidarium P. D. 154 tur caw'd it. Ah wint intul a smaller raahm, t 1 Teppy- darryoom ;* haang thur breeak-jaw neeames ! It wur joally yat, it wur, i' that raahm ! T' perspurrashun did roon doon man faace, an' ah had t' wesh mesel i' cauld watter, an' poot a wet tooel on mah yed. Ah mun ha' leaked a buty, ah mun ! Thin they mad' ma drink gaallons o' cauld watter ; mah ee, it did gie ma t' moollygroobs, it did ! Arter ah'd beean soom toime i' this yat pleeace, they tuk ma intul t' Cullydarr>joom.\ Grasshus ! it wur ivvir soa mitch yatter, ah cud baarely etaand it ; greeat beeads loike, boorst oot a' ower ma. " Ah'll niwir be able t' stoap heeare," saays ah t' mon who leuks arter baaths. " Och share," saays he, "yer maay be i' a yatter pleeace wun deay ; bud coom heere ;" an' afoor ah knawed it, he sint a lot ov watter ower ma fra a poipe. It wint doon mah throoat, an' ah wur welly chooacked ! Thin mon poointed tiv a booard a-top or a mairble taable, an', saays he, " Yoh mun stritch yersen oot on that booard." "What fer?" saays ah; " ah '11 not lig on a booard afoor mah toime is coom."J " Bud yoh mun noo," saays he ; " it's pairt ov t' sistim : doan't be afthur keeapin' ma waaitin' ; ah'm not t' beast or timpers " An' mon, a greeat sax-fit-twea Hirishmon, wi' rid whiskers, an' beeard, an' yed, an' airms loike oak saaplins, leuked saavaage at ma. "It's mesel, 1 ' saays he, "is torminted oot ov mah loive wi' pashents an' pashents, an' weshin an' weshin'. Ah wish cauld watter sistim, an' cauld watter peuple wur a' at blaazes ; noo, be quick wid yer, wull yoh ?" Ah thout it beast t' doa as mon saaid, he leuked soa woild loike ; an' arter a good toog an' a hoist fra Hirishmon, ah gat on booard. " Noo thin," saays he, " leuk oot !" an' afoor yoh cud saay Jaack Robinson, he imptied a boocket-fool ov sooap soods reight i' mah ees, nooase, an' mooth ! Ah wur a'maist smoothered, ah wur! ah treed t' scrim oot an' cudna. Ah pairtly gat oop, doon he sint ma agin, an' * Tepidarium. P. D. f Calidarium. P. D. t The dead are placed on boards till buried, in Yorkshire. 155 dooshed ma wi' anither boocket-fool. " Ah'll not staand it," saays ah, "let ma goa !" ah tuanidged t' git oot thease wards i' gulps. " Arrah non, be asy wid yer," saaid mon ; ' doctur's gane oot wi' ithers ; ah'v gat yer aloane, an' ah'll mak' yer goa throf t' whoale ; divil boom ma iv ah doan't, yer spalpeen." " Let ma goa," saays ah ; " ah nivvir baargained fer this sistim!" "Noa, hooney, ah knaw yer didna," saays Hirishmon ; " bud by t' piper that pleed afoor Moases, yoh'll goa throf it a'. Ah'm gaein noo t' shaampoo yer ; bud thur'll be iioa sliaam aboot it, ah con tell yer ;" an' t' mon drove his fists intul mall ribs, pooled mah ligs an' airnis, an' roobed mah skin oop an' doon, tull ah wur a'maist moommied. "Let ma aloane," saays ah, "or it wull be warse fer thee !" " Shoot oop, yer aud bletherumskite !" saays mon, an' he sinds anither boocket ov sooap soods reight doon mah oapen mooth ; an' at ma agin he goas shaampooin'. "Is it moorderin' ma yoh'd be," creed ah, a'maist doon oop. " Not a tarl ! nof; a tarl !" saays he; "it's mesel is a'maist moordered wi' t' loikes o' ye ; yat watter, cauld watter, teppid watter, nioorn, an' neean, an' neight. Tare an' hoonds ! it's enuf t' mak' a saaint sweear !" Ah felt a lahtle bettir, an' saays ah, " Yoh mun be a Finnyun, ah think, yoh're soa mitch amang watter ;" an' ah laffed at mah oan joake ! Mon gat i' a terribool raage" ; an' saays he, " Saay that agin', an' by t* poors ah'll smoothur yer i' sooap soods !" " Noa offince," saays ah, " bud ah doan't think yoh speeak quait reight t' ma"- (ah saw he wur ' not-a'-tlnir,' an' treed t' smooth him ower) " ah'm a rispictaable Yarkshure fermer." " Saay yer t' Impiror ov Chiney," creed mon, "mah darlint, an' ah'll belave yer, t' plaze yer ; saay it, that's a' dacint aud boy !" an' mon begaan t' daance aroond, an' sing : " Oh cooslila machree. Hoo t' roage he sarved me : He broke mah pitchur, an' spilt t' watter, He kissed mah woife, an' married mah darter. Oh cooshla machree, Hoo t' roage he sarved me." 156 Ah gat oop noo ; mon shook haands wi' ma, an' saays he, " Noo fer t' Eaain Baath !" " Ah'v hed enuf ; ah'm faair stalled," saays ah. " Not a tarl, not a tarl !" saays mon agin ; " doan't poot ma oot, or it maay be warst fer yeh " "Ah wur t' waalk arter baaths," saays ah thinkin' ah mud git oot ov t' maad fellar's waay " t' waalk tiv Coo an' t' Cawf."* " An' wur wull ye foind a coo an' a cawf, yer taziu' aud fellar ? Is it a coo shed yer tak' t' maistur's hoose fer ? Yer'll git no milk there ; or crame o' t' vaally aythur, as they wreet oop ower t' whiskey shoaps ov Coark. Its watter, watter, watter heare, an' nout else. Nabocklish! ah knaw hoo t' mix it wi' a drap o' t' crature. Faix, ah'd be drooned oot iv ah didn't;" an' mon fetched a bottle oot ov cornir, an' saays, " Heare's sooccess t' aud Hirelaand, an' t' sky ower it. Ha' a drap, aud boy ?" an' arter drinkin' hawf- a-pint ov t' stoof or mair, he offered ma t' bottel. " Noa thaank'ee," saays ah, " ah'm yat enuf wi'oot that stoof, an' its o'er eearly t' drink." " O'er eearly !" saays he, " ah tell'ee what, aud boy, yoh'll be glaad ov a soop afoor yoor gane throf yer ithir baaths." An' he tuk anithir swill at t' bottel. an' thin began a staaggerin' soart ov a daance, singin' oot : " Sweeat Dooblin Baay Lies by t' saay ; Its a noable pleeace surely. Lit Hittallyons boast Ov thur Naaples coast, T' Dooblin its a' me eye." A' this toime ah wur liggin' on a cooch, an' varry caalm an' noice ah fealt, jist reeady t' goa intul a coomfertable, dreeamy soart ov sleeap. T' cleeanin' hed doon ma guid, roof as it wur ; bud ah didna loike this maad fellar bein' wi' ma. Ah wur aloane. Docter hed tould ma he wur gaein' oot ; an' t' daay wur soa foine, a' t' pashents hed gane too. It wurna a pleeasant thing bein' shoot oop wi' a maad, whisky-drinkin' giunt ; an' t' fool ov t' mooin oanly t' neight afoor ! " Coom," saays ah, " ah mun goa ; ah'll gie thee soommat extra fer a' * Two noted rocks above Hkley. 157 thy trooble ; gowa." " Doan't be tippin' t' blaarney, yer omadawn," saays mon ; " tliur's hawf-a doozin mair baaths yit. Sliure is it loasin' mah sittyvashun an' characktur, yoh'd ha' ma, yer thafe o' t' warld. Thur's t' Sits Baath, t' Deuce Baath, t' Kaain Baath, an' ithers yoh mun ha' afoor yer leeave. Docter saaid yoh mun goa throf t' coorse." " Ah'll ha' nae mair," saays ah, " ah'v hed enuf fer wun moorn ; ah'v poot oop wi' a greeat deeal, bud ah' II pool oop ivC nae mair T " Woan't yer, mah jewil ?" saays Hirishmou, " ah'll sooin be afthur seein' aboot that !" an' he draank rist ov whiskey off, gav' a lood whoop, an' cam' oop tiv ma. Ah treed t' git tit deer ; mon faastened it, an' poot, key i' his pockit. An' thin began a rigular oop an' dooii feight ; he treein' t' foarce ma intul a koind ov box, ah treein' t' kip oot. Brooms, moaps, paails, watter, sooap soods, wint fleein' aboot i' ivviry direckshun ! Ah doadged him roond an' roond ; t' whiskey, mad' him noat ower straang i' t' ligs, bud he mad' oop i' straang languidge, an' caw'd ma ivvirythin' he cud laay his toong tiv. He gat hod ov ma at laast, an' arter a desp'raate toozzle, draaggin' eeach ithir oop, an' doon, an' alang t' fleer, an' monny a gooid poise an' brod he pooshed ma intul a koind ov sentry hoax, an' shoot ma in. Ah wur that doon oop ah cud haardly breeathe ; whin a' at onst t' strtickle-braained chaap lit t' watter fly at ma. It cam' oot ov thahsands ov lahtle poipes, an r soaked ma agin, fra t' soales ov mah fit, tit toap ov mah yed. It wur loike millyons ov pins an' neeadles roonnin' intul ma a' ower. Ah did caw oot, ah did ! " Hoo doa yer loike t' Eaain Baath, mah darlint ?" creed mon; "by t' whoally poakur ah'll kip yer in a' daay, iv yoh doan't proamise t' behaave loike a gintlemon. Wool yer be asy noo, iv ah lit yer oot ?" " Yea," saays ah, three quaarters moordered. Ah cam' oot mair ded than aloive. Saays ah, " Ah'm welly staarved wi' that cauld watter. Lit ma goa intul hoose, tit foire." "Noa," saays he, " not tull yer've hed t' Wet PaacL" " T Wet Paack .'" saays ah, " ah'm wet, an' drippin' a' ower ; ah'll git mah deeath ov cauld." " Not a tarl, not a tarl," saays mon ; an' he took oop a sheeit, soaked it i' watter, an' saays he, 158 " Wraap that roond yer." " Not a bit ov it," aaays ah; " ah'v lied enuf fer a moonth." ' Thin ah'll mak' yer, yer and shingawn," saays he. " Wull yer," saays ah, " yoh maad teeastrill ! ahll noat be killed ootright wi'oot anithir i'eight;" an' we cloased fer a wrissel. Mali baath things wur toorn t' raags Jang agoa, an' noo t' strooggle wur t' git sheeit ower mah yed. Ah'd noa faaitli bud mon niud sooffoocaate ma ; an' ah foort loike a lion, thof ah saay it mesen, ah did ! Hirishmon staampecl, an' toor, an' swoore "by t' pooers ov Moll Killy," he'd mak' mincemeeat ov ma. Ah stood mah groond, an' gave him wun or twea dooners ; bud he wur oop i' a moament, an' at ma agin wi' t' wet sheeit. At laast, arter a lang, feace battle, he gat it ower ma, draaged ma to a koiud ov bed, wraaped sheeit (mah yed had mad' a whoale throf it) roond an' roond ma, floong ma upon t' maatrass t' bed had naught else on it an' poot sax blankits an' feathur beds atop ov ma. Ah kicked loike a gooid un, bud it wur nae use. He meastered ma, an' kip ma oonder bed fer hawf-an-hoor, ah daar saay, tull ah wur deein' a'maist wi' t' yeat. Thin he pooled ma oot loike a seek ov tatees, draaged ma tiv a cauld baath, an' sint ma in, yed ower heeals ! Mah ee ! by this toime ah wur weshed an' knoocked oot ov mesen ; an' ah a'maist thout ah wur soomboady ealse, ah did, by mah trooly ! Thin mon roobed ma doon as he wud a cairt hoarse ; an', saays he, " Hoo doa yer feeal noo ? Ah'll ha' a draam afoor ah tree t' ithir foive baaths on yer." As mon toorned t' git his whisky, ah saw a sma' deer neear ma ; ah raan fer it, shoot it, an' boalted it, an' gat oot intul pleeace wur ah lift mah cleas. Ah poot 'em on, gat intul hoose an' t' mah bid raahm ; an' thur ah laay, ah daare saay, three or foor hoors on soffy asleeap ! Whin ah woak oop, ah cudna beleeve mesel ! a' mah akes an' paains wur gaen, an' ah seeamed t' ha' new loife, fool ov strinth an' innergy ! T' watter an' t' toozzle had dun it a', an' it wur a toozzle ! Ah've plood a daay in, an' a' daay oot ; ah'v beean haaymakkin' fra foive i' t' moorn tull tin a' neight ; ah'v doog tatees by t' aker i' a' soarts ov weeather ; ah'v caarried a pig neearly as 159 big as mesel mair nor a mahle ; ali'v poomped a foire ingin' a' neigh t lang; yoh ha' seean hoo ah fout at Doncaaster, an' what a raare peeace ov wark ah had i' t' cooal pit ; bud a' ah ha' dun i' mah loive, an' a' ah ivvir maay doa, wull nivvir coom oop t' mah toozzle wi' that woild, maad, raavin', Hirishmon ! Ivviry baane, ivviry moosel, ivviry narve i' mah boady, wur twisted, an' jearked, an' shaaken; an' ah wax wrang as cleean oot ov moistoore as aud Deeame wrings her sheeits on weshin' deay. Onny hoo, ah wur cuerd ; thof ah doan't think monny wud loike t' goa throf saame proacess as ah did, ah doan't ! NOTTER BENNY. Foaks nmnna be flay'd aboot maad attindint at Bin Rhyddin' ; they wilna foind him thur. He beggid haard nixt moorn, an' ah forgav him, an' gav him hawf-a-croon. " Shure," saays he, "it wur a' t' whisky; t' thafe ov t' warld doon beloo thur gav ma t' wrang soart bad cess tiv him !" Ah think t' whisky may ha' hed summat to doa wi' it ; bud soa hed t' fool o' f inooin ! Onny hoo, thof stalled enuf, ah wur cuerd, an' ah mun be thaankfool fer that ! A FEW KEMAIRKS ABOOT HALLIFAX AN' HOODDEKSFIELD. Ah'v monny relaashuns, doon tiv a neenth coosin, i' Hallifax, thof soom ov 'em spill tlmr neames a treffle diffrint, as onny wun con reead aboon shoaps an' waare- hooses. Whin aud Nol Ooomwell an' his caaptins sint foaks pratty shaarp, i' t' wards o' t' anshent oarder, " t' H , Hool, or Hallifax !" soom ov mah foorbeears wur amang t' noomber who wint tit laast-naamed pleeace i' prifferince tit ither twea. They sittled thur, an' thur they remaain. They coom to sea ma soomtoimes, at Kursmas, mabbe, an' ah'v eeatin' mah caake an' cheeis, an' fruminty, an' sit roond t' laang hoosband's cannal -wi" 'em,* an' foond 'em varry noice soart ov peuple. Meary wint t' sea soom ov oor coosins i' retoorn. They're pratty weel t' doa, an' ha' warked thur waay oop hill a bit ; bud they're noat stoock-oop foaks loike soom feeols who've mad' a lahtle munny i' traade, an' thin begin t' leuk doon oopon t' pooir, an' expict ivviry wun belangin' tiv 'em t' a'maist worship 'em fer thur greeat an' woonderfool cliverniss in gettin' a heeap ov brass tegither. Wae betide thoase who wilna boo t' kneea to t' new-mad' greeat foaks ; they mun leuk oot fer naught bud insoolt, an' scoorn, an' neglict. Loike Thaackerry's Snob, sike foaks forgit aud freends, aud faaces, aud relaashuns, an' roon arter rich an' teetled peuple ; an' git laffed at an' sneer'd at behoind thur * In Yorkshire, cake and cheese are eaten and given away at Christmas ; also wheat and milk, or frumenty ; and a long candle is lit by the master of the house, which all sit around. 161 baacks famusly. Ah'v seein sike condooct i' monny famillees ; mair's t' pitty ! It's wuii ov t' inaist feeolish an' stoopid things i' t' warld this bein' prood ov a munny bag. Ah con oonderstaand bein' prood ov buty ; it's natteral, an' it's God's gift : ah con inter intul bein' prood ov braain poor ; it rools t' warld a'maist : ah con weel comprehind bein' prood ov stringth ; t' gooid aud Buk tells oos, " The gloary ov a yoong mon is his stringth :" bud bein' prood ov a munny bag filled oop by sellin' sperits an' yale, an' tay, an' coffy, an' cannals, an' trikkle, or by deealin' oot yeards ov cottin, an' wool, an' silk, an' ither things i' traade (an' offen giein' shoart wait an' bad messure !) bein 1 prood o' brass mad' i' this waay, ah nivvir cud mak' oot, an' nivvir shall ! Ah mud as weel be prood ov growin' tatees, an' turmets, an' whoats, an' toorn cockmadoor whin ah gat a gooid preece fer 'em. Bud soom foaks who've mad' rnunny i' traade air diffrint fra this ; they're oanly prood ov doin' gooid. I' t' neeat aud toon ov Hallifax, thur's a varry rich mon ah wullna gie his neame ; its knawn oop aboon, an' that's enuf who spinds his gowd loike a prince i' aaidin' t' sick ; lendin' loans tit indoostrious pooir, traadesmin, an' ithers ; soopportin' aud aage, an' spreeadin' blessin's a' aroond. He's a noable chap ; an' boo mitch bettir is this waay ov invistin' munny i' oor loife toime an' seein' wi' oor oan ees t' gooid it dooes, thon leavin' it fer ithers to spiud, mabbe feeolishly an' wickedly, arter we air gaen ! Loike Braadfurth, ah shall leeave Hallifax an' Hood- dersfield fer anither toime. Ah wull oanly saay ah think they air boath varry noice toons fer factorry pleeaces ; open, cleean, wi' foine laarge pooblic beildins' o' a' soarts, an' big graassy hill sloapes a' aroond each toon. T' coontry by thur is varry pratty, a' oop an' doon loike ; t' soart ov scinnerry that sooits mail ee t' beast. Whin, soom deay, ah wreet aboot Bolton Abbey, an' " Ingleboro' Wharnsoide Pennygint, T' heighest hills fra Tweeid t' Trint," 162 ah'll saay inair aboot Moontains. Thur, amang thim, we con exclaaim wi' pooet Meary red tiv ma : " Ah live uoat i' mesel, Bud ah becoom porshun ov that aroond ma, An' t' ma, heigh moontains air afeeliri 1 /" Ah think peuple amang a hilly coontry air freer an' mair indepindint i' thur moinds thon ithirs, ah doa. Ah wur glaad t' sea plinty ov weel-filled bukshoaps i' Hallifax an' Hooddersfield. Ah whoape t' waarkfoaks wull reead a' they con, an' mak thursens fitted fer bein' gooid an' usefool mimbers ov soceaty ; a greeat distiny, an' Eng- laand's faate, an' poor, an' gloary air in thur honde fer iwirmair ! What con they noat doa t' raaise thursens iv they wull bud unete an' tree ? What greeat advantaages they ha' 1100 that thoase who ha' gaen afoor hed no thout or noashun ov ! Eddication is (or wull be sooin) oapen t' iwiry wun, an' thur wull be no excuse fer min an' wimmin ov t' coomin' toime saayin' they're no scholards, as monny doa noo. I' mah yoong deays, it wur " ivark, wark, wark!" naught ealse ; bud noo t' skeulmeaster is becoomin' stranger thon a troop ov hoarse ! an' knollege an' braain poor rools t' warld. Think o' that, warkin' min, an' poot less drink intul yer mooths, an' mair larnin' intul yer yeds ! That's gooid advise, thof it cooms fra oanly an aud Yarkshure fermer ! LANGKICK'S LETTER ERA HOOL. Wun deay Poastmon brout ma this letter ; aud Deeame wur oot, an' ah hed it a' t' mesen. Mighty glaad ah wxu- t' heear fra t' aud fellar agin ! an' saays ah, " Iv ah giv oop an aud freend loike Langrick, that ah'v knawn an' luv'd sin' ah wur a bairn, by gum may ah be hoong, draawn, an' quattered ! an' that poonishment wud be hawf too good fer ma, iv ah cud be sike a teeastrill ; by mah trooly wud it !" Heare's aud Langrick's letter : "Ax ME. 's, " LOND ov GBEEIN GINGEE,* " HOOL. " MAH DEEAE GOOEKBODGEE, " Whin ah foirst gat thy letter, ah con tell'ee ah wur poot oot an' mighty lungus aboot it. Ah hawf mad' oop mah moind ah'd nivvir wreet t' thee or speeak t' thee agin, ah did. Ah tell'ee, Goorkrodger, fer a deay or twea ah poot thee oot ov mah heeart, ah did ; bud ah cudna Icip thee oot ! Aud feealin's cam' ower ma. Aud frinds, thinks ah, con nivvir be replaiced. Hoo con onny wun tak' t' int'rist in oor saayin's an' dooins loike thoase who've knawn oos fra bairns oopwards, an' seein oor oops an' doons an' goin's on, an' ha' join'd in oor merry tricks an' joovial spoarts fra yeear tiv yeear ? Nae wun ! Ah thout ov oor yoong deays whin we pleay'd marbils, an' tops, an' knaw an' spell tegithur ; ov t' toime whin we twea stoal oot t' goa burd nistin', an' bummelkite gittin', an' fishin' wi' an aud willow stick an' mither's pins an' cottin. It a' cam' baack tiv ma ! an' t' lang simmer hoors tu, whin we wud * A street so named in Hull Land of Green Ginger. P.D. 164 lig by a lair, or pike stack, an' mak' caastles i' t' air ov t' passin' cloods, an' ov oor deays t' coom ! An' thin agin t' wards ov aud Bob Booms' noable sang cam' intul mah moind : ' Shud aud acquaintance be forgot, An' niwir brout t' moind ; Shud aud acquaaintance be forgot, An' t' deays ov aud Lang Syne.' An', ah'm not ashaamed t' oan it, a teear cam' intul mah ee, an' saays ah, ' Dang it, ah'll wreet tit aud fellar onst mair,' an' heare ah am doin' it ! " Ah dussay thy deeame, Groorkrodger, thinks ma a scaamp ov a chap fer roos, an' raaces, an' loo coompanny ; bud that's not mah chaaractur, as thou knawest. Ah'm seer her moateevs air gooid, an' ah rispict 'em : ah rispict a' t' feeamales as trees t' be gooid woives an' dooes thur dooty, an' Mrs. Goorkrodger dooes her's, ah knaws. Not monny hoosbands, Goorkrodger, ha' gotten t' woif that thou hast, an' ah whoape that thou'll allus 'preciate her. ["A bit ov blarney that, aye Laiigrick?" thinks ah; " bud thou knawist hoo monny beeans mak' foive, thou dost ! thou wurna boorn yisterdeay an' con weel sea hoo t' groond ligs at Bonnybeck !" Arterwaards, whin Meary red t' letter tiv Deeame, she saaid at this pairt, " He's a sinsible mon ! he's gottin mair sinse thon thou hast, Goorkrodger ! Ah nivvir thout thy frind, Langrick, had soa mitch in him ; ah wish a' thy frinds wur loike him, ah doa !"] T' letter wint on : " Thou'll waant t' knaw what has brout ma tiv this pleeace, an' ah'll tellee, an' summat aboot this greeat seapoort, as thou loikest, ah knaw, to heer aboot straange toons. " Weel, thou hast a gooid laandlord, an' ah'v a bad'un. T' hangmint ov t' whoale ferni sistim noo is, thur is nae saafety or security fer t' brass an' laboor a mon poots intul t' lond. Saay thou hast a gooid fealin' laandlord : he may dee as we a' mun soom deay an' his hair may be a spindthrif, an' a haard, crooel mon. ' Paay mair rint, or tak' sax moonths' notidge,' he may saay, -an' it /./uis. Maund, mind. Meave, move. Measter, master. Mebbe, may be. Meeak, meek. Meer, a marc. Meead, made. Meean^ cross, ill-tempered. Meeat, meat. Meil, meal. Melisha, militia. Mengle, mangle. Mensed oop, tidied up. Mesel, myself. Mezzered, measured. Mirackulas, wild, fantastical. Misfotten, misfortune. Misteean, mistaken. Mitch, much. Mishun, mission, Mizar, miser. Monny, money. Moog, mug. Mooin, moon. Moonterbonks, mountebanks. Moorn, morn. Moorder, murder. Mooth, mouth. Moommy, mummy. Moonch, to eat eagerly. Moongrel, a cur. Moonk, monk. Mooslin, muslin. Moock, dirt. Mootton, mutton. Moozzle, muzzle. Mud, might. Mun, must. Hunnot, must not. Nanpie, magpie. Natteral, natural. Nashernel, nation:* 1 . Nauther. neither. Neeanie. name. Neea, no. Neea makkins, no consequence* Neead, need. Nean, noon. Neen, nine. Neight, night. Nevy, iitp/ien.'. Niwer, never Noab'dy, nobody. Noan, none. Noase, nose. Nobbut, only. Nokkaneed, knock-kneed. Noo, now. Nooates, notes. Nooations, notions. Noomber, number. Nootmeg, nutmeg. Not a' thur, halfwitted. 0. Oand, ned. Oninia, of inc. Ommiiist, almost Onnywhere. am- Oor, our. Ootraage. outrage. Ootsoide, outside Ootcaast, outcast. Ootcry, outcry. Ootlaudish, outlandish. Ooverpoor, overpower. Ov, of. Ower, over. OWB, ox. p. Paddin' can, cheap lodging-house. Pairk, park. Pairt, part. Pankin pan, pan. Payshint, patient. Peeal, peal. Peerceave, perceive. Peicod, peashell. fetyms, purpose. Pikkald, pickled. Pleead, plead. Pleease, please. Plpo, plough. Plbom, plumb. Ploomp, plump. Pooachur, poacher. Poaste, post. Poised, kicked. Pooblick, publk. Poor, power. Pooddin', pudding. Pooilpit, pulpit. Pooff./wjfl ,. Poorsooit, pursuit. Pot shop, crockery shop. Prahz, praaise, praise. Pratty, pretty. Pretliee, prithee. Preeaches, preaches. Prisance, presence. Prissant, present. Prood, proud. Prognostikkashuns, prognostica- tions. Pund, pound. B. Baaces, races. Baate, rate. Backet, noise, confusion. Bahve, tear. Beead, read. Beetiousness, righteousness. Beean, reign. Befahnd, refined. Befoormed, reformed. Beight, right. Bekcreeashun, recreation. Bekken creeak, chimney hook for pots. Befoorm, reform. Beprooach, reproach. Bepoort, report. Bepoolse, repulse. Biddy, ready. Big'lar, regular. Bist, rest. Boboost, robust. Boobbish, rubbish, Booad, road. Bood, rude. Boond, round. Books, rucks. Boosh, rush. Bowl, roll. S. Saaint, saint. Saave, save. Sad brid, heavy bread. Sal, shall. Sair, sore. Sang, song. Sannot, shall not. Sarhtin, certain. Sarmon, sermon. Sarred, served. Saxpenflorth, sixpenceworth. Scaad, scold. Scrat, scratch. Scroolin', scrawling. Seek, sack. Sealdom, seldom. Seeafly, safely. Seea, so. Seeaven, seven. Seead, seed. Seer, sewer, sure. Seetha, see thau. s. Set pot, a copper. Shap', shape. Shoon ; shoes. Sike, such. Shaake, shake. Shaame, shame. Shaated, shouted. Shenk's mere, our own legs. Sheeap, sheep. Shooitin', shooting. Shoolder, shoulder. Sho, she. Shoo'd, frightened by shouts. Shogs, runs, comes. Shroob, shrub. Shrood, shroud. Skets, skirts. Skeual, school. Skoor, score. Skoolk, skulk. Slaave, slave. Slaw, slow. Sleeip, sleep. Sleeik, sleek. Sleeit, sleet. Snack, latch. Snaake, snake. Snatigkt, snout. Snicket, a narrow path between walls. Scat, salt. Soide, side. Soo, so?v, south. Soondly, soundly. Soor, sovr. Sout, sought. Spake, spoke. Spint-oop, done up. 'Speshally, especially . Sperits, spirits. Spleean, spleen. Splindid, splendid. Spreead, spread. Sproot, sprout. Staage, stage. Stalled, tired, worn out. Steal, stool. Stean, stone. Steeam, steam. Stead, stood. Steeadfaast, steadfast. Steeal, steel. Steilin', stealing. Steyk t'deer, shut the door. Stooary, story, Stoof , stuff. Stoordy, sturdy. Straange, strange. Straaite, straight. Strackle-braained, hot-headed. Strap, getting credit for goods. Strucken, stmck Sum'dy, somebody. Summat, something, Sumtahms, sometimes. Sumwa', somewhat. Surproize, surprise. Susy, Susan. Swanky, sivipes, small beer. Sweeat, sweet. T. Taedsteals, toadstools. Taen, taken. Tayhts, tarts. Tahard, towards. Tahm, time. Tak', take. Tayed, took. Taylyer, tailor. Teed, tied. Teeastrill, a villain. Teeathwark, toothache. Tell'd, told. Tengs, tongs. Te-moorn, the morrow. Teych, teach. Tike, an old horse or mare. Tit, to the, a horse. Tiv, to. Tha, tkou. Thahsand, theresenz, thousand. Thayfoore, therefore. Theare, there. T. Tbeigli, thigh. Thoase, those. Thof, though. Thosty, thirsty. Tliranged, thronged. Threeatened, threatened. Thuimered, thundered. Toatliree, t^oo or three. Toime, time. Toon, ttn^n. Tooing, pulling about. Took-oots hearty feeds. Tommy, dry bread. Towple, to tumble. Towser, black hole. Traases, troiisers. Treeas, trees. Treid, tread. Trekkle, treacle. TrimmePd, trembled. Trooble, trouble. Twea, two. Twitters, teazes. Uts, t hats'. Varry, wry. U, V. Vast a, a great number. Villhosipede, velocipede. W. Waay, way. Wail, to weep Warse, worse. Waaken, waken. Warld, world. Wad, would. Wake, weak. Warkmates, workmates. Wai it gate, till it got. Webbs mass, and cock, gosamer. Weeas mail, woes inc. Weeak an' fond, weak and foolish. Weeant, wont. Weel, well. Weesome, handsome, winning. Weshen, washing. Wersel, ourselves. Whisunteed, Whitsuntide. Whoame, home. Whoor, our. Whoape, hope. Wboates, oats. Wholly, holy. Widder, widow. Winder, window. Winterhedge, clothes-horse. Wire into, beat or scold. Withaglit, wi'oot, without. Wi', with. Wod, would. Wodaiit, wuddent, wadna, woula Hot. Wonl, whole. Woorn, worn. Worant, was not. Wun, one. Wunce, once. Wiir, was. Yal, ale. Yftlhoose, alehouse. Yan, one. Yance, once. Yar, yoor.jsw;-. Y. Yat, a gate. YeTcAs, yards. Yewn, an oven. Yond, yonder. Yov', you have. BY THE SAME ACTHOB, Jn*t Out, post free for //// "YARNS ROUO A PRAIRIE CAMP FIRE," OK, TALES OF WILD ADVENTURE IN Till; FAR \V " No pent-up Utica conth . ors, But tin; whole boundless ('omim-nt This is a most attractive and exciting work for Sea-side, Fir ;: ;t il iiovv first published in any form. Preparinrf, Is. Gd. In.mh; 2-s. Cul. n^it, cloth, ton MODI-, York y, Hilda's Ruined Aisles, Mount Oliver, Bolton Abbey, and ; pieces ou the Yorkshire glories of Nature, Art. and History, witi for which the Author received the thanks of Tu i JT'ST THE BOOK FOR A PRESENT. JAw, j-irife 2-v. fit!. : *2v. 10/7. "FETHERSTOFS OftLIO Compri>'-ig -''veral hundred pages of Original. Amusing. In and Siitirkal Tales, Poeius, S!;. PERSONAL A THE TRADE SUPPLIED. ORDERS CAN BE SENT TO F. M. FETHERSTON. < JOHNSON AND TES^KVM \\. I'PJNTC