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By Dr. HERMANN VOGEL. 100 Illustrations. $2.00. 15. FUNGI ; their Nature, Influence, and Uses. By M. C. COOKE, LL. D. Edited by M. J. BERKELEY. 109 Illustrations. $1.50. 16. THE LIFE AND GROWTH OF LANGUAGE. By Prof. W. D. WHITNEY, of Yale College. $1.50. 17. MONEY AND THE MECHANISM OF EXCHANGE. By W. STANLEY JEVONS, M. A., F. R. S. $1.75. 18. THE NATURE OF LIGHT. By Dr. E. LOMMEL. 88 Illustrations and a Plate of Spectra in Chromo-lithography. $2.00. 19. ANIMAL PARASITES AND MESSMATES. By Prof. M. VAN BENEDEN. 83 Illustrations. $1.50. 20. ON FERMENTATIONS. By P. SCHUTZENBERGEK. $1.50. 21. THE FIVE SENSES OF MAN. By Prof. J. BERNSTEIN. $1.75. 22. THE THEORY OF SOUND IN ITS'RELATION 10 MUSIC. By Prof. PIKTRO BLASERNA. Numerous Woodcuts. $1.50. 23. STUDIES IN SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. By J. N. LOCKYER. $2.50. 24. A HISTORY OF THE GROWTH OF THE STEAM-ENGINE. By ROBERT H. THURSTON, A.M., C. E. 163 Illustrations. $2.50. 25. EDUCATION AS A SCIENCE. By ALEX. BAIN, LL.D. $1.75. 26. MODERN CHROMATICS. 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Frontispiece SECTIONS OF IGNEOUS ROCKS, ILLUSTRATING THE PASSAGE FROM THE GLASSY TO THE CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE. Vitreous Bock. 2. Semi- Vitreous Rock. 3. Vitreous Hock with Sphserulites. 4. Rock with Cryptocrystalline Base. 5. Rock with Microcrystalline Base. 6. Rock of Granitic Structure built up entirely of Crystals. [See pp. 53-58. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. VOLCANOES : WHAT THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY TEACH. BY JOHN W. JUDD, F. R. S., \N PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE ROYAL SCHOOL OF MINES. WITH NINETY-SIX ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AND 5 BOND STEEET. 1881. -.v / PREFACE. IN PREPARING THIS WORK, I have aimed at carrying out a design suggested to me by the late Mr. Poulett Scrope, the accomplishment of which has been un- fortunately delayed, longer than I could have wished, by many pressing duties. Mr. Scrope's well-known works, entitled 'Volcanoes' and 'The Greology and Extinct Volcanoes of Central France ' which passed through several editions in this country, and have been translated into the principal European languages embody the results of much careful observation and acute reasoning -upon the questions which the author made the study of his life. In the first of these works the phenomena of volcanic activity are described, and its causes discussed; in the second it is shown that much insight concerning these problems may be obtained by a study of the ruined and denuded relics of the volcanoes of former geological periods. The appearance of these works, in the years 92081 vi PJBEFACE. 1825 and 1827 respectively, did much to prepare the minds of the earlier cultivators of science for the reception of those doctrines of geological uniformity and continuity, which were shortly afterwards so ably advocated by Lyell in his ' Principles of Geology.' Since the date of the appearance of the last editions of Scrope's works, inquiry and speculation concerning the nature and -origin of volcanoes have been alike active, and many of the problems which were discussed by him, now present themselves under aspects entirely new and different from those in which he was accus- tomed to regard them. No one was ever more ready to welcome original views or to submit to having long- cherished principles exposed to the ordeal of free criticism than was Scrope; and few men retained to so advanced an age the power of subjecting novel theories to the test of a rigorous and logical com- parison with ascertained facts. But this eminent geologist was not content with the devotion of his own time and energies to the advancement of his favourite science, for as increas- ing age and growing infirmities rendered travel and personal research impossible, he found a new source of pleasure in seeking out the younger workers in those fields of inquiry which he had so long and successfully cultivated, and in furthering their efforts by his judicious PKEFACE. vii advice and kindly aid. Among the chosen disciples of this distinguished man, who will ever be regarded as one of the chief pioneers of geological thought, I had the good fortune to be numbered, and when he com- mitted to me the task of preparing a popular exposi- tion of the present condition of our knowledge on volcanoes, I felt that I had been greatly honoured. In order to keep the work within the prescribed limits, and to avoid unnecessary repetitions, I have confined myself to the examination of such selected examples of volcanoes as could be shown to be really typical of all the various classes which exist upon the globe ; and I have endeavoured from the study of these to deduce those general laws which appear to govern volcanic action. But it has, at the same time, been my aim to approach the question from a somewhat new standpoint, and to give an account of those in- vestigations which have in recent times thrown so much fresh light upon the whole problem. In this way I have been led to dwell at some length upon subjects which might not at first sight appear to be. germane to the question under discussion ; such as the characters of lavas revealed to us by microscopic examination ; the nature and movements of the liquids enclosed in the crystals of igneous rocks ; the relations of minerals occurring in some volcanic products to those found in meteorites ; the nature and origin of viii PREFACE. the remarkable iron-masses found at Ovifak in Green- land ; and the indications which have been discovered of analogies between the composition and dynamics of our earth and those of other members of the family of worlds to which it belongs. While not evading the discussion of theoretical questions, I have endeavoured to keep such discussions in strict subordination to that presentation of the results attained by observation and experiment, which constitutes the principal object of the work. The woodcuts which illustrate the volume are in some cases prepared from photographs, and I am in- debted to Mr. Cooper for the skill with which he has carried out my wishes concerning their reproduction. Others among the engravings are copies of sketches which I made .in Italy, Hungary, Bohemia, and other volcanic districts. The whole of the wood-blocks em- ployed by Mr. Poulett Scrope in his work on Volcanoes were placed at my disposal before his death, and such of them as were useful for my purpose I have freely employed. To Captain S. P. Oliver, R.A., I am obliged for a beautiful drawing made in the Island of Bourbon, and to Mr. Norman Lockyer and his publisher s Messrs. Macmillan & Co., for the use of several wood-blocks illustrating sun-spots and solar prominences. J. W. J. LONDON: .May 1881. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PACUS INTRODUCTORY : NATURE OF THE ENQUIRY .... 1 CHAPTER II. THE NATURE OF VOLCANIC ACTION 7 CHAPTER III. THE PRODUCTS OF VOLCANIC ACTION 39 CHAPTER IY. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE MATERIALS EJECTED FBOM VOLCANIC VENTS 67 CHAPTER Y. THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF VOLCANIC MOUNTAINS . .112 CHAPTER YI. THE VARIOUS STRUCTURES BUILT UP AROUND VOLCANIC VENTS 151 CHAPTER VII. THE SUCCESSION OF OPERATIONS TAKING PLACE AT VOL- CANIC CENTRES 186 X CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII. PAGE THE DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOES UPON THE SURFACE OF THE GLOBE . . . 224 CHAPTER IX. VOLCANIC ACTION AT DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE EARTH'S HISTORY 247 CHAPTER X. THE PART PLAYED BY VOLCANOES IN THE ECONOMY OF NATURE 281 CHAPTER XL WHAT VOLCANOES TEACH US CONCERNING THE NATURE OF THE EARTH'S INTERIOR 307 CHAPTER XII. THE ATTEMPTS WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSES OF VOLCANIC ACTION 331 INDEX . 371 ILLUSTRATIONS. Sections of igneous rocks illustrating the passage from the glassy to the crystalline structure . . . Frontispiece FIG. PAGB 1. Stromboli, viewed from the north-west, April 1874 to face p. 10 2. Map of the Island of Stromboli 11 3. Section through the Island of Stromboli from north-west to south-east 13 4. The crater of Stromboli as viewed from the side of the Sciarra during an eruption on the morning of April 24, 1874 14 6. Vesuvius in eruption, as seen from Naples, April 26, 1872. (From a photograph} to face p. 24 6. View of Vulcano, with Vulcanello in the foreground taken from the south end of the Island of Lipari . . .43 7. Minute cavities, containing liquids, in the crystals of rocks. (After Zirkel} to face p. 60 8. Minute liquid-cavity in a crystal, with a moving bubble. (After Hartley} 62 9. Cavity in crystal, containing carbonic-acid gas at a tempe- rature of 86 F., and passing from the liquid to the gaseous condition. (After Hartley} . . . .64 10. Monte Nuovo (440 ft. high) on the shores of the Bay of Naples. (After Scrope} .76 11. Map of the district around Naples, showing Monte Nuovo and the surrounding volcanoes of glder date . . .78 xii ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. I'AGK 12. Outlines of the summit of Vesuvius during the eruption of 1767. (After Sir W, Hamilton) . . . to face p. 80 13. Crater of Vesuvius formed during the eruption of 1822 (After Scrape) . .82 14. Crater of Vesuvius in 1756, from a drawing made on the spot. (After Sir W. Hamilton) 84 15. The summit of Vesuvius in 1767, from an original drawing. (After Sir W. Hamilton) 85 16. Summit of Vesuvius in 1843 86 17. Outlines of Vesuvius, showing its form at different periods of its history 87 18. Cascade of lava tumbling over a cliff in the Island of Bourbon. (After Capt. 8. P. Oliver, R.A.) . . .93 19. Lava-stream (obsidian) in the Island of Vulcano, showing the imperfect liquidity of the mass .... 95 20. Interior of a rhyolitic lava-stream in the Island of Lipari, showing broad, sigmoidal folds, produced by the slow movements of the mass . 96 21. Interior of a rhyolitic lava-stream in the Island of Lipari, showing the complicated crumplings and puckerings, produced by the slow movements of the mass . . 96 22. Vesuvian lava-stream of 1858, exhibiting the peculiar * ropy ' surfaces of slowly-moving currents. (From a photograph) to face p. 98 23. Vesuvian lava-stream of 1872, exhibiting the rough cindery surfaces characteristic of rapidly flowing currents. (From a, photograph} to face p. 98 24. Concentric folds on mass of cooled lava. (After Heaphy) . 100 25. Mass of cooled lava formed over a spiracle on the slopes of Hawaii. (After Dana) 100 26. Group of small cones thrown up on the Vesuvian lava-cur- rent of 1855. (After Schmidt) ... .101 27. Natural section of a lava-stream in the Island of Vulcano, showing the compact central portion and the scoriaceous upper and under surfaces 104 28. Section of a lava-stream, exposed on the side of the river Ardeche, in the south-west of France. (After Scrope) . 106 ILLUSTKATIONS. xiii FIG. PAGE 29. Portion of a basaltic column from the Giant's Causeway, exhibiting both the ball-and-socket and the tenon-and- mortise structure 107 30. Vein of green pitchstone at Chiaja di Luna, in the Island of Ponza, breaking up into regular columns and into spherical masses with a concentric series of joints. (After Scrape) 108 31. Illustration pf the 'perlitic structure ' in glassy rocks . 109 32. Transverse section of a lava-stream Ill 33. The Kammerbiihl, or Kammerberg, Bohemia (as seen from the south-west) 113 34. Section of the Kammerbiihl in Bohemia . . . .lit 35. Natural section of a volcanic cone in the Island of Vulcano 116 36. Section in the side of the Kammerbiihl, Bohemia . .118 37. Experimental illustration of the mode of formation of volcanic cones, composed of fragmental materials . 120 38. Natural section of a tuff -cone, forming the Cape of Misenum, and exhibiting the peculiar internal arrange- ment, characteristic of volcanoes composed of frag- mentary materials. {After Scrape") .... 121 39. Section of a small scoria-cone formed within the crater of Vesuvius in the year 1835, illustrating the filling up of the central vent of the cone by subsequent ejections. (After AUcJi) 122 40. Volcanic cones composed of scorise, and breached on one side by the outflow of lava-currents. (After Scrape} . 123 41. Campo Bianco, in the Island of Lipari. A pumice-cone breached by the outflow of an obsidian lava-stream to face p. 124 42. Volcanic cones in Auvergne, which have suffered to some extent from atmospheric denudation. (After Scrap ^ . 124 43. Experimental illustration of the mode of formation of volcanic cones composed of viscid lavas. ( After lleyer) 126 44. The Grand Puy of Sarcoui, composed of trachyte, rising between two breached scoria-cones (Auvergne). (After Scrape) 120 XIV ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 45. Volcanic cone (Mamelon) composed of very viscid lava (Island of Bourbon). {After Bory de St. Vincent} . 127 46. Another Mamelon in the Island of Bourbon, with a crater at its summit. {After Bory de St. Vincent) . . .127 47. Cliff-section in the Island of Madeira, showing how a com- posite volcano is built up of lava-streams, beds of scorias, and dykes. (After Lye II) 128 48. Section seen at the cascade, Bains de Mont Dore. {After Scrope) 130 49. Section in the Island of Ventotienne, showing a great stream cf andesitic lava overlying stratified tuffs. (After Scrope) 130 50. Cliff on the south side of the Island of San Stephano . 131 51. The headland of Monte della Gruardia, in the Island of Ponza 131 52. Western side of the same headland, as seen from the north side of Luna Bay 132 53. Sea-cliff at II Capo, the north-east point of Salina, show- ing stratified agglomerates traversed by numerous dykes, the whole being unconformably overlaid by stratified, aqueous deposits 132 54. Section observed in the Val del Bove, Etna, showing a basaltic dyke, from the upper part of which a lava- current has flowed 133 55. Basaltic dykes projecting from masses of stratified scorise in the sides of the Val del Bove, Etna .... 134 56. Sheets of igneous rock (basalt) intruded between beds of sandstone, clay, and limestone (Island of Skye) . . 137 57. Plan of the dissected volcano of Mull in the Inner Hebrides to face p. 142 58. Section of the volcano of Mull along the line A B 142 59. Summit of the volcano of Monte Sant' Angelo, in Lip^ri, exhibiting a crater with walls worn down by denuua- tion . . 158 60. Outlines of lava-cones . 160 61. Diagram illustrating the formation of parasitic cones along lines of fissure formed on the flanks of a great volcanic mountain 162 ILLUSTRATIONS. XV FIG. 1'AGK 62. Outline of Etna, as seen from Catania .... 162 63. Outline of Etna, as seen from the Val del Bove . . 163 64. Plan of the volcano forming the Island of Ischia . . 16S 65. A primary parasitic cone with a secondary one at its base Ischia .164 66. Scoria-cone near Auckland, New Zealand, with a lava- current flowing from it. (After HeapJiy) . . .165 67. Section of rocks below the ancient triassic volcano of Predazzo in the Tyrol 165 68. Cotopaxi, as seen from a distance of ninety miles. (After Humboldt) 168 69. Citlaltepetl, or the Pic d'Orizaba, in Mexico, as seen from the Forest of Xalapa. (After. Huniboldt") . . .169 70. Lac Paven, in the Auvergne. (After Scrope) . . .171 71. The crater-lake called Lagodel Bagno, in Ischia, converted into a harbour 172 72. Lake of Gustavila, in Mexico. (After Humboldt) . . 172 73. Peak of Teneriffe, surrounded by great crater-rings. (After Piazzi-SmytJi) 175 74. The volcano of Bourbon, rising in the midst of a crater- ring four miles in diameter. (After Bory de St. Vincent) 176 75. The volcano of Bourbon, as seen from another point of view, with three concentric crater-rings encircling its base. (After JBory de St. Vincent) . . . .176 76. Vesuvius as seen from Torrento, half encircled by the crater-ring of Somma 177 77. Outlines of various volcanoes illustrating the different relations of the craters to cones . . . to face p. 178 78. Island thrown up in the Mediterranean Sea in July and August, 1831. (After the Prince de Joinville) . .179 79. Sinter-cones surrounding the orifices of geysers . . .183 80. Diagram illustrating the mode of formation of travertine- and sinter-terraces on the sides of a hill of tuff . .185 81. Map of the volcanic group of the Lipari Islands, illus- XVi ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGB trating the position of the lines of fissure upon which the volcanoes have been built up . . . ... 192 82. The Puy de Pariou, in the Auvergne, illustrating the shift- ing of eruption along a line of fissures . . . .193 83. Ideal section of the Puy de Pariou 194 84. Fissure formed on the flanks of Etna during the eruption of 1865. (After Silvertri) 194 85. Plan of the Island of Vulcano, based on the map of the Italian Government 195 86. Vulcanello, with its three craters 197 87. Section of basalt from Ovifak, Greenland, with particles of metallic iron diffused through its mass . . . .319 88. Diagram illustrating the relations between the terrestrial and the extra-terrestrial rocks . . . tofatwp.322 89. A group of sun-spots. (After Seecki) . . . .362 90. A sun-spot, showing the great masses of incandescent vapour rising or falling within it. (After . . 363 91. The edge of a sun-spot, showing a portion of the promi- nent masses of incandescent gas (A) which detached itself at E and floated into the midst of the cavity. (After Norman Lockyer) 363 92. Drawing of a solar prominence made by Mr. Norman Lockyer, March 14, 1869, at 11 h. 5m. A.M. . . .364 93. The same object, as seen at llh. 15m. on the same day. (After Norman Lockyer} 365 94. Drawings of a solar prominence at four different periods on September 7, 1871. (After Young") .... 366 95. A group of Lunar craters (Maurolycus, Barocius, &c.), the largest being more than sixty miles in diameter . . 368 VOLCANOES. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY: NATURE OF THE INQUIRY. ' WHAT is A VOLCANO?' This is a familiar question, often addressed to us in our youth, which 4 Catechisms of Universal Knowledge,' and similar school manuals, have taught us to reply to in some such terms as the following : c A volcano is a burning mountain, from the summit of which issue smoke and flames.' Such a statement as this, it is probable, does not unfairly represent the ideas which are, even at the present day, popularly entertained upon the subject. But in this, as in so many other cases, our first step towards the acquirement of scientific or exact knowledge, must be the unlearning of what we have before been led to regard as true. The description which we have quoted is not merely incomplete and inadequate as a whole, but each individual proposition of which it is made up is grossly inaccurate, and, what 2 VOLCANOES. is worse, perversely misleading. In the first place, the action which takes place at volcanoes is not ' burning,' or combustion, and bears, indeed, no relation whatever to that well-known process. Nor are volcanoes neces- sarily mountains ' at all ; essentially, they are just the reverse namely, holes in the earth's crust, or outer portion, by means of which a communication is kept up between the surface and the interior of our globe. When mountains do exist at centres of volcanic ac- tivity, they are simply the heaps of materials thrown out of these holes, and must therefore be regarded not as the causes but as the consequences of the volcanic action. Neither does this action always take place at the ' summits ' of volcanic mountains, when such exist, for eruptions occur quite as frequently on their sides or at their base. That, too, which popular fancy regards as ' smoke ' is really condensing steam or watery vapour, and the supposed raging ' flames ' are nothing more than the glowing light of a mass of molten material reflected from these vapour clouds. It is not difficult to understand how these false notions on the subject of volcanic action have come to be so generally prevalent. In the earlier stages of its development, the human mind is much more con- genially employed in drinking in that which is marvel- lous than in searching for that which is true. It must be admitted, too, that the grand and striking pheno- mena displayed by volcanoes are especially calculated to inspire terror and to excite superstition, and such IDEAS OF THE ANCIENTS. 3 feelings must operate in preventing those close and accurate observations which alone can form the basis of scientific reasoning. The ancients were acquainted only with the four or five active volcanoes in the Mediterranean area; the term ' volcano ' being the name of one of these (Vul- cano, or Volcano, in the Lipari Islands), which has come to be applied to all similar phenomena. It is only in comparatively modern times that it has become a known fact that many hundreds of volcanoes exist upon the globe, and are scattered over almost every part of its surface. Classical mythology appropriated Vulcano as the forge of Hephaestus, and his Roman representative Vulcan, while Etna was regarded as formed by the mountains under which the vengeful deity had buried the rebellious Typhon; it may be imagined, therefore, that any endeavour to more closely investigate the phenomena displayed at these localities would be regarded, not simply as an act of temerity, but as one of actual impiety. In mediaeval times similar feelings would operate with not less force in the same direction, for the popular belief identified the subterranean fires with a place of ever- lasting torment ; Vulcauo was regarded as the place of punishment of the Arian Emperor Theodosius, while Etna was assigned to poor Anne Boleyn, the perverter of faith in the person of its stoutest defender. That such feelings of superstitious terror in connection with volcanoes are, even at the present day, far from being 4 VOLCANOES. extinct, will be attested by every traveller who, in carrying on investigations about volcanic centres, has had to avail himself of the assistance of guides and attendants from among the common people. Among the great writers of antiquity we find several who had so far emancipated their minds from the popular superstitions as to be able to enunciate just and rational views upon the subject of volcanoes. Until quite recent times, however, their teaching was quite forgotten or neglected, and the modern science of Voilcanology may be said to have entirely grown up within the last one hundred years. The great pioneer in this important branch of re- search was the illustrious Italian naturalist Spallanzani, who, in the year 1788, visited the several volcanoes of his native land, and published an account of the nu- merous valuable and original observations which he had made upon them. About the same time the French geologist Dolomieu showed how much light might be thrown on the nature of volcanic action, by a study of the various materials which are ejected from volcanic vents ; while our own countryman, Sir William Hamil- ton, was engaged in a systematic study of the changes in form of volcanic mountains, and of the causes which determine their growth. At a somewhat later date the three German naturalists, Von Buch, Hum- boldt, and Abich, greatly extended our knowledge of volcanoes by their travels in different portions of the globe. OF MODERN BESEARCHES. 5 The first attempt, however, to frame a satisfactory theory of volcanic action, and to show the part which volcanoes have played in the past history of our globe, together with their place in its present economy, was made in 1825, by Poulett Scrope, whose great work, 6 Considerations on Volcanoes,' may be regarded as the earliest systematic treatise on Vulcanology. Since the publication of this work, many new lines of inquiry have been opened up in connection with the subject, and fresh methods of research have been devised and applied to it. More exact observations of travellers over wider areas have greatly multiplied the facts upon which we may reason and speculate, and many erroneous hypotheses which had grown up in connec- tion with the subject have been removed by patient and critical inquiry. We propose in the following pages to give an out- line of the present state of knowledge upon the subject, and to indicate the bearings of those conclusions which have already been arrived at, upon the great questions of the history of our globe and the relations which it bears to the other portions of the universe. In attempting this task we cannot do better than take up the several lines of inquiry in the order in which they have been seized upon and worked out by the original investigators ; for never, perhaps, is the de- velopment of thought in the individual mind so natural in its methods, and so permanent in its effects, as when it obeys those laws which determined its growth in the 6 VOLCANOES. collective mind of the race. In our minds, as in our bodies, development in the individual is an epitome, or microcosmic reproduction, of evolution in the species. CHAPTEE II. THE NATURE OF VOLCANIC ACTION. THE close investigation of what goes on within a volcanic vent may appear at first sight to be a task beset with so many difficulties and dangers that we may be tempted to abandon it as altogether hopeless. At the first recorded eruption of Vesuvius the elder Pliny lost his life in an attempt to approach the mountain and examine the action which was taking place there ; and during the last great outburst of the same volcano a band of Neapolitan students, whose curiosity was greater than their prudence, shared the same fate. But in both these cases the inquirers paid the penalty of having adopted a wrong method. If we wish to examine the mode of working of a compli- cated steam-engine, it will be of little avail for us to watch the machinery when the full blast of steam is turned on, and the rapid movements of levers, pinions, and slides baffle all attempts to follow them, and render hopeless every effort to trace their connection with one another. But if some friendly hand turn off the 8 VOLCANOES. greater part of the steam-supply, then., as the rods move slowly backwards and forwards, as the wheels make their measured revolutions, and the valves are seen gradually opening and shutting, we may have an opportunity of determining the relations of the several parts of the machine to one another, and of arriving at just conclusions concerning the plan on which it is constructed. Nor can we doubt that the parts of th rt machine bear the same relation to one another, am that their movements take place in precisely the same order, when the supply of steam is large as \\hen it is small. Now, as we shall show in the sequel, a volcano is a kind of great natural steam-engine, and our best method of investigating its action is to watch it when a part of the steam-supply is cut off. It is true that we cannot at will control the source of supply of steam to a volcano, as we can in a steam-engine, but as some volcanoes have usually only a small steam-supply, and nearly all volcanoes vary greatly in the intensity of their action at different periods, we can, by a careful selection of the object or the time of our study, gain all those advantages which would be obtained by regu- lating its action for ourselves. Spallanzani appears to have been the *irst to per- ceive the important fact, that the nature of volcanic action remains the same, however its intensity may vary. Taking advantage of the circumstance that there exists in the Mediterranean Sea a volcano APPEARANCE OF STROMBOLI FROM A DISTANCE. -g*y- C>\ 'c&- '*? y^^t^-^JT^ _!* - J g s s 1 1 3 S I! cc :? S Mfi lio! H H g O S ^ J[ *- H =f i ill J W SHIFTING OF VENTS ALONG FISSURES. 193 We have described the action going on at Stromboli as typical of that which occurs at all volcanic vents. Stromboli is, however, one among a group of islands all of which are entirely of volcanic origin. The volcanoes of this group of islands, the ^Eolian or Lipari Islands, are arranged along a series of lines which doubtless mark fissures in the earth's crust. These fissures, as will be seen by the accompanying map (fig. 81), radiate from a centre at which we have proofs of the former FIG. 82. THE PUT DE PARIOU IN THE AUVKRGNE, ILLUSTRATING THE SHIFTING OF ERUPTION ALONG A LINK OF FISSURES. existence of a volcano of enormous dimensions. It is a very interesting fact, which the studies of Prof. Suess have established, that the earthquakes which have so often desolated Calabria appear to have origi- nated immediately beneath this great centre of volcanic activity. When two volcanic cones are thrown up on the same line of fissure, their full development is interfered with, and irregularities in their form and characters are the consequence. In the plan (fig. 82) and the section (fig. 83) an example is given of the results of such a shifting of the centre of eruption along a line of fissure. 194 VOLCANOES. By the second outburst, one-half of the first-formed cone has been removed, and the second-formed overlaps the first. FIG. 83. IDEAL SECTION OF THE PUY DE PAUIOU. Sometimes a number of scoria- or tuff-cones are thrown up in such close proximity to one another along a line of fissure, that they merge into a long irregular I'lG. 84. FlSSURF. FORMED ON THE FLANKS OF ETNA DURING THE ERUPTION OF 1865. a. Monte Frumcnto, an old parasitic cone. 6. Line of fissure, c, c, c. New scoria - cones thrown up on line of fissure, d. Lava from sau,e. heap on the summit of which a number of distinct craters can be traced. An example of this kind was furnished by the line of scoria-cones formed above the fissure which opened on the flanks of Etna in 1865 (see fig. 84). SHIFTING OF ERUPTIONS ALONG FISSURES. 195 Even in the case of great composite cones, however, we sometimes find proofs of the centre of eruption having shifted its place along the line of fissure. No Scale of English miles. FIG. 85. PLAN OF THE ISLAND OF VULCANO, BASED ON THE MAP OF THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT. better example of this kind could possibly be adduced ( than that of the Island of Vulcano, with the peninsula of Vulcanello, which is joined to it by a narrow isthmus (see the map, fig. 81, p. 192). In fig. 85 we have 196 VOLCANOES. given an enlarged plan of this island which will make its peculiar structure more intelligible (see also the section given in fig. 77, No. 6, facing p. 178). The south-eastern part of the island consists of four crater-rings, one half of each of which has been suc- cessively destroyed, through the shifting of the centre of eruption towards the north-west, along the great line of fissure shown in the general map (fig. 81). The last formed of these four crater-rings is the -one which is now most complete, and culminates in Monte Saraceno (1581 ft.), a in the plan, the highest point in the island. The older crater-rings have been in part removed by the inroads of the waters of the Mediter- ranean on the shores of the island. In the centre of the great crater, 6, which we have just described, rises the present active cone of Vulcano, 1,266 feet high, and having a crater, c, about 600 yards in diameter and more than 500 feet in depth. From this cone, a great stream of obsidian, e, flowed in the year 1775, and a small crater, d, the Fossa Anticha, has been opened in the side of the cone. The continuation of the same line of fissure is indicated by a ruined tuff-cone, /, known as the Faraglione, and the three scoria-cones of Vulcanello, g, A, which have been thrown up so close to one another as to have their lower portions merged in one common mass, as shown in fig. 86. Even in volcanoes of the largest dimensions we sometimes find proofs of the centre of eruption having shifted along the line of fissure. Lyell showed that SYSTEMS OF VOLCANIC FISSURES. 197 such a change in the position of the central axis of the volcano had taken place in Etna, and the same pheno- menon is exhibited in the clearest manner by some of the ancient volcanoes of the Inner Hebrides, which have been dissected by the denuding forces. a FlG. 86. VULCANELLO, WITH ITS THREE CRATERS. a. The most recently-formed and perfect crater, b and c. Older craters, the walls of which have been partly removed by denudation, e. Lava-currents proceeding from b. The section exposed in the d is represented in fig. 35, p. 116. In the case of the Lipari Islands, the fissures along which the volcanic mountains have been thrown up radiate from a common centre, and a similar arrange ment can be traced in many volcanic regions, especially those in which a great central volcano has existed. In other cases, however, as in the Campi Phlegrsei, the volcanic vents appear to be formed along lines which assume a parallel arrangement, and this doubtless marks the relative position of the original fissures pro- 198 VOLCANOES. duced in the earth's crust when these volcanoes were formed. In some other cases we find evidences of the existence of a principal fissure from the sides of which smaller cracks originated. These three kinds of ar- rangements of volcano-producing fissures are equally well illustrated when we study those denuded districts, in which, as we have seen, the ground -plans of volcanic structures are revealed to our view. There is now good ground for believing that in volcanic vents, at which long-continued eruptive action takes place, the lavas of different chemical composition make their appearance in something like a definite order. It had been remarked by Scrope and other geologists at the beginning of the present century, that in many volcanic areas the acid or trachytic lavas were erupted before the basic or basaltic. Von Richthofen, by his studies in Hungary and the volcanic districts of the Rocky Mountains, has been able to enunciate a law governing the natural order of succession of volcanic products ; a,nd although some ex- ception to this law may be mentioned, it is found to hold good for many other districts than those in which it was first determined. In a great number of cases it has been found that the first erupted rocks in a volcanic district are those of intermediate composition which are known as ande- sites. These andesites, which are especially charac- terised by the nature of their felspar, sometimes con- tain free quartz and are then known as quartz-andesites ORDER OF ERUPTION OF VOLCANIC PRODUCTS. 199 or dacites, from their abundance in Transylvania, the old Roman province of Dacia. Von Richthofen suggests that another class of vol- canic rocks, to which he gives the name of ' propylites,' were in every case erupted before the andesites, and in support of his views adduces the fact that in many in- stances propylites are found underlying andesites. But the propylites are, in chemical composition, identical with the andesites, and like them present some varieties in which quartz occurs, and others in which that mine- ral is absent. In their microscopic characters the pro- pylites differ from the andesites and dacites only in the fact that the former are more perfectly crystalline in structure, being indeed in many cases quite undistin- guishable from the diorites or the plutonic representa- tives of the andesites. The propylites also contain liquid cavities, which the andesites and dacites as a rule do not, and the former class of rocks, as Prof. Szabo well points out, are usually much altered by the passage of sulphurous and other vapours, in consequence of which they frequently contain valuable metallic ores. The extrusion of these andesitic lavas is sometimes accompanied, and sometimes preceded or followed, by eruptions of trachytic lavas that is, of lavas of inter- mediate composition which have a different kind of felspar from that prevailing in the andesites. In the final stages of the eruptive action in most volcanic districts the lavas poured forth belong to the classes of the rhyolitic or acid, and the basaltic or basic lavas. 200 VOLCANOES. These facts are admirably illustrated in the case of the volcanic district of the Lipari Islands, to which we have had such frequent occasion to refer. The great central volcano of this district, which now in a ruined condition constitutes a number of small islets (see the map, fig. 81, p. 192), is composed of andesitic lavas. The other great volcanoes thrown up along the three radiating lines of fissure are composed of andesitic and trachytic rocks. But all the more recent ejections of the volcanoes of the district have consisted either of rhyolites, as in Lipari and Vulcano, or of basalts, as in Stromboli. Yon Richthofen and the geologists who most strongly maintain the generalisations which he has made con- cerning the order of appearance of volcanic products, go much farther than we have ventured to do, and insist that in all volcanic districts a constant and unvarying succession of different kinds of lavas can be made out. It appears to us, however, that the exceptions to the law, as thus precisely stated, are so numerous as to entirely destroy its value. The generalisation that in most volcanic districts the first ejected lavas belong ^ o the intermediate group of the andesites and trachytes, and that subsequently the acid rhyolites and the basic basalts made their appear- ance, is one that appears to admit of no doubt, and is found to hold good in nearly all the volcanic regions of the globe which have been attentively studied. The Tertiary volcanic rocks of our own country, those THEORY OF VOLCANIC MAGMAS. 201 of North Germany, Hungary, the Euganean Hills, the Lipari Islands, and many other districts in the Old World, together "with the widespread volcanic rocks of the Kocky Mountains in the New World, all seem to conform to this general rule. In connection with this subject, it may be well to refer to the ideas on the composition of volcanic rocks which were enunciated by Bunsen, and the theoretic views based on them by Durocher. Bunsen justly pointed out that all volcanic rocks might be regarded as mixtures in varying proportions of two typical kinds of materials, which he named the ' normal trachytic ' and the * normal pyroxenic ' elements respectively. The first of these corresponds very closely in composi- tion with the acid volcanic rocks or rhyolites, and the second with the basic volcanic rocks or basalts. Du- rocher pointed out that if quantities of these different materials existed in admixture, the higher specific gravity of the basic element would cause it gradually to sink to the bottom, while the acid element would rise to the top. Carrying out this idea still further, he pro- pounded the theory that beneath the earth's solid crust there exist two magmas, the upper consisting of light acid materials, the lower of heavy basic ones ; and he supposed that by the varying intensity of the volcanic forces we may have sometimes one or the other magma erupted and sometimes varying mixtures of the two. The study of volcanic rocks in recent years has not lent much support to the theoretic views of Durocher 10 202 VOLCANOES. concerning the existence of two universal magmas be- neath the earth's crust ; and there are not a few facts which seem quite irreconcileable with such a theory. Thus we find evidence that in the adjacent volcanic dis- tricts of Hungary and Bohemia, volcanic action was going on during the whole of the latter part of the Tertiary period. But the products of the contemporaneous vol- canic outbursts in adjacent areas were as different in character as can well be imagined. The volcanic rocks all over Hungary present a strong family likeness ; the first erupted were trachytes, then followed andesites and dacites in great abundance, and lastly rhyolites and basalts containing felspar. But in Bohemia, the lavas poured out from the volcanoes during the same period were firstly phonolites and then basalts containing ne- pheline and leucite. It is scarcely possible to imagine that such very different classes of lavas could have been poured out from vents which were in communication with the same reservoirs of igneous rock, and we are driven to conclude that the Hungarian and Bohemian volcanoes were supplied from different sources. But the undoubted fact that in so many volcanic regions the eruption of andesitic and trachytic rocks, which are of intermediate composition, is followed by the appearance of the differentiated products, rhyolite and basalt, which are of acid and basic composition respec- tively, lends not a little support to the view that under each volcanic district a reservoir of more or less com- pletely molten rock exists, and that in these reservoirs SEPARATION OF LAVAS IN RESERVOIRS. 203 various changes take place during the long periods of igneous activity. During the earlier period of eruption the heavier and lighter elements of the contents of these subterranean reservoirs appear to be mingled together ; but in the later stages of the volcanic history of the dis- trict, the lighter or acid elements rise to the top, and the heavier or basic sink to the bottom, and we have separate eruptions of rhyolite and basalt. We even find some traces of this action being carried still fur- ther. Among the basalts ejected from the volcanoes of Northern Germany, Bohemia, Styria, Auvergne, and many other regions, we not unfrequently find rounded masses consisting of olivine, enstatite, augite, and other heavier constituents of the rock. These often form the centre of volcanic bombs, and are not improbably por- tions of a dense mass which may have sunk to the bottom of the reservoirs of basaltic materials. In consequence of the circumstance that the erup- tion of lavas of intermediate composition usually precedes that of other varieties, we usually find the central and older portions of great volcanoes to be formed of andesites, trachytes, or phonolites, while the outer and newer portions of the mass are made up of acid or basic lavas. This is strikingly exemplified in the great volcanoes of the Auvergne and the Western Isles of Scotland, in all of which we find that great mountain masses have, in the first instance, been built up by extru- sions of lava of the intermediate types, and that through this central core fissures have been opened conveying 204 VOLCANOES. basic lavas to the surface. From these fissures great numbers of basaltic lava-streams have issued, greatly increasing the height and bulk of the volcanic cones and deluging the country all around. The lavas of intermediate composition the andesites, trachytes, and phonolites possess, as we have already seen, but very imperfect liquidity as they flow from the volcanic vents. Hence we find them either accumulat- ing in great dome-shaped masses above the vent or forming lava-streams which are of great bulk and thick- ness, but do not flow far from the orifices whence they issue. The more fusible basaltic lavas, on the other hand, spread out evenly on issuing from a vent, and sometimes flow to the distance of many miles from it. This difference in the behaviour of the intermediate and basic lavas is admirably illustrated in the volcanic districts of the Auvergne and the Western Isles of Scotland. In other cases, like Vesuvius, we find that great volcanic cones of trachytic tuff have been built up, and that these masses of fragmentary trachytic materials have been surrounded and enclosed by the ejection, at a later date, of great outbursts of basaltic lavas. In still other cases, of which Rocca Monfina in Southern Italy constitutes an excellent example, we find that a great crater-ring of trachytic tuffs has been formed in the first instance, and in the midst of this a cone, com- posed of more basic materials, has been thrown up. In all these volcanoes we see the tendency towards EXCEPTIONS TO THE GENERAL LAW. 205 the eruption of intermediate lavas in the first instance, and of basaltic and acid lavas at a later date. Valuable, however, as are the early generalisations of Scrope, and the more precise law enunciated by Von Kichthofen concerning the ' natural order of succession of volcanic products,' we must not forget that there are to be found a considerable number of exceptions to them. There are some volcanic centres from which only one kind of lava has been emitted, and this may be either acid, basic, or intermediate in composition; and on the other hand, there are districts in which various kinds of lava have been ejected from the same vents within a short period of time, in such a way as to defy every attempt to make out anything like a law as to the order of their appearance. Nevertheless the rules which we have indicated appear to hold good in so great a number of cases that they are well worthy of being remembered, and may serve as a basis on which we may reason concerning the nature of the action going on beneath volcanic vents. From the study of the external appearances of vol- canic mountains, combined with investigations of those which have been dissected by denudation, we are able to picture to our minds the series of actions by which the great volcanic mountains of the globe have been slowly and gradually built up. In the first instance the eruptions appear to have taken place at several points along a line of fissure, but gradually all of these would become choked up except 206 VOLCANOES. one which became the centre of habitual eruption. From this opening, ejections, firstly of lavas of inter- mediate composition, and afterwards of basic materials, would take place, until a volcano of considerable dimen- sions was built up around it. But at last a point would be reached in the piling up of this cone, when the vol- canic forces below would be inadequate to the work of raising the liquid lava through the whole length of the continually upward-growing tube of the volcano. Under these circumstances the expansive force of the imprisoned steam would find it easier to rend asunder the sides of the volcanic cone than to force the liquid material to the summit of the mountain. If these fissures reached the surface explosive action would take place, in consequence of the escape of steam from the glowing mass, and scoria-, tuff-, and lava-cones would be formed above the fissure. In this way, as we have already pointed out, the numerous * parasitic cones' which usually abound on the flanks of the greater vol- canic mountains have been formed. The extrusion of these masses of scoriae and lava on the flanks of the mountain tends, not only to increase the bulk of the mass, but to strengthen and fortify the sides. For by the powerful expansive force at work below, every weak place in the cone is discovered and a fissure produced there ; but by the extrusion of material at this fissure, and still more by the consolidation of the lava in the fissure, the weak place is converted into one of excep- tional strength. INTKUSIVE MASSES BENEATH VOLCANOES. 207 As the sides of the cone are thus continually re- paired and strengthened they are rendered more capable of withstanding the heaving forces acting from below, and these forces can then only find vent for themselves by again raising the liquefied lava to the central orifice of the mountain. Many volcanoes, like Etna, exhibit this alternation of eruptive action from the crater at the summit of the mountain, and from fissures opened upon its flanks, the former tending to raise the height of the volcanic pile, the latter to increase its bulk. But at last a stage will be reached when the vol- canic forces are no longer able either *to raise the lava up the long column of the central vent on the one hand, or to rend asunder the strongly-built and well- compacted flanks of the mountain on the other. It is probably under these conditions, for the most part, that the lavas find their way between the masses of surrounding strata and force them asunder in the way that we have already described. In the case of the more fluid basaltic lavas, as was pointed out so long ago by Macculloch, the liquefied materials may find their way between t}ie strata to enormous distances from the volcanic centre. Such extended flat sheets of igneous rock retain their paral- lelism with the strata among which they are intruded over large areas, and did not probably produce any marked phenomena at the surface. But in the case of less fluid lavas, such as those of intermediate or acid composition, for example, the 208 VOLCANOES. effect would be far otherwise. Such lavas, not flowing readily from the centre of eruption, would tend to form great bulky lenticular masses between the strata which they forced asunder, and, in so doing, could not fail to upheave and fissure the great mountain-mass above. Vast lenticular masses of trachytic rock, thus evidently forced between strata, have been described by Mr. G. K. Gilbert, as occurring in the Henry Mountains of Southern Utah, and by him have been denominated ' laccolites,' or stone-cisterns. Whether the great basaltic sheets, like those described by Macculloch, and those more bulky lenticular reservoirs of rock of which Mr. Gilbert has given us such an admirable account, were in all cases connected with the surface, may well be a matter for doubt. It is quite possible that, in some cases, liquefied masses of rocky materials in seeking to force their way to the surface only succeeded in thus finding a way for them- selves between the strata, and their energy was ex- pended before the surface was reached and explosive action took place. But it is an undoubted fact that beneath many of the old volcanoes, of which the in- ternal structure is now revealed to us by the action of denuding forces, great intrusive sheets and laccolites abound ; and we cannot doubt that beneath volcanoes now in a state of eruption, or in those which have but recently become extinct, similar structures must be in course of formation. That great upheaving forces have operated on vol- EFFECTS OF INTRUSION BENEATH CONES. 209 canoes, subsequently to the accumulation of their materials, we have sufficient evidence in the Val del Bove of Etna, the Caldera of Palma, the Ourral of Madeira, &c. In all of these cases we find a radial fissure ('barranco') leading into a great crateral hollow ; and these radial fissures are of such width and depth that their origin can only be referred to a dis- ruptive force like that which would be exercised by the intrusion of masses of more or less imperfectly fluid material between the subjacent strata. These facts, of course, lend no countenance to the views formerly held by many geologists, both in Germany and France, that the materials of which volcanoes are built up were deposited in an approximately horizontal po- sition, and were subsequently blown up like a gigantic bubble. In Etna, Palma, and Madeira we find abun- dant proofs that the mass existed as a great volcanic cone before the production of the fissures (barrancos), which we have referred to the force exercised during the intrusion of great igneous masses beneath them. But besides the horizontally-disposed intrusive sheets and laccolites, great, radiating, vertical fissures are produced by the heaving forces acting beneath those volcanic centres which have been closed up and ' cicatrised ' by the exudation from them of sub- terranean materials. These vertical intrusions, which we call dykes, like the horizontal ones, differ in cha- racter, according to the nature of the materials of which they are composed. Dykes of acid and inter- 210 VOLCANOES. mediate lava are usually of considerable width, and do not extend to great distances from the centres of eruption. Dykes composed of the more-liquid, basic lavas, on the other hand, may extend to the distance of hundreds of miles from the central vent. The way in which comparatively narrow, basaltic dykes are found running in approximately straight lines for such enormous distances is a very striking fact, and bears the strongest evidence to the heaving and expanding forces at work at volcanic centres, during and subse- quently to the extrusion of the igneous products at the surface. These basaltic dykes occur in such prodigious numbers around some volcanic vents, that the whole of the stratified rocks in the immediate vicinity are broken up by a complete network of them, crossing and interlacing in the most complicated fashion. Farther away from the vents, similar dykes are found in smaller numbers, evidently radiating from the same centre, and sometimes extending to a distance of more than a hundred miles from it. Nowhere can we find more beautiful illustrations of such dykes than in the Western Isles of Scotland. When composed of materials which do not so easily undergo decom- position as the surrounding rocks, they stand up like vast walls ; but when, on the other hand, they are more readily acted on by atmospheric moisture than are the rocks which enclose them, they give rise to deep trenches with vertical sides, which render the country almost impassable. STKUCTURE OF INTKUSIVE MASSES. 211 The lava consolidating in these horizontal intrusions (sheets and laccolites), and the vertical intrusions (dykes), is usually more crystalline in structure than the similar materials poured out at the surface. In the same dyke or sheet, when it is of great width, we often find every variation from a glassy material formed by the rapid cooling of the mass where it is in contact with other rocks, to the perfectly crystalline or granitic varieties which form the centre of the in- trusion. It is in these dykes and other intrusions that we find the most convincing evidence of the truth of the conclusions, which we have enunciated in a former chapter, concerning the dependence of the structure of an igneous rock upon the conditions under which it has consolidated. One material is found, under varying conditions, assuming the cha- racters of obsidian, rhyolite, quartz-felsite, or granite ; another, under the same set of conditions, taking the form of tachylyte, basalt, dolerite, and gabbro. That these great intrusive masses, sheets and dykes, in their passage between the sedimentary rocks some- times find places where the overlying strata are of such thinness or incoherence that the liquified rocks are able to force a way for themselves to the surface, we have the clearest proof. In some dykes we find the rock in their upper portions losing its compact charac- ter and becoming open and scoriaceous, showing that the pressure had been so far diminished as to allow of the imprisoned water flashing into steam. 212 VOLCANOES. All round great volcanoes which have become ex- tinct we frequently find series of small volcanic cones, which have evidently been thrown up along the lines where the great lava-filled fissures, which we have been describing, have reached the surface and given rise to explosive action there. The linear arrangement of these small cones, which are thrown up in the plains surrounding vast volcanic mountains that have become extinct, is very striking. The numerous ' puys ' of the Auvergne and adjoining volcanic regions of Central France are for the most part small scoria- and lava- cones which were thrown up along great lines of fissure radiating from the immense, central, volcanic mountains of the district, after they had become extinct. These scoria-cones and the small lava-streams which flow from them, as was so well shown by Mr. Scrope, mark the latest efforts of the volcanic forces beneath the district before they finally sank into complete extinction. In the Western Isles of Scotland, as I have elsewhere shown, we can study the formation of these later-formed cones in the plains around extinct volcanic mountains, with the additional advantage of having revealed to us, by the action of the denuding forces, their connec- tion with the great radiating fissures. It has been shown that the several stages in the decline of each volcanic outburst is marked by the appearance at the vent of certain acid gases. In the same way, after the ejection of solid materials from a volcanic vent has come to a.n end, certain gaseous sub- OKDEE OF EMISSION OF VOLCANIC GASES. 213 stances continue to be evolved ; and as the temperature at the vents declines, the nature of the volatile sub- stances emitted from them undergoes a regular series of changes. M. Fouque, by a careful series of analyses of the gases which he collected at different gaseous vents, or fumaroles as they are called, in the crater of Vulcano, has been able to define the general relations which appear to exist between the temperature at a volcanic orifice and the volatile substances which issue from it. He found that in fumaroles, in which the temperature exceeded 360 centigrade, and in which in consequence strips of zinc were fused by the stream of issuing gas, the analysis of the products showed sulphurous acid and hydrochloric acid to be present in large quantities, and sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid in much smaller proportions. Around these excessively heated fumaroles, the lips of which often appear at night to be red-hot, considerable deposits of sulphide of arsenic, chloride of iron, chloride of ammonium, boracic acid, and sulphur were taking place. It was found, however, that as the temperature of the vent declined, the emission of the sulphurous acid and hydrochloric acid diminished, and the quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid mingled with them was proportionately increased. In the same way it appears to be a universal rule that when a volcanic vent sinks into a condition of temporary quiescence or complete extinction the power- 214 VOLCANOES. fully acid gases, hydrochloric acid and sulphurous acid, make their appearance in the first instance, and at a later stage these are gradually replaced by sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid. Of these facts we find a very beautiful illustration in the Campi Phlegrsei near Naples. With the ex- ception of Monte Nuovo, the volcano which has most recently been in a state of activity in that district is the Solfatara. From certain apertures in the floor of the crater of the Solfatara there issue continually watery vapours, sulphurous acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, hydro- chloric acid, and chloride of ammonium. The action of these substances upon one another, and upon the vol- canic rocks through which they pass, gives rise to the formation of certain chemical products which, from a very early period, have been collected on account of their commercial value. The action of these acid gases upon the surrounding rocks is very marked ; efflores- cent deposits of various sulphates and chlorides take place in all the crevices and vesicles of the rock ; sul- phur and sulphide of arsenic are also formed in consider- able quantities ; and the trachytic tuffs, deprived of their iron-oxide, alkaline earths and alkalies, which are converted into soluble sulphates and chlorides, are reduced to a white, powdery, siliceous mass. Many vol- canoes, which have sunk into a state of quiescence or extinction like the Solfatara of Naples, exhibit the same tendency to give off great quantities of the powerfully- acid gases which act upon the surrounding rocks, and SOLFATAKA-STAG-E OF VOLCANOES. 215 deprive them of their colour and consistency. Such volcanoes are said by geologists to have sunk into the ' solfatara stage.' At the Lake of Agnano and some other points in the Campi Phlegrsei, however, we find fissures from which the less-powerfully acid gases, sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid, issue. These gases as they are poured forth from the vents are found to be little, if at all, above the temperature of the atmosphere. Sulphu- retted hydrogen is an inflammable gas, and in the so- called salses and mud-volcanoes, at which it is ejected in considerable quantities, it not unfrequently takes fire and burns with a conspicuous flame. Carbonic acid on account of its great density tends to accumulate in volcanic fissures and craters rather than to mingle with the surrounding atmosphere. At the so-called Grotto del Cane, beside the Lago Agnano, it is the custom to show the presence of this heavy and poisonous gas by thrusting a dog into it, the poor animal being revived, before life is quite extinct, by pouring cold water over it. At the Biidos Hegy or stinking hill ' of Transyl- vania, carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen are emitted in considerable quantities, and it is possible to take a bath of the heavy gas, the head being kept carefully above the constant level of the exhalations. Although the stories of the ancient Avernian lake, across which no bird could fly without suffocation, and of the Guevo Upas, or Poison Valley of Java, which it has been said no living being can cross, may not im- 216 VOLCANOES. probably be exaggerations of the actual facts, yet there is a basis of truth in them in the existence of old vol- canic fissures and craters which evolve the poisonous sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid gases. Besides the gases which we have already named, and which are the most common at and characteristic of volcanic vents, there are some others which are not unfrequently emitted. First among these we must mention boracic acid, which, though not a remarkably volatile substance, is easily carried along in a fine state of division in a current of steam. At Monte Cerboli and Monte Eotondo in Tuscany, great quantities of steam jets accompanied by sulphuretted hydrogen and boracic acid issue from the rocks, and these jets being directed into artificial basins of water, the boracic acid is condensed and is recovered by evaporation. We have already noticed that boracic acid is evolved with the gases at Vulcano and other craters ; and the part which this substance plays in volcanic districts is shown by the fact that many of the rocks, filling old subter- ranean volcanic reservoirs, are found to be greatly altered and to have new minerals developed in their midst through the action upon them of boracic acid. Ammonia and various compounds of carbon, nitro- gen, and hydrogen are among the gases evolved from volcanic vents. In some cases these gases may be pro- duced by the destructive distillation of organic mate- rials in the sedimentary rocks through which volcanic outbursts take place. But it is far from impossible GEYSERS AND HOT-SPRINGS. 217 that under the conditions of temperature and pressure which exist at the volcanic foci, direct chemical union may take place between substances, which at the sur- face appear to be perfectly inert in each other's pre- sence. When the temperature at volcanic fissures is no longer sufficiently high to cause water to issue in the condition of vapour or steam, as is the case at the 'stufas' which we have described, it comes forth in the liquid state. Water so issuing from old volcanic fissures may vary in its temperature, from the boiling point downwards. When the water issues at a temperature little re- moved from the boiling point, it is apt to give rise to intermittent springs or geysers, the eruptions of which exhibit a remarkable analogy with those of ordinary volcanoes. Geysers may indeed be described as volcanoes in which heated water, instead of molten rock, is forced out from the vent by the escaping steam. They occur in great abundance in districts in which the subterranean action is becoming dormant or extinct, such as Iceland, the North Island of New Zealand, and the district of the National Park in the Eocky Mountains. Many attempts have been made to explain the exact mechanism by which the intermittent action of geysers is produced, but it is not at all probable that any one such explanation will cover all the varied phe- nomena exhibited by them. Like volcanic outbursts, 218 VOLCANOES. geyser eruptions doubtless originate in the escape of bubbles of steam through a liquid mass, and this libera- tion of steam follows any relief of pressure. In districts where vast masses of lava are slowly cooling down from a state of incandescence, and surface waters are finding their way downwards while subterranean waters are finding their way upwards, there can be no lack of the necessary conditions for such outbursts. Sometimes the eruptions of geysers take place at short and regular intervals, at other times they occur at wide and irregular intervals of time. In some cases the outbursts take place spontaneously, and at others the action can be hastened by choking up the vent with stones or earth. Other hot springs, like the Strudel of Carlsbad, rise above the surface in a constant jet, while most of them issue quietly and flow like ordinary springs. Although the violent and paroxysmal outbursts of volcanic mountains arrest the attention, and power- fully impress us with a sense of the volcanic activity going on beneath the earth's surface, yet it may well be doubted whether the quantity of heat, which the earth gets rid of by their means, at all approaches in amount that which is quietly dissipated by means of the numerous stufas,' gaseous exhalations, and thermal springs which occur in such abundance all over its surface. For while the former are intermittent in their action, and powerful outbursts are interrupted by long periods of rest, the action of the latter, though feeble, is usually continuous. EFFECTS OF HOT-SPKINGS. 219 Most people may regard the hot spring of Bath as a very slight manifestation of volcanic activity. This spring issues at a constant temperature of 49 0., or 120 Fahr. As, however, no less than 180,000 gallons of water issue daily from this source, we may well un- derstand how great is the amount of heat of which the earth's crust is relieved by its agency. It may in- deed be doubted whether its action in this way is not at least equal to that of a considerable volcano which, though so much more violent, is intermittent in its action. Nor are thermal springs by any means ineffective agents in bringing materials from the interior of the earth's crust and depositing it at the surface. The Bath spring contains various saline substances, prin- cipally sulphates and chlorides, in solution in its waters. These are quietly carried by rivers to the sea, and are lost to our view. The spring has certainly maintained its present condition since the time of the Eomans, and I find that if the solid materials brought from the interior of the earth during the last 2,000 years had been collected, they would form a solid cone equal in height to Monte Nuovo. Yet we usually re- gard the Campi Phlegrsei as a powerfully-active volcanic district, and the subterranean action in our own country as quite unworthy of notice. When we remember the fact that on the continent of Europe the hot and saline springs may be numbered by thousands, and that they especially abound in districts 220 VOLCANOES. like Hungary, the Auvergne, the Ehine provinces, and Central Italy, where volcanic action has recently become extinct, we shall be able to form some slight idea of the work performed by these agents, not only in relieving the earth's crust of its superfluous heat, but in transporting materials in a state of solution from the interior of that crust and depositing them at the surface. The vast deposits of siliceous sinter and of travertine also bear witness to the effects produced by hot and mineral springs. Nor is the work of these springs confined to the surface. Mr. John Arthur Phillips has shown that metallic gold and the sulphide of quicksilver (cinna- bar) have been deposited with the silica and other minerals formed on the sides of a fissure from which hot springs issue at the surface. There cannot be any doubt that the metallic veins or lodes, which are the repositories of most of the metals employed in the arts, have been formed in cracks connected with great vol- canic foci, the transfer of the various sulphides, oxides, and salts which fill the vein having been effected either by solution, sublimation, or the action of powerful cur- rents of steam. As the igneous activity of the district declines, the temperature of the issuing gases and waters diminishes with it, until at last the volcanic forces appear to wholly abandon that region and to be transferred to another. Yet even after all or nearly all indications of the volcanic agencies cease to make themselves visible at NATUEE OF VOLCANIC CYCLES. 221 the surface, occasional tremblings of the earth's crust show that perfect equilibrium has not been restored below, but that movements are taking place which result in shocks that are transmitted through the overlying and surrounding rock-masses as earthquake vibrations. Such is the cycle of changes which appears to take place at each district of the earth's surface, as it suc- cessively becomes the scene of volcanic activity. The invasion of any particular area of the earth's surface by the volcanic forces appears to be heralded by subterranean shocks causing earthquake vibrations. Presently the origination of fissures is indicated by the rise of saline and thermal springs, and the issuing of carbonic acid and other gases at the surface. As the subterranean activity becomes more pronounced, the temperature of the springs and emitted gases is found to increase, and at last a visible rent is formed at the surface, exposing the incandescent materials below. From this open fissure which has thus been formed, the gas and vapours imprisoned in the incandescent rock-materials escape with such violence as to disperse the latter in scoriae and dust, or to cause them to well out in great streams as lava-flows. Usually the action be- comes concentrated at one or several points at which the ejected materials accumulate to form volcanic cones. Sometimes the volcanic activity dies away entirely after these cones are thrown up along the line of fissure, 222 VOLCANOES. but at others some such centre becomes for a longer or shorter time the habitual vent for the volcanic forces in the district, and by repeated ejections of lavas and fragmentary materials at longer or shorter intervals the cone increases both in height and bulk. When the height of the cone has grown to a certain extent, it becomes more easy for the volcanic energies below to rend the sides of the cone than to raise the molten materials to its summit. In this way lateral or parasitic cones are thrown up on the flanks of the volcanic mountain, the mass being alternately elevated and strengthened by the ejections from the summit and sides respectively. When the volcanic energies no longer suffice to raise the fluid materials to the summit, nor to rend the sides of the volcano, fissures with small cones may be formed in the plains around the great central volcano. At last, however, this energy diminishes so far that rock materials can no longer be forced to the surface, the fissures become sealed up by consolidating lava, and the volcanic cones fall into a condition of extinction and decay. The existence of heated materials at no great depth from the surface is indicated by the outburst of gases and vapours, the formation of geysers, mud-volcanoes, and ordinary thermal springs. But as the underlying rocks cool down, the issuing jets of gas and vapour lose their high temperature and diminish in quantity, the geysers and mud-volcanoes become extinct, and the thermal DUKATION OF VOLCANIC CYCLES. 223 springs lose their peculiar character or disappear, and thus all manifestations of the igneous energies in the district gradually die away. Such a cycle of changes probably requires many hundreds of thousands, or even many millions, of years for its accomplishment ; but by the study of volcanoes in every stage of their growth and decline we are able to reconstruct even the minutest details of their history. 224 VOLCANOES. CHAPTER VIII. THE DISTRIBUTION OF VOLCANOES UPON THE SURFACE OF THE GLOBE. If is not by any means an easy task to frame an estimate of the number of volcanoes in the world. Volcanoes, as we have seen, vary greatly in their dimensions from vast mountain masses, rising to a height of nearly 25,000 feet above the sea-level, to mere molehills ; the smaller ones being in many cases subsidiary to larger, and constituting either parasitic cones on their flanks, or ' puys ' around their bases. Volcanoes likewise exhibit every possible stage of de- velopment and decay: while some are in a state of chronic active eruption, others are reduced to the con- dition of solfataras, and others again have fallen into a more or less complete state of ruin through the action of denuding forces. Even if we confine our attention to the larger volcanoes, which merit the name of ' mountains,' and such of these as we have reason to beJieve to be in a still active condition, our difficulties will be diminished, but not by any means removed. Volcanoes, as we have NUMBER OF ACTIVE VOLCANOES. 225 seen, may sink into a dormant condition that may endure for hundreds or even thousands of years, and then burst forth into a state of renewed activity; and it is quite impossible, in many cases, to distinguish between the conditions of dormancy and extinction. Concerning certain small areas in Southern Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa, historical records, more or less reliable, extend back over periods of several thousands of years ; but with regard to the greater part of the rest of the world we have no in- formation beyond a few hundred years, and there are considerable areas which have been known only for far shorter periods, while some are as yet quite unexplored. In districts almost wholly uninhabited, or roamed over by nomadic tribes, legend and tradition constitute our only guides and very unsafe ones they are in the attempt to determine what volcanoes have recently been in a condition of activity. We shall, however, probably be within the limits of truth in stating that the number of great habitual volcanic vents upon the globe, which we have reason to believe are still in an active condition, is somewhere between 300 and 350. Most of these active volcanic vents are marked by more or less considerable moun- tains, composed of the materials ejected from them. If we include the mountains which exhibit the ex- ternal conical form, the crateral hollows, and other features of volcanoes, but concerning the activity of which we have no record or tradition, the number will 11 226 VOLCANOES. fall little, if anything, short of 1,000. The mountains composed of volcanic materials, but which have lost through denudation the external form of volcanoes, are still more numerous. The smaller temporary openings which are usually subordinate to the habitual vents, that have been active during the. periods covered by history and tradition, must be numbered by thousands and tens of thousands. The still feebler manifesta- tions of the volcanic forces such as are exhibited in ' stufas,' or steam-jets, geysers, or intermittent hot springs, thermal and mineral waters, fumaroles, emit- ting various gases, salses or spouting saline and muddy springs, and mud volcanoes may be reckoned by millions. It is not improbable that these less powerful manifestations of the volcanic forces, to a great extent make up in number what they want in individual energy ; and the relief which they afford to the im- prisoned activities within the earth's crust may be scarcely less than that which results from the occa- sional outbursts at the 300 or 350 great habitual volcanic vents. In taking a general survey of the volcanic pheno- mena of the globe, no fact comes out more strikingly than that of the very unequal distribution, in different districts, both of the great habitual volcanic vents, and of the minor exhibitions of subterranean energy. Thus, on the whole of the continent of Europe, there is but one habitual volcanic vent that of Vesuvius and this is situated upon the shores of the VOLCANOES OF THE CONTINENTS. 227 Mediterranean. In the islands of the Mediterranean, however, there are no less than six volcanoes ; namely, Strom boli and Vukano, in the Lipari Islands ; Etna, in Sicily; Graham's Isle, a submarine volcano, off the Sicilian coast ; and Santorin and Nisyros, in the ^Egean Sea. The African continent is at present known to con- tain about ten active volcanoes four on the west coast, and six on the east coast; about ten other active volcanoes occur on islands close to the African coasts. In Asia, twenty-four active volcanoes are known, but no less than twelve of these are situated in the peninsula of Kamtschatka. No volcanoes are known to exist in the Australian continent. The American continent contains a greater number of volcanoes than the divisions of the Old World. There are twenty in North America, twenty-five in Central America, and thirty-seven in South America. Thus, taken altogether, there are about one hundred and seventeen volcanoes situated on the great conti nental lands of the globe, while nearly twice as many occur upon the islands scattered over the various oceans. Upon examining further into the distribution of the continental volcanoes, another very interesting fact presents itself. The volcanoes are in almost every case situated either close to the coasts of the continent, or at no great distance from them. There are, indeed, only two exceptions to this rule. In the 228 VOLCANOES. great and almost wholly unexplored table-land lying between Siberia and Tibet four volcanoes are said to exist, 'and in the Chinese province of Mantchouria several others. More reliable information is, however, needed concerning these volcanoes, situated, unlike all others, at a great distance from the sea. It is a remarkable circumstance that all the oceanic islands which are not coral-reefs are composed of volcanic rocks ; and many of these oceanic islands, as well as others lying near the shores of the continents, contain active volcanoes. Through the midst of the Atlantic Ocean runs a ridge, which, by the soundings of the various ex- ploring vessels sent out in recent years, has been shown to divide the ocean longitudinally into two basins. Upon this great ridge, and the spurs pro- ceeding from it, rise numerous mountainous masses, which constitute the well-known Atlantic islands and groups of islands. All of these are of volcanic origin, and among them are numerous active volcanoes. The Island of Jan Mayen contains an active volcano, and Iceland contains thirteen, and not improbably more ; the Azores have six active volcanoes, the Canaries three; while about eight volcanoes lie off the west coast of Africa. In the West Indies there are six active volcanoes ; and three submarine volcanoes have been recorded within the limits of the Atlantic Ocean. Altogether, no less than forty active volcanoes are situated upon the great submarine ridges which tra- verse the Atlantic longitudinally. VOLCANOES ON THE OCEANIC ISLANDS. 229 But along the same line the number of extinct volcanoes is far greater, and there are not wanting proofs that the volcanoes which are still active are approaching the condition of extinction. At a some- what earlier period of the earth's history the whole line of the present Atlantic Ocean was in all proba- bility traversed by a chain of volcanoes on the very grandest scale ; but submergence has taken place, and only a few portions of this great mountain range now rise above the sea-level, forming the isolated islands and island-groups of the Atlantic. Here and there among these a still active volcano exists. But if the great medial chain of the Atlantic pre- sents us with an example of a chain of volcanic moun- tains verging on extinction, we have in the line of islands separating the Pacific and Indian Oceans an example of a similar range of volcanic vents which are in a condition of the greatest activity. In the penin- sula of Kamtschatka there are twelve active volcanoes, in the Aleutian Islands thirty-one, and in the peninsula of Alaska three. The chain of the Kuriles contains at least ten active volcanoes; the Japanese Islands and the islands lying to the south of Japan twenty-five. The great group of islands lying to the south-east of the Asiatic continent is at the present time the grandest focus of volcanic activity upon the globe. No less than fifty active volcanoes occur here. Farther south, the same chain is probably continued by the four active volcanoes of New Guinea, one or more sub- 230 VOLCANOES. marine volcanoes, and several vents in New Britain, the Solomon Isles, and the New Hebrides, the three active volcanoes of New Zealand, and possibly by Mount Erebus and Mount Terror in the Antarctic region. Altogether, no less than 150 active volcanoes exist in the chain of islands which stretch from Behring s Straits down to the Antarctic circle ; and if we include the volcanoes on Indian and Pacific islands which appear to be situated on lines branching from this particular band, we shall not be wrong in the assertion that this great system of volcanic mountains includes at least one half of the habitually active vents of the globe. A third series of volcanoes starts from near the last in the neighbourhood of Behring's Straits, and stretches along the whole western coast of the Ameri- can continent. In this great range there are about eighty active volcanoes. In considering the facts connected with the distribu- tion of volcanoes upon the globe, the one which, by its striking character, seems to demand our attention in the first instance is that of the remarkable linear arrangement of volcanic vents. We have already seen that small scoria-cones are often thrown up on the flanks, or at the base, of a great volcanic mountain, along lines which are manifestly lines of fissure. In the eruption of Etna, in 1865, and again in that of 1874, Professor Silvestri, of Catania, witnessed the actual opening of great fissures on the north-east and LINEAR ARRANGEMENT OF VOLCANOES. 231 north sides of the mountain ; and along the bottom of these cracks the glowing lava was clearly visible (fig. 84, page 194). In the course of a few days, there were thrown up a number of small scoria-cones along these lines of fissure those formed on the fissure of 1865 being seven in number, and those on the fissure of 1874 being no less than thirty-six in number. Precisely similar phenomena were witnessed upon the slopes of Vesuvius, in 1760, when a fissure opened on the south side of the mountain, and fifteen scoria-cones, which are still visible, were thrown up along it. We have already considered the evidence pointing to the conclusion that systems of volcanoes, like that of the Lipari Islands, are similarly ranged along lines of fissures, and there is equally good ground for believing that the great linear bands of volcanoes, which, as we have seen, stretch for thousands of miles, have had their positions determined by great lines of fissure in the earth's crust. While, however, the smaller fissures, upon which rows of scoria-cones are thrown up, seem to have been in many cases opened by a single effort of the volcanic forces, the enormous fissures, which traverse so large a portion of the surface of the globe, are doubtless the result of numerous manifestations of energy extending over vast periods of time. The greatest of these bands along which the volcanic forces are so powerfully exhibited at the present day, is the one which stretches from near the Arctic circle at Behring's Straits to the Antarctic circle at South 232 VOLCANOES. Victoria. The line followed by this volcanic band, which, as we have seen, includes more than one half of the active volcanoes of the globe, is a very sinuous one, and it gives off numerous offshoots upon either side of it. The great focus of this intense volcanic action may be regarded as lying in the district between the islands of Borneo and New Guinea. From this centre there radiate a number of great lines, along which the volcanic forces are exhibited in the most powerful manner. The first of these extends northwards through the Philippine Isles, Japan, the Kurile Islands, and Kamtschatka, giving off a branch to the east, which passes through the Aleutian Islands and the peninsula of Alaska. This band, along which the volcanic forces are very powerfully active, is continued towards the south-east in the New Britain, the Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz, the New Hebrides, New Zealand, and South Victoria. East and west from the great central focus there proceed two principal branches. The former of these extends through the Navigator Islands and Friendly Islands as far as Elizabeth Islands. The latter passes through Java, and then turns north-westward through Sumatra, the Nicobar Islands, the Andaman Islands up to the coast of Burmah. The great band which we have been describing exhibits the most striking examples of volcanic activity to be found upon the globe. Besides the 150 or more volcanoes which are known to have been in a state of activity during the historical period, there are several GEE AT VOLCANIC BANDS OF THE GLOBE. 233 hundred very perfect volcanic cones, many of which appear to have but recently become extinct, if indeed, they are not simply in a dormant condition. For long distances these chains of volcanic cones are almost con- tinuous, and the only very considerable breaks in the series are those between New Zealand and the New Hebrides on the one hand, and between the former islands and South Victoria on the other. Much less continuous, but nevertheless very im- portant, is the great band of volcanoes which extends along the western side of the great American continent, and contains, with its branches, nearly a hundred active volcanoes. On the north this great band is almost united with the one we have already described by the chain of the Aleutian and Alaska volcanoes. In British Columbia about the parallel of 60 N. there exist a number of volcanic mountains, one of which, Mount St. Elias, is believed to be 18,000 feet in height, and several of these have certainly been seen in a state of eruption. Farther south in the part of the United States, territories drained by the Columbia Kiver, a num- ber of grand volcanic mountains exist, some of which are probably still active, for geysers and other manifes- tations of volcanic activity abound. From the southern extremity of the peninsula of California an almost continuous chain of volcanoes stretches through Mexico and Guatemala, and from this part of the volcanic band a branch is given off which passes through the West Indies, and forms a connection with the great 234 VOLCANOES. volcanic band of the Atlantic Ocean. In South America the line is continued by the active volcanoes of Ecuador, Bolivia and Chili, but at many intermediate points in the chain of the Andes extinct volcanoes occur, which to a great extent fill up the gaps in the series. A small offshoot to the westward passes through the Galapagos Islands. The great band of volcanoes which stretches through the American continent is second only in im- portance, and in the activity of its vents, to the band which divides the Pacific from the Indian Ocean. The third volcanic band of the globe is that which traverses the Atlantic Ocean from north to south. This series of volcanic mountains is much more broken and interrupted than the other two, and a greater proportion of its vents are extinct. This chain, as we shall show in a future chapter, attained its condition of maximum activity during the distant period of the Miocene, and' now appears to be passing into a state of gradual extinction. Beginning in the north with the volcanic rocks of Greenland and Bear Island, we pass southwards, by way of Jan May en, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, to the Hebrides and the north of Ireland. Thence by way of the Azores, the Canaries and the Cape de Verde Islands, with some active vents, we pass to the ruined volcanoes of St. Paul, Fernando de Noronha, Ascension, St. Helena, Trinidad and Tristan d'Acunha. From this great Atlantic band two branches proceed to the eastward, one through Central Europe, where all the vents are now extinct, and the other LENGTH OF THE VOLCANIC BANDS. 235 through the Mediterranean to Asia Minor, the great majority of the volcanoes along the latter line being now extinct, though a few are still active. The vol- canoes on the eastern coast of Africa may be regarded as situated on another branch from this Atlantic vol- canic band. The number of active volcanoes on this Atlantic band and its branches, exclusive of those in the West Indies, does not exceed fifty. From what has been said, it will be seen that, not only do the volcanoes of the globe usually assume a linear arrangement, but nearly the whole of them can be shown to be thrown up along three well-marked bands and the branches proceeding from them. The first and most important of these bands is nearly 1 0,000 miles in length, and with its branches contains more' than 1 50 active volcanoes ; the second is 8,000 miles in length, and includes about 100 active volcanoes ; the third is much more broken and interrupted, extends to a length of nearly 1,000 miles, and contains about 50 active vents. The volcanoes of the eastern coast of Africa, with Mauritius, Bourbon, Eodriguez, and the vents along the line of the Eed Sea, may be regarded as forming a fourth and subordinate band. Thus we see that the surface of the globe is covered by a network of volcanic bands, all of which traverse it in sinuous lines with a general north-and-south direc- tion, giving off branches which often run for hundreds of miles, and sometimes appear to form a connection between the great bands. 236 VOLCANOES. These four bands of volcanic vents, running in a general north-and-south direction, separate four un- equal areas within which the exhibitions of volcanic activity are feeble or quite unknown. The two grandest of the bands of volcanic activity, with their branches, form an almost complete series encircling the largest of the oceans. To this rule of the linear arrangement of the vol- canic vents of the globe and their accumulation along certain well-marked bands, there are two very striking exceptions, which we must now proceed to notice. In the very centre of the continent formed by Europe and Asia, the largest unbroken land-mass of the globe, there rises from the great central plateau the remarkable volcanoes of the Thian Shan Range. The existence of these volcanoes, of which only obscure traditional accounts had reached Europe before the year 1858, appears to be completely established by the researches of the Eussian traveller Semenof. Three volcanic vents appear to exist in this region : the active volcanoes of Boschan and Turfan or Hot-schen, and the solfatara of Urumtsi. At a point situated about half- way between these three volcanoes and the sea, another active vent, that of Ujung-Holdongi, is said to exist. Other volcanic phenomena have been stated to occur in the great plateau of Central Asia, but the existence of some at least of these appears to rest on very doubtful evidence. The only accounts which we have of the eruptions of these Thian Shan volcanoes are contained EXCEPTIONALLY-SITUATED VOLCANOES. 237 in Chinese histories and treatises on geography; and a great service would be rendered to science could they be visited by some competent explorer. The second exceptionally-situated volcanic group is that of the Sandwich Islands. While the Thian Shan volcanoes rise in the centre of the largest unbroken land-mass, and stand on the edge of the loftiest and greatest plateau in the world, the volcanoes of the Sand- wich Islands rise almost in the centre of the largest ocean and from almost the greatest depths in that ocean. All round the Sandwich Islands the sea has a depth of from 2,000 to 3,000 fathoms, and the island-group cul- minates in several volcanic cones which rise to the height of nearly 14,000 feet above the sea-level. The volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands are unsurpassed in height and bulk by those of any other part of the globe. With the exception of the two isolated groups of the Thian Shan and the Sandwich Islands, nearly all the active volcanoes of the globe are situated near the limits which separate the great land- and water-masses of the globe that is to say, they occur either on the parts of continents not far removed from their coast- lines, or on islands in the ocean not very distant from the shores. The fact of the general proximity of volcanoes to the sea, is one which has frequently been pointed out by geographers, and may now be regarded as being thoroughly established. Even the apparently anoma- 238 VOLCANOES. lous case of the Thian Shan volcanoes is susceptible of explanation if we remember the fact, now well ascer- tained by geological researches, that as late certainly as Pliocene times, a great inland sea spread over the districts where the Caspian, the Sea of Aral, and many other isolated lakes are now found. Upon the southern shore of this sea rose the volcanoes of the Thian Shan, some of which have not yet fallen into a state of com- plete extinction. But although the facts concerning the general proximity of volcanoes to the ocean may be admitted to be thoroughly established, yet inferences are some- times hastily drawn from these facts which the latter, if fairly considered, will not be found to warrant. It is frequently assumed that we may refer all the remark- able phenomena of volcanic action to the penetration of sea- water to a mass of incandescent lava in the earth's crust, and to the chemical or mechanical action which would result from this meeting of sea-water and molten rock. And this conclusion is supposed to find support in the circumstance that many of the gases and volatile' substances emitted from volcanic vents are such as would be produced by the decomposition of the various salts contained in sea-water. This argument in favour of the production of vol- canic outbursts by the irruption of sea-water into sub- terranean reservoirs, involves, as Mr. Scrope long ago pointed out, a curious example of reasoning in a circle. It is assumed, on the one hand, that the heaving sub- CAUSE OF PROXIMITY OF VOLCANOES TO SEA. 239 terranean movements, which give rise to the fissures by which steam and other gases escape to the surface, are the result of the passage of water to heated masses in the earth's crust. But, on the other hand, it is sup- posed that it is the production of these fissures which leads to the influx of water to the heated materials. If it is the passage of water through these fissures which produces the eruptions, it may be fairly asked, what is it that gives rise to the fissures ? And if, on the other hand, there exist subterranean forces competent to pro- duce the fissures, may they not also give rise to the erup- tions through the openings which they have originated? Nor does the chemical argument appear to rest upon any surer ground. It is true that many of the volatile substances emitted from volcanic vents are such as might be produced by the decomposition of sea-water, but, upon the other hand, there are not a few substances which cannot possibly be regarded as so produced, and all the materials may equally well be supposed to have been originally imprisoned in the masses of subterra- nean lava. The problem before us is this. Granting that it is proved that active volcanoes are always in close prox- imity to the ocean, are we to explain the fact by sup- posing that the agency of sea-water is necessary to volcanic outbursts, or by regarding the position of the coast-lines as to some extent determined by the dis- tribution of volcanic action upon the surface of the globe ? The first supposition is the one which perhaps 240 VOLCANOES. most readily suggests itself, but the latter, as we shall hereafter show, is one in favour of which not a few weighty arguments may be advanced. Another problem which suggests itself in connection with the distribution of volcanoes is the following. Are the great depressed tracts which form the bottom of the oceans, like the elevated tracts which constitute the continents, equally free from exhibitions of volcanic energy ? When we remember the fact that the area of the ocean beds is two and three-quarter times as great as that of the continents, it will be seen how important this question of the existence of volcanoes at the bot- tom of the ocean really is. The fact that recent deep-sea soundings have shown the deepest parts of the ocean to be everywhere covered with volcanic debris is by no means conclusive upon this question ; for, as we have seen, the ejections of sub- aerial volcanoes are by the wind and waves distributed over every part of the earth's surface. Submarine volcanic outbursts have occurred in many parts of the globe, but it may well be doubted whether any such outburst has ever commenced at the bottom of a deep ocean, and has succeeded in building up a volcanic cone reaching to the surface. Most, if not all, of the recorded submarine outbursts have occurred in the midst of volcanic districts, and the volcanic cones have been built up in water of no great depth. Indeed, when it is remembered that SUBMAKINE ERUPTIONS. 241 the pressure of each 1,000 fathoms of water is equiva- lent to a weight of more than one ton on every square inch of the ocean-bottom, it is difficult to imagine the ordinary explosive action of volcanic vents taking place at abysmal depths. If, however, fissures were opened in the beds of the ocean, quiet outwellings of lava might possibly occur. The solution of this problem of the probable existence of volcanic outbursts on the floor of the ocean can only be hoped for from the researches of the geologist. The small specimens of the ocean-beds brought up by deep-sea sounding-lines, taken at wide distances apart, and including but a few inches from the surface, can certainly afford but little information upon the question. But the geologist has the op- portunity of studying the sea-bottoms of various geological periods which have been upheaved and are now exposed to his view. It was at one time supposed by geologists that in the so called i trap-rocks ' we have great lava-sheets which must have been piled upon one another, without explosive action. But the more accurate researches of recent years have shown that between the layers of ' trap-rock,' in every part of the globe, traces of terrestrial surfaces and freshwater deposits are found ; and the supposed proofs of the absence of explosive action break down no less signally upon re-examination ; for the loose, scoriaceous materials would either be removed by denudation, or converted into hard and solid rocks by the infilling of their 242 VOLCANOES. vesicles and air-cavities with crystalline minerals. It is not possible, among the representatives of former geological periods, to point to any rocks that can be fairly regarded as having issued from great submarine fissures, and it is therefore fair to conclude that no such great outbursts of the volcanic forces take place at the present day on the deep ocean-floors. In connection with the question of the relation between the position of the volcanic bands of the globe and the areas covered by the ocean, we may mention a fact which deep-sea soundings appear to indicate, namely, that the deepest holes in the ocean- floor are situated in volcanic areas. Near Japan, the soundings of the U.S. ship < Tuscarora ' showed that at two points the depth exceeded 4,000 fathoms; and the deepest sounding obtained by H.M S. ' Challenger,' amounting to 4,575 fathoms, was taken in the voyage from New Guinea to Japan, in the neighbourhood of the Ladrone Islands. Depths nearly as great were found in the soundings carried on in the neighbour- hood of the volcanic group of the West Indian Islands. It must be remembered, however, that at present our knowledge of the depths of the abysmal portions of the ocean is very limited. A few lines of soundings, often taken at great distances apart, are all we have to guide us to any conclusions concerning the floors of the great oceans, and between these lines are enormous areas which still remain altogether unexplored. It may be wise, therefore, to suspend our judgment upon KELATIONS TO MOUNTAIN-CHAINS. 243 such questions till more numerous facts have been obtained. Another fact concerning the distribution of vol- canoes which is worthy of remark is their relation to the great mountain-ranges of the globe. Many of the grandest mountain-chains have bands of volcanoes lying parallel to them. This is strikingly exhibited by the great mountain-masses which lie on the western side of the American continent. The Kocky Mountains and the Andes consist of folded and crumpled masses of altered strata which, by the action of denuding forces, have been carved into series of ridges and summits. At many points, however, along the sides of these great chains, we find that fissures have been opened and lines of volcanoes formed, from which enormous quantities of lava have flowed and covered great tracts of country. At some parts of the chain, however, the volcanoes are of such height and dimensions as to overlook and dwarf the mountain- ranges by the side of which th >y lie. Some of the volcanoes lying parallel to the great American axis appear to be quite extinct, while others are in full activity. In the Eastern continent we find still more striking examples of the parallelism between great mountain- chains and the lands along which volcanic activity is exhibited. Stretching in a more or less continuous chain from east to west, through Europe and Asia, we find the mountain-masses known in different parts of 244 VOLCANOES. their course as the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Balkan, the Caucasus, which form the axis of the Eastern continent. These chains consist of numerous parallel ridges, and give off branches on either side of them. They are continued to the eastward by the Hindoo Koosh and the Himalaya, with the four parallel ranges that cross the .great Central-Asian plateau. Now, on either side of this grand axial system of mountains, we find a great parallel band of volcanoes. The northern volcanic band is constituted by the eruptive rocks of the Auvergne, the Eifel, the Siebengebirge, Central Ger- many, Bohemia, Hungary, and Transylvania, few, if any, of the vents along this northern band being still active. The remarkable volcanoes of the Thian Shan range and of Mantchouria may not improbably be regarded as a continuation of the same great series. The southern band of volcanoes, lying parallel to the great mountain axis of the Old World, also consists for the most part of extinct volcanoes, but includes not a few vents which are still active. In this band we include the extinct volcanoes of Spain and Sardinia, the numerous extinct and active vents of the Italian peninsula and islands, and those of the ^Egean Sea and Asia Minor. We may, perhaps, consider the scattered volcanoes of Arabia and the northern part of the Indian Ocean as a continuation of the same series. Both ol these b&,ads may be regarded as offshoots from the great mid- Atlantic volcanic chain, and the condition of the vents, both in the principal band and its offshoots, RELATION TO AEEAS OF UPHEAVAL. 246 is such as to indicate that they form parts of a system which is gradually sinking into a state of complete extinction. There are some other volcanic bands which exhibit a similar parallelism with mountain chains ; but, on the other hand, there are some volcanoes between which and the nearest mountain axes no such connection can be traced. There is yet one other fact concerning the mode of distribution of volcanoes upon the surface of the globe, to which we must allude. It was first established by Mr. Darwin as one of the conclusions derived from the valuable series of observations made by him during the voyage of H.M.S. < Beagle,' and relates to the position of active volcanoes with respect to the portions of the earth's crust which are undergoing upheaval or sub- sidence. From the relative position of the different kinds of coral-reefs, and the fact that reef-building corals cannot live at a depth of more than twenty fathoms beneath the sea-level, or above tide-mark, we are led to the con- clusion that certain areas of the earth's surface are un- dergoing slow elevation, while other parts are as gradu- ally subsiding. This conclusion is confirmed by the occurrence of raised beaches, which are sometimes found at heights of hundreds, or even thousands, of feet above the sea-level, and of submerged forests, which are not unfrequently found beneath the waters of the ocean. By a study of the evidences presented by coral- 246 VOLCANOES. reefs, raised beaches, submerged forests, and other phenomena of a similar kind, it can be shown that cer- tain wide areas of the land and of the ocean-floor are at the present time in a state of subsidence, while other equally large areas are being upheaved. And the ob- servations of the geologist prove that similar upward and downward movements of portions of the earth's crust have been going on through all geological times. Now, as Mr. Darwin has so well shown in his work on * Coral-Reefs,' if we trace upon a map the areas of the earth's surface which are undergoing upheaval and subsidence respectively, we shall find that nearly all the active volcanoes of the globe are situated upon rising areas, and that volcanic phenomena are con- spicuously absent from those parts of the earth's crust which can be proved at the present day to be under- going depression. CHAPTER IX. VOLCANIC ACTION AT DIFFERENT PERIODS OF THE IT is only in comparatively recent times that the im- portant doctrine of geological continuity has come to be generally accepted, as furnishing us with a complete and satisfactory explanation of the mode of origin of the features of our globe. The great forces, which are ever at work producing modifications in those features, operate so silently and slowly, though withal so surely, that without the closest and most attentive observation their effects may be easily overlooked ; while, on the other hand, there are so many phenomena upon our globe which seem at first sight to bear testimony to the action of sudden and catastrophic forces, very different to any which appear to be at present at work, that the tendency to account for all past changes by these violent actions is a very strong one. In spite of this tendency, how- ever, the real potency of the forces now at work upon the earth's crust has gradually made its way to recog- nition, and the capability of these forces, when their effects are accumulated through sufficiently long periods 248 VOLCANOES. of time, to bring about the grandest changes, is now almost universally admitted. The modern science oi geology is based upon the principle that the history of the formation and development of the earth's surface- features, and the organisms upon it, has been continuous during enormous periods of time, and that in the study of the operations taking place upon the earth at the present day, we may find the true key to the changes which have occurred during former periods. In no branch of geological science has the doctrine of continuity had to encounter so much opposition and misconception as in that which relates to the volcanic phenomena of the globe. For a long time students of rocks utterly failed to recognise any relation between the materials which have been ejected from active volcanic vents and those which have been formed by similar agencies at earlier periods of the earth's history. And what was far worse, the subject became removed from the sphere of practical scientific inquiry to that of theological controversy, those who maintained the vol- canic origin of some of the older rocks being branded as the worst of heretics. With the theological aspects of the great controversy concerning the origin of basalt and similar rocks a controversy which was carried on with such violence and acrimony during the latter half of the eighteenth century we have here nothing to do. But it may not be uninstructive to notice the causes of the strange misconceptions which for so long a period stood in the CONTROVERSY CONCERNING ORIGIN OF BASALT. 249 way of the acceptance of rational views upon the sub- ject. At this period but little had been done in studying the chemical characters of aqueous and igneous rock- rnasses respectively ; and while, on the one hand, the close similarity in chemical composition between the ancient basalts and many modern lavas was not recog- nised, the marked distinction between the composi- tion of such materials and most aqueous sediments remained, on the other hand, equally unknown. Nor had anything been yet accomplished in the direction of the study of rock-masses by the aid of the micro- scope. Hence there could be no appeal to those numerous structural peculiarities that at once enable us to distinguish the most crystalline aqueous rocks from the materials of igneous origin. On the other hand, there undoubtedly exist rocks of a black colour and crystalline structure, sometimes presenting a striking similarity in general appearance to the basalts, which contain fossils and are undoubt- edly of aqueous origin. Thus on the shore near Portrush, in the North of Ireland, and in the skerries which lie off that coast, there occur great rock-masses, some of which undoubtedly agree with basalt in all their characters, while others are dark-coloured and crystalline, and are frequently crowded with Ammonites and other fossils. We now know that the explanation of these facts is as follows. Near where the town of Portrush is now situated, a volcanic vent was opened 12 250 VOLCANOES. in Miocene times through rocks of Lias shale. From this igneous centre, sheets and dykes of basaltic lava were given off, and in consequence of their contact with these masses of lava, the Lias shales were baked and altered, and assumed a crystalline character, though the traces of the fossils contained in them were not altogether obliterated. In the last century the methods which had been devised for the discrimination of rocks were so imperfect that no distinction was recognised between the true basalt and the altered shale, and spe- cimens of the latter containing Ammonites found their way to almost every museum in Europe, and were used as illustrations of the ' origin of basalt by aqueous pre- cipitation/ Another source of the widely-spread error which prevailed concerning the origin of basalt, was the failure to recognise the nature of the alterations which take place in the character of rock-masses in consequence of the passage through them, during enormous periods of time, of water containing carbonic acid and other active chemical agents. The casual observer does not recog- nise the resemblance which exists between certain ornamental marbles and the loose accumulations of shells and corals which form many sea-beaches ; but close examination shows that the former consist of the same materials as the latter, bound together by a crystalline infilling of carbonate of lime, which has been deposited in all the cavities and interstices of the mass. In the same way, as we have already seen, the VOLCANIC OEIGIN OF ' TEAP KOCKS.' 251 vesicles and interstices of heaps of scoriae may, by the percolation of water through the mass, become so filled with various crystalline substances, that its original characters are entirely masked. But the progress of chemical and microscopic re- search has effectually removed these sources of error. Many rocks of aqueous origin, formerly confounded with the basalts, have now been relegated to their proper places among the different classes of rocks; while, on the other hand, it has been shown that the chemical and physical differences between the ancient basalts and the modern basic lavas are slight and acci- dental, and their resemblances are of the closest and most fundamental character. The notion of the aqueous origin of basalt, which was so long maintained by the school of Werner, has now been entirely abandoned, and the so-called ' trap- rocks ' are at the present day recognised as being as truly volcanic in their origin as the lavas of Etna and Vesuvius. There is, however, a vestige of this doctrine of Werner, which still maintains its ground with obstinate persistence. Many geologists in Germany who admit that volcanic phenomena, similar to those which are going on at the present day, must have occurred during the Tertiary and the later Secondary periods, neverthe- less insist that among the earlier records of the world's history we find no evidence whatever of such volcanic action having taken place. By the geologists who hold 252 VOLCANOES. these views it is asserted that while the granites and other plutonic rocks were formed during the earlier periods of the world's history, true volcanic products are only known in connection with the sediment of the later geological periods. Some geologists have gone farther even than this, and asserted that each of the great geological periods is characterised by the nature of the igneous ejections which have taken place in it.' They declare that granite was formed only during the earliest geological periods, and that at later dates the gabbros, diabases, porphyries, dolerites and basalts, successively made their appear- ance, and finally that the modern lavas were poured out. A little consideration will suffice to convince us that these conclusions are not based upon any good evidence. The plutonic rocks, as we have already seen, exhibit sufficient proofs in their highly crystalline cha- racter, and in their cavities containing water, liquefied carbonic acid, and other volatile substances, that they must have been formed by the very slow consolidation of igneous materials under enormous pressure. Such pressures, it is evident, could only exist at great depths beneath the earth's surface. Mr. Sorby and others have endeavoured to calculate what was the actual thickness of rock under which certain granites must have been formed, by measuring the amount of contraction in the liquids which have been imprisoned in the crystals of these rocks. The conclusions arrived at are of a ANCIENT AND MODEKN VOLCANIC KOCKS. 253 sufficiently startling character. It is inferred that the granites which have been thus examined must have consolidated at depths varying from 30,000 to 80,000 feet beneath the earth's surface. It is true that in arriving at these results certain assumptions have to be made, and to these exception may be taken, but the general conclusion that granitic rocks could only have been formed under such high pressures as exist at great depths beneath the surface, appears to be one which is not open to reasonable doubt. If, then, granites and similar rocks were formed at the depth of some miles, it is evident that they can only have made their appearance at the surface by the removal of the vast thickness of overlying rocks ; and the sole agency which we know of that is capable of effecting the removal of such enormous quantities of rock-materials, is denudation. But the agents of denu- dation rain and frost, rivers and glaciers, and sea-waves though producing grand results, yet work exceeding slowly ; and almost inconceivably long periods of time must have elapsed before masses of rock several miles in thickness could have been removed, and the sub- jacent granites and other highly crystalline rocks have been exposed at the surface. It is an admitted fact that among the older geological formations, we much more frequently find intrusions of granitic rocks than in the case of younger ones. It is equally true that among the sediments formed during the most recent geological periods, no true granitic rocks 254 VOLCANOES. have been detected. But if, as we insist is the case, granitic rocks can only be formed at a great depth from the surface, the facts we have described are only just what we might expect to present themselves under the circumstances. The older a mass of granitic rock, the greater chance there is that the denuding forces operat- ing upon the overlying masses, will have had an oppor- tunity of so far removing the latter as to expose the underlying crystalline rocks at the surface. And, on the other hand, the younger crystalline rocks are still, for the most part, buried under such enormous thick- nesses of superincumbent materials that it is hopeless for us to search for them. Nevertheless, it does occa- sionally happen that, where the work of denudation has been exceptionally rapid in its action, such crystal- line rocks formed during a comparatively recent geo- logical period, are exposed at the surface. This is the case in the Western Isles of Scotland and in the Pyrenees, where masses of granite and other highly crystalline rocks are found which were evidently formed during the Tertiary period. The granites which were formed in Tertiary times present no essential points of difference from those which had their origin during the earlier periods of the earth's history. The former, like the latter, consist of a mass of crystals with no imperfectly crystalline base or ground-mass between them ; and these crystals in- clude numerous cavities containing liquids. Between the granites and the quartz-felsites every RELATIONS BETWEEN GRANITE AND PUMICE. 255 possible gradation may be found, so that it is impossible to say where the one group ends and the other begins ; indeed, many of the rocks called ' granite-porphyries ' have about equal claims to be placed in either class. Nor is the distinction between the quartz-felsites and rhyolites any more strongly marked than that between the former class of rocks and the granites; some of the more crystalline rhyolites of Hungary being quite undistinguishable, in their chemical composition, their mineralogical constitution, and their microscopic cha- racters, from the quartz-felsites. The more crystalline rhyolites are in turn found passing by insensible grada- tions into the glassy varieties and finally into obsidian. A piece of granite and a piece of pumice may at first sight appear to present so many points of difference, that it would seem quite futile to attempt to discover any connection between them. Yet, if we analyse the two substances, we may find that in ultimate chemical composition they are absolutely identical. There is nothing irrational, therefore, in the conclusion that the same materials under different conditions may assume either the characters of granite on the one hand, or of pumice on the other ; the former being consolidated under circumstances in which the chemical and crys- talline forces have had the freest play and have used up the whole of the materials to form crystallised minerals, while the latter has cooled down and solidi- fied rapidly at the surface, in such a way that only in- cipient crystallisation has occurred, and the glassy 256 VOLCANOES. mass has been reduced to a frothy condition by the escape of steam-bubbles from its midst. This con- clusion receives the strongest support from the fact that examples of every stage of the change, between the glassy condition of pumice and the crystalline con- dition of granite, may be detected among the materials of which the globe is built up. There is still another class of facts which may be adduced in support of the same conclusion. Many lavas, as we have seen, contain crystals of much larger dimensions than those constituting the mass of the rock, which is then said to be * porphyritic ' in struc- ture. The porphyritically embedded crystals, when carefully examined, are often seen to be broken and injured, and to exhibit rounded edges,- with other in- dications of having undergone transport. When ex- amined microscopically, too, they often present the cavities containing liquids which distinguish the crys- tals of plutonic rocks. All the facts connected with these porphyritic lavas point to the conclusion that while the crystals in their ground-mass have separated from the liquefied materials near the surface, the large embedded crystals have been floated up from great depths within the earth's crust, where they had been originally formed. The careful consideration of all the facts of the case leads to the conclusion that where pumice, obsidian, and rhyolite are now being ejected at the surface, the materials which form these substances are 3> at various GRANITIC REPKESENTATIVES OF OTHEK LAVAS. 257 depths in the earth's interior, slowly consolidating in the form of quartz-felsite, granite-porphyry and granite. It may be that we can nowhere point to the example of a mass of rock which can be traced from subterranean regions to the surface, and is, under such conditions, actually seen -to pass from the dense and crystalline condition of granite to the vesicular and glassy form of pumice ; but great granitic masses often exhibit a more coarsely crystalline condition in their interior, and the offshoots and dykes whifh they give off not unfre- quently assume the form of quartz-felsite ; while, on the other hand, the more slowly consolidated rocks found in the interior of some rhyolite masses are not distinguishable in any way from some of the true quartz-felsites. That which is true of the lavas of acid composition is equally true of the lavas of intermediate and basic character. The andesites, the trachytes, the phono- lites, and the basalts have all their exact representatives among the plutonic rocks, and these have a perfectly crystalline or granitic structure. The plutonic and the volcanic representatives of each of these groups are identical in their chemical composition, and numerous intermediate gradations can be found between the most completely granitic and the most perfectly vitreous or glassy types. In illustration of this fact, we may again refer to the series of microscopic sections of rocks given in the frontispiece. Another objection to the conclusion that the volcanic 258 VOLCANOES. products of earlier periods of the earth's history were identical in character with those which are being ejected at the present day is based on the fact of the supposed non-existence of the scoriaceous and glassy materials which abound in the neighbourhood of the active vol- canic vents. Where, it is asked, do we find among the older rocks of the globe the heaps of lapilli, dust, and scoriae, with the glassy and pumiceous rocks that now occur so abundantly in all volcanic districts ? In reply to this objection, we may point out that these accumulations of loose materials are of such a nature as to be capable of easy removal by denuding agents, and that as they are formed upon the land they will, if not already washed away by the action of rain, floods, rivers, &c., run great risk of having their mate- rials distributed, when the land sinks beneath the waters of the ocean and the surface is covered by new deposits. With respect to the glassy rocks it must be remembered that the action of water containing carbonic acid and other substances through such masses has a tendency to set up crystalline action> and these glassy rocks easily undergo c devitrification ' ; it would there- fore be illogical for us to expect glassy rock-masses to retain their vitreous character through long geologi- cal periods, during which they have been subjected to the action of water and acid gases. But careful observation has shown that the scori- aceous and vitreous rocks are by no means absent among the igneous materials ejected during earlier SEMILAEITY OF ANCIENT AND KECENT LAVAS. 259 periods of the earth's history. Their comparative in- frequency is easily accounted for when we remember, in the first place, the ease with which such materials would be removed by denuding forces, and in the second place, the tendency of the action of percolating water to destroy their characteristic features, by filling up their vesicles with crystalline products and by effecting devitrification in their mass. If we go back to the very oldest known rock-masses of the globe, those which are found underlying the fossiliferous Cambrian strata, we find abundant evidence that volcanic action took place during the period in w r hich these materials were being accumulated. Thus, in the Wrekin, as Mr. Allport has so well shown, we find clear proofs that before the long-distant period of the Cambrian, there existed volcanoes which ejected scoria3, lapilli, and volcanic dust, and also gave rise to streams of lava exhibiting the characteristic structures found in glassy rocks. In these rocks, which have undergone a curious alteration or devitrification, we still find all those peculiar structures the sphaerulitic, the perlitic, and the banded so common in the rhyolites of Hun- gary, with which rocks the Wrekin lavas, in their chemical composition, precisely agree. Prof. Bonney, too, has shown that the rocks of Charnwood Forest, which are also probably of pre-Cambrian age, contain great quantities of altered volcanic agglomerates, tuffs, and ashes. I have found the sphserulitic, perlitic, and banded structures exhibited by British lavas of the 260 VOLCANOES. Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous pe- riods, as well as in those of Tertiary age ; and in connection with these different lavas we find vast ac- cumulations, sometimes thousands of feet in thickness, of volcanic agglomerates and tuffs which have under- gone great alteration. All these facts point to one conclusion namely, that during all past geological periods, materials similar to those which are now being extruded from volcanic vents were poured out on the earth's surface by analo- gous agencies. If we could trace the lava-streams of the present day down to the great subterranean re- servoirs from which their materials have been derived, we should doubtless find that at gradually increasing depths, where the pressure would be greater and the escape of heat from the mass slower, the rocky ma- terials would by degrees assume more and more crystal- line characters. We should thus find obsidian or rhyo- lite insensibly passing into quartz-felsite and finally into granite ; trachyte passing into orthoclase-porphyry and syenite ; and basalt passing into dolerite, augite- porphyry, and gabbro. On the other hand, if we could replace the great masses of stratified rocks which must once have overlain the granites, syenites, diorites, and gabbros, we should find that, as we approached the original surface, these igneous materials would gradually lose their crystalline characters, and when they were poured out at the sur- face would take the forms of rhyolite, trachyte, andesite, ALTERED FORMS OF ANCIENT LAVAS. 261 and basalt all of which might occasionally assume the glassy forms known as obsidian or tachylyte. But while we insist on the essential points of simi- larity between the lavas poured out upon the surface of the earth during earlier geological periods and those which are being extruded at the present day, we must not forget that by the action of percolating water and acid gases, the mineral constitution, the structure, and sometimes even the chemical composition of these ancient lavas may undergo a vast amount of change. In not a few cases these changes in the characters of a lava may be carried so far that the altered rock bears but little resemblance to the lava from which it was formed, and it may be found desirable to give it a new name. Among the rocks of aqueous origin we find similar differences in the materials deposited at different geological periods. Clay, shale and clay-slate have the same composition, and the two latter are evidently only altered forms of the first mentioned, yet so great is the difference in their characters that it is not only allow- able, but desirable, to give them distinctive names. In the same way, among the deposits of the earlier geological periods we find rocks which were doubtless originally basalts, but in which great alterations have been produced by the percolation of water through the mass. The original rock has consisted of crystals of felspar, augite, olivine, and magnetite distributed through a glassy base. But the chemical action of water and carbonic acid may have affected all the in- 262 VOLCANOES. gredients of the rock. The outward form of the fel- spar crystals may be retained while their substance is changed to kaolinite, various zeolites, and other mine- rals ; the olivine may be altered to serpentine and other analogous minerals ; the magnetite changed to hydrous peroxide of iron ; the augite may be changed to uralite or hornblende ; and the surrounding glassy mass more or less de vitrified and decomposed. The hard, dense, and black rock known as basalt has under these cir- cumstances become a much softer, earthy-looking mass of a reddish-brown tint, and its difference from basalt is so marked that geologists have agreed to call it by another name, that of { melaphyre.' Even in their ul- timate chemical compositions the c melaphyres ' differ to some extent from the basalts, for some of the materials of the latter may have been removed in solution, and water, oxygen, and carbonic acid have been introduced to combine with the remaining ingre- dients. But if we carefully study, by the aid of the micro- scope, a large series of basalts and melaphyres, we shall find that many rocks of the former class show the first incipient traces of those changes which would reduce them to the latter class. Indeed, it is quite easy to form a perfect series from quite unaltered basalts to the most completely changed melaphyres. Hence we are justified in concluding that all the melaphyres were originally basalts, just as we infer that all oaks were once acorns. NAMES GIVEN TO ALTEKED LAVAS. 263 Now changes, similar to those which we have seen to take place in the case of basaltic lavas, are exhibited by the lavas of every other class, which have been ex- posed to the influence of the same agencies, namely, the passage of water and acid gases. But inasmuch as the minerals composing the basic lavas are for the most part much more easily affected by such agencies than are the minerals of acid lavas, the ancient basic rocks are usually found in a much more highly altered condition than are the acid rocks of equivalent age. We thus see that each of the classes of modern lavas has its representative in earlier geological periods, in the form of rocks which have evidently been derived from these lavas through alterations effected by the agency of water and acid-gases that have permeated their mass. Thus, while the basalts are represented among the ancient geological formation by the mela- phyres, the andesites are represented by the porphy- rites, and the trachytes and rhyolites by different varieties of felstones. And, as we can form perfect series illustrating the gradual change from basalt to melaphyre, so we can arrange other series demonstrat- ing the passage of andesites into porphyrites, and of trachytes and rhyolites into felsites. It must be remembered, however, that these changes do not take place in anything like determinate periods of time. Occasionally we may find lavas of very ancient date which have undergone surprisingly little alteration, and in other cases there occur lavas belonging to a 264 VOLCANOES. comparatively recent period which exhibit remarkably few signs of change. The alteration of the lavas and other igneous rocks does not, however, stop with the production of the melaphyres, porphyrites, and felstones. By the further action of the water and carbonic acid of the atmosphere, the basic lavas are reduced to the soft earthy mass known as * wacke,' and the intermediate and acid lavas to the similar material known as claystone.' As the passage of water and carbonic acid gas through these rock-masses goes on, they are eventually resolved into two portions, one of which is insoluble in water and the other is soluble. The insoluble portion consists principally of quartz, the crystals of which are almost unattacked by water and carbonic acid, and the hydrated silicate of alumina. All the sands and clays, which together make up more than nine-tenths of the strati- fied rocks of the globe, are doubtless derived, either directly or indirectly, from these insoluble materials separated during the decomposition of volcanic and plutonic rocks. The soluble materials, which consist of the carbonates, sulphates and chlorides of lime, mag- nesia, soda, potash, and iron, give rise to the formation of the limestones, gypsum, rock-salt, ironstones, and other stratified masses of the earth's crust. We thus see how the igneous materials of the globe, by their decomposition, furnish the materials for the stratified rock-masses. The relations of the different plutonic and volcanic rocks to one another and to the materials KELATIONS OF ALTERED TO UNALTERED LAVAS. 265 Unaltered rolite and >sidian which are derived from them following table. Plutonic rocks GRANITE . SYENITE . DIORITE . MlASCITE . GABBRO are illustrated in the {Quartz-i (' quartz- Altered lavas Felstone Poi-phyrite Decomposed rocks Clavstones Phonolite f Liebnerite t porphyry TAugite-por- ~i < phyry and y Basalt (.DoleriU Melaphyre Wacke Some petrographers, indeed, have maintained the principle that rocks belonging to widely separated geo- logical periods, even when they exhibit no essential points of difference, should nevertheless be called by distinct names. But such a system of classification is calculated rather to hinder than to advance the cause of science. If the palaeontologist were to adopt the same principle and give distinct names to the same fossil, when it was found to occur in two different geological formations, we can easily understand what confusion would be occasioned, and how the comparison of the fauna and flora of the different formations would be thereby rendered impossible. But the naturalist, in his diagnosis of a species, wisely confines himself to the structure and affinities of the organism before him ; and in the same way the petrographer, in giving a name to a rock, ought to be guided only by his studies of its chemical composition, its mineralogical constitution, and its structure, putting altogether out of view its 266 VOLCANOES. geographical distribution and geological age. Only by strict attention to this principle can we hope to arrive at such comparisons of the rocks of different areas and different periods, as may serve as the basis for safe inductions. Before leaving this question of the relation which exists between the igneous rocks of different ages, it may be well to notice several facts that have been relied upon, as proving that the several geological periods are distinguished by characteristic igneous products. It has frequently been asserted that the acid igneous rocks are present in much greater quantities in connec- tion with the older geological formations than are the basic; while, on the other hand, the basic igneous rocks are said to have been extruded in greater abund- ance in the more recent geological periods. But in con*- sidering this question it must not be forgotten that, as a general rule, the basic rocks undergo decomposi- tion and disintegration far more rapidly than do the acid rocks. In consequence of this circumstance the chance of our finding their recognisable representatives among the older formations, is much less in the case of the former class of rocks than in the latter. As a matter of fact, however, we do find great masses of gabbro, diabase, and melaphyre associated even with the oldest geological formations, while trachytes and rhyolites abound in many volcanic districts where ac- tive vents exist at the present day. Upon a general r THE : .R OF r> c. UNIVERSITY AUGITIC AND HOENBLENDIC ROCKS. 267 review of the subject, it may well be doubted whether the supposed preponderance of acid igneous materials in the earlier periods of the earth's history, and of basic igneous materials during the later periods, rests on any substantial basis of observation. Another difference which has frequently been relied upon, as distinguishing the older igneous rocks from those of more recent date, is the supposed fact that the former are characterised by the presence of hornblende, the latter by the presence of augite. It may be ad- mitted that this distinction is a real one, but its significance and value are greatly diminished when we remember the relations which exist between the two minerals in question. Hornblende and augite are interesting examples of a dimorphous substance; in chemical composition they are identical, or rather they are liable to variation between the same limits, but in their crystalline forms and optical characters they differ from one another. It has been proved that hornblende is the stable, and augite the unstable condition of the sub- stance in question. If hornblende be fused and allowed to cool, it crystallises in the form of augite. On the other hand, augite-crystals in rocks of are found undergoing gradual change and passing into hornblende. The mineral uralite has the outward form of augite, but the cleavage and optical properties of hornblende ; and there are not wanting many facts pointing to the conclusion that rocks which now con- tain hornblende were originally augitic masses, in which 268 VOLCANOES. the unstable mineral in their midst has been gradually converted into the stable one. There are, however, two minerals which up to the present time have been found in association only with the older and newer rock- masses respectively. These are muscovite, or the white form of mica, which occurs in so many granites, but has not yet been discovered in any modern representative of that rock ; and leucite, which is not yet known in rocks of older date than the Tertiary. When we remember that muscovite would appear to be a product of deep-seated igneous action, and is only found in rock-masses that have been formed under such conditions, we shall be the less surprised at its non- occurrence in rocks of recent date, especially if we bear in mind the fact that very few of the younger granitic rocks have as yet been exposed at the surface by denudation. With respect to leucite, on the other hand, it must be remembered that it is a very unstable mineral which appears to be easily changed into felspar. It is by no means improbable, therefore, that some ancient igneous rocks which now contain felspar were originally leucitic rocks. To the view that the action of volcanic forces upon the globe during past geological times was similar in kind to that which we now observe going on around us, still another objection has been raised. It has been asserted that some of the deposits of igneous rock VOLCANIC ORIGIN OF ANCIENT IGNEOUS EOCKS. 269 associated with the older geological formations are of such a nature that they could not possibly have been accumulated around volcanic vents of the kind which we see in operation around us. Mr. Mallet has declared that the igneous products of the Palaeozoic period differ fundamentally in charac- ter from those materials formed by volcanic action during the later Secondary and the Tertiary periods. Upon what observations these generalisations are based he has given us no information, and the enormous mass of facts which have been collected in recent years concerning the structure of the lavas and fragmental volcanic deposits of the pre-Cambrian, Cambrian, Si- lurian, Devonian and Carboniferous periods, all point to a directly opposite conclusion. The more carefully we carry on our investigations concerning these ancient lavas, by the aid of chemical analysis and microscopic study, the more are we convinced of the essential identity of the ancient and modern volcanic rocks, both in their composition and their minute structure. Of great masses of dust produced by crushing, such as Mr. Mallet has supposed to have been formed during the earlier geological periods, there is not the smallest evidence ; but we everywhere find proofs, when the rocks are minutely examined, of the vesicular structure so characteristic of materials produced by explosive volcanic action. It has frequently been asserted that in the great districts covered by basaltic lavas which we find in the 270 VOLCANOES. JRocky Mountains of North America, in the Deccan of India, in Abyssinia, and even in the Western Isles of Scotland, we have proofs of the occurrence, during earlier geological periods, of volcanic action very differ- ent in character from that which at present takes place on our globe. It has been asserted that the phenomena observed in these districts can only be accounted for by supposing that great fissures have opened in their midst, from which lavas have issued in enormous floods unaccompanied by the ordinary explosive phenomena of volcanoes. It must be remembered, however, that none of the districts in question have been subjected to careful and systematic examination with a view to the discovery of the vents from which these masses of lava have issued, with the exception of that which occurs in our own islands. In this case, in which superficial observers have spoken of the district as being covered with hori- zontal lava-sheets piled upon one another to the depth of 3,000 feet, careful study of the rock-masses has shown that the accumulations of basalt really con- sist of a great number of lava-currents which have issued at successive epochs covering enormous periods of time. During the intervals between the emission of these successive lava-currents the surfaces of the older ones have been decomposed, and formed soils upon which forests have grown up ; they have been eroded by streams, the valleys so formed being filled with gravels ; and lakes have been originated on their TKULY-VOLCANIC OKIGIN OF LAVA PLATEAUX. 271 surfaces in which various accumulations have taken place. It has been demonstrated, moreover, that the basal-wrecks of no less than five volcanic mountains, each of which must have rivalled Etna in its propor- tions, existed within this area, and the connection of the lava-currents, which have deluged the surrounding tracts, with these great volcanoes has been clearly proved. It is probable that when more careful and systematic researches are carried on in the other districts, in which widely-spread sheets of basaltic rocks exist, similar volcanic vents will be discovered. It must also be remembered that if such a country as Iceland were subjected to long-continued denudation, the mountain peaks and cones of loose materials would be worn away, the whole island being thus reduced to a series of plateaux composed of lava-sheets, the connection of which with the crystalline materials filling the great volcanic vents, a superficial observer might altogether fail to recognise. But even where we cannot trace the former existence of great volcanic mountains, 'like those which once rose in the Hebrides, it would nevertheless be very rash to conclude that the vast plateaux of lava-rock must have been formed as gigantic floods unaccompanied by ordi- nary volcanic action. Mr. Darwin has pointed out that in crossing districts covered by lava, he was frequently only able to determine the limits of the different cur- rents of which it was made up, by an examination of the age of the trees and the nature of the vegetation 272 VOLCANOES. which had sprung up on them. And everyone who has travelled much in volcanic districts can confirm this observation; what appears at first sight to be a great continuous sheet of lava proves upon more care- ful observation to be composed of a great number of distinctly different lava-currents, which have succeeded one another at longer or shorter intervals. We must remember, too, how various in kind are the volcanic manifestations which present themselves under different circumstances. Sometimes the amount of explosive action at a volcanic vent is very great, and only fragmental ejections take place, composed of the frothy scum of the lava produced by the escape of gases and vapours from its midst. But in other cases the amount of explosive action may be small, and great volumes of igneous materials may issue as lava-streams. In such cases, only small scoria-cones would be formed around the vents, and one half of such cones is com- monly swept away by the efflux of the lava-currents, while the remainder may be easily removed by denud- ing action or be buried under the lava-currents issu- ing from other vents in the neighbourhood. Thus it may easily come to pass that what a superficial observer takes for an enormous mass of basaltic lava poured out from a great fissure at a single effort, may prove upon careful observation to be made up of innumerable lava- currents, each of which is of moderate dimensions ; and it may further be found that these lava-currents, in- stead of being the product of a single paroxysmal effort SHIFTING OF VOLCANIC ACTION INDIFFERENT AKE AS. 273 from one great fissure, have been accumulated by nu- merous small outbursts at wide intervals, from a great number of minor orifices. Having then considered the arguments which have been adduced in support of the view that the volcanic phenomena of former geological periods differ from those which are still occurring upon the globe, we may proceed to state the general conclusions which have been drawn from the study of the volcanic rocks of the dif- ferent geological periods. From a survey of the volcanic rocks of different ages, we are led to the interesting and important conclusion that the scene of volcanic action has been continu- ally shifting to fresh areas at different periods of the earth's history. We find repeated proofs that the volcanic energy has made its appearance at a certain part of the earth's crust, has gradually increased in intensity to a maximum, and then as slowly declined. But as these manifestations have died away at one part of the earth's surface, they have gradually made their appearance at another. In every district which has been examined, we find abundant proofs that volcanic energy has been developed at certain periods, has dis- appeared during longer or shorter periods, and then reappeared in the same area. And on the other hand, we find that there is no past geological period in which we have not abundant evidence that volcanic outbursts took place at some portion of the earth's surface. To take the case of our own islands for example. 13 274 VOLCANOES. We know that during the pre-Cambrian periods volcanic outbursts took place, traces of which are found both in North and South Wales, in the Wrekin Chain in Shrop- shire, in Charawood Forest, and in parts of Scotland and Ireland. In Cambro-Silurian times we have abundant proofs, both in North Wales and the Lake district, that vol- canic action on the very grandest scale was taking place during the Arenig and the older portion of the Llandeilo periods, and again during the deposition of the Bala or Caradoc beds. The lavas, tuffs, and volcanic agglo- merates ejected during these two periods have built up masses of rock many thousands of feet in thickness. Snowdon and Cader Idris among the Welsh mountains, and some of the higher summits of the Lake district, have been carved by denudation from the vast piles of volcanic materials ejected during these periods. In Devonian or Old-Eed-Sandstone times, volcanic activity was renewed with fresh violence upon that part of the earth's surface now occupied by the British Islands. Along the line which now forms the Gram- pians there rose a series of volcanoes of the very grandest dimensions. Ben Nevis, and many others among the higher Scotch mountains, have been carved by denudation from the hard masses of granite, quartz- felsite, and other plutonic rocks which formed the cen- tral cores of these ancient volcanic piles. The remains of the great lava-sheets, and of the masses of volcanic agglomerate ejected from these grand Devonian vol- ANCIENT BRITISH VOLCANOES. 275 canoes, make up hill-ranges of no mean altitude, like the Sidlaws, the Ochils, and the Pentlands. The volcanic action of the Devonian period was pro- longed into Carboniferous times, but was then evidently gradually diminishing in violence. Instead of great central volcanoes, such as existed in the earlier period, we find innumerable small vents which threw out tuffs, agglomerates and lavas, and were scattered over the districts lying around the bases of the now extinct Devonian volcanoes. In the central valley of Scotland and in many parts of England, we find abundant proofs of the existence of these small and scattered volcanic vents during Carboniferous times. The well-known hill of Arthur's Seat, which overlooks the city of Edinburgh, and many castle-crowned crags of the Forth and Clyde valleys, are the worn and denuded relics of 'these small volcanoes. There are some indications which point to the conclusion that the volcanic action of the Newer Palaeozoic epoch had not entirely died out in Permian times, but the evidence upon this point is not altogether clear and satisfactory. During nearly the whole of the Secondary or Meso- zoic periods the volcanic forces remained dormant in the area of the British Isles. Some small volcanic out- bursts, however, appear to have occurred in Triassic times in Devonshire. But in other areas, such as the Tyrol, South-eastern Europe and Western America, the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods were marked by grand manifestations of volcanic activity. 276 VOLCANOES. . The volcanic forces which had during the long Mesozoic periods deserted our part of the earth's sur- face, appear to have returned to it in full vigour in the Tertiary epoch. In the Newer-Palaeozoic periods the direction of the great volcanic band which traversed our islands appears to have been from north-east to south-west ; but in Tertiary times a new set of fissures were opened running from north to south. There is evidence that during the Eocene or Nummulitic period, the first indications of the subterranean forces having gathered strength below the district were afforded by the issue of calcareous and siliceous springs, and soon fissures were opened which emitted scoriae, tuffs, and lavas. The intensity of the volcanic action gradually increased till it attained its maximum in the Miocene period, when a great chain of volcanic mountains stretched north and south along the line of the Inner Hebrides, the north-east of Ireland, and the sea which separates Great Britain from Ireland. The basal- wrecks of a number of these volcanoes can be tra,ced in the islands of Skye, Mull, Eum, and parts of the adjoining mainland. We have already seen that along this great band of volcanic action, which traverses the Atlantic Ocean from north to south, a number of active vents still exist, though their energy is now far less intense than was the case in former times. The only vestiges of the action of these now declining volcanic forces, at present found in our islands, are the hot springs of Bath and a few other warm and mineral ANCIENT VOLCANOES IN OTHEE DISTRICTS. 277 springs; but in connection with this subject it must be remembered that our country occasionally participates in great earthquake-vibrations, like that which de- stroyed Lisbon in the year 1759. If we were to study any other part of the earth's surface, we should arrive at precisely the same con- clusion as those to which we have been conducted by our examination of the British Islands namely, that during past geological times the subterranean forces had made themselves felt in the area, had gradually attained a maximum, and then as gradually declined, passing through all those varied cycles which we have described in a former chapter. And we should also find that these periods of volcanic activity alternated with other periods of complete quiescence which were of longer or shorter duration. But on comparing two different districts, we should discover that what was a period of volcanic activity in the one was a period of repose in the other, and vice versa. From these facts geologists have been led to the conclusion which we have already enunciated namely, that the subterranean forces are in a state of continual flux over the surface o f the globe. At one point of the earth's crust these forces gradually gather such energy as to rend asunder the superincumbent rock-masses and make themselves manifest at the surface in the series of phenomena characteristic of volcanic action. But after a longer or shorter interval of time an in- terval which must probably be measured by millions of 278 VOLCANOES. years the volcanic forces die out in that area to make their appearance in another. Hence, although we may not be able to prove the fact by any mathematical demonstration, a strong pre- sumption is raised in favour of the view that the subterranean energy in the earth's crust is a constant quantity, and that the only variations which take place are in the locality of its manifestation. This leads us to the question whether the amount of this subterranean energy within the earth's crust is at the present time increasing, stationary, or de- clining. There are some considerations connected with certain astronomical hypotheses, to which we shall hereafter have to refer, that might lead us to entertain the view that the subterranean activity was once far greater than it is at present, and that during the long periods of the earth's past history it has been slowly and gradually declining. And those who examine the vast masses of igneous materials which have been poured out from volcanic vents during the earlier periods of the earth's history may be inclined, at first sight, to point to them as affording conclusive proof of this gradual decline. But a more careful study of the rocks in question will probably cause a geologist to pause before jumping to such a conclusion. If we look at the vast masses of volcanic materials erupted in Miocene times in our own island and in Ireland, for example, we might be led to imagine that we have the indications of a veritable SUPPOSED DECLINE OF VOLCANIC ACTION. 279 ' Reign of Fire,' and that the evidence points to a condition of things very different indeed from that which prevails at the present day. But in arriving at such a conclusion we should be neglecting a most im- portant consideration, the disregard of which has been the fertile parent of many geological errors. Many independent lines of evidence all point to the inference that these volcanic ejections are not the result of one violent effort, but are the product of numerous small outbreaks which have been scattered over enormous periods of time. When we examine with due care the lavas, tuffs, and other volcanic ejections which constitute such mountain-masses as those of the Hebrides, of the Au- vergne, and of Hungary, we find clear proofs that the ancient Miocene volcanoes of these districts were clothed with luxuriant forests, through which wild animals roamed in the greatest abundance. The intervals be- tween the ejections of successive lava-streams were often so great, that soils were formed on the mountain- slope, and streams cut deep ravines and valleys in them. The island of Java is situated near the very heart of what is at the present day the most active volcanic centre on the face of the globe, yet vegetable and animal life nourish luxuriantly there, and the island is one of the richest and most fertile spots upon the face of the globe. Not all the terrors of occasional volcanic outbreaks will ever drive the Neapolitan vine- 280 VOLCANOES. dressers from the fertile slopes of Vesuvius, for its periods of repose are long, and its eruptions are of short duration. These considerations lead the geologist to conclude that the evidence afforded by the ancient volcanic rocks is clear and positive in support of the view that the manifestations of the subterranean forces in the past agree precisely in their nature and in their products with those taking place around us at the present time. On the question of great secular changes having occurred in the amount of volcanic energy in past geological periods, the evidence must be pronounced negative, or at the best doubtful. But even if the geologist confesses himself unable to establish the fact of any decline in the subterranean energies during the vast periods of which he takes cognisance, it must be remembered that such decline may really be going on ; for vast as was the duration of the geological epochs, they probably constitute but a fraction of those far grander periods which are required by the speculations of the physical astronomer. CHAPTEK X. THE PART PLAYED BY VOLCANOES IN THE ECONOMY OF NATURE THE first impression which is produced upon the mind, when the phenomena of volcanic action are studied, is that here we have exhibitions of destructive violence the effects of which must be entirely mischievous and disastrous to the living beings occupying the earth's surface. A little consideration will convince us, how- ever, that the grand and terrible character of the dis- plays of volcanic energy have given rise to exaggerated notions concerning their destructive effects. The fact that districts situated over the most powerful volcanic foci, like Java and Japan, are luxuriant in their pro- ductions, and thickly inhabited, may well lead us to pause ere we condemn volcanic action as productive only of mischief to the living beings on the earth's surface. The actual slopes of Vesuvius and Etna, and many other active volcanoes, are abundantly clothed with vineyards and forests and are thickly studded with populous villages. As a matter of fact, the actual amount of damage 282 VOLCANOES. to life and property which is effected by volcanic erup- tions is small. Usually, the inhabitants of the district have sufficient warning to enable them to escape with their lives and to carry away their most valuable pos- sessions. And though fertile tracts are covered by sterile dust and ashes, or by lava- and mud-currents, yet the sterility of the latter is generally of short dura- tion, for by their decomposition such volcanic mate- rials give rise to the formation of the richest and most productive soils. Earthquakes, as we have already seen, are far more destructive in their effects than are volcanoes. Houses and villages, nay even entire cities, are, by vibrations of portions of the earth's crust, reduced to heaps of ruins, and famines and pestilences too frequently follow, as the consequence of the disorganisation of our social systems by these terrible catastrophes. It may well be doubted, however, whether the annual average of destruction to life and property caused by all kinds of subterranean action, exceeds that produced either by floods or by hurricanes. Yet we know that the circulation of water and air over our globe are beneficial and necessary operations, and that the mischief occasionally wrought by the moving bodies of water and air is quite insignificant compared with the good which they effect. In the same way, we shall be able to show that the subterranean energies are necessary to the continued existence of our globe as a place fitted for the habita- LEVELLING ACTION OF DENUDING FORCES. 283 tion of living beings, and that the mischievous and destructive effects of these energies bear but a small and insignificant proportion to the beneficial results with which they must be credited. We have had frequent occasion in the preceding pages to refer to the work slow but sure, silent but effective wrought by the action of the denuding forces ever operating upon the surface of our globe. The waters condensing from the atmosphere and falling upon the land in the form of rain, snow, or hail, are charged with small quantities of dissolved gases, and these waters penetrating among the rock-masses of which the earth's crust is composed, give rise to various chemical actions of which we have already noticed such remark- able illustrations in studying the ancient volcanic pro- ducts of our globe. By this action the hardest and most solid rock-masses are reduced to a state of com- plete disintegration, certain of their ingredients under- going decomposition, and the cementing materials which hold their particles together being removed in a state of solution. In the higher regions of the atmosphere this work of rock-disintegration proceeds with the greatest rapidity; for there the chemical action is reinforced by the powerful mechanical action of freezing water. On high mountain-peaks the work of breaking up rock- masses goes on at the most rapid rate, and every craggy pinnacle is swathed by the heaps of fragments which have fallen from it. The Alpine traveller justly dreads the continual fusillade of falling rock-fragments which 284 VOLCANOES. is kept up by the ever-active power of the frost in these higher regions of the atmosphere ; and fears lest the vibrations of his footsteps should loosen, from their position of precarious rest, the rapidly accumulating piles of detritus. No mountain-peak attains to any very great elevation above the earth's surface, for the higher we rise in the atmosphere the greater is the range of temperature and the more destructive are the effects of the atmospheric water. The moon, which ie a much smaller planet than our earth, has mountains of far greater elevation ; but the moon possesses neither an atmosphere nor moisture on its surface, to produce those levelling effects which we see everywhere going on around us upon the earth. The disintegrated materials, produced by chemical and mechanical actions of the atmospheric waters upon rock-masses, are by floods, rivers, and glaciers, gradually transported from higher to lower levels ; and sooner 01 later every fragment, when it has once been separated from a mountain-top, must reach the ocean, where these materials are accumulated and arranged to form new rocks. Over every part of the earth's surface these three grand operations of the disintegration of old rock- masses, the transport of the materials so produced to lower levels, and the accumulation of these materials to form new rocks, is continually going on. It is by the varied action of these denuding agents upon rocks of unequal hardness, occupying different positions in re- NECESSITY EOK COMPENSATING AGENCIES. 285 lation to one another, that all the external features of hills, and plains, and mountains owe their origin. It is a fact, which is capable of mathematical de- monstration, that by the action of these denuding forces the surface of all the lands of the globe is being gradually but surely lowered ; and this takes place at such a rate that in a few millions of years the whole of the existing continents must be washed away and their materials distributed over the beds of the oceans. It is evident that there exists some agency by which this levelling action of the denuding forces of the globe is compensated ; and a little consideration will show that such compensating agency is found in the subterranean forces ever at work within the earth's crust. The effects of these subterranean forces which most power- fully arrest our attention are volcanic outbursts and earthquake shocks, but a careful study of the subject proves that these are by no means the most important of the results of the action of such forces. Exact ob- servation has proved that almost every part of the earth's surface is either rising or falling, and the striking and destructive phenomena of volcanoes and earth- quakes probably bear only the same relation to those grand and useful actions of the subterranean forces, which floods do to the system of circulating waters, and hurricanes to the system of moving air-currents. If we ride in a -well-appointed carriage with good springs, upon a railway which is in excellent order, the movement is almost imperceptible to us ; and the rate 286 VOLCANOES. of speed may be increased indefinitely, without making itself apparent to our senses. The smallest impediment to the evenness of the movement such as that pro- duced by a small object placed upon the rails at once makes itself felt by a violent jar and vibration. How perfectly insensible we may be of the grandest and most rapid movements is taught us by the facts demon- strated by the astronomei . By the earth's daily rota- tion, we are borne along at a rate which in some places .amounts to over 1,000 miles an hour; and by its an- nual revolution we are every hour transported through a distance of 70,000 miles; yet concerning the fact and direction of these movements we are wholly un- conscious. In the case both of the railway train and of our planet, we can only establish the reality of the move- ment, and its direction and rate, by means of observa- tions upon external objects, which appear to us to have a movement in the opposite direction. In the same way we can only establish the fact of the movement of portions of the earth's crust by noticing the changing positions of parts of the earth's surface in relation to the constant level of the ocean. When this is done we find abundant proof that while some parts of the earth's crust are rising, others are as undoubtedly undergoing depression. We shall be able to form some idea of the vastness of the effects produced by the subterranean forces, by a very simple consideration. It is certain that during POTENCY OF THE SUBTERRANEAN FORCES. 287 the enormous periods of time of which the records have been discovered by the geologist, there have al- ways been continents and oceans upon the earth's surface, just as at present, and it is almost equally certain that the proportions of the earth's surface occu- pied by land and water respectively, have not varied very widely from those which now prevail. But, at the same time, it is an equally well-established fact that the denuding forces ever at work upon the earth's surface would have been competent to the removal of existing continents many times over, in the vast periods covered by geological records. Hence we are driven to conclude that the subterranean movements have in past times entirely compensated for the waste produced by the denuding forces ever at work upon our globe. But this is not all. The subterranean forces not only produce upheaval; in a great many cases the evidences of subsidence are as clear and conclusive as are those of upheaval in others. Hence we are driven to conclude that the forces producing upheaval of por- tions of the earth's crust are sufficient, not only to balance those producing subsidence, but also to com- pensate for the destructive action of denuding agents upon the land-masses of the globe. It is only by a careful and attentive study and calculation of the effects produced by the denuding agents at work all around us, aided by an examination of the enormous thicknesses of strata formed by the action of such causes during past geological times, that 288 VOLCANOES. we are able to form any idea of the reality and vastness of the agents of change which are ever operating to modify the earth's external features. When we have clearly realised the grand effects produced on the sur- face of the globe by these external forces, through the action of its investing atmosphere and circulating waters, then, and only then, shall we be in a position to estimate the far greater effects resulting from the internal forces, of which the most striking, but not the most important, results are seen in the production of volcanic eruptions and earthquake-shocks. Another series of facts which serve to convince the geologist of the reality and potency of the forces ever at work within the earth's crust, and the way in which these have operated during past geological periods, is found in the disturbed condition of many of the stratified rock-masses of which it is composed. Such stratified rock-masses, it is clear, must have been originally deposited in a position of approximate horizontality ; but they are now often found in inclined and even vertical positions ; they are seen to be bent, crumpled, puckered, and folded in the most remarkable manner, and have not unfrequently been broken across by dislocations c faults ' which have sometimes dis- placed masses, originally in contact, to the extent of thousands of feet. The slate-rocks of the globe, more- over, bear witness to the fact that strata have been subjected to the action of lateral compression of enor- mous violence and vast duration ; while in the meta- EELATION TO CONTINENTAL MOVEMENTS. 289 morphic rocks we see the effects of still more extreme mechanical strains, which have been in part trans- formed into chemical action. No one who has not studied the crushed, crumpled, fractured, and altered condition of many of the sedimentary rocks of the globe, can form the faintest idea of the enormous effects of the internal forces which have been in opera- tion within the earth's crust during earlier geological periods. And it is only by such studies as these that we at last learn to regard the earthquake and volcanic phenomena of our globe, not as the grandest and most important effects of these forces, but as their secon- dary and accidental accompaniments. 'Volcanoes,' it has been said, * are the safety-valves of the globe ; ' and when we come to realise the real extent and na- ture of the internal forces ceaselessly working in the earth's crust we shall scarcely be disposed to regard the simile as an overstrained one. The first geologist who attempted to show the exact relations existing between those subterranean forces which cause the movements of continental masses of land, and those more startling displays of energy which are witnessed in volcanic outbursts, was the late Mr. Poulett Scrope. At a somewhat later date Mr. Darwin, in his remarkable paper { On the Connexion of certain Volcanic Phenomena in South America, and on the Formation of Mountain-chains and Volcanoes as the effect of Continental Elevations,' threw much new and important light upon the question. 290 VOLCANOES. While, on the one hand, we are led by recent geo- logical investigations to reject the notions which were formerly accepted, by which mountain-ranges were sup- posed to be suddenly and violently upheaved by volcanic forces, we are, on the other hand, driven to conclude that without the action of these subterranean forces, the irregularities which are exhibited on the earth's surface could not have had any existence. It is true that the actual forms of the mountain- ranges are due directly to the action of denuding forces, which have sculptured out from the rude rocky masses all the varied outlines of peaks and crags, of ravines and valleys. But it is none the less true that the determin- ing causes which have directed and controlled all this earth-sculpture, are found in the relative positions of hard and soft masses of rock; but these rock-masses have acquired their hardness and consistency, and have assumed their present positions, in obedience to the action of subterranean forces. Hence we see that though the formation of mountain-ranges is proximately due to the denuding forces, which have sculptured the earth's surface, the primary cause for the existence of such mountain-chains must be sought for in the fact that subterranean forces have been at work, folding, crump- ling, and hardening the soft sediments, and placing them in such positions that, by the action of denuda- tion, the more indurated portions are left standing as mountain-masses above the general surface. The old notion tha 4 mountain-chains are due to a FOEMATION OF MOUNTAIN-CHAINS. 291 vertical up thrust from below, finds but little support when we come to study with due care the positions of the rock-masses composing the earth's crust. On the contrary, we find that mountain-ranges are usually carved out of the crushed and crumpled edges of strata which have along certain lines been influenced by great mechanical strains, and subjected to more or less induration and chemical alteration. When we com- pare these folded and contorted portions of the strata with those parts of the same beds which are not so affected, we find the effects produced in the former are not such as would result from an up thrust from below, but from movements by which a tangential strain would be brought about. If we imagine certain lines of weakness to exist in the solid crust of the earth, then any movements in the portions of the crust be- tween these lines of weakness would cause crushing and crumpling of the strata along the latter. Recent investigations of Dana and other authors have thrown much new light upon the question of the mode of formation of mountain-chains, and the relation between the movements by which they are produced and the sudden and violent manifestations of force ^witnessed in volcanic outbursts. We cannot, perhaps, better illustrate this subject than by giving a sketch of the series of operations to which the great Alpine chains owe their origin. There are good grounds for believing that the great mountain-axis of Southern Europe, with its continuation 292 VOLCANOES. in Asia, had no existence during the earlier geological periods. Indeed, it has been proved that all the higher among the existing mountain-chains of the globe have been almost entirely formed in Tertiary times. The reason of this remarkable fact is not far to seek. So rapid is the work of denudation in the higher regions of the atmosphere, that the elevated crags and pin- nacles are being broken up by the action of moisture and frost at an exceedingly rapid rate. This fact is attested by the existence of those enormous masses of angular rock-fragments which are found lodged on every vantage-ground among the mountain-summits, as well as by the continually descending materials which are borne by glaciers and mountain-torrents to the valleys below. Where such a rate of disintegration as this is maintained, no elevated mountain- crests could exist through long geological periods. It is true we find in all parts of the globe relics of many mountain- chains which were formed before the Tertiary period ; but these have by long-continued denudation been worn down to c mere stumps.' Of such worn-down and de- graded mountain- ranges we have examples in the Scan- dinavian chains, and some of the low mountain-regions of Central Europe and North America. Let UG now proceed to illustrate this subject by briefly sketching the history of that series of opera- tions by which the great mountain-chains of the Alpine system have been formed. The first stage of that grand series of operations VOLCANIC FISSUKES OF PERMIAN PEKIOD. 293 appears from recent geological researches to have con- sisted in the opening of a number of fissures running along a line near to that at which, in a long sub- sequent period, the elevation of the mountain-masses took place. This betrayal of the existence of a line of weakness in this part of the earth's crust occurred in the Permian period, and from that time onward a series of wonderful movements and changes have been going forward, which have resulted in the production of the Alpine chains as we now see them. From the great fissures opened in Permian times along this line of weakness, great quantities of lava, scoriae, and tuff were poured out, and these accumu- lated to form great volcanic mountains, which we can now only study at a few isolated spots, as in the Tyrol, Carinthia, and about Lake Lugano. Everywhere else, these Permian volcanic rocks appear to be deeply buried under the later-formed sediments, from which the Alpine chains have been carved. Few and imperfect, however, as are the exposures of these ancient rhyolite and quartz-andesite lavas and agglomerates formed at the close of the Palaeozoic epoch, their greatly denuded relics form masses which are in places more than 9,000 feet in thickness. From this fact we are able to form some slight idea of the scale upon which the volcanic outbursts in question must have taken place during Permian times. The second stage in the series of operations by which the Alpine chains have been formed, consisted 294 VOLCANOES. in a general sinking of the surface along that line of weakness in the earth's crust, the existence of which had been betrayed by the formation of fissures and the eruption of volcanic rocks. We have already had occasion to remark how frequently such subsidences follow upon the extrusion of volcanic masses at any part of the earth's surface ; and we have referred these downward movements in part to the removal of support from below the portion of the crust affected, and in part to the weight of the materials piled upon its surface by the volcanic forces. The volcanic energy which had been manifested with such violence during the Permian period, does not appear to have died out altogether during the succeed- ing Triassic period. A number of smaller volcanic vents were opened from time to time, and from these, lavas, tuffs, and agglomerates, chiefly of basic composition, were poured out. The relics of these old Triassic vol- canoes are found at many points along the Alpine chain, but it is evident that the igneous forces were gradually becoming exhausted during this period, and before the close o" it they had fallen into a state of complete extinction. But the great subsidence which had commenced in the Triassic period, along what was to become the future line of the Alpine chain, was continued almost without interruption during the Rhsetic, the Jurassic, the Ti- thonian, the Neocomian, the Cretaceous and the Num- mulitic periods. With respect to the strata formed FOKMATION OF ALPINE GEOSYNCLINAL. 295 during all these periods, it is found that their thick- nesses, which away from the Alpine axis may be measured by hundreds of feet, is along that axis in- creased to thousands of feet. The united thickness of sediments accumulated along this great line of sub- sidence between the Permian and Nummulitic periods probably exceeds 50,000 feet, or ten miles. The sub- sidence appears to have been very slow and gradual, but almost uninterrupted, and the deposition of sedi- ments seems to have kept pace with the sinking of the sea -bottom, a fact which is proved by the circumstance that nearly the whole of these sediments were such as must have been accumulated in comparatively shallow water. By the means we have described there was thus formed a ; geosynclinal,' as geologists have called it, that is, a trough-like hollow filled with masses of ab- normally thickened sediments, which had been piled one upon another during the long periods of time in which almost uninterrupted subsidence was going on along the Alpine line of weakness in the earth's crust. In this way was brought together that enormous ac- cumulation of materials from which the hard masses of the Alpine chains were subsequently elaborated, and out of which the mountain-peaks were eventually carved by denudation. The third stage in this grand work of mountain- making commenced in the Oligocene period. It con- sisted of a series of movements affecting the parts of 296 VOLCANOES. the earth's crust on either side of the line of weakness which had first exhibited itself in Permian times. By these movements a series of tangential strains were produced, which resulted in the violent crushing, fold- ing, and crumpling of the sedimentary materials com- posing the geosynclinal. One effect of this action was the violent flexure and frequent fracture of these stratified masses, which are now found in the Alpine regions assuming the most abnormal and unexpected positions and relations to one another. Sometimes the strata are found tortured and twisted into the most complicated folds and puckerings ; at others they are seen to be completely inverted, so that the older beds are found lying upon the newer ; and in others, again, great masses of strata have been traversed by numerous fractures or faults, the rocks on either side of which are displaced to the extent of thou- sands of feet. Another effect of the great lateral thrusts by which the thick sedimentary masses of the geosynclinal were being so violently disturbed, was the production of a great amount of induration and chemical change in these rocks. Masses of soft clay, of the age of that upon which London is built, were by violent pressure reduced to the condition of roofing-slate, similar to that of North Wales. One of the most important discoveries of modern times is that which has resulted in the recognition of the fact of the mutual convertibility of different kinds of energy. We now know that mechanical force may FORMATION OF ALPINE GEANTICLINAL. 297 be transformed into he/at-force or chemical force ; and of such transformations we find abundant illustrations in the crushed and crumpled rock-masses of the Alpine chains. Under the influence of these several kinds of force, not only was extreme consolidation and induration pro- duced among the rock-masses, but chemical affinity and crystalline action had the fullest play among the materials of which they were composed. In many cases we find the originally soft muds, sands, and shell- banks converted into the most highly crystalline rocks, which retain their primary chemical composition, but have entirely lost all their other original features. To the mass of folded, crumpled, and altered strata, formed from a geosynclinal by lateral pressure, geolo- gists have given the name of a 4 geanticlinal.' The formation of the Alpine geanticlinal was due to move- ments which commenced in the Oligocene period, at- tained their maximum in the Miocene, and appear to have declined and almost altogether died out in the Pliocene period. The movements which resulted in the crushing and crumpling of the thickened mass of sediments along the Alpine line of weakness, also gave rise to the formation of a series of fissures from which volcanic action took place. These fissures were not, however, formed along the original line of weakness, for this had been strengthened and repaired by the deposition of ten- miles' thickness of sediments upon it, but along new 14 298 VOLCANOES. fissures opened in directions parallel to the original lines of weakness, and in areas where a much less considerable amount of deposition had taken place since Permian times. We have abundant evidence that, just at the period when those great movements were commencing which resulted in the formation of the great Alpine and Himalayan geanticlinal, earth-fissures were being opened upon either side of the latter from which volcanic outbursts took place. At the period when the most violent mountain-forming movements occurred, these fissures were in their most active condition, and at this time two great volcanic belts stretched east and west, on either side of, and parallel to, the great Alpine chain. The Northern volcanic band was formed by the numerous vents, now all extinct, in Auvergne, Central Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, and was probably continued in the volcanoes of the Thian Shan and Mantchouria. The Southern volcanic band was formed by the numerous vents of the Iberian and Italian peninsulas, and the islands of the Mediter- ranean, and were continued to the eastward by those of Asia Minor, Arabia, and the North Indian Ocean. As the earth-movements which produced the geanti- clinal died away, the volcanic energy along these parallel volcanic bands died away at the same time. In studying the geology of Central and Southern Europe, no fact comes out more strikingly than that of the synchronism between the earth-movements by SCULPTUKING- OF ALPS BY DENUDATION. 299 which the geanticlinal of the Alps was formed, and the volcanic manifestations which were exhibited along lines of fissure parallel to that geanticlinal. The earth-movements and the volcanic outbursts both com- menced in the Oligocene period, gradually attained their maximum in the Miocene, and as slowly declined in the Pliocene. The fourth stage in the great work of mountain- building in the case of the Alps consisted in the opera- tion of the denuding forces, the disintegrating action of rain and frost, the transporting action of rivers and glaciers, by which the Alpine peaks were gradually sculptured out of the indurated and altered masses con- stituting the geanticlinal. The action of this fourth stage went on to a great extent side by side with that of the third stage. So soon as the earth-movements had brought the submerged sedimentary masses of the geosynclinal under the action of the surface tides and currents of the ocean, marine denudation would com- mence ; and, as the work of elevation went on, the rock-masses would gradually be brought within the reach of those more silently-working but far more effective agents which are ever operating in the higher regions of the atmosphere. It is impossible to say what would have been the height of the Alpine chain if the work of denudation had not to a great extent kept pace with that of elevation. Only the harder and more crystalline masses have for the most part escaped destruction, and stand up in high craggy summits; 300 VOLCANOES. while flanking bills, like the well-known Rigi, are seen to be composed of conglomerates thousands of feet in thickness, composed of their disintegrated materials. It is a remarkable fact, as showing how enormous was the work of elevation during the formation of the ge- anticlinal, that some of the youngest and least con- solidated rocks of the Nummulitic period are still found at a height of 11,000 feet in the Alps, and of 16,000 feet in the Himalaya. From what has been said, it will be seen that mountain-chains may be regarded as cicatrised wounds in the earth's solid crust. A line of weakness first betrays itself at a certain part of the earth's surface by fissures, from which volcanic outbursts take place ; and thus the position of the future mountain-chain is de- termined. Next, subsidence during many millions of years permits of the accumulation of the raw materials out of which the mountain-range is to be formed ; sub- sequent earth-movements cause these raw materials to be elaborated into the hardest and most crystalline rock-masses, and place them in elevated and favourable positions ; and lastly, denudation sculptures from these hardened rock-masses all the varied mountain forms. Thus the work of mountain-making is not, as was formerly supposed by geologists, the result of a simple upheaving force, but is the outcome of a long and com plicated series of operations. The careful study of other mountain-chains, espe- cially those of the American continent, has shown that ORIGIN OF OTHER MOUNTAIN-CHAINS. 301 the series of actions which we have described as oc- curring in the Alps, took place in the same order in the formation of all mountain-masses. It is doubtful whether the line of weakness is always betrayed in the first instance by the formation along its course of volcanic fissures. But in all cases we have evidence of the production of a geosynclinal, which is afterwards, by lateral pressure, converted into a geanticlinal, and from this the mountain-chains have been carved by denudation. Professor Dana has shown that the geo- synclinal of the Appalachian chain was made up of sediments attaining a thickness of 40,000 feet, or eight miles ; while Mr. Clarence King has shown that a part of the geosynclinal of the Eocky Mountains was built up of no less than 60,000 feet, or twelve miles of strata. It has thus been established that a very remarkable relation exists between the forces by which continental masses of land are raised and depressed, and mountain- ranges have been developed along lines of weakness separating such moving continental masses, and those more sudden and striking manifestations of energy which give rise to volcanic phenomena. It is in this relation between the widespread subterranean energies and the local development of the same forces at vol- canic vents, that we must in all probability seek for the explanation of those interesting peculiarities of the distribution of volcanoes upon the face of the globe which we have described in a former chapter. Tne 302 VOLCANOES. parallelism of volcanic bands to great mountain-chains is thus easily accounted for ; and in the same way we may probably explain the position of most volcanoes with regard to coast- lines. We have already pointed out the objections to the commonly-received view that volcanoes depend for their supplies of water on the proximity of the ocean. This proximity of the ocean to volcanic vents we are thus inclined to regard, not as the cause, but as the effect of the subterranean action. The positions of both volcanoes and coast-lines are determined by the limits of those great areas of the earth's crust which are subjected to slow vertical move- ments, often in opposite directions. Terrible and striking, then, as are the phenomena connected with volcanic action, such sudden and vio- lent manifestations of the subterranean energy must not be regarded as the only, or indeed the chief, effects which they produce. The internal forces continually at work within the earth's crust perform a series of most important functions in connection with the eco- nomy of the globe, and were the action of these forces to die out, our planet would soon cease to be fit for the habitation of living beings. There is no fact which the geological student is more constantly called upon to bear in mind than that of the potency of seemingly insignificant causes which continue in constant operation through long periods of time. Indeed these small and almost unnoticed agencies at work upon the earth's crust are often found, EFFECTS OF SLOW CONTINENTAL MOVEMENTS. 303 in the long run, to produce far grander effects than those of which the action is much more striking and obvious. It is to the silent and imperceptible action of atmospheric moisture and frost that the disintegra- tion of the solid rock-masses must be mainly ascribed ; and the noisy cataract and ocean-billow produce effects which are quite insignificant compared with those which must be ascribed to the slight and almost un- noticed forces. Great masses of limestone are built up of the remains of microscopic organisms, while the larger and higher life-forms contribute but little to the great work of rock-building. In the same way it is to the almost unnoticed action of the subterranean forces in raising some vast areas of the earth's crust, in depressing others, and in bringing about the development of mountain-chains between them, that we must ascribe a far more im- portant part in the economy of our globe than to the more conspicuous but less constant action of volcanoes. A few simple considerations will serve to convince us, not only of the beneficial effects of the action of the subterranean energies within the earth's crust, but of the absolute necessity of the continued operation of those energies to the perpetuation of that set of con- ditions by which our planet is fitted to be the habita- tion of living beings. We have already referred to the prodigious effects which are constantly being produced around us by the action of the external forces at work upon the globe. 304 VOLCANOES. The source of these external forces is found in the movements and changes which are ever going on within the aqueous and atmospheric media in which the globe is enveloped. The circulation of the air, influencing the circulation of the waters in the shape of clouds, rain, snow, rivers, glaciers, and oceans, causes the breaking up of even the hardest rock-masses, and the continual removal of their disintegrated fragments from higher to lower levels. This work goes on with more or less regularity over every part of the land raised above the level of the ocean, but the rate of destruction in the higher regions of the atmosphere is far more rapid than at lower levels. Hence the cir- culating air and water of the globe are found to be continually acting as levellers of the land-masses of the earth. It is by no means a difficult task to calculate the approximate rate at which the various continents and islands are being levelled down, and such calculations prove that in a very few millions of years the existing forces operating upon the earth's surface would reduce the whole of the land-masses to the level of the ocean. But a little consideration will convince us that the circulation of the air and waters of the globe are them- selves dependent upon the existence of those irregu- larities of the land-surfaces which they are constantly tending to destroy. Without elevated mountain ridges the regular condensation of moisture, and its collection and distribution in streams and rivers over every part CONTRAST BETWEEN THE EARTH AND MOON. 305 of the land surfaces, could not take place. Under these circumstances the unchecked evaporation of the oceanic waters would probably go on, till the proportion of water- vapour increased to such an extent in the atmosphere as effectually to destroy those nicely-balanced conditions upon which the continued existence of both vegetable and animal life depend. But the repeated upward and downward move- ments which have been shown to be going on in the great land-masses of the globe, giving rise in turns to those lateral thrusts and tangential strains to which mountain-chains owe their formation, afford a perfect compensation to the action of the external forces ever operating upon the earth's surface. If, however, the uncompensated effect of the ex- ternal forces acting on the earth's crust is calculated to bring about the destruction of those conditions upon which the existence of life depends, the uncompensated effect of the internal forces acting on the earth's crust are fraught with at least equal dangers to those neces- sary conditions. In our nearest neighbour among the planets the moon the telescope has revealed to us the existence of a globe, in which the internal forces have not been checked and controlled by the operation of any external agencies for the moon appears to be destitute of both atmosphere and water. r Under these circumstances we find its surface, as we might expect, to be composed of rocks which appear 306 VOLCANOES. to be entirely of igneous origin ; the mountain-masses, unworn by rain or frost, river or glacier, being of most prodigious dimensions as compared with those of our own globe, while no features at all resembling valleys, or plains, or alluvial flats are anywhere to be discerned upon the lunar surface. But by the admirable balancing of the external and internal forces on our own globe, the conditions neces- sary to animal and vegetable existence are almost con- stantly maintained, and those interruptions of such conditions, produced by hurricanes and floods, by volcanic outbursts and earthquakes, may safely be regarded as the insignificant accidents of what is, on the whole, a very perfectly working piece of machinery. The ancients loved to liken the earth to a living being the macrocosm of which man was the puny representative or microcosm ; and when we study the well-adapted interplay of the forces at work upon the earth's crust, both from within and without, the analogy seems a scarcely strained one. In the macrocosm and the microcosm alike, slight interferences with the regu- lar functions occasionally take place, and both of them exhibit the traces of a past evolution and the germs of an eventual decay. CHAPTEE XT. WHAT VOLCANOES TEACH US CONCERNING THE NATURE OF THE EARTH'S- INTERIOR. IN entering upon any speculations or enquiries concern- ing the nature of the interior of our globe, it is neces- sary before all things that we should clearly realise in our minds how small and almost infinitesimal s that part of the earth's mass which can be subjected to direct examination. The distance from the surface to the centre of our globe is nearly 4,000 miles, but the deepest mines do not penetrate to much more than half a mile from the surface, and the deepest borings fall far short of a mile in depth. Sometimes, it is true, the geologist finds means for drawing inferences as to the nature of the rocks at depths of ten or fifteen miles below the surface ; but the last-named depth must be regarded as the utmost limit of that portion of our globe which can be made the object of direct observa- tion and study. This thin exterior film of the earth's mass, which the geologist is able to investigate, we call the ' crust of the globe ' ; but it must be remembered that in using this term, it is not intended to imply that 308 VOLCANOES. the outer part of our globe differs in any essential re- spect from the interior. The term ' crust of the globe ' is employed by geologists as a convenient way of referring to that portion of the earth which is accessible to their observation. But if we are unable to make direct investigations concerning the nature of the internal portions of the globe, there are nevertheless a number of facts from which we may draw important inferences upon the subject. These facts and the inferences based upon them we shall now proceed to consider. First in importance among these we may mention the results which have been obtained by weighing our globe. Various methods have been devised for accom- plishing this important object, and the conclusions arrived at by different methods agree so closely with one another, that there is no room for doubt as to the substantial accuracy of those results. It may be taken as proved beyond the possibility of controversy that our globe is equal in weight to five and a half globes of the same size composed of water, or, in other words, that the average density of the materials composing the globe is five and a half times as great as that of water. Now the density of the materials which compose the crust of the globe is very much less than this, varying from about two-and-one-third to three times that of water. Hence we are compelled to conclude that the interior portions of the globe are of far greater density than the exterior portions ; that, as a matter of fact. DENSITY OF EARTH'S INTERIOR. 309 the mass of the globe is composed of materials having twice the density of the rocks exposed at the surface. It has been sometimes argued that as all materials under intense pressure appear to yield to an appreciable extent, and to allow their particles to be packed into a smaller compass, we may find in this fact an explanation of the great density of the internal parts of the globe. It has in fact been suggested that under the enormous pressure which must be exerted by masses of rock several thousand feet in thickness, the materials of which our earth is composed may be compelled to pack themselves into less than one-half the compass which they occupy at the surface. But the ascription of such almost unlimited compressibility to solid substances can be supported neither by experiment nor analogy. Various considerations point to the probability that solid bodies yield to pressure up to a certain limit and S no farther, and that when this limit is reached an in- crease in pressure is no longer attended with a re- duction in bulk. If then we are compelled to reject the idea of the unlimited compressibility of solid substances, we must conclude that the interior portions of our globe are composed of materials of a different kind from those which occur in its crust. And this conclusion, as we shall presently see, is borne out by a number of in- dependent facts. The study of the materials ejected from volcanic vents proves that even at very moderate depths there 310 VOLCANOES. exist substances differing greatly in density, as well as in chemical composition. The lightest lavas have a specific gravity of 2-3, the heaviest of over 3. And that materials of even greater density are sometimes brought by volcanic action from the earth's interior, we have now the clearest proofs. But in considering a question of this kind, it will be well to remember that analogy may furnish us with hints upon the subject which may prove to be by no means unimportant. There is no question upon which modern science has wrought out a more complete re- volution in our ideas, than that of the relation of our earth to the other bodies of the universe. We know, as the result of recent research, that our globe is one of a great family of bodies, moving through space in similar paths and in obedience to the same laws. A hundred years ago the primary and secondary planets of the solar system could be almost numbered upon the fingers ; now we recognise the fact that they exist in countless millions, presenting every variety of bulk from masses 1,400 times as large as our earth down to the merest planetary dust. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, more than 200 small planets have been recognised as occurring, and every year additions are made to the number of these asteroids. Comets have now been identified with streams of such planetary bodies, of minute size, moving in regular orbits through our system. The magnificent showers of ' shoot ing- stars ' have been proved to be caused by KELATION BETWEEN EAKTH AND OTHEK PLANETS. 311 the passage of the earth through such bands of travel- ling bodies, and 'the zodiacal light' finds its most probable explanation in the supposition that the sun is surrounded by a great mass of such minute planets. Every increase in the power of the telescope reveals to us the existence of new secondary planets or moons, re- volving about the primaries ; and the wonderful system of the Saturnian rings is now explained by the proved existence of great streams of such secondary planets circling around it. The solar system was formerly con- ceived of as a vast solitude through which a few gigantic bodies moved at awful distances from one another. Now we know that the supposed empty void is traversed by countless myriads of bodies of the most varied dimen- sions, all moving in certain definite paths, in obedience to the same laws, ever acting and reacting upon each other, and occasionally coming into collision. There are not wanting further facts to prove that the other planets are like our own in many of their phenomena and surroundings. In some of them atmo- spheric phenomena have been detected, such as the for- mation of clouds and the deposition of snow, so that the external forces at work on our globe act upon them also. And that internal forces, like those we have been considering in the case of our earth, are at work in our neighbours, is proved by the great solar storms and the condition of the moon's surface. But the results of spectrum-analysis in recent years have furnished new facts in proof of the close relation- 314 VOLCANOES. But this is by no means the case with the meteorites. In them we find metals like iron, nickel, cobalt, &c., in their uncombined condition, and forming alloys with one another. The same and other metals also occur in combination with carbon, phosphorus, chlorine, and sulphur, and some of the substances thus formed are quite unknown among terrestrial rocks. Compounds of the oxide of silicon with the oxides of the metals such as form the mass of the crust of the globe do occur in meteorites, but they play a much less important part than in the case of the terrestrial rocks. Among the substances found in meteorites are several which do not exist among the terrestrial rocks some, indeed, which it seems impossible to conceive of as being formed and preserved under terrestrial con- ditions. Among these we may mention the phosphide of iron and nickel (Schreibersite), the sulphide of chromium and iron (Daubreelite), the protosulphide of iron (Troilite), the sulphide of calcium (Oldhamite), the protochloride of iron (Lawrencite), and a peculiar form of crystallised silica, called by Professor Maskelyne ' Asmanite.' There are other phenomena exhibited by meteorites which indicate that they must have been formed under conditions very different to those which prevail upon the earth's surface. Thus we find that fused iron and molten slag-like materials have remained entangled with each other, and have not separated as they would do if a great body like the earth were near to exercise the DIFFERENT KINDS OF METEORITES. 315 varying force of gravity upon the two classes of sub- stances. Again, meteorites are found to have absorbed many times their bulk of hydrogen gas, and to exhibit peculiarities in their microscopic structure which can probably be only accounted for when we remember that they were formed in the interplanetary spaces, far away from any great attracting body. But in recent years a number of very important facts have been discovered which may well lead us to devote a closer attention to the composition and struc- ture of meteorites. It has been shown, on the one hand, that some meteorites contain substances precisely similar to those which are sometimes brought from the earth's interior during volcanic outbursts ; and, on the other hand, there have been detected, among some of the ejections of volcanoes, bodies which so closely re- semble meteorites that they were long mistaken for them. Both kinds of observation seem to point to the conclusion that the earth's interior is composed of similar materials to those which we find in the small planets called meteorites. M. Daubree has proposed a very convenient classifi- cation for meteorites, dividing them into the following four groups : I. Holosiderites ; consisting almost entirely of metallic iron, or of iron alloyed with nickel, stony matter being absent; but sulphides, phosphides, and carbides of several metals are often diffused through the mass. The polished surfaces of these meteoric 318 VOLCANOES. metals in the free or uncombined state. But not tm- frequently we find among the ordinary ejections of volcanoes, nodules and fragments of such ultra-basic materials, which have clearly been carried up with the other lavas from great depths in the earth's crust. Thus in Auvergne, the Eifel, Bohemia, Styria, and many other volcanic districts, the basaltic lavas and tuffs are found to contain nodules composed of the minerals which are so highly characteristic of meteo- rites. Such nodules, too, often form the centres of the volcanic bombs which are thrown out of craters during eruptions. We thus see that materials identical in composition and character with the stony portions of meteorites, exist within the earth's interior, and are thrown out on its surface by volcanic action. A still more interesting discovery has been made in recent years ; namely, that materials similar to the metallic portion of meteorites, and consisting of nickeliferous iron, also occur in deep- seated portions of the earth's crust, and are brought to the surface during periods of igneous activity. In the year 1870, Professor Nordenskiold made a most important discovery at Ovifak, on the south side of the Island of Disko, off the Greenland coast. On the shore of the island a number of blocks of iron were seen, and the chemical examination of these proved that, like ordinary metallic meteorites, they consisted of iron alloyed with nickel and cobalt. Now, when the facts concerning the masses of native IRON-MASSES OF OVIFAK. 310 iron of Ovifak were made known, the first and most natural explanation which presented itself to every mind was, that these were a number of meteorites Metallic iron. Opaque crystals of magnetite (black oxide of iron). Transparent crystals of felspar, augite, and olivine. FIG. 87. SECTION OF BASALT FROM OVIFAK, GREENLAND, WITH PARTICLES OF METALLIC IRON DIFFUSED THROUGH ITS MASS. which at some past period had fallen upon the earth's surface. But a further examination of the locality revealed a number of facts which, as Professor Steenstrup pointed out, it is very difficult to reconcile with the theory that the Ovifak masses of iron are of meteoric 320 VOLCANOES. origin. The district of Western Greenland, where these masses were discovered, has been the scene of volcanic outbursts on the grandest scale during the Miocene period. In close proximity to the great iron masses, there are seen a number of basaltic dykes; and, when these dykes are carefully examined, the basaltic rock of which they are composed is seen to be full of particles of metallic iron. In fig. 87, we have a drawing made from a section of the Ovifak basalts magnified four or five diameters. The rock-mass is seen to be composed of black, opaque magnetite, and transparent crystals of augite, labradorite, olivine, &c. ; while, through the whole, particles of metallic iron are. found entangled among the different crystals in the most remarkable manner. It has been suggested that this singular rock might have been formed by a meteorite falling, in Miocene times, into a lava-stream in a state of incandescence. But the relation of the metallic particles to the stony materials is such as to lend no support whatever to this rather strained hypothesis. A careful study of all the facts of the case by Lawrence Smith, Daubree, and others well acquainted with the phenomena exhibited by meteorites, has led to the conclusion that the large iron-masses of Ovifak, a& well as the particles of metallic iron diffused through the surrounding basalts, are all of terrestrial origin, and have been brought by volcanic action from the earth's interior. It is probable that, just as we find in many MATERIALS FILLING METALLIC-VEINS. 821 basaltic lavas nodules of ultra-basic materials similar to the stony parts of meteorites, so in these basalts of Ovifak we have masses of iron alloyed with nickel, similar to the metallic portions of meteorites. Both the stony and metallic enclosures in the basalt are in all probability derived from deeper portions of the earth's crust. By the weathering away of the basalt of Ovifak, the larger masses of metallic iron have been left exposed upon the shore where they were found. There are a number of other facts which seem to support this startling conclusion. Thus it has been shown by Professor Andrews that certain basalts in our own islands contain particles of metallic iron of micro- scopic dimensions, and it is not improbable that some of the masses of nickeliferous iron found in various parts of the earth's surface, which have hitherto been regarded as meteorites, are, like those of Ovifak, of terrestrial origin. Another piece of evidence pointing in the same direction, is derived from those great fissures communi- cating with the interior of our globe which become filled with metallic minerals, and are known to us as mineral- veins. In these mineral-veins the native metals, their alloys, and combinations of these with sulphur, chlorine, phosphorus, &c., are frequently present. But oxides of the metals, except as products of subsequent alteration, occur far less frequently than in the earth's crust gene- rally. Hence we are led to conclude that the substances which in the outer part of the earth's crust always exist 15 322 VOLCANOES. in combination with oxygen, are at greater depths in a free and uncombined condition. Nor is it a circumstance altogether unworthy of attention that the researches of Mr. Norman Lockyer and other astronomers, based on the known facts of the relative densities of the several members of the solar system, and the ascertained relations of the different solar envelopes, have led to conclusions closely in accord with those arrived at by geologists. These researches appear to warrant the hypothesis that the interior of our globe consists of metallic substances uncombined with oxygen, and that among these metallic substances iron plays an important part. Our globe, as we know, is a great magnet, and the remarkable phenomena of terrestrial magnetism may also not improbably find their explanation in the fact that metallic iron forms so large a portion of the earth's interior. The interesting facts which we have been consider- ing may be made clearer by the accompanying diagram (fig. 88). The materials ejected from volcanic vents (lavas) are in almost all cases compounds of silicon and the various metals with oxygen. In the lighter or acid lavas oxygen constitutes one-half of their weight, and the proportion of metals of the iron-group is very small. As we pass to the heavier intermediate and basic lavas, we find the proportion of oxygen diminishing, and the metals of the alkaline earths (magnesium and calcium) with the metals of the iron-group increasing, in quan- tity. In the small and interesting group of the ultra- TERRESTRIAL AND EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ROCKS. 323 basic lavas the proportion of oxygen is comparatively small, and the proportion of magnesium and iron very high. So much for the terrestrial rocks. Now let us turn our attention to the extra-terrestrial rocks or those found in meteorites. The Asiderites are quite identical in composition with the ultra-basic lavas of our globe, but in the Sporadosiderites and the Sys- siderites we find the proportion of oxygen rapidly dimi- nishing, and that of metallic iron increasing. Finally, in the Holosiderites the oxygen entirely disappears, and the whole mass becomes metallic. From the Holosiderites at one end of the chain to the acid lavas at the other, we find there is a complete and continuous series; the rocks of terrestrial origin overlapping, in their least oxydized representatives, the most highly oxydized representatives of the extra-ter- restrial rocks. But the discovery at Ovifak of the iron- masses, and the basalts with iron disseminated, has afforded another very important link, placing the ter- restrial and extra-terrestrial rocks in closer relations with one another. All these facts appear to point to the conclusion that the earth's interior consists of metallic substances either quite uncombined or simply alloyed with one another, and among these iron is very conspicuous by its abundance. The outer crust, which is probably of no great thickness, contains an enormous proportion of oxygen and silicon combined with the materials which constitute the interior portions of our globe. It may 324 VOLCANOES. be, as has been suggested by astronomers, that our earth consisted at one time of a solid metallic mass surrounded by a vaporous envelope of metalloids, and that the whole of the latter, with the exception of the constituents of the atmosphere and ocean, have gradu- ally entered into combination with the metals of the nucleus to form the existing crust of the globe. But of this period the geologist can take no cognisance. The records which he studies evidently commenced at a long subsequent period, when the conditions prevail- ing at the earth's surface differed but little, if at all, from those which exist at the present day. Equally little has the geologist to do with speculations concerning a far distant future when, as some philosophers have suggested, the work of combination of the waters and atmosphere of the earth's surface with the metallic substances of its interior shall be completed, and our globe, entirely deprived of its fluid envelopes, reduced to the condition in which we find our satellite, the moon. There is another class of enquiries concerning the earth's interior to which the attention of both geologists and astronomers has long been directed that, namely, which deals with the problem of the physical condition of the interior of our globe. The fact that masses of molten materials are seen at many points of the earth's surface to issue from fissures in the crust of our globe, seems at first sight to find a simple explanation if we suppose our planet to PHYSICAL CONDITION OF EARTH'S INTERIOR. 325 consist of a fluid central mass surrounded by a solid crust. Hence we find that among those who first thought upon this subject, this hypothesis of a liquid centre and a solid crust was almost universally accepted. This hypothesis was supposed to find further support in the fact that, as we penetrate into the earth's crust by mines or boring operations, the temperature is found to continually increase. It was imagined, too, that this condition of our planet would best agree with the requirements of the nebular hypothesis of Laplace, which explains the formations and movements of the bodies of the solar system by the cooling down of a nebulous mass. But a more careful and critical examination of the question has led many geologists and astronomers to reject the hypothesis that the earth consists of a great fluid mass surrounded by a comparatively thin shell of solid materials. Volcanic outbursts and earthquake tremors, though so terrible and destructive to man and his works, are but slight and inconsiderable disturbances in a globe of such vast dimensions as that on which we live. The condition of the crust of the globe is, in spite of volcanic and earthquake manifestations, one of general stability ; and this general stability has certainly been main- tained during the vast periods covered by the geological record. Such a state of things seems quite irrecon- cilable with the supposition that, at no great depth from the surface, the whole mass of the globe is in a 326 VOLCANOES. liquid condition. If, on the other hand, it be supposed that the solid crust of the globe is several hundreds of miles in thickness, it is difficult to understand how the local centres of volcanic activity could be supplied from such deep-seated sources. There are other facts which seem equally irreconcil- able with the hypothesis of a fluid centre and a thin solid crust in our globe. If all igneous products were derived from one central reservoir, we might fairly expect to find a much greater uniformity of character among those products than really exists. But in some cases, materials of totally different composition are ejected at the same time from closely adjoining vol- canic districts. Thus in Hungary and Bohemia, as we have seen, lavas of totally different character were being extruded during the Miocene period. In the island of Hawaii, as Professor Dana has pointed out, igneous ejections have taken place at a crater 14,000 feet above the sea-level, while a closely adjoining open vent at a level 10,000 feet lower exhibited no kind of sympathy with the disturbance. Whatever may be the cause of volcanic action, it seems clear that it does not originate in a universal mass of liquefied material situated at no great depth from the earth's surface. The conclusions arrived at by astronomers and physicists is one quite in accord with those which geologists have reached by totally different methods. It is now very generally admitted that if the earth were not a rigid mass, its behaviour under the attrac- ARGUMENTS AGAINST LIQUID INTERIOR. 327 tive influences of the surrounding members of the solar system would be very different to what is found to be the case. That the earth is in a solid condition to a great depth from the surface, and possibly quite to the centre, is a conclusion concerning which there can be little doubt ; and in the next chapter we shall endeavour to show that such a condition of things is by no means incompatible with those manifestations of internal energy, the phenomena of which we are considering in this work. The question, therefore, of the complete solidity of our globe, or of its consisting of a solid and a liquid portion, is one of speculative interest only, and is in no way involved in our investigations concern- ing the nature and origin of volcanic activity. We may conclude this chapter by enumerating the several hypotheses which have at different times been main- tained concerning the nature of the interior of our globe. First. It has been suggested that the earth con- sists of a fluid or semi-fluid nucleus surrounded and enclosed in a solid shell. Some have maintained this shell to be of such insignificant thickness, as compared with the bulk of the interior liquid mass, that portions of the latter are able to reach the earth's surface through movements and fractures of the outer shell, and that in this manner volcanic manifestations originate. Others, impressed with the general stability and rigidity of the globe as a whole, have maintained that the outer solid shell must have a very considerable thickness, amount- 328 VOLCANOES. ing probably to not less than several hundreds of miles. But through a shell of such thickness it is difficult to conceive of the liquid masses of the interior finding their way to the surface, and those who have held this view are driven to suggest some other means by which local developments of volcanic action might be brought about. Secondly. Some physicists have asserted that a globe of liquid matter radiating its heat into space, would tend to solidify both at the surface and the centre, at the same time. The consequence of this action would be the production of a sphere with a solid external shell and a solid central nucleus, but with an interposed layer in a fluid or semi-fluid condition. It has been pointed out that if we suppose the solidification to have gone so far, as to have caused the partial union of the in- terior nucleus and the external shell, we may conceive a condition of things in which the stability and rigidity is sufficient to satisfy both geologists and as- tronomers, but that in still unsolidified pockets or reservoirs, filled with liquefied rock, between the nu- cleus and the shell, we should have a competent cause for the production of the volcanic phenomena of the globe. In this hypothesis, however, it is assumed that the cooling at the centre and the surface of the globe would go on at such rates that the reservoirs ot liquid material would be left at a moderate depth from the surface, so that easy communication could be opened between them and volcanic vents. EEVIEW OF THE SEVERAL HYPOTHESES. 329 Thirdly. It has been maintained that the earth may have become perfectly solid from the centre to the surface. Those who hold this view endeavour to account for the phenomena of volcanoes in one of two ways. It may be, they say, that the deep-seated rock- masses, though actually solid, are in a state of poten- tial liquidity; that though reduced to a solid state by the intense pressure of the superincumbent masses, yet such is the condition of unstable equilibrium in the whole mass, that the comparatively slight movements and changes taking place at the earth's surface suffice to bring about the liquefaction of portions of its crust and consequent manifestations of volcanic energy. But it may be, as other supporters of the doctrine of the earth's complete solidity have maintained, that the phenomena of volcanoes have no direct connection with a supposed incandescent condition of our planet at all, and that there are chemical and mechanical forces at work within our globe which are quite competent to produce at the surface all those remarkable phenomena which we identify with volcanic action. From this summary of the speculative views which have been entertained upon the subject of the physical condition of the earth's interior, it will be clear that at present we have not sufficient evidence for arriving at anything like a definite solution of the problem. The conditions of temperature and pressure which exist in the interior of a globe of such vast dimensions as our earth, are so far removed from those which we can 330 VOLCANOES. imitate in our experimental enquiries, and it is so un- safe to push the application of laws arrived at by the latter to the extreme limits required by the former, that we shall do well to pause before attempting to dogmatise on such a difficult question. In the next chapter we shall endeavour to grapple with a somewhat more hopeful task, to point out how far observation and experiment have enabled us to offer a reasonable explanation of the wonderful series of phenomena which are displayed during outbursts of volcanic activity. CHAPTER XII. THE ATTEMPTS WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSES OF VOLCANIC ACTION. EVERY completed scientific investigation must consist of four series of operations. In the first of these an attempt is made to collect the whole of the facts bearing on the question, by means of observation and experiment; the latter being only observation under conditions determined by ourselves. In the second stage of the enquiry, the attention is directed to classi- fying and grouping the isolated facts, so as to deter- mine their bearings upon one another, and the general conclusions to which they appear to point. In the third stage, it is sought to frame an hypothesis which shall embrace all the observed facts, and shall be in harmony with the general conclusions derived from them. In the fourth stage, this hypothesis is put to the most rigid test ; comparing the results which must follow, if it be true, with the phenomena actually ob- served, and rejecting or amending our hypothesis accord- ingly. Every great scientific theory has thus been 332 ...... VOLCANOES. established by these four processes observation, gene- ralisation, hypothesis, and verification. The enquiry concerning the nature and causes of volcanic action is far from being a completed one. It is true that many hypotheses upon the subject have been framed, but in too many instances these have not been based on accurate observations and careful gene- ralisations, and can be regarded as little better than mere guesses. Indeed, the state of the enquiry at the present time would seem to be as follows. Although much remains to be done in the direction both of observation and experiment, the main facts of the case have been established upon irrefragable evidence. The classification and comparison of these facts have led to the recognition of certain laws, which seem to embrace all the known facts. To account for these facts and their demonstrated relations to one another, certain tentative hypotheses have been suggested ; but in no case can it be truly said that these latter have so far stood the test of exact enquiry as to deserve to rank as demonstrated truths. A complete and consistent theory of volcanic action still remains to be discovered. In accordance with the plan which we have sketched out for ourselves at the commencement of this work, we shall aim at following what has been the order of investigation and discovery in our study of volcanic action ; and in this concluding chapter we shall indi- cate the different hypotheses by which it has been proposed to account for the varied phenomena, which VALUE AND LIMITS OF we have discussed in the preceding pages, and their remarkable relations to one another. We shall en deavour, in passing, to indicate how far these several hypotheses appear to be probable, as satisfying a larger or smaller number of those conditions of the problem which have been established by observation, experi- ment, and careful reasoning ; but we shall at the same time carefully avoid such advocacy of any particular views as would tend to a prejudgment of the question. Hypothesis is, as we have seen, one of the legitimate and necessary operations in scientific investigation. It only becomes a dangerous and treacherous weapon when it is made to precede rather than to follow obser- vation and experiment, or when being regarded with paternal indulgence, an attempt is made to shield it from the relentless logic of facts. Good and bad hypotheses must be allowed to ' grow together till the harvest ; ' such as are unable to accommodate them- selves to the surrounding conditions imposed by newly-discovered facts and freshly-established laws will assuredly perish ; and in this c struggle for existence ' the true hypothesis will in the end survive, while the false ones perish. It may well happen, however, that among the hypotheses which have up to the present time been framed, none will be found to entirely satisfy all the conditions of the problem. New discoveries in physics and chemistry have suggested fresh explanations of volcanic phenomena in the past, and may continue to 334 VOLCANOES. do so in the future; and the true theory of volcanic action, when it is at last discovered, may combine many of the principles which now seem to be peculiar to different hypotheses. Let us, in the first place, enquire what are the facts which must be accounted for in any theory of volcanic action. We have already been led to the conclusion that the phenomena exhibited by volcanoes were en- tirely produced by the escape of imprisoned water and other gases from masses of incandescent and fluid rock. Our subsequent examination of the problem confirmed the conclusion that in all cases of volcanic outburst we have molten rock-materials from which water and other gases issue with greater or less violence. The two great facts to be accounted for, then, in any attempted explanation of volcanic phenomena, are the existence of this high temperature at certain points within the earth's crust, and the presence of great quantities of water and gas, imprisoned in the rocks. We shall perhaps simplify the enquiry if we examine these two questions separately, and, in the first place, review those hypotheses which have been suggested to account for high temperatures in the subterranean regions, and, in the second place, examine those which seek to explain the presence of large quantities of imprisoned water and gases. That a high temperature exists in the earth's crust at some depth from the surface is a fact which does not admit of any doubt. Every shaft sunk for mining INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE WITH DEPTH. 335 operations, and every deep boring made for the purpose of obtaining water, proves that a more or less regular increase of temperature takes place as we penetrate downwards. The average rate of this increase of tem- perature has been estimated to be about 1 Fahrenheit for every 50 or 60 feet of depth. Now if it be assumed that this regular increase of temperature continues to great depths, a simple calcu- lation proves that at a depth of 9,000 feet a temperature of 212 Fahrenheit will be found one sufficient to boil water at the earth's surface while at a depth of 28 miles the temperature will be high enough to melt cast-iron, and at 34 miles to fuse platinum. So marked is this steady increase of temperature as we go downwards, that it has been seriously proposed to make very deep borings in order to obtain supplies of warm water for heating our towns. Arago and Wal- ferdin suggested this method for warming the Jardin des Plantes at Paris ; and now that such important improvements have been devised in carrying borings to enormous depths, the time may not be far distant when we shall draw extensively upon these supplies of sub- terranean heat. At the present time the city of Buda- Pesth is extensively supplied with hot-water from an underground source. Should our coal-supply ever fail it may be well to remember that we have these inex- haustible supplies of heat everywhere beneath our feet. But although we may conclude that at the moderate 336 VOLCANOES. depths we have indicated such high temperatures exist, it would not be safe to infer, as some have done, that at a distance of only 40 or 50 miles from the surface the materials composing our globe are in a state of actual fusion. Both theory and experiment indicate that under increased pressure the fusing point of solid bodies is raised ; and just as in a Papin's digester we may have water retained by high pressure in a liquid condition at a temperature far above 212 F., so in the interior of the earth, masses of rock may exist in a solid state, at a temperature far above that at which they would fuse at the earth's surface. We may speak of such rock-masses, retained in a solid condition by intense pressure, at a temperature far above their fusing point at the earth's surface, as being in a fi potentially liquid condition.' Upon any relief of pressure such masses would at once assume the liquid state, just as the superheated water in a Papin's digester imme- diately flashes into steam upon the fracture of the strong vessel by which it is confined. We have already seen how the action at volcanic vents often appears to indicate just such a manifestation of elastic forces, as would be exhibited by the relief of superheated masses from a state of confinement by pressure. In reasoning upon questions of this kind, however, we must always be upon our guard against giving un- due extension to principles and laws which seem to be clearly established by experiment at the earth's surface. It is well to remember how exceedingly limited is our EFFECT OF PEESSUKE ON FUSION-POINT. 337 command of extreme pressures and high temperatures, when compared with those which may exist within a body of the dimensions of our globe. If we were to imagine a set of intelligent creatures, who were able to command only a range of temperatures from 50 to 200 F., engaged upon an investigation of the properties of water, we shall easily understand how unsafe it may be to extend generalisations far beyond the limits covered by actual experiment. Such beings, from their observation of the regular changes of volume of water at all the temperatures they could command, might infer that at still higher and lower temperatures the same rates of expansion and contraction would be maintained. Yet, as we well know, such an inference would be quite wide of the truth ; for a little above 200 F. water suddenly expands to 1,700 times its volume, and not far below 50 F. the contraction is suddenly changed for expansion. It has been argued by the late Mr. David Forbes and others that, inasmuch as experiment has shown that though the fusing points of solids are raised by pressure, yet that this rise of the fusing points goes on in a diminishing ratio as compared with the pressures applied a limit will probably be reached at which the most intense pressure will not be sufficient to retain substances at a high temperature in their solid state. The fact that gases cannot be retained in a liquid condition by the most intense pressure at a temperature above their critical point, may seem by 338 VOLCANOES. analogy to favour the same conclusion. Hence, David Forbes, Dana, and other authors, have argued in favour of the existence of a great liquid nucleus in our globe covered by a comparatively thin, solid crust. And if we accept the supposed proofs of a constant increase of temperature from the surface to the centre of the globe, such a conclusion appears to be at least as well founded as that which regards the central masses of the earth as maintained in a solid condition by intense pressure. A little consideration will, however, convince us that the facts which have been relied upon as proving the intensely heated condition of the central masses of our globe, are by no means so conclusive as has been supposed. The earth's form, which mathematicians have shown to be exactly that which would be acquired by a globe composed of yielding materials rotating on its axis at the rate which our planet does, has often been adduced as proving that the latter was not always in a rigid and unyielding condition. In the same way, all the re- markable facts and relations of the bodies of the solar system, which have been shown by astronomers to lend such support to the nebular hypothesis, have been thought, at the same time, to favour the view that our earth is still in a condition of uncompleted solidification. But it is quite admissible to accept the nebular hypothesis and the view that our globe attained its present form while still in a state of fluidity, and at the same time to maintain that our earth has long since SUPPOSED PKOOFS OF LIQUID NUCLEUS. 339 reached its condition of complete solidification. And there are not a few facts which appear to lend support to such a conclusion. If the rapid rate of increase in temperature which has been demonstrated to occur at so many parts of the earth's surface be maintained to the centre, then, as argued by David Forbes and Dana, it is difficult to conceive of our earth as being in any other condition than that of a liquid mass covered by a comparatively thin crust. The objection to this view, both upon geo- logical and astronomical grounds, we have pointed out in the previous chapter. Before accepting as a demonstrated conclusion this notion of a constant increase of temperature from the surface to the centre of our globe, it may be well to re-examine the facts which are relied upon as proving it. That there is a general increase of temperature so far as we are able to go downwards in the earth's crust, there can, as we have seen, be no doubt whatever. Yet it may be well to bear in mind how very limited is the range of our observation on the subject. The deepest mines extend to little more than half-a-mile from the surface, and the deepest borings to little more than three-quarters of a mile, while the distance from the earth's surface to its centre is nearly 4,000 miles. We may well pause before we extend conclusions, de- rived from such very limited observations, to such enormous depths. But when we examine critically these observations 340 VOLCANOES. themselves, we shall find equal grounds for caution in generalising from them. There is the greatest and most startling divergence in the results of the observa- tions which have been made at different points at the earth's surface. Even when every allowance is made for errors of observation, these discrepancies still remain. In some places the increase of temperature as we go downwards is so rapid that it amounts to 1 Fahrenheit for every 20 feet in depth, while in other cases, in order to obtain the same increase in temperature of 1 Fah- renheit, we have to descend as much as 100 feet. JSTow if, as is so often assumed, this increase of temperature as we go downwards be due to our approach to incandescent masses forming the interior portions of the globe, it is difficult to understand why greater uniformity is not exhibited in the rate of increase in different areas. No difference in the conducting powers of the various rock-materials is sufficient to account for the fact that in some places the rate of increase in temperature in going downwards is no less than five times as great as it is in others. Again, there are some remarkable facts concerning the variation in the rate of increase in temperature with depth which seem equally irreconcilable with the theory that the heat in question is directly derived from a great, central, incandescent mass. M. Walferdin,by a series of careful observations in two shafts at Creuzot, proved that down to the depth of 1,800 feet the increase of temperature amounted to 1 Fahrenheit for every 55 VAKIATIONS IN UNDERGROUND TEMPERATUEES. 341 feet of descent, but below the depth named, the rate of increase was as much as 1 Fahrenheit for every 44 feet. On the other hand, in the great boring of Grenelle at Paris, the increase in temperature down to the depth of 740 feet amounted to 1 Fahrenheit for every 50 feet of descent, but from 740 feet down to 1,600 feet, the rate of increase diminished to 1 for 75 feet of descent. The same remarkable fact was strikingly shown in the case of the deepest boring in the world that of Speren- berg, near Berlin, which attained the great depth of 4,052 feet. In this case, the rate of increase in tem- perature for the first 1,900 feet, was 1 Fahrenheit for every 55 feet of descent, and for the next 2,000, it diminished to 1 Fahrenheit for every 62 feet of descent. In the deep well of Buda-Pesth there was actually found a decline in temperature below the depth of 3,000 feet. Perhaps the most interesting fact in connection with this question which has been discovered of late years, is that in districts which have recently been the seat of volcanic agencies, the rate of increase in tem- perature, as we go downwards in the earth's crust, is abnormally high. Thus at Monte Massi in Tuscany, the temperature was found to increase at the rate of 1 Fahrenheit for every 24 feet of descent. In Hungary several deep wells and borings have been made, which prove that a very rapid increase of tem- perature occurs. The deep boring at Buda-Pesth pene- trates to a depth of 3,160 feet, and a temperature of 342 VOLCANOES. 178 Fahrenheit has been observed near the bottom. The rate of increase of temperature in this boring was about 1 for every 23 feet of descent. In the mines opened in the great Comstock lode, in the western territories of the United States, an abnormally high temperature has been met with amounting in some cases to 157 Fahrenheit. Although this is the richest mineral- vein in the world, having yielded since 1859, when it was first discovered, 60,000,000^. worth of gold and silver, this rapid increase in temperature in going downwards threatens in the end to entirely baffle the enterprise of the miner. The rate of increase in tem- perature in the case of the Comstock mines has been estimated at 1 Fahrenheit for every 45 feet of descent, between 1,000 and 2,000 feet from the surface, but as much as 1 Fahrenheit for every 25 feet, at depths below 2,000 feet. The facts which we have stated, with others of a similar kind, have led geologists to look with grave feel- ings of doubt upon the old hypothesis which regarded the increase of temperature found in making excavations into the earth's crust as a proof that we are approach- ing a great incandescent nucleus. They have thus been led to enquire whether there are any conceivable sources of high temperatures at moderate depths temperatures which would be quite competent to produce locally all the phenomena of volcanic action. There are not wanting other facts which seem to point to the same conclusion : namely, that volcanic DEPTHS AT WHICH EARTHQUAKES ORIGINATE. 343 action is not due to the existence of a universal reser- voir of incandescent material occupying the central portion of our globe, but to the local development of high temperatures at moderate depths from the surface. The close connection between the phenomena of vol- canoes and earthquakes cannot be doubted. It is true that some of those vibrations or tremors of the earth's crust, to which we apply the name of earthquakes, occur in areas which are not now the seat of volcanic action ; and it is equally true that the stratified rock-masses of our globe, far away from any volcanic centres, exhibit proofs of violent movement and fracture, in the pro- duction of wilich, concussions giving rise to earthquake vibrations, could scarcely fail to have occurred. But it is none the less certain that earthquakes as a rule take place in those areas which are the seats of volcanic action, and that great earthquake-shocks precede and accom- pany volcanic outbursts. Sometimes, too, it has been noticed that the manifestation of activity at a volcanic centre is marked by the sudden decline of the earth- quake-tremors of the district around, as though a safety-valve had been opened at that part of the earth's surface. Mr. Mallet has shown that by the careful study of the effects produced at the surface by earthquake-vibra- tions, we may determine with considerable accuracy the point at which the shock or concussion occurred which gave rise to the vibration. Now it is a most remarkable 344 VOLCANOES. fact that such calculations have led to the conclusion that, so far as is at present known, earthquake shocks never originate at greater depths than thirty miles from the surface, and that in some cases the focus from which the waves of elastic compression producing an earth- quake proceed is only at the depth of seven or eight miles. As we have already seen, there can be no doubt that in the great majority of instances the forces originating earthquake-vibrations and volcanic outbursts are the same, and independent lines of reasoning have conducted us to the conclusion that these forces operate at very moderate distances from the earth's surface. Under these circumstances, geologists have been led to enquire whether there are any means by which we can conceive of such an amount of heat, as would be competent to produce volcanic outbursts, being locally developed at certain points within the earth's crust. Recent discoveries in physical science which have shown the close relation to one another of different kinds of force, and their mutual convertibility, have at least suggested the possibility of the existence of causes by which such high temperatures within certain portions of the earth's crust may be originated. When, at the commencement of the present century, Sir Humphry Davy discovered the remarkable metals of the alkalies and alkaline earths, and at the same time demonstrated the striking phenomena which are ex- hibited if these metals be permitted to unite with oxygen, he at once perceived that if such metals existed DAVY'S CHEMICAL THEOKY. 345 in an uncombined condition within the earth's crust, the access of water and air to the mass might give rise to the development of such an amount of heat, as would be competent to produce volcanic phenomena at the surface. It is true that at a later date Davy recognised the chemical theory of volcanoes as being beset with considerable difficulties, and was disposed to abandon it altogether. It was argued, with considerable show of reason, that if the heat at volcanic centres were produced by the access of water to metallic substances, great quantities of hydrogen would necessarily be evolved, and this gas ought to be found in prodigious quantities among the emanations of volcanoes. The fact that such enormous quantities of hydrogen gas are not emitted from volcanic vents has been held by many authors to be fatal to the chemical theory of volcanoes. But the later researches of Graham and others have made known facts which go far towards supplying an answer to the objections raised against the chemical theory of volcanoes. Various solids and liquids have been shown to possess the power of absorbing many times their volume of certain gases. Among the gases thus absorbed in large quantities by solids and liquids, hydrogen is very conspicuous. In some cases gases are absorbed by metals or other solids in a state of fusion, and yielded up again by them as they cool. It is a very remarkable circumstance that some meteorites are found to have absorbed large quantities of hydrogen gas, and this is given off when they are 16 346 VOLCANOES. heated in vacuo. Thus it has been demonstrated that certain meteorites have contained as much as forty- seven times their own volume of hydrogen gas. We have already pointed out that there are reasons for believing the internal portions of our globe to be composed of materials similar to those found in meteo- rites. If such be the case, the access of water to these metallic substances may result in the formation of oxides, attended with a great local development of heat, the hydrogen which is liberated being at once absorbed by the surrounding metallic substances. That this oxidation of the metallic substances in the interior of our globe by the access of water and air from the surface is continually going on, can scarcely be doubted. We may even look forward to a far-distant period when the whole of the liquid and gaseous envelopes of the globe shall have been absorbed into its substance, and our earth thereby reduced to the condition in which we now find the moon to be. There is a second method by which high tempera- tures might be locally developed within the earth's crust, which has been suggested by Vose, Mallet, and other authors. We have good grounds for believing that the tem- perature of our globe is continually diminishing by its radiation of heat into space. This cooling of our globe is attended by contraction, which results in movements of portions of its crust. It may at first sight appear that such movements would be so small and insigm'fi- DYNAMICAL THEOEIES. 347 cant as to be quite unworthy of notice. But if we take into account the vast size of our earth it will be seen that the movements of such enormous masses may be attended with the most wonderful results. It has been shown that if a part of the earth's crust fifty miles in thickness were to have its temperature raised 200 Fahrenheit, its surface would be raised to the extent of 1,000 or 1,500 feet, Le Conte has pointed out that if we conceive the conduction of heat to take place at slightly different rates along different radii of our globe, we should at once be able to account for the existing inequalities of the earth's surface, and for all those continental movements which can be shown to have taken place in past geological periods. But if we admit, as we have good grounds for doir,g, that the loss of heat from the external portions of our globe goes on more rapidly than in the case of the ; central masses, we have thereby introduced another powerful agent for the production of high temperatures within the earth's crust. The external shell of the< globe will tend to contract upon the central mass, and in so doing a series of tangential strains will result ; ' which will be capable of folding and crumpling the rocks along any lines of weakness. That such crush- ing and crumpling has during all geological periods taken place along lines of weakness in the earth's crust, is proved, as we have seen, by the phenomena pre- sented by mountain-ranges. Now these crushings, crumplings, and other violent movements of great 348 VOLCANOES. rock-masses must result in the development of a vast amount of heat, just as the forcing down of a break upon a moving wheel produces heat. This conclusion is strikingly confirmed by the well-known geological fact that nearly all rocks which have undergone great movement and contortion are found to present evidence of having been subjected to such chemical and crystal- line actions, as would result from the development of a high temperature within their mass. Let us sum up briefly the various methods which have been suggested to account for the high tempera- tures within certain parts of the earth's crust by which volcanic phenomena are produced. Our globe may be conceived of as an incandescent liquid mass surrounded by a cooler, solid shell. If we regard this liquid interior mass as supplying directly the various volcanic vents of the earth, it must be con- ceded that the outer shell is of comparatively slight thickness. But astronomers are almost universally agreed that such a thin outer shell and inner liquid mass are quite incompatible with that rigidity which our planet exhibits under the attractions of its neigh- bours. Geologists are almost equally unanimous in regarding this hypothesis of a liquid nucleus and thin, solid shell as contradicted by the stability of the con- ditions which have been maintained during such long past periods, and which exist at the present day. The extent and character of volcanic action do not indicate a condition of general instability in our earth, but one RECAPITULATION OF SEVERAL THEORIES. 349 of stability subject to small and local interferences. The grandest volcanic disturbances appear small and insignificant, if we take into account the vast dimen- sions of the globe upon which they are displayed. If, on the other hand, we consider the outer solid shell to be of great thickness, we are met by the diffi- culty of accounting for the upheaval of liquid matter through such vast thicknesses of a solid shell. The differences in character of lavas extruded from closely adjoining volcanic districts seem equally difficult of explanation on any theory of a central, fluid nucleus and a solid, outer shell. Nor is the distribution of heat within the earth's crust so uniform as might be antici- pated, if the source of that heat be a great central mass of highly heated materials. Under these circumstances, geologists and physicists have enquired whether any other conditions can be imagined as existing in the earth's interior, which would better account for the observed phenomena than does the hypothesis of a liquid nucleus and a solid outer shell. Two such alternative hypotheses nave been suggested. Mr. Hopkins, adopting the theory that the earth has solidified both at the centre and its outer surface, endeavoured to explain the occurrence of volcanoes and earthquakes by supposing that cavities of liquid mate- rial have been left between the solid nucleus and the solid shell, and these cavities full of liquid materials constitute the sources from which the existing volcanoes 350 VOLCANOES. of the globe draw their supplies. But this hypothesis is found to be beset with many difficulties when we attempt to apply it to the explanation of the pheno- mena of volcanic action. It entirely fails, among other things, to account for the remarkable fact that during past geological periods the scene of volcanic action has been continually shifting over the surface of the earth, so that there is probably no considerable area of our globe which has not at one time or other been invaded by the volcanic forces. By some other theorists, who have felt the full force of this last objection, an attempt has been made to explain the phenomena of volcanoes by supposing that the globe is solid from its surface to its centre, but that the internal portions of the globe are at such a high temperature that they are only retained in a solid condition by the enormous pressure to which they are subjected. The central masses of the globe are thus regarded as being in an actually solid, but in a poten- tially liquid condition, and any local relief of pressure is at once followed by the conversion of solid to liquefied materials, in the district where the relief takes place, resulting in the manifestation of volcanic phenomena at the spot. It may be granted that this hypothesis better accords with the known facts of Vul- canology than any of those which we have previously described, but it is impossible to shut our eyes to the fact that not a few serious difficulties still remain. Thus it is based upon the assumption that the law of DIFFICULTIES NOT YET EXPLAINED. 351 the elevation of the point of fusion by pressure is true at temperatures and pressures almost infinitely above those at which we are able to conduct observations ; but neither experiment nor analogy warrant this con- clusion, for the former shows that the elevation of the point of fusion by pressure goes on in a continually diminishing ratio, and the latter furnishes us with the example of volatile liquids which, above tlieir critical points, obstinately remain in a gaseous condition under the highest pressures. Nor is it easy upon this hypo- thesis to account for the very irregular distribution of temperatures within the earth's crust, as demonstrated by observations in mines, wells, and borings. The hy- pothesis further requires the assumption that, at such very moderate depths as are required for the reservoirs of volcanoes, the effects of pressure and temperature on the condition of rock-materials are so nicely balanced that the smallest changes -at the surface lead to a dis- turbance of the equilibrium. It is the weight of these several objections that has led geologists in recent years to regard with greater favour those hypotheses which seek to account for the production of high temperatures within parts of the earth's crust, without having recourse to a supposed incandescent nucleus. If it can be shown that there are any chemical or mechanical forces at work within the crust of the globe which are capable of producing local elevations of temperature, then we may conceive of a condition of things existing in the earth's interior 352 VOLCANOES. which is free from the objections raised by the astro- nomer on the score of the earth's proved rigidity, and by the geologist on the ground of its general stability, and which at the same time seems to harmonise better with the observed facts of the distribution of tempera- ture within the earth's crust. How far the existence of such chemical* and mechanical agencies capable of producing high temperatures within the crust of the globe have been substantiated, we have already en- deavoured to point out. It must be admitted, then, that the questions of the nature of the earth's interior and the cause of the high temperatures which produce volcanic phenomena, are still open ones. We have not yet got beyond the stage of endeavouring to account for the facts observed by means of tentative hypotheses. Some of these, as we have seen, agree with the facts, so far as they are at present known, much better than others ; but the decision between them or the rejection of the whole of them in favour of some new hypothesis, must depend on the results of future observation and enquiry. It may be well, before leaving this subject, to re- mark that they are all equally reconcilable with the nebular theory of Kant and Laplace. Granting that the matter composing our globe has passed successively through the gaseous and liquid conditions, it is open to us to imagine the earth as now composed of a liquid nucleus with either a thick or a thin solid shell ; of a solid nucleus and a solid shell with more or less liquid CAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF WATEK IN LAVAS. 353 matter between them ; or, lastly, to conceive of it as having become perfectly solid from the centre to the surface. But it is not upon the existence of a high tempera- ture within certain parts of the earth's crust that the production of volcanic activity alone depends. The pre- sence of water and other liquid and gaseous substances in a state of the most intimate admixture with the fused rock-masses, is, as we have seen, the main cause of the violent displays of energy exhibited at volcanic centres. And we shall now proceed to notice the hy- potheses which have been suggested to account for the presence of these liquid and gaseous bodies in the midst of the masses of incandescent materials poured out from volcanic vents. There is an explanation of this presence of water and various gases in the masses of molten rock-materials within the earth's crust which at once suggests itself, and which was formerly very generally accepted. Vol- canoes, as we have seen, are usually situated near coast- lines, and if we imagine fissures to be produced by which sea-water finds access to masses of incandescent rock-materials, then we can regard volcanic outbursts as resulting from this meeting of water with rock- masses in a highly heated condition. This supposition has been thought to receive much support from the fact that many of the gases evolved from volcanic vents are such as would be produced by the decomposition of substances present in sea-water. 354 VOLCANOES. But it frequently happens that an explanation which at first sight appears to be very simple and obvious, turns out on more critical examination to be quite the reverse, and this is the case with the supposed origina- tion of volcanic outbursts by the access of sea-water to incandescent rock-material by means of earth-fissures. It is difficult to understand how, by such means, that wonderfully intimate union between the liquefied rock and the water, evolved in such quantities during vol- canic outbursts, could be brought about; and moreover, we can scarcely regard the production of fissures in the earth's crust as being at the same time both the cause and the effect of this influx of water to the deep-seated rock-masses at a high temperature. During recent years the attention of both geologists and physicists has been directed to a remarkable pro- perty exhibited by many liquids and solids, as supplying a possible explanation of the phenomena of volcanic action. The property to which we refer is that whereby some liquid and solid substances are able to absorb many times their volume of certain gases - which gases under different conditions may be given off again or 6 occluded ' from the liquids or solids. This power of absorption is a very remarkable one ; it is not attended with chemical combination, but the amount of condensa- tion which gases must undergo within the solid or liquid substances is sometimes enormous. Water may be made to absorb more than 1,000 times its volume of ammonia, and more than 500 times its volume of hydrochloric ABSOKPTION OF GASES BY LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS. 355 acid. Alcohol may absorb more than 300 times its volume of sulphurous acid. Charcoal may absorb 100 times its volume of ammonia, 85 times its volume of hydrochloric acid, 65 times its volume of sulphuretted hydrogen, 55 times its volume of sulphurous acid, and 35 times its volume of carbonic acid. Platinum-black absorbs many times its volume of oxygen and other gases. This power of absorption of gases varies in different solids and liquids according to the conditions to which they are subjected. Dr. Henry showed it to be a general law in liquids that, as the pressure is augmented, the weight of the gas absorbed is proportionately increased. Sometimes this absorption of gases takes place only at high temperatures. Thus silver in a state of fusion is able to absorb 22 times its volume of oxygen gas. When the metal is allowed to cool this gas is given off, and if the cooling takes place suddenly a crust is formed on the surface, and the phenomenon known as the ' spitting of silver ' is exhibited. Sometimes during this operation miniature cones and lava-streams are formed on the surface of the cooling mass, which pre- sent a striking resemblance to those formed on a grand scale upon the surface of the globe. Similar pheno- mena are exhibited by several other metals and by the oxide of lead. The researches of Troost and others have shown that molten iron and steel possess the property of absorbing considerable quantities of oxygen, hydrogen, 356 VOLCANOES. carbonic acid, and carbonic oxide, and that these gases are given off in the operation known as ' seething,' when either the pressure or the temperature is diminished. Hochstetter has shown that in the process of extract- ing sulphur from the residues obtained during the manufacture of soda, some very interesting phenomena are manifested. The molten sulphur is exposed to a temperature of 262 Fahrenheit, and a pressure of two or three atmospheres, in the presence of steam ; under these circumstances it is found that the sulphur absorbs a considerable quantity of water, which is given off again with great violence from the mass as it undergoes solidification. The hardened crust which forms on the surface of the molten sulphur is agitated and fissured, miniature cones and lava-streams being formed upon it, which have a striking resemblance to the grander phenomena of the same kind exhibited upon the crust of the globe. The observations which we have described prove con- clusively that many liquids and solids in a molten con- dition have the power of absorbing many times their volume of certain gases, and that this action is aided by heat and pressure. That the molten materials which issue from volcanic vents have absorbed enormous quantities of steam and other gases, we have the most undisputable evidence. The volume of such gases given off during volcanic outbursts, and while the lava-streams are flowing and consolidating, is enormous, and can only be accounted SOUKCE OF THE ABSORBED GASES. 357 for by supposing that the masses of fluid rock have absorbed many times their volume of the gases. But we have another not less convincing proof of the same fact in the circumstance that volcanic materials which have consolidated under great pressure such as granites, gabbros, porphyries, c. exhibit in their crystals innumerable cavities containing similar gases in a liquefied state. It is to the violent escape of these gases from the molten rock-masses, as the pressure upon them is re- lieved, that nearly all the active phenomena of volcanoes must be referred ; and it was the recognition of this fact by Spallanzani, while he was watching the phenomena displayed in the crater of Stromboli, which laid the foundations of the science of Vulcanology. But here another question presents itself to the investigator of the phenomena of volcanoes : it is this. At what period did the molten rock-masses issuing from, vents absorb those gaseous materials which are so violently oeelttd^d- from their midst during eruptions ? Two different answers to this question have been sug- gested. It may be that the original materials of which our globe was composed consisted of metallic substances in a state of fusion which had absorbed many gases, and that, in the fluid masses below the solid crust, vast quantities of vapour and gas are stored up, which are being gradually added to the atmosphere during vol- canic outbursts. The fact that meteorites, which, as we have seen, in all probability closely resemble the 358 VOLCANOES. materials forming the earth's interior, sometimes yield many times their volume of hydrogen and other gases, may be thought to lend some support to this idea. If it be the correct one, we must regard our globe as gradually parting with its pent-up stores of energy, in those absorbed gases and vapours held in bondage by the solid and fluid materials of its interior. But there is another hypothesis which is, to say the least, equally probable. Water containing various gases in solution is continually finding its way down- wards by infiltration into the earth's crust. Much of this water, after passing through pervious beds, reaches some impervious stratum and is returned to the surface in the form of springs. But that some of this perco- lating water penetrates to enormous depths is shown by the fact that the deepest mines and borings encounter vast underground supplies of water. When we re- member that nearly three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered by the waters of the ocean, and that the average depth of these oceanic waters is more than 10,000 feet, we may easily understand how great a portion of the earth's crust must be penetrated by infiltrating waters which can find no outlet in springs The penetration of the waters of the ocean into the earth's crust will be aided, too, by the enormous pres- sure amounting to not less than several tons to the square-inch upon the greater part of the ocean-floor. It might be thought that this downward penetration of water would be counteracted by the upward current POSITION OF THE ISOGEOTHERMS. 359 of steam that would be produced as these subterranean waters reach the hotter portions of the earth's crust. But the experiments of Daubree have conclusively shown that the penetration of water through rocks takes place I in opposition to the powerful pressure of steam in the contrary direction. Hence, we may assume that cer- tain quantities of water, containing various gases and solids in solution, are continually finding their way by capillary infiltration from the surface to the deeply seated portions of the earth's crust, there to undergo absorption by the incandescent rock-masses and to pro- duce oxidation of some of their materials. The deep-sea soundings of the ' Challenger ' have shown that the floor of the ocean is constantly main- tained at a temperature but little above that of the freezing point of water. This low temperature is pro- bably produced by the absorption of heat from the earth's crust by the waters of the ocean, which distribute it by means of convection currents on the grandest scale. Hence, the isogeotherms, or lines indicating the depths at which the same mean temperature is found within the earth's crust, are probably depressed beneath the great ocean-floors, and rise towards the land-masses. It is to this circumstance, combined with that of the enormous pressure of water on the ocean-beds, that we must probably ascribe the general absence of volcanoes in the deep seas and their distribution near coast- lines. We have thus briefly reviewed the chief hypotheses 360 VOLCANOES which have been suggested in order to account for the two great factors in all volcanic phenomena namely, the presence of highly heated rock-masses within the earth's crust, and the existence of various vapours and gases in a state of most intimate mechanical, but not chemical, union with these incandescent materials. It must be admitted that we do not at present appear to have the means for framing a complete and consistent theory of volcanic action, but we may hopefully look forward to the time when further observation and ex- periment shall have removed many of the existing difficulties which beset the question, and w r hen by the light of such future researches untenable hypotheses shall be eliminated and the just ones improved and established. But if we are constrained to admit that a study of the observed phenomena and established laws of volcanic action have not as yet enabled us to frame any complete and satisfactory theory on the subject, we cannot lose sight of the fact that all modern speculation upon this question appears to be tending in one definite direction. It is every day becoming more and more clear that our earth is bound by ties of the closest resemblance to the other members of that family of worlds to which it belongs, and that the materials entering into their con- stitution, and the forces operating in all are the same. We have had occasion in a previous chapter to point out that there are the strongest grounds for believing the interior of our globe to consist of similar materials ERUPTIVE ACTION IN THE SUN. 361 to those found in the small planetary bodies known as meteorites. That the comets are merely aggregations of such meteorites, and that the planets differ from them only in their greater dimensions, may be regarded as among the demonstrated conclusions of the astrono- mer. The materials found most abundantly in me- teorites and in the interior of our globe are precisely the same as those which are proved to exist in an in- candescent state in our sun. Hence we are led to conclude that the whole of the bodies of the solar sys- tem are composed of the same chemical elements. That the forces operating in each of these distant bodies present striking points of analogy is equally clear. The sun is of far greater dimensions than our earth, and is still in great part, if not entirely, in a gaseous condition. The great movements in the outer envelopes of the sun exhibited in the ' sun-spots ' and ' solar prominences/ recall to the mind the phenomena of volcanic activity upon our globe. But the vast energy still existing in the intensely heated mass of the sun, and the wonderful mobility of its gaseous materials, give rise to appearances beside which all terrestrial outbursts seem to sink into utter insignifi- cance. Vast cavities of such dimensions that many globes of the size of our earth might be swallowed up in them are formed in the solar envelopes in the course of a few days or hours. Within these cavities or sun-spots incandescent vapours are observed, rush- ing upwards and downwards with almost inconceivable velocity. 362 VOLCANOES. The drawings made by Secchi, and reproduced in figs. 89 and 90, will give some idea of the appearances presented by these great holes in the solar enve- lopes. In fig. 89 a group of sun-spots is represented and, in their circular outlines and tendency to a linear ar- FIG. 89. A GUOUP OF SUN-SPOTS. (After Secchi.) rangement, they can scarcely fail to remind anyone familiar with volcanic phenomena of terrestrial craters, though their dimensions are so much greater. In fig. 90 the sun-spot represented shows the pre- sence of large floating masses of incandescent materials rushing upwards and downwards within the yawning gulf. PHENOMENA OF SUN-SPOTS 363 FIG. 90. A SUN-SPOT, SHOWING THE GREAT MASSES OF INCANDESCENT VAPOUR RISING OR FALLING WITHIN IT. (After Secchi.) From fig. 91, taken from a drawing by Mr. Norman Lockyer, we may under- stand the movements of these great protuberances of incandescent gas which are seen on the sides of the sun-spots. The so-called solar pro- minences present even more striking resemblances to the volcanic outbursts of our globe. FIG. 91. THE EDGE OF A SUN-SP* >T, SHOWING A PORTION OF THE PRO- MINENT MASSES OF INCANDESCENT GAS (A), WHICH DETACHED IT- SELF AT E AND FLOATED INTO THE MIDST OF THE CAVITY. 364 VOLCANOES. Two drawings made by Mr. Norman Lockyer will serve to give some idea of the vast dimensions of these solar prominences, and of the rapid changes which take place in their form. FIG. 92. DRAWING OF A SOLAR PROMINENCE, MADE BY MR. NORMAN LOCKYER ON MARCH 14, 1869, AT 11 H. SM. A.M. The masses of incandescent gas were estimated as being no less than 27,000 feet in height, yet in ten minutes they had totally changed their form and ap- pearance, as shown in fig. 93. Even still more striking are the changes recorded SOLAR PROMINENCES. 365 by Professor Young, of New-Haven, in a solar pro- minence, which he observed on September 7, 1871. That astronomer described a mass of incandescent gas rising from the surface of the sun to the height FIG. 93. THE SAME OBJECT, AS SEEN AT 11 H. 15>i. ON THE SAME DAY. of 54,000 miles. In less than twenty-five minutes he saw the whole mass torn to shreds and blown upwards, some of the fragments being in ten minutes hurled to the height of 200,000 miles above the sun's surface. The masses of incandescent gas thus hurled upwards were of enormous dimensions, the smallest being esti- mated as having a greater area than the whole of the 366 VOLCANOES. EXTINCT VOLCANOES OF THE MOON. 367 British Islands, and the force with which they were urged upwards was so great that they acquired a velocity of 166 miles per second. The accompanying woodcut shows the successive appearances presented by this grand eruptive outburst on the surface of the sun. The moon, which is of far smaller size than our earth, exhibits on its surface sufficiently striking evi- dences of the action of volcanic forces. Indeed the dimensions of the craters and fissures which cover the whole visible lunar surface are such that we cannot but infer volcanic activity to have been far more violent on the moon than it is at the present day upon the earth. This greater violence of the volcanic forces on the moon is perhaps accounted for by the fact that the force of gravity on the surface of the moon is only one-sixth of that at the surface of the earth ; and thus the eruptive energy will have a much less smaller resistance to overcome in bursting asunder the solid crust and accumulated heaps of ejected materials on its surface. But the volcanic action on the moon appears now to have wholly ceased, and the absence of both water and atmosphere in our satellite suggests that this extinction of volcanic energy may have been caused by the complete absorption of its- gaseous envelope. The appearance presented by a portion of the moon's sur- face is shown in fig. 95. The sun and the moon appear to exhibit two widely separated extremes in the condition assumed during the cooling down from a state of incandescence 368 VOLCANOES. of great globes of vaporised materials. The several planets, our own among the number, probably exhibit various intermediate stages of consolidation. FIG. 95. A GROUP OF LUNAR CRATERS (MAUROLYCUS, BAROCIUS, ETC.). THE LARGEST BEING MORE THAN 60 MILES IN DIAMETER. Our earth is, as we have seen, closely allied to the other bodies of the solar system in its movements, its relations, and its composition ; and a true theory of EEUPTIVE ACTION IN THE SUN, EAKTH AND MOON. 369 terrestrial vulcanicity, when it is discovered, may be expected not only to afford an explanation of the phe- nomena displayed on our own globe, but to account for those displays of internal energy which have been manifested in other members of the same great family of worlds. 17 INDEX. [The subjects illustrated in the engravings are indicated by italics, the names of authors are in CAPITALS.] ABI ABICH, cited, 122 ** researches of, 4 Absorption of gases by liquids and solids, 354, 355 Acid lavas, 48 ^Eolian Islands. Ste Lipari Is- lands jEolus, origin of myth, 35 Africa, volcanoes of, 227 South, diamonds of, 147 Agates, formation of, 150 ALLPORT, Mr., cited, 259 Alps, formation of, 292 Altered lavas, names given to, 261 America, volcanoes of, 227 Amygdaloids, formation of, 140, 141 Andesites, 50, 59 Andesite-volcanoes, 126 ANDEEWS, Professor, cited, 321 Anne Boleyn and Etna, 3 ARMSTRONG-, Sir W., hydro-elec- tric machine, 29 Arthur's Seat, 275 Artificial stone, 55 Asia, volcanoes of, 227 Asiderites, 316 Asmanite, 314 Astroni, crater-ring of, 170 Atlantic, volcanoes in, 228 BOR Auvergne, breached cones of, 123, fig. 40 denuded cones in, 124, fig. 42 incrusting springs of, 1 84 puys of, 152, 212 volcanic cones in, 79 DALL-AND-SOCKET structure 1 in basaltic columns, 107 Barrancos, formation of, 209 Basalt, controversy concerning origin of, 249 Basalts, 49, 50, 59 Basaltic columns of Bohemia, 107 of Central Germany, 107 of Monte Albano, 107 from the Giants Cause- may, 107, fig. 29 Basic lavas, 48 Bath, hot spring of, 219 Ben Nevis, 274 Bohemia, volcanoes of, 126 lavas of, 103 Boiling. See Ebullition BONNEY, Professor, cited, 69, 109, 259 Boracic acid at volcanic vents, 216 INDEX. BOU ,M-bon, volcano of, 176, figs. 74, 75 Bracciano, crater-lake of, 178, fig. 77 Breached cones, 123, fig. 40 Bubbles of steam, escape from lava, 21 Bubbles, spontaneous movement of, in liquid cavities, 62, fig. 8 cause of, 65 BUCH, VON, researches of, 4 Buda-Pest, deep well of, 335, 341 Biidos Hegy, Transylvania, 215 BUNSEN, cited, 201 Burning, does not take place at volcanoes, 2 nADEK IDRIS, 274 ^ ' Calderas,' formation of, 180 Caldera of Palma, 209 Cambro-Silurian volcanoes of British Islands, 274 Campi-Phlegrcei, map of, fig. 11 volcanoes of, 79 tuff -cones of,* 118 fissures in, 197 Carbonic acid in casdties of crys- tals, 63 Carboniferous volcanoes of Brit- ish Islands, 275 Carlsbad, Strudel of, 218 Strudelstein of, 184 Caspian Sea, mud-volcanoes of, 182 Catacecaumene, volcanic cones in, 79 Cause of proximity of volcanoes to sea, 239 Central Asia, volcanoes of, 236 America, mud-volcanoes, 182 Pacific, volcanoes of, 236 4 Challenger,' H.M.S., voyage of, 73 soundings of, 359 CHANCE, Messrs., of Birming- ham, 55 CEA Charnwood Forest, ancient vol- canic rocks of, 259 Chemical deposits at Vulcano, 44 on surfaces of lavas, 110 elements present in lavas, 46 theory of volcanoes, 344, 345 Chiaja di Luna, 108 Chimborazo, size of, 44 151 Chodi-Berg, Hungary, 161 Citlaltepetl, mem of , 169, fig. 69 Coast-lines, proximity of volca- noes to, 228 COLE, Mr. GrRENVILLE, 110 Colours of lavas, 49 Columns in lava, 105 dimensions of, 105 radiating in intrusive masses, 136 Columnar structure in lavas, 104 origin of, 105 Columnar lava-stream on the Ar- deche, 107, fig. 28 Combustion, does not lake place at volcanoes, 2 Composite cones, 128, 161 Comstock mines, temperature of, 342 Concentric jointing in lava, 108, fig. 30 Cones composed of viscid lava, 129, fig. 43 - miniature on lava-streams, 100, 101, fig. 25, 26 natural sections of, 129 shifting of axis in, 167 Coolin Hills, Skye, 144 Cotopaxi, volcanic dust of, 69 view of, 168, fig. 68 Craters, formation of, 82 origin of, 167 position of, 167 fissuring of sides, 180 Crater of Stromboli, aperture at bottom of, 15 Crater-lakes, formation of, 171 of Agnano, 171 of Albano, 171 INDEX. 373 CRA Crater-lakes of Avernus, 171 ofaffno,l71,fig. 71 of Bolsena, 171 of Bracciano, 171 of Frascati, 173, 175 of Gfustavila, 171, fig. 72 of Laach, 171 of Nemi, 171 Crater-rings, formation of, 170 Crater-ring of Somma, 177, fig. 76 Crater-ring of Pianura, 174 of Piano di Quarto, 174 of Vallariccia, 174 Creuzot, shafts at, 340 ' Critical point ' of liquids, 63 Crust of globe, definition of, 308 Crystals in lavas, 51 formed of crystallites, 54-57 formed in subterranean reservoirs, 60 interruption in growth of, 60 pressure under which formed, 65 deposited on surface of lava, 110 porphyritic, origin of, 256 Crystalline minerals formed be- neath volcanoes, 146, 147 ejected from volcanoes, 147 Crystallised minerals of volca- noes, 46 Crystallites, aggregates of, 54, Frontispiece Crystallites in lavas, 53, Fron- tispiece Crypto-crystalline base, 57 ' Cupolas,' 135 Curral of Madeira, 209 DACITES, 198 L ' DAN A, Prof essor,J.D., cited, 100, 159, 291, 301, 327, 338, 339 DARWIN, Mr., cited, 245, 246, 271, 289 ELE DAUBENY, cited, 182 DAUBREE, M., cited, 147, 315, 320, 358 Daubreelite, 314 DAVY, Sir HUMPHRY, chemical theory of volcanoes, 344, 345 Deccan of India, 103 Density of the earth, 308 Denuded cones and craters, 158, fig. 59 Denudation, effects of, on volca- noes, 114 Deposits about volcanic fissures, 42 Detonations at Vesuvius, 26 Devonian volcanoes of British Islands, 274 Diorite, 59 DOLOMIEU, cited, 4, 39 DUROCHER, cited, 201 Dykes, formation of, 116, 117, 209, 210 structure of rock in, 211 pseudo-, 119 Dynamical theory of volcanoes, 347, 348 "L^ARTH'S interior, nature of, ** 309 physical condition of, 325 - hypothesis concerning, 328-330 rela'ion to other planets, 310, 311 Earthquakes, depth of origin of, 343, 344 connection with volcanoes, 343 accompanying Vesuvian erup- tion of 1872, 27 Ebullition, compared to volcanic eruptions, 19, 20 Eifel, volcanic cones of, 45 Ejected blocks, 45 materials, height to whijh thrown, 72 stratification of, 117-119 Elements, pyroxenic and trachy- tic, theory of, 201 INDEX. ELE Cation-craters, theory of, 135, 209 Erroneous opinions, sources of, in regard to volcanoes, 2 Eruptions, feeble and violent compared, 31 prediction of, not possible, 32 intervals between, 33 of varying intensity, 33 and barometric pressure, 36 effects of repetition of from same fissure, 80 Eruptive action in sun and moon, 360-369 Etna, ideas of ancients concern- ing, 3 and Anne Boleyn, 3 observatory on, 37 size of, 44 , 151 eruptions at summit and on flanks, 207 Etna, dyke and lava-stream in, 133, fig. 54 Etna, views of, 162, 163, figs. 62, 63 Euganean Hills, 139 volcanof-s of, 201 Europe, volcanoes of, 227 Extra-terrestrial rocks, 316 Extra-terrestrial rocks, relation to ultra-basic rod's, 322, fig. 88 pELSTONES, 263 Ferric-chloride, mistaken for sulphur, 41 Fissure on flanks of Etna, 194, fig. 84 Fissure-eruptions, 188 Fissures, volcanic cones on, 194 systems of, 198 Fingal's Cave, 106 Flames, phenomena mistaken for, 2 at volcanoes, feebly luminous, 17 false appearance of, in volca- noes, 17 Flames at volcanic vents, 41 Flashing light-house, compared to Stromboli, 10 Floods, accompanying volcanic outbursts, 30 FORBES, Mr. DAVID, cited, 337, 339 Fossils, from beneath Vesuvius, 45 supposed in basalt, 250 FOUQUE, M., cited, 110, 213 Fumaroles, gases emitted from, 213 Fusiyama, form of, 90, 166 Fusiyama, 178, fig. 77 riABBEO, 59 ^* Gardiner's river, travertine terraces of, 185 Gases emitted from volcanoes, 40 volcanic vents, 212-216 Geanticlinals, formation of, 297 Gems, formation of, 147 mode of occurrence, 148 Geological continuity, doctrine of, 247 Geosynclinals, formation of, 294 Geysers, formation of, 217 intermittent action of, 218 of Colorado, 184, 217 - of Iceland, 184, 217 Giant's Causeway, 108 GILBERT, Mr. G. K., cited, 208 Girgenti, mud-volcanoes of, 182 Glass, formed by fusion of lavas, 52 Glasses, composed of certain sili- cates, 58 Glassy base, 57 GOETHE, cited, 112 Graham Isle, 178, 179, fig. 78 GRAHAM, cited, 345 Grand Sarcoui, Auvergne, 161 Granite, 59 Granite of Secondary and Ter- tiary ages, 254 INDEX. 375 GRA Granitic rocks, position beneath volcanoes. 145 Great earth movements, nature of, 286 Great volcanic bands of the globe, 232-234 Grenelle, boring of, 341 Grey stones, 49 Groundmass of lavas, 52 Grotto del Cane, 215 Guevo Upas, Java, 215 GUISCABDI, Professor, referred to, 45 Gustavila, crater -lake of y 172, fig. 72 TJAMILTON, Sir W., researches 11 of, 4, 75, 84 observations on Vesuvius, 80 HANNAY, Mr., referred to, 147 HAETLEY, Mr. NOEL, referred to, 65 Hawaii, volcanoes of, 100, 125 lava-masses of, 159 volcanic eruptions at different levels, 327 Hebrides, volcanoes of, 271 HENEY, Dr., cited, 355 Henry Mountains, Southern Utah, 208 Hephaestus, forge of, 3 HOCHSTETTEE, cited, 135, 356 Holosiderites, 315 HOPKINS, Mr., cited, 349 Hot springs, numbers of, 219 Humboldt, researches of, 4 Hungary, lavas of, 96, 103 volcanoes of, 126, 201 deep wells of. 341 Hverfjall, Iceland, 178, fig. 77 Hydro-electric machine of Sir W. Armstrong. 29 Hypothesis, value of, 331-333 ICE under lava of Vesuvius in 1872, and of Etna, 110 LAK Iceland, volcanic dust of, carried to Norway, 72 Indian Ocean, volcanoes in, 229 Insel Ferdinandez, 178, 179, fig. 78 Intermediate lavas, 48 Intervals between eruptions, 33 Ireland, north-east of, 103 Iron in Ovifak-basalts, 319, fig. 87 Iron, seething of, 356 of Ovifak, terrestrial origin of, 320 Ischia, eruption in 1301, 164 crater -lake of JBagno in, 172, fig. 71 plan of, 163, fig. 64 parasitic cones in, 164, fig. 65 Island of Bourbon, 93 Isle Julie, 178, 179, fig. 78 Isogeotherms, 359 TANSSEN, referred to, 42 " Joint-structures in lava, 104-110 JAMMERB UHL, 1 12-1 14, fig. - - section of, 114, fig. 34 section in side of, 118, fig. 36 KANT, nebular hypothesis of, 352 Kilauea, volcano of, 71, 138 crater of, 181 KING, Mr. CLABBNCE, cited, 301 T AACHER S E E, minerals *J ejected at, 149 Lac Paven, Auvergne, 171, fig. 70 ' Laccolites,' formation of, 208 Lago di Bolsena, 173, 175 Lago di Bracciano, dimensions of, 172, 173 Lake Avernus, 215 376 INDEX. LAP Lapilli, 70 LAPLACE, nebular hypothesis of, 325, 352 Lavas, action of acid gases on, 41 resemblance to slags, 46 chemical elements in, 46 oxygen in, 4.7 silicon in, 47 proportion of silica and other oxides in, 47 silicates in, 47 acid, intermediate, basic, 48 specific gravities of, 49 colours of, 49 microscopic study of, 50 fusibility of, 51 minerals in, 51 artificially fused, 51 crystals in, 51, 93 ground mass of, 52 crystalline forms of, 59 of Bohemia, 103 of Hungary, 96, 103 of Kilauea, 95 of Lipari, 96 of Niedermendig, 103 of Vesuvius, 104 of Volvic, 95 of Vulcano, 95 presence of water in, 102 chemical deposits on, 1.10 different fluidity of, 204 augite and hornblende in, 267 Lara, cascade of, 93, fig. 18 Lava-cones, composed of liquid lava, 125 of viscid lava, 126, 127 characters of, of liquid lava, 159 of viscid lava, 160 Lava-cones, outlines of, 160, fig. 60 Lava, in deep-seated reservoirs, 138 consolidation of, at great depths, 139 Lava-fountains, 94 Lava-skeets, intrusive, 136, 137, fig. 56 * Lava ' ornaments cf Naples, 45 MAD < Lava,' slow-cooling of, 110 a bad conductor of heat, 110 ice under, 110 Lava-streams, nature of move- ments, 92 difference in liquidity of, 92 miniature cones on, 100, 101 vast dimensions of, 102 structure of, 103 position of columns in, 106 sinking of surface of, 111 ' Lave di fan go/ 30 ' Lave di f uoco,' 30 Lawrenceite, 314 Laws of volcanic action, 38 LE COI^TE, cited, 347 Leucite, absence from ancient lavas, 268 Lightning, accompanying vol- canic outbursts, 28 Linear arrangement of volcanic vents, 191 of volcanoes, 231 Lipari Islands, 3, 39 fissures in, 197 pumice-cones in, 154 order of appearance of lavas in, 200 breached pumice-cone in, 124, fig. 41 map of, 192, fig. 81 lavas of, 96, figs. 20, 21 Liquids in cavities of crystals, 63 Liquid cavities in lavas, 60, fig. 7 spontaneous movement of bubbles in, 62, fig. 8 spontaneous movement of bubbles in, cause of, 65 LOCKYER, Mr. NORMAN, cited, 322, 363, 364 Lunar craters, 368, fig. 95 LYELL, Sir CHARLES, cited, 135, 167, 197 MACCULLOCH, cited, 207, 208 Madeira, cliff-section in, 128, fig. 47 INDEX. 377 MAG Magmas, theory of, 201 objections to, 202, 203 MALLET, Mr., cited, 269, 343, 346 Mamelons of Bourbon, 126, 127, figs. 45, 46 MASKELYNE, Professor, cited, 314 Massa di Somma, destruction cf, 26 Mauna Loa, 138 Metamorphism around volcanic vents, 145 Meteorites, nature of, 312 composition of, 313 minerals of, 314 classification of, 315 Melaphyres, 262 Miascite, 59 MICHEL LEVY, M., 110 Micro-crystalline base, 58 Microliths. See Crystallites Microscopic study of lavas, 50 Minerals in lavas, 51 of Vesuvius, 46 Mineral-veins, formation of, ] 49 connection with volcanoes, , 220 nature of materials in, 321 Misenum, Cape of, section of tuff- cone of, 121, fig. 38 Modena, mud- volcanoes of, 182 Mont Dore, section at, 130, fig. 48 Monte Cerboli, Tuscany, 216 Monte Massi, Tuscany, well at, 341 Monte Nuovo, history of forma- tion of, 76 description of, 77, 78, fig. 10 152 crater of, 168 production of fissure at, 190 Monte Rotondo, Tuscany, 216 Moon, effect of internal forces on, 305 Mountains, all volcanoes not, 2 Mountain-chains, formation of, 291 all of recent date, 292 PHO Mud streams at volcanoes, 30 Mud- volcanoes, formation of, 181, 182 Mull, dissected volcano of, 142-4, tigs. 57, 58 Muscovite, absence of, from mo- dern lavas, 268 MEBULAR hypothesis of La- 11 place, 325, 352 of Kant, 352 New Zealand, geysers of, 217 volcanoes of, 135 volcanic cones in, 79 Niedermendig, lava of, 103 NORDENSKIOLD, Prof essor, cited, 318 OBSERVATORY on Vesuvius, 24, 37 on Etna, 37 Obsidian, 59 Oceans, depth of, in volcanic areas, 242 Oceanic islands, volcanoes in, 228 OLIVER, Capt. S. P., 92 Oldhamite, 314 Outlines of Vesuvius, 87, fig. 17 Ovifak, iron-masses of, 319 Oxidation of materials of globe, 324 Oxygen, proportion in lavas, 47 PACIFIC, volcanoes in, 229 PALMIEKI, Professor, cited, 25, 37 Papandayang, eruption of, 169 Papin's digester, nature of ac- tion in, 22 Parasitic cones, formation of, 161, 162, fig. 61 Pele's Hair, 71 Perlitic structure, 109 PHILLIPS, Mr. J. A., cited, 220 Phonolites, 50, 59 378 INDEX. PHO Phonolite- volcanoes, 126 Photograph of Vesuvian eruption, 24, fig. 5 < Pine-tree ' appendage of Vesu- vius, 29 Pitchstones, porphyritic, 60 Plateaux formed of lava-sheets, 270 Pliny, Elder, death of, 7 Plombieres, hot springs of, 147 Plutonic rocks, 61 Pompeii, nature of materials covering, 117 Ponza Islands, 39 Ponza, sections in, 131, 132, figs. 51, 52 Porphyrites, 263 Porphyritic pitchstones, 60 Potentially liquid rock, 250 Pre- Cambrian volcanoes of Brit- ish Islands. 274 Presence of water in lavas, 353 Pressure under which crystals were formed, 65 Prcdazzo, ancient volcano of, 165, fig. 67 Propylites, 199 Pseudo-dykes, 119 Pumice, how formed, 68 cause of white colour of, 71 floating on ocean, 73 on ocean-beds, 73 Pumice-cones, 154 Puy de Pariou, Auvergne, 193, 194, figs. 82, 83 Puzzolana, 89 "DAIN, accompanying volcanic " outbursts, 30 Rate of movement of lava- streams, 97 RATH, Professor VOM, 72 Red clay of ocean-beds, 74 Red Mountains, Skye, 144 Reservoirs beneath vo 1 canoes, 145 REYER, Dr. ED., experiments of, 125, 160 SIL Revkjanes, eruption off, in 1783, 102 Rhyolites, 50, 59 RICHTHOFEN, Vox, cited, 198, 199, 200, 205 Rocca Monfina, 178, fig. 77 , 204 Rock-masses, movements of, 288 Rocky Mountains, 103 volcanoes of, 201 Rotomahana, sinter-terraces of, 185 Ropy -lavas, 98, fig. 24 i section in, 132, fig. 53 Sandwich Islands, lavas of, 125 San Sebastiano, destruction of, 26 San Stephana, section in, 131, fig. 50 Santorin, 42 Sarcoui, Grand Puy of, 126, fig. 44 Sciarra del fuoco, 13 Scoria, how formed, 68, 70 Scoria-cones, altered by acid gas, 155 breached, 156 characters of, 153 preservation of, 155 red colour of, 154 Scoria-cone in Vesuvius, 122, fig. 39 Scoria-cone near Auckland, N. Z., 165, fig. 66 SCHMIDT, referred to, 153 Schreibersite, 314 SCROPE, Mr. POULETT, cited, 5, 69, 106, 135, 198, 205, 212, 238, 289 Sea of Azof, mud-volcanoes of, 182 SECCHI, Father, cited, 362 Shiant Isles, 105 Silica, presence in lavas, 47 Silicates in lavas, 47 Silicon, proportion in lavas, 47 INDEX. 379 SIL Siliceous sinter, deposits of, 220 Silver, spitting of, 355 SILVBSTEI, Professor, cited, 230 Similarity of lavas of different ages, 260 Sinter-cones, forms of, 183, fig. 79 Skye, dissected volcano of, 144 Slags, compared with lavas, 46 SMITH, LAWRENCE, cited, 320 Smoke, appearance of, due to steam, 2 Snowdon, 274 Solar prominences, 364-366, figs. 92, 93, 94 Solfatara of Naples, 214 Solfatara-stage of volcanoes, 215 Somma, 133 crater-ring of, 83 SORBY, Mr. H. C., referred to, 59, 252 SPALLANZANI, early researches of, 4 observations on Stromboli, 8 cited, 39, 357 Specific gravities of lavas, 49 of glassy and crystalline rocks, 59 Spectroscope in vulcanology, 41 Spectrum-analysis, results of, 311 Specular-iron, deposited on lava- streams, 110 Sperenberg, boring of, 341 SpTicerulites, 54, Frontispiece Sporadosiderites, 316 Stability of crust of globe, 326 Staffa, Isle of, 106 STEENSTRUP, cited, 319 Steam-engine compared to vol- cano, 8 Sttam, emitted by lava of Vesu- vius, 27 STERNBERG, referred to, 113 St. Kilda, 181 STOKES, Professor, 65 St. Paul, Island of, 180 Stromboli, 42, 158 apertures at bottom of crater, 15 TEN Stromboli, appearances in cratel of, 16 at night, 10 compared with Vesuvius, 23 crater of, 13 dependence of eruptions on atmospheric conditions, 34 eruption of, 14, fig. 4 general features of, 11 map of, 11, fig. 2 observations by Spallanzani, 8 resemblance to flashing light, 10 section of, 13, fig. 3 soundings around, 12 vapour-cloud above, 9 violent eruptions of, 23 Strombolian stage, 23 Stufas, nature of, 217 Submarine volcanoes, 179 Subterranean forces, beneficial effects of, 303 Subsidence in centre of volca- noes, 165 Sulphur, absorption of water by molten, 356 deposited on lava- streams, 110 how formed at volcanoes, 18 not the cause of volcanic out- bursts, 18 Surfaces of lava-streams, 97-99, figs. 22, 23 Sun-spots, 361-363, figs. 89, 90, 91 Syenite, 59 Syssiderites, 316 SZABO, Professor, cited, 199 rFACHYLYTE, 59 -L Tertiary volcanoes of British Islands, 276 Terraces, sinter- and travertine- formation of, 185, fig. 80 Temperature, increase in deeper parts of earth's crust, 335 rate of increase in different areas, 340 Teneriffe, 44, 151 380 INDEX. TEN Teneriffe, 178, fig. 77 peak of, 175, fig. 73 Tenon-and-mortise structure in basaltic columns, 107 Theodosius and Vulcano, 3 Thunder, accompanying volcanic outbursts, 28 Trachytes, 49, 50, 59 Trap-rocks, origin of, 241 Trass, 90 Travertine or Tibur-stonc, 184 deposits of, 220 Triassic volcanoes of British Islands, 275 Tridymite deposited on lava- streams, 110 Troilite, 314 TEOOST, cited, 355 Tufa, or tuff, 90 Tuff-cones, characters of, 157 denudation of, 157, 158 Typhon, fable of, 3 ULTRA-BASIC lavas, 50, 56 rocks, 317 V AL DEL BOVE, Etna, 133, V 180, 209 dykes in, 134. fig. 55 Vapour- cloud over Vesuvius, 26, 29 Stromboli, 9 Ventotienne, Island of, section at, 130, fig. 49 Vesuvius, 37 changes in form of, 81 compared with Stromboli, 23 crater of in 1756, 84, fig. 14 of in 1767, 85, fig. 15 of in 1822, 82, fig. 13 of in 1843, 86, fig. 16 detonations at, 26 early history of, 83 eruption of year 79, 84 of 1822, 69 of April 1872, 24 of October 1822, 24 VOL Vesuvius, ejected blocks of, 45 first eruption of, 7 form of, 166 fossils of, 45 growth of cone of, 80 history of, 204 last eruption of, 7 - lava-stream of 1855, 101 lava-streams of 1858, 1872, 97 lavas of, 104 minerals of, 46 ejected at, 149 observatory on, 24, 37 outlines of, 87 pine-tree appendage of, 29 scoria-cones in lava, 122 on lava of 1855, 153 steam emitted by lava of, 27 vapour-cloud over, 26, 29 Vesuvian stage, 23 eruption, pliotograpTi of, 24, fig. 5 Viscid lavas of Lipari Islands, 94-96 Vitreous lavas, devitrification of, 259 Volcanic action, laws of, 32 bombs, 70, 71 cycles, nature of, 221, 222 duration of, 223 cc-nes, internal structure of, 115-122 experi-tnentaliUiistrationoJ formation of, 120, fig. 37 limits to height of, 166 form of, 152 dimensions of, 152 irregular development of, 90 slopes of sides of, 91 composed of ejected rock- fragments, 156 curved slopes of, 156 debris on sea-bottom, 240 dust, fineness of, 69 districts, areas of upheaval 245 ejections, alteration of, 258 INDEX. 381 VOL Volcanic eruptions, compared to ebullition, 19, 20 forces, compensate for denu- dation, 283 intensity at former periods, 278 ~ - necessity for action of, 285 shifting of from one area to another, 277 mountains, origin of conical forms, 89 mode of growth, 89 phenomena of the past simi- lar to those at present, 273 product s, order of appearance of, 198, 199 Volcanic rocks, 61 similarity of ancient and modern, 253 Volcano, origin of name, 3 craters of, 167 Island of. See Vulcano compared to steam-engine, 8 Volcanoes, blocks, ejected from, 45 built up of ejected fragments, 74 destruction caused by, 281 dissected by denudation, 115, 139 erroneous ideas concerning, 1 ejection of different materials from, 205 known to ancients, 3 life-history of, 186 number of, 224, 225 of Africa, 227 of America, 236 of Asia, 236 of Bohemia, 126 of Central Asia, 236 of Central Pacific, 236 of Europe, 227 of Hungary, 126 position in relation to moun- tain chains, 243 popular ideas concerning, 1 reservoirs beneath, 145 ZEO Volvic, lava of, 103 VOSE, cited, 346 Vulcan, forge of, 3 Vulcano, island of, 3, 158 Vulcano and Theodosius, 3 VuJcano, 178, fig. 77 and Vulcanello, vierv of, 43, fig. 6 chemical deposits at, 44 eruption in 1786, 43 - in 1873, 43 lava-stream in, 95, fig. 19 - 103, fig. 27 pla of, 195, fig. 85 section of volcanic we in, 116, fig. 35 section in, 129 shifting of centre of eruption in, 196 Vulcanello, craters of, 197, fig. 86 Vulcanology, origin of the science, 4 earliest treatise on, 5 WALFKRDIN, M., cited, 340 Water in lavas, 353 penetration through rocks, 358 presence of in lavas, 102 and saline solutions in cavi- ties of crystals, 63 WERNER, cited, 201 Western Isles of Scotland, 102, 139, 142 volcanoes of, 212 WHYMPER, Mr., 69 WOODWARD, Mr., experiments of, 119 Wrekin, ancient volcanic rocks of, 259 'OUNG, Professor, cited, 365 7EOLITES, formation of, 160 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. 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