' .//-..:* / V'i' *Mi <;' m NT* ,07 A MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMISTRY. A MANUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMISTRY, THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL. BY T. EEEDEEICK HAEDWICH, LATE DEMONSTRATOR OF CHEMISTRY AND LECTURER ON PHOTOGRAPHY IS KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. Sebentfj (SHitton. EDITED BY GEORGE DAWSON, M.A., LECTURER ON PHOTOGRAPHY IN KING'S COLLEGE, AND EDWARD HADOW, F.C.S., M.R.C.S., DEMONSTRATOR OF CHEMISTRY IN KING'S COLLEGE. LONDON : JOHN CHURCHILL & SONS, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. . [The Author reserves to himself the right of translating this Edition. ~\ FEINTED BY JOHN EDWAKD TATI.OB, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. IN this Edition a different arrangement of the Parts of the Work has been adopted, " The Outlines of General Chemistry " having been placed first. This alteration may seem unimportant to those who consult the Work merely for practical details, but it is hoped that the re-arrange- ment will prove satisfactory to those readers who wish to peruse it continuously, that they may obtain a sound theo- retical foundation before proceeding to practice. Although this portion of the Book has been in a great measure re- written, old-fashioned definitions of Acids and Salts, and modes of representing chemical changes, have beenretained, since later and more exact views could hardly be intro- duced without the frequent employment of new terms, which seem out of place in a Manual treating only of what is theoretical for practical ends. Those Atomic Weights are given which accord with the ordinary chemical names familiar to Photographers. The " Vocabulary of Chemi- cals " has been revised and enlarged ; but, as in former Editions, the processes given in this Part are such as suit the amateur rather than the manufacturer. Some re- marks on the Elements which enter into the composition of photographic chemicals have also been added, with the view of enabling the reader to be more independent of other works on Chemistry. In Part II., Mr. Hardwich's theories of the Action of Light on Salts of Silver are left much as they stood, VI PEEFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. inasmuch as his views on these points accord generally with those of the Editors, and have been further confirmed by the researches of Monckhoven, and more recently by those of Dr. "Vogel, of Berlin. The new Lenses which have come prominently into notice during the last three years have been described, and the theory of Binocular Vision and of the Stereoscope has been more fully explained. In discussing the theory of Collodion Negatives, care has been taken to distinguish between the modes of treat- ment best suited for Iodized and Bromo-iodized Collodions, but in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with the original arrangement of the Part. In Part III., the same distinction between the two kinds of Collodion has been maintained throughout, and separate formula? and instructions for manipulation have been given for each ; the object being to explain the details of the Art as at present practised, so far as they have been thoroughly tested. Some Sections have been re-written, and in others it has been found necessary to condense and to curtail, so as to admit more important matter within the prescribed limits. In the Appendix some additions have been also made, and the Index has been rendered more complete. In conclusion, the Editors trust that their efforts will not prove to have been unsuccessful in maintaining for this Manual the position it has hitherto held as " The Photo- grapher's Guide." Whether they have succeeded or not, they have endeavoured conscientiously to carry out the expressed wish of Mr. Hardwich, who has been truly called "the Photographer's best friend," and who has only re- linquished his favourite pursuit because he has found a higher and more important field of labour. GEOEGE DAWSON. EDWAED A. HADOW. King's College, London, January, 1864. PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. IN preparing a new Edition of his Work, the Author finds it growing under his hands in a way not originally anticipated. The only apology he can offer is, that he hears the * Manual ' spoken of as being useful for refer- ence rather than for continuous perusal, and if so, each Part, and also each separate Chapter, ought to be as nearly as possible complete in itself, even at the expense of some repetition. In furtherance of this object, the em- ployment of type of two sizes has been adopted, which will enable the reader to distinguish the elementary parts of the Work from those which, being more elaborate and minute, may be consulted only on occasion*. The Third Chapter, treating of latent images, has un- dergone some alteration in this Edition, and the Author having definitely adopted a particular hypothesis, has given it that prominence which it appears to him to de- serve. With reference to Collodion, he believes that every statement which he makes concerning it may be implicitly received, since his opportunities of fixing correct data have been unusually great. At the same time he wishes it to be understood that he has now relinquished the com- mercial manufacture of Collodion, and that for the future no responsibility will attach to him. Vlll PBEFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. Photographic printing has reached a point beyond which any further advance will be difficult. The Chapters rela- ting to this subject have been once more re-arranged, but it is not anticipated that such a proceeding will again be necessary unless our present modes should be superseded. Dry Collodion photography is in this Edition placed in the first or theoretical, as well as in the second or practical part of the Work. Major Russell has communicated aii improved method, of the utility of which high expectations are entertained. In conclusion, the Writer desires to thank those kind friends who have assisted him in collecting materials for this Edition, and to acknowledge his obligations to the authors of papers published during the past two years. His aim throughout has been to show strict impartiality in recording the results of his fellow-labourers, and if he has failed in doing so, the fault was not in the intention. London, January 1st, 1861. CONTENTS. Page 1 PART I. OUTLINES OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. The more important Elementary Bodies, with their Sym- bols and Atomic Weights. Compounds and Mixtures. Bases. Acids. Neutral Oxides. Salts. Laws of combination by weight. The Atomic theory. Sym- bols and formulae. Chemical nomenclature. Che- mical changes. Chemistry of organic bodies ... 9 CHAPTER II. DESCRIPTION OF PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS AND THEIE ELEMENTS, ALPHABETICALLY AEBANGED .... 29 X CONTENTS. PART II. THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES. CHAPTER I. Page HISTOEICAL SKETCH OF PHOTOGEAPHY 137 CHAPTER II. THE SALTS OP SILYER EMPLOYED IN PHOTOGEAPHY. Section I. The Chemistry of the Salts of Silver. The pre- paration and properties of the Nitrate of Silver of the Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Silver. The Chemis- try of the Oxides of Silver 123 Section II. The Photographic Properties of the Salts of Silver. The action of Light upon Nitrate of Silver upon Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Silver upon organic Salts of Silver. Simple experiments with sen- sitive Photographic Paper. Nature of the chemical changes produced by light vipon the Compounds of Silver 129 CHAPTER III. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INVISIBLE IMAGE. Simple experiments illustrating the process 137 Section I. The Substances employed as Developers. The chemistry of the principal reducing agents, Gallic Acid, Pyrogallic Acid, and the Protosalts of Iron. Reduc- tion of Salts of Silver by Developing Agents. Con- ditions which retard or otherwise modify the process of reduction 138 Section II. The Formation and Development of the Latent Image. Hypothesis on the nature of the image. The mode of its development. Causes which affect CONTENTS. XI Page the sensitiveness of the plates. Fogging and other irregularities of development. Moser's researches. Experiments of Norris, Busk, and others. The Che- mical nature of developed images 145 CHAPTER IY. ON FIXING THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE. Chemistry of the various substances which may be em- ployed as Fixing Agents. Ammonia, Alkaline Chlo- rides, Bromides, and Iodides. Hyposulphite of Soda. Cyanide of Potassium. Sulphocyanides.: Relative affinities of Chlorine, Iodine, and Hyposulphurous Acid for Silver 166 CHAPTER V. ON THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OP LIGHT. Section I. The compound Nature of Light, with the laws of refraction. Decomposition of Light into elemen- tary coloured rays. Phenomena of simple refraction by parallel and inclined surfaces. The various forms of Lenses. The Foci of Lenses. Formation of a Lu- minous Image by a Lens. Enlarged and reduced images. Lenses of long and short focus 172 Section II. The Photographic Camera. Its simplest form. Chromatic aberration : visual and actinic focus. Spherical aberration. Curvature of the field. Varia- tion of focus for near and distant objects. The single Actinic View Lens. The Aplanatic Lens. The Or- thoscopic or Orthographic Lens. The Triplet Lens. Sutton's Panoramic Lens. The Globe Lens. The Petzval Orthoscopic Lens. The double, or Portrait combination Lens. On distortion in Lenses . . . 180 Section III. On Actinism. Diagram of Chemical Spec- trum. Illustrative experiments. Superior sensibility Xll CONTENTS. Page of Bromide of Silver to coloured light. Mode in which dark-coloured objects impress the film. Actinic transparency 198 Section IV. On Binocular Vision and the Stereoscope. Phenomena of Binocular Vision. Theory of the Ste- reoscope. Wheatstone's reflecting Stereoscope. Brewster's Stereoscope. Eules for taking Stereoscopic pictures 205 CHAPTEE VI. COLLODION AND THE NITEATE BATH. Section I. Collodion. Pyroxyline its chemical composi- tion. Parchmentizing action of Oil of Vitriol. The solution of the Pyroxyline in Ether and Alcohol. The changes which Iodized Collodion undergoes by keeping. Observations on some points of importance in the manufacture of Photographic Collodion . . . 216 Section II. The Chemistry of the Nitrate Bath. Its sol- vent action on Iodide of Silver. Acidity and Alka- linity of the Nitrate Bath. Formation of Acetate of Silver in the Bath. Contamination by organic mat- ters. Use of fused Nitrate of Silver for the Bath . . 247 CHAPTEE VII. ON POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE COLLODION PHOTOGEAPHS. Definition of the terms Positive and Negative. The same Photograph often capable of representing both varieties 255 Section I. Collodion Positives. Process with attenuated films. Improved mode with Bromide in the Collo- dion. Proper condition of the Nitrate Bath. Deve- lopers for Collodion Positives. Fixing Agents. A process for whitening Grlass Positives by means of Chloride of Mercury 257 Section II. Collodion Negatives. Conditions which affect CONTENTS. Xlii Page the formation and development of the Negative. Iodized and Bromo-iodized Negative Collodion. The Nitrate Bath and developers suitable for Iodized Col- lodion. Ditto for Bromo-iodized Collodion. Fixing liquids. Artificial modes of strengthening Negatives . 267 CHAPTEE YIIL ON THE THEORY OP POSITIVE FEINTING. General observations 287 Section I. Printing the Proof. The stages of its darkening by light. The function of each constituent of the sen- sitive paper. Observations on the various conditions which affect the sensitiveness of the paper, and the vigour* of the image 288 Section II. Toning the Proof. Toning by Sulphur. The Salts of Gold as toning agents. The alkaline Gold Toning Bath with the more important of the condi- tions which affect its action - ... 305 Section III. Fixing the Proof. The properties of Hypo- sulphite of Silver. Conditions of a proper Fixing. Injurious states of the Fixing Bath 313 Section IV. The Fading of Photographic Prints. The causes which produce it. The comparative perma- nency of Prints. The mode of testing permanency . 319 CHAPTEE IX. COLLODION PEESEEVATIVE AND DEY COLLODION PEOCESSES. The Method of Messrs. Spiller and Crookes. Shadbolt's ^HoneyJProcess. The Oxymel Process. Dry Process of the Abbe Despratz. Norris'a Eesearches. Tau- penot's Collodio-Albumen Process. FothergilTs Pro- cess. EusselT s Tannin Process. Collodion for the Dry Processes. General Observations 327 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. ON THE DAGUEEEEOTYPE AND OTHER PEOCESSES. Page Section I. The Daguerreotype. The nature of the sensi- tive film. Development of the Latent Image. The strengthening of the Image by means of Hyposulphite of Gold 352 Section II. The Processes of Talbot, etc. The Calotype. The waxed Paper Process of Le Grey. The Albumen Negative Process 356 Section III. Photographic Processes by Sir John Herschel and others. The Cyanotype. The Chrysotype. Ura- nium Printing Process. Processes with Bichromate of Potash. Carbon Printing. Photo-lithography. Photo-zincography. Photo-galvanography, and Pho- to-glyphy 362 PART III. PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY UPON COLLODION. CHAPTER I. PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. Section I. Preparation of plain Collodion. Mode of preparing soluble Pyroxyline by the Nitre process. Commercial process by the mixed Acids. Manipula- tions and Precautions to be observed. Positive and Negative Collodion 373 Section II. Formulae for Solutions for direct Positives. The iodized Collodion. The Nitrate Bath. Develop- ing fluids. Fixing liquid. Varnishes 391 Section III. Formula for Negative Solutions. Iodized Collodion and Nitrate Bath. Bromo-iodized Collo- dion and Nitrate Bath. Developing fluids. Fixing liquid.^Yarnish 398 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTEE II. MANIPULATIONS AND PEOCESSES. Page Section I. Manipulations of the Collodion process. Cleaning the Plates. Coating with Collodion. Exci- ting. Exposing. Developing. Fixing. Varnishing 407 Section II. Positive and Negative Portraiture. Con- struction of Glass Houses. Working in the open Air. Arrangement of the apparatus. Management of Portrait Lenses. Manipulations in taking Glass Posi- tives. Observations on the Collodion, etc., for Nega- tive Portraits. Carte-de-Visite Portraits .... 427 Section III. Landscape Photography. The apparatus. The Chemicals. The manipulations 444 Section IY. On copying Engravings and Maps. Hints in selecting the Lenses. The difficulties to be antici- pated. The proper state of the chemicals . . . . 455 Section Y. Rules for taking Stereoscopic and instantaneous Photographs. Latimer Clark's arrangement. Instan- taneous Photography 465 Section YI. Photographic delineation of Microscopic Ob- jects. Arrangement of apparatus. Mode of finding the chemical Focus. Experience of various operators 473 Section YII. Photography in hot climates. Remarks on a stable Pyroxyline. Use of Alcohol to retard Evapo- ration of Collodion. Apparatus and package . . . 478 CHAPTEE III. THE PRACTICAL DETAILS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING. Section I. The ordinary process of Positive Printing. Se- lection of the paper. Preparation of Albuminized paperof plain paper of Ammonio-Nitrate paper. Preparation of the Alkaline Gold Toning Bath. Pre- paration of the Fixing Bath. Manipulatory details of Photographic Printing. Mode of washing and mount- ing the Proofs. Vignetting 486 Section II. Positive Printing by Development. A process on Iodide and Bromide of Silver. rProcess on Chloride and Citrate of Silver. On Printing Transparencies . 507 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF FAILTJEE IN THE COLLODION PEOCESS. Page Section I. Imperfections in Negative and Positive Col- lodion Photographs. Fogging. Transparent and opaque spots. Markings of all kinds. Under- and over-exposure, etc. Defects in Collodion Positives . 517 Section II. Imperfections in Paper Positives .... 536 CHAPTER V. DEY COLLODION AND COLLODIO-ALBTJMEN PEOCESSES. Practical details of Russell's Tannin Process of FothergilTs Process of Taupenot's Collodio- Albumen Process. Modification of the latter by Messrs. Petschler and Mann . 540 APPENDIX. To find the equivalent focus of a lens and the angle of view included. Quantitative Testing of Nitrate Baths. Table of Specific Gravity of Nitrate of Silver solutions. Recovery of Silver from waste solutions and resi- dues. Reduction of Chloride of Silver. Reduction of Sulphide of Silver. Separation of Silver and Gold. Removal of Iodide of Silver from Nitrate Baths. Mode of taking the Specific Gravity of Liquids. On Filtration. The use of Test-papers. The removal of Silver stains from the hands, etc. Cleansing of Bot- tles. Removal of Varnish from finished pictures. Lacquer for blacking brass-work. Dr. Ure's tables of the strength of Sulphuric and Nitric Acid of dif- ferent densities. Proportion of Absolute Alcohol in Spirit of different densities. Baume's Hydrometer Tables for liquids heavier and lighter than water. Fahrenheit and Centigrade Thermometer scales. Table of Weights and Measures. Twaddell's Hydro- meter . , 561 A MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMISTRY. INTRODUCTION. IN attempting to impart knowledge on any subject, it is not sufficient that the writer should himself be acquainted with that which he professes to teach. Even supposing such to be the case, yet much of the success of his effort must depend upon the manner in which the information is conveyed ; for as, on the one hand, a system of extreme brevity always fails of its object, so, on the other, a mere compilation of facts imperfectly explained tends only to confuse the reader. A middle course between these extremes is perhaps the best to adopt ; that is, to make selection of certain funda- mental points, and to explain them with some minuteness, leaving others of less importance to be dealt with in a more summary manner, or to be altogether omitted. But independently of observations of this kind, applying to educational instruction in general, it may be remarked, that there are sometimes difficulties of a more formidable description to be overcome. For instance, in treating of a science, like Photography, which involves numerous and complex reactions, there is great danger of attributing effects to wrong causes. Perhaps none but he who has B 2 INTRODUCTION. himself worked in the laboratory can estimate this point in its proper light. In an experiment where the quantities of material acted upon are infinitesimally small, and the che- mical changes involved of a most refined and subtle de- scription, it is soon discovered that the slightest variation in the usual conditions suffices to alter the result. Nevertheless Photography is truly a science, governed by fixed laws ; and hence, as our knowledge increases, we may fairly hope that uncertainty will cease, and the same precision be attained as that with which chemical opera- tions are usually performed. The intention of the author in writing this work, is to impart a thorough knowledge of what may be termed the " First Principles of Photography," that the amateur may arm himself with a theoretical acquaintance with the sub- ject before proceeding to its practice. To assist this ob- ject, care will be taken to avoid needless complexity in the formulae, and all ingredients will be omitted which are not believed to be useful. The impurities of chemicals will be pointed out as far as possible, and special directions given for their removal. Amongst the great variety of Photographic processes which have been devised, those only will be selected which are correct on theoretical grounds, and are found in prac- tice to succeed. As the work is addressed to one supposed to be unac- quainted both with Chemistry and Photography, pains will be taken to avoid the employment of all technical terms of which an explanation has not previously been given. A SKETCH OF THE MAIN DIVISIONS TO BE ADOPTED, WITH THE PRINCIPAL SUBJECT-MATTER OF EACH. The title given to the Work is " A Manual of Photo- graphic Chemistry," and it is proposed to include in it a familiar explanation of the nature of the various chemical agents employed in the Art of Photography, with the ra- tionale of the manner in which they are thought to act. INTRODUCTION. 3 The division adopted is threefold. PART I. contains a statement of the Laws of Chemical combination, an explanation of Chemical terms, and of Symbolic notation (or short-hand) ; and also a list of Photo- graphic chemicals alphabetically arranged, including their preparation and properties as far as required for their employment in the Art. Although Photography may certainly be practised suc- cessfully without a knowledge of Chemistry, yet a slight acquaintance with this science is so material an assistance in enabling a Photographer to explain, avoid, and escape from his difficulties, that it is recommended to the reader to take the trouble to master the first principles contained in Chapter I., and also to refer to the Vocabulary when a chemical is employed for the first time. PART II., or "the Science of Photography," includes a full desci'iption of the chemical action of Light upon the Salts of Silver, with its application to artistic purposes ; all mention of manipulatory details, and of quantities of ingredients, being, as a rule, omitted. In this division of the Work will be found ten Chap- ters, the contents of which are as follows : Chapter I. is a sketch of the history of Photography, intended to convey a general notion of the origin and pro- gress of the Art, without dwelling on minute particulars. Chapter II. describes the Chemistry of the Salts of Silver employed by Photographers ; their preparation and properties ; the phenomena of the action of Light upon them, with experiments illustrating it. Chapter III. leads us on to the formation of an invisible image upon a sensitive surface, with the development or bringing out to view of the same by means of chemical reagents. This point, being of fundamental importance, is described carefully ; the reduction of metallic oxides, the properties of the bodies employed to reduce, and the hypotheses which have been entertained on the nature of the Light's action, are all minutely explained. Chapter IV. treats of the fixing of Photographic im- 4 ' INTKODUCTION. pressions, in order to render them indestructible by dif- fused light. Chapter V. contains a sketch of the Optics of Photo- graphy the decomposition of white Light into its elemen- tary rays, the Photographic properties of the different co- lours, the refraction of Light, and construction of Lenses. In the last Section of this Chapter will be found a short sketch of the history and use of the Stereoscope. Chapter VI. explains the chemistry of Pyroxyline, with its solution in Alcoholized Ether, or Collodion ; also of the Nitrate Bath, in which the photographic plates are ren- dered sensitive to light. Chapter VII. describes the classification of Collodion Photographs as Positives and Negatives, with the distinc- tive peculiarities of each, and the most approved modes of obtaining them. Chapter VIII. contains the theory of the production of Positive Photographs upon paper. In this Chapter will be found an explanation of the complex chemical changes involved in printing Positives, with the precautions which are required to ensure the permanency of the finished proofs. Chapter IX. is an epitome of all that is known of the dry Collodion and Collodion preservative processes ; their history, and the scientific principles upon which they are founded. Chapter X. is supplementary to the others, and a brief notice of it will suffice. It explains the theory of the Pho- tographic processes of Daguerre and Talbot ; especially noticing those points in which they may be contrasted with Photography upon Collodion, but omitting all description of manipulatory details, which if included would extend the Work beyond its proposed limits. Photo-lithography, lately improved and perfected, is also alluded to in this Chapter. The title of the third principal division of the Work, viz. " The practice of Photography upon Collodion," ex- plains itself. Attention however may be invited to the INTEODUCTION. 5 fourth Chapter, in which a classification is given of the principal imperfections in Photographs, with short direc- tions for their removal. The reader will at once gather from this sketch of the contents of the volume before him, that whilst the general theory of every Photographic process is described, with the preparation and properties of the chemicals employed, minute directions in the minor points of manipulation are restricted to Photography upon Collodion, that branch of the Art being the one to which the time and attention of the author have been especially directed. Collodion is al- lowed by all to be a good vehicle for the sensitive Silver Salts, and successful results can be obtained with a very small expenditure of time and trouble, if the solutions em- ployed in the process are prepared in a state of purity. PART I. OUTLINES OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. OUTLINES OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER I. ALL substances with which we are acquainted, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, are either elements, or compounds of elements, or mixtures of elements, or mixtures of com- pounds. It is necessary, in the first place, to understand these terms clearly. ELEMENTS. An Element is a substance which consists of one kind of matter only, or which has never yet been decomposed or separated into two or more kinds of matter. The number of such simple substances at present known is 64 ; of these however only the following 34 need be mentioned, as being the most common, and as including all that are alluded to in this Work. The meaning of the symbols and atomic weights attached to each element will be explained after- wards. Symbol. Atomic Wt. Oxygen O 8 Hydrogen H 1 Non-Metallic, Nitrogen N 14 Elements. 1 Chlorine 01 35'5 Iodine I 127 Bromine Br 80 10 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS Symbol. Atomic Wt. Fluorine F 19 Non-Metallic I Carbon C 6 Elements ( Boron B 11 continued. Phosphorus P 31 I Sulphur S 16 Potassium K 39 Sodium ...... Na 23 Lithium L 7 Barium Ba 68'5 Calcium Ca 20 Strontium Sr 43'8 Magnesium Mg 12' 16 Aluminium Al 13*75 Chromium Cr 26'3 Iron Fe 28 Zinc Zn 32'7 Manganese Mn 27'5 Uranium U 60 Cadmium Cd 56 Copper Cu 31'7 Lead Pb 103'5 Tin Sn 59 Antimony Sb 122 Arsenic As 75 Gold Au 196-6 Mercury Hg 100 Silver Ag 108 Platinum . Pt 98 '6 Metals. COMPOUNDS AND MIXTUEES. These elementary substances are capable of uniting with each other to form Compounds, which differ from their elements in appearance and properties, the more com- pletely that the latter were opposed to each other in their properties. Thus the gaseous element Chlorine is capable of combining with the metal Sodium, to form with it the well-known solid, common Salt, in which neither a gas nor AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. 11 a metal can be detected by the senses. The black solid, Iodine, unites with the metal Potassium, to form the white compound Iodide of Potassium. The two gases Oxygen and Hydrogen form by their union, the liquid, Water. Chemical combination is often attended with heat and light, the union of bodies with the Oxygen of the air, when ac- companied with these phenomena, being termed combustion. Mixture differs entirely from Chemical combination, in that it leaves the properties of the ingredients compara- tively unchanged and perceptible to the senses, it is not attended with heat, excepting that which may be due to the friction used, and very simple means usually serve to separate the ingredients again. Thus gunpowder is an example of the most perfect mixture of the three ingre- dients, Charcoal, Nitrate of Potash, and Sulphur ; yet the sense of taste will detect the Nitre, the Sulphur may be discovered by the smell when rubbed, and the eye perceives the colour of the Charcoal. Sulphur and finely-divided Iron might be so intimately mixed, that the two ingredients could not be separately distinguished by the eye, but the Iron might still be separated by a magnet from the Sulphur; if however true combination were brought about by the application of a gentle heat, a great increase of heat is suddenly perceived, and if the materials were in the right proportions, the magnet would no longer discover any Iron in the resulting compound. Hydrogen and Oxygen gases may be mixed, and they will remain gases still, but when combined the gaseous character is lost, and the liquid, water, results. Of the compounds produced by the union of two ele- ments, the class of Oxides, formed by the combination of Oxygen with another element, is the most important. These Oxides form three important classes, namely Bases, Acids, and neutral Oxides, each of which must be sepa- rately considered. The Basic Oxides are found only among the metallic 12 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS Oxides, although the whole of the metals do not furnish basic Oxides. The most perfect examples of Bases are the Oxides of the first seven metals given in the list of elements ; the Oxides of the first three, Potassium, Sodium, and Lithium, known as Potash, Soda, and Lithia, are dis- tinguished from other bases by the term "Alkali;" the Oxides of the other four are known as " Alkaline " Earths. The Alkalies and Alkaline Earths exhibit all the true characteristics of bases in perfection, viz. causticity and corrosiveness, and the power of uniting with another class of compounds, the Acids, equally caustic and corrosive, and of producing compounds comparatively inactive and harm- less, they possess also the property of changing the red of Litmus to blue, and the yellow of Turmeric to brown. The property of Litmus and Turmeric in changing colour with bases and acids has caused them to be used for " test- papers," which serve to detect an exceedingly minute amount of one of the stronger bases, or acids in a free state. The other metallic oxides termed bases exhibit the basic character in very variable degrees, some, such as the Oxides of Silver and Lead, " neutralize " the strongest acids perfectly, so that the product no longer affects test-paper ; others, such as the Oxides of Zinc and Iron, neutralize acids, but imperfectly, so that the products of the combina- tion always show an Acid reaction (see ACIDS) with test- paper. (With regard to Ammonia, see the Vocabulary.) ACIDS. The most important of the Acid Oxides are those of non- metallic elements ; only a few of the metals, as Arsenic, Chromium, and Manganese, furnishing acid oxides. Some metals, as Chromium and Manganese, have both basic and acid oxides ; when this is the case, the acid oxide always contains the most Oxygen. Taking the Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulphur known as Nitric and Sulphuric Acids as types, the characteristics of acids may be stated to be, intense sourness and corro- siveness, the power of " neutralizing" the strongest bases, AND THEIB COMBINATIONS. 13 so that the product no longer affects test-paper, and the property of changing blue Litmus to red, even when ex- tremely dilute. The acid oxides, like the bases, possess these characters in very different degrees, the weaker bases and acids approaching each other in character, and in the same proportion, having little tendency to combine. The stronger Oxygen Acids always retain, even in their concentrated state, a certain amount of water, which is essential to them. If deprived of this, they form what are termed " Anhydrides," which are essentially different from acids. Hydrogen Acids. While speaking of acids, it may be as well to mention that besides the acids above alluded to, which are Oxides, there are others which contain no Oxygen, but are compounds of Hydrogen with certain elements, chiefly Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Fluorine, and Sulphur, and with certain compounds which perform many of the functions of these elements (see CYANOGEN, in Voca- bulary). These acids are distinguished by the prefix Hydro-, the rest of the name being derived from the other element of the acid ; thus the compound of Chlorine and Hydrogen is termed Hydrochloric Acid, that of Hydrogen and Iodine, Hydriodic Acid. Most of these Hydrogen Acids are gaseous bodies, and the liquids known under their names are solutions of the same in water. NEUTBAL OXIDES. Besides forming Acid and Basic Oxides, Oxygen also unites ki a few cases with elements to form neutral bodies which have no tendency to unite with either acids or bases. Such are two of the Oxides of Nitrogen, the Oxide of Carbon, and the black Oxide of Manganese. SALTS. The combination of an Acid with a Base produces what is termed a Salt. This class of compounds is a very large and important one, and includes many substances that would not ordinarily be recognized under that term. 14 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS When the affinities of the acid and base of the salt are about equal, as is the case, for example, with Sulphuric Acid and Potash in Sulphate of Potash, the salt has no action on test-paper. In many cases however the reaction of the acid or base preponderates ; thus Sulphate of Iron, a com- pound of a powerful acid with the weak base Oxide of Iron, always has an acid reaction : Carbonate of Soda, on the other hand, consists of a strong base and a feeble acid, the Carbonic, and therefore is always alkaline to test-paper. Both of these salts, though far from neutral in reaction, are yet neutral in composition. (See NOMENCLATURE, p. 22.) Salts, derived from Oxygen Acids, always contain the whole of the acid and base, but with Hydrogen Acids the case is different ; in these, the Hydrogen of the acid unites with the Oxygen of the base to form water, which sepa- rates on evaporation to dryness, and the other element of the acid unites with the metal of the base to form what is termed a " Haloid Salt," a name derived from a\s, aXos (Halos), Sea Salt, because common Salt, Chloride of Sodium, is a familiar example. This compound may be formed by the union of Hydrochloric Acid and Soda(Oxide of Sodium), and would be termed Hydrochlorate of Soda if it retained the acid and base entire, but as each is decomposed, one giving up its Hydrogen, and the other its Oxygen to form water, which separates, the Chlorine of the acid and So- dium of the base alone remain, and the product of their combination is termed Chloride of Sodium, which contains no longer either acid or base, and yet is a true Salt. Examples of such salts are Iodides, Bromides, Fluorides, and Chlorides of the various metals. The Haloid salts however, when decomposed, yield products similar to the Oxyacid salts. For instance, if Iodide of Potassium be dissolved in water, and dilute Sulphuric Acid added, this acid, being powerful in its chemical affinities, tends to appro- priate to itself the alkali ; it does not however remove Po- tassium and liberate Iodine, but takes the Oxide of Potas- sium and sets free Hydriodic Acid. In other words, as an atom of water is produced during the formation of a AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. 15 Hydracid salt, so are the elements of water separated in the decomposition of a Hydracid salt. The reaction of dilute Sulphuric Acid upon Iodide of Potassium may be stated thus : Sulphuric Acid plus (Iodine Potassium) plus (Hydrogen Oxygen equals (Sulphuric Acid, Oxygen Potassium) or Sulphate of Potash, and (Hydrogen Iodine) or Hydriodic Acid. All metallic salts with Oxygen acids contain the metal in the state of Oxide, although in the name of the salt the word Oxide is omitted ; thus Sulphate of Iron is strictly Sulphate of Oxide of Iron, and Nitrate of Silver, Nitrate of Oxide of Silver. The Oxides of the Alkaline and Earthy Metals, being known long before their Elementary Metals were discovered, have each a name more familiar than that of the metals, hence in the salts with Oxygen acids the former name is employed rather than the latter ; thus Ni- trate of Lime is spoken of, rather than Nitrate of Oxide of Calcium. In the haloid salts of these elements, the name of the metal is necessarily made use of; thus Hydrochloric Acid and Lime form Chloride of Calcium (and water). Since Acids do not combine with Metals, but only with their Oxides, every metal when dissolving in an acid obtains Oxygen, either from the water or from the acid, or, in the case of Hydracids, displaces the Hydrogen of the acid, and combines with the remaining element of the acid. Thus when Zinc or Iron dissolves in dilute Sul- phuric Acid, water is decomposed, the Oxygen combining with %e metals to form oxides, which unite with the acid, and the other element of the water, Hydrogen, es- capes with effervescence. When the same metals dissolve in a Hydrogen acid, as Hydrochloric, Hydrogen is evolved from the acid, and the remaining element, Chlorine, forms with the Zinc or Iron, Chloride of Zinc or Iron. On the other hand, when Silver dissolves in Nitric Acid, the Oxy- gen required to form Oxide of Silver is derived from the acid, which is thus reduced to a lower Oxide of Nitrogen, which escapes with effervescence. 16 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS LAWS OF COMBINATION BY WEIGHT. These are four in number, and they are of much import- ance. 1. Law of Definite Proportion. " Every Chemical com- pound has a perfectly definite composition, and the same compound, from whatever source derived, always has the same elements in the same proportions." Thus, water from any part of the world, when purified, will be found to contain 88'9 of Oxygen, and 11*1 of Hydrogen in 100 parts. 2. Law of Multiple Proportions. "If one body can combine with another in more than one proportion, the other proportions are either double, treble, etc., of the first, or bear some nearly equally simple proportion." This may be illustrated by the series of compounds of Oxygen and Nitrogen. Nitrogen. Oxygen. Protoxide of Nitrogen . . JU] + 8 = (Tj Deutoxide of Nitrogen . . |14J +16 = | 8J8"| Nitrous Acid |14| + 24 = |1F~ Peroxide of Nitrogen . . . Nitric Acid ..'.... |14| +40= |8 8 8|8|8| Here it is seen that Chemical combination of two bodies, if in more than one proportion, is in successive steps ; thus, 14 of Nitrogen having taken up 8 of Oxygen, the next compound contains another whole 8, and so on with each in succession. An example of a little less simple series of combinations is seen in the Oxides of Iron. Iron. Oxygen. Protoxide of Iron . . 28 +8 Sesquioxide .... 56 (=28x2) +24 (=8x3) Ferric Acid .... 28 +24 (=8x3) 3. Law of Equivalent Proportions. " If certain bodies, as A, B, and C, unite each separately with another, X, the proportions in which they combine with X to form their simplest compounds, are the same (or some simple AND THEIR COMBINATIONS. 17 proportion of the same) in which they combine with each other to form their simplest compounds." Thus 8 of Oxygen combines with 35*5 of Chlorine to form Hypochlorous Acid, and with 1 of Hydrogen to form water ; and Chlorine and Hydrogen themselves combine in these same proportions, 35 '5 of Chlorine to 1 of Hydro- gen (Hydrochloric Acid). Again, 8 of Oxygen combines with 39 of Potassium, 39 of Potassium with" 127 of Iodine, 127 of Iodine with 108 of Silver, and 108 of Silver combines with 8 of Oxygen to form Oxide of Silver. From the above statements it is evident that every ele- ment has a certain fixed proportion in which (or in mul- tiples of which) it combines with other elements, and that if a certain number be fixed on as the combining proper* tion of one element, the combining proportions of all the other elements may also be represented by fixed numbers. Such numbers have been assigned to each element ; in this country Hydrogen, having the smallest combining number, has the combining number 1 assigned to it, and the numbers of other elements are in proportion ; these are the numbers attached to each element under the head of " Atomic Weight," in the list (page 9). The reason for calling these numbers " atomic weights " will be explained shortly. 4. Law of Combining numbers of Compounds. The com- bining number, or atomic weight, of a compound is the sum of the combining numbers of its constituents. Thus 8 of Oxygen with 1 of Hydrogen forms water, of which the atomic weight is therefore 8 + 1 = 9. Nitric Acid consists of 14 of Nitrogen and 8 X 5 = 40 of Oxygen, it has there- fore the atomic weight of 40 + 14= 54. ATOMIC THEORY. The remarkable facts stated in these laws have led to a conjecture or theory, termed the Atomic Theory, that however minutely divisible matter may be, it is notprac- tically infinitely divisible, but that it consists of ultimate c 18 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS particles which never are divided in all the changes which matter undergoes, and which are therefore termed atoms, from aropos (uncut). It is supposed that the simplest combinations of two elements consist of 1 atom of one united to 1 atom of the other, and as the numbers attached to the elements represent the proportions of the simplest combinations, they also represent the proportional weights of the atoms of each of the elements, or their atomic weights. Thus water consists of 8 of Oxygen and 1 of Hydrogen, and if it be assumed that it is a compound of an equal number of atoms of each element, then it fol- lows that if an atom of Hydrogen weigh 1, an atom of Oxygen weighs 8. In describing the composition of a substance, it is com- mon to speak of it as consisting of one atom of one element combined with one atom (or more) of another element, whatever the quantity of the substance may be, meaning that the minutest particle or atom of it has this composition. The indivisibility of the atoms explains the step-like character of successive combinations of two elements, of which examples were given in page 16. The atomic struc- ture of compounds may be represented as in the following diagram. Fig. 1 is a compound atom of Sulphuric Acid, consisting of an atom of Sulphur united with 3 atoms of Oxygen ; Fig. 2 is an atom of Peroxide of Nitrogen, Nitrogen 1 atom, Oxygen 4 atoms ; and Fig. 3, an atom of Nitric Acid, com- posed of Nitrogen 1 atom, Oxygen 5 atoms. ~* Fig. 1. Pig. 2. Fig. 3. Practical application of the Laws of Combination. The AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. 19 utility of being acquainted with the law of combining pro- portions is obvious when their nature is understood. As bodies both unite with and replace each other in equiva- lents, a simple calculation shows at once how much of each element or compound will be required in a given reac- tion. Thus, supposing it be desired to convert 100 grains of Nitrate of Silver into Chloride of Silver, the weight of Chloride of Sodium which will be necessary is deduced thus : one equivalent, or 170 parts, of Nitrate of Silver is decomposed by an equivalent, or 58*5 parts, of Chloride of Sodium. Therefore as 170 I 58'5 : ; 100 ; 34'4 ; that is, 34'4 grains of salt will precipitate, in the state of Chloride, the whole of the Silver contained in 100 grains of Nitrate. So again, in order to form the Iodide of Silver, what are the proportions in which the two salts should be mixed ? The equivalent of Iodide of Potassium is 166, and that of Nitrate of Silver is 170. These numbers so nearly corre- spond, that it is common to direct that equal weights of the two salts should be taken. One more illustration will suffice. Supposing it be re- quired to form 20 grains of Iodide of Silver, how much Iodide of Potassium and Nitrate of Silver must be used ? One equivalent, or 166 parts, of Iodide of Potassium, will yield an equivalent, or 235 parts, of Iodide of Silver ; therefore as 235 : 166 : : 20 ; 14" 1. Hence, if 14' 1 grains of the Iodide of Potassium be dissolved in water, and an equivalent quantity, viz. 14'5 grains, of the Nitrate of Silver added, the yellow precipitate, when washed and dried, will weigh precisely 20 grains. SYMBOLS AND FOEMULJ3. The understanding of the composition and changes of chemical compounds is greatly facilitated by the use of Symbols to represent the atoms of the elements in a com- pound. An atom of an element is represented by a letter, usually the first letter of its name, as C for an atom of Carbon, O for an atom of Oxygen ; sometimes the symbol is derived from the Latin name, as Pb for Lead (Plum- 20 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS bum), Cu for Copper (Cuprum). A number prefixed, as 2 O, or following, but below the line, as O 2 , signifies 2 atoms of Oxygen = 16. Two symbols placed side by side represent combination, thus H Cl represents a compound of 1 atom of Hydrogen with 1 atom of Chlorine. Sym- bols of compounds are termed Formula. In such com- pounds . the metal is always placed to the left, and the Oxygen, Chlorine, or other non-metallic body, to the right ; thus Fe O or Zn Cl instead of O Fe or Cl Zn. In like man- ner, in the formulae of Salts the base is placed to the left, and the acid to the right. Small figures placed below the line relate only to the elements which they follow ; thus Fe 2 O 3 represents 2 atoms of Iron combined with 3 atoms of Oxygen, but large numbers placed before a compound relate to all the elements until the next comma, or full- stop, or sign of -f . Thus 3Ca,PO 5 represents 3 atoms of Lime combined with 1 atom of Phosphoric Acid. When large figures precede formulae enclosed in brackets, they affect the whole, whether commas, full-stops, or signs of -f be present or not. Thus 2 (Fe 2 O 3 , 3 S O 3 ) signifies 2 atoms of the compound of 3 of Sulphuric Acid with 1 of Sesquioxide of Iron. The sign + represents less intimate combination ; thus FeO,SO 3 + 7HO represents crystallized Sulphate of Iron, in which the 7 HO can be separated readily by heat, leaving the Sulphate of Iron undecomposed. The same sign + is also used in equations to represent addition or mixture ; thus NaCl + Ag O, NO S = Ag Cl + Na O, NO 5 sig- nifies a mixture of Chloride of Sodium with Nitrate of Sil- ver, producing a mixture of Chloride of Silver and Nitrate of Soda.- NOMENCLATURE OF COMPOUNDS. Compounds of two Elements. A compound of two ele- ments is distinguished by the name of the first termina- ting in -ide; thus FeO = Oxide of Iron, NaCl=Chlon'cfe of Sodium, K 1= Iodide of Potassium. The same termi- nation is also used with compound bodies which possess neither basic nor acid characters when they unite with AND THEIR COMBINATIONS. 21 each other or with an element ; thus Cyanogen, C 2 N, a compound neither acid nor basic, unites with Potassium, forming Cyanide of Potassium, K, C 2 N or KCy. So also the salts produced by the combination of Hydrogen acids with bases, since they are compounds of only two elements, in consequence of the separation of Hydrogen and Oxy- gen as water, are named in the same way. Salts of this kind may be produced either by the union of two elements, or by the union of an acid and base. K + I=ZI KO + HI=KI+HO. Na + Cl=NaCl The combinations of Sulphur, Carbon, and Phosphorus with other elements used to be distinguished by the ter- mination -uret, as FeS=Sulphwretf of Iron, but the ter- mination -ide is now generally used with all binary com- pounds, or compounds of two elements. Phosphide, or Sulphide, or Carbide of Iron, are now the terms used in- stead of Phosphuret, Sulphuret, and Carburet of Iron. When one element combines with another in more than one proportion, the compound which consists of an atom of each is distinguished by the prefix proto-, as FeCl= < .Profochloride of Iron, N O = Protoxide of Nitrogen ; the compound of 3 atoms of the first-named* with 2 atoms of the second element has the prefix sesqui-, as l?e 2 C] 3 = Ses- quichloride of Iron ; the prefix hi- or bin- signifies 2 atoms of the first to 1 of the second, and per-, the compound, not acid, which contains the largest amount of the same element; thus, MnO 2 is the Binoxide and also the Per- oxide of Manganese, as it is the highest non-acid oxide of that metal. Compounds which contain more than one atom of the second-named element to one of the first, are classified as * w6-compounds ; the quantity is defined by other prefixes, as di- and tri-, which are the reverse of bi-' and ter-, and * First and second relates to the order of the elements in the names of the compounds, and not to their order in the formulae. 22 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS signify one atom of the first-named to two and three re- spectively of the other element, thus S 2 Cl=_D/chloride of Sulphur. Acids and Salts. If but one acid is known as resulting from the union of two elements, its name ends in -ic; this is always the case with the Hydrogen acids. In the case of Oxygen acids, when there is a series of acids produced by the combination of an element with Oxygen, that which contains the largest amount of Oxygen terminates in -ic, the next which contains less ends in -oiis, and if there be a third with still less the prefix hypo- is used : thus NO 5 = Nitric Acid, NO 3 = Nitron Acid; SO 3 = Sulphuric Acid, SO 2 = Sulphurous Acid, and S 2 O 2 = Hypo- sulphuroMs Acid. Sometimes after distinguishing the highest known acid of a series with the termination -ic, another acid is dis- covered with still more Oxygen, in this case the new com- pound has the prefix per- attached; thus, after C1O 5 = Chloric Acid was named, another acid, C1O 7 , was discovered, and named Perchloric Acid. In the name of a salt the -ic of the acid is changed into -ate, and -ous into -ite ; thus, Sulphuric Acid forms Sul- phates, and Sulphurows Acid forms Sulphas ; the prefixes of the acids, as Hypo- or Per-, being retained in the salt, as .Hyposulphite of Soda, Permanganate of Potash. A chemically neutral salt is one which has as many atoms of acid as there are atoms of Oxygen in the base, thus FeO,SO 3 and Fe 2 O 3 ,3SO 3 are each chemically neu- tral (though from the weakness of their bases, quite acid to test-paper) ; such salts are most correctly distinguished as Sulphate of the Protoxide, and Sulphate of the Sesquioxide of Iron, the name of the oxide indicating the number of atoms of acid they must contain ; commonly, however, the prefix which distinguishes the oxide is transferred to the acid, and the above-named salts are thus called Proto- sulphate and Sesquisulpli&te of Iron. Prefixes to the acid in a salt ought properly to be confined to those cases in which there are not the same number of atoms of acid as AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. 23 there are of Oxygen in the base, the prefixes sesqui-, bi-, ter-, di-, and tri- having the same meanings as in the case of compounds of two elements (page 21), the three first being applied to chemically acid, and the two latter to chemically basic salts; thus KO, 2 CrO 3 = -Bichromate of Potash; EX), 2 SO 3 = ^sulphate of Potash (fused); and 2PbO,NO 5 = Z)mitrate of Lead, are rightly named. In salts derived from Hydrogen acids, since they are binary compounds, the prefix of the oxide is necessarily transferred to the residue of the acid ; thus Hydrochloric Acid forms with Sesquioxide of Iron, Sesquichloride of Iron (and water). Fe 2 O 3 + 3HCl= Fe 2 Cl 3 + 3HO. Basic salts of Hydrogen acids necessarily contain some oxide, and are therefore distinguished by the prefix Oxy-, thus : 2ZnO + HCl = HO + (ZnCl,ZnO=O^chlorideofZinc). Bibasic and Tribasic Acids. The rule that a neutral salt contains one atom of acid for every one atom of base, is true of the generality of acids, such being termed Monobasic; acids however exist, one atom of which re- quires two atoms of base to form a neutral salt; these acids are termed Bibasic. Examples are seen in Pyrophosphoric Acid, PO 5 , and Tartaric Acid, of which one atom is re- presented by T. Neutral Pyrophosphate and Tartrate of Soda have the composition : Pyrosphate Soda . . . 2NaO,PO 5 . Tartrate Soda .... 2NaO,T. There are again other acids, one atom of which re- quires three atoms of base to form a neutral salt. Ordi- nary Phosphoric Acid and Citric Acid are examples, their neutral salts of Lime having the formulae : Phosphate of Lime . . . 3CaO,PO 5 . Citrate of Lime . . . . 3CaO,Clt7 CHEMICAL CHANGES. Chemical changes, whether they be the result of com- bination or of decomposition, or of interchange of ele- 24 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS rnents between compounds, are often attended with striking phenomena, such as the evolution of light and heat, or with remarkable alterations of condition, as from gas to liquid, or from liquid to solid, etc. ; but the changes most familiar to the Photographer and the Analyst are those of colour and of solubility. With regard to the latter, it is well here to explain one or two terms. A body is said to dissolve in a liquid, when it disappears in the liquid, leaving the latter transparent, even though it may be coloured. Two transparent solutions, when mixed, often produce a precipitate, a term which is applied to inso- luble matter suddenly appearing in a liquid previously clear, and rendering it opaque and turbid. Precipitates can be separated either by Decantation or Filtration. The first method, Decantation, is, allowing the precipitate to fall by its own weight to the bottom of the liquid, and then pouring the latter off. Filtration is effected by pouring the whole liquid and precipitate on a piece of porous paper, folded into a conical form, termed a Filter, and supported in a Funnel ; the liquid passes through the paper in a transparent state, and the Pre- cipitate remains upon it. But chemical changes are here referred to chiefly for the purpose of pointing out the varieties of internal change which bodies may undergo when brought into contact with each other ; these in- ternal changes manifesting themselves often in the visible phenomena above .alluded to. Alterations of composition may usually be referred to one of the following heads : 1. Simple and direct union of two elements. Thus Sulphur combines with the Oxygen of the atmosphere when heated to a certain point, the union being known as "burning," and the product is Sulphurous Acid, SO 2 . The element Iron "rusts" by combining with Oxygen. 2. Union of compounds with elements. This Sulphu- rous Acid, S O 2 , by exposure to air can combine with more Oxygen. S O 2 + O = S O 3 = Sulphuric Acid. Protoxide of Iron, FeO, by exposure to air becomes Fe 2 O 3 . AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. 25 3. Union of compounds with each other, as in the for- mation of salts with Oxygen Acids. KO + SO 3 =KO,SO 3 Sulphate of Potash. Two salts sometimes unite together to form a double salt. Alum is an example, it is a double salt of Sulphate of Alumina and Sulphate of Potash. The double Chloride of G-old and Sodium is another example, AuCJ 3 + NaCl + 4HO. 4. Displacement, or single decomposition, is where one element or compound displaces another element or com- pound from its state of combination. Thus Chlorine acting on Iodide of Potassium, imme- dately takes the Potassium, and sets Iodine free, a change which is rendered evident from the black colour of the Iodine. !KI+C1 = KC1+L One metal often precipitates another from its solution by displacing it ; thus Zinc placed in a solution of Ace- tate of Lead combines with the Acetic Acid and Oxygen of the Oxide of Lead, and is dissolved, while the latter is thrown down in an arborescent form, known as the " Lead tree." PbO, Acet + Zn=ZnO, Acet + Pb. A piece of metallic Copper, placed in a solution of Ni- trate of Silver, will speedily throw down metallic Silver, and form Nitrate of Copper. One Oxide is often used to separate another Oxide ; thus Oxide of Silver is obtained by adding a solution of Potash to a solution of E itrate of Silver. 5. Double decomposition is the mutual interchange of the atoms of two compounds ; in the case of solutions, this is often attended with precipitation ; thus, in the pre- paration of Nitrate of Iron from Nitrate of Baryta and Sulphate of Iron, there is a mutual interchange, resulting in Nitrate of Iron and Sulphate of Baryta, which is pre- cipitated. FeO,SO 3 + BaO,NO.=:FeO,NO 5 + BaO,SO 3 . In the sensitizing of Salted Paper with Nitrate of Silver, 26 THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS Chloride of Silver is precipitated in the Paper, the change being AgO,NO 6 + NaCl = NaO,NOj+AgCl. 6. Substitution. This is only a variety of displacement or of double decomposition, but the term is used chiefly in cases where one of the compounds that has undergone the displacement, is little, if at all, altered in appearance, as in the case of Cotton transformed into Gun-cotton. Here a certain number of atoms of Hydrogen have been displaced by NO 4 = Peroxide of Nitrogen, but the ap- pearance of the Cotton is little, if at all, changed. 7. Decomposition, into simpler compounds or ele- ments, as of Chloride of Silver by light, which resolves it into Subchloride of Silver and Chlorine ; strong Nitric Acid by light is decomposed into NO 4 and O. Chlorate and lodate of Potash by heat are resolved into Oxygen, and Chloride and Iodide of Potassium. Several of the compounds of Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Mercury are entirely decomposed into their elements by heat. ON THE CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. The term organic is applied to substances produced either by vegetables or animals, or which are obtained by chemical processes from them ; thus Wood, and Acetic Acid procured by its distillation, and Sugar, with the Alcohol derived from it by fermentation, are organic sub- stances. All organic bodies are compounds of Carbon, and the class embraces a great variety of products, which, like inorganic bodies, include neutral, acid, basic, and saline compounds. The organic acids are numerous, such as Acetic Acid, Tartaric, Citric, and a variety of others. The neutral substances cannot easily be assimilated to any class of inorganic compounds ; as examples, take Starch, Sugar, Lignine, etc. AND THEIE COMBINATIONS. 27 The bases are also a large class. Morphia, obtained from Opium ; Quinia, from Quinine ; Nicotine, from To- bacco, are illustrations. Besides these, there are large classes of compounds known as Alcohols, Ethers, Aldehyds, etc., to which there is nothing analogous in inorganic chemistry. Alcohols are Carbon compounds, which by union with acids form neutral bodies, termed Ether, Water being separated. Ethers are either Alcohol + Acid minus Water, or 2 Al- cohol minus 2 Water. Aldehyds are Alcohols minus Hydrogen, and by the absorption of Oxygen they form Acids. Composition of organic and inorganic bodies contrasted. There are more than fifty elementary substances found in the inorganic kingdom, but onljfour, commonly speak- ing, in the organic : these four are Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen. Some organic bodies oil of turpentine, naphtha, etc. contain only Carbon and Hydrogen ; many others, such as sugar, gum, alcohols, fats, vegetable acids, Carbon, Hy- drogen, and Oxygen. The Nitrogenous bodies, so called, contain Nitrogen in addition to the other elements : such are Albumen, Caseine, Gelatine, and all natural organic bases ; Sulphur and Phosphorus are also present in many of the Nitrogenous bodies, but only to a small extent. Organic substances, although simple as regards the number of elements involved in their formation, are often highly complex in the arrangement of the atoms j this may be illustrated by the following formulae : Starch C 24 H 20 O 20 . Cane Sugar .... C^H^O^. Grape Sugar .... C 24 H 28 O 28 . Inorganic bodies, as already shown, unite in pairs, two elements join to form a binary compound ; two binary compounds produce a salt ; two salts associated together form a double salt. With organic bodies however the ar- 28 CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND THEIB COMBINATIONS. rangement is often different, the elementary atoms are all grouped equally in one compound atom, which is highly complex in structure, and cannot be split up into binary products. Observe also, as characteristic of Organic Chemistry, the apparent similarity in composition between bodies which differ widely in properties. As examples take Lig- nine, or cotton fibre, and Starch, each of which contains the same percentage of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Mode of distinguishing between Organic and Inorganic matter. A simple means of doing this is as follows : place the suspected substance upon a piece of Platinum- foil, and heat it to redness with a spirit-lamp : if it first blackens, and then burns completely away, it is probably of organic origin. This test depends upon the fact, that all organic bodies contain Carbon, and that their other constituent elements are either themselves volatile, or ca- pable of forming volatile combinations with Oxygen. In- organic substances, on the other hand, are often unaffected by heat, or, if volatile, are dissipated without previous charring. The action of heat upon organic matter may be illus- trated by the combustion of coal or wood in an ordinary furnace ; first, an escape of Carbon and Hydrogen, united in the form of volatile gaseous matter, takes place, leaving behind a black cinder, which consists of Carbon and inor- ganic matter combined; afterwards this Carbon burns away into Carbonic Acid, and a grey ash is left, which is composed of inorganic salts, and is indestructible by heat. This test is of course not applicable to organic bodies volatile without decomposition, as Alcohol, Ether, Cam- phor, etc. ; but these also are generally not the varieties of organic matter which trouble the Photographer. 29 CHAPTER II. VOCABULARY OP PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS.* ACETIC ACID. Formula of Glacial Acid, HO,C 4 H 3 O 3 =60.t ACETIC Acid is a product of the oxidation of Alcohol, C 4 H 6 O 2 . Alcohol, when perfectly pure, is not affected by exposure to air ; but if it be diluted, and a portion of yeast be added, it soon acts as a ferment, and causes the spirit to unite with Oxygen derived from the atmo- sphere, and so to become sour from formation of Acetic Acid, or "vinegar," C 4 H 6 O 2 + O 4 =HO,C 4 H 3 O 3 +2HO. Acetic Acid is also produced on a large scale by heating wood in close vessels : a substance distils over which is Acetic Acid contaminated with empyreumatic and tarry matter ; it is termed Pyroligneous Acid, and is much used in commerce. The most concentrated Acetic Acid may be obtained by neutralizing common vinegar with Carbonate of Soda, and crystallizing out the Acetate of Soda so formed ; the Ace- tate must then be deprived of its water of crystallization, and fused at a gentle heat. After cooling, 82 parts * N.B. The arrangement in this Vocabulary is made with reference to the second constituent in compounds. Thus, Acetic Ether will be found under the head of " Ether, Acetic," Nitrate of Silver as " Silver, Nitrate of," Iodide of Potassium as " Potassium, Iodide of," etc. Acids will be found under their special names. t The number affixed to each Formula represents the Atomic Weight of the compound obtained by adding up the weights of the atoms of the ele- ments. 30 VOCABULARY OF of the salt are to be distilled with 98 of strong Sulphuric Acid, which removes the Soda and liberates Acetic Acid : the Acetic Acid, being volatile, distils over, and may be condensed. NaO,C 4 H 3 O s + HOSO 3 =NaO,SO 3 -fHO,C 4 H 3 O 3 . Properties of Acetic Acid. The strongest acid contains only a. single atom of water ; it is sold under the name of " Glacial Acetic Acid," so called from its property of solidifying at a moderate^ low temperature. At about 50 the crystals melt, and form a limpid liquid of pungent odour and a density nearly corresponding to that of water; the specific gravity of Acetic Acid however is no test of its real strength, which can only be estimated by analysis. The commercial Glacial Acetic Acid, so termed, is usually diluted with water, and sometimes a trace of Sulphurous Acid is introduced, as the Writer is informed, to confer the property of solidifying in cold weather, and thus to give an appearance of strength. It is however probably due in most cases to the decomposition of the Sulphuric Acid used to obtain it. Sulphurous and Hydrochloric Acids are both injurious in Photographic Processes, from their property of precipitating Nitrate of Silver. To de- tect them, proceed as follows : dissolve a small crystal of Nitrate of Silver in a few drops of water, and add to it about half a drachm of the Glacial Acid; the mixture should remain quite clear even when exposed to light. Hy- drochloric and Sulphurous Acid produce a white deposit of Chloride or Sulphite of Silver, distinguishable by Nitric Acid, which dissolves the Sulphite, but leaves the Chloride unchanged ; and if Aldehyde or volatile tarry matter be present in the Acetic Acid, the mixture with Ni- trate of Silver, although clear at first, becomes discoloured by the action of light. Glacial Acetic Acid sometimes has a smell of garlic. In this case it probably contains an organic Sulphur Acid, and is unfit for use. Many employ a cheaper form of Acetic Acid, sold by druggists as " Beaufoy's " acid ; it should be of the strength PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 31 of the Acetic Acid Fortiss. of the London Pharmacopoeia, containing 30 per cent, real acid. It will be advisable to test it for Sulphuric Acid (see Sulphuric Acid), and other impurities, before use. When a certain quantity of the Glacial Acid is advised in a formula, take three times as much of the Beaufoy's Acid. The Writer fre- quently uses it, and finds it more constant in its properties than the " Glacial Acid " so called. ALBUMEN. Albumen is an organic principle found both in the animal and vegetable kingdom. Its properties are best studied in the white of egg, which is a very pure form of Albumen. Albumen is capable of existing in two states ; in one of which it is soluble, in the other insoluble in water. The aqueous solution of the soluble variety gives a slightly alkaline reaction to test-paper ; it is somewhat thick and glutinous, but becomes more fluid on the addition of a small quantity of an alkali, such as Potash or Ammonia. Soluble Albumen may be converted into the insoluble form in the following ways : 1. Sy the application of heat. A moderately strong solution of Albumen becomes opalescent and coagulates on being heated to about 150 Fahrenheit, but a tempera- ture of 212 is required if the liquid is very dilute. A layer of dried Albumen is not rendered insoluble by dry heat of 212. 2. By addition of strong acids. Nitric Acid coagulates Albumen perfectly without the aid of heat. Acetic Acid however acts differently, appearing to enter into combina- tion with the Albumen, and forming a compound soluble in warm water acidified by Acetic Acid. 3. By the action of metallic salts. Many of the salts of the metals coagulate Albumen completely. Nitrate of Silver does so ; also the Bichloride of Mercury. Ammo- nio-Nitrate of Silver however does not coagulate Albumen. The white precipitate formed on mixing Albumen with 32 VOCABTJLABY OF Nitrate of Silver is a chemical compound of tlie animal matter with Protoxide of Silver, and has been termed Al- buminate of Silver : its, properties will be described after- wards. On heating in a current of Hydrogen gas, it as- sumes a brick-red colour, being probably reduced to the condition of a compound with Suboxide of Silver. It is then almost insoluble in Ammonia, but enough dissolves to tinge the liquid wine-red. The red coloration of solution of Nitrate of Silver employed in sensitizing the Albumi- nized Photographic paper is doubtless produced by the same compound, although often referred to the presence of Sulphide of Silver. Albumen also combines with Lime and Baryta. When Chloride of Barium is used with Albumen, a white precipi- tate of this kind usually forms. By long keeping, Albumen loses its alkaline reaction and becomes sour and more limpid than at first. Mucous threads like cobwebs form in it, which appear to be caused by oxidation. Ammonia added to Albumen is said to pre- serve it for a longer time, and a lump of camphor floated in the liquid has also a good effect. Decomposed Albu- men usually contains Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Chemical composition of Albumen. Albumen belongs to the Nitrogenous class of organic substances (see page 27). It also contains small quantities of Sulphur and Phos- phorus ; when burnt, it leaves behind an ash in which Chloride and Phosphate can be detected. ALCOHOL. Formula, C 4 H 6 O 2 = 46. Alcohol is obtained by the careful distillation of any spirituous or fermented liquor. If wine or beer be placed in a retort, and heat applied, the Alcohol, being more vo- latile than water, rises first, and may be condensed in an appropriate receiver; a portion of the vapour of water however passes over with the Alcohol, and dilutes it to a certain extent, forming what is termed " Spirits of Wine." PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 33 Much of this water may be removed by redistillation from Carbonate of Potash ; but in order to render the Alcohol thoroughly anhydrous, it is necessary to employ quick- lime, which possesses a still greater attraction for water. For this purpose strong Alcohol of '823 should be left in contact with powdered quicklime for three or four days, or until the latter has ceased to swell from absorption of water, after which it is separated by distillation, the retort being placed in a water-bath. Properties of Alcohol. Pure anhydrous or absolute Al- cohol is a limpid liquid, of an agreeable odour and pungent taste ; sp. gr. at 60, 794. It absorbs vapour of water, and becomes diluted by exposure to damp air ; boils at 173 Fahr. It has never been frozen. Alcohol distilled from Carbonate of Potash has a specific gravity of '815 to "823, and contains 90 to 93 per cent, of real spirit. The specific gravity of ordinary rectified Spirits of Wine is about '836, and it. contains 80 to 83 per cent, of absolute Alcohol. Different Commercial qualities of Alcohol. Alcohol really absolute is not often used in Photography ; the ex- pense of making it is very great, and it could not be pre- pared at a profit. A spirit with less than four per cent, of water (sp. gr. *805) may be obtained by agitating com- mercial Spirits of Wine first with Carbonate of Potash in the manner presently to be advised, and then with a com- mon quality of dry Chloride of Calcium. Put in about three-quarters of a pound of the Chloride of Calcium to half a gallon of Spirit of '815 ; the greater part dissolves with perceptible rise of temperature. Draw over as muc-h as possible in a steam bath ; and, to prevent the residue in the retort from setting into a hard mass, it is well to add a little water to it, after the distillation is completed. In this way the commercial absolute Alcohol is, usually prepared. The next quality of Spirit is the strong Alcohol of ^815 to '823. This may be obtained by agitating Spirits of D 34 VOCABULARY OF Wine, '836, with an excess of dry Carbonate of Potash. The salt termed Carbonate of Potash is a deliquescent salt, having a great attraction for water ; consequently when Spirit of Wine is shaken with Carbonate of Potash, a portion of water is removed, the salt dissolving in it and forming a dense liquid, which refuses to mix with the Al- cohol, and sinks to the bottom. At the expiration of two or three days, if the bottle has been shaken frequently, the action is complete, and the lower stratum of fluid may be drawn off and rejected. In order to obtain the greatest amount of concentration, it will be necessary to have a series of vessels, each con- taining about a pound of the Carbonate to a gallon of Spirit. The Alcohol may be passed from one to the other, and should not be distilled until the finely-powdered Car- bonate can be shaken about in the liquid without being wetted. The Carbonate which the Writer employs is nearly pure, and costs from a shilling to eighteen-pence per pound ; it must be dried on a hot metal plate before use. A commoner variety would answer, but it has the disad- vantage of clotting together at the bottom of the vessel, and of not dissolving into a clear liquid. A third quality of commercial Alcohol is the rectified Spirit of Wine of '836 already referred to ; it is very suit- able for adding to developing fluids, etc., but not suffici- ently strong for good Collodion. . Alcohol for Collodion Photography. For a long time the Writer was in the habit of employing rectified Spirits of Wine for the preparation of Collodion, increasing its strength as far as necessary, by means of dry Carbonate of Potash ; but having at length become dissatisfied with the smell of certain samples of this rectified Spirit, he has since used a strong Alcohol obtained by one distillation. In rectifying Spirit, a liquid known as " faints " is some- times mixed with the purer Spirit for the sake of economy, and these faints are invariably contaminated with essential Oils. It is most important in Photography to avoid essen- tial Oils, and therefore the grain Spirit obtained by one dis- PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 35 tillation in a Coffey's still may be preferred. In taking the specific gravity of this grain Spirit, which varies from '817 to *819 at 60 Fahr., we see at once the advantage likely to accrue from its employment, since the fusel Oil, which boils at a more elevated temperature, cannot rise so high in the still, and is separated. The smell of the grain Spirit is very sweet ; and although it is not quite so strong as is required, yet by converting a portion of it into Alcohol of 805, by means of dry Chloride of Calcium, and mixing this with the remainder, the correct specific gravity may easily be obtained. The reaction to test-paper of the pure grain Spirit should be quite neutral ; but in some instances a trace of acid is present, so that each half-gallon of Spirit requires about one drop of solution of Ammonia of sp. gr. 0'93. The Writer has never yet found in this or in any other Spirit the alkaline reaction which is exhibited by Ether. ALCOHOL (Methylated). Spirit of Wine containing ten per cent, of Wood Naph- tha is allowed by the excise laws to be sold free of duty, under the name of " Methylated Spirit." The quality, however, is often inferior, since residues containing fusel oil and other volatile bodies are usually rectified for the purpose of methylating. ALCOHOL, METHYLIC. Formula, C 2 H 4 O 2 == 32. This liquid is one of the products of the destructive distillation of wood, and constitutes a large portion of the inflammable fluid called Wood Naphtha, or Pyro- xylic Spirit. In its pure state it much resembles com- mon Alcohol in its properties. As common Alcohol by oxidation furnishes an Acid, the Acetic, so Methylic Alcohol in like manner yields a similar Acid, called For- mic Acid. 36 YOCABULAEY OF AMMONIA. Formula, NH 3 =17. The liquid known by this name is an aqueous solution of the volatile gas Ammonia. Ammoniacal gas contains one atom of Nitrogen combined with three of Hydrogen : these two elementary bodies, when free, show no tendency to combine, but they can be made to unite under certain circumstances, and the result is Ammonia. Properties of Ammonia. Ammoniacal gas is soluble in water to a large extent : the solution possessing those pro- perties which are termed alkaline (p. 12). Ammonia how- ever differs from the other alkalies in one important par- ticular it is volatile : hence the original colour of tur- meric-paper affected by Ammonia is restored on the appli- cation of heat. Solution of Ammonia absorbs Carbonic Acid rapidly from the air, and is converted into Carbonate of Ammonia ; it should therefore be preserved in stoppered bottles. Besides Carbonate, commercial Ammonia often contains Chloride of Ammonium, recognized by the white precipitate given by Nitrate of Silver after acidifying with pure Nitric Acid. The strength of commercial Ammonia varies greatly ; that sold for pharmaceutical purposes under the name of Liquor Ammonia? contains about ten per cent, of real Am- monia. The sp. gr. of aqueous Ammonia diminishes with the portion of Ammonia present, the Liquor Ammonise being usually about '936. It is a common error in Pho- tographic operations to confound the diluted Ammonia with the Liquor Ammoniae Fort., which is so strong that a single drop will neutralize a large portion of acid, and has sp. gr. of only '88. Ammonia has no resemblance in composition to other bases which are metallic oxides, and it differs from them also, in that it never combines with Oxygen acids without including water as an essential ingredient in the compound. Thus Sulphate of Ammonia, dry, contains + HO+SO 3 = NH 4 OSO 3 . PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 37 Yet the salts of Ammonia have a close resemblance in properties to those of the alkalies Potash and Soda, and this resemblance has led to the Ammonium Theory, which developes a close resemblance in composition between the salts of Ammonia and of the alkalies, and also explains why water is essential to the salts with Oxygen acids. Ammonium Theory. This theory assumes that in all the salts of Ammonia, the Ammonia, NH 3 , does not exist as such, but is united to an atom of Hydrogen, either of the acid, as in the case of Hydrochloric Acid, or of the water, as in the case of Oxygen acids like Sulphuric Acid, to form a kind of compound metal, N H 4 , termed Am- monium, and which in its salts acts a part similar to that of the metals Potassium and Sodium, in the salts of Potash and Soda ; and as Potash and Soda only exist in the salts witli Oxygen acids, so water is only needed in the salts of Ammonia with Oxygen acids, the Hydrogen of the water forming the Ammonium, and the Oxygen of the water converting it into an oxide, analogous to me- tallic oxides ; and thus it would appear that NH 3 is not the true base, but NH 3 +HO = (NH 4 )O, Oxide of Ammo- nium. The following formulae will show the resemblance between salts of Potash and Ammonia from this point of view : N H, + H Cl = (N H 4 )C1 = Chloride of Ammonium. K,C1 Chloride of Potassium. NH 3 +HO+SO 3 =(NH 4 )OSO 3 = Sulphate of Ammonia. KO SO 3 = Sulphate of Potash. As the names of the salts derived from Hydrogen acids terminate in ide (see page 14), so by means of this theory the corresponding salts of Ammonia may be so termed ; thus, Hydrochlorate of Ammonia N H 3 , H Cl, is also a Chlor- ide of Ammonium, NH 4 C1, resembling thus Chloride of Potassium in name as well as properties. AMMONIA, CARBONATE OF. This occurs commercially in lumps of a considerable size, obtained by sublimation. Its composition is rather vari- 38 VOCABULARY OF able. When first formed it has nearly the composition of a Sesquicarbonate, but by exposure to the air neutral Car- bonate of Ammonia escapes, and a white powder is left which is a Bicarbonate. AMMONIA, HYDEOSULPHATE OF. Formula, N H 4 S, H S = 51. The liquid known by this name, and formed by passing Sulphuretted Hydrogen gas into Ammonia, is a double Sulphide of Hydrogen and Ammonium. In the prepara- tion, the passage of the gas is to be continued until the solution gives no precipitate with Sulphate of Magnesia, and smells strongly of Hydrosulphuric Acid. Properties. Colourless at first, but afterwards changes to yellow, from liberation and subsequent solution of Sul- phur. Becomes milky on the addition of any acid. Pre- cipitates, in the form of Sulphide, the last 14 metals of the list of elements (page 10). Alumina and Chromium are also thrown down, but as Oxides. An excess of Sul- phide of Ammonium redissolves the Sulphides of Gold, Platinum, Tin, Arsenic, and Antimony. Hydrosulphate of Ammonia is employed in Photography to darken the Collodion image, and also as a test for the presence of Silver in certain solutions. AMMONIA, NITEATE OF. Formula, N H 4 O, NO 5 = 80. This is a neutral combination of Nitric Acid and Am- monia, which may be crystallized without difficulty. It is gradually formed in the Photographic Nitrate Bath when compounds of Ammonium are used in iodizing. Nitrate of Ammonia is not of itself alkaline, but inas- much as it is solvent of Oxide and also of Carbonate of Silver, a Bath containing Nitrate of Ammonia will give a strong Alkaline reaction on adding to it either Potash, Ammonia, or Chalk. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 39 AMMONIUM, BKOMIDE OF. Formula, NH 4 Br= 98. This is a crystallized salt, which may be prepared by precipitating Bromide of Calcium by Carbonate of Am- monia. It is very soluble in water, and is more easily dissolved by Alcohol and Ether than the corresponding Bromide of Potassium. It does not become coloured 011 keeping, like the Iodide of Ammonium. Bromide of Ammonium is a better form of Bromide for Collodion than the corresponding Salt of Potassium or Cadmium, and it can usually be obtained in a pure state. AMMONIUM, CHLOEIDE OF. Formula, NH 4 C1 = 53'5. This salt, also known as Muriate or Hydrochlorate of Ammonia, occurs in commerce in the form of colourless and translucent masses, which are procured by sublimation, the dry salt being volatile when strongly heated. It dis- solves in an equal weight of boiling, or in three parts of cold water. It contains more Chlorine in proportion to the weight used than Chloride of Sodium, the atomic weights of the two being as 53'5 to 58'5. Chloride of Ammonium is easily obtained in a pure state, and is, on the whole, more suitable for salting paper than either Chloride of Sodium or Chloride of Barium. AMMONIUM, IODIDE OF. Formula, NH 4 I = 145. Properties. Usually sold in small crystals, which have more or less of a yellow colour. An unstable substance and prone to liberation of Iodine, but may be kept for an unlimited length of time, if thoroughly dried and put away in a dark place. Very much more soluble in Alcohol than Iodide of Potassium, and not precipitated on adding Ether. Also soluble to a large extent in water : Alkaline reaction to litmus-paper. 40 VOCABULARY OF Preparation. In former editions the "Writer has de- scribed a mode of preparing Iodide of Ammonium by dis- solving Iodine in Hydrosulphate of Ammonia ; but a more extended experience has shown him that traces of a Sul- phur compound are often present in the Iodide made in that way. In order therefore to obtain an Ammonium compound equal to the Iodide of Potassium as regards sen- sitiveness in Collodion, he recommends that an Iodide of Calcium be first formed, and afterwards precipitated by Carbonate of Ammonia. This process is more trouble- some than the last, but gives a very good result. Dry the crystals in vacuo over Sulphuric Acid. Impurities. Sulphate of Ammonia is often present to a large extent in commercial Iodide of Ammonium, and sometimes Carbonate of Ammonia, introduced for the pur- pose of preserving it in a colourless condition. Make a concentrated aqueous solution, and add a few drops of solution of Chloride of Barium. A white deposit indi- cates either Sulphate or Carbonate ; but if the precipitate is at once taken up on dropping in one or two drops of Glacial Acetic Acid, it consists of Carbonate of Baryta. Sulphate of Ammonia is mostly left behind on dissolving the Iodide in Alcohol of '805, sold as absolute ; but the Carbonate dissolves, and Collodion iodized with this solu- tion, eventually renders the Bath alkaline by producing Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver. To decolorize Iodide of Ammonium which has been decomposed by keeping, shake it up with a little Ether, pure or methylated ; the Iodine will be dissolved out, and, unless Alcohol be present, no great loss from solution will result. AQUA REGIA. See NITKO-HYDEOCHLOEIC ACID. AESENIC, BEOMIDE OF. Formula, AsBr 3 = 315. Bromide of Arsenic has been used in Collodion for the purpose of increasing the intensity of the developed image. PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 41 A solution suitable for that purpose may be prepared by reducing Metallic Arsenic to a fine powder and placing it in a dry bottle with Alcohol of sp. gr. '805. Bromine is then to be dropped into the Alcohol, when immediate com- bination will ensue : the Arsenic must always be in excess. The addition of water decomposes Bromide of Arsenic into Arsenious Acid and Hydrobromic Acid ; hence the necessity for using Alcohol of considerable strength. AUEO-CHLOEIDE OF SODIUM. See SODIUM, AUEO-CHLOEIDE OF. BAEIUM, CHLOEIDE OF. Formula, BaCl+2Aq. = 122. Barium is a metallic element very closely allied to Cal- cium, the elementary basis of Lime. The Chloride of Ba- rium is commonly employed as a test for Sulphuric Acid, with which it forms an insoluble precipitate of Sulphate of Baryta. It also slightly alters the colour of the Pho- tographic image when used in preparing Positive paper, which may be due, in some measure, to a chemical com- bination of Baryta with Albumen : but it must be remem- bered that this Chloride, from its high atomic weight, con- tains less Chlorine than the alkaline Chlorides. Properties of Chloride of Barium. Chloride of Barium occurs in the form of white crystals, soluble in about two parts of water, at common temperatures. These crystals contain two atoms of water of crystallization, which are expelled at 212, leaving the anhydrous Chloride. BAEYTA, NITEATE OF. Formula, BaO,NO 5 = 130'5. Nitrate of Baryta forms octohedral crystals, which are anhydrous. It is considerably less soluble than the Chlo- ride of Barium, requiring for solution twelve parts of cold and four of boiling water. It may be substituted for the Nitrate of Lead in the preparation of Protonitrate of Iron. 42 VOCABULABY OF BENZOLE. Formula, C 12 H 6 = 78. A limpid liquid, obtained commercially by distilling off the most volatile constituent of the substance known as " Coal Naphtha." It does not mix with water, but is dis- solved in any quantity by Alcohol or Ether. Benzole is an excellent solvent of fats and oils, and may be employed for removing grease-spots. It also dissolves Gutta-percha and Caoutchouc. A rapidly drying varnish may be made with Benzole, but it should first be purified by redistillation, since ordinary Benzole sometimes leaves a greasy residue on drying. BITUMEN OF JUDEA. A substance like Pitch in appearance and brittleness, found abundantly in various parts of the world, as in Judea, floating on the Dead Sea, and in Trinidad in the Pitch Lake. It is also known as Asphalt. Soluble in Coal Naphtha. BEOMINE. Symbol, Br = 80. This elementary substance is obtained from the uncrys- tallizable residuum of sea-water, termed bittern. It exists in the water in very minute proportions, combined with Magnesium in the form of a soluble Bromide of Magne- sium. Properties. Bromine is a deep reddish-brown liquid of a disagreeable odour, which gives off ruddy vapours at common temperatures ; sparingl} 7 soluble in water (1 part in 23, Lowig), but more abundantly so in Alcohol, and especially in Ether. It is very heavy, having a specific gravity of 3'0. Bromine is closely analogous to Chlorine and Iodine in its chemical properties. It stands intermediately between the two ; its affinities being stronger than those of Iodine, but weaker than Chlorine (see CHLORINE). PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 43 It forms a large class of salts, of which the Bromides of Potassium, Ammonium, Cadmium, and Silver are the most familiar to Photographers. CADMIUM. Symbol, Cd = 56. A white metal, resembling Tin in its physical properties. Its Oxide is found associated with Zinc in certain of the ores of the latter, but the two are easily separated. The Iodide and Bromide of Cadmium are used in Pho- tography, on account of their permanency and the facility with which they dissolve in Ether and Alcohol. Metallic Cadmium is sometimes employed to remove free Iodine from Collodion. CADMIUM, IODIDE OF. Formula, Cdl = 183. This salt is formed by heating filings of metallic Cad- mium with Iodine, or by mixing the two with addition of water. Iodide of Cadmium is very soluble, both in Alcohol and Water ; the solution yielding on evaporation large six-sided tables of a pearly lustre, which are permanent in the air. The commercial Iodide is sometimes contaminated with Iodide of Zinc, the crystals being imperfectly formed and slowly liberating Iodine when dissolved in Ether and Alcohol. Pure Iodide of Cadmium remains nearly or quite colourless in Collodion, if the fluid be kept in a cool and dark place. CALCIUM, CHLOEIDE OF. Formula, CaCl = 55 "5. This salt is found in sea-water ; but is usually prepared artificially by dissolving Chalk in Hydrochloric Acid and evaporating. When strongly dried, it occurs in lumps which are hard and difficult to pulverize. Chloride of Calcium has a great attraction for water, 44 VOCABULARY OF and is used for drying gases and other purposes. Exposed to the air, it soon deliquesces from absorption of atmo- spheric moisture. It is very soluble in Alcohol with evo- lution of heat, and when the liquid is subjected to distilla- tion, a highly concentrated spirit passes over, leaving a viscid mass which crystallizes on cooling, and contains nearly sixty per cent, of Alcohol in a state of loose chemical combination with the Chloride. Pure dry Chloride of Calcium is an expensive salt, but a common quality, sufficiently good for the use above de- scribed, may be obtained at a lower price. CALCIUM, IODIDE OF. Formula, Cal = 147. This salt, useful for the preparation of some other Iodides, may be obtained either by saturating Hydriodic Acid with Carbonate of Lime, or by digesting Iodine with metallic Iron and Water until the liquid is purely green, then adding excess of Lime and filtering off the solution from the precipitate and evaporating. CAMPHOE. Formula, C 20 H 16 O 2 = 152. This substance is the produce of the Laurus Camphora of Japan and China. It occurs when pure in sublimed masses, which are tough and cannot be reduced to powder without the aid of a few drops of spirit. It evaporates slowly in the air at ordinary temperatures. Camphor is soluble in Alcohol, but very sparingly in- deed in water. Hence a piece of any size may be put into the liquid without fear of adding an excess. For its use in detecting grease, see page 111. CAOUTCHOUC. This substance, known also as India-rubber, is the in- spissated milky juice of trees growing in South America and the East Indies. It is insoluble in water and in Al- cohol. PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 45 Chloroform is the most perfect solvent for Caoutchouc, and leaves it unchanged on evaporation. Benzole also acts upon it. Mineral Naphtha takes it up on applying heat, but the residue after evaporation is sticky. By combination with Sulphur, Caoutchouc undergoes a change of properties, familiar to us in the article sold as vulcanized India-rubber. CARBON. Symbol, C = 6. Carbon is an element, which in a state nearly pure, is familiar to all as Charcoal or Lamp-black. The diamond is crystallized Carbon perfectly pure. By combustion in the air it yields two Oxides, CO and CO 2 . The first or Carbonic Oxide, C O, is produced when the supply of air is small, and the other Oxide, Carbonic Acid, CO 2 , when the combustion is perfect. It is essentially tlie organic element, as every organic body is a compound of Carbon. CAKBON, BISULPHIDE OF. Formula, CS 2 = 38. Sulphur brought into contact with Charcoal at a bright red-heat, at once combines with it to form the above com- pound. It is a colourless, very volatile, and inflammable liquid, producing great cold by evaporation. It is heavier than water, in which it is insoluble, but it mixes readily with Alcohol and Ether. CA SEINE. fi CELLULOSE. Formula, C 36 H 30 O 30 = 486. This term is applied to the pure form of vegetable fibre existing in carefully bleached cotton, flax, etc. Cellulose is the material which forms the cell-wall of the tissues of plants, and Lignine is the deposit formed in the interior 46 VOCABULARY OF of the cell. Hence the former is most abundant in the pith and newly-formed wood, whilst the latter is found in parts of older growth which have become hard and solid. A new solvent for Cellulose has lately been discovered, prepared by exposing copper-turnings to the air in con- tact with Ammonia. The presence of a saline body like Nitrate of Ammonia prevents the Cellulose from being dissolved, and hence the ordinary blue liquid obtained by adding Ammonia to a salt of Copper will not answer the purpose. For further particulars as the properties of Cellulose, see Art. "Cotton." CHAECOAL, ANIMAL. Animal Charcoal is obtained by heating animal sub- stances, such as bones, dried blood, horns, etc., to redness, in close vessels, until all volatile empyreumatic matters have been driven off, and a residue of Carbon remains. When prepared from bones, it contains a large quantity of inorganic matter in the shape of Carbonate and Phos- phate of Lime. Animal Charcoal is freed from these earthy salts by repeated digestion in Hydrochloric Acid ; but unless very carefully washed it is apt to retain an acid reaction, and so to liberate free Nitric Acid when added to solution of Nitrate of Silver. Properties. Animal Charcoal, when pure, consists solely of Carbon, and burns away in the air without leaving any residue : it is remarkable for its property of decolorizing solutions; the organic colouring substance being separated, but not actually destroyed, as it is by Chlorine employed as a bleaching agent. This power of absorbing colouring matter is not possessed in an equal degree by all varieties of Charcoal, but is in great measure peculiar to those de- rived from the animal kingdom. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 47 CHLOKINE. Symbol, Cl = 35'5. Chlorine is an element, found abundantly in nature, combined with metallic Sodium in the form of Chloride of Sodium, or Sea- Salt. Preparation. By the action of Hydrochloric Acid on a natural product known as Binoxide of Manganese, Mn O 2 . The reaction may be thus represented : MnO 2 + 2HCl=MnCl + 2HO + Cl. Properties. Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas, of a pungent and suffocating odour ; soluble to a considerable extent in water, the solution possessing the odour and colour of the gas. It is nearly 2| times as heavy as a cor- responding bulk of atmospheric air. Chemical properties. Chlorine belongs to a small na- tural group of elements which contains also Bromine, Iodine, and Fluorine. They are characterized by having a strong affinity for Hydrogen, and also for the metals ; but are comparatively indifferent to Oxygen. Many me- tallic substances actually undergo combustion when pro- jected into an atmosphere of Chlorine, the union between the two taking place with extreme violence. The cha- racteristic bleaching properties of Chlorine gas are ex- plained in the same manner : Hydrogen is removed from the organic substance, and in that way the structure is broken up and the colour destroyed. Chlorine is more powerful in its affinities than either Bromine or Iodine. The salts formed by these three ele- ments are closely analogous in composition and often in properties. Those of the Alkalies, Alkaline Earths, and many of the Metals, are soluble in water : but the Silver salts are insoluble ; the Lead salts sparingly so. The combinations of Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Fluorine, with Hydrogen, are acids, which by combina- tion with bases form haloid salts and water (p. 14). The test by which the presence of Chlorine is detected, in its free state, or in its soluble metallic compounds, is 48 VOCABULAEY OF Nitrate of Silver ; it gives a white curdy precipitate 01 Chloride of Silver, insoluble in Nitric Acid, but soluble in Ammonia. The solution of Nitrate of Silver employed as the test must not contain Iodide of Silver, since this compound is precipitated by dilution. CHLOROFORM. Formula, C 2 HC1 3 119'5. This volatile liquid is obtained by the action of Chloride of Lime upon dilute Alcohol. It does not mix with water, but is very soluble in Spirit. Chloroform is the best solvent known for Caoutchouc, and it also dissolves Gutta-percha readily. Amber and many other resins are more or less soluble in Chloroform ; and this solvent is well suited for the preparation of Pho- tographic Varnishes, from its volatility, and from its having no solvent power on any of the varieties of Collodion films, some of which would be dissolved by an Alcohol Varnish. CHROMIUM. Symbol, Cr = 26'3. Chromium is a metallic element found in the state of Oxide combined with Oxide of Iron in the mineral termed Chrome Ironstone. Its most important Oxides are the basic Oxide Cr 2 O 3 and Chromic Acid, CrO 3 . Chromate of Potash, the source of all the preparations of Chromium, is obtained from the ore by fusing it for a long time with Nitrate of Potash; the latter imparts Oxygen, which changes Cr 2 O 3 into two atoms of CrO 3 , which with the Potash forms Chromate : this is afterwards dissolved out and crystallized. The Chromate acidified with Nitric Acid yields the Bi- chromate of Potash, which is purified by crystallization. IHOTOdRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 4# CITRIC ACID. Formula, 3HO,C 12 H 5 O n +2HO = 210. This acid is found abundantly in lemon-juice and in lime- juice. It occurs in commerce in the form of large crystals, which are soluble in less than their own weight of water at 60. Commercial Citric Acid is sometimes mixed with Tar- taric Acid. The adulteration may be discovered by making a concentrated solution of the acid and adding Acetate of Potash : crystals of Bitartrate of Potash will separate if Tartaric Acid be present. Citric Acid is a tribasic acid (p. 23), that is, one atom of it combines with three atoms of base to form a neutral salt; thus dry Citrate of Soda is 3NaO,C 12 H 5 O n . A single atom of Citric Acid decomposes three atoms of Carbonate of Soda. One atom of Tartaric Acid how- ever decomposes only two atoms of the Carbonate, so that if Citric Acid be adulterated with Tartaric Acid the alkali is in excess when the proportions given in the Photo- graphic formulae for making Citrates are adopted. Citric Acid retards the reduction of Silver Salts by a developer, when the acid is present in a free state. But Citric Acid previously neutralized by an Alkali acts as a reducing agent, and precipitates metallic Gold from a so- lution of Chloride of G-old. COTTON. Formula, C 36 H 30 O 30 = 486. The Cotton of commerce has been obtained principally from America, India, Egypt, and the South Sea Islands ; the largest supply, up to 1862, came from America, but at present the sources of supply are numerous and rather un- certain. There is a considerable difference in the quality of Cotton as regards length of fibre, etc., and hence the market price of the raw material varies greatly. Rough Cotton as it is imported is not in a state to be used commercially ; it must first be carefully combed and 50 VOCABULAEY OF cleaned. Even the finest Cotton Wool, however, as it is pre- pared for the jeweller and for surgical purposes, may with advantage be further purified if required in making Pho- tographic Pyroxyline. The fibre of the Cotton, as it ex- ists in the pod, is encased by a film of oily or resinous matter, which, when the Cotton is immersed in Nitro- Sul- phuric Acid of the correct strength for making soluble Pyroxyline, and at a temperature of 150 Fahr., resists for a time the action of the Nitric Acid, and much squeezing with the glass rod is required to wet the Cotton, and to make it imbibe the fluid : bubbles of air are entangled at first, and cannot easily be expelled, but almost immedi- ately afterwards an evolution of red fumes takes place, and the fibre is destroyed by oxidation. On the other hand, with Cotton which has been previously treated with a diluted alkali so as to saponify the resin and remove it in a soluble form, there is no difficulty whatever in making it absorb the acid ; it sucks up the liquid like a sponge, and remains during the whole time of the digestion without dissolving. From the finest qualities of Cotton Wool, traces of soluble matter are extracted by Potash, sufficient to impart a strong yellow colour to the alkaline liquid, and which, if permitted to remain, deoxidize that portion of the Nitric Acid immediately in contact with the fibre, and so far weaken it as to ensure the immediate solution of a part of the Cotton. Fine Cotton is usually sent out in packets of one pound each, which may be divided into quarters, and each quar- ter boiled gently for two hours, in a solution of two ounces of Potash (at two shillings and sixpence per pound) to a gallon of water. The mass is lifted out, and well squeezed, with repeated changes of water, for about twenty minutes, after which it is spread out to dry. It is important to re- move the whole of the Potash, and to disturb the fibre of the Cotton as little as possible, since if it become knotted and twisted, the action of the Nitric Acid will be interfered with. It may perhaps be suggested that the Potash is likely PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 51 to exercise a chemical or modifying action on the fibre of the Cotton, but it does not appear to have any such effect when used in dilute solution. A somewhat stronger Potash has been stated to affect the cellulose by degrees, and to produce more or less of the condition which we see in old and rotten calico, as compared with the new material ; but there need be no apprehension of this in the process above described, because Cotton fabrics which have been weak- ened by wear and repeated washings, become more easily soluble in Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, whereas the Cotton- wool, by boiling in weak alkali, is rendered less soluble in the Acids. It has not at present been absolutely proved, that all va- rieties of Cotton correspond as regards the solvent action of the weak Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, even when the cleans- ing has been correctly performed : the removal of the re- sinous impurity, however, is undoubtedly a point of im- portance. CYANOGEN. Formula, C 2 N = 26. Symbol, Cy. Cyanogen is a very remarkable compound which be- haves in many respects like the elements, Chlorine, Bro- mine, and Iodine. Like them it unites with Hydrogen to form an Acid, Hydrocyanic or Prussic Acid ; and like them it combines with metals to form Haloid Salts (page 14). Cyanide of Silver, AgC 2 N or AgCy, much resembles Chloride of Silver in properties. Cyanogen has a capacity for forming complex compounds with certain metals, in which the metals can no longer be discovered by the usual tests; thus Iron for example enters into the composition of the Ferrocyanides, but no ordinary test would discover it. Cyanogen in the uncombined state is a gas ; it cannot be formed directly from its elements, Carbon and Nitrogen, but may easily be procured by heating one of its com- pounds, Cyanide of Mercury, HgCy = Hg + Cy. 52 VOCABULARY OF ETHEE. Formula, C s H 10 O a = 74. Ether is obtained by distilling a mixture of Sulphuric Acid and Alcohol. Although in the action of the Acid upon the Alcohol there are some complicated changes, yet the ultimate effect is quite simple, and consists in the re- moval of two atoms of Water from two atoms of Alcohol, and the Alcohol residues, united together, form Ether. Alcohol. Ether. 2(C 4 H 6 2 )-2HO = C 8 H 10 2 . This Ether is often termed Sulphuric Ether from its mode of formation, but it contains no Sulphuric Acid, whereas other Ethers, such as Acetic Ether and Nitrous Ether, retain the acids, whose names they bear, as essen- tial ingredients. Properties of Ether. Ether is a limpid and colourless fluid, with a peculiar and fragrant odour. Specific gravity, at 60, about '720. Boils at 98 Fahrenheit. The vapour is exceedingly dense, and may be seen passing off from the liquid and falling to the ground : hence the danger of pouring Ether from one bottle to another if a flame be near at hand. Ether does not mix with water in all proportions ; when the two are shaken together, after a short time the former rises and floats upon the surface. In this way a mixture of Ether and Alcohol may be purified to some extent, as in the common process of washing Ether. The water em- ployed however always retains a certain portion of Ether (about a tenth part of its bulk), and acquires a strong ethereal odour ; washed Ether also contains water in small quantity. Bromine and Iodine are both soluble in Ether, and gra- dually react upon and decompose it. The strong alkalies, such as Potash and Soda, also decompose Ether slightly after a time, but not immediately. Nitric Acid oxidizes it with evolution of red fumes. Exposed to air and light, Ether is ozonized and acquires a peculiar odour : after a PHOTOSEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 53 time Acetic Acid and Acetic Ether are formed by a further action of Oxygen. Ether dissolves fatty and resinous substances readily, but inorganic salts are mostly insoluble in this fluid. Hence Iodide of Potassium and other substances dissolved in Alcohol are precipitated to a certain extent by the ad- dition of Ether. Ether for Photographic use. The preparation of pure Ether is of the utmost importance in Collodion Photo- graphy, since traces of foreign bodies, which analysis fails to detect, may produce an injurious effect. In the distilla- tion of Ether, the crude product first obtained is conta- minated with Oil of Wine, and contains foul-smelling or- ganic bodies, from which it is partially freed by digestion with Lime or a caustic alkali ; the object being to saponify the impurities and retain them in the body of the retort. It sometimes happens in this process that minute traces of the alkali are mechanically carried over by the Ether, and these are injurious to the keeping qualities of Collo- dion. A quality of commercial Ether, having a sp. gr. of about '750 and answering to the demands of the Pharmacopoeia, is much used for making Collodion. This Ether however often leaves an unpleasant smell when allowed to evapo- rate in the hand, and hence the Writer for some time employed in preference a stronger quality, sp. gr. '728, obtained by agitating the above with caustic alkali and drawing over the first portions only. Even with these precautions however it was found diffi- cult to obtain a really uniform substance, for although the specific gravity was nearly the same, a perceptible differ- ence in smell could be detected, and the keeping proper- ties of the plain Collodion were found to vary. The fol- lowing plan was therefore adopted and with manifest ad- vantage, viz. to agitate the best Ether in a vessel contain- ing water acidulated with Sulphuric Acid, and then to draw over the first half in a retort ; in this way any traces of alkali are retained, and the impurities if present accu- 54 VOCABULARY OF mulate in the last portions.* The product appears inva- riably to restore the blue colour of reddened litmus-paper, and therefore this alkaline reaction is probably peculiar to Ether, although it has been stated in chemical works that Ether is neither acid nor alkaline. There are some points with regard to Ether not precisely understood. The Author has seen a sample of Ether so light that a test tube containing it nearly boiled when held in the hand, and yet this same sample injured the quality of all the Collodion to which it was added, chan- ging the Negative picture into an image positive by trans- mitted light. Ether prepared from Methylated Spirit (see Alcohol) is extensively employed in the manufacture of Collodion, and especially of Positive Collodion. Great exertions have been lately made to improve the quality of this material, but at one time it was so variable that two samples could scarcely be found to give corresponding results. The pre- sence of the gaseous Methylic Ether introduces a diffi- culty, inasmuch as this substance is more prone to absorb Oxygen than pure Ether. A test often applied to Ether is to agitate it with an equal bulk of strong Alcohol containing Iodide of Potas- sium dissolved in the proportion of 3^ grains to the ounce of spirit. The mixture should remain nearly or quite colourless for several days, when the thermometer is at 60 Fahr. It is possible to make any Ether stand the test of Iodide of Potassium most perfectly, by agitating it with a little dry Carbonate of Potash ; but the resulting Collodion would be injured rather than improved by such a process, since Carbonated Alkali decomposes Gun-Cot- ton. When, however, we obtain a sample of Ether which has been distilled from Sulphuric Acid, and yet find it to remain colourless for a long time on adding Iodide of Po- * The remaining half of the Ether may after distillation be employed for Positive Collodion, or for Bromo-iodized Negative Collodion, in which the quality of the Ether is not of so much importance as in simply iodized Collodion. PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 55 tassium, we may be assured of its perfect freedom from the "ozonized" principle.* The amount of Alcohol in a sample of Ether may be ascertained by agitating it in a graduated measure-glass with half its bulk of a saturated solution of Chloride of Calcium ; this should be poured into the tube first, its height noted, and the Ether poured on its surface, the tube being closed by a stopper or the thumb, the two are agi- tated together and then allowed to stand until they sepa- rate, the increase in bulk of the Chloride of Calcium indi- cates the amount of Alcohol present. Water is detected in Ether by the turbidity which it causes when the latter is dropped into Spirits of Turpen- tine ; if no water is present, the two mix perfectly. An ozonized condition of Ether is at once detected, on agitating it with a little of a solution of Iodide of Potas- sium in Water or Alcohol, by its colouring the latter more or less yellow from the liberation of Iodine. The difference between bad and good Ether is seen most evidently after long keeping. Supposing white light to be excluded, a pure sample of Ether may be placed in a bottle, only half full, and at the expiration of two or three months it will scarcely become coloured on the first addi- tion of Iodide of Potassium. Ether only partially purified will often stand the test of Iodide of Potassium when freshly distilled, but it will soon acquire the property of liberating Iodine when it is stowed away for keeping. ETHER, ACETIC. Formula, C 4 H 5 0,C 4 H 3 O 3 =88. This compound Ether may be produced by distilling Acetate of Soda with Sulphuric Acid and Alcohol. It is a limpid liquid with a sweet and fragrant smell. It is also spontaneously formed in small quantities in ordinary Ether, * The condition of Ether known as "ozonized," is the same as that to which the term " acid " is often applied ; but in testing samples of Ether, we rarely find them acid to test-paper. 56 . VOCABULAEY OF or more especially in Ether containing dissolved Pyroxy- line, its production being due to a slow process of oxida- tion. In a developing fluid or a Nitrate Bath containing both Acetic Acid and Alcohol, the peculiar smell of Acetic Ether is soon to be detected. Acetic Ether is a powerful solvent for Pyroxyline ; being capable of dissolving the most explosive Gun-Cotton which is quite insoluble in ordinary Ether and Alcohol, but it leaves it on evaporation in the form of a white powder. Its presence in Collodion is very injurious, since it de- stroys the tenacity and transparency of the film. ETHEE, METHYLIC. Formula, C 4 H 6 O 2 = 42. This Ether bears the same relation to Pyroxylic Alcohol or Wood Spirit, that ordinary Ether bears to Alcohol from wine. It is a gaseous substance, which dissolves to a cer- tain extent in water, but more abundantly so in Alcohol or Ether. "Methylated Ether," the peculiarities of which have been pointed out under the head of Ether, is made from Spirit of Wine containing ten per cent, of wood spirit (see ALCOHOL, METHYLATED). It must therefore contain a portion of gaseous Methylic Ether dissolved in an excess of common Ether. FQEMIC ACID. Formula (of concentrated Acid), HO,C 2 HO 3 46. As one atom of common Alcohol by the action of four atoms of Oxygen yields Acetic Acid, so one atom of Me- thylic Alcohol by the action of four atoms of Oxygen furnishes Formic Acid. Com. Alcohol. Acetic Acid. C 4 H 6 2 + 4 = HO,C 4 H 3 3 + 2HO. Meth. Alcohol. Formic Acid. C 2 H 4 2 + 4 = HO,C 2 H0 3 + 2HO. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 57 Formic Acid is not however usually prepared in this way, the common method is to obtain it by the oxidation of Starch ; for this purpose, 1 of Starch, 4 of Binoxide of Manganese, and 4 of Water are mixed in a large retort ; 4 of Sulphuric Acid is then added, effervescence takes place, when this has ceased, distil ; an impure Acid comes over, which is neutralized with Carbonate of Soda. The Formiate of Soda purified by crystallization is distilled with an equivalent of Sulphuric Acid, when the pure For- mic Acid passes over into the receiver. When required on the large scale, a better source is Oxalic Acid. Equal weights of Oxalic Acid and Glyce- rine, with one-eighth of Water, are heated in a retort to 220Fahr. Effervescence ensues andcontinues for some time, during which some Formic Acid distils over. To obtain the remainder, add one-third of Water and distil again ; repeat addition of Water until about four parts have dis- tilled over. The concentrated Acid is obtained from the Soda Salt as before. The same Glycerine will serve for fresh Oxalic Acid again and again. Properties. When concentrated, this is a fuming and corrosive Acid ; it always retains one atom of Water, from which it cannot be deprived without becoming decomposed into Carbonic Oxide and Water. HO,C 2 HO 3 -HO = 2CO + HO. It forms a white sparingly soluble salt with Oxide of Silver, which, with the least elevation of temperature, yields Metallic Silver. AgO,C 2 HO 3 =:CO 2 + CO-f HO + Ag. Its name is derived from Formica, an Ant, an insect which stings with this Acid. GALLIC ACID. Formula, 3HO,C 14 H 3 O 7 + 2HO = 188. Gallic Acid is obtained from the Tannic Acid by a species of fermentation. The powdered galls mixed with water, or their infusion, is left for some weeks, during 58 . VOCABULARY OF which it becomes mouldy, Oxygen is absorbed and Car- bonic Acid is given off, and Gallic Acid is deposited in abundance. The mouldy paste is squeezed, to get rid of foreign matters, and then boiled in water, which on cool- ing deposits the Gallic Acid. By digestion with Animal Charcoal and recrystallization it is obtained pure. Gallic Acid, like Tannic Acid, gives an intensely blue- black colour with salts of Peroxide of Iron, but it differs from the latter in giving no precipitate with Gelatine. GELATINE. This is a nitrogenized organic substance somewhat ana- logous to Albumen, but differing from it in properties. It is obtained by subjecting bones, hoofs, horns, calves' feet, etc., to the action of boiling water. The jelly formed on cooling is termed size, or, when dried and cut into slices, glue. Gelatine, as it is sold in the shops, is a pure form of Glue. Isinglass is gelatine prepared, chiefly in Russia, from the air-bladders of certain species of stur- geon. Properties of Gelatine. Gelatine softens and swells up in cold water, but does not dissolve until heated ; the hot solution, on cooling, forms a tremulous jelly. One ounce of cold water will retain about three grains of Isinglass without gelatinizing ; but much depends upon the tempe- rature, a few degrees greatly affecting the result. The solution forms an insoluble precipitate with Tannic Acid, which has the composition of Leather. When long boiled in water, and especially in presence of an acM, such as the Sulphuric, Gelatine undergoes a peculiar modification, and the solution loses either partially or entirely its property of solidifying to a jelly. The reactions of Gelatine with Nitrate of Silver will be described afterwards. GLYCERINE. Formula, C 6 H 8 O 6 = 92. Fatty bodies are resolved by treatment with an alkali PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 59 into an acid, which combines with the alkali, forming a soap, and Glycerine, which remains in solution. Pure Glycerine, as obtained by Price's patent process of distillation, is a sweet viscid liquid of sp. gr. about T23 ; miscible in all proportions with water and Alcohol. It is neutral to test-paper. It has little or no action upon Ni- trate of Silver in the dark, and reduces it very slowly even when exposed to light. GLYCYEKHIZINE. Glycyrrhizine, obtained from the fresh root of Liquorice, is a substance intermediate in properties between a sugar and a resin. Sparingly soluble in water, but very soluble in Alcohol. It precipitates strong solution of Nitrate of Silver white, but the deposit becomes reddened by expo- sure to light. A mode of preparing Glycyrrhizine has been described in which Carbonate of Potash is used, but the Author does not find it to succeed. The process given in Miller's ' Elements of Chemistry ' may however be depended on. Procure fresh Liquorice- root and slice it very fine trans- versely ; then pound well in an iron mortar, and add as much boiling water as will just cover it. Place the jug in a warm situation for twelve hours^and afterwards press out the juice as far as possible by means of an iron screw- press. Evaporation by artificial heat is useless, and serves only to decompose the Glycyrrhizne. Next mix Oil of Vitriol with an equal bulk of water and allow it to cool. Then add it to the strong infusion until test-paper becomes immediately red when dipped in the liquid, and a thick yellow deposit forms. A few drachms more or less of the Sulphuric Acid make but little differ- ence, but if too much be used, the trouble of washing out the acid from the Glycyrrhizine will be increased. Leave it for twelve hours, when the yellow deposit may be collected on a cloth. Begin by draining it nearly dry, and then wash it with a moderate quantity of water to remove the excess of Sulphuric Acid. Now squeeze it in 60 VOCABULARY OP a powerful press until it is dry enough to powder in the hand, and digest it without heat in Absolute Alcohol, about four or five times its weight. The pure Glycyrrhizine dis- solves, and a bulky mass of vegetable Albumen is left be- hind. Lastly, evaporate at a temperature not higher than 120 Fahr. The Only difficulty in the process is the washing of the impure Glycyrrhizine with water to remove the Sulphuric Acid, since the sugar is partially soluble in water, and even with proper care much of it is lost in the process. For this reason the Author thinks it better not to use too much acid in precipitating the Glycyrrhizine, although the quan- tity of deposit is greater when the acid is added freely. The Glycyrrhizine exists in the root in combination with bases, Lirne, etc., and is soluble in water, but insoluble in Alcohol. The Sulphuric Acid removes the bases, and the sugar-resin is then much more soluble in Alcohol than in Water. Alkalies and Alkaline Carbonates gradually de- compose Glycyrrhizine, with production of a strong yel- low colour. GOLD, CHLOEIDE OF. Formula, And, = 303-1. Formula of Crystals = AuC] 3 HC1 = 339'6. This salt is formed by dissolving pure metallic Gold in Nitro-Hydrochloric Acid, and evaporating at a gentle heat. The solution affords deliquescent crystals of a deep orange colour, which are a double Chloride of Gold and Hydrogen. Chloride of Gold, in a state fit for Photographic use, may easily be obtained by the following process : Place a half-sovereign in any convenient vessel, and pour on it half a drachm of Nitric Acid mixed with two and a half drachms of Hydrochloric Acid and three drachms of water ; digest by a gentle heat, but do not boil the acid, or much of the Chlorine will be driven off in the form of gas. At the expiration of a few hours add fresh JSTitro-Hydrochloric Acid in quantity the same as at first, which will probably PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 61 T>e sufficient, but if not, repeat the process a third time.* Next, dilute largely with distilled water, and add a filtered aqueous solution of common Sulphate of Iron (6 parts to 1 of Gold) ; collect the precipitated Gold, which is now free from Copper ; redissolve in Aqua Hegia as at first, and evaporate to dryness on a water bath. The weight of a half-sovereign is about 61 grains, of which 56 grains are pure gold. This is equivalent to 86 grains of Chloride of Gold, which will be the quantity con- tained in the solution. Properties of Chloride of Gold. The crystals contain Hydrochloric Acid, and are of a bright yellow collour ; but when the H Cl has been expelled, AuCl 3 remains as a dark- red amorphous mass (Leo ruler of the alchemists). Chlo- ride of Gold is decomposed with precipitation of metallic Gold by Charcoal, Sulphurous Acid, and many of the ve- getable acids, such as Citric, Tartaric, etc. ; also by Pro- tosulphate and Protonitrate of Iron. It tinges the cuticle of an indelible purple tint. It is soluble in Alcohol and in Ether. The most convenient mode of keeping the Chloride is in aqueous solution, one grain to the drachm of water. Sometimes a partial reduction of Gold will take place upon the sides of the bottle, but the quantity so deposited is very small, and may be disregarded. GOLD, FULMINATING. This is a yellowish-brown substance, precipitated on add- ing Ammonia to a strong solution of Chloride of Gold. It may be dried carefully at 212, but explodes violently on being heated suddenly to about 290. Friction also causes it to explode when dry ; but the moist powder may be rubbed or handled without danger. It is decomposed by Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Fulminating Gold is probably an Aurate of Ammonia, * Observe that if any Silver be present in the Gold coin it will produce a flocculent deposit of Chloride of Silver, thus preventing the solution from being complete. 62 VOCABULARY OF containing two atoms of Ammonia to one atom of Peroxide of Gold. GOLD, HYPOSULPHITE OF. Formula, AuO,S 2 O 2 . = 252'6. Hyposulphite of Gold is produced by the reaction of Chloride of Gold upon Hyposulphite of Soda. The salt sold in commerce as Sel d'or is a double Hypo- sulphite of Gold and Soda, having the composition 3(NaO,S 2 O 2 ) + AuO,S 2 O 2 +4HO = 525-6, and containing 37'4 per cent, of metallic Gold when pure. It is formed by adding one part of Chloride of Gold, in solution, to three parts of Hyposulphite of Soda, and pre- cipitating the resulting salt by Alcohol : the Chloride of Gold must be added to the Hyposulphite of Soda, and not the Soda Salt to the Gold. Properties. Hyposulphite of Gold is unstable and can- not exist in an isolated state, quickly passing into Sulphur, Sulphuric Acid, and metallic Gold. When combined with excess of Hyposulphite of Soda in the form of Sel d'or, it is more permanent. Sel d'or occurs crystallized in fine needles, which are very soluble in water. The commercial article is often impure, containing little else than Hyposulphite of Soda, with a trace of Gold. It may be analysed by adding a few drops of strong Nitric Acid (free from Chlorine), diluting with water, and afterwards collecting and igniting the yel- low powder, which is metallic Gold. GEAPE SUGAE. Formula, C 12 H 12 O 12 + 2HO = 198. This modification of Sugar, often termed Granular Su- gar, or Glucose, exists abundantly in the juice of grapes and in many other varieties of fruit. It forms the saccha- rine concretion found in honey, raisins, dried figs, etc. It may be produced artificially, by the action of dilute mine- ral acids upon Starch or Cane Sugar. Properties. Grape Sugar crystallizes slowly and with PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 63 difficulty from a concentrated aqueous solution, in small hemispherical nodules, which are hard, and feel gritty be- tween the teeth. It is much less sweet to the taste than Cane Sugar, and is not so soluble in water (1 part dissolves in 1| of cold water). Grape Sugar decomposes the salts of the noble metals, reducing them by degrees to the metallic state, even with- out the aid of light ; Cane Sugar does not possess these pro- perties to an equal extent. A very delicate test for Grape Sugar is founded upon its reducing power on Oxide of Cop- per in presence of free Alkalies. The mode of applying the test is to add to the solution of Sugar, a drop of solu- tion of Sulphate of Copper, and then enough solution of Potash to render the liquid strongly Alkaline ; no precipi- tation of Oxide of Copper takes place, when either Cane or Grape Sugar are present, but the blue colour of the so- lution becomes much more intense. On now gently warm- ing the mixture, if Grape Sugar is present, a yellow or reddish precipitate will soon be seen at the top of the liquid, and will gradually spread throughout the whole. If Cane Sugar only be present, no such precipitate or change of colour takes place, even if the liquid be boiled. GUM AEABIC. This substance is met with in the juices of many plants, but is found in its purest form in the transparent tears which exude from various species of Acacia. Gum Arabic is now believed to consist of an organic substance resembling mucilage of Tragacanth, combined with a portion of Lime or other base. The mucilaginous constituent in the pure state, when once dried, is not solu- ble in water, but simply swells up when wetted, without passing into solution. The addition of an alkali, or of an alkaline earth such as Lime, renders it completely soluble in water. HONEY. This substance contains two distinct kinds of Sugar, 64 VOCABULARY OF crystallizable Grape Sugar, and an uncrystallizable sub- stance. The agreeable taste of Honey probably depends upon the latter, but its reducing power on metallic oxides is due to the former. Pure Grape Sugar can readily be obtained from inspissated Honey, by treating it with Al- cohol, which washes out the syrup, but leaves the crystal- line portion. For Photographic use the Virgin Honey should be obtained direct from the comb, much of the commercial article being adulterated with flour, which causes it to fer- ment on the addition of water. HYDEIODIC ACID. Formula, HI= 128. This is a gaseous compound of Hydrogen and Iodine, corresponding in composition to the Hydrochloric Acid. It cannot however, from its instability, be obtained in the same manner, since, on distilling an Iodide with Sulphuric Acid, the Hydriodic Acid first formed is subsequently decomposed by the Sulphuric Acid. An aqueous solution of Hydriodic Acid is easily prepared by passing Sulphu- retted Hydrogen gas through water standing over powdered Iodine, until the liquid, which about the middle of the operation becomes very brown on shaking, from solution of excess of Iodine, is just decolorized again. Sulphur separates out abundantly, and can be removed either by filtering or decantation. The solution ought not to smell of Sulphuretted Hydrogen, or blacken paper dipped in Acetate of Lead or Nitrate of Silver, held over it. Its formation is as follows : H S + 1 HI + S. Properties. Hydriodic Acid gas is very soluble in water, yielding a strongly acid liquid. The solution, colourless at first, soon becomes brown from liberation of, free Iodine. It may be restored to its original condition by adding solution of Sulphuretted Hydrogen and allow ing Sulphur to subside. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 65 HYDEOCHLOEIC ACID. Formula, H 01 = 36-5. Hydrochloric Acid is a volatile gas, which may be libe- rated from most of the salts termed Chlorides by the action of Sulphuric Acid. The acid, by its superior affinities, decomposes these salts in the following manner : NaCl + HO, SO 3 =NaO, SO 3 + HC1. Properties. Abundantly soluble in water, forming the liquid Hydrochloric or Muriatic Acid of Commerce. The most concentrated solution of Hydrochloric Acid has a sp. gr. 1-2, and contains about 40 per cent, of gas ; that commonly sold is somewhat weaker, sp. gr. 1'14 to 1*16, containing about 28 per cent, real acid. Pure Hydrochloric Acid is colourless, and fumes in the air. The yellow colour of the commercial acid depends upon the presence of traces of Perchloride of Iron, or of organic matter; commercial Muriatic Acid also often con- tains free Chlorine and Sulphuric Acid. HYDEOGEN. Symbol, H = l. Hydrogen is an element in the form of a gas, whose Oxide is Water. It is obtained from Water by adding to it metallic Zinc and a tenth of Sulphuric Acid ; the Oxy- gen of the Water unites with the Zinc to form the base Oxide of Zinc, which with the acid forms Sulphate of Zinc. (See SALTS, Chap. I.) It is very combustible, the product being water. United with the elements, Chlorine, Iodine, Bromine, Fluorine, and Sulphur, it forms acids (and, indeed, according to one mode of viewing acids it is the acidifying principle, all acids being thus regarded as salts of Hydrogen). HYDEOSULPHUEIC ACID. Formula, HS = 17. This gas, also known as Sulphuretted Hydrogen, is a 66 . VOCABULARY OF compound of Sulphur and Hydrogen, analogous in com- position to the Hydrochloric and Hydriodic Acids. It is usually prepared by the action of dilute Sulphuric Acid upon Sulphide of Iron, the decomposition being similar to that involved in the preparation of the Hydrogen Acids generally : FeS + HO, S O 3 = FeO, SO 3 + H S. Properties. Cold water absorbs three times its bulk of Hydrosulphuric Acid, and acquires the peculiar putrid odour and poisonous qualities of the gas. The solution is faintly acid to test-paper, and becomes opalescent on keep- ing, from gradual separation of Sulphur. It is decom- posed by Nitric Acid, and also by Chlorine and Iodine. It precipitates the last ten metals in the list of elements from their solutions in the state of Sulphides ; but Iron and other metals of that class are not affected, in presence of free acid. Hydrosulphuric Acid is constantly employed in the chemical laboratory for these and other purposes. ICELAND MOSS. Cetraria Islandica. A species of Lichen found in Ice- land and the mountainous parts of Europe ; when boiled in water, it first swells up, and then yields a substance which gelatinizes on cooling. It contains Lichen Starch, a bitter crystallizable prin- ciple soluble in Alcohol, termed " Cetrarine " and common Starch ; traces of Gallic Acid and Bitartrate of Potash are also present. IODINE. Symbol, I = 127. Iodine is chiefly prepared at Glasgow, from Jcelp, which is the fused ash obtained on burning seaweeds. The wa- ters of the ocean contain minute quantities of the Iodides of Sodium and Magnesium, which are separated and stored up by the growing tissues of the marine plant. In the preparation, the mother-liquor of kelp (which is the liquid that remains after most of the salts, which con- tain no Iodine, have been separated by crystallization) is PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 67 distilled at a gentle heat with a certain proportion of Sul- phuric Acid and Binoxide of Manganese. The decompo- sition is as follows : Nal + MnO 2 + 2SO 3 = NaO,SO 3 + MnO,SO 3 + I. The Iodine sublimes in purple vapours, which condense to black crystals. Properties. Iodine has a bluish-black colour and me- tallic lustre : it stains the skin yellow, and has a pungent smell, like diluted Chlorine. It is extremely volatile when moist, boils at 347, and produces dense violet coloured fumes, which condense in brilliant plates. Specific gravity, 4'946. Iodine is very sparingly soluble in water, 1 part requiring 7000 parts for perfect solution : even this mi- nute quantity however tinges the liquid of a brown colour. Alcohol and Ether dissolve it more abundantly, forming dark-brown solutions. Iodine also dissolves freely in solu- tions of the alkaline Iodides, such as the Iodide of Potas- sium, of Sodium, and of Ammonium. Chemical Properties. Iodine belongs to the Chlorine group of elements, characterized by forming acids with Hydrogen, and combining extensively with the metals (see Chlorine). They are however comparatively indifferent to Oxygen, and also to each other. The Iodides of the alkalies and alkaline earths are soluble in water ; also those of Iron, Zinc, Cadmium, etc. The Iodides of Lead and Mercury are nearly, and the Iodide of Silver is quite, insoluble. ' Iodine possesses the property of forming a compound of a deep blue colour with Starch. In using this as a test, it is necessary first to liberate the Iodine (if in combina- tion) by means of Chlorine, avoiding an excess, or by means of Nitric Acid saturated with Peroxide of Nitrogen. The presence of Alcohol or Ether interferes to a certain extent with the result. IODOFORM. Formula, C 2 HI 3 =: 394. The composition of this substance is analogous to that 68 . VOCABULARY OF of Chloroform, Iodine being substituted for Chlorine. It- is obtained on boiling together Iodine, Carbonate of Potash, and Alcohol. lodoform occurs in yellow nacreous crystals, which have a saffron-like odour. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in spirit. IKON, PKOTACETATE OF. Formula, FeO,C 4 H 3 O 3 . There are two Acetates of Iron, a Protacetate, which is nearly colourless, and a Peracetate, which is red ; the for- mer only is used in Photography. A solution of the Protacetate containing a slight excess of the Sulphate, but sufficiently pure for Photographic pur- poses, may be made by dissolving 12 grains of Protosulphate of Iron and 12 grains of crystallized Acetate of Lead, each in half an ounce of water, mixing, and filtering from the white deposit, which is Sulphate of Lead. The solution is very unstable, and soon deposits a reddish Subsalt, or if free Acetic Acid be present, it assumes a red colour. A mixture of Acetate of Soda with Protosulphate of Iron, six grains of the former and twelve grains of the latter to an ounce of water, acts in Photography very much in the same manner as the pure solution of the Acetate. IKON, AMMONIO-CITKATE OF. This beautiful pharmaceutical preparation is a basic salt containing Citric Acid in union both with Ammonia and with Peroxide of Iron. It is met with in the form of thin transparent-brown scales, produced by drying a syrupy solution on warm plates. The reaction of certain tests upon the Ammonio-Citrate and also upon the Ammonio-Tartrate of Iron, is peculiar. Free Ammonia, which usually throws down a red Sesqui- oxide from the Persalts of Iron, produces no deposit with these compounds ; and Ferrocyanide of Potassium, which usually precipitates Prussian blue, simply produces a PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. purple colour ; the blue precipitate is, however, obtained on acidifying the liquid. The presence of the vegetable acid and the basic character due to Ammonia are the causes of these anomalies. PEECHLOEIDE OF. Formula, Fe 2 Cl 3 = 162'5. There are two Chlorides of Iron, corresponding in com- position to the Protoxide and the Sesquioxide respectively. The Protochloride is very soluble in water, forming a green solution, which precipitates a dirty white Protoxide on the addition of an alkali. The Perchloride, on the other hand, is dark- brown, and gives with alkalies a reddish-brown precipitate of Peroxide. Properties. Perchloride of Iron may be obtained in a state of purity by heating Iron wire in excess of Chlorine ; it condenses in the shape of brilliant and iridescent brown crystals, which are volatile, and dissolve in water, the so- lution being acid to test-paper ; a more easy mode of pre- paring the solution, however, is by digesting Hydrochloric Acid with excess of Peroxide of Iron. It is soluble in Alcohol, forming the Tinctura Ferri Sesquichloridi of the Pharmacopoeia. Commercial Perchloride of Iron ordi- narily contains an excess of Hydrochloric Acid. IRON, IODIDE OF. Formula, Fel = 155. Iodide of Iron is prepared by digesting an excess of Iron filings wdth pulverized Iodine and water. It is very soluble in water and in Alcohol, but the solution rapidly absorbs Oxygen, and deposits Peroxide of Iron ; hence the importance of preserving it in contact with metallic Iron, with which the separated Iodine may recombine. By very careful evaporation, hydrated crystals of Proto-iodide may be obtained, but the composition of the solid salt usually sold under that name cannot be depended on. A Periodide of Iron, corresponding to the Perchloride, does not exist. 70 . VOCABULARY OF IKON, PEOTONITEATE OF. Formula, FeO,NO 5 + 7Aq. = 153. This salt, by careful evaporation in vacua over Sul- phuric Acid, forms transparent crystals, of a light green colour, and containing 7 atoms of water, like the Protosul- phate. It is exceedingly unstable, and soon becomes red from decomposition, unless preserved out of contact with air. The preparation of a solution of Protonitrate of Iron suitable for developing Collodion Positives, will be given in Part III. IEON, PEOTOSULPHATE OF. Formula, FeO, S O 3 + 7 Aq. = 139. This salt, commonly called Copperas, is much used in the arts ; it is employed in Photography to develope the latent image. It dissolves in rather more than an equal weight of cold water, or in less of boiling water. Aqueous solution of Sulphate of Iron becomes oxidized by exposure to the air, it also is able to absorb the gas Binoxide of Nitrogen, acquiring a deep olive-brown colour ; as this gaseous Binoxide is itself a reducing agent, the liquid so formed has been proposed as a more energetic developer than the Sulphate of Iron alone. KAOLIN, OE CHINA CLAY. This is prepared, by careful levigation, from mouldering granite and other disintegrated felspathic rocks. It is a Silicate of Alumina, containing Silicic Acid or Flint, united with the base Alumina. Kaolin is perfectly insoluble in water and in acids, and produces no decomposition in solu- tion of Nitrate of Silver. It is employed by Photographers to decolorize solutions of Nitrate of Silver which have be- come brown from the action of Albumen or other organic matters. Commercial Kaolin may contain chalk, in which state it produces alkalinity in solution of Nitrate, of Silver when PHOTOGKAPHIC CHEMICALS. 71 Salts of Ammonia are present. The impurity, detected by its effervescence with acids, is removed by washing the Kaolin in diluted vinegar and subsequently in water. LEAD, ACETATE OF. Formula, PbO,C 4 H 3 O 3 + 3HO = 189'6. The neutral Acetate of Lead is a very abundant sub- stance in commerce, and is known as Sugar of Lead. It is prepared by digesting Oxide of Lead in Pyroligneous or Acetic Acid, and crystallizes in acicular masses. Acetate of Lead is easily soluble in cold water, but the solution is usually milky, either from the presence of a little Carbonate mixed with the Acetate, or from Carbonic Acid or Carbonate of Lime in the water used. The crys- tals employed in Pharmacy and sold at a low price are usually pure enough for Photographic purposes. LEAD, NITEATE OF. Formula, PbO,NO 5 = 165'6. Nitrate of Lead is obtained by dissolving the metal, or the Oxide of Lead, in excess of Nitric Acid, diluted with 2 parts of water. It crystallizes on evaporation in white anhydrous tetrahedra and octohedra, which are hard, and decrepitate on being heated ; they are soluble in .8 parts of water at 60. Nitrate of Lead forms with Sulphuric Acid, or with so- luble Sulphates, a white precipitate, which is the insoluble Sulphate of Lead. The Iodide of Lead is also very spa- ringly soluble in water. LIGNINE. See CELLULOSE. LITHIUM, IODIDE OF. Formula, L I -f 6 Aq. = 188. Lithium is one of the rarer elements, found in the mineral kingdom, and the basic reactions of its Oxide are so strong that it takes its place with the alkalies Potash and 72 VOCABULAEY OF Soda. Metallic Lithium, though a metal, is the lightest solid body known, its density being little more than one- half of that of water. Iodide of Lithium has been proposed for Photographic use, being more easily soluble in Alcohol than Iodide of Potassium. Its deliquescent nature however is an ob- jection, .as also is the difficulty and expense of obtaining it commercially in a pure state. A solution of the Iodide may be prepared by mixing equivalent proportions of crystallized Sulphate of Lithia and Iodide of Calcium in concentrated aqueous solution, evaporating to dryness over Sulphuric Acid in vacua, and exhausting the dry re- sidue with Alcohol of *805. Iodide of Calcium is prefer- able to Iodide of Barium, in consequence of the latter being more frequently contaminated with an excess of LITMUS. Litmus is a vegetable substance prepared from various lichens, which are principally collected on rocks adjoining the sea. The blue colouring-matter is extracted by a peculiar process, and is afterwards made up into a paste with chalk, plaster of Paris, etc. Litmus occurs in commerce in the form of small cubes of a fine violet colour. In using it for the preparation of test-papers, it is digested in hot water, the solution con- centrated at a gentle heat, and sheets of porous paper soaked in the blue liquid so formed. The red papers are prepared at first in the same manner, but are afterwards placed in water which has been rendered faintly acid with Sulphuric or Hydrochloric Acid. Papers are prepared also of a purplish tint, which becomes full blue with alka- lies, and bright red with acids. MAGNESIUM, IODIDE OF. Formula, Mgl + Aq. ? This Iodide has been recommended for Collodion in con- sequence of its ready solubility in Alcohol. Commercial PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 73 Iodide of Magnesium usually contains free Iodine in some quantity, but a colourless solution of the Iodide sufficiently pure for Photographic use may easily be obtained as fol- lows : Take crystallized Sulphate of Magnesia and heat it in a porcelain capsule on a sand bath, until all the water of crystallization has been expelled, and a dry white mass remains. Pulverize twenty-five grains of this substance very finely, and rub it up in a glass mortar with thirty- two grains of pure Iodide of Potassium, likewise finely powdered. Then introduce it into a dry bottle with two fluid ounces of Alcohol of '805, sold as absolute, and agi- tate for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. Filter out the insoluble Sulphate of Potash and the excess of Sul- phate of Magnesia, when the solution will be fit for use ; it must be added in the usual proportion, viz. two drachms of the iodizing liquid to six of plain Collodion. MEECUEY, CHLOKIDE OF (formerly BICHLOEIDE). Formula, HgCl= 135-5. This salt, also called Corrosive Sublimate, and often Si- chloride of Mercury (the atomic weight of Mercury being doubled), may be formed by heating Mercury in excess of Chlorine, or, more economically, by subliming a mixture of Sulphate of Mercury and Chloride of Sodium. Properties. A very corrosive and poisonous salt, usu- ally sold in semitransparent, crystalline masses, or in the state of powder. Soluble in 16 parts of cold, and in 3 of hot water ; more abundantly so in Alcohol, and also in Ether. The solubility in water may be increased by the addition of free Hydrochloric Acid, or of Chloride of Am- monium. The Subchloride of Mercury is an insoluble white pow- der, commonly known under the name of Calomel. MILK. The Milk of herbivorous animals contains three prin- 74 VOCABULAEY OF cipal constituents Fatty matter, Caseine, and Sugar ; in addition to these, small quantities of the Alkaline Chlo- rides and Phosphates, and of Phosphates of Lime and Magnesia, are present. The fatty matter is contained in small cells, and forms the greater part of the cream which rises to the surface of the milk on standing ; hence skimmed milk is to be pre- ferred for Photographic use. The second constituent, Caseine, is an organic principle somewhat analogous to Albumen in composition and pro- perties. It differs from it, however, in not being coagu- lated by boiling, but it is, on the other hand, precipitated by Acetic Acid. The substance termed "rennet," which is the dried stomach of the calf, possesses the property of coagulating Caseine, but the exact mode of its action is unknown. .Sherry wine is also commonly employed to curdle milk ; but brandy and other spirituous liquids, when free from acid and astringent matter, have no effect. In all these cases, a portion of the Caseine usually re- mains in a soluble form in the wliey ; but when the Milk is coagulated by the addition of acids, the quantity so left is very small, and hence the use of the rennet is to be pre- ferred, since the presence of Caseine facilitates the reduc- tion of the sensitive Silver salts by light. Caseine combines with Oxide of Silver in the same man- ner as Albumen, forming a white coagulum, which becomes brick-red on exposure to light. Sugar of Milk, the third principal constituent, differs from both cane and grape sugar ; it may be obtained by evaporating whey until crystallization begins to take place. It is hard and gritty, and only slightly sweet ; slowly so- luble, without forming a syrup, in about two and a half parts of boiling, and six of cold water. It does not fer- ment and form Alcohol on the addition of yeast, like grape sugar, but by the action of decomposing animal matter is converted into Lactic Acid. When skimmed Milk is exposed to the air for some hours, it gradually becomes sour, from Lactic Acid formed PHOTOCEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 75 in this way ; and if then heated to ebullition, the Caseine coagulates very perfectly. NAPHTHA. This name is applied to several liquids sold in com- merce. First, Wood Naphtha, often used for burning in lamps, which is the same as Pyroxylic Spirit or Methylic Alcohol, q. v. ; second, Coal Naphtha, a volatile liquid which distils over in the process of manufacturing gas ; and, thirdly, Mineral Naphtha, found in the soil of cer- tain places in Europe and Asia, and recently very abund- antly in Canada and Pennsylvania, in America. The two latter substances, to which the name of Naphtha ought to be restricted, possess the same leading charac- ters, in that they are Hydrocarbons, burning with a bright, smoky flame ; they do not mix with water, and they dis- solve Caoutchouc, in all which respects they differ from " Wood Naphtha." (See BENZOLE.) NITRIC ACID. Formula, NO 5 =54. Nitric Acid, or Aqua-fortis, is prepared by adding Sul- phuric Acid to Nitrate of Potash, and distilling the mix- ture in a retort. Sulphate of Potash and free Nitric Acid are formed, the latter of which, being volatile, distils over in combination with one atom of water previously united with the Sulphuric Acid. Properties. Anhydrous Nitric Acid is a solid substance, white and crystalline, but it cannot be prepared except by an expensive and complicated process. The strongest liquid Nitric Acid contains 1 atom of water, and has a sp. gr. of about T5 ; if perfectly pure, it is colourless, but usually it has a slight yellow tint, from partial decomposition into Peroxide of Nitrogen : it fumes strongly in the air. The strength of commercial Nitric Acid is subject to much variation. An acid of sp. gr. 1'42, containing about 76 VOCABULARY OF 4 atoms of water, is often met with. If the specific gravity is much lower than this (less than 1'36), it will scarcely be adapted for the preparation of Pyroxyline. The yellow Nitrous Acid, so called, is a strong Nitric Acid partially saturated with the brown vapours of Peroxide of Nitrogen : it has a high specific gravity, usually about T45, but this is deceptive, being caused in part by the presence of the Peroxide. On mixing with Sulphuric Acid, the colour disappears, a compound being formed which has been termed a Sulphate of Nitrous Acid. In the Appendix a Table is given which exhibits the quantity of real anhydrous Nitric Acid contained in samples of different densities. Nitric Acid is a powerful oxidizing agent ; it attacks all the common metals, with the exception of Gold and Pla- tinum. Metals dissolving in acids usually derive the necessary amount of Oxygen (see SALTS, Chap. I.) from the water, Hydrogen being given off; but when Nitric Acid is the solvent, Oxygen is derived from it, and N O 2 or NO 3 or NO 4 escapes. Animal substances, such as the cuticle, nails, etc., are tinged of a permanent yellow co- lour, and are deeply corroded by a prolonged application. Nitric Acid forms a numerous class of salts, all of which are soluble in water; hence its presence cannot be deter- mined by any precipitating reagent, in the same manner as that of Hydrochloric and Sulphuric Acid. The principal impurities in commercial Nitric Acid are Chlorine and Sulphuric Acid; also Peroxide of Nitrogen, which tinges the acid yellow, as already described. Chlo- rine is detected by diluting the acid with an equal bulk of distilled water, and adding a few drops of Nitrate of Silver, a milkiness, which is Chloride of Silver in suspension, indicates the presence of Chlorine. In testing for Sulphu- ric Acid, dilute the Nitric Acid as before, and drop in a single drop of solution of Chloride of Barium ; if Sulphu- ric Acid be present, an insoluble precipitate of Sulphate of Baryta will be formed. Nitric Acid for Photographic use. A convenient form PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 77 of acid for preparing Pyroxyline is the Nitric Acid of 1'45. The question has been asked, why so concentrated an acid is recommended, seeing that it is afterwards to be diluted with water P There are two reasons ; first, because this acid is cheaper in the end, and perhaps more uniform than a weaker acid ; and secondly, it is important that both the Sulphuric and Nitric Acid should be as strong as possible, in order to allow of the use of sufficient water to raise the temperature of the resulting Nitro-Sulphuric Acid at once to the proper point, and so to obviate the necessity of employing artificial heat. Only an apparent saving of expense is effected by using the yellow acid sold in commerce as "Acid Nitros," in place of the pure acid of equal strength. For some time the Writer was of opinion that this might be done with impunity; it subsequently appeared, however, that the quantity of Chlorine in the " Nitros Acid" was more vari- able than had been supposed, and that it must necessarily remain so, inasmuch as the cargoes of Nitrate of Soda, from which the acid is made, differ in quality, and no pre- liminary process of purification is resorted to, with a view of eliminating the Chloride. Chlorine, when present in the Nitric Acid in more than a certain proportion, ap- pears to decompose the Pyroxyline, and to cause its partial solution in the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid : hence it becomes necessary to work with a smaller quantity of water, and consequently an inferior Pyroxyline is obtained. NITROGEN. Symbol, N=14 Nitrogen is an element, existing as a gas, in the free state. Our atmosphere consists of a mixture of the two elements Nitrogen and Oxygen, in the proportion of 4 volumes of the first with 1 volume of the second. Nitrogen, when free, is remarkably devoid of sensible properties, and can scarcely be made directly to unite with any element. Its compounds are, however, numerous and important, Nitric Acid, NO 5 , being one of its oxides; 78 VOCABULARY OF Ammonia, Itf H 3 , is its compound with Hydrogen, and Cy- anogen, C 2 N, its compound with Carbon. NITEOGEN, BINOXIDE OF. Formula, NO 2 = 30. Binoxide of Nitrogen is a colourless gas given off during the solution of Copper and other metals, in dilute Nitric Acid ; its mode of formation during the solution of Copper is according to this equation : 3Cu+4NO 5 = 3(CuO,NO 5 )+NO 2 . This gas, coming into contact with the Oxygen of the air, is instantly reddened by combining with it, and form- ing Nitrous Acid, NO 3 , and Peroxide of Nitrogen, NO 4 . Hence if Copper is dissolved in dilute Nitric Acid in an open vessel, red vapours are seen all the time ; but if in a flask fitted with a cork and tube, the red vapours at first formed will be expelled after a while, and the flask will then be filled with the colourless NO 2 , which will redden on removing the cork and tube. NITEOGEN, PEEOXIDE OF. Formula, NO 4 = 46. The red fumes which appear during the solution of metals in Nitric Acid, are chiefly vapours of Peroxide of Nitrogen. In its pure state it forms a very volatile, orange liquid. This compound, in contact with bases, forms a mixture of Nitrite and Nitrate. 2O + 2NO 4 =KO,NO 3 +E:O,NO 5 . The compounds NO 2 , NO 3 , and NO 4 dissolve in solu- tion of Sulphate of Iron, colouring the latter of a deep brownish-black. NITEO-GLUCOSE. When 3 fluid ounces of cold Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, con- sisting of 2 ounces of Oil of Vitriol and 1 ounce of highly concentrated Nitric Acid, are mixed with 1 ounce of finely powdered Cane Sugar, there is formed at first a thin, trans- PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 79 parent, pasty mass. If it is stirred with a glass rod for a few minutes without interruption, the paste coagulates as it were, and separates from the liquid as a thick tenacious mass, aggregating into lumps, which can easily be removed from the acid mixture. This substance is a substitution compound, and is de- rived from Sugar as Gun-cotton is from Cotton, by the displacement of a part of the H in Sugar by N O 4 . It has a very acid and intensely bitter taste. Kneaded in warm water until the latter no longer reddens litmus-paper, it acquires a silvery colour and a beautiful silky lustre. When dissolved in Collodion, it ozonizes the Ether on keeping for some months, and hence there is a rapid libe- ration of Iodine when the iodizer is added. Alkalies de- compose Nitro-Glucose, evolving a smell of burnt sugar. The product lessens the sensitiveness of Collodion, but increases the intensity of the image. NITEO-HYDEOCHLOEIC ACID. This liquid is the Aqua Eegia of the old alchemists. It is produced by mixing Nitric and Hydrochloric Acids ; the Oxygen of the former combines with the Hydrogen of the latter, forming water and liberating Chlorine. The presence of free Chlorine confers on the mixture the power of dissolving Gold and Platinum, which neither of the two acids possesses separately. In preparing Aqua Eegia it is usual to mix one part, by measure, of Nitric Acid with four of Hydrochloric Acid, and to dilute with an equal bulk of water. The application of a gentle heat assists the solution of the metal ; but if the temperature rises to the boiling-point, effervescence and loss of Chlo- rine take place. NITEOUS ACID. Formula, NO 3 =38. Nitrous Acid, in the free state, at ordinary tempera- 80 VOCABULARY OF tures is a reddish gas, which easily decomposes into two other compounds, the red Peroxide of Nitrogen and the colourless Deutoxide. 2N0 3 =N0 4 + N0 2 . United with bases, however, it forms stable salts. The Nitrite of Potash may be obtained by strongly fusing Nitrate of Potash until 2 atoms of Oxygen have been ex- pelled. Nitrite of Silver is a sparingly soluble salt, crys- tallizing in long needles. Other Nitrites are usually obtained from Nitrite of Potash by double decomposition. (See SILVER, NITRITE or.) NO 3 is a weak acid, being displaced even by Acetic Acid. NITEO-SULPHUEIC ACID. This name is applied to a mixture of Nitric and Sul- phuric Acids, the properties and preparation of which will be afterwards described. . OEGANIC MATTEE. This term is often loosely employed in this Work to designate varieties of non-volatile vegetable and animal substances of unknown composition, which are prone to change by absorption of Oxygen. Bodies which have a definite formula, however, are often included in the class of "Organic matters" if they easily pass by oxidation into ill-defined products. Thus, the Sugar of Liquorice, which soon decomposes and becomes brown, may be re- ferred to under that head : but a stable vegetable acid like Acetic Acid, or a neutral substance not readily oxidi- zable, such as Glycerine, although really organic in compo- sition, would not usually be referred to by this term. Organic matter of the kind above alluded to reacts upon Nitrate of Silver in presence of light, reducing it more or less perfectly to the metallic state, and becoming itself oxidized. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 81 OXYGEN. Symbol, O = 8. Oxygen gas is one of the elements ; it is very abun- dantly distributed, both in the free state and in combina- tion. In the former state it exists in our atmosphere, but mixed with four times its bulk of the elementary gas Nitrogen. Its compounds, as stated in Chapter I., are either acids, bases, or neutral bodies. It can be ob- tained in a state of almost perfect purity and in great abundance by heating the salt Chlorate of Potash, KO,C10 5 , to gentle redness in a flask or retort ; Chloride of Potassium remains. KO,C1O 5 = E:C1 + 6O. This decomposition is rendered more easy by first mixing the powdered Chlorate with one-fourth of well-dried, and powdered, Black Oxide of Manganese. OXYMEL. This syrup of Honey and Vinegar is prepared as fol- lows. Take of Honey 1 pound. Acid, Acetic, fortiss. (Beaufoy's Acid) 11 drachms. Water 13 drachms. Stand the pot containing the Honey in boiling water until a scum rises to the surface, which is to be removed two or three times. Then add the Acetic Acid and the water, and skim once more if required. Allow to cool, and it will be fit for use. OZONE. Oxygen, in the state in which it usually exists in the atmosphere, exhibits no very powerful chemical proper- ties at ordinary temperatures ; thus, it has no action on Iodide of Potassium, it cannot displace the Iodine to combine with the Potassium. It appears, however, that Oxygen, though an element, is capable of taking on a 82 VOCABULAEY OF more active form, in which condition it almost resembles Chlorine in its tendency to combine with bodies. In this state it instantly attacks Iodides of Potassium, Sodium, etc., forming Potash, Soda, etc., and setting Iodine free. To this modification of Oxygen the term Ozone has been applied, a name derived from o&> (ozo, I smell), on account of its having a remarkable odour. Some organic bodies, as Ether and Spirits of Turpen- tine, have the power of converting a portion of the Oxygen of the air into Ozone, which they loosely retain. This condition of Ether can easily be produced by thrusting a red-hot wire* into the vapour in a bottle containing a little Ether. On shaking the bottle afterwards, and test- ing with a solution of Iodide of Potassium, Ozone will be indicated by the liberation of Iodine. This condition of Ether occurs spontaneously after a time ; it may be got rid of by distillation from solid Potash. PHOSPHOEUS. Symbol, P= 31. Phosphorus is an element, one of whose Oxides, Phos- phoric Acid, PO 5 , combined with Lime and Magnesia, forms the principal ingredient of the earthy matter of the bones of animals, this being the source whence this element is obtained. Burnt bones are treated with Sul- phuric Acid, which unites with the Lime, setting a part of the Phosphoric Acid free, which is afterwards decomposed by strongly heating with Charcoal; the Charcoal com- bines with the Oxygen, and the Phosphorus, set free, dis- tils over from the retort in which the operation is con- ducted. A semitransparent, waxy-looking body, highly inflam- mable, shines in the dark; this slow combustion very easily passing into a vivid one with emission of great heat. * No flame should ever be brought near an Ether bottle, for fear of an ex- plosion. PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 83 It forms three compounds with Oxygen : Hypophosphorous Acid . PO =39. Phosphorous Acid . . . PO 3 = 55. Phosphoric Acid . . . . PO 5 = 71. PHOSPHOKIC ACID. Formula (Hydrated), 3HO,PO 5 = 98. This is the highest Oxide of Phosphorus, and may be obtained by dissolving Phosphorus cautiously in Nitric Acid. Phosphorus burnt in the air gives off abundance of white fumes, which are anhydrous Phosphoric Acid. These, treated with water, take up three equivalents, and form the same acid as that obtained by the action of Nitric Acid. All the salts of this acid contain three atoms either of base or of base and water together, independent of water of crystallization. Common Phosphate of Soda, deprived of water of crystallization, is 2NaO,HO,PO 5 . Such an acid, requiring three atoms of base, is termed tribasic. The neutral salts of this tribasic acid give a yellow precipitate with Nitrate of Silver, soluble in Nitric Acid. If this tribasic acid be deprived of one-third of its essential water, an acid is obtained with different proper- ties, 2HO,P,O 5 . It is bibasic, and its salts give a white precipitate with Nitrate of Silver : it is termed Pyrophos- phoric Acid. If another atom of water be removed, a third acid, termed Metaphosphoric Acid, is left, HO,PO 5 . It is mo- nobasic, and its salts give, like the pyrophosphates, a white precipitate with Nitrate of Silver. POTASH. Formula, KO,HO = 56. Potash, the Oxide of Potassium, is obtained from Car- bonate of Potash by separating the Carbonic Acid by means of Caustic Lime. Lime is a more feeble base than Potash, but the Carbonate of Lime, being insoluble in 84 VOCABULABY OF water, is at once formed on adding Milk of Lime to a solution of Carbonate of Potash in not less than twelve parts of water. Properties. Usually met with in the form of solid lumps, or in cylindrical sticks, which are formed by melt- ing the Potash and running it into a mould. It always contains one atom of water, which cannot be driven off by the application of heat. Potash is soluble almost to any extent in water, much heat being evolved. The solution is powerfully alkaline, and acts rapidly upon the skin; it dissolves fatty and resinous bodies, converting them into soaps. Solution of Potash absorbs Carbonic Acid quickly from the air, and should therefore be preserved in stoppered bottles; the glass stoppers must be wiped occasionally, in order to prevent them from becoming immovably fixed by the solvent action of the Potash upon the Silica of the glass. The Liquor Potassae of the London Pharmacopoeia has a sp. gr. of 1'063, and contains about 5 per cent, of real Potash. It is usually contaminated with Carbonate of Potash, which causes it to effervesce on the addition of acids ; also, to a less extent, with Sulphate of Potash, Chloride of Potassium, Silica, etc. POTASH, BICHROMATE OF. Formula, KO,2CrO 3 = 147'5. This salt is largely manufactured at Glasgow for the use of the calico printers, from a native compound of the oxides of Chromium and Iron. It occurs in fine orange- coloured crystals, which are soluble in about ten parts of water at 60 Fahrenheit. There are two Chromates of Potash, a neutral Chro- mate, which is yellow and contains an atom of each consti- tuent ; and a Bichromate, orange red, as before mentioned, and having two atoms of acid to one of base. The Chromic acid of Bichromate of Potash, in contact with organic bodies such as Gelatine, is decomposed by light, yielding PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 85 up half its Oxygen to the' organic body, and being itself reduced to a lower Oxide of Chromium. 2CrO 3 3O = Cr 2 O 3 . The organic body thus oxidized, if previously soluble in water, is often, as in the case of Gelatine, rendered in- soluble in water, and upon this fact are founded various Photographic processes. (See CHROMIUM.) POTASH, CAEBONATE OF. Formula, K O, C O 2 = 69. The impure Carbonate of Potash, termed PearlasJi, is obtained from the ashes of wood and vegetable matter, in the same manner as Carbonate of Soda used to be pre- pared from the ashes of seaweeds. Salts of Potash and of Soda appear essential to vegetation, the former to land and the latter to sea plants, and are absorbed and ap- propriated by the living tissues of the plants. They exist in the vegetable structure combined with organic acids in the form of salts, Oxalate, Tartrate, etc., which, when burned, are converted into Carbonate. Properties. The Pearlash of commerce contains large and variable quantities of Chloride of Potassium, Sulphate of Potash, etc. A purer Carbonate is sold, which is free from Sulphates, and with only a trace of Chlorides. Car- bonate of Potash is a strongly alkaline salt, deliquescent, and soluble in twice its weight of cold water ; insoluble in Alcohol, and employed to deprive it of water. POTASH, NITEATE OF. Formula, KO,NO 5 =101. This salt, also termed Nitre, or Saltpetre, is an abundant natural product, found efflorescent upon the soil in certain parts of the East Indies. It is also produced artificially in what are called Nitre-beds. There are different qualities of Nitre sold in commerce, some of which contain much Chloride of Potassium, de- 86 VOCABULARY OF tected on dissolving the Nitre in distilled water, and add- ing a drop or two of solution of Nitrate of Silver. This impurity is injurious when the Nitre is employed for Pho- tographic use : in the manufacture of Pyroxyline it de- composes the Nitric Acid ; and in the case of positive de- veloping solutions, the presence of Chloride in the Nitre seem to produce a white cloudiness on the film. A quality of Nitre which answers very well for making Pyroxyline can be obtained at the operative chemists' at one shilling per pound ; it is often sold as pure Nitre, but usually contains sufficient Chloride to produce an opales- cence with Nitrate of Silver ; if the impurity is in larger quantity, and produces a decided precipitate with Nitrate of Silver, the sample must be rejected. POTASH AND SODA, TAETEATE OF. Formula, KO,NaO,C 8 H 4 O 10 + 8Aq. = 282. This substance is often sold in commerce under the name of Hochelle Salt. It is prepared by adding Soda to the Bitartrate of Potash, and forms large crystals, having the appearance of six-sided prisms, perfect only on one side. POTASSIUM, BROMIDE OF. Formula, KBr=119. Bromide of Potassium is prepared by adding Bromine to Caustic Potash, and heating the product, which is a mixture of Bromide of Potassium and Bromate of Potash to redness, in order to drive off the Oxygen from the latter salt. It crystallizes in anhydrous cubes, like the Chloride and Iodide of Potassium ; it is easily soluble in water, but very sparingly so in Alcohol; it yields red fumes of Bromine when acted upon by hot and strong Sulphuric Acid. This salt is useful in Photographic processes on paper, but in Collodion it is liable to cause turbidity and spots. PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 87 POTASSIUM, CYANIDE OF. Formula, Z,C 2 N, or KCy=65. Cyanide of Potassium may be regarded either as a com- pound of Cyanogen and Potassium (see CYANOGEN), or as a salt, derived from Hydrocyanic, or " Prussic " Acid. KO + HCy^KCy + HO. It is obtained from Ferrocyanide of Potassium by mixing eight parts of this salt, thoroughly dried, with three of dry Carbonate of Potash, and fusing in a covered earthen crucible. "When effervescence has ceased, and Iron, which separates, has settled down, the clear liquid is poured off, and on cooling solidifies into the white mass known as Cyanide of Potassium. Thus obtained it is not quite pure, and, as sold in commerce, it often only contains about half its weight of true Cyanide ; but the impurities present, of which Carbonate of Potash is the principal, do not pro- duce any injurious effect beyond lessening the strength of the salt. It is highly poisonous, and, if treated with an acid, it gives off the very volatile and poisonous Hydro- cyanic Acid, the vapour of which, incautiously inhaled, might cause fainting, or even death. POTASSIUM, FLUOEIDE OF. Formula, KF = 58. Preparation. Fluoride of Potassium is formed by sa- turating Hydrofluoric Acid with Potash, and evaporating to dryness in a platinum vessel. Hydrofluoric Acid con- tains the element Fluorine combined with Hydrogen ; it is a powerfully acid and corrosive liquid, formed by de- composing Fluor Spar, which is a Fluoride of Calcium, with strong Sulphuric Acid ; the action which takes place being precisely analogous to that involved in the prepa- ration of Hydrochloric Acid. CaF + HO,SO 3 =CaO,SO 3 + HF. Properties. A deliquescent salt, occurring in small and imperfect crystals. Very soluble in water ; the solution 88 VOCABULAKY OF acting upon glass in the same manner as Hydrofluoric Acid. POTASSIUM, IODIDE OF. Formula, K I =166. This salt may be prepared by dissolving Iodine in Liquor Potassse until the solution begins to acquire a brown co- lour: a mixture of Iodide of Potassium and lodate of Potash (KO,IO 5 ) is thus formed ; but by evaporation and heating to redness, the latter salt parts with its Oxygen, and is converted into Iodide of Potassium. Properties. It forms cubic and prismatic crystals, which are hard, and very slightly if at all deliquescent. Soluble in less than an equal weight of water at 60 ; it is also soluble in Alcohol, but not in Ether. The proportion of Iodide of Potassium contained in a saturated alcoholic solution, varies with the strength of the spirit, with com- mon Spirits of Wine, sp. gr. *836, it would be about 8 grains to the drachm ; with Alcohol rectified from Carbo- nate of Potash, sp. gr. '823, 4 or 5 grains ; with Alcohol of '805, 2 grains. The solution of Iodide of Potassium is instantly coloured brown by free Chlorine or Ozone ; also very rapidly by Nitric Acid containing Peroxide of Nitro- gen ; ordinary acids however act less quickly, Hydriodic Acid being first formed, and subsequently decomposing spontaneously. Commercial Iodide of Potassium. A very pure Iodide of Potassium has lately been prepared purposely for Pho- tography, in crystals which have a slightly yellow tinge. Much of the Iodide, however, employed for medical and other purposes, is contaminated with foreign salts. Carbonate of Potash is the most common impurity : when it is present, the Iodide forms small and imperfect crystals, which become moist on exposure to the air, from the deliquescent nature of the Alkaline Carbonate. Sulphate of Potash is also a common impurity ; it may be detected by Chloride of Barium. Chloride of Potas- PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 89 slum, when present in the Iodide, may be detected as fol- lows : Precipitate the salt by an equal weight of Nitrate of Silver, and treat the yellow mass with solution of Am- monia : if any Chloride of Silver be present, it dissolves in the Ammonia, and, after nitration, is precipitated in white curds by the addition of an excess of pure Nitric Acid. If the Nitric Acid employed is not pure, but contains traces of free Chlorine, the Iodide of Silver must be well washed with distilled water before treating it with Am- monia, or the excess of free Nitrate of Silver dissolving in the Ammonia would, on neutralizing, produce Chloride of Silver, and so cause an error. lodate of Potash is a fourth impurity often found in Iodide of Potassium : to detect it, add a drop of dilute Sul- phuric Acid, or a crystal of Citric Acid, to the solution of the Iodide ; if lodate be present, the liquid will immedi- ately become yellow from liberation of free Iodine. The rationale of this reaction is as follows: The Sulphuric Acid unites with the base of the salt, and liberates Hy- driodic Acid (HI), which is a colourless compound; but if lodic Acid (I O 5 ) be also present, it decomposes the Hy- driodic Acid first formed, oxidizing the Hydrogen into Water (HO), and setting free the Iodine, or in formulae : The immediate production of a yellow colour on adding a weak acid to aqueous solution of Iodide of Potassium, is therefore a proof of the presence of an lodate. Tests for purity of Iodide. Solution of Chloride of Ba- rium is commonly used to detect impurities in Iodide of Potassium ; it forms a white precipitate if Carbonate, lo- date, or Sulphate be present. In the two former instances the precipitate dissolves on the addition of a single drop of pure dilute Nitric Acid, but in the latter case it is in- soluble. The commercial Iodide however is rarely so pure as to remain quite clear on the addition of Chloride of Barium. A simple test for Carbonate of Potash, which is the most objectionable impurity, is to dissolve the Iodide in 90 VOCABULAEY OF about three times its weight of Lime-water; a turbidity will indicate the presence of Carbonate. The mere fact of reddened Litmus-paper becoming blue in solution of Iodide of Potassium is no proof of impurity, since the finest crystals which can be obtained have an alkaline reaction. But if an Alcoholic solution of the Iodide remains quite colourless when exposed for several days to a strong light, it is almost certain that an excess of alkali is present : the chemically pure Iodide of Potas- sium is gradually decomposed by light, and assumes a faint straw-yellow tint, returning however to its colourless con- dition on putting the bottle again in a dark place. Iodide of Potassium may, when required, be purified by recrystallizing it from Spirit, or by dissolving it in Alcohol of '805, in which Carbonate, Sulphate, and lodate are insoluble. POTASSIUM, SULPHIDE OF. There are many Sulphides of Potassium, but the one commonly employed by Photographers, and sold in com- merce as "Liver of Sulphur," is an impure Tersulphide. It is prepared by heating Sulphur with Carbonate of Potash, the result of which is that a portion of the Sulphur is oxidized into Sulphuric Acid, and combines with Potash, forming Sulphate of Potash, whilst another portion enters into combination with Potassium, producing a Sulphide of Potassium containing three atoms of Sulphur to one of Potassium. Sulphide of Potassium is used for the same purposes as Hydrosulphate of Ammonia, q. v. POTASSIUM, SULPHOCYANIDE OF. See SULPHOCYANIDES. PYEOGALLIC ACID. Formula, C 12 H 6 O 6 =126. This substance, obtained by the action of heat of 420 on PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 91 Gallic Acid, is now made in very large quantities, and the desire of the purchaser to economize has acted injuriously upon its manufacture, as upon that of other Photographic Chemicals. The price at which Pyrogallic Acid is sold offers no inducement to the expenditure of much pains in its preparation, and hence some samples prove unsatis- factory. Impurities of an organic nature are occasionally found in Pyrogallic Acid, which have the effect of lessening its reducing powers, and of adding to the opacity of the deposit : hence, on applying it to the surface of the film, the blacks of the Negative become very dense and smoky, but the delicate shadows refuse to develope. PYEOXYLIC SPIEIT. See ALCOHOL, METHYLIC. PYROXYLINS. General Formula, C 36 H (30) _ a; (NO 4 ) a .O 30 . The name Pyroxyline is applied to a series of compounds, obtained by the action of mixed Nitric and Sulphuric Acids on vegetable fibres ; they are all more or less explosive, the strongest being Gun-cotton ; the soluble varieties are termed sometimes Collodion Wool. They are all substi- tution compounds, being derived from the vegetable fibre by the substitution of atoms of N O 4 for an equal number of atoms of H in the fibre. As the preparation of the varieties suitable to Photo- graphy will be fully entered into hereafter, it is only ne- cessary here to make a few general remarks. When Cotton, C 36 H 30 O 30 , is immersed in a mixture of Nitric and Sulphuric Acids, cold, four varieties of Pyroxy- line may be obtained, depending upon the strength of the acids used. A.-C 36 H 21 (N0 4 ) 9 30 . B.-C 36 H 22 (N0 4 ) S 30 . C--C 36 H 23 (N0 4 ) 7 30 . D.-C 36 H 24 (N0 4 ) 6 30 . A. is true Gun-cotton, insoluble in Ether and Alcohol ; soluble only in Acetic Ether. 92 VOCABULAKT OF B. soluble in Ether + Alcohol ; insoluble in glacial Acetic Acid. C. soluble in Ether + Alcohol j soluble in glacial Acetic Acid. D. disintegrated and clotted ; difficultly soluble in Ether + Alcohol ; quite soluble in Acetic Acid. None of these compounds prepared cold are, however, suitable for Photography, as their solutions in Ether are not sufficiently fluid. All Photographic Pyroxyline is pre- pared with hot acids, heat being found remarkably to mo- dify the products which, thus prepared, have not yet been thoroughly analyzed. A mixture of acids which, if cold, would give an insoluble cotton, will when hot often pro- duce a perfectly soluble product, and another acid mix- ture which would yield a pyroxyline giving a very viscid Collodion with 4 grs. to the ounce, will, when used hot, give a product soluble to the extent of 7 or 8 grs. to the ounce, and yet the solution will be quite fluid. When in the dry state, these compounds are rather harsh to the touch, and produce a crackling sensation between the fingers, like Starch. They are somewhat hygroscopic, but when carefulty dried are excellent insulators of electri- city, and become highly electric by friction. Strong Sul- phuric Acid dissolves them in the cold without evolving any gas, and the solution is colourless unless fibres of un- changed cotton are present. Cold Nitric Acid of a certain strength also dissolves them slowly, but dilution with water throws them down again. Potash dissolves Gun-cotton with decomposition and evolution of Ammonia, and the solution contains Nitrate of Potash, Nitrite of Potash, and an organic Salt of Potash : the properties of the latter are those of a reducing agent, and when mixed with Ammo- niacal Nitrate of Silver it may be used for silvering mir- rors ; by absorption of Oxygen it passes gradually into the state of Oxalate of Potash. SEL D'OE. See GOLD, HYPOSULPHITE OF. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 93 SILVEE. Symbol, Ag = 108. This metal, the Luna or Diana of the Alchemists, is found native in Peru and Mexico ; but its principal ore is the Sulphide. When pure it has a sp. gr. of 1O5, and is very malleable and ductile ; melts at a bright red heat. Silver does not oxidize in the air, but when exposed to an impure atmo- sphere containing traces of Sulphuretted Hydrogen, it is slowly tarnished, from formation of Sulphide of Silver. It dissolves in strong boiling Sulphuric Acid, but the best solvent for it is Nitric Acid. The standard coin of the realm is an alloy of Silver and Copper, containing 92*5 per cent, of Silver. To prepare pure Nitrate of Silver from it, dissolve in Nitric Acid by aid of heat, and evaporate until crystals are obtained. Then wash the crystals with a little dilute Nitric Acid, redissolve them in water, and crystallize by evaporation a second time. The process is also occasionally conducted by boiling down the impure acid solution of the Silver to dryness, without any crystallization, and fusing the product pretty strongly, until a portion taken out, dissolved in water, and filtered from Oxide of Copper, ceases to give a blue colour with Ammonia, showing that the Nitrate of Copper is quite decomposed ; afterwards recrystallize as before. Perhaps the easiest method is, to dissolve the alloy in Nitric Acid, immerse a piece of metallic Copper until the Silver is wholly precipitated, remove the Copper, wash the Silver well with water, then with a little Nitrate of Silver to re- move any adhering Copper, and lastly dissolve in Nitric Acid and crystallize ; or else take the Silver as precipitated by Copper, wash it and dissolve in Nitric Acid, avoiding all excess (or if excess has been added, evaporate carefully to dryness to expel it) ; and to neutralize and remove traces of Copper, add Oxide of Silver to the boiling solution until 94 VOCABULAEY OF on filtering and testing a portion with Ammonia, no blue colour is perceived, then filter the whole. This solution, if of the right strength (see Appendix), might be used at once for Photographic purposes. SILYEE, ACETATE OF. Formula, AgO,C 4 H 3 O 3 =167. This is a difficultly soluble salt, deposited in white lamellar crystals when an Acetate is added to a strong solution of Nitrate of Silver. It is sometimes used as an addition to the Negative Ni- trate Bath, but as the commercial Acetate of Silver is often impure and contaminated with Carbonate of Silver, which would make the Bath alkaline, it is better to use the Acetate of Soda, according to the directions to be given afterwards. SILYEE, ALBUMINATE OF. This name has been given to the insoluble white sub- stance precipitated on adding Nitrate of Silver to a solu- tion of Albumen, and which analysis shows to contain Oxide of Silver combined with the animal matter. It is reducible to a red subcompound, both by white light and by Hydrogen Gas. SILYEE, AMMONIO-NITEATE OF. Crystallized Nitrate of Silver absorbs Ammoniacal gas rapidly, with production of heat sufficient to fuse the re- sulting compound, which is white, and contains 22'5 per cent, of Ammonia with 77'5 per cent, of Nitrate of Silver. The solution however which Photographers employ, is pre- pared by adding to the solution of Nitrate of Silver, quite neutral, a pure solution of Ammonia until the precipitate which first forms is nearly redissolved, and then filtering ; the compound thus produced in solution has the composi- tion NH 2 Ag + NH 4 ONO 5 , and contains 16'67 per cent, of Ammonia. PHOTOGBAPHIC CHEMICALS. 95 In sensitizing salted paper by the Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver, Ammonia is necessarily set free. Thus SILVER, BROMIDE OF. Formula, AgBr= 188. Bromide of Silver is a salt of Silver which may be pro- duced either by direct union of its elements, as in the Daguerreotype, or by double decomposition between Ni- trate of Silver and an alkaline Bromide, as in the wet processes of Photography. A g O,NO 5 + KBr=KO,NO 5 +AgBr. On mixing the two solutions, the Bromide falls as a curdy, yellowish-white precipitate, insoluble in water or Nitric Acid, but soluble in alkaline Hyposulphites, Cya- nides and Sulphocyanides, and in strong Ammonia. Turns grey on exposure to light. SILYEE, CARBONATE OF. Formula, AgO,CO 2 =138. This is a white or yellowish powder deposited on adding any soluble Carbonate to solution of Nitrate of Silver. It is only slightly soluble in water, or in solution of Nitrate of Silver, but yet sufficiently so to produce an alkaline reaction to Litmus. More soluble in water containing Nitrate of Ammonia, and freely so in Ammonia itself. Also dissolved by dilute Nitric or Acetic Acid, forming a Nitrate or Acetate. SILVER, CHLORIDE OF. Formula, AgCl=143'5. Chloride of Silver may be obtained by the direct union of Silver and Chlorine, or, as in the preparation of papers for Positive printing, by double decomposition of Nitrate of Silver and an alkaline Chloride. O 5 + NaCl=NaO,NO 5 96 VOCABULARY OF On mixing the solutions, the Chloride of Silver falls as a curdy white precipitate, insoluble in water and Nitric Acid, very soluble in alkaline Hyposulphites, Cyanides, and Sulphocyanides, and in Ammonia even when dilute. On exposure to light, it goes through various shades of violet until it becomes finally black. SILYEE, CITEATE OF. Formula, 3AgO,C 12 H 5 O n =513. A white salt precipitated on adding a soluble Citrate to solution of Nitrate of Silver. Its property of being re- duced to a coloured subsalt by the action of light, or by a deoxidizing agent, renders it useful in Photography. Citric Acid added to solution of Nitrate of Silver pro- duces no precipitation. This acid is what is termed tri- basic, i. e. an acid, one atom of which combines with three atoms of base to form a neutral Salt. SILYEE, FLUOEIDE OF. Formula, AgF= 127. This compound differs essentially from those last de- scribed in being soluble in water. The dry salt fuses on being heated, and is reduced by a higher temperature, or by exposure to light. SILYEE, HYPOSULPHITE OF. Formula, Ag O, S 2 O 2 = 164. This salt may be obtained by adding a dilute solution of Nitrate of Silver to an excess of concentrated Hypo- sulphite of Soda ; it is thrown down, mixed with a little Sulphide of Silver, from which it is separated after wash- ing by Ammonia, which dissolves the Hyposulphite of Silver, and from which it is precipitated by exact neutrali- zation with Nitric Acid. White, nearly insoluble, tastes sweet ; it is very unstable, easily decomposing into Sulphide of Silver and Sulphuric Acid. AgO,S 2 O 2 =AgS + SO 3 . PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 97 It forms two double salts with Hyposulphite of Soda : one having the formula, 2(NaO,S 2 2 ) + AgO,S 2 2 , is very soluble in water ; the other salt, NaO,S 2 O 2 + AgO,S 2 O 2 , is sparingly soluble. These salts, when in solution, are precipitated by Iodide of Potassium, but not by Chloride of Sodium. They are far more stable than the simple Hy- posulphite. Taste, exceedingly sweet. SILVEE, IODIDE OF. Formula, Agl=235. Iodide of Silver in the Daguerreotype process is pro- duced by the direct union of its elements, but in the wet processes of Photography by double decomposition of Ni- trate of Silver and an alkaline Iodide. AgO,N0 5 + KI=0,N0 5 +AgI. Obtained by mixing solutions of Nitrate of Silver and an alkaline Iodide, it forms a yellow precipitate. This compound differs from the Chloride and Bromide of Silver in being insoluble in Ammonia, but it resembles them in being soluble in alkaline Hyposulphites, Cyanides, and Sulphocyanides. Heat changes it temporarily to deep yellow. Light turns it brown. SILVER, NITEATE OF. Formula, Ag O, NO 5 = 170. Preparation and Properties. The preparation of Ni- trate of Silver has been sufficiently described under the head of Silver, to which the reader is referred. There are, however, some points of practical importance yet to be considered. Pure Nitrate of Silver may be made from alloys of Silver and Copper, as described (art. SILVEE) ; but since the heat which is necessary to decompose the Nitrate of H 98 . VOCABULARY OF Copper often produces Nitrite of Silver, it is advised that Silver nearly free from Copper should be chosen in pre- ference. The consumption of Nitrate of Silver in Photo- graphy has "bow become very large, and it fortunately happens that the crystallized salt can be obtained in al- most any quantity at a moderate price, being a bye-pro- duct in the operations of parting Grold and Silver, which are carried on in the refineries. The assay processes also yield a portion of the Nitrate sold in commerce, but not by any means the greater part. This facility of obtaining commercial crystallized Nitrate of Silver at a price which is very little above that of the metal it contains, tas however acted injuriously as regards the purity of the article, since it necessarily leaves its manufacture in the hands of a few individuals, \vho are not able to pay that attention to it which is needed. The crys- tals are usually sent out simply dried off from the Nitric Acid* as a refuse product on which no profit can be ex- pected. Intentional adulteration, however, is not practised by the large producers of Nitrate of Silver, as far as the Author is aware. The purity of Nitrate of Silver may easily be ascer- tained by dissolving a portion in distilled water, and pre- cipitating the solution entirely with pure Hydrochloric Acid ; the liquid filtered from the precipitate should leave no residue on evaporation to dry ness. Nitrate of Potash and Nitrate of Copper have been spoken of as occasional impurities in commercial Nitrate of Silver, but the presence of these salts in small quantity would have little effect except in reducing the strength of the Baths. The peculiar Photographic action of bad Ni- trate of Silver is probably to be referred to a different cause, viz. to the presence of oxidized organic matter. In the assay processes, fragments of charcoal are introduced to prevent the acid from bumping as it dissolves the Silver ; we have good reason for believing that during this process, the Nitric Acid oxidizes the charcoal into a substance which has an affinity for the Silver salt ; and the Author PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 99 has found that Nitrate of Silver so produced is altogether unfit for Collodion Photography. When old Nitrate Baths are precipitated by Zinc, organic matter is carried down by the reduced Silver,' and the pro- duct, if converted into Nitrate of Silver without previous fusion, is useless for Photographic purposes. The Author has also detected impurity of a similar kind, but in less quantity, in cases where no charcoal had been employed. Pieces of straw, etc., may perhaps fall into the acid ; but, however this may be, the fact is certain, that Nitrate of Silver prepared by dissolving Silver in Nitric Acid, and evaporating to dryness without any crystalliza- tion, cannot be depended on for Photography. It has been suggested that the Nitrate of Silver for the Bath should be made purposely by dissolving pure Silver in pure Nitric Acid. Probably however no manufacturer would care to compete with the refiners, who are in a better position to supply the article at a reasonable price. Recry stabilization seems therefore to be the proper remedy. The first crop of crystals may be dried off from the acid, and then crystallized a second time from distilled water ; after w^hich the product will be in a pure state if charcoal and substances of that kind have been excluded. This second crystallization ought not, according to a competent authority, to add more than fourpence, or at most sixpence, to the price per ounce. A saturated solution of the purified crystals slowly restores the blue/colour of reddened litmus-paper, if the Nitric Acid be expelled by heating to 240 previous to the second crystallization. This proceeding, however, is not actually necessary, inasmuch as a trace of adhering Nitric Acid can always be removed by Carbonate of Soda when making the Bath ; and it is well known that the pre- sence of a little acid facilitates the crystallization of Nitrate of Silver. 100 VOCABULARY OF SILVEE, NITEITE OF. Formula, AgO,N0 3 = 154. Nitrite of Silver is a compound of Nitrous Acid, or NO 3 , with Oxide of Silver. It may be formed by heating Ni- trate of Silver, so as to drive off a portion of its Oxygen, or by mixing Nitrate of Silver and Nitrate of Potash in equal parts, fusing strongly, and dissolving in a small quantity of boiling water : on cooling, the Nitrite of Silver crystallizes out, and may be purified by pressing in blot- ting-paper ; but the best method of producing it is, to fuse pure Nitrate of Potash (free from chloride) in a crucible at a strong red-heat, until a portion removed, dissolved in water and tested with Nitrate of Silver, is found to give a brownish precipitate due to a portion of free Potash ; when this is the case, it is allowed to cool, and 1 part of the pro- duct is then dissolved in 20 of boiling water and mixed with 2 parts of Nitrate of Silver, also dissolved in 20 of boiling water, mix, filter rapidly through a hot filter ; on cooling, the Nitrite of Silver crystallizes out abundantly from the liquid. Properties. Nitrite of Silver is soluble in 120 parts of cold water : easily soluble in boiling water, and crystallizes on cooling, in long slender needles. A small quantity dissolved in the Negative Bath increases the sensitiveness and intensity of the Collodion surface, but it has a ten- dency to produce fogging. SILVEE, OXIDE OF. Formula, AgO = 116. Oxide of Silver may be obtained by adding a solution of Potash (pure or nearly free from Chloride) to one of Nitrate of Silver ; a brown-black precipitate of Oxide of Silver falls, which may be collected on a filter and washed, or it may be allowed to settle down, the clear liquid poured off, fresh water added, and the Oxide again allowed to settle ; this being repeated until the Nitrate of Potash and Potash have been removed, which may be ascertained PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 101 either by evaporating a little on a slip of glass, or, if ex- cess of Potash was added in the first place, by testing with red litmus-paper. It may be kept in a bottle in a moist state, its use being to neutralize Nitrate of Silver Baths, and to separate Oxide of Copper from Nitrate of Silver ; the bottle should be kept in the dark. SILVEE, SULPHIDE OF. Formula, AgS = 124. This compound, sometimes termed Sulphuret of Silver, is formed by the action of Sulphur upon metallic Silver, or of Sulphuretted Hydrogen or Hydrosulphate of Am- monia upon the Silver salts : the decomposition of Hypo- sulphite of Silver also furnishes the black Sulphide. Sulphide of Silver is insoluble in water, and in those substances which dissolve the Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide, such as Ammonia, Hyposulphites, Cyanides, etc. ; but it dissolves in Nitric Acid, being converted into soluble Sulphate and Nitrate of Silver. The colour of precipitated Sulphide of Silver varies with the quantity present ; it is black when in mass, but yellow- ish-brown in a state of fine division. SODA, ACETATE OF. Formula, NaO,C 4 H 3 O 3 + 6HO = 136. An easily crystallizable salt, employed commercially as a source of Acetic Acid. There are several qualities, some of which contain brown empyreumatic matter, but the re- crystallized salt can usually be obtained pure. It is readily soluble in water and also in Alcohol. This Acetate is undoubtedly the best form to employ in Photography, since Acetate of Potash is deliquescent, and cannot easily be kept dry. SODA, CAEBONATE OF. Formula, NaO,CO 2 + 10 Aq. = 143. This salt was formerly obtained from the ashes of sea- 102 . VOCABULAEY OF weeds, but is now more economically manufactured on a large scale from common Salt. The Chloride of Sodium is converted into Sulphate of Soda, and the Sulphate into Carbonate of Soda by roasting with Coal and Chalk. Properties. The perfect crystals contain ten atoms of water, which are driven off by the application of heat, leaving a white powder the anhydrous Carbonate. Com- mon Washing ' Soda is a Protocarbonate, contaminated to a certain extent with Chloride of Sodium and Sulphate of Soda. The Carbonate used for effervescing draughts is either a Bicarbonate with 1 atom of water, or a Sesquicar- bonate, containing about 40 per cent, of real alkali ; it is therefore nearly double as strong as the washing Carbo- nate, which contains about 22 per cent, of Soda. The crystallized Carbonate of Soda is soluble in twice its weight of water at 60, the solution being strongly alkaline to test papers. Bicarbonate or Sesquicarbonate of Soda is less soluble than the ordinary Carbonate, requiring from ten to thirteen parts of cold water to retain it in solution ; its composition when pure is NaO,CO 2 SODA, CITRATE OF. Formula, 3NaO,C 12 H 5 O 11 + 11 HO = 357. This salt, the composition of which is analogous to the Citrate of Silver, q. v., yields well-defined crystals, but as it is sometimes difficult to obtain it in commerce, instruc- tions are given in this Work for making it extemporane- ously by neutralizing 56 grains of pure Citric Acid with 66 grains of dry Sesquicarbonate of Soda, quantities which will yield 95 grains of Citrate of Soda. The crystals are very soluble in water, and produce a white flocculent deposit of Citrate of Silver in solution of Nitrate of Silver. SODA, HYPOSULPHITE OF. Formula, JNaO, S 2 O 2 + 5 Aq. = 124. The properties of Hyposulphurous Acid and the Hypo- PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 103 sulphite of Soda are described in Chap. IV.Partll. of the present Work. The crystallized salt includes five atoms of water of crystallization. Hyposulphite of Soda is now made on an extensive scale, and is sold at a low price. Some of the inferior qualities have a yellow colour, and are said to contain a portion of Sulphide or free Sulphur ; but most of the Salt sold in commerce is sufficiently pure in the state in which it comes from the manufacturers. The Salt when heated first fuses in its water of crystallization, then dries up and lastly burns with a bluish flame. SODA, PHOSPHATE OF. Formula, 2NaO,HO,PO 5 + 24 Aq. = 358. There are several Phosphates of Soda, but the common Phosphate has the above composition. It forms large transparent crystals which effloresce, and become opaque on the exterior ; soluble in four parts of cold water, the solution possessing a faint alkaline reaction ; precipitates Nitrate of Silver yellow. Pyro-Phosphate of Soda, so called, is prepared by heat- ing the ordinary Phosphate until the whole of the water has been expelled ; when the residue is dissolved in water it is found to have been completely altered in properties, as it precipitates Nitrate of Silver white instead of yellow ; it crystallizes in prisms. Formula, 2NaO,PO 5 . SODIUM, AUBO-CHLOKIDE OF. Formula, NaCl,AuCl 3 + 4Aq. = 397'6. This salt is a double Chloride of Gold and Sodium, with four atoms of water of crystallization. It has been proposed as a convenient substitute for the ordinary Chlo- ride of Gold, as it is not deliquescent, and forms long orange-yellow, four-sided prisms. Another advantage is, the absence of free acid in the double salt, whereas the ordinary Chloride of Gold always contains Hydrochloric Acid. The Auro- Chloride however will not in all pro- 104 . VOCABULARY OF bability come into general use in Photography, since it is evidently open to adulteration, and although theoretically neutral, yet the manufacturers themselves allow that it will not be safe to calculate upon perfect neutrality, since traces of Hydrochloric Acid are apt to remain in the in- terstices of the crystals. It is prepared by evaporating to dryness a solution of 4 of Gold in Aqua Eegia, dissolving the residue in water, adding 1 part of common salt, evaporating the whole down to 4 parts and leaving it to crystallize by cooling. The pure salt contains 497 per cent, of Gold. The amount of Gold may be ascertained by taking a given weight of the compound, dissolving it in water, and boiling it with half its weight of Oxalic Acid ; the whole of the Gold separates in the metallic state, and may then be washed, dried, and weighed. The Gold may also be sepa- rated by the addition of fi ve*times the weight of Sulphate of Iron, according to directions under GOLD, CHLOKIDE OF. SODIUM, CHLOEIDE OF. Formula, NaCl = 58'5. Common Salt exists abundantly in nature, both in the form of solid rock-salt, and dissolved in the waters of the ocean. Properties. Fusible without decomposition at low red- ness, but sublimes at higher temperatures ; the melted salt concretes into a hard white mass on cooling. Nearly insoluble in absolute Alcohol, but dissolves in minute quantity in rectified spirit. Soluble in three parts of water, both hot and cold. Crystallizes in cubes, which are anhy- drous. Impurities of Common Salt. Table Salt usually con- tains some Chloride of Magnesium, which, being deli- quescent, produces a dampness by absorption of atmo- spheric moisture : Sulphate of Soda is also commonly pre- sent. The salt may be purified by repeated recrystalliza- tion, but it is more simple to prepare the pure compound directly, by neutralizing Hydrochloric Acid with Carbonate of Soda. PHOTOGKAPHIC CHEMICALS. 105 SUGAB OF MILK. See MILK. SULPHOCYANIDES. General Formula, M,S 2 C 2 N, or M,S 2 Cy. Sulphocyanides are Salts which differ from the Cyanides in containing 2 atoms of Sulphur ; the alkaline Cyanides fused with Sulphur combine with it readily and furnish Sulphocyanides. K Cy + S 2 = K, S 2 Cy . As Cyanides treated with an acid yield Hydrocyanic Acid, so the Sulphocyanides in like manner yield Hydro- sulphocyanic Acid, which differs from the former acid in not being volatile or poisonous, and in giving an intensely blood-red colour with salts of Peroxide of Iron. These salts have been lately proposed as agents for dissolving out the unchanged Salts of Silver ; their mode of action is however different from that of the Cyanides and Hypo- sulphites, in that their solvent power depends on their state of concentration, which is not the case with the two latter classes of salts. SULPHOCYANIDE OF POTASSIUM. Formula, K, S 2 Cy = 97. Dried Ferrocyanide of Potassium 3 parts, Sulphur 2 parts, and dry Carbonate of Potash 1 part, are intimately mixed and fused for some time in a covered crucible. The melted mass, when cold, may be treated with boiling water and filtered, and if the liquid be concentrated on cooling, this salt will separate in prismatic crystals sufficiently pure for Photographic purposes. SULPHOCYANIDE OF AMMONIUM. Formula, NH 4 ,S 2 Cy = 76. Mr. Emerson Reynolds gives the following method for the preparation of this Salt (' British Journal of Photo- 106 VOCABULARY OF graphy,' 1863). In a well-stoppered "Winchester quart bottle, place : Bisulphide of Carbon . 16 ounces by weight. Methylated Spirit ... 12 by measure. Liq. Ammonise (88) . . 36 ,, by measure. Water ....... sufficient to fill the bottle. These should be mixed in the above order, shaking between each addition ; when the bottle is full, the stopper is in- serted and securely tied down. The bottle is kept at about 95 Fahr. for several days until the Bisulphide is all dissolved. The deep orange liquid is then placed in a re- tort, and distilled until Sulphur begins to separate. The residue is now poured out into a basin and Sulphuric Acid added till the liquid strongly reddens litmus-paper. It is then allowed to stand for two hours, after which it is filtered and neutralized with Ammonia, and gently eva- porated to dryness. If the Sulphocyanide is required to be quite pure it must be dissolved out by warm methylated spirit. Its derivation from Bisulphide of Carbon, CS 2 , is as follows : 2CS 2 + 4NH 3 =NH 4 ,C 2 NS 2 + SFLPHUEETTED HYDBOGEN. See HYDROSTJLPHUBIC ACID. 'SULPHUKIC ACID. Formula, SO 3 = 40. Sulphuric Acid is the highest Oxide of Sulphur ; the liquid acid, when most concentrated, always has 1 atom of water, HO,SO 3 . The commercial process for the manufacture of Sulphuric Acid is exceedingly ingenious and beautiful, but it involves many complicated reactions. The Sulphur is first burnt into gaseous Sulphurous Acid, SO 2 , and then, by the agency of Binoxide of Nitrogen gas, an addi- tional atom of Oxygen is carried from the atmosphere to the S O 9 , converting it to S O 3 , or Sulphuric Acid. Properties. Anhydrous Sulphuric Acid is a white crys- talline solid. The strongest liquid acid always contains PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 107 one atom of water, wliich is chemically combined with it, and cannot be driven off by the application of heat. This monoJiydrated Sulphuric Acid, represented by the formula H O, S O 3 , is a dense fluid, having a specific gravity of about 1'845 ; boils at 620, and distils without decom- position. It is not volatile at common temperatures, and therefore does not fume like Nitric or Hydrochloric Acid, The concentrated acid may be cooled down even to zero without solidifying ; but a weaker compound, containing twice the quantity of water, and termed glacial Sulphuric Acid, crystallizes at 40 Fahr. Sulphuric Acid is intensely acid and caustic, but it does not destroy the skin or dis- solve metals so readily as Nitric Acid. It has an energetic attraction for water, and when the two are mixed, con- densation ensues, and much heat is evolved ; four parts of acid and one of water produce a temperature equal to that of boiling water. Mixed with Nitric Acid and a certain proportion of water, it forms the liquid called by Photo- graphers Nitro-Sulphuric Acid. Sulphuric Acid possesses intense chemical powers, and displaces the greater number of ordinary acids from their salts. It chars organic substances, by removing the ele- ments of water, and converts Alcohol into Ether in a similar manner. The strength of a given sample of Sul- phuric Acid may be calculated, nearly, from its specific gravity, and a Table is given by Dr. Ure for that purpose. (See Appendix.) It is quite necessary however that the temperature should be attended to in taking the specific gravity, since a few degrees higher or lower than the point mentioned cause a considerable difference. Impurities of Commercial Sulphuric Acid. The liquid acid sold as Oil of Vitriol is tolerably constant in compo- sition, and seems to be as well adapted for Photographic use as the pure Sulphuric Acid, which is far more ex- pensive. The specific gravity is often about 1*836 at 60, but an acid of T843 or 1-845 at 60 Fahr. can always be obtained of the manufacturers, and is preferable for em- ployment in Photography. If a drop, evaporated upon 108 VOCABULARY OF Platinum foil, gives a fixed residue, probably Bisulphate of Potash is present. A milkiness, on dilution, indicates Sulphate of Lead ; a little Sulphate of Lead however would not interfere, and may be disregarded. Commercial Sul- phuric Acid sometimes bleaches Sulphate of Indigo, on boiling a diluted solution : this is due to traces of Nitric Acid present in the Oil of Vitriol. Test for Sulphuric Acid. If the presence of Sulphuric Acid, or a soluble Sulphate, be suspected in any liquid, it may be tested for by adding a few drops of dilute solution of Chloride of Barium, or of Nitrate of Baryta. A white precipitate, insoluble in Nitric Acid, indicates Sulphuric Acid. If the liquid to be tested is very acid, from Nitric or Hydrochloric Acid, it must be largely diluted before testing, or a crystalline precipitate will form, caused by the sparing solubility of the Chloride of Barium itself in acid solutions. TANNIN. Formula, C 54 H 22 O 34 = 618. Various organic substances, possessing an astringent action, have been termed " Tannin ;" such, for instance, as the extractive matters from bark, used in tanning hides, the astringent principles of Tea and Coffee, etc. The most important however is the Tannin of the Gall Nut, known as " Tannic Acid " or " Gallo-Tannic Acid." Gall Nuts contain as much as two-thirds of their weight of Tannic Acid, which is extracted by reducing the nuts to powder, and digesting them with washed Ether : the decanted liquid separates on standing into two portions, the lower being an aqueous solution of Tannic Acid, the watery constituent of which is derived from the washed Ether (see ETHEE). On evaporating the aqueous solu- tion to dryness, a porous buff-coloured residue of Amor- phous Tannic Acid is obtained. Tannic Acid is freely soluble in water, but it rarely yields a clear solution, on account of traces of remaining resinous matter. The reaction to test-paper is slightly PHOTOGEAPHIC CHEMICALS. 109 acid, and on adding an alkali a " Tannate " is formed, but the alkaline Tannates are very unstable, and tend to ab- sorb Oxygen and become brown. Tannic Acid gives with, the Persalts of Iron a violet-black precipitate, which is the basis of common Writing Ink. Solutions of Gelatine are precipitated by Tannic Acid in the form of Tanno-Ge- latine, the material of Leather : Albumen is also coagulated by Tannin. When Tannic Acid is heated to about 600 Fahr., it is decomposed, and yields Pyrogallic Acid. Ni- trate of Silver is not precipitated by Tannic Acid, but suf- fers a slow reduction to the state of Metallic Silver. TAETAEIC ACID. Formula, 2HO,C 8 H 4 O 10 = 150. This Acid is derived from a substance called Tartar, deposited from the juice of the Grape during fermentation. This Tartar is an Acid Tartrate of Potash, and purified by crystallization and deprived of its base it furnishes this Acid. Tartaric Acid forms colourless, transparent, rhombic prisms, very soluble in Water and Alcohol ; it is a bibasic acid. The neutral salt of Potash, 2.KO,C 8 H 4 O 10 , is very soluble in water. The acid salt, KO,HO,C S H 4 O 10 , known commonly as Cream of Tartar when purified, is only spa- ringly soluble, and forms the bulk of Tartar from wine. For the mode of distinguishing this Acid from Citric Acid, see the latter in the Vocabulary. TETEATHIONIC ACID. Formula, S 4 O 5 = 104. This acid is one of the Oxides of Sulphur, belonging to the interesting series designated by Berzelius the " Poly- thionic Acids." The composition of this series may be re- presented as follows : Formal*. Dithionic Acid S 2 O 5 . Trithionic Acid .... S 3 O 5 . Tetrathionic Acid . . . S 4 O 5 . Pentathionic Acid . . . S 5 O 5 . 110 VOCABULARY OF The amount of Oxygen in all is the same, that of the other element increases progressively ; hence the highest mem- ber of the series might by losing Sulphur descend gradually until it reached the condition of the lowest. Such a tran- sition is not only theoretically possible, but there is an actual tendency to it, all the acids being unstable with the exception of the Dithionic. The Alkaline Salts of these acids are more unstable than the acids themselves ; a solution of Tetrathionate of Soda becomes milky in the course of a few days from deposition of Sulphur, and, if tested, is then found to contain THthionate and eventually Dithionate of Soda. The presence of Hyposulphite of Soda increases the instability of Tetrathionate of Soda. A solution of the latter may be preserved for many hours unchanged, but if a few crystals of Hyposulphite of Soda be dropped in, it begins very shortly to deposit Sulphur, and continues to do so for several days. At the same time the liquid acquires an acid reaction to test-paper, and produces effer- vescence on the addition of Carbonate of Lime. Tetrathionate of Soda may be formed by acting on Hyposulphite of Soda with Iodine ; a colourless solution is obtained, which, in addition to the new salt, contains Iodide of Sodium. Perchloride of Iron, Chloride of Cop- per, and Chloride of Gold, decompose Hyposulphite of Soda and form Tetrathionate, amongst other products. Acids in a free state have often the same effect, since they liberate Sulphurous Acid, which, in contact with Hyposul- phite of Soda, forms Trithionate and Tetrathionate of Soda. TURMERIC. Turmeric is the rhizome of an Indian plant. It pos- sesses a yellow colouring matter, soluble in water and al- cohol. Paper brushed with a strong decoction of turmeric, is used by the Chemist as a 'test for alkalinity ; free alka- lies or alkaline bases 'change the colour from yellow to brown. It is not so sensitive as reddened Litmus, but is useful as indicating a strong alkaline reaction. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. Ill URANIUM, NITBATE OF. Formula, U 2 O 3 ,NO 5 + 6Aq. = 252. This salt may be formed by dissolving either of the Oxides of Uranium in Nitric Acid and evaporating over a water bath. It forms crystals of a greenish-yellow colour, which are efflorescent in warm dry air. Soluble in water, Alcohol, and Ether. Nitrate of Uranium is not an expensive salt, and has an advantage in that respect over the Tartrate, which has been recommended in preference. Its solution in Ether exposed to the sun's rays, deposits a green Oxide, having the composition U 3 O 4 . WATEE. Formula, HO = 9. Water is an Oxide of Hydrogen, containing single atoms of each of the gases. Distilled water is water which has been vaporized and again condensed ; by this means it is freed from earthy and saline impurities, which, not being volatile, are left in the body of the retort. Pure distilled water leaves no re- sidue on evaporation, and should remain perfectly clear on the addition of Nitrate of Silver, even when exposed to the light ; it should also be neutral to test-paper. The condensed water of steam-boilers, often sold in pro- vincial towns and elsewhere as distilled water, is apt to be contaminated with oily and empyreumatic matter, which discolours Nitrate of Silver, and is therefore injurious. Newly-made metal stills also fail at first in giving a pure product, from the presence of grease or dust in the sol- dered joints. Mr. Tomlinson* has shown that a very mi- nute amount of grease on water may be detected by Cam- phor, which, thrown on water free from grease, rapidly * See ' Experimental Essays,' by Mr. C. Tomlinson, published by Virtue, Brothers. *4{''& ' 'JJ* 112 VOCABULARY OF spins round, until it has dissolved, or has evaporated, but this motion is prevented by a trace of fatty matter. Bain water, having undergone a natural process of dis- tillation, is free from inorganic salts, but it usually contains a minute portion of Ammonia, which gives it an alkaline reaction to test-paper. It is very good for Photographic purposes if collected in clean vessels, but when taken from a common rain-water tank should always be examined, and if much organic matter be present, tinging it of a brown colour, and gradually reducing Nitrate of Silver in presence of light, it must be rejected. Spring or River water, commonly known as "hard water," usually contains Sulphate of Lime, and Carbonate of Lime dissolved in Carbonic Acid ; also Chloride of So- dium in greater or less quantity. On boiling the water for twenty minutes or half an hour, the Carbonic Acid gas is evolved, and the greater part of the Carbonate of Lime (if any be present) deposits, forming an incrustation, which dissolves in Acetic Acid with effervescence. Spring- water is less likely to contain brown organic matter than rain-water. In testing water for Carbonates, Sulphates, and Chlo- rides, divide it into two parts, and add to the first a dilute solution of Chloride of Barium, and to the second, Nitrate of Silver,* a milkiness indicates the presence of either Carbonate or Sulphate in the first case, or of Carbonate or Chloride in the second. Next, acidify the two liquids with a few drops of Grlacial Acetic Acid : if the opales- cence disappears and the fluid becomes clear, Carbonates are present ; but if, as is more frequently the case, the cloudiness is only partially removed by the Acetic Acid, then the Carbonate is mixed with Sulphate or Chloride as the case may be. Water for the Nitrate Bath. Common hard water can often be used for making a Nitrate Bath when nothing * The Photographic Nitrate Bath cannot be used as a test, since the Iodide of Silver it contains is precipitated on dilution, giving a milkiness which might be mistaken for Chloride of Silver. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. 113 better is at hand. The Chlorides it contains are preci- pitated by the Nitrate of Silver, leaving small quantities of soluble Nitrates in solution, which are not injurious. Carbonate of Lime, if present, neutralizes acid, and may render the Bath alkaline if Salts of Ammonia are present. Sulphate of Lime causes no precipitation, and ought not theoretically to produce any injurious effect. It has how- ever been spoken against by some, but whether from prac- tical experience or not the Writer is uninformed. Or- ganic matter will almost certainly be injurious to the Bath, and therefore, unless the purity of the rain-water can be guaranteed, spring- water will be preferable. Water for the developing solutions. Carbonate of Lime in a water ought not to unfit it for the developing liquid in presence of free Acetic Acid, because the chalk would be decomposed under such circumstances, and converted into Acetate of Lime, which would probably assist a little in increasing the intensity. In the case of Sulphate of Iron, chalky water throws down a small quantity of Oxide of Iron, which produces turbidity and a rusty colour at the edges of the pictures ; but any acid added to the de- veloper dissolves it and renders the liquid again clear. Chalk in water used for the Gallic Acid developer, makes it discolour quickly with Nitrate of Silver, but a minim of Acetic Acid to each two ounces is a remedy, as before shown. Soluble Chlorides are always injurious in water used for developing, because they decompose the Nitrate of Silver on the film, producing a curdy precipitate and lessening the available strength. Acids have no effect in removing Chlorides, but they may be separated by shaking up the water with a graduated quantity of Nitrate of Silver, and filtering it. In this process however there is always a diffi- culty in knowing how much of the Nitrate will be needed, since the least excess over the quantity required to de- compose the salt, causes the water to blacken on adding Pyrogallic Acid. This might be obviated however by keep- ing the Pyrogallic Acid dissolved in Glacial Acetic Acid, 114 VOCABULABY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. and adding the water only when required. Bear in mind also that it will not be necessary to remove every trace of salt from the water, since it is quite possible to bring out a perfect image with a developing solution which produces a decided turbidity on first touching the film ; especially so if a few drops of solution of Nitrate of Silver be added to the developer immediately before use. Water for washing preserved plates. A faint opales- cence on adding a few drops of solution of Nitrate of Silver may be disregarded, but if the water becomes decidedly milky, try the following mode of purifying it. To each pint add a fluid drachm of the Negative Nitrate Bath, and set ijj aside for twelve hours to deposit. It may be fil- tered at the time, but the precipitate is liable to choke the filter and make it run slowly. The above proceeding will probably leave one of the two precipitating salts in excess, but the Writer gives the proportions which he found to answer in the case of a hard water drawn from a well at the seaside, containing a mixture of Chloride of Sodium and Carbonate of Lime. Graduated quantities of the Ni- trate Bath were dropped into this water at intervals of a few hours, and it was found that all further precipitation ceased when 60 minims had been added to each pint. PART II. THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES. 117 A THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES. CHAPTER I. HISTOEICAL SKETCH OF PHOTOGRAPHY. THE Art of Photography, which has now attained such perfection, and has become so popular amongst all classes, is one of comparatively recent introduction. The word Photography means literally "writing by means of Light ;" and it includes all processes by which any kind of picture can be obtained by the chemical agency of Light, without reference to the nature of the sensitive surface upon which it acts. The philosophers of antiquity, although chemical changes due to the influence of Light were continually passing be- fore their eyes, do not appear to have directed their atten- tion to them. Some of the Alchemists indeed noticed the fact that a substance termed by them " Horn Silver," which was Chloride of Silver which had undergone fusion, became blackened by exposure to Light ; but their ideas on such subjects being of the most erroneous nature, no- thing resulted from the discovery. The first philosophical examination of the decomposing action of Light upon compounds containing Silver was made by the illustrious Scheele, no longer than three-quar- ters of a century ago, viz. in 1777. It was also remarked 118 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHT. by him that some of the coloured rays of Light were pecu- liarly active in promoting the change. Earliest application of these facts to purposes of Art. The first attempts to render the blackening of Silver Salts by Light available for artistic purposes were made by Wedgwood and Davy about A.D. 1802. A sheet of white paper or of white leather was saturated with a solution of Nitrate of Silver, and the shadow of the figure intended to be copied projected upon it. Under these circumstances the part on which the shadow fell remained white, whilst the surrounding exposed parts gradually darkened under the influence of the sun's rays. Unfortunately these and similar experiments, which ap- peared at the outset to promise well, were checked by the experimentalists being unable to discover any means of fixing the pictures, so as to render them indestructible by diffused Light. The unchanged Silver Salt being per- mitted to remain in the white portions of the paper, na- turally caused the proofs to blacken in every part, unless carefully preserved in the dark. Introduction of the Camera Obscura, and other Improve- ments in Photography. The " Camera Obscura," or dark- ened chamber, by means of which a luminous image of an object may be formed, was invented by Baptista Porta, of Padua ; but the preparations employed by Wedgwood were not sufficiently sensitive to be easily affected by the sub- dued light of that instrument. In the year 1814, however, twelve years subsequent to the publication of Wedgwood's paper, M. Niepce, of Chalons, having directed his attention to the subject, suc- ceeded in perfecting a process in which the Camera could be employed, although the sensibility was still so low that an exposure of some hours was required to produce the effect. In the process of M. Niepce, which was termed " Helio- graphy," or " sun-drawing," the use of the Silver Salts was discarded, and a resinous substance, known as " Bitu- men of Judsea," substituted. This resin was smeared on HISTOEICAL SKETCH. 119 the surface of a metal plate, and exposed to the luminous image. The light in acting upon it so changed its pro- perties, that it became insoluble in certain essential oils. Hence, on subsequent treatment with the oleaginous sol- vent, the shadows dissolved away, and the lights were repre- sented by the unaltered resin remaining on the plate. The Discoveries of Ml. Daguerre. MM. Niepce and Daguerre appear at one time to have been associated as partners, for the purpose of mutually prosecuting their re- searches ; but it was not until after the death of the for- mer, viz. in 1839, that the process named the Daguerreo- type was given to the world. Daguerre was dissatisfied with the slowness of action of the Bitumen sensitive sur- face, and directed his attention mainly to the use of the Salts of Silver, which are thus again brought before our notice. Even the earlier specimens of the Daguerreotype, al- though far inferior to those subsequently produced, pos- sessed a beauty which had not been attained by any Pho- tographs prior to that time. The sensitive plates of Daguerre were prepared by ex- posing a silvered tablet to the action of the vapour of Iodine, so as to form a layer of Iodide of Silver upon the surface. By a short exposure in the Camera an effect was produced, not visible to the eye, but appearing when the plate was subjected to the vapour of Mercury. This fea- ture, viz. the production of a latent image upon Iodide of Silver, with its subsequent development by a chemical reagent, is one of the first importance. Its discovery at once reduced the time of taking a picture from hours to minutes, and promoted the utility of the Art. Daguerre also succeeded infixing his proofs, by removal of the unaltered Iodide of Silver from the shadows. The processes employed however were imperfect, and the mat- ter was not set at rest until the publication of a paper by Sir John Herschel, on the property possessed by " Hypo- sulphites " of dissolving the Salts of Silver insoluble in water. 120 THEOET OF PHOTOGRAPHY. On a means of Multiplying Photographic Impressions and other Discoveries of Mr. Fox Talbot. The first com- munication made to the Royal Society by Mr. Fox Talbot, in January, 1839, related to the preparation of a more sensitive paper than had been previously known, and also to a method of fixing the pictures by common Salt. It was directed that the paper should be dipped first in solu- tion of Chloride of Sodium, and then in Nitrate of Silver. By proceeding in this way a white substance termed Clilo- ride of Silver is formed, more sensitive to light than the Nitrate of Silver originally employed by Wedgwood and Davy. The object is laid in contact with the prepared paper, and being exposed to light, a copy is obtained, which is Negative, id est, with the light and shade reversed. The discovery of a way of fixing these Negatives was of great importance, as it not only rendered them unalterable by light, but it further allowed of their being used to ob- tain copies having the light and shade correct, or Positive copies, which was effected by laying the Negative over a second sheet of prepared sensitive paper, so as to allow the sun's light to pass through the transparent parts, tinder these circumstances, when the Negative is raised, a natural representation of the object is found below; the tints having been again reversed by the second ope- ration. This production of a Negative Photograph, from which any number of Positive copies may be obtained, is a car- dinal point in Mr. Talbot's invention, and one of great im- portance. Another most important discovery was that of the exist- ence of an invisible image impressed on the paper by a much shorter exposure to light than was necessary to pro- duce a visible one, and capable of being afterwards ren- dered visible. Mr. Talbot took out a patent for a process of this kind in 1841 . Mr. Brayley had, however, as early as 1839, described in a lecture at the London Institution a similar method communicated to him by Mr. Eeade. Mr. Talbot's process was, however, a decided advance on HISTORICAL SKETCH. 121 the former, in consequence of his employing Acetic Acid to check action not due to light. In this process, a sheet of paper is first coated with Iodide of Silver by soaking it alternately in Iodide of Potassium and Nitrate of Silver ; it is then washed with solution of Gallic Acid, contain- ing Nitrate of Silver and Acetic Acid (sometimes termed Gallo- Nitrate of Silver), by which the sensibility to light is greatly augmented. An exposure in the Camera of some seconds or minutes, according to the brightness of the light, impresses an invisible image, which is brought out by treating the plate with a fresh portion of the mix- ture of Gallic Acid, Nitrate of Silver, and Acetic Acid employed in exciting. On the use of Glass Plates to retain sensitive Films. The principal defects in the Calotype process are attribu- table to the coarse and irregular structure of the fibre of paper, even when manufactured with the greatest care, and expressly for Photographic purposes. In consequence of this, the same amount of exquisite definition and sharpness of outline as that resulting from the use of metal plates, cannot be obtained. We are indebted to Sir John Herschel for the first em- ployment of glass plates to receive sensitive Photographic films. The Iodide of Silver may be retained upon the glass by means of a layer of Albumen or white of egg, as proposed by M. Niepce de Saint- Victor, nephew to the original dis- coverer of the same name. A more important improvement still was the employ- ment of " Collodion " for a similar purpose. Collodion is an ethereal solution of Pyroxyline, a weakly explosive variety of Gun-cotton. On evaporation it leaves a transparent layer, resembling goldbeater's skin, which adheres to the glass with some tenacity. M. Le Grey, of Paris, originally suggested that this substance might per- haps be rendered available in Photography, but our own countryman, the late Mr. Archer, was the first to carry out the idea practically. In a communication to ' The 122 THEOEY OF PEOTOGEAPHY. Chemist ' in the autum of 1851, this gentleman gave a de- scription of the Collodion process much as it now stands ; at the same time proposing the substitution of P^ro-gallic Acid for the Gallic Acid previously employed in develop- ing the image. At that period no idea could have been entertained of the stimulus which this discovery would render to the pro- gress of the Art ; but experience has now abundantly de- monstrated, that, as far as all qualities most desirable in a Photographic process are concerned, none at present known can excel, or perhaps equal, the Collodion process. 123 CHAPTER II. THE SALTS OF SILYEB, EMPLOYED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. BY the term of Salt of Silver \ve understand that the com- pound in question contains Silver, but not in its elemen- tary form ; the metal is in fact in a state of chemical union with other elements which disguise its physical properties, so that the Salt possesses none of the external characters of the Silver from which it was produced. (See Part I. page 13, on Salts.) The contents of this Chapter may be arranged in three Sections : the first describing the Chemistry of the Salts of Silver; the second, the action of Light upon them; the third, the preparation of a sensitive surface, with ex- periments illustrating the formation of the Photographic image. SECTION I. Chemistry of the Salts of Silver. The principal Salts of Silver employed in the Pho- tographic processes are four in number, viz. Nitrate of Silver, Chloride of Silver, Iodide of Silver, and Bromide of Silver. In addition to these, it will be necessary to de- scribe the Oxides of Silver. THE PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF THE NITRATE OF SILVER. Nitrate of Silver is prepared by dissolving metallic Silver 124 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. in Nitric Acid. Nitric Acid is a powerfully acid and cor- rosive substance, containing two elementary bodies united in definite proportions : these are Nitrogen and Oxygen ; the latter being present in greatest quantity. Nitric Acid is a powerful solvent for the metallic bodies generally. To illustrate its action in that particular, as contrasted with other acids, place pieces of silver-foil in two test-tubes, the one containing dilute Sulphuric, the other dilute Nitric Acid ; on the application of heat a vio- lent action soon commences in the latter, but the former is unaffected. In order to understand this, it must be borne in mind that when a metallic substance dissolves in an acid, the nature of the solution is different from that of an aqueous solution of salt or sugar. If salt water be boiled down until the whole of the water has evaporated, the salt is recovered with properties the same as at first ; but if a similar experiment be made with a solution of Silver in Nitric Acid, the result is different : in that case we do not obtain metallic Silver on evaporation, but Silver combined with Oxygen and Nitric Acid, both of which are in a state of chemical combination with the metal. The Oxygen required for the Oxide of Silver which is united with the Nitric Acid, is derived from another part of the same Acid, one atom of which by supplying Oxygen to three atoms of metallic Silver is thereby reduced to Deutoxide of Nitrogen which escapes with effervesence. The following equation explains these changes : 3Ag + 4N0 5 = 3(AgO,N0 5 )+NO ? .* It is this instability of Nitric Acid its readiness to part with Oxygen which renders it superior to the Sulphuric and to most acids in dissolving Silver and various other substances, both organic and inorganic. Properties of Nitrate of Silver. In preparing Nitrate of Silver, when the metal is dissolved, the solution is boiled down and set aside to crystallize. The salt however as so obtained is still acid to test-paper, and requires either re- * The preparation of Nitrate of Silver from alloys of Silver and Copper is described in Part I., Art. " Silver." SALTS OF SILVEE. 125 tallization, or careful heating to about 300 Fahren- heit. It is this retention of small quantities of Nitric Acid, and other impiirities, which renders much of the commer- cial Nitrate of Silver useless for Photography, until after a second crystallization. Pure Nitrate of Silver occurs in the form of white crys- talline plates, which are very heavy and dissolve readily in an equal weight of cold water. The solubility is much lessened by the presence of free Nitric Acid, and in the concentrated Nitric Acid the crystals are almost insoluble. Boiling Alcohol takes up about one-fourth part of its weight of the crystallized Nitrate, but deposits nearly the whole on cooling. Nitrate of Silver has an intensely bitter and nauseous taste ; acting as a caustic, and corroding the skin by a prolonged application. Its aqueous solution does not redden blue litmus-paper ; on the contrary, the pure re-crystallized and dried Nitrate of Silver restores the blue colour of paper previously reddened. Heated in a crucible the salt melts, and when poured into a mould and solidified, forms the white lunar caustic of commerce. At a still higher temperature it is decom- posed, and bubbles of Oxygen Gas are evolved : the melted mass cooled and dissolved in water yields a solution, which contains Nitrite in addition to Nitrate of Silver.* THE CHEMISTRY OF THE CHLORIDES OF SILVER. Preparation of Protochloride of Silver (AgCl). The ordinary white Chloride of Silver may be prepared in two ways, by the direct action of Chlorine upon metallic Silver, and by double decomposition between two salts. If a plate of polished silver be exposed to a current of Chlorine Gas,t it becomes after a short time coated on the surface with a superficial film of white powder. This * Nitrite of Silver differs from the Nitrate in containing less Oxygen, and is formed from it by the abstraction of two atoms of that element; it 13 described in the Vocabulary, Part I. t *'or the properties of the element " Chlorine," see the Vocabulary. 126 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. powder is Chloride of Silver, containing the two elements Chlorine and Silver united in single equivalents. Preparation of Chloride of Silver by double decomposi- tion. l n order to illustrate this, take a solution in water of Chloride of Sodium or " common salt," and mix it with a solution containing Nitrate of Silver; immediately a dense, curdy, white precipitate falls, which is the sub- stance in question. In this reaction the elements change places ; the Chlo- rine leaves the Sodium with which it was previously com- bined, and crosses over to the Silver; the Oxygen and Nitric Acid are released from the Silver, and unite with the Sodium ; thus This interchange of elements is an example of double decomposition ; further illustrations of it are given in the first Chapter of Part I. In preparing Chloride of Silver by double decomposition, the white clotty masses which first form must be washed repeatedly with water, in order to free them from soluble Nitrate of Soda, the other product of the change. When this is done, the salt is in a pure state, and may be dried, etc., in the usual way. Properties of Chloride of Silver. Chloride of Silver forms a soft white powder resembling common chalk or whiting. It is tasteless and insoluble in water ; unaffected by boiling with the strongest Nitric Acid, but sparingly dissolved by concentrated Hydrochloric Acid. Ammonia dissolves Chloride of Silver freely, as do solu- tions of Hyposulphite of Soda and Cyanide of Potassium. Concentrated solutions of the Sulphocyanide, Chloride, Iodide, and Bromide of Potassium, Sodium, and Am- monium, are likewise solvents of Chloride of Silver, but to a limited extent, as will be more fully shown in Chapter IV., when treating of the modes of fixing the Photographic proofs. Dry Chloride of Silver carefully heated to redness fuses, and concretes on cooling into a tough and semitranspareiit SALTS OF SILVER. 127 substance, which has been termed horn silver or luna cornea. Placed in contact with metallic Zinc or Iron acidified with dilute Sulphuric Acid, Chloride of Silver is reduced to the metallic state, the Chlorine passing to the other metal under the decomposing influence of the galvanic current which is established. Ag Cl -f Zn = Zn Cl + Ag. Preparation and Properties of Subckloride of Silver. If a plate of polished Silver be dipped into a solution of Per- chloride of Iron, a black stainis produced, the Perchloride sinking to the state of a .Profo-chloride of Iron, and losing a portion of Chlorine, which passes to the Silver and con- verts it superficially into a Subchloride of Silver. This compound differs from the white Chloride of Silver in containing less Chlorine. As it has not been obtained sufficiently pure for analysis, no formula can be assigned to it. The only facts certainly ascertained with regard to the Subchloride of Silver are, that it is a pulverulent substance of a bluish-black colour, not easily affected by Citric Acid, but decomposed by fixing agents, such as Ammonia, Hyposulphite of Soda, or Cyanide of Potassium, into Chloride of Silver, which dissolves, and insoluble metallic Silver. THE CHEMISTRY OF IODIDE OF SILVER. The properties of Iodine are described in the first Part of the Work : they are analogous to those of Chlorine -and Bromine, the Silver Salts formed by these elements bear- ing also a strong resemblance to each other. Preparation and Properties of Iodide of Silver (Agl). Iodide of Silver may be formed in an analogous manner to the Chloride, viz. by the direct action of the vapour of Iodine upon metallic Silver, or by double decomposition between solutions of Iodide of Potassium and Nitrate of Silver. When prepared by the latter mode it forms an impalp- able powder, the colour of which varies with the manner 128 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of precipitation. If the Iodide of Potassium be in excess, the Iodide of Silver falls to the bottom of the vessel nearly white ; but with an excess of Nitrate of Silver it is of a straw-yellow tint. This point may be noticed, because the yellow condition is the one adapted for Photographic use, the other being insensible to the influence of Light. Iodide of Silver is tasteless and inodorous : insoluble in water and in dilute Nitric Acid. It is scarcely dissolved by Ammonia, which serves to distinguish it from the Chlo- ride of Silver, freely soluble in that liquid. Hyposulphite of Soda and Cyanide of Potassium both dissolve Iodide of Silver ; it is also soluble in solutions of Sulphocyanide, Bromide, and Iodide, of Potassium, Sodium, and Ammo- nium, as will be further explained in Chapter IV. Iodide of Silver is reduced by Metallic Zinc in the same manner as the Chloride of Silver, forming soluble Iodide of Zinc and leaving a black powder of metallic Silver. n = ZnI + Ag. THE PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF BROMIDE OF SILVER. This substance so closely resembles the corresponding salts containing Chlorine and Iodine, that a short notice of it will suffice. Bromide of Silver (AgBr) is prepared by exposing a silvered plate to the vapour of Bromine, or by adding solu- tion of Bromide of Potassium to Nitrate of Silver. It is insoluble in water, slightly yellow in colour, and distin- guished from Iodide of Silver by dissolving in strong Am- monia and in Chloride of Ammonium. It is freely soluble in Hyposulphite of Soda and in Cyanide of Potassium. The properties of the element Bromine are described in Part I. CHEMISTRY OF THE OXIDES OF SILVER. The Protoxide of Silver (AgO). If a little Potash or Ammonia be added to solution of Nitrate of Silver, an SALTS OF SILVEE. 129 olive-brown substance is formed, which, on standing, col- lects at the bottom of the vessel. This is Oxide of Silver, displaced from its previous state of combination with Nitric Acid by the stronger oxide, Potash. Oxide of Silver is soluble to a very minute extent in pure water, the solution possessing an alkaline reaction to Litmus ; it is easily dis- solved by Nitric or Acetic Acid, forming a neutral Nitrate or Acetate of Silver ; it also dissolves in Ammonia (Am- monio-Nitrate of Silver), Nitrate of Ammonia, Hyposul- phite of Soda, and Cyanide of Potassium. The Suboxide of Silver (Ag 2 O ?). This compound is dis- tinguished from the Protoxide by the action of Hydro- chloric Acid, which with the latter produces the white Chloride, but with the latter the dark Subchloride. It has probably never been obtained pure, but a certain amount is obtained, mixed however with Silver and Prot- oxide, on boiling Arsenite of Silver, 3AgO,AsO 3 , with a solution of Potash : a black powder results, which is the above mixture. On treating this powder, after washing, with Hydrochloric Acid, a mixture of Chloride, Subchlo- ride, and metallic Silver is produced, from which, after washing, the latter may be dissolved out by Nitric Acid, leaving the dark mixture of Chlorides. SECTION II. On the Photographic Properties of the Salts of Silver. In addition to the Salts of Silver described in the First Section of this Chapter there are many others well known to chemists, as the Acetate of Silver, the Sulphate, the Ci- trate of Silver, etc. Some occur in crystals which are solu- ble in water, whilst others are pulverulent and insoluble. The Salts of Silver formed by colourless Acids are white when first prepared, and remain so if kept in a dark place; but they possess the remarkable peculiarity of being darkened by exposure to Light, either alone or in contact with organic substances. 130 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. Action of Light upon the Nitrate of Silver. The Nitrate of Silver is one of the most permanent of the Silver salts. It may be preserved unchanged in the crystalline form, or in solution in distilled water, for an indefinite length of time, even when constantly exposed to the light of day. Nitrate of Silver may, however, be rendered susceptible to the influence of Light, by adding to its solution organic matter, vegetable or animal. The phenomena produced in this case are well illustrated by dipping a sheet of white paper in solution of Nitrate of Silver, and exposing it to the direct rays of the sun ; it slowly darkens, until it be- comes nearly black. The stains upon the skin produced by handling Nitrate of Silver are caused in the same way, and are seen most evidently when the part has been ex- posed to light. The varieties of organic matter which especially facilitate the blackening of Nitrate of Silver are such as tend to ab- sorb Oxygen; hence pure vegetable fibre, free from Chlo- rides, such, for instance, as the Swedish filtering-paper, is not rendered very sensitive by being simply brushed with solution of the Nitrate, but a little grape sugar added soon determines the decomposition. Decomposition of Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Silver by Light. Pure Chloride of Silver prepared in the moist way changes slowly from white to violet on exposure to light. Bromide of Silver becomes of a grey colour, but is less affected than the Chloride. Iodide of Silver (if free from excess of Nitrate of Silver) does not alter in appear- ance by exposure even to the sun's rays, but retains its yellow tint unchanged. Of these three compounds there- fore, Chloride of Silver is the most visibly acted on by light, and papers prepared with this salt will become far darker on exposure, than others coated with Bromide or Iodide of Silver. There are certain conditions which render the action of light upon the Chloride of Silver more decided. These are, first, an excess of a soluble salt of Silver such as the Nitrate, and, second, the presence of organic matter. Pure Chloride SALTS OF SILVEE. 131 of Silver would be useless as a Photographic agent, but a Chloride with excess of Nitrate takes a strong impression. Even Iodide of Silver, ordinarily unaffected, is blackened by light when moistened with a solution of the Nitrate of Silver. Organic matter combined with Chloride and Nitrate of Silver gives a still higher degree of darkening in the solar ray, and in this way the Photographic papers are prepared. Action of Light upon organic compounds of Silver. On adding diluted Albumen, or white of egg, to solution of Nitrate of Silver, a flocculent deposit forms, which is a com- pound of the animal matter with Oxide of Silver, and is known as "Albuminate of Silver." This substance is at first white, but on exposure to light it assumes a brick-red colour. Caseine, the animal principle of milk, is coagulated by Nitrate of Silver, the product behaving in the same manner as the Albuminate when exposed to light. Gelatine does not precipitate Nitrate of Silver : but if a sheet of trans- parent Gelatine be allowed to imbibe a solution of the Nitrate, it combines with it, and the product becomes of a clear ruby-red tint on exposure to light. Many other organic compounds of Silver are darkened by light. The white Citrate of Silver changes to a red colour. Glycyrrhizin, the Sugar of Liquorice, also forms a white compound with Oxide of Silver, which becomes brown or red in the sun's rays. The photographic use of the organic Salts of Silver, and the extent to which they are affected by light, will be fur- ther considered in the Eighth Chapter, when speaking of the theory of Positive printing. SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS ILLUSTRATING THE ACTION OF LIGHT UPON A SENSITIVE LAYEB OF CHLOEIDE OF SILVEE ON PAPEE. In the performance of the most simple experiments on the decomposition of Silver Salts by Light, the student 132 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. may employ ordinary test-tubes, in which small quantities of the two liquids required for the double decomposition may be mixed together. When however concentrated solutions are used in this way, the insoluble Silver Salt falls in dense and clotted masses, which, exposed to the sun's rays, quickly blacken on the exterior, but the inside is protected, and remains white. It is of importance therefore in Photography that the sensitive material should exist in the form of a surface, in order that the various particles of which it is composed may each one individually be brought into relation with the disturbing force. Full directions for the preparation of sensitive Photo- graphic paper are given in the third division of this work. The following is the theory of the process : A sheet of paper is treated with solution of Chloride of Sodium or Ammonium, and subsequently with Nitrate of Silver; hence results a formation of Chloride of Silver in a fine state of division, with an excess of Nitrate of Silver, since the Silver bath is applied after the salting solution, and is made purposely of a greater strength. Illustrative Experiment No. I. Place a square of sen- sitive paper, prepared as above (for full directions see Part III.), in the direct rays of the sun, and observe the gradual process of darkening which takes place ; the sur- face passes through a variety of changes in colour until it becomes of a deep chocolate-brown. If the Light is to- lerably intense, the brown shades are probably reached in from three to five minutes ; but the sensibility of the paper, and also the nature of the tints, will vary much with the character of the organic matter present. Experiment No. II. Lay a device cut from black paper upon a sheet of sensitive paper, and compress the two to- gether by means of a sheet of glass. After a proper length of exposure the figure will be exactly copied with the tint reversed : the black paper protecting the sensitive Chloride beneath, produces a white figure upon a dark ground. Experiment No. III. Repeat the last experiment, sub- SALTS OF SILVER. 133 stituting a piece of lace or gauze-wire for the paper device. This is intended to show the minuteness with which objects can be copied, since the smallest filament will be distinctly represented. Experiment No. TV. Take an engraving in which the contrast of light and shade is tolerably well marked, and having laid it closely in contact with the sensitive paper, expose as before. This experiment shows that the surface darkens in degrees proportionate to the intensity of the light, so that the half shadows of the engraving are ac- curately maintained, and a pleasing gradation of tone is produced. In the darkening of Photographic papers, the action of the light is quite superficial, and although the black colour may be intense, yet the amount of reduced Silver which forms it is so small that it cannot be conveniently esti- mated by chemical reagents. This is well shown by the re- sults of an analysis performed by the Author, in which the total weight of Silver obtained from the blackened sheet measuring nearly 24 by 18 inches amounted to less than half a grain. It becomes therefore of great importance in preparing sensitive paper to attend to the condition of the surface layer of particles, the action rarely extending to those beneath. The use of Albumen, Gelatine, etc., which will be explained in the Eighth Chapter, has reference to this amongst other advantages, and secures a better and more sharply defined print. THE NATURE OF THE CHEMICAL CHANGES PEODUCED BY LIGHT UPON COMPOUNDS OF SILVER. Action of Light upon Chloride of Silver. This may be studied by suspending pure Chloride of Silver in distilled water, and ex- posing it to the sun's rays for several days. When the process of darkening has proceeded to some extent, the supernatant liquid will be found to contain free Chlorine. The luminous rays appear to loosen the affinity of the elements Chlorine and Silver for each other ; hence a portion of Chlorine is separated, and the white Protochloride is converted into a violet $Mi>chloride of Silver. If an atom of Nitrate of Silver be present, 134 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the liberated Chlorine unites with it, displacing Niti'ic Acid, and forming again Chloride of Silver which is decomposed in its turn. The excess of Nitrate of Silver thus assists the darkening of Chloride of Silver, by rendering the chain of chemical affinities more complete, and preventing an accumulation of Chlorine in the liquid. The violet-coloured compound, the product of the darkening action of light, has been spoken of by some writers as a mixture of Chloride of Silver and Metallic Silver, but the fact that white Chloride of Silver will darken in the sun's rays, even when covered with strong Nitric Acid, proves that the colour is not due to me- tallic Silver, but to a Subchloride. The properties of this Subchloride are as follows : It is very little affected by Nitric Acid, but quickly acted on by those bodies which Photographers employ as fixing agents, viz. Ammonia, Hyposulphite of Soda, and Cyanide of Potassium; the greater part being dissolved by the fixing agent, and a minute portion of Metallic Silver remaining insoluble. Chemical Changes on Organic Salts of Silver. White Al- buminate of Silver is soluble in Ammonia, and also in Hyposul- phite of Soda ; but after having been reddened by exposure to light, very little effect is produced upon it by these fixing agents. Grelatine saturated with Nitrate of Silver and exposed to light, loses its characteristic property of dissolving in hot water, but when treated with boiling solution of Potash, it is taken up, forming a clear liquid of a blood-red colour. From these facts and others not mentioned, we infer that in the action of light upon Organic Salts of Silver, the Oxide of Silver loses Oxygen and sinks to the state of a Suboxide, just as Chloride of Silver parts with a portion of Chlorine when exposed to light and becomes a Subchloride. The organic body is probably oxidized, and the products are left in combination with each other. The present state of our knowledge will not allow of more than a general indication of the nature of these changes ; no exact formula can be given. Nature of the Blackening of Photographic Papers. In this case both Chloride of Silver and Nitrate of Silver are present, supported by an organic basis. To ascertain the nature of the darkening action of light upon a surface of this kind, it is better to spread the Chloride upon a glass plate, and to make two experi- ments, adding organic matter in one, and omitting it in the other. CHANGES BY LIGHT. 135 Chloride of Silver does not readily adhere to glass unless the sur- face of the glass be finely ground, and even then very careful mani- pulation is required. A more simple plan is to employ Collodion as a vehicle for the Chloride, and this we may do with impunity, since it is known that Pyroxyline, the basis of Collodion, has com- paratively little effect upon the Salts of Silver, and behaves to- wards them almost in the manner of an inert substance, such as glass or porcelain. Having therefore taken a sample of ordinary Collodion, dissolve in each ounce seven grains of Chloride of Zinc ; then coat two glass plates in the usual way, allow them to become quite dry, and immerse in a Nitrate bath. Rear one of the plates on end to drain, but wash the other with water, and pour over it a little diluted Albumen, afterwards drying a second time, and re- dipping in the bath. In the course of a few hours, expose both to sun-light. It will be found that the Chloride of Silver upon Collodion alone, darkens to a violet-blue tint ; but that on Albu- men and Collodion mixed, changes to a deep olive-brown. Now apply a drop of Nitric Acid to the two plates ; the violet sub- chloride will be very little affected, but the brown image contain- ing a suboxide will dissolve. Next treat the plates with Am- monia ; this will dissolve the violet and produce no effect upon the brown image. It is clear therefore, from the action of these tests, that the presence of Albumen makes an important differ- ence hi the nature and properties of the image. But in order to investigate the subject thoroughly, the darkened plates must be examined after, as well as before treatment with a fixing agent, since a photographic picture cannot be said to be completed until it has passed through the bath of Hyposulphite of Soda. We therefore prepare a fresh series of films of Chloride and Nitrate of Silver in the manner above described, viz. some on dry Collodion, and others upon Albumen, and having, by repeated treatment with fresh Nitrate of Silver, and a long exposure to the sun's rays, obtained the maximum of darkening, we immerse them in a solution of Hyposulphite of Soda, wash carefully, and dry. Comparing the two sets of images after fixing, we find those on the Collodion, grey by reflected light, and pale slaty-blue by transmitted light. The images on the Albumen, on the other hand, are of a dark olive-brown by reflection, and almost abso- lutely opaque when examined by transmission. The following tests are then applied : a. Mercury ; amalgamation with the 136 THEOBY OF PHOTOGKAPHY. Collodion image, but none with the Albumen. 5. Cyanide of Potassium: no action on the grey and transparent image, but gradual solution of the brown opaque image, c. Sulphuretted Hydrogen water: darkens the image on Collodion, but gradually bleaches that on Albumen, d. Permanganate of Potash, if in dilute solution, scarcely acts on the slaty-blue image, but oxidizes the brown image. Putting these facts together, we conclude that photographs formed on pure Chloride and Nitrate of Silver consist of a Sub- chloride of Silver before fixing with Hyposulphite of Soda, and of Metallic Silver after fixing. In practice, however, it is found impossible to produce a picture on pure Chloride of Silver, the image being altogether too faint, and lacking depth of colour by reflected light. When Albumen, Gelatine, or analogous sub- stances are present, the image contains Suboxide of Silver com- bined with organic matter : and this combination is not entirely ' destroyed in the process of fixing, for although both Subchlo- ride and Suboxide of Silver are instantly decomposed by fixing agents, yet the latter does not appear to be so when united with Albumen. The action of tests upon the organic image will vary with the length of time the plates have been exposed to light. The more intense the blackening, the less evident is the action of solvents, such as the Cyanide of Potassium, etc. Hence the half-tones of a Photographic picture often dissolve in fixing, whilst the full shadows remain. Unstable Salts of Gold, on the other hand, when applied to an image on paper, deposit the metal more readily on those parts which have been completely blackened, and less so upon the lighter shades. Again, if Photographic papers be pre- pared with two different kinds of organic matter, as, for example, with Iceland moss in one case and Albumen in another, the images obtained will not exactly correspond in properties. And if, in a third experiment, the paper be rendered sensitive upon a solution of Ammonio-nitrate of Silver in place of Nitrate of Silver, the reaction with tests will again be different. Therefore, al- though the Photograph contains both organic matter and Silver, no certain formula can be given for its composition. The consideration of the effects of organic matter in modifying the properties of the image will be resumed in the Chapter treat- ing of photographic printing. 137 CHAPTER III. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INVISIBLE IMAGE BY MEANS OF A KEDTTCING AGENT. IT has been shown in the previous Chapter that the ma- jority of the Salts of Silver, either alone or in contact with organic matter, are darkened in colour on exposure to light, and, by the loss of Oxygen, Chlorine, etc., be- come reduced to the condition of Subsalta. Many of the same compounds are also susceptible of a change under the influence of light, which is even more remarkable. This change takes place after a comparatively short exposure, and does not affect the appearance of the sensitive layer. The impression, however, although in- visible at first, is brought out by treating the plate with certain chemical agents which are without effect on the original unchanged salt. Experiments illustrating the Formation of an Invisible Image. Take a sheet of sensitive paper, prepared with Iodide of Silver by the method given in the third Chapter of Part III., and having divided it into two parts, expose one of them to the luminous rays for a few seconds. No visible decomposition takes place, but on removing the pieces to a room dimly illuminated, and brushing with a solution of Gallic Acid, a manifest difference will be ob- served ; the one being unaffected, whilst the other darkens gradually until it becomes black. Experiment II. A prepared sheet is shielded in certain parts by an opaque substance, and then after the requisite exposure, which is easily ascertained by a few trials, treated 138 THEORY OP PHOTOGRAPHY. with, the Gallic Acid as before ; in this case the protected part remains white, whilst the other darkens to a greater or less extent. In the same way, copies of leaves, engra- vings, etc., may be made, very correct in the shading, and much resembling those produced by the prolonged action of light alone upon the Chloride of Silver. 'A great economy of time is effected by employing a sub- stance like Gallic Acid to develope or bring out to view an invisible image, in preference to forming the picture by the direct action of light, unassisted by a developer. This is well shown in the results of some experiments con- ducted by M. Claudet in the Daguerreotype process : he found that with a sensitive layer of Bromo-Iodide of Silver, an intensity of light three thousand times greater was required if the use of a developer was omitted, and the exposure continued until the picture became visible upon the plate. To increase the sensitiveness of Photographic prepara- tions is a point of great consequence ; and indeed, when the Camera is used, from the low intensity of the luminous image formed in that instrument, no other plan than the one above described would be practicable. Hence the ad- vancement, and indeed the very origin, of the Photographic Art, may be dated from the first discovery of a process for bringing out to view an invisible image by means of a re- ducing agent. The present Chapter is divided into two Sections : first, the properties of the substances usually employed in redu- cing the Salts of Silver, with their mode of action ; and se- cond, the formation and development of the invisible image. SECTION I. The various Substances employed as Reducing Agents. The most important of the developers are as follows : Gallic Acid, Pyrogallic Acid, and the Protosalts of Iron. GALLIC AND PYROGALLIC ACIDS. a. Gallic Acid. Gallic Acid is obtained from Gall EEDUCING AGENTS. 139 Nuts, which, are peculiar excrescences formed upon the branches and shoots of the Quercus infectoria by the puncture of a species of insect. The best kind is im- ported from Turkey, and sold in commerce as Aleppo Galls. Gall Nuts do not contain Gallic Acid ready formed, but an analogous chemical principle termed Tannic Acid, well known for its astringent properties and employment in the process of tanning raw hides. Gallic Acid is produced by the decomposition and oxi- dation of Tannic Acid^when powdered galls are exposed for a long time in a moist state to the action of the air. By boiling the mass with water and filtering whilst hot, the acid is extracted, and, being sparingly soluble in cold water, crystallizes on cooling. Gallic Acid occurs in the form of long silky needles, soluble in 100 parts of cold and 3 of boiling water ; they are also readily soluble in Alcohol, but sparingly in Ether. The aqueous solution becomes mouldy on keeping, to ob- viate which the addition of a lump of Camphor or a drop or two of Oil of Cloves is recommended. Gallic Acid is a feeble acid, scarcely reddening litmus ; it forms salts with metallic Oxides, but those of Silver and Gold are reduced by it to the metallic state. b. Pyrogallic Acid. The term pyro- prefixed to Gallic Acid implies that the new substance is obtained by the action of heat upon that body. At a temperature of about 410 Fahr., Gallic Acid is decomposed, and gives off a white vapour, which condenses in lamellar crystals ; this is Pyrogallic Acid. Pyrogallic Acid is very soluble in cold water, and in Al- cohol and Ether; the solution decomposes and becomes brown by exposure to the air. It gives an indigo-blue colour with Protosulphate of Iron, which changes to dark green if any Persulphate be present. Although termed an acid, this substance is strictly neu- tral: it does not redden litmus-paper, and forms no salts. It has an affinity for Oxygen, which is greatly augmented by the presence of an alkali : a mixture of this kind 140 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. made by adding Liquor Potassae to Pyrogallic Acid, is often employed for absorbing the Oxygen contained in atmospheric air. Commercial Pyrogallic Acid is often contaminated with empyreumatic oil, and also with a black insoluble sub- stance known as Metagallic Acid, formed when the heat is raised above the proper temperature in the process of manufacture. THE SALTS OF IRON. There are two Oxides of Iron which form Salts, viz. the Protoxide of Iron, containing an atom of Oxygen to one of metal ; and the Peroxide, with an atom and a half of Oxygen to one of metal. As half atoms, however, are not allowed in chemical language, it is usual to say that the Peroxide of Iron contains three atoms of Oxygen to two of metallic Iron. Expressed in symbols, the composition is as follows : Protoxide of Iron, Fe,O. Peroxide of Iron, Fe 2 ,O 3 . The Proto- and Persalts of Iron do not resemble each other in their physical and chemical properties. The for- mer are usually of an apple-green colour, and their aqueous solutions are almost colourless, if not highly concentrated. The latter, on the other hand, are dark, and give a yellow or even blood-red solution. The following experiment will serve to illustrate the properties of both classes of salts : Take a crystal of Pro- tosulphate of Iron, and, having reduced it to powder, pour a little Nitric Acid upon it in a test-tube. On the appli- cation of heat, abundance of fumes will be given off, and a red solution obtained. The Nitric Acid in this reac- tion imparts Oxygen, and converts the -ZVofosulphate en- tirely into a Per salt of Iron. It is this feature, viz. the tendency to absorb Oxygen, and to pass into the state of Persalts, which makes the Protosalts of Iron useful in Photography. There are two Protosalts of Iron commonly employed BEDUCING AGENTS. 141 by Photographers : the Protosulphate and the Protonitrate of Iron. a. Protosulphate of Iron. This salt, often termed Cop- peras or Green Vitriol, is an abundant substance, and is used for a variety of purposes in the arts. Commercial Sulphate of Iron, however, being prepared on a large scale, requires recrystallization to render it sufficiently pure for Photographic purposes. Pure Sulphate of Iron occurs in the form of large trans- parent, prismatic crystals, of a delicate green colour : by exposure to the air they gradually absorb Oxygen and be- come rusty on the surface. Solution of Sulphate of Iron, colourless at first, afterwards changes to a red tint, and deposits a brown powder ; this powder is a basic Persul- phate of Iron, that is, a Persulphate containing an excess of the oxide or base. By the addition of Sulphuric or Acetic Acid to the solution, the formation of a deposit is prevented, the brown powder being soluble in acid liquids. The Crystals of Sulphate of Iron include a large quan- tity of water of crystallization, a part of which they lose by exposure to dry air. By a higher temperature, the salt may be rendered perfectly anhydrous, in which state it forms a white powder. b. Protonitrate of Iron. This salt is prepared by double decomposition between Nitrate of Baryta or Lead and Protosulphate of Iron. It is an unstable substance, and crystallizes with great difficulty ; its aqueous solution is pale-green at first, but it is very prone to decomposition, even more so than the corresponding Sulphate of Iron. THE REDUCTION OF SALTS OF SILVER BY DEVELOPING AGENTS. These compounds, termed developers, have a tendency, when mixed with soluble Salts of Silver, to set Silver free either by combining with all the Elements with which the Silver was united, or at least with the Oxygen of its Salts, which being removed, the Acid has no longer an affinity 142 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. for the metal Silver, which when set free in either case, is deposited on the parts of the sensitive plate that have been touched by Light, causing them to darken or develope. Salts of Iron develope by the first method, by uniting with the Acid and Oxygen of the Silver Salt. The follow. ing equation explains the action of Nitrate of Iron : Sulphate of Iron acts in the same way, but the presence of the two Acids gives the equation a more complex ap- pearance. 3(AgO,N0 5 ) + 6(FeO,S0 3 )= 2(Fe 2 O 3 ,3SO 3 )+Fe 2 O 3 ,3NO 5 The binary Salts of Silver which contain neither Oxygen nor Acid, such as Chloride, Iodide, etc., present no obstacle to reduction from their composition; for although these Silver salts are not generally reducible by developing agents, yet Chloride of Gold, which has a precisely similar composition, is readily reducible, the decomposition by Sulphate of Iron being as follows : AuCl 3 + 6(FeO,SO 3 ) = 2(Fe 2 O 3 .3SO 3 ) + Fe 2 Cl 3 +Au. Organic developing agents, such as Gallic or Pyrogallic Acid, appear to reduce Silver to the metallic state from its Salts by the second method ; they remove Oxygen, the tie which binds the Acid and Metal together, and the two latter are thus set free from each other. The following simple diagram may assist the compre- hension of the change : Compound Atom of Pyrogallic Nitrate of Silver. Acid. The Oxygen being removed by the Pyrogallic Acid, the BEDUCING AGENTS. 143 Nitric Acid, NO 5 is set free in the liquid, together with metallic Silver, Ag, which is deposited on the latent image. The decomposition of a salt containing no Oxygen may yet be brought about by the affinity of a developer for Oxygen. If water is present, the latter furnishes the Oxygen for the developer, and the Hydrogen of the water unites with the Element previously combined with the metal, setting the latter free. The following simple diagram, in which however the number of the atoms concerned is omitted, may explain the reduction of Chloride of Gold by Pyrogallic Acid : Compound Atom of Compound Atom Pyrogallic Chloride of Gold. of Water. Acid. It is not here intended to be implied that all developed images are necessarily metallic. The above remarks are made chiefly with the view of explaining how developers act when a metallic image is obtained ; but in certain cases the reduction appears to stop short of this, resulting in the deposition of a compound intermediate between Silver and its original Salt. In the above diagram the symbol Au represents Gold, Cl Chlorine, H Hydrogen, and O Oxygen. An atom of water is decomposed, the Hydrogen combining with the Chlorine to form Hydrochloric Acid (HC1), and the Oxy- gen passing to the reducing agent as before. Hence there would be no theoretical difficulty in sup- posing a reduction of Iodide of Silver, if we associated with it an atom of water to furnish the Oxygen. We shall presently see however that pure Iodide of Silver is unaf- fected by a reducing agent, and that the compound which 144 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. blackens on the application of the Pyrogallic Acid is an Iodide with excess of Nitrate of Silver (p. 150). Presence of Free Acids, etc., in Development. Acids exercise a retarding effect upon the reduction of salts of Silver by the developing agents, and especially acids, like Nitric or Sulphuric Acid, which have strong affinities for bases. Solution of Pyrogallic Acid mixed with Nitrate of Silver produces a deposit immediately, and Salts of Iron will also separate Silver before long ; but if a little Acetic Acid be previously added, the precipitation is more gra- dual, and when both solutions are strongly acidified with Nitric Acid, it is for a time suspended. On the other hand, alkaline liquids produce an opposite effect, and favour quick reduction. Comparative Strength of reducing Agents. Sulphate of Iron acts with rapidity. Nitrate of Iron and Gallic Acid are both feeble reducing agents. Pyrogallic Acid is stronger, a smaller quantity sufficing to produce the ef- fect. Oil of Cloves, Grape Sugar, Aldehyde, Honey, etc., are capable of reducing Salts of Silver, but they act too slowly to be employed with advantage in Photography. Effect of Temperature. Reduction, of the Salts of Silver proceeds more rapidly in proportion as the temperature rises. In cold weather it will be found that the develop- ment is slower than usual, and that greater strength of the reducing agent and more free Nitrate of Silver is required to produce the effect. The action of Sulphate of Iron, however, is considered to be less affected by depression of temperature than that of Pyrogallic Acid. On the other hand, if the heat of the Atmosphere be excessive, the tendency to rapid reduction will be greatly increased, the solutions decomposing each other almost im- mediately on mixing. In this case the remedy will be to use Acetic Acid freely, or in place of it Citric Acid, which, as a retarding agent, is at least twenty times stronger than Acetic Acid. Varieties of Colour in deposited Silver. The precipitate of metallic Silver obtained by the action of reducing agents THE LATENT IMAGE. 145 upon the Nitrate, varies much in colour and in general ap- pearance. If Gallic or Pyrogallic Acid be employed, it is a black powder ; whilst the Salts of Iron, and especially the same with free Nitric Acid added, produce a sparkling precipitate, resembling what is termed frosted silver. Grape Sugar and many of the essential oils, such as Oil of Cloves, etc., separate the metal from Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver in the form of a brilliant mirror film, and are often employed in silvering glass. In remarking upon these peculiarities in the molecular condition of precipitated Silver, it should be observed that the appearance of a metal whilst in mass is no indication of its colour when in the state of fine powder. Platinum and Iron, both bright metals, and susceptible of a high polish, are dull and intensely black when in a fine sjtate of divi- sion ; Gold is of a purple or yellowish-brown ; Mercury a dirty grey. SECTION II. Tlie Formation and Development of the Latent Image. It was shown in the Second Chapter that the continued action of white light upon certain of the Salts of Silver re- sulted in the separation of elements like Chlorine and Oxy- gen and the partial reduction of the compound. We have seen in this Chapter that bodies possessing affinity for Oxygen, such as Sulphate of Iron and Pyrogallic Acid, produce a similar effect ; acting in some cases with great energy and precipitating metallic Silver in a pure state. In forming an extemporaneous theory on the production of the Photographic image by development, it would there- fore be natural to suppose that the process consisted in commencing a reducing action upon the sensitive surface by means of the luminous image of the Camera, and after- wards completing or carrying on the same by the applica- tion of the developing solution. We may remark how- ever that this hypothesis is not the one most strongly sup- ported by facts, and that it will certainly lead us astray if L 146 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. too far pressed. The idea of the luminous image in the Camera originating a chemical change, and the reducing agent carrying on that change to its completion, might lead to the inference that the two agencies were exactly similar in their mode of operation, and that the one could be substituted for the other : that when, for instance, the exposure in the Camera had been very brief, the defect would be remedied by prolonging the development. Such a notion is quite erroneous. A definite time is occupied in the formation of the invisible image, which cannot be shortened or extended beyond its proper limits with im- punity. So far from the action of the developing solution being facilitated when the plate has been left in the Camera for an unusually long time, it is often retarded thereby ; and on the other hand, unless the exposure be sufficient, it will be in vain to expect to produce a picture by strengthen- ing the reducing agent or keeping it upon the plate for a longer time. Thus we see that " the invisible image " has a real existence, and that its formation by the solar ray is a phenomenon quite distinct from any after-process of de- velopment. HYPOTHESIS ON THE NATUEE OF THE INVISIBLE IMAGE. When a sensitive film containing a Salt of Silver is ex- posed in the Camera, and receives a latent impression ca- pable of subsequent development, an inquiry arises as to the exact condition of the film-particles on which the light has acted. The most careful inspection, even with the aid of a microscope, fails to detect any difference between the exposed and non-exposed portions of the plate. Chemical solvents likewise act in the same manner both before and after the insolation, thus showing that there is no actual separation of the elements of the film, analogous to the elimination of Chlorine from Chloride of Silver by the pro- longed action of the sun's rays. The formation of the invisible image is supposed to be a molecular change, unattended with any separation of THE LATENT IMAGE. 147 elements such as occurs in the case of a visible image im- pressed by light. The following diagrams will assist me- chanically in conveying an idea of what we mean by a molecular change. Let fig. 1 represent the Iodide of Silver in its normal state, and fig. 2 the same Iodide after its impression in the Camera. The percentage composition has not been changed, for supposing one of the circles to represent Iodine and the other Silver, we have in both figures a single atom of each. The arrangement of the constituent atoms however has been modified in the second figure, where they are so placed as to touch each other only at the edges. Let it be borne in mind that this representation is purely hypothetical. We observe certain differences in the properties of the Iodide after its insolation, and sup- pose them to indicate corresponding differences in mole- cular arrangement ; but we cannot speak with certainty, since the ultimate atoms of bodies are too minute to come within the range of our observation. We now proceed to examine further the tangible differ- ences between the impressed and the non-impressed atom of Iodide of Silver. If the two be exposed for a short time over Mercury slightly warmed, the metallic vapour will condense upon the former, but not upon the latter ; and in this way the latent picture is made visible in the Daguerreotype process. So, again, if Nitrate of Silver pre- viously mixed with a reducing agent be applied to the same two atoms, it will be seen that the impressed or mo- dified Iodide hastens the decomposition of the mixture, whereas the Iodide prepared in total darkness exercises no 148 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. such effect. We have indeed learnt from the observations in the last Section that reducing agents themselves decom- pose Nitrate of Silver, and throw down the metal in a pure form. This reduction however is usually slow and gradual, and when a little free acid, such as Nitric or Acetic Acid, is added, the mixture remains perfectly clear for a period of five minutes or longer. Prepare therefore such a mixture with the proportions correctly adjusted, and drop into it two particles, one of the ordinary and the other of the impressed Iodide of Silver ; when it will be found that the first remains yellow, but that the second immediately becomes black and is incrusted with Metallic Silver. There are other instances of the surfaces of bodies un- dergoing a molecular change, not to be detected by the eye, but yet sufficient to affect the affinities of compounds brought into contact with such surfaces. An instructive illustration of this may be conducted as follows: Take a clean glass vessel, and having poured into it a strong aqueous solution of Chloride of Potassium, add a little Tartaric Acid, and stir briskly with a glass rod. In a few moments the parts of the glass touched by the rod will be marked by a line of minute crystals. In this case there is a disposition in the liquid to cr} r stallize ; but the rubbed state of the glass, where the rod has touched it, facilitates the change, and determines the point at which the crystallization shall commence. The deposit is adherent and is not removed by emptying the capsule of its contents and washing it out with alcohol : warm water, however, dissolves the crystals of Bitartrate, and the sur- face of the glass is then found intact ; the rubbed condi- tion, as we have termed it, being temporary and quite invisible. One additional illustration of molecular in contradistinc- tion to chemical change will suffice. When an engraving which has been framed and suspended for a length of time is taken down to be cleaned, it will sometimes happen that the glass, however carefully polished by rubbing, will ex- THE LATENT IMAGE. liibit the outlines of the picture when breathed on. The breath settles in certain parts and not in others, in conse- quence of variations in the surface condition. When the glass is put aside, the invisible image gradually vanishes, and the molecules return to their original state. Granting, therefore, that a ray of white light in acting on Iodide of Silver, so modifies it that it acquires the pro- perty of accelerating chemical change in the mixture known to Photographers as the developing agent, we observe in the next place, that it is not necessary to suppose that the invisible modification is permanent, or that the particles of the Iodide, once disturbed, cannot afterwards be restored to their normal state. On the contrary, there are facts which prove that the invisible image may completely dis- appear, leaving the plate in a condition to receive a second impression in the Camera. Mechanical diagrams may here be again employed ; and their use will be free from objection, if it be understood that they are meant only to assist in fixing facts upon the mind of the reader, and like a system of artificial memory, may be laid aside when this important object has been accomplished. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. In the first figure we see two ovals, slightly different in size, and turning on a common centre ; in (a) their long diameters correspond, but in (b) they cross each other, whilst in (c) they are made to coincide once more by a fur- ther action of the same force. In fig. 2 we have the more familiar illustration of waves : first an elevation, then a corresponding depression. Now in the photographic pro- cess we find that the invisible effect of the light rises gra- dually to a certain pitch of intensity, but beyond that it appears to descend as it were on the other side : hence 150 THEOEY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. the particle of Iodide of Silver first acquires tlie property of blackening the developer, but loses it again if left too long in the Camera. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INVISIBLE IMAGE. The amateur commencing the study of Photography will probably form an incorrect idea of the real nature of a developing agent. Being in the habit of applying to the surface of the wet Collodion a solution of Pyrogallic Acid or of Sulphate of Iron, he terms these compounds "the developers," and forgets that a floating layer of solution of Nitrate of Silver is also present, derived from the bath. To impress upon the mind the fact that the developer is not the simple reducing agent, but the same mixed with Nitrate of Silver, let the following experiment be made. Coat a plate with Iodized Collodion, pass it through the Nitrate Bath, and wash it carefully back and front with distilled water. Now expose for an instant to diffused daylight, and apply the Pyrogallic Acid : the plate will remain perfectly clear and transparent. The invisible im- pression however is truly present, and the insolated Io- dide is ready to play its part, but no blackening takes place, because the reducing agent has nothing to act upon. Let the Pyrogallic Acid, therefore, be poured back into a mea- sure containing a few drops of solution of Nitrate of Silver and applied a second time to the plate, when the film will begin to darken and continue to do so until it is quite opaque. The Second Stage of the Development. This consists in strengthening the image first formed, by an additional de- posit of Silver. Take a sensitive Collodion plate, and having impressed an invisible image upon it by a proper exposure in the Camera, remove it to the dark room, and pour over it solution of Pyrogallic Acid. When the pic- ture has fully appeared, stop the action by washing the plate with water. An examination of the image at this stage will show that it is perfect in the details, but pale and translucent. Now take the plate and treat it with DEVELOPMENT OF LATENT IMAGE. 151 Pyrogallic Acid to which fresh Nitrate of Silver has been added ; immediately the picture will become much blacker, and will continue to darken, even to complete opacity, if the supply of Nitrate be kept up. The same result may be obtained after the Iodide of Silver has been removed from the plate by Hyposulphite of Soda or Cyanide of Potassium ; and in such a case it is evident that the addi- tional deposit upon the image must be produced from the Nitrate of Silver and not from the Iodide of Silver. Ob- serve, also, that this additional deposit forms only upon tlie image, exhibiting no affinity for the unaltered Iodide upon the part of the plate corresponding to the shadows of the picture, but attaching itself in preference to those parts already blackened by the developer. The second stage of the development, in which a feeble image is strengthened and rendered more opaque, is a pro- cess bearing a close resemblance to the growth of a crystal in a saturated liquid, by aggregation of fresh particles ; and after the picture has reached its full density, a series of elevations may often be seen upon the plate, corresponding to the lines of the image. OBJECTIONS TO THE FOREGOING VIEWS CONSIDERED. The theory of the formation and development of the latent image given in the preceding pages was not origi- nated by the author of this work, nor can he at present specify any one individual to whom it may be ascribed. Objections have been urged against it, and other hypo- theses adopted in preference, not only in this country but also in France. It has been said, for instance, that the process of photographic printing upon Chloride of Silver involves a partial reduction of the Chloride by the action of light, and hence it is reasonable to suppose that the Iodide of Silver suffers reduction in the developing pro- cess. We must bear in mind, however, that there is a great difference in the intensity of the light to which the sensi- tive surface is subjected in the two cases mentioned, and not only so, but that the Iodide of Silver is more diffi- 152 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. cult to reduce than the Chloride. In fact, as we have already shown, the solar ray has no effect in discolouring pure Iodide of Silver, although it quickly blackens pure Chloride of Silver. If the invisible image were simply a disturbance of ultimate particles, rendering their after- separation by the reducing agent more easy, we should ex- pect to find Chloride of Silver receiving the image of the Camera with greater rapidity than Iodide of Silver. The contrary however is the case, and we are probably within the mark in stating the sensitiveness of Iodide of Silver to be ten times greater than that of Bromide and sixty times greater than that of Chloride of Silver. Another argument militating strongly against the view often expressed that the latent image consists of Iodide of Silver reduced in inappreciable quantities, or of Iodide of Silver with an increased tendency to reduction, is the fact before mentioned, that the rapidity of the develop- ment is not in proportion to the length of the exposure in the Camera. On the over-exposed sky of a landscape the Iodide will sometimes remain yellow and unchanged throughout the whole process, whilst the less exposed parts of the plate darken under the influence of the deve- loper. The opponents of the views which we have given of the purely molecular character of the disturbance in the Camera base their objections chiefly on phenomena ob- served in the practice of the dry Collodion processes. It is not unusual in such methods to obtain visible indica- tions of the picture upon the surface of the film before the developer is applied ; and even where no such indications present themselves, there yet often exists a remarkable difference between the exposed and the non-exposed parts to which as yet we have not directed the reader's atten- tion. Mr. Young, of Manchester, was the first to notice the phenomenon, and to show that if an exposed plate be immersed in solution of Hyposulphite of Soda until the yellow Iodide of Silver is dissolved, a picture will still appear on applying the usual developing mixture. The THE LATENT IMAGE. 153 effect cannot be obtained on a wet Collodion plate and only imperfectly on a plate preserved by honey, the best substance to exhibit it being Albumen. The Author has experimented with a view of accounting for a pheno- menon so remarkable as the development of an invisible image upon a plate previously cleared of its Iodide of Sil- ver, and the explanation which he would suggest is as follows : Pure Iodide of Silver is molecularly modified by the Camera image, but its properties as regards the action of Hyposulphite of Soda are unaffected thereby : upon a plate so constituted no image could be developed after fixing. The sensitive surface of the Collodion film is never however an absolutely pure Iodide of Silver, and sometimes very far from being so. It contains traces of an organic compound of Silver in the wet Collodion pro- cess, and more appreciable quantities of the same in the dry processes. Now, with a compound film of this kind, it may be supposed that whilst the Iodide of Silver under- goes its peculiar change in the Camera, the organic com- bination of Silver likewise changes, but in a different manner. Without altering in appearance it gradually loses its solubility in fixing agents, so that when the Hypo- sulphite of Soda is applied its removal is not effected. We do not however perceive any picture upon the film, because the organic combinations of Silver are transparent in thin layers, even when they contain Iodide of Silver. An Albumino-Iodide of Silver, for instance, may be pre- pared in clear and colourless lumps like the finest jelly, and it is not difficult to conceive that such a substance may remain in an invisible condition upon Mr. Young's plates even after fixing. If the above Hypothesis be correct, there exist two varieties of the invisible image: first, that upon simple Iodide of Silver, which enables it to condense Mercury or to determine chemical change in the unstable developer ; secondly, the image upon Iodide of Silver placed in con- tact with an organic compound of Silver. In the latter case the movement of the particles of the Iodide is sup- 154 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. posed to be propagated to the other body, and changes are thus originated, visible or latent, according to the dura- tion of the exposure, and the properties of the superadded substance. An organic Salt of Silver contains in itself the elements of its own reduction, and hence we are not sur- prised to find a catalytic action exerted upon it by the actinically excited Iodide of Silver. CAUSES WHICH AFFECT THE SENSITIVENESS OF IODIDE OF SILVEE. By the term sensitiveness we understand a facility of receiving an impression from a very feeble ray of light, or of receiving it quickly from a bright ray. This impression, however, need not be followed by a vigorous or intense development, in order to constitute sensitiveness. On the contrary, it often happens that the most sensitive film yields a feeble picture, and when the Iodide is so prepared as to produce an opaque picture, then it is less sensitive, and requires to be exposed in the Camera for a longer time. It has already been stated that although Iodide of Sil- ver is less affected by direct sunlight than Bromide or Chloride of Silver, yet that it is more sensitive to the re- ception of the invisible image than either of those com- pounds. Placing Iodide of Silver therefore at the head of the list, we remark that, in the state in which it is used upon Collodion, it possesses the highest degree of sensitive- ness when there is an excess of Nitrate of Silver ; and if the experiment be made of washing the plate carefully with distilled water so as to remove the free Nitrate, a longer exposure in the Camera will be required. The sen- sitiveness does not, however, increase uniformly with the amount of free Nitrate, and it has been found in the Col- lodion process that no advantage can be gained by using a solution of Nitrate of Silver stronger than that usually recommended for the Bath. Strong acids, like Nitric Acid, greatly diminish the sen- sitiveness of Iodide of Silver. Even a weak vegetable acid, such as the Acetic, has a similar though less decided effect, SENSITIVENESS. 155 and if the Collodion film be rendered very acid with Acetic Acid before its exposure in the Camera, it will be found impossible to take a picture rapidly, even after strengthening the developer to the utmost limits. It has long been remarked that the use of bodies like Albumen, Gelatine, Caseiue, etc., which combine with Ox- ides of Silver, retards the action of light upon Iodide of Silver ; and one principal reason why the Collodion film is so sensitive is believed to be that Pyroxylin e, the basis of Collodion, is a substance peculiarly indifferent to the Salts of Silver, and exhibits very little tendency to com- bine with them. The Photographer often employs Albu- men, but he does so with a view of increasing the opacity of the image, and not for the purpose of adding to the sensitiveness. Whilst discussing Mr. Young's experi- ments, we have distinguished between simple Iodide of Silver and Iodide with addition of organic compounds. The latter combination gives the more vigorous picture, but the former is superior in sensitiveness. The great sensitiveness of Iodide of Silver on Collodion may also be due in a measure to mechanical causes. The loose state of coagulation in a Collodion film and the ex- quisitely fine state of division in which the particles are deposited must be favourable to molecular and chemical change. It will be seen as we proceed that success in this process depends very much upon correctly balancing the different solutions, in order that the Iodide of Silver may be thrown down in a state favourable to penetration by the developer. Before passing to the next division of our subject, it may further be remarked, that in any Photographic process in which an invisible image is produced, the time occupied in forming that image will vary more or less with the nature of the agent by which it is to be developed. Bodies like the Protosulphate of Iron, possessing a strong affinity for Oxygen, will throw down Metallic Silver upon a sur- face of Iodide of Silver which has not undergone a suffi- ciently decided modification in the Camera to be affected 156 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. by a weaker developer like Gallic Acid. It is probable that the future of instantaneous Photography lies in- the discovery of a developer even more unstable than a mixture of Sulphate of Iron and Nitrate of Silver; for the greater the instability, the less the need of a previously disturbing force to originate motion in the particles. The controlling influence of the developer upon the sen- sitiveness of Iodide of Silver, must be borne in mind in instituting comparisons between the Daguerreotype and the Collodion process. The employment of Bromine in conjunction with Iodine increases the sensitiveness of the Daguerreotype, but we have no reason to suppose that such would be the case if the image were developed in a different manner. The vapour of Mercury condenses more readily upon the insolated J?romo-iodide than upon the simple Iodide of Silver, but another vapour might condense less readily, and experiment is the only safe guide. Whilst upon this subject, we also remark that the Iodide of Silver formed in the manner described in the Tenth Chapter on the Daguerreotype, ought not to be compared photographically with Iodide of Silver thrown down from aqueous solutions. In the case of the metal plate there is a substratum of Metallic Silver, and it is not certain that the composition of this Iodide corresponds to that precipitated in the moist way. The action of light upon it certainly differs, for whereas the humid Iodide remains unaffected in the sun's rays, the Iodide of the Daguerreo- typist gradually becomes insoluble in solution of Hypo- sulphite of Soda. ILLUSTRATIONS OP ABNORMAL DEVELOPMENT. The characteristics of the proper development of a latent image are that the action of the reducing agent should cause a blackening in the parts touched by light, but produce no effect upon those which have remained in shadow. In operating both on Collodion and paper, how- ever, we find a liability to failure in this respect ; the film ABNOEMAL DEVELOPMENT. 157 beginning, after the application of the developer, to change in colour to a greater or less extent over the whole sur- face. Let us see how the above defect, known to the Photo- grapher as " fogging," may be originated. Supposing the invisible image to be duly formed, it is yet necessary for its correct development that a proper balance should be maintained between the constituents of the developer. The reducing agent must not be too powerful, nor the quan- tity of titrate of Silver too large, otherwise, although the deposited Silver will fall principally upon the image, a por- tion of it will be thrown down upon the shadows. It will also be found that the quantity of Nitrate of Silver being correctly balanced, fogging will certainly ensue if a little of this Nitrate be changed into Oxide of Silver by the addition of an alkali, since the tendency to reduction is then so strong that it cannot be controlled. Even when the Nitrate is accurately neutral, care and avoidance of all disturbing causes will be required to prevent a deposition of Silver upon the shadows of the image ; especially when Nitrite of Silver or Acetate of Silver are present, both of which salts are more easily reduced than the Nitrate of Silver. The use of Acid is the principal resource in obviating cloudiness of the image. Acids lessen the facility of re- duction of the salts of Silver by developing agents (p. 144), and hence when they are present the metal is deposited more slowly, and only on the parts where the action of the light has so modified the particles of Iodide as to favour the decomposition : whereas if acids be absent, or present in insufficient quantity, the equilibrium of the mixture of Nitrate of Silver and reducing agent which constitutes the developer is so unstable, that any rough point or sharp edge becomes a centre from which the chemical action, once started, radiates to all parts of the plate. Observe, however, that although we employ free acids in the developer to regulate the process and prevent the chemical actions from running riot, yet if we carry the 158 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. proportion of the acid too far, or employ too strong an acid, we may originate the very defect we wish to avoid. Excess of Nitric Acid is a cause of fogging, if not as potent as excess of alkali, yet very decided. In this case the op- position to reduction is so strong, that for a long time after applying the developer to the plate no Silver is deposited : eventually spangles of metal are seen, which adhere like sparkling dust to the shadows. A more or less evident amount of fogging must be anti- cipated when the exposure in the Camera was too short. The latent image being in such a case very weak and im- perfectly formed, does not act. properly in attracting the Metallic Silver from the developer. When Nitrate of Silver and a reducing agent are present at the same time upon a film, Metallic Silver must very shortly fall upon some portion of the plate ; hence the best security against fogging is a vigorous latent image, because in that case the action is so rapid upon the exposed parts that the energy of the developer is soon spent. Those films of Iodide of Silver which are prepared with especial reference to the production of vigorous images always give clean pictures, whereas the more sensitive Iodide of Silver is very liable to fog, since the latent image, although quickly formed, is not very deep or decided. Spots upon the plate are instances of abnormal develop- ment, which may often be explained in a similar manner. In such a case the latent image upon the Iodide of Silver is not always sufficiently vigorous to exhaust with rapidity the mixture of reducing agent and Nitrate of Silver which constitutes the developer. Each spot exhibits, it is true, a central nucleus of extraneous matter, but this does not invalidate the argument. Such microscopic nuclei are always present upon the sensitive film to a greater or less extent, but if the invisible image be well formed, they are not so liable to increase in size during development. Full occupation must, so to speak, be provided for the developer, otherwise it will search out these minute particles, and surround them with deposited Silver. Filtering of solu- EESEABCHES OF MOSEE. 159 tions and avoidance of dust are useful remedies for spots, but so likewisejs attention to the state of the sensitive film as regards vigorous and intense development. If however the energy of development be too great, the spots may recur ; just as fogging of the film is sometimes due to defi- ciency of acid, and sometimes to excess of acid. EESEAECHES OF M. MOSEE AND OTHEES ON INVISIBLE IMAGES. The papers of M. Ludwig Moser ' On the Formation and De- velopment of Invisible Images,' published in 1842, explain so clearly many remarkable phenomena of occasional occurrence in the Photographic processes, that no apology need be offered for referring to them. His first proposition may be stated thus : " If a polished sur- face has been touched in particular parts by any body, it acquires the property of precipitating certain vapours on these spots dif- ferently to what it does on the other untouched parts." To illus- trate this, take a thin plate of metal, having characters excised ; warm it gently, and lay it upon the surface of a clean mirror glass for a few minutes : then remove, allow to cool, and breathe upon the glass, when the outlines of the device will be distinctly seen. A plate of polished Silver may be substituted for the glass, and in place of developing the image by the breath, it may be brought out by Mercurial vapour. The second proposition of M. Moser was as follows : " LigJit acts on bodies, and its influence may be tested by vapours that adhere to the substance." A plate of mirror glass is exposed in the Camera to a bright and intense light ; it is then removed and breathed upon, when an image before invisible will be developed, the breath settling most strongly upon the parts where the light has acted. A plate of polished Silver may be used as before in- stead of glass, the vapour of Mercury or of water being employed to develope the image. A Silver plate exposed to the vapour of Iodine until Iodide of Silver has formed upon its surface, is still more sensitive to the influence of light, and receives a very perfect impression under the subsequent action of the Mercury. The above and other experiments of M. Moser have a practical significance, for it has since been found that the same condition 160 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of surface which causes a vapour to settle in a peculiar manner may also affect the behaviour of the Iodide of Silver when treated with a mixture of Nitrate of Silver and a reducing agent. Thus, if a clean glass plate be touched in certain spots by the warm finger, the impression soon disappears, but is again seen on breathing upon the glass ; and if this same plate be coated with a very deli- cate layer of Iodized Collodion and passed through the Nitrate bath, the solution of Pyrogallic Acid will often produce a well- defined outline of the figure even before the plate has been ex- posed in the Camera. This experiment is an instructive one, and shows the necessity of cleaning the plates used in Photography with care. If there be any irregularity in the manner in which the breath settles upon the glass when it is breathed on, a con- dition of surface exists at that point which will probably so modify the layer of Iodide of Silver, that the action of the deve- loping fluid will be in some way interfered with. Glass plates with Collodion pictures on them should be cleaned very carefully before being again used, or the old impression will re-appear during development. Plates packed in sheets of news- paper often show the letters in the same way when the Pyrogallic Acid is applied : traces of organic matter in all probability are present on the surface of the glass, and it is only by long soaking in chemical solutions that these invisible images can be destroyed. It may in every case be assumed that the existence of the invi- sible image can be detected by breathing, and that a glass which does not affect the breath is photographically clean. M. Moser in the same series of papers calls attention to the peculiar phenomena resulting from over-action of light. "If light," he says, " acts on Iodide of Silver, it imparts to it the power of condensing mercurial vapours, but if it acts beyond a certain time, it then diminishes this power, and at length takes it away altogether." This observation, like the last, is a practical one, for in all photographic processes we have to contend against the phenomenon known as solarization. Over-exposure in the Ca- mera will invariably weaken the action of the developer more or less, but nevertheless the tendency to solarize may be overcome in a measure by associating other substances with the Iodide of Silver, so as to impart greater stability to the invisible image. Bromide of Silver appears to exercise such an effect, as also does an acid condition of the film. The presence of organic THE LATENT IMAGE. 161 Salts of Silver in the film Hkewise influences the amount of solarization. Observations by Norris and others. When a sensitive Collodion plate is washed in water before its exposure in the Camera, a mixture of Pyrogallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver is required to develope it. The mixture is usually made before the developer is applied to the film, and this is of more importance than would appear. If the Pyrogallic Acid solution be used alone without any Nitrate of Silver, it will frequently obliterate the latent im- pression, so that a second picture may be taken upon the same plate. Such however is not invariably the case ; if a mere trace of Nitrate of Silver remain in the pores of the Collodion, there will be development instead of obliteration. A washed Collodion film may have its free Nitrate of Silver restored to it by dipping in the Bath after exposure, but it will, as a rule, develope with un- usual energy after such treatment, and the picture will be taken by a shorter .exposure than if the plate were simply flooded with a mixture of Pyrogallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver. Dilute acids gradually obliterate the latent image on washed Colloclio-iodide of Silver. When an exposed plate is left for a time over the vapour of Acetic Acid, the impression gradually disappears and the film returns to a sensitive condition. On re- peating this experiment, the author finds that the second latent image requires a longer exposure in the Camera, and developes in a somewhat different manner from the first. Dry Iodide of Silver on Collodion, gradually loses its power of receiving the latent image, when placed in contact with certain other bodies. Thus the extreme edges of dry plates, where they touch the grooves of the carrying-box, often remain transparent on developing, and exhibit no indications of an impression. Traces of organic matter have a similar effect on the Iodide in the wet process, as may be proved by allowing a drop of saliva to fall on a glass plate, and then carefully removing it with a silk handkerchief. On Collodionizing the glass and passing it through the Nitrate Bath, there will be a transparent mark of defective development on that particular part, showing that the Iodide had not undergone the usual change in the Camera. Grove's Electrical Images. Mr. Grove has succeeded in pro- ducing latent images by electricity. In the experiments described, a plate of glass was electrized in certain parts, and then breathed 162 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. on or exposed to the fumes of Hydrofluoric Acid ; in either case the vapour settled exclusively upon the wow-electrical part of the glass. When the glass was first electrized, and afterwards coated with Iodide of Silver and exposed to light, Pyrogallic Acid pro- duced no reduction. Experiments of Busk and others. Mr. Busk has stated in a paper to the Blackheath Photographic Society, that ordinary writing-paper sensitized with Nitrate of Silver undergoes an invi- sible change when placed in contact with certain surfaces ; and that in consequence of this change the paper loses its property of being darkened by exposure to light. To exhibit the phenomenon in perfection he recommends that the Nitrate Bath should be rather strongly acidified with Tartaric or Acetic Acid. A few hours' contact with an engraving will then produce the effect, and those portions of the sensitive paper which have been touched by the blacks of the engraving will remain white in the solar ray, whilst the other untouched parts will darken in the usual manner. Mr. Malone observes with reference to the above, that much depends upon the composition of the colouring-ink of the engra- ving, and that one kind of ink will suspend the reducing process in a sensitive paper, whilst another will fail in doing so. His mode of procedure is as follows : The paper is rendered sensitive upon a neutral Nitrate Bath, and is then placed between the leaves of a book. Spontaneous darkening gradually ensues, but the parts opposite to the black letters remain white, in conse- quence of some unexplained influence exerted by the ink. Invisible Images produced by the Agency of Ozone. M. The- nard has shown that ordinary paper exposed to a current of ozonized Oxygen, experiences a change not visible to the eye, but becoming so when the paper is laid in contact with a sensitive sheet containing Chloride and Nitrate of Silver : blackening of the Nitrate takes place opposite to the ozonized surface. When the ozonized paper is enclosed in a damp tube, a peculiar odour is gradually developed, due in all probability to an oxidation of the organic matter into a body resembling Aldehyde or Formic Acid in its property of reducing Nitrate of Silver to the metallic state. These experiments of M. Thenard were undertaken in consequence of the publication of a series of observations by M. Niepce de St. Victor, attributing similar effects to the agency of THE DEVELOPED IMAGE. 163 latent light. The ingenuity of M. Niepce is praiseworthy, but the opinion entertained at the present time appears to be that the phenomena he has described are susceptible of a simpler explana- tion than that involved in the supposition of stored-up light. CHEMICAL NATURE OF DEVELOPED IMAGES. Photographic pictures obtained by developing an invisible image with a reducing agent, contain usually a far larger quan- tity of metallic Silver than those produced by the long-continued action of light alone. Hence they are less easily injured by de- structive agents, such as Cyanide of Potassium, Oxidizers, etc. The plan which has been adopted to ascertain the actual quan- tity of Silver present in an image, is first to convert the deposit into Chloride of Silver, and afterwards into Sulphide of Silver, by immersion in a solution of a soluble Sulphide. The more opaque the image appears after this treatment, the greater the quantity of real Silver. Developed images vary, however, materially in their nature and properties, according to the circumstances under which they were produced. Photographic prints, for instance, taken on Chloride of Silver, by development after a moderate amount of exposure, resemble very closely images obtained by the direct action of light alone, whilst images like Collodion Positives are essentially dif- ferent, and do not react in the same manner with tests. The former, indeed, may be compared to images formed by direct sun -light upon Chloride of Silver combined with organic matter ; but the latter to images upon pure Chloride of Silver, which, as before shown, consist, after fixing, of metallic Silver only. The following conditions may be mentioned as affecting the character of the developed image. a. The Surface used to sustain tTie Sensitive Layer. Albumen and Gelatine are favourable to the production of a brown and opaque image, which will bear magnifying without showing sepa- rate particles. Cyanide of Potassium and Oxidizing agents dis- solve this image, and it will not amalgamate with Mercury. It is probably not Metallic, but partly organic in its nature. Collodion, on the contrary, often gives a grey and slaty image, the ultimate particles of which are seen on magnifying. It amalgamates with hot Mercury, but is little affected by fixing agents and oxidizers. This image is nearly or quite metallic. 164 THEOET OF PHOTOGEAPHT. Certain organic matters may be dissolved in the Collodion, and the result will be to produce an image intermediate in properties between the two last described. Glycyrrhizine and Grape Sugar may be mentioned in illustration. b. The Nature of the Sensitive Salt. Bromide of Silver added to the Iodide in an Albumen or a Gelatine process, produces an image with increased opacity, and one which from the action of tests we conclude to be more organic in its nature. Bromide of Silver in Collodion, however, diminishes the intensity, and renders the image grey and metallic. In Collodion containing certain kinds of organic matter purposely added, Bromide behaves in the same manner as in Albumen, increasing the opacity of the developed image. In the case of Chloride of Silver employed to receive a latent image, and supported by a surface of Gelatine or Albumen, the impression is usually slightly visible before development ; and when such is the case the resulting picture will be organic in its nature, and behave with tests more in the manner of an ordinary Photographic paper darkened by light. c. The Developing Agent employed. This subject has already been noticed. Organic developers, Gallic and Pyrogallic Acids, tend to produce images of the opaque kind ; but the inorganic protosalts of Iron, grey and metallic images. Acetate of Iron resembles Pyrogallic Acid in its action more than it resembles the Sulphate of Iron. The addition of a strong acid like Nitric Acid to the developer, produces a deposit, the particles of which are large and crystal- line, with small opacity by transmitted light ; but an alkaline condition of the solutions is favourable to a brown deposit, with the particles in a state of fine division. d. The stage of the Development. The red image first formed on the application of the developer to a gelatinized or albuminized surface of Iodide of Silver is less metallic, and more easily injured by destructive tests, than the black image, which is the result of prolonging the action. Developed Photographic prints, when of a bright red colour after fixing, correspond in properties to those obtained by the direct action of light on paper prepared with Chloride of Silver, and less closely to Collodion, or even to fully developed Talbotype Negatives. e. The intensity of the light by which the Invisible Image was THE DEVELOPED IMAGE. 165 formed. A very strong light acting for a short time, is followed by the development of the red image, the particles of which are finely divided, and easily acted on by solvents and oxidizing agents. A dull light, on the other hand, acting for a longer time, is succeeded by an image of the metallic variety, which amalga- mates with Mercury. The two varieties of deposit may often be seen on the same picture, the former in the high lights, as the sky, the latter in the deep shadows where the chemical rays are feeble. 166 CHAPTER IV. ON FIXING THE PHOTOGEAPHIC IMAGE. A SENSITIVE layer of Chloride or Iodide of Silver on which an image may be formed, either with or without the aid of a developing agent, must pass through further treat- ment in order to render it indestructible by diffused light- The image itself is sufficiently permanent, and cannot be said, in correct language, to need fixing ; but the un- changed Silver Salt which surrounds it, being still sensi- tive to light, tends to be decomposed in its turn, and by darkening, to obliterate the picture. In order that any body may be employed with success as a fixing agent, it is required not only that it should dis- solve unchanged Chloride or Iodide of Silver, but that it should produce no injurious effect upon the image. A solvent action upon the image is most liable to happen when the agency of light alone, without a developer, has been employed : in that case the darkened surface, not being reduced perfectly to the metallic state, remains solu- ble to a certain extent in the fixing liquid. AMMONIA AND OTHER FIXING AGENTS. Ammonia. Ammonia dissolves Chloride of Silver rea- dily, but not Iodide of Silver : hence its use is necessarily confined to the direct sun proofs upon paper. Even these however cannot advantageously be fixed in Ammonia un- less a deposit of Gold has been previously produced upon the surface by a process of "toning," presently to be ex- FIXING AGENTS. 167 plained : an unpleasant red tint is always caused by Am- monia acting upon the darkened material of a sun picture as it comes from the printing-frame. The principal objections to the use of Ammonia as a fixing agent are its pungent odour, and also the fact that it is scarcely strong enough in its affinities to dissolve the Oxide of Silver when associated with Albumen and simi- lar bodies. Chloride and Iodide as Fixing Agents. The Chlorides of Potassium, Ammonium, and Sodium possess the pro- perty of dissolving a small portion of Chloride of Silver. In the act of solution a double salt is formed, a compound of Chloride of Sodium with Chloride of Silver, which may be crystallized out by allowing the liquid to evaporate spontaneously. The earlier Photographers employed a saturated solution of common Salt for fixing paper prints ; but the fixing action of the Alkaline Chloride is very slow and imperfect. The Iodide of Potassium has been used as a fixing agent for Iodide of Silver. It dissolves it by forming a double salt in the manner before described. It is important to remark in the solution of the insoluble Silver Salts by Alkaline Chlorides, Iodides, etc., that the amount dissolved is not in proportion to the quantity of the solvent, but to the degree of concentration of its aqueous solution. The reason is that the double salt formed is de- composed by a large quantity of water. Hence it is only a saturated solution of Chloride of Sodium which possesses any considerable power of fixing ; and with the Iodide of Potassium the same rule holds good, the stronger the solu- tion the more Iodide of Silver will be taken up by a given weight. The addition of water produces milkiness and a deposit of the Silver Salt previously dissolved. HYPOSULPHITE OF SODA AS A FIXING AGENT. Hyposulphurous Acid, S 2 O 2 , is one of the Oxides of Sulphur. It is, as its name implies, of an, acid nature, and 168 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the proportion of its oxygen places it upon the list imme- diately below Sulphurous Acid (" upo," under). The Hyposulphite of Soda employed by Photographers is a neutral combination of Hyposulphurous Acid and the alkali Soda : it is selected as being more economical in pre- paration than other Hyposulphites adapted for fixing. It occurs in the form of large translucent groups of crystals, which include five atoms of water. These crystals are so- luble in water almost to any extent, the solution being at- tended with the production of cold ; they have a nauseous and bitter taste. Hyposulphite of Soda is now made on an extensive scale, and sold at a low price. It is usually sufficiently pure in the state in which it comes from the manufacturers. In the solution of Silver compounds by Hyposulphite of Soda a double decomposition always takes place ; thus : Hyposulphite of Soda -f- Chloride of Silver = Hyposulphite of Silver -f Chloride of Sodium. The Hyposulphite of Silver combines with an excess of Hyposulphite of Soda, and forms a soluble double salt, which may be crystallized out by evaporating the solution. This compound possesses an intensely sweet taste, and con- tains one atom of Hyposulphite of Silver, with two of Hyposulphite of Soda. (AgO, S 2 O 2 +2NaO, S 2 O 2 + 2HO.) In addition to this there is a second double Salt, differing from the first in being very sparingly soluble in water : it contains single atoms of each constituent, and may be re- presented by the formula AgO, S 2 O 2 + NaO, S 2 O 2 + H O. The quantity of Chloride of Silver which Hyposulphite of Soda will easily dissolve may be stated roughly as about one-third of its weight. If the proportion of Chloride be in- creased to more than one-half of the Hyposulphite, there will usually be an abundant deposition of minute sparkling crystals, since the second, or sparingly soluble double salt of Hyposulphite of Silver and Soda will then be formed. When Hyposulphite of Soda is employed as a fixing agent it is a safe precaution to convert any Nitrate of FIXING AGENTS. 169 Silver which may be present into Chloride of Silver, other- wise there will be a danger of the solution becoming dis- coloured from a decomposition into Sulphide of Silver. This change will be explained more particularly in the Section on the fixing of paper proofs, in Chapter VIII. Iodide of Silver is dissolved by Hyposulphite of Soda more slowly than Chloride of Silver, and the amount even- tually taken up is far less one part by weight of Iodide of Silver requiring about twenty-four parts by weight of Hyposulphite of Soda in a cold solution ; but if the solu- tion be heated, a much larger quantity of Iodide of Silver is dissolved. CYANIDE OF POTASSIUM AS A FIXING AGENT. For the chemistry of Cyanogen see the Vocabulary. The Cyanide of Potassium is the salt most frequently employed in fixing, but Cyanide of Sodium will answer the purpose equally well. Cyanide of Potassium, the com- mercial manufacture of which is described in the Vocabu- lary, occurs in the form of fused lumps of considerable size. In this state it is usually contaminated with a large percentage of Carbonate of Potash, amounting in some cases to more than half its weight. By boiling in proof Spirit the Cyanide may be extracted and crystallized, but this operation is scarcely required as far as its use in Pho- tography is concerned. Cyanide of Potassium absorbs moisture on exposure to the air. It is very soluble in water, but the solution de- composes on keeping ; changing in colour and evolving the odour of Prussia Acid, which is a Cyanide of Hydrogen. Cyanide of Potassium is highly poisonous, and must be used with caution. Solution oi Cyanide of Potassium^s a most energetic agent in dissolving the insoluble Silver Salts ; far more so than the Hyposulphite of Soda. The Salts are in all cases converted into Cyanide, and exist in the solution in the form of a soluble double Salt, which, unlike the double Sulphocyanide, is not decomposed by dilution with water. 170 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. Cyanide of Potassium is not adapted for fixing Positive proofs upon Chloride of Silver; and even when a deve- loper has been used, unless the solution of the Cyanide is. tolerably dilute, it is apt to attack the image, converting it superficially into Cyanide of Silver, and then dissolving it in the form of a double Cyanide of Potassium and Silver. The solvent powers of Cyanide of Potassium on Metallic Silver are much increased by the addition of a little Iodine to its aqueous solution ; a colourless liquid is formed, which has been termed " lodo-cyanide of Potassium." SULPHOCYANIDES AS FIXING AGENTS. Sulphocyanides of Potassium and Ammonium have been lately proposed as fixing agents ; they resemble the alkaline chlorides used for this purpose, inasmuch as their solvent power depends on the degree of concentration of the solution, but they greatly exceed the latter salts in their power of dissolving the insoluble Salts of Silver, when strong solu- tions are used. Though inferior to Hyposulphites in this varying degree of solvent power, they have the advantage of imparting no Sulphur to the print, and they preserve the tones clear and free from mealiness. For chemical composition, etc., see the Vocabulary. OBSEEVATIONS ON THE EELATIVE AFFINITIES OF CHLOEINE, IODINE, AND HYPOSULPHUEOUS ACID FOE SILVEE. Hyposulphurous Acid is usually viewed as a body possessing extraordinary affinities for Silver, inasmuch as a solution of Hyposulphite of Soda decomposes both Iodide and Chloride of Silver. It may be shown, however, on the other hand, that a solution of a Chloride or an Iodide will decompose Hyposulphite of Silver under some circumstances ; and hence the relative affi- nities are less evident than may appear. The use of these fixing agents, indeed, depends upon their being present in large excess over the Salt of Silver to be dissolved, in order that a true double salt may be formed. When two different fixing agents are em- FIXING AGENTS. 171 ployed in a state of mixture, that particular one may prevail which is present in largest quantity, even although its affinities for Silver are weaker than those of the other. Thus although Chloride of Silver dissolves easily in solution of Hyposulphite of Soda, we find that Hyposulphite of Silver is decomposed and converted into Chloride of Silver when treated with a saturated solution of Chloride of Sodium. And the same remark applies to Iodide of Silver ; it is decomposed by a large excess of Hyposulphite of Soda, but not by a small excess. The addition of Iodide of Potassium to a fixing bath of Hyposul- phite nearly saturated with Silver Salt, will precipitate a portion of the Silver in the form of the yellow Iodide of Silver. Hyposulphite of Soda will not dissolve more Chloride of Silver than is required to form the compound represented by the for- mula AgO,S 2 Oo4-NaO,S 2 O 2 , or one equivalent of Chloride of Silver requires two equivalents of Hyposulphite at least for its solution, while one equivalent of Iodide of Silver requires about forty -six equivalents of Hyposulphite at ordinary temperatures ; but if the solution be warm, a much larger amount of Iodide of Silver can be dissolved, which, however, separates again on cooling. 172 CHAPTER V. ON THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF LIGHT. THE present Chapter is devoted to a discussion of the more remarkable properties of Light ; the object being to select certain prominent points, and to state them as clearly as possible, referring, for information of a more complete kind, to acknowledged works on the subject of Optics. The Chapter will be divided into four Sections : first, the compound nature of Light, with the Laws of refraction of Light ; second, Lenses and the Camera ; third, Actinism; fourth, Binocular Vision and the Stereoscope. SECTION I. The Compound Nature of Light. The ideas entertained on the subject of Light, before the time of Sir Isaac Newton, were vague and unsatisfactor}^ It was shown by that eminent philosopher, that a ray of sunlight was not homogeneous, as had been supposed, but consisted of several rays of vivid colours, united and inter- mingled. This fact may be demonstrated by throwing a pencil of Sunlight obliquely upon one side of a prism, and receiving the oblong image so formed, upon a white screen. The space illuminated and coloured by a pencil of rays analysed in this way is called "the Solar Spectrum." The action of a prism in decomposing white light will be more THE SOLAE SPECTEUM. 173 fully explained at page 198. At present we notice only that seven principal colours may be distinguished in the Solar Spectrum, viz. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Violet. indigo, and violet. Sir David Brewster has made observa- tions which lead him to suppose that the primary colours are in reality but three in number, viz. red, yellow, and blue, and that the others are compound, being produced by two or more of these overlapping each other ; thus the red and yellow spaces intermingled constitute orange; the yellow and blue spaces, green. The composition of white light from the seven prismatic colours may be roughly proved by painting them on the face of a wheel, and causing it to rotate rapidly : this blends them together, and a sort of greyish-white is the result. The white is imperfect, because the colours em- ployed cannot possibly be obtained of the proper tints or laid on in the exact proportions. The decomposition of light is effected in other ways be- sides that already given : First, by reflection from the surfaces bf coloured bodies. All substances throw off rays of light which impinge upon the retina of the eye and produce the phenomena of vision. Colour is caused by a portion only, and not the whole, of the elementary rays, being projected in this way. Sur- faces termed white reflect all the rays ; coloured surfaces absorb some and reflect others : thus red substances reflect only red rays, yellow substances, yellow rays, etc., the ray 174 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. which is reflected in all cases deciding the colour of the substance. Secondly, light may be decomposed by transmission through media which are transparent to certain rays, but opaque to others. Ordinary transparent glass allows all the rays constitu- ting white light to pass ; but by the addition of certain metallic oxides to it whilst in a state of fusion, its proper- ties are modified, and it becomes coloured. Glass stained by Oxide of Cobalt is permeable only to blue rays. Oxide of Silver imparts a pure yellow tint ; Oxide of Gold or Suboxide of Copper a ruby red, etc. PEOPERTIES OF LIGHT. The agency of Light produces a variety of distinct effects upon the bodies which surround us. These may be classed together as the properties of light. They are of three kinds the phenomena of colour and vision, of heat, and of chemical action. By resolving white light into its constituent rays, we find that each of these properties is associated more par- ticularly with certain of the elementary colours. The yellow is decidedly the most luminous ray. On ex- amining the Solar Spectrum, it is seen that the brightest part is that occupied by the yellow, and that the light di- minishes rapidly on each side. So, again, rooms glazed with yellow glass always appear abundantly illuminated, whilst the effect of red or blue glass is dark and sombre. The yellow colour therefore constitutes that portion of white light by which surrounding objects are rendered visible ; it is essentially the visual ray. The heating properties of the sunlight reside principally in the red ray, as is shown by the expansion of a mercu- rial thermometer placed in that part of the spectrum. The chemical action of light corresponds more to the indigo and violet rays, and is wanting, as regards its in- fluence upon Iodide of Silver, both in the red and yellow. Strictly speaking, however, it cannot be localized in either REFRACTION OF LIGHT. 175 of the coloured spaces, as will be more fully shown in the third Section of this Chapter, to which the reader is re- ferred. REFRACTION OF LIGHT, AND LENSES. A ray of light, in its passage through any transparent medium, travels in a straight line as long as the density of the medium continues unchanged. But if the density varies, becoming either greater or less, then the ray is re- fracted, or bent out of the course which it originally pur- sued. The degree to which the refraction or bending takes place depends upon the nature of the new medium, and in particular upon its density as compared with that of the medium which the ray had previously traversed. Hence Water refracts light more powerfully than Air, and Glass more so than Water. The following diagram illustrates the refraction of a ray of light: The dotted line is drawn perpendicularly to the surface, and it is seen that the ray of light on entering is bent towards this line. On emerging, on the other hand, it is bent to an equal extent, away from the perpendicular, so that it proceeds in a course parallel to, but not coincident with its original direction. If we suppose the new me- dium, in place of being more dense than the old, to be less dense, then the conditions are exactly reversed,-M:he ray is bent away from the perpendicular on entering, and towards it on leaving. 176 THEOSY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. It must be observed that tlie laws of refraction apply only to rays of light which fall npon the medium at an angle : if they enter perpendicularly in the direction ot the dotted lines in the last figure they pass straight through without suffering refraction. Notice also, that it is at the surface of bodies that the deflecting power acts. The ray is bent on entering, and bent again on leaving ; but whilst within the medium it continues in a straight line. Hence it is evident that by variously modifying the surfaces of refractive media the rays of light may be diverted almost at pleasure. This will be rendered clear by a few simple diagrams. In the figures given below, the dotted lines represent perpendiculars to the surface at the point where the ray Fig. 1. Fig. 2. A falls, and it is seen that the usual law of bending towards the perpendicular on entering, and away from it on leaving the dense medium, is in each case correctly observed. LENSES. 177 Fig. 2, in the last page, termed a prism, bends the ray permanently to one side ; fig. 3, consisting of two prisms placed base to base, causes rays before parallel to meet in a point ; and conversely, fig. 4, having prisms placed edge to edge, diverts them further asunder. The various forms of Lenses. The phenomena of the refraction of light are seen in the case of curved surfaces in the same manner as with those which are plane. Glasses ground of a curvilinear form are termed Lenses. The following are examples. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 1 is a biconvex lens ; fig. 2, a biconcave lens ; and fig. 3, a meniscus lens. As far as regards their refractive powers, such figures may be represented, nearly, by others bounded by straight lines, and thus it becomes evident that a biconvex lens tends to condense rays of light to a point, and a biconcave to scatter them. A meniscus combines both actions, but the rays are eventually bent together, the convex curve of a meniscus lens being always greater than the concave. The Foci of Lenses. It has been shown that convex lenses tend to condense rays of light and bring them to- gether to a point. This point is termed "the focus" of the Lens. The following laws as regards the focus may be laid down : That rays of light which are pursuing a parallel course at the time they enter the Lens are brought to a N 178 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. focus at a point nearer to the Lens than diverging rays. The rays proceeding from very distant objects are parallel ; those from objects near at hand diverge. The sun's rays are always parallel, arid the divergence of the others be- comes greater as the distance from the Lens is less. The focus of a Lens for parallel rays is termed the "prin- cipal focus," and is not subject to variation ; this is the point referred to when the focal length of a Lens is spoken of. When the rays are not parallel, but diverge from a point, that point is associated with the focus, and the two are termed " conjugate foci." In the above diagram A is the principal focus, and B and C are conjugate foci. Any object placed at B has its focus at C, and conversely when placed at C it is in focus atB. Therefore, although the principal focus of a Lens (as de- termined by the degree of its convexity) is always the same, yet the focus for objects near at hand varies, being longer as they are brought closer to the Lens. Formation of a Luminous Image by a Lens. As the rays of light proceeding from a point are brought to a focus by means of a Lens, so are they when they proceed from an object, and in that case an image of the object is the result. In Order that the course pursued by pencils of rays pro- ceeding from an object may be easily traced, the lines from the barb of the arrow in the figure in the next page are dotted. Observe that the object is necessarily inverted, and also that those rays which traverse the central point of the Lens, or the centre of the axis, as it is termed, are not bent away, but pursue a course either coincident with, LENSES. 179 or parallel to the original, as in the case of refracting medh with parallel surfaces. Enlarged and reduced Images. When an object is placed at some distance in front of a Lens an image is formed, smaller than the object; but if the object be ad- vanced nearer to the Lens the image increases in size until it becomes, first equal to, and then larger than the original, the focus at the same time receding to a greater distance from the Lens. Thus if a photographic portrait be approximated to a Lens, an image of the life size may be thrown upon a screen, just as the rays proceeding from the living model were in the first instance employed to form the portrait. The two planes, in fact, of the object and of the image are strictly conjugate foci (p. 178), and it is immaterial from which of the two, anterior or posterior, the rays of light proceed. Amplifying instruments, like Woodward's Patent Solar Camera, are constructed upon the above principle, and are found useful in enlarging photographs to three or four times their original diameter. A loss of definition always results in this process, which may conveniently be remedied by the pencil of the artist. Lenses of long and short focus. A Lens of short focus placed at a given distance from an object forms a small image, the rays being strongly refracted. If the Lens be brought nearer to the object, the image becomes larger, as 180 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. above shown ; but at a certain point the approximation must be stopped, or the Lens will be strained, as the opti- cians term it, and distortion will result. Therefore Lenses are purposely constructed of a longer focus when a large image is required. Long-focus lenses for taking large pictures have usually a considerable diameter, but it will be understood that the size of a Lens has nothing whatever to do with the size of the image. The focal length of the Lens, at a given distance, determines the size of the image ; nevertheless, since the luminous rays are diffused over a large space when the fo- cus is long, the optician is compelled in such a case to in- crease the aperture of the glass in order to transmit more light. The focal length of a single actinic combination is usually found, by focussing a distant object, and then measuring the distance from the back of the lens to the refracted image on the screen. This distance represents the focal length of the lens. It is not strictly accurate, but near enough for all practical purposes. The focal length of a double or triple combination of lenses cannot be thus esti- mated, because the point from which it is measured is si- tuated somewhere in front of the back combination; hence a more complicated process of measurement must be adopt- ed to determine what is called in this case the " equivalent focus," or the distance from the screen, at which a single lens must be placed in order to give the same-sized image. (See Appendix.) SECTION IL The Photographic Camera. The Photographic Camera, in its essential nature, is an extremely simple instrument. It consists merely of a dark chamber, having an aperture in front in which a Lens is inserted. The accompanying figure shows the simplest form of Camera. : THE CAMERA. 181 The body is represented as consisting of two sliding por- tions; but the same object of lengthening or shortening the focal distance may be attained by making the Lens it- self movable. A luminous image of any object placed in front of the Camera is formed by means of the Lens, and received upon a surface of ground glass at the back part of the instrument. When the Camera is required for use, the object isfocussed upon the ground glass, which is then re- moved, and a slide containing the sensitive layer inserted in its place. The luminous image, as formed upon the ground glass, is termed the " Field" of the Camera; it is spoken of as being flat or curved, sharp or indistinct, etc. These and other peculiarities depending upon the construction of the Lens will now be explained. Chromatic Aberration: Visual and Actinic Focus. The outside of a biconvex lens resembles the sharp edge of a prism, and necessarily produces decomposition in the white light which passes through it. The luminous image of an uncorrected Lens, is in consequence bounded by co- loured fringes. The action of a prism in separating white light into its constituent rays may be simply explained. The indigo and violet rays are more bent away than the yellow and red, and consequently they are separated from them, and occupy a higher position in the Spectrum. (See the dia- gram at p. 173.) A little reflection will show that in con- sequence of this unequal refrangibility of the coloured rays, white light must invariably be decomposed on enter- ing any dense medium obliquely. This is indeed the case ; 182 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. but if the surfaces of the medium are parallel to each other the effect is not seen, because the rays recombine on their emergence, being bent to the same extent in the opposite direction. Hence light is transmitted colourless through an ordinary pane of glass, but yields the tints of the Spec- trum in its passage through a prism or a lens, where the two surfaces are inclined to each other at an acute angle. The same causes which produce chromatic aberration in a Lens, tend also to separate the chemical from the visual focus. The violet and indigo rays are more strongly bent in than the yellow, and still more than the red ; conse- quently the focus for each of those colours is at a different point. The above diagram shows this. V represents the focus of the violet ray, Y of the yellow, and E of the red. Hence, as the chemical action corre- sponds more to the violet, the most marked actinic effect would be produced nearly at V. The luminous portion of the spectrum however is the yellow, consequently the visual focus is at Y. Photographers have long recognized this point; and therefore, with ordinary Lenses, not corrected for actin- ism, rules are laid down as to the exact distance which the sensitive plate should be shifted away from the visual focus in order to obtain the greatest amount of distinctness of outline in the image impressed by chemical action. Actinic aberration is corrected by combining two lenses cut from varieties of glass which differ in their power of separating the coloured rays. These are generally the dense flint-glass containing Oxide of Lead, and the light crown-glass. Of the two lenses, the one is biconvex, and the other biconcave; so that when fitted together they SPHEBICAL ABERRATION. 183 produce a compound Actinic lens of a meniscus form, as shown in the diagram. The first Lens in this figure is the flint- and the second the crown-glass. Of the two the biconvex is the most powerful, so as to overcome the other, and produce a total of refraction to the required extent. Each of the Lenses is made from glass of different dispersive power to that of its coadjutor ; and the effect of passing the rays through both, is, by overlapping the coloured spaces, to unite the complementary tints, and to re-form white light. Spherical or Axial Aberration. Spherical aberration is the property possessed by Lenses which are segments of spheres, of refracting rays of light unequally at different parts of their surfaces. The following diagram shows this in an exaggerated degree : Observe that the dotted lines which fall upon the cir- cumference of the Lens are brought to a focus at a point nearer to the Lens than those passing through the centre ; in other words, the outside of the Lens refracts light more powerfully. This causes a degree of confusion and indis- tinctness in the image, from various rays crossing, and interfering with each other. In correcting for spherical aberration, the first point to be attended to, is the curve of the Lens itself. A. bicon- 184 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. vex Lens, as shown in the above diagram, is the worst form. The Meniscus Lens (p. 177) is preferable, and is usually employed. But a Lens of the shape given above, one surface of which is a section of an ellipse, and the other of a circle struck from the furthest of the two foci of that ellipse, is the most perfect, and produces no aberration in the case of rays parallel with the axis. The difficulty of grinding such a Lens, however, is very great. But spherical aberration, even in a Lens which is badly made as regards form, may be remedied in another way, viz. by using a diaphragm or stop, so as to cut off a portion of the light, and prevent the same pencil of rays from fall- ing both on the centre and on the edge of the Lens. As the action of a stop is more fully explained a few pages in advance, we defer the further consideration of it for the present. Curvature of the Field. In using a Camera mounted with a common Meniscus Lens, it will be observed that when the centre of the field has been focussed, the outer portions of the image appear indistinct, whilst if the ground glass be pushed in a little, the outside becomes sharp, but the centre is thrown out of focus. This defect is some- times attributed to spherical aberration, but incorrectly so, because indistinctness from that cause is seen alike at every portion of the field. The want of definition which can be remedied by shifting the position of the focussing- screen we refer rather to curvature of the field, or to the fact that the image of a flat surface, formed by a Lens, CUEVATTJBE OF THE FIELD. 185 produces not a plane, but a portion of a hollow sphere, as shown by the inverted arrow, page 179. In the annexed diagram the centre line running at right angles to the general direction of the Lens is the axis; an imaginary line, on which the Lens might be rotated as a wheel is turued on its axle. The lines A A represent rays of light falling parallel to the axis ; and the dotted lines, others which have an oblique direction ; B and C show the A- A- points at which the two foci are formed. Observe that these points, although equidistant from the centre of the Lens, do not fall in the same vertical plane, and there- fore they cannot both be received simultaneously upon the ground glass of the Camera, which would occupy the posi- tion of the perpendicular double line in the diagram. The defects due to curvature of the field, might be avoided by bending inwards the glass or paper used to sustain the sensitive Iodide, in such a way as to meet the image, as is done in the apparatus for Sutton's Panoramic Lens : but practically this plan, though possessing some advantages, is in other respects objectionable. The image itself therefore must be flattened out, and this can be effected by means of the diaphragms before alluded to in the paragraph on spherical aberration : the position and use of which will be shown in the following pages. Variation of Focus for Near and Distant Objects. Lenses employed with the full aperture, do not render near and remote objects sharp upon the ground glass of the Camera at the same time. If the foreground is in focus, the Lens must be thrown inwards to make the dis- tance clear, and vice versa. This is a necessary conse- 186 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. quence of the focal plane of any object varying with the position of the object in regard to the Lens (p. 178). The action of a diaphragm or stop, already spoken of under the head of " Spherical Aberration" and " Curvature of the Field," is seen to still greater advantage in remedy- ing the defect now complained of. Fig. 1 represents rays of light radiating in all directions from a luminous point and falling on the entire surface of Fig. 1. Fig. 2. a Lens ; fig. 2, the action of the diaphragm in intercept- ing that portion of the rays which otherwise would im- pinge upon the outside of the glass. The focus in each case is at the point where the rays cross each other after refraction. Now in fig. 1 suppose the greyed screen, re- presented by the dotted line, to be advanced nearer to the Lens, or to be withdrawn from it, even in the least degree, the image would immediately be out of focus ; but in the second figure, the rays run so nearly parallel, that the ef- fect of a slight change of position would not be perceptible. The refracted pencil is as it were sharpened and drawn out, so that the focus has considerable depth, and is no longer confined to a single plane. The first figure repre- sents what is termed a large angular pencil of rays, and fig. 2 a small angular pencil : the latter alone can be em- ployed when near and distant objects are to be simultane- ously depicted. The focal variation for near and distant objects is much more considerable when Lenses of very long focus are employed, and (always supposing the distance from the object to remain the same in the two cases) it becomes less evident with Lenses of short focus. Hence the small Lenses used for stereoscopic Photography have usually some depth of focus with a comparatively large aperture. LENSES. 187 THE SINGLE ACTINIC VIEW LENS. The following diagram will serve to explain the con- struction of this Lens. The glass is an Actinic meniscus, placed with its concave side towards the object. In front of the Lens and at a distance from it equal to a fifth part of its focal length, are fixed a series of diaphragms, the largest being employed for subjects nearly in one plane ; and the smaller for those embracing both foreground and distance. This form of lens is dependent entirely upon the stop or diaphragm for correct action, and could not be used with the full aperture. For in the first place the spherical aberration is only partially overcome by the curves given to the two glasses used in actinizing, and hence a resi- dual error which must be corrected by the stop. Secondly, the curvature of field is so considerable, that only a small surface could be covered flat by the Lens of full aperture. It is for the purpose of dealing with this latter error that the diaphragms are fixed in so peculiar a position with re- ference to the glass. By referring to the diagram it will be seen that the effect of a stop placed at a distance in front of the Lens is to direct the oblique rays, represented in the diagram by dotted lines, through the outside por- tions only of the glass ; upon which they fall at such an angle that the focus is lengthened out, and consequently the field instead of being concave is nearly flat. If the diaphragm were pushed in until it came in contact with the Lens, the effect would then be similar to using a small 188 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Lens having the same diameter as the aperture of the stop; and the field of the Camera would be indistinct at the edges, from curvature of the image. Hence the View Lens is not unnecessarily large and cumbrous, as might at first appear ; and every portion of the glass is really employed in forming the picture, the centre taking the middle part, and the circumference of the Lens refracting the rays which proceed from the sides of the object. THE APLANATIC LENS. The Aplanatic Lens, patented by Mr. Grubb, of Dublin, resembles the ordinary Actinic View Lens in outward form, but differs entirely in the mode in which it is actinized,* the crown-glass taking the place of the flint, and vice versa. It is constructed by cementing a crown-glass Meniscus Lens of suitable focus to a concavo-convex of flint, the con- cave side of the latter being ground to the same curve as the convex side of the flint, so as to admit of perfect contact. The advantage claimed for this mode of actinizing a lens, is a considerable reduction thereby in the amount of spherical aberration as compared with the ordinary form of View Lens ; hence follows also another advantage, in en- abling the stop to be placed nearer the front of the Lens than its usual position, which would to some extent dimi- nish the barrel-shaped distortion common to all single combinations. THE ORTHOSCOPIC OR ORTHOGRAPHIC LENS. This instrument, constructed from calculations by Pro- fessor Petzval, was proposed to supersede the old form of View Lens, as giving a more truthful representation of the object. The name indicates the straightness of the lines * Some apology may be required for coining a new verb, but the adoption of some such expression as " to actinize " is necessary in order to distinguish between an " achromatic" lens, that is, corrected for colour, and one cor- rected for the chemical focus. These points lie in different parts of the spectrum, and are caused by the different refrangibility of the different coloured rays ; see p. 182. Hence an achromatic lens has not its visual ne- cessarily coincident with its chemical or actinic focus. In the early days of LENSES. 189 produced by the Lena, but, as we shall presently show, it is a misnomer. Nevertheless there are advantages in the Orthographic Lens which will secure its continued use. The above diagram is a sectional view of the Petzval Orthoscopic Lens. It has two actinic combinations, the posterior of which (consisting of a biconcave and a menis- cus, touching at their edges) is a dispersing Lens (p. 177), and lengthens out the focus of the rays converged by the first. The use of this negative or dispersing Lens consti- tutes the peculiarity of this instrument, and confers many advantages. In the first place, the Negative Lens enables the opti- cian to overcome spherical aberration without employiog a small diaphragm. This lens is not itself free from the above-named defect, but the aberration is in an opposite direction to that of the first lens, consequently the two neutralize each other and the picture is sufficiently sharp. More important still is the effect which the dispersing Lens exerts in improving the oblique pencils, or those which form the outside portions of the picture. They are so far lengthened out as to lessen the concavity of the field, and to render the image sufficiently flat to fall correctly upon the focussing-screen. In this respect the Ortho- graphic Lens is very perfect, and is universally allowed to Photography, Professor Hunt strongly urged the adoption of some such term, and proposed the word " di-actinic," that is, admitting of the passage of the chemical rays. The word " actinic " has now come into general use and is not likely to be set aside ; it has therefore been proposed to coin the verb from the shorter adjective in preference to the longer, as being suffi- ciently distinctive. 190 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. be surpassed by none in its power of covering a large ex- tent of surface. THE TRIPLET LENS. The exact origin of the Triplet Lens for photographic work is not easy to define, since there are conflicting claims for the honour of first having introduced it. It would ap- pear, that so early as the year 1853, the late Mr. F. Scott Archer was in the habit of using a double combination Portrait Lens for taking landscapes and interiors, and when thus applied, a stop with a small aperture was placed between the components of the combination, not in the convenient manner subsequently introduced by Mr. Waterhouse, but similarly situated. Mr. Archer, finding that for interiors his lens was sometimes of inconveniently long focus, introduced a slightly convex lens of small dia- meter instead of the diaphragm, thus shortening the focus and enabling him to include more of the subject on the same-sized plate. Finding this arrangement work satis- factorily, he then substituted for ordinary landscape pur- poses a concave lens of similar dimensions in the place of the convex, thereby lengthening the combined focus, so as to enable him to use larger plates with the same lens. From evidence still existing, these additions were not em- pirical, but made with the definite objects in view. The small convex and concave lenses were not at first actinic, from motives of economy the requisite slight corrections for variation of chemical focus being made after focussing. Shortly after Mr. Archer introduced the third lens, M. Chevalier constructed something of the same kind for the late Mr. P. W. Fry, and subsequently M. Derogy adopted the same device for obtaining a sort of multum in parvo lens. About four or five years ago, Mr. Thomas Sutton, of Jersey, devised a form of lens which he called the " Sym- metrical Triplet," which, as its name implies, consisted of one concave and two compound convex combinations, the latter being exactly alike and placed one at each end of LENSES. 191 the tube-mounting. The object aimed at was to correct the deviation of the pencils of rays so that they should be incident and emerge in directions parallel to one another. Mr. G-oddard, of Isleworth, then constructed some triple combinations, not adhering however to the symmetrical form, and subsequently M. Dallmeyer adopted the same principle of employing for landscape lenses three actinic combinations ; these however were not mere copies of any of the preceding, but the formulae for their construction were worked out quite independently by M. Dallmeyer, so that they only resembled the others in consisting of three parts, the central one being a concave lens. Somewhat later, Mr. Ross adopted a form of lens con- sisting of three parts, arranged as were the others ; but here again the formulae were calculated anew by Mr. Ross, and any person who will take the trouble of examining them, will perceive at once that they differ in construction as much from those of M. Dallmeyer as the last-named optician's did from those of his predecessors. The above sectional diagram of the latest form of the " Actinic Triplet " will show its construction. It consists of two Positive or condensing plano-convex lenses, A (the anterior) and C (the posterior), so arranged that without the intervention of the central lens they would form a combination of short focus somewhat similar to the ordinary portrait lens, but possessing greater curvature of field. 192 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The Negative or dispersing lens, B, while from its smallness it acts to some extent as a stop, elongates the pencils of rays over the entire field and is so constructed as also to act more powerfully on the extreme than on the central pencils, thereby flattening the field. For this latter object it was first used by Petzval in his Orthoscopic and subsequently by Mr. Button in his Triplet combination. The axis of the emergent being parallel to that of the inci- dent pencils renders the marginal lines straight, and gives an entire freedom from distortion a defect which consti- tutes the great drawback to the use of the Petzval and the single combinations for architectural and copying purposes. In common with these lenses, it also gives nearly equal illumination over the whole field. Each lens is rendered actinic, and the contact surfaces are cemented in order to reduce the reflecting surfaces to a minimum. The stop D, placed immediately in front of the Negative lens, serves the purpose of still more flattening the field and diminishing spherical aberration. Comparing the Triplet and the Orthoscopic with the single combination as regards rapidity of Photographic action, the advantage belongs to the latter in the case of equal apertures and equal focal lengths, since in the Ortho- scopic and Triplet combinations a part of the actinic power is lost in passing through so many glasses and also by sur- face reflection. In the case of the Triplet where the stop is placed behind the front combination, theoretical reasons would lead to the conclusion that it is quicker in action than the single lens, inasmuch as the rays before being intercepted by the stop are already converging, and there- fore more concentrated. Practically this gain does not seem sufficient to counterbalance the loss by reflection and absorption. BUTTON'S PANORAMIC LENS. This compound lens, the invention of Mr. Button, of Jersey, is composed of two single, thick, concavo-convex lenses, A and B, the curved surfaces of which are portions LENSES. 193 of concentric spheres. They are secured to a brass mount (not shown in the diagram) in such a way that the interior space C can be filled with distilled water, which serves to X render the Lens actinic. In this space and midway be- tween the lenses a diaphragm D E is placed, with a central aperture of an elliptical form, having placed in front of it, towards the anterior Lens A, two upright, thin partitions, which serve to equalize the light. This lens includes with fine definition and equal illumi- nation a far larger angle of view than any other Lens hitherto introduced, viz. upwards of 100 on the base line. A serious drawback, however, to its general use, is its great curvature of field, which necessitates the employment of curved plates to receive the image at its point of focus. It is not constructed for architectural and copying pur- poses, but solely for landscapes, where a large angle with good definition is required. THE GLOBE LENS. The Globe Lens, patented by Messrs. Harrison and Schnitzer, of New York, has recently been prominently brought into notice in this country. It consists of two actinic meniscus combinations A and B, placed with their concave sides facing each other at such a distance that their outer curved surfaces, if continued, would form a per- fect sphere, as represented by the dotted lines. A portion of the light from the object, refracted by the anterior Lens 194 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. A, passes through, the aperture E of the diaphragm CD, placed midway between the Lenses, and is again refracted by the posterior Lens B to a focus on the flat focussing screen. The advantages claimed for this Lens are absolute free- dom from distortion flat field and a large angle of view. These conditions it fulfils, but at the expense of a large amount of spherical aberration of the positive character, which interferes much with sharpness of definition, unless the stop be reduced to an extremely small size. It is therefore a slow-working Lens, and being also expensive, although it possesses many excellent qualities, will not probably come into general use in this country. THE DOUBLE OR PORTRAIT COMBINATION OF ACTINIC LENSES. The Portrait combination of Lenses is constructed to give a perfectly sharp image with an aperture of full size, and thus to ensure rapidity of action by admitting a large volume of light. The following diagram gives a sectional view : LENSES. 195 In this combination the front Lens is an Actinic plano- convex, with the convex side turned toward the object; and the second, which takes up the rays and refracts them further, is an actinic Biconvex Lens; there are therefore in all, four distinct glasses concerned in forming the image, which may appear at first to be an unnecessarily complex arrangement. It is found however that by combining two glasses of different curves, the aberrations of one correct those of the other to a great extent, and the field is suffi- ciently distinct without the employment of a diaphragm. The manufacture of Portrait Lenses is a point of great difficulty, care being required in grinding the glasses, in order to avoid distortion of the image : hence the most rapid Portrait Lenses, having large aperture and short focus, are often useless unless purchased of a good maker. The Portrait Lens however, although it produces a per- fectly sharp image with the full aperture, cannot be made to embrace objects at different distances from the Camera, and the field is also more or less curved and consequently indistinct at the edges. Stops therefore are occasionally used, when length of exposure is not an object, in order to sharpen out the refracted pencils arid give depth to the focus. They may be required in taking groups in a good light, or in using the Lens to copy pictures, where it is ne- cessary to cover a plate of a full size quite up to the edge. A question arises as to the proper place for a stop in a Portrait Lens, whether it should be placed in front of or between the glasses ? The former position is convenient, but the latter is more correct in some instances, and by a mechanical arrangement introduced by Mr. Waterhouse, a diaphragm may be so placed, without removing the glasses. A stop in front of the anterior Lens diminishes the avail- able size of the field, but renders it comparatively flat, whilst one placed between the glasses increases the size of the field, although leaving a little of the original curvature. , In both cases the brilliancy of the image is lessened and the time of exposure prolonged, but not to so great an ex- tent when the stop is central. 196 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The inquiry is frequently made why the Portrait Lens gives so concave a field, since it is well known that the op- tician has it in his power to flatten the field very materially by altering the curves of the constituent Lenses. The answer is, that curvature of field is not esteemed a serious objection in the case of portrait Lenses, because the sides of the object are usually nearer to the Lens than the cen- tre. And it has been found that in grinding the glasses in such a way as to secure great flatness of field, the de- fining power of the Lens is injured as regards the oblique pencils, in consequence of the introduction of an error known as " astigmation." ON DISTORTION IN LENSES. If the single Actinic or Aplanatic View Lens be em- ployed to photograph a rectangular figure like the diagram No. 1, the outside lines will be found on close inspection to be slightly curved inwards at the extremities, thus pro- ducing a barrel- shaped copy, as shown in No. 2. If in- stead of these the Orthographic Lens be used, the result- ing photograph will be of an hour-glass shape (No. 3), the lines being bent outwards at the extremities. No. l. No. 3. r-7 Observe that the central lines in each figure are per- fectly straight, and that the distortion is most discernible at the edges. The larger the copy in proportion to the original, the greater the distortion. Distortion by Lenses is easily understood if we bear in mind the remarks made at page 183. The outside of the Lens refracts light more powerfully than the centre ; and hence, when the whole surface of the Lens is employed to form the image, we have that confusion and overlapping which constitutes spherical aberration. To remedy this, a LENSES. 197 stop is so placed that the centre and .the outside of the Lens no longer co-operate, but work independently of each other, and form separate portions of the image. The la- teral parts of the picture are then confined to the edges of the Lens, and as these edges refract more powerfully than the centre, a bending of the rays inwards takes place, thus constituting distortion. When the stop or diaphragm however is placed at a distance behind the Lens instead of in front of it, the rays cross each other after refrac- tion, and thus the same bending which before produced an inward distortion, now causes a distortion outwards.* Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Observe in the first of the above figures, which has the diaphragm in front, that the image of the barb of the arrow is formed by the lower edge of the Lens. In the second figure, the diaphragm being placed behind the Lens, the barb is formed by the upper edge, and thus the dis- tortion is in the opposite direction. In both figures those rays only are inserted to which the diaphragm permits a passage. In the Orthographic combination, the back Lens being smaller than the front acts as a diaphragm to it, and hence the lines are bent outwards. The distortion of the Ortho- graphic Lens however is not so great as that of the old View Lens, because the diaphragm is nearer to the front glass. The distortion of an ordinary View Lens would be nearly removed if the diaphragm were pushed in until it came in contact with the glass, but in that case the field would be too much curved to give correct definition at the margins of the picture. For this reason the Aplanatic * Vide ' British Journal of Photography,' vol. vi. p. 222, observations by the Editor. 198 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHT. Lens, which admits of the stop being placed nearer the front, is assumed to have less distortion than the single Lens. The ordinary compound Lens with a central stop gives a near approach to a correct refraction of objects in their pre- cise relative position, on the focussing screen. The front Lens of such a combination having the diaphragm behind it produces the hour-glass distortion, whilst the back Lens with the diaphragm in front produces the barrel-shaped distortion. The two distortions thus tend to neutralize each other, and straighter lines are the result. But the most perfect are unquestionably the Triplet and the Har- rison Globe Lens, both which may be said to be mathema- tically correct. On Actinism. The term " actinism " (Gr. CIKTIS, a ray or flash) has been proposed as convenient to designate the property possessed by light of producing chemical change ; the rays to which the effect is especially due being known as actinic rays. If the pure Solar Spectrum formed by prismatic ana- lysis in the manner represented at page 173 be allowed to impinge upon a prepared sensitive surface of Iodide of Silver, the latent image being subsequently developed by a reducing agent, the effect produced will be something similar to that represented in the following diagram : Fig. 1. ACTINISM. 199 Fig. 1 shows tlie visible spectrum as it appears to the eye ; the brightest part being in the yellow space, and the light gradually shading off until it ceases to be seen. Fig. 2 represents the effect (visible after development) of throwing the Spectrum upon Iodide of Silver. Observe that the darkening characteristic of chemical action is most evident in the upper spaces, where the light is feeble, and is alto- gether absent at the point corresponding to the bright yel- low spot of the visible spectrum. The actinic and luminous spectra are therefore totally distinct from each other, and the word " Photography," which signifies the process of taking pictures by light, is in reality inaccurate. To those who have not the opportunity of working with the Solar Spectrum, the following experiments will be useful in illustrating the photographic value of different colours : Experiment /.Take a sheet of sensitive paper prepared with Chloride of Silver, and lay upon it strips of blue, yellow, and red glass. On exposure to the sun's rays for a few minutes, the part beneath the blue glass darkens rapidly, whilst that covered by the red and yellow glass is perfectly protected. This result is the more striking from the extreme transparency of the yellow glass, giving the idea that the Chloride would certainly be blackened first at that point. On the other hand, the blue glass appears very dark, and effectually conceals the tissue of the paper from view. Experiment II. Select a vase of flowers of different shades of scarlet, blue, and yellow, and make a Photo- graphic copy of them, by development, upon Iodide of Silver. The blue tints will be found to act most violently upon the sensitive compound, whilst the reds and yellows will be scarcely visible ; were it not that it is difficult to procure in nature pure and homogeneous tints, free from admixture with other colours, they would make no impres- sion whatever upon the plate. In exemplifying further the importance of distinguish- ing between visual and actinic rays of light, we may observe 200 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. that if the two were in all respects the same, Photography must cease to exist as an Art. It would be impossible to make use of the more sensitive chemical preparations, from the difficulties which would attend the previous prepara- tion and subsequent development of the plates. These operations are now conducted in what is termed a dark room ; but it is dark only in a Photographic sense ; being illuminated by means of yellow light, which, whilst it en- ables the operator easily to watch the progress of the work, produces no injurious effect upon the sensitive surfaces. If the windows of the room were glazed with Hue in place of yellow glass, then it would be strictly a " dark room," but one altogether unfitted for the purpose intended. In selecting glass for the Photographic dark room, con- siderable difference will be found in the actinic opacity of the various shades of colour. A dark orange-yellow is more impervious to chemical rays than a lighter canary- yellow, whilst a blood-red colour possesses almost perfect opacity, a Collodion sensitive plate being unaffected even by the direct rays of the sun shining through the glass. Eooms glazed with red glass, however, are extremely pain- ful to the eyes, the retina3 being rendered after a time insensitive to this colour, and all objects assuming the com- plementary tint, green, on emerging into the daylight. Another point connected with this subject of visual and actinic rays is the extent to which the sensibility of the Photographic compounds is influenced by atmospheric con- ditions not visibly interfering with the brightness of the light. It would be natural to suppose that those days on which the sun's rays are very powerful would be the best for rapid impression, but such is not by any means the case. If the light is at all of a yellow cast, however bright it may be, its actinic power will be small. It will often be observed also in working towards the evening, that a sudden . diminution of sensibility in the plates begins to be perceptible at a time when but little difference can be detected in the brilliancy of the light ; the sun sinks behind a golden cloud, and all chemical action is soon at an end. ACTINISM. 201 In the same manner is explained the difficulty of obtain- ing Photographs in the glowing light of tropical climates ; the superiority of the spring months to those of the mid- summer ; of the morning sun to that of the afternoon, etc. April and May are usually considered the best months for rapid impression in this country ; but the light continues good until the end of July. In August and September a longer exposure of the plates will be required. THE SUPEBIOE SENSIBILITY OF BROMIDE OF SILVER TO COLOUEED LIGHT. In copying the Solar Spectrum alternately upon a sur- face of Iodide, and Bromide of Silver, we notice a difference in the Photographic properties of these two salts. The latter is affected more extensively, to a point lower in the spectrum, than the former. In the case of the Iodide of Silver, the action ceases in the Blue space ; but with the Bromide it reaches to the Green. This is shown in the following diagrams : Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig 3. Violet. ludigo. 202 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Fig. 1 represents the chemical spectrum on Bromide of Silver ; fig. 2, the same upon Iodide of Silver ; and fig. 3, the visible spectrum. It might perhaps be supposed that the superior sensi- bility of the Bromide of Silver to green rays of light would render that salt useful to the Photographer in copying land- scape scenery. It is doubtful however whether such is the case, and for the following reasons : A reference to the foregoing diagrams which are shaded to represent nearly the relative intensity of the chemical action exerted by the rays at different points of the spec- trum will show that the maximum point of blackness is in the indigo and violet space, the action being more feeble in the blue space lower down ; there are also highly refran- gible rays extending upwards beyond the visible colours, and these invisible rays are actively concerned in the for- mation of the image. Hence we see that the amount of effect produced by a pure green, or even a light blue tint, upon a surface of Bromide of Silver is very small as com- pared with that of an indigo or violet ; and since radiations of all kinds are present in copying natural objects, the green tints have not time to act before the image is im- pressed by the more refrangible rays. Sir John Herschel proposed to render coloured light available in Photography by separating the actinic rays of high refrangibility, and working only with those which correspond to the blue and green spaces in the spectrum. This may be done by placing in front of the Camera a vertical glass trough containing a solution of Sulphate of Quinine. Professor Stokes has shown that this liquid possesses remarkable properties. In transmitting rays of light it modifies them so that they emerge of lower refran- gibility, and incapable of producing the same actinic effect. Solution of Sulphate of Quinine, although appearing nearly colourless to the eye, is, if we may use the term, opaque to all actinic rays higher than the blue-coloured space. The proposition of Sir John Herschel above referred to was to employ a bath of Sulphate of Quinine, and having elimi- ACTINISM. 203 nated the actinic rays of high refrangibility, to work upon Bromide of Silver with those corresponding to the lower- coloured spaces. In this way he conceived that a more na- tural effect would be obtained. If Photographic compounds should be discovered of greater sensibility that any we at present possess, the use of the Quinine Bath will perhaps be adopted ; but at pre- sent we are compelled to trust to the superior intensity of the invisible rays for the formation of the image. In work- ing with artificial light, such as gas or camphine, the case is different. Actinic rays of high refrangibility are com- paratively wanting in gas-light, and the great bulk of the Photographic rays lie within the limits of the visible spec- trum : the action is therefore more energetic upon Bromide than on Iodide of Silver. The fact that the natural colours are not correctly repre- sented in Photography, is often urged in depreciation of the art ; " when lights are represented by shadows," it is said, "how can a truthful picture be expected?" The insensitiveness of Iodide of Silver to the green and yellow colours occupying the lower portion of the spectrum would indeed present an insuperable difficulty if the tints of Na- ture were pure and homogeneous. Such however is not the case. Even the most sombre colours are accompanied by scattered rays of white light in quantity amply suffi- cient to affect the sensitive film. This is especially seen when the coloured body possesses a good reflecting surface ; and hence some varieties of foli- age, as for instance the Ivy, with its smooth and polished leaf, are more easily photographed than others. So again with regard to drapery in the department of portraiture it is necessary to attend not only to the colour, but also to the material of which it is composed. Silks and satins are favourable, as reflecting much light, whilst velvets and coarse stuffs of all kinds, if at all dark, produce very little effect upon the sensitive film- 204 THEOliY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. THE ACTINIC PROPERTIES OF TRANSPARENT AND COLOUR- LESS MEDIA. The preceding observations with regard to the different degrees of permeability of blue and yellow glass to the Photographic or Actinic, and the visible rays of light, go to prove how little we can judge, by the mere appearance alone, of the capacity of a medium for transmitting che- mical rays. But Dr. Miller has recently communicated to the Royal Society a number of interesting researches, which show that bodies absolutely colourless and transparent differ greatly in their permeability to the Actinic rays, as shown by the remarkable difference in the comparative lengths of the spectra formed on Iodized Collodion, when light from a certain fixed and uniform source was made to pass, first through the colourless and transparent body under examination, and then through a Quartz prism on to the sensitive film. Quartz was employed for this pur- pose, as it proved to be the true glass for chemical rays. The following numbers express the comparative lengths of the spectra obtained when the light had first passed through the corresponding media : Quartz 74 Ice and Water 74 Fluor Spar 74 Eock Salt 63 Oil of Turpentine 8 Phosphorus Mint Glass 9 Window 16 Plate 15 Crown 10 These experiments go to show how much Photographic power is lost by the transmission of light through the glass of the Lenses, and how superior Quartz would be if it could only be employed for such a purpose. Water, which is used for the interior of Mr. Sutton's Lens, is seen to be remarkably transparent to chemical rays ; but this THE STEREOSCOPE. 205 advantage is in great measure lost by the passage of the light through the glass sides. SECTION IV. On Binocular Vision and the Stereoscope. An object is said to be " stereoscopic " (errepeop, solid, and 0-/C07T60), I see) when it stands out in relief, and gives to the eye the impression of solidity. This subject was first explained by Professor Wheat- stone in a memoir on binocular vision, published in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1838 ; in which he shows that solid bodies project different perspective figures upon each retina, and that the illusion of solidity may be arti- ficially produced by means of the " Stereoscope." - The phenomena of binocular vision may be simply stated as follows : If a cube, or a small box of an oblong form, be placed at a short distance in front of the ob- server, and viewed attentively with the right and left eye separately and in succession, it will be found that the figure perceived in the two cases is different ; that each eye sees more of one side of the box, and less of the other ; and that in neither instance is the effect exactly the same as that given by the two eyes employed conjointly. A silver pencil-case, or a pen-holder, may be used to illustrate the same fact. It should be held at about six or eight inches distant from the root of the nose, and quite at right angles to the face, so that the length of the pencil is concealed by the point. Then, whilst it remains fixed in this position, the left and right eye are to be alternately closed : in each case a portion of the opposite side of the pencil will be rendered visible. The diagrams on the next page exhibit the appearance of a bust as seen by each eye successively. Observe that the second figure, which represents the impression received by the right eye, is more of a full face than fig. 1, which, being viewed from a point removed a little to the left, partakes of the character of a profile, 206 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY, The human eyes are placed about 2| inches, or from that to 2f inches, asunder; hence it follows that, the points of sight being separated, a dissimilar image of a solid Fig. 1. Fig. 2. object is formed on the retina of each eye. We do not however see two images, but a single one, which is ste- reoscopic. In looking at a picture painted on a flat surface the case is different ; each of the eyes, as before, receives an image, but these images are in every respect similar; conse- quently the impression of solidity is wanting. A single picture, therefore, cannot be made to appear stereoscopic. To convey the illusion, two pictures must be employed, the one being a right and the other a left perspective projec- tion of the object. The pictures must also be so arranged, that each is presented to its own eye, and that the two ap- pear to proceed from the same spot. The reflecting stereoscope, employed to effect this, forms luminous images of the binocular pictures, and throws these images together, so that, on looking into the instrument, only a single image is seen, in a central position. It should, however, be understood, that no optical arrange- ment of any kind is indispensably required, since it is quite possible, with a little effort, to combine the two images by THE STEREOSCOPE. 207 the unaided organs of vision, Tlie following diagram will make this obvious : B The circles A and B represent two wafers, which are stuck on paper at a distance of about 1| inch from each other. They are then viewed, either by squinting strongly, until the right eye looks at the left wafer and the left eye at the right wafer, or else by focussing the eyes for a dis- tance beyond the wafers, which is easily effected by look- ing at a point midway between, but giving the attention to the indistinct wafers on each side, until the right eye at length looks at the right and the left eye at the left wafer ; in both cases the two wafers at first appear dou- ble, four images being seen, of which two gradually ap- proach until they coalesce, and the resulting image ap- pears in the first case in front, and in the latter case behind the paper. The mode in which coalescence is effected in both cases may be thus explained. The perception of a single object, while using two eyea in ordinary vision, is due to the eyes being directed to the object in such a manner, that the picture formed in each eye falls on similar parts of the retina. If, while viewing an object, one of the eyes be pressed by the finger the ob- ject becomes double, from the position on the two retina not corresponding. From the same cause, on first trying to fix the two eyes on the two wafers, they appear double until the optic axis of each eye (or a line of indefinite length drawn through the centre of the pupil from the central and most distinctly seeing part of the retina) is directed fully to each wafer. When this is the case, a si- milar picture falls on similar parts of each, and the two objects are perceived by the mind as one. The other less distinct images, one on each side of the principal one, are due to each eye perceiving its neighbour's wafer, but on points of the eyes that do not correspond. 208 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The cause of the combined image standing out in front or behind the paper is due to the mind always referring the place of an object to the point where the optic axes meet, and when the two wafers are united by squinting, this point is in front, and when by distant focussing, behind the paper. This will be evident from the following diagrams : Fig. 3. Fig. 4. E and L represent the two eyes, and A and B the two wafers. Fig. 3 represents union by squinting ; the optic axis of each eye is directed to the opposite wafer, and the image is referred by the mind to P in front, where the axes cross. Fig. 4 shows the ordinary way of viewing with the Stereo- scope, where each eye is directed to its own wafer. Here the optic axes meet beyond the wafers at P, and the com- pound image is perceived in the same place. If, instead of two similar objects as wafers, the right and left perspective views of an object, such as the follow- ing of a hollow hexagonal cone, are viewed in a similar Fig. 5. manner, a sensation of depth and elevation is obtained as STEEEOSCOPIC VISION. 209 soon as the images coalesce, the different parts of the cone appear at different distances from the observer, and, what is more singular, the appearances are reversed by the two modes of causing the pictures to coalesce. The above diagram, viewed by focussing the eye for a distance, or by the Stereoscope, represents a cone, with the small hexagon distant ; but by squinting, the small end is made to stand out towards the observer. As the former is al- ways the way of viewing objects by the Stereoscope, it is only necessary here to explain how the sensation of depth and distance is produced by distant focussing, or viewing each half with the eye of the same side, and for the sake of simplicity only four points in each figure, A, C, D, B, Pig. 6. 210 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. and a, c, d, b, need be taken for the purpose of illustrating the mode in which the eye has to unite every correspond- ing pair of points in turn. In the annexed diagram, these letters represent the same points of the hexagons, as in fig. 5. The points A and a, which correspond in the two larger hexagons, are united when the right optic axis R a is directed to a, and the left LA to A ; but the resulting single point appears to be at E, where these axes meet : so, in like manner, B and b unite, and form one point, ap- parently, at F. The points C c of the smaller hexagons being more distant from each other than A from a, or B from b, can only be united by a more distant prolongation of the optic axes L c and E c to the point of union G, which thus appears to be the position of these points of the smaller hexagons, and so with regard to D and d', and as these points are merely taken as samples of the whole, the result is that the corresponding parts of the lesser hexagons being more distant from each other than those of the greater hexagons, the former, when united, appear more distant than the latter, and the figure stands out from the paper. The Stereoscope is merely an instrument to cause a su- perposition of the right and left views ; but this alone is not sufficient to produce a stereoscopic effect, as the fol- lowing diagram will show, in which the two halves of Fig. 7. fig. 5 are represented superposed, the two outer hexa- gons coincide, but the similar parts of the two inner need still to be brought into union in the manner represented THE STEEEOSCOPE. 211 n fig. 6, and the various distances at which the optic axes meet appear to the mind to be the distances of the objects represented. In Mr. Wheatstone's reflecting Stereoscope, mirrors are used. The principle of the instrument is as follows : Objects placed in front of a mirror have their reflected images apparently behind the mirror. By arranging two mirrors at a certain inclination to each other, the images of the double picture may be made to approach until they coalesce, and the eye perceives a single one only. The following diagram will explain this. Fig. 8. The rays proceeding from the star on either side pass in the direction of the arrows, being thrown off from the mirror (represented by the thick black line) and entering the eyes at R and L. The reflected images appear to the mind behind the mirror, uniting at the point A, where the optic axes meet. The reflecting Stereoscope is adapted principally for viewing large pictures. It is a very perfect instrument, and admits of a variety of adjustments, by which the ap- parent size and distance of the Stereoscopic image may be varied almost at pleasure. The refracting Stereoscope is a more portable form of apparatus. A sectional view of the common form is given in the diagram (fig. 9). The brass tubes to which the eyes of the observer are 212 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. applied contain each a semi-lens, formed by dividing a common lens through the centre and cutting each half into Fig. 9. a circular form (fig. 10). The half-lens viewed in section (fig. 11) is therefore of a prismatic shape, and when placed with its sharp edge as in the diagram (fig. 9), alters the direction of the rays of light proceeding from the picture, bending them outwards or away from the centre, so that Fig. 10. Fig. 11. an accordance with the law previously mentioned, the mind refers them to the direction of the prolonged optic axes, represented for one pair of points by dotted lines (fig. 9), STEREOGRAPHY. 213 and the corresponding parts appear to be at the various distances, at which the optic axes, directed to them, meet. In the instrument as it is often sold, one of the lenses is made movable, and by turning it round with the finger and thumb it will be seen that the positions of the images may be shifted at pleasure. Stereoscopes are now often mounted with whole lenses in place of the semi-lenses above described. In that case the images coalesce by an involuntary action of the eyes of the observer. If indeed the whole lenses were set wider apart than 2| inches, it might be conjectured that vision would take place principally through the inside edges, and that the same effect as that of a semi-lens would be pro- duced. A single experiment, however, will suffice to show that even when the centres of the lenses are exactly op- posite to the eyes, the two pictures combine without any effort. Rules for talcing Binocular Photographs. In viewing very distant objects with the eyes, the images formed on the retinae are not sufficiently dissimilar to produce a very Stereoscopic effect ; hence it is often required, in taking binocular pictures, to separate the Cameras more widely than the two eyes are separated, in order to give a suffi- cient appearance of relief. Mr. Wheatstone's original directions were, to allow about one foot of separation for each twenty-five feet of distance ; but considerable latitude may be permitted. If the Cameras are not placed far enough apart, the di- mensions of the stereoscopic image from before backwards will be too small, statues looking like bas-reliefs, and the circular trunks of trees appearing oval, with the long dia- meter transverse. On the other hand, when the separation is too wide, the reverse obtains, objects for instance which are square, assuming an oblong shape pointing towards the observer. To understand the cause of this, it is necessary to refer to fig. 6, where it was shown that those corresponding parts in the two halves of a stereoscopic picture which are most 214 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. widely separated, appear most distant when united in the Stereoscope, and hence the greater the separation, the greater is the apparent distance of the object ; but the effect of separating the Cameras too widely is to produce too great separation of the distant parts of an object, as a little reflection on fig. 5 will show ; it is evident that if the eyes, or the Cameras which represent them, were sepa- rated further in viewing the hollow cone, more of the sides D B and a c would be seen, and consequently the smaller hexagons would be placed more apart, and so when the two images were united in the Stereoscope, the cone would appear longer. This effect is most observable when the picture embraces a variety of objects, situated in different planes. In the case of views which are quite distant, no near objects being admitted, the Cameras may be placed with especial refe- rence to them, even as far as twelve feet apart, without producing distortion. It is sometimes observable, in looking at Stereoscopic pictures, that they convey an erroneous impression of the real size and distance of the object. For instance, in using the large reflecting Stereoscope, if, when the adjust- ments have been made and the images properly united, the two pictures be moved slowly forward, the eyes re- maining fixed upon the mirrors, the Stereoscopic image will gradually change its character, the various objects it embraces appearing to become diminished in size, and ap- proaching near to the observer ; whilst if the pictures be pushed backwards, the image will enlarge and recede to a distance. So, again, if an ordinary slide for the lenticular Stereoscope be divided in the centre, and looking into the instrument until the images coalesce the two halves be slowly separated from each other, the solid picture will seem to become larger and to recede from the eye. It is easy to understand the cause of this. When the pictures in the reflecting Stereoscope are moved forwards, the convergence of the optic axes is increased : the image therefore appears nearer, in accordance with the last-men- STEBEOGEAPHY. 215 tioned law. But to convey the impression of proximity to an object is equivalent to an apparent diminution in its size, for we judge of the dimensions of a body very much in relation to its supposed distance. Of two figures in bronze or marble, for instance, appearing of the same height, one known to be a hundred yards off might be considered colossal, whilst the other, obviously near at hand, would be viewed as a statuette. These facts, with others not mentioned, are of great inter- est and importance, but their further consideration does not fall within the bounds originally prescribed for this work. The practical details of Stereoscopic Photography have been arranged in a distinct Section, and will be found included in the Third Part.* * For a full and detailed explanation of the Stereoscopic phenomena, see ' Brewster on the Stereoscope,' published by Murray. 216 HAPTER VI. ON COLLODION AND THE NITBATE BATH. IN the preceding part of this Work the physical and che- mical properties of Chloride and Iodide of Sil\ r er have been described, together with the changes which they experience by the action of Light. Nothing however has been said of the surface used to support the Iodide of Silver, and to ex- pose it in a finely-divided state to the influence of the ac- tinic radiation. This omission will now be supplied. The sensibility of Iodide of Silver upon Collodion is greatly superior to that of the same salt employed in con- junction with any other vehicle at present known. The causes of this superior sensitiveness, as far as ascertained, may be referred to the very finely-divided state of the Io- dide of Silver, and to the Collodion film exerting little or no chemical action on Salts of Silver. It must however be allowed that there are many points affecting the sensi- tiveness of Iodide of Silver, both mechanical and chemical, of the nature of which we are ignorant. SECTION I. Collodion. Collodion (so named from the Greek word KoXAaw, to stick) is a glutinous, transparent fluid, prepared by dis- solving Pyroxyline in a mixture of Ether and Alcohol. It was originally used for surgical purposes only, being PTEOXYLINE. 217 smeared over wounds and raw surfaces, to preserve them from contact with the air by the tough film which it leaves on evaporation. The constituents of Photographic Collodion are three, viz. the Pyroxyline ; the fluids used to dissolve it ; and the iodizing compounds. Each of these will be treated in suc- cession. CHEMISTRY OF PYROXYLINE. Pyroxyline is Cotton or Linen which has been altered in composition and properties by treatment with certain acids. Cotton and Linen, when examined by the microscope, are seen to consist of fibres, and these fibres have a constant composition, containing three elementary bodies, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, united in fixed proportions. To the combination the term Lignine or Cellulose* has been applied. Cellullose is a definite chemical compound, in the same sense as Starch or Sugar, and when treated with various reagents, exhibits properties peculiar to itself. It is inso- luble in most liquids, such as Water, Alcohol, Ether, etc., and also in dilute acids ; but when acted upon by Nitric Acid of a certain strength it dissolves. Preparation of Pyroxyline. If, instead of treating Cot- ton with Nitric Acid, a mixture of Nitric and Sulphuric Acid in certain proportions be used, the effect is peculiar. The fibres contract slightly, but undergo no other visible change. On experimenting further, however, the proper- ties of the cotton are found to have been affected. Its weight has increased by more than one-half ; it has be- come soluble in various liquids, such as Acetic Ether, Ether and Alcohol, etc., and on contact with flame it no longer burns quietly, but explodes with greater or less violence. To produce the peculiar change by which Cotton is con- verted into Pyroxyline, both Nitric and Sulphuric Acid * Lignine and Cellulose are not precisely the same. The latter is the ma- terial composing the cell-wall; the former, the contained matter of the cell. 218 THEOET OF PHOTOGRAPHY. are employed ; but the former plays the most important part. On analysing Pyroxyline, an Oxide of Nitrogen, NO 4 , is detected in it, but no Sulphuric Acid. One prin- cipal use of the latter substance is to prevent the Nitric Acid from dissolving the Pyroxyline, and to produce a higher degree of concentration by absorbing a portion of the water. The property possessed by Sulphuric Acid of removing water from other bodies, may be illustrated by filling a small vessel of any kind to about two-thirds with Oil of Yitriol, and setting it aside for a few days ; at the end of that time, and especially if the atmosphere be damp, it will have absorbed sufficient moisture to cause it to flow over the edge. Now even the strongest reagents employed in chemistry contain, almost invariably, water in greater or lesser quan- tity. The strongest Nitric Acid always contains an atom of water, but the commercial Acid often has much more. The effect therefore of mixing strong Oil of Vitriol with commercial Nitric Acid is to remove water in proportion to the amount used, and to produce a liquid containing Nitric Acid in a high state of concentration, and Sul- phuric Acid more or less diluted. This liquid is the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid employed in the preparation of Pyroxyline. Commercial Nitric Acid is so variable in composition, that it is often found desirable to substitute Nitrate of Potash for it in making a Nitro- Sulphuric Acid of a de- finite strength. When Strong Sulphuric Acid is poured upon Nitrate of Potash in a state of fine powder, a solu- tion is obtained containing Bisulphate of Potash and free Nitric Acid. The reaction may be thus represented : Composition of Pyroxyline. This substance, as was before stated, is Cotton, or some other variety of Cellulose, in which a portion of the Hydrogen has been replaced by NO 4 , Peroxide of Nitrogen. In order to understand in what state this body is combined with cotton fibre, it is necessary to understand the nature of substitution. PYBOXYLINE. 219 By the careful study of the action of Chlorine, and of Nitric Acid, upon various organic substances, a remark- able series of compounds has been discovered, containing a portion of Chlorine or of Peroxide of Nitrogen in the place of Hydrogen. The peculiarity of these substances is, that they strongly resemble the originals in their phy- sical, and often in their chemical properties. It might have been supposed that agents of such active chemical affinities as Chlorine and Oxide of Nitrogen would, by their mere presence in a body, produce a marked effect ; yet it is not so in the case before us. The primitive type or constitution of the substance modified remains the same, even the crystalline form being often unaffected. It seems as if the body by which the Hydrogen is displaced had stepped in quietly and taken up its position in the frame- work of the whole without disturbance. Many compounds of this kind are known ; they are termed by chemists " substitution compounds." The law invariably observed is, that the substitution takes place in equal atoms : a single atom of Chlorine, for instance, displaces one of Hydro- gen ; two of Chlorine displace two of Hydrogen, and so on, until, in some cases, the whole of the latter element is separated. In illustration of these remarks, take the following in- stances : Acetic Acid contains Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen ; by the action of Chlorine the Hydrogen may be removed in the form of Hydrochloric Acid and an equal number of atoms of Chlorine be substituted. In this way a new compound is formed, termed Chloracetic Acid, re- sembling in many important particulars the Acetic Acid itself. Notice particularly that the peculiar properties characteristic of Chlorine are completely masked in the substitution body, and no indication of its presence is ob- tained by the usual tests. A soluble Chloride gives with Nitrate of Silver a white precipitate of Chloride of Silver, unaffected by Acids, but the Chloracetic Acid does not ; hence it is plain that the Chlorine exists in a peculiar and intimate state of combination different from what is usual. 220 THEOEY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. Pyroxyline affords another illustration of substitution. Omitting, for the sake of simplicity, the number of atoms concerned in the change, the action of concentrated Nitric Acid upon ligneous fibre may be thus explained : f Carbon Cotton o, |^rogen +NitrieAc;d I Oxygen equals f Carbon Pyroxyline o, K&trogen + L Oxygen Or in symbols : By a reference to the formula, it will be seen that the fifth atom of Oxygen contained in the Nitric Acid takes one of Hydrogen, and forms an atom of Water ; the N O 4 then steps in, to fill the gap which the atom of Hydrogen has left. All this is done with so little disturbance that even the fibrous structure of the Cotton remains as before. Various forms of Pyroxyline. There are varieties of Pyroxyline, depending upon the strength of the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid employed in its preparation. The first of these is the most explosive Gun Cotton. This kind of Pyroxyline contains the largest amount of Peroxide of Nitrogen ; it dissolves only in Acetic Ether, and is left on evaporation as a white powder. It is produced by the strongest Nitro- Sulphuric Acid which can be made. The Pyroxyline used by Photographers is formed by a Nitro- Sulphuric Acid slightly weaker than the last, and contains a smaller percentage of Peroxide of Nitrogen. It is less explosive than Gun Cotton, and dissolves not only in Acetic Ether, but also in a mixture of Ether and Alcohol. A form of Pyroxyline, not used in Photography, re- sembles Xyloidine, the substance produced by treating starch with Nitric Acid. It is lower on the scale than PYROXYLINE. 221 the others, and contains less of Peroxide of Nitrogen. It dissolves in Acetic Ether, in Ether and Alcohol, and in Acetic Acid. The ethereal solution leaves, on evapora- tion, an opaque film, which is highly combustible, but not explosive. By bearing in mind the properties of these compounds, which will be found more carefully described in the Vo- cabulary, Part I., Art. Pyroxyline, many of the anoma- lies complained of in the manufacture of Pyroxyline dis- appear. If the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid employed is too strong, the product will be insoluble in Ether ; whilst if it be too weak, the fibres will be gelatinized and partly dis- solved by the Acids in the form of Xyloidine. Parchmentizing action of Oil of Vitriol upon Cellu- lose. Photographic Pyroxyline is found to vary in its phy- sical properties in a manner which can only be explained by studying a peculiar effect exercised by Sulphuric Acid of a certain strength upon cotton fibre. To demonstrate this action, ordinary blotting-paper is floated for a few seconds upon Oil of Vitriol previously diluted with half its bulk of water and allowed to cool : it is then abundantly washed and hung up to dry. The Sulphuric Acid must not be too strong, or it will char the paper, nor too weak, lest it cause partial conversion into dextrine and consequent solution. If it be of the right strength (sp. gr. 1*68), the paper shrinks considerably, and acquires the toughness and general appearance of parch- ment. It will support a heavy weight without tearing, and is so close in texture as to be almost impermeable by liquids. Its chemical properties are the same as those of ordinary paper, and analysis fails to detect any difference in compo- sition. When acted on by Nitric Acid this material is converted into Pyroxyline in the usual way, the Collodion film possessing the characteristic toughness and close tex- ture of the artificial parchment itself. With these facts before us we can readily understand that a mixture like the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid used in mak- 222 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ing Pyroxyline, at the same time that it forms a substitu- tion compound containing Peroxide of Nitrogen, must also tend to parchmentize the fibre of the cotton to a greater or less extent. This is indeed the case, and by altering the relative proportions of the two acids in the mixture, and increasing or diminishing the quantity of Water, the action can be regulated at will, and modifications produced which are highly useful in the manufacture of Collodion. We shall also find, as we proceed, that the temperature of the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid at the time of immersing the cotton affects the action of the acids, and consequently the properties of the resulting Pyroxyline. THE SOLUTION OF PYROXYLINE IN ETHER AND ALCOHOL, OR "COLLODION." Pyroxyline is freely soluble in Acetic Ether, but this liquid is not adapted for the purpose required, inasmuch as on evaporation it leaves the Pyroxyline in the form of a white powder, and not as a transparent layer. The rectified Ether of commerce has been found to answer better than any other substance as a solvent for Pyroxyline. If the sp. gravity be about "750, Ether contains inva- riably a small proportion of Alcohol, which appears to be necessary ; the solution not taking place with absolutely pure Ether. The Pyroxyline, if properly prepared, begins almost immediately to gelatinize by the action of the Ether, and is soon completely dissolved. In this state it forms a slimy solution, which, when poured out on a glass plate, dries up into a horny transparent layer. In preparing Collodion for Photographic purposes, we find that its physical properties are liable to considerable variation. Sometimes it appears very thin and fluid, flow- ing on the glass almost like water, whilst at others it is thick and glutinous. These differences relate not only to the quality of the Pyroxyline itself as shown above, but also to the proportions of the Solvents employed. When the Ether is in large excess, the film is inclined COLLODION. 223 to be strong and tough, so that it can often be raised by one corner and lifted completely off the plate without tear- ing. It is also very contractile, and a portion of the Col- lodion poured on the hand draws together and puckers the skin as it dries. These properties, produced by Ether in large proportion, disappear entirely on the addition of more Alcohol. The transparent layer is now soft and easily torn, possessing but little coherency ; and this is still more manifest when the Alcohol contains water. To appreciate the action of water in Collodion, add a few drops purposely ; the Pyroxyline will be precipitated in flakes to the bottom of the bottle. On agitation the precipitate redissolves, but the Collodion is rendered glu- tinous, and the film left on evaporation is no longer homo- geneous and transparent, but semi-opaque, reticulated or honeycombed, and so rotten, that a stream of water pro* jected upon the plate, washes it away. Commercial Spirit of Wine often contains water in excess, and when such is the case, the proportion of Ether in the Collodion must be very much increased. Collodion made in this way is often highly fluid and struc- tureless at first, adhering to the glass with some tenacity, and having a short texture ; but it tends to become rotten when used to coat many plates successively, the water on account of its lesser volatility accumulating in injurious quantity in the last portions. CHANGES IN COLLODION AFTEE IODIZING. Collodion iodized with the Iodide of Potassium, Am- monium, Magnesium, or Zinc, soon assumes a yellow tint, which in the course of a few days or weeks, deepens to a full brown. This gradual coloration is due to a develop- ment of free Iodine, by a peculiar action of the Ether, which is a fluid very prone to decomposition. Ether may, with proper precautions, be preserved for a long time in a pure state, but on exposure to the joint 224 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. action of air and light it undergoes a slow process of oxi- dation, attended with formation of Acetic Ether and ozone, or Oxygen in an allotropic and active condition, which ap- pears to be dissolved in the Ether. Iodide of Potassium or Ammonium is decomposed by Ether in this state, the ozone liberating Iodine, which dissolves and tinges the liquid yellow. Ether containing Pyroxyline dissolved, tends to assume the above state more quickly than pure Ether, and espe- cially so when the Pyroxyline has undergone decomposi- tion, and set free a portion of the Peroxide of Nitrogen. It is therefore of the utmost importance that plain Collo- dion should be kept in a cool place, and especially that it should never be exposed to light ; even ordinary daylight will, in the course of ten days or a fortnight, confer this property of striking an immediate colour on the addition of the iodizer. The straw-yellow colour which usually follows in the course of an hour or so after iodizing Collodion, is due to the ozonization of the Ether above described, but the further increase of that colour on keeping the Collodion for several weeks is more dependent upon the Pyroxyline; for if the Pyroxyline be omitted from the solution, and the Iodide added to the Ether and Alcohol simply, then the development of free Iodine proceeds very slowly. The rate of change under the decomposing effect of Pyroxyline is mainly affected by the stability of the particular Iodide which is employed. Iodide of Ammonium is the least stable of the iodides, and Iodide of Cadmium the most so ; Iodide of Potassium being intermediate. Collodion iodized with Iodide of Cadmium usually remains nearly colourless to the last drop, if made with pure Ether, and kept in a cool and dark place. As the presence of free Iodine in Collodion affects its photographic properties, it may sometimes be necessary to remove it. This is done by inserting a strip of Silver foil, which decolorizes the liquid, by forming Iodide of Silver, soluble in the excess of Alkaline Iodide. Metallic PYBOXYLINE. 225 Cadmium and Metallic Zinc have the same effect. Metallic Mercury also decolorizes brown Collodion, but the Iodide of Mercury formed has the effect of lessening the sensi- tiveness of the film to light. FUBTHEE OBSERVATIONS ON THE MANUFACTTJBE OF PHOTOGBAPHIC COLLODION. In order to conduct the manufacture of Collodion with suc- cess, a number of minor points must be considered, which could not conveniently be included in the general description given above. These relate not only to the Pyroxyline, but also to the Solvents, and the iodizing compounds : they will now be ex- plained, type of a smaller size being employed for the sake of dis- tinction. The most important point is the composition of the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, in which the Pyroxyline is prepared ; for it will be found that the slightest variation in the quantity of water ; in the relative proportions of the two constituent acids ; or in the temperature at the time of putting in the Cotton, will af- fect the result. It will be advisable therefore to examine these matters separately, and in addition to speak of the condition of the fibre itself, which is important both chemically and mechani- cally. a. Effect of varying the proportion of Water in the Nitro- Sul- phuric Acid. When many separate quantities of Pyroxyline are made in the same Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, the mixture becomes gradually weaker by the abstraction of the elements of water from the fibre, and each successive portion of Pyroxyline is less in the state of explosive Gun Cotton, and more in that of Xyloidine, than the one which preceded it. There is considerable difference in the physical properties of Collodions made from strong and weak samples of Pyroxyline prepared as above described. In the first instance, when the pro- duct is only one step removed from Gun Cotton, the Collodion pours slowly upon the glass, and tends to thicken at the edges. The film is not very adherent, and will sometimes split away on drying. In attempting to coat a large plate, a wavy appearance, often known as woolliness of the film, is seen at the lower corner. With Pyroxyline made in weak acids, on the other hand, the Collodion is more limpid and free from structure, the film of Q 226 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Iodide when formed in the Bath presenting an even appearance throughout. When the amount of water in the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid is carried still further, one of two things happens ; either the Cotton instantly dissolves in the acid, or it is more or less disintegrated without actually dissolving. The product in the latter case is not entirely soluble in Ether and Alcohol, but leaves behind a re- sidue consisting in part of unaltered Cotton fibre. The portion which is taken up by the Ethereal Solvent, may be considered as nearly corresponding to the lowest substitution compound, D, page 91, and very commonly the solution of this compound leaves behind an opaque film on evaporation. Here it may be proper to explain the reason why a weak Ni- tro-Sulphuric Acid sometimes dissolves the Cotton, and some- times merely disintegrates it. Supposing the temperature, and the Cotton used, to be the same, yet the solvent action of the acids will vary with the relative proportions of Sulphuric and Nitric Acid present, even although the amount of water be cor- rectly adjusted to that of the Sulphuric Acid. Thus a warm diluted Nitric Acid used alone acts upon the Cotton rapidly and dissolves it ; but if a very small portion of diluted Sulphuric Acid be added, the tendency to dissolve the Cotton is lessened, or if the Cotton be already dissolved the diluted Sulphuric Acid throws it down again. If however the proportion of the diluted Sulphuric Acid be very considerably increased, until it reaches to as much as three times the bulk of the diluted Nitric Acid, then the ten- dency to dissolve the Cotton becomes greater than in the case of a mixture containing equal volumes of the two diluted acids. b. A peculiar action of the Oil of Vitriol in the Process. To demonstrate this, take a sheet of ordinary bibulous paper, and having cut it into separate pieces, float them ttpon Sulphuric Acid diluted with half its bulk of water and cooled : allow five seconds for the first, ten for the second, twenty for the third, and so on, until the last piece is gelatinized and dissolved ; then re- move the Sulphuric Acid carefully by washing, and convert them into Pyroxyline. A marked difference will be perceptible between the samples of Collodion so obtained. The first noticeable ef- fect of the previous parchmentizing, will be an increased fluidity and freedom from structural lines. The Collodion when poured upon a glass sets very rapidly, and with such firmness that the PYEOXYLTNE. 227 finger may be rubbed backwards and forwards without disturbing it. The film on lifting from the Bath soon becomes partially sur- face-dry, and repels developers or fixing agents ; when washed with water and dried, it forms a dense and highly- varnished surface nearly impenetrable by liquids. The moist film after develop- ment with Pyrogallic Acid and fixing, appears unusually tough, and will bear pumping on without injury. It is also very con- tractile, and tends to draw itself away from the edges of the glass. When pushed aside it can be pulled back again like the finger of a glove. The fixing agent never removes any portion of the image from this Collodion because the Iodide of Silver is in the film and not only upon its surface. The above-mentioned properties, imparted by the preliminary action of Oil of Vitriol, are not seen to an equal extent in all the pieces of paper used in the experiments, but are more decidedly evident in proportion to the time during which the acid was al- lowed to act. If however the action of the acid be carried to that point at which the paper begins to soften and become semi- gelatinous, then the resulting Collodion will be entirely different, the film being rotten and powdery. This we shall presently show to be due to a disintegration by the Nitric Acid contained in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid ; which disintegration is exhibited more strongly when the fibre is previously changed, nearly into dextrine, by the prolonged action of Sulphuric Acid. In addition to these effects produced by parchmentizing the fibre in different degrees before converting it into Pyroxyline, there are others which deserve notice. The solubility of the pro- duct in Ether and Alcohol is much increased, so that the exact amount of water in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid becomes a point of less importance as affecting solubility, and an acid strong enough to make ordinary paper explosive and insoluble, answers perfectly in the case of paper previously parchmentized. To secure the parchmentizing action in the ordinary process of making Pyroxyline, the amount of diluted Sulphuric Acid pre- sent in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid should be considerably greater than that of the Nitric Acid. The Cotton then shrinks into a small compass, and the resulting Collodion will be tough and strong. The action of the Oil of Vitriol in the process evidently precedes that of the Nitric Acid, since we find that cotton fibre which has once been converted into Pyroxyline is no longer a 228 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. fected by diluted Sulphuric Acid, even when immersed for several hours. A peculiar action of the Nitric Add in the process of making Pyroxyline. The proper action of Nitric Acid in this process is, as before shown, to communicate Peroxide of Nitrogen to the fibre, and so to convert the Cellulose into Pyroxyline ; the stronger the Nitric Acid, the greater the amount of peroxide imparted. We notice, however, another action of Nitric Acid upon Pyroxy- line, by which the properties of the latter are much altered. This second or modifying action, if we may so term it, is exerted not so much by a concentrated, as by a diluted Nitric Acid, and more by a hot Nitric Acid than by the same acid employed cold. To ex- hibit this secondary action of Nitric Acid, take ordinary Pyroxy- line made by the formulae given in the Third Part of this Work, and dip it for an instant in Nitric Acid of sp. gr. T45, mixed with a third of its bulk of Sulphuric Acid (to prevent it from dis- solving the cotton) and heated to about 140 or 150 Fahrenheit.* The following are the main characteristics of Collodion pre- pared from Pyroxyline so treated : It does not set rapidly upon the glass like the parchmentized Collodion last described, but remains liquid for a minute, or even longer, after which it rubs under the finger in a soapy manner, instead of bearing friction without injury. After passing through the bath the film is creamy, retains its surface-moisture for an unusually long time, and on washing with water and drying presents a porous surface, quite lustreless, and without any varnished appearance. This film, when wet, will not bear pumping on, but is so rotten that a small stream of water allowed to impinge upon it makes a round hole. The Collodion is non- contractile, and so far from admitting of being pushed backwards and forwards after fixing with the Hyposulphite, it at once breaks away in short pieces under such treatment. Fixing agents will often remove the image from a Collodion of this kind, because the Iodide of Silver is not imprisoned by the Pyroxyline, but lies loosely upon its surface. * In addition to this modified Pyroxyline produced by hot Nitric Acid mixed with a little Sulphuric Acid, a remarkable change of properties may be produced by the pure Nitric Acid of V45 employed cold, and without any admixture of Sulphuric Acid. The Pyroxyline gradually becomes opaque, and loses its solubility in Ether and Alcohol ; eventually it dissolves in the cold Nitric Acid without any evolution of gas, and if water be then added, opaque white flakes are thrown down, whu-h, when treated with Ether and Alcohol, simply swell up without passing into solution. PYEOXTLINE. 229 Here we repeat the remark before made when speaking of the action of Sulphuric Acid, viz. that the secondary or disintegrating action of Nitric Acid is always greater when the parchmentizing effect has been previously produced ; and we may also anticipate an observation to be made a few pages in advance, by adding that one kind of cellulose, such as flax, may be disintegrated by the Nitric Acid more readily than another, viz. cotton. To secure the full disintegrating action of weak Nitric Acid in the ordinary process of preparing Pyroxyline, the bulk of Nitric Acid present in the Nitro-Sulphuric A.cid should be at least equal to that of the Sulphuric Acid, and may with advantage be many times greater. The cotton will then assume an opaque appear- ance on being dipped in the mixture, and the Collodion will lack those properties of strength and toughness before referred to. Composition, by volume, of Nitro-Sulphuric Acid for preparing Photographic Pyroxyline. The following table Oil of Vitriol, Pure Nitric Acid, 1-845 at 60 F. T45 at 60 F. Water. No. 1 .... 3 .... 1 .... i No. 2 .... 2 .... 1 .... | No. 3 . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . -& No.4 . . . . 1 . . . . 2 . . . . -^ No. 5 .... 1 .... 3 .... exhibits the composition of five different mixtures of Sulphuric and Nitric Acid, in which an attempt has been made to graduate the proportion of water in such a way that the percentage of Peroxide of Nitrogen imparted to immersed cotton fibre may be nearly the same in each : the table was constructed by simple ex- periment, taking care in each case to work with the maximum quantity of water, and stopping the addition of water only when it was found that the product left a thick sediment on being dis- solved in Ether and Alcohol. One hundred grains of purified and dried cotton immersed in either of these five mixtures, with the precautions necessary to prevent any loss from solution, ought to weigh one hundred and sixty grains : the Pyroxyline in each case is soluble, to a great ex- tent, in glacial Acetic Acid, and also in boiling absolute Alcohol ; whilst the resulting Collodion does not produce an entirely opaque film. The substitution body formed is therefore above compound D, or Xyloidine, but not above compound C (see the Vocabulary, 230 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. art. PYKOXYLINE). A more careful examination seems to indi- cate that if there be a difference in the strength of the mixtures given in the above table, No. 1 is somewhat stronger than No. 5.* The Collodion however from No. 1 is more fluid than that from No. 5, thus showing that in addition to high temperature and dilution of the mixture with water, an excess of Sulphuric Acid has to do with flowing properties of Collodion. A greater amount of fluidity than exists even in the Collodion from No. 1 may be produced by dipping the Pyroxyline first in No. 1, to secure the full action of the Sulphuric Acid, and afterwards in No. 5 ; the weak Nitric Acid will then act more decidedly than it would have done upon a product produced by one immersion. The temperature employed for the above table of acids may be 150 Fahr. ; and, in making the Pyroxyline, we find that the lower numbers give a product which has an opaque appearance ; whereas the Pyroxyline made by Nos. 1 and 2 exhibits no opacity. The five samples of Collodion differ very much in the rapidity with which they set upon the glass, and also in their physical structure : the first setting rapidly and producing a horny film ; the last scarcely possessing any power of setting. The only way of overcoming this, and putting them on something like a par, is by varying the proportions of Ether and Alcohol in the sol- vents, using more Alcohol in the former, and more Ether in the latter. Observe, however, that although the lower members of the series in the above table ought to yield a Collodion setting less rapidly upon the glass than the upper members, yet that this observation only applies when the full quantity of water is em- ployed in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid. For as before shown, the setting power is injured by a weak Nitric Acid, but not so much by a stronger acid : hence No. 5 would produce a Collodion with * If any one should desire to examine the above acids as regards their strength or power of imparting NO 4 to the fibre of Cotton, let it be borne in mind that in the case of No. 1 the percentage amount of NO 4 in the Pyr- oxyline will increase considerably if the Cotton be permitted to remain for several hours in the cold acid. The proportion of Nitric Acid in this mix- ture is so small, being little more than one-fifth of the total bulb, that the Nitric Acid is in a measure exhausted in acting upon the fibre, and conse- quently a rather low substitution body is formed : the Cotton imbibes the liquid like a sponge, and for the first half-hour only those portions of the acid which touch the fibre produce any effect ; afterwards, however, a pro- cess of diffusion goes on in the liquid, and fresh acid coming into contact with the fibre, more Peroxide of Nitrogen is communicated to it. PYROXYLINE. 231 sufficient power of setting if the amount of water in the Nitric Acid were reduced ; but in this case the film would possess the objectionable properties of Pyroxyline made in strong acids, being glutinous and difficult to pour. Effect of Raising the Temperature. Although we have spoken of fluidity of Collodion, and tenacity of the film as affected by the relative proportions of water, Sulphuric Acid, and Nitric Acid present in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, yet such remarks must be taken very much in connection with the temperature at the time of putting in the Cotton, since the physical modifications produced by the two constituent acids are seen in an exaggerated degree when the Nitro-Sulphuric mixture is heated. An acid which gives an insoluble and explosive product in the cold, will yield Pyroxyline perfectly soluble at a higher temperature. Py- roxyline prepared in acids barely warm, makes Collodion which is glutinous and difficult to pour on large glasses, even although containing as little as two or three grains of the soluble Cotton to the ounce. The film soon becomes surface-dry, and repels the developer so that it cannot be made to flow up to the edge : on examination after fixing, it shows cellular spaces and structural lines. Hot acids, on the other hand, yield Pyroxyline of the kind which is easily soluble in Ether and Alcohol to the extent of eight or ten grains to the ounce of solvents, and the resulting Collodion is limpid and adherent to the glass. There is also an absence of structural marking in this Collodion, the transparent layer being nearly homogeneous, even when highly magnified. The reader will perceive that the above physical effects of in- creased temperature are almost identical with those before attri- buted to a dilution of the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid with water. This is quite natural, because heat and dilution co-operate in increasing the action of the acids upon the fibre. What we have to do in preparing a Pyroxyline for fluid and adhesive Collodion, is to hit the exact point at which disintegration of the fibre commences, and to add more water, and raise the temperature a few degrees, if after an immersion of five or ten minutes the Pyroxyline ap- pears strong and unyielding, like ordinary cotton. Different forms of Cellulose. Cotton, Straw, Pith, Flax, etc., with the manufactured fabrics produced from the same, may be converted into soluble Pyroxyline, but the product will be more or less different in each case. When a rather concentrated Nitro- 232 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Sulphuric Acid is used, Cotton may give a glutinous Collodion, and Calico a fluid Collodion. In another acid, weaker than the last, the Cotton succeeds well, whilst Calico instantly dissolves. The difference in the two cases appears to depend principally upon the thickness of the fibre ; Calico produces Pyroxyline of the fluid kind, and is partially dissolved, because the Nitric Acid, in acting on the outside portions of the closely-twisted fibre, is reduced in strength, and hence the interior of the fibre is left more nearly in the condition of Xyloidine. It is possible, also, that with this weakening of the acid there may be a corresponding rise of temperature, which would assist in producing a powdery Pyroxyline, or in causing solution. Linen, even when selected of the same thickness, yields a more limpid Collodion than Calico, and one of which the film is less tenacious and contractile. These peculiarities cannot be satisfac- torily explained, unless they depend upon a difference in compo- sition ; which is not improbable, since it is known that Flax can be distinguished from Cotton by chemical tests, being more easily discoloured by the action of alkalies. Both Linen and Calico undergo a change by constant use, which is recognized on making the material into Pyroxyline. Old and rotten rags are quickly disintegrated by the acid mixture, and the Pyroxyline produces a highly-structureless Collodion, which adheres with much tenacity to the glass. Paper has been at different times much recommended for the preparation of Pyr- oxyline, but it will easily be gathered from the above remarks that it is an unfit material ; for not only do different samples of paper vary greatly in thickness, which, as before shown, would affect the action of the Nitric Acid, but, being made both from Cotton and Linen rags, some of which rags are new, and others old and rotten, they cannot be expected to produce uniformity. The Swedish filtering paper imported into this country for che- mical purposes, has been stated to be uniform, but the Writer does not find the assertion correct ; the Pyroxyline being at one time structureless, and at another comparatively glutinous, even with the same Acids. In addition to the materials mentioned above, others have been tried, such as China Grass, the Pith of the Jerusalem Artichoke, the Fibre of the Aloe, etc., but the result was only to confirm the opinion above expressed, that on each material the Sulphuric PYKOXYLINE. 233 Acid, and also the Nitric Acid, produces a different effect. The Fibre of the Grasses, including Flax, appears to be more easily disintegrated and dissolved both by Acids and Alkalies than that of Cotton, and to be convertible into sugar with greater facility. A point of some importance, as regards the manufacture of Pyroxyline, is the cleansing of the Fibre thoroughly from adhering resinous matter, which, if allowed to remain, deoxidizes a portion of the Nitric Acid, and so far weakens it as .to ensure the imme- diate destruction of a portion of the cellulose at high temperatures. A convenient substance to employ in cleansing is a diluted alkali, which converts the resin into a soap more or less soluble in water. It is probable that the differences which have been said to exist between Cotton of various growths may depend in part upon the presence or absence of this resinous matter. The Manufacturer who wishes to work with great accuracy, and to employ the largest quantity of water possible in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, should also bear in mind that Cotton is a hygroscopic substance, and requires to be artificially dried. A minute proportion of moisture present upon the very surface of the Cotton, would produce a greater effect in causing solution than the same quantity of water added to the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, since it would dilute only that portion of the Acid which touches the Fibre, and thus would cause a rise in the temperature. Photographic Properties of Various Kinds of Pyroxyline. In preparing Pyroxyline from the five different mixtm-es given in the table of composition of Nitro-Sulphuric Acid at page 229, it is found to differ in its Photographic properties as well as in its physical properties. As regards intensity of the Negative image, we observe that Pyroxyline made in the mixtures at the top of the scale, which contain an excess of the diluted Oil of Vitriol, tends to produce more intense images than Pyroxyline fronl No. 4 or No. 5, in which the diluted Nitric Acid is in excess. The difference in the two cases is caused by the Oil of Vitriol, since the same effect of increasing intensity can be obtained by parch- mentizing the Fibre first, and converting it into Pyroxyline after- wards ; and it is not improbable that this action of the Sulphuric Acid in increasing intensity depends upon a conversion of the Cellulose into a substance resembling dextrine in its photographic action. Irrespective of the proportions of the two Acids, the quantity 234 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of water in any mixture of Nitro-Sulphurie Acid will affect the photographic intensity of the resulting Pyroxyline and Collodion. This effect is evidently due to the same action of weak Nitric Acid as that which causes it to disintegrate the Fibre, for if we take a sample of Pyroxyline previously parchmentized by Oil of Vitriol, and capable of yielding great intensity in Collodion, we may destroy its properties in that respect most completely by dipping it for an instant in a, warm mixture containing an excess of very weak Nitric Acid. When speaking of the Negative Nitrate Bath, it will be shown that it loses its power of producing a dense picture if a little organic matter oxidized by Nitric Acid be added to it : it appears, therefore, that Nitric Acid is capable of pro- ducing with organic bodies a substance of unknown composition, which is injurious to the intensity of the photographic image. This subject, however, is not at present clearly understood, and we must, therefore, be satisfied with indicating the facts as they stand. The temperature of the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid at the time of immersing the Cotton invariably affects the photographic pro- perties of Pyroxyline. At high temperatures, a portion of the Fibre is converted into a substance which has a bitter taste, and turns brown when treated with Alkalies. This substance is believed to be Nitro- Glucose, formed by the action of strong Nitric Acid upon Grape Sugar : the Grape Sugar itself being produced from the Cellulose by contact with the warm and diluted Sulphuric Acid. In studying the effect which this bitter product of decomposition is likely to produce, we may prepare Nitro- Glucose, and add it to Collodion. Nitro-Glucose diminishes the sensitiveness of the film to weak rays of light, but increases the rapidity and intensity of the development in Negative pictures. Vigorous images are produced even in a very dull light, but they are always liable to be black and white without middle tints, or to solarize, and become extremely red in the most exposed parts of the film, where the light acts strongly. Collodion made at very high temperatures, although possessed of great fluidity, ad- hesiveness, and freedom from structural lines, with other physical advantages before enumerated, is found less useful for ordinary work than samples prepared at a lower temperature, and which are not so good in physical properties, being somewhat ropy in hot weather, and drying up more quickly after sensitizing. A PYEOXYLINE. 235 film of this latter kind is very sensitive, and every radiation makes a distinct impression even after the shortest exposure. The author of this Work is inclined to attribute the peculi- arities of Collodion made from Linen, or from paper manufac- tured out of partially decomposed rags, to the presence of Nitro- Glucose in the Pyroxyline. He has found that unless the tem- perature of the Nitre-Sulphuric Acid be kept low, there is a peculiar disposition to form the bitter resin, not only in Linen Fibre, and partially-decayed Cotton Fibre, but also in the pure Cotton Fibre previously converted into vegetable parchment by the action of diluted Sulphuric Acid. In each case the Collo- dion is highly intense, and when shaken up with Carbonate of Potash assumes an amber-yellow colour, whereas a Pyroxyline nearly free from the bitter matter remains colourless for a time on treating the Collodion with Carbonate of Potash. It may be proper before leaving this part of our subject to say a few words on an action which Chlorine appears to exert in the manufacture of Pyroxyline. The yellow Nitric Acid of commerce invariably contains a portion of Chlorine, and this is found to exert a decomposing action upon the Fibre, the result of which is to increase the fluidity of the resulting Collodion and also its intensity, but somewhat to diminish its sensitiveness. It is ad- visable therefore to employ a Nitric Acid from which the Chlo- rine has been eliminated, since any amount of intensity of Collo- dion may be obtained by sufficiently increasing the proportion of diluted Oil of Vitriol in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, or by raising the temperature, and avoiding the use of too much water in the acids. In examining commercial samples of Pyroxyline prepared from Cotton-wool, the Writer has met with a variety which gives great intensity of Collodion with an average amount of fluidity. A quality of Pyroxyline similar to this may be prepared in a mix- ture of Nitro-Sulphuric Acid containing about two measures of Oil of Vitriol to one measure of Nitric Acid of T45 (contaminated with a little Chlorine), and a quantity of water decidedly less than that given in the table at page 229. The temperature of the acid mixture must be sufficiently raised to disintegrate the fibre, and so to produce a Pyroxyline which occupies a small space when dry, has rather a yellow aspect, and is inclined to be dusty. The film from the resulting Collodion is not very sensitive, since it contains 236 THEOET OF PHOTOGEAPHY. a notable portion of the bitter resin, but it answers remarkably well for a negative Collodion prepared with a mixed Iodide and Bromide, and its manufacture requires less nicety than the for- mula which the Author adopts, since the quantity of water in the acids is not so large. Spontaneous Decomposition in Pyroxyline. The Author has occasionally failed when using samples of Pyroxyline which have been kept for many months after preparation. A partial libera- tion of Oxides of Nitrogen appears to take place in some instances, forming an atmosphere of red fumes within the bottle. Pyroxy- line which has undergone much decomposition from the use of a very high temperature in the process of manufacture may be ex- pected to change in this way, and especially so if the acids are not thoroughly removed by washing ; a little Sulphuric Acid left in the ' Pyroxyline would keep it continually damp, and perfect dryness is essential to the stability of Pyroxyline. From phe- nomena observed in the decomposition of Nitro- Glucose, it is probable that constant exposure to light favours the change. The products of the spontaneous decomposition of Gun Cotton appear to be Oxalic Acid and a neutral organic substance having the composition of Gum.* THE PLAIN COLLODION. The relative proportions of Ether and Alcohol in Collodion affect both the physical and Photographic properties of the so- lution. This subject has been already alluded to at p. 223, but there are some additional observations to be made. The use of an excess of Alcohol is advantageous in preventing the Ether from evaporating quickly in hot weather. At tempe- ratures of 90 and 100 Ealir. it is almost impossible, with Col- lodion containing but little Alcohol, to coat a large glass and immerse it in the Bath before the upper part becomes dry ; consequently an uneven coating of Iodide is produced, with a blueness at the top edge. This happens especially when the Spirits are very strong and almost free from water. Another advantage of making Collodion with a large quantity of Alcohol is, that it is more readily wetted by the Bath solution, and does not throw the liquid into greasy lines upon the surface of * For some further properties of Pyroxyline not mentioned in this Sec- tion, see the Vocabulary, Part I. PLAIN COLLODION. 237 the film. There is however a practical limit to the use of Alco- hol, inasmuch as not being a complete solvent of Pyroxyline it alters the structure of the film, rendering it gelatinous. The quality of the Pyroxyline is the first important point to be considered in determining the relative proportions of Ether and Alcohol. With a sample of Pyroxyline made at a low tem- perature and in rather strong Nitro-Sulphuric Acid containing a minimum of Sulphuric Acid, barely enough Alcohol should be used in the plain Collodion to confer the requisite solubility, viz. an eighth or a twelfth part, by bulk, of the Ether ; otherwise the iodized* Collodion will be very tender and easily torn, glutinous and difficult to pour, loosely adherent to the glass, and full of crapy lines and structural markings. Pyroxyline prepared from Cotton-wool by the formula with a large excess of Oil of Vitriol will bear more Alcohol than the last, and with some advantage, for the contractility which makes it separate from the edges of the glass is lessened by the addition of Alcohol. The tendency to set quickly arid produce water-markings at the upper edge of the plate is also to a great extent obviated, as is also the rapid surface-drying of the film after taking it from the Bath, which causes it to repel the deve- loper, as before shown. The film, being nearly structureless and very tough, will bear a quantity of Spirits which in other cases would produce crapy lines and tenderness. If the Pyroxyline of this formula be made in acids containing the largest possible quantity of water, the proportion of Alcohol in the plain Collodion may be one-half of the Ether, which will give, after iodizing, equal bulks of the two Solvents ; but if the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid was made with less water, then the proportion of Alcohol in the plain Collodion must not exceed one-third of the Ether, or the film will be woolly at the lower corner of the plate. It will be found that the solubility of this tough kind of Py- roxyline is increased by employing the maximum quantity of Alcohol, so that if the plain Collodion be diluted with Ether, a precipitate will take place. With other kinds of Pyroxyline differently prepared, the addition of Ether to the plain Collodion produces no precipitate. * This observation supposes the plain Collodion and the iodizing compound to be kept in separate solutions ; two measures of the latter being added to six measures of the former. 238 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. In the case of Pyroxyline prepared in Nitro-Sulphuric Acid containing equal bulks of Oil of Vitriol and Nitric Acid, with the maximum of water, it is advisable to reduce the quantity of Alcohol somewhat ; for if too much Alcohol be employed, the set- ting of the Pyroxyline will be so greatly retarded that the upper edge of the film will become dry before the lower part has soli- dified sufficiently to take the Bath without precipitation of the Pyroxyline. Such an effect could not happen in the case of the first formula of page 229, containing Oil of Vitriol in excess, be- cause it would be impossible to use such a mixture in a state suf- ficiently weak to destroy the property of setting in the resulting Pyroxyline : before that point was reached the cotton would dis- solve in the acid. The exact strength of the Alcohol used in Photography must always be noted, since the effect of water when present in any quantity is to produce viscidity of Collodion, and more rapid de- composition under the influence of the iodizing compound. The experience of Photographers is favourable to the employment of even a stronger spirit than that usually recommended ; and when it can be obtained, the Alcohol of '805 at 60 Fahr., sold in com- merce as absolute, may be preferred, as a rule. With the most horny kind of Pyroxyline, however, prepared by the first formula of page 229, a little water appears necessary, to open out the structure of the film and prevent it from assuming a condition in which it resembles Gutta Percha in being impervious to liquids ; but in the case of Pyroxyline from formula No. 3, of page 229, such as is recommended for Positives, the film will be sufficiently porous, even with the whole of the Alcohol in the absolute state. With formula No. 1 the Alcohol of '805 may also be employed, if the proportion be increased until it nearly doubles that of the Ether. Photographic Effects of Excess of Alcohol in Collodion. The addition of Alcohol to Collodion lessens the contractility of the film, and renders it soft and gelatinous. These conditions are fa- vourable to sensitiveness, perhaps from the play of affinities being promoted by the loose manner in which the particles of Iodide are held together. The extra sensitiveness obtained by use of Alcohol however does not increase after a certain point ; on th contrary, it diminishes, for it appears to be necessary to extreme sensitiveness that the film should coagulate within a certain time PLAIN COLLODION. . 239 after it has been coated, and therefore the addition of Alcohol must be stopped when the film loses its ready setting qualities, and is not coherent under the finger. Hence a porous Collodion is soon injured in sensitiveness on adding too much Alcohol, but a strong and tough Pyroxyline will bear equal bulks of the two Solvents without loss in that respect. The above observation as to the effect of excess of Alcohol in diminishing the sensitiveness of the film to dark objects applies particularly when the atmosphere is cold and damp, and evapo- ration is retarded. At a very high temperature and in a dry air it does not apply, since the presence of Alcohol is then useful in preventing the film from becoming surface-dry, especially when it is necessary to keep the sensitive plate for a long time between exposure and development. Intensity of Negative is much favoured by using a full quantity of Alcohol,* and particularly when large glasses are coated, and long focus lenses, which work slowly, are employed. The differ- ence is doubtless due in part to the structure of the film being opened out by the Alcohol, so as to assist the developer in pene- trating, and partly to the rapidity of evaporation and consequent surface-drying being diminished. Hence in hot weather the Al- cohol acts very beneficially, and with Collodion made almost en- tirely of Ether, the Negatives are unusually weak at such times. Pyroxyline of the horny kind is especially liable to lose intensity at high temperature unless the Alcohol be added freely so as to prevent the film from becoming hard and impervious. Decomposition of Plain Collodion by Keeping. Plain Collo- dion tends to become more limpid by keeping, and often acquires the property of eliminating Iodine rapidly from the iodizer ; but the rapidity with which the change takes place, varies much with the mode of preparing the Pyroxyline and with the quality of the Ether. Supposing all the materials to be pure, the decomposi- tion after keeping for several months in a cool and dark place is very slight, and is generally considered to improve the quality of the Negative rather than otherwise : it imparts a slightly red or purple tone to the image, without much affecting the sensitiveness, and hence many prefer to keep a stock of Collodion always on hand, that it may settle down clear, and " ripen." This proceeding * For full particulars as to the purity of Alcohol for Photographic pur- poses see the Vocabulary, Part I. 240 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. however would be very far from safe with an unstable Pyroxy- line, or an inferior Ether, since the Oxides of Nitrogen would then be set free from the Gun Cotton, and injury to the sensi- tiveness would result from elimination of Iodine after iodizing. When great stability is an object, as in exporting Collodion to foreign climates, the Pyroxyline ought not to be made in such a way as to produce much decomposition in the Mtro-Sulphuric Acid. For instance, if we take pieces of old linen and immerse them at a temperature of 150 Fahrenheit in a Mtro-Sulphuric Acid made purposely very weak, the greater part will dissolve, but a few fragments remain, which, when washed and applied to the tongue, have a bitter taste. In this case the Pyroxyline is partially decomposed in the Acid, and Collodion made from the product might work well at first, but after keeping for twelve months in the plain state would probably be as thin as water, and produce a rotten and insensitive film. The best kind of Pyroxyline for yielding a stable Collodion, according to the Author's experience, is that made from Cotton- wool, and at rather a low temperature. This preparation has been proved to retain its original properties nearly unchanged for nine months. The test for decomposition of Pyroxyline is agita- tion of the Collodion with dry Carbonate of Potash. When so treated it should remain colourless for a certain time : if it assume a brown tint in less than two hours, traces of the compound above named as resembling Nitro- Glucose are present. Plain Collodion, made at a temperature of 170 to 180 Fahr., will keep well for a few weeks, but when exported to a distant climate, and subjected to an elevated temperature, it liberates Io- dine from Iodide of Potassium somewhat quickly, and is useful only for taking Positives, or Negative views when shortness of exposure is not an object. Carbonate of Potash shaken up with this kind of Collodion strikes a brown colour. A point which should not be overlooked in preparing Collodion for keeping, is the length of time during which the fibre of the Cellulose remains in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid. A short immer- sion (five minutes) is the best, but if the material be left for half an hour or longer, as may sometimes be done without solu- tion taking place, the Collodion will often acquire by degrees the property of striking a brown colour with Iodide of Potassium. The quality of the Ether is very important in making a Collodion PLAIN COLLODION. 241 of uniform properties. It is possible to obtain an Ether which will remain for months without assuming the condition known as " ozonized," in which it liberates Iodine from Iodide of Potassium; but Ether containing Aldehyde or organic impurity will soon change. The Photographer will be guided partly by the quality of his Ether in deciding as to the best formula for a Pyroxyline, because an inferior Ether soon renders the Collodion rather limpid through formation of Acetic Ether or some similar product, by which the setting power of the Pyroxyline is diminished. It must also be borne in mind that when this impure Ether liberates Iodine in the iodized Collodion, a corresponding portion of the alkali Pot- ash is set free, which, as we shall presently show, adds to the lim- pidity, and lessens the setting powers. To meet this difficulty, the Pyroxyline should be made slightly more tough and con- tractile than is necessary, which may be effected by reducing the temperature of the Acid a few degrees. Also, since impure Ether soon becomes ozonized, a high temperature of Mtro-Sulphuric Acid ought to be avoided, as likely to render the Pyroxyline unstable. Inferior Ether usually produces a more intense Collodion than pure Ether, but the plain Collodion does not keep for any length of time without change, soon losing its sensitiveness, and yielding pictures which are black and white without middle tints. A rapid elimination of Iodine takes place on adding the iodizer, and the film is weak and rotten. In some cases, commercial Ether is contaminated with organic Oils having a foul smell, or contains traces of the Alkali employed in the processes of purification. The latter impurity is particularly objectionable, because Alkalies and Carbonated Alkalies decompose Collodion, rendering it lim- pid, and destroying the setting properties. " Methylated Ether " (see the Vocabulary, Part I.) is largely employed in the manu- facture of Collodion, but where expense is not an object, the Writer recommends the pure Ether in preference. (Read the article ETHEE, in the Vocabulary, for further particulars.) IODIZING SOLUTIONS. Different Iodides vary in their effect upon plain Collodion. Those which have an acid reaction, like the Iodide of Cadmium, may be expected to increase the glutinosity. But Alkaline E 212 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. Iodides, such as Iodide of Potassium or Ammonium, render it limpid and structureless. Fixed Alkalies or Alkaline Carbonates hare a more marked effect than Alkaline Iodides, as may be shown by agitating plain Collodion with powdered Carbonate of Potash : in the course of a few days it becomes as fluid as water. The first effect of the Alkali, however, upon Pyroxyline, made by the formula with excess of Oil of Yitriol, is to render the Collodion fflairy, so that the bottle may often be completely inverted with- out any immediate loss. The same observation applies to Alkaline Iodides : they thicken the Collodion slightly in the first instance, and afterwards render it more limpid. When Collodion gradually becomes limpid under the action of an Alkaline Iodide, it loses its power of setting upon the glass ; but there is a remarkable difference between Collodions in the rapidity of this change, and those which are tough and unyielding when newly made withstand the action of the Alkali for a much longer time. The reader will perceive that the effects now attributed to the action of alkaline Iodides upon Collodion, viz. limpidity, and a diminished power of setting, are the same as those spoken of under the head of dilution of the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid with water. There is, however, this important difference in the two cases, that in the former an increase of photographic intensity accompanies the porosity, but in the latter the intensity is di- minished, as already shown at page 234. Iodide of Cadmium. The stability of this compound is its great recommendation : Ether, unless highly ozonized, has little or no effect in. liberating Iodine from it. Another advantage of the Iodide of Cadmium is, that it does not destroy the setting properties of the Pyroxyline as the alkaline Iodides eventually do. The Collodion should be prepared purposely when Iodide of Cadmium is used as an iodizer. Collodion containing Pyroxyline made at a low temperature and in rather strong acids, works tolerably well after iodizing with the Potassium or Ammonium compound, and keeping until liberation of Iodine and liquefaction have taken place ; but with Iodide of Cadmium it would be in every respect unsatisfactory, flowing in a slimy manner upon the plate, exhibiting crapy lines, repelling the developer, and splitting away from the glass on drying. When the Pyroxyline is made in strong acids at a very high temperature, the Collodion is often eufficiently fluid, but yet is not altogether adapted for iodizing IODIDES FOR COLLODION. 243 with the Cadmium Salt, from its tendency to produce " woolliness" or unevenness of film at the lower edge of the plate. The proper kind is that prepared in weak acids, and sufficiently parchmentized by the Oil of Yitriol to give the requisite degree of intensity. Iodide of Potassium. This Salt is well adapted for iodizing Collodion not required to possess keeping properties, but its sparing solubility in Alcohol and Ether is an objection. Collo- dion containing 4J- parts of Ether of '725 to 3 of Alcohol '816, will carry nearly three grains of Iodide of Potassium to the ounce. With equal biilks of Ether and Alcohol the full quantity, yiz. four grains, may be dissolved. Five parts of Ether with three of Alcohol will not take more than 2 or 2j grains to the ounce. The admixture of Iodide of Cadmium with Iodide of Potassium increases the solubility of the latter Salt, by forming a double Salt, the Iodide of Potassium and Cadmium. To produce this compound, which is well fitted for iodizing Collodion containing five parts Ether to three of Alcohol of '816, equal weights of the two Iodides may be taken. These proportions are not strictly correct, but they are sufficiently near for practical purposes. It may also be remarked that the quantity of an alkaline Iodide which any Collodion will carry, depends partly upon the Pyroxy- line. With that particular kind of Pyroxyline which is recom- mended for Negatives in this Work, no more than 3| grains per ounce must be employed, otherwise the Iodide of Silver will be precipitated upon the surface of the film at the lower edge, and marks will result. By mixing the Iodide of Potassium with Iodide of Cadmium, or by using Iodide of Cadmium alone, a larger quantity of Iodide may be used without the appearance of markings. The effect of using an iodizing solution containing more Iodide of Potassium than the Collodion will retain in solution, is not always to produce an immediate precipitation, such as would result if the Pyroxyline were omitted, and the iodizing solution added to an equivalent quantity of Ether and Alcohol. The presence of the Pyroxyline prevents a visible deposition, but the Collodion will produce a spotted image, and after standing for some days, crystals will form upon the sides of the bottle. - When the whole of the Alcohol contained in the Collodion is of the strength of '805, commercially known as " absolute," it will scarcely be safe to iodize with Iodide of Potassium only, 244 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. unless the proportion of Alcohol is nearly double that of the Ether : much, however, will depend upon the degree of dryness of the Ether itself, since the commercial Ether often contains Water dissolved in it, in sufficient quantity to prevent the pre- cipitation of the Iodide of Potassium. The preparation of an iodizing solution of Iodide of Potassium is a troublesome process with Alcohol of '805, since it is necessary to pulverize the Iodide very carefully, and to boil the spirit upon it ; in cold weather, such an iodizer is apt to deposit cubical crystals upon the sides of the bottle containing it. Commercial Iodide of Potassium is often contaminated with Carbonate of Potash. This Salt has an injurious action not only in throwing a white deposit of Carbonate of Cadmium when the mixed Iodides are used, but also in reacting upon the Collodion, and producing rapid liquefaction, as before shown. Pure Iodide of Potassium is now prepared purposely for Photography : the crystals have a slightly yellow tint, and the Alcoholic solution liberates Iodine slowly on exposure to Light. Iodide of Ammonium is useful in iodizing Collodion, when it is required to add also a portion of Bromide ; if any Iodide of Potassium were present in such a case, a white deposit would form, on account of the sparing solubility of Bromide of Potas- sium in Spirits free from water. Collodion containing 44 drachms of Ether to 3^ of Alcohol '816, will not carry more than a quarter of a grain of Bromide of Potassium to the ounce, but it will easily dissolve a much larger quantity of Bromide of Ammonium or Bromide of Cadmium. The only objection to the use of Iodide of Ammonium is its instability, and the difficulty of invariably obtaining it in a pure state, the Writer having found that most of the samples prepared by aid of Sulphuretted Hydrogen or Hydrosulphate of Ammonia, contain traces of a Sulphur com- pound, and are inferior to those made in the moist way, by pre- cipitation. When Iodide of Ammonium becomes brown by keep- ing, it may be decolorized by shaking it up in a bottle with a little Ether, and drying upon blotting-paper. Iodide of Sodium is intermediate in solubility between Iodide of Potassium and Iodide of Ammonium, and would be a valuable compound for iodizing if it could be obtained commercially in a pure state. Iodide of Iron was formerly used in Photography, but has now IODIDES IN COLLODION. 245 become obsolete. It produces a very sensitive Collodion at first, but soon reacts upon the Pyroxyline, and the Collodion becomes reduced to the condition of a jelly. The Nitrate Bath is also thrown out of order, Protonitrate of Iron being formed, which precipitates Metallic Silver on the sides of the trough. Chemical and Photographic action of the various Iodides in Collodion. With recently iodized Collodion the difference in sensitiveness between the various Iodides is not very marked if they are in a pure state. The presence of Carbonate of Potash, lodate of Potash, or Chloride of Potassium in the commercial Iodide of Potassium at once diminishes the sensitiveness ; and any trace of a Sulphur compound in the Iodide of Ammonium will have the same effect. The intensity of Negative Collodion does not vary materially with the Iodide, if the Collodion be tested soon after iodizing. Nevertheless by close observation minute differences can be de- tected, and Iodide of Potassium will be found to give a somewhat more vigorous picture than Iodide of Ammonium. With any Iodide also the intensity will be lessened by adding too large a quantity of the Iodide, and especially when the setting power of the Collodion is small. If from any cause, such as excess of Iodide, deficiency of setting power in the Collodion, etc., the sen- sitive film of Iodide be allowed to lie loosely upon the surface of the Collodion, the picture will be very feeble, and will often fall away when the fixing agent is applied. After Collodion has been kept for a time in the iodized state, both the sensitiveness and the intensity will vary with the Iodide chosen, because, as before shown, an afiinity exists between the Pyroxyline and the base of the Iodide. Alkaline Iodides are soon decomposed by Collodion, and hence a loss of sensitiveness, depending partly upon the retarding effect of free Iodine, and partly upon the new compound formed by the liberated Alkali. The liquefaction of the Collodion, and its diminished power of setting upon the glass, must also be supposed to be injurious to sensitiveness (p. 238) . The intensity however will increase in con- sequence of these changes, since free Iodine, although it lessens intensity in a dull light, tends to prevent feebleness of the image from solarization in a strong light ; and the compound formed by the trace of liberated Alkali, whatever be its nature, has a direct action in adding to the intensity. The liquefaction of the 246 THEOET OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Collodion is also serviceable up to a certain point, by removing the impermeability to the developer which the more dense and horny kinds of Collodion exhibit. Iodide of Cadmium is the most stable of all the Iodides, yet with Iodide of Cadmium' as an iodizer, an amount of change suf- ficient to lessen the sensitiveness of the Collodion to very dark objects eventually takes place, and with an unstable Pyroxyline or impure Ether, this change may be evident even in a few weeks. Iodide of Cadmium also increases the intensity of Collodion after a long keeping, especially with Pyroxyline made in rather strong acids. In such a case the Collodion gradually becomes slightly gelatinous, the film solarizing strongly in the parts most acted on by the Light, and the image exhibiting a bright red colour when viewed by transmission. This state of Collodion is well fitted for photographing in a dull light. The nature of the Pyroxyline must also be taken into account in estimating the probable effect of iodizing with an Alkaline Iodide. If it has undergone decomposition in the manufacture, the sensi- tiveness of the Collodion will soon be lost ; but if prepared at low temperatures, it remains for a longer time unchanged : of all kinds of Pyroxyline the least stable after iodizing is that prepared from Linen, in weak acids, and at a high temperature. A point which affects the keeping qualities of a Collodion, or its stability after iodizing, is the presence of Bromide combined with the Iodide. Collodion so made assumes the usual yellow tint when mixed with the iodizing solution ; but in the course of some hours either the whole or a part of the free Iodine appears to be re-absorbed. This change takes place most rapidly in the case of methylated Ether, but it may be seen more or less even with pure Ether and pure Alcohol. No satisfactory explanation can be given. To facilitate the comprehension of the decompositions which take place in iodized Collodion, let the following experiments be made. Take Nitro-Grlucose and add it in small quantity to or- dinary Collodion iodized with the Potassium compound : the elimination of Iodine will be somewhat more rapid than usual, the Collodion at the same time losing sensitiveness and gaining intensity. Next dissolve Nitro-Glucose in Spirits of Wine, and boil it in a test-tube with powdered Carbonate of Potash : the liquid becomes brown, and evolves a smell of burnt sugar : a THE NITRATE BATH. 247 few drops of it in iodized Collodion rapidly destroy the sensi- tiveness, but add much to the blackness of the Negative. In a third experiment introduce a portion of a reducing agent, such as grape-sugar, into iodized Collodion : the result will be to lessen the sensitiveness on keeping, and to increase the intensity. The experiment last described shows that not only the nature of the particular Iodide, and that of the Pyroxyline, but also the presence of foreign organic substances may affect the keeping properties of iodized Collodion ; hence the importance of using Ether which has been carefully freed from traces of Aldehyde, etc., since even the employment of an Iodide as stable as that of Cadmium will not prevent decomposition if substances are pre- sent in the Collodion which have an affinity for Oxygen. Another experiment, illustrating the effect of. changes in Col- lodion after iodizing, is the following : Take Nitrite of Soda, and boil with it Alcohol of "805 until a saturated solution has been obtained : a few minims of the liquid added to an ounce of iodized Collodion, will increase the intensity. A nitrite is one of the products of decomposition of Collodion by alkalies or al- kaline Iodides, and may sometimes be seen in the form of well- defined crystals at the bottom of the bottle. SECTION II. The Chemistry of the Nitrate Bath. The solution of Nitrate of Silver in which the plate coated with Iodized Collodion is dipped, to form the layer of Iodide of Silver, is known technically as the Nitrate Bath. The Chemistry of Nitrate of Silver has been ex- plained at page 124, but there are some points relating to the properties of its aqueous solution which require a fur- ther notice. Solubility of Iodide of Silver in the Nitrate Bath. Aqueous solution of Nitrate of Silver may be mentioned in the list of solvents of Iodide of Silver. The proportion dissolved is in all cases small, but it increases with the strength of the solution. If no attention were paid to this point, and the precaution of previously saturating the Ni- trate Bath with Iodide of Silver neglected, Iodide of Silver 248 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY in the film would be dissolved when left too long in the liquid. This solvent power of Nitrate of Silver on the Iodide is well shown by taking the excited Collodion plate out of the Bath, and allowing it to dry spontaneously. The layer of Nitrate on the surface, becoming concentrated by evapora- tion, dissolves the Iodide and produces a transparent, spotted appearance. In the solution of Iodide of Silver by Nitrate of Silver a double salt is formed, which corresponds in properties to the double Iodide of Potassium and Silver in being decomposed by the addition of water. Consequently, in order to saturate a Bath with Iodide of Silver it is only necessary to dissolve the total weight of Nitrate of Silver in a small bulk of water, and to add to it a few grains of an Iodide ; perfect solution takes place, and on subsequent dilu- tion with the full amount of water, the excess of Iodide of Silver is precipitated in the form of a milky deposit. The above-named double salt of Iodide of Silver and Nitrate of Silver has been termed by Schnauss the " lodo- Nitrate of Silver;" and although in the Collodion Nitrate Bath it is present only in small quantities, and in a state of solution, it is quite possible to obtain it in well-defined crystals. No corresponding compounds containing Bro- mide and Chloride of Silver are known, and hence it will not be necessary to saturate the Bath with those salts when it is desired to use them in Collodion. Although the addition of water to the Negative Bath renders it milky by precipitation of Iodide of Silver, dilu- tion with Alcohol has not the same effect. Acid condition of Nitrate of Silver. A solution of Ni- trate of Silver prepared from the commercial Nitrate has usually an acid reaction ; the crystals having been imper- fectly drained from the acid mother-liquor in which they were formed. Hence, in making a new Bath it is advi- sable not only to saturate it with Iodide of Silver, but to neutralize the free Nitric Acid it contains. The quantity of this Acid is very variable. If the THE NITEATE BATH. 249 Nitrate has been carefully dried at 240 Fahrenheit, and then crystallized a second time, no Nitric Acid can be de- tected, the concentrated aqueous solution slowly restoring the blue colour of reddened Litmus. This alkaline effect upon reddened Litmus the Writer believes to be the pro- per reaction of pure Nitrate of Silver, since he finds it to exist in samples of Nitrate which have never undergone fusion. On the other hand, Nitrate of Silver which has been crystallized only once from the acid mother-liquor, without any attempt at careful drying, is often so deci- dedly acid that it cannot be employed in Photography until neutralized. The Nitrate Bath, although perfectly neutral when first prepared, may become acid by continued use, if Collo- dion containing much, free Iodine be constantly employed. In that case a portion of Nitric Acid is liberated, and lodate and Iodide of Silver are formed, thus : If the Bath contains Acetate of Silver, free Iodine libe- rates Acetic Acid in place of Nitric Acid ; and Nitric Acid added to such a Bath neutralizes itself and displaces Acetic Acid, thus : AgO,Acet. + NO 5 = AgO,NO 5 + Acetic Acid. The actual quantity of acid liberated by Collodion which has become brown from decomposition, is very inconsider- able, and it is quite a mistake to be continually neutralizing the Nitrate Bath. When, however, the trough which holds the Bath is narrow, and the plates large, a minute addition of Alkali may occasionally be required, to prevent the film from losing sensitiveness, and yielding weak metallic Negatives. Alkaline condition of the Bath. By "alkalinity" of the Bath is meant a condition in which the blue tint is restored to reddened litmus-paper. This change, when rapid, indi- cates that a free Oxide is present in solution, which by combining with the acid in the reddened paper neutralizes it and removes the red colour. If a small portion of caustic Potash or Ammonia be 250 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. added to a strong solution of Nitrate of Silver, it produces a brown precipitate, which is Oxide of Silver. The solution, however, from which the precipitate has separated, is not left in a neutral state, but possesses a distinct alkaline reaction, since Oxide of Silver is sparingly soluble in water, and the solution restores the blue colour of reddened Lit- mus. Both Oxide of Silver and Carbonate of Silver are also abundantly soluble in water containing Nitrate of Am- monia ; which salt is continually accumulating in the Bath when compounds of Ammonium are used for iodizing. An alkaline Bath is fatal to success in Photography, pro- ducing that universal darkening of the film on applying the developer to which the name of " fogging " has been given. Hence care must be used in adding to the Bath substances which tend to make it alkaline. Collodion con- taining free Ammonia, often sold in the shops, gradually does so. The use of Potash or Carbonate of Soda to neu- tralize the Bath, or even of Chalk or Marble, if Salts of Ammonia are present, has the same effect, when an excess is employed ; and hence a trace of Acetic or Nitric Acid must afterwards be added. The mode of testing a Bath for alkalinity is as follows : a strip of porous blue litmus-paper is taken and held to the mouth of a bottle of glacial Acetic Acid until it be- comes reddened ; it is then placed in the liquid to be ex- amined and left for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. If free Oxide of Silver be present in solution, the origi- nal blue colour of the paper will be gradually restored. This experiment must not be made in a strong light, or the litmus-paper will darken, and the blue colour be obscured. Indeed it is always somewhat difficult to examine a Ni- trate Bath by test-papers, since the pure Nitrate of Silver has a slightly alkaline reaction ; and hence the Photogra- phic effect of alkalinity, viz. cloudiness of the image, will to the amateur afford a more certain guide. The Writer believes that the use of Ammonia for the purpose of neu- tralizing the Bath is the most common cause of failure from alkalinity, few being aware that a single drop of THE NITRATE BATH. 251 strong Ammonia will neutralize a comparatively large quantity of acid. Acetate of Silver in the Nitrate Bath. In preparing a new Bath, if the crystals of Nitrate of Silver are acid, it is usual to add an alkali in small quantity. This removes the Nitric Acid, but leaves the solution faintly alkaline from Oxide of Silver. If Acetic or Nitric Acid is then dropped in, it forms Acetate or Nitrate of Silver by com- bination with the Oxide. Acetate of Silver is not formed by the simple addition of Acetic Acid to the Bath, because its production under such circumstance would imply the liberation of Nitric Acid ; but if an alkali be present to neutralize the Nitric Acid, then the double decomposition takes place, thus- Acetate of Soda -f- Nitrate of Silver = Acetate of Silver + Nitrate of Soda. Acetate of Silver is a white flaky salt, sparingly soluble in water. It dissolves in the Bath only in small proportion, but yet sufficiently to affect the Photographic properties of the sensitive Collodion film. The observance of the follow- ing simple rules will obviate its production in injurious quantity : First, when it is required to remove free Nitric Acid from a bath not containing Acetic Acid a solution of Potash or Carbonate of Soda may be dropped in freely ; but the liquid must be filtered before adding any Acetic Acid, otherwise the brown deposit of Oxide of Silver will be taken up by the Acetic Acid, and the Bath will be charged with Acetate of Silver. Secondly, in dealing with a Bath containing both Nitric and Acetic Acid, em- ploy an alkali much diluted (Liquor Ammonise with 10 parts of Water), and add a single drop at a time, coating and trying a plate between each addition ; the Nitric Acid will neutralize itself before the Acetic, and with care there will be no formation of Acetate of Silver in quantity. The question is sometimes asked, how Acetic Acid may be removed from the Nitrate Bath, and Nitric Acid sub- stituted? This operation is somewhat difficult to effect. Nitric Acid, when present in excess, can be neutralized 252 THEOET OF PHOTOGKAPHY. and converted into a Nitrate, which is nearly or quite inert in Photography ; but to neutralize Acetic Acid is to form an Acetate, which is not inert ; and the subsequent addi- tion of Nitric Acid to such a solution again liberates Ace- tic Acid. Evaporation to dryness with a little Nitric Acid is the only means of effectually eliminating the Acetic Acid from the Bath. Organic Matter in the Nitrate Bath. Nitrate of Silver has an affinity for certain kinds of organic matter, and when such substances are present, the Photographic action of the Bath is in some way interfered with. Commercial crystallized Nitrate of Silver is frequently contaminated with traces of an impurity, which is probably produced by organic matters falling into the Nitric Acid employed in dissolving the Silver. Eepeated recrystalliza- tion is required to remove this substance. If allowed to remain, it injures the sensitiveness of the film to feeble radiations, makes the Negative weak and metallic, reverses the action of the light, and produces either fogging or markings of various kinds, the result of irregular reduction of Silver. Solutions of Nitrate of Silver often acquire organic con- tamination by being kept in troughs of Gutta-pereha. Pure Gutta-percha seems to have little action upon Nitrate of Silver, but the commercial article is invariably impure. Caoutchouc seems also to be without action, but Caout- chouc vulcanized with Sulphur, such as is used for the tops of watertight baths, will decompose the Nitrate of Silver by degrees. Baths injured by impure Gutta-percha produce fogging of the film, streaks of irregular develop- ment, and quick discoloration of the solution of Pyrogallic Acid, attended with variations in the density of the Nega- tive picture. Albumen and Gelatine soon decompose Nitrate of Silver, and hence the dipping of a few dry albuminized plates, or the floating of chloride-papers intended for the printing process, upon a Collodion Bath, would effectually disorder it, and almost certainly give rise to fogging. THE NITBATE BATH. 253 Alcohol and Ether react very slowly upon solution of Nitrate of Silver, and Pyroxyline is almost without effect. Henae when pure Collodion is employed, the bath may be kept for many months without much appreciable change. It should however be carefully excluded from light, or the sides of the bottle will be covered with a delicate layer of reduced Silver. Methylated Spirit of Wine is seldom sufficiently free from volatile oil to remain long in the bath without producing partial reduction. Collodion containing common Eosin, has been recom- mended for use in the dry Collodion process ; but the Eosin finds its way into the bath, and spoils it for the wet process, soon producing solarization of the most exposed parts of the plate, and altering the appearance of the film of Iodide, so that it becomes pale and blue, instead of being yellow and creamy. The effect produced by organic matters in the bath will be more intelligible if we explain that not only Nitrate of Silver, but also Iodide of Silver has an affinity for a cer- tain class of these bodies. Hence when a Collodion film is dipped in a bath of the kind described, a trace of organic matter is carried down and retained in the film. This ap- plies especially to Albumen, which has so decided an affinity for Iodide of Silver, that its presence will entirely alter the colour of the film, and render it blue and transparent. A state of bath in which the Collodion film, instead of being yellow and creamy, appears blue or opalescent, may be produced by organic matter, as well as by a deficiency of Nitrate of Silver. To remove organic matter from the bath, a plan sug- gested by Mr. Barber is often employed. The solution, having been rendered slightly alkaline by Ammonia, is exposed for two or three days to a bright sunlight in a trans- parent bottle, when the greater part of the organic com- pound separates in combination with the Oxide of Silver. This mode is generally successful in restoring a Bromo- iodized Collodion bath to a good working condition, but often fails in rendering it useful for a simply Iodized Collo- dion and Pyrogallic developer. 254 THEOET OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Use of Fused Nitrate of Silver for the Bath. Fusion has been resorted to with a view of expelling traces of Nitric Acid from the crystallized Nitrate of Silver and thus lessening the trouble of preparing the bath. It must be observed however that decomposition of the Nitrate is liable to occur in melting, if the crystals are not chemically pure. A .trace of any organic substance, such as a bit of cork, or a fragment of gelatine adhering to the sides of the porcelain dish, would at the melting-point of Nitrate of Silver remove Oxygen, and produce Nitrite of Silver : a safer plan is therefore to pulverize the Nitrate and dry it in a hot-air bath, at about twenty degrees above the tem- perature of boiling water. Supposing the Nitrate to be absolutely free from organic matter, there would be no danger of forming Nitrite in the process of fusion, since the temperature at which Nitrate of Silver decomposes is far above its melting-point. Nitrate of Silver which has been much decomposed in melting, produces a great peculiarity of development. In the Positive glass process the whites are often solarized, and appear blue by reflected light ; whilst in the Negative process the image is highly intense, with over-action in parts like the sky, and the film usually fogs slightly towards the end of the development : on applying the developer the whole picture starts out instantly, and the solution of Pyro- gallic Acid becomes muddy instead of assuming by degrees the colour of sherry wine. These effects are not unlike those previously described as due to certain kinds of or- ganic matter in the bath, the reduction of Silver by the developer being in both cases facilitated. 255 CHAPTER VII. ON POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE COLLODION PHOTO- GRAPHS. THE terms "Positive" and "Negative " occur so frequently in all works upon the subject of Photography, that it will be impossible for the student to make progress without thoroughly understanding their meaning. A Positive may be defined to be a Photograph which gives a natural representation of an object, as it appears to the eye. A Negative Photograph, on the other hand, has the lights and shadows reversed, so that the appearance of the object is changed or negatived. In Photographs taken upon Chloride of Silver, either in the Camera or by superposition, the effect must necessarily be Negative; the Chloride being darkened by luminous rays, the lights are represented by shadows. The following simple diagrams will make this obvious. Fig. 1 is an opaque image drawn upon a transparent ground ; fig. 2 represents the effect produced by placing it Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. 256 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. in contact with a layer of sensitive Chloride and exposing to light ; and fig. 3 is the result of copying this negative again on Chloride of Silver. Fig. 3 therefore is a Positive copy of fig. 1, obtained by means of a Negative. By the first operation the tints are reversed ; by the second, being reversed again, they are made to .correspond to the original : hence the possession of a Negative enables us to obtain Positive copies of the object, indefinite in number and all precisely similar in appearance. This capability of multiplying impressions is of the utmost importance, and has rendered the produc- tion of good Negative Photographs of greater consequence than any other branch of the Art. The same Photograph may often be made to show either as a Positive or as a Negative. For instance, supposing a piece of silver-leaf to be cut into the shape of a cross and pasted on a square of glass, the appearance presented by it would vary under different circumstances. Fig. 1 represents it placed on a layer of black velvet ; Fig. 1. Fig. 2. fig. 2 as held up to the light. If we term it Positive in the first case, i. e. by reflected light, then it is Negative in the second, that is, by transmitted light. The explana- tion is obvious. Therefore to carry our original definition of Positives and Negatives a little further, we may say that the former are usually viewed by reflected, and the latter by trans- mitted light. All Photographs however cannot be made to represent COLLODION POSITIVES. 257 both Positives and Negatives. In order to possess this capability, it is necessar} 7 " that a part of the image should be transparent, and the other opaque but with a bright surface. These conditions are fulfilled when the Iodide of Silver upon Collodion is employed, in conjunction with a developing agent. Every Collodion picture is to a certain extent both Nega- tive and Positive, and hence the processes for obtaining both varieties of Photographs are substantially the same. Although however the general characters of a Positive and a Negative are similar, there are some points of difference. A surface which appears perfectly opaque when looked down upon, becomes somewhat translucent on being held up to the light ; hence, to give the same effect, the deposit of metal in a Negative must be proportionally thicker than in a Positive ; otherwise the minor details of the image will be invisible, from not obstructing the light suf- ficiently. With these preliminary remarks, we are prepared to investigate more closely the rationale of the processes for obtaining Collodion Positives and Negatives. All that refers to paper Positives upon Chloride of Silver will be treated in a subsequent Chapter. SECTION I. On Collodion Positives. Collodion Positives are sometimes termed direct, because obtained by a single operation. The chloride of Silver acted upon by light alone, is not adapted to yield direct Positives, the reduced surface being dark and incapable of representing the lights of a picture. Hence a developing agent is necessarily employed, and the Iodide of Silver substituted for the Chloride, as being a more sensitive pre- paration. Collodion Positives are closely allied in their nature to Daguerreotypes. The difference between the two consists principally in the surface used to sustain the s 258 THEORY OP PHOTOGEAPHY. sensitive layer, and the nature of the substance by which the invisible image is developed. In a Collodion Positive the lights are formed by a bright surface of reduced Silver, and the shadows by a black background showing through the transparent portions of the plate. Two main points are to be attended to in the production of these Photographs. First, to obtain an image distinct in every part, but of comparatively small intensity. If the deposit of reduced metal be too thick, the dark background is not seen to a sufficient extent, and the picture in consequence is defi- cient in shadow. Secondly, to whiten the surface of the reduced metal as much as possible, in order to produce a sufficient con- trast of light and shade. Iodide of Silver developed in the usual way presents a dull yellow appearance which is sombre and unpleasing. The Collodionfor Positives. Ordinary Collodion iodized for Negatives and giving a thick yellow film, usually fails in taking good Positives. If the exposure in the Camera be sufficiently long to impress dark shadows, the lighter parts of the image develope with such rapidity that the gra- dation of tone is lost by excessive deposit of Silver. The addition of Nitric Acid to the Bath is to a certain extent a remedy, inasmuch as it lessens the intensity of the reduc- tion and gives the Silver a sparkling appearance ; never- theless Positives taken in this way are always unpleasing, and cannot be compared with a good Daguerreotype in softness and delicacy. A better class of picture may often be obtained by dilu- ting down a sample of Collodion with Ether and Alcohol until it gives a pale-bluish film in the Bath. The pro- portion of Iodide of Silver being in that case small, the action of the high lights is less violent, and the shadows are allowed more time to impress themselves. The employment of a very thin film for Positives is not invariably a successful process. The particles of the Iodide COLLODION POSITIVES. 259 of Silver being closely in contact with tlie glass, unusual care is required in cleaning the plates in order to avoid stains; and as the amount of free ISitrate of Silver retained upon the surface of the film is small, circular patches of imperfect development, causing blue and green stains, are liable to occur, unless the reducing agent be scattered evenly and perfectly over the surface. Also if free Iodine or organic substances which have a retarding effect on the action of light be present to a considerable extent, the Collodion will not work well with 'a small proportion of Iodide : in such a case a creamy and dense layer of the sensitive Salt is required, to give a sufficient power of re- sistance. In attempting to dilute down the Nitrate Bath at the same time with the Collodion, we gain in some respects an advantage. Excess of development is obviated, and the picture shows well on the surface of the film. The em- ployment of a very weak Nitrate Bath (twenty grains of Nitrate of Silver to the ounce of water) in the Positive process is not however advisable on the whole. It becomes necessary, on account of the small quantity of Silver pre- sent, to exclude all free Nitric Acid, and even to avoid the employment of a Collodion too highly tinted with Iodine. On the other hand, with a strong Nitrate Bath, and a tolerably dense film of Iodide of Silver, a better result is often secured by the use of Nitric Acid, as will presently be shown. These and other like processes, in which films of Iodide only are employed, have now been almost superseded by others, founded on a peculiar property which Bromide possesses when added in moderate proportion to an ordi- nary iodized Collodion. It alters the molecular state of the Silver reduced during development, rendering it me- tallic : the image also is superficial, and sufficiently trans- lucent to give a perfect gradation of tone. When Bromide is employed, in conjunction with Sulphate of Iron as a de- veloper, the quality of the Pyroxyline is not of the same importance as in the case of pictures taken with a simply iodized Collodion. 260 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. To produce a very faint and superficial image, a weak Nitro- Sulphuric Acid must be used for the Pyroxyline (p. 233), but the objection is that after a certain point of dilution with Water, a quality of Pyroxyline is obtained which becomes opaque on drying. This is comparatively immaterial when transparent varnish is applied to the image, but it spoils the appearance of the picture when mounted without varnish, as is sometimes preferred. With regard to the quantity of Bromide which may be introduced, the operator should be guided by the aspect of the developed image. If, when exposed long enough to form the shadows, the high lights appear too dense, more Bromide must be added : whilst, on the other hand, if the Positive is grey and feeble, and this defect is not due to over-exposure, the proportion of Bromide may be reduced. The American operators, who are very successful with Collodion Positives, employ more Bromide than is recom- mended in this Work, but their Pyroxyline may possibly be made in a different manner. One effect produced by Bromide in Positive Collodion, is seen in keeping the lines of the picture sharp and clear during development. When the Bath is strongly acidified with JSTitric Acid and a simply iodized Collodion is em- ployed, the image is often blurred by an irregular deposit of Silver, giving an appearance like defective focussing. With Collodion containing mixed Iodide and Bromide in the proper proportions, this does not so frequently happen, the image remaining clear and free from stains. Does Bromide increase or diminish the sensitiveness of the film to a weak light ? This is a question which can only be answered by considering the chemical state of the Col- lodion, Bath, and developer. With a weak solution of Pyro- gallic Acid as a developer, and a dilute Bath, Bromide seems to diminish the sensitiveness considerably, but this appear- ance is delusive, since the latent image is really present, and simply requires a stronger reducing agent and more Ni- trate of Silver to bring it out. On increasing the strength of the Bath therefore and using Sulphate of Iron as a COLLODION POSITIVES. 261 developer, the whole of the details will show themselves after a minimum of exposure in the Camera. There are states of Collodion also in which the use of Bromide may increase the sensitiveness, viz. when decom- position has taken place. Every practical operator learns by experience that Positive Collodion containing Bromide does not lose sensitiveness after iodizing in the same rapid manner as Negative Collodion prepared without Bromide. Doubtless the difference in the developing solutions Sul- phate of Iron in the one case and Pyrogallic Acid in the other has something to do with this result ; but a peculiar action of the Bromide in rendering the Collodion indepen- dent of organic changes due to keeping after iodizing must be allowed. A comparatively newly-iodized Collodion is seldom in the best possible state for taking Positives ; for if it be colourless or nearly so, the plates will show clouding after development. By keeping the Collodion for several weeks, a portion of the Iodine is liberated, which has a great effect in giving brilliancy to the picture, by preserving the shadows from the reducing action of the developer. The Nitrate Bath. An ordinary neutral thirty-grain solution of Nitrate of Silver, such as is used for Nega- tives, may be employed also for Positives, and especially so if the Collodion be purposely kept after iodizing until it assumes a yellow tint, and liberates enough iodine to pre- vent the clouding which might otherwise take place in the absence of acid. Negative Baths, however, which contain Acetate of Silver, or any kind of organic matter, or which have been made from Nitrate of Silver previously decom- posed by strong fusion, are not well adapted for Positives, since these conditions promote solarization, a defect which shows itself in Positives by discoloured whites on the most exposed parts of the film. When the Nitrate Bath is made purposely for direct Positives, it is always better to acidify it with Nitric Acid rather than with Acetic Acid, as used for Negatives. The Nitric Acid diminishes the density of the deposited image, 262 THEOEY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. renders it whiter and more metallic, and assists in preserv- ing the clearness of the plate. The mistake has sometimes been made of using too much Acid in proportion to the strength of the Bath, which not only lessens the sensitive- ness of the film, but also, as before shown, promotes a blurring of the image, and a fogging from irregular reduc- tion. Even with a Collodion containing Bromide, there will be a tendency to staining and imperfect development, if the amount of Nitric Acid be carried as far as is some- times recommended, in the case of a Bath of thirty grains to the ounce. Many successful operators use a Bath of forty grains to the ounce for Collodion Positives, in order to shorten the exposure in the Camera, and give brilliancy to the image. This solution will bear a far larger addition of Nitric Acid than the ordinary Bath of thirty grains ; and, always sup- posing Bromide to be present in the Collodion, satisfactory pictures may be obtained with a quantity of Nitric Acid as large as two minims to the ounce. Neither is the sensi- tiveness very much impaired by the excess of Acid ; thus showing how many conditions have to be taken into ac- count in considering the formation and development of the Collodion picture. With a Bath very strongly acidified, it would be impossible to get any result if the proportion of Nitrate of Silver and Iodide of Silver in the Collodion film were both reduced to one-half. The Acid and Nitrate of Silver must, in fact, be balanced against each other, and when the Collodion film is lessened in opacity, the deve- loper must be considerably strengthened, otherwise the latent image, although actually present, cannot be made to appear in the half-shadows. The Author's experience is not favourable to the em- ployment of a forty-grain Bath in the Positive glass pro- cess as far as beginners in the Art are concerned. He finds that there are fewer failures when the Bath contains thirty grains of Nitrate of Silver to the ounce, and is only slightly acid. Stains of reduced Silver at the edges of the plate are not easily avoided in the case of a strong and COLLODION POSITIVES. 263 acid Bath, and if the developer is too weak, there are me- tallic spangles on the shadows. A Positive Nitrate Bath, containing both Alcohol and Nitric Acid, ought never to be exposed to the light ; the writer has observed that when this precaution is neglected, the solution soon produces clouded pictures. Developers for Collodion Positives. In the case of a Collodion which does not contain Bromide, Pyrogallic Acid is occasionally employed as a developer. When mixed with Acetic Acid, as is usual for Negative pictures, it produces a surface which is dull and yellow, but this may be obviated by substituting a small quantity of Nitric Acid for the Acetic (Pyrogallic Acid, 2 grains ; Nitric Acid, 1 drop ; Water, 1 ounce). The surface produced by Pyro- gallic Acid with Nitric Acid is lustreless, but very white, if the solution be used of the proper strength. On at- tempting to increase the amount of Nitric Acid the de- posit becomes metallic, and the half-tones of the picture are injured ; since Pyrogallic Acid, although an active de- veloper, does not allow of the addition of mineral acid to the same extent as the Salts of Iron : it requires also, when combined with Nitric Acid, a fair proportion of Nitrate of Silver on the film, or the development will be imperfect in parts of the plate, producing green and blue stains ; if such stains occur, a few drops of a solution of Nitrate of Silver may be added to the developer before use. Sulphate of Iron. This salt is a more energetic redu- cing agent than the last, and is better fitted for employ- ment with a Collodion containing a portion of Bromide, the action of Bromide being to retard the development. To produce by means of Sulphate of Iron a dead white tint with absence of metallic lustre, it may be used in con- junction with Acetic Acid. The addition of Nitric Acid to Sulphate of Iron modi- fies the development, making it more slow and gradual, and producing a bright sparkling surface of reduced Silver. Too much of this acid however must not be used, or the 264 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. action will be irregular. The Nitrate Bath also should be tolerably concentrated, in order to compensate for the retarding effect of Nitric Acid upon the development. The blue and transparent films of Iodide of Silver, are not well adapted for Positives to be developed in this way. Such films require the most vigorous developer possible ; Acetic Acid should therefore be used instead of Nitric Acid. Protonitrate of Iron. This salt is remarkable as giving a surface of brilliant metallic lustre without any addition of free acid. Theoretically, its action may be considered as closely corresponding to that of Sulphate of Iron with Nitric Acid added. There are however slight differences between them, which are in favour of the protonitrate, as regards the colour of the image. The Nitrate is, of all the Protosalts of Iron, by far the most feeble developer, and is seldom used alone in Pho- tography. In the case of Bromo-iodized Collodion very little dependence must be placed upon the Protonitrate of Iron as far as reducing Metallic Silver is concerned, but it may be added to solution of Sulphate of Iron when the peculiar metallic tone which it imparts, is desired. Begin- ners often fail in using this developer, from not allowing a sufficient excess of the Sulphate of Iron in its preparation, and from supposing that the Protonitrate is equally as strong a reducing agent as the Protosulphate, whereas it is at least twenty times weaker. The Tone and Colour of Positives. The same chemicals yield such different results in the hands of various ope- rators, that some have spoken of manipulation and prac- tice as more essential than theory. Doubtless the exact time of exposure in the Camera is important, because a short exposure always produces an image of a whiter colour and more transparent shadow than a long exposure. In the case of Negatives, the image, viewed by transmitted light, is often of a jet-black when under-exposed, but of a ruby-red when over-exposed. So in Positives, it is always brighter and more metallic when the action of the light COLLODION POSITIVES. 265 is stopped at the proper time. There are other causes of variation in the colour of the Positive image, such as changes in the actinic intensity of the light ; and the ope- rator may expect to produce a better quality of picture when the light is strong. The gradation of tone in Collodion Positives will also be affected by the mode in which the light falls upon the sub- ject ; for when it possesses great actinic power, there is always a tendency to an excessive reflection from the high lights ; and if this be not counteracted by an arrangement of curtains, to be described in the third part of the Work, it will require the utmost attention to the state of the che- micals, to prevent excess of intensity, and loss of good shading. The mode of developing the Positive image has an effect upon the gradation, independently of the exposure, or of peculiarities in the Collodion. The theory is as follows : When the Nitrate of Silver is present upon the film in large quantity relatively to the Sulphate of Iron, the ten- dency is to give great contrast of image, and to produce a bold picture, which appears to stand out from the glass. The deposit of Silver in such a case falls more abundantly upon the high lights, and less so upon the shadows, so that the shading in the face and lighter parts is often lost. On the other hand, when the quantity of Nitrate of Silver is much reduced in relation to the Sulphate of Iron, the image developes more slowly, and is soft and full of half- tone : in extreme cases the high lights are not sufficiently opaque, and the features of the sitter, after backing up with the black varnish, are those of a Negro. This rule applies to every kind of developed picture, and the practical infer- ence from it is, that when the Positive is too vigorous, and the details in the face are lost, a large quantity of develop- ing solution should be scattered over the film so as to wash off a portion of the free Nitrate of Silver. Experimental trial will convince the operator how extremely minute is the proportion of Nitrate of Silver actually required for the formation of the image ; but no exact directions can be 266 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. given, since the quantity will vary with the density of the sensitive film, the brightness of the light, the amount of retarding acid, and the strength of the developer. Fixing Agents for Positives. Hyposulphite of Soda is not usually employed for fixing Collodion Positives, since it contains Sulphur, and is somewhat unstable ; hence the image is liable to be superficially darkened to an appreci- able extent. Cyanide of Potassium is free from this ob- jection, and always produces a whiter picture than Hypo- sulphite. The strong solvent powers of Cyanide of Potas- sium must be borne in mind, when using it as a fixing agent ; for if the solution be too concentrated or allowed to remain a long time upon the plate, the middle tints first become whitened from conversion into Cyanide of Silver, and immediately afterwards begin to dissolve. Neither should the plate be exposed to a strong light whilst the Cyanide is upon it, as the action of light favours the conver- sion of the image into Cyanide of Silver. Sulphocyanides of Potassium and Ammonium will probably be found use- ful fixing agents for Positives, as they are far less likely than the Cyanide to endanger the delicate half-tones of the picture. A Process for Whitening Positives by Corrosive Sub- limate. In place of brightening the Positive image by modifying the developer, it was proposed some time since by Mr. Archer to effect the same object by the use of the Chloride of Mercury, Hg Cl. The image is first developed in the usual way, fixed, and washed. It is then treated with a solution of the Chloride (thirty grains dissolved in an ounce of hot water), the effect of which is to produce almost immediately an interesting series of changes in colour. The surface first darkens considerably, until it becomes of an ash-grey, approaching to black ; shortly it begins to get lighter, and assumes a pure white tint, or a white slightly inclining to blue. The rationale of this reaction appears to be, that the Chlorine of the mercurial salt divides itself between the Mercury and the Silver, producing a compound of Calomel and Chloride of Silver, which is not affected by light. COLLODION NEGATIVES. 267 Positive Photographs whitened by Chloride of Mer- cury have usually more or less of a bluish tone, but this may be overcome by associating other chemicals with the Corrosive Sublimate. A more serious objection is the in- stability of the picture after whitening, since it has been stated that these images are liable to fade unless special precautions be taken. SECTION II. On, Collodion Negatives. As in the case of a direct Positive we require an image which is feeble though distinct, so, on the other hand, for a Negative, it is necessary to obtain one of considerable intensity. In the Chapter immediately following the pre- sent, it will be shown that in using glass Negatives to pro- duce Positive copies upon Chloride of Silver paper, a good result cannot be secured unless the Negative is sufficiently dark to obstruct light strongly. There are various conditions affecting the formation and development of a Photographic Negative, which ought to be studied by one who aims at perfection in the Art. Some of these are the quality of the light at the time of taking the picture, the focal length and aperture of the Lens, the state of the atmosphere, etc. To meet the dif- ferent cases which may arise, the Collodion, the Nitrate Bath, and the developing solution may each or all be con- siderably modified. With regard to the first of these conditions we may ob- serve that the mode in which a Negative developes, and its colour when the process is completed, vary much with the actinic intensity of the light. Pictures taken by a short exposure in a strong light, develope easily under the Pyrogallic Acid. The first deposit of Silver is often of a red colour when held against the light, and this influences the subsequent precipitation (see p. 150), so that the Ne- gative continues to darken until the whole of the Nitrate of Silver in the film has been decomposed. When exa- 268 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. mined after fixing, it shows a plum-colour or yellow bloom by reflected light, and is often brown by transmitted light. In dull wintry weather, on the contrary, and especially when the atmosphere is loaded with aqueous vapour, the Nega- tive picture is slow in appearing under the action of the developer, and the image first formed is rather of a violet- blue than of a red colour. In consequence of this, the sub- sequent deposit of Silver is likewise of a violet-blue, and a much longer time is expended in bringing the develop- ment up to the proper point. The particles of precipitated Silver are always larger when the reducing process is slow, and thus Negatives taken in a bad light often prove in printing to be less intense than they appear, whereas those taken in a bright light are usually more intense chemically than visually. When the strength of the light falls very low indeed, as, for instance, in working in a room covered in with glass of a greenish tint, fatal to quick Photographic action, the darker parts of the picture fail to impress the film, and the Negative shows only patches of black and-white ; or, with a more sensitive Collodion, the whole picture appears, but is extremely feeble and indistinct, a deposit of Silver falling upon the shadows and giving a cloudy aspect. On the other hand, in a light of extreme brilliancy, reddening from solarization is to be appehrended, the actinic rays beingreflected fromthehigh lights of the subject in agreater proportion than from the shadows : this may happen es- pecially with a sky free from fleecy clouds, which when present have a great effect in illuminating the shadows and diminishing excessive contrast. When solarization of Negatives occurs from great intensity of light, the image often starts out almost instantaneously on applying the Pyrogallic Acid, and after fixing by the Hyposulphite of Soda exhibits an intensely red appearance of the high lights, with a steel-blue colour of the same parts viewed by looking down upon them. We notice in the second place the focal length and aper- ture of the Lens, as a condition influencing the quality of COLLODION NEGATIVES. 269 the developed Negative. If, for instance, two Cameras be pitched side by side, at the same view, one being a Ste- reoscopic instrument with a single Lens of 4^-inch focus, and the other fitted with a twenty-inch Lens, suitable for glasses of twelve inches diameter, the plates, even when properly exposed, will behave differently under the action of the developer, the Stereoscopic picture showing by far the greater intensity, contrast of tint, and tendency to solarization. The relative power of the Lenses makes the difference, the short-focus Lens producing a brilliant image which impresses the sensitive film in less than a third of the time required by the other. A second experiment, equally instructive, may be made by surrounding a group of statuary with a dark drapery, so as to produce a strong contrast of light and shade. On copying such an object with the full aperture of a short-focus Lens, it will be found almost impossible, unless the composition of the Col- lodion be modified in a manner presently to be explained, to get the whole of the picture simultaneously. Either the whites will be well rendered, and the blacks wanting, or by a longer exposure the shadows will be well brought out, but the lights solarized. Now take the same Lens and cut down the effective aperture by a middle-sized diaphragm, allowing proportionally longer time in the Camera, when a perfect Negative will be produced. This rule, then, may be stated as follows : A Camera image of great actinic intensity often produces a Collodion Ne- gative with exaggerated contrast of light and shade, and conversely an image of low intensity tends to give a pic- ture which is too uniform, and deficient in extreme tints. Availing himself of this knowledge, the skilful operator alters the size of his diaphragms according to the quality of picture desired, and remedies solarization by diminish- ing the supply of light. The amateur, on commencing Photography, is often at a loss to understand apparent discrepancies in the formulse employed by various operators, and in their general mode of working. In one instance a plate of twenty inches by 270 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. seventeen is developed to the full intensity with a single application of the reducing agent ; in another, a Negative of half that size is found to require repeated treatment with Pyrogallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver, and to occupy ten or fifteen minutes in reaching the full opacity. Sup- posing the Lens and chemicals to be the same in each case, the difference may depend upon the character of the sub- ject. When a distant landscape is Photographed, a large number of rays of light are concentrated upon the film : but if an object like an old picture or a faded drawing be copied without any reduction in size, the light is very feeble. No careful timing of the exposure will cause two such Negatives to develope in the same way, because the long-continued action of a weak light in the Camera does not correspond to the shorter action of an intense light. The molecules of Iodide of Silver are differently affected in the two cases, and consequently they behave differ- ently when treated with the mixture which constitutes the developer. The Collodion for Negatives. A perusal of the First Section of the last Chapter (p. 234) will show that the pro- perties of Negative Collodion vary much with the mode of preparing the Pyroxyline. Upon this subject it is not necessary to enlarge at present, since it will again be alluded to in the Chapter on dry Collodion. Distinguish- ing terms however are always useful, and hence we pro- pose to speak of Pyroxyline with, and Pyroxyline without organic reactions towards the Salts of Silver; the for- mer being the variety which yields the intense Negative images. Pyroxyline without organic reactions may be expected to give the greater sensitiveness of the two, and the better keeping qualities after iodizing. It is however difficult to use it in consequence of the increased liability to fogging and spots of all kinds (p. 158). Also when the intensity and contrast of the image are too small, as frequently hap- pens with such Collodion, they cannot easily be increased, whereas excessive intensity may readily be reduced. The COLLODION NEGATIVES. 271 Pyroxyline with organic reactions is therefore preferred by the majority of operators. For the sake of greater simplicity, the Author has given only one formula for Negative Pyroxyline in the First Chap- ter of the third or practical division of the Work. This formula appears to answer well for a normal Collodion, applicable to all purposes. Those however who wish to prepare a Pyroxyline suitable for any one especial kind of work, may read the section in Part III. on portraits, land- scape photography, and copying, where they will find the subject examined more fully. Independently of the Pyroxyline, Negative Collodion may be described as of two kinds, the simply iodized, and the .Sromo-iodized Collodion. Each has its advantages and likewise its defects. The first gives the greater sen- sitiveness, and also the greater intensity, but it is more liable to spots and markings, and the purity of the chemi- cals is of greater importance than when Bromo-iodized Collodion is employed. Let us examine the above points more minutely. It must be allowed that the addition of a Bromide to Negative Collodion impairs the sensitiveness. Much indeed depends upon the mode of developing, but even when the reducing agent is strong, and the Nitrate of Silver abundant, the Bromo-iodized Collodion is still inferior in that respect. If such a Collodion be found on trial to yield a picture in eight seconds, a pure, simply iodized Cadmium Collodion will probably give the same picture in five seconds. Hence in the dull winter months, many are necessitated to employ Iodides alone, who at more favourable times use combina- tions of Iodide and Bromide. The excessive sensitiveness of simply iodized Collodion however is not seen in perfection, unless all the materials are pure, and hence some have stated that the addition of a small portion of a Bromide increases the sensitiveness. Experiments leading to such a conclusion were probably made with a Collodion which from organic decomposition of the Pyroxyline or other causes, had acquired the pro- 272 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. perty of producing an intense Negative, and in this case the action of theBromide, as already shown at page261,is pecu- liar. A Pyroxyline without strong organic reactions is pro- per for the most sensitive iodized Collodion, and the Ether must also be very pure. When this extreme purity of the Ether cannot be secured, Iodide of Cadmium should be used in place of Iodide of Potassium, to preserve the fluid in a neutral and colourless condition. The manufacturer of Collodion who examines its properties shortly after its eparation finds little or no difference between the Iodide of Potassium and the Iodide of Cadmium. The purchaser however usually esteems the latter to be superior as re- gards sensitiveness, because the plain Collodion has often been kept for a time before he obtains it, and has ac- quired the property of displacing Iodine : hence with the Potassium iodizer the colour changes quickly to orange- yellow, and the action of the light is retarded. Iodide of Cadmium, in consequence of its stability, would have super- seded the other Iodides, had it not been for its glutinizing action on Pyroxyline, a serious objection in covering large surfaces of glass. The effect of Bromide in diminishing the intensity of the image has already been considered in the section on Posi- tives. It is often used for the same purpose in Negative Collodion, because when the light is strong and the Lens powerful, the intensity and contrast may be in excess, and if so, either a black and white picture without middle tints, or a red picture defective from solarization will be obtained. The Bromide effectually remedies both these causes of failure ; frequently indeed it originates an error in the opposite direction. On looking at a Negative taken with a Bromo-iodized Collodion, we see that the peculiar metallic effect given by the Bromide is most evident in the half-shadows of the picture, where the light acts feebly. Provided there be a sufficiency of light, enough intensity will be obtainable in presence of Bromide, but when the light is too much reduced, the image will be rendered weak and translucent thereby. A Negative must possess NEGATIVE COLLODION. 273 a certain amount of intensity, and also a proper colour, if it is to possess what the Photographer terms "good printing qualities." These qualities cannot be secured by merely pushing the development and piling up par- ticles of metallic Silver : much will depend upon the co- lour of the image in its early stage, which should be of a soft red, and should appear nearly homogeneous when mag- nified. The employment of Bromide should be suspended when the particles of Silver become large and crystalline, since this condition of image is too permeable to the chemi- cal Light in the process of printing. The use of Bromides in Negative Collodion must be regulated by the nature of the Pyroxyline, as well as by the brilliancy of the light. The more marked the organic reactions of the Pyroxyline, the greater the proportion of Bromide admissible. This rule is the same as that laid down for Collodion Positives (p. 260), and the directions are to examine the Negative, and if the contrast between the high lights and the shadows is too marked, to increase the quantity of Bromide. There are varieties of Pyro- xyline which will not bear any addition of Bromide, the contrast of the image being too small, even with simple Iodide. Apart from all considerations of density of Negative depending either upon the light or the Pyroxyline, it must be admitted that the employment of Bromide in Negative Collodion is most desirable for other and distinct reasons. The latent image produced in the Camera appears to be of a more definite description upon a bromo-iodized than upon a simply iodized Collodion. In the case of the latter, disturbances of all kinds are apt to arise during develop- ment ; the deposit is defective in one part of the plate, and irregular in another, so that to secure a Negative free from all blemish is a rare occurrence. Much indeed de- pends upon the skill of the operator and the purity of his chemicals, but this does not lessen the value of the Bro- mide, which undoubtedly exercises a remarkable influence in preventing, not only over-action of light, but likewise T 274 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. transparent markings, vertical lines, and spots of all kinds. Iodide of Silver, when associated with Bromide, receives the molecular modification in the Camera somewhat tardily, but when once impressed, it retains the image with greater force, and is not equally liable to the reception of false images from moisture or traces of organic matter upon the glass (p. 160). Although in anticipation of our subject, we may here remark in addition, that those minor decompositions and impurities in the Negative Nitrate Bath, which so fre- quently disturb the image in the case of a simply iodized Collodion, will not produce the same effect when the film contains Iodide and Bromide conjoined. To prove the truth of this assertion, the Writer on one occasion collected several impure Nitrate Baths, none of which would yield a perfect Negative with ordinary Collodion, and yet he succeeded in every case in taking a good impression with Bromo-iodized Collodion. Bromide therefore may be viewed as a useful adjunct when retarding impurities of various kinds are present, against which the unassisted Iodide would be unable to contend. The foregoing remarks on the comparative advantages of Iodized and Bromo-iodized Collodions apply more particu- larly to their use with a Pyrogallic developer. Experience has proved that the former, except under the exceptional conditions mentioned, is better adapted for a Pyrogallic, and the latter for an Iron developer. In the practical instructions of Part III. it has therefore been deemed advisable to give separately the formulae and the mode of manipulation which have been found most applicable to each kind. Changes in Negative Collodion after Iodizing. All Col- lodion loses sensitiveness more or less after iodizing, and especially so when the Pyroxyline is unstable and liable to part with a portion of its Peroxide of Nitrogen ; also when the Ether is impure and in an ozonized condition. Practically we esteem a Collodion iodized with Iodide of Cadmium as uniform in properties, since if the chemicals NEGATIVE COLLODION. 275 are of good quality it will retain its sensitiveness nearly unchanged for twelve months after iodizing. Next in sta- bility to the Cadmium Collodion stands the Bromo-iodized Collodion, which remains unchanged for a far longer time than a simply iodized Collodion, and will retain a fair share of sensitiveness for many weeks. Negative Collodion produces as a rule a more intense image when kept for a time in the iodized state ; and this is true not only of Collodion iodized with the alkaline Iodides, but also of that containing Iodide of Cadmium. Bromo- iodized Collodion also gains in intensity as it gradually decomposes, and the quality of the Negatives is usually better after a few weeks' keeping than at first; they have more of a red or black tone, and exhibit greater contrast. When alkaline Iodides are used, both the simple and the Bromo-iodized Collodion become more limpid by keep- ing. This is an advantage in coating full-sized plates, and since the setting powers of the Collodion are lessened, it becomes far easier to cover a large surface before gelatini- zation ensues. Old Iodized Collodion of this kind is like- wise more porous and permeable by the developer than newly iodized, which affords another reason why it is especially suitable for large plates. Clearness of the transparent parts in Negatives, with increased sharpness of outline, are both effects of keeping Collodion after iodizing. These peculiarities, as well as the comparative absence of spots and markings, are due partly to the " organic reactions " developed in old Col- lodion, and partly to the acid state of the film, when the Collodion is brown from free Iodine. On keeping simply iodized Negative Collodion for a much longer time, the amount of free Iodine often becomes so great that the colour deepens to a red, and a portion of Nitric Acid is liberated on dipping the film into the Bath, sufficiently large to lower the density of the Negative, and make it grey and metallic. The Negative Nitrate Bath, for Iodized Collodion. In the Second Section of the last Chapter the Chemistry, 276 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of the Nitrate Bath was explained, with the action of or- ganic substances upon it, and the marked effect which they produce upon the development of the Negative image. Supposing the Nitrate of Silver to be chemically pure, a question arises as to the proper state of the Negative Bath as regards strength, acidity, presence of Acetate of Silver, etc. On these points opinions are divided. Much depends upon the quality of the Collodion, and therefore the observations now to be made may be said to apply principally to the use of a simply iodized Collodion pre- pared by the formulae given in this Work, and not to a Collodion containing both Bromide and Iodide. Negative Baths have been used with as much as forty grains of Nitrate of Silver to the ounce of water ; thirty grains, however, is quite sufficient, and any proportion beyond this would only add to the rapidity of develop- ment and tendency to staining in hot weather. When a Bath, originally made with thirty grains of Nitrate of Silver to the ounce of water, has been much used, the proportion of Nitrate will be found on analysis to have been considerably reduced. Ordinary Collodion dipped in such a Bath produces a less creamy film than usual, and the sensitiveness will be found to be much diminished. The reaction of the Bath to test-paper ought to be either neutral or slightly acid, an alkaline reaction being always injurious. A neutral Bath produces a more dense Nega- tive in dull weather, but is apt to give solarization in bright sunshine. The presence of Acetic Acid obviates this in great measure. An impression is not uncommonly entertained that any Acid in the Bath greatly diminishes the sensitiveness. With the Collodion described in Part III., the Writer does not find such to be the case, and therefore, in hot weather, and with a neutral colourless Collodion, he recommends that Acetic Acid should be used in the Bath to prevent rapid discoloration on applying the developer. A minim of the Glacial Acid may be dropped into each four or five ounces, if the subject be well lighted. In using an Acid Bath, however, the developer should be propor- NEGATIVE NITBATE BATH. 277 tionally strengthened if the temperature or the light after- wards fall. The use of Nitric Acid in the Negative Bath has been usually condemned as interfering with the precipitation of the Silver in the opaque form, but in this instance also everything depends upon the Collodion and the light. Pyroxyline with organic reactions tends so strongly to produce a brown or red image in bright sunshine, that the Collodion can be w r orked successfully in a Bath containing a trace of Nitric Acid. In circumstances favourable to rapid development and solarization, such as Stereoscopic Photography with Lenses of a short focus, the presence of a minute quantity of Nitric Acid is often a positive advan- tage, and no marked effect in preventing the development of details in the shadows will be perceived. The employment of Acetate of Silver in the Bath met with much favour in the early days of Photography, but principally so because the preparation of pure Nitrate of Silver and the chemistry of Collodion were not understood. There is in fact an impurity common in commercial Nitrate of Silver (see p. 252) which lowers the density of Negatives, and since Acetate always increases the density, its use has been found in such cases to be an improvement. So, again, Pyroxyline made at low temperatures and in weak Acids produces a violet image, and hence Acetate of Silver, which changes the colour from blue to red, increases the intensity. When we add to this the fact that the pre- sence of Acetate frees the Bath effectually from Nitric Acid, and thus enables a Collodion to be used which has been kept a long time, and is very brown from excess of free Iodine, it is not difficult to understand why it has been so extensively employed. If pure recrystallized Nitrate of Silver be selected in the first instance, and proper attention paid to the state of the Collodion, both as regards the length of time it has been kept after io- dizing, and the quality of the Pyroxyline, full intensity of Negative may be obtained without the use of Acetate, even under somewhat unfavourable conditions. 278 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The objections to the employment of Acetate of Silver in the Bath are that it renders the solution more liable to change by keeping, favours red solarization in sunny weather, and at high temperatures increases the chance of spots, markings, and discoloration of the developer on touching the film. The Negative Nitrate Bath for Bromo-iodized Collo- dion. Experience has shown that a Nitrate Bath specially prepared for an Iodized Collodion with Pyrogallic de- veloper, is not the best suited for a Bromo-iodized Collo- dion with Iron developer, and vice versd. In the former case the aim is to obtain conditions of the Nitrate Bath which will combine the greatest sensitiveness with suffi- cient intensity of Negative at one development. When the chemicals are pure such a combination is easily attain- able. In the latter case density and sensitiveness combined seem incompatible. But as intensity of image is quite under control, by a subsequent re-development, it is con- sidered more important to prepare the Nitrate Bath almost entirely with the view of securing the highest sensitiveness. Acetate of Silver and Acetic Acid, which in the Nitrate Bath for Iodized Collodion often exercise a beneficial effect in increasing both density and sensitiveness, here act differently. They increase the intensity of image, but tend to lengthen the exposure. A small proportion of Nitric Acid, on the other hand, materially increases the sensitiveness, and at the same time lowers the vigour of the image ; but since the latter can be raised to any extent by subsequent development, it is generally sacrificed in the first instance in order to secure the former. Directions for the preparation of this Bath will be found in Part III. Developing Solutions for Collodion Negatives. Three formulae are given in Part III., each of which has its ad- vantages. The first contains Pyrogallic Acid with Acetic Acid ; the second, Pyrogallic Acid with Citric Acid ; and the third, Sulphate of Iron with Acetic Acid. Developers for Iodized Collodion. Pyrogallic Acid with Acetic Acid is the form most commonly employed, the use . NEGATIVE DEVELOPERS. 279 of the Acetic Acid being to moderate the violence of the action, and to preserve those parts of the Iodide which have not been touched by light. It has also the advan- tage of causing the solution to flow easily upon the film, thus forming a substitute for Alcohol, which would other- wise be required to prevent greasiness and streaks. The ordinary strength of the solution of Pyrogallic Acid is one grain to the ounce of Water, but as regards the quantity of Acetic Acid, the practice of operators varies. The intensity is greatest when the minimum proportion of about five minims to the ounce is used, but in this case a portion of spirit will be required in covering large plates. With a Negative Collodion giving abundance of intensity it is better in every respect to employ the full strength of acid, viz. from twenty to thirty minims to the ounce, by which the reduction will be rendered more even, and stains of irregular action prevented. Attention should here be drawn to the decomposition which commercial Pyrogallic Acid experiences by keeping. In the course of a very few days in hot weather the solu- tion becomes yellow, and not only loses, in some measure, its power of developing the weakest radiations, but rapidly discolours the Nitrate upon the film. Solution of Sulphate of Iron also becomes yellow by keeping, but in this case no injurious effect results except in the weakening of the de- veloper. Pyrogallic Acid with Citric Acid may be viewed as a weaker reducing agent than the last, and one less likely to develope the dark shadows after a short exposure. Citric Acid, in fact, is an agent of far greater power in retarding reduction of Silver, than Acetic Acid, and three-quarters of a grain will be found more than equivalent to twenty minims of the latter. This property of Citric Acid is an advantage when working at high temperatures, as, for instance, in a tent heated by the direct rays of the sun. The ordinary developer then acts so quickly that it is impossible to cover the plate before the reduction begins, and the discoloration on touching the film is rapid, so that the pictures are al- 280 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. most invariably weak and red, with stains and spots. In this state of things a stronger Acid will be found service- able, and although the ordinary proportions are twice as much of Pyrogallic Acid as of Citric Acid, yet in extreme cases, the relative amount of Acid may be doubled, and a grain of each constituent of the formula be dissolved in an ounce of Water. The solution will flow evenly over the film on adding Alcohol, and the image will not ap- pear until after an interval of twenty or thirty seconds. At so high a temperature the reducing power of even a feeble developer will be quite enough to bring out the shadows. Citric Acid in the developing solution changes the colour of the Negative from brown to blue, and in consequence the real intensity of the image is somewhat less than it appears. It also has a marked effect in preventing red solarization in a brilliant light, and in preserving the sur- face of the film from fogging. Hence it is particularly adapted for distant landscape views including sky and water, or for other subjects well lighted ; whilst, on the other hand, it is not suited for working in a glass house in a bad light and in cold weather, nor for copying works of art with long-focus Lenses, nor for taking interiors. In all such cases we may anticipate, when using a developer con- taining Citric Acid, that the image in its early stage of development will be weak and metallic, showing nothing of that tone of red which is so essential to the proper con- tinuance of the precipitation. There will also be a loss of half-tint, from the reducing agent being too weak to bring out the darker portions of the image. Pyrogallic Acid with Citric Acid forms a good developer for a Cadmium landscape Collodion. Free Iodine being absent from this Collodion, the film on leaving the Bath is nearly neutral, and no Nitric Acid is present. Con- sequently the high lights over-act, and render the image very feeble unless the developer contain a stronger acid than Acetic Acid. Sulphate of Iron is a developer of great power, and may NEGATIVE DEVELOPERS. 281 be employed with advantage when its action is correctly understood. Being a substance belonging to the mineral kingdom, it is not favourably constituted for producing that opacity of image which is characteristic of Pyrogallic Acid ; but on the other hand it is a much stronger reducing agent, and will bring out a perfect picture, when from some opposing conditions, the ordinary developer proves ineffectual. In order that an Iodized Collodion may be adapted for developing with Sulphate of Iron, so as to give sufficient intensity at one operation, it ought to be of that kind which gives strong contrast of image. It must likewise be a Collodion working clean and free from fogging, inas- much as the Sulphate of Iron has a tendency to precipi- tate the Silver in an irregular manner upon the film greater than that of the Pyrogallic Acid. The state of the Nitrate Bath must also be considered in making choice of a developer. Newly -prepared Baths which yield rather faint Negatives with Pyrogallic Acid, seldom succeed with Sulphate of Iron : the image becomes rapidly fogged and is useless. Baths made from fused Nitrate of Silver ; Baths containing Acetate ; and old Baths contaminated with organic matter, can on the other hand be worked more successfully with Sulphate of Iron than with Pyrogallic Acid. The rule appears to be that if the solution is in a state for giving very red Negatives with great intensity and freedom from fogging, the inor- ganic developer will be the better of the two : for in that case the organic reactions of the film are already at their maximum, and do not further need an organic developer like Pyrogallic Acid. Depression of temperature is always an indication for the use of Sulphate of Iron, and in such a case its superiority is especially evident. When the thermometer sinks to 40 Fahrenheit, it will be found that the ordinary solution of Pyrogallic Acid and Acetic Acid acts very slowly, and, in the case of Collodion which has undergone a little organic decomposition, it does not bring out the dark shades effec- 282 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. tually, so that on examining the Negative after fixing, it appears to have received an insufficient amount of exposure in the Camera. An increase in the strength of the solu- tion, using more of the Pyrogallic Acid and less Acetic Acid, does not altogether remedy the defect, although it adds to the opacity of the parts which have received most light. The substitution of Citric Acid for the Acetic would weaken the reducing power, and be a positive evil. Nothing then remains but either to warm the Bath and developing room by a stove, or to employ the Sulphate of Iron. The difficulty of securing a proper gradation of tone is especially felt, not only in cold weather, but also when the picture embraces a variety of objects which contrast strongly in their power of reflecting light. Pyrogallic Acid as a developer is apt either to destroy the definition in the light parts by producing absolute opacity of the Negative, or to exhibit all the effects of over-action of light and red solarization. In this way the folds of white drapery suffer, and the distance in landscapes is lost. Such subjects can be photographed successfully, either by using a feeble Negative Collodion destitute of organic reactions, or by developing with Sulphate of Iron. Monuments of white marble standing out against the sky, with cypress-trees in the background, have been well copied by using Sulphate of Iron ; and although equally good results may be ob- tained with Pyrogallic Acid, by giving a long exposure and working with a small aperture to the Lens yet this can only be expected when the Bath and Collodion are in the most perfect working order. There are other causes of imperfect gradation of tone which Sulphate of Iron is employed to remedy. When, for instance, the atmosphere is yellow or murky, and no clouds exist to throw back the light into the shadows, it becomes very difficult to work a simply iodized Collodion successfully with Pyrogallic Acid : the blacks of the Nega- tive are too opaque, and the shadows too transparent. A longer exposure in the Camera in this instance is only a NEGATIVE DEVELOPEES. 283 partial remedy, because it invariably flattens the picture, destroying its rotundity and stereoscopic effect. The use of Sulphate of Iron is exactly adapted to meet the case, for it has great power in developing weak radiations, whilst at the same time it precipitates the Silver in a compara- tively metallic and translucent form. The resulting Ne- gative is therefore soft, and free from violent contrasts of light and shade. It has been said that the employment of Sulphate of Iron invariably shortens the necessary exposure in the Camera, but this statement is incorrect. That it does so in a bad light and at a low temperature is certain, but probably if the experiment be made under opposite con- ditions, the same result will not be obtained. In the case of a sun-lit view, for instance, taken in the spring months, the Writer finds Pyrogallic Acid abundantly strong enough to bring out the weaker radiations with a minimum of exposure, the Collodion being supposed to contain only Iodides. Acetate of Iron has been used in Photography : it pro- duces nearly as much density as Pyrogallic Acid, and at the same time is equal to the Sulphate in its power of deve- loping the shadows. A similar effect may be obtained by mixing the ordinary Sulphate of Iron with half its weight of crystallized Acetate of Soda. Effect of Varying the Mode of Development. The re- marks made in the last Section, on the contrast in Collo- dion Positives as affected by the mode of development, apply also in the case of Negatives. We have already seen that an ordinary Iodized Collodion may, when em- ployed in the subdued light of a glass studio, produce a soft Negative, and yet in a glare of sunshine it may yield an intense Negative. If the intensity be greater than is desirable, it is in the power of the operator to remedy it in a measure by removing a portion of the free Nitrate of Silver from the surface of the film. To effect this, it will only be necessary to flood the plate with a large quantity of a diluted solution of Pyrogallic Acid containing perhaps 284 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. half a grain of the reducing agent to the ounce of water : or, more effectually still, to wash the plate with water, after exposure, and then to develope it by the addition of a few drops of the Bath solution to the Pyrogallic Acid. The picture thus obtained will have less contrast and solarization than before, and the developing action may be pushed far enough to bring out the deepest shadows, without adding too much to the intensity of the lights. When the converse of the foregoing happens, and the image on a simply Iodized Collodion is deficient in contrast, it is re- commended to increase the re]ative proportion of Nitrate of Silver, by making an addition of that substance to the developer before applying it to the film. Developer for Bromo-iodized Collodion. However much opinions may be divided as to the relative merits of Pyro- gallic Acid and Sulphate of Iron as developers for a sim- ply Iodized Collodion, no doubt exists that the latter is the more suitable for a Bromo-iodized Collodion. The great reducing power of the Salts of Iron is precisely what we require in the presence of Bromide of Silver, a salt which considerably retards reduction ; and, as already shown, the fine red or black tone which Pyrogallic Acid imparts to the Negatives is not seen when the Collodion contains Bromide. The tendency to produce fogging which the Salts of Iron exhibit in the case of a simply iodized Collodion, is nearly absent when the Collodion contains Bromide. A subsequent development with Pyrogallic Acid will almost in every instance be required, which ren- ders the operation somewhat tedious, but it is amply com- pensated for by the increased vigour and contrast thereby obtained. Fixing Agents for Negatives. Cyanide of Potassium acts quickly in removing the Iodide of Silver, and the plates do not require much subsequent washing ; the film is also left in a favourable state for continuing the develop- ment with mixed Pyrogallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver when required. We recommend, however, Sulphocya- nides or Hyposulphite in preference to the Cyanide of NEGATIVE STRENGTHENED. 285 Potassium, as safer in the hands of a beginner. Negative images are more easily dissolved by fixing agents than Collodion Positives, and therefore, unless much care be exercised, the application of Cyanide lowers the intensity materially, and whitens the surface of the picture by con- verting it into Cyanide of Silver. This is especially the case in working in the open air, and attempting to fix the image whilst the sun is shining upon the plate. Collodion Negatives developed with Sulphate of Iron are less soluble in solution of Cyanide of Potassium than those in which Pyrogallic Acid is used as the reducing agent ; and the use of Bromide in the Collodion likewise diminishes the solubility. Modes of strengthening a finished Impression which is too feeble to be used as a Negative. The ordinary plan of pushing the development cannot be applied with advan- tage after the picture has been washed and dried. In that case, if it is found to be too feeble to print well, its inten- sity may be increased by one of the following methods : 1. Treatment of the image with Sulphuretted Hydrogen or Hydrosulphate of Ammonia. The object is to convert the metallic Silver into Sulphide of Silver, and if this could be done, it would be of service. The mere applica- tion of an Alkaline Sulphide has however but little effect upon the image, excepting to darken its surface and de- stroy the Positive appearance by reflected light : the struc- ture of the metallic deposit is too dense to admit of the Sulphur reaching its interior. This may be obviated by first converting the image into the white Salt of Mercury and Silver by the application of Corrosive Sublimate, and afterwards treating it with a solution of Sulphuretted Hydrogen or Hydrosulphate of Ammonia. Negatives produced in this way are of a brown- yellow colour by transmitted light, and remarkably opaque to chemical rays. The employment of Corrosive Sublimate has one se- rious drawback, viz. the injurious effect which even a trace of a Salt of Mercury exerts upon the sensitiveness of Iodide of Silver: hence if the glass plates are not 286 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY, cleaned with extraordinary care, or if the slightest portion of the Mercury Salts finds its way into the Bath, injurious effects will follow. The Writer dispenses entirely with the employment of the Sublimate, and acts on the image with a solution of Iodine in Iodide of Potassium until it is con- verted into Iodide of Silver, after which the Hydrosul- phate is applied in the usual way. The Hydrosulphate is in fact the principal agent in producing the intensity, and no other chemical is actually required, excepting for the purpose of rendering the image sufficiently porous to allow of a proper penetration by the Sulphur. Practical direc- tions for carrying out this intensifying process, will be found in Part III. under the head of " Copying Maps and Diagrams." 2. MM. Barreswil and Davannes Process. The image is converted into Iodide of Silver by treating it with a solution made by dissolving a grain of Iodine in an ounce of water by the aid of a little Alcohol. It is then washed, to remove the excess of Iodine, exposed to the light, and a portion of the ordinary developing solution, mixed with Nitrate of Silver, poured over it. The changes which ensue are precisely the same as those already described (p. 150) ; the whole object of the process being to bring the metallic surface back again into the condition of Iodide of Silver modified by light, that the developing action may be commenced afresh, and more Silver deposited from the Nitrate in the usual way. In a former Edition a solution of Iodine in Iodide of Potassium was recommended for the conversion of the image into Iodide in this intensifying process. This method however is liable to fail, for if the solution be kept upon the plate until the whole image becomes yellow, the sen- sitiveness to light is in great measure lost. At present therefore the Writer is of opinion that a weak aqueous solution of Iodine is preferable, and that the condition of the film so produced is analogous to that of the Daguerreo- type, the metallic Silver being acted on superficially, and never entirely converted into Iodide. 287 CHAPTER VIII. ON THE THEOBY OF POSITIVE PEINTING. THE subject of Collodion Negatives having been explained in the previous Chapter, we proceed to show how they may be made to yield an indefinite number of copies with the lights and shadows correct as in nature. Such copies are termed " Positives," or sometimes " Positive prints," to distinguish them from direct Posi- tives upon Collodion. There are two distinct modes of obtaining photographic prints ; first, by development, or, as it is termed, by the Negative process, in which a layer of Iodide or Chloride of Silver is employed, and the invisible image developed by Gallic Acid ; and second, by the direct action of light upon a surface of Chloride of Silver, no developer being used. These processes, involving chemical changes of great deli- cacy, require a careful explanation. The action of light upon Chloride of Silver was described in Chapter II. It was shown that a gradual process of darkening took place, the compound being reduced to the condition of a coloured subsalt ; also, that the perfection of the change was increased by the presence of excess of Nitrate of Silver, and of organic matters, such as Gelatine, Albumen, etc. We have now to suppose that a sensitive paper has been prepared in this way, and that a Negative having been laid in contact with it, the combination has been ex- posed to the agency of light for a sufficient length of time. 288 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Upon removing the glass, a Positive representation of the object will be found below, of great beauty and detail. Now if this image were in its nature fixed and permanent, or if there were means of making it so, without injury to the tint, the production of Paper Positives would be a simple department of the Photographic art; for it will be found that with almost any Negative, and with sen- sitive paper however prepared, the picture will look tole- rably well on its first removal from the printing-frame. Immersion in the bath of Hyposulphite of Soda however, which is essentially necessary in order to fix the picture, produces an unfavourable effect upon the tint, decom- posing the violet- coloured Subchloride of Silver, and leav- ing behind a red substance which appears to be united to the fibre of the paper. Other chemical operations are therefore required to re- move the objectionable red colour of the print, and hence the consideration of the subject is naturally divided into two parts ; first, the means by which the paper is rendered sensitive, and the image impressed upon it; and secondly, the subsequent fixing and toning, as it may be termed, of the proof. The present Chapter will also include, in an additional Section, a condensed account of the most important facts relating to the properties and the mode of preservation of photographic prints. SECTION I. Printing the Proof., When a sheet of the photographically prepared paper is exposed to the light, we observe it to assume various colours, each one deeper and more intense than that which preceded it. These shades of colour are not always the same, but vary more or less with the mode of preparing the paper, as will presently be shown. The sequence of tints, in the case of a paper prepared simply with Chloride .and Nitrate of Silver, is as follows: Pale violet, violet- POSITIVE FEINTING. 289 blue, slate-blue, bronze or copper-colour. When the bronzed stage is readied, there is no further change. On immersing the paper darkened as above described, in the fixing bath of Hyposulphite, the violet tones are destroyed, and the print assumes a red or brown colour, which is most intense in the parts where the light has acted longest. Therefore we see, that, to produce a good photographic print, the Negative must possess consider- able opacity in the dark parts ; for if it be pale and feeble, the light passes rapidly through it and darkens the paper universally, before the exposure has been sufficiently pro- longed to ensure the requisite degree of reduction ; hence the deepest shadows of the resulting Positive are not dark enough, and there is a want of contrast which is fatal to the effect. A good Negative should be so opaque as to preserve the lights of the printed image beneath clear, un- til the darkest shades are about to pass into the bronze or coppery condition. If the amount of intensity be less than this, the finest effect cannot be obtained. Let us now pass on to consider more carefully the exact function of each of the constituents of the sensitive sheet, and to show how the effect may be varied by altering their relative proportions, or by introducing substances not usually employed. The printing process in its most simple form may be conducted as follows : Take pure Swedish filtering-paper, free from size and other extraneous matters, and float it upon a solution of Nitrate of Silver containing about one hun- dred grains to the ounce of water : then dry and expose it to a strong sunlight. The darkening action will take place, but with such extreme slowness as at first to convey the impression that the paper is quite insensitive to light ; by perseverance, however, for three or four days, a pale-brown tone will be obtained. One cause of this difficulty with the simply Nitrated paper is that the Nitric Acid in the Nitrate of Silver retards the reduction, and the pure fibre of paper does not possess a sufficient affinity for Oxygen to enable it to overcome the opposition. It is possible u 290 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. however to counteract the Nitric Acid by adding Am- monia so as to produce Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver : this accelerates the change considerably, and a few hours' ex- posure to strong sunlight will then give the requisite opacity. Swedish paper, however, although prepared with Am- monio-Nitrate of Silver, darkens very slowly excepting in strong sunlight, and the Photographer will find by experi- ment that a minute quantity of Chloride of Silver in the prepared paper will enable him to obtain the desired result in minutes instead of hours of exposure. Other insoluble Salts of Silver, such as the Phosphate and Citrate, render the prepared paper more sensitive than when it has been treated with a soluble Salt of Silver only. The part there- fore which we assign to such insoluble Salts is that of "accelerators" to the luminous agency, and of all accele- rators the Chloride of Silver appears to be the most re- markable. The following experiment will prove instructive in fur- ther exhibiting the function of the Chloride of Silver in ordinary sensitive paper. Take a piece of ordinary bibu- lous paper and float it for an instant upon the Nitrate of Silver solution which- Photographers employ in printing ; then blot it off, and immerse for five minutes in a solution of common salt containing ten grains to the ounce. This paper when freed from excess of salt by washing in dis- tilled water, may be viewed as containing only Chloride of Silver in contact with the Cellulose. On exposing it to the light it will be found to change rather quickly to a pale- violet tone. At that point, however, the reducing action will be suspended, and when the fixing bath of Hyposul- phite of Soda is brought to bear upon the image, it will nearly disappear in consequence of decomposition and solu- tion. Pictures printed upon Chloride of Silver only would be altogether wanting in contrast, consisting only of half- tints, without any depth of shadow. In a second experiment, take several strips of paper pre- pared as described for experiment No. 1, and apply washes POSITIVE FEINTING. 291 of Nitrate of Silver of various degrees of concentration, such as 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 100 grains to the ounce of water. On drying the strips, and exposing them succes- sively beneath the same Negative matrix, it will be found that the pictures become more and more vigorous in pro- portion as the Nitrate of Silver solution increases in strength, but that beyond a certain point a further increase in the concentration of the Nitrate of Silver does not add to the effect. Having performed the above experiments, we are pre- pared to conclude therefrom, that the office of the free Nitrate of Silver is to furnish the material which composes the metallic part of the image, and so to give intensity ; the Chloride meanwhile accelerating the change and adding to the sensitiveness of the prepared paper. It remains now to consider the action of the organic sup- porting basis, and this is perhaps equally important with that of the other constituents, although in the present state of our knowledge it cannot be defined with the same pre- cision. If we take a sheet of Swedish filtering-paper and immerse it in cold Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, in such a way as to wet only one-half of the paper, the surface after wash- ing and drying will consist in part of Cellulose and in part of Pyroxyline. Now it has already been shown (p. 135) that Pyroxyline is in a manner indifferent to the Salts of Silver, and that Chloride of Silver, supported by Pyroxyline, be- haves in the sun's ray much in the same manner as Chloride of Silver supported upon a glass plate : hence we should anticipate that if a sheet of paper were converted only par- tially into Pyroxyline, and subsequently treated with Salt and Nitrate of Silver, the two halves would behave diffe- rently on exposure. This expectation is correct, and the experiment will show not only that the darkening is more decided upon the unaffected Cellulose, but that the image is less dissolved by the fixing bath, and has a softer and more velvety shade of colour. In the one case the fixed print is of a warm red, and tones in solution of Chloride of Gold to a fine purple-black j in the other, it is very faint and 292 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. metallic, or, if examined after toning, cold and slaty in aspect. We may therefore add to what we have before said, the following statement, viz. that whereas the function of the Chloride is to impart sensitiveness in Photographic printing, and that of the Nitrate of Silver to give inten- sity, the Organic Matter acts by brightening the colour. The artist requires an image which after simply fixing shall be of a warm red tone, and thus be capable of yield* ing a full brown or black on subsequent treatment with the Gold solution ; he will find by experience that organic compounds of Silver in the paper, produced by adding Albumen or similar substances to the salting bath, will afford him the means of obtaining these varied tones, and that without them the picture will lack richness of effect. . The chemist may perhaps be disposed to inquire more particularly how the organic substance acts ; but we must be guarded in answering this question, because it involves the consideration of a class of actions which belong to an obscure Chapter of Chemistry. It is known that many oxides and subsalts of metals, attach themselves in a pe- culiar way to animal and vegetable fibre, although the precise nature of the union is uncertain. These same Oxides commonly exhibit an affinity for the colouring mat- ters used in dyeing, and are known as "Mordants," be- cause they bind the colours on to the cloth and fix them so that they resist the action of water. An ordinary " iron mould " is a familiar instance of this kind of action, the red stain upon the linen consisting of an Oxide or Subsalt of Iron, adhering to the fibre. Organic substances satu- rated with Bichromate of Potash and exposed to light, furnish another example, for it has been shown that the Bichromate becomes in such a case reduced to an Oxide of Chromium, which is a true mordant, although a feeble one. Now in the process of Photographic printing we suppose that besides the formation of Subchloride of Silver, Pro- toxide of Silver is reduced to the state of a lower or sub- oxide, and that this suboxide combines with the Cellulose. POSITIVE FEINTING. 293 Further, the fact of the Cellulose or other organic matter having an affinity for a suboxide facilitates the formation of that substance, and enables it when formed to withstand the action of bodies like Hyposulphite of Soda, which are known to possess the property of decomposing Suboxide of Silver when existing in an uncombined state. If Photographic printing can be shown to bear any ana- logy to the operations employed in the art of dyeing, it would be anticipated that certain kinds of fibre would ex- hibit the affinity for the mordant oxide more completely than others. It is well known, for instance, that woollen stuffs take certain dyes with more facility than materials made of linen or cotton, so that if a cloth be woven partly of wool and partly of cotton, a colour may be fast upon the former but removable by washing from the latter. So in Photography we find that cotton immersed in Nitrate of Silver is less readily affected by the sun's rays than wool or silk. In speaking of the use of animal substances in printing we must not indeed lose sight of the fact that these tissues invariably contain traces of Chloride and also of Phosphate. The pure animal fibre, however, is believed to play an important part in the process, quite indepen- dently of any inorganic salts. This action of the animal matters we now proceed to consider further. Swedish paper, prepared with Chloride and Nitrate of Silver, although sufficiently sensitive, could not be used in Photography. The picture would exhibit a complete want of definition, and would also appear to be sunk in the sub- stance of the paper so as to be seen more distinctly by transmitted than by reflected light. If the Salt were em- ployed in anything like quantity, Chloride of Silver would form in loose flakes upon the surface, and would burst out and fall away into the Bath. The sizing of Photo- graphic paper has undoubtedly a mechanical action, keep- ing the chemicals upon the surface, and thus securing an even layer of Chloride of Silver in a state of excessive division. This however, as already shown, is not the sole use of the sizing, for when it consists of Albumen or Gela- 294 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. tine it communicates a fine red tint to the image, and gives TV hat artists term an aspect of transparency to the whole picture. If we examine the action of the animal sizing chemically, we find that Albumen, Caseine, and G-elatine, all withdraw from the Bath large quantities of Nitrate of Silver, so that the solution becomes continually weaker. A sheet of trans- parent Gelatine, allowed to swell up by imbibing a solution of Nitrate of Silver, of the strength of twenty grains to the ounce of Water, will appropriate nearly the whole of the dissolved Nitrate, so that the liquid expelled from it by squeezing will yield less than three grains of Silver to the ounce. The Gelatine forms with the Nitrate of Silver a compound which may be designated Gelatino-Nitrate of Silver, and which is highly photographic and colorific. Chloride of Silver thrown down in presence of this Gela- tino-Nitrate, does not clot together in the same manner as the pure Chloride of Silver, but exists in a state of exces- sive division, and remains for a long time without subsiding to the bottom of the liquid. Exposed to light the Gela- tino-Nitrate of Silver darkens to a ruby-red colour ; and Chloride of Silver precipitated from an aqueous solution of the Gelatino-Nitrate never assumes, in the sun's rays, the slate-blue colour characteristic of Subchloride of Silver, but changes quickly to a chocolate-brown tone. In the case of a paper sized with Albumen or Gelatine, and subsequently salted and rendered sensitive, the action of the light is evi- dently compound, for the Chloride decomposes at the same time that the Oxide of Silver is reduced by the animal mat- ter. The behaviour of the darkened paper always varies with the proportion which the Chloride bears to the organic substance : when the former is relatively large, the print exhibits the violet shades on its removal from the frame, and dissolves considerably in the fixing bath; but with the organic matters in excess, the colour of the print is brick-red from the very first, and the tones are less affected by the solvent action of the Hyposulphite of Soda. POSITIVE FEINTING. 295 FUETHER OBSEEVATIONS ON THE FEINTING OF FHOTO- GEAFHIC PEOOFS. In considering the process of Positive printing more carefully, we may divide it as follows : The Paper ; Salting Bath ; Sensi- tizing Solution ; Various Kinds of Organic Matter. The Paper. The quality of paper sold for Photographic pur- poses is variable, and often inferior. A difference exists in the length and thickness of the fibre of various kinds of Cellulose, so that the resulting paper may be either coarse or smooth grained. Its smoothness cannot be estimated until the print has passed through all the processes of fixing and washing, because by hot- pressing and other appliances, it is easy to get up a fictitious glaze. Supposing the paper to be properly made in the first instance, yet much will depend upon the perfection of the process adopted for sizing. The defects which occur in a paper badly sized are of the following kind : First, portions of the finished pictures are pale in colour, and have a spotty appearance, due to an in- equality in the imbibition of liquid by the paper ; some parts of which being comparatively impermeable by the Nitrate of Silver, and others more porous, the surface is unequally sensitive, and darkens in an irregular manner. Secondly, when the sizing is very soft, the chemicals sink too deeply into the paper, and the proofs are what is termed mealy, and ineffective. Albumen, even when employed without any addition of water, gives very little glaze upon a paper of this kind, and no surface vigour can be obtained : the sheets are often very tender, so that they become torn in the many washings to which the photographic proofs are necessarily subjected ; and when Albumen is used, there is a strong tendency to a superficial blistering in the fixing bath, or in the washing waters, inasmuch as the Alkaline solutions used in toning tend to lessen the tenacity of the size. Thirdly, paper may be too strongly sized, and when such is the case, the amount of gloss given by Albumen is considerable, but the prints are not easily toned in the Gold solutions, and are fixed with difficulty. There are two principal modes of sizing paper : first, with a mixture of Starch and Resin partially saponified by an Alkali ; and second, with Gelatine hardened by Alum. The first method is principally practised on the Continent, and the latter in the 296 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. papers of home manufacture. Papers sized with Starch and saponified Eesin have necessarily an alkaline reaction, whilst the Gelatine sized papers exhibit an acidity due to the Alum. In each case the paper improves more or less by keeping, because the size becomes gradually harder, and the sheets are, in conse- quence, less easily torn in the washings. Opinions are divided as to which mode of sizing is to be preferred, but the general im- pression is, that the Starch offers more mechanical advantages when Albumen is to be used in the salting solution, whereas the Gelatine size gives a better surface layer of Chloride of Silver in the case of plain salted paper prepared without Albumen. Towgood's paper is held in much esteem for printing by the Ammonio- Nitrate process, and probably answers better than any other in the market, but it is not well adapted for Albuminizing. Papier Rive, so called from the place where it is manufactured in France, is a starch-sized paper, with a hard, smooth surface, not easily permeable by liquids ; hence it takes a high gloss on the Albumen. It is somewhat rotten in texture, and apt to tear in the washing, but it assumes a fine, brilliant colour in the toning-bath, and is therefore much used for carte-de-visite and stereoscopic prints. The German paper, usually called Saxe, also starch-sized, is stronger in texture than the Eive, and well fitted for large photographs. From its more porous texture, it does not assume so high a gloss on the Albumen as the Eive. The Photographic properties of the paper are much affected by the mode of sizing adopted, even when Albumen is afterwards used, for the picture is probably formed partly upon the Albumen, and partly in the sizing. English papers tend to give red tones which become brown or chocolate-coloured in the finished print. This is due in part to the use of Gelatine, which, as before shown, forms a compound with Nitrate of Silver, darkening in the sun to a ruby -red colour ; but in part to the Alum employed to harden the Gelatine, since Alum is an acid salt, and acids tend to impart a foxy-red tone to the image. The foreign papers sized with Starch or Eesin, produce tones which are of a sepia-brown after fixing, and of a purple-black when treated with the Solution of Gold ; the reason is partly because the Starch and Eesin do not, like Gelatine, exert a very marked action in reddening the picture, and partly because the sizing has an alkaline reaction. POSITIVE FEINTING. 297 and alkalies are found to diminish redness, just as acids in- crease redness. Many additional observations might be made on the colour of the image yielded by the various commercial qualities of Photo- graphic paper, but the above general division into Gelatine-sized paper and Starch-sized paper will be sufficient. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the manufacturer has it in his power, by adding small quantities of organic bodies to the size, to modify the tone given by the paper, even when employed in the albuminized state. Hence, although the general characters of a paper may be those of a Starch-sized paper, yet the print may assume a brick-red colour in place of a violet tone, in con- sequence of some addition made to the size. Rendering the Paper Sensitive. Under this head we speak first of the salting solution, and second of the Nitrate Bath. Observe, in the first place, that the strength of both solutions should be properly adjusted, so that when the amount of Chloride of Silver in the paper increases, the excess of free Nitrate of Silver may increase also. Theoretically, three parts by weight of Nitrate of Silver will precipitate nearly one part by weight of Salt, and a slight excess of the Nitrate of Silver will remain. These pro- portions, however, are not always adhered to, because in Photo- graphic printing there are many disturbing conditions. The sizing of the paper, and the Albumen glaze, appropriate a quantity of free Nitrate of Silver, as already shown ; and not only so, but the proportions of Nitrate and of Chloride left in the paper, vary with the method of applying the solutions. There are three modes of spreading solutions on photographic paper, by brush- ing, by floating, and by total immersion. The first leaves a small, and the third a large amount of solid matter upon the paper, whilst the second gives a variable result according to the length of time the paper is left floating upon the Bath. Experience shows that for an Albuminized paper, both solutions being ap- plied by floating, the Nitrate Bath should be about six times as strong as the Salting Bath, and should be left twice as long in contact with the paper. In the case of a paper floated upon the Salting Bath, and 'brushed with the Nitrate of Silver, the latter may be twelve times stronger than the former ; and when the papers are salted by total immersion, and sensitized by brushing, the Salt may conveniently be reduced to a fifth of the ordinary 298 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. weight, and the Nitrate of Silver left as before, so that the pro- portions may be nearly as thirty of Nitrate to one of Salt. The strength of the Nitrate Bath in Photographic printing .must also be regulated partly by the mode of sizing adopted. A hard-sized English paper keeps all the chemicals comparatively upon the surface, and does not require such concentrated solu- tions as a paper which is more soft and spongy. Also, when any organic matter like Gelatine or Albumen is added to the salting bath, the amount of Salt must be lessened, because the glutinous character of such fluids causes more to be retained upon the surface of the paper. The difference in the atomic weights of the various soluble Chlorides used in salting must also be borne in mind ; 100 grains of Chloride of Ammonium con- tain as much Chlorine as 109 grains of Chloride of Sodium, or as 228 grains of Chloride of Barium (see the Vocabulary, Part I.). The Salting Eath. The foregoing remarks apply both to the Saline and to the Sensitizing bath ; in those which follow, the two will be considered separately. The sensibility of Photographic paper is regulated up to a certain point by the amount of salt used in its preparation. The quantity of alkaline Chloride de- termines the amount of Chloride of Silver ; and with a proper excess of Nitrate of Silver, papers are, up to a certain point, more sensitive in proportion as they contain more of the Chloride. Highly sensitized papers darken rapidly, and pass very com- pletely into the bronze stage. Those containing less Chloride darken more slowly, and do not become bronzed with the same intensity of light. A Photographic print formed upon a paper highly salted and sensitized, is usually vigorous, with great con- trast of light and shade ; particularly so when the printing is conducted in a strong light. Hence it will be an advantage, with a feeble Negative, and in dull weather, to double the ordi- nary quantity of Salt ; whereas in the case of an intense Nega- tive, and with direct sunlight, the deep shadows will be too much bronzed unless the quantity of Chloride of Silver in the paper is kept low, so as to stop the action of the strong lights at a certain point, and thus to allow the feeble rays time to come forward. With regard to the effect which the amount of Chloride in the paper exerts upon the colour and general appearance of the print, the following statements may be made : Highly salted and sen- POSITIVE FEINTING. 299 sitized papers give a picture more nearly approaching to black, than those which, containing a small proportion of Chloride of Silver, are less sensitive to light. Hence in printing upon paper weakly sensitized, in order to bring out the finer details of a highly intense Negative, we find the image unusually red after fixing, and of a brown or mulberry colour when toned. It is possible to carry the proportion of Salt too far in Photo- graphic printing ; in that case, even though the excess of Nitrate be properly maintained, the print appears cold and dull, because the Chloride of Silver is in too large quantity with reference to the organic matter. A reduction in the amount of Salt, on the other hand, simply leaves the image of less contrast, but does not destroy its velvety softness : transparency and warmth depending upon the organic matter, and not xipon the Chloride. The Nitrate Bath. The compound on which a positive print is formed is a Chloride, or an organic Salt of Silver, with an ex- cess of Nitrate of Silver : hence nothing is gained by increasing the proportion of Chloride of Sodium, unless at the same time an addition be made to the quantity of free Nitrate in the sensitizing bath. Let us consider more minutely the appearances which present themselves when the Nitrate Bath is too weak. If a sample of the ordinary salted and albuminized paper be floated for two or three minutes upon a solution of Nitrate of Silver of the strength of twenty grains to the ounce of water, the quantity of Nitrate left upon the surface will be insufficient, and the following defects will appear : The paper darkens on exposure, but it does not reach the bronzed stage, the action appearing to stop at a certain point. On placing the print in Hyposulphite of Soda, it becomes very pale, and when tinted, looks cold and slaty, without depth of shadow. In almost all cases there exist on pictures of this kind large spots or patches of a paler colour than the surrounding parts, since the capillarity of the paper is unequal, and some por- tions absorb slowly. The spots are most abundant at that edge of the paper which is uppermost in drying, and are nearly absent at the lower part where the excess of liquid drains down and be- comes concentrated by evaporation. In a second experiment, the salted paper may be left as long as ten or fifteen minutes upon the same weak Bath : the result will be improved thereby, for the Albumen is allowed time to draw to itself more of the Nitrate 300 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of Silver. A third experiment may consist in dissolving forty grains of Nitrate of Silver in an ounce of water, and floating portions of the same paper upon it : the shadows will be deeper than before, and the colour warmer, but in all probability there will be room for further improvement, since a forty-grain Bath is scarcely strong enough for the foreign papers albuminized with ft ten-grain Salt solution, although sufficiently so for the English albuminized paper of the same strength. Lastly, dissolve sixty grains, eighty grains, and a hundred grains of Nitrate of Silver in three separate ounces of water and float upon each, when it will be found that the pictures are all good, and differ very little in appearance. If, however, the time of floating be reduced to a single minute, the Nitrate Bath of a hundred grains will prove the best ; and some artists consider that, in Photographic printing, both time and money are saved by employing a highly-concen- trated Nitrate Bath, and floating the papers upon it for not more than a minute. The defect which the Writer would apprehend under such circumstances would be a tendency to spottiness from uneven absorption by the paper, since a lengthened floating is certainly favourable to even precipitation of the Chloride. Those precautions which are observed in making the Nitrate Bath for Collodion Negative Photography, are unnecessary in the case of the Bath for printing. We saturate the former Bath with Iodide of Silver, but the printing bath need not be saturated with Chloride of Silver, since this compound, although not absolutely insoluble in solution of the Nitrate, dissolves in a proportion so small, that it may be disregarded. Neither is it actually necessary to examine the crystals of Nitrate of Silver for free Nitric Acid, for unless the sample of Nitrate be very impure, the retarding efiect of the Nitric Acid will be inappreciable, and especially so in the case of albuminized paper, which possesses usually a slightly alkaline reaction. A Nitrate Bath containing free Oxide of Silver, however, and giving an alkaline reaction to Litmus, would in some cases be injurious, since Alkaline Nitrate of Silver does not properly co- agulate Albumen, and in consequence a Bath of this kind soon exhibits a white turbidity when the papers are floated upon it. There are certain qualities of albuminized paper sold in com- merce, which tend to precipitate the same white substance in the sensitizing Bath, and the Writer believes this to be due in part POSITIVE FEINTING. 301 to alkalinity. The strength of the Bath, however, must always be noted ; for the weaker it becomes, the greater the tendency to dis- solve away the Albumen without coagulating it. In such a case the greater part of the Nitrate of Silver is converted into Chloride, and not being properly retained upon the surface of the paper by the coagulated Albumen, falls away into the solution. Papers rendered sensitive upon a Nitrate Bath faintly acid with Nitric Acid, or with Acetic Acid, are less liable to sponta- neous reduction in the dark : whereas papers prepared upon a Bath which has become alkaline from continued employment of an alkaline albuminized paper, or other causes, soon change on keeping. Acetate of Silver exercises an important effect in the Photo- graphic Negative Bath, but in the Bath for printing, its action is not very remarkable. The only perceivable difference is a little extra bronzing in the shadows, and an increased difficulty of keeping the paper without discoloration in the dark. Organic matter is also mentioned as greatly influencing the action of the Negative Nitrate Bath, but in the printing bath its effect is inappreciable, and even when the Bath has become highly co- loured by the Albumen, its action is nearly the same as at first. The brown coloration above alluded to is probably due to the gradual formation of a SwS-Albummate of Silver, partially solu- ble in solution of Nitrate of Silver. Before leaving this subject, we must advert for a moment to the employment of the compound known as Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver* in Photography. The advantage derived from its use is an increase of sensitiveness, and also of intensity in the image. Another advantage of the Ammonio-Nitrate is that the colour of the print is improved, the redness being diminished and a soft velvety aspect being given to the image such as would be diffi- cult to secure, on plain paper, with simple Nitrate of Silver. There are, however, disadvantages attending the use of Am- monio-Nitrate of Silver, which prevent it from being generally adopted. In the first place it does not coagulate Albumen, so that albuminized paper floated upon Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver loses its surface- varnish, and appears dead, like the plain paper. Secondly, it is more liable to spontaneous change, and to disco- * The Chemistry of Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver is explained in the Voca- bulary, Part I. 302 THEOEY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. lo ration by traces of organic matter, than simple Nitrate of Silver; and hence when used as a Bath, it becomes perfectly black in the course of a few days, from sizing, etc., dissolved out of the salted paper. Thirdly, the action of the salted paper upon Ammonio- Nitrate of Silver liberates free ^Ammonia, as will be seen by re- ferring to the Vocabulary, page 95, and this free Ammonia being a solvent of Chloride of Silver, attacks the sensitive coating and dissolves it, thus producing white lines and transparent markings. The latter objection is the most formidable of all, and in consequence of it the Ammonio-Nitrate has nearly fallen into disuse, excepting in the case of papers purposely prepared with a very small quantity of salt, so as to avoid the production of free Ammonia as far as is possible. Such papers are economical, because a comparatively weak Silver solution suffices to sensitize them, and to give the requisite vigour to the shadows. The colour of the finished picture, however, on Ammonio-Nitrate paper feebly salted, is not black, but rather of a chocolate-brown, since the diminution in the quantity of Chloride increases redness, and the effect of the Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver in an opposite direc- tion is not sufficient to counteract this tendency. Organic bodies used in Printing. The most important of these is Albumen. Albumen is remarkable for producing a smooth and homogeneous layer upon the very surface of the paper, so that every detail of the Negative is rendered with an amount of distinctness which cannot be obtained in any other way. The prints are clear and brilliant, retaining even when dry much of the transparency which plain paper pictures exhibit only whilst in the water. The main obstacle to the general adoption of Albumen is the difficulty of applying it evenly to the surface of the paper. Being a glutinous fluid, and not immediately amalgamating with the sizing, it is apt to run into lines when the paper is floated only for a short time, such as a few seconds ; whilst on the other hand, if the paper be left for several minutes upon the Albumen, a portion of the size is dissolved, and the Albumen in conse- quence sinks into the paper, and does not impart the proper amount of gloss. In order to understand this, we must bear in mind that Albumen is not a neutral fluid, but possesses an alka- line reaction, due to the presence of a small quantity of Soda ; hence, on adding Chloride of Ammonium to Albumen a develop- POSITIVE FEINTING. 303 ment of free Ammonia takes place, easily perceptible to the smell, and Ammonia is a solvent of the materials used in sizing paper. To overcome this difficulty of applying the Albumen, and to ob- tain a greater amount of gloss, makers of albuminized paper have found it advantageous to expose the Albumen in an open vessel to the air, until a considerable amount of evaporation has taken place. This evaporation does not always render the Albumen more glairy ; on the other hand, the fluid often becomes gradually more limpid, acquiring a rather offensive odour, and an add re- action to Litmus paper. Albumen so prepared runs upon the paper very easily, and does not dissolve the size, but it possesses some objectionable qualities, to be pointed out under the head of " Toning." That defects should arise from decomposition of Al- bumen, is not to be wondered at when we consider that one of the constituents of this substance is Sulphur, which during the putrefaction passes into the state of Sulphuretted Hydrogen, and is the cause of the offensive smell. The Nitrate Bath is soon ren- dered turbid by the use of stale albuminized paper, and the sen- sitiveness to light is injured, so that the half- tones of the picture do not appear until after a prolonged exposure. In preparing a highly albuminized paper, the requisite amount of evaporation may be effected over hot water at a temperature short of the co- agulating point of Albumen ; or what in most cases will be found sufficient, the wet Albuminized sheet may be rapidly dried by an ascending current of hot air. Pressing between heated rollers will still further condense the finished sheet, and give it the ap- pearance of possessing a hard and glossy surface. The reddening action of Gelatine, although greater than that of Starch, is less than that produced by Albumen, and the surface brilliancy is also less. Caseine, the animal principle of Milk, gives good definition, and a red colour like Albumen, but is destitute of gloss. Were it not for the difficulty of preparing soluble Caseine, it would probably come into more extended use, since the tone, when modified by a deposit of Gold, is very agreeable. Serum of Milk is a convenient form of employing a dilute solution of Caseine ; since the rennet used in coagulating the milk does not separate the whole of the Caseine, but leaves a little dissolved in the liquid : by agitation with white of eggs, and subsequently boiling, the suspended oil-globules may be entangled, and the Serum thus clarified. 304 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. Citrate and Tartrate dissolved in the Salting Bath exercise an effect upon the colour of the print quite as remarkable as that of Albumen. Paper prepared with Citrate, in addition to Chloride of Silver, darkens to a fine purple colour, which becomes brick- red in the fixing bath. Oxalate, however, has not the same action; paper prepared with Oxalate and Chloride of Silver darkening to a violet- blue colour, resembling that of the ordinary Subchloride. These facts will enable the reader to understand the remarks previously made on the composition of materials for sizing paper ; and to see that the maker might, if so desired, introduce small quantities of organic substances capable of mo- difying the colour and general aspect of the print. Amount of Silver in Sensitive Sheets. To determine this point roughly, fifty whole sheets of Saxe paper, 18 X 22, albuminized with nearly pure Albumen, containing ten grains of Salt to the ounce, were floated for three or four minutes each, on a fifty- five-grain Nitrate Bath measuring 137 ounces. The sheets were found to remove 17 ounces of liquid from the Bath, and to im- poverish the remainder to the extent of five grains of Nitrate of Silver per ounce. The whole quantity of Nitrate of Silver ab- sorbed by each sheet must, therefore, have been about half a drachm. In a second experiment, a quarter-sheet of albiiminized Papier Saxe was dried and weighed ; it was then floated for four minutes upon a forty-five-grain solution of Nitrate of Silver, dried and weighed a second time : the gain in weight amounted to seven grains. Preservation of Sensitive Sheets. The discoloration of Sensi- tive Paper in the dark is due to a slow reducing action of organic matter upon the free Nitrate of Silver. The rapidity of the change varies much with the nature of the organic matter, but more so with the state of the Nitrate of Silver. Alkalies in the size of the papers or in the sensitizing bath, facilitate the discoloration, whilst free acid and acid salts, like Alum, etc., retard it : hence French papers darken more quickly than English papers as a rule, and Ammomo-Nitrate paper is more unstable than that prepared with simple Nitrate of Silver. The degree of dryness of the atmosphere in which the papers are kept, also affects their rate of change, since moisture appears essential to the reduction. Hence the various contrivances devised for drying the paper, the best of which appears to be that of Mr. TONING BY SULPHITE. 305 Spiller, in which a box is constructed with a false bottom pierced by holes, and lumps of quick-lime are placed beneath. To all such plans, however, there are some objections, for it has been found that papers, when rendered absolutely dry, do not darken vigorously in the light, and that it is necessary, in consequence, to leave them for a short time in close proximity to a damp cloth, until the requisite amount of water has been absorbed. Other?, again, have observed that, although Sensitive Papers, kept for many months in a drying Box, may print to a sufficiently deep shade, yet that the image does not tone in the alkaline Gold Bath so readily as a print upon newly-sensitized paper. SECTION II. Toning the Proof. By the term "toning " we understand the removal of the reddish colour described in the first Section as the proper tint of a Photographic Positive, after the compounds of Silver unacted upon by light have been extracted by an appropriate fixing bath. Colours approaching to brick- red are in themselves so unartistic that from the very first discovery of Photography means were tried of removing them ; and the employment of Sulphur was the plan ori- ginally adopted for that purpose. TONING BY SULPHUR. It is well known that articles of Silver plate become darkened by exposure to the fumes of Sulphur, or to those of Sulphuretted Hydrogen, of which minute traces are always present in the atmosphere. If the stopper of a bottle of Sulphuretted Hydrogen water be removed, and a simply fixed Photographic Positive suspended over it, the picture will lose its characteristic red tone and become nearly black. The black colour is even more intense than an experienced chemist would have anticipated, because analysis teaches us that the actual quantity of Silver pre- sent in a Photographic picture on paper is infinitesimally x 306 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. small, and it is well known that Sulphide of Silver, although of a deep brown colour, approaching to black, when in mass, exhibits a pale-yellow tint in thin layers, so that a mere film of Silver converted into Sulphide possesses very little depth of colour. To explain the difficulty it has been sug- gested that the toning action of Sulphur on a red print is probably due to the production of a Sub- Sulphide possess- ing an intense colorific power, like the Sub-Oxide and Sub-Chloride of Silver. When the toned picture is sub- jected to the further action of Sulphur, it is converted into the ordinary Protosulphide of Silver, and becomes yellow and faded. It is not necessary to enter into any details of the va- rious processes originally recommended for toning prints by means of Sulphur. The principle was the same in all, but the mode in which the Sulphur was set free and brought to bear upon the proof varied. Commonly, a so- lution of Hyposulphite of Soda was mixed with some chemical which gradually decomposed it. Everything re- quiring explanation under this head will be treated in the next Section, when we speak of the properties of the Hy- posulphite fixing Bath. TONING BY GOLD. After the Sulphur toning process had been discarded, the Salts of Gold were used for improving the normal co- lour of the Paper Photograph, and the merit of first in- troducing them is due to M. Le Grey, of Paris. These methods, being still in vogue, will require a detailed de- scription. The single fixing and toning Bath. A simple mode and one even now sometimes followed, is to add Chloride of Gold to the ordinary fixing bath of Hyposulphite of Soda. The prints are immersed in the resulting liquid immediately on taking them from the frame, and the first action pf the *' fixing and toning bath " is to dissolve out the unchanged Silver salts, and to leave the image of the usual red colour. TONING BY GOLD. 307 Shortly however the red colour begins to pass gradually into blue or black, and the toning is complete. At first sight the above process appeared correct both as regards theory and practice. A more extended experi- ence however led to its condemnation, for it was found that the improvement of the colour was not due to a simple precipitation of Gold upon the surface of the image, as had been at first supposed, but partly to a deposit of Gold and partly to a communication of Sulphur. When a solution of Chloride of Gold is added to Hyposulphite of Soda, we have in the liquid not only the double Hypo- sulphite of Gold and Soda known by the name of Sel d'Or, but also a portion of the unstable Tetrathionate of Soda, prone to liberate Sulphur. The action of the Bath is there- fore complex from the very first, but becomes more so on keeping the solution for a time, since spontaneous decom- position ensues, as will be more fully shown in the next Section. Practical Photographers were not slow in disco- vering that the fixing and toning Bath was inconstant in its action, and that although the prints were coloured with as much rapidity in an old as in a newly-mixed Bath, yet that the tints were more fugitive in the former case than in the latter. The reason was that whereas the newly -prepared Bath acted mostly by depositing Gold, and only partially by communication of Sulphur, the old Bath, on the other hand, toned the prints entirely by Sulphuration. The reader will doubtless be surprised to hear that the colours produced upon the Photographic picture by means of Gold closely resemble those obtained by Sulphur ; yet such is the case, for although shades of blue are characteristic of Gold, and shades of brown of Sulphur, yet it requires a practised eye to distinguish between them, and prints toned by Sulphur often possess the fine purple-black which many suppose to be due to a deposit of Gold. In the Gold toning process, as now employed, all danger of Sulphuretting the prints is avoided. Hyposulphite of Soda having been proved to suffer decomposition in presence of Chloride of Gold, we no longer mix the two solutions, but 308 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. prefer to tone the picture first, and fix it subsequently. The colouring action of a simple solution of Chloride of Gold upon the Photographic image may be thus explained : The Chlorine previously in combination with Gold passes to the reduced Silver salt, bleaching the lighter shades by converting them into the white Protochloride of Silver, and imparting to the shadows a deep violet tint due to the production of Subchloride of Silver ; at the same time me- tallic Gold is deposited, but its effect is not very clearly seen at this stage of the process, since a deep violet colour of nearly equal intensity may be obtained by using a so- lution of Chlorine in place of Chloride of Gold. If how- ever the toned proof be acted upon by a fixing bath of Hyposulphite of Soda, all that portion of the violet co- lour which depends upon Subchloride of Silver will be de- stroyed, since the Subchloride is decomposed by fixing agents. Another portion of the colour will resist the ac- tion of the Hyposulphite, and this is probably Metallic Gold. During the whole process of toning in solution of Chlo- ride of Gold we observe a gradual lowering of intensity in the image ; it has been found that this destructive effect is greater when the solution of the Chloride contains free Hydrochloric Acid, and that it is lessened by the addition of an alkali : hence the employment of alkaline solutions of Chloride of Gold, first introduced in this country by Mr. Waterhouse, of Halifax, must be deemed an improve- ment. The question as to the manner in which the alkali acts in preventing the image from being eaten away has been variously answered. The first effect of adding Carbonate of Soda to Chloride of Gold is to neutralize the free Hydro- chloric Acid which that compound invariably contains, and thus to produce a double Chloride of Gold and Sodium. Now it has been suggested that this Chloride of Gold and Sodium is the real toning agent ; that the process consists essentially in the substitution of Gold for Silver, and that a double Chloride of Gold and Sodium becomes a double TONING BY GOLD. 309 Chloride of Silver and Sodium, Metallic Gold being at the same time thrown down, and taking the place of the Silver of the proof. Further, it has been urged that in the alka- line toning process lies the real key to the production of permanent Photographic pictures, since the image of Sil- ver, proved to be unstable, is by it converted into an image of Gold, not prone to change. These views are ingenious, but it is doubtful whether they express the truth ; for on subjecting the image to the action of Chloride of Gold, we do not find that an atom of Silver is dissolved for each atom of Gold deposited, whilst as regards the entire con- version of the image into Metallic Gold, it may be shown to be impracticable. MM. Davanne and Girard have sug- gested that the alkaline addition to the Chloride of Gold is useful in neutralizing traces of free Nitric Acid, always liberated when the organic matter reduces the Nitrate of Silver in the process of printing. Undoubtedly the Posi- tive, on its removal from the printing-frame, has an acid re- action, and the Carbonate of Soda in the toning bath must operate beneficially in neutralizing it. This, however, is not the sole use of the alkali, according to the Writer's ex- perience : it probably acts also by converting a portion of the Chloride of Gold into an Oxide of Gold, which is an unstable substance, and may be made to yield up Metallic Gold to the proof. When Carbonate of Soda is added to Chloride of Gold the change into Oxide is at first only partial, and an Oxy- chloride of Gold is probably formed. The Oxide of Gold, or Auric Acid, does not appear of itself to possess the power of toning the picture ; and hence the total conversion of the Chloride under the influence of the alkali renders the Bath useless to the photographer. If, however, a por- tion of the Gold still remains in the form of Chloride, and the toning action can once be started, a spontaneous de- composition of the Oxide of Gold will take place by cata- lysis, and a larger quantity of Gold will thus be thrown down without the same injury to the print from communi- cation of Chlorine. These views may appear complex, but 310 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. they have been adopted by the Author after a careful study of the properties of the alkaline Aurates. The alkaline substance usually employed for admixture with Chloride of Gold is the Carbonate of Soda, but it has been shown by Mr. Maxwell Lyte that an alkaline Phos- phate or Borate produces the same effect. Others again have used an Acetate, and it will probably be found that any salt in which the alkaline constituent is combined with a weak acid will answer the purpose. In such cases the solu- tion of the Chloride of Gold gradually becomes colourless by an interchange of elements, as above described. CONDITIONS WHICH AFFECT THE ACTION OF THE ALKA- LINE GOLD TONING BATH. a. Degree of Concentration of the BatTi. The exact amount of dilution with water in the alkaline toning bath is not of much consequence. A strong bath acts quickly, but is more liable to destroy the middle tints than a weaker solution left upon the image for a longer time. The proportion of Carbonate of Soda is also of minor importance, but it is desirable to use the mini- mum quantity, since a highly alkaline liquid dissolves the size of the paper, and causes a blistering of the Albumen when the pic- ture is laid in the fixing bath. b. The length of time after mixing. The two solutions of Chlo- ride of Gold and Carbonate of Soda may be kept separately for any length of time, but on mixing them a chemical change en- sues, and the liquid gradually loses its yellow colour. When the solution has become nearly colourless it is in the best state for use, and will remain so for many hours, but after a longer keeping of days or weeks it loses its activity, and deposits Gold in the metallic state on the sides of the bottle : alkaline solutions of Chloride of Gold being easily reduced by traces of organic matter. c. Presence of free Nitrate of Silver on the surface of the Proof. It is quite necessary to wash away the free Nitrate of Silver from the pictures before they are immersed in the toning bath, otherwise the Bath will become turbid and discoloured. Nitrate of Silver added to an alkaline solution of Chloride of Gold throws down not only Carbonate of Silver and Chloride of Silver, but also a brown powder, consisting of Peroxide of Gold, TONING BY GOLD. 31 1 or Metallic Gold, and the supernatant liquid contains little else than Nitrate of Soda. d. Temperature of the Solution. The action of the Bath is much increased by carefully heating it to about 120 Fahr. before the prints are immersed, and this method has also the advantage of bringing the solution at once to the nearly colourless condi- tion, in which it contains more Oxide and less Chloride of Gold. The plan of warming the Bath, however, is not often adopted by operators, since a similar result can generally be obtained by con- tinuing the action of the cold solution for a longer time. e. Presence of Iodide of Silver. When iodide of Silver is pre- sent in a proof, the toning action of the alkaline Chloride appears to be less rapid than when the image is formed on Chloride only. Hence sensitive paper is not improved, but rather the contrary, by associating Iodide with the Chloride in salting, as some au- thors have advised. It is also unwise to employ a Nitrate Bath which has been previously used for Negatives, and contains Io- dide of Silver dissolved. On floating the Paper upon such a Bath, the Albumen abstracts the Iodide from it in virtue of a chemical affinity, and the printed proof upon such paper remains for a com- paratively long time in the toning solution without being coloured by the Gold. f. Mode of Preparing the Paper. The preparation of the paper is a matter of greater nicety in the alkaline Gold toning process than m the old mode of toning prints by Sulphur, since the affinity which secures the colouring action is stronger in the latter case than in the former. By adding an alkali to Chloride of Gold you improve the colour of the print, but retard the pro- cess of colouring, since, as before shown, the Oxide of Gold pro- duced by the alkali is of itself nearly or quite inert, and the Chlo- rine is the element which possesses the affinity for Silver, and thus determines the change. Hence, although a defective sample of paper may tone evenly in a Sulphur Bath, in the case of the alkaline Gold Bath, there would be either spots or markings,which would remain of a red colour and refuse to tone. One cause of unevenness of toning is an improper mode of applying the Albumen to the paper ; for Albumen being a glairy substance, and having a strong tendency to run into lines, much will necessarily depend upon the manipulation. We might in- deed remedy this defect by avoiding the use of Albumen, but it 312 THEQEY OF PHOTOGKAPHY. is found that in the Chloride of Gold toning process, the proofs acquire an inky shade, unless the image is printed upon the maximum quantity of organic matter, so as to encourage redness as much as possible. A hard-sized gelatinous English paper, with a minimum of Chloride in the salting bath, or a foreign starch-sized paper, salted with a mixed Citrate and Chloride, will produce an agreeable effect. Mr. Waterhouse, of Halifax, gives a formula in which the organic matter is Caseine dissolved in highly dilute potash ; there is no gloss, and the finished pictures are of a purple tone. If Albumen be used, the quality of the paper itself wih 1 be the principal point to attend to ; but, in addi- tion to this, the state of the Albumen must be noted, since sour- ness and decomposition are injurious not only to the sensitiveness of the paper, but also to the rapidity of toning. Additional experiments on the conditions of the paper affecting the toning action are much needed. To further their prosecution the Writer ventures to give his experience, as follows : the more metallic the image, the greater the rapidity of toning by Chloride of Gold, but the more inky the colour. Organic bodies which encourage the production of a subsalt of Silver under the influ- ence of the light, hinder the deposition of Gold, but improve the colour by imparting a shade of red. There are however differ- ences between these organic bodies, ascertainable only by expe- riment, for although Albumen and Citrate both favour the re- duction of the Silver to the state of a subsalt, it will be found on trial that Citrate papers tone with greater facility than albu- minized papers. Mr. Mabley, the Honorary Secretary of the Manchester Photographic Society, states that the image toned more rapidly when the paper was excited on a Silver Bath con- taining a little free Nitric Acid : this accords with theory, because in presence of a strong acid, the reduction approaches more nearly to the state of metal nevertheless the colour so obtained is not agreeable, and a warmer shade will usually be produced by albu- minized paper which on its removal from the printing frame exhi- bits an image of a brick-red, and not of a violet-blue tone. g. Time of keeping the Paper. If a print be formed upon albuminized paper, and kept for a long time before toning, there will commonly be some difficulty in securing a strong deposit of Gold. This is probably due to a change which takes place in the paper, from the organic matter reacting by degrees upon the FIXING THE PEOOF. 313 Nitrate of Silver, and it has been stated that the same change is more gradually produced when the sensitive papers are preserved for many months in a dry state by means of Chloride of Calcium or Sulphuric Acid ; such papers darken in the sun, but if the print be subjected to the action of a Gold toning bath at the same time with one on paper newly sensitized, the latter will be found to tone with the greater rapidity. SECTION III. Fixing the Proof. The conditions for a proper fixing of the proof are not always understood by operators, and consequently they have no certain guide as to how long the prints should re- main in the fixing Bath. The time occupied in fixing will of course vary with the strength of the solution employed : but there are simple rules which may be followed. In the act of dissolving the unaltered Chloride of Silver in the proof, the fixing solu- tion of Hyposulphite of Soda converts it into Hyposul- phite of Silver (p. 168), which is soluble in an excess of Hyposulphite of Soda. But if there be an insufficient excess, that is, if the Bath be too weak, or the print removed from it too speedily, then the Hyposulphite of Silver is not perfectly dissolved, and begins by degrees to decompose, producing a brown deposit in the tissue of the paper. This deposit, called measles, which has the appear- ance of yellow spots and patches, is not usually seen upon the surface of the print, but becomes very evident when the print is held up to the light, or if it be split in half, which can readily be done by glueing it between two flat surfaces of deal, and then forcing them asunder. The reaction of Hyposulphite of Soda with Nitrate of Silver. In order to understand more fully how decom- position of Hyposulphite of Silver may disturb the process of fixing, the peculiar properties of this salt should be studied. With this view Nitrate of Silver and Hyposul- phite of Soda may be mixed in equivalent proportions, 314 THEQEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. viz. about twenty-one grains of the former salt to sixteen grains of the latter, first dissolving each in separate vessels in half an ounce of distilled water. These solutions are to be added to each other and well agitated ; immediately a dense deposit forms, which is Hyposulphite of Silver. At this point a curious series of changes commences. The precipitate, at first white and curdy, soon alters in colour : it becomes canary-yellow, then of a rich orange- yellow, afterwards liver-colour, and finally black. The rationale of these changes is explained to a certain extent by studying the composition of the Hyposulphite of Silver. The formula for this substance is as follows : AgO,S 2 2 . But AgO, S 2 O 2 plainly equals AgS, or Sulphide of Silver, and SO 3 , or Sulphuric Acid. The acid reaction assumed by the supernatant liquid is due therefore to Sulphuric Acid, and the black substance formed is Sulphide of Sil- ver. The yellow and orange-yellow compounds are earlier stages of the decomposition, but their exact nature is un- certain. The instability of Hyposulphite of Silver is principally seen when it is in an isolated state : the presence of an ex- cess of Hyposulphite of Soda renders it more permanent, by forming a double salt, as already described at p. 168. These facts explain the reason why, in fixing Photographic prints, a brown deposit of Sulphide of Silver sometimes forms in the Bath and upon the picture. To obviate it, ob- serve the following directions : It is especially in the reac- tion between Nitrate of Silver and Hyposulphite of Soda that the blackening is seen, the Chloride and other insoluble Salts of Silver being dissolved, even to saturation, without any decomposition of the Hyposulphite formed. Hence if the print be carefully washed in water to remove the so- luble Nitrate, a comparatively weak fixing bath may be employed. But if the proofs are taken at once from the printing frame and immersed in a dilute Bath of Hypo- sulphite (one part of the salt to six or eight of water) with- out any previous washing, a shade of brown will be observed FIXING THE PROOF. 315 to pass over the surface of the print, and a large deposit of Sulphide of Silver will form as the result of the decompo- sition. On the other hand, with a strong Hyposulphite Bath there will be little or no discoloration, and the black deposit will be absent even when the prints are immersed with the free Nitrate of Silver still upon the surface. The print must also be left for a sufficient time in the fixing bath, or some appearance of brown patches, visible only on looking through the paper, may occur. Each atom of Nitrate of Silver requires three atoms of Hypo- sulphite of Soda to form the sweet and soluble double salt, and hence, if the action be not continued sufficiently long, another compound will be formed almost insoluble (p. 168) and with a greater tendency to decompose into Sulphide of Silver. Even immersion in a new Bath of Hyposul- phite of Soda will not fix the print when once decomposi- tion of Hyposulphite of Silver has commenced. The yellow or brown compound is not entirely soluble in Hyposulphite of Soda, and consequently remains in the paper. Another important matter to observe in fixing Photo- graphic prints is the temperature of the fixing bath. When Hyposulphite of Soda is first dissolved in water, much heat is rendered latent, and the solution in consequence is almost at the freezing point. In this state of things prints are fixed slowly and with difficulty, whereas at 70 or 80 Fahr. the action is more rapid. In the cold winter months Positives should be left in the Bath at least twice as long as in the summer months, to prevent the oc- currence of brown patches of imperfect fixation in the substance of the Paper. The nature of the sensitive surface to be cleared of its superfluous Silver salt must also be considered in estima- ting the strength of Bath and the time of immersion likely to be required. Albuminized paper, from the horny na- ture of its surface coating, requires a longer treatment with the Hyposulphite of Soda than plain paper requires ; and not only so, but it must be borne in mind that the Albumen has a property of combining with Nitrate of 316 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Silver and forming an insoluble salt which is more difficult of solution than Chloride of Silver. Gelatine also com- bines with Nitrate of Silver, and therefore the mere wash- ing of a gelatinized sensitive paper for a few minutes in cold water does not remove the whole of the free Nitrate. It is better in all such cases to make the fixing bath far stronger than theory would indicate as sufficient for the solution of simple Chloride of Silver, otherwise it will be found that the fixing will be insufficient, and that there will be mealy spots in the print ; although on adding re- cently precipitated Chloride of Silver to the Bath of Hypo- sulphite it immediately dissolves. The Writer has noticed that when sensitive paper is kept for some time before being used for printing, yellow patches of imperfect fixation are very liable to occur. The Nitrate of Silver appears gradually to undergo a partial reduction by the organic matter, and cannot then be so easily extracted by the fixing bath. It has also been ob- served that albuminized and salted paper, when kept in a damp place, or exported to warm and damp climates, is liable to undergo a decomposition, in consequence of which the fixing bath fails to extract the whole of the superfluous Silver after printing, and the whites remain discoloured and spotty. It has been recommended by some writers on Photo- graphic chemistry to saturate the fixing bath with com- mon Salt, in order to convert any Nitrate of Silrer left in the proof by imperfect washing, into Chloride, and thus to prevent blackening from decomposition of Hyposulphite of Silver. An excess of salt undoubtedly has the effect thus ascribed to it, but it appears to the Writer that its use is contra-indicated by the fact that Hyposulphite of Soda in presence of Chloride of Sodium is less active as a fixing agent, since the Chloride of Sodium exercises an oppos- ing affinity and tends to keep the Silver in the state of Chloride. For a reason similar to that above assigned, the fixing bath employed for Negatives should not be used for fixing FIXING THE PROOF. 317 positive prints, since the Iodide of Sodium present in the former tends to produce yellow patches on the surface of the print ; which patches consist of Iodide of Silver in union with Albuminate of Silver or other analogous sub- stances, and these compounds are very difficult of removal by the action of the fixing bath. ON CERTAIN INJURIOUS CONDITIONS OP THE FIXING BATH. The object of using the Hyposulphite Bath is to fix the proof by dissolving the unaltered Silver salts, without in any way af- fecting the image. 3ut it is a fact familiar to the Photographic chemist, that the Hyposulphite of Soda is a substance which very readily yields Sulphur to any bodies which possess an affinity for that element ; and as the reduced Silver compound in the print has su.ch an affinity, there is a tendency to absorption of Sulphur when the proofs are immersed in the Bath. Hence in many cases a sulphur-toning process is set up, and as the picture is im- proved by it in appearance, assuming a more purple shade, it is often encouraged by Photographers. Experience, however, has . shown that colours brightened in this way are rendered less per- manent, and therefore the careful operator will avoid sulphuration as far as possible. Some of the conditions which facilitate a sul- phuretting action upon the proof, and are therefore injurious, are as follows : a. The addition of an Acid to the Bath. It was at one time common to add a few drops of Acetic Acid to the fixing Bath of Hyposulphite of Soda, immediately before immersing the proofs. The Bath then assumes an opalescent appearance in the course of a few mimites, and, when this milkmess is perceptible, the print is rendered darker in colour. The chemical changes pro- duced in a Hyposulphite Bath by addition of acid, may be ex- plained thus : The acid first displaces the feeble Hyposulphu- rous Acid from its combination with Soda. Then the Hyposul- phurous Acid, not being a stable substance when isolated, begins spontaneously to decompose, and splits up into Sulphurous Acid remaining dissolved in the liquid, and communicating the cha- racteristic odour of burning Sulphur and Sulphur, which sepa- 318 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. rates in a finely divided state and forms a milky deposit. In chemical symbols, S 2 O 2 = SO 2 and S. Observe therefore that free acids of all kinds must be excluded from the fixing Bath, or, if inadvertently added, the liquid must afterwards be neutralized by Carbonate of Soda or Chalk. b. Decomposition of the Bath by constant use. It has long been known that Hyposulphite of Soda undergoes a peculiar change in properties when much used in fixing. The solution when first prepared leaves the image of a red tone, which is the characteristic colour of the reduced Silver Salt, but it soon ac- quires the property of darkening this red colour by a subsequent communication of Sulphur. Hence a simple fixing bath becomes at last a toning bath, without any addition of Gold. This change of properties has been shown by the Author to be due to a de- composition of Hyposulphite of Silver, and to the consequent formation of a sulphuretting body analogous in its properties to the Tetrathionates.* During the progress of the change Sulphide of Silver is thrown down, forming a black deposit, and the super- natant liquid becomes acid and effervesces on the addition of Chalk. The exact composition of the acid body above mentioned as a product of the spontaneous decomposition of old fixing baths of Hyposulphite is not known, but the effects it produces on the prints are well understood, and can be shown to be most inju- rious ; for it not only blackens the shadows of the picture by communicating Sulphur, but causes a loss of the middle tints, and destroys the pure white colour of the high lights. In order to avoid the formation of this acid substance in the Bath, it is most important to wash away all the free Nitrate of Silver; hence arises one advantage of the alkaline Gold toning process over the old methods, since this process cannot be carried on unless the free Nitrate of Silver be first washed away. Another precaution is to keep the Bath shielded from a very strong light, and to put it away in a cool place : light and heat both favour the decomposition of Hyposulphite of Silver and cause a black deposit to be thrown down. A more practical means of preserving a fixing bath for a long time in a state in which it communicates but little Sulphur to the proof is the addition of an alkali. The Author showed in his early papers on the Tetrathionates and their reaction with Hypo- * See 'Journal of the Photographic Society/ September and October 1854. FADING OF FEINTS. 319 sulphite of Soda that alkalies decompose the unstable sulphuret- ting principle. Hence if the Bath be treated with Potash or Car- bonate of Soda, an alkaline Sulphide is gradually formed, which precipitates Sulphide of Silver, and in the course of a few days the liquid returns to its original condition and ceases to act as a toning agent upon the proof. Here we see another point of excellence in the alkaline Gold toning process, since each print carries with it small doses of Carbonate of Soda, which effectually prevent the formation of acid in the Bath. SECTION IY. On the Fading of Photographic Prints. For many years subsequent to the discovery of the pro- cess of Photographic Printing by Mr. Fox Talbot, it was not generally known that pictures so produced were easily susceptible of injury from various causes, and in particular from traces of the fixing-agent remaining in the paper. Hence, due care not being taken in the proper cleansing and preservation of the proofs, the majority of them faded. The present Section is intended to explain practically and in a concise manner the causes of the fading of Photo- graphic Prints, and the precautions which should be taken to ensure their permanency. a. Imperfect washing. This is perhaps the most impor- tant cause of fading and the most frequent. When Hypo- sulphite of Soda is allowed to remain in the paper, even in minute quantity, it gradually decomposes, with liberation of Sulphur, and destroys the print in the same way and quite as effectually as a solution of Sulphuretted Hydrogen or an alkaline Sulphide.* Imperfect washing may be suspected, if the Photograph within a few months from the date of its preparation, be- gins to get darker in colour : the half-tints, which are the first to show the action, afterwards passing into the yellow * The reason why the long-continued action of Sulphur fades the print, has already been indicated at p. 306. It is because the amount of real Silver in the image is very small, and Sulphide of Silver in minute quantity ap- pears pale and yellow. 320 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. stage, whilst the dark shadows remain black or brown for a longer time. The proper mode of washing Photographs is sometimes misunderstood. The length of time during which the print lies in the water is a point of less importance than the con- tinual changing of the water. When a number of Posi- tives are placed together in a pan, and a tap turned upon them, the circulation of fluid does not necessarily extend to the bottom. This is proved by the addition of a little colouring matter, which shows that the stream flows ac- tively above, but at the lower part of the vessel, and be- tween the prints, there is a stationary layer of water which is of little use in washing out the Hyposulphite. Care should therefore be taken that the pictures be kept as far as possible separate from each other, and when running water cannot be had, that they be frequently moved and turned over, fresh water being constantly added. When this is done, and especially if the size be removed from the paper in the manner presently to be advised, four or five hours' washing will be sufficient. It is a mistake to allow the pictures to remain in the water for several days ; which produces no good effect, and may tend to encourage a putrefactive fermentation, or the formation of a white de- posit upon the image when the water contains Carbonate of Lime. Mr. Maxwell Lyte states that traces of soluble Chloride left in the paper are injurious to the permanency of Photo- graphic prints : this indicates the propriety of avoiding the use of water too highly charged with saline matter, and of finishing the washing with a bath of rain-water. b. Atmospheric Oxidation. Upon examining collections of old Photographs, it is not uncommon to find prints which are stated to have remained unaltered for a long while after their first production, but which in the course of time have lost their brilliancy, and become pale and indistinct. This kind of fading often commences at the corners and edges of the paper, and works inwards towards the centre ; it is principally caused by a slow process of oxidation. FADING OF FEINTS. 321 Sulphuration in the process of toning, which has before been shown to occur when old and decomposed solutions of Hyposulphite of Soda are employed, always facilitates subsequent oxidation and yellowness. It is indeed difficult to avoid slight sulphuration unless fresh solutions of Hypo- sulphite are employed in fixing, but the remarks now made on the injury caused by Sulphur, refer to its full action. Moisture greatly hastens the yellow change due to at- mospheric oxidation, and hence a state of comparative dry- ness may be said to be essential to the preservation of all Photographs. In collecting evidence upon the subject, " wet " and " damp " are frequently alleged as having been causes of fading ; the prints were hung against a damp wall during frosty weather, in a room without a fire ; or the rain had been allowed to penetrate the frame ! Acid matters, and also other bodies which dissolve Oxide of Silver, such as Ammonia, etc., favour oxidation when left for a long time in contact with the image. The ma- terials often used in sizing papers, such as Alum and Hesin, being of an acid nature, are ultimately injurious to the image ; and the removal of the size, which may easily be effected by means of hot water, without much injury to the tint, has the additional advantage of carrying out the last traces of Hyposulphite of Soda, and also the germs of fungi, which, if allowed to remain, would vegetate and pro- duce a destructive mouldiness. The fact that acids facilitate oxidation of the image sug- gests also that Photographic Prints should not be handled too frequently, or touched with the finger more than is necessary ; the warm hand may leave behind a trace of acid* which would tend in time to produce a yellow mark. For the same cause they ought not to be laid down care- lessly in any place likely to communicate impurity. The employment of albuminized paper confers a positive advantage in protecting the image from oxidation : this was proved by careful experiments performed with various * This acid reaction of perspiration is due to Lactic, Acetic, and Formic Acids. 322 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. oxidizers. The use of Albumen indeed gives the main chance of preventing a print which has been toned to blackness by sulphur, from gradually becoming pale and yellow by atmospheric oxidation. c. Improper modes of Mounting the Proof. This cause of change might have been included with the last, since the fading of badly mounted prints is usually due to at- mospheric oxidation. All cements which are of an- acid nature, or which are liable to become sour by acetous fer- mentation, should be avoided. Flour paste is especially injurious, and many cases of fading have been traced to this cause. The addition of Bichloride of Mercury, which is often made to prevent the paste from becoming mouldy, still more unfits it for Photographic use. No substance appears better than Gelatine, which does not readily de- compose, and shows no tendency to absorb atmospheric moisture. The deliquescent nature of many bodies is a point which should be borne in mind in mounting Photo- graphs, and hence the use of a salt like Carbonate of Pot- ask, which the Writer has known to be added to paste to prevent the formation of acid, would be unadvisable. d. The effect of Imperfect Miration. The earlier Photo- graphers did not always succeed in properly fixing then* prints, and old Photographs are often found thickly stud- ded with spots and blotches in the tissue of the paper. These prints, however, are not invariably faded upon the surface, and hence it cannot be said that imperfect fixation will certainly end in the total destruction of the picture. Still a notice of the subject may properly be introduced in this place, and the attention of the reader be once more drawn to the importance of examining each print by hold- ing it against the light : imperfect fixation will be shown by yellow patches in the body of the paper. e. Mr. Spiller has shown that Hyposulphite of Soda is not a perfect solvent of Albuminate and some other organic compounds of Silver. Hence some of these must remain in the paper in spite of all care taken to the contrary, and may be acted on by the air in a manner similar to that de- scribed in the next paragraph. FADING OF FEINTS. 323 f. Impurities in the Air. A Photograph carefully pre- pared may suffer injury from deleterious matters often present in the atmosphere. The air of large cities, and particularly that emanating from sewers and drains, con- tains Sulphuretted Hydrogen, and hence articles of silver- plate become tarnished unless placed beneath glass. The injury which a print sustains by exposure to air contami- nated with Sulphuretted Hydrogen, is less than the tarnish produced upon the bright surface of a silver plate ; but it is recommended as a precautionary measure, that Photo- graphic Pictures should be protected by glass or kept in a portfolio. The products of the combustion of coal-gas are probably more likely than the cause last named, to be a source of injury to Photographs suspended without any covering. The sulphur compounds in gas burn into Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acid, the latter of which, in combination with Ammonia, produces the sparkling crystals often observed upon the shop windows. The question as to the manner in which the Photographic image may best be protected from these extraneous causes of fading has been mooted, and many plans of coating prints with some impervious material have been devised. If the pictures are to be glazed or kept in a portfolio, this of itself will be sufficient, but in other cases it may perhaps be useful to apply a layer of spirit or gutta-percha varnish. The use of wax, resin, and such bodies is likely, by intro- ducing impurities, to act injuriously rather than otherwise. g. Decomposition of Pyroxyline a source of injury to Collodion Photographs. Although the present Section refers more especially to Photographic prints on paper, yet a few remarks upon Collodion images may not be out of place. Collodion Positives and Negatives are usually es- teemed permanent ; but some have been exhibited which, having been put away in a damp place, gradually became pale and indistinct. The change commences at rough edges and isolated points, leaving the centre, as a rule, the last affected. On examination, numerous cracks are often 324 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. visible, tlms indicating that the Collodion film has under- gone decomposition, and has liberated corrosive Oxides of Nitrogen. Substitution compounds containing Peroxide of Nitrogen are known to be liable to spontaneous change. The bitter resin produced by acting upon white sugar with. Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, if not kept perfectly dry, will some- times evolve enough gas to destroy the cork of the bottle in which it is placed ; the solution of the resin has then a strong acid reaction, and rapidly fades an ordinary Positive Print. These facts are interesting, and indicate that Collodion Pictures, containing in themselves the elements of their destruction, should be protected from moisture by a- coat- ing of varnish. Comparative Permanency. The Photographic prints do not necessarily fade, in the same manner as fugitive colours, by a simple exposure to light and air. Bottles containing Photographs suspended in damp air were placed outside the window of a house with a southern aspect, for nearly three months, but no difference whatever could be detected between Positives so treated and others kept in total darkness. Supposing a case, however, which is the common one, of injurious influences which cannot alto- gether be removed, it may be useful to inquire what mode of printing gives the greatest amount of stability. Positives produced by a short exposure to light, and sub- sequent development with Gallic Acid, may be expected to be more permanent than ordinary sun-prints ; not that there is any reason to suppose the chemical composition of a developed image to be necessarily peculiar, but that the use of Gallic Acid enables us to increase the intensity of the red -picture first formed, and to add to its stability by precipitating fresh Silver upon it. This point has not always been attended to ; it has been recommended to remove the print from the developing solution whilst in the red and early stage of development, and to produce the dark tones subsequently by means of gold ; but this plan, although giving very good results as regards colour FADING OF PEINTS. 325 and gradation of tone, appears to lessen the advantage which would otherwise accrue from the adoption of a Ne- gative process, and to leave the picture, as regards perma- nency, much in the condition of an ordinary print obtained by direct action of light. The original Talbotype process, in which the latent image is formed upon Iodide of Silver, produces, next to Collodion, the most stable image ; but the difficulty of ob- taining bright and warm tints on Iodide of Silver, will stand in the way of its adoption. Great stress has been laid upon the superior perma- nency given by the use of gold in toning, but the fact appears to be that the Gold is precipitated in so small a proportion upon the lighter shades of the proof, that it can- not be expected to preserve them from any destructive agencies. It will be sufficient if the toning and fixing can be fully effected without any real injury from communica- tion of Sulphur. The prints which are least stable are such as have been toned in acid Hyposulphite Baths, without Gold ; and the difficulty of preserving such pictures from becoming yellow in the half-tones is very great. All those plans of toning in which Acetic or Hydrochloric Acid is mixed with Hy- posulphite of Soda, and the Positive immersed whilst the liquid is in a milky state from precipitation of Sulphur, ought studiously to be avoided. Mode of testing the permanence of Positives. Perman- ganate of Potash in very dilute solutions and slightly acidified with Sulphuric Acid, is a very delicate test for Hyposulphite in the droppings from the corner of a print ; a mere trace will instantly destroy the red tint of the solution. A dilute solution of this Salt, prepared by dissolving half a grain, or from that to two grains of the salt, accord- ing to its purity, in one gallon of distilled water, affords a convenient mode of testing Positives as regards their power of resisting oxidation. The Positives must be moved occasionally, as the first effect is to decolorize a 326 THEOEY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. portion of the liquid, the Permanganate oxidizing the size and organic tissue of the paper. After an immersion of twenty minutes to half an hour, varying with the degree of dilution, the half-tones of the picture begin to die out, and the full shadows become darker in colour. The bronzed portions of the print withstand the action longer, but at length the whole is changed to a yellow image much resembling in appearance the Photograph faded by Sulphur. The most available and simple plan of testing perma- nence is to enclose the pictures in a stoppered glass bottle with a small quantity of water. If they retain their half- tones after a course of three months of this treatment, and do not become mouldy, the mode of printing followed is satisfactory. Boiling water will also be found useful in distinguishing the unstable colours produced by Sulphur from those fol- lowing the judicious employment of Gold ; in all cases the image will at first be reddened by the hot water, but if toned without Sulphur it will, as a rule, recover much of its dark colour on drying. A solution of Chromic Acid may also be applied to dis- tinguish prints toned by Sulphur from others toned by Gold ; the presence of metallic Gold protecting the shadows of the picture in some measure from the action of the acid. The solution should be prepared as follows : Bichromate of Potash ..... 6 grains. Strong Sulphuric Acid 4 minims. Water 12 ounces. The characteristic appearance of prints which have been much sulphuretted, and are very liable to fade, should be known. A yellow colour in the lights is a bad sign ; and if the half-tones are at all faint and indistinct, with an aspect of commencing yellowness, it is almost certain that the Positive will not last for any considerable length of time. 327 CHAPTER IX. COLLODION PEESERVATIYE AND DET COLLODION PBOCESSES. THE object of the "Collodion Preservative" and dry Col- lodion Processes is to maintain the sensitiveness of the film for a certain length of time after it has been excited in the Bath. There is some difficulty in effecting this, because if the plate be allowed to dry spontaneously, the solution of free Nitrate of Silver upon its surface, becoming con- centrated by evaporation, eats away the Iodide of Silver, and produces transparent spots (p. 24S). Some operators have attempted to use a second plate of glass in such a way as to enclose the sensitive film, with an intervening stratum of liquid. The difficulty however of separating the glasses again without tearing the film, is considerable. In the process of Messrs. Spill er and Crookes, the pro- perty possessed by certain saline substances of remaining for a long time in a moist condition was turned to account. Such salts are termed " deliquescent," and many of them have so great an attraction for water that they absorb it eagerly from the air ; the solution having been formed, the water cannot entirely be driven off except by the applica- tion of heat. In selecting a deliquescent salt for a Pre- servative Process, it is necessary to choose one which pro- duces no precipitate in solution of Nitrate of Silver, such for instance as the Nitrate of Magnesia, or the Nitrate of Zinc. Deliquescent bodies like Chloride of Calcium or 328 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. Carbonate of Potash, which decompose Nitrate of Silver, are inadmissible, since it is found that they destroy the sensitiveness of the film, as will presently be shown. The process of Spiller and Crookes, although it had the great merit of originality, was soon superseded by others, since it appeared that plates preserved by Nitrate of Mag- nesia were liable to yield feeble and imperfect Negatives, unless the Collodion and Bath happened to be in a pecu- liar condition. This defect, together with occasional fog- ging of the transparent parts, the Author believes to have resulted from the employment of an inorganic instead of an organic preservative agent. The attention of experimenters in the Preservative Pro- cesses was also directed to Glycerine, as a substance with little or no action on Nitrate of Silver, and therefore one likely to succeed. Glycerine failed however to give any certain results, and often produced a weak and foggy pic- ture, like the inorganic salts before alluded to. The first use of Honey as a preservative agent was pro- posed by Mr. Shadbolt. This substance was deemed by some to be unsuitable, since Grape Sugar, always pre- sent in it, reduces Nitrate of Silver to the metallic state : the results however showed that plates prepared with Honey, yielded more vigorous, and also cleaner Negatives than those made with Glycerine or Nitrate of Magnesia. The reason of such an apparent anomaly will be under- stood, when it has been shown, a few pages in advance, that a preservative substance possessing reducing power on Salts of Silver is precisely what is required, and that a neutral body like Glycerine, which does not reduce Nitrate of Silver, is incapable of acting as a stimulus to the actinic Honey employed as a preservative substance varies much in its action with the extent to which the plates are washed from the Nitrate of Silver before the Honey is laid on. In proportion as the quantity of free Nitrate is large, both sensitiveness and intensity are increased, but the keeping qualities of the plates are diminished. This ia PEESEEVATIVE PEOCESSES. 329 especially the case in hot weather, and it will then fre- quently happen that in the course even of a few hours, an incipient decomposition will be set up, so that after the exposure of the film to the Camera, the developing solu- tion brings out an intensely red and solarized picture, with a universal deposit of Silver upon its surface, sufficient to render the picture invisible by reflected light. Honey in fact being a slow reducing agent, although it exerts in the first instance a positive action in keeping the shadows of the image clean, yet afterwards sets up decomposition, and gives rise to fogging. In order to employ the preservative Honey in an advan- tageous manner as regards keeping properties of the plate, the Collodion film should be freed more or less completely from the soluble Nitrate of Silver ; the Grape Sugar has then only the pure Iodide and Bromide of Silver to act upon, and no decomposition takes place. This is the plan followed in the " Oxymel " process of Mr. Llewelyn, in which also the Honey is acidified by Acetic Acid, in order still further to lessen the chances of failure from incipient reduction of Nitrate of Silver. The Oxymel process, although free from the peculiar de- fects of the original Honey process, is however open to others of an opposite kind, for it is found that the presence of small quantities of free Nitrate of Silver is useful in the Honey process in increasing sensitiveness and intensity of image ; hence when the plates are fully washed, the film not only takes the Camera impression very slowly, but the image developes of a blue or slaty tone instead of a brown or red tone. Thus it is perceived that long keeping properties are, in this process, irreconcilable with other good qualities, and therefore we naturally turn to the consideration of a purely dry process : in this case all moisture being removed, and the chemical decomposi- tions being in consequence nearly suspended, we are en- abled to avail ourselves of those conditions which secure a rapid and intense action, without at the same time en- dangering the stability of the excited film. 330 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Dry Collodion processes. Formulae for operating with a dried film of Collodion have been given at various times in the foreign journals ; in some of which it is stated that nothing is required but mere washing with water after taking the film from the Bath. Success by this mode, however, is quite problematical, and can only be expected when either the Collodion or Bath is in a particular state of organic change. It has now been clearly determined that a film of Iodide of Silver upon Collodion will not uniformly yield a perfect Negative after removal of the Nitrate of Silver and desiccation. On applying the reducing agent to such a plate, previously exposed in the Camera, we see at once that the particles of Iodide have not been thrown into the exact condition requisite to obtain a rapid precipi- tation of Silver in the black form, and consequently the action is irregular and fogging ensues : Organic matter in some shape appears to be necessary in a dry process mani- pulated in the ordinary way. The most simple dry Collodion process in which the ne- cessity for organic matter is recognized, is that of the Abbe Despratz, who dissolves common rosin in iodized Collodion, and washes the excited film with water after re- moving it from the Bath. An exposure in the Camera ot not more than twice the length required for wet Collodion is then given, and the plate is re-dipped for an instant in the Nitrate Bath : after this the image comes out on flood- ing the plate with Pyrogallic Acid in the usual way. Al- though the Writer is not able to state that this process will yield clear Negatives with certainty, yet he is convinced that a remarkable effect is produced by this second dip in the Nitrate Bath. Theory might at first suggest that the restoration of the Nitrate of Silver, previously removed by washing, was the only object attained, but it is not so, for the image cannot be developed after so short an exposure when Pyrogallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver are mixed and applied simultaneously to the plate. It seems probable therefore that the exposure in the Camera sets up a mole- cular disturbance, not in itself sufficiently decided to pro- DEY PEOCESSES. 331 duce quick development, but capable of being increased, or carried into a further stage by contact with Nitrate of Silver. It has however been shown, on the other hand, that the application of Nitrate of Silver will nearly destroy the highest lights of an invisible image on a plate left in the Camera for a longer time than in the last experiment, and hence we can only conjecture that there exists an alternating action of the light, and that the same chemical agent may produce opposite effects according to the stage at which it is applied to the plate (p. 149). This subject is still involved in much obscurity, and deserves further investigation. To all dry processes like that of the Abbe Despratz, in which the organic matter is added to the Collodion, there exists one serious objection, viz. that the Nitrate Bath gradually suffers deterioration in consequence of the or- ganic substance dissolving out of the film (p. 253). The Photographic properties of the solution are not immedi- ately injured thereby, if a bromo-iodized Collodion be em- ployed, but with a simply iodized Collodion used in the ordinary wet process, either a general fogging of the film, or some other disturbance of the development, will soon be perceived. It appears therefore more desirable, as far as the integrity of the Nitrate of Silver is concerned, to apply the requisite organic body to the excited film sub- sequently to its removal from the Bath. Tauperiot's Collodio- Albumen process follows next in order of discovery. It is not altogether a Collodion pro- cess, nor is it entirely a process on Albumen, but rather a union of the two. The manipulations are double through- out, a sensitive film of Iodide of Silver in Albumen being placed upon a film of Iodide of Silver in Collodion. The two together offer advantages which cannot be obtained by the use of either separately, for the presence of the Albu- men secures a vigorous development, whilst the substratum of Collodio-Iodide adds to the sensitiveness. There are two Nitrate Baths in this process, one for the Collodion, and the other for sensitizing the dry film of iodized Albu- 332 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. men. There are also two operations of washing ; the first, as before, for the Collodion, and the other for removing the excess of free Nitrate from the Albumen. The Collodio-Albumen process of M. Taupenot is un- doubtedly a troublesome one, but it is perhaps more to be depended on than any other known, inasmuch as it is in- dependent of the exact physical and chemical condition of the Collodion.. In dry processes generally, the state of the Collodion must be carefully attended to, as will presently be shown, but the Taupenot method is rather an Albumen than a Collodion process, since the substratum of Iodide upon Collodion is used merely for the purpose of increasing the sensitiveness. A facility in receiving the latent im- pression is indeed a matter of importance in any dry pro- cess, but less so than a correct development, because in the one case a few minutes longer in the Camera prove a remedy, whereas in the other no simple remedy is known. Albumen, therefore, still maintains its ground, because the Photographer finds by experience than he can rely upon it for controlling the action of his reducing agent, and pro- ducing the chemically opaque image. Our knowledge of the theory of dry Collodion has been much assisted by the researches of Dr. Hill N orris. His view of the function of a preservative substance applied to the excited film was that it acted by keeping open the pores of the Collodion : Pyroxyline forms a gelatinous layer, which is soft and spongy when wet, but shrinks on drying, and after it has been once dried, it does not return to its former pappy condition on being a second time wet- ted with water. In order therefore to secure that pene- tration by the developer which is requisite for the rapid bringing out of the picture, some such substance as Gela- tine or Albumen is required, capable of insinuating itself between the particles of the Iodide, and so of preventing them from collapsing and producing a surface impervious to liquids. N orris did not consider the presence of free Nitrate of Silver to be necessary in a dry process, but ra- ther detrimental, and advised that the plates should be DEY PEOCESSES. 333 perfectly washed with distilled water previous to the ap- plication of the Gelatine. Another point on which great stress was laid was the physical condition of the Collodion : it ought not to be of the kind which gives a horny film, but rather of the powdery variety, the properties of which are described at p. 228 ; less difficulty would then be experi- enced in maintaining the conditions previously insisted on. The above views on the theory of dry processes have never been disputed, but it was soon found that they em- braced only a portion of the truth; for the same certainty was not obtained by the method of Norris as by that of Taupenot, and with some samples of Collodion, apparently in the proper physical state, only faint Negatives could be produced. The next decided step in the theory of dry Collodion was the discovery of the method known as the " Fother- gill process," in which diluted Albumen was poured over the plate, and afterwards washed off again with water. This process proved to be less dependent upon the par- ticular state of the Collodion than that of Dr. Norris, since intense Negatives were obtainable both with horny and porous Collodion films. It was found advisable, however, as a rule to avoid washing the film too closely with water before the Albumen was applied ; or, in other words, to leave a little free Nitrate of Silver with which the or- ganic substance might combine. The theory therefore was stated as follows : In the wet Collodion process the pre- sence of free Nitrate of Silver imparts an increased sensi- tiveness to the film of Iodide of Silver : in the Fothergill process a portion of this free Nitrate is converted into Al- buminate of Silver, and the remainder is removed by wash- ing with water. Observe certain points of difference between the dry process of Norris and that of Fothergill. In the former you remove the whole, and in the latter only a part, of the free Nitrate of Silver. In the Norris process also, the Gelatine preservative is left upon the film, whereas in the Fothergill process the greater part of the Albumen pre- 334 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. servative is washed away. Hence a N orris plate has the pores of its collodionized surface filled up with the organic substance, so that although the film contracts on drying, it softens and swells up again when it is wetted previous to development ; but in the Fothergill plate the quantity of Albumen which remains upon the Collodion after the second washing is so small, that the film once dried does not again expand fully on being wetted, and the action of the developer is in consequence confined nearly to the sur- face. For this reason a Fothergill plate must be under a disadvantage as regards rapidity of development, since the solution of Pyrogallic Acid cannot penetrate deeply, and the image has to be built up by superposition of metallic particles. Porosity being wanting in this process, we have to trust to the extraordinary capabilities of Albumen before alluded to, to supply the deficiency ; and since the con- trolling action of Albumen upon the development is more decidedly seen when it is previously combined with Nitrate of Silver, a little free Nitrate should always be left upon the plates before albuminizing. The views above expressed will not perhaps tally with the experience of all who practise the Fothergill process, since it is recommended by some to remove the whole of the Nitrate of Silver from the plate before applying the Albumen. This plan is indeed favourable as regards long- keeping properties, because Albumen when combined with Nitrate of Silver, tends to reduce it by degrees to a Sub- Albuminate even in the dark. It is, however, unfavourable as regards the sensitiveness, and also as regards the inten- sity of the developed image. If any should assert the con- trary, we invite them to examine more closely the condi- tions under which their experiments were performed : pro- bably they will find that they have employed a Collodion in a state of organic decomposition ; and such a Collodion, as we shall presently show, is capable of supplying in a measure the place of the Albumen, and, even when dried, of yielding a Negative without any preservative, If the Fothergill process is to be assimilated to that ot DRY PEOCESSES. 335 Taupenot, and to be considered as an Albumen process, nearly independent of the state of the Collodion, it cannot be too strongly insisted on that the Albumen left upon the film must be coagulated with Nitrate of Silver. Herein, however, lies the practical objection to this process, for it is not by any means an easy matter to apply Albumen evenly to the surface of a large plate, unless the whole of the Nitrate of Silver be previously removed by washing. Albumen precipitates Nitrate of Silver, and hence in the ordinary mode of manipulating Fothergill plates, it is a common circumstance to encounter stains and markings of shapes varying with the structure of the Collodion and the manner of pouring on the Albumen. Messrs. Petschler and Mann, members of the Man- chester Photographic Society, have lately described a mo- dified dry method which appears to occupy an interme- diate position between the process of Taupenot and that of Fothergill. The excited Collodion film, after a- careful washing in water, is coated with diluted Albumen contain- ing Chloride of Sodium or Ammonium, and is then dried with the Albumen still remaining upon its surface. In this state light has but little action upon it, since it ap- pears that dry Iodide of Silver, in contact with Chloride of Sodium, is comparatively insensitive. To render the plates again sensitive to light, they are abundantly washed with water, and then dried a second time. The above process differs from that of Taupenot in the omission of the second Bath of Nitrate of Silver ; the ob- jection to the use of which is, that it soon decomposes under the reducing influence of Albumen dissolved out of the plates, and a surface-scum in consequence forms, thus originating stains. Another effect due to decomposition of Nitrate of Silver by Albumen, is a tendency to rapid discoloration in the mixed developer, and a difficulty in keeping the shadows clean, and free from deposited Silver. In discarding the second Bath we gain therefore important advantages, but the fact cannot be concealed that as re- gards a constant intensity of the image we are more de- 336 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. pendent upon the state of the Collodion than before, since Albumen appears to increase the vigour of the impression in the Camera more decidedly when it has been coagulated by Nitrate of Silver. The new method resembles that of Fothergill in the .plates being washed with water after the application of the Albumen, but differs from it in the fact that the Albumen is allowed to become dry before the water is again applied. This difference is important, because the effect of drying is to -render the Albumen less soluble, so that the second ap- plication of water removes only a portion of the organic substance. The fact of the plates regaining a considerable sensitiveness after the second washing cannot easily be ex- plained, except on the supposition that the porosity of the film is preserved in a measure by a part of the Albumen remaining upon the Iodide, for we know that in the Fothergill process, if the Albumen be washed away whilst w r et, and no free Nitrate of Silver be present to coagulate and retain a portion of it, the sensitiveness will be lessened. In Major Russell's dry process we recognize a new prin- ciple. The preservative material is Tannin, and the plates are entirely freed from Nitrate of Silver, in the same man- ner as in the process of Norris. Tannin is very soluble in water, and its aqueous solution on evaporation leaves a film of varnish which is not sticky to the touch. When applied to the surface of the excited film the Tannin keeps open the pores of the Collodion as before described, and the mechanical condition of the film appears to be inter- mediate between that of Norris and Fothergill, being slightly more permeable than the latter, but considerably less so than the former.* Independently of this, however, Tannin has a very remarkable effect in stimulating the sensitive Iodide, and causing it to take a much deeper and * When the porosity of a film of dried Collodion is fully maintained by the application of a glutinous preservative, it changes colour on being wetted with water, losing the pale opaline appearance which it had acquired by dry- ing, and returning again to the yellow creamy aspect of a recently prepared plate. A film of collodion not kept open by a preservative becomes pale and blue on drying, and remains so even after wetting. DRY PROCESSES. 337 more decided impression in the Camera. It would not be correct to speak of this acceleration as an increased sensi- tiveness .imparted to the Iodide, but rather as an augmen- tation in the force of development, in consequence of which the image starts out quickly, and with more contrast be- tween the extreme tints : the colour of the image is also different, the particles which compose it being no longer grey and crystalline, but finely divided and opaque, so that the Negative possesses all those qualities which the Pho- tographer requires. It would involve the reader in endless perplexity were we to attempt to trace the exact origin of the process now under discussion, for it cannot be denied that Tannin and Gallic Acid are photographically similar, and that Gallic Acid upon the film was employed by Talbot, and also by Archer and others who followed him. In the " Talbotype," however, the Gallic Acid was conjoined with Nitrate of Silver, and also \vith Acetic Acid, the latter being used to maintain the balance and prevent a too speedy reduction. Russell, in applying the method to Collodion, modifies it in such a way as to suit the altered requirements of the pro- cess, eliminating tiie Nitrate of Silver and dispensing with the Acetic Acid : then in order to overcome the tendency which Gallic Acid exhibits to crystallize on drying, he sub- stitutes Tannic Acid, and thus secures the mechanical con- ditions needful for permeability by aqueous liquids. Let us explain at greater length the mode in which we suppose this new Photographic chemical to act. Tannin is a reducing agent : if you mix it with solution of Nitrate of Silver in a test-tube, in the course of an hour or two the sides of the tube will be silvered like a mirror. Now it is known that moist Iodide of Silver on Collodion is active in presence of free Nitrate of Silver, but that dried Iodide of Silver on Collodion is actinically sluggish: although capable of receiving an impression in the Camera, the la- tent image is so faint that it cannot be developed in a satis- factory manner. The addition of free Nitrate of Silver in anything like quantity is not admissible in a dry process, z 338 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. since it dissolves the sensitive Iodide and converts it into an lodo-Nitrate of Silver. An organic reducing agent ap- pears to be capable of supplying the place of free Nitrate of Silver, and of causing the Iodide to assume that peculiar condition in the Camera which leads to a precipitation of Silver in the black form on the application of the mixed developer. It had been supposed by many that the employment of substances like Gallic Acid or Tannin in a dry process would lead to a general clouding of the film : so far, how- ever, from such being the case, it is a fact that they pre- serve the transparency of the shadowy portion of the Ne- gative. The phenomenon known as fogging may, as we have shown at page 157, be originated by opposite causes. One form of this defect is due to an excess of action of the chemicals, and is remedied by the use of a retarding acid ; but another kind of fogging is caused by defective action, and a remedy for this is the use of a reducing agent applied to the film before exposure. Every observant Photographer knows that in the wet process too much Nitric Acid in the Negative Bath is a cause of fogging almost as decided as an excess of the alkali Ammonia : and so in the dry pro- cess, if the Iodide be used in too languid a state, so to speak, it will be impossible to obtain a clean picture, be- cause the latent image being imperfectly formed, the de- veloper finds no definite surface upon which to exhaust its energies. Those who pay but little regard to theoreti- cal considerations in Photography, and are guided solely by practice, will be convinced on trying the following ex- periment : Take a dry Collodion plate prepared with a simple preservative solution of four grains of Gelatine to the ounce of Water : then apply to one-half of this plate a saturated solution of Gallic Acid ; dry and expose as usual. A single trial will be sufficient to indicate a surprising dif- ference between the two halves, not only in depth and rapidity of development, but also in the brilliancy and sharpness of the whole picture. In the one case there will probably be indistinctness in the lines, and fringes or COLLODION FOE DRY PROCESSES. 339 halation round the shadows, whilst in the other the deposit of Silver forming the image will be regular and uniform, being limited exactly to those parts which have been touched by light. This effect could not be obtained by the use of a body like Glycerine, which is miscible with Nitrate of Silver without change, but according to the ex- perience of the Writer is confined to the organic substances which give intensity in the dry processes, and are cha- racterized by decomposing Nitrate of Silver, or by entering into some form of combination with it. Another inconvenience originally anticipated from the use of reducing agents in dry Collodion Photography was a deficiency of keeping properties. This however has, like the last, proved to be an unfounded apprehension. It would not be safe to leave Gallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver to- gether upon the excited film, but when the last portions of free Nitrate of Silver have been removed by a Bath of Salt and Water, the plates will retain their properties un- changed for a length of time amply sufficient for all prac- tical purposes. Collodion for the Dry Processes. The above sketch of the theory of dry Collodion would be incomplete without a few remarks upon the composition of the Collodion itself. What is the reason of the difficulty which has always been experienced in employing films of dry Collodion ? Iodide of Silver upon desiccated Albumen was used successfully from the first : why then should it not be so when sup- ported by Pyroxyline? Doubtless the close and parch- ment-like texture of dry Collodion and its impermeability by aqueous liquids constitutes a difficulty, but another and more serious impediment lies in the fact that Collodion is too similar to Glycerine and bodies of that class, before mentioned as being neutral and indifferent to the Salts of Silver. When iodized Albumen is dipped in a Nitrate Bath, the substance precipitated in the film is not pure Iodide of Silver, but Iodide of Silver associated with Al- buminate of Silver, probably in the form of a double com- pound. This body is highly photographic, and takes a 340 THEORY OF PHOTOGBAPHY. strong invisible impression in the Camera, even after the free Nitrate of Silver has been washed away. Iodized Collodion, on the other hand, throws down a purer form of Iodide in its passage through the Bath, and this Iodide when washed and dried, does not take a strong impression in the Camera. Comparing the Collodion film with the Albumen film, we find that the luminous image affects the former with greater rapidity, but not with equal force. The depth of the latent impression on pure dry Collodion, never increases uniformly with the intensity of the light, and hence there is an imperfect gradation of tone ; also the image is easily reversed by over-exposure, so that on developing, a transmitted Positive is obtained instead of a. Negative. It may be taken to be an established fact that a body possessing organic reactions towards Salts of Silver ought to be in contact with the Iodide during its formation in the Bath, if that Iodide is to be precipitated in a state photographically available after drying. For- tunately it is in our power to modify Pyroxyline, and to impart to it a certain measure of those organic reactions which it lacks when existing in a pure form. Let us ex- plain briefly how this may be effected. Cellulose possesses an appreciable affinity for Nitrate of Silver, although less than that of Albumen or Gelatine : this affinity it loses when converted into Pyroxyline. If however the propor- tions of the constituents of the Nitrosulphuric Acid be purposely varied, and the temperature of the acid at the same time raised, a partial conversion of the Cellulose into vegetable parchment or into Grape Sugar takes place, and it is then found that the resulting Pyroxyline is no longer indifferent to the Salts of Silver, but has acquired the property of retaining a small portion of Nitrate of Silver after passing through the Bath. Thus the modified Pyroxyline becomes assimilated to Albumen in its Photo- graphic reactions, and when iodized throws down no longer a pure and isolated Iodide of Silver in the Bath, but an Iodide of Silver associated with traces of an organic com- pound of Silver. If the reader should fail in comprehend- COLLODION FOE DRY PROCESSES. 341 ing how the presence of mere traces of an organic Salt of Silver in a Collodion film can have any effect upon the image, let him make the simple experiment of dissolving Glycyrrhizine, or Sugar of Liquorice, in iodized Collodion, and of testing the Photographic effect before and after : he will find that a fractional part of a grain of the Sugar will make all the difference between a feeble and an intense Negative. Another means of altering Collodion in such a manner as to render it available in the dry processes, is by keeping the Collodion for a time in the iodized state. We have al- ready shown, in the Chapter on Negatives, that Collodion, however iodized, may be expected to produce a more vigo- rous picture after keeping ; but in the dry process this effect is even more decidedly seen than in the wet process. In both cases there is a slow and gradual decomposition of the Pyroxyline under the influence of the base of the Io- dide, the effect of which is to give the former an increased power of uniting with Nitrate of Silver. In the dry pro- cess however the efficiency of the film is still further aug- mented by the fact that iodized Collodion loses by age a portion of its horny quality, setting less firmly upon the glass, and presenting a more open and spongy surface, so as to admit of the glutinous organic substance penetrating between the separate particles of Iodide, and thus preserv- ing a passage for the developer. Bromide in the Collodion. In all dry processes in which the free Nitrate has been entirely removed from the plate, the accelerating influence of a Bromide in conjunction with an Iodide is very remarkable. It is so also in the Taupenot process, but here if the Collodion contains a Bromide, the plates must not be exposed to light, as is sometimes recom-. mended, after the application of the iodized Albumen. In respect of the accelerating effects of a Bromide, in dry Collodion processes, it boars a close resemblance to its action on the Daguerreotype plate. In the wet Collodion process, on the other hand, no increase of sensitiveness is gained by its use. In looking for an explanation of this 342 THEORY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. seeming anomaly, it is probable it will be found in tlie fact, that Iodide of Silver, in the absence of free Nitrate, is totally insensitive to light, but that Bromide of Silver under the same circumstances is sensitive. It may be presumed therefore, with some show of reason, that the Bromide receives the impression in the Camera, forms, as it were, the nucleus of the picture, and by its mere pre- sence in contact with the Iodide and an organic element, helps to produce the requisite density on the application of the developer. Whatever be the explanation, its acce- lerating influence is beyond dispute ; but unless the organic element be also present, the Negative at the best would be but thin and feeble. Our general conclusions on the subject of Collodion for the dry processes may be recapitulated as follows : A Bromide in conjunction with an Iodide (except perhaps in the Taupenot process) is desirable, and the organic ele- ment is always necessary in the sensitive film. If the latter exist already in the Collodion itself through decom- position after iodising or other causes, it will scarcely be required in an extraneous form ;. and in such a case it will only be necessary to wash and dry the film, supposing it to be a porous Collodion, or to flood it with a simple gluti- nous solution if it be a horny Collodion. When however the Collodion is more pure, and hence deficient in those qualities which give intensity to the development, the lack- ing element must be supplied in the form of a preserva- tive, and of all the substances commonly employed for that purpose, Albumen and Tannin are the most decided in their action, the former being supposed to be coagulated by Nitrate of Silver; other preservatives, such as Dextrine, Cane Sugar, and Gum, are only effective when the Collo- dion is able of itself to supply a part of the lacking ele- ment, and merely requires assistance to enable it to com- plete the remainder. The Development of Dry Plates. Wet Collodion is de- veloped by the simple application of a reducing agent to the surface of the film. In a dry process, however, Ni- DEVELOPMENT OF DRY PLATES. 343 trate of Silver must be added to the developer before the action commences. The difference depends upon the fact that in the wet process you haA r e free Nitrate of Silver in contact with the Iodide, but in the dry process this Nitrate has been washed away, and hence it is necessary to add it to the Pyrogallic Acid, which when used alone is not a developer in the proper sense of the term. Skilful Photographers find by experience that they are able to control the development of dry plates by varying the relative quantities of Nitrate of Silver and of the reducing agent. This proceeding is quite necessary, be- cause the quality of the resulting Negative is much in- fluenced by the length of the exposure in the Camera, and it constantly happens in a dry process that too much or too little exposure has been allowed. Under-exposure is favourable to excessive contrast in the Negative, some parts being highly opaque and others translucent. Over- exposure, on the other hand, produces too much unifor- mity, the half-tones and the high lights being nearly of the same depth. Now it is found that a developer con- taining a large relative proportion of Nitrate of Silver adds to the contrast between the tones, whilst, on the other hand, a diminished proportion of the same compound les- sens the contrast. The Artist therefore keeps both solu- tions conveniently near at hand, and observes the beha- viour of the image. If the light has acted for too short a time, and hence has failed in impressing the shadows deci- dedly, he compensates for the defect as far as possible by increasing the strength of his Pyrogallic Acid solution ; whereas when he sees any evidence of over-action of light in the diminished intensity of the fully-exposed portions of the film, he then encourages a vigorous deposition of Silver by dropping in the Nitrate more freely. An improved developer for dry processes has lately been devised by Major Russell. The modification consists in mixing the retarding acid with the Nitrate of Silver, instead of adding it to the reducing agent in the usual way. Sup- posing the balance between the Acid and the Silver to be 344 THEOEY OF PHOTOGEAPHY. properly adjusted, the developer will seldom become tur- bid, because if an excess of the Nitrate be inadvertently added to the solution of Pyrogallic Acid, a corresponding excess of Citric Acid will be introduced with it and will counteract the effect. The suggestion is one which has been found to possess a practical value, and to assist much in securing brilliancy and freedom from fogging. Comparative Sensitiveness and keeping qualities of Dry Plates. The comparative sensitiveness of wet and dry Collodion has been variously estimated at from four to forty times in favour of the former. The discrepancy de- pends partly upon the fact that the most sensitive variety of wet Collodion has rarely been employed in the experi- ments, and partly also upon the difference of opinion as to what constitutes a fully-exposed plate in dry Collodion Pho- tography. If you take four pictures upon the same glass, and allow two, four, six, and eight minutes respectively in the Camera, there will be less difference between the re- sulting Photographs than might have been anticipated, the principal effect of the prolonged exposure appearing in the form of a few additional details in the shadows, and of a better and more harmonious Negative. Taking ordinary wet Collodion, as it is generally used, iodized with simple Iodides only, and supposing twenty seconds to be the cor- rect time of exposure, the Writer would allow two minutes and a half for a dry plate preserved with Tannin. He has succeeded in making dry plates considerably more sensitive than here described, but not without losing in intensity : and when such is the case, the contrast and intensity of development being too much reduced, it will be found very difficult to prevent the high lights, such as the sky, from passing beyond their proper boundaries and encroaching upon the shadows. There will also be a want of sharpness and decision in the image under such circumstances, so that fine lines in the picture will coalesce, the space be- tween them being obliterated by deposited Silver. The keeping qualities of dry plates have also been va- riously stated. The Writer himself has not been success- DRY PROCESSES. 345 ful with long-kept plates, and has usually found spots during development, arising, as he supposes, from minute particles in the film having become centres of chemical action. After the plates have been exposed in the Camera, the chances of obtaining a perfect picture are still further diminished by long keeping, since the image will in some cases dev elope spontaneously, and in others will partially disappear so as not to admit of a perfect development. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON DRY COLLODION PROCESSES. a. Different forms of Iodide of Silver. It was shown at page 248 that Iodide of Silver forms a crystalline compound with Ni- trate of Silver, known as lodo-Nitrate of Silver ; the crystals of which are soluble without change in a concentrated solution of Nitrate of Silver, but are decomposed into free Iodide of Silver and free Nitrate of Silver by treatment with water. This lodo- Nitrate of Silver, however, is not of much importance in Photo- graphy, for iu the wet process it exists in the film only in minute quantities, and iu the dry process it is altogether absent, the plates being invariably washed in water before drying. Iodide of Silver possesses another peculiarity, which is more important to the Photographer than its property of combining with Nitrate of Silver. We refer to its existence in two states, which may be designated by the terms sensitive and insensitive. Sensitive Iodide of Silver is formed when a soluble Iodide is added to Nitrate of Silver, the latter salt being in excess. Insensitive Iodide is formed by the admixture of the same salts, but with the soluble Iodide in excess instead of the Nitrate. The two forms of Iodide differ from each other in colour and general appear- ance, the sensitive being of a greenish-yellow and rather dense, the insensitive nearly white and comparatively bulky : in che- mical composition, however, they are believed to be the same, provided they have been thoroughly washed with distilled water to remove the precipitating salts left in excess. Let us notice the conditions under which these two forms of Iodide are mutually convertible. The application of a solution of Iodide of Potassium or of any other soluble Iodide immediately renders the sensitive Iodide insensitive, and no amount of wash- ing with water will restore to it the property of being impressed 346 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. in the Camera. On the other hand, a solution of Nitrate of Silver imparts sensitiveness to the form of Iodide which lacks it, and although the excess of Nitrate be afterwards removed by abun- dant ablutions, sensitiveness still remains. Sensitive Iodide of Silver placed in contact with Chloride of Sodium and dried, either receives no impression at all in the Camera, or at all events an imperfect one ; but if it be washed with water to remove the Chloride of Sodium, its sensitiveness is in a measure restored. b. Organic Compounds containing Iodide, Bromide, and Chlo- ride of Silver. The study of this class of bodies is necessary to a perfect comprehension of the phenomena of dry Collodion. If the Albumen of an egg be added by degrees to the ordinary Pho- tographic Nitrate Bath containing Iodide of Silver dissolved, the first addition causes a white precipitate, which is not simple Al- buminate of Silver described at page 131, but a compound of Al- buminate of Silver with Iodide of Silver. One property of this substance is, that it is capable of existing in a perfectly trans- parent condition, in lumps resembling calf's-foot jelly or gela- tinous silica : this we mention because it explains the cause of the pale opaline appearance of an excited Albumen film as compared with the opaque and creamy aspect of a Collodion film. Glycyrrhizine, or Sugar of Liquorice, added to the Photo- graphic Bath in small quantity throws down a yellow precipitate of Glycyrrhizinate of Silver with Iodide of Silver. This sub- stance has a strong acid reaction, the Glycyrrhizine having united with the Oxide of Silver and displaced the Nitric Acid. When treated with Ammonia it behaves in a manner quite peculiar : the whole deposit appears at once to dissolve, yet on close exami- nation it is seen that the solution is not complete, but that the liquid contains suspended matter in a form nearly invisible. Bearing this in mind, we comprehend the phenomena produced by adding Glycyrrhizine to Collodion, for it is found that if this addition be carried beyond a certain limited point, the film will remain perfectly clear on dipping it in the Bath, and will exhibit no deposit visible to the eye. Gelatine combines with Nitrate of Silver, and the combination again unites with Iodide of Silver. The substance so formed is soluble to a certain extent in a solution of the Gelatino-Nitrate of Silver, and no precipitation of Iodide of Silver is produced by dilution with water. If, however, the solution be boiled with a DEY PROCESSES. 347 little free Nitric Acid in order to decompose the organic com- pound, then the Iodide will be thrown down in a milky state. The above explains the reason that commercial Gelatine, although nearly always containing common Salt, seldom gives any preci- pitate with Nitrate of Silver : it will be sufficient in such a case to acidify with a few drops of Nitric Acid and heat to 212 Fahr., to obtain a decided turbidity. We have spoken already of combi- nations of Iodide of Silver with Nitrate of Silver, and shown that corresponding compounds of Bromide and Chloride with Nitrate of Silver cannot be formed. Bromide of Silver and Chloride of Silver, however, surpass the Iodide of Silver in affinity for the organic compounds of Silver, and it will be instructive to exa- mine two or three of the more remarkable of the properties of the combinations so produced. Chloride of Silver is insoluble in water, and comparatively so in a strong solution of Nitrate of Silver. When, however, Nitrate of Silver is mixed with organic matter, an appreciable quantity of Chloride will be dissolved by it. Hence it follows that in wash- ing a Collodion film, after taking it from the Bath, a solution of common Salt cannot be depended on as a test to show when the whole of the Nitrate of Silver has been removed. The washings from such a plate may give no immediate precipitate with Salt, and may yet contain enough Nitrate of Silver to have a distinctly bitter and metallic taste. We gain a correct notion of the relative affinities of Iodide, Bromide, and Chloride of Silver for organic compounds of Silver, by selecting a plain Collodion, the Pyroxyline of which is so pre- pared as to possess a portion of what we term the organic reac- tions, and by dissolving in it separately an Iodide, a Bromide, and a Chloride : on coating glasses with these Collodions and dipping in the Bath, the first will produce a yellow film, the second a pale opaline-blue film, and the third will remain clear, exhibiting no precipitate whatever upon the glass. Unless the experiments of the Author have led him to erroneous conclusions, this gradual diminution of opacity is a measure of the extent to which the affinity reaches. Observe the importance of remembering the preceding reactions in experimenting with dry Collodion. Free Iodide of Potassium has been shown to convert the sensitive form of Iodide of Silver into the insensitive, and this in so complete a manner that the 348 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. sensitiveness cannot be restored by washing with water. It is possible, however, to apply Iodide of Potassium to a Collodion film, and yet afterwards to succeed in obtaining a feeble picture, if the excess of Iodide be perfectly removed by hot water : the explanation probably is that the Collodion film is not simply an Iodide of Silver, but contains a portion of an organic compound not immediately decomposable by Iodide of Potassium. Suppose again that a film of sensitive Iodide of Silver with a trace of Ni- trate of Silver adhering to it be washed with Iodide of Potassium dissolved in Albumen. The sensitiveness will be destroyed there- by, as long as the excess of Iodide of Potassium remains upon the film, but it will return in a measure on washing the film with water, because a portion of the Albumiiiate of Silver remains un- decomposed. The affinity of Albumen for Nitrate of Silver ap- peal's to be very great. When an Iodide and a Chloride exist together in aqueous solution, and a limited amount of Nitrate of Silver is added, the Iodide appropriates it to the exclusion of the Chloride. But when Albumen is mixed with an Iodide, the most careful addition of Nitrate of Silver will throw down a com- pound precipitate from the very first. Organic matter of certain kinds present in the Nitrate Bath will modify the Photographic properties of a film excited in that Bath. For just as an organic body withdraws in insoluble com- bination Iodide of Silver from its solution in Nitrate of Silver, so conversely does Iodide of Silver in falling carry down with it traces of organic matters previously dissolved in Nitrate of Silver ; whilst Bromide of Silver and Chloride of Silver effect the same in a manner still more decided. The precipitate formed when Chloride is added to Nitrate of Silver previously mixed with or- ganic matter is often in a state of excessively fine division, so that it occupies a long time in subsiding. On analysis it appears that the organic matter is present in very small quantity, scarcely more than what the chemist would term " a trace," yet the action of light is much controlled by it, and we find that the Chloride of Silver thrown down from a solution of Nitrate of Silver con- taining a little Gelatine always darkens in the sun to a brick-red instead of the usual violet-blue. The Iodide of Silver also which is precipitated in a Bath containing certain organic matters, gives, even in a Preservative process, a Negative image with greater contrast, and one which developes more quickly than usual. DRY PROCESSES. 349 c. Manufacture of Collodion for the Dry Processes. Much that it would otherwise have been necessary to describe under this head, has been already given in the Sixth Chapter. We re- quire in dry Collodion certain physical qualities, such as adhesive- ness to the glass, and a moderate amount of porosity. Preserva- tive organic bodies tend to loosen the film from the glass, and hence the necessity of making the Collodion as adherent as pos- sible. In effecting this, attention must be paid to the temperature of the Acids, which ought not to be under 150 Fahr., and may sometimes with advantage be raised to 160 Fahr. Hot acids disintegrate Pyroxyline and render it short and friable, whereas cold acids give a strong and tough film, which leaves the glass in a connected skin. Secondly, a considerable quantity of water must be used in the Nitrosulphuric Acid, because this assists in breaking up the structure of the Pyroxyline and in rendering it adhesive. Here we pause to make an observation which is important as regards Collodion for dry processes. It has been shown that the fibre of the Pyroxyline must be considerably broken up to ensure an adhesive Collodion, and that high temperature and abundance of water in the acids are both favourable. Now in effecting the object proposed, it will be proper to avail ourselves of both con- ditions, and not to trust too much to the latter, for it is found that a high temperature increases the intensity of the Collodion, whereas a dilution of the acids lessens it. Collodions have been made with which it is difficult to succeed in obtaining opaque skies to landscapes, in consequence of the Nitrosulphuric Acid having been mixed with too large a quantity of water. You may often recognize such Collodions by their requiring an unusually long time to set upon the glass, the reason of which has been already explained. To obviate the occurrence of this difficulty, it is advised that the Nitrosulphuric Acid should contain at least two measures of Oil of Vitriol to one of Nitric Acid of 1'45 sp. gr., and that the temperature should be maintained steadily at 160 Fahr. No fear need then be entertained of the water being in excess, because the immediate effect of making the acids too weak in that formula would be to dissolve the whole of the Pyroxyline. If, however, equal bulks of Oil of Vitriol and Nitric Acid were used with the maximum of water, and the temperature allowed to fall to 14,0 Fahr., you might obtain a Pyroxyline, apparently 350 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. disintegrated to the correct point, and also one giving a porous and adhesive film, but the Collodion would produce an excessively feeble Negative, unless free Nitrate of Silver were left upon the film, in addition to the organic preservative. Although a difference of opinion exists as to whether Negative Collodion for the wet process ought to be simply iodized or bromo-iodized, all are agreed that Collodion for the dry process should contain a portion of Bromide. The Writer has before shown that the effect of Bromide in Collodion varies with the presence or absence of organic matter. An affinity exists between Bromide of Silver and organic matters coagulated by Nitrate of Silver, and this affinity is more marked than that between Iodide of Silver and organic matters coagulated in the same way ; hence we find that Bromide of Silver in a dry process interferes neither with the rapidity nor with the intensity of the development, but often increases both. The dry process is also peculiar as regards the increased length of exposure given in the Camera, and hence we have an additional reason for dismissing from our minds all preconceived ideas as to the action of Bromide, derived from the use of that substance in the ordinary wet Collodion process. Collodion for the dry processes should always contain a suffici- ency of Iodide to produce an opaque film in the Bath, since so- larization or over-action of light in the sky is more marked when the film is transparent. Mr. Moxham has shown that in such a case the actinic rays, after acting for a certain time, pass through the film, and may be received on a second plate placed behind it : this observation is very important. In Collodion for the dry processes we are accustomed to rely much upon changes produced by iodizing with an alkaline Iodide and subsequent keeping, which have been shown to result in the formation of Nitrite, and also of an organic substance which combines with Nitrate of Silver ; the adhesiveness and porosity of the Collodion being at the same time augmented. At present we need only indicate the propriety of bearing these changes in mind, and making allowance for them at the time of manufactu- ring the Collodion. For example, it would be possible to prepare a Pyroxyline so hard and contractile as to be quite unsuitable, and yet to bring the Collodion at once into the proper state by agitating it with powdered Carbonate of Potash until liquefaction was produced. Conversely, the temperature and degree of dilu- DEY PEOCESSES. 351 tion of the acids might be so adjusted as to render the Pyroxyline independent of any assistance from decomposition after iodizing. Far better, however, would be an intermediate method, in which the newly-iodized Collodion was purposely left a little deficient in porosity, and then kept for a time in the iodized condition, to bring it exactly into the proper state. Old Linen rags, or paper from the same, have been used for dry Collodion. The Author sums up his experience of such ma- terials as follows : They produce a Pyroxyline very adhesive and porous, and with stronger organic reactions than that from Cot- ton. This Pyroxyline is, however, unstable both before and after iodizing, and although giving great intensity, often fails in yield- ing the details of foliage and other dark objects. If any should adopt the use of Linen Pyroxyline, let it be remembered that the proportion and strength of the acids, the temperature, the rela- tive bulks of Alcohol and Ether, the nature of the Iodide, etc., must all be varied from the usual formulae. Dry Collodion may be made porous by other methods not yet described. Mr. Hockin* has shown that lodoform will destroy the parchment quality common in recently-prepared Collodion ; and even if we add no extraneous substance whatever, we find as a rule that plain Collodion becomes more porous by simple keeping, especially when made from Methylated Ether. * ' Practical Hints on Photography, its Chemistry and its Manipulations,' third edition, p. 7. 352 CHAPTER X. ON THE THEORY OF THE DAGUERREOTYPE TALBOTYPE PROCESSES, ETC. SECTION I. The Daguerreotype. IT was not the original intention of the Author to include a description of the Daguerreotype Process within the li- mits of the present Work. The Daguerreotype is a branch of the Photographic Art so distinct from the others, that, in manipulatory details, it bears very little analogy to them; a slight sketch of the theory of the process may not, how- ever, be unacceptable. All necessary remarks will fall under three heads : The preparation of the Daguerreotype film ; the means by which the lament image is developed ; and the strengthening of the image by the Hyposulphite of Gold. The Preparation of the Daguerreotype Film. The sen- sitive film of the Daguerreotype is in many respects dif- ferent from that of the Calotype or Collodiotype. The latter may be termed wet processes, in contradistinction to the former, where aqueous solutions are not employed. The Daguerreotype film is a pure and isolated Iodide of Silver, formed by the direct action of Iodine upon the metal, and it is important to remember that Iodide of Silver so prepared is different in its Photographic action from the yellow salt obtained by double decomposition DAGUEREEOTYPE. 353 between Iodide of Potassium and Nitrate of Silver. A Daguerreotype film, when exposed to a bright light, first darkens to an ash-grey colour and then becomes nearly white ; the solubility in Hyposulphite of Soda being at the same time lessened. A Collodion film, on the other hand, if the excess of Nitrate of Silver be washed off, although still capable of receiving the radiant impression in the Camera, does not alter either in colour or in solubility by exposure to the sun's rays. Details of the process for preparing a Daguerreotype Plate. A copper plate of moderate thickness is coated upon the surface with a layer of pure Silver, either by the electrotype or in any other convenient manner. It is then polished with great care, until the surface assumes a bril- liant metallic lustre. This preliminary operation of po- lishing is one of great practical importance, and the trou- blesome details attending it constitute one of the main difficulties to be overcome. After the polishing is complete, the plate is ready to receive the sensitive coating. This part of the process is conducted in a peculiar manner. A simple piece of card- board or a thin sheet of wood, previously soaked in solu- tion of Iodine, evolves enough of the vapour to attack the silver plate ; which being placed immediately above, and allowed to remain for a short time, acquires a pale-violet hue, due to the formation of an excessively delicate layer of Iodide of Silver. By prolonging the action of the Iodine the violet tint disappears and a variety of pris- matic colours are produced, much in the same way as when light is decomposed by thin plates of mica or the surface of mother-of-pearl. From violet the plate becomes of a straw-yellow, then rose-colour, and afterwards steel-grey. As the Iodine acts further, this sequence of tints is re- peated ; the steel-grey disappears, and the yellow and rose-colours recur. The deposit of Iodide of Silver gra- dually increases in thickness during these changes ; but to the end it remains excessively thin and delicate. In this respect it contrasts strongly with the dense and creamy 2 A 354 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. layer often employed in the Collodion process, and shows that a large proportion of the Iodide of Silver must in such a case be superfluous, as far as any influence pro- duced by the light is concerned. An inspection of a sen- sitive Daguerreotype plate reveals the microscopic nature of the actinic changes involved in the Photographic Art, and teaches a useful lesson. Increase of sensibility obtained by combining the joint action of Bromine and Iodine. The original process of Daguerre was conducted with the vapour of Iodine only ; but in the year 1840 it was discovered by Mr. JohnGoddard that the sensibility of the plate was greatly promoted by exposing it to the vapours of Iodine and Bromine in suc- cession, the proper time for each being regulated by the tints assumed. The composition of this Sro mo -Iodide of Silver, so called, is uncertain, and has not been proved to be the same as that of the mixed salt obtained by decomposing a solu- tion of Iodide and Bromide of Potassium with Nitrate of Silver. Observe also that the Bromo-Iodide of Silver is more sensitive than the simple Iodide only when the va- pour of Mercury is employed as a developer. M. Claudet proves that if the image be formed by the direct action of light alone (see next page) the usual condition is reversed, and that the use of Bromide under such circumstances retards the effect. TJie development and properties of the Image. The la- tent image of the Daguerreotype is developed in a manner different from that of the humid processes generally, viz. by the action of Mercurial vapour. The cup containing the Quicksilver is previously heated by means of a spirit- lamp to about 140 Fahrenheit : although the amount of Mercurial vapour evolved at this temperature is very small, it is sufficient for the purpose, and after continuing the ac- tion for a short time the image is perfectly developed. There are few questions which have given rise to greater discussion amongst chemists than the nature of the Da- guerreotype image. Unfortunately, the quantity of mate- DAGUEEEEOTYPE. 355 rial to be operated on is so small, that it becomes almost impossible to ascertain its composition by direct analysis. Some suppose it to consist of mercury alone. Others have thought that the Mercury is in combination with metallic Silver. The presence of the former metal is certain, since M. Claudet shows that, by the application of a strong heat, it can actually be volatilized from the image in sufficient quantity to develope a second impression immediately su- perimposed. It is a remarkable fact that an image more or less re- sembling that developed by Mercury can be obtained by the prolonged action of light alone upon the iodized plate. The substance so formed is a white powder, insoluble in solution of Hyposulphite of Soda ; amorphous to the eye, but presenting the appearance of minute reflecting crys- tals when highly magnified. Its composition is uncertain; For all practical purposes the production of the Daguer- reotype image by light alone is useless, on account of the length of time required to effect it. This was alluded to in the Third Chapter, where it was shown that in the case of the Bromo-Iodide of Silver an intensity of light 3000 times greater would be required, if the use of the Mercu- rial vapour were omitted. M. Ed. BecquereTs discovery of the continuing action of rays of yellow light. Pure homogeneous yellow light has no action upon the Daguerreotype plate ; but if the iodized surface bo first exposed to white light for a sufficient time to impress a latent image, and then afterwards to the yel- low light, the action already commenced is continued, and even to the extent of forming the peculiar white deposit, insoluble in Hyposulphite of Soda, already alluded to. Yellow light may therefore in one sense be spoken of as a developing agent, since it produces the same effect as the Mercurial vapour in bringing out to view the latent image. A singular anomaly however requires notice, viz. that if the plate be prepared with the mixed vapours of Bromine and Iodine, in place of Iodine alone, then the yellow light 356 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. cannot be made to develope the image. In fact, the same coloured ray which continues the action of white light upon the surface of Iodide of Silver actually destroys it, and restores the particles to their original condition, with a surface of Bromo-Iodide of Silver. These facts, although not of great practical importance, are interesting in illustration of the delicate and complex nature of the chemical changes produced by light. The Strengthening of the Daguerreotype Image by means of Hyposulphite of Gold. The use of the Hyposulphite of Gold to whiten the Daguerreotype image, and render it more lasting and indestructible, was introduced by M. Fizeau, subsequent to the original discovery of the process. After removal of the unaltered Iodide of Silver by means of Hyposulphite of Soda, the plate is placed upon a levelling-stand and covered with a solution of Hyposul- phite of Gold, containing about one part of the salt dis- solved in 500 parts of water. The flame of a spirit-lamp is then applied until the liquid begins to boil. Shortly a change is seen to take place in the appearance of the image ; it becomes whiter than before, and acquires great force. This fact seems to prove conclusively that metallic Mercury enters into its composition, since a surface of Silver such, for instance, as that of the Collodion image is darkened by Hyposulphite of Gold. The difference in the action of the gilding solution upon the image and the pure Silver surrounding it illustrates the same fact. This Silver, which appears of a dark colour and forms the shadows of the image, is rendered still darker ; a very delicate crust of metallic Gold gradually forms upon it, whereas in the case of the image itself the whitening effect is immediate and striking. SECTION II. Theory of the Talbotype and Albumen Processes. The Talbotype or Calotype. This process, as practised at the present time, is almost identical with that originally CALOTYPE. 357 described by Mr. Fox Talbot. The object is to obtain an even and finely divided layer of Iodide of Silver upon the surface of a sheet of paper ; the particles of the Iodide being left in contact with an excess of Nitrate of Silver, and usually with a small proportion of G-allic Acid. The English papers sized with Gelatine are commonly used for the Calotype process : they retain the film more perfectly at the surface, and the Gelatine in all probability assists in forming the image. With a foreign starch-paper, unless it be re-sized with some organic substance, the so- lutions sink in too deeply, and the picture is wanting in clearness and definition. There are two modes of iodizing and sensitizing the sheets : first, by floating alternately upon Iodide of Potas- sium and Nitrate of Silver, in the same manner as in the preparation of papers for Positive Printing ; and second, by what is termed " the single wash," which is thought by many to give superior results as regards sensitiveness and intensity of image. To iodize by this mode, the yellow Iodide of Silver, prepared by mixing solutions of Iodide of Potassium and Nitrate of Silver, is dissolved in a strong solution of Iodide of Potassium ; the sheets are floated for an instant upon this liquid and dried ; they are then removed to a dish of water, by the action of which the Iodide of Silver is precipitated upon the surface of the paper in a finely divided state. The properties of a solution of Iodide of Silver in Iodide of Potassium, or of the double Iodide of Potassium and Silver, are described at page 167, a reference to which will show that the double salt is decomposed by a large quantity of water, with precipitation of the Iodide of Silver, this substance being less soluble in a dilute solution of Iodide of Potassium than in a strong solution. Paper coated with Iodide of Silver by this mode, after proper washing in water to remove soluble salts, will keep good for a long time. The layer of Iodide appears of a pale primrose-colour, and is perfectly insensitive to light, so that exposure to the sun's rays produces no change. 358 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. To render Calotype paper sensitive to light, it is brushed with a solution of Nitrate of Silver containing both Acetic and Gallic Acid, termed " Aceto-Nitrate " and " Gallo- Nitrate " solution. The Gallic Acid lessens the keeping qualities of the paper, but increases the sensitiveness. The Acetic Acid prevents the paper from blackening all over during the development, and preserves the clearness of the white parts ; its employment is indispensable. The paper is commonly excited upon the morning of the day upon which it is intended to be used ; and the longer it is kept, the less active and certain it becomes. An ex- posure of five to eight minutes in the Camera is the ave- rage time with an ordinary view Lens. The picture is developed with a saturated solution of Gallic Acid, to which a portion of Aceto-Nitrate of Silver has been added to heighten the intensity. Both Sulphate of Iron and Pyrogallic Acid have also been used, but the gradual action of a more feeble developer is preferable in this process. After fixing the Negative by removing the unaltered Iodide of Silver with Hyposulphite of Soda, it is well washed and dried. White wax is then melted in with a hot iron, so as to render the paper transparent, and to faci- litate the after-process of printing. The Calotype cannot be compared with the Collodion process for sensitiveness and delicacy of detail, but it pos- sesses advantages for tourists and those who do not wish to be encumbered with large glass plates. The principal difficulty appears to be in obtaining a uniformly good paper, many samples giving a speckled appearance in the black parts of the Negative. The Waxed Paper process of Le Grey. This is a useful modification of the Talbotype, introduced by M. Le Grey. The paper is waxed before iodizing, by which, without in- volving any additional operation, a very fine surface layer of Iodide of Silver can be obtained. The Waxed Paper Process is well adapted for tourists, from its extreme sim- plicity, and the length of time which the film may be kept in a sensitive condition. THE WAXED PAPER PROCESS. 359 Both English and foreign papers are employed ; but the former take the wax with difficulty. Mr. Crookes, who has devoted his attention to this process, gives clear direc- tions for waxing paper ; it is essential that pure white wax should be obtained direct from the bleachers, since the flat cakes sold in the shops are commonly adulterated. The temperature must also be carefully kept below that point at which decomposition of the wax takes place ; the use of too hot an iron being a common source of failure (see 'Photographic Journal,' vol. ii. p. 231). The sheets of paper, having been properly waxed, are soaked for two hours in a solution containing Iodide and Bromide of Potassium, with enough free Iodine to tinge the liquid of a port-wine colour. The greasy nature of wax impedes the entry of liquids, and hence a long immer- sion is required. The iodizing formulae of the French Pho- tographers have been encumbered by the addition of a variety of substances which appear to introduce compli- cations without giving proportional advantage, and it is now known that the Iodide and Bromide of Potassium, with free Iodine, are sufficient. This latter ingredient was first used by Mr. Crookes ; it seems to add to the clearness and sharpness of the Negatives ; and as the papers are co- loured by the Iodine, air-bubbles cannot escape detection. The process of exciting with Nitrate of Silver is also ren- dered more certain by the employment of free Iodine, the action of the Bath being continued until the purple colour gives place to the characteristic yellow tint of the Iodide of Silver.* Waxed Paper is rendered sensitive by immersion -in a Bath of Nitrate of Silver containing Acetic Acid ; the quantity of which latter ingredient should be increased when the papers are to be long kept. As the excess of Nitrate is subsequently removed, the solution may be used weaker than in the Calotype or Collodion process. * The later experience of the Writer induces him to believe that organic matter may be used with advantage in the waxed paper process, and that serum of milk is a better vehicle for the chemicals than pure water. 360 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. After exciting, the papers are washed with water, to re- duce the amount of free Nitrate of Silver to a minimum. This lessens the sensitiveness, but greatly increases the keeping qualities, and the paper will often remain good for ten days or longer. It is a very important point, in operating with Waxed Paper, to. keep the developing dishes clean. The develop- ment is conducted by immersion in a Bath of Gallic Acid, containing Acetic Acid and Nitrate of Silver ; and being retarded by the superficial coating of wax, there is always a tendency to an irregular reduction of Silver upon the white portions of the Negative. When the developer becomes brown and discoloured, this is more likely to happen ; and it is well known to chemists that the length of time during which G-allic Acid and Nitrate of Silver may remain mixed without decomposing, is lessened by using vessels which are dirty from having been before em- ployed for a similar purpose. The black deposit of silver exercises a catalytic action (KaraXva-is, decomposition by contact) upon the freshly -mixed portion, and hastens its discoloration. The Waxed Paper process is exceedingly simple and in- expensive, very suitable for tourists, as requiring but little experience, and a minimum of apparatus. It is, however, tedious in all its stages, the sensitive papers frequently taking an exposure of twenty minutes in the Camera, and the development extending over an hour or an hour and a half. Several Negatives, however, may be developed at the same time ; and as the removal of the free Nitrate of Silver gives the process a great advantage during hot weather, it will in all probability continue to be followed. The prints which have been sent to the exhibition of the Photographic Society, show that waxed papei 1 , in the hands of a skilful operator, may be made to delineate architectural subjects with great fidelity, and also to give the details of foliage and landscape Photography with tolerable distinct- ness. The Albumen Process upon Glass. The process with ALBUMEN UPON GLASS. 361 Albumen originated in a desire to obtain a more even sur- face layer of Iodide of Silver than the coarse structure of the tissue of paper will allow. It is conducted with sim- ple Albumen, or " white of eggs," diluted with a conve- nient quantity of water. In this glutinous liquid Iodide of Potassium is dissolved ; and the solution, having been thoroughly shaken, is set aside, the upper portion being drawn off for use, in the same manner as in the prepara- tion of Albuminized paper for printing. The glasses are coated with the iodized Albumen, and are then placed horizontally in a box to dry. This part of the process is considered the most troublesome, the moist Albumen easily attracting particles of dust, and being apt to blister and separate from the glass. If an even layer of the dried and Iodized material can be obtained, the chief difficulty of the process has been overcome. The plates are rendered sensitive by immersion in a Bath of Nitrate of Silver, with Acetic Acid added, and are then washed in water and dried. They may be kept for a long time in an excited state. The exposure in the Camera must be unusually long ; the free titrate of Silver having been removed by washing, and the Albumen exercising a direct retarding influence upon the sensitiveness of Iodide of Silver (p. 155). The development is conducted in the ordinary way by a mixture of Gallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver, with Acetic Acid added to preserve the clearness of the lights. It usually requires one hour or more, but may be accelerated by the gentle application of heat. Albumen pictures are remarkable for elaborate distinct- ness, and are admirably adapted for viewing in the Stereo- scope ; but they do not often possess the peculiar and characteristic softness of the Photograph upon Collodion. The process is well adapted for hot climates, being very little prone to the cloudiness and irregular reduction of Silver, which are often complained of with moist Collodion under such circumstances. Amateurs practising the Albumen process for the first 362 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. time are often surprised at the pale transparent appear- ance of the plates on being raised from the' Nitrate Bath, giving the idea that too little Iodide of Potassium had been used. This peculiarity, however, depends upon the chemi- cal nature of the Albumen itself. It has an affinity for Iodide of Silver, and unites with it, producing a film of a different character from the Collodio-Iodide of Silver. G-lycyrrliizine, the sugar of Liquorice, added in excess to Collodion, diminishes the opacity of the sensitive film in a similar manner, by uniting chemically with the Iodide of Silver. SECTION III. Photographic Processes by Sir John Herschel and others. Under this head may be included the processes known by the name of Cyanotype, Chrysotype, etc., together with the Photo-galvanographic, Photo-lithographic, Photo-gly- phic, and Carbon Printing Processes, all of which involve chemical reactions of the greatest interest. Processes with Persalts of Iron. Sir John Herschel discovered, about 1840, that certain of the Persalts of Iron when exposed to sunlight in contact with organic matter, were reduced to the state of Protosalts. The Perchloride of Iron has this property when accurately neutralized, but the Ammonio-Tartrate and Potassio-Tartrate of Iron are more easily affected by light, whilst the Ammonio-Citrate is sensitive to a degree greater than either. All these pro- cesses are slower than the ordinary modes of printing in which the Chloride of Silver is employed. In the manipulations, a sheet of photographic paper is brushed with a solution of the yellow Persalt, and when dry placed in the sun in the usual way. The image so formed is always faint, but it may be intensified by either of the following methods : a. By the Ferridcyanide of Potassium. This process was named by the inventor, the " Cyanotype." Ferrid- cyanide of Potassium, also known as " Red Prussiate of CYANOTYPE AND OTHEE PROCESSES. 363 Potash," produces no precipitate with the Persalts of Iron, but throws down a variety of Prussian blue (TurnbulTs blue) when added to the Protosalts. Consequently on treating the Iron-print with a solution of Ferridcyanide of Potassium, those parts which have been sunned, and there- by reduced to the lower form of oxide, assume a blue tint.* b. Intensifying by Chloride of Gold. When this plan of intensifying the image on the Ammonio-Citrate paper is adopted, the inventor terms the process " Chrysotype " (from xpuo-os-, gold}. The image must be exposed for a brief time only and should be very faint. On brushing it with a dilute neutral solution of Chloride of Gold, the Protosalt of Iron, on the parts touched by light, reduces the Gold, and a purple image is the result ; this image con- tinues to darken by precipitation of fresh particles until it is nearly black. c. Intensifying by other Metallic Compounds admitting of Deoxidation. Nitrate of Silver, when applied to the image, is slowly reduced, and darkens the tone consider- ably. Proto-Nitrate of Mercury acts in the same way, but pictures containing Mercury or its Oxide are liable to fade. Bichromate of Potash placed in contact with those parts of the Ammonio-Citrate paper which have been sunned, likewise gives up Oxygen and is precipitated upon the image in the form of a lower oxide of Chromium. Processes with Salts of Uranium. Mr. Burnett, follow- ing in the steps of Sir John Herschel, ascertained that the Persalts of Uranium had similar Photographic properties to the Persalts of Iron, and were reduced to Protosalts by light and organic matter acting conjointly. Uranium is a rare metal, forming a coloured series of salts somewhat analogous in composition to the Proto- and Persalts of Iron. Paper saturated with a solution of the * 111 place of the Ferridcyanide, the Ferrocyauide of Potassium, known as yellow Prussiate of Potash, may be employed, if the prints are afterwards- thrown into water. The reaction, however, is not so simple, since the Fer- rocyanide of Potassium forms a white precipitate with Protosalts of Iron, which becomes blue by oxidation. With unchanged Ammonio-Citrate of Iron, Ferrocyanide of Potassium produces no precipitation. 364 THEOBY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Nitrate of Uranium, a salt always obtainable in commerce, receives a very distinct image on exposure to light, which may be further intensified either by Chloride of Gold or Nitrate of Silver, as above described. In either case the Uranium compound, previously reduced under the influ- ence of light, in its turn reduces the Salts of Gold or Silver, and the noble metal is in consequence precipitated upon the image. The colour of these prints is better than those produced by Sir John Herschel's process above described, and may be further improved by different processes of toning. Processes with Bichromate of Potash. These are the invention of Mr. Mungo Ponton, and were first announced some years since in the ' Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal.' Bichromate of Potash contains Chromic Acid, a yellow crystalline body, which is a high Oxide of the metal Chro- mium. Light alone produces no effect upon Chromic Acid, but if organic substances are also present, the Chromic Acid is reduced to the condition of a lower Oxide of Chro- mium, and the Oxygen unites with the organic body. Some kinds of organic matter act more decidedly than others, and especially Gelatine, which reduces the Bichro- mate rapidly in presence of sunlight ; the Gelatine itself being oxidized into a resinous substance, which remains in union with Oxide of Chromium. The image obtained upon gelatinized paper soaked in Bichromate of Potash is of a tawny colour, and not very vigorous, but Mr. Hunt and others succeeded in getting a better effect by associating certain coloured salts, such as those of Copper and Nickel, with the Bichromate, and afterwards toning with Nitrate of Silver, etc. The Chro- mates of many of the metals are most brilliant in colour, and quite equal in that respect to the Ferrocyanides and Ferridcyanides before alluded to. Another mode of toning Photographic prints prepared by the above method, has been described by Mr. Perry, and also by M. Sella, of Piedmont. The pictures, after having CAEBON PRINTING-. 365 been washed in water to remove the unaltered Bichromate, are immersed in a solution of Sulphate of Iron. They are then washed a second time in water, and treated with Gallic or Pyrogallic Acid, the effect of which is to change the shadows to a bluish-black colour, having a composi- tion similiar to common writing-ink. This process depends upon the image retaining the Salt of Iron, so that when once applied it cannot afterwards be removed by washing with water. CABBON FEINTING, PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHY, PHOTO-GALVA- NOGEAPHY, AND PHOTO-GLYPHY. In all these processes the peculiar Photographic proper- ties of the Bichromate of Potash, before mentioned as the discovery of Mungo Ponton, are turned to account, Carbon Printing. M. Poitevin patented this process in 1855. Finely-divided charcoal is mixed with solutions of Bichromate of Potash and Gum Arabic, and dabbed on a sheet of paper. The Photographic impression is produced upon this surface by the action of light passing through a Negative picture, and the sheet is then washed with a sponge and a large quantity of water. The organic matter having been rendered insoluble by the light, the colour re- mains upon the sunned parts ; but from the other portions of the paper, not touched by light, it is removed by the washing, leaving the surface white. The Oxide of Chro- mium, which is the product of Bichromate of Potash re- duced by organic matter, is a mordant substance, having affinity for colours. Hence pigments of various kinds may be successfully employed in this process, and will remain fixed upon the image. M. Testud de Beauregard proposed what he considered as an improvement on the above method, by applying only the Gum and Bichromate in the first instance, and putting on the Carbon when the paper had become dry. The pro- cess, however, although not at present patented, has never come into general use, because the delicacy and gradation of tone are not equal to that given by the ordinary Silver 366 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. printing on albuminized paper. For the delineation of maps and line-engraving the Carbon printing is more suit- able, but even here it has been superseded by the Photo- lithographic methods now to be described. Photo-lithography. In ordinary lithographic printing an absorbent stone is drawn upon with chalks purposely made of a waxy or fatty nature. The stone is then damped, so as to fill its pores with water in the parts not covered with drawing. A greasy ink is next laid on, which ad- heres to the waxy drawing, but is repelled by the watery surface of the stone. M. Poitevin patented a process in 1856, in which the required waxy or resinous design was produced by Photography in the following manner: A stone covered with a layer of Bichromate of Potash and Gum, or Gelatine, was exposed to a luminous image, and then wetted with water. The parts acted on b}- light were found to have become greasy or resinous, and to refuse the water, so that the lithographic ink, afterwards applied, attached itself to them in preference to the moistened shadows. The defects of M. Poitevin's process were, that if he ex- posed in the Camera, or under a transparent Positive; a Negative picture was produced on the stone. If, on the other hand, he exposed under a Negative, the picture, al- though Positive, was necessarily reversed, right-hand ob- jects being on the left side, and vice versa. In addition to these defects there were others relating to matters of practical detail, and hence the patent was eventually al- lowed to lapse. In November, 1859, Mr. Osborne communicated a paper to the Melbourne Institute, on a Photo-lithographic pro- cess differing from that of M. Poitevin in some important particulars. The Bichromate of Potash and Gelatine were applied to paper in the first instance, and the image sub- sequently transferred to the stone : the objection of *' re- versed Positives" was thus removed, and other advantages were secured to the lithographer. Another peculiarity of Mr. Osborne's method is in his mode of inking. He does PHOTO-LITHOGEAPHY. 367 not begin by wetting the surface to make the unaltered Gelatine refuse the ink, but first inks-in the whole of the Photographic print, and then, by a subsequent washing process, removes the Gelatine from the unchanged parts after the manner described under the head of Carbon printing. Mr. Osborne, in 1862, communicated to the British Association some improvements in his process, which is now as follows : 800 grs. of Gelatine and 440 of Bichromate of Potash are dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water. When cooled to about 110 F., 2 ounces of Albumen from perfectly fresh eggs are added, and the whole is well mixed. The sheets of paper are then coated with this mixture on one side and hung up to dry in the dark, and when dry glazed by pres- sure. The paper thus prepared receives the impression from a Negative in from half a minute to a minute, after which it is inked all over with lithographic ink, and then floated on boiling water for about an hour. The soaking being completed, it is next rubbed with a sponge, when the parts unacted on by light, together with the ink attached, are completely removed, and all the de- tails come out ; it is then well treated with a stream of boiling water, dried, and finally transferred to the Litho- graphic stone in the usual way. Wood-cuts and engravings are copied by this process with wonderful sharpness and perfection. M. Asser, of Amsterdam, was an independent discoverer of a method which, in its essential features, resembles that of Mr. Osborne. In the early part of the year 1860 this method was adopted in the Ordnance Survey Department at Southampton, and improved in many of its minor details. The Photograph, as before, is made on paper, and trans- ferred to a surface of zinc or stone. The ink is applied to the whole surface of the sheet of paper, in quantity more or less according to the boldness or fineness of the subject, and the unchanged parts are afterwards cleaned with a sponge dipped in Gum-water. The method of trans- 368 THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ferring to Zinc varies according to the quantity of ink in the Photograph. Supposing this to be small, the " ana- static " process is adopted, in which the surface of the Zinc is slightly roughened by dilate Nitric Acid, and the draw- ing made to adhere to it by passing through a press ; but when a larger quantity of ink was used, the Zinc is simply grained by rubbing with fine wet sand and a muller. In either case the prominence of the lines is further increased by acting on the interspaces with a very weak etching liquid, consisting of dilute Phosphoric Acid in Gum Water, and decoction of galls.* Photo-galvanography, introduced into this country by Herr Pretsch, of Vienna, is a mode of producing, from a Photograph, an electrotype Copperplate in a state fit for printing. A glass is first coated with a mixture of Bi- chromate of Potash and Gelatine, other ingredients, not essential to the theory, being at the same time added for the purpose of giving what artists term " a grain." An image is next impressed upon this surface by the action of light. The object of the engraver is to make from the image a surface partly raised and partly depressed, such as would be required for carrying the printer's ink, and this is done by simply pouring water over the film. A cha- racteristic property of Gelatine is to swell up by imbibing water, but Gelatine which has been altered in composition by light and Bichromate of Potash loses this property. Hence when water is applied to the film, those parts on which the light has not acted swell, but those on which it has acted remain as before : consequently the image becomes sunk in, and assumes the state required. It re- mains therefore only to make a gutta-percha mould of the image, to render that mould conducting by means of Carbon powder, and to deposit Copper upon it by the electrotype to any required thickness. The Copperplate so obtained is used for printing in the ordinary way. Photo-glyphy. Mr. Fox Talbot has invented a mode of * See ' Photo-Zincography,' by Colonel Sir Henry James. Longman and Co. Second edition. PHOTO-LITHOGEAPHY. 369 biting a Photograph into a steel plate. The Photographic impression is made upon a surface of Bichromate of Potash and Gelatine, as before. At first it was thought necessary to wash the plate afterwards in hot water, so as to dissolve away the unaltered Gelatine, and expose the bare surface of the metal. Subsequently, however, Mr. Talbot found that the removal of the unchanged parts of the film was not required, but that an aqueous solution of Perchloride of Iron would penetrate them and bite into the steel be- neath. The Gelatine altered by light, however, does not absorb the aqueous liquid, but repels it, thus protecting the metal from the action of the solvent. It is very im- portant that the etching liquid should be exactly of a certain strength, since a dilute solution of Perchloride of Iron soaks into a film of Gelatine more readily than a strong solution. 2B PART III. THE PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY UPON COLLODION. 373 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY UPON COLLODION. CHAPTER I. PHOTO GBAPHIC CHEMICALS. SECTION I. Preparation of Plain Collodion. SECTION II. Formulas for solutions for Collodion Positives. SECTION III. Formulae for solutions for Negatives. SECTION I. Preparation of Plain Collodion. THIS includes the manufacture of the Pyroxyline and the solution of the same in mixed Ether and Alcohol. Photographic Pyroxyline may be made either from Linen, Calico, Paper, or Cotton-wool. For reasons which are more fully stated in the Second Part of the Work (p. 232 et seq.), the Writer proposes to confine his obser- vations to the use of the latter material. The manufacture of Collodion in large quantities, and of a perfectly uniform quality, is a delicate operation, and one which requires great nicety in conducting it. For the amateur who wishes to prepare only as much as will suffice for his immediate wants, it will be better to describe a pro- cess more easy of execution, and capable of yielding a moderately good product without liability to failure. The 374 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. " Nitre process," as it is termed, is a convenient method of the latter kind, and the process "by mixed acids," which will be found at page 377, will fulfil the requirements of the commercial manufacturer. In either case it will be desirable to consult the Vocabulary, Part I., for the mode of testing the purity of the chemicals. THE NITRE PROCESS FOR PYROXYLINE. Use only the best Nitre, as described in the Vocabulary, article " Nitrate of Potash," and having reduced it to powder, dry it on a hot metal plate, or in an oven heated to a temperature above that of boiling water ; then pul- verize a second time, to prevent the formation of lumps on adding the Oil of Vitriol. Take of Oil of Vitriol 6 fluid ounces. Dried Nitre 3^ ounces (avoirdupois). Water 1 fluid ounce. Best Cotton Wool ... 60 grains. Mix the Acid and Water in a teacup, or any porcelain or stoneware vessel, and throw in the pulverized Nitre by degrees, stirring meanwhile with a glass rod, until lumps disappear, and a transparent viscid liquid is obtained. This will occupy several minutes. Pull out the Cotton into separate balls of the size of a walnut, and when a mercurial thermometer,* dipped in the acid and stirred backwards and forwards, remains stationary at 145 to 150 Fahr., immerse the balls singly with a glass rod, and press each against the sides of the cup. This part of the operation ought not to take more than two minutes. Supposing the acid to have cooled down below 140 during the pulling out of the Cotton, float the cup upon boiling water for a few minutes until the exact temperature is attained. Leave the Cotton in ten minutes, and afterwards pour off the excess of the * In the preparation of soluble cotton, a thermometer is indispensable. Instruments of sufficient delicacy for common purposes are sold in Hatton Garden and elsewhere, at a low price. The bulb should be uncovered, to admit of being dipped in acids, etc., without injury to the acale. PBEPABATION OF NEGATIVE PYBOXYLINE. 375 acids and squeeze the Pyroxyline with the glass rod. Do this quickly, and then dash the cup and its contents sud- denly into cold water, moving the Cotton backwards and forwards with the hand until it feels perfectly cold. Complete the washing of the Cotton, either by leaving it for twenty-four hours in a slowly-running stream of water, or by squeezing it with the hand like a sponge, for twenty minutes or half an hour; after which it may be spread out upon a cloth, and allowed to dry spontaneously. In this process the chances of failure are very slight, if the Sulphuric Acid be sufficiently strong, and the sample of Nitre not too much contaminated with Chloride of Potassium. If however a failure should occur from the Cotton dissolving in the acid, the operation must be re- peated with a drachm less Water. .COMMEECIAL MANUFACTURE OF PYBOXYLINE BY THE PEOCESS WITH MIXED ACIDS. This process will be described with more minuteness than the last, since it is intended for the use of the manufacturer, who has to satisfy the requirements of the professional artist, and to pro- duce an article as nearly uniform as possible. The formula for the Nitrosulphuric Acid will vary according as the Pyroxyline is intended for Positive or Negative Collodion, and the proportions of the solvents also will be different in the two cases ; the general details of the manufacture however will be the same. The Apparatus. The following articles will be found useful in preparing Collodion on a large scale : a. Porcelain pots for the mixed acids. These should be made of the best glazed porcelain, and provided with handles and covers. In shape, they should be deep in proportion to their width, so as to expose as little surface to the atmosphere as is compatible with easy working of the spatulas in pressing the Cotton. Considerable thickness of materid is also important to prevent the temperature from falling too low while the cotton is being acted on by the acids. b. Glass spatulas. These are male of thick plate-glass, of 376 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. sufficient strength to allow of considerable pressure without breakage. c. Hot Air Bath. This is a simple apparatus for warming the pots containing the acid mixture, when the temperature is inad- vertently allowed to fall too low. It consists of an open vessel like a saucepan, made of sheet-iron fastened by rivets, standing on legs over a Bunsen's burner. In the part corresponding to the cover of the saucepan is a round hole, into which the porce- lain pot drops, until it is caught and supported by the rim. The pot must not touch the bottom, but may approach very near to it, and hence ah 1 danger of cracking is avoided, whilst sufficient heat can be obtained in a few minutes. d. Thermometer. Select an instrument with a wide column of Mercury, so as to be easily seen by gaslight, and with a large bulb, that it may be sufficiently sensitive. It is quite necessary to compare the thermometer with a standard instrument, since the cheaper thermometers are frequently incorrect, to the extent of several degrees. It is useful also to have a second thermo- meter with which to compare the first, since the column of Mercury sometimes separates, leaving a vacant space, and thus indicating too high a temperature. e. India-rubier gauntlets. These are indispensable, as a pro- tection to the hands in making large quantities of Pyroxyline ; they may be obtained at any India-rubber warehouse. f. Trough for preliminary washing. It consists of a strong deal framework, three feet long by two feet wide, lined inside with gutta-percha. The water passes in through two tubes, one at the end and the other near the centre, each being pierced with fine holes, so as to deliver the water in a series of jets, and thus to keep up a constant current at every part of the tray. g. Cylinder for final washing. This consists of a glazed earthenware cylindrical vessel about nine inches in diameter by 2 feet high, fitted with a false or perforated bottom about 2 inches above the real one. In the intermediate space a hole an inch or more in diameter is driUed, and fitted with a gutta-percha tube to convey awty to the sink, a stream of water entering by the top and passing through the Cotton in the body of the cylinder. h. Steam Bath for dryng Cotton, etc. This may be made by first constructing a flat zinc tray, two feet wide by four feet long, PEEPARATION OF NEGATIVE PYBOXYLINE. 377 with a tightly soldered cover, and standing on short legs. The water is boiled in an ordinary tin saucepan, and the steam con- ducted by a pipe about three feet long, well rolled in list or flannel, into the closed tray, the condensed water being allowed to drop out at the end. Pyroxyline may be dried with safety upon this bath, when the flame is placed at a sufficient distance, since the heat can be regulated at will by adjusting the supply of gas. If the upper zinc plate be covered with flannel or calico, the temperature does not rise higher than 130 Fahr. THE MANIPULATIONS. We commence with Pyroxyline for Negative Collodion, and at the end of this Section will add the few remaining particulars which apply to Positive Collodion. a. The Pyroxyline. The Writer always adopted the plan of laying in a large stock of acids at one time, since it was some- what troublesome to ascertain the exact strength, and no mode of analysis seemed perfectly satisfactory. Three carboys of Oil of Vitriol were sent in, holding six gallons each (the strongest ob- tainable), and one carboy of strong Nitric Acid of the same size. These were bottled off into Winchester quarts, or half-gallon stop- pered bottles (labelled No. 1 for the first Carboy, No. 2 for the second, and No. 3 for the third), for the sake of greater conve- nience in handling, and to lessen the chance of the acid absorb- ing water from the atmosphere. As the strength of the Oil of Vitriol in each carboy differed, a mixture was made of No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, taking a single bottle of each. Then, sup- posing the specific gravity of the acids to be nearly as before given, the formula will stand as follows : Oil of Vitriol, T845 at 60 Fahr. 18 fluid ounces. Nitric Acid, T457 at 60 Fahr. . 6 fluid ounces. Water* 5i fluid ounces. Pour in first the water, then the Nitric Acid, and lastly the Oil of Vitriol : obtain a perfect admixture by stirring, and take the temperature. If the thermometer rises to 165 Fahr. or 170, * Most who have tried this formula complain that the Cotton dissolves, unless the quantity of water be reduced to five ounces. The Writer how- ever finds that by a careful attention to the purity of the chemicals, he is always able to work with more water than that given, so that he prefers to leave the formula as it stands. 378 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. the acid must be allowed to cool until it stands exactly at 150 Fahr. Then immerse the Cotton in pieces well pulled out, and weighing thirty grains each, continuing to put them in singly until ten have been introduced, making 300 grains in all. This operation, together with the pressing against the sides of the vessel, etc., to be alluded to again presently, will occupy about a minute and a half, after which the vessel may be covered up and left for nine minutes. The process is complete in half that time, but the extra five minutes, although producing a little more solution of the Pyroxyliue, and consequently diminishing the weight of the product by about 15 per cent., produces a Collodion which is less likely to show glutinous markings upon the glass, or to dry up speedily and repel the developer. Lastly, take out the Pyroxyline in one lump with glass spatulas ; squeeze out as much of the acids as possible in a porcelain capsule, and dasli the whole into a large quantity of water. With regard to the temperature at which the Pyroxyline should be made, the Author worked at first at 140 Fahr. ; but was even- tually induced to raise it ten degrees, in consequence of repre- sentations (hat the Collodion was somewhat deficient in fluidity. This increase of temperature, however, assists in generating traces of a body (probably Nitro- Glucose) which causes the Collodion to lose its sensitiveness more rapidly after iodizing. An experienced person will be able to judge on lifting the Cotton out of the acid whether he has hit the right point. If, on attempting to lift out the whole mass of Pyroxyline at once with the glass spatulas, it seems rather small in quantity and very rotten, so that little pieces break away and are left behind in the acid, then the temperature was too high, or the acids too weak, and in repeating the operation the water must be di- minished by two or three drachms in the quantity of acid given above. If, on the other hand, the mass of Pyroxyline appears large, sticks well together, and sliows no tendency to tear, either the temperature has fallen several degrees, or it will be advanta- geous to work with a few drachms more of water. Whilst the Pyroxyline is washing in the tray, it is still more easy to judge of its quality ; for if the ten separate pieces, in which the Cotton was originally weighed, are seen floating about, and can be separated arid counted, the acids were certainly too strong ; whilst if there be an evident aspect of commencing so- PBEPABATION OF NEGATIVE PYEOXYLINE. 379 lution a piece of cotton here and there scarcely changed, but the others in a measure broken up, and tearing easily under the finger, the operation is probably successful ; but when the whole is so mixed up together that nothing but fragments of the ten pieces can be detected, then the acids were too weak, unless the temperature was inadvertently allowed to fall. The Pyroxyline should remain in the tray with the tap running, for twenty-four hours. After that it is to be transferred to the washing cylinder, where a strong stream of water is allowed to run through it for two or three hours. The last washing acts effectually in removing the slight trace of acid which is always left in a large bulk of Cotton even after a longer washing than twenty-four hours in the first tray. When thoroughly washed, the Pyroxy line is squeezed in the hand, and then picked out to dry upon a cloth. If it resembles the original Cotton in appearance, and feels strong and tough, the amount of water in the acids must be increased ; but when it breaks up into little bits, it is correctly made, or else is some- what too weak, in which case the fragments will mat together, so as to increase the difficulty of picking them out. As the Pyroxyline dries upon the cloth, it will be well to examine it and give directions accordingly, separating any piece which ap- pears less acted on than the rest ; this piece was probably the piece put last into the acid and left at the upper part of the liquid. Two or three days' exposure to the air will render the soluble Cotton sufficiently dry ; but it is convenient to finish it off on the hot steam bath before described, and the temperature in which must not be allowed to rise higher than 120 Fahr. When dry, proceed to weigh it in the scales, and form your estimate of its value accordingly. A long experience tends to show that, sup- posing nothing to be lost in the washing, the weight of the re- sulting Pyroxyline is a certain and safe guide in this process, and it is always possible to tell what the quality of the Collodion will be by using the scales. If 300 grains of Cotton yield 450 grains of Pyroxyline, it is certain that complaints will be made of the resulting Collodion being thick, and giving streaky pictures : four or five additional drachms of water in the above quantity of Ni- tre-Sulphuric Acid will be the remedy. When the weight of the Pyroxyline is the same as that of the original Cotton, viz. 300 380 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. grains, there will be a sediment on dissolving it in the mixed Ether and Alcohol ; nevertheless the Collodion, although lessened in quantity, will be good, very limpid and structureless, with great adhesion to the glass, less tendency to markings of all kinds, and considerable softness of Negative, with sensitiveness to dark rays. The weight which on the whole appears to be best is 375 grains, that is to say, exactly 25 per cent, of increase : this gives sufficient fluidity of Collodion, and at the same time leaves very little sediment in dissolving. The above facts are quite reliable, since they have been verified by repeated observation, extending over a long time. It must, however, be distinctly understood that the weight of the Pyroxy- line can be taken as a criterion of quality only under the condi- tions stated, the fibre of the Cotton must be cleaned by Potash and quite dry, the Nitric Acid nearly free from Chlorine, the time of immersion always the same, and, most important of all, the temperature correctly ascertained, otherwise the weight will be so variable that nothing can be deduced from it, and the Cotton will be considerably acted on, even when the acids are strong enough to produce an explosive variety of Pyroxyline. The whole process, in fact, requires care, because it is conducted with the maximum quantity of water, and at a high temperature. At least twenty per cent, of the Pyroxyline is dissolved in any case ; and the acids having once begun to act, will readily destroy the remaining portion of the fibre, if an error be permitted. Before passing on to the preparation of the Collodion, it may be mentioned that the quantity of Pyroxyline which it is conve- nient to make at one operation is four times that stated. A double quantity of acids is mixed in a jug (thirty-six ounces of Sulphuric and twelve of Nitric), and poured out into the porce- lain pots before mentioned. The first three hundred grains of Cotton are then immersed, and left digesting whilst the second similar portion of Cotton is put into vessel No. 2. When the Pyroxyline has been removed, the acids are emptied out, and a double quantity again mixed as before. At one time the plan was adopted of using the old acids again, by adding Oil of Vitriol to restore the strength, but afterwards it was discontinued as caus- ing uncertainty. b. The Plain Collodion. ^This is made by introducing half a PLAIN NEGATIVE COLLODION. 381 gallon of Alcohol of "805 into a two-gallon stoppered bottle, and adding 1900 grains of dry Pyroxyline. When the soluble Cotton has become thoroughly saturated with the Alcohol, pour in half a gallon of Ether of '725, and agitate for two or three minutes ; next add another half-gallon of Ether, and again shake the bottle for a few minutes. After this the Collodion may be allowed to settle for about a week or ten days, when it will be sufficiently clear for use : no plans for filtering have been found to answer. The quantity of Pyroxyline may be increased to 2000 grains when a Collodion of some body is required, or reduced to 1800 for a thin Collodion suitable for large plates. Something, however, in this respect depends upon the proportion of undissolved sedi- ment, which is always greater when the acids are used with the full quantity of water. Supposing the height of the column of Collodion as it stands in the bottle to be ten inches, the sediment when measured twenty-four hours after mixing is often about half an inch, but it settles down more closely at the expiration of a week or ten days. If the sediment should stand as high as two inches in the bottle, the Collodion is probably of that kind which has been described as giving a soft Negative with a tendency to white spots. The above point being of importance in a com- mercial point of view, pains were taken to collect the sediment from more than two hundred gallons of Collodion, and it was found that the loss did not exceed one pint in fifty. It appeared at first to be much greater than this, but the residue continued to settle for many months, the clear Collodion being occasionally drawn off from the upper part and mixed in with the general stock, a little at a time. The proportions of Ether and Alcohol in the above Collodion will be found to be those best adapted for general purposes. With less Alcohol the film is more contractile, and more prone to dry up after sensitizing. With a larger proportion of Alcohol, say five parts of Alcohol of '805 at 60 to three of Ether of 725 (these proportions are for the Iodized and not the plain Collo- dion), the sensitiveness is impaired ; as also is the adhesion to the glass. The Alcoholic formula is well adapted for coating large plates, and is sufficiently sensitive for copying works of art or landscapes : nevertheless it is not recommended in preference to the other for a normal Collodion, seeing that we have no means of increasing sensitiveness when it proves deficient. 382 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. On the day following the preparation of the Collodion, about half of a fluid ounce may be drawn off by a pipette from the upper clear portion, and a small piece of red and blue test-paper immersed for twelve hours. If, at the expiration of that time, the blue paper appears reddened, the Pyroxyline was imperfectly washed, and the standard alkaline solution, which will be imme- diately described, is dropped into the plain Collodion in the pro- portion of one full-sized drop to each half-gallon. The addition of Alkali will never be required, if a heavy column of water is forced through the cotton in the cylinder, after twenty-four hours' washing in the tray. To make the standard solutions which are required, dilute the Nitric Acid of T45 with an equal bulk of water for the acid, and then dilute down the strong Am- monia of commerce also with distilled water, until a fluid drachm exactly neutralizes a corresponding bulk of the standard acid. With these two liquids at hand no further trouble will be ex- perienced, since the quantity of acid left in the Pyroxyline varies very little ; and if any number of drops of Ammonia be added in excess, a corresponding number of the acid liquid will neutralize them. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED. Attention may be directed to certain minor details of manipu- lation, which are in themselves simple, but may be unknown to some who desire to carry out the instructions contained in tin's paper. Beginning with the Cotton, it will be necessary to cleanse it by boiling with Potash as described in the Vocabulary, Part I. ; and if this process of cleansing be properly performed, a second boil- ing with fresh Potash ought not to produce any yellow discolora- tion of the liquid. The washed Cotton must be dried by arti- ficial heat, and if not to be used immediately, may afterwards be put away in a drying-box, which can be economically constructed 'by making a false bottom to an ordinary trunk, piercing it with holes, and placing beneath it a shallow dish containing Oil of Yitriol : it will then be sufficient to lift the cover and throw in the balls of dried Cotton to ensure their remaining perfectly dry ; whereas on the other hand, if the Cotton be left in a damp place, it will absorb water from the atmosphere. In mixing the acids, it simplifies matters to begin by selecting PRECAUTIONS. 383 a stoppered bottle which holds the proper quantity of Oil of Vitriol when filled quite up to the neck. The Nitric Acid and the water may be measured in a narrow cylindrical hydrometer glass ; a mark being made for the former with black varnish, at a height corresponding to one-third of the bulk of the Oil of Vitriol, and a second mark lower down for the water, the quan- tity of which will vary according to the strength of the acids. Before using these measures, always invert them, and allow the drainings from the last operation, consisting of acid diluted by absorption of atmospheric moisture, to flow out. Then measure the Oil of Vitriol, and make a leaden counterpoise for it in the scales, bottle included. This is necessary when perfect accuracy is desired, since otherwise the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid will be stronger in winter than in summer, which the Writer always found to be the case to a noticeable extent ; the product of Py- roxyline obtained from three hundred grains of Cotton being fifty grains heavier in frosty weather than during the hot months of June and July. It is not absolutely necessary to weigh either the Nitric Acid or the water ; and, with regard to the Sulphuric Acid, the plan usually adopted was to measure it as a rule, but to put the bottle afterwards into the scales, if a sudden change of atmospheric temperature took place. A failure would certainly be produced if the three constituents of the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid were not properly mixed ; but there is no difficulty in effecting this by stirring with the broad spatula for half a minute in a shallow vessel. In the deep porcelain pots before spoken of, it may not be quite so easy, and hence it is ad- vantageous to adopt the plan of mixing a double quantity of acids in a jug, and pouring it afterwards into the pots. The sides of the jug, however, must not be too thick, or the temperature will sink below 150 in very cold weather, especially when the Sul- phuric Acid is a little weaker than usual, or the mixture is kept too long in the jug. Some may perhaps be inclined to keep a portion of the Nitro- Sulphuric Acid ready prepared, and to obtain the correct tem- perature by mixing cold acid with the hot. If so, bear in mind that a stoppered bottle must be used, since Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, like Oil of Vitriol, absorbs water from the atmosphere. On one occasion some experimental results were completely spoilt, by leaving the acid for a few days in a beaker covered by a glass 384 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. plate ; the upper part became so far weakened that, on putting in the Cotton, it instantly dissolved. Taking the temperature of the acids is an operation of some nicety, and especially so in cold weather. Begin by stirring briskly with the glass spatula in a circular direction ; then dip the thermometer exactly into the centre of the liquid, and hold it in that position for at least a minute, since the rise of the mer- cury, although rapid at first, is very slow towards the end. If the acid is too hot, it can be cooled two degrees by taking a cold spatula and stirring it for a few seconds ; therefore it is of con- sequence that the spatula which is used to immerse the cotton should be previously warmed by dipping it in the liquid. The acids also must be at least at 165 Fahr. when they are first placed in the porcelain vessel, otherwise its thick sides will re- duce the temperature so rapidly that, although the thermometer may indicate 1 50 Fahr. at first, it will soon fall, and the weight of the resulting Pyroxyline will be greater than that indicated for a given strength of acids. In order to obtain a uniform tem- perature during the time that the Pyroxyline remains immersed, large jars may be inverted upon the porcelain pots, so as to pre- vent them from being cooled by contact with the external air. The Cotton should be weighed out into pieces of 30 grains each, and each piece worked with the fingers into a circular form, so as to facilitate absorption of the acid. In pursuance of the same object, each piece, as it is placed in the acid, is carefully pressed with the spatula against the side of the vessel ; and in order that the last pieces may not be at the top (in which case they always come out less broken than the others), a well of acid is kept free by means of the spatula, and these last pieces are pushed down nearly to the bottom. When all have been im- mersed, the mass is squeezed against the vessel, first on one side and then on the other, after which the whole is loosened by putting the spatula down to the bottom, and raising it up until the Pyroxyline nearly fills the liquid j the vessel is then co- vered up and left for nine minutes, as before said. It is better not to finish the process of putting in the Cotton by pressing it down to the bottom in a hard mass, because a good deal of solu- tion always takes place in the acids, and this is attended with an evolution of heat, which increases the disintegrating action on the Cotton. The object, therefore, is to prevent the mass from PRECAUTIONS. 385 " heating," as far as possible, by loosening it out with the spatula and diffusing it through the liquid. Observe, however, that the Cotton must not be permitted to project above the surface into the air, or evolution of red fumes will take place. Both spatulas are employed in removing the Pyroxyline from the acids by forcing them down to the bottom on opposite sides, and then bringing them together so as to pinch the mass and lift it out entire. In squeezing the acids away, no time must be lost, or the action of the air will produce red fumes. A few se- conds will be sufficient, and especially so if great pains be taken to distribute the Pyroxyline through the water by catching it with the gloved hand. A sensation of heat is felt at first, due to the dilution of the Oil of Yitriol ; but this soon ceases, and the chance of failure from that cause is very slight. . If the material, however, were simply thrown into a small quantity of water and allowed to remain, the rise of temperature might be sufficient to cause solution. It was conjectured at first that the waste Nitre-Sulphuric Acid which if thrown down the sink would be likely to act upon the leaden pipes might be useful for some other process. This ex- pectation, however, proved fallacious, since the Pyroxyline which it contains in solution appears to interfere with its application to any such purpose as dissolving metals, etc. At first it was thought sufficient to place the Pyroxyline in the gutta-percha washing-dish immediately on taking it from the acids ; but finding that the heat and acid together gradually decomposed the gutta-percha and made it sticky, the plan was afterwards adopted of throwing the soluble Cotton first into a leaden sink, and when the greater part of the acid had been re- moved by a few hours' washing, lifting it out into the gutta- percha dish. The gutta-percha washing-tray will require cleansing after a week or so ; a deposit adheres to the bottom, which seems to consist of matted fibres of partially dissolved Pyroxyline. This material having been some time in the water, would be likely to decompose and liberate Oxides of Nitrogen in the Collodion. It is better therefore not to disturb it at first ; and when sufficient has collected, it may be scraped out, and the tray washed with water. It is advisable not to complete the washing of the Pyroxyline with boiling water, nor to use any carbonated or caustic alkali to 2c 386 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. remove the last traces of acid. All alkalies tend to decompose Pyroxyline, and remove a portion of the Peroxide of Nitrogen in the form of Nitrite ; and although dilute Ammonia is commonly employed to neutralize the acid, it will be found that some varie- ties of Pyroxyline assume a yellow colour, and become more un- stable in Collodion after this treatment. The Pyroxyline may be prepared in small quantities at a time, as required for use ; but if it be necessary to keep it in stock, it should be dried either over Oil of Vitriol, or at a temperature below 120 Fahr. : at 140 Fahr. it begins slowly to decompose and lose weight. Probably something depends upon the parti- cular variety of Pyroxyline; but with some kinds red fumes will be given off, on placing the material in a covered tin vessel surrounded by boiling water. Pyroxyline for keeping ought also to be put away in a dry place, and excluded from light, since this substance is known to be liable to spontaneous change, and unfortunately the exact conditions of permanency have not been ascertained. Having completed the preparation of the Pyroxyline, this list of " Precautions " is nearly at an end : a few words on the sub- ject of plain Collodion will close it. For holding the Collodion, narrow-mouthed stoppered bottles may be used, containing two gallons each. There is a decided advantage in placing the Alcohol in the bottle before the Ether, not only in facilitating the solution of the Py- roxyline, but also in enabling the operator, by shaking the bottle, to remove a flocculent deposit, which otherwise is apt to adhere, and to be drawn over with the Collodion ; the mass of Pyroxy- line wetted by the spirit acts effectually as a mop, and cleanses the sides. In drawing off the Collodion, place the bottle in such a position jhat the end of the siphon comes between the eye and a strong light ; any flocculi which appear likely to be drawn into the end of the siphon will then be seen, and may be avoided. When it is not intended to refill the bottle immediately, pour out the sedi- ment and introduce half a gallon of absolute Alcohol, which will absorb the remaining Ether vapour, and prevent it from being oxidized into Acetic Acid, and afterwards forming Acetic Ether. On one occasion a two-gallon bottle having been used for Col- lodion and left empty, was put away in a dark place for about PEECAUTIONS, 387 three months. It was then washed out with ahout a pint of plain Collodion and refilled. The result, however, was unsatisfactory ; for on adding the iodizer to the newly-made batch, it at once became yeUow, which was probably due to portions of Collodion left at the bottom of the bottle having decomposed and ozonized the Ether. Mere washing with plain Collodion was not suffi- cient in this case, and a thorough cleansing with shot and water should have been resorted to. No attempt must be made to utilize the sediment of the plain Collodion by re-distilling the Ether from it. This has been tried, but with indifferent success ; for although the Ether so recovered appeared tolerably good at first, it soon acquired the property of liberating Iodine from Iodide of Potassium, and the Collodion then became unfit for any purpose except for copying objects of still life, where extreme sensitiveness is not required. Whilst the Collodion is settling down, the bottle should be covered over, to exclude the light. The room which the Author used was a vault lighted by gas, and whilst plain Collodion re- mained in that room, it continued good ; but if any portions were taken up into the glass-house and left exposed, they gradually de- teriorated, colouring at once on adding the Potassium iodizer, and losing sensitiveness. In manufacturing Collodion in large quantities, mistakes will be prevented if separate measures, scales, funnels, etc., are kept for each purpose ; and in cases where two operations are being carried on at the same time such as picking out wet Pyroxy- line, and filtering iodizing solution a basin of water may be placed near at hand, into which the fingers may be dipped in pass- ing from one process to the other. The mention of matters so trivial may appear unnecessary ; but the importance of being very methodical in all matters relating to Photography is some- times overlooked. Minor precautions to prevent accidents. Several cases of ac- cident in making Collodion having come to the Writer's know- ledge, he feels it a duty to give plain instructions to those who are not practical chemists. Beginning with the preparation of the Pyroxyline, it may be observed that the vessel containing the acids must be placed either in the open air, or beneath a flue, to carry off the fumes ; and as Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, especially when heated, is a most 388 PEACTICE or PHOTOGRAPHY. corrosive substance, the hands of the operator should be protected by the gloves of vulcanized india-rubber before described ; other- wise, after repeating the process a few times, the skin and nails will become rough and yellow from the action of the fumes. Of the two acids the Nitric Acid is the most destructive, and it sometimes happens that a minute drop spirts into the face. To avoid this, be careful when pouring acids from a full bottle to hold the neck very near to the recipient vessel, and to allow the acid to flow gently against the sides without any gurgling ; and .when removing the stopper, throw an old cloth over the bottle, to prevent a sudden rush of vapour from projecting the acid. Have at hand a small quantity of tow to wipe up any acid which may run over the sides, and if the fingers are touched, wash them immediately in water before they become yellow. A drop of either acid may fall upon the clothes ; if Sulphuric, & red spot is at once produced on black cloth or leather, but it disappears on treating with strong Ammonia and subsequent washing ; Nitric Acid or Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, however, will almost certainly make the cloth rotten and yellow, unless the Ammonia be applied instantly. In mixing the acids, avoid by all means the use of any kind of vessel which is likely to crack under a sudden rise of tempera- ture, and 'in particular of a stoppered vessel, on account of the disengagement of vapour which takes place. In one instance where this precaution was neglected, a stoppered Winchester quart, containing thirty ounces, was instantly blown to pieces. In disposing of the waste acids, it is necessary to dilute very freely with water before throwing them down the sink, or the leaden pipes will soon be destroyed. If they are stowed away for a time in bottles, see that the bottles have not previously been used for Ether or Alcohol, since warm Nitro-Sulphuric Acid inadvertently poured into a bottle with a little Ether at the bottom, produces a violent effervescence of red fumes. For this reason also, the same glass measure ought not to be employed both for Collodion and acids, unless carefully cleansed ; for or- ganic matters of a kind so easily susceptible of oxidation, will invariably produce decomposition and spirting with hot Nitric Acid. Fears are sometimes entertained of the Pyroxyline itself ex- ploding during the process of manufacture ; but these are ground- PRECAUTIONS. 389 less. It may, indeed, decompose rather suddenly and evolve red fumes, as before shown, but in that case the action would be stopped by throwing it into a pan of water. The use of artificial heat in drying Pyroxyline, however, has been the cause of very severe explosions, when from evaporation of the water in the boiler, or from other causes, the heat has been allowed to rise. Accidents result sometimes from carelessly handling Ether, and especially from attempting to conduct the distillation of Ether without the proper apparatus. Those who have seen an Ether distillery, know that extraordinary precautions are always taken to prevent the vapour ..from flowing along the ground and reaching the source of heat ; and when we consider the very low temperature at which Ether boils, and the chance of the retort bursting from sudden evolutions of vapour, it is, evident that the process ought not to be attempted, excepting by a practised chemist. When Ether is kept in bottles only partially full, the stopper will. sometimes blow out suddenly in hot weather, and may fall upon another bottle near at hand. Avoid this, by purposely fixing each stopper with a twist, or passing over it a slip of vulcanized rubber. In shaking a bottle containing Collodion, examine it first for cracks, and if it is only partially full, fix the stopper with the finger, and also loosen it between each shake, so as to permit of the escape of the pent-up vapour. Collodion ought not to be prepared in large vessels like car- boys, which are often made of badly annealed glass. A carboy of Collodion, containing about three gallons, has been known to burst suddenly, when the temperature of the atmosphere has risen to the summer heat. In entering a dark room or a cellar containing much Collodion, if a candle be absolutely required, hold it high above the head, inasmuch as the vapour of Ether is very dense, and soon falls to the ground. Amateurs sometimes meet with mishaps in coating glasses with Collodion, from forgetting this fact, and placing a naked candle below the level of the plate. If a beaker or any other vessel containing Ether or Alcohol should catch fire, do not attempt to extinguish it with water, but throw a thick cloth over the mouth of the vessel, so as to cut off the supply of air. 390 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. PREPARATION OF POSITIVE COLLODION. The plain Collodion described in the preceding pages may be used for Positive as well as Negative pictures, if the iodizer be made with mixed Iodide and Bromide ; but it has been deemed advisable to give a formula for a Pyroxyline producing a less vigorous image than that prepared in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid containing an excess of the diluted Sulphuric Acid. Take of Oil of Vitriol T845 at 60 Fahr. . . 12 fluid ounces. Nitric Acid T45 at 60 Fahr. ... 12 Water 3* Mix these ingredients, and allow the temperature to fall to 140 Fahr. The Cotton may be the same as before, and the Writer adopts the plan of cleansing it with Potash precisely as described in the Vocabulary; also, of drying it artificially before immersion. Supposing these precautions to be neglected, it is more than pro- bable that it will be necessary to reduce the quantity of Water in the formula from 3^ down to 3 ounces, as the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid is undoubtedly very weak, and would not bear any further dilution. The Cotton when immersed in the above mixture behaves dif- ferently from that dipped in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid containing the excess of diluted Sulphuric Acid, and the appearances de- scribed at page 378 as indicating the strength of the acid cannot in this case be relied on. When the acid of the formula now given is too weak, the Cotton sinks down almost to the bottom, occupying but little space, and matting together until it forms a mass like "felt ;" it also becomes very opaque, and gelatinizes in the acid. On lifting it out into the water it sticks together so that the fibres cannot be separated from each other, and the ac- tion of the water in washing out the acid is interfered with. Supposing the acids, on the other hand, to be too concentrated, the Cotton is little altered in appearance, and is very strong and tough, so that it may be well handled without tearing. These appearances are described from experiments in which the Cotton had been both boiled with Potash and dried ; they may not accord exactly with the experience of those who use ordinary Cotton, the effect of which would be to favour disintegration and solution in the Nitro-Sulphuric Acid. The plain Collodion. This may be made with the best Methy- POSITIVE IODIZED COLLODION. 391 lated Ether, or by preference with the pure Ether of '728. The Alcohol should be that of '805 at 60 Fahr., sold as absolute : if absolute Alcohol cannot be obtained, a spirit of '815 rectified from Carbonate of Potash, or even of '825, may be substituted : in the latter case the relative quantity of Ether must be increased from 4^ to 5 ounces, and that of the spirit diminished from 1^ to 1 ounce. Take of Ether of '725 . 4 fluid ounces. Alcohol of -805 1 fluid ounce. Pyroxyline 48 grains. Shake up the Pyroxyline first with the Alcohol, and afterwards add the Ether : a little more agitation may be required than in the case of the Negative Collodion, as this Pyroxyline is more apt to form gummy masses at the bottom of the bottle. The Collo- dion ought to be clearer and more translucent than the Negative Collodion, and to settle in less than one-half of the time ; if a thick deposit forms, the acids contained too much water, and the Collodion will probably yield a cloudy film on drying. The iodizing compound for the Collodion will be found in the formulae for Positives in the next Section. SECTION II. Formula for Collodion Positives. The solutions are taken in the following order: The Collodion. The Nitrate Bath. Developing Fluids. Fix- ing Liquid. Varnishes. THE IODIZED COLLODION. The plain Collodion having been made according to the directions given in tlie last Section, it remains only to pre- pare the iodizing solution. For this purpose take of Iodide of Ammonium .... 1^ drachm. Iodide of Cadmium H drachm. Bromide of Ammonium ... 40 grains. Alcohol -805 to '816 10 fluid ounces. Eead the Vocabulary for the mode of testing the purity of these compounds. The Iodide of Ammonium especially, is liable to vary in quality. 392 .PRACTICE or PHOTOGRAPHY. Seduce the salts to powder, and shake them in a bottle with the Alcohol : no heat will be required. This iodizer becomes yellow on keeping, from liberation of Iodine, but not to an extent calculated to do injury. It must not be exposed to the light, and should be kept in a cool place. The plain Collodion ought to be kept in the dark, or the Ether will rapidly.be ozonizerd by the Pyroxyline (p. 224). A cool cellar or cupboard will answer" the purpose. The proportions for mixing are three 'parts of Collodion to one of iodizer ; that is to say, six fluid drachms of the former, to two fluid drachms of the latter. The film produced by the Collodion, on dipping in the Bath, ought to be tolerably dense and creamy, and if it be opaline or pale-blue, the plain Collodion is too thin. In that case add more Pyroxyline, which in most cases will be sufficient to increase the opacity to the desired extent. Bear in mind however that the presence of Bromide always tends to make the film appear rather less opaque, and there- fore it will be better to try a picture before condemning the Collodion. The newly iodized Collodion is exquisitely sensitive, but sometimes fails in giving a vigorous picture with clear shadows. In that case dissolve five grains of Iodine in an ounce of Spirits of Wine, and add a few drops until the fluid assumes a golden-yellow colour. The Collodion may be expected to produce good Posi- tives for six weeks or two months after iodizing, in cool weather. The exposure is longer than at first, but the pictures are more free from blemish. Positive Collodion, containing Bromide, always suffers less from keeping than Negative Collodion ;. and hence it may safely be put away in stock, ready iodized A mixture of the best. Ether with absolute Alcohol, 5 drachms of the former. to. 3 drachms of the latter, is proper for diluting this Collodion, as it becomes thick at the bottom of the bottle. In order to convert old brown, residues of Iodized Nega- POSITIVE NITEATE BATH. 393 tive Collodion into Collodion for Positives, proceed as fol- lows : Weigh out a grain of Bromide of Ammonium for each ounce of Collodion, rub it up in a mortar with the small- est possible quantity of spirit until dissolved, and add it. A turbidity and precipitation of Bromide of Potassium will take place (unless the Collodion contain an unusually large quantity of water), but in twenty-four hours the liquid will clear itself, and may be poured off for use. An addi- tional quantity of Iodide will also be required, if the old brown Collodion gives a blue film, as is frequently the case : one grain of Iodide of Cadmium may be added to each ounce. THE NITEATE BATH. Ee- crystallized Nitrate of Silver . . 30 grains. Nitric Acid minim. Alcohol . 15 minims. Distilled Water 1 fluid ounce. In the Vocabulary, Part I., directions are given for the purification of Nitrate of Silver for the Bath ; also for the testing of distilled water, and the best substitutes when it cannot be obtained. The Bath must be saturated with Iodide of Silver, and Nitric Acid neutralized if it be present. Weigh out the total quantity of crystals of Nitrate required for the Bath, and dissolve in about twice their weight of water. Then take a quarter of a grain of Iodide of Potassium to each 100 grains of Nitrate, dissolve in half a drachm of water, and add to the strong solution ; a yellow deposit of Iodide of Silver first forms, but on stirring is com- pletely redissolved. When the liquid is clear, test for free Nitric Acid by dropping a piece of blue litmus-paper into the strong solution. If at the expiration of two minutes the paper appears reddened, Nitric Acid is present, to neu- tralize which, add a few drops of solution of Carbonate of Soda (ten grains to the ounce of water), until a distinct white turbidity, remaining after agitation, is produced. Then dilute down the concentrated solution with the re- 394 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. maining portion of the water, stirring all the time, and filter out the milky deposit. If the liquid does not at first run clear, it will probably do so on passing it again through the same filter. Lastly, add the Nitric Acid to the clear filtered liquid, and also the Alcohol. It may appear unnecessary to commence by neutrali- zing Nitric Acid in a Bath, when the formula directs that the same acid should afterwards be added ; but inasmuch as the amount of free acid in commercial Nitrate of Silver varies considerably, a normal solution could not otherwise be obtained. Some employ Ammonia, for neutralizing the Nitric Acid, but Nitrate of Ammonia is then formed in the Bath ; and this substance being a solvent of Oxide of Silver, the latter remains in solution instead of being pre- cipitated as with Carbonate of Soda, and thus the Bath might unconsciously be rendered highly alkaline. Bear in mind that all the common metals decompose Nitrate of Silver, and consequently, that the Bath must be kept in glass or porcelain, out of contact with iron, brass, etc. The object of the Alcohol in the formula is to enable the Bath to penetrate the film more readily, and thus to hasten the process of sensitizing. As the bulk of the Bath becomes lessened by use, fill up with a solution containing 35 grains of plain Nitrate of Silver to the ounce, without any Iodide or Alcohol ; this will be found sufficient to maintain the strength nearly at the original point. When the Bath becomes very old and saturated with Ether, it may yield Positives which are streaked and slightly foggy ; if so, it will be advisable to precipitate it with a Chloride and prepare a new one. THE DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS. Two formulae are recommended : the first being the most simple in its preparation, and easy to manipulate with ; the second producing a more metallic picture nearly re- sembling a Daguerreotype. POSITIVE DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS. 395 FOEMULA No. 1. Pure Sulphate of Iron ... 12 grains. Glacial Acetic Acid . . , . | fluid draclim. Water 1 ounce. Consult the Vocabulary for purity of chemicals, and best substitutes for distilled water. No filtering needed, as a rule. An addition of Nitric Acid, half a minim to the ounce, makes the image whiter and more metallic ; but if too much be used, the development proceeds irregularly, and span- gles of Silver are formed. The Acetic Acid renders the development uniform, by causing the solution of Protosulphate to combine more readily with the film ; it has also an effect in whitening the image and increasing its brightness. This solution of Sulphate of Iron becomes red on keep- ing, from a gradual formation of per salt. When it is too weak, add more of the Protosulphate, but the experience of the Write? is in favour of working with the newly-mixed liquid, since Acetate of Iron and Acetic Ether appear to formed by decomposition. Some operators add pure Nitrate of Potash to this deve- loping solution, to form a small portion of Protonitrate of Iron. It is said to improve the colour slightly. The pro- portions are 10 grains of Nitrate of Potash to about 14 or 15 grains of Protosulphate of Iron. FOEMULA No. a. This is a mixture of Sulphate and Nitrate of Iron, em- ployed with much success by Mr. Keith, of Liverpool, and other operators. Take of Sulphate of Iron 1| ounce. Nitrate of Baryta ...... 1 ounce. Alcohol 1 ounce. Pure Nitric Acid . . . . . .40 minims. Water 16 ounces. Reduce the Nitrate of Baryta to fine powder, in a mortar, and dissolve it in the water by the aid of heat. This may be 396 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. done in a porcelain capsule standing on a tripod, with a spirit-lamp below, or the water may be boiled in a kettle and poured upon the pulverized salt with constant stirring. Next, reduce the Sulphate of Iron also to powder, and when the whole of the Nitrate of Baryta has dissolved, stir the Sulphate into the warm liquid, and continue to stir for three minutes, to ensure a perfect decomposition. A dense white deposit of Sulphate of Baryta forms, rendering the whole milky, but on leaving the capsule for ten minutes, the heavy powder settles to the bottom, leaving a clear liquid of an apple-green colour, with occasionally a little reddening at the edges, from oxidation and conversion into Pernitrate of Iron. Throw the whole' on a paper filter, and if the liquid at first runs muddy, pass it through the same filter a second time. Drain away as much as pos- sible, and when it has become quite cold, drop in first the Nitric Acid, and then the Alcohol. The above operation is very simple, but the Amateur must be guarded against two or three causes of failure. The Nitric Acid will sometimes oxidize the Iron, and make it red, and it may also act upon the Alcohol. Do not therefore mix the Nitric Acid with the Alcohol, but add them separately, and drop the required quantity of Nitric Acid first into a few drachms of water, to dilute it down and prevent any chance of oxidation. Lastly, fill up with distilled water to the proper bulk. The solution so formed will contain in each ounce about 30 grains of Nitrate of Iron, and 10 grains of Sulphate of Iron ; but the Nitrate is so feeble a developer, that 5 or 10 grains additional of the Sulphate may be needed to prevent the formation of spangles on the shadows, when the weather is cold or the Bath very acid. This developer will keep for two months in cold weather, and probably longer, if the- bottles are filled to the neck ; hence a stock can be prepared beforehand. It becomes weakened by a partial decomposition, but produces suffi- ciently white pictures, if a little Sulphate be added. Acetic Acid is purposely omitted from this formula. POSITIVE VABNISHES. 397 THE FIXING SOLUTION. Cyanide of Potassium . 1 ... 10 grains. Common Water 1 ounce. The percentage of Carbonate of Potash in commercial Cyanide of Potassium is so variable that no exact directions can be given for the formula. It is best, however, to use it rather dilute of such a strength that the plate is cleared gradually in from half a minute to a minute. Solution of Cyanide of Potassium decomposes slowly on keeping, but it will usually retain its solvent power for several weeks. In order to escape inconvenience from the pungent odour evolved by this salt, many employ a ver- tical Bath to hold the solution ;< but in that case the plates must be carefully washed before fixing, as the Iron salts decompose the Cyanide and produce a blue deposit. VAENISHES. Two kinds of varnish .are usually employed for glass Positives ; the clear varnish for protecting the film, and the black varnish for backing up. The objection to the use of black japan is its liability to crack, in consequence of which the film splits away from the glass after keeping the picture a few months. To pre- vent this cracking and to impart elasticity, it is advised to add a portion of Caoutchouc to the solvent. Take of Caoutchouc \ drachm. Asphaltum . . 4 ounces. Coal Naphtha 10 ounces. Dissolve the Caoutchouc first, and the Asphaltum sub- sequently ; apply heat if necessary. For the clear Varnish, take Soft Copal 40 grains. Benzole 1 fluid ounce. The solution filters easily through paper, and forms a colourless Varnish, which is brilliant, and dries without heat. . The Writer cannot speak from experience of the merits 398 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of the above receipts. The composition of the best com- mercial Varnishes is secret. SECTION III. Formulae, for Negative Solutions. THE IODIZED COLLODION. The plain Collodion having been made according to di- rections given in the First Section (p. 381), it remains only to prepare the iodizer. FOKMULA No. 1. (Potassium lodizer.) Iodide of Potassium 135 grains. Alcohol of -816 10 ounces. Pulverize, dissolve, and filter. FORMULA No. 2. (Cadmium lodizer.) Iodide of Cadmium 170 grains. Alcohol of '816 10 ounces. Dissolve in the cold and filter ; no pulverizing required. Consult the Vocabulary on the purity of the Iodides, and the varying strength of commercial Alcohol. The proportion in which these iodizing solutions are to be added to the plain Collodion is the same for all, viz. two fluid drachms of iodizer to six fluid drachms of plain Collodion. Remarks on Formula 1. This iodizer is the one which the majority prefer : many however mix it with Formula No. 2, half-and-half. Reduce the Iodide of Potassium to an impalpable powder, and shake in a bottle. Perfect solu- tion will scarcely be obtained unless the Alcohol be pre- viously warmed to about 140 Fahrenheit, or the bottle dipped in hot water. The latter plan is simple, but there is a chance of cracking the glass. The quantity of Iodide of Potassium given is the maxi- mum which the Collodion will carry without producing marks like watered silk at the lower edge of the film. The film produced in the Bath ought to be tolerably NEGATIVE IODIZED COLLODION AND BATH. 399 dense, and if it comes out very pale and blue, the plain Collodion may be too thin, and if so, must be thickened by addition of Pyroxyline. Supposing the plain Collodion to be sufficiently thick, and the film too opaline, add to each ounce a single grain of Iodide of Cadmium. This iodizer usually remains colourless if kept in a dark place, but on exposure to light a trace of Iodine is liberated, tinging it yellow. Re-absorption of the Iodine will occa- sionally take place on again removing the iodizer from the light. The plain Collodion must also be kept in the dark, or the Ether will be rapidly ozonized by the Pyroxyline. A cool cellar or cupboard will answer the purpose. On adding the iodizer to the plain Collodion, no imme- diate change of colour ought to result, except in very hot weather, or in the case of plain Collodion which has been long kept. By the following day, a straw-yellow tint may be expected ; in a fortnight, a full yellow ; and in a month, a brown tint. These changes, however, will vary with the purity of the Ether, and with the temperature. Formula No. 2. This is a very stable iodizer, and the best adapted for Collodion, which has to be kept long in the Iodized state. It has some tendency to render the Col- lodion glutinous, thus impairing its flowing qualities, and also to favour solarization. It is however very sensitive, and retains its good qualities for a very long time unin- jured. In coating large plates, it is advisable to mix it in equal proportions with the Potassium Iodizer to render the Collodion more fluid, and also to diminish its setting power. THE NITRATE BATH. This solution is the same as that given for Positives at page 393, Acetic Acid however being used in acidifying instead of Nitric Acid. Take of Hecrystallized Nitrate of Silver . 30 grains. Glacial Acetic Acid minim. Alcohol . 15 minims. Distilled Water 1 fluid ounce. 400 FBACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. In the Vocabulary, Part I., directions are given for the purification of Nitrate of Silver ; also for the testing of distilled water, and the best substitutes when it cannot be obtained. The Bath must be saturated with Iodide of Silver, and Nitric Acid neutralized if it be present. Weigh out the total quantity of crystals of Nitrate required for the Bath, and dissolve in about twice their weight of water. Then take a quarter of a grain of Iodide of Potassium to each 100 grains of Nitrate, dissolve in half a drachm of water, and add to the strong solution ; a yellow deposit of Iodide of Silver first forms, but on stirring is completely redis- solved. When the liquid is clear, test for free Nitric Acid by dropping a piece of blue litmus-paper into the strong solution. If at the expiration of two minutes the paper appears reddened, Nitric Acid is present, to neutralize which add a few drops of solution of Carbonate of Soda ,(10 grains, more or less, to the ounce of water) until a distinct turbidity, remaining after agitation, is produced. Then dilute down the concentrated solution with the re- maining portion of the water, stirring all the time, and filter out the milky deposit. If the liquid does not at first run clear, it will probably do so on passing it again through the same filter. Lastly, add the Acetic Acid and the Alcohol to the clear filtered liquid. The object of the Alcohol is to accelerate the process of sensitizing, by making the film take the Bath more quickly. Some employ Ammonia for neutralizing the Nitric Acid contained in the crystals, but by so doing Nitrate of Am- monia is formed, which is capable of dissolving Oxide of Silver, and any excess of Ammonia would consequent^ render the Bath highly alkaline. Bear in mind that all the common metals decompose Nitrate of Silver,, and consequently that the Bath must be kept in glass or porcelain, out of contact with iron, brass, etc. .... The Writer finds that the Bath does not become weak- DEVELOPERS FOE IODIZED COLLODION. 401 ened by use to the extent that would be anticipated. Very rarely does the cover of the trough fit tight enough to prevent all evaporation, and consequently it is sufficient in most cases to fill up as it becomes exhausted, with a fresh portion of the same, or with a thirty-five grain solution of Nitrate of Silver. To be continually adding crystals of Nitrate is an error, and is likely to favour staining and excessive density of image. Negative Baths are generally laid aside from having acquired the property of giving streaky films. This re- sults from the accumulation of Ether and other organic matters as the Bath becomes very old, and it is then better to begin afresh and prepare a new one. THE DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS. FORMULA No. 1. Pyrogallic Acid 1 grain. Glacial Acetic Acid 20 minims. Distilled Water 1 ounce. FORMULA No. 2. Pyrogallic Acid 1| grain. Citric Acid 1 grain. Alcohol 20 minims. Water 1 ounce. FORMULA No. 3. Sulphate of Iron 12 grains. Glacial Acetic Acid 30 minims. Distilled Water 1 ounce. Remarks on Formula 1. This is the form commonly employed, and will seldom require any modification; in cold and damp weather, however, if the Negative should develope slowly and be wanting in bloom and depth, reduce the Acetic Acid to ten minims and increase the Pyrogallic Acid to 1^ grain. No filtering of this solution will be re- quired, as a rule. Sometimes an addition of twenty minims of Alcohol to the ounce of developer will be an improvement, when, from 402 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. age of the Bath, and accumulation of Ether, the solution flows over the film in an oily manner. It is better, how- ever, to dispense with the Alcohol if possible. If the solution of Pyrogallic Acid be kept for a few days, it becomes yellow. In this state it will still develope the picture, but is apt to produce a feeble Negative, and to discolour rapidly on touching the film. Remarks on Formula 2. Useful in very hot weather for objects well lighted, or in the case of Collodion which solarizes the sky and gives a red picture. The Pyrogallic Acid and Citric Acid may be weighed out and carried in packets ready mixed for a journey, but the solution loses a great part of its reducing power after keeping for a few days. No filtering needed as a rule. Formula No. 3 may be used with advantage when, through peculiar conditions of the Bath or Collodion, the Pyrogallic Acid developer gives . Negatives with violent contrasts and too much density. Useful also when work- ing in a feeble light. BEOMO-IODIZED COLLODION. The plain Collodion having been prepared as previously directed at p. 381, take of Iodide of Ammonium 80 grains. Iodide of Cadmium 80 grains. Bromide of Cadmium or Ammonium 40 grains. Alcohol of '816 10 fluid ounces. Dissolve without heat ; filter. Bromide of Cadmium may be employed when the Collo- dion has to be kept long in the iodized state ; it tends much to stability. The Bromide of Ammonium is better, when the Collodion is to be used soon after iodizing. The proportion of the iodizer to add is the same as before, viz. two fluid drachms to six of the plain Collodion. THE NITRATE BATH. Hecrystallized Nitrate of Silver . . 30 grains. Distilled Water .... 1 fluid ounce. BATH FOR BEOMO- IODIZED COLLODION. 403 Dissolve and saturate with Iodide of Silver as directed at p. 393. Most specimens of commercial recrystallized Nitrate of Silver contain a trace of free Nitric Acid, which may not be sufficient to affect Litmus-paper. A slight ex- cess is, however, necessary to the clean working of this Bath with a Bromo-iodized Collodion. It is better, there- fore, to filter out the undissolved Iodide of Silver and ex- cite a collodionized plate at once, before subjecting the Bath to any doctoring operations, which are generally unneces- sary and very often hurtful. Should the plate on develop- ment turn out fogged or veiled by a deposit of Silver on the deep shadows, the Bath contains either free Oxide of Silver, too much acid, or organic matter, the appearance in each case being somewhat similar. The remedies are as under : First, Alkalinity. If a piece of Litmus-paper previ- ously reddened by a very weak acid, slowly resumes its blue colour, the Bath is too alkaline. To correct it, dilute Nitric Acid with ten times its bulk of distilled water, and add one drop to every ten ounces of Bath solution ; mix well and allow to stand for some minutes, then try another plate. Probably, another drop or two may be needed, if fused, instead of recrystallized, Nitrate of Silver has been used. When the point of best working of a Bath has been nearly attained, that is to say, the point which combines the greatest sensitiveness with density and clearness of negative, Litmus-paper ceases to give satisfactory indica- tions. The safest plan is to try a plate between each addi- tion of acid, and to add the latter gradually. Second. The best remedy for over-acidity is moist Oxide of Silver. It may be made by adding a solution of Caustic Potash drop by drop to a solution of Nitrate of Silver till the Oxide ceases to fall. Throw the precipitate on a filter, and wash three or four times in distilled water. A few grains of this an excess not being injurious will give the Bath a feebly alkaline reaction. Filter and acidify as above. Third, Organic Matter. When a piece of blue Litmus- 404 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. paper shaken up with the Bath, begins at the end of five or six minutes to redden slightly, and at the same time the resulting pictures are fogged, the fault is probably due to organic matter. A remedy proposed by Mr. Barber, and generally efficacious, is to render the Bath slightly alkaline by the addition of a few drops of Ammo- nia, sufficient to restore the blue colour to reddened Lit- mus, and then to expose it for some time to sunshine in a transparent vessel. The action of light precipitates the organic Silver compound, which may then be filtered out and the Bath acidified as before. Sometimes five or six days will be needed for complete precipitation. DEVELOPING SOLUTION FOE BKOMO-IODIZED COLLODION. Protosulphate of Iron 20 grains. Glacial Acetic Acid 30 minims. Distilled Water 1 ounce. REDEVELOPING SOLUTIONS. A. Pyrogallic Acid 1 grain. Citric Acid 1 grain. Distilled Water 1 ounce. B. Nitrate of Silver 30 grains. Glacial Acetic Acid 2 drachms. Distilled Water 1 ounce. FIXING SOLUTIONS. No. 1. Take of Hyposulphite of Soda . . 4 ounces. Common Water .... 4 ounces. Dissolve the crystals in the water with or without the aid of heat. No pulverizing or filtering will be required. Use the liquid over and over again until it becomes ex- hausted, when it may be thrown away. Traces of the FIXING SOLUTIONS. 405 Pyrogallic Acid from the Negatives soon discolour the fix- ing solution, but this is immaterial. If a jug be employed to hold this liquid, it must be made of good ware, or the Hyposulphite will pass through and form an efflorescence on the exterior. As a rule, no vessel in which solution of Hyposulphite has been long kept ought to be employed for any other purpose. No. 2. Cyanide of Potassium 15 grains. Common Water 1 ounce. Formula No. 1 is applicable to any Collodion developed either with Pyrogallic Acid or Iron. Formula No. 2 can- not be employed with safety in fixing an iodized film deve- loped with Pyrogallic Acid only, because of its great ten- dency to weaken the half-tones, but it may be used for a Bromo-iodized plate developed with Iron ; it need not be thrown away till it ceases to dissolve the Iodide readily. VAENISH. It is of the greatest importance to use a Varnish which will not crack, and one of considerable body, so as to pro- tect the Negative in the printing process. The Writer selects the following as the best Varnish of which the for- mula has been given to the public : Alcohol of '815 40 ounces. White Stick Lac 3 ounces. Picked Sandrac 3 drachms. Place in a flask, and raise the temperature by plunging the flask into hot water, and in a few minutes the solution will be effected, with the exception of a few light filaments of insoluble lac. Filter through bibulous paper, and the light-yellowish liquid will be fit for use. Warm the Negative gently (to 140 or 160) before a fire, and pour the Varnish on and off, like Collodion. If the glass be made too hot, it will be difficult to apply the Var- nish, and it will also dry very rapidly, producing veins. 406 PBACTICE OT 1 PHOTOGRAPHY. Never attempt to give a second coating, as the Negative would then inevitably be spoiled. These particulars are given on the authority of M onck- hoven. Some of the varieties of Pyroxyline used for Collodion are soluble in Alcohol, and consequently the above Var- nish may be found occasionally to attack the film, in such a case the clear Varnish recommended for Negatives (p. 397) may be substituted for it. 407 CHAPTER II. MANIPULATIONS AND PROCESSES. THE contents of this Chapter may be arranged in seven distinct Sections. SECTION I. Ordinary Manipulations of the Collodion Process. SECTION II. Positive and Negative Portraiture. SECTION III. Landscape Photography. SECTION IV. Copying Works of Art, etc. SECTION Y. Stereoscopic and Instantaneous Pictures. SECTION VI. Micro-Photography. SECTION VII. Photography in hot climates. SECTION I. Manipulations of the Collodion Process. These include the cleaning of the plates, coating them with Collodion, exposing in the camera, developing, fixing, and varnishing. CLEANING- THE GLASS PLATES. Care should be taken in selecting glass for Photography. The ordinary window-glass is inferior, having scratches upon the surface, which often cause an irregular action of the developing fluid ; and the squares are seldom flat, so that they are apt to be broken in compression during the printing process. 408 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The patent plate answers better than any other descrip- tion of glass, especially for large sizes ; but if it cannot be procured, the " flatted crown glass " may be substituted. Before washing the glasses, each square should be rough- ened on the edges and at the corners by means of a file or a sheet of emery-paper, or more simply by drawing the edges of two plates across each other. If this precaution is omitted, the fingers are liable to injury, and particles of flue are cut from the cloths used in wiping. When the Collodion is at all of a contractile nature, the surface of large plates should be roughened to the depth of \ inch from the edge, to prevent the film from drawing itself away, and allowing the fixing solution to pass beneath. Place the glass upon a cloth at the end of a table, and rub it sharply with a piece of soft stone, sold for whetting scythes. A groove will soon be formed in the stone, and both the edge and the surface of the glass will be roughened at the same time, the latter to the extent of \ inch all round. In cleaning glasses, it is not sufficient, as a rule, to wash them simply with water. This may be proved by putting the glass under a tap, and observing how the fluid runs off from the surface without wetting it, showing the presence of grease or other organic impurity. A cream of Tripoli powder and Spirits of Wine, with a little Ammonia added, is commonly employed. A tuft of cotton is to be dipped in this mixture, and the glasses well rubbed with it for a few minutes. They are then rinsed in plain water and wiped with a dry cloth. Do not rear them up on end to dry spontaneously, because the evaporation would leave a film upon the surface, and dust might rise by capillary attrac- tion from the table on which they were standing. The cloths used for cleaning glasses should be kept ex- pressly for that purpose ; they are best made of a mate- rial sold as fine " diaper," and very free from flocculi and loosely- adhering fibres. They are not to be washed in soap and water, but always in pure water, or in water con- taining a little Carbonate of Soda. Never lay these cloths CLEANING GLASS PLATES. 409 upon the operating-table, but place them, when not in use, across the back of a chair, or in a bag kept for the pur- pose. If the hands are warm, wear a pair of gloves, that the cloths may be kept clean. After wiping the glass carefully, complete the process by polishing with an old silk handkerchief, avoiding con- tact with the skin of the hand. Some object to silk, as tending to render the glass electrical, and so to attract particles of dust, but in practice no inconvenience will be experienced from this source. Wash-leathers may be used instead of silk for the final polishing. They should be first soaked for twelve hours in a strong solution of Carbonate of Soda in cold water, then washed in many waters to get rid of the " dressing " and the last trace of soda, dried, and finally, well rubbed or beaten till they are soft and pliable. Before deciding that the glass is clean, hold it in an an- gular position against a dark background, and breathe gently upon it ; the condensed moisture should fly off evenly arid quickly. The importance of attending to this simple rule will be at once seen by referring to the re- marks made at page 160. Stow the cleaned plates away in grooved boxes; the plan of packing them between sheets of paper, as is sometimes done, is not to be com- mended, since the letters and marks upon the paper are gradually impressed upon the glass. Other modes of cleaning glasses may be adopted with advantage. One of the most simple and efficacious is the use of residues of old Collodion ; thin down the Collodion with an equal bulk of ordinary Spirits of Wine or weak Alcohol, add an excess of Iodide of Potassium, and shake till the solution is saturated, a few crystals left in the bottom of the bottle will not be injurious. Then pour a little on the glass, and rub with a tuft of cotton-wool or piece of clean wash-leather ; clean off with a second piece, and finish with the silk or leathers, as before. If the plates have not been previously used, no preliminary washing will be required, for the grease and other impurities will 410 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. be effectually removed by the Ether and Iodide of Potas- sium, and even should a trace of the latter be left adhering to the plate, it will do no harm. Caustic Potash, sold by the druggist under the name of " Liquor Potassse," is very efficacious in cleaning glasses, or in place of it, a warm solution of " washing Soda" (Car- bonate of Soda). Liquor Potassae, being a caustic and alkaline liquid, softens the skin and dissolves it ; it must therefore be diluted with about four parts of water, and applied to the glass by means of a cylindrical roll of flan- nel. After wetting both sides thoroughly, allow the glass to stand for a time until several have been treated in the same way ; then wash with water and rub dry in a cloth. Observe, in adding either Potash, Carbonate of Soda, or Ammonia to common hard Water, that a deposit of Car- bonate of Lime may be formed. In that case, if the glasses are left in the liquid, they will soon be covered with little crystals, which adhere tightly. Cyanide of Potassium, which some employ as a cleansing agent, will also pre- cipitate Lime salts from hard water, since it is almost in- variably contaminated with Carbonate of Potash. New glass plates are frequently dotted on the surface with little gritty particles, which consist, as above, of Car- bonate of Lime. They are not removed by Potash or any alkali, but dissolve readily in a diluted acid, such as Oil of Vitriol, or Nitric Acid, diluted with about four parts of water. The objection to the use of Nitric Acid is, that if al- lowed to come in contact with the dress, it produces stains which cannot be removed unless immediately treated with an alkali. A drop of Ammonia should be applied to the spot before it becomes yellow and faded. To clean old plates. When a Negative has been once varnished, mere soaking and washing in ordinary water will not be sufficient to remove it completely from the glass. The plates should be placed for some hours in a warm and strong solution of Carbonate of Soda in rain-water till the film is loosened and comes off easily. They may then be CLEANING GLASS PLATES. 411 washed in abundance of common water, wiped dry and laid aside for future use. Even after this treatment the surface of the glass will often not assume the bright polished appearance of a new plate, and will be tarnished with spots of iron, etc., insoluble in alkalies. In that case, after all the soda has been w r ashed off, an additional soaking in dilute Nitric Acid or better still, in the waste acids used in making Pyroxyline will be necessary before use ; the glasses should be finished with old Collodion. General remarks. Amateurs often waste time in need- lessly rubbing and breathing upon glasses, the only result of which is to render them warm and electric, so that the Collodion will not adhere. Particles of saliva are also pro- jected upon the glass, and being imperfectly removed by the leather, produce transparent markings, like the barb of a feather. The condition of the cloths is commonly too much neglected ; they are thrown down, and continually handled with warm hands. Hence no sooner is one mark rubbed off, than another makes its appearance. Cleaning should be done with a quick and light movement, such as the cabinet-maker uses in polishing ; and in the case of plates of a large size, a screw-press should be used to give a firm purchase. If possible, leave the glass for a short time after cleaning it, and before pouring the Collodion. The Darlc, Room. When practicable, it is better that the dark room should be large and well ventilated, other- wise the continued breathing of the pent-up fumes of Ether, etc,, by the operator, would eventually be injurious to health. It should be provided with a water-tap and sink, or where these are not available, a large pouring-jug and basin for the reception of wastes and washings. Pro- vide also two or three cloths, one for wiping the fingers after sensitizing, and the other after developing. All white light must be carefully excluded ; it will therefore be necessary to cover over the window with three or four folds of orange-coloured calico, or have it glazed with a deep orange non-actinic glass, which can now be readily procured from the Photographic dealers. Either of these modes 412 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. will admit sufficient visual light to enable the operator to work with ease and certainty. When a window is not available, a candle or gas-flame placed in a convenient posi- tion in the room, and shielded by yellow calico or glass, will answer the purpose. The following description of a Photographic Lantern is extracted from Professor Dela- motte's pamphlet on the ' Oxymel Preservative Process : ' " Take three millboards, about twelve inches high by nine inches wide, and cut out a large piece, say eight inches by five inches, from the centre of each. Lay all three boards close together, side by side, and having dabbed on paste or glue, cover them entirely with two thicknesses of yellow calico. Ornament them in any way you please on the other side. When set up so as to form a triangle, with the calico side inwards, a candle may be placed in the centre, and when not in use, the lantern will fold up and make a good portfolio for paper, etc." The operator should accustom himself to work in a mi- nimum of light, for the orange-coloured glasses and calico are never perfectly non-actinic, and will admit sufficient light to act feebly after a time on a highly-sensitive iodized plate. The fumes of Ammonia and of many other sub- stances are also frequent causes of failure ; everything, therefore, that is not absolutely necessary for the purpose of exciting, developing, fixing, and washing the collo- COATING THE PLATE. 413 dionized plates, should be excluded from the dark room. It is important also to observe the rule, " A place for every- thing, and everything in its place;" so that if occasion should arise, the operator may be able to lay his hand on what he wants in the dark. Coating the Plate. Before coating the plate with Collo- dion, see that the fluid is perfectly clear and transparent, and that all particles have settled to the bottom ; also that the neck of the bottle is free from hard and dry crusts, which, if allowed to remain, would partially dissolve and produce striae upon the film. Before taking the first pic- ture, pour out a few drops of Collodion on the floor ; this will remove stray particles, and clear the way for the re- mainder. A useful piece of apparatus for decanting Collodion con- taining undissolved Pyroxyline is represented in the fol- lowing woodcut. The Collodion, having been previously iodized, is allowed to settle down in this bottle ; then by gently blowing at the point of the shorter tube, the small glass siphon is filled, and the fluid drawn off more closely than could be done by simply pouring from one bottle to another. An apparatus for the same purpose, but contrived so as to fit any bottle, may be made by passing the two tubes through a larger cork than that above shown, and then pressing down the lower surface of this cork upon the open neck of the bottle. 414 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGKAPHY. When the Collodion is properly cleared from sediment, take a glass plate, previously cleaned, and wipe it gently with a broad camel's-hair brush, in order to remove any particles of dust which may have subsequently collected. If it be a plate of moderate size, it may be held by the corners in a horizontal position, between the forefinger and the thumb of the left hand. The Collodion is to be poured on steadily until a circular pool is formed, extend- ing nearly to the edges of the glass. By a slight inclination of the plate the fluid is made to flow towards the corner marked 1, in the above diagram, until it nearly touches the thumb by which the glass is held ; from corner 1 it is passed to corner 2, held by the forefinger ; from 2 to 3, and lastly, the excess poured back into the bottle from the corner marked No. 4. It is next to be held over the bottle for a moment, until it nearly ceases to drip, and then, by raising the thumb a little, the direction of the plate is changed, so as to give a rocking movement, which makes the diagonal lines coalesce and produces a smooth surface. The operation of coating a plate with Collodion must not be done hurriedly, and nothing is required to ensure success but steadiness of hand and a sufficiency of the fluid poured in the first in- stance upon the plate. In coating larger plates, the pneumatic holder, which fixes itself by suction, will be found the most simple and useful. The presence of white light in the room does no injury until the plate has been placed in the Bath, and therefore the door may remain open during the operation of coating, SENSITIZING THE FILM. 415 since it would be difficult to apply the fluid evenly without plenty of light. Draughts from an open door must, how- ever, be avoided, as promoting too rapid evaporation, and carrying along particles of dust which will adhere to the plate. If the light of a candle, not shielded by yellow glass or calico, is employed in coating, let the wick burn long and smoky, to produce a yellow flame ; also be care- ful not to bring the glass too near, and especially not to hold it above the flame, or the vapour of the Ether will fall and the whole will be in a blaze (p. 389). The common error in coating glasses is to keep the eye too much upon the neck of the bottle, and not sufliciently upon the glass. The pool of Collodion is itself the guide to the right position of the plate, and if it begins to flow away to one corner, that corner is the lowest, and must be raised a little. Apply the whole quantity of Collodion first and incline the plate afterwards ; but never tilt and pour at the same time. Do not be economical as regards quantity, and if a little should flow away at the edges it will be of no consequence. Sensitizing the Film. Examine first the state of the Bath solution. This liquid is most conveniently kept in a glass trough mounted in a wooden box, with a loosely- fitting cover. It is an advantage to leave the Bath always in the trough, that it may settle down and clear itself after the day's work is done ; but if the plan of keeping it in a separate bottle be adopted, remember to wash out the trough with water, and drain it before putting in the Nitrate solution ; otherwise there will be dust and scum upon the surface when it is again filled. Porcelain troughs are sometimes ^used, but they should be glazed with extra care, or the Nitrate of Silver will percolate through to the exterior. Before commencing operations bring the Bath out to the light for an instant, and examine the surface. If there be any greasy scum, remove it carefully with blot- ting-paper. In using a new sample of Collodion, ascer- tain that it does not leave a floating film of Iodide upon 416 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. the surface of the Nitrate in dipping, which often hap- pens with over-iodized Collodion, deficient in setting qualities. Lastly, arrange the Bath upon layers of clean blotting- paper for draining, and all will be ready for immersion. With regard to the time which ought to elapse between coating and dipping, observe the following : After expo- sing a layer of Collodion to the air for a short time, the greater part of the Ether evaporates, and leaves the Py- roxyline in a state in which it is neither wet nor dry, but receives the impression of the finger without adhering to it. This is termed setting, and when it takes place, the time has come for submitting the plate to the action of the Bath. If the film be lowered into the Nitrate before it has set, the effect is the same as that produced by adding Water to Collodion. The Pyroxyline is precipitated in part, and consequently there are cracks at the lower edge of the plate ; the film is also easily loosened, and is very liable to wrinkle at the bottom part. On the other hand, if it be allowed to become too dry, the Iodide of Silver does not form perfectly at the top of the plate, and the film, on being washed and brought out to the light, exhibits a pe- culiar iridescent appearance, and is paler in some parts than in others ; pictures taken on a film of this kind are always weak, and lie very much upon the surface of the Collodion. No rule can be given as to the exact time which ought to elapse before dipping : it varies with the temperature of the atmosphere, and with the proportions of Ether and of Pyroxyline ; thin Collodion, containing but little Alco- hol, requiring to be immersed more speedily. On the other hand, Collodion containing Bromide sets more slowly than one containing only an Iodide, although the proportions of Ether and Alcohol in each should be the same. Twenty seconds in ordinary temperatures, or ten seconds in hot weather, will be found an average time. The correct mode of proceeding is to make a trial with the first plate coated, COATING THE PLATE. 417 and not to dip it until you find by the touch that the lower corner has become firm and solid. When the plate is ready, rest it upon the glass dipper, Collodion side uppermost, and lower it into the solution by a slow and steady movement ; if any pause be made, a horizontal line corresponding to the surface of the liquid will be formed. Then place the cover upon the vertical trough and darken the room, if this has not already been done. Whilst the plate remains in the Bath, the operator may occupy himself in wiping out the corners and lower edge of the slide with blotting-paper ; next, in measuring a sufficiency of the developing solution, and in focussing the object. Then dip the fingers an instant in water, to cleanse them from any traces of Pyrogallic Acid, and return to the Bath. The light ought to fall upon the plate at a sharp angle whilst it is lifted from the Bath, that the operator may see the greasy lines upon the surface. An immersion of from two to three minutes will usually be sufficient to remove them in warm weather ; but when the temperature falls, the time must be prolonged. Something will depend upon the number of times the plate is moved up and down, and many adopt the plan of leaving it in five minutes, and then taking it out without any movement. When the liquid flows off in a uniform sheet, the decomposition may be considered to be perfect. The principal impediment in this part of the process lies in the difficulty with which Ether and Water mix together, which causes the Collo- dion surface on its first immersion to appear oily and co- vered with streaks. By gentle motion the Ether is washed away, and a smooth layer obtained. When the Bath is in perfect order no harm will result from leaving the plate in it for a quarter of an hour or longer, but sometimes the film will eventually become covered with little projecting crystals, each of which produces a white spot ; and in the case of extreme heat of the weather, or of a bath contaminated with organic 2E 418 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. matter, the longer the film is left in, the greater the chance of fogging. The experience of most practical operators is not in favour of leaving plates in the Bath longer than is absolutely necessary for complete sensitizing. The plate is next removed from the dipper, and held ver- tically over the trough for a minute to drain, and then placed with its lower edge resting on a piece of clean blot- ting-paper for about half a minute, and the back wiped with a sponge or piece of blotting-paper. It may now be placed in the dark slide, and is ready for the Camera. Success will much depend upon the careful draining of the film, and hence the importance of having the develop- ing room thoroughly darkened, in order to do this efficiently without fear of producing fogging. The older the Bath the greater the care required in draining, because the pre- sence of the Ether gives a tendency to run into narrow lines and channels upon the surface of the film. Especially avoid altering the direction of the plate after draining and previously to putting it into the slide. In the case of Stereoscopic glasses, the direction of the film is often so changed, and consequently there are lines on the lower picture, from the wave of the Nitrate altering its course. Transparent curtain markings at the bottom of the film, and a blurring of the image downwards, are also defects likely to follow imperfect draining. The Writer objects to another change of direction which is sometimes given to the plate, viz. a complete turn on taking it out of the Bath, so as to bring the top edge downwards on the blotting-paper. This is a fruitful source of stains, since it is very difficult to drain away the excess of Nitrate under such circumstances. The amateur is advised not to proceed to the process of taking pictures in the Camera until, by a little practice, he is able to produce a perfect film, which is uniform in every part, and will bear inspection when washed and brought out to the light. Such a film may be expected to present the following appearance : Smooth and uniform, both by reflected and EXPOSUEE OF THE PLATE, 419 transmitted light ; free from crapy lines, such as would be caused by not rocking the plate properly whilst coating it, and from opaque dots, due to small particles in suspen- sion ; also from marginal thickenings of the Iodide, which may result from the neck of the bottle not having been drawn along the lower edge of the glass whilst the Collo- dion was setting. The evidences of a too rapid immersion in the Bath are sought for on the side of the plate from which the Collo- dion was poured off. This part remains wet longer than the other, and always suffers the most. On the other hand, the upper part of the plate must be examined for the pale colour or the zigzag markings characteristic of a film which had become too dry before immersion, since the Collodion is thinner there than at any other point. EXPOSURE OF THE PLATE IN THE CAMERA. The proper time for exposure will depend upon the kind of picture to be taken, and directions on that head must be sought in the Second and following Sections of this Chapter. Although perfect cleanliness is very essential to success, yet the Camera and apparatus ought not to be wiped out immediately before use, as the effect of doing so would be to stir up dust : the cloth employed may also be slightly damped with advantage. Examine the Lens and see that the glasses are free from cobweb markings, and from condensed moisture. After the plate has been taken out of the Bath, it should be exposed and developed with all convenient dispatch ; otherwise the film will become partially dry, the develop- ing solutions will not flow easily, and the Negative will be weak and metallic. There are often white spots upon plates long kept, from small particles of dust, etc., becom- ing centres of chemical action. In carrying the slide to and from the Camera, and indeed on all occasions when the excited plate is inside, care must be taken to keep the same edge of the glass downwards, to prevent the accumulated wave of Nitrate on the lower 420 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. edge from flowing back over the plate. The collodionized side of the glass also should never be turned upwards, otherwise any dust or dirt which may have settled on the slide will fall on its surface, causing opaque or transparent spots. DEVELOPMENT OF A NEGATIVE IODIZED FILM WITH PYRO- GALLIC ACID. The details of this part of the process differ so much in the case of Positive and Negative pictures, that it will perhaps be better to confine ourselves to the latter, and to defer the consideration of the development of glass Posi- tives until the next Section. On taking the plate out of the slide there will be some accumulation of Bath solution at the lower edge, which, if the glass be held horizontally for a short time, will be seen to work its way along the surface of the film ; and the effect will be to produce a transparent mark on apply- ing the Pyrogallic Acid. To prevent this annoyance, the film may be placed vertically on absorbent blotting-paper, and the liquid drawn off by suction. The Pyrogallic Acid solution having been previously measured out (about three drachms for a plate 5x4, one ounce for a 9 X 7, and twelve drachms for a plate of 10 X 8), hold the glass in the hand in the same manner as when coating it with Collodion, and throw the liquid on evenly. It must not be poured from a height on to one single spot, or the whole of the Nitrate of Silver would be displaced from that spot, leaving a transparent mark of non-reduction. The lip of the developing glass should be depressed until it nearly touches the film, so as to apply the liquid close to the edge of the plate, or to some part of the image which is of minor importance. Always pour out the whole of the measured quantity of developer, and then move the plate so as to keep it waving backwards and forwards upon the film. It will be quite necessary to have the source of light so arranged that it falls nicely upon the Collodion surface, because the operator has to DEVELOPMENT WITH PYROGALLIC ACID. 421 lilt the glass until the developer runs into each of the corners, and to keep his eye upon the wave as it moves backwards and forwards, in order to prevent it from flowing off at the edges of the plate, or trickling down his sleeve. The freedom with which the developer flows depends much upon the Collodion, and the length of time it was held before dipping, since if the film retain too much Ether, it will repel aqueous liquids. It also depends upon the Bath in a measure, for when this solution is newly mixed, and comparatively free from Alcohol, it will be sometimes necessary to give the plate a sudden jerk, to prevent the Pyrogallic Acid solution from stopping short of the edge. Notice whether the developer remains bright and clear, or becomes turbid before the image is fully brought out. In the latter case the heat is too high, or the Chemicals are in fault, and the Chapter on " Failures " must be consulted. Watch the course of the development for about thirty or forty seconds, and especially the behaviour of those parts of the film which at first remain yellow, but at length begin to evolve fine details corresponding to the shadows. Keep the Pyrogallic Acid on the plate until nothing more appears in these yellow parts, and then pour it off into a measure, and hold the plate for an instant against the light, so as to look through it and see the appearance of the Ne- gative image. At this point a failure very commonly occurs, from the operator being too tardy in his movements, and allowing the developer to run into oily lines, so as to produce diago- nal black streaks upon the film. Having decided that the image is sufficiently intense, proceed to the fixing ; but if it appears too weak (and al- lowance must be made for the lowering action of the Hypo- sulphite), carry the development into the second stage. To do this, pour away the discoloured Pyrogallic Acid, and wash out the glass rapidly with water ; then measure out a fresh portion, add to each drachm about five drops of a 20-grain solution of Nitrate of Silver, and apply it a second time to the film, until the desired intensity is obtained. 422 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. It is not recommended to add a few drops of the Nitrate Bath to the Pyrogallic Acid, but to employ a weaker so- lution of Nitrate of Silver, not saturated with Iodide. This Nitrate of Silver must also be very pure, or the developer will soon discolour and the shadows become stained. As time ought to be economized as much as possible, observe the following: If the image is well out before the Pyrogallic Acid becomes turbid, it will be unneces- sary to throw away the first portion, but any amount of strengthening may be obtained by pouring the same deve- loper back into the measure, and adding the Nitrate of Silver. Neither is it necessary to wash out the developing glass with water when it contains Pyrogallic Acid simply discoloured, but anything approaching turbidity will sug- gest an immediate change of solution, and a washing with water, both of the film and the glass. The addition of fresh Nitrate of Silver to a developer in such a state, is improper : the Silver then falls irregularly, and the chance of staining is increased. With regard to the quantity of Nitrate of Silver to be added to the developer, nothing positive can be stated. At least three times as much will be required in cold as in hot weather, and something will depend upon the condition of the developer itself. The rapidity of discoloration or tur- bidity in the Pyrogallic Acid is the proper guide to follow ; and the two liquids may be mixed even in equal bulks if it is found that the mixture remains clear for twenty or thirty seconds, so as to give time for pouring it over the image. As a rule, how- ever, the less the quantity of Silver in proportion to the Pyrogallic Acid the better. The accompanying diagram shows the best form of dropping-bottle for Nitrate of Silver that the Writer has seen. The bottle being partially full of solution, incline it APPEARANCE OF THE NEGATIVE. 423 gently, when the air will pass in at the wide mouth, and the liquid will drop out at the fine-drawn end. In travel- ling, both orifices are closed with corks, Appearance of the Negative image developed with Pyro- gallic Acid, as a guide to the exposure to Light. An under-exposed plate developes slowly. By continuing the action of the Pyrogallic Acid, the high lights become very black, but the shadows are usually defective, nothing but the yellow Iodide being seen on those portions of the plate. After treatment with the Hyposulphite, the picture shows well as a Positive, but by transmitted light all the minor details are invisible ; the image is black and white, without any half-tone. An over-exposed Negative developes rapidly at first, but soon appears to blacken slightly at every part of the plate. After the fixing is completed, the image is indistinct, and very little can be seen by reflected light but a uniform grey surface of metallic Silver. By transmitted light the plates often show a red or brown colour, and the image is faint and flat. The half-shadows having acted so long as nearly to overtake the lights, there is a want of proper contrast; hence the over-exposed plate is the exact converse of the under-exposed, where the contrast between lights and sha- dows is too well marked, from the absence of intermediate tints. A Negative which has received the proper amount of exposure, usually possesses the following characters after fixing: The image is partially but not fully seen by reflected light. In the case of a portrait, any dark por- tions of drapery show well as a Positive, but the features of the sitter are scarcely to be discerned. By transmitted light the figure is bright, and appears to stand out from the glass ; the dark shadows are clear, without any misty deposit of metallic Silver ; the high lights black almost to complete opacity. Collodion with strong organic reactions (p. 270) gives a Negative which often shows upon the surface of the glass nearly as well as by transmission. And if the light be at 424 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. all good, the yellow creamy appearance which Photogra- phers term bloom ought to be seen upon the image. Its absence in the case of a simply iodized Collodion, not con- taining Bromide, usually implies that some of the chemi- cals are out of order. Development with Sulphate of Iron. This developer should not be used with a simply iodized Collodion, unless under the exceptional conditions referred to at p. 281, or when the light is feeble and the picture under-exposed. If the Collodion and Bath are in the most sensitive state, the action of Sulphate of Iron is too energetic, and is apt to give rise to stains and markings of all sorts. Its mode of application is described in the next paragraph. Development of a Negative Bromo-iodized film with Sul- phate of Iron. This is the ordinary developer for a Collo- dion containing Bromide, inasmuch as it acts in a more gradual and uniform manner than when the Collodion con- tains only an Iodide. The solution should be thrown on the plate with a quick even sweep, and the plate should be tilted and moved about so as to cause the developer to flow round and round in an unbroken wave until the whole of the details have appeared. It must then be poured off and the plate washed in a stream of water. The development should not be continued after the solu- tion becomes turbid, otherwise the shadows will be misty from adherent particles of Silver, and the picture will present the appearance of what is generally denominated " fogging." When well washed, the plate may be examined by the transmitted yellow light of the dark room, in order to judge of its density. It will rarely be found sufficiently in- tense in the first instance ; a second development will there- fore be necessary. Mix in a clean glass four or five drops of the redeveloping solution B. (p. 404), with a sufficient portion of A. to cover the plate well, and continue the deve- lopment by pouring on and off till the requisite intensity has been attained. If the solution becomes much decom- posed and turbid before that point is reached, wash both DEVELOPMENT WITH SULPHATE OF IEOX. 425 the plate and the developing glass, and repeat the opera- tion. It will be observed that the redevelopment with Pyrogallic Acid and Nitrate of Silver, brings out no new details in the Negative, but only strengthens those pro- duced by the Sulphate of Iron. Another method of intensifying Negatives developed by Sulphate of Iron is by means of a second, and, when neces- sary, of a third, application of a fresh portion of the same developer. This plan has been adopted with the highest success by some Photographers. The plate should be well washed, and freed from all trace of the first developer ; it is then to be flooded with a 20-grain solution of Nitrate of Silver, and the Sulphate of Iron applied as before. Very delicate manipulation is required to ensure complete suc- cess, irregular development being invariably the result of the least clumsiness on the part of the operator. This method of redevelopment is extremely useful when the plate has been under-exposed in the Camera, for not only does it intensify the picture produced by the first development, but brings out fresh details at each applica- tion. In cold weather also it is of advantage in shortening the time of exposure, for if the plate be dipped in warm water for a minute or two before the second developer is poured on : an extraordinary increase of vigour and detail is thereby obtained, which otherwise would have been wanting. Fixing and varnishing the Negative. Wash the film gently with water, and pour the solution of Hyposulphite or Cyanide on and off until the whole of the Iodide has been cleared away. A thorough washing after the Hypo- sulphite will be essential, and it is from neglecting this point that beginners frequently find their plates covered with crystals on drying. Even supposing the washing to have been sufficient to prevent the occurrence of crystal- lization, there may yet be a blueuess and loss of intensity at the lower part of the film, visible after drying, from traces of the fixing agent remaining in the Collodion, and when such is the case, the varnish does not always adhere 426 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. properly, but spirts out when applied to the heated plate, leaving minute holes. These Negatives generally absorb atmospheric moisture and remain continually damp, fading away after a time from the edges towards the centre. The proper mode of washing is as follows : If a tap is at hand, turn it gently and allow the water to now in a stream upon the centre, inclining the plate so that it runs off from each of the corners in succession ; continue this for two or three minutes, when the fixing agent may be considered as removed. If running water cannot be had, first wash off the excess of the fixing agent by water poured from a jug, and then lay the plate film upwards in a dish and leave it for three or four hours, giving se- veral changes of water. When the Collodion appears to be tender, and inclined to separate from the edges, see that the liquid is made to flow aivay from the glass at that point, so as to keep the film down and prevent the water from passing beneath. This observation applies in a still more decided manner to the Hyposulphite, because if the fixing solution works beneath the film, there is a chance of its escaping the washing water, and if left, the Negative will lose inten- sity on drying. After the Negative has been washed, stand it on clean blotting-paper to dry ; otherwise dust will ascend the film by capillary action, and give an appearance as if impuri- ties had drained down from above. It is important that the plate should be dried by arti- ficial heat before varnishing, and the Negative will also look more neat if a damp cloth be first run along the edge with the finger and thumb, so as to scrape away the Collo- dion and leave a clear margin of an eighth to a quarter of an inch all round. After doing so, remove with the nail or a camel's-hair brush any loose or detached particles of Col- lodion, which otherwise might be washed on to the image by the varnish and produce a spot. POETEAITUEE. 4-27 SECTION II. Portraiture Positive and Negative. We commence this Section by remarking upon the ad- vantages, or the contrary, to be expected from the use of a glass-house in Collodion Portraiture ; adding at the same time a few hints on the mode of its construction. Those who are accustomed to work beneath glass, are often at fault on trying to take a picture in the open air, and ob- tain under such circumstances a hard and unpleasing por- trait, with exaggerated contrast of light and shade. It is, without doubt, somewhat difficult to secure fine gradation of tone when the object is brilliantly illuminated, on account of the actinic power of the Lenses which are employed in portraiture ; and therefore, unless the Chemicals are prepared purposely, the subdued light of a glass studio is likely to give the best effect. Great diversity of opinion prevails as to the best mode of constructing a glass-house. There are, however, some principles generally agreed upon which may be here stated. The glass-house should, when practicable, have its greatest length in the direction of North and South, so that the sit- ter may be placed facing the North. It should be glazed with a pure colourless glass, as window-glass has usually a green tint, and when exposed for many months to the air becomes also more or less yellow, and absorbs the ac- tinic rays. The glass should extend nearly to the ground. This is not so necessary for half-length portraits as for the carte de visite form, where equal illumination down to the feet is required. A complete system of black and white curtains must be provided both for the roof and sides, to throw the light on that side of the sitter which seems to be most desirable. The roof over the sitter and the sides, to the distance of about three feet from the background, must also be opaque, since a vertical light on the head is apt to solarize the hair, so as to make it appear grey, and will also 428 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. give strong shadows underneath the eye. The end of the room where the Camera is placed had better be darkened, to prevent diffused light from falling on the lens, and also to relieve the eye of the sitter from the painful expression often caused by too much light falling on the retinae. The background may be varied according to the taste of the operator, but to produce a neutral tint, the colour should be somewhat like that of common brown paper. Unless, however, the surface is quite dead, the effect of the background will depend upon the amount of light which shines upon it, so that it will produce a different colour in the open air from that given in the glass-house. Proper ventilation is of the utmost importance, the heat being excessive in the summer months. The developing room is frequently made smaller than is advisable, the consequence of which is, that it becomes al- most unbearable in hot weather. It ought also to be more generally known that the vapour of Ether, when continu- ally inhaled, has an extremely depressing effect upon the nervous system. It may be observed that a horizontal light destroys the shadows entirely, and is suitable in the case of deep sunken features ; but a light falling obliquely, partly from above and partly from the sides, and striking more upon one side of the face than the other, is the best in the majority of cases. The following diagram and description of a glass-house by Mr. Matheson* is given, as combining efficiency, con- venience, and economy. It has been found to answer better than the ordinary form, both in this country and in India. " The tallest end for the background, B, is square a great advantage in taking groups while all the rest of the room not actually wanted for light may be built of any opaque material, to keep out the heat. The quantity of glass surface need bear very little proportion to the size * ' Practical Hints to Amateur Photographers.' London : James How, 2, Foster Lane. PORTEAITUEE IN GLASS-HOUSE. 429 of the room, as ten feet of glass from the sitter (or from A to C) is sufficient, no matter how long the room may be. If the room is sufficiently wide, there need be no side-lights at all. About three or four feet from the background of the under surface of glass, from A to B, may be blackened or built of opaque material, as shown in the drawing. Sup- posing the room to be twelve feet wide, the highest part of the roof, A, should be about ten, sloping down for about eight or ten feet from the sitter, or A, to the lowest part, C, which may be a flat roof, leaded or tiles, or other opaque material, and which need be no higher than con- venient to walk under. The sloping part just over the head of the sitter, A, B, may be hinged as a flap, to be lifted up when the weather will admit, as the warm air ascends to this the highest part. This makes an admirable ventilator, even in this country, in summer. The back, B, should be placed against a tall house, if possible, while the rest should be placed so as to have no obstructions. The interior of the room should be coloured a pale green colour, without pattern of any kind, as a pattern would distract the eye of the sitter. " The blinds on the top lights, E, may be made to puU 430 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. down from A to C ; spring blinds are best, if good. The side-lights, D, may be managed with curtains." Directions for working in the open air. When a glass-house is not at command, portraits may be taken in the open air. Indeed, a glass-house is only necessary as a protection from the wind, dust, and the inclemency of the weather. By selecting a proper situation, and by a judicious arrangement of screens, portraits with as much roundness and delicacy of detail can be taken out of doors as in. Mr. Shadbolt,* who has given much attention to this subject, writes : " If we can find a spot where an angle is formed by two walls of a building the walls standing respectively north- east and north-west we have in fact nearly all we re- quire ; for by making a light wooden frame of about eight feet square, and covering it with stout unbleached calico- sheeting, we form a roof or canopy that can be readily fitted into the angle formed by the two walls, and that will give the requisite shade over the heads of our subjects. This square frame can also be readily raised or lowered at pleasure by a little ingenuity ; and further, by posing our subjects so as to look towards either the north-west or north-east that is, making each wall alternately the back- ground either side of our subject can be the most strongly illuminated, and the walls may either be painted of a suit- able colour for backgrounds, or covered temporarily with such materials as we may select for the purpose. The as- pect indicated is not only preferable on account of unifor- mity of the light, but, as a rule, it will also be one most sheltered from wind in the summer time, when amateurs are most addicted to photographic pursuits. " With regard to the point of holding the canopy in po- sition, we have only to attach cords to each corner and gather them to a central point above it, so as to convert the frame into a kind of scale. To the point of conver- gence of the cords from the angles we attach a somewhat stouter single cord, and this, drawn though a small pulley, * ' British Journal of Photography,' vol. x. p. 224, PORTRAITURE IN THE OPEN AIR. 431 or even a ring attached to the wall above, will enable us readily to raise it. The cord can be run through a second ring or pulley to enable us to draw it conveniently with- out interfering with the canopy itself; and the weight of the same may be counterpoised by a piece of iron, or even by a large stone. Lastly, a couple of long nails partly driven into the wall at the proper height may be so ar- ranged as to prevent the frame from assuming other than a horizontal position. It is evident that with the aspect above indicated it will never happen that the sitter is ex- posed to the direct rays of the sun ; but when from va- riation in the aspect this inconvenience does arise, it is so difficult a matter to apply an appropriate screen out of doors, that it will generally be better to modify the ar- rangement altogether." When the desired conditions of a high building cannot be obtained, portraits may be taken in an open courtyard or garden by attending to the following precautions : Al- ways back up the sitter, if possible, by a dark ground, not less than seven feet square, to prevent diffused light from entering the Lens. To make an effective screen, construct in the first instance a strong deal framework, consisting of a central portion, with two lateral ones hinged to it. Cover the whole with oil-cloth, painted of a suitable colour, and as free from gloss as possible. By bringing one of the two sides forward, you are enabled to throw a shadow on the face of the sitter, and by turning the other side back the whole arrangement may be fixed and rendered firm. Pro- bably a screen will be required above to cut off the vertical light ; and if so, the apparatus may be still further strength- ened by constructing this part of a deal framework made to bolt down against the side which projects forward. When everything is complete, stand in front of the Lens and look in through the glasses from below upwards, to see if there be any reflection from the sky, or other bright objects. Unless the Lens be placed very near indeed to the sitter, it is almost certain that there will be something of this kind, and if so a foggy picture will result. A large 432 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. funnel of cardboard, lined with black velvet, should in such a case be carried out to a distance of about a foot in front of the Lens, and the mouth of this funnel should be contracted as far as possible until it begins to cut off the corners of the field. This will render the image very clear, and will wonderfully improve the quality of the picture. Before exposing the plate, throw a black silk handkerchief over the end of the funnel, which will be found sufficient to ex- clude the light. It is on account of the size of the glasses in a portrait combination, and the fact of their presenting so large a reflecting surface, that the above precautions are required. If small diaphragms were used, the sitter might be ar- ranged with the open sky for a background without pro- ducing fogging. Sow to test the correctness of the Camera and Lens. This point must always be attended to in purchasing a new portrait apparatus ; from neglecting it many fail in obtain- ing as good pictures as the Lens might yield. First ascertain that the prepared sensitive plate falls precisely in the plane occupied by the ground glass. Sus- pend a newspaper or a small engraving at a distance of about three feet from the Camera, and focus the letters oc- cupying the centre of the field ; then insert the slide, with a square of ground glass substituted for the ordinary plate (the rough surface of the glass looking inwards), and ob- serve if the letters are still distinct. In place of the ground glass, a transparent plate smeared with glazier's putty may be used, but the former is preferable. Another method, more simple than the last, is to gauge the slide with a strip of card. Begin by inserting a glass plate in the slide, and then lay it down upon the table side by side with the focussing glass. Raise the door of the slide, and having applied a flat rule, measure the exact dis- tance between the edge of the rule and the surface of the glass plate. Now place the rule upon a corresponding por- tion of the focussing glass, when it will be at once evident whether the two planes coincide. TESTING THE LENS. 433 If the result of these trials seems to show that the Camera is good, proceed to test the correctness of the Lens. Take a Photograph with the full aperture of the portrait Lens, the central letters of the newspaper being carefully focussed as before. Then examine at what part of the plate the greatest amount of distinctness of outline is to be found. It will sometimes happen, that whereas the exact centre was focussed visually, the letters on a spot midway between the centre and edge are the sharpest in the Photograph. In that case the chemical focus is longer than the other, and by a distance equivalent to, bat in the opposite direction of, the space through which the Lens has to be moved, in order to define those particular letters sharply to the eye. When the chemical focus is the shorter of the two, the letters in the Photograph are indistinct at every portion of the plate ; the experiment must therefore be repeated, the Lens being shifted an eighth of an inch or less. Indeed, it will be proper to take many Photographs at minute varia- tions of focal distance before the capabilities of the Lens will be fully shown. The object of finding the point at which the sharpest image is obtained will also be assisted by placing several small figures in different planes, and focussing those in the centre. This being done, if the more distant figures come out distinctly in the Photograph, the chemical focus is longer than the visual, vice versa when the nearest ones are most sharply defined. Mr. Shadbolt has given very lucid instructions for test- ing a portrait Lens, which the Writer copies by his per- mission : " Put the Lens in its place and test for coincidence of chemical and visual foci as follows : take any paper with a number of fine lines drawn upon it, for instance, that upon which patterns are printed for ladies' Berlin wool work, or else some small but clear printed matter, and paste either upon stout cards, with a large distinctive letter 2F 434 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. or number upon each one : about ten or a dozen will be enough. Place a slip of deal at an angle of 45, and with a thin saw make a series of cuts perpendicular to the ho- rizon, one behind another, at about an inch distance apart, a card with the printed matter or lines being slipped into each. All will then be visible at once from a single point, just in the same way as would be the case with the faces of a number of people standing one behind another upon a flight of stairs. Now carefully focus for the fine lines or small letters on one of the cards in the centre of the" group, taking special note at the same time of its distinct- tive letter or number, and having done so, expose a sensi- tive plate and develope it. If the card upon which the focus was taken be most distinct and sharp, the actinic correction is perfect : if, however, the best definition be upon one nearer to the Lens than that focussed, it is under-corrected ; if further from it, over-corrected." The above directions are abundantly sufficient for testing the Camera and Lens. White light, however, occasionally enters the instrument between the two sliding portions of the body, and this will be seen on throwing a black cloth over the back and looking into the interior. Or some scattered rays may pass in through the chink when the door of the slide is raised. It is therefore customary always to throw a large black cotton velvet focussing cloth over the Camera, and to introduce the arm beneath this cloth whilst opening the slide. Portrait Lenses magnify those parts of the object which are nearest to the glass, and hence the complaints of en- largement of the hands and lower portions of the figure. In sitting portraits, this may, to some extent, be obviated by pointing the Lens a little downwards ; but when taking a full-length portrait, such as a carte-de-visite, the Ca- mera must be placed quite horizontal, and pointing at right angles to the object. If the whole figure is not in correct focus, which will seldom be the case if the object is near, the Camera must be placed further away, or the Lens stopped down with a Waterhouse diaphragm, which POETEAIT LENSES. 435 both flattens the field and gives greater depth of focus, but lengthens the time of exposure. Swinging backs to portrait Cameras are useful in focus- sing near and distant parts of the object at one time, sup- posing the figure to be arranged in a diagonal position with reference to the Lens ; but they are very expensive, and add much to the bulk of the instrument. The Lens must be chosen according to the size of picture which is required, always bearing in mind that the smallest Lenses are, as a rule, the most perfect, both as regards ra- pidity of action, sharpness of image, depth of focus from, before backwards, and freedom from distortion. Those of a larger size are not only very much more expensive, but are more liable to vary in quality ; and it often happens that the operator fails in getting a really serviceable in- strument, even after having paid the full price. A double combination (about If inches in diameter) of 4| inches focal length, measured from the back Lens, which is equivalent to about 6 inches real focus, is adapted for portraits of the stereoscopic size. A Lens (about 2^ inches in diameter) of 6 inches apparent focus, equal to nearly 8 inches equivalent or true focus, will cover a plate 5x4, and is much used for card portraits. A Lens (about 3^ inches in diameter) nearly 10 inches equivalent focus, is the one commonly used for portraits on plates 6x4f. Lenses are constructed for taking both portraits and views, the back combination being removed, and the front glass turned round and inserted in its place when the Lens is employed for the latter purpose. Such arrangements have of % late been much improved, and when economy is an ob- ject, the amateur will find it worth his while to make trial of an instrument of this kind. In taking groups, Lenses of rather long focus are the best, since they admit of being placed at a greater distance from the object, and therefore give more depth of focus. Lenses of the same diameter may usually be bought of two different focal lengths. Arrange the group pyramidally, 436 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the tallest towards the centre, and stop down the Lens until everything is rendered equally sharp. In cleaning the glasses of a Lens, which will sometimes be necessary before taking a picture, use wash-leather, as being less likely to scratch the glass than silk ; and ob- serve in replacing the Lenses that the front one, which consists of two Lenses cemented together, must be placed with its convex side towards the sitter. The back combi- nation also consists of two Lenses, not cemented together, but separated by a brass ring. Put in the double-convex Lens first into the cell, then the ring, and lastly, the other glass, with its concave side towards the brass ring. DIRECT POSITIVES ON GLASS. The remarks on the arrangement of apparatus which have been made in the preceding pages refer both to Posi- tives and Negatives, but in the few remaining observations the two processes must be considered separately. In the Second Division of this Work the theory of Collodion Positives has been explained, and in the Chapter immediately preceding the present, formulae for the Collo- dion, Bath, and developers, are given at length. The first Section of this Chapter describes those manipulations which are common both to Positives and Negatives , but omits such details of development, etc., as are peculiar to the former. In developing a glass Positive, the solution of Sulphate of Iron should be scattered evenly over the film, and in some quantity, so as to wash off a portion of Nitrate of Silver into the sink. In the case of Negatives it is an object to save every trace of Nitrate, and precipitate it upon the image, in order to increase the density ; but with Positives there is a fear of getting an excess of intensity, and if the Collodion film be tolerably creamy, it will always retain more than enough of the Nitrate to give a Positive free from the green or blue marks characteristic of deficient reduction. White stains at the margins of the plate are DIRECT POSITIVES ON GLASS. 437 produced in great measure by the developer coming into contact with an excess of Silver. Tilt the developing fluid backwards and forwards upon the film for about thirty seconds, or a minute, until the darkest shadows begin to be visible. Supposing the film to be well lighted with yellow light, there will be no diffi- culty whatever in ascertaining when the image is fully out ; the developer must then be poured off immediately, and the plate washed with water, or the image will be rendered too dense by fresh precipitation of Silver, and the middle tints in the face will be lost in consequence. The blacks are rarely quite pure when the plate has been too much developed, but show either little spangles of Sil- ver, or a general clouding. When the Sulphate of Iron is washed off before the proper development is complete, the whole image looks very thin and weak, with a blue or greenish tint : the de- tails in the shadows may perhaps be visible, if the plate was fully exposed, but usually they are more or less defective. The difficulty with the beginner is to distinguish the effects produced by wrong exposure in the Camera, from others due to faulty development. A little care, however, will usually enable him to do so. If no details appear in the dark shadows, the image is either under-exposed or under- developed, but in the latter case the lights would be very poor and thin, as before described ; whereas in the former they would probably be vigorous, especially if the operator kept the Sulphate of Iron for a long time upon the film with a hope of bringing out the shadows. The finished picture in another case, the reverse of the last, may appear altogether too white and flat, without any deep shadows, every portion of the plate showing more or less of a deposit of Silver. In this instance it is either over-exposed or over-developed, but probably the former, and particularly so if the lights are not of a very good colour, but appear grey and feeble, and if the whole image shoivs very fairly as a Negative when held against the light. You may always calculate upon diminishing ex- 438 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. cessive density of the face and light parts by over-expo- sing in the Camera, but over-development makes them quite opaque, so that the black varnish, when placed be- neath, does not show through. On the other hand, a pro- longed exposure produces a far greater effect in clouding over the shadows, and giving a grey colour to black dra- pery, than any amount of over-development. When all the Chemicals are in good working order, the finest Positives are obtained by giving a rather short ex- posure in the Camera, because the lights are then of a pure white, and the shadows transparent. With a Collodion not suitable for Positives, the image would be too intense when developed after a short exposure. Wash the plate with Water, to remove the whole of the Iron, before putting on the Cyanide, or a blue deposit will often be formed. The Cyanide is used over and over again until exhausted. In mounting glass Positives it has become a common practice to cover the back of the glass with black varnish, and to mount the picture with the Collodion side unvar- nished and towards the eye. The image is necessarily re- versed, but the whites are very bright, and the shadows sufficiently clear if the Collodion be of the transparent kind. The only question is, whether such a plan can be considered a safe one as regards permanency, since it has been ascertained that unvarnished films of Collodion will occasionally decompose from the edges to the centre, unless carefully washed and well protected from moisture (p. 324). NEGATIVE PORTE AITUEE. In the Seventh Chapter of Part II. the general mode of producing Negatives has been explained ; and the for- mulae for solutions and details of manipulation, with the necessary apparatus and mode of arrangement of sitter, have been described at pages 398, 407, arid 427. It only remains therefore to give advice on the proper state of the Chemicals. Collodion. The circumstances under which Negative NEGATIVE POETEAITUEE. 439 portraits are taken vary so much, that no uniformly appli- cable directions can be given. The normal Collodion of page 377, iodized with the Potassium Salt, and developed with Pyrogallic Acid, has been extensively used for large portraits. Some have spoken of it as being highly sensi- tive, but somewhat wanting in contrast and intensity; others, as possessing full intensity, but lacking extreme sensitiveness. One cause of the discrepancy arises from the fact that plain Collodion kept for some time gradually acquires the property of liberating free Iodine from the Potassium Salt, and hence is more insensitive and gives violent contrasts. The state of the Bath, too, has much to do with the question, see p. 281. When the Collodion colours very slowly after iodizing, it will be likely, cceteris paribus, to yield a soft Negative, and if so, Pyrogallic Acid will be indicated. A rapid liberation of Iodine, on the other hand, will show that some decomposition has taken place, and if so, Sulphate of Iron will probably be required to keep down the intensity of the Negative. For a Pyrogallic developer, the same Collodion admits of being iodized with Iodide of Cadmium, and is indeed highly suitable for that purpose, except at high tempera- tures, when it sets too rapidly on the glass and also becomes surface-dry too speedily. To counteract this disposition of the normal Collodion with a simple Cadmium lodizer, it was deemed important to produce a Pyroxyline of a some- what less horny character, and one of which the film would remain moist sufficiently long to invite the progress of the developer instead of repelling it. It was also equally im- portant to hit the exact point as regards contrast, because if this quality is in excess, the portrait will be wanting in harmony and gradation ; and it must be borne in mind that in the case of a Cadmium Collodion the operator loses that control over the intensity which he ordinarily gains by keeping the Collodion after iodizing. Another point was that the half-tint of the background should be perfectly even, and free from mottling or hair-like lines. How far success has been obtained in each of the above particulars 440 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the operator himself will decide when he has prepared the Collodion by the accompanying formula,* and given it an extended trial. p * Formula for a Portrait Cadmium Collodion. In the following directions, the reader is supposed to have studied the theory of the manufacture of Collodion in Part II., and also its practical details in the First Chapter of Part III. .Take of Oil of Vitriol, sp. gr. 1'845 ... 2 fluid ounces. Pure Nitric Acid 1'45 1 fluid ounce. Water 5 fluid drachms. Best Cotton 40 grains. The Nitric Acid should be colourless and free from Chlorine, the Cotton purified by dilute Potash and dried. Time of immersion in the acids, ten minutes. Temperature, 150 Fahr. Th rule for bringing the acid mixture to the proper strength is to continue the addition of Water until the Pyroxyline is only partially soluble in Alco- holized Ether, and leaves a whitish sediment in the Collodion. It would not be safe to continue the addition of water until the acids dissolved a con- siderable portion of the Pyroxyline, since in this formula the tendency to solution in the acids is not so great as when the proportions of Sulphuric Acid and Nitric Acid are as 3 to 1 instead of 2 to 1 : hence acids weak enough to dissolve thirty per cent, of the product, would yield a Pyroxyline leaving too much sediment in the Collodion. The Pyroxyline ought to be decidedly disintegrated in appearance, but less so than that for the Normal Collodion of page 377 ; if 40 grains of Cotton are put in, 50 grains of Pyroxyline should be taken out. It will be far easier to work with the aoids stronger than here indicated, but the Writer does not advise it, because he finds that when the Pyroxy. line leaves the acids in a tough and unbroken condition, the quality of the re- sulting Collodion, as regards fluidity and perfect smoothness of the portrait background, is injured. There is, it is true, a more marked intensity of image and less liability to spots, but this is more than counter-balanced by a woolli- ness of the background, and a glutinous state of the Collodion as it nears the bottom of the bottle. On the other hand, it must not be attempted to use the acids weaker than here indicated, because in that case the loss of Collo- dion from sediment would be considerable, and not only so, but the image would be deficient in intensity, and would exhibit a blurring of the lines, or " halation," due to irregular deposit of Silver in the development. To prepare the Collodion, take of Ether of -725 4 fluid drachms. Alcohol of -805 4 fluid drachms. Iodide of Cadmium 4| grains. Pyroxyliue 5 grains. The whole of the Alcohol is used in the so-called absolute state, because the Collodion, being more porous the the normal Collodion of p. 377, and setting less rapidly, is not improved, but rather the contrary, by the presence of water. The sedimentary layer of fluid in the Collodion ought not to mea- sure more than ^-th of the total bulk. Allow to stand for a fortnight before NEGATIVE POETEAIT COLLODION. 441 The Writer's own opinion as regards the excellencies and defects of this Collodion is as follows : It does not produce an intense image, but rather the contrary, and hence certain precautions must be taken. In the first place, the operator must obtain the best quality of Nitrate of Silver, since the slightest trace of the impurity men- tioned at p. 252 would produce indistinctness of image and blurring or halation. In a rather dull light, a trace of Acetate in the Bath will be an improvement, and in any case the solution should be nearly neutral, since excess of Acetic Acid lowers the intensity. Saturate the Bath as fully as possible with Iodide of Silver, or there may be defects, in the shape of transparent markings. The state of the developer must also be attended to when this Cad- mium Collodion gives too little intensity ; the proportion of Pyrogallic Acid may be increased to 1^ grains, and that of the Acetic Acid diminished to 10 minims. Half a drachm of spirit may also be required to make the deve- loper flow, since, on account of the great strength of the Alcohol in the Collodion, there is still some tendency to repel liquids when the Nitrate Bath is newly prepared, and nearly free from Alcohol. Lastly, let a stock of the Collodion be always kept on hand, since age increases the intensity ; and mix the new with the old as circumstances dictate. With a long-focus Lens the image will usually require a little strengthening by extra development, and for this purpose the solutions described at page 343 answer admirably. The above-mentioned Cadmium Collodion, although pro- ducing a rather feeble image, is remarkable for its sensi- tiveness. The want of intensity may probably be one cause of its great rapidity, since organic reactions of Py- roxyline appear incompatible with excessive sensitiveness. Not only is the Negative obtained by a short exposure decanting, as the fluid will then have time to clear itself, and the sensitive- ness will be greater than at first. If it be desired to impart to this Collodion the property of changing slightly by long keeping, and of giving greater intensity, about a quarter of a grain of Iodide of Magnesium may be added to each ounce. 442 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. with this Collodion, but it is remarkable for its roundness or stereoscopic effect. On viewing the image, it seems to stand out from the glass, and to be raised above the sur- face. An intense or organic Collodion could not give such an effect, because the exposure required to impress the shadows would be so long that the lights would be flat- tened. Every ray must make a distinct and simultaneous impression upon the plate, to constitute a good portrait Collodion. If the Chemicals are in that perfect order that the Writer is now supposing, the whole of the image will develope even after an insufficient exposure : an inferior sample of Collodion gives no detail in the shadows when under-exposed, but this Cadmium Collodion will exhibit under such circumstances an image perfect in itself, al- though too faint to admit of strengthening. Spots and fogging are often complained of with the Collodion now under discussion. The only remedy is great care and cleanliness, since the exquisite sensitive- ness of the Collodion implies a corresponding delicacy. Specks of dust, moisture on the glass, and impurity of Chemicals, are ruinous to the working of the Collodion, and the operator, unless well armed, will be unable to succeed. Experience has shown that for large portraits a Bromo- iodized Collodion developed with Sulphate of Iron, and strengthened by the formula given at p. 404, is at least not inferior in its results to those produced by the simply iodized Collodion developed with Pyrogallic Acid, and for small portraits it is superior. This mode also gives great certainty, the delicate balancing of the chemicals appear- ing not to be of so much importance as with an iodized Collodion. The normal Collodion, bromo-iodized by the formula (p. 402), may be depended on as working in a satis- factory manner when the Bath is slightly acid and free from excess of organic matter. It is very uniform in sen- sitiveness, free from all tendency to spots and fogging, and produces harmonious Negatives. The amount of acid re- quired in the Bath, in order to obtain the highest sensi- CARTE-DE-VISITE PORTRAITS. ' 443 tiveness, will depend in a great measure, 1st, on the depth of colour in the Collodion arising from free Iodine ; and, 2ndly, on the temperature. In the first case, if the Collo- dion has become very red through decomposition of the iodizer, a neutral Bath may be used ; but each succeeding plate will be Jess sensitive than the preceding one, in con- sequence of the liberation of Nitric Acid by the chemical changes going on in the Nitrate solution. In this state it gives rise to much uncertainty. The normal Collodion, bromo-iodized as directed, should not assume a deep-red colour till after several months' keeping. A predisposition in that direction indicates that there is something wrong with the Ether or Pyroxyline. As to temperature, it will be found that when the ther- mometer stands high, more acid will be required in the Bath than in the cold winter months ; but no rule can be laid down to suit all circumstances. The indications given by the action of the developer on the plate will be the safest guide. Card or Carte-de-Visite Portraits. For this class of pictures, which have recently come much into vogue, a Bromo-iodized Collodion is superior to a simply iodized, as giving greater softness and less violent contrasts. The development should in the first instance be conducted with Iron, and the Negative redeveloped as directed at p. 424. Some operators have succeeded perfectly by dispensing with the redevelopment, and adopting one or other of the intensifying processes mentioned at p. 285. The former plan is easier and more certain when the Collodion and Bath are of that kind which give sufficient intensity. Oc- casionally, however, great difficulty is found in obtaining a dense Negative by the ordinary redeveloping processes ; in that case, recourse must be had to the latter. Iodized Collodion, followed by Pyrogallic Acid as a preliminary developer, is not recommended, for the reason that it fa- vours hardness, unless extraordinary care be taken to have the chemicals of the purest kind, and to keep them in that condition. In conjunction with Formic Acid, however, it 444 * PBACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. has recently been used for this class of work, and is stated to have the effect of shortening considerably the time of exposure, and also of producing fine soft Negatives. SECTION III. Landscape Photography with Wet Collodion. The Apparatus. As this Work is addressed principally to one about to commence the practice of Photography, let the Writer advise him not to be induced, by the hope of obtaining large pictures, to purchase a photographic appa- ratus of a very considerable size ; he will find that plates above ten inches by eight will involve an amount of bag- gage which in travelling becomes a burden. The expanding and folding Camera, made from well- seasoned wood, is a useful instrument, and although many prefer employing a rigid Camera with the Chemicals packed in the interior, yet the experience of the majority is in favour of the former. Cameras with cloth or accordion- shaped bodies are very portable, and useful when made in a proper manner so as not to crack ; but the back of the Camera which carries the slide must be immovably fixed by a screw, to prevent it from shaking in a high wind. Cloth and leather contract dust, and require occasional cleansing. The Lens for plates of the size above-named may be an actinic meniscus of fifteen inches focal length, with three diaphragms mounted square, rather than in a cone, which is liable to give reflection from the sides. It is recom- mended to paint a narrow black circle of about an eighth of an inch wide at the posterior surface of the Lens, to pre- vent the edge of the glass from reflecting ; also to put in a second diaphragm rather larger in size and made of black- ened cardboard, behind the first, in order that a portion of the oblique rays, which otherwise would strike off' from the interior of the brass mounting, may be intercepted. These precautions are not absolutely necessary, but they have been APPARATUS FOE LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY. 445 adopted by many of our most successful landscape Photo- graphers. A thin partition in the body of the Camera itself has also been found to improve the brilliancy of the image : it should be placed about midway between the Lens and the ground-glass, and the aperture ought to be of such a size as to admit only those rays which fall directly upon the plate. A more simple plan, and one nearly as effective, is to line the interior of the Camera with black cotton-velvet, taking care to place the nap of the velvet towards the Lens. Tripod stands should be firm and unyielding, and it is recommended that they should not fold in the middle. For architectural subjects the triplet form of Lens (p. 190) is the best adapted, being free from distortion, and there- fore refracting, each portion of the view in its correct re- lative position. It should be well stopped down to give greater depth of focus, and to improve the marginal de- finition. With equal apertures, it is slower than the ordi- nary view Lens ; the exposure must therefore be longer, and in consequence the Negatives are generally feebler. The Orthographic or Orthoscopic Lens has also been re- commended for the same purpose ; but it possesses some amount of distortion. It is only superior to the triplet when, from the building being too near, it is necessary to tilt the Camera a little to include its height. In this case, the perpendiculars, which, when refracted by another Lens, would seem on the focussing-screen to fall inwards, are by the hour-glass distortion of the Orthoscopic Lens thrown outwards at their extremities, and will thus ap- pear straight. For general landscape views no form of Lens yet introduced is equal to the single actinic meniscus Lens. The Nitrate Bath may be carried in a glass trough, with a tight top of Caoutchouc, and mounted in a wooden case for protection. Fasten a little sheet rubber round the bottom of the dipper to prevent it from cracking the trough if inadvertently dropped. Gutta-percha is not recom- mended, for, although some troughs made from it will 446 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. work well for some time, they eventually give rise to fogging and other annoyances. The late Mr. Archer contrived an ingenious form of Camera, in which the operations of sensitizing and deve- loping the plate could be carried on in the interior of the instrument. Very good pictures have been taken in this Camera, and the Author has seen it used by the inventor himself with perfect success. Nevertheless, he is disposed to recommend some form of tent in preference, unless the operator be possessed of considerable tact and dexterity. There are several tents which have been well spoken of for field work. The following, by Mr. Levi, is very simple, and may be constructed at a small expense :* The tent consists of: 1st. Two boards, each 30 inches in length by 15 in breadth, and T ^- of an inch thickness, hinged to- gether by strong hinges. Each of these boards is formed of a frame of hard wood, such as nutwood, to give it strength, with a panel of deal for lightness. In the outer corners of each are holes 1 inch in diameter, a small iron plate with a corresponding opening being screwed over each hole. Each of these plates is 2 inches square. 2ndly. Four poles of light strong wood Jf of an inch in diame- ter. Each pole is formed of two parts fitted together by a brass friction tube fixed on the top part of the pole. The bottom part, 41 inches in length, has an iron point at the end (fixed on by a ring), to plant in the ground if necessary ; the top part, 35 inches long, has a small iron point at the end, 1 inch long and i inch diameter. The two poles fitted together have an entire length of 6 feet 1 inch. 3rdly. The covering of the tent, formed of two thicknesses of ordinary calico, dyed yellow, and sewn in such a manner that the seams do not correspond. This covering lias the form of a cube, open on one side, that side continuing in the shape of a sack, with a cord passing round the opening, so that the operator may be able to tighten it round his waist. In the bottom part of this cube are four openings, fitting exactly the poles, and corresponding to the openings in the table ; these holes are bound with leather. * ' London Photographic Journal,' vol. iv. p. 43. THE TENT. 447 On the opposite face of the cube are four smaller holes, equally trimmed with leather, and fitting exactly on the four small pins on the poles. The tent is packed by putting the eight half-poles on the closed table, surrounding them by the covering doubled up, and strap- ping the whole together. To mount it, the table is inserted in the covering, and opened (with the hinges downwards), so that the holes correspond with the bottom holes in the covering ; the bottom half-poles are passed through these openings, a small peg fitted on them, preventing them from passing too far, and forming a rest for the table when in place. Two persons taking hold of the corners of the board and the poles at the same time, place them in position, that is to say, stick the points in the ground not vertically, but bringing them outwards slightly on the dia- gonal of the table, which thus remains horizontal and perfectly firm. The four top poles are then put inside the covering and each one fitted on the corresponding half (the two parts of each pole being numbered to correspond), the iron spike at the tops being first inserted in the corresponding hole. It only remains to put in the photographic implements ; when the plate is ready to be dipped in the Nitrate Bath, or developed, the operator puts the top part of his body through the opening, the assistant ties the cord tightly round his waist, and the arms and upper part of the body remain perfectly free, and in no ways cramped for room. It takes three minutes to mount, or to undo the tent; its weight when strapped together is thirteen pounds, and the total 448 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. cost 24*. 6d., viz. 18-y. for purchase of calico, dyeing, and making up the covering, 3*. for carpenter's work, and 3*. 6d. for smith's work. In working with this tent in a strong light, it would be advisable to add one thickness of black calico inside the yellow, leaving an aperture of a foot square for a window ; and also to attach strong cords to the top of the poles, and peg them down to the ground. Glass plates may be carried in a grooved-box with a brass handle affixed, and water for washing the plates, either in a gutta-percha bottle, or in a tubular vessel made of Mackintosh cloth, which is suspended by a ring to the interior of the tent, and carries a flexible tap. Thus there will be three principal packages to be carried into the field 1st. The Camera folded in its leathern case. 2nd. The tent. 3rd. A box of leather strengthened at the corners and lined with green baize, containing the Bath, glass plates, and chemicals : a square wicker basket also answers well for this purpose. In addition to this may be mentioned the Tripod legs, and the Lens in a leather case slung across the shoulder. The full list of apparatus and chemicals required for a few days' trip of landscape Photography, on plates 8x5, is as follows : Camera, slide, and focussing screen. Large focussing cloth with strings in front, and focussing glass. Tripod-stand with screw bolt. Lens in case. Nitrate Bath filled with solution. Half-pint solution extra in glass bottle. Dipper in case. Carbonate of Soda, one drachm. Glass plates in box, with any number extra. Linen cloth and leather for polishing. Broad camel's-hair brush. Pneumatic plate-holder. Twenty ounces Iodized or Bromo-iodized Collodion in a stock bottle. Two four- ounce stoppered bottles for decanting Collodion. Two or three spare ditto, various sizes. Bottle of Varnish. Four ounces of Ether and Alcohol, mixed. Ditto, of Spirits of Wine. Two-ounce measure. Half a quire of blotting- paper. Two hand-cloths, with sponge or tow for wiping. Half an ounce of Pyrogallic Acid. Eight ounces of glacial APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS. 449 Acetic Acid. Half an ounce Citric Acid. Twelve-ounce bottle for solution of Pyrogallic Acid. Sulphate of Iron, four ounces. Twelve-ounce bottle for solution of ditto. Cyanide of Potassium for cleaning fingers and fixing. Two or three small developing glasses, holding each twelve drachms. A dropping-bottle filled with thirty-grain solu- tion of Nitrate of Silver. Hyposulphite of Soda one pound. Six-ounce bottle of saturated solution of ditto. Photographic tent, with table, poles, covering, and cords for fastening to the ground. Gutta-percha tray, 12 X 10. Water-bottle. Scales and weights. Glass measures. Glass or porcelain funnel for filtering the Bath. A yard of yel- low tammy or calico. Ditto of black calico. A ball of string. Paper of pins. The leathern case or basket which is actually carried into the field contains only a portion of these Chemicals, viz. two four-ounce bottles of Collodion ; developing solu- tions ; dropping-bottle and small glasses ; Fixing solution ; Ether and Alcohol for diluting, etc. : all of which should be in turned wooden boxes, or well wrapped up to prevent breakage. Before starting, it will be well to ascertain that the chemicals and apparatus are in working order, and in par- ticular, that the tent does not let in the light. Prepare a plate therefore in the tent, and rear it up on blotting- paper immediately opposite to the yellow window, for at least two minutes. It ought, after this, to stand the ac- tion of the developer without any staining. This point is of importance, because it will be required sometimes to give the plates a long draining, and therefore there must be security against the presence of even a trace of white light. Having proved the^tent to be tight, next see to the Ca- mera, whether light gets in between the two portions of the body ; if it does so, the focussing cloth must invariably be thrown over the instrument during exposure. Collodion, Nitrate Bath, and Developer for Landscapes. It is the present almost universal practice of Photo- 2G 450 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. graphers to use a simply iodized Collodion for Pyrogallic development, and a Bromo-iodized for a Sulphate of Iron developer, and since the best conditions of Bath for these are different, it will be well to treat each case separately. Iodized Collodion. The normal Collodion of p. 377, iodized either by the first or second formula (p. 398), or by equal parts of both, may be safely recommended for gene- ral landscape work. The film has a little too much ten- dency to repel the developer when the Nitrate Bath is entirely aqueous, but this disappears as Alcohol accumu- lates in it. The Negatives are also rather too hard and intense in sunny weather, especially so when the plain Collodion has undergone partial decomposition by long keeping before iodizing, or if the sample of Ether was impure. These defects the operator may have to encounter, as also a tendency to white spots if the Collodion is very new and sensitive. Develope with Pyrogallic Acid and Acetic Acid as a rule. It will be well to iodize a portion of the normal Collo- dion about three weeks or a month before use. When the colour becomes of an amber-yellow, you will find that al- though slow in action, it is admirably adapted for distant views uniformly lighted. New Collodion would produce a thin red Negative under such circumstances, and would probably fog during development : age increases the con- trast, and favours clearness and brilliancy. For architec- tural subjects the old Collodion is also better as a rule, since it gives greater decision and sharpness to the lines. The rapidly-acting Cadmium Collodion of p. 398 is use- ful on occasion for glens and other views lighted from above, but it is liable to solarization and other defects al- luded to at p. 399, if employed too frequently alone. Mixed with the normal Collodion, it assists in bringing out the shadows when the organic reactions due to decomposition are excessive. Pyrogallic Acid with Citric Acid is a suit- able developer for this Collodion in a strong light. In some exceptional instances, a small proportion of Bromide in the Collodion is useful in keeping back the COLLODION AND BATH FOR LANDSCAPES. 451 shadows when a highly-sensitive iodized Collodion gives too flat a picture, at other times in remedying defects of the Pyroxyline, such as excessive hardness and insensitive- ness due to decomposition, or again in obviating over- action of light, and thus harmonizing the sky with the landscape beneath. A Nitrate Bath prepared from the purest neutral Nitrate of Silver is the only one that will impart the highest quickness and certainty of action to a simply iodized Collodion. Great care must be taken not to introduce organic matter by handling the plate with warm hands while coating with Collodion, or by any other means, otherwise the Bath will soon cease to work well, but may still be used, when slightly acid, to excite Bromo- iodized films. Develope with Pyrogallic Acid. Bromo -iodized Collodion. The normal Collodion of p. 377, and also Collodion prepared from the Pyroxyline of p. 440, are well adapted for a Bromo-iodizer. The former gives the greater intensity, the latter a higher sensitiveness. Protosulphate of Iron, followed by Pyrogallic Acid as di- rected at p. 424, is the proper developer ; but in hot weather, and when working with large plates in a small confined space, it will often be a matter of great difficulty to keep the developer under sufficient control so as to avoid stains and marks of irregularity. In that case it may be deemed advisable to prolong the exposure, and develope with the ordinary Pyrogallic solution only. With small plates, in the hottest weather, this will hardly ever be necessary. The Bath should be slightly acid with Nitric Acid only, and made as directed at p. 403. Manipulations, etc. It is of some importance, and more particularly so in hot weather, and when the Collodion and Bath are in the most sensitive working order, not to leave the plate in the Nitrate solution longer than is abso- lutely necessary. To promote quick sensitizing, move the plate up and down a few times before removing it from the Bath. The chances of fogging are much increased by leaving it in the liquid after the Nitrate solution has ceased to run in greasy lines on the iodized film. 452 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Let the dark frame be well dusted before putting in the plate. The tent should be pitched near to the Camera ; but if that be inconvenient, and the plate has to be carried some distance, such as five or ten minutes' walk from the developing-chamber, fold the focussing-cloth round it, and be particularly careful to keep the lower side of the frame towards .the ground, not perpendicularly, but inclined in such a way that any particles of dust, etc., which may be detached from the inner part of the slide, cannot fall on the sensitive surface. To avoid failures from specks of dust, it is also important that the slide should not be vio- lently shaken or tapped against the Camera, etc., while the plate is inside. Arrangement of the Camera. It is not the object of the present Work to enter into the artistic principles involved in Photography, but it may be remarked that it is in the arrangement of the Camera that the distinction chiefly lies . between the artist-photographer and the mere manipulator. The former selects his point of view with the object of obtaining the best effects of light and shade of which the subject is capable ; and having once selected it, is ready to sacrifice time and patience in waiting for the best moment of exposure. The manipulator, on the other hand, places his Camera anyhow so as to include the subject, without reference to that which constitutes the charm of a picture, viz. a nice balancing of light and shade. Supposing that the photographer is an artist, and has selected the best point of view, it will be necessary for him to observe whether his Camera is carefully levelled, since it is only with a Petzval Lens that he can venture to point the in- strument upwards without destroying perpendiculars. If perpendicular lines do not form a prominent part of the view, the precaution of levelling need not be rigidly ad- hered to. It will however be found a convenient plan to rule the focussing screen with a number of vertical lines, parallel to each other, by which the position and appear- ance of the principal objects, as they will be depicted on the Negative, may be judged of. As a rule, work with EXPOSUEE AND DEVELOPMENT FOE LANDSCAPES. 453 the light, that is to say, with the sun, or the principal light, coming from behind the Camera towards the object. At the same time, except in rare instances, the sun, the Ca- mera, and the object, should not be in one line, a state of things which would necessarily yield a picture without contrast. The principal light ought to fall at an angle on the object from either side of the Camera, so as to give sufficient variety of light and shade. Exposure. With respect to the time of exposure no definite rule can be laid down, so much depending on the lights, state of chemicals, and the aperture and focal length of the Lens. For instance, in the case of a 4^-inch focus lens, with ^--inch stop, the exposure may vary from less than a second, for a well illuminated, bright object, to half an hour for a feebly-lighted interior. Beyond the latter time it is scarcely possible to keep a plate without injury, unless the sensitive film, after removal from the Bath, is covered with honey, or with a solution of some deliques- cent inert salt. This plan, however, is not recommended, for besides giving rise to much uncertainty, by diluting the free Nitrate on the surface of the plate, it detracts from its sensitiveness. Some kinds of Collodion will keep surface-wet under long exposures better than others ; and, as a rule, Collodion iodized with the alkaline and earthy iodizers, such as Potassium, Ammonium, or Magnesium, are the best in this respect. The intelligent operator will soon be able, by watching the action of the developer, to distinguish between the effects of under- and over-expo- sure (see p. 423), and to acquire that experience which is the only safe guide. Developing, etc. Before removing the plate from the slide for development, see that all the solutions are near at hand, and ready to be applied. If the development is to be carried out with Pyrogallic Acid only, few so- lutions will be required, and the small space in the tent need not jbe encumbered with unnecessary bottles. The Bath should be carefully covered over to protect it from splashes of the developer, and for the same reason the 454 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHT. Collodion bottles should be put away in a quiet corner, as far off as possible from the spot where the development is to be performed. The only other vessels required inside are the Pyrogallic solution, developing-glass, dropping- bottle containing Nitrate of Silver, and a jug of water. Having applied the Pyrogallic Acid to the film, keep it waving backwards and forwards, and observe its behaviour. If it turns muddy, and the image comes out rapidly, this may be due to the great heat of the tent, and it can scarcely be hoped that the picture will be free from stains after fixing. Proceed then to bridle the reduction by the use of a stronger acid, as advised at p. 280. Sometimes, when the plate has been long kept, the de- veloper will flow over its surface with difficulty, and give rise to stains and irregularities. A drachm of Alcohol, added to each ounce of the developing solution, in most cases corrects this. Another plan has been recommended, to redip the plate in the Nitrate Bath after it has been taken from the slide. Unfortunately, this often gives rise to fogging, and has, moreover, the disadvantage of carry- ing impurities into the Bath, contracted while the plate was in the frame. When the development is conducted with Sulphate of Iron, the Negative has seldom sufficient intensity in the first instance. The Iron should then be washed off, and the development continued with Pyrogallic Acid, as di- rected at p. 424, or with a fresh portion of Sulphate of Iron after the plate has been covered with weak Nitrate of Silver (see p. 425). The developer must be washed off inside the tent, and the plate may then be fixed outside (but not in the direct rays of the sun), either with a 15-grain solution of Cya- nide of Potassium or a saturated solution of Hyposulphite of Soda. It has then to be washed in abundance of water, and put aside in a convenient place to dry, or at once stowed away in the plate-box. In out-of-door Photography, where a plentiful supply of water cannot be had, it is not necessary to complete the COPYING ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS. 455 washing of tlie plate at the moment ; but in that case it ought not to be fixed with Cyanide of Potassium, which, if allowed to remain on the plate, even in very dilute pro- portions, will weaken the half-tones. The plate may be slightly washed, and immediately stowed away in a close box, so as to preserve it in a moist state. The washing may be finished afterwards, but if the plates have be- come dry before the second application of the water, it will be a wise precaution to pass a camel's-hair brush, dipped in spirit-varnish, round the edge of the film, to about inch inwards, to prevent its being detached from the glass. This division of the Chapter would not be complete with- out some remarks on the substitutes for distilled water when it cannot be obtained ; but as this subject is fully discussed in the Vocabulary, Part I., the reader may there seek the required information. SECTION IV. How to Copy Engravings, Oil Paintings, etc. In this branch of Photography we have to consider in the first place whether the copy is required to be of a re- duced size, or of the same dimensions as the original, be- cause in the latter case the operator works with a less amount of light, and hence the mode of proceeding must be different. The colour of the object should also be taken into account, inasmuch as the yellow faded tint of old prints and manuscripts is very detrimental to Photographic action. To Photograph a full-sized steel engraving on a plate not larger than 7 X 6 or 5 X 4, is a very simple operation, and no special directions will be needed. Hemove the en- graving from its frame (the glass would cause irregular re- flection) and suspend it vertically and in a reversed posi- tion, in a good diffused light, placing a black cloth behind it, if any bright reflecting surface be presented to the Lens. Point at it a Camera mounted with a portrait Lens, and 456 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. stop it down with diaphragms until the field is quite flat, and the whole is in focus.* Whilst the plate is being ex- posed, the Lens should be shielded from diffused light by a projecting funnel or otherwise. Instead of a portrait Lens an ordinary view Lens may be used, and as the field to be covered is small, a compa- ratively large diaphragm will suffice. The exact state of the Collodion and Nitrate Bath is not very material ; but a sample of Collodion, somewhat dis- coloured from long keeping, is to be preferred. Be careful not to over-expose. Develope and fix in the usual way. The copying of old prints, manuscripts, maps, and dia- grams, on plates of 10x12, 15x12, 20x17, etc., is an operation requiring greater care, and the different steps may be described successively : The Lens. The old form of view Lens possesses certain advantages. The number of glasses and of reflecting sur- faces is small, so that the light is not much intercepted in passing through the Lens ; hence the image is bright, and an intense Negative is more easily obtained : in addition to this, the construction of the Lens is simple, so that the optician has less difficulty in mastering it. But, on the other hand, the distortion of the common view Lens is a great defect, for it is more decided than that of any other form, and especially so if the Lens be at all strained by bringing it very near to the object. The best mode of ob- viating this is to employ a Lens of a tolerably long focus, and not to work it at the extreme limit. Thus if the in- strument be of 20 inches focal length, and be constructed to cover a plate of 15 inches by 12, it may be used for copies of the full size up to 10 inches by 8. Beyond that, the copy, although sufficiently correct for many pur- poses, would not be likely to bear accurate measurement. Nothing will be gained as regards distortion by diminish- * If the Lens is not fitted with Waterhouse's diaphragms, a temporary one may be made by cutting a circle of cardboard to fit into the mounting in front of the anterior Lens, then cutting another smaller circle within it of the size of the aperture required. Black the diaphragm with Indian ink on both sides. LENSES FOE COPYING. 457 ing the size of the diaphragm, and the plan of pushing the stop nearer to the glass, although rendering the lines straighter, cannot often be adopted, because it makes the field concave, and thus destroys the definition at the edges. The difficulty of covering a large field perfectly flat is in- deed severely felt with the common view Lens ; so much so that the operator, after reducing the size of the stop as far as practicable, is often compelled to remove it to a greater distance from the Lens, even although the distor- tion be thereby increased. The portrait Lens of the ordinary form is remarkably well adapted for giving straight lines, and has also the merit of producing great sharpness with a large aperture. The objection is, that the image is so concave as to be out of focus at the edges. The Orthographic or Orthoscopic Lens produces a flat image on a large plate, and throws the light well up into the corners of the picture. The distortion, however, is greater than with the portrait Lens, although somewhat less than that produced by the old form of view Lens. In sharpness of definition it is not equal to the portrait Lens, unless a small stop be used, and the Negatives are then less easily intensified than when taken by the view Lens* since there are more reflecting surfaces to weaken the light. But where great accuracy is required, the best Lens for copying purposes is unquestionably the Triplet. It has a flat field, and when well stopped down gives fine definition over a large angle. It is absolutely without dis- tortion, so that with this instrument maps, large docu- ments, etc., may be copied piecemeal, and the parts after- wards placed in junction. The only objection to its use is the great number of reflecting surfaces, which weakens the light, and disposes to fogginess of Negatives, more es- pecially when the Lens is not well shielded from diffused light. Its flatness of field and freedom from "distortion, however, more than counterbalance this defect ; hence its almost universal adoption for copying maps, diagrams, etc., where absolute correctness is required. 458 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The Camera. In a copying Camera, lightness and por- tability should be sacrificed to rigidity, since the least vibration would produce a blurring of the lines of the picture. For ordinary purposes it will be sufficient to lengthen out a Camera of the common sort by a light cone, made to slide on at the front ; but for copying maps and plans on a large scale, a more substantial instrument should be provided, and should be placed upon a strong and heavy table standing on four legs. If the instrument is to stand in the open air, it may be covered in and pro- tected from wind and rain by a movable " Punch and Judy box," with curtains at the front, sliding vertically and laterally, so as to shield the Lens from diffused light ; an additional curtain being placed at the back to facilitate the darkening of the chamber around the Camera, that the operator may see the image upon the greyed glass. The importance of fixing the Camera very firmly cannot be over-rated, and the difficulty of effecting this in a satis- factory manner with a large Camera, is considerable. This you will see if you make a pencil-mark upon the greyed glass, and focus a fine line upon it : keeping the head quite still, the line will be found to vibrate from side to side, unless unusual precautions have been taken. A flange should be fitted to the cone in front of the Camera, of a size to take the largest Lens which it is pro- posed to use, and for each smaller Lens an adapter screw- ing into the flange. Sometimes Cameras are made with the Lens working back into the body of the instrument by a perpetual screw ; but this plan, although excellent as regards protecting the Lens from diffused light, has the disadvantage of throwing the front of the Camera so near to the object, that sometimes after the focussing is com- plete, the light is prevented from falling properly upon the lower part of the picture. Supposing it be desired to copy the picture of the full size, fasten it to a black board, and bring the Camera up to it, until the distance equals twice the focal length of the- Lens. Now, with a piece of string measure the length CAMERA FOB COPYING. 459 from the centre of the front part of the Lens to each corner of the picture ; if the four measurements accurately correspond, the print is properly placed, in the middle. Next focus carefully upon the ground glass, and with a foot rule or a string ascertain that the image is of the right size, and also that it is perfectly rectangular. To do this compare the marginal lines with the edges of the greyed focussing glass, when the eye will at once detect any error. The picture will not be rectangular unless the Camera be absolutely level, and pointed quite at right angles to the picture ; if the vertical lines, for instance, fall inwards, the front of the instrument must be a little depressed. An inquiry is often made as to whether the sun should shine upon the picture P This question can only be an- swered conditionally. In the case of an old manuscript, yellow and faded, of a sepia drawing, or of other subjects of that kind, the stronger the light the better. These colours are sometimes so non-actinic that they make but little impression upon the sensitive film, and can only be copied in direct sunlight. Other prints will show the tex- ture of the paper when copied in sunlight, and if the white parts are pure, they throw off quite enough light to pro- duce an excellent Photograph in the shade, A horizontal light is in all cases to be preferred, and vertical rays may be cut off by a narrow curtain of blue calico. The opera- tor may also regulate the light according to the rapidity of development of his picture, which will vary with the focal length and aperture of the Lens. It is correct in theory to increase the amount of illumi- nation by using a portrait Lens when the image appears iin usually dark upon the focussing screen, as will often be the case in copying old sepia drawings. For if a view Lens or Triplet be employed, the amount of light may be too small to make any impression upon the film when the shadows of the picture are heavy ; whereas, by opening up the aperture of the Lens and admitting all the rays which can be collected, a certain amount of detail will be obtained even in those parts of the picture which appear most unpromising. 460 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The Collodion for copying. Both the Collodion and the Nitrate Bath must be in the best possible working order, since they will be put to a severe trial in this process if the copies are to be of the full size, and if the Lens has a very considerable focal length. Collodion made from weak Ne- gative Pyroxyline (p. 270) will not answer the purpose, the image developing in the grey metallic form, and being diffi- cult to strengthen. No amount of keeping after iodizing will bring it into the proper state ; and when it becomes much coloured from free Iodine, the amount of Nitric Acid liberated in the Bath will tend further to weaken the image and produce stains in developing. The formula for a normal Collodion given at p. 277, has been much used in copying, and this preparation undoubt- edly possesses the merits of being very limpid and ad- herent to the glass. The Writer, however, finds it to be somewhat deficient as regards the required intensity, and likewise to be too sensitive for copying black and white objects without middle tints. Excess of sensitiveness is an objection in copying maps : it is difficult to preserve the transparency of lines and dots in such a case, seeing that even black surfaces throw off a small amount of light, and a very sensitive Collodion is affected thereby. Hence it becomes convenient to prepare a second Collodion with more contrast and clearness of developing than the last, and to mix them together or use them separately as occa- sion may require.* Collodions for copying will usually improve by keeping * Formula for a Copying Collodion. In the directions now given the reader is presumed to be acquainted with the manufacture of Collodion as described in Part II., and also in the First Chapter of the present Part. Take of Oil of Vitriol, sp. gr. 1-845 2 fluid ounces. Pure Nitric Acid, sp. gr. 1'45 1 fluid ounce. Water 4 fluid ounce. Best Cotton 30 grains. Purify and dry the Cotton in the usual way. Temperature, 170 to 1?5 Fahr. Time of immersion, five minutes. In the above formula the proportion of diluted Oil of Vitriol is reduced in order to render the Pyroxyline less horny. The Water is also reduced in COLLODION AND BATH FOR COPYING. 461 after iodizing, but no definite rule can be stated. The normal Collodion of p. 377 may usually be kept for a month or six weeks in cool weather, or for three months if iodized with mixed Potassium and Cadmium. The Collodion described in the foot-note loses sensitiveness more rapidly on account of the high temperature em- ployed in making the Pyroxyline. In place of simple iodides, the Collodion of the foot- note may be iodized with Bromide and Iodide conjoined. Many operators esteemed skilful in this branch of the art, attribute their success to the use of the Bromo-iodide, which imparts sharpness of outline, with freedom from fogging and spots. A want of intensity constitutes its only defect, to overcome which the picture may be hung in a good light, and the plate be fixed with Cyanide, and subsequently treated by Davanne's Iodine method, pre- sently to be described (p. 463). In copying maps and plans of full size by Lenses of four or six feet solar focus, the light is, according to the Author's experience, too much reduced to yield a dense Negative with any Collodion ex- cepting the simply iodized. The Bath Solution for Copying purposes must be pre- pared with recrystallized Nitrate of Silver, perfectly free from that impurity mentioned at p. 252, which weakens the reduction, destroys the bloom, and produces spots and stains. A trace of Acetate of Silver will be favourable rather than otherwise ; about as much as would be pro- duced by dropping a single drop of Ammonia into ten ounces of the solution, and supersaturating with Acetic quantity with a view of adding to the intensity, and the temperature is raised twenty degrees to lessen sensitiveness and improve the flowing qualities. The perfection of this Collodion will depend entirely upon the Pyroxyline being exactly in the proper state ; it must be broken up and small in quantity on leaving the acids, and inclined to be dusty on drying; otherwise more water should be added, or the time of immersion increased from five to ten minutes. In washing the Pyroxyline a final bath of very dilute Ammonia may be used, since a trace of alkali appears to assist in giving intensity. The Ether and Alcohol are to be in the usual proportions, and the iodizer may consist of Iodide of Potassium simply, or may contain an extra grain of Iodide of Cadmium to each ounce, if the film appears too opalescent. 462 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Acid. The Bath will improve by moderate use if all the chemicals are pure ; the film becoming less repellent to the developer, giving rather more intensity, and yield- ing cleaner Negatives. Exposure of tlie Plates. No special directions will be needed under this head, excepting when the object to be copied presents merely a black and white surface. In such a case the ordinary rules for exposure fail, the middle tints being absent. When a photographic copy of a map or diagram has received an insufficient amount of exposure in the Camera, the parts of the Negative corresponding to the black lines remain very clear, without showing any disposition to fog under the action of the developer, but the lights develope slowly, and are not sufficiently intense. Slightly over-exposed Negatives, on the other hand, deve- lope more quickly, and with a deeper shade of colour ; but it is difficult to prevent the developer from clouding over the lines, and thus rendering the design invisible by re- flected light. The time of exposure in copying pictures will vary much with the focal length of the Lens and the sensitiveness of the Collodion ; but in the case of a Triplet Lens, stopped down, as much as five minutes may be given for an oil painting, even in the direct rays of the sun. A black and white object would require about a minute or a minute and a half under similar circumstances. Development. This is often a tedious operation, and when the Negatives are taken in a weak light, from five to ten minutes are commonly spent in getting up the in- tensity to the proper point. In a strong light, Pyrogallic Acid will be found the best developer as a rule, when the Collodion contains Iodide only ; and it will be often advis- able to reduce the quantity of retarding Acetic Acid to one-half, otherwise the Silver will be thrown down in a too crystalline and metallic form. If the diminution in the amount of Acetic Acid makes the developer flow with difficulty, remedy it by adding twenty minims of Alcohol to the ounce. In a feeble light, whether the Collodion DEVELOPING- AND STRENGTHENING COPIES. 463 contains Bromide or not, Protosulphate of Iron as a prelimi- nary developer may be employed with marked advantage. In the case of engravings, paintings, sepia drawings, etc., a careful process of pushing the development in the ordinary way (p. 424) will usually suffice to give intensity, if the Collodion be in the proper state. Negatives of maps, plans, printed matter, etc., ought in- variably to be under-developed 'in the first instance, so as to obviate all chance of depositing Silver on the lines. The Pyrogallic Acid must be poured oft' as soon as the image appears in all its parts, and the Iodide of Silver cleared away by weak Cyanide of Potassium, after which the re- development may be carried on as before described. It will occasionally happen in this process of intensifying that an opaline deposit of Silver will be thrown down in a very regular manner upon the clear parts of the Negative, stopping abruptly at the points where the true image com- mences. When this happens, a stronger acid may be used in the intensifying developer, viz. Citric Acid instead of Acetic Acid, and for this purpose nothing answers better than the admirable developer described under " Russell's Tannin Process." Artificial modes of strengthening Negatives. These will be required in all cases where the actinic intensity of the light falls below a certain point. In making a full-sized Ne- gative of a Collodion Positive on glass, by means of a Por- trait Lens stopped down, the method of Davanne will often be found sufficient. Throw a crystal of Iodine into Spirits of Wine until the liquid becomes very dark and opaque, then add a few drops of the solution to distilled water, enough to render the water of an amber-yellow. Too much Iodine causes a blackish turbidity in the water, but this is instantly removed by a little Spirit. After fixing and washing the picture, pour on the aqueous Iodine solution for about a minute, then wash under a tap, and expose for an instant to diffused daylight. Carry the plate back again into the dark room, and intensify with Russell's developer (see p. 343) : no second fixing will be needed. 464 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The additional deposit obtained as above described will often be found sufficient, and when such is the case the method is to be preferred, because the half-tones of a Pho- tograph are easily obliterated by too much intensifying. In the case of large copies of maps taken with Triplet Lenses of long focus, the Iodine method proves insufficient, and the fine lines of the drawing become partly obliterated during the prolonged development. In such a case it is advised to develope the plate only partially in the first in- stance, and to fix it with Cyanide of Potassium ; then to intensify twice with Pyrogallic Acid, Citric Acid, and Ni- trate of Silver, and lastly to treat the plate with the two following liquids : /Iodine 6 grains. No. 1. .5 Iodide Potassium .... 12 grains. (.Water 6 ounces. ~ C Sulphide Potassium .... 1 drachm. " 1 Water 6 ounces. Apply No. 1 either in the yellow room or in the daylight, until the whole of the image is converted into Iodide of Silver and the deposit appears yellow throughout. Then pour water on the image from a jug, and apply No. 2, which must be allowed to remain until the yellow colour changes to a deep reddish-brown. Lastly, dry the plate, and varnish in the usual way. The theory of this process is explained at page 286. If the opacity of the Negative is not complete after the above treatment, it will indicate that the amount of real Silver in the image was insufficient to produce opacity when converted into Sulphide. A second Negative must there- fore be taken, and the intensifying with Pyrogallic Acid, Citric Acid, and Nitrate of Silver continued for a longer time. Even if this continuation of the development should not appear to add much to the density, it must still be per- severed with, since after the application of the Sulphide of Potassium the difference will be manifest. STEEEOGKAPHY. 465 SECTION Y. Rules for taking Stereoscopic and Instantaneous Photographs. Binocular pictures of a large size, for the reflecting Ste- reoscope, may be taken with, an ordinary View Lens of about 15 inches focus. The ground glass of the Camera having been ruled with lines in the manner described at page 452, the position of some prominent part is marked upon one of the lines with a pencil, and the first view is taken. The stand is then moved laterally, to the proper distance, and the Camera adjusted to its second position by shifting it until the marked object occupies the same place as before. The distance between the two positions should be about one foot when the foreground of the pic- ture is twenty-five feet from the instrument, or four feet when it is at thirty or forty yards. But, as before shown at page 213, this rule is not to be followed implicitly, much depending upon the character of the picture and the effect desired. Photographs for the refracting Stereoscope are taken with small Lenses of from 4| to 6 inches focus. For por- traits, a Camera may advantageously be fitted with two double-combination Lenses, of If inches diameter, exactly equal in focal length and in rapidity of action. The caps are removed simultaneously, and the pictures impressed at the same instant. The centres of the Lenses may be sepa- rated by three inches when the Camera is placed at about six or eight feet from the sitter. Pictures taken with a binocular Camera of this kind, re- quire to be mounted in a reversed position to that which they occupy on the glass, or a pseudoscopic effect will be produced. The Negatives may be cut in half, the right half being printed on the left side, or the finished prints may be reversed before mounting. Mr. Latimer Clark has devised an arrangement for ta- king stereoscopic pictures with a single Camera, which is 466 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. exceedingly ingenious. Its most important feature is a contrivance for rapidly moving the Camera in a lateral a. direction without disturbing the centre of the image upon the ground glass. This will be understood by a reference to the above woodcut. "A strongly-framed Camera-stand carries a flat table about 20 inches wide by 16, furnished with the usual ad- justments. Upon this are laid two flat bars of wood in the direction of the object, and parallel, and about the width of the Camera asunder. They are 18 inches in length ; their front ends carry stout pins, which descend into the table and form centres upon which they turn. Their op- posite ends also carry similar pins, but these are directed upwards, and fit into two corresponding holes in the tail- board of the Camera. " Now when the Camera is placed upon these pins, and moved to and fro laterally, the whole system exactly re- sembles the common parallel ruler. The two bars form the guides, and the Camera, although capable of free late- ral motion, always maintains a parallel position. In this condition of things it is only suited to take stereoscopic pictures of an object at an infinite distance ; but to make it move in an arc, converging on an object at any nearer distance, it is only necessary to make the two guide-bars STEREOGRAPHY. 467 approximate at their nearer end so as to converge slightly towards the object ; and by a few trials some degree of convergence will be readily found at which the image will remain as it were fixed on the focussing glass while the Camera is moved to and fro. To admit of this adjustment, one of the pins descends through a slot in the table, and carries a clamping-screw, by means of which it is readily fixed in any required position. " In order however to render the motion of the Camera smoother, it is advisable not to place it directly upon the two guides, but to interpose two thin slips of wood, lying across them at right angles, beneath the front and back of the Camera respectively (and which may be fixed to the Camera if preferred), and to dust the surfaces with pow- dered soap-stone or French chalk." In addition to this arrangement for moving the Camera laterally, the slide for holding the sensitive plates must be modified from the common form. It is oblong in shape, and being about ten or eleven inches long, requires some little adaptation to fit it to the end of an ordinary Camera. The glasses are cut to the requisite size ; and when coated with Iodide of Silver, the two images are impressed side by side, the plate being shifted laterally about 2| inches, at the same time and in the same direction as the Camera itself. The operation of taking a portrait is thus performed. The focus having been adjusted, and the bars approxi- mated about a quarter of an inch in front to give the right convergence, the Camera and the slide are both drawn to the left-hand. The door is then raised and the plate exposed. Next, the Camera, and after it the slide, is shifted to the right-hand, and the plate in its new position having been again exposed, the door is closed and the operation com- pleted. Pictures taken with this instrument do not require to be reversed in mounting, the left picture being purposely formed on the right-hand side of the glass. A Camera with twin Lenses placed about 2\ or 3 inches 468 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGKAPHY. apart, lias now almost entirely superseded the old form, and although theoretically not quite so perfect as the sys- tem of Latimer Clarke, where the Camera is moved so as to converge towards the centre of the view, it possesses other and more important advantages. Two separate Lenses are indispensable when moving or changeable objects have to be included in the picture, and this, in ordinary land- scape and portrait work, is almost invariably the case. Another advantage attending the use of the double Camera, is, that by removing the front containing the Stereoscopic Lenses, and the central partition, it may be made available with a longer-focused Lens for single views up to 8x5. Portrait Lenses of 6 inches or less equivalent focus, fitted with Waterhouse's diaphragms, are often employed for Stereoscopic Landscape Photography, instead of view Lenses. They do not answer quite so well as the latter for views, but as they may also be used for portraits, their use is considered by some an advantage. The Manipulations and Chemicals. Any extended di- rections on this head would be superfluous. Photography on plates of the Stereoscopic size is the most simple branch of the art, and for that reason is usually recommended to beginners. The amateur may commence by reading the general theory of Positive or Negative Photography, as the case may be, in the Seventh Chapter of Part II. He may next practise the manipulations described in the First Section of this Chapter, and afterwards read such observa- tions on Collodion portraiture and landscape Photography as he will find in the two preceding Sections. The Collo- dion and other chemicals are made by the formulae given in Chapter I. of the present Part, and the list of apparatus and bottles is taken from page 448. Nevertheless, to attain to first-rate excellence in Stereo- scopic Photography requires skill and practice, and it is a common remark that these pictures are often defective in just balance of light and shade. The defect of hardness is generally apparent in Negatives produced from a simply Iodized Collodion, developed with Pyrogallic Acid. The .INSTANTANEOUS PICTUEES. 469. ISFegatives are developed too strongly, which gives to the print an appearance of chalk or snow. The brilliancy of the Camera image is in fact so great with Lenses of 4| inch focus, that several appliances are often required to subdue the force of the development. The most efficacious remedy is the use of a Bromo-Iodized Collodion and Sulphate of Iron developer, followed by Pyrogallic Acid or Iron, as described at p. 424, which gives very fine gradations of tone and much softness of negative. The state of the Nitrate Bath will require a little extra attention in Stereoscopic Photography, when the troughs are made narrow, and their capacity is small. Two or three days' hard work in hot weather will occasionally throw the Bath out of order, either from Acidity or Alkalinity, ac- cording to the state of the Collodion : and on account of accumulation of Ether, etc., the liquid will begin to run. into lines as above described. INSTANTANEOUS PICTUEES. Pictures shown as Instantaneous are, as a rule, taken by a brief exposure, but yet one occupying an appreciable amount of time, as is evidenced by the fact that the out- lines of moving objects are more or less indistinct. The conditions necessary for success in this beautiful but diffi-. cult branch of Photography are various, and must all be attended to, before satisfactory pictures can be obtained. Each will be described separately. The Collodion should be Bromo-iodized and not too old. The normal Collodion of p. 377 and 440, Bromo-iodized some three or four days before use, has been found to answer well ; the formula of p. 440 giving perhaps the higher sensitiveness. When the Bromo-iodizer has been added, it should be well shaken up and allowed to settle before being decanted into clean bottles for use. The chance of spots from sediment is particularly great in in- stantaneous photography. Care therefore must be taken to guard against them and to have the Collodion as pure and limpid as possible. The use of Bromide in the Collo- 470 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. dion is not as some have supposed to render it more sensi- tive, but to control the action of the powerful developer and to allow it to remain longer on the film without indu- cing fogging. It enables the operator to use a stronger Nitrate Bath in hot weather and also assists in the redeve- lopment by rendering it more uniform and progressive. The Bath must be made of the purest recrystallized Nitrate of Silver, and may be used with advantage of the strength of forty grains to the ounce of distilled water, and must be nearly neutral. It will have of course to be satu- rated with Iodide of Silver in the usual way, see p. 393. It will not work long for instantaneous photographs, for it has been found practically, that a Bath, however care- fully prepared, soon loses its power of conferring the highest sensibility on a Bromo-iodized film ; but it may still remain useful for ordinary work. The strength of the preliminary developer is of much importance. It should have from thirty to fifty grains of Protosulphate of Iron and thirty minims of Glacial Acetic Acid to one ounce of water. Twenty minims of Alcohol added, is useful if the Collodion surface is of a repellent nature. The Negative will invariably require redevelop- ment ; it is better to do this at once by either of the me- thods directed at p. 424. The actinic power of the Lens employed is of quite as much importance as the purity of the chemicals. Com- pound lenses of short focus, fitted with diaphragms, are generally used. They act very powerfully in a strong light, but are deficient in " depth of focus," so that if the middle distance be well defined, the foreground and dis- tance are indistinct in proportion to the greater or smaller aperture of the diaphragm. The finest specimens of in- stantaneous pictures hitherto produced have been by single lenses, carefully constructed so as to admit of a tolerably large aperture with the requisite sharpness of definition. The future advance of instantaneous photography will pro- bably depend as much on the improvement of the Lens as on an increase in the sensitiveness of the chemicals. INSTANTANEOUS PICTURES. 471 The class of subjects fitted for Instantaneous exposures is limited to that wherein there are no violent contrasts of light and shade. Foliage combined with clouds, can hardly be rendered with good effect by the same amount of ex- posure, for while the former may be secured almost in- tantaneously, the latter, under the most favourable circum- stances, takes an appreciable time to affect the sensitive plate. Moving objects in the immediate foreground must be avoided. The time selected for operating should be when the weather is warm and the light of the most actinic cha- racter. The former under all circumstances promotes energetic action of the chemicals ; the latter condition can only be accurately ascertained by experiment at the time. A clear atmosphere with light fleecy clouds (known under the name of the mackerel-back sky) in the zenith, and banks of cirro-cumulus in the horizon, combined with a gentle south-west breeze, are almost always conditions of the highest actinic power in the light. A cloudless sky with haze in the distance, are indications of the opposite kind. When the chemicals and light are in that state of ac- tivity which fits them for rapid exposures, it will be neces- sary to examine carefully the state of the Camera, to see that no light is admitted except through the Lens. The latter should be so shielded during exposure, that no light, except that from the object, falls on its outer surface, which, being reflected into the Camera, would cause fog- ging. As a further precaution against the same defect, the dark room or tent must be looked to with special care, to make sure that no white light gains admission. Most of the so-called non-actinic glass admits enough of the chemi- cal rays to act injuriously on the plate when in a highly sensitive condition. The additional precaution will there- fore be useful, of fastening over the orange glass two or three folds of yellow calico and working in the minimum of light. If an excited plate held about six inches from the window for two or three minutes, shows no deposit of 472 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. Silver on applying the developer, there will be little danger of fogging from that cause. The exposure may be effected either by an apparatus in front of the Lens, or still better, by a shutter placed be- tween the Lens and the sensitive plate. They may be procured of various kinds at the photographic instrument- makers. A black cloth hanging over the Lens may, by an adroit movement ,be raised for an instant to admit the light, and will sometimes answer well, but it is uncertain. The exposure should take place within three minutes after the plate has been taken from the Bath. After that time it begins to lose its extreme sensitiveness very rapidly. If, therefore, the operator has to wait for some time with the plate in the Camera till moving objects have arranged themselves to his liking, or while a passing cloud obscures the landscape, failure is almost certain, and he will have to make another attempt with a fresh plate. A good arrangement for a first attempt at instantaneous Photography, is a Stereoscopic Camera mounted with twin portrait Lenses. A light outside casing of mahogany, blackened in the interior, slides over the Camera when not in use, and draws out so as to project several inches be- yond the Lenses when the pictures are taken ; the open- ing of the box in front being still further contracted, if ne- cessary, by a blackened card, with two circular apertures corresponding to the Lenses. There are no caps to the Lenses, but a black cloth hangs down in front of the loose box just described, and is raised for an instant to admit the light. Begin by adjusting the two Lenses to a cor- responding focus from the front, then draw out the sliding box, and (the rack work of the Lenses being now out of reach) complete the focussing from the back. In order still further to secure such an amount of suc- cess as will be encouraging, make the first trials on a clear spring morning, and at the seaside, if practicable. The few instantaneous pictures which are exhibited have doubtless been selected from a number of failures ; for the operator soon finds that even with apparatus and chemicals MICEO-PHOTOGEAPHY. 473 in the best order, he depends much upon the light, and cannot always obtain the same success. SECTION VI. On the Photographic Delineation of Microscopic Objects. Many specimens of Micro-photography which have been exhibited are exceedingly beautiful ; and their production is not difficult to one thoroughly acquainted with the use of the Microscope and with the manipulations of the Col- lodion Process. It is important, however, to possess a good apparatus, and to have it properly arranged. The object-glass of the ordinary compound Microscope is the only part actually required in Photography, but it is useful to retain the body for the sake of the adjustments, and also the mirrors used in the illumination. The eye- piece, however, which simply magnifies the image formed by the object-glass, is not actually necessary, since the same effect of enlargement may be obtained by lengthening out the dark chamber, and throwing the image further off. Arrangement of the Apparatus. The Microscope is placed with its body in a horizontal position, and the eye- piece being removed, a tube of paper, properly blackened in the interior, or lined with black velvet, is inserted into the instrument, to prevent irregular reflection of light from the sides. A dark chamber of about two feet in length, having at one end an aperture for the insertion of the eye-piece end of the body, and at the other a groove for carrying the slide containing the sensitive plate, is then attached ; care being taken to stop all crevices likely to admit diffused light. An ordinary Camera may be employed as the dark chamber, the Lens being removed, and the body lengthened out if required by a conical tube of gutta-percha, made to fasten into the flange of the Lens in front. The whole ap- paratus should be placed exactly in a straight line, that the ground glass used in focussing may fall at right angles to the axis of the Microscope. 474 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. The length of chamber which has been recommended, measuring from the object- glass, is from two to three feet, according to the size of image required : if extended beyond this, the pencil of light transmitted by the object-glass will be diffused over too large a surface, and may produce a faint picture. It will be shown, however, as we proceed, that some operators have produced good results with a Camera of double the length here mentioned. The object should be illuminated by sunlight if it can be obtained, but a bright diffused daylight will succeed with low-power glasses, and especially when Positives are taken. Employ the concave mirror for reflecting the light on the object in the latter case ; but in the former the plane mirror is better, except with powers exceeding a quarter of an inch and of large angular aperture. The time of exposure must be varied according to the intensity of the light, the degree of magnifying power, etc. At this point a difficulty will probably occur from the plane of the chemical focus not corresponding, as a rule, with that of the visual focus. This arises from the fact that the object-glasses of Microscopes are "over-corrected" for colour, in order to compensate for a little chromatic aberration in the eye-piece. The violet rays, in con- sequence of the over-correction, are projected beyond the yellow, and hence the focus of chemical action is further from the glass than the visible image. The allowance may be made by shifting the sensitive plate, or, what amounts to the same thing, by removing the object-glass a little away from the object with the fine adjustment screw ; the latter is the more convenient. The exact distance must be determined by careful experiment for each glass ; but it is greatest with the low powers, and decreases as they ascend. Mr. Shadbolt gives the following as a guide : " An inch and a half objective, of Smith and Beck's make, required to be shifted l-50th of an inch, or two turns of their fine adjustment ; a 2-3rds of an inch, l-200th of an inch, or half a turn ; and a 4-10ths of an inch, l-1000th of an inch, MICRO-PHOTOGKAPHY. 475 or about two divisions of the adjustment. With the l-4th and higher powers, the difference between the foci was so small as to be practically unimportant." There is some reason to think that the kind of light employed may have an influence upon the separation of the foci. Mr. Delves found that with sunlight the difference between them was small even with the low powers, and inappreciable with the higher ; whereas in using diffused daylight which had undergone a previous reflection from white clouds, it appeared considerable. The object-glasses of the same maker, and particularly those of different makers, also vary much ; so that it will be necessary to test each glass separately, and to register the allowance which is required. Mr. Beeves Traer, who has been very successful in this branch of Photography, has kindly favoured the Author with his experience. In attempting to arrange his Micro- scope according to the directions above given, he failed in fixing it as steadily as he could desire, and was induced in consequence to have a brass apparatus made for uniting together the object-glass, stage, mirror, and adjustments, and screwing them bodily into the Camera. The whole then formed only one piece, and became perfectly under control.* The Camera which he employs is about four feet in length and ten inches square. He uses a concave mirror of two and a half inches diameter, made purposely, the or- dinary mirror having been found to be too small ; and in the track of the rays of light, he places an inverted object- glass of a lower power than the one employed in magni- fying, to serve as an achromatic condenser. The stage is firmly fixed in a vertical position, and has two spring clips to hold the slip of glass on which the object is mounted. There are no stage movements : but two adjustments are employed as usual, a coarse for focussing with low powers, * A diagram of this arrangement will be found in the fifth volume of the ' Journal of the Photographic Society.' The price charged for it by the Microscope-maker was five pounds. 476 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. and a fine for the higher powers. The milled head of the fine adjustment is marked into a certain number of divi- sions, to allow for the difference between the visual and chemical focus by a graduated rotation. The Camera with its brass mountings affixed to it is placed upon a table in the open air, its long axis in a line with the sun's rays, so that the source of light is behind the operator as he looks into the instrument. The mirror is then shifted until the field appears equally illuminated, and the position it ought to occupy will easily be found by moving it backwards and forwards until a bright white spot of reflected light is seen on some portion of the field. When this is the case, the object-glass used in condensing is probably exactly in the focus of the mirror, which it ought not to be, and therefore the mirror must be pushed back a little, so as to allow the reflected rays to cross be- fore entering the condenser, after which the white spot will disappear. With glasses lower than the ^-inch a plane mirror may be used. The exact power of glass which ought to be employed will depend upon the nature of the object, and not so much upon the size of image required. A large image can always be obtained with a low power by prolonging the Camera and throwing the focus further off; but to exhibit the peculiar structure of some objects it is essential to em- ploy a high power, and when low powers are substituted, surface-markings, dots, etc., are in a measure lost. In place of throwing the image further off when a large re- presentation is desired, an eye-piece may be used, thus saving additional length of Camera. Theoretically the cur- vature of the field is increased by so doing, but nothing peculiar was observed in the specimens taken in this way excepting a little loss of definition. The eye-piece of least magnifying power is the proper one to employ, and it may be pushed into the brass tube from the interior of the Camera. It is important to work in a bright light, and rather quickly ; because if many seconds are allowed to elapse, the MICEO-PHOTOGBAPHY. 477 sun shifts its position sufficiently to disturb the circle of light formed by the mirror. Mr. Traer has not been able to confirm the observations of Mr. Delves above quoted, that the chemical foci of miscroscopic objectives vary with the quality of the light. The late Mr. Hewlett exhibited enlarged Micro-Photo- graphs of a very superior quality. His experience was as follows : It is a waste of time to work in a bad light. The sun's rays may be condensed upon the object by means of a large plane reflector and a double convex Lens of six inches diameter. The employment of low-power glasses is most successful, and when the higher powers are used, the difficulties increase at a rapid rate. A f-inch object- glass is useful, the difference between the foci of which was found to be y^ of an inch. It is better not to use a larger angular aperture than is actually required to display the structure of the object, but to cut off the excess of aperture in some instances by a stop placed against the posterior Lens of the object-glass. The use of other Lenses added to the object-glass for the purpose of making the visual and chemical foci coincide, is not recommended.* Chemicals and Manipulations for Micro- Photography. The image when formed by the direct rays of the sun is remarkably brilliant, and the Negative may be obtained under favourable circumstances in one or two seconds. There are usually strong contrasts of light and shade, some parts of the image being very dark and others extremely light. The remarks therefore on Collodion and Bath made under the head of Portrait Photography will apply in this case. Intense Collodion prepared from Linen, or Cotton at high temperatures of Nitro- Sulphuric Acid, will become red in the lights before the shadows can be brought out ; and if either Collodion or Bath contain organic matter, such as Glycyrrhizine, Grape Sugar, etc., the evil will be increased. Acetate of Soda in the Bath is not to be re- commended, for the same reason. Iodide of Potassium will form a better iodizer than Iodide of Cadmium, as giving a * ' Photographic Notes/ vol. iii. p. 168. 478 PBACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. film less liable to solarize under a strong light. And for some objects the presence of Bromide will be an improve- ment ; since Bromide always gives the power of exposing for a long time without producing over-action, and in a very bright light it does not interfere in getting up the in- tensity of the Negative. In the case of a simply iodized Collodion, the ordinary developing solution of Acetic Acid and Pyrogallic is re- commended in preference to Citric Acid and Pyrogallic Acid, the former being more adapted for bringing out the heavy shadows, which are so abundant in some Micro- scopic objects. SECTION VII. Photography in Hot Climates. The Photographic Art is now so extensively practised in India and other parts of the globe, where the climate is more or less unfavourable, that the Author has been in- duced to devote a distinct Section to the subject. Those points which have already been explained in the First Division of the Work, or in the separate Sections of the present Chapter, will not again be brought forward, the reader being simply referred to them for the details of manipulation. The Calotype and waxed-paper processes have met with much favour in India and other hot climates, and have been practised with considerable success. In the early days of Collodion, when the conditions of its successful manufacture were not so well understood as they are at present, great uncertainty was experienced by those who practised the process, arising from the instability of the Collodion, and from other causes. The Collodion, being necessarily sent from Europe, suffered decomposition in its transit to such an extent as sometimes to be thin and limpid like water, and highly insensitive ; at other times, from the evaporation of the Ether, it became semi-gela- tinous and useless. Often also, on adding the lodizer, a PHOTOGRAPHY IN HOT CLIMATES. 479 blood- red colour was immediately developed, and pictures could not be taken with it except by an impracticable amount of exposure. At other times, from the high tem- perature and the consequent rapid evaporation of the Ether, it was impossible to cover a moderately-sized glass without the upper part of the plate having set too strongly before the excess of Collodion had been poured from the opposite corner. A plate of this kind, when taken from the exciting bath, will appear thin and opalescent at one end, creamy and covered with ridges of unequal thick- ness at the other ; and no amount of care in the develop- ment will enable the operator to obtain an equally dense gradation of tone all over his Negative. The indications given by these and similar appearances point to the pre- paration of a Collodion which sets slowly at high tempe- ratures, and to the use of the more stable Iodides. For- tunately both the conditions are to a great extent under control. To begin with the former. The Pyroxyline must be of that kind which will bear a large dose of alcohol in pro- portion to the Ether, without losing tenacity, and be- coming semi-gelatinous. Alcohol being less volatile than Ether gives time for the film to set evenly, and for the operator to perform the necessary manipulations with ease before it becomes too dry for the Bath. The Pyroxyline at p. 377 will bear to be dissolved in 5 parts Alcohol, sp. gr. 805, and 3 of Ether, sp. gr. 725 (these proportions refer to the Collodion when iodized), and will give an ex- tremely smooth structureless film, setting very slowly. If in the same formula the temperature of the mixed acids be raised to 160, and the quantity of water decreased by four fluid drachms, the Pyroxyline will bear a still larger proportion of alcohol, without injury to its flowing quali- ties, and the film will be sufficiently tenacious. But it must be borne in mind that .the Alcohol must always be of the most highly rectified kind, not under '805, for it is not the Alcohol but the water it contains that renders the Col- lodion tender and gelatinous. 480 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. Besides the great benefit conferred by an excess of Al- cohol over the Ether, in retarding the setting of the Col- lodion on the glass, and in facilitating its even spreading at high temperatures, it also renders the Collodion more stable by reducing its tendency to become ozonized. The alkaline Iodides, such as those of Ammonium, Po- tassium, etc., per se, have been found quite unfitted for iodizing Collodion that has been kept for a long time and become ozonized, or that has undergone the process of " baking," as it is called, in its transit to India. The effect produced immediately on the addition of an alkaline lodizer is the decomposition of the Iodide, and a copious liberation of free Iodine, a state of things fatal to sensi- tiveness. At the same time, the Collodion itself often un- dergoes some sort of decomposition, which renders it thin and limpid like water, and causes a white precipitate to collect in the bottom of the bottle. The Iodide of Cadmium is, so to speak, the " sheet an- chor" of the photographer in hot climates. It is condu- cive to stability and sensitiveness ; but when used alone, without the addition of a Bromide or an alkaline Iodide to correct its bad propensities, it is apt to render the Col- lodion glutinous, and cause it to flow in an irregular man- ner over the plate. This defect is not so observable when the Pyroxyline has been prepared in acids at high tempe- ratures ; but if the cotton has been immersed when the thermometer stood at 120 or under, Iodide of Cadmium alone is a most unfit lodizer. Another drawback to the use of Iodide of Cadmium, in hot climates and in a strong light, is its extreme liability to red solarization when de- veloped with Pyrogallic acid, and to fogging when deve- loped with Sulphate of Iron. Lastly, the plate, when re- moved from the sensitizing bath, becomes surface-dry, sooner than if the Collodion had been iodized with an alkaline Iodide. Notwithstanding all these drawbacks, which, however, are not without a remedy, Iodide of Cadmium must still form the foundation of an iodizer for a stable Collodion. PHOTOGBAPHY IN HOT CLIMATES. 481 It would seem that a judicious combination of Iodide of Cadmium with an alkaline Iodide and with a Bromide, fulfils in the most complete manner the requirements of the photographer in hot climates, always supposing that the plain Collodion has been properly prepared. The Bromo-iodizer of p. 402 with the Bromide of Cad- mium instead of Ammonium, renders the Collodion ex- tremely stable, and may be used in hot climates, accord- ing to circumstances, either with a pyrogallic or an iron developer. If on adding this Bromo-iodizer to the plain Collodion, a considerable liberation of free Iodine takes place in the course of a few minutes, either the Ether has become ozonized, or the Collodion has been badly pre- pared. In the former case, it may still work well with a preliminary iron developer, and subsequent redevelop- ment with Pyrogallic Acid ; in the latter case, the Collo- dion itself will probably be decomposed, and will only be fit for Positives. If, on the other hand, the Collodion, after adding the Bromo-iodizer, remains colourless, the addition of two or three drops of Tincture of Iodine will be beneficial. With respect to the Bath, it has been sometimes found necessary to reduce the strength as low as 20 or 15 grains of Nitrate of Silver to the ounce of distilled water ; but this could hardly occur, except under peculiar conditions of temperature or chemicals. As a rule, more acid will be required in the Bath than is usual in this country ; but this also will depend in a great measure on the state of the Collodion, a badly decomposed sample requiring less than a nearly colourless Collodion. In regard to the developer, the operator may choose between Pyrogallic Acid and Iron, according to his habits or the requirements of the Collodion. In no part of the Collodion process is the effect of high temperature so marked as on the developer, in increasing its energy to a surprising degree. It is noticeable more particularly with Pyrogallic Acid, the plate often developing fully imme- diately on its application. In order, therefore, to guard 2 i 482 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. against stains and marks of irregularity, the action of the developer must be checked by reducing the quantity of Iron or Pyrogallic Acid, and by increasing the Acetic or Citric Acid ; the latter acting very effectually in subduing the energy of Pyrogallic Acid, but less powerfully on the Iron. In order further, if necessary, to restrain excessive rapidity of development, it is sometimes recommended to dip the exposed plate for a minute or two in a weak 5-grain solution of Nitrate of Silver before applying the developer. Another difficulty that the photographer in tropical climates has to contend with is the ever-varying actinic nature of the light, often changing within an hour, while no seeming difference can be detected by the eye. This difficulty is incurable, and the photographer must submit and get over it the best way he can. Dry Plate Photography. Little need be added to what is fully described in Chapter V. of this Part. The Taupe- not process has been practised in India with great suc- cess ; so also has the Tannin. The latter appears to be now generally preferred, on account of its greater sim- plicity, and at least equal certainty. The plates must be washed with extra care, and the Tannin solution need not be so strong as is generally used in this country. Apparatus and Package. In selecting a Camera for a tropical climate, strength and thorough seasoning of the wood are of the first importance. Teak wood is preferable to mahogany, being less liable to be attacked by the white ants. It should be brass bound, and the dovetail joints secured by screws. The sliding adjustments, which move within each other, must be very accurately constructed, so as to work very easily, for as tropical climates are gene- rally at some seasons of the year very moist, the slides du- ring those seasons are liable to jam and become immov- able. Special care, also, should be taken with the dark frames, to prevent the rays of the vertical sun from pene- trating at the top when the slide is being drawn up to ex- pose the plate. CHEMICALS AND APPAEATUS FOE HOT CLIMATES. 483 The ordinary bellows Cameras, which, on account of their lightness, are much in vogue in this country, are soon rendered useless in India by the ravages of cockroaches and other insects. These animals, however, do not seem to have much appetite for the strong-scented Russia lea- ther ; and it is believed that, if the bellows part be made of this instead of the ordinary material, the advantages of lightness and portability can with safety be secured. Collodion should be sent in bottles well corked, and then tied over with bladder, and dipped in hard cement ; the stopper being fastened round the neck. This plan has been found to answer better than the most careful stop- pering, or even capping outside the stopper with glass. The bottles ought not to be quite full, the heat causing expansion. As an additional security, fit each bottle into a tin box and pack it with sawdust. In opening these bottles, be very careful to clean away the cement with the blade of a knife, else a portion of it may find its way into the Collodion ; and put them away at once in a dark place, since the fluid is probably in a state to ozonize rapidly by exposure to light, and in that case would immediately strike a brown colour upon adding the lodizer. It has often been remarked that expensive sets of ap- paratus have been sent abroad with an ill-assorted supply of chemicals, altogether inadequate to the work intended to be done ; some being omitted altogether, or in very short quantity, others being in great excess. The following list comprehends a well-balanced stock of chemicals and apparatus for a Camera adapted for plates 8x5, and fitted with Stereoscopic Lenses and also with a single or Triplet View Lens for the full-sized plate : One gross, No. 2 patent plate-glasses, roughened at the edges. Plate-box for twelve plates. Ditto for twenty-four plates. Two pneumatic plate-holders. Broad camel's-hair brush. Three wash-leathers, very soft. Five pints plain Collodion. Iodizing or Bromo-iodizing solution for ditto. Sulphuric Ether, sp. gr. 725, one pint ; and Alcohol, sp. gr. 484 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. 805, one pint, for thinning Collodion when necessary. Spirits of Wine for adding to the developer, etc., two pints. Watertight Bath enclosed in well-seasoned wood, brass-bound or dovetails fastened with screws. Spare glass bath for ditto. Two dippers in case. Fifteen ounces of best recrystallized Nitrate of Silver for making bath solution. Twenty ounces of common Nitrate of Silver for printing. Pyrogallic Acid, one and a half ounce. Eight ounces of Protosulphate of Iron. Glacial Acetic Acid, two pounds. Citric Acid, four ounces. Cyanide of Potassium, commercial, two pounds. Hyposulphite of Soda, eight pounds. Varnish for Negatives, one pint. Five flat-bot- tomed porcelain dishes, 10 X 8. Two quires of plain Saxe or Bive paper (medium thickness) for printing. Four quires albuminized ditto. Chloride of Gold, three drachms. Acetate of Soda, eight ounces. Four ounces of Bicarbo- nate of Soda. Tannin, four ounces. Half an ounce of Iodide of Cadmium. Bromide of Cadmium, half an ounce. Iodide of Ammonium, half an ounce. Iodide of Potas- sium, one ounce. Iodine, a quarter of an ounce. Kaolin, two ounces. Two quires filtering paper. Two glass or porcelain funnels. Scales and weights. Minim and 4- ounce glass measures. Pure Nitric Acid, one ounce. A few stoppered bottles of different sizes for decanting Col- lodion and holding solutions. Tripoli, two ounces. Emery powder, fine, one ounce. Two printing frames with thick felt pad 9x7, inside measurement. Litmus paper. Dark tent if required. If the focussing screen should by mischance get broken, one may be made quite as serviceable as any that can be bought at the camera makers, by rubbing two of the large glass plates together with some fine emery-powder and a few drops of water placed between, and fixing one of them, when ground fine enough, in the focussing frame. Albuminized paper will soon deteriorate unless kept in a dry place. It is usually sent out in an hermetically sealed tin case, which, unless the weather is dry, should not be opened till it is required for use. CHEMICALS AND APPAEATUS FOE HOT CLIMATES. 485 Porcelain dishes are liable to be broken in transit. Gutta-percha ones will answer quite as well for all photo- graphic work, except for holding solutions of Nitrate of Silver. A good substitute for holding the latter may be made by sinking a piece of plate glass in a wooden frame- work, and daubing the latter with a hard varnish to pre- vent absorption of the liquid. The dish should be kept for Nitrate of Silver alone. The porcelain or gutta-percha tray for holding Hyposulphite of Soda, should also be reserved for that purpose only 486 CHAPTER III. THE PRACTICAL DETAILS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING. THIS Chapter is divided as follows : SECTION I. The ordinary process of Positive printing. SECTION II. Positive printing by development, inclu- ding the production of transparencies for the Stereo- scope. SECTION I. Positive Printing by the direct action of Light. The ordinary varieties of paper sold in commerce are not sufficiently smooth and uniform to be well adapted for the production of Positive prints, and even the finest papers prepared purposely for Photography are often defective. Hence each sheet should be examined separately by holding it against the light, and if spots or irregularities of texture are seen, it should be rejected. These spots usually con- sist of small particles of brass or iron, which, when the paper is rendered sensitive, decompose the Nitrate of Sil- ver and leave a circular mark very noticeable after fixing. The foreign papers, French and German, differ from the English in the mode of sizing adopted, and hence the two varieties will not produce similar tones, as already shown in Part II. In all cases there is a difference in smooth- ness between the two sides of the paper, which may be detected by holding each sheet in such a manner that the ALBUMINIZING PAPEE FOE FEINTING. 487 light strikes it at an angle ; on the wrong side will be seen dark wavy bands, of an inch to an inch and a half in breadth, caused by the strips of felt on which the paper was dried. With most qualities of paper no difficulty whatever will be experienced in detecting the broad and regular bands above referred to ; but when they cannot be seen, the wrong side of the sheet may be known by gauze-wire markings ; or, in default of such, the paper may be wetted at the corner, when one side will appear smoother than the other. PEEPAEATION OF SENSITIVE PAPEE. There are three formulae for sensitive paper, viz. the Al- buminized, the plain, and the Ammonio-Nitrate paper. Formula I. Preparation of Albuminized Paper. Take of Chloride of Ammonium . . . 200 grains. Water 5 fluid ounces. Albumen 15 fluid ounces. Chloride of Barium, sometimes used in salting paper instead of Chloride of Ammonium, is contra-indicated when the Alkaline Gold-toning process is adopted, since the Carbonate of Soda would throw down Carbonate of Baryta in the paper. When pure Albumen is used without water, from 5 to 8 grains of Salt to each ounce will be sufficient. The less the quantity of Salt the warmer the colour, but it must not be so far reduced as to injure the contrast and depth of shadow in the print. If distilled water cannot be procured, rain-water, or even common spring- water, will often answer the purpose. For the Albumen, use eggs nearly fresh, and be careful that in opening the shell the yolk is not broken ; each egg will yield about one fluid ounce of Albumen. When the ingredients are mixed, take a bundle of quills or a fork, and beat the whole into a perfect froth. As the froth forms, it is to be skimmed off and placed in a flat 488 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. dish to subside. The success of the operation depends very much upon this part of the process, for if the Albu- men be not thoroughly beaten, flakes of animal membrane will be left in the liquid, and will cause streaks upon the paper. When the froth has partially subsided, transfer it to a tall and narrow jar, and allow to stand for several hours, that the membranous shreds may settle to the bot- tom. Then pour off the upper clear portion, which will be fit for use. Albuminous liquids are too glutinous to run well through a paper filter, and are better cleared by sub- sidence. Another plan is to fill a bottle to about three parts with the salted mixture of Albumen and Water, and to shake it well for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour until it loses its glutinosity and can be poured out smoothly from the neck of the bottle : it is then to be transferred to an open jar, and allowed to settle as before. This method is more simple than the last, but is not so much used by makers of Albuminized paper. Albumen alone, without any addition of water, gives a more highly varnished appearance, but much in this respect will depend upon the kind of paper employed, certain va- rieties of paper taking more gloss than others : on this sub- ject consult the remarks made at page 296. The principal difficulty in Albuminizing paper, is to avoid the occurrence of streaky lines, which, when the paper is rendered sensitive, bronze strongly under the in- fluence of the light. To avoid them, lower the paper on the liquid by one steady movement, since if a pause be made, a line will be formed. Some papers are not readily wetted by the Albumen, and when such is the case, a few drops of spirituous solution of bile, or a fragment of the prepared Ox-Grail sold by the artists'-colourmen, will be found a useful adjunct. Care must be taken however not to add an excess, or the Albumen will be rendered too fluid, and will sink into the paper, leaving no gloss. The Ox-Gall has been thought to make the paper tone more slowly in the Gold Bath, and consequently the Writer ALBUMINIZING PAPEE FOE FEINTING. 489 now omits it, and adds two drachms of Spirits of Wine (previously diluted with water to prevent coagulation) to each four ounces of Albumen. This removes the greasi- ness in a great measure, and lessens the chance of streaks. In salting and Albuminizing Photographic paper by the formula above given, it is found that each quarter-sheet, measuring eleven inches by nine inches, removes one fluid drachm and a half from the Bath, equivalent to about one grain and three quarters of salt (including droppings). In salting plain paper, each quarter-sheet takes up only one drachm ; so that the glutinous nature of the Albu- men causes a third part more of Salt to be retained by the paper. The Hive and Saxe papers, of which there are several varieties, are those which are chiefly used for Albumin- izing. The former takes the higher gloss, and being less strong in texture, is therefore generally used for small pictures. It also gives a fine rich clear tone, suitable for Stereoscopic prints and cartes-de-visite. The Saxe paper is very strong in texture, takes the Albumen very evenly, and is generally very free from metallic spots. To apply Albumen, pour a portion of the solution into a flat dish to the depth of half an inch. Then, having previously cut the paper to the proper size, take a sheet by the two corners, bend it into a curved form, convexity downwards, and lay it upon the Albumen, the centre part first touching the liquid, and the corners being lowered gradually. In this way bubbles of air will be pushed forwards and excluded. One side only of the paper is wetted : the other remains dry. Allow the sheet to rest upon the solution for one minute and a half, and then raise it off, and pin it up by two corners. If any circular spots, free from Albumen, are seen, caused by bubbles of air, replace the sheet for the same length of time as at first. The paper must not be allowed to rest upon the Salting Bath much longer than the time specified, because the solution of Albumen being alkaline (p. 302), tends to re- 490 PEACTICE OP PHOTOGRAPHY. move the size from the paper and to sink in too deeply : thus losing its surface gloss. Albuminized paper will keep a long time in a dry place. Some have recommended to press it with a heated iron, in order to coagulate the layer of Albumen upon the sur- face ; but this precaution is unnecessary, since the coagu- lation is perfectly effected by the Nitrate of Silver used in sensitizing ; and it is doubtful whether a layer of dry Albumen admits of coagulation by the simple application of a heated iron. In cutting the paper to the required sizes use a lone spatula, and avoid touching the Albuminized surface with the fingers. Press the sheets flat between boards, or in a printing frame, and, if possible, avoid rolling them. To render the paper sensitive. This operation must be conducted by the light of a candle, or by yellow light. Take of Nitrate of Silver 90 grains. Distilled Water 1 ounce. Prepare a sufficient quantity of this solution, and pour it out into a porcelain dish. After it has been a short time in use, the Albumen dissolved out of the papers will cause a greasy scum to form upon the liquid, which if allowed to remain produces marbled stains upon the sensitive paper ; it must therefore be removed by folding a strip of blotting- paper the exact breadth of the dish, and drawing it lightly along the surface. Lay the sheet upon the solution in the same manner as above described for the Albumen. Three minutes' contact will be sufficient with thin paper, but if a thick paper be used, four or five minutes must be allowed for the decomposition. The papers are raised from the solution by a pair of bone forceps, or common tweezers tipped with sealing-wax ; or a pin may be used to lift up the corner, which is to be held by the finger and thumb and allowed to drain a little before again putting in the pin, otherwise a white mark will be produced upon the paper, from decomposition of the Nitrate of Silver. When the sheet is hung up, a small strip of blotting-paper sus- SENSITIZING ALBUMINIZED FAPEE. 491 pended from the lower edge of the paper will serve to drain off the last drop of liquid. A convenient arrange- ment for hanging up papers to dry is by means of the ordinary American clips, attached to a string stretched across the room. They can be purchased for a mere trifle at the oil and colour shops. A Bath prepared by the above formula is stronger than is actually necessary. But it has been found that paper floated on weak solutions is always more or less deficient in vigour. The strength of the Bath decreases rapidly by use, and hence an addition of Nitrate of Silver must occa- sionally be made. The following convenient little instrument, called a " Silver Meter," is now almost universally employed to ascertain the strength of Silver solutions. It is not quite accurate, but near enough for practical purposes. When greater accuracy is required, consult the sp. gr. table given in the Appendix. It consists of a cylindrical vessel holding some two or three ounces, with an hydrometer of the common form. The Sensitizing Bath to be tested is poured into the glass, and the bulb floated in it, when the number of grains per ounce will be indicated by the part of the scale corresponding to the sur- face of the liquid. As these instruments are sold for a few shillings, and conse- quently are not made with much care, it is advisable to commence by preparing a 90-grain solu- tion of pure Nitrate of Silver, to verify the correctness of the scale. Observe also that the indications of the hydro- meter will cease to be trustworthy if the Bath contain Alcohol or Ether ; hence an old Negative Bath, properly analysed, may be found to yield three or four grains of Ni- trate per ounce, over the quantity given by floating. The solution of Nitrate of Silver becomes after a time discoloured by the Albumen, but may be used for sensi- 492 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. tizing until it is nearly black. The colour can be removed by Animal Charcoal,* but a better plan is to use the "Kaolin," or pure white china clay. Shake up twenty ounces of Bath with a quarter of an ounce of finely pul- verized Kaolin, and filter through paper. Kaolin often contains Carbonate of Lime, and effervesces with acids : if so, it must be purified by washing in dilute vinegar, or the Bath will become alkaline, and dissolve off the Albumen. When Kaolin cannot be obtained, the Bath may be de- colorized by shaking it up with recently precipitated Chlo- ride of Silver in the curdy state. This substance has an affinity for the brown Sub-Albuminate of Silver which pro- duces the colour, and gradually carries it down, leaving the supernatant liquid clear ; but it is inferior to Kaolin as a decolorizer. Old printing Nitrate Baths often become somewhat al- kaline from the reaction of the Albumen ; and the pro- portion of Silver falls so low that the coagulation of the Albumen is imperfect, and a white precipitate falls away into the Bath. In such a case, add to each ounce ten grains of Nitrate of Silver, and half a drop of Glacial Acetic Acid. Sensitive albuminized paper will usually remain good for several days, if protected from the light, but it afterwards turns yellow from partial decomposition. To preserve the sheets white for a longer time, dry them in a warm place, and then pile them up under pressure in a printing-frame : this excludes the air, and is a better plan than that of placing the papers between the leaves of a book, since the printers' ink may gradually produce an effect upon the surface. Eor a description of a drying apparatus intended to preserve sensitized papers for an indefinite time, see page 305. Papers so kept however can scarcely be consi- dered equal to those recently sensitized. * Common Animal Charcoal contains Carbonate and Phosphate of Lime, the former of which renders the Nitrate of Silver alkaline, if Salts of Am- monia are present ; purified Animal Charcoal 13 usually acid from Hydro- chloric Acid. SALTING AND SENSITIZING PLAIN PAPEE. 493 Formula II. Preparation of Plain Paper. Take of Chloride of Ammonium . . . 200 grains. Citrate of Soda 200 grains. Gelatine 20 grains. Water 20 ounces. To prepare the Citrate of Soda, dissolve 112 grains of Citric Acid in the 20 ounces of Water, and add 133 grains of the dried Bicarbonate of Soda used for effervescing draughts. Supposing the Citric Acid to be adulterated with Tartaric Acid, the above quantity of Carbonate of Soda wouid be too great, and free alkaline Carbonate would then remain in the liquid after the neutralization was complete. The size of the paper would be liable to suffer in such a case, and the print would not be clean and bright. Ex- cess of Citric Acid, on the other hand, gives very clean pictures, but they are too pale and red, without depth of shadow. Amateurs desirous of simplifying the formula may substitute an equal weight of " Eochelle Salt" for the Citrate of Soda : this substance is a Tartrate of Potash and Soda, and is sold by druggists in large crystals. A reference to Part II., page 304, will show that both Tar- trates and Citrates are used for the purpose of giving a red and warm tone to the prints. Use Papier Saxe, or Towgood's or Hollingworth's paper, for the above formula, each sheet being floated for one minute, and then suspended to dry as directed for albumi- nized paper. It is doubtful whether salted papers contain- ing Tartrate and Citrate are to be depended upon for long keeping, since in presence of moisture these organic salts become mouldy, and absorb Oxygen from the air. Eender sensitive by floating for two or three minutes upon the solution of Nitrate of Silver employed for the Albuminized paper (p. 490). Formula III. Ammonio-Nitrate Paper. This is always prepared without Albumen, which is dissolved by Am- raonio-Nitrate of Silver. Take of Chloride of Ammonium ... 40 grains. Gelatine 20 grains. Water . 20 ounces. 494 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Dissolve by the aid of heat, and filter when cold. Take ten or a dozen sheets of Saxe's or Towgood's paper, and having marked the right side, immerse them bodily in the liquid, one by one, with care to remove air-bubbles. Then turn the batch over and remove them singly, beginning with the sheet first immersed. Each paper will thus be a similar length of time in the salting liquid. This salting solution is very weak, but it must be borne in mind that the papers being immersed will take up a larger quantity, and also that the Ammonio-Nitrate pro- cess requires less salt, inasmuch as the Silver solution is to be laid on with a brush. An Ammonio-Nitrate paper yielding a very rich colour is made by salting Towgood's paper, or Papier Saxe, with a mixed Chloride and Citrate, in quantity exactly one-half of that advised in the last page, and afterwards sensitizing it with an 80-grain solution of Ammonio-Nitrate. The Writer however gives a formula with a smaller quantity of salt in preference ; having found that beginners cannot brush a highly-salted paper sufficiently evenly to prevent marks on the finished picture. Render sensitive by a solution of Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver, 60 grains to the ounce of water, prepared as fol- lows : Dissolve the Nitrate of Silver in one-half of the total quantity of water. Then take a pure solution of Ammonia and drop it in carefully, stirring meanwhile with a glass rod. A brown precipitate of Oxide of Silver first forms, but on the addition of more Ammonia it is redissolved.* When the liquid appears to be clearing up, add the Am- monia very cautiously, so as not to incur an excess. In order still further to secure the absence of free Ammonia, it is usual to direct that, when the liquid becomes per- fectly clear, a drop or two of solution of Nitrate of Sil- ver should be added until a slight turbidity is again pro- * If the excess of Ammonia does not readily dissolve the precipitate, the Nitrate of Silver or the Ammonia is impure. PEEPAEATION OF AMMONIO-NITEATE PAPEE. 495 duced. Lastly, dilute with water to tlie proper bulk. If the crystals of Nitrate of Silver employed contain a large excess of free Nitric Acid, no precipitate will be formed on the first addition of Ammonia : the free Nitric Acid, producing Nitrate of Ammonia with the alkali, keeps the Oxide of Silver in solution. This cause of error however is not likely to happen frequently, since the amount of Nitrate of Ammonia required to prevent all precipitation would be considerable. From the same reason, viz. the pre- sence of Nitrate of Ammonia, it is often useless to attempt to convert an old Nitrate Bath already used for sensitizing into Ammonio-Nitrate. The great objection to the use of Ammonio- Nitrate of Silver, as above prepared, is the libe- ration of free Ammonia in sensitizing the salted papers. To obviate this in a measure, the Author employs a solu- tion prepared as follows : Dissolve 60 grains of Nitrate of Silver in half an ounce of water, and drop in Ammonia until the precipitated Oxide of Silver is exactly re-dissolved. Then divide this solution of Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver into two equal parts, to one of which add Nitric Acid cau- tiously, until a piece of immersed litmus- paper is reddened by an excess of the acid ; then mix the two together, fill up to one ounce with water, and filter from the milky de- posit of Chloride or Carbonate of Silver, if any be formed. Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver should be kept in a dark place, being more prone to reduction than the Nitrate of Silver. To apply the liquid. It is not usual to float the paper when the Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver is used, for reasons given at page 301. Brushes are manufactured purposely for applying Silver solutions, but the hair is soon destroyed unless the brush is kept scrupulously clean. Lay the salted sheet upon blotting-paper, and wet it thoroughly by draw- ing the brush first lengthways and then across. Allow it to remain flat for a minute or so, in order that a sufficient quantity of the solution may be absorbed (you will see when it is evenly wet by looking along the surface), and then pin up by the corner in the usual way. If, on drying, 496 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. white lines appear at the points last touched by the brush, it is probable that the paper was too highly salted, or that the Ammonio-Nitrate contained free Ammonia. Ammonio-Nitrate paper is more prone to spontaneous decomposition than either Albuminized or plain paper ; hence it cannot be kept many hours after sensitizing with- out turning yellow. PREPARATION OF THE TONING BATH. Three formulae may be given, differing but little in their mode of action, or in the tones which they yield. No. 1. Solution of Chloride of Gold . 1 fluid drachm. Bicarbonate of Soda .... 10 grains. Distilled Water 10 fluid ounces. No. 2. Solution of Chloride of Gold . 1 fluid drachm. Phosphate of Soda .... 100 grains. Distilled Water 10 fluid ounces. No. 3. Solution of Chloride of Gold . 1 fluid drachm. Acetate of Soda 100 grains. Distilled Water 10 fluid ounces. Formula No. 1 should be mixed immediately before use, as the Carbonate of Soda has a disposition to precipi- tate the Gold on the bottom of the dish in the metallic form. For the same reason, after the Gold has become exhausted by the immersion of a succession of prints, it is not advisable to add more Gold and keep the Bath for future toning, but on each occasion to make a fresh Bath. Formula No. 2 and 3 are very similar in their composi- tion and action. They should always be mixed several hours before use, and when the Gold has been exhausted, they may be bottled up and kept for a future occasion, taking care to add more Gold as needed. Indeed, if care- TONING WITH GOLD AND FIXING FEINTS. 497 fully kept, it has been found that Baths made by these two formula improve from use, yield brighter and cleaner tones, and the prints are usually free from those small white and red spots called " mealiness," which give them a feeble appearance. It would be impossible to say which of these toning Baths is the best under all circumstances, much depend- ing on the quality of the paper, and the composition of the albuminizing fluid. It has been practically found that with different samples of paper sometimes one and some- times another formula is to be preferred ; hence it is important that the operator, having once hit on the formula which suits a particular paper, should, as far as possible, continue to use the same sample of paper, albuminized also in the same manner. The best Chloride of Gold to use for these formulae is that from which the excess of Hydrochloric Acid has been nearly driven off by repeated evaporations to dryness on a water Bath. The solution of Chloride of Gold contains a grain to each fluid drachm of water, and will keep for an unlimited time without appreciable change, previously to the addition of the Carbonate of Soda. A useful simplification, substitu- ting measure for weight, consists in having always on hand an aqueous solution of Carbonate of Soda containing ten grains to the ounce, or, for the second and third formula, a solution of Phosphate or Acetate of Soda containing a hundred grains to the ounce. An ounce of the alkaline salt would then in each case require a fluid drachm of the solution of Chloride of Gold, and a subsequent dilution with water to the full amount given in the formula. THE FIXING BATH. Take of' Hyposulphite of Soda .... 1 ounce. Water 6 ounces. Dissolve without filtering, and preserve the solution in a stock bottle ready for use. 2K 498 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGBAPHY. MANIPULATOEY DETAILS OF PHOTOGEAPHIC FEINTING. Sensitive papers ought not to be exposed in the frame until they are quite dry, on account of the danger of staining the Negative with Nitrate of Silver. It will often be convenient to dry the paper rapidly by the heat of a fire, or by a metal plate placed over a lamp, which may be done without fear even in ordinary daylight. Ammonio- Nitrate paper, however, will require a little extra care in this respect. Paper thus dried should always be allowed ten minutes or longer to become cold before putting it into the printing- frame, otherwise it will cockle up and form ridges beneath the Negative. The Exposure to Light. For this purpose reversing- frames are sold, which admit of being opened at the back, in order to examine the progress of the darkening by light, without producing any disturbance of position. Simple squares of glass however succeed equally well, when a little experience has been acquired. They maybe held together by the wooden clips sold at the American warehouses at a shilling per dozen. The lower plate should be covered with black cloth or velvet. Supposing the frame to be employed, the shutter at the back is removed, and the Negative laid flat upon the glass, Collodion side uppermost. A sheet of sensitive paper is then placed upon the Negative, sensitive side downwards ; next comes a layer of thick felt ; and the whole is then tightly compressed by replacing and bolting down the shutter. The amount of pressure required is not very con- siderable, but if the springs of the frame become too weak after a time, a few pieces of mill-board may be placed beneath them. This operation may be conducted in the dark room ; but unless the light is very strong, such a precaution will be needless. The time of exposure to light varies much with the density of the Negative and the power of the actinic rays, as influenced by the season of the year and other . DETAILS OF FEINTING. 499 obvious considerations. As a general rule, the best Nega- tives print rather slowly ; whereas Negatives which have been under-exposed and under-developed, print quickly. In the early spring or summer, when the light is power- ful, about ten to fifteen minutes may be required ; but from three-quarters of an hour to an hour and a half may be allowed in the winter months, even in the direct rays of the sun. It is always easy to judge of the length of time which will be sufficient, by exposing a small slip of the sensitive paper, unshielded, to the sun's rays, and observing how long it takes to reach the coppery stage of reduction. Whatever that time may be, nearly the same will be occupied in the printing, if the Negative be a good one. In a dull London light, the Writer has seen four days spent in getting one impression from a Negative ; but pic- tures so obtained are not equal to others printed by a stronger light. The organic matter of the size reacts more or less upon the Nitrate of Silver, and causes yellowness of the whites of the paper ; the toning process is also inter- fered with, as will presently be shown. A light of excessive brilliancy is objectionable in print- ing, and especially so when the thermometer stands high. Complaints of unmanageable bronzing, with obliteration of details in the shadows, are frequent at such times, the reducing process being carried on with too much activity. Hence it is sometimes advisable, in the summer months, not to print by the direct rays of the Sun. This point is further important, because the excessive heat of the Sun's rays often cracks the glasses by unequal expansion, and glues the Negative firmly down to the sensitive paper. An exception may be made in the case of Negatives of great intensity, which are printed most successfully upon a weakly sensitized paper exposed to the full rays of the Sun; a feeble light not fully penetrating the dark parts. When the darkening of the paper appears to have pro- ceeded to a considerable extent, the frame is taken in and 500 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the picture examined. This, however, may be done in the open air, with care and expedition. If squares of plate- glass are used to keep the Negative and sensitive paper in contact, some difficulty may be experienced at first in re- turning it precisely to the same position after the examina- tion is complete, but it will be overcome by practice. The finger and thumb should be fixed on the lower corners or edge, and the plate raised evenly and quickly. If the exposure to light has been corrrect, the print ap- pears slightly darker than it is intended to remain. The toning Bath dissolves away the lighter shades, and reduces the intensity, for which allowance is made in the exposure to light. A little experience soon teaches the proper point ; but much will depend upon the state of the Toning Bath, and albuminized paper will require to be printed some- what more deeply than plain paper. If, on removal from the printing- frame, a peculiar spot- ted appearance is seen, produced by unequal darkening of the Chloride of Silver, either the Nitrate Bath is too weak, the sheet removed from its surface too speedily, or the paper is of inferior quality. On the other hand, if the general aspect of the print is a rich chocolate-brown in the case of Albumen, a dark slate-blue with Ammonio- Nitrate Paper, or a reddish-pur- ple with paper prepared with Chloride and Citrate of Sil- ver, or Chloride and Serum of Milk, the subsequent parts of the process will probably proceed well. If, in the exposure to ordinary diffused daylight, the shadows of the proof became very decidedly coppery be- fore the lights are sufficiently printed, the Negative is in fault. Ammonio-Nitrate paper highly salted is particularly liable to this excess of reduction, and especially so if the light is powerful. The Toning of the Proof. No injury results from post- poning this part of the process for some hours, provided the print be kept in a dark place. But it is not advisable to leave the print for several days before toning, since a chemical change may take place, the effect of which will be DETAILS OF TONING FEINTS. 501 to interfere with the deposition of the Gold in the toning process. It is considered that more harm is done by keep- ing paper after printing, than by keeping it between sen- sitizing and exposure. The print should be first washed in common water until the soluble titrate of Silver is removed. This is known to be the case when the liquid flows away clear ; the first milkiness being caused by the soluble Carbonates and Chlorides in the water precipitating the Nitrate of Silver. Ten minutes in water running slowly from a tap will be sufficient to cleanse a print from Nitrate of Silver; or three or four changes in a dish, pouring off quite dry be- tween each change. A difference of opinion exists as to the use of a final Bath of Salt and Water to convert the last traces of Nitrate into Chloride of Silver. Most ope- rators content themselves with simple Water, but the Writer believes that it is an advantage to finish off with solution of Salt (two grains to the ounce), in cases where the printing has not been carried far enough ; the half- tints are better preserved thereby from the destructive action of the Chlorine contained in the Gold solution, and the colour is not so likely to disappear in the fixing Bath. A white sediment often forms upon the prints if they are left too long in hard water without moving. The sediment consists of Carbonate and Chloride of Silver, and would be dissolved by treatment with water smelling very faintly of free Ammonia. The fixing Bath, however, will clear it away in great measure, leaving only a slight want of brilliancy on drying. Pour the toning Bath out into a flat dish and put the prints into it two or three at a time, waving the dish mean- while backwards and forwards to secure a constant move- ment. The danger is, that the prints may project above the surface of the liquid, or that they may stick together ; the result in both cases being a large red spot of imperfect toning. Continue to keep the prints moving, and watch the changes in colour. At first the toning will be com- plete in two or three minutes ; then, as the proportion of 502 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Gold falls, in five minutes ; afterwards in ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. The action of the Bath must be regulated according to the colour desired. If the prints are removed as soon as the blue colour of the Gold is seen, they will usually change in the fixing Bath to a warm shade of brown ; but when left for two or three minutes longer in the toning Bath, the darker tint becomes permanent. Hold them up against the light, and when they cease to appear red by transmission, the colour is well fixed upon the image and they are ready for the Hyposulphite. Overprinted proofs always yield the blackest colours, because they may be kept for a longer time in the Gold without losing the half-tones ; and, indeed, the state of the lighter shades of the proof is a good criterion of the time for removing it, since the Chlorine previously combined with the Gold has a bleaching action. Do not attempt to get pure black and white tones on pictures printed from a feeble Negative. Unless there be a perceptible amount of bronzing, the deep blacks cannot be obtained on albuminized paper. The ultimate colour of the Print will also vary much with the density of the Negative and the character of the subject : copies of line engravings having but little half-tone, are easily obtained of a dark shade resembling the original impression. Each grain of Chloride of Gold ought to tone seven or eight pictures of the stereoscopic size without any diffi- culty, or even a larger number if the Bath be used until it is entirely exhausted. Mr. C. Jabez Hughes, who has de- voted much attention to this process, states that one grain of Chloride of Gold will tone five hundred square inches, of twenty stereoscopic pictures. The most common error with beginners is to leave the prints too long in the toning Bath, in which case they ap- pear blue and inky after fixing, without any depth of sha- dow. Sometimes however the opposite error prevails, and the prints having been removed too speedily, the Hypo- sulphite leaves them of a brick -red hue. DETAILS OF TONING AND FIXING. 603 The observations given above apply principally to albu- minized paper, which is far more generally employed than, plain paper. Plain paper prints tone with greater facility than prints upon Albumen, and hence it may be desirable to dilute the alkaline Chloride of Gold with water, if the action of the Bath should prove uncontrollable. In toning prints by alkaline Chloride of Gold, it is not necessary to work entirely in the yellow room, but a sub- dued light is usually recommended. Washing in water between the toning and fixing is not required ; the proofs may be passed from the one Bath to the other. In doing this, however, there is great danger that the fingers will convey a little of the Hyposulphite fixing Bath into the toning Bath, and if so, the Chloride of Gold will be decomposed, and the toning action thereby sus- pended. A pair of horn forceps should be kept in the fixing Bath, and each print as it is removed from the toning solution with the left hand should be seized by the for- ceps held in the right hand, and be immediately immersed in the Hyposulphite solution. An ounce of Hyposulphite of Soda dissolved in six ounces of Water would fix two batches of stereoscopic prints, twenty in each batch. The solution however may be thrown away when twenty prints have been immersed in each six ounces of Bath, since the price of Hyposulphite of Soda is very small, and it is not worth while to risk the oc- currence of yellow patches of imperfect fixation. Allow the prints to remain in the fixing Bath for twenty minutes, with occasional movement, after which they may be trans- ferred to a dish of clean water. A newly-prepared fixing Bath will usually lower the tone of the prints more or less, and this even although a strong deposit of Gold exists upon the image. The weaker the solution of the Hyposulphite, the less the lowering action, and the greater the probability that the slight loss of colour at first perceived, will return on drying the print. Solutions of Hyposulphite which are used over and over again (fresh crystals of Hyposulphite 504 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. being occasionally added, until the specific gravity is found to be correct by the hydrometer), acquire by degrees a slight sulphuretting property which, much improves the colour of the print. This mode of working is adopted by some ; but, on theoretical grounds, the plan of making a fresh bath each day is better. The washing, drying, and mounting of the Positive Proofs. It is essential to wash out every trace of Hypo- sulphite of Soda from the Print if it is to be preserved from fading, and to do this properly requires care. Always wash with running water when it can be ob- tained, and choose a large shallow vessel exposing a con- siderable surface in preference to one of lesser diameter. A constant dribbling of water must be maintained for four or five hours, and the prints should not lie together too closely, or the water will not find its way between them. The most perfect apparatus which the Writer has seen for washing prints on a large scale, consisted of a series of circular troughs, about a yard wide and twelve inches deep, with a small syphon in each, so arranged that when the water rose to the bend of the tube, the syphon at once began to act, and gradually drew it off dry. Twice during the day, when the water came on from the main, it was allowed to flow freely through the troughs, and being di- rected by a tube against the sides, the prints were kept spinning round, and a constant change of water was thus secured. It would not be safe to make such troughs of Zinc or any common metal, unless a glaze were applied to the interior, since Hyposulphite charged with Salts of Sil- ver gradually acts upon Zinc. When running water cannot be obtained, proceed as follows: First wash the Prints gently, to remove the greater part of the Hyposulphite solution. Then transfer them to a large shallow pan, in which may be placed as many Prints as it will conveniently hold. Leave them in for about a quarter of an hour, with occasional move- ment, and then pour off the water quite dry. This point is important, viz. to drain off the last portion of liquid DRYING AND MOUNTING FEINTS. 505 completely before adding fresh water. Repeat this process every half- hour, giving five or six changes or more, accord- ing to the bulk of water, number of prints, and degree of attention paid to them. Dabbing with a large sponge has been recommended for cleansing prints from Hyposulphite. A quarter of an hour's application of this kind goes further than two or three hours of washing, since the suction power of a sponge draws out the liquid from the substance of the paper. Lastly, proceed to remove the size from the print by im- mersion in hot water.* Ammonio-Nitrate and plain paper Prints prepared on foreign papers may be expected to stand the test of boiling water ; Albumen Prints and Positives on English paper are a little reddened, although not to an objectionable degree. The treatment of prints with hot water is a plan which all approve theoretically, but few adopt ; the Writer how- ever does not esteem a print secure unless it has been im- mersed in water nearly at the boiling point. When the prints have been thoroughly washed, blot them off between sheets of porous paper and hang them up to dry. Some press them, with a hot iron, which darkens the colour slightly, but not in an injurious manner, unless Hyposulphite of Soda remains in the paper. This darkening by dry heat is most evidently seen in the case of English papers sized with Gelatine, and sensitized by Ammonio-Nitrate of Silver. Albumen proofs when dry are sufficiently bright without further treatment ; but in the case of plain paper, salted simply, the effect is improved by laying the Print face downwards upon a square of plate-glass and rubbing the back with an agate burnisher, sold at the artists '-colour- man's. This hardens the grain of the paper and brings out the details of the picture. Hot-pressing has a similar effect, and is often employed. * The Print must be well washed in cold water, to remove the Hyposul- phite, before using the hot water ; otherwise the half-tones will be liable to be darkened, or changed to incipient yellowness, by sulphuration. This point is important as regards the permanency. 506 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Mount the proofs with a solution of Gelatine in hot water, freshly made : the best Scotch glue answers well. Gum-water prepared from the finest commercial gum, and free from acidity, may also be used ; but it should be made very thick, so as not to sink into the paper, or pro- duce " cockling up " of the cardboard on drying. Caoutchouc dissolved in mineral Naphtha to the consist- ence of thick glue or gold-beaters' size, is employed by some for mounting Photographic Prints ; it may be ob- tained at the varnish-shops, and is sold in tin boxes. The mode of using it is as follows : With a broad brush made of stiff bristles, apply the cement to the back of the pic- ture ; then take a strip of glass with a straight edge, and by drawing it across the paper, scrape off as much as possible of the excess. The print will then be found to adhere very readily to the cardboard, without causing ex- pansion or cockling ; and any portion of the cement which oozes out during the pressing, may, when dry, be removed with a penknife without leaving a stain. VIGNETTING. The mode of printing, by which the edges of the Photo- graph are softened away, produces a very agreeable effect. Attempts have been made to obtain the result by placing in front of the Negative a plate of tinted glass, having the colour stippled in gradually from the edges, so as to leave the centre quite transparent. Some of the glasses made in that way are very good, but often the gradation is imper- fect, and the print in consequence shows an abrupt margin. The use of Cotton- wool has been recommended for print- ing vignettes, but it requires dexterity to arrange it. The following plan is more simple. Take a sheet of mill-board or coloured card, and cut out from the centre an aperture decidedly smaller than the picture required. The shape of this aperture may be varied at pleasure, but for por- traits nothing is better than an oval, or the same expanded below into a triangular-shaped outline. Fasten this screen to the front part of the printing-frame, at a distance of PRINTING BY DEVELOPMENT ON IODIDE. 507 about three-quarters of an inch, and expose in the ordinary way. The direct rays of the sun must be avoided, and the print should be placed in a shady place, when the light will diffuse itself evenly, and a perfect softening will be pro- duced to an extent varying with the size of the aperture and its distance from the front glass. The strength of the light is to be considered in determining the size of the aperture ; and in whatever direction the light falls, the frame should be placed at right angles to it. SECTION II. Positive Printing by Development, Negative printing processes will be found useful during the dull winter months, and at other times when the light is feeble, or when it is required to produce a large number of impressions from, a Negative in a short space of time. The proofs however as thus obtained are not equal to direct sun-prints in beauty and gradation of tone. In the present Edition two methods are described, of which the first is more suitable when a luminous image of low intensity is to be projected upon the prepared paper, and the second may be preferred for printing beneath a Negative in the ordinary way. A NEGATIVE FEINTING PROCESS UPON IODIDE AND BROMIDE OF SILVER. Iodide of Silver is more sensitive to the reception of the invisible image than the other compounds of that metal ; and hence it is usefully employed in printing enlarged Po- sitives from small Negatives, by means of the solar Ca- mera. The great stability of the proofs upon Iodide of Silver will also be a recommendation of this process when unusual permanency is required. Take of Iodide of Potassium . . . 120 grains. Bromide of Ammonium . . 30 grains. Water . 20 fluid ounces. 508 PBACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The best paper to use will be either Turner's Calotype, or Whatman's or Hollingworth's Negative ; the foreign papers do not succeed well with the above formula. Float the paper on the iodizing Bath, until it ceases to curl up, and lies flat upon the liquid ; then pin up to dry in the usual way. Render sensitive upon a Bath of Aceto-Nitrate of Silver containing 30 grains of Nitrate of Silver with 30 minims of Glacial Acetic Acid to each ounce of water. When the process is to be used for printing beneath a Negative, place the dried sheet in contact with the Nega- tive in a pressure frame, and expose to a feeble light. About 30 seconds will be an average time upon a dull winter's day, when it would be impossible to print in the ordinary way. On removing the Negative nothing can be seen upon the paper, the image being strictly invisible in this process, unless the exposure has been carried too far. Develope by immersion in a saturated solution of Gallic Acid prepared as described under the head of " Collodio- Albumen dry process." The image appears slowly, and the process may last from fifteen minutes to half an hour. If the exposure has been correctly timed, the Gallic Acid appears at length almost to cease acting ; but when the proof has been over-exposed, the development goes on un- interruptedly, and the image becomes too dark, partaking more of the character of a Negative than a Positive, and disappearing from the surface. The usual rule, that under- exposed proofs develope slowly, but show no half-tones, and that the over-exposed develope with unusual rapidity, is observed in the process with Iodide of Silver. After the picture is fully brought out, wash in cold, and subsequently in warm water, to remove the Gallic Acid, which, if allowed to remain, would discolour the Hyposul- phite Bath. Fix the print in a solution of Hyposulphite of Soda, one part to two of water, continuing the action until the yellow colour of the Iodide disappears. The fix- ing Bath ought not to produce much change in the tint. If the Positive loses its dark colour on immersion in the FEINTING BY DEVELOPMENT ON CHLORIDE. 509 Hyposulphite, and becomes pale and red, it has been in- sufficiently developed and probably too much exposed. The colour of Positives developed upon Iodide and Bromide of Silver is not very agreeable, but by fixing the proof in Hyposulphite of Soda which has been long used and has acquired sulphuretting properties, the tint is some- what improved. NEGATIVE PRINTING PROCESS UPON CHLORIDE OF SILVER. Positives may be obtained by exposing ordinary Chlo- ride of Silver Paper to the action #f light until a faint image is perceptible, and subsequently developing it by Gallic Acid. It is difficult however to obtain sufficient con- trast of light and shade in this way ; the impression, if sufficiently exposed and not too much developed, being feeble, with a want of intensity in the dark parts. By as- sociating with the Chloride an organic salt of Silver, such as the Citrate, this difficulty may be overcome, and the shadows brought out with great depth and distinctness. The formula now given is the best known to the Writer, but he cannot recommend it with full confidence. All Ne- gative paper processes appear to be greatly dependent upon the quality of the paper used, and it is not easy to obtain Photographic paper uniformly good. Hence such defects result as a sunk-in appearance of the picture, and a po- verty of tone, which would not occur with a paper sized in a different way. It will be better that the operator should not attempt printing by development until he feels himself to be a perfect master of the Positive process. To salt the papers, prepare the following solution : Chloride of Ammonium .... 100 grains. Citric Acid 56 grains. Bicarbonate of Soda ..... 66 grains. Gelatine 40 grains. Distilled Water 20 ounces. The effervescing Carbonate of Soda sold by druggists 510 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. is the compound to be used, and the Citric Acid must be genuine, not adulterated with Tartaric Acid (see Vocabu- lary). Choose the Papier Saxe in preference to any other paper, and float the sheets for one minute, after which they may be pinned up in the usual way. This salting solution is liable to decompose by keeping, since Citrates become mouldy in presence of Gelatine. Alcohol lj ounce with two drops of Oil of Cloves dissolved would tend to preserve it. Complaints have also been made of the salted paper decomposing by keeping. To obviate this, hold each sheet to the fire before packing it away, and keep the paper in a very dry place. Render sensitive uon a Bath of Aceto-Nitrate of Silver prepared in the same way as for the Collodio%Albumen dry process ; and the proper management of which is described in the Fifth Chapter. Take of Nitrate of Silver 30 grains. Glacial Acetic Acid .... 30 minims. Water 1 fluid ounce. Float the papers upon this Bath for three minutes, and suspend them to dry in a room from which actinic rays are perfectly excluded. The exposure to light is conducted in the ordinary print- ing-frame, the Negative and sensitive paper being laid in contact in the usual way, and it will seldom be longer than three or four minutes, even upon a dull day, It may be regulated by the colour assumed by the projecting margin of the paper ; but it is quite possible to tell by the appear- ance of the image when it has received a sufficient amount of exposure. The whole of the picture should be seen, excepting the lightest shades, and it will be found that comparatively few details can be brought out in the deve- lopment which were altogether invisible before the Gallic Acid was applied. The developing solution is prepared as follows : Gallic Acid . . . . . . . . 2 grains. Water .1 fluid ounce. PRINTING BY DEVELOPMENT ON CHLORIDE. 511 Filter through blotting-paper to remove floating parti- cles, which would produce spots in this process. To facilitate the solution of the Gallic Acid, place the bottle in a warm situation by a fire. A lump of Camphor floated in the liquid, or a drop of Oil of Cloves added, will to a great extent prevent it from becoming mouldy by keeping ; but if once mould has formed, the bottle must be well cleansed with Nitric Acid, or the decomposition of the fresh Gallic Acid will be hastened. When the weather is cold and the light bad, the deve- lopment of the image proceeds slowly, the Gallie Acid Bath remains clear, and good half-tones are obtained; but under opposite conditions, the developer may become turbid and the shadows be lost by excessive deposit of Silver. This over-development will be remedied by printing the Ne- gative in a feeble light (near to the open window of a room), and by adding Acetic Acid to the developer, about five or ten minims to the ounce, so as to bring out the image more slowly. Pour the solution of Gallic Acid into a flat dish, and immerse the prints two or three at a time, moving them about, and using a glass rod to remove air-bubbles. The development will probably be completed in from three to six minutes. If the Print developes slowly, becoming after a time very dark in colour, but showing no half-tones, it has not been exposed sufficiently long to the light. An over- exposed proof, on the other hand, developes with unusual rapidity, and it is necessary to remove it speedily from the Bath in order to preserve the clearness of the white parts ; when taken out to the light, it appears pale and red, with no depth of shadow. A saving of Gallic Acid may be effected by adopting a plan of which the Writer was informed by Mr. Sutton, of Jersey. It consists in turning up the edges of the paper all round, so as to make the print its own developing-dish. No pinning at the corners will be needed, and the solution of Gallic Acid may be spread by means of a glass-rod bent at right-angles. Lay each print upon a plate of glass, to 512 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. prevent the back from being soiled. The paper ought not to be of a kind which is given to cockling, or portions of the image will rise above the level of the liquid. Bear in mind that the development will be unusually rapid and in- tense when this mode of manipulating is followed ; inas- much as the Nitrate of Silver is all retained in the picture, and the quantity of Gallic Acid is relatively small. Hence an addition of Acetic Acid may be needed, as before ad- vised. The extent to which the development should be carried depends upon the kind of Print desired. By pushing the action of the Gallic Acid, a dark picture not much altered by the fixing Bath will be produced. But a better result as regards colour and gradation of tone will be obtained by removing the Print from the developing solution whilst in the light-red stage, and toning it subsequently by means of Gold ; in which case it will correspond very much both in appearance and stability to a Positive obtained by the direct action of light. When it is intended to follow the latter plan, the action of the developer must be stopped at a point when the proof appears lighter than it is to remain ; since the Gold Bath adds a little to the intensity, and the image becomes some- what more vigorous on drying. Wash the Prints for several minutes in one or two changes of water, in order to extract the Gallic Acid; which if allowed to remain will discolour the toning Bath. Sometimes the developing action of the Gallic Acid will continue whilst the pictures are washing in the water, and the whites will in consequence be discoloured. This may be obviated by washing them in weak salt and water, so as to decompose the remaining traces of Nitrate of Silver ; but the proportion of Salt must not be greater than two or three grains to the ounce, or the image will become red and feeble. Ammonia would not be proper for washing, since it would at once discolour the Gallo -Nitrate. The formula for a toning Bath may be taken from page 496, but it is questionable whether much Alkali ought to FEINTING BY DEVELOPMENT. 513 be used, since the Gallic Acid left in the paper would turn brown in presence of free Carbonate of Soda. Add, there- fore, to each grain of Chloride of Gold not more than half a grain of the alkaline Carbonate. Avoid also a prolonged action of the toning Bath, since the tendency to a cold and inky colour is greater in developed Prints than in Prints obtained without development. Upon comparing the developed Prints with others ob- tained by the direct action of light, it is evident that the advantage is on the side of the latter ; but the difference is not great, and would be overlooked in printing large subjects, for which the Negative process is more especially adapted. The colour of both kinds of Positives is the same, or perhaps a shade darker in the developed proofs, which are usually of a violet-purple tone, but sometimes of a dark chocolate-brown. Failures. Printing by development must not be at- tempted until the operator is quite conversant with the Negative process upon paper or Collodion. He will then be aware of the importance of excluding scattered rays of white light from the developing room, and of filtering all the liquids, points which are not of so much importance in the ordinary mode of printing by direct action of light. Citrate of Soda is used in the above process, and the dif- ficulty of obtaining this Salt commercially is an objection. In making it extemporaneously by neutralizing Carbonate of Soda with Citric Acid, when Tartaric Acid is present as an adulteration, the Soda is in excess, Citric Acid having more neutralizing power than Tartaric Acid. Test papers would be of little use in examining the liquid, because Citrate of Soda itself has an alkaline reaction. It may, therefore, be desirable to notice the results which are likely to follow when the salting Bath contains free Carbonate of Soda. In the first place it would tend to dissolve the size from the paper, and to give the resulting Print a mealy appearance. Obviate the chance of this by not floating the papers longer than one minute. Secondly, Citrate papers with excess of Alkali remove by degrees the Acetic Acid 2L 514 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGEAPHY. from tine exciting Bath, the effect of which would be at first to increase the rapidity- of development and intensity of image ; but afterwards, when the Bath became nearly neutral, to produce a foggy picture. Experimenters in this process will do well to try the effect of varying the mode of development, by using the solution of Pyrogallic Acid and Citric Acid given at page 401, in place of Gallic Acid. Transparencies on Glass. The finest transparencies on glass have been obtained by the Continental Photographers on dried albumen films. Some of them leave nothing to be desired in their beautiful richness and softness of tone. The details of the process are, however, kept secret, and most of those who have attempted it in thia country, while succeeding in obtaining sharpness of definition, fail in ob- taining the richness of tone, so characteristic of the works of Ferrier and Soullier, of Paris. Dried albumen, on ac- count of its structureless character, is eminently fitted for giving sharp definition and general delicacy of detail, but when developed by the ordinary method, and viewed as a transparency, the^image is usually characterized by a cold, dull-reddish or yellowish-brown, lacking brilliancy and tone. Citric Acid in the developer, to some extent, modi- fies this for the better, and it is probably by a judicious use of this acid, and the toning action of gold, that the finest specimens have been produced. Good transparencies may be obtained by most of the dry Collodion processes, but by far the best, and almost rivalling the finest on Albumen, have been produced by a slight modification of Russell's Tannin process, which is thus described : The Collodion should be structureless and limpid, and setting on the glass without lines or markings of any kind. The normal Collodion of p. 377, thinned down with one- third of its bulk of pure Ether and Alcohol in equal pro- portions, and iodized with not more than 3 grains of Iodide of Potassium to the ounce, works satisfactorily. It is better if kept till decomposition has fully set in, and the TRANSPARENT PRINTS ON GLASS. 515 colour has become of a light port- wine tint by the libera- tion of Iodine. Bromide seems to be disadvantageous O rather than otherwise, having a tendency to injure the tone considerably, rendering it dull and cold. Excite in a bath slightly acidified by Acetic in prefer- ence to Nitric Acid ; wash and cover with a five-grain solution of Tannin in the usual way, and stand up to dry (see Tannin process). A stronger solution of Tannin is not desirable, as favouring too great intensity and hardness. Printing. The Negatives to be used in printing trans- parencies ought not to be very dense, otherwise there will be a danger of the shadows of the transparency losing depth by over-action of light, and presenting in conse- quence a pale translucent appearance. Negatives de- veloped by Sulphate of Iron, without further intensifying, are often remarkably well adapted for the purpose. Place the Negative and the prepared plate in contact, and squeeze them together in an ordinary pressure frame : not too strongly, however, or it will probably be found, after throwing off a few impressions, that the Negative has been scratched. Lay a strip of black velvet behind the sensitive film, to absorb stray light. The printing may be effected by an exposure of three or four minutes to gas-light, or of a few seconds to ordinary daylight. The subdued light of a room is very good for the purpose, and will probably form the latent image in about twenty seconds. Development. Before developing, attend to the pre- cautions mentioned at p. 455, to prevent the film from leaving the glass, also moisten the surface with about a drachm of Alcohol in an ounce of distilled water. Three developing solutions will be required, and should be placed near at hand. f Pyrogallic Acid ..... 1 grain. No. 1. < Citric Acid ....... 1 grain. L Distilled water ...... 1 ounce. f Pyrogallic Acid ..... 1 grain. No. 2. < Acetic Acid 30 minims. I Distilled water 1 ounce. 516 PEACTICE OF PKOTOGKAPHY. f Nitrate of Silver 20 grains. No. 3. < Citric Acid 5 grains. L Distilled water 1 ounce. The object of the two Pyrogallic solutions is to enable the operator to control the colour and tone of the deposit ; bearing in mind that the Acetic Acid developer imparts a strong reddish-brown tone to the picture, and the Citric Acid a blue colour. By a mixture of the two, in propor- tions which the circumstances of the case only can deter- mine, any intermediate tone can readily be obtained. Much in this respect also will depend on the amount of exposure, an over-exposed Negative sometimes showing a reddish tone when developed with the Citro-pyrogallic alone. As a rule it is better rather to over-expose and un- der-develope, as a safeguard against too much opacity. For other details of development not mentioned, see p. 420. Fix with Hyposulphite of Soda, and wash as usual. 517 CHAPTER IV. CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF FAILTJKE IN THE COLLODION PROCESS. SECTION I. Imperfections in Collodion Photographs. SECTION II. Imperfections in Paper Positives. SECTION I. Imperfections in Negative and Positive Collodion Photographs. FOGGING OF COLLODION PLATES. 1. Over-exposure. The image in the Camera is rarely pure, but exhibits enough diffused light to produce uni- versal clouding when the plate is at all over-exposed. Collodion newly iodized being more sensitive to a weak light, shows the fogging more than old coloured Collodion. When the objects are at a great distance, and brightly illuminated, or when Lenses of large aperture are employed, without a diaphragm, beginners are especially likely to over-expose the plates. 2. Diffused Light. a. In the developing room. This is a frequent cause of fogging, and especially so when a naked candle is employed to illuminate, or the common yellow calico is used, which is apt to fade. Examine for cracks and crevices in the sides and floor of the room. b. Mist in the atmosphere. When there is any vapour in 518 PEACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the air, the shadows will be foggy, unless the object be very near to the Camera. c. Diffused light in the Ca- mera : light may get in between the two portions of the body (p. 434). d. Diffused light from the Lens. If a Portrait Lens, see how to protect it at p. 432. In the case of a View Lens producing a false glare of light, deal with it as described at p. 444. Orthoscopic Lenses sometimes give a foggy image from imperfect arrangement of the separate glasses, only to be corrected by the maker of the Lens. e. Diffused light in instantaneous Photography. See page 471. 3. Alkalinity of the Bath. This condition, explained at p. 249, may be suspected, if the operator has added Am- monia to neutralize Nitric Acid: in all probability he has used too much. If the Bath has been shaken up with Chalk or Carbonate of Soda to remove excess of Acid, Acetic or Nitric Acid must afterwards be used (p. 250). 4. Acidity of the Bath. Too much Nitric Acid in a weak Bath will produce fogging (p. 158). Glass Positives are often cloudy from this cause. 5. Organic Matter in the Bath. The Nitrate of Silver not freed from organic impurity by re-crystallization (p. 252) its solution decomposed by being kept in new Baths of Gutta-percha (p. 252), or by use of foul-smelling rain-water, or distilled water collected from condensed water of steam-boilers, and containing oily and ernpy- reumatic matters. When a Bath gives foggy pictures from these causes, the longer the plates are left in it the worse will be the result. 6. Use of colourless Collodion. Collodion iodized with Cadmium, and used within a week, or iodized with the Iodide of Potassium and used immediately, will often give foggy Negatives if the other solutions are not in the best working order. Mix the new Collodion with a little old Collodion, or drop in Alcoholic Tincture of Iodine until the Collodion becomes straw-yellow (p. 481). 7. Heat of the Weather. I? the Bath and Collodion are both pure, clear Negatives will be obtained at any CAUSES OF FOGGING OF COLLODION PLATES. 519 temperature short of 90 Fahrenheit. Above that point proceed to modify the developer, as described at p. 279. 8. Sulphate of Iron as a Developer. If fogging results, the Bath and Collodion give an insufficient amount of in- tensity (p. 281), or there is diffused light in quantity so small as not to be detected by Pyrogallic Acid, which is a less active reducing agent than Sulphate of Iron. 9. Sundry other causes of fogging. a. Vapour of Am- monia or the products of the combustion of coal-gas, es- caping into the developing room. b. Development of the image by immersion in solution of Sulphate of Iron : it is better to pour the fluid over the plate, and not to use the same portion twice. c. Redipping the plate in the Bath, before development : this is apt to give a foggy picture when using an old Bath. d. Omission of the Acetic Acid in the solution of Pyrogallic : this will produce a universal blackness (p. 157). e. Developing solution inadvertently dropped into the Nitrate Bath. -f. Metallic Iron left in contact with the Bath solution. g. Using too strong a developer in hot weather, or keeping any developer, and especially Sulphate of Iron, on the film for too long a time. Systematic plan of proceeding to detect the cause of the fogging. If the operator has had but little experience in the Collodion process, and is using Collodion of moderate sensitiveness and a new Bath, the probability is that the fogging is caused by over-exposure. Having obviated this, proceed to test the Bath ; if it was made from pure mate- rials, and does not restore the blue colour of a piece of litmus-paper previously reddened by holding it over the mouth of a Glacial Acetic Acid bottle (p. 250), it may be considered in working order; but in the case of an old Bath this does not apply, because the Bath may have been spoilt by organic matter. Next prepare a sensitive plate, and after draining it for two or three minutes on blotting-paper, pour on the deve- loper : wash, fix, and bring out to the light ; if any misti- ness is perceptible, either the developing-room is not suffi- 520 PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ciently dark, or the Bath was prepared with a bad sample of Nitrate of Silver, or with impure Alcohol, or impure water. On the other hand, if the plate remains absolutely clear under these circumstances, the cause of error may be in the Camera; therefore prepare another sensitive film, place it in the Camera, and proceed exactly as if taking a picture, with the exception of not removing the brass cap of the Lens : allow to remain for two or three minutes, and then remove and develope as usual. If no indication of the cause of the fogging is thus ob- tained, there is every reason to suppose that it is due to vapour in the atmosphere, or to diffused light gaining en- trance through the Lens. For directions how to deal with a Nitrate Bath which has been made foggy by organic decomposition, see p. 253. Foggy Negatives, if sufficiently intense, should not be rejected as useless : they may often be cleared by the ap- plication of a weak solution of Iodine, followed by a fixing Bath of Hyposulphite of Soda. SPOTS UPON COLLODION PLATES. 1. Newly iodized Collodion. a. Containing Bromide of Potassium in quantity more than the Collodion will dis- solve : in this case the spots will be round and transparent, thickly studding the plate. Allow twenty-four hours to sub- side, and draw off the upper part. b. The Collodion is free from undissolved particles of Iodide, but contains a fine sediment of Pyroxyline ; specks from this cause are ex- tremely minute and abundant. Three or four days' set- tling will clear the Collodion ; but very often the specks will disappear, if a portion of a more intense Collodion be mixed with the newly iodized (p. 158). c. The Collodion is free from suspended Iodide or undissolved Pyroxyline, but nevertheless the plate shows transparent specks. In this case the specks may be due to dust, but the remedy last given is the most likely to be successful. 2. Faults of the Bath. a. Newly made from impure CAUSES OF SPOTS ON COLLODION PLATES. 521 Nitrate of Silver (p. 252). In this case the image will be very weak as well as spotty, and the Bath will require a trace of Acetate, as described at p. 529. The reason why a bath in this state produces spots is given at page 158. b. Iodide of Silver previously dissolved in the Bath crys- tallizing upon the film. The film in such a case exhibits little projecting points upon the surface of the Iodide be- fore exposure in the Camera, and transparent pin-holes after fixing. Add to the Bath a sixth part of a thirty-grain solution of Nitrate of Silver, not containing any Iodide of Silver, and remove the plate from the solution after an im- mersion of two minutes. Or leave a sensitive plate in the solution all night, that the excess of Iodide of Silver may gradually crystallize upon its surface, and so be removed. c. A floating film of Iodide of Silver upon the surface of the Bath. These spots are not universally distributed, and are larger than the last. Remedy : change the Col- lodion, or the time of dipping (p. 416). d. Deposits of re- duced Silver on the sides of the Bath and dipper or frag- ments of Iodized Collodion which have fallen into the so- lution. Spots, so produced, are easily recognized, and the appearance of the picture at once shows that the Bath re- quires filtering. 3. Dust as a cause of Spots. a. New apparatus is ge- nerally dusty, and the hinges full of brass-filings. Tents are the same, and so are dark boxes for working in the open air, or leather-bodied Cameras, especially when used for the first time in the season. Wipe them out with a damp cloth, but not immediately before working, if it can be avoided. b. Hard rubbing of glasses in cleaning ren- ders them electrical, and attracts dust. An electrical con- dition of glass tends also, as before shown (p. 161), to pro- duce irregular action of the developer. 6 formula for ditto 397 for Negatives on glass, theory of 284 formula; for ditto 404 for paper prints, theory of . .313 formula for ditto 497 injurious conditions of ... 317 Focal length of Lens 178 how to find 180, 56 1 Focus, actinic and visual . . . 18[ variation of focus 185 corrected by stop 186 conjugate foci 178 actinic, to find 4'33 actinic, in microscopic objec- tives 474 equivalent focus, how to find . 561 Fogging, theory of 156 detecting causes of .... 617 Formic acid 56 use of, in developer .... 443 Formula;, mode of writing ... 20 FothergilTs dry process, theory of 333 practice of 548 Gallic acid . 57, 138 compared with other developers 144 used in Calotype process . . 853 formula for developing paper Positives 510 how to preserve solution of . 139 Gallo-Nitrate of Silver . . . .358 decomposes rapidly in dirty dishes 360 Gelatine 58 combines with Oxide of Silver 131, 346 used in Positive printing 294, 493 used in sizing paper .... 296 used in mounting prints . . . 505 used in dry processes . . . 218 preparation of,for Tannin plates 542 Glass-house, hints in erecting . 427 Page Glass-house, Matheson's . . . 428 Glass, photographic transparency 204 for a dark room 204 plates to clean . . . . . . 160 full details for cleaning . . 407 Globe Lens 193 Glycerine 58 Glycyrrhizine 59 action of, in Collodion . 341-346 Gold (see Chloride of). Grape sugar 62 Ground glass for focussing . . . 484 Gun-cotton 91, 217 Gum Arabic 63 Haloid Salts 14 Hard Negatives, causes of ... 528 in Taupenot process . . . .558 how to print from 298 Heliography, invention of ... 118 Herschel's printing processes . . 362 Historical sketch of Photography 117 Honey .....' 63 preservative process .... 328 Hot climates, Photography iu . . 478 Hjdriodic Acid (54 Hydrochloric 65 Hydrogen 65 Acids 13 Hydrometer, use of 573 for testing Silver solutions . . 491 Baume"'s scale of 580 Twaddell's . . 583 Hvdrosulphuric Acid 65 Hypo Bath. (See Fixing Solutions.) Hyposulphite of Silver . . 96, 313 with Hyposulphite of Soda, 168, 313 brown patches of, in prints 315, 322 Hyposulphite of Soda . . 102, 167 theory of fixing action . . . 168 decomposed by acids . . . 317 decomposed by frequent use 318 with Silver 168, 313 reaction of, with Chloride of Gold 307 test for presence of .... 325 to recover Silver from old baths of 5G8 Iceland Moss 66 Image, photographic. (See Photo- graphic image.) Imperfection in Collodion Nega- tives 527 in Collodion Positives . . . 535 in paper Positives 5-S6 Ink printing process (Perry's) . 364 Instantaneous Photography . . 469 Intensity of Negative increased by redevelopment . . 150, 424 by Acetate of Silver in Bath . 277 by parchmentized Pyroxyline . 233 by decomposition of Pvroxyline 235 by excess of Alcohol .... 239 INDEX. 589 Page Intensity of Negative increased by decomposition of Collodion245, 275 by artificial methods . . 285, 464. in developed paper Positives . 509 Intensity diminished by Bromide in Collodion . . 272 by Iron developer 281 in glass Positives 260 condition affecting ditto . . 258 Intensity of paper Positives 291, 298 Invisible images, nature of . . . 145 theory of development of . . 150 illustrative experiments . . . 137 Iodide of Ammonium .... 39 when to be used in Collodion . 244 use in Positive Collodion . . 391 use in Negative Collodion . . 402 Iodide of Cadmium 43 when to be used in Collodion . 242 useful in hot climates . . . 480 plain Collodion for . . . .440 formulae of solutions of . 398, 440 Iodide of Potassium 88 use as fixing agent .... 167 solubility in Alcohol .... 243 when to be used in Collodion . 243 formula for solution of ... 398 use of, for Calotype and waxed papers 357 Iodide of Iron 69 injurious in Collodion . . . 245 Iodides in Collodion, physical effects of 241 chemical effects of .... 245 Iodide of Silver .... 97, 127 effect of light on 130 molecularly affected by light . 153 hypothesis of invisible image on 145 theory of development of . . 150 with Nitrate of Silver . . .150 chemical Spectrum on ... 198 solvents cf 167 soluble in Nitrate Bath . . .247 sensitive and insensitive forms of 345 with organic compounds . . 346 causes affecting sensitiveness of 154 causes affecting development of 156 less soluble than Chloride . . 169 to remove from old Nitrate Baths 572 Iodine 66 liberates Nitric Acid in Bath . 248 often lowers the intensity of image 275 useful in Positive Collodion . 261 how to remove from Collodion 225 Iodizing solutions for Negatives 398-440 theory of .241 (See also Bromo-Iodide.) lodo-Nitrate of Silver . . 247, 345 Page lodoform 67 renders Collodion porous . . 351 lodo-Cyanide of Potassium . .170 removes Silver stains . . . 575 Iron, Protacetate of 68 Ammonio-Citrate of .... 68 Perchloride of 69 Iodide of 69 Proto-Nitrate of 70 Proto-Sulphate of 70 Kaolin 70 decolorizes Silver solutions . 492 Keith's formula for Positive Deve- loper 395 Landscape Photography on wet plates 444 on dry Collodion 540 Lantern for dark room (Dela- motte's) 412 Latent image. (See Invisible image.) Laws of Combination ... . . 16 Leathers for polishing glasses . . 409 Lead, Acetate of 71 Nitrate of 71 Le Grey's waxed paper process . 358 Lenses, various forms of ... 177 foci of 177 image formed by 178 focal length of 180 visual and actinic foci of . . 181 spherical aberration of ... 183 curvature of field in . . . .184 variation of focus in ... . 185 use of stops or diaphragms in 186 et seq. Lens, Aplanatic 188 Globe 193 Orthoscopic 188 Panoramic 192 Portrait 194 Triplet 190 View 187 to find actinic focus of ... 433 single, to find focal length of . 180 to find equivalent focus of any 561 for architecture 445 for copying 456 for landscapes 44 1 for portraits 434 Light, action of, on Silver Salts 130, 131 compound nature of .... 172 properties of 174 refraction of 175 chemical action of coloured . 19S Linen or Paper Collodion, limpid 232 produces intense Negatives . 235 unstable 240, 351 Lithium, Iodide of 72 Litmus Paper, how to prepare . 12 how to use 574 Magnesium, Iodide of .... 72 590 INDEX. Page Manipulations of Collodion pro- cess . 407 of Photographic printing . . 498 Manufacture of Collodion, theory of 225 Manuscripts, mode of copying . 455 Markings on Collodion pictures . 522 Measures and weights .... 582 Meniscus Lens ....... 177 Mercury, Chloride of 73 whitens Positives 266 Micro-photography 473 Milk, serum of 73 use in Positive printing . . . 303 Miller, Dr., on transparent media 204 Mordants 292 Moser's researches 159 Mounting proofs 506 substances to be avoided in . 322 Naphtha 75 Negative processes for printing . 507 Negative Collodion, theory of. . 216 manufacture of . . . . . . 373 Negative Nitrate Bath, theory of 275, 278 preparation of .... 399-402 N egative developers, theory of 278-284 preparation of .... 401-404 Negative fixing solutions, theory of 284 preparation of 404 Negatives, definition of .... 255 on wet Collodion, theory of . 267 F reduction of 373 'alotype, theory of .... 356 waxed paper, theory of ... 358 Albumen, theory of .... 3(iO on dry Collodion, theory of . 327 ,, production of 540 spots and markings on ... 520 Nipce, M., his discovery of " He- liography" 118 Niepce, de St. Victor, his Albumen process 121 Nitrate of Iron 141,70 developer for Positives on glass 264 Keith's formula for .... 395 Nitrate of Potash 85 used for Pyroxy line . . . .218 details of process 374 used in Positive developer . . 395 Nitrate of Silver 93, 97 preparation, etc., of . . . .123 organic impurities in ... 252 other impurities in .... 98 may contain Nitrite . 97, 125, 254 reduced by developers . . . 142 essential in development . .150 dissolves Iodide of Silver . . 247 unacted on by light .... 130 indifferent to Glycerine . 328, 393 mode of recovering Silver from 567 Page Nitrate Bath, chemistry of ... 247 for Collodion Positives, theory of .261 how to prepare 393 for Collodion Negatives, theory of 275-278 how to prepare .... 399-402 dissolves Iodide of Silver . . 247 alkalinity and acidity of ex- plained 248 how to acidify a Positive Bath 261, 393 how to acidify a Negative Bath for Iodized Collodion . 276, 400 for Bromo-Iodized Collodion 278, 403 to neutralize .... 400, 403 to saturate with Iodide of Silver 393 Acetate of Silver in .... 251 how to add Acetate to ... 529 organic matter in 252 to remove organic matter from 253 may contain Nitrite .... 254 changes by use . . . . 394, 401 to cure fogging in 403 to ascertain strength of . . . 561 Negative, to prepare for print- ing 572 recovery of silver from . . . 567 Nitrate Ba"(h for printing, theory of 289,297-299 mode of preparation . . 490, 494 meter for testing strength of 491 to decolorize 492 Nitrite of Silver 100 in Nitrate 97, 254 effect of, in development . . 254 Nitric Acid 75 oxidizing properties of ... . 124 retards formation of latent image 154 checks development . . . .144 prevents fogging 157 excess of, causes fogging . .158 use in Positive Bath .... 2iil use, with Bromo-Iodide . . 278 accumulates in Nitrate Bath . 249 to remove excess of . . 393^103 for Pyroxyline. (See Pyroxyline. ) Ure's table of strength of . . 578 Nitrogen 77 Binoxide of 78 Peroxide of 78 Nitro-glucose 78 action of, on Collodion . 240, 2l6 Nitro-hydrochloric Acid ... 79 Nitro-sulphuric Acid 217 observations on proper strength of 225 formulae for mixed acids 377, 390, 440 INDEX. 591 Page Nitre-sulphuric Acid, formula for Nitre and Sulphuric Acid . 374 should be used hot .... 231 precautions in using .... 387 Nitrous Acid 79 Nomenclature 20 N orris, Dr., on dry Collodion . . 332 Opacity of Collodion film . . .226 injurious in Positives on glass 260 Organic matter 80 Organic substances, chemistry of 26 effects of, in Nitrate Bath . . 252 how to remove from Bath 253, 404 effects of, on Positive printing 291 necessary in dry Collodion pro- cesses 330 effects of, in dry processes . . 340 to distinguish from inorganic . 28 Orthoscopic or Orthographic Lens 188 useful when camera is tilted . 445 distortion of 197 Osborne's Photo-lithographic pro- cess 366 Over-exposure, effect on develop- ment 160 effect on Collodion Positives . 437 effects on Collodion Negatives 423 effects in printing by develop- ment 511 effects in Taupenot process . 557 Oxide of Silver 100, 128 soluble in Nitrate Bath . . .249 for acidity of Bath .... 403 dissolves in Ammonia . . . 301 preservative Oxides Oxygen Oxymel, preparation of . as a Collodion preservi Ozone its effect on Collodion Paper, Photographic . . . 295, 486 sensitive. (See Sensitive paper.) Parchmentizing action of Sulphu- ric Acid 221 Permanganate of Potash, use of . 325 Permanence of Positives, to test . 325 Petschler and Mann's dry piocess 335 details of 558 Petzval Lens. (See Orthoscopic Lens.) Petzval introduces Negative Lens 188, 192 Phosphorus 82 Phosphoric Acid 83 Phosphate of Soda 103 Photo-galvanography . . . 368 Photo-glyphy 368 Photo-lithography 366 Photo-zincography 367 Photographic chemicals, vocabu laryof 29 Page Photographic Chemicals, list of, for landscapes 448 list of, for sending abroad . . 483 Photographic image, nature of 133, 163, 292 action of destructive tests on . 325 (See also Development.) Photographic properties of Salts of Silver 129 Photography, historical sketch of 117 in hot climates 478 Plain Collodion. (See Collodion.) Portrait Lenses, construction of . 194 how to use 431 to test correctness of . . . . 432 Portraiture, drapery for .... 203 practical directions for . . . 427 Positive 436 Negative 438 Positive Collodion, theory of . . 258 details of manufacture . . . 390 Bromo-Iodizer for .... 391 Positive Nitrate Bath, theory of . 261 preparation of 393 Positive developing solutions, the- ory of 263 preparation of 394 Positive fixing solutions, theory of 266 preparation of 397 Positive printing, theory of . . 287 practice of, on albuminized paper 487 practice of, on plain paper . . 493 practice of, on Ammonio- Ni- trate paper 493 by development on Iodized paper 507 by development on Chloride of . Silver 509 on glass . 514 by vignetting 506 failures in 536 Positive prints defined .... 255 action of sulphur on .... 305 effect of Permanganate of Po- tash on 325 effect of Chromic Acid on . . 326 fading of, explained .... 324 comparative permanency of .324 how to wash 504 effects of imperfect washing on 319 how to mount 500 improper modes of mounting . 321 to test permanency of ... 325 imperfections in 536 Positives on Collodion . . . .257 formulae for 391 practical details of .... 436 mode of whitening .... 266 varnishes for 397 how to apply the varnishes to . 438 imperfections in 35 592 INDEX. Page Potash 83 Bichromate of 84 Carbonate of 85 Nitrate of 85 and Soda, Tartrate of ... 86 Potassium, Bromide of . . . .86 Cyanide of 87 Fluoride of 87 Iodide of 88 Sulphide of . . 90 Sulphocyanide of 105 Precipitate explained 24 Preservation of sensitive paper . 304 Spiller's box for 305 Preservative processes, theory of 327 practical details of .... 540 Prints. (See Positive Prints.) Printing, theory of 287 practical details of .... 486 Prism, decomposition of light by 172 diagrams of spectrum by . 173, 198 Proto-Nitrate of Iron. (See Nitrate of Iron.) Protosulphate of Iron . . 70 S 141 theory of its developing pro- perties 141 a developer for Positives, the- ory of 263 formulae for solutions of . . 394 how to apply the solutions . . 436 a developer for Negatives, the- ory of 280,284 formulae for solutions . 401-404 how to apply developer . . . 424 Pyrogallic Acid 90, 139 theory of developing properties 1 42 use for Positives 263 a developer for Negatives, the- ory of 278 formulaa for ditto . . . 401-404 mode of applying the developer 420 mode of applyingforintensifying 424 formula for Tannin plates . . 546 mode of applying to Tannin plates 547 Pyroxyline, varieties of .... 91 theory of its preparation . . 217 theory more fully considered . 225 practical details of Nitre pro- cess 374 practical details of mixed-acids process 375 et seq. preparation of, for Positives . 390 preparation of, for Cadmium lodizer 440 preparation of, for copying Col- lodion . . . .... .460 theory of preparation for dry processes 339 precautions in preparation . . 382 physical and photographic pro- perties of 226 Page Pyroxyline, decomposition of . . 203 organic reactions in, effect of . 270 Eecovery of Silver from solutions 5(>7 Eed Glass, non-actinic . . . .200 Keduction of Silver Salts by deve- lopers 141 to the metallic state . . . .507 Eussell's Tannin process . . . 33<'i practical details of .... 5 II developer, theory of .... 343 formula? for developer . . . 540 Salts, nature of 13 Salts of Silver, chemistry of . . 123 photographic properties of . .129 reduced by developers . . . 141 recovery of Silver trom . . . 567 Sensitiveness, causes affecting, 154, 238, 272. Sensitive paper, theory of prepa- ration 287 more fully considered . . . 295 preparation of, practical details 487 requires excess of Nitrate of Silver 2f;9 mode of preserving .... 304 amount of Silver in .... 304 (See also Positive Printing.) Serum of Milk, (flee Milk.) Setting of Collodion film . . . .416 Shadbolt, his Honey process . 328 remedy for over-printing . . 538 on out-ofJ-door portraiture . .430 on testing Portrait lens . . 433 on finding equivalent focus of lens 561 Silver 93 Acetate of 94 Albuminateof ...... 94 Ammonio-nitrate of . . . .94 Bromide of 95 Carbonate of 95 Chloride of 95 Citrate of 96 Huorideof 96 Hyposulphite of 96 Iodide of 97 Nitrate of 97 Nitrite of 100 Oxide of 100 Organic compounds of . . .131 Sulphide of 101 recovery of, from wastes . . 567 removal of stains of .... 575 Silver Meter for testing baths . . 491 Size in paper 205 photographic properties of . . 296 to remove from prints . . . 505 Soda, Acetate of 101 Carbonate of 101 Citrate of 102 Hyposulphite of 102 Phosphate of ...... 103 INDEX. 593 Page Sodium, Auro-chloride of ... 103 Chloride of 104 Solar Camera, principle of ... 179 Solar Spectrum 173 on Iodide of Silver . . . .198 on Bromide of Silver . . . .201 Solarization 160 condition of bath favouring . 253 depends partly on light . . . 268 depends partly on lens . . . 269 Bromide a remedy for . . . 272 Citric Acid a remedy for . . 279 remedied by mode of develop- ment 283 remedy in dry plates .... 342 Solution explained 24 Specific Gravities, method of ta- king 573 solutions of Silver, table of. . 566 Sulphuric Acid, table of . . . 578 Nitric Acid, table of . . . .578 Alcohol, table of 579 Spherical Aberration 183 corrected by stops .... 184 Spirits of Wine. (See Alcohol.) Spots on Negatives, theory of . .158 causes of 520 on Positive prints 537 Stains, Silver, removal of ... 575 Stereoscope, principle of ... 205 reflecting 211 refracting 211 Stereoscopic Photography, theory of 213 practical details of .... 465 Stops, use of. . . . 184,186,187 position of, in View Lens . . 187 in Portrait Lens 195 simple method of making . .456 Strength of Acids, tables of . . 578 Subchloride of Silver 127 formed by light 134 Suboxide of Silver 129 compounds of, formed by light 134 Substitution Compounds . . 26, 219 Sulphate of Iron. (See Protosulphate.) Sulphate of Quinine, action on chemical rays 202 Sulphocyanide of Potassium . . 105 of Ammonium ...... 105 Sulphocyanides as fixing agents . 170 Sulphuric Acid 106 use in making Pyroxyline . . 217 absorbs water 218 parchmentizing, action of . . 221 used for drying cotton . . . 382 table of strength of . . . .578 Surface reflection, actinic effect of 203 Button's Panoramic Lens . . . 192 Symmetrical Triplet . . . .190 mode of developing Positives on paper 511 Page Swing-backs to Cameras . . 435 Symbols of Elements ... .9 Symbols and Formulae . . .19 Talbot's discoveries ... .120 Calotype process ... . 356 Photoglyphic process . . 368 Tannin 108 process, theory of . . .336 practical details of . . . 541 Tartaric Acid ....... 109 Taupenot's process, theory of . 331 practical details of .... 552 Temperature, effect of, on deve- lopment 144 on fogging 518 on Collodion 479 on developer 481 on hypo-bath 315 Tent, Photographic (Levi's) . . 446 Test paper 72 Tetrathionic Acid 109 Tomlinson's test for grease on water Ill Toning bath with sulphur . . . 305 Chloride of Gold in hypo . . 306 Alkaline Gold, theory of . . 308 conditions affecting .... .S10 formulae for 496 Transparencies on glass . . . 514 Triplet lens, construction of . . 190 used for copying 457 used for architecture . . . 445 Turmeric 110 Uranium, Nitrate of Ill Uranium printing process . . . 363 Varnishes for Positives .... 397 how to apply 438 for Negatives 405 how to apply 426 Velvet used to line Camera . . 445 View Lens, construction of . . 187 distortion of 196 to prevent fogging from . . 444 to measure focal length of . . 180 Vignetting 506 Vocabulary of Chemicals ... 29 Washing prints, rules for . . . 319 details of 504 Water, distilled Ill to detect oily matter in . . Ill different kinds of 112 Waterhouse's diaphragms . . . 195 Waxed paper process .... 358 Weights and Measures .... 582 Woolliness of Collodion film . . 226 Xyloidine 220, 226 Yellow glass for dark room . . 200 Yellowness in prints, how caused 537 Young's experiments on develop- ment 152 explanation of 153 594 CORKIGIEKDA. Page 23, 25 lines from top, for " Pyrosphate" read " Pjrophosphate." ,, 38, 4 lines from bottom, insert " a" before " solvent." ,, 129, 14 lines from top, for " latter" read "former." 198, 15 lines from top, innert Section Til. 204. It should have been stated here that the numbers representing the comparative lengths of the Spectra impressed on a sensitive Collodion film by light transmitted through various media, are true only of Electric light, which has rays of far higher re- frangibility than any contained in Solar light ; so that when the latter is the source of Photographic power, it would be far less affected by the media named than the corresponding numbers would represent.' 212, 3 lines from bottom, for " an" read "in." 216, first line, for "hapter" read " chapter." 227, bottom line, for "a" read " af-" 230, 7 lines from top, after "with" insert "the." 460, 13 lines from top, for "277" read "377." 471, 3 lines from top,./or " foliage combined with clouds," read " clouds combined with foliage." 494, 2 lines from top, for " Sale's" read " Saxe." 508, 19 lines from top, for " under the head of Collodio- Albumen Pro- cess," read " at page 510." JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR. 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