MLS /YY ■j- AMERICAN PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS: A CATALOGUE GENERA AND SPECIES, NAMES OF AUTHOBS, DATES, PLACES OF PUBLICATION GROUPS OF ROOKS IK WHICH FOUND, AND THE ETYMOLOGY AND SIGNIFICATION OF THE WOBDB, AN INTRODUCTION DEVOTED TO THE STRATIGBAPHIOAL GEOLOGY OF THE PAL2BOZOIO BOOKS, BY S. A.. MILLBB. CINCINNATI, OHIO: PUBLIBHED BY THE AUTHOR, No. 8 W. THIRD ST. I877. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1877, by S. A. MILLER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Cincinnati Times Company Book and Job Rooms. PREFACE The Science of Geology rests upon the fossil contents of the rocks, and, therefore, there can be but little knowledge 'of the science without a knowledge of the fossils. Every one professes to take an interest in Geology, although the complaint against the technical names is quite general. This work may be regarded as a compilation of these technical names in alphabetical order, with the signification of each, and in this respect, it is a dictionary adapted to the use of every one, and designed to remove the objections against the hard words used in the science. The references to authors and publications are for the special benefit of the describers of fossils and the students of palaeontology, while the Groups of rocks are given for the convenience of collectors and students generally. The general plan of the work will be, at once, apparent to the reader; a few remarks, however, in regard thereto, may not be inappropriate. The state of the science, at this time, does not admit of a very great degree of certainty in the arrangement of Palaeozoic Fossils into fami- lies; such arrangement must, therefore, be regarded as more or less pro- visional. And, in this work, where a class could not be arranged into families already limited and defined, with approximate correctness, the attempt has been omitted. No new families have been proposed, with the exception of three names, followed by the provisional interrogation point in the Class Echinodermata. The new family names in the Class Lamellibranchiata are used by Prof. James Hall in the fifth volume of the Palaeontology of New York. Each generic name is followed by the name of the author, the date of the first publication, the title of the book in which it first appeared, which is generally abbreviated, and the etymology of the word, which is included within brackets. Valid names are printed in Roman letters. Generic names, preoccupied, never defined, and where the fossils are unknown in American palaeozoic rocks, or the names invalid for any other reason, are italicized. The generic name always begins with a capital letter, whether it is a valid or invalid name. Each specific name, or as it was formerly, called the trivial name, is followed with the name of the author, the date of the first publication, the title of the book in which it appeared, which is generally abbreviated, the Group of rocks in which the fossil is found when the Group is known ; but otherwise the formation alone is given, and the signification of the iv PREFACE. name included within brackets. The name of the Group of rocks is generally abbreviated. Where the author, in the first instance, referred his species to the wrong genus, such generic and specific name is included within parenthesis immediately following the date of the publi- cation. For instance, DeWiyris is a synonym for Spinfera, and many species have been erroneously referred to it; such are written in this manner: ■; Spirifera arenosa, Conrad, 1838, (Delthyns arenosa), Ann. Rep. N. Y., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. sandy.] Specific names never begin with capital letters. The author has endeavored to quote from the original publications, and for kindness and assistance in obtaining access to them, he expresses his obligations to Prof. James Hall, of Albany, New York; Mr. 0. D. Walcott, of Trenton Falls, New York ; Prof. Leo. Lesquereux, of Columbus, Ohio, and to Mr. Thomas Vickers, the able and eflicient librarian of the public library in the city of Cincinnati. A few of the works cited, how- ever, were not within reach, and the references to these are therefore second hand. In the attempt to make the catalogue of names complete, within the scope of the work, the author visited several libraries and otherwise used reasonable efforts for that purpose, but he has no doubt that a few names have been omitted. The number of names in the book is as follows: Generic names in Roman letters, - 1,000 Generic names in Italic letters, 200 Specific names in Roman letters, - 8,000 Specific names in Italic letters, 2,000 Total number of genera and species, including synonyms, etc., 11,200 Some of the authors of generic and specific names have not been familiar with the Latin and Greek languages, others have been careless in the exercise of their knowledge when forming the new words, and many names have been misprinted for want of careful proof-reading. For these and probably other reasons, the specific names under a single genus have been found with masculine, feminine, and neuter termina- tions; no uniformity has existed in the terminations added to proper names, and words have been otherwise incorrectly formed. So univer- sally have these errors prevailed, that the author found in some Classes, twenty-five per cent, of the names defective. In a conversation with Prof. E. W. Claypole, of Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, (a gentle- man thoroughly learned in the Latin and Greek languages) shortly before commencing the publication, with regard to the etymology of words, and the importance of following the laws of language in making the genders of the adjective specific names correspond with those of the generic terms, he very kindly proffered his assistance, for the purpose of making all proper corrections in this regard. Publication was commenced in February, and the proofs were sent to Prof. Claypole as rapidly as the PREFACE. matter was put in type for his inspection and correction, but the matter was published so rapidly that it frequently went to press before the return by mail, of his proof. The greater part of the work, therefore, did not have the benefit of his revision. As an illustration, the genus Macrocheilua has been considered masculine by all the authors, and consequently the specific names have been made masculine. As Prof. Claypole did not read the proof, the specific names are published here in the masculine, as the authors made them; but on his authority the species under the genera Temnocheilus, Solenocheilus, etc., have been changed from the masculine to the neuter gender. It may be a question, however, whether usage has not made such genera masculine. No such doubt can arise in the case of the words ending in nema as, Cyclonema, Zoxonema y Dictyonema, etc., which have been treated almost or quite uniformly by the authors as feminine ; for nema is neuter, in both the Latin and the Greek languages, and there is no reason whatever, for using it as feminine. Where specific names have been formed in more genders than one under a single genus, there seems to be no responsibility in correcting the errors and making the specific names correspond in gender with the genus, and this has been done in several hundred instances in this work. Perfection, however, has not been reached in this publication, and for the purpose of rendering greater assistance in that regard, the "Index of Genera" has been made to indicate the gender of each genus, so that any one with a little knowledge of Latin can make the species conform in gender with the genus. The reader will know that generic names are usually coined from Greek words, and specific names from Latin words or proper names with Latin terminations. In Latinizing specific proper names, no uniformity has ever existed, nor can the author claim to have accomplished it in this work. Some authors have used the terminations ianus, iana and ianum, while others have used anus, ana and anum. The first impression was that the former endings were proper, and consequently they were used in part of this work; but the best authors use only the latter, and upon reflection we were of the opinion that the latter endings are the proper ones, and they were thereafter used in this work exclusively. The reader is directed, therefore, to correct the proper names ending in ianus, iana and ianum, which occur, in some instances, from the Polypi to the Brachiopoda, by striking out the letter i and thus perfect this class of words. Again, no uniformity exists in specific proper names put in the geni- tive case by adding the Latin ending i, where the proper names end in 6, y, etc. There seems to be no difficulty where the proper name ends in a consonant, in accomplishing the desired purpose by adding a single i, and generally where words of more than one syllable end in e, the same purpose may be accomplished by changing the e to i\ but there are words where positive difficulty exists, for instance ; Case, Casey, White, Whity, Moor, Moore, Hoy, etc. Some would change the e into i in Moore PREFACE. and add i to Moor, so that in each case we would have the same specific name moori, and so with White and Whity ; but there are very strong reasons against such action. In this work, the words of one syllable ending in e have sometimes been written with an i added, and at other times made to end in ii, according to the rules of the British Associa- tion, as casei and casii. But the author is of the opinion that the single letter i in these words is to be preferred; thus casei, caseyi, whitei, whityi, moori, moorei, hoyi, etc., for the following reason. The use of such words is justified because the men have been in some way useful to the science, and the preservation of their names is part of the history of its growth, and can be defended with stronger reason than the use of mythological names, even within the limits warranted by the rules of the British Association, where a fanciful resemblance is made a test. A man may devote ten, twenty, or thirty years of his life to the collection of fossils, or he may devote as many years to the study and description of them. In either case his services may constitute the entire history of the fossils of a given locality, and in what way can the science be better subserved than by perpetuating his name among the fossils he discovered or defined ? If the reason for the use of his name is a good one, it is equally strong to use it so that it will not be misunderstood, and can not be made to represent an individual of a different name. The fact that the name does not readily assume a Latin form is of slight weight, in the opinion of the author, compared with the preservation of the history of the science in perpetuating the names of those who have devoted themselves to discover and systematize it. At the request of the author, Prof. Claypole has written an essay upon the rules of nomenclature, for this work, to which the reader is referred for further light in the construction of words. CONSTRUCTION OF SYSTEMATIC NAMES IN PALEONTOLOGY. By PROF. E. W. CLAYPOLE, B. A., B. Sc, (London), Antioeh College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. The Latin language is universally adopted in the scientific world for naming species, fossil and recent, in both the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. Linnaeus introduced the plan of limiting the name of a species to two words, the former of which was generic and the latter specific, and of making these terms in their formation comply with the rules of the Latin tongue. Since his time, this plan has become the rule. At first, terms were chosen expressing the character or characters which define the genus or species, and such names constitute the perfection of scientific nomenclature. But even Linnaeus soon found it impossible to maintain this standard, and himself resorted to Homer's Iliad to find names with which to christen the butterflies that thronged in upon him. Hence we have Troilus, Danaus, Philenor, hk>ios, the bark.] acadianus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] antiquus, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Canada, Devonian. [Sig. ancient.] auriculatus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. ear-like.] crassicaulis, Corda, 1833, in Flora der Vor- welt, vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. thick- stemmed.] 30 PLANTS. ichthyolepis, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. ichthys, a fish ; lepis, a scale.] irregularis, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., vol. 2,CoalMeas. [Sig. irregular.] laricinus, Sternberg, 1823, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Ety. from resemblance to the larch tree.] lesquereuxi, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal. vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] obcordatus, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. inversely, heart-shaped.] parvus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. small.] platystigma, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. flat- scarred.] prominulus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. project- ing a little.] protuberans, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. protu- berant.] tetragonus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. quad- rangular.] tumidus, see Lepidodendron tumidum. Lepidophyllum, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. kpis, a scale ; phyllon, a leaf.] acuminatum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. sharp- pointed.] The name was preoccupied by Gutbier in 1843. affine, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2,CoalMeas. [Sig. closely related.] auriculatum, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2,Coal Meas. [Sig. ear-shaped.] brevifolium, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., Coal Meas. [Ety. brevis, short ; folium, a leaf.] fohaceum, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. leaf-like. ] hastatum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. halbert- shaped.] intermedium, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. intermediate.] lanceolatum, Lindley & Hutton, 1831-33, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. lanceo- late.] majum, Brongniart, 1828, Prodrome d'une Histoire de Vegetaux, Fossiles, Coal Meas. [Sig. large.] obtusum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. obtuse.] plicatum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. folded.] rostellatum, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. little- beaked.] striatum, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. striated.] trinerve, Lindley & Hutton, 1835, Foss. Flora, vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. three- veined.] Lepidostkobus, Brongniart, 18 28, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. lejyis, a scale ; strobus, a cone.] connivens, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. dissem- bling, closing.] globosus, Dawson, 1861, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 6, Devonian. [Sig. globose.] hastifolius, Lesquereux, 1866,Geo.Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. spear-leaved.] lancifolius, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. lance- leaved.] longifolius, Dawson, 1863,Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. long-leaved.] oblongifolius, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. oblong- leaved.] ornatus, Parkinson, 1811, Organic Re- mains, Coal Meas. [Sig. ornate.] ovatifolius, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. ovate- leaved.] pinaster, Lindley & Hutton, 1837, Foss. Flora, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. like the cone of a Pinaster.'] princeps, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. original, prin- cipal.] richardsoni, Dawson, 1861, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 6, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] squamosus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. scaly.] trigonolepis, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the triangular scars. ] truncatus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. truncated.] variabilis, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. variable.] Lescukoptebis, Schimper, 1869, Palseontolo- gie Vegetale. [Ety. proper name; pteris, a fern.] moori, Lesquereux, 1858, (Neuropteris moori) Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Licbophycus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, [Ety. likros, a fan; phykos, sea weed.] formosus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] hiltonensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hudsonicus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] minor, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Trenton Gr. [Ety. minor, less; it is smaller than ottaivsenste.~] ottawsensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] robustus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. robust.] vagans, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic,Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. wandering.] Lonchopteeis, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. lonche, a spear ; pteris, fern.] PLANTS. 31 tenuis, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] Lycopodites, Brongniart, 1822, Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. from Lycopodium, the club moss.] annularifefolius, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. with ring-shaped leaves.] asterophyllita?fulius, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. leaved like the Aster vpkyllites.] cavifolius, see Selaginites cavifolius. comosus, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo Soc., vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. hairy.] matthewi, Dawson, 1861, Can. Nat. & Geo vol. 6, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] meeki, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] plumulus, Dawson, 1873, Rep. Foss. Plants, Low. Carb. [Sig. a little feather.] richardsoni, Dawson, 1868, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] vanuxemi, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Megalopteris, Dawson, 1875. Not denned. [Ety. megale, great; pteris, a fern.] dawsoni, Hartt, 1868, (Neuropteris daw- soni) Acad. Geol., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] hartti, AndreAvs, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] lata, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. wide.] minima, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. very small.] ovata, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. egg-shaped.] Megaphytox, Artis, 1838, Antedil. Phytol. [Ety. niegas, great; phyton, a shoot.] humile, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8,Coal Meas. [Sig. small, humble.] maclayi, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] magnificum, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. splendid.] protuberans, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Chester Gr. [Sig. protu- berant.] Myriaxites, Murchison, 1839, Sil. Syst. [Ety. myrias, innumerable.] murchisoni, Emmons, 1844,Taconic Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sillimani, Emmons, 1844, Taconic. Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Nemapodia, Emmons, 1844, Taconic. Syst., [Ety. nema, thread ; podion, foot.] tenuissima, Emmons, 1844, Taconic. Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. fine-lined.] Prof. Hall regards this as a recent track.] Nematophycus, Carruthers, 1872, Month. Micro. Jour. [Ety. nematos, a thread ; phukos, sea weed.] This is a syn. for Prototaxites. logani, Carruthers, 1872, Month. Micro. Jour., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Syn. for Prototaxites logani. Nematoxylon, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19. [Ety. nema, a thread; xylon, wood.] Carruthers says this is a syn. for Prototaxites and belongs to the Algse. crassum, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. thick.] Carruthers says this is a syn. for Pro- totaxites logani.] tenue, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. slender.] Carruthers says this is a syn. for Pro- totaxites logani.] Nephropteris, Brongniart, 1828, Tab.des gener. elegans, see Cyclopteris elegans. fimbriata, see Neuropteris fimbriata. germari, see Cyclopteris germari. hirmta, see Cyclopteris hirsuta. laciniata, see Cyclopteris laciniata. orbicularis, see Cyclopteris orbicularis. trichomanoides, see Cyclopteris trichoman- oides. undans, see Cyclopteris undans. Nereites, Murchison, 1839, Sil. Syst. [Ety. from a resemblance to the track of the Nereis.'] Prof. Hall says these species are of Devonian age. deweyi, Emmons, 1844, Taconic. Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gracilis, Emmons, 1844, Taconic. Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. slender.] jacksoni, Emmons, 1844, Taconic Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lanceolatus, Emmons,1844, Taconic. Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. sword-like.] loomisi, Emmons, 1844, Taconic Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pugnus, Emmons, 1844, Taconic. Syst., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. a hand full.] Neriopteris, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1. [Ety. nerion, the Oleander ; pteris, a fern.] lanceolata, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. spear-shaped.] Neuropteris, Brongniart, 1822, Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. neuron, a nerve ; pteris, a fern.] acutifolia, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. acute-leaved.] adiantites, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from resemblance to Adiantum, the maiden hair fern.] angustifolia, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. narrow-leaved.] attenuata, Lindley & Hutton, 1837, Foss. Flora, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. atten- uated.] auriculata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. eared.] capitata, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. capitate.] cisti, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] clarksoni, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] 32 PLANTS. collinsi, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] cordata, Brongniart, 1828," Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. heart-shaped.] coriacea, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. having the texture of rough skin.] crassa, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., De- vonian. [Sig. thick.] crenulata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. crenulated.] cyclopteroides, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. like Cyclopteris.] daivsoni, see Megalopteris dawsoni. delicatula, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. small and delicate.] dentata, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. toothed.] desori, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] eveni, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety proper name. ] fasciculata, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. faggot-like, in bundles.] flmbriata, Lesquereux, 1854, Jour. Bost. Soc.Nat.Hist.,Coal Meas. [Sig.f ringed.] flssa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. split.] flexuosa, Sternberg, 1825, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. wavy.] gibbosa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol.2, Coal Meas. [Sig. gibbous.] gigantea, Sternberg, 1825, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. very large.] grangeri, Brongniart, 1828,Hist.Veg.Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] heterophylla, Brongniart, 1822, (Filicites heterophylla) Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, Coal Meas. [Ety. fieteros, different; phyllon, a leaf.] hirsuta, Lesquereux, 1854, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., Coal Meas. [Sig. hairy.] inflata, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. inflated.] ingens, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. huge.] lacerala, syn. for Neuropteris fimbriata. linnfeifolia, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. from a resemblance to the leaves of IAnnsea borealu.'] loshi, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] marginakt, see Alethopteris roarginata. microphylla, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Ve«. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. small-leaved.] minor, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. less.] moori, see Lescuropteris moori. pachyderma, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. Ill, vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. thick- barked.] perelegans, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. very elegant.] plicate, Sternberg, 1825, Vers. Darst.Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. folded.] polymorpha, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. many-formed.] rarinervis, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. rants, few; nenms, a vein.] retorquata, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Canada, Devonian. [Sig.turned back.] rogersi, Lesquereux, 1858,Geo.Sur.Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] rotundifolia, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. round-leaved^] selwyni, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can- ada, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] serrulata, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. like a little saw.] smilacifolia, Sternberg, 1824, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Ety. Smilax, an existing genus; folium, a leaf.] soreti, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] speciosa, Lesquereux, see N. rogersi. tenuifolia, Sternberg, 1825, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Ety. tenuis, narrow; folium, a leaf.] tenuinervis, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. fine- veined.] undans, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. wavy.] verbensefolia, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. leaved like the Verbena.] vermicularis, Lesquereux, 1861 , Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. worm- shaped.] villiersi, Brongniart, 1828,Prodr.Hist.Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] voltzi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Nckggerathia, Sternberg, 1822, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt. [Ety. proper name.] beinertiana, Gceppert, 1842, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] bockschi, Gceppert, 1836, (Cyclopteris bockschi) Syst. Filic Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] bockschiana, syn. for N. bockschi. dispar, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol, 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. different.] flabellata, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, vol. 1 , Coal Meas. [Sig. spread out like a fan.] gilboensis, Dawson, 1871, Quar. Jour Geo. Soc, vol. 27, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] minor, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol.2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the small leaves.] PLANTS. n obliqua, Gceppert, 1841, Gatt. Foss. Pflan- zen, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the ob- lique attachment of the leaves.] . obtusa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo.Sur.Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. obtusus, from the blunt termination" of the leaf.] Prof. Dawson refers this species to the genus Cyclopteris. Odontopteris, Brongniart, 1822, Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. odous, a tooth ; pteris, a fern.] sequalis, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. equal, of the same shape as another.] alata, Lesquereux, 1858, Catal. Pottsville Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. winged.] antiqua, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., Coal Meas. [Sig. ancient.] bradleyi, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] brardi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] crenulata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. crenulated.] dubia, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. doubtful.] gracillima, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. very slender.] heterophvlla, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. heteros, different ; phyllon, a leaf.] intermedia, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. inter- mediate.] neuropteroides, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Lower, Coal Meas. [Ety. from its resemblance to Neuropteris.] schlotheimi, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] squamosa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. scaly.] subcuneata, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Geo. Jour., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. some- what wedge-shaped.] wortheni, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Ormoxylox, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Canada. (Ety. ormos, a chain, a cord; xylrni, wood.] eriahum, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can- ada, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Orthogonioptekis, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2. [Ety. orthogoniopteris, rectangular-fern.] clara, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. clear, distinct.] gilberti, Andrews, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Pachyphyllum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2. [Ety. pachys, thick; phyllon, a leaf.] This name was pre- occupied in the class Polypi. See Rhacophyllum. affine, see Ehacophyllum affine. fimbriatum,see Rhacophyllum fimbriatum. hirsutum, see Rhacophyllum hirsutum. laceratum, see Rhacophyllum laceratum. lactuea, see Rhacophyllum lactuca. Pachypteris, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist, Veg. Foss. [Ety. pachys, thick ; pteris. fern.] gracillima, Lesquereux, 1870,Geo. Sur. III., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. very slender.] Pal.eochorda, McCoy, 1849, Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc, vol. 4. [Ety. palaios, ancient; chorde, an intestine.] marina, Fitch, 1856, Am. Geol., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. pertaining to the sea.] tenuis, Fitch, 1856, Am. Geol., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. slender.] Paljsophycus, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. [Ety. palaios, ancient; phykos, sea- weed.] articulatus, Winchell, 1864, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2d series, vol. 37, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. from the articulated stems.] beauharnoisensis, Billings, 1862, Pal.Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] beverleyensis, Billings,1862,Pal. Foss.,vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] congregatus, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. assembled to- gether.] divaricatus, Lesquereux, 1876, 7th Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur. Ind., Coal Meas. [Sig. wide apart.] funiculus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. a rope.] gracilis, Lesquereux, 1876, 7th Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur. Ind., Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] incipiens, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. the beginning.] informis, Winchell, 1864, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 87, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. shapeless.] irregularis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. irregular.] milleri, Lesquereux, 1876, 7th Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur. Ind., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] obscurus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. obscure.] rogosus, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. full of wrinkles.] simplex, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. simple.] striatus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. striated.] tortuosus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Medina sandstone. [Ety. from the tortuous branches.] tubularis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. hollow like a pipe.] virgatus, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. twig-like.] Palseopteiis, being preoccupied, see Arch- seopteris. acadica, see Archseopteris acadica. hartii, see Archseopteris harti. Pal^oxyris, Brongniart, 1828, Ann. Sc. Nat., vol. 15. [Ety. palaios, ancient; Xyris,& plant.] appendiculata, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. having lateral appendages.] .34 PLANTS. corrtigata, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. corrugated.] prendeli, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4,Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Pecopteris, Brongniart, 1822, Mem. duMus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. peko, to comb; pteris, a fern.] abbreviata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. from the short lobes of the pinnules.] acuta, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. acute.] sequalis, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. equal.] aquilina, see Alethopteris aquilina. arborescens, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. tree-like.] arguta, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. sharply defined.] aspidioides, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. like the Aspkl- ium.] bucklandi. Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] bullata, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. bossed.] callosa, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. having a thick covering.] candollana, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr.Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] chserophylloides, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. like the CfuerophyUum. ] cisti, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] concinna, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. neat.] The name was preoccupied by Presl in 1833. crenulata, see Alethopteris crenulata. cristata, see Alethopteris cristata. cyathea, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. kyathos, a cup.] decurrens, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the decurrent nature of the leaves.] decurrens, Dawson, 1862. The name was preoccupied, see P. discrepans. densifolia, Dawson, 1874, Foss. Plants, Can., Devonian. [Sig. dense-leaved.] dentata, Brongniart, 1828,Hist.Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. toothed.] discrepans, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. different.] distans, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the dis- tant pinules.] The name was preoc- cupied by Rost in 1839. dubia, Gutbier, 1843, in Gsea von Sachsen, Coal Meas. [Sig. doubtful.] elegans, Gceppert, 1836, Syst. Filic. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. elegant.] elliptica, Bunbury, 1846, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. elliptical.] emarginata, Gceppert, 1836, (Diplazites emarginata) Syst. Filic. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. notched.] erosa, see Alethopteris erosa. flavicans, Presl, 1833, in Sternberg, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. yellow (?).] hemiteloides, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Hemi- telites.] heterophylla, Lindley & Hutton, see Ale- thopteris heterophylla. heterophylla, Dawson, syn. for P. mantelli. incompleta, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the incomplete condition of the speci- men.] ingens, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. huge, enormous.] lepidorhachis, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. lepis, a scale; rachis, a ridge.] longifolia, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. long-leaved.] Alethopteris longifolia. (?) loshi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] mantelli, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] milleri, Harlan, 1835, Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., Coal Meas. [Ety. propernamc] muricata, see Alethopteris muricata. murrayana, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nervosa, see Alethopteris nervosa.] newberryi, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn", vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] notata, Lesquereux, 1858,Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. dotted.] obsoleta, Harlan, 1835, Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., Coal Meas. [Sig. obsolete.] oreopteroides, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. like the fern Oreopteris.] ovata, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. ovate.] ovata, Gutbier, 1843, in Gsea von Sachsen, Coal Meas. The name was preoc- cupied, pennseformis, Brongniart, 1822, (Filicites pennseformis) Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, Coal Meas. [Sig. feather- formed.] pluckeneti, see Alethopteris pluckeneti. plumosa, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. feathery.] polymorpha, Brongniart, 18 2 8, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. many-formed.] preciosa, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geo., Devon- ian. [Sig. precious, splendid.] pteroides, see Alethopteris pteroides. PLANTS. pusilla,Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur.Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. very small.] rigida, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. inflexible.] serlii, see Alethopteris serlii. serrulata, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geo., Devon- ian. [Sig. like a small saw.] shsefferi, Lesquereux, 1858, Catal. Potts. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] sillimani, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] squamosa, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. scaly.] strongi, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4,Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] tseniopteroides, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. like Txnicqiteris.] tenuis, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] unita, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. from the united pinnules.] urophylla,, see Alethopteris urophylla. velutina, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn.,vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. velvety.] villosa, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. covered with short hair-like projections.] Phylloptekis, Brongniart, 1828,Tab. d. Gen., etc. [Ety. phyllon, a leaf ; pteris, a fern.] antiqua, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. ancient.] Phytolithm, Martin, 1809, Petrificata Derbien- sia. [Ety. phyton, a plant ; litlios, stone.] cancellatus, "see Sigillaria cancellata. dawsoni, see Sigillaria dawsoni. decoratus, see Calamites decoratus. martin), see Sigillaria martini. notatus, see Sigillaria notata. reticulatus, see Stigmaria reticulata. sukatus, see Calamites sulcatus. tessellatus, see Sigillaria tessellata. transversv^, see Artisia transversa. verrucosus, see Stigmaria verrucosa. Physophycus, Schimper, 1869, Pal.Veg. [Ety. phyton, a plant ; phykos, a sea weed.] marginatus, Lesquereux, 1866, (Caulerpi- tes marginatus) Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. margined.] Phytopsis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N.Y., vol. 1. [Ety. phyton, a plant ; opsis, resemblance.] cellulosum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. from the cellular C6 1 tubulosum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. abounding in tubes. ] Pinnularia, "Lindley & Hutton, 1835, Foss. Flora, vol. 2. [Ety. pinna, a feather.] calamitarum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. like the genus Calamites.] capillacea, Lindley & Hutton, 1835, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. stringy, as the roots of herbs.] confer voides, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. like Conferva.] crassa, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. thick.] dispalans, Dawson, 1852, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. straggling, stray.] elongata, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can., Devonian. [Sig. lengthened.] fucoides, Lesquereux, 1868, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. fucus, sea weed; eidos, likeness.] horizontalis, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. hori- zontal.] nodosa, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can., Devonian. [Sig. knotty.] pinnata, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. winged.] ramosissima, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat,vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. very branchy.] Polyporites, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora. [Ety. from its resemblance to the folyporus versicolor.] bowmanni, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora,Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] polysporus, Newberry, 1873,Ohio Pal., vol. 1. [Ety. polys, many; sporos, seed.] mirabilis, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal.,vol.l, Coal Meas. [Sig. wonderful, strange.] Prototaxites, Dawson, 1859, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 15. [Ety. protos, first; taxus, Yew tree ; so named from the spirally marked cells characteristic of the genus Taxites.] Carruthers says it is an Alga and has therefore called it Nematophycus. logani, Dawson, 1859, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 15, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] This is the oldest known tree in America, according to Dawson, but Carruthers says it is a huge sea- weed and has named it Nematophycus logani. Psaroxius, Cotta, 1832, Dendrol. in Bezie- hung. [Ety. psaros, speckled.] erianus, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] textilis, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can., Devonian. [Sig. Avoven, like a web.] Psilophyton, Dawson, 1859, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 15. [Ety. psilon, smooth; phyton, stem.] elegans, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. elegant.] glabrum, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. without hair, smooth.] princeps, Dawson, 1859, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, Upper Silurian and Devonian. [Sig. original, principal.] This is the oldest known plant in America. It is supposed to have grown in a marsh, robustius, Dawson, 1859,Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 15, Devonian. [Sig. strong, like oak.] Ptilocarpus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4. [Etv, ptilon, a wing; karpos, fruit.] PLANTS. bicornutus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. from two short horns at the base.] Rhabdocakpus, Goeppert & Berger, 1848, de Fruct. et Sem. [Ety. rhabdos, stria ; karpos, fruit.] acuminatus, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] amygdaliformis, Goeppert & Berger, 1848, de Fruct et Sem., Coal Meas. [Sig. like the almond, Amygdalm.] apiculatus, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] arcuatus, Lesquereux, 1861, Geo. Sur. Ky., Coal Meas. [Sig. bent.] cariuatus, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. keeled.] clavatus, Sternberg, 1820, (Carpolithes clavatus) Vers. Darst. Flora der Vor- welt, Coal Meas. [Sig. club-shaped.] costatus, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. ribbed.] danai, Foster, 1854, Ann. of Sci., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] insignis, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. remarkable.] lsevis, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. smooth.] mammillatus, Lesquereux, 1870,Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. Sig. mammil- lated.] minutus, Lesquereux, I860, Geo.Sur.Ark., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. very small.] venosus, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. full of veins.] Rhachiopteris, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18. [Ety. rachis, a ridge; pteris, a fern.] cyclopteroides, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Catskill Gr. [Ety. like the genus Cychpteris.} gigantea, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can., Devonian. [Sig. very large.] palmata, Dawson, 1870, Proc. Royal Soc, Devonian. [Sig. like the palm tree.] pinnata, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc,vol. 18, Ham.Gr. [Sig. feathered.] punctata, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour.Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Catskill Gr. [Sig. punc- tured.] striata, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Ham.Gr. [Sig. striated.] tenuistriata, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Ham. Gr. [Sig. fine-lined.] Rhacophyllum, Schimper, 1869, Palseonto- logie Vegetale. [Ety. rakos, rugged; phyllon, a leaf.] affine, Lesquereux, 1858, (Pachyphyllum affine) Geo.Sur.Penn., vol.2,CoalMeas. [Sig. nearto; related to R. fimbriatum.] fimbriatum, Lesquereux, 1858, (Pachy- phyllum fimbriatum) Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. fringed.] hirsutum, Lesquereux, 1858, (Pachyphyl- lum hirsutum) Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. hairy.] laceratum, Lesquereux, 1858, (Pachy- phyllum laceratum) Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. lacerated.] lactuca, Brongniart, 1828, Hist.Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. lactuca, Lettuce.] Ehizolithes, F. Braun, 1847, in Flora, etc. [Ety. rhiza, a root ; lithos, stone.] palmatifidus, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. divided like a hand.] Rhizomopteris, Schimper, 1869, Traite de Palseontologie Vegetale. [Sig. the rhizomas of ferns.] This was formed to include Sclaginites uncinatus and S. erdmanni.] Rotularia longifolia, see Sphenophyllum lon- gifolium. Rusophycus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2. [Ety. rusos, rugose ; phykos, sea-plant.] bilobatus, Vanuxem, 1842, (Fucoides bilobatus) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Cin'ti & Clinton Gr. [Sig. two-lobed.] clavatus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y, vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. club-shaped.] grenvillensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pudicus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y, vol. 2, Hud. Riv. & Clinton Gr. [Sig. shame- faced, modest.] subangulatus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. somewhat angu- lated.] Sagenaria, Brongniart, 1822, Memoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. veltheimiana, see Lepidodendron velthei- manum. Schizopteris, Brongniart, 1828, Hist.Veg. Foss. [Ety. schizo, to cleave; pteris, a fern.] lactuca, see Hymenophyllites lactuca. Schutzia, Goeppert, 1848", Permian Flora. [Ety. proper name.] bracteata Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. covered with leaves or plates.] Scolithus, Haldeman, 1840, Supp. to Mon- ograph of Limniades. [Ety. xcolex, a worm ; lithos, a stone.] canadensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] linearis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Potsdam to Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. drawn out in lines.] verticalis, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Medina sandstone. [Ety. from pene- trating the strata vertically.] Scolopendrites, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2. [Ety. from the living fern Scolopendrium.] dentatus, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. den- tatus, toothed.] In the text the spe- cific name is written grosse-dentata, a Franco-Latin hybrid, but on plate 8, fig. 7, the name is corrected by leav- ing off the French. Selaginites, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. from the plant Selago.'] PLANTS. 37 cavifolius, Lesquereux, 1861,(Lycopodites cavifolius) Geo. Rep. Ky., vol. 4, Coal j Meas. [Sig. hollow-leaved.] crassus, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. thick, stout.] forruosus, Dawson, 1861, Can. Nat., vol. 6, Devonian. [Sig. beautiful.] uncinatus, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. hooked.] Sigillakia, Brongniart, 1822. Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. sigillmn, a seal ; from the seal-like scars of fallen leaves stamped upon the bark.] alternans, Lindley & Hutton, 1831-33, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. alter- nating.] alveolaris, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Yeg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. alveolus, a small channel.] angusta, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. narrow.] attenuata, Lesquereux, 1858, Catal. Potts. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. attenuated.] brardi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] bretonensis Dawson, 1868, Can. Nat. & Geo., 2nd series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] brochanti, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] browni, Dawson, 1861, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 17, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] cancellata, Martin, 1809, (Phytolithus cancellatus) Petrif. Derb., Coal Meas. [Sig. cancellated.] catenoides, Dawson, 1868, Can. Nat, & Geo., 2nd series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. chain-like.] catenulata, Lindley & Hutton, 1831-33, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. linked together in a chain.] Probably syn. for S. aUernoiu. chemungensis, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist.N.Y., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cisti, see Caulopteris cisti. corrugata, Lesquereux, 1861, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 4; redefined 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. corru- gated.] cymatoides, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. wave-like.] dawsoni, Steinhaur, 1818, (Phytolithus dawsoni) Trans. Am. Phil." Assoc, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] defrancii, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] dilatata, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. ex- panded.] discoidea, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the discoidal shape of the scars.] dournaisi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] dubia, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur.Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. doubtful.] elegans, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. elegant.] elongata, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. from the elongated scars.] eminens, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. standing out in relief, prominent.] fissa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. divivided, from the deeply emarginate scars.] flexuosa, Lindley & Hutton, 1837, Foss. Flora, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. full of flexures.] intermedia, Brongniart, 1828, Hist, Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. intermediate.] knorri, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. , Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] laevigata, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. , Coal Meas. [Sig. smoothed. ] lepidodendrifolia, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. leaved like the Lepidodendron.] lescuraei, Schimper, 1869, Traite de Palse- ontologie Vegetale, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] lorwayana, Dawson, 1873, Foss. Plants, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] martini, Steinhaur, 1818, (Phytolithus martini) Trans. Amer. Phil. Assoc., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] massiliensis, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] menardi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] monostigma, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. single- dotted.] notata, Steinhaur, 1818, (Phytolithus notatus) Trans. Am. Phil. Assoc, Coal Meas. [Sig. marked.] obliqua, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg.Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. from the oblique scars.] obovata, Lesquereux, 1858,Geo.Sur.Penn., vol. 2, Coal -Meas. [Sig. obovate.] oculata, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr.Hist.Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. oculus, an eye.] organum, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. an in- strument or pipe.] pachyderma, Brongniart, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. thick- barked.] palpebra, Dawson, 1860, Quar. Jour. Geo. ' Soc, vol. 8, Devon. [Sig. an eye-lid.] planicosta, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. smooth- ribbed.] polita, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. smoothed.] reniformis, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist, Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. kidney- shaped.] PLANTS. reticulata, Steinhaur, 1818, (Phytolithus reticulatus) Trans. Am. Phil. Assoc, Coal Meas. [Sig. reticulated.] reticulata, Lesquereux, 1860,Geo.Sur.Ark., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. reticulated.] rugosa, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist.Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. wrinkled.] saulli, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] schimperi, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] schlotheimana, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] American Sp. (?) sculpta, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo.Sur.Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. engraved.] scutellata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal. Meas. [Sig. a little shield.] semina, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. III., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. seeds of Sig- illaria.] serlii, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] sillimani, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] simplicitas, Vanuxem, 1843, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Catskill Gr. [Sig. from the straightness of grain.] spinulosa, Germ., 1853, Vers. v.Wett, etc., Coal Meas. [Sig. full of spines.] stellata, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the radiating wrinkles around the scars.] striata, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. striated.] The name was preoccupied by Brongniart in 1828. sydenensis, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] tessellata, Steinhaur, 1818, (Phytolithus tessellatus) Trans. Am. Phil. Assoc. [Sig. from the square scars.] tessellata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. The name was preoccupied, vanuxemi, Gceppert, 1836, Flora Silurisch, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] yardleyi, Lesquereux, 1866,Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Sigillakioides, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4. [Ety. from its resemblance to the genus Sigillaria.'] radicans, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. rooted.] stellaris, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. starred.] Sphenophyllum, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. sphen, a wedge ; phytton, a leaf.] This genus was called Sphenophyllites by Brongniart in 1822. antiquum, Dawson, 1861, Can. Nat., vol. 6, Devonian. [Sig. ancient.] bifurcatum, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. bifur- cated.] brevifolium, Newberry, 1854, Ann. of Sci., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. short-leaved.] cornutum, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. horned.] emarginatum, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. from the peculiar notch at the apex of the leaf.] erosum, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. gnawed, bit- ten away.] filiculme, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Rep. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. filum, a thread; culmus, a straw.] longifolium, Germar, 1828, (Rotularia longifolia) Act. Ac. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur., vol. 15, Coal Meas. [Sig. long- leaved.] oblongifolium, Germ. & Kaulf., 1828, Act. Ac. Nat. Cur., vol. 15, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the oblong leaf.] saxifragifolium, Sternberg, 1825, (Rotu- laria saxifragifolia) Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. leaved like iSaxifraga.'] schlotheimi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr.Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] simplicitas, Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Catskill Gr. [Sig. plainness, simplicity.] trifoliatum, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. tres, three ; folium, a leaf.] Sphenopteris, Brongniart, 1822, Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. sphen, a wedge ; ptens, a fern.] abbreviate, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. shortened.] acuta, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. sharp.] adiantoides, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. like Adiantum.'] alata, see Hymenophyllites alatus. artemisisefolia, see Eremopteris artemisise- folia. canadensis, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] davallana, Gceppert, 1841, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] decipiens, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., Coal Meas. [Sig. deceiving.] delicatula, see Hymenophyllites delica- tulus. dilatata, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., Coal Meas. [Sig. spread out.] dubuissoni, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] elegans, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. elegant.] flagellaris, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., Coal Meas. [Sig. like a whip.] furcata, see Hymenophyllites furcatus. gersdorfi, see Hymenophyllites gersdorfi. PLANTS. 30 glandulosa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. glan- dular.] gracilis, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] gravenhorsti, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] harti, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. 18, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] hitchcoekana, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour Geol. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Ety proper name.] hoeninghausi, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] hymenophylloides, Brongniart, 1828,Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. from the resemblance to Hymenophyllites.} intermedia, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. inter- mediate between S. chaerophylloides and Pecopterus athyrioides.'] irregularis, Sternberg, 1833, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. irregular.] latifolia, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. broad- leaved.] latior, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. broader.] laxa, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. loosely ar- ranged.] This name was preoccupied by Sternberg, lesquereuxi, Newberry, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] macilenta, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. poor, lean.] marginata, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. bordered.] microloba, Gceppert, 1836, Syst. Filic Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. small-lobed.] mixta, Schimper, 1869, Traite de Palgeon- tologie Vegetale, Coal Meas. [Sig. mixed.] munda, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. neat, elegant.] myriophylla, see Hymenophyllites myri- ophyllus. newberryi, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] obtusiloba, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. obtuse-lobed.] paupercula, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. poor.] pilosa, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Devo- nian. [Sig. hairy, shaggy.] plicata, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. folded.] polyphylla, Lindley & Hutton, 1835, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. many-leaved.] recurva, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. turned back.] rigida, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. rigid.] scaberrima, Lesquereux, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. very rough.] schlotheimi, see Hymenophyllites schlot- heimi. spinosa, see Hymenophyllites spinosus. splendens, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Canada, Devonian. [Sig. splendid.] squamosa, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. scaly.] tenella, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. delicate.] tenuifolia, see Hymenophyllites tenuifo- lius. trichomanoides, see Hymenophyllites tri- chomanoides. tridactylUes, see Hymenophyllites tridac- tylites. trifoliata, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. three-leaved.] Sphenothallus, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, [Ety. sphen, a wedge ; (hallos, a branch' or frond.] angustifolius.Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. narrow-leaved.] latifolius, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y, vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. broad-leaved.] Spirophyton, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. [Ety. speira, a coil ; phyton, a plant.] cauda-galli, Vanuxem, 1842, {Fucovdes cauda-galli) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Devonian. [Sig. like the tail of a cock.] crassum, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep.,Carb. Conglomerate. [Sig. thick.] typus, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep., Che- mung Gr. [Ety. type of the genus.] velum, Vanuxem, 1842, (Fucoides velum) Geo.Rep.N. Y. [Ety. velum, a curtain.] Sporangites, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. and Geol., vol. 8. [Sig. seed-vessel.] glaber, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. smooth.] papillatus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat.,vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. covered with papilli.] Staphylopteris, 1838, Presl, in Sternb. Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt. [Ety. staphy- k, a bunch of grapes; pteris, a fern.] asteroides, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. star-like.] sagittata, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. barbed like an arrow.] stellata, Lesquereux, 1860, Geo. Sur. Ark., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. starred.] wortheni, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name. ] Sternbergia, Artis, 1826, Antediluvian Phy- tology. [Ety. proper name.] var. angularis, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Coal Meas. [Sig. angular.] var. approximata, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Coal Meas. [Sig. approximate.] var. distans, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Coal Meas. [Sig. distant.] •or. obscura, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Coal Meas. [Sig. obscure.] 40 PLANTJE. Stigmaria, Brongniart. 1822, Mem. du Mus, d'Hist. Nat. de Paris. [Ety. stigma, a dot or puncture.] This genus is re- garded as representing the roots of Sigillaria. anabathra, Corda, 184 5, Beitrage zur Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. a ladder.] areolata, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can- ada, Devonian. [Sig. areolate, divided into irregular squares, or small angu- lar spaces.] costata, Lesquereux, 18 5 8, Geo. Sur. Perm., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. ribbed.] elliptica, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. in the form of an ellipse.] eveni, see Stigmarioides eveni. exigua, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Chemung Gr. [Sig. small.] ficoides, Brongniart, 1822, Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Paris, Coal Meas. [Sig. like a fig.] ficoides var. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, 1, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Coal Meas. ficoides var. reticulata, Gceppert, 1841, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Sig. reticulated.] ficoides var. stellata, Gceppert, 1841, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Sig. starred.] ficoides var. undulata, Gceppert, 1841, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Sig. wavy.] irregularis, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the irregularity of the scars.] minor, Gceppert, 1841, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Sig. less.] minuta, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. in allusion to the small size of the lower scars.] minutissima, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can., Devonian. [Sig. very minute.] perlata, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Can- ada, Devonian. [Sig. very wide.] pusilla, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. very small.] radicans, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. throw- ing out roots.] umbonata, Lesquereux, 1858, Geo. Sur. Penn., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. em- bossed.] verrucosa, Martin, 1809, (Phytolithus verrucosus) Petrif. Derb., Coal Meas. [Sig. warty.] Stigmarioides, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4. [Ety. from its resem- blance to Stigmaria.'] affinis, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. contiguous.] eveni, Lesquereux, 1866, (Stigmaria eveni) Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name,] linearis, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. drawn out in lines.] rugosus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. wrinkled.] selago, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. like the plant Selago.] truncatus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. truncated, cut short.] tuberosus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. tuberose. composed of tuber-like parts.] villosus, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. villous, covered with short hair-like projec- tions.] Syringodenkron, Sternberg, 18 2 0, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt. [ Ety. syrimc, a pipe; dendron, a tree.] bistriatum, AVood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. double-striated.] cyclostegium, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. circular cov- ering.] cyclostigma, Brongniart, 1828, Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. circular punc- ture.] gracile, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18. .Chemung Gr. [Sig. slender.] pachyderma, see Sigillaria pachyderma. pes-capreoli, Sternb., 1828, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Ety. pes, stalk; capreolus, small tendril which supports it.] porteri, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Syringoxylon, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18. [Ety. syrinx, a pipe, xylon, wood.] mirabile, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Ham. Gr. [Sig. extra- ordinary.] T^eniopteris, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. tainia, a ribbon; pteris, a fern.] magnifolia, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. large-leaved.] Trichomanites, Gceppert, 1836, Syst. Filic. Foss. [Ety.from the plant Trichomanes.~] filicula, Dawson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Ety. filicula, a small fern.] Trigonocarpon, Brongniart, 18 2 8, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss. [Ety. trigon, a tri- angle ; karpos, a fruit.] avellanum, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. a filbert.] bertholletiforme, Foster, 1853, Ann. of Sci., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. like BertlwUetia.] carbonarium, King, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 7, Coal Meas. [Sig. per- taining to coal.] PLANTS. 4i dawsi, Lindley & Button, 1837, Foss. Flora, Coaf Meas. [Ety. proper name.] hildrethi, Dawson, syn. (?) for Trigono- carpon triloculare, hookeri, Dawson, 1861, Quar. Jour. Geol., Soc, vol. 17, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] intermedium, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. intermediate.] juglans, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2,Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. a walnut.] magnum, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. large.] mentzelianus, Gceppert & Berger, 1848, de Fruct. et Sem., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] minus, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. less.] multicarinatum, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Carb. Conglomerate. [Sig. many-carinated.] m e // iVn'a/ii m ,seeCar polithes multistriatus. nceggerathi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] oblongum, Lindley & Hutton, 1837, Foss. Flora, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. oblong.] oliveeforme, Lindley & Hutton, 1837, Foss. Flora, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. like an olive.] ornatum, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Carb. Conglomerate. [Sig. ornate, adorned.] parkinsoni, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] perantiquum, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants Canada, Devonian. [Sig. very an- cient.] racemosum, Dawson, 1862, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 18, Devonian. [Sig. clustering.] rostellatum, Lesquereux, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. little- beaked.] rotundum, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. wheel-shaped.] schultzanum, Gceppert & Berger, 1848, de Fruct., etc., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] sigillaria>, Dawson, 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the genus Sigilldria.] tricuspidatum, Newberry, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. three- pointed.] triloculare, Hildreth, 1835, (Carpolithes trilocularis) Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 31, Conglomerate and Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. three-chambered.] woodruffi, Moss, 1852,Proc. Acad.Nat. Sci., vol. 5, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Trochophyllum, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. This name was proposed as a substitute for Annvlaria, Sternb., because the latter was preoccupied as a generic name in the sub-kingdom Mollusca. [Ety. trochos, a wheel ; pkyllon,& leal'.] Ulodendkon, Lindley & Hutton, 1831, Foss. Flora. [Ety. trie, wood; dendron, a tree.] ellipticum, Sternberg, 1838, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. elliptical.] elongatum, Lesquereux, 1870, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. drawn out.] lindleyanum, Presl, 1833, in Sternberg, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] majum, Lindley & Hutton, 1831-33, Foss. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. great.] minus, Lindley & Hutton, 1833, Foss. Flora, CoalMeas. [Sig. less.] punctatum, Presl, 1833, in Sternberg, Vers. Flora der Vorwelt, Coal Meas. [Sig. dotted.] Uphaxt.enia, Vanuxem, 1843, Geo. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. uphantos, woven ; tainia, ribbon.]* chemungensis, Vanuxem, 1843,Geo. Rep. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Walchia, Sternberg, 1825, Vers. Darst. Flora der Vorwelt. [Ety. proper name.] gracilis, Dawson, Coal Meas. [Sig. slen- der.] robusta, Dawson, Coal Meas. [Sig. robust.] Whittleseya, Newberry, 1853, Ann. of Sci., vol. 1. [Ety. proper name.] elegans, Newberry, 1853, Ann. of Sci., vol. 1, Cuyahoga shale. [Sig. elegant.] Zamites, Brongiart, 1825, in Annales des Sciences Naturelles, vol. 4. [Ety. from its resemblance to the existing genus Zamia.] gramineus, Bunbury, 1847, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. grassy.] obtusifolius, Rogers, 1844, Rep. Ass n Am. Geol., Coal Meas. [Sig. obtuse leaved.] ANIMAL KINGDOM SUB-KINGDOM PROTISTA. CLASS RHIZOPODA.— [Ety. rhiza, a root ; podes, feet.] CLASS PORIFERA.— [Ety. porta, a pore ; few, to bear.] CLASS RHIZOPODA.— Dentaliiia, Eozoon, Fusulina, Nullipora, Receptaculites, Rotalia. CLASS PORIFERA.— Archeooyatl i us, Astrseospongia, Astylospongia, Aulocopma, Brachi- ospongia, Calathium,Cnemidium, Oonoptarium, Eospongia, Palaeacis, Palaeomanon, Rhabdaria, Traehyum, Trichospongia. INCERT^E SEDIS. — Pasceolus, Ribeiria. The latter genus is placed by Woodward in the class Lamellibranchiata. Salter referred it to the Crustacea. It is very doubt- ful whether it is American. Archeocyathus, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. arche, be- ginning ; cyathns, a cup.] atlanticus, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] minganensis, Billings, 1859, (Petraiamin- ganensis) Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] profundus, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. deep.] rensselsericus, Ford, 1873, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts. 3rd ser., vol. 5, Low. Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Astr;eospongia, Roemer, 1860, Sil. Fauna, des West Tenn. [Ety. astnea, from aster, a star ; spongia, sponge. ] hamiltonensis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] meniscus, Roemer, 1848, (Blumenbach- ium miniscus) Leonh. & Bronn's Jahrb., Niagara Gr. [Ety. meniskos, a little moon.] Astylospongia, Roemer, 1860, Sil. Fauna, des West Tenn. [Ety. astylos, without a pillar or prop; apongia, sponge.] Christiana, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] imbricato-articulata, Roemer, 1848, (Si- phonia imbricato-articulata) Leonh. & Bronn's Jahrb., Niagara Gr. [Ety. imbricatu8, imbricated; arlimlatus, ar- ticulated.] inciso-lobata, Roemer, 1848, (Spongia inciso-lobata) Leonh. & Bronn's Jahrb., Up. Sil. [Sig. cut into lobes.] bursa, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a purse.] parvula, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. small.] perryi, Billings, 1861, Geol. Vermont, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] praemorsa, Goldfuss, 1826, (Siphonia pra> morsa) Petref. Germ., Niagara Gr. [Sig. jagged as if bitten off.] stellatim-sulcata, Roemer, 1848, (Spongia stellatim-sulcata) Leonh. & Bronn's Jahrb., Up. Sil. [Sig. star-furrowed ; in allusion to the star-like depressions on the outer surface.] Aulocopina, Billings, 1875, Can. Nat. & Geol. [Ety. aulokopeo, cut into pipes.] granti, Billings, 1875, Can. Nat. & Geol., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Blumenbachium, Konig, 1820, Icones, fossiles, sectiles, meniscus, s;ee Astrseospongia meniscus. Bkachiospon'gia, Marsh, 1867, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2nd series, vol. 44. [Ety. brachium, an arm; spongia, sponge.] digitata, Owen, 1857, (Scyphia digitata) Geo. of Ky., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. having fingers or toes.] roemerana, Marsh, 1867, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2nd series, vol. 44, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lyoni, Marsh, 1867, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2nd series, vol. 44, proper name.] Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. PROTISTA. 48 Calathium, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. bdathox, a small wicker basket.] afline, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. contiguous.] anstedi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] eanadense, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nttoni, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] formosum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] pannosum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. ragged. ] paradoxicum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. puzzling, ques- tionable.] Cxemidium, Goldfuss, 1826, Petref. Germ. [Ety. Jcnemidos, armor for the legs, a sort of boot.] trentonensis, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Conopterium, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. konos, a cone ; poterion, a cup.] effusum, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Lithographic limestone. [Sig. spread abroad.] Coscinopora sulcata, see Receptaculites oweni. Dextalixa, D'Orbigny, 1826, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7. [Ety. dentate, tooth; inus, re- semblance.] priscilla, Dawson, 1868, Acad.Geol., Carb. [Ety. proper name.] Eosponoia, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. ax, dawn ; spongia, sponge.] roemeri, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] varians, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Ety. varians, variable.] Eozoox, Dawson, 1865, Can. Nat. & Geo., 2d series, vol. 2. [Ety. eos, dawn; zoon, animal.] eanadense, Dawson, 1865, Can. Nat. & Geo., 2d series, vol. 2, Laurentian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Fusulixa, Fischer, 1837, Oryct. du Gouv. de Moscou. [Ety. fusus, a spindle ; huts, little.] cylindrica, Fischer, 1837, Oryct. du Gouv. de Moscou., Coal Meas. [Sig. cylin- drical.] cylindrica var. ventricosa,Meek& Hayden, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 10, Coal Meas. [Sig. ventricose.] elongata, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. elong- ated.] gracilis, Meek, 1864, Pal. of California, vol. 1, pt. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] robusta, Meek, 1864, Pal. California, vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. robust.] ventricosa, Meek & Hayden, 1864, Pal. Upper Mo., Coal Meas. See F. cylin- drica var. ventricosa.] Ischadites tesselaius, Winchell & Marcy, Syn. for Receptaculites infundibulus. Lunulites, (?) dactioloides, see Receptaculites dactioloides. Nuli.ipora, Lamarck, 1801, Systeme des Animaux sans Vertebres. [Ety. nul- lum, no ; porus, pore.] (?) obtexta, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol.9, Burlington Gr. [Sig. woven over.] Orhihilhes, (?) reticulata, see Receptaculites reticulatus. Pal^eacis, Haime, 1860, Hist. Nat. des Coral- liaires. [Ety. palaios, ancient ; akis, a barb.] compressus, Meek & Worthen, 1866, (Sphenopoterium compressum) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. flattened.] cuneatus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, [Sphenopoterium cuneatum) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] enormis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, (Sphe- nopoterium enorme) Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. very large.] enormis var. depressus, Meek & Worthen, 1866, (Sphenopoterium enorme var. depressum) Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Kin- . derhook Gr. [Sig. depressed.] obtusus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Sphe- nopoterium obtusum) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. obtuse.] Pal.eomaxox, Roemer, 1860, Sil. Fauna. West Tenn. [Ety. palaios, ancient; Manon, a recent genus of sponges.] cratera, Roemer, 1848, (Siphonia cratera) Leonh. und Bronn's Jahrb., Up. Sil. [Sig. a cup or goblet.] Pasceolds, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr. [Ety. pasceolus, a leather money bag.] claudii, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., Cin.Gr. [Ety. proper name.] darwini, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., Cin. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] globosus, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Sig. globular.] gregarius, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss., Antic, Anticosti Gr. . [Sig. found in flocks.] halli, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Anti- costi Gr. [Ety. proper name.] intermedins, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. inter- mediate.] Receptaculites, DeFrance, 1827, Diet. Sci. Nat. vol. 45. [Ety. receptaculum, a re- ceptacle; litfios, stone.] calcif erus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. from the Calci- forous Group.] canadensis, Billings, 1863, (Ischadites canadensis) Geo. of Canada, Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] dactioloides, Owen, 1840, (Lunulites dac- tioloides) Rep. on Min. Lands. Up. Sil, [Ety. from the thimble-like punctures. The correct orthography is dactyloides.] PROTISTA. elegantulus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. elegant.] formosus, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei., Niagara Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] fungosus, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wfs., Galena Gr. [Sig. spongy.] globularis, Hall, 1861, Supp. Geo. Rep. Wis., Galena Gr. [Sig. globular.] heinisphericus, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis. Niagara Gr. [Sig. hemispherical.] infundibulus, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a funnel.] insularis, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Antiuosti Gr. [Sig. upon an island.] iowensis, Owen, 1852, (Selenoides iowen- sis) Geo. Rep. Wis., Iowa and Minn. [Ety. proper name.] jonesi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] neptuni, De France, 1827, Diet, des Sci. Nat., vol. 45, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] occidentalis, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem. Decade 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. Western.] ohioensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety proper name.] oweni, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Galena Gr. [Ety. proper name.] reticulatus, Owen, 1840, (Orbituloides reticulata) Rep. on Min. lands, Niagara Gr. [Sig. reticulated.] subturbinatus, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. some- what top-shaped.] sulcatus, Owen, 1844. This name was pre- occupied and the species is now named R. oweni. Rhabdakia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. rhabdos, a rod.] fragilis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. frail, brittle.] furcata, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. forked.] Ribeiria, Sharpe, 1853, Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 9. [Ety. proper name (?).] (?) calcifera, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. from the Cal- cif erous Group.] (?) longiuscula, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. somewhat the longest.] Rotalia, Lamarck, 1804, Ann. Mus. [Ety. rota, a wheel.] baileyi, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Scyphia, Oken, 1815, Lehrb. Naturg. digitata, see Brachiospongia digitata. stellata, Troost, 1840. Not clearly defined. Selenoides, Owen, 1852. Syn. for Receptacu- lites. iowensis, Owen, 1852, see Receptaculites iowensis. Siplwnia, Parkinson, 1820, Organ. Rem. cratera, see Palaeomanon cratera. imbricato-articulata, see Astylospongia im- bricato-articulata. prsemorsa, see Astylospongia praemorsa. Splienopoterium, Meek & Worthen, 1866. A Syn. for Palaeacis. coinpressum, see Palaeacis compressus. cuneatum, see Palaeacis cuneatus. erwrme, see Palaeacis enormis. enorme var. depressum, see Palaeacis enormis var. depressus. obtusum, see Palaeacis obtusus. Spongia, Linnaeus, 1789, Systema Naturae. inciso-lobata, see Astylospongia inciso- lobata. dellatim-sulcata, see Astylospongia stel- latim-sulcata. Trachyum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. trachus, rough, rugged.] cyathiforme, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. cup-shaped.] rugosum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] Triciiospongia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. trichias, to show hairs ; spongia, a sponge.] sericea, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif erous Gr. [Sig. silky.] SUB-KINGDOM EADIATA CLASS POLYPI ORDER ZOANTHARIA FAMILY ASTRvEID.E.— Astrsea, Sarcinula. FAMILY CYATHOPHYLLIDJE.— Acervularia, Acrophyllum, Amplexus, Anthophyllum, Aulophyllum, Axophyllum, Baryphyllum, Blothroph3'llum, Campophyllum, Cho- nophyllum, Clisiophyllum, Combophyllum, Cyathophyllum, Cyclolites, (?) Cysti- phyllum, Diphyphyllum, Duncanella, Eridophyllum, Ethmophyllum, Hadrophyl- lum, Heliophyllum, Heterophrentis, Lithostrotion, Lonsdaleia, Lophophyllum, Microcyclus, Omphyma, Pachyphyllum, Palaeocyclus, Palaeophyllum, Petraia, Phillipsastrea, Ptycophyllum, Smithia, Streptelasma, Strombodes, Vesicularia, Zaphrentis. FAMILY CYATHAXONID.E.— Cyathaxonia. FAMILY FA VOSITID^E.— Alveolites, Astrocerium, Bolboporites, Chetetes, Cladopora, Columnaria, Columnopora, Dendropora, Emmonsia, Faviphyllum, Favistella, Favosites, Leptopora, Limaria, Lunatipora, Michelinia, Monticulipora, Nebulipora, Sphserolites, Stellipora, Stenopora, Striatopora, Tetradium, Thecia, Trachypora, Vermipora. FAMILY HALYSITID^E. — Calapoecia, Haimeophyllum, Halysites, Syringopora. FAMILY MILLEPORID.E.— Fistulipora, Heliolites, Lyellia, Plasmopora, Rhombopora, Thecostegites. FAMILY PORITID.E.— Pleurodictyum, Protarea. ORDER ALCYONARIA. FAMILY ALCYONID.E.— Aulopora, Heliopora, Quenstedtia. FAMILY TUBIPORID^E.— Cannopora, Caunopora, Dictyostroma, Lamellopora, Stro- matocerium, Stromatopora, Syringostroma, Tubipora. FAMILY GRAPTOLITID^E.— Buthograptus, Callograptus, Chonograptus, Cladograptus, Climacograptus, Dawsonia, Dendrograptus, Dicranograptus, Dictyonema, Didymo- graptus, Diplograptus, Discopbyllum, Graptolithus, Inocaulis, Megalograptus, Monograptus, Xemagraptus, Nereograptus, Phyllograptus, Plurnalina, Ptilograptus, Rastrites, Retiograptus, Retiolites, Staurograptus, Tetragraptus, Thamnograptus. 41 POLYPI. Acervularia, Schweigger, 1820, Handb. der Naturg. [Ety. acervus, a heap, con- sidered as a body.] clintonensis, Nicholson, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] davidsoni, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mono- graph, Corniferous & Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] inequalis, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep. Che- mung Gr. [Sig. unequal.] profunda, Hall, 1858, Geo. of Iowa, Cor- niferous and Ham. Gr. [Sig. deep.] rugosa, Hall, 1843, (Astrea rugosa) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Onondaga Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] Is this Cyathophyl- lum rugosum? Acrophyllum, Thomson & Nicholson, 1870, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 4th series, vol. 17. *[Ety. akros, the point or summit ; phylhn, a leaf.] oneidaense, Billings, (CI i s i o p h y 1 1 u m oneidaense) Can. Jour. Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Agaricia, Lamarck, 1801, Syst. des Anim. sans. Yert. swinderniana, see Thecia swinderniana. Alveolites, Lamarck, 1801, Syst. des An. sans. Vert. [Ety. alreus, a cavity; litho.% stone.] billings'i, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. N. S., vol. 1, Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] confertus, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. N. S., vol. 1, Cornif. Gr. [Sig. thick or crammed in close together.] cryptodens, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour., vol. 4, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. hidden- toothed.] distans, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. N. S., vol. 1, Cornif. Gr. [Ety. in allusion to the distance between the calices.] dubia, see Favosites dubius. exsul, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep. Niagara Gr. [Sig. a wanderer.] flsheri, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour. Up Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] frondosus, Nicholson. 1874, Geo. Mag. N, S., vol. 1, Ham. Gr. [Sig. full of branches.] goldfussi, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour. Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] granulosus, James, 1875, Catal. Cin. Foss., Cincinnati Gr. [Sig. full of granules.] labechi, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Pal. Foss. des Terr., Palseoz., Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] labiosus, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour., Corni- ferous Gr. [Sig. large-lipped.] megastoma, Winchell, 186(5, Rep. Low. Peninsula, Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. large-mouthed ; from the large oblique cell mouths.] niagarensis, Rominger, 1876, Foss. Corals, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ramulosus, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. Corniferous Gr. [Sig. full of little sprigs.] repens, Fought, 1749, (Millepora repens) Amam. Acad., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. creeping.] reticulata, see Favosites reticulatus. rockfordensis, Hall, 1873, Chemung Gr., 26th Reg. Rep. [Ety. proper name.] roemeri, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] selwyni, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. N. S., vol. 1, Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] squamosus, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. scaly, rough.] strigillatus, "Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Peninsula, Midi., Ham. Gr. [Sig. wide-furrowed.] subramosus, Rominger, 1876, Foss. Corals, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat ramose.] vallorum, Meek, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Devonian. [Sig. intrenched.] Amplexus, Sowerby, 1812, Mineral Conch- ology, vol. 1. [Ety. amplexus, encir- cling, surrounding.] cingulatus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Mid. Sil. [Sig. banded, from the sharp-edged rings of growth.] coralloides, Sowerby, 1812, Min. Conch., vol. 1, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. like a coral.] exilis, Billings, 1875. Can. Nat. & Geol. Corniferous Gr. [Sig. small.] fragilis, White & St. John, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. frail.] mirabilis. Billings, 1875. Can. Nat. & Geol., Coal Meas. [Sig. wonderful.] shumardi, M. Edwards, 1851, (Cyathoph- yllum shumardi) Mon. des Polyp. Foss. , Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name. ] yandelli, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Pal. Foss. des Ter. Paheoz., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] zaphrentiformis, White, 1876, Geo. Uinta Mountains, Low. Aubrey Gr. [Sig. in form like the genus Zaphrentis.] Anthophylmtm, Schweigger, 1820, Handb. der Naturg. [Ety. anthos, a flower; phylhn, a leaf.] denticulatum, Goldfuss, 1826, Petref. Germ., Niagara Gr. [Sig. denticu- lated.] expansum, Owen, 1840, Rep. on Mineral Lands, Devonian. [Sig. spread out,] Astrsca, Lamarck, 1815, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Yertebres. gigas, see Phillipsastrea gigas. heliautholdes, as identified by D'Archiac & Verneuil, see Heliophyllum Halli. mammillarix, Fischer as identified by Castlenau, Syn. for Lithostrotion canadense. mammillark, see Phillipsastrea mammil- laris. rugomt, see Acervularia rugosa. \mdaia, Troost. 1840, 5th Geo. Rep. Tenn,, Low. Carb. Not satisfactorily defined. jv'Lyt: 47 AsntocEEirx, Hall. 1852, PaL X. Y.. voL 2. ~Y:v. ■■■ .-. -:."■.? i. -;.'i ~-.-y~. -...' 7: .-.'- j :. > - -■•- :.- ' -./.-. :-- : . .", -y:'. :.;■::. '. : :.■■"•' •- "v- ..:"- - :.rr. >. '. have placed the s p e c i es under that head also, constrictum. Hall, 1*32, PaL H.Y, voL 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. constricted.] asiticuni. Hall, 1852, PaL X. Y., voL 2, Xiagara Gr. [Sig- parasitie-] pvriforme, HaB, 1852, PaL X. Y., voL 2, " Xiagara Gr. [Sig. pear-shaped.] venustum, HaB, 1852, PaL X. Y., voL 2, Xiagara Gr. [Sig. elegant.] AnoPBYixrx, Edwards* Haime, 1850, Brit PaL Foss. [Ety. amkm, a pipe ; pkgOom, a plant.] lichardsoni, Meek, 1868, Trans. ChL Acad. SriL, Devonian. [Ety. proper 1836, Germ. Petrel Yjoldfuss. proe; worm, ■ pom.] aperta, WincheB, 1866, Bep. Low. Penin- sula. Mich.. Ham.Gr. [Sig- open, wide.] araehnoidea,HaU, 1847, PaL X. Y. voL 1, Trenton & Hud Riv. Gr. [Sag. in the form of a cob-web.] conferta, Winchell, 1866, Bep. Low. Pen- insula, Mich. Ham. Gr. [Sig. thick or crammed in dose together.] curwmfa, see Quenstedtia eornuta. cvdopora. Winchell. 1866. Rep. Low. Pe- ninsula, Mich.. Ham. Gr. [Ety. btiMm* a drde; jxmm, a pore.] Roniineer, 1876, Foss. Corals., Gr. [Sig. erect.] numrnus, Billings, 1859, Can. Jour., voL 4, Corntterous Gr. [Sig. thread-like.] mweuBis, HaB, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep., Che- Rep., me.] niung Gr. [Etv. proper n pret ins. HaB, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Xiag- ara Gr. [Sig- a kind of grapevine.] repens, Walch et Knorr, 1775, «;MBlepo- rites repens) Samiulung von Merit., Xiaeara Gr. [Sig. creeping.] sasivadum, HaB, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. stone-bottomed.] sehobariae, HaB, 1874, 26th Reg. Rep., Low. Held Gr. [Etv. proper name.] serpens, Goldfuss, 1826, Germ. Petrel, Hamilton Gr. [Sig. crawling.] loklea. Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. worm-formed.] tnbreformis,Goldfus$, 1826, Germ. Petrel? Lonsdale, 1839, March. SB. Syst., Ham. Gr. [Sig. trumpet formed.] umbeilijiem. see Quenstedtia umlffli/era. Ariimra. Castelnan. syn- for IJthostrotion. COTMKfcwe, see Lithostrotion canadense. Axophyxlfm, Edwards & Haime, 1850, Brit. Pal. Foss. [Etv. axum, axis; phjBom, -.'.at.'..] h'bulum, Worthen, 1875. Geo. Sur. DL, vol. 6. CoalMeas. [Sig. a funnel.] rudis, White & St. John, 1868. Trans. Chi. Acad. ScL, Coal Meas. [Sig. rude, rustic.] BiarFHTUXTB, Edwards A Haime, 1880, - ::: ~i — ■ -.'.« ; V:-. '■■ ■■> ■■...-.- ; ■'•'■; '■■" '■ - ] -■■:'-: " .,:•_:.,,:: • V ,.. .-. ; 7." ■-■ . - v ,v Sur. DL, voL 3, Onondaga Gr. sandy.] BLOTuaoPHYLLrM, BUlings, 1859, Can. Jour. >- ■•■■: ■ - : > : . voL 4, phjflmL, aplant] approximatnm, Xicbolson, 1875, Can. Xat ^ '-•-' r:.::-.: > •-:. ~- _• .,--.- v. imate.] csspitosum, Bominger, 1876, Foss. Corals, decortkatum, BOtings, 1859, Can. Jour., voL 4, Comiferous Gr. OHg. peeled, barked.] Bolbopoeites, Billings. 1859, Can. Xat & GeoL, voL 4, [Ety. Mfo, a bulb; pom, ■ > jej americanus, BUtings, 1859, Can. Xat A Geo., voL 4, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper Bcthoguapttjs, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis. [Ety. fattog, in the deep; grapfo, to laxus, HaB, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. loose.] !, GoMfuss, syn. for Favosites. , see Favosites basatticus. see Favosites Fav fiamm, see Favosites favosos. jKbnmt. see MonticuUpora fibrosa. juried war. dmoidea, see Favosites forbesi a pla infnndil see Favosites gothlandicus. », see Favosites heliolitifornus. hemkpherka,, see Favosites hemisphericus. i»f«nd;b bon; poros, a pore.] exigua, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. Lond., n. s., vol. 1, Ham. Gr. [Sig. little, small.] penniformis, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag. Lond. n. s., vol. 1, Ham. Gr. [Sig. resembling a feather.] Thamniscus, King, 1849, Perm. Foss. [Ety. thamniskos, a little shrub.] niagarensis, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Trematopora, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2. [Ety. trema, a hole ; poros, a pore.] aspera, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. rough.] coalescens, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. uniting together.] constricta, Hall, 1874, 26th R echinata, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. set with spines.] fragilis, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. frail.] granulifera, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. bearing granules.] The same species is marked " n. sp." in 28th Reg. Rep., probably by mis- take, infrequens, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. not frequent.] maculosa, Hall, 1874, 26th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. spotted.] minute, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. very small.] osculum, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. pretty mouth.] ostiolata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. having small open- ings.] ponderosa, Hall, 1874, 26th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. heavy.] punctata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. dotted.] regularis, Hall. 1874, 26th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. in allusion to the regular arrangement of the cells.] rhombifera, Hall, 1874, 26th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. rhomb-bearing.] signatus, Hall, 1874, 26th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. marked.] solida, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y, vol. 2, Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. solid.] sparsa, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. scattered.] spinulosa, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. full of little spines.] 102 BRYOZOA. spinulosa, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. The name was preoccupied. Possibly the species are identical. striata, Hall, 1852, Pal. X. Y., vol. 2, Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. striated.] superba, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Clinton & Niagara Gr. [Sig. splendid.] tuberculosa, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. full of tubercles.] tubulosa, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. full of tubes.] varia, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. different; from the variable cell mouths.] variolata, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. from the distant and variable cell mouths.] vesiculosa, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. full of vesicles.] CLASS BRACHIOPODA FAMILY CALCEOLID.E.— Calceola. FAMILY CRANIID^E. — Crania, Pholidops, Pseudocrania, Schizocrania. FAMILY DISCTNID.E.— Discina, Trematis. FAMILY KONINCKIID.E.— Koninckia. FAMILY LINGULIDyE.— Kutorgina, Leptobolus, Lingula, Lingulella, Lingulepis, Lin- gulops, Obolus, Obolella. FAMILY ORBICULID.E.— Acrotreta, Iphidea, Orbicula. FAMILY ORTHID.E.— .Egilops, Meekella, Orthis, Orthisina, Skenidium, Tropidoleptus, Vitulina. FAMILY PENTAMERID.E.-— Amphigenia, Anastrophia, Camarella, Camarophoria, Gypidula, Pentamerella, Pentamerus, Stricklandinia. FAMILY PORAMBONITID.E.— Porambonites. FAMILY PRODUCTIVE.— Aulosteges, Chonetes, Productella, Productus, Strophalosia. FAMILY RHYNCHONELLID.E.— Acambona, Eatonia, Leiorhynchus, Rhynchonella, Stenoschisma. FAMILY SPIRIFERID.E. — Ambocoelia, Athyris, Atrypa, Camarium, Cryptonella, Cyrtia, Cyrtina, Eichwaldia, Martinia, Merista, Meristella, Meristina, Nucleospira, Pentagonia, Retzia, Rhynchospira, Spirifera, Spiriferina, Syntrielasma, Syringo- tbyris, Trematospira, Trigonotreta, Waldheimia, Zygospira. FAMILY STROPHOMENLILE. — Leptsena, Streptorhynchus, Strophodonta, Stro- pbomena. FAMILY TEREBRATULID^:. — Centronella, Coelospira, Leptocoelia, Rensselseria, Terebratula. FAMILY TRIMERELLID.E,— Dinobolus, Monomerella, Trimerella. Acambona, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9. [Ety. aka, a point ; umbona, umbo.] prima, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat, Hist., vol. 9, Burlington Gr. [Sig. first.] Acrotreta, Kutorga, 1848, Uber die Siphon- otretse aus den Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesell- scaft fur Jahr. [Ety. akros, the top or summit; tretos, perforated.] attenuata^ Meek, 1872, Hayden's Geo. Rep., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. drawn out.] gemma, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. a young bud.] pyxidicula, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Sig. a little box.] subsidua, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. sinking down.] ^Egilops, Hall, 1850, 3rd Reg. Rep. [Ety. segibps, an acorn.] subcarinata, Hall, 1850, 3rd Reg. Rep., Trenton Gr. [Sig. somewhat keeled.] Ambocoslia, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep. [Ety. ambon, umbo ; koUos, the belly.] gemmula, syn. for Spirifera planoconvexa. gregaria, see Amboccelia umbonata var. gregaria. minuta, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, Chemung Gr. [Sig. very small.] nucleus, syn. for Amboccelia umbonata. pneumbona, Hall, 1857, (Orthis praeum- bona) 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig* very protuberant.] mbumbona., see Spirifera, subumbona. umbonata, Conrad, 1842, (Orthis Umbo- nata) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Marcellus shale & Ham. Gr. [Sig. protuberant, bossed.] umbonata var. gregaria, Hall, 1860, (Am- boccelia gregaria) 13th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. in a common flock.] 104 BRACHIOPODA. Amphigenia, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4. [Ety. amphi, on both sides; genea, growth.] curta, Meek & Worthen, 1868,(Strickland- inia elongata var. curta) Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. short.] elongata, Vanuxem, 1842, (Pentamerus elongata) Geo. 3rd Dist. N. Y., Scho- harie grit & Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. elon- gated.] elongata var. undulata, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. waved.] elongata var. subtrigonalis, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris subtrigonalis) 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat triangular.] Anastrophia, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4. [Ety. ana, with ; strophe, a turning round; the relation of the valves is the reverse of that of Pentamerus.] interplicata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa interpli- cata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. from the interplications.] reversa, Billings, 1857, (Pentamerus re- versus) Rep. of Prog. Mid. Sil. [Sig. reversed; the dorsal valve being largest.] verneuili, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Anomia, Linnseus, 1767, Syst. Nat., 12th Ed. [Ety. anomios, unequal.] biloba, see Orthis biloba. pecten, see Strophomena pecten. reticularis, see Atrypa reticularis. Anomites, Wahlenberg, 1821, Act., Upsal. exporrectus, see Cyrtia exporrecta. glaber, see Spirifera glabra. punctatm, see Productus punctatus. resupinatus, see Orthis resupinatus. reticularis, see Atrypa reticularis. rhomboidalis,- see Strophomena rhomboi- dalis. scabriculus, see Productus scabriculus. semireticulatus, see Productus semireticu- latus. Athvris, McCoy, 1844, Carb. Foss. Ireland. [Ety. a, without ; thuris, a small door ; in allusion to the absence of a deltidi- um or door. But the name is erro- neous.] americana, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] angelica, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Che- mung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] .argentea, Shepard, 1838, Am. Jour. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. pertaining to silver.] biloba, Winchell, 1865, (Spirigera biloba) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. double-lobed.] caput-serpen tis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. caput, head; serpens, a, serpent.] charitonensis, Swallow, 1860, (Spirigera charitonensis) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] chloe, Billings, 1860, Can. Jour., vol. 5. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] clara, syn. for Meristella nasuta. clintonensis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] cora, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. & Chemung Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] corpulenta, Winchell, 1863, (Spirigera corpulenta) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Che- mung Gr. [Sig. corpulent.] crassicardinalis, AVhite, 1860, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist,, vol. 8, Waverly Gr. [Sig. thick on the hinge.] eborea, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. made of ivory.] euzona, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. beauti- fully girdled.] differentis, McChesnev, I860, New Pal. Foss., Carb. [Sig. different.] formosa, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. beauti- ful.] fultonensis, Swallow, 1860, (Spirigera fultonensis) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hannibalensis, Swallow, 1860, (Spirigera hannibalensis) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hawni, Swallow, 1860, (Spirigera hawnii) Trans. St. Louis Acaul>globosus, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Ham. Gr. [Sig. some- what globose.] trisinuatus, McChesney, 1861, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. marked with three depressions.] ventricosus, Hall, 1861, Rep. Progr. Wis. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. bulging out.] verneuili. sec Anastrophia vcrneuili. PnoLinops, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y, vol. 3, [Etv. pholis, pholidos. a scale.] arenaria, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. sandy.] 16 areolata, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit. [Sig. divided into irregular squares or angular spaces.] cincinnatiensis, Hall, 1872, Pamphlet, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hamiltonise, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] linguloides, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Ham. Gr. [Sig. like a LingvJa.] oblata, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y, vol. 4, Ham. Gr. [Sig. oblate.] ovalis, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. oval.] ovata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. egg-shaped.] squamiformis, Hall, 1843, (Orbicula squamiformis) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. in the form of a scale.] subtruncata, Hall, 1847, (Orbicula sub- truncata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat shortened.] tenninalis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. termin- ating.] trentonensis, Hall, 1866, Pamphlet, Tren- ton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Platystrophia, syn. for Orthis. regularis, syn. for Orthis lynx. Plcctambonites area, syn. for Leptsena trans- versalis. glabra, syn. for Leptsena sericea. tenera, syn. for Leptsena transversalis. Plicatula, Lamarck, 1809. striatocostata, see Meekella striatocostata. Porambonites, Pander, 1830, Beitrage zur Geog. des Russichen Reiches. [Ety. poros, opening ; ambon, umbone.] dentatus, see Orthis dentata. ottawsensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Productella, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, [Sig. diminutive of Productus.] arctirostrata, Hall, 1857, (Productus arcti- rostratus) 10th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. narrow-beaked.] bialveata, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. double-chan- neled.] bovdi, Hall, 1857, (Productus bovdii) *10th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] concentrica, Hall, 1857, (Productus con- centricus) 10th Reg. Rep., Kinder- hook Gr. [Sig. concentrically lined.] cqstatula, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. small-ribbed.] costatula rar. strigata, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. fur- rowed.] dumosa, Hall, 1861, (Productus dumosus) 14th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. bushy.] eriensis, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag., n. s., vol. 1, Corn if. Gr, [Ety. proper name.] 122 BRACHIOPODA. exanthemata, Hall, 1857, (Produetus ex- anthematus) 10th Reg. Rep., Hani. Gr. [Sig. covered with eruptions.] hirsuta, Hall, 1857, (Produetus hirsutus) 10th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. rough, hairy.] hirsuta var. rectispina, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. straight-spined.] hystricula, Hall, 1867, Pal. N, Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. somewhat cov- ered with spines.] lachrymosa, Conrad, 1842, (Strophomena lachrymosa) Jour. Acad. Nat. 8ci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Sig. full of tears.] lachrymosa var. lima, Conrad, 1842, (Strophomena lima) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Sig. crooked or rough.] laychrymosa var. stigmata, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. marked, branded.] navicella, Hall, 1857, (Produetus navi- cella) 10th Reg. Rep., Cornif. & Ham. Gr. [Sig. a small boat.] newberryi, Hall, 1857, (Produetus new- berryi) 10th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] onusta, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. filled.] papulata, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Ham. Gr. [Sig. pimpled.] pyxidata, Hall, 1858, (Produetus pyxi- datus) Geo. of Iowa, Ham. Gr. [Sig. made like a box.] rarispina, Hall, 1857, (Produetus raris- pinus) 10th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. having few spines.] shumardiana, Hall, 1858, (Produetus shumardianus) Geo. Rep. of Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Cornif. Gr., Marcellus shale, Ham. Gr., Burlington and Tully lime- stone. [Ety. proper name.] speciosa, Hall, 1857, (Produetus specio- sus) 10th Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] spinulicosta, Hall, 1857, (Produetus spin- ulicostus) 10th Reg. Rep., Marcellus shales & Ham. Gr. [Sig. spined and ribbed.] striatula, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. somewhat stri- ated.] subaculeata, Murchison, 1840, (Produetus subaculeatus) Bui. Soc.Geo. de France, vol. 5, Cornif. Gr. [Sig. somewhat prickly.] subalata, Hall, 1857, (Produetus subala- tus) 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat winged.] truncata, Hall, 1857, (Produetus trunca- tus) 10th Reg. Rep., Marcellus shales & Ham. Gr. [Sig. cut short] tullia, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Productus, Sowerby, 1814, Min. Conch., vol. 1. [Ety. productus, produced — so named from one valve of the shell being prolonged beyond the other, and often to a great extent.] sequicostatus, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Coal Meas. [Sig. equal-ribbed.] alternatus, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat, Sci., 2d series, vol. 3, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. alternating.] altonensis, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d series, vol. 3, Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] americanus, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] arctirostratus, see Productella aretirostrata. areuatus, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. arched, bent over.] asper, McChesney, syn. for P. nebrascen- sis. auriculatus, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. having ear-like appendages.] biseriatus, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. in double rows or series.] boonensis, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] boudi, see Productella boydi. calhounianus. Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas.. [Ety. proper name.] Prof. Meek regarded this name as a synonym for P. semi- reticulatus. callawayensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] cancrini, as identified by Geinitz, is P. pertenuis of Meek. capaci, D'Orbigny, 1843, as identified by early authors, is referred to P. longi- spinus. cestriensis, Worthen, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clavus, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. club-shaped.] comoides, as identified by d'Archiac & Veneuil. Not American. concentricus, see Productella concentrica. confragosus, Harlan, 1835, Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., Carb. [Sig. rough, un- even.] cooperensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cora, d'Orbigny, 1842, Geol.Voy. Amer., Coal Meas. [Ety. mythological name.] cora var. mogoyoni, Marcou, 1858, Geo. N. Amer., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] coriformis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. like Produetus cora.} BRACHtOPOkA. 123 costatoides, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. resembling P. costatm.} costatus, Sowerby, 1827, Min. Conch. vol. 6, Coal Meas. [Sig. ribbed.] It is doubtful whether this species has been identified in America.] curtirostratus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. short-beaked.] delawari, Marcou, 1858, Geol. N. Arner., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] depressus, Sowerby, 1825, see Strophomena depressa. depressus, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. depressed.] dissimilis, Hall, 1858, Geo. of Iowa, Ham. Gr. [Sig. unlike, various.] dolorosus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. wretched.] dumosus, see Productella dumosa. duplicostatus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. double- plicated.] eltgans, Norwood & Pratten, 1854. This name was preoccupied, and the fossil is now named P. cestriemis. exanihematus, see Productella exanthem- ata, fasciculatus, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. bundled.] fentonensis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] flemingi, Sowerby, 1814, Min. Conch., vol. 1, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] flemingi var. burlingtonensis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gracilis, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Cuyahoga shale. [Sig. slender.] gradatus, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. made with steps.] hildrethianus, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2nd ser., vol. 3, Coal Meas. , [Ety. proper name.] hirsutus, see Productella hirsuta. horridus, Geinitz, 1866. This name was preoccupied; moreover Prof. Meek regarded the fossil as P. hngispinus. indianensis, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] inflatus, syn. for P. semireticulatus. ivesi, Newberry, 1861, Ives' Col. Ex. Exped., Mid. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] lasallensis, Worthen, 1873, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 5, Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] kevicostus, White, 1860, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., Kinder hook Gr. [Sig. smooth- ribbed.] latissimus, Sowerby, 1822, Min. Conch., Carb. [Sig. very wide.] longispinus, Sowerby, 1814, Min. Conch., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. long-spined.] lobatus, as identified by d'Archiac & Ver- neuil. Not American, magnicostatus, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. large-ribbed.] magnus, Meek & Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. large.] marginicinctus, Prout, 1857, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. encircled with a depression near the margin.] mesialis, Hall, 185 8, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. middle-parted.] mexicanus, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] morbillianus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Sig. measly, spotted.] multistriatus, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. many- lined.] muricatus, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. Prof. Meek regarded this as a syn. for P. longispinm. [Sig. full of sharp points.] natricella, see Productella navicella. nebrascensis, Owen, 1852, Geo. Rep. Wis., Iowa & Minn., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nodosus, Newberry, 1861, Ives' Col. Ex. Exped. Carb. [Sig. knotty.] norwoodi, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] occidentalis, Newberry, 1861, Ives' Col. Ex. Exped., Up. Carb. [Sig. western.] orbignyanus, Geinitz, 1866. This nanio was preoccupied by Sowerby in 1822. ovatus, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, St. Louis Gr. [Sig. egg-shaped.] parvulus, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. very small.] parvus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chester Gr. [Sig. small.] pertenuis, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. very thin.] phillipsi, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, 2nd series, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] pUeiformis, syn. for Productus cora. pileolus, Snumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. a little bonnet or cap.] popii, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] portlockianus, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] 124 BRACHTOPODA. prattenianus, Norwood, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 2nd series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] punctatus, Martin, 1809, Petrif. Derb., Low. Carb. and Coal Meas. [Sig. covered with points, dotted.] pyxhdatus see Productella pyxidata. rarispinus, see Productella rarispina. rogersi, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Prof. Meek regarded this as a synonym for P. iiebrascensis. scabriculus, (Conchyliolithus Anomites scabriculus) Martin, 1809, Petrif. Derb., Carb. [Sig. rough.] scitulus, Meek & Worthen, 1860; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. neat, pretty.] : semipunctatus, Hildreth, 1838, syn. for P. punctatus. semireticulatus, Martin, 1809, {Conchyli- olithus Anomites semireticulatus) Petrif. Derb., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. half-like a net or lattice work.] semistriatus, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. half-striated.] setigerus, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. bearing bristles on the back.] setigerus var. keokuk, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] shumardianus, see Productella shumardi- ana. speciosus, see Productella speciosa. spinulicostus, see Productella spinulicosta. spinulosus, Sowerby, 1814, Min. Conch., vol. 1, Carb. [Sig. full of spines.] splendens, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. splendid.] Prof. Meek regarded this as a synonym for P. longispinus. subaculeatus, see Productella subaculeata. subalatus, see Productella subalata. symmetricus, McChesney, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. symmetrical.] tenuicostus, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, St. Louis Gr. [Sig. slender- ribbed.] tenuistriatus, Verneuil, 1845, Geol. Rus- sia & Ural Mountains, Carb. [Sig. fine-lined.] truncatus, see Productella truncata. tubulospinus, McChesney. Syn. for P. punctatus. viminalis, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, Burlington Gr. [Sig. bearing twigs.] vittatus, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keo- kuk Gr. [Sig. bound in a fillet or hair-lace.] wabashensis, Norwood & Pratten, syn. for P. longispinus. nilberianus, McChesney, syn. for P. ne- brascerms. wortheni, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pseuoocrania, McCoy, 1851, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d series, vol. 8. [Ety. pseudo, false ; Crania, a genus of shells. anomala, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen. Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. irregular.] Renssel^ria, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3. [Ety. proper name.] sequiradiata, Conrad, 1842, ( A try pa ajquiradiata) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. equal- rayed.] conradi, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] cumberlandipe, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris cumberlandiaj) 10th Reg. Rep., Oris- kany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] elliptica, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris elliptica) 10th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. elliptical. ] elongata, see Amphigenia elongata. intermedia, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. intermedi- ate.] johanni, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] laevis, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris kevis) 10th Peg. Pep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. smooth.] lievis, Meek, 1868. This name was pre- occupied. marylandica, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] mutabilis, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris muta- bilis) 10th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. changing, variable.] ovalis, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris oval is) 10th Reg. Rep., Oriskanv sandstone. [Sig. oval.] ovoides, Eaton, 1832, (Terebratula ovoi- des) Geo. Text-book, Oriskany sand- stone. [Sig. ovoid.] suessiana, Hall, 1857, (Meganteris sues- siana) 10th Reg. Rep., Oriskany sand- stone. [Ety. proper name.] Retzia, King, 1850, Monograph of Permian Foss. [Ety. proper name.] altirostris, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, Chemung Gr. [Sig. high-beaked.] compressa, Meek, 1864, Pal. California, Coal Meas. [Sig. compressed.] eugenia, Billings, 1861, Can. Jour., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] marcyi, Shumard, 1854, (Terebratula marcyi) -Marcy's Exp. Red Riv., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] meekiana, Shumard, 1858,Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] mormoni, Marcou, 1858, (Terebratula mormonii) Geo. N. Amer., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] This species was subsequently, though in the same year, described by Shumard under the name R. punctilifera. BRACHtO-PODA. 125 osagensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] papillata, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St.Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. v [Sig. pim- pled.] popiana, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] punclili fm (, Shumard, 185S, syn. for Retzia mormoni. poly pleura, Winehell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Sig. many- sided.] gubgloboea, McChesney, syn. for Retzia mormoni. vera, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Kas- kaskia Gr. [Sig. true, natural.] vera var, costata, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. ribhed.] verneuiliana, Hall, 1856,Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Riiync jionella, Fischer, 1809, Mem. Soc. Imp. Mosc. [Ety. rhynchos, a beak ; eOa, little.] abriipta, Hall, 1S59, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. terminating abruptly.] acadiensis," Davidson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] acinus, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. a cherry stone.] acutiplicata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having pli- cations acutely angular.] acutirostris, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa acuti- rostra) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. sharp-beaked.] requivalvis, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. equal- valved.] sequiradiata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa sequira- diata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. equal-rayed.] algeri, McChesney, I860, New Pal. Foss., Carb. [Etv. proper name.] altilis, Hall, 1847, (Atrvpa altilis) Pal. N. V., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. fat, fed.] altiplicata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. high plications.] cdveata, see Centronella alveata. angulata, Linnseus, as identified by Gei nitz, syn. for Syntrilasma hemipli catum. anticostiensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss. vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] aprinis, DeVerneuil, 1845, (Terebratula aprinis) Geo. Russia & Ural Mts., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. like a pig's head (?).] arctirostrata, Swallow, 18 6 3, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. narrow-beaked.] argentea, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss, Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. glittering.] argenturbica, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. from Silver City.] barquensis, Winehell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] barrandi, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oris- kany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] bialveata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Lower Held. G r . [Sig. double- channeled.] bidens, Hall, 1852. (Atrypa bidens) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. having two teeth.] bidentata, Hisinger, 1826, (Terebratula bidentata) Vet. Acad. Hftndl., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having two teeth.] billingsi, see Stenoschisma billingsi. boonensis, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] brevirostris, Sowerby, 1839, (Terebratula brevirostris) Murch. Sil. Syst., Niag- ara Gr. [Sig. short-beaked.] This species is probably Pentamerus brevi- rostris. campbelliana, Hall, 1859, Pal. N.Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] camerifera, Winehell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. cham- bered.] capax, Conrad, 1842, (Atrvpa capax) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. large, capacious.] caput-testudinis, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc Nat. Hist., vol. 9, Burlington Gr. [Sig. like a turtle's head.] carica, see Stenoschisma carica. carbonaria, McChesney, I860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. from the Coal Measures.] Carolina, see Stenoschisma Carolina. eastanea, Meek, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Devonian. [Sig. a chestnut.] congregata, see Stenoschisma congrega- tum. contractu, see Stenoschisma contractum. cooperensis, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Chem. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] corinthia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. corinthian.] cuboides, Sowerby, (Atrypa cuboides) see R. venustula. cuneata, Dalman, 1827, (Terebratula cuneata) Vet. Acad. Handl., Niagara Gr. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] dawsoniana, Davidson, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] dentata, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa dentata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. having teeth.] dotit, see Stenoschisma dotis. dryope, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, "Devonian. [Ety. mythological name.] dubia, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa dubia) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] duplicata, syn. for Stenoschisma contract- urn. 126 BRACHIOPODA. eatoniiformis, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Carb. [Ety. from a re- semblance to Eatonia.] emacerata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa emacerata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. made lean.] eminens, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. eminent, re- markable.] endlichi, Meek, 1876, U. S. Geo. Sur. of Colorado, Up. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] eva, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss., Antic., Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] evangelinft, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] excellens, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Sig. excellent.] eximia, see Stenoschisma eximium. explanata, McChesney, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Chester Gr. [Sig. made plane or smooth.] iitchiana, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep.,Oris- kanv sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] formosa, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] fringilla, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Mid. Sil. [Sig. a small bird.] glacialis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Mid. Sil. [Sig. icy.] glansfagea, see Centronella glansfagea. grosvenori, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] guadalupse, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] heteropsis, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. of ir- regular appearance.] Ivorsfordi, see Stenoschisma horsfordi. hubbardi, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] huronensis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ida, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] increbescens, syn. for Rhynchonella capax. indentata, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. indented.] indianensis, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] insequiplicata, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. unequally pli- cated.] interplicata, Sowerby, 1839, (Terebratula interplicata) Murch. Sil. Syst,, Niag- ara Gr. [Sig. interplicated.] inutilis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. insignificant.] janea, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] lacwnosa. Not an American species, lamellata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa lamellataj Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline limestone. [Sig. having thin plates.] laura, Billings, syn. for Leiorhynchus multicostus. macra, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. long.] marshallensis, AVinchell, 1862, Proc.Acad. Nut. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] metallica, White, 1874, Rep. Invert.Foss., Carb. [Sig. metallic] mica, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Anti., Anticosti Gr. [Sig. a little crumb.] micropleura, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. small- ribbed.] ( missouriensis, Shumard, 1855, Geo. of Mo., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] multistriata, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. many- striated.] inutabilis, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. variable.] mutata, Hall,' 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, AVarsaw Gr. [Sig. changing.] neglecta, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. overlooked.] neglecta var. scobina, Meek, 1872, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3rd series, vol. 4, Clinton Gr. [Sig. a file.] nobilis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. notable.] nucleolata, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. like a small nut.] nutrix, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic , Anticosti Gr. [Sig. the breast, the pap.] oblata, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oris- kany sandstone. [Sig. oblate, broader than long.] obsolescens, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. old, obsolete.] obtusiplicata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa obtusi- plicata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. having obtuse plications.] orbicularis, see Stenoschisma orbiculare. orientalis, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. eastern, in the eastern provinces.] osagensis, Swallow, 1858, syn. for Rhyn- chonella uta. ottumwa, AA T hite, 1862, Proc Bost. Soc Nat. Hist., vol. 9, St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] parvini, McChesney, syn. for Camero- phoria subtrigona. perrostellata, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. having a very little beak.] persinuata, AVinchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. very sinuate.] pisum, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. a pea.] BRACHIOPODA. 127 planoconvexa, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. planus, level ; convexus, convex.] pleiopleura, Conrad, 1841, (Atrypa pleio- pleura) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. wide-ribbed.] plena, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa plena) Pal. X. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. full, large.] plicata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa plicata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Medina Gr. [Sis. plaited, folded.] plicatella, Hall, 1852, (Atrvpa plicatella) Pal. X. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. baving small plications.] plicatula, Hall, 18*, (Atrypa plicatula) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N, Y., Clinton Gr. [Sig. having little plications.] plicifera, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa plicifera) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. bearing plications.] principalis, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. principal, chief.] prolifica, see Stenoschisma prolificum. pugnus, Martin, 1809, Petrif. Derb., Low. Carb. [Sig. the fist,] pustulosa, White, 1860, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, Burlington Gr. [Sig. pustulose.] pyramidata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. made like a pyramid.] pyrrha, Billings, 18(56, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] quadricostata, Hall, 1843, (Atrypa quadri- costata) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist, X. Y., Genessee slate. [Sig. four-ribbed.] quadricostata, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa quadri- costata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. This name was preoccupied, ramsayi, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] recurvirostra, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa recur- virostra) Pal. X. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. to Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. bent-beaked.] reticulata, see Eichwaldia reticulata, ricinula. Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. a little tick.] ringens, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. gaping, having an open orifice.] robusta, Hall, 1852, Pal. X. Y., vol. 2, (Atrypa robusta) Clinton Gr. [Sig. robust.] royana, see Stenoschisma rovanum. ri'dleyana, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn. Xot defined, rudis, Hall, 1859, Pal. X. Y, vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. rude, not fashioned.] rugosa, Hall, 1852, (Atrypa rugosa) Pal. X. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] saffordi, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Low. Held, Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sageriana, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sappho, see Stenoschisma sappho. semiplicata, Conrad, 1841, (Atrypa semi- plica ta) Ann. Rep. X. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. half-folded.] septata, Hall, 1859, Pal. X. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. divided by septa or" partitions.] sinuata, Hall, 1860, Can. Xat. & Geo., vol. 5, Up. Sil. [Sig. wavy.] sordida, Hall, 1847, (Atrvpa sordida) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. des- picable, paltry.] speciosa, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oris- kany sandstone. [Sig. beautiful.] stepliani, see Stenoschisma stephani. subcircularis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. some- what circular.] subcuboides. Xot an American species. subcuneata, Hall, 1856, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. somewhat wedge-shaped.] subtrigona, see Camerophoria subtrigona. subtrigonalis, Hall, 1847, (Atrypa subtri- gonalis) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. somewhat triangular.] sulcoplicata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held.Gr. [Sig. grooved along the center of the plications.] tennesseensis, Roemer, 1860, Sil. Fauna West Tenn., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tethys, see Stenoschisma tethys. tetraptyx, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. hav- ing four-folds.] texiana, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St, Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] thalia, see Stenoschisma billingsi. transversa, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. wider than long.] unica, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. single, alone.] unisulcata, see Meristella unisulcata. uta, Marcou, 1858, (Terebratula uta) Geo. X. Amer., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] This was subsequently de- scribed by Swallow as R. osagensis. vellicata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. pinched.] ventricosa, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. bulging out, bellving.] venustula, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Tally limestone. This was identified by Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. 3rd Dist. X. Y., as Atrypa aiboidex of Sowerby. [Sig. somewhat fair, handsome or pretty.] vicina, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. neighbor- ing, near to.] 128 BRACHIOPODA. warrenensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] wasatchensis, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Carb. [Etv. proper name.] whitii, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] whilii, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] This name was preoccupied. ■\\ilsoni, Sowerby, 1818, (Terebratula wilsoni) Min. Conch., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] wortheni, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Rhynchospira, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, [Ety. rhynchos,a beak; spira, a spire.] deweyi, Hall, 1856, (Waldheimia deweyi) 9th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] evax, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. a word of joy, a hurra.] formosa, Hall, 1856, ( Waldheimia for- mosa) 9th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] lepida, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. pretty.] nobilis, see Trematospira nobilis. rectirostra, see Trematospira rectirostra. subglobosa, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Schoharie grit. [Sig. somewhat glob- ular.] sinuata, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Up. Sil. [Sig. waved.] Rhynobolus, Hall, 1871, syn. for Trimerella. galtensis, Hall, see Trimerella galtensis. Schizocrania, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2. [Ety. schiza, a cleft; Crania, a genus of fossil brachiopods.] filosa, Hall, 1847, (Orbicula (?) filosa) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Cin'ti and Utica Gr. [Sig. thread-like, thready.] Skenidium, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep. [Ety. a little tent] halli, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn. Not defined, insignis, Hall, 1859, (Orthis insignis) Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Sil. [Sig. distin- guished.] pyramidalis, Hall, 1852, (Orthis pyramid- alis) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. pyramidal.] Spirifera, Sowerby, 1815, Min. Conch., vol. 2. [Ety. spira, a spire;, fero, to bear.] acanthoptera Conrad, 1842, (Delthyris acanthoptera) Jour. Acad. Nat, Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Ety. akantha, a spine; pUron, a wing.] acuminata, Conrad, 1839, (Delthyris acuminata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Cornif. and Ham. Gr. [Sig. sharp-pointed.] acuticostata, DeKoninck, 1843, Desc. An. Foss. Terr. Carb. Belg., Low. Oarb. [Sig. sharj>-ribbed.] agelaia, Meek, 1872, Hayden's Geo. Rep., Low. Carb. [Sig. belonging to a herd, common.] alta, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Che- mung Gr. [Sig. high, noble.] amara, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. brack- ish, salt.] angusta, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. narrow, short,] annse, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] arata, syn. for S. granulifera. archiaci, see S. disjtincta. arctisegmenta, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having narrow segments or ribs.] arenosa, Conrad, 1839, (Delthyris are- nosa) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. sandy.] arrecta, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. erect, steep. aspera, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Ham. Gr. [Sig. rough.] audacula, Conrad, (Delthyris audacula) 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. rather bold.] bialveata, Conrad, (Delthvris bialveata) 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. double-channeled.] bicostata, Vanuxem, 1842, (Orthis bicos- tatus) Geol. Rep. 3rd Dist. N. Y., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. double-ribbed.] bidorsalis, Winchell, 18 66, Rep. Low. Penin. Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. double- backed.] bifurcata, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. bifurcated, forked.] biloba, Linnaeus, 1768, (Anomia biloba) Syst. Nat., Niagara Gr. [Sig. two- lobed.] bimesialis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig: having two middle parts.] biplicata, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. two-folded or plaited.] boonensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St.Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] brachynota, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris brachynota) Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y.. Clinton Gr. [Sig. short-ridged.] calcarata, syn. for S. disjuncta. camerata, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. vaulted or arched.] camerata WW. kansasensis, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] camerata var. percrassa, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. very thick.] This name was preoccupied as a species. BRACHIOPODA. 129 capax, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. large, capacious.] carteri, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Wa- verly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cedarensis, Owen, 1852, Geo. Sur. Wis., Iowa and Minn., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] centronata, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Cuyahoga shale. [Sig. having knots or points.] clara, Swallow, 1853, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. remark- able.] clavatula, McChesney, 1861, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Burlington Gr. [Sig. little club.] clintoni, syn. for S. granulifera. clio, syn. for S. ziczac. compacta, Meek, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Sig. joined, compact.] concinna, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. handsome.] congesta, syn. for S. granulifera. consors, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. com- mon.] contracta, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Geol. Snr. 111., vol. 2, Chester Gr. [Sig. contracted, gathered.] cooperensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] corticosa, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. covered with thick bark.] crenistria, see Streptorhynchus crenistria. crispa, Hisinger, 1826, (Terebratula crispa) Act. Acad. Sci. Holm., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. curled.] cumberlandire, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] cuspidata, Sowerby, 1812, Min. Conch., vol. 1, Devonian. [Sig. pointed.] cycloptera, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. kuklos, a circle ; pteron, a wing.] cyrtiniformis, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep., Chemung Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Cyrtina.] decemplicata, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris de- cemplicata) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having ten plica- tions.] disjuncta, Sowerby, 1840, Trans. Geo. Soc, 2nd ser., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. divided.] disparilis, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held Gr. [Sig. unequal.] distans, syn. for S. disjuncta. divaricate, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Cornif. & Ham. Gr. [Sig. straddling.] dubia, see Pentamerella dubia. duodenaria, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris duod- enaria) Geol. 4th Dist. N. Y., Scho- harie grit & Cornif. Gr. [Sig. twelve.] duplicata, Conrad, 1842, (Delthyris dupli- cata) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. double-plicated.] eatoni, see S. medialis var. eatoni. engelmanni, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] eudora, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Prog. Wis. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] euruteines, Owen, 1840, (Delthyris euruteines) Report on Min. Lands, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. widely extended ; from the long hinge line.] euruteines var. fornacula, Hall, 1857, (S. fornacula) 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. a little oven.] exporrecta, see Cyrtia exporrecta. exporrecta var. arrecta, see Cyrtia expor- recta car. arrecta. externa, syn. for S. disjuncta. extenuate,, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. drawn out to a thin edge.] fasciger, Keyserling in Owen's report, see Spirifera camerata. fastigiata, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. pointed, peaked like a roof.] filicosta, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. having thread-like costse.] fimbriate, Conrad, 1842, (Delthyris fim- briate) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Oriskany sandstone, Schoharie grit, Cornif. and Ham. Gr. [Sig. fringed.] forbesi, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, Burlington & Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] formosa, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] fornax, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. a furnace.] franklini, Meek, 1858, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] fultonensis, Worthen, 1873, Geol. Rep. 111., vol. 5, Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] gaspensis, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] gibbosa, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. gibbous, tumid.] gigantm, syn. for S. disjuncta. glabra var". contracta, Meek & Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chester Gr. [Sig. contracted.] glabra, Martin, 1809, (Anomites glabra) Petrif. Derb., Low. Carb. [Sig. smooth.] glanscerasi, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Ham. Gr. [Sig. mast of the cherry tree.] grandseva, syn. for S. disjuncta. granulifera, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris gran- ulifera) Geol. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. bearing granules.] 130 BRACHIOPODA. granulosa, Conrad, 1839, (Delthyris gran- ulosa) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. covered with small gran- ules.] gregaria, Clapp, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep. & Can. Jour., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. oc- curring in flocks or masses.] grieri, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit & Cornif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] grimesi, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. of Iowa, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] guadalupensis, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hannibalensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] hemicyclus, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. a half circle.] hemiplicata, see Syntrielasma hemiplica- tum. Jieteroclitus, syn. for S. granulifera. hungerfordi, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] huronensis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Ety. proper name.] imbrex, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Bur- lington Gr. [Sig. the gutter or roof tile.] incerta, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Burlington Gr. [Sig. uncertain, doubtful.] inconstans, syn. for Spirifera racinensis. increbescens, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. abundant.] increbescens var. americana, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] increbescens var. transversalis, Hall, 1858, Geol. Rep. Iowa, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. transverse.] insequicostata, Owen, 185 2, Geo. Rep. Wis., Iowa & Min., Carb. [Sig. having unequal costee or ribs.] inornata, syn. for S. disjuncta. insolita, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Sig. unusual.] intermedia, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. interme- diate.] This name was preoccupied by Brongniart in 1829. inutilis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. insignificant.] iowensis, Owen, 1852, Geo. Sur. Wis., Iowa & Min., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kelloggi, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kennicotti, Meek, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kentuckiensis, see Spiriferina kentuckiensis. kentuckiensis var. propatula, see Spiriferina kentuckiensis var. propatula. keokuk, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] keokuk var. shelbyensis, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] laevigata, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. smoothed.] laevis, Hall, 1843, (Delthvris lsevis) Geol. 4th Dist. N. Y., Portage Gr. [Sig. smooth.] lamellosa, see Athyris lamellosa. laminosus, McCoy, as identified by Gein- itz, is Spiriferina kentuckiensis. lateralis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, AVarsaw Gr. [Sig. belonging to the side.] latior, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. wider.] leidyi, Norwood & Pratten, 1854, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d series, vol. 3, Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] leidyi var. chesterensis, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] leidyi var. merrimacensis, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ligvji, syn. for S. pinnata. lineatoides, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. like 8. lineatus.] lineata, Martin, 1809, Petrif. Derb., Coal Meas. [Sig. marked with lines.] lineatus var. striato-lineatus, Swallow, 1866, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. striated and lined.] littoni, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] logani, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. -Iowa, Keo- kuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hnsdalii, svn. for S. disjuncta. macra, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep. Scho- harie grit & Cornif. Gr. [Sig. lean.] macra, Meek. This name was preoc- cupied, macronota, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris macro- nota) Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. long-sided.] macropleura, Conrad, 1840, (Delthyris macropleura) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. long-sided.] macroptera, as identified by d'Archiac & Verneuil, is S. mucronota. macrothyris, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a long foramen.] maia, Billings, 1860, (Athyris maia) Can. Jour. Ind. Sci. & Arts, Cornif. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] manni, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Cornif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] marcyi, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] marionensis, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] BRACHIOPODA. 131 medialis, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris medialis) Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. middle.] medialis var. eatoni, Hall, 1857, (Spirifer eatoui) 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] meeki, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] meristoides, Meek, 1868, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Sig. in the form of a shell of the genus Merista.] mesocostalis, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris mes- ocostalis and D. acuminata) Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. hav- ing middle costee.] mesostrialis, Hall, 1843, (Delthvris mes- ostrialis) Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. and Chemung Gr. [Sig. having mid- rneta, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a pillar in the form of a cone.] meiisebachianus, syn.for Spirifera camerata. mexicana, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missouriensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] modesta, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. in allusion to its small size.] mucronata, Conrad, 1841, (Delthyris mu- cronata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Marcellus shale, Ham. Gr. [Sig. sharp-pointed.] multutriata, see Trematospira multistriata. mysticensLs, Meek, 1872, Hayden's Geo. Rep., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] neglecta, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. overlooked, neg- lected.] niagarensis, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Sat. Sci., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] niagarensis var. oligoptycha, Roemer, 1860, Sil. Fauna West Tenn., Niagara Gr. [Ety. oligos, few; ptyche, a fold.] norwoodiana, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] norwoodi, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] octocostata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having eight costae or folds.] octoplicata, Sowerby, 1827, as identified by Hall, syn. for Spiriferina kentuckiensis. opima, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Coal Meas. [Sig. large.] orestes, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep., Che- mung Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] oregonensis, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] osagensis, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] oweni, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pachyptei'a, Goldfuss, as identified by Conrad in 1839, (Delthyris pachyp- tera). Not American, parryana, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] peculiaris, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Chemung Gr. [Sig. peculiar, singu- lar.] perforata, see Trematospira perforata, pinnata, Owen, 1852, Geo. Rep. Wis., Iowa & Min., Ham. Gr. [Sig. winged.] percrassa, McCoy, 1855, Brit. Pal. Rocks., Sil. Not satisfactorily identified in America, perextensa, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Carb. [Sig. very ex- extended.] (?) perforata, see Trematospira perforata, perlamellosa, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. i 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having very thin plates.] perplexa, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. very perplex- ing-] pertenuis, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. very slender.] pharovicina, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Sig. close by the light house.] pinonensis, Meek, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] planoconvexa, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Coal Meas. [Ety. planus, plane; convexw, convex.] plena, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Bur- lington Gr. [Sig. full, large.] plicata, Vanuxem, 1843, see S. vanuxemi. prematura, Hall, 1867, Pal. N. Y., vol. 4, Chemung Gr. [Sig. too early, ripe before its time.] prolata, Vanuxem, 1842, (Delthyris pro- lata) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. prolonged.] propinqua, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. related to; from its resemblance to S. subcuspidata.] prora, Conrad, 1842, (Delthyris prora) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. the prow of a ship.] protensa, syn. for S. disjuncta. pseudolineata, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. false-lined.] pulchra, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. beautiful.] pyramidalw, see Cyrtina pyramidalis. pyxidata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. made like a box.] racinensis, McChesney, 1861, Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] radiata, Sowerby, 1825, Min. Conch., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. radiated.] 132 BRACHIOPODA. raricosta, Conrad, 1842, (Delthyris rari- costa") Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Schoharie grit and Cornif. Gr. [Sig. with few costse.] resupinata, as identified by d'Arehiac & Verneuil. Not American. richardsoni, Meek, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rockymontana, Marcou, 1858, Geo. N. Amer., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] rostellata, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Ke- okuk Gr. [Sig. having a little beak.] rostellum, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a little beak.] rugicosta, Hall, I860, Can. Nat. Geo., vol. 5, Up. Sil. [Sig. having furrowed or wrinkled plaits or folds.] rugatina, Conrad, 1842, (Delthyris ruga- tina) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Sig. having little folds.] saffordi, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] scobina, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. a rasp.] sculptilis, Hall, 1843, (Delthyris sculptilis) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. carved or graven.] segmentata, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. made up of seg- ments or pieces.] semiplicata, Hall, I860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. half-plicated.] setigera, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Kas- kaskia Gr. [Sig. bristly.] sillana, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Cuyahoga shale. [Ety. proper name.] similior, see Pentamerus similior. solidirostris, AVhite, 1860, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. solid- beaked.] spinosa, see Spiriferina spinosa. staminea, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. made of threads, thready.] striatiformis, Meek, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Waverly Gr. [Sig. like 8. striata.] striata, Martin, 1809, (Anomites striatus) Petrif. Derb., Carb. [Sig. striated.] striata var. triplicata, Marcou, 1858, Geol. North America, Low. Carb. [Sig. three-plicated.] striatulus, as identified by d'Archiac & Verneuil. Not American. subsequalis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. somewhat equal.] subattenuata, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat attenu- ated.] subcardiformis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. somewhat heart-shaped.] subcuspidata, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. somewhat-pointed.] subelliptica, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat elliptical.] sublineata, Meek, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat stri- ated.] submucronata, Hall, 1857, 10th Reg. Rep., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. somewhat sharp-pointed.] submucrw. Held Gr. [Sig. obtuse.] oligospiratum, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. having few whorls.] pexatum, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Up. Held Gr. [Sig. clothed in a shell with a nap on it.] pexatum var. obsoletum, Hall, 1876,Ulust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. obsolete.] planogyratum, Hall, 1839, Pal. N.Y., vol.3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. flattened whorl ; from the flattening of the upper side of the last volution.] politum, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., 2d series, vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. smoothed.] regulare, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. regular.] robustum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep.,Scho- harie grit. [Sig. robust.] rugosum, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. wrinkled.] scitula, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. neat, pretty.] semicostatum, Meek, 1871, Proc.Aca. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. half-ribbed.] solidum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit. [Sig. solid.] styliola, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devon. Foss., Chemung Gr. [Sig. a truncated column.] subattenuatum, Hall, 1862,15th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Sig. somewhat atten- uated.] subulata, see Murchisonia subulata. tenuicarinatum, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. fine-lined.] terebra, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devon. Foss., Chemung Gr. [Sig. an auger.] teres, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. well-rounded.] turritiformie, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. tower-like.] vincta, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. girded.] yandellanum, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Macxukea, LeSueur, 1818,(Maclurites) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 1. [Ety. proper name.] acuminata, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. pointed.] affinis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec. Gr. [Sig. near to.] atlantica, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, ChazyGr. [Ety. proper name.] bigsbyi, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Tren- ton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] crenulata, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. crenulated.] GASTEROPODA. lol emmonsi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] labiata, see Raphistoma labiata. logani, Salter, 1851, Rep. British Assoc. Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] magna, LeSueur, 1818, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 1, Chazv Gr. [Sig. large.] matutina, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. in the morning.] oceana, Billings, 18(55, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr." [Ety. mythological name.] ponderosa, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. heavy.] psyche, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, "Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name'.] rotundata, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. rounded.] speciosa, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] sordtda, see Ophileta sordida. striata, Emmons, see Raphistoma striata. striata, Troost, 1840. Not defined, sylpha, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] transitionis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. a passing over, or transition between M. affinis and M. emmonsi.'] Machocheilus, Phillips, 1841, Pal. Foss. [Ety. macros, long ; cheilos, lip.] altonensis, Worthen, 1873, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 5, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] angulifera, White, 1874, Rep. Inverte- brate Foss., Carboniferous. [Sig. bearing angles.] carinata, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. keeled.] cooperensis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] fusiformvs, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Coal Meas. The name was preoccu- }>ied by Sowerby, see Morris' Cata- ogue. gracilis, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] haUanus, see Soleniscus hallanus. hamiltonia?, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hebe, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] hildrethi, Conrad, 1842, (Plectostylus hildrethi) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] inhabilis, see Macrocheilus primigenius. intercalaris, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. intercalated.] kansasensis, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] , klipparti, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] macrostomus, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. long-mouthed.] medialis, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. from its medium size.] missouriensis, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] newberryi, Stevens, 1858, (Loxonema newberryi) Am. Jour. Sci., 2d series, vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] paludineeformis, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Coal Meas. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Paludina.] pinguis, AVinchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. fat, thick.] ponderosus, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. heavy, bulky.] primpevus, Hall, 1876. Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. primeval.] primigenius, Conrad, 1835, (Stylifer prim- igenia) Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. first born.] pulehellus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. beautiful.] spiratus, McCoy, 1850, Brit. Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. spiral.] texanus, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] ventricosus, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Coal Meas. [Sig. ventricose.] Metoptoma, Phillips, 1836,Geo. of Yorkshire. [Ety. mdopon, front; tome, incision.] alceste, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] augusta, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] auomala, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. irregular.] canadensis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, (Chiton canadensis) Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] dubia, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] erato, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] estella, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] eubele, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. & Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hyrie, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] instabilis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. not firm, changing.] melissa, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] montrealensis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazv Gr. [Etv. proper name.] niobe, Billings", 1862, Pa"l. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] nycteis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] «2 GASTEROPODA. orithyia, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] orphyne, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] quebecensis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rugosa, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. l,Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] simplex, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. simple.] superba, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. magnificent.] trentonensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] undata, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. wavy.] umbella, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Burlington Gr. [Sig. umbrella-like.] venilla, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] Microceras, Hall, 1845, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 48. [Ety. mikros, small; keras, horn.] inornatus, Hall, 1845, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 48, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. not adorned, smooth.] Microdoma, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. mikros, small ; domus, house.] conica, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. conical.] Murchisonia, D'Archiac & Verneuil, 1841, Bull. Soc. Geo. Fr., vol. 12. [Ety. proper name.] abbreviata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. The name was preoccu- pied by Koninck in 1841. aciculata, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Silurian. [Sig. needle-pointed.] acrea, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ada, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Cal- ciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] adelina, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] agilis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. from the depths.] alexandra, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] angulata, Phillips, 1836, (Rostellaria an- gulata) Geol. of Yorkshire, Devonian. [Sig. angulated.] Very doubtfully identified in America, angustata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. narrowed.] anna, Billing3, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. St. Annis in Canada.] archimedea, McChesney, 1861, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. per- taining to the machine invented by Archimedes.] arenaria, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. sandy.] arisaigensis, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] artemisia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] aspera, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. rough.] attenuata, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst,, vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. drawn out, attenuated.] augustina, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Etv. proper name.] bellicincta, Hall, 1847,*Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beau- tifully banded.] bicincta, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. double- banded.] This name was preoccupied by McCoy in 1844. bilirata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. double-fur- rowed.] bivittata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. double-banded.] bowdeni, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Nashville Gr. [Ety. proper name.] boydi, Hall, 18 43, (Loxonema boydi) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] boylii, Nicholson, 1875, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 31, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] carinifera, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. keel- bearing.] cassandra, Billings,. 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] catherina, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cicelia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] conoidea, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Medina Gr. [Sig. somewhat conical.] conradi, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] desiderata, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. desired.] egregia, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. excellent.] elegantula, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. quite elegant.] estella, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss. vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] extenuata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. thinned-out.] funata, Billings, 1866 r Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. corded.] gigantea, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Sig. unusually large.] gracilis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. slen- der.] , gypsea, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Car- boniferous. [Sig. gvpsum.] hebe, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. mythological name.] GASTEROPODA. 153 helicteres, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Black Riv. and Trenton Or. [Sig. a round, smooth spire.] hercynia, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] The name was preoccupied by Roemer in 1843. hermione, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy or Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] hyale, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy or Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name. ] infrequens, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. rare.] inornata, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. not adorned.] insculpta, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. engraved.] Jessica, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kansasensis, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] laphami, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] leda, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep. N. Y Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] limitaris, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. limited.] linearis, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. marked with lines.] logani, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] longispira, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. long-spired.] macrospira, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. large or long-spired.] maia, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] major, Hall, 1851, Geo. Lake Sup. Land Dist.,vol. 2, Trenton Gr. [Sig. the greater.] melaniiformis, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Calciferous Gr. [Ety. formed like the Melania, a genus of shells.] minima, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Middle Coal Meas. [Sig. minute, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. small.] missisquoi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] modesta, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. not large.] mucro, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. a sharp point.] multivolvis, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. many rolled.] mylitta, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nebrascensis, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] neglecta, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. neglected.] obtusa, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Cor- alline limestone. [Sig. obtuse.] ozarkensis, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] papillosa, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Sig. covered with tubercles.] perangulata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N.Y.,vol. 1, Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. very angular.] perversa, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Ixmis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. turned around.] petilla, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Sig. thin, slender.] placida, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. placid, smooth.] procris, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] quadricincta, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. four- girded.] rugosa, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] serrulata, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. minutely-serrated.] shumardana, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] simulatrix, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. an imitator.] sororcula, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. a little sister.] mbfusiformis, see Fusispira subfusiformis. mbtseniata, see Orthonema subtseniatum. subulata, Conrad, 1842, (Loxonema subu- lata) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Clinton Gr. [Sig. awl-shaped.] sumnerensis, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Nashville Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sylvia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] terebrans, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline limestone. [Sig. like an auger.] terebriformis, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. in the form of an auger or borer.] teretiformis, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. of a long, round shape.] ( texana, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] tricarinata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. three-keeled.] tricingulata, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Sig. three-banded.] turricula, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Sig. a little tower.] turricula, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. This name was pre- occupied. 154 GASTEROPODA. turritella, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. a little tower.] turritiformis, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. like a tower.] uniangulata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. having one angular line.] uniangulata var. abbreviata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. comparatively shortened.] varians, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. variable.] varicosa, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseve Gr. [Sig. varicose.] ventricosa, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. ven- tricose.] vermicula, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. worm- shaped.] vesta, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] vitellia, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] vittala, see Fusispira vittata. Xanthippe, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Natica, Adanson, 1757, Histoire Naturelle du Senegal, etc. [Ety. nato, to swim with a fluctuating motion.] This genus is unknown in Palaeozoic rocks. altonensis, see Naticopsis altonensis. carleyana, see Naticopsis carleyana. chesterensis, see Naticopsis chesterensis. littonana, see Naticopsis littonana. magister, syn. for Naticopsis ventricosa. shumardi, see Naticopsis shumardi. ventricosa, see Naticopsis ventricosa. Naticopsis, McCoy, 1844, Synop.Carb. Foss., Ireland. [Ety. from resemblance to the genus Natica.~\ aequistriata. Meek, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Cornif. Gr. [Sig. having equal striae.] altonensis, McChesney, 1865, (Natica altonensis) Desc. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] carleyana, Hall, 1858, (Natica carleyana) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chesterensis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. , Louis Acad. Sci., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cretaeea, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep. N. Y., Cornif. Gr. [Sig. chalk-like.] depressa, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. de- pressed.] dispassa, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carbonif. [Sig. much spread out.] gigantea, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. unusually large.] hollidayi, see Trachydomia hollidayi. howi, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboni- ferous. [Ety. proper name.] humilis, Meek, 1871, (Isonema humilis) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cornif. Gr. [Sig. small, dwarfish.] lsevis, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Cornif. Gr. [Sig. smooth.] littonana, Hall, 1858, (Natica littonana) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] magvder, syn. for N. ventricosa. nana, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Platys- toma nana) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. dwarfish.] nodosa, see Trachydomia nodosa, pricei, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] remex, White, 1876, Geo. Uinta Moun- tains, Low. Aubrey Gr. [Sig. a rower.] shumardi, McChesney, 1860, (Natica shumardi) Desc. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] subovata, Worthen, 1873, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 5, Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat ovate.] ventricosa, Norwood & Pratten, 1855, (Natica ventricosa) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. ventricose.] wheeleri, Swallow, 1860, (Littorina wheeleri) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Omphalotrochus, Meek, 1864, Geo. California. A name proposed as a subgenus of Euomplialus or Straparollus. Ophileta, Yanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. ophis, a snake.] abdita, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. concealed.] (?) bella, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] compacta, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. com- pact.] complanata, Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. smoothed.] disjuncta, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. disjoined.] levata, Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. polished, smoothed.] nerine, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] ottawaensis, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. my- thological name.] owenana, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Galena Gr. [Ety. proper name. ] profunda, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. deep.] sordida, Hall, 1847, (Maclurea sordida) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. paltry.] uniangulata, Hall, 1847, (Euomphalus uni- angulatus) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calcifer. Gr. [Sig. one angled ; from the angu- lar line on one whorl.] GASTEROPODA. 155 Orthonema, Meek & Worthen, 1801, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. [Ety. orthos, straight; nema, a thread.] conicum, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. a cone.] newberryi, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] salteri, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Eunema (?) salteri) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] subtamiatum, Geinitz, 1866, (Murchisonia subtseniata) Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat banded.] Orthanychia, Hall, 1843, syn. for Platyceras. Orthostoma, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. orthos , straight ; stoma, mouth.] commune, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., figured in 1841, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. common.] Pal,eacm;ea, Hall, 1873, 23d Reg. Rep.N. Y. [Ety. palaios, ancient ; Acmxa, an ex- isting genus of shells.] typica, Hall, 1873, 23d Reg. Rep. N. Y., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. type of the genus.] Phanerotixus, Sowerby, 1842, Min. Conch. [Ety. phaneros, aperture ; teino, ex- tended.] paradoxus, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. para- doxical.] Phragmolites, syn. for Cyrtolites. compressus, see Cyrtolites compressus. Phragmostoma, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep. [Ety. phragmos, a partition, stoma, the mouth ; from the septum within the aperture.] cumulus, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep.,Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. a heap.] cymbula, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. a small boat.] natator, Hall, 1862, loth Reg. Rep., Por- tage and Ham. Gr. [Sig. a swimmer.] The same species Hall identified with Bellerophon expansus of Sowerby, in 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y. Pileopsis tubifer, syn. for Platyceras dumosum. vetustus, Sowerby. Not American. Planorbis, Guettard, 1756, Mem. Acad. Sc. Paris. trilobatus, see Bucania trilobatus. Platyceras, Conrad, 1840, Ann. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. plati/s, broad ; keras, horn.] agreste, Hali, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. pertaining to the fields, coarse.] ammon, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] angulatum, Hall, 1852, (Acroculia angu- lata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton and Niagara Gr. [Sig. angulated.] arcuatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. bent.] argo, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] attenuatum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. attenuated.] attenuatum. Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cornif. Gr. This name was preoccupied.] auriculatum, Hall, 1876, Ulust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. eared.] billingsi, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] biserialis, Hall, 1860, Supp. to Geo. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Burlington Gr. [Sig. hav- ing two rows.] bisinuatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. double-sin- uated.] bisulcatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. double- furrowed.] bucculentum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. large mouthed.] calantica, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. like a covering for the head.] callosum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y ; , vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. having a thick skin.] campanulatum, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. bell-shaped.] capulus, Hall, 1860, Supp. Geo. Iowa, Burlington Gr. [Sig. a coffin.] carinatum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. keeled.] cirriformis, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y. Not clearlv defined, clavatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. club-like.] concavum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. concave.] conicum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. conical.] corniforme, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. in the form of a horn.] crassum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. thick.] curvirostrum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. bent-beaked.] cymbium, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a small drinking vessel.] cyrtolites, McChesney, 1859, Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. curved stone.] dentalium, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a plough share.] dilatatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. dilated.] dumosum, Conrad, 1S40, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. bushy.] dumosum far. rarispinum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. few spined.] echinatum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. set with spines.] elongatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. lengthened.] 156 GASTEROPODA. equilateralis, Hall, 1860, Supp. to vol. 1, pt. 2, Iowa Rep., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. equal-sided.] erectum, Hall, 1843, (Acroculia erecta) Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y., Cornif. & Ham. Gr. [Sig. erect, straight.] expanms, see Strophostvlus expansus. fissurella, Hall, 1860, Supp. to Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. a little cleft.] fornicatuin, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. arched.] fornicatum var. contractum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. contracted.] gebhardi, Conrad, 1840, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Low. Held, and Oriskany Gr. [Ety. proper name..] gibbosum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. gibbous.] haliotoides, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. like the Haliotus or ear-shell.] incile, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having gutters.] infundibulum, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. a funnel.] intermedium, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. . [Sig. intermediate in size.] lamellosum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. with many plates.] lodiense, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] magnificum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. mag- nificent.] multisinuatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having many depressions.] multispinosum, Meek, 1871, Pn:c. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cornif. Gr. [Sig. hav- ing many spines.] nebrascense, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] newberryi, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] niagarense, Hall, 1852, (Acroculia niag- arensis) Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nodosum, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. knobbed.] obesum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. plump in form.] ovale, Stevens, 1858, (Acroculia ovalis) Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Carboniferous. [Sig. oval.] patulum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. spread out.] pentalobus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. five-lobed.] perlatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. very wide.] perplexum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. obscure.] perplicatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. very much plicated.] pileiforme, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. cap-shaped.] platystoma, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. broad-mouthed.] platystoma var. alveatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. channeled.] plicatile, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. in small folds.] plicatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y, vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. folded.] primsevum, Billings, 1871, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 6, Quebec Gr. [Sig. first- born.] primordiale, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. the first of all.] pyramidatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. pyramid- formed.] quincyense, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] reflexum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. turned back.] retrorsum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y, vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. turned back- ward.] retrorsum var. abnorme, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. out of the usual order or form.] reversum, Hall, 1860, Supp. to Geo. Rep. Iowa, vol. 1, pt. 2, Burlington Gr. [Sig. turned or bent back.]. rictum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. & Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. open-mouthed.] robustum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. robust.] senex, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, (Porcel- lia senex) Mem. Bost.'Soe. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. old, wrinkled.] sinuatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. marked with depressions.] spinigerum, Worthen, 1873, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 5, Coal Meas. [Sig. spine- bearing.] spirale, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. spiral.] subnodosum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. some- what knotty, or marked with short projections.] subplicatum, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Kinder- hook Gr. [Sig. somewhat folded.] subrectum, Hall, 1859, 12th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat straight.] mbrectum, Hall, 1860, Supp. to Iowa Rep. The name being preoccupied, Meek & Worthen proposed P. infundibulum. subundatum, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat waved.] GASTEEOPODA. 157 ettbundatum, Meek & Worthen. 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. The name was preoccupied, sulcatum, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N, Y., Oriskanv sandstone. [Sig. furrowed.] sulcoplicatiim, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. thrown up in plications.] svmmetricum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. & Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. sym- metrical.] tenuiliratum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. fine-lined.] thetis, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] thetis var. subspinosum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat spinv.] tortum, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. twisted.] tortuosum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskanv sandstone. [Sig. very much twisted.] trigonale, Stevens, 1858, (Acroculia tri- gonalis) Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 25, Carboniferous. [Sig. triangular.] trilobatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. three-lobed.] tubajforme, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. trumpet-shaped.] uncum, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. crooked, hooked.] undatum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. wavy.] uudulostriatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having waved stria?.] unguiforme, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. claw-shaped.] uniseriale, Nicholson, 1874, Rep. Pal.Ont., Devonian. [Sig. having a single row or series.] unisulcatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. one-furrowed.] ventricosum, Conrad, 1840, Ann. Rep. X. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. bulging out.] vomerium, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. a plow share.] Platystoma, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8. [Ety. platys, broad ; stoma, mouth.] affine, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Sig. related to.] aplata, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. without lines.] arenosum, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat Sci., vol. 8, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. sandy.] defiguratum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. disfigured.] depressum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. depressed.] euomphaloides, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devo- nian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Euomphalus.] hemisphericum, Hall, 1843, (Euomphalus hemispherica) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. hemispherical.] lichas, see Isonema lichas. lineatum, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Cornif. Gr. [Sig. lined.] lineatum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. The name was preoccupied, lineatum var. amplum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. full, large.] lineatum var. callosum, Hall, I876^111ust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. thick, hard.] lineatum car. sinuosum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. wavy, sinuous.] nana, see Naticopsis nana, niagarense, . Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] peoriense, McChesnev, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] plebeium, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. common.] pleurotoma, Hall, 1876, Illust, Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. from the genus Pleurotoma.'] strophium, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Cornif. Gr. [Sig. twisted or turned.] subangulatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat angular.] trigonostoma, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Niagara Gr. [Sig. triangu- lar-mouthed.] tumida, see Pleurotomaria tumida. turbinatum, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. cone-shaped.] turbinatum var. cochleatum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. spiral-formed.] unisulcatum, Conrad, 1842, (Pleurotomaria unisulcata) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Up. Held Gr. [Sig. having one depression.] ventricosum, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. ventricose.] Platyschisma, McCoy, 1844,Syn.Carb. Foss., Ireland. [Ety. platys, wide ; schisma, a slit.] dubium, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Car- boniferous. [Sig. doubtful.] helicoides, (?) Sowerby, 1829, (Ampularia helicoides) Min. Conch., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. resembling a shell of the genus Helix.] Plectostylus, Conrad, 1842, Syn. for Macro- cheilus. hildrethi, see Macrocheilus hildrethi. Plfarotomaria, Def ranee, 1826, Diet. Sci. Nat., 41. [Ety. Pleura, side ; tome, cut or notch.] abrupta, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. terminat- ing suddenly.] 158 GASTEROPODA. advena, Winchell, 1864, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2d series, vol. 37. Potsdam Gr. [Sig. a stranger.] agarista, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] agave, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] ambigua, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] americana, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] amphitrite, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy or Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] angulata, Conrad, 1843, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. This name was preoccupied by Sowerby. antiquata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. antiquated.] aperta, see Raphistoma apertum. apicalis, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Chemung Gr. [Sig. apical.] arabella, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] arachne, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] arata, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit. [Sig. furrowed.] axion, Hall, 1867,20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. furrowed.] beckwithana, McChesney, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] biangulata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. double-angled, from the two angular elevations on each whorl.] bicarinata, McChesney, 1860. This name was preoccupied and the species is now called P. turbiniformis. Mix, see Cyclonema bilix. bispiralis, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. two-whorled.] bonharborensis, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] brazoensis, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] calcifera, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., Calciferous Gr. [Ety. from the Cal- ciferous Group.] calphurnia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] calyx, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. a cup.] canadensis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] capillaria, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. pertain- ing to hair.] carbonaria, Norwood & Pratten, 1855, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. pertaining to coal.] casii, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cavumbilicata, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Peninsula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. having a hollow umbilicus.] chesterensis, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] • cliesterensis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chester Gr. The name was preoccupied, circe, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] concava. Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. The name was pre- occupied by Deshayes in 1824-'36. conoides, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. The name was preoccupied by Deshayes in 1831. conulus, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. a little cone.] coronula, syn. for P. sphaerulata.] coxana, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] crevieri, Billings, 1859. Can. Nat. &Geol., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cryptata, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss., Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. concealed.] cyclonemoides, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Sig. like a Cyclonema.] deiopea, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] delia, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. mythological name.] delicatula, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. very deli- • cate.] delphinuloides, Goldfuss, as identified by d'Archiac & Verneuil. Not American, depauperata, Hall, 1862, Geo. Rep. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. impoverished.] depressa, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. The name was preoccu- pied by Passy in 1832, by Phillips in 1836, and by Koninck in 1841. disjuncta, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. disjoined.] dispersa, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Sig. dispersed.] docens, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. teaching.] doris, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie & Cornif. Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] tlryope, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss, vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] ella, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., . Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] GASTEROPODA. 159 elora, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] emrnetensis, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Peninsula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] estella, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] etna, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] eugenia, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Etv. proper name.] euomphaloides, Hall, 186*2, 15th Reg.Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. like an Euomphalus.'] exigua, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. small, scanty.] fllitexta, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. woven like threads.] galtensis, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] glandula, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St.Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. a little kernel.] gonopleura, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Bost.Soc. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having an angular rib.] granulostriata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. granular and striated.] grayvillensis, Norwood & Pratten, 1855, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] gregaria, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. occurring in masses.] , halei. Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr.Wis.Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hallana, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] halli, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] harpya, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] haydenana, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] hebe, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] helena, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hickmanensis, Winchell, Geo. of Tenn., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] hortensia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hoyi, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] humerosa, Meek & Hayden, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. humped.] humilis, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. small.] humilis, Winchell, 1862. This name was preoccupied. huronensis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Portage Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hyale, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ida, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety.mythological name. ] ignobilis, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Car- boniferous. [Sig. ignoble.] imitator, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. resembler.] immatura, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. imma- ture.] indenta, Hall, 1847 ? Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. notched.] inexspectans, Hall & Whitfield, 18 75, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Clinton Gr. [Sig. not expected.] inornata, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. not adorned.] insolita, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. rare.] isaacsi, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep., Che- mung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] itys, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] kearneyi, Hall, 1861, 12th Reg. Rep., Up, Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] labrosa, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held Gr. [Sig. having lips.] lapicida, see Raphistoma lapicidum. laurentina, Billings, 1859,Can. Nat. &Geo., vol. 4, Calcif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] leavenworthana, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lenticularis, see Raphistoma lenticulare. lineata, Hall, 1843, (Turbo lineatus) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y. This name was preoccupied, and the fossil is now called P. itys. litorea, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Me- dina sandstone. [Sig. on the shore.] lucina, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Cornif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lucina var. perfasciata, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. much banded.] lydia, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] marcouana, Geinitz, 1866. Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] meekana, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] micula, Hall, 1862, Geo. Rep. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. very small.] miser, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calcif. Gr. [Sig. paltry.] missisquoi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missouriensis, Swallow, 1860, (Trochus missouriensis) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] mitigata, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. lessened.] 160 GASTEROPODA. inuralis, Owen, 1852, Geo. Sur. Wis., Iowa & Minn., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. mural.] nasoni, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Tren- ton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] niota, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nodomarginata, McChesney, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. hav- ing a nodose margin.] nodulosa, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. The name was preoccupied by Sand- berger in 1842, and by King in 1844. nodulostriata, Hall, 1848, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. nodulose and striated.] normani, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nucleolata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. like a little nut.] numeria, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] obsoleta, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. obsolete.] obtusispira, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. having a blunt spire.] occidens, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. western.] parvispira, Winchell, 1862, Rep. Low. Peninsula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. having a small spire.] pauper, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. poor.] pauper. Hall, 1865, 20th Reg. Rep. The name was preoccupied. percarinata, see Cyclonema percarinatum perhumerosa, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. very humid.] perlata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. very wide.] perornata, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. highly ornamented.] pervetusta, Conrad, 18 38, (Cyclostoma pervetusta) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Medina sandstone. [Sig. very ancient.] piasaensis, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] planidorsalis, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. plane-backed.] plena, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. full, large.] postumia, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] poulsoni, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Onondaga Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pratteni, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. pi-oper name.] princessa, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a princess.] progne, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] proutana, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] quadricostata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y. vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Sig. four-ribbed.] quebecensis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] quinquesulcata, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. five-furrowed.] ramsayi, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] regulata, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. regular.] riddlei, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] rota, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. a wheel.] rotalia, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. wheeled.] rotuloides, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. like a little wheel.] rotunda, Hall, 1843, (Euomphalus (?) ro- tundus) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. rounded.] rotundata, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. This name was preoccupied by Munster. rotundispira, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. having a round spire.] scitula, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. pretty, neat.] selecta, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. -[Sig. choice, select.] semele, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] shumardi, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sigaretoides, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Sigaretus. ] sinistrorsa, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. turned to the left.] solarioides, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Solarium.] speciosa, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. beautiful.] sphserulata, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. a widened sphere.] spironema, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. spiral-lined.] sponsa, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. betrothed.] stella, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. a star.] GASTEROPODA. 161 subangulata, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. somewhat angular.] subconica, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv., Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat conical.] subconstricta, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat constricted.] subdecussata, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. some- what arranged in pairs that ci'oss each other.] subdepressa, Hall, 1852, Pal. N.Y., vol. 2, Coralline limestone. [Sig. somewhat g subscalaris, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat ladder-shaped.] subsinuata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat sinuated.] subtilistriata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. finely shaped.] subturbinata, Meek & Hayden, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat top-shaped.] sulcomarginata, Conrad, 1842, Jour.Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. hav- ing the margin deeply furrowed.] supracingulata, Billings", 1857, Rep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Sig. encircled with lines on the upper part.] swallovana, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sybillina, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foes. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tabulata, Conrad, 1835, (Turbo tabulata) Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. tabulated.] tectoria, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. rough cast.] tenuicincta, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. finely girded.] tenuistriata, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. finely striated.] textiligera, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Waverly Gr. [Sig. web-bearing.] thalia, Billings," 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Ety. mythological name.] trilineata, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. three-lined.] trilix, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. three-lined.] trochiformis, Swallow, 1863,Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chester Gr. [Sig. like the Trochus, or wheel-shell.] The name was preoccupied by Portlock in 1843. tropidophora, Meek, 1872, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3rd series, vol. 4, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. keel-bearing.] tumida, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Platy- stoma tumida) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. tumid.] The name was preoccupied by Phillips in 1836. turbiniformis, Meek & Worthen, I860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. top-shaped.] turgida, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. swollen.] umbilicata, see Trochonema umbilicatum. unimkata, see Platvceras unisulcatum. vadosa, Hall, 1860, "l3th Reg. Rep., N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. shallow.] vagans, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. dispersed.] Valeria, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] valvatiformis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. like the genus ValvataJ] viola, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Sig. a violet.] virgo, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. a virgin.] virguncula, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. a little maid.] vitruvia, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] voltumna, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. mythological name.] whitii, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] wortheni, Hall, 1856, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Polyphemopsis, Portlock, 1843, Geol. Lon- donderry. [Ety. Polyphe>7ius, a genus of shells; opsis, appearance.] bulimiformis, Hall, 1858, (Bulimella buli- miformis) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. like a Bulimus.] canaliculata, Hall, 1858, (Bulimella canal- iculata) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, War- saw Gr. [Sig. channeled or grooved.] chrysalis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil, Coal Meas. [Sig. chrysalis.] ehngata, Hall, 1858, (Bulimella elongata) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. lengthened.] The name was preoccupied by Portlock in 1843. inornata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Lox- onema inornata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. not adorned.] louisvillffi, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nitidula, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Lox- onema nitidula) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil, Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. quite neat.] peracuta, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Euli- ma (?) peracuta) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. very sharp-pointed.] Poecellia, Leveille, 1835, Mem. Soc. Geol. France. [Etv. porcellus, a little pig.] hertzeri, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] 162 GASTEROPODA. nais, Hall, 1862, (Gyroceras nais) 15th Reg. Rep. N, Y., Chemung Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] nodosa, Hall, 1860, Supp. to vol. 1, pt. 2, Iowa Geo. Sur., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. knotty.] obliquinoda, White, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, Chemung Gr. [Sig. oblique-knotted.] rectinoda, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. straight- noded.] (?) rotatoria, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. whorled.] sciota, Hall, 1873, 23rd Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] senex, see Platyceras senex. Pupa, Humphrey, 1797, Museum Calonni- anum. [Ety. Pupa, chrysalis shell.] vermilionensis, Bradley, 4872, Am. Jour. Sci., 3rd series, vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] vetusta, Dawson, I860, Quar. Jour. Geo Soc, vol. 16, Coal Meas. [Sig. ancient.] Raphistoma~ Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y, vol. 1 [Ety. raplie, seam or suture ; stoma mouth.] apertum, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., De- cade 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. open.] labiatum, Emmons, 1842, (Maclurea labi- ata) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. having lips.] lapicida, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Ety. from its resemblance to Helix lapicida."] lenticulare, Emmons, 1842, (Pleuroto maria lenticularis) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. lens- shaped.] planistria, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. having plane striae.] planistria var. parvum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. small.] stamineum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. thready; having refer- ence to the thread like striae on the surface.] striatum, Emmons,! 842, (Macluria striata) Geo. Rep. N. Y, Chazy Gr. [Sig. striated.] subplanum, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. somewhat flat.] Scalites, Conrad, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y. by Emmons. [Ety. scala, a stair case.] angulatus, Conrad, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y. by Emmons, Chazy Gr. [Sig. an- gular.] Solarium, Lamarck, 1801, Syst. An. sans Vert. leai, one of Troost's catalogue names. Soleniscus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. [Ety. soUniskos, a little channel or gutter.] hallanus, Geinitz, 1866, (Macrocheilus hallanus) Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] typicus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. the type of the genus.] Straparollina, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. from the resemblance to shells of the genus Straparollus.'] asperostriata, Billings, 1860, (Straparol- lus asperostriatus) Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. roughly striated.] circe, Billings, 1860, (Straparollus circe) Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] eurydice, Billings, 1860, (Straparollus eurydice) Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] pelagica, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. belonging to the deep sea.] remota, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss-., vol. 2, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. remote, at a dis- tance.] Straparollus, Montfort, 1810, Conch. Syst., vol. 2. [Ety. strabos, turned about.] angulatus, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geo. Chazy Gr. [Sig. angular.] asperostriatus, see Straparollina asperos- triata. barrisi, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.T, canadensis, Billings, 1861, Can. Jour., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] circe, see Straparollina circe. clymenioides, see Euomphalus clymehioi- des. cornudanus, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] daphne, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] eurydice, see Straparollina eurydice. hippolyte, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss.,vol. 1, Guelph Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] labiatus, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geo., Chazy Gr. [Sig. lipped.] lens, Hall, 1860, (Euomphalus lens) 13th Reg. Rep., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. lens- shaped.] macromphalus, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chemung Gr. [Sig. having a large umbilicus.] magnificus, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Carboniferous. [Sig. magnificent.] minnesotensis, Owen, 1852, Geo. Sur. Wis., Iowa and Minn., Calcif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] mopsus, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] niagarensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] GASTEROPODA. 163 pernodosus, Meek & Worth en, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. very nodose.] planidorsatus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Euomphalus planidorsatus) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chester Gr. [Sig. flat-hacked.] planispira, Hall, 1858, (Euomphalus planispira) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. having a flat spire.] primordialis, Winchell, 1864, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2nd series, vol. 37, Pots- dam Gr. [Sig. first in order.] quadrivolvis, Hall, 1858, (Euomphalus quadrivolvis) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. having four volu- tions.] similis, Meek & Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. similar.] similis var. planus, Meek & Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. level, flat.] spergenensis, Hall, 1858, (Euomphalus spergenensis) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, AVarsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] spergenensis var. planorbiformis, Hall, 1858, (Euomphalus spergenensis var. planorbiformis) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Planorbis. subquadratus, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat squared.] subrugosus, Meek & Worthen, 1873, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 5, Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat rugose.] Proposed instead of Euomphalus rugosus of Hall, which was preoccupied, umbilicatus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Eu- omphalus umbilicatus) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Ety. from the large umbilicus.] valvatiformis, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. like the genus Valvata.] whitneyi, Meek, 1864, Pal. California, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Streptaxis, Gray, 1837, in Mag. Nat. Hist., [Ety. stroptes, twisted ; axis, axis.] whitfieldi, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Strophostylus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3. [Ety. strophe, turning round ; stylos, column.] andrewsi, Hall, 1859, Pa*. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] cancellatus, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Oriskanv sandstone. [Sig. latticed.] cyclostomus, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. circular- mouthed.] depressus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. depressed.] elegans, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. elegant,] expansus, Conrad, 1841, (Platyceras ex- pansus) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. spread out,] fitchi, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] globosus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. globular.] matheri, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] obliquus, Nicholson, 1874, Rep. Pal. Ont., Devonian. [Sig. oblique.] obtusus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. obtuse.] N ovatus, Nicholson, 1874, Rep. Pal. Ont., Devonian. [Sig. egg-shaped.] rotundatus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. rounded.] subglobosus, Nicholson, 1874, Rep. Pal. Ont., Devonian. [Sig. somewhat globose.] transversus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. crosswise.] unicus, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit. [Sig. single, alone.] varians, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. variable.] Stylifer, Broderip, 1829, in Sowerby, Gen. Shells. primigenia,see Macrocheilus primigenium. Subulites, Conrad, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. [Ety. subulites, awl-shaped — subulate.] abbreviatus, Hall, 1850, 3rd Reg. Rep., Trenton Gr. [Sig. shortened.] brevis, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. short.] calciferus, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. from the Group.] daphne, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] elongatus, Emmons, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Trenton Gr. [Sig. lengthened.] inflatus, Meek & Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. inflated, swollen.] notatus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. marked.] parvulus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. very small.] psyche, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] richardsoni, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] terebriformis, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. auger-shaped.] ventricosus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara and Guelph Gr. [Sig. bulg- ing out.] Trachydomia, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2. [Ety. trachys, rough ; doma, a house.] 164 GASTEROPODA. hollidayi, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Nati- copsis hollidayi) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nodosum, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Nati- copsis nodosa) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. from the nodes on the surface.] Tbkmanotus, Hall, 1868, 20th Reg. Rep. [Ety. trema, a hole ; notus, the back.] alpheus, Hall, 1864, 18th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] trigonostoma, Hall & Whitfield, 1875,Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. triangu- lar-mouthed.] Tbochita, Schumacher, 1817, Essai N. Syst. [Ety. trochus, a wheel.] antiqua, see Xenophora antiqua. carbonaria, Meek, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. pertaining to coal.] Tbochonema, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1. [Ety. troches, a wheel ; nema, a thread.] emaceratum, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. thin, lean.] fatua, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] pauper, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Sig. paltry, poor.] pauper var. ohioense, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rectilatera, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. straight-sided.] tricarinatum, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. three-keeled.] tricarinata, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Corniferous Gr. The name was preoccupied, umbilicatum, Hall, 1847, (Pleurotomaria umbilicata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy to Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. navel-shaped.] yandellanum, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Trochus, Adanson, 1757, Voy. Senegal. [Ety. trochus, a hoop.] mwourienm, see Pleurotomaria missouri- ensis. Turbo, Klein, 1753, Tent. Meth. Ostr. [Ety. turbo, a top.] bicarinatus, Troost, 1840. Not defined. dUumla, see Holopea dilucula. guadalupensis, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] limatus, see Pleurotomaria lineata. obesus, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. plump in form.] (?) obscura, see Holopea obscura. tabulate, see Pleurotomaria tabulata. tennesseerum, see Cyclonema tennesseense. texanus, Shumard, 1859, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] TurbonUla, Leach, 1826, Risso Eur. Merid. 4. [Ety. diminutive of Turbo, a genus of shells.] swaltovana, see Aclis swallovana. Tubritella, Lainarck, 1801, Syst. An. sans Vert. [Ety. turriiella, a little tower.] stevenana, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Xenophoba, Fischer, 1806, Museum Demi- dovianum. [Ety. xenos, a log or body ; phoros, bearing.] antiqua, Meek, 1871, (Trochita antiqua) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cornifer- ous Gr. [Sig. ancient.] Zonites, Montfort, 1810, Conch. Syst. [Ety. zone, a belt.] priscus, Carpenter, 1867, Quar. Jour.Geo. Soc, vol. 23, Coal Meas. [Sig. ancient.] CLASS CEPHALOPODA. FAMILY ASCOCERATID.E — Ascoceras, Conoceras, Glossoceras. FAMILY CERIOLIDjE.— Beatrkea. FAMILY CYRTOCERATID.E.— Cyrtoceras, Cyrtocerina, Oncoceras. FAMILY GOMPHOCER A.TID,E.-^Gomphoceras. FAMILY GONIATITID,E.— Goniatites. FAMILY GYROCERATID.E.— Gyroceras. FAMILY NAUTILID.E.— Discites, Lituites, (?) Nautilus, Pteronautilus, Solenocheilus, Temnocheilus, Trematodiscus, Trocholites. (?) FAMILY ORTHOCERATID^E.— Actinoceras, Cameroceras, Colpoceras, Diploceras, Endoceras, Gonioceras, Huronia, Orruoceras, Orthoceras, Piloceras. FAMILY PHRAGMOCERATID.E.— Phragmoceras, Streptoceras. FAMILY TROCHOCERATID.E.— Trochoceras. INCERTJE SEDIS.— Discosorus, Seerichnites. Actinoceras, Bronn, 1837, Lethaea Geognos- tica. [Ety. aktin, a ray; keras, a horn.] bigsbyi, Stokes, 1840, Trans. Geo. Soe., 2nd series, vol. 5, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] inops, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carb. [Ety. meagre.] lyoni, Stokes, 1840, Trans. Geol. Soc, vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] richardsoni, Stokes, 1840, Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd series, vol. 5, Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] simmsi, Stokes, 1840, Trans. Geo. Soc, 2nd series, vol. 5, Sil. [Ety. proper name.] Ascoceras, Barrande, 1848, Haidinger's Ber- ichte. [Ety. askos, a leather bottle; keras, horn.] anticostiense, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] canadense, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] newberryi, Billings. 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. & Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Beatricea, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr. [Ety. proper name.] This genus is supposedly Hyatt, (Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 1865)* to belong to the class Cephalopoda, and he proposed a new order for the genus, to wit: Cerioliles, from kerkm, a honey comb; lithos, a stone, and a new family Ceriolidx. nodulosa, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. & Mid. Sil. [Sig. having small knots.] undulata, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Sig. wavy.] Cameroceras, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 8. [Ety. kamara, a chamber; keras, horn.] trentonense, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 8, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Colpoceras, Hall, 1850, 3rd Reg. Rep. N.Y. [Ety. kolpos, a furrow; keras, horn.] virgatum, Hall, 1850, 3rd Reg. Rep. N. Y., Birdseye and Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. wand-like.] Clymenia, Munster, 1832. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] complanata, see Goniatites complanatus. erato, see Goniatites erato. Comities, Schlotheim, 1820, Petrefactenkunde, etc. [Ety. konos, a cone ; lithos, stone.] capricornulm, Troost, 1840, 5th Geo. Rep. Tenn. Not satisfactorily denned. Conoceras, Bronn, 1835, Leth. Geogn. [Ety. konos, a cone ; keras, horn.] angulosum, Bronn, 1834, Leth. Geogn., Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. full of corners.] Conotubvlaria, Troost, syn. for Orthoceras. brongniarli, see Orthoceras brongniarti. cuvieri, see Orthoceras cuvieri. defrancii, see Orthoceras defrancii. goldfussi, see Orthoceras goldfussi. Convlites, Cozzens, 1848. Not satisfactorily defined. angulosum, Cozzens, 1848. Not satisfac- torily defined. It may be a plant. 166 CEPHALOPODA. Cryptoceras, D'Orbigny, 1850. [Ety. kryptos, concealed; kerns, horn.] This name was preoccupied by Latreille for a genus of insects, and had been previ- ously used by Barrande for a genus ot Cephalopods. capax, see Solenocheilus capax. Cybtocekas, Goldfuss, 1832, in De la Beche's Handbuch der Geognosie bearbeitet von v. Deschen. [Ety. kurtos, curved ; keras, horn.] absens, Hall, 1876, Must. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. absent, distant.] alethes, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] amplicorne, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a large horn.] annulatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. ringed.] This name was preoccupied by Goldfuss in 1832. arcticameratum, Hall, 1852, Pal. X.Y.,vol. 2, Guelph Gr. [Sig. close-chambered.] arcuatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. bent ; in allusion to the arched chambers.] The name was preoccupied by Steininger in 1830, see D'Archiac & Verneuil, Memoir on Pal. Foss., 1842. aristides, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] beta, Hall, 1862, (Gomphoceras beta) 15th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Sig. a Greek letter.] billingsi, Salter, 1859, Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Chazy or Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bondi, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Nash- ville Gr. [Ety. proper name.] brevicorne, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. short-horned.] camurum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. crooked.] cancellatum, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. cancellated.] The name was preoccupied by Roemer in 1844. carrollense, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111. vol. 6, Galena Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clavatum, Hall, 1876, Must. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. club- shaped.] clitus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] conicum, Owen, 1840, Rep. on Min. Lands, Up. Magnesian Gr. [Sig. conical, tapering to a point.] conradi, Hall, 1860, (Gomphoceras con- radi) 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] constrictostriatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N.Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. constricted and striated.] corniculum, Hall, 1862, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. a little horn.] The name was preoccupied by Barrande in 1848, and again by Eichwald in 1860. corydon, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] curtum, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. short.] Was this name preoccu- pied by Eichwald ? dardanus," Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Geo. Sur. of Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. my- thological name.] dictys, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] dictyum, White, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Devonian. [Sig. a net.] dilatatum, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. widened, spread out.] dorsatum, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. high- backed.] eugenium, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Ety. proper name.] eugium, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis., Chazy & Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. fertile.] exiguum, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. little, small.] falx, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. a sickle.] filosum, Emmons, 1842, Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. 4, Trenton Gr. [Sig. covered with thread-like markings.] fosteri, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] fragile, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. frail, easily broken. ] gibbosum, Hall, 1876, Must. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. gibbous.] giganteum, McChesney, Jan. 1860, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. In 1861 McChesney referred this species to the genus Lituites, and proposed for it the name Lituites cancellatux. Prof. Hall, in the meantime, described it as Lituites occiderdalls. It is now re- ferred to the genus Nautilus, and as both the earlier names were preoccu- pied, McChesney's name cancellatus has precedence. hercules, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, (Lit- uites hercules) Mem. Bost. Soc Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] hertzeri, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] huronense, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Black Riv. or Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] isidorus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Black Riv. or Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] CEPHALOPODA. 187 jaws, see Streptoceras jarlus. jason, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit. [Ety. mythological name.] juvenalis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Tren- ton Gr. [Etv. proper name.] lamellomm, Hall* 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. having many thin plates.] The name was preoccupied by D'Archiac & Yerneuil in 1842. laterale, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. lateral.] ligarius, Billings, 1875, Pal. Foss., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] liratum, Hall, 1862,15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. furrowed.] loculosum, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Prog. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. partitioned.] lucillus, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Etv. proper name.] lysander, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] macrostomum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. long-mouthed.] magister, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour, of Sci., vol. 2, Gin'ti Gr. [Sig. the chief.] marginale, Conrad, 1843, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Sig. bordered.] The name was preoccupied by Phillips in 1841. massiense, Saftbrd, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Nashville Gr. [Ety. proper name.] matheri, see Gyroceras matheri. maccoyi, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol." 4, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] maximum, see Nautilus maximus. mercurius, see Cyrtocerina mercurius. metellus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] metula, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a little obelisk.] missisquoi, Billings, 18 65, Pal. Foss., (Orthoceras missisquoi) Quebec Gr. [Etv. proper name.] morsum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. bitten off.] multicameratum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. many-chambered.] niyrice,Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] neleus, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis., Chazy & Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. my- thological name.] obscumm, S. A. Miller, changed to magister because obscumm was preoccupied. ohioense, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] orcas, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. Subsequently re- ferred by Hall to the genus Oncoceras, see 20th Reg. Rep. orestes, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] orion, Hall, 1876, Ulust. Devonian Fobs., Schoharie grit, [Ety. mythological name.] This name was preoccupied by Barrande. orodes, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., Guelph Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] postumius, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pusillum, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. very small.] regulare, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr. Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. regular.] rigidum, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. rigid.] rockfordense, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Kinderhook (?) Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sacculus, Meek & Worthen, 1866, (Gom- phoceras sacculum) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Ham. Gr. [Sig. a little sack.] sepfora, Hall, see Gomphoceras septore. simplex, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. &Trenton Gr. [Sig. simple.] sinuatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. marked with depressions.] gpinosum, see Gyroceras spinosum. stonense, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Trenton Gr. [Etv. proper name.] subrectum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat straight,] subturbinatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Chazy & Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat top-shaped.] surgens, Barrande, 1869, Syst. Sil. de Boh., 4me serie, Quebec Gr. [Sig. rising.] syphax, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] tesselatum, de Koninck. Not American. transversum, see Gyroceras transversuin. trentonense, Emmons, 1842, (Orthoceras trentonensis) Geo. Rep. N.Y., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] trivohig, see Gyroceras trivolve. typicum, see Cyrtocerina typica. undulatum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. wavy.] undulatum, Vanuxem, see Gyroceras un- dulatum. unicorne, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. one- horned.] vallandighami, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ventricosum, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. bulging out; rapidly enlarging.] whitnevi, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Cyrtocerina, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss. [Ety. from the termination inus, signifying resemblace to Cyrtoceras.] mercurius, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] CEPHALOPODA. typica, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. type of the genus.] Diplockras, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8. [Ety. diploos, double; keras, horn.] vanuxemi, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Discites, DeHaan, 1825, Mongr. Amnion., etc. [Ety. diskos, a quoit.] disciformis, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. in the shape of a quoit.] highlandensis, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] ornatus, syn. for Nautilus marcellensis. tuberculatus, Owen, 1852, Geo. Sur. Wis., Iowa and Minn., Low. Carb. [Sig. covered with tubercles.] Discosorus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. ¥., vol. 2. [Ety. diskos, a quoit; sows, a heap or pile.] conoideus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton & Niagara Gr. [Sig. conical.] Endoceras, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. [Ety. eridos, within; keras, horn.] This genus seems to be founded upon the same fossils that Conrad previ- ously founded his genus Diploceras upon, angusticameratum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N.Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. narrow- chambered.] annulatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. ringed.] approximatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. approximat- ing-] arctiventrum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. arctus, close; venter, a cavity.] atlanticum, Barrande, 1869, Syst. Sil. de Boh., 2d ser., 4me, Quebec Gr. [Sig. Atlantic] distans, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. distant.] duplicatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. doubled.] gemelliparum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. twins, in allu- sion to the two embryo-tubes enclosed within the siphuncle.] insulare, Barrande, 1869, Syst. Sil. de Boh., 2d ser., 4me, Quebec Gr. [Sig. belonging to an island.] lativentrum, Hall, 1850, 3rd Reg. Rep. N. Y., Trenton Gr. [Ety. lotus, broad ; venter, cavity.] longissimum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. of unusual length.] magniventrum, Hall, 1847, Pal. Chazy, Black Riv., Trenton and Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. double-lined.] bilineatum var. a, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. brongniarti, Troost, 1838, (Conotubularia brongniarti) Mem. Soc. Geo. de France, 3, Low. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] brontes, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] bucklandi, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Up. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] 174 CEPHALOPODA. bullatum, (?) Sowerby, 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst., Trenton Gr. [Sig. puffed up.] byrnesi, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cadmus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] cameolare, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. (?).] canadense, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] Prof. Billings proposed this name as a sub- stitute for Huronia vertebralis for the reason that Huronia is a syn. for Ortho- ceras, and there is one O". vertebralis. cancellatum, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. The name was preoccu- pied by Eichwald in 1842. capitolinum, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Trenton Gr. [Sig. a great tower.] carleyi, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] catilina, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cato, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] catullus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chemungense, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chesterense, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., St. Genevieve Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chouteauense, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Chouteau Gr. [Ety. proper name.] eincinnatiense, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clathratum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. cross-barred.] clavatum, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. club-shaped.] clavatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. The name was ap- propriated. clinocameratum, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., 2d series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Ety. clino, bent ; cameratus, chambered.] clouei, Barrande, 1869, Syst. Sil. de Boh., 4me series, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] colon, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. colon, the great in- testine.] columnare, Hall, 1860, Rep. of Progr. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. colum- nar.] The name was preoccupied bv Mark, in 1857. eonstrictum, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. constricted.] constrictum, Hall, see Oncoceras con- strictum. coralliferum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Utica and Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. bear- ing a coral.] cornuum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Chazy Gr. [Sig. a horn.] crebescens, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. frequent, increasing.] crebristriatum, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Niagara Gr. [Sig. closely-striated.] cribrosum, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. full of holes, like a seive.] crotalum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep.,Ham. Gr. [Sig. a rattle.] crocus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] cuvieri, Troost, 1838, (Conotubularia cuvieri) Mem. Soc Geo. de France 3, Low. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] darwini, Billings, 1868, Pal. Foss., Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] decrescens, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. decreasing, growing lessj defrancii, Troost, 1838, (Conotubularia defrancei) Mem. Soc. Geo. de France 3, Low. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] deparcum, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. very scarce.] diffidens, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Chazy Gr. [Sig. diffident.] dolatum, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carb. [Sig. hewed.] drummondi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Chazv Gr. [Ety. proper name.] duseri, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] dyeri, S. A. Miller, 1875,*Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] edax, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Calcif. Gr. [Sig. voracious.] elegantulum, Dawson, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Low. Sil. [Sig. elegant.] emaceratum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. thin.] epigrus, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst, vol. 4, Low. Carb. [Sig. a wooden pin.] eriense, Hall, 1877. The name is pro posed here instead of 0. robustum. Ham. Gr. [Etv. proper name.] exile, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. small, slender.] exornatum, Dawson, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Up. Sil. [Sig. adorned.] expansum, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. spread out.] explorator, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Sig. a scout, an examiner.] ferum, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. & Anticosti Gr. [Sig. wild, cruel.] rlavius, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] CEPHALOPODA. 175 foliatum, syn. for Cyrtoceras eugenium. formosum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Trenton, Hud. Riv. & Anticosti Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] fosteri, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar.Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] foxense, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn. Not defined, fulgur, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. a thunder bolt.] furtivum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Calcif. Gr. [Sig. hard to find.l fusiforme, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. tapering at both ends.] glaucus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Calcif- erous Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] goldfussi, Troost, 1838, (Conotubularia goldfussi) Mem. Soc. Geo. de France 3, Low. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] gracilius, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Sig. more slender.] gregarium, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. occuring in flocks or masses.] This name was preoccu- pied bv Sowerby in 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst. hajsitans, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] hageri, Hall, 1861, Geol. of Vermont, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] halli, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] harperi, S. A.Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hastatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Sig. formed like a spear.] helderbergise, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] heterocinctum, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. irregularly girdled.] hoyi, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] huronense, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hyas, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Scho- harie grit. [Ety. mythological name.] imbricatum, Sowerby, 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst., Niagara Gr. [Sig. lapping over.] indagator, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Cal- ciferous Gr. [Sig. a diligent hunter.] indianense, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] infelix, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Clinton Gr. [Sig. miserable, useless.] irreguktre, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. The name was preoccupied, and is a syn. for O. wood- worthi. jamesi, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] jolietense, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] junceum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. rush-stem-like.] kickapooense, Swallow, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, vol. 1, Up. Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] knoxense, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Etv. proper name.] Imr, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Onondaga Gr. [Sig. smooth.] The name was preoccupied by Flem- ing in 1825. lamarcki, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lamellosum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. in thin plates.] laphami, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] laqueatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Calciferous to Trenton Gr. [Sig. adorned.] laqueatum var. a, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. laqueatum, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol. The name was preoccupied, latiannulatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. widely annu- lated.] lineohium, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. The name was preoccupied by Phillips in 1841. longicameratum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. long- chambered.] loxias, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Low. Sil. [Ety. mythological name.] luxum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. dislocated.] lyelli, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] magnisulcatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. deeply furrowed.] marcellense, Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. N.Y., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] marginale, Owen, 1840, Rep. on Min. Lands, Up. Magnesian Gr. [Sig. mar- gined.] maro, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] marshallense, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] medon, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Clinton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] medullare, Hall, 1860, Rep. of Progr. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. like a pith.] 176 CEPHALOPODA. meeki, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] menelaus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] minganense, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Chazy & Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missisquoi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] mohri, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] molestum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. difficult.] moniliforme, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. necklace-like.] monilifwme, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Coal Meas. The name was preoccupied. montrealense, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] multicameratum, Emmons, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Birdseye Gr. .[Sig. many- chambered.] multicinctum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Sig. many-banded.] multicinctum, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. many- banded.] It is not clear which of these authors is entitled to his name. multilineatum, Emmons, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Trenton Gr. [Sig. many-lined.] multiseptum, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Medina Gr. [Sig. having many di- visions.] murrayi. Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. and Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] niagarense, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nodocostum, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. nodus, a knot ; costa, a rib.] novamexicanum, Marcou, 185S, Geol. North America, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] nummularium, (?) 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst., Up. Sil. [Sig. like a coin.] nuntium, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. news, a messenger.] oberon, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. the king of fairies in Midsummer Night's Dream/] occidentale, Swallow, 185 8, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas., Permian Gr. [Sig. western.] occidentale, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., Marshall Gr. This name was preoc- cupied. ommanei, Salter, 1868, Bigsby, Thesaurus Siluricus, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ordinatum, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Cal- ciferous Gr. [Sig. well arranged.] ortoni, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ottawaense, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ozarkense, Shumard, 18 6 3, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pauciseptum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having few septa.] pelops, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Kep., Scho- harie grit. [Ety. mythological name.] pelops var. ohioense, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] perannidatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. This name was preoccupied by Portlock in 1843. The species is now named 0. crocus. perelegans, Salter, 1848, Mem. Geo. Sur. Gr. Brit., vol. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. very elegant.] perparvum, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. very small.] perseus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] persiphonatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Mid. Sil. [Sig. having a very large siph uncle. ] If the genus Huronia is valid, this species will belong to it. perstriatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. many-lined.] perstrictum, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carb. [Sig. very much banded.] The name was preoccupied by Bar- rande. pertinax, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. persistent, constant.] pileolum, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Medina Gr. [Sig. a little cap.] piscator, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Sig. a fisherman.] piso, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] planoconvexum, Hall, 1861, Rep. of Progr. Wis., Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Ety. planus, flat, plain; convexus, convex.] pressum, Rogers, 1868, Bigsby, Thesaurus Siluricus, Trenton Gr. [Sig. pressed.] priamus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss.,Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] primigenium, Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. original, first born.] procerus, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. long.] profundum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N.Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. deep.] propinquum, Billings, 185 7, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. related to.] punctostriatum, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Low. Sil. [Sig. dotted and striated.] pustulosum, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Peninsula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig; covered with pustules.] CEPHALOPODA. 177 pylades, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.} python, Billings, 1857, Kep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] rapax, see Endoceras rapax. raptor, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Medina Gr. [iSig. a robber.] recedens, Barrande, 1869, Syst. Sil. de Boh., 4me ser., Quebec Gr. [Sig. receding.] rectiannulatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy & Birdseye Gr. [Ety. rectus, straight; annulatus, ringed.] recticameratum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Birdseye Gr. [Ety. rectus, straight; cameratus, chambered.] rectum, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Niagara Gr. [Sig. straight.] remus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic. Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] repens, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Sig. creeping.] rdindatwm, Phillips, 1836, Geol. York., Chemung Gr. Not clearly identified in this country, richardsoni, Stokes, 1840, Trans. Geo. Soc, 2nd series, vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rigidum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. rigid.] robustum, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Sig. robust.] robustum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Ham. Gr. The name was pre- occupied. See 0. eriense. rotulatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. rounded.] rude, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y, vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. rude, not polished.] rudicula, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a spatula.] rushense, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name] sayi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] scammoni, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sedgwicki, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] selwyni, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss.,Guelph Gr. [Ety. proper name.] servile, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Sig. paltry.] shumardi, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. and Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sieboldi, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. and Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] simpsoni, Billings, 1859, Rep. of Progr. Assiniboine & Saskatchewan Ex. Exp., Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] simulator, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. an imitator.] sordidum, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. and Geo., vol. 4, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. coarse.] striatum, (?) Sowerby, 1812, Min. Conch., Devonian. [Sig. striated.] striatolineatum, McChesney. 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. ftriatw, striated ; lineatus, lined.] Syn. (?) for 0. medullare. strigatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. furrowed.] strix, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. a channel.] subarcuatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. This name was preoc- cupied by Portlock in 1843. subbaculum, Worthen, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. N >t defined. subtextile, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat like net-work.] subulatum, Hall, 1843, 4th Dist. Geo. Rep. N. Y., Marcellus shale. [Sig. awl-shaned.] tenerum, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. tender.] tenui-annulatum, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having slight annulations.] tenuiseptum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. having slender partitions.] teretiforme, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y, vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. long, round and smooth.] tetricum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep.,Scho- harie grit. [Si* rude, rough.] textile, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. woven, like a web.] thoas, Hall, 1862,15th Reg.Rep., Schoharie grit. [Kty. mythological name.] tityrus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] transversum, S. \. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quae. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. from the transverse lines on the shell.] trentonense, see Cvrtoceras trentonense. turbidum, Half & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. dis- ordered.] typus, Saemann, as identified by Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Marcellus shale. [Sig type of the genus.] undulalum., Owen, 1840, Rep. on Min. Landft Niagara Gr. [Sig. wavy.] The name was preoccupied by Sowerby in 1812. undulostriatum, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. wavy-lined.] unionense, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] varro, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name] velox, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Chazy Gr. [Sig. fitted for motion.] 178 CEPHALOPODA. vertebrate, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. This name was preoc- cupied by Schlotheim in 1820, and by Eichwald in 1840. veterator, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Cal- ciferous Gr. [Sig. old.] vindobonense, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] virgatum, (?) Sowerbv, 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst., (Hall, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2,) Niagara Gr. [Sig. rod-like.] virgulatum, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y, vol. 2, Clinton & Niagara Gr. [Sig. like a small rod.] vittatum, Sandberger. Not American, vulgatum, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Sig. common.] whitii, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat.' Sci., Kinderhook Gr. [Ety. proper name.] winchelli, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] woodworthi, McChesney, 1861, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] xerxes, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] xiphias, Billings, 1857, Rep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Sig. having a point like a sword.] Phragmoceras, Broderip, 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst. [Ety. phragmos, a partition; keras, a horn.] byronense, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ellipticum, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. ellip- tical.] expansum, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. ex- panded.] hector, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., Guelph Gr. [Etv. proper name.] nestor, Half, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] parvum, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. small.] prsetnaturum, Billings, 1866, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. premature.] spiniyci^m, see Gyroceras spinosum. walshi, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] . Piloceras, Salter, 1859, Quar. Psur. Geo. Soc, vol. 15. [Ety. pilum, a pounder or pestle; keras, a horn.] canadense, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. and Geol.. vol. 5, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gracile, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Sig. slender.] triton, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] wortheni, Billings, 18«5, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Polycroniles haani, Troost, 1840, 5th Geo. Rep. Tenn., Devonian. Not clearly defined, but probably a Gyroceras. Pteronautilus, Meek, 1864, Pal. of Up. Mo. [Ety. pteron, a wing ; Nautilus, a genus of shells.] seebachanus, Geinitz, (Nautilus seebach- anus) Carb. und Dyas, Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] S.erichxites, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic. [Ety. sairo, to show the teeth ; ichnos, a footstep.] The author sup- posed the tracks might have been made by a species of Cephalopoda, abruptus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. from the more abrupt termination and deeper impression at one end than the other.] Solenocheilus, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 20. [Ety. solen, a channel ; cheilos, a lip.] capax, Meek & Worthen, 1865, (Crypto- ceras capax) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. large.] collectum, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc- Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. gathered together.] leidyi, Meek & Worthen, 1865, (Nautilus leidyi) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Spirula, Lamarck, 1801, Syst. An. sans Vert. mortoni, Troost, 1840, 5th Geo. Rep. Tenn., Niagara Gr. Not clearly defined. Streptoceras, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic. [Ety. streptos, twisted; keras, horn.] heros, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] janus, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Niagara G r . [Ety. proper name.] Temmocheilus, McCoy, 1844, Synop. Carb. Foss. Ireland. [Ety. temno, I divide; cheilos, a lip.] coxanum, Meek & Worth on, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] latum, Meek &Worthen,1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. wide.] niotense, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] peramplum, Meek & Worthen, 1865, (en- dolobus peramplus) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chester Gr. [Sig. very large.] spectabile, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Nau- tilus spectabilis) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chester Gr. [Sig. showy, worth seeing.] winslowi, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] V CEPHALOPODA. 179 Trematodiscus, Meek & Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. [Ety. trema, a hole; diskos, a quoit.] altidorsalis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. high- backed.] discoidalis, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 33, 2d series, Marshall Gr. [Sig. discoidal.] meekanus, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] planidorsalis, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Sig. smooth-backed.] striatulus, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Sig. small-channeled.] strigatus, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. grooved.] trigonus, Winchell, 1862, Am. Jour. Sci., 2nd series, vol. 33, Marshall Gr. [Sig. three-cornered.] trisulcatus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. three-furrowed.] Trochoceras, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2. [Ety. trochos, a hoop; keras, a horn.] This name was proposed by Barrande at about the same time, baeri, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bannisteri, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, (Gy- roceras bannisteri) Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clio, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Etv. mvthological name.] costatum, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. of Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. ribbed.] desplainense, McChesney, 186 0, New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] discoideum, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Sig. disc-like.] eugenium, Hall, 1861, 14th Reg. Rep., Schoharie grit. [Etv. proper name.] gebhardi, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline Gr. [Ety. proper name.] incipiens, Barrande, 1869, Syst. Sil. de Boh., 4me ser., Quebec Gr. [Sig. beginning.] notum, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. well known.] obliquatum, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. bent.] pandion, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] turbinatum, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline Gr. [Sig. top-shaped.] waldronense, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep. N.Y., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Trocholites, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. Irockos, a hoop; lithos, stone.] ammonius, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y., Trenton, Utica & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] planorbiformis, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phil., Utica and Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Planorbis.] CLASS LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. FAMILY AMBONYCHIIDJS. — Ambonychia, Anomalodonta, Eopteria, Euchasma, Limoptera, Mytilarca. FAMILY ANATINIDiE. — Allorisma, Amphicoelia, Anatina, Chsenomya, Chsenocardia, Clinopistha, Cuneamya, Dexiobia, Ilionia, Leptodomus, Promacrus, Prothyris, Sedgwickia. FAMILY ARCIDiE. — Carbonarca, Dystactella, Macrodon, Megalomus, Megambonia, Ptychodesma, Solenomya, Tellinomya. FAMILY AVICULIDiE. — Actinodesma, Avicula, Aviculopinna, Bakevellia, Entolium, Eucbondria, Gervillia, Inoceramus, Leiopteris, Monopteria, Monotis, Posidonia, Posidonomya, Pseudomonotis. FAMILY CARDIIDvE. — Cardiola, Cardiopsis, Cardium, Conocardium, Lunulacardium. FAMILY CARDIOMORPHID^E.— Cardiomorpha, Edmondia. FAMILY CYPRINIDiE.— Astarte, Astartella, Cardinia, Cleidophorus, Cycloconcha, Cypricardella, Cypricai'dia, Cypricardinia, Cypricardites, Isocardia, Matheria, Pleurophorus. FAMILY CYTHERODONTID.E.— Cytherodon, Schizodus. FAMILY GRAMMYSIDyE.— Grammysia. FAMILY LUC1NID,E.— Axinus, Lucina, Paracyclas. FAMILY MODIOMORPHID.E.— Goniopbora, Modiomorpha. FAMILY MYACIDJS.— Anthracoinya. FAMILY MYTILID^E. — Anodontopsis, Anthracoptera, Lithopbaga, Modiola, Modiolop- sis, Myalina, Mytilus. FAMILY NUCULIDiE.— Nucula, Nuculana, Nuculites, Pyrenomceus, Yoldia. FAMILY NYASSID^.— Nyassa. FAMILY ORTHONOTID^.-Orthodesma, Orthonota. FAMILY OSTREIDiE.— Lima, Ostrea, Placunopsis. FAMILY PALANATINID.E.-Palanatina. FAMILY PECriNIDiE.— Aviculopecten, Lyriopecten, Pernopecten, Streblopteria. FAMILY PHOLADELLID/E.— Cimitaria, Palteoneilo, Pholadella, Phthonia. FAMILY PINNIID^E.— Pinna, Pinnopsis. FAMILY PTERINIID/E.— Pterinea, Pteronites, Pteronitella.' FAMILY SANGULNOLITILLE.— Sanguinolites. FAMILY SOLENID,E.— Solen, Solenopsis. FAMILY TELLINID,E.— Sanguinolaria, Tellinopsis. FAMILY TRIGONIID^E.— Dolabra, Iscbyrinia, Lyrodesma. FAMILY UNIONID^E.-Anthracosia. Actinodesma, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5. [Ety. akin, a beam ; desma, a ligament. ] crueiforme, Conrad, 1841, (Avicula cruci- formisi Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. cross-sbaped.] erectum, Conrad, 1842, (Avicula erecta) Jour. Acad. Nat. ScL, vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. erect.] Allorisma, King, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 14. [Ety. alios, variable; ereisma, support, expressive of the va- riable nature of the cartilage support or fulcrum.] altirostrata, see Sedgwickia altirostrata. antiqua, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. ancient.] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 181 ^ capax, Newberry, 1861, Ives' Col. Ex. Exped., Coal Meas. [Sig. capacious, large.] clavata, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Chester Gr. [Sig. club-shaped.] cooped, see Chsenomya cooperi. costata, Meek & Worth en, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. ribbed.] cuneata, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Mid. Coal Meas. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] curta, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. short.] elegans, King, as identified by Geinitz. See A. geinitzi. ensiformis, Swallow, ^.860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. in the form of a sword.] geinitzi, Meek, 1S67, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 44, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] granosa, Shumard, 1858, (Leptodomus granosus) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. full of grains.] hannibalensis, see Grammysia hannibal- ensis. hybrida, Meek & Worthen, 1865, (Chae- nomya hybrida) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. a hybrid.] lanceolata, Swallow, 1858, Trans.'St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. spear- shaped.] lata, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Mid. Coal Meas. [Sig. broad.] leavenworthensis, see Chsenomya leaven- worthensis. marionensis, White, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] minnehaha, see Chsenomya minnehaha. pleuropistha, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Waverly Gr. [Ety. ■pleuron, the side ; opisthe, behind.] reflexa, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. turned back.] sinuata, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Chester Gr. [Sig. wavy.] subcuneata, Meek & Havd'en, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat wedge-shaped.] subelegans, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat elegant.] terminalis, Hall, 1852, Stans. Ex. to Gt, Salt Lake, Coal Meas. [Sig. terminal.] ventricosa, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Waverly Gr. LSig. bulging out.] winchelli, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.,' Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Amboxychia, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. [Ety. ambon, the boss of a shield; onyx, a claw or talon.] acutirostra, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. acute-beaked.] alata, see Anomalodonta alata. amygdalina, see Cypricardites amygda- linus» aphsea, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] attenuata, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. diminished, drawn out,] bellistriata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, frenton Gr. [Sig. beautifully striated.] cancellosa, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. made crosswise, like net work.] carinata, Goldfuss, 1826, (Pterinea carin- ata) Germ. Petref., Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. keeled.] casii, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] costata, James, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. ribbed.] erecta, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Tren- ton Gr. [Sig. erect, straight.] illinoisensis, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Rep. 111., vol. 6, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] intermedia, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Galena Gr. [Sig. in- termediate, between .1. bellistriata and A. radiata. lamellosa, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. made of many thin plates.] maxima, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn. Not defined, mytiloides, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Sig. resembling a Mytilus.~\ net lecla, see Amphiecelia neglecta. nitida, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. neat, pretty.] obtmu, see Cypricardites obtusus. orbicularis, Emmons, 1842, (Pterinea or- bicularis) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Trenton Gr. [Sig. orb-shaped.] planistriata, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. plane-striated.] radiata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y, vol. 1, Trenton, Hud. Riv. Gr. & Mid. Sil. [Sig. radiated.] struecostata, see Pterinea striaecostata. superba, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. superb, large and fine.] swanana, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn. Not defined, undata, Emmons, 1842, (Pterinea undata) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. wa\v.] Amphiccelia, Hall, 1868, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. amphi, both ; koilos, hollow.] costata, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. ribbed.] leidyi, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] neglecta, McChesney, 1861, (Ambonychia neglecta) Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. neglected, overlooked.] Anatina, Lamarck, 1809, Phil. Zool. [Ety. pertaining to the duck, or like the duck's bill.] 182 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. leda, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] sinuata, see Ilionia sinuata. Anodontopsis, McCoy, 1851, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd series, vol. 7. [Ety. from the resemblance to the shells of the genus Anodonta.~\ (?) milleri, Meek, 1871, Am. Jour. Sci., 3rd series, vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] (?) unionoides, Meek, 1871, Am. Jour. Sci., 3rd series, vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. like a Unio.~\ This species is probably a Modiolopsis. ventricosa, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Sig. bulging out.] Anomalodonta, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 1. [Sig. anom- alous-toothed.] alata, Meek, 1872, (Ambonychia alata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. winged.] gigantea, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour; Sci., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. very large.] Anthracomya, Salter, 1861, Mem. Geo. Sur. Gr, Brit. [Ety. anthrax, coal; Mya, a genus of shells.] angulata, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites angu- lata) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the angular outline of the posterior extremity.] arenacea, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites are- nacea) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the arenaceous shale.] carbonaria, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites car- bonaria) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the Coal Measures.] elongata, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites elon- gata) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the elongation laterally.] lsevis, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites lsevis) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Sig. smooth.] obtusa, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites obtusa) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the obtuse anterior end.] ovalis, Dawson, 1860, (Naiadites ovalis) Acadian Geology, Coal Meas. [Sig. oval.] Anthracoptera, Salter, 1862, Mem. Geo. Sur. Gr. Brit. [Ety. anthrax, coal; pteron, a wing.] carbonaria, see Anthracomya carbonaria. fragilis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. easily broken.] hems, see Anthracomya lsevis. Area, Linne, 1758. This genus is unknown in the palaeozoic rocks. carbonaria, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3. See Macrodon carbonarius. cuspidata, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] modesta, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. modest, small.] striata, Schlotheim, as identified by Geinitz, is Macrodon tenuistriatus. punctifera, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carb. [Sig. bearing dots.] The name was preoccupied by Deshayes in his work, 1824-1836. Anthracosia, King, 1844, in Mag. Nat. Hist. [Ety. anthrax, coal.] bradorica, Dawson, 1868. Acad. Geol., Carb. [Ety. proper name.] Astarte, Sowerby, 1818, Min. Conch., vol. 2. [Ety. mythological name.] mortonensis, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nebrascensis, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in I^b., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] sublextilis, see Cardiomorpha subtextilis. Astartella, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa. [Ety. diminutive of Astarte.'] concentrica, McChesney, 1860,(Edmondia concentrica) Descr. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. from the concentric wrinkles or folds.] newberryi, Meek, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] varica, McChesney, 1860, Descr. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. straddling.] vera, Hall, 1858, Geo. Rep. Iowa, Coal Meas. [Sig. true, genuine.] Avicula, Klein, 1753, Ostrac. [Ety. avicula, a little bird.] acanthoptera, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Ety. akantha, a spine ; pteron, a wing.] acosta, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. without ribs.] The correct etymology would make this word incosta. seqwUatera, see Aviculopecten sequilaterus. sequiradiata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having equal radiating striae.] sesopus, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Up. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] angustirostra, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Up. Sil. [Sig. narrow- beaked.] antiqua, see Bakevellia antiqua. armaria. Not American, aviformis, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Sil. [Sig. bird-like:'] bella, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Devonian. [Sig. beautiful.] bellula, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. quite beautiful.] boydi, see Pterinea boydi. chemungensis, see Pterinea chemungensis. circulus, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. a circle.] communis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. a common form.] cooperensis, see Entolium cooperense. corrugata, James, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] cruciformis, see Actinodesma truciforme. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 183 custa, (a misprint) see Eumicrotis curta. damnoniensis, Sowerby, as identified in the early N. Y. Reports, see Pteronites chemungensis. decussata, Hall, 1843, see Pteronites de- cussatus. Not Minister, 1834. demissa, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. hang- ing down.] desquamata, see Obolella desquamata. elliptica, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. elliptical.] emacerata, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Clinton & Niagara Gr. [Sig. made thin.] erecta, see Actinodesma erecta. ferruginea, Conrad, 1848, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, Up. Sil. [Sig. rusty.] flabella, see Pterinea flabellum. fragilis, see Aviculopecten fragilis. The name was preoccupied bv DeFrance. " rdi, Conrad, 1841, Ann." Rep. N. Y., Oriskany sandstone. [Ety. proper name.] hermione, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] honeymani, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Sil. [Ety. proper name.] insueta, Emmons, 1842, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Hud. Riv. and Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. un- usual.] 1-sevis, see Pteronites leevis. leptonota, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Disk N. Y., Clinton Gr. [Ety. leptos, slen- der; notos, back.] limiformis, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline limestone. [Sig. resembling the genus Lima.] longa, Geinitz, 1866, (Gervillia longa) Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. long.] longispina, see Pterinea longispina. magna, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Sig. large.] manticula, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. a little wallet.] morganensis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, (Pterinea morganensis) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] multilineata, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Sig. many-lined.] muricata, see Pteronites muricatus. naviformis, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat, Sci., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. boat- shaped.] obliquata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. oblique, slant- ing.] oblonga, see Aviculopecten oblongus. obscura, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. obscure.] orbicularis, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol, 25, 2d ser.,Coal Meas. The name was preoccupied by Sowerby in 1839. orbicidata, Hall, 1843, see Lyriopecten or- bicularis. orbiculata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. orbicular.] parilis, see Aviculopecten parilis. pauciradiata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. few-rayed.] pectiniformis, see Aviculopecten pectini- formis. perobliqua, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. very oblique.] pleuroptera, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. side- winged.] protexta, see Pterinea protexta. quadnda, see Pterinea quadruln. rectalaterarea, see Aviculopecten rectila- terarius. recticosta, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Oriskany sandstone. [Sig. having straight cos tee.] rhomboidea, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. lozenge-shaped.] rugosa, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y., Water Lime Gr. The name was preoccupied by Munster in 1826. scoharise, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] securiformis, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline limestone. [Sig. axe- shaped.] securiformis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3. This name was preoccupied, semielliptica, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. half-elliptical.] shawneensis, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] shumardi, see Entolium shumardi. signata, see Aviculopecten signatus. speciosa, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Portage Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] spinigera, see Pteronites spinigerus. spinulifera, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. bearing spines.] subaequilatera, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat equal-sided.] subfalcata, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat sickle- shaped.] subplana, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. somewhat flat.] subquadrans, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Up. Sil. [Sig. some- what squared.] mbrecta, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Corralline limestone. See Pterinea subrecta, subrecta, Hall, 1852. See Aviculopecten subrecta. sulcata, Geinitz, 1866, (Gervillia sulcata) Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. If this form is properly referred to the genus Avicula, then the name was preoccupied by Reuss in 1843. 184 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. tenuilamellata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. very thin- plated.] textilis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. woven.] textilis var. arenaria, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. sandy.] trentonensis, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tricostata, Yanuxem, 1842, Geo. Pep. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. three-ribbed.] trilobata, Conrad. 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Up. Sil. [Sig. three-lobed.] triplistriata, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. three- lined.] triquetra, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. N. Y., Onondaga Gr. [Sig. a triangle or three-cornered figure.] triradiata, Conrad, 1842, Geo. Rep. 3rd Dist. N. Y., Portage Gr. [Sig. three- plicated.] tuberculata, .Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. tubercu- lated.] umbonata, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. protuberant.] undata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. wavy.] welchi, James, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] whitii, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Aviculopecten, McCoy, 1851, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, 2nd series, vol. 7. [Ety. Aviculopecten, from the resemblance to the shells of the genera Avicula and Pecten.] acadicus, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carb. [Ety. proper name.] acutialatus, Swallow, 1858, (Avicula acu- tialata) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. sharp-winged.] eequilaterus, Hall, 1843, (Avicula sequila- tera) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. and Marcellus shale. [Sig. equal-sided.] amplus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. ■ [Sig. full, large.] armigerus, Harlan, 1835, (Pecten armige- rus) Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., Carb. [Sig. armed.] aviculatus, Swallow, 1858, (Pecten avicu- latus) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. spread out like an Avicula.'] burlingtonensis, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cancellatus, Hall, 1843, (Pecten cancel- latus) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. cancellated.] carboniferus, Stevens, 1858, (Pecten car- boniferus) Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, Coal Meas. [Sig. from the coal formation.] caroli, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clevelandicus, Swallow, 1858, (Pecten clevelandicus) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] coloradoensis, Newberry, 1861, Ives' Col. Ex. Exped., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] convexus, Hall, 1843, (Pecten convexus) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist". N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. convex.] cora, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carb. [Ety. mythological name.] coreyanus, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss. [Ety. proper name.] coxanus, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] crassicostatus, Hall, 1872, 24th Beg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. thick-ribbed.] crenistriatus, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. 'Nat. Sci. Phil., Waverly Gr. [Sig. having crenulated strise.] debertanus, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] dolabriformis, Hall, 1843, (Pecten (?) dolabriformis) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. resembling a mattock or pick axe.] duplicatus, Hall, 1843, (Pecten duplicatus) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. doubled, folded in two.] frala$.~\ plana, Hall, 1801, Geo. Rep. Wis., Tren- ton Gr. [Sig. smooth.] primigenia, Conrad, 1838, (Unio primi- genius) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Medina sandstone. [Sig. first-born.] recta, Hall, 1807, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. straight.] rhomboidea, Hall, 1800, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Up. Sil. [Sig. rhomboidal.] rudis, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Sil. [Sig. rude.] striata, Billings, 1800, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. striated.] subalata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton & Niagara Gr. [Sig. some- what winged.] subcarinata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. somewhat cari- nated.] subnasuta, Hall, 1800, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Up. Sil. [Sig. somewhat nasute.] mbnamta, Meek & Worthen, 1870. This name was preoccupied. subspatulata, Hall, 1847. See Cypricar- dites subspatulatus. superba, Hall, 1801, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. grand.] terminalis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. terminating.] trentonensis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name] truncata, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y, vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. cut short.] undulostriata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y, vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. having waved stricG 1 varia, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. different.] versaillesensis, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Modiomorpha, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. contracted from Modiola, a genus of shells; morphe, form.] alta, Conrad, 1841, (Cypricardites alta) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Ety. from the elevation of the hinge margin.] alata, Hall, 1843, (Cypricardites alata) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. winged.] 196 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. angustata, Vanuxem, 1842, (Cvpricardites angustata) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Catskill Gr. [Sig. narrowed.] catskillensis, Vanuxem, 1842, (Cypricar- dites catskillensis) Geo. Rep. N. Y., Catskill Gr. [Ety. proper name.] complanata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. smooth.] concentrica, Conrad, 1838, (Cypricardites concentrica) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. marked with con- centric lines.] cymbula, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a small boat.] hyalea. Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] inornata, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Sig. unadorned.] macilenta, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. lean, meager.] perovata, Meek & Worthen, 1865, (Modi- olopsis perovata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Ham. Gr. [Sig. very ovate.] planulata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. flattened.] ponderosa, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. large.] quadrula, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. a small square.] subalata, Conrad, 1841, (Cypricardites subalata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat winged.] Monoptekia, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 1. [Ety. monos, single ; pteron, a wing. ] gibbosa, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. gib- bous, tumid.] longispina, Cox, 1857, (Gervillia longi- spina) Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. long-spined.] marian, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] Monotis, Bronn, 1824, System Urweltlicher Konchylien. [Ety. monos, one ; ous- otos, ear.] elevata, Conrad, 1848, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, Chemung Gr. [Sig. elevated.] gregaria, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., Coal Meas., [Sig. clustered together, found in flocks.] halli, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hawni, see Eumicrotis hawni. poulsoni, Conrad, 1848, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 3, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] princeps, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. primitive, original.] radialis, Phillips, 1834, (Pecten radialis) Permian Gr. See Pseudomonotis radialis. radians, Conrad, 1842, (Pterinea radians) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. radiating.] speluncaria, Schlotheim, 1816, (Gryphites speluncarius) Permian Gr. [Sig. like a cave, den, or hole in a rock.] variabilis, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. varia- ble, changing.] Myalina, Koninck, 1844, Desc. Anim. Foss. Carb. Belg. [Ety. Mya, a genus of shells ; inns, like.] angulata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chester Gr. [Sig. angulated.] apachei, Marco u, 1858, Geol. North America, Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] aviculoides, Meek & Hayden, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Permian Gr. [Sig. like an Avicula.] aviculoides, Winchell, 1862. This name was preoccupied, concentrica, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. having concentric lines.] deltoidea, Gabb, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Carb. [Sig. like the Greek letter Delta.'] imbricaria, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. imbri- cated.] iowensis, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kansasensis, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] keokuk, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] meliniformis, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. in the form of a purse.] michiganensis, Winchell, 18 6 2, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] mytiliformis, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. like a Mytilus.'] perattenuata, Meek & Hayden, 18 62, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4. Coal Meas. [Sig. very much drawn out, attenu- ated.] permiana, Swallow, 1858, (Mytilus per- mianus) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] perniformis, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. in the form of a PernaJ] pterineseformis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. in the form of a Pterinea.] recta, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. straight.] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 197 recurvirostris, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. beaked, recurved.] squamosa, Sowerby, 1827, Trans. Geo. Soc. Lond., 2d ser., vol. 3, Permian Gr. [Sig. rough, scaly.] subquadrata, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat qua- drate.] st. ludovici, Worthen, 1873, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 5, St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name; Sanctus Ludovicus, St. Louis.] swallovi, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Mytilarca, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. from the two genera Mytilus and Area.} arenacea, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Schoharie grit. [Sig. sandy.] attenuata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. elongated.] canadensis, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] carinata, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. carinated.] chemungensis, Conrad, 1842, (Inoceramus chemungensis) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cordiformis, Hall, 1859, (Megambonia cor- diformis) Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. heart-shaped.] fibristriata, White & Whitfield, 1862, (Mytilus fibristriatus) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. fibre-lined.] mytilimeris, Conrad, 1842, (Inoceramus mvtilimeris) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. Mytilus a genus of shells; meros, a part.] nitida, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Sig. neat, pretty.] occidentalis, White & Whitfield, 1862, (Mytilus occidentalis) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. western.] oviformis, Conrad, 1842, (Inoceramus oviformis) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. egg-shaped.] ponderosa, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. large, heavy.] radiata, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. radiated.] sigillum, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niag- ara Gr. [Sig. a seal.] triquetra, Conrad, 1838, (Pterinea tri- quetra) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. a triangle.] Mytilus, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed. [Ety. Mytilus, the fish mussel.] This genus does not, so far as known, ex- ist in palaeozoic rocks. Most of the species referred to it belong to the genus Myalina. concavus, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. con- cave.] fibrhtratus, see Mvtilarca fibristriata. occidentalis, see Mytilarca occidentalis. ottawensis, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] permianus, see Myalina permiana. squamosus, Sowerby, 1839, Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. 4, Permian Gr. [Sig. rough, scaly.] tenuiradiatus, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. slender-rayed.] whitfieldanus, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Prof. Hall suggests that this is a syn. for Mytilarca fibris- triata. Naiadites, Dawson, 1860, Acad. Geol., but not defined. The name was used for a gentis of plants by Buckman in 1843. The fossils were defined by Salter in 1861, under the name of Anthracomya. angulata, see Anthracomya angulata. arenaceus, see A. arenacea. carbonarius, see A. carbonaria. elongata, see A. elongata. , Ixvis, see A. lsevis. obtusa, see A. obtusa. oralis, see A. ovalis. Nucula, Lamarck, 1815, Hist. Nat. des An. sans Vert. [Ety. nucula, a little nut.] anodontoides, Meek, 1871, Reg. Rep. Uni- versity W. Va., Coal Meas. [Sig. like an Anodonta.] arata, Hall, 1852, Stansbury's Ex. to Gr. Salt Lake, Coal Meas. [Sig. furrowed.] bellatula, syn. for N. bellistriata. bellistriata, Conrad, 1841, (Nuculites bellistriatus) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. beautifully striated.] beyrichia, Schlotheim, as identified by Geinitz. See Nucula parva. corbuliformis, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. & Chemung Gr. [Sig. resembling a Corbula.} cylindricus, syn. for Cardiomorpha mis- souriensis. donaciformis see Tellinomya donaciformis. fabula, see Cleidophorus fabula. hians, Hall, 1860, 13th Reg. Rep., Ham. Gr. [Sig. gaping.] houghtoni, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] hubbardi, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. Syn. for Nu- culites sulcatinus. iowensis, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kazanensis, as identified by Geinitz is Nu- culana bellistriata. levata, see Tellinomya levata. lineata, see Tellinomya lineata. 198 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. lineolata, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Portage Gr. [Sig. marked with small lines.] lirata, Conrad, 1842, (Nuculites liratus) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. furrowed.] machierseformis, see Tellinomya machse- rseformis. mactrseformis, see Tellinomya mactne- formis. merceremis, syn. for Cardiomorpha mis- souriensis. microdonta, Winchell, 18G3, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. small- toothed.] minuta, Owen, 1840, Rep. on Min. Lands, Devonian. The name was preoccu- pied by De France in 182"). nasuta, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. nasute.] neda, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name] niotica, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] obliqua, see Tellinomya obliqua. oblonga, see Cleidophorus oblongus. parva, McChesney, 1860, New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. small.] poststriata, see Lyrodesma poststriatum. randalli, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. and Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rectangula, McChesney, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. rectan- gular.] sectoralis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. like a sector.] shumardana, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Stella, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. a star.] subnasuta, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat nasute.] varicosa, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. varicose.] ventricosa, Hall, 1858, Geo. Sur. Iowa, Coal Meas. [Sig. bulging out.] Nuculana, Link, 1807, Rost. Samml., vol. 3. [Ety. like a shell of the genus Nu- cula.'] bellistriata, Stevens, 1858, (Leda bellis- triata) Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. beautifully striated.] bellistriata var. attenuata, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. drawn out, attenuated.] brevirostris, Hall, 1870, (Leda (?) brevi- rostris) Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. short-beaked.] curta, Meek, 1861, (Leda curta) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. short.] dens-mamillata, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. having mammillated teeth.] nuculiformis, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Ety. from the resemblance to Nucula.] pandoriformis, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Pandora.} saccata, Winchell, 1863. (Leda saccata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. like a little bag.] vaseyana, McChesney, 1860, (Nuculites vaseyana) Desc. New Pal. Foss., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Nuculites, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. Nucula, a genus of shells.] altus, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Devonian. [Sig. high.] appressus, see Cytherodon appressus. bellislriatus, see Nucula bellistriata. carinatus, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Up. Sil. [Sig. keeled.] cJiemungcnsis, see Schizodus chemungensis. concentricus, Conrad, 1842, J.our. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Coal Meas. [Sig. concentric] constrictus, see Palreoneilo constricta. cuneiformis, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham Gr. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] emargiuatus, see Palaxmeilo emarginata. faba, see Modiolopsis faba. filosus, see Palseoneilo filosa. inflatus, see Cypricardinia inflata. lamellosus, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y., Up. Sil. [Sig. having lamellae] liratus, see Nucula lirata. mactroides, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Carb. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Mactra.~\ maxima, see Palaeoneilo maxima, multilineatus, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. many- lined.] nyssa, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] oblongus, see Cleidophorus oblongus. oblongatus, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. oblong.] planulatus, see Cleidophorus planulatus. poststriata, see Lyrodesma poststriatum. radiatus, see Pholadella radiata. rostellatus, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. little-beaked.] scitula, syn. for Cleidophorus planulatus. subemarginata, see Tellinopsis subemargi- nata. sulcatinus, Conrad, 1842, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Low. Carb. [Sig. furrowed.] triqueter, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. triangular.] vaseyana, see Nuculana vaseyana. Nyassa, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. proper name.] arguta, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. clearly marked.] elliptica, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. ellipticaUJ LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. recta, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. from the straight umbonal ridge.] subalata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat winged.] Opisthoptera, Meek. Not defined. Orthodesma, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2. [Ety. ortfws, straight; desma, a ligament.] contractum, Hall, 1847, (Orthonota con- tracta) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. contracted.] curvatum, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. curved.] parallelum, Hall, 1847, (Orthonota paral- lel) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. parallel.] rectum, Hall & Whitfield,1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. straight.] Orthonota Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. ortJws, straight; notos, the back.] angulifera, (?) McCoy, 1850, Brit, Pal. Rocks, Up. Sil. [Sig. having angles.] carinata, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. keeled.] contmcta, see Orthodesma contractum. curta, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist, N. Y., Clinton and Niagara Gr. [Sig. short,] ensiformis, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. ensi- form.] incerta, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Sil. [Sig. doubtful.] parallda, see Orthodesma parallelum. parvula, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. very small.] phaselia, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. a kid- ney bean.] pholadis, Conrad, 1838, (Pterinea phola- dis) Ann. Geo. Rep. N. Y., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Pholas.-] rectidorsalis, AVinchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. straight- backed.] siliquoidea, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. like a pod.] simulans, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Sil. [Sig. resembling.] (?) speciosa, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Sil. [Sig. beautiful.] undulata, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. wavy.] venusta, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Up. Sil. [Sig. elegant.] Ostrea, Linmeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed. [Ety. ostrea, an oyster.] patercula, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Palxarca, syn. for Cypricardites. saffordi, see Cypricardites saffordi. ventrfcosa, see Cypricardites veutricosus Pal^ocardia, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y. [Ety. palaois, ancient; kardia, a heart.] cordiformis, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. heart-shaped.] Pal^oneilo, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. palaios ancient ; Neilo, a genus of shells.] attenuata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, AVaverly Gr. [Sig. attenuated. ] barrisi, White & Whitfield, 1862, (Leda barrisi) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bedfordensis, Meek, 1875, Pal. Ohio, vol. 2, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bisulcata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. double-sul- cated.] brevis, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. short.] carbonaria, see Yoldia carbonaria. constricta, Conrad, 1842, (Nuculites con- stricta) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Sig. constricted.] emarginata, Conrad, 18 41, (Nuculites emarginata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. emarginated.] filosa, Conrad, 1842, (Nuculites filosa) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr, [Sig. thready.] fcecunda, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. abundant.] maxima, Conrad, 1841, (Nuculites max- ima) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. the largest.] muta, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. inconspicuous.] parallela, Hall, 1870, 23rd Reg. Rep. N. Y., Waverly Gr. [Sig. parallel.] perplana, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. very flat.] plana, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. flat.] tenuistriata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. fine- lined.] Pal.eanatina, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. palaios, ancient; Anatina, a genus of shells.] The family name at the head of this class should be spelled Pabeanatinidsc in- stead of PalanatinicUe. quadrata, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. quadrate.] typus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Ety. the type of the genus.] Panopxa, Menard de la Groye, 1807, Ann. du Mus. 9. [Ety. mythological name.] cooperi, see Chsenomya cooperi. Paracvclas, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y. [Ety. para, allied to ; Cyclas, a genus of shells.] elliptica, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Comif. Gr. [Sig. elliptical,] 200 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. elliptica var. occidentalis, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig western.] lirata, Conrad, 1838, (Posidonia lirata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Corniferous Gr [Sig. furrowed.] ohioensis, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phil., Cornif. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sabini, White, 1876, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Pectcn, Mueller, 1776. This genus is un- known in the Palaeozoic rocks. acxdialatus, see Aviculopecten acutialatus. armigerus, see A. armigerus. aviculatm, see A. aviculatus. broadfieadi, syn. for Aviculopecten car- bon if er us. cancdlatus, see Aviculopecten cancellatus. carboniferus, see A. carboniferus. clevelartdicus, see A. clevelandicus. cohradoensis, see A. coloradoensis. convexus, see A. convexus. crenulatus, see Pernopecten crenulatus. dolabriformis, see Aviculopecten dolabri- formis. duplicatus, see A. duplicatus. hatti, see A. halli. havmi, syn. for A. carboniferus. missouriensis, see A. missouriensis. neglectus, see A. neglectus. occidentalis, see A. occidentalis. providencensis, see A. providencensis. radialis, see Pseudomonotis radialis. ringens, see Aviculopecten ringens. striatus, see A. striatus. [ata. tenuilineatus, see Streblopteria tenuiline- utahensis, see Aviculopecten utahensis. Pernopecten, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. [Ety. from the shells Perna and Pecten.] crenulatus, Hall, 1843, (Pecten crenula- tus) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Che- mung Gr. [Sig. crenulated.] fasciculatus, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. fasciculated.] glaber, Hall, 1843, (Lima glaber) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. smooth.] limiformis, White & Whitfield, 1862, (Aviculopecten limaformis) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, St. Louis Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Lima."] limatus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. polished.] obsoletus, Hall, 1843, (Lima obsoleta) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Sig. obsolete.] shumardanus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Kinderhook Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pholadella, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. diminutive of the recent genus Photos.] cuneata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. wedge- shaped.] newberryi, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, WaverlyGr. [Ety. proper name.] ornata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. orna- mented.] radiata, Conrad, 1842, (Nuculites radiata) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. radiated.] truncata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. truncated.] Phthonia, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, nodicostata, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. from the nodes on the costa;.] sectifrons, Conrad, 1842, (Cypricardites sectifrons) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Sig. having a divided front.] Pinna, Linmeus, 1758, Syst. Nat, 10th Ed. [Ety. pinna, a feather.] adamsi, syn. for Pinna peracuta. binrichsana, White & St. John, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] marshallensis, Winchell, 1865, Proc.Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missouriensis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] peracuta, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St.Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. very acute.] subspatulata, Worthen, 1875, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. some- what spatulate or blade-shaped.] Pinnopsis, syn. for Lunulacardium. acutirostra, see Lunulacardium acutirost- rum. ornatus, see Lunulacardium ornatum. Placunopsis, Morris & Lycett, 1853, Monogr. Foss. Great Oolite. [Ety. Placuna, a genus of shells; opsk, resemblance.] carbonaria, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. pertaining to coal.] recticardinalis, Meek, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. straight on the cardinal line.] Pleurophorus, King, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 14. [Ety. pleuron, a rib ; phoros, bearing.] angulatus, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. angulated.] calhouni, Meek & Hayden, 1858, (Ed- monia calhouni) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] costatiformis, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. like P. costatus.] oblongus, Meek, 1872, Pal. E. Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. oblong.] occidentalis, Meek & Hayden, 1862, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. western.] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 201 pallasi, as identified by Geinitz, is P. oblongus. permianus, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] quadricostatus, Dawson, 18G8, Acad. Geo., Carboniferous. [Sig. four-ribbed.] simplus, as identified by Geinitz, is P. subcuneatus. subcostatus, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat costated.] subcuneatus, Meek & Harden, 1858,Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Permian Gr. [Sig. somewhat wedge-shaped.] (?) subellipticus, Meek, 1867, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 4-i, Coal Meas. [Sig. some- what elliptical.] tropidophorus, Meek, 1875, 'Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. keel- bearing.] Pleurorhynchns, Phillips, syn. for Conocar- dium. attenuatus, see Conocardium attenuatum. crassifrons, see Conocardium crassifrons. cuneus, see Conocardium cuneus. trigonalis, see Conocardium trigonale. vomer, see Conocardium vomer. PoeiDONiA, Bronn, 1824, Syst. Urweltlicher Konchvlien. [Etv. proper name.] alata, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Clinton Gr. [Sig. winged.] aiveQta, see Grammysia alveata. arcuata, see Grammysia arcuata. clathrata, Lea, 1852, Jour. Acad. Nat. 8d., 2d ser., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. latticed.] distans, Lea, 1852, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d ser., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. dis- tant.] Urata, see Paracyclas lirata. moorei, Gabb, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] perstriata, Lea, 1852, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. closely lined.] Posidonomya, Bronn, 1837, Leth. Geogn. [Ety. Poseidon, a proper name ; Mya, a genus of shells.] ambigua, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] fracta, Meek, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. frail, easily broken.] mesambonata, Winchell, 18 62, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. mesos, middle; ambon, umbone.] rhomboidea. Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. rhomboidal.] romingeri, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat-. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] striata, Stevens, 1858, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, Coal Meas. [Sig. striated.] whiteana, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad.Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pkomacrus, Meek, 1871. [Ety. pro, forward; makros, long.] andrewsi, Meek, 1871, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. 7, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missouriensis, see Sanguinolites missouri- ensis. nasutus, see Sanguinolites nasutus. Pkothyris, Meek, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. [Ety. pro. forward ; thyris, an orifice.] elegans, Meek, 1871, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. 7, Coal Meas. [Sig. elegant.] meeki, Winchell, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pseudomoxotis, Beyrich, 1862, Zeit. der Deutsch., Geol. Gesselsch., vol. 14. [Ety. pseucbs, false; Monotis, a genus of shells.] curta, Hall, 1852, (Avicula custa, a typo- graphical error) Stansbury'sEx. Ex. to Gt.Salt Lake, Coal Meas. [Sig. short.] hawni, Meek & Hayden, 1858, (Monotis hawni) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] hawni var. ovata, Meek & Hayden, 1865, (Eumicrotis hawni var. ovata) Pal. Up. Mo., Permian Gr. [Sig. ovate.] hawni var. sinuata, Meek & Worthen, 1866, (Eumicrotis hawni var. sinuata) Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2, Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. sinuated.] radialis, (?) Phillips, 1834, (Pecten radi- alis) Encyc. Meth., vol. 4, Coal Meas. [Sig. radiated.] Ptekixea, Goldfuss, 1826, Germ. Petref. [Ety. pteron, a wing.] appressa, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. pressed together.] arenacea, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. sandy.] bellilineata, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic. Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beautifully lined.] bisulcata, see Grammysia bisulcata. brisa, Hall, 1867, 20th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. pressed.] boydi, Conrad, 1842, (Avicula boydi) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cardiiformis, see Megambonia cardiiformis. cardinata, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. hinged.] carinata, Goldfuss, see Ambonychia cari- nata. chemungensis, Conrad, 1842, (Avicula chemungensis) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] concentrica, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. concentrically lined.] cuneata, see Sanguinolites cuneatus. curiosa, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. curious.] cyrtodontoides, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Cyrtodonta.] flabellum, Conrad, 1842, (Avicula flabella) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Up. Held, and Ham. Gr. [Sig. a little fan.] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. longispina, Hall, 1843, (Avicula longi- spina) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N.Y., Ham. and Chemung Gr. [Sig. long-spined.] modiolaris, see Modiolopsis modiolaris. morganensis, see Avicula morganensis. orbicularis, see Ambonychia orbicularis. pholadis, see Orthonota pholadis. planulata, see Cypricardinia planulata. prolifica, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. abundant.] protexta, Conrad, 1842,( Avicula protexta) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Sig. closely- woven.] punctulata, Conrad, 1838, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. marked with small dots.] pygmsea, see Cypricardinia pygmsea. quadrula, Conrad, 1842, (Avicula quad- rula) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a small square.] radians, see Monotis radians, revoluta, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. curled back.] striato-costata, McChesney, 1861, (Am- bonychia strieecosta) New Pal. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. striated and ribbed. ] suborbicularis, see Aviculopecten suborbi- cularis. subpapyracea, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc. Chi. Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat like papyrus.] thebesensis, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] thisbe, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] triquetra, see Mytilarca triquetra. undata, see Ambonychia undata. undulata, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. wavy.] variostriata, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Anticosti Gr. [Sig. va- riably-lined.] volans, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. winged.] Ptekonitklla, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2. [Ety. diminutive of Pteronites.] curta, Bilhngs, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. short.] oblonga, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. oblong.] venusta, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. beautiful, lovely.] Ptkronites, McCoy, 1844, Syn. Carb. Foss. Ireland. [Ety. Pteron, a wing.] (?) chemungensis, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] decussata, Hall, 1843, (Avicula decussata) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. arranged in pairs that cross each other.] gayensis, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geo., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] lsevis, Hall, 1843, (Avicula lams) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N., Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. smooth.] muricatus, Hall, 1843,(Avicula muricata) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. spiny like a Murex.] spinigerus, Conrad, 1842, (Avicula spini- gera) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, chemung Gr. [Sig. bearing spines.] subdecussata, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat like P. decussata.'] Ptychodesma, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep. [Ety. ptychos, a folding ; desma, a liga- ment or band.] knappanum, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pykenomceus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2. [Ety. pyrenos, Nucula; omoios, similar; from its resemblance in general form to the shells of the genus Nucula.] cuneatus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] Sanguinolaria, Lamarck, 1801, Syst. An. sans Vert. [Ety. Sanguinolarius, hav- ing blood.] leptogaster, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. leptos, thin ; gaster, belly.] rostrata, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. beaked.] sectoralis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. like a sector.] septentrionalis, Winchell, 1862, Proc Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. northern.] similis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. similar.] Sanguinolites, McCoy, 1844, Synop. Carb. Foss. Ireland. [Ety. Sanguinolaria, a genus of shells ; lithos, stone.] acutus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. acute.] seolus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Waverly Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] amygdalinus, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. like an almond.] arcsefornris, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Area.] borealis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. northern.] carinatus, Conrad, 1841, (Cypricardites carinata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. carinated.] chemungensis, Vanuxem, 1842, (Cypri- cardites chemungensis) Geo. Rep. N. Y., ChemungGr. [Ety. proper name.] clavulus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. a small nail.] LAMELLIBRANCHIAfA. 203 cuneatus, Conrad,1838, (Pterinea cuneata) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] cylindricus, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. cylin- drical.] flavius, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] glaucus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] Jtamiltonemis, see Goniophora hamilton- ensis. ida, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] iowensis, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] jejunus, Winchell, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. scanty, poor.] marshallensis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missouriensis, Swallow, 1860, (Solen (?) missouriensis) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] nasutus, Meek, 1871, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. 7, Low. Carb. [Sig. having a prominent nose.] obliquus, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Waverly Gr. [Sig. oblique.] perangulatus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Schoharie grit. [Sig. very angular.] ponderosus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. bulky, heavv.] rigidus, White & Whitfield, 1862, (Cypri- cardia rigidi) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. rigid.] sanduskyensis, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] solenoides, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Solen.'] strigatus, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. fur- rowed.] subtortuosus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. some- what twisted.] sulcifer, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. bearing furrows.] tethys, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. mythological name.] truncatus, Conrad, 1842, (Cypricardites truncatus) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. truncated.] undatus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. wavy.] unioniformis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Unto.] valvulus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Waverly Gr. [Sig. having small valves, a pod.] ventricosus, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Chemung and Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. ventricose.] Sciiizodus, King, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 14. [Ety. sckizo, I split ; odous, a tooth.] v amplus, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. full, large.] appressus, see Cytherodon appressus. cayuga, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chemungensis, Conrad, 1842, (Nuculites chemungensis) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chesterensis, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Chester Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cuneatus, Meek, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. wedge-shaped.] curtus, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Proc: Chi. Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. short.] ellipticus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. elliptical.] gregarius, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. gregarious.] medinaensis, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 23, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] oblatus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. oblate.] obscw-us, see Schizodus wheeled, ovatus, Meek & Hayden, 1858, (Axinus ovatus) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Permian Gr. [Sig. ovate.] perelegans, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. very elegant.] quadrangularis, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Chemung Gr. [Sig. quadrangular.] rhombeus, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells, Ham. Gr. [Sig. rhomb- shaped.] rossicus, Verneuil, 1845, Geo. Russ., vol. 2, Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] triangularis, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. triangular.] tumid us, see Cytherodon tumid us. wheeled, Swallow, 1862, (Cypricardia (?) wheeleri) Trans. St. Louis. Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Sedgwickia, McCoy, 1844, Synop. Carb. Foss. Ireland. [Ety. proper name.] altirostrata, Meek & Hayden, 1858, (Al- lorisma (?) altirostrata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. high- beaked.] (?) compressa, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acadi Nat. Sci. Phil./ Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. com- ] 204 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. concava, Meek & Hayden, 1858, (Lyonsia concava) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Coal Meas,. [Sig. concave.] divaricata, Hall & Whitfield, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. from the diverging plications.] (?) fragilis, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. frail, easily broken.] (?) neglecta, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Phil., Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. neglected, overlooked.] subarcuata, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Keokuk Gr [Sig. somewhat arched.] topekaensis, Shumard, 1858, (Leptodo- mus topekaensis) Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Solemya, Lamarck, 1818, Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert., vol. 5. See Solenomya — the correct orthography, first used by Menke, 1828, Syn. Meth. Edit. Solen, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed. [Ety. Solen, a tube or pipe.] Scalpriformis, Winch ell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. lancet- shaped.] missouriensis, see Sanguinolites missouri- ensis. permianus, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] priscus, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci., Portage Gr. [Sig. ancient.] quadrangularis, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. quadrangular.] Solenomya, Lamarck, 1818, (Solemya) Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vert., vol. 5. [Ety. from the resemblance to the two genera Solen and My a.] anodontoides, Meek, 1875, Ohio Pal., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Anodonta.] biarmica, Verneuil, 1845, Geo. Russ. and Ural Mountains, Permian Gr. This species has not been satisfactorily identified in this country, radiata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Solemya radiata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. radiated.] recurvata, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. curved backward.] soleniformis, Cox, 1857, Geo. Sur. Ky., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Solen.'] vetusta, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. ancient.] Solenopsis, McCoy, 1844, Carb. Foss. Ire- land. [Ety. Solmopsis, resembling a shell of the genus Solen.] solenoides, Geinitz, 1866, (Clidophorus solenoides) Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Solen.] Steeblopteria, McCoy, 1851, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d series, vol. 7. [Ety. streblos, turned the wrong way ; pteron, a wing.] tenuilineata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Pecten tenuilineatus) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. fine- lined.] Tellina, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed. [Ety. telline, a sort of mussel.] This genus is unknown in the palaeozoic rocks (?) ovata, Hall, 1843, Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. Syn. for Palseoneilo maxima. Tellinomya, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. [Ety. from a resemblance to the genera Tellina and My a.] abrupta, Billings, 1862, (Ctenodonta ab- rupta) Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Black River Gr. [Sig. abrupt.] sequilatera, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Coralline limestone. [Sig. equal- sided.] alta, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. high.] anatiniformis, see Pterotheca anatini- formis. . angela, Billings, 1865, (Ctenodonta an- gela) Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] angustata. Hall, I860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Low. Sil. [Sig. narrowed.] astartiformis, Salter, 1859, (Ctenodonta astartoeforaiis) Can. Org. Rem., De- cade 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. like an attenuata, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Silurian. [Sig. attenuated.] contracta, Salter, 1859, (Ctenodonta con- tracta) Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. con- curta, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clin- ton Gr. [Sig. short.] donaciformis, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y-, vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Donax.] dubia, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] elliptica, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. elliptical.] gibberula, Salter, 1859, (Ctenodonta gib- berula) Can. Org. Rem., Decade 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. a little hunch-backed.] gibbosa, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. gibbous.] hartsvillensis, Safford, 1859, (Ctenodonta hartsvillensis) Geo. of Tenn., Nash- ville Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hilli, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] inflata, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Tren- ton Gr. [Sig. inflated.] LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 205 iphigenia, Billings, 1862, (Ctenodonta iphigenia) Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Hud. Biv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lata, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clin- ton Gr. [Sig. wide.] levata, Hall, 1847, (Nucula levata) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv., Trenton and Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. smoothed.] lineata, Phillips, 1836, (Nucula lineata) Pal. Foss., Ham. Gr. [Sig. lined.] logani, Salter, 1851, (Ctenodonta logani) Rep. Brit. Assoc, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] machaeriformis, Hall, 1843,(Nucula mach- ariformis) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Clinton Gr. [Sig. sword-shaped.] mactrseformis, Hall, 1843, (Nucula mac- trseformis) Geo. Rep. 4th Dist. N. Y., Clinton Gr. [Sig. trough-like.] nasuta, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Black Riv. & Trenton Gr. [Sig. hav- ing a prominent nose.] nucleiformis, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. nut-shaped.] nuculiformis, Hall, 1847, (Modiolopsis nuculiformis) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. like a Nucula.] ohliqua, Hall, 1845, (Nucula obliqua) Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 43, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. oblique.] ovata, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. ovate.] pectunculoides, Hall, 18 71, Pamphlet, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. like a shell of the genus Pectunculus.~\ protensa, Hal), 1852, Stans. Ex. to Gt. Salt Lake, Coal Meas. [Sig. stretched out.] sanguinolarioidea, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. like Sangui- nolaria.~\ subnasuta, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat nasute.] ventricosa, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. ventricose.] Tellinopsis, Hall, 1870, Prelim. Notice Lam. shells. [Ety. tellinopsis, resembling a shell of the genus Tellina.] subemarginata, Conrad, 1"842, (Nuculites submarginatus) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Ham. Gr. [Sig. slightly emar- ginated.] Ungulina, Daudin, 1802, Bosc. Hist. Nat. Coq. 3. [Ety. ungulina, like a hoof.] suborbicularis, see Cardiomorpha suborbi- cularis. Vanuxemia, syn. for Cypricardites. bayfieldi, see Cypricardites bayfieldi. inconstans, see Cypricardites inconstans. montrealensis, see Cypricardites montreal- ensis. dixonensis, see Cypricardites dixonensis. Yoldia, Muller, 1842, Kroyer's Nat. Tid. [Ety. proper name.] carbonaria, Meek, 1871, Rep. Reg. Uni- versity W. Va., Coal Meas.- [Sig. per- taining to coal.] gibbosa, McChesney, 1859, (Leda gibbosa) Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. gibbous.] knoxensis, McChesney, 1865, (Leda knox- ensis) Expl. Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] levistriata, Meek & Worthen, 1860, (Leda levistriata) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. small-lined.] oweni, McChesney, 1860, (Leda oweni) Desc. New Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] polita, McChesney, 1859, (Leda polita) Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. smoothed.] rushensis, McChesney, 1865, (Leda rush- ensis) Expl. Pal. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] stevensoni, Meek, 1871, Rep. Reg. Uni- versity W. Va., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] subscitula, Meek & Hayden, 1858, (Leda subscitula) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Permian Gr. [Sig. somewhat pretty.] valvulus, Hall, 1872, 24th Reg. Rep., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. like the shell of a bean.] SUB-KINGDOM ARTICULATA. First Class, Second Class, Third Class, Fourth Class, Fifth Class, ANNELIDA. CRUSTACEA. ARACHNIDA. MYRIAPODA. INSECTA. CLASS ANNELIDA. GENERA. — Arenicolites, Conchicolites, Cornulites, Salterella, Serpulites, Spirorbis. Arenicolites, Salter, 1856, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. [Ety. arena, sand ; colo, I inhabit ; lithos, stone; circular boles which appear in twos on the surface of sand- stones, and having the appearance of worm-burrows like those of the Areni- cola.~\ spiralis, as identified by Billings, and others, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Huronian Gr. [Sig. spiral.] Conchicolites, Nicholson, 1872, Am. Jour. Sci. [Ety. concha, a shell ; colo, I dwell ; lithos, a stone.] corrugatus, Nicholson, 1872, Lond. Geo. Mag.,vol. 9,Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. corrugated.] flexuosus, Hall, 1847, (Tentaculites flex- uosus) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton & Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. flexuous.l intermedius, Nicholson, 1874, (Ortonia intermedia) Geo. Mag., n. s., vol. 1, Ham. Gr. [Sig. intermediate.] minor, Nicholson, 1873, (Ortonia minor) Lond. Geo. Mag., vol. 10, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. less.] Cornulites, Schlotheim, 1820, Petrefacten- kunde. [Ety. cornu, horn ; lithos, stone.] arcuatus, Conrad, 1848, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Sig. bent, bow-shaped.] flexuosus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. 2, Clinton Gr. [Sig. wavy.] flexuosus ear. gracilis, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Silurian. [Sig. slender.] proprius, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. peculiar, lasting.] Ortonia, Nicholson, 1872, Lond. Geo. Mag., vol. 9. This is a synonym for Conch- icolites, if indeed both are not syn- onyms for Cornulites. conica, syn. for Conchicolites flexuosus. intermedia, see Conchicolites intermedius. minor, see Conchicolites minor. Salterella, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1. [Ety. proper name.] billingsi, Safford, 1869, Geo. of Tenn., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] obtusa, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. obtuse.] pulchella, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. very beautiful.] rugosa, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] Serpida, Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed. [Ety. serpo, to creep.] omphalodes, see Spirorbis omphalodes. valvata, see Spirorbis valvatus. Serpulites, McLeay, 1839, Murch. Sil. Syst. [Ety. Serpula, a genus of annelids.] anhulatus, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Sig. ringed.] dissolutus, Billings, 1862, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. weak, broken.] hortonensis, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] inelegans, Dawson, 1868, Acad. Geol., Carboniferous. [Sig. not elegant.] murchisoni, Hall, 1861, Geo. Rep. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] splendens, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. and Geo., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Sig. splendid. ] ANNELIDA. 207 Spirokbis, Lamarck, 1801, Syst. An. sans Vert. [Sig. spiral-whorl.] ammon, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] angulatus, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N.Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. angular.] angulatus, Dawson, 1868. The name was preoccupied. annulatus, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. ringed.] annulatus var. nodulosus, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. full of knots.] arietinus, Dawson, 1869, Rep. of Progr., Coal Meas. [Sig. resembling a ram's horn.] arkonensis, Nicholson, 1874, Geo. Mag., vol. 1, Ham. Gr, [Ety. proper name.] carbonarius, Dawson, 1845, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc., vol. 1, Coal Meas. [Sig. pertaining to coal.] flexuosus, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. bent.] inornatus, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. not orna- mented.] laxus, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. loose.] obesus, Winchell, 1866, Rep. Low. Pen- insula Mich., Ham. Gr. [Sig. plump in form.] orbiculostoma, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Permian Gr. [Sig. orbicular-mouthed . ] valvatus, Goldfuss, 1826, (Serpula valvata). Not American. CLASS CKUSTACEA. FAMILY ACIDASPID^E.— Acidaspis, Terataspis. FAMILY AGLASPIDiE— Aglaspis. FAMILY AGNOSTID^E.— Agnostus, Shumardia. FAMILY ASAPHID^E. — Asaphus, Bathyurellus, Bathyurus, Dolichometopus, Ilkenus, Illsenurus, Isotelus, Megalaspis, Nileus, Ogygia. FAMILY BRONTEIDyE.-Bronteus. FAMILY CALYMENID.E.— Arges, Calymene, Homalonotus. FAMILY CERAURIDiE. — Amphion, Ceraurus, Encrinurus, Sphserexochus. FAMILY CONOCEPHALIDJE.— Conocephalites, Conocoryphe, Crepicephalus, Dicello- cephalus, Ptychaspis, Solenopleura. FAMILY CYPHxYSPID^.— Cyphas. FAMILY CYTHERID/E.— Cythere, Cytherina, Cytheropsis. FAMILY ETJRYPTERIDiE.— -Anthraconectes, Dolichopteris, Eurypterus, Pterygotus. FAMILY HARPEDID.E.— Harpes, Harpides. FAMILY LEPERDITIID^E.— Beyrichia, Isochilinia, Leperditia, Primitia. FAMILY LICHASID.E.— Lichas. FAMILY PARADOXIDiE— Agraulos, Anapolenus, Arionellus, Bathynotus, Chario- cephalus, Loganellus, Menocephalus, Olenellus, Olenus, Paradoxides, Remopleu- rides, Telephus, Triarthrella, Triarthrus. FAMILY PHACOPID^E.— Dalmanites, Phacops, Thaleops. FAMILY PROETID^E.— Phillipsia, Prcetus. [cleus. FAMILY TRINUCLEIDvE. — Ampyx, Endymionia, Holometopus, Microdiscus, Trinu- ORDER AMPHIPODA.— Diplostylus. ORDER CIRRHOPODA.— Plumulites. ORDER ISOPODA— Acanthotelson. ORDER MACRURA. — Anthraeopalsemon, Archseocaris, Palseocaris. ORDER PHYLLOPODA. — Ceratiocaris, Dithyrocaris, Leaia, Solenocaris. ORDER STOMAPODA.— Amphipeltis. ORDER XYPHOSURA.— Euproops. INCERTyE SEDIS. — Climachtichnites, Diplichnites, Helminthoidichnites, Protichnites, Rusichnites. Acantfwloma, syn. for Acidaspis. gpinosa, syn. for Acidaspis tuberculata. Acanthotelson, Meek & Worthen, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. akantha, a spine; telson, the end.] eveni. Meek & Worthen, 1868, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 46, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] iruequalis, syn. for Palseocaris typus. stimpsoni, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Acidaspis, Murchison, 1839, Sil. Syst. [Ety. akis, a spear-point; aspis, a shield.] anchoralis, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., Cin. Gr. [Sig. anchor-like.] ceralepta, Anthony, 1838, (Ceratocephala ceralepta) Am. Jour. Sci., Cin'ti Gr. Not clearly denned, cincinnatiensis, Meek, 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] crosotus, Locke, 1843, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 44, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. crossotos, fringed.] The word is misspelled— it should be crossota. CRUSTACEA. 209 danai, Hall, 1862, Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] criopis, see Terataspis eriopis. qrcmdis, see Terataspis grandis. halli, Shumard, 18 55, Geo. Sur. Mo Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] haniata, Conrad, 1841, (Dieranurus luuu- atus) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. hooked.] horani, Billings, 185 9, Rep. of Progr., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] iila, svn. for Aeidaspis danai. onealli, S. A. Miller, 1875, Cin. Quar. Jour. Sci., vol. 2, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] parvula, Walcott, 1877, 29th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Trenton Gr. [Sig. very small.] tpiniger, see Bathvurus spiniger. trentonensis, Hail, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tuberculata, Conrad, 1840, Ann. Rep. N. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. tubercu- lated.] Aglaspis, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. & 1862, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 6. [Ety. Aglaos, bright; swu, shield.] barrandi, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] A.GNOST0S, Brongniart, 1822, Hist. Nat. Crust. Foss. [Ety. agnostos, obscure.] acadicus, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol., St. John's Gr. [Ety. proper name.] americanus, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bidens, Meek, 1872, Hayden's Geo. Rep., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. two-pronged.] canadensis, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] coloradoensis, Shumard, 1861, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] disparilis, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. unequal.] fabius, Billings, 186-5, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] galba, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] interstrictus, White, 1874, Rep. Invert. Foss., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. drawn to- gether.] josepha, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] fate*, see Beyrichia lata, lobatus, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. lobate.] maladensis, Meek, 1872, Hayden's Geo. Rep., Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nobilis, Ford, 1872, Am. Jour. Sci., 3rd series, vol. 3, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. ex- cellent.] orion, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Quebec Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] parilis, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. like, equal.] similis, Hartt, 1868, Acad. Geol., St. John's Gr. [Sig. similar, from resemblance to A. acadicus.'] A(.k.ulos, Corda, 1847, Bohemian Trilobites. [Ety. proper name.] affinis, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. near to; closely allied to A. socialis.] oweni, Meek & Hayden, 1861, (Arionel- lus oweni) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] socialis, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. living in groups.] strenuus, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. vigorous.] Amimiiox, Pander, 18:50, Beitrage zur Geog- nosie des Russischen Reiches. [Ety. mythological name.] barrandi, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] canadensis, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. and Geol., vol. 4, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] convexus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. convex.] insularis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. on an island.] julius, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] matutinus, Hall, 1863, 16th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. in the morning.] multkegmentatus, see Encrinurus multiseg- mentatus. salteri, Billings, 1861, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 6, Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] westoni, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Amphipeltis, Salter, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19. [Ety. amphi, doubtful : peliis, provided buckler.] with a shield or paradoxus, Salter, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Devonian. [Sig. extra- ordinary.] Ampyx, Dalman, 1827, Monograph of Trilo- bites. [Ety. mythological name.] halli, Billings, 1861, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] laeviusculus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Quebec Gr. [Sig. quite smooth.] normalis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. according to the square.] rutilius, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] semicostatus, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., vol. 1, Quebec Gr. [Sig. half-ribbed.] AxopoLExrs, Salter, 1864, Geo. Mag., vol. 1. [Ety. a, without ; ops, an eye ; olena, convexity.] venustus, Billings, 1874, Pal. Foss., vol. 2, Low. Potsdam Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] Axthraconectes, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 46. [Ety. anthrax, coal ; nectos, swimming.] A subgenus of Eurypterus, founded upon E. mazontnsis, as the type. 210 CRUSTACEA. Anthracopal^emon, Salter, 1861, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 17. [Ety. an- thrax, coal ; pakemon, ancient prawn or shrimp.] gracilis, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] hillanus, Dawson, 1877, Geo. Mag., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Arciijeocaris, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. [Ety. archaios, ancient; karis, a shrimp.] vermiformis, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Low. Carb. [Sig. worm- shaped.] Arges, Goldfuss, 1839, Nova Acta Phys. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. [Ety. mythological name.] phlyctainodes, Green, 1837, (Calymene phlyctainodes) Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 32, Niagara Gr. [Sig. pimplj', pustulous.] Arionellus, Barrande, 1852, Syst. Sil. Boh. [Ety. diminutive of Arion, a generic name.] bipunctatus, Shumard, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. double-dotted.] cylindricus, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo*, vol. 5. Quebec Gr. [Sig. cylin- drical.] oweni, see Agraulos oweni. planus, Shumard, 1861, Am. Jour. Sci., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. flat.] pustulatus, Walcott, 1877, 29th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Chazy Gr. [Sig. pustulated.] subclavatus, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Quebec Gr. [Sig. some- what club-shaped.] texanus, Shumard, 1861, Am. Jour. Sci., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tripunctatus, Whitfield, 1876, Rep. Recon. Up. Mo. to Yel. Nat. Park, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. three-dotted.] Asaphiscm, Meek. Syn. for Bathyurellus. wheeleri, see Bathyurellus wheeleri. Asaphus, Brongniart, 1822, Hist. Nat. Crust. Foss. [Ety. asaphus, uncertain, ob- scure.] acantholeurus, see Dalmanites acantholeu- rus. alacer, Billings, 1866, Catal. Sil. Foss. Antic, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. lively, quick.] aspectans, Conrad, see Dalmanites aspect- ans. astragalotes, Green, 1834, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 25, (?) Gr. [Sig. having vertebras.] barrandi, Hall, 1851, Lake Sup. Land. Dist., Birdseye Gr. [Ety. proper name.] canadensis, Chapman, 1856, Can. Jour., vol. 2, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] canalis, see Isotelus canalis. cory Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 7, syn. for Dalmanites. This name has priority over Dalmanites, hut the definition has not given satis- faction. boothi, Green, 1837, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 7. See Dalmanites hoothi. callitehis, see Dalmanites calliteles. greeni, syn. for Dalmanites boothi. Cryptolithus, syn. for Trinucleus. tesselatus, see Trinucleus concentricus. Cybelc, Loven, 1845, in Ofversigt of Vetensk. Acad. Handl. punctata, Hall, 1852. This species belongs to the genus Encrinurus, and the spe- cific name being preoccupied, the name is changed to E. ornatus. Cyphaspis, Burmeister, 1843, Monograph of Trilobites. [Ety. cypJios, convex ; aspis, a shield.] christyi, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] girardeauensis, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Up. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] Cythere, Muller, 1785, Entomostraca sue Insecta, etc. [Ety. proper name.] americana, Shumard, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] carbonaria, Hall, 1858, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. from the Carboniferous Group.] cineinnatiensis, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] crassimarginata, Winchell, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. thick-margi n ed . ] nebrascensis, Geinitz, 1866, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] okeni, see Leperditia okeni. simplex, White & St. John, 1868, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., St. Louis Gr. [Sig. simple.] subkcvis, see Leperditia subkevis. mbrecta, see Leperditia subrecta. Cytherixa, Lamarck, 1818, Anim. sans Vert. [Ety. diminutive of Cythere.] alta, see Leperditia alta. crenulata, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol., Trenton Gr. [Sig. crenulated.] cylindrka, see Isochilina cylindrica. fabulites, see Leperditia fabulites. spinosa, Hall, 1852, see Beyrichia spinosa. Not Reuss in 1844. subcylindrica, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol., Trenton Gr. [Sig. somewhat cylin- drical.] This name was preoccupied by Munster in 1830. subelliptica, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol., Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat ellip- tical.] Cytiierops[s, McCoy, 1849, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d series, vol. 4. [Ety. Oytheropsis, resembling Cythere.] concinna, Jones, 1858, Ann. Nat. Hist., 3rd series, vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. neat, pretty.] In 1865 Jones estab- tablished the genus Primitia,' in which he included this species. rugosa, Jones, 1858, Ann. Nat. Hist., 3rd series, vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. wrinkled.] siliqua, Jones, 1858, Ann. Nat. Hist., 3d series, vol. 1, Black Riv. Gr. [Sig. a pod.] Dalmania, Emmrich, 1845. This name hav- ing been preoccupied, Dalmanites has been substituted, though many au- thors prefer to use Odontochile, a name proposed by Corda. Dalmanites, Emmrich, 1845, (Dalmania) Barrande, 1852, Sil. Syst. Boh. [Ety. proper name.] acantholeurus, Conrad, 1841, (Asaphus acantholeurus) Ann. Rep. N. Y., On- ondaga limestone. [Sig. smooth- spined.] achates Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. •& Geo., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] segeria, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] anchiops, Green, 1832, (Calymene anchi- ops) Monograph, Schoharie grit. [Sig. from the closeness of the eyes.] anchiops var. armatus, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Schoharie grit. [Sig armed.] aspectans, Conrad, 1841, (Asaphus aspec- tans) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. seeing at a glance.] bebryx, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] bifidus, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. divided.] boothi, Green, 1837, (Cryphasus boothi) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 7, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bicornis, Hall, 1876,28th Reg. Rep. N.Y., Niagara Gr. [Sig. two-horned.] breviceps, Hall, 1866, Pamplet, Cin'ti Gr. [Sig. short-headed.] callicephalus, Hall, 1847, (Phacops calli- cephalus) Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, Trenton Gr. [Sig. beautiful head.] calliteles, Green, 1837, (Cryphseus calli- telus) Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, Ham, Gr. [Ety. proper name.] 216 CRUSTACEA. calypso, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y. Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] carleyi, Meek, 1872, Am. Jour. Sci., 3rd ser., vol. 3, Cin'ti Gr. [Ety. proper name.] candatus, see Dalmanites limulurus. concinnus, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. handsome.] coronatus, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. crowned.] danre, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Niagara Gr. [Ety proper name.] dentatus, Barrett, 1876, Am. Jour. Sci & Arts, vol. 11, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety from the dentate margin of the cepha lie shield.] denticulatus, Conrad, 1841, (Asaphus denticulatus) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Up Held. Gr. [Ety. from the denticulate termination of the ribs.] emarginatus, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. emargi- nated.] erina, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] helena, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y, Corniferous Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] intermedius.Walcott, 1877, 29th Reg. Rep. N.Y., Trenton Gr. [Sig. intermediate.] laticaudatus, Hall, 1847. Prof. Hall says this name may be erased from the list of fossils, limulurus, Green, 1832, (Asaphus limu lurus) Monograph Trilobites, Niagara Gr. [Ety. having a pointed tail like Limulm or king crab.] logani, Hall, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5, Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] macrops, Hall, 1862, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. makros, large ; ops, the eye.] micrurus, Green, 1832, (Asaphus mieru- rus) Monograph Trilobites, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. small-tailed.] myrmecophorus, Green, 1835, (Asaphus myrmecophorus) Supp. to Monograph of Trilobites, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. wart-bearing.] nasutus, Conrad, 1841, (Asaphus nasutus) Ann. Rep. N. Y., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a prominent nose.] ohioensis, Meek & Worthen, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pleione, Hall, 1861, 15th Reg. Rep. N. Y., Up. Held. Gf. [Ety. mythological name.] pleuropteryx, Green, 1832, (Asaphus pleuropteryx) Monograph Trilobites, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. side- winged.] regalis, Hall, 1876, Illust. Devonian Foss., Schoharie grit. [Sig. regal.] selenurus, Eaton, 1832, (Asaphus selenu- rus) Geo. Text Book, Corniferous Gr. [Sig. from the crescent-shaped tail.] tridens, Hall, 1859, Pal. N. Y., vol. 3, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. three-toothed.] tridentiferus, Shumard, 1855, Geo. Rep. Mo., Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. bearing three teeth.] troosti, Safford. Not defined, verrucosus, Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. warty.] vigilans, Hall, 1861, Rep. Progr. Wis.Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. watchful, eyes opened.] DicELLOCEniALus, Owen, 1852, Geo. Sur. Wis., Iowa ct Min., (written by Owen, Dikelocephalus). [Ety. dikella, a mat- tock; kephale, head.] affinis, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foas., Quebec Gr. [Sig. related to.] belli, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 5, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] (?) corax, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cristatus, Billings, 1860, Can. Nat. last08, a bud; pJmkos, a sea weed.] diadematum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Utiea Slate Gr. [Sig. diademed.] Bokxia, F. A. Roemer, 1854, Palseonto- graphica, vol. 3. [Ety. proper name.] radiata, Brongniart, 1828 (Catamites ra- diatus), Hist. d. Veg. Foss., Sub-car- boniferous. [Sig. radiated.] Brachyphyllum obtuaum is Lepidocystis obtusus. Bruckmannia longifolia, see Asterophyl- lites longifolius. rigida, see Asteropbyllites rigidus. Buthotrephis asteroides, Fitch, 1849, Trans. Ag. Soc, Quebec Gr. [Sig. star like.] rigida, Emmons, 1844 (Fucoides rigidus) Taconic Syst., Quebec Gr. [Sig. rigid.] Calamites ari'naceus is a Triassic species. decoratu8 may be erased, dubius, was published in 1825. major, Weiss, 1872, Fossil Flora d. jung- sten steinkohlen formation, Coal Meas. [Sig. large.] radiatus, see Bornia radiata. ramifer, Stur, 1875, Culm. Flora d. Mahriseh-SehlesischenDachsehiefers, Coal Meas. [Sig. bearing brandies.] ramosus, was published in 1825. sulcatvs may be erased, transitionisis Goeppert's species, as iden- tified by Dawson, undulatus was described by Brongniart in 1828, in Hist. d. Yeg. Fobs., vol. 1. Calamodexdrox is Brongniart's Genus. Calamophycus, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. [Ety. calamus, a reed; phukos, a sea plant.] septus, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Devon. [Sig. enveloped.] Calamostachys, Schimper, 1869, Traite de Paleontologie Vege tale, vol. 1, p. 328. • [Ety. Calamus, a reed; Stachys, a plant]. prselongus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. very long.] Callipteridium, Weiss, 1872, Foss. Flora d. jungsten steinkohlen formation. [Ety. from the genus (.'alh'i>t<'ris.] aldrichi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name] dawsonanum, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] grandifolium, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. large leaved.] intlatum, Lesquereux, 1870 (Alethopteris inflate), Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 4. Coal Mens. [Sig. inflated.] ina-quale, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. unequal.] mansfieldi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name] Callipteridium massilloneum instead of Alethopteris massillonis. membranaceum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. mem- branaceous], neuropteroides, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Neuropteris.] oblongifolium, Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Perm. [Sig. oblong leaved.] odontopteroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Perm. [Sig. like Odontoptcris.] oweni instead of Alethopteris oweni. pardeei, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] rugosum instead of Alethopteris ru- gosa. sullivanti instead of Callipteris Sulli- van ti. unitum, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. united.] Callipteris conferta, Sternberg (Sphen- opteris conferta), Tent. fior. prim., Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. close together.] pilosa instead of Sphenopteris pilosa. Cardiocarpon annulatum, C. elongatum, C. latum, C. minus, C. orbiculare, and C. samaraeforme, were described in 1873, in Ohio Pal., vol. 1. apieulatum, Goeppert & Berger, 1848, De fructibus et seminibus, Coal Meas. [Sig. having a pointed ter- mination.] bicornutum instead of Pilocarpus bicor- nutus. congruens, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Car- bonifere, Coal Meas. [Sig. running together.] diminutivum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig, diminutive.] fasciculatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. bundled.] late-alatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. broad winged.] mamillatum instead of Rhabdoearpus maniillatus. marginatum was described in 1825. ovatum, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Car- bonifere, Coal Meas. [Sig. ovate.] pachytesta, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. f Sig. having thick testa.] regulare, Sternberg, 1821-38, Flor. d. Vorwelt., Coal Meas. [Sig. regular.] simplex, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. simple] zonulatum, Lesquereux. 1880, Coal Flora of Pa.. Coal Meas. [Sig. small girded.] Cardiopteris, Schimper, 1809, Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. 1. p. 451. [Ety. Jcardia, heart; pteris, a fern.] 250 VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Cardiopteris eriana, Dawson, 1881, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 37, De- vonian. [Ety. proper name.] Carpolithes acuminatus, Sternberg, 1821- 38, Flor d. Vorw., Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] bicarpus, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. two fruited.] bullatus is Lepidocystis bullatus. disjunctus is a syn. for Trigonacarpon dawesi. jacksonensis is Rhabdocarpus jacksonen- sis. limatus, read C. lunatus. marginatus, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. margined. This name was preoccupied by Artis in 1825. vesicularis is Lepidocystis vesicularis. Casuarinites equisetiformis is Astero- phyllites equisetiformis. Caulerpites was described by 3rongniart in 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg. Foss. marginatus is Taonurus marginatus. Caulopteris acanthophora is, probably, Ulo- dendron punctatum. elliptica, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora. Coal Meas. or Perm. [Sig. elliptical.] giffordi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] gigantea, Lesquereux, is Stemmatopteris gigantea. gigantea, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. large.] insignia is Stemmatopteris insignis. lacoei, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] mansfieldi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name. J punctata is Stemmatopteris punctata. wortheni is Stemmatopteris wortheni. Celluloxylon, Dawson, 1881; Lond. Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 37. [Ety. cell- ula, a small apartment; xylon, wood.] primaevum, Dawson, 1880, Lond. Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 37, Ham. Gr. [Sig. in the first period of life] Chloepthycus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2. [Ety. chlce, young grass ; phukos, a sea plant.] This is probably inorganic. plumosum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. feathered.] This is probably inor- ganic. Chondrites colletti is Taonurus colletti. CoNOSTiCHUSbroadheadi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] prolifer, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. bearing off- spring.] Cordaianthx's, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Carbonifere. [Ety. Cordaites, a genus ; anthos, a flower.] dichotomus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. di- vided.] ovatus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. ovate] simplex, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. simple.] Cordaicarpus, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Carbonifere. [Ety. Cordaites, a genus; karpos, fruit.] apiculatus, Lesquereux, 18S0, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] costatus, see Cordaites costatus. gutbieri, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Car- bonifere, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] ovatus, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Car- bonifere, Coal Meas. [Sig. ovate.] Cordaistrobus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. Cordaites, a genus; strobus, a cone.] grandeuryi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. prop, name.] Cordaites communis, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. common.] costatus, Lesquereux, 1879, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. costate.] crassinervis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Mens. or Permian. [Sig. thick nerved.] crassus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. thick.] diversifolius, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. di- verse leaved.] Proposed instead of L. angustifolius, Lesquereux. gracilis, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] grandifolius, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. grand leaved.] lacoei, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] lingulatus, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Carbonifere, Coal Meas. [Sig. tongue shaped.] mansfieldi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of I'a., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] radiatus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. radiated.] serpens, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. creeping.] validus, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. strong.] Cyclopteris alleghaniensis, syn. for Arch- seopteris rogersi. browni is Rhacophyllum browni. elongata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. elongated.] germari is Neuropteris germari. hallana is Arehreopteris hallana. jacksoni is Arehax>pteris jacksoni. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 251 Cyclopteris laciniata is Neuropteris laci- niata. lescuriana is Triphyllopteris leseuriana. probleinatica, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants, Dev. & Up. 811., Middle Devonian. [Sig. problematical.] rogersi is Archa?opteris rogersi. trichomanoides is Neuropteris triehoman- oides. oirginiana is Pseudopeeopteris vii'giniana. Ctclostigma aftine, Dawson, 1881, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc., Lond., vol. 37, De- vonian. [Sig. near to.] kiltorkense, Haughton, 1860, Ann. & Mae. Nat. Hist., 3d ser., vol. 5, Sub- carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] < ymoglossa, Sehimper, 1869, Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. l,p. 553. [Ety. kumo, wavy: glossa, a tongue.] breviloba, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. & Up. Garb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. short lobed.] formosa, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. & Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. beautiful.] lobata, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. A: Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. lobed.] • obtusifolia, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. & Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. obtuse leaved.] Dactylophycus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2. [Ety. dactylos, a finger; phukos, a sea plant.] quadripartitum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., Xo. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. four parted.] tridigitatuiu, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. three fingered.] Dax.eites emersoni, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] macrophyllus instead of Alethopteris macrophylla. Deciiexia, Goeppert, 1841-48, Die Gattun- gen der fossilen Pflanzen. [Ety. proper name.] striata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig striated.] Obsmiophtllvu, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Etv. desmos, a band; phylUm, a leaf.] gracile, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. slender.] Dicraxophyliam, Grand'Eury, 1877, Flore Carbonifere. [Ety. dikranOs, two pointed; phyllon, a leaf.] dichotomum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. divided.] dimorphum, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. double formed. ] Dtctyophyton is not a plant. It is sup- posed to be a sponge. Didymophyeixm oweni, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa.. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name. J Discophycus, Walcott, 1879, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 10. [Ety. diskos, a disk; phukos, a sea weed.] typieale, Walcott, 1879, Trans. Alb. Inst. vol. 10, Utica Slate. [Sig. the type.] Dystactophycus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2. [Ety. dystaktos, hard to arrimge; phukos, a sea plant.] mamillanum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. protuberant.] Equisetites macrodontus, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. Not satisfactorily defined, wrightanus, Dawson, 1880, Lond. Geo. Mag., n. s. vol. 7, Up. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Eremopteris crenulata, Lesquereux, 1876, Geo. Rep. of Ala., Coal Meas. [Sig. erenulated.] dissecta, Lesquereux, 1876, Geo. Rep. of Ala., Coal Meas. [Sig. cut up.] elegans, Ettingshausen, 1852 (Asplenites elegans), Die Steinkohlen flora, v. Stradonitz in Bohmen, Coal Meas. [Sig. elegant.] flexuosa, Lesquereux, 1876, Geo. Rep. of Ala., Coal Meas. r Sig. flexuous.] microphylla, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. small leaved.] missouriensis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Ficoidltes scabrosus, Hildreth, 1837, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 31, Lower Coal Meas. Not recognized. Filicites arborescens, see Pecopteris ar- borescens. miltoni, see Pecopteris miltoni. plumosus, see Pecopteris plumosa. Glyptodexdron, Claypole, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 15, [Ety. glyptos, sculptured; dendron, a tree.] eatonense, Claypole, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 15, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Ghniopterte newberryana, see Pecopteris newberryana. oblonga, see Pecopteris oblonga. Guilielmites, Geinitz, 1858, Leitpflanzen d. Rothleig. u. d. Zechstein ; Sachsen. [Ety. from the genus GulMma.] orbicularis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. & Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. orbicular.] Haloxia flexuosa, Goldenburg, 1855 (Ulo- dendron flexuosum), Flora Sarrae- pontana fossilis, Coal Meas. [Sig. flexuous.] mansfieldi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] secreta, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. {Sig. concealed.] tortuosa, Lindley & Hutton, 1835, Foss. Flora, vol. 2, p. 11, Coal Meas. [Sig. tortuous.] 252 VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Heliophycus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont to Pal., No. 2. [Ety. helios, the sun; phukos, a sea plant.] stelliforme, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. star shaped.] Hymenophyllites adnascens, refer to Rha- cophyllum adnascens. arborescens, refer to Rhacophyllum ar- borescens. ballantini, refer to Sphenopteris ballan- tini. clarki, refer to Rhacophyllum clarki. fiexicaulis, refer to Sphenopteris fiexi- caulis. furcatus, refer to Sphenopteris furcata. hildrethi, refer to Sphenopteris hildrethi. inflatus, see Rhacophyllum inflatum. lactuca, see Rhacophyllum lactuca. mollis, see Rhacophyllum mollis. spinosus, refer to Sphenopteris spinosa. strongi, see Rhacophyllum strongi. thalliformis, see Rhacophyllum thalli- forme. trichomanoides, refer to Sphenopteris trichomanoides. tridactylites, refer to Sphenopteris tri- dactylites. Idiophyixum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. idios, peculiar; phyllon, a leaf.] rotundifolium, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. round leaved. ] Lepidocystis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. lepis, a scale; kustis, a bladder.] angularis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. angular.] bullatus instead of Carpolithes bullatus. fraxiniformis, Goeppert & Berger, 1848 (Carpolithes fraxiniformis), De fruct. et sem., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Frax- inus.J lineatus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. lined.] obtusus instead of Brachyphyllum ob- tusum. pectinatus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Fa., Coal Meas. [Sig. pectinated.] quadrangularis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. quad- rangular.] vesicularis instead of Carpolithes ves- icularis. Lepidodendron was described by Stern- berg in' 1820, in Essai d'un expose Geognostico-botanique de la flore du monde primitif, 1st Cahier. Also L. aeuleatum, L. crenatum, L. dichoto- mum, L. obovatum, L. rimosum, L. selaginoides and L. undulatum. andrewsi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] alveolare, see Sigillaria alveolaris. brittsi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name Lepidodexdeon, syn. for L. distans. cuspidatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. point- ed.] cyclostigma, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. round dotted.] drepanaspis, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. sickle shield.] dubium, syn. for L. rimosum. elegans, was Lycopodiolithes elegans of Sternberg in Tent. Flor. Prim, icthyolepis, Wood, 1S60, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. fish scale.] inyens, syn. for L. aeuleatum. lanceolatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. lan- ceolated.] latifolium, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. wide leaved.] lesquereuxi, Wood, syn. forL. aeuleatum. longifolium, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. long leaved.] * magnum, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. large.] mammillatum syn. for L. veltheimanum. mekiston syn. for L. modulatum. oculatum syn. for L. distans. oweni syn. for L. vestitum. politum syn. for L. modulatum. quadrangulatum, Schlotheim, 1821-23, Petrefactenkunde, Coal Meas. [Sig. quadrangular.] quadrilaterale, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. quad- rilateral.] rhombicum, Presl., 1833 (Bergeria rhombica), in Sternberg, Flor. d. Vorw., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. rhombic] rugosum syn. for L. dichotomum. scutatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. bearing shields.] squamiferum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. scale bearing.] tetragonum, Sternberg, 1821, Essai d'un expose Geognostico-botanique de la flore du monde primitif, 2 Cahier, Coal Meas. [Sig. quadrangular.] venustum, syn. for L. obtusum. Lepidophloios ichthyoderma, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. fish skinned.] ichthyolepis , see Lepidodendron iehthyo- lepis. sigillarioides, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Sigillaria.] Lepidophyllum foliaceum is Lepidostrobus foliaceus. lanceolatum is Lepidostrobus lanceola- tus, and is Brongniart's species 1828, in Prodr. d. Hist. Veg. Foss. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 253 Lepipophyllum linearifolium, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. having lined leaves.] mansneldi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] morrisannra, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] trinerve is Brongniart's species, 1828, in Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg. Foss. Lepidostrobvs aldrichi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] foliacvus instead of Lepidophyllum foli- aceum. goldenbergi, Schimper, 1872, Traite de Pakeontologie Vegetale, vol. 2, p. 61. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name . ] hastifulius should be L. hastatus. The mistake is in Geo. Sur., 111., vdl. 2, p. 45G. ineertus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. uncertain.] lacoei, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety proper name.] lanceolatus instead of Lepidophyllum lanceolatum. mansneldi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] mirabilis, Newberry, 1873 (Polysporia mirabilis), Ohio Pal., vol. 1, Lower Coal Meas. [Sig. extraordinary.] praelongus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. very long.] quadratus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. quadrate.] salisburyi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] spectabilis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. remark- able.] Stachyoides, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. like the plant St achy s.] Lepidoxylox, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. lepis, a scale; xylon, wood.] anomalum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Sig. anomalous.] Lesccropteris adiantites instead of Neu- ropteris adiantites. Lesleya, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Ety. proper name.] grandis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. grand.] Licrophycus flabellum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Kiv. Gr. [Sig. a fan.] eleaans, see Lepidoden- dron elegans. Lycopodites cavifolius instead of Selagin- ites cavifolius. ortoni, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Ety. proper name. J pendulus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. hanging down.] Lycopodites strictus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. pressed together.] uncinnatus instead of Selaginites uncin- natus. vanuxemi, syn. for Plumalina plumaria, which is a Graptolite. Macrostachya, Shimper, 1869, Traite de Palseontologie Vegetale, vol. 1, p. 332. [Ety. makros, long ; Stachys, a plant.] infundibuliformis, Brongniart, 1828 (Equisetum infundibuliforme). Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. funnel shaped.] Megalopteris abbreviata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. abbreviated.] fasciculata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. bundled.] marginata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. margined.] southwelli, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Ety. propername.] Megaphyton goldenbergi, Weiss, 1860, Zeitsch d. deutsch geol. Gesellsh XII., CoalMeas. [Ety. proper name.] grandeuryi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Myrianites is a trail. Nemapodia is a trail. Nematophyllum, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora. [Ety. nema, thread; phyllon, a leaf.] angustum, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. narrow.] Nereites is a trail. Neuropteris acuminata, Schlotheim, 1820 (Filicites acuminatus), Petref., Coal Meas. [Sig. acuminated ] adiantites is Lescuropteris adiantites. agassizi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. propername.] anomala, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Sig. anomalous.] aspera, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. rough.] biformis, Lesquereux, 1880. Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. two formed.] callosa, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. thick skinned. ] cordato-ovata, Weiss, 1877, Fossile Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. cordate-ovate.] decipiens, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig deceiving.] dictyopteroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like Dictyopteris .] dilatata, Lindley & Hutton, 1835 (Cyclop- teris dilatata), Foss. Flora, vol. 2, CoalMeas. [Sig. dilated ] elrodi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] germari, Goeppert, 1836 (Adiantites 254 VEGETABLE KINGDOM. germari), Systema Filicum fossilium, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Neuropteris laciniata instead of Cyclop- teris laciniata. linnceifolia is a Triassic species, missouriensis, Lesqnereux. 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] obscura, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. obscure.] odontopteroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like Odontopteris.] platynervis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. flat nerved.] smithsi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] subfalcata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. subfalcate.] tenuinervis is Odontopteris tenuinervis. Nosggerathia was described by Sternberg, in 1820, in Essai d'un expose Geognos- tico-botanique de la Flore du monde primitif, 2 Cahier. bockschiana is Archaeopteris bockschiana. minor is Archaeopteris minor. obliqua, Lesquereux, is Archaeopteris obliqua. obliqua, Gceppert is not an American species. obtusa is Archaeopteris obtusa. Odontopteris abbreviata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. shortened.] alpina, Sternberg, 1821-38 (Neuropteris alpina), Versuch einer Geognost.- botan. Darstellung der Flora der Vor- welt., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] brardiis Ad., Brongniart's species, 1822, in Class d. Veg. Foss. cornuta, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. horned ] crenulata, as first identified by Lesque- reux, see O subcrenulata deformata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. deformed.] densifolia, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora. Coal Meas. or Perm. [Sig. dense leaved.] lescurei, Wood, I860, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name ] nervosa, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Perm. [Sig. full of veins.] newberryi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas [Ety. proper name.] neuropteroides, being preoccupied by Roe- mer, Lesquereux proposed O. new- berryi, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. pachyderma. Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Mens. or Permian. [Sig. thick skinned.] rotundifolia. Wood. 18(56. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. round leaved.] Odontopteris sphenopteroides, Lesque- reux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Sphenopteris ] squamosa, Dawson, 1881, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc , Lond., vol. 37, Devonian. [Sig. scaly.] subcrenulata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. some- what crenulated.] tenuinervis, instead of Neuropteris tenui- nervis. Oligocarpia, Gceppert, 1841-48, Die Gattungen der fossilen Pflanzen. [Ety. oligos, few; carpus, fruit.] alabamensis, Lesquereux, 1875, Geol. Rep. Ala., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] flagellaris instead of Sphenopteris flagellaris. gutbieri, Gceppert, 1841-48, Die Gattun- gen der fossilen Pfianzen, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Paljsochorda prima, Whitfield, 1877, Rep. on the Pal. of the Black Hills, Pots- dam Gr. [Sig. first.] Pai^eophycus plumosuni, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. feathered.] occidentale, Whitfield, 1877, Rep. on the Pal. of the Black Hills, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. western.] PALiEOXYRis appendiculata is Spirangium appendiculatum. corrugata is Spirangium corrugatum. prendeli is Spirangium prendeli. Palmacites oculatus, see Sigillaria oeulata. nceggerathi, see Trigonocarpum na*gger- athi. Pecopteris angustipinna, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. having narrow pinnae.] arborescens is Schlotheim's species, 1820 (Filicites arborescens) Petref. arguta is Sternberg's species in Tent. Flor. Primord. aspera, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. rough.] asplenioides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like A$ple»ium.] bullata is a Triassic species. clarki, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] clintoni, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] elliptica, Fontaine & White (Goniopteris elliptica). The name was preoccupied. germari, Weiss, 1869-72 (Cyatheites ger- mari), Foss. Flora d. Jungsten Steink. Form., Up. Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] germari var. crassinervis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. ( 'arh. Flora, Coal .Mens, or Permian. [Sig. thick nerved.] germari var. cuspidata, Fontaine & VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 25.1 White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. toothed.] Pecopteris goniopteroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like Ooniopteris.] halli instead of Alethopteris, halli. heerana. Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] imbricate, Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. imbricated.] inclinata, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. inclined.] lanceolate, Lesquereux, instead of Alethopteris lanceolate. Wmeeolata, Fontaine & White. The name was preoccupied, latifolia, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. [Sig. wide leaved.] lyratifolia, Goeppert, 1841-48 (Sphenop- teris lyratifolia), Die Gattungen d Foss. Pflanzen, Coal Meas. [Sig having lyre-shaped leaves.] marginata, see Alethopteris marginata. merianopteroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like Mer- ianopteris.] microphylla, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. small leaved.] miltoni, Artis, 1825 (Filicites miltoni), Anted. Phytol., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] murrayana is identified by Lesquereux, Geo. Sur., Ill , vol. 2, see Sphenop- teris pseudo-murrayana. newberryana, Fontaine & White, 1880 (Goniopteris newberryana), Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] newberryi. refer to Pseudopecopteris newberryi. nodosa, Goeppert, 1836 (Aspidites no- dosus), Systema Filicum Fossilium, Upper Coal Meas. [Sig. nodose.] oblonga, Fontaine & White, 1880 (Goni- opteris oblonga), Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Perm. [Sig. ob- long.] oroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. somewhat ovoid.] pachypteroides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like Pachypteris.} platynervis, Fontaine & White. 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. fiat nerved.] platvrachis. Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. bavins; a fiac rachis.l Pecopteris plumosa is Artis' species (Fili- cites plumosa), 1825, Anted. Phytol. pteroides instead of Alethopteris pter- oides. pzisilla is Pseudopecopteris pusilla. quadratifolia, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. quad- rate leaved.] rarinervis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Permian or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. rare veined.] robusta, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. robust.] rotundifolia, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. round leaved.] rotundiloba, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. round lobed.] schimperana. Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] serpillifolia, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. thyme leaved.] serrula, Lesquereux, instead of Alethop- teris serrula. shcefferi is Pseudopecopteris shaefferi. sillimani is Pseudopecopteris sillimani. solida instead of Alethopteris solida. stellata instead of Alethopteris stellata. subfalcata, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. somewhat falcate.] tenuinervis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. fine veined.] venulosa, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. full of small veins.] vestita, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. clothed.] Physophycus marginatus is Taonurus mar- ginatus. Phytolithus cancellatus is Lepidodendron veltheimianum. Polyporites mirabilis is a mistake and may be erased. polysporus is a mistakeand may be erased. Polyspora is a syn. for Lepidostrobus. mirabilis is Lepidostrobus mirabilis. Protoblechxum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. protos, first; Blechnum, a genus.] holdeni instead of Alethopteris holdeni. Protostigma, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. [Sig. protos, first; stigma, a brand or dot.] sigillarioides, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Fhil. Soc, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. like Sigillaria.] Pseudopecopteris, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. pseudos, false; Pecopteris, a genus.] abbreviate instead of Sphenopteris. ab- breviate, acuta instead of Sphenopteris acuta, 256 VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Pseudopecopteris anceps, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Fa., Coal Meas. [Sig. double.] eallosa instead of Fecopteris eallosa. cordato-ovata, Weiss, 1869-22 (Neurop- teris cordata-ovata) , Foss. Flor. d. jungst. steink. form., Coal Meas. [Sig. cordate ovate.] decipiens instead of Sphenopteris de- cipiens. decurrens instead of Fecopteries de- currens, Lesquereux. denudata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. denuded.] dimorpha, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. two-formed.] glandulosa instead of Sphenopteris glandulosa. hymenophylloides instead of Alethop- teris hymenophylloides. irregularis instead of Sphenopteris irreg- ularis. latifolia instead of Sphenopteris latifolia. macilenta instead of Sphenopteris ma- cilenta. mazonana instead of Alethopteris ma- zonana. muricata instead of Alethopteris muri- cata. nervosa instead of Alethopteris nervosa. newberryi instead of Sphenopteris new- berry i. pluckeneti instead of Alethopteris pluckeneti. polyphylla instead of Sphenopteris polyphylla. pusilla instead of Pecopteris pusilla. shaefferi instead of Pecopteris shaefferi. sillimani instead of Pecopteris sillimani. speciosa, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. beautiful.] spinulosa instead of Alethopteris spinu- losa. subcrenulata, Lesquereux, 1830, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. some- what crenulated.] subnervosaRcemer, F. A., 1860, Palaeon- tographica, vol 9, Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat veiny.] trifoliata instead of Sphenopteris tri- foliata, and credit to Artis, 1825 (Fili- cites trifoliatus) Anted. Phytol. virginiana instead of Cyclopteris virgin- iana. Fsilophyton cornutum, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Low. Held.Gr. [Sig. horned.] gracillimum, see Dendrograptus gracilli- mus. princeps, var. ornatum, Dawson, 1871, Foss. Plants, Devonian. [Sig. ornate.] 1'tilocarpus bicornutus, see Cardiocarpon bi- cornutum. Ptilophyton, Dawson, 1878, Scottish Devo- nian Plants. [Ety. ptUon, a wing; , phi/ton, a plant.] This name is pro- posed for Lycopodites vanuxemi, which is Plumalina plumaria, and L. plumu- la. If the types are not Graptolites, the genus may stand. Rhabdocarpus apiculatus, syn. for R. cari- natus. costatus, syn. for R. acuminatum, cornutus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. horned.] howardi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] insignis, Lesquereux, 1880. The name having been preoccupied by Dawson, see R. lescuriana. jacksonensis instead of Carpolithes jack- sonensis. lescurianus, n. sp. Coal Meas. Proposed instead of R. insignis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., p. 575, pi. 85, fig. 26. mammillatus is Cardiocarpon mammilla- turn, multistriatus instead of Carpolithes mul- tistriatus. oblongus, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Perm . [ Sig. oblong . ] platimarginatus instead of Carpolithes platimarginatus . Rhachiopteris affinis instead of Stigmari- oides affinis. selago instead of Stigmarioides selago. Rhacophyllum adnascens instead of Hymenophyllites adnascens. arborescens instead of Hymenophyllites arborescens. clarki instead of Hymenophyllites clarki. cornutum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal. Meas. [Sig. horned.] corallum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. a coral.] expansum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. expanded.] filiciforme, Gutbier, 1842 (Fucoides fili- ciformis). Abdr. u. Verst. d. zwick- aur schwarzk, u. sein. Ungeb., Coal Mens. [Sig fern like.] flabellatum, Sternberg, 1821-38 (Aphle- bia fiabellata), Flora der Vorwelt, vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. fan like.] fucoideum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa , Coal Meas. [Sig. fucus like.] hamulosum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. full of hooks ] inflatum instead of Hymenophyllites in- flatus. irregulare, Germar, 1844 (Aphlebia irregularis), Verst d. Steink. v. Wettin u Lobejiin, Coal Meas. [Sig. irregular.] laciniatum, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. jagged.] membranaceum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa.. Coal Meas. [Sig. mem- branaceous.] molle, instead of Hymenophyllites mollis. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 2.->; Ehacophylum scolopendrites instead of Scolopendrites dentatus. spinosum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Sig. full of spines. J strongi instead of Hymenophyllites strongi. thalliforme instead of Hymenophyllites thalliformis. trichoideum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. hair- like.] truncatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. truncated.] Hhizomorpha sigillarle, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., CoalMeas. [Sig. of Sigillaria.] Rusophycus asperum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Utica Slate. [Sig. rough. J Sapori\ea, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora. [Ety. proper name.] grandifolia, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. large leaved.] salisburioides, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. like Salisburia.] Schutzia bracteata refer to Cordaianthus bracteatus. Scolithus has no place among the plants. It represents the work of a borer, and is referred therefore to the Annelida. Scolopendrites dentatus is Rhacophyllum scolopendrites. Sdaginites cavifolius is Lycopodites cavi- folius. crassus is a syn. for Lycopodites cavi- folius. forrnosus is not a plant. It was founded upon fragments of a crustacean. uncinnatus is Lycopodites uncinnatus. Sigillaria acuminata, Newberry, 1874, Proc. Cleveland Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] alveolaris is Sternberg's species (Lepi- dodendron alveolare), 1820 in essai d'un expose Geognostico-botanique de la Flore du monde primitif. 1st cahier. approximata, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian.. [Sig near to.] bieroei, syn. for S. ichthyolepis. brardi was described in 1822. Class d. Veg. Foss. brongniarti, Geinitz, 1855. Die Verst. d. Steink. form. Sachsen , Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name ] cancellata, syn. for Lepidodendron vel- theimianum. chemungensis is Lepidodendron chemung- ense. eortei, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. prop- er name.] cuspidate, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. pointed.] Sigillaria dentate, Newberry, 1874, Proc. Cleveland Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. toothed.] elegans is Sternberg's species (Favularia elegans) in Tent. flor. primord. hexagona, Schlotheim, 1820 (Palmacites hexagonatus), Petref., Coal Meas. [Sig. hexagonal.] ichthyolepis, Sternberg, 1821-38, Flor. d. Vorw., Coal Meas. [Sig. fish- scaled.] lacoei, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] leioderma, Brongniart, 1828-44, Hist. d. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. smooth skinned.] leptoderma, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., CoalMeas. [Sig. thin skinned.] lorenzi, Lesquereux, 1^80, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] mammillaris, Brongniart, 1828-44, Hist. d. Veg. Foss. Coal Meas. [Sig. mam- illated.] marginata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. margined.] marineria, Hildreth, 1837, Am Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 31, Low. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] martini may be erased, oculata is Schlotheim's species (Palm- acites oculatus), 1820, Petref. orbicularis, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg. Foss., Coal Meas. [Sig. orbicular.] ornithicnoides, Wood, 1866, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. like bird tracks.] ovalis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. oval.] oweni, see Didymophyllum oweni. perplexa, Wood, 1866, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. per- plexing. ] pittstonana, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. ' proper name.] pulchra, Newberry, 1874, Proc. Cleve- land Acad. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. beautiful.] reticulata, Steinhaur, may be erased and reticulata, Lesquereux, restored. solanus, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas [solanus, in text; solenotus, on plate ; solena, in Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. vol. 13.] tes6ellata, Steinhaur, is correct, but tess- ellata. Brongniart, may be struck out as he did not claim the name, voltzi, Brongniart, 1828, Prodr. d. Hist. d. Veg Foss., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] williamsi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name ] yardleyi was described by Lesquereux. in 1858, in Catal. Potts. Foss. 258 VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Sigillarioides stellatus, refer to Stigmaria stellata. Solenoula, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 2. [Ety. solen, a channel; oulos, entire.] psilophloeus, Wood, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal. Meas. [Sig. smooth barked.] Sokocladus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. soros, a heap, one of the fruit dots on the back of the frond; klado, to break in pieces.] asteroides instead of Staphylopteris asteroides. ophioglossoides, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Ophioglossus.] sagittatus instead of Staphylopteris sagittata. stellatus instead of Staphylopteris stell- ata. wortheni instead of Staphylopteris wortheni. SrHENOPHYLLUM densifoliatum, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Curb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. dense leaved. ] fontainianum, n. sp., Upper Coal Meas. or Permian. Proposed instead of S. latifolium of Fontaine & White, in Perm, or Up. Carb. Floi'a, p. 36, pi. 1, figs. 10 & 11. latifolium, Wood, 1866, Trans Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. wide leaved.] latifolium, Fontaine & White, 1880,Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora. The name was preoccupied. See S. fontainianum. primcevum, Lesquereux, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Hud. Riv. Gr. I think there is no probability that this is a plant, tenuifolium, Fontaine & White 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora. Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. slender leaved.] Sphenopteris abbreviate/,, refer to Pseudo- pecopteris abbreviata. acrocarpa, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. pointed fruit] acuta, refer to Pseudopecopteris acuta. alabamensis , refer to Oligocarpia alabam- ensis. auriculata, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora. Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. auriculated.] ballantini instead of Hymenophyllites ballantini. britsi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name. ] chaerophylloides instead of Pecopteris chaerophylloides . coriacea, Fontaine & White. 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Per- mian. [Sig. coriaceous.] cristata, Sternberg, 1821-38, Flor. d. Vorw., vol. 2, Coal Meas. [Sig. tufted.] decipiens, refer to Pseudopecopteris de- cipiens. Sphkxopteris dentata, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. toothed.] flaecida, Crepin, 1874, Bull. Acad. Roy. of Belgium, Sub-carboniferous. [Sig. flaccid.] flagellaris refer to Oligocarpia flagellars, flexicaulis instead of Hymenophyllites flexicaulis. . foliosa, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. leafy.] fui-cata instead of Hymenophyllites fur- catus glandulosa, refer to Pseudopecopteris glandulosa. goniopteroides, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. like Goniopteris .] hastata, Fontaine & White. 1880. Perm. or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. armed with a spear.] hildrethi instead of Hymenophvllites hildrethi. intermedia, Lesquereux, The name was preoccupied in 1852 by Ettingshausen. It is now described as S. mediana. irregularis, refer to Pseudopecopteris irregularis, larischi, Stur, 1877 (Calymmotheca larischi), Culm. Flor. d. Ostr. u. Waldenburger Sehichten, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] lati folia, refer to Pseudopecopteris lati- folia. laxa, Hall, is Archax>pteris hallana. lescuriana, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] linearis, Sternberg, Tent. flor. prim. p. 15, tab. 42, flg. 4, Lower Coal Meas. [Sig. lined.] maoilenta, refer to Pseudopecopteris niaeilenta. mediana, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig middle.] Proposed instead of S. intermedia, microearpa. Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. small fruited.] minutisecta, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. finely marked.] newberryi refer to Pseudopecopteris newberryi. pachynervis, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Sig. thick veined.] pilosa, refer to Callipteris pilosa. polyphylla, refer to Pseudopecopteris polyphylla. pseudomurrayana, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. from its resemblance to Pecopteris murrayana.] pterota, Wood, 1866, Trans. Am. Phil. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Soc., vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. feathered.] M'iJK.voPTEBis quercifolia, Gceppert, 1836, Systema Filicum fossilium, Coal •■is. [Sig. oak leaved.] spinosa instead of Hymenophyllites r-pinosus. squamosa is Pseudopecopteris anceps. x subalata, Weiss, 1869-72, Foss. Flor. d. jungst. Steink. form., Coal Meas. [Sig. somewhat alate.] trichomanoides instead of Hymen- ophyllites trichomanoides. tridaetjiites instead of Hymenophyllites tri dactylites. Etete, refer to Pseudopecopteris tri- foliata and to Artis (Filicites tri- foliatus), 1825, Antediluvian Phy- tology. Sn&Ajreifaf, Schimper, 1874, Traite de Palaeontologie Vegetale. [Ety. from the coiled and twisted marking around the pod or vegetable sub- stance.] appendieulatum instead of Palaeoxyris appendiculata. corrugatum instead of Palaeoxyris cor- rugata. intermedium, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. in- termediate.] multiplicatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. many plicated.] prendeli instead of Palaeoxyris prendeli. SpirophyUm, Hall, is classed by Prof. Les- quereux as a synonym for Taonurus. Sporaxgites acuminatum instead of Annu- laria acuminata, huronensis, Dawson, 1871, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Sporoc YSTis, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa. [Ety. sporos, seed; kustis, bladder.] planus, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. {Sig. even.] Staph vloptekis nsteroides, S. sagittata, 8. stelloto, and 8. irortheni, are referred to the genus Sorocladus. >jemmatopteris, Corda, 1845, Beitrage zur Flora der Vorwelt. [Ety. stemmatos, a wreath: ptf/ris, a fern-] angustata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. narrowed.] eyclostigma, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa , Coal Meas. [Sig. round dotted.] emarginata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa.. Coal Meas. [Sig.emar- ginated.] gigantea. instead of Caulopteris gigantea. liir-utii. Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. hairy.] insignis. instead of Caulopteris insignis. mimica, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. mimic.] Stemmatopteris polita, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. polished.] punctata, instead of Caulopteris punc- tata, schimperi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] squamosa, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. scaly.] wortheni, instead of Caulopteris worth- eni. Stiomaria amoena, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. charming.] stellaris instead of Sigillarioides stellaris. Stigmarioides affinis, refer to Rhachiop- teris affinis. selago, refer to Rhachiopteris selago. Strobilus caryophyllus, Hildreth, 1837, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arte, vol. 31, Coal Meas. Syrestgodexdrox was described by Stern- berg in 1820 in Essai d'un expose Geognostico-botanique de la Flore du monde primitif. 1st cahier, and S. pes-capreoli was also described, brongniarti, Geinitz, 1855 (Sigillaria brongniarti), Verst. d. Steink. form. in Sachsen, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] gracile is from the Waverly Group, kirtlandium, Hildreth, 1837, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 31, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] magnificum, Wood, 1866, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. magnificent.] pachyderma instead of Sigillaria pachy- derma. T^ExioPHYLLfM, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. [Ety. tainia, a ribbon ; phyllon, a leaf.] contextum, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Coal Meas. [Sig. entwined.] decurrens. Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Coal Meas. [Sig. extend- ing downward.] deflexum, Lesquereux, 1878, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Coal Meas. [Sig. bent down ward, j T.EXIOPTKRIS lescuriana, Fontaine & White, ' 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] magnifolia is a Jurassic species, newberryana, Fontaine & White, 1880, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, Coal Meas. or Permian. [Ety. proper name.] smithi, Lesquereux, 1875, Geol. Rep. of Ala., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Taoxurus, Fisher-Ooster, 1858, Foss. Fucoiden d. Schweizer Alpen. [Ety. toon, a peacock; oura, tail.] cauda-galli instead of Spirophyton cauda- galli. according to Lesquereux. colletti instead of Chondrites eolletti. PROTISTA. Taonurus crassus instead of Spirophyton crassum. marginatus instead of Caulerpites marg- inatus. typus instead of Spirophyton typus. velum instead of Spirophyton velum. Trichophycus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist., vol. 1. [Ety. trichos, hair; phukos, sea weed.] lanosum, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. woolly.] sulcatum, Miller & Dyer, 1878. Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. furrowed.] venosum, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. veiny.] Trigonocarpum giffordi, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nceggerathi is Sternberg's species (Palma- cites noeggerathi), Tent. nor. primord. saffordi, Lesquereux,. 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Triphyllopteris, Schimper, 1874, Traite de Pal. Veg. [Ety. tria, three ; phyllon, a leaf; pteris, a fern.] lescuriana instead of Cyclopteris lescu- riana. Trochophyllum was used by Edwards & Haime for a genus of Corals in 1851 , and hence was preoccupied before Wood suggested its use instead of Annularia. clavatum, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. knotted.] lineare, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas [Sig. linear.] Ulodendron commutatum, Schimper, 1874, Traite de Pal. Veg., Coal Meas. [Sig. changed.] flexuosum, see Halonia flexuosa. Uphantosnia is referred to the Class Porifera. Walchia gracilis was published in 1863, Can. Nat., vol. 8, and is the same as Araucarites gracilis. W robusta in 1871, in Rep. on Prince Edward's Island. * Whittlesey a was described as well as W. elegans, in 1874, in Proc. Cleveland Acad. Nat. Sci. integrifolia, Lesquereux, 1830, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal. Meas. [Sig. whole leaved.] undulata, Lesquereux, 1880, Coal Flora of Pa., Coal Meas. [Sig. undulated.] Zamites gramineus and Z. obtusifolius are Triassic species. ANIMAL KINGDOM. SUBKINGDOM PROTISTA. Arch^ocyathellus, Ford, 1873, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 6. A proposed subgenus of Archaeocya- thus, founded upon A. rensselsericus. Astroconia, Sollas 1881, Lond. Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 37. [Ety. aster, a star; konia, dust.] granti, Sollas, 1881, Lond. Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 37, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name ] Astylospongia, prsemorsa, var. nuxmo- schata, Hall, 1876, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. nutmeg.] Beatricea (p. 165) is a sponge, and should have been placed in this subkingdom. Calcarina, D'Orbigny, 1826 2 Tableau Me- thodique de la classe des Cephalo- podes in Annales des Sciences Natur- elles,Tome 7. [Ety. calcis, limestone.] ambigua, Brady, 1876, Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian foramin- ifera, Carboniferous. [Sig. ambigu- ous.] Calcisph^era, Williamson, 1880, Mem. Org. of the Plants of the Coal Meas., pt. 10. [Ety. calcis, limestone; sphtera, a sphere.] robusta, Williamson, 1880, Mem. Org. Plnnts, Coal Meas., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. robust.] Cyathophycus, Walcott, 1879, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 10. [Ety. kuatkos, a cup; phukos, a sea weed.] This genus is now supposed to represent sponges, reticulatum, Walcott, 1879, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 10, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. reticulated.] subsphericum, Walcott, 1879, Trans. Alb Inst., vol. 10, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. somewhat spherical.] Cyathospongia, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. kuathos, a cup; spongia, a sponge.] excrescens, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. growing up preternaturally.] Dictyophyton catilliforme. Whitfield, 1881, Bull. No. 1, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. dish like] cylindricum, Whitfield, 1881, Bull No. 1, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. cyclindrical.] Dystactospoxgia, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. dystaktos, hard to arrange; spongia, a sponge] PROTISTA. 261 Dystactospoxgia insolens, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. unusual.] Exdothyra, Phillips, 1845, Proc. Geol. & Polytech, Soc. W. Riding Yorks, vol. 2. [Ety. endo», within; thura, a door.] haileyi instead of Rotalia baileyi. FusiLiXAhyperborea, Salter, 1855, Belcher's- last Arctic Voyage, vol. 2, Carbonifer- ous. [Sig. very far north.] Hixdsia, Duncan, 1879, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., vol. 4. [Ety. proper name ] sphaeroidalis, Duncan, 1879, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser.,. vol. 4, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. sphaeroiclal.] Ischadites tessellatus see Receptaculites tessellatus. Lepidolites, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2. [Ety. lepis, scale; lit has, stone.] dickhauti. Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Another specimen he called L. elonyatus, without charac- ters to distinguish it. The Specimens are very poor, and unless they are spongoid and related to Cyathophy- cus, the name may as well be erased for want of definition. Loftusia, Carpenter & Brady, 1869, Trans Royal Soc. [Ety. proper name.] columbiana, Dawson, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 35, Up. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] Microspoxgia, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 1. [Ety. mikros, small; spongia,& sponge.] gregaria, Miller & Dver, 1878, Jour. (in. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. belonging to a flock.] Nodosixelea, Brady, 1876, Monograph, Carb. & Perm, foraminifera. [Ety. nodus, a knot.] priscilla instead of Dentalina priscilla. Pae.eacis cuneiformis, Milne-Edwards, 1860, Hist. Nat. d. Corollaires, vol. 3, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. wedge formed.] cuneatus is a syn. for P. cuneiformis, and P. compressus and P. enormis, should be dated 1860. Pal.eomanox craters should be referred to the Niagara Gr. Pattersoxia, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5 [Ety. proper name.] diflicilis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. difficult ] Protocyathus, Ford, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 15. [Ety. pro- tos, first; kuathos, a cup.] raruB, Ford, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 15, Low. Potsdam Gr. [Sig. rare.] Receptaculites arcticus, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 34, Siluri- an. [Sig. arctic] circularis, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. circular.] devonicus, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. new species Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig Devonian.] iowensis, should be referred to the Tren- ton Gr. sacculus, Hall, 1879, Desc. new species Foss. from Waldron, Ind., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a little bag.] tessellatus, Winchell & Marcy, 1865, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. checkered.] Rotalia baileyi refer to Endothyra baileyi. Saccammixa, Sars, 1868, Vidensk-Selsk. Forhandl. [Ety. diminutive of sakkos, a bag.] eriana, Dawson, 1881, Can. Nac, vol. 10, syn. for Calcisphsera robusta. Strom atocerium richmondense, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Stromatopora should be referred to this subkingdom. In 1867, Proc. Am. Ass. Ad. Sci., Winchell proposed the subgenus Cainostroma to include S. monticulifera, S. polymorpha, S. pus- tulosa, S. radiosa, and S. ramosa; and the subgenus Idiostroma to include S. ccespitosa, and a proposed species S. gordiaceum. hindi is from the Niagara Gr. nulliporoides, Nicholson, 1875, Pal. Prov. Ont., Ham. Gr. [Sig. like Nullipora.] Textilaria pakeotrochus see Valvulina palseo- trochus. Uphaxtjexia, dawsoni, Whitfield, 1881, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts; hIso, Bull. No. 1, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Valvtjlixa, D'Orbigny, 1826, Tabl. Method, d. 1. Classe d. Cephalopodes. [Ety. valva, a door. ] bulloides, Brady, 1876, Monog. Carb. & Perm, foraminifera, Carboniferous. [Sig. like a bubble.] decurrens, Brady, 1878, Mem. Geo. Sur. Scotland, Carboniferous. [Sig. ex- tending down.] palaeotrochus, Ehrenberg. 1857 (Texti- laria palaeotrochus), Mikrogeologie, Carboniferous. [Sig. ancient Tro- chus.] plicata, Brady, 1873, Mem. Geo. Sur. Scotland, Carboniferous. [Sig. pli- rudis, Brady, 1876, Monog. Carb. & Perm, foraminifera, Carboniferous. [Sig. rude ] 262 POLYPI. SUBKINGDOM RADIATA. CLASS POLYPI. Acanthograptus, Spencer, 1878, Can. Nat. vol. 8. [Ety. akantha, spine; grapho, to write.] granti, Spencer, 1878, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Acervtjlaria adjunctive, White, 1880, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 2, Car- boniferous. [Sig. joined.] pentagona, Goldfuss, 1826 (Cyathophyl- lum pentagonum), Petref. Germ., De- vonian. [Sig. pentagonal.] Acrophyllum clarki, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Upper Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] ellipticum, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Lower Devonian. [Sig. ellip- tical]. Alveolites arctica, Woodward, 1879, Lond. Geo. Mag. n. s. vol. 5, Devonian. [Sig. arctic] constans, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Lower Devonian. [Sig. reg- ular, unchangeable.] exsul, refer to Callopora exsul. fibrosus, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr.[Sig. fibrous.] fischeri (which is Pachypora fischeri), A. goldfussi, and A. roemeri, should be dated 1860, Can. Jour. vol. 5, and are from Ham. Gr. frondosus, refer to Pachypora frondosa. irregularis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. irregular.] louisvillensis, Davis (In press) Foss. Corals of Ky , in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] minimus, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals ofKy.,in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Lower Devonian. [Sig. small- est.] mordax, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals ofKy.,in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Lower Devonian. [Sig. rough as a rasp.] \ multilamella, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Sur., 40th Parallel, vol. 4, Devonian. [Sig. having many lamellae.] niagarensis, Nicholson & Hinde, 1874, Can. Jour., Niagara Gr. [Ety. prop- er name.] niagarensis, Rominger, see Alveolites undosus. scandularis, Davis (In press), Foss. Cor- als of Ky., in vol. 1 Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Upper Devonian. [Sig. covered as with shingles.] Alveolites undosus, n. sp.,Niag. Gr. [Sig. wavy.] This name is proposed for the species described by Rominger in 1876, in his Foss. Corals, p. 40, pi. 16, figs. 1 and 2, under the name of A. niagarensis, as his name was pre- occupied by Nicholson & Hinde. Amplextjs annulatus, Whitfield, 1878. Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. annulated.] feildeni, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. vol. 34, Upper Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] fenestratus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having open windows.] junctus, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niag- ara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. joined.] , laxatus, Billings, Can. Nat. Cor- niferous ( ?) limestone. [Sig. spread out.] uniformis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. uniform.] Anisophyllum, Edwards and Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal. [Ety. anisos, unequal; phyllon, a leaf.] agassizi, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bilamellatum, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having two lamellae.] trifurcatum, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. three forked.] unilargum, Hall. 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. one large.] Arachnophyllum, Dana, 1848, Zoophytes, U. S. Expl. Exped., vol. 8. [Ety. arachne, a spider; phyllon, a leaf.] richardsoni, Salter, 1852, Sutherland's Jour., vol. 2, Upper Sil. [Ety. proper name.] Astraea hennahi, see Smithia hennahi. ASTR.EOPHYLLIM, Nicholson & Hinde, 1874, Can. Jour., vol. 14. [Ety. aster, a star; phyllon, a leaf.] gracile, Nicholson & Hinde, 1874, Can. Jour., vol. 14, Niagara Gr. [Sig. slender.] Atjlacophyllum, Edwards & Haime, 1854, British Fossil Corals. [Ety. aulas, a furrow; phyllon, a leaf.] bilaterale, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals POLYPI. 2G3 Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. bilateral.] coiiigeruui, Davis (In press). Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Upper De- vonian. [Sig. bearing a cone.] convergent, Hall, 1882. Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. converging.] crnciforme, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. cruciform.] mntabile, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky.. in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. change- ful.] parvum, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. small.] pinnatum, Hall. 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. plumed.] poculum, Hall. 1882. Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. a cup.] prseciptum, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals. Niagara and Up Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone [Sig. anticipated.] prateriforme. Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. prateriform?] princeps. Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. first.] reflexum. Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr.. Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. turned back.] sulcatum. D'Orbigny. 1850. Prodr. d. Pal., vol. 1. p. 105, Corniferous lime- stone. [Sig. furrowed.] tripinnatum. Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals. Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. three pinnated.] trisuleatum, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. three furrowed.] unguloideum. Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Lower Devonian. [Sig. like a hoof.] Aulopora canadensis, 1875 (Alecto cana- densis). Can. Nat. and Geo., vol. 7, Corniferous limestone. [Ety. proper name.] culmula, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky.. in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St Geo. Sur.. Devonian. [Sig. a little stalk.] procumbens, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky.. in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. prostrate.] Baryphyliam fungulus. White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a small mushroom.] verneuilanum. Edwards & Ilainie, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Blothrophyllim cinctutum, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. girt.] corium, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. bark, skin.] louisvillense, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle and Upper Devonian. [Ety. proper name ] multicalicatum, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. many plastered.] niagarense. Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] papulosum, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. pustulecl.] parvulum, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky.. vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. very small.] promissum. Hall., 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. hanging down.] sessile, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky.. vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Middle Devonian. [Sig. dwarfish, seeming to sit.] sinuosum. Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. sinuous.] Calamopora cellulata, see Favositescellulata. goldfussi, see Favosites goldfussi. minuta, see Favosites minute. uunutissima, see Favosites minutissima. radians, see Favosites radians. verneuili, see Favosites verneuili. Calceola should be removed from the Brachiopoda to this class. attenuate, Lyon, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Niagara Gr. [Sig. attenuated.] corniculum, Lyon, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a little horn.] Is it a syn. for C tennesseen- sis? coxi, Lyon, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Is it a syn. for C. tennesseensis ? proteus, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] pusilla, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. very small.] Callograptis niagarensis, Spencer, 1878, (an. Nat., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Calophyllum, Dana, 1848, Zoophytes U.S. Expl. Exped., vol. 8. [Ety. kalos, beautiful; phyllon, a leaf.] phragmoceras, Salter, 1852, Sutherland's .Jour., vol. 2. Up. Sil. [Sig. a parti- tioned horn.] 264 POLYPI. Calyptograptus, Spencer, 1878, Can. Nat., vol. 8. [Ety. kalyptos, covered; grapho, to write,] cyathiformis, Spencer, 1878, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Sig. cup shaped.] subretiformis, Spencer, 1878, Can. Nat., vol. 8, Niagara Gr. [Sig. somewhat net formed] Cannapora annulate, Nicholson & Hinde. 1874, Can. Jour., Niagara Gr. [Sig. ringed.] Caryophyllia cornicula, see Zaphrentis cor- riicula. gigantea, see Zaphrentis gigantea. pulmonea, see Zaphrentis pulmonea. Catenipora michelini, Castlenau, syn. for Halysites catenulatus. Chetetes sequidistans. Hall, 1881. Bryozo- ans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. equi- distant.] arcticus, Haughton, 1857, Jour. Roy. Dub. Soc, vol. 1. [Sig. arctic] compressus, Ulrich, 1879. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2. Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. compressed.] This is a bryozoan. crebrirama. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having dense branches.] egenus. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. destitute of.] elegans, Ulrich, see Monticulipora ele- gans. internascens, Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. growing be- tween.] irregularis, see Monticulipora irregularis. filiasa, see Monticulipora fili >sa. fusiformis, Whitfield. 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv Gr. [Sig. fusiform.] granuliferus, see Monticulipora granu- lifera . milleporaceus. Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal. Car- boniferous. [Sig. having innumer- able pores.] moniliformis, refer to Monticulipora moniliformis. ramosus, see Monticulipora ramosa. subglobosus, Ulrich, see Monticulipora subglobosa. undulatus. see Monticulipora undulata. venustus, see Monticulipora venusta. Chonophyllum capax, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. capacious.] magnificum, was published in Can. Jour., vol. 5, in 1860. nanum, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Upper Devonian. [Sig. a dwarf.] sedaliense, White, 1880, 12th Rep. U S. Geo. Sur, Terr., Choteau Gr. [Ety. proper name.] vadum, Hall, 1882, Fobs. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. shallow.] Chonostegites, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Pol. Foss. des Terr. Pal., p. 299. [Ety. konos, a cone; stege, a covering.] clappi, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Pol. Foss. des Terr. Pal. p. 299, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Cladopora alcicornis, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Up. Devonian. [Sig. elk's horn.] aculeata, Davis (In press), Foss Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having prickles or spines.] acupicta, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur , Low. Devonian [Sig. punctured as with a needle.] bifurca, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur. Low. Devonian. [Sig. two pronged, forked.] canadensis, Rominger, is a syn. for Pachy- pora frondosa. crassa, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. thick.] dentata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. having teeth.] desquamata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. scaled, peeled.] dispansa, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals ofKy., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. spread out flat] equisetalis, Davis (In press), Foss. Cor- als of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. from the plant Equisetum.] fibrata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. fibrous.] foliata, Davis (In press), Foss Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low Devonian. [Sig. arranged in leaves.] gracilis. Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Mid. Devonian. [Sig. slender.] gulielmi. Davis (In press), Foss. Corals . of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Up. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] knappi. Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St Geo. Sur., Low Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] lichenoides, Rominger, 1876. This name was preoccupied by Winchell & Marcy, in 1865. See C. winchellana. menis, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a crescent.] ordinata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals POLYPI. 2G5 of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Siii'., Niagara Gr. [Sig. from the arrangement in rows.] Cladopopa proboseidalis, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Bur.. Niagara Gr. [Sig. having a proboscis.] ricta, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. open month.] robnsta var. tela, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky , in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur.,- Low. Devonian. [Sig a „web.] sarmentosa, Hall, 1876, Desc. new species of fossils from Waldron, Niagara Gr. [Sig full of branches.] striata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. striped.] undosa, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, P«l. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. wavy.] winchellana, n. sp.. Up. Held. Gr. This name is proposed for the species de- scribed by Rominger, under the pre- occupied name of C. lichenoides, in his Fossil Corals, p. 47, pi. 17, figs. 1 and 4. Named in honor of Alexander Winchell. Clisiophyllum austini, Salter, 1852 (Strephodes austini), Sutherland's Jour., vol. 2, Devonian [Ety. proper name.] danaanum, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pluriradiale, Nicholson, 1874, Pal. Prov. Ontario, Corniferous limestone. [Sig. many radiated] tumulus, Salter, 1855, Belcher's last of the Arctic Voyages, vol. 2, Car- boniferous. [Sig. a mound.] Ccenites lunata, see Limaria lunata. Columnakia halli, Nicholson, 1879, Tabu- late Corals, syn for C. alveolata. mamillaris, and C. multiradiata, Castel- nau, 1843, are not recognized by palaeontologists. sutherlandi, Salter, 1852, Sutherland's Jour., vol 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Columnopora rayi, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Ceaspedophyllum, Dybowski, 1873, Beschreibung neuen aus Nordamer- ika, Stammenden Devonischen, art der Zoaniharia rugosa. [Ety. kras- pedos, an edge; phyllon, a leaf.] americanum, Dybowski, 1873, Beschr. n a. Norda. s. Dev. a. d. Zoanth. rugosa., Up. Held. Gr., at Columbus, O. [Ety. proper name.] Crepidophyllum, Nicholson & Thompson, 1877, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, vol. 9. A proposed name to include Diphyphylhun archiaci. Cyathaxonia columellata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. pillared.J cynodon, Rafinesque & Clifford, 1820, Monographic d. Turbinolides, in Ann. d. Phys. d. Brux., t. 5, Waverly Gr. [Sig. dog tooth.] gainesi, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] herzeri, Hall ? 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.} profunda, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Car- boniferous. [Sig. profound.] wisconsinensis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] CYATHOPHYLLUM.a51, Mon. d. Pol. Foss. d. Terr. Pal., Car- boniferous. [Ety. proper name.] colletti, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals. Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous lime- stone. [Ety. proper name.] complanata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. made even.] compressa, Milne-Edwards, 1860, Hist, d. Corallaires, t. 3, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. compressed.] concava, Hall. 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. concave.] constricta, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. constricted.] contorta, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., < orniferous limestone. [Sig. contorted.] convoluta, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. convoluted.] cornalba, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur.. Up. Devonian. [Sig. white horn.] cornicula, Lesueur, 1820, Mem. du Museum, vol. 1, instead of cornicu- lum, Edwards & Haime. corrugata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Schoharie Grit. [Sig. corrugated.] cristulata, Hall, 1882. Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. small crested.] curvata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. curved.] cyathiformis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous Gr. [Sig. cup-shaped.] dalei, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. Foss. d. Terr. Pal., Subcarbon- iferous. [Ety. proper name.] denticulata, d'Eichwald, 1857. Probably not American. desori, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. Foss. de Terr. Pal., Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] duplicata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. duplicated.] elegans, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. elegant.] elliptica, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals ofKy.,in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian.. [Sig. ellip- tical.] Zaphrextis excentrica, Meek, 1872, Hay- den's U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., Coal Meas. [Sig. excentric] exigua, var. elongata, Davis (In press), Foss Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky., St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. lengthened.] exilis. Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Mid. Devonian. [Sig. thin, fragile.] explanata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Up Devonian. [Sig. spread out.] fastigata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. pointed.] foliata. Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. leafy.] frequentata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. frequent. j fusiformis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cor- niferous limestone. [Sig. fusiform.] gallicalcar, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1. Pal Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Up. Devonian. [Sig. cock's spur.] genitiva, Billings, 1875, Can. Nat. and Quar. Jour., vol. 7, Corniferous Gr. [Sig. original.] gigantea, Lesueur, 1820, Mem. du Museum, vol. 6, instead of Kafinesque. glans refer to Hadrophyllunrglans. gravis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. ponderous.] halli, Edwards & Haime, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] haysi, Meek, 1865, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2d ser., vol. 40, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] herzeri, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Ety. proper name.] immanis, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Mid. Devonian. [Sig. im- mense.] insequalis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cor- niferous limestone. [Sig. unequal.] inclinata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. inclined.] irregularis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cor- niferous limestone. [Sig. irregular.] knappi, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Ety. proper name.] latisinus, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- POLYPI. 275 agara and Up. Held. Gi\, Niagara Gr [Sig. having a wide sinus.] Zaphrextis linneyi, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1. Pal. Ky. St. Geo Sur., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] niaconathi, Davis (In press). Foss. Cor- als of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. and Mid. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] marcoui, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol: Foss. d. Terr. Pal., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nettlerotni, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Up. Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] nitida, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. neat.] obliqua, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky.. in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Niagara Gr. [Sig. oblique, in- clined.] offleyensis, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo., vol. 34, Up. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] ovalis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous lime- stone. [Sig. oval.] ovibos, Salter, 1855, Belcher's last of the Arctic voyages, vol. 2, Carboniferous. [Sig. the musk ox.] patella, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Hud. Kiv. and Niagara Gr. [Sig. a dish.] planima, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. plane.] ponderosa, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. ponderous.] pressula, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. somewhat compressed.] profunda, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. profound.] prona, Milne-Edwards, 1860, Hist. d. Corollaires, Warsaw Gr. [Sig. bent forward.] pulmonea, Lesueur, 1820 (Caryophyllia pulmonea, Mem. du Museum, vol. 6, Carboniferous. [Sig. spongy.] racinensis, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Kep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name ] rafinesquei, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Up, Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Zaphrextis rigida, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. rigid.] roemeri, Edwards & Haime, 1851, Mon. d. Pol. foss. d. Terr. Pal., Delthyris shale. [Ety. proper name.] scutella, Davis vln press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Hud.Eiv. and Niagara Gr. [Sig. a saucer.] sentosa, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous lime- stone. [Sig. thorny.] socialis, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur. Niagara Gr. [Sig. gregarious, soci- able.] spissa, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous lime- stone. [Sig. dense.] subcompressa, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. somewhat com- pressed. 1 subvada, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara Gr. [Sig. somewhat shallow.] subvesicularis, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Niagara, Gr. [Sig. somewhat vesicular.] tabulata, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. tabulated.] ' torquata, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals ofKy., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Mid. Devonian. [Sig. twisted.] torta, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Niagara and Up. Held. Gr., Corniferous limestone. [Sig. twisted.] transversa, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. transverse.] trigemma, Davis (In press). Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. and Mid. Devonian. [Sig. bearing three buds.] trisutura, Hall, 1882, Foss Corals, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. having three sutures.] unica, Davis (In press), Foss. Corals of Ky., in vol. 1, Pal. Ky. St. Geo. Sur., Low. Devonian. [Sig. unique, ex- traordinary.] venusta, Hall, 1882, Foss. Corate, Ni- agara and Up. Held. Gr., Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. beautiful.] 276 ECHINODERMATA. CLASS ECHINODERMATA. ORDER CRINOIDEA. FAMILY ACROCRINID^.— Acrocrinus. FAMILY ACTINOCRINID^E.— Actinocrinus, Agaricocrinus, Alloprosallocrinus, Am- phoraerinus, Batocrinus, Ctelocrinus, Dorycrinus, Eretmocrinus, Gennseocrinus, Megistocrinus, Physetocrinus, Saccocrinus, Steganocrinus, Stereocrinus, Stroto- crinus, Teleiocrinus. FAMILY ALLAGECRINID^E.— Allagecrinus. FAMILY ANCYROCRINID^E.— Ancyrocrinus. FAMILY BELEMNOCRINID^.-Belemnocrinus. FAMILY CALCEOCRINLTLE.— Calceocrinus, Eucheirocrinus. FAMILY CALYPTOCRINID^E.— Eucalyptocrinus, Hypanthocrinus. FAMILY CUPRESSOCRINID^E.— Aspidocrinus, Edriocrinue, Synbathocrinus. FAMILY CYATHOCRINID^E.— Ampheristocrinus, Arachnocrinus, Barycrinus, Cara- bocrinus, Cyathocrinus, Mpterocrinus, Pachyocrinus, Palfeocrinus, Vasocrinus. FAMILY DIMEROCRINID^E.— Cytocrinus, Dolatocrinus, Macrostylocrinus. FAMILY GASTEROCOMID^E.— Myrtillocrinus. FAMILY GLYPTOCRINID.E.— Archadocrinus, Cupulocrinns, Glyptaster, Glypto- crinus, Lampterocrinus, Retiocrinus, Xenocrinus. FAMILY HAPLOCRINID^.— Coccocrinus, Haplocrinus. FAMILY HETEROCRLNTD^E.— Erisocrinus, Graphiocrinus, Hetei*ocrinus, Iocrinus. FAMILY HYBOCRLSriDJE.— Anomalocrinus, Hybocrinus. FAMILY ICHTHYOORINID^E.— Cleiocrinus, Homalocrinus, Ichthyocrinus, Lecan- ocrinus, Mespilocrinus. FAMILY MELOCRINTD^E. — Ctenocrinus, Mariacrinus, Melocrinus, Technocrinus. FAMILY PISOCRINID^E.— Catillocrinus, Pisocrinus. FAMILY PLATYCRINID./E.— Cordylocrinus, Cotyledonocrinus, Dichocrinus, Euclad- ocrinus, Marsupiocrinus, Platycrinus, Pterotocrinus, Talarocrirms. FAMILY POTERIOCRINIDJE— Agassizocrinus, Bursacrinus, Coeliocrinus, Cromyo- crinus, Decadocrinus, Dendrocrinus, Eupachycrinus, Homocrinue, Hydreiono- crinus, Pachy Iocrinus, Parisocrinus, Porocrinus, Poteriocrinus, Scaphiocrinus, Scytalocrinus, Zeacrinus. FAMILY RHODOCRINIDiE. — Goniasteroidocrinus, Hadrocrinus, Lyriocrirms, Rho- docrinus, Thysanocrinus. FAMILY STELIDOCRINID^.— Schizocrinus. FAMILY TAXOCRINID^E.— Forbesiocrinus, Onychocrinus, Taxocrinus. FAMILY AFFINITY UNCERTAIN.— Brachiocrinus, Closterocrinus, Cystocrinus, Dictyocrinus, Syringocrinus. ORDER CYSTOIDEA. FAMILY AMYGDALOCYSTID^E.— Amygdalocystites, Malocystites, Palseocystites. FAMILY ANOMALOCYSTID^E.— Anomalocystites, Ateleocystites. FAMILY CARYOCRINID^E.— Caryocrinus, Heterocystites. FAMILY COMAROCYSTIDJE.— Comarocystites. FAMILY ECHINOCYSTID^E.— Echinocystites. ECHIXODERMATA. 277 FAMILY GOMPHOCYSTIL^E.— Gomphocystites. FAMILY HOLOCYSTTD^.— Crinoeystites, Holocystites. FAMILY HYBOCYSTID^E.— Hybocystites. FAMILY LEPADOCRIXID^E.— Apiocystites, Callocystites, Echino-encrinites, Glyp- tocystites, Lepadocrinus, Pleurocystites, Sphaerocystites. FAMILY UXCERTAIX.— Eoeystites. ORDER BLASTOIDEA. FAMILY XUCLEOCRIXID^E.— Xucleocrinus. FAMILY PEXTREMITID^E.— Blastoidocrinus, Granatocrinus, Pentremites, Troosto- crinus. FAMILY STEPHAXOCRIXID^E — Codaster, Codonites, Eleutherocrinus, Stephan- ocrinus. ORDER PERISHO-ECHINID^E. FAMILY ARCHyEOCIDARID^E.— Archaeocidaris, Eocidaris, Lepidocldaris, Pholido- eidaris. FAMILY LEPIDECHIXID^.— Lepidechinus, Lepidesthes. FAMILY PAL^ECHIXID^.— Melonites, Oligoporus, Palaechinus. ORDER ASTEROIDEA. FAMILY P A L^E A STERTD^B , — Onychaster, Palaeaster, Palaeasterina, Petraster, Schaenaster, Stenaster. ORDER OPHIUROIDEA. Eugaster, Palaeocoma, Protaster, Ptilonaster, Teeniaster. ORDER AGELACRINOIDEA, n. ord. and n, fam. This order is proposed to include, so far as known, only the family Agelacrinidae, and each may, therefore, be defined as follows : Body thin, circular and parasitic upon other objects. The lower side consists of a thin, smooth, attaching membrane or plate. The upper side is more or less convex, and composed of thin, squamiform or imbricating plates, usually much smaller at the per- iphery than toward the center. Ambulacra constituting part of the convex surface furrowed on the interior, and composed of a double series of transverse alternating plates, sometimes having smaller, middle, intercalated ones. Two or more rows of ambulacral pores connect the exterior with the interior of each ambulacrum. The so-called ovarian or anal aperture is situated in one of the inter-ambulacral areas, and is usually surrounded by cuneiform plates forming a depressed circular prominence. The genera belonging to this order and family are Agelacrinus, Edrioaster and Hemicy6tites. ORDER LICHENOCRINOIDEA, n. ord. and n. fam. This division of the fossil Echinodermata, and the family Lichenocrinidae, are established upon the genus Lichenocrinus. The definition of the order and family will be the same, as both are founded on a single genus. The body attached during part or all of its life to foreign objects. It is circular, con- vex upon the upper side, and more or less crateriform surrounding the central stalk-like appendage. The lower side at some period of life possessed a thin attaching plate. The upper side is covered with numerous polygonal plates, without any evidence of the presence of ambulacra, arms, mouth, pectinated rhombs or pores connecting the exterior with the internal cavity. The interior of the visceral. cavity contains numerous radiating 278 ECHIXODEEMATA. upright lamellae that support the polygonal plates of the upper side, and often leave their impression, like the radiations of a star, upon the object to which it was attached. The stalk rises from the central depressed area, and consists, at first, of interlocking plates, hut, afterward, of circular ones, like those of a crinoid column, and finally tapers to a point. It was flexible and perforated with a longitudinal channel, though the perforation has not been satisfactorily ascertained at the upper terminating point. ORDER MYELODA.CTYLOIDEA, n. ord. This division of the fossil Echinodermata is established as follows : Body free, discoidal, and possessed of an internal radiating system of pores, which increase, by division, from the center to a tubular channel in the circular margin or sur- rounding coil. There are two families referred to this order, the Myelodactylidae and the Oyclocystoididae. In the former, the radiating and circular systems become com- plicated, by the connection, between succeeding coils and through the flattened connect- ing finger-like processes ; in the latter, the arrangement is more simple, as the interior radiations connect with a single marginal circular system. The external form and in- ternal structure are so essentially distinct from other well defined orders, that the tech- nical names, used in description, have no ascertained application. That is, we can not intelligently apply the words calyx, ambulacra,- arm, etc., to any part of these peculiar organisms. This order has been suggested with hesitation, because there still exists a possibility that My elodaetylus belongs, in some manner, to the vault of a crinoid, but the author thinks there is not much probability of such connection. FAMILY MYELODACTYLIDGE, n. /am. This family is founded upon the single genus Myelodactylus, and defined as follows : Body free, discoidal, and resembling a coil rolled in the same plane, and covered upon either side by finger-like processes from each succeeding turn overlapping the next inner one. The whorls are composed of a series of plates, having a tubular channel within, and perforated and finger-like processes upon the exterior, directed toward the center, and flattened down upon the next inner whorl to which they are attached, and form a porous connection from the tubular channel of one Avhorl to the next inner one. The cast of the pores of the inner whorl resemble the radiating spokes of a wheel : they are multiplied in connecting the tubular channels of each succeeding whorl, thus making the internal radiating system doubly complicated. The central aperture, if one exists, has not been discovered, and the structure of the terminal end of the anonnlous coil is wholly unknown. The internal radiating system of pores may be compared with that of the family Cyclocystoididfe, and here the analogy in structure, with other families in the class Echinodermata, so far as known, ceases. The terminal end of the coil being unknown hus led to the suggestion of the possibility of its having been connected with the vault of a crinoid, but as no genus is known having any such appendage, and some classification seeming desirable, this family has been proposed. ' FAMILY CYCLOCYSTOIDID^E, n. fam. ~ This family is founded upon the single genus Cyclocystoides, and defined as follows : Body free, consisting of a circular disk, and having a margin composed of a series of perforated plates. Within this marginal series the disk is covered with an integument of small plates, except, possibly, a small central aperture. The rim or marginal series contains a tubular channel, making the complete circle, which is connected with the in- terior, by numerous pores, that radiate from the center, and repeatedly bifurcate be- fore reaching it. The inner side of the rim is grooved, for the reception of the internal part of the disk, and the outer side depressed and scarred, either by mammillary eleva- tions or concave depressions, as if for the attachment of ossicular or other processes. The tubular channel is connected with the exterior by minute circular pores which were probably analagous, in their purpose, to the calycine pores in the Cystidese. ECHIXODERMATA. 271) Acrocrixus wortheni, Waehsmuth, 1S82, Bull. Xo. 1, 111. St. Mug. Xat. Hist., Coal Mess. [Ety. proper name.] Actixocrixus andrewsanus, McChesney, 1860, Xew Pal. Foss., Up. Burling- ton Gr. [Ety proper name.] Waehs- nmth refers it to Batoerinus. biturbinatus, refer to Batoerinus bitur- binatus. brevis, refer to Agaricocrinus brevis. ruhjculus, refer to Batoerinus ealyculus. co.h/culus var. hardinensis, refer to Bato- crinus ealyculus var. haixlinensis. caroJi, refer to Batoerinus caroli. dfpeatus } refer to Batoerinus clypeatus. concinnus, refer to Steganocrinus eon- cinnus. copei, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] coreyils from the Keokuk Gr., and was described in 1860. coronatus, refer to Eretmocrinus corona- tus. dalyanus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ectypus instead of -Strotocrinus ectypus. jiscellus, refer to Agaricocrinus fiscellus. hageri, refer to Batoerinus hageri. helice, refer to Agaricocrinus helice. helice var. eris, refer to Agaricocrinus eris. indianensis is from the Keokuk Gr. It was described in 1860, and should be referred to Batoerinus indianensis. leucosia, refer to Eretmocrinus leucosia. meeki, refer to Macrostylocrinus meeki. multicornis was described in 1869, from the Up. Held. Gr. nashcillce, refer to Batoerinus nashvillse. nashvillce var. subtractus, refer to Bato- erinus nashvillae var. subtractus. obpyramidalis, refer to Melocrinus ob- pyramidalis. pentaspinus was described in 1869, from the Up. Held. Gr. pyramidatus, refer to Agaricocrinus pyra- midatus. pyriformis var. rudis, being preoccupied the fossil was afterward named Bato- erinus pistilliformis. ramulosus, refer to Eretmocrinus ramu- losus. rotundas, refer to Batoerinus rotundus. sculptus, refer to Steganocrinus sculptus. sillimani, is a syn. for A. scitulus. similis, refer to Batoerinus similis. steropes, refer to Batoerinus steropes. tenuisculptus, McChesney, 1867, Chi., Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Low. Burlington Gr. [Sig. finely sculptured.] ventricosus, refer to Physetocrinus ven- tricosus. ventricosus var. cancellatus, refer to Phy- setocrinus ventricosus var. cancella- tus. ventricosus var. internodus, refer to Phy- setocrinus ventricosus var. interno- dus. Actixocrixus icachsmuthi, White, 1862, syn. for A. scitulus. wachsmuthi, White, 1880, 12th Pep. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., Keokuk Gr. Ety. proper name.] yandelli, is from the Keokuk Gr. Agaricocrixus americanus is found in the Burlington and Keokuk Groups, brevis instead of Actinocrinus brevis. crassus, Wetherby, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 4, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. thick.] elegans, Wetherbv, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 4, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. elegant ] eris, Hall, 1864, 17th Kep.X. Y. St. Cab. Xat. Hist. (Actinocrinus helice var. eris), Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] fiscellus instead of Actinocrinus fiscell- us. helice instead of Actinocrinus helice. pyramidatus instead of. Actinocrinus pyramidatus. springeri, White, 1882, 11th Kep. Geo. & Xat. Hist. Indiana, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Agassizocrixus hemisphericus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. hemi- spherical.] papillatus, Worthen, 1882, Bull Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. shaped like a bud.] Agelacrixus septembrachiatus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. seven armed.] Allagecrixus, Etheridge & Carpenter, 1881, Ann. & Mag. Xat. Hist. [Ety. allage, a change; krinon, a lily.] carpenteri, Wachsmuth, 1882, Bull. Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Alloprosallocrixus euconus, see Bato- erinus euconus. Ampheristocrixus, Hall, 1879, Desc. Xew. Spec. Foss. [Ety. ampheristos, doubt- ful, disputed; krinon, a lily.] typus, Hall, 1879, Desc. Xew Spec. Foss., Xiagara Gr. [Sig. the type.] Amphoracrixus planobasalis was described in 1860, in Supp. to Geo. Kep. Iowa. quadrispinus is a syn. for A. divergens. Amygdalocystites huntingtoni, Wether- by, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat Hist., vol. 4, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Axomalocrixus caponiformis, Lyon, 1S69, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. capon formed.] incurvus is from the Hud. Riv. Gr. vxo.mai.ocystites balanoides is from the Hud. Riv. Gr. 2S0 ECHINOBERMATA. Anomaloides. Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. This is a poorly constructed word for a generic name, beside the fossil is a fragment and not understood. reticulates, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. reticulated.] Arachxocrlxus, Meek & Worthen, 1866, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 2. [Ety. arachne, a spider; krinon, a lily.] bulbosus, instead of Cyathocrinus bul- bosus. extensus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Revision of the Palaeocrinoidea, Ham. Gr. [Sig. extended.] knappi, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Rev. of the Palaeocrinoidea, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pisiformis, instead of Poteriocrinus pisi- f or mis. Arch^eocidaris dininni, White, 1880, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 2, Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] keokuk is from the Keokuk Gr. triplex, White, 1882, Rep. Carb. Invert. Foss. New Mex., Coal Meas. [Sig. three-fold.] Arcteeocrixus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. archaios, ancient; krinon, a lily.] A generic name proposed for the pur- pose of including Glyptocrinus lacu- nosus, G. marginatus, Thysanocrinus microbasilis and T. pyriformis. Barycrinus angulatus instead of Cyatho- crinus angulatus. bullatus instead of Cyathocrinus bulla- tus. cornutu6 instead of Caythocrinus cor- nutus. crassibrachiatus instead of Cyathocrinus crassibrachiatus. kelloggi instead of Cyathocrinus kel- loggi. magister instead of Cyathocrinus mag- ister. multibrachiatus instead of Cyathocrinus multibrachiatus. rhombiferus instead of Poteriocrinus rhombiferus. sculptilis instead of Cyathocrinus sculp- ilis. solidus instead of Cyathocrinus solidus. spurius instead of Cyathocrinus spurius. stellatus instead of Cyathocrinus stellat- us. tumidus instead of Cyathocrinus tumid- us. wachsmuthi instead of Cyathocrinus wachsmuthi. Batocrixus was described in 1854, by Casseday, in Deutsche Zeitscher d. Geol. Gesellsch, vol. 6. andrewsanus instead of Actinocrinus andrewsanus. biturbinatus instead of Actinocrinus biturbinatus. Batocrixus calyculus instead of Actino- crinus calyculus. calyculus var. hardinensis instead of Actinocrinus calyculus var. hardin- ensis. caroli instead of Actinocrinus caroli. cType*tus instead of Actinocrinus clype- atus. euconus instead of Alloprosallocrinus euconus hageri instead of Actinocrinus hageri. indianensis instead of Actinocrinus in- dianehsis. lovei, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nashvillae instead Actinocrinus nash- villae. nashvillae var. subtractus, instead of Ac- tinocrinus nashvillae var. subtractus. rotundus instead of Actinocrinus ro- tundus. similis instead of Actinocrinus similis. steropes instead of Actinocrinus steropes. whitei, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] yandefli instead of Actinocrinus yan- delli. Belemxocrixus fiorifer, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 13, Burlington Gr. [Sig. flower bearing.] pourtalesi, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 13, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name. Calceockixus radiculus. Ringueberg, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. a small root.] Centrocrinus, Wachsmuth & Springer. 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proposed as a subgenus under Actinocrinus to in- clude A. multicornis and A. pentas- pinus, but the name was preoccupied by Austin, in 1843. Codaster gratiosus, S. A. Miller, 18S0, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. agreeable ] hindei, Etheridge & Carpenter, 1882, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kentuckiensis is from the Burlington Gr. pentalobus, see Stephanocrinus pentalo- bus. pulchellus, see Stephanocrinus pulchell- us. * Codoxites was described in 1869, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. It is classed by Zit- tel, Ludwig. Carpenter, and other European authors, as a syn. for Oro- phocrinus, described by Von See- bach in 1864, in Nachr. k. Gesellsch. zu Gottingen. gracilis should bear the same date as the genus. Co2liocrixus cariniferus instead of Zea- crinus cariniferus. ECHINODERM AT A . Cceliocrixus lyra instead of Zeacrinus lyra. Comarogystites shumardi, var. obconicus, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Trenton Gr. [Sig. obcon- ical.] Cordylocrixus, Angelin, 1878, Icon. Crin. Suec. [Ety. kordyle, a cudgel; krinon, a lily.] parvus instead of Platycrinus parvus, plumosus instead of Platycrinus plum- osus. ramulosus instead of Platycrinus ram- ulosus. Crinosoma antiqua, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Probably a fucoid. Cromyocrixus, Trautschold, 1867, Crin. jung. Bergkalkes bei Moskaw. [Ety. kromyon, an onion; krinon, a lily.] gracilis, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Fat, Hist., vol. 2, KaskaskiaGr. [Sig. slender.] Cupulocrixus, D'Orbigny, 1850. Prodr. d. Pal. Proposed instead of Seypho- crinus, Hall, that was preoccupied, heterocostalis instead of Scyphocrinus heterocostalis. Cyathocrixus aemulus, Hall, 1879, Desc. new spec, foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. emulous.] angulatus refer to Barycrinus angulatus. barydactvlus, 'Wachsmuth & Springer, 1878/ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Up. Burlington Gr. [Sig. heavy fingered.] bulbosus refer to Barycrinus bulbosus. crassibrachiatus refer to Barycrinus cras- sibrachiatus. crassus refer to Eupachycrinus crassus. crawfordsvillensis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Keokuk, Gr. [Ety. proper name.] decadactylus was described in 1860, Am. Jour/ Sci., vol. 29, and from the Keokuk Gr. fasciatus refer to Macrostylocrinus fasci- atus. gilesi, "Wachsmuth & Springer, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hamiltonensis. Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] han-isi, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] harrod'i, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hexadactylus was described in 1860, from the Keokuk Gr. inaequidactylus, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Sp. Foss. from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. unequal fingered.] inflexus, Geinitz, refer to Erisocrinus in- flexus. insperatus is from the Keokuk Gr. kelloggi, refer to Barycrinus kelloggi. magister, refer to Barycrinus magister. Cyathocrixus marshallensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kinderhook Gr. [Ety. proper name.] multibrachiatus, refer to Barycrinus mul- tibrachiatus. nucleus instead of Dendrocrinus nucleus. pusillus, refer to Lecanocrinus pusillus. rarus was described in 1869, from the Up. Held. Gr. sangamonensis, refer to Eupachycrinus sangamonensis. sculptilis, refer to Barycrinus sculptilis. solidus, refer to Barycrinus solidus. somersi, Whitfield," 1882, Desc. New Spec, from Ohio Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] spurius, refer to Barycrinus spurius. stellatus, refer to Barycrinus stellatus. stillativus, White, 1880, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 2, Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. dropping.] tenuibrachiatus, Lyon, 1869, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. slender armed.] tumidus, see Barycrinus, tumidus. vanhornei, S. A." Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] wachsmuthi, see Barycrinus wachsmuthi. waldronensis, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Cyclocystoides bellulus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] magnus, Miller & Dver, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. large.] minus, Miller & Dyer, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. small.] mundulus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. neat, trim.] parvus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. little.] C ytocrixus may be restored, as it is doubt- ful about its being a syn. for Macro- stylocrinus, Dexdrocrixus ancilla, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a hand-maid.] curtus, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. short.] erraticus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4", Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. a wanderer.] , navigiolum, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. a small vessel.] nucleus, refer to Cyathocrinus nucleus. Decadocrinus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. dekas, . number of ten ; krinon, a lily.] A proposed subgenus of Poteriocrinus . 282 ECHIXODERMATA. Dichocrinus constrictus is from the War- saw Group. coxanus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] elegans, Casseday & Lyon, was preoccu- pied by De Koninck & Lehon in 1853, but the species is referred to the ge- nus Talarocrinus, by Wachsmuth & Springer. hamiltonensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ornatus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. ornate.] This name was pro- posed instead of D. sculptus, Casse- day & Lyon, because the latter name was preoccupied. sculptus, Casseday & Lyon. The name was preoccupied by De Koninck & Lehon in 1853, see D. ornatus. Dolatocrinus marshi was described in 1869, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Up. Held. Gr. ornatus, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. ornament- ed.] Dorycrintts, Rcemer, 1854, Archiv. f. Naturgesch Jahrg, vol. 19, p. 207. lineatus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Sig. lined.] Eretmocrixus adultus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. adult.] coronatus instead of Actinocrinus cor- onatus. intermedins, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. intermediate.] leucosia instead of Actinocrinus leucosia. originarius, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. original.] ramulosus instead of Actinocrinus ramu- losus. varsouviensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus Nat. Hist., Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Erisocrinus hemisphericus instead of Poteriocrinus hemisphericus. inflexus, Geinitz, 1866 (Cyathocrinus in- flexus), Carb. und Dyas, Coal Meas. [Sig. curving.] planus, White, 1880, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Coal. Meas. [Sig. even.] Eucalyptocrinus constrictus, Hall, 1879, syn. for E. tuberculatus. depressus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Sig. depressed ] egani, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ovalis instead of ovatus. proboscidalis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. having a proboscis.] Eucalyptocrixus rotundus, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. rotund.] tuberculatus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. tuberculated.] turbinatus, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. turbinate.] Eucladocrixls, Meek, 1871, U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr. [Ety. eu, very ; klados, a branch; krinon, a lily.] millebrachiatus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burling- ton and Keokuk Gr. [Sig. many- armed.] montanensis, Meek, 1871, Hayden'sRep. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., Subcarbonifer- ous. [Ety. proper name.] pleuroviminus instead of Platycrinus pleuroviminus. Eupachycrenus asperatus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia, Gr. [Sig. roughened.] crassus instead of Cyathocrinus crassus. formosus instead of Zeacrinus formosus. germanus, S. A, Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. near of kin.] monroensis, Worthen, 1882. Bull. No. 1, St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] quatnoi-decembrachialis instead of Gra- phiocrinus quatnordecembrachialis, and from Kaskaskia Gr. sangamonensis instead of Cyathocrinus sangamonensis. spartarius, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. of or belonging to a broom.] subtumidus instead of Zeacrinus subtu- midus. Forbesiocrixus asteriformis, refer to Ony- chocrinus asteriformis . communis, refer to Taxocrinus communis. giddingi, refer to Taxocrinus giddingi. jnvenis, refer to Taxocrinus juvenis. kelloggi, refer to Taxocrinus kelloggi. lobatus, refer to Taxocrinus lobatus. lobatus var. tardus, refer to Taxocrinus lobatus var. tardus. meeki, refer to Taxocrinus meeki, from Keokuk Gr. multibrachiatus, [refer to Taxocrinus rnul- tibrachiatus. parvus, Wetherby, 1879. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. small.] ramulosus, refer to Onychocrinus rarnu-' losus. shumardanus, refer to Taxocrinus shu- mardanus. whitfieldi, refer to Taxocrinus whitfieldi. Qennceocrinus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. gennaios, of noble origin ; krinon, a Yily.] This ECHINODERMATA. was proposed to include certain species of Actinocrinus from the Ham- ilton Group, to-wit: A. calypso, A. caaaedayi, A. cauliculus, A. eucharis, A. kentuckiensis, and A. nyssa. Glyptastek egani, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] occidentals, var. crebescens, Hall, 1879, 28th Eeg. Kep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. abundant.] Glyptocrlxus annularis, Miller & Dyer, Jour. Cin. hoc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. angular.] cognatus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. near to, cognate.] dyeri, var. sublsevis, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat smooth.] gracilis, Wetherby, 1881 (Reteoerinus gracilis), Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. slender.] harrisi, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] iniamiensis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pattersoni, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] richardsoni, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] eculptus, S- A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. carved.] shafteri var. germanus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. near of kin.] I believe this is a distinct species, and will therefore become G. germanus. Graxatocrixus missouriensis and G. roemeri, should be referred to the Choteau or Kinderhook Gr. Graphiocrixus carbonarius instead of Scaphiocrinus carbonarius. mcadamsi instead of Scaphiocrinus mcadamsi. quatuordecembrachicUis, refer to Eupachy- crinus quatiiordecembrachialis, and to the Kaskaskia Gr. rudis instead of Scaphiocrinus rudis. simplex instead of Scaphiocrinus sim- plex, spinobrachiatus instead of Scaphiocrinus spinobrachiatus\ striatus instead of Scaphiocrinus striatals. tortuosus instead of Scaphiocrinus tor- tuosus. wachsmuthi instead of Scaphiocrinus wachsmuthi. Heterocrixus crassus, refer to Iocrinus crass us. geniculatus, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. genie ulatetl.] Heterocrixus milleri, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] oehanus, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pentagonus, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. pentagonal.] subcrassus, refer to Iocrinus subcrassus. vaupeli, Wetherby, 1881. I am unable to recognize this species. It appears to be founded upon a fragment of H. simplex. Holocystites baculus, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Ni- agara Gr.' [Sig. a staff.] brauni, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] dyeri, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] elegans, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. elegant.] globosus, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. globose.] jolietensis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ornatus, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. ornate.] perlongus, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. verv long.] plenus, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. rSig. full, large.] pustulosis, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. full of pustules.] rotundus, S. A. Miller. 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. rotund.] subrotundus, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. subrotuud.] tumidus, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. tumid.] / turbinatus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. turbinate.] ventricosus, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. ventricose.] wetherbyi, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Homocrixus, angustatus instead of an- gustus, from Hud. Riv. Gr. Hybocystites, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. ECH INODERM ATA. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3. [Ety. Jiubos, hump-backed; kustis, a bladder.] Hybocystites problematicus, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Trenton Gr. [Sig. problematical.] Hydreioxocrixus, De Koninck, 1858, Bull. Acad. Royale Belgique, 2me serie, tome 3. Messrs. Wachsmuth & Spring- er refer to this genus Zeacrinus acanthophorus, Z. armiger, Z. de- pressus, Z. discus and Z. mucrospinus. Ichthyocrinus nobilis, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Upper Burlington and Keokuk Gr. [Sig. noble.] Iocrinus, Hall, 1864, Advance sheets, 24th Reg. Hep. N. Y. [Ety. io, in triumph ; Jcrinon, a lily.] crassus instead of Heterocrinus crassus. subcrassus instead of Heterocrinus, sub- crassus. Lampterocrinus parvus, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. little.] Lecanocrinus pusillus, Hall, 1863 (Cya- thocrinus pusillus) Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, Niagara Gr. [Sig. very small.] pusillus, Winchell & Marcy, syn. for L. pusillus. Hall. Lecythiocrinus, White, 1880, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 2. [Ety. lekuthion, a small oil flask; krinon, a lily.] This name was preoccupied by Muller in 1858, and by Zittel in 1879. . adarnsi, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] olliculceformis, White, 1880, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 2, Upper Coal Meas. [Sig. like a little pot.] Lepidesthes colletti, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] formosus, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] Lichexocrixus affinis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour., Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. related to, from resemblance to L. crater iformis.] dubius, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] pattersoni, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Lyriocrixus melissa instead of Rhodo- crinus melissa. sculptus, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara or Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. sculptured.] Macrostylocrixus fasciatus instead of Cyathocrinus fasciatus. fusibrachiatus, Ringueberg, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Wist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. from the fusiform arms.] meeki instead of Actinocrinus meeki. striatus var. granulosus, Hall, 1879, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. gran- ulous.] Marsupiocrixus tennesseensis instead of Platycrinus tennesseensis. tentaculatus instead of Platycrinus ten- taculatus. Megistocrixus infelix, refer to Saccocrinus infelix. marcouanus, refer to Saccocrinus mar- couanus. necis, refer to Saccocrinus necis. nodosus, Barris, 1879, Proc. Davenport Acad., Nat. Sci., Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. nodose.] parvirostris is a syn. for M. plenus. pileatus, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. covered with a cap.] spinosus should be stricken out. Melocrintjs clarkei, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] obpyramidalis, Winchell & Marcy, 1865 (Actinocrinus obpyramidalis), Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Niagara Gr. [Sig. obpyramidal.] Myelodactylus bridgeportensis, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Niagara Gr. [Ety. prop- er name.] Oligoporus coreyi, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Ollacrinus, Cumberland, 1826, Appendix to Reliquiae Conservata. Figured with- out description, and subsequently de- clared by Koninck & Lehon to be a Rhodocrinus. Wachsmuth & Springer claim priority for this name over Go- niasteroidocrinus, without good rea- son, however, and contrary to the laws of nomenclature, as shown by Meek in 111. Geo. Sur., vol. 2, p. 217. Oxychocrinus asteriaeformis instead of For- besiocrinus asteriaeformis. distensus, Worthen, 1882. Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. distended.] meeki, refer to Taxocrinus meeki, and to Keokuk Gr. ramulosus instead of Forbesiocrinus ram- ulosus. whitfieldi, refer to Taxocrinus whitfieldi. Pachy Iocrinus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. pachylos, thick; krinon, a lily.] A proposed subgenus of Poteriocrinus, founded upon the form of the body. Pal2Easter elarkanus^ S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol.' 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clarki, S. A. Miller, refer to Palaeaster clarkanus. crawfordsvillensis, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] dubius, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to ECHINODERMATA. 285 Pal., No. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] Pal^easter exculptus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. LSig. chiseled out.] finei, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] harrisi, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat, Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] longibrachiatus, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. long armed.] miamiensis, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] simplex, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. simple.] • spinulosis, Miller & Dyer, 1878. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. full of spines.] Pal^easterixa approximata, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. near to.] speciosa. Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] Parisocrimts, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. parisos, resembling ; krinon, a lily.] A pro- posed subgenus under Poteriocrinus. Pextremites angularis, and P. robustus, are from the Kaskaskia Group, bipyramidalis, P. clavatus, P. grosve- nori, P. lineatus, P. reinwardti, P. subcylindricus, P. subtruncatus , and P. wortheni, are referred to the sub- genus Troostocrinus. abbreviatus, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. abbreviated.] basilaris, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. relating to the base.] broadheadi, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] chesterensis, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name ] clavatus, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci , vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. clavated.] hemisphericus, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskas- kia Gr. [Sig. hemispherical.] nodosus, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. nodose.] potteri, Hambuch, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] -spinosus, Hambach, 1880, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. spinous.] sulcatus, is said by Hambach to be a syn. for P. laterniformis. The latter was founded upon a cast. Pereichocrinus, Austin, 1843, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 11. Not denned so as to be recognized,though some authors, disregarding the rules of nomencla- ture, have used the name in an at- tempt to supplant, with it, Sacco- crinus. Physetocrinus ornatus instead of Actino- crinus ornatus. ventricosus instead of Actinocrinus ven- tricosus. ventricosus var. cancellatus instead of . Actinocrinus ventricosus var. cancel- latus. ventricosus var. internodus instead of Actinocrinus ventricosus var. inter- nodus. reticulatus instead of Actinocrinus retic- ulatus. Pisocrksus, DeKoninck, 1S58, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 2meser.,tome3. [Ety. pisos, a pea; krinon, a lily.] gemmiformis, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. bud shaped.] Platycrines bloomfleldensis, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bonoensis, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] leai was described in 1869, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, from Up. Held. Gr. monroensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] montanaensis, refer to Eucladocrinus • montanensis. multibrachiatus, is from the Burlington Group. ornigranulus, McChesney, 1860, Desc. JNew Pal. Foss., Burlington Gr. [Sig. having granules.] parvus, refer to Cordylocrinus parvus. pleurovimineus, refer to Eucladocrinus pleurovimineus . plumosus, refer to Cordylocrinus plumo- sus. poculum, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Sig. a cup.] praenuntius, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burling- ton Gr. [Sig. a harbinger.] pratteni, Worthen, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ramulosus, refer to Cordylocrinus ramu- losus. siluricus, Hall, 1879, Desc New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tennesseensis, refer to Marsupiocrinus tenne6seensis. tentaculatus, refer to Marsupiocrinus ten- taculatus. vexabilis, white, 1875, Wheeler's U. S. 286 ECHINODEEMATA. Sur. W. 100th. Meridian, Subcarbon- iferous. [Sig. disturbed.] PoROCRraus crass us, is from the Hud. Eiv. Gr., and P. pentagonus, from the Trenton Gr. smithi, Grant, 1831, Trans. Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club, No. 2, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Poteriocrintjs anomalos, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Kas- kaskia Group. [Sig. anomalous.] arachnseformis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keo- kuk Gr. [Sig. spider-like.] asper, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. rough.] asperatus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. made rough, uneven.] briareus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111., St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] burketi, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111., St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] calyx, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a cup.] clarkei, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] claytonensis, Worthen, 1882. Bull No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clytis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] columbiensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cornellanus, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] coxanus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cylindricus was described in 1869 from the Up. Held. Gr. davisanus, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] fountainensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., St. Louie Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gregarius, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Sig. gre- garious.] hamiltonensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hernisphericus, refer to Erisocrinws hem- isphericus. illinoisensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] iowensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, III. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Poteriocrinus iesupi, Whitfield, 1881, Bull. No. 1, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] kaskaskensis, Worthen, 1882. Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] latidactylus. Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. wide armed.] millen, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist., vol. 3, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nauvooensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] occidentalis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. western.] okawensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist.. Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] orestes, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] otterensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] peculiaris, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. peculiar.] penicilliformis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. like a painter's brush,] pisiformis, refer to Arachnocrinus pisi- fbrmis. popensis, Worthen, 1S82, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] posticus, refer to Dendrocrinus posticus, propinquus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. near to.] rhombiferus, refer to Barycrinus rhombi- ferus. richfieldensis, Worthen, 1832, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kinder- hook Gr. [Ety. proper name.] salteri, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. (Ety. proper name.] sculptus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. sculptured.] similis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. similar.] simplex was described in 1869 from the Up. Held. Gr. spinobrachiatus, Worthen, 1S82, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. spine armed.] subramulosus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1. 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. somewhat full of branches.] talboti, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., St. Louis Gr. [Ety.. proper name. J tentaculatus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, ECHIXODERMATA. 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. tentacled.] Poteriocrixus tenuidactylus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Sig. slender- fingered.] validus, Worthen. 1882, Bull. Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Warsaw Gr. [Sig strong.] varsouviensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Warsaw Gr. [Etv. proper name.] venustus. Worthen, 1882, Bull Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. heautiful.] wachsmuthi refer to Graphiocrinus wachsmuthi. wetherbyi, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. rEty. proper name.] zethus, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] Protaster flexuosus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 1, I'rica Slate and Hud. River Gr. [Sig. full of turnings.] miamiensis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Protasterina, Ulrich, syn. for Protaster. fimbriata, Ulrich, syn. for Protaster flexuosus. Pterotocrixus acutus, Wetherby, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. acute.] bifureatus, Wetherby, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. bifurcated.] cornigerus, refer to Talarocrinns corni- gerus. aexlobatus, refer to Talarocrinus sexlo- batus. spatulatus, Wetherby, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 2, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. spatulate.] Retiocrixus gracilis, Wetherby, see Glyp- tocrinus gracilis. Rhodocrixus coxanns, Worthen, 1882, Bull., Xo. 1, 111. St. Mus. Xat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] melissa, refer to Lyrioerinus melissa. vesperalis, White, 1880, Proc. U. S., Xat. Mus., vol. 2, Upper Coal Meas. (?) [Sig. belonging to evening.] Saccocrixus egani, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 4, Ni- agara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] infelix, AVinchell & Marcy, 1865 (Megis- tocrinus infelix), Mem. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., Xiagara Gr. [Sig. un- happy.] marcouanus, Winchell & Marcy, 1365 (Megistocrinus marcouanus), Mem. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., Xiagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] necis, Winchell & Marcy, 1865 (Megis- tocrinus necis), Mem. Bost. Soc. Xat. Hist., Niagara Gr. [Sig. death.] Saccocrixus pyriformis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. pear shaped.] urniformis, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 4, Xiagara Gr. [Sig. urn shaped.] Scaphiocrixus ' carbonarius, refer to Gra- phiocrinus carbonari us. gibsoni, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gurleyi, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] macadamsi, refer to Graphiocrinus mac- adamsi. rudis, refer to Graphiocrinus rudis. simplex, refer to Graphiocrinws simplex. ' spinifer, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 3, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. spine bearing.] spinobrachiatus, refer to Graphiocrinus spinobrachiatus striatus, refer to Graphiocrinus striatus. tortuosus, refer to Graphiocrinus tortu- osus. wachsmuthi, refer to Graphiocrinus wach- smuthi. Scyphocrinus, Hall. This name was pre- occupied by Zenker in 1833, andD'Or- bigny proposed instead of it Cupulo- crinus. heterocostalis refer to Cupulocrinus heter- ocos talis. Scytalocrinus Wachsmuth & Springer, 1879, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. [Ety. skutale, a staff or club; krinon, a lily.] A subgenus of Poteriocrinus of doubtful utility. wachsmuthi, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 3, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Stegaxocrixus concinnus instead of Ac- tinocrinus concinnus sculptus. Hall, instead of Actinocrinus sculptus. Stephaxocrixus osgoodensis, S. A. Miller, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist . vol. 2, Xiagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pentalobus, Hall, 1879 (Codaster penta- lobus), Uesc. XeAv Spec. Foss., Xi- agara Gr. [Sig. five lobed.] pulchellus, Miller & Dyer, 1878 (Codas- ter pulchellus), Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 1, Xiagara Gr, [Sig. beau- tiful.] Stereocrixus, Barris, 1879, Proc. Daven- port Acad. Sci., vol. 2. [Ety. stereos, firm; krinon, a lily.] triangularis, Barris, 1879, Proc. Daven- port Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Upper Helder- berg Gr. [Sig. triangular.] triangulatus var. liberatus, Barris, 1879, Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci., vol. 2. Upper Helderberg Gr. [Sig. fur- rowed.] ECHINODERMATA. STROTOCRiNUSbloomfieldensis, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ectypus, refer to Actinocrinus ectypus. Synbathocrinus granuliferus, Wetherby, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. granule bearing.] oweni is from the Kinderhook Gr. robustus is from the Keokuk Gr. T^eniaster elegans, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. elegant.] Talarocrinus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. talaros, a basket; krinon, a lily.] cornigerus instead of Dichocrinus cor- nigerus. elegans instead of Dichocrinus elegans. ovatus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig/ovate.] sexlobatus instead of Dichocrinus sexlo- batus. symmetricus instead of Dichocrinus symmetricus. Taxocrinus communis instead of Forbesio- crinus communis, curtus, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci , Chemung Gr. [Sig. short.] fletcheri, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] giddingi instead of Forbesiocrinus gid- dingi. ithacensis, Williams, 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] juvenis instead of Forbesiocrinus juvenis. kelloggi instead of Forbesiocrinus kel- loggi. lobatus instead of Forbesiocrinus lobatus. lobatus var. tardus instead of Forbesio- crinus lobatus var. tardus, meeki instead of Forbesiocrinus meeki. multibrachiatus instead of Forbesiocrin- us multibrachiatus. Taxocrinus multibrachiatus var. colletti, White, 1881, 2d Ann. Rep. Bureau of Statistics of Indiana, Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name] shumardanus instead of Forbesiocrinus shumardanus. whitfieldi Instead of Forbesiocrinus whit- fieldi. Teleiocrinus, Wachsmuth & Springer, 1881, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. [Ety. teleios, perfect; krinon, a lily.] A subgenus of Strotocrinus, of doubtful utility. Troostocrinus, Shumard, 1865, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol 2. [Ety. prop- er name.] A proposed subgenus of Pentremites. Vasocrinus lyoni, instead of Cyathocrinus lyoni. macropleurus instead of Cyathocrinus macropleurus. Xenocrinus, S A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4. [Ety. xenos, strange, new; krinon, a lily.] penicillus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. a painter's brush.] Zeacrinus cariniferus, refer to Coeliocrinus cariniferus. compactilis is from the Kaskaskia Gr. coxanus, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name.] crassus, refer to Eupachycrinus crassus. formosus, refer to Eupachycrinus for- mosus. keokuk, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Keokuk Gr. [Ety. proper name ] lyra, refer to Coelioerinus lyra. moorei, Whitfield, 1882, Desc.New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] pikensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] subtumidus, refer to Eupachycrinus sub- tumidus. BRYOZOA. SUBKINGDOM MOLLUSCA. CLASS BRYOZOA. Acaxthoceadia, King, 1849, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser., vol. 3, p. 389. [Ety. akantha, a spine; klados, a branch.] amerieana, Swallow, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Permian. [Ety. proper name.] Alecto was preoccupied by Leach in the class Echinodermata, when Lam- oureux used it, and hence Stomato- pora is used in its place, canadensis, see Aulopora canadensis. Ami'i.exopora. Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. am- plexus, an encircling; porus, a pore.] cingulata, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist, vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. encircled.] septosa, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2 (Atactopora sep- tosa), Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. parti- tioned.] Mr. Ulrich also refers to this genus Monticulipora discoidea. Arthroclema spiniforme, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. spiniform.] Arthronema, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. arthron, a joint; nema, a thread.] curtum, Ulrich. 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. short.] tenue. James, as figured by Ulrich, 1882 (Helopora tennis), Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton and Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. thin.] Ascodictyox, Nicholson, 1877, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., vol. 19. [Ety. askos, a leather bottle ; dictyon, a net.] fusiforme, Nicholson, 1877, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist , 4th ser., vol. 19, Ham. Gr. [Sig. fusiform] stellatum, Nicholson, 1877, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., vol. 19, Ham. Gr. [Sig. starred.] Atactopora. Ulrich. 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2. [Ety. atactos, without regularity ; porus, a pore.] hirsuta, Ulrich, 1879. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. rough.] maculata, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. spotted.] multigranosa, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. many grained.] mundula, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. neat.] Atactopora septosa, see Amplexopora septosa. subramosa, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat branchy.] tenella, Ulrich, 1879. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. neat.] Batostoma, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, founded upon Mon- ticulipora jamesi, and M. implicate. Batostomella, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, founded upon Monticulipora gracilis, M. granuli- fera, and Trematopora annulifera. Berexicea, Lamoureux, 1821, Exp. Meth. des. genres d. pol., p. 80. [Ety. mythological name.] primitiva. Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. primitive.] vesiculosa, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. , vol. 5, Utica Slate or Lower part Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. vesiculous.] Bythopora, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2. [Ety. buthos, depths of the sea; poros, a pore.] arctipora instead of Ptilodictya arctipora. fruticosa, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont.' to Pal., No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. shrubby.] nashvillensis. S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Callopora aculeolata, Hall, 1881, Bryozo- ans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. thorny.] cervicornis. Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig stag horned.] cincinnatensis, Ulrich, 1878. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] diversa, Hall, 1879 Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. diverse.] exsul instead of Alveolites exsul. irregularis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig irregular.] minutissima, Nicholson. 1875. Pal. Prov. Ont , Ham Gr. [Sig. very minute.] multiseriata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having many series.] subplana, Ulrich. 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. somewhat level] Mr. Ulrich refers to this genus Monticulipora ra- mosa, M. dalei, M. sigillarioides, M. nodulosa, and M. andrewsi. 290 BKYOZOA. Ceramopora explanata, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. spread out.] nothiis, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. spurious.] raripora, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having few pores.] Clathropora intermedia, Nicholson & Hinde, 1874, Can. Jour., Niagara Gr. [Sig. intermediate.] Cloxopora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. klonos, confu- sion; poros, pore.] incurva, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. incurved ] semireducta. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. half drawn back.] Crateripora, Ulrich, 1879. C. erecta, C. line- ata, and C. lineata var. expansa, repre- sent basal fragments of Bryozoa, and are not entitled to rank as species. Crisina scrobiculata, Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having small furrows.] Cvstodictya, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. kustis, a bladder; dictyon, a net.] ocellata, Ulrich", 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Keokuk Gr. [Sig. having little eyes.] Cystopora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. kustis, a bladder ; poros, a pore.] geniculate, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. geniculated.] Dicranopora, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. dikranos, two pointed; poros, a pore.] lata, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Biv. Gr. [Sig. wide.] trentonensis, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Eridopora, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. eridos, in dis- pute; poros, a pore.] macrostoma, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. long mouth.] punctifera, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. bearing punctures ] Escharopoea angusta, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. narrow. ] Diplotrypa milleri, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Discotrypa, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, founded upon Che- tetes elegans. Fexestelea acaulis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. without a stem.] aculeata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. thorny.] Fexestelea adnata, Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. close to.] sequalis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. equal ] ambigua, Hall, 1879, 28th Beg. Bep., Ni- agara Gr. [ Sig. doubtful. ] angulata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. angular.] anonyma, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. nameless.] arctica, Salter, 1855, Belcher's last Arctic Voyage, vol. 2, Carboniferous.' [Sig. bellistriata, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. beautifully striated.] bi-imbricaU. Hull, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up Held. Gr. [Sig. double, im- bricated.] biseriata. Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a double series.] biserrulata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. double ser- rulated.] brevisulcata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a short furrow.] celsipora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having high pores.] celsipora var. minima, Hall, 1881, Bryo- zoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. the least.] celsipora var. minor, Hall, 1881, Bryozo- ans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. less.] conferta, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. pressed together.] conjunctiva, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. connecting.] corticata. F. intermedia, F. subreti- formis, F. trituberculata and F. variabilis, are from the Coal Meas. cribrosa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. sieve like.] cultellata, Hall, 1881, Bvyozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. being like a little knife.] cultrata, Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. knife-formed.] curvijunctura. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. curve junc- ture.] cylindracea, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. like a cylinder.] davidsoni instead of F. dawsoni. depressa, Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. depressed] distans, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. distant.] elegantissima, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held.Gr. [Sig. most elegant.] erectipora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having erect pores.] fastigata Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. pointed.] BBYOZOA. 291 Fexestella favosa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. honey- comb like. J nabelliforniis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. fan like.] granifera, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. grain bearing.] granilinea, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. grain lined.] granulosa, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Bep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Biv. Gr. [Sig. full of grains,] hexagonah's, Hall,. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. hexagonal.] hexagonalis var. foraminulosa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. full of openings ] interrupta, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. interrupted.] largissima. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. largest.] lata, Hall. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. wide.] latijunctura, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. wide jointed.] levinodata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having smooth knots.] lineanoda, Hall. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig having lined knots.] lunulata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. resembling a small crescent.] mutabilis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. changeable.] nervia. [Sig. having strong ribs, instead of proper name.] nexa Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. interlaced.] oxfordensis, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Biv. Gr. [Ety. proper nnme.] parallella, Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. parallel.] perangulata. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. very angu- lar.] permarginata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a large border.] pernodosa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. very nodose.] perplexa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. intricate.] pertenuis, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. very thin.] pertenuis, Hall, 1881. The name "was pre- occupied. See F. proutana. perundata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. very wavy.] porosa, Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig full of pores.] prolixa. Hall, 1879. Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niag. Gr. [Sig. Stretched out.] propria. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. proper.] proutana, n. sp., Up. Held. Gr. Named in respect for the work of Dr. Hiram A. Prout. Proposed instead of F. pertenuis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr., page 29, which was preoccupied. Fenestella quadrangularis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. quadrangular.] rhombifera, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. rhomb bearing.] rigida, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. rigid.] robusta. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. robust.] semirotunda, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. half rotund.] serrata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. serrated.] singularitas, Hall, 1S81, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. single.] stellata, Hall, 1881, Bryozans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. starred.] stipata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. pressed together.] striatopora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having striae and pores. ] submutans. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat chang- ing.] substriata. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat stri- ated ] tantulus, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. so little.] tegulata, Hall. 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. tiled.] torta, Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. twisted.] variopora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having different pores.] Glaucoxome nodata, Hall, 1881 , Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. knotty.] sinuosa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. sinuous.] tenuistriata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the "Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. fine lined.] Gorgonia anticorum, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. retiformis, Hall, 1843, Geo. 4th Dist. N. Y , Niagara Group. Supposed to be a Graptolite. siluriana, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. Graptodictya, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. grapho, to write; dictyon, a net.] I am un- able to distinguish the generic differ- ence between this and Stictopora. nitida, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Biv. Gr. [Sig. neat.] Hemithypa duhia, Hall, 1876, is a Fenes- tella, and the name dubia being pre- occupied, the species is called F. ambigua. 292 BRYOZOA. Homotrypa, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. homos, similar: try pa, a perf oration.] curvata, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. curved.] obliqua, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. oblique.] Ixtrapora, Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. intra, within ; porus, a pore.] puteolata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. pitted.] Ixtricaria clathrata, Miller & Dver, 1878, Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Hud.* Riv. Gr. [Sig. latticed.] Leioclema, Ulrich, 1882 Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5 [Ety. leios, smooth ; klema, a twig.] Proposed to include Callopora punctata, Hall. Lichexalia alternata, Hall, 1881, Bryozo- ans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. alter- nated.] alveata. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. hollowed out.] bistriata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. double striated.] carinata. Hall. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. carinated.] circincta, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. encompassed.] clivulata. Hall. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having little Hills.] complexata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. encircled.] concentrica var. maculata, Hall, 1879, 28th Rep. N. Y. St. Mus., Niagara Gr. [Sig. spotted.] conul.ta, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having little cones.] Crustacea, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a crust ] denticulata, Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. denticulated.] granifera, Hall, 1881. Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig grain bearing.] longispina, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. long thorned.] lunata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up Held. Gr. [Sig. crescent shaped.] paliformis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. stake formed.] permarginata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having a large margin ] pyriformis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held Gr. [Sig. pear shaped ] radiata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. radiated], subcava, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat ex- cavated ] substellata Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat starred.] Mitocxema, Ulrich 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. mitos, a thread; klema. a twig.] cinctosa. Ulrich, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. girded.] Moxotrypella, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc, Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. di- minutive of Monotrypa ] aequalis, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. equal ] subquadrata, Ulrich. 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. subquadrate.] Mr. Ulrich also refers to this genus Monticulipora quadrata. Moxticueipora consimilis. Ulrich, 18S2, Jour. Cin. Soc Nat. Hist , vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. entirely simi- lar.] Mr. Ulrich refers this genus to the Bryozoa. laevis, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. smooth.] paiasitica. Ulrich, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. parasitic] wetherbyi. Ulrich. 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pachydictya, Ulrich, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc Nat Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. pachys, thick, dictyon, a net.] robusta, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. robust.] Paleschara incrassata. Hall. 1879, 28th Jteg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. thickened.] Peroxopora uniformis, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. one formed.] To this genus Mr. Ulrich refers Monticu- lipora compressa. Petigopora, Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. Founded upon Monticulipora petechialis. Phyllodictya, Ulrich. 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. phyllon, a leaf; dictyon, a net ] frondosa, Ulrich, 1882. Jour. Cin.' Soc Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. frondose.] Phractopora, Hall. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held Gr. [Ety. phraktos, en- closed; poros, a pore.] cristate. Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. crested.] Phyllopora, King, 1849, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2d ser. vol. 3 p. 389 [Ety. phyllon, a leaf; poros. a perforation.] variolata. Ulrich, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. variolated ] Polypora arkonensis, n. sp., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed in- ste d of P. tuberculata, Nicholson, in Geo. Mag. for Apr., 1874, and Rep. BKYOZOA. 293 Pal. Prov. Ont., p. 100, figs. 37, a, b, c- Found at Arkona, township of Bo- sanquet, Canada. Polypora grandis, Toula, 1875, X. Jahr- buch. Carboniferous. [Sig. large.] megastoma, DeKoninck, 1863, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 19, Carbonifer- ous. [Sig. large mouth.] tuberculata, "Prout, is from the Kaskas- kia Gr tuberculata, Xicholson, see P. arkonensis. Prasopora nodosa, Ulrieh. 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Kiv. Gr. [Sig. nodose.] Prismopora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. prismas, the hole made by a cylindrical saw ; poros, a poie.] paucirama, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having few branches.] triquetra, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. three cornered.] Ptilodictya acuminata, is Stictopora acum- inata. arctipora is Bythopora arctipora, from the Hud. Riv. Gr. briareus, Ulrieh, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] hilli, James, 1882 (as figured by Ulrieh), Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] intemodia, is Stictopora internodia. niaculata, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. maculated.] magnifies S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. magnificent.] nodosa, James, 1882 (as figured by Ul- rieh), Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig nodose.] perelegans, see Stictopora perelegans. plumaria, James, 1882 (as figured by Ulrieh), Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist', vol 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. belonging to a feather.] punctata, Nicholson & Hinde, 1878, Can. Jour., Clinton Gr. [Sig. having punctures.] ramosa, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. ramose.] triangulata, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. triangu- lated.] Ramipora, Toula, 1875, N. Jahrbuch. [Ety. ramus, branch; porus, pore.] hochstetteri, Toula, 1875, N. Jahrbuch, Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] Retepora fenestrata is from the Trenton Gr. Rhinidictya, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. rhine, a file ; dictyon, a net.] nicholsoni, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Bopalonaria. Ulrieh, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 2. [Ety. ropalon, a club.] venosa, Ulrieh, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. veiny.] Sagkxella ambigua, Walcott, 1S79, Utica Slate and related formations, Utica Slate. [Sig. ambiguous.] Scalaripora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. scalare, a stair- case, ladder; porus, a pore.] scalariformis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. ladder formed.] subconcava, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. somewhat concave.] Scenellopora, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. scene, a tent; ellus, diminutive; poros, a pore.] radiata, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. radiated ] Spatiopora, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 5. Founded upon Monticulipora tuberculata. Stictopora basalis, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 5, Trenton Gr. [Sig. basal.] fruticosa, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held Gr. [Sig. bushy.] internodia, Miller and Dyer, 1878 (Ptilo- dictya internodia). Cont. to Pal., No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. between nodes.] invertis, Hall. 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held Gr. [Sig. inverted.] linearis, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. linear.] orbipora, Hall, 1879, Desc. Xew Spec. Foss., XiagaraGr. [Sig. having round pores ] ovatipora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held Gr. [Sig. having ovate pores.] perarcta, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. very close.] perelegans, Ulrieh, 1878 (Ptilodictya perelegans) Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist , vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. very elegant.] rhomboidea, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig rhomb like ] rigida. Hall 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. rigid.] semistriati, Hall, 1881, Brvozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. half striated ] Stictoporella, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. diminutive of Stictopora.] I am unable to dis- tinguish this from Stictopora. interstincta, Ulrieh, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 5, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. divided.] 294 BRACHIOPODA. Stomatopora, Bronn, 1825, System d. urwetl. Pflanzenthiere. [Ety. stoma, mouth; poros, a perforation.] This name is preferred to Alecto, because the latter name had been used prior to its application among the Bryozoa. alternata instead of Stromatopora alter- nate,. proutana, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Synocxadia rectistyla, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. having straight stiles.] Thallistigma, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. (Ety. thallos, a young branch or twig; stigma, a spot] intercellatum, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. being inter- cellular. ] lamellatum, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig lamellated.J sparsipora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up Held. Gr. [Sig. having few pores.] Thamniscus multiramus, Hall, ,1881, Bryo- zoans of the Up. Held.' Gr. [Sig. many branched ] nanus, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a dwarf.] Thamnopora, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. thamnos, a bush ; poros, a pore.] divaricata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. divaricated.] Tkhmatopora alternata. Hall. 1881, Bryo- zoans of the Up. Held. Gr. Sig. al- ternated.] americana, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] annulifer, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. ring bearing.] annulata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. annulated.] annulata var. pronaspina. Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having the prickles bent forward.] arborea, Hall, 1881, Brvozoansof the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. tree like.] crebipora, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having close pores.] fragilis, refer to Kinderhook Gr. granulata, Whitfield. 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. granulated.] macropora, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. having long pores.] rectilinea, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. straight lined.] scutulata, Hall, 1881, Bryozoans of the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. checkered.] subimbricata, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. some- what imbricated ] vesiculosa is from the Burlinston Gr. CLASS BRACHIOPODA. The Family Spiriferid^e in the 1st edition of this work should be subdivided as follows : Family Athyrid^e — Athyris, Merista, Meristella, Meristina. Family Atrypid^e — Atrypa, Ccelospira, Zygospira. Family Nucleospiri».e — Nucleospira, Retzia, Tremato- spira. Family Spiriferid^; — Spirifera, Spiriferina, etc. Aegilops, Hall. This name was preoccupied for a genus in Botany, beside the species is supposed to be founded upon the cast of a Lamellibranch. Anastrophia internascens. Hall, 1879, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. growing between.] Athyris americana, A. euzona and A. formosa, are from the Kaskaskia Gr. chloe is from the Ham. Gr. claytoni, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] clusia, Billings, 1860, Can. Jour., vol. 5, CorniferodS limestone. [Sig. per- taining to Clusium, the name of a town in Etruria.] corpulenta, A. hannibalensis, and A. prouti, are from the Kinderhook Gr. obmaxima, Mc< hesnev, 1860, Desc. New Pal. Foss , p. 80, Low. Carb. [Sig. large in front.] Athyris ohioensis is from the Waverly Gr. papilioniformis, McChesney, 1867, Trans. Chi. Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. butterfly formed ] pectinifera is from the Keokuk Gr. persinuata. Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Sur., 40th parallel, Carboniferous. [Sig. very sinuate.] reflexa is from the Warsaw Gr. trinuclea instead of Terebratula trinuclea. Atrypa inflata was not defined. mansoni, Salter, 1852 (Rhynchonelia mansonij, Sutherland's Jour., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] nustella, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized, phoca, Salter, 1852 (Rhynchonella phoca), Sutherland's Jour., vol. 2, Devonian. [Sig. a sea dog.] BRACHIOPODA. Calceola. This genus belongs to the Polypi and the family Cyathophyllinae. Camarella ortoni is from the Niagara Gr. primordialis, Whitfield, 1878 (Triplegia primordialis), Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig primordial.] waldronensis, Miller & Dyer, 1878 (Spirifera (?) waldronensis). Jour. Cin. Soc. N»t. Hist., vol. I, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] < amarophoria giftbrdi, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Middle Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] occidentalis, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soe. Nat. Hist , vol. 4, Burling- ton Gr. [Sig. western.] Ckxtroxella allei is from the Kinderhook Gr. erassieardinalis, Whitfield, 1882. Bull. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist., Xo. 3, War- saw Gr. [Sig. from the thick eardind edges.] flora. Winchell, 1879, Notices and Desc. Fogg., from the Marshall Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] Choxetes loganensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, tf. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] michiganensis, C. multicosta. C. ornatus, belong to the Marshall or Choteau Group. mint'inn, Hall, 1876, being preoccupied, is now C. undulatus. reversus, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Marcellus shale [Sig. reversed ] striatellus, Dalman, 1827 (Orthis stri- atella), Kongl. Svenska Ak. Handl.', Up. Sil. [Sig. finely channeled.] undulatus. Half, 1879^ 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. undulated.] verneuilanus var. utahensis, Meek, 1S76, Simpson's Rep. on Gt. Basin of Utah, Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] Crania carbonaria, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Coal Meas. [Sig. from the Carboniferous.] ♦ granulosa, Winchell, 1880. 8th Rep. Geo. Sur. Minn., Trenton Gr. [Sig. full of granules] paraUella, Ulrich, 1878. Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. A doubtful species. percarinata, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. A doubtful species, socialis, Ulrich, 1878. Jour Cin. Soc. Xat Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. social.] Found upon crinoid columns. gpinigera. Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Fogg., Niagara Gr. [Sig. spine bear- ing.] Cryptoxella lens instead of Terebratula lens. UnekUeni instead of Terebratula linck- lseni. Cyrtixa acutirostris is from the Choteau Gr. euphemia, Billings, 1863, Can. Nat. and Geol., vol. 8, Corniferous Gr. [Sig. of good omen.] Discixa manhattensis, Meek & Hayden. 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] marginalis, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Ham. Gr. [Sig. mar- gined.] meekana, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name. | microscopica, Shumard,1861, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts., vol. 32, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. microscopic] newberryi and D. patellaris are from the Waverly or Marshall Gr. saffordi, Winchell, is from the Marshall Gr. sublamellosa, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Probably the cast of a Trematis. tenuilineata, Meek & Hayden, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. fine lined.] tenuistriata, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Probably the cast of a Trematis. Gypidula munda, Calvin, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur., vol. 4, No. 3, Low. Devo- nian. [Sig. elegant.] Hemipronites americanus, refer to Streptor- hynchus americanum. Koxixckia americana is from the Kaskas- kia Gr. Kutorgixa minutissima, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. very small.] Leiorhyxchus laura, Billings, May, 1860 (Rhynchonella laura), Can. Jour., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] multicosta was regarded by Billings as a 6yn. for L. laura. Lept.exa melita, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Pots- dam Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] plicatella, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. having small folds.] vicina, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized.] Lixgula acutangula, Roemer, 1852, Kreid. von Texas, Silurian. [Sig. acute angled.] billingsana, Whiteaves, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 16, St. John's Gr. [Ety. proper name.] densa was described in 1863, in 16th Reg. Rep. elderi, Whitfield, 1880. Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts 3d ser., vol. 19 Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gibbosa, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. gibbous.] hurlbuti, Winchell, 1880, Geo Sur. BEACHIOPODA. Minn., 8th Rep., Galena Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Lixgula iowensis, Owen, 1840, Rep. Min. Lands, Iowa. Wis., and 111., Galena Gr. [Ety. proper name.] melie was described in 1863,'in 16th Reg. Rep. membranacea, is from the Marshall Gr. rectilatera. Restore it. striata, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol., Que- bec Gr. [Sig. striated.] Lingulepis cuneolus, Whitfield, 1877, Pre- lim. Rep. Pal., Black Hills, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. a little wedge.] ella, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Expl. 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Sig. small.] msera, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Etj r . mythological name.] minuta, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. minute.] perattenuata, Whitfield, 1877, Prelim. Rep. Pal., Black Hills, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. very attenuated.] Mekistella rectirostra, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. straight beak.] Nucleospira rotundata, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. rounded.] OBOLELLAdesquamata,is founded according to Ford on the dorsal valve of O. crassa, and should be referred to the Lower Potsdam Gr. discoidea, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. discoid.] Okbiculoidea conica, Dwight, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d Ser., vol. 19, Trenton Gr. [Sig. conical.] Orthis altemans, Castelnau, 1843. Not recognized. amo3na, Winchell, 1880. Geo. Sur. Minn. . 8th Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. pleasant] charlottae, Winchell, 1880, Geo. Sur. Minn. 8th Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cincinnatensis, n sp Hud. Riv. Gr., Cincinnati, Ohio. Proposed instead of Orthis costata, Hall, 1845, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. This is a very small species, found associated with other minute fossils on -Vine street hill, circularis, Winchell, 1880, Geo. Sur. Min. 8th Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. circular.] clytie is from the Trenton Gr. conradi, Castelnau, 1843. Not recog- nized, conradi. Winchell. 1880, Geo. Sur. Minn. 8th Rep , H ud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cooperensis is from the Warsaw Gr. costata Hall, being preoccupied, see Orthis, cincinnatensis. Orthis dalyana, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol.4, Burling- ton, Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ella, O. emacerata, and O. jamesi, are from the Hud. Riv. Gr. eryna was described in 1863 in the 16th Reg. Rep. flabellurn, Sowerby, 1839, in Murch. Sil. Syst., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a small fan.] flava, and O. occasus are from the Kinder- hook Gr. huronensis, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized, infera, Calvin, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., vol. 4, No. 3, Low. De- vonian. [Sig. underground.] kassubae, Winchell, 1880, Geo Sur. Minn. 8th Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] media, Winchell, 1880. Geo. Sur. Minn. 8th Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. in the middle ] minneapolis, Winchell, 1880, Geo. Sur. Minn., 8th Rep., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pogonipensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] schohariensis, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized, scovillei, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] sectostriata, Ulrich, syn. for O. ella. ■ striatella, see Chonetes striatellus. subelliptica, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. subelliptical.j suhnodosa. Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. subnodose.] Pextamerus beaumonti, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not. recognized, coppingeri, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 34, Up. Silurian. [Ety; proper name.] deshayesi, Castelnau, 1843, Syst Sil. Not recognized, lenticularis, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. lenticular.] pesovis. Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss.. from Ohio, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. sheep foot.] trisinuatus, McChesney, 1861, Desc. New Pal. Foss., p. 86, Niagara Gr. [Sig. three furrowed.] Poramboxites obscurus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Sig. obscure.] Productus callawayensis, is from the Ham. Gr. cooperensis, P. cnrtirostratus, P. dolor- osus, and P. parvulus, are from the Choteau or Kinderhook Gr. coriformis, is from the Kaskaskia Gr. depressus, and P. fentonensis, are from the Keokuk Gr. BEACHIOPODA. 297 Prodcctus hepar, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts., vol. 29, Goal Mens. Not recognized, nanus, Meek & Worthen. 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. a dwarf.] nevadensis, Meek. 1877, U. S., Geo. Sur., 40th parallel, Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] poallum, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. Not recognized, pyxidiformis, DeKoninck, 1847. Mono- graphie du genre Productus, Sub- carboniferous. [Sig. box like.] subhorridus. Meek, 1877, IT. S. Geo. Sur., 40th parallel, Carboniferous. [Sig. somewhat like P. horridus.] sulcata*, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. Ri.nssel.eria condoni instead|ofR.conradi. Retzia evax instead of Rhynchospira evax. , marcyi, is from the Kaskaskia Gr. osagensis, angl R. popana, are from the Choteau Gr. sexplicata, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. having six folds.] woosteri, White, 1879, Bull. U. S. Sur., vol. 5, No. 2, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Rhyxciioxella ambigua, Calvin, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur., vol. 4, No. 3, Low. Devonian. [Sig. ambiguous.] arctirostrata and R. perrostellata are from the Kaskaskia Gr. boonensis and R. ringens are from the Burlington Gr. cooperensis. R heteropsis, R. micro- pleura, R. missouriensis, R. obso- lescens, R. persinuata and R. unica are from the Choteau or Kinderhook Gr. cuneata, refer to Rhynchotreta cuneata var. americana. eatoniformis is a Syn for R. rocky- montana. emmonsi. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Devonian. [Etv. proper name.] hydraulica. Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. hydraulic, from the hydraulic limestone ] internodia, Barris, 1879, Proc. Daven- port Acad. Sci., Corniferous Gr. [Sig. between nodes.] laura, see Leiorhynchus laura. rnansoni. see Atrypa mansoni. medea, Billings, 1860, Can. Jour., vol. 5, Corniferous limestone. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] neenah, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. Ety. proper name.] neglects var scobina is from the Niagara Gr. Rhyxchoxella nucula, Sowerby, 1839 (Terebratula nucula), Murch. Sil. Syst., Up. Sil. [Sig. a small nut.] oppositi, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinder- hook Gr. [Sig. opposite.] perlamellosa, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. very lamellose ] phoca, see Atrypa phoca. raricosta, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having few costoe.] rockymontana, Marcou, 1858 (Tere- bratula rockymontana) , Geo. North America, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] sinuata may be erased. stricklandi, Sowerby, 1839 (Terebratula sticklandi), Murch. Sil. Syst., Ni- agara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] tuta, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Sig. examined.] warrenensis is from the Ham. Gr. whitii. Hall, 1863, being preoccupied, see Rhynchonelbi whitiana. whitiana, n. sp., Niagara Gr., from Waldron, Indiana. Proposed instead of R. whitii. Hall, 1863, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 4, p. 216, and also in 28th Rep. N.Y. St. Mns. Nat. Hist., p. 164, pi. 26, figs. 23-33, and again in the llth Ann. Rep. Geol. & Nat. Hist, of Indiana, p. 307, pi. 26, figs. 23-33. Rhynchospira is a syn. for Retzia. evax, refer to Retzia evax. sinuata was described by Hall, in 1860, Can. Nat. & Geo., vol. 5. Rhyxchotreta, Hall, 1879, 28th Reg. Rep. [Ety. rhynchos, beak; tretos, with a hole in it.] cuneata var. americana. Hall. 1879, 28th Reg. Rep , Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] quadriplicata, S. A. Miller, instead of Trematospira quadriplicata. Spirifera alata, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. albapinensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] aldrichi, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 34, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] amara. S. cooperensis, S. hannibalensis, S. marionensis, S. missouriensis, S. semiplicata. and S. vernonensis, are from the Choteau or Kinderhook Gr. arctica, Haughton, 1857, Jour. Roy. Soc. Dub , vol. 1. Devonian. [Sig. arctic] argentaria, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Sur., 40th parallel, Devonian. [Sig. per- taining to silver.] atwaterana, S. A. Miller, 1878, Proc Davenport Acad. Sci., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed instead of 8. pennata, which was preoccupied. BKACHIOPODA. Spirifera bicostata var. petila, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. thin.] clara and S. translata are from the Kas- kaskia Gr. conradana, n. sp, Oriskany, Up. Held, and Ham. Gr. Proposed instead of S. fimbriata of Conrad in Jour. Acad. Nat Sci., vol. 8, p. 263, which was preoccupied. costalis, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. crispa var. simplex, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. simple.] fastigata, Morton, 1836. Am Jour. Sci. and Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. sloping up to a point.] fastigata, Meek & Worthen. The name was preoccupied by Morton. See S. mortonana. fimbriata, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. fringed.] fimbriata, Conrad. The name was pre- occupied. See S. conradana. fischeri, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. hirtus, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinder- hook Gr. [Sig. hairy, rough ] huronensis, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil.' Not recognized. inaequivalvis Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. ligus, Owen, 1852, Eep. Geo. Bur. Wis., Iowa and Minn., Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] macropleura, Castelnau, 1843. The name was preoccupied. meeki, is from the Burlington Gr. mortonana, n. sp., Keokuk Gr. Pro- posed instead of S. fastigata, of Meek and Worthen, 1870, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 36, and afterward in Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 6, p. 521, pi. 30, fig. 3, from Crawfordsville, Indiana. mucronata, Conrad, syn. for S. pennata. multicostata, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. murchisoni, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not. recognized. novamexieana, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burling- ton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pennata, Atwater, 1820 (Terebratula pennata) Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. winged.] pennata, Owen. The name was preoc- cupied, see S. atwaterana. rostrata, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. beaked.] semiplicata, is a syn. for S. cooperensis. sheppardi, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. sowerbyi, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. Spirifera strigosa, Meek, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Devonian. Proposed in- stead of S. macra, Meek, which was preoccupied. [Sig. thin.] subvaricosa, is from the Chemung Gr. taneyensis. SAvallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Kinderhook Gr. [Ety. proper name.] temeraria, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burlington Gr. [Sig. casual.} troosti, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. utahensis, Meek, 1860, syn. for S. nor- woodi. icaldronensis, Miller & Dyer, refer to Camarella waldronensis. waverlyensis, Winchell, 1870, Notices and" Desc. Foss., from Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Spiriferlna spinosa is from the Kaskaskia Gr. Streptorhynchus americanum. Whitfield, 1878 (Hemipronites americmns), Ann. Kep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Kiv. Gr. [Etv. proper name.] cardinale, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Eep. Geo. Wis., Hud. Kiv. Gr. [Sig. cardinal.] flabellum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a small fan.] hydraulicnm, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. hydraulic, from the hydraulic limestone.] inflatum, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kin- derhook Gr. [Sig. inflated.] occidentalis, Newberry, syn. for Meekella • striato-costata. pyramidalis, Newberry, syn. for Meek- ella striato-costata. Stricklandinia multilirata, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. many furrowed.] Strophalosia numularis, is from the Mar- shall Gr. Strophodonta altidorsata, S. boonensis, S. cymbiformis. S. inflexa. S.kemperi, S. navalis and S. subcymbiformis are from the Ham. Gr. calvini, n. sp. Upper Helderberg Gr. Proposed instead of S. quadrata, Calvin, 1878, in Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr , vol. 4, No. 3, which was pre- occupied. feildeni, Etheridge. 1878, Qnar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol 34, Up. Sil. |Ety. proper name ] quadrata, Swallow, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 1, Ham. Gr. [Sig. quadrate.] quadrata, Calvin, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., vol. 4, No. 3. The name was preoccupied, see S. calvini. sernifasciata, refer to Strophonella semi- fasciata. PTEROPODA. 299 Strophodoxta striata instead of Stropho- mena striata. varhbilis, Calvin, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur., vol. 4, No. 3, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. variable.] Strophomexa donneti. Salter, 1852, 'Suther- land's Jour , vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] kingi. Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nemea. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Sur. 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rhombbidalis, should be credited to Wilckens. 1769 (Conchites rhomboid- alis , Nachrieht von Seltener Verst. Its range is from the Lower Silurian to the Keokuk Gr. striata refer to Strophodonta striata wisconsinensis, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Hud. Riv. Gr.' [Ety. proper name.] Strophoxella, Hall, 1879. 28th Reg- Rep. [Ety. diminutive of Strophos twisted.] Hall refers to this genus Stropho- donta ampla, S. eaelata, S. cavum bona, S. leavenworthana. S. punctu- lifera, S. revei sa and S. semifasciata. Syrixgothyris lialli, is from the Kinder- hook Gr., and S. typus is found in the Kiuderhook and Keokuk Groups. Terebratula acumfnatissima, Castelnau. Not recognized. arcuata. Swallow, see T. shumardana. borealis, Castelnau. Not recognized. brevilobata, is from the Kaskaskia Gr. gracilis, Swallow, see T. swallovana. lapillus, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. a little stone.] Terebratula Zens,refer to Cry ptonella lens. Knckkeni, refer to Cryptonella lincklaeni. nuciformis, Morton, 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. nut formed.] nucula. see Rhynchonella nucula. pennata, see Spirifera pennata. rocky montana, see Rhynchonella rocky- montana. shumardana, n. sp., Kaskaskia Gr. Pro- posed instead of T. arcuata, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, p. 83. which was preoccupied. stricklandi, see Rhynchonella stricklandi. swallovana, n.'sp.. Kaskaskia Gr. Pro- posed instead of T. gracilis, Swallow, 1863, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 2, p. 83, which was preoccupied. trinuclea, refer to Athyris trinuclea. utah, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] valenciennei, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. Trematis quincuncialis. Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Hud. Riv.Gr. [Sig. from the quincunx punctures.] Trematospira quadriplicata, S. A. Miller, refer to Rhynchotreta quadriplicata. Triplesiaprimordialis, see Camarella primor- dialis putillus, Hall. 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., syn. for Camarella waldronensis. Zygospira concentrica, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc! Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. concentric] minima, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. the least.] ' CLASS PTEROPODA. Clathroccelia. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2. [Ety. clathro, latticed; koilia, the belly.] eborica. Hall. 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Coleolus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2. [Ety. koleos. a sheath.] acicula instead of Orthoceras acicula. aciculatus instead of dentalium acicula- tum. crenatocinctus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5. pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. TSig notched around.] gracilis, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Chemung Gr. [Sig. slender] mohri, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5. pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] spinulus, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a little thorn.] tenuicinctus instead of Coleoprion tenui- cinctum. Coleoprion, tenue. Hall, 1879, Pal. of N. Y., vol. 5, pt. .2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. thin.] Coxularia continens var. rudis, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham Gr. [Sig. rude ] crustula, White, 1880, 12th Rep. U. S. Geo Sur. Terr., Coal Meas. [Sig. a little crust.] formosa, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] indentata, Conrad, 1854, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 7, Trenton Gr. [Sig. indented.] infrequens. Hall. 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss.. Niagara Gr. [Sig. infrequent.] multicostata, Meek & Worthen, 1865. Proc. Acad. Nar. Sci., Waverly Gr, [Sig. many ribbed.] osagensis, is from the Kaskaskia Gr. subcarbonaria, was first described in 1865, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 300 GASTEROPODA. CoNULARiAverneuilana, Emmons. 1846, Am. Quar. Jour. Agr. & Sci., vol. 4, Low. Carb. [Ety. proper name.] whitei, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Hyolithes, Eichwald, 1840, Sil. Schicht. Syst. in Ehstl. aculeatus instead of Theca aculeata, and it is from the Kinderhook Gr. baconi, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gregarius instead of Theca gregaria. parviusculus instead of Theca parvius- cula. singulus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. single.] triliratus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. three fun-owed.] Styliola, Lesueur, 1826. [Ety. from stylos, a pillar.] Styliola fissurella, Hall, 1843, instead of Tentaculites fissurellus. fissurella var. intermittens, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Gennessee Slate. [Sig. intermitting.] fissurella var. obsolescens, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. obsolete.] fissurella var. strigata, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y.. vol. 5, pt. 2, Marcellus shale. [Sig. fluted.] obtusa, Hall. 1879, Pal. X. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. obtuse.] Tentaculites gracilistriatus, Hall, 1879. Pal X. Y., vol. 5 pt. 2, Marcellus shale. [Sig. slender furrowed.] neglectus, Nicholson & Hinde, 1874, Can. Jour., Clinton Gr. [Sig. ne- glected.] ornatus is not an American species. Theca. The species under this genus may be referred to Hyolithes. CLASS GASTEROPODA. Aclis, Loven, 1846, Index Mollusc, litora Scandin. occid. habit. Refer A. minuta, A. robusta, and A. swallo- vana to the genus Aclisina. stevensoni, see Aclisina stevensoni. Aclisina DeKoninck, 1881, Faune du Calcaire Carbonifere de la Belgique Ann. d. Mus. Roy. d'Hist. Nat., tome 6. [Ety. from tne genus Aclis. ] stevensoni, White, 1882 (Aclis steven- soni). Rep. Invert. Foss. New Mex., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Anthracopupa, Whitfield, 1881, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 21. [Ety. anthrax, coal; Pupa, a genus.] ohioensis, Whitfield, 1881, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol 21, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Bellerophon alternodosus, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio. Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. having alter- nate nodes.] antiquatus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. antiquated ] bilabiatus, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. two lipped.] explanatus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Chemung Gr. [Sig. spread out.] gibsoni, White, 1882. 11th Rep. Geol. & Nat. Hist.. Indiana, St. Louis Gr. [Ety. proper name.] helena. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y.. vol. 5. pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] hyalina, Hull, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. of glass.] inspeciosus, White, 18S2, Rep. Invert. Foss., New Mex., Coal Meas. [Sig. not handsome.] Bellekophon lineolatus is from the Kinder- hook Gr. morrowensis, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nactus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Chemung Gr. [Sig. stumbled on.] natator instead of Phragmostoma nata- tor. pelops var. exponens, Hall, 1879. Pal. N. Y.. vol. 5, pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. exposed.] perelegans. White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. very elegant.] perforatus, Winchell & Marcy, 1866, syn. for Bucania chicagoensis. .punctifrons, refer to Bucania punctifrons. repertus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig discovered.] rotalinea, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham Gr. [Sig. round lined.] rugosus, Emmons, 1856, Am Geol., Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. rugose.] subpapillosus, White, 1879, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Ter., vol. 5, Carboniferous. [Sig. somewhat papillated.] vinculatus, White and Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. bound.] wisconsinensis. Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Bucania buelli, Whitfield, 1878, Ann Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] devonicais from the Upper Held. Gr. GASTEROPODA. 301 Bucaxia punetifrons should be referred to Emmons, 1842 (Bellerophon puneti- frons), Geo. Rep. N. Y., Black River and Trenton Gr k Bulimoepha, Whitfield, 1882, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., No. 3. bulimiformis instead of Polyphemopsis bulimiformis. canalieulata instead of Polyphemopsis canaliculate, elongate instead of Polyphemopsis elongate. Caleonema, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2. [Ety. kallos, beautiful ; nema, thread.] bellatulum instead of Loxonema bellatu- lum, and from the Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. pretty.] imitator instead of Pleurotomaria imita- tor, and from Ham. Gr. liehas instead of Platystoma lichas. Chemxjjzia tenuiiineata, is from the Choteau Gr. Chiton oecidentalis. Hildreth. 1837. Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 31, Coal Meas. [Sig. western.] Clisospira oecidentalis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. western.] Cycloxema cincinnatense, S. A. Miller, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] doris instead of Pleurotomaria doris. leavenworthanum instead of Pleurotom- aria leavenworthana, subangulatum instead of Pleurotomaria subangulata. Cyclora depressa, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr, [Sig. depressed.! pulcella, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beautiful little.] Cyrtolites magnus, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Bud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. large.] nitidulus, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. neat.] sinuatus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Quebec Gr [Sig. sinuated.] Cyrtoxella, Hall. 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2. A subgenus under Cyrtolites to include C. mitella and C. pileolus. Dextalium aciculatum, refer to Coleolus • acieulatns. grandsevum is from the Marshall Gr. martini, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name] Discolites, Emmons, syn. for Cyclora. minutus, see Cyclora minute. Euxkma priscum, is from the Calciferous Gr. Euomphalus amnion, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] boonensis, is from the Burlington Gr. decewi, refer to Pleuronotus decewi. gyroceras Rcemer, 1852, Kreid. von Tex., Silurian. [Sig. a circular horn.] hecale var. corpulens, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pi. 27, Chemung Gr. [Sig. corpulent.] luxus, White, 1875, Expl. W. 100th me- ridian, Low. Carb. [Sig. dislocated.] macrolineatus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. long lined.] minutissimus, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. • ophirensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] polygyratus, Rcemer, 1852, Kreid. von Texas, Silurian. [Sig. many coiled.] sanctisabae, Rcemer, Kreid. von Texas, Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] spirorbis, is from the Kinderhook Gr. strongi, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Magnesian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] trochiscus, refer to Raphistoma trochis- cus. utahensis, refer to Straparollus utehensis. verneuili, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Not recognized. Eotrochus, Whitfield, 1882, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., No. 3. [Ety. eos, dawn ; Trochus, a genus of shells.] concavus, Hall, instead of Pleurotomaria concava. Fusispira compacta, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Expl. 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Sig. compact.] Helicotoma naresi, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 34, Up. Sil. [Ety. proper name.] serotina, is from the Corniferous lime- stone. Holopea conica, is from the Marshall Gr., and H. eriensis from the Corniferous limestone, magniventra, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. large bellied ] newtonensis, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] re versa, is from the Up. Silurian, sweeti, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis , Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Holopella mira, is from the Marshall Gr. Inachus pervetus, see Euomphalus pervetus. Isonema bellatulum, refer to Callonema bel- latulum. lichas. refer to Callonema lichas. Lepetopsis, Whitfield. 1882. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., No. 3. 302 GASTEKOPODA. levettei, White, 1882 (Patella levettei), 11th Pep. Geo. of Indiana, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Loxonema attenuatum var. seinicostatum, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. half ribbed.] breviculum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat short.] cotterana, Billings, 1861, Can. Jour., vol 6, Corniferous limestone. [Ety. prop- er name.] kanei, Meek, 1865, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2d ser., vol. 40, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] heviusculum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. some- what smooth.] laxum. Hall, 1879, Pal. K. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Chemung Gr. [Sig. wide.] magnum, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. large.] macclintochi, Haughton, 1857. Jour. Roy. Dub. Soc., vol. 1, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] parvulum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. small.] plicatum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Coal Meas. [Sig. plicated.] postrenum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Chemung Gr. [Sig. the last.] rectistriatum. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol 5, pt. 2, Ham. Gr. [Sig. having straight furrows] rossi, Haughton, 1857, Jour. Roy. Soc. Dub., vol. 1, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] sicula, Hall 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a little dagger.] turriforme is from the Kinderhook Gr. vincta, refer to Murchisonia vincta. Maclurea cuneata, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Pep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. wedge formed.] minima, Hall & Whitfield. 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Chazy Gr. [Sig. the least.] subrotunda, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Kep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. somewhat rotund.] Mackocheilus. This generic name was preoccupied by Hope, in 183S, for a genus of Coleopterous insects. Bayle has proposed Macrochilina, to which all the species may be referred, cooperense, is from the Kaskaskia Gr. pinquis, is from the M .rshall or Kinder- hook Gr. priscum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. ancient.] " subcorpulentum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Kaskas- kia Gr. [Sig. somewhat corpulent.] Macrochilixa, Bayle, 1880, Journal de Conchyliologie, 3me. ser., t. 19. Pro- posed instead of Macrocheilus of Phillips, which was preoccupied by Hope. [Ety. diminutive of Macro- cheilus.] Metoptoma barabuensis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Kep. Geo. Sur. Wis.. Low Mag- nesian Gr [Ety. proper name.] cornutiformis, Walcott, 1879, 33d Reg. Kep., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. horn shaped.] perovalis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Kep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. oval.] recurvus, Whitfield, 1S78, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low. Mag. Gr. [Sig. recurved.] retrorsus, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur Wis., Potsdam Gr. Sig. turned back.] similis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low Mas;. Gr. [Sig. simi- lar ] Microceras minutiss.imtim, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. very small.] I think this is identical with M. inorna- tum. Mxtrchisoxia aciculata, and M. arisaigen- sis, are from the Upper Silurian, chamberlini, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name, copei, White, 1882, Rep. Invert. Foss. New Mex., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] elegantula, refer to Pleurotomaria elegan- tula. intercedens, Hall. 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. inter- vening.] latifasciata, Etheridge, 1878, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc, vol. 34, Up. Sil. [Sig. wide banded ] limitaris is. from the Kinderhook Gr. marcouana, Geinitz. 1S06, Carb. und Dyas in Neb., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] multigruma, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. much heaped up ] neglecta, M. quadricincta and M. shu- mardana, are from the Marshall or Kinderhook Gr. obsoleta, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. obsolete.*] prolixa, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost Soc. Nat Hist . vol. 8, Kin- derhook Gr. [Sig. prolix.] terebra, White, 1>79, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., vol. 5, No. 2, Carbonifer- ous. [Sig. an auger.] vincta instead of Loxonema vincta. worthenana, S. A. Miller, 18S2, Jour. ,-A-rzj;: : : a Can. doe. Mat. Hist., voL 3, Mapn Gr. lEty. prefer matte.] in 1871, in Proe. Acad. Xat SeL mperta. Hall, 1879, PaL X. Y., toL 5, pt 2, pL 29, Up. Held. Gr. ISig- Proe. Acad. Xat Sou, Kasfcastaa Gr. TEtv. proper name.] nOifera, White, 1880, 12th Sep. U. S- Geo. Sur. Terr.. Up. Coal Meas. ISig. '•-•.'. •-.-.:. . _ Whiineld.lS83.Dese.Xew Spec. Foss. fhm Ohio, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] neaae. WhitneJd. 1882, Dese. Xe w Spec. Fobs, from Ohio, KaskaskiaGr. [sSg.1 Rep., Cakaferous Gr. ISig. the | PutTTCKKJLS natieoides, Etheridge, 1838, Qaar. Joor. Geo. Sor., voL 34, Up. SiL ISig. like a Jtofaa.] paialium. White * Whitfield, 1S62, Proc. Bost Soe. Xat Hist., voL 8, Kinder- hook Gr. JSig. that grows by tit* Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. I*ig. a kind of fish tooth.] suhsmuo&um, Worthen, 1882, BulL Xo. 1, HL St. Mas. Xat Hist., Low. HeM- Gr. ISig. somewhat sinuous.] Pro- posed instead of P. sobondatam, M AW. tribulosam, White, 1880, 12th Be] •-- . - : I-;-:.: :.- _: :. •'.-,r. rvj thorny.] :':,:•:-■: :. _•■ ■•■- -• . v. •• - .>.»_. BolL Xo. 1, HL St- Mus. Xat- Hist., Hayden's U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., Coal Meas. Proposed instead of P. CakiferousGr. ISig. a dwarf.] tanudum, M. & W., which OaanrracHxrs. S. A. Cm. Sac Xat Hist. voL 2. lEty. I Puxkoxotcs, HaU, 18S9, PaL X. Y 5. pt 2. lEty. jrieuru, ' a track.] Supposed to he me trail of aGaateropod. monfliformis, S. A. MiBer. 1880, Jour. Cm. Soe. Xat- Hist., vol 2, Utka State Gr. ISig fike a neekbee.] PiLEioui irringi, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Sep. Geo. Sur. Wk, Potsdam Gr. Pxi-BOTiaocHT-s, HaO, 1*79. PaL X. voL 5, pt 2 JEty. ■eft Paimia E«. jw^//*, a dfch] ImeffoC, White. 189, 11th Bep. GeoL A iw Gr., re- Puran m uin m. y., tol decewL HaO, 1879, PaL pt 2, Up. Held. Gr. >._■ :. dpmtj ~ 1879, PaL X. Y., toL 5. pt 2. Up- HekL Gr. 9 Geo. Sur. Terr. Difornus. Worthen, 1882. BuU. Xo. 1. HL St Mas. Xat Hist-, Coal Meas. I [of P. Pampas omaiiet, P. «MH»owi**, P. ram»- fiatc. and P. ajirafia. Castemau, 1843, Syst SB. Xotreeognimd. PULTTCsxas hrfofcre, White A Whitfield, 1882, Proe. Bost Soe. Xat. Hist. roL 8, Kinderhook Gr. gSfe. Meek, 187L Proc Acad. Xat ■. :•:-:.-. z- . : • ;.-: ■.:.:..-.. itys var. temrispira. HaB. 1879, PaL X. Y.. toL 5, pt- 2. Ham. Gr. [Sag. l: ■„■: . ;;. -..: • :,:: I-.-j Ii- : :■-:■: : rta. Meek and Worthen, *«•, Proc. Acad. Xat SeL, Keokuk Gr. ISig. 304 GASTEROPODA. tectoria, and P. vadosa, are from the Marshall or Kinderhook Gr. Pleurotomaria muralis is from the Tren-r ton Gr. newportensis-, White, 1880, 12th Rep. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nitela. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, pt. 2. Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. brightness.] perizomata. White, 1882, Rep. Invert. Foss , New Mex., Coal Meas. [Sig. girdled.] quadricarinata instead of P. quadricos- tata. quadrilix, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, pt. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. having four whorls (?).] racinensis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name ] riddelli instead of P. riddlei. rugulata, Hall. 1860, 13th Reg. Rep.. Ham. Gr [Sig. having wide furrows.] subangulata, refer to Cyclonema suban- gulatum. taggarti, Meek, 1874, 7th Rep. Hayden's U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr., Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] tenuimarginata, refer to Eotrochus con- cavus. tumida, refer to Platystoma grayvillense. Polyphemopsi8 bulimiformis, refer to Buli- morpha bulimiformis. canaliculata, refer to Bulimorpha canali- eulata. elongata, refer to Bulimorpha elongata. mel^noides, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig like a Melania.] Porcellia crassinoda, White & Whitfield, 1-62 Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. thick noded.] rectinoda is from the Marshall or Kin- derhook Gr. rotatoria, refer to Goniatites plebei- formis. Pupa bigsbyi, Dawson, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 3d ser., vol. 20, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Rafhistoma acutmn. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Chazy Gr. [Sig. acute.] niagarense, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] trochiscus, Meek, 1870 (Euomphalus trochiscus), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Calciferous or Trenton Gr. [Sig. a small round ball.] Rotella verruculifera, White, 1882, Rep. Invert. Foss.. New Mex., Coal Meas. [Sig. bearing little eminences.] Sc^vogyra, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis. [Ety. sccevus toward the left; gyrus, a circle.] elevata, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low. Mag. Gr. [Sig. elevated.] obliqua, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low. Mag. Gr. [Sig. oblique.] swezeyi, Whitfield. 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low. Mag. Gr. [Ety. proper name ] Soleniscus brevis, White, 1882, Rep. In- vert. Foss., New Mex., Coal Meas. J Sig. short.] planus, White, 1882. Rep. Invert. Foss., New Mex., Coal Meas. [Sig. flat.] Straparollus barrisi, and S. macrompha- lus from the Marshall or Kinderhook Gr. planispira, S. quadrivolvis, S. spergen- ensis, and 8.. spergenensis var. planor- biformis, refer to Euomphalus. utahensis, Hall & W T hitfield. 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Strophites, Dawson. 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. [Ety. from the genus Stro- phia.] grandfevus, Dawson, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 20, Devonian. [Sig. old aged.] Strophostylus cvclostomus var. disjunct- us, Hall, 1879, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. disjoined.] obliquus, S. ovatus, and S subglobosus, are from the Corniferous limestone. Subulites gracilis, S. A. Miller, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Niagara Gr. [Sig. slender.] Tremanotus is a syn. for Bucania. The supposed openings on the cast repre- sent the spines upon the back of the anterior part of the last whorl of the shell, and the fossil is a true Bucania. alpheus, syn. for Bucania chicagoensis. Trochita carbonaria from the Kaskaskia Gr. Trochonema beloitense, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Etv. proper name.] beachi. Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Turbo huronensis, Castelnau, 1843. Not recognized, shumardi, de Verneuil, 1846, Bulletin de la Soc. Geol. de France, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Turritella schokariensis, Castelnau, 1843. Not recognized. CEPHALOPODA. 305 CLASS CEPHALOPODA. Actixoceras beaudaxti, Cast'enau, 1843, .systeme Silurien, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] beaumonti, Castlenau, 1S43, Systeme Si- lurien, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] blainvillei, Castelnau, 1843, Systeme Si- lurien, Hud.Kiv. Gr.(?) [Ety. proper name.] cordieri, Castelnau, 1843, Systeme Silu- rien, Hud. Riv. Gr. (?) [Ety. proper name.] deshayesi, Castelnau, 1843, Systeme Silu- rien, Hud. Riv. Gr. ( '?) [Ety. proper name.] dufresnoyi, Castelnau, 1843, Systeme Si- lurien, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name. Ammonites bellicosus. Morton. 1836, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, vol. 29, Coal lleas. Not recognized. colubreUus, see Goniatites colubrellus.. hildrethi, see Goniatites hildrethi. Bactrites, Sandberger, 1841, Leonh. u. Bronn's Jabrb. [Ety. baktron, a staff.] clavus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a spike.] Beatriceo. should be referred to the sponges. Colpoceras clarkei. Wetherby, 1881, Jour, tin Soc. Nat. Hist., vol 4, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Cyrtoceras absens, refer to Gomphoceras absens. aemulum. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr [Sig. emulous.] alternatum, Hall. 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Marcellus Shale. [Sig. changed by turns] Proposed instead of C. undulatum of Hall. amnion, Billings, 1861, Can. Jour., vol. 6, Corniferous limestone. [Ety. mytho- logical name.] amoenum, S. A. Miller, 1878. Jour. Cin. .Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. welcome.] annulatum, Hall, see C. subannulatum. arcuatum, Hall, see C. subarcuatum. aristides is a proper name instead of mythological. bannisteri, Winchell & Marcy, see Trochocei'as bannisteri. belus, Billings, 1861, Can. Jour , vol. 6, Corniferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] beta is Gomphocer s beta. cancellation. Hall, see ('. subcancellatum. cessator. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Expl. Exped , 40th parallel, Coal Meas. [Sig a loiterer.] citum, Hall, 1879. Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. speedy.] clavatum, refer to Gompboeeras clavatum. conoidale, Wetherby, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist,, vol. 4, Hud. Riv, Gr. [-ig. conoidal.] Cyrtoceras conradi, Hall, is Gomphoceras conr di. corniculum, Hall, see C. tenuistriatum. cretaceum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New- Spec . Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. chalky.] densum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. thick J formosum, Hall, 1879, Pal. NY., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] gibbosum, Hall, is a syn. for Gomphocer- as oviforme. hallanum instead of C. lamellosum, Hall. hector, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] infundibulum, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. a funnel.] irregulare, Wetherby, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. irregular.] jason, refer to Gyroceras jason. niarkcei, Castelnau. 1843, Systeme Sil- urien, Trenton Gr. ( ?) [Ety. proper name.] olenus, Hall, in the addenda to the 1st edition of this work, may be stricken out as the species is now referred to Trochoceras. orion, Hall, refer to Trochoceras orion. planidorsatum, Whitfield, 1880. Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. having a level back.] rectum, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. straight.] saccuhts, Meek and Worthen, refer to Gomphoceras sacculus. unicorne is from the Marshall or Kinder- hook Gr. Discites ammonis, Hall, 1879, Pal. NY., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig of Amnion.] inopinatus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. unexpected.] marcellensis instead of Nautilus marcell- ensis. Endoceras bristolense, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] egani, S. A. Miller. 188*2, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] inaequabile, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. unequal.] lamarcki, Billings, instead of Orthoceras lamareki. moutrealense, Billings, instead of Ortho- ceras montrealense. subannulatum, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. somewhat annulated.] Gomphoceras abruptum, Hall, 1879, Pal. X.Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [s*Ig abrupt.] 306 CEPHALOPODA. Gomphoceras absens instead of Cyrtoceras ajax, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Portage Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] amphora, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a bottle.] beta instead of Cyrtoceras beta, cammarus, Hall, 1879, Pal. ST. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a lobster.] clavatum instead of Cyrtoceras clavatnm. conradi instead of Cyrtoceras conradi. cruciferum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. cross bear- ing.] fax, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Scho- harie Grit. [Sig. a torch.] gomphus, Hall, 1879. Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a club.] hyatti, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] illaenus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Ety. supposed to be from the genus IUcmua, but quere ?.] - impar, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. unequal.] lunatum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. lunate] manes, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Genessee Slate. [Ety. mythological.] mitra, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a head band.] pingue, Hall, 1879, Pal N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. fat.] planum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. even.] poculum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a cup.] potens, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Waverly Gr. [Sig. powerful.] raphanus. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a radish.] rude, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. rough.] sacculus instead of Cyrtoceras sacculus. sciotoense, Whitfield, 1882, Desc New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name ] solidum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol.5, Marcellus Shale. [Sig. solid.] tumidum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. tumid.] Goniatites andrewsi, Winchell, 1870, Notices and Desc, from Marsh all Gr., etc., Marshall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] canadensis, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Probably a syn. for Bellerophon bilobatus. colubrellus, Morton, 1836 (Ammonites colubrellus), Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Waverly Gr. [Sig. a little snake.] txpansus, Vanuxem, being preoccupied by von Buch, in 1838. G. vanuxemi has been proposed instead of it. Goniatites goniolobus, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Sur., 40th parallel. Carbonifer- ous. [Sig having angular lobes.] hildrethi, Morton, 1836 (Ammonites hildrethi), Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] holmesi, G. ixion, G. morganensis, G. osagensis. G. oweni, and G. oweni var. parallelus, are from the Choteau or Kinderhook Gr. hyas is a syn. for G. lyoni. k'ingi, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. Expecl., 40th parallel, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nundaia is a syn. for G. sinuosus. ohioensis, Winchell, 1870, Notices and Desc. Foss. from Marshall Gr. x [Ety. proper name.] opimus, White & Whitfield, 1862. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinder- hook Gr. [Sig. plump.] plebeiformis, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Marcellus Shale. [Sig. from re- semblance to G. plebeius/\ Proposed instead of Porcellia rotatoria, Hall, which was preoccupied in this genus. vanuxemi. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Marcellus Shale. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed instead of Q. expansus, of Vanuxem, which was preoccupied by Von Buch. Gyroceras abruptum, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. abrupt.] burlingtonense, may be referred to Nau- tilus burlingtonensis. columbiense, Whitfield, 1882, Desc New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] duplicostatum, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Eep. Geo Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. double ribbed.] elrodi, White, 1882, 11th Ann. Kep. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Indiana, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] gracile is from the Kinderhook Gr. jason, was described by Hall in 1862, in 15th Keg Kep., under the name of Cyrtoceras ]ason. laciniosum, Hall, 1879. Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. full of points.] liratum, refer to Nautilus liratus. matheri is from the Up. Held. Gr. pratti, Barris, 1879, Proc. Dav. Acad. Sci., vol. 2, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] seminodosum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. half nodose. ] subliratum, refer to Nautilus subliratus. undulatum is from the Up. Held. Gr., and dated 1842. vagrans instead of vagans. Hortholus americanus, refer to Lituites americanus. CEPHALOPODA. 307 Huronia stokesi, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Schoharie Grit. Not recognized. Lituites americanus, Emmons, 1856 (Hor- tholus americanus) Am. Geol., Black Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] convolvans, as identified by Hall, in Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, is described as L. americanus. multicostatus, Whitfield, 1880. Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. many ribbed] murchisoni, Troost. Not defined so as to be recognized. Melia cancellatus, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol. Not defined so as to be recognized. Nautilus acrseus. Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. occupying a height.] barrandi, Hall, being preoccupied by Von Hauer in 1850, N. magister has been proposed in its place, burlingtonensis instead of Gyroceras burlingtonense . cavus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. concave ] danvillensis, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci , Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] digonus, refer to Trematodiscns digonus. liratus instead of Gyroceras liratum. liratus var juvenis, Hall. 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. young.] magister, Hall, 1879, Pal. NY., vol 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. the chief.] Proposed instead of N. barrandi, which was preoccupied. marcellensis, refer to Discites marcellen- sis. oceanus, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss.. Niagara Gr. [Sig. the ocean.] ortoni, Whitfield. 1882. Desc. New Spec. Foss from Ohio, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] pauper, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. poor] subliratus instead of Gyroceras sublira- tum. Nelimenia incognita, Castelnau, 1843. Syst. Sil. Probably a fragment of Phrag- moceras or Oncoceras. Oncoceras brevicurvatum, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Pep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. short curved ] mummiforme, Whitfield, 18S0, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis. Trenton Gr. Sig. mummiform.] Orthoceras acicula, refer to Coleolus acicula. amycus, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] anguis, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y.,'vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. a serpent.] annulato-costatum, Meek & Worthen, is O. randolphense. arcuatellum, Sandberger, identified by Winchell, in Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, in 1862, is not an American species. Orthoceras atreus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Portage Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] aulax, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a furrow.] bebryx var. cayuga, Hall, 1877, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] beloitense, Whitfield. 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bipartitum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y.,vol. 5, Up. Chemung Gr. [Sig. two parted.] cselamen, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5,- Ham. Gr. [Sig. a bass relief.] cancellation, Hall, refer to O. subcan- ce Datum. carltonense, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] carnosum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. fleshy.] chemungense andO. indianense are from the Kinderhook Gr. cingulum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. a zone.] clavatum, Hall, refer to O. desideratum. cochleatum. Hall. 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. screw formed.] collatum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. collected.] columnare. Hall, refer to O. orus. conicum, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. conical.] constrictum, Vanuxem, 1842, Geo. Rep. 3d Dist. N. Y., Ham. Gr. [Sig. con- stricted.] constrictum, Conrad. Not defined so as to be recognized, and it may be strick- en from the list. creon, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Ety. proper name.] dawsonanum, n.sp , Carboniferous. Pro- posed instead of O. perstrictum, Daw- son, in Acadian Geology, p. 312, fig. 129, as the name was preoccupied by Barrande. demus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr [Sig. at Inst, solely.] elegantulum is in vol. 5, Can. Nat., and from the Up. Sil. filiforme, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil., Ni- agara Gr. [Sig. filiform.] fluctum, Hall. 1879, Pal. N. Y , vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. waved.] fulgidum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. shining.] fustis, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Marcellus shale. [Sig. a club.] griftithi, Haughton, 1857, Jour. Roy. Dub. Soc, vol. 1, Devonian. ? [Ety. proper name.] harttanum, n. sp., Carboniferous. Pro- posed instead of O. laqueatum, Hartt, 308 CEPHALOPODA. in Acadian Geol., p. 312, fig. 128, which was preoccupied. Orthoceras herculaneum. Verneuil, 1846, Bull, de la Soc. Geol. de France. vol. 4, Low. Sil. [Sig. large of its kind.] hercules, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Up. Sil. [Ety. mythological name.] hyas is a syn. for'O. thoas. idmon, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, p. 302, Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] inoptatum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. undesfred ] isogramma. Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. equal weight.] jaculum, Hall, 1879, Pal N. Y:, vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a dart.] ' kingi, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Sur., 40th parallel, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Iceve, refer to O. sublaeve. laqueatum. Hartt, refer to O. harttanum. leander. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lima, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a file.] linteum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a girdle.] masculum. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. masculine.] medium, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. middle.] michiganense. n. sp., Marshall Gr.. in the Southern part of Michigan. Pro- posed instead of O. multicinctum, Winchell. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Sept.. 1862. p. 421. moniliforme, Swallow, refer to O. swal- lovanum. multicinctum, Winchell, heing preoccu- pied by Hall, I have proposed O. michiganense. nobile, Meek & Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat Sci., Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. famous, noted.] occidentale, Winchell, heing preoccupied by Swallow, I have proposed O. vin- chellanum. cedipus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y.. vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] ohioense instead of O. pelops var. ohio- ense. ommaneyi, Salter, 1852, in Sutherland's Jour., vol. 2, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] oneidaense, Walcott, 1879, Trans.' Alb. Inst., vol. x, Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name] oppletum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. filled up.] pacator, Hall, 1879, Pal. N.Y.. vol. 5, Portage Gr. [Sig. a peacemaker.] palmatum, Hall. 1879, Pal. N.Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. marked with the palm of a hand.] pelops var. ohioense, refer to O. ohioense. Orthoceras perstrictum, Dawson, being preoccupied by Barrande I have pro- posed O. dawsonanum. pertextum, Hall, 1879. Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Chemung Gr. [Sig. woven through- out.] pervicax, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. firm.] pravum. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. crooked.] punctostriatum is from the Up. Sil. randolphense, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1. 111. St. Mus. Nat Hist., Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed instead of O. annulato-costatum, Meek & Worthen, which was preoc- cupied. scintilla, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a spark.] sicinus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Marcellus Shales. [Ety. proper name.] sirpus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a bull rush.] spissum, Hi.ll. 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. compact.] swallovanum, n. sp., Coal Measures in the Valley of Verdigris in Kansas. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed instead of O. moniliforme, Swallow, in Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 1, p. 200, which was preoccupied by Hall, tantalus, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Ety. mythological name.] telamon, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] tenere, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. delicate.] tersum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. neat.] textum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Ham. Gr. [Sig. that which is braided ] thestor, Hull, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Marcellus Shales. [Ety. mythologi- cal name.] thyestes. Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Portage Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] varum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig bent.] vastator, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. a destroyer.] Correct in the index, but printed O. obliquum, on page 243. viator, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Sig. a traveller.] vinchellanum, n. sp , Marshall Gr. in Southern Michigan. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed instead of O. occi- dentale, Winchell, 1862. Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, 2d ser., vol. 33, p. 356, which was preoccupied by Swallow, wauwatosense, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] woodworthi was proposed by Mc- Chesney, in 1865, instead of O. irreg- LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 309 ulare of McChesney, which was preoccupied. Petalichxus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2. [Ety. petalos, spread out; ichnos. track.] multipartitus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jonr. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. many parted.] Phragmoceras hoyi, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hoyi var. Compressum. Whitfield. 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. compressed.] labiatum, Whitfield, 1878. Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. lipped.] Piloceras amplum, Dawson, 1881, Can. Nat., vol 10, Calciferous Gr. [Sig. of large extent.] Sklemina infundibuliforme, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil. Probably the fragment of an Endoceras. Teratichxus, S. A. Miller. 1880 Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2. [Ety. teras, a wonder; ichnos, track.] confertus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist, vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. pressed together.] Traciiomatichxus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 2. [Ety. trachoma, that which is made rough; ichnos, track.] cincinnatensis, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr [Ety. proper name.] numerosus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. numerous.] Trachomatichnus permultus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. very many.] Trematoceras, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio. [Ety. trema, a hole; keras, a horn.] ohioense, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss., from Ohio, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. prope*r name.] Trematodiscus digonus instead of Nautilus digonus. konincki, Wetherby, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name j rocky montanus, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Burling- ton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Trochoceras seneas, Hall, 1870, Rev. Ed. 20th Reg. Rep. Expl., pi. 25, Ni- agara Gr. [Ety. mythological name.] barrandei, Hall, 1879," Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Ety. proper name.] biton, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Ety. mythological name.] expansum, Hall, 1879, Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. expanded.] orion instead of Cyrtoceras orion. pandum, Hall, 1879. Pal. N. Y., vol. 5, Schoharie Grit. [Sig. crooked.] Trocholites circularis, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. circular.] minuscubis, Miller and Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. rather small.] CLASS LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Actixodesma subrectum, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Ham. Gr. [Sig. somewhat erect.] Allorisma andrewsi, Whitfield. 1882. Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Kaskas- kia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] antiquum is from the Kaskaskia Gr. elongatum, Morton, 1836 (Pholadomya elongata), Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, vol. 29, Coal Meas. [Sig. elongated.] gilberti. White, 1879, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur., vol. 5, No. 2, Carboniferous. [Ety. proper name.] maxvillense, Whitfield. 1882, Desc New Spec. Foss from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Amboxychia retrorsa, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. turned back.] robusta. S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. robust.] Anatina leda is from the Kinderhook Gr. Angellum, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour.. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. [Ety. aggos, a pail; ellus, diminutive.] cuneatum, S, A. Miller, 1878, Jonr. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. wedge formed.] Anthracoptera polita, White, 1880, 12th Rep. U. S Geo. Sur. Terr., Coal Meas. [Ety. polished.] Area modesta is from the Kinderhook Gr. gurleyi. White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Coal Meas. TEty. proper name.] Avicula sesopus, A. angustirostra and A. trilobata, from the Ham. Gr., A. mag- na is from the Kaskaskia Gr., A. sub- qnadrans is Devonian A. textilis var. 310 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. arenaria is from the Oriskany sand- stone, and A. whitei is from the Kin- derhook Gr. Avicula cancellata, Barris, see Pterinea pecteniformis, Hall, 1843, Geol. of N.Y., Chemung Gr The species is an Avi- culopecten, and the name was preoc- cupied by Conrad, pinnaeformis. Geinitz, 1848 (Solen pinnae- formis), Versteinerungen d. deutsch Zechsteingebirg, Coal Meas. [Sig. wing-formed.] Aviculopecten caroli, and A. tenuicostus, are from the Kinderhook Gr., and A. oblongus is from the Warsaw Gr. catactus, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th par., Carboniferous. [Sig. frail.] curtocardinnlis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Coal Meas. [Sig. short cardinal.] iowensis,n. sp., Marshall or Kinderhook Gr., at Burlington, Iowa. Proposed instead of A. occidentalis, of Win- chell, in 1863, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., p. 9, which was preoccu- pied by Shumard. newarkensis, Wincheli, 1870, Notices & Desc. Foss. from Marshall Gr., Mar- shall Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nodocostatus, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. having nodes and ribs.] occidaneus, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Carboniferous. [Sig. western ] parvulus. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Coal Meas. [Sig. little.] spinuliferus, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Keokuk Gr. [Sig. spine bearing] weberensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S., Geo. Sur., 40th parallel, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name ] Cardinia aequimarginalis, refer to Ed- mondia aequimarginalis. occidentalis is from the Kinderhook or Choteau Gr. Cardiola salteri, Haughton, 1857, Jour. Roy. Soc. Dub , vol. 1, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] Cardiomorpha triangulata and C. trigon- alis are from the Choteau or Marshall Gr. Cardiopsis crenistriata, refer to Pterinea crenistriata. Cardium nautiloides, Castelnau, 1843, Syst. Sil., Seneca Lake, N. Y. [Sig. like a Nautilus.] Ch^enomya maria, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat Hist., Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name. | Cleidophorus chicagoensis, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol 3, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ellipticus, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. elliptical.] Cleidophorus major, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. larger.] semiradiatus and C. subovatus are from the Arisaig series of the Upper Silurian. Conocardium antiquum, Owen, 1852, Geo. Wis., Iowa & Minn., Silurian. [Sig. ancient. ] pulchellum, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. S, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] Cuneamya curta, Whitfield, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. short. 1 elliptica, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. elliptical.] neglecta instead of Sedgwiekia neglecta. parva, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. small.] Cypricardella plicata, refer to Goniopho- ra plicata. quadrate, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinder- hook Gr. [Sig. quadrate.] Cypricardia choteauensis and C. ven- tricosa, are from the Choteau or Kinderhook Gr., and C. shumardana, from the St. Genevieve limestone or St. Louis Group. indianensis, refer to Cypricardinia (?) indianensis. subplana, refer to Edmondia subplana. swallovana, n. sp., Coal Measures of Harrison county, Missouri. Pro- posed instead of C. occidentalis, Swallow, 1863, in Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci.. p. 96. Cypricardinia indianensis instead of Cypricardia indianensis. subovata. Miller & Dyer. 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. sub- ovate.] Cypricardites biyfieldi, C. inconstans and C. montrealensis may be restored to the genus Vanuxemia, as it is proba- bly distinct from this genus, chemungensis, refer to Goniophora che- mungensis. megambonus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Trenton Gr. [Sig. having a large umbo.] quadrangularis, Whitfield, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. quadrangular.] sigmoideus is from the Hud. Riv. Gr. Dexiobia halli, and D. whitei are from the Marshall Gr. Edmondia aequimarginalis, Wincheli, 1862 (Cardinia aequimarginalis)Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig, equal margined.] bicarinate. E. elliptica. E. marionensis, E. nitida, E. nuptialis, and E. stri- L AMELLIBR ANC H I AT A . 311 gillata, are from the Marshall or Cho- teau Gr. Edmoxdia inlesi is a typographical error for E. nilesi. pinonensis, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, vol. 4, Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] subplana instead of Cypricardia sub- plana. Goxiophora ehemungensis, Vanuxem, 1842 (Cvpricardites ehemungensis), Geo. Hep. N. Y., Chemung Gr. [Ety. proper name.] plieata instead of Cypricardella plicata. speeiosa, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss., Niagara Gr. [Sig. beautiful.] Isocardia, jennae is from the Marshall Gr. Leptodomcs undulatus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. undulated.] Lithophaga illinoisensis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed instead of the form identified as L. lingualis of Phillips. lingualis is not an American species. Lucixa billingsana, n. sp. Devonian. This name is proposed instead of L. occi- dentalis, Billings. 1859, Assiniboine & Saskatchewan, Ex. Exped., p. 187, figs, b and c. It is from Snake Island, Lake Winnipegosis. The specific name octidentalia was preoccupied by Morton for a Cretaceous species. Luxulicardium fragosum, Meek, 1877 (Posidonomya fragosa), U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Carboniferous. [Sig. rough.] MaCRODox cochlearis is from the Marshall Gr. Megalomus compressus, Nicholson & Hinile, 1874, Can. Jour., vol. 14, Niagara Gr. [Sig. compressed.] Modiolopsis cancellata, Waleott, 1879, Trans. Alb. Inst., vol. 10, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. cancellated.] carrollensisT Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Galena Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Proposed in- stead of M. subnasuta of Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., p. 41, which was preoccupied, reetiformis, Worthen, 1882, Bull. No. 1, 111. St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Trenton Gr. [Sig. straight formed.] proposed in- stead of 31. orthonota, Meek & Worthen, 1868, Geo. Sur. 111., vol. 3, which was preoccupied. Modiomorpha concentrica, should be Con- rad, 1838 (Pterinea concentrica) Ann. Pep. Geo. Sur., N. Y., etc. Moxotis septentrionalis, Haughton, 1857, Jour. Roy. Dub. Soc, vol. 1. [Sig. northern.] Myalixa apachesi is from the Subcarbon- iferous ; M. concentrica from the War- saw Gr., M. iowensis from the Mar- shall Gr., and M. perattenuata was described in 1858. Myalixa iowensis, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Mytilarca percarinata, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Up. Held, Gr. [Sig. very carinate.] Nucula was described in 1801 ; N. hians, N. houghtoni and N. microdonta are from the Marshall or Kinderhook Gr. iowensis was described in the Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, and is a Tel- linomya. N. Stella is also a Tellin- omya. nasuta, refer to Nuculana nasuta. perumbonata, White, 1879, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur., vol. 5, No. 2, Carbonifer- ous. [Sig. having a very convex umbo.] Nuculana dens-mamillata, N. nuculiformis, N. pandoriformis, and N. saccata are from the Marshall Gr. nasuta instead of Nucula nasuta. obesa, White, 1879, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur., . vol. 5, No. 2, Carboniferous. [Sig. plump.] Nugulites mactroides is from the Marshall Gr. sulcatinus is from the Marshall Gr., and is a Tellinomva. triangularis, Hall & Whitfield. 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl , 40th parallel, Devonian. [Sig. triangular.] yoldiiformis, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. shaped like a Yoldia.] It is not a Nuculites. Orthodesma byrnesi, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] cuneiforme, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist , vol. 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. wedge formed.] mickelboroughi, Whitfield. 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] occidentale, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. western.] subovale, Cliich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. 6uboval.] Orthoxota phaselia i* from the Marshall Gr. ventricosa, White & Whitfield, 1862, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, Kinderhook Gr. [Sig. ventricose.] Orthoxotella, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5. [Ety. orthos, straight ; notos, back ; ellus, diminutive.] faberi, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 5, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Ostrea patercula, Winchell, is from the Marshall Gr. Pal^oxeilo similis, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Erie Shale, Portage ( ?) Gr. [Sig. similar.] 312 LAMELLIBRANCHIA TA. Paracyclas peroccidens, Hall & Whitfield,- 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel. Devonian. [Sig. far western.] sahini is from the Chemung Gr. Pernopecten limatus is from the Marshall Gr. Pholadomya elonqata is Allorisma elongatum. Pinna ludlovi, Whitfield, 1876, in Ludlow's Carroll to Yellowstone Park, Coal Meas.. [Ety. proper name.] maxvillensis, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Kaskaskia Gr. [Ety. proper name.] missouriensis is from the St. Genevieve limestone, or St. Louis Gr. Pleurorhynchus antiqua is Conocardium an- tiquum. Posidonia clathrata, P. distans, and P. per- striata were described in 1853. Posidonomya ambigua is from the Marshall Gr. fragosa, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, refer to Lunulicardium fragosum. Prisconaia, Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. 3. [Ety. proper name.] ventricosa, Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conch., vol. 3, Coal Meas. [Sig. ven- tricose.] Pseudomonotis curia is Jurassic. Pterinea brisa is probably a syn. for P. strisecosta. cancellata, Barris, 1879 (Avicula cancel- lata) Proc. Dav. Acad. Sci. Cornifer- ous limestone. [Sig. cancellated.] concentrica is Modiomorpha concentrica. crenistriata, Winchell, 1862 (Cardiopsis crenistriata), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Marshall Gr. [Sig. having wrinkled striae.] mucronata, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. pointed.] neglecta, McChesney, 1861, New Palaeo- zoic Fossils, Niagara Gr. [Sig. over- looked, newarkensis, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name. ] similis, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Marcellus Shale. [Sig. similar.] spinalata, Winchell, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington (?) Gr. [Sig. spine winged.] Pteronites spergenensis, Whitfield, 1882, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., No. 3, Warsaw Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pyanomya, S. A. Miller, 1881. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol 4. .[Ety. pyanos, a bean; Mya, a genus.] gibbosa, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin> Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. gibbous.] Ptychodesma knappanum is from the Ham. Gr. Sanguinolaria leptogaster is from the Marshall or Kinderhook Gr. Sanguinolites chemungensis, refer to Goniophora chemungensis. amygdalinus, S. iowensis, S. jejunus, S. missouriensis, S. nasutus, S. strigatus and S. sulciferus are from the Mar- shall or Kinderhook Gr. naiadiformis, Winchell, 1870, Notices & Desc. Foss, from the Marshall Gr. [Sig. like a water nymph.] securis, Winchell, 1870, Notices & Desc. Foss. from Marshall Gr. [Sig. broad- edged axe.] sulciferus is from Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1863. Schizodus subtrigonalis, Meek, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Waverly Gr., [Sig. subtrigonal.] Sedgwickia lunulata, Whitfield, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. resembling alittle crescent.] neglecta, is Cuneamya neglecta. Tellinomya angustata, and T. attenuata are from the Upper Silurian, cingulata, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. girded.] iowensis instead of Nucula iowensis. stella instead of Nucula Stella. sulcatina instead of Nuculites sulcatinus. Unio orthonotus is Modiolopsis orthonota. primigenius is Modiolopsis primigenia. Vanuxemia, Billings, 1858, Can. Nat. & Geol., vol. 3. [Ety. proper name.] This genus may be restored as it is probably distinct from Cypricardites though related to it. The species are V. bayfieldi, V. inconstans, V. dixon- ensis, V. montrealensis and V. tom- kinsi. tomkinsi, Billings, 1860, Can. Jour , vol. 6, Corniferous limestone. [Ety. prop- er name.] Yoldia rushensis, McChesney, instead of Y. gibbosa, McChesney, as the latter was preoccupied. And Y. knoxensis instead of Y. polita for like reason. ANNELIDA. 313 SUBKINGDOM ARTICULATA.' CLASS ANNELIDA. Arabellites, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. ascialis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Kiv. Gr. [Sig. axe shaped.] cervicornis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Kiv. Gr. [Sig. deer horned.] cornutus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud.. Riv. Gr. [Sig. horned.] crenulatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. crenulated.] cristatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. tufted.] cuspidatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. pointed.] elegans, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. elegant.] gibbosus. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. gibbous.] harnatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. hooked ] lunatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud Riv. Gr. [Sig. lunate.] obliquus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. oblique.] ovalis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. oval.] pectinatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. pectinated.] quadratus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Silurian [Sig. quadrate.] rectus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. straight.] scutellatus, Hinde, 1879, .Quar. Jour. Geo. Stfc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. scutellated.] similis, Hinde, 1879. Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Niagara Gr. [Sig. similar.] Conchicolites is regarded by Prof. Hall as a syn. for Cornulites. Cornulites clintoni, Hall, 1879, 28th Reg. Rep., Clinton Group. [Ety proper name.] This name was proposed in- stead of C. flexuosus which is preoc- cupied, when Conchicolites is regarded as synonymous with Cornulites. Distacodus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. [Ety. distazo to doubt; odous a tooth.] " incurvus, Pander, 1856, (Machairodus incurvus,) Monogr. d. foss. Fische. cl. Silur. syst., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig in- curved.] Drepanodus, Pander, 1856, Monogr. d. foss. Fische. d. Silur. syst. [Ety. dre- pane, a sickle; odous tooth.] arcuatus, Pander, 1856, Monogr. d. foss. Fische. d. Silur. syst., Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. arcuate.] Eotrophonia, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. Not satisfactorily defined. setigera, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. Not satisfactorily defined, and specimen too poor for definition. Eunicites, Ehlers, 1868, Palaeontographica vol. 17. [Ety. from the genus Eunice, a Nereid; and lithos, stone.] alveolatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. hollowed out like a tray.] chiromorphus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond. vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. hand formed.] clintonensis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Ety. proper name. J compactus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. compact.] contortus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol., 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. contorted.] coronatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. coronated] digitatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. digitated.] gracilis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. slender.] major, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. River. Gr. [Sig. larger.] nanus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a dwarf.] * Note.— I have included here the Conodonts, because there is no good reasorr'why they should be placed in the Class Pisces. 314 ANNELIDA. Eunicites palmatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. palmate.] perdentatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. many toothed.] politus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. polished.] similis, var. arcuatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. arcuate.] simplex, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. simple.] tumidus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. tumid.] Glycerites, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. [Ety. from the genus Glyceris', and lithos, stone.] calceolus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Niagara Gr. [Sig. a little shoe.] sulcatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. furrowed.] sulcatus, var. excavatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. excavated.] Lumbriconereites, Ehlers, 1868, Palaeon- tographica, vol. 17. [Ety. from the genera Lumbricus and Nereis • and lithos, stone.] armatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. armed.] hasalis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. pertaining to the base.] dactylodus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. finger-toothed.] triangularis, Hinde, 1879. Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. triangular.] Machairodus, Pander, 1856. This name was preoccupied. See Distacodus. incurvus, see Distacodus incurvus. Moxocraterion, Torell, 1869, Acta univei 1 - sitatis lundensis. [Ety monos, one ; kraterion, a small basin.] lesleyi, Prime, 1878, Geo. Sur. Pa. DD, Calciferous (?). Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Nereidavus, Grinnell, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser.. vol. 14. [Ety. Ne- reis, a genus; avus, grandfather ] solitarius, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. solitary.] varians, Grinnell, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol 14, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. variable.] Oexites, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. [Ety. Oenas, a genus ; lithos, stone.] amplus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. ample.] Oenites carinatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. carinated.] cuneatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. wedged.] curvidens, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. bent toothed.] fragilis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. fragile.] inaequalis, Hinde, 1S79, Quar. Jour. Geo- Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr- [Sig. unequal.] infrequens, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Clinton Gr. [Sig. infrequent.] rostratus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. beaked.] serratus. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. serrated.] Planolites, Nicholson, 1873, Proc. Roy. Soc. [Ety. pianos, a wanderer; lithos, stone.] Syn. for Pateeophycus. vulgaris, Nicholson, a Palaoophycus. Polygnathus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. [Ety. polys, many; gnathos, a jaw.] coronatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. coronated.] crassus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. thick.] cristatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. tufted.] curvatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. curved.] dubius, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. doubtful.] duplicatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. duplicated.] eriensis. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] immersus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig immersed.] linguiformis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. tongue-shaped.] nasutus. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. nana be.] palmatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. palmate.] pennatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. ANNELIDA. 315 Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. winged.] Polygnathus princeps, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. Ham. Gr. [Sig. the chief.] punctatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. punctated ] radiatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. radiated.] serratus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. serrated.] simplex, Hinde, 1S79, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. simple.] solidus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. solid.] truncatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. truncated.] tuberculatum, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. London, vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. tuberculated.] Prioniodus, Pander, 1856, Monogr. d. foss. Fiscbe d. Silur. Syst. [Ety. ptionion, a small saw; odous, a tooth.] abbreviates, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. abbreviated.] acicularis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. acicular.] alatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. winged.] angulatus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. angulated.] armatus, Hinde, 1S79, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. armed.] elegfins. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. elegant.] erraticus,. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Loud., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. erratic] furcatus. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. forked.] panderi, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] politus, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. polished.] Pkixoidus radicans, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. rooting.] spicatus. Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Ham. Gr. [Sig. spiked.] Protoscolex, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin Soc. Nat Hist., vol. 1. [Ety. protos, first; skolex, a worm.] covingtonensis, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] ornatus, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. ornate.] simplex, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. iSat. Hist., vol. 1, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. simple.] tenuis, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. slender.] Scolithus is doubtless the work of some kind of a borer, tuberosus, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. full of humps.] woodi, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Eep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Serpula insita, White, 1878, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., CoalMeas. [Sig. inserted.] Spirorbis anthracosia, Whitfield, 1881, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 21, Coal Meas.[Sig. pertaining to coal.] cincinnatensis, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] omphalodes, Goldfuss, 1826, Germ. Pe- tref., Up. Held, and Ham. Gr. [Sig. like a navel or boss.] spinuliferus, Nicholson, 1875, Pal. Prov. Ont., Ham. Gr. [Sig. spine bearing.] Staurocephalites, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35. [Ety. stauros, a cross ; kephale, head ; lithos, stone.] niagarensis, Hinde, 1879, Quar. Jour. Geo. Soc. Lond., vol. 35, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Walcottia, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. [Ety. proper name.] cookana, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Cont. to Pal. No. 2, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] rugosa, Miller & Dyer, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Eiv. Gr. [Sig. rugose.] 316 CKUSTACEA. CLASS CRUSTACEA. Acidaspis fimbriata, Hall, 1879, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Niagara Gr. [Sig. fimbriated.] parvula, Walcott, 31st Keg. Rep. Aglaspis eatoni, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Agnostus communis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. common.] neon, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] prolongus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. prolonged.] tumidosus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. high swelling.] Agratjlos woosteri, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Amphipeltis is from Amphi, on both sides, instead of doubtful. Arctinurus, Castelnau, syn. for Lichas. Arges, signifies bright or shining, instead of a mythological name. ARiONELLUSConvexuSjWhitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. convex.] pustulatus, Walcott, 31st Reg. Rep. Asaphoidichnus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2. [Ety. Asaphus, a genus; eidos, form; ichnos, dyeri, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] trifidus, S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. trifid.] Asaphus caudatus, Green, syn. for Dalman- ites limulurus. (?) cordieri, Castelnau, syn. for Dahnanites limulurus. crypturus was described by Green in 1834, Trans. Geo. Soc. Penn., vol. 1, pt. 1. ditmarsiae, Honeyman, 1879, Proc. Nova Scotia Inst., vol. 5, Lower Silurian. [Ety. proper name.] edwardsi, Castelnau, syn. for Dalmanites limulurus. homalonotoides is in 31st Reg. Rep. N. Y. murchisoni, Castelnau, syn. lor A. gigas. nodostriatus, Hall. 1847," Pal. N. Y., vol. 1. Not defined so as to establish a species, triangulatus, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis , Trenton Gr. [Sig. triangular.] Atops, Emmons, 1844, Taconic System. This genus should probably be re- stored because it is distinct from Tri- arthrus. There is only one species defined. Atops trilineatus. It is re- lated to Conocephalites, and as a ge- neric name has priority. Bathyurus pogonipensis, Hall and Whit- field, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl. 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Beyrichia lithofactor should be defined as maker Of stone, and so also B. petri- f actor, persulcata, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. very much furrowed.] regularis was named from the regular bars instead of "formed in bars." Bronteus was defined by Goldfuss in 1839, in Nova Act. Phys. Med. Csesarea; Leop-Carol. Nat. Curios, xix., pt. 1, p. 360. canadensis, Logan, 1846, Rep. Geo. Sur. Canada, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] flabellifer, Goldfnss, Nova. Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. vol., 19 Up. Silurian. [Sig a fan bearer.] laphami, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Calymene christyi is from the Hud. Riv. Gr. conradi, Emmons, 1856, Am. Geol., Lor- raine Shales or Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] nasuta, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Sig. nasute.] rostrata, Vogdes. 1880, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Clinton Gr. [Sig. hooked.] Ceratiocaris grandis, Pohlman, 1881, Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Water- lime Gr. [Sig. grand] Ceraurus rarus is in 31st Reg. Rep. Chariocephalus tumifrons, Hall & Whit- field, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. having a tumid front.] Coxocephalites binodosus instead of C. binodus. calciferus, Walcott, 1879. 32 Reg. Rep., Calciferous Gr. [Sig. calcifer- ous.] calymenoides, Whitfield, 1878. Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. like a Calymene.] explanatus, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. spread out] harti, Walcott, 1879, 32d Reg. Rep , Calciferous Gr. [Ety. proper name.] laticeps, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. CRUSTACEA. 317 Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam dr. [Sig. having a wide head.] Coxocephalites quadratus, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Snr. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. quadrate.] subeoronatus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Que- bec Gr. [Sig. somewhat coronated.] Crepicephalcs angolatus, Hall & Whit- field, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th par- allel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. angulated.] anytus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Etv. proper name.] centralis, Whitfield, 1877, Rep. on Pal. of the Black Hills, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. central.] gibbesi, Whitfield. 1880, Ann. Kep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] granulosus, Hall & Whitfield. 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. granulous.] haguei, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] maculosufl, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. spotted.] nitidus. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl.. 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. neat.] onustus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. full.] planus, Whitfield, 1877, Rep. on Pal. of Black Hills, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. plane.] ' quadrans. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Sig. a quarter.] simulator. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl.. 40 parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. an imitator.] unisulcatus, Hall & Whitfield, 1S77, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel. Potsdam Gr. [Sig. one furrowed.] Cytherk carbonaria, refer to Leperditia car- bonaria . irregularis, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. irregular.] The species does not belong to this genus. f'YTHERELEIXA, JoiieS & Hall. glandella. Whitfield, 1882, Bull. No. 3, Am. Mus Nat. Hist., Warsaw Gr. [Sig a small kernel ] < 'ytheropsis ruffosa, is Primitia rugosa. Dai.mamtks calliteles, signifies a beautiful tail, intermedins is in 31st Heg Rep. Dkki-i.ocki'hai.ts, see Pterocephalia, which has priority. barabuensis, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. AVis., Low. Magnesian Gr. [Ety. proper name.] bilobatus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. two lobed.] eatoni, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low. Magnesian Gr. [Ety. proper name. 1 DiCELLOCEPHOLcs flabellifer, Hall & Whit- field, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th par- allel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. a fan bearer.] gothicus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. gothic] lodensis, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] multicinctus, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Potsdam Gr. [Sig. many girded.] quadriceps. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Sig. square headed.] sancti-sabse, Roemer, 1849, Texas Mit. naturwissench Anhang. (Pter- ocephalia sancti-sabae), and 1852, Kreid von Texas, Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] wahsatchensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Doeichopterus mansfieldi, Hall, 1877, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, Lower Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] Echinocaris, Whitfield, 1880. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 19. [Ety. echinos, the sea urchin ; karis, a shrimp.] multinodosa, Whitfield, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 19, Erie Shales. [Sig. many noded.J pustulosa, Whitfield, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 19, Erie Shales, [sig. pustulous.] subkevis, Whitfield. 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 19, Erie Shales. [Sig. somewhat smooth.] Echinognathus, Walcott, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 23. [Ety. echinos, sea urchin; gnathos, the jaw.] clevelandi, Walcott, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 23, Utica blate Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Elliptocephala curta is Olenellus cartas, and K. asaphoides is O. asaphoides. Ole- nellus is a syn. for Elliptocephala of Emmons, but the latter name being preoccupied, Olenellus must be used. J Excrixurus egani. S. A. Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat., Hist., vol. 2, Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] minis. This is not an Encrinurus, but I am not able to refer it satisfactorily to any genus. trentonensis, and E. varicostatus are in the 31st Reg. Rep. Enoploura, Wetherby, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. Proposed instead of Anomalocystites upon the ground that it is a Crustacean instead of a Cystidean. Estheria, Ruppell and Straus-Durekheim, 1837, Mus. r-M'nckenberg. vol. 2, p. 119. [Ety. proper name.] 318 CKUSTACEA. Estheria pulex, Clarke, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 23, Ham. Gr. [Sig. a flea.l Eurypterus eriensis, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Low. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pennsylvanicus, Hall, 1877, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., Devonian. [Ety. proper name.] pulicaris, signifies like a flea. Eusarcus, Grote and Pitt, 1877, Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4. [Ety. eu, well off; sarkos, flesh.] grandis, Grote and Pitt, 1877, Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Waterlime Gr. [Sig. grand.] scorpionis, Grote and Pitt, 1877, Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4,Waterlime Gr. [Sig. scorpion.] Helminthoidichnites marinus, is Gordia mar- ina, Emmons, 1844, Taconic Syst. Homalonotus atlas, H. giganteus and H. herculaneus of Castlenau are syn- onyms for H. delphinocephalus, or they are not recognized for want of proper definition. Ill^nurus convexus, Whitfield, 1878. Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Low. Mag. Gr. [Sig. convex.] Ile^enus indeterminatus is in 31st. Peg. Pep. N. Y. niagarensis, Whitfield, 1880, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Ety. proper name.] pterocephalus, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Niagara Gr. [Sig. winged head.] Isochilina jonesi, Wetherhy, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Isotelus canalis is from the Chazy Gr. megistos was described in the Trans. Assoc. Am. Geol. and Naturalists. Leperditia angulifera, Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New. Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Low. Held. Gr. [Sig. hearing angles.] hillingsi, Jones, 1881, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., vol. 18, Trenton Gr. [Ety. proper name.] hivertex, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. two headed.] CEecigena, S. A. Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Hud. Riv. Gr. i [Sig. born blind.] carbonaria, instead of Cythere carbon- aria, crepiformis, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Sig. boot form.] radiata, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. radiated.] unicornis. Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. one horned.] Lichas emarginatus, Hall, 1879, 28th Reg. Rep., Niagara Gr. [Sig. einargin- ated.] Lichas harrisi, S. A. Miller, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, Hud. Riv. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Lisgocaris, Clarke, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d. ser., vol.23. [Syn. for Spathiocaris.] lutheri, Clarke, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. 3d ser., vol. 23, Ham. Gr., refer to Spathiocaris lutheri. Microdiscus lobatus is from the Taconic or Lower Potsdam, and M. speciosus was described in 1873. Ogygia parabola, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Que- bec Gr. [Sig. a parabola.] producta. Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Quebec Gr. [Sig. extended.] Olenellus asaphoides was described in the Taconic System. curtus, Whitfield, 1878 (Elliptocephalus curtus), Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis , Potsdam Gr. [Sig. short.] PAi^:oPAL.EMON,Whitfiekl, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 19. [Ety.. palaios, ancient; Pahemon, a genus.] newberryi, Whitfield, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci and Arts., 3d ser., vol. 19, Erie Shales. [Ety. proper name.] Phillipsia tennesseensis is from the Kin- derhook Gr. tuberculata, Meek & Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Burlington Gr. [Sig. tuberculated ] Plumulites was described by Barrande, 1872, Syst. Sil. Boh. Instead of Plum- ulites, English authors use Turrilepis, proposed by Woodward in 1865, but not defined so a6 to be understood, devonicus, Clarke, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 23, Ham. Gr. [Sig. devonian.] newberryi. Whitfield, 1882, Desc. New Spec. Foss. from Ohio, Portage Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Primitia rugosa instead of Cytheropsis ru- gosa. Proetus auriculatus, P. doris and P. swal- lovi are from the Waverly, Choteau or Kinderhook Gr. davenportensis, Barris, 1879, Proc. Dav. Acad. Sci., Corniferous limestone. [Ety. proper name.] denticulatus, Meek, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Devonian. [Sig. denticulated.] granulatus, Wetherby, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Kaskaskia Gr. [Sig. granulated.] loganensis, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U.S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [Ety. proper name.] parviusculus w*s described in the 13th Reg. Rep. 1860, from the Hud. Riv. Gr. peroccidens, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl., 40th parallel, Waverly Gr. [ Sig. from the far west.] PISCES. 319 Protichxites alternans, P. latus, P. line- atus, P. multinotatus, P. oeto-notatus and P. septem-notatus are from the Potsdam Gr. Pterocephalia Roemer, 1849, Texas, Mit naturwissench. Anhang. Bonn., and afterward in 1852, Kreid von Texas. [Ety. pteron wing: IcephaleheaA;] It 18 identical with Dicellocephalus, and has priority of definition, and was illustrated the same year. sancti-sabaa, Roemer, 1849, Texas. Mit naturwissench. Anhang., and in 1852, Kreid von Texas., Potsdam Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Pterygotus buffaloensis. Pohlman, 1881, Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Waterlline Gr. [Etv. proper name.] cummingsi, Grote & Pitt, 1877, Bull Buf. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Water- lime Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Ptychaspis rainuta, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur. Wis., Potsdam Gr. [Sig. minute.] pustulosa, Hall & Whitfield, 1877, U. S. Geo. Expl.. 40th Parallel, Potsdim / Gr. [Sig. pustulous.] speciosa, Walcott, 1879, 32d Reg. Rep. [Sig beautiful.] striata, Whitfield, 1878, Ann. Rep. Geo. Sur; Wis., Potsdam, Gr. [Sig. striated.] Rhachura, Scudder, 1878, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. [Ety. rachis, a ridge ; oura, tail.] Rhachura venosa, Scudder, 1878, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.. Coal Meas. [Sig. full of veins.] Rusichxites carbonarius, Dawson, 1868, Acadian Geology, Carboniferous. [Sig. pertaining to Carbon.] grenvillensis, Dawson, Chazy Gr. [Ety. proper name.] Solexopleura nana, Ford, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. 3d ser., vol. 15, Pots- dam Gr. [Sig. a dwarf.] Spathiocaris, Clarke, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 23. [Ety. spathe, a spathe; karis, a shrimp.] emersoni, Clarke, 1882, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 23, Portage Gr. [Ety. proper name.] lutheri instead of Lisgocaris lutheri. Triarthrus becki is from the Utica Slate Gr. fischeri, Billings, 1865, Pal. Foss., Que- bec Gr. [Ety. proper name.] glaber, Billings, 1859, Can. Nat. and Geol., vol. 4, Utica Slate Gr. [Sig. smooth.] spinosus is from the Utica Slate Gr. tvilineatus should be referred to Atops trilineatus. Trixucleus bellulus, Ulrich, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, is from the Utica Slate, and 6eems to be the young of T. concentricus. CLASS ARACHNIDA. Eoscorpius was published in vol. 46, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. CLASS MYRIAPODA. Euphoberia was published in vol. 46, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. CLASS INSECTA. Archimylacris mantis is a typographical or accidental mistake, and the name should be stricken out. Ephemerites primordialis. Scudder, 1878. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Coal Meas. [Sig. primordial.] Termes, Linnaeus, 1748, Systema Naturae, p. 610, and older authors. [Ety .termes, a worm that eats wood] contusus, Scudder, 1878, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.. Coal Meas. [Sig. broken or bruised] CLASS PISCES. Acoxdylacaxthus (?) mudgianus, St. John & Worthen (In press), Geo Sur. 111., vol. 7. Up. Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name.] nuperus. St John & Worthen (In press), Geo. Sur 111., vol. 7, Up. Coal Meas. [Sig. new.] Acoxdylacaxthus rectus, St. John ,ic Cricotus, Cope. 1876, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. [Ety. krikotos, ringed.] • discophorus, Cope, 1877, Pal. Bull. No 26, Permian. [Sig. a dish benrer.J gibsoni, Cope, 1877, Pal. Bull. Xo. 26, Permian. [Ety. proper name. J heteroclitus, Cope, 1876. Proc Acad. Xat. Sci., Permian. [Sig. anomalous.] Dexdrerpetox obtusum. Cope, 1868, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci., Coal Meas. [Sig. obtuse.] Diadectes, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. Xo. 29. [Ety. dia, through; dektes, a biter.] latibuccatus, see Empedocles latibucca- tus. molaris, see Empedocles molaris. phaseolinus, Cope, 1880, Pal. Bull. Xo. 32, Permian. [Sig. resembling a bean.] sideropelicus. Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. Xo. 29, Permian. [Sig. having great strength.] Dimetrodon, Cope. 1878, Pal. Bull. Xo. 29. [Ety. dimeAros, of two measures ; odous, tooth.] cruciger, Cope, 1878, Am. Xat., Permi- an. [Sig cross bearer.] gigas. Cope, 1878 (Clepsydrops gigas), Am. Xat., Permian. [Sig. large.] incisivus. Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. Xo. 29, Permian. [Sig. having the quality of cutting or biting.] rectiformis, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. Xo. 29, Permian. [Sig. straight formed.] semiradicatus, Cope, 1881, Bull. U. S. Geo.Sur. Terr., vol. 6. No. 1, Permian. [Sig. half radicated.] Diplocaulus, Cope. 1877, Pal. Bull. No. 26. [Ety. diploos, double ; kaulos, shaft.] BEPTILIA. Diplocaulus magnicomis, Cope, 1882, Pal. Bull. No. 35, Permian. [Sig. large horned.] salamandroides, Cope, 1877, Pall. Bull. No. 26, Permian. [Sig. like a sala- mander.] Ectocyxodox, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No 29. [Ety. ektos, far from; kunos, dog; odous, tooth.] aguti. Cope, 1882, Pal. Bull. No. 35, Per- mian. [Ety. proper name.] ordinatus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. ordinated.J Edaphosaurus, Cope, 1882, Pal. Bull. No. 35. [Ety.edaphos, a foundation; sau- ros, a sea fish.] pogonias, Cope, 1882, Pal. Bull. No. 35, Permian. [Sig. bearded.] Embolophorus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29. [Ety. embolos, anything running to a point; phoros, bearing.] fritillus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian [Sig. a dice box.] Empedocees, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29. [Ety. proper name.] alatus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29. Permian. [Sig. winged.] Solaris, Cope, 1880, Pal. Bull., No. 32, Permian. [Sig. a grinder.] latibuccatus, Cope. 1878 (Diadectes latibuccatus), Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. side cheeked.] Epicordylus, Cope, 1878, Pal Bull. No. 29. [Ety. epi, upon; kordylos, a water lizard.] erythroliticus. Cope. 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. red stone.] Eryops, Cope, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. [Ety. eryos, a shoot; ope, view.] megacephalus. Cope, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Permian. [Sig. large headed.] reticulatus, Cope, 1881, Am. Naturalist, p. 1020, Permian. [Sig. reticulated.] Helodectes, Cope, 1880, Pal. Bull. No. 32. [Ety. helos, a nail; dectes, a biter ] isaaci. Cope, 1880, Pal. Bull. No. 32, Permian. [Ety. proper name.] paridens. Cope, 1880, Pal. Bull. No. 32, Permian [Sig. equal toothed.] Hyloxomus wymani instead of H. hymani. Ichthycanthus, Cope, 1877, Pal. Bull No. 24, and Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. [Ety. ichthys, a fish ; kanthos, the corner of the eye.] ohioensis, Cope, 1877. Proc. Am. Phil Soc, Coal Meas. [Ety. proper name] platypus, Cope. 1877. Proc Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Ety. broad footed.] Leptophractus lineolatus, Cope, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas. [Sig. fine lined.] Lysorophus, Cope, 1877, Pal. Bull. No. 26. [Ety. lysis, setting free; rophos, supped up.] tricarinatus, Cope, 1877, Pal. Bull. No. 26, Permian. [Sig. three oarinated.] Metarmosaurus. Cope. 1878, Pal. Bull' No. 29, p. 516. fossatus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. dug. out.] Ophiacodox, Marsh, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d. ser., vol. 15. [Ety; ophiakos, belonging to serpents ; odous, tooth.] grandis, Marsh, 1878. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d. ser., vol. 15, Permian. [Sig.' grand.] niirus, Marsh, 1878. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. 15, Permian. [Sig. wonderful ] Paxtylus, Cope, 1881, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr. vol. 6, No. 1. [Ety. pan, all ; tylos a knob. ] cordatus, Cope, 1881, Bull. U. S. Geo. Sur. Terr. vol. 6, No. 1, Permian. [Sig, cordated.] Pariotichus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, [Ety .parios, parian ; tychos,a hammer.] brachyops, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. short sighted.] Parioxys, Cope. 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29. [Ety. para, beside; oxi/s, sharp.] ferricolus, Cope, 1878, Pal Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. iron distaff.] Rhachitomus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29. [Ety. rachis, bridge; tomos, sharp.] valens, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. vigorous.] Sauropleura longipes, Cope, 1874, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. 13, Coal Meas. [Sig. long footed.] Sphexacodox, Marsh, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d. ser., vol. 15. [Ety. sphen, a wedge ; akis, a barb; odous, tooth.] ferox, Marsh, 1878, Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d. ser., vol. 15, Permian. [Sig. fierce. 1 Theropleura, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29. . [Etv. theros, summer; pleura, a rib.] obtusidens, Cope, 1880, Pal. Bull. No. 32, Permian. [Sig. having obtuse teeth.] retroversa, Cope, 1878.. Pal Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. turned back.] triangulati, Cope, 1878. Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. triangular.] uniformis Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. uniform.] Trimerorhachis. Cope, 1878, Pal Bull., No. 29, Permian. [Ety. trhneres, tri- partite; rachis. a ridge.] insignis, « pe. 1878, Pal. Bull. No. 29, Permian. [Sig. marked.] Tuditaxus mordax is a syn. for Ceraterpe- ton punctolineatnni. tabulatus. Cope, 1877, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Coal Meas [Sig. tabulated.] Zatrachys, Cope, 1878. Pal. Bull. No. 29. [Ety. ea, an intensive ; traehys, rough.] apicalis. Cope. 1881, Am. Naturalist, p. 1020, Permian. [Sig. apical.] serratus, Cope, 1878, Pal. Bull., No. 29, Permian. [Sig. serrated.] OMISSION. Poteriocrinus xetti.erothaxcs, S. A. Miller, 1882, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. 5, Up. Held. Gr. [Ety. proper name.] The author has been informed that Mr. J. M. Clarke has described a new genus and three new species of Phillocaridae, which will probably appear in the Am. Jour. Sci. & Arts, for February, 1833, viz: Dipterocaris pescervae, D. pennidsedali, and D. procne— all from the Chemung. Prof. E. YV. Claypole says there is little or no classic ground for printing ce in the beginning of the second part of a compound word, such as ruycestriatus. It should be rwjistriatus. An exception occurs when the first part of the word is merely a prefix, as in sitbcequalis. That nebraskensis should be written instead of nebrascensis , as there is no ground for using the c instead of k. And that the generic name Chariocephalus should be written Charitocephalus. Mr. Henry Nettleroth has described, under the title of ,: Fossil Mollusca of Kentucky," for vol. 1 of that State, which is now in press, Aviculopecten cancellatus, A. concentricus, Paracyclas octerlonyi, Tellinomya striata, Modiomorpha charlestown- ensis, Millerella (n. gen.) jonesi, Spirifera euruteines, var. erecta, S. euruteines, var. elongata, S. byrnesi, S. hobbsi, S. davisi, S. mcconathyi, Rhynchonella gainesi, Eu- omplialus protteri, Cyclonema clarki, Cyrtoceras hydraulicum, Murchisonia tubercu- ata, Platyceras nodulosum, P. elongatum, P. compressnm, and Orthis goodwini, from the Devonian formation; and Spirifera knotti, Pentamerella schwartzi, Rhynchonella compressa, Pentamerus foggi, P. trigonalis, P. louisvillensis, and Stricklandia louis- villensis, from the Niagara Group; and Cypricardites halli, from the Hudson River Group. INDEX OF GENERA. In addition to indexing the Genera in the whole work, the gender of each genus is designated — m, for masculine ; /, feminine ; n, neuter. PAGE. Acambona, /. 103 Acanthaspis, / 227 Acanthocladia, / 289 Acanthograptus, m.. 2^62 Acantholepis, / 227 Acantholoma 208 Aeanthophyton, n 21 Acanthotelson, n 208 Acervularia, / 46, 262 Aeheloma, n ... 323 Acidaspis, / 208, 316 Aclis 143, 300 Aclisina,/ 300 Acondylacanthus, m227, 319 Acrocrinus, m 66-279 Acroculia 143 Acrolepis. /. 227 Acrophyllum, n 46, 262 Acrotre'ta, /. 103 Actinoceras, n. . ... 165, 305 Actinocrinus, m 66, 279 Actinodesma, n 180, 309 Aegilops 103, 294 Agaricia 46 Agaricocrinus, m . . .69, 279 Agassiehthys . 227 Agassizocrinus, m . . .69, 279 Agassizodus, m 228 Agelacrinus, m 69, 279 Aglaspie, f 209, 316 Agnostus, m 209, 316 Agraulos, m 209,316 Alecto 95, 289 Alethopteris, /. 21, 248 Allagecrinus," m 279 Alloprosallocrinus, m 70, 279 Allorisma, n 180, 309 Alveolites, m 46, 262 Amacanthus, m 228, 319 Amblypterus, m 228 Ambocoelia, f. 103 Ambonyehia", / 181, 309 Ammonites 305 Ampheristocrinus, m.. . .279 Amphibamus, m 240 Amphicoelia, /. 181 Amphigenia, / 104 Amphion, m 209 Amphipeltis, / 209, 316 Amphoracrinus, in.. .70, 279 Amplexopora, /. 289 PAGE. Amplexus, m . . .46, 243, 262 Ampullaria 143 Ampyx, m 209 Amygdalocystites,m. 70, 279 Anaclitacanthus, m 228 Anartbrocanna, ). 22 Anastrophia, /. . ... 104, 294 Anatina, /. 181, 309 Ancyrocrinus, m 70 Aneimites, m 22 Angellum, n 309 Anisodexis, m 323 Anisophvllum, n . ... 262 Annularia, /. 22, 248 Anodontopsis, /. 182 Anomalocrinus, m. . .70, 279 Anomalocystites, m 70, 279 Anomalodonta, / 182 Anomaloides 280 Anomia 104 Anomites 104 Anomphalus, m 143 Anopolenus, m 209 Antholithes, m 22,248 Anthophyllum, n. 46 Anthracerpes, m 224 Anthracomya,/ 182 Anthraconectes, m 209 Anthracopakemon, m.. 210 Anthracoptera, /.. ..182, 309 Anthracopupa, / 300 Anthracosia, / 182 Antliodus, m 228 Apedodus, m 228 Aphlebia./. 248 Apiocystites, m 70 Arabellites, m 313 Arachnocrinus, m . .. . 280 Arachnophyllum, n. . . 262 Araucarites, m 22 Area 182, 309 Archaeobelus, m 323 Archaeocaris, / 210 Archaeocidaris, f. . . .70, 280 Archseocrinus, m 2S0 Archaeopteris,/. ... .22, 248 Archegogryllus, m 225 Archaeocyathellus, m... .260 Archaeocyathus, »i 42 Arcbimedes, m 95 Archimedipora 95 PAGE. Archimylacris,/ 225, 319 Architarbus, n 224 Archiulus, m 224 Arctinurus 316 Arenicolites, m 206 Arges, m 210, 316 Arionellus, m. 210,316 Aristophycus 248 Arthraria, /. 22 Arthroclema, n 95, 289 Arthrolycosa, /. 224 Arthronema, n 289 Arthrophycus, n. 23 Arthrostigma, n 23 Artisia, / 23 Asaphiscus 210 Asaphoidichnus, m 316 Asaphus, m 210,316 Ascoceras, n 165 Ascodictyon, n 289 Asolanus . 248 Aspidella, / 141 Aspidichthys, m 228 Aspidocrinus, m 71 Aspidodus, m 228 Asplenites, m 23 Astarte, f. 182 Astartella, / 182,309 Asteracanthus, m 228 Asterias 71 Asterocarpus, m 23 Asterocrinus 71 Asterophycus, n. . . 23, 248 Asterophyllites, m. . .23, 248 Asteropteris, /. 248 Asteropty chins, m. .228, 320 Asterosteus, m 228 Astrma 46,262 Astrgeophyllum, n 262 Astraeospongia, / 42 Antrios 71 Astrocerium, n 47 Astroconia, n. 260 Astrocrinites 71 Astylospongia, / ... .42, 260 Atactopora, / 289 Ataxocrinus 71 Ateleocystites, m 71 Athyris, / 104,294 Atops,/ 211, 316 Atrypa, /' 105, 294 INDEX OF GENERA. PAGE. Aulacophyllum, n 262 Aulocopina, / 42 Aulophyllum, n 47 Aulopora, / 47, 64, 263 Aulosteges, m 106 Avicula,/ 182,309 Aviculopecten, m. . 184, 310 Aviculopinna, /. 185 Axinura 47 Axinus . ■ . . 185 Axophyllum, n 47, 64 Bactrites, in 305 Baiera. f 248 Bakevellia,/ 185 Balanocrinus 71 Baphetes, m 240, 323 Barrandia 211 Barycrinus, m ...... .71, 280 Baryphyllum, n ... .47, 263 Batacanthus, m 228, 320 Bathyeheilodue, m 229 Bathynotus, m 211 Bathyurellus. m 211 Bathyurus, m 211, 316 Batocrinus, m 71, 280 Batostoma, n 289 Batostomella, / 289 Beatricea, /. . . .165, 260, 305 Bechera, / 23 Beinertia, /. 23 Belemnocrinus, in 72, 94, 280 Belinurus, 212 Bellerophon, m 143, 300 Berenicea, / 289 Bergeria, 248 Beyrichia,/ 212, 316 Blastoidocrinus, m 72 Blastophycus, n 249 Blattina, / 225 Blothrophyllum, n..47, 263 Blumenbachium 42 Bolboporites, m 47 Bolosaurus, m 323 Bornia,/ 249 Botryllopora, / 96 Brachiocrinus, m 72 Brachiospongia, / 42, 64 Brachydectes, m 240 Brachymerus 106 Brachyphyllum, n. . .23, 249 Brachyprion 107 Brongniartia 212 Bronteus, m 212, 316 Bruckmannia 249 Bucanella, / 145 Bucania,/ 145, 300 Bulime.Ua 145 Bulimorpha, / 301 Bumastus 212 Bursacrinus, in 72 Butiiograptiis, m 47 Buthotrephis,/ . ..23,249 Bythiacanthus, m 229 Bythopora,/ 2S9 Gacabocrinus 72 Calamites, m 24, 249 Calamocladus, in. . . 24 Calamodendron, it. . .24, 249 PAGE. Calamophycus, n 249 Calamopora 47, 263 Calamostachy s, in 249 Calapoecia, /. 47 Calathium, n 43 Calathocrinus . 72 Calcarina, /. 260 Calceocrinug, m . .. 72,280 Calceola. / 107, 263, 295 Caleisphaera, / 260 Callipteridium, n 249 Callipteris, / 24, 249 Callocystites, m 73 Callograptus, m 47, 263 Callonema, n 301 Callopora,/. 96, 289 Calophyllum, n 263 Calopodus, m .229 Calymene,/ 213, 316 Calvptograptus, m 264 Caiiiarella, /. 107, 295 Camarium, n.. 107 Camaroceras, n 165 Camarophoria, / . . . 107, 295 Campanulites. 73 Campophyllum, n . . 48, 64 Caninia .. 48 Cannapora, / 48, 264 Capulus, m 146 Carabocrinus, m.. 73 Carbonarca. /. 185 Carcharopsis, /. 229 Cardinia,/. . . 185,310 Cardiocarpon, n. ..24, 249 Cardiola,/. 186, 310 Cardiomorpha, / 186, 310 Cardiopsis,/ 186, 310 Cardiopteris, / 249 Cardiuin, n 186, 310 Carinaropsi6,/ 146 Carinopora, / 96 Carpolitbes, m 25, 250 Oryocrinus, m 73 Caryocystites 73 Caryophi/llia 264 Catenipora . . .48, 264 Casuarinites 250 Catillocrinus, m 73 Catopterus, 229, 320 Caulerpites, m 25, 250 Caulopteris, /. 25, 250 Caunopora, / 48 Celluloxylon, n. 250 Centrocrinus 280 Centronella, / 107, 295 Cephalaspis, / 229 Cerainopora, /. ... 96, 290 i Ceraterpeton, n 240 Ceratiocaris, / 213, 316 Ceratocephala 213 Ceraurus, m 213, 316 [ Ceriopora, /. 96 i Chaenocardia, /. 186 Chaenomya, /. 186, 310 \ Chaetetes, m 48,264! Chariocephalus, m. .214, 316 Charionella 108 j Cheirocrinus 73 I PAGE. Cheirodus, m 229 Cheirotherium, n 210 Cheit-urus 214 Chemnitzia, / 146, 301 Chiton, m 141, 301 Chitonodus, ra 320 Chloephycus 250 Cholodus, m 229 Chomatodus, m 229 Chondrites, m. 25, 250 Chonetes, m 108.295 Chonograptus, m 48, 64 Chonophvllum, n 48, 64, 264 Chonostegites 48, 264 Chrestotes, /. ..225 Cimitaria, f. 187 UladoduB, m 229, 320 Cladogvaptus, m.. 49 CladopoiM,/. 49,64,264 Clatfaroccelia, f. 299 Clathropora. /. 96,290 Cleidophorue, m . . 187, 310 Cleiocrinus, m 73 Clepsydrops, / 323 Clepsysaurus, m. . . .240, 323 Cliinactichnites, in 214 Climacograptus, m 49 Climacodus, m 230 Clinopistha, /. 187 Clioderma 141 Clisiophyllum, n. ...49, 265 Clisospira,/ 146,301 Clonopora, / 290 Closterocrinus, m 73 Chi, iii-iiia.. 165 Cnemidium, n 43, 64 Coccocrinus, m 73 Coccosteus, m 230 L'ochliodus, m 230,320 Cocj T tinus, m., 240 Codaster, m 73, 280 Codonites. m 74, 280 Coelacanthus, in 230 Coeliocrinus, in .... 74, 280 Coelocrinus, in. 74 Ccelospira, / 109 Coenites 265 Coleolus, in 299 Coleoprion, m 141, 299 Collettosaurus, m 240 Colosteus, in 240 Colpocaris 214 Colpoceras, n 165, 305 Columnaria, / ... 49, 265 Colnmnopora, /. 49, 265 Coinarocystites, m . .74, 281 Combophyllum, n 49 Compsacanthus, n 231 Conchicolites, m. . . .206, 313 Conchiopsis.. 231 Conchodus, m 231 Conchopeltis, / 146 C'lniliti's .165 Conocardium, n 187, 310 Conocephalites, in. .214, 316 Vonocephalua 214 Conoceras, n. 1 65 Conocoiyphe, / 214 INDEX OF GENERA. 329 PAGE. ConocriuuB 74 Conophyllum 50 Conopterium, n 43 Conostichus, m 25, 250 Gonotubularia 165 Conttisllaria 50 Conularia,/ 141, 299 Gonulites 165 Copodus, m 320 Cordaianthus. m 250 Cordaicarpus, m 250 Cordaistrobus, m 250 Cordaites, m. .25, 250 Cordvlocrinus, m... . 281 Conmlites, m 206, 313 Coronocrinus, in 74 Coscinium, n 96 Coscinopora 43 Cotyledonocrinus, m 74 Crania,/. 109, 295 Cm -podophyllum, n 265 Crateripora 290 Crematopteris, /. 25 Crepicephalus, m. ...215, 317 Crepidophyllvm 265 Crieotus, m 323 Crinocystites, m 74 Crinotoma 281 Crisina, / 290 Cromyocrinus, m. .. . 281 rrrinites 74 Cruziana, / 26 Cryphceus . . 215 Cryptoceraa 1 66 Cryptolithus 215 Cryptonella, /. . .. 109,295 Cryptopora, / 97 Ctenacanthus, m . . 231, 320 Ctenocrinus, hi 74 CtenodotUa 187 Ctenodus, m 231, 320 Ctenopetalns. m 231 Ctenoptychius, m. .231, 320 Cucullcea .188 Cuneamya, /. 188, 310 Cupelkecrinu* 74 Cupulocrinus, m 281 Cyathaxonia,/ 50, 265 Cyathocrinusj m. .. 74,281 Cyathophycns, n 260 Cyathophyllum, n 50, 64, 265 Cyathopora 50 Cyathospongia,/ . . . 260 Cybele ' 215 Cffda8ter 75 Cycloconcha, /. 188 Cyclocystoidea, m ..75, 281 Cyclolites, m ... . 50 Cyclonema, n . . . . 146, 301 Cyclopora. /. 97 Cyclopteris,'/ 26, 250 Cyclora, / .../.. 147,301 Cyclostigma, n 26, 251 Cyclostoma 147 Cymatodus, m 232 Cymoglossa, / ... 2.">l Cyphaspis f 215 Cypricardella, f .. .188, 310 PAGB. Cvpvicardia, / 188, 310 Cypricardinia, /. . . .188, 310 Cypi-icardites, m 188, 310 CyrtacanthuB, m 231 Cvrtia,/ 110 Cvrtina, / 110, 295 Cyrtocevas, n 166, 305 Cyrtocerina, / 167 Gyrtodowta 190 Cyrtolitee, m 147, 301 Cyrtonella, f , . . 301 Cy. Ephemerites, m Epicordylus-, i» . . . 324 Equisetites, m. ... 27. 2" 1 Equisetum .27 Eremopteris, / Eretnioerinus, m . Eridophvllum, n.. Eridopofa. / .290 Erismacanthtis, m 23:3 Erisoerinus, m R M Eryops. /. .324 Esehara. f , 97 Eseharopbra, / . . Estheria./ . 317 Ethmophyllum, » S3 Euealyptocrinus, b. I Euehasnia. « 191 Euehondria. f. 191 Eacladoerinus, m . . 94, 2S2 Eugaster, m 78 Eulima 147 Ewnicrotis 191 Ennema. » 148, 301 Eunemacanthus, i» 321 Eunieites. m 313 Euomphalus, m 148, 244, 301 Eupaehverinus, m . Euphoberia, / 224. 319 Euproops. f 217 Eurvlepis. f 233 Eurypterus. m 217. 31S Eurvthorax. m Eusareus. ■ 244, 31S Evactinopora, /. . Exochorhynehus . . .191 Faviphvllum, » 53 Favistella. f. .... Favorites, >/» 53, 64, 244 26S Farositopora Fenestella. / 97, 290 Fenestralia, / Ficoidite* . . Filicites .27. 54, 251 Fissodus, im Fistulipora. f 54, 269 Flab*.llari.i 27 Flustra./ ... .98 Forbesdocrinus, in .79, 382 Fu&ndes 27 Fusbpira. f .. . Fusilina. f Fu»us 149 'jrtiitwN n PAGB. Gampeaeanthus, m fllt»l ■lltliMl. m 233 Gennmocrintos. . . 2S2 Gerepheniera. . Gervillia. f . * 191 Glaucoi 98,291 - 168 glimfrqp— I 54 Glyeerites. //* GlVinniataeanthns./ - Glyptaster. m .... I S Glyptoerinus, m . . " ■ Glyptoeystites, ■ Glyptodendron. a . Gomphoeeras «... 168, 305 Goniphoeystites. /». . . 80 Goniasteroidoerinus, m . SO Goniatites. m . 169. 306 Gonioeeras. ■ 170 (t^oniocixlia . Goniophora, / 193, 311 Gtmiopteris 351 Crordia 27 Gorgonia. / 98, 291 Grammy sia. /....... 192 Granatoerinns, m. . Graphiocrinus, m. Graptodietva Graptolithas.'j/i 54. 244. MB Gryphorhynehus 192 Guilielmites. m Gypidola. /. . . . 112. 295 Gvraeanthus. m . .233. 321 Gyroeeras. n .170, 244, 306 Hadroerinut. m 81 Hadrophyllnm. n 56. 26: » Haimeophvllum. n\. Hallia. f 369 Halonia, f .' 1 Haly sites', m 56, 64. I Haplocrinus. m SI Haplophlebium. n. Harlauia./ 27 Harpaeodus m Harpes. m 2IS Harpides, m HeMcotoma. /. 149. 301 Heliodus. n HelioUtes. m . -. Heliophyeui. ». . . . Heliophyllum. » 54. 244. 269 H elmi i» thoidichtute - ...318 Helodectes. in 334 Helodu-. 233, 331 Helopora. /" Heterotrypa. f. Hemerktia. / Hemieosmites. m. B Htmicrypturua U Hemic vstites, m 81 Hemipronites Hemitrypa, / . . 98, 391 Heteroerinns. m . . . Heterocystites, n» . Hererodictya. Heterophrentii. / ^i Hindsi:i Homerti. Horthol" - Houghtonia . Huronia. Hybocladodag. m Hvboerinus. m. PaGK. Hippariouyx . 112 Hippodophycu-. . - i:es. m Holometopas, ;».... 2 IS Holopea. f._ Holopella. / Holoptyehias, m . . _ Homaloaotus, m. . . . Homoerinas, *».... - . Homothettts, ra .... Homotrypa. f. . . 1 I I--. ■ : - - H - -. iBydneeera^. 170 -ioaocrmu-. Hylerpeton, ». 241 Hylonomus. ■ 24". Hymenophy Hate-. ... Hvphasma. a Hyolithellns. m 141 -hes. m 141, 300 ■< . - IohthycantliiL-?. m . . . Iohthyoerinus, i Ichthyorachis. / hyllum, a. .. .. .JSB Ilionial f Ulaenurus, m . . Hlaenas. Inachu* Inoeaaliu. m . ■ HMU Intrapora. . S Iatriearia./ . .... », 298 Ioerinus-. ■ Iphidea. f 112 t3, 261 IsehArrinia. \Mmeirdia.'.'. 192.311 Isoehilina. f 21 - - Janassa. f 321 ^MMrria. t Kaninekia. f 112 \ Knlorgina. / 11. Lambdoltis, m Lamellipor Lampter«x'rinns. m .89 ■!■■+ . . .jm . -. ...24:3 Leiopceris. / Leiorhynchu:?, n. . . .113, 396 Lepadocrinus, ■ Leojthiocrinua Late Leioelema, n. i\i>i:\ of <.km;i:a. PAGE. Leperditia,/. ... .219. 919 LepetopsiB, / . . .901 Lepidecfafaras, m . .82 Lepidesthes./ 88, 384 82 Lepidodendron. i> . . . .28, 369 82 Lepidocystto, wt. 369 Lepidolites, m 261 Lepidophloios, m. . . .29, 359 Lepidopbylhun, *.. ..30, 352 Lepidoetrobas, ».. . .30, 2."):} Lepidoxylon, «. 2."):} 82 331 LeptmuL / 112, 396 Leptobolas, m 119 . Ii;l. r\ 119 Leptodaauv, / 19:5. 311 Leptophlu'imi, ■ 2!) Leptophraetas, m 234,241. 321.324 Leptopora. / 56, 94, 370 Lescaropteife,/. 90, 25:{ SOS Libellnla, f. Lirh.-is. „».' -- Liehenali.a./ 90, 999 Lirhenoerinus, m . . .88, 981 Lierophyeus, n 90, 969 Lima, f. 199 Lintm, / 5<>, 270 Limoptera,/ 199 Lindstromia, f 270 Lingula./ ..'..113,244, 295 Linjcopod!olithi>$ . . 253 Lyeopodites, m . .31,253 Lyellia,/ 57,270 £|MMfl 193 Lyrioerinua, m 83, 284 Lyriopeeten, »i 193 Lyrodesma, n 193 PAGK. Lyropora./ 99 LfBorophm, m 324 M 235 Maekmtrodmt 314 Maelurea./ 150, 302 Bfacrocbeuns, » 151,244,302, /' 302 Uaorodon, m. 194, 31 1 Marropetalielitliys. Ma. -rost.-h-hv.-i. / . . .253 Hacf osly luer baas, m 88, 984 >ra "7, //* 89 Mariaerinus. m. 83 Marraeaur.hus. M . . 235 Marsupioerinus. „>. Martinia/ 115 Matlieria'. /' 194 Ma/.onia. / 224 Bfeeokpte, f 235 HeekeDa, f . .. lis Megabwpfe, / 220 llegalograptag, m 57 Megdomus, m 194, 311 Megalopteris,/. . . . 31, 253 Megambonia,/ 194 115 Megaplu roii. n, 31, 253 ra 194 ■ Te ga theutomuip , n 235 HegfstocrfanM, m ...83,284 MtHa 307 Mekwrinas, m 83, 284, hi 84 Menoeephalus, m .... .220 Merfete, f lis Meristella./ 115, 296 Meristina. / 116 .Mood 1 nod us, m 235 Mespiloerinus, m 84 MdMBWIMM, >ii 324 Metoptoma, / 151. 302 Miamia, f 225 Miehelinia./ ...57, 244, 271 Mieroeeras, n 152, 302 Mi. rocvolus, ■»» 57 Mirrodisciis, M 220. 318 Mierodoma, / 152 JBBTWHNi 194 Microspoiigia, / 261 MHItpvra 57 Milh'ivlla. f 325 Milleria,/ 271 Mitoclema, n 292 Modiola,/ 194 Modiolopais,/ 195, 311 Modiomorpha, / 195, 31 1 Molgophis, in. 241 Moiiorraterioa. n 314 Monograptus, m, . . 57, 271 Monom.T.dla./ 116 Monopteria, / 196 Mouotis,/ . ." 196, 311 Mnnntnipa, .. 271 Monotrypella, /. 292 Montieulipora. r'u, 271, 292 Mundiisoida, f 152. 244, 302 Myallna,/ 196,311 PAG«. Myelodactylus. M, J-l Mylarri.-./- Myrianircs. m .'A. IXi Mvrtillocrinus, m .. 84 Myrilarca,/ 197,311 Myrilus. m 197 Nmm t HU$ , 197 Xatica 154 ^sticopeis,/ 154, 303 N'autilus, m 171, 307 Xehulipora, / 58 Xilinh-lliil 307 Xt'iiiagraptu.s, m 58 \.Miia{)odia./ - 31, 253 Nt'inatophycus, n 31 Nematophyllum, n 253 Nematoxylon, n 31 WtpknmUrti 31 N't'i-.-idaviis. ;h 314 Nereites, m 31,253 Nereograptus, m 58 Neriopteris, / 31 N'curopteris,/. 31,253 N'ieholsonia, / 271 \ ileus, in 220 Nipterocrinus, »» 84 Xo.losinella, /. 261 N'd'ggerathia", / 32, 254 N'ueleocrinus, M 84 Xueleospira,/ 116,296 -Vuenla, f. 197, 311 Xueulana, f 198, 311 Xuedites, »» 198, 311 Nullipora,/. 43 Xntbtinia 220 Nyassa, /' 198 ObolellY,/ 116,296 ohnh-llina 116 Obolus, m 116 Odontocephalus 221 Od&ntochile 221 Odontopteria, / 33, 254 Oenites, in 314 ( >e-r-i.ephalus:, m 211 OgTgfaL f 221, 318 Ol.Uiainia, f 58 Olenellus, M 221,318 Oleum, m 221 Oligoearpia, / Oligoporus, m 84, 284 Olininiti's 84 <>/ /■ inns. 284 Ompkalotwvekus 154 Oinplivma,/. 58, 272 Onchus 235 Oneocerafl, n 172, 307 Onycha-ter, m 84 OnychocriniiH, ■».... 84, 284 OnyelioduH, n 235 I )pliia.-odon, m 324 Ophileta,/.. 154, 303 Opi.stfmpte.ra 199 Oracanthus. m 235, 321 Orbicula 116 Oi-hi.uloidea,/ 296 OrbituHteA 43 Onnatln.-hnus. m 303 Ormoceras, n 1 73 332 INDEX OF GENERA. PAGE. Ormoxylon, n . . 33 Ornithichnites, m 241 Orodus, m 235 Orthacanthus, m.. .236, 321 Orthis, f. 116, 296 Orthisina, /. 120 Orthoceras, n .173, 244, 307 Orthogoniopteris, /. 33 Orthodesnia, n 199, 311 Orthonema, n 155 Orthonota, f 199, 311 Orthonotella, / 311 Orthonychia 155 OrthopleuroduB, m. . .. 321 Orthostoma, n 155 Ortonia 206 Ostrea 199,311 Pachycrinus, m, 84 Pachydictya, / 292 Pachylocrinus 284 Pachyphyllum 33 Pachyphyllum, ri. 59 Pachypora, /. : 272 Pachypteris, /. 33 Palseacis,/ 43, 261 Palaeacmasa, / 155, 303 Palaeanatima, /. 199 Palcearca 199 Palseaster, m 84, 284 Palseasterina, / 85, 285 Palaechinus, m 85 Palaeobatis, m 321 Palaeocampa, / 226 Palaeocardia, / 199 Palseocaris, /. 221 Palaeochorda, / 33, 254 Palaeocoma, / 85 Palaeocrinus, m 85 Palaeocyclus, m 59, 272 Palaeocystites, m 85 Palseomanon. / . 43, 261 Palaaoneilo, /. 199, 311 Palseoniscus, m 236, 321 Palaeopalaamon, m. . 318 Palaeophycus, n . . . 33, 254 Palaeophyllum, n 59 Palceopteris 33 Palasotrochis 59 Palaeotrochus, m . . . 303 Palaeoxyris, /. 33, 254 Paleschara, / 99, 292 Palmacites, 254 Panopoea 199 Pantylus, m 324 Paolia, / 226 Paracyclas, f. 199, 312 Paradoxides, m 221 Pariotichus m 324 Parioxys, m 324 Parisocrinus 285 Pasceolus, m .43 Patella,/. 303 Pattersonia, /. 261 Pecopteris, / 34, 254 Pecten 200 Pelion, m, 241 Peltodus, m. 236 Peltura 221 PAGE. Pemphigaspis,/. 221 Pentacrinites 85 Pentagonia, /. 120 Pentagonites 85 Pentamerella, /. 120 Pentamerus, m 120, 296 Pentremites, m 85, 285 Peplorhina, /. 236 Pereichocrinus 285 Periplectrodus, m 236 Peripristis, m 321 Pernqpect^n, m . . 200, 312 Peronopora,/ 272, 292 Petalichnus, m 309 Petalodus, m 236, 321 Petalorhynchus, n. .237, 321 Petigopora, / 292 Petraia, /. 59 Petraster, m 86 Petrodus, m 237 Phacops, f\ 221 Phaenopora, /. 99 Phanerotinus, m. . . .155, 303 Phoebodus, m 237 Phillipsia, /. ...221, 245, 318 Phillipsastrea, / 59, 272 Philocrinus 86 Phlegethontia, / 241 Pholadella, / 200 Pholadomya 312 Pholidocidaris, ?» 86 Pholidops, /. 121 Phraetopora, / 292 Phragmoceras, n. ...178, 309 Phragrnolites 155 Phragmostoma, n. . .155, 303 Phthonia, f 200 Phyllodictya, /. 292 Phyllograptus, m 59 Phyllopora, /. 99,292 Phyllopteris. /. 35 Physetocrinus, m . 86, 285 Physonemus. m ...237,321 Physophycus, n. 35, 255 Phytolithus 35, 255 Phytopsis, /. 35 Pileopsis 155, 303 Piliolites 222 Piloceras, n .... 178, 309 Pinna,/. 200,312 Pinnopsis ... 200 Plnnularia, / 35 Pisocrinus, m 285 Placunopsis, / 200 Planolites 314 Planorbis . . . 155 Plasmopora, / 59 Platephemera, / 226 Platyceras, W...155, 245, 303 Platyerinus, m . . . 86, 285 Platyodus. m 237 Platynotus 222 Platyschisma, it, 157 Platyeomus, m 237 Platystoma, n .157, 245, 303 Platystrophia 121 Plasmopora, /.. 59 Plectambonites... 121 PAGE. Plectostylus 157 Pleuracanthus, m 237 Pleurocystites, m 88 Pleurodictyum, n... .59, 272 Pleuronotus, m 303 Pleurophorus, in 200 Pleuroptyx, /. 241 Pleurorhynchus .. . 201,312 Pleurotomaria,/.157, 245,303 Phcatula 121 Plumulina, / 59, 272 Plumulites, m 222, 318 Pnigeacanthus, m.. .237, 321 Poecilodus, m 237, 322 Polycronites 178 Polydilasma 59 Polygnathus, m. ...314 Polypheraopsis./.161,245,304 Polypora, /. 99, 292 Polyporites, m 35, 255 Polyrhizodus, m 237 Polyspora 255 Porambonites, m .. .121, 296 Porcellia, /. 161, 304 Pontes 59 Porocrinus, m 88, 286 Posidonia, / 201,312 Posidonomya, /. . . . .201, 312 Poteriocrinus, m 88, 286, 325 Prasopora, /. 272, 293 Primitia,/. 222, 318 Prioniodus, m 315 Prionotus 59 Prisconaia, /. 312 Pri-mopora,,/ 293 Pristicladodus, m 238 Pristodus, m 238 Procteria, /. 272 Productella, f. 121 Productus, m 122, 245, 296 Proetus, m 222, 318 Promacrus, m 201 Protaraea, f 60 Protaster, m. 89, 287 Protasterina 287 Prothvris,/. 201 Protiehnites, m 222, 319 Protoblechnum, n 255 Protocyathus, m 261 Protoscolex, m 315 Protostigma, / 255 Prototaxites, m 35 Psammodus, m 238, 322 Psaronius, m 35 Psephodus, m 238, 322 Pseudoci-ania, /. 124 Psetidomonotis, /.. 201, 312 Pseudopecopteris, /. 255 Psilophyton, n 35, 256 Pterichthys, m..V . 238, 322 Pterinea, f 201, 312 Pteroceptialia, / 319 Pieronautilus, m 178 Pteronitella, / 202 Pteronites, m 202, 312 Pterotheca, / 142 Pterotoerinus. rn ... .89, 287 Pterygotus, m 223, 319 INDEX OF GENERA. 333 PAGE. Pilocarpus, m 35, 256 Ptilodictya, / 100, 293 Ptilograptus, m 60, 272 Ptilonaster 89 Ptilophyton 256 Ptilopora / 100 Ptychaspis, / 223, 319 Ptvchodesma. re . . 202, 312 Ptychophyllurn, n . ..60, 272 Ptyctodus, to 238 Ptyonius, to 241 Ptyonodus, in 322 Pugiunculus 142 Pupa,/ 162, 304 Pvanomva, / 312 Pygopterus, to .. ■ . . .238, 241 Pygorhynchus, re 89 Pyrenomoeus, m ... .202 Quenstedtia . . ..60, 245, 272 Ramipora,/ 293 Baniceps 241 Raphistoma, re 162, 304 Rastrites, f» 60 Receptaculites, m . 43, 261 Remopleurides, in 223 Rensseheria, / 124, 297 Retepora, / 100, 293 Retiocrinus, to 90, 287 Retiograptus, m . 60 Retiolites, m 60 Retzia. /. 124, 297 Rhabdaria, /. 44 Bhabdichnites 223 Rhabdocarpus, to. . . .36, 256 Rhachiopteris, / 36, 256 Rhachitomus, to 324 Rhaelmra. f 319 Rbacopbyl'lum, n . . .36, 256 Rbadinichthys, to . . .322 Rhinidictya./ 293 Rbinipora, f 100 Rhizodus, to 238 Rhizograptus, m .272 Bhizolithes 36 Rhizomopteris, /. 36 Rhizomorpha. / 257 Rhodocrinus, m . ... 90, 287 Rbombopora, / 60 Rhvnehodus. in 238, 322 Rbynchonella, / 125, 297 Bhynchospira 128, 297 Rhynchotreta, / 297 Hh'innliolus . 128 Ribeiria, / 44 Binmlus 238 Romingeria, / 272 Bnpalonaria . .293 Rotalia, f 44,261 Rotella,/ 304 Botularia 36 Rueichnites, m 223, 319 Rusophycus, n ... .r .36, 257 Saccammina, / 261 Saceocrinus to. ... .90, 287 Saeriebnites, m 178 Saqenaria 36 Sabnella. / 100, 293 Salterella, /. 206 PAGE. Sandalodus, m 238, 322 Sanguinolaria, / 202, 312 Sanguiuolites, to . . .202, 312 Saportaea, / » 257 Sarcinula. / 60,272 Sauripteris 238 Sauropleura, / 241, 324 Sauropus, m. 241 SccBvogyra, / ... 304 Scalaripora, / 293 Scalites, m. ' 162 Scaphiocrinus, m 91, 287 Scenella,/ 142 Scenellopora, / 293 Schaenaster, m 91 Schizocrania, / 128 Schizocrinus, m 91 Schizodus, m 203, 312 Schizopteris 36 Schutzia, /. : 36, 257 Scolithus, to.. . .36, 257, 315 Scolopendrites, to . . 36, 257 Scyphia 44 Scyphocrinus, to 91, 287 Scytalocrinus 287 Sedgwickia, /. 203, 312 Selaginites, to 36,257 Selenoides 44 Semicoscinium, n 101 Serpula, / 206, 315 Serpulites, to.. 206 Septopora, / 101 Shumardia, /. 223 Sicarius 322 Sidemina 309 Sigillaria. / 37, 257 Sigillarioides, m 38, 258 Siphonia 44 Skenidium, n 128 Smithia,/. 60,272 Solenoula, /. 258 Solarium 162 Solemya 204 Solen m 204 Soleniscus, m .162, 304 Snlenocaris . 223 Solenocheilus, n 178 Solenoraya, /. 204 Solenopleura, f. . . 223, 319 Solenopsis,/ 204 Solenoula,/ 258 Sorocladus, to 258 Spathiocaris, / 319 Spatiopora,/ 293 Sphaerexochus, to 223 Sphaerocoryphe, f. 223 Sphcerocrinus 91 Sphaerocystites, to 91 Sphaerolites, in 60 Sphenacodon, in 324 Spbenophyllum, re.. . 38, 258 Sphenopterie, / 38, 258 Sphenopterium 44 Sphenotballus, in 39 Spheropezium, re 242 Spirangium, n. 259 Spirifera./ 128,297 Spiriferina, / 133, 29S PAGE. Spirigera... 133 Spirophyton, re 39, 259 Spirorbis, to 207, 315 Spirula 178 Spongia 44 Sporangites, to 39, 259 Sporocystis, to 259 Staphylopteris, /. 39, 259 Staurocepbalites, to 315 Staurograptus, to 60 Steganocrinus, to 91, 287 Stellipora, /. 60, 272 Stemmatodus, to 239 Stemmatopteris, /. 259 Stenacanthus, to 239, 322 Stenaster, to 91 Stenopora, /. 60 Stenopterodus, to 322 Stenoschisma, re 133 Stenotheca, /. 142 Stephanocrinus, to... 92, 287 Stereocrinus, m 287 Sternbergia,/ 39 Stictopora, / 101, 293 Stictoporella 293 Stigmaria. /. 40, 259 Stigmarioides, to 40, 259 Stomatopora, / 294 Straparollina, f. 162 Straparollus, to 162, 304 Streblopteria, /. 204 Strephodes 272 Streptaxis, m 163 Streptelasma, re. 61, 245, 272 Streptoceras, a 178 Streptorhynchus, re.. 134, 298 Striatopora, / . . 61, 245, 273 Stricklandia 134 Stricklandinia, f 134, 298 Strigilina 322 Strobiiocystites, to 92 Strobilus 259 Stromatocerium re 61, 261, 273 Strom ntopora, /. .61, 261, 273 Strombodes, m 62, 273 Strophalosia, / 135, 298 Stropbites, to 304 Stropbodonta, / 135, 298 Stropbomena, / 136, 299 Stropbonella, / 299 Strophostylus, to . . 163, 304 Strotocrinus, to 92, 288 Stvlastrea, / 273 Stylifer 163 Styliola./. 300 Subulite-, m 163, 304 Synbathocrinus, m. ..92, 288 Synocladia, /. 101, 294 Syntrielasma, re 138 Syringocrinus, to 92 Syringodendron, re... 40, 259 Syringolites, to 273 Syringopora, / 62, 273 Syringostroma, re 62 Syringotbyris, / . . 138, 299 Syringoxylon, re 40 Taeniaster, m 92, 288 Taeniodue, in 322 334 INDEX OF GENERA. PAGE. Taeniophyllum, n 259 Tseniopora, / 101 Taeniopteris, / 40, 259 Talarocrinus, in 288 Tanaodus, in 239 Taonurus, m 259 Taxocrinus, in. 92, 288 Technocrinus, in 92 Teleiocrinus 288 Telephus, m 223 Tellina 204 Tellinomya, / 204, 312 Tellinopsis, J 205 Temnocheilus, n 178 Tentaculites, in .... 142, 300 Terataspis, / 223 Teratichnus, in 309 Terebratula,/...138, 245, 299 TerebratuliUs 139 Termes, in 319 Tetradium, n 62 Tetragraptus, m 62 Textilaria. 261 Thaleops,/. 223 Thallistigma, n 294 Thamniscus, in 101, 294 Thamnograptus, m.. .63, 273 Thamnopora, f 294 Theca,/ 142,300 Thecia, /. ..63 Thecostegites, m 63 Thenaropus, m 242 Theropleura, / 324 Thrinacodue, in 239 Thyrsidium, n 242 PAGE. Thysanocrinus, m 93 Tomodus, m 322 Trachomatichnus. in. 309 Trachydomia, n 163 Trachypora,/ 63, 273 Trachyum, ...... . .44 Tremanotus 164, 304 Trematis,/. 139, 299 Trematoceras, n 309 Trematocrinus 93 Trematodiscus, m.. .179, 309 Trematopora,/.. . 101,294 Trematospira, f... . .139, 299 Triarthrella, /. ... 223 Triarthrus, m. 223, 319 Trichomanites, m 40 Trichophycus, n 260 Trichospongia, /. 44 Trigonocarpum, n... .40, 260 Trigonodus, m 239, 322 Trigonotreta, / 139 Trimerella,/ 139 Trimerorhachis, /. 324~ Trirnerus . . 223 Trinucleus. m 223,319 Triphyllopteris, /. 260 Triplesia 140, 299 Trochita,/. 164, 304 Trochoceras, ».. . . 179, 309 Trochonema, n 164, 304 Trocholites, m 179, 309 Trochophyllum, ?i41, 260 273 Trochus 164 Troostocrinus, m 288 Tropidoleptus, m 140 PAGE. Tubipora, / 63 Tuditanus,' m 242, 324 Turbo, m 164, 304 Turbonilla 164 Turritella, / 164, 304 Ulodendron, n 41, 260 Ungulina .... 205 Unto 312 Uphanttenia, /. .41,260,261 Valvulina,/. 261 Vanuxemia, / 205, 312 Vasocrinus, m 93, 288 Vaticinodus, m 323 Venustodus, m 239 Vermipora, /. 63 Vesicularia.'/ 63 Vitulina, / 140 Walchia, f. 41, 260 Walcottia, /. 315 Waldheimia, f. 140 Whittlesey a, '/. 41, 260 Xenocrinus, m 288 Xenoneura, /. 226 Xenopbora, /. 164 Xylobius, m 224 Xystracanthus, m 239 Xystrodus, m 239, 323 Yoldia,/. 205, 312 Zamites, in 41, 260 Zaphrentis, / 63, 245, 273 Zatrachys, n 324 Zeaerinus, m 93, 288 Zonites, m 162 Zygospira, / 140, 499 /^72-