i i $1 ** If > THE WILLIAM ^, F. KI\AUS SAN FBANCISCO, CAL., JAN. 1, 1869. SAN FRANCISCO: JO Si-: I'll WINTERBTKX Jt CO., 1JOOK AND JOB PlUNTEIitt. No- 417 Clay Street, between Sansome and Battery. THE BY WILLIAM E. F. KT\AUSE SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., JAN. 1, 1869. SAN FRANCISCO: JOSEPH WINTERBUEN & CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, No: 417 Clay Street, between Sansome and Battery. 1869. j 0013 T REFATORY, .ARRIAGE, by which civilization does homage to Love, and sanctifies its mutual avowal in the eyes of the world, leads us at all times to regard the birth of a child as the most important terrestrial event. Life itself, as a direct gift from God to mankind, is ever priceless, palpably so, as compassing our souls, here inhabiting a body of perishable terrestrial substances, dur- ing a definite period, as in accordance with the inscruta- ble grace of the Omnipotent. It further demonstrates the relationship and equal destiny of the human race, to which fact the American people only, do politically proper homage in their Repub- lican institutions, destined to reveal the truth of eternal gratitude to God for our lives on earth to the remainder of mankind, by already here loving their fellow-men as brethren, in a manner which justly rewards the most 4 Prefatory. worthy of esteem, from own useful, often eminent deeds, committed, with the affection of an enlightened nation and the world, faithfully and hopefully expecting, by such a dutiful, honorable, and voluntary act of love, which fills the heart with unspeakable happiness, to please God, the Father of us all. By the Author, WM. E. F. KF^AUSE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., January 1st, 18o9. 1. HEREVER God's creation rests upon the given earth, Empyreanly high, the arch of Heaven grandly vaults A canopy resplendent with brilliancy of light. Congruous harmony prevails in all, glorying in existence' mirth Conveyancers of Love to heart; manacled are the senses; all faults Consumed by Love : the heavenly flame, without an ember, God in His Might. 2. Why the ordeal to here go through, we do not know; Of a commingled life of Heaven with the earth ; Of God within my soul, within a body's clay. Born are we as are the plants, the birds, and all creation here below ; Five senses are the guardians at our Death's door o' Life's cosy berth ; If but one is faithless, and admits base sin, it closes from that day. 6 The Sanctity of Marriage, 3. What is, therefore, Life, but one sole apparitionof God's love The hope of Death again to be, Where Life rejoices in eternal glee With Him, whose Love is vouchsafed thee, To be there beloved, we study here a seraphim God sends instructor I learned and know r , so dearly love him 4. Under the grand arch my child so sweetly slumbers ; each respiration Later news from Heaven than my own ; It is better known than I am there. Its lovely head is gently billowed by my joyous heart's pul- sation ; Deeper grows the rosy hue on glowing cheeks by health and purity shown ; It but lately left above ; of its arrival here is not as yet aware. Around the infant gather gently The vast treasures of thy heart, oh man ! All the component parts of precious love. Be it thy life's great care to fondly Love your child ; it 's all you can Here repay of gifts God sent you from above. 6. The heart is trained in flowing bends of Love, Which from within is Bliss extending to without Its genial warmth of Charity. The Sanctity of Marriage. 7 The heart which here gives voluntarily, returns above What came from there, to all devout, In Heaven's praise and glory. 7. Helpless is the infant born For years to come the will of Heaven That a home be its as it was yours. Immaculate of sinful deeds is innocence the least forlorn, The most important creature of creation until seven, When growth shoots growth as years increase in course. 8. Do we not feel Love's arbor grand the world, its domicil at best, Perfumes pervade, through Heavenly analysis, from plants, when planted, Were, what we once were, predestined creatures of creation ? In it the birds and insects 'myriads all grandiloquently attest, By warbling voice or plumage gay, their own beloved exist- ence, and here wanted Their excelsior charms or usefulness augmenting Heavenly doweries for our bliss and recreation. 9. Oh, Muse! beloved playmate of all youth, Thou art, what yonder rosebush is, Reality of perfection in creation. Naught but time can prompt you to forsake, uncouth, The rosebud for the rose the rose its minor buds to kiss ! Divine thy influence, eternal is thy life of Heavenly formation. 8 The Sanctity of Marriage. 10. Thou fannest first Love's heavenly fire Within the hearts of maid and youth ; Its brightest flames are God's delight illuminates His Paradise ! Until consumed by time each listless instant to conspire, And render naught the sacred truth Their vows of constancy contained, when non-avowed by Him all-wise. 11. Unknown to him, confiding youth, a child roamed among roses, from above! All his, in time to take her place, who fondly stood The artless girl before her faithful lover. While gone to learn to love the world at large her love, Inspiring him, as man returns as such submits herself another should Possess ! and he be wedded to the rose, from Heaven his, and only his, forever. 12. Couldst thou, oh Muse ! but realize the power felt Of Love, entwined from your platonic motion, Possess and love a child as I do mine. Caress the angels your ardency compelled, Leaving their bliss above, in vain to rival the emotion My living child gives me to thine. 13. The galleries paint lovely children, scenes enticing; Symphonies and melodies may charm your ear and touch your soul ; The Sanctity of Marriage. 9 The Golden Gate and Grand Sierras enrapture you at any time ; But of all the sublunary moments, bliss transporting, Direct from Paradise to thee, Of one be sure, it'll bend your knee! 14. That moment ! vastest one of prayer's invocation ! when God presents to you Thy Heaven's soul divided intu two On the par yourself and parent's soul. You see, and hear, and touch your new-born child through a dew From Heaven ; you inhale the sweets of Love, and give the kiss, the only one not of this earth, which few Don't know; if good, their Ijope is good, their happiness but detained here on a shoal. 15. And if no child calls you its father, Then press an orphan to your heart ; There are enough to make you happy. Thyself to love, or dumb creation rather, Or to intrude thy love on others' bliss, is to depart From life's eternal system, God's commandery. 16. Oh, best of men! the world adores you. loves you yet with- out a Martha, a wife A woman, more helpless than the reed in storm, You call your own, your's is but a dying life, ignored thy godly strength ; io i he Sanctity of Marriage. Reflect thou art ; do riot embank heart's volume waters, irri- gating life's Sweet verdurous shores of God's omnipotent design, or the morn Will quickly dawn, when fatally proves yourself at length. 17. Happiness to gain is the grand study of terrestrial life ; The soul its source in Heaven, the heart its stream on earth, which winds through your existence, On banks of herbs and flowers, as usefulness and virtues are. Each life, beloved alike in heaven, can here alike be happy, as without strife You love the good and Love, progenitor of happiness, deriving its subsistance From above, where Love is universal life, only atom of the angels' shaar. 18. Time is the grand connecting line Of Heaven with the earth, invisible as life in all, Propelled by it from birth to death. To use time well, arrange each thought of thine In love with His. The other, others next in harmony must fall, To create the heavenly motive for worldly deeds of worth. 19. Its heavenly companion is Light ! Above commencing, Time receives, and light creates, each thought Within the souls of mortals, already now immortal. The Sanctity of Marriage. i i Economize time's every instant, constantly advancing ; Arrange harmoniously the loving thoughts, by light of soul created, as for naught They are, and you'll forever live to-day may die a mortal. 20. Earth rotating carries us to solar light, Until, exhausted, we are left each night As ought from labors of the day. Returned the soul from its empyrean flight, Reanimates with all its might The living being into happiness may. 21. Sweet home, where happiness is planted by affection, Lasts through life an ever-blooming flower, sweet as deeds of Love without reflection, From gratitude or reward, wayward childrens' throng. Each inmate, charmed by true affection's voice, As incantation from another world, hopes the choice Sweet home to all belong. 22. When duty acts, the father's sole prerogative, Where Love has withered, perhaps has died a fugitive, Thy child hold sacred unto death. A man is he, when crucified, can all forgive ; The wrong which scattered home, not in despair, but without joy, may live, Sustained by pure, exalted motive's balmy breath. 12 The Sanctity of Marriage. 23. Generosity, component part of duty, Is what the morning sun is to the living world at large Invigorator of its strength. Benevolence, another grace of charms and sweetness, fully Enfolds a third, well named k * Compassion," from the gilded barge, In which she skips the heart's most fervent stream, full length. 24. The Graces three, enobling Duty's cause, Fulfill the task, which to perform, the heart must pause Until the soul approves of, masters their exertion. The Heavenly fiery flame, invisible and unfelt, Permits good thoughts assembling, and join the heart, which, uncompelled, Bore stern duty's weight, true to its nature, now forgives, is free from all coercion. 25. When Duty's call is thus responded to fulfilled ; Honor rises to its height, like the mid-day sun of gilt, Lulls the conscience into short repose. It's fanned by disinterested Motive's watchful power, Until the roll of time sounds from afar their stronghold tower Demands alert to Duty's fresh propose. 26. And when Life's march is passing the meridian, Firm habits, anxious reasoning, fastedious scruples, multiply, How to perfection find in other! The Sanctity of Marriage. 13 Then do riot wonder, if the task is difficult, no less for man ! ! To execute, what to confiding youth is but to try The risk and win the other. 27. Excuses all of unrequited love Death of the first beloved, of wealth, but of the heart Accusers are, your loneliness to widen. Whatever sophistry your palpitating heart denies, above ! Solution find, where all is love ; the standard ! Eternally is planted, for worlds beneath to have their Eden. 28. Beware to verge from Nature's path, Trespassing on the will of God, Creator of the sanctifying birth. Have seen my parents leave the world at last, In tears bereft had to the truth to nod That life is less my own than is my children's mirth. 29. Do, therefore, marry ! though it be an ideal's beau ; Remember that, in marriage, all mankind should be born ; God's is your life, your 's but the clay. Two lonely hearts like mountain streamlets flow, Tranquilly they glide, murmuringly bewail first love forlorn, United shall awake Love's sweetly slumbering may. 30. Old age, though honored by thine owner's name ; His venerable locks with Alpine snow may vie In purity of white ; his conscience silverly peals. 14 The Sanctity of Marriage. Yet, does he resemble now his spring love then in winter came ! The summer gone, autumn without its harvest high, To him, the lonely self, a transplan ed smile in vain appeals. 31. Moderation is the accomplished advocate of health, Most lenient preceptor of true wisdom's scholars ; Curriculum their general happiness. The body's health is to the sonl what money is to wealth A large investment, profitable as avenues of poplars Near water, where energy and perseverance dwell in natural stateliness. 32. Memory of the past is the vault of actions all, Which well-directed thoughts produced in bygone times, In each one's life to honor it. To loose its key, which fits an happy death's portal, Thy soul in darkness fleets ; when in heavenly climes It shall appear as God sees fit. 33. The present is each breath of Life, Each respiration quicker than a thought, To pierce the future heavenward. No wake is left, past dangers had their strife, Forever Life proceeds, for naught We know, of rocks to leeward. 34. To lift the veil of our future, Would be to harass, each moment, The Sanctity of Marriage, 1 5 Zealous actors in Life's drama. Be patient and have hope ! each creature Is engaged to play ; permanent Can be your joy and his, at all times, here proforma. 35. I love to be with you, oh Muse ! To join you everywhere you choose To dwell. In your abode of purest love All is light, and time is none above ; Forgotten is terrestrial care When thou art mine, who is so fair. 36. The placid surface of a silverly lake softly gliding moonbeams gently kiss, As I do now my only child, which Love has left to me of bliss, In my own life's dreary solitude. The dawn of day emerges purply, As hope my soul with faith does join, to fill the day with chanty, When Sol. greets me in solitude. 37. Away for a change from the fraternal bond, the throng of cities, Where progress is synonymous of civilization, Moving quicker than the ardent time. The very word's true idiom " endless," Thus securing men's esteem through all the ages as the only priceless reward, truly, Fit for success achieved in every shape or honorable cause, on presentation From the donor to the world, to add his mite to progress. 38. I have gone to mountains' wilds, passed lakes and glen, To study what was done, what is and must be done. 16 The Sanctity of Marriage, Return ! Yield naught to chance or neighbor's might. Enough for me to be ; such as I am must I progress, produce- America has none but master minds ! The vote, like the agave's juice A life-sustaining pulp partaken of by o'aers, invigorates, affords delight. 39. On Lake Tahoe's romantic shore, A Paradise, where you adore Beauties of the earth, purviewed at a single glance. There you will find a labrynth of charms, as not before You could have seen surpassed, or heard in lore, As happily been spoken of, extolled or praised by chance. 40. Such grandeur ! such magnificence ! so fleet ! In solitude titanean mountains fraternize In love and harmony the flowers blossom, bloom. The Lake, at times a placid sheet, As emblem of repose, will tranquilize, Affect your soul to tarry, and know no gloom. 41. This charming Lake, in fond embrace, two sisters hold ; Their bond is Love, and purity their souls' progress, To all intents and purposes in charge. Indissoluble in their union, which enfolds The mother country in affectionate caress Freedom's mother of the world at large. W/vt. E. F. KE\AUSE SAN FRANCISCO, JANUARY, 1869. Post Office, 414.