■^/sajAiNnjwv ^UIBRARYQ^ ^HIBRARYdk. '^. o >&Aavaan#' ^rjiaoNvsoi^ "^/^aaAiNft-^wv ,^OFCAUFOM(^ >&AavaaiH'^ .ce ^. j^^l-llBRARYQr^ ^^HieRARYO/ ^WE UNIVER%i ^&Aavaani^ >- ^VWS-ANGFIFJ> '.'ER% ^lOS'ANGFlfjV. <-~> >. >o( ^ <;^^HIBRARYQ ^r^ IT IX I % X so ^ ^^WEUNIVER% .^lOS-ANCElfj^ Or > n .-r. -III T =: I I 5 ■ 50 : ,J ■ oo ^OFCAllFOff^ %aviiaiH^ VilUUJ TUNIVFRS/A (133NVSOV ir\r iiirci r^ I H) ft A I A' ^ i y« r^r\Y*^r* A SHORT ACCOUNT! OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Massachusetts Historical Society is the oldest historical society in the United States, and had its origin in the new life inspired by the adoption of the National Constitution. Its chief founder was the Rev. Jeremy Belknap, at that time minister of the religious society worshipping in the Federal Street meeting-house in Boston, and known as the author of a History of New Hampshire, which still holds a foremost place among State histories. With him were associated four other students of early American history, all of them under fifty years of age — the Rev. John EUot, minister of the New North Church; the Rev. Peter Thacher, minister of the Brattle Street Church; William Tudor, a prominent lawyer in Boston; and James Winthrop, of Cambridge, at that time one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for Middlesex County. Having formed the general plan of the Society, these gentlemen invited the co-operation of five other historical scholars — the Rev. James Freeman, minister of King's Chapel; James SulHvan, afterward Governor of the State; Thomas Wallcut, a zealous antiquary; Wilham Baylies, a well-known physician of Dighton, who had served in each Provincial Congress of Massachusetts; and George Richards Minot, author of a "Continuation of the 1 At a regular meeting on January g, 1908, Mr. Charles C. Smith said: "At the Annual Meeting of this Society in 1882 Mr. Winsor, at that time the Corresponding Secretary, offered a vote 'that the Treasurer [Mr. Smith] be requested to report to the Society, for printing in its Proceedings, a succinct historical sketch of the Society, which can also be annexed to the pamphlet containing the Act of Incorporation and By-Laws, — the same to be sent to new members on their election.' In compliance with this vote, which was referred to the Council with full power and by them adopted, I reported at the October meeting a 'Short .'\ccount,' afterward printed in a leaflet of three pages, and rei)rinted in December, 1893, in the same form. As there are but few copies remaining of this Icallet, and as the conditions have greatly changed since it was first written, it has seemed to me desirable to revise the account and bring it down to the present time. I now respectfully submit it in a new draft, with only the necessary changes from the original sketch." The present version is the former edition brought up to date, with a few necessary additions, liy .Mr. Edward Stanwood, the Recording Secretary of the Society. 2 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay" and a "History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts," known as Shays' Rebel- lion. On the 24th of January, 1791, less than two years after the organization of a national government, eight of the little group met at the house of Mr. Tudor, which stood on Court Street, at the corner of what was then known as Prison Lane (1722), subsequently (1841) named Court Square. Those thus brought together adopted a constitution limiting the number of members to ''thirty citizens of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts," and organized the Society. At the next meeting several of the members handed in lists of books and manuscripts which they were willing to give toward the formation of an historical library. These gifts form the nucleus of the priceless collections now owned by the Society. The collection of his- torical manuscripts is large and important, and is especially rich in New England material. Three years after its first meeting, the Society was incor- porated, in February, 1794, by an act of the Legislature, which restricted the number of members to sixty, exclusive of Honor- ary Members "residing without the limits of this Common- wealth"; but by an additional act passed in 1857 the Society was authorized to enlarge its hst of Resident Members to one hundred. This continues to be the limit to the number of mem- bers residing within the State. There is no charter restriction on the number of Corresponding or Honorary Members who may be elected; but by an understanding in the nature of un- written law, reached after careful deliberation at the February meeting of 1894, the number of Honorary Members is limited to ten, and the number of Corresponding Members to fifty. It is understood that the choice of Honorary Members should be further restricted, and looked upon as a recognition on the part of the Society of what is considered by it supreme accomplish- ment in the field of historical work.^ From the first the objects of the Society have been the collec- tion, preservation, and diffusion of the materials for American history; and so early as 1792 the first volume of Collections was printed. This volume has been twice reprinted, and up to the present time has been followed by seventy-three other volumes, comprising in part reprints of scarce publications relating to 1 2 Proceedings, x. 326; xv. 51-54; xx. 396. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. 3 American history, and in part original memoirs, and early letters and other documents which had never before been printed. Among the most important documents thus made accessible are Hubbard's History of New England and Bradford's History of Plymouth/ both of which were first printed by the Society, Governor Bradford's Letter-Book, the Body of Liberties, the correspondence with reference to the donations to the town of Boston after the passage of the Boston Port Bill, Judge Sewall's Diary and Letter-Books, and important collections of Winthrop, Mather, Belcher, Belknap, Pepperrell, Trumbull, Heath, Warren, Jefferson, Bowdoin and Temple Papers, diary of Cotton Mather, Papers on the Commerce of Rhode Island, Copley-Pelham Letters, Warren-Adams Letters, and Jasper Mauduit Papers, etc. Beside these volumes the Society has also printed fifty volumes of Proceedings, covering the record of all its meetings for one hundred and twenty-six years, and including numerous historical documents of permanent value, and dis- cussions by the members on interesting or important historical questions. In the Collections or Proceedings are memoirs of nearly all the deceased members of the Society, including many of the most distinguished men of their time in Massachusetts. A gallery of historical portraits has been formed, and many in- teresting rehcs have been gathered and placed under the charge of the Cabinet-Keeper, besides which the Adams collection of coins and medals was given, and the Appleton collection was bequeathed to the Society, which is also the custodian of other similar treasures. At three different periods courses of public lectures have been given under the auspices of the Society, for the promotion of the objects for which it was formed. Of these only one has been published — a course of twelve lectures on subjects relating to the early history of Massachusetts delivered before the Lowell Institute in the early part of 1869. As the Society nearcd the end of its first hundred years of active work, it was evident that an enlargement of methods had become necessary in order to keep abreast of the demands of a new century; and in 1889 a salaried editor was appointed to take charge of the publication of the Colle(?tions and Proceedings — the work of the members having been wholly gratuitous down ' A final edition was published for the Society in IQ12. 4 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. to that time. In 1907 a still greater change was made by abol- ishing the admission fee and the annual assessment on Resident Members, thus placing Resident Membership on the same foot- ing as Honorary and Corresponding Membership, honoris causa, with only the impHed obhgation that each person, according to the measure of his ability and opportunity, shall endeavor to promote the objects for which the Society was founded. In its earliest years the Society had no estabhshed place of meeting; but in 1794 it received from several gentlemen, not members, the gift of an upper room over the arch in the Tontine Crescent, on the southerly side of what is now known as Franklin Street, where it remained until its removal in 1833 to the newly erected building of the Provident Institution for Savings, on Tremont Street adjacent to the King's Chapel Burial-ground, of which it then became part owner and afterward sole owner. In 1899 it removed to the building which it now owns and occupies at the corner of Boylston Street and the Fenway, on land reclaimed from the tide long after the formation of the Society. This building has already become inadequate. At the annual meeting in April, 1918, the Society held thirty permanent funds, of an aggregate amount of about $452,000, of which about one-seventh had come from persons who were not members of the Society or from their legal representatives. One of those benefactors, Thomas Dowse, also gave during his own life his large and valuable private library; and the cost of fitting up the room in which his books are kept and the Society holds its meetings was defrayed by the executors of his will. Rev. Robert C. Waters ton, a member for nearly thirty-four years, gave the greater part of his library, and by his will left a sufficient sum for fitting up a room for its safe-keeping, which has been designated as the Waters ton Room. The Ellis Hall commemorates the gift of the dwelling-house of the Rev. Dr. George E. Ellis, seventh President, which under the provisions of his will was sold, and the proceeds applied toward the erection of the building now occupied by the Society. In August, 1 9 10, a bindery was begun by the Society for better dealing with its manuscripts, and many collections were repaired, mounted, and bound before labor conditions made a suspension of the bindery expedient in 191 7. A photostat was installed on April 13, 19 14, and has been A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. 5 actively in use since that time in the reproduction of historical material, printed and manuscript, which could not otherwise have been reproduced. With the aid of this instrument the Society has issued the Boston News-Letter, 1704-173 2, a com- plete file of the Protestant Intelligence, 1679-1681, printed in London by Benjamin Harris, before his emigration to Boston, the Journal of the (Mass.) House of Representatives, 17 76-1 7 7 7, and more than 5,000 letters and broadsides. Assistance has been given to many private undertakings of the same descrip- tion, the most notable of which is the series of vocabularies, etc., in the native languages of Mexico and Central America, issued under the direction of Mr. Charles P. Bowditch, of Boston. The Society has been fortunate in having had only nine Presidents since its organization — James SuUivan, Christopher Gore. John Davis, Thomas L. Winthrop, James Savage, Robert C. Winthrop, George E. Ellis, Charles Francis Adams, and Henry Cabot Lodge. Mr. Savage and ]Mr. R. C. Winthrop to- gether served for forty-four consecutive years (1841-1885), and Mr. Adams had nearly completed twenty years, at the time of his death in 19 15. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. ACT OF INCORPORATION. Commontuealtf) of jUasifiiacfjussettj;. IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR. An Act to incorporate a Society, by the name of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Whereas the collection and preservation of materials for a political and natural history of the United States is a desirable object, and the institution of a Society for those purposes will be of public utility, — Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That William Baylies, Esq., Jeremy Belknap, D.D., the Rev. Alden Bradford, Peleg Cofl&n, Esq., Manasseh Cutler, D.D., John Davis, Esq., Daniel Davis, Esq., Aaron Dexter, Doctor in Physic, the Rev. John Eliot, Na- thaniel Freeman, Esq., the Rev. James Freeman, the Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, Isaac Lothrop, Esq., George Richards Minot,Esq., the Rev. John Mellen, Jr., Thomas Pemberton, William Dandridge Peck, the Rev. John Prince, Ezekiel Price, Esq., James Sullivan, Esq., David Sewall, Esq., Peter Thacher, D.D., William Tudor, Esq., Samuel Turell, Dudley Atkins Tyng, Esq., James Winthrop, Esq., Thomas Wallcut, Redford Webster, and William Wetmore, Esq., who have associated for the purposes aforesaid, and have requested an Act of Incorporation, be, and hereby are, formed into and constituted a Society and body politic and corporate, by the name of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society; and that they and their successors, and such other persons as shall be legally elected by them, shall be and continue a body politic and corporate, by that name forever. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the mem- bers of said Society shall have power to elect a President, and all other necessary officers; and that the said Society shall have one common seal, and the same may break, change, and renew at pleasure; and that the same Society, by the name aforesaid, as a body politic and corporate, may sue and be sued, prosecute and defend suits to final judgment and execution. And be it further enacted, That the said Society shall have power to make orders and by-laws for governing its members and property. ACT OF INCORPORATION. 7 not repugnant to the laws of this Commonwealth; and may expel, disfranchise, or suspend any member, who, by his misconduct, shall be rendered unworthy. And be it further enacted, That the said Society may, from time to time, estabhsh rules for electing officers and members, and also times and places for holding meetings; and shall be capable to take and hold real or personal estate, by gift, grant, de\'ise, or otherwise, and the same, or any part thereof, to alien and convey: Provided, That the annual income of any real estate, by said Society holden, shall never exceed the sum of five hundred pounds; and that the personal estate thereof, besides books, papers, and articles in the Museum of said Society, shall never exceed the value of two thousand pounds. And be it further enacted, That the members of said Society shall never be more than sixty (except honorary members, residing with- out the limits of this Commonwealth), and that James Sullivan, Esq., be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered to notify and warn the first meeting of said Society; and that the same Society, when met, shall agree upon a method for calling future meetings, and may have power to adjourn from time to time, as may be found necessary. And be it further enacted, That either branch of the Legislature shall and may have free access to the Library and Museum of said Society. [This Act passed February 19, 1794.] CommontDcaltfj of itlafigacf)us;etts!. IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE, An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Massachusetts Historical Society. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — Sect. i. — The Massachusetts Historical Society is hereby au- thorized to hold real and personal estate, in addition to its Library to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. Sect. 2. — This Act shall take effect from and after its passage. [This Act passed May 21, 1855.] 8 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. CommontDcaltf) of Msi&&ati)UiitttS. IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN. An Act in relation to the INIassachusetts Historical Society. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — Sect. i. — Nothing in the Act of Incorporation of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society shall prevent said Society from electing Associate or Corresponding Members residing without the limits of this Commonwealth, or Honorary Members residing either within or without said limits, or from having as many as one hundred Resi- dent Members, at their discretion. Sect. 2. — This Act shall take effect from and after its acceptance by said Society. [This Act passed April 2, 1857, and accepted by the Society April 9.] Commontoealtf) of JtlaSsiacfjusietts!. in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Massachusetts Historical Society. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — Sect. i. — The Massachusetts Historical Society is hereby au- thorized to hold real and personal estate in addition to its Library to an amount of three hundred thousand dollars. Sect. 2. — This Act shall take effect upon its passge. [This Act passed February 16, 1877.] Commontoealtf) of Jllagsiacijusiettsf. in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. An Act to authorize the Massachusetts Historical Society to hold additional real and personal estate. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — Sect, i . — The Massachusetts Historical Society is hereby au- ACT OF INCORPOEATION. 9 thorized to hold real and personal estate, in addition to its Library and Library building and land, to an amount not exceeding six hundred thousand dollars. Sect. 2. — This Act shall take effect upon its passage. [This Act passed February 26, 1894.] lO A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. BY-LAWS.i CIL^PTER I. OF MEMBERS. Article i. — Membership in the Society shall be of three classes: Resident, Corresponding, and Honorary. Resident Members shall be elected from among citizens of Massa- chusetts who habitually reside some considerable part of each year within this Commonwealth, and they shall cease to be members if they remove from the State; provided, however, that temporary or official absence shall not operate as a forfeiture of membership. Resident Members alone are entitled to vote or to take part in the business of the Society. Corresponding Members shall be elected from among residents in other States or countries, and their membership shall cease if they become permanent residents within this Commonwealth. The number of Corresponding Membei-s shall never exceed fifty. Honorary Members shall be elected from among residents in other States or countries, who, in the judgment of the Society, have con- ducted researches of exceptional importance in the field of history and have produced works of widely recognized excellence. The number of Honorary Members shall never exceed ten. Art. 2. — A book shall be kept by the Recording Secretary, in which any Resident Member of the Society may enter the names of persons whom he may regard as suitable to be nominated as Resident, Corresponding, or Honorary Members. It is understood that each member is bound in honor not to make known outside of the Society the name of any person either proposed or nominated. No nomina- tion of any member shall be made except by a report of the Council at a stated meeting of the Society, nor be acted upon at the same meeting to which it is reported; nor shall more than one nomination for membership, of the same class, be reported or acted upon at any one meeting. Art. 3. — Before any nomination to membership is acted upon a brief statement shall be made as to the residence and qualifications of the person nominated. 1 Revised and Adopted, April 9, 1908, and revised to 1918. BY-LAWS. II Art. 4. — The name of a Corresponding Member may be trans- ferred from the list of Corresponding Members to that of Honorary Members by unanimous vote at any meeting of the Society subse- quent to that at which notice of such proposed change is given. In case objection is made, the election of such person as an Honorary Member shall be eflfected only in accordance vnih the provisions of Articles 2 and 5 of this Chapter. Art. 5. — In the election of members, which shall be by secret vote, the law and custom of our forefathers shall be obser\xd, by taking the question with Indian corn and beans; the corn expressing yeas, and the beans nays. But no election shall be valid unless at least twenty votes are cast, and three-fourths of them are in the affirmative. Unless the person elected, having been duly notified by the Corresponding Secretary in writing, shall signify his accept- ance in writing within six months, his election shall be void. Art. 6. — No entrance fee or annual payment shall be required of Corresponding or Honorary Members; nor of Resident Members unless by special vote of the Society. Art. 7. — Each member shall be entitled to receive without charge a copy of all the regular publications of the Society, issued after his election. Art. 8. — Diplomas signed by the President, and countersigned by the two Secretaries, shall be issued to all persons who shall become members of the Society. CHAPTER II. OF MEETINGS. Art. I. — The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on the second Thursday of April, and there shall be a regular meeting on the second Thursday of every month, except July, August, and Septem- ber, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at its rooms in Boston. But the Council may, at their discretion, cause any regular meeting to be postponed or omitted, or to be held in some other place. Special meetings shall be called by the President, or, in case of his absence or inability, by one of the Vice-Presidents or by the Council. 12 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Art. 2. — At regular meetings of the Society, the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Reading the record of the preceding meeting. 2. Report of the Librarian. 3. Report of the Cabinet-Keeper. 4. Communications received by the Corresponding Secretary. 5. Unfinished business, and business assigned at the last meeting. 6. Report of the Council. 7. Reports of committees. 8. Such matters of business as may be proposed by any member. 9. Communications by members of the Society on any subject having relation to the purposes of the Society. For the orderly accompHshment of this object, the Society shall be divided alpha- betically into three sections, as nearly equal in numbers as may be, each of which in turn shall have precedence in making communica- tions; and the Recording Secretary, in his notification of each regular meeting, shall state which section is entitled to such precedence. Art. 3. — Fifteen members shall be a quorum for all purposes except for the election of members, and for alterations of these By- Laws. Art. 4. — At the request of two members present, any subject proposed for discussion shall be at once deferred to a subsequent meeting. Art. 5. — All committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered. CHAPTER III. OF OFFICERS. The ofiicers of the Society shall be a President, who shall be, ex officio, Chairman of the Council; two Vice-Presidents; a Recording Secretary, who shall also be, ex officio, Secretary of the Council; a Corresponding Secretary; a Treasurer; a Librarian; and a Cabinet- Keeper — all of whom shall be chosen by ballot at the Annual Meet- ing, and shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until others are duly chosen in their stead. At the same meeting five members BY-LAWS. 13 shall be chosen who, with the before mentioned officers, shall consti- tute the Council of the Society. Not more than two of the members of the Council chosen at large shall hold their places for more than two successive years. Whenever from any cause the actual number of members of the Council shall fall below thirteen, the Society may at any meeting elect additional members to make the number thirteen; but the terms of members so elected shall expire at the Annual Meeting next en- suing. At the monthly meeting in March, annually, a Nominating Com- mittee, consisting of three persons, shall be appointed, who shall report to the Annual Meeting a list of officers for the ensuing year. CHAPTER IV. OF THE PRESIDENT. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Society when present, and, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, in the order of their names. In the absence of all these officers, a President pro tempore shall be chosen. CHAPTER V. OF THE RECORDING SECRETARY. Art. I. — The Recording Secretary, or, in case of his death or absence, the Corresponding Secretary, shall cause a notice of each meeting, regular or special, to be sent, through the post-office, to all Resident Members, not less than three days in advance thereof. But in case of special meetings the interval may be shortened, if the Council so direct. Art. 2. — He shall keep an exact record of all the meetings of the Society, with the names of the members present, and shall enter in full all reports of committees that may ])e acce])ted by the Society, unless otherAvisc specially directed, or unless the same are to be in- cluded in the printed Proceedings. 14 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. CHAPTER VI. OF THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Art. I . — The Corresponding Secretary, or in case of his death or absence the Recording Secretary, shall inform all persons of their election as members of the Society, send to each a copy of the By- Laws, and, on the acceptance of their election, issue the proper diplomas. Art. 2. — He shall conduct the correspondence of the Society not otherwise provided for; and deposit in the Library copies of letters sent and original letters received. CHAPTER Vn. OF THE TREASURER. Art. I . — The Treasurer shall give bond to such amount as the Council shall from time to time prescribe for the proper performance of his duties, and to secure the Society from loss in connection with the same. The cost of such bonding shall be paid by the Society. The Council shall further make provision for payment of a book- keeper or accountant, to aid the Treasurer in the performance of his duties. Art. 2. — He shall collect all moneys due to the Society, and shall keep regular and faithful accounts of all the moneys and funds of the Society that may come into his hands, and of all receipts and expenditures connected with the same — which accounts shall always be open to the inspection of the members; and, at the Annual Meeting, he shall make a written report of all his doings for the year preceding, and of the amount and condition of all the property of the Society intrusted to him. Art. 3. — He shall pay no moneys, except on vote of the Society, or of the Council, or with the approval of an officer or committee of the Society or Council thereunto duly authorized. BY-LAWS. 15 CHAPTER VIII. OF THE LIBRARIAN, AND OF THE LIBRARY. Art. I. — The Librarian shall have charge of all the books, tracts, maps, manuscripts, and other property of the Society appropriate to a library; shall cause catalogues of them to be made and kept, and shall do whatever may be in his power, at all times, to preserve and increase the collections under his care. Art. 2. — He shall acknowledge the receipt of each gift made to the Library, by a certificate addressed to the giver. Art. 3. — He shall, at every monthly meeting of the Society, report all gifts made to the Library since the last regular meeting, with the names of the givers; and, at the Annual Meeting, shall present a statement of the condition and wants of the Library, with a notice of the important accessions made to it during the year. Art. 4. — He shall keep an exact account of all books taken out with the names of the persons who take them, and the dates when they are borrowed and returned. Art. 5. — He may have one or more assistants, appointed by the Council, who shall aid him in all or any of his duties; who shall also aid the Recording Secretary in notifying meetings, copying re- ports, or in any other way that may be required, and who shall render such other services to the Society connected with its Library or its general proceedings as the Council may direct. Art. 6. — The Library shall be open on all week-days throughout the year, except on days of public observance, and on the day of the Annual Meeting, between such hours as the Council may from time to time appoint. Art. 7. — Any Member of the Society may take from the Library three printed volumes at a time, and keep each of them four weeks, with a right to renew the loan from time to time, unless some other member has asked for the said volumes in writing. Art. 8. — At the written request of a Resident Member, the Librarian shall permit any person to visit the Library and consult the books under such conditions as he may prescribe. 1 6 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Art. 9. — At the written request of a Resident Member the Librarian shall deliver to the person indicated in such request, any- book or books belonging to the Society, which the member himself might take out. No member shall grant the privilege mentioned in this article to more than one person at the same time. Art. 10. — Any member taking books from the Library or au- thorizing the use of them, in the Library or elsewhere, under Articles 7, 8, or 9, shall be answerable for the loss of them, or for any injury done to them, to such amount as the Council may deem just. Art. II. — Any committee of the Society, for the time being, may take such books and manuscripts from the Library as they may need in order to perform the duty assigned to them by the Society. Art. 12. — All manuscripts of the Society shall be kept under lock and key, and be used only in presence of the Librarian or an assistant. Any document or manuscript may, however, by vote of the Council, be lent for use on public occasions under such conditions for safe preservation and return as the Council may in any case impose. Art. 13. — Persons not members of the Society, engaged in historical pursuits, may be allowed to consult the manuscripts be- longing to the Society, provided an application in writing, stating the object of the inquiry, be first made to the Librarian, who shall make a record of the same. Art. 14. — With the consent of the Librarian memoranda of names, dates, and similar matter, may be made from manuscripts belonging to the Society. But no manuscript, and no part of a manu- script, belonging to the Society, shall be copied, except by permission of the Council, after an application in writing, specifying the manu- script, or part thereof, desired to be copied. If any such manuscript shall, in consequence of such permission, be published, in whole or in part, the fact that it was obtained from the Society shall be re- quired to be stated in its publication. Art. 15. — Manuscripts of a confidential nature shall be retained in a place of special deposit, and shall be consulted only under such regulations as may be prescribed in each case by the Council. BY-LAWS. 17 Art. 16. — No maps, newspapers, or books of great rarity or of constant reference, shall be taken from the Library, except by vote of the Council. Art. 17. — All tracts, books, maps, and manuscripts belonging to the Society, shall be distinctly marked as its property; and all such as may be presented to the Society shall be marked with the name of the giver, and recorded as his gift. CHAPTER IX. RULES FOR THE DOWSE LIBRARY. Art. I. — The room in which are deposited the books presented to the Society by Thomas Dowse shall be kno-\\Ti forever as the Dowse Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Art. 2. — Agreeably to the condition prescribed by Mr. Dowse, none of his books shall be taken out of the room. Art. 3. — Meetings of the Society shall be held in the Dowse Library, if not otherwise ordered by the Council ; but the room shall be used for no other meetings, except by committees of the Society. CHAPTER X. OF THE cabinet-keeper, AND THE MUSEUM. Art. I. — The Cabinet-Keeper shall have charge of all coins, works of art, remains of antiquity, and other articles appropriate to the Society's Museum, and shall keep catalogues of the same. Art. 2. — He shall acknowledge by letter the' receipt of each gift. At every regular meeting of the Society, he shall report whatever may have been added to the collection of which he has charge, with the names of the givers; and, at the Annual Meeting, shall present a full report of the condition of the Museum. l8 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. CHAPTER XI. OF THE COMMITTEES ON THE TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS, THE LIBRARY, AND CABINET. Art. I. — At the monthly meeting in March, annually, a Com- mittee of not less than two members shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to examine the Treasurer's accounts for the year preceding, and the state of the funds of the Society, and to report thereon at the Annual Meeting; and, if they shall so desire, they may employ a paid expert to assist them in the performance of any part of this duty. Art. 2. — At the monthly meeting in March, annually, a Com- mittee of not less than three members shall be appointed, whose duty it shall be to examine the property of the Society in charge of the Librarian and the Cabinet-Keeper, and to report thereon at the Annual Meeting. Art. 3. — These Committees shall be required to report in writing or in print. CHAPTER XII. OF THE COUNCIL. Art. I. — The Council shall exercise a general oversight of the affairs and property of the Society, and shall prepare and present such business matters and make such recommendations to the Society as they may deem expedient. Art. 2. — They shall, from time to time, carefully consider the claims of all persons whose names have been proposed for member- ship, and, as vacancies occur in the Society, by death or otherwise, shall, at their discretion, report nominations; but no nomination, whether for Resident, Corresponding, or Honorary Membership, shall be reported, of any person whose name has not been entered in the nomination-book at least thirty days; nor shall any nomina- tion of a member be valid unless seven members of the Council have assented to it. BY-LAWS. 19 Art. 3. — They shall engage whatever assistance is needed to administer the Library and Cabinet, and shall authorize the Treas- urer to pay, from time to time, such sums as may be necessary for the current expenses of the Society. Art. 4. — They shall cause to be made, as often as may seem ex- pedient, a thorough examination of the Library and Cabinet of the Society. Art. 5. — They shall meet in the Society's rooms within one week previous to every regular meeting of the Society, on such day and at such hour as they may agree upon, and at such other times as the President, or in his absence a Vice-President, shall call them to- gether. fe Art. 6. — On the death of a Resident Member, they shall appoint a person to prepare a memoir of him for publication in the Proceed- ings. Art. 7. — They shall make an annual report, to be drawn up by the member at large who has had the longest term of service, or, in case two members have served the same length of time, by the senior of the two as member of the Society. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE PUBLICATIONS. Art. I. — Immediately after the publication of any volume of the Collections of the Society, or at any other time when the Society may order, a committee of not less than three persons shall be appointed by the President, whose duty it shall be to prepare and publish another volume; for which purpose they are authorized to incur such expense as the Council may approve. Art. 2. — There shall be inserted in each volume published from the income of any fund, a statement in print that it was made at the charge of that fund. Art. 3. — The Recording Secretary, and two other members to be appointed at the regular meeting in May by the President, shall 20 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. constitute a Committee, with full power to provide for occasional reports, as well as for the permanent publication of the Proceedings of the Society, subject to the following limitations: First, Neither the remarks nor the name of any member shall be introduced into any report without his permission. Second, All papers read or remarks made by any member, which such member shall desire or be willing to have printed, shall be sub- mitted to the above-named Committee for the purpose, and shall be subject to their discretion: provided, however, that any member may publish, on his own responsibility, any paper or remarks of his own which the Committee may not think lit to include in their report; but in such case, the Society shall not be mentioned in any way whatever in connection with such publication. Art. 4. — The Council may appoint a member of the Society, or other competent person, who shall be immediately responsible for the proper editing of all volumes, whether of Collections or Proceed- ings, the supervision of the Society's copyists, and the adequate preparation of all material intended for the press. If the person so appointed be a Resident Member of the Society, he shall be ex-officio a member of the Council and of all committees of publication; but the authority of any Editor shall be subordinate to that of said com- mittees. The Editor shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the Council. CHAPTER XIV. or AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting at which at least twenty members are present, provided that the proposed amendment has been discussed at a pre\dous meeting, or is reported by a committee appointed for the purpose at such previous meeting. Whenever a proposition to amend the By-Laws is pending, the Recording Secretary shall include a statement to that effect in his notification of the meeting. INDEX OF THE BY-LAWS. 21 INDEX OF THE BY-LAWS. PAGE Accountant for Treasurer 14 Amendments: Chapter XIV 20 Annual Meeting: Held in April 11 Report of the Council 19 Reports of the Treasurer and Au- ditors 14. 18 Report of the Librarian 15 Report of the Cabinet-Keeper ... 17 Report of Committee on Library and Cabinet 18 Report of Nominating Committee . 13 Officers and Council chosen .... 12 Additional ^lembers of Council . . 13 Assistants 15. i9 Auditors and paid expert 18 Bond for Treasurer 14 Book-keeper for Treasurer. 14 By-Laws: To be sent to members 14 How amended 20 Cabinet-Keeper and Cabinet: Chapter X 17 Monthly reports 12, 17 Committee to examine the Cabinet. 18 Examination of Cabinet by Council. 19 Assistance needed 19 Catalogues to be made 15. 1 7 Collections IS. 20 Committees: Chapter XI, on Treasurer's Accounts and on Library and Cabinet ... 18 Appointed by President 12 Dowse Library used for meetings . . 17 Reports 12, 13, 18 Use of Library 16 Communications 12, 20 Corresponding Members: Election and number 10 Termination of membership .... 10 Transfer to Honorary roll 11 Corresponding Secretary: Chapter VI 14 Communications 12 To issue diplomas i4i 18 Duty in absence of Recording Secre- tary 14 Files 14 Council: Chapter XII . i8 To report nominations 10, 18 Meetings of the .Society . . . 11, 13, 17 RejK.rts 12, 19 Chosen by Society 13 Mcmi)crs-at-large 13 Additional member to make thirteen 13 P.'iGE President to be Chairman, ex officio . 1 2 Recording Secretary to be Secretary, ex officio 12 Pajinent of book-keeper 14 Hours for Library 15 To appoint and direct Assistants . 15,19 Loss or injury to property 16 To authorize pa>'ments by Treas- urer 14, 19 Permission given to copy manuscripts 16 May lend manuscripts and works . . 16 To approve expenses of Collections . 19 To appoint editor 20 Editor, ex-officio member 20 Diplomas n, 14 Dowse Library: Chapter IX 17 Editor 20 Funds 14, 18 Gifts: Receipt to be acknowledged . . . 15,17 To be reported to the Society . . 15,17 To be marked with name of giver . . 17 Holidays 15 Honorary Members: Election and number 10 Transfer from Corresponding roll. . 11 Librarian and Library: Chapter VIII 15 Monthly reports 12,15 Assistants iS, 19 Committee to examine 18 Examination by Council 19 Loan-book 15 Manuscripts: Files of Corresponding Secretary . . 14 In charge of Librarian 15 Permission of Council to copy. ... 16 May be lent by Council 16 Use by committees, members, and others 16 Of a confidential nature 16 Meetings: Chapter II 1 1 Notification of Meetings . 11, 13, 19. 20 In Dowse Library . 17 Of Council ... X9 Of Committees . .17 Members: Chapter I 10, 1 1 Nominated only by Council. . . 10,18 Notified of election by Correspond- ing Secretary 14 Use of Library 15, 16 Papers and remarks at meetings . 20 22 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. PAGE Members-at-large of Council . . . . 13,22 Membership, acceptance and when valid II Memoirs ig Nomination-book: Resident Members may enter names 10 Names in book at least thirty days . 18 Nominations for membership: Not to be made known 10 Made only by Council 10, 18 Only one of a class at a time ... 10 Qualifications stated before election. 10 Officers: Chapter III 12 Committee to Nominate 13 President: Chapter IV 13 To call special meetings 11 Chairman of Council 12 To appoint committees 12 To appoint committees on publica- tions 19 Proceedings 13, 19, 20 Publications: Chapter XIII 19 Members entitled to regular .... 11 Use of Library by committees ... 16 To contain name of fund to which volume is charged 19 Discretion of PubHshing Committee about printing papers and remarks of members 20 Publishing Committees 19 Quorum: For election of members 11 For business 12 PAGE Of Council for nomination 18 For amendments to By-Laws ... 20 Recording Secretary: Chapter V 13 To keep nomination-book 10 Secretary of the Council, ex officio . 12 Notification of meetings . . . 11,13,19 Duty in absence of Corresponding Secretary 14 To have aid of Librarian's Assistants 15 To be a member of the Committee to publish Proceedings 19 Reports 12,13 Resident Members: Election and number 10 Alone entitled to vote and take part in business of Society 10 Termination of membership .... 10 No fee or annual payment, unless by vote II Memoirs 19 Sections for communications 12 Subjects for discussion when deferred . 1 2 Treasurer: Chapter VII 14 Committee on his accounts 18 Payments for Library and Cabinet . 19 Unfinished business 12 Vacancies in membership 18 Vice-Presidents 11, 12, 13 Voting: Only by Resident Members .... 10 By corn and beans 11 By ballot 12 Wants of the Library 15 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY. 23 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY. Presidents. James Sullivan . . . Christopher Gore . . John Davis Thomas L. Winthrop James Savage .... Robert C. Winthrop . George E. Ellis . . . Charles Francis Adams Henry Cabot Lodge . 1791-1806 1806-1818 1818-1835 1835-1841 1841-1855 1855-1885 1885-1894 1895-1915 1915- Vice-Presidents.' Jared Sparks 1857 David Sears 1857- Thomas Aspinwall ... 1862 John C. Gray i866- Charles Francis Adams . 1869- Emory Washburn .... 1870- George E. Ellis 1877 Charles Deane 1881- Francis Parkman .... 1885- Charles Francis Adams 1890- Justin Winsor 1894- Samuel A. Green .... 1895- T. Jefferson Coolidge. . . 1898- James Ford Rhodes . . . 1904- John Davis Long .... 1914- Winslow Warren .... 1915 Recording Secretaries. Thomas Wallcut . . . George Richards Minot James Freeman . Joseph McKean . Charles Lowell Gamaliel Bradford Joseph Willard . Chandler Rohbins Charles Deane . Edmund Quincy George Dexter Edward J. Young Edward Stanwood 1791- 1792- 1793- 1812- 1818- 1833- 1835- 1857- 1864- 1877- 1878- 1883- 1906- -i866 -1862 -1870 -1869 -1881 -1877 -1885 -1889 -1893 -1895 -1897 -1914 -1904 -191S 1792 1793 1812 1818 1833 1835 1857 1864 1877 1877 1883 1906 Corresponding Secretaries. . . . 1791-1798 . . . 1 798-1813 Jeremy Belknap John Eliot . . Abiel Holmes . . . Charles Lowell . . Alexander Young . William P. Lunt Joseph Willard . . Chandler Robbins . Charles Deane . . Justin Winsor . . William W. Goodwin Henry W. Haynes . William Roscoe Thayer 1813-1833 I 833-1 849 I 849-1 854 1854-1857 1857-1864 1864-1877 1877-1881 1881-1894 1894-1896 1896-1912 1912- Corres ponding Secretary, pro tempore. Thaddeus M. Harris . . . 1837-1840 Treasurers. William Tudor George Richards Minot William Tudor Josiah Quincy James Savage Nahum Mitchell . . . . Peleg W. Chandler, . . . Richard Frothingham . . Charles C. Smith . . . . Arthur Lord Librarians. 1791-1796 1796-1799 1799-1803 1803-1820 1820-1839 I 839-1 845 1845-1847 1847-1877 1877-1907 1907- John Eliot George Richards Minot John Eliot John Thornton Kirkland William Smith Shaw . . Timothy Alden ^. . . . Josci)h AIcKean .... Josei)h Tilden .... James Savage Nathaniel G. Snelling . F-Iisha Clap William Jenks .... James Howdoin .... Joseph Willard .... Nahum Mitchell. . . . Joseph B. Felt .... Thaddeus M. Harris . . Joseph B. Felt .... 1791- 1793- 1795- 1798- 1806- 1808- 1809- 1812- 1814- i8i8- 1821- 1823- 1832- 1833- 183s- 1836- 1837- 1842- 1793 179.S 1798 1806 1808 1809 1812 1814 1818 1821 1823 1832 1833 1835 1836 1378 1842 185s ' The office of Vice-President was created in 1857. 2 See Proceedings, vol. i. p. 221, note. 24 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Samuel K. Lothrop . . . 1855-1861 Nathaniel B. ShurtlefE . . 1 861-1864 Thomas C. Amory . . . 1864-1868 Samuel A. Green .... 1868- Assistanl Librarians. John Thornton Kirkland . 1 798-1 798 Thomas Wallcut 1 798-1 799 Thaddeus M. Harris . . . 183 7-1 83 7 Lucius R. Paige 1845-1846 Cabinet-Keepers . John EHot 1 791-1793 George Richards Minot 1 793-1 794 Samuel Turell 1 794-1808 Timothy Alden 1 1808-1809 Joseph McKean 1809-1810 Redford Webster .... 1810-1833 Isaac P. Davis . . . . . 1834-1854 Nathaniel B. ShurtlefE . . 1854-1860 Samuel A. Green .... i860- 1868 Henry G. Denny .... 1868-1874 Wilham S. Appleton . . . 1874-1880 Fitch Edward Ohver . . 1880-1892 Samuel F. McCleary . . 1 893-1 898 Henry F. Jenks 1898-1904 Grenville H. Norcross . . 1904- ExECUTivE Committee. George Richards Minot Peter Thacher . . James Winthrop Redford Webster John Davis . . . Josiah Quincy Peter Thacher . . James Winthrop William Tudor . Wilham Emerson John Thornton Kirkland Thomas L. Winthrop Abiel Holmes . James Freeman John Pierce James Savage . William Tudor Francis C. Gray Nathan Hale . James Bowdoin Jared Sparks . James T. Austin James Savage Nathan Appleton Convers Francis John Davis . . . Alexander Young 1791-1793 1791-1798 1791-1798 1 793-1810 1798-1818 1 798-1803 1 799-1802 1799-1821 I 803-1 806 I 803-1 8 II I 806-181 2 1810-1835 1811-1813 1812-1826 1813-1834 1818-1820 1820-1824 1821-1836 1824-1835 1826-1833 1833-1838 1834-1838 I 83 5-1 84 I 1835-1835 183.^-1852 1836-1838 1838-1852 Joseph B. Felt . . Samuel P. Gardner George Ticknor . Joseph Willard . Francis C. Gray Edward Everett George E. EUis . George Livermore Nathaniel B. ShurtlefE Charles Deane . . Robert C. Winthrop George W. Blagden Lucius R. Paige . Chandler Robbins John C. Gray . . WiUiam Brigham Francis Parkman George Livermore Thomas Aspinwall Emory Washburn Lorenzo Sabine . Charles Deane . Solomon Lincoln Henry Austin Whitney Leverett Saltonstall Thomas Aspinwall Samuel K. Lothrop Charles H. Warren Robert C. Waterston Emory Washburn . Thomas C. Amory William G. Brooks George E. Ellis . . Horace Gray . . . Charles Ehot Norton Leverett Saltonstall Charles Folsom . . Amos A. Lawrence . Henry Warren Torrey Samuel Eliot . . . George E. Ellis . . William C. Endicott William G. Brooks Charles C. Smith . George W. Blagden James M. Robbins Henry Warren Torrey Theodore Lyman Henry M. Dexter Edmund Quincy George S. Hillard George Punchard Robert C. Waterston William H. Whitmore Nathaniel B. ShurtlefE Augustus T. Perkins . Robert M. Mason . . William S. Appleton . 1838- 1838-] I 839-] 1841- 1842- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1852- 1853-] 1853-1 1854-] 1854-1 1855-1 1855-1 1856- 1856-] 1857-1 1858-1 1858-] 1858-] 1859-1 1859-1 i860-] 1860- 1861-] 1861-] 1861-] 1862-] 1862-] 1862-] 1863-1 1863-1 I 864-] I 864-] 1865-1 1865-] 1866-1 1866- 1867-] 1867-] 1867-] I 868-] I 868-] I 869-] I 869-] 1870-] 1870-] 1871-: 1871-: 1871-] 1871-] 1871- 1872- 1872- 1873- 1873- 839 842 852 852 852 853 853 854 854 856 85s 855 856 857 857 858 858 859 859 860 860 861 861 861 862 862 863 862 863 864 864 865 866 866 865 867 867 867 868 868 868 869 870 870 871 871 871 871 871 873 873 872 874 872 874 875 876 874 1 See Proceedings, vol. i. p. 221, note. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY. Francis W. Palfrey Edmund Quincy . William G. Brooks Charles C. Smith Henry W. Foote George E. Ellis . James Russell Lowell Charles C. Perkins Winslow Warren . . Richard Frothingham Charles W. Tuttle . . Leverett Saltonstall . Justin Winsor . . . Delano A. Goddard . George B. Chase . . Henry Cabot Lodge . Phillips Brooks . . . Henry W. Haynes . . Charles Francis Adams, James Elliot Cabot . John T. Morse, Jr. . . Clement Hugh Hill . William W. Greenough Samuel C. Cobb . . Abbott Lawrence . . Abner C. Goodell, Jr. Alellen Chamberlain . William Everett . . Robert C. Winthrop, Jr Jr 1874- 1874- 1875- 1875- 1876- 1876- 1877- 1877- 1877- 1877- 1878- 1878- 1879- 1879- 1880- 1880- 1881- 1881- 1882- 1882- 1883- 1883- 1884- 1884- 1884- 1885- 1885- 1886- 1886- 876 877 877 877 878 877 878 879 880 879 880 881 882 883 883 884 885 884 884 885 886 886 887 887 888 888 889 Members-at-Large of the Council. John Lowell . . . John D. Washburn George S. Hale . . WilUam W. Goodwin Josiah P. Quincy . Roger Wolcott . . Edward Bangs . . Edward J. Lowell . Edward G. Porter . Henrj' F. Jenks . . Horace E. Scudder Solomon Lincoln Alexander McKenzie John D. Washburn Edmund I'". Slafter. Arthur Lord . . . Edward L. Pierce Stephen Salisbury Thornton K. Lothrop Abbott I>awrcnce Lowell Charles K. Codman William W. Crape . William R. Thayer Winslow Warren 1887- 1887- 1888- 1888- 1889- 1889- 1890- 1890- 1891- 1891- 1892- 1892- 1893- 1893- 1894- 1894- 189s- 189s- 1896- 1896- 1896- 1897- 1897- i8g8- 890 889 890 891 891 892 892 893 893 894 894 895 895 896 896 897 897 896 898 898 899 899 898 900 Barrett Wendell . . Morton Dexter . . . George B. Chase . . James Schouler . . . James F. Rhodes . . Thornton K. Lothrop James B. Thayer . . Andrew McFarland Davis A. C. Coolidge . . . William R. Thayer . S. Lothrop Thorndike James F. Hunnewell . James DeNormandie T. W. Higginson . . Albert B. Hart . . . Thomas L. Livermore Samuel S. Shaw . . . Nathaniel Paine . . Edward H. Hall . . Roger B. IMcrriman . Mehdlle M. Bigelow . Edwin D. Mead . . John D. Long . . . Waldo Lincoln . . . William R. Livermore Frederic Winthrop Moorfield Storey . . Robert S. Rantoul Mark A. De Wolfe Howe WiUiam \'ail Kellen . Frederick J. Turner Gamahel Bradford, Jr, Charles P. Greenough John Collins Warren . Charles G. Washburn . Samuel W. McCall . Barrett Wendell . . Joseph Grafton Minot Lincoln N. Kinnicutt William C. Endicott . Ephraim Emerton . . Frederick C. Shattuck Additional Members George B. Chase . . James F. Rhodes James H. Th;iycr . A. C. Coolidge . . . Worlhinglon C. Ford James DeNormandie Arthur T. Lyman . . Roger 15. Merriman . Charles P. Howditch Melville M. Bigelow . Bliss Perry William R. Mvermore 1898- 1900 1898- 1901 1899- 1 901 1899- 1902 1900- 1903 1900- 1903 I90I- 1902 I90I- 1903 1902- 1903 1902- 1905 1903- 1 90s 1903- 1906 1904- 1906 1904- 1907 1905- 1907 1905- 1908 1906- 1908 1906- 1909 1907- 1909 1907- 1910 1908- 1910 1908- 1911 1909- 1911 1909- 1912 I9IO- 1912 I9I0- 1913 I9II- 1913 I9II- 1914 I9I2- 1914 I9I2- 19IS I9I3- 1915 I9I3- 1916 I9I4- 1916 I9I4- 1917 I9I5- 1917 I9I5- 1918 I9I6- 1918 I9I6- 191 7- I9I7- I9I8- I9I8- RS. 1898- 1899 1899- 1900 1900- 1 901 1901- 1902 1902- 1903 1903- 1904 1904- 1905 1905- 1906 1906- 1907 1907- 1908 1908- 1909 1000- 1910 26 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Committees of Publication. Collections. Jeremy Belknap, I. i, 3, 4- John Eliot, I. i, 4, 5, 8. H- i- James Freeman, 1. 1, 3, 4,5,8. II. 1,3,9- George Richards Minot, I. 1,4, 6. James Sullivan, I. 2. Peter Thacher, I. 2, 8. William Tudor, I. 2. II. 4, 7, 9- Redford Webster, I. 2. II. i. William Wetmore, I. 3. Aaron Dexter, I. 3. Jedediah Morse, I. 5, 7- Josiah Quincy, I. 5, 6, 9- H. 2, 3. John Davis, I. 6, 9. II. i, 4, 7- John Thornton Kirkland, I. 6, 9. Abiel Holmes, I. 7, 10. H- 2, S, 6, 7, 8, 10. William Spooner, I. 7. Thaddeus M. Harris, I. 7, 10. 11. 2. III. 7- William Sullivan, I. 8. William Emerson, I. 9. Thomas L. Winthrop, I. 10. John Quincy Adams, I. 10. Alden Bradford, II. i, 3- 8. John Pierce, II. i. Joseph McKean, II. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7- James Savage, II. 3, 4, 8, 9, lo- HI- ^ Elisha Clap, II. 8. John Pickering, II. 9, lo- HI- ^■ Francis C. Gray, II. 9. HI. 8, 9, lo- Benjamin R. Nichols, II. 10. 111. 2. William Jenks, III. I. IV. i. Charles Lowell, III. i, 3, 4- Wilham J. Spooner, III. i. James Bowdoin, III. 2, 3, 4. James C. Merrill, III. 2. Convers Francis, III. 3, 4, 5, 7- Joseph Willard, III. 3, 4- Joseph E. Worcester, III. 5- Joseph B. Felt, III. 5, 6, 7, 8. Alexander Young, III. 5, 6, 8. IV. i. Lemuel Shattuck, III. 6. Samuel Sewall, HI. 6. Nathaniel G. Snelling, III. 7- William H. Prescott, III. 8. Robert C. Winthrop, III. 9, lo- IV. 7. V. I. Alvan Lamson, III. 9- Charles Francis Adams, III . 9 , i o. V . Nathaniel L. Frothingham, III. 10. George Ticknor, IV. i. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, IV. i, 2. George E. Ellis, IV. 2, 9, 10. V. 5,6, Chandler Robbins, IV. 2, 6, 7, 8. V. 2, 3- Charles Deane, IV. 2, 3, 6, 7. V. i, 3,9- 2, 3, 3,5, VII. WiUiam P. Lunt, IV. 3. Lucius R. Paige, IV. 3. Ellis Ames, IV. 3. Richard Frothingham, IV. 4. V. 4. Thomas Aspinwall, IV. 4, 9, 10. George Livermore, IV. 4. Lorenzo Sabine, IV. 4. Solomon Lincoln, IV. 5. AlonzoH.Quint,IV. 5. Williams Latham, IV. 5. JosephPalmer, IV. 5. Henry W. Torrey, IV. 8. V. 5, 6, 7- Samuel K. Lothrop, V. 3. William S. Bartlet, IV. 9, 10. John Langdon Sibley, IV. 9, lo- Charles C. Smith, V. 1,8. VI, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10. VII. I, 2,3,4, 5,0- William G. Brooks, V. 2, 3. Winslow Warren, V. 4, lo- Vll. 4, 5, 6, LXXII. William H. Whitmore, V. 5, 6, 7- James Russell Lowell, V. 5, 6, 7. George Dexter, V. 8. Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., V. 8. VI. Justin Wmsor, V. 9. Arthur Lord, V. 9. VII. 2, 3. George B. Chase, V. 10. VI. 10. Henry F. Jenks, V. 10. VI. 6, 7. VII. 2, 3. Mellen Chamberlain, VI. i, 2, 6, 7, 9- Clement Hugh Hill, VI. i, 2. Arthur B. EUis, VI. i, 2. James M. Bugbee, VI. i, 2. Edward Channing, VI. 3, 5- Vll. b. Josiah P. Quincy, VI. 4- Edward J. Young, VI. 4- Octavius B. Frothingham, VI. 4- Roger Wolcott, VI. 8. Samuel F. McCleary, VI. 8. A. Lawrence Lowell, VI. 8. Samuel A. Green, VI. 10. Edward G. Porter, VI. 10. T. Jefferson Coolidge, VIL i. Archibald Gary Coolidge, VII. i. Charles K. Bolton, VII. 4, 5- Charles Francis Adams, VII. 7, 8, 9, 10, LXXI. Nathaniel Paine, VII. 7, 8. Barrett Wendell, VII. 7, 8. Worthington C. Ford, VIL 7, 8, 9, 1°. LXXI, LXXII, LXXIV. Edwin F. Gay, VIL 9, 10. George P. Wetmore, VII. 9, 10. Guernsey Jones, lxxi. Henry Cabot Lodge, lxxit. lxxiv. Charles G. Washburn, lxxiv. 4- OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY. 27 Proceedings 1791-1855. Charles Deane. Charles C. Smith. Proceedings since 1855. George Livermore . . Chandler Robbins . . Henry Austin Whitney Samuel K. Lothrop Charles Deane . . . William G. Brooks. . Charles Folsom . . . Samuel A. Green . . Charles C. Smith . . Edmund Quincy . . George Dexter . . . Josiah P. Quincy . . Horace E. Scudder. . Edward J. Young . . Clement Hugh Hill Alexander McKenzie Charles C. Smith . . Edward Stanwood Charles Francis Adams James Ford Rhodes . Worthington C. Ford Henry Cabot Lodge . 1855-1864 1855-1863 1860-1864 1862-1863 1863-1877 1863-1864 1864-1867 1864-1882 1867-1882 1877-1877 1878-1883 1882-1883 1882-1883 1883-1906 I 883-1 889 1883-1907 I 889-1 907 1906- 1907-1915 1907- 1908- 1915- Index of Proceedings, First Series. Charles Deane. Charles Francis Adams. Second Series. Albert Bushnell Hart. Roger B. Merriman. History of Chelsea. Charles Francis Adams. Charles C. Smith. Henry W. Haynes. Bradford's History of Plymouth, Charles Francis Adams. Arthur Lord. Morton Dexter. Gamaliel Bradford, Jr. Worthington C. Ford. Editor of Publications. Charles C. Smith . . Worthington C. Ford 1889-1907 1908- HousE Committee. Charles C. Smith . . Thornton K. Lothrop Charles R. Codman . S. Lothrop Thorndike Grenville H. Norcross Samuel S. Shaw . . . Worthington C. Ford John Collins Warren 1899-1909 1899-1907 1899-1905 1905-1907 1907- 1907-1914 1909- 1914- 28 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. R = Resident Member. H = Honorary Member. C = Corresponding Member. The dates of election and of death, removal or resignation (R) are given. Adams, Brooks. v Quincy R. April lo, 1902. Adams, Charles Francis. Boston R. March 25, 1841. D. November 21, 1886. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiii. 198, portrait. Adams, Charles Francis. Quincy R. April 15, 1875. D. March 20, 1915. "Autobiography" (1916), portrait. Adams, Henry. Washington, D. C. C. December 9, 1880. H. January 9, 1908. D. March 27, 1918. " Education of Henry Adams" (1918); portrait, Proc. li. front. Adams, Herbert Baxter. Baltimore, Md. C. January 11, 1883, D. July 30, 1901. Adams, Rev. Jasper. Charleston, S. C. C. August 27, 1833. D. October 25, 1841. Adams, John. Quincy R. July 31, 1800. D. July 4, 1826. Memoir, i Proc. i. 400. Adams, John Quincy. Boston R. April 27, 1802. D. February 23, 1848. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 395; portrait, 2 Proc. xvi. front. Adelung, Friedrich von. Berlin C. April 25, 1822. D. January 30, 1843. Agassiz, Alexander. Cambridge R. March 12, 1896. Rem. Dec. 22, 1909. Aiken, John Adams. Greenfield R. May 10, 1917. Akins, Thomas Beamish. Halifax, N. S. C. October 15, 1869. D. May 7, 1891. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 29 Alaman, Lucas. C. February 28, 1850. Alden, Rev. Timothy. C. October i, 1801. Alison, Sir Archibald. C. April 27, 1843. Mexico D. June 15, 1853. Portsmouth, N. H. D. July 5, 1839. Lanarkshire, Scotland D. May 23, 1867. Allen, Rev. Alexander Vlets Griswold. Cambridge R. December 9, 1886. D. July i, 1908. Memoir, Proc. xliv. 355, portrait. Allen, Gardner Weld. R. December 8, 1910. Allen, Joseph. R. September 7, 1808. Memoir, i Proc. i. 411. Allen, Rev. William. C. July 28, 1836. Allen, William Fr.\ncis. C. February 9, 1882. Allen, Zacharlah. C. September 9, 1880. Allibone, Samlt:l Austin. C. May 9, 1861. Allyn, Rev. John. R. October 29, 1799. Memoir, 3 Coll. v. 245. Almack, Richard. C. November 17, 1842. Altamira y Crevea, Rafael. C. February 13, 1908. Ames, Ellis. R. August 12, 1852. Ames, Seth. R. December 8, 1864. Memoir, i Proc. xx. 35. Amory, Tho.\ias Coffin. R. September 8, 1859. Memoir, 2 Proc. v. 341. Amory, William. R. April 13, 1 87 1. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. 414, portrait. Anderson, Robert. C. August 27, 1805. Boston Worcester D. September 2, 1827. Brunswick, Me. D. July 16, 1868. Madison, Wis. D. December 9, 1889. Providence, R. I. D. March 17, 1882. New York D. October 2, 1889. Duxbury R. May 5, 1831. Long Melford, England D. January i, 1875. Oviedo, Spain Canton R. October 9, 1884. Boston D. August 15, 1881. Boston D. August 20, 1889. Boston D. December 8, 1888. Edinburgh, Scotland D. February 20, 1830. 3° A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Andrew, John Albion. R. February 8, 1866. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 41, portrait. Angelis, Pedro de C. January 30, 1845. Angell, James Burrill. C. February 13, 1896. Appleton, John. R. January 14, 1869. Memoir, i Proc. xv. 365. Appleton, Nathan. R. June 26, 1834. Memoir, i Proc. v. 249, portrait. Appleton, William. R. July 8, 1858. Memoir, i Proc. vi. 430, portrait. Appleton, William Sumner. R. May 13, 1869. Memoir, 2 Proc. xvii. 516, portrait Appleton, William Sumner. R. February 8, 1917. Arnold, Samuel Greene. C. March 8, 1855. Ashley, William James. C. November 14, 1901. Aspinwall, Thomas. C. July 25, 1833. R. April 12, 1855. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 32, portrait. Atherton, Charles Humphrey. C. April 25, 1816. Austin, James Trecothick. R. May 5, 1831. Boston D. October 30, 1867. Buenos Aires D. i860. Ann Arbor, Mich, D. April I, 1916. Cambridge D. February 4, 1869. Boston D. July 14, 1861. Boston D. February 15, 1862. Boston D. April 28, 1903. Boston Providence, R. I. D. February 12, 1880. Birmingham, England London and Boston D. August II, 1876. Amherst, N. H. D. January 8, 1853. Boston R. January 10, 1856. Avezac-Macaya, Marie Armand Pascal d'. Paris, France C. March 14, 1872. Babson, John James. R. November 8, i860. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 138. Bacon, Rev. Leonard. C. July 26, 1838. Baird, Rev. Henry Martyn. C. October 13, 1881. Baker, Gardiner. C. August 17, 1795. D. January — , 1875. Gloucester D. April 13, 1886. New Haven, Conn. D. December 24, 1881. New York D. November 11, 1906. New York D. October — , 1798. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 31 Baldwin, Simeon Eben. C. March 8, 1900. Bancroft, Frederic. C. June 13 1901. Bancroft, George. R. June 26, 1834. C. February 28, 1850. Bancroft, Hubert How^. C. November 11, 1875. Bangs, Edward. R. June II, 1885. Memoir, 2 Proc. x. 311, portrait. BaRBE-MaRBOIS, FR.A.NQOIS de. C. October 28, 1824. Barker, James Madison. R. April 9, 1896. Memoir, Proc. XLin, 399, portrait Barnard, Daniel Dewey. C. June 27, 1839. Barry, Rev. John Stetson. R. November 8, 1855. Memoir, i Proc. xiii. 136. Barry, Rev. William. R. January 31, 1850. C. January 11, 1872. B.ARTLET, Rev. William Stoodley. R. April 8, 1858. Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 430. Bartlett, John Russell. C. May 8, 1856. Bartlett, Josiah. R. April 24, 1798. Memoir, i Proc. i. 7,2^. Bartlett, Josiah. R. August 30, 1836. Barton, Benjamin Smith. C. January 26, 1796. Barton, William. C. October 26, 1802. Bassett, Rev. John. C. .August 29, 1809. Bassett, John Spencer, R. May 9, 1912. New Haven, Conn. Washington, D. C. Northampton and Washington, D. C. Rem. December, 1849. D. January 17, 1891. San Francisco, Cal. D. March 3, 1918. Boston D. February 16, 1894. Paris, France D. February 12, 1837. Pittsfield D. October 3, 1905. Albany, N. Y. D. April 24, 1861. Roxbury D. December 11, 1872. Lowell and Chicago, 111. Rem. 1853. D. January 17, 1885. Chelsea D. December 12, 1883. Providence, R. I. D. May 28, 1886. Charlestown D. March 3, 1820. ConcorcJ R. March 12, 1857. Philadel])hia, Penn. D. December 19, 181 5. Lancaster, Penn. D. July 22, 1823. Albany, .\. V. D. 1824 Northani])lon 32 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Baxter, James Phinney. C. January lo, 1907. Bayard, Samuel. C. April 24, 181 7. Baylies, Francis. R. November 23, 1837. Baylies, William R. January 24, 1791. Beardsley, Rev, Eben Edwards. C. January 10, 1878. Beck, Theodoric Romeyne. C. May 29, 1851. Belknap, Rev. Jeremy R. January 24, 1791. Portland, Me. Princeton, N. J. D. May 12, 1840. Taunton R. March 30, 1848. Dighton R. April 27, 1815. New Haven, Conn. D. December 21, 1891. Albany, N. Y. D. November 19, 1855. Boston D. June 20, 1798. Memoir, i Coll. vi. x; portrait, i Proc. i. 116, iii. 285. Bell, Charles Henry. C. August 15, 1871. Bell, Luther V. R. April 8, 1858. Memoir, i Proc. vii. 27, portrait. Bemis, George. R. July 13, 1865. Memoir, i Proc. xvi. 112. Bentley, Rev. William. R. March 25, 1796. Memoir, i Proc. i. 320. Berrien, John Macpherson. C. October 31, 1839. BiDDLE, Richard. C. May 26, 1836. BiGELOw, Erastus Brigham. R. April 14, 1864. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 429. BiGELOw, George Tyler. Exeter, N. H. D. November 11, 1893. Charlestown D. February 11, 1862. Boston D. January 5, 1878. Salem D. December 29, 1819. Savannah, Ga. D. January i, 1856. Pittsburg, Penn. D. July 7, 1847. Boston D. December 6, 1879. Boston D. April 12, 1878. R. February 10, 1859. Memoir, 2 Proc. v. 458, portrait, front. BiGELOw, Jacob. Boston R. February 11, 1858. D. January 10, 1879. Memoir, i Proc. xvii. 383, portrait. BiGELOW, John. New York C. February 11, 1875. D. December 19, 1911. BiGELOW, Melville Madison. Cambridge R. April 12, 1900. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 33 BiGELOw, William Sturgis. R. March 14, igi8. BiGSBY, Robert. C. March 27, 1851'. BiNNEY, HOR.A.CE. H. May 9, 1861. BiXBY, William Keeney. C. December 14, 1916. Black, Henry. C. October 29, 1840. Blagden, Rev. George Washington Boston Ashby-de-la-Zouch, England D. September 27, 1873. Philadelphia, Penn. D. August 12, 1875. St. Louis, Mo. Quebec, Canada D. August 16, 1873. Boston and New York R. February 29, 1844 C. March 13, 1884. Blakeslee, George Hubbard R. March 9, 191 1. Bland, Theodoric. C. August 28, 1827. Bliss, Rev. Philip. C. March 30, 1843. Blount, William. C. October 25, 1796. Bolton, Charles Knowles. R. February 12, 1903. BoMFORD, George. C. July 30, 1840. Bond, Henry. C. September 8, 1853. Borgeaud, Charles. C. October 8, 1908. BoTTA, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo. C. October 26, 1820. BouDiNOT, Elias. C. April 29, 1813. Bourne, Edward Gaylord. C. January 9, 1902. Bovvditch, Charles Pickering. R. November 9, 1899. Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll. R. December 11, 1856. Memoir, i Proc. v. 500, portrait. Bowdoin, James. R. August 27, 1821. Memoir, 3 Coll. ix. 224. R. February 14, 1884. D. December 17, 1884. Worcester Annapolis, Md. D. November 16, 1846. Oxford, England D. November 18, 1857. Tennessee Expelled July 20, 1797. Shirley Washington, D. C. D. March 25, 1848. Philadelphia, Penn. D. May 4, 1859. Geneva, Switzerland Paris, France D. August 10, 1837. Burlington, N. J. D. October 24, 1821. New Haven, Conn. D. February 24, 1908. Boston Boston D. April 16, 1861. Boston D. March 6, 1833. 34 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. BowEN, Francis. R. December 4, 1845. Br.\dford, Alden. R. January 2, 1793. Bradford, Gamaliel. R. October 31, 1797. Memoir, 3 Coll. i. 202. Bradford, Gamaliel. R. April 28, 1825. Memoir, 3 Coll. ix. 75. Bradford, Gamaliel. R. April 10, 1878. Memoir, Proc. xlvii. 356, portrait. Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr. R. November 9, 191 1. Bradford, Rev. John. R. January 30, 1798. Memoir, i Proc. i. 382. Bradish, Luther. H. March 12, 1863. Brattle, Thomas R. AprH 25, 1797. Memoir, i Coll. viii. 82. Braybrooke, Richard Griffin Neville, Lord. Essex, England C. May 7, 1846. D. March 13, 1858. Brayton, John Summerfield. Fall River R. January 13, 1898. D. October 30, 1904. Memoir, 2 Proc. xix. 268, portrait. Brevoort, James Carson. New York C. March 10, 1859. D. December 7, 1887. Brigham, Lincoln Flagg. Salem R. May 14, 1885. D. February 27, 1895. Memoir, 2 Proc. xvi. 535, portrait. Brigham, William. Boston R. December 8, 1853. D. July 9, 1869. Memoir, i Proc. xiii. 280. Brimmer, Martin. Boston R. March 13, 1884. D. January 14, 1896. Memoir, 2 Proc. x. 586, portrait. Brodhead, John Romeyne. C. January 30, 1845. Brooks, Rev. Charles. R. May 13, 1858. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 174, portrait Cambridge R. February 14, 1878. Boston R. January 27, 1820. Boston D. March 7, 1824. Cambridge D. October 22, 1839. Grantville D. August 20, 191 1. Wellesley Roxbury D. January 27, 1825. New York D. August 30, 1863. Cambridge D. February 7, 1801. New York D. May 6, 1873. Medford D. July 7, 1872. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 35 Boston D. Januar}^ 23, 1893. Boston D. January 6, 1879. Norwood, Va. D. August 29, 1906. Halifax, Nova Scotia D. September — , 1834. Providence, R. I. D. June 10, 1874. Portland, Me. D. July 20, 1907. Providence, R. I. D. May i, 1900. London, England D. October 28, 1869. New York D. June 12, 1878. London, England Brooks, Rt. Rev. Phillips. R. March 13, 1879. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 170, portrait. Brooks, William Gray. R. April II, 1861. Memoir, i Proc. xvii. 98. Brown, Alexander. C. March 12, 1891. Brown, Rev. Andrew. C. April 30, 1793. Brown, John Carter. C. August 10, 1854. Brown, John Marshall. C. May 8, 1879. Brown, John Nicholas. C. March 8, 1894. Bruce, John. C. June 6, 1867. Bryant, William Cullen. H. February 14, 1861. Bryce, Viscount. C. September 14, 1882. H. October 8, 1896. BuciLAN, David Steuart Erskine, Earl of. Edinburgh, Scotland C. August 30, 1808. D. April 25, 1829. Buckminster, Rev. Joseph Stevens. Boston R. April 25, 1811. D. June 9, 1812. Memoir, 2 Coll. 11. 271. BuDiNGTON, Rev. Willi.^m Ives. Charlestown and Brooklyn, N. Y. R. March 30, 1848. Rem. July, 1854. C. February 9, 187 1. D. November 29, 1879. Bugbee, James McKellar. Boston R. November 9, 1882. D. February 8, 1913. Memoir, Proc. xlvi. 372, portrait. BuLFiNCH, Charles. R. October i, 1801. BuLLARD, Henry Adams. C. May 26, 1836. Bullock, Alexander Hamilton. R. December 9, 1875. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 322, portrait Burgess, Rev. Gi:orge. C. February 12, 1863. Boston D. April 15, 1844. New Orleans, La. D. Ai)ril 17, 1851. Worcester D. January 17, 1882. Gardiner, Me. I). ;\i)ril 23, 1866. 36 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Dublin, Ireland D. December 13, 1892. Portsmouth, N. H. D. March 5, 1868. Edinburgh, Scotland D. August 10, 1881. Cambridge, England Boston D. August 5, 1893. Brookline D. January 16, 1903. Quebec, Canada D. 1838. London, England D. February 4, 1881. Cambridge D. January 27, 191 5. New London, Conn, R. October — , 1886. Boston D. July 3, 1859. Quebec, Canada D. February 11, 1904. Detroit, Mich. D. June 17, 1866. New York D. December 23, 1872. Caulkins, Miss Frances Manwaring. Norwich, Conn. C. April 26, 1849. D. February 3, 1869. Chadbourne, Paul Ansel. Williamstown R. June 10, 1880. D. February 23, 1883. Memoir, 2 Proc. xviii. 448, portrait. Chadwick, French Ensor. C. March 14, 191 2. Chalmers, George. C. April 25, 1816. Chamberlain, Daniel Henry. R. February 8, 1900. Memoir, Proc. xli. 170, portrait. Burke, Sir John Bernard. C. April 9, 1874. Burroughs, Rev. Charles. C. February 24, 1842. Burton, John Hill. H. December 12, 1878. Bury, John Bagnell. C. January 9, 1908. Bynner, Edwin Lassetter. R. February 13, 1890. Memoir, 2 Proc. ix. 173, portrait. Cabot, James Elliot. R. November 8, 1877. Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 526, portrait Caldwell, Sir John. C. February 26, 1835. Carlyle, Thomas. H. February 10, 1870. Carr, Lucien. R. June 10, 1897. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 91, portrait. Carrington, Henry Beebee. C. October 13, 1881. Cary, Thomas Greaves. R. August II, 1858. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 166. Casgrain, Henry Raymond. C. February 12, 1891. Cass, Lewis. C. July 25, 1833. Catlin, George. C. September 27, 1838. Newport, R. I. London, England D. May 31, 1825. West Brookfield D. April 13, 1907. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 37 Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence. C. February 8, 191 2. Chamberlain, Mellen. R. January 9, 1873. Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 119, portrait Chandler, Peleg Whitman. R. January 25, 1844. Memoir, 3 Proc. i. 281, portrait. Channing, Edward. R. December 11, 1884. Channing, Rev. Henry. C. May 5, 1831. Chase, George Bigelow. R. November 9, 1876. Memoir, 2 Proc. xvii. 117, portrait, front. Chester, Joseph Lemuel. C. February 13, 1873. Choate, Joseph Hodges. C. December 9, 1897. Choate, Rufus. R. June 25, 1835. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 124, portrait. Circourt, Comte Adolphe de. H. November 8, i860. Clap, Elisha. R. October 29, 181 2. Memoir, i Proc. i. 438. Clarke, James. C. August 17, 1795. Clarke, Rev. James Freeman. R. March 13, 1879. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. 320, portrait, front Clarke, Rev. John R. January 26, 1796. Memoir, i Coll. vl iii. Clay, Henry. C. July 28, 1836. Clement, Edward Henry. R. February 8, 1906. Clifford, John Henry. R. October 13, 1853. Memoir, i Proc. xv. 368, portrait Clinton, De Witt. C. April 28, 1814. Brunswick, Me. D. February 24, 19x4. Chelsea D. June 25, 1900. Boston D. May 28, 1889. Cambridge New London, Conn. D. August 27, 1840. Boston D. June 2, 1902. London, England D. May 28, 1882. New York D. May 14, 1917. Boston D. July 13, 1859. Paris, France D. November 17, 1879. Boston D. October 22, 1830. Halifax, Nova Scotia D. (before 1852). Boston D. June 8, 1888. Boston D. April 2, 1798. Lexington, Ky. D. June 29, 1852. Brookline New Bedford D. January 2, 1876. New York 1). February 11, 1828. 38 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Cobb, Samuel Crocker. R. May 12, 1881. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 318, portrait. Cochran, Andrew William. C. February 22, 1838. CoDMAN, Charles Russell. R. April 13, 1893. CoDMAN, Rev. John. R. July 25, 1833. Memoir, i Proc. v. 412. Coffin, Sir Isaac C. October 31, 1822. Coffin, Joshua. R. August 28, 1827. Coffin, Peleg, Jr. R. August 13, 1792. Memoir, i Proc. i. 170. Cogswell, Rev. William. R. December 26, 1839. Coles, Edward. H. March 10, 1859. Coolidge, Archibald Cary. R. February 9, 1899. Coolidge, Joseph, Jr. R. April 25, 1811. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 209. Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson. R. May 9, 1895. Cooper, William Durrant. C. May 14, 1857. Boston D. February 18, 1891. Quebec, Canada D. after 1848. Cotuit Dorchester D. December 23, 1847. London, England D. July 23, 1839. Newbury Rem. December, 1835. Nantucket D. March 6, 1805. Boston Rem. April, 1841. Philadelphia, Penn. D. July 7, 1868. Cambridge Boston D. November 19, 1840. Manchester London, England D. December 28, 1875. Copley, John Singleton, Lord Lyndhurst. England H. February 11, 1858. D. October 12, 1863. Costa de Macedo, Joaquim Jose Da. Lisbon, Portugal D. c. 1873. Charleston, S. C. C. April 25, 1839. COURTENAY, WiLLIAM AsHMEAD. C. October 14, 1886. Cox, Jacob Dolson. C. November 8, 1894. Crapo, William Wallace. R. November 14, 1895. Creighton, Rev. Mandell. C. January 13, 1887. H. December 9, 1897. Res. December 14, 1905. Cincinnati, Ohio D. August 4, 1900. New Bedford Peterborough, England D. January 14, 1901. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 39 Crittenden, John Jordan. H. February lo, 1850. Crocker, Uriel Haskell. R. February 14, 1884. Memoir, 2 Proc. xix, 554, portrait Crowninshield, Edward Augustus. R. December 9, 1858. Memoir, i Proc. x\ti. 356. CuLLUM, George Washington. C. February 14, 1884. Cunningham, Rev. William. C. May II, 1899. Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. C. March 12, 1885. Curtis, Benjamin Robbins. R. May 8, 1873. Memoir, i Proc. xvi. 16, portrait Frankfort, Ky. D. July 26, 1863. Boston D. March 8, 1902. Boston D. February 20, 1859. New York D. February 28, 1892. Cambridge, England Richmond, Va. D. February 12, 1903. Boston D. September 15, 1874. Curtis, George Ticknor. R. September 9, 1858. C. March 9, 1865. Curtis, George William. C. September 9, 1875. CuRTius, Ernst. H. May 12, 1887. Gushing, Caleb. R. February 10, 1859. Cutler, Rev. Manasseh. R. May 29, 1792. Dalton, Charles Henry. R. June 9, 1904. Memoir, Proc. xlii. 287, portrait. Dana, Richard Henry. R. September 9, 1858. Memoir, 2 Proc. vi. 262, portrait. Dana, Richard Henry. R. June 8, 1911. Dane, Nathan. R. February 19, 1829. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 6. Daveis, Charles Stewart. C. May 10, 1855. Davis, Andrew McFarland. R. October 13, 1898. West Roxbury and New York Rem. 1862. D. March 28, 1894. West New Brighton, N. Y. D. August 31, 1892. Berlin, Germany D. July II, 1896. Newburyport D. January 2, 1879. Ipswich R. April 27, 1815. Boston D. February 23, 1908. Cambridge D. January 6, 1882. Cambridge Beverly D. February 15, 1835. Portland, Me. D. March 29, 1S65. Cambridge 40 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Davis, Daniel. R. May 29, 1792. Davis, George Thomas. R. February 11, 1858. C. February 8, 1872. Davis, Horace. C. April 9, 1903. Davis, Isaac P. R. August 24, 1830. Memoir, i Proc. xi. 94, portrait Davis, John. R. December 21, 1791. Memoir, 3 Coi. x. 186; portrait, i Proc. i. 272 Davis, Nathaniel Morton. R. July 30, 1840. Memoir, 4 Coll. iv. 492. Davis, Samuel. R. January 30, 181 2. Memoir, 3 Coll. v. 253. Davis, William Thomas. R. May 12, 1870. Dawson, Henry Barton. C. April 9, 1863. Day, Thomas. C. December 31, 1840. Dean, James. C. October 26, 183 1. Deane, Charles. R. October 25, 1849. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 45, portrait, front. Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell. Roxbury R. after 1833. Boston D. September 19, 1907. Portland, Me. R. June 26, 1834. Greenfield and Portland, Me. R. November 9, 1871. D. June 17, 1877. San Francisco, Cal. D. July 13, 1916. Boston D. January 13, 1855. Plymouth D. January 14, 1847. Plymouth D. July 29, 1848. Plymouth D. July 10, 1829. Plymouth R. May 13, 1880. Morrisania, N. Y. D. May 23, 1889. Hartford, Conn. D. March i, 1855. Burlington, Vt. D. January 20, 1849. Cambridge D. November 13, 1889. R. January 26, 1832. Denny, Henry Gardner. R. December 13, 1866, Memoir Proc. xli. 310. DeNormandie, Rev. James. R. June 9, 1898. DePeyster, Frederic. H. March 11, 1880. Derby, Elias Hasket. R. April 28, 1 801. Desaussure, Henry William C. April 25, 1797. Boston New York D. August 17, 1882. Salem R, 1801. Charleston, S. C. D. March 29, 1839. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 41 Desimoni, Cornelio. C. March 8, 1883. Devens, Charles. R. March 11, 1875. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 104, portrait DeWitt, Benjamin. C. July 18, 1799. Dexter, Aaron. R. May 29, 1792. Memoir, i Proc. i. 421. Dexter, Franklin Bowditch. C. May 8, 1879. Dexter, George. R. November 8, 1877. Memoir, 2 Proc. i. 327, portrait. Dexter, Rev. Henry Martyn. R. August 12, 1869. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 90, portrait. Dexter, Julius. C. February 10, 1881. Dexter, Rev. Morton. R. ]March 14, 1895. Memoir, Proc. xliv. 489, portrait Dicey, Albert Venn. C. April 10, 1902. Diman, Rev. Jeremiah Lewis. C. February 13, 1873. Disney, Rev. John. C. August 29, 1809. Disney, John. C. June 28, 1838. Dix, John Adams. H. January 14, 1864. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. R. May 14, 1896. Memoir, Proc. xliii. 208, portrait Donald, Rev. Elijah Winchester. Genoa, Italy. D. June 29, 1899. Worcester D. January 7, 1891. Albany, N. Y. D. September 10, 1819. Boston D. February 28, 1829. New Haven, Conn. Cambridge D. December 18, 1883. Boston D. November 13, 1890. Cincinnati, Ohio D. October 21, 1898. Boston D. October 29, 1910. Oxford, England Providence, R. I. D. February 3, 1881. The Hyde, near Ingatestone, England D. December 26, 1816. Ingatestone, England D. May 6, 1857. New York D. April 21, 1879. Brookline D. October 26, 1909. Boston D. August 6, 1904. R. May 10, 1900. Memoir, Proc. xliv. 460, portrait, front. Donaldson, Thomas. Baltimore, Md. C. November 22, 1849. ^^- October 4, 1877. Dowse, William Bradford Homer. Sherborn R. February 14, 1918. 42 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Doyle, John Andrew. C. May 12, 1887. Draper, Lyman Copeland. C. December 12, 1861. Dunbar, Charles Franklin. R. February 11, 1875. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 218, portrait. Dunn, John. C. December i, 1797. Dunning, William Archibald. C. January 12, 1905. Dupin, Francois Charles Pierre, Baron Oxford, England D. August 4, 1907. Madison, Wis. D, August 26, 1 89 1. Cambridge D, January 29, 1900. D. Killala, Ireland H. April 14, 1859. DuPonceau, Peter Stephen. C. January 29, 1818. Durfee, Job. C. October 26, 1837. DuYCKiNCK, Evert Augustus. C. December 14, 1865. D WIGHT, Theodore. C. March 27, 1834. DwiGHT, Theodore, Jr. C. March 27, 1834. DwiGHT, Rev. Timothy. C. October 31, 1797. Eames, Wilberporce. C. April II, 1907. Eaton, Cyrus. C. September 8, 1853. Ebeling, Rev. Christopher Daniel. C. October 28, 1794. Eddy, Samuel. C. August 27, 1805. Edes, Henry Herbert. R. January 12, 1911. Eliot, Rev. Andrew. C. October 30, 1798. Eliot, Charles William. R. October 9, 1873. Eliot, Ephraim. R. August 24, 1 813. Eliot, Rev. John. R. January 24, 1791. New York Paris, France D. January — , 1873. Philadelphia, Penn. D. April 2, 1844. Tiverton, R. I. D, July 26, 1847. New York D. August 13, 1878. New York D. June 12, 1846. New York D. October 16, 1866. New Haven, Conn. D. January 11, 181 7. New York Warren, Me. D. January 21, 1875. Hamburg D. June 30, 1817. Providence, R. I. D. February 2, 1839. Cambridge Fairfield, Conn. D. October 26, 1805. Cambridge Boston R. January 26, 1826. Boston D. February 14, 1813. Memoir, 2 Coll. i. 211; portrait, i Proc. i. 232. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 43 Eliot, Samuel. R. (Brookline), March lo, 1853. Rem. June 24, 1856. C. (Hartford, Conn.) October 9, 1856. R. April 20, 1865. R. (Boston) April 20, 1865. D. September 14, 1898. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 105, portrait, front. Eliot, Rev. William Greenleaf. St. Louis, Mo. D. January 23, 1887. Boston and Burley, Wash. R. December 11, 1902. Boston D. December 20, 1894. C. March 12, 1863. Ellis, Arthur Blake. R. March 9, 1882. C. January 8, 1903. Ellis, Rev. George Edward. R. October 28, 1841. Memoir, 2 Proc. x. 207, portrait, front. Emerson, George Barrell. Boston R. April 9, 1863. D. March 4, 1881. Memoir, i Proc. xx. 232, portrait. Emerson, Edward Waldo. Concord R. June 9, 1910. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Concord R. June 15, 1871. D. April 27, 1882. Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 107, portrait. Emerson, Rev. William. Boston R. July 13, 1801. Memoir, 2 Coll. i. Emerton, Ephraim. R. April 9, 1903. Endicott, William. Boston R. March 8, 1906. D. November 7, 1914. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 243, portrait.. Endicott, William Crowninshield. Salem R. April 14, 1864. D. May 6, 1900. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 523, portrait, front. Endicott, William Crowninshield. Danvers R. January 14, 191 5. 254- D. May 12, 1811. Cambridge Erskine, Rev. John. C. October 8, 1792. Erving, George William. C. October 31, 1822. Evarts, William Maxwell. H. November 9, 1876. Everett, Alexander IIii.i,. R. August 24, 1830. Edinburgh, Scotland D. January 19, 1803. New York D. July 22, 1850. New York D. February 28, 1901. Boston Rem. 1 84 1. 44 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Everett, Edward. Cambridge R. April 27, 1820. D. January 15, 1865. Memoir, 2 Proc. xvin. 91; portrait, i Proc. in. 361, vin. loi, 2 Proc. XVIII. front. Everett, William. R. March 8, 1876. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 43, portrait. Faribault, George Barthelemy. C. January 8, 1857. Cambridge D. February 16, 1910. Farmer, John. C. January 31, 1822. Farnham, John Hay. C. August 30, 1831. Felt, Rev. Joseph Barlow. R. August 24, 1830. Memoir, i Proc. xiv. 113. Felton, Cornelius Conway. R. March 13, 1856. Memoir, i Proc. x. 352, portrait. Field, Walbridge Abner. R. April 12, 1894. Memoir, 2 Proc. xix. 61, portrait. Fillmore, Millard. H. April 9, 1863. Firth, Charles Harding. C. October 10, 1901. Fisher, George Park. C. January 14, 1897. Fisher, Joshua Francis. C. October 27, 1836. FiSK, William. R. April 25, 1797. Memoir, i Coll. ix. 206. FiSKE, John. R. March 10, 1892. Memoir, Proc. xlvi. 167, portrait, front. FiSKE, Moses. White Plains, Tenn. C. October 31, 1811. D. 1843. Fitch, Rev. Ebenezer. Williamstown R. October 30, 1798. R. April 24, 1817. FiTZ, Reginald Heber. Boston R. April 10, 1913. D. September 30, 1913. Flint, Rev. Timothy. Red River, La. C. February 19, 1829. D. August 16, 1840. Quebec, Canada D. December 21, 1866. Amherst, N. H. D. August 13, 1838. Salem, Ind. D. July 10, 1833. Salem D. September 8, 1869. Cambridge D. February 26, 1862. Boston D. July 15, 1899. Buffalo, N. Y. D. March 7, 1874. Oxford, England New Haven, Conn. D. December 20, 1909. Philadelphia, Penn. D. January 21, 1873. Waltham D. August 13, 1803. Cambridge D. July 4, 1901. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 45 26. Cambridge D. November 8, 1872. New York D. March 27, 1869. Boston D. May 29, 1889. November 23, 1889. FoLSOM, Charles. R. May 9, 1861. Memoir, i Proc. xiii FoLSOM, George. C. December 29, 1836. FooTE, Rev. Henry Wilder. R. November 12, 1874. Memoir, 2 Proc. viii. 236, portrait. Forbes, Robert Bennet. R. January 10, 1861. D Memoir, 2 Proc. vi. 197, portrait. Force, Manning Ferguson. C. November 13, 1873. Force, Peter. C. August 14, 1856. Ford, Worthington Chauncey. R. (Boston) November 8, 1900. Rem. October 10, 1902 C. (Washington, D. C.) December 11, 1902. R. (Boston) February 11, 1909. FoRSTER, John. C. February 9, 1865. H. March 11, 1875. Foster, Francis Apthorp. R. May 11, 1916. Foster, Theodore. Milton Cincinnati, Ohio D. May 8, 1899. Washington, D. C. D. January 23, 1868. London, England D. February 2, 1876. Edgartown C. October 28, 1800. FOTHERGILL, AnTHONY. C. August 28, 1804. Fox, Gustavus Vasa. R. December 13, 1877. C. February 8, 1883. Francis, Rev. Convers. R. May 5, 1831. Memoir, i Proc. viii. 233. Francis, John Wakefield. C. January 27, 1814. Fraser, Charles. C. January 26, 1832. Freeman, Constant. C. April 25, 1811. Freeman, Edward Augustus. H. September 11, 1873. Freeman, Rev. James. R. January 24, 1791. Memoir, 3 Coll. v. 255; portrait, i Proc. 48. Providence, R. I. D. January 13, 1828. Bath, England D. May 11, 1813. Boston Rem. December 14, 1882. D. October 29, 1883. Watertown D. April 7, 1863. New York D. February 8, 1861. Charleston, S. C. D. October 5, i860. Washington, D. C. D. February 27, 1824. O.xford, England D. March 16, 1802. Boston D. Novcm1)cr 14, 1835. 46 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Sandwich R. October 25, 1808. New Orleans, La. D. May 30, 1877. Vienna, Austria D. March 3, 1842. Boston D. April 4, 1870. Freeman, Nathaniel. R. October 23, 1792. French, Benjamin Franklin. C. September 10, 1857. Friedrichstal, Emanuel, Ritter von. C. August 25, 1840. Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon. R. October 26, 1843. Memoir, i Proc. xi. 371, portrait. Frothingham, Rev. Octavius Brooks. Boston R. February 10, 1887. D. November 27, 1895. Memoir, 2 Proc. x. 507, portrait. Frothingham, Rev. Paul Revere. Boston R. March 12, 1915. Frothingham, Richard. Charlestown R. July 30, 1846. D. January 29, 1880. Memoir, 2 Proc. i. 381, portrait, front. Froude, James Anthony. H. April II, 1867. FuNES, Rev. Gregorio. C. October 27, 1825. Galindo, Juan. C. January 28, 1836. Gallatin, Albert. C. February 19, 1829. Gammell, William. C. July 10, 1873. Gannett, Rev. Caleb. R. October 31, 1797. Memoir, 2 Coll. viii. 277. Gardiner, Robert Hallowell. H. May 12, 1859. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. C. November 12, 1874. H. October 8, 1896. Gardner, Samuel Pickering. R. August 24, 1824. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 282. Garnett, Richard. C. December 10, 1896. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, Comte de. Geneva, Switzerland H. February 12, 1863. D. June 4, 1871. Gay, Edwin Fila.ncis. Cambridge R. December 12, 1912. London, England D. October 20, 1894. Cordova, South America D. c. 1820. Guatemala D. before i858. New York D. August 12, 1849. Providence, R. I, D. April 3, 1889. Cambridge D. April 25, 1818. Gardiner, Me. D. March 22, 1864. Oxford, England D. February 23, 1902. Boston D. December 18, 1843. London, England D. April 13, 1906. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 47 Gay, Frederick Lewis. Brookline R. January 8, 1914. D. March 3, 1916. Memoir, Proc. l. ho, portrait. GiBBS, William. Lexington R. August 30, 1836. R. March 27, 1851. Gilbert, Edward Hooker. Ware R. October 9, 1902. Gilman, Daniel Coit. Baltimore, ]\Id. C. January 10, 1901. D. October 13, 1908. GiLPix, Henry Dilwortii. Philadelphia, Penn. C. April 14, 1859. D. January 29, i860. GoDDARD, Delano Alexander. Boston R. October 8, 1874. D. January 11, 1882. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 438, portrait. GOODELL, AbNER ChENEY. Salem R. March 9, 1871. D. July 20, 1914. Memoir, Proc. lii. portrait. Goodhue, Jonathan. New York C. April 29, 1819. ] D. , 1848. Goodwin, Rev. Ezra Shaw. Sandwich R. April 25, 1822. D. Memoir, 3 Coll. v. 282. Goodwin, William Watson. R. October 14, 1886. Memoir, Proc. l. 233, portrait. Gordon, Rev. George Angier. R. February 10, 1898. Gore, Christopher. R. January 30, 1798. Memoir, 3 Coll. iii. 191; portrait, i Proc Graberg af Hemso, Jacob, Conte. C. May 27, 1841. Graham, James Duncan. C. May 30, 1844. Grahame, James. C. October 29, 1829. Grant, Robert. R. June 10, 1915. Grattan, Thomas Colley. C. December 26, 1844. Gray, Francis Galley. R. January 29, 1818. Memoir, Proc. XLvn. 529, portrait D. February 5, 1833. Cambridge D. June 16, 1912. Boston Waltham March i, 1827. I. 398, XIII. 405. Florence, Italy D. 1847. U. S. A. D. December 28, 1865. London, England D. July 3, 1842. Boston London, England D. July 4, 1864. Boston 1). December 29, 1856. 48 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Gray, Horace. Boston R. April II, 1861. D. September 15, 1902. Memoir, 2 Proc. xviii. 155, portrait. Gray, John Chipman. Boston R. December 30, 184 1. D. March 3, 1881. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. 22, portrait. Gray, John Chipman. Boston R. March 10, 1898. D. February 25, 1915. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 387, portrait, front. Gray, Russell. R. April II, 1918. Gray, William. R. May 14, 1874. Green, John Richard. C. November 9, 1876. Green, Samuel Abbott. R. January 12, i860. Greene, Albert Gorton. C. October 14, 1858. Greene, George Washington. C. February 12, 1863. Greenleaf, Simon. R. November 23, 1837. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 563. Greenough, Charles Pelham. R. April 9, 1908. Greenough, Chester Noyes. R. May 14, 1914. Greenough, William Whitwell. R. April 10, 1879. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 468, portrait. Greenslet, Ferris. R. January 13, 1916. Greenwood, Rev. Francis William Pitt Boston Boston R. October 9, 1884. London, England D. March 7, 1883. Boston Providence, R. I. D. January 4, 1868. Providence, R. I. D. February 2, 1883. Cambridge D, October 6, 1853. Brookline Cambridge Boston D. June 17, 1899. Boston Boston R. April 28, 1825. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 272. Griffin, Frederic. C. August 10, 1854. Grigsby, Hugh Blair. C. February 14, 1861. H. February 11, 1875. Gross, Charles. R. May 9, 1901. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 161, portrait. D. August 2, 1843. Montreal, Canada D. April 3, 1878. Norfolk, Va. D. April 28, 1 88 1. Cambridge D. December 3, 1909. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 49 Grote, George. H. May 14, 1863. Guild, Curtis, Jr. R. October 13, 1910. Memoir, Proc. l. 308, portrait. GuizoT, Francois Pierre Guillaume. London, England D. June 18, 1871. Boston D. April 6, 1915. France H. May 14, 1857 Hale, Rev. Edward Everett. R. January 10, 1861. Hale, George Silsbee. R. April II, 1867. Memoir, 2 Proc. xii. 483, portrait Hale, Hor.\tio. C. March 11, 1886. Hale, Nathan. R. January 27, 1820. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 270. Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. C. October 29, 1829. Hall, Rev. Edward Henry. R. December 14, 1899. Hall, Granville Stanley. R. February 13, i8g6. Hall, Hubert. C. December 14, 1905. Hall, Rev. Thomas. C. April 28, 1801. Hallam, Henry. C. May II, 1854. Halsey, Rev. Luther. C. March 30, 1837. Hanotaux, Gabriel. C. May II, 1905. Harnack, Adolf. H. June 9, 1904. Harris, Edward Doubleday. R. May 11, 1871. C. February 10, 1910. Harris, Rev. Tiiaddeus Mason. R. August 13, 1792. Memoir, 4 Coll. 11. 130. Harris, Tiiaddeus William. R. January 27, 1848. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 313. D. September 12, 1874. Boston D. June 10, 1909. Boston D. July 27, 1897. Clinton, Canada D. December 28, 1896. Boston D. February 8, 1863. Windsor, N. S. D. August 27, 1865. Cambridge D. February 22, 1912. Worcester London, England Leghorn, Italy D. London, England D. January 21, 1859. Auburn, N. Y. D. October 29, 1880. Paris, France Berlin, Germany Cambridge and New York R. December 8, 1909. Cambridge D. April 3, 1842. Cambridge J). Jaiuuiry 16, 1856. 50 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Harris, Rev. William, C. January 27, 1814. Harrison, Frederic. C. March 14, igoi. Hart, Albert Bushnell. R. January 10, 1889. Hart, Charles Henry. C. October 10, 1878. Haskins, Charles Homer. R. December 8, 1904. Hassam, John Tyler. R. November 10, 1881. New York D. October 18, 1829. London, England Cambridge Philadelphia, Penn. D. July 29, 1918. Cambridge Boston D. April 22, 1903. Haussonville, Joseph Othenin Bernard de Cleron, ViCOMTE d' C. December 8, 1881. Haven, Nathaniel Appleton, Jr. C. January 31, 1822. Haven, Samuel Foster. R. August II, 1858. Memoir, 2 Proc. i. 394, portrait Hawks, Rev. Francis Lister. C. July 26, 1838. Hay, John. C. June 14, 1900. Haynes, Henry Williamson. R. June 12, 1879. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 128, portrait Hayward, Elijah. C. August 10, 1854. Hazard, Ebenezer. C. May 29, 1792. Hazen, Charles Downer. C. May II, 1916. Hedge, Rev. Frederic Henry. R. January 14, 1858. Hedge, Levi. R. August 29, 1815. Henry, William Wirt. C. November 10, 1881. Herrick, Rev. Samuel Edward. R. March 12, 1891. Memoir, Proc. xli. 65, portrait Paris, France D. May 28, 1884. Portsmouth, N. H. D. June 3, 1826. Worcester D. September 5, 1881. New York D. September 26, 1866. Washington, D. C. D. July I, 1905. Boston D. February 16, 19x2. Colmnbus, Ohio D. September 22, 1864. Philadelphia, Penn. D. June 13, 1817. Washington, D. C. Brookline R. November 9, 1876. Cambridge R. January 25, 1827. Richmond, Va, D. December 5, 1900. Boston D. December 4, 1904. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 5 1 Hervey, Rev. Arthur Charles. Wells, England C. May 12, 1859. H. February 11, 1875. D. June 9, 1894. HiGGiNSON, Henry Lee. Boston R. February 13, 1902. HiGGiNSON, Stephen, Jr. Boston R. January 25, 1803. R. August 25, 181 2. HiGGiNSON, Thomas Wentworth. New-port, R. I., and Cambridge C. November 9, 1876. R. February 12, 1880. D. May 9, 1911. Memoir, Proc. xlvii. 348, portrait, front. Hildreth, Richard. New York C. May 13, 1858. D. July 11, 1865. Hill, Clement Hugh. Boston R. May ii, 1882. D. December 12, 1898. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiii. 130, portrait. Hill, Don Gleason. Dedham R. February 9, 1905. D. February 20, 1914. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 163, portrait. Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Boston R. March 13, 1890. D. April 27, 1895. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 188, portrait. Hill, Rev. Thoaias. Waltham, and Portland, Me. R. February 14, 1867. Rem. July, 1872. C. October 9, 1873. D. November 21, 1891. Hillard, George Stillman. Boston R. October 26, 1843. D. January 21, 1879. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 339, portrait, front. HoADLY, Charles Jeremy. Hartford, Conn. C. September 8, 1870. D. October 19, 1900. Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood. Concord R. May 12, 1864. D.January 31, 1895. Memoir, Proc. xlv. 531, portrait, front. Hoar, George Frisbie. Worcester R. November 11, 1886. D. September 30, 1904. Memoir, 2 Proc. xix. 258, portrait, front. Hoar, Samuel. Concord R. September 30, 1841. D. November 2, 1856. Memoir, i Proc. v. 367. Hodges, Rev. George. Cambridge R. May-^fi, 191 1. Hoffman, Samuel Verplanck. New York C. January 12, 191 1. 52 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY, Holland, Josiah Gilbert. R. May 13, 1858. C. November 13, 1873. HOLLINGSWORTH, ZaCHARY TaYLOR. R. April 9, 1914. Holmes, Rev. Abiel. R. April 24, 1798. Memoir, 3 Coll. vii. 270. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. R. September 10, 1857. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 47, portrait. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. R. May 14, 1891. HoLST, Hermann Eduard von. C. February 13, 1879. Holtzendorff, Joachim Wilhelm Franz Philipp, Baron von. H. October 14, 1875. Homer, Rev. Arthur. C. January 28, 1800. Homer, Rev. Jonathan. R. April 30, 1799. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 275. HoppiN, Rev. Nicholas. R. January 14, 1864. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 299. HosACK, David. C. January 27, 1814. Hosmer, James Kendall. C. October 10, 1907. Howard, Joseph Jackson. C. December 13, 1866. Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe R. November 8, 1906. Hubbard, Gilbert Harrison. C. November 18, 1796. Hudson, Charles. R. June 9, 1859. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. 28. Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, Baron von. C. October 30, 181 7. D. HUNNEWELL, JamES FrOTHINGHAM. R. January 11, 1900. D. November 11, 1910. Memoir, Proc. xlv. 571, portrait. Springfield, and New York Rem. October 14, 187 1. D. October 12, 1881. Cohasset Cambridge D. June 4, 1837. Boston D. October 7, 1894. Boston Chicago, 111. D. January 20, 1904. Munich D, February 5, 1889. Cambridge, England D. July 2, 1806. Newton D. August II, 1843. Cambridge D. March 8, 1886. New York December 22, 1835. Minneapolis, Minn. Blackheath, England D. April 18, 1902. Boston D. D. D Demerara, Guiana May II, 1803. Boston . May 4, 1881. Berlin, Germany May 6, 1859. Boston ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 53 Hunter, Rev. Joseph. C. November 17, 1842. Hutchinson, Elisha. C. April 27, 1820. Hutchinson, Rev. John. C. August 28, 1827. Irving, Washington. C. October 29, 1829. Jackson, Charles. R. August 29, 181 5. Jameson, John Franklin. C. June 9, 1898. Jarx'is, Edward. C. October 31, 1839. Jay, John. C. May 29, 1792. Jay, William. C. June 26, 1834. Jenks, Rev. Henry Fitch. R. February 10, 1881. Jenks, Rev. William. R. August 27, 1821. Memoir, i Proc. x. 106. Jenner, Edward. C. October 29, 1812. Jervis, Thomas Best. C. March 27, 1845. Johnson, Edward Francis. R. February 8, 1894. Johnson, William. C. May 28, 1805. Johnston, Alexander. C. November 11, 1886. JoMARD, Edme Francois. H. April 14, 1859. Jones, John Winter. C. December 12, 1867. Jones, Sir William. C. January 27, 1795. Joy, Michael. C. August 27, 1816. JuDD, Sylvester. R. April 27, 1848. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 184. London, England D. May 9, 1861. Birmingham, England D. June 24, 1824. Blurton, England D. April 27, 1865. Tarrytown, N. Y. D. November 28, 1859. Boston R. November 18, 1841. Providence, R. I. Louisville, Ky. D. October 31, 1884. Bedford, N. Y. D. May 17, 1829. Bedford, N. Y. D. October 14, 1858. Boston Boston D. November 13, 1866. Berkeley, England D. January 26, 1823. D. April 3, 1857. Woburn R. October 9, 1913. New York D. August II, 1834. Princeton, N. J. D. July 20, 1889. Paris, France D. September 23, 1862. London, England D. September 7, 1881. Calcutta, Bengal D. A]iril 27, 1794. Chii)pcnham, England I). July 10, 1825. Northampton 1). April 18, i860. 54 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. JussERAND, Jean Jules. C. June 13, 1907. Kellen, William Vail. R. June 13, 1907. Kennedy, John Pendleton. C. October 14, 1858. Kilbourne, Payne Kenyon. C. November 23, 1848. Kilham, Daniel. R. April 24, 1798. King, John Glen. R. June 25, 1835. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 37. King, Rufus. C. October 28, 1824. KiNGSLEY, James Luce. C. August 28, 1838. KiNNicuTT, Lincoln Newton. R. April 8, 191 5. Kirk, John Foster. C. (Berne, Switzerland) February 11, 1864. R. (Dorchester) November 9, 1865. R. November 10, 1870 C. (Philadelphia) December 8, 1870. D. September 3, 1904 Kirkland, Rev. John Thornton. R. January 26, 1796. Kittredge, George Lyman, R. March 12, 1908. Kohl, John George. C. August II, 1858. Kollock, Lemuel. C. April 25, 1797. Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebvre. H. December 10, 1863. Washington, D. C. Boston Baltimore, Md. D. August 18, 1870. Litchfield, Conn. D. July 19, 1859. Wenham R. April 29, 1830. Salem D. July 26, 1857. New York D. April 29, 1827. New Haven, Conn. D. August 31, 1852. Worcester Boston R. April 24, 1828. Cambridge Bremen D. October 28, 1878. Savannah, Ga. D. April — , 1823. Paris, France D. May 25, 1883. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert Motier, ]\Iarquis de. C. October 28, 1824. Lamson, Rev. Alvan. R. April 30, 1840. Memoir, i Proc. xi. 258, portrait. Lane, William Coolidge. R. June 10, 1909. Langdon-Elwyn, Alfred. C. May 13, 1880. Paris, France D. May 19, 1834. Dedham D. July 18, 1864. Cambridge Philadelphia, Penn. D. March 15, 1884. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 55 Lath.\m, Williams. Bridgewater R. May 12, 1859. D. November 6, 1883. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. 195, portrait. Lathrop, John. R. December 14, 1905. Memoir, Proc. xliv. 703, portrait Lavisse, Ernest. H. February 9, 1905. Lawrence, Abbott. R. December 8, 1853. Memoir, 4 Coll. iv. 495. Lawrence, Abbott. R. December 12, 1878. D. July 6, 1893 Memoir, Proc. xlii. 41, portrait, front. Boston D. August 24, 1910. Paris, France Boston D. August 18, 1855. Boston Lawrence, Amos Ad.ams. R. October 10, 1861. Memoir, 2 Proc. xii. 130, portrait. Lawrence, Rt. Rev. William. R. June 14, 1894. Lea, Henry Charles. C. October 14, 1875. H. October 9, 1902. Leckv, William Edward Hartpole. H. September 14, 1882. Lee, Henry. R. March 14, 1878. D. November 24, 1898 Memoir, 2 Proc. xix. 228, portrait. Brookline D. August 22, 1886. Cambridge Philadelphia, Penn. D. October 24, 1909. London, England D. October 22, 1903. Boston Lee, Rev. John. C. October 29, 1840. Lee, Sir Sidney. C. January 14, 1904. Lee, William. C. August 27, 1822. LeMoine, Sir James MacPherson. C. April 6, 1880. Lemon, Robert. C. September 26, 1844. Lenox, James. C. July 12, 1855. Lettsom, John Coakley. C. January 27, 1795. Lewis, Alonzo. R. August 24, 1830. D. Edinburgh, Scotland D. May 2, 1859. London, England Washington, D. C. Quebec, Canada D. February 5, 191 2. London, England D. January 3, 1867. New York. D. February 17, 1880. London, England I). November i, 181 5. Lynn R. January i, 1844. 56 A SHOR5: ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. LiEBER, Francis. C. January 14, 1858. Lincoln, Benjamin. R. July 19, 1798. Memoir, 2 Coll. iii. 2^^. Lincoln, Levi. . R. January 13, 1859. Memoir, i Proc. xi. 47, portrait. Lincoln, Solomon. R. January 30, 1845. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 381, portrait. Lincoln, Solomon. R. November 10, 1887. Memoir, Proc. xli. 279, portrait. Lincoln, Waldo. R. May 14, 1903. Lincoln, William. R. January 26, 1832. Memoir, 3 Coll. x. 225. LivERMORE, George. R. November 22, 1849. Memoir, i Proc. x. 415. Livermore, Thomas Leonard. R. January 10, 1901. Livermore, William Roscoe. R. April 8, 1897. Lodge, Henry Cabot. R. December 14, 1876. Long, John Davis. R. January 12, 1905. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. R. December 10, 1857. Memoir, 2 Proc. viii. 152, portrait. LoNGLEY, James Wilberforce. C. March 12, 1908. Lord, Arthur. R. February 9, 1882. LoRiNG, Charles Greely. R. May 9, 1861. Memoir, i Proc. xi. 263. LoRiNG, Charles Greely. R. January 13, 1887. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 355, portrait New York D. October 2, 1872. Hingham D. May 9, 1810. Worcester D. May 29, 1868. Hingham D. December i, 1881. Boston D. October 15, 1907. Worcester Worcester D. October 5, 1843. Cambridge D. August 30, 1865. Boston D. January 9, 1918. Boston Nahant Hingham D. August 28, 191 5. Cambridge D. March 24, 1882. Halifax, Nova Scotia Plymouth Boston D. October 8, 1867. Boston D. August 18, 1902. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 57 LossiNG, Benson John. C. July II, 1861. LoTHROP, Isaac. R. October 11, 1791. Memoir, 2 Coll. i. 258. LoTHROP, Rev. S.\aiuel Kirkland, R. June 8, 1854. Memoir, 2 Proc. in. 161, portrait. Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. R. April II, 1889. Memoir, Proc. xlvii. 425, portrait. LouBAT, Joseph Florimond. C. October 10, 1878. LovERiNG, Henry Morton. R. May 12, 19 10. Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. R. December 11, 1890. Lowell, Augustus. R. March 8, 1900. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 169, portrait. Lowell, Rev. Charles. R. (Boston) August 29, 1815. R. (Cambridge) July 14, 1859. Memoir, i Proc. v. 427. Lowell, Edward Jackson. R. November 13, 1884. Memoir, 2 Proc. ix. 541, portrait. Lowell, Francis CaboT; R. January 9, 1896. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 69, portrait. Lowell, James Russell. R. May 14, 1863. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 75, portrait. Lowell, John. R. January 30, 1823. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 160. Lowell, John. R. September 12, 1878. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 177, portrait. Lowell, John Amory. R. November 8, 1855. Memoir, 2 Proc. xii. 113, portrait. Lunt, Rev. William Parsons. R. Se])tcmljcr 30, 1841. Memoir, 4 Coll. iv. 508. Dover Plains, N. Y. D. June 3, 1891. Plvmouth D. July 25, 1808. Boston D. June 12, 1886. Boston D. November 2, 1913. New York Taunton D. January 21, 1918. Boston Boston D. June 22, 1900. R. January 10, 1856. D. January 20, 1861. Boston D. May 11, 1894. Boston D. March 6, 191 1. Cambridge D. August 12, 1891. Boston D. March 12, 1840. Newton D. May 14, 1897. Boston D. October 31, 1881. D. March 21, 1857. Quincy 58 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Lyman, Arthur Theodore. R. October lo, 1901. Lyman, Theodore, Jr. R. April 24, 1823. Lyman, Theodore. R. November 11, 1869. Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 147, portrait. McAllister, Matthew Hall. San Francisco, Cal. C. November 26, 1839. D. December 19, 1865. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord. London, England C. May II, 1854. D. December 28, 1859. Waltham D. October 24, 191 5. Boston R. May 30, 1836. Brookline D. September 9, 1897. McCall, Hugh. C. October 30, 181 7. McCall, Samuel Walker. R. January 13, 1910. McCleary, Samuel Foster. R. February 11, 1886. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 255, portrait MacClure, Rev. David. C. August 17, 1795. McCrady, Edward. C. May 8, 1902. MacDonald, William. C. May 9, 1912. McKean, Rev. Joseph. R. September 7, 1808. Memoir, 2 Coll. viii. 157. McKenzie, Rev. Alexander. R. December 8, 1881. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 304, portrait McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. C. March 8, 1906. McMaster, John Bach. C. February 13, 1902. Magnusen, Finn. C. December 31, 1835. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. C. May 10, 1894. H. January 10, 1907. Maitland, Frederic William. C. April 14, 1898. Major, Richard Henry. C. May 14, 1868. Savannah, Ga. D. July 9, 1824. Winchester Boston D. April 25, 1901. East Windsor, Conn. D. June 25, 1820. Charleston, S. C. D. November i, 1903. Providence, R. I. Boston D. March 17, 1818. Cambridge D. August 6, 1 914. Ann Arbor, Mich. Philadelphia, Penn. Copenhagen, Denmark D. December 24, 1847. Washington D. December i, 1914. Cambridge D. December 19, 1906. London, England D. June 25, 1891. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 59 Paris, France D. April 17, 1898. Paris, France D. May 27, 1894. New Haven, Conn. D. November 16, 1803. Marcou, Jules. C. May 13, 1869. Margry, Pierre. C. October 15, 1869. Marsh, Ebexezer Grant. C. September i, 1803. Marsh, George Perkins. C. (Rome) June 17, 1858. H. (Burlington, Vt.) February 11, 1875. D. July 23, 1882. Marshall, John. Richmond, Va. C. August 29, 1809. D. July 6, 1835. Martin, Bon Louis Henri. Paris, France H. October 10, 1878. D. December 14, 1883, 302, portrait. Mason, Rev. Charles. R. November 10, 1859. Memoir, i Proc. vii. 104, portrait Mason, Jeremiah. C. April 26, 1821. Mason, Robert Means. R. January 14, 1869. Memoir, i Proc. xviii Masson, David. C. August 15, 1871. H. March 11, 1875. Matthews, Albert. R. February 14, 1907. Matthews, Nathan. R. June 13, 1918. Mayer, Brantz. C. June 6, 1867. Mead, P2dwin Doak. R. January 11, 1906. Mease, James. C. June 26, 1834. Mellen, John. R. October 23, 1792. Memoir, i Proc. i. 420. Mendknhall, Thomas Corwin R. January 14, 1897. MiiNou, Jules de, Comte. H. April 8, 1858. Merivalk, Rkv. Charles. H. October 14, 1886. Boston D. March 23, 1862. Portsmouth, N. H. D. October 14, 1848. Boston D. March 13, 1879. Edinburgh, Scotland D. October 6, 1907. Boston Boston Baltimore, Md. D. March 21, 1879. Boston Philadelphia, Penn. D. May 15, 1846. Barnstable D. September 19, 1828. Worcester R. November 8, 1906. Paris, France D. c. 1865. Ely, England D. December 26, 1893. 6o A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Merriam, George Spring. R. June 9, 1892. Merrill, Benjamin. R. August 29, 1826. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 390. Merrill, James Gushing. R. April 27, 1820. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 561. Merriman, Roger Bigelow. R. February 11, 1904. Metcalf, Theron. R. February 14, 1861. Memoir, i Proc. xiv. 386. Meyer, Eduard. H. March 10, 1910. MiGNET, Francois Auguste Alexis H. April 12, i860. Miller, Phineas. C. August 17, 1795. Miller, Rev. Samuel. C. July 18, 1799. MiLMAN, Rev. Henry Hart. H. April II, 1861. Minns, Thomas. R. January 14, 1904. MiNOT, George Richards. R. January 24, 1791. Memoir, i Goll. viii. 86; portrait, MiNOT, Joseph Gil^fton. R. June II, 1 9 14. Minot, William. R. November 23, 1843. Memoir, i Proc. xiii. 255. Mitchell, Nahum. R. August 25, 1818. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 560. MiTCHiLL, Samuel Latham. C. January 30, 1798. MOERENHOUT, JaCOB AnTOINE. C. October 27, 1836. MoiREAu, Augusts. C. February 12, 1903. Mommsen, Theodor. H. October 14, 1880. Springfield R. November 8, 1906. Salem D. July 30, 1847. Boston D. October 4, 1853. Cambridge Boston D. November 14, 1875. Berlin, Germany Paris, France D. March 24, 1884. Savannah, Ga. D. December, 7, 1803. New York D. January 7, 1850. London. England D. September 24, 1868. Boston D. October 28, 1913. Boston D. January 2, 1802. I Proc. I. 42. Boston Boston D. June 2, 1873. Bridgewater D. August I, 1853. New York D. September 7, 1831. Los Angeles, Cal. D. July II, 1879. Paris, France Berlin, Germany D. November i, 1903. ALPH.\BETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 6l Brookline D. October 15, 1903. Paris, France Monroe, George Harris. R. April 14, 1898. Memoir, Proc. L, 30, portrait. Montmorency, Adrian de Laval C. December 31, 1835. [Anne Adrien Pierre, Due de Laval.] D. June 16, 1837. Moore, Clarence Bloomfield. C. June 10, 1909. Moore, George Foot. R. October 11, 191 1. Moore, George Henry. C. June 9, 1859. Moore, John Bassett. C. May 10, 1900. MoREAu, Cesar. C. December 31, 1835. Moreno, Manuel. C. October 27, 1825. MoRisoN, Samuel Eliot. R. November 12, 19 14. MoRLEY, Viscount. C. February 14, 1901. H. October 13, 1904. Morris, Henry. R. March 9, 1882. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. 209. Morrison, Rev. Robert. C. October 31, 1816. Morse, Rev. Jedidiah. R. January 26, 1796. Morse, John Torrey, Jr. R. January 11, 1877. Motley, John Lothrop. R. October 9, 1856. Memoir, i Proc. xvi. 404, portrait, front. Murdock, Harold. R. March 10, 1910. Neill, Rev. Edward Duffield. C. March 14, 1872. Newell, Rev. Willlxm. R. December 14, 1854. Memoir, 2 Proc. 1.72. New.vian, John. C. April 27, 1802. Cambridge New York D. May 5, 1892. New York Paris, France D. November 26, 1861. Buenos Aires D. December 18, 1857. Boston London, England Springfield D. June 4, 1888. Canton, China D. August I, 1834. Charlestown Rem. 1820. Beverly Boston D. May 29, 1877. Brookline St. Paul, Minn. D. September 26, 1893. Cambridge D. October 28, 1881. D. Salisbury, N. C. 62 A SHORT ACCOUNT OP THE SOCIETY. D. April 30, 1848. Worcester London, England D. November 14, 1873. Fairlee, Vt. D. October 31, 1828. Boston D. June 10, 1909. Boston Paris, N. Y. Nichols, Benjamin Ropes. Salem R. January 28, 1819. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 427. Nichols, Charles Lemuel. R. March 8, 191 7. Nichols, John Gough. C. April g, 1868. Niles, Nathaniel. C. January 2, 1793. Noble, John. R. March 9, 1899. Memoir, Proc. xliv. 543, portrait. NoRCROSs, Grenville Rowland. R. October 9, 1902. Norton, Rev. Asa. C. January 31, 1797. D. Norton, Charles Eliot. Cambridge R. June 14, i860. D. October 21, 1908. Memoir, Proc. xlviii. 57, portrait, front. NoTT, Rev. Eliphalet. Schenectady, N. Y. C. April 29, 1813. D. January 29, 1866. NouRSE, Henry Stedman. Lancaster R. November 14, 1889. D. November 14, 1903. Memoir, 2 Proc. xviii. 292, portrait. O'Callaghan, Edmund Burke. Albany, N. Y. C. September 10, 1857. D. May 27, 1880. Oliver, Fitch Edward. Boston R. January 13, 1876. D. December 8, 1892. Memoir, 2 Proc. viii. 474, portrait. Oliver, Frederick Scott. C. May 9, 1918. Oliver, Rev. George. C. March 30, 1843. Olney, Richard. R. May 13, 1897. Memoir, Proc. li. 203, portrait. Oman, Charles William Chadwick. C. November 10, 1910. Osgood, Rev. Samuel. New York C. July 9, 1857. D. April 14, 1880. Paige, Rev. Lucius Robinson. Cambridge R. May 30, 1844. D. September 2, 1896. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 240, portrait. London, England Exeter, England D. March 23, 1861. Boston D. April 8, 1917. Oxford, England ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 63 Paine, Nathaniel. Worcester R. March 14, 1901. D. January 14, 1917. Memoir, Proc. Li. 109, portrait. Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Boston R. February 13, 1873. D. December 5, 1889. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 39, portrait. Palfrey, John Carver. Boston R. December 11, 1902. R. December 14, 1905. Palfrey, John Gorham. Cambridge R. April 28, 1825. R. June 28, 1838. R. June 30, 1842. R. April 17, 1854. Palgrwe, Sir Francis. London, England C. July 25, 1833. D.July 6,1861. Palmer, Joseph. Boston R. January 13, 1859. D. March 3, 1871. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 224. Palmer, Rev. Stephen. Needhani R. August 27, 1816. D. October 31, 1821. Memoir, i Proc. i. 343. Paris, Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleans, Comte de. Paris, France H. December 9, 1875. D. September 8, 1894. Park, Rev. Charles Edwards. Boston R. March 9, 1916. Park, Rev. Edwards Amasa. Andover R. September 12, 1861. D. June 4, 1900. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 446, portrait. Park, Lawrence. Groton R. April 12, 191 7. Parker, Francis Edward. Boston R. February 12, 1863. D. January 18, 1886. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 247, portrait. Parker, Henry Tuke. London, England C. June 13, 1861. D. August 18, 1890. Parker, Joel. Keene, N. H., and Cambridge C. October 29, 1840. R. May 12, 1859. D. August 17, 1875. Memoir, i Proc. xiv. 172, jiortrait, Parkman, Francis. Boston R. February 26, 1852. D. November 8, 1893. Memoir, 2 Proc. viii. 520, portrait. Parsons, Ekknezer. Boston R. January 31, 1797. D. November 27, 1819. Memoir, i Proc. i. 317. 64 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Parsons, Tpieophilus. R. September 8, 1859. Parsons, Usher. C. November 24, 1836. Parton, James. C. April 12, 1866. Paulding, James Kirke. C. June 30, 1836. Paver, William. Cambridge R. May 9, 1878. Providence, R. I. D. December 19, 1868. New York D. October 17, 1891. New York D. April 6, i860. York, England D. June I, 1871. C. December 11, 1856. Peabody, Rev. Andrew Preston. C. (Portsmouth, N. H.) May 13, 1858. R. (Cambridge) February 14, 1861. D. March 10, 1893. D. Peabody, George. H. August 9, 1866. Peabody, Oliver William Bourn R. October 26, 1843. Pearson, Rev. Eliphalet. R. January 28, 1800. Pearson, Henry Greenleaf. R. April 13, 1905. Peck, William Dandridge. R. October 8, 1792. Memoir, 2 Coll. x. 161. Pedersen, Peder. C. April 30, 1829. Pemberton, Thomas. R. August 13, 1792. Memoir, i Coll. x. 190. Perkins, Augustus Thorndike. R. February 8, 1872. Memoir, 2 Proc. vii. 426, portrait Perkins, Charles Callahan. R. December 10, 1874. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 223, portrait. Perkins, James. C. May 29, 1792. R. March 25, 1796. Memoir, i Proc. i. 353. Perry, Amos. C. March 12, 1885. Perry, Rev. Arthur Latham R. May 10, 1883. London, England D. November 4, 1869. Boston Rem. August, 1845. Andover R. August 28, 1810. Boston Kittery, Me. D. October 3, 1822. Copenhagen, Denmark Boston D. July 5, 1807. Boston D. April 21, 1891. Boston D. August 25, 1886. Cape Franf ois, Hayti, and Boston D. August I, 1822. Providence, R. I. D. August 10, 1899. Williamstown R. December 8, 1904. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 65 Perry, Bliss. Cambridge R. May 11, 1905. Petigru, James Lewis. H. February 14, 1861. Phillips, John Charles. R. January 12, 1882. Memoir, 2 Proc. iv. t,^, portrait. Pickering, John. R. (Salem) January 29, 1818. R. (Boston) June 25, 1835. Memoir, 3 Coll. x. 204. Pickering, Timothy. C. April 24, 1798. Pierce, Edward Lillie. R. Alarch 9, 1893. Memoir, 2 Proc. xviii. 363, portrait. Pierce, Henry Lillie. Boston R. November 12, 1896. D. December 17, 1896. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 386, portrait. Pierce, Rev. John. Charleston, S. C. D. March 3, 1863. Boston D. March i, 1885. R. May 5, 1831. D. May 5, 1846. Philadelphia, Penn. D. January 29, 1829. Milton D. September 6, 1897. R. January 31, 1809. Memoir, 4 Coll. i. 277. Pieronnet, Thomas. C. January 28, 1800. D. Pintard, John. C. October 28, 1813. Pitkin, Timothy. C. August 25, 1812. Plumer, William. C. August 25, 1807. Poole, William Frederick. C. January 10, 1878. PoPKiN, Rev. John Snelling. R. July 13, 1801. Porter, Rev. Edward Griffin. R. April 6, 1880. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 55, portrait Preble, George Henry. R. May 11, 1882. Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 132. Prescott, William Hickling. R. July 26, 1838. Memoir, by G. Ticknor (1864), portrait. Pressense, Rev. Edmond de. Paris, France C. February 11, 1869. D. April 8, 1891. Brookline D. August 24, 1849. Demerara, Guiana New York D. June 21, 1844. Farmington, Conn. D. December 18, 1847. Epping, N. H. D. June 22, 1850. Chicago, 111. D. March i, 1894. Boston R. January 26, 1826. Lexington D. February 5, 1900. Brookline D. March i, 1885. Boston D. January 28, 1859. 66 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Price, Ezekiel. Boston R. April 30, 1793. D. July 15, 1802. Memoir, i Proc. vn. 185 n, i Coll. viii. 85. Prince, Rev. John. R. January 29, 1793. Memoir, 3 Coll. v. 271. Prothero, George Walter. C. May 9, 1907. Punchard, Rev. George. R. December 8, 1870. Memoir, I Proc. xix. 262, portrait. Putnam, Frederic Ward. R. November 9, 1882. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 482, portrait. QuiNCY, Edmund. R. December 9, 1869. Memoir, 2 Proc. xviii. 401, portrait Quincy, Josiah. R. July 26, 1796. Memoir, i Proc. ix. 83, portrait. Quincy, Josiah Phillips. R. May 11, 1865. Memoir, Proc. xlv. 338, portrait. Quint, Rev. Alonzo Hall. R. July 8, 1858. Rafn, Karl Christian. C. April 30, 1829. Ramsay, David. C. May 29, 1792. Ramsay, Ephraim. C. April 25, 1797. Ranck, George Washington. C. December 11, 1879. Rand, Arnold Augustus. R. December 13, 1906. Rand, Isaac. R. July 19, 1798. Memoir, i Proc. i. 368. Randolph, Edmund. C. October 23, 1792. Ranke, Leopold von. H. April II, 1867. Rantoul, Robert Samuel. R. February 13, 1908. Salem D. June 7, 1836. Rye, England Boston D. April 2, 1880. Cambridge D. August 14, 1915. Dedham D. May 17, 1877. Boston D. July I, 1864. Quincy D. October 31, 1910. Jamaica Plain R. December 9, 1880. Copenhagen, Denmark D. October 20, 1864. Charleston, S. C. D. May 8, 1815. Charleston, S. C. D. Lexington, Ky. D. August 2, 1901. Boston D. December 23, 1917. Boston D. December 11, 1822. Frederick County, Va. Expelled July 20, 1797. Berlin, Prussia D. May 23, 1886. Salem ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 67 Read, John Meredith. C. December 13, 1866. Rhodes, James Ford. R. December 14, 1893. Rich, Obadiah. R. ]March 5, 1805. Richards, Rev. James. C. January 26, 181 5. Riker, James. C. November 11, 1852. Ripley, Rev. Samuel. R. January 27, 1820. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 392. Rives, William Cabell. C. March 13, 1856. Rives, William Cabell. C. November 10, 1887. Rizos-Neroulos, Jakovaky. C. October 26, 1837. RoBBiNS, Rev. Chandler. Albany, N. Y. D. December 27, 1896. Cambridge Boston D. January 20, 1850. Newark, N. J. D. August 2, 1843. Harlem, N. Y. D. July 3, 1889. Waltham D. November 24, 1847. Linsey's Store, Virginia D. April 25, 1868. Richmond, Va. D. April 7, 1889. Athens, Greece D. 1850. Boston D. September 11, 1882. R. December 4, 1845. Memoir, i Proc. xx. 403, portrait, 410. RoBBiNs, James Murray. Milton R. June 14, i860. D. November 2, 1885. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 206, portrait. Robertson, Rev. John Jacob. Saugerties, N. Y. C. October 26, 1837. D. Rochambeau, Achille, Marquis de. Vendome, France C. February 12, 1874. H.. November 10, 1881. D. September 4, 1897. Rogers, John Smyth. Hartford, Conn. C. December 31, 1835. D. March 30, 1851. Romilly, Rev. Joseph. Cambridge, England C. July 8, 1852. D. August 7, 1864. Ropes, John Codman. Boston R. June 10, 1880. D. October 28, 1899. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 229, portrait. Rose, John Holland. Cambridge, England C. December 11, 1913. RosEBERY, Earl of. London, England C. October 11, 1917. RuGG, Arthur Prentice. Worcester R. May 9, 1918. ' 68 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. RuMFORD, Benjamin Thompson, Count. C. January 30, 1798. Rush, Richard. H. June 17, 1858. Russell, George Robert. R. January 8, 1857. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 280. Russell, William Goodwin. R. November 13, 1884. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 155, portrait. Sabine, Lorenzo. R. December 14, 1854. Memoir, i Proc. xvii. 371. Sainsbury, William Noel. C. April II, 1861. Salazar, Jose Maria. C. October 27, 1825. Salisbury, Stephen. R. March 11, 1858. Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 89, portrait. Salisbury, Stephen. R. November 10, 1881. Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 412, portrait Saltonstall, Leverett. R. August 27, 1816. Memoir, 3 Coll. ix. 117. Saltonstall, Leverett. R. June 17, 1858. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 337, portrait. Sampson, Rev. Ezra. C. August 26, 1802. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. R. January 8, 1903. Memoir, Proc. li. 307, portrait. Sanford, John Elliot. Auteuil, France D. August 21, 1814. Philadelphia, Penn. D. July 30, 1859. Jamaica Plain D. August 5, 1866. Boston D. February 6, 1896. Framingham D. April 14, 1877. London, England D. March 9, 1895. Colombia, S. A. D. February — , 1828. Worcester D. August 24, 1884. Worcester D. November 16, 1905. Salem D. May 8, 1845. Newton D. April 15, 1895. Hudson, N. Y. D, December 12, 1823. Concord D. February 24, 19 17. Taunton D. October 11, 1907. R. January 10, 1884 Memoir, Proc. xlii. 281, portrait, do. 43, front Sargent, Lucius Manlius. West Roxbury R. March 13, 1856. D. June 2, 1867. Memoir, i Proc. iii. 309. Sargent, Winthrop. Philadelphia, Penn. C. January 28, 1794. D. June 3, 1820. Sargent, Winthrop. Philadelphia, Penn. C. January 10, 1856. D. May 18, 1870. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 69 Savage, James. R. January 28, 1813. Memoir, i Proc. xvi. 117; portrait, i Proc 2 Proc. XX. front. SCHINAS, CONSTANTINE DeMETRIUS. Boston D. March 8, 1873. II. 192, XIV. 153, D. C. October 25, 1838. Schlegel, William. C. December 31, 1835. ScHOULER, James. R. December 9, 1897. C. February 9, 1905. ScHURZ, Carl. H. December 8, 1887. Schwab, John Christopher C. October 9, 1902. Scott, Benjamin. C. February 9, 187 1. Scott, Sir Walter. C. January 31, 1822. Scott, Winfield. H. November 14, 1861. ScuDDER, Horace Elisha. R. May 12, 1881. Memoir, 2 Proc. xvii. 142, portrait Sears, Rev. Barnas. C. July 8, 1869. H. September 9, 1875. Sears, David. R. April 27, 1848. Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 405, portrait. Sears, Rev. Edmund H.\milton. R. August 13, 1857. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 224. Seaver, Edwin Pliny. R. December 8, 1887. Memoir, Proc. li. 287, portrait. Sedgwick, Ellerv. R. December 10, 1914. Seeley, Sir John Robert. H. February 9, 1882. Senter, Isaac. C. November 18, 1796 Sewall, David. R. October 11, 1791. Memoir, i Proc. i. 389. Athens, Greece 1870. Copenhagen, Denmark Boston and Intervale, N. H. Rem. December 27, 1904. New York D. May 14, 1906. New Haven, Conn. D. January 12, 1916. Weybridge, England D. January 18, 1892. Abbotsford, Scotland D. September 21, 1832. Washington D. May 29, 1866. Cambridge D. January 11, 1902. Staunton, Va. D. July 6, 1880. Boston D. January 14, 1871. Wayland D. January 19, 1876. Newton D. December 8, 1917. Boston Cambridge D. January 13, 1895. Newport, R. I. I). December 20, 1790. York, Me. D. October 22, 1825. 70 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Sewall, Jonathan. C. February 26, 1835. Sewall, Rev. Samuel. R. January 28, 1836. Seward, William Henry. H. April 20, 1865. Seymour, Horatio. H. February 8, 1877. Shattuck, Frederick Cheever. R. November 9, 1916. Shattuck, George Otis. R. June 13, 1889. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 361, portrait. Shattuck, Lemuel. R. August 24, 1830. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 155. Shaw, Lemuel. R. May 5, 1831. Memoir, i Proc. x. 50. Shaw, Samuel Savage. R. March 12, 1903. Memoir, l. 499, portrait, front Shaw, William Smith. R. November 7, 1805. Memoir, i Proc. i. 391. Shea, John Dawson Gilmary. C. July 12, 1855. Sheldon, George. R. June 14, 1906. Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet. R. March 25, 1847. Memoir, i Proc. xiii. 389. Shurtleff, William Steele. R. November 13, 1890. Memoir, 2 Proc. xi. 234, portrait. Sibley, John Langdon. Quebec, Canada D. November 12, 1839. Burlington R. August 29, 1837. Auburn, N. Y. D. October 10, 1872. Utica, N. Y. D. February 12, 1886. Boston Boston D. February 23, 1897. Concord D. January 17, 1859. Boston D. March 30, 1861. Boston D. September 24, 1915. Boston D. April 25, 1826. New York D. February 21, 1892. Deerfield D. December 23, 1916. Boston D. October 17, 1874. Springfield D. January 14, 1896. Cambridge D. December 9, 1885. R. January i, 1846 Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 487, portrait, front. SiLLiMAN, Benjamin. New Haven, Conn. C. September 7, 1808. D. November 24, 1864. Slafter, Rev. Edmund Farwell. Boston R. October 13, 1881. D. September 22, 1906, Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 591, portrait. ALPHABETICAL LIST OP MEMBERS. 71 Sloane, William Milligan. C. May II, 191 1. Smith, Buckingh,\m. C. September 10, 1857. Smith, Charles Card. R. April II, 1867. Memoir, Proc. li. 345, portrait. Smith, Elehu Hubbard. C. December i, 1797. Smith, Erastus. C. December 31, 1835. Smith, GoLD^^^N. C. October 13, 1864. H. December 8, 1904. Smith, John Cotton. C. April 29, 1813. Smith, Jonathan. R. January- 10, 1907. Smith, Justin Harvey. R. December 14, 1911. Smith, Theodore Clarke. R. ]March 9, 1905. Smyth, Rev. Egbert Coffin. R. December 14, 1882. Memoir, Proc. xliii. 402, portrait. Snelling, Nathaniel Greenwood. R. January 29, 1818. Snow, Caleb Hopkins. R. August 29, 1826. SoMERBY, Horatio Gates. C. May 12, 1859. SouTHEY, Robert. C. April 29, 1819. Southgate, Rev. William Scott. C. December 14, 1854. Spark, Rev. Alexander. C. May 29, 1792. Sparks, Jared. R. August 29, 1826, Memoir, i Proc. x. 211, portrait Spooxer, Rev. John Jones. C. November 26, 1793. Spooner, Willl\m. R. April 26, 1796. New York St. Augustine, Fla. D. January 5, 1871. Boston D. March 20, 1918. Philadelphia, Penn. D. September 19, 1798. New Haven, Conn. D. October 8, 1878. Toronto, Canada D. June 7, 1910. Sharon, Conn. D. December 7, 1845. Clinton Boston Williamstown Andover D. April 12, 1904. Boston R. December 26, 1844. Boston R. February 26, 1835. London, England D. November 14, 1872. Keswick, England D. March 21, 1843. Scarborough, Me. D. May 21, 1899. Quebec, Canada D. Cambridge D. March 14, 1866. Martin's Brandon, Va. D. September, 1799. Boston R. May 28, 1835. 72 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Spooner, William Jones. R. April 25, 1822. Memoir, 3 Coll. i. 265. Sprague, Charles. R. February 13, 1862. Memoir, i Proc. xiv. 39, portrait. Sprague, Rev. William Buel. C. March 12, 1857. Spring, Rev. Leverett Wilson. R. February 11, 1897. Squier, Ephraim George. C. June 29, 1848. Stanhope, Philip Henry, Earl. C. February 14, 1856. Stanley, Rev. Arthur Penrhyn. H. January 14, 1869. Stanwood, Edward. R. October 8, 1903. Staples, William Read. C. April 12, i860. Stearns, Rev. William Augustus. R. February 13, 1862. Stephen, Leslie. C. January 9, 1896. Stephens, Henry Morse. C. April 9, 1908. Stephens, John Lloyd. C. September 27, 1838. Stevens, Henry. C. September 8, 1853. Stevens, John Austin. C. March 14, 1878. Stevens, Rev. William Bacon. C. July 30, 1840. Stiles, Rev. Ezra. C. October 23, 1792. Stille, Charles Janeway. C. February 11, 1869. Stimson, Frederic Jesup. R. June II, 1903. Stone, William Leete. C. January 31, 1839. Storer, Malcolm. R. June 13, 1912. Boston D. October 17, 1824. Boston D. January 22, 1875. Albany, N. Y. D. May 7, 1876. Williamstown D. December 23, 1917. Chillicothe, Ohio D. April 17, 1888. Kent, England D. December 24, 1875. London, England D. July 18, 1881. Brookline Providence, R. I. D. October 19, 1868. Amherst R. February 9, 1871. London, England D. February 22, 1904. Berkeley, Cal. New York D. October 10, 1852. London, England D. February 28, 1886. New York D. June 16, 1910. Philadelphia, Penn. D. June II, 1887. New Haven, Conn. D. May 12, 1795. Philadelphia, Penn. D. August II, 1899. Dedham New York D. August 15, 1844. Boston ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 73 Storey, Moorfield. Lincoln R. November 12, 1903. Storrs, Rev. Richard Salter. Brooklyn, N. Y. C. December 14, 1876. D. June 5, 1900. Story, Joseph. Salem R. April 25, 1816. D. September 10, 1845. Memoir, i Proc. x. 176, portrait. Story, Willl\m Wetmore. Rome, Italy C. January 14, 1869. D. October 7, 1895. Strobel, Edward Henry. Cambridge R. January 9, 1902. D. January 15, 1908. Memoir, Proc. xlix. 330, portrait. Strong, Caleb. Northampton R. July 31, 1800. D. November 7, 1819. Memoir, i Proc. i. 290, portrait. Stubbs, Rt. Rev. William. H. October 12, 1876. Sturgis, William. R. June 17, 1858. Memoir, i Proc. vii. 420. Stuyvesant, Peter Gerard C. March 30, 1837. Sullivan, James. R. January 24, 1791. Memoir, 2 Coll. i. 252; portrait, i Proc. i. front. Sullivan, John Langdon. R. April 28, 1801. Sullivan, Thomas Russell. R. April 13, 1916. Sullivan, William. R. April 29, 1800. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 150. Sumner, Charles. R. October 9, 1873. Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 538; portrait, do. xlvii. 311 Sumner, George. R. November 10, 1859. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 189 Sumner, John Osborne. R. June 13, 1901. Sumner, Wilitam Hyslop. R. December 10, 1857. Memoir, i Proc. xviii. 282 Swain, David Lowry. C. November 26, 1839. Oxford, England D. April 22, 1901. • Boston D. October 21, 1863. New York D. August 16, 1847. Boston D. December 10, 1808. Boston Rem. 1818. Boston D. June 28, 1916. Boston D. September 3, 1839. Boston D. March 11, 1874. Boston D. October 6, 1863. Boston Jamaica Plain D. October 24, 1861. Chapel Hill, N. C. D. September 3, 1868. 74 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Swift, Lindsay. Boston R. April 12, igo6. Taft, Henry Walbridge. Pittsfield R. May lo, 1894. D. September 22, 1904. Memoir, 2 Proc. xix. 390, portrait. Tappan, Rev. Benjamin. C. October 27, 1836. Taylor, Henry Osborn. C. October 14, 191 5. Tefft, Israel Keech. C. October 31, 1839. Tenney, Samuel. C. October 8, 1792. Ternaux-Compans, Henri. C. August 28, 1838. Thacher, Rev. Peter. R. January 24, 1791. Memoir, i Coll. vni. 277; portrait, i Proc. i. 150. Thayer, James Bradley. R. October 10, 1889. Thayer, Nathaniel. R. February 11, 1864. Memoir, 2 Proc. 11. 51, portrait. Thayer, William Roscoe. Augusta, Me. D. December 23, 1863. New York Savannah, Ga. D. June 30, 1862. Exeter, N. H. D. February 6, 1816. Paris, France D. December — , 1864. Boston D. December 16, 1802. Cambridge D. February 14, 1902. Boston D. March 7, 1883. R. October 11, 1894. Thiers, Louis Adolphe. H. January 14, 1869. Thomas, Benjamin Franklin. R. January 12, i860. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiv. 297, portrait. Thomas, Isalah. R. April 25, 1811. Memoir, i Proc. i. 440. Thomas, Joshua. R. October 25, 1808. Memoir, 2 Coll. x. i. Thompson, Benjamin Franklin. C. December 4, 1845. Thomson, Charles. C. May 29, 1792. Thorndike, Samuel Lothrop. R. December 12, 1901. Memoir, Proc. xlviii, 124, portrait. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. C. October 9, 1902. Cambridge Paris, France D. September 3, 1877. Jamaica Plain D. September 27, 1878. Worcester D. April 4, 1831. Plymouth D. January 10, 182 1. New York D. March 22, 1849. Philadelphia, Penn. D. August 16, 1824. Boston D. June 18, 1911. Madison, Wis. D. October 22, 1913. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 75 TiCKNOR, George. Boston R- July 25, 1833. D. January 26, 1871. jSIemoir, i Proc. xx. 384, portrait, front. TiLDEN, Joseph. R. January 30, 181 2. TOCQUEVILLE, AlEXIS ClEREL DE. H. May 14, 1857. ToppAN, Robert Noxon. R. May 11, 1899. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 480, portrait ToRREY, Henry Warren. R. March 10, 1859. D. December 14, 1893 Memoir, 2 Proc. ix. 197, portrait Trescot, William Henry. C. Februar}^' 11, 1858. Trevelyan, George Macaulay. C. April 13, 1916. Trevelyan, Sir George Otto. C. December 9, 1880. H. November 9, 1899. Trumbull, Rev. Benjamin. C. October 30, 1798. Trumbull, James Hammond. C. June 27, 1850. Trumbull, Jonathan. Boston R. April 25, 1816. Tocqueville, France D. April 16, 1859. Cambridge D. May 10, 1901. Cambridge Charleston, S. C. D. May 4, 1898. Chelsea, England London, England C. April 30, 1799. Tucker, St. George. C. August 17, 1795. Tucker, Ichabod. R. August 26, 181 7. Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. C. January 12, 1871. Tudor, Frederic. R. January 14, 1858. Tudor, William. R. January 24, 1791. Memoir, 2 Coll. viii. 285; portrait, i Proc. i. 282. Tudor, William, Jr. Boston R. April 25, 1816. D. March 9, 1830. Memoir, i Proc. i. 429, portrait, 430. Turell, Samuel. Boston R. July 30, 1793. Expelled August 27, 181 1. Turner, Frederick Jackson. C. (Madison, Wis.) April 14, 1904. R. (Cambridge) November 10, 19 10. North Haven, Conn. D. February 2, 1820. Hartford, Conn. D. August 5, 1897. Lebanon, Conn. D. August 7, 1809. Williamsburg, Va. D. November 10, 1828. Salem R. April 25, 1844. New York D, December 17, 1871. Boston D. February 6, 1864. Boston D. July 8, 1819. 76 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Turner, Sharon. C. June 25, 1835. TuTTLE, Charles Wesley. R. February 13, 1873. Memoir, 2 Proc. i. 406, portrait. TuTTLE, Julius Herbert. R. December 9, 191 5. Twisleton, Edward Turner Boyd. C. March 13, 1873. Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. C. February 11, 1909. Tyler, Rev. Moses Coit. C. February 13, 1879. Tyng, Dudley Atkins. R. April 30, 1793. Memoir, 3 Coll. 11. 280. Upham, Charles Wentworth. R. January 26, 1832. R. November 14, 1867. Memoir, i Proc. xv. 182, portrait, Upham, William Phineas. R. November 11, 1875. Memoir, Proc. xliii, 266, portrait Vallancey, Charles. C. November 7, 1805. Van Rensselaer, Stephen. C. January 31, 1797, Vapereau, Louis Gustave. C. November 8, 1877. Vaughan, John. C. August 26, 1802. Vaux, Roberts. C. October 31, 1833. Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin. C. January 27, 1820. ViDAURRE, Manuel Lorenzo. C. February 19, 1829. ViLLARI, PaSQUALE. H. December 12, 1901. Walcott, Henry Pickering. R. June II, 1891. Waldeck, Frederic de, C. September 26, 1839. Winchmore Hill, England D. February 13, 1847. Boston D. July 18, 1881. Dedham London, England D. October 5, 1874. Williamsburg, Va. Ithaca, N. Y. D. December 28, 1900. Newburyport D. August I, 1829. Salem R. May 19, 1852. D. June 15, 1875. front. Salem D. November 23, 1905. Dublin, Ireland D. August 8, 181 2. Albany, N. Y. D. January 26, 1839. Paris, France D. April 18, 1906. Philadelphia, Penn. D. March 25, 1807. Philadelphia, Penn. D. January 7, 1836. New York D. March 18, 1870. Lima, Peru D. March 9, 1841. Florence, Italy D. December 7, 1917. Cambridge Paris, France D. May 2, 1875. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 77 Boston D. January 5, 1897. Prussia D. Walker, Franxis Amasa. R. May 10, 1883. Memoir, 2 Proc. xiii. 303, portrait. Walker, Rev. James. Cambridge R. May 14, 1857. D. December 23, 1874. Memoir, 2 Proc. vi. 443, portrait, front. Wallcut, Thomas. Boston R. January 24, 1791. D. June 5, 1840. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 193; portrait (silhouette), do. i. 4. Wallenstein, Julius de. C. October 28, 1824. Walpole, Sir Spencer. C. December 8, 1904. Walsh, Robert. C. August 29, 1820. Ward, George Atkinson. C. November 17, 1842. Warden, David Bailie. C. January 28, 1830. Ware, Rev. Henry, Jr. R. January 31, 1822. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 278. Warren, Charles Henry. R. March 12, 1857. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 424. W.-^rren, John Collins. R. February 10, 1910. Warren, Winslow. R. January 9, 1873. Washburn, Charles Grenfill. R. December 11, 1913. Washburn, Emory. R. June 8, 1854. Memoir, i Proc. xvii. 23, portrait. Washburn, John Davis. R. December 14, 1882. Memoir, 2 Proc. xvii. 511, portrait Washburxe, Elihu Benjamin. H. January 12, 1882. Waters, Henry Fitz-Gilbert. R. January 9, 1890. Memoir, Proc. xlvii. 118, portrait. Waters, Rev. Thomas Franklin. R. February 12, 1914. Hartfield, England D. July 8, 1907. Philadelphia, Penn. D. February 7, 1859. New York D. September 22, 1864. Paris, France D. October 9, 1845. Boston D. September 22, 1843. Boston D. June 29, 1874. Boston Dedham Worcester Worcester D. March 18, 1877. Worcester D. April 4, 1903. Chicago, 111. D. October 22, 1887. Salem D. August 16, 1913. Ipswich 78 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Waterston, Rev. Robert Cassie. Boston R. June 9, 1859. D. February 21, 1893. Memoir, 2 Proc. viii. 292, portrait, front. Watson, Benjamin Marston. Plymouth R. February 12, 1891. D. February 19, 1896. Memoir, 2 Proc. xii. 253, portrait. Watson, Elkanah. C. c. 1821. Watson, John Fanning. C. October 26, 1831. Watson, Marston. R. April 29, 1800. Memoir, i Coll. vni. 80. Watson, Rev. Richard. C. January 31, 1804. Wayne, James Moore. C. November 26, 1839. Webb, Thomas Hopkins. R. September 28, 1848. Memoir, i Proc. xix. 336. Webster, Daniel. R. August 27, 1821. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 529. Webster, Noah. C. August 13, 1792. Webster, Redford. R. August 13, 1792. Memoir, i Proc. i. 490. Weeden, William Babcock. C. November 12, 1896. Weld, Rev. Charles Richmond. C. January 11, 1883. Welles, John. R. January 26, 1832. Memoir, 2 Proc. iii. 98. Wells, William Vincent. C. May 10, 1866. Wendell, Barrett. R. June 8, 1893. Wentworth, Sir Charles Mary. C. May 28, 1805. Wetmore, George Peabody. C. May 14, 1914. Albany, N. Y. D. December 5, 1842. Philadelphia, Penn. D. December 23, i860. Boston D. August 7, 1800. Westmoreland, England D. July 4, 1816. Savannah, Ga. D. July 5, 1867. Quincy D. August 2, 1866. Boston D. October 24, 1852. New Haven, Conn. D. May 28, 1843. Boston . D. August 31, 1833. Providence, R. I. D. March 28, 1912. Baltimore, Md. Boston D. September 25, 1855. San Francisco, Cal. D. June I, 1876. Boston Halifax, N. S. D. April 10, 1844. Newport, R. I. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 79 Wetmore, William. R. August 13, 1792. Wheatland, Henry. R. January 27, 1848. Memoir, 2 Proc. ix. 276, portrait Wheelock, John. C. August 25, 1807. White, Andrew Dickson. C. September 11, 1879. H. March 9, 191 1. White, Daniel Appleton. R. May 26, 1836. Memoir, i Proc. vi. 262, portrait. Whitmore, William Henry. R. February 12, 1863. Memoir, 2 Proc. xv. 96, portrait. Whitney, Henry Austin. R. March 11, 1858. Memoir, 2 Proc. v. 424, portrait. Whitney, Rev. Peter. R. August 28, 1804. Memoir, 2 Coll. vii. 177. WiLBERFORCE, ReV. SaMUEL. C. August 9, 1855. WiLLARD, Joseph. R. February 19, 1829. Memoir, i Proc. ix. 276. Williams, John. R. October 30, 1798. Memoir, i Proc. i. 260. Vv^iLLiAMS, Jonathan. C. October 27, 1807. Williams, Samuel. C. October 30, 1823. Williams, William Trumbull. C. April 30, 1818. Williamson, Hugh. C. August 17, 1795. Williamson, Joseph. C. March 11, 1897. Williamson, Willia.m Durkee. C. November 24, 1836. Willis, William. C. May II, 1854. Boston R. August 29, 1815. Salem D. February 27, 1893. Hanover, N. H. D. April 4, 1817. Ithaca, N. Y. Salem D. March 30, 1861. Boston D. June 14, 1900. Boston D. February 21, 1889. Northborough D. February 29, 1816. Sussex, England D. July 19, 1873. Lancaster D. May 12, 1865. Deerfield D. July 27, 1816. Philadelphia, Penn. D. May 16, 181 5. London, England D. September 19, 1853. Lebanon, Conn. D. December 16, 1839. Edenton, N. C. D. May 22, 1819. Belfast, Me. D. December 4, 1902. Bangor, Me. D. May 27, 184O. Portland, Me. D. February 17, 1S70. 8o A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. Willis, Rev. Zephaniah. Kingston R. April 28, 1 801. R. April 27, 181 5. Wilson, Woodrow. Princeton, N. J. C. February 11, 1897. WiNSHip, George Parker. C. (Providence, R. I.), March 9, 1905. R. (Cambridge), October 14, 1915. WiNSOR, Justin. Boston R. June 14, 1877. D. October 22, 1897. Memoir, 2 Proc. xii. 457, portrait, front. WiNTHROP, Adam. New Orleans, La. C. April 27, 1826. D. November 25, 1846. WiNTHROP, Beekman. New York C. June 14, 1906. WiNTHROP, Benjamin Robert. New York C. February 10, 1859. D. July 26, 1879. WiNTHROP, Francis Bayard. New Haven, Conn. C. October 29, 1835. D. March 21, 1841. WiNTHROP, Frederic. Hamilton R. January 9, 1908. WiNTHROP, James. Cambridge R. January 24, 1791. D. September 26, 1821. Memoir, 2 Coll. x. 77; portrait, i Proc. i. 338. WiNTHROP, John. New Orleans, La. C. October 25, 1838. D. March 12, 1886. WiNTHROP, Robert Charles. Boston R. October 31, 1839. D. November 16, 1894. Memoir, by R. C. Winthrop, Jr., Boston (1897). WiNTHROP, Robert Charles, Jr. Boston R. May 8, 1879. D. June 5, 1905. Memoir, 2 Proc. xx. 178, portrait. WiNTHROP, Thomas Lindall. Boston R. October 28, 1800. D. February 22, 1841. Memoir, 4 Coll. 11. 202; portrait, i Proc. 11. 2. WiNTHROP, William. Cambridge R. January 27, 1820. D. February 5, 1825. Memoir, i Proc. i. 383. WiNTHROP, William. Valetta, Malta C. May 9, 1861. D. July 3, 1869. WiSNER, Rev. Benjamin Blydenburg. Boston R. May 5, 1831. D. February 9, 1835. Memoir, i Proc. 11. 4. Wistar, Caspar. Philadelphia, Penn. C. July 18, 1799. D. January 22, 1818. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS. 8 1 WoLCOTT, Oliver. New York C. November i8, 1796. D. June i, 1833. WoLCOTT, Roger. Boston R. April 10, 1884. D. December 21, 1900. Memoir, 2 Proc. xviii. 86, portrait. Woodbury, Levi. Portsmouth, N. H. C. July 28, 1836. D. September 4, 185 1. Woods, Henry Ernest. Boston R. October 8, 1908. Woods, Rev. Leonard. Brunswick, Me. C. November 14, 1861. H. March 11, 1875. D. December 24, 1878. Woolsey, Rev. Theodore Dwight. New Haven, Conn. C. September 12, 1867. H. Februar>' 11, 1875. D- J^^Y ^' ^^^9- Worcester, Joseph Emerson. Cambridge R. April 26, 1827. D. October 27, 1865. ^Memoir, i Proc. xvni. 169, portrait. Wyman, Jeffries. Cambridge R. July 9, 1868. D. September 4, 1874. Memoir, i Proc. xiv. 4. Yates, John Van Ness. Albany, N. Y. C. August 29, 1820. D. January 10, 1839. Young, Rev. Alexander. Boston R. June 25, 1835. D. March 16, 1854. Memoir, 4 Coll. 11. 241. Young, Rev. Edward James. Cambridge R. June 13, 1878. D. June 23, 1906. Memoir, Proc. xliv. 529, portrait. 82 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS. [Those with * prefixed have died, and those with f ceased to be members, by resigna- tion, removal from the State, or otherwise. The place of residence given is that where the member hved at the time of his election.] DATE OF ELECTION. 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 II II 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1791, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1793, 1793, 1793, 1793, 1793, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1798, January January January January January January January January January January October October December 21 May May May August August August August August October October October January January April April July January January January March March April July January April April October October January January April April April July July 2g 29 29 13 13 13 13 13 8 23 23 . 2 29 30 30 30 26 26 26 25 25 26 26 31 25 25 31 31 30 30 24 24 24 19 19 NAME. RESIDENCE. *Rev. Jeremy Belknap, D.D Boston *Rev. John EUot, D.D . Boston *Rev. James Freeman, D.D. Boston *Hon. James SulHvan, LL.D . Boston *Rev. Peter Thacher, D.D. . Boston *Hon. William Tudor, A.M. Boston *Thomas Wallcut, Esq. . . . Boston *Hon. James Winthrop. LL.D. Cambridge *tHon. William Baylies, M.D Dighton *Hon. George Richards Minot, A.M. Boston *Hon. David Sewall, LL.D York, Maine *Isaac Lothrop, Esq . Plymouth *Hon. John Davis, LL.D Plymouth *tRev. Manasseh Cutler, LL.D Ipswich *Aaron Dexter, M.D Boston *tHon. Daniel Davis, A.M Portland *Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, D.D . Cambridge *Thomas Pemberton, Esq Boston *tWilliam Wetmore, A.M . Boston *Redford Webster, Esq . Boston *Hon. Peleg Coffin Nantucket *William Dandridge Peck, A.M Kittery *John Mellen, A.M Barnstable *tHon. Nathaniel Freeman Sandwich *tHon. Alden Bradford, LL.D Boston *Rev. John Prince, LL.D Salem *Hon. Dudley Atkins Tyng, LL.D Nev/buryport *Ezekiel Price, Esq Boston *tSamuel Turell Boston *tRev. John Thornton Kirkland, LL.D Boston *tRev. Jedidiah Morse, D.D Charlestown *Rev. John Clarke, D.D Boston *Rev. William Bentley, D.D Salem *James Perkins, Esq Boston *tHon. William Spooner, M.D Boston *Hon. Josiah Quincy, LL.D Boston *Ebenezer Parsons, Esq Boston *Thomas Brattle, A.M Cambridge ♦William Fisk, A.B Waltham *Gamahel Bradford, A.M Boston *Rev. Caleb Gannett, A.M Cambridge *Hon. Christopher Gore, LL.D Waltham *Rev. John Bradford, A.M Roxbury *tHon. Daniel Kilham, A.M Wenham *Rev. Abiel Holmes, LL.D Cambridge *Hon. Josiah Bartlett, M.D Charlestown *Hon. Benjamin Lincoln, A.M Hingham *Isaac Rand, M.D Boston CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS. 83 DATE OF ELECTION. NAME. RESIDENCE. 1798 October .so 1798 October .so 1799 .April .so 1799 October 20 1800 January 28 1800 April 20 1800 .\pril 2Q 1800 Julv .SI 1800 Julv ■SI 1800 October 28 1801 .\pril 28 1801 April 28 1801 April 28 1801 July 13 1801 Julv l.S 1801 October I 1802 April 27 1803 January 2,S 1804 .\uc;ust 28 1805 March s 1805 November 7 1808 September 7 1808 September 7 1808 October 2,S 1809 Januarj' .SI 1811 April 2.'? 1811 April 2.'; 1811 April 2$ 1812 January -SO 1812 January .so 1812 October 20 1813 January 28 1813 .\ugust 24 1815 .\ufrust 2Q 1815 .Vugust 20 1815 .\ugust 2Q 1816 April 2,S 1816 April 2 a 1816 .XuKUSt 27 1816 .Vugust 27 1817 .August 26 1818 January 29 1818 January 29 1818 January 29 1818 .August 2.S 1819 January 28 1820 January 27 1820 January 27 1820 January 27 1820 April 27 1820 April 27 1821 -August 27 1821 .August 27 1821 .August 27 1822 January .SI 1822 April 2,'> 1822 .\pril 2.S 1823 January SO 1823 April 24 1824 .August 24 1825 April 28 1825 April 28 1825 \|)ril 28 1826 •August 29 1826 .August 2Q 1826 .August 29 1827 April 26 *tRey. Ebenezer Fitch, D.D Williamstown *John Williams, A.M Deerfield *Rev. Jonathan Homer, D.D Newton *tRev. John Allyn, D.D Duxbury *tRev. Eliphalet Pearson, LL.D Andover *Marston Watson, Esq Boston *Hon. William Sullivan, LL.D Boston *Hon. John .Adams, LL.D Quincy *Hon. Caleb Strong, LL.D Northampton *Hon. Thomas Lindall Winthrop, LL.D. . . . Boston *tJohn Langdon Sullivan, ]\LD Boston Elias Hasket Derby, Esq Salem *tRev. Zephaniah Willis, A.M Kingston *Rev. William Emerson, A.M Boston *tRey. John Snelling Popkin, D.D Boston *Charies Bulfinch, A.M Boston *Hon. John Quincy .Adams, LL.D Boston *tStephen Higginson, Jr., Esq Boston *Rev. Peter Whitney, A.M Northborough *Obadiah Rich, Esq Boston *William Smith Shaw, A.M Boston *Rev. Joseph McKean, LL.D Boston *Hon. Joseph .Allen Worcester *Hon. Joshua Thomas, A.M Plymouth *Rev. John Pierce, D.D BrookUne *Joseph Coolidge, Jr., Esq Boston *Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster, A.M. . . . Boston *Isaiah Thomas, LL.D Worcester *Samuel Davis, .A.M Plymouth *tJoseph Tilden, .A.M Boston *Elisha Clap, A.M Boston *Hon. James Savage, LL.D Boston *tEphraim Eliot, A.M Boston *tRev. Charles Lowell, D.D Boston *tHon. Charles Jackson, LL.D Boston *tLevi Hedge, LL.D Cambridge *William Tudor, Jr., A.M Boston *Hon. Joseph Story, LL.D Salem *Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, LL.D Salem *Rev. Stephen Palmer, A.M Needham *tIchabod Tucker, A.M Salem *Hon. Francis Calley Gray, LL.D Boston *tHon. John Pickering, LL.D Salem *tNathaniel Greenwood Snelling, Esq Boston *Hon. Nahum Mitchell, .A.M Bridgewater *Benjamin Ropes Nichols, A.M Salem *Hon. William Winthrop, .A.M Cambridge *Hon. Nathan Hale, LL.D Boston *Rev. Samuel Ripley, A.M Waltham *Hon. Edward Everett, LL.D Cambridge *Hon. James Cushing Merrill, A.M Boston *Hon. Daniel Webster. LL.D Boston *Rev. William Jenks, LL.D Boston *James Bowdoin, A.M Boston *Rev. Henry Ware, Jr., D.D Boston *William Jones Spooner, A.M Boston *Rev. Ezra Shaw Gooflwin, A.M Sandwich *IIon. John Lowell, LL.D Boston *tHon. Theodore Lyman, Jr., A.M Boston 'Samuel Pickering Gardner, A.M Boston 'Gamaliel liradford, M.I) Cambridge *Rev. Francis William Pitt Greenwood, D.D.. . Boston *tHon. John (iorham Palfrey, LL.D Cambridge *tCalel) Hopkins Snow, M.I). Boston *Jare' I'ebruary I'ebruary April April Mav May September 10 14 14 II II II II 8 DATE OF ELECTION. 1853, 1853, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1854, 1855, 1855. 1855. 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1857, 1857. 1857, 1857, 1857, 1857, 1857, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858. 1858, 1858, 1858. 1858. 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858. 1858, 1858. 1858, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1861, 1861, 1861, 1861, 1861. 1861, 1861, 1861. 1861, 13 13 17 17 8 8 II II 9 9 9 13 13 10 10 10 12 12 9 9 14 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 8 10 10 14 14 J I 1 1 9 9 12 N.^ilE. RESIDENCE. *Hon. William Brigham, A.M Boston *Hon. Abbott Lawrence, LL.D Boston *Hon. Emory Washburn, LL.D Worcester *Rev. Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, LL.D Boston *Rev. WilUam Newell, D.D Cambridge *Hon. Lorenzo Sabine, A.M Framingham *Col. Thomas Aspinwall, A.M Boston *Rev. John Stetson Barry, A.M Roxbury *John Amory Lowell, LL.D Boston *Lucius Manlius Sargent, A.M West Ro.xburj- *CorneIius Conway Felton, LL.D Cambridge *Hon. John Lothrop Motley, LL.D Boston *Nathaniel Ingersoll Bow^ditch, A.M Boston *George Robert Russell, LL.D Jamaica Plain *Hon. Charles Henrj' Warren, A.M Boston *Rev. James Walker, LL.D Cambridge *Rev. Edmund Hamilton Sears, D.D Wayland *OUver Wendell Hohnes, LL.D Boston *Hon. WilUam Hyslop Sumner, A.M Jamaica Plain *Henr>' Wadsworth Longfellow, LL.D Cambridge *Frederic Tudor, Esq Boston *tRev. Frederic Henry Hedge, D,D Brookline *Jacob Bigelow, LL.D Boston *tHon. George Thomas Davis, LL.B. Greenfield *Hon. Stephen Sahsburj-, LL.D. . . . Worcester *Henrj- Austin Whitney, A.M. . . ... Boston *Hon. Luther V. Bell, LL.D Chariestown *Rev. William Stoodley Bartlet, A.M Chelsea *tJosiah (}ilbert Holland, M.D Springfield *Rev. Charles Brooks, A.M Medford *Hon. William Sturgis . . Boston *Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, A.M. ... Newton *Hon. William Appleton Boston *tRev. Alonzo Hall Quint, D.D Jamaica Plain *Hon. Thomas Greaves Cary, A.M Boston *Samuel Foster Haven, LL.D Worcester *tGeorge Ticknor Curtis, .\.M West Roxbury *Hon. Richard Henry Dana, LL.D Cambridge *Edward .\ugustus Crowninshield, A.M Boston *Hon. Lexi Lincoln, LL.D Worcester •Joseph Palmer, ^LD Boston *Hon. George Tyler Bigelow, LL.D Boston *Hon. Caleb Gushing, LL.D Newbur>port *Henry Warren Torrey, LL.D Cambridge *Hon. Joel Parker, LL.D Cambridge *Williams Latham, A.B Bridgewater *Hon. Charles Hudson, A.M Lexington *Rev. Robert Cassie Waterston, A.M Boston *tRev. Charles Lowell, D.D Cambridge *tHon. Theophilus Parsons, LL.D Cambridge *Thomas Colhn ;\mory, A.M Boston *George Sumner, Esq Boston ♦Rev. Charles Mason, D.D Boston *Hon. Benjamin Franklin Thomas, LL.D. . . . Jamaica Plain Hon. Samuel Abbott Green. LL.D Boston *Hon. James Murray Kobbins Milton *Charles Eliot Norton, D.C.L •. . Cambridge *Hon. John James Babson Gloucester *Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D.D. . Boston ♦Robert Bennet Forbes, Esq. . Milton *Rev. .Andrew Preston Peabody, D.I). Ciimbridge ♦Hon. Theron .Metcalf, LL.D. . Boslon ♦William (iray Brooks, Esq. . . Hd^tuii ♦Hon. Horace Gray, LL.D nnstim ♦Hon. Charles (ireely Loring, LL.D. Busidii ♦Charles P'olsom, A.M (■:inil)ri(igi- ♦Rev. Edwards .\masa Park, LL.D. .\iidover 86 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. DATE OF ELECTION. 1861, October lo 1862, February 13 1862, February 13 1863, February 12 1863, February 1 2 1863, .\pril Q 1863, May 14 1864, Januarj' 14 1864, February 11 1864, April 14 1864, April 14 1864, May 12 1864, December 8 1865, April 20 1865, May 1 1 1865, July 13 1865, November 9 1866, February 8 1866, December 13 1867, February 14 1867, April II 1867, April 1 1 1867, November 14 1868, July 9 1869, January 14 1869, January 14 1869, May 13 1869, August 12 1869, November 1 1 1869, December 9 1870, May 12 1870, December 8 1871, March 9 1871, April 13 1871, May 11 1871, June 15 1872, February 8 1873, January 9 1873, January 9 1873, February 13 1873, February 13 1873, May 8 1873, October 9 1873, October 9 1874, May 14 1874, October 8 1874, November 12 1874, December 10 1875, February 1 1 1875, March 11 1875, April IS 1875, November 1 1 1875, December 9 1876, January 13 1876, March 8 1876, November 9 1876, December 14 1877, January 1 1 1877, June 14 1877, November 8 1877, November 8 1877, December 13 1878, March 14 1878, April 10 1878, June 13 1878, September 12 1878, December 1 2 NAME. *.\mos Adams Lawrence, A.M *tK.ev. William Augustus Stearns, LL.D. . . *Charles Sprague, A.M *Hon. Francis Edward Parker, LL.B. *William Henry Whitmore, A.M *George Barrell Emerson, LL.D *Hon. James Russell Lowell, LL.D *Rev. Nicholas Hoppin, D.D. *Nathaniel Thayer, A.M *Erastus Brigham Bigelow, LL.D *Hon. William Crowninshield Endicott, LL.D. *Hon. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, LL.D. . . . *Hon. Seth Ames, A.M *tSamuel Eliot, LL.D . *Josiah Phillips Quincy, A.M. *George Bemis, LL.B *tJohn Foster Kirk, LL.D *Hon. John Albion .A.ndrew, LL.D *Henry Gardner Denny, A.M *tRev. Thomas Hill, LL.D *Charles Card Smith, A.M *George Silsbee Hale, A.M *tHon.CharlesWentworthUpham, .A.M. . . . *Jefifries Wyman, M.D *John Appleton, M.D *Robert Means Mason, Esq. . . . *William Sumner Appleton, A.M. *Rev. Henry Martyn Dexter, LL.D. *Hon. Theodore Lyman, LL.D. *Edmund Quincy, A.M *tHon. William Thomas Davis, A.B. *Rev. George Punchard, A.M *Abner Cheney Goodell, A.M. *WilUam Amory, .A.M tEdward Doubleday Harris, Esq. *Ralph Waldo Emerson, LL.D. *Augustus Thorndike Perkins, .\.M . *Hon. Mellen Chamberlain, LL.D. Hon. Winslow Warren, LL.B. . *Francis Winthrop Palfrey, A.M *Charies Wesley Tuttle, Ph.D *Hon. Benjamin Robbins Curtis, LL.D. *Hon. Charles Sumner, LL.D Charles W^ilHam Eliot, LL.D nWiUiam Gray, A.M *Delano Alexander Goddard, .A.M. *Rev. Henry Wilder Foote, A.i\] . *CharIes Callahan Perkins, A.M. *Charles Franklin Dunbar, LL.D *Hon. Charles Devens, LL.D *Charles Francis Adams, LL.D *William Phineas Upham, A.B *Hon. -Alexander Hamilton Bullock, LL.D. *Fitch Edward OUver, M.D *Hon. William Everett, LL.D *George Bigelow Chase, A.M Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, LL.D John Torrey Morse, Jr., .A.B *Justin Winsor, LL.D *James Elliot Cabot, LL.D. ... *George Dexter, A.M *tHon. Gustavus Vasa Fox *Henry Lee, A.M *Gamaliel Bradford, A.B *Rev. Edward James Young, D.D *Hon. John Lowell, LL.D *Abbott Lawrence, A.M RESIDENCE. Brookline Amherst Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Salem Concord Boston Boston Quincy Boston Dorchester Boston Boston Waltham Boston Boston Salem Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Boston Brookline Dedham Plymouth Boston Salem Boston Cambridge Concord Boston Chelsea Dedham Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Worcester Quincy Salem Worcester Boston Cambridge Boston Boston Beverly Boston Brookline Cambridge Boston Boston Grantville Cambridge Newton Boston CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS. 87 DATE OF ELECTION. 1879 March 13 1879 March 13 1879 April 10 1879 May 8 1879 June 12 1880 February 12 1880 April 6 1880 June 10 1880 June 10 1881 February 10 1881 May 12 1881 May 12 1881 October 13 1881 November 10 1881 November 10 1881 December 8 1882 January 12 1882 February 9 1882 March 1882 March 9 1882 Mav II 1882 May II 1882 November 9 1882 November 9 1882, December 14 1882, December 14 lf^H^, May 10 1883, May 10 1884, January 10 1884. February 14 1884, March 13 1884, April 10 1884, November 13 1884, November 13 1884, December 1 1 1885, May 14 1885, June II 1886, February 1 1 1886, October 14 1886. November II 1886. I )ecember 9 1887, January 13 1887, February 10 1887, November 10 1887, December 8 1889, January 10 1889, .\pril II 1889, June 13 1889, October 10 1889, November 14 1890, January 9 1890, I-ebruary 13 1890, March 13 1890, -Vovember 13 1890. December II 1891, February 12 1891, March 12 1891, .May 14 1891, June 1 1 1892, .March 10 1892, June 9 1893, .March 9 1893, .\pril 13 1893, June 8 1893, 1 )ecembcr M 1894. I'ebruary 8 1894, .\l)ril 12 N.A.ME. *Rev. James Freeman Clarke, D.D. . . *Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks, D.D. . . . *\Villiam Whitwell Greenough, A.B. *Robert Charles Winthrop, Jr., .A..M. *Henr>- WiUiamson Haynes, A.M.. . . *Thomas Wentworth Higginson, LL.D. *Rev. Edward Griffin Porter, A.M. . . *John Codman Ropes, LL.D *Hon. Paul Ansel Chadbourne, LL.D. . Rev. Henry Fitch Jenks, .\.M. . . *Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb . . *Horace Elisha Scudder, Litt.D. . . *Rev. Edmund Farwell Slafter, D.D. . *Hon. Stephen Salisbury, A.M *John Tyler Hassam, A.M *Rev. Alexander McKenzie, D.D. *John Charles Phillips, A.B. . . Arthur Lord, .A.B t.\rthur Blake Ellis, LL.B. . *Hon. Henry Morris, LL.D *Clement Hugh Hill, A.M. . *Rear-.\dmiral George Henry Preble *Frederic Ward Putnam, S.D. . . *James McKellar Bugbee, Esq. . . *Hon. John Davis Washburn, LL.B *Rev. Egbert Coffin Smyth, D.D. *Francis .Amasa Walker, LL.D. *tRev. Arthur Latham Perry, LL.D. *Hon. John Elliot Sanford, LL.D. ♦Uriel Haskell Crocker, LL.B. . *Hon. Martin Brimmer, A.B. *Hon. Roger Wolcott, LL.D. . . . *William Goodwin Russell, LL.D. *Edvvard Jackson Lowell, .\.M. Edward Channing, Ph.D *Hon. Lincoln Flagg Brigham, LL.D *Edward Bangs, LL.B *Samuel Foster McCleary, A.M. . *William Watson Goodwin, D.C.L *Hon. George Frisbie Hoar, LL.D. *Rev. .Alexander \'iets Griswold Allen, D.D *Charles Greely Loring, A.M. *Rev. Octavius Brooks Frothingham *Solomon Lincoln. .\.M *Edwin Pliny Seaver, A.M. . . Albert Bushnell Hart, LL.D. . . *Thomton Kirkland Lothrop, LL.B. *George Otis Shattuck, LL.B. . . *James Bradley Thayer, LL.D. *Hon. Henry Stedman Nourse, A.M *Henry Fitz-Gilbcrt Waters, .A.M. *Edwin Lassetter Bynncr, LL.B. . ♦Hamilton Andrews Hill, LL.D. . ♦Hon. William Steele Shurtleff, A.M Abbott Lawrence Lowell, LL.D. . ♦Benjamin Marston Watson. A.B. ♦Rev. Samuel Edward Merrick, D.D Hon. Oliver Wendell Holmes, LL.D. Henry Pickering Walcott, LL.D. ♦John Fiske, LL.D tGeorge Spring Merriam, .A.M. ♦Edward Lillic I'ierce. LL.D. Hon. Charles Russell Codman, LI. Barrett Wendell, A.B James T'oni Rhodes, LL.D. tHon. Kdward Francis Johnson. LI •Hon. Walbridge Abner Field, LL.D A.M ,H. .B. RESIDENCE. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Lexington Boston Williamstown Boston Boston Cambridge Boston W'orcester Boston Cambridge Boston Plymouth Boston Springfield Boston Brookline Cambridge Boston Worcester .Andover Boston \\"illiamstown Taunton Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Salem Boston Boston Cambridge Worcester Cambridge Boston Boston Boston Newton Cambridge Boston Boston Cambridge Lancaster Salem Boston Boston Springfield l?c>sti)n I'lymouth Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Springfield Milton Cotuit Boston Cambridge Wohurn lioston 88 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. DATE OF ELECTION. 1894, May lO 1894, June 14 1894, October II 1895, March 14 1895. May Q 1895, November 14 1896, January Q 1896, Februa.v I.S 1896, March 12 1896, April 1896, May 14 1896, November 12 1897, January 14 1897, February II 1897, April 8 1897, IMay i,^ 1897, June lO 1897, December 1898, January 13 1898, February 10 1898, March lO 1898, April 14 1898, June Q 1898, October 1,1 1899, February Q 1899, March Q 1899, May II 1899, November Q 1899, December 14 1900, January II 1900, February 8 1900, March 8 1900, April 12 1900, May lO 1900, November 8 1901, January lO 1901, March 14 1901, May 1901, June i.^ 1901, October lO 1901, December 12 1902, January 1902, February I.S 1902, April lO 1902, October Q 1902, October 1902, December II 1903, January 8 1903, February 12 1903, March 12 1903, April 1903, May 14 1903, June II 1903, October 8 1903, November 12 1904, January 14 1904, February II 1904, June 1904, December 8 1905, January 12 1905, February 1905, March 1905, April i.S 1905, May II 1905, December 14 1906, January II 1906, February 8 NAME. RESIDENCE. * Henry Walbridge Taft, A.M Pittsfield Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D Cambridge William Roscoe Thayer, A.M Cambridge *Rev. Morton Dextei, A.M Boston Hon. Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, LL.D. . . . Manchester Hon. William Wallace Crapo. LL.D New Bedford *Hon. Francis Cabot Lowell. A.B Boston Granville Stanley Hall, LL.D Worcester *tAlexander Agassiz, LL.D Camb idge *Hon. James Madison Barker, LL.D Pittsfield *Col. Theodore Ayrault Dodge Brookline *Hon. Henry LiUie Pierce Boston fThomas Corwin Mendenhall, LL.D Worcester *Rev. Leverett Wilson Spring, D.D Williamstown Col. William Roscoe Livermore Boston *Hon. Richard Olney, LL.D Boston *Lucien Carr, A.M Cambridge t James Schouler LL.D Boston *Hon. John Summerfield Brayton, LL.D. . . . Fall River Rev. George Angier Gordon, D.D Boston *John Chipman Gray, LL.D Boston *Hon. George Harris Monroe Brookline Rev. James DeNormandie, D.D Boston Andrew McFarland Davis, A.M Cambridge Archibald Cary Coolidge, Ph.D Cambridge *John Noble, LL.D Boston *Robert Noxon Toppan, LL.B Cambridge Charies Pickering Bowditch, A.M Boston *Rev. Edward Henry Hall, D.D Cambridge *James Frothingham Hunnewell, A.M Boston *Hon. Daniel Henry Chamberlain, LL.D. . . . West Brookfield *Augustus Lowell, A.M Boston Melville Madison Bigelow, LL.D Cambridge *Rev. Elijah Winchester Donald, D.D Boston tWorthington Chauncey Ford, A.M Boston *Thomas Leonard Livermore, A.M Boston *Nathaniel Paine, A.M Worcester *Charies Gross, Ph.D Cambridge John Osborne Sumner, A.B Boston *.\rthur Theodore Lyman, A.M Waltham *Samuel Lothrop Thorndike, A.M Boston *Hon. Edward Henry Strobel, LL.D Cambridge Henry Lee Higginson, LL.D Boston Brooks Adams, A.B Quincy Grenville Howland Norcross, LL.B Boston Edward Hooker Gilbert, A.B Ware *tJohn Carver Palfrey, A.M Boston *Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, A.B Concord Charies Knowles Bolton, A.B Shirley *Samuel Savage Shaw, LL.B Boston Ephraim Emerton, Ph.D Cambridge Waldo Lincoln, .\.B Worcester Frederic Jesup Stimson, LL.B Dedham Edward Stanwood, Litt. D Brookline Moorfield Storey, A.M Lincoln *Thomas Minns, Esq Boston Roger Bigelow Merriman, Ph.D Cambridge *Charles Henry Dalton, Esq Boston Charies Homer Haskins, Ph.D Cambridge *Hon. John Davis Long, LL.D Hingham *Don Gleason Hill, A.M Dedham Theodore Clarke Smith, Ph.D Williamstown Henry Greenleaf Pearson, A.B Boston Bliss Perry, LL.D Cambridge *Hon. John Lathrop, LL.D Boston Edwin Doak Mead, Esq Boston Edward Henry Clement, Litt. D BrookUne CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS. 89 DATE OF ELECTION. 1906, March 8 1906, April 12 1906, June 14 1906, November 8 1906, December i.S 1907. Januar>' 10 1907, February 14 1907, June i^ 1908, January Q 1908, February i.^ 1908, March 12 1908, .\pril Q 1908, October 8 1909, February II 1909. June 10 1910, January 13 1910, Febmarv' 10 1910, March 10 1910, May 12 1910. June 1910, October I.s 1910, November 10 1910, December 8 1911, Januar>' 12 1911, March 1911, May II 1911, June 8 1911, October II 1911, November Q 1911, December 14 1912, May 9 1912, June !■! 1912, December 12 1913, .\pril 10 1913, December II 1914, Januarj' 8 1914, February 12 1914, April 9 1914, May 14 1914, June II 1914, November 12 1914, December 10 1915, January 14 1915, March 12 1915, April 8 1915, June 10 1915, October 14 1915, December Q 1916, January IS 1916, March 9 1916, April 1.3 1916, May II 1916, November 9 1917, February 8 1917, March 8 1917, April 12 1917, May 10 1918, February 14 1918, March 14 1918, April II 1918, May 9 1918, June 1.3 N.\iIE. RESmENCE. ♦William Endicott, A.M Boston Lindsay Swift, A.B Boston *Hon. George Sheldon Deerfield Mark Antony DeWoLfe Howe, A.M Boston *Arnold Augustus Rand, Esq Boston Jonathan Smith, A.B Clinton Albert Matthews, A.B Boston William Vail Kellen, LL.D Boston Frederic Winthrop, A.B Hamilton Hon. Robert Samuel Rantoul, LL.B Salem George L>Tnan Kittredge, LL.D Cambridge Charles Pelham Greenough, LL.B Brookline Henry Ernest Woods, A.M Boston Worthington Chauncey Ford, A.M Boston William CooUdge Lane, A.B Cambridge Samuel Walker McCall, LL.D Winchester John ColUns Warren, M.D., LL.D Boston Harold Murdock, Esq Brookline *Henry Morton Levering, A.M Taunton Edward Waldo Emerson, M.D Concord *Curtis Guild, Jr., LL.D Boston Frederick Jackson Turner, Litt.D Cambridge Gardiner Weld Allen, M.D Boston Henry Herbert Edes, A.M Cambridge George Hubbard Blakeslee, Ph.D Worcester George Hodges, D.C.L., LL.D Cambridge Richard Henry Dana, LL.B Cambridge George Foot Moore, LL.D Cambridge Gamaliel Bradford, Jr., A.B Wellesley Hills Justin Harvey Smith Boston John Spencer Bassett, LL.D Northampton Malcolm Storer, M.D Boston Edwin Francis Gay, LL.D Cambridge ♦Reginald Heber Fitz Boston Charles Grenfill Washburn, A.B Worcester ♦Frederick Lewis Gay, A.B BrookUne Rev. Thomas Frankhn Waters. A.M Ipswich Zachary Taylor Hollingsworth Cohasset Chester Noyes Greenough Cambridge Joseph Grafton Minot Boston Samuel Eliot Morison, Ph.D. . . Boston Elleiy Sedgwick, A.B Boston William Crowninshield Endicott Danvers Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, D.D Boston Lincoln Newton Kinnicutt Worcester Robert Grant, LL.B Boston George Parker Winship, Litt.D Cambridge Julius Herbert Tuttle Dedham Ferris Greenslet, Ph.D Boston Rev. Charies Edwards Park, D.D Boston ♦Thomas Russell Sullivan . . .' Boston Francis Apthorp Foster, Esq Edgartown Frederick Cheever Shattuck, M.D., LL.D. . . Boston William Sumner Applcton, A.B Boston Charles Lemuel Nichols, Litt.D Worcester Lawrence Park, Esq CJroton John Adams Aiken, LL.D Greenfield William Bradford Homer Dowse, LL.B. . Sherborn William Sturgis Bigelow, M.D Boston Russell C;ray, A.M Hoston Arthur i'rcntice Rugg, LL.D. Worcester Nathan Matthews, LL.D. . Boston 90 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF HONORARY MEMBERS, Since the Act of 1857. DATE OF ELECTION. NAME. RESIDENCE. 1857, May 14 *Fran5ois Pierre Guillaume Guizot, LL.D.. Paris, France 1857, May 14 *Alexis Clerel de Tocqueville, LL.D. . . . Tocqueville, France 1858, February 11 *Rt. Hon. Lord Lyndhurst, LL.D London, England 1858, April 8 *Count Jules de Menou Paris, France 1858, June 17 *Hon. Richard Rush, A.M Philadelphia, Penn. 185Q, February 10 *Hon. John Jordan Crittenden, LL.D. . . Frankfort, Ky. 1859, March 10 *Hon. Edward Coles Philadelphia, Penn. 1859, April 14 *Frangois Charles Pierre, Baron Dupin . . Paris, France 1859, April 14 *Edme Frangois Jomard Paris, France 1859, May 12 *Hon. Robert Hallowell Gardiner, A.M. . Gardiner, Me. 1860, April 1 2 *Fran5ois Auguste Alexis Mignet .... Paris, France 1860, November 8 *Count Adolphe de Circourt Paris, France 1861, February 14 *Hon. James Lewis Petigru, LL.D. ... Charleston, S. C. 1861, February 14 *William Cullen Bryant, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1861, April II *Very Rev. Henry Hart Milman, D.D. . . London, England 1861, May g *Hon. Horace Binney, LL.D Philadelphia, Penn. 1861, November 14 *Lieut.-Gen. Winfield Scott, LL.D. . . . Washington, D. C. 1863, February 12 *Count AgenorEtiennede Gasparin,LL.D. Geneva, Switzerland 1863, March 12 *Hon. Luther Bradish, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1863, April 9 *Hon. Millard Fillmore, LL.D Buffalo, N. Y. 1863, May 14 *George Grote, D.C.L London, England 1863, December 10 *Edouard Rene LefebvreLaboulaye, LL.D. Paris, France 1864, January 14 *Hon. John Adams Dix, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1865, April 20 *Hon. William Henry Seward, LL.D. . . Auburn, N. Y. 1866, August 9 *George Peabody, D.C.L London, England 1867, April 11 *James Anthony Froude, LL.D London, England 1867, April 11 *Leopold von Ranke Berlin, Prussia 1869, January 14 *Louis Adolphe Thiers Paris, France 1869, January 14 *Very Rev. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, LL.D. London, England 1870, February 10 *Thomas Carlyle, LL.D London, England 1873, September II *Edward Augustus Freeman, D.C.L. . . . Oxford, England 1875, February 11 *Hon. George Perkins Marsh, LL.D. 1 . . Burlington, Vt. 1875, February 11 *Rt. Rev. Lord Arthur Charles Hervey^ . . Wells, England 1875, February 11 *Rev. Theodore Dwight Woolsey, LL.D. ' . New Haven, Conn. 1875, February 11 *Hon. Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL.D." . . . . Norfolk, Va. 1875, March 11 *Rev. Leonard Woods, LL.D." Brunswick, Me. 1875, March 11 *David Masson, LL.D.^ Edinburgh, Scotland 1875, March 11 *John Forster, LL.D.e London, England 1875, September 9 *Rev. Barnas Sears, LL.D.^ Staunton, Va. 1875, October 14 *Baron Franz Von Holtzendorff Munich, Bavaria 1875, December 9 *S. A. R. Louis Philippe Albert, Comte de Paris Paris, France 1876, October 12 *Rt. Rev. William Stubbs, LL.D Oxford, England 1876, November 9 *Hon. William Maxwell Evarts, LL.D. . . New York, N. Y. 1877, February 8 *Hon. Horatio Seymour, LL.D Utica, N. Y. 1878, October 10 *Henri Martin Paris, France 1 Corresponding Members, 1858; 2 1859; 3 1867; « 1861; ^ 1871; e 1865; ' 1869. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF HONORARY MEMBERS. 91 DATE OF ELECTION. NAME. RESIDENCE. 1878, December 12 *John Hill Burton, D.C.L Edinburgh, Scotland 1880. March 11 *Frederic De Peyster, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1880, October 14 *Theodor Mommsen Berlin, Prussia 1881, November 10 *Achille, Marquis de Rochambeaui . . . Vendome, France 1882, January 12 *Hon. Elihu Benjamin Washbume. LL.D. . Chicago, 111. 1882, February 9 *Sir John Robert Seeley, K.C.M.G., LL.D. Cambridge, England 1882, September 14 *Rt. Hon. William Edward Hartpole Lecky, LL.D. London, England 1886, October 14 *Very Rev. Charles Merivale, D.C.L. . . . Ely, England 1887, May 12 *Ernst Curtius Berlin, Prussia 1887, December 8 *Hon. Carl Schurz, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1896, October 8 *Samuel Rawson Gardiner, D.C.L.i . . . O.xford, England 1896, October 8 Rt. Hon. James Bryce, D.C.L.2 London, England 1897, December 9 *Rt. Rev. Mandell Creighton, LL.D.*. . . Peterborough, Eng- land 1899, November 9 Rt. Hon. Su: George Otto Trevelyan, Bart., D.C.L.^ London. England 1901, December 12 *Pasquale Villari, D.C.L Florence, Italy 1902, October 9 *Henr>' Charles Lea, LL.D.^ Philadelphia, Penn. 1904, June 9 Adolf Hamack, D.D Berlin, Prussia 1904, October 13 Rt. Hon. John Morley, D.C.L."^ London, England 1904, December S *Goldwin Smith, D.C.L.' Toronto, Canada 1905, February 9 Ernest Lavisse Paris, France 1907, January 10 *Rear-Admiral AKred Thayer Mahan, D.C.L.* Washington, D. C. 1908, Januarj' 9 *Henry Adams, LL.D. ^ Washington, D. C. 1910, March 10 Eduard Meyer, Litt.D Berlin, Prussia 1911, March 9 Andrew Dickson White, LL.D.' .... Ithaca, N. Y. 1 Corresponding Member, 1874; =1882; 31887; « 1880; 5187s; * 1901; '1864; « 1894. ' i87g. 92 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CORRESPONDING (OR HONORARY) MEMBERS, Before the Act of 1857. DATE OF ELECTION. 29 29 29 29 29 29 13 1792, May 1792, May 1792, May 1792, May 1792, May 1792, May 1792, August 1792, October 1792, October 1792, October 1792, October 8 23 23 1793, January 2 1793, April 30 1793, November 26 1794, 1794, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1795, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1797, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1798, 1799, January October January January August August August August August August January October November 18 November 18 November 18 January 31 January April April April October December 28 28 27 27 17 17 17 17 17 17 26 25 31 25 25 25 31 I December i January 30 January April October October April 30 24 30 30 30 1 See Proceedings, vol NAME. RESIDENCE. *Ebenezer Hazard, Esq Philadelphia, Penn. *Hon. John Jay, LL.D Bedford, N. Y. 'tjames Perkins, Esq Cape Frangois, Hayti *Hon. David Ramsay, M.D Charleston, S. C. *Rev. Alexander Spark Quebec, Canada *Charles Thomson, Esq Philadelphia, Penn. *Noah Webster, LL.D New Haven, Conn. *Hon. Samuel Tenney, M.D Exeter, N. H. *Rev. John Erskine, LL.D Edinburgh, Scotland *Rev. Ezra Stiles, LL.D New Haven, Conn. 'tHon. Edmund Randolph Frederick County, Va. *Hon. Nathaniel Niles, A.M Fairlee, Vt. *Rev. Andrew Brown, D.D Halifax, Nova Scotia *Rev. John Jones Spooner, A.M Martin's Brandon, Va. *Hon. Winthrop Sargent, A.M Philadelphia, Penn. *Rev. Christopher Daniel Ebeling .... Hamburg, Germany *John Coakley Lettsom, LL.D London, England *Sir William Jones, LL.D.2 Calcutta, Bengal *Phineas Miller, Esq Savannah, Ga. *Hugh Williamson, LL.D Edenton, N. C. *Rev. David MacCIure, D.D East Windsor, Conn. *James Clarke, Esq Halifax, Nova Scotia *Hon.St. George Tucker, LL.D Williamsburg, Va. *Gardiner Baker, Esq New York, N. Y. *Benjamin Smith Barton, M.D Philadelphia, Penn. tHon. William Blount' Tennessee *Gilbert Harrison Hubbard, A.M Demerara, Guiana *Isaac Senter, M.D Newport, R. I. *Hon. Oliver Wolcott, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Rev. Asa Norton Paris, N. Y. *Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, LL.D. . . Albany, N. Y. *Hon. Henry William Desaussure .... Charleston, S. C. *Lemuel KoUock, M.D Savannah, Ga. *Ephraim Ramsay, Esq Charleston, S. C. *Rev. Timothy Dwight, LL.D New Haven, Conn. *John Dunn, LL.D Killaly, Ireland *Elihu Hubbard Smith, M.D New York, N. Y. *Samuel Latham Mitchill, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford . . Auteuil, France *Hon. Timothy Pickering, LL.D Philadelphia, Penn. *Rev. Andrew Eliot, A.M Fairfield, Conn. *Rev. Benjamin Trumbull, D.D North Haven, Conn. *Hon. Jonathan Trumbull, LL.D Lebanon, Conn. P- 106. * See 2 Proceedings, vol. ii. p. i4g. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 93 DATE OF ELECTION. N.\iIE. RESIDENCE. 1799, July 18 *Benjamin De Witt, M.D Albany, N. Y. 1799, July 18 *Caspar Wistar, M.D Philadelphia, Penn. 1799. July 18 *Rev. Samuel Miller, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1800, January 28 *Thomas Pieronnet Demerara, Guiana 1800, January 28 *Rev. Arthur Homer, D.D Cambridge, England 1800, October 28 *Hon. Theodore Foster, A. M Pro\-idence, R. I. 1801, April 28 *Rev. Thomas Hall Leghorn, Italv 1801, October i *Rev. Timothy Alden, D.D Portsmouth, N. H. 1802, .\pril 27 *John Newman, M.D SaUsbury, N. C. 1802. August 26 *Rev. Ezra Sampson, A.B. Hudson, N. Y. 1802. .\ugust 26 *John Vaughan, Esq. . Philadelphia, Penn. 1802, October 26 *\Villiam Barton, A.M . . Lancaster, Penn. 1803, September i *Ebenezer Grant ]Marsh, A.M New Haven, Conn. 1804, January 31 *Rt. Rev. Richard Watson, D.D Calgarth Park.West- moreland, England 1804, August 28 *Anthony Fothergill, M.D Bath, England 1805. May 28 *William Johnson, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1805. May 28 *Sir Charles Marj- Wentworth, Bart., D.C.L. Halifax, Nova Scotia 1805, August 27 *Robert Anderson, M.D Edinburgh, Scotland 1805. .\ugust 27 *Hon. Samuel Eddy, LL.D. Providence, R. I. 1805, November 7 *Charles Vallancev, Esq. . DubUn, Ireland 1807, .\ugust 25 *Hon. William Plumer ... Epping, N. H. 1807, August 25 *Hon. John Wheelock, LL.D Hanover, N. H. 1807, October 27 *Jonathan Williams, Esq Philadelphia, Penn. 1808, .\ugust 30 *Rt. Hon. Earl of Buchan . Edinburgh, Scotland 1808. September 7 *Benjamin SiUiman, LL.D New Haven, Conn. 1809, .\ugu3t 29 *Rev. John Bassett, A.M Albany, N. Y. 1809, August 29 *Rev. John Disney, D.D The Hyde, Ingate- stone, England 1809. Augiist 2g *Hon. John Marshall, LL.D Richmond, Va. 1811. April 25 *Constant Freeman, Esq. . . . Washington, D. C. 1811, October 31 *Moses Fiske, Esq White Plains, Tenn. 1812, .\ugust 25 *Hon. Timothy Pitkin, LL.D Farmington, Conn. 1812, October 29 *Edward Jenner, LL.D Berkeley, England 1813, April 29 *Rev. EUphalet Nott, LL.D Schenectady, N. Y. 1813, .\pril 29 *Hon. Elias Boudinot, LL.D. . Burhngton, N. J. 1813, .\pril 29 *Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL.D Sharon, Conn. 1813, October 28 *John Pintard, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1814, January 27 *David Hosack, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1814, January 27 *John Wakefield Francis, LL.D New York, N. Y. 1814, January 27 *Rev. William Harris, D.D New York, N. Y. 1814, .\pril 28 *Hon. De Witt Clinton. LL.D New York, N. Y. 1815, January 26 *Rev. James Richards, D.D Newark, N. J. 1816, .\[)ril 25 *George Chalmers, Esq London, England 1816, .\pril 25 *Hon. Charles Humphrey Atherton, A.M.. Amherst, N. H. 1816, .\ugust 27 *Michael Joy, A.M Stratham Park, Chip- penham, England 1816, October 31 *Rev. Robert Morrison, D.D Canton, China 1817, .\pril 24 *Hon. Samuel Bayard, A.M Princeton, N. J. 1817, October 30 *Hugh McCall, Esq Savannah, Ga. 1817, October 30 *Baron .\lexander von Humboldt .... Berlin, Prussia 1818, January 29 *Hon. Peter Stephen DuPonceau, LL.D. . Philadelphia, Penn, 1818. .\pnl 30 *William Trumbull Williams, Esq Lebanon. Conn. 1819, .\pril 29 'Jonathan Goodhue, Esq New York, N. Y. 1819, .\pril 29 ♦Robert Southey, LL.D Keswick, England 1820, January 27 'Hon. Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, LL.D. New York, N. Y. 1820, .\pril 27 *Elisha Hutchinson, Esq Birmingham, England 1820, .August 29 *Robert Walsh. LL.D Philadelphia, I'enn. 1820. .\ugust 29 *John Van Ness Yates, Esq Albany, N. Y. 1820, October 26 "Carlo Giueseppe Guglielmo Botta . . . Paris, France 1821, .\pril 26 *tHon. Jeremiah Mason, LL.D Portsmouth, N. H. 1821, "Elkanah Watson, Esq.' Albany, N. Y. ' There i.s no evidence in the rccortl.s that Elk.inah Watson was ever chosen a Corresponding Member. HLs name appears for the first time in a list in the Collections (2d series), vol. x. p. 19a, issued in 1823. Sec Proceedings, vol. i. pp. 194, 195. 94 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. DATE OF ELECTION. 1822, January .SI 1822, Januarv .u 1822, Januarv ,SI 1822, April 2 5 1822, August 27 1822, October .^i 1822, October ■SI 1823, October ■SO 1824, October 28 1824, October 28 1824, October 28 1824, October 28 1825, October 27 1825, October 27 1825, October 27 1826, April 27 1827, Auj-ust 28 1827, August 28 1829, February IQ 1829, February IQ 1829, February IQ 1829, April 30 1829, April 30 1829, October 29 1829, October 29 1829, October 20 1830, January 28 1831, May 5 1831, August 30 1831, October 26 1831, October 26 1832, January 26 1833, July 2,S 1833, July 2.S 1833, July 2.=; 1833, August 27 1833, October 31 1834, March 27 1834, March 27 1834, June 26 1834, June 26 1835, February 26 1835, February 26 1835, June 25 1835, October 20 1835, December 31 1835, December 31 1835, December 31 1835, December 31 1835, December 31 1835, December 31 1836, January 28 1836, May 26 1836, May 26 1836, June 30 NAME. RESIDENCE. *Nathaniel Appleton Haven, Jr., A.M. . . Portsmouth, N. H. *John Farmer, A.M Amherst, N. H. *Sir Walter Scott, Bart., LL.D Abbotsford, Scotland *Friedrich von Adelung Berlin, Prussia *Winiam Lee, Esq Washington, D. C. *Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, Bart., A.M. . . London, England *George William Erving, Esq New York, N. Y. *Samuel Williams, A.M London, England *Hon. Rufus King, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Juhus de Wallenstein Prussia *Fran5ois de Barbe-Marbois, LL.D. . . . Paris, France *Gilbert Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, LL.D. Paris, France *Rev. Gregorio Funes, D.D Cordova, Tucuman, South America *Don Manuel Moreno, M.D Buenos Aires South America *Don Jose Maria Salazar Colombia, South America *Adam Winthrop, A.M New Orleans, La. *Rev. John Hutchinson Blurton, England *Hon. Theodoric Bland AnnapoUs, Md. *Manuel Lorenzo Vidaurre Lima, Peru *Hon. Albert Gallatin, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Rev. Timothy FUnt, A.B Red River, La. *Prof. Karl Christian Rafn, Ph.D Copenhagen, Den- mark *ChevaUer Peder Pedersen Copenhagen, Den- mark *Thomas Chandler Haliburton,D.C.L. . . Windsor, Nova Scotia *Hon. Washington Irving, LL.D Sunnyside, Tarry- town, N. Y. *James Grahame, LL.D London, England *David Bailie Warden, Esq Paris, France *Rev. Henry Channing, A.M New London, Conn. *John Hay Famham, A.M Salem, Ind. *John Fanning Watson, Esq Philadelphia, Perm. *James Dean, LL.D BurUngton, Vt. *Charles Eraser, Esq Charleston, S. C. *tCol. Thomas Aspinwall, A.M London, England *Sir Francis Palgrave London, England *Hon. Lewis Cass, LL.D Detroit, Mich. *Rev. Jasper Adams, D.D Charleston, S. C. *Hon. Roberts Vaux Philadelphia, Penn. *Hon. Theodore Dwight, A.M New York, N. Y. *Theodore Dwight, Jr., A.M New York, N. Y. *James Mease, M.D Philadelphia, Penn. *Hon. William Jay, LL.D Bedford, N. Y. *Hon. Jonathan Sewall, LL.D Quebec, Canada *Sir John Caldwell, K.C.B Quebec, Canada *Sharon Turner, Esq Winchmore Hill, England *Francis Bayard Winthrop, A.M New Haven, Conn. *Adrian de Laval Montmorency Paris, France *Cesar Moreau Paris, France *John Smyth Rogers, M.D Hartford, Conn. *Erastus Smith, Esq New Haven, Conn. *WiUiam Schlegel Copenhagen, Den- mark *Finn Magnusen Copenhagen, Den- mark *Col. Juan Galindo Guatemala, Central America *Hon. Henry Adams BuUard, A.M New Orleans, La. *Hon. Richard Biddle Pittsburg, Penn. *Hon. James Kirke Paulding, A.M. . . . New York, N.Y. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 95 DATE OF ELECTION. 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1836, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1839, 1840, 1840, 1840, 1840, 1840, 1840, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1842, 1842, 1842, 28 28 28 27 27 27 July July July October October October November 24 November 24 December 29 March 30 March October October October February 22 June 28 30 26 26 26 July 26 July 26 August 28 August 28 September 27 September 27 October 25 October January April June September 26 October 31 October 31 October 31 November 26 November 26 November 26 25 31 25 27 July July August October October October December May February November 17 November 17 November 17 30 30 25 29 29 29 31 27 24 1843, March 1843, March 1843, April 1844, May 30 30 27 30 1844, September 26 1844, December 26 1845. January 30 1845, January 30 1845, .March 27 1845, December 4 1846, May 7 1848, June 29 1848, .Vovembcr 23 1849, .\pril 26 1849, November 22 NAME. RESIDENCE. *Hon. Henry Clay, LL.D Lexington. Ky. *tRev. William Allen, D.D Brunswick. Me. *Hon. Levi Woodbury-. LL.D Portsmouth, N. H. *Rev. Benjamin Tappan, D.D Augusta, Me. *Joshua Francis Fisher, A.M Philadelphia, Penn. *Jacob Antoine Moerenhout Los Angeles, Cal. *Usher Parsons, M.D Providence, R. I. *Hon.WilUamI)urkee Williamson, A.M. . Bangor, Me. *Hon. George Folsom, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Peter Gerard Stuyvesant, Esq New York, N. Y. *Rev. Luther Halsey, D.D Auburn, N. Y. *Rev. John Jacob Robertson, D.D Saugerties, N. Y. *Jacovaki Rizos-Neroulos Athens, Greece *Hon. Job Durfee, LL.D Tiverton, R. I. *Hon. Andrew WiUiam Cochran, Q.C. . . Quebec, Canada *John Disney, Esq The Hyde, Ingate- stone, England *Rev. Francis Lister Hawks, LL.D. . '. . . New York, N. Y. *Rev. Leonard Bacon, LL.D New Haven, Conn. *James Luce Kingsley, LL.D New Haven, Conn. *Henri Ternaux-Compans Paris, France ♦John Lloyd Stephens, A.M New York, N. Y. ♦George CatHn, Esq New York, N. Y. ♦John Winthrop, Esq New Orleans, La. ♦Constantine Demetrius Schinas Athens, Greece ♦Col. William Leete Stone New York, N. Y. ♦Joaquim Jose Da Costa de Macedo . . . Lisbon, Portugal ♦Hon. Daniel Dewey Barnard, LL.D.. . . Albany, N. Y. ♦Frederic de Waldeck Paris, France ♦Israel Keech Tefft, Esq Savannah, Ga. ♦Hon. John Macpherson Berrien, LL.D. . Savannah, Ga. ♦fEdward Jarvis, M.D Louisville, Ky. ♦Hon. David Dowry Swain, LL.D Chapel Hill, N. C. ♦Hon. James Moore Wayne, LL.D. . . . Savannah, Ga. ♦Hon. Matthew Hall McAlUster, LL.D. San Francisco, Cal. ♦Rt. Rev. William Bacon Stevens, LL.D. . Philadelphia, Penn. ♦Col. George Bomford Washington, D. C. ♦Le ChevaUer Friedrichsthal Vienna, Austria ♦Hon. Henry Black, LL.D Quebec, Canada *tHon. Joel Parker, LL.D Keene, N. H. ♦Rev. John Lee, LL.D Edinburgh, Scotland ♦Hon. Thomas Day, LL.D Hartford, Conn. ♦Count Jacob Griiberg de Hemso, M.A. . Florence, Italy ♦Rev. Charles Burroughs, D.D Portsmouth, N. H. ♦George Atkinson Ward, A.M New York, N. Y. ♦Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A London, England ♦Richard Almack. F.S.A Long Mclford, Suf- folk, England ♦Rev. George Oliver, D.D Exeter, England ♦Rev. Philip Bliss, D.C.L Oxford, England ♦Sir Archibald Alison, Bart., D.C.L. . . . Possil House, Lan- arkshire, Scotland *Col. James Duncan Graham U. S. Topographical Engineers ♦Robert Lemon, Esq London, England ♦Thomas CoUcy Grattan, Esq London, England ♦Don Pedro de Angclis Buenos Aires, South America ♦John Romcyne Brodhead, AM New York, N. Y. ♦Thomas Best Jervis, F.R.S British Army ♦Benjamin Franklin Thompson, Esq. . . New \'ork, N. Y. ♦Richard GrifTm Neville, Lord Braybrookc, ) Audlcv Knd, Essex, F.S.A [ lyigla.ul ♦Ephraim George Squier, Esq ("iiillicothc, O. ♦Payne Kenyon Kilbounie, .A.M. . Lilcliruld, Conn. *Miss Frances Manwaring Caulkins Norwich, Conn. ♦Thomas Donaldson, A.M. . . . Baltimore, Md. 96 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. DATE OF ELECTION. 1850, Februao' 28 1850. February 28 1850, June 27 1851, March 27 1851, Mav 2Q 1852, Julv 8 1852, November II 1853, September 8 1853, September 8 1853, September 8 1854, May II 1854, May II 1854, May II 1854, August lO 1854, August lO 1854, August lO 1854, December 14 1855, March 8 1855, May lO 1855, July 12 1855, July 12 1855, August 9 1856, January lO 1856, February 14 1856, March l^ 1856, May 8 1856, August 14 1856, October 1856, December II 1857, January 8 NAME. RESIDENCE. *Hon. George Bancroft, LL.D Washington, D. C. *Don Lucas Alaman Mexico *Hon. James Hammond TrumbuU, LL.D. . Hartford, Conn. *Robert Bigsby, LL.D Ashby-de-la-Zouch, England *Theodoric Romeyne Beck, M.D Albany, N. Y. *Rev. Joseph Romilly, M.A Cambridge, England *James Riker, Esq Harlem, N. Y. *Henry Bond, M.D Philadelphia, Penn. *Henry Stevens, F.S.A London, England *Cyrus Eaton, A.M Warren, Me. *Rt. Hon. Lord Macaulay, D.C.L London, England *Henry Hallam, D.C.L London, England *Hon. William Willis, LL.D Portland, Me. *Frederic Criflin, Esq Montreal, Canada *John Carter Brown, A.M Providence, R. I. *Hon. Elijah Hayward Columbus, O. *Rev. WiUiam Scott Southgate, D.D.. . . Scarborough, Me. *Hon. Samuel Greene Arnold, LL.D. . . . Providence, R. I. *Hon. Charles Stewart Daveis, LL.D. . . Portland, Me. *James Lenox, LL.D New York, N. Y. *John Dawson Gilmary Shea, LL.D. . . . New York, N. Y. *Rt. Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, LL.D. . , Lavington, Sussex, England *Winthrop Sargent, A.M Philadelphia, Penn. *Earl Stanhope, D.C.L Chevening, Kent, England *Hon. William Cabell Rives, LL.D. . . . Linsey's Store, Va. *Hon. John Russell Bartlett, A.M Providence, R. I. *Peter Force. Esq Washington, D. C. *tSamuel Ehot, LL.D Hartford, Conn. * William Paver, Esq York, England *George Barthelemy Faribault, Esq. , . . Quebec, Canada Since the Act of 1857. 1857, 1857, 1857, 1857, 1857. 1857, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, 1858, March 1 2 May 14 July 9 September 10 September 10 September 10 January 14 February 1 1 May 13 May 13 June 17 1858, August 1858, October 1858, October 1859, February 1859, March 1859, April 1859, May 1859, May 1859, June 1860, April 1861, February 1861. .\pril 1861, May 14 14 10 10 14 12 9 12 14 *Rev. William Buel Sprague, LL.D. . . . Albany, N. Y. *Wilham Durrant Cooper, F.S.A London, England *Rev. Samuel Osgood, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Edmund Burke O'Callaghan, LL.D. . . Albany, N. Y. *Buckingham Smith, Esq St. Augustine, Fla. *Benjamin Franklin French, Esq New Orleans, La. *Francis Lieber, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Hon. William Henry Trescot Charleston, S. C. *Richard Hildreth, A.M New York. N. Y. *tRev. Andrew Preston Peabody, D.D. . . Portsmouth, N. H. *tHon. George Perkins Marsh, LL.D. . . . Rome, Italy (Transferred to Honorary roll, 11 February, 1875.) *John George Kohl, LL.D Bremen, Germany *Hon. Albert Gorton Greene, A.]\L . . Providence, R. I. *Hon. John Pendleton Kennedy, LL.D. Baltimore, Md. *Benjamin Robert Winthrop, Esq New York, N. Y. *James Carson Brevoort, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Hon. Henry Dilworth Gilpin Philadelphia, Penn. *tRt. Rev. Lord Arthur Charles Hervey, D.D. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 11 February, 1875.) ^^^^^^' England *Horatio Gates Somerby, Esq London, England *George Henry Moore, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Hon. Wilham Read Staples, LL.D. . . . Providence, R. I. *tHon. Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL.D Norfolk, Va. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 11 February, 1875.) *William Noel Sainsbury, Esq London, England *Samuel Austin Allibone, LL.D New York, N. Y. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 97 DATE OF ELECTION. 1861. May g 1861, June 13 1861, July II 1861, November 14 1861. December 12 1863, February' 12 1863, February 12 1863, March 12 1863. April 9 1864, February 11 1864, October 13 1865, February 9 1865, March 1865. December 14 1866, 1866. 1866, 1866. December 13 1867, 1867, 1867. September i April May December June June 1869, 1869, 1870, 1870, 1871, 1871, 1871, 1871, 1871, 1872, January 1872, February 1872, March 1872, March 1873, February 1873, Februar>' 1873, March 1867, December 1 2 1868, April 9 1868, May 14 1869, Januar>' 14 1869, February 11 1869, February 1 1 1869, May 13 1869, July 8 October 15 October 15 September 8 December 8 January February February August .\ugust 12 9 9 IS 15 1 1 8 14 14 13 13 1873, July 10 1873, October 9 1873, November 13 1873, .November 13 1874, February 12 1874, April 9 1874, November 12 1875, February 1 1 1875, .September 9 NAME. RESIDENCE. *\Villiam Winthrop, Esq Valetta, Malta *Henr>' Tuke Parker, A.M London, England *Benson John Lossing, LL.D Dover Plains, N. Y. *tRev. Leonard Woods, D.D., LL.D . . . Brunswick, Me. (Transferred to Honorao' roll, 11 March, 1875.) *Lyman Copeland Draper, LL.D ^Madison, Wis. *Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D.D Gardiner, Me. *George Washington Greene, LL.D. . . Providence, R. I. *Rev. WilUam Greenleaf Eliot, D.D. ... St. Louis, Mo. *Henry Barton Dawson, Esq Morrisania, N. Y. *tJohn Foster Kirk, LL.D Berne, Switzerland *tGoldwin Smith, D.C.L Toronto, Canada (Transferred to Honorarj' roll, 8 December, 1904.) *tJohn Forster, LL.D London, England (Transferred to Honorary roll, 11 March, 1875.) *George Ticknor Curtis, .\.M New York, N. Y. *Evert .\ugustus Duyckinck, A.M. . . . New York, N. Y. *tjames Parton, .■\.M New York, N. Y. *WilUam Vincent Wells, Esq San Francisco, Cal. *Hon. John Meredith Read, A.M .'Albany, N. Y. *Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D Blackheath, England *Brantz Mayer, Esq Baltimore, Md. *John Bruce, F.S..\ London, England *tRev. Theodore Dwight Woolsey, LL.D. . New Haven, Conn. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 11 February, 1875.) *John Winter Jones, F.S.A London, England *John Gough Nichols, F.S.A London, England *Richard Henrj' Major, F.S.A London, England *William Wetmore Story, D.C.L Rome, Italy *Rev. Edmond de Pressense, D.D Paris, France *Charles Janeway StiUe, LL.D Philadelphia, Penn. *Jules Marcou Paris, France *tRev. Bamas Sears, LL.D Staunton, Va. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 9 September, 187s-) *Thomas Beamish Akins, D.C.L Halifax, Nova Scotia *Pierre Margry Paris, France *Charles Jeremy Hoadly, LL.D Hartford, Conn. *tJohn Foster Kirk, LL.D Philadelphia, Penn. *Henr>' Theodore Tuckerman, .^.M. . . . New York, N. Y. *Kev. William Ives Budington, D.D Brooklyn, N. Y. *Benjamin Scott, Esq Weybridge, England *Hon. Charles Henry Bell, LL.D Exeter, N. H. *tDavid Masson, LL.D Edinburgh, Scotland (Transferred to Honorary roll, 11 March, 1875.) *Rev. William Barry, D.D Chicago, 111. *Hon. George Thomas Davis, LL.B. . . . Portland, Me. *Rev. Edward Dufheld Neill, D.D. ... St. Paul, Minn. *Marie Armand Pascal D'.\vezac-Macaya Paris, France *Rev. Jeremiah Lewis Diman, D.D. . . . Providence, R. I. *Col. Joseph Lemuel Chester, D.C.L. . . London, England *Hon. Edward Turner Boyd Twisleton, M.A. London, England *WilIiam Gammell, LL.D Providence, R. I. *Rev. Thomas Hill, LL.D Portland, Me. •Josiah (Wlbcrt Holland, M.D New York, N. Y. *Hon. Manning Fergu.son Force, LL.D. Cincinnati, O. *tAchille, Marquis dc Rochanibeau .... Vendomc, France (Transferred to Honorary roll, 10 November, 1881.) *Sir John Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D. . . Dublin, Ireland *tSamuel Rawson Gardiner, D.C.L. . . . Oxford, England (Transferred to Honorary roll, 8 October, 1896.) •Hon. John Bigelow, LL.D. . . New York, N. Y. *George William Curtis, LL.D West New Brighton, N.Y. 98 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIETY. DATE OF ELECTION. 1875, , October 14 1875, , November II 1876, November Q 1876, November Q 1876, December 14 1877, November ' Hart, LL.B Philadelphia, Penn. *Rev. Moses Coit Tyler, LL.D Ithaca, N. Y. *Hermann Eduard von Hoist, Ph.D. . . . Chicago, 111. Franklin Bowditch Dexter, Litt. D. , . New Haven, Conn. *John Marshall Brown, A.M Portland, Me. Hon. Andrew Dickson White, LL.D. . . Ithaca, N. Y. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 9 March, 1911.) *George Washington Ranck, Esq Lexington, Ky. *Sir James McPherson Le Moine .... Quebec, Canada *Alfred Langdon-Elwyn, M.D Philadelphia, Penn. *Hon. Zachariah Allen, LL.D Providence, R. I. fRt. Hon. Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Bart., D.C.L. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 9 November, 1899.) London, England * tHenry Adams, LL.D Washington, D. C. (Transferred to Honorary roll, 9 January, 1908.) *JuUus Dexter, LL.B Cincinnati, Ohio *Rev. Henry Martyn Baird, D.D New York, N. Y. tCol. Henry Beebee Carrington, LL.D. . New London, Conn. *Hon. William Wirt Henry Richmond, Va. *Vicomte d'Haussonville Paris, France *William Francis Allen, A.M Madison, Wis. tRt. Hon. James Bryce, D.C.L London, England (Transferred to Honorary roll, 8 October, 1S96.) Rev. Charles Richmond Weld, LL.D. . . Baltimore, Md. *Herbert Baxter Adams, LL.D, Baltimore, Md. *Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox Washington, D. C. *Cornelio Desimoni Genoa, Italy ^Brig.-Gen. George Washington Cullum . New York, N. Y. *Rev. George Washington Blagden, D.D. . New York, N. Y. *Hon. Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry, LL.D. Richmond, Va. *Amos Perry, LL.D Providence, R. I. *Horatio Hale, A.M Clinton, Ontario, Canada ■ tHon. WilUam Ashmead Courtenay . . . Charleston, S. C. *Alexander Johnston, LL.D Princeton, N. J. *tRt. Rev. Mandell Creighton, LL.D. . . . Peterborough, Eng- (Transferred to Honorary roll, 9 December, 1897.) '^^"^ *John Andrew Doyle, M.A Oxford, England *William Cabell Rives, LL.B Richmond, Va. *Abbe Henry Raymond Casgrain, Litt. D . Quebec, Canada *Alexander Brown, D.C.L Norwood P. O., Va. *John Nicholas Brown, A.M Providence, R. I. *tRear-Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, D.C.L. (Transferred to Honorary roll, lo January, 1907.) Washington, D. C. *Hon. Jacob Dolson Cox, LL.D Cincinnati, Ohio *Leslie Stephen, LL.D London, England *Hon. James Burrill Angell, LL.D. . . . Ann Arbor, Mich. * William Babcock Weeden, A.M Providence, R. I. *Rrchard Garnett, LL.D London, England *George Park Fisher, D.D New Haven, Conn. Woodrow Wilson, LL.D Princeton, N. J. *Joseph Williamson, Litt.D Belfast, Me. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 99 DATE OF ELECTION. 1897, December Q 1898. April 14 1898. June 1899. Mav II 1900, .March 8 1900, .May lO 1900, June 14 1901, January- lO 1901, February 14 1901, March 14 1901, June i.S 1901. October lO 1901. November 14 1902, January 1902, Februar>- i.S 1902, April lO 1902, May 8 1902, October 1902, October 1902, December II 1903, January 8 1903, February 12 1903, April Q 1904. January 14 1904, April 14 1904, December 8 1905, January 12 1905, Februar>' Q 1905, .March Q 1905, .May II 1905, December 14 1906, .March 8 1906, June 14 1907, Januao' lO 1907, April II 1907, May Q 1907, June i,S 1907, October lO 1908, January 9 1908. February i^ 1908, March 12 1908, April Q 1908, October 8 1909, February II 1909, June lO 1910, Februarv 10 1910, November lO 1911, Januar>' 12 1911, May II 1912, Februarj- 8 1912, March 14 1912, May 1913, December 11 1914, May 14 1915, October 14 1916, April 1.3 1916, .May II 1916, December 14 1917, f)ctober II 1918, May 9 N.\ME, RESIDENCE. *Hon, Joseph Hodges Choate, D.C.L. , . New York, N. Y. *Frederic WilUam Maitland. LL.D. . . . Cambridge, England John Franklin Jameson, LL.D Providence, R. I. Rev. William Cunningham, LL.D, . . . Cambridge, England Hon. Simeon Eben Baldwin, LL.D. . . . New Haven, Conn. John Bassett Moore, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Hon. John Hay, LL.D Washington, D. C. *Daniel Coit Oilman, LL.D Baltimore, Md. tRt. Hon. John Morley, D.C.L London, England (Transferred to Honorary roll, 13 October, 1904.) Frederic Harrison, Litt.D London, England Frederic Bancroft, LL.D Washington, D. C. Charles Harding Firth, LL.D Oxford, England WilUam James .\shley, M..\ Birmingham, Eng- land *Edward Gaylord Bourne, Ph.D New Haven, Conn. John Bach McMaster, LL.D Philadelphia, Perm. .\lbert Venn Dicey, LL.D Oxford, England *Edward McCrady, .\.B Charleston, S. C. *Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D Madison, Wis. *John Christopher Schwab, Ph.D New Haven, Conn. tWorthington Chauncey Ford, .A.M. . . . Washington, D. C. tRev. .\rthur Blake EUis, LL.B Burley, Washington .\uguste !Moireau Paris, France *Hon. Horace Davis, LL.D San Francisco Sidney Lee, LL.D London, England tFrederick Jackson Turner, Ph.D Madison, Wis. *Sir Spencer Walpole, K,C.B Hartfield, England William .Archibald Dunning, LL.D. . . . New York, N. Y. James Schouler, LL,D Interv-ale, N. H. fGeorge Parker Winship, A.M Providence, R. I. Gabriel Hanotaux Paris, France Hubert Hall London, England .■\ndrew Cunningham McLaughlin, LL.B. Ann Arbor, Mich. Hon. Beekman Winthrop, LL.B New York, N. Y. James Phinney Baxter, Litt,D Portland, Me. Wilberforce Eames, .A.M New York, N. Y. George Walter Prothero, LL.D Rye, England Hon. Jean Jules Jusserand, LL.D. . . . Washington, D. C. James Kendall Hosmer, LL.D Minneapohs, Minn. John Bagnell Bun,-, LL.D Cambridge, England Senor Rafael Altamira y Crevea .... Oviedo, Spain Hon. James Wilberforce Longley, D.C.L. Halifax, Nova Scotia Henry Morse Stephens, .\.M Berkeley, California Charles Borgeaud, LL.D Geneva, Switzerland Lyon Gardiner Tyler, LL.D Williamsburg, V'a. Clarence Bloomlield Moore, .\.B Philadelphia, Penn. Edward Doubleday Harris, Esq New York, N. Y. Charles William Chadwick Oman .... Oxford, England Samuel Verplanck Hofiman New York, N. Y. WiUiam Milligan Sloane, LL.D New York, N. Y. *Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, LL.D. . . Brunswick, Me. Rear-Admiral French Ensor Chadwick Newport, R. I. William MacDonald Providence, R. I. John Holland Rose Cambridge, England George Peabody Wttmore Newport, R. I. Henry Osborn Taylor, Litt.D New York, N. Y. George Macaulay Trevelyan Chelsea, England Charles Downer Hazen, Litt.D Wasiiington, D. C. William Kceney Hi.xby, LL.D St. Louis, Mo. Rt. Hon. Earl of Kosebery London, England Frederick Scott Oliver London, England y f^no *' ^1 1'^. 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