Ah^Akfff^K '^if^^^^''-' *i^.?^%M^^il«iMil«^^ u / r~ REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dictionaryenglisOOmolerich ^ DICTIOXAEY ENGLISH AND MARATHI, - COMPILED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY. PLANNED AND COMMENCED BY J. T. 5I0LESW0RTH. CONTINUED AND COMPLETED BY T. CANDY. S)Ccontr lEtrition, REVISED AND ENLARGED BY T. CANDY. )S m b a {) : PRINTED AT O A N P A T K R I S H N A .11' R PRESS, By tue Pboprietor Atmabam Kakoba. 1873. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JUfiiUrti far Copj/ Bight under Gtvernmtnt Yer questions. And the compiler has received some assistance from Mr. Shri Krishna Sh:' ijtri Talekar, Deputy Educational Inspector, and from Mr. Riiwji Slu'vstri Godbole, the Si( retaiy and Reviser to the Dakshinii Prize Committee- The former was, through the K-f 'Iness of the Director of Public Instruction and of Government, permitted to join him for i'. . -e months in the Monsoon of 1871. Valuable assistance in the correction of the Press has been rendered by Mr. Balwant Parshurdm Godbole. The compiler presents his grateful acknowledgments to the successive Dii-ectors of Public Instruction who have fostered his work, to the Government of Bombay for the liberal remune- ration given for his labor of revision, and to the Native Chiefs who manifested their interest in the work by contributing to its expenses. Lastly the compiler would express his thanks to God for giving him strength to complete the work. THOMAS CANDY. PooNA, November, 1873. ''•'.'VERSITY PEEFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. As the Dictionary her© presented to the Public is not the work of a single compiler, and he who planned it had not tbo satisfaction of completing it, it seem!& suitable to begin the Preface with an account of tha authorthip of the work. The work was commenced by Captain Molesworth, the chief compiler of the Mardthi* and English Dic- tionary, on the publication of that work ia 1831. He took Todd's edition of Johnson, and transferred its columns to the poges of several blank folios, omrftting only words altogether obsolete or unsuitable. With the English Dictionary thus arranged before him, he took up the Marrdthi and English Dictionary, and went over its pages, transferrbg the words to tie blaak spaces opposite their eorresponding terms in English. It may be hastily supposed by some, that this was all that was necessary to compile the present Dictionary, and that it was a work which a short time would suffice to complete ; but an examiuation of the renderings of Marjtbi words on the pages of the Ifarathi and English Dictionary, and a consideration of the nature of tha subject, would soon shew ssch a supposition to be fallacious. The compilers of the MarSthi and English Dic- tionary generally gaTe explanatory and paraphrastic meanings, in preference to simple synonymes, as being more likely to conrey to the mind of the student the general power and use of the words rendered. In revers- ing the Dictionary, these paraphrastic renderings had, of course, to be converted into simple terms; and the compilers had to seek out the English words which best answered as synonymes to the Marathi, that the latter might be placed beside them. The M. and E. Dictionary was most carefully examined, and the words of it transferred to the E. and M. Dictionary, so far as the compilers found their corresponding places ; but by this process little more, probably, than a third of the words wero rendered ; but these ranged, of course, from the beginning of A to the end of Z, While Captain Molesworth was engaged in reversing the Marithi and English Dictionary, the Writer of this Preface rojoincd him from England at the close of 1832, and assisted him in his labors till the middle of 1835 ; when the hcftlth of both was so impaired, that Captain Molesworth was under the necessity of proceed- ing to Europe, and the Writer to intermit Jexicogntphical hibor. The work was thus suspended ; but Captain Molesworth took the MS. with him, in the hope that restored health would speedily enable him to resume it in Europe. This hope was not realized ; and after somo years had elapsed without power to labor having returned, ho sent ont the MS. to the Writer. By the desire of the Hon'blo the Governor in Council of Bom- * 8itbwu7i< ; and to Cowardly, Impetuous, Excessive, Fierce, Fat, Infinihv as f artber illnstnitionB of adjectives^ It has been also an object with the compilers of this Dictionary to commnnicato to the Btuicnt miscellaneout vtf/til information connected with the words rendered. The words Address, Brahman, Bride, Compellation, Hkativ, Hell, Holtdat, Interjection, Intensitive, Land, Lunar Mansion, Manes, Marbuoe, Maxim, Meal, Mbasum, Mimdicakt, Music, Name, Nature, Obeisance, Observance, Ocean, Octicee, Rite, Scripture, may, bo referred to aa exAinples. ' The stadent xdbj perhaps obeerve ttat the plan of the work has not been sustained and carried out in all its points with perfect nnifonnity through the book. To expect it, would be to expect too much, even under the moat favorable circumstances ; for in s work carried on through a course of years, inadvertence will overtake the moet vigilant, and weariness will, at times, oppress the most energetic. This work, moreover, has laboured under its own peculiar difadvantagcs and difficulties. It has not been the work of one man, nor the product of the joint labor of two, but it has been partly one and partly the other. The plan originally drawn out was that of a complete Thesaurus ; but he who drew it out, end commenced filling it up, soon fonnd that it would require more years than bo could hope to give to it. He therefore proceeded to contract bis plan. 8 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Ere long his health began to fail, and under the combined influence of sickness, and the fear that failure of health would involve failure of the work, he made still greater contractions, and deviated considerably from the course on which he had entered. Feeling that a work unequal in its parts was still better than no work at all, he expunged page after page of the folios he had drawn out, in the hope of getting to the end ere disabled by sickness; but in vain. A considerable part of the labor of the Writer of this Preface has been that , of restoring the proportions of the work, by retracing the plan and re-entering what had been expunged. Under these circumstances, ho hopes that the student's feeling will be that of contentment with what is presented to him, rather than of dissatisfaction that he has not all that he dosii'cs. The Writer of this Preface made notes, during the progress of his labor at the Dictionary, of various points of resemblance and dissimilarity between the English and Maratlii languages; but as he foresaw that to connect and amplify them would occupy considerable time, and would delay the publication of the work, ho requested his friend the Rev. Dr. Stevenson, whose philological researches are so well known, to favor him with a dissertation on this interesting subject. Dr. Stevenson has kindly complied with the request made to him, and the Writer has the great satisfaction of prefixing to the Dictionary the paper which his learned friend has prepared. As the student will doubtless give it a careful perusal, a reference to it will supply the place of many observations that would otherwise be required, and will obviate the necessity of extending tliis Preface, which may now be concluded with some miscellaneous remarks, Tlie inexperienced student is cautioned against supposing that thLs Dictionary will enable one who is ignorant of Marathi to compose correctly in that language. Tlie object of a work of this kind is not to supersede a diligent study of the language, but to facilitate it, and to assist him who has acquired the language, by presenting to him a number of words from which he may select the particular one that he wants, thus saving him time and trouble, llany words will be found clubbed together, because of their having the same general meaning, and every one rendering the English word under which they are collected in some aispect or other ; but unless the student knows their particular implications and aspects, he will run the risk of using a word which conveys a different shade of meaning from that which he wishes to express. Where the student is ignorant of thp power of a particular word, it will be wise for him to verify it before he uses it. The compiler of this Dictionary had in view the Native student of English, as well as the European student of Mardthi. It has been specially for the former that the English leading words have been so generally ex- plained. The utility of this explanation to Native students of English, was not so clearly apprehended when the early part of the work was sent to the Press as it afterwards became, which will account for the explana- tions being few at the beginning of the work. The names of fruits, flowers, animals, and substances, which are not known to the Marathas and which, therefore, have no corresponding terms in Marathl, have been omitted, Tliere are several points of Mardthj Orthography which have not yet been settled by grammarians and writers. And as in the course of the work, the mind of the compiler has sometimes inclined to one form, and at other times to another, variations will appear. One of the points yet unsettled is, whether the final long vowel of a word, whether adjective or noun, should be shortened in a word formed or derived from it, or framed by the combination of it with another word. As, for instaiice, whether q^0Nr?I«ir»I or "Pr^m, zn^x or ^^^^ '3T*ft^ffTIT or "3rf^T9TIT, ^jft^^r^H or ^fTTH^mr, vft^rr or f^^T, Ac &c. are right. Both forms arc in common use, and both will occasionally be found in this woik. But the mode now approved of by the Writer, and which has been generally followed by him, is to f-hortcn the vowel of words which end with a consonant, but to keep it long in others. He therefore prefers 'pfsm'nT, ^''Rjrf^'niTT, 'R«Pf|d40ll, Ac, to «f,(flWHu iT, ?<*|M i, ^ifHHtlH, ^?tf*R5rr5T, &c. rather than fHSTR, orrotT^fH, ^nffraiST, i . Many words that are given as renderings of English nouns of agency arc properly speaking adjectives, .i ! require a noun to be undci-stood though not expressed. The English nouns Singer, Eater, Goer, Opponim , Beogab, &c. are rendered by iimTTT, ^MRT, ^STmiTT, ^rMt, «im^, &c. but these are all adjectives. nmRr ■ * quires some such word as JTpiJJT to bo understood, and means a singing man or person. TMlft means a fcr. • finger, and requires flT^T, ^, or some such word, to be understood. At firet, the sign of the masculina gender was affixed to these forms ; it was subsequently omitted on the ground of their being adjectives. The student will bear in mind, however, that where no sign of gender is given, the masculine form is that which is presented to him. Feminine formations have not usually been given, but it has been left to tho student to make them for him^lf. There is much greater regularity in the construction of feminine formations in Mardthf than in English. In English we have shepherd-shepherdess, author-authoress, poet-poetess, but wo have not siiicier eingeress, gardener-gardenerest, carpenter-caprenteres, sau^yer-sawyeress, tailor-tailoress, fai-mer-farmeress, ^-c. Again, we have tcorkm*0-^d*0*'i, ^T^-sfT^nift'I, *R-»t^, &c. Indeed, following their rule, |he Marathas have formed ^'mOui from soldier, and apply the word not only to a soldiei-'s wife or a female Boldior, but to European women-servants generally. The feminine forms usually express both a female agent and the wife of the inascuUne agent ; as for example, H i ofjm is cither a woman who does gardening work, or simply a gardener's wife, or a woman of tho gardcncr-castc. An exception to this rale may be given in tho word KOT^^, which according to the rule should mean a female farmer or a Kunbi woman, but a Kunbi's wife or daughter would be very angry at being called a ^unft or, which word is now restricted to a domestic female slave. There are some cases of nice distinction between tho wife of a person and a woman of his caste, as in the case of the words ^ji|, ar^r^, OTT^TTT, &c. the form for a Shndra'a tcife being ^j^, and for a female Shudra (a woman of the Shudra caste) being ^jjj- also in the case of 3TI^t«^ or a spiritual teacher, for a woman who teaches is Sdr^jiin, while a teacher's wife is 3TT^nnTl^. This nice distinction, however, is not attended to in Marathi, High Sanskrit words are often used in Marathi by learned speakers, who, of course, generally employ the Sanskrit terminations for the feminine form when required ; but with respect to Sanskrit words that are in general use in Marfithi, the common Mardthi feminine formations arc usually affixed to them, though they who affect to be classical, may and do give the Sanskrit formations. For instance, the feminine formations of tho words JTt^WT^, JT^TT^, f^^^, &c. will generally be qf?r?rT'^, srfrr7?J>f, ^^iftT, &c. though speakers will be found to say upr^rf^, JTfHy in Greek do. The first is a mere philosophical abstraction, and it is quite incorrect lo say that " i(^ made the world." He makes nothing, and does nothing but enjoy his own beatitude, till ho is seized wilh a tit of HflT, and then he is no longer inp, butJf^T. The Mcond of the above words, however, would answer very well in the sentence " God created the world, " but try by thii word to translate the first Commandment, and you run into the absurdity or inaptitude of saying that there i.t no Suprtme Lord but one, which no body ever denied, and which is not the meaning intended. The sense is, " Thou •halt have no other object of worship besides me. " In this ctno ^ answers admirably; yet generally when a Maratha uae^ that word, he thinks of some village god, some local idol, or red painted stone, and rarely of the Supremo Being; iior has tl^e langiugo a* yet capital*, like our own, or an article like the Greek, to mark the distinction. After all, an rapitals are now being introduced into Mariitlii^ thus written will be the best term, by which to render the worL>ruUii nor its parent Sanscrit furnishes any tolerable equivalents. In such rases, the lexicographer has •AX some words which convey something near the idea, and which, till the natives agree in inventing cnitable terms -< they ^cQUte better itcqoaiutcd with our literature^ may convey the general sense, or ho baa formed from existing IG A^' ESSAY ON THE ENGLISH AND MAKATHI LANGUAGES. clemeula a new word suited to convey the meaninj» intended. 8. There is a large class of nouns iu Marathi derived from luiitative Adverbs, which requires a few remarks. Wo have indeed such nouns in English, as, hanging derived from bang, tchizzing from whiz, dashing from dash, caicing from caw, cooing from coo, &c. Besides these, there are many words of this class, which, though used by the vulgar, hardly find aJniission into polite discourse; as thumping, bumping, &e. Now the Marathas, being more the children of mature than the English, above nil things delight in the use of this class of words, which are even by the Brahmans dignified with the name of arj^or^!^. Many of the adverbs are reduplicated syllables, as sRifj, q^^T, iSl^%^ 1^^» *Trt?mj f^wnft OTTf, means "the soldier who was here yesterday, is present. " In the first instance, the subject is m mojH, and the predicate is «lt»Rr. In the second instance, the subject is ^>rar ^tlT, aud the predicate is qai»?! • and in the third, the subject is ^?i^r f?l»hi=! I ^ 'f.'T^. The full force of the word, howeyer, is brought out in such a sentence as the following, < gfT ^W^ fq i rl l^, literally. Whoever comet tohxmjkeit. 16. The :Maratha8 not content with an ordinal form of numerals, as in other languages, have formed such words from fd<(>l how many or how mwri, and ^n<»>i and PiTK. ^% f^^. " Tiiko down that turban," will be ^ ^, we have ^ftj11'J-:||^ anffT 3n^; but there is an additional element introduced here by the word arrfTT, which means iperly aot permiuion but command. The idea expressed by the \<;ord permission is foreign to the mode of thinking liong the Hindus. There is implied in this word, that an inferior has laid down a plan of action for himself, and proposes this for the passive acquiescence of his superior. This is however a degree of presumption that upsets all Hindu notions of propriety, maiing the inferior active, and the superior passive. Even when a Brahman comes to visit you at your house, he considers himself your servant for the time being, and when ho wishes to take leave, he •ays anfTT an^ ? meaning have I your commands to depart ? Not to be behind him in politeness you give indeed a command, but it is not that he should go away, but that he should come again when he finds it convenient, which you express by the single term mt. — Again if the words, " I may go wherever I please, " be those of a superior or person independent of foreign control and expressive of inherent liberty, the Marathi rendering would be v^^ ip^^ ^^ %»t «1l»T is a part of the verb ^t^, and properly means it it, which most likely is also the original meaning of yet. If therefore the verb by which you ask the question is 3(1^, the word ^^ may suffice for on answer. Thus.in addressing a company of agricnlturist8,if you were to say g»=^p J"!^ 317^ ? the reply might be simply ^t'T, though most likely OTcn here 3TT^ would be added. Th© rule here then in replying to a question, is to do it by repeating the verb used by the questioner, prefixing ^tT or not, as you please, if the answer be in the affirmative, and subjoining or prefixing srff, if in the negative; thus, the answer to nm fll»Jf<1 ? are yom hungry ? would be ailfO TTft, or siT^ ?5Tn^, / am not; but never ^|t alone: If however, the question were «r^ an^ ? the answer would be TT^t, as this is considered the negative form of the verb 3TI^, and the rule is that the verb used in a question must be repeated in the answer. 28. The construction of sentences in Marithi is generally very simple, so that a few hints on this subject may niEce. Parentkese* should be altogether avoided in 3farathi composition, and when they occur in a sentence which requires to be translated, they should be incorporated with, or subjoined to, the principal sentence. In ordinary cases when no pectiliar emphasis leads to a different arrangement, the words of a sentence in Marathi should follow one another in the following order; first the agent, next the object, and last the verb. If there be an instrument, it comes preferably between the object and the verb; and if an adverb, its usual place is immediately before the verb, as in the following sentence, J? HK*^!*! aiPT^^RT fftTT% 5R HK^. The student who has paid proper attention to the Onmmar of the laagoafre, will be aware that sentences, which have in them a relative pronoun in English, must be inverted when put into Marathi; thus, '* That is the man of whom I told you yesterday," becomes in Marathi Tin H- ^u(|f^^41 *ft Jf fTT ^T^ JTlT'Irir^ »?t fT^ W^. The word man, however, is transferred to the opposite member oftlio •entcnce from that in which it occurs in English, and therefore belongs to the first member also iuMoruthi, as the genius of the language requires the subject of discourse to be introduced in the first member of a sentence. 29. The construction of the past tenses of Transitive verbs by the instrumental case of the agent, and the simple or anredupiit-ated form of the Past Participle, which agrees with the object, or if there is no object, is put in the neuter gender, is a curious part of Mar£thi Syntax, and well deserving the attention of the Philologist. Tho former of the two modea of construction ia called the Vffoft, and the latter the HI^ g«fm, by Marathi Grammarians; r^ iff^ fltf*m?{Y is an instance of the former, and T^T^ nlfl'l^ of the latter mode of construction. This latter is indeed the more difficult of the two to reaolve, vet I think if we compare it with the corresponding phraK in Sanscrit, 'we shall come to the conclu- 24 AN ESSAY ON THE ENGLISH AND MAl^ATHI LANGFAGES. sion, tliat the theory laid down in the commencement of this paragraph is the true one. Thus, f^H %"^ is exactly rR ?>?[, and answers to " it was done by Lim, " in English. The substantive yerb was, requires indeed to be expressed in English, but in the other two languages it is usually understood. If the verb in Morathi be expressed, it answers to oup English Perfect Tense, which is properly a Past-present, for past and present time are both united in it- thus, PTpf H %3J arf^ will usually be rendered " he has done that, " but it may also be tanslated in the very form and idiom of the Mardthi " that is done by him." " The letter is finished," in Blaraihi will stand exactly as in English, TSI ^S Sn^, though if there be no emphasis on the substantive rerb it will be omitted in Mardthi. It does indeed seem strange that any language should tie itself down to such an inverse mode of construction, but the limitation is a fact, in what- ever way it may be explained. In Sanscrit, they can say H 31* . A . in the sense of each one, each or etery one leverally, as a year, a tree, a man, is rendered by in^,^;'E«4r<< r iIT^-HmiH-&c. tcith g. ofo. To Abanbos, ». a. renounce, retign; v. To Give up. ZI^, 5?T|5 ^, s^n^, fqmm. «PTot g. o/o.^^,f!nT3fdt,Bt3'ir. 2 desert, forsake, ^n^iW^^-^^-^rlfT-Ac. 3TTot,^T^ot, g. ofo. PT^fcf, aTfiT n. ^, 3^nr^. 3 (one's self) to. ?IT^ m.-sjq f«. ijoj-t^^ y. ofo. m^»»- g^ w. fti'i^Ji in. con. ABASrOSABLE, a. T. V. 1. cT^T«ir-5HismT-«r^''TT-&c. ^iifir- vritnT-Ac. eroix, JH^Hoir, fn^ ni^pft^, ^^, "i^sffT, 2 ^ntT«IT-Ac.3?tnm-^T,Ac.r?n!>WT,lf'R^FnT.|q,^r3?T, Abakeo>kd, ;). ^ a.v.V.l. ZITKPJr, Ac.f«l^, iqTfn?l,n?lfvlfT, 2 ^TI^T-Ac. Bnf*IH, fqTf3l?r, r«T^, Tf^WIS. I. reprolale,Sic.y. Sn4WEi.JS8.n;T?nr,5iIIvjKT^ ill^fSfST, f*ni^?iS'?T, 'imr^, f^'PvM, f^^RBvor, fjro?!, f^^JF. 11.— a town, village, house, v. Desolate. ?^n, !«W, To be or become a. mt[f. t^HlOT (sntrRT-»n«rm-*ITT<»- Ac. ) WI^-?^Tl-Ac. qzof. [ Ac. »mTW. III.— a tenemcntTlHJoft, 1iTp5, qrcBi5i7T«r^<^I-fllXSW- AlAjrDojsKn, n. v.V. 1. IMWTm,f»Tr»rrTTT, ^^5c^, &c. 2. STT^Sjr, &c. ^T^f, ^dl^+H, ^H^, ^f^HllMHM, ^T- fHTTT^i^T^ 5rr%^r, ?q-?p^JT^5r, ^^tgifT??^?^, ^shrl ^^ H??, Abasemekt, «. T. V. I,— act. ^^^^n. m?5T^w. &c. atfir- TR^S^ n.— state. JTrTHT m. Hm^;i^rTT/. iTH^r^/. JTT- •iRfH^T m. r^^^^^ m. 2— state, ^^mm m. HJ^rTT/. 3f^<^^q;K «. ^t^?^^- To Abash, ». a.v. To Shame. OT5T?ot, HMm^'j |, ^Tc^ q^nm Abashed,/). V. V. afl(f Ashamed. ?!rJfq^?!T, &c. c5P!r5?JT, To be or become a. c^M^jf, -MMmuj, 3Tt^T555r, .t.V. 1. ^^W, ^i^f*T^,?i?t? %3?5T,^?wr5lT. 2 cJRf^fn^, c!trir/. ?re?rr/. I. mark of a. ^^^f^'^ n. 1\. thing albreviated, v. Abhidqement. ^f^TTffl.HKI^m. Abbbetiatob, «. V. V. i.^i^^rmrn, ^■^q;TnTKT, ?r|?f w.-T- ^^tt ^"Jif, ?iTTrfHff^5^ f^?!'^ n.-?5rrfHt?rf^3f;iti>d ' ^?r..- aTf'^=FTtRff>fOT.-q^fqTnOT.-q^>^^n.-q^??rJRn.-&c.^Twr. Abdicated, p. v. V. N. Wr«)r<<|«i-&c. %^, ?ft?^c?T, Bmft, V. v. A. ^"tS^?^, &c. cq'Tf'm, FTTf»tq^, ?rHTfv«M<^i'i, ?Trtrr n. Abekba>'t, «. deeicvi, T. £kbi50. f^^?^-f^f»lfit-&c. ^>^, To Abet, «. a. iac*, v. To Help, ni^ m. ^of, «f^ /. ^, J»!P,r m. ^T^ ^. 0/ 0. qiSTTT^ m -"PfrfJTI m. ^T^t y. of o. ^miT/. ^-^^^-*Tor, "nfCTTf pfr. Abbttob, n. Abettwo, p. a. t. V. nm ^"fm, JHTt^T JT^- OTITT, Al". »f»T "•■ Mlft'll •». TrfCTT m. A beiaXce, That ia in a. ?t^^, ftPR 3iT«»TW, ?riF<|. To AbbOB, r. «. *«<* inlenuly ; abominate, detett. ^t^t^ ^- ^, aRf»nt-3Tm^-Ac. JTPlOr, fw HPTOT, JW^T, 3»f?!yT m.-KTfsj^f •». 'R^'r g.ofo.^. m.-5(ir^pft/.-&c. i»^ y. i/o. in. eon. «n«lf^ ( fl'^t^T ) Tliof, or, inversely, f^iff, 'tffT't ^T^i'^ «•• ^n^ y. ofo. TtTPT fr^ot-5T?wr-?Woi <5^- %iT% «. ;»i. ▼Il0i-fNHl3»fJ3I »». /. Jtot qo|y. 0/0, ABaoBBKi>,/>. T. V. »lfn«-Ac. »TT^f?I, sHrn j^r^fl, srfM^. A BHOBBEXCB, «. extreme hatred, vf^f^ m. q^|^ m. 3T- AsioBiOT, a. Abhomu, n. t. V. 3ff»t«I-4c. ITHOTITT, Jff- Z ABL I. irreconcUalle icith.^ t. Inconsisiest. f^. a. v. To Await, ^"laqot, ^"ta^ «l^'Jif-.U^ot- Ac. f?re^ «t^''A ^l Jr o/" 0. 2 T. To Beae. Bre^, ^T^ «. sj^TT y. o/"o. Abidikq. See Endbbing. Abilitt, n. V. Poweb. ^^/. ^lH««f «. sic^^op. ija «. nr- q»?T w ^/. gJTri/. ( «>Tr^, ^m«f^, ^jq;, ^ij^-tf, if. 2— mentally, t. Clcvkb, SKn.ruL. ^w4, ^, q7, ^TcJ, 8 of adequate ability or power, v. COMPETXllT. 551*1 V, 4— in comp. admitting of, sutcrptiUe of, having the power. The form of the English verb thus constituted \t* render- ed into J/iiraiAiby attaching, to the gcrundial form of the Mardihi verb, the particle ^, (ex. Eatable ^mi=5rT, Drinkable tinxn^,):-also the adjective ?tTT^ l>ke, equal, adequate, (ex. ^T'TmiT??T):-al80 the adjective «n"T or.po- pularly, ^VTf{\ or Sjinr irofcr.Jit, worthy, ( ex. ^PTT or ^TlTfro or fRI«JWI 'n^-sfrtHr-^'fl'TT, )'.also the a(ljecti^o f;W^ possible after adding H or BT ( ex. ^mw or ^mr- ^;|tW^,V. — and thus, witha liberty unknown in Engiieh, /ArovyiouMho Afara'/A^ verbs. It is further rendered, when it exprosaei the tansp proper, fit, worthy {to be ), ABL by compounding with Santkrit nouns such words as ^- i?T, gr^^Tp, 3fqH, 3T^, &c. all expressing this sense; ex. This form is also, in very nuwerous instances, •well rendered by Sanskrit gerunds or partifiples (e.f^.eatable ^?I, ^n^jft^, ^Slfe^^Mf, or H^, HHof^^T, Tf^lfTWT or »T- r ?^f^5T ) and by such forms it will here be abundantly rendered; but for tho rules of formation, as they are not quite simple, and as they belongs not to Maraihi^ the learner is referred to the grammar of the Sanskrit. Here it is necessary to slate, 1st. That by the terminations "able" spoken of, are to bo understood as well the terminations "ible, eble, uble," ( e. g. miscille, delelle, solulle,)\y\\eiheT occurring euphonously in the constitu- tion of i'ny^fiA verbal adjectives, or appearing in adjec- tives, introduced form the Latin; and whether viewed as derived from Abal Goth, or Ablez Norm., or from Habilis ia<. 2udly. That, as this termination "able," though it, viewed as Englislt,c&n mean and therefore can be interpreted only as above ( viz. having the power ); and though,accordingly,itB incomparnbly most common implication is that oi susceptibility or jractiralleness, is yet employed Cperlmps from a power derived from Habi- lis), to express the sense^^ or sii'aHe, ( e. g. ohservalle, edible, ) and the sense subject or liable, ( e. g. finable, punishable,) so, in like manner, are employed the parti- ciple ^ and the adjectives HTiT^r and qTTq',&c.3dly. That the Sanskrit formationsgiven.andnll similar format ions, (with the afiBxes ^cj^, atnftTT, and ?fMT,) are, though they involve differences and admit delicate preferences, em- ployed in Jl/ard. Cloth worn at a. Tl^t/. Cursory or hurried a.— with the power or implica- tion oi going through thejorm,doing enough to swear by, Laws and rules of a. ^tt^^ftTm. /»i. ?iHr^R»». Materials ( water, ashes, powder, &c. ) for a. W^^ W.CTRTn. That performs a.^TRRF^, ^STRtft, ^TTHT, 5fH?ftr^. That has performed a. ?5fR %^KT,^TTH,?)?reiPr,vTTrrerT*r. TTnpurified by the daily &yet vnwashed, — of persons, vessels, &c. Ttfrer ( and by reduplic. vHliR/. WPrft!Ic5T or 5iH?fY«/. Ablutioxakt, a. v. N. relating, ij'e. /o aJZit^it. a^iq^b^'Mr, fj^, wrrf^T^TTF, «ii'im;<'ntfn^. AuT, flip. V. N. 1. n'jft^ &c ??rf^, ^mma-^. ib Abxeoatk, Ab>koati05. See To Dest, Denial. ABSOEKAI., a.T. IaBEGCLAB.ftrftnT3I^,W*lf?R^,aTOVT;irnj(. Aboard, adv. and />rt- To a. a rite, practice, rule, ic. rH<.t. V. »fn^W, Ac. mfrm %OTT or «Hai, R^- ^, »T'TT,'^,-J r*^W, ^/IfiH, ^?«^?l, fn^rT, 3?«TfTfia,5R. Abolishes, «i. t.V. »ir?JirTT,&c. 5nifraT-fT-.tc.!|;^unTT. Aboutiov, «. y.y.—act. mOT n. Rfffl ^T-^ot n. sTTftW-Ac. «T^ «. Ac. ^IJIST n.— state, ^vik^^ m.&c. Hf^/. »T- ^ /• T^3^ ••• *rT m.^ m. 3WrVpT m. f^IffT/. fH«?^ ABOiiiHABLK,a. ietnlahle, exeeraUe, v. Hateful. am'W, aTOrf^,'3TrncE,i^m^,f»^5?^, Hi^iira, %v^f^, ^rfJig*^, J(rtf< of a. RTT/. ^w «. 3n^'t n. -flfng.^ ABOBIOI5AL, «. T. Obioixal. wa^f, ^fi|»?T, JivwfwiT, I ABOBioimt*, «. ;>n»wt/ic« inkabitantt. WB% nf(ni> m. />/. ^ ■•. pi -. m i f^rfl g •!. />*. Abobtiob, ■.—«<•/. mitearriaye. »nTO^ ■••|^ «. •l*f«nT^ «. ABO n. n4?«j^ n. fi^tpi^ n. ^f^ «». ^n^ fa. Procurer of a. fJl^rliF, QOTIp^n, ftl^fT-&c. ^rrf. To procure a. ^\Z n. Tr^-^R^-^tS^f-f^^^-HTTor, To suffer a. ^ n. T^iJf-f^R^ ff. oft. 2 — produce, cattling. »T*f «n. I^^IT m. ^5^;a.to go »nT5Tt?5^,nnd ira^%^,^T?5W,H?^»Jtr- ^5^,q351>»J?r,&c.)3if>Tn^,(ex. *TWrfH5?«r,Ac.». supra) To be a. %^, ^^fT^, rfl'll^-, 'F^^^FSTT, ^?^"7rr:, ^?T7, ?lR-^Rt:r-mTT'4-&c. q3f?r. Abbidoement, n. v. V. l.—act. ^fT»|<*rn/-HI-mn.-fl1<«|un/.-«i««(>'j*/.- ' «.-*TnB/.-7rr«T/.-Ac. ffTl'»i- 2 fllc^ii, Ac. Ht^iST, g^, J'P, Jt^HH^J, ?I"TV5'B, &c. ' To Absobb, r a. tuek up. ?iW^, ift^ im, 7lT?loir, fqot, ,1 2 icio//y engage.^ engroti. 'jn-«TrF-inT-f^HH-arqT-y^-&c. ^T^ a/w/, in. fOfi. J^of, wn^ot, ^xot. ' 3 twaUote up^ coiuume, devour, take. ^T^f, SR^r, ^iV^I, [ fi». eon. ^, »?«T m. «. ^o| g.ofo. \ a 3«f, «IT*, 5^, ^, ire, »nr /»/». *nisT, f^*rR, ?!?tt, If1- fvTT^^OTT m. Ac. ^^ m. n. I. ( into the Deity. ) nf^f. n\^ m. si^T^^q n. n^- snfr/. i?^fH^<^ n. -H^^l^^ f.\^^ n. Bapture or bliss of a. arl^f^M. sf^m^ m. ar^??T n. To Abstain, v. n. refrain, forbear. gf^-f^^r?T-Ac. XJ^ used with tho verb expressing the object ( ex. 31^ ^m n.-!\X(^ g.ofo. ^^ rir^^^M^ n.-i^fqnr »«.- 3THtn M. ^T^, fvR^, ^?Eot, !r«^ qj^, HtTsqi^ft^-aiJ- Abstemious, Abstisei^t, a. ( in diet, ) v. Temperate, sr- mt 3Tr^ «6<«iHr, arF^rr, 3T?qT^T- orm, 3Tr^Hint, 3T?qfsrfT0, 3TrfKf^^Kf^Mn«tH, ^^nft, <<>4 < i K , f^^jft, fH^MHt^, fT^f^T, fH^rl^, PlTHf- fcT, f^nm?;?, f^f^sft, iffT^, r'ff 1 f^^^. 3 — diet, regimen, life, tparing, ^c. a^r^TfRTSfT, pl^^- ^KHI, fJnrfH'Tf^^TTRT, MRfnd »i"l1T^T. Abstemiously, adv. v. A. 1. 2. 3T5'?'TtnT%, 3T?^>il'lT?^rm m. HPTTft- V. A. 1. STFTT^ m. 3T?^H??1I «. 3T?'imT «. STr^Ht- 5T^ «. fsiMftl^K m. Ac. *{f\\\\K m. ••S{\\\if'iHH m. 3t«r- ^X m. Ac. 2 'Hr'nfW m. ;«rVf^^I* «. ^'HT m. ^fT^THn. flTTHm.fsT- «m ». fi'TH^^ n. f^^^^^f. atji^t «. ?iqfTff^/. I. v. FisTiso. 3^m m. fJM\\\i m. W\^\X m. ni]^^ n. To AD8TBA0T, V. 0. tejaratc from. mxv^ or 'FITrf ^of, ^«qf;T- ?R n. VT^. 2 epitomize, t. To Abbibob. flTTt;!! m. ^»«T, flfjI^T,^- ^ w.mmw m. W^ g. of 0. Abstract, fi. t. Abbjbomkht. WT m. ^ITW m. flRi^ «■ wn-4 m. [}T^ "• 2 ( e«p. of roUs, lists, accounts. ) »Tt*TnT or »ltW »»• '^- ABU 8^ S essence extracted, t. Extkact. f^^A m. f^=pnH m. In tho a. without reference to particular persons or things. 5-«r»Tr^ tI5?T, H5itT*TI5rT%f, &c. A.B8THACT, a. 5'. v. A. unconnected with any thing else. ?r- Absteuse, a. hidden, secret, recondite, occtdt. r^, »I^, 'TOT- •4, ^JJJ, 1^4, ?n?y, ?T?rT?7, i^if, 5^'4, JJ^*^, anr- Abstbuselt, adv. v. A. 'T^TOTT^, JSToft, H^df'J, 3TF?^. Ab8TEI)3ekess,«. t. a. ^raquir ot. &c. ^SfTT/. fJrr^fTT/. 1^=75^ n. «THT'4^Frf n. T^^^if^f^ n. JTJT^^P^ «• 5^"=^?!:/. AnsuED, o. V. Uneeasonable, — of persons. flft^JfT, 3T- 2— of acts, judgments, Ac. ST^nriRT, 3Tjf?P^, 3T'T4tf^- o** ^, srn'Fr. -intensely; ««j)eraJMnia«/,o«)rr^H»iny,^c. V. Esubee- aNT. »T^T^^, T^r^a^, Tfl^TT^, 3T^f?^, ^5, srf^f^T^, 3T- «f5^c5r, l?rs!^? riMlrtrtl. Abundantly, Aboundinoly, adv. v. A. ^J?T, ^i*o», TTT, To Abuse, P.O. vituperate, revile, f^/. or f^is?TT/. /?Z. ^, 5^d(, — intensely, vchemcutly, &c. v. To Scold. ?frs or ABT —coarsely or filthily. Expressive of this sense there are some scores of filthy formations; but we omit them To begin to a. 3ir++l<)< q^. 2 ill use, misuse. HHt-qi+IHI^ ?ira"f, g??3E'if, f ^5^, f ^rewft/.-^^fST m. ^FTfff y. 0/ 0. araTo^TTR »«.-graT«j^*frn m.-aro^oq^r^c wL-awg^nfrn m.-aro^fq^^tn w.-^sq^t ^ OT.-&C. «FTot g. oj 0. 8 /nVA, V. To Deceive. iSf.^of, HlcS^TR^f, »?1otl1«(, ^5^ 4- violate, dejile. sn^^fT M.-qoE^nft/.-^JJ^ »n.-'»T«(<««ft &c. spTWr tiiVA q^ of 0. «IId*iui, ^^ ^F^ot, aT^^'iJ^T n.-f sqqrq' OT. «FT^. Abcse, Abusing, n. t. V. 1.— aef. ^^T«t6t w. &c. ^?.loiuft/. |?Tat/. 'Ilf^sj-JR n. ?f-»J^/. f%Tr/. f%^ n. fJ1*RfsTT/. — intensely, vehemently, &c. ^(n<»ifllot or 5t^ or <^iM^r-&c. ^, \iV Abusive, a. v. V. 1. vituperative, reurrilous, jfc. ftlfn,fff5I- o5, qioaq u i, arqNq, P\^^., f%^T^, ^ffnJ«TooqT, filgmT- To grow or become a. ^ n. g5Tftfr, ^qraqtqm. ^^ 3 ofs. Kith "^ of o. arq^r aro^, Kqw/.-f5q«Tr «»■ arfltif g. of 0. Abutment, Abutting, n. v.V. — state, aq?!/. wq^TTw ?flKT- ?iqrq m. TTq'r^^^ n. ^^f?I?:-^?rtcTr-'eV?5icfT-&c'. ??f5ff^/. ABUTiAL, Abutment, n. headland. fltHrelV ««. Abysm, A bibs, ». bottomless gulf , 3Pim-3fra3^-&c. 3TR1T ACC 9^ 2 ie^ xrater. 3TnrU^5T=5 n. =^ w. |! A»rs3i!HAX, «. ^nt w. f^T^c %^ M. Acacia, «. gumarahic-tree. ^H« or iTPToJ/. Some »pecifi or rarieliet are y?^r^« /.or f%^r /, "|:KRt/.or n^TUfTt/. 2 — the gum. fltH'jft-MI ft^ or ^t^»».-«ft^«. A MOKMiAL, Academic, Academical, «. behntfinj to an AoADKMUX, Ac.iDEMiciAy, «. member of (in a. f^fTr;T^ n. m^. ELEUATED, p. V. V. fl»J«W w. t^ m;i. Attention to a. •j'^rt-^r^^f m. 3 mtark directing the toice. i«)'N'^ «. M<^mV ^^ ». 1 *^fT »•. '^r^'^ti; OT. J^J^zi['^ m. 4 or accents; lone, tpeeck. ^T w. ««rf*T m. ^^ f. i Pieaaing a. g^T »♦. j; Soft, gentle, Ac. a. *^«^f*T m. *J>*<<< »n. ?F^^ m. ; Tremuloua or broken a. *Tfp^ m. I •J peculiar tone. *^ />o/). ^ w. TW m. | AccEJrr, To AccEXTCATE, rui. — in speaking or reading, i 2 m»r* ici/* an accent or vitk accent*, *^0*(Y q^T/.- *<' l * q H5 »ll /. f /.-'^Tf^f ".-'^rff ^«, />/.-&c.^-T^. J9 ACCE5TUATB, f. 'H\lf- Acceptation, n. ( as of a word. ) v. Meanino. ?Tf^^ m. 3I'.^qfT tn. The common or popular a. 5^/ M^Rl/ «I^Hd w. Accepted, ;>. v. V. 1. ^dl^^l, 1T^ ^Aril, ^ITR-Ac. %??• 2— flf^TT^, KTr^[T %^^r, 17*7T, 3TT^. To bo a. ^m, irpr-W^'Mi-Ac. "P^f, mThmi^I), 2 ^1)UV||<|, Ac.^TOT-n^'FTT STITT-Ac.-^fnn, Access, n. coming to^y. Approach, "^n. qT^«. STHnTm. afTTniTT«. "ni'irr)/. WTT". OTnmw. 2 irrty 0/ coming to. WJZf. »TT»f w. aTTTHIHI'i M. aTHTR- •nr w. •«I'lPl<<"ifJ^, n.v.A.l. aHMH+HT n. aTT^rTT/ aTTflf^- f^ n. 3T^PTrf«PFf? «. Acclaim, Acclamation, «. v. Suout. v»ii(vi<T«lT m.-^TST^-^flS^Jft/.-itc. 3 reconcile, make consistent. v>TK^i'f,^2:^'ft/.-^JTTw.-^»l. Accommodate, a. suitable, v. Fit. qr^q, rliq*. Accommodating, a, obliging, v.Kind. qfpT^PTT^ft?^, Tfrq^rrft. Accommodation, n. conveniences as respects lodgings. < I ^uq I ^t ?t^/ 'STfT^TT^-f^ -^ i jMl i^f Accompanieb, ?i.AccoMi'ANYiNa, p.a. v. V. 1. and Compa- nion. fl't-Ac. ^|U|H|-q'irnT-'^irt''iin.-?nTT'iJT OT.-?r^r?T »».-?it«r?r/. Accomplice, n. associate in crime, ?TFqT»t. f*RT^ m.^s^pjrf- ^ ^"hfrft w. fJ)*uf|-c(| JT^sqw. ^fffiq' c. 5^4 f.-kn. ^^ g. ofo. [&c. ^^. 2 (» pel iod or tt- rm ) complete, fill. *rTwf, 'pi-J^- JTfTT- 3 (a prophecy, &c ) T. To Fci^iL. qof-j^T-Ac. ^F?^, 5- 4 o/Zaiw, obtain, t. To Get. ^SI^"!, ^TTV^, f^R^, smT AccOMPLIsnABFE, O. V. V. 1. fln. AccoMrLisuiiE5T, «. T. V. \.~act. ^v^ n. frtn %wf n.&c. «. «*nTT «. aTTHTM^ «. STTTRTH n. —»/«/*. flTKoi^/. fjmfir/. fafj/. ftr^m/. r*r*qffT/ f^n4t/. nfrr «. —tisie. Tiwftf M^A^oir »i. ^'?ry- ^'i't »»• I. M a. an attainment, a grace. ?ftHr/ "W?^? w. ■'rm n, >J«T ■». *?nr ». Acromplishmenta — compreh. ^ai^^/t/ pi. To Accoio, f.», r. To AoiK. fn«<5f, -jfnof, ^ifwf, ^wf, J.1 ACC To AccoKD, r. a. See To Settle, To Give. AccoED, «. jitst correspondence, v. Aobeement. ^ m. 3T- JT m. N>)HN 7;;. 't. v^^P^ti «. f*T?rPP wi. <;[- AVith one a. v^^Ritii^, i^H)»irii^ or ^^ f^rTR- ^^r 3 own a. ; spontaneous agreement tvith. ^'^^\^ m. 3Tr- Of one's own a. 3TrT% STTT^, aTTT, 3TN^5Tt?T, ^TTHt'STnr, a(TFT3TT. ^?rt, •ginl^< q^ijf, smmi^ #i5n &c. \^m., ^^iT^- jl To be a. for. ^RfSTT w. ti'l^xr^m. 3T^at y. o/«. Accountableness, AccotNTAniLrry, n. v.A. 2 ^Rt^^'Y/. Accountant, w. one skilled in a. f^^^ orf^Hx^m. ni^w. Accurate and exact a. ^>«». f^?l«I7TT m. ^^^ "i- To Accouthe, v.a. equip with arms, arw. ^r<^u.tji5p?T»ft'F^Tir «. ^m^^jpTwr ?«. To Acceedit, v. a. give authority or credit to. fll^TlOTT m. -^\7irr m.-&c. 3injm-^Tof-^-mTT ^f^ &c. flfn^^i n.- ACCBETION, n. growing to to as to cause increase, ^i%^^^ arfHB'Rm m. ■s^'^^\^\'\^^^ «. ^-. v. V. A. w'^^c5T, ^ta^ST, »iY55T ^ST, &c. flf^, ^^^. V. V. N. 1. ^if'EJ^?^. ?Tf3%^T, ^i=^. ACC 13^ cCMCLATios. M. v.V. A. 1. — act. m'^M^ »». ^5^or»».J?T. AcciHACY, i». T. A. 1. ^^TTTT «. ^fflMUII m. ^^"uRt^ ». ACCCEATE, a. careful in execution; exact, precvte, nice. ^?m or g;^, ^^^, g^, g^ft, g?TH 'fht +<,7<-l,:mrfJH^,^'^'H^'J, CCBATELT, «TWTTft^ «. q^vt, ! Accustomed, p. Sf a. v. V. K\^r\\ Trs^rar, «m^fT3Tn»lkrrT, ! To be or become a. ^^if. TS'if-rll'l«i, ^TTRw. Tl"^, j ^f^««. T^'Jif, ^ft^/. ?TFT^, tra^T, ^^oT, HT'il — esp. in au II ill sense, ^^^'if, <<5^;<'j, *(oi'HI<(ul. ij I. euttomary, v. UsuAL.p|t<. 2— on a die. ?T or q^ m. [T?ft/' ^particle, whit, v. Bit. ^?T m. "JJTSY /• 'PT w. ^I^l+I /• I AcEBB, a. roughly sour, v. SouE. ainiT^?, <|<.e(4|j, H^J. i! 2 fig. ( of temper ) ^Pl^, ^ ^^TT^, *ti4KH>^ii m. AcESCEifCT, n. V. A. ai^JHMUIl w. WST^fT^'TT »». J Acescent, a. turning sour, moderately sour. ar^ST^^cTT, i AcETOSE, Acetous, a. v. Souh. y:i«R, 3T«(J^, J^, i^ Acetoseness, «. V.A. ai^iiHUII »». n??KTT /. I To AcuE, t» .n. be in pain. J^wf, J^T^^.-tho head, TS^. II There are numerous verbs bearing, together with the I general sense of To Ache, particular aspects or im- !| plications. These it is advantageous to set down se- I paratcly. !| To a. and feel broken, laxated, relaxed, Sfc. — as before I fever. sp^'F^, «F^, 5^, 'Tt^ ^-*ftl^-3Tt»T n. ipuT- I ^xipt, ^tjf «. MoiHotiJi, SlflHT •^+'ll-^ m. ^R^-^twf. I To a. with soreness and shootings, — as from rheumft- j tism, Ac. frR^, ffltn^, f^^ f.-fv^m f-'^ /. II To feel sore, tender, stiff, — as from bruises, a beating, I Ac 3T^, 5^ ^Wf. j To a. with a dull, diffused, and continuing pain.^^^T^. I To a. with a sense of stiffness and tenseness, — as from I cold. »14diu|, HSIIuif. j 2 ( the heart) be distressed, j:^ n. ^^ in con. JWR't, 1 AciiE, AcHiKo, n.v.V. and Paik. ^-.TT n.^J^ pop.^J^ m. iy\f. I Achievable, a. v. V. ?n*TmT-^-^tn?n-^^tnT-fl^rmT, ^TTT^- I, «n^-^1<11-Ac. W^. I To Achieve, v. a. perform, /(c. v. To AccoMPi.isn. WTV^, Ac, ^^ y. of 0. ^ ' AcHiEVEn, J?. V. V. ?TTt;^?^, Ac. «Tf«^fT, ?T'nf^. AcniKVEMBKT, n. V. \.—act. ^TTU'if n. ^mT»>. aiN^CTtTTm K^rsjfTT/. To ACK>0WLEDGE,P. «. 0((« knowledge of. ^!IM^, »ftoS?i^, 2 own, confess, allow, admit. ^t^PTTOt, 3^''n*K''l, HT'T'f, Vix^ ^^, 5?;^ SR"^, ^^,^^, ^-flW-^-^-&e.»^'j|', ^ !FrTw.-^q7TT»» -^t^tm. ^C^, 'T^fr ^, STnTRT-fiTTT- ^-»ii«;iiH<-&c. %^, ^+,KU|, 'srf'Tl' Fn^^rJr, 3i'fl+<,ui«.- 3 ( a favor, benefit, &c. ) own, admit. vjHUIUJ, ••HI<^ji | U|p'>,| , ^p5E?I^?^, &C. 2 ^+Kc4rl|, siTil+Urirfl, &c. Kft^frT, 3Tift?»rr, SlfrrfTTW. 3 «il«lciT3fT5J?Ht c. JJ^RitT m. Of one's friends or acquaintances. 5R)3r?iT^^'t, ^Tot- Acquainted, 7). a. v. V. informed, hating knowledge. »Tlf^- ?mrr, Hif^ri<^n:, Hi+'i'^K, ^t^fsrtt, N»im?iii, stthitt't, To be a. with ( a person ). 3frcE^/.-sR-H<4 w.-vJiT- Mtfii/.-Ac areot y. <>/«. recrp. I. known to. JTT^lrf, mRR^T. Acquest. See Acquisition. To Acqcie'CE, v. n. rest satisfied with or j«,v.To Agbee. 'Tp:q'-^F^-Tr3ft-31HMd-fT«Trr-&c. ^Wf-STfloif, ^TT-*l^-Ac. '■^uiu'l, 3^5^!^ n. q;cSi,'3P!fof, srrfa'/.-dHi^Ji') ^.-^hIm^ii f.-T^^fsv( f- ^^qf.'&c. sRot y. 0/0. AcQUIHED, p. V. V. pMot^Af?!, ^'HI4r^f*l, &C. qrm, ^TTT- fSnr, arfSicT, >jMrt»q', !7»vt, ^mf^-i, 3nwf^<=T. ACQUIHEMENT, ACQUIEING, ACQUISITION, n. V. V. — act. f*ra^ ». 'RTT^ n. &c. B.v.V.l. jjjiHiatn'^, T^HRffST^, fH^H1"4^ AcRiMOSv, AcBiMOSiocssEis, ft. T. A. 1. ^^5pnjrT m. ?^- ACBITDSE, ACBIDNESS, f». V. A. ^T^vTT/ frfe^TTf / f?r«T /. ^fjm/. 3T^ir5t or trr^/. ^tj^ »». AcBOAMJiTic, AcBOATic. See Abstbume. AcBOapiBB, «. sprout, v. Suoot ^r? m. ^fN «. Ackosfibed, «. *y tprouUd. ^n yHlA«4l, ^ Ji^irti, Acbo4», prep, from tide to tide; — noting state. ^TT. 2 —from tide to tide; — noting pasuage. TTT, ^TTTTTT, j 3 — inierteeliny. 3TTCTT. AcB048, adv. -SHTT. ACB04TIC, «. 'HKJ 1^**14 M. JrMHiri«^«f "«.* :/V Act, p. «.— in the Drama; ( a part, a character ). imn. ■«rT«r»t, HfTT^ »rTT?»fT/-VTTWft/. ^T^, KnT-iMl««n/. ^ot, «fnn* jprHrH»».;»/.-"HifrTi^*i.-3Tf*T'W»». ^r^T. 2 ( onc'H part ). 'i»IM-<^ y. of t. 2 perform duties, tte. r. To Bkbatb. fW «. *?»!, ^T^, 3 perform functions, work. SVV^^ T^^t, <<«^, ^«*H1'4«^ 4 iUckarje (he Julf of «R ^^kw temf^rarUf. ^TTf'^^T- 15 ACT ^^'f^^-o, Actios, n. v. V. A. l.—act. ^TT^iift /. smK- V. V. N. 1. — act.^T^ n. ?f5Ent «. &c. ^55 m. ^AHMpH «. v?T /. !nr?f ^ «. C "rf^ /• 2— act. =^^?^ n. ^tR n. Ac. ^T?5 /. ^#»^ /• W^ «. 3— ac<. -HIMuj ». Ac. ^mis/. ?>1rr/. 5 — act, agency, operation, working. ^Ki\\ f. '^>•nr^ ». V- fH /.^rhmr OT.«BT'T «.*t>H+H ".'H^ «.^t«( «. VI. battle, engagement, v. FiaiiT. <^arnf /. 55; «. ^^TTH w. Acting, p. v. V. N. 1. 3. 5. v(WHI, ^T^, %^*rM. 4 ^ITft['r^ 'FTR M I ^» I U I,3TT»TT:ft,TiTTf%n (from the English.) Actionable, a. admitlinj of an a. at /aio.WTR^Pf, WR^TTT^, Ml^^KMl'M, "H^ITT^ft, '^T^'TTTr, ?l*ilO, ??^TTfl^. Ana. matter or busiaesa. eq^f^uf*!^^ «. »«<«i^kM^ "• KTW^TTrOTT n. Active, a. having the power to act, not inert. 'JjT'Ht^, f^- 2 Mo/ ac/«, not passive orpatimt. %^\ f*«<|i».U, f^>^- 8 nimble, agile. <^<^ or a, v!l?K[, ■Mrtl'f or <^, 'JlotT, ^TT- 4 «io< ♦T«ft, f>>^lH*<, %^T^, %^T»T^, %«lrH-. 2 in act, not potential. f^*lMI, nH*, ^- q'fluiIM'IfT, f^^. 3 no* speculative or imaginary, v. Eeai.. Tq^, i^^, ^- AcT0Ai.LT, ad. y. A. 1. ^fT:, +l'4d:, 2 f^pir#,nb4||i|4*. 3 ^ft^Toft, ^^, ?tr^*', fra'T, «(«rin:, <<*H»ir<<(. As it actually happened. fr%t'JfT. Actualness, Actuality, n. v. A. 1. f^^rre'sff^jTri /. ^f)^\- r^ n. mw<+<4 «. g%ft /. Acuminate, Acuminated, a. See Pointed. ACUPUNCTUEB, n. g^ dT^ut «• Acute, a.that hat a iharp end, y. PoiKtkd. «tI^, aroft^, 16 ADD aojfr^, #^fNT, ?ft^ g. of 0. Jlt^ET ^>K^. Added, p. v. V. 1. M?lirii-5I, f*ra^%^, &c. ?r^, ^^, 2 fiToE^^f^T, ^T^ %^c5T, ^PpfefT, Prf^, Pt^T?T, '^*1*r|, Addendum, «.— in arithmetic. tpT ». (as opposed to 5Rwr». ■ Subtrahend. ) fira^uft/. |^ m. 2 See Appendix. Addee, n. See Snake. Addice, n. T. Adz. ^i?1«<0 ( in comp. as *l^^, ?{Ht7B^, Ac. ), mmv\ or TT ( iu comp. aa. ft'^^nTprT or f^^PTTT ), f^TTrT, -ilHqjrT, rli*l*, 3TRnp. Aj>DICTKDNES9, «. T. P. ^[Zf. ^2^/. riM4M«ll »». ^^.f- s?T^R n. «Ti/. ?rW/. 3^ «. 'H^w. 3TTOf^/. ^ii^^ or i.osionoH, «. T. V. — *ta(e. See Adiictedkess. / DDiTAinarT, «. thing added, ^t? «• ^5''-rfI-rii««(rtrti "T^- i.BDiTiox, n.v.V. 1. — otf/. M?|*ui n. [i\mS[ n. Ac. ^FTift/. ?niftn ». ««?MH ». rfNHH f.—ttate. t^T^ m. qtT w. i—act. ^^ ^T^ fl. pcra^oft/. I^i«ju{ n.&c. fH^TT n. CroM proof in a. STT? 3Tt«^fTroET m. SuccCBuiTe Bubstraction-proof in a. ♦(i^loll m.v. •|)T,3fTT. I tking addtd, T. AcsitaMEST. v^ «.^%=5T TTT m- aPF «. Ac. [ ^^, &c. iJWmOKA^L, a. fiwrf , ^^^, ^l^-«)l, 3Tf^, 3rf^ «nj«tcctirtl. 2— of the braiuB. »i"[*/.-^nT m. ^Rot y. 0/ o. 3 ( one's Bclf/or or wn/o. ) ^^T f. »rivTWr, ^JZ^f, JTfl- 4 a««o«/, tpeak to. ^T^, *i'l»»BE««r5o, h.t.V. 1.— oc/. ^ni«i>». f^T^". Ac ^ M. tSpRT/. ^TSPK n. ^rJ{V^f. [/. "TTtifT/. 2— act. iir^ n. Ac. Jj^ m. «ft»T "». 'ftiRT /. ^I-jI^J* a— «■/. f;npjif »i. »wt»m «. fl«?rv^ «. 3RfinwT^ ». »rfH- I. Manner o/a. ^^^'.uqiMl fW/.-«ni/-^T'^/-^/-Ac. II. »*i//, MaaH '«Jf n. f^f:75T aronr «. &e, 1 — act. r«iW'i^ TTf^r ». &c. ^f^t|/■«. Adjoining, /).«. v. V. N. ;TTi=ft^, PI'lfTT'^, vd<<*-<^l, THT- 3^?3?. [ 3TTS^ m. Adjoining, Adjunction, n. v. V. N. —«/«<«. ?nfT/.i=?^%. of 0. 2 ( a dispute, debt, &c. ) v. To Settle. «?t3^, ^+-*|ui, ■ ^t [ m Vr, J^TTT m. fTtOT-f^^R't y. of 0. ^'^f. w:^ g. of o. Htf /. TTS'f y. of o. Adjusted, p. v. V. 1. PldN%^, g*TTT%?'n', ^T|«I'tT %%t?T- 2 f^p^P^, fits^^, 'TTn^ ^OT, f^'^iT, ntft«rT^n#r- c5T-3TM%tT. Adjustment, n.v.T. l.—acf. f^T^T^ «• g^TT^f «• &c. sq^- FOrTT «• — st(ife.'i\i\t\k{ w.^nft^fft /znrf^^ /•"><< h t^y- "/c- ADM 19 2 ( a government, a business, an estate, &c. ) v. To CoSDrcT. •Mlr'.NUJ, Sff^^TTot, f^RT^, f^^m.-^f^^TJ /. ^T^-Tfir-5«(>j| g. of o. 3 (justice ). '^\^m. TTpf-fTrsSir-^ToJ, Majm.- Ac. ADiiiiATio5, n. —the sentiment, -mvf^*. 3rtin'm.^(Tlr'5TT lb Admibk, p. a. regard milk wonder and phature. m-iz} - Sfi(m.-mr^\i\*i^n.-Sic. ^:^ and, in. eon. ^Tzif g. 0/0. ^h'^ ».-m^ /.-MHr-T.ff wi.- Ac. «|Ii«J I/I. con. g. oj 0. 3Tm^ i». ttwi. Admibxb, n. See Loter. [iT^RTi. Admis«iblk, a, t. V. 1. i^ CT»TT-^-^T»mT-^^mT-Ac. JJ^- 2 mmi-^-^i'iir-'ft'il- Ac. ^:^^K^:^\ Ac.- ^-^^TTT- Ac. 3 J^tTTTTTr^mT- Ac. M«fiw4|«t|JJiTjT-Ac. *4t»(»finf %ir n. 3ltf Vi ^^T I. M^n^.n i». 2 — arf. ^^ •. ITH^ »• 'PTTTT n. Ac. 3n5»T «. TTTTTH n.—ttale. njf^^/.—a. or ». .r',l, ai^n+Hc^-riT, Ac. ^«ffefT, at'ft^^T. To Admis, Admixtube, Ac. See To Mix, Ac. To AnilOKIsn, ». a. warn of, counsel against, T. To 'WAliS. ?ti^/.-^^^/-^[;er «-Ac. !Rwr, "j^tm w.-^rtr m.- TfhT?Tn.-7q^n »«.- Ac. ^p^ g. of 0. ^=5r?^, 7f5;-TTf7^ -Ac. t.\v\. 2 reprove gently, sjn^ »».;»/. TViUf y 0/0. sfFTm ^5Tw. ?5R0t g. ofo. fTTT^t fn?TT/.-^T5^r5?T »TR w>.-?rT^^^T/.- =ll'|«S «. ^ETOf. Adsiosisuer, n. ADMOXisHixo,;).a. Admoxitok, n.v.V. I. rll+1^ +,PT -iMjUJ ft. Ac. T^- Aboxizixo, rt. r. V.— ar/. ^ftqfT/. "^T^rft or ^m^'Kt/. ^TpifHrift /. fjotprnft/. %T or 't^^'M m. pi. nTTjqftor TITqft/. jmiTr^ in. ZoAdoit, p. o. (a son). ^rTT-TrT'T^-^r'T-'ftB'TTAc. ^, 2 ( a meaMure, cuntom, Ac. ) OTTnf, ?Tt, qr^nrr, mi^oii, 'fhfr, Hf^^ ir^^^, 'irffN An a. child. sTRH'rfJT/. HHHITT «. 2 >»ii^<«rti, Ac. %ftrfT, sn^fT, '^^"l. AsorrzB, ». AJ>orTuro, 2>> «■ AionivE, a. t.V.I. s^-T'VF- ADR ^r?pnT-&c. QuiKi, TTttt^ ^"TRT, arffhr Quiidm^,%o?T, aiT^, "J^rTT=3T, , aiTinV- Adobinoly, ado. v. V. "^TI^^^, Tf'P'J^. To AroBN, ». o. decorate, tmbellM, ornament. K''lf, sjiTTTut, 'JSRut, ?llt*R^, ^"t%^T JR?"t, ?Trf*m-g?Ttf'Tl- ^H^/UMUII"!- ^U'TT/ 3T?5^frr/. A DOWN, prep, along, dcuntcardt. 3Ri«lNM, ?IT^, ^TTT^R, AdRHT, adv. Jloaling at random. ^l^Hf, ^l+o4Mufi fR?Tt, JO ADU To be a. -lit-fig. tTttSr, ^^T^. To cast a.-lit. afr^TT^-JHT^T^ i|+ui.-fig.^:=?n^ Z\'^. To get a.-lit. 3fnrtrr-SRT^m-&c. T^^j-fig.^-TRT ^tT^JT. Adboit, a. dexterous, v. Eipeet. ^?T^, ^r., W^i M^I^H, Adeoitlt, arfu. v. A. ^'R»\ *TTW?T in.-^T'/.-Ac. ^m. To Adulteeate, v. a. corrupt by mixture. H?5 /.-f*fBo5 /.- Ac. ^Hfjfr ^rf? 5R^ - f^Rl^t, ft^?WTf*Ts«iiT^f%7I ^T^, Adulteeate, a. Adulteeated, />.y.V. ^ qr^ f«HJ4t^rtl, ^^■JRRnf^fTcT or 5^, ^f*TSSn»T3f?ft*if, Adulteress, n. woman guilty of adultery. ^S{^{r\nr\'\.i vnf^uO, Adulteeike, «. V. Bastabd. njJK-H, ^i<<*ihi. Adulteeous, a. guilty of adultery, See AdultebebA Addlteeess. 2 pertaining to adultery. ^H^A\^l,''^fM-MH\-^\., vHK**i- Adulteet, n. conjugal infidelity,— oi the male or female. ^\\-^.A n. sqfT^nrw. qr^c^rr/. «i^h ». st^am^ »>. 3nft /.—of the male. Hl^ii'IHT «• «I«IH5T «. 3T??nmsT n. — in cant or covert phrase, and of male A female. Adultness, n. v. A. A N. T^/. ^^TMrnwr «• hIs'I"!! «• To Adumbbatk,». a. shadow out, exhibit a faint resembl- ance of. \^v^^ n. **>iaiaBATio5, i«. V. Y. matter thadoioed out. gnn/. lb AsTAHCE. c. a. ftnity to the front or fore-ground. J^- 5*^ ^ ^^-•*ii''i«l-'M«>'i-Mi''vt"l-Mirt"l, ?nflT adv. spT^ 2 promote, prrfer. ■<|«4<'f, ^TW'f, "T^'^/- ^f^^-^TS^ y. o/ o. iihTf t /.-'MKMOII •i.-Ac. ^, *<<4><|m(1 /. «PT^, •^fH ^Tot, "T^ff^ /• ^T^ y- o/ 0. 3 woite heller, Ac. v. To Impbovk. ^W^JT H.-^fff^/.-Ac. ^fT'^ y. o/ 0. t»lTH ailoj'Jf. [y. o/" o. ^ forward, bring on. -mrHut, «)I««t«i, ^TS/.- |f^/. 'ITT^ 5 T. To Propose. ^^ m. sfts^-^jt^ y. o/ o. "^Ntt m.- J"?I4MW iii.-H*ii«iti/.- JHJTR w.- 3^i?OT m. ^iM y. o/ o. 6 ( money Ac. ) ^'\\S aJc.-lUP\^ adt. ^, tPTT^ /. ^. To Adtasce, v. n. eome fortmrd. ^ adt. ^^-^^^ii-^J^- ^h'f-?IT^-<«i«ui, M«K'5S, ?nffT Ac. ^ Ac. «»i««(, Hi'Artn. 5^ Jra«f, TTTt? ». jit TI^-'TIfT -MWiiy. o/ »• To «. boldlr, re»'t,«<+Hul,*r3T''f,y-^N>Jf, To a. against, upon. ^^ ^n^-ij^, ^51^/.-^ m.-^- 2 yr»i(7 *«««•, ^c.T. To Impbote. "hI'HI fm ^^, ^^, <'ii«i-^Mi«i-rt^i*i-Ac. ^iSr. 3 wore apace, ipf aJr. -^wuj. 4 projreu, proceed, v. To Ei8E. MI4uf, -MWui, TS^Jt, ^7^- Abtajicb, Abtahcemkst, n. t. V. A. l.—act. 5% *T^ n. JHMl/l« aiTI'T'^ ». Ac. 2— a»nirfi. 5tWm. ^ptfrT/. 2— state. W4[^ «. Ac.%Tfft/. fT^?[H ». HJ^T n. ?fff^/. 3 — tiale. WTTofN. «n^ ». Ac. fT»/. ^»?ft/. 'W «. In a. in front. ^, ^^. 2 before-kand. 3(*irK, 3»T»W. ASTAaCK-OVBAS, ADTASCXIVaUABD, R. flpft/. AdtaBced,^. r. V. A. 1. J|Hl, Ac. TT^rrf, ;ild, "T^4^, "T^- 3 ^^^, ?t^4^, W«l4'1+''^f. 4 =^Tr5^Nr?5r|l4««- *rflHRt/. TT m.^ ?^ w. A. and disadvantage, f^dlf^d w. t^HWIH m. To appear to a. ?fiP#^, g^, f^iM^I, ftrf*)>Ji, IM^i. To show, set, Ac. to a. ?jcT n. *iT''f g- of 0. ;ifPT?nSf. 3 emolument, profit, v.Gain. ^>*NrlHH, R>'<>l^rft, 1| AdvaStaoeooslt, adv. v.N.2 fl'T^^TT,^"T^R, fl^i^, fl- decl. I 8 Ri'»iHfi««K, ^%TTT, 'RT^Jnr. il ApvASTAGEoasNESS n. V, A. 1. aW'fW'n «». 3^t^t\ETim\L, a.per/aininy /o an a. 3T»?T'T^'ft, 31i*<«?I^, ars'HTCT, aTiTTTf JTP, 3To^r^'>TfT, STSTTTf^rf, &c. ^sq-- q', fiPTTfsrill 1 "I ft,N -31 k*H +• -'J5^-H^-^KrH'-& c. Adveebially, adi). v. A. ^TS^^O, f^fJ^nf^^TT'^CT, ^TST^- Adveesabia, 71. common-place hook. TpfTT^ w. %T% n. sjT^n. Adveesabt, «. /ofl. V. Enemt."^ c. V^ e. f^rj^ OT.irfrr^- 2— as in litigation, &c.v. Oitonenx. STfrTT^ft m. f^'T^TM. srfrnr^T m. ^[<^^\'\\ in. :rfrIW?f in: Adveese, a. turned against; opposite, v. Coxteaet. 3^5?T, arrpTT, f^5, ft'T^. 2 inimical, hostile, rcpujnant, vnfriendh/.'iWi'^ | , f^TftrT, ^rrvft, 5^, "^rt, srfrT^^ or 55, -iinn+r^, fsfw, r^mni, r^TH^nPS, 3TfiT^, 3Tf^5,^3TH?r, fsnm, f?R^, f^nj^, ?r^ ( in com. as jf^JfTvr, sTTT^T^, 'iTTTTT?!^, Ac) TT, Tn.niH^^{UIKl, ^#it Pri^nTTTT, &c.M+d+Tl[, srf^J- jTo Adtespeeate, ». fl. draw towards eveninj. ^i^He)uf^ ^t^- oiuf or ^fgo^tiir, ^rTTtlW. ArTiCE, n. counsel. 3^?T «»• »i«irtci/. sftvT »».3Tf^n ?«• ?fl?r «• /• 5^^^ '"• ■"• ^^■ Bad a. ^'?T »«• ^«fNr »'• ['^'T^r w. Good a. or iuslruction. f^(iiw«?T m. gqttTm. f^!V3[\\ifm. 2 information, v. Ixtelhoesce. ??^/. ^m»ff/. ^=5RT /. ^HNK m. [^R/. A. from emissaries at foreign courts. am^lTT or 3T^- Commcrcial a. 'izf. Adtisable, a. proper to he adcised or practised, v. Peopeb. 'rFq",gf^r?r, ?5RT^,5f^5 1 -o,;>. o. r.* V. 1. 2. viMd^luiHI, &c. P KviU.Tinft. ^ 3 See IsiOBMAJfT. Advisiso, i«. v. V. 1.— ac-/. TTT?nit«. &c. jf^^fJi. c. ^m, ^ m. ^rv^ n. snfnT m. ifqir.pr n. an^n «». aifirK^n^n. 2— ad. ^JTTonrif «• ^tT^ «. &o. f/<«(/ /or. q?? m. tr^TT 4l-!«i-srT'TTrM,»i.ii«nw dicifion of a temple. TPTrT or n»».»TH^»- Aj»«, Adwcb, n. Hmufl/. «rtTH or ^T^Rfw.^g^w. 'TH'ff/. To cut with an a. ( lo pare, clip, plane, Ac. ) ?nfl^. Cnt with an a. ^JSt^. Work done wiih an a. HI*<%IH «. fTTBr «. Worker with an a. fll«+l»ft or«^r, .£oiLon, «. TTJIT w. ». AntlAL, «. hrlonying to the air. fl<^+)*j«#t, «<^H«<(*lt, ^TTff- ^*ft, l|I<^rN, *iiih^, ^T^- 3 iakabitiny the air. Hi^Uft^- &o. 'I|;U||4|, ■HI*l*HII+fi', Tm^jfTonft, - M i f.u i ' i nft , «i.if i HM'mO , 'Jt^f?TT-«TT«ft, i p!a-ed,beiny, Sfe. in the air. ^nTTn*"*!, 'iT'T^H^iT, AakinCD, ;>. t. V. WT^ VM-^/^l-^. WT^Mfrr, Tr^[fllf>irT. ABUrOBM, *. haeiny the form, t^c. of air. fT^TTI, VT^5^"T, AFP ^~ \ntr\,v.m.jUl with mir, combine with air. WT^ m. i:oi,BArinr. Ak«OI.««t. «. ieteriplion of the air. WfJJTTH n. fi'|ffqi/. fr«j{-tbc, ^%- Akbouctkb, •. ^I'J'Hl »». T^ n. spFT «. 'Prfs'T «. SFTir ». 5T5»TT »«• ^^^f^ «• 2 matter, business, concern,— freely. ^fTTTn. 1H'I4/. ^141^1 m. A delicate a. TT^ ^PTT. n. IJ A pressing, urgent, &c. a. f^+^-=fl nt?/. [ ^>n. '' A private, obscure, &c. a.^f^RTjft nt^/. ^t^r?raT ^T^- A vexatious or troublesome a. ^•+.lri«<>4l m. Settlement of an a. +l4rH"f'T '»• A. of honor. See DcsL. 3 affairs: public concerns. ■n<.%\<.-^\ «FT^n. pl.-^^^T^n.pl. To Affect, v. a. act upon. in^ n.-'F^ «.-?J?ft/.-yr»».-&c. q>T^, ^I'luj, '7nj"^^'if-^rra''t-^T?^ or 'qirfHI ^ot with ^^ of 0. 3Tt^ or 3TfnTH qijf. — injuriouslj, «TT*Tot, ft^r^ )«.- 2 ( the paMsions ) touch, mooe. ^^., 155T ««. or jjrj »». H57T 3Tnjrit-^5 armnf j.of o. ^^n^-^tf^ ^)^, 'ir<[^<»i.-T f«.-Tf»T «.- '!^ii|-^l«»I"'i _/. of o. it- W «. ^r^-?r»T^-*Ttlot ]. of 0. qtJt, 'T^fTT a. ( u*ed witli a noun ) 'in. imp. ^ w.-n^ «i, HSTT ^, ToST m.-^ m. ^^ ^(if, fl?r%T ^t^. 4 V. Peetended. airuwrti, ?jf%rH, ^t^w, ^rnr^, llm- I. Aawjwy qfectation. 3H»-hii)M, aT^P^J^TT, ^^'ffT, J^TM, #ft^, n^^i41', Hi^+, jrjnr. — Dsp. of females. q'^T^'IT^, T^ft^, TK^T^tT, HI^'H. II. labored, strained, v. Foeced. y?|(|^ 3<|U|rfr*l, f^. Affectedly, adv. tcith affedalion. ar^FS ^€^, 34+^ 'I, HM+lS^', STF^Wf, m-'7T%, H'TfT »TT5, »T7^, ffel^. — esp. of females. 5T^=?TT#, im^JTT Jp5:Tr-?5Tf5. Apfectino, f. a. v. V. 2. moving, touching, v. Pathetic. ^i^, STrTEriTft, ^^T^tnP, ^^'TTK, ^^^, +t'UIIH<, Tf^. AvFECTioj!, n. fondness, v. Love. MHrll/. JTT^/. Rt^ »». 3TT?JT/. t^ w. 'qrf /. ^ ». ^TTT OT. ^ m. S\^H\H m. Disengagedness of the affectious. JT'l^i+l /. Empty, hollow, barren, &c. a.*1<^M»4dl/.§^HHrll/. True, active, &c. a. 3TlR^ n*ini /. Maternal a. ij|3.Vt 3TPT/. Mldl'l/. Object of a. snF?IMI-s^».^I^M|-»( >i.H*1rIIW^«.HHdNH«H«. Overflowing ( rising and swelling ) of a. i^MHI-^l m. ^mr m. 'JpT n. n(h(K m. Paternal a. '^r^^ m. 3^T^ m. J^R^tT m. Platonic a. tfT^F^reff /. Single or undivided a. STT^TTK m. To pretend great a. for. tTTlffT . There is, further, a middle class named ^HPF^Tr^. They consist of eight— ^*r, SH?^, 5 affectedness from external action. f^^FR»».fir?>fff/.aB of the eyes %-»((^--m< — of the ear +uFr«i+l< &c. and — of mak, blood, water, air, AcJ^jp^+K, ^^f^+H, v-Jrtf^+l- T,»«ldft*K. ^ AIT Affectionate, a. v. N. and Loviua. HT^'ett, > i MN I, &c. ♦indlrt or 3^, i)mi«^ »ii<4|c6, ^I^T^, ^»T^, ^^Tc? or a, ^^Tf , VNNT^, HNHd, HTTT^t??, HHrlUflfl, ^ffR?. Affectionatelt, adv. v. A. HKrlt, HT^, W^, sft?ft^, HHHI-lftfrt-&c. q^N?, STI^rfl^. Affectionateness, n. v. A. iIMcAWUii »i. HHdlrfV«II m.&c. MMrilf^H n. srifHr^T «. ^?I?5rTT /. JfJT?I??T/. sftfrlMf«I n. HNUflrtdl/. Affectioked, a. disposed, inclined. *lN|-m,5^t^, (as kindly a. ^^piHMI ). AffiaSCE, n. marriage-contract, tf^.'-ism or ^^'i^m. 2 faith reposed, v. Teust. H^HT ffi. f^s^T^T m- 5T??nT w. To Affiance, See To Bkthoth. Affidavit, n. t. Oath. ^TTiT/, ». ^, ■HrMirK n. Upon one's a. ^JrqtrR, ^R^ftrl?. Written a. TTT'^^ ^^^ f. f^JTN^ n. ^?nTV^^ «. To Affiliate, ». a. See To Axoft. 2 receive into a society &c. *!■(»<< ■H'«itn% ^^, *T5oEt?T ^, ^Rraqt ^ETTJf. Affiliated, />.v.V.2 «<<•<< Vl«i«^ ■^1srtt?i,^?I5l'>fl' ^.rtrti, Ac. Affinitt, «. relation hy marriage. "^^^t^ f- ^\H*.'Mf. sTTH n. c?nl-*-^ut't &c. To Affiem, v. a. declare positively. STfrr9i'^-llf?lf1IM4+-f^*i!I- *4lcH<*>-H-«fl:\\-A^\A, jt^T^FT, ^■■j-.^s^nn, 5:^?^, 5:^fT5?r, ^-.-prfe^, 5ftnFr-;ptrT, 3?r- |f *'^, 'i?i**'W, ??i+i5<, sfTi+rHir?, ?ti«B^"^, 'jtHFifff^f- An a person. :^:hnI Miuf) »". To be a. ^<^Kui, 5:^ n. TWot, ^n w. ^wr. To comfort the a. n?Tr^ ^^ «• JH^. iFFLICIEE, (I. AFFLICTIXO.^a. AffUCTIVE, O.V.V. ^'.^T^- orrrr, pwrnr, Ac. jt^^^r, |:pi*ii*, ^•.^^r^nr, ^r^^^irT^F, 5::777, ^••^, 5:ni««^, *f^4l+<, "fUl+ti?, ST*!^, SJPT^T, \ yFi.iciiox, w. V. V. — act. 5?^^ n. Dsujf n. &c. ^^((U|!m w. ^? m. iin m. f^5n^«. Partner in a. ^nr^:?^ m. ^trtHi +)lfl'(1 »». I. fBiw oja. r. Calaaiitt, Tbocbt.e. 5:^ n. 3rfsT^ «. .iFFtUEKCK, *. Jlomimj into. ^TpT ?rif «• i^\^^^ n. 5Rf*nr- 2 abundance of riches. \. KlCIIES. ^PrfrT /. WJZjf. AFFMVrXT. a. T. N. J - ^rr-«T^3^1^-Ac. Affbat, w.Seo Fight, Quabrel. Affreight, Ac. See Fbeioht, Ac. Affbicut, See Fbiqht. Ac To Affront, v.a. insult openly. ^Jj^m ^^^i^^ITWC amfi^f /.-afTTKR m.-&c. JRiif ff. of 0. am^ 3TT5/^, ^TlT^ or 2 make sliyhtly angry, v. To Offend, f^^rpfot, p^li^^uj, ^/. OTPir^, *>«4iui', ^^-^TTT-Ac. 5FT^. [ arqf?!^/. Affront, «. an insult to the face. ^tlT^ 3fMHM m. d'liHi 2— gener. See Insult. To lake a. f^fspff, Riui, ?;^, fi^RT m. KR'if, W^ ^- ^, ^rrf? Kpf'Jlf. Affronted,/), v. V. 2. ?riT, ^, *"«^«?l, ^^^T^ kr^OT. To Affuse, ». a. pour to or vpon. afi^ot-Mlrfffl tot^A ^, VTR / ^JYr'f-tT'Cwf with qr. Affusion, «. v. T. act. ^Xr^ n. VR ^XT^ n. BTTTI^Hmi w. I. J«(rtop. To do a. -Jrt'iut. Afront, aip. in front. 5^, ifTOlfT, Kt^,hmii*>m<\•^\ f^^VH m. TiMlrl^'iuRT /. TlTI^a- ^^^JH" n. q-'K)lfqi*y a/e«. JrnT% ?5l«R m. pl.^^i^^t^- «TTr/. .;>?. J^ qTiTft w/)Z. J^^ ^R M. 3tTT^PR7 ot. a^TSTTr^ JS^'TT ftS^/. ;>^. J^TrNdf^- Aftee-ah, flrfy. T. At last. ?t^, f^f^r, ^nifTTtfft^. Aftee-bieth, n. secundines. ^Kf- 'PT^'S^ n. 1*rrnT»n. v»TtT5 m.pop. ^nr WW. T'iYjE/- ^ff/- Aftee-comee, «. m'i--(| or Tl^tKPf huiki, 'J^, ^'BT^TT'ft, Aftee-cost, n. m«Mr ^ ot. Ti^n^fT^ w- Aftee-CEOP, «. subsequent or later crop.f*\T{ff^ f. or f^nT^^T- n. ( esp. of the pulses ) pTw «». |€R-iTT^ "ft^ ». Tf^igiT «n^ n. q-«n"^T n. ArTEE-OAME,«. T^^^'CT/- 3Trftf1 + lrf»<riri*iM<< m. Aftee-life, »i. latter part of life. Ttkh^iI/. 3tTT^^ ». ST- fTTfft^TTf / ^^Ru|c^*l' ! ^ «. 3T??nTTf*n^ «. "TTT^f «. Aftermatu, n. second crop of grass. '\*{rw^ J^Tft "R /. 5- ^nr^'HlT OT. Aftebmost, a. W^r% MlilHI'NI, ^STRrtT^, ^^^5(TH, ^rf^, w^j^i, ^fffi^, 'ti;tttth. Aftee-noon, «. ^^r^^ffT-m+ioi m. ^HM^iUVK-^li^a / f^mrr^ m. ^^^f qrr^ w. sfrtf^/. «. [W^/. A. and evening, the declininj half. SfRrff^ /■ SWR- AFTEtt-PAiJfs, «. ^K^u|/ ^(l^^<(«1l/. T«TT^nft/. Aftee-part, n. T«TT^n m. Ti. HfTT, 77T, ^TTtfrPP, rT^'TTt^^, rfj- Tft^, SrTTfT:, 3rR5r, H^rK, ?T^?r?TT, ^'ri^ (with girTI Ac. as \ 5rT?irT^?TT),'?fs^, ?^ri:, q^rT:. Aftee-wise, a. q-JqrffTPft, T^HfUPTSTTiJ, T^TT^, "Tisn^JT, JKH4 w. T«lT^"t^ m. Afieeinqs, «. strokings. f-H-iul «• f^Srt^ ^*I «. Again, ai/o. another time. aTiTRst, aT'il'^, J^-IT^ or ^, ftr- ''^1 "^"c?! 5*^" •?"'-P- 5"^! Hi'ir<4i^ or 5ft or %, or »TT^- PTT^ &c. iTTn^r, T^^or vj^ 3T^^, %T, STORSt ^^P'tt, 5«- , «m*.W or fiTW. AGE ^27 y. o/o. m. 4 hearing upon. ?ft, A e^LtocHcif K. a/o« tnxxf. aniT m. n. 3T»re: •»•• A ai^ ado. Tm^»i. [^ m. A.OK, «. loAofa duration or term of, afTTJ^T «. 3TT^ m- 3TT^- 2 y. Geseratios. fqrt. /• 3 ( of the world ) JH «• The four ajet of the Hindu*, correepondiug somewhat with the y olden, lilver, ^e., aye*, are ?^, ^«TT, gT^T, ^fr?. [ 3lf^. Ages rolled away. g'W'li^iX rflirfi arf^, ^**l<* Wt Beginning of an a. ^»JTf^i»- End of an a. ^if?? m. Golden a. «r«j/. Imbecility of old a. ^-^MHHot mii. BeTerenoe, Ac. for a. \^^ f. f ^«Ht>M «. Bent, Ac. under the infirmities of a. '^j | u|>m<< . 7 ripe aye, maturity, r. PcBEBTT. ^^ n. HKu<< l ff< n/. AGG AoENcr, n. ae/ion. ^^/. sp^n^n. ^^/. ^T^?«m»». ^K^- 2 See AoEKTSuiP. Agent, n. doer, actuater. q^, *. e. gather into a hall or mass. JitoSTw.- "TTt?"*.- 'firf+»».-fJ|' y. of 0. To AoGEAVATE, V. a. make more grievous. 3Tf^ vT?-3iTf^ HTft-STfvpP Tf5?TiWi». ^^tW-&c. SRwf, 3TftT^ spT^, 5:^- To be or become aggravated. vi1iHuf,^i+MTof». &c. 8— «J? arff>.- 4tHI^I< m.-?nTT^TT».-&c. ^T't y. 0/ 0. Agobeoatelt, adv. v. A. ^^F^, i{*«|d, ^TI*-, frg^T^HCT, A0GBEGAT105, n. V. v.— «d. i^^S^-&c. «R«t n. ntoIT 1>^ n. ^^!^7ot «. Ac. flHI^K m. ??i4i^/ui n. f^*iMtl'»l=h<,>'IKI, &C. sj-sspT ar^tq i 'if l »». snr^iit »». ( ^^strt &c. ) ^ *cic4l,'iiol(^rfr,?^H^I^rtl,&c.qWf- 3 'is«(^tM^, ^fl^^ «.&c. — « ^T^, ^^=^, 'N'T^, ■%^ +I0IM1, %5^nr, %5^iNrT. Agog, fl»./. 3TPTT?mW n. 3??!^ «»■ 2 — act. chottjiot «. &C. «icAc(c6/. ^oETfToET »«. afT^%ft3^ w. 2>Z. V. ^, — intens. ^K; f».-^N*I< OT. "^.1 HI'i'«(l, «t?TT^, J pleofant pteatiny, delightful, fAar»iJfty.3TT^??fT, 'itS,HT- TUT, T^, +y-fl<^, »1*, AoBEEABLEXESs, fl. V.A. 1. )l«CM. filHITm. HTTm. ^'*f^»i. JJT^nR'T «»• JTgT'nnT m. ?fk«T n. AOSEEABLT, mT^, «ranft^, "jHH+iK ( in comp. ), ynj5.,J>. V. V.l. See AOBEEINO. 2. T. Agseciko. ^•JHH, «»^d. 3. Tri *fMI- i^-i^XI, 'rf'TH, JTf?lflM, ^■%fTl?T, fSrfSiSPT, Ht'Ef'i^, ?if»f^, ♦(mn. «. T.V- 1- PraoTTTT Ac. r*n^ri>t, rHS!ISH-=(I, ^- 2. 1TT»T, TTJft, 'E^, g?l<>»1INH, ^jHfl, ^T'TH, 3lfi»Hr», 3. ffT»nTT, fff *«• TT^^/. 5 — «/a^e. HR"if «. Jce. TTT/. HTT/. ^TR OT. Slf?rfTT/^H%rr»». ^- Agreements and engagements, — compreh. 4,eFq- «, III. — in grammar. aiT==^^ w. ^miqifS|+<.u<< n. IV. ( of different books, etatoments, &o. ) '<'<»«Hf^rF»? ». sj^V «. ^rTt/. ^"Hl^l OT. ^opft- 2 — gener. or cojni>reh. Jield-btmiiess-cperations, worlk, ?tfT^ n. ^n*iin n. fWtHpft/. ^d+m n. ?1d«4M4/. ^- yfru/ ?tfT^/. «ii^rt or ^T^/. SIVft 5"nft/. *w(fl«t- Hire of a beast upon a.-employment. ^V^J.^f. ^^ m. ^I^«(4I m. Implements of a. — compreh. anirnPT^/. The com- mon ones are ^TtHT, wil,^- ^^ or ^l«ir!*0, "Tl^, Tct^t??. AoBicuLTUBiST, «. cultivatoT. \\t\'i.(\ m. ^tfrpfwn w». ^- Aobostis, n. bent grot*. ^ pop. Jt^/. ^oft./. AoBOCSO, air. n«l*f «l«[^ aTOT, W5I1T, 51^, "^K- To be a. ;?I*t^, 31^ 'MH^. AoiE, «. intermittent /ever. v. I^'etZB. f^'SRIN 1 f»i«i.!jiy(^/.^«^/. ir«»T?j ii 2. »W^. f^ or (tf ». «nft/. p. *tt, ^, fi^/ fr AIM 8 f^/- f 3J5/. tM m. pi. V. ^,^/.2>Z. f?Rf?lft/. AaUE-CAKE, n. «^t^/. [>»««* irftfT, Ague-PEOOF, a. l^smTftH^^TT, f^^ftfT, 7ft7i^r^Ti«ITtT, ?ft?'P AOUE-STEUCK, AOUED, ffl. ?ft?i^^T?nflrI-?T?f-. «. ^^H, i^ot ».-|:^ w.-^/.-fspJ^T »j.-5IT«TT/. &c. ^^ in. con. I ail, I am ailing. JT?JT or iTTf?TT f^T^c^T sft ^ZrT ^- What ails thee ? H?5T ^IJTq' ?5Fip5-^c5 ? Ailing, a. v. Sick. |mT^, |?ioi^, 3T^re»T, siFHTVIPft. Ever a. v. Sicklt. |^ToP^ Ailment, Ailing, «. v. Sickkess, Dieoedee^:^ «. j^of n. ^^/m. f^^FR »». f^frT /■ 3l?nTr«n^ n. 3t^?r «. 3T- WKWT «• 2 a «?)>//< disorder. ^R^of ^tfT^ |??i»i<=[siTOT OT- ^^/- "^^T OT. ^?f »». ?^?fH tn. N.B.But little difference is perceived by the Hindu* between air and v-ind. In the open a. exposed to the air. JfT'Ttfr, IJ^ ^^^jttT, ?^r5?m=?Tf?Ttr ?m^«n. !R, ^?ft/. ». fjR^,%nR w. V. tJR, Hn?T«JT»ft4-f^'TO-Ac. ^rif . A LAKH-BELL, M. ^-/INHMKI ■•. Jc^t^ 'HW «. ^^IJCT/. Alabm-clock, Alabu-watcb, n.ftw^nr ^[?Pff fnjsrKTiM Alib!ibd, p. T. V. L Mp. »wnft?T, ^rtrs/'i f^i*^- lLABm!ro,p.«. terrifying. »W^, »T^m«, »n»3>s|^, *T«nT5, Albeit, (m^p. v. Although. ^jTft, Tstrf^. Albino, «. ^JloSm^T^'n an^'JmtMKi^'T !JT^^ "TlX ^ «. Albugo, n. icAife s^ec^- in the eye. ^ n. J^T n. 5"^^ «. S^»- ^ '^.^ [5^^«. Albcmen, w. tfAj/ff of an egg. qt^TT «fte«tt?^ w». Alchemical, a. v. N. f^M^lMT, T^rFfTT^r, 'irf^rf^J^tft- Alchemist, w. f^p^qr +». Alembic, n. «<»/;. irq' ^iSNI-^' 'T?I n. H^l^pnT «». 3TTgfrRT?{ n. ^'si<4-9| n. Alebt, o. vigilant, ready. «lttT?qT 4iH^-m, «tiH<,«i<^, ^TRVt, jniT, ^^rnTT, vSTHmr, ^tr^ift, ^ni^??P. 2 6n«i-, wj"»i47«, v. Active. =5na, 3Ttn^?r. Cpirft/- Alebtness, n. v. A. ^rw^^'TT m. HT^trfnft/. vTPiqoiT »»• 2 aii'NMoill/ -=|Mot|^/. Alexiphabmic, a. expelling poison. f^qMl ^TR^nRT, f^l^f, nCllPT, f^^FI^, fillMlriY. Aloebba, n. iJt^fwnr «■ «iT3T «. 31«>qrf>»lf&l?T «. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, in a. Known quantity in a. ^ n. Operation or working in a.3T»qT|}fif^/. Unknown quantity or number in a. a^sq^B n. An unknown quantity, Ac. a^sq^PTlf^T w. Equation of unknown quantity, Ac. gRsq^j^FTw. Relation of unknown quantity to its co-eflicient. TW- Aloebbaic, a. <\^T^fui?r[t<^, »(Y"^f^?n^, iil-d'lfiiMfHril, «f\^««i*ft, iIWif'rfifrTq'F, TJlifT. Aloebbalst, n. ^t^PlfT^ft «»■ »n^'lf>>IfJ|| «. in^'lflMV, Alias, o^+--(W+U, li+sOrftH, (i+^HI'rrH Alike-minded, a. iT^fqrT, vj+f^^, ^[+HH, <^*Mdl^, i^. Aliment, «. nutriment, v. Food, ^pjf ?i. 3TT^ «». 3T5r " T^ OT. *r^ «. ^Jft^^ n, M|UM «. Alimental, Alimentakt, a. hehnging to «.Tr;r};, l^fT^HPHP. [ ;fnrm AnvE.o. V. Living, fjmr, ^jft^T^ pop. f^fT, f^r, ?Rft^ 2 active, in full being, vigour, virtue, ^'e. fSTHT, sffFnTT, •^Wdl, vii'jn, 'Jii'i*!,'*), t[r\-^. i All a. Alive aud hearty. f5rTT vH I MH I, PHrll-ift ?, fJT?rr- ' 3 lively, swarming. TST^vftrT. Alkahest, w. ^«f4H+ n. ALL Alkali, n. v. Potash, Soda, Auugkia. ^tr m. ^TTT "i. Alkaline, a. ?iki-=-mi yuiNl, ^TTTy^, ?1KJ|un, ^Kyu|+.. A. ashes. 'fV^ m. To Alkalize, v. a. ^TT^JT n. sjvtof, ?^Tft^^ ^X.^. Alkalized, />. v. V. ?Trft^, TT?T*TOT.-OT?nT5Tn.-3^?Tff?r/.^n:'t/.^o. I ALL 2 mitigate. See To Rise. Allegation, n. t. Y. 1. — act. ^x(\r^vi-&.c.'^i*[iin, &c. f^T- 2— act. Pir«Tl «i<|UTn. &c. ^7^m»*. I. excute, T. Plea. ^rfnfT n. <|^|U||»i. «rT^/. •IT'nT/. .To Allege, r. a. v. To Affikm. fH=iiPN^-^^t<=R't-?!^- 2 protluce as an ciyumeiit, ^'c. v. To Plead. fHfilTTn.- AriEOiANCE, n. Jr»fT^»«. ^I^T^^TVHm. ^yi« m. .\LLlTEEATirt, a. pertaining to, or ion$ittinj in a. 'ipjiim- *Tv^, • » \ -^j t] fim> , iTspra?:^?. TR^irnfnnT, H'ji»ivu,n. freeMd ntate. WRmrt-snfW^rJTT^-Ac. ?^5i «i.-«^^M.-Ae. allopatht, »i. 7a Allot, v. a. yite hg lot. ^rS^TT ti**i-VI'Ji^-*c. f^iTPM- 2 apportion, attign. w1?T ^55»r or ftT^ ^, ft^TPp ^, Au-OTMcrT, a T.V. 2— •*/. ffT^^ n. f(rKT'J^-ini»T-4c. ^3 ALL I I. ^ing allotted, v. Shake, ^t^f. ^\Z\ m. »TPT m. 11. ( o/Mc » «. To Allude, v. ». rp/i?r r/. »T^/- Allution, Alluvium, «, nsft /. ?7oiJT5i m. ik/.Hra'/. To Ally, t'. a. connect by marriage. ^'[lt\^; /■■'^\H>M /.- 2 ( by treaty or league. ) ?n?q'B%?W«i^ m.- ?nvTO*«iV »».-fH5lf^fT5tq' »».-^5fWt m.-&c. W.^. 3 /orf» relation between, v. To Cox>;ect. ^"sjtTOT. ^iif. Ally, n. confederate, ^'c. tj^ m. «+.dl^' ^TT^^TTT, ?^- w. ^W m. ^I^|i<4«+rf) »«. Almanac, «. 't^m «. qml ». Almanacmakee, n. q^t^T m. TSffl^FrTf m. »nn^ m. AlMIOHTINESS, «. V. A. ^#rf^/. 3T't?f5Tf^/. H^^Tf^prTT/. Almighty, a. ^^1^^ W^srf'fJ^, 3TH?r?TfT|>, «#5FR?nf>, ^i- +-lT?Tri>o/). *ft^ /. fnwM n. m m- iTH'T^rT^ or U- HI^ m. ^\V\r\f. A. asked by worshippers of Dein, ^Fl^w. — of Khan' dobd, ^rft/. Daily a. f^TrT^TT ». Liver upon a. f^'^^TTTjft'ft. Victuals given as a. iTT^^Pft/. one who lives on them JTTg^ft m, 'lo live on a. jf^F ^/. JTrnsr 3mot, ifrp m'JfT'JT? rt, HTot, fH^^N^3ftf^/.-i^?T^ft^r/.-f>T??rT^ift«R M.-&C. To live on unsolicited a. 3T^lf^fl^f?r/. sRwf, It is easier to take poison than a. f^?r v;^^^ ^m >ft- Alms-basket, Alms-box, Alms-bao, &c. n. ^ftslt/. ^^- ^/. ST^Tjyrf/. 'FTT^/. fiT?7T/. ^ ?r «. "Pct^ m. pi. Acquaintance with the a. 3I^T 3^roEW/. Class of letters in the a. Vot^?^ or H>c?lril «i. ^^/. Letter of the &. «ith its several combinations with the vowels and antincdra and viurga. CI w* ^^ /. or ^UI«^/. Series of the vowels and anutwdra and icUarja. ^TT'Ef- *"ate, t'. n. happen, act, ^'c. ly turns. ^ZJ^^Z]^' 34M>''jHMP.''jH-3TTo(^fT5fl%-%lM|ct't%-'TR»rNl^it^-&C. qdj-- 2 follow reciprocally.^ ^I{\^ ^^ot-^l^AcTT^^^THT Altebxately, adv. v. A. in reciprocal succession. 'JV^X ^T^^T^^ft^., &c. ^i'j^ "(^HiH, 3TT^^ Mlfv-i^, ^f^^T^r- -&c. ^^. Altebsatesess, «. T. A. ^an^^oTT m. ((*i-msMiTr »». ?^Tg?wf*TrTr/. &c. Altebxatiok, It. reciprocal succession. 'R^T TTH^/w. TT- Aj.TZsyxTViiE,it.aclioiceoftirothinys. f^^rT »'•• 'FrT »»• ALTEKXATrVE, a.^^ftt-?rfT?{ m. %T«.%T- To AtTEBCATE. ScC To WBASOLF. AlTtSCATi* 9, n. urenjUnf. WV\^ f ^ZI^Z f.^znft f. ^.V\Z f. ^m m. miiflflii *. «wnr/. »n»Tv*t /. >p"pT /. «omw/. n!«iT/ rii^H/. |tnwrft/. <>5% /• ^i^^iift Alitbit, AiTEtyATE, «. 6ri>y III reciprocal nwMiMiVm. Although, arfr. crff, >i<1"^, «Rlf^, T?]fT^. Altiloquesce, «. pompous speech. ^cj^"Y^^ HTSfT n. ALTiLocjrEST, fl. V. N. arfH sft^Tnft, aifH srn?»T«nPT. Altimetbt, n. art of measttrivj heights.T^^f{Y(^f^'t^, 'F'l^T'siT, J'^^T, ^^^'T. AtViyE, a.helonging to the belly. qlJl^ 3?,^^%(t,3iI^fTfr, ^;[^ ( in comp. ). Alwats, adv. v. PlvEH. ?5^;)op. fl^, 'RTT;)o;». WTt, ?lTr- flihft, «?^^, flSW, fl^JT, ^>n or ^IrnT, ^»^»*^or ?Tr, f^, fi?«Tn:, ^3?TT, T^i^t «n»''t, T^=qT «T^pqr, AVAIX, adr. rehtmintly.^violrntly. *ft^^JT H?.!^, W^i^^TT vfirr- "^, »i'raT^-?5^ y • 0/ o. [ f^, ^rraTT. Amazed, p. v. Y. 1. ^qr^^r^T, K+-^Rq;, Amazinolt, ade. \. WoNDEiirii.LY. fJFTT ^iNI^'iT- ?m:?lT-&c. dcrl. f^r^^^^^^^\^., ^TZTT, M«IT^HTyKU|wr «. [ ?IT. Ambient, a. v. Sueeoundino. tjfrt^q;, M R^ ^H q irii, ^?if^- AMBioriTY, Ambicuousness, h. t. a. l^t-'fKiirT m. §'tTT/. m. gTH«^ or giTT5"P!T «• gxptTHT/. gfJJ'^^P?^ «. Ambiouocs, rt!. equivocal. Jtt'ft, ^fT'PT, 5*15, g^'4, 5iST'4q>, jTwr, ^^, |Tt-q7^^ ^I5'-<^- fe<^/. iTHKTW^/. nnrf^c^/. ^ri^^^rf. Ambitious, a. v. N. ^?f^ or ^B^, f^T^Ti JT^t^^f?fl", To Amble, v. n. ^fT^^p ^TT^tH ■•Jlciuif, tii-scti-oiirtS'i-^Tm. Amble, n. ^n^pp^ITH/. tf^^n^rqra / ^'iH-MI^ /. gl -m i ^ lJ; Amblinoly, o^y. ;gi«f._g^«F or f ^^Jf 5^, «N*-mpfR &e. Htgr or ^f. Ambeosia, «. sustenance 0/ the gods. yUMH n. g*TT/. Ambeosial, o. aiMHHi, arHrtrnr, ar^^T^^^T. Ambulance, n. mocahle hospital. f. Amenable, a. responsible, v. Answeeable. ^JTTiT— f^?ffNT-'Tr- To Amend, p. a. v. To Eectift. gtlTT^, ^-p:^-^^- ^f- ITHT-&C. ipTof, =a«P/. +-l'Jui y. 0/0. 2 V. To EefobM. ^^R^,^^ HI'l^««-?TTos»(i«(^-§fTNT- Offl«J<-&c. 31l«|oi. To Amekd, f. n. T. To, EEroEM. f^7T;^M» ll m. Ac. |F?^ / ?[r- r? / ^gf5 /• V. V. X. 2. arf or stut-'. JTWT w. STTTT «• iiJENDS, M. recompense. wPl*-*.". 5*^*^^^"<'^*^- wRhm+h. To make a. fH<4UI, f'I'rTT'f, fH**Pl/.- HpiHtiMi/'ST- f^*!^ w.-Ae. ^TJt^. o/ff. [ ?fk«T «. KXITT, n. V. A0REE\BL£5E«8. >1+-r*( n. Amkkce, Amebcemext. See To Fixe, &c, > rHTST, n. sri^'l m. ■: : ABLE, a. worthy of lore. T. Agbeeable. ft)'M^i<, lAfrlMI- ^, fllTr^T., T^TT, 41|<|ST<4l ^"ll-HI, n^M'^"!, ftPP1«»I^, Sft- Amiabj.kness, Amiabilitt. »i. v. A. »T%«1urT m. *P^ /. »T- 4.'JU|i|»ri| n. Amiably, ade. v. A. an^T^'mT^, T^TT^^, *l^qwr^. Amicable, o.'v. Friesdly. fJT^ir^T^, J5«ii-m, yfMI*J m. gi|5- AVMOXIAC, w. sal. ^*«I1< n*. AxMinciTlox, ". «I4.'IKI w. /. ^^- 2 •<:/ or *rrp. »r^, »T*ft, m^, mirrff, aTM-ffT, vW iriVA the nomn inflected. From a. ^^i '^. Amoeut, Amoboio, See Loveb. U Motors, «. disposed to lote, loving. w\^^ *T^, SBWr, 2 betonyiny or relating to lote, v. Amatoby. ijlHl^I, '^- nrft, lj*ITftV, »(*IM.f*l n. &c. — rtfl/«. f^^FTTT m. f^WlRfit^l n. 2 — act. 5'Huj n. "g'l^^ &c. ^i'lCi n.— state, cltw n. ^- spr /. TTr^ »». ?i*^mf^io& m. ar^^ w. To Amplify, v. a. enlarge, expand. f^TT^, ^IS^uf, ^VM- f^^rfK-Ac. !F^, ft^rriT m. iRwf y.o/o. 2 enlargein discussion or representation. •^'\m»{.^'^'\'^'^- j^^5f«f^-&C. ?Ttn^, TTFfToE l». ^^-rtl«("l, TT?^ ^- To Amplify v. n. M\f^\-i. m. 5Frj«f«i;, sr^mn^r, tiftiWT. 8 ITTR?!'?^, ^ttM«0•*• 3T»ld^ W. 3t»Td^ «. [ ^^^^ «"»• Amulet, n. a charm at tcorn. ytiffi m. arr^ or ffiPlT m. To Amuse, p. o. rficrr/, entertain, m^, tT^, ^3^, V^gofo. AXA 38^ 2 (one's self ) v.To Plat. OT^, fjftjaof, ^^rdf, fij^iul'. 3 delude., deceive. ^rtf«i«i, fcWTT-^PT/. ^. Amused,/), v. V. 1. ?1T^%(7T, t^JR%?5T, &c. argtf^, t^RT. To be a. ^^r/. ». AyACHROSiSM, n. error in chronology. ^,\^^\M\^\'^^^ m. ^FIHH^S'n^'T^'r m. rnf?to o/»c/ec<«on*.^^f^,^p^t^%$rfyT, Analects, n. collection of extracts. ^% ot./jZ. 3T%!pt'«Tf?Rf- q'^ »i, 4||»j|o«jl. «r^ «■ ?/. ^TI^T?5 w. /)/. q?bl »». /V. f^ n. /)/. The three ancestors (paternal or maternal) 'spfff. The three male ancestors. fsr^^^T m. pi. [n. Hsytfl-s n. Seat or place of one's ancestors. 3n?r03 n. 3H?.-*! MfM«TT /. /'^.-%^fT5ftflf75'«TT /. /»/. 3'5T'f-??i«R/. "^ g. of 0. Ancesteal, Ancestoeial, a. belonging or relating to an- cestors. <^=5rT, ^ffe^^r, 5rfl?5t^5itft3^,"^T''i ^fe^F, 2 descending from a. =(ilrfM<4/. !{,ES, A.WXS, n. Jfarrf of corn. ^.H7. h. ^Jt^ mn. ANECKISM, n. ^TT^?fp«T m. '^ ' [5SfT,f^57T. .■',vk:w, (Ti/r. or«- ^xAj. o/o. To draw down ( upon self) the a. of. ^ m. WfjT To vent a. tipon. To be angry with. ^ »TTW wiM m or ^, ^TVTftff^mr/. /)/. di+,9r. Tc .VvoEB, r. o. protoke, enrage, excite, irritate, ^e. m^- o}^, ♦i'iiq<<<»i, M*tM«(3i, ^m^, <)d<)ffi, rnr »i.-q^ m.-&c. fv^jTTot, <^M^«i, J««mwi, fTTTn.Hm<)ui-W*)-jt<<«i-7«i<*«i ■&c.g.o/ 0. HIMH «.-»Jr1IM^ n.-^^TH^ »i.-*iyi^m'».- %n)i^*i •».-*€. ^T'f 7. o/" o. F?nT-j5-ff^-&c. sfiTW. -• injlame, eaute to imart. ^ «». ^J^ g. of 0. ?mTT SFT'/f. r BED,^. T. V. 1. and AyoBT, rmm ^|U | t^,^ l, Ac.rTH^, , AxGCiSH, «. V. Pain. q^/. mrFTT/. A. of mind. HTW? m. fldlM »»». To AsorisH, Ac. See To Paim, Ac. AxortAB, 0. having angles or corner. «p1uii-mi, ^^HT, '^Ri'ir- Akgulakitt, AKoriAKvEss, n. v. A. ^t^^HTrTT/. ^Fm^^q- AsHELATioN, See Pautixo. AsiGHT, adv. 'CT^, n^, TT?ft^. Anii,, indigo plant, ^f^ pop. ?ftoE/. AiriLiry, See Dotage. AjriiiABTEEsiox, n. V. Blame. *ff^ m, ^WRtTm.^^lJJlM't ». To AsiUADTEBT, P. n. Sce To Adtert. 2 remark upon centuringly, v. To Blame. «5tf7 m. f^T«r^, AsiMAL, n. living creature. vft«r «• ^TToft »•• ^ '«• ^^ITTSR nm. ^^RTH or"|^H nm. "T^ m- ^f^ «"»• The four classes ( ^HT m^ift ) >"to which all Animah are collected, are 5R5^, ^TTl^, ^^, -ifi^'"*. Ajtimal, a. of or belonging to animals. ^V^T^., srrf&rf^«rasp, JTTf^Tfnnft, 3ftf^^'^t, ^rsft^'iiift, H^;ft^H«r, ipn^. A, food, T. FLESnMEAT. JTf^TT^ H^ ». A. functions, infT^tWT. A. kingdom. Mlf»>I+lf^/- MiHli-^iPi/. A. substance. Jlir<)M. Mlu^rM^J q^r4/n.-1^ «• 2 not intellectual; relating to the a, functions, snf^f^- ^, H l f i ) l f»<n. %n^TTTfcT^ m. pi. A91MALI8M, n. state of mere animals, ^^V^m. f^f^ f. AinMALiTT, Aj^imalitebs, n. ijl|v)lr«l n. qgsr n. To AsiVATE, r. «. quicken, make alive. Jift^m.-^ft^'f ST/.- 2 inspirit, inspire, enliven, cheer, exhilarate. 3ft»I»i.-^«{'».- ATTN 40 Airo aot, admun /•- 7=5^/.- ;j%^jt«.- ^TBr%^ «.-&c. w.x^. | Akimate, a. V. Livixo. 'H'sft^, vfl«i<^K, *(iJ|U|, ^%rt?T, fl'^, '] A. & Inauimate. ?Tvft^^f^, ^HHI^dH, ^TT^TT. I Asimated,|). ^' «r. V. y. 1. and LiviKO. ^^ft^r %?f?rr, Ac. j 2 3%P5TTT »'• HT^'PTT "»• To Announce, p. a. give notice, proclaim, v. To Pvblisu. ^VX f.-SiQ."^ g. of 0. 3TT^-W"^-&c. 1v^, qt'TTr / «pMy. o/o. An-nouncement, Annunciation, n. v. V.— art. ^HR^'n «. ^»TT^< iR'Tf «. vfpsnJTT /. To Annoy, v. a. molest, v. To Teace. gi^t, ifadf, q"ioE^, S'- T^^r m.-=JmT w.-r^/.-J-.W n.-?TO^/.-«S:c. ^-^^^,77^- Annoyance, Annoying, «. v. \ .—act.^%^ n. &c. gioj^P/. SoEOJcF/. 3lT^TJJ^/. 5^5/. ?IJR »». ?5?T 07- 55 W. 3^^^ 111. ^fm »«. yM^'i w. fiPA\ f. pTT/. «ra^/. [t^t^ »«. I. annoying matter or cause, v. Plague. 3T^^ »». m.f. Annoyed,^, v. V. 3T^^ &c. ^^-FTT-qi^flcTr, 33SOT, &o. 3- Annoyee, n. Annoying,^, a. v. V. ^loiTTT, OT^^-?^T-?l?r- TITf*nf; ^T^f. Anointed, ;j. v. V. 1. HK^ ria i &c. ^rf%fT, 3T«nf>, a^^feff. 2 3Tf*R5p ^^-fiH?jr, 3if»Tf«iq;, frrTf*r%5F, ^tht^t^t, Anoinxeb, ».t.V. 1. HT^Tm, &c. 3l»--qi=PTtf, ^/\% ar^- ANS 41 ANT Pi f isODTTurG; AsoiXTMEST, n.v. Y. 1. — act. HT^t. &C. Kr- «Tjr »i. TTor ». nipi ». 77t/. ^rg^r w. 3llf^^-os, «/ff. V. Soos. ist^rarr. Ever and a. noic and then. qj^Jr^tff, *T«nT^, ^t%^. Ayo.TTJiocB, a. fJRfsqr, Pinki-m, f^HHi<>i-Hi , •h'^ih^, ar- HlfJl*, [^hIh*, yniiH*, HIH^H-lf^d-Ac. 4X05Tlf0C8LT, tfrfp. T. A. HNI^JI"^, fijHH, RHMIH. AsoiZTT, ». t««/ qfappeiiU. adf^/. 3Tfimtnd*|iq ©»• 3n^ M.-Ac. ^-«m. Unable to a. SR^^^T, fire^. To a. again, r«yijr to nueily. 3^^ ^\r^, ^F.^ >Tlr? wt^, "JTiT nt? ^rtn^f , ^1 ii+ffn"! 4 n. ^, fitlt J^nm ^.q/ o. To a. petulantlj, ■nAppi«blj,Ac.v^TT 3JT^ ^-^t?!^. I To a. promptly or amartiy, (Jlaily, imart, outrijht, Ac. ) flilH<-fl'll*ftH». enhanc. Hl^fm ». ^f>f*T?i?5M. Aft-lion, ». ^TKT »i. ^ m. AxTAoo.visT, n. V. Opponest. irfrfT^ft m. f^fNtm. frr^, AsTAQOsisT, a. Sco Oi'Posisa. Aktaphkodisiac, Axtaphboditic, a. abating texual desire. 'MMH, %IH^K, ^IHSim*, ?nT?m^, 'hlHlHl^mth. 2 V. Astiveskbeal. gr^?m, T^^TPTO, OT^nfTT'T. AktaK)plkCtic. a. good against apoplexy. :mfv[>itf'a., H»^- AxTAncTic, a. relating to the southern pole. ^f^loi^T^W^fT, A5TABT1IBITIC, a. Counteracting gout. ^^MI^O'?M, *TT- A5TK. This particle in its aigniGcation of i«/<>ra may bo rendered by ^ and snr. li'or its significatioiis of ATfT 4 against See Ami. Amecedesce, n. act or state of going hejore in time, 'jsff^- %J. "^f^^/- ffT^Tn. ftrff^J^rt. ^'^Hrn/. Antecedest, a. preceding in time. JTT»RT, 3T'n<^<."^i, ST'lt- Amecedent, n. TELOPE, ». V. DeEB. ^TOIWW. ^"TW. ^»». ^T»l. Black a. +l*ic, a. eon^eraeting tpatm or eonvultiont.'^iif A.NinPLKyrric, «. yoorf o^aixt/ tie tpleen. jft^n^, ^t^TTl^, Antiihesis, «i. oppotUion of *cordt or tentimentt. 3W?T^- A>'TiTHrTicAL, a. V. N. 3nif?ffrTF^*ft^, 3Tvl'H«^l^n4^- AsimrE, «. wrnA^H'4 >i. nini «. yurf^^^r m. AjrriTTnCAL, a. fItWSIT, f^W^, JT^rfW^j^fi, Vp^ftfl^^^ft. AyTIVE5ZKEAL, a. 3^IRTflV, S^^ITII. AsTLEs, n. mrfinT w. jnnrnr/. AnosoMAiiA, «.— the figure. •jmyuvfHMH w. [8[rT ««. Ayui, ». ifl/. ^ ». ^MMg^K »• -MMM d. Hr^S^K ». "Tf^iPT- FistuU in mo. ^ppm ■•. [^tH «. ProUpaai ani. ^TWIT ■«. The prolapsed gut. 3r»l«;n. A»TiL, w. ^T«r/. ft«T/. flnniT m. g?T «i. fl'^ «./. These wordi expreta rarietic*. 2 ( of a farrier ) TKRT »i. 1»TT«T «. AyxirtT, A5Xiorr!(EM, n. t. A. and C'a«e. ^n^ft/. firflT/. ^I^/ ««««/. ^M. JT'/ ^"^Z ^rNoft/. «rTWT/. >rfn *». wtt/. vrw/. t*T»»^, ^^, 3T^?m. Ii A. bow, A. wise. *R?T^, ^f[., JF^''m,^J#?r?t, 3T%fj%^, A. like. T^fWT. A. one. »T«5, f/r//, ^c. V. Opesikq. >Ti^ «. tn «■ f^^ Apetalous, a. fi(HMIt^ n. m. 7W n. T^TVR n. ^ ^ «• ApnosT, n. lott of voice. *TtniHm»H.«n^Hm.Tlf^^^??n. Aphobism, «. T. Maxim. ^tsRT fi. fTT «• ^T »• I Aphbodisiac, «. ^sftT'TT »•• ^^ «• Aphsodibiac, a. exciting lexual detire. WV^m, W-W^r[^W, Apiabt, «. j^tnnTn ^q;5%w«n^ w» «• »^g'^f?iTT??«T «• A PIECE, flrff . ^%^TF, (j\*i«, Rf^^rm, ftKnoTJft. Apiin, a. inclined to ape, imitatite. ^\^f:l^K^\., 1^='^^ ^■ To be a. ff|»TTW^, TTI^ "-'^^ n.-^p^f. W^-Vi' | fe^Hlfl^I, aff^BlT^ft^, ^j*^R^v»f ?r »• ^q^fq^R «. ^^H^?! m. ^^- ffrTT*! w. ^TT^IHTPT m. Apostate, n. ^sftPffr^Pft, WHdc*«|».-&c.5TraST-iq««(/. A. and necessaries — compreli. or gener. ??M*t<>»llH»». «M*)IMM n. ^lo/. spT'i, 3TTf^^, fsnit^. 2 seeming; — in distinction from true or real. f^'nrr=r', r^'HUIHI, Tr^TTTTT, aTPTreT^, n^*1"<4fHH|-9j<*KI, ^^sft ^. [ "Tt^. 3 not secret, not hidden, t. Tisible. 3^TIT, ^ST, 5^,^- Appahentlt, nJi". v. A. 1. 7^, aViMuff, ?^, ?T^TJft. 2 f^+(«<iM«iu| c J'^'i'T, ^HiHi or aHA"i , 3m »;j.-3^n w». Ti^f y. o/. «. W^Vf. 7 to, unto; s/a/jt/ or come into the judgment of. »TT5f^, f^^^, ^TTOT, TKof, Tra^r. N. B. All these verbs are impersonal. «i^"^*(-4_^fC %^. 8 be in attendance. ^|v»fIC-^ ^Tot. AyPEAHANCE, «.v. V. 1. 2. arf of coming into sight, act of becoming visible. f^v\ n. ^q' |t^ ?t.({.^'HS"l »■ . ^^ »». V. 5m^, ?^ «. ^=5T(:TR n. ?rF5rf^«i. 5 spij- |m «.&c. sTTf^'kH «. arrfsfHR »«• sn^T^w. srrf^fH/. T^rq »«. iiPFtf «. 6 gim^ n. Zf^Z^ n. TV\ m. ^^Z m. 8 ^T^ftT ^ n. ^'^fff. I. semblance, look, apparent likeness. ^ K.^TT^FR OT.'?TO7 n. ite »j. STPrra' »«. HRT »». ri »». In a. fsr^'HTt^, fT^FTTW, «ll^M5 «(i»»i«OME>-o>-. [»T?I^^. APPSASABLE, «. T. V. ^WftT, MhN^M, ?Tir«(1Ml'M, HTt^- ArPBA«ABi£XESS, M. V. A. ?TMHHf^(6KMI. .iPPELLATIOX. M. V. XAilK. «ftT/. STRS^/. afrfWR It. «%- m. AmLLATirE, n.common name M \ P\^ \ -^^'\\*\ n. ^ \ ^ \ '■^A \ H n. ilWlLLATIVE. o. pertaining to a coiinnon name. 3rfiTtl(f<4^, 3rfiTVT«ft, snf'fw:^^, ^yi«JH+. Appexi), c. a. Ann^ or attach to. r^T^, ?f^»< ^, - V. To Add. v». TinninHKTt'I n. »?Ntn n. 3T^»rvi m. AppE-tDLTT, a. Appexoiso, a. hanging to. T. V. il'k^l. I. annexed, eoncomitanl, T. BeL050CC0. S'lpft, 3^»TfT, \P«SOEO,/».v.V.l. ^fjsr ftr^ril, dfl^X.I, ^Ayj,rtN'iic4l. Aotxdix, n. See APFEXDiOE. 2— to a book, Ac. T. iicrPLEME5T. fV|^ ai. TpnnrKm. Of ravenous a. H%^ 3T3^-3T5E^r. Of tender a. gijr^l^oESR-f?;^. ^ To bridle one's a. rffs ». ^RT TT^-%^^-3TT?tT'iif. To indulge one's a. eb, n. v. V. d|of | ^ uiKI, ^TT^ *WKI, &c. 3^5«TT^.^, :' Applause, n. v. Pkaise. flMl'H^/. ^^/. ^T^TM/- ^^- ,1 3nT/. FPt^/. I Apple, n. (^[^TOoET^ TT^ 3T?^, l| 2 ( of the eye ) v. Pupil. Jricit /. «rf7Jt /• rTTTT /«, [ A. of one's eye;/?y.v.DABLiNo. *iHufV»i.^iiix(i*f?,^r»«. I To prize as the a. of one's eye. flT^T' 'FToS^Hr Tfe^ct 'I %^. , Applicabilitt, Applicablenesb, n. t. A. Hl«ll<4l-=n'-^^- I 2 r*l*j4U|| ». ?5FT «». Applicable, o.yi'< or suitable to be applied, v. Y. A. 1. 2. A\H\M\-^^-'^\nfn-'^Pl\-&i.\ *?MI* *^> ^'TTTt^''^- 2 ( to its cad or purpose. ) emplog, y. To Use. TT^fr^ APP f5rf%«fm »«. jRTit g. oj o. ^-4^ rfKui. J{ ( the mind, &c. ) JTT «.-55^ &c. ^Rof-^Ht^dir, r^m »». 4 — in gram. ^TT »».-H<<)'i »"• *<."l. Ti? Appiy, v. 11. have some connection, agreement, or analogy, suit. V. To Agbee. c^T^^, OT"!^ TT'I', fHotuI, ^555wr, sr^, ^, with ^K or :p%, SpTilf. 2 /(ffyf recourse to as a solicitor. <^«31^/.-3T^ w.-f^P'Trft /.-&c. JPTot, vTTtJf, w/M ^ofo. To Appoint, t\a. establish, settle, fix hy agreement. ^iTif, ?j%?T w.-fSfqx pop. %TT»».-&c. ^ ^. o/' 0. 4 accoutre, furnish, \-c. v. To Equip. ?PR»f, ?r^, ■H^l'iuj, ?Tf«ffT-&c. ?F^. Appointed, ;>. v. V. 1. %K%?^, ^%fT%^^, &c. ^Ri*TfT. 2 %M^.rfI, ?»m%c^, 5pRPT fj?|^-&e. f^prf*TfT, f'T^fT, ?*TTf^, «%^, ^%fH!F, STTTt^, ^r^, r«lf^!.F*ll'Hl/. f^t1T?rn .-^1 iH [/^•— « • <"" s.arf^^ n%. ^%?t j«.Pi<< h /)o/>. %H m. '.i—acf. ^^vi n. ». j^^w. 2(3 ApponTiox, f. a. divide and assign in Just proportion. ^f^ ^-^fjxjfr/.-qtW «.-&c. jRTir, JT*Tr4f^Hr3T^«. ^r^ y. p/ 0. «TVrf«PTT»f ^ti^ ^. Apposite, a. suitaNc to time or circumstances. «fii^, fliT«}*, ^»I?r, T'«TT^nT, T^TT^^, TVlf"^, ST^'TrfyrT, ^nH^R, _46 APP Appositely, orfc. v. A. jt^t'tW, «T5inf^, J^T^TO, Mt l 'I I H ^PT, ?nT^+4"II^, sre^TFT, +(H<T?i?i«)!:T »». To Appbaise, *. a. appreciate, estimate, rate, m^ n.-f^U^r^ f.-^ m.-^f^VH OT.-ar^ m.-&c. ^Tfff-srft't y. (fo. Appraisement, n. v.V. — act. Ht^-^^-Ac. ^^n.-s^^dtnio, Apphaisek, «.T.V.jfte-^-&c. <»)i.-^ »». sFT^r- S^f^ 5'. «/ 0. 2 admit the value of, achwwledge. ^Tfurdt, 3TTT/. STTTJTffT- g. of o.^f. iUl^K-'R^^. o/o. yr »).-?f^»<4ril/.-&c. v»fIU|u1, 307^, TfT «. ^iT^ 5". q/ 0. Appreciatob, n. v. A^ 2. sfTtir \il|U|HI, ^ rRoiHT, i4l^*, 2b Appbehekd, v. a. te/ze, /fl.v ''<>'<^ ^- 'IT'^, "JTS"^. 2 conceive in the mind, v. To Unueestand. ^, aTnra^, tT3^ j'n. cow. anrfy. o/o. ^t^ m. ifof-Oiimui, iTTtrf 'T'Jt- tn. flo». y»iafUJ-.jHvHu1 «««<' inversely. 3 rfwflrf, V. To Fear. STT?!^, ar^nr w.-!f^ M.-?fi!FT/.- V^f.-&c. JTor-^M »'«. COM. 4 he of opinion, think. ^TCTI-»Tnt'if i«. fO». ^^WOT.-^^^ m. ^Hf-^STTot «'»•. «>». Appbehended, p. V. 1. iji^rfi, q*5%rf;r. 3 3TT?if^fT, 7if+-d. Apprehensible, a. v. V. 2. »T?Tf?T ^T^TT 5?t»T?TT-^»TT-?fTTW- Apprehension, «. v. V. 1 — act. vtK^n. i. ^^ m. ^^ m. W.v'P^f. qtr m. v|l^ wi. tTTITTT or qt- ?TTT »». f. tTT. ^T^r w. JII. faculty of apprehension. \. UndebstaSDISG. fTR ». Of quick or ready a. ?f^^TT^. j Slowness of a. ^H^f^ /. Appbehensite, a. dreading evil, v. V. 3. ?T%'=r, 3TTTif^, ?i+iMd, ri+i^i^fv, ^^'T^??;, ^^t'tn^, ^hIpf. Appbentice, n. +,».- fsfPRT m.-&c. [^'^OT. To Appbentice, v. a. tfST m.-qr?iij n.-&c. fr^P'^TT +^^1 ^Ftr- A PPBENTICESHIP, «. V. N. VI Tl^/. f^li^W"!! < Tq Apprise, Appbisino, See To Isioem, &e. APP To Appkizs,&c. See To Appbaisb, Ac. 1] To ArnOiCB, v. n. rome near^ approximate, appropiftqtiaU, \ ad f nee. jT^S ^-■nm, %^, TT^, 3TnTH m.-WTKT «.- I ilf^'lH f»i.-»ir*iM»ii n.-kc. ^Tt. • : FHOxcH, Appkoachixo, II. V. V. — act. %^ «. «TT^ n.^THT- ; «. i<»^S'IH "». 3Tf^»T^ n. srfHTH w. JM+<»|u| ». vJNtl-J^- ! T «. «r*Ji*',AppBOTAL,»i.r.V. — «<•/.»< l'f/.WT, 4*?' AQF I fWf, 7f^rTTff-»r^ffi-'TOfft?T-?TT?!^-Ac. ^-qpjf-Ac. g. of s. and in. con. 3T5»?T^. Approted, /). V. V. TOSf-TT^-Ac.^^^^T-^JT^t^riHT^Tq^rt or S, ^TfT?.^. ^f animals. 'Jlf^^, OTW^T^, "JT^^; TR^^TT^. •Jl^'^fW, rB^fl.— of plants. 7^»n«F. AEC A. and terrestrial .vir^T^VtTT^, Aquatic, n. — animal. Tiu^irtr^i vift^ m. •A'^^'^m. srirtHiwHw. — plant &c. 3rsr»T--nrti^t; kose, m, »R:i57T^ «. g+HlPH+l /. [ f^. That lias an a. nose. ^^^;^t^ pop. JRiHI+MI, ^^PTT- ArahiaK, a. afTWf, 3TT5F'«TT?T'^, 3T^rH|un+^, +4*1^^, 3T^Ttfl^, Hel*fl'l, Ardcocs. o. attended tcitk great labor, v. Diiricctx. ^- iklOUOOLT, oiv. T. A. 4rH^'AH,%4>4KH, ^IMItl'J^*, SR?^- iiSDOoassssB, «. T. V, 1. <|)^uiMU|i m. |v'ddl/. 5-.?n«TTT /. A«EA, n.— in geom. n>T m. »pff /. THf m. TPTT m. HTn^f •". »nn»ff/. 3T«id< fi. 1f?5 n. f^->t*-l «. 2 atuf open turfart. atTTJT «. ^^ n. *li.i,i n. iiucA VJTt, See Bmi,. ilXXVA, ". fiare of public conUit, ^e. i1lrflH, ^^, W^ «.-^K^ or %\Z>^f[ J. ^f^- •i.-4«. *^ y. 0/ 0. 3n5^*ti^ fi.-Jiv^ ». ^rof^. 0/ 0. 2 ^fww, evince, ikew. ^f^, STWf't, ^^W^t, n«ii«i»p are^f, W?m ii.-f«F^ n. 31^ y. 0/ 0. tcitk in. eon. HTW^' Abockd,^. r. V. A. l.«n'I^^,^^«%^,Ac. 3n'^rft^. To make the most of a bad a. aHmrJiH'fl/. ^ot, 2 ( of a reasoning or discourse ) v. Subject. f^TTT »». «T?Tm. ^^ n. ^V^ m. ^ m. 'T4TlTE, o. cotuitUng of a. qi^Ml, ^^r^T^, «ir?f^- ««l^r«jV<4*, r«</. *T^- I Abistocbatic, Abistocbaticai,, a. v. N. ii^i^Jpt^, anft- 1 TTHTT^NT, M| l ^rf ) H I r qq?TO^MtH4.M. Abithmetically, fl!<^?t>. 'Tf'TrTr^iirT fiffr^, f^?i«l +-*.'!. Arithmetician, n. ifdnft'". 'lfuir'4U». T^PPw. f^^Ht or f|- Abk, n. small chest, ^"f/. 2 ( of Noah ) ^mf. *M^Hn. Anw, n. — from the shoulder-joint to the wrist. T^/. ^- — from the shoulder-joint to the elbow. J5»i. ^irg"»». 1T- — from the elbow to the wrist or finger-ends. ^ot. A. to a. — fighting, &e. «ll^«)l^f^ adv. Arms as pinioned. KH^qr/.p/. v. sifwr,f^^^ or fr^- ?iTT/. iJi. frfl or fZ. Interlocking of arms and striving. ^TrT ffNt/. Locking within the arms, aii'l+tjoft/. Ornament of the a. «rr5''T^T». Eoot of the n. *1<*l<(l /.-'P'n^^Tw. ^RTT, 'ETIIT^ ft^. 60 ARM To Arm, v. a. v. To Accoutre. ^t^TT^ or ^m^-HTt^-^Tsr Abmamekt. n. Y. roBCE. %5TPTTrOT. ^TTTw. ^^TTTw. ^• Light a. ^ffpt^/. Ahmed,/), v. V. A. ^^K^ or ^HK«i< or 4,i-j<+,< Armorial, a. of or belonging to armour. +«<-^Nl,+«(-=l*i^'^, 2 belonging to the arms of a family. ^^T^TR T»». A. for thigh, cuish. J\*^\->{\M\n. Piece of a. f^Tr^w. Clad &c. in a. !^^, WvTS. Abmouh-beaheh. n. 5T3 ^ ^1^KT-HUIKI. Arms, n. v. "Weapons, ^^mt or ^{tn.pl. ^n.fl. f^h^Mm, pi. 5l«Hrt<^f.-^JWJm. qRTof. 2 coat of arms, escutcheon, Sfc. ^rlMM <<)fi+ «(v>iiR f^- f%nT fM| «. pi. Abmt, o. ?5^«pr^, ?5?t^, 'Sf^^, ^fra^tft. Army, ». ?55[PPT or ^m+in. "F^JT/.^^t. %?TT/.?RTHRot. =^npn, q^j or ?5oEn. ^HTT»». ^JT^n. I?PTT/^/- M^'^m.n. sn7«. — compreh. '^hsj'pt^TOT. Baggage and followers of an a. «4^<5"A«- 5'T't». ^- Command of an a. 5HNr'D. aJv. in a circle. TVJJi or tt, 'lll'K, TTRt, Pt^Pji Or ^^mM on every tiJe. aTTS^T^JH, 311^1 ^i -"t^*^, 3HI'Jd-Ac. ^T^. AEOLccMa, n. v. \.—»l. M^*|«i n. SlSR^t ». Ac. ^m. qt- V^ n. TJJT^T m. TJtvisT n. JJ^N m. Jl^v|ST ». .ViKiCK, w.—ibo spirituous liquor. rTT^/. ( from the fan- I alui ), Jirtt /. ( from the eocoanut troo ), f%^ m.f. from the wild date tree ). AsKjUoy, r. a. ■^•^^\\ ^|u<«/ in profcr order, v. To Dispose, sq^- Vnr^/.-Jtc «5rot y. o/ o. - adjutt, $etUe, put in order. STf^vr/.-li^rTW m.-^ /wp. ^*r. «. faTKI- 5T M. ^r»r-«ii*'i''t y. o/ 0. qm n. ^i^<(>Ji-fm«i«)'-«ii4«|ui y. o/ 0. ^lT*r «. ^^ y. o/ o. ■JTTW^ /. 3ft^-in^5»m- f»T?T»f y. o/ 0. Abbooation, n. V. \—att. wf^^M ^TTflt n. 3TmrTT «»T310T n, Ac. WTK n. ?7 n. TT??/ Abeow-hoot, «. ^5PT ?^*Hrfl-t<4| ^i^m i ^H ^K^^ r[^^^n. Aese, See Backside. Absenal, n. m.f. Eed sulphuret ofa. JT?i:f^?IT pop. ^^^ or^^f. "White oxyde ofa. Tf?o?TT^nTr5 m. q ig^-^j l ^M'-i w. Arsesicai,, Aesenioub, a. UtR^, w1n?.NI, «"in??«5fvft. Aeson, «. malicious burning of a house, ^c. 3TPT ?n^ «. Aet, n. — as disting. from Nature; human t^ill. H-j^H'^M f. 2 subtleti/, craft, v. CuN>'i!i. Arts, V. Aetifices. ?fj|q% w. /)i. fr#5r ot. pi. q i ifjK 3 — as disting. from Science; «y*;«» o/ruZe* and steps and acts, a craft. ^^T or qjoTT/. ^T^T^r n. J^ »j. /. f^?q- n. 'RTrT^jf «. Arts, — collect, or compreh. rf|^!|!W, ^^m^l^T, ^rflP'lMOT. 4r trick, secret, device, contrivance of. jfrp/. ^^t/. «"• ysiHii /. JT?ft/. f^ift or n^if^j^/. spot/. ^iS/. Arts, contrivances, devices, ingenious schemes or plans or modes. ^^f>^^^f. Finding out the a. of. JIHHS m. 5 dexterity, expertness, v. Skill. 5^/. '^I^T/. f^cSTOr 6 V. Inqenuitt. f^+Hd/. Aetebial, o. tTH-fl^l, HI^-Mr, A. system. JfT^t^nP n. Aetebiotomt, n. «T^T:ft%^ n. tnT^JTTsnT n. Arteet, n. ^s(T^f. ^ftr/. nj^f. ^ritf. f^/. Abtful, o. crafty, v. CtJiwiNO. ♦I^^i, 4) | ^K , *|^^R, 2 proceeding from craft. ■»>M|'t(|, ijiliMI-^lw^Mi, ??ipm- ^NI, *l^'l.l(1-MI, +l'iMl. Abtectllt, adv. v. A. ^T5m#, ^rs^T^TSTT^, SRT^ ^J^STT, tJ-^q^ Ac. i^^TT. I. skilfully. *iTtn^,r^+Mrn^,'t>'«. =5fr!T/. ^^/. A. of merchandise. PH-H^f »». ^ ». ^HT »». Article by a. r^vf«4|K. 2 ( as of implements, pieces of apparel, Ac. in num- bering them ); item, piece. ^\J[ m.J\n m. STptm or »rr m. wmf. 3 clause, item, point, ^.fm n. T:^Hf. ^n^f. «rH^/. ^nrtOT n. Article by a. +rf*4*)K. 4 condition, term. sj^TK n. ^%fT m. ^UTrf/.W^m. 5— in botany. !Ftt n. '^^ «. qflf w. «?# n. To be in the article of death. ^ ^rm w. ^^-7T^,HZ. ^SRJrH'FT/. ^5rP^ w. pi. **(l/<^/- 5^ «• '^^HIMS «. 15^5 »«• iJ^- 'lilMil n. m^:^ n. TT^Hrft/. i'op. *rT^m?ft /. 'TlS'i'lIrt n. ^?^ »■ Abtificeb, n. artisan, artist. 'h\U.>\< m. l. ^■m^ n. pi. 3 bodtf of artillery men. ^H »^l'< < l 'fc f l ri ?it'E «. /i. fTiT- ABTXI.LEBT-MA5, Jl. ^PT^'Y ffl. Ifl^iJ j1 «. AsTi«i5, See Abtifickr. ' srisT, n. tkilful irorkman. ^rP[*R w. +.*(tn w. »FTT m. 2profeuor of tkefine artt. f(Tr^ f». fJIrl^T^ »•. ftlr'T- Abiistic, ABTtsncAt. a. spmf^rft^, frrT^fT^^, ^«ft- Abti«ticallt, aJc. V. A. ^nrWt^, fir^q^rgm^, ftt?q^- Abtless, a. gttildett. t. Simple. Phi+M?, CH+Md, fsf?!- fsPT, «*fVH, f^t!1'J-«(, •-H«I<(t, "JIHin^sp, snTTT, J^T^, *nrRT ^rar, jumi tvott, kt^t. 2 framed tcithout art. WW, «i*ik«i, ??T?J W 5E, MI^Sl. AbtixsslT, ooTr. t. A. 1. f^t^MdM"!!^, f^it>fMHM«Il^, Htai- AsTLEssyEgj'. fi. T. A. 1. 3<»f^M n. P^»^eMUII m. p ) t»F»< - 2 FTirrfT w. ♦t^ctmni m. *fl-ED, /. V. "V. fJTtTK *!^aT-yi3?J, fJlOVKT, ^^ft<7, fsrfJiiirT, f^rqff^, 3T'TyrTft?r, H^^if^, fSrd^rr. AscEBTAixMEifT, n. V. V. — act. fJnrft-&c. ^ot «. ^tI'^H /. n. arRVTK'T ». f^*-^"! n. f^f^ m. Pl*>i|U| ». g^ iw. 3T- «PfWT w. Ascetic, «, on« tcho practices austerity, 'kTVf\ »», «'<ft»». h^t^w. »*l^'^in<'<» m. vim^T<'^\'^ m. ( Note. Female a.^T- •frf, 'Dtinnui, v^«n«i, Ac. ) A marrying a. ?r»TWt m. «4l»ft «. [?I*rrfq «/. Self-immoJation of an a. by drowning or burning. Smoke-fire of an a. gtjft or ^ f.^f- AacETic, a. ftrr^, <=!. M AacKTicisu, n. t. Austkbitt. fm«j^ /. «Trf^/.^'^«. Ascites, n. y. Dbopst. ^t n. -^^e^i n. m. AsciTiTiOus, a. not inherent. »ii'm 5Tl^c9T, '*i«wfi'»(i, Wt- A. name. SliNtf «. [ainlwr. Ascbibablk, o. v. v. rfHJI<4l-^-i?l»IHI-'^t^-Ac. ^lOnuflV, To Abobibe, V, a. attribute, impute, aiitgn. 3^^, wre^, ^- ?5^, anrWot, 5rtl»ll. T. V. %^^<5T, 5»1I0M«V.1, ■M\i\'^ "^^ Ac. 3fTT- AscBiPTlos, 11. T. v.— ar<. 3TU>n^ «• 31^ n. Ac. 37nW m. AiB n. (^ VTl^Ilt- ASK U 2 3TT5T yi4I-«i i^tf^ «• Ashamed, o. rfMtirir, ^1*11, pImHIIH pop. el«1Wmsf, ?J^- f*T^ or m, ^^Ta-T, ?IT1%^T, f^TfJm^, MN|ot,f^% ^- To be a. ^^TT^of, ?I^^, ^?TToEot, cTTST/. ^TT^ »«. con. AsHAMEDLT, adv. hoshfully. aTfjfT^rMt or or, diilrti «I^ OTf5, Tt*0\hd, H^JftHrT. To a. ( reduced, burned, ) ?IFF, *RTTOTf^ (^TKTT JTFF- OT" &c. ), ZK ( ^55c5T &c. ), q^, ^. To become a. H^'if. AsuonE, adv. f^f^rr^^TTF, fPTT^^TRT, ff^tF, H^«(<, 'F^. Asnr, a. made of a. ^%^, H^^TT, TlrHMI, *«?TT^ '^T^j ^f'PT^TT 5t«5TT^ T, #ft, #T ??n^??yT,f5=rf^H, fJT- f^, ^iRld, giT, >»1lrtPi]f, mnf^^, fH^THrT, ^Strf^ff. Fast a. Sound a. ^W, ^T^. Half a. Pl^l^il. To fall a. 5ff7/. rfHI«if »n. cow. Aslope, addc*dl. • Asp, «. 1^ 55^ ^TTrfr^ ^?nft ^ 3n^. AsPABAOUB, «. a. racemosus. TMN^ti'op. IWN-jfl/. f^TrTFlV- s/. f?T?rr5r'?fr/. f^?RFp:t/. Aspect, ». /ooA-, semblance, seeminy. StT^TR ♦«. ^ n. Slf^ wi. 2 Zoo*, air, v. Countenance. %^ ?». ^TH/. g^ ». q^n. 3 view faciny, position. ^^ m. ?J^ n. yq w. ^rs «. 'IT- 4 ( of a planet. ) ^/. ^nt/. A6PEKiTy,AsPEB0U8. See Eouguness, Habshness, Eouod. To AsPEBSE, V. a. defame, traduce, slander, calumniate. «H\ijofT/. rJNi'i,¥tT^r+i|o6/. MwitW3qui,fHr5 n.-fPTti or^- W\ «.-«lrfii or »||riid ». q^-^TT^ot-T^Tur, fHf*lTT «. %^ -^, ■'(^l^/.-^^Tc^t/- ?lT^-?im'^-^'^ y. o/o. 5. v. V. v^jm 3n^?,T-qT?I^c5T &c. &c. ^1%«T, T- AsPEKBEB, n. V. V. jfrRrat wr^^RT, 3ttoe ^umT-&c. arraqT- ?^, 5^I?5?("t^ o?" ^'lffl<=HlT, ^f7 or ?qT, ■=l^li'MIT,'?T^5- =^w, =^^1 filter or j-qr, 5prr5#r, f^nsT or scrr, ^- TTTft, f^^ <"■ 5^1 sic?R?a>T or 5rR;^"R, «n?t^ or e«TT, 'l^'Tf r^'^^T^, 3"»>Ht, ■'0X^\% «n?5t^ or ^, ^.ra^jfr, ^^ToE or f^TTSr, f^noE^tr, ^r%^, f^^, SF^RiTT or sqr or oft, 3T^T?Rft, 3m*il<^+. AsPEEBioN, n. T. V. — act. 2"PR ^ot n. ^f^ ^T't «. 3TToS girS^ M. &c. fSl«E«^ /. f^Rft /. STT^WJ. a^PrfRlH »i I. an a. t. Slahdeb, rfl^Hd/. g| AroTiDA, «. — plant, (^ir^ FTS »•• fi^ m.— gum or ooze, f^ ■•. ^ ■». fi^'^rn^^ l ^ «.— in contempt. f|»TfT w.— in caut, covert, 4c. phraseology, THT w. A. water. ^T^nft «. Buup supcrrening (upon a wound or sore) through the eating of a. \\'\*k »■ f^l^J ««. . Fine, bright a. fipT^I m. To Assail, Assault, Ac. Sec To Attack, &c. ASSASSIV, «. T. V. HU*'!!, i^'M\^ MmilUI, *>l'l(^+)+, 5HVIH4I. lb AssAMl5 ATE, e. o. murder by treachery or tudden violence. 9.}*\\k *TTTot-'3ftT m. ^-JHT «. «r'r,^H»1l-<>m0^ i/. Assat, e n. endeavor, r. To T«i. q?;? w..qT(?sT m, ^TOf. ▲SSATU, n. T. V. A. 1. <<0«"1I'I, TH^,^^w^,^- RMBLKD,;*. T. V. A, I . imT%?iW,^»»T V-i* - 2 r*«4^^. 'f^l4l^^K Ac. V. V. N. filatlt^r^i, -^HHlrfl, &C. AssEMBLiJfa, Assembly, n. v.V. A. !.—(»«<. ^?rm ^^ «. »ftoET ^T^ n. ?r^ »». ♦tHi^K m. ^'^^H n. 2 fi«««(«i »». NrlMf«(iJ| n. T. V. N. !.—«<;/. firctot n. 5»m5r «. snrr ^^t «. &c. I. io<(y oisemUed; meelinj, company, congreyalion, conyresg. eoncen.'.on, tynod, convocation. ^HT /. KS^ or 5ft J. WrST »». 3T^ m. ^ m. ^HTT'T «. ■HHIW m. ^M-^<| ni. H- A line or row of (learned Brihmans) in an a. qft /■ Dismissal of an a. ^PTTftRTJ^H n. Full a.full meetiny, session, Sfc. *<jf, sf- 5^1^ n. !RDt y. o/ o. OT?^?r m- ^^ 3- of o. ^^ 4 vialce over, y. To Tbansfek. ^tfl^ ^R^, ^"!^,?rfqIT-&c. #TTqr;TtnT-&C. Assignation, n. appointment letween lovers. g%(T«». 5?Rr«». Female making a. cflrfM^lR+l. Place of a. ^%. ^- AssiGNMENT, n. V. V. 1. — act. ^^^au^ ^ n. ^H^f ^ n. &c. An a. or order on the revenues. ^TTH/. r^W m. Person who has an a. srrm^ f- [fH^5[T»». 2— orf. ^frsfif ». &c. #iT?TT/. f^f^nftn M. f^Pl\\{ c. ^Z^^^\^ c. RJ- f'TT m. H^ ?«. W^^Prtl". 2 V. Mate. spir^T »». ^«JcPTT m. ^^^ «i. Assize, n. court of justice. s^nTHTT/. •^NI-'O ^%^/. 'H- 5Tt^/. [trim/. 2 measure of price, weight, S(c. f^TT^ m. HN »». S?' ?;i. To Assize, v. a. fix price, rate, Sfc. f^T^ w.-TR »».-^ »i.- TRTT/.-Ac. ».-■« i^-n 4 ».-&c. ^nroj-, ^q^. Associate, a. Associated, p. v. V. A. ^^t^ %^OT-&c. m- »I5-&C. ^T<=f^?JT, «i'li1-=ll, 5fli)x)|, ^q^, ^f^rf, ^f^, ^- Associate, «. companion, mate, v. Fellow, ^vft «i. ^r- sirft »8. ?i^ m. ^g «». ( "Soie. female a. %»nftT, ^HPft- % Ac. ) [ . a. t. V. A. ^n-^'W-&c. V. V. N. W\ &c. «t>iU||<|, ^ffsfrft, rrrvft, '^HcH-^, JETTsft^, ?t^ ( esp. in comp. as ^n^ift, ^?pft, <'lri'«'ft,)?l!»ft^. Association, «. v. V. A..— act. ^^t^ ^^ n. &c. ?iq^ ot. 2 «l«i. i AST B7 AST .issVAOSlfSXT, II. T. V. A. 1. — act. ^^^ ^ivi n. >JMflH m. J^TfTT n. — ttale. gTTTT •»• flHIMM «• aVUH «. 3MVif?l/- 2 — =CMABLE, a. T. V. A. 1. 3imuil+% i<ilMdl-&c. 2b AssiniE, r. a. /nXd upon one's telj. aTTTr^n^ ^, 2 take for granted, v. To Suppose. MM|UIHi-MH ^-^T^ ^T^, MMIUI T ^t:\^ KH^, "ftfe-HuI, f%5^ TT^'if. To AsscMK, V. n. be arrogant, v. To Pbesume. a^f^ siPlWI AssiniKD, ji. V. V. A. 1. aTTTrTTiri t)d^rll,3T»il+Uc^rfl, &c. AssunncG^. arrogant, T. PboCB. H'l4.<,aif^H|'ft, ^TT^fT^- issnuTiOH, «. T. V. A. 1. — act. «HmH4ll W n. sil'ift+K- df «. Ac. ^tO^i"*! »• 3nft^!^ n.~a. or $. snfteT ». *0*H ■»• 2— art. tP^loi W l -^H ^of n. Ac. ar^m- m. sprmf^T^TT- 1 jwiU auumed, r. Scpposition. MM I uimi-MH KR^Tsft- «Tt^/. C?i. V. testimony of credit. f*f^/. ^fTTlft/. 2b Assrxx, V. a. Majte f Hr« or confident. W^/--W^/-- f^^mr •i.-f^^s^T'TT «.-^ »i.-«.^l-%- 3^^c. TT^, f^'lllk^, 'renV, "Hfi^^, •M«?\M, 3TnT- AsiraiDLT, adv. r. CtnAXMtt. iNtT, PfiW, IH^W^If, Amvbxpvui, Sao CctTAiirrT, C05ni>K5CE. I AsxEKisM, n. constellation. ^^'Sf n. I Table of asterisms in the moon's path. T^T-iimrfr/. I 2 clutter of stars. ^^T^^ ^ m. TfT^prT »». j AsTzay, ado. at or toicanls the hinder /wrt— of a fihip &c. ! f^tJTl^, f^dli^*^ or 1rt'M. a. v. V. ant? WondebfcI'. (^<:Hmh.k*, f^- Astonishing, n. v. \.—act. •«|+«(u( «. ^"t^N't n. &c. ^- Astonishment, n. v. V. onJ "Wondeb. — slate. Rtn^ «». Astraddle, Astbide, adv. with the legs across. *Jl'4«jfl«Tl, if^mr^ HvH?lf^^MI, M| vfj^p|«l|-«ir, w^Tf«w, »4i(?i^*i^*ft,T?Tyf>'^'i<'nr«<H, ift- ^, 3< l nT, 3Tfr|7tf, ^^P^f, yrfrT, ^JfJ, T^, fi(-!^, f€5, ?rrf^, ^T, gsf , IT^, ^?, iijf^. Astute, o. shrewd, ^ll^uil, 3Tt|i?I^,3Tsg?I^, ^+ri*IM, «^. AsTUTEtT, arfo. V. A. ljI|^U|WU||^, '{^T^^. Astuteness, «. v. A. ?il^umu| n. ^Rrff /. ^t[U\ m. AsuNDEE, adv. t^rt, v. Sepaeatjilt. 3Tc?n, airf'ld, $no5T, To fall a. f75 --&C. ^T^. 3 jOK< io, annea;, ^c. v. To Add. ^JZ^., SNuj, fT'fl^ m.- 4 /^. «:i^'», ^i'i'^y- t5T5rof,3TRt7nif,3TRi^w.-3nfhm«.sF?Tif. Attached, p. v. V, 1. vIH" %%t^, ^^ HK^rll-t*HZy o««'« wZ/ m.-^-,i«<^i w. '. B. Such (eutence* aa " He baa a cold attended with I f«T«r, " " A meaaore attended with ill eflectt/' Ac are il 69 ATT best rendered in some such way as the following. r^TTHT Attexdance, AxTEXDiira, n.v. V. 1. «nr^Tl, ^fV(Ti, ^»TmT, Mliyn, {+IMfi|rI, («M^-»fcc. n- Atteibutabie, a. v. V. aTT^t*^, ^CiHyflM. To Atteibute, v. a. assign, impute, v. To Ascribe. %^, Atteibute, yir »». q^ m. The Divine atlrilutes, ( i. o. the attrihuies of Siwa as the Deity ) are 3TfJmT, Hf^HI, iftHT, rff^HI, XTTfit, ^- ^TcTT, ^f^rfT, STPFT'^. They are called ST^M^. Atteibution, n. v. V. — act. 3Rot «. anfTT'T «. &c. 3TTfW- or M. 3TRt7 m. Atteibutite, a. ^^t^'T, «(i-=-m. Atteibutite, n. fsf^lr'T'T «. Atteite, a. worn by friction. %v;irtrti, ttMi^n. Atteition, ». abrasion, v. Eubbing, Weae. Rj'v»i31 «, qnr- uf n. ^«f »». ?nr^ w». ■ti'HHui n. Waste by a. ^^ /. R|miuii«(« /. ^RT /. To waste from a. f^^uf. To Atthke, v. a. make musical, tune. rflNu'l, ^ m. rtl«("i-«rt- 2 ^^. mote accordant. ^ »».-^^P^■ «i.-&c. «t^«(ui, ^pTSTot. Auburn, a. reddish brown, ?ft^nro!T, ft^, fTl^, ftTT. Bright a. jfrajC^. Auction, w. f^'OT'T n. rrirflH or Ih^R' «. MNuf)/. Auctioneeb, «. n%rf|HJlT'll-^Mdl- ^TK^-&c. ^^?fT, ^^I^IT^T^ ^^ AUBIBLEWESB, ». V. A. 2. ^3nnn'-v»ll«*IM"l'lw"tl m. &c. ► ATTN Audibly, adv. v. A. ^%?rr a(^f . p. sft^HsiTt/. «Tt- 2 V. Lectuee-eoom. "TTS ^ffTT^rNt ^tfit/, qre^in^/. 6^. AuFAiT, That is a. ^^n^. Augee, Auqbe, n. m^r^ m. "k^sf^ n. ^jy^ m. ^"tr^^ n, vsif. Aught, pro. qjf^, f%f=5fW. Augment, n. — in grammar. arrnTT m. aTTHTfrp/. To Augment, Augmentation. See To Inceease, &c. AuGUE, «. ^l+.'T^ y. ofo. c5^or n.-f^?^ «. QfRTdr g. of 0. with in. con. To AuGUE, V. n. gather or infer from omens, ^c. ^T^STRCT ^jHsH0l-<# m. spTot-aijHM n. ^Ruf , V^H'lia/. STt^r^r. Augueal, Augueial, a. !(i^«=jNi, sr^rr^, ^nr^^pF, snf^> { Augueation, Auouey, n. v. V. N. ?l+qi«»M ^W^ «.-?r- I % sFT^t W.-31HHM ^^ ». &c. !(lljN!F «. y+^r^4|l/ sr- I 2 See Omen. I August, a. \. Geand. siaiHir^fT,!1^H, ^offr^. 8 T. TaABiTioSAi. ^ I 'T l 'H'f i 3n^, ♦uJMiHil'M, ^- AirwccLATE. AcBiFOSX, a. ear-thapeJ. <|iiii-^<^/. ^MHn«fl'I n. Home of the numcront tnuterifiet of the Ilindiia are S^R, SfTTfW, STT^nTrT, WHTl, •?l'll'|U|, ^TtTT- Emaciated bj a. 17:f(ir. Power acquired through a. ?W;»n'n^ n, Jf^rtP! n. Practice of a. if)*TIW|T« m. JClfinTTfV ■». Amtbal, AciranrB, a. i. 8octb»ii. 5ffT*nr, ^%irt5WT, AirrBKirric, AvTnanfCKi,,a. jemttne.true.nrr^im^liffft- AVTHESTICALITESB, ArTUENTIClTT.W. T. A. ^1tT<'ITW. flr^TrTr /. 3iT?RT4«c<T5^if^/. 3Tf%^!7ir'Tm »». arfirf ^rcts)?! «, That has a. — a writing, a w ritor, &c. aTTK, Slf*r^Tp. 5 or. V, V. 1. ar^nm f^,^, c5/. Autumnal, a. ?T». A uiiLiAK, Auxiliary, o. v. Helping. +ji^^f, F^RT, ^n^- A. verb — in grammar, y^iqtn^ m. AuxiLiAEY, n. V. Helpeb. >14^'IK c. *1^+i^ m. ^^ ^- "TRT. Auxiliaries. ^H^V STT^cft "^/. 5(9 Avail, r. n. answer the purpose, be of use. kHMIW-^Ppft- ^WRT^-SWf'Tt 'Tl^-%ot, if^fin. if% inv. con. "frci'lf, ^- To a. uothing. "Tt^oft^Trfr or ^t^^^ vTTpjf. 2 he of me or advantage unto, \. To Advajjtaoe. ?5PT- Avail, n. profit., v. Advantage. «pc5 or 85 «. "PTT^ wi. g^- ?nT »». Available, Availing,/?. «. v. V. 1. ejicacious, serviceable. r^-&c. 3^^, amhr, "F^s^y, ^FT^^R^F-^JTrF-^FTft, ^- 2profiiahle, beneficial, t. Advantageous, Twnf^, ^- I. t« /oree, v. Valid, xfj^^ ^TT^Tfr. Availableness, n. v. A. 1. •JM^Tl'l »». ^^T'rWtTwrT ot. 3T^- ^;^ n. 3Vy-*Hl /. wffwftf ^ n. +,r*f^|y*H ». AvALANcm;, «. wiom o/«mo!o or ice sliding. iJJKNM «RrCT m. q^- ^/. MH^wii/. t5T^/. 3r«rFPT »». Avaricious, a. v. N. and Covetous, sj^ft, tTT^t^ft, ?«T- c5Pfr, ^ir, ^, ^^. ^ [g?TT. AvAEiciousLV, adv. v. N. tpTrTrHT^, ^T??tH^^, '^Hrft'T^- Avabiciousness, n. v. A. MHrll*flHU|l ♦». *MUlMUir »«. Avast, interj. q>:, J^TT, ^t^- Avaunt, interj. ^rft, ^?5^, ?Tr5 *lcii+<, ^. lb Avenge, f . a. v. To Revenge. ?5[l m.- 1^7 m.-"^ n,-3'- ?nJf n.- &c. jn^, ^ OT. ^., VlPl*rf «. ^. Avknoement, Avenging, «. v. V. — act. ^[^^ n. Ac. 3T- Avengee, n. V, v. 551 ^wnTT-3-'I«l>'IKI-&c. ^^rft. A. of his people. H'++M^-MI<1- Avenue, «. way of approach, v. Entbance. nt^'"? m. J»^?|i- tM m. fTT/)o;>. ^ w. ^T^3TT m. \XJ^ m, 2 roo<«)uf, +,|». Avocation, n. calling, employment, v. Business, vi^ »?, ^RT «. ^^ w. To Avoid, v. a. eschew, shun. cjv»ji?|', ^v[+,K »»». ArowsD.p. T. V. ^^ %%HT, &c spfrpJT, ^\^f{. AtowedlT, orfr. tci/A /rank achtowledjtment. flfR ?W57T, Atowek, n. V. Y. 3Ti ft4. | H^ «.-^^t^;T n.-Ac. *T^. To Awake, r. «. v»ii'ii--»JIJ,M-^rR*I-&c. ^Wf, JITK^, T?^. .iwAKE, a. vfniT, virmfT, ?n^>?, 5"?nT, artHf^, 3Tf^?, f^- To bo a. v»ll'l<'f. To be a. to. snn^f. Awakes, Awakxhzd, j>. t, V. vimr %%^ er |flc4f?r,»T«f5j4, AwAXK5cro, a. routing, txcUing. vTHTT-iT^^-SWrf^-Ae. AwAKiso, AwAKEynfo, n. t. VJL— «rf. srmi sR^fi. f^r^Pt- n M. ^tTT «. ^ m. iT^t^^ ». iNtv m. To AwASS, r. «. give byjudidai delerminalion.\^[fi^ ^>?7T- AwAKD, n. T. SnrrKSCE, PWTIT »i. ^?J?y m./. $^rj5T «. jftT Written ». PifliMM «. Pl«fMM%J n. j^<^mi ». %^lc5- AwABoiDp. T. V. f^wnr *«?T ^fft^J^i, Ac. Aw ASK, a. tiydant, attentive, mw, WWf^^ ^^^, fTT. 2 apprited, wuule aequainled. Mlf^d'll<-^^nT7-4||M^I<-Ac- UI-WI, Wtf»T^, TTH^nV, vJiifl^»f, 155, srttf»rT, f^Tpf«T, AwAT, adv. in abtence from. \\A{\.^ ". ^ *». ^4^>l I m. ^TTTT ». HTH or ^f. ^H^ •». VT^ »». f^V «. P. ' 5 AZT To lose one's a. of. *ft^. ^^ii-m^ g.of 0. 3i^/. ^^ To stand in a. of, v. To Fear. f*reT^, ^^^, ^tt^t/. To Awe, ». a. ^ OT.-^«i^aiT m.-^TTTT »i.-&c. «l^«(?. 2— of things, v. Cldust. ^t^, 3?t^^t^rS or srRiqVsT- 3 unpleasant, disagreeable, untoward, S[c, ^^m^ mi\^\^ AwKwABDLT, a. V. A. 1. STin^imRW, SWTTT^, 3Rr- AwKWABBNESS, n. V. A. 1. ^4iufli^u|| or 31j|um.u|| »». arTf- jSTTT ». ^JliH^M"!! m. Ac. gT^^[r?^«. S^VrfHI /. afT'nE- 2 y'miH'JII m. i\*\'iMm m. «l2l?4i|U|l »». %ih^/. 3 vHtjv^iMuii «». c|,i|umu|| m. Awl, «. ar^/ anr/. 2i*m «. Jh^jf n. To bore with an a. (J?i. t. V. l.—ad. #Rt ^T?5^ «. 2 «nnJf «. &c. spfspp/. ^i=(i/. 5R^/. sTP'ift/ STF^OT. 3 l4ui «. &c. +)i»ii+)i'ft/. ^'iiii'f)/. ^TT^m^/. 4 ?To5?IoE/. ^To5?roft/- Babbleb, n. Babbling,/), a. v. V. 1. ^t^ «i1c^uiKI, ^Ai\. 2 srS^noTKT, &c. si^^rs-qr, •I'i'ld^^!, M+^+*«f »». For the exact expression of the sense of this word there is perhaps no word in Mardihi;lor the Maraihas and the Hindus generally hold celibacy, excepting in the instance of saints and ascetics, as unnatural and abominable. From the same reason however, there are very numerous and very significant terms and phrases of reproach and contumely. To the man studying the mindand spiritoi the J/omi a 5 fr^d^t?. Bachelor's Button, n. — the flower. JjrfJm n. Bacheloeship, n. ^^fsvm m. aiHjcJif^ciHT m. '- M^iim n. 3Tf«nrT%TRr«TT/. V^r^ n. Back, «. Ii 3TO% or q^, ^frT^^JT ^%^. To break one's b. ITPT/ ^rrq't, HR/. g<'Ilolu|, ^/. To turn one's b. on. qra/. ^, «rre/. ^o5wf, «n3/. "^HMSfut, qre*fkT-qT5^n^TTr fWf. 2 /»inrfer/?or^— gener. qR/. f^^gT¥T ♦«. f^^^T^/. f^- -ttJell^l or R^tiliT m. HHi«(*ii or qiel+II m. ^ «. ii^hI'I At the b. of. lit.fg. ^\£\AK, MI^hI^I, TT^f, »rpt, q«TT^, Blank or unwritten at the b. qi*,H, *rpt, ^^t. Back, adv. in return, — of place. »TMTtofft or^,qTrT,qTJrirot, -JHIUII Ml«<'i-Mlrt*'l. 5 ( a boat, with an oar ). ^?^ "FTC n%. tRUt or ^^ ( ^- %«, frstH, 'lrf^dl«, &c. ). 2b Back, r. ». ^o backwards, ^p\ WIT^fTT^f^-^T^-^, *li5»^I. a. v. T. TT m. qrt^ «i. ^fTT ». <^isKi w. ^^ «• ?^n M. ! Fore end of the b. of beasts. h1-^I<1| m. BaCE-doob, n. Tabd, n. ^H or A n. m^i mA ». t HWTT W ". Vn^ ij# n. Ac. [ «^|. BaCKwabd, asi, Badish. tm^d. v. V. J^'rqTf'T^?^, '«n%Tr?fT%^^, 5^'44)r4<-jl,&c. Bag, n. sack, ^c. ^^w. dim. '«i?ft/. %;^m. (/»m. %pft/. ^'I<^H or ^- ^ n. B. with pockets or divisions. ^^/. SRSTT w. rf»m. ST- ^f. ^rzm m. JT^TT »». Bag and baggage. quHlltiM or f«T7rnT /. M13V«W «. n^ ^^ n. «miol']*J|* n. UliNtflHI »i. Four mouthed b. iftOTTT w. ^loft /• String to draw the mouth of a b. T^TI^ ♦»• aftrfTTT m. TTTTtTr n. ^HT «». Two-mouthed b. tlfn^/. ^Tft/. ^ri'Jll»ftH, <.MM».-^i»0'l'»n/.-^i»^l'fl /. 2 stand bail for. v^|*f)H ^t^Jf, onMlH^/.-^ll^^t/. ^. Bailable, a. — a person, onrftsft ^flT^ ^ftl'Tra' *rt^. 2 — an offence. MflMlH ^"TTW ^TH^, >'ii»(li ^^TT tiKttl. Bailiff, «. 'Tr^Rr^'TT ^MI. a. (a hook, &c.). jr^ /.-^m w.-aTTfri^ n.-&c. rtHii, 3TTf*r'r^-3TTf*rTf%f?T^-&c. ^PT^i". 2 ytie refreshment, Sfc. upon the road, "^fii] or ^rf^jM.- 3 worry, harass, v. To Tease. v^Mn. SRt^T«. To hold out some b. »T«JT^%r «. rll^H %^, ^^ /. \ BAt Baize, «. 'T^ «. To Base, ». o. TT^, T^sf n.-Ac. ^JT^ 5^. of 0. 2— in chemistry, &c.( by fire ). 3TfiT^? «. '^-^Etof , ( by the sun), ^5^ or <^4f^'^I-«n ^STTTT/. Baking, n. v. V. 1.— ac<. nv^ n. *r^?T. Baking-plate, n. — iron or earthen, «j^ m. Chain of balances. Rlrf+*lii<«imn/. To leave a b. 5[T^-3TflT ^T^. To leave no b. f51»II+^/-«i«ti«h/. JPT't g. of 0. ^rft To settle or discharge a b. qr^/. "Jpl ^"it, sn^ /. 8 See E«, Baldekoasb, n. v. Pbate. M^-^-hf- Balsnsss, fi. T. A. 1. ^^^ n. rTT? n. ^^[Z n. #?Ii^f^ «. 2 qti^pmr m. 4JHMUII «. 5^'HWTT III. Ac. 8 HlliiMUii m. Ac. ?:?TfTT/. <*I^HHl/. BaIDPATE, ». i*rfl«ii/. iJferfHIin »•• Baldpated, a. jqjHmwrT, srT7«TT, t w. f%IT m. dim. ft(^ or f%^/. Stnp of a b. i^Rnft/. Wrapper of a b. nlf^H n. ^i^H «• To Bale, r. a. W* o«< iro/^r, ifc. zw^ or ^<4«wi, ^ranf, J^HTT »i.-'3t!Hwfi W TWft/.- d^MUl or vjMti"i ». ^>T^ ^. o/o. 2 Mai(« into a haJe. TgT m. qftrdir. Baleful, a. nil, t. Calamitous. 5^, ^t|7, gfR^^T^, ST- BALEPULyMs, n. v. A. 5^7^ m. Ac. 3T^- 4»Kt-.r< | n. Ac. Baliko, i«. v. V. l.—art. ;rfmr n. Ac. ?^PTT m. g^n»ft/. TFTT n. or J^^-^^^oft-^^HHT. Balk, n. ridye unplou^hed. i^fm «. ^W-f- Tt^wft/. 2 k»tN. ^^ ». 8 T. Di8APP0iTifi5T. afTnrpni m. «t?JT m. 2b Balk, vm. di$appoint, deceive. aTTTT/. *?fl«f , aflHTPTn m. WK^k J. of 0. zvwH^ wz^^, •N'f, t^ m.-^m\ w,^, inftw *^, ^TTTir- Pl »jin(on, »!. ?JTf*ftirJf e. ^fuflfRl m. tit^ «, Ballatt, «. ( for a ihip, Ac. ). f^^t^T or firtN n. m. 2 fig. f)44fll4M% ^ ■». To Ballaat, ». a. fi^jsftiT or fJrftw n. m. >THf. Ballet, h, |i^>ii4<)4« ^ », i^tW n. Balloon, n. vehicle tchich proceeds through the air. STT^T' Xmj^ n. 3TT^TT^^ «• 6'^'T'TnT n. fiRFT «. Ballot, «. Ja/^ or ticket, ( iu votiug ). yHIHMpli^^+.'lfe- ^/•-^ »i.-f^^ n. 2 ro^'n^ iy i55-in^ 'M »». »kt^ »n. +44^1 -^0 Balustebabe, n. row of halusters. ^3IT»». ^3T5T m. *tiKl or fT «». ^55TST n. Bamboo, a. lelonjing to or made of lamboo. sft^f^^^^]^ or ^ot»<|-m , tot^, ^J.T, ^^, ^r, Vr'. Bamboo, «. — the plant. ^\m. ^^ m. ^-q^ »». Some of the kinds or varieties are, «j)55ip or qjot^, ^m- ^t^, ¥flT or Jpfrr, ^m, ^I^f^^l, f^WT, ?f^, 3T1T, *n?i^ppfl', »Tm»TT or JTFmTTT, Hmrorinn, ^. B. shoot or sprout. ^^rt^T n. Clump or cluster of bamboos. \z n. ^^/, The efflorescence of the b. K3 »». Manna of the b-. ^^^^f.pop. ?W^ or^ or ^ffe or ?ftr? ff. ^?ftT n. ^?I?^ /. JWJyNpT n. ^^jTHt^Rr/. Seeding of a b. in% m. /iJ. WR5 «. 2 — a stiek; single cane. «ft^ »». t^w. ^^ w. ^;t «».*lf^ nr. or unr »». *lAl» n. ^ »n. qSt^'P »». B. basket or vessel. t^-TAiir. ^^ m^f.pop. ^R%oE or W^5E/. 2— the fruit. #R%S n. ^>t\5E n. ^i «. ?ff^ «. Bakd, m. lituliny, landage. -qtrH «. "T^/. ^w. •iq' »». «ltq»». anosr »». ^grft ■ sntrpft/. [I n. ^z m. 2 encompassing hinder, a hoop, Sfc. 3TTZT m. 3TTo5T m. «p- 3 OTe«ns of union, v. CouifECTiON. BTT m. a'll«litTT m. ?N«r M. %'^'^f. 4 company, troop, lodif, multitude assembled. Hi^ or ^f. ^HM/. sJIirT w. VT^ »». ?n^ m. V(]Z m. dim. ^irr€\f. «». ^oITwi. K5c5 «. Tpr o;. jj^ ^. T^T M.*T^/.tf^«. 5t¥«- 5 ( of insurgents or robbers ). «i5 »• ^ n. »R or Hf m. »T1T M. vrST w. 6 (of dancing girls, musicians, Ac). rTTVr m. ^ m. ^- 5f?t/. ^ »». Man belonging to a b. 'Pispfl" w. 7 ( of music ). H'llU-^MI m. ^]^J^% n. M \ m\ m. STTSITm. nourish or closing beat upon a b. 3n%^ ^\^r^f. 8 ( of knaves, libertines, idlers, <&c. gener. ) The word here has the power oipack, crew, gang, knot, Sfc. and is answered by '^rffToS^hp^ /. ^t^f. 4ft

TE5r^ n. +)ol|«ii n. BaHdeol, n. streamer, Sfc. ^r\;^^ pop. qm^/. Bandt, n. ai+^^K ^%m. To Bandt, beat to and fro; lit. fig. ^V^^ 3??? gfST tTRot, f- \ BA5T +1^«i<>*, 3Hm<< + l<+, 3ir^d*K+, ^FT^, JTRTF, TT^d'P. To Bang, v, a. beat violently and soundinglg, v. To Beat. ^- "PPTT^, <^yi 'I !<«)', iMIdui, yi+ui, KRq?^, «h«*i«(ui. 2 «/r/*^ against forcibly. 3Tr^^, ai'?^^, STTPaot, 'a^- Bang, n. v. Bi ow. <^ui*| »i. <^U|*|TT m. ^ippT m. v.%^ m. Bang, ado. vrTT-^j'T-«PT-&c. *T?-«FT-«PT-&c. Banoino, a. See Labge. Bangle, notice bracelet, See Bbacelet. Banian, n. merchant. t(VJf( m. Mfui«^ w- ^.T «. ■ — in contempt, &c. mw\z mn. ^J^^ mn. ^nt^ mn. 2 banian treo,/c«« indica. ^ m. ^Z. m. To Banish, v, a. expatriate, exile. \f\ or w^^ TFT ^^, ^- f^5pTt7r-^nTK^T%^-&c. «FT^, ^5|NK-TF«rTn:-5TTqTT-&C. SPT^, ^3fTmTW-^tTtrTTm-&C. VI?>^^ ^, ^flf^»+l'«H »».- 2 fig. drive aicay. Miaf^iui, qTOfff ^, |T^P^, <^<fl, f^^^fT, ^- Banishment, ». v. V. 1. — oc/. ^^mk ^^ »• &c. ^nf'T'^T^- ^ «. ■^!!I«lf^5PTT »». f^I^H n.— state. ^5[lPil<.>in /. (from the English.) BaSIBCPT, a. f^^llol P|kJlri?*l, IT^, flujNI f^ 3lf^«*l, I A-VKBCPi, fi. o« ituolvmt. [\ii\ixM\^ fi^ioiPjMji, ^'tfH<|>. Division of the money of a b. i.miTiii/. To become b. f^^ici «. fS^T't yo/ »■ 5^, V^*r, ^r^rof y. oft. ^m^y. of*, inmy. o/«. *i^ «. ^i^y. o/*. IturKSCPTCT, «. Hl^l/I/. H^\^ n. r<^«j|ci n. <^K'*<»«n/. Ht'TtTfn, To declare b. fsjuvk n. ?pre^, ?n»rT^ f^m.WH't, ^H^ /. pi. ^ ^T'l', ^nc5T/. J>/. ^TrTT ^T'lf. [%5 KaSXIb, ». ( of a chieftain ), t. Flag. vmf. $?T m. Hdl*l/. Itas^rxT, To Bix«h7IT, See Fkast, &«. lUSQCETnSG-UOCSE, ti. h\^AU^^h\\\ «. Jr«^»if^< n. 37^ iV Batteb, r. a. rally, play upon, v. To Eidiccle. VTT <"" 3 5T/.-»»T^/.-%^/.-f^sft^ W.-&C. ^T^ y. of 0. gtr^moj, ]}A>m, BaKTEBUO, fi. T. V. — «<•<. S5T ^T't' n. sTcT or JJT ])aXTLI50, II. 6ra/, t. Child. Hrt«+*K fit. ini i^i^'iifH^i^ ' .n or fHT^, tm^nr4^ ^^«>»i<« ^- ^orf^x^if, JJiPTiST, «. flHlWI VIKI-iwilfl. iBaRMTKBT, «. Wlf^TfTT *l»*4lV1 ^^T»IT/. .r» Barrizs, t. «. ▼. N. ^lR>»«l m. ^^.^^MMrn^TimlfMI- BiB, ». i»<« of >nod Sft. laid aerott. VTJf m. T^f. 3Tl^ m. sninr •.nnrtt or^imrtt/. "h^ «•. vzf. ptt^/. is^m orofY/, inning with a b. onc'» arm* and legs. ^ri^IlT m, 2 ( of a door ). 3TIinr «. 5*nRT/. /><)p. apw or "i^TW.f. m. "m^v^f- miffirfl/. iiiwii ■•. wi^/. snpt «. ?^/. ^1 Si. 'Mlflm ••. :; olttaflf, in, t. HiynnAVCK. ire/. JHpft/. am/. «T- 4 ( of a harbour ). TtiT m. mB n. f^P^ m. 5 prtTtnUitut, exception, t. OliBcnox. wm m. WT/. R. 6 ( of meUl ). !^n%f W^f. [m^f- B. of iroa set roosd with riogt. ^tTfT^TVT m. 'ftTfRTt* I BAB B. of iron, — to punch rocks, &c. TRlf or ^f. "IffTT/. 7 (of a window, railing, &c.). T3T m. "RTST/. ITK/. nrr^»». 8 ( of a capstan ). 3T^ n. 9 roi/fi off place for the prisoner in a court ofjustice.^- 10 railed off place for barristers in a court of justice. ^- 11 the whole boily of barristers, flsf^ <(f+'r!i-=n H ' id[\ f. To Bab, r. a. close and secure tcith a bar. ais+n. m.-STJ^s/.- 3TnoS/. >».-3TT5nc5/.-anif^ OT.-&C. MW'i-(Al^''l-?TH«t or •HI(^1-&C. «j^ 'liT't, 2 o;5»«e, obstruct, r. To Hikdee. 3ia*R"Ji, 3T?Wf, 3R- Basb, n. ( of an arrow, &c. ). m\ZT m. or vitii+iil »»■ 7r5^- SFtTT m. 3rt^5T m. 2 ( of grain, grasses, &c. ). H^/. J^ or ^ «. 3 armour for a horse or elephant, 'jmxf. To Babs, v. a. art^RT »».-virf^. Baana, «. »^T. ^r, f^^, ?!+-?^+n+Ni-e||,qT^'5Tn>r- Baeefoot, ado. aiUHiuf) or aiUMIHI*tl'l, 7mm'irTt'ff,'TT'T- Baeeheaded, o. ^^r or spT, >dN3^l STT^, •Ht^I^KV-h, fil^- %^ d^-^-&C. f?K<3l«Kf^<1- ^-&c. Baeely, adv. v. A. 1. merely, simpli/, v. Only. "JTtP jtt^T, %^3 or a^ Pi ^106. Babeness, n. V. A. 1. sTPm'Tr m. \^^m m. ^ j^muh »». Nffl-o|l-R)*rf<^^TT^ »». ^F^. Babe, Basque, «. v. Vessel. «iK« «. Baekiso, «. V. V. N. — arf. *ff!p^ «. j^ n. * »»• Baelet-cobn, n. vT^r^-FT^ m. Measure of eight barley-corns laid side by side. ST^rT p»p. 3T^ n. Exceeding by a b. ^I^ -»ii'i«r. Baelet-watee, n. vT^F^ or if ^[Z mn. ^^ or # JpT^ Babm, n. V. Yeast. WIA^ n. 3T- * •1I^*V1I •». J^TTTT «. Ac. BiUiCADE, BABBiCASO.n. hatty fofii/ication of Ifeet, earlh, 4re. i^^^ f. iii^i nt. %?n w. 3T?^ »». HpfNTW^T^TT Ja BaKUCAde, t. a. M'iT^ g. ofo. ^irr^\^ ^-ii^. J> BaBtzk, p. h. numm-t m.-^TJire^^^m.-JTnT?R»I»».-Ac. Baitkb, ». w^Nt^r «». ?n7^/. V^mr^^w. ^"r^T^^ifi. Baialt, w. ^V >*ll'ftMI fTTO 3n^. Ba*!, «. mean, vile;—ot things t. "Wo»Thle«8. pSW, sft^, 3^, ^, ^,^rft, 3Tr'T, Pl^«, T^rnf, PlM4|frMfl ?rf "STT^. BAsn*, Basojj, n. Ht^ n. TT^ n. aW ». ly^^ «• ^rm »». fT7»TT«. 2 JJOO/, ^». 3T5TTM1'ft/. Having four bastions, -^l^i^. To Bastinade, v. a. cudjel, v. To Beat. ^I^dr, ■Hl'i l eMJ if, HITFT?/. ^ot g. of 0. %^lTdr. Bat, n. stick, club. ^t| »«. ^r|^ ». ^fl% or ajreft »i. ?fplT »». 2— the animal. ^pjo5 or m^ n. Ml+Jlofl'/. «l7Tt/. 3t1^- HM'sll /. — Wild b.— flying fox. ^f^TTcB «. Batch, n. quantity made or done at once. ^f[ f. ^iM\ m. tnuiT »>• m^jft /. Of one b. v. Alike. ^+4i<'0=^, ^%*Tft^, '{^Xj^, To Bate. See To Abate. Bat-fowling, n. ^njf Tt^^Miu^^MI ^ SHTTT 3TI^. Bath, ». bathinj place, ^^yftf. »frft or J?r^/. ^M I Hm^ l »». JWH^4 «• 2 V. Ablution, aiiMld /. 5iPT «• Cold b. »i4Miu<KI »». Bath-boom, Batuing-hocse, n. lalnearg. A\\^^K n. ^TT- !TmR ». ^HmWMI ««. To Bathe, v. a. tcash. Hl^«juj, •TT^'if, =TT^, 3Tt^55 or 3Tt- To b. with inunction. ?nT Mlrfwi, ^T^ «. ^TTHof, 2 «'a«A or moisten, gut. 2b Bathe, r. «. TT^, siImI* or 2fff^ /. ^RT^, STTT «. ^- fir, 3Ttn «. 5#, To b. with or in holy water. »f'IMI^"il. To b. in a river. H<(1*'H «. q?^. To b. in the sea. ^K^WPT «. 'FTof. [ 3Trg. v. Except. 'Efrf^, ^nH1+M. Batlet, n. small bat for beating linen. ^ *. V. V. 1. ??IHcWt^l, &C. 3 f)»>. Field of b. {v\ *\lfU/. iuii'iuin.^^i'iuin. ^TOttnoTn.TlS^. Mixed or tumultunry b. T'JIW^rf n. inri »i». Mortal or furious b. <.«i^»i* n. Vl^i^n. ^^^^(ifi n. r^- Pillar erected on the field of b. x^m^m. ^qrwt^«. 'J7«». To give b. rt«l//. ^-^. BAm.K-AUtAT, »•. tui<-«)Hl/. fojwj^ m. ob, n. «<(*w«4i m. pi. VlT^ '^tlT w. Bawd, ». procureu. ^pft ^i>. j^HT or 5^/. MIKMIJl e. ^- Bawdbt, ». praeliee of a bavcd, Jp'nft/. ^UIHUII «. j'T'T- f*rft/. ^^*'f <•• [^tf^ ». 2 T. OBiCEWTT. ^MrflHr^m n. ■ H-IV.f^SV- or fr^HR- Bawdt, a. T. Obscese. ^i«ri. It never has been and it never will be. Tf^ T^J (*(*<< Pi. Let be, Be it so. anrt, 3T^, ^op. %oET /. «^^ /. Sandy b. H\'iHi n. «^f?H «. /w/j. jaw/. ». Beacos, w. ii]yA< erected to give notice of danger. a{|+Ulf^*)l «• Bead, n. t^ or wf[ m. 'i^ar m. /. HU|*| m. Glass b.TcS^tTwi.CString of such beads. TSS^w. TSTB^/) Gold b. ( rice-form ). ^\\<£\ ^t^f. frt^ot m. Gold b. ( round ). ^m\\ JToft m. String of such bead;j. Red glass b. ntt^ or nt1%^ »n>ft m. String of beads. WP^ pop. ttToS/. To be at one's beads, vf? ^>fl?T 3TH«t. 2— in architecture. •jtfT'it/'. — the implement with which it is made. ntS'ft/. 3 eight of a gun. Rnft/. 4 iitM/a on epirit. ^^\^K•*^\ yiT «. BEAD-rtAXE, »». tvil"1<4 m. Beadle, n. wft^ m. qr^ or TT^ m.(Hi8 office, «Tr^/.) Beadb-mak, n. vfon w. inr^ vrfPT »•• «** ( of the wearer ). grt/. 5 ( of the sun &c. ). ft5TJit«i>. 6 ( of a draw-well ) — transverse, with stone. STI'Frft/. To Beam, v. n. emit beams, v. To Shine. f%^ m. qj?^, ff- 2 — the countenance, &c. fflmo with health, delight, Sfc. Z- ^Ti:^^ ?5p^^ot, 5^5^, fef^«. J^wf ( '1KI^<<4I, H'llQ<<4l, Hi«<,l^«(Si, F55 «. ^, T^E^, »rn ot. /?. ft^ w. H^^op. »TT^ or *rT^ m. 5Ti^ M. »i. 5T5^ m. ( ^/. # «. ) [3 «. 2 Ursa major. ^THf5fi»p. ^H*f^ mpl. W^ >»• ^^ «n^- 3 Lesser bear. y«(M-t?j n. [?T m. Beab-gabden, n.place of uproar, tumult. «IMKot. 5ITv^K«(i- To become a b. g. or Babel. '^4MHnmi< f^^^t. BeAB'b OBEASE, » 31«Sl"=fl ^IT^ /• Beab-skin, «. 3T^c5r^ *l<1^/. Beabd, «. ««in, ^J^, 8 See Babbeo. Beabdless, a. \i\H\i\ or Pl<^l«t|l, P)^|ifyr, ^, ^. B. youth, v. Steiplinq. sfR^T, ^To5^. Beabee w.v.V.A.1. 3. carrier, conveyer, porter. ^T^wiro,&c. ifTf^ Ac. m^ ( esp. in comp. ) iR^ ( in comp. as ft- Bearer ( in a cheque or order ) ^T^JT <^l«RuiKI. 4 and Suffeeeb. yi^oilCT, ^I^TTT, Ac. ^"WN?, ^ ( in comp. ) ['T^. ) 6 q ^«, II. ( of a bier or corpse ) <3i"\'»>0. Beaeino, n. leaning, v. Tekdesci, ^ »». ^i? ot. ffpR m. 5^/. J^re^/.W^^PTn. 2 See Behavioue. EjtAHiNG, a. on which postage is due. ^^ T f^OT, ^tffe Beamsh, a. T. Btok. «If,^k^nt5, 3rf^. I BBA 7B BEA » B. of burden. Mlift-^l ("8R5, ^TTST, &c. ), a?1^rt or aStfTc^ (Ite, «ftTT Ac. ), ^ «. fi^^^PT^M. Homed b. ftPTT^t/. Homed bea»tB, — gener. f^r€\/. 2 fig. rfiV/y or lubbrrly fellow. i^TIT or »^ «. »^fliy"J- « «. fm «. •». ^ e. [?ttr7rTT/. BKA8TI.I5ESS, n. T. A. llJfftT/. >»5^^*rT^ ♦»• "nSV»f «». TIS- Bkastlt, a. like a heatt, Jillhy, Ac. q^jmKW, «T^^n,Ac. To Bkat, c. a. #/r»i^, *flO<-jt. »TT^, f^Rof, Sl^, HTl'it, HR — mutually or generally. HI^, v<"lot+iH- Jf, ^t'l^wf, ^t^, ^T'Tr'f or #rm«t or ^fiisuf, arstft'Jlf, •*. inr^, fm w. zi*«'i, 3rt»iT% g?% w. //. ti^ y. of e. f^/. *li%-*ir'»W^ y. of 0. JUT »;i. ;>/. ^T»iif y. o/ o. ?t% M. //. 1^ qST^f y. ofo. *If*JW»1 ft. ^Rwf y. ofo. m- iw «. T^-?*HH-?'»T^-&c. ^fit, Mi'-uiH ». m??'»f, ♦ii«si iftrT *i. *TOf or MMHI »fPT H^, iloE W. ^/. qts^ *^ y. 0/ 0. ^I^/. f^'m^ y. 0/0. 5?flT or 5^ w.-^Tf m.-^^ n. Vni4^ y. of 0. HM^.'. /.-mTFtl /.-KTTe ) — in mnaic. »!W «. 1?^. 11 up; worTc up. «mmiJi, ^?wT^/-*T?jpT?r/. ^^ y. 0/ 0. 2b Beat, ». n. pulsate, v. To Thbob. T5^, A"Hi"i l, T^TJ^. •i-q6->l ode. «iM«i, <.UKU| or Joi^ui «(i|<^. I Beatitude, n. heavenly felicity, v. Heaven, jfrp/ ift?7m. The Hindus distinguish final beatitude into four hinds, viz. ^i^vj^ absorption into the essence of the deity, SEn^^fTT residence with him, ^MlSdl nearness to him or being in his presence, and ^RTTtTT conformed- jl ness to his image. i: Beau, ». v. Buck. tiMt^ or #np c. ^^ c ^t^tM, c. 3T- !; *4*IM c. %^ m. Beau ideal, J{^\r\ HP1%?ft MP^Hiyi-ijf^/. Beauish, a. V. BucKisn. rfl'd-MI, tfii<^K, •i"i«h<^K, 5JPT- ; Beauishnesb, n. v. A. •^{\'^{\f tiT n. r*T/ 8 a b. braulifnl woman, fl'^, ^^, dHrft, SRfVMMffT, niTsir, »jisnRT, yi(?1^*ft, !TT»i^^«rT,5ii^'ft, lomifH^ft, »I^f?T, »T«it^, f3^ •». fH?(>W / l(t?T?T fl. 3TC^m, ff^pft ;w)/i. 'WftW, »itH^, TnftT, f'l'51'i^, f*f^T^Tf^ ♦". BEAfTr-fPOT, n. iS[^ ^^^ fWfiqT Tft^Tt ^W fn^^ '«. 76 Beavee, «. ^ N!T?5T«T?rqT snnft w^. To Becalm, &c See To Calm, Ac. Because, conj. ?Fi#, ^trR, ^TT'T, ^n(^, ^^Hartlf, B. that. :??TT^?lf, ^5^, 5^3T'4T, ^^miT^f. To Becuasqe. See To Happen. Bechicks, n. cough medicine. <(>I+»-^f^/. Bed-post, «. HHJ'INI-?3R«'^Nr-&c. g;T m. Bed-bid, Bed-bidden, a. confined to bed. ^^Rf^^oETT, WR*I- =qT, ?t<^K'(iic4 j^'jyiKt, ^jj'sfTvs'n', ^^^tt^, ^raJsptY, To be b. g^spjr/. ^ or 33?^ff %ot, yop. Hl-M«(l or JTT^ m. T^^p «•. ?r?7 »». ^?sn/. ?!\«TT ». B. with a canopy or top. StM<1rfT m. Death upon the b. ^^ilHiul n. It is inauspicious. Piece of the frame of a b. ITrl «. Bed-time, n. fH'SJT^V^tk^ f fH'^TWH^ m. To Bedaub, v. a. v. To Smeab. a^iT^'f, f^?f«R^, H^. To Bedazzle, See To Dazzle. Beddeb, Bedetteb, n. nether stone of a mill. . a- t. To Deck. ?n»l^, '«iMTt^ »». 'Tf^ m. «WT w Bee-bbead, ». {^ai><4l »». Bees-nest, «. nest & honey comb, ^t^ «. Bbs-hite, n. »T«?'miif^ ?;f^H^ M. jtI^^t^w. BEO 77^ 2 fig. MwrwiH^ town or ioute. ?W[T^ nt^ii. jjwiil «JT«. [I ItEES-WAX, «. ^ n. f^T^^T or f^T^V^ H. H^ «». I liven, n. ^^ 3n^. })kkf, «. animal of the bonne kind n^n. ttT m. | 2JUth of the cote ^e. *TTr%-^?ir^-&c. iTRf «. 'T^TtfT «. HKKr-wiTTKD. See Stupid. BeKS, p. T. V. tll^r^l, iqR, 3TTrT. BSKS, «. HTJ^ *ri?<1 ^^ «fiK-«ft ^ 3n^, ^t^BU ^ n. BSIKBAKKSL, fl. ^tt% fW- B««»-HOl-SK, H. ^ r^*0VMI ft^T »». Beet, n. ^c to Benyalenti*. qic!^ o»" W/. m. Beetu, m. ptwKt "IM STT^. 2 aM/Irt, rmtmer. nmr w. MI'KI w. Zb Beetle, r. n.jut. jt ^. Sbbtlb-bbow, w. ^ «^/- T^PT «5ft/- 'JSEtU-BBOWED, a. 'i'l «fi%, 7^T?T !f^- BoTLE-nEADES, o. V. Stupid. H3aT. [ «#fT «• Bebtes, «. black caUle. ^ n. pi. ^'i^n. pi. ikjC or n- Zb BebaiX, ». «. Aa/t^M to, fertrf?, v. To Happes. f^Tfojf, f^- jA, *T^, Tl^'f', •Ti'tfl, 5w!T^ or J}^<5t, (9'liui, ^sfOT, JTW- To Betit, c. m.heteem, t. To Becojik. tntrt, ■HM»i , ?fNtif, Zb Betool, r. o. t. To Deceive. tfi)<|U| or tf+HuJ, y+«Jn> b. 5^, mren, flHi*:^. 3 in Ike pretence of. ^, H«r?T, Sfr«T?Tnm?T, ?nffr, ^T^- W, F^ 'w ^RWT, ^^«ll, *)l(f5•< *r iM adfoneo. jr, iftf^f, 5»?«IT^, r«rt»»« bcfpnf. »frc /.-^qiT /.-Ac. m»I^, ?^, ?^WT ^n^^ nv^i <*wv? J^^rfW tf*^ »•. "(Mt. B. by profession. BToft^ »». B. ( of victuals ) from door to door. ^TT^^ m. Tho victuals given, ^\^^(tf. B's bowl or dish. f^RTTTT^T n. g«nft/. T^TT*». Obstinate and troublesome b. ^a»TJ w». HSfnT^ »». w- 5Ci(|«| m. f^*K4)(Vl /. fM l 'OM" l l m. Beooably, «. wi<'on,/ioor, ^-c. fjT^TT, f*nPT;^^;jj»jyp5^ PTW^- f*r'-*iKtT^n?^mjft. Beogaet, n.v. PovEETT. f^^^f.tm^f. H l M-hif^ f. To be r.-duced to b. v. To turn beggar, under Beg- OAB. *ft^/. rll'iuit inv. con. f>j+,Kwf, Begged,^, v. V. A. 1. ^mS^TtTT, &c. *t \ ^r f. 8 inTMRi=^ HH^?5T, Ac. Begging, n. t. V. A. I.— act. f^T^ «. sfHsfof «. &c. «n^- T. V, N.— •rf. jft^Tmof«. &c. f*r?^T?^«. f*rg^/. B. is a better trade tlian working. 5^a?fl^^ 3^oE- To Begin, v. n. enfer vpon. ?5TT^, STRT^, m^H^, vdM-+*l- of, Hfrr ^lot, XJ^'TT, 3TTT*r M.-sntH «.-3^SJ5TT W.-5|tT»».- &c. ^FTut, ijor w. JTH'Jf or ^ JTot, "TTIc^ «. ^ %?^, TTT m. To b. in good caraest. JTt3«r^/. fRW, 5|Tf^/. 2 lake existence, Icing, form., \. To Eise. 3TnTTdr, snt- aV) Begin, v. n. STRV^, sTTt^, 3TF»t OT.-mt*r fn.-&c. ^T^ 7. 0/0. ?5Rwf, 5'1'?P^''t, Jl^vtT ♦». ^suf.«}^ ^. 0/0. et- «ET m. =qTrIHT ^FT^ ff- of 0. ^5; sj^of, ^?.5mT/. ^J^g. of 0. To be begun. 3TR«T, ^ip»^. Beginnee, «. /^ro, notice, ifc. 5^^, 5l^f^??TT, ^rRraT^TRft, Beginning, «. v. V. N. 1. & V. A. STTTT m. mtT w. ^r^- ^«. s#mTOT. «ft/. Oj-adual and gentle b. aTFTRT m. A'ery b. tie outset. SfXJJTTt'T m. V{\\'H-<\i}i\ m. 2 T. V. N. 2. ««rfl, &c. To Beobime, v. a. soil deeply, spyf^vf or f^sfsfSt, f^dfiiSf. To be begrimed. ^>^, +li'}i, fJFZ%, «JvS m. ^^of^ tt- oET% tf"T8T. To Begeudge, See To Geuboe. To Beguile, v. a. trick, delude, \. To Deceits, jtt^ "'.-J- ^, »il^vii, ifNJT »n.-^?5T »».-^Tr5T w."^. 2 (time). iiirf«(ui,«rroEuf,Ji, ^^^t, ^i-qi^, To b. circumspectly, carefully, &c. ^rpT HT^^-'^lrtui- To Behave, v. a. ( one's self) v.V. N. 'qTOolf, ^r^. Behatioub, n. v. V. and Conduct, ^ra/. ^1B^^/. ^R- ^WFF/. 31M. •«li«(ui y. 0/0. f^»%- ^ »».-7ft«f3^ wJ.-HW+tid') «• ^PT'f y. o/' 0. — in covert or cant phraseology. g^tTi-Hi n.^T^ g. of 0. f^H+Hrl n. •cJiRuf. Beheaded, jp. v. V. 5t^3'3^%OT,&c. Hs'xn^l^, fw^n^ffi. Beheading, «. r.V. 3R% Ji^uf «. &c. f?K^ti<^ »»• rft^^ w. Beheld, ;>. v. V. Trf^^c^, 5rf?7rT, ?5f|l-UA}iD, aJa. in a stale of backtcardneu. HiMrt^ti or \ I, HWAf[>iK. ^ m To fall b. *n^-MI^MHi-HI'l-»,^H or T^\'S^:f^X 'ra't, To throw b. *rrt-"TT^t*TPt-*TT*Ic5^t^ or ni'irt^t^ ?T^- To Bkhold, p. a. observe, contemplate, regard, view, r. To S«B. TT^, rffwu^, PA(iiJi, •H<('il*«f, f«Jt4l+''l, ^ff^, ^- Bbbold, inter]. M.«*'. m. Beldam, «. t, Hao. «^WU<1/. irrtt/. ST^H/. i'sO'l/. To BELEAOUEBf. a. T. To BE«IEOE.^Fnt,%»JT ^, ^fl^TTTTW. *^. [ Bblfbt, n. ^/. or irtTT/. pi. it^w^Nt giPTT /. M-t l ' I K n. To Beue, ». «. gi*e the lie to. ^m-^^^:^■f*n^\-^^^n■Skc.^- iyk^'fi\*M^\ ■•.-^*rtt/-'^'0»^i^ "•-TiTHfTTT/.-Ac.sn'i^. 2 misrepresent, mitreport. T^KJ >mrfwwt, ■JmfU%^ n.- 3 ealMmmiaU, r. To Aifxbbe. ^»m ".-Ac. W in/A cr o/o. wttf- S'W'f •«'* W^ofo. 4 eounterJeU, mimic.y.lo \unkn.^^^/.^jM-Tl^gMfo, BxLtxr, »i. er*rf»/, eredenet, tnst. m'^im/. ftfTW M. »TTW- 2 religious belief, v. Faith. HW m. f%»^H »». «T^/. 3 a Jrfte/', a faith, v. Eeliqion. HtI «. *t4 *». Hpf m. 4 persuasion, opinion. iTR »«. ^TT^TT/. *Tff n. gf^/. 5 oJ/>c< o/ ieJiV/. siT^Tl^'I^ m. fk'^\^^\^^^ m. «T^-&o. 6 creed. «r^<q"^, «rf^fT, sr- Believeu, n. BELiEVEfa, i>. o. v. V. ^ni+1^cJU|ki, f^^^m- OITTT Ac. %»TTO^vTTt, M^l+Tlt, HMUIKI, ^T^HTH, ^iT^T^, xr^Tf^, sM4l*)Hp*ld, liTII^, «T|fR^, f^>^Hft, HT^, I. — in theology ( of a God ). 3TTf^. II. ( of a divine revelation ). fll^HI-ft, ^I^HHI. Believiitolt, adv. v. A. f^^^TO %f^, Ac. HH"j4*. Belike, adu. v. Pebhaps. «»)<^ir^H, ?I^, sT^JT'ifi'. Bell, «. qsT/. pop. ^f- ^ dim. '^ifff. qT n. Clanking or tinkling b. m«im"IM1i/. Mi'iO/. Neck b. 'Iciiji>ft/. String of litttlo bells (as around a bullock's neck), trf- Z^ l». ^'JRMI*/. MI'K*1I«/. To bear the b. Je a /ea/<>/« 0^ bell-metal ( used to strike on) . ^jfTJ or §»R ». 3 ( of a flower, Ac. ) v. Cup. ^1^/. Bell-clappeb, «. qft^-q^Nt c5Ht/. <^T w. BELL-FOCJfDEE, ». V|k+<.U|K1 »•. yf2l*K «». Bell-man, «. vi'l*/ *1«<'^-^, «TT^, 2 «»// /oi«i/y, vociferate, v. To Bawl, imuf, amSr or afdn^'f, 3TTT|»T ^fllV0t-'^Kil-^t3'f-Ac. vft^ ^n? ^' 3 ( from pain, Ac. ) v. To Bawl. aTTTTBt or 3^KT?T?*IT'fr Tr€t. To eat a b. sliiH^ wlW'f-W't, 'CT^-*-m>l*I^-3fTT- -&c. vJHUl. Beily-god, n. v. Glutton. "ffeT^ ot. ^>t=«tt m. ». 2b Belou G, ». ». ie M« property of. 3TOot i«VA ^-^^-&c. ( as ^ ^^ farT% 3TT^ this house belongs to him ). HH|i)i, JTT55 m.-&c. STO't »». oon. 2 he the province or btuinett of. 3T^ with =qT-^-&c. ( as ^ ^TK rTrit 3Tf^ this work belongs to him ). A\*\'i[ , (lri<^ or ^^Tc5rt, ?TT?^ or ^T^. From b. iilpj^. Below, adv. in the lower place. ?IT#, ?Tlc5cTT «. ''eo/. H<«i^ »»• ♦Hitwr m. BawETBEB, n. Hl^< Bekd, r. a. i»i/7ert,««fti#.»fhE^, *lI+*I«J(,«ll*N«f, rtq«)<^, ^mr^, vi^, »rn^, «irt^ «.-«n»i w.-^^e^ ".-'Rr?/-5T- To bend the brow. *|>MWl«iHl«f^/.-3TreqT/. i'^ ^TT^. 2 rfi>«< /o a certain point. OT^, r'^, ?^^ »»• «i«i«l- 3 down; ( a bough, Ac. ) #a5H«t, 3Rr4^, 4 See To Subdce. '% Bon), r. n. wt^, ^IPJ^f, ^t^, f^T^r, ^m^, tn.T.V.A.l. «!«/ CSOOKKD. Ml*4J^.f«|,&C. MH- IT, f^, f^TIT, StT^, fiCTOBT, «. expretiice of Ueuinj. ^IVftf IfCHI, Ullft^f Bc5ErACTio5, ». trur/f/ eonferrti. 3^VR n. ^ n. Vr^n^T BKnrACTOK, «. r<*n** oii < i m. i^ *n%< i l m. *r, n^K »».-&c. ^- BESEFicrAiJ<-E3S, fi. V. A. ^wnftTOTT m. OTWfrsr «. Beneficiaet, n. receiver of lenefi/s. vJM+KMI^ n. ^i)+,KH:M- Benefit, n. kindnest conferred, grj^i^m. TT^^/. t^^R». A public b. ??t«hlM*K m. fl«JTM*H «i. v^ni^Fn: «j. 2 profit, avail, use, jood, v. Advastaqe. f^ «. 3PT »». aMl<^rtl-&c. fH^iiinlH. 2 involved in ignorance. 31^HI^-Ac. »lt3^!HT, ^IflHT^, Benion, Benignant, o. graciotu, lenrficetit, v. Kind, qt)"?- ! Ifrft, qft'FR-T;, 3q*IOftt^, Tq*UM<, T^tq^T'"^. j 2 6/a>iK<»>fll/. 8 5*T n. 5Ht^ «. X'Rrf n. »Tt»1?«T n. Bevuon. See Benediction. Bbxjauin. See Benzoin. Butt, n. bended stale, flexure, curcilg. f fijt or ^\•^. mn. UTT /. ^T^ m. ^t^tf^J m. TWn/. T^HTT m. ' 'ZditpotUion (oirardt,s. Inclination, r^%f.^\V^\ f. 82 q^ m. B'nP m. fr?r m. ^m m. 3 V. Tendesct. qra ♦». ^ft^ m. ^ »». Bent, />. See Bended. To Bendmb, v. a. t. To Numb. «i1^-gHT-&c. Wf:if. 2 (the senses) stupefy, vrpsf 3TMof , ^f^T^PT w.-ff^- ^TT n. ^^. Benumbed, ;>. v. V. 1. 3ri^-fm-&c. %%c5T. To be b. by cold. TTTSot. Benzoin, ». — of superior quality. 3t^^^ or JStTpft^ m, ■ — of inferior quality. ^ m. +=)i-MIA'i »». «fvf^?r ««. To Bequeath, r. «. leace hy will. HrPToifri^^^^ fepT ^^-%^, Hdci^K.r1-K?r^^tf!?KT-MdM-s(4.Tl-&C. spfit. Bequest, m. leyacy. ^%^^ «. MriH-stir+d'^H «. Hrm-sjj- To Beeeate, ». a. strip of, deprive oj. STTW^T, TT^^, HI'I«(I- o/"o. f^TTTcEr %nmT-T%T-f^Tf^fT-^-&c. spT^t (as -jf^lTO- ft *Tt^ 3^^^ %^ ), T^ ^FT^. Beeeaved, Beeeft, p. V. V. HI'lif^t^T, H I Jrtrf l, T^m-TTraT -&c. i?brti wJM r«(1l>oi n. ff^"P9r «. Jeweller's b. (seed of abrus precatorius). JST/.JJ^TI/^ Ball of was studded with this b. »i^JfT5T or 3T m. Beeth, n. station or range of a ship at anchor. HiJK*%r<r<"/?. See Beside 3. Beside, Besides, adv. additionally, moreover. snT^ft, ^s^ ^, f^, f^TTT, 3Tf«nP. To Besiege, e. a. lay siege to. ^T''f,^4''l, %^^ or Qt^-H-^T^ -'^'M ^, ^ na.-^ OT.- im?T m.-%^?r «.-^ ».-&c. qTc?- of-^ot, +iiHHI »».-+liHK m. sp^ y. o/ o. To Beslatee, ». a. defile toith slaver. ^\^£^-'^^(^:^(^ Hol- f^-»1of|u| ^iT#, f5ToE/. 41+H t«. \- To Bespawl. See To Beslubbeb. To Bespeak, v. a. order beforehand. ^ «tn^, +<««"I, ^^- '^^ ^S^i. To Bespeead, v. a. power orw. ^^"Jf, f«r^7€T TT''!'. To Bespeiskle. See To Spbinklk. Best, a. ?ratpr-?T^?Tt ^t'1«r-Ac. ^tTK, atT^^^, 5^, 3^. ^ ( in comp. as STT^, T^^, Ac). At b. M/' 0. Bewowable, a. v.V. 1. ^ 5PTT^-^-5?t»ir-&C. ^, ^ff^T, Bestowal, Bestowiso, Bestowmest, «. t. V. 1.— arf. ^ ^^ n. Ac. ^TH n. arTbr ». iiH^»\ «. hRisk^i n.gTTsrR*. I. See Gift. To Bestbaocle, 2b Bxstbidk, v. a. have leitceen the legt. To Bestkew. See To Stbew. Bet, n. t. "Waoeb.>3t/. "m »». |Tf / MPl^l/. 2b Bet, «. f. ▼. To Wages. "^/. HK'iT-^^tdt-^v^, qruT m.- !rf?t|fT/. *Tot, ^/. iri^-m^. Tj Bctaee, e. a. (one'a self.) v. To Eesobt. H^vm m. JRuf- drrdj lOT/A y. o/o. aninot, sn^rm «. ^R^t, %^, ^^t i».-%^/. "Story, o/o. Betbl-xct, n. arfCB catechu orfaufel, — the tree. ^MlO/. — the fruit or nut. ^m^/.M*! •*«♦«. ^ »»."^I^«5n.'j»ft'P?5 «. B. nut, which has ripeued and hardened on the tree. B. nut gathered after it hM f oil jl ripened. ^ a*. ^• 5T ». TT^ ^MiO /. B. nut decaying without ripening. «^HlO ^rft/. B. nut — as on the tree or before shelling, &c. • Dunging around the roots of a b. nut tree. $tvr ?Jl*o6/. Koe cuttings of a b. nut. ^ «. [f^Tt^/. Fruit stalk of a b. nut. {mz : ftprft/- fin? ». f^ «. Implement for stripping oflf integuments of a b. nut. Sdasors for cutting a b. nut. frrTrlT ■•• ^nf^^ m. Spathe of a b. nut. fi\n^f. ^X^m m. n*¥f /. Tonog b. nut plant, ^[^^f. Toung b. nut plantation. lR*n *• Tonog and tender b. nut. qhtpft or tt ^ift/. or <^mf>^/. f^^nft ^qiO or ^^flft/. "Mfl^/. wnT«». or^r;^ ^<*i^/. ^^nT»»». or ^^lT. o. v. V. ^^fH^^mTT, g^SRHTT, &c. q^ & ^[]^^ (in comp. as ^^^tfl, ^^^3[^, ^^g^'ftor ^?ft, f^^'^j f?rag^, Tn;^;;^, hR»<4^^, or ^h^jj^v Ac). To Betbat, v. a. deliter hy treachery. ^m^-f^NI+fmHM-fr- 2 dinclote ( a secret ). ^"n^-fsji-m^vjiHR Hiliuj-Tf^ 1T- 8 discoier, male manijett, V. To Expose. inTI-^^-Ac. Beteayal, Betbatmest, «.T.V.l.^nn?J ^H^ n.Ac.f^»qm- 2 ^'<«|Ji vtivt ». Ac 2b Betboth, r. a. pledge in marriaje, affiance, qp^ n.-^T |f^iiHq/)o;>. ^Tf*T«>im OT.-^Tf'l'lK «. ^Tof y.o/o.^Tnfn- '^^T^fIf*^fTff'T•RfHf^f"WTfipT•Ac.'FT^,»mIOft/'.qI3'»f. 2 /a*e i« affiance. Miofl't RTwf , Tf JTrfHT^ '".•HT^^'^w. ^^,7- o/o. ^n^TT n.-^piT^ «. 'Pr'Ty. o/o. BETSOTnKD,;j. V. V. 1. WP^«T, ^T^T^, *?mr^^. in (he intermediate *pace.tK^.iM- ^, ^^^., Sirs. Betwixt and between. gr^t'nTT or ar^Shr^ or 3T^»T«f or ar^Mimff. [^*^. 2 from one to another; — noting intercourse. IT^^, ^Ttrf, The sense of this word is commonly expressed by the use of the genitive case reciprocally, as WNI ^ ^t^ ^ srrff. There is no dispute between him and her. PH'- ^ H1?f Vf ^ 'TT^i &C. &c. 3 — noting difference. Hrff. Betwixt and between, gf^^jf o>'3T«-qTT<-'^or3T< S1 H 1 M .-%^ »».-|j^ ♦t.-Ac. W^- Bewailable. see Lamentable. Bewailee, n. V. V. U"IKI, ^TT^^, %^fr?rf, ^^^, ^hf^. 7b Bewaee, v. n. m^-W^'C(v^-^^t^K-&c. m^-T^, ^'TT'lr, Bewabe! ^*no5. To Bewilbee, «. a. lose in mazes. MiHRui or J^<i\/. ^rf«)"JJ or 5»HTity. o/o. ^or Bewildered, ;). v V. 1. and Ebbing. g^PT?^, IS fi^rf l, &c. 5^>IT, ^. f'RtJT, 'ISMHl, 6^1 jrf or 5qi*?5q^T. To be b. ^n'RW, 'lrt«lrf''f, MIAKaf, "tiVTwf, "ftq^, »ff- tloEuir, «il^(.or, 'W'f , ilN-Mciuj, ^1+^ /. ^cS'Jt or wtM y. o/ «. nn ^T^iH'NT't or HHl«««l. [ JToTT »». Bewilderment, «. v. V. 1. — state. J|ot>h'lI or »l*<|>ldr «n. ^- 1— state. ^TF»^/. »TH/. Tf^rs/. »iTaroE m. ^ »». tJRT- 35T m.^TT^rV/ \KmiM f. tTT^/ ^Wloft /. «ttf^ /. «PT To Bewitch, t-. a. aject by witchernft, v. To Chabm. ^TT^, ^t^ or J1|^r«(ui, HROft/. »sm m. H'^i.^^ l /. Bewitching, a. engaging, captivatinj, v. Chabmino. 5?r^, To Bewbat. See To Betbat. BzroyD, prep, farther onward than, q^, »Tr^, ^»f, J^t, 55^, ^, ^T?TT, ^T5ft or ^^. 2 o« 45. That is b. grffttT. 8 ( in excellence, degree, Ac. ) aiore. ^, qT. [ Ac. To BicKEB, BicKEBiNo, See To "Weanou!, To Squabble, BiCKEEN, n. f. ^ [9. of I. To b. fair, ^er a good protpeci. tn m. f^*tui-3TO^ BiDViCB, n. y. V. 4. ^T^-f%TTrr-Ac. ^it»mTTT-<.tc. r»l-i^l(*. Bid, BiDDHfo, n, v. V. 1. and Obseb. ^"I't n. «I«i<»f1 /• HWt /. frtn w. r. ?Tfn. 2 Ff»I^ «. ^t'TT^ n. STm^TT »• f^nr^TT n. afTT^FRT n. 4 i?f^ ♦ti'l'Jf n. f«i-^iM^/. To Bide. See To Abide. [ r^*^'H+. BiDEyrAL, a, kwin^ ttco teeth. .^H^IhNi, f^tr^U, fg;^, BiDVAL, a. of or heUm^ng to two days. ^tT r<^««tii-«ii, gW- BlEXBUL, a. thit it for tteo yeart. ^^ «J^NI, 5^^, 5««.tii, \^\A\ or^ a. ind. ^qf*^. BiK«, n. f^fTitf. f^^f. rTT^ /. VH^r^ «.— in jocose pbra»e. BlEBBEASEB, «. fTf?n «•• |«f. BiaBELun>, «. ^wi ^tSITT, ^^*T, VntWT, »»»^, ffj^, 05^ I BioBODfSD, BiflBBABBB, Bad dmilar eonpounds, See umJ- rr Labab. BlOA MlBT, • . nmmofhee Kite*. ^ ^WBtV ^WH ••. ^- 2 MM Ueie« mmrrud. ftrWT, «^flfil^, S^[l^> 8 « w«^r */ tew AiMiMMb. ^^in-qt^ fnnSt/.^[^f>nrt/. BitfAKT, «>. /i« i«»j«7 twowipeaor tfto ku*Um4l» at enee. W n. fkm\'fM m. BIL BioeEB, a. grf' m-.HId l-&o. Bioors, «. child'* cap. zt^ or €f^ n. Bight, «. ( of a rope, &c. ). /). jt^ h. BiGKoniA, n. trumpet flower. qT5«5 o*" 5^/. i+Mll1, »(+HMff, <<*^l?ft. BiGOTET, fl. V. A. HrllfMHM »». 'STTtPtTPT m. ^Hd l M^ «». «T^MISW n. ^^9rT^ «. v^^Hi'l^Hs^/. (J^hWhT^ »». ^- BiLATEEAL ff. f^TT»^. Bile, n. frrT n. Bile-duct, n. f^H^rf^/. Bilge, «. ( of a ship, cask, &c. ). ^ n. 5*1 RT m. ^»it »j. 2 hollotofor b-tcater. 'iHHi or MMn^or «lHrm/. ("/ ^/orn). To Bilge, r. «. THrr n. ^T^, »TT^ «. "T3% »«. con. BlLGE-WATEE, n. iTTTcI OT ^^TfT ». Hollow in wLich b. collects. *\HHJ or HHrif t or TT- mi/. (or^/orn). BiLlAHT, a. helonginj to hile. fMTlHI, f^^«i*ft,^,'^^T^. BiLDTOUAL, BiLnrocAB, a. that it in txco langvoge*. ;(tHHT- ^Nt, r^HlfS*. [ ^T^f . BiLDTooocs, o. having two tongue*, jf^pftori^p^, f|;- 2 tpeaking tteo language*. JTT^, JTl'^. B1LIOP8, o. See BiLiART. 2 having exces*ive, Sfc. bile. B. fever. f^W*^ m. To feelb. N-H I -tO ^/- ^TRof-H^ (^^, tT^ltn), f^t^TR' v/lotMl<*ui.viHH*u( imper*. BiLiocsKEsa, n. excen or vitiation of bile. ^^\l'6\H m, f^- BiLiTEBAL, a. contitting of tteo letter*. J^ ^''ifv, ^ 3T?T- ?Nt, f^TTffnf. To Bilk. See To DiSAPPoiyr. Bill, n. hook of wood-men, ifc. >i\Hr{\ m. dim. »1<<»fi / Jt. 8 ( of lading ). ><TWtV^ «. *rf^?T «• 9 ( of divorce ). ^iS<-Tr! n. ^^.-A-n n. ♦TlsP^^/. 10 ( draft of a law ) |Mc4<'J ♦». H<\icii<\zm. Swelling and dashing of billows. <«|oi«|oi1/. intens. ^■ Bi.N-, «. ( for corn ). «»>oi'll ♦». 'J^'W or q>f^/. dim. q^tjpj- ?i{t/. &. ^ mn g n. fS!^/. HtrT m. ^>To5T m. dim. ^t«T*V- qra^ n. TRT «. BiXAEY, o. composed of two. |^, f^^uf. JTo Bi>i), V. o. confine with bond*, gener. T. To Tie. qt^Tmf, BIO ^g.ofo. 2 cotifine, cohibit, V. To Bestdain. 3ll+,otwf, ^^«I5T *.- 3TT^tM n. ^j^of, ire^, STToET «.- aTToErat«TT W.-&C. UlrfV^i^ 8 enwrap, v. To Wkap. if^ot, Fl^of , 3n^T#, jSToEof. 4 oUige by oath, promise, duty, law, ^c. «lttTot^ *rt'^ aro^ot-arriM, "ttt «i. ^z. srt«rjT ^^-^h^^, /• srt«^ ^wr. 5 (by kindness or favors), oblige, make beholden.V^^ or sffq^JT ^of , f^^n ^, f^Hf^'ff ^'jf, viM1>K*l5-vJM*rl-f»T- ^r-3ft?TToET-&c. tp^TT ^^, y^TT sp^^T ^. 6 waie costive, cotuiipaie. ^ n. ^ ^Rwf y. of o. ^^cr «T^7^ ^'if, HrtlH'iiH w. qjioj- y. o/. 0. 7 — as sheaves, &c. ^9t, ^dldiJi, ^dlotufl'/. «J)fi^ ^ «. Ac. 5 — art. «lhl^ M. f^+H ^ «. Ac. 6— act. «r55Fre ^^ «. HrfN^'<+uj «. &c. I. Jajki, ^c. V. Bandage, ift/- II. tie, fastening, v. Tie. «f^ m. ^ «• W^ «• WST »». III. for edge of cloth. HM^ifl /. "it^ ««. "Tt^ »♦. Binnacle, «. »iri»)HK^l {l+H-m^ft^/. BiNOCULAE, a. that has two eyes. JjtoE^n', f^^^i ^^■ 2 ( telescope, &c. ) ^ gi |ottjh<<| tprnT^T, %Mg;«r[S*<>ft. Binomial, «. l*-CATCHEa,>i.qp^TqTT«fr'/i. ^nrft«. <5t%'TK'4t»». m^fSf^c. Bm>-LIKE, fi. fs**! »«. f-M*!''.! m. rH*I^/. Stick covered with b. f>mii;t /. Bixd'i btb, «. — view. w;j?t SH»<«-5SST, *. T. Nest. ^ «. qi«<|-m ^ttH' m. V^^ jt «. Btno, ». eominy into life. 3TS»T mn. JPTfcT/. ^tt^t m. TJ^ •I. opT^ II. "^^rer/. 3nf?T /. h^ w. ^>K\^ m. *?%/. ipw m. TfA\f. A former b. ^.il-Mmn. HjiMI ^T'JT »n. MI*|<1*H )IMI. A genius from b. f l >^^<*i|^ . Another ( past or future ) b. vH . n4|d^ n. ^>q^,H mn. B. life, and death. 5?lfn-fir»lff» f^^, ?m-([, Ac. all one's births. «|»iP|s>rtJT- i| New b. regeneration. HHM-Htn. jji'>n'*i nt. Seat or place of b. ^FTfiTR «. vFRT^^Tc? «. SPT^ "i. qtfSr/ Star of one's b. vH*m'h'( «• ^T^TT «. TJntimely b. 31+H>^<-*4 n. m. Acquired in some preceding b. ^«f3FJTTpSf?T, 'jJ^'hi- ^. [5fl«To6T. Blind from b. ^JT«Tt«T, »PTfff, ■^'MNI at^oST, 3TI?ft^I Luckless or wretched from b, ^I^H^^ST. Poor from b. ^'Hi^R^% vTJTTPr^rtt or \»i'HHI ^^- ^•hiO-^Tra-t^-Ac. Eich, fortunate, &c. from b. l^'sftJTrf. Sickly from b. vd'Mil'ft or vd'MMI d*!^, ''IRft^ ^"ft, That is from b. 3pjn^. To blame the author of one's b. vJ-Hlfl vj|rfU|K|^ tf- To give b. to. st^tt m. ^. 2 extraction, descent, v. Family, ^pft /• W\f- 3^^ /. f^t^/. r^sr^l tn. Noble or high b. SP'f^TO'TT/- SfTlfSTTfT ». Of pure b. mWT, f?^, 'H^n, «T5[lf^g5, ^?fr«f. 3 Mify 6om. q'fT n. 4 bringing forth. ^!HH «. ^f^ /. SHT^ »»• ST^f^ /• ^f' ^\tjif ^ [iPinfe /. BlETH-DAT, n. vdr>4l^«I^ W. vil'Hf^HW. ^I«IX«^ «• •d^'AtiWI. B. ceremonies. ^qk?T «• ^its/. srr?«ftff »». BtBTO- PLACE, n. 3l?flljftT/. 3J?»TFR »«• ^'^"'^^fT^^ m. Biscurr,«. fn ^^d «. ( corruption of the English word. ) 2b Bisect, v. a. cut into tico parts. ITFT^, ^kl ^ST^, 5^" ^y 5>pt?/.-f§VT'F^ n.- ^vft^JJT^ ». ^r^g. of o. Bisected, p. v. V. |»m^3!T, ^»TPT, l'^, f5tJT?^,l[,tft??H. Bisection, n. v. V.— ocf. 5*rM n. S'Ptl/. f|yTOT<^ n-lf- tn*T «. BisnoPBic, n. fUTm^ ^TTTT/.-y^ «. 2 rfi'of Mc'^«|U|+/.-4>4qoT/. JR'jf, gi^- 5 — as speech, &c. sting, cut. ^fsi^, ^sfTof, ^^, ^^, 6 — snake. ^T^, 5^Sr, j^of, ^f«I^, ?(T^. 7 — ants, fleas, bugs, &c. 5ff«n^. — fiercely or eagerly. jf^uT, rT3n. t». ^, 5r»». pop. sf^ or 5fM »». ^^TTw. 2 ^^TiJif?!. iffTitM. 3 i^^itn. &c. ^T^^^t/. f^tf^^l^/. f^T^/- ^^T^/ '^TC^. 4 "P^cjdrn. &c. Hi'H'i"!*/. "P'H^uft/. 5 5rf5jnt«. ?T^n. SfSf^n. &c. 6 'sn^n. 5^wf«. &c. ^"^ pop. t?lOT. i^»». ^nT«. Biter, n. Biting, p. a. v. V. 1. -SIHUIKI, S^ntTTT, &c. 2 ^«|UIKI, &c. ^Fl^, +i+<4MI, *3K^/■ f. ^>j^m.-&c. ^of y. 0/ «. spHF^ ^- BlAB, BlABBEB, n. BliABBING, p. a. V. V. *14U|Ij«"l«. &c. "Ft^/. c5- *rT5!n^ or c?5^/. n^n^w. Tft^PFt^w. ^ftnr^'ft/. v\nr- Black, «. blackamoor. ^?fl'»i. f|l^ or f^w. 2 See MouENiNG. 3 black color. ^icETTilwi. f)iuitic6iRf«i, •mwi^ios- Blackiah. ^To5^, ¥ra^, ^T3TT, ^JWlf^fltl. Biftckisb, — compleiiou. •tloS'lrfl, ^[%OT, <»>i«tii«)«i. Spotted with b. and white, — cattle. TRT. To say b. is white. f^o&H rtc5 TT^t "^"lulr. To put down in b. and white. Ttr^^TI^ ^T3 q>T^. 2 rMi/nt, tco\iiling,lfc.\. ScLLEif. 5^^^, WS^^c^T, ^'TT. To look b. J^ffwf. 3 atroeiovt, wicked, q^, anv^nt+i, S'fflfT. To Buck. See To Bucket. Black-AST, n. t.'Maoic. ^f^<|l/. -Hflf^qi/. Black-ball, «. aiJRsJTfrrq^^ -nofl'Ttcft/. 2V Black-ball, r. a. ^TooTPfrwTT 7T^ ^ ^T^. Black-bebbt, n. 9^ VolfJKI-^ "P55 «. Black-biks, «. 4>icb<4K°'iHr ^ Tmm «i?ft 3n^. Black boabs, n. ni«Wt^ ^To5T T55T m. BrACK-CATTLK, ♦!. itT «. ^ ». /«'• 3^«lX «. ;)/. Black-kakth, n. ^Toft/. *I^HMt/. ^TcE^75r»ft^/. sfte 5- Black-etes, a. itT^STT ftwTflT, *»''M<». ^o/*. ^^T^ or ftm^ m. arsr^ »». Belonging to the b. ^RI^. Oil obtained from the b. RlBt?^ «. Black AMOOB, n. perton of a very black completion. ^^ wi. 1%^ or f^t m. *Jo6?i(Hrft or qitam^t 3irK«ia/. «Pti^- nMtf^ H i ofi^ n. qdrfrtl ^^^w. q»T55T»ftt5 »». spToEnTtn m. 2b Blacken, r. a. make black. ^ToET-^a^lt^T^T-^.tT^if- &c. qR^, ♦KH'l w. ^. 2 defame.^ v. To Aspebse. i^m «.-?FTotWt/.-f ifem/.-T- f?T W.-&C. f4i^iii-.ni«iui. To Blacker, c. ». «PT«T-&c. ^tof-Trilr, ^Tst^^J't, ^T5C'ra''t. Blackxesp, n. v. A. 1. ^"TTT •». *lf^HI m.f. iii«i*m '". I. V. Dabkness. -liiatf? w. rfiw. «?. ?!l^ »». fTflrft w. Business of a b. a1|I^1>t /. Wt^TWIK n. ^^VfiTH n. Bladdkb, »i. v(^l(r^\ ^pt^T tn, wspinq m. fHVd »«. ^f^ ♦»./. Obstruction of the b. STStqf^ m. 2 blitler, putlule. ^\m. yiRT «». yil »'»• ^Vl^ "»• Large water b. VT^r^TI m. Blade, •. ( of grass, Ac. ). JpTft/. ?n»nrtt / 1R- »• 2 ( of a weapon or tool ). TPT «• "TUft/- ^M «. Ipf «. Two-headed b. 5^ n. Two bla«led. yn^. 3 hot, iiceUiny fellow, a blood, a ticrll, v. BrcK. irfqrr- •«. ^*IT •». Vt^IT m. ll^ m. J^jrfnTWTT w. Vft^ft m. Bladb-BOxk, »i. ?(WR«n^ fll «. JSTWHn^ ^ «. Blaiv, ». 6o. V. A. Pt^IlMUIR' &e. fT^VTS^qTr^T, fsRST^FT. Blamelessitess, n. v. A. ^^riMul «. fH^ifVmT «». Ac. 3T^- Blameb, «. V. V. |Wn, ^ ^TTTT-%^^TITTTT, &c. ^ q .^ | (1l , ^- qrf^ft, f5^, ft^^, f^TW, 3N^7^, 34H«(I<0. Blaminoly, adv. censoriously. ?ff^^^«TT, <(iliJ^5TT. To Blanch. See To Whiten. 2 See To Peel. Bland, a. t. Mild. ^|, ^ptH^, yf f fH-f , ^e^^, 5TtcT. Blandishing, ». *o/<, wheedling. ^\£\>\\-i\M\, 'Uji^a i O ^, Blandishing, Blandishment, n. «<>/"< airs, winning words, Sfc. 3T^r »». ^ «». /J^. T^TT m. sfe?T »». rtlfrlcM «. fsp?!- J^oSMm^/. »Ici'ja«nTft/. 'lli'Tli'M^/. JsnoEnt^/. ;>Z. qf«Mr)<)luft/. HyTTT'nir n. ^«dN' ^tt5^ n. Blandly, aJ». v. A. +")notM"IH, rfl^^T l J^^" . [ V^f. Blandness, n. v. A . ipmoE^nirT m. 'h\nT. Blank, n. +lil+l'l^ m. 2 ( of a lottery ). #0f^ /• 3 void spot. ^5?T »». 'JITST »«. ^qf? «. !%? /. BLANK-CABTBrDOK, n. ((NUKHI ?n^T »». Blanket, n. The woollen textures reBembling this wticlp are u\t\4\ /. ( It is coarse, loosely woven, and usually black ). H>l»(«i m. ( It is composed of two ^ft joined breadthwise). E[>it n. (The same as ?nfjR'^ but a less particular and less definite word ). qrfirS n. (An indefi- nite and a disparaging form of «t»HoH ; it is applied also to a woollen cloak-like texture gener. ) tTT«lo! or tn^aft /. ( A finer texture, usually white ). =q^ ». ( A very coarse ^ffn^). A worn and torn, old and worthless b. ( ». e. ^t^m\ or vi\'i£\ ). VK^f. <<>il*c or {-< \m ). «i^/. Blankness, n. v. A. ^itf5fT, ^^^, f»^Tf^^, {- Blasphemously, arfv. v. A. ^ iMi l *^^^ , fs^f^^nRKT, &c. Blasphemy, n. t»^Tl^^/. t'WqqT^ »». t'^^^W »». f »?rT- Rniqui «. f'M^'i^f /. ^^^/. &c. Blast, n. ( of wind ) yust, puf. iffC^ m, ^R^TTT m. =q^ »j. 414141 »». ?RRT m. iff^ n. Hot b. fra/. fTocf /. ^/. FTT^/. TiPFT «. rfim. >T5r- 2 ( of a planet, &c. ). ?npt?ftif n. [ ^f^^TOT/. 3 ( of an evil eye ). ^ftqm m. ^f^/. ^/. ^ftf^^TTm, 4 ( of a devil ). Wf^f fTHFT w. a-l+KI »». awiil w. ?r?- Blights, diseases, and diseased, damaged, or corrupt state ( of trees, fruits, cattle, men, &c. ), are lavishly ascribed to devils, goblins, evil eyes, and malign planets; and they receive indicative or allusive names. Not aiming at closeness and particularity in this matter, we throw together below the nouns and verbs expressing generally the sense of To Blast or To be blasted. pjN+(- CTT or rfNWiUJ or ?5f«(Kui, +l/1I m.-iprnw.-^lMldl w.-c?rt^ w.-^T^nr ««.-^/.-«vi, »^tT- 2 np;^a«A !«;> tuddmlt/. T?^, 'T?H«<»r in/«w. HTTl^, M^*«<, **+«!. [ UtAiDio, />. a. r. V. X. 1. ^m»I^, Sor^uftrT, Blazing noon. lumufiH JTR/. iT» Blazo:(, p. a. See To Blaze. [jof, 2 ( a coat of arms ) ^•'.MM /. ^- 3 See To Deck. DiXt, «. immer Imrk. MMH\i>>f. T?^?5 «. 'To Bleach, ». , », «. let blood, r^ n. ^¥i. Blended,;;. t.V. rMot«^»fn. Ac. ^^ W^n. Ac. anwjfTT*. 2 «»iTn^f^Tr/. 3TH- \1. ah. a betifjit, a good. g^Tn. JpTn. STRT^m. mFihIci/. JII. a b. — as in the gift of a saint, god, &c. ^ m. v. \ Granting of a b. tJ<"^M ♦»• Granter of a b. ^T^. Blight, n. mildew, Sfc lit. 4\z m. ^'PCT w. ^^Fll n. »t^- ST »»• JT^ w. rTT^ w rti!?:^/. Afl » b. ^fJmro. ! BLd 2b Blind, v. a. deprive oJ sight. awsT ^^, tR5 m. pi. Sftr- ot-^RTJf y. 0/ o. 5HoEf /. f4><«ju1. 3 fig. darken the understanding. 3f^ »n./>Z. Jft^TW, ^f%/.- it^ 'FT'Jf, 5te-5TteT "7RT OT.sft^T^, ftoc^rt^ 're^S w.-^tNt/.- &c. vjirfuf, *iocivlfi*iif0/. ^rn^ot, »*h"i. Blinded, p. v. V. ] . 3Ttro5T *tirfl, ftoE *U?lrfl, Offtft?^. Blindfold, a. BLiSDrOLDED,^. v. V. it^ «ltq%c?T, «lt«I?>- «tTT, 3HI-^lf^H ^^-'STfJ, 3TTf?m5r. To Blindtold, ». o. copfr the eye* oj. jt^ m.^)/. sjftrBt y. 0/0. qi^ w.-af^/.-^^^ft/.-Ac. «rt^-*iirt"l-^, T^t- Blindly, adv. implicitly^ Sfc. 3t^ yl'^H, ^r^ f»ni^, 3tS ^T- Blindman's BurF, n. artjaft *^lf'il*nN&'l, f^- ■srfq^, f^efisOfi, fJ<4i5l*|ui, il^ m. pi. RcRc^irtii, 2^ Blink, v. a. ei'a<7e, «7t«< out of tight. JTotof, 5^^ m. pi, 5rf^, Tt^ 5rt^/- ^^, ei<*"fl/. «J^ y. »/ 0. Blisk, «. See Glimpse. Blinkabd, n. [i\'^-hi\M\.i iloif*? «. Mon»i«i. y*} Blisteb, v. a. raise a Uister. qfll m.-^^^Z «J,-Ac. 3Tm^. Blithe, BLiTHEFrL, Blithesome, a. gay, airy, t. Mkrht. yni^<0, 'JSI'tft, ^i**?ff5T, ■asiti^rfh. BlITHENESS, BlITHESOMENESS, v. a. 3<|ii^M«lF m. >dBiyjW. "pW^dr, ^j^rof, i5Vtot-&c, BLO Jb Bloat, v. a. v. To Swill, To Pcff. 'fm^. i LOATED. p. T. V. N. ^nr <"• "5IM«I, *IWflI, 't*5fl, 5^" ttl «. *i4*l w. stTiPFT ♦». stT n. 5t- 2 ( of stone, Ac. ). J5T «». f^^ M. 3 pulley block. V^ M. /. ^ Ul*l-»H*^W «. .U> BiocKAse, ». «. T. N. *I|HKJ m.^^fftf.-^]Z^^f..^- %^/..Ae. ^R^y^o.^^ })locxxs, p. T. v. *f^S«l, gv^^I, 4c. #5, *:j[,5R^5, JTf?t- To be b. 5^pf,^f^,*l^l43i,^^or^Mnf^^'ro''r^f:tli^. '3LOCKiito, «. T. T.— art. ^fl^r n. Ac. ^tft/. ^fl^ft/. ^ m. awrtw »»■ tWr «. awrhw •. Blocxub, Blocklike. See Stupid. !3l00D, fi. np »i. sf^ n. jfW^ n. nif4Mloft »«. B. Tomited upon the bite of certain Berpenta. Ir^m. Stoppage OP congestion of b. ^^jn^rt^ m. ElEte«raMt«d b. *}|?I«<«B «. In mM b. 1911*^41^, >illi^-y -^f^-^tf-Ac BLOOD-SHEDDISa, BlOOD-SHEJ), W. 1x(|^ Bloodiness, n. v. A, 1. T^PPTT St'OrfVIT «. <'*if%f1H» n. &c, 2 <^»|^" Hiri^Muil m. H«ii m. Ac. f^^rll/. fwf^rt^r/. Bloodt, a. stained tcith Mood, ^rtsi^ ^I'll-cll, Wl^ il'lr^rfl. <*^f*ld, iTbif^H, <'t>r4irt*d, ■^tpf^P^^rt. 2 covered with Hood. ?^PT% *i^iJirti-*ii^rtrti-^l^3l, ^'R ^*ilc4 or T^51% *fi*ll*, i'hHciiAl, ■^f)l«)'^ o*" ^t>l«nrt o»* 5E, 3 bloody-minded, tanguinary, \. Ceuel. g»ft, fJ|<< 4 attended with blood shed. ii^VMI-m, <'ft«i«ii-f)(i«f>«l, 5''5^^i Bloomixo,;>. o. v. V. 1.5(^i. ^ in. eon. ^«T^ ^t^.— the mango and some other trees. »?lf<.«(*i(,'FTo5T 'FTot, ?Fia5 «.-qfnf /. To be blotted out of mind. *i}o&uf. Bi.or, «. ( as of iuk ). qtoET »n. fi^+l ««. IT^ »i. ;^ s/ur, sligma, v. Stain. STT <>»• ^IT »«. 4H+I »». ^iT^n.^- ?^'^ >«. #5/. +lTrlMI m.f. [ SR7T w. Blotch, h. '^f^^ n. 'SPF^ ot. or ^tp^ «. ?^ m. jpir n. ^- Blottisopapee, n. riSIJT^MI «}j|'1<^ «i. Jh.ow, «. ( with a stick, sword, &c. ), «/roA:«. ^nft/ JtfST «»• •P^^ «». «p'-+irr «». ^?l^T m. 2 ( with the fist, &c. ), thump. |^/. ijl^rn m. Jrer m, ^TT m. ^^^m m. ^^^ m. HrT^ m. JT^spT w. 5^^ m. 5- ^r w«. 5^ or 5^T m. tRRT or. STHT »». g%J^ m. H- — iu the sense and with the power of such words as, tvhack, whap, hang, ttoinginff How, Igc. ^HI?[ m. «P?RT or *^Hrar in. ^^ or ?I «j. ^%5T or fTT ««. T'l'FT 7«.q*5j55/.«r»if /.n. ^JT?teT »n. ?Tm?T in. V^ or Xjsm in. rTTT^r m ^.i\i^\ m. zp\^ VI. Z\^ in. ;»— gcuer. lox, huffet, cuff", hit, knock, polt, punch, dig, S(c. ?Jtc?T »». ifrnPT or H^^ m. ^m/. tTTTTT «». aTT^JTrT «. ^TIH m. Zt^ in. j^F «». ^Z^:^f. B. with the bottom of the fist. 5^/. «|H«H orij^^or grPFT »». 5«TW ««. &c. ^H^T »». 5^f3[r or ^W m. dim. Dead or flat b. z^^ m. Ileavy b. Pmfd w. To come to blows. ?lftT ?t«itTraT ^ot, ^TcnTsfl^-^m^- r^-^ ^^-^WrM<^IMKI«K-&c. %dr. 4 ( of calamity ), v. Stkoke. t^iT or *TJgT ««. »H ( in trade, &c.), v. Loss. ^TO «i. ». sw, ntrrr ♦». r. ^, ^m, ITigS/. ^TfT «. ^?RT in. ^f^f. qm /• ^R^ m. G ( of a fly ). 3T?T5t or 3Tmft/. aTTOST »». ^/. ?b Blow, v. n. — the wind, ^i^uj, ^TH'^f. 2 — softly, in gentle puffs, &c. T. To Bseathe. ^JoE^of, 5^55 adv. m^, iTf-JT^ ^T^, •' /"{^. v- To Pant, vtn^, MIMrJ"!, ^TT"/. /»i. ST^-^, 4 sound on being llown. t(MiJi, ^IT^ »». ^-^f^. G lloom, llosiom, open, expand. Jc?'^, f^+y'I,ft+'muf, 3- over; ^)(J«» away without effect. <(|^e|iii, fij^Oi, g^uf, f^- 7 up; — from gunpowder. *l4ui, 3^ vi|ui, 8 out;-a light,&c. ^r^^TFT ^sn^-f^^rot-Hlrt^Jui. [^ sifif. To Btow, V. a. — the wind, &c. ^l^Ttjil, -Hfrf^iuj, 31^, 3f- 2 puff out, V. To Inflate. ^H^, "»i^ "JiTwr. " ( an inHtrumont of wind-musick ). 'F'FOT, ^^ «(M«(- Of, ^-t/.-^^ w.-*h+K| m. JTRW-^n^. 4 ( with the breath ). j'lM 3?^-33^ l,OT- 12 up; rate vehemently, v. To Scold. ^"t^TH't,*^?^!^, ^'I't, fiu) n. ^+<''l «• 5^ Ac. HKu) »».-iTraot n. Blown, p. v. V. N. 5. jrtArfl, Ac. R+RlH, f<<+lR<«1, 3^- T. V. A. 1. T5?%t5T, 31f^ ^3OT. 2 5'|i^^3I, &c. ^»ftT, remit*. ^J, yi'j/ld, «Tm. Bltjbbeb, w./a< 0/ the whale, Sfc. ^^ttt^t^ ^T'ft/. 2 fat-like substance cast up ly the «fo. vTTT ♦»• /• IWl^w, To Blcbbee, v. n. t. To Cbt. iTrS 5»l^-*re7T TT^. Blubbeeee, w. o«« ever blubbering. ar^STro^T, ST^JT^S. Bludgeon, n. Sl^i'fl+I*?)/- Tft^ ♦". +IWrf^ m. 1^/. Blue, a. — dark b. JftH Jw/'.f'ToET, 'flpl^«l,3?Tm, ^«TT*?^, STT- H^af , ^wr, H-^• SPTOT. Blunder, «. v. Erboe. =g^ rfi«». ^^ /. »??? /. «T^^/. SPTT^ m. 2— in writing or speaking, ar^^ «. ar^g: «. 3ni5 «• That isfullof blunders. 3T5|7cE, ^9rf?5, ^mrfe^i^^raS. Blunder-bus, n. <^HIH| m. »i*hk oi- «(**iiS/. Blundeb-head, fi. Blunderer, n. Blcndefino. ;». a. t. V. one given to blundering. -^^UIKI, T^OTTTT, ^^^F^, lllf^ or PTT, n?ir^, 3i5?«TT, argfra, Hi«^, niq^ or a.TT, 5- BLU ; ?m, f t N-m , y>^-«4i, nhioo^, i^, 5rw55, ^Rf*i^, 'snft. i LCJfDEHI5GLT, «fp. ■^<|>H-^|4>|^ijf, Ml^l^uf, »TWTW^, M*i^ii^^ ^r^Ti^r, HIHIIM- jkvnn, n. Blubtiko, p. a. t. V. *<*|4|uiki, m«4) I 'j'T ^- SJ^ITTT, Ac. <»«.<)«, i»'.fti«, iij^i or ok. .BtVtn, n. edor in tie ek^eks raited by shame, confusion, f(e. T. V. A|J|rit?j n. nyRF w. «, Blustebeb, n. BLUSTERUfQ, jp. a. Blusteeous, a. v. V. I. mImnuiki, &c. ^t^ESTT, i?r^, #m^iITor g^n^^j^fonziiT. 2 and Bullt. Hectoe. duniHUIKI, &c. sf^TR m. ^fH- ?5, HTf^niTT, ^^, 5^^ or ^^, jfr^Tr-^T n^«t1rtuii^l, Boa-constbictoe, n. 3TTT or an^TT m. ar^TTT »». Mwirt "». To lie torpidly like a b. 311^K''I. Boab, b. ^^ft «i. ^TT^ w. Wild b. ZanA-, ^-c. "psft/. (intens. >M4*f^K tn. Af^^^A m. 3^5T- Fault that excludes from the common b. qf^<(l«I m. 3 entertainment. ^^W «. ^^^TTfa /. ^^"T^HT «• ^T^t". ^T^Tfr^ n. Service in which b. is provided. ^Ttft^^-MI*^/- Service in which b. is not provided. fSRt^ '^T^'ft/. One that eerres for his b. qkf'qf , «fia-m+<, 'ff'lHiff <1^U||TT^ m.pl. ^IMIPH* m. pi. «IHird**(H(5 «. '^ m.pl. 6 — at chess, draughts, Ac, ( or chequered cloth ). 'sfK- 7/ n. izm.f. 7 tide of a ship. iTtTifcn^-Ac. »(rJT/. «(tl^ «• liarboard. ri3^ %l^. Starboard. J^ iJti^. Aboanl. n^T^RT-^T^nTT-Ac. ^, Over board. '|pl«|r(|**<|-Ac. ^PPRKT. jfb BOABD, p. a. See To Plask. 2 ^/aee a« boarder. Oi«(l<(m -■»M«ii^^ff-Ac. %^-«nw^ 3 ref«D* M boarder. ; by force. ^fSj (pc^ ?%TT^-Ac. f^tT^-^- 2b BOABD, p. n. «<•«# icith. ^M]^\^-'M^\^^^ aTOOt-TT^, v^i|U|f^|u| B.-^rdtfT^ n.-Ac. ^T^. BOABD-WAOES, n. «fi7»it/ 'ft^^ »w. B. as paid in grain. 3Tl^^/. BoAKDBB, »i. V. V. N. dwornrtt^HTOIJT m. Ac. BoABDWo-HOOSB, «i. ^TmTWsft^-^Wnwafl^ «R «. BoABDi50.scnooL, ft. WTT ^n*W 5Wf«»n ^ uq i f^ o mV) «^ BOD i To B0A3T, V. a. Irag of, display vauntingly. iRrf or USTTjfl'- /.-^fl^TT m.-^SflTT^ or ^fllft/. ^\^ g. of o. 717 « - ^•li+t /.-Tfrtgr /.-^freif /.-&c. tilM"l-r*K*l>}i y. o/"«?. f*R^- of, *T^ n. ^T^^^ g. of o. 2 ( one's sell' of) v. To Plume, srmr «».-&c. A\**\^. To Boast, i>. ». hrag, vaunt, glory. ^^TR^, vT?7ot, ^^Tltt/-- tfi'iuj-^l^^uj, ^^1 Kqfi ^•M I -^l». TT^^ or Hi^'JjO m. Trf^ HI. Song of a b. whilst rowing. ^^.■^\ »». BoATSwAHf, «. 'W«»r)l«jsf\rt ^ aTf^PFrtt 3?f^. 2b Bob, v. n. play backwards and forwards. <7^^, ^K^^- f^wf , ^r% m. pi. ^-J^, . 2 up and down, ( in drowning ). n^+oiuf, t-MNuf, ^I^- ^TcS'TT/. pl.-^i'^Z^] f. pi- ^r^. To Bob, v. a. v. To jebk, ^^-Tnif, f^flSUJ, 3Tmi«t. Bob, ». T. Pkkdest. sjiPFr mi. ^h^ m. ^^f. f^ ot fi r a ft/. ! 2 ( of a song ), v. Bubde>'. 3i*«l43i n. H|^«J4<1 or TT^- Bob-tail, n. 5^ '^TTt/. ?5fft ^"T€t/. 55ft ^ «, Bob-tailed, a. fstil", %^^:^. Bobbin, ?i. ( of the weaver), wi^f. Bobbing , n. v. V. N 1. ^ aai^ n. &c. 2 ». 2b Bode, 0. a. foreshow, forebode, presage, portend. g^TT^, J^S^^, 55^ ( used w-ith the required noun ) ^n^^, -&c. iRot y. 0/ 0. pJ^^UT n.-f^ «.-'jfa?Tor ».-^f^ «.- &c. 3T?m in. coil. Sf g. ofo. [^^. EODER, n. Bodino, p. a v. V. g^^^TRT, ^^''T'TTTT, &c. ^J^^, Ill-b, 3T^-3TH?-Wtn?r-&c. ■^■^^-■^■^■vfz^k^-kc. I!!-b. sign or mark, qjt? JT^T^T «. ^^T"! n. Jf^^T'T n. Bodemekt, Bobiko, n. v. V.— ac<. g'^^ «, ^J^snit «. &c. I BOD g^^ n. ^ ^/. ^!^ n. si^^hr «. "^g:^ «. '^Nk^'TT/. B. of ill. ^ Pi7s-31M'|tJ5-31*i'qi DT-3TH^-&c, ^'spT n.-q^- :iPT «.-&c. B. of good. f^-^c5-*r^-&c. ^[^R «.-ST^'I ».-&c. Bodice, ». =^t5ft/. ^Fl^^toit/. W^f. Bodied, o. ^, ^^, ^^W, ^^, ^ftfT, ^TfkHT^. Bodiless, a. incorporeal, af^, f^^, ft^, 3T^T%n% Bodily, a. of or belonging to the body. ?lOr/. ^PT^SIt w. arriunTf/. j^. «tt?rt/. B. vigour or health, qn^^qfrf/. B. violence or eflPort. 3Tfn«RTf or 3Ttnf^?Tf / WI- TT^ or 3tf'in<(f/. Bodily, o(/v. wmVerf wi^A a ioi/y. ^l^^, ^^Iflf^d, ^ift^rf^, 2 See Wholly. Bodkin, n. instrument for drawing tape, Sjc. ^Xi\ sTtsTTT- ^ ?T5E^ /. g^ w. 5^ ^HT ». Body, n. grn /lop. artn ». ^ w. !(i^ n. ^x^ in. n. pop. ;ja^T /• ^/ 5^/- ^'^Z ^T^/- »•■ +rfHl ». ft?«. 75 «. 'JT^f/. Some descriptive, allusive, or significant terms for the body are, »{dirH| m. tTPT «. ^?r ». "TIK or f^ w, f^^ »n. irrs n. 'TI'IliJdH «. TTHH /. MI'JI'HH ». ^fi[^n«T»TT ^TTTFf^ n. MiiM-^ui^ n. vi|<4vjjoft ^^y. — and with im- plication of loggishness, lumpishness, inert heaviness or huddledness, Sfc. ^<%i\f. 'TtST or ift«rTnto5T w. m?/. T- According to the Hindu philosophy there are three bodies, viz. ( 1 ) the gross or material external body, ?^3^ w. f^r^y^ n. arorT^^I or q «t. ( 2 ) the tenuous or ekherial b. the inner envelopment, fe»l^, fe« i n< K, ^^5=^, ^^"JT^iTftT. ( 3 ) the inner rudiment and causative fr.ime or principle of the above two, 4>K" l ^^ ,^FRWyytT, 3TR^»T^^ or V. See these words, and also q^^ or ^ in Moleswobth's Marathi and English Dictionary. B. and soul. y*MH\'\ nt. 6 ( of a garment), ^t^^ or ^htT m. [^wr n. 7 a tubitance, a material thing. T-«i7ABo, It. yTirm/. yjfTW «. BoDT-nBTAXT, N. ^ »lf iuteus. i-e(|-mH_ Boiled, p. v. V. A. 1. 3^c5%c5T, &c. ^?i. 2 f^v1«^F, Ac. ♦4«|>4tof|/ qt- ^rtikmif. fy'iiH^rf/. ^rrm/.n. Bold, o. Sroue, courajeout, fearless, intrepid, dauntless, daring, Sfc. — of persons. ^JT, tilrfl'JK, «irflH<, P^r^f^K, r^ii)<^K, ^'■Hi'^K, rfe*-Hrfl:, tTTT^fl", «jTrfNrr, mi'HMr, f^- "TrfNT, MM+^i, mNr, &c. f%Krj, fSitriT, f^*f?T, *nT- or *i^i^<,, sif^Fir, ^fK, MiR'ii'tirj, 3T|ni|, »Tm, ^T^, ?^r- «T, ?lH5[ITrJt, ^?ffT?DTT^, &c. f^tfS, ^KR^, Boldness, n. v. A. 1. ^jTT'irTOT. f^H<.-*1'i'MotT»».-'I'i'Tlot|m.-. J^^/. "Ttcft/. BoME, «. e/iC'Z/, ij'c. «hc^i(l|'no!>|w. ti-tJMI 'TtcETm.»pf?5pnTt^f». To BoMBAED, V. a. ^^'\\vM\=^ mH\T»t. BONNE-BOUCHE, ». "TtW^m. ^^Tl^ffl. Bonnet, n. jpft/, BoNNT. See Beautiful. Bonny -CLABBEE, n. s. Butteemilk. 3i«t0'», STft^TlT^-fl'J^- BooBT, «. blockhead., Sfc. v. Fool. 5»». «=ff5r«. ^n^TTT, (fem. BOO f^»i. «ll*0-^l 'TT^kT m. ^THtf^ »». IBOOK, n. qNt/ 5?irt»a^ft/. | T« Boon, 7b Boozk. v. ». drink hard. ih^H or ^Tf^^, 2b Boor. ». «. />r«>/?/, ataH, v. To AnTiXTAQE. sjTTot, ;=im- Boor. «. atail,pn{fil, r. Adta5taok. ^m «». W! ». «7VT m. To b. orer and abote. fSIMIflO, STWrt^, ^PWrtt or ^- ffUHl'^, f , filfUIH. •-' //•a/*«- cover i my for lej. 4<^q^ M. Ml?<^'^|l «l. ^iff SIIMIJII ■•. ^ ••. High b. Top b. 3«^ ^nm. 9 -BGR Seven league boots. f^sqriTJfiT/. Boot-jack, n. ^ «j,|(Su^|^' ?{p:pf. Booth, n. hut of boughs, ^-c. +i<rf<.ir^r!| n. • BooTT, n. tpoily prey, pillage, v. PiXNiEK. tjjl/. Bo-peep, n. ^pF^n. %^ n. J^ti\si/. BoBAX, n. ^t^pm^R m. J^p^ n. qJl^KHKw. ?{^pft/". ^^I'fl/. MNH'b «. ^IHmRun/. tTT5^J5H »». ?^ OT. BOBBOKTQM, rt. ^1*0 /• 3^/- '"'f"*- JTJTR m. Boeder, n. Jr/ni-, margin, v. Edge, ^pfe »». f<*>iKi m. ^/. Circular b. ^ n. 2 ( esp. of a field ). '^f.'ki m. WV^f. ^ m. 3 ( of a country, a village, &c. ) confine. Jfft^ pop. ^fi^ f.or'^f.or'^m. ^/. ^TT^ ;m)/). ^T^/. Passage of the b. ^ftRTS^PT n. Unto the borders. 3TRffTra. 4 (of a garment or cloth). ipf3 «». ^^HT or ^9|TT m. *iei^ or HlO /• 'FT^. 5T?ft/. *i^/. ?nR n. ^[T/. ntr »«. B. as woven separately or as appended. *KM£l/. ^- Ilemmed or raised b. "frl m. b)T n.m. Ornamental b. ^r^TTP or t(vni«l»». T^w. 7?5T »«. ^3 «. JnrKt/. [/.«R^/. 6 ( as of wells and tanks ) raited edge. v^^m. qr^ /. %rj 2b BoBDEK, r. n. confine upon. ri'lKH-OTn^^-fHT^-r^+'l^ Hwf g. of t. 2bBoBD£B, v.a. ^ m.-&c. rflMuj. Bobdebed, a. V. N.4 Q<<^K, ^51^, T^TT^, I^, Silkb.>f>flO,n(I^^,fJT«T«)*li'Mul, -dw^^ui, f^lHvriul, SRr^,g^^^,'3FfT»«. To be b. again, he regenerated. q«JM.-M»». ^^ ff. of g, BoROPGH, ». ;htt nt?ra TTH^ ^f't^ srf^rf^rftT Trsf^nrarr^ 2b BoBEOW, v.a. — opposed to lend. 3^fqT ^-afTm^,^iIT«Tto»* 2( money, at interest). W^n.-^^n. 5FT^-V"it-^T^-3TT- BOEEOWED,/). v.A^ 1. g"?RT %d^WI, &c. g-ff^rr, T^T'RTfNT, B. for an occasion, — trinkets, furniture, utensil3,&c. vjINNI, ^JTTT^'Jr, ^^n^uil, Tlf^rl'F. 2 Jp^ JpTjrA^r«(4i^i,vir^Nnir=iei^SI or "FtTTST m. ^SOCOBT, /). V. V. f^T?T VHtl^I, ^^ %^5^, &c. ?fft^, 5T>t?T. B. of a private hand. ^1H-tii«c4uf, »Ji, *;). ^ or ^ j. ^/. qR m, 3Wf^ ». 5TT M. <^«T m. T^ m. 3TT^ B. and border. ^frtflcSl m. 4lU^4 m. Bounds. WR^TT «. 'TTOWK ■•• *lM«i m. pi. ^tt^W- it m.fl. »1lRl+HU| n. Orantepping of bound*. 3nnrt?[T /. *flHI(9MH n. ^- Tbe boonda. ^jwft^l/. To obaerre no bounds. ^[^/. ^^of, f'TTT/. ^ ^^. 2 «pri"5r, Ump. ft^flf ». r. ST^, mr, f*^|U» n. PkiI n. t, »fTt, WTW, ?T¥, **l/. 9. »TR, ih /. «rr?/. S (of » ball, Ac ) rebomtd. zmm.T^f. Tt BociTD, r. •. limit, eirewmttrihe, eotffine, drfine. ^tm/.- ^s^ f. oj o. inffT-?nnrT^-«iwfiMk-tii^r^-^'^HirT w, 2 V. Fbaobance. 3Tmi^ w. BocBN. See Bound. [ ^ , To Bouse, p. «. drinh hard, tope. #qut or ^THSt, ^bc^, €1- B0U8T, a.T. Dbunk. %»T^t5r. Bout, n. a* much oJ an action as it performed at once. ^-«rr- ijjt«lv< |R «j, ;>/. «|^ or ^, «pnT m. i^. X/^ *!ft iTot, ^»TK /. ft^ g. oft. VfW n.-qfn n. udf, SFni «. ft^^ Bow, «, reverence, v. Obeisance. f^TftWr n. f^ifl^^/ Bow, n.— the weapon. Mt/. »I5'I5T- BEA BowTEB,n. »»a*er of hows. 7H|U|(f>, make tevse.,\. To TioHTES.fTn'J^, 2 — as a medicine. ^ ^RW, jf?/- ^-*Rot,3ii««*u^, aur- q^ ^, «(c4+ji'{«II «. ^fHsT'TT m. Bbad, «.— kind of nail, ^^mm ^f^p'^f- Hffqr^rf^- 5ET«. To Brao, Bbao. See To Boast, Ac Bbaooaxt, Bkaooadocio. ». T. BoAffraL qrr^ftk f . ^?IT- Bbabma, «. w^ ■». BB'iHVA5, n. VTfnT ■«. »T7 m. ^ m. Tliere are numerous tribes, of which same are "-MIMW*!, ^^ or ^luuR, ^%jTT, ^T^TT, ^-| l < 1, JlI*^*i+.T, *i*«l<»■ f^WUTT or f^5ET, »5Vj, '^RT, ^JI^o5, Pi<'j« or ftpra, ^5E^, ?raT, ^^t:^, ^?r?^, n^, »T«i1^Vv- K | ui.HH or «r5^ or tr^:rrm\ or ^-^^ K«^ or »lTtT?, Some titles or distinctive appellations are ^^, ^^, f^^>«^ l, ^^H'^wt^, »raTW5, ^'JTfT or HIWII, y|«1<«|«wir»>ln^, ftw^, ^F«T^, «?nwm or tflMmul or ^Vir, TPII^W, ^mtwr, #«t», ^*« i '<4V«n po/>. ^m, pnfrft, f^f^. BrdMrnams are bj the shatirat divided into four relig- Moa orders ( fTifrTTi^?VT or ^^fVJif^ "•• Order of the Householder; 8. ^MUtm i mH Order of the Anchorite; 4. «V. V. V. f^uiPy-ll, Ac. ftiffW, 3<Tt^ n. if^wi.JrfSl'^fi.iT'Tnr^wT^^wn M. Creation of one's b. «^r^<<r. Bbaih iicnrBSB, «i. v. A. wtmf. Bbait, h. fw»yA diamond. ^=^n^ M^T «i«. a<^<»^r( ^k^ »»_ H Bbakb, ». M»ci«< of thomt. %\ZK^ n. ^Ft^TPT n. 7t7^^ n. BEA 2 handle of a pump. *it|H| ^51 m.-nzf. 3 ( for whoela ). S^P?^/. «t1t^/. 4 draff. See Habeovt. 5 carriage for training horses. ^S^qjl' »n. ?npT «». Bbamble, n. raijw indicus. J^/. B. berry. ^Nt"F55 n. 2 thorny or prickly bush, — gener. ^i^i?m «. Beak, n. ^m m. gw »»• 2 ( of sprinkled wheat ). ?n^ or rTTTlT m.fTI^n. ?Rf «. 3 — as remaining in fine flour. r[X^ f. Bhak-new, Bhand-new, a. new from the fire or forge, v. New. Bkasch, ». (of a tree) hough, ^i^ »». rfm. ^TT^/. & intern. ■Pf^T or "Pt^TfT m. SpfTT »». <^»»». T^''f, 2 out; ramify, spread diversely, lit. fig. ^^, "Pf^S^, "pf- 5p^, "^"11% m. pi. ^ot 5^. 0/ s."5)»plNui. [^T^t. 3 amplify, speak or write diffusely. Mlr^l* m.-f^TT »». Jb Bhanch, v. a. make subordinate divisions. f^»TFT wi./i.-TT- sf^*ni m. pi. ^^ g. of 0. 2 adorn tcith figured work, ^f-^ m.pl. JpT^,^^!*!- ?rr'^ ^^ft^ *i«"jli. BEANcn CANDLESTICK, n.f^s^TT^ ^]% n. gn n. ^t^?T/n. Bkaxchino, Bbakchy, a. furnished ivith branches, having many branches. 5"s^|>oE 'Pi?rt'^-1>t^'*n=^-4>ui*ll4'»Tf^-&C. B. and bushy. ^rfTT^, ^SIot«c*T, ^i^PTT^T. 2 striking or spreading out — horns, &c. pi «i. ^TW «»• B. burned ( upon hand or arm ) with dung. tTTTT m. Circular b. ^ »». 3 mark of infamy, v. Stigma. 5FT »«• 'F?5^ «». fSilPT «• To Brand, p. a. hum tcith a hot iron. <\\'m or ?m^, ?T^, ^ra^t, Wl CT.-?JRr m.-5^^ »J.-^ W.-&C. ^. 104 BEA 2 fig. jprit, im «.-^i^ m.-^\^^ «.-&c. ?yTT>it. [?npr»». Bband-ieon, Bbanding-ieon, n. il'iufl or smoft/. 4l^«in /. Branded, ;j. v. V. 1. sft^ttt, OT^r f^\?rr, &c. SH"^, il'Ort. 2 5FT^(7T, 5Pfti7, ?5iflrrT, ^rtP+d, ^F^^^Tfj, 2b Brandish, v.a. flourish, M;afe.%55er'f,'1T^Jr'f, 'IH^, f^R- Brandy, n. . Bbavelt, adv. v. A. 1. f^*<^lCl^, 'l^, f^Mdl'f, ^i^inrf)^, Beaveet, n. V. A. 1. qT5^ n. tn^^ «. ^ n. ^JJ^n-f^?!^- rf /. f^TT »!. ^ »«. ?1^«^ m. 2 5[tT^/. '?IH<^lO/. vj'i^Muil m. Bbato, n. murderer for hire. HJX+O' »»."^^^Tr^ ^ftg^wqr «i. Beato, inlerj. ■>?%, m^rrilT or ?r, ^T^, (iT^, ^SPT^PT, ^spT^riTT, 3^, ?5R, ^ifft, W^. Acclamations of bravo ! bravo ! T^mm^f- Beawl, n. clamorous contention, v. Squabble, •^.t^f.f. %■ FJmrT/. ^"nPT^wnPT m. <1*4I. 2 q>44>cci<4l, 'fi'Il-tyi, 'W»)r*4I, WTTS^TTins^Sf-l ^rfUIKI. ]Jeawli>o, n. Y. V. l.—act. ^TTH^ *• TT»n7-&. wt«T/. 3 vtolol on, in/roftion, infrinyement. ifriw^ ". J^tT^f «. ^- T^ ». »fT ■•. ( much used in comp.) >T^ m. ( ia comp. ) 4 ruptmre mmony friende, T. QOAjrnu ^/. ;j?/.?J?9Jt- To heal a b. lt»n^/. MTf?«t, Pl-J?* ». *T^i. IV Buacb, ». «. •!«;(« • hrtmck. fhlH n.-&f. «ni^. * ^I*r/. ( Thia word mcana a cake, and of the tomr at hid»H, dtondkaU, and other inferior graini. It bnoC eommamly applied to a teheaten eake, ) ^f€\ /. ( Thia meana a cake, and of wheaten Hour : alao of the iour of rice, JgondkaU, Ac. hmled. ) ^ m. dim, fp:yn »• hiitf. Thaae worda mean cake, roll, or loaf, and mkaaten, bat they belopft, though they are enongh, to the llinduttini. ^ qtV ». ( Tliia l| ia ferwtenUd bread or a loaf of it. It i« from tho Portuyuete. ) See alto CaKK. —hi eorert or jocoM, Ac phraaeoL W^rft/. »rn^/. B.— fCDOTmlly, iMIir trwa^. t. Foob, *WT ». 3f«m- ^ ■• ^^Nl'fl ». 3*fT ■•. U B. — compreh. h. and cake, h. or cake. 'fW'T'RT «. HI*<| m. B. made of flour of yarious grains parched and ground together. %nn^ n. MMun-^Hi*ttfT f^^. To begin to get one's b. ?frlf m?r f». ^ y. of ». To be reduced to b. and water, ( to a crust of b. Ac). tjuHun fHf, fffl'if, H«T^, W^t, »ri«. 1)^^. 0/0. 6 interrupt, ^e. y. To Stop, ji^fif, iftpft /.-»ihl«». «IWi!|, ^l«.-^?Jm. ^>T^ y. ofo. 6 in; /am*, trainer. To Diiciplikb. ^H^, VTJn9|,TtirTtfT, 'FiTTWit, iiwflti- »r«« orforet efen. T^^izitorz^^^^'^tl^y f^^- "SKB lod 9 up; lake to pieces, 3<^*uf, f»Hj(otuj, f^oBwf, R)^*/.- si^rAI 3^3 y! ^FT't, -Jrt'liui, -3'^+'l"l, ^^T^J^'T «. 'liT'r. 10 ( wind ) crepitate. "TT^, "TT^m. J?JT^-^PI^OT, T^/i. 11 disclose, "frliijl, »IK1, kc. %^, H^»T^, f^^nrnF,^^TT«ft,Hn-&c.q^. i/^T^T^n. I. leave breaking against a rock. «««M«(< 3iH». Bkeakisq, «. V. V. A. I.— ac<. i^re^rt. HTpifn. Ac. iT^m. JT^Hrt. ^ITn. JTlTHw. ?«^m. t-^i'-iw. Bbf.ak-wateb, «. qroft V>lf^''<^l+n.Hl-3isr^"Hi n. (answer- ing to temple of the breast.) \^,M'h*^ri n. WT.^TWt 78. ^ n. »T^ n. Weight upon one's b. TtT^T^T 'ft^-vnTi-^T'n n.-ii. [ sSTOT. To suspend or restrain the b. JTHTH'TH m.-^TTTI'Tm «». To suffer to take b. ?»T m. ^f. To take b. ^ m. ?ST^-^-«rT«f, To waste ( or lose ) one's b Jllsi-'ft^l'P/.MHNwi, TR^^- ^ m. ^^. 2 ( of air ), V. Breeze, ^^t/- «rT=m^ ^ /. BSEATn-LESS, a. out of breath. %^, <^»irtrti. 2 See Dead. To Beeathe, t). n. respire. »i\^^^m pop. "•rniV'^T^ «. g. of s. s^TW »i. afm^ i«. «o«. 2 /oie breath, have an interval of rest. T, To 'Rkst. ffH m.^I^-ipit-eT^, TRRT or 3HI^1 w. JT^ot, S^T^or TFTW w. ?TW or inv. con. TS^Jt, 3THTT »»- ^T'T. 3— the air. Wow softly. ^A^'i^i, ?p5^ adv. ?T^, ij- 4 — hard, laboriously, &c. ^ >».-»5rRT »». c^Fl^ in. fO». ^ OT. 'qS't, IjWfJK w.- y^+KI OT. er^i^sSTT or HT m. 5 out; expire forcibly. yy+.K"!', ^*i*K«i, ^^T^H w,'^- f BRE 107 BRI m To b. one's laat, e:cpire, t. To Die. ^m^l*. fl*tTif,inT- To Bbeathe, v. a. t. To I«hale. JSl«l«l*J<(i ^'if, W^t-, f^. 2 utter softly. ^-TTt^-Ac. ^R^t. 8 dudote, t. To Tell, ^z^, T|; »». *toty. o/ o. Not to b. a Rjllable of. •^♦K?i«^ m.-i(-&c. sf ^rtrif. 4 into; inject by breathiny. "^X^T^fr^ ^T?^. 6 out; ^>rf *y hreathiny. 'SmM<1*l< flYr»f. 6 erpre**, thotc, t. To Masifest. 5T^f^_ B&KATBER. n. Bbeatbixo, />. a. T. V. N. 1. anJ LiviKO. BsEATBi5a, n. T.v. >'. 1. — art. *> w. X^'^ w. irmr- TT ii». ( These worda express differences in the manner). BlEATHiTTO-PLACE, «. tpirocle, vctit, air-holc, 3^3T^ pop. ^HT^ m. F?TT, iH»''A>i5 1. Bbeo,/.. t. V. 1. T -M^V<»^I , Ac. jq^. 3 'ii«-i-ii, Ac. f,^iii->«i *Tt5T *rtrti. Bbkech, II. ikw, bottom, itl/. T^TJff »». i^ «. J^TT ♦!. 2 hinder part, r. Back. MIAIHI'MI *Tni »». ?^TT»T «. 8 breeches. Tlic Tsrieties are kneeb. ^^/. ^toBWTT »». i. _;i«#/ eoreriny the potteriori. «||<-^g601T m. B.jutt eovrriny the th iyht. H\l-^'i.v\\ or ntsfT^toS'TI "». Woman that wears the b. J^n^tTT^^/^Ttft'Rff^/. To wear the b. V\tt/- ^n<^. To Buxcb, t. o. fen- /.-Ac. ^T^. 2 JT^T^-Ac. •mw(. To Bbccd, ». o. generate, ewjender. 3?q^ ^^, 3r"n^, T- SJf'f, ifVI*^ »^.•73^T^^ n.-Tf». Cool and balmy b. ^ittTg^il ^ »i. Land-b. ( i. c. from the E. or N. E. ) JTfTtTf /. Sea-b. WH^i^s^i ^TTT »». Beetubes, ». HUT »». />i. *rg^T^ m. pi. Sft^ ,«. ^jZ. 2 gener. i. anrf n«w relatives. HT^ij^ «». />/. • ! Bbevet, n. «'HMl'^-«t^HMI^-&c. q^/. Bbemart. See Abeidoment. Bbevftt, n. V. A. 2. 3T?7?FT/. ^??mTHR»». 3TftRT^. 2 devite, Sfc. T. To Scheme. sittTwt, tinNAJJ , r^. Zb Bbew, v. n. fig. ic hatching, — mischief or evil, fq^, Beibb, n. ?n^ / 3T?TF«T n. ^rlUJI'II? n. TPTf re:/. I^JFT/. w. Bkick-DITSt, a. of the colour of b. ^^V^ or ^C^. BkICK-IIL9, n. ^!jt>f. 108 BET Bbidal, a. iSHUl, n>«(I^NI,^«(ir^^, ^S_lf^+, f^^T^^fn^, Bbidal, n. nuptial feast. AHUHHm. r«>«Jl^r««( f». cii<l4 «. Bbidk, «. ST^/. ?rf/. ?T^«|;/. ^^VS\J. An adult b. vHluirfl ^K^tXf. vIluiHl ^/. B. and bridegroom. ^^ or ait^n. qY^'1W ^T^t- Some of the numerous terms expressive of rites and ceremonies observed by or towards a bride, of presents made to^and of persons and things pertaining or relat- ing to a bride, are inserted hero. Particular inform^ ation can, whenever desired.be obtained upon consult- ing the M. and E. Diet. aTTHrft, *'<4I5?^, vH I UN^ l, >»ll<'l«(?T^, ^, f^»»|UI4'«I m. B. inferior ( in age or size ) to his bride. f^uKfi. Departure of the b. for the marriage. ^TJT^VTTrt. Father of the b. ^^^PTw. tKfHHlm. Flowers, &c. bound around the brow of the b. wit- oft or Hi'i(£\f. HiH'i or M4Ncf^/. Full grown or big boy standing as a b< ^R^n^m. Man sent to bring the b. ^^^in^w. Mother of the b. mH\M f. ^MI «• [ of y. 0/ «. To put one's b. in the jaws of. *fnff %?PT/. "RTfl- Bbidle-bakd, n. fJi'imm ^ttt «. Bbidle-eoad, rt. ^fk^\z/. [ W^. To Bbidle, v. a. put a bridle on. fSTTT m. f. ^-Via^i-^^. 2 restrain or guide by a Iridlt, lit. fig. T. To Bestbaik. To Bbidle, ». n. AoW u;j the head and draw in the chin. HTT To b. up ( under huff, Ac. ) jn^. [ 5^^. BbIDLED, p. V. V. 1. rt'IIHr4r^rJl-lJMA«|-^et3I, t5»im- 2 rf'imirj V|<«rH, &C. 3HH<^rfl, SR^R^OT, STTf^. Brief, n. epitome, v. Abbidoment. ^TT^ «, SIr'RT /. ftrenTPTPfm- _^ Bbieb, n. wild rose. l(fi 'W'Mfl «• BbIOABE, «. ll.- Bbiqakd, n. «i4+^, ^s^iipsi, jl, BbigaHdage, n. j'STf/ JST^ »■ ^fTJ/^lI^ •• Bb^QHT, a. shining, lucid, luminous, lusirovt, radiant, resplendent, refuljent, Sfe. g«ToE, wVfrf or 3, •«i»riH<<,Bfr»T, ^vfT- m, rr^=^, &c. fpmo5, ?r3T:^T?^, -^ifftiiH, 5m?T^, m^^' IfTFT^, SPTT^, ;T«SI^, ^*n^, ^iTflHl^, 3HMt*n, 3^, — intens. ^omin^, blazing, Sfc. y. Olabhto. vh*«(**, Bfil 109 BM 2 — not dull, -v. Shaep. MUHuRh, «ft^, Jl^, ^^^, 8 — ft colour, dear and/uU. T^TT or "fi^TT. [ ^. 4— the moon-beame, fw, ft^THTTW, P-M Briohtkx, t>. n. become bright. 4-\-i^^ t^TlT ^^, ^' 2up ; become clever, ^e. g^R«f, ?ft?for-?ftJr-Ac. ^^. BusHTEmfe, *. t. V. A. l.—aet. 3^*To5 ^^ n. 4-A'i.v\ n. BUOHT-KTED, a. 'M<|,S*1'1 SlocWl^I. Bkiobtlt, «H«iM"ll«. Ac. 35%^/. rt^rn. rt^pft 2 (md SBi.BFirKss. i^[l^{^f. jf^fft^fn /. Bbilluvcb, Bbillixxct, «. V. A. 1. »*rl+1 /• <1*H*T/. 'Wf^/. OTH^o»-fiBrafe»ft/«'W^/-«'T*niorift/. «•««/ W«^/. IRE^flP^rT^^W^ n.— intens. a^p^- *nr •. 3*1^/. ^i*i¥t/. nvT^/. <<*'«<*i4»». w«tii; 2 T. LusTKZ. IT'ft*. %^«. Bbiluaict, «. tparldtng, glittering. rf^rltOK, d*fl^>\fl, 'Wt- ^^frr, •1*li4n<1, tlomoflH, toccofln, |)o(.4><>cl4>, 3TT^ 4^, 4>J|«MM»1'H<<5i, smf^, 7forth.ortolight; v. To Pcbltso. :T%^-g^Tfi%?f- 8 forward • v. To Adduce, ji ^^, 3ttt 'R't, >JM''/^ 0. [01%. 14 105 rettore to conteioutneu. ^^^-^iTPTRrT-Ac.gTT- 15 under ; v. To Subdue. ^MI^I^Tl-J'^Mld-HH^Id-BnT- »Tf»T- Ac. a<|U|Oi, ^^ ^T^. 16 up; V. To Beab, To Educati. qToPT't, tt« in, curb, v. To BESTBACir. sn^t^-aft^T-A*. To be brought up by, Hopped in progreu by. %qwr, BsnrjAL n. eggplant,— the plant. ^Mt/- fm^ / irTT« M. — the fruit, ift't «• «i<1H> n. Summer b.— the plant, fl^^w i^Wt /. — the fruit. IJ>^ltt wt^ n. Bbinjabbie, n. carrier of grain, Ife. «|U|vHIHI< l m. BBiirr, BBrNisH, a. ««/<. ^TTT, ?TR^, fTT^, B«I«B, «. tprightly, gay, v. Livelt. aTT^, WW^., ^TPT^- 2 ««ftr*, y«ict, ^T. T. Smabt. ^^;?, ^iWT, y^tlT, ^17^, BTmn, M^T^ or iinit^. 8 buey, /(e. t. Bubtlino. ^5tqWT,»IP»OTT, m^fM \ ^ li'Mf t. 4 — of towna, Ae.Utely, v. Sw aiming. nanriftH, »i5»^aftw. S— trade, MJe, Ac. f^lii, " BBO lid B!!0 G (of fire) tnvT'ft?l, tm«T»fHT. 7 efferveteing, S^TTRT, 3r?l?f"TT^'FrT-^mW. Bbisket, ». arc »». Beisklt, o(/r V. A. 1. S'fSRTT^, STR^frft^. 2 ^J^r^t^, ^q^^T'i", &c. ^=5nT or ^, ffS^f or jrt, ^R^or '2FT, 5rTJp5T-^-&C. ^^nr, tll^ or 5FT, ^TWf, ^T3ff^, ^mt- — intens. =ErTr^T, ^^m, 5TKt, SJ"7HIM, ^TTlf. 5 ^vftTT, >TTHft%, frr^<-, «m«M, &e. [ ^fcT/. Beiskness, n. v. V. 1. 3"«5T?rt'mT m. &c. 3TH?rff?T /• 31?T- ^<^i+!> oj- =;r?^T^ /. ^q^rTT/. ^^m??? «. B. and duluess ( of trade, sale, &c. ). ^3ft»i'^/. Bristle, m. ?ts m. ^f?T »»• ^J^ «». «. Bristles. ^5??)^? »«. ;;/. 3*0 Beibtle, v. ».— the hair. HT^^olf, '^gT^f^ or '-i|t*n?of, 4TTR^, thttSt, ;t*tp:^ /. fr^y. 0/ *. 2 «e< j/^ ittjeathert — a bird. f^nTof. To Beistle, v. a. --jt'^T^St or VT^iNUI, a'HTTdi. Beistli, a. «f^ with britdes. ^Srf*IK^, ^ff^, Broadish. %^, ^>J5. A'^ery b. ^:^, ^TJ or ?^. 2 gross, coarse, rudely plain, blunt, ^'c. *(T<»l(!'t>m4 ». dm»A /. ?57^ "». f%T^n^ »». False b. or lace rfl^Hil^?'"/. Old b. fringe, Ac. v>lflwrfl'M/. ««lM'n/. ^ir^T^^ /. 'li'M I ♦■«(/• ^?Pf^/. ?T- 4+1*4+'!/. To Beoil, «. a. Ht^ or ■H^fjii, HI>*H'n/.-*1M<»ln.-Hr3rTn.- T^ ». ^^ 5'. 0/ 0. To Broil, v. ?j. ^MU|. 2 fig. suffer from the sun, Ac. dotdotoi, ^. Beokes,^. a a. V. V. A. 1. »fl4rilrtl, Ac ^-^., ^T?^, 5- B. and battered. rtili^4T or ^ST^pT. I. discontiniu>us,interrupted. Hpf^^.W\., ^^,5^^,fftfT^. II.— a discourse, utterance, Ac ^^, 3?:^r. III. not entire., incomplete, odd. ^si^, ^%K. BeOken-hearted, a. *nr|5^, f^RT^^, ^\^i Hwrr- Broken-kneed, «. ^^rVT 'j^sM^i-^ti. Beoken-meat, n. g^rtr* 3Rr«. H^*?r^«»./>/ ^'nini-AwtpZ. ?TH f ^ ». f%5m% «. ^HTBT n. ^ ^ i'^W. i BRO 111 BUO BftOKU'KKSS, n.feding of luxation if relaxation, v. Exhavs- iios. JTTw. irTw. Hli+ir/. <3<«i »». <3'«*ii w. ^<^roi or To have the fueling of b. ViM-i't. 2 (*8 of a floor or pavement). 3Ti^. BKOEEaAGE, n. T. N. 1. hutinett of a broker. ^T^\^f. ^OT- I. Aire orpaif of a broker. M\r^ /. '^^^^Z- Bkonchial, o. belonging to the throat. •|««<|-><1, ^FOT, SpOTfT, BiOSCHOCELE, II. Tp^^JSm. »T^m. H^MIMH m. B»05cnOTOiiT, n. "^TW^Xn^f^n. NI^HI'IHI'IH n. Beosze, «. h I «.< Brood, r. n. ineulnte. qmr/ VW«*I, 'J^f^/ ^^i ^T- f?nT ■». ^^. 2 am; ponder over. «mTm.-fsn^«.-&c. mK^ «Rr3V, f%. TT *^ WH^f, «r^'i i*rif. BbOOD, n. hatch, the trhole hatch. ^^/. t(n n. [^.». 2 6re«'i/, progeny, hatch, Sfc. t. OrpsPBiNO. qTTTtre. f^TJI- BiooK, Bkooklkt, n. ?. Bivdlet. 3^VTm. m^m. ^|^«& »». A clattering b. W35T?ft/. Drr bed of a b. -iillf"! «•. To Bkook, r. a. put up with, r. To BciS. vt^, ?nf«t, y some tie. *Trs »». ^^ w. Bbotheb n<-i-AW,n.«v/e'« brother. i(^ui| w. s^n^^w.SJTTt^w. 2 sister's husband.^^Wm. Sqit^* WS'^T?^ )». ^T^^fW^inJ. TT'Tm.*TR>^w. BBOTHEBnooD, fl. Ml'*»l'^+ft or TT^e^/. *<1*M(l**(^/. *< I AHU || or Hlfnuil »». HT^?[rt^/- HT^n m. Hlt^K »». «i- ^HT^ w. ^^t^ «■ Bbotheelt, adv. HI*M>'H'^, *ii^-^ki'I, •ii^«l<^, *i^i«iM, Bbodobt, />. T. V. 1. y«|uiftrtr, Ac. 3TT'^, 3TT^?T. 2 jttI^, mw. [ w/. Beow, n. arch over the ei/e. HT^ or H^ or pT^/. g^/'. To knit the b.s HSRTt^ iMt/. pl.-wi^f. 5Tr^,^T^7n 2 M* arch of hair over the broio. Hraf or »T«fj or \vmif. «r /. B^ /. H^ %n »»• f^- 3 V. I'OBEnEAD. ^mm n. f*1«o5 or Pl^W k. >nB5 ». By the sweat of the b. V\uf, I^ »«. ^i. ■MC<IV<»ft/. ST"!^, «mTT m.^-^Ttit, Bbowbeatiso, w. r. \.—act. ttit '^*f5 '?\T5^ «. Ao. 'T^mwi. Bbowh, a.^, f^<1l'qr,^I^T»ft, fTrf^^, ^7t5*ft. N. B. These words express difTcrcut sluides of browu. Brownish, ^ii_\^^. Dark b. m HH otl, fifTn. Light or reddish b. ^TT or >itTT, m5>**3S«TPT n. f^^hi'^'n^ n. To Bbowse, p. n. feed on branehes, leaves, . V. V. 1. -eftlftpSr, %^T^c5T, Ac. ^^^l, «JtH»0, H- 2 <^<«I4^rtI, ^<5p5rfl, Ac. [ T^/. Beoit, n. V, Eepobt. 3T^/. STP^/. tHK«.<< l/. ' I MNM I w. To Bbuit, p. a. now abroad, t. To Noise. ir^TT^^t, ^tf^^- &c. ^>Tot. Bbvual, a. belonging to the winter. |^«| | (»<< | t( r,'^,lT7^. BauNETTE, «. tcowian o/ a dark complexion. '| ot^i«k^ or^jT- Bbunt, n. Aea< or violence of. fRT^ ». fT?T^ or H4lHvH|ui. Bbushwood, n. gr^/. ^17 or ^JT n. gyrHt ITT^/. 2 branches lopped. ^^o5 ». 4K4^U|, 2 V. To E0STLE. 4>4*i"Ji, ni, 3 stupid per ton, y. Fool.^^T^ m. vifST m. jItPITot. (/. Bbutish, n. resmbling, Sfc. a beatt. I^J^T, 'ns?i«t'«ft, T^JjFnT' 2 r«rfe, uncivilized. ^\^^\J*lct| m. >i>j.K »«. ^5 «»• BUBMLINOLT, Oi^B. ^fmH or rrf ^^H?^ Or !jt, T^H^ or ^, BuBBY, «. V. Bbeast. 5r m. armr w. f*r(ft/. ^?fr3j «. Bubo, n. — yenereal. «l^ w. Ho5 w. 2 — sympathetic. 3H«4»>|UII m. 3T^^IT^ ». Buck, «. beau, blade, blood, spark, swell. «tM^+ or git^^ TTR^I^P or V>F, '5' 0^ Aore. ?RIT w. [ «l«i»fi f». Bucket, «. ite »»• <^»«». ste^/. *lisu^ «. ?f^ »• ^(^ «• Some particular kinds are ^\^ m. (of metal or wood ), ?te «•• <^i»». 5lrf-4l/. (of leather or wood), ^lr!<(l / (of leather or wood and used esp. on board ship ), ^l?/. ( of a draw-well), a?|+ffl /. ( b. of the transverse beam and stone ). Buckish, a. g^r^r, lf1M<^l<, wA-^i, »irt»«n«i or »«irtij BucKisHLY, oJi;. T. A. UM?|+1^, Ac. T^fW^i^T, di*»iR<»ii Buckishness, ». V. A. tfM'j--ht or grqft/ 3!TR5^ ornt^/.. ST^T/. » 'l '»HP.'-<> r »»• ■il+HP-.+ril w. ^+nr4«T «. '^fW- ^/. TTT/ i^ «• SIHsJrl m. ^jTR m. Buckle, ». ^% M*K^ 3i4+*(U| «. ^^¥/. ^e^TT^^^/ I BIJP 118 BFL To BccKLE, r. a. ^-^^^ aii+f^ui, ^^^>tT^tlT, tnt, tNl or ?(Nl, »Tfi^, — in •ndaannent, disparagement, or contempt. ^^^ or «=(- B. earrjing elcren montha. 3TV^inft*j^. Toong female b. ^f. ^\zf. Bcrr AL='TT w. JT^^B^TT w. U|t»f) !?R^?5r- BuooT, n. gig. ^ 41*^1-^ TT^/ «Fft/. BuQLE, n. V. HoE5. HfTlft/. HtrfVl »■ V^Tm n. sit^T «». 2 J. a. construct, ^q^, T^, ^HR^Jf, 3^^^, ^q^/.-?*rRfT/.-«rf^/.-^f?f5ft/- ^^g. ofo. To b. castles in the air. 3TT«^ff ^ •it'Tot, H5T:^f%/. Tt^^rr^ sTTf&r^jff 5=^ ?^. 2 up ( doorway, &c, ) f^uiuf, f^T^J^ K\^- To BciLD, c. n. depend on, rest on. m^m m.-f^>^^ »«.- 3T*riT n.-&c. %?r^, ^^rnJlr wi/A ^. Bdildeb, ». V. Masos. »wit, ?T^ m. ^R^rt^TTnT. Master b. ^rerft. Building, n. v. ¥.—<«•<. ifftTot «. ^^ n. &c. »lttToft/. fTT- Cost of b. ^tnm^ns/. I. a b. edifice, structure, fabric, ijf^ / ^HUH/. ^3r »». A long b. ^^m. A long narrow b. ^fl5t/. ^ft^TTsE/. B. composed of four slips. ^fhfNY/. B. having a roof of two slopes. J'lTWt/. JHtoJt/. — of four slopes. -sJ^Mifft/. ^fHtcff/. B. of two rooms lengthwise. J'rf/. J^/ — of three fjT^/ fiWtt/.— of four 'ifWf /. ^?hltt/. Buildings of some other forms or constructions are designated bj the epithets flr^MI^, ^jnrft, f3TT<\i^i, 4)iH<4, 'F^;^, =FTT^, "i^. BcLBUL, «. Indian, nightingale, ^f^^^ or ^^T^JT^rf]' m. Bulge, n. protuberant part. ^TZ n. ^TT «. ^TTTr m. To BvLO'E^iV. n. jut out, swell out. ^^ j«.-tN) w.-^f'P n.- ^1T »».-*'! K I »». ^ in. con, g^T? «• ^T^iily. 0/ ». tjilotuj. 2 See To Bilge. BiTlimt, n. HtHilM «». Afflicted with b. HtHil ^ft. Bulk, n. «««, magnitude, v. Size. 3TT^R»rFr«. 55 «. STT^ or Bullock-pass, n. ^ qi? «i. BULLOCK-EOAD, n. if^qfR/. i?77:?Fn' «». ij^KT^ ««. Bully, «. v. Hectoe. q^=€fFpio5 m. prm^rsnT »»■ ^«. 2V> Bump, v. a. v. To Tdump. ^Vfi/.-VII^ w.-qs^/.-vrTFI To Bump, v.n. thump against, v. To TpUMP, *TT5-^?5T-^-&c. -'Pr5-^^-^-&c.-tni-5p^-^-&c. F?mof, q^^/.-«n^ m.- »r5^/.-'tre^ »». rflMui-SRT^ in. con. tTTfot. Bumping, «. v. V. A.— act. ^fj^f. *Tf^ w. ^TTP/- tTPFT"». V. v. '^.—act. vw^f. «ra^ OT. V5^/. '«T5^ »». B. ( of a calf, kid, &c. ) whilst sucking. |Koft/. fHqft / fsjft/ #^ »»• fl^ »»• f^ »»• f^/- f^^/ 5- BuMPEE, n. brimmer. *n^?5T ^<^ "»• 'K'JJMrti »«. Bumpkin, «. cZown, v. Countetma*. t^^Mloj^ c. ^inhii* Bun. See Caeb. I BTJN 115 BUB BCKCB, n. Jkuneh, protuberance, t. Hump. iviS or it*^ n. t- •J m. jnt n. g^ m. B. of a camel's back. IT^/- 2 V. Clusteb. m m. ^<(I «. ^M*l «. ^[^ »•• ^ "»• ^T- W( If. 5T^^ w. 5^^ m. 8 flBwi^T /!>l m. ^H*l m. ^^TFT m. 'frST m. 5 ( esp. of flowers ). U^ «. To BcscH, e. n. ItRJw'r or ?«ii5|, itaoEot, ^TcS n.-Jbc. ^^. To Buscn, p. a. qtw w.-^T^ ii».-&c. qttT^ y- ofo. BL-5CHIXZ38, fl. V. A. 5«[%^rtt/ nisi^HUII W. Bi>CHT, «. groteing Sfc. in buncke*. 5p#^, ^H^<^1<, »ft5T- £i'SDLE, «. ( a« of clothes, Ac. ). itsft «. l »». ^N% «• ^tTc5r m. dim. RH-fl or eft/. »il'.*i «. 2 tkiny bundled together, — gener.Wt'.f.enhane. '^tKT^m. and dim. n\*.rf[ or ^^^/. dim. ^W^/. & ^%»«. & Aggregate of five bundles, qr^^m. 5 ( csp. of rice-straw ). jft/. 6 — long or spheroidal; ttraw eate. Wf\m. TitT or ^3^n. 7 ( M of matches, greens, sticks. Ac. ). bunch. ^^«ft/. 3{ITm. dim. '3^f. ^^mrw. '^l^w- or ^T^w.& 3^I%». »rtt «" n^/. ^irerst. ^jfii or !g^n». ^ynzrw. ^v^m. ^niis*. 5'^*- 8 ( as of papers) jjoc**/. ?WI^^/. jrFTm, or Ji^n. ^IT M. i/i«». 5i. Bi;xoaix>w, h. Aomm. ^^i^m. To BCVOLC, ». ■. perform clumtiJy. yfimWl^^.-'iftWX^lWt W^n.-mwtt *TKii.- ^M'l*IM«.-JHijX*IHi».-Ac. VT»f, To BfJroLi, e. «. roM/«, JoTTT«.-Ac. tTMWf-^r- ^, TTT^rTfT-TTTTil'trT-Ac. qiT't. BUBDENED,/7. V. V. 1. t^^i^, ^Tfl MMr^«T-Ac. 2 »TTTTKT, HKI+M, HK'ftfia. BCBDEMSOUE, a. jriewut, ^c. v. Afflictive. 3fi, >Trtt, 5- 2 V. CUKBEBBOltE. jf^, J^, 3T^^, a^lf^H. BcBxao, n. f ! m \ ^^f [ f. 2 department. ^ n. Bna. See Bobocgh. BtnJOLAB, n. M<ot,^|^r|u||U|u)', ^'W ^, ^w. fpit ^q/i. 4 ( with emulation, eagerness, desire ). ^cj^efii)', ^T^- 5 (in being cooked);— food. ^;rT^,''l9S'f,3rt^/. SnfJf in. con. si'i"!, ai'i*"!, ^io6«|u|_ G— corn fields, country, &c. 6e lurnt up, parched, qfTTT- "^, 'JT^S^, -^ol'iui, *!OT'»f , ^nwf, ^^^i^, *nr»Tn^, 8 ( in the throat, stomach, &c. ). vHo&^ctiit r. impers. ( as 'fWri-^Tt?r-5nTt. ^, ^^'^TH'it, t)«iTU|<^, v/i*'<.anJJ, «I- S'P'if, <''K«i ado. ^^. 10 ^>iy/« ^'c. icith heat, v. To Smaet. ^T^Tsf, ^T^'T- 11 out. ^3T^^ n^ ^W, ^»itT-&c. OTlcET^, 3TT- BuBNED, Bubst, p. V. V. A. 1. v^ l ot^rtl , Ac. onofk, M t i{ »n. con. T. V. N. 5. <|,<4HSrll, viloWrfl, &C. ^TTT7. Victuals b. in the dressing. ^TT/. Wf^/. BcBNEE, n. BuBurso, p. a. v. V. A. 1, vnoTOTTTT, &c. ^TE^, V. v. N. 1. v/l*uiKI, v*1«ni, ^Jl^trf , ^Jxifrtd, ^^R, UIH»unH, ^uKuOh, (rTTvpftfT. I. — as poisons, medicines, &c. 'jiMri., '^iM or gT=r. BuBN-iNo, m. V. V. A. 1. ^loior n. &c. ^ »». ^r^ ». ?^ «. T. V. N. 1.— state. vjoEor n. ^^ ». vj<4rfrj », 2 -Hotul n. rR^ ». 3 wfoEut «. &e. ^ r». ?tdlM «. 4 ^?r?mt n. &c. ^f^m^f. w^f- ^'^ o*" '^f- ^^ or ^TTTor ?T«». 7 «tit*TT/. intent. q^TTTT? «• ^«(jfci /. intens. vfZ^»T5ET^ w. ^ or ST^ «. F"!^^/ i'^- *)"l«"<. ^o&'j)'*/. intens. 3jctui /. juifui/. ^ or 3T^ j». H>U|<*il »». t|0l4>KI w. intent. ^v\^>i\\i m. [ ^ n. BuEXTsa-GLAss, n. . a. polish, f^^^ ^sT^r, vjNdo49r, vivHotufl/. ^- f^pft/.- &c.^-3Tm^. [ &c. ^UIKI. BUEKTSHEB, «. V. V. f^+rJIT OT f^^ti'lK, 7^>T3^, 3Tt7- I. (fo^'« tooth, stone, Sfc. used to humith. H'l^O m. sfrr- oft/. arrTOcEj/. ^r^ »». BCBKT-OFFEEINO, 7*. ^jm m. ^?R «. BuEBOw, n.hole of an animal. f«l^ pop. ^t^n. st^fl n. qhfT- ^ »». <^ n. tlR/ ^RT «• [CH^pif. To BuBBOw, V. n. sftcS n.-^ft^Fr^ «.-'ft?THT w.-f^ n. ^^-^- BuESAE, n. \kPr^, ■^fl'iui, ■jni'iuf. To b. in pieces, ^itictuj^ gT^rzof, To b. into tears. tI «■ W^T^. in. con. To b. with laughter, ^^m ^t^frff STfrTit n. pi. Tot'TT- 2 forth, out, away, &c. e^ToEwf, «d^*«l, f^wf, ^^ sif|? p BTTS 117 Brs 8 through. r|5 v»tt^, ^j^ f^re"t,«RT- 7b BcHST, c. a. 'ptl'fr, SfT^Sr, ^tr? «».-^^?tT5T •»• ^»^y- o/^ o. BcKST, n. tudden explotion — of anger, &c fR^ «. fR^- ^ m. ^/. 3^oft/. ' [ ^^fer. BvKST. /). V. V. N. 1. V,.^'?!, &«. 5=1^, 5'.1>< , 5^^, ^7, V. V. A. W<^l, *l*'*rtl, ?5?, ^Rd, f«i«(P-«i, 1*1^1 ferf, ^^tw, f^TTftT. BcBSTrso, n. v. V. N. 1. — act. ^^ n. tn'-"i «. *;5^i n. fsf- T. V. A.— act TH^ n. 4c. ?«^ m. tVl'-i ». BcKTHCT. See Bcsdeit. To BcBT, V. a. inter, initmuife. J^, 'inwl, 'i*^^, *rT«ft or ^ N. ^7^ ^. o/ 0. 2 ( one's self )— ao in a Ma(h. J^ST %ot, TT^ %of. 3 ( seed, Ac ) KnffH-Ac. Mlrtfli. 4 overwhelm and eoter. >TIT "R^, To be buried, qr? |t^. 6 ( in oblivion ) »nf(t/- MM'Ji-f^I'li^ xciti m ofo.f^^- fn/.-Ac. TTIof with J. of o. BcHTCTO. BuBiAi,. •. V. V. — mH. ^ykn. »ni^ «. HlJft^^I «. Ac. w^ "■ HiHIfft/. B. and boming ( of the dead ). ^HH ^^ •>. Self b. (of a Sanyagi). *iHlf^/. m. pop. ^mm/. ». ^. Br«n5o-«Koinn), Bxtbtiso -place, n.v. Ckmktkbt. itsptt ^ >j1I*II/1 H*(«n^<0/. Hft<^«. >)H*jnkn«min< BCSH, n. ^ITT or ^|T«. FT»«. Clow and dense b. fff^w. ^»HT»«. >fi'ii«». ^l"ft/. Fbee OTemin with bonhes. y^ or jrf^ or 5*7«t, To beat the buahes ( to raise game ). 1X^%. 4STV^, 2 /ai/y ^rancA irotrti o^ C/o 6* »rf 4-c J. «rf^n. ^m. BrsHtL, «. ( of the naxe of a wheel), f^. f*rft/. 2 ^ C^tKTT 3ny. BcsBivxss, «. T. A.l. ol%<«. ^^|TT«.<^'|| |fi,9i<^/. fttqioCn. BcsHT,«. tkiek^tfe. likfob. ^tm3,frt^Tr^T,^^HTIT^,f*rfir?. To grow b. trNrsif, fr!*r«t. 2/uUoJhutktt 3 ( tail, Ac. ) Bcf ILT, adv. 4^*X^%^ f>HWH«|»J<^5. Bi'(i5ESS, «. tmfitoyment; teeupaiion. ^^n. ii^«. a^fplm. CWW »• ^'."jI m. W^fi. •^iHi'w. T^PTm. U)4|| 5 province^ office, ^mn. ^;^n. ^y^mm. q^ROT/i. ^w. Ziqrm. HRw. 3T^kTT/. 3T^/. 6 /r«^c, T. Teabe. T^w. Qui^i)i». yiHiS or trimrs/. Extensive or vast b. Ht^ +IH'IMlw. airfl'lt-rJ'K-H^f- S-Ac. *lfl+iM'«l*<«l^lO pop. %5^T^m. m^m. Skilled in b.w<». 2 jesting-stock, laughing-stock, qi^^cE n. HIilt* m. %- 3 ( of a horned animal), ^tgr/. f^'Sft/. ^»niftor%- 4 Hi% m «• To Butt, v. a. f^T^ojf, |?rwf, j<^ivf or f'^Tlwf, §ilg »• F71M «. «i«fT M. TrPTW. 2— as applied to A spruce and glittering but empty fcllotr, and as synonymous with Jay, Popinjay, Oostamer, Fluttering Spark, Airling, Fop, Cock's comb, Baweock, &c. some correspondent terms are TTfe^^TT^ ^, ^- BuTTEBis, n. gspTTTWrn. BuTTEE-MiLK, «. ?n^ «. ?T5p n. Some terms of abuse for Bui- iermilk considered as weak and wishy washy arerTT^^- oft n. i\*:H^(\ n. qi^ T^^, «J(4"Ji, *lt?^- Button, «. At\f. Jcnir n. Holding by the b. H'KfHift/- 2 ( of wood, to fasten doors, Ac. ). R(»i»n/. 3 — gencr. an^'T «• 314+*!"! »• 4 XrnoJ or boss fitting a loop.^^S^f. 53B# n. fiRt or^«. Note. These words also mean the knob & loop together. To Button, v. a. ^\H 3T5^e1%^, g^^/f^- ^TTt^, ^TS^f^. BuTTOK-noLE, Button-loop, n. ^tflif^ «■ f^ «■ ^^^^ "»• 5?^/. 5^/. JPTST m. ^^\m. BuTTEEss, ». V. Peop. ^ m.'^^ m. %^ f- f^m. fwm m. M«^M n, OT. BT-t 119^ jT* Buttsess, r. a. ?hKT m.-&c. ^. [ HlrH^. BcmucEocs, BuTTEors, a. aiu^^Hl, t^PTT, (^n>l^,'T^5ft- 2 — of milk; rich^fat. RTonT, R+ui, ^TTS. BOXOM, o. ^ay, hlythe, Ac. t. Liveli. 3s5I^, vi"^k, 'C'ft, BciOMLT, aJc. \. A. TfTrafifr^, ^I^<()MU1I^, »?MIHIM, BcxOilXEss, n. T. A. -STR^WwrTw. 4^ I « ^frj/. « t^M '^| PH /. To BcT, e. a. f^TH ^, ''ifT^ ^Tot, «O<0 /--^PT «.-"*^"ll «. *?^ y. of 0. nl-'.^.A'l ^. BciiB, 11. v. V. nu ^Hf^ n. ijq^ m. 'if^qf^^f^ »». M<^U or m\H\if- To Bcrz, r. n. — as flies, &e. 'j'lui or "trnS^, ntTT'T't or ^ffTR- ^, *l1*<<'l<'i intent. »»|ul|U|«ii. 4 T. To Whispeb. <*+<*^m, anw^, «ii«'il<«, 3m^VT, WI4M1- Vt 'unei*, Mii^N, sRTi'fe, ^ii^os, 3n?^, amntt, I Ac.^ir^tT, 'TloifirM, Ac. Other examples see in order. Bt a:»d Bt, in • t Aor/ time. W\f}rn %5ETH, ^ I ^IHoU^ , JT>I, ] Bt mr, Bt, ?*^ -JU^W^r HTrm^^sT, «l'f^ ?HTwr et5>!. Br-AFTAjB, Bx-BCfiiXEis, Bt-job, Bt-wobk, n 3nX7m«. •• W^t^reTT n. r%'*'la& VTK n. sHimi|<4 ^PTT Br-coBVEB, m. ^ T|viVrq m. 'T i mirHym m. ■ | {\ '\ '^ f> \ *^^ \ i n. [ M. Ac. BT-EsrsviBS, n. ffW^ m. 3nTW^ ••• •WH^ •. ftrWPTW^ BT-0At9, m. pickinjt, ke. in f«ra^^/. '^f\j\ f»ra^^/. fnwTO ftra^^y. n'<^<<*>^ Jnc^'!/ fi>'*r^ jnf*f/. im- «Trfi»/. 4»#M' JTrfii^/. vht/. jJTT^t^/. ^h/. annj^ ^TK "I QlTT ^if^^rti HIUJJN m. rPTRPltT tf. Idle by-stanclcrs. an^TTl? ^r^TT^ m. pi. Bt-stock, By-stobe, n. STTS^tsr »». Br-STOBY, By-taxe, «. 3TT3^l n. &c. ^qiB- Cake, ». ( of bread, gener. ) v. Bbead. yT, m[, vn^R^rST, f^^, HrST, ^f^n. fqrr^, f?I2^IT, ^t^, ?TS- ^TcfNr ^5T, 3T^«T. [fft/. A c. flattened with the hand without a roller. ^^- Eighth of a c. PiT?». 3Tg*r». R^Ri/. 3Tf?r/. JlHt^R tn. To Calcise, ». a. reduce to a cals. 'T^K».-H**(\<»>T^»T *^r-*Jlt4rfl, *f**0'JJT, Ht^ftt.fT, » < n>.g T, SPT. ['mrr. Calci5EK, ». V. V. »TT»T *, p. & a.T.V. 1. '|0|3rfl, nf^i^^'TTfT, 'IwflM?!. 2 ■«-dHI«^'4l, H^HI^ft. 3 '101^,1, nf9li«iv. wwnri, ^npiTTf. Calcoloos. See Stout, Ca&OVLOS, «. T. rTOJit. 5^mT •!. ^TIT m. Oat»w>ii, «. t. Kkttlk. ^/ ^ «. »^ff^MTr:\/. ^K^ m. ZV CAtsrr. S«e To Bbat. Calemsab, n. almanac. "t^rW n. "TrfnT «. 2 V. List. %lt^ n. ?TT^/, C. month. ^[k»TW m. To Caixndab, v. a. smooth., ^c. ( linen), ^f. «KT^, ^V.^. Calexdebino, «. V. y.—act. ^^f^^ «. ^fhnift/. Calen-dkeb, n. T. V. f^t ^T^CT, f ofjlowers^ S[c. ^rqt^ n. Wff n. ^^ift/. »it- Hij n. iJTJT^ ». To Calk, e. o. «/o;j /A* tettnu ( of a ship, Ac. ). ^T^Jni^/- V^^f'^t/. ifrit, ^«> «. pi. HT^ y. 0/ 0. flOTimr ». 2b Call, v. a. v. To Name. tpn»f, i?!?^, gTTS^T^, hW ». To c. one's self. s^^. 2 v. To ScMMOS. ^nrJi or i? i rt<)u( , gtnfT^^. 8 #«TO»ion /vy rryi/iy ott< /o. ^^91^ or ^\(^S^y ^^^;\K^^ fl^nrof, fin^<»r or m^^^, '^(^ or «iTf^, J'ph^, ^*it- foi, 3Tr«fT5Tot, '|»». Ac. ^rot. — with implication of loud- ncM and vehemenco, and of mulliludts, whether by or CAL 122 CAL to. ^I'M'iui. [m|-MI<«I. 4 V. To Invite. afTTH^l'if, ymn-siui «. «FT^, ^Wl^ul, 5 V. To Invoke, q-.'^r m. tKXr^-^K^, STi^i^. 6 concohe, convene, v. To Assemble. >»i*T^, Plo&JJuf, v»i»ii«iui. 7 for; See To Demand. To Eequibe. 2b CAtL, ». «. eowe /«<:) visit. 'TTtH-5?T5TrW-&c. %tJf-;3TTuf. 2 out ; cry out, v. To Bawl. aTrT|=T sfi^ot, afiTsC?. 3 out; speak loudti/, exclaim. aTTTlW, ^vS-T ^TS'lif, 4 out to; V. To Halloo ^/. JTTT''f, ??T7 m. /. qia^i- Call, Calling, «. v. V. A. 1.— of<. r^oriif «. &c. 3TT5fFT«. 2 — act. ^[t^T\ or ^i^:«r^ «• &c. f^'.^TT «. STT'^FT «. 3— ac<. qRTRijf n. &o. |r^R m. ^/. W? m./. q^t or ?T m. ^R or n »n. t^rJ^TTT m. ^,TT m. ^ /. CflKF^ n. arr^^TR' n. 3HI'+U«I «.— with implication, &e. ^f-V-M n. ^TW^r m. dim. ^PPRt/ ^T^PTTT »i. ^1*1^1^;/ ^;^pr/. 5 — act. tTi«rr . V. V. A. 1. ^^^7r,T Ac. ^i^T^^, *imM|, sim^. 8 ^?5R^?yT, ^twT^^T &c. arpFrfrrf, arrpT. 4 ^i;?R^r!r, MNiwrfi, armf^nr, f^nrfsf^r, 5 arrarf^iT, arrpi, 3n^r^%wT. 6 fJTo^'^r, &c. Pi^ir^fT. CALLOiiTV, Callousness, «. v. A. 1. «jf^TMU|| w. «lf*fTc^ n. 2 «pri^irT m. ^rjM^Muii »». ^^T^W^TT m. Ac. I. a callous pari, callus. ^^ or q?T m. Z^ n. fr, ^.\?t, HT^, iFisrr, 'prnt^ffTir, aT%?T^?f. To become c. lit. fig. «lf^(l«iui, HTT. 2 6g. hardened in min(l.i\. Shameless. <^li'll,f5|*l»Ur, tTKqRT or ^-Hf, ?itf?[^, vm%. Calming, n. v. V. l.—act. ^a'cn^nT n. ^^f^^ n. &c. ?I*T m. ^IHT »>• ST^TH^ n. 2— act. rn^^ n. &c. ^ITSR «. •hIhHI/. ^T m. UHH ». ^I«llr| «. *JIHI>TR w. •)ld• 5fTttTrTT/. TT- Calomel, «. ht-^stt^ wt'Sfrf. T^PTW «. ? HK^*i*H n, ? Caloric, «. rTJirei^ n. ? gtcorrtr/. >3«nnl»lV3T n. CALOnic, a. ^vj^^. Calorific, a. HIH^HHT, -3WMMH+-'FTT^, M %^ «. *c- 3Tf5T?RR »*■ Calumniator, n. v. V. and Aspebsee. H«PT^ ^mtT, &c. ^T- p^zm, sr?5^f , M ir i'-.^ r, ^5t, fHti^f , f qt^, 3*Mr^"i^ "%^rft, 'ETfTi^R, ^^TT5^^r, ar^T^T^^F, a^q^r^, ^- Calumniatort. Calumnious, a. v. Slanderous. g'Mii'ii, iii i ,v-i^ i, f*riir^, ^Mffl^r, &c. g«ppft, «IT??^, frtit, arfH^, ^*r^m^, ar^^T^, f*r«mfH^, CAM 128 < JALUMiiiousLT, t*nF h?h, ^.^ *rw, CAN Caitx, ». ««/«• eotering ofajlover. 7«T^tV m. 5«R%CT *. Cambric, «. ^ HrV^^Hl ^WH 3TI^ 3tI^ ?f^ f%fT fW. CaMT, m.yr«mnJ. nvm^m. h^^kv m.fJl^n m. fn^n. Appointed spot for a tent in a c. f*T«;5/. Following a c. ( for subsistence Ac. ). ?5fl*rft/. CAMrAlOBCB, •. tetrrmm. H I M'^^l -ffi^WR^ fir»T](. Campabiioim, •. vft^^ ajrern^T, ^^ivr. CAMmoB, n. ^fym V^si. Some kiuda or TtfietiM are ^- OAHrBOB-LIBIllEBT, «. WsV^^H. '»'^<%<9 /Wp. VT^S^. CAMniOB-oiL, n. *n?^«. «"^J^fJ«. CAjfraoB-rUB, m. wrm^ mi»> Camphob-wateb, n. ^JnjT^JTt n. Campuobate, Camphobatei), a. ^TT^, *J>"{<|t»>, 'P^J^, To Can, v. n. v. Able. ^^Jpjf or ?n;3t, ?m^-Ac, 3Rf9r. Can, n. 3Ti^3-yi-2i "T^TTT^w. Canaille, n. dreg* of the people, v. People. t^*Ni »TT^ to. -q^ n. ^ n. Sil?nft ^(^TS/ *T^<7f,T n.i|MiQ& a\^m^. Canvl, n. qsTB^w. »ll.i)M«||rfl/. fluoft/. 5?^/. ^f^PH- tij. ?;f^RT«fH/- 2 rfttfi or passage in the ho(fy. HSm. Hoft/> CanaBY, n. (J+MlrH-^l 'lluiKlSP^t'rt. To Cancel, p. o. cro«» ou<, oblittrate, annul, v. To Efface. s^Sr, ^T^, tr^, ^ ^- flif, "Tprn. NlrtvJl, ^/. HTTW. Line drawn iu cancelling. %ipT'». [Ac. T^J. Cancelled, p. v.V. tt*^pii, ^"toiaT, tJ+IHKMfll, ^§^rfrfl, Cancellation, Cancelling, n. v. V. ^^n. ^t*w». &- *IHUui«. Cabceb, ». crab fish. %^^m. 2 ( of the zodiac ). ^f % m. a— the tumor, jaft /• ^r55 or tnju i ^of t/. I%?f^w. C. of the breast. tdH R ; f^m. ^r^T^f ^^ «• Cakcbobie boot-plant, n. spotar^/ op. jrf- 2/i/r ^e. — applied to things. f^^^H-i, ilt^I55, nl>n<»H- Candidate, n. T^^TT c. MSirHrtCfl, M^^IH*, H^*IM*. Candidly, adv. v. A. fH»+H^,, ?FH«l, TlW^'Jf, Vl?FTT m. .*.*<< I ».M< n. ^)rif. To c. smartly. «»im^. GAtr 124 CAP C. race. »M{l 30^. 3 catalogue of saints. ■HdH^/- Canon-law, ». iortfT m. Canticle, See SoNO. Canto, n. ( of a poem ). ^ «. Canton. See Distbict. Cantonment, n. tfMufl/. Canvas, «. sailcloth, f^^^ w. f%rrR >». fTK n. Canvas, a. ^^-SfT^, niii-qi, ftidHHI, f^f^. 7b Canvas, v. a. sift, v. To E.\amine. ?jR<7f, ^PT /. ^df, g?T ffi.-gnr w.-ntv «. 3Nffi*i«ui-;jniJlr_ 2 delate, v. To Akobe. vjlctui, ^TR't, ^fjoE »». ^TRof. 7b Canvas, v. n. solicit votes. +(*-Hri n. Trnor-j^^TTTf. Cant, a. ^HHI, ^rRPTq', ^TWT^T. Canzonet. See Song. Cap, «. covering fur the head. mt/. f^^'i'^ n. f^nf^TT «. C. worn by women and children. zi>X^ n. i\^lt or ?V« q^ «. j^ ». C. that covers the ears. +H'474iHi/. ^Fw^ n. ?=nTHT/. ^?Timr/. 3 m^^rnf. ^jf^^^ n. ^^ n. +lf5lrft/. ^iRtrtHuil m. Capable, a. sufficiently capacious. m?i«ini, '/iiKi, l^nra, *f^*<^. 2 ( of mind ) V. Comprehensive. a<|4lm^, MT^qr ?Tf- Capaciousness, «. T. A. l.'WW «». ^^^+)Mun m. SHT^W* OTT «. xrrn??^ n, 2 See Capacity, [ ^'^• 7b Capacitate, v. a. make fit. qtT^-t?ra^-?T»T-^>I^?m-TnTT m.-^lMMf m. '-i<«>«l-^- 2 **K«I. Can, «. promontory. H»fl^ ?t^ ». H^r^TFT/. 'jf'^ ♦•■ 2 ( of a garment ), neckpiece, f^f. To Capeb, f . «i. T. To Prise, f^es^, f!^^3^, f^^ m. pi. To bound or c. — a horse. '"H*''!. To jump & caper about —a child, &c. RuiRui-iui'-wi ?wt/. ^. mr^. '""aPees, Capebiso, >i. v. V. — ar/. R*|4Su! n. /. Wild capering, ^t^^ or ^^,\irt n. CaniLAMEST, H. %^ m. /»p. %^fT n. rif; w. H^ «. <3mLi.AKT, a »ma// /f*e a hair. %?1|^I*4HI «HfI*, %^?'T, C. attraction. i.'aPITal, a. relating to the head or top *IV, HH%«ijvf|, WT^, W?^, ^R^, ?fl'f»M, *r^'«T. 2 principal, T. CHixr. ^J^^, irj, VHTJft, 3WTnT, T- 3 — pnniibmciit. HI1J. 6 — a letter. ^tZ[. CaHTAt, «. c*»^ «/y. ^PWTJfy. n^P!»Tti». M*wT<^'4-<*1- orn. This holiday is especially observed by women. Some of the numberless rites or acts u])on the occasion are 3?^ rfdl^ui, %oHJf ^tn't, g^ ^?T«»f, and some of their offerings made to BrAhmans, or gifts intereliau- ged amongst themselves, are aT^ot^^^HT, Eif*^- f, yHU"»ft *)|^, Ac. || Captiouswem, ». T. A. 1. r5TgfT^75ft / ytJW'rtt/ fT^mr- ] «m/Ac. |i Jh Captitate, e. a. take pritoner. J^tn «»^, VRvf. qiTTSf- I*T^ or ^5TT ^, 2/?^, ^r- OaPTiTAXiuo, «. ■». CBABUI50. HI|H ^?I'5l"im, ^ifipT "R- CAB 120 CAB Captive, n. v. Phisoneb. %^, qriT^ %^55T, ^S^RT. Captite, a. 5^?I ^^OT, qr^R %3f5T, ^Jf^, ^ g'J^d . Captivity, w. bondage, ^f.'^f.^^ymf.^^^f.t' •Captob, CAFrcKEK, ». V. V. 5^ yTTTT% ^ ^^!R 3T1^. Cabavan, «. «hirfl w. qfir^rTfrr/. w4 ♦». C. of horse dealers. ^Ke|H m. Cabat ANSAET, n. ^tttI/. tm'moE/. 'Tf«J^?Tn7T/. Cabawat, n. ^J^J m. sr^nC^T m. aT^^WT «. [Hmi^D/. Cabbuncle, n. ruhi/. J^t^ m. j^rf^T^f T i?"/*. "TToft^ m. dim. 2 red pimple.^ anthrax. TT^t^ tHs m. TT^fNt Joff/. 3 ( ou the back ). ^\'iv£{f. «i>i**1i m.^^cit/. Cabcaset, n. ^HHISl/. Caecass, «. rfeorf Jorfy. il^ n. wj^m. ^^ n. ^ «. cfhT ("* 3t*T/. ?it«rT w.— of a beast. ft ^T^ffiY, !fr^, ^■^'T,^'^, =5flf^t or =^lh«r1, "EpinT^, loit, ^??ft^^, Tr<.crT or =^^, ^aoff, <)?, ?J(gT, K IW, tlHTn^, %^r, ^fTT^ 51«r, ^T^ifr^ ?R, ^'TT, To have a run of ill luck at cards, q^/. fSPlfiif. 2 no/e, <«;*«<, ^c. ^PFrft/. M^ «. from the English is common. To Caed, e. a. comh. fi^dr, fq^Trrolf, wtinpiJf, ^T^sp^f, nlrao|, Cabdamon, n.— the i)lant. ^,f .^rr^. [ i^ Cabiiac, a. Itlonginy Sfc. to the Krarl. ^ ^q i -tH , ^^^«,i^, Caeuino, n. V. V. — act. fs^jof «. f^isTRnrn. fsvioit/. Price or cost of c. f'bl'm^oE/. ftviJKUiHal/. CABriNAi,, a. V. Chief, gijsir, ^^, Cakdisai, «. ft*R?qT'T^ «. «F.?^, MM«(. 2 <|iVou«, tinansiou*, unconcerned. ^psiHT pop. fJrf^, fHM0II "I. rtlfl'lKt/. ^ n. ^- ^5* «. «Py«1 «•■ See al»o Emubace. [ wtt^. ClBMiWOLT, oJp. V. V. gTT-Ac. y^?, gTtY'Tti^^, rf l J4.M - CaBR, a. Mo^it of omiuion. %WA\ n. ^^TT^ n. CaBOO, ». Y. rBXiouT. »Tr»nT ». H^ft^ i«. »TT!T/. ^R^PTn. *T- Cabicatcbb, n. ludieroiu likeneu or Jeteription. rffn n. ^- *?»/. fTf^ITR^ f«t5l n.'^fffmj/.viA^f.^i^ n.-Ac. & Cabicatcbb, p. a. ^ftTJR* N^ n.-Ac. "tirif y. o/^o. ^- i«nR* w^n ■. wx^ y. o/"**. «H «. ^^ y. o/"©. ^^<)si^ Cabiu, C'abioutt, «. rotlennf$»-ot%hone. ^AVi ^i^m. f- <*l\'«wil *. 'TJR^TT •». wffonfJ'STPTTW w. Cabious, d. T. N. fU^, *HW, iftWTWfirfiT^. Cabmax. m. nfi^ m. »ir»^;^ m. n r if r ft TT ■». CABMniATiTK, a. tk»t txpeU tcind. tm^, fPTw, «rm»mi^, Cabhaob. «. AavMf. lUtifkter. wn^/. v. wt, *Rrere/ «T- There w«a great c. »W »rr^. CaBBai., C4BXaI/-mi!idkd, a. Mo/ tpiritHat.JleM), r. 8bi- C. kuowledge, texual intercourse. fl»^ m. 3rran ff'. CABNAL-MINDErNESS, CaBKALITT, ». V. A. f^«(<4^f^/. f^- C.tBXATiox, n.— flower. JfSfR or 5?53T^IT m. Cabnelias, «. aiT^^ w. Cabneou3, Cabsous, a. fleshy. H\«\-^\y *^ot-g^^- 5ffWwf or ?i"t?nir. Cabp, n. Cyprinut denticulaius. KT^ m. lt^r\ m. To Cabp, v. n. Cdvil. SleW^ ffi. i^/. ^ot, 3Tr5'PKT»».-l**/ o. 4 — iu arithm. ^Mt<| %iJf.sRijf. The number that comes to hand to he carried is called ^ifT. 5 C^cc/, accomplish. ^<."l . 6 yf/ possession oj hy force. %of, ^^d'H ^PT^-'P^^ ^''f, 7 across, convey over. 3rTr''I, "TTT + Tlft^R. Cabtilaoe, n. ^^ m. fi'^uilR*? »• ^S^^'^** Cabtilaginocs, o. fRJon1%VT^, JTfrrft'ire:?, Cabtoucii, n. cartridge hox. ^^ffn. W^m. qte^/. Cabteidoe, «. nt^w. Ball c. jTrolt^ ^^ZWt. Blank c. g^TtftCTOT. ^fIt^ ^s/. ^ivmn^fr ^,5n;?ft- Caevee, «. V. V. 1. ^". ^^n^/- Case, n. covering, sheath. aTRTOT «. %^ n. SFM «. ^ «. »:ZTPT «. *rJT n. spr^ m. ?ilo5/. Needle-c. =5Nt /• Pen-c. +ri*4m/. nt^/. ^^Tr5/ M. In that e. ?T?lfrT, ?r?f 3TflfrtviT, KH. 5 rase addttced or occurring, instance. 3T5«E ». Spft^ w. 5^1^(01 n. rRli «. The six Cases are ^PtTT, ^, ^T^r, ^Hf^TT, 3lSl'^M,aT- n^^P^, or ^v(t{\., f^^, Hrfliii, '^rj'Mf, "N^, ^, ^nnft. 11 ( of instrumeuts ). »r3T «». 12 See Box. Case-wobm, «. ^^T^ m. ^^iF^sl «. CAS 129 Cabeuext. See Wisdow. Cash, n. f\^ f. TT^ n. ^r^ /• ^ «. ?lt^ Tl^ »». tt^ or lb Cash, r. a. ( note, bill, Ac.) tj-ilf^, rni^l, Z% •.-Ac 6a>r-ke£feb, Casoieb, n. j|ii)ct|(». To Cashier, c. a. v. To Dismiss. *ttl «. *tlT «i. "^H^f «. Casque, n. v. Helmet. frnwT «. Cassia, ».— fistula. <||^<|| m. \i-m\'* m. g^nrf w g^foPP m. 2 — woody c. fnr/. t^t>w^ n. r^^pTTT "'. To Cast, ». a. ^ ^, ^Tf^ ^, 10 off; ( clotbes, Ac ). ?T^, '.\^\S ^Tof, ^jHHu t. 11 Wttt; T. To Eject, qrs^, ^^W^, inTH ^HF^. 12 up; T. To Add. ^titw »». ^f^, Vfsf /. ^Rtif. 18 upon. Hr*lt adv. «Kfff 7. o/^ *. '-Iuli ir»/A ^K of ». Cast, «». Mrow, t. Castiso, 1. Jr^ m. k^m. 2 /Aroir e/' dice. TtW «. r. ZTT. Turn to c. tn m. [/. 5T«5 n. 8 woaiJ, fnake,fa»hion, r. Fobu. (TTT/. «TXvft/. ^T^QT 4 wr, /»ni, MMMMT. Jft^/. IJt^ M. »H/. ih? m. Uaring an aff«ct«d c. — turban, Ac. wlf^H. 6 tm€iek, tmatek, tatour, t. Tabtx. WI^ m. v. HK, SSIT/. 6 /IK/, /«T, »!■?; and to this are added Slfi^^jif , 3ff?^^, TfnnfRT, Ac. all terms expressing collectively the low and impure classes, severally designated by Wipr, Htt, ift^, ^fHM, ^, *[?m2TFrT. Ejection from c. ^T^f. v. qrw, 1?, H\<£\i\. n. «if^ i i4iK Extinction of c. sfjPirtlHOT. ^jJIttw. Falling from c. ^nfrrar^jfn. Fallen from'c. vHlHi^TC, TRIT. feud in a c. rRwi. Of or as to c. «1l^, ^^3%^»». -^3l, ^^, ^i\\i. 2 qsf^c^r, &c. *n^ or HRTT. [ 3^5%^ n. Castration, h. v. V. 1. — act. aTTFnrjf". ^^/. 5ff5d^»». 2 ilsRuln. %^«. Casual, a. fortuitous, v. Accidental. 3TO%ffffr, 3T^%frn>, 2 incidental, v. Occasional. ^WtT^F. srmf*r«F, STWnW- CASUALLT,a^»• m^ui, '?'PI't, Md^NUf, M»is"l, ^sfiuRn *n;''t. 7 V. To Ovebtake. ^l+Nu<, ^ m. HK'f', To Catch, v. n. he contagious. 31'!"). 2 hitch, fasten on, ^c. ai'iuj, 'jn«l, 3T5^'»f. To C. and tear, dH I /.-afTT^TTf^^ »n.-&c. sj^, snqjf^- ;|ft/. ^^, CaTEBeb, n. V. Y. t^JT*^'^ «. ^T%^^/. Cates, n. V. DAijfTT. MOsl^ n. pi. f^T^RT n. TTg^ n. CatbaBisT, n. pretender to jreat pnrittf. 3lf?rat^3ET, ?5TTt Cathabtic, a. V. Plboative. «|ci*,^^i;. Cathabtic, n. v. Pchoe. »ra m. r^ m. -^f51fl w. Cathesbal, «. f^nm^ Tl^ T^T ^^«lfl an^ ?f ^T^. Catdbteb, «. wwcst/. ^^TOrfSril *■ ^'J^ril*!/. Catholic, o. t. Usitehsal. «ifi n. Spot oa whidi the c. are Mwabled dailj, t« be driven out to pasture, "its m. Tending or keeping of c. T[^^f. OiHUIHoS/. TTgoS /. V. V!\^, T^T?^ n. ^^^T^^ n. Hire of tending c. TJ^- oiHot/. TT^te/. TT^a/. ■Wealth, or property in c. "tI^PT ». ^'T^I'T «. [ ^TT. Cacbal, o. per/aininj, f[c. to a tail. 4-^«J^«i*ift-f^'^»(*, J^* Caldle, n. stT^trPFITT »i. ^i«)il m. ftit «. ^lli^Q ♦». Cauoht, />. V. V. 1. ^<.rt«l, ?^, ^. 2 irirtrti &<:. 3 wiMj«K«(n. 'Frffw. +H+;»J. Efficient c. *K^5»». Generative or originating c. ^^f{^m. Instrumental c. Pir* or HT^ T^w. Stick c. «f)l^<^K or <-4l^|^Km. Causticity, n. TK\m^\^-h^n. Hf^^nfrp/. Cautelous. See Cautious, Ccnmso. Cauteb, «. searing iron. i,\i\\s[\f. ^Tf^n. ST^uft/. To Cautehize, ». o.^ru. ^^or ^FTTT, 31^, 5T^, fTTm.- Cauteeizi>'o, Cauteuization, n. v. V. — act <^iMui or il'iuj «. sm^n.&c. ^T^n. Cauteey, «. — actual. 3PT«. ^w. Circular e. Toot. 'Tt^w. 2 — Potential. ?T^m. Caution, n. prudence, providence, care, circumspection, wari- ness. 5?^?TT m. fTT^trPTft/. WFTtT^'TT m. "^mf^f- R^I^^TT- «nT m. ?rR'=TPT?TT/. "nrmf^T wt. Hl'lrflM^rflRMIl m. 3fTT- ^5WiHr«i--Ji, viJ||«)ul', ^iMt/. ^T't. Caution ABY, a. given in pledge or security. r(KU||-=(i, 4«nft- *?iTn^^, fT^n, ^l^MM, yHRrl, "JsilMiR-MI^, "J^^ff, »Tnf ^-^^T+l-V^H »». pi. ^'^fJK m. 3T»^#=rT/. Cave, n. hollow in a hill or rock. ^V^f- ^^ /• T*^ «• dim. *lt/. ^>^/. ^PTR «. «F^ m», f^ n. In caves and hollows and dens and chasms, &c. ^^- Catebn, n. hollow in a hill^ ^e. v. Cave. n^/. SRTTT «. /. 2 . «. *lt|+H/. ^FT^, ^FT^Rot, JFT^^*?^ w. sRot. Cawino, «. V. v.— oc^. <»><*T'it, rH«lrjut, «"tsT)f ( ex. «ilril<i)«nT or ^TrTrT, arf^STtfT. [<1K«I. Ceaselessly, orf». v. Cohtikually,Evee. PlJ<^+imu<rtrfl, Ac- I. v. Famous. qftfrPTpr, ^^m, r^<<^M, snjJ^TTcT, ^nf^Jf, CeLEBEATION, «. V. V. 1. — act. Hi, ^«jr4l+^^i^. 2 htlonying to the vitille heaven* or tky, v. HeatEXLT. C. Globe. »^%^ m. CitBSTiAi., n. inhabitant of heaven. ^t(rtl+«(l+n, ^^?!t^W, Celibacy, Cembate, n. unmarried state. SRR^^TTT w. ^I%- r«r/.3rjr^T^r«IT/.— of BrdhmwiB, ^^^4 aJ^^-^lfWl/. Life of c, study, and devotion. ^f^+*l^-M4 n. (and Leader of it ), HKi--<>flft)'(iX «. ^t^ m. C. for grain. 9W «•• Cellulab, a. eon*i*ting of cell*. ^oWNl, ««»<^'V\ n.— of mortar, ITTT m. ^'^\^\ m. — of tin, ^WTT or «hM< w.n. 2 fig. &»»«rf of union. 3»IT «». SnTWtVT «». [^. q/"o. To CEinsrr, t. «. »Ttv^, ofinif, «iM<4I »»• ?nT^ «. Cestennial, a. consisting of 100 years. ^jPTT^nff^, ^ MM l PS - 2 pertaining to 100 year*. ^'*nw^, ?H«(^^- 3 happeninj every 100 yeor*. TPITilT'TT ^^^ ^^ ^"IT- tT, !Tfrrflr|ir*<^^. Centesimal, a. nTTRT- Centesimal, n. Tlrftn «. Centifolious, o. fldW^, ^IHM-il*, Centutodt, «. TTfTT^/ Centipede, «. ifr»T/. ^?M/. nrTT^/. Cento, n. ?np?T «». ?m^ «. Cestbal, Centbical, a. belonging to the centre, v. Middle. HtT^, mTOT, Ktftf7, TRT. [ftv?». 2 placed in centre, \. Middle, K^q^rff, JT'^'T^, *f«T- Centbalitt, n. v. A. W^tn^ n. TT m <:' «t iH-j^, f^JsqqiTH^, fi^f^, fH^>?r, f?R^?nT, 3TH3!i?t, ar^^TrTor rTf , ^TT^T, ''l^, ^^fRT, ^RT^^ (>r fT or X, 3TT^ Ceetainsess, Ceetainty, n. v. A. 1. f^gtcf/. f^frrmTm. fSjtik m. f^Jiq^ «i. ^«T5T m. W^f- ^WMMl/ ^R^T- ?nT?^ n. PHt'H'^^c*) «. ^^-&C. ^.in^cM n. ?f^^lHN »». ?tV- 2 f^natH/ 1^/».-%rrg »i.-&c. arm'n, ^tRT^nt^^f^^ «• ^^. 2 tcearby rubbing. fret, abrade, \. To Eub. ^to£^, ^fr«E^''t. 3 V. To Akgee. ^r|«|ui, fi|4«', »i. ^t^T^ m. ^fiflTjff/. ^VHN m.^?^/. ^TTOITw. To CHAQKHf. r. a. Ci'jr. ^TTT^Tot, <>■««)«?[, ^V+i"!, <.W. t'HAIS, n. ?lt^cE dim. *)i^oit/. flj^OT/. Fine c. ( as of a watch, &c. ). ^f^rtt/. vi^^/. Large iron c. ?5TT «• Large and thick c. ^i<^^^s m. Little c. C. of two or three links. ^/. 2 fitter, bond, thackle, lit. fig. ^ m. ij^H n. st^ m. f%^ To rivet one's chains. ^y. TxTfT TToft/. Siiuiui. 3 teries, eonealenation, Ifc. ^\^'£\j. ^^^K^ f. JTTr^ pop. JTra/. ana/. RiriRfSi ■». ^ »•/. ^for/sTJ^^ m.afn^- To Chaut, p. a. «i^iof, wl^jl^fl^ ^'^+o. «. r. T. — art. ^jfl^uir «. n^3T«W ». ^^rSTq^T*. Chaib, n. gr^/. Easy c. or «eat. g^T^R n. [ ?TRPT «. 2 «o/ q/" authority. TT!^/. 34MI^H ». H<«.*tl«H n. 3?=^- 3 ( Professor's ) nf^'ftZ ». r+>t(lvi|iii/. 4 sedan c. sTTrf^/. 5 or rkair-dajs. innnn% {\M^ »«. />?. f^TT^Tot m. ChaIKU AX, «. v. Presidest. «*i«i». To accept a c. fWITw. TV^. I. written c. ^filJUMV". CflALTBEATE, «. imprrynated tciih iron. *$tf*{^ W^TJT, f^t- Cbamade. *. ?c>»l^r»*f3r»i. CHAiriM, «. apartment, r. Boov. ^Wt/ WWt/. 2 ( of a gun ). fT»ftnT»i. ^t3T«. *"Wt/. >?■». 3 See AasBMBLT, Boasp. CRAXBERLAiir, m. ffVfnftWfV %W(Tft, CaaiULEOV, n. WTim. fITlTw. W»T or IfKZm. CHA Chamfer, Chamfhkt, n. v.Gboove. ^j^Huft/. Chamois. See Goat. Chamomile, n. anthemis nolilis, gr^siTm. To Champ, p. a. =^K^, -MMoiu}. Champaiok, flat, open country, v. Plain. S^im or TT^mi. CasiiFioy, n. one who combats in the place or caiite oj an- - other. ^R^ «rf^OT."Wft»n. 2 warrior, Sfc. Y. Hebo. ^w. ^^fn^m. ^^pt^STTw. 'ft^w. L^ItT/. Chasce, n. — as the cause of events, t. FOBTCNE.^n. \- By c.'^r#,'^ii^,"^^?,^^nTcr, ^i?, ^nr^^rn- PTT, <<1'-5*M. 2 fortune, fate, turn up, lueh, v. Eortuke, Destiny. \ 3 cai/«aZ or fortuitous occurrence, v. AcciDEST."^^PTn. ^ possibility of occurrence. ?IH^«. WHT^'IT/ or ^Wn^- Chance, a. fa^uaZ, v. Accidental. "^^FI«'^i««i.-'y/. Plf^M'Jm. 4 tOcufn. T. V. S.— stale. ^m.^m.V^^. m. f^%]T m.flV^I /. CHA 136 CHA I. tmall money, g^ m. (copper change ). ^\%f. Keeper of c. for traffic. g^(^ft. Changeable, a. v. V. A. 1. poBsille to he clanged. f<>»«|- «rr-'RT^ft, sJ4rf?cq, ;T5m^<:q, g^- ?5^!rK5T, ar^'-tmfr, 3?ft'^. ^ «. TTm »«. ^\zf. To Channel, v. a. ??rrq(ift /.-&c. qrs^. 2b Chant, Chant, Ac. See To Sing, Song, &c. CiiASTiCLEEK. See Cock;. Chaos, «. primeval confusion. yHM-^O'^d 'Jrr^<<4Fn. ^TTi^Sra/. ?t^R «. Chaotic, a. v. N. 1. arnVl^r), 3T^-if|'ifirilw+, 3Tq^ft?n=rCT. 2 T. Confused. ^Tta%iTr5rr,3iT5'nrf^«m,3T?tn^«,3T^piT. To Chap, v. n. t. To Ceack. j^, 3^5^, djdjuj , ^'RSot. Beadj to c. ^^TT. To Chap, v. a. HTT/- /j/.-f^/. pl.-&c. qrT'f 5'. 0/ 0. Chap, n. v. Ceack. iri/. u| «. sr^^p^nr n. 2 ( of a scabbard, &c. ).'rr?rn=5 or rT^JTTrS «. «. Chapel. See Chcecu. Chapebon, n. ^H|otu<<|+Rdi ^^^^^ -AWW. Chapiter, n. upper part 0/ a pillar. ?Fr*r5[ft^ «. Chaplain, «. qr^T' m. Chap let, «. garland for the head, v. Gaeland. JwrnrtrST /. Tmr »». ^mr «». C. used at marriages, jsmct/. M4Hof|/. ^fEfot or f^T- ^aE m. f. «nf%n «. Eeticulated c. ^JfToft/. ^ifol^Ul »«. [t^/. 2 e/rjny ofheads,x. Eosaby. ^dMHIrfl/. kHi^ f. 3T?THT- Chapteb, n. dicision of a book. 3Twn^ »». ^,\% n. m. ?^ «i. ^^ m.^^n. H+». ^spp «». 5fR; «». ??r3 OT. «. To Chae, v. a. $To5HT w. ^Rot y. 0/ o. 2^ Chab, v. n. 3Tot. Chab, Cuak-wobk, «. odd or day work. ?m+|JT «. »fit4+,IH fl. STT^^TH «. (^•il'bisi »J. «»)<*isl »». ^'JIHTS'iT n. Chae-woman, «. 3Ti4+i*0/. !Fm+(t"i/. Xv^^tvnf. ^t^^r- Cuabacteb, «. V. Makk. f^P^ n. sr^ wj. 5^/ 2 letter used in wriling or j;rinling. aff ^ n. ^vf m. 8 manner of writing, v. Hand. ^^ pop. c#T/. ^oloT w. Arabic or Persian c. q^^rfef^/. T^'fpft/. Common business-c. of the Marathiis. MT^f. iM\fl fefr/. frm^ frlf^/. fKHqrft/ The book c. qjoESJ^ or SfRS^r^ n. ^^TFTft/. 4 ( of a person ) distinguishing qualities, q^ m. 9r*TH m. ^Hl<4 »». f^^l'jur m. pi. f^^^vn^ m. JOTFI^^nir n. ^- HKMt t'^T'jf n. pi ^;R7T «. ?ft?5 n. 5 ( of a thing, place, &c. ). H^/. ^^ m. 'JU|1*^U| m. /)/. yuiMJ^ui »n. yZ. yrr^ m. pi. 6 V. PeBSON, PEBSONAGE.ojrfrj;/. f^fl^xxpT f». 7 ( in a play ) part. ^ n. ^ «. %»r wt. Costume of a c. »jf*nJT/. Of an assumed c. «»)Hi*>fM ^>T''f. Note. In all these renderings the business eharyed is the object of the verb, and the person charg- ed Kitk it is in the genitive case, ^i'lul, vjlrfu), 3^i«ti-^*^^\^ J. IV. object committed to tke e.of. 3Rmn/. «m^/. f^nr- V. body (as troops ) under tke e. of. f^nm/. VI. hmsiness.lfe. charged, trust conferred, eommistion, ^'c. VT«. lff^%3f %nn S|fl|^l(M. VII. expense, t. Co*T. IT^si. [ vrft. 7b CB4BOK, V. «. mak« an onset. WT? /.-^Vm.-^19TtN.-A«. CUAMok d' ArrAttM*, m. r. ConDt'croa, f^^vrc^n. ClfOM, M. T. Dish. vnCT m. f^Vi. 5 war ilor«, «?nt ^TlTsi. W^IF*. tm>^m. 18 Chaeilt, flrfo. T. A. <*)l*iifl, •t?T, •IW'ft^, NOmM, fTTTT^ ^, VI- or q'RT?T't »ni, *TI»«fl, Command of charms and spells. Hmfftrf^/. Idiocy produced through the misapplication of a c. ( HM } A%(9m m. (and the person so affected, i^T^S^n). CHA 138 CHE To acquire command over cliarni 8, &c.'T?nirp35/ Ac. qiri")', ■HTTof, ?r?T^PT^fj4*. Chabminqkess, n. v. A. 2. ni^+-f^ «. I^ji+r^l «. Chabnel-house, n. ^rf^vj^q' ^ ». ChABOX, M. 4JH(ja »7J. Chaet, n. marine map. t\H^\-^\ JT^^TT 8». *|H4l^<»<444-»l^n. CflAKTEB, «. (/(?<■(/ of grant. H^/. ^TRT^T ». ^TRTTT^ ». 2 license, liberty. i\^K\-^f. JSJT. iTtf Chabteb, r. a. //"•» or let by charter ( a ship ). ^RR 5TT- CflAETEB-PABXr, «. 'Ir4«)dl Rl^?-^ I +». MifrjaKf «. ^rftf^r ". ^T*-'^t??r n. ar^qf^^rR m. 2 sft^^^HT^TTf^ n. ^R«TrTT/. if^rafTT/. f«lA3Hl/. Chaste-tbee, n. titcx. fJTTT^/. Pl'lil/. ClIASTISEMEKT. See Pl'NISHMEKT. To Chat, v. n. talk familiarly or eatily. ^fi^f.pl. ^T^- !FTof, Jltf^ STrffT/.p^-ntftTRfT/. J:>/.-'Tt1^s«tT5 «. -TtTP?- «fi «.-&c. «JROt, T'^TT/- i''- ?fTS^, «lT?fT/. jp^. <'-(»Jlrfi^-HH«i- Si^-^fT-rot, ^•+I'l-Ml/. 2'^- f*T7iJr-HRot. [ ^'IW. 2 talk idly, v. To Pbate. «PFi7|f, «rRTT/.p/ ?K^, !};r*II '". Chat, Chattikg, n. v. V. 1. jTlf^ sfmr or jtftt/. pi. stT^/. TtTT^Jp «. iPT or »T/. sFT'f-^rRi't-'ITI^. Chatter, Chattebixo, n. t. V. 1. fxjg^^/. 5R5^^ m.f%- intens. *rt*rtK or fe^f^c^K »». f+rlR-VI-i' »«• -^ul n. -ti+.ti+miJi fl. ^flui n. &c. 3 «(M"1 w. *s*s''t «. 4 anf? Pbate, sf^sf^/. spF^ wj. »|+«||(^ w. sf^'Tff/. 17 or TC?/. 'I<wf-^-^- |l ^+1^1 «i. W m. ft% 3. of*. ^ w. qrsf^ s- "J*- Chekk-bo.ne, n. To of, 1^ Tj Cheapen, r. a. W^ ^iT^, HiaRof, ^^HH^h, R>HH /.-^- ^ n. MliW|-^:Kt +<«(*'i, '?r|^-^-^'f , Ac. To Cheapen, v. «. wm frot, ^^rr^, ^tn^, «^'INuf, ^- Cheaply, adc. v. A. W^?rR, «i wi^*?, . V. V. i<|i«("-',rll , **<«*^rfl, Ac. -4Tfi aWTofr. I. perwm, ife. checking. ^rn'ln.4.i*lil, TTTfTT, TTT^ ^lufl. II. /«■•! «/ eheu. Vi^ m. v. \ III. order for money. «H*I<>^. ^'«llflrWI, STT'^TftrrT, JTl^cHlf^H. Cheeber, n. Cheering, p. a. v. V. 1. ^d1»)*)U |TTr, &c. ^^^ 2 ^HT^ ^nr-sTmoTRT, &c. ^Wr^, 3%^^, w'^rm^, 3TT»!rT?FT-5l)f«I^TR »». l^f^rT «. 2 '3HH<^*4HR »». 3TH^HR »». fWI^ /. STR^frT /. «<^Hf^f* n. Cheerless, Cheeblesssess, See Comfortless. &c. Cheerly. See Cueebful, Cheerfully. Cheese, n. T^tr «n. ^?gT m. ^(S^<^ »• ^TT w. Tgr w. Cheesecake, «. ^ n+KT n.-MI***^"! «.-. a. V. V. 1. mttUlUi, «rf5^, flfi^MIrW), 1T<^-Ac. ^frt-'PR^. Chekihhixu, t. V. 1. — act. <>/>. "TTcWT n. Chmooi, n. ^ m. Mtf. CHI 140 CHI Cheekymebiit, n. present. ^(\H(\ /. "it^ n. MH^m^/. Chess, n. ^f^;^!?^ po/). 5^55 ». or ^■^••(■aiMi^a m. ?f»T^ or VM"^ m. To play at c. ^^^ or ^^5ET^ %oETjf. Some of the ! terms used at Chess are ^^TTMTT^, «FT^?IT^T, ^ivili, ^F- ■ - SKTtT, q^?T^, ^Pft, frT^ or ^, ^^mr or ^, «n^, cjtt- ffHm, H>1*fl, itf- Chess-boabd, n. ^^^ m. T^ m. f. Chess-majj, «. 5^sjo5 «. Ht^ n. The pieces are King TT^TT, Queen ^^jftr c T^^, Bishop 3Z, Kuight ^tST, Castle ^, Pawu cq-f^ «. Chest, «. v. Box. ^sp/. ^^ «. Hf^/. sfR^T^ «• ?r^m. C. of drawers. ^pJTHft ^^/. 2 ( of the body ). fJTfft/. "TSKm. 3TrX^-A\^^\. 2 eat tobacco, opium, bhang, S(c. "fW/. ^S^. Chewing, «. v. V. A. 1.— ac<. "qr^n. &c. "^^n. Chicane, Chicaheet, n. v. Ahtifices. tTTTST^w. pi. tJ^T- %m. /)/. <^-MHN oj-TNtpq-OT. pi. HKH^»/i.'TT5:5/>. iflg^'IW". Chick:, Chicken, n. 5pf«lft^ f^"- ^^'^^^HrfTTn. Chicken-heaeted, a. timid, v. Cowardly. fHrRT. Chick-pea, « c/wr arictinum. t. Geam. ^piTTw. Chicken- pox, «. spt^rrqr/. pZ. A pock of it. ^■jjTjf\f. To Chide, See To Bepeote, To Scold. Chief, a. principal, capital, head, first, ^^^i ST^T, Mf^rfi ST'iTJT, H^TT'T o>- nft, M<*|Oui, 5^, 3TT^, 31T^,3Hlf^H, 3T- 3TnT, TTK, SfiilFT, R^, SRT, f^pf^T, ^TOT, f^R^, ^THT- "rft, TPTT (in comp. as IM'J*;, ^M"lH|t<(N, TT^q^lf^d chief priest, &c. ), ^ & H^ ( in comp. as f^vji«)4, ^- ^, TT?4^ ), ^\ ( in comp. as «Tft?T j%^, J^ f%^, JTT- Chief, Chieftain ,n. commander, leader, v.A. and Conduc- TOB. ?rT^OT. ?n%t?m. HT^^ pop. 5nf^ w. Chief, Chiefly, adv. v. A. MWc^^t^t.H , inV!'^*«:T,M^- Chikfship, CHiEFTAorBr, n. v. N. ^^eift/. *)<^l <*!»>/. llM'fti/. 1IS*M«1|OT. Chilblain, «. ilfN^l/.-'BT/.-qJIrTTTOT.-^/.-JTITw. ^»not- ?m»». RniPii+i/. To be affected with c— a limb. *i^ ^P^. Child, n. ?5^^«. . ( Jft/. "Tn. ) "ff^n. timin. in?<». «(irt-*in. n. 3T- q^rq». f?Tg»n. 3TH^m. «. (3T^/) %i=5rfn. 5rsr?T»>. (f[ f. \n. ) m1<^(^| c. — carelessly, generally, &c. Sli<«IK». "Tk^t^OT. qtrf/TW m.J. — in endearment. «n^»n- «lTw. «rT«lT or sn^TTni. 3T- «R«. tiNilw. (ft/. % n.) ^^n. ST^reTm. or \n «)i«R^'^ m. ?ft^ or ^^TTw- %^ m.~to a female c. JPTT /. *R^ /. — in anger or contempt, as brat, imp, Sfc. "IR^w. (^/. ^». ) ^R2T "fteT or qjTT5T»». ( t\J. 'tn. ). C. of one's old age. ?r?T«E«. ^^'^n. ^TRTT MWHI-M C's play. mB-+l5l/. ^IT^^fteT/. siR5^ftiT«». "lirt-HRin. C.'b speech. STTHTnT/ Dotingly fond of children. "fkpTHr. Extravagant fondness for children. uir or oft. !Readily intelligible to c. «tlfl*f|Kl. Child-beaeino, CnlLD-BiBTH, Child-bed, n. the state of being in labor; also, the act of bringing forth. mirlMOIlM. «rT3rnjnr/. ^^p^jmf. irknf«tt /. ^^^ m. ir^/. Easy c. ■g^wti'i »». Pains of c. »Tit^5TT/. 5^^^?%^^/. ^^ #^/. Woman after c. ( just delivered ). ^V^f. ijrafftor/. 'mip\'h\f- ^^ffl*!/. "Woman in c. ^W f^Mp-cfl ^/. ^HpHMi-^' *Tm¥ h. Attendance upon a w. in c. ^rir^^V^T m. ^HUMHll/. Betel -roll, baby-clothes, Ac. presented to a w. after 'C. irr^rff^ m. Bracelets given to a w. recovered from impurity of C. «)|ir(;^5l »». Caudle to a w. in c. irTid+lil ♦». ^lii'TTT m. Chamber for or of a w. in c. siTafT ^ffrft/. ^T^fT ^«. Disease incidental to a w. in c. ^iotdO'I m. ^<1»| «. Poul clothes of a w. in c. *n^f^ ». »?T2«T^ «. r cm 141 cm House in which is a w. in c. «|lJ sound. grJT-^-'ptTr-Ac.-gfV- goj- or Oft ^M<)|, rfuitiui'f (intens. {JwrrJnit). To Chink, c. o. tfuirfUIN«f, ?rT IfT ^r^if^, ^oWHosf^^. Chintz, n. t^Tn. ^'fl'filMJ «. Some of tho chintzes op fashions of chintz are^TTSTift ^, 4.otwm^, ilRj^ft ^, Belonging to c. f«^, fl57^, [fT^ ^T^T. To Chip, v. a. Hraot, tT?!^m. pl.-&c. ^TT^, fjip^m.^. ^ot. To Chip, p. n. Jr<-ai o^ i» small pieces. ^il^/.-Ac. f^^. Chip, n. (of wood). BPTr^ or iTcTT'/i. rf»w. «Wrft or ?^?ft /. IWT^n. tr^qr A »?^Tm. dim. tT^^■^f• 'P^ tn. dim. ^M\f. tNt or Z\^ m. dim. tMt or ?Hft/. iT?^ or «q;5T m. dim. yj^^ or «Vt^/. or U^TT A «pmi m. rfiw. vp^ A •-^'ft/. A M/. ^FT^ n. ft'T^ or ZV^f. %\-^«.\ m. ^T^a/ f?^/. [ W^T w. Chips, Chippingn. *14<^',/. '^^ZW^ ^^Vlf.pl. ff\- Chipped, ;». v. V.A. mn^^, m^W, ?TO. [ ». JT^m n. CniPPiNO, n.\.\.A.—ael. nmof «. fTRT m. nratjft/. (TmitPT Chibolooist, »i. v. N. vrqigwTT. CniBOLOOT, ». or/ of talking with the fingers. 4l^y. ^smfeRTT/. j To CnoosE; l»HIM?llf?l».-&e. "RTrft/.g^fY /. f^?yTj?fY/. ?rrFR/. JR^/. ( ex. ^rm^ ^t^ ^ qtst, | ^\?^ «fjGE]l. ^^ »». ChOLEEA, n. PftS^/. cRoE/. rRoEHU^ft/. rRoIPf^/. ^^]^; f. folt^/. fsrjf^W or f^lfST^FT/. inveterate or long standing c. ^ufltTli+ft/. Spasmodic or epidemic c. ^mJm'^f. T^RTTft/. "T^'luiNo4/. To Chop, p. n. c. and change, c. about, — the wind. >Ji'|«l|o6ui, To Chop. r. o. exchange. See To Baetee. Chop, n. |j/ece chopped off. ^ ». ^fS". f. i^ or ?rt»f/. art/. 2 — in geometrr. 3^/. ^^m\ f. -"im+ui «. CaomTSR, n. one of a choir. <|.iM'',l'llUIKI, »m*'|lli<i^ «• '^Ji>i<(>i4'>. 3l*r1li/. ^i'aliw. HSuism. Chosen,/). .^- a. v.V.l. rH«l'Arll, «Kr4-ll,ic.^T^V, T^pftfT. I. ffi^-c/, T. Choice. Pi^ft^, Pi^s*, iRY^ftrT. Tj Choose, r. a. y«W, ^e. t. To Deceive, ydliiri, js^t, CuowaiE, «. /ai7 of M* .Bo* grunniem uted to tcJtitk off flies ijC. ^WY or ^^/.^^ ». ^T»TT«. Holder or bearer of it. ^rft ^Ki^l. To Chwsies, r. a. v. To Baptize. ^TfJr^TTw. ^, ^th^^WT- 2 nmtne. •TTTn.-^Tt^n. ^^-%wf, sfK^". %fM. Chbiste-NDOM, n. Pw*^**^ n. TH^BPffT ^ m.;?/. CuBi+.Kg^m fW^ ^Toi n. 2 ^t^ ^^ ». HIH*. \ jisurriAS. a. ftl^tft yMi<<»I,f?nfft MmWMl«0,f?reft Hdl^*ll- CHBISTIA5ITT, «. f*lM"lvm W. ftrSft^TT «. Chiutmas, h. ^MW or 5E n. Cbu»txas-box, «. , ^5^. ChBOXICLK, «. T. HlSlOBT. <.M-»*<^'« l M w. *PJ^'i«l*lMI- CaBOSOLOoiCAL, a. t. N. «M*l»nft«)Mi, ^iMMMft<)v|J, ' ilBO»ol.OOICALI,T,o»TnnTPf, ^T^JT^^T. ■ B050L00T, n. *W10iHr<+.R[I<1 ade. '• "Jn^/- t'. HTT. si^oft/. STUTT »». e. MK. 3 ( under the chin ) ^"I^T^/T^n^ y. o/^o. Chuck, intcrj. S5T;-q^-^-&e. To Chuckle, «. n. laugh inwardlg. ^\7^^^ ^^:^^^^■m^-^\ Chuff, Chuffy. See Chukl, CnuHtisu. Chum, «. v. CosirAXios. fsr^^li'HNd'T. Chump, n. ( of wood ) v. Block. jt^FoET »«. f^^/. ^flilT w. Chusam, n. ^ »n. ^ n. f MT/. Terrace or floor of c. or C. work. 5^^/. n^y. »I^f*Tft/ STPTT^fft/. 3T^n^ or ^ f. Making of a c.-floor, &c. 'i^T'lO/. Of c.-work, — a floor, a wall, &c. g^'i^. Chuhch, «. ^/ac« (f tronhij}^ v. Tempix. ^3;oE u. '^^,^ n. M^HMM n. *r7pT^ n. ^rs^Vi^ n. 2 body oflelievers. H^jhft »TSoft/. *R>^T^ m. ITI^H^- C.-property. ^^^^ n. Churl, n. turlg or rude fellow. ^>T3T-?W5r-^PE-&c. Hdi«T;«. 2 See MisEB. 3 See Countktman. Cbublish, a. rude, surly, sour. v. Cboss. ^T^, 5^T5T, 3?5f , ^ or ^, 1^, ^nft, ? ^, S ^ I'-'ftrJ, ^-.^HR. Chchlishlt, adv. \. A. ^^MUll^, J^Ton^, .&c. ^-&c. Chueusosess, «. V. A. ^^'il'TI ♦«. ^fl^MUII m. ^^OTT w. Chub>-, n. jmm/. ^rn^f. wJ<.^«J)H+, aiyi^Tlrm*^- Chvme, n. the mod iji cation which food assumet in the tto- mach. 1^%?^3T5rRT-^jft''I3T5rRT TftTTT m. ^IHiM m. CuTMisT. Sec Chemist. [ m^-«|M<1| m. JTiflT or ^HT »i;». 3TT- Cdtebation, «. v. AsuES. T^Ml+iui n. [ ^. CntEBEOOS, ClKEBlTIOUS, V. ASHT. M<:H«ld, *lWg?q', *R1T- ClSSABAE, «. vermilion. 4H^ »». r^T^iTPT ». Factitious c. f|^ jjojb. f^^ & ff^sj^ »«. T^rfl^ ««». Cinnamon, n. ?^T?5fq?ft/. +rfH't<^lrtf^'ft/ ClON, «. graft. !Jk7TT n. 2 «^oo/, V. Si'BOUT. ^m m. 3T^ m. CirnEB, n. arithmetical character. 3T^^ m. 3T^ «. 3Tt^ m. 2 mark for nothing. . w. f^fft^w. ;f^. CiPHEEiso, n. See Abitumetic. [ %ft/. ClBCLE, n. If5?yn. 5r^«. frTn. jl^/. %3Tm. iR^m. ^i». Area of a c. |^l^dn. Forth of a c. quadrant. 'P^n. Great c.TT^^fln. ^^frf w. Small c. t?^|TT». Segment of a c. <^SHir!n. f^T^. «. The eccentric c. srfJT^TTn. Zfff^ir^n. 2 compass, circuit., district, region. WSPSn. ^nP". 'TS^'J- 3 band, bodg, ring, v. Coupakt. Hi^ or oft/. ^TCt^ or ^r^"taf«. ^^r^fn. *i5l3n. 'tf^/. arTot/. "J^ft. Beasouing in a circle. aT=^!ft^'TT«R^W»i.3nfJTT'iT*T^'». To ClEcr.E, r. n. move circularly. qj^m.-ST^yi-IT^w.-frT- 144 cnt fnr or ^-nrnr or ^ ( and intent. f\xPK & *RITt ) f^T^t- To CiBCLE, P. a. enclose. See To Suebound. 2 retohe round. %tT»n.-^/.-ilT^»».-^v. »TR'if-^-&c. itiVA *it^- ?TTt5T o/o. ClBCUiT, n. passage around or about, compass. %TT»». ^t\f. Hi^TSTOT. fnr^ITTO. dim. f*I<*f^/. v. %, HR, ^, Pr^ or To fetch a c. %n»'».-'Pft/- ^Tiit-^, •i<«t>iff».*iKul'-q^, f*n:^ or fqT^ft /. iii«^-&c. CiBcuLAB, a. v. Bound. ^ipi^TT, •«l->b<(IHL, srSrJPFTT, '^TWr, ^, |r||+-K. CiBCULAE, n. /e« m -^ 4 -^Ji^Jn. <|Rdr, y. o/ 0. [ wR+rlHw. CiBCUMCisiON, T. v. — act. ^TtT/. ^HT/. ?lH»IM-=l'i^d^»n. ClKCUMFEBENCE, n.. ^TTw. ^Tw. %TT«». "^»». ^w»- tW^ot. 'TS^In. ff^/. TT^m. H^/. ClBCUMFLE.t, n.— the accent. 5FrR^(n. [ f^^pFV- CiBCUMJACENT, a. bordering. »fl«Km«-Kr, STTHTRT^, ^J- ClBCUM LOCUTION, n. c/rcuiV of words. f*RTffT «. 'PRW- 3qT%-^^^-5rS3,m^ ^tr5^ «. ^ir«l4WI"ll>MIM «». ^^TT^/. CiBCUMLOCLTOBT, o. V. N. %^|-^I, pK+lit^MI, »TraT3STT^, ^lR4iJ|ulNIHNI,&c. To ClBCUMNAVIOATE, V. 0. 'lrf«(HiH T^ JT"^!^"!!/. Vlrt"!. To CiBcuMscBiBE, t). o. ^wnV, V. To Bound. ^/. ^^-irf- tr^, ^»T'Tf^-'m^*T-?rT?f3PF-^^ltf^-&c. «RTJf, 3Tf^^, jj arft^ m. ^Ruf. II Cikcumscbibed,/). ^ a. t. V. fW^lf^-^THl^ %^?^, &c. CIT 145 CIV I. confined, t. Nabbow. 3TJTtreT. CuCmiBPECT, ClBCCMSPKCTITE, a. V. CimOCS. qiI<\W, W\- CiBcuMsPECTOx, CrBcusfSFECTSXss, n. T. A. and Cautiox. CncniisPECTiT, Cikccmsfectitelt, «ip. t. A. JTpf JJ- CiBCUitsTASCE, « appendage, adjunct, accident. ai|iiH+,»inf •». ■sm^^riPT «. ^wiHini+'jui »». 3*+''ci «. Cut, n. 3T^ w. ^TT »• <^i»». H^/ TtR «. ^ pop. ^ n. Holy c. MHjO/. AV'alls of a c. or town. ?l^<^<-^r «. CiTT, a. urban, oppidan. V^-, ?I^^, H'R-m, jpR^mt, 5TFIT, ll'iR*, ^. Civet, n. Mi«ti<(l »ii^n*HR«|j| /. Citet-cat, «. vH«(i<() irf^sn: n. irnHMk »». Perfume bag of the c. sf^T^/. ^JT^ ». Civic, o. of or lelonginj to a city. ^i^<.m, ^PITRT, 5T^, H'K*i^*ift, •H'Kf*l«l<4+, ii'iR*. Civil, a.relating to the community, to civil affairs, utage, Sfc. viTTST^^KT^T, ril+o<<«I^KMI, ^1om«(^kRh-^[5?^-&C, 3TT- HM<^H' Rim*, <^MH4+ /. T^pcft/. s^Fs^/. wmzf. W^WI^f- 2 vociferous woman. ^Z^^\?f. '(Z^Z +T#, 5b Clack, i>. «. tnake a sharp noise. ^H-i^H-i"!, TRTT/. ^F- TW, ll'iuj, [&c. «fftrat_ 2 assert, profess, v. To Pketend. flfft^ w. «ir3En''f, =^ »«.- Claim, m. demand. HMIU'I «. ?T?5if /. ■HtII>^4+ ^TT^PT n. 2 <»rfe, r jyA^ rpjnrr »». ??T^r «. ^tt^ »»■ arfW^FR »». ^sgw. Claimant, Claimeh, n. v.V. ^?gT^ HWriTT, &c. <^RJ)r. ClaMOEOUS, a. v. N. 'Wlr^ff, TrS^rTT, 'li'lli^)!, ^PTTPTT, 3fm«TT, 'W«lr5NI, 'W+MNI &c. *ci+c«Tr, 'WW-lrt«irt- &C. TmTT w.-T^^^FT M.-'W«)ril «J-&C. 2 against; exclaim against. ^V^ 'if^ f.-^T^ f. pi. t^V^ g. ofo. JTR 5JtW m.-^rfsra^ /"Slt^ w.-fFFRT «i.-^T^- ^/- 'P^ ^- o/ 0. Ci.amp, n. qft/. %?:^/. 3T|^»». .Vo Clamp, v. a. ^f.-^W^f ^-iTTT"'f. Clan, «. t. Family. ^ n. ^x\ m. qrnJf «. "fW »• ^ »». Claxculae. See Clandestine. Clandestine, a. secret, sly, tj-c. tTlO-^ll, ^TT'^, n^^HlO^I, C. doings. rfMiW «. rlMil//. ». ^, ^. Clandestinely, air. v. A. '^r^Tf, 1^5^ ^1l??T, fe^HtfTt, ^?Treft#, riMdiiHr) or ^MfdM-i. To give e. 3T3S^ i^MM' %0T. Clandestineness, «. V. A. ^TTc'T'JIT «i. J^M^mhuh m. Clano, Clank, Clanqodb, n. »Aar/j, «Arj7Z sound. ^^trpETM, ff^HFT »». auir+K m. ^m^K or ^ m. yuir-HK »». 3m w. jfs «. /. — intens. Jt, qnpTTjpjj-, — intens. ^u||U|ui,4UI|i'|iJ|, ^- u||uiijj,nui|U(i>|, Clanoee, n. Clankeb, n. Clanging,;), a. v. V. ^^T^'TWr- n, (Jui^uiuiKl, &C. J^, illM-iul, SJSHSN«). 2 to, on, at, in, &c. apply smartly. JTR^t, "fr4«tiH-4(4+H- ^4'H-&C. rti«i«\-*lK"i-*TonTT, &e. utvi^. To Claeipy, v. a. defecate, fine, dear, ^nvof, iTZm.-JToft/. 5FT^-«5T^^.<'/o.f5l^o55nJr,^TfP-55-?^^-f^f7-&c. JRiJf. To Claeify, v. n. become clear from feculence. ffRaiff, ^- oE »».-JToft / ^^ y- 0/ «. CiABiON, «. V. Tbumpet. grTift/. ?Hf /• 'TDTrjmn. Claeionet, n. ^ ^IKT 3T1^. To Clasji, ». n. strike or drive against with force. ^^^T- ?S Sl'l^i, «:TI^/.-tTs5T"»--^rfnT»«. swif, TT^TTTqrr 4IMI4I'n.- 2 fig. meet opposingly, interfere., collide, Sfc. ^reot, m- ?njft/.-&c. ^t^y. of s. ?!^, <<*»^«M<1 3TT??T-<4i+Sl-&C. %^, >J4.A<<>m ^nw, 5F^^/. ^swr-TS^t y. ofs. m.vK f^- Tm OT.-f^q^ri%w. q^-^"W g. of s. Clash, Clashing, n. t. V. 1. — act. ^^F^^5ff ^TPtSTji. 'Tip- Ac. snriif n. 2 ^^)/. ^•m-«l«n. toilet m. I. dtuhinj toutid. r\i\<^\ or ^m. ^ST^m. +41+( or ?ITm. — intens. ^T^rSm. g^^reizm. [*si«i«». n. (as of musical instruments). *rilTm. WXSf- *«*! »"• III. (of swords;. rUtJlCJ-m W^^m. fTTTF^ft/- "H *»<*/. C LASHISO,/;. V. V. 2. - Thathaaac. W^^, 2 See Clasuxo. S^j Clx£F, p. a. huy, T. To Esibbace. 3TTl^»m, tsiiur, t^- ZBBOf, ^'IKift, 5CT35T-&C. tIT'f, ^^/.-t^/. *4lrf"i W ^- To c. to one's boflom. (jldioiui. 2 eateh and hold, jratp^ S;c. 3T^aEwf, aW^T STCif, 5#cT- Clasped./), t. V. 1. /. yinft»TT5fr m. />/. ^f?% c^ m. pi. To Cla«», 2b Classift, r. a. STPT /.-^n^ /.-:pT /.-f%r^ Clamkd, CLAssinxD.p. T. V. qTfl. Clamic allt.m/c. fjr eluitet or set*. JPWTT, ff?^^IT,^IHinT. CLAtaincAnov, Clamiss, «. ▼. \.—aet. m^HH 3TVt w. VmtK flT^ «. Ac. ff?^frtt/. yi^gTWJ «. »J«ft¥^ «. f- C. of soils. JI^ 4^/. Boll of the dasse* of soils. T^VtA /. T» Clattkb, r. It. T. To Battle. fl?V^,W^W^wr3jof,Tl- wiA or iFTiot, ¥Wi^, *Wf, wmaotiffs^a «fr3r»!. — iotcns. tnTV#, Wl4, WBI«%. 2 ckalter, rattle atoof, nm m, T. To PlATX. ^mi|, W- «^V4, «?*^, S^W^I WWJI-'R^. Cuxm, CiAimu*, », t, V. L—ttct. ^z^^ n, ^m^ «. &c. fl?T^ or ^T.m.'^rsmT m. +il+^/. vj^vTft/.STTS^/. ■= — intens. 5T3f. Clause, n. ( of a sentence ). «J|+H+, '^+4+ld, Cleanness, 7j. v. A. 1. ^nT>t/. ■«IH>1UU m. f^Ffe^nTT »n. Clear, a. pellucid, transpicuous. rH«<*, ^rnF,fHHc4, ^I^, fsf- jfe or m, :rt^7Tc5, ^Tff^r, ??, ^Pl^fR^ir, ft'll^KiMI. Very c. water. fKtK^ ar^ n. [h^T. 2 free from, clouds or haze. f^f^S, W^tJ, f^TT^JT, MMt*, sf- 3 manifest, evident, apparent, v. Plain. FT^, sqip^ g'- 4 perspicuous, free from ambiguity or olscurity. 3TT5, 5 guiltless, Homeless, v. Innocent, Ausolted. f^- 6 unobstructed, unencumbered, — of places, v. Open, ttt- ^3T, ?3rtltl, i^WUlMl, g^, sr5[t^, Plf^H. 7 no< entangled, that is free of. JMl«tJot|, 5g^, J^. Clear of debt. ST^iT /'op. ^^"ft. 8 — of sounds, the voice, &c. clear -sounding, ^nn^uftrf, yuNuOd, F?^, ^TT, SRT, sjMrt, sfrfj, f^+|V. 9 — of stamps, marks, letters, &c. clear-looking., conspi- cuous, distinct, bright. ^TX^cftTT, eotdofld or 5o53o^, ?- 10 ( profits, &c. ) V. Net. ^r^, ^Ro5, 11 ( sight ) f^PRS, rft?=KlH> or ^-f^ T^-«RnJ-&c. ^T'jf , 3T\(\% or^y To be c. fifciffl. Cleaelt, oft<.^uiH-4)'*«IIl-MlM''IH-*K"{H-&c. ) ^imr, q^, ^tt, ^it, >»?M<^if, y^i^, ^rtt, y^vfiO, '^M*A pop. Mhw, f?lf%^, «^«'e4ft «Ti|f»l^ m. ii, 3TT!snT^, ^RTTinT m. VJT^ ^. 0/ 0. 3T^?i^ »«.- 2 holdfatt upon. *«|otui, +*i<^i n. ^^ y. 0/0. 2 curtail, cut short. Si'ft-^^-atlT-^^T-VtTT-WJI-iitirsr -Ac. ^^. 3 ( allowances, expenses, Ac. ). ^not, Sliof, 4 ( coin ) f^^ ^n^, f^T^fJT *H«H. CuPFEB, «. Clipping, />. o. v. V. 1. *M<<»IHI, ffROTRT, Ac. I. <{^ JWTT^ 5Tf?^ Mli^dl^ «i'i««i »•• CuPPiNO, fi. V. V. 1.— oc<. *M^l «• ClippingH. WTK^i^f ^T^f^/. m. 5T7 w. if Id ^4/. «. »I^if ". »ln\i\%]^f. ^P!m;^f.XfF.r- Cuqvr, n, eirde of person*, v. Pabtx. sj?: m.«??TT^ »T^ n. CLO 150 CLO Cloak. See Cloke. Clock, n. ^"s qi-STToS n. What's o'clock ? f^^ ^T^^ ? f^^H f^rft aTTST? Clock-makeb, «. q^qioE^^ or ^ «t. Clock-wokk, «. macliinery oj a clock. ^'^\d^A^ "jHt^^P- «•• C LOD, n. %Tj «. '^^ or %q5; m. %^poi or jspE n. fi. «. encumler, emlarrass, ^'c. lit. fig. cTlSuJ «..3T- S^vW «.-^fT5T wt.-&c. ifttT^f-^Tr^-^^, 3t5,TT^ jrt. ;?;. JH^, m«(jidl (w. ^^ y. 0/ 0. MIMHIdI wJ.-TTTJiTl n. mrl'Jif. Cloo, «. — for cattle, &c. rfisaf or rffiuf «. Wliuil «. rfjiul S^F'T ■». an^F^OT n. 2— fig. or gener. J5T^ or FJfs'iif ». '\jf-#5^. [f. Cloke, ». Hi*\i[f. #1^ «. "Tratft/. ?5? mn. Vhv^ /. aTwoft Cloth thrown over the head and body as a c. g*T/. 5'iui,r=IMui (as itspiiwul, ii+r^^tJliol-spHHuii&c.). 2 conclude, shut up^ v. To End. ^^. 3H- 6 reserved, incommunicative. artrT?^ TTjt^j *1li-qmT- B, m, ^M, *i+|-«ft, fH#r, H?3^. 7 Ao^ a«*H. CiiOSENESs, n. V. A. 2. «TJTf /. MiMUU w». ^HrTT /. ^ra^ «• 3 ^r^/. V<n. JTT^'mT «. R CLO 151 CLO Closbt, ». ^^;t»TN^ ^itrJt/. ^J^iPT^RT m. »J+,h^nra n. To bo closeted, to hace prUate consultation. («i or S,K5ire:, 'li^^Mi'i, rt^, TIM, ^^dWI, ^iisi, g^, pr^. A e. with figures painted on it. ^^TT? tn. C. worn threadbare. *TTnHf ^na^ n. ^raor/. Coarse and stout c. tffniT «• Mlf^RT w. End of a c. m^. Cloth-dealkb, Cloth-mkbcha5t, n. %mi%0, ^JTTjftw^, •Rnr, ^I^^ or lOT. Itinerant c. »1>*0. To Clothb, v. a. W^ n. •iH^vl, SfNrWt, hImVI «. *«. «5t-qT^. [ f^. To c. ( thoughts ) with words. fl*^4,MI? M|**<''i-^- Cl'XTHXO, p. T. V. ^m«^,^M*<^^'Ji, To tear one's c. off his back. %T^¥». ^E^ ff- of 0. Clothieb, n, ^IMS+O. Clotted, a. — the hair. v/A-Mt, v»i'-«(«cir5i, Clottedness, «. V. A. r^f.-O/ Clotpoll, n. T. Fool. zm^m. Z[^:^\m. CLOrrr, a. yewMJ-MI, 'Ti.'PTn.'RhTT«».^^Tni.*Ta'^. The clouds, — collect. The cloudy sphere. E[JI^r=Pn- »iVHSrl». y^H5rl«. HMMlrtl/ Canopy of clouds. ST^iTTi^ i»op. aTO^lt^n. JmHlilw. Dense array or mass of clouds. ^'\m\f. MMV<<1I /. ^;rT/- ^^ or vR55n. mi-i. Threatening or lowering of the clouds. ^^t^lT or The clouds hare gathered, are lowering, Ac. ^«lMf ij^ *Tf^, imMt or "TRflT^ fWi «im?ft-w>raTHsft--3fJm- <^ V4Mrfl-*Ttl «Tr?WT, ^T*rT5:». or . v. V. "Pti^, &c. |"NI*, 3Hli'I<*-MI, Clownisuness, n. v. A. »TRqtiTT m. 3Tt^(:ll«li4U|r m. s*i»(«s«ii f». ^vHiMUII m. &C. srilrTt/ S«r5E5TI^/. Clumsy, a. — of persons, t. Awkwabd. y«l^ilfl/. ». JTTT, qf^m./. Oily or unctuous c. ar^fRR «lf5T, Ununctuous c. P=re:^ «rftrft ^toRJTw. ^I«*fMr!I spt^al^m. Rlr^.Ndl +)»ii". *(ir^"l. Coal-black, a. t. Black ^l*!-^?, <|>|4|7«^. COAL-1II5E, Coal-pit, «. ^nf!. «M?rq;^KI w. «in. ^^ m. 6 c. of arms. See Abus. 2b Coax, v. a. jiersumfe ly soothing ^c. words, 3TI3^,*T3r- T^, '-mH'-ui or vflH'-ui, ^^I-INUJ, *l|s»(Muf, ^tn^, jsr- ^ or ql''ji«*ui, >Tiv»iKui, TfHr^t MT^f, 3TF»f^ n.-ril^'?l^ /.-»5^M. o. v. V. wa ^j u i R T, Ac. 3f|5rT3,?5T- Coaxing, «. v. Y.—act. -*l|ctt(u( «. Ac. ?5ri^Tt:it /. g l 45»M - OTT n«. rsft/ ^^^,«- ^TPSW n. na^Jo&xim^ /. rf i tJiH n. Coaxing i,T, ofiT »». Ball or lump of c. f^fJTJft^T'IT »«. CocntNEAL, a. fJptfiT^ft. CocriiEABV, COCHLEATE, a. V^\'h\<, H<*<^MI*K. Cock, n. ^«l3l w. ^^^Y- *"' 2 male of birds, m; m. tr^^ m. 3 ( of a gun ). ^tST «». 4 ( of hay, &e. ). ^ m. fsTTTT m. 5 ( of a balance ) needle. ^>jz\ m. 6 ( as of a hat, turban, &c. ). gT^ m. To put on with a c. rfTWf- pi ^Mf^OT. Cock and bull story. 5^mi)"H^5^/. ^N%^m or TTST/ TT?^^/. ^Ft?^!;^/- At c. ^% 3Tr^, ^'«ii«i<0. CocK-riOHT, n q?f5rS«Tr# ^ «• ^pt?^ «• CocK-riT, «. ^WSsrHf ^^ +<"'*ft/. T^ «• 3/o;», T. Buck. 3T^WI^, l'^, M-iMl^^. Cock suee. To be c, qiir ^^Pm, HTttT rf5rt. — contemp. tuously 4i4*"'J5 «• *rt5^ «• A couple of c. nuts, sfit «. C. nut of which the kernel is thin and scanty. ^TT- ='TTiK«. Cluster or bunch of young c. nuts. ?f3/. [ ^ n. Dry and rattling c. nut. ^p^ m. 'js'jsi TR^S »». 3?^- Empty c. nut. »j|^lrt or ^^ «. End piece of a c. nut. ItsTI'/ Fibrous integuments of the shell of a c. nut. sSTXfTw. ^\tn. 'snrsw. ^t?H4>, *JHI^f^*, ^nnftH, CorrEE, «.— the berry. 'TJm. 2 — the infosion. ^WTm. ^Tlft/. i» common. COTfKE-HOU»E, «. f.m|VHI M. COFTEE-JOT, «. *^T5r4^/. Conn, m. T. Box. *l^/. fm». »rt^/. 2 T, TlZA*VBB. »rtiTt«i. Com.*, n. "irtr^ fl^/.-^/ itw^ft^/. 2jroerr'i p«per-cate.^m.dim. J^/. ^fTST**. rfwi. COG 155 2 ^ JTmr sn^. ^^ || Code, n. eoUeclion. B^^w. n»i«i'fl/. SH- CODICIL, «. «HH-5-dulge. c5T1 n. ^^, rfli+H«J. Co EiTiCACT, n. whiui+iRhi/. Co-EEncnarr. See Coopebatiso. Co-EmciE5T, «. — in arithmetic, ^^m. Co-EQCaL, a. v. EfjCAL. ♦)»i*IHM, BTJl^cy, tTlrtl-HI, H)^-^I, Co-EQCALirr, II. V. A. «H«HM<1I / 5H»11c»«1l /. "T^^t'ft CO-EQCAXLT, aJp. V. A. ^n*lO'(. lb Coerce, v. a. t. To Compel. ^3IH|>Km.-«|c&MilO f.-&c. 2 See To RESTKAHf. C0EBC105, «. See CoMFTTLBio^, "RsarnAJST. COBBCITE. See COMPCLSOBT. Co-cssETTiAL, a. partaking of the same ettence. ti*i*ti«i, ^- Co-EssEXTiALiTT, n. ^jK^rmtTT/. *TTT?m^/. »tt^bkhht/. COI To Coo, f . «. ( • wheel Ae. ). ^Mtw^, ^tsw^l. 2 tcheeJle, r. To Coax, h^itt^. Coo, ». tooth of m teheet. 5t»TT«». ^m. Inteniioe between cok«. •BTMTt/. CooKBCT, •. T. A. n^s^tif. ^V^f- ^^^>nf. vnrV n. vfh" n». sirrnwr*. ''ftf ». 5>Tf »«. [ am. I ■>oE3rr, a.foretUe. ^W7, ^», «H^, ^TTT^, flJW^TT, WH^- To Cogitate, Cooitatiox. Hce To Thi5e, Tbovsbt. CoGBATE, • bom togethrr. «! jIM, H^JT, VV^IHT. 2 T. Kbiated. «J||H1V, TOf, ^♦>^l*f1'MM"1'II-HK<«II-&c. 2 Mo/ »noy ie inoicn. 3TmtnTr3ftnT-&c. ^T, nt^ ( in comp. as ^f^^nrHr c. by the senses ). Cognizance, n. judicial notice. ^T^J^ft/. «IMM«/. '^^ft'/. ■ 2 jurisdiction. =^?fl«B^^K. CoGNOMiNAL, o. having the tame name. <{+-mitJMI, ^^pfr, To Cohabit, ». ». rficeW with. ^^4Wn^.-vr^^:;\^ ^TW Jff.-'^- •i>t«»itim.-&c. Jp^, «Jir«4*|urf :cr^. 2 Zirc together as husband and tcife. <^I<^r*JI «(N+|t<(| ^\- -&c. !Rwf. Cohabitation, «. t. V. 1.— ac< or state, y^^lflw. <^-+-<^|Jl Coheir, n. 4?R»TI^m. «JHH«i'g«». q^HT^w. f^^TPft, »TPfr, Co-ireiBEss, n. ^rRsi^/. ^m^j^pop, I^Pft^/. Ac. To Cohere, v. n. slick together. ^.^Rit ri'ld^-Rl+i'T 2 6fr^-^n?r- HTT-^*Jy^-&c. 3nm. Coherence, Cohesion, n. t. V. 1. — ttate. ^VtnwJ. ^fStpTT- 2 ?tv^nt. ?ri^/. ?f»w«». ?r^Hgf^/ 'j5fTOf^fhT»». Coherent, a. v. V. 1.— bi?w, ^^, ?nT^. [bw. 2 omf Consistent. ?i^r^, f^H, ?in?T«rTT, ^V^H?, COHEBESTLT, ado. T. A. 2 «»W^ir, H^^'J^^. Cohesive, a. v. Stk-kt. N^jpt, f^oT, ^tT. COHB8IVEKE88, fi. V.A. r^V- Mmiw. &c. vrKin.^m. f^Rmr/ 2b Cohibit, Cohibition. See To Bestbain, Bestsaint. Coip. «. i{%iij*K*0 iWt 3ni^. To Coil, t>. a. gather into a ring. ilTToS^, ^^7T%m./>Z.-iRTWJT- /. pl.-'if^jn. pi, ^^-m?5''t, H«?^ *<\i\h^f. jIT^fi. 8 »iot«J«I,y«^,^l^y; aTT- •ft/, ^r^, »?T^, 3?vir^, ^j'?^, ^Tjt, Jfnft, ^WtftT, «?t- ^, iftfT, 1f?5»T, "T^, fl»*!«»r, ^^ ^. See BupzB, MO!IET. Bored c. ^^STtft ( ^'^TT Ac. ). CoBiisting of various coins, HlOwO". [Ac. ). Cncked e. ^VK, fCVj'fW^, ^Irl**.*!, w(^ ( ^V^- COL 156 COL Payment in Yarious coins. STM^fT ^«. Stamped or marked c. grffC^^TTT,"^ &c.) HM ». 5 41'T'iTTw. vi<^l^/. JTtq'n. ^rrsq-n. !3Tf?^n. «Tfl*n w. f^- TTTOT. TTnPTROT. arrf^r/. ^■•Ji^^^n. 5ft,/L T. V. 1. MidldT mf^f^r^i, &c. C OIXATEBAI., a. leiny tide to tide. Sp^TT^ '»T'ift»l?I, 3R^- 2 ( of relationship ). ?ffr^ra^VMI, ?fllft, ii^n^Mi- 3 not direct, — of tcBtimony, &c. ^i-NI, Milfll'HI. 4 See Pakallel. C OiXATios, n. T. V. 1. — act. W^«J*Nrll ••• L repatt. TTToE m. ^'JFfR «. COLLATOB, N. V. V. 1. MjHlctH MI^UIKI, &.C. COLiKAOiE, »i. IHNI BT^I^ m. «1«Jrn M. +1*1 «i5 m. H^- 5'o Collect, r. a. v. To Gatiieb. fira^, vdMHul, >»1HI*<- i^, ntoET *T^, ?nT^ OT.-^^nr »». w^ gof o. 2 ( monies ). H^. "R^, a*iU|, J'l<)uf, Tn^^/.-^^THift /.-TTRT m.-ic. "Fnif g.of o. 8 in/fr. arjmT n.-ni; m.-&c. !RiJf, ^, ftrj ^r^. 4 ( one's self ) 5^t«IT-HMI*«-&c. i?^, f^ n. %INlMui, fl|-*^HH««ii>/. C. of the rerenue of a district. HIHril m. Mm^H /. T. V. N. 1. — Of/. s»|Mdj n. ?Tt^% II. ^ItjOi n. 2 fi»*o| n. «»*f"»of w. 31R0T «. L eollected body, T. Heap. ?rti! w. ?Tt^ in. ffiT^ m. ?f^^ ( used e«p. in comp. m %?i IP^N, fij;^ ^sttt ). Collections ( •• of sums, monies, Ac. ). 7*nvT/. 7^- / f^ ••. 3VI«T «•. CoDtiogent collections ( or leriee ). Wlf^-^^K 5!1tt/. Bztn collections, ftjint ;wm/. %fr^ aim/. Oeoenl c. or lerj ( of monies ). ^/. ^fm^tttf. MisccIlADeous c. fT^^tnif m. CotucrrTE, a. T. AogsBOAte. «IHf ifij*, HlUlfJl*, ir^- 2 — in gnunmrnr. Hij^|i|f|<|fi. [ ir^TT, COLUcriTKLr, ai/r. r. A. 1. P^^, *jtu^t, »T^!![nR:ra»T- i' ^/. ) q;HI^ ti^.uiKi. 2 ^n^ ^ro5?ii^ 5?Tmft. 3 ^n^ JFroE3(Tf% «IH+«. [«. CoLLiERT, n. ««( ufl"^ I -Ac. JFI w. -f-r n.-qft/-Ac. irr^t, fl»MHm?l «.-5mRTH%rT w.-'PR'tsr m.-Ac. 'BT'Jt. COLLUDEB, II. COLLVIUSO, p. O. V. V. fl'HUfl ^TTITT, Ac. Collusion, h. t. V. Hk^luO'm 1^ «»--^ n--VT( m.svOf.- Ac. fl'HHa n. tnn^ n. iTmT'ra%?T w». ^^^^ m. Share or concern in a collusive agreement. 3^ n. fn- COLLUSITK, COLLUBOBT, a. ♦J'HMflHI, fl«1H<1NI. CoLLCSJtTELT, odv. fl'UHrll^, B'Wdl^, WflKUI^i^ftl^i, JJ?TT- CoLLT, II. ^ToS^rNt K^/.-JW m.f.'^9 n. CoLLTnit'M, n. application for the eyes. at^JR n. 't^n^STT «. st^rT^W n. ^PfiM^^n n. C. of antimonj. ^THT m. Wire for applying c Wt^/. COL 158 COM COLOCTNTH, n. — the plant, t^m^^ pop. ^?TyT/. «<»|4<^H - T n. *«I5?!/. fJT^I^/.— the/r«»V. ^^T^^f.pop.^m. "J n. ^%^ n. Coioir, n. H^ m. HV m. Wind in the c. ?T5r«n^ m. ^%f. 2 (xq? f^rm N-^ 3Trf , rTam (•.). C'otosEL, n. qrfdiJiMc^l g^sq- 3i*irf<^K w. ^B^?! »». COLOSIAI,, a. V. N._ ?l% q-^lfv^ ^^?TT%^, ^?lt?TT?»T^?tmT- Colonist, ot. ^n^m^TSft < l ^u| | < r. To Colonize, «. a. esiablM a cohny in. 3TTT?^ ^?n^- H^tWt/. 'JiT^ ff. of 0. [ ^^/. Colonnade, n. roic of pillars. ?rW^ ^/.^«r "tf^/.^TT- COLOXT, n. lody of people migrated to another country and remaining under the mother state. gRPT?^ %5TT^T or 3TN- «&c. ^^i^irr^rn^f^rf ^r m. pi. ^?TnRTTF. ^rnT 0?- qfT OT. «. TPT «». To change c. v. To Blush, atsr% TTTjft n. ^raof, jt^- g'nf «. ^hili:^. ofs. 2 coloring substance or composition, tn m. i^ i jjtti^ «. 3 V. Peetesce. sj^mr »». Prfi^'rr «. 4 «or<,v. Kind. vrm/. spFTT »»• 5 color?; standard, ensign, v. Flag, f^^ltm or ^ n. Hanging out false c. ^rJ/.-f pl«r5[IT^ wi. — in contempt, endearment, &c. f^jiTlT'r «. 2 4»y and giddy boy. ^TSJ «»• q^tPTT.«. MrSf^S g?J»|T «. CoLTEE, ». — of a plough. . v. V. 1. ft^T «. ^ttTTT n. ^'clM'+TT^TT W.-&C. ^^ y. 0/ 0. 2b Combine, p. «. coalesce, mingle, mix, v. To Jois, fija^, ^+^l«i,'^Huf. 2 confederate, conspire, league together. fi(<4u|',^iiJi, ^- 5^, ^^wf, %^ «. ^Totiit, JitrT »«. f'ToE'jf, "T*;^ «• f»ioiof-vT- T^ y. 0/ s. ^^P^ot, f^judf or Jr , ?P7T':n^ SNcWI, HIH««|VTR, -^Ifi^MNM, »m%- 3 having enjoyment, c. or ease. g^nrW, ^^"a., ^pW or ST, To feel c. g^lTO qT^-q^ot-^T^-jViiTrsc ^ impers. I. convenient, i^c. v. Commodious-.^^^T^T,^!^, ^T^- II. affording c. or consolation.^ v. Coxsolatoet. Vifr(+.I- COilFOETABLENESS, fl. V. A. 1. ^^^TTTT «». ^il+|- Jf-^^iT-Ac. ?rnT''t-^t?5^-&e. — as used of the intimatian of their pleasure, of kings, &c. 4>. m?PT «. ^^ w. f^rf^ »». f^trpr «. sfj- fTT /. ^t^TT/. ^F^ w. f^ff w. PT^^T m. fJPTm «. — as used of the intimation of their pleasure, of kings, &c. q^- JTT5T or ^/. ST^fTT/. [fTffer. That is under the c. of. pFHrft, ^^^, ^■|H»i<^l, 3TT- 2 V. EULE. f ^PTfT/. ^ren «. HFT'Tft/. WrpRr^ «. C«Tf^- mw<^K or ^ihi-^it. C. in chief. ^RPTfTT, %?lTfq'Tfrr, Sf^^ft or ^t or 3R7t, Commanded, p. v. V. 1. ynisllM^lrfr, &c. arrfTTftfT, aTT^nr, 3ll51|fl, aiij^iin, 3TTf9[^, ft^'P. [ m. C'OMMATEBIAL, O. T, COSSUBSTANTIAL. ^M^o^^, ^nTPT^Sq-- COMMATERIAIITT, rt. V. A. ^oq^fTfrH'/. ^o'T^IF^ ». To COMMEMOKATE, V. a. Call to rentemhrance by a solemn act. ^^ g.ofo. Tf H^arr^^'JT /. ^^y. ofo. CoMMEMORATIOJf, w. V. Y .— act. ^J?^? »». ■(:Hpl ' 4*f'b1c^ y m. T^r^t^^ m. i:^(vi\\^^^ m. Commemorative, Commemobatoey, o. v. V. STT^^^^ft^, To Commence, Commencement, &e. See To Begin, &e. To Commend, v. a.v. To Eecommend. ffTfRH/. ^T^ 3-ofo. 2 intrust, v. To Commit. ^\^^., ^PT^ot, r«44|'I- m.-&c. ^^ g. of o. f^^H5-3T^^^KT-Ac. ^fT^f. 2 — in commerce ; order. "tHHIH or "P^t^r/. ^^-^. COJOIISSIOXED,/). V. V. 1. «^r<m n. 1^- W^l •. ^WT^ ». Ac. Pl**l«ft/. f^i*!"!^/ STTT «. *i«I 2— arf. n^T^'f »•. "afnfW^ ». &c. anrhor ». arrftT «. 4 JPltn TRTOt n. Ac. ♦,uil^i|«tui n. *ki^'(«i n. .'n» COMVIX. See To Mix. Commode, h. «' ^'^i TW- COMMODIOCaLl, ado. i. A. #ffTT, »i^*nT, HM^r^^Ml}*. Comuonovunut, n. r. A. «jr/. Htt^rrmT m. fll^w'mT CoMMOprrr, m. item of ware* or good*, finnr m. ^ n. ^- ^ m. wm m. CommoditlM. — coinprcli. teareM, goodt, merchanJite. f^wnr •»• pt- fswnRT w. /^ frf^wnr ■•. pi. in?? «i. COMMOtOBE, «. K, Mim«ii^fii7, In common, fim^'^^uil^, ^jiMl'OJMof. 2 Itlonfimj to Ikt puUie^ hating no ieparale Oiener. V- f*r^, 3Tf^i«wirM+, 3rjRR}"»i«irH'i>, ^^^<^l'^, ^- A c. womau, prostitute, ^'c. fllMkili/. W^KuUsO/- 3 lelonginj to all, universal, ffcneral. ^^Ht, ^ ^K^ | ^- sitrrsTT, Ac. B^^mrrm, ^^^flsr^ft, ^^ft-^^TF, smmT^rqT- 4 public, popular, general. ?;lq;f^T, ar^t?T?5T, ?fW^T- ?ir^f^?, 3>j;^:fmHT, Flt^PC^^, ^^T^fnrffrTpST, Ac. 5 not rare or scarce, v. Abuhdaxt. sJ^tT, JS'FS, f^c7, ST^T, 5*^5^, mh*, 3Tf^Rr7,^%^ T5^3T, rRTTT^ "iiFIBT, 6 ordinary, customary, usual, frequent. qRMIil^V, ift^T- aiif^i, HpCHI-Tl-Nl, s^n^rft^ /Jo/^. o<<«j^ir<-^ or ^^, 5?i^- ^l;. Tpfjn. n^rr^^Vw. 1^- < or Hn*. ^ m-i''. C0MMOK-8EN8E, «. M/. in^it I CoMuoNEB, n. common person. ^\V(}J^^^^c.^T^Jr^^^^c. flWR'T 1^^ ^'^''Trt. 3>J^lRft Tl'JRfw. flRlRT q^- COMMOXLT, ado. V. A. 4. G. HRTptTT:, «lf STF^TT, 1^^, COMMO.NyE««, «. V. A.l. firRR^n. ?f?IR|'<TR«rf^«. jfimR'nin. •JTHJTm^Jf. ^^fwvtpj'^n. w*R'»R^fitT's?T». Bmr- 8 »Tif*jiifv.PTr/. •jTr?Rmt NK«R i /. a ^ nm^ HTtmg^n. Ac. 4 ;?tf«i;wTw. Rffi5«mrm. 5f»/. nftif^/, a^^ffif^/. 21 COJT MlR+Hw. 3lRfpnT ^'TTTT. 2b Communicate, v. a. impart, v. To Give. ^, ?^n.-OT- «:TPT».-&c. ^Roty. o/o. ^T^Htnw.-^Ht^w. ^rfgr^T ^.o/ o. 2 reveal.^ disclose, v. To Tell. <|)ic(ui, ^luifijiit, qt vRlOi , Pi^<\«i, f*t%^«. ^T^t yo/ o. 3TT^-iTT^-f^f^-&e.5pT^. i To Communicate,!;, n. have a passage fronn one to the other. onv*||4i»q|-=|[ T^TTTwi.JTT^OT.-^tTw. 3THor /«. cow. Communication, «. t. V. A. 1. — act. ^n. TPTn. ^^\f{n. 2 — act. *o6e)uirt. ^fn^7i. Pl^«H«. I. communion, v. Intebcochse. ^ToETn. idUHoiom. ^^EtiT- «555or«. I^orn. ?M«». [^TlrfNIc^. II. conference, colloquy, v, Conveesation. iflrfl^ilpfl/. III. line, means, Sfc. of c. ^m m. v. OT?,'j1l''*tl^^i{\^^^ m. Community, w. common possession or enjoyment. ^m^ iTT- t'^/. ■HMI^* Kr=fWwr m. '^Vf^m Sfjf^ ». ^'^TTT ^- 2 commonwealth, jiublic body,pullic. TT^t/. ^/. c^t^F'i. pi. JfScft/. <*yord is oftcu expressed by the words, ^n m. ^ «. lt- 162 COM ^ m. &c. To Commute, Ac. See To Exchange, Ac. Compact, a. close, dense, solid, v. Fibm. ^Z or ^, TTH^, ^- 5, ^5, g^, ^, ^ tTH^, ^aSRT, ^hftr, ^f=T, ^T^^fT, 2 close-set, thick-set, strong-knit, tcill-knit. 3TT^, 3T^^, offrf , ^PT^R or ;pT^^, ijf^W, 5if^^,^3fjfR^, 'g^'P, ^^, 3 no< diffuse or verbose. ST^rTOTT, 3TrT;. 2 associate, comrade, partner, v. Fellow. ?n*(t, BT'lnY, y'lfri /lo/j. ^i'lcTf or ?i»l|rft, T^, "W, ^T^, ^1^ or ?ft, 3 intimate associate, v. Fbiend. ?r?lT, %oft^t^, 5ffH^- Female c. or friend, fl^t/. ^f^/- ^PT/. ^IMuft/. Companionship, n. v. N. 1. w\ m. w\^f. ^NfT/. ti^'wi«. 2 ^ «i. ^rft/'o;;. ^ilrT/. 'rn^'a/. ^TTSTrl/. ?TPifWTT»». 1- f[f. W^ n. ^\^t^ n. *(|^|«( «. ■«l^')4 «. C. or fellowship, — compreh. or indef. ^^PT^flrT/. ClosenebS of c. ^i^at^/. In constant or close c. ♦J'lM'l. 3 ^^:^ n. ^T^^Rf m. vf^m n. flW^ n. ^f^ pop. ^mf. aTj«l'l m. ■Hl^l'Mi n. Company, «. body, troop, multitude, v. BaXD. ^t?i\ or €[f. Jt3r5 «. ipf[f. ^5nn?T/. ^snrr ««. ^5/. 2 assembly for conversation, Sfc. party. HiJX f. \z^f. ^*rT/. ^n^/. -"(I+ldi or xfT^pl «. ^S «. •qRlTJoft/. Address in c. ^r*TMIH4 n. Bold or confident in c. ^*mft^, ^TTT^JT. Boldness or confidence in c. ^TT^ «• [^TTRH «• The grace or ornament of a c. «HT^ m. ^>T^ pop. ?in«T/. ^»I m. ^mT m. flRI'lH w. aWtT/. ^t^f- "t- f^pop. q^TH/. a?H«j«l m. «^^>»i m. ?Tr^f5I«TH «. Virtue of c. ♦i'W^oi ••. Bad c. leads to ruin. 3ra»lrtit ^ i(l«II^ Tfe. Man is according to his c. **f)^|jA ? M(, ys'T, 'ft'^. [Ac. «f^. CoMPAUD, /. r. V. 1. 3it^-?n|^-qi?Tn^-Ac. qrfptsiT, 2 ^wwT, Ac. jqf*?^, gfw. CmipaBIi09. Cohpabivo, n. r. V. 1.— «<^. qpTTVof n. qx- ffnrt qr^ n. Ac. 9i^i«i •». qihn ■•. y^i^i^ m. . To Compass, v. a. encircle, environ, v. To Subbound. ^V'i, ^^., %^, ^Kl »n.-%^ w.-Ac. *^1^, Mt- Compatbiot, n. ^^nt, ^^?ft^, i^^, ?I^5T. CoMPEEB, ». v. Equal. ST^t^pfhTT, WTTii~r?7, wh^^. To Compel, v. a. constrain, force, oblige, necessitate, make. Sfa rt -t|c4vrrKt/.-*M*lr+K OT.-^»«.-3rTrr m.-5fRT^/.-&C. # %?nir i^n^ ( oi- z\=^h ) ^F^'if, Mi'nii^, HiMmaTT'T'Jf. COMPELLATios, n.stt/le of address, word of salutation. dlMU|- Tt^ n. ^?^(R+HiJi n. 7i'ir[^t-5ricrf%?T-&c. ^ M. 5n^"fr- ^tr^T?^-&c. ^\^ n. The terms of Compellalion are very numerous, and they are in constant use. As we have but few corresponding terms in English, they cannot bo inserted in order, yet, as they are valuable, they must not be rejected. Here, accordingly, they are set down. Some are respectful, some tender or affectionate^ Bome familiar, aiid some contemptuous. S^jft, 3rjft»nV ST^^T^, 3T^r, arrorr, am, arsrr, arTr^rr, arm, ^fpft, ^Jpjft Tpft, jf^ or ^, 51, ij^rrsT, ipTT, snf, "iT^^i ^n«rT, strt. ^, Tifrr^ or 'TriTra','TT3TT or *rr#^,*rTirr or ^1%^, ^'T#, eff^^, ?n^. It may be here noted that names have commonly three forms, viz. the simple, the res- pectful, and the contemptuous; ex. T^T^ or *rT^, ^^ f7, q^ simple form; h^ii^«(i,h^i<^^, '7?^pft,%3^n^ res. pectful form; H^K^I, H^r^TT, %5»TT contemptuous form Compendious, a.v. Abbidqed. Wli+^liH 3Tm^c5r, B*?H"4MI, ^tf^TH', ?rf^f*t^, ^T^TT^, tilMiRiH), ?f |. rt. COMPENSATIVE, rt. V. V. fft^ HSTT ^"THT, ?7frrTT^, ^iPiMi*, ^ifHrH^+K*. Compensation, n. equicalenl given for loss, sufferings, Sfc. ^+«i'fl-&c. if^ r^4(?^. >t)<>'i-ill*"i, iifrt'rf /■- H l f^^cft / 5F^-Ht^, 1=^0? «.-f*T?5T ffi. ^miwf, ^/. 3 ( of pain, thirst, Ac. ). 3n^ a# *-^u|ui. Complainant, n. v. V. 2 r**<^*o, n. v. N. 1. — act. t3^». ft'r^- Peevibh c^ Pn+li/. f^T^/. 5^^/- Piteous c. Tl/. c. ^Ttt, T, ■^S'ii«l«. A string of piteous complaints. r5^A!CT, a. X. Civil. ^-JH-m-JH n^, ST^^Tpft, ^TrPT- 2— deportmentr&c. Hluifl-fO^I, ^^nrmnrT,?P=8rfWt^. (TOMriJlISAXTLT, 0't%, 'J^*'*^W ». Ac. w^ofm/. Ac. wHTfir/. fjmftr/. ^tM^ CoMPtmojr, N. ▼. V. 1.— «<<. ^onsr^ n. Ac. ^Tif«ft/. i^- iTTr n. yHHJ. 2 a«i Cai,m. ?rt?I^^?IT, &c. ^F4, ?li?T, OT5[tfrr, ^tt^T, f - 8 T^rJOT, &c. rf^, ^rfer (in conip. a» gn«^ ^rfcr, &c.), ^F^fT, JT'ift^ ( in comp. as s^rrSST'jftiT, ntrWRoftiT, &c. ). I. itaid, sedate, steady. f^XR, TT^ or Hi;^*r, Ji^ftf. Com PosEDLT, (w;». T. A. 2. ««(/ Calmly. ^Efr»• s. 5n<:mR« o/- srivn^oE/. qrn^ m. ^^ m. w^ VI. ^^^ m. ^—act. Htl'if n. ^IM-lui n. qJT^T^/.— o. or s. fft?/. f. "TT- 3, ffr^ifrs/. ffrpft? or >fl4dli/. ^*rr OT. I. discourse, ^c. composed, v. Book, qvf m. ^^ «, ^ijoq' r/. II. See CoMPOUNBisa, Compolnd. III. ^mro »«. +)HI^K m. -in grammar. The chief forms of c. are 3Hoi(^*rR, flTJPT, st^lftf^, 5g[; but of these there are many subdivisions. IV. — in mathematics. HT^^ «• CoiiposiTOE, n. irrTT% 3%-1%^ ^osorro. Compost. See Manure. CoMPOsuEE, n. adjustment, v. Settlement. ?ftj/. diiifli/. 2 calmness, quietness, tranquility . f^fflT^ Wir^rll/. ?rt- f?r/. OT^iltfn/. ;rT^^ »». 5!\»T m. UTTrlN^VT/. "moTT w. V^rar ♦»■ *I*T5T n. ?^ n. ^jTTfrf^ n. ?cr?'ft/.-?^5Ti>5/.-&e. ^r^t, ^t[- Compound, a. not simple. fRRfoJt^T, *)ofj-m, fTTO^,fTT!iT, f»T- 2 — in grammar. ^IMI'HMI, ^IHlRl^, ??»1I«^1^, HiT^. Compound, n. «(««« compounded, v. Mixtuke. FflB5i/. f*RRT»». 2 — in medicine, THT'TT n. t\v(\ m. , ^St^q r^dlMTui, ^^T^, ?T?Tr- 3 — in grammar. ^(H^ m. Explication of a c. f^^T^ m. 4 yar(/ around house. TT^ or qr^ or ^^^ n. qrsr »«. ^' «HT5T »». ^rrn »• ^ri^ «. sfRTs n. qr? n. ^itt/. ^^- Compounded, p. v. V. A. 1. p^'tictrfril T&c- f*f«T, f*lf^, H- 3 ^15TT3^T, iiPT«. ^^i^S:^n.— state. fi^oE/. f*moET»«. 3 hIAUI ». ^tTjft? 5R^ «. jftPry? ^JT'it «v &c. 4 See Composition. To CaMPBEHEND, V. a. comprise, contain, include, emlrace. 3TFP3^, T^oEot, ^-fi<4, Mf^+i^n «fr"T, Ac. 2 ^l"- 2 — act. ^T'PT ». •HH'lfli ». Ac. CoxpSESiuBK. See PaEasrsE. COMPBiiAL, n. T. v.— art. ^I^'4'l «. 4JJli)(UJ n.-ttate. ^- i* CoMnisx. See To Coupbshzxv. (*oifF«oinsK, «. compact upon eoneeuion$. ^ /. p. tjTT, 2— in l«w. *^-4*HH| «», ^R!^ M. :ro CoMPBOMisK, V. a. V. N. 1. and To Smtle. aVjif, ^/. 2 ^< /« hazard. *Tf^^Tt'T-»nrt^-^nP!t?T-3Rl^Tiff4.Ac. «IT- <30Mrt;L«ATOET, COilPCLsrTB, COMPUtSOBT, a. V. V. To Compel. ^«Ni, ^«.^ifl^i, >MPCI.«I05, COMPULIIITE5ES8, N. T. \ , foTce applied, T. ViOLBKCB. ^^IHll* ^p. ^«TWPr n. ^J^ m. ». n. *"1I^Is»>WI'*I;t w. m. 'HrtMl+oft/. I. a c. JT n. CoNCATO-coNCATE, a. concavc on both sides. T^W:*-!:!^!^- 1^, T*PTf4r!l, Ac. yr, *ilRrt, 3TTOJT1^, ^- ■^if^H, M-H*^, Pi^if^i. Concealer, n. Conce-vlino, ;?. o. v. V. ^|'+uiru, 3'<*I1Kl, &<". 'TPTF, ^KdlA*. Concealment, n. v. V. — act. ^f^^ n. ^l«Tot n. ^]vi[ n. Ac. SqWF/. OM*J«n/. <^iqi«i*[l/. 'ft'TT n. H-<-«IA^ »• f'^- t^TT n.— stale. Ff!p%% "TJTT »«. Ac. '[pT?rr/.3Tr*0T^W, V. To Admit. ^tlW, Conceit, »«. tjnaye or idea formed, v. Conceptios. «F57'TT/. 2 Ai^A estimate of srlfor own. jft^iTT w. anf^TTPT w. 3T- (pFK w. ?*T w. ynT «. fj^^m w. «?cm«/. Tn/. % or ^«ft/. r. »Tn, ^JTH, ^ m. c. ^ »TT, ^ft/. 3W/. JTTJT m.^^T{^f. fl, «. V. N. 2. HTTTT, T^R, ^rin, »TPfttT, iTTJ^ or i CON" 168 CON "T^tTRfY, ^, 4<<^HW, r«^|v>ft, f*r3n^ ^"k, ar^^rtt, arTT- Tpft, mr*pnH, 3T^"TPft, ^^^FR, 3TTtmf*mnft, ^Tf*r- »TPT. [ ?R. C. of or respecting. simrffT, «IT'"n^r, 'Ml'jfl-=)|, sjnift- CoKCEiTBDLT, odv. V. N. 2. StThHRT^, f^m^T#, 3Tf»TilH- COSCEITEBKKSS. See COKCEIT 2. Conceivable, a. v. V. A. 2. sFrTFTT-^ftnT-BRTTT-Ac. ^^^- 3 ?l»<^NT-=5rr-^VlT-^J?l'WT &C. 5f^'^,^«^»^,H'?1'l»-*J. COSCEIVABLENESS, «. V. A. 1. ^rTRMtnT"!! »«.-&C. ^?7- ^ft^mr/. M i^i^ n'M rii/. 2 ^K=3TFTT^"mT'TT»». &e. jf^'l^qdl /. «fty'l»-<

.tc. aren't in. co». 2 (one's felf) feel an interest in. +,|otsjfl/.-f%rrr /-'Jjot- ^wE/.-'ft^rm/.-clc. arodt j'n. fo;», u-i/A ftr^pifi' o/" o. <|.|c6vi|y. -f%fTT /•-*<"• «TT^-*)l'Mul'->ll'36'Iwi y- o/ 0. 3 (one's self) intermeddle, be btiti/. ^Tr[m, tjl-juf, JT^^ "T5'if, tTjlr/». Ti^Tm. rH<^|c4|»». 3TilrJT». Pli) + /. IToS/. f^mi/. 3<^Hrep. ). R«)4l, #q«ff, ^^PTP »'« comp. ^^^ in comp. To Concert, v. a. contrive together. ^^^^:t(]^-^.^Z■^J^-fi^^ Concert, Concertino, n. v. V. — act. ^^Ixqr^ ^l^Tif n.&c I. — of music, &c. fST^ «tMI»». ?f'T*(«(i'^H'«Hi"l. 2 — in logic. 3I5»n^ii.-?I^m. ^TWr, aHHMHuf, XLV9I05, fl. v.V. A- 1. — act. ^HTTH ^^«. ar^t^fi. Ac fTHTSR n. 4^¥\\d4 n. ifb C05C0CT, ». «. T. To DioxsT. >T^^, n i * ( %s5- W *TIT. [*W fT^ n. CoycOVRss, M. eot^wet to one place, lf^\^m. fmnt n. ^. 2 T. Crowd. apTWui. i»«l»i. ?rj%in. n^ «. 3 See Ji-scTJOir. CoRCRSitAtiOir, N.-of » widow. «^W7^ n. |inT n. 9 COK Zb CoNCBETK, V. n. Y. To Clot. »ff3wf, 3TCTf, 3nT^. 2b Concrete, v. a. vjntjuf^ 'ilii. Concrete, o. t. Thick, qj, ?ttjt, ^. 2 — in logic. 3TfMMMf^«l<<+ 1 3Tf^+<''lti«i4t 1 (^rffrsTN^. I 3 — iu grammar. f%5[. i Concretion, n. t. V. N.—act. "it^^ifi. 3TJ^«. ^^TH^m. I I. f/iflM concreted. 'lt3T»». ^i+RTl, aijHrl, ^»TTff f^T^ f^W^t. quf n. ^I^mf %»rJf ». Ac. •^ift^lMH n. WTTT'nfSTfH^ n.-itate. [ ■ ■i \ 'i \ U^\lr* i n. fij^tf^^r^nTT /. r«nfT^ 1. ground or rrtuon of e. ^jf^t^H^J «b. ^if^^MTTMr^ CONiiENsADLK, a. V, V. 1. ^•^v\.&c, » ll-^RW-Ac. Condensation, Condenbino, n. v. V. A. l.—act. i5|" fpiit n. Ac ij^flfvi"! »■ 2 — act. ^W^^ «. ^NraftH 9K^ n. To Condense, To Condkicsatk, r.a.v. To Tbicken. S^ pop. ^VT-(Tf-^-^HIf4f-Ac. «p^. [Ac. «RTJr. 2 T. To Compress, flipfw n. ffi^ g. ofo. ?T. V. V. ^PST, f^^T^ft, ^T^^HT, pT?!^^, CoyDEsCESDiNGr-Y, adv. V. V. TTY^TnT-&c. ^5^t^%^, ST'sT- Condescension, n. v. V. ^PSPTT/ PkIhhm «•• arf^TTFTPTT- T ««. f^^nr m. f^rprf^HMmtrr «. cA(ThifHHMi-m< »«. ^- T^TRt or ft^<^M'n /- *r^/. Condign, a. t. Suitable. ^rfiTf^ ^P ^ i ^^l'^j , ?rHI'4^. [ ?TT/. Conditionalitt, «. V. A. Ht'^l5[+r^ «. *)ij(?i*i«|?q- n. ?n^- CONDITIONALLT, odv. V. A. 3T^-3T5?ft-?R-&C. ^TT^-^^T-^- a'o Condole, r. «. ^nVt-e tciVA another. 5^r=«rT% Jt'TIt?!' T^iif, §:^ «.-^3itH> «».-&c. ^T'Jf, i)iM^/. 'PT'^ — on account of a death, J^f^TT »». sRot- -&c. ^t^f, Conduoent, Conducive, a. v. V. 3H, fT^, -3M*r<*»i, >J'H)lO, SRpT^, ^fTT, ti^'+lO, 3TT^^ i» coOT2>. •CoNDuciVENESB, »». V. A. gq^ftq'TT »». ^V^TfPlHI /. ^T^FT- ftr^ n. OT+K+dl/. Conduct, Conductino,«. t.V.1. — act. ^^ ^T^T ^ n,^\- ^ ^of n. Ac. ^T^T'PT »■ ti^Mii"! n. 2— act. f^rrr^f n. srfl^rRdr n. &c. f=l^f^ m. ^^pr/- 3 behaviour, deportment, carriage. ^^JpF/. ^^ n. 3TT- '^j^ n. 3ii-=(RK »M.-q5Km.-&c. ^^ y. 0/0. CONDUCTOB, «. V. V. 1. ^T7 <^liWMI <. Conduit, n. aqueduct. ^oS m. H^ m. ^TTT^t/- CoNE, «. goS^FT m. dim. l^oS^f. ^Sf^f. ntj^JT^/ t^ m. 2 ( in botany ) ^^<^l*v ^^ 5rr5T# "FoE n. Confabulation, &c. See Conteesation, &c. Confection, n. t. Sweetmeat. f*T3Ti/. H<^ ^FT#. COXFESIEDLT, odv. arowedly, undeniably. f'lMlH, PifllWW, 2 w»HU1KI, ^S^ vmm, 55^t'»>TT- jl I. one who heart ronfeuion*. 7^ H\^^H'i TT^ W^ ^STT- ! II. one itho tufevM for hi» faith. ^«T*Tr4^:»rTW^. CosnOAVT, «. botom friend. ^RfT »i. V*M««T w. ({^Mf*?- j| It CosFroB, V. a. intruU, ▼. To Com M w. «!«r^, 3?I^, TT- J» CiWFirB, r. *. rely on, IrittI in. fr»fT»n>r, ^li'l"!, «nr«T- i(«f mM mKof 0. ^qiw (». %*ir, fwf inif<-*mi!m ■jto- •r i». fwi. i«/A y. of ». »nd HTWf in/* y. o/ o. I 05riDn>,^. T, V. N. ftr*fT?W^, Ac. fffV, i|«|fi<^. V. A. iH^M'^l, ff*^lfl<^l, Ac. . roooB, ConFirwo, n. t. V. N. f^m *i. »whlT or HTW ■»• 'TTT^/. HIT «. Pwn "». ^W/. PT- TH M. ^rmf or q|r«l* «. -Htm n. TTT»^ or I C. ( OF aMvraace ) gtrea. ((tiimr m. 171 CO!T In c. mwR TT^-jiuiK HT^r-Ac. 3T?TT t^»^mr^, Violation or alimse of c. f^»«ll^*tl<1 »». fr'^Rf^M »». Violator or abuser of c. f^NI+IMM* or v. ^/. f^»-Md/. III. cause or ground of c. ^M^flrfl-Ac. 3TT«TIT m.-3TT'^'- CoxFiDEXT, o. CoxriDiNG, /). a. V. V. N. f^NI«uiKI, iing[, f^- *^T^, m<*flHI, ^^l*^i*)KN<^, SJT^, "T^rf , J^R'ftq', arm. 2 ^Ao/ i# ^0 Jtf kept in confidence; private. H'ftliNNr, COKFIBEXTFALLT, aip. T. A. 2 "pl^UII^Rr^t-^OIRTT^-Ac. CosFiDEXTLT, orfs. V. A. f'T'^raT^, ■HKIH, Ac. ^«rnr-H^- I. ^IrlO^, f'T^<W or f^^jtT. II. fH^T^, f'TJ^tq;, fHS^i^TTT^, 3TT^ tT^?f, 7^^, ^^TTm, 3(^«Mi^, *jwf; «TOT, Ac. COIfFIDEKTSESS. See COXFIDISCE. CoxFiocBATiox. See Fobm. CoxFI^E, pi. CoXFiSEs, n. frontier, border. ^^^r«. ft^- rVl'^yiX"*"' Tlfl^^t »». TFT^OT. JTtTTw- f^HfTTw. ??T^ /. To CoxriXE, V. n. ». To Bobdeb. OT^-OT^-fH^f Ac. 2V CoxFiXK, V. a. limit. 3TT^l«dr, ^or, tf^, %w«f-«R^-ii- ??^-Ac. with ^^: ( ex. «rf STTT^J ^Vl ^T HT^fWT ^- /-%TT«.-^*nT'Tn.-Ac. <>iT''I ^S^rT ^. 2 T. To IMPBKOX. S5tl*,%^ ^, »lf^/.-'StXw..fsTiivi;T».- CosrisED. f . A a. V. V. A.l. an^fer, "Hranrt^n ^itihc^, Ac. CON 172 CON 2 ^^OT, ^^ vjidPjrfl, &c.'%^,'%^. 3 3TPJ^5^, &c. f^TirftTfT, f?f5f5, f^5, f%^^. I. not roomy, v. Nabeow. 3T^^, ^it^FJ, ^?, 3T?^p>ft^, II. delivered. snaS?T gi%?yt, ST^rTFT^t^. To be c. 'Mlo6d-JI^rr-&c. ^twf. III.— the bowels, if^. See Costite. To be c. Kid vjdriBI, &c. Confiscation, n.v. V.— «c<. ^<+KM q^ n. ^ST*f^TWr »• ^- Total c. ?Tt^ J5 m. ?T#^ipTiT «. V^n^ m. Conflageation, «. general or great fire. vMI'^-^l 5H «• i WT^rs/ i'NIoil m. jl'siToit/. sjrl*)|. To CoNFOBM, V. n. comply with, act according to. ^\^-^^\, arg^frT^, ar^^rfiT n. lirot. CoNFOEMABLE, o. resembling, v. Like. ^R^, '(HT'^, ^5[t, 2 agreeable, congruous, y. Consistent, r^ril9>HI,^HHI, irrp^, 3T5^, 3T5^rR ( in comp. ), aiHfll^ ( in comp. ), 8 compliant, obsequious, v. Obedient. fTTBT^, (hiAHIW, Conformableness, Confoewity, n. v. A. 1. BR^T^TT m. cq «. 31 1 H <$,<•<< n. 2 firfd^l, nt^«Eor, •R'pT^, MHIoiu), HM'lSOf, 'K^osui, ql«(sui, •is«<««(>^l, 'fttT- oE^, r^^fijfit, ^V+i**!, ^rt+iul, ^^ ^rt^lST ^«f^, ^ITH- qTcy?/^-3p5*rrTTH*T/'.-?i^ »«.-^+0+i*N«i, »rz3K m. qirfOj-qTSiif, ^ifetfT-»To5'P?iTf?T-'TtT5H'Tt- ?T-&C. Wf-«nr!0f, >T?5re/.-^?qi or ^/.-Ut^ /.-^ITRT m.-^ jn.->THot m.-&c. ^R^t y. 0/0. »J^/-^'?mc5/. ^' ?IOT-WRwf y. 0/ 0. ^=s^ /.-■^«t>^ /--^ /• g^^^-y'W"'- 3 blast, disconcert, v. To Defeat. ;JT^, fT^, BV^wf CON 173 Ac. *t»J, 9- of o. [ ^m r»,!^<»i,fk*TT-&c ^r»f . 4 »im*h,p¥t to thame, t. To Suame. riM'a. j). a. Coxfuseb, n. v. V. 1. •7iiim^. 2 m^ltf^BTRT, Ac.vni-Ac. miviKI-MlrtuiKI, ^ftfT MISUII- t'OKrOCTOISO, C05FUSI05, «. T. V. 1.— or/. Z^^ n. ^^^- a^ w. Ac. Ac. fl^ft ^T^JT n.—ttate. 3Toq^F«TT /. t^lrt*^-^ 3 *«. 'IRIfl! ••. «. loo^RT or 5r »». 'I*rjl(l'i w./. ^spRHoS n. 'Kotm /. v»i*i« M. n^^trtt/ if^irncEN. f»T?rfK?5T»». ?pre /. *nsT»ii/. ^^^f. ^^^^J. ^^^f. z^9^/. v^^m. ^- «TWflS/. ^^M^/. ^\^/. «ft5^M?t/. trt^wm^/. »frfr- ^ "• •i«^fj«i •». ITT/, jmm /. Erery thing there ii in e. ftnd disorder, "h^ %WT^ 2— «<■/. Mm^^ l ^| m. n Coirrcn, Ac. See To Covronro, Ae. CovrcTABLE, •. T. V. *wnn-HT-^Tn>»T-5^-A«.iTtimT-3lV- CoitrvTATiov, ■. T. S~mct. wnl ». miflf ». Ac. fw»* /o ieiwvaf— perwrn or ■totoment CON COSFDTED, /). V. v. ?t5^OT, Ac. ^rf|<=r, srfrT^, ^fSH, ^T^r^. CosQE. See Obeisance. To Coxgeal, ». a. change to a solid stale. vr!M<(«l, f*T^R^, To CoKGEAL, r. n. vdMuj, f. t. V. A. ^nr^^^, Ac. tpfr^Jrr. 2 V. V. N. ^m^OT, Ac. q5ft^. CoNGEALMEXT, CONOELATIOS, n. V. V. A. — act. vjiH«<^ H. fSr^ISRt n. A«. f*T3i9t»np/. ^^J^^vflf ^trz^^f— state. STTT^H^STTJTT OT. Ac. n4l*drlT/. V. V. N. — act. vdHUJ «. f^TiT't ». Ac. IT^'^/. — «/a/A f^>dAM"TI m. M-flHI^r «• ^HrTf? n. COSOEXEBACT, CoXGESEHOPSKEsS, M. V. A. ^•JjvHMMWIT >». ^H^MS PII »>■ H'>»^dlrn<4HIfft<<,<«»i>^i^«<, Congenial, a. See Congeneric. 2 agreeable to the nature of. «lr*-MMI, 3Tgntir, 3T3^, ailj^uqMI, W^rm^, ^MHIHi^OT, KJHRHHK, ^!PTT^5:Uo a hall. »Tt3^5f, H^'Flill m.- ^T?^ w. ^df y. <»/ 0. f^ ^^ «. ^^t y. o/ 0. Conglobate, a, Cokooobateo, j».v. V. n^q-,?Tyi4l'*f. CoKic, Conical, a. Pi Moid 1 or pRioE?g, 'II'3ti)^fe|^-5i-H'l<^flH^-5i-?nT^- s^qr^-Ac. ^t^i «.-*(iHui W.-&C. a^HHiHinp/. 3b CoNJECTUBE, e. «. T. To Guess. ar^^jToEwif »». cow. ai-i+oi^ &c. ^R^ y. o/ 0. [ 5-. o/ o. fTo Conjoin, e. o. v. To Join. !j%iw, f*lcZ^, ?nftn m. ^ycif Conjoined, p^ Conjoint, a. Conjunct, a. v. V. v^tl^ST, •HIMrflff). Conjointly, Conjunctly, adv. jointly, together. fJIoET, ^- Conjugal, a. belonging to marriage. Hiell^MI, f+Hl^f^I'M*, r=HI^*<5f*ft,^«)ir^«»>, ^S^lT^*. 2 belonging to the relation bettceen husband and wife. ^- To Conjugate, v. a. inflect verbs. ^ n. pi. 'Hc^'f, ^'IH?^- T^T n.-*(|Tiqdl/.-^K«-Mii «. ^T'Jt. Conjugation, «. v. Y. — act. ^ ^?y^ «. CTT^TTTH n. ^^- ■i^^rll/. 3T »n. Auspicious c. f q'm: «». TfT^'Tll^/. aT^fcTftlf^ 'fW. Thia* term is especially applied to seven conjunctions, viz. to the occurrence upon Sunday and thence in order through the week, of the nakshalra ^^ nud thence in order respectively of ST^or, 3Tf^^, ST^tTT, 3«^,T^, ^^. Inauspicious c. ^?fR w. ^^m m. qr^rxr^ m. C. of sun and moon. ^^^^'IT m. 3T%5^»W w. 5^/. Day of c. of sua and moon. 3iHNK<4T pop. ai^^/. amr/ ^ »». II.— in grammar; connecting word. T H^W-^T^ a^s^T >h. Conjunctive, a. ^"liuiKI, ^TTR JRojirr. CONJUXCTUBE, n. juncture, crisis, sr^n w. ?fPT «i. ^^T »i./. siFft/. afjoft/. 3Hof|Jiiuff/. ire^q. or iT/ ^rniftqjT/. ft- qwi »», [ jflojf n. &c. C©NJURATI05, CONJDBING, M. T. V. A. l.~ait. f(^^ ^Ppr 2— act. TRot «. Ac. ^rvftf. T. V. N. f?5»T m. ^Jjr^m »». STTsftTO- or TT^/. ^^T- 1 conjuring tricks. "FT^n. ?jftj«. jf?«. ff?rWTT«. MrfT- 'TriTw- Jfls^Mit^w. ire:?". *nw/. 5^frr/. Hfr^1%/. To CONJUBE, V. a. charge ^-c. ly oath. ?N'T^, f?^5Tw. ^TtT^ with m ojo. To Coyjvroi, V. n. practise conjuring. 'FT^n.— ut^w.-rirlT^- rIT».-'Tl4'>j'Ilr:!«.-'TT^».-1^<.*i<0 f.-^^^^m.-'^^m.-Si.c. CONJUBEB, «. V. v. A. 2 and V. N. JT?r MWUIKI-HK^ITT- sftTR or iTTT, HW<»i!r, 5=lvrl<»j. WpF^f'*. »». ^T^- Connate, a. born with, connatural. v^'HNr, ^PTT^T, fT^- 2 bom tcith another. ?T^, ^I^^R)^, ^^^nm, «{)«»» ,^- Connatural, a. born with. See Connate. 2 having the same nature with, ^H^rllrl, ^+-^lrft^, ti^irflM, t(*(>^trf|t|, CONTJATUEALITY, CONNATUBALNESS, «. V. A. 2. »J+MlM4U|l»n. ?nr»TR»». ?TH*rNM.-^»«.-^^mM.- &c. «FT^ g. ofo. ^^-^hpfJ-HfSTT- &c. qRor. 2 join coherently, ^t^:n^H,-^^'Am.-^hK ^sjtTw.-^T- f?r/.-HnT?5 ^s^ «fRT «.-&c. «rt':Tof-%^-^Rroif-tT^. Connected, p. v. Y. 1. ^rlc?T, Ac. ?i^5, «^, ^q>fn?T, p CON 175 C03T fl*iirHH, ?r^, ^*if^fi, tifjT!, «iR»H, ^iti'ft. I. T. Bela^ted. ?nWt, anrr, arnrftr^^, iMrt'i. II. — gener. or freelv, as by blood, marriage, business, 4c. aii'M'l. W^, ^T'J "TT^, ?5T^, OnciTECTEDLT. adv. cokereutl^. ^i'H«)M, HI'I^ J5^ ^RT %- I C JSSECTiox, Cos>T:xioy, «i. v. V. \.—act. 'mTi'in. Ac. ^^- «^«. #«fr3rTn.— «M/<-. ^i'itnm. ^rtVw. c5»m/. ?ff^«i./. ?t^Bi. «*, n^<: ^Vft. — gener. or indef. ^r^RT- C.8 and acquaintances — compreh. «1*A «iniT»»- p'- III. — gener. or freely, as by blood, marriage, business, Ac. Umd, hand, link, tie, thread. #q^m. rS'TT'jt^w. 3^- m. an*./. 5n^ii. qfT»itIT»». ^m. r^TW"- TT^^m. lI'llKIin. In c. with. ?T^,'f5T^mrT. V. e»r%oH, e. v. Copulatios. ^»i. W'fWw. ConrCCTOB, %, C0in«ECTI50, />. m. CoyXECTITE, a. V. V. 1. ^ti«Tm, Ac. ?nitJ!^, ?nJt3H-Ac. *fTi-^rtt-*TT^, fiw- Cowed, p. t. V. v 1 »^;^ r Ac. qti^. Conma, «.t.V.— •<*. «ft^ii.^«. eft^^t-j^npFT/. ^«|t/. ComTAKCK, Co53rmjro, «, t. M.—aet. Wi frt^n. ^FR jr«T or «Hlilcl|M. it%et^/. wtt^tWY/. Jb CoxsiTB, c. ». letfiX- o/, lei patt unnoticed. i(km. pi. frf- **J, *Mi^cti«.-i»Mi*i'ft/-it3t?rt^/.-Ac. ^^, qrfip! C oanoissxtn, «. eritieoi jud^e. ormm, TTT^, "T^^t?^, Tft- — iitmioJly, t. Wzscacbe. nnrmT^ or ^nn. ComrrsiA^ • helonyimj to ntoriaye. f^WTfl^, ri^l^wyt- 2 helonjiny to the relalion betteetn htuhand wni vife, y. CoXiCOAL. «MPimfl^T, *0'i*'^HIfl^!. T» Coir^tm, r. m. vomqmith, otereowte, tubdme. ^3t^, qrriT- ^H-^TPW-Ac. ^ET^, That has conquered his passions. ^I^f^^, 2 ae^ire hf eonqumt. finE«f, ftl^'7nrfW-Jl«W-*C. ^ COSQUEBABLE, tt. V. V. A. 1. StT^SIT, ^, 31^, ITPT^^ft^f, Conquered, p. v. V. A. 1. fil«hclrfl, &c. TTTf^, T^T^, f^- 2 fjT^ W^c?T, Ac. ^T?r. CONQCEBISO, COSQCEST, n. V. V. A. 1.— oc^ f%^«. io. Universal c. r<\r'«H<«f». I. sJi>^ ■ ^l.f)^^ l ^i trip, ar g^iH i ^ , 3T3- Consent, n. assent, concurrence.^ ^c.y. Aoeeement. ^:^Rm. ^N+K or ^^FR »». 3RTT^IT m.- ^/. ^, ^>T «. »^1T^. 2 occorrf ofmtnds, v. Aoeeement. ^^f^ «. (J«feMH «. "With one c. iJ^Rlrii^', <^+HHl#. To Consent, t>. n. assent, concur, Sfc \. To Ageee. ?^R w. Consentaneous, a. ayreealle. See Conjistekt. Consenter, n. Consentient, o. Consehtino,/?. a. v. V. ?:- Consequence, «. r«u//i, insue, end, product, ejfect, fruit, "p- PSorf^n. ^cifrNrrr/. H>rfl!c, regard, hold. 1T^, HTT^, HT^, iTt^Tot, Jm^f, 3 take into vietc, respect. n«T, argT^Ttrft^, srg^^. CoNsiDEBABLY, ode. V. A. 3. itTT^, ^JITTTEfT, &e. all decl. ^ Consideeate, a. deliberate, reflecting, ponda-ing. fr^lft, f^^TT^, f^'=m^rT^/'oi». ft-^K^fl, ^^TTT3[?ff, ftr^R^, r^-^K^M-H , f^^KR^ r^, f^^HIH*ilO, ^ffm, n^ftT, ^- 2-^f measures or acts. f^r^TT'J^^, ^^iTT^ a^^Jdl, Mlf^irMI'Mf, ij T. V. N. ft-^K <«• P4H^ n. IR^ «. f%rltn^/. I. leorlhinet* of regard, t. Weight. Jll-^^dl/. <<1'< CoxsiflS, r. a. intrutl, ffe. v. To Commit. ^Tmr, ^^Tr5- of; fsTT^, fH<«|«lt /.-Pk*I«I* /.-3rtOT n.-^nr^ n.&c. ^T^ry. o/o. 2 — gooda to an agent ( aiirm"i ) TT^lf^. ( oxsioXABLE, a. T. V. «lHI<4Nr, &c. ^M'uft<<, 3T^q, ^mwf. (OStlOKEE, n. ^{r(4l m. C05SI05ID, /». T. V. #^ISI?JT, f^pA-'.l, !^TO, ajfJ?!, «»»ff?T. 2 3TX?7T^ MKfti^-J!!. CossioiniEXT, ». T. v.— aW. ?ih^ n. ppt^T «. ^R^ n. Ac. Pj<.-*A KT5? «. Tt CossiST, c. «. n«a«u/, V. To Be. ^mdr, ^. 2 ft* eontlituted or eompoted. ST^ iriM y. o^ «. «rft»I- »nT-C7-'3RTrK^-Ac.3TOflJ ( in comp.). 8 with ; accord with, \ To Aobee. ^PT^T^, -^'I^i, «nE^, >^*iwi, fifrawf, ^^, «I^TW m. ^^, ^nr m.-^si^ m.-Ac. W^ J. of I. reeip. [Beixo. CoatimxcK, Cojcshtkxct, Cossisrnfo, *. y. V. 1. See S. m»d AatnomtT. fi^^nv »». ins m. cpT «. onrrv m. I. oyreemfHt teitk self; coherence. fTToBm. •11«;. 5^ y. o/o. flt?W'1', ^;fF«iT^, aTT>?rT^, J'.^^tNY nt^T/. SPTW, 5:^ n. <^!r^,<(uK y. f/o. ^JTIVT^ n.-hrl^iTT- q^TTir fi.-&c. q^ y. ofo. ^ff^ m.-f^ n. 4^3 ^FT^y. o/o. Consoled, />. v. V. «frl«l?vril, Ac. 3r«(iRin, '^i. a. Consolatobt, a. t. V. ^\f\- ^wrm, Ac. flM^ ^:^-'FTT'P-3rn;-Ac. stt'^wp, w^- -^-Ac. J'.^^Sira^. To Consolidate, e. «. make solid, dense, &,c. ^-^pf^ /)0/. ^E^t'iT-'Jr-l'T pop. qwr-Ac. ^^, Mift^i, ^'-F^wf, HtW^. 2 See To Join. To Consolidate, r. n. become solid, i, tiln. 2 See Joined. T. V. N. ^T^;^ Ac. «rf}^, 3T€f^,«T'ft^,^^fl, flt^^f. Consolidation, n. t. V. A. 1. — act. ^[l^Tot n. tjj^r^ ti. Af . ipft^RT n. ^fn;K''f n. ti 1 4^ <*><.») ». , T. V. N- q«^ n. 3T7^ n, Ac. cow 178 005" ' ON'SOXASCT, CONSOKOUSKESS, «. V. A. 1. and COKCOBS. ^Jf^^T n. Wfxm^ n. ^n^Trnf. +)IHW«f K- 2 f^THTP m. vHT »». ^»T?T m. vlH|4| wi. ^ m. Consonant, Consosous, a. agreeing in sound. ^*T^T, ^^.*il- 2 congruous, v. Coxsistest. f*frf|>onT, n. husband or wife, q. v. ?5iJNi jjlrfc'/l !H"i«lrfl -^- '•rt-^lcft'-^'ft (and f em. ^TTrflw &c.J <\l<^r*l m. stT^q^. CoNsricrous, o. easy to be seen. MI^"<5^ »«./.- &C. Sffq^-^RWJ-, ^ W.-^m »».-^*IM*1rt ».-&c. Jp^. 2 concur. See To Agbee. CoNSPisSATiON. See Thickening. Constable, n. qt?^ ?n?qt?r (^^fi arftT^FTft 3TI^. CON.STANCT, n. V. A. 1. ^TfTrR'Tr M. fHrTHT /. ^TfT?^ Ji.^TrT I ?J n. ^TrffTTR »». 2 tTT »n. ^^ «• frOTrTr/. flV^i»op. V>f\n f, STS^TSTT- Constant, o. continuing, v. Contintjal. fHr?T, fHM<, ^r^, 2 persistent, steady, ^rmly adherent. frvTr,f^T»t. Constipated, p. v. V. «T5^^. Constipation, n. v. Co.^tiveness. ^Ti^^raT »'■ ^T^^Fr^ «. iT- ar^rn? ♦». HcTr^t m. Constituenct, «. iorfy of constituents. ^JPfT^ «». /;?. jft^ntft m. pi. f^qM+^P^ m. Constituent, a. elemental, essential. ^Tnn^, 3Tf^^!^HcT, ^JTrT, «ft^Tg5T, ^^, Hc'A'l, ^rSTflPF, 31«4<<^*^, 3TflH- Constituent, n. t. A. essential part. *|<0|Md-&c. I^r4 «i.- f^tfT m.-&c. 3i««<<<4 ^-arf?I^-3i^Hf1')<^l4 »»-^'R ♦». 2 See Constituteb. To Constitute, v. a. See To Compose. To Make. 2 nominate, elect, y. To Appoint. RHOt, ^F?I'if, HHOR;/* 'fl^;T'TT/.-*i1xHy|4i/--&c. ^T^y. o/o. fv^^^JRot. Constituteb, n. t. V. 2. ^HUIKI, ^<^UIKI, &c. 1%qtvf^, Constitution, n. native state or character, v. Natubs. Sf- 2 ( of mind or body ). particular temperament or temper. ST^frr/. ^TR »». rTftpTrT/. aTT^TR m. ^^TK m. To lose its tone, soundness &c. — the constitution.ST?;- To recover healthy tone — the constitution. ir^flT nr- S/oTOT of government. i\'r^^'^^*;4\*A^^ »■ T\^rtrn\fr^W.' Constitutional, a. v. N. 1. and Natural. vrjTrft^T, KITHT- ^TR^r, H^.<^5«s«), H^.rM^tiK, Jrr?«T, 3 legal Sfc. ^TJTS^I^VT^^, TT^^IS'raTVT^R, TTv^f'TT- Constitutionai.lt, adv. v. A. 1. ^l^rTI^, ^*n^^', vnnt#, *5f*rT^cf., f^fH'fd:, M^Prid;, W-f^, ^Irm. 3 ilvri^rHTPlH'HK, Tlvri|cnrft^, w«i(l«^, <»i»iOmS, «(*ir*Ki««, &c. To CoNSTBKT, To C0NSTBIN8E, Ac. See To Contract, &c. To CONSTBUCT. See To Build, To Compose. CoHSTBuOTiON, «. — in grammar, v. Syntax. 3^^^^ m. :>T^/-3T'<<<^r'-IM'(n.- 31HI«Jrfl'jrd!FT/.-?5rT5Tn.-c5T^'FT/. ^T^y. o/o. 2 V. To Inxebpeet. ai'-qOT. r^T^-li^, coy V. l.—act. 179 CON Cc SSTBUIKO, n. \. V. 1. — act. ^R^^m^r^n.&C. a?HM<4^^H- Tc CossTBOPATE. See To Batish. CCHSUBSISTESCE, •. V. A. ?T^«Tf^/ ^ipTfT*. Co.fsUBSisTEKT, a. exi«/in^ together ^ «^R4, CosacBSTASTiAL, a. o/ the tame tvbtlance. *^ \ \^ \ ^y^^ \ ^i(Vfr^ Til CossULT, p. a. fl«i CO mtel of. easte, he exhausted. ?5^i»».-^?qw.-4c. ^ f.*^*. f^m. Hi^ui, ftlTif, Coyi nup), p . T. V. A.l. fTHR < | »A< I, «T^ %a^, Ac. 2 w^fe^T, 4-c Wf5m, *rtt^, ?nmr, vott fK^^i-^iirMi, C omcMSB, ». user, ife.—u opposed to producer, produc- tive. Vt^, MUI^M, ^PWft, ^niHV^. COVBCMMATK, «. 8m PnrBCT. 3V CoytVMiUTC, », «. complete, t. To Pebfect. ipf .jtttT- ('OBscinfAnD. p. T. V. ^^v^^. (osssmf ATioy, «. t. V.— .r/. ^invnT«. Ac. ^pk%mn. —Hat: ^^/. ^/ «f*J^/. ^«7ffT/. ^TTofj^T/. C'OMtMmoS, ». T. V. X.—a-t. wm». WTT1 in^rt. fTT^ *?#«•—»/«/*. V^M. VPTTm. wqT«. ^Vr»T»». f^m. 2 «rt. frt«fB. ^m «^«. Ac. ^»i.— «to<«. %fITr»i.*I- lITw. fP^ai. nnr*- VHT*. 8 S«« Destbvctiov. [ n^»i. l.». PaTDisis. fTT»tn««. «vwTm. «rf*nor ^«e>rfri(M rpi- II.— gener. wasting disease, taHes. n or |rg^ . I COXTABULATIOS, fl. ?T^J>^lft. Contact, n. touch, close union. ^^ m. ?f^^ m. S^TtT/. t^- j fTT m. ^nrtn »». yMMH «. ^^^ «. 3TH7T^ ». Wri t". ^F^IPT n. «MgHl/. Vf^f. ^ffftj/. ^^jf OT. yRlMM >h. ^rffmf^f. ^rr?TTr?i*r«r «• Ascertainment by c. <Jr, %^3t, «l4«(ui, WfSffT-HT^^ %^, ?nTl%n W.-&C. ^-3T«^ y. o/. o. tcith in. con. The word is most idiomatically renderd reversely To he contained ( y. p. ) as, This vessel will contain two seers, ^ ^.-T^^^- ^ m.-^.\H^M oi.-Ac. ^T^. Containable, o. v. V. M«/ may *« contained. MI«ll*it, rtii+KuJ, fj^i^'Jt or r|l^l4UJ, TITnTTtJft«.%T^ITT»«.^^S7T TPRt y.f/o.vis«)«i, tuTi*. *twr, %OT, THin n^, yTRw. snnify. o/o. ^j- »Tm or ann^M. ^^TM «"«'* H or ^ ofo. (with neg. con_) T"^r ^Z- 'J^ /.-TrscuT /-Twrrw /-Twft/.- ^rqinJt/-Ac. VT^y. q/'o. And some phrases and idio- J-. coiy matic expresBions are Tf arninfT HTfJ' ( f'HW, g?^, &c.) JT»i ^^iRT?5T ^ 3TT«noin: ? *fN> ^I'te ^ra^mr ^Tft (H?JT &p. t. e. I hold tht'o uiiwortliy of notice even as a beggar ). *ft &c. TT^ STTo^'ft?! ^f r ^. «/ o. or qpm Tf^- ^■7\^-kc. g. of». ^ItciF^n^mr^T F 2 eqT?i;prT^T^TnT-&c. "TTrfiT, t^^, f%^, f%rn-j4.CTBon. ^TT^«PT^, dia-qi-m, 3T«mrft, amrTT, fnr^^R^rif, jtrI, ^t-^^, 2 expressing scorn. — language, &c. aiMHHNI, frT^^T- TT^, f^TsfeUMr, f^^TTOT^T, &o. aT^TT^'lJ, frKt^iKg'P, CONTEMPTUOCSLT, ado. V. A. ST^T^TT^, aTTKHT^, frf?^^- TFf, &c. r^^ ^FCT-m^, 31HI4i,-3nHpr-rrK*;4>K-TEB, W. V. V. and QUABEELf OME. ^R^PRTT, ^JTSf^^, Hfl^tT, sit^Htf , ^^• ^?TT 0?- f?I^ftf![TT, ^r^^TT^t, fl^^nft, ^npiT^l^T, fjf^. Content, Contenteh, a. satisfied, not wishing more. ?I»TT- tTPft, g^, ^, ^'fWt, ?^i HHTcJTT, f^^ or ^TT^, ift- Easily c. STr^^'sft, 3TfMtiH«l. 2 See Willing. Content, Contentment, n. satisfaction, acquiescence, Sfe. 2 contents; ( of a receptacle ) . *R^?Jr fJl^RT w. 3lt- ?I?5T fSl^RT m. *TT»l?r/. «• »TftfT «. »TT^^ «• H^^^T »• ^- TTTf5re-3irmfT-3THrr5 n. To Content, «. o. v. To Satisft. ^r^, ^JJIMR ♦!.-fl?ft«r Contentedly' «^nj<*i<^ ■». ■VTEBJJisous, a. horderinj. -?';r. t, A. if^'rf'T'Trj*^, *IMr^nm4^. ' "PintoniCT, II. T. A. 1. pouibdity of oecurrenee. f^Jfj^f^^. 1 aeddemtalneu. «jy*¥T/."^f^ w.^f^Tfrmf n. I. a c. T. Accident, "^^^fq- n."^<)tjRd'n«/. Contingent, apostiUe of occurrence. f^?^*rrs'T,"^«) +) I «T,^- 2fortuitout, V. Accidentai,. "^^TTPIT^, 'HI'ij+,"^^fT?T, C. expenses. ^ in{rf'GENTLT, odc. V. A. 2. flwrf ACCIDENTALLY. "^«(J(-%^, '*»i^<). Continuously, o»T /. «?Tt^r /. M\*\rf>J>.f. m. 5Rt^f5T m. CON 182 coil COSTBABAND, a. ^TfoTS^f^^^rr^, HHI^^F, ^1^, WT^. To CoSTBACT, V. a. draw up, in, together. ^K^(^ or afT^- S'Jlf, STH'^, 3TPJPif^, 3TT^T^, ar^qof, 3T^^ ^TT??^. ■ 2 rfrajo «2«"» «'^^i "lew, Sfc. quf, OTTil «'«. con. oTi ' jJi , 3 epitomize, Sfc. x. To Abridge. ^^ity. q/'o. 4 See To Betboth. To CoNTEACT, V. n. he drawn up, in, S(c. ST^Rnf or 3H^4ui , ^ir, q^^, ^^pN'<»if, +i«t>4''i, z^t^, ^#^«».-/. STT'T 5J^ /. smzm^f. ^^ m. STTTm n.aiTN?; m. 3flW »«. 2 q^ n. f. Contradicted,;), t. V. 1.— orf. ^rirff^, ^TrTnE^m, ^ir^- CONTEADICTION, n. V. V. 1. — act. 3^ ^rl"l «. irfrT^tT »». t|r^Ki.<< I H «. J|H4K«^im n. ^IcflMi^^'T n. r^T^Tf^*^ w. srfrT^ »». f^^sn^ m. f%^'4T/. I. o c. o contrariety, an incongistenry, S(c. %^ »«. f^^?^ m. f^nmhr »t. fitwpJ^rTi/. 3Ttres?T «. To make a statement with contradictions or inconsi*- tencies. WdMN ^R^, d)H'. ^T^. CoNTRADicTiocs. See Captious. 2 See Ikconsistknt. CONTRADICTOET, «. Opposite, V. CONTBART. 3TTCTT, T^fT, t^ffvfl', fTF?, f^M^d, f^^rfrPT^. 2 inconsistent with itself, v. Inconsistent. ST^ifT, f^TH- CONTRADISiINCTlON, n. f^^^^T^FT^T^ «. To Contradistinguish, ». a. distinguish by opposite qual- ities. f^5giri'ft-f^53'Tf?^7T *r^ m. ilM"ll w. at+WlotMUII »». arn^T^TTT m. >f>lRr< l OT. 4 -art'iMUII «• &c. CONTEABILT, CONTBABIWISE, adv. T. A. 1. Z^^, 3^^, Sp!^, TPnr, Kj*«iit«»/, T. Bepe>'ta5t. T'tMWUft, 3ig?t?ft, Coi«TEiTBi.T, air. v.A.q'WWl"<»'i",«T*JI»INI-^-^«i1*l»ll-&c. ^cM-ft*!, ^ -TBiTiso, n. V. V.A.I. — oct. «rt^ritn. t^fuf n. Ac. hIvRt/. ifhl^/. r^TT/. ^-'Cft/. <^"[*/. pMdlw. I. intevtivene**., v. IxOESfiTT. ^fip/. 5^/- f^liHd/. J'TTot /. ^^5T m. II. teheme, device, plan. ^f^/. . «. 5^/.-?r31^^/.-»tf%rll, <-«(n. ^/. sn^w. ^icci «. ym*i^|«iTT«». •niiufl/. At the c. or command of. wivOh, ^'IlJft, ^*Hld, fTT- I. power or amihority to eontrol. ^(\JXm. ^^m.^nn/.^- To Cosnuoi,, e. «. t. To BnrrBAix, To Bulk, srt^^, arrT- TJj, ^1^4 uf, 3nW^T»».-3Tt^«».-3IT^3T«.-3lRW'»».-Ao. ^- foj y. 0/ o. A'WifS Vl^y fll*«llfl-f>fft?T-^*HM-Ac. ^W'if, 'm«T«i.-'m«T ^Ntw. ^t^-^N^, COKBOLLABLK, a. T. V. WWTnTT-^-'^njJTT-frTTW-Ac. r!»IT- ^ mWIJfl'll- Ac. Pi *!»*<, STTV^sfrr, , f^nH), HTSTT. Co:(TBOTn«iAi., «. fwyry^, fryT^^m^-fW^TT, ftyf^M*ft - CoimomciALirr, n. ftwr^, ftfl^*f»f, fi^iinf. Comemar, 11. di^i^t, ditcuttion of contrary opinions. COIT r«*«ii<^»». «. 2— language, Ac. fSf^-m, fsT*f?JrT, To be c. ^I'jwirfi f^npJf, ^n^/ ^. To Convene. See To Assemble. Convenience, Convenienct, n. v. A. viH'mI'i «. wf /. ^- 5fnfrmT w. c^PT m. 3TT5ff^ «• 3Tj*rfdl/. ^H^^nni/. At one's c. «r«TT§^. Convenient, o adapted, accommodate, t. Commodious. TT- «Tt^, mf^, «iUk, ^hk, 575^, 3T5^, «r«TTg^. Cosvenientlt, arfp. v. A. fftf ^, ^TtftfTT, fll^tiK. Convent, «. religious house for men. JT3 w. 3TT=«TH »i. 2 /or irom«n. a»nWl^«d'*:, »iCTr?ft. To Covtxboe, d. m. /«irf /o one /«>in/. ^^^ret T5E^, ^^- Convbboence, n. v. A. ((*5|,^yiVM n. ^^i^lfHWiffs^ n. ^- Conveboent, a. CoNVEBuiNo,/). n.v. V. %^HHlf , inp%»r- CMTTXMABUt. See ArrABLB. CON 184 CON ''oxvEBSANCE, CoNVEESAUcr, «. V. A. 1. 3T>=qT?r m. "ff^^TT / 5TO^/. ^rmf. «T^/. 'iHi'MM i O /. ^ n.*n^ i O /. m%- pop. 3TOTfiT <"• 3T35t^ «. »T^ «. ^ifrT/. ^RT^TT/. *«W/. <\T9[ ot. T^qiW n. ^F'ljt'wrT n. ^'q?*?- ^T n. an^TT OT. ?i(7PT m. ^^INWf or ^mf /. P. ^. 3 ^1 m. ■«HI'I*1 w. ^^?r^T/. ^;^^?T n. Criminal c. aH^llH^M m. I. See Behamoub. [fif^^n;_ CONTEESATIOJTAL, a. WN*)lrf), ^N'HIrJI-m, BHTim ^fsjtft' CoNvEESAZiONE, w. f^Cnf^f^TTf^ ^TPim «b<"<4l-«n VTjf.^ To CONTEESE, V. n. hold intercourse mth. «i)f^^|d /.- <^ij [l ^ m.-^p] f.-^'i,Mi\ m.-^cEUT «.-#3lH/.-?mrr/.-&C. ^^-^njf- df-%^ ifi^A ?ft o/'o. or 3<^u| w»7A y. o/e. 2 fon/er or Tof ». d^ ^j^jf «. mRuIHH n.— state. h}\\'\K «. ^^ w.f^Vr'trR; »i.fT4frl%- 5 m. 3T^Fi g. ojo. ^^ with "^ of o. { as Mtt 'n'T^T^ sj"^ ^^ ), <>.mIlT-&c. 53im^ I. V. Inteechangeable. R^jf^TT^, Convex, a. rising on the outside into a round form. ^5 ^« Convexity, n. v. A. %5 sif^ 3TT?rf?r/. a^^THW l^'^lihPl/. Convexo-concave, a. sn^fl^«r^>K. 2b Convey, v. a. carry, transport, ^g^ iJT'f,^^, ^T^, 'TT- ^, Mi{l'-MrH K\Wf sp?:?T Ql^^NRuf, ^(1«i< coxTOT, n. V. EscoET. ^M*^\ m. qr^wft/. 2*0 CoxTCLSK, r. «. o/rTT^ C.'s mate. ?T7 pop. ^hn^ m.-1T^ in.-/>. "T^, Mlf^d ( in comp. as"?R 'TTf^, ^ mRfl, w ifT?l^I^J^, f^T^jTT**.-^^^". "n't in. con. 3 — anger. PlHUI, «rST^, PiMiuf, 3fTt(T-5sr?-&c. ^t^. Cooled, />. v. V. A. 1. 'i?ft/*. I. (after heat). itlT^fn. iJitHTw. COOLT, ft. ^rS^^OT. ( fem. |«+. O. COOPEBATITE, '^, <^'»;«P1')^'H?7. Co-OBDijr ATE, a. o/ /Ae «i. sr^wrwrn. CoPABCOKB, »»• » A«V. TC »TTT»i. rt*Tl'ft, ?niHT*I, ^HTTT- COP COPAECENT, n. eqtial share. ti\\lM\M\ or qKtii-Mi tiK^il ^- Copartner, «. v. Partneh. ?t<+H'^I<, mHl-^K, ^THTHft, H- Copartnership, «. t. Partneeship. ?TT^h/. HPft/. ^f^- To Cope, v. n. contend or vie with, emulate, v. To Eital. ^^, ^^, ''^*)^(\ f.-mj^f.-&c. JR^t, nliO^ 'Tftft/. tTRM, VI^ I 'H Tm^re. ^, 1pm H^/. '^ w ^^^^ 3T?T^, 5- IgT/. »TRwt-^, ^f^wt. Sfftfot-^twr vnth ff of o. ^tfot. Copied, p. v. V. 1. vjdrt- :t?I-&c. f^^uiKl, %?f^. . Error of the c. (amanuensis). H?r«P^»>». W3'«4<.UIKI, &c. aV3:\ m. Sulphate of c. »0<-«l^H or^n. rll'sl'I'T m. [f^^^TH, Copper, Coppery, a. ?it«.*i*i«j, clTsr- Copper-colored, a. r{\i,n\^n\ )+K, fnftr^. Copperas, n. sulphate of iron^ v. Vitriol. f^uH^ ?5T- Copulation, n. v. V. ^^ m. &c. f*T'^ n. ^JOT ». aJIW'I m. ^f. JJ^f. ilr\f^M\f. t^ m. t^ m. ■HHI'IM «. g- ^ n. ^JT'T n. ?i»ftn ♦». ;!T'R M. ^T'Tt^^ «. ^TR m. 5?i^- ^ m. iTF'ninT «. I. — in grammar. ^HTT^w. ?T^^^m. Copulative, n. — in grammar ,v. Conjunction, ^^j^^i^^f). Copy, n. transcript. W^^f. vJHRr m. ^tT/. RPTcR « 3HST>?». dH-ll or 'TM'mi m. — esp. of an oflBcial paper. ?n?ft«l>/. Foul c. ?TT5T »». ?n^ «. *T§^ m. 2 ofl« Jooi o/ many. ipT/. [^ «. 3 archetype, v. Original. :m/. ^r^fT/ ^ ». ^R53^- 186 COH 4 model.1 exemplar, v. Pattern. f^rTT •»> 5 pece of uriting for scholars, f^^ w. 6 paper written by scholars. J^/. To Copy, e. o. transcribe. 3WR w. To Cord, ti. o. ^^Wt/. ilt«#, ^t^ »rt*T^. Cordage, «. efuVj^ «. />Z. ^trit «. ;>/. Cordial, a. hearty., v. Sincere. *rTFrre[«T«TT, ^4^t<< i '^CTn- 2 strengthening. jf^^PR^F, ^flf^, rPiiwiq;. Cordial, n. strengthening medicine, ^^r?^-q f^^ > K«P -&c, Cordiality, w. v. A. 1. fSps^'TETorTm. ^It'nirTw. P|t ^ , m^^ «. COEDIALLY, adv. V.A.I. rRrTT^j^^ft^^TT ^^ST^TT^jHHJ^, Cordon, «.— in architecture. %%Tot. ^FTTjft/. CoEE, n.v. Heart. »r^ pop. tptTot. Eotten, &c. at the c. ^\i\-i] ^^-+*ji+|-^Tf^-&c. 2 ( of a boil ) »ft^»ri. ir^T/. artet/. CoRUNDEE,«.— the plant. qJtfvmft or ^tf^:f^f. qmw. —the seed. vmTm. »ft^/. VP=!nJ». [^I^/- Cork, n. bung, stopple, plug. ^ m. ^m. ^-^iuj/i. «lCot^. To COBK, t>. a. ^|^>Tot.-??t«.- &c. H\ipi- t)^«ldNH ^IT'^n. COKMOBA>-T, fl. SRtr^m. 2 V-. Glcttos. 3T*jmT, ^T^, f#HfT. C0K5, n. \jr^H.pop, qTT». ^TOTTm. l^yTm. ^"Tw. ad^w.^RTH, Beard of c. J^ran. ^n. qfhft/. [^TRT m. C. ( esp. B&dzri or Dzondhala ) hueked and boiled. C. as trodden out. e. and ttrawt mixed, ff^n. C. ( rice, wheat, DzonJhala, &c. ) soaked and puffed bj parching. ^\^f.pl. *ji.'^(tl>ft', a cheek of it is ^THW^fi. ). To tread oat c. irapif. To tvMd out e. with stalks ondetMhed. nni*H:/. vrit. To weed and clear c. P»^, vhtqvf , m I 'WvI . I 4 ( on the foot ). 3?twnr v^ m.-f^ m. j To Conr, r. m. *«//. ftrstn-ftt^T^ »nE^,»ft3 n. ^T»?^, ^flTWof . Con-Bix, n. T. Bm. ^fN»Tsiu/»».«tv*/. ^TP*a.^a.ft Coi»-cotm»T, «. i(PV ^ M. Co».nnJ>, a. ^ a. ji^ ^ Ik sroi^ IW ». Cois-rbooa, u. fft a. CoBS-i,AND, n. f^il^'d/. ?r?T 5;T»ft^/. CORX-MAEITET, ». H^fTH^/. COBNELIAN, n. 3T^N> «. COKJfEOCS, a. horny. ftl'IMI, ?j'14,V, ?i'IH<<, ^TTTJT^, Tn^Ty CoENER, n. ^Jt?r »• ^^ w. *1h/. In every hole and c. "flui+luTI, ^tft ^ift. To drive up into a c. stop one's mouth, pose, ife. ^T- t5of, *iiHKl »».-*)4HK m. ^:mg- ofo. 2 secret or remote place. . f^t »». 2 jj^*«Ki-=(i 9^ snTc^ejiT 3Tt|. COBKETEB, n. fi[T'l«IMfi|«lljf iT, TOT, %HT^^, mff^ft, ^^'ir, ^ arsftPFft, COEPSE, n. dead lody. Tl^ w. 'JpTn, 5^5T or 53^ m. J^fO* «. ^^ M- ?5T'*T/. c5t^/.«». firT»». I Collecting the bones after burning ac. 3TfF, «ll^-*. ConPriENCE, COEPULESCY, «. T. A. (Sm^MDTT m. |?55?ftcT- qoTT m. ^ n. ^^tffg/. H^t^T?! m. ^/. *riM<»<4l<1'l m. COBPULENT, a. fleshy, bulky, v. Fat. ^ttTc^ or ii\WM\^ ^iTT- C. and weak, qf^ o;- Tftft, ^^RNv|OT. ^' 2b CoRBESPOXD, ». «. le adapted, adequate.^ ^"cv. To TaLXT. fTTotut, ^5^, ^I'Jr, =52:ur, ^inTin, ^frrot, ^'T^,^:fPT»t.-^- ^\m.- &e. SRT^ 5'. of s. recip. ^Tft/. SR^T g. of o. recip. 2 (by epistles, &c. ). ^I^ q5irqt ^^5rR:/.-&c. %^,q=^ «. ^Z. q^ smif y. o/'«. rcc(>. T^qcff R m. %^dr. COBBESPOXDEJfCE, «. CORBESPOSDiyG, «. A'. V. 1. rTToET M. », ^, "TT^, "T5, .«, COBBESPONSIVE, O. V. V. 1. fi^dUIKI, (»13|<^|-ill, vPTTETT, ((*■■« K<. T. V. N. 1. putrid, rotten, Sje. Hl^iil, f->1*l, ?r5^, nm^-il, f^I^r5T, &c. ^'J^, ?ft^. 2 viiiout, depraved, Sfc. v. "Wicked. 5^, ^TTaHc^T, COBRCPTIBLB, O. T. V. N. 1. HI^HH, f^?ft, T"^, ?#l"5. CoBHCPriBiUTT, n. V. A. Rh i Rih «. T'^^'TT /. CoBBCPTtxo, CoRRCPTios, n. T. V. A. 1. — act. 5^JT5r^i f^- or^^TJ m. 2— act. STRTwt n. ?TO^ ^T»t «. W^ ^ET^ «• &c filMi"!*/- M^^il"! n. ^^T «. — »i<T1t. To lire at one's own c. ^ m. W^-^fT'f-Jltl^, 3 costs: — in law. ^ m. To Cort, V. a. ifm n.-f^im/.-^ «.-»^ m. pl.'^ m. pl.- kc. ^Iwf-WH'l-Wnwr-iT^-^t'f M«. eon. ?^ni%-^l^ in. eon. Costal, a. pertaininj to the lidet or the rib*. ^ifNl, f^- Co«TKB-Mo;racB, n. iTWT ftl*wiUI V^^WT??!. CotriTB, a. eonttipaUd. an^TWnr, fl^ *^^, ^?^, To COSTITKinESS, H. T. A C, with flatulence. WWPT ••. { rVmf. CotTLtnst, n, T. A. j^/. ^l5Wm •• ^J^'Pn/. "fW; Costly, a. sumptuout, high-priced, v. Deab. HIWI ^RNI, ^ f^Hrft^, «lf*llrtT, «l5*Jf<4, W^I'Jr'M, ^3Tf . CosTC ME, n. T. Dress. '^ ^xy. ipT or %n or %^ m. "^TN or"VT^ m. ^^TRT or"^Tr^ "». ^UTr m. fe*rRT «». CO-SUFFEBEB, «. ^W^:^. Cot, n. v. Hut. ^Z n. #^/. ff^ or ^/. «rJr^/. 2 V. Bedstead, ^^tr «. iHl<0/. Some species of the cotton-plant are '^«I*lMflt, ^^Tr^, R^rrT?ft, f'^^Fmft-— the produce, ^rj^ m. ^q^ w. n. flf? m. Bow used in carding c. tf^^Jc^ or ^H^fH/. ^^ «• Carded c. ITcET »n. ^/. C m. C.-seed. ?TT^/. *tT^/- C. -thread. ^ «. Cushion or case stuffed with c. +.'j1im m. Dry culm remaining of c.-plant. uf. To seed ( extract the seeds of ) c. «R^, SJhfof, — In- strument of extracting the seeds, ^z^ n. 2 cotton cloth. g?TT% ^m n. g. C0TT05 CLEA5EB. fl. f^nJtrtt. — the instrument of. g«. a. lay down as on a couch. fSf^l^, »m^, %- f^t, il^iif. [f^-^n'^-Ac. ^x^. 2 iw*o/w, include, v. To Imply. nrnT». 1^ g. of 0. ni- 3 ( spear, Ac. ) BmmT-Ac. *R^-%^4fl^^, 4 ( a cataract. ) g^ ^r^. coir 190 COTt Couch, n. v. Bedstead, qjjn m. ^Z\f. pop. W'-f- r<< I ■=[)«■(/. To Co\jQn,v.a.tBith up. expecloi-ale.^ 1 +tui i^Ml+H «TT|t dl+uf. Council, n. H+(rtd+^i« n. Betraying or divulging c. *T^H^ «. Deep or complex c. ^f^is^ m. Of deep c. HH3?n, ^TTgsff, JTT+j'^J'^K. Nice or delicate c. HF^ H^rfjf. 3 See CoNsuLTATiOK. To Counsel, v. a. v. To Advise, jfj^MP^ w.-^f^/.-ft^fRfl*.- 3T6g?5/.-&C. ■dl'iwt, M^rfdZ-H^fT »«/. ^. Counselled,;?, v. V. TTt^, *Tftr=T, arfvrtt^. CocssELLixa, n. y.Y.— act. gf^^ ?Ttnotn. &c. JTSTT «. 3T- Secret c. Tt^'iRt f. CouNsELi.oB, «. V. V. jf^j^n^ ^rinuiKi, &c. n^ft, arfsmrrr, I. member of a council. ?THre^, H«T,?rm^Tf^, ^TTTTf^. IMfts of a king or ruler ). JT=3ft, 3mTr«T, ^ff^ ^t^T^, III. Sec Lawieb. To Count, ». a. member, reckon. lOM, H l vrftfj , H^iu j, irtTrfY /.-HMuO /.-»Tt^»J^ /.-'n'PT n.-»n»PTT /.-*)<.»«II /. -&e. ^^ffofo. [55^. 2 account, regard, v. To Value. JTT«1^, HM" r, TT^, To Count, v. n. KrsfvsTfrT ^, Tftw aM^I'H "re'^T. 2 on; reH^ CT. HplHMIM «. COCSTEH-KTIDENCE, «. Jr^-lWIlfl/ Wfrl*K* W^ ♦»• jTo Cocstebfeit, p. a. copy fraudulently, T. To Fobge. q»T- ei% 'nw?/.-^ * -f»T^ pop. »ft^ fi.-%7 m.-Ac. qrof-^^ 2 See To Imitate. CocyTEBrEiT, a. T. False. H+p11, ^TT, «RK^3T, ^t^, ^•l^W, WT'IHI, *14HI, ^^, *R«H, tWMl, fn^^. CoOTERiEiT, «. /Amy mWf Ml fraudulent imitation. f^PT ^/>. »ft?T n. ^^ n. g;^ m. «. 2 See Deceiveb, Htpocrite. To CorsTEBMASD, p. a. J-l-t^+M-qr^T J^m.-Ac. ^-^Tof, C0f>-TEB1IA5D, n. 3^57 J^«. IT^T l^"*- ^TJTTX'fT 5^»». Coc.VTEBXABCH, «.««rcA 6«cifc. gc?J^».m. %T^».». ITrT- ^n. m. MrWI'lHHn. CooTEB-MVBE, n. ok/w" ffoZi. Tlf'm/. Il^m. CocsTEB-PAJTE, «. ( of a bed ). q?PWlW«». COF5TEB-PABT, n. gr»• aiPTl*- MTTm. To Coinn-EB-woBK, t. o.t. To Couitteract. srf^^nT»».-srfc<^*( «. ) 3^ n. 5^ «• 5^ «• 'HTr^ ». 2 OTo/e ^-female. %5T w. 'i^i^ «. ^jftt n. ggw. PtVT n. A married c. ^ftj^ n. ^qrft n. m. sjiTrq »». ^tir n. A newly married c. 5flt^ or aft^ «. 3^nft n. jpi. or ^I5T». — Entertainment given to them, art^f dnpT «. — Their first Tisit to the family god ( goinj to church). 8 frame oftramverie raftert, Sfc. ^Nt/ ^TfTT/. ^T w. f^f ^\m\ or JTtnrrw. 2b Couple, v. a. join two together. ^^\ttf. ^?:Dt-irtvTot-^n^- ^, v^/. yw«if, v»ri««i, 2 See To Mabbt. To Couple, c. «. See To Copulate. CouPLwr, n. ?rt^ m.'k^f. COVRAOK, COUBAOEOU8KM8, tl. V. BOLDyESS. ft^Jm/. ft- ^ M. anw «• To loTO c. tftr fn.-'3=tWHPT n.-/. 'R^-'TnT m. ^. Hltut- II? n. pi. M^m g. of ». ^PT w. ;>/. qr^, tFHT/ «It^ g. of s. To take c. To pluck up c. 5*T »».-3TTffR n.->'5r n.-Jio. CocBAOEOOt, a, T. Bold, ^jt, f^«-Mfi5H, f^t-Hrfi , fC ' Hd l i i, ^^*^^"> •I'ft^l*) WftfT, CG^ COUEAOEOUSLY, odv. V. A. ttJld BOLDLT. ^«f-3H^nT-&C. ^- COUEIEB, M. V. MeSSESGFB. vfi I <^<\, ^Rft^, ^rl+KI OT ^<=bUl, •t.l'l-O. [*ji«i"n/. Course, «. career, race, run. 5^/. tn^/. ^tNtt/. tTt^ n. 2 ( as of a river, road, &e. ). ^TfT or ^TT^Jft/. Ht4 »». 8 race-ground. iJKilrfl-H^ or 5[I^*\ m. ifiTT m. qRmir art'M n, CoDBTEn, J?. T. V. 2. aiKiMt^rti, &c. amrf^nr, ^TifSirr. CouBTEOrs, a. polite, — persons, v. Civil. «JlrfHt(|r4H 'ejI'WI, 2— manners, &e. JTTJB^jfhlT, '^^^Mpi'O-m, ?T><r ^, JTH^JT^ift^, 5ft Or vft- 3ft-^r»ft-*<.'nRi-*^uiuii?. 2 See FLATTEiEB. Couwixo, n. V. v. 2. — ac<. »JM^ «. aiKra'f «. Ac 3TT- 3^ m. mMl.un/. aiKimr/. ?9T^^/. CocKTLisxss, n. V. A. ^vjfTr/. i^#t/. g^sTTHT/. CouBTLT, a. belonging, guitalh, Sfc. to a court. ', n. — gener. *rq. 3b COTEK, «. a. overspread and hide. -Ulttfl^ul, afn^T»t, ST- *Bn^, wnw^, *|li*"if, iHI--tfH.«1, n.-arif ^ B.-WTTH «.- 2 conceal, r. To Hide. Ht^, »t^, »N^,^mT ^-*rOit, 8 ei*#e »»Jr n. 'H<'i)+) w. m, ^wT HK^in. '- nfi^^n^ n. Ac. BTfVm. r. ^, <^«». 3lf*?r9IT w. Covetous, a. cupidinous., avaricious, greedy. ?jNt, r5T?!^, 5, 5»*T, ?5t^, rsft'pfV, ri^sm— in liish dcKrco. ?^>n*ft- ST, ^rmi^H, ??t*mq, ^JTr^H^F, sfhnf??, s^rr^stJT, jfhrr- 5^, rti*ii'2<,fl^r4f. Womo terms for « covetous person are armPTnor anm^fn, !«iM«'?i4tJf, f^'=HH/.-&c. Ml^ui y. ofo. ^?f*nT »».- ^^TST »».-xJrf)r^*nT m.-&c. ffT^ y. 0/0. Cow-DTJSo, «. ^ir n. jHh*) n. Basket for c. VWJJi\f. ?iunj<4 n. Basket for dry ( or jungle ) c. ^T^ «. Cake of c. "it^/. «rnT^/. »Tm »•. ^c&RTon or ^^'^- oft/. ^orRniftn?^/. ^/. gnr/. Cake of c. as dabbed upon the roofer wall. ']\n>\\(ib\m. sfFTT m. [ f^nift/. C. as found in the fields. TPT^OT «. iH»lT*({t/. TTT- C.-wash, — to be used in smearing floors, &c. ilUHuH Crumbly or crumbled c. 'tt'iT »». ?ttJT^ «. ^"TJ^/. ^ur n. Kindled heap of bits of c. ^PK «. *^rlSJ'l< n. qrrTT «. Jiump or dab of c. ^tiinflW m. Lump of c. — as voided at one lime, tnintl^ or '^ m. ?fJrT^, f*Tff 1 '"^^'(T^., TTT^, 'FTHT, Pl^"^, 3I'<^, 31^, ^- ^r^, TaiTTT or ?STT, ^^, ^?r^, ^HMil+H or ^. ^, m4^H , &c.^t7p^.Some phrases, proverbs, sayings, and various formations conyeying the sense ofo cou!~ ardly person, and answering to Baatard, Poltroon, Nid- get. Craven, Pitsillanimous wretch. Faint-heart, Lack- pluck, Wliite-liver, Cream-face, Pigeon-heart, ChicTcen, Woman, are fff /. -ES3. CM-*4'(l^'t/. JT^^qi^fT/. CHA CoxcOMiCAX, a. f. Foppish. iH*«*(l-^-«(l, ^fi-«< l. To Cot, v. n. affect reterte, Sfc «<<»)Ui, u{, JT^m. />/. »TR^, ail«IHH»I**;i/. /i. ^^-?^T^-^. Cot, a. — a female. H<+^K, 5^ MK"II^, atl WT^, •H3«1, COTLT, «i4I »». 2 — the sign cancer. ^ m. 3 <^ »■ ^reft, f«i^*ii, Id^+I, ^T^ H<^'H1, ^1?. 2 perjileTing, hard, v. DiFricuiT. ?nHT, ^^RT, ^^, CBaBBEDLX, flio. V. A. 1. <^I^^U|M, fr|<+i'lMU|l^, &c. Cbabbeditess, «i. v. a. 1. ^I^nM«»II m. ^IVT'Tr m. &c. ^Kt\ 2 f('«J<'im»ll «. &C. CXACK, H. chink, ftture, cranny, clrjt, crevice. fZ/.^fif m. f. pop. ^q/. ^\mm. im/. ^/ ^f?/. Til^ or H?^/. ^mr/. a^ jn. >H4<{w»/. Croicks and cranuie8,^-compreh. nooks, crevicet, and torncrt. ^ifppr^/. pi. 2 ( a« of some veaeel or thing ). ^/. "fr/. ?(rT ot. ?^- ' ?WT «. ai^/. !TTT m. ffti/. 0^ m. qfTT^/. 3 nfii«M and tharp tound. ?nt^/. fTPFT m. dll^l m.^^rjT- With a c. Tfi-^ji^T-^-Ac. ^l^I, ?l? or fTIVT-^-&c, Ai'^i & z\ — intenu. H-iM-l, fl^Kf. 4 founding tirole. * •1*1^1 w. ^JI'FTTTm. 'Til^'jft/. ^l^/ ^WT/. 'm*un/ fR^RT »n. With a c ?ni «w *m-*sT-^-&c. SSeeLiz. To Cback, r. n. break into eratJct or ehinit. « t iH^ r, ?TI^, 3^, Tiai^, intent. rWt^, "M, ftn^^T, f^rf^m. To Cbacb, r. a. t. To Bbeak, To Split. VH^t, ^r»df. 2 ( a whip, &c. ) «Mit« to tound loudly. *l«nr^, fT^W- «f, Tl^Iff, * I* If of. [ W. CBACK-BBAino, a. eraty, t. Map. #rw, >TOT, WmVS^- CbaCUP,/. t. V. N. 1. i»»r^, JTlf^R^r, 4c. 195 CBA 2 5^^, ^<1*<, ^^ftr, 5?:^, R-tl+r, (m^*!, remist. f^; or Iil or S>l »». ^PTTIT 'h'il+l w». 2 cracking tchirliyiff. f%^^ n. f^Tf¥t «. Gbackisglt, atlv. tcith noise of cracking. «F?Tlt or ^fIT5f > 4l--h4 or ^3T^5, , ^e. See Ycsbbl. CBAITU.T. 8m Akuvllx, CBA 196 CSA Craftiness, «. v. A. and Cuiwiira. ^]^T m, ^qj n. iprf^- =5? n. ?TT^ n. Cbaftsmas, «. T. Ahtiuceb. %\fli \ i or ■h \ < \ '[ \ < . m. Rt?^»». Ceaftt, a. V. CuXNiNO. ^liftlM, ^n%^, ^F^, «nff, ?T3, Ceag, n. jjTOtulerance of a rock, i;c. ^^nrTT »». ??R^ n. ^T- 'E, «. ^T'PNt m. +<.+l'^/. ^TRIT »».( *t.-ied, o. /jtum, n. ?nT n. ^nrt^ «. «Rfn wJ. [/. Ceatch, n. frame in which hay is put. T^^nf or ift/. 'IMI^ Cbate, n. texture of sticks, Sjc. w'^^r «». ^TRIT «. *lf*I^/. ^n^ m. rTT^/. 2 See Basket. Ceateb, ft. vHrfWMni^ - ^IB I M^f t^ Ht3 ». 3^I'>IH^s or 5f or ^?^- |^-+.il-+.i-+.4l4i-^T^ or T^-adv. ^T^-^ij]r. Cbavat, «. neckcloth.^ Sfc. n^^ «». +. T. V. »it? MI«Aril, Ac. Jb Create, c. a. Jriwy ifi/o beinj, make, ^e. PjhIui-vJtM+I ^^-Ac. ^TTJT, f^rfiWr, vi»Mi^ui, j^Nui, ^j^^wi, 3Fn^«.- ^T^n.-fn^frr/Ac. ^T^^. o/o. ^?^. 2 produce, occatsion, r. To Cause. jrM^-Ac. ^^, 3?(- ftT/.-TSr^m-Ac. ^(T't ^. o/^o. a<|U|Oi. 8 make, by ineesiiny with a new character. <{>{u^. Cbeited./>. t. V. 1. ^^?^, Ac. T'T^r, ftufoi, PtHfin, 3???- ClEATios,^. T. V.I.— art. 3:?T^^TTif«i. Ac. 3?n^n.7?lf?T/. I. T. USITEBSE. ^9.f. fT^f^/ sn'T?Ti=[f?/. ?nTff«. Cuatob, n. Cbeatite, o. v. V. 1. "KOim, 3?i^ «K"IHI,3'- C. of the world. ^»Ir*iii, vd'lryvi, *5I^. ^'IJWI^*h. Cn^TT, «. fentiana ekerayta. f^'.lld or f^TTrrin. ^5ome va- rietiea are f^fTT^ ?^'l^i ^^ PSflf", Tf^ f«Klf<1 or f^- Cbeatcbe, fi. <*»fiy create, — gener. ^n. ^n. f »Tft^«. The crcatorci — compreh. or collect ^pPTI^pt^ n. ^- Crawling or creeping c— gener. f^|*p ( dim. f^4mvTTT w. On c. Ttnr. Letter of c. ><'4HI«I /. [ ^. 2b CEEorT, c. a. v. To Believe, m^, ^TT-fTfT Ac. HMuf, 2 opposed to debit, ^/ji^^ or vTKT «TT^, vf^'Si »ilsui, Cbeditadle, a. bearing or bringing credit, v. Uokobablz. «TT5^, ijrfl^-MI, ^HTFPC, ^^niV'fi I'd'*^. 2 worthy of credit or trust, V. Keputadle. TT^pfW, ^\- w, j*«ifl^u, yr^^fft'^, jTTT^ft, srrwTTT, ^ttij^t, ^imftpr, Cbeditablt, adv. v. A. 1. "MT^, 3TT*[-'Tt^-^rt'R'5-Ac. rrtile. f«F5^ n. f^ n. f^v^n. C creatures, — goner. ^fflSHrft/. Creep-hole, m. subterfuge, excuse, f^^f. %^ «. yTPTT/. RT5/. "FT/. ^^/. To keep a c. f%^ its/. ^^K^T 3^. CBEMATI05, M. burninj of a corpse. JHT silToE'if »• ^rl^fT «. To Ceepitate, v. n. See To Cbackle. 2 ireoA Jtinrf. TV^, ST^ »». €r5^, T^ n. sRiJf, Cbepitatiok, n. See Ceacklikg. — v. V. 2. — act. ^^ n. qr^ m. q^ n. Soft c. ^H^ /. f^f^/. Cbepuscle, «. glimmerings of dawn, v. Daws, ^f^q? ^t^- Ceepuscclous, Cbepcsculab, a. f^PT? r»)HjN I,^rhrT? ^t- ■«(M4I-=II, ^^ Jj^+Mr. Cebscent, «. ^T5<=rr ^f^ m. ff^:? »«. +rfl^f^* ^ m, gr^-f- Crescent, Cuescite, a. «||iSril, ^TTTornT, ^^*Tpr, ?f§ror. Ceess, m. lepidium sativum, 3T^'i^ or aTT^R or ^ | ^H' «. Cresset, n. Jertcon light. afTT^JT^^ w. STT^JT^n^ ot. Crest, ». ( of a cock ). ^tft/. f^jf ^f ? ^/. 2 jsZttwie, ti'/l. HTT »n.=F?!^/fiT?fT/f^fl.?njn: »».=^/. 5^ pop. n^Z m. fsfnfl^ OT. n. 3T^rm m. Jewel worn in a c. =^imf&T m. f^<-^iHp>r m. fij HWf oi w. f^fA'flM j< . Crevice, n. rAmi, cranny, v. Crack. J| or *i'e|dioiui, diduf, ar^^re^, sR^rnT. CBieKET, n. TT^r/. tRT/. iMT+il »«. %!ft/. fifn^s:^/. The mole c. qf^ m. ^^*fl V\ m. «j-llrf| tn w. ^r^^llVl tn m. 3T- *«ti?iif or 5HM(ITft TT m. vii-Mi, 3Ri^nft i'lHr. [ t'lf^uf. To Cbimsox, c. a r4>. n. bow and terape, make court, crouch, \. To Cbixge, CBI50I50, n. T. V. ?lirT »rJR n. Ac. arP^w. Cbejoeb, «. CBiSGnJO, />. a. v. V. an»ii *rjj ^*^•^ ^^♦tc 0T^w, Csipple, n. BTWmf or rt'lHHI^ «. ri'l«"(^H c. See also the words under the adjective. To bo or become a c. Ttja^. Cbi*I9, ♦!.— of a disease. "jHiuiih g^ftorm fl'll-HI %^m. =ll. To Cbiticise, v. a. notice leautiet and fault*. Mu^|«( m. ;>?. 2 animadvert on asfutlty. ^ m. %«r^, ^ m. . Cboccs. See Safpeos. Cb(ksi78, fi. V. Rich, ^ilr m. WT^}^ m. H*l*lP-HKI*o(«|, mr, smBTT WT? m. Cboxiship, n. »rtt/. TfrTTTw. tftf. X^^n. ^(^l^m. t^- Cbook, n. ciiri:*'*/ end. STtTTTw ^m. %^n. 2 curved slick, Sfe. artTtt/ W^nw. j^f. CEO 200 CRO By hook or by c. «t>^^+^H, v^^Vl^S**;?!, vi'HM^I, C. used to pull down pods, flowers, &c. ^l+lft/. 8 ( of a shepherd.) Ms+i||Tf[ «|i+^|< ^f^Tff*. 4 curvature. See Bend. To Cbook. See To Besd. Ceook-back, «. ^F^«. Ceook-backex^, o. +.«(4I, ^^n^ft'SqT, ^srsf. Cbooked, o. cumed, bent. ^t^PIT, ctlT ar ?t^T, «np, frtlT, frf- That is very crooked & unshapely — a person. 3^1^- C. and curved, — compreh. lent and lotced and turned and warped, ^-e. i?f^J5 ^Pt^, sff^ S^HFT, «tisi Hi^si, 2 fig. See Peeveese. Ceookedlt, adv. t. A. ^^^ a. deal. Cbookebness, n. y. A. ^f^f^qxTTOT. rrtRr% i;^«. 5 marJc of a c. instead of signature. *«|-«nP(^n'ft/. CeOss, a. transverse, falling athtcart, srrs^. 2 opposite, hostile, v. Adteese. STrS^IT, srf^Tft?, f^"^0^ *^«llif ^ To Csoss-^rESTios, v. a. quettion dotely, tearchingly, Sfe. -&c. mK^ ff. ofo. Cxoss-BOAS, n. 3TTWT ^^Tw«. 3TT3^ ^TZf. CB038-WAT, n. place where road* eroit. '^XZ^m. fr|«(|»fi / i CBO 4 <*IH«IMmJII m. - iJUvrlMM i i llw. ClOsswisE, ai -mf . ! Cbow, n. WJWW n*. *Tft m. fHHT «. Some tpeciea are V | Carrion c. H^l'.%lf«l m. ^*VfTV «i. Offerings ( rice, Ac. thrown out ) to crows. <()|<|)<|f^ pop. 4:1*^55 A (H+tloft/ 3HIMI0/. 2 ( of iron ). t^PS m. ^]m m. n. 3 ( of the cock ). 3TR4uft/. 3TK^/. spt^oft or ^oft /". f^/. *ii'i«n/. «jfn/. ?n^/. Second c. ( in the morning ). ^nv^f. — Third c. Pmwftf. To Cbow, v. n. — the cock. aTR^nif, 3TR^, «J»t^ or ^H\ STR^wft/.-Ac. ipTiiif, itn/.-W^/. ^. — the second time 5*iKU|. — the third time PlHHuf. 2 flg. exult., V. To Tbicmpu. f^ m.pl. vT^tiif, ft(\f.pl. VlM'iu|'-'aiS''"f-f^'I''t-si?^<»f-«(M*Iui, 5PTW/./)Z. ^R^. Cbow-bab, «. ?f«l55 OT. rffHT »n. n. gasot n. Ceows-febt, fl. »^TfTKT*fr 5tcKTT?n# 3??TT ^SiTT/. /)i.H|T^- rmf.pl. T^!7T n^/.-Ac. ^^ «t7/i grffT 0/ 0. 2 /)r«M confusedly together. %^ot, qr^^, ^rft/.-^l7iOT /.-<\l4un /.-Msi^H/.-Ac.^Ti't-i><«*"l y. of o. 3 incommode by pressing on. ^[ttf.-&c. ^J^/JTi-etuif*}^. To Cbowd, ». n. ^jii^, %^ot, fHI^, ^/.-^PJwft^rrtjft/. ^. ^5r'TT%7/-'^MKI»».-^7l%I /.-%3 /.-%3T%?5 or r^f.-^f. ffeJirtt/-Ac. ^T^ or ^fSr y. ofs. ^PJ^Wft f.^tz\if.^• tKf.-&C. 'PT'f, f^*ui n. qHuj or ipiV/i y. 0/ *. .T.V.N.V''I^Il,^T'T,'Trm', K^, «*t<'f, 3T^TWTT. To be c. ail-MUIof, ^R^t, T^^nRf PlVui, H^Rfl m. CBowDKoress, ••. T. P. »n^/. ^/ an^TJT/ ^^^f »ftl /. T^n or f»nn ». f^^r^/. %ii^"4 /. n^/. ^«r or ^^ ff^x^(Ttf f^npfti or f^rftf*rtt or f^rft'Frf^rtt/. ^rmr /. ^Wfr/. ^/. ^^ m. [MrifM'^\i m. f^mi or %»I^/. »T^ or *TT7 w. ^ /• '^^/. ^TTTT w. ^/. %^ /. ^^TIT or <'II<\^HIt^ , To be c. with success. ^-4«pT|>«;p. ^n^ «.-+)l*r<< «.-&c. ^y. qfj.^irl^Fq- ^. [TpitpTn. Ceownino, Coeo.vation, n.v. V.l. 'T?Tf*l^ff».H*'',*)>*K m. Cbccial, o. ^^rreqr 31I*iOT^ ^ ». CeUCIIOEM, O. +'HK<^, STT^, 3T^rt5. Cbuditt, CEunKSEss, «. V. A. 1. «F%rMrOT.^^^/.3rT^«^n. 2 ;?Hf^ n. Ceuet, n. bottle for vinegar. ^<.+|<^lvft/. Cecet-stixd, n. qj m. Cbuise, n. See Cop. 2 v. V. ^ ftiT^ n. ^^tj^^ «. J'o Cruise, v. n. sail about, ^qf f<)>k »». ■Hfl"t>l^ 5b Cecst, c. ». gather into a hard cocerinj. ^^o5 n.-^M3I w.-JtC. «IT'f. Cbcstaceous, a. +.«<-=|l'HI, ^"Ess, n. T. A. 2. ^^i-yiotMuii m. ^reft^orr m. CuusTy, a. *<(-«(MI, «(-=fl-«'<4i-4l =r^. f^R^r, rf- «nTr^;rTft»i.-;TTi^in. iTot,r5^ •JTrFt^«t.-3TT'^m.-^»i.-Ac. 1^, 'V^--^"- 'Tot-«Uui-?5H'»I.— Bobbingly, Ac. ^M^uj, T7»f , 51% ^T^T or ^Tf^f-JMIW inCH or ^ITfT-THfi 'T^TT- *npf-Ac. n^. 4 — e«p. of children; agreeing with whine, whimper, vvtcl, pipe, Mnivel, Sfc. ?F^, **^of, >,*mu(, i^,ni>ii, #- ^iROf, r«iwi31, iiiwi, 7T^ or T^m. j*i>i*iw, ^w^ /.-&c. ^Tol-;7T?pif, f* — an animal, gcner. 3?iciuf or ynnuf, "T^jf^t, ^Jj-^iJf, 9^M. ^T^. — a bird. itKfuf. — the clc])liant. ff^f^ or (**l*''l, rvfi*!, f^^liuf, f^Tiaof, ft^M^t/'Ac. qftrot.— the crane, r^^fi^vf or ^s^:^, TT^w. Ttl^-^Tot. — the baodikote. xi^, trrTBt*. ^r^t. out upon; OH; again»t. srt^ iftv^, iftn/ d^- irrot, nHw. ^^it-Ac. all teith j. ofo. ^IT^ |[^RTw.- f ^ITIw -^T'TRTw.-Ac. *^ 7. <»<"o. To Cbt, r. a. SJeo To Pboci.aim. 2 up; /««P-+»»». **lfi+rt. JFTSTHfiTwi. R^Kfi. *HiP,+.l- SKTm. ^ftfTT^JTTw. CbTSTAL, CEYSTALLrKE, O. *<»)p,+MI, ^frP+H'T, FPtf^^, To Cbtstalize, v.n. spfstn/. fi.-^% m.;)^ spfur-^l't y. o/#. To Cbtstalize, v. a. ^JTS^JT/ i'i.-^^OT. pi- W^ g- ofo. CcB, n. f^n. »WT»i. n.Some of the com- mon species are ?<*H><1, iHriMffH'^l, ^f, 'TTT^sn'^- CccuBBiTE, «. — the chemical apparatus. ?H?^ n. Cud, n. i^n m. rra w. Chewing the c. Xtw>0( pop ^t*T »»• T^^^^ n. m. ^TTiT w. To chew the c. ^tv't or ^i?^ or (l^tvot, ^ m.-JTi- 2 ( of tobacco, Ao. ) nt^f. To Cuddle, v. n. lie dote. ??»t^-f^n>^-y5»r-Ac. f^^iwf, ^^ ffrr^. [ 6t. To Cuddle, v. a, im^H^^^ nx%^ ^-^^P^^^-&c. ft\^- CCDOEL, n. vm or ^rr m. dim, fft^ n. ^vpiT or ?i)tnwt or <^U»iui, ^T'ni't, ?|UIS"1, 6iui«t.i«(ui, 'q^tff, •«ii'H<"-«7, ^Jm, ^/-^tl'I^/. ^5- oty. ofo. Given to cudgeling. ^jfcHll. Cue, n. T. Tail. ^ n. ^^n. ?5t»J|5 ». 2 Tiint, Sfc. ^^\f. ff*!?? «. To give one his e. «JR m. »TT^-^-SRT^. 3 humour, temper. ffrT/. IT^ «. f^TrT «. To be in the e. for. ^^ m. pi. H^ or ^T^ g. of 0. Cuff, «. Wow tow! A theJUt, v. Blow, w^^ft m. 5^/. l^ l ^W^ I- ^ »»• 5f%*ft2^ m. 2 ( of a sleeye ). ^^^ f. To Cuff, ». a. v. To liEAT. ^n^PT^ or M«)«>»Wff |, ^e^m.- &c. nKui_ hR;j<<<"1'I ♦». ^iT't, =^HTT^. CUI BOKO? f^W^, CuiKAsa, n. V. Akmour. 3<«1U| «. a^^m oi n. 3tl5^ »». Cuisn, «. V. Armour. HKNl ^^hstJlT ««. v?f v< I M I°T ». CULIKARY, o. relating to cooking, ^-c. ^THPT^, TT^^^ft, To Cull, v. a. v. To Choose. f^wjSr, %^, tJFpjf, CuLLT. See Gull, Culm, n. v. Stalk. Ht? «. 2b Culminate, r. «. he vertical. ^p?fiai^- j^cm i ^< -&c. ^. To attain its acme or culminating point. ^^^ m. ^ g. ofs. Culmination, n. • iHM \ m ^. n. 2 culminating point; highest point. ^:^m m. V)'i-&c. ff+«f8r /. ?jf«npR' »». TT«Toft /. Non-resident c. ail^i+'O, %^- Culver. See Pigeon. Tit Cumber. See To Encumber. Cumbersome, Cumbrous, o. burdensome, emlarrassing, utf tcieldg, S(c. I^TT^ |^f^, 3T^^,'3T^^!T¥, ^=^T?, ^HFIT, %?, CUMBERSOMENESS, CuMBROUSNESS, «. V. A. a<«op. f^«. qniTT/. 3<^lVl /. Single seed of c. fsnr». 3fc Cumulate, CuMutATioN. See To Accumulate, Ac CCMULATIVE, a. vJTHfl^THcf ^l^rfl, ^l'«(WH|. Cuneiform, a. MM<1^T^»«. +l*I|i^HI»». «MS«(r4 n. ^^n. ^\V\^]m. ^rff^ n. ^)TT5*T». %2^n. -^wtmn. ^5?TT CussiNGLT, adv. V. A. 3 and Abtfullt. ^, ^rt*n. Cunning-woman, m. *+|r5|, *«fl*(f4, ^^TTifWI', ?^^»fWt. Actual c. of a farm. ^^ m. Cupola, n. m^ m. dim. ^H^t/. m\i\9m. sfoRTot. %n«». Cupper, n. Cupping, p. a. v. V. 1. gsift 3HUIKI. Cupping, n. v. V.l. H*|'^ rfRiflw. g^nft 'M«"i«. Ac. Blisters raised by c. KHTT/. ^^i- Incisions previously to c. TWTT/ pi. v. HIT, ?T^. CcSMSo G1A88, n, cupping inttrument. ^ or ^n. g*!^/. CXTR I CcPREOcs. See Coppebt. CCB, n. worthletM doj. ^diljfi. 2 fig. atnarlingfellotc. *|)|^<1I*JH«. CcmABLE, a. v. V. 1. 2. *|?l♦■ fi. a. SHTf^, flrt^, qt ^jTif. Cure, Curiho, «. t. V. 1. — act. utt ^rwf «. 3TrW ^n.Ac. Ontfl^'l 1. ^tnf'TT^^ »». fPlfHTTW «.Cl'iPi«iK"'i«.Ac. — ttate 2 ^TIV^ «. Ac. ^WTT"! «. Ac. See the Verb, ^^TT »i. I. rewudtf, rettoratiee. 4^\*t m. Jb Cure, r. a. *<-«/.— a patient. ^TT- P ^ i l 'H -Ht ' W 1 4g^V-^- , ;>. T. V. 1. 2. <|TT %^3T, 4c. J^Rt*!, ftfflfW, ^^- To be c. qrr ft^. Cima, n. CuRATTTK, a. t. V. 1. 2. qn "fiTwrrrr, ?rn |T-ffTf- »-Ac CvRiosiTT, Ccnootyns, «. ▼. A. 1. ^hwTTTti. ^«4mf|| 15 CUB •l*l«)«McMS'Mr4l,<<^HM,«4HAin*, 3— a* the year, month, &c. running, ^p^m, T3T^^', 4— a word, Ac. CT, 4,f|rMl. Ctnom', n.fk)w, course, lit. fig. T. Stream. :3^ m. q^ •I. VIT/. 3TtT »». 2 rivulet.^ /(e. T. Stream. 3l?t» «. CuRREiTTLT, adv. V. A. 2. ^nBt?T, '^qtfT, H^Rt^in Jftltn. Curriclx, n. nrtt^ ^ ^7 Wl^. CURRICULUM, n. MMIM^tftM «. f)t?l^iSW «. Currier, «. v. V. ^tTR or m»^, 'r^, "Hiff'FR. iiubber of a c. f*lT ». ^ m. 'rt'ft/. CtTR Cubbish, a. like a cur, ^c. 5?r=^?TnW, f^ ^M «rtq%?5T. To CuBRT, V. a. drets leather. chHN<^ or +,im«(5f^ I'lM^UI, 2 ( a horse ). ^TTTT w.-'Empft/. ^T^ 5'. 0/ 0. W^^. 3 ( favor ). See To Fiatteb, To Faws. CuBRT, n. — the dish, ^^t/- But ^^t is different from the "curry" Europeans make. That is better rendered hv 3i«rft or 3TPT7t/. A kind of meat curry is «K«|HHUJ n. &c. HI<(uft/. 2b CuBSE, ». a. execrate. ;[rTW, ^TTT ♦».-3rf'T5TrT m. ^, 3T- WTi%T^ 7^. 5Ftd. ^sp or ^^ n. «i. ^^ fi. ^5;oT n. CuBVE, n.— in geometry «tc. q^'TT/. q^rfT^fiT/. st^'tM Te CuBTE. See To Be5d, 206 C1^^ ^ Ccbve, Cuevkd, a. V, Crooked. ^I^sr, rTsr, ^, »fj«n-M t, To Cuevet, v. n. — a horse. 'Rl^dr, "Pt^^iTT^, ^f^, ^'S^, COEVET, ». v. V. fz^ n. gift/- 3^PT «. 3"^ n. Cuevilinear, o. consisting of curved lines, ^ijR^f^, q^- CUSHIOK, n. stuffed case to sit on. 11^ /. ^W^ m. 3"Tft /. Small circular c. or pad. Pu-il »t. Rh<(1 /. Stuffed with cotton— a c. ^'K<^1 or ?^^. 2— to lean against. f?m?IT m. dim. frt^^ /. r^^\ m. CvBT, n. horn — of the moon, &c. ?T^ «. f^^fHT «. [tl^^^m. Cuspidate, Cuspidated, a. having a sharp end. ani^^t^^ Custard, «. i\^£\ f. iTTig^ or 3iref^ /. CUSTABD-APPLE, «. /Ac /rCf. ^Odl^rf »». pop. filrTI'FoE or f;jT- frnpcfr /. ?5^^ /. 2— the /rtti<. ^ftcTFFS i^o/J. f^MUfrct n. 3TtH W. J^PTf^ ». A square or division of a c. ^^^ n. Custodial, a. ?^nnHt^, T^^T^^spnfNrr. CUSTODIAI*, n. V. GUAEDIAH. T<'Ji^lrfft-4i, »m'Nn', ^i^, Ac. rfi+f^5, t^iRi+i ^- *.4'Mr5f, ic. frtT^ifl^^, r?H^«l**, <^W<,MI<|>+, &c.HI»M, ^fJI^TfiT^, «TT3r^TfT^ pop. sq^^rf^P, JJlH^*, mui, *id<^, %^, =^ie«f. 2 ( pay, wages ), dip., reduce. ^?mf, rfW,u(, ^VlSH, 3 A«ic, ««/ o/T, ifc. f^rit, ^[, 3Tt^ ^Tl^ /.-ft'+^T «•- To be cut up ), Ht^Tot. [^^. 12 ( an acquaintance ) lTf5^, X\H-^f\A\^, Trfif%<^ 13 interfere aa a horte. kWK m. n. •il'iuf y. «j/"«. Jb Cut, r. «.— toeth or • tooth, y^. ccT, j». T. V. A. 1. vmk!^, Ac. ^*,ijf^,%*T,3nrftpRr, ^jfifl, Vlf'I'l, ^M'T. 1. outj suited, T. Fit. ^I<<^. Of the c. of. irm^r, ^t^t^TT. 8 stripe, V. Lash. Hxl*! tn. 4 picture. vilO«R|5I «. SPfferR^/. • 5 «Aor^ roaJ. v»i*)ct-=n efR/.-^rHT »».-&C. CcT-PUBSE, CcT-POCKJT, n. ipm-'^ =«fR, 3-MH. CuTLEBT, n. m^nft g-Tr ^>: ^hpt ». CuTTEB, n. V. V. 1. JpTTTHT. Cutting,/), a. v. Y. A. 4. 3T^^, »rtf, %vpp, f^^, f^Ts^- off rtl'luiKI, *JtVpr5. Cutting, n. y. V. A, 1. — act. ^v^ n. &c. g^ ot. %^ n. ^irfn ft. ^rHT M. 3T^%^ ♦». -5*1 '-I «. C. and clipping, lit. & fig. t}|dlc;id/. m- Co.st of C. +mUI|«(al/, I. cuttings; cAijps, shredt, clippings. ^)T^^/.3R W. ffT?- ^ w./. tJI'Ti*! «. +.M(I m. II. it*K HK^^kH +r4rtl X^\ m. Cuttle-fish, n. ^^l-^irf m. n. CUTTLE-rrsH-BONE, n. ^M:'H1UI«|J1 /. ^I^^^JT W. ^?%^ ♦"• 'T^^^ OT.fk^^FT* m. g%^ OT. These words are used also for the fish. CxcLE, n. round of time. +H-«|+ n. ^vp n. B^^HT^RS n. ^- Tear of the c. of siity. fl'^H? m. These arc t iTTq-, Crcf^ps, ft. HT^^'RT, HP^^f, Crcr.opaniA, w. ciVc/c o/'/Ae sciences. Pr^rmpir /. f»r|=^ vl^^rKI, <1I«»I4I«*II, Dabsteb, «. v. Cleteh. r i n. Daily, o. iM'^l, f4«l+1NI, f^wrf^^TT^, R^f^^T^, fSf- cT, Pirqi-HI, f5Tr«Hi<1rll,"^ir^l, 3TTf^^^, mcMf^*, f^I?H. D. allowance. tFjft/. D. bread. PirMI-*)'*. D. duties, business, or work. f^trT^n. f^frq^ir^n. D. expenses (as of a family). ?njT^»». ^t^/. Daily, a. adv. ^, n. =^h^ToS«mTm. #>ToEtTOirm. &c. fHx/iivt/, 5Tr3|!F Si?r»r». ^vs{^f. w^f. #3/. Dainty, «. »i74MI«m. ^[^RTw. ftm^n. Wl^-H*. ?[- Daistt, ff. nice, of exquisite taste, y. Delicious, "rtl, ^^^ 2 dainty-mouthed, squeamish, fastidious, nice, delicate. •Tli^fnr, 'Tl4<<<17, 'Tli^MKJI, 'Tt5^T>=^, •H'H'l, -"^l^Hot^ ^l^rrtt, ^t^t^oET, ^^ToSr, ?Rt^T^, #n«PTT, sp^ToSWR, f*Tx^F!n?r(T, ^^, f^^#r, f*T^3ft, ^i«H><, ^ff^?r#- To be d. aft^hp^ "^T^, ^^/. +l*u)', ^T^rTHT^ To become d. ?Tf3n. HT^y. frMI^ #?it/.-^n. HST^w. Daiey-maid, «. fH^^ffor/. Dais, ». raised floor, Sfc. ific?l+i'^'n^-^^-&c. J^'|*iH'«Hi»./. g^^BPft/. To Damaos, r. a. v. To Hubt. sTraof, f^Hl*iui or f«R^, Damageable, a. v. V. HI«RI>dI11-&c. N4iNMIMI-&c. HT- ! Damaged,/), v. V. ii«?vrtl, &c. w:\^ *ric4I-yic4rfl, fTRWT, The d. and spoiled ( goods, Ac, ) — compreh. or col- lect. ^i-iHiii-^m*! *-^*Mii'i«i<4(ftRr?r»».-Hrai«.&c.) Damask, n. q^TT^ n. Dame, «. lady, mitlreu cf a family. ^/. «lT^flf^/. RTlf- ?TT^/. mi/. ( Ex. fTTf TPSft^ ^. ) [^Pft/. 2 *Wer^ «>«««. ^riT/. mf /. W^/. 3n« or 3T*rT or 3T- DaMMEH, n. partieuUtr retinous ejeudation. JTTTw. ^T^^qTw*. Jb Damk, r. a. doom to hdl. H<*M ^PBuf-Mlrlui-JMUI, JR- 2 eaute tke eternal punishment of. H<»m-3t v?'lfft^< -&c. 3 cennre, blame. ^ m. %^5r- 3WBt, «mRm-^TTI^-&c. *T^-3»^. [ ^<4I^, ^^ I. See DniaTABLK. DaM5AT105, ». T. V. 1. 2— art. JTT^tfT JI^ n. &c.— #/afe. 5"!^/. awprfJr/. ^(tv ». ir^^m w. 3nf;. t. V. 1. 3?ia<»a«l, #?ir ^^^, &c. 2 f^. a. v. V. N. hhuiki, ;iff^-gr?T-&c. ^tTT, 'H^, TI^, 111*1, i^'.Ht1%. I. ditpoied to dancing. HHfl. Dancino-oibl, n. ^;^T*ftT»t. vn?ftJT/. «. ?T?n «i. TTor «. ^r^^ »»■ 2 ( of life ) V. Jeopardy. ^nw^^PT «. f^sfT^r or sj|uiltfi +nTr^, MI+«(H1, ^m^MI, ?PT«T, 2 sfT'jrasjPTT^T, ifm^^^r^, f^r^i^r^, f^r^KTrsr, muiwi- •T!?;, i(|ui'Mi,3^iWJ,dlM«, f^T- A d. night ( i. e. without the moon ). +,|il<>n WHj. Pitch d. nCT or sj. 2 not of vivid or showy color. +,|' T, STrT^^n. Dablino, a. dear, beloved, favorite. 3TH^t^, 31H4HI, f5T5r<*Mi or f^^^r rrrfrTOT. ^3nJV^ ?fT- S?T «*. :jJI«^MltJim. Jf^^f^m. m^n. qrloa«».31lrKfrl»l«. 2 — esp. as used in amatory phraseology by Lovers and Mistresses. ^oE^oft /. Mi*0, ^^HT. Darning, n. t. V. — «rf. . DAT 211 DAW D. or jirelin with a etring attached. ^o. To Dash, r. a. «?. >ds<<"i, 3 in or to pieces. «#nt^, 5^ 5SF%»i.^.^^-TS?r^y.o/o. 4 out ; eancfl 6fe. T. To EtFACE. VtSlT »»• JHKuli-^, 5 confound, dUeoneeri, x. To Defeat. t?V5'»f W c5VT5^, JTn w.-f^mT m.-kc. ^Twf ^. 0/0. 6 See To Dispirit, To Shame. [ fiivwui. 7 mix toith, adulterate. HcB f.-ftf^mf.-&c. Mlrf't-MI'^ 5b Dash, r. n. #/rii« againtt. 31^5Eot, STT^'ilf, 'Mi+ul, *T?^- of , «i^ /. ?7FM-«ra^ g. of ». 2 tfiatk up. fly of, S(c. ; — of water, vitlonil, f^^rauf or S at, amongst, through, awav, &c. 7^55%, 3^Toff /. «TT- ^wf-W^lr, 3Br^5T "n^f, *T^, M4^'H<«l-MS^'1-tlSII'i«>l^- Ac. 3iriif-fn^. To d. through thick and thin. trg^-J^o&H wfTot, T- 4 down ; — rain, fruits, kc.faU violently. ^UeBWi,fWT, JT^, OT^HT, »m- ^, an^wnr, NrtRiT, f^fTT-TKH, f^trf^. DAtTAKS, DaSTARSLT, Ac. Sce COWAKD, Ac. Data, n. r. 0>0C5d. wy w. ITT^I'ar m. »nw n. Dats, n.-tbe tree. W^/. WJ^ »•• <^ «•• wfift /—the fruit. ^ajT «". |f^ «i.— the atone or seed. 3Ti^a /. ort^Wt/.— wild d. tree. fit^/. ftl^t w fijnlt/. DateK plucked and dried whilat immature, wfmf. Lumped datca.w*m?^r/. To Date, f. a mft^/.-f^Ifft/. *iis"i-fe^-*I^-H)v«lul". To Date, v. n. See To Beoix. Dative, n. '^^f. «ST^R w. Datuba, n. thorn apple. t^JJ" ♦». To Daub, v. a. v. To Smeak. %t#, ferruf, ^stn^r, ^tj^uf or Daub, n. lad picture. ^]iz f^ «. ^ff^^ «. Davghteb, «. ?I^ or c?^/ 5?^^/ J'ft/. jf^TBT/. ^K^^/ f^T^ifW/. 3tT^/. ?R^r/. 3TT?JTTrr/. rr^rar/. 51^/. '^f^/. ^/- ^^f- W^ /.—allusively. viH^afrt/. MM^idM «. ^ffTifl^ltf /. vifN^difV/. — in endearment •li^'TT D. in law. 5pT/ 5?»^I*, ^HJ^Jl^sn — ami as agree- ing with Snail, Slow coach, Poke, ^-c. soino terms aro ^HitfTT, Ktm, 3n^ f^n^. Dawdliso, n. V. V. N. qJTof n. %?Edf «. Ac. tO'I* ! " ! /. aft- »W"»ft /. -^'HJIJI* /. 3TcEKT3BXT / n. aioCHdl^ or rft/. 3TIcERT5{t/. rt<'ji*t »». ^>RTf / 'm^H/. ^nf /. 7^?TT/. aiMl^bl-ft/. [^IrT. Dawdlikolt, adv. ")i»PT, 'IHrtim, <{dUo*<. it's/. ?win5 n. To Daws, v. n.— the day. vi>|of, qj^'is^, it^.tt^H i^, fTf- ^1 «. <5?uf, frrt^tTl/. ^, qi^ /.-Ac. J5>6t.— brightly, glowingly, Ac. f^mf.pl. Topmot-HW'f-JsiotJirt^- J^ojul, 'J^Vt or ^^^, 2 fig. begin U> open Sfe. 5^ m. fm g. of *. gr^w. qw^f. Daw>-, Dawxus, «. T, V. l.^^.f. ar^oi »». 3fr?off^ m. <^- BAY 212 DEA At the peep of d. 3^tSTf»TT^ «. Time of d. >d-J}iji+0. Poster or rotation d. qrafHl f^^^ m. ^R m. Through the d. All the d. iJ+<|-sj, 0H4|(f^K, ar^ra^. Triduum. f^rfe^ m. faRpjT «. f-sKlf») /. To d. aiTM, 3iM-Mir<^i|H m. S^q-; to-morrow, 7?r, 3"- <^41+; the next day, alto the day before yesterday, . ^FToS m. ^/. Dat-book, n. rr^T ?IT5T m. ??r5T «• w ^Rl «• <1^^^ /• ^W ^T^ m. ^,f. TPTTTm OT. ^S=i^ m. Dat- BREAK, n. V. Dawx. rfTrli^FTc^ Or s OT. ^Tm'.^TO^ m. q- At d. gr5rs?Tt, ^HIj=^,'^TT, "^ n. ( woman or child ). Dat-light, n. r<^«)*)HI 3%5 w. l><0<1 3%3^, W^- Datsmas. See Mediatob. Day-spw>g, See Da^vh. Dat-stab, n. H^\i.M\ ?1KT ♦«. Dat -TIME, « R!.1'WI-«n^ot/. f^?^ »«. ^^?r ?%5N1%s/. f^- In the d. f^5Rrt, f4«(«('H, f^^^ ^^T. iTo Daze, To Dazzle, v. a. n^M«|ii|, 5nPT^T^,=^^^, H^- 'if, ^f^TRtfT «.-H-s|H'nu| n. £Rot, xTf^?T-&e. ^5^. To Dazzle, v. n. ^Mol, ^^. Dazzled, ;>. v. V. A. ^M^lrfril, &c. ^f%?T, ^, . ^f^- 4 — a limb or member, rf-l+l, 31V, 3I^IT. 5 UuteUu, vapid, \. Flat, f^^ or ^, f^HoE, PlUlK, Pltti«*i, *M«!<, *M(«, «W«f^, sftr^. 6 — of sound, ./Za/. fTT5t. 7— of sleep, Ac. v. Deep. ^, qri, j'Wff. 8 mtkomt tpirit, Sfc. See Dull. 9 ( a language ) iJ-<TT as a prefix, as H^O-sfJ in the d. of night. Dead, aJo. See Wholly. To Deades, c. a. ^!^;^-nz_-^-&c. ^ET^, ^ri^ m m.-%^T- =|T^ »!.-&<•. ^T^t J. of 0. 2 See To Bllst. 1 ^ra 3T»IT ^t;? ^CJ-^r-m ^ v/<<|-«n fRTT-^^JR T^ PTr% DSADU.XE88, «. T. A. MM*7UII m. yiH'^MUIl Deadly, a. mortal, JcUling. deleterious Wl^"»i»^ ^PW, »tm*l, «n^, HIUI^i-pfr-fK^-^rft, miuiITh*, ni«niM^iO, viuiMifl*, Mm^i^f), iTTT^, ^fgir^-TTf^&c. D. hatred. ^^^ n. DtADLT, o^. See Mobtallt. Deadxess, «. T. A. 1. il^^.H"!! «». !Tn»Rtf^ ».5ftTnftr»T n. iHi(l*Ml/. Ac. 3 Ml4>,mur m. wfi^hnm «. WflTT*^ n. 8 l%^*ll «•. f|KUMU|| m. Ac. ITnTTT^/. Dead-«tock, a. wn «iT^ fro^^ ^T|t 3rh «mM , fti?j^. «mM ♦». I>EAr, «. ff|TT rmiM, ^f^, ^^Jf^, ^W'tf^'TTf^, ^- ?, iT7«Tf^, ii^^'f. — a* uaed of the car. «^^. A d. penwn. i^, ^?l^l or *mWA ^tmrtt or ^^iNt To become d. nfpTf^f. To DEAfDi, r. ». ^f^nipt, *m^ or in. pi. or mm/, pi. or ?T^ or alfi./)/. ^^lif, ^THm. ;>/. Sfrit-^^iT jr. o/«. Deafness, «. t.A. 4|r^'^HU||»». «lf«R^n. ^Tf«r4«. «r«piTT»TR»». Deal, n. See Quamitt. 2./Jc-hoo. «. /r^i^c in, v. To Tbabe. £?irTK»».-3^«.- 5«J^^m.-&c. ^PTiif y. o/o. 2 with; trade with, have lusiness with, td^qi-i^,^^^/. »».-^nt«.- ^^T^«i.-&c. ^of «i/. TJ^ jr. o/«. *ft^/. rf l 'W I y. o/ »• *l'ir«l'E"iKi. Dkaksst, n. See Dabuso. [fir^f^-^. Deablt, adv. V. A. 1. rSftm^fmr^.'^f^'mi^, sftf?J'J^«,iT- Deabj«e«8, fi. T. A. 1. PSTTBTiITm. ^H«.>*rr>». 'ijU'jtWDllw. Dkabxh, «. famine, v. ScAKciry. JTfrnTT /. 5««lvTr5 f op. |!fS or 5^13 w. 3»7l?FRm. 2Rm^/. ^m^wy. intent. ^wi-M«il'- M. ^/. ^f^«. »,i4r«i*n. HfJT/ Of the following significant termn, the greater part are extensively currcrit. ^S(Hm.'S^^^T^n. \s\^\f. fsftR«. Btt?i»i. JimiTOmn. XfTTOHn. "i^fmiw. ^»n?iTy. ^n DEA S14 DE8 w. ^^r*i«^^H«. <(l^fH^l/. H^lPl^l/. ^Fratn^wt. «f.lr^fH^I /. f%». Labored breathing at time of d. ^^ m. ^eir ^\^ m. Like d. D.-like. 't. l rf'H^ y, ^Jra^P??. Livor of d. »1 J+,oi| /• HToE aTTOT ^t|ciP|^r/. JFT^ffk/. M^iIh^/. ^Hf%^/. Tidings of a d. from abroad. n€(f. ^^^^V'\^;mff. Until d. 3^ J*TT ?T^, HT^ qroft fTK# y. 0/ o. To cheat or elude d. j^|fl t5T- To be quivering or flickering in d. ^ wft^ %^ ^- vft^ ^TTir ^. o/«. JT^ ire; adv.-f^ firi; oiy. !R^, B+li- To draw towards d. h(\H ^^-^JfTot, *lff v>tt^. To have one's eyes fixed in d. jtawt. pi. fi(^\i\g. ofs. Death-bed, «. H*bek. ^R^^ f^f- . ^R^, 3m-3TT5^ ^ icith ?T or ?JT, 3T3^, To Debark, d. c. 'ii«i'i^-5?i'if>^, R-MKM ar^it Debate, Debating, b. v. V. A.— and Ahgcikg. «j>K<^'i/. »l<^H n. w\TT^J. To tettle or adjust a d. ;^*«n'T or ^^t^/.-J^^ft/. 2 monies due to. oulrtandinj d. ^ n. ^fT'F? n. *j4«H, *^^,'3(W*T'»r,«lrf'»W,f3;.— iu bonds and notes. ft^^ or ffOT^t^TW ( from ^R'T debt ; and, as oppo- •ed to creditor *R^?r or M^*H1M, from vpT money ). Allowance made to a d. in durance. H^ m. or HT^n. Bad (bankrupt, 4c.) d^ f^^'^^ ••• '4*ri^ n. [ a«. Good (tubatantial, thriving, tx. ) d. fl^-i^* it. fl|3|^ Ilard ( tough-fistod, ke. ) d. ?T?^ n. Shutting up ( by a creditor ) of a d. in hi« own hou»e. CTT^/. DcvToiuair, n. r. N. fniftmr «. Ac. srvnTtn? ». Dec ASK, «. a^grejale often. Z;^% pop. ^S% m. D. of •oldiem. Slfipr »»■ DzcanoiCE. Decadexct, See Decat. DtCAOOS, n. «71%1^ w. TIWHTfsf^ /. DxcAUMCE, ». wnnwfj?/. ■JTTfrr^^T^ w. 7o Decamp, o. «. march from a enmp. m m. TT^-T^nf ST'if-^ftlflJ, ^35 m. J^ in. eon. y. of *. f^ m. n. *T#. 2 r«« «tr*y, iija*ff o/: «ra^, ^ M. S^ ^f^, iftlT «i. fT- fliflH ». JRuf, ^ /. s^^tirif , ^TT /. ':^T^f or qfj^, ^'P^;, ot, M<<«(KI m. q^if or '•^uiui, =5?^^/. ^T^, 1^ ».-TEiJfft /.-*T^^fft% «. •BT'Jt-'-^uiui. — esp. with implication of previous cheating or fraud. «nwi»TT /• pi- ^l*ui, J^H' m. ^-Hl-G, Decampment, «. t. V. l.~act. ?ra TS^ «. ?ra 33tjf n. ^iNuft /. ^i\H\ m. ^ m. «. To Dec AST, v. a. pour oj". ^^^f(-4'*,i^^ ;fltf^ n. JTWT /. HT^/. ^TTT-JT n. tf?r n.^JfT^ "■ STT^ m. tM «». f*lT J>0/). Tn^/. ^T^ n. *T^ «. ^iRiT^/. g<^ ffi. «, 5qT^ w. ^- e «. «. q^fT «. !PTdf*l|»1M /. Deceitful, Deceptive, a.— person. JTSTT or ^ or ^, zf^ znr, ?^^TT, ij**Mi, «ll«(ui, ^ m. 3;^, i+«.-5faiT m.-'I^'lit /.- TTnr? «. y^iduj y. o/ o. ^mn< 9^/- ^ ^'' ^l^'i'T Tot^. Deceiyed, p.y. V. a*«I<^rfl, JIKI, "Pfl^uiK!, &c. A gay d. f^FrR', q^f. Deceivino, Deception, a. v. V. — act. z^^^ n. H>^«(ui «. &c. f>'«^ui'f>/ *^*|un/. ?=^«. ^^/. T- rTR'T «. MrlKUIl/. s^m^ n. — «*IMMri or "P^sfrf/. ^^ m. "P^m/. "P^Taft/. J. art ifice practised, cheat. ^fZ^^ f. 5'^Rtit/. "jr^T^TT/. ^FOT «». ^"N^ m. Decembkh, «. j%3ft jptNtt «rrn«r hF^hi ««. jrr^^ft^i^T 3tt- ^ 3TTf&T Hi-m-td "J^tJ m. Decency, n. v. A. l.'hl^^TWT m. f^m^J. f^mf/. ^"i^ /. aTlf^rM n. rfN+'t/. To keep up d. ) . 2 continuing for ten years. ^ sfi •M l ti "ll < l,^ ffiT«lf«)f^ r. 3 happening every ten years. ^^ ^^ ^hTRT-^TTRT- Decent, a. becoming, beseeming, befitting, v. rrr, 'firef, f^- w^ '?RT, sjr^Tot y. of o. Decked, p. v. V. ?r^e(c^rti, tiiv^^iirtrti, &c. 'ff^T, 'frf^JrT, Decker, a. having decks, jt^mt & Hvdrfl ( in comp. as onc-d. lJ+Hv»1rfl or ^, two-d. ^MWrfl or f^, three-d. fcTiTJIOT or ^ ). To Declaim, v. n. speak rhetorically, harangue. aiW4>lR*b- *1I3+K-yH-^H"|*f+-g»4rtlMirH'»>-&c. ^!^^^^ n. !R^, Ttft- Declamatory, a. 3il4+lR*, ■Mlrf'^K, &c. viflrMI^. Declamation, «. v. V. 3)l n. ^(^^J- fTN^T n. Pi^^H ». 2 vi|^< q>r'f».-&c. 31lRi+.iU| n. R'+.-i) <♦><,«! n. I. matter declared. ^^^ n. II. See Affibmation. To Declaee, v. a. tell plainly, make known. *M^Mui-?t4,Hi«(<-^uii«n ^. Xo Decijire, c. «. See To AriiuM. 2 for or against.ar^^^- Declabeb n. Declasative, fl. Declakatobt, «. V. V.A. 1. 2 3TT^^ «t>H<|/. II. T. C05»UMPTI05. ^I^rftn «l. »^/. III. dedining year*. 4r\HM n. ^rM'^i\{/. 4f\<((\m\{f. To Declise, r. a. a:oid, than, not to accept, f(«., v. To He- fuse. ^IT m.-3T5i'fT*FK «».- 3l^^n.-Hf,H f«.-&c. ^- 2— in grammar. 5:«T «. ^T'Tfof, fiPTfe/. />J. V^Pm g. of 0. fi^fPe/.pl. rfmui ipiVA ^ w t^. f'THr^rd^JT m.-fe»I- Jb Declike, p. ». fc(i« downicard, incline. jH. a. v. V. N. 1. ^^wim, ^F?JOTT- n, Ac. T^TTTT, ^V\. 2 ?iT^TTT, Ac. Tlt?TT, ZHKt^ V I M I N I, T^R?* ^PTn>ft^,»- »T^ qnrtt^r, ?T'i«inft, ^ifn*^, •Jriffw. 8 T'TTT, ^jTi, i«1'• f'T^T ft^, ?T- c^H ri^ «. f ^. f*T2il y. of s. Decomposition, «. v. V. X. ?lr^?r ?f^ fiT. a. Decobatob, n. v. V. J^IKUIKI', &c. n'^T Decobation, n. See Obsament. Decoeous, o. v. N. f^*?, f^rer^K, f^MKi-Mi, tj^-^n, W?!«T, DeCOBOUSLT, arfo. Jrq^, f?ro^, ?P=«rttfrr^, &C. i%5TTJ=N>. Decoetication, «. V. Peelino. ^^2^/. Decobum, Decoeousness, n. decency, propriety of behaviour. H^/. f^m^OT. Rr^/. f?ro^y. ^«rt\f^/. f^^w. To Decoy, v. a. lure, entrap, draw into a snare. ?rrT »/».-3TT- fm n.-3TTnT/.-&c. i^i^^-^, Ht^, *ft^ «». m^j- •T Hivlfi 'jf, ?W m.--^ff m.-Ac. ^ g. of s. 2 as to force or iutenseness; remit, slacken, abate. gr?TT- M<^Hu7 , ^=rT?5Roi, Vli+Huf, -PHMuf, ^TH^, ^^"t, «m«t, «?I^, smijr, JTTHof, f^JT^, PpT^, TrTTT ot.-ti'^/.-»T^/.- 3^?W m.-T^rnH^ n.-3RtfllTT w.-Ac. ^lof g. of*. Decbease, Deceeasino, n. v. V. N. 1. TftR m. Vizf. «Rrft /. ^Tlfft/. r^.fW^m. ST^^rq m. gRfT^PT m. =^flr m. ^lf^/. 2 3HR m. M^if. ^f. TT;[m m. 773(tTH n. OT^dffrT/. ait^TTTor afft^TTTOT. DECBEASED.p. V. V. 1. ^^ %^c?T-frT^t?T, Ac. arrf^, JTHT- Dec BEE, n. judicial decision. T|i«rH I H I m. y^HHIMfm. f^- 2 (frfiW, V. Law. 3TTfT/. J^ «. ^"Sf n. nT«^ ». f^l^sIT «. 8 ( of God ) f «^ ?fRi?>T. To Decree, v. a. determine judicially. "V^IHT w.-Piiiii ♦"• -Ac. «Rof. [ ^''^• 2 appoint, order, ^c. y^m.-3TT?TT/.-HI^H n.-Ac. »<^, Decrepit, a. oW an^ »^r;», t. Old. 5«TQIT or ^IT^IT, aHrr, ^JiOr%W ft% m. pi. c5T^,n^?r ^OT.^Z. '|T^uf, r. D. of gift or conveyance. ^J^^^n. D. of lease or tenure. q?T»». D. of purchase. ^^^HTn. ^jfft^^^ n. ^T^^ w. D. of relinquishment, (of divorce, mauumissionj&c). D. of sale. . To Deem, v. a. think, esteem. »lR ^ra-&c. ^iTJf . 2 grow brighter, clearei', fuller. g^3R"'t, ^H^, ^4ul, ?T- ?-5?T^-e3?3ltrr.^l^-&c. ^. ^T^Tm.w. ^w. JOTw. Some species are f^55, 5PTo5, #?R or^, TTToEf^sFrtt ^TT, TI^, ^i^, Hiy^l'l, ^^UIHT or ^WIWK', <(i«K. Pounding of a d. =^1^P^/. DgEE-CATCHEB, ». TT^. Deeb-eted, a. ^^^^^ (/. ^ ), fTpfrw^ (/. ^ ), yin=5ft. Deee-skin, n. ^T?TH»i.-1^- ^?PM^")<, ^^U^, 3rr^^, 'iT- f»T5|RR-&C. W^. w DEf 219 DEf BbpilITLt, ». omittion, failure, fault. 3t?JTi». d"H«(»-Mi. 2 on* tchofaih to appear when called in court. ^*»ii- To Dkfeat, ». a. heat, overthrow, ditcomjlt. fbi^iij, »iKui, 3nT«i.-3fr3nT«.-3rT^n»i-»tnm.-*r3Rn. q^y. o/ o. 'itpt- Tof, ^(<(U^ or ^K«|ft/.-«w^/.-^«^?il/.-«RE*mTTrm.-qjiqc5 /.-f^tnE*T, I>srzATi5o, n. t. V. l.—aH. f5>^ n. Ae. ^oft /. fiw«l« /. »r3R n.—*tate. fT or |TT / ^ITW •». 5I|1T M. ^TTSW •». s^iM* ni. *T*I •», Jw^nr ■». swiw «. m^ To arkoowlrdge d. by ( or inferiority to ). Sffbnr afwf or fffspT SToi, ^IT ^I^-^ ( both phruM with neg. con. and with t5T or iff o/o. ), ^ *-^u|uf^ 2— ck-<. Htsdr n. &c. iTtnft/. H^T n.—ttate. Hn «. snn m. qpT «». f^nnH »». iS'e* aUo the numerou* fioan* ^'r^n under the Verb. Defeated, p. v. V. 1. l^*rfrfT, &c. TTIT?, f?I^^, M^if^n', i-^- S^ y. o/ 0. Defecatios, «. V. Y.—act. ^rrtfut n. 5Jt«PT n. Defect, n. imperfection, inrompletencss.^ want of something requisite. rt^ m. f^HT^ i». ftrj- Defective, tf. r. N. 1. imperfect, incomplete, faulty. 5t7iT, STJTT, 3T^tHT, 3T^, sryr, 3T^, 5^TTTa*r, ?T?f^, if^rn^. DinnDAKT, DEFEyDEB, ». V. V. 1. ^T^^TTTT, Ac. ^w;, ^^- I. — in law. irfJWl^, 4«1|RI^+IMN1, T^m^T, l- 2 carried on in defence. mi<(MI, aiIrHrt/.-s«|irtl- 2 See To Eefeii. To Defek, v. n. yield to another' « opinion. fil%% ^ '■^Jlul- STfm^'T n. :Rwr-&c. tfilTHjft/.- »flSil<;ft/. Hi^diK'ft/. -Ac. «|>T^. Pefeeence, n. regard, Sfc. t. Respect. »fll/, *ft?*rT5/. *ft^^/. di/i-^<£\y|[-&c. t>v'\, 2 — corrupt.^ vitiate, contaminate, taint. 3T"T^^JTof^iI-^- 3 — ceremonially ; pollute, make impure. fqd|oti?r, «l l d<|ui , To Defile, c. n. ^o fie by file. ((»J.|H!'Mi^iB 3T?IT affToft^ Defiled, ;j. v. V. A.L and Diktx. H3flc5T, Mrt»dtJa i, T- 2 3nf^^-&c. %^?5T, fSw5^H^,-&c. ferr, feirraT, «re. 3 ftl-ll^rfrll, «)l4«(rir4l, SfPnTT, SIWTT. To be d. siT^oif, f*)-! lot or. Pehlemeht, n.v.V.A 1.— art. Jlft^uj «. Hot^R i?^ n. &c.- 9 DBA -«Jd. DEGE^^:EOu^, a. v.V. 5- or^ft"!, Hri'JUT<3^, yoilM*^, a<<<*V'^"I , **1^»11fl, %3'T, w- DKOLDTiTioy, n. twallowing. ftioTOJf «. PWH «. Pi'K"i «. Beokasatios, n. v. y.—act. q^ ^r^ 'R't «. &c.—ttate. HHH< 1 w. MMHin m. MH-*I« m. «rn »». ^^fH/. '?^^- ^/. f^H-^gHi/. &c. 3rT^ m. . V. V. ^?!% 'OBABLE. ^I^UII, ^(ofriiiVII, 4>t, an- ^hj, f^Hfq tpii«y. w». Luweat d. *r»t^M(H «. f^^Wf »»• 'Ft^^q?^ OT. To this d. fTTM, ro^. 4 — in geometry, aflf^ w. »m «. Equation of a d. STPT «. 5 ( of Utitade ). amtaiT m. 6 ( of longitude ). '^^I m. 7 ( »t a universitj ). [M pBirr, V. a. <^ m. ^m, ^^rq? «. ^, ^^M qnr't. 2SeeToIiOUiE, To Deiow, V. n. €onJe$eci>d. »(f7^T^/-f!qT/.-?H5^f "i.-sr- Dbism, n. %w'*«^rRn fi. iTimr^rri*N'fi^ •».-«?? «. 1>EI»T, ». ^W^NTT^, 4i^^N*«'il'J*ffnB»^ IhtiTT, «. divinity, T. GovBBAD. i*qwn m. ifW n. ^W^U/. 2 /*« 1). ▼. God. ^ «•. *niWT»(fo;». »T»1»^ w. q?i»^»f?: m. S fl d. T. God. ^ •». ^wm/."^ ■. Tt DmCT, ». «. T. To DtsriBiT. 'i. t. V. A. 1. ^?PT?ftf^ ^r?ll53T &c. 1%^ft?T, 2 ^«ii«l«(cit4l, ^toE«^K5T, &C. ^^.1 nfrT^^. To be d. #5551^, ^T^/.-T%=qT, f^^Hl'^^r, 5- (! pleasing to the tai-te, nice. >Ttl, ^^PR, h^<;k. 7 that requires careful treatment ,— a, point, &c. •TF^PF, 8 of fine texture. fIJW, HH*1tl<^- [^"JfT. Delicately, adv. t. A. 5. f>Tl^, f*n^rNtJTT#, ^ft^-^T^ To lived. /are daintily. f^W>{n.-^^.J^n. pl.-&.c. d- ^srarm^fK^ in.con. Delicious, 0. luscious. nVs, ?;f^, ?^^, ^^spFT, ^'^j ^• Deliciousness, n. v. A. mt^f ^^f. +.^^dl/. ^/. g- HRt/ M^^diO/. ["rfT?TFr»». Delight, n. v. Pleasure. ^Am. arT^T^m. T??^*!. ^. o. v. V. 1. st^^mTT, ^^- Delineation, n. v. V. 1.— oc^ SPptff n. ^^ ». &c. 3N>- oft/. 5finFT n. 3Tf?5r^q-n. 2 fHcf'T'^ «• f^RTTJI n. ^^ n. [ ^T m. I. draught, sketch, S(c. H^JfTT «. ^T5TT«-^^?%W 3TT^- Delinquency, n. failure in duty., Sfe. v. Fault. 3Tl«Ifft. 7b Deliquate. See To Melt. To Deliquesce, To Deliquiate, v. n. ^^^ STP^T^ ;[f^J»T Deliquescence, «. ^^'rTf'm 5^l^|o*. f^Tlf^>?»TOT. ^5i%«nT«. ^m[^m. STSTFTTSRVT/. vJ'HrlcJI^ OT. D. tremens. ?T-rtl, &c. q^^SR, ^^^ 2 FrTT?IHT, 3'^<"pWI, &C. cTlfR, S"^. 3 f^f|?iT, &c. a#?i, ^KT^fT, f^%^, f«rf^,f'r%r,'^TOf. 4 JIRrl %^?5r-flT^«!T, Ac. Xf^fT. I DEL 223 DEi*r A woman d. m*r{ \v\ /. ^tJ^f. ^ PiWWt^/. IT^- jl Demise, n. v. Death, jtt^ n. f^frf/. a)*tH<'IH'( ». 'PT/. qf^^/. I ^ Demise. See To Bequeath. To be d. ilT^ SM, ^FT^ «■ f^^ y. of g. ^Rff m.-TTTT ^, >^rfH<<- N^f^^jr^H-Ac. ^T^. [*. O.V. v. ^sf«(«IKl, Ac. «TnT ^SpTToS Dklusiox, «. T. v.— a<-/. "PH^ n. .i-+,<(iil w. Ac. |J^RflMlf^r«*'^<<*Pt«i'T «• Demonstrable, a. v. V. Mmoi^AJTRl4^MI<T^, f^^ffT m. sRof y. 0/ 0. ^fTtTof, JTfrTTT^Sr, trf^TTR- ^ n.- JMH I M n.-Ac. ^F^of y. 0/0. f^^tfrffT-sim'TfaS'-^'T- KTT-TtT^-Mp1Mir^H-Ac. ^?T^, ^T^T 1>57T !fM9»f. Demonstrated, p. v. V. f%^5%%HT,Ac. f%5, f^fl^lfrin, Demonstration, «. v. V. — act. flTH^ «• f^5 ^T^ «• Ac I. matter demonstrated, v. Conclusion. Rt^ «•. ^f^- II, demonstrations; imposing indications, preparations, ^c. 3(TT^ m. ■JTT^rn m. ^WH m, '^WWl «•• ft?5 »»■ »Ttl<7- Empty d. MviW< «• «• 3H^lfJ5 «• Demosstbator, fi. Demonstrative, o. v. V. f^5 IWUTt, I. See Conclusive. DeMONSTBATIVELT, aJp. ««H5M^'f/. Demuhe, a. affectedly modest, v. IItpocbiticai,. nw^TT, A d. yillaiii. ^Mk4\^ i^R^ntt, f^T^^^T HT^fPT»T^. 2 See Gkaye. [^^TTim^. Demubelt, ado. V. A.l. ^T%?n^?r q^:^, sppE^TPT 'JS^T, f*T- Demubeness, n. v. A. 1. aw^ Hipocbisy. H^ra/.w. 4l^*)- Demubbage, «. TH^IrT ^TcE«jf^?^ A\'^^ ^ n.-^^ ♦». DEMr, n. *|'1<^NI ^ ^nUTT 3T^. [5^ /. Den, fl. (ofa wild beast), f^ pop. af^oS «• 5^/. ^/. Tiger's d. mM«fl«n. [^^'ipfN'. Deniable, «. v. V. 1. H I 'hKN I vRl' lt-^rR^--&c. fHVq', 2 HI+KNI ^r>TT-&c. Denial, Denyixo, n. \. V. 1.— ac<. q^RT'itw- f=I%»^«. &c. ♦». si^H?4(Mn, Pl<*H«. r^fn /. an^TT m. 2 — ae/^. JpFRot n. PjJJyut «. &c. ?T^ER w Hl+K »». ^T%«^ M. fnTFPT'Jrn. PKI^hPH/. 3 — act. ^^\m n &c JpFTT or »1I+K w. ait«A*K m. Denied, ;j. v. V. 1. H+U^c*l, f^^prq^, &c. fW^, f^?[, srfrTf^nT, ^-MKo^w, frr^, r^, stt^tjt, aHt'O'shH, 3T^?>«t. To Deniobate. See To Blackkn Denizen, n. alien admitted to citizenship. ^\(t^r\-^^ n. 2 dweller. <|^uiki, ^i ^fY in comp. ^'«T »« coinp. To Denominate, «. a. name. ^T/.-'TR «.-?lf^ ».-3rf*TtrR n. ^-%^. Denomination, «. v. Name, ^\^n. ^ifrr/. 2 V. Sect. T^m.^rAm. m^T/loT w. Denominational, a. v. N. 2. VKMI'Hsf^-R'H^* Dkkomisatoe, «. ( of a fraction ). %^m. %^ w. Common d. ?nT^»». [^m^ n. Denotation, ». v. V. — act. 3[T^reRt n. &c. ST^?I^ ». ^"^^ «■ To Denote, ». a. letoken. ^??J^, S^^T^, ^ g.qfo. f^?^ w.-B^^Tn. 3rew »'«. con. on(^ gof o. De nouement, n. - ^J^ ff. of 0. 31 n'O +!<»«.- 3T?^^nT »ra.-f^?nT«. - r>1|< OT. qj?TJf y. 0/ 0. Mi*^ ^ot, ?li«tiMrt Deodand, fi. ^«ll^f^r^t?r ^ ♦». To Depabt, v. n. v. To Go. ^fpf, Pim^ ^H^, ^iiii-'llrfdl-' BTTWf, M^|U| «.-iR'/. ^^- r pEP 226 I. ttate of being at the dUpotal of another, dl^^l/t/. TT- DEP II. dependency. Hl*<<(fft=5 sit?T wi.^n m.-^ ii.-Ac. Dkpekdxst, *. retainer, v. Follower. STT'T'Tt, anf^TfT, 3ff- J>EPE>-DEB, n. Depes DEST, a. Depesdlso, p. a. T. V. 1. 3T- Spjf^, riftd, rf<(HH, 3 3fli'|U|K|, ^+,U1K1, Ac. 3j4(-if^H, ^ItCf^'^n. 4 j»'<»|{.uf «. &c. — «. a. «'IHI»T^ /.- inft^FTT- iTr"f'TT/-"TfT^Kirr4^ /• w^ g- of o. To Depreciate, v. a. lower the value q/'.f%»TfT /.-'fte. n.-^ tn.- *n^-&c. ^dtut-qnit-^c^^ q^-&c. y. ofo. 2 fig. underrate, undervalue, represent as of little worth. ^r^'tA ^i^-^^T^, fi^u|«("1 or f^uinjuj, ^3%"?WT m. afTTTif, a^rmr «.-a^nT^ /.- arsifrt^/.-Ac. ^tot-^- n^t, ?m'TfTT/-f'F»»/■«. Depreciated, f.T.V.A.l. rt.Hfl ddic^rtl, ^ ^r^W %^3l,Ac. 2 f?m vs:^ ^nw^HT, f^«i«it?rii, Ac. arr?^. Depreciation, «. y. V. A. l.~act. f^;»rT 3fiTof n. Ac. 2 f^'Tir^ n. Ac. arr^ «. yn"Ti>^ «. 7b Dkprzdate, Depredator, Ac. See To Pluhdib, Ac. 2b Depress, v. a. press down, vpfii, ^r#, 2 de;ect, sadden, T. To Dispirit. f^^-7^-^^t-fi|W- ffot-Ac. Vfit, 3fHTf»tn m.-^»tl m.-H%»tl «.-Ac. ^r^ y. o/o. 8 mT^-Ac. fr^St, H^ /. jym 226 DES STM^t, ^^/. ^fiff ^^ g- of 0. Depbessiox, n. t. V. l.—act. i^\^^ n. ^fTOf n. 2— state. d'il'HMUII «». 37t<^l^'i( n. 3THT^'tn «. ^'Ht»». 3 — oc<. Jf? ^>^ «. &c. — state. M^/. I. a. d. a hollow, a sinkinj, y. Hole. ^TSETTot. dim. ^fZ- Dephivation, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^MH^n. &c. Hl'MUj-^;/. ^- I^TT/. STTS^^/. — state. HI'WUi/. Hm^^/. ^TTS^/. Rmq^^'nTT w». J^T^lm. ^r^TOT. ^/. ^m/ n^j f. To Depkive, v. a. hereave. Hl'isjot, Hl^uj, %«Io5| -1^nT55T-^f^- STf^-f^-f^^TT-Ac. :}^, ( as f^T %TT^ JTrTT "TPfrSTT f«1<|9E %^ that thief deprived me of my turban ), HTH- 5n-7'qTT-Tt3^-#rf^r-&c. spTtrf iPi/A 3T#-fJpnff-3T'4T ofo. ( as PTpf KtTT J=5nf^^ TR^ %t? ), J^f^T^t, STf^^T^Sr, T^-VI^ ^>T^( in comp. as T^f^ ^^ to deprive of rea- son, &e. ). 2 ( of office or preferment. ) srfq^liR ^— 7^Vl^-?VTPT- Depbived, p. V. V. Hl'iyrfrfl, fTT3%?5T, ^^ %%OT, &c. Wi ( in comp. as s^^f^, 'T^^'f , &c. ) Depth, n. v. Deepsesb. W^f- &<"• D. up to the breast. tflrfldN »». D. up to the waist. «PT^^ m. J), above the neck. ^^ SH' »«. [ er, &c. ). I. V. Height. ^JT ( in comp. as ^5Tf|. o. disarrange, disorder, v. To Confuse, fff- q^of, ToS^pnJf, n*rfd«i, 3?^5''f, -d^^-iuJ, 'Mlrt*)rt/.-^- ^/.-no5^ m.->ft«r5S m.-&c. JRot J'.o/o. 2 disorder in mind, jf^^ w.-^f?^^ w.-f^rT^^ »».- DeBANOED, p. V. V. 1. qfttct^yrfl, &C. 3l=>q<(R5i^. 2 onrf Mad. ff^^^, f^f?W, W?TfT ^1^. Debangement, n. v. V. 1. — act. qttjotofn. M0if m. 3Tm^, HR- =^1^ wi.-HH^lPl /.-^^=^ m.-rlMl)^lPl/.-&c. ^df y. q/'o. 3iH-+*i »»• «PTOI. Debooative, Deeooatoet, o. t. V. aTT^tjqr^ ;«1H^I^, Debvise, n. ^?ft. To Descant, v. n. discourse, expatiate. ^^^ «.-^r^ff|?q «.-ef|MrT^. [^ «. 2 proceed from as a source Sfc. t)lrtu(, %^, . t. V. 1. 3dWrfl, 3T'^T^TtT, 3H«idlRd, aTfffH s3Tft»• smtf »». 3?g- arf^ ff. ST'^ftnfrr/. 3H«j'lfrr/. a^snT^OT n. 3T^?fT^ J». 3T^- qrT?I n. ST^^TH ♦». 3T«T:>ncT m. 2 ^n^ w. %wr n. &c. p. from time immemorial. 3T5Tif^H|4ui n. <^^,ui n. &e. 2 — «ff. ^t»m n. f^nrfw ». Ac. ^?I ». fHM"! ». f^^5!T>n. F'l'i'^'i n. ^?TOT n. «4it«-*ii/. TtiPT n. I. »Xr/fA, ;^fln, ^c. JJ^nr »n. spFTnT «. IL tort. T. Kl5D. snfJT/. SITH/. II^Rm. rP^/. 01 what d. ^«T. DEfcBinrvE. «. v. V. 2. «|wi^iw«p, ^;t^, sidhmi, ^otjt- To Descrt. r.n. */>y ou/, see from a dittance. 55?T-»i^H-&C. 2 . ^ or \ ffr? or ^4 ) «, ^^?7 »». JPfq^T/. fspR^ /■ f^'fhlf /. ji 2 scheme, plan, project. •Pr'RT/. ST^tri^w. H+lrffT/. ?f- I 3Kf^/. ipT «». 'Tt^/. 5^/ ^'«T »». WFT/. ( es. spw- 1 I. model, plan, sl-elch. iH'II »». ;T^?rT»»- H-ated, ;?. v. V.l. fH^li^rTT, Ac. f^- ?, ^ar!f??T, r^^f^, «nf^. D. by name. HIH^M or ?f. To Designate, v. a. point out, distinguish. fr^V^.^ f^«f5!T m.- 5?r?^n ^T^ g. of 0. f^f$^-5?PTf^- Ac. ^PT^. To d. by nnme. ^HJlfiH^?! m. sR^, 2 V. To Appoint. ?rHot, P1%^, q;T%«ir3T, «RTPft or ^, *4I|(h^K, ^. Desionment. See Deston. Desirable, a. v. V. 1. 1 [%«»«< M^'l l-^m^lT-Ac. iR«T,^ipfT- »^M«fl#< after, pantinj or hankering after, longing for, ^-c. ^ f. M^/. ^ ». ^^^^f. ^^%[m. %m/.fst?rt?T »n.QWJ,t/. iprtn.aTTa >.<. /• 5^/ ??*3T/. Tff>-^tfl /. ijrojr/. ^/. •flfH^m m. D^ 2 ^M OT.JTT^TT /. ^y*ai/. y?lry«MI»«.rfWHl/.f?4mi/. STTrf /. See also Itch. Carnal d. spTK »». Object of d. IZ n. f^sff^^ n. Snare, fetter8,&c. of d. arrnPTT^T m. 3TT?Tr3Tr?I«. STT^IT- sjiTH «. — Entangled in it. STTVI*!?. Void of d. Exempt or free from d. 3T^r^, PlR-««*, 3Ti%?T, f^^, f^nr^MJT, f?r:wf ,fHTnt, l^^hiT, f^s^FnT. To gratify ( intense ) d. TR^ «• %3"^ ( neut. (4>iu| ). To mock or balk d. ^?f^T/. ITsftrT W:^. To mortify d. «)|'HHr/. '?r5^-"PT3'S-*iKui' ( ex. c||'H«4l "Pt^l^^f lyf %t^ ^HlO ), jft^ «>. vl|*U|-HK5i^i-:.5j|r*HI- ^ »«.-pElfT?TT w.-«"--dlP)=|_fTl/. sprif. To repress or restrain d. fJI»t?n' f^^ »«• ^T^t, ^f^- 2 a d. o t(;(«A. ?^E3T/. STf'^IJT/. ^W^\ f. 3Tm?TT/. spt- ?T OT. HM*l »». n. H-Oqi ;>o;). TTf JffT or JT^RTT/. MH^til/. »T%f£HT^— in high degrcojto crave, to thirst .^pant,han' her after, to long for, to he dying for ^ S(c. ^^?t^, tTN#, ^FT'St, 3ft^»n. ?t'Mr 3T?nif 5'- o/». •j.+hO'i, 3f^ m, ^ ti^. or^T^ ^^ liJTot, gi^OT. tTT'ili^^, ^^ f^-^, J?i^?of, T?ST- Desikeb, «. Desiriko, ;>. a. Desibous, a. v. V. 1. ^P^uiMi , &c. ^-^tiNr^, ?n^r?=r, f^ (esp. in comp. as tPT^, f^- ^, »J1%^&c. ), 3TT^^ (in comp. ), fST^,"?^^- fi^, ^rm?^, ^S^T,— in high degree; craving.^ Sfc, ^c5T, ^IHTf^, PsYhiPHH, alMI^S, f^t^, ?5t»l|s+>id, rtmiH<, ?5PTr5?5, ?5PTt'^, sTrft^j, arrnpjfT, aTTrTos^rrr. To Desist, v. ». stop., leave off., v. To Cease. TT^, «Tt«(^, TTt5?ft/. ^, ^THOT. 3TTt^-«FTS''t, f'T^r^of. Resistance, Desisting, n. v. V. TT^n. ^T?T aR^^n. &c. Desk, n. rt4f^<'<»• t, . m. v. To Despond. STTrr/ ^fTS^-TT^FSr- ^?=?^, ^^m. 71^^, STTTw*. ^TliUJ, 3IT^IrMI'im.-3Tl?Il»il- ^^n -Ac. ^)^, f^RT;T-&c. ^T^. Despaibeb, n Despairing, /». a. v. V. a«rf Dksposbent. aiTmr wrs^wr, 3TT5TT ^iuiKii&c.f^n, H^;[r, irtrn, tut- To Despatch, v. a. *«k? off smartly, ^T^, <^«)s«i, ^Tra^«T, ^IHiO'l, SM'l'ii, f^^, f^?7orft, ril«(>Ji, jf<*(»l, T^iT »»• TT^'T y- o/ o. 3rt«i«^i, WMIduf, -eisK^i, 'i, 'ds"*"!, *nT«», 7S^ «>jVA +IHNI &c. ^iNi-HTTTT adv. wA i.e.fe^- c(|-e)U( - $1^ - ni'J'^t - &c. dl«<^, drl-iui, 3^5V^, *lKof, 3 ;>«< /o rfeoi*, V. To KiLi,. nrT/.-nf?r/. ^, irfNr t^r^- 3^, ril*idlHiif, yni. HTlot y. q/^ *. fPT w. pi. %^, 3ft^ ■». CT^, ITM «. W^*"!, 3TTT[T- J^fTH ••.-3IIIIIHNH » . - Ac. W^f fSfTTff-^'?nif-^^'W-Ac.|^. De«P05deiict, n. kopHettnett, detpair. f^^nn/ ^THT n. 1- DeiPOVOEST, a. Despondixo, p. a. hopelett, derpairing. fi\- xvK, ^^nr, finif, iiitit, hi**!?,^*!?!, thht, nrftwT^,f^- •pflrHI^, fJ>*T«l^, ^JTtWT^, HmIwi^, f*l1««»I, ^Ifl-H, H- DBfPOKDntoLT, m/v. t. a. "jfnn ^rr^, Pt«r»e of/ruil itfUr dinner. ^^f^\^iA^^\ VKf- T« DMnVATB, Dnninc, r. a. appoint bypreviotu determina- tion. ▼. To Appourr. ^-«lff?*n^-Ac. «i^f %f^, ^ 2 •/to/ /o lie future portion of. ^^r^^ftf -JIRWt?T-A«, DBfrniATicffA, *fiM*4, *lfoEq|i)l'bT, «lrf«lTl<"^-^Tcr-Ac. Appointed by D. ^^r /. W^ft^ or fl^l<«|l /• T^^ m. H^lfM^ «. ^M|o6<"m/. !PTToETot, PlMWi-&c. ?T7?n3«JK-«Pn- ^^TT-&c.?ltiIwf-f?^^-&e. ^, Rms^iul, g^T^fT- ?f »».-&c. «F^ g. of 0. Deterioration, n. v. V. N. — state. 3rRrTT "TTTT m. Jdirfl^- ^tht/. -ED, j>. ^ a. T. V. A. 1. 3'1«*?'I. — object. ?i^fr"Tn<4itj|^ *ilfl-^l, *»n^, ^, nWT, %^TW, i\VV\\- DEV 21 rfToS, %ST, ^^ffT, ^:^5!TT^, j?f$(T «. H;fl%rl or ^ «. A very d. a malignant person. f^HiHRvi-M, r»HI^H^, Art or business of raising, injecting, or exorcismg devils. Hdld'K)/. — The practiser of it. HdK'WI. Ceremony of summoning a d. to occupy and actuate. K^y^ n. V. qTt5, »1M«I. Ceremonies, gener. to lay a d. tltfcT /. KTffJf^ n. D.-dealer. ^«frr. D.-world. D.-creation. illusions oj devils, 'JH^f%/. Disease, affliction, or mischief, gener. ascribed to a d. jff^^XT'^ or in^T^ft^T^/. f^^lN«»ltTT/. '^Tt^tTT/. ^^- rftftlT / stf^jri w.-&c. qT?!^of-#?^, ^wv\ n. ^^. [^^. To inject a d. »JfT «. qiHof-^wf, ^S!H"f ) /.-Wt«B /. To set up d.-dealing. ^"^RT m. or\ n. MMMuf-Hiiuf- I)eyili8H,o. oJ or belonging to the d. 1l H MNI, ^dHK?iTf^ ( from f^nr^T), ^f%^ (from JT?T ), 3TTf ^ & 3T^ff ( from 3?^?! ), TTWft ( fromTRT^T ), ni«lj|, ^irfr^, P4dui, 5;fir/-fT^^t^/.-&c. ^retff- ^rif y. o/ 0. 2 See To Bequeath. Devisiso, «. v. V. 1. — act. qtsrJf n. ^jof n. &c. qt^TSTT/. Devoid, a. not possessing, v. Wasting. Tf^, ^JfT, ^Ih, P^,r5i, aif^, ^mf^ffT. I. given up to, addicted, intent upon, v. Intent. 3TRni>, OTRlTfTf^, ^?»T^, V(*f1l1, PfTfT, cTPTT, rf?^, q^TTT & qr ( in comp. and forming valuable compounds end- lessly, as ^»<(r;T^^, ?,ict*-jvr, «it5^- Detocb, r. a. T. To Eat. +<|»h dl+uj, ffj^JT ^[7 ^?^, To be ready to d. 3TT ^T^ 3T^. 2 fig. ttcaUow up, V. To Coxsume. W^} Pi'A'Ji, "Tlf «ip- Devout, o. decoted to religious exereitet, ^-e. H^H^, H^TH- ?ft^, Mr+HI'l pop. Hf^HH, ^tf^SINUI, Hr*4<, HftiMtui, HpF.ft^, Hf^?^, Tn>nf%, ^«(M-es8, «. V. V. Hf^BHRm. Tf^/S^fH^i/. *rf^Pp[^ To be bedewed ««IH0I. Dew-d«op, w. ^«iri(l '4^»«- H^Rf^m. «J^H*ui»i. f^H ♦«!»». Dew-lap, ». the pendant Jleth fivm the throat of an ox. ^:\^- Dkwt, «. relaiinj, Ifc. to dew. ^^Mi, i^f^«(<|tll, H«IUH<<, Deitebitt, ». V. A. ^T^I^ or ^Mlit /. ^Id)*f or ^I7T^3T«. DriTEROCs, a. adroit^ v. Expekt. ^MNl 5^155, ^MV'atA^I, DEITBkOUSLT, «/l». T. A- ^T^^t^^, ^RlrUT^, ^?r<)3f, ^IA850sis, m. r ^ l M Tf H f/ TTVHT/. f^^"- Du05O4nc, M. ti^ or tymptom of dUeaie. t*Ji«i'«:m. DtALOOCE, 11. Jft»TT^9ri». ^fT5.»». l(WmTii. or ^vnff^n. pi. so 33 Die DiAiiETBiCAL, a. describing a diameter, sfjm^. 2 direct.^ doionright, outright^ fat., Sfc. %I1^, H3^, *T5- ^fr\'mf\ f.'^i'm{\ f. ^^^m\^m. To have a d. "ffr n. oryif-g^ g. of s. ^fS^Eof or ^^- ottiif or ^ScEwf, Si'I'Aui, ^*\dM , <5|aiuj, nj^-»J*nft-|r<< I f^* 1 -^ ) SHT^ «■ D1BI11.K, «. ^HT^ "• i'CHts/. n. 2b DiBBLX, V. a. g^wif, ^fi^Jf. Dick. See Die. DiCKB, Dice-plateb, n. ^'||. a. tell to he tcrittcn. f^^lVI^I V\^, f^- ««J|rwl wl'liiJ, ♦i^f- Htn^T f^^^. 2 V. To DiBECT. JT^ w.-Wf r/-&c. 'f\/'.- =5Tra/-Wf?T/.-&c. STRq^rpTT/. Good d. gmf^HT n. ^^af?/ DiCTioxABT, n. l'HI w. ^T^f m. ^[JJIT^ «». Mark or dot on a d. ^^^^ m. 't^ m. Of or belonging to dice. 3T?rn(T, 3TTf|T!|;. A few of the numerous terms used by dice players are thrown together here. tpT, 5^^, pTF, ^PNj, ?7T^nT5T, TWt^TT, OTT^JsgT, f ft, '^'R'ft, ^^^, ^^ft, ^??ft, •fxs.rtu'i, =«r5^r, 'STR^J^, ^TH^r^, frr l 4»4-»l of^f. JT^, To d. suddenly ( in the height of vigour, plenitude of enjoyment, &c. ). ^rmt^^ or ^mtffn. H^ «. 2 — in medicine. 9vq n. JfJT^ w. Bad d. or regimen. ^PTxq' ». ar'TS''^ «. (Change of d. jftiT^Tra^CT.^fJT^qT^m.afRTTft^w* D. and regimen q^^Hluf) «• Hard and rigid d. or regimen. ?re?rR««T n. ^*PTS^«. Milk d. 5^^^ m. [I^K m. 3 See Assembly. To Diet, p. o. ^i/< o» a l««1 /.-3TfK».-<1K<1*<4«-- dirlHMN M.-&C. 3T^ y. o/ «. recip. f^5T-Pll?(H. Slight d. ( of one thing with another ). ^ %T «. Splitting the d. ( in bargains, &c. ) (^t^T'fl' Ttvfift/. 'h'ii'^\^if 2 variance, contention, \. Disaobeemejit. ^t^ n. |^/. "|rT n. IrPTR m.\n n. [^f^"^ »■ 3 JTfl'ji^ >». JTrffflT n. f^H[r\J<, ^^iilT. 2 ( of understanding ) v. Abstbuse. !F^)wt, 3T^^T5, 3- 3 hard to please or win, v. Ceoss. +.(f\umirtTj|, «FT^- DimcCLTLT, orfp. iriVA difficulty., See under Diffkultt. DirnccLTT, w. v. A. 1. ^^JluiNuil m. aflW^TSTiTT »»• f«m>4M- vn m. Ac. *iri-M n. *tiHHl/. «J»<«|M4H|/. &c. ^Nffn. J«*Wl/. Ac. With d. v^^XlJl , JJ^JTT^, ^rlf^Hls^^jff, vjrtHl^rfH I ^ , t}>x3*VH , W^-ilsi, *IMI^, 3T3j^, 3T5T. 2 t^uiHoiV •». ^4M4*4U|| m. »J4H|/. 5ff«TfTT/. I. a d. o knotty or hard matter, point, !fc. ^ n.'JS n. "T- «r4 »i. ^ n. g?l«in-5 /. imr «. TT/. [m. con. To feel in a d. "T^TTT/.- fT^TT m.->l?Tf5K/.-Ac. 75^ II. a d. lerape, holble, Ife. T. Tbouble. ?r^^ n. 5:^3 ». ^^TT n. •JTT^nr/. ?re^ n. ^ n. ^Jm^/. J^'li ». %^». To get into a d. 3Tlft»r«rtrl «f<4*uf. [sH ^. To draw off from or out of a d. ^TimTiJJT fm w». "CT- IIL — a« made,iitarted, Ac. v. Objection, "^j. ^JgH/". 5n^ »». f%5 m.Hkui'ui ••■ *^'iv4 «. vm «». an?/, r. tie. Without d. r^'tP^t^ w ^f^i))H, DirriDESCE, n. vant oj confidence, ditirutt, v. Doubt. 3T- 2 dittrutt of trlj, want of confidence in one't own abili- ty, Sfe. ■i^\^v\\\^^^\^\ afr^>9T7T m.-3T*rT^?TT ot.-^^w ♦».- &<•. aitrt n. *!nj^iwi/ ^mKmn^/. amrpr n. ^- 3 hathfulneti, Sfe, r. MoDE«TT.>ftl/. W^TT/. ««T*r ♦». Dirnnnrr, a. t. N. 1. ««. t. V. 1^1?%^, >fJTW%?5T, 1W- f%9r, r*«»n %dw, Ac. r,"TT?^- DiTFCSELT, V. A. I. f^WKI^, ^irf^WKI^'. D1FFU8IOX, n. V. V. — act. Rwnofn."5|>rlNulf «. &c. sj^KUin. — «/a. «. t. V. A. 1. ^nJiaTTTT, Ac. W^- Stone d. )|(4^l<, Dioowo, f». y.Y.— act. ^m^. Ac. ^PPI «. ?q>^/. ^imfft f. V. ?nw. Dmit, fi. ( of the moon's diameter) ^fr^f. S^W^/. fjlt- 'T/. i^^/ i5^«- ^t^tnw. 2 ( «f the sun's diameter), srvf rm. Decreaae of digits ( of sun or moon ). ?T^m. IncreMe of digits, f^/. DieviriKS, a. marked with dignify, noble, ^\^v\\nl, iff^- 515 ? To DiGNibY, f. o. »«aA-e lionoralle^ illustriovf, ^T. Hi^MUH >n.-'riHun/. V. V. N. 1. g?5^ «. &c. ^ift/. To Dilate, ». a. spread out, expand. q+)Jf,"^rfl«)- 2 /f// or say diffusely. f^irFf-^TOK W^^^T-f^i^K "JJNj- &c. ?rt'T'f-^'rM i H -&i". •HJMiui. To reduce to a d. "ptsrm Vj i riiUi -qT^. Diligence, n. v. A. . ».— the vision. H^-vi^-Ac. qRof, H^ n. 3Tm<'f, Of dimmed or dullencd A-ision. ^, 2 See To Obscure. [^Rtnn. Dimension, «. ^ n. ifr^ ». qt^%^ n. ^=5pp?5 n. ai«ft^<(t/. To Diminish. See To Lessen. Diminution, n. the act of lessening. 3^M-'^-&c. ^Rof n. ?f!T-3Tq^^-&c. ^T^ n. 2 the stale of becoming less. ^K m. ^^ m. =^RT m. 3T- q^q' m. srq^nr »«. 37Rfft/. Diminutive, «. v. Little. FJ^, ril^'lKi, =^, ?^, g^, DiMINUTIVENESS, «. V. A. -i^MHuil m. rS^H^/. Dimity, n. |%^/. |^^T# ^FJq^ «. Dimly, adv. v. A. 3. 3T<:I^, g^^, gr^FT, gr?, q^?r, igr^, 4 3T«T^, f'^W(»fl"l. DIO 23T DIE D. buniing-lamp or light. f*n»rf*n'fN'. To burn d. r»1«irn«iu1i. [ 5^/ rxDTESs, fi. V. A. 1. 3T«rrft/ ^f^.HiC n. ^f^Hif^ n. n\^n. 2 ^-l+^uil m. M4^r^H n. Hi?! n. ttJ?^ n. FiOh ». 3 '^%Tin m. iITTTqun- m. i, n. 3jfm^ #^/. 3TWW^ n. Diyan-TiME, »i. bn^i^f. 4l-^^i | ^ m. ^ /. ^i^r m. iim. ^fnftf- ^J. w^ f wt^TT m. ym^ lit. [irarrif. To hammer down the dint* (of a new metal Teasel). The hammer for doing no. itTRvf m. 8 p»wer, Y. Foics. aft? m. il?5 «. Jo Di"*ui,5-M«fcoft &c. HI^li|. 2b Dip, p. o. immerge. ^^aot or ^-qjiof, 5^^, ^tl**^, 2 out; /aie o«/ % a ladle, ^-e. < l ''. l >j'fr< i ei , sp^TFRTST, fTft^lf^- To make d. ^%. V. V. 1. tr<^J?HT, 'Tl'PWr, Ac. 2^Tt1»PT%HT, ■HTfm, ftf^, frcj^, ^if^, afllf^, fsift.'?. DlBECTER,n.DinECTIvK,0. DlBECTOBT.O, T. V. 1. (' [ f lgl K f, «n-i»'nin, Ac. R^rprt, ir^i'in, 2 aii<; Dasno*. fft{ «r>IKT, fJJ^T, f»ft.Tft, aiA.'it, DIB 238 DI8 DiBECTios, n. V. V. l.—act. ^ojfl. %H^n. Ac. TfvjFTn. iiM\'\m. 2 command^ v. Obdeb. wtn'iff/. ^Tt'ft/ f^T^w. ^^?r«. Directions, rw^t* laid down. tTlT»n. 3 T^I^T?I^». &c. ^'[A^^V^n. HFJ^;i'jr». I. Wfto to find. J<^MOir OT. fJTO^/. ^ll w. ^- pyfTT/ ?rR?q' «. 3Tr3I^ n. 5R^ n. -' g?i;%?oTr m. ^tRT^T'^ ffi. JH'nTsqTTT/. 3n^;?t*^ «. DiBECTOK, n. superintendent, manager, v. CexDtCTOB. 3Tf«r- 5R, Mldi^, %- 'nir, *T?r^;^, 1^^?:^ or pH-M+iul. To DiETY, r. a. *iotr<(ui, Jr5£W-*T5l^-&c. ^T'f, Hot'||<|u( or H^yii^ijf, »ir^^ui or ni-JHui. 2 coirr icith filth, befoul. f^4*)Kuf, f^+t-ffl^VT-Ac ^- of, *?TT^»». -?T%Hrn».-&c. sRoty. o/o. f5r3?l^-3??I^-5[lfe^-?Z.-5FHT% ^ ♦»• i^^ T^TS^ g. of 0. itoo^TT^r^fT VT m. T5^ ^. o/ o. ^Tf OT. />/. 5T5^ y. of 0. Disadvantage, n. v. Loss. 3T%r «. 3T5Tf|?r ti. flf^/. 5pfr»ft To sell to a d. ffRT ^FC^-^T^^-Ac. fsTpif, ifr?TT «^- DlSADVAJfTAGEGUS, a. «Tm ^'I'KT^T, 3^!??^ ^"tw^TT^T, "^(T^- ^FR^, 3Tf?I^^FTT^, 5Ft4^-&c. *r;i^.qT?|15P-. PiSoffH 3 ( in opinion, <&c.. ). >=|l+^t? ^t'if-^T^, f^TTffTTf^/.-f^- ^THT^f «».-JT?nT^ "'•-"i'^ n.-fJnT^?r «.- 3=RF»m W.-&C. 3T- ^ y. o/«. rtf«/). f^»^?T-3T?f»=*TrT-&c. aTOOJr. 4 Je unwholesmne, tj'c. »T- TT'I n. f^<^, n. f^HV n. fim*. V. V. 3fn?TT H"n^"t l, &c. pTTn, *nTT5[I, *!- ^nr, firrn. h^i^h, wH^^h, vre^'spr^, ^^fipinw. riSAPPOl.tTliEST, n. T. \.—aet. 3lTnT »itl^»«. aTTTTnSTT ». %<4^|H »!.—«. w ». f^<>4IS m.f. arntPTT m. aJ^n^HT m. «;?I*i«l m.—*tate. 3?T"^llin.-'M*. T. V. ^IM«H %J?;^, Ac. ^|V«fl OT ^, STnT- n,"'>nn'T, WMI'^I, TTTT^, Hltfe^-t. DiSAPPBOTKB. n. DiSAPPBOvi!(o, /). o. V. V. ^T^TOm.->!tc. %?^, Disdelieteb, «. Disbelieving, ^.o.v.V. ^a^TT THUIKTi^^c To Disburden, v. a. 3TT$n.-&e.3rn:^-^T^, ^ft^'TTn^-Ac. #5^, TKHrfj ^j^, HKHl-M'i''- W^ g- of 0. To Disbuese.&c. See To Expend, &e. To Discard, v. a. turn off, cast away, v. To Dismiss. TRE't, v. v. V. ^T%^?rT, ^Tf^ f^^HT. To Discern. See To Distinguish, To Discover. Discernment. See Discrimination, JuboiiENT. To Discharge, v. a. disburden, unload. 3ft§ «.-&e. JHiui- JJJT^ g. ofo. n+IM|-ft?TT-*fhp2T-^n?ft'-&c. ^^, fft^, »1KM"1-=)H «■ ^^. . 2 /e^/y, give vent or issue, ^ftl't, *l«'?t, f^?r#T«. ^T»t (esp. in comp. as «(|UlRw-j(^-V^ri(tl^^-HrtR'^^H-*r^- 3 ( a gun). tOsui, 5PTot, KTTot, tll4^, tTT »». ^^t-TI^- 4 ( a debt), liquidate, v. To Clear. %fof, ^TTS^, 3T^ ^- rif, ^TTT't, %3/.-«I^RTot. q?Tat y. o/ o. ^HIFF ^<^, To d. in part. 3TT^, i^TT^^- DigCUAROE, DlSCUAROlNO, «. V. V.— af<. 3Tt§ Jf^Ul «. f^" ^mr ^3roti» r^fe'tn. Ac. >, +<<'-)!, jp^T^rrOT, (^rmr «(mi*iTfT wi.-gq-TTiif)'/.-&c. ^FT^ y. of a. «i*"iicn^ n.-^yt\U'i,\K m.-&c. ^^, Discoloration, n. v. Stain. "^^nnr n. ? tJ l R-t. | < >;». ?u if^-ji - Circular d. >ft?ft/. =^;fT55 w. liod d. in the skiu. ^^ n. Discolored, p. v. V. f^^ %%?5T, f^<^, srTHl?pnf, spjf- ^f^^. [&c. Discomfit, To Discomfit, Ac. See Defeat, To Defeat. Di'coMFOBT^n. 3Tf^ n. a^fPTT^TH «. 3T^r?a^ n. h^h.^ot. To Discommend. See To Blame. To Discommode. See To Incommode. To Discompose, v. a. derange, disarrange, v. To Con'focnd. OT.-3T5q^rCOrSTEN"A>"CE, v. a. dUeoura'/e hy cold treatment. TTT- jfrs/.-f^T^wi./. ^K^ g.ofo. r=l«M-qTT^5?f-MIn. . T. V. 1. SftlHTTf , ^^[WTf , 'TC'^, pl^i Discocbaoeb, «i. DiscocBAcnfo,;). O.T. V. 1. f^^tlli ♦KUIKI, sjTn^-y, detrry, ten, v. To SEE. P!f^, "TT^, ifoSm. ^. ^ in. eon. 3 ^i«/ oif/, defect. dH'liii W 3M'l«i, ^JTV^T, ?tT?^, ?fN»n.- ft^Wn.-fjTT'TTm.-STWw.-Ac. ^T^-^iT^ y. of o. V^^m.- ft^iVtln.- VtTwi.-Ac. JTPI^'r in. «>n. flisjuf in. eon. 4 Oiew thiiiKu or plaoon). TfW^fJl-Ht'fJ'it-firadt in. con. Mfi^-ll^ ^T^, ^^tW i DiSCKEPAJfT, «. V. ISCOSSISTE>T. '»K't)^^ff, i f^^TK^, ^^^ ^[^'ff , HRd'-MNt^qft, j To DiscPMBEB. See To Disencumbeb. I To DiscBOWN, V. a. ^^m-&c. \i^-'h\i^ ^. I Discubsive, a. See Kovmo. 2 See Abgumentative. Discus, n. ^^p n. To Discuss, v. a. y. To Aboue. mz^, M^au t,^^, iTiM or *TV^, «JIl, <^iFT^. Discussion, n. v. V. A. 1. — act. ^ofn. &e. ^\^\^\lf. ^XK' \ qT7/. aTTHTSHn. ^T^w. JT^STor »rJt-Jf;r«iJir-Hls«iui, ^Hi'JH/.->jriisi m. DlSEXGAOEDj^'. V. V. •d+.r'X?^, ^ftf???^, &C. ^^T, vd'+>5^«(, I. unoccupied, unemployed. R+IHI, t^I^, Hf'F3T,1^I?;?fMt. DlSENGAGEMEST, «. T. V. — act. g+riut «. ^^3«(ui[ n. &C. ?fl4c(U|/. ?flsq«|^/. g^ROr/. ^f'Nufl/. ^3'H"J+/. d"t«*''i; ^/. vi+^^ufl/. — «. v. V. >d+,rt^t4|, ^4c)rtrii, &c. ^^Ptff^T. Disentanglement, n. v. V. — act. 'ft/. — «/«'«. 3r51ir ». S'^Pc? or 7^- 2b DisENTHEAL. See To Feee. Disesteem, m. v. Contempt. arTTTT m. (fl^HM w. ^H^PTT- 3b Disesteem, p. a. v. To Contemn. ^HHMui, olriHHuf, 3RT^T^, spmrr OT.-&C. Jp^ g. ofo. DiSFAVOE, M. discmcntenance. 3T5nt-^;Tf^ ^ y. 0/0. 2b DiSGOEGE, V. a. vomit out. 34l+T^. 2 ^Jte 6ac*. 'TT?t-M|tJKi-&c. ^. DisoEACE, M. disfavored state, q^i'l »n. «itn »». «r^«it^/. 3T- «». HM^lPl/. -E^frf/. qftH^ «». — as involving the sense oi' ridiculousness and 0/ ridiculous or pitiable state through ridicule. Words and phrases conveying this import a- | bound in Mardthi. They are mostly of lax or free forma- tion; but they have extensive currency, are in constant use, and bear strong, and vivid, and impressive signifi- cance. They would thus but ill render such sober English words as disfavor, dishonor, derision, ignominy, exposure, fhame, scorn, opprobrium, S(e. : yet, than these we are aware of no English words more closely correspondent, yhey might indeed well represent certain other forma: lions; but these being necessarily excluded from tho Dictionary, they will be admitted, we apprehend, to liave been rightly collected and inserted here. ». ^T\m^f. \i>jS*\% n. ^r^^rtt/. j^^Ti^- 2 catt«e 0/ shame, 3nT?ir^-3rT^)Ml^-&C. "fl^/.-ftt"^ »». aT^prnr^-Ac. ?^TR n.-qT n.-^^<»T «. =Fr5^ »». To DisGEACE, V. a. put out of favor. ^<}rll, 2 ST^TT^ +rfrtl, c?M^r5f5T, ?n# T^FJTO riNt^AI, Ac. D^SGBACKFUL, fl. shameful, dishonorable. BirHi^d"!!, STHT?!- ^^, aiMM^lH)Tlf, STTTTrFFlft, aiM'M^rM')*, T^^HT, ^?fT- ^, q'liTl^^^, &c. ^')fTi^<-^n:^-fTft'-&c. 3ihhh+,k*, 31H<<^\MI, WHHMMI, I^^J^rff^, &C. J<^d7i.-^"tn n.-^^^^ m.-^^r^:^ «.-&c. ^-quf , %^ ;)0p. ^ m. il<^r4"Jl'-MWi>Ji, ail+KM7m n.-STFFRjfir/. spTof g. of 0. »Mqof, mN*^ui «. ^:\^. Disguise, Disguisement, DjsGUispro. n. v. V. — act. ^Tr ^ «. %H 5?^of «. Ac. 3Hi+K'Tim n. arr^jRjft-/. I. a d. o dresg,form, Sfc. covering reality. #rT n. ^ m. ^V'i^'T «>. t}M'l^«fl, Disgust, n. loathing, nausea. ^ m. ^JTToET m. f%a?T/. m. f^H/. PkHjK m. 5ITW m. ^f.^rfff. t!Vf. frT^^rm'tn. f^+of)/. r«i*otKi »». T^tfT^ »». j-mc »n. fij^H/. ^- ^f^f f^^ m. iftTr^ M. TT^/. f^Tf^/.>TFI m. 2 See Distaste. DIS 243 DIS To Disgust, v. a. ^?t3^, f^ld^di, ^fe m.-^IST m.-f^wE^ /. m.-RoS« /.-Ac. aiiuiwj, f^-f3Tjg-f«KTt>-&c. ^T^. DlSGCSTED, p. \.V.>f>J-«(l'iui,%?TFI^, 4^|c£| m. %^ y. «/■ o. inVA in. eon. DisousTrci^ a. DisorsTHfo,/). «. v. V. ani N. *d|om|U|| or ^T'rft, r«|iom*4luil or ^pjft, pM*^<f, NI>Jl<«l, fipRIT, RfSlti, ^^1 ^Frtin, 3ft?W, 3fft^- •I'duii, ^-"ft-i, 3?^JT^, aRTT^s, ari'iiMl"!!, «flHr*i, aiM'irf. Dish, n. — for holding food, &c. hk n.?R^ n.lTT^T/. «TT^ n. ^TTFT ♦•. *n«ET m. dim. STToft/. HT^M «• Hts n. •HM«P/. Dishes and platters — compreh. 5iTT5ftWATE&, n. rtq^oft n. f^flctMuff n. or ^FgoE^nft n. 9tt^- WWft »». rtl^wft »». Dishabille, To dress or be in d.— of men. q^-3TTlT^- »PIT i«i«f or %qsT 3W^, »^^H »i«^-A^H aw^f. — of wo- men. 3nt-T>^ sra^^-H^ 3T^,>^ ipof, t5^ %^. To Dishearten, Ac. See To Dispibit, &«. To Disuekit. See To Disuchekit. To Dmbetel, v. a. spread lootdy, ^e. — the hair. f?W^, f^TT^, fv^T^, frm^il or frgr't, THw^t, ftv»ji<«fl/.v- T^ J. ofo. DUBETKLLES, f. T. V. ft«M-4I, ftOTTT??SJT, &C. D. tresMs or hair, f^;'^\ f. pi. f^y^f. pi. Ilaring d. tresses. fim-^\. Lang and d. tress. ffPT^/. |^/. f%|jTft/ Of d. hair. fl^lfsW^^. To be d. f^HT^. DiiBOVKST, «. T. KnATisB. 3nn, «?, SWTT, !VZfa, ^K^, k^Ml^, fTHT, tl)c«l«, i*imxif>l« pep. 9(im1^, 3T- ^- 2 — an emplojTBent, profits, Ac |TTK, fTT»n^, fTT»T^- , 3WhMt, 3T- DlSBOiTESTT, H. T. A. 1. ^^Wrft/. W^^W ^^«fiT »i. ^vifl^lPl /. a^=^ TO. 3TT m.-i^ m.-ff»^w. DIS 244 DIS JFTot g. ofo. ^sitT m. ?it?^ g. of o. ^^^-f^^^^&,c. qr^. DisjorsED, DisjpiiCT.jo. V. Y.and SEPiBATED. !r'l<*I %- 5JOT, &c f^j'P, f^rf'^^. Dis JOIKER. n. Dis joixisa, p. a. v. V. ^\^ ^RwriTT, &c. ^- DlSJOIKINO, DiSJUIfCTION, «. T.V. — act. M^ ^5C^ W. &C. fjf- ?ftv5T7f n. ^%^ «. *RJT w. —stale. f^^ m. 2b Disjoint, «?. a. put out of joint .^ Sfc. ?jttiT »>.-?tf^ »».- iT m.-?iftT%3 wi -^fsirfif ScTT OT.-&C. SRot 5/r. 0/0. Disjointed,;?, v. V. Ff^T T^fcEJiaT, &e. fwftrH, ^tftlfir^- ^, ?ift|'E5?r, ^^fwf^, F'tfPi'E^rr, ^VR^^. I. See Incoiieeent. DlsJUNCTivE,o. — in grammar. T?Tt?R ^s^. Disk, n. of the sun &e. f«R w. JTSt? «. 2 See QcoiT. Dislike, «. aversion, distaste, disrelisJi, dissatisfaction. Hl«f4 /. arqTJTS/. «T5r50T n. «. %, Ts, arsftfH/ 3T*rf%/. gr^ /. ^TTTjsfft/. f?n:3[ft/. 3T^/. g^^r^m/. ^fH/. srarsr/. 2b Dislike, ». a. !TT«rirrT-^l"4'H'H-3Tf5nT-&t'. arooT-^rc't ««. con. ^TTsrs/.- ar^TNI /.-3T5ftfrf/.-&c. SfRPJf g.ofo. in. con. HMiuj »«. . t. V. TI4l4HI,?Il«jil-MI, STTN^Ht, 3TfJr^,f¥Pt- q', TTTHrT or ^, ^h«'t^ «».-1^ »».-rTf*Tfr% ^^ «.-"Tr5Tr or f^/ pl- ST5t>/». ^, ?n% OT. pi- ^T^r y. (/o. ^pff :TTOE »». or sift- TcS n. ^, 5W-«rF^ ^T M. ^R5f^, qi^=?^fI-q^Hr?-&c. ^vT^. — promptly or summarily, kmf. pl.-^^^VSi[ f. pi. T^- Dismissal, Dismission, n. v.V.l. — arf. 3Tr?TT ^ n. &c. 3Tr- fTT/. ^»^ w. ^^r/. f^TT^T «. ^?r?r/. f^/. fsi^nft/. D. with sweetmeats, &c. of a company. ^l/. ^^3TT/ ^mi!T/. fTfirtt or ri^f*lVl/. TS'FoE/.S^spT/', Dismissed,;?. v.V. 1. f^I^ f^?^?^, &c. ■^, f^«I^, SR^rm. 2 517%^ rfNrf^r, ^I^ f^r^^, &c. *HHf*, fT'fk or d^'ft<, To be d. ^w. /)^. ^if[ in. con. To Dismount, v. a. ^d<«j, +|iiui, "TTS^, ^fT^ afMof-^Rot. 2b Dismount, v. n. alight. ■jcK^, ?K/. TP^rf/. T3«ri/. S^F^Ww. 5?rfrI5F,JT?» /. sr^nr^/. ^rm/. j^tw/. ^"^/. n^»t. 2 disturhanre, commotion, v. Tumult. TIsr /. sj^ra or 5ft/. TrJ^W/. 3 derangement of health, v. Sickness. R+Kot. f^frf/. TFTw. aroiTTtTRw. aT^^fSTTn. D. of the stomach or bowels from indigestion. aT5f r«l+K»». ar^rf^^jfrT/. 4 a d., a disease, malady, ailment. W\m. ^^TT«». 5?I^M- Dangerous d. fir^TOff U^i».-5^9Tn.-f^!FrTiM.-&c. Pi8or4er8 and dis^nseB^-coinpreh, tPRT^^. DTS 245 DT!? Exacerbated or supervenient d. ( through error of regimen). HT^".To be exacerbated, &c. — ad, ^N*"!?!, Natural A.-ditiinyuUhedfrom preternatural d-ai'ltiMm. 5 (of mind). See Discomposure. To DisOHDEB, c. a. ditarranyr, derange ditcompose, v. To Co>'For>'D. f^+<+.ctui, **jcJol, *i*rijrt«r.cwi, viti*i«i, ■ M*MH*:m f.- irV-mAi. or 3?7vrf?r/.-TT?^m.-«T»iT/. ^TWf , qiqnf, v:^n^. 3??^ ^T^^. 3 ru/fie, disturb. See To Discompose. DiSORDEHED,/). T. V. 1. fHH^.dL^.M, &C. fq*l+of\fI, ^3^^^- 2 i7/, ailing, v. Sick. J^tjttjTT, J<EU.T, adv. T. A. 1. immethodieaUy. -HMjJUr*!^, 3T- «Twfrn. 3>l»ow5i>o, n. V. \.—acl. Hl+lfOi n. «*«fl/o. ^•4%MU|| m.-3«hni[T m. 3nnidt, f?TTTTT7tfr, ^TJI^ or ^^Tf^, ^fP^im/.-Ac ^5^ frCT ??T^^ y. o/o. DlSPABAOKHKXT. Se« DiSOBACE. Di»PA«rrT, n. t. Dittebesce. n^T^/. %t m. "pnl^T^^ n. Jb DiWAKT. 8e« To Suabatb. Di>PAMio5, «. T. QiimsM. tm m. ^tfH/. DlsrAtnoVATK, a. talm, impartial, — of persona. ?rt^, '41, 2^^ proceeding*, Ac, TI>TIMI, »IK^^,f»l«^^1^pn^. PliPAiiti05ATBLT, adt. T.A. ?Mh«'II»T, ■4jM, tJY. •HU'Ji, ^ippof, ^^ 'FTot, ^Vf( f.-^mTf-^z^f.-&c. iRwr-^, 5i^r i^3t. I can dispense with it (can do without )7.^r*(iqi-Mi ^- To Dispeople. See To Depopulate, Dispepst. See Isbigestion. To Disperse, v. a. dissipate, v. To Scatter. 3^«p(i, TtT^sSr, i^T^ f?i^ ^J^, "TTm^ ^?^, iMlH;<*+iot, <*i+iH>rq;/.- T5^rT5^.-&c. ^R^ y. p/ 0. ^tr/. ?Jrfof y. 0/ 0. I 2 diffuse. See To Spread. t To Disperse, f. n. le scattered. <^^, TfT^, f^^5E^, fi|*1 j f7rF% ^^-fm, ifTO^RT/. /'i. fl^T y. 0/ «. THt*TT5E ^, Dispersed, p. v.V.A.l.vJ4«jr4rf|, "pi+«(^<^l, &c.'TTnT^,f%f'T5r. D1SPER8EDLT, oJc. pT?fTci:,?nTR^r, rft-i^ii. DfsPERsios, w. v.V. A.I.— af<. TS^«- "m^PT^n. &c.— «/flr/tf. V. V. N. Hii+uf «. Tt^rJf ». Ac. Tfn'ift/. General d. mI'MmI'I or »ft/. To D18PIBIT, n. 0. dishearten, depress, dijcct. JrTt.-f^'-Hri/- 'IT'Tw. ^?. Hiiui y. o/" 0. grfHT^H^w.'^?T'4'H'T««.-*T%*nTm.- ^«rnm.-Tr«I^HT?T m.-Ac. ^R^ y. 0/ 0. f^iMlS /. »n.-im- >dl m./. ^T^ y. n/o. d% OT. yl. ^ 'UT't y. 0/ 0. 3^nT- f^Rr-%f^-H^-Ac. «Rwr, JfnoT, HTT't, Dibpirited,/*. V. V. JTT HiP.rfl, Ac. 3^RT, T^Hfft, '3R, ^r^f^, H^rr^, fin«ui, sr^w^, ^i'hVii, ar^rf^g^. D18PIKITER, n. DisriBiTiSO.p. a. v. V. JTT m?wnTT,Ac. H^T nrpn, f^r^ftwr, 'n^nTRir, j^^'t^'f, 37flr^»r3i'»»,'M- 'H^t^., "dlrHl^^rn^-VM+i-Ac. DisPiBiTiKu, «. V.V. — oc<. 3^1 4< S>T^ «. KT Htfuln.Ac. f^- h'iTto./. mvMii »»./. »ismTTw./ w^rnw. iJ^r^Ht »i. 7b Displace, v. a. remote from its place. r/. o- v. To Offesd. Tr^^H-^TTT-arog^-^- &e. JR^if, ^?nrof , 1T^/ 'Ttsot 3T?rT- To Dispose, r. a. arrange, set, lay orderly. Htl^t, *TtlH^, f ^, JfT^jTif, f^.Hui, ^^ot^, '*rT'^, 3T5T^''t, ^S>?l, 6?T^T't(T /.-r^RT/.-r^TTf /.-Ml vr|HT/-^^^»l.-f5r''TTOn«->iM'«< !■««»• -&c. 'PT'i'^. o/o. 2 frame the mind or tcill.^ incline, ttt ^f^<^-57«rf*r^-?fy- ?5f^.+,r^/c(ui-&c. ^. o/o. mirti 5rhFOT.-«pc^w.-3Tra"/.-&c. ffuty. q/"©. 3T5?R^^, f^ffn. t^AMV] g. ofcun^^U^., spPT- 3 of; apply to a particular purpose. \. To Apply, To Use. qrJTor, +,i*il«-gf^-&c. rlNul, sq^5i;r/-^^«ITC/.- fjrf5=ratn»«.-&c. ^Rwt ^. o/o. ^I^/. jrut-^;!^ ^. »/ o. 4 of; /)ar< ti'iVA, ^'c. V. To Sell. ^Jdi^ J|+ul[ o?' TRSwf, ^- ^^ 41+ut or ^, «IT^ ^T^, f^V^r?! Jd'i-^r+"jl. 5 of; settle, finish, clear ojf. f?r^>Tr7OT. '^J^ g.of o. 3<+iJi, Disposed,/). v.V. 1. HTS^?^, r^?!?5T,&e. Tf^, f^n. ^ffll-jlri/. Of au evil d. jyfts, Jt^^TR. Of a good d. g^ftf^, 'v\'fA\\pop. 5ftr^#H, ?ftawr. HI. method, v. Obdeb. jpiT ot. STJil?^ «». R^fT >». To Dispossess. See To Depbive. Dispeaise, To Dispbaise. See Blame, To Blame. DiSPBOOF, n.confutation. ^(^ n. aTtiTttt^TT^ «. JHllimuT- rimnn. DiSPEOPORTiON, n. vani of proportion, disparity. d>JiRH/. fsrHtSTUTT m. ^^jinf^^^TR m. 3TOP^ n. ^TFTPTW ot. ST- DiSPBOrOETlOXAL, DlSPEOPOETIOXATE, a. V. N. HlvHJS, ftC- To DisPBOvE, V. a. confute, ^c. ^t^-rt«iT?rT^ n. Disputatious, Disputatite, a. v. V. N. 1. c||^+le ««/?<. 3TW'r-<*T?T»T-5TT?yr«n>-&c. Dn^vnt, Du^incTCDK. See Discomposcbe. Xf Dia«vicr. See To Discompose. DuQVZsrnov. Bee Discocue, Treatise. DuKEflAU), DmuoASocta, m. t. Co.vtempt. a<^HH m. 3T^- 3TWIJT/. 3WfTm «. 31TTR «. 'i44|i4»Hl/. " HMH^ f. To'DtnKOjja),v.a.tlyht,ne3lect,Y.To Costems. 3T«RTT- •J, i«<^HMli|, ilMHM^, 3(RT^<'f , ^»^'"J(,'i1^»T»l6t, ^?T-, «f, l^n^f, 9^»Tn/.-3H«^ m.-'J^^mT m.-Ac. ^T^Jt ^. o/'o. DllUOAlSED, />. T.V. 3R^HR%«T, Ac, SWmfsTH, wmTf^TT, DlflRBOAKDEB, M. DlBIEQAKOrCL, a. T. V. ai^HM Ol K I, Ac. PUMLIIH, n. T. DisUKX. 3T^Tfl/. 3T»r^/. fSfTJft/. T» DuBUiB, ». a. T. To Dislike. sttwI^-Ac. •JTO^-^r^^f •». eon. ^m/-wftf^/.-Ao. J<«^ y. o/o. if in. eon. DiiRPUTABu:, a. mean, dirty, Ife. t. Low, BlaCKOVabdlx. 2 e*»ui*ng ditrepnle, T. DlMlACKrvL. pt^?fT», fTW^, \- Jhinrimt, ». ^m or tcMU ^reputation, iituUem^iitredit. DTS Tim?!/, m. 'TTKtnt/.'t'^HIH «.«(!^H|H| /.aTTm^ «i. ST^STT- Disrespect, «. disesteem, v. Contemit. aTT^TPT »«• ar^TT^^w. Disbespectfcl, o. v. N. 31M«HHI, 3HHI<\muiKI, 5[R5?nf^?^. To Disseize, v. a. dispossess tcroi> (/fully. ar^^TTTPf 5l''T5tT-T^- fT-Ae. ip^, aT^^TTTH "^^^W-J.^^^^ ^-^\^X?[ ^^9-of o. To Dissemble, v. a. hide under JaUe appearance. Y.To Con- ceal. f^H«i"(, tiWNUI, -HKui, MiM^^"! «• ^ra^. To Dissembij:, v. n. act hi/pocriticdly. SJ^MT m.-^I^/)o/>. *ft^ n.-f^rf^m n.-w;^ n.-w^ «.-Ac. spT^, ^'m «. T^ w». ^S'iT?/. Domestic or intestine d. *.|^n\W\ n. ft^m <^-i5 fprfrT ^, JRfrf ^q; ^r^fr (^, ar^irr /. 3T7?^rT »». cr=^^ H^IWP n. To Dissipate, v. a. disperse, v. To Scattee. TS^, 3^T^, 2 See To Squander. To Dissipate, v. n. TS. 'T^T'T «• — «/«i y. 0/ 0. ^vrj^ qrr- 1' ^TT?f«.-f=Tff^/.-^^Rirn.-&e. Jpiify. 0/0. rH<^l. Ij Dissyllable, «. d^v+;i. v. V. HPt -il+Arfl, 3Rff». f^- frf/. arr^TRm. ^»». 2 (of cattle) c?T55/. c. '^, f?f? «. r. %, irn>|u), To DiSTKSB, r. n. yM, 5^, ^TH^t, Rwlui ^^. DisTESsios, «. T. v. A. — orf. ?nW'tn.-»to/«. fT^TITm. ?Trer«i. r. ^. fTPnw. ». ^. dei-i^MUIlm. d-td-^Hiluiiin. &c. D. of belly from flatus. g^TTT or yTRT «. v. ^ tciVA M"t4IH«f, JStTRTm. v. i:R. Distich, n. couplet, ejrprm. "Sth/. 2b Distil, r.o. (spirits, &c.). T^^TT^ *Im«ui. 2 See To Dbop. To DwTtt, V. *. fall in drop*, v. To Dbop. dM+u|, fz^^. DiSTILLATIOS, DiSTILLISU, n. T. V. A. 1. H'l+^M + l'iJfln. »t?t|«uiki, ^■ma, +|i«l,^«n^- ^fTT , ■*»*+!<, »m*K, ti^fv^. [ T «. DrsTILLEBY, »l. *-l|rJl-«f| Mft/. ^ Wl. T^TFTTW. »T?I?fyMI'll- DiSTn-CT, a. other, v, Diffebeht. Pk|c&|, %»Io5r, ^, fTT5T, 2 ditjuHct, not conjunct, v. Sepabatk. Pf^lcJl, ^ToET, ^- 3 p^iii, contpieuout, v. Cleab. ?n^, FT^, s'PP, g^T^. Disti5CT10.'», Di»TDfaciiiHiSo,ii.v. V. 1. — act. H^ "n^n. Ac. f^^'^H n. ffl<< , ^TloT. DiSTi>oii3iiED,;). V. V. 1. ?Krs?^, ai l ^Hrt^ m, f^^Rld , 2 3Kf%3^, MRR-tf^ , 5?T^f%=j^, ?vp?f, f^f^, f^?rf«ra. 3 eminent, ^v. ^HNI, *IIHvdM, y(r(|\rl, ?rmtf^, ?I5q'- DiSTIXGUISUEB, n. DiSTINOUISHKfQ, ;. a. V. V. 1. r|Kri*M II^OIKI-^'IUIKI, Ac. ft%^^, ftra^, R^+I*M, %^^\^, 2 ir^ *c*J n. M<'|I^ 5'. o/. 0. 2 greatly disturb, or discompose, v. To Madden. ^IT-ft'- jf^^^I fn.-Ac. ^T^T^. ©/"o. 3 divert from a point, draw from an object, f^T^, VtV- DisTBACTED, p. V. V. 1. trnjT^r^^, Mi«), 3 frnr^sr, Ac. To bo d. ftpj m. «. Tt^-Tt'5?^ y. o/"«. DiSTBACTEB, fl. DiBTBACTINO, ;>. (J. V. V. 1. SfT'Rft'IIKT, 1- IWlf^TRT, Ac. Vl^f^SI, 3?l«|fl|TJn^, DiHTBACTiON, V. V. \.~act. ymT^^t n, Ac. dimidl"!/. 3^- ?TT n. f^vfil*?*! fi.lf^f«T«. 2 anrf Madness, f^frflrWT m. f^nW^IT wi. f^mft^w. g^Wn m. To DUT&UN, r. a. leizefor debt. WJfim^ tR'f-^, "Fte «. DIS 250 DIV DiSTEESs, n. affliction, v. Teocble 5:^ n. i^9T m. pi. ^ m. /Z. «rK m. pl.\(\^(\ f.\. a. deal out, di^ense, v. To Divide. ^- ».-*<(iNi2/. ^JT^ y. 0/0. [«T#. To d. into classes, orders, Ac. «(«^M*J'^ m. ^Z. ^T^-«lt- DlSTBIBUTION, n. T. V. — act. iTRof «. ^r5T ^ «. &c. ft^- oft/. TfJ^ «. *(i?TT/. I. fig. of families, k-A, ^v. =^ »n. ?^r^ m. ^n^ n. 2 ffwa^. ^^^ »». w:\f. =qT w. . DiUBNAL, a. quotidian, v. Dailt. f^^HT^T, ^t^Jf^T. 2 belonging to the day. f4<(tll-=JI,"^Pt,"^T, ^^7. 5«ncE$ or jili+rj, To Dive, v. n. 5^/.-|q^/-^rt^^ /.-^^^/tk^. 2 yo rff^_p "»'<' * subject. "nWT-'T^t"T-&c. ^. DIV 251 DIV w^f- DivEB, n. T. V. 1. "Tm^fiTT, fft-&c. HKUIHI. I. — the bird. H|U|^^| w. To DirEHGE, V. n. ejctend or tpread in different direetiont from the tame point. 5^, M«i+ui n. *i+i\ /. DiTKSOENT, a. ▼. V. S>i*uilfN^, ^4Mi.-il^ »i.-sj*UIH<. n.-^Mf</"o. Hl'lrm'l m. *. %»RET-fsmoET-f»TW-lT'^-&C. 1>Tut-%^. 3 1«f, W\k<^/.-W\7^ •i.-Ac. *^ y. 0/ 0. fft M. pl.-^m. pl.-Su:. ^^j.ofo. [jxfij.o/o. 4 — in uitbmetic. *TTn^, TPI «. bif , Ht^rat, TTSPT ». *- 2b DnriSE, v. n. See To Past. DiTXDBD, j». T. V. A. 1. iT^%3T, %^;3J5T-Ac »f^, fev, 2 ^»nBT-Ac. %JWT, flM«. 8 irfT^ fi'^'^-'^'i'i'^i, f^MI'lf^, Ac. f^TlftJT, f^'fV, •nT/jn, >ir?M. SniDKjrD, n. there of a diridad tlimf, r. ShaH. ff^ M.*n>l 2— ia uitbaaetic. »n^ n. »n»»rt* m. DiTIDEB, fl. V. V. A. 1. H^UIK I, t^OTRT Ac. ^?[^, d D. favor. *J'Hrt»>*Jl/. ^»«H*M[/. D. power. »{'HrHTll/. f "qT^mr/. D. will. »i'Hr^-=-?*r/ ^»«l^tdl /. DrviNE, n. — Christian. f^refY fcI»?fM^^l+, "TT^. — Hindu, vim*^!, 3TT^r^, HS. 2 theologian. ^^fTTTm-'TTTT^f fIRtn-Ac. llN<|+^«1, ^<)l^ sr, f s^ in comp. as f^Owfi^^ d. instructed. ^»<«sjRd d. prompted, Ac. 2 See Excellently. DiTiNEK, n. v. V. 1. 1T^ m^uiK[-1T^ WMKT,"^^, TT^- DiTisiTT, n. rfeiVy, godhead. ^»oft or IV. dividing body, r. PABimON, 11^ m. «Il^/ ^- V. portion, part, T. Sbabe. ^TRw. »TT»! «. Sf^iii. H^- VI. orJrfiul(, aTTffrT/. ^^^ j. ofo. To do roughly, rudely, coarsely. 5ff^, ^^Hvij', ■■Hf?l/.-&c. 3T- «ot ( as gn^ t^TiHH spt ^rq' an^ ? &c. ). 3 succeed, serve, v. To Answee. qra^t, 3^'ft'if TS^, ^- We -&c. can do without it-Ac. WINI^H ^T3«tT ^Hlff , Wc-&c. cant do without it-&c. ??TKt^ 'lldHI^-^- DociBLE, Docile, a. teachable, tractalle, ductile, v. Obeiii- ENT. ^fn^-^, gf?T?TtJft^, gSflT^, f m^pft^, g?rfJIT^-f?T- fire, g^*T, nft^T, yirfw, +^id ^T^"nTT-H+ n. 2 abstract statement. "tImKI or qtaqj^^OT. DocK-TAKD, «.»ir^ /. 'it'^/. DocTOB, «. learned man. TTI^m. STT^T^m. 'iflrTw. To this word, as prefixed to the names of learned men, agree, aiNl4, VT^, as q^xed ; as im^lNI^, nnitT?:?!!?^. 2 V. Phtsician. ^?J m. r^r+r^^w. A fig for the d. when cured. TT^ ?Rt%?I H^. 2b DocTOB, p. a. v. To Phtsic. ^«r«r «. ^, ^W^T^ITTw. DOCTBINAL, a. containing or relating to doctrine, fit^^, Miir. DoOTBiNE, n.fr^TT/. »mn. H«T?IcT«. ^'^^m. Traditional d. ^^I^TTw. 2 See Knowledge. Document, n.-in l&w,a written evidence. H3 or ?rft/. ^T^fHT »«. ^TtR^T^n. — compreh. or gener. <^W^«i •*!»». ^m. fe^T- pr/. V.«|ui/. Doe, «. ^ift /wp. ^T'jft or ^^ f. Hjft/ Doeb, «. Doing, ^. a. v. V. A. 1. •R'TTTT, ^rT?, ^Pft (in eomp. and in the wide sense of worker, laborer, dealer or DOL 353 DOM occupant in, as *«i'ai*0,»11<*0,flH*^, ♦iis*{l, *IM40, fiW^, r?^, "it^), ^, ^, ^r^, (these three in conip.M, ^ii«»)«M<."fi, H'm4>K*),^Tt^(in comp. as ^-•/uHWI, i^^lrfl), ^rT(in comp. as 3TTF. a./oiloto closely., indefafigally, ^'e. W(zf- '^-^- ^vifg. ofo. 'n^'^Flw. ^TW, 5Hir<4i<<< aWW, MI^'I'H rfl'iui, j^ Hi-fi <1 rtl«I«l y. q/" 0. Doo- CHEAP, a. HlrO'-^^l MlriNI, 4--, n. gibberish. flT. BofMiucmK, «. T. A. 5?rVmT «. f<^<^.Mm i m. &c. DOOXA, n. principle, tenet. JKf^^t^n. MrUHn. K^TTT^n. Dogmatic, Doomatical, o. positive and ocerbcaring in opi- nion. ^mf^^T'f\., ^n^J^, ^-m^, ^him^. Pooif ATuu, n. H^rPmR ••. mwi^. imm^n. |[Tfi^«». DOOVATItT, N. See DOOMATIC. lb Dogmatize, r. n. ■Ji.(in comp. a« making separate, fitfJ^rvt, and f^M*^*'"!, "Tf»- t(\»«wi, fl^*«,wi, •M'^Wf I, WlflVfl ), ^Wii. f.flMJ«. At one d. o/ one handling, in one act. ^n(\ or "k, ^. Doinjfii; aW*, trasuactiont, T. Deeps. ^?^ ii.yi. *rf^«. The doings of the LORD. r*fft ^T^/ i4 «. D. squabbling. *l^*rf^ ot. "J^*^ m.^\^f. 2 »io« triW. ^mtW, ilf^i ^ in comp. ITTT in comp, q- 8 produced or made at home. ^T^, M^Ifirti, *4^Mf{l,mi'*. 4 belonging to one's oicn country, not foreign. grt*t or ^, C /oni o/ Aowr. ^T^IHT, m ^YfjT vf|T =7 ^1«II^. D0MT5EEBi!«n, a. disposed to bully, S(c, v. Otebbeabiso. J- JTT pop. T57, ^^l^iMUIRF, 3TTO5T ^ fHi'luiKI, ^'^^ Dominical, a. ij*j^i n\MW-*-^uiui atlf^t^K-^lflftuiKI. Dojusiojr, «. T. Bulk, kx^ n. amfWT n, \'H^ n. am?? w. ^ BOO 2 V. KiKGDOM, CODNTET. J^v^ ». ^ n. ^ OT. 3Tf^^- ffb Don, v. a. put on. Ulrfut, STfTr^ ^. DOSATION, ». acf of giving. ^ «. ^ n. [ ^ft^ «. 2 /. or <^K*o&ort/. Tenon-slip across a d. HFIRT or^ m. ^f^jsf[f. To dance attendance from d. to d. c4T*l-4) ^or^ «. pi. 531^, g^K"i^i/. =I>T^. To lay at the d. of. n?ff or »io5t irftrSr g. ofo. »mit or To shew the d. ( JH^'THf ) ^ n. <^|^«)^I m. '^Kd'T n./. 3[rW3T or «RT w. 254 DOU DOBMANT, a. not in action. fJ^Sgrr, ^ 5t3«5T, f^I^??, 3T- DOEMITOBT, n. sleeping room. \\'Am n. ;|T«THTc5^ n. ;[T«PTT- DOBSAL, a. pertaining to the hack. TT^Nt, MI'i\^ ^T^ n. or vira n. D. thing-gener. vj^ n. vjS «. 2 J|d-&c. ft^, J"!!^, f'TR't. 2 <«m iocA: or tcind. «ji+-U| n. got, ««i+u|i^ vTpit. 3 over, under, back, &c. H<4wl or h^su). i up;— as through age. '^^/■-Wt^f- 1^ 3- "/*> DOTT 255 DOW DoCBLE-BUUtELLED, a. JS^oft, J^frft, ^^iHoft^l. DODBLK-BKALEB, n. Dot'BLE-DEALI>'0, a. V. DeCKITFTJL. J- T<>/>. htk m. affn /. ^^kt «». *5^^/. *nWT/ w. ^?TT /. spr^ ;w/). ^?^ >». •hrfl'ff m. ^Vr^ m. 3T^ «. art^'TW m. -M^r^m »». Of wired or removed d. f;W«^\<». Solution of d. ^tiprfJTff^ /. 2 a d. a queitioned point, txm ••• fk^«. 'fll*t(f=ll/. ^- To Doubt, v. a. withhold a$$ent or tot\fidence from; to quel- lion, dittrutt, Sfe. «n^ n.-^t^ m.-t^ /.-3i^nT m.-Ao. »p^-^TflE*I^-if^-*< 1 1 «1 g- ofo. ^Tr^ w.-?T'PT/.-«t^/.-Ac. ani^^m g.of o. in. con. 'iTf^*fl, 'Mllirtifl, «f^'M. DoUBxrvL, a. that doubt*. w»n:, m%, vf^, wnf^, ^- iw^v, fjiwrwr, *inMMw, ^^>nrw, ?Tt?ifHin?n>, Mi««i?iM. 2 ditpooeJ to doubt, eter doubting. H?I^, ?t^, ftvniT^, 3 questionable, uncertain, ambiguous, ^-e. WfTTT^, ^^- ^, wMt^, Ac. ?rf^, ^^T^rg^, ?T>ii|ir*4+, wr^r1%^, ^- yird+ii.'%^f?v^ To leave d. ^rm m. %^ g. ofo. Dottbtfullt, Doubtinolt, adv. v. A. 1. ^ ^ i << | ^" , jutT, W^- ^, ^TT^, ?nra"-Ac. ^^, ^T%sf, 5»^. 3 3T?rT or q, H-^-f^^-Ac. ^if^of-qirfiJli, Dove, «. tigdi or +^r« n. +iM«ifT "^ %^ 3n^. DowS, n. soft feathers. 3^ or tW/. HJrt^H «. Bed of ^.fig. ^T^f. irl<< T^Sar. 2 See Soft. DowKY. See Dowee. Dowse. See Slap. DOXOLOGT, n. V. PeaISE. *Hfr|tJI<^ m. ^fcTMIS M. iZb Doze, v. n. deep lightly. ^^^ or ^^jft/. ^'f, ^+ri)l /. pi. ^-^, |^5ft/.- jft/ ^ »n. con. 4lot*^a.iqui, rti<*tllc(CTi, f5tot^-&C. *|o6fijUJ. 2b Dbaggle, ». n. trail on the ground, in the mud, S[c. ^ DEAOaLE-TAIL. V. SlATTEBN, SlUT. rf'H|o&| OT oESTT. Dbaooman, n. T. Intebpeeteb. di;^HM m, Dbagon, n. ^ !pfr^ Wl^ ?nf 3T1^. Deacons blood, n. hi<^+M'k* «. Deagoon, «. horse-musketeer. :Rt^ m. 2b Drain, «. a. (iraw off gradually . f^'/. Eeligious d. rfofld «. Science ( rules and laws ) of the d. ?rR^ «■ STT^JW^- ^ n. HTH^n^ «. Deamatic, o. v. N. Hid+MI, TT^, •ild'^Jf, Hli+fl'snTt, Deamatist, «. dld^+R, ^fl-i+ifSirPR. [sf^rr. Dbapeb, «. «eZ/er o/ cZo^A. mi+'0, ^TT^ or -miyi, ^FNsf^- Deapeey, n. cloth-work. +14^ q>pr «. 3 rfrcw ©/"a /jic^wrc^^^N or^\m.{ fq^^fr^ ) Deastic, a.powerful., violent, — a medicine. ^JJOTS, ^5^, \>T«rr. Deaught, «. See Deinkino. 2 quantity drunk at once, qjj »». ^^^ w. 3 V. DBAwisa. art^^t «. VRX 257 Beast of d. ^T^ ^ti».mT/. wift/. 10 ( of fishes. ) ^^FT W(^ WIoo<i. DsAUOHT-AXUiAL, n. ^i<4MI^ »».-^t5T m-&e.^r^t*T n. Dravoht-boabd, n. 17 m./. ^hrr/. Dkauohtsmax, n. sT^n +.14UIKI m. Dkauohtt, a. ^V=^^T^^ tlft^. To Draw, e. a. dray, pull along. SR^Tot, «^r|5-%^-&c. %nf- *I'f, 3TT^^, ^^, STPPTOI U.-^^TII n. ip^ y. of o. That draws well— a bullock, &c. ajl ^ q;. 2 coiM* to flow from. ^l?oT, #5ijf, ^i^Hcii, 'Rra'M.^f'ty. 3 ( from a scabbard or sheath ). <)il«ui, ^j^^uf or 3tmui, 4 ( as with a rop^rom a well ). ^R'Jt, ^t5^,*l4ui. Bucket or pai^Br drawing. ^Rfof n. — the rope of it. 5 ( lines, figures, pictures ). 3?^, ^HT'f, ^t^, frt^<3i, 6 — as a blister, Ac. a?l«i!i. [?5W, *n?5. Application ( of leaves or drugs ) to d. 3^r»r «• ». 7 out, off, from, Ac.— freely. t.To Exteact, To Extbi- CATE, Ac. ^W^, lilSH iroT, ftMT- up. in, together, Ac. ▼. To Cohtract. argi^iif or 3T^- r»f, -*^f3T«t. ^tJITm. Drawer, n. v. V.A. 1. 3i?|4U||<|, Ac. 31 1 W*, W^, 3?!^^ ^TTf-«Mt-+), Ac. 2 *ti|t*K. I. (as of a purse, Ac.) draw-string. y^l«<(l<|m. »t^kT«». II. hox in a case. ^^m. ^sfTTTw. tRn. Hot. ^», 3^|iS<^unff. Secret d. ^nr^fnT/n. ^TWTn. III. drawers. — long. f^3nT/.MI«<^IHI»». — short. iRtoStJTTOT. Dbawino, «. V. V. A. 1. — act. afl^n- Ac. arnji^w. ^«nT«. 8 — act. qJT^«. Ac. vJM^uft/. -d*!M«n/- 5 — act. a^^n. qrw^tn. 3i*uft/. 6 — act. a^tnitn. aRt^»». [ST^^v'JtJTw, 7 — flc/. *nuf«. Ac. ^^[TW n. TJTTOT. titj^^ui n. tiH^K«. 9— oc^ arw^rt. STT'lT'tw. Ac.3TT^i». 3Tr^T'T ». 3Tm«. 3TT^^n. ^|o,/>. o. v. V.^fnfl-Ac. ^twrRT-HT^PTT- n, l-cii-noBX, w. ^ n. ^ n. qrfn. ?n?T m. Dbexched,/). v. V. 1. l%l-^ni^f5ftrT-''ini'«T3ftfT-&c. ■pPl?r- %?5T-f»T^Hr-%%?yT, 3^rf%^. 2b Dbess, v. a. clothe, attire, ^^n.-^^(n.pl. ^^r^-Thn:- Rrf^-?r%3-5riir«fmrJU|KI, &c. 2 ftrrmRT, &c. 3 +RI^>JIl*ii/. 6 — act. «j)Ktjui M. <4>HI«)U| n. &c. JRTTrT/. [^ «. V. V. N. 1. — act. %^ n. q^HfitrPT «. "T^«TPT ». ?^«rT- I. manure spread. T^R^ ?rc, Hliuj-TT- Dbiblet, «. rf^M<, *ll4l- S^T^, ♦K«l'i"l4uflH. D. up, parched, &c. — country, soil. «^1>»1 tftT n.-CW/.-Ac. ^h»f. To Drarr, r. a. 9T|^ ^^TH ^ ot.-^TW/.-&o. ^^if ^. o/ o. To Dbill, ». a. perforate, bore, t. To Piebce. J^F «. Tnot, r«in>'i,%V't. 2— in the military art. *«ll^rf or ^I^lf^/. f^t^^, s*!)^- Bbill, «. V. ArcEE. «|HHI m. %^5T »». "^TTT »»• 2 military exercise. *«I|(h or «r.«(i^r^, ^1«ui, smof, ^t^, #- ^T^, 'Tl+wui or Ml«+ui, f^i<+,«|ut or fsiK+Nu1, ^q^ or f^H-i^ f^\<iS,Nlci^^, ^T- ^, fqeioEnf, niiiotuO/. q^ y. o/o. Particular words or interjections are used in driving tticay or ojjf. Those used — to a beast, geuer. ^, ^^tT. — to a cat. ^«5, ^ or 5^ & 5^, f^T. — to birds, yi^or 5^. — to crows, Ac. ^m. — to a dog, ^, ^?^, ^. 5 ( a flock, a beast, Ac. ). ^l-t'Ji or ^^nJf, ^^ ^"Jt, ^- Particular words or interjections are used in driving on. Those used — to a horse or bullock are, |^, i:^\^T, —to an elephant, trqjtrqj, «a^«T1, Krn«^5t or qf)^, m. — to cattle, »N5,"|^, ^. — to fowls, gj. — to sheep or goats, fa^or fvTT. — pigs, |. 6 ( a vehicle ). ^T^ or ^t^, ^^It^if, 7 ( a trade, a bargain, Ac. ). ^\*h»i or ^'fitfr, qr^ijf, 8 urge or impel vehemently, ^i^, ^M'-oi, ^m?Sr, af^^^Jj, Pf^ToS^, fqnff, ^*lrjui, f^TToEtJft/- ^^, ^?!^. 9 /a*c «n a carriage. »TTfK-Ac. if^T Hiif. To Drive, r. ft. te impelled along. <^mii, [g. of s. 2 aim at or tend to. ^atr/.-^^T^ m.-qtT'Tn.-Ac. 3T^of t«. '*i»rrT »». ^hq^ «. Z"?^ or sq^ m. fAH+l »n. [ V'f or sjf. By drops; ifro/j/ rfroy.' jq^i^r or qt or sqOT or . V. V. N. 2. sscirti, 'I<*i5rti, 'i'il<», '|fe!d f^- fer, ^5?r, ^w, nip5^- Dboppimg, «. V. V. A. 1. — act. 'Ilciffl n. jq^ TTS^n. 2— act. ^nt^n. &c. ?Tt5/. Wis"Mti/. WSift/. IWT n; 3 — act. ^3^«. TTR^n. &c. ^TTS/ ^fftl'J^;/. ■Hl'suft/. 4 — act. ?rfS^ n. *ii*ui ». &c. WSf. Hf Suft /. ^3''[^/. 5 — arf. 'ii*u^ n. Ac. J||o6U(/. [P.^l+uD/. T. V. N. 1. ST^ n. ncETJir «. &c. JT^puft/. fe^q^/. 2 T5^ n. iTH^ n. IrRn. *r n. ^-tQrfl n. j^ / HTT^/. I\> Decdoe, e. n. t. To Toil. ^ n. ;)Z. %3T^, ^liKi ^- Dbusoe, Dbtjdgeb, n. t. V. ^^T^c, sp^, *^lrf«|r?i w. *+)l.w /. H^K<(% «».jrf. Deuo, «. tultlanee used in medicine. i^J^tfC^^ n. a(T^»T n. ^ «. iT^3T n. Drugs. H*1WI m. Heating, Ac drugs. «IfHH«WI m. . 2 fig. a commodity of no demand in the wiarkrt. Wl^Oll "il'^'^I *n^ m. •r ff)'4^ / ?nR •«. dim. r^WKV f. ?W^ m. »TT?IT m. «»HMI m. yirnTf m. ^r«nT <•». S^^l^ ei. Hr •. Ji!%ii. Ebd or head of a d. ^ «n. ^ ». nrtt /. ^l4 «. %IT ia.^Eod whidt is beaten, fPinJT yT/ B aw ead, J^T^TJIT. Frame of a d. ^TTt n. Hour-glass d. 5^: ( S|T or itt ) »». ^-^ ;»/>. ^^w. Paste applied to the end of a d. ^/.«n^ui or «it9rT«. EoU upon a d. HT^ or ?tT^ m. Swollen as tight as a d. — the belly, v. Belly. ^SH- With drums beating and colors flyiug,^^.^^ A\*KA. 2 ( of the ear ). *MNl , 'RTTlf , ''T^^i Stifly d.— a washed cloth. ?flV, ?Twit'T,5T^ft»T, ?T- wifi«ni, Wt'1. To be or become crisply or stifly d. — cloth, paper, crops, grasK, Ac. ISIT'J, ?fi»T ^Iciuj. 2 not juicy. ^\ or ^m remits. 5^ or g^, 5«V, »ftt- Old A dry — a vcgt-tablc. ^TIT iutens. ^"5otld, TTHftH. 7 — a milch animal. HT^S, 3T7?5~fT, 3^c?T, f^RPPT. To become d. 3^, 3TT^, f^^PF^t. 8 Aa;'(/, ^oor, not Hand or savory. 5R3T?ftfT, ?^, ??7, 9 See TuinsTY. 10 free from rain,Sfc. 4rKil,f«nm«)^MI, *!rn «. &c. ^'il'iT n. ?>r m. Dbtness, «. V. A. 1. ^FRt^lirr m. ^{mmuii ot. gt^t^n. STT^- ?rr/. g^TTt/ 2 g%"TOTT m. ^i*rir/. ??HTT^r5r fl. <+||MI«I w. 3 JpK'^MUll OT. ^^m m. ^^TtTT/. ?t^ «. 'ft<*lril/. Dbyshod, (i(/y. without icetting the feet. ^Tra^TTMWi'fi, g- DCAL, a. expressing the number two. f|;B^?^, f|;^^^l*, DuAi., M.— in grammar. fl^T n. Dualism, n. — as opposed to Pantheism. H^tfT^ m. Hi^n^q m. H^^f^/. *r^f^/. ^ «■ ^H ^^^ m. Ducks and drakes — the play. JTT^FO-m %55 m. HPF- =^\f.pl. ^^T^/.pl. To make ducks and drakes of money. ^s?n% g5%»». pi Ti^, ^rTT?:M m. pi. ^^ J. ofo. \ DTO 4 T. Dip. |^/. 51^/. To Duck. See To Dip. Duck-legged, a. 3TT^ 4I<. 2 ^ ^fr^ Tj^n. Dulcet. See S\teet. To Dulcify, To Dulcobate, &c. See To Sweetes, Ac. Dulcimee, n. ^]^t^ WiJ<£^ ^ ^]^ arf^. Dull, a. v. Stupid. vT5, JTI?, 5^t^ ^^TS, H<^Hf?I or jt^pt^,, JT^gf^, STrT^f^, aTrTHfH, ^JT^gf^, »Tn>c? or TT'pfft. 2 unready, backward, v. Slow, Sluggish. g?tl or ^m, IT^ remw*. H^ or 5PR;5, vTR, it? or TT^ITT, Tl^TT, RHfHd. D. of hearing. +HNr vT5, D. of seeing. ^tfl-m-sla^JMr »T^. 3 gloomy, dismal, Sfc. — of places, v. Dbeaby. 3^J^, 3^- ^qimT or oft. 4 no< bright. K^jf^d, *i**ioJln, arqij, frf^OT, ^ or ar^, »Tcff. V. V. N. 1. Rd^t*|, Mot^rfl, &C. DuLSEss, fi. V. A. 1. vfiSMUIl TO. H^HUII «. &c. 'ITIJ^ «. ^5n?»T n. ^f^Miq n. HpiHitJ n. ti^^F^/. TT^Tf^/. 3 ^•^I«MUII TO. iJ^nft/. •iTl'^ifH «. 4 nr^H^un TO. H5EKferrmT m. &c. 6 jTiyiHuii TO. Hfotunuii TO. 3t^TTf^, W'lX'iv^.i T-iTTJ^, ?rTTf|PT «. DUMBSHOW, n.v. Pastomise. MIIUHf^H ^I^MI*1 TO. ^+lWW or IT, ^T??^ or ^W=!, "j^, ^, J-l^uil. Dc5, «. — the color. 'TT^, H»vi, ¥h(tT. Pcy, DCS5Z«, W.T.V. n'li^l ^iwiKl-'imuiKI, H'lI^^H, fTTT^- •ftr, "PT^reft. — in nlliwivo, covert,cant,&c. phraaeolopy. Jo Dux, r. tf. />r««« to pay a debt. »T»n^ m. vrot-fn^-iTFr^- or, ^^/.-^/.-Ao. s^rnt, ^/. ■Jftl^, »?tl^, fTTT^ITT/. 4>Ht ^. of 0. In the ihade of the RcnM of thii word aa appMring under To sit or fix one's self determinedly and doggedly at a person's door, whether in exaction of pay- ment, or in enforcement of compliance with a demand feneraUy^ there are nameroiu term* and phnaea ez- tentirelj current and (trikuigij charactoristie; a* mA 3 DUR ^ or ^U|T5 TO. l^'rST TO. ^f?r TO. f^+d^ll^ TO. Dnso, n.— gencr. ^ «/. nm. f^rm/ jfK m. n. JTc5 ffl. «. qH^nr n. aTHt"^ n. JT^ to. «. in comp. Cloth, &c. befouled with d. ^^ n. *rnw%^ 'V^ n.- f^TTJ W.-&C. Lump or nodule of d. ^ n. t^^ «. rfm. ^T^/l 2 ( of birds ). ^ or ^f. ^/. 3 ( of elephants, horses, asses, mules ). tTt^y. 4 (of thocow,bull,orbufralo)v.CowDUSO. ^n.^\\T{^m.n. Mass of d..a8 voided. qT^m. (f/w.qr^/. 'ff^w.'ffstTrw. Pit receiving the daily d. of cattle, ^oi^ or ^t^T^prf 5 ( of man ). ^to. To Dcso, V. a. manure. ^Tir^^, V^^, Duplicate, n. copy. ^t\ STT/. R7^?TT «. TP^/. TrnTT »»• 2b Duplicate, Duplicate, See To Double, Double. DuPLiCATUKE, «. a doubling, V. YoLD. %^rf f. ^ f. ^]j f. Duplicitt, n. Rr"i. DUT 264 DT8 2 lasting, continuance^ v. Endubasce. U.'h\4 m.ft-1>^\ m. DoEBAB, n. <^5E or ^?T?ft%5E/. 3TTfft ^r?JT/. Dust, ». «J55/. ^1^/- ^"J »». 'nsT n. t^/. Particle. of d. ^o^T'.^'T «i. To throw d. g-^PJ^ ». q^, 2 — as flying in clouds, or as lying in quantity, UTHT or oET or grr^T or goEtn or g55RT or goEtTT »». gcs^^/- 355- To lay the d. ^^3ET »«. *. To lay one's mouth in the d. Hi=f>'^<||/. »hlPT n. aTT^}.?PP «Pt4 «. •PT't n. Daily or regular d. fifP?*^R n. fHrV^fT «• Discharge or fulfilment of d. qJ^Pl^Mfrl/. General or common d. ^sthtt ^ m. Neglect of one's d. ^tr4?!TFI «»• Proper or peculiar d. ^tpt m. f^^qsinf »». ?g^ n. To become the d. of. *nn m. ^ or *rPTT?r ^ icJ/A 55ror^o/». 2 a d. tPT «. Minor or inferior d. ;JT^ ««. ^?t. v. V. rf^MI-^'ft. Dynasty, n. race or succession of kings. j /. TT^- ^V^^f■ o/). iMlJjofr/. Dysenteric, o. v. N. arfrl^KMI, 31N<*(^I, &c. arnTT^- Dysentery, n. armTTp /jo/?. arf^T^n. aTimPlflr< m. arfrraR ♦n. H^A\»\\f- 'T^ cr ^Tforf/. [ ^.m. Dybpepsy, ». Y. IsiJioEsiiON. arftTHkrn. 'n+*-<^^ n. -H^- BAB 266^ DrsPEPTic, a. ■ M^v\Uh \ ( \^ STJftwfnft. DispsoEA, n. T. Asthma. «irT/.«s^^«i.»^miu|H(A n. ^ot^jfl^ n. Scabbiness of the ears, imf+isft/. ^KPT^/. ^>FT- Stoppage of the e. ( from cold, Ac. ). *Ri^ ^«r. That has passed the e.— a matter. ^FPTRSTT ^l?5OT, That has learned by the e. ^PT H^^, ^ *rft^. That has been learned by the e. ^PT Tfl^,^^ T^t^T. To the e.; — drawing a bow. +Ml^, 3TT^tit. To abuse, poison, &c. the e. of. ^n^ «. ^^-*nTjf- To bore the e. m:\^{m. ^hfjf , «pjf^q:»?». ^Ro?. To give or lend an e. ^fT »i.-^JtT».-3^».-&c. \^. To let in at one o. and out at the other. ^f+MF^ ^- To prick up ono''s ears. ^Rm. pi. e^RHlTr 7T^, ^^ »». pi. y*4l^/.-sptjf^T »».-^wfi^<|5T n.-&c. 5R^, ^RT^ or V^ rTmot, f.M'f):/. The ears sicken, tiro, &c. ^[JTT m, pi. f^dHM. 2 ( of a vessel or article ) v. Handle. spR «. MMI «». 3 «/)i*(; o/ corn,— goner. ^oftH n. qjftJin «. ^f^^^fft/. tTFTflffH'R n. « ( of wheat ). 3TWt/. 6 ( of rice ). ^W^ft/. Full state of the c. ^R\Z^ m. 6 ( of rice, wheat, &c.) pendulout ear. ?5fift/ pSNt/. ?5t- n/ «5hR or »T n. ( enhanc. ??N(T n. wfrR n. ), ^t^f. 7 ( of ^TofT, ^, m^, &c. ) gS^«rr n. Jb Eau, e. fi. «Aoo< t«"^(fT m. EiB-PICK, «. *|*?-biho, «. 5157 n.^'f^ n. '♦.oijaim m.^r^i^ m. Some of the common car-rings or car-omamciits are, Sit»f- ^ n. ^f9ft/. ^n^ «. JIT w. orl^i «. ^t; »». n. ^sitft/. I|ifm4(t W ^^mtfl /. ^ifT w. fl/ ^J' "»• "T^nn^/. or ct«| | uflx< |^ ?ra:oE%oSHT, 2 of ancient time. ^1%, 'J«f+W^, "^sj^lf^J*', ^?^^ Earlier. Mrfl+i-HI or PTT, Mrf\+^?^ ( or"^fc%+,5-=)l &c. ). 3 that ripens sooner. 3TPTT, arrf^, 3rTf?r ( disting. from JTFTT, JTTTO,^ JTrntrT ), ^3^ or ^ (remiss. ^a«R ear- 7y;«7t ). To be early ripe. STFRT^. Eaelt, adv. soon, letimes. ?np35, JH+|o4«|uri or tTPff, ^HFToS It is still e. 3T^ rf«IM 3?r^. To Eaen, t). «. V. To G^T. fiToE^, +HIiHM1 n. ^'Tr^/. I. earnings, V. Gettixgs. I>i+rt/. ^mf /."^^TCf/. EaBTH, «. /Ae tcrraqiteous glohe. ^pn^ or ^f>T^/. Hf^ p()p. sff=qt^7. JT^/5ff7^/. ^T^tTTT/. ^gqr/. sr^^Trfr/. ^- EAB ^/. *fH^/. ^?^/. im/. ?Tm/. %f%/. ^ttt/. ??nift/. 3T^f^ or 3T«pft/. Some descriptiTe or allusive terms for the earth, corresponding with the habitation of mor- tals, the theatre of action, the field of labor, the nurse of beings.^ ^-c. ^c. are, Mr^^rTl* m. Hi+rfiq; m, HT^rfl+, m. spH'jfiT or +M^f^+1 /. ^JrPTTsft /. »jri*d'^^1 /. JH'iyi'KM. Nine divisions (?3- 3 m. ^ »». ) are made of the earth. These are f'^l^rj, *r^»?, ^f^, f%3^, +HHIrf, 'F'T^, *i<.^tis, (^<"*i''", Belt of mountains encircling the e. ■=(*«l|?5' m. ^^- Burden or load upon the e. 'J^TTT »»• Conquering the e. H^P^^^I »»• Conqueror of the e. I^P^^pft. Comers of the e. ^[^ m. pi. Face of the e. ^tr^pop 'Jrra n. vHiirfldrf «. ^[^ n. Begions below the e. 3T*ltet^ m. ^^\^^ n. "ric4 n. Eabth-nut, n. ground nut. jt^T »». Eaeth-pit, «. MMf^ui or ^rm/. Eaeth-quake, «. ^TJr?l+^l, Vf4l«. aif^^Mmi m. *tHTft-&c. ^i^, VMI«TT/. WT^vpn/. Ac. c ^^%TT •». Jrac'T'n m. Ac. 8 JT^Pft ^r>TI^/. Ac. H'.MMail fW.iftoE'J^ «. Ea*t, h. f*f?«T/. ^ /. gr»i^/. iiNt/. Ljiog e. and wc«t,— a building, a field, ^ihrf^, JIT- i Toward! the e. ^[^WT^T, fT?^. | 2 M«r«ra regions. TT, WTRT, ?T^, ^I^^P, f r5>T, 3TOR, Hc^, ?r?ft^, 3 ^d'f) /.-?Itqx w.T'J^lPlM'il m. ^T^, 'fT^;^ 5^ 'ITfTHT ^P^, *4l-«j< «i. ^iT't-'E^TT -illiui, ^^ or ^T7 <7ia«t«i -«(*«( J^ ^r. of o. <.'i4>^i, TTT^'f . To eat one's words, t. To Eetkact. ififjot n.-^ m.- Ac. "R7T-MI4HI q^. Ho that would eat, must work, ^im ^ ^n «ffe*T- 2 corrode, wnif, »^oi^. [^^. 2b Eat, ». n. take a meal, v. Meal. '^^H^ Ht'SR n.-sjRTJT «. 2 into; — an ulcer, Ac. s^T^. Eatable, o. v. V. A. 1. ?fTOT-H?Tnn-^T-^.-amongat children. ^T^ m. w\f. Light e. ( a« a fruit, a sweetmeat, Ac. ) HTg^ n. HT- Eatdi,/). t. V. A. 1. wt^tST, Ac. Hftw, ^, W^,3TfTrw, ECC 26 Eateb, «. V. V. A. 1. (MloiKT, &c. *r?^-&c. ^Frrf, *r?T^ and \\ JT?ft ( in comp. as gT5PT^T^, KRPT?ft, &c. ), HT^ ( in j! coinp. as 3T^^fr3ft, JTtH'^n'ft, &c. ), 3TT^ ( in comp. as , sT^TTirft, 3T^M\ f. pi. W\^m'^fpl- f^f.^- Eayes-dbip, n. g'S^^ «rR/. TFIToJt/. "TT^/. 2b Eates-dkop, r. n. 3TT?5-?55^r'fnjfr-&c. ^iPW^ OT.-«hM«j| «».-*M<>^'i| M. ^Tir. EATES-DEOrPEH, «. V. V. tHI|H-&C. *|)M«)^I-&C. QuiRI. JiBB, EbbiSQ, n, reflux of the tide. ^^X^ m. a^l^-ft/. 3^r^ Ertrejne e. ebb at the springs. f^^|< or f%^R 3^T^ The 6. and flow, g^^ft >Tt?ft/. 2 tcatie, ^'c. V. Deci-IXE. grTTT m. TfTOft/. TrTT^TMTT »». 2b Ebb, v. n. v. N. 1. #^7JHI^ »». 3'HTHT m. gTTToET «». THToft/. 'S:?! m. EccESTBic, a. divergent. ep^tpiijH^, iT'^'TcTPft. 2 — in geometry. aTOK%^, r<:lNM+4. 3 fig. anomalous, devious, t. iBBEortLAB. "Simi'lHI,^- ECCEXTBICITY, «. V. A. 1. ^^Mil^-H^MHT/. H^'^JrTTf^nTT/. 2 ai^m^^rrr/. 3^^w%5*rR »». '^^er?^ n. Ecclesiastic, «. person holding an appointment in the church. EccLESiAEiiCAi,, a. lelonging, . j'TOnn*. — of the sun. ^- q^n. — of the moon. ^T^fTn. Day of an e. q^M4 «• r-». Inclination ( of a planet's orbit ) to the e. M». EcLoauE, n. pastoral. ^^TTlrPT f«l«l<<+ ^JT^T ». Economical, a. v. N. 2. frugal, — of persons. «{)|4+,'H-'(I, +rl<^rn, +f1<^f'TT, ^nTT«jJ'H /. ^R^TT^rrft/. rTS^T?/. EcsTjkCT, «. altorhed sfa/e, — gener. ^TRTf^ m./. d'M*?iMi, «RKH^r^, HT^. EcuvESiCAL. See UsrvEBSAL. Edacious, EDAcrrr. See Gluttosous, Gluttoxt. Eddt, n. contrary current. VliWi w. ^ n. 2 whirlpool. *INO m. ^TRrT w. ^sP ". To Eddt, r. «. uliWI, (1, f>i(^, ^IJ^t ». ^^T^, «RI^, W. Edoeo, «.— of we«poiu, toob, &c. Mft^, *nTT^,tmTftRr- 2 i«VMy •• edje ( or tior^er ). «nT or iJlft ( in comp. as 51m or ^Vrt^, fiWlft, ^hvTft ). E1KI150, n. lace, fringe, Sfe. at the edge. Vtif f%frtt/. ^ /. j?%fT/. icnfif. ^iK w. «nTT «•• That has e. H'lJfl^H. Edtblk, a. T. Eatable. ^IHT^, W^, *TF^, »T?nift«T. Edict, «. decree, Sfe. r. Law. irJirfTT/. mWHR n. ^TTHT ». General e. or enactment. ?nTTT«nrmsT, £DincATio5. n. T. V, qTKra ^ifWt ff^/. «»Ki»i ^i%^ f- (9 eff Edificatobt. See Eduvixo. Edifice, n. v. Buildixo. jHKri/. ^H?5T »». To Edify, r. a. instruct, improve. "TTHT^gf^/. ^-^TTST'jf, B^^f^ifr/. romf-^t^Sr, y'Hi'k^srrM «. ^pt^, 3^- \^ m. qrrir. Ediftixo, p. a. V. V. tJTJTTV^f^ «ll4'(y|Kl, *l'HI'iPi^ «rT^- "TTTT, 5)H«l4*', 3^%RT. To Edit, c. a. prepare for puhlicat ton. ^If^T^^ iflMO^HH fV- Edition, «. — of a book, afrrffrr/. OTT »«• aiHufl/. Editoe, n.Y.v. mtf ^?5?T gn^qr^ ftTR ^"mT, ?im^% w*^ iTPnfl^, ^'Mi('hUi+. 2 conductor of a neicspaper. ^vtTT. Editoeial, a. \. N. 2. ^E^qf^, ^rqf^ +.^c5I -f^^S^T. Editoeial, «. ^rTM %3^ ^^ M.qjrqf^ f^f^FTc^T H^-f^< nt. lb Educate, v. a. instruct, ifc. f^?Tr/. !?^, f^r^^o'r, ^1^ ^^ n. ?rmw, ftl^T?f-Iq«ji*'^if^Rlf|^ ^JT^t. 2 6n«^ «/), r<-ar. qfT^, ^ot,moHJi<|;/.-m^mfmu| «.-&c. Educated, ;>. ^* a. v. V. 1. f^?.^%ar, &c. f^lf^^fl. 2 Hli^ai, &c. Slf^d. 1. furnished teith knowledge. «f^, T^^cTT, »^«Mifll,3T«nH ?n^, r*i>qi«M5r. Education, «. v. V. J. — ar<. ^^E^ «. f^l+«|U|/. fir?^/. I. state of being furnished tcith knowledge, v. Leabnixg. ♦iMfrl/. *l|l(Hini/. That has finished his e. ^HIi<<*H, aTtftrf, 3T«TTOH^H. Educatiosai,, a. f^?^, f^T?7T^^tn', Rl^^rf^T'?^. E. department. f?r|«ui, sFIl^ %^-3Tm- Eel, fi. ^TT/. ^/. To Efface, p. a. expunge, obliterate, blot out^ erase, cancel. 5^1 1^ =^1^, ^^qs^of, ^fVS't, ^i|5 51^, ^toET Wf. f'K^fTf, 3^, S^w. *nT<»lf, . v. V. 5»^ 4l*rir*l, #^ -il*^.-^!, ^^Hiwr Eftackmext, Effaciko, n. v. \,—act. ^^ Zp^n. &c. Eftect, «. V. CoxsEtjuEVCE. Vl^fi. joi m. '^pop. TX n. 3r4 m. 3PTT «. Cause and o. ^HT ^KW»t. Evil e. swynw. In e. really. «If^:, If^^'Wr. Beiatiou of cause and o. *l4*KU| HR »». Without e. Of no e. Ph *"*«&, 5«Tii4^NH'>. n'TT'+lRrtl/. &c. ^^m. 2 ^HM*l*nHUil m. ■dHMlRlcIl/. Jprq^TKrfT/. ^FW?Tf%/. "ETTTCTyj^Tj, a. that has produced effect. ?I>P3!i, 3T»Tt^, Wif- 2 that produces effect. See Efficacious. Effectually, aoi*"lunft . Effete. See Babeen, Woen out. 'E.TtiCi.ciova, a. productive of effect, powerful of effect, n- oft, *j«ii-Mi, yui«M<*- ^rft-Ae. ^wTT?^, jpjn'm«<«f>, j"!- »rT w TIT, •f.R'fff'^, ^;i4^m<^+, ^snn^. Efficaciousness, Efficacy, n. v. A. Bf^ «. rT^T n. yir »«. Efficiency. «. v. A. ^r^J^ n. ^F^tjrr m. +l4'«iy+r^ «. Efficient, o. ^Ao^ f^ec<« or caaw*, T. Causative. ^iR^, Effigy, n. image, representation. SfT^OT m. or T^f. or^ n. ^fI5ET wi. RfrtPir*ir m. ^rfrWT /. sri?r53T n. MfdH|rf /. SJ-- Funeral rites performed on an e. (of leaves of Butea frondosa ) when the corpse is missing. d'NU| y. 2— in chemistry. %5T?fT/. fsfrff/ Effluvium, n. 'JMMiHi'j m. Strong, stimulating e. aStTE or g^t^S «. [ ^TT? m. Efflvx, EFFLiJENCE,«./oici«y oa<. «n^ q^ 71. tfi^fH^n. To Effoece. See To Foece. Effoht, n. strenuous exertion. snTJ^T m. 3?nmf m. m^U^ m. ;T?nT m. »1^iqn m. JT^THTTf »». 53^1^1*1 m. qR^R m. pi. With e. q?T• ?r5^/. ar^^nTn. ^n3!»r tn. ^ f. w\ m. ^^I^ m. tft'^ m. 3T^'HM m. Egee, n. impetuous flood. jftiT »». «IM m. Ego, n. 3T5 /?o^. 3T5 «• ^«R or 5 n. Contents of an e. ift?5 m. SR?^ m. Golden e. ^rf)-^| 'TFT «. Produced from e. a=fl3T. To drop her eggs — a bird, arfr n.pl. »l!(i?f , *(>«MR<1iMR"i«)rt,M^Hrn-=(l,»TflI'I?f|-«ri,&C.!inT?TTf^. Elabobatelt, orfp. T. V. jfraqrirm^, >Tt^qi%prfft#, ?Jwr- To Elapse, r. «. pass. ^JTT^, ^t^^ ^^, ?l1auf, TS^f, "T jR^ or 5^^, Irf ^t"it, T'T'f . Elapsed, /». v. V. n^??T or if^, &c. im, H?T, »J^?^ or JJTSrr, Elastic, a. //io^Aa* the property of returning to the form from which it is lent, Sfc. ft'^frTPirrT^, ■j^f ^P l U l' ft , Elasticitt, n. v. A. ft^:lfrfr<4IH*Vll/. &c. ft'-iTfrl^inWT'Tw. a^Tfi+quM m. $M+"l'A m. pi. [^-^^. To Elbow, v. a. '^^'o.fS'A /-^twiifyft/. TFTof, #TU^ HT- ELBOw-Booxr, «. «|5l4^- Elders, elderly people, f^ m. pi. fS^t^ m. pi. Council or meeting of elders. f^HT/. %^^ m. |- ^*15'^l<< m. f^H«rt «. Teach not your elders ! ^^ H^pTT W^I^TT J^^t ^' |-<< I Eldeblt, a. V. Old. 31l8»^ldKT, •ddK«l<. t, V. PilWdl, TT^^^T, f^Wf^ ^^^' f5T, Ac. f?T, fT. To Elect, v. a. select, choose. PmiOt, fT^, f^«i^q-%^ "if- Election, n. t. \.—acl. 1^1^ n. %^dr n. Ac. «Tr«»r n. fSt- Lpower of choice, V. Choice. r^*l4<'<4l'<0 «TTT/.-3?ftrFTTw. Electob, n. V. V. fspT^nmTJTm, r' 1 « l ^'<«i)^*n i ^ n. 2b Electbift, ». a. give an e. shock to. f^'?! *T^ ft. ^, 2 charge with electricity, fft^f. »n[wf-«n<5^, 3 fig. «A«c/^. See To Sbock. ELE 272 ELI ELECTniiyixo-MAcniSE, n. tTFT or jgr m. I Ei-ECTCAEy,«. — in medicine. ?5^ m. 3T^^ m. ELEEMOSYXAur, a. living on alms, fij^qx ^ M^uiKI, f*T?7T- ^sft, fTHtT^t^ft, f*r?TT?fr, 5Tm%=^ 'fl^rr^. 2 y/fc» /« oZots. f*f%^, fH^rqr, ^ , HrfHr«lijrfim ^ <» . Elephant. f?ft;«. ^^m. "T^m. ^pJKm. Trnnw*. ^ROTw. spCt m. r^^ppitw. — in contempt, &c. ^(iMfl< Bell of an c. q^3T^r/. TjTW/- Body-cloth of an e. ^/. ^TW or ^m. Carrier of spear before an e. nl^jffw. Chain or rope of foot of an e. sr^m. [iTTfHw. Driver or keeper of aa e. ^m^m. w^ or JTfHrTor E. in rut. TT^rH^ (#JTT, JpT, &c.). E. without tusks. g^oTT^r or Mt,U | |^Tf) m. Elephants — considered as an arm of an army. *i^ii<. Exudation from the temples of an e. ^^tW^m. K^ m Female e. ^rfttJT/. ^Rh^/. f^/. ^^Z- Foothold for the rider of an e. +f?NI or f+rtHlw. Frontal globe on forehead of an e. ^Hw. Goad of an e. ar^m. Head-cloth of an o. sift/. Large or fine e. i^iMm. 'Mijw. 'mmH^ot. «|v»iV'i«5^/. r+Ji 5'. 0/0. Elevate, a. Elevated, p. v. V. 1. 3^ %^OT, T^T^^3T, &c. 2 ift^T %^?5T, ^re^ 7^^ ^f5^^^. Elevation. «. v. \.—act. T^ ^Rot n. &c. xf^^uft/. 2 irrar ^f^ «• ^rs^ «• L See Height. Dionitt. El^e, n. one brought up by another. ^PRT, 3Tlf«nT. Eleven, a. ai+^i, ^^T^. Eleventh, a. 31+. To Eliminate, ». a. e.r/>eZ, f/;r2«< out. +,|iiu(,^rTffr JT^-^. 2 ( in Algebra ) 3f^, 'FTffr TTFof. Elimination, n. v.V.l. ar<.-*|i4ui «. — ?FT^ JT^ «. &c, 2 ( in Algebra ) ^{+ui n. &c. Elision, «. — in grammar. cJTT w». ^^I'f'T ». Lost by e. »T5Jri, Elite, n. flower^ choice portion, fi^^ f. ELU 273 EMB EuiiB \iTiK, «. imM-i ». Elk h. ?Tt^ «. n. Ell, «. ^nrs ^T3r"n% ^ f^jft ^ an^. Ellipse. See Ellipsis, 2. Elupsis, «. — iu rhetoric. "li'^Hdl /. frT. Ellipticallt, mlv. \. A. 1. ^t^ nj W^, M^-^Hd l 'j^ . 2 3rfT^»ft%. Elm, n.?rii;5rTI ITT^. ELOcrxio.v, n. fluent, Sfe. ipeech, x. Eloquence. ^^^ n. Elouv. See Paseotkic, Phaise. To Elosoate, Ac. See To Lesothes, &c. To Elope, v. n. v. To Bus aw at. ^r»t. K,cciDATiO]r. See Explaxatiov. To Eldps, v. a. nmde, ueape/rom artfully. ^*f^, CT«^, «»«i?t»/.-5MI3m/. *r»f ^. ofo. ^^ m.-ir^m.-^- ot-^+<^^^n. ^»i. JT^w. To Emaciate, v. n. become thin or lean, v. To Waste. fR^T, <^isi«»ui, 5^, ^T^t, 3TnT«. SFF'jf-^'tlW, ^-^5!T-Ac. it- ^-^ ^3Ti^-'qT?5'if, 3Ttnr^-^i'0. Y. V. an J Lkan. ^ 5T^?IT, «J<3Srtl, ^i^^rl. [TI4^M"JI m. Emaciatios, n. t. V.— #to<(f. f?q«r^ or §?E^;ft/. ^monw. To fall in, or become flat from e. ^TT^t, xft^. EmanaHt, Emanative, a. v. V. f^nrtJiTTT, ^I^tinTr. To Emanate, v. n. issue, flow, proceed/ram. Pmii}, ^Tff^, g^, Pl^A'Ci rt.-&c. f^ g. of. s. f5r^?jcT-Ac. ^. Emanation, «. v. Y.—act. P^ Ac. f?r?^^(^ n. P i ^ifm n. Hl'iHH «. I. /Ao/ wA»c7» issues. fsR^^sT «.-i/-'tM*f|->4^»i.-Ac. q^, ^/.-SB^?/. %^. 2 — in theology, deliver from migratory existence. ^^ Emancipated,/), v. V. 1. «< ^^ gT fl , ^^T^TJ^, 5^. 2 ^Tp, PiH^HTf)-, r5»V|Hni>, l||HHf*b. Emancipation, n. v.V. l.—act. ^ts^n.^tl^OT/. flk^ojq?/. #?/ «i^prT/«.^>rt. H'MI^. 3TT^- "t/. sTT^'jnF/. ni<+isiw». "TTW^r»». qr^T^^/. qT'rj!=n'?». I.'s.Teouble, Difficulty. S^ftfn. ^n.feJTrSn.^T^n. II. encumbrance, v. Clog. "PRTot. ^t5T»». TPT^fTw. 151- EuBASsAEOR. See Ambassadoe. Embassaboeial, a. ?rf^?^Nr, «rf^v?JTf^^'fr^, Embassy, n.Junctiong, cj'o. q/«;j ambassador. «t [^.c^ /. ^^- ?5T?r/. ^n. ^tHTi. ^^/». (JfTfsJ)^ I /. 2 See Erkaxp, Message. [_^-^AHi^f. 3 «n ambassador or body of ambassadors. ^vSt^m. or 4 dwelling or office of an a, STpPcTr^RTSTw. «(Ri?5i-^l+%Ttf. To Embattle, v. a. arrange in order of battle, ^^f. J\^- ?^ft^{Pf, ^ q NMHL /'--^^TST^/.-TWT^RT/..&c.;FTPfy.o/o. To Embellish, ». a. v. To Adorn. ^fTT/. Jj^-^R^, gnrf^TfT -HftfT-Ac. ^^c^r, TTSTrt. ^PT^ g- of 0. 2 fig. (a story or matter) dress up, trick out, color, varnish, 7swi (aud neut. rii'i^i-J^lDt-q^jjwr), jiHuj. Embellishment, «. v. V. 1. §?ftf»T?T «PT''f «. H^». ^[W». 2 spTT^q' ^idin. ^fS^ pop. TTJJ^J' & Mrf^Ictw. 55T«Tr.'». 3T'4- EfT^Mi. ?rr5^». €^PT/. ^?5j;n;»/». I. V. OnxAjiENT. 3T?J5jrTTw. ^rsfOTn. Eiibebs, n. Ao< aslies. JMI^.l or . Mass of e. ^^^'ftn. To Embezzle, v. a. fraudulentli/ appropriate. W^^f^f^., TTH^, ''TH^tj ^^, ^%f^, srr^^f&i^, 5^3T?p, Tgt<:rp, frrr^, ^j^^. Embodied,;?, v. V. 1. '^, ^f^rft, ^^r=T, ^RKt, nrffft^, djMiH, «rj"«n^, 'jim^h. 2"^^%33T, &c. ^?Tfm. To Embody, v. a. invest with a body. 5^-5!Tff^-^^-&c. ^^ nf, ^ OT.-3[\fK »n.-&c. \^, 2 /yrwt j»/o a body or system, ^'q^ w.-^ifror n.-^HT^- ^5?Tir M.-Wf^4l /. ^oty. ofo. ^"^f^PJft 3(TM«t. 3 /on» iiiio a military body. $M^i^/. ^K^ g. ofo. VT- V^^f^ 5R^y. ofo. To Embolden, v. a. v. To Encocbage. tft'! m. f^-i|«| »j.-^. Embolism, Embohsmal. See Intebcalaby. To Emboss, v. a. i\^ m. pl.-i\\% m. pl.-&c. ciN^, *i^^K-»Tt- Embossed, /j. v. V. "rfl^, 't^rn:. To Embowel, ». a. deprive of entrails. 3TFTlf n. pi. ^PW^- spT^^-. 0/0. To Embrace, v. a. clasp in the arms. STlfenof , ^efoiuj, t^- 1 1 etui, ^T^, ^'liuli or ^'ii-iuj, ^iict'Ji', ^TToEtit, ar^^radt, gTTJff^r-^#r Wt, 3ff it, ^/. ^^, STlfe'it n. 5p^. ^^^ «. ^>pn; w». irpr ». arrarTT «. I. comprehension of the armt. T^/. qpf /. ^« «, ^• EME 275 EMP EilEBACEB. p. V. V. 1. 3»IMn<»vfll, *^ol?«/!I, &C. «i^-it4«,^rti IK CT.-ITT M. wyr w». f^ m. vTTr^^ 1H m. ^ Murder of e. ( or foetus ). KV\^rM\ f. 2 ( of » pUnt ) *Rt^ »»• ai-J<|«uj II. TTV w. X(V^ n, 2 a» alteration for the better. n^T m. Ejiebaid, n. , a, of an e. color. HI<4>H, vlj-^f. To Emebok, r. n. r/w out of. ^ im, 7^ m. h. >jm-ti,t, ado. in a high degree. f^^^RS^T, sr*"5?+M, 3T- Emih, «, snflr »». [ yHij'T. Emissaet, n. V. Messesgeh, Spt. ^, "^T, ^TR, ^J^^R, Emission, n. t. Y.—aet. ^"ti# «. "TTi'^ ». SFin'f ». To Emit, p. a. ««irf /ortA, yii-e vent to. ?ftl^, "TTS'f, 'il+ui, Emmenacooue, n. ih;Jv»H*-i|^l^+-Ac. W^^n. ^^Jl^ o;- iR- Emmet. Seo Ant. Emollient, a. softening, suppling. H<• MHir^<}>Pl/. IV nt. un»». ft^PTT »». ft?) Pi/. To bo choking under Bome great c. %Z m. ^R^-^J[- f^ ^t^ g. ofs. *IVI1«1 'l'^, »lfi|*)iui. Emotional, «. t. N. 2. ml^^l-^l, f^rrffNt, Ac. IT^^- To Empalz, v. a. spit upon a stake. ^oSim-^pEf ^-^ W^- Emperor, «. supreme monarch. ^^|^, HT^h1hrTm.-3ftT»».-4c. STWTTT n. ^vtf K"! ». WTO m. ^/. EMP 276 EXA To Emphasize, v. a. -j^khhi 5prOT.-^«.-&c. '^. Emphatic, EmphatIcal, a. v. N. ^JT^, v^tTT^T, «Rtll^ 2 reyi'ojj q/'an emperor. ^TR Ht^TT^ TTS^n.- ^HT? «• '^^ n. Empihic, n. v.Quack. stt^"^, Hltfililfc^lMI W?T, aTTms^. Empibic, Empibical, a.\. Experiment at,. gTq ^«IN I, 3TPT- *rf?^ pop. ar^H^t^, argT^s, 5twt1%5- To Emplot, v. a. busy, exercise, keep at work. ^H«)ui, JJ^- To e. one's self ( in, at, with, amidst ). ijicKuj. 2 entertain for service, enyar/e. jsf^, ■«1l+0^ 5^, ^TT M.-ij^»».-^^?ft/--Tot, %W, %?5Tn.-?RT/. ^T^ ff. of o. Employable, a. v. Y. 1. «. Pat, rich, lucrative, &c. e. HMh'IvH'II^ot. JTRft^/. Home or stationary e. "St^RT^TTITot. Public e. ( or post ). JTTTSrr/. MIHBI w. "^^ m. f^- That has e. or service. ?. hiOh q^. Jb EMioifON, Empoisoned. See To Poison, Poisoned. Imiobium, n. commercial city. q^/. vJdHiJi/. q^^ IW ♦«. To Emiovebish, t). a. makepoor.1 v. To Begoah. f^%^ giTT- Ol^t, ^r^-:p»n?5-f^*j5T-f'T^'T-f^:^'ipT-&c.!RTif. 2 ( land ) desircy fertility of. qpft^F-JT^KtrT-Ac. ^of, JJT- Jo Emiower, v. a. See To Enabij?. 2 V. To A iTKOBiZE. 553t?nft/-. v. V. 1. R+im-frm-Ac. %j?^, fT^;J^?T, rflpT. Emitiness, n. v. A. 1. fr^qoTT »». R^IHMPTT m. &c. ^Jfq ». ^I^^THT/. fr^PrTT/. ft^TR OT. ^IfY*rT?r »n. 2 cji^i^uii »n. l, ^JfT, 4 blank, barren, void, wanting. T. R*|«-m ^iHlA' or R+|'-<<| ^ijff. Empty-handed, a.ft^FTT ^mi-mi, ft'P^W, ftrfiTTf^j^JfT^W. Empty-headed, a. v. Stupid. ffl^P^ po/. f^^^, sT^q^f^, Emptying, n. v. V. 1. — act. f^+^iu)' «. Rx(«)ij|' «. Ac ^^^trt /. fr^RTift/. R^«I«J+/. ft^f^t^PTW n. [jq^ift/. 2 vittHui n. a^TTT or -dW*)! ««. JHT"! or -iq+iui/. g^TToft or Empurpled, a. ^fqaqu'lNl %^?5T. Empyreal, Empyrean, a. v. N. flr'ijg"i«ti^^tft- R|q <<<«) . Empyrean, n. highest heaven. ^c^T^St^ »t. ^r^fTH^R «. To Emulate, v. a. cope or vie with, v. To Rival. «RT«rft/. -?7R^, 3T?=ft/ «rttm J«7A # o/o. Stgr/. TTTi'f-^Tit with ^or^of 0. JT^/. dl+ui, MieOfl ^Tft/. ^TTO^, hIbIH jTtc? m. ^, H^/-?f^/.^ y. ofs. ^ of 0. ^qvJSr, goE^. Emulation, n. v. V. %?f!^^/. ■■^N^i m. ^IHR «. E.VAUEL, H. fjRT ■«. Bit of e. H^ or f^F «n. 2 ( of the teeth ) ^f% ;j^^ n. 7h Ebauzl, c. a. ft^T w. ^^3ot-r«HUM4Hui. ESTAMKLLED, J». T. V. fjPTT rlHl^rll, fM-<,JI. T. V.l. %?^,%^?t55r, Ac. 3TIffT, JTTffT,^??- 2b ESCLMI, r. a.«iii/ m;> hy a fence, Sit. ^^flt, ^g. ». 3n*l- Ptoprietor of an e. ^TI^. 8 * 0e M m j $mO, hedye, Sfe. r. FoccB. aiTWR m. «. ^fN «. tff •• «n*TT ■». ^W »». [A*. l.UtUr,^e.tntto9td. ^ \ ^\(» \ f\y \ r \ >M \ WTVl^ m.-ft/.- ElfD Encomiast, n. panejyrist. ^jPi+tiI, ^TTT^, ««(+t1?. Encomiastic, a. laudatory. ?5|>4,H, *<|H+i|M, STT^. 2b EscoDNTER, t>. a. T. To Meet. ttS'T, it?/. Tl'if iw. con. with y. o/ o. Pratif t». fon.H^ «'»• con. 3TT3^T^ iH.con. ^rrrtr% m. ^Z. ^t^t in. eon. i\m^, [ FT «• Encocntee, n. meeting, its/. H?/. ^^T^/ HTW/. %^- 2 See Combat, Battle. To Encocbaoe, v.a. embolden. «ftT m.-'^ «.^^ fl.-3T^^TTH»». ^, 3TTm^, 31HH|<^ui, 3Tf*R^, 3'iT^'lft/.-3TT»TWl>».- iftrHl^H n.-Ac. qpT^ y. o/ o. EKCOUBAOED, p. V. V. Vftr f^tr^c^-l, &<". aTfCrf^ffT, ^Ifr^I^rT, afig^Rtfirrr, grf^nrf^, JmnfR, srm^^, ;^«T«r#. Encoueagement, n. v. V. — act. «ftT ^ «• &c. ■dAiiun/. 3TT»^Rr5T n. 3T^RT^ n. 3TpT5=r^ n. ^RHT^^ n. HiIh*!- iRTT m. — »/a, Excrease, &c. See Increase, Ac. To Esceoach, «. n. intrude on another's rights or possess- ions. ^*\-M\-.M\ ifmid-arfy^KiH-Ac. ^H^-fsn^wf, r^ /. «rnrif, *rTr^ ^ri^T ^mwf , ?fmTc5^H w. ^ft^, ?j5t^/.-'iTT- THwi n.-&c. «J)^. Encboaciieb, n. ENCROAcniKO, />. o. t.V. j^-TTsttt 'TWi'T -&c. f^lT'JTm-&c. ?ftH ^T^TTRT. Escboachment, n. v. V. ^^-*<|"t*<| n.-?I^»J.-3T%ft/.-Tf^iTr»T'».- &c. ^W, ?nRTJT-3T%?:-ri H 1 *1 -&C. ^t'lT, ^«. 4>4*4"i 0'" ^PT'T. To E.ni)amage. See To Hlet. To Ekdaxoer, f. flf. 7(«ar(/. *nTm-^'^m-qW^f?I-&c. mF.^- tTTf^, !pT5!;T% nT. EXDI.ESS, a. V. IsFisiTE. 3T^, aTITT, f^TT^f^, JTrT, f?r?€tK, EsDi,ESS>-Ess, «. V. A. ffH^lMdl/. artlTfTT/. 3TT^R?n. ar^- 'Esv.ooT£.yo\:s, a. growing Jrom icilJiin. aRTt'J'TWT^'TRT, 3T^n. &c. fi*l^(n. f?.*NiH). nj^j/.'e^M. fr'EECEiic, EsEECEiiCAt, a, spirited, powerful, vigorout. EXG 279 Tr^TT^r^, ft^TT^, f^M'fl'HI, 3r?n^, ^*i:^«(ii, 3tHT^H- 5TTT, VI^H, ^TTT, l^, *{H+MI, ^HT^, f«MOH,^«fl*ft- ESEBOETICALLT, orfj. T. A. 3rHTfT^, 3rH I ^'j4'<> . ESEHOT, fi. tiQor. force, ^c. v. Spirit, Power. ^TT^/- *TK- ¥t/. f|»TH/. vift^ «. ^ m. TrWT^ m. vifrri/. %iT m. rTST «. 2 ( of a deity ) a^'/fcejwicer^^rfoni/f^if oj A.« ic//if. ^- f%/. sni>^/. *TT^ or m^^/. lb ESEKTATE, P. a. T. To WEiKETf. f^T^PT-^^^-f^^^-JIT- f%i^-nf^P?^-^*T^-«to. ^ir^r, ^;».-^;r^/.-&c. ^^- 2 ( a horse ) ^W I ^ Tftr/.-fffTT/ fl. JtW. iEVEKTATIOS, »l. T. V. 1. ^^^iPl /. nf'S?^ "«• To ExrEEBLE. See To Weaken'. To Enfobce. See To Compel, To Force. 2 put into exfcution li/ force. «|57T-&c. ••(Irl*)''! lEsroBCEB, p. T. V. 2. ipETH -mr^.f^A^l-Ac. :E.vforcemext, «. v. V. 2. inST'T 'MH Ac. ^, srf5TirT/-'it'T «. Faithful to e. ^TFnrf^, ?T?THV. ■Written e. V^^M /. ^E^^TT^ /. ^^RTT «. ^<4*1im Written e. with fiiednew of time. fm^»mT jn. fPI- EXJ 2 occupation, \. Bi:^i^Ess. ^TT n. TSTFI m. 3 V. FiGnx. ^^f. wun m. EsoAGixo. See Chaemikg, Pleasixo. [TPT^T^J^. To Esgexder, p. a. t. To Beget. ^jPTT n.-JpRT n. ^^, 2 produce, occasion, v. To Cause. jrM^ 'FT't, •FPWJ'I- ^W-3T^ «'«. fOJI. Engine, n. machine, Sfc. «t5T «• 2 See IxsTRUMEXT. ["JriTTTr. EsGiXEEB, n. q^^r4)i«|UIli. EsGi-isn, o. jXTJft", t^^i s'rt m. pi. i^^^H m. pi. ^V cfrp m. pi. Eule or sway of the E. ^inft/. 2 — the lan^age. S%^ /. To E.voBATE, ». a. aarve, Sfc. ^jJtr^, T^TT^, f%T^, H+I^ui. 2 imprint, t. To Impress. 5^^, (ii^ifsi'Jt. ExGBAVED, p. V. v. 1. ^tr^^, &c. jpi^Cf^, ^^Nr, ^^^. EXGBAVEK, W. T. V. 1. #^RT, &C. ^l41>i»-i||, ^i^^T ^PW ♦.^UIRI. [ V^ f. ESOBATISO, n. T. V. 1.— atf<. #T^ n. ^V!^ n. ^"|^/ ^- I. thing engraved. ?nji?IT»».'T^(ft/"-'r?>TH vpTTn.^T^ "PITT n. 2b EsoBOss, r. a. /a/.tf the whole oj. ^^vJH\'^\ Wl^-^^^l- ^ WTT-^TT^m^ ^: n.--CBEAse. qT»- T; ENnANCE, v.n. rite.a-JOTEB, «. V. V. 1. >t]'1UIKI, iTFft, ^Ht'ft, Ht^T. 2 Jftn MUIKI-^RTTTTT, &c. 3^*fWY, HWt, *frfm m. >f^T^^ m. HT^ «. ^f^/. 3T- 5*T^ OT. <)f^«ll'l/. I. a jrcealle feeling, t. Pleasuee, Happetess. g^«.3Tr- Ji^ «». ^-T »«. II. sexual e. W^ m. 3T^g^ «. grT'fln »». III. sensual e. f^np;-)^ «»• f^lMtJ^ *• *fi'lRiAr« m. To EsKiXBLE, See To Kikdle. jTo Exlahge, v. a. v. To Increase. «I I-cuease. ^t^, arf^HF ^lof, ^f^ /.-f^WTOT. ^g. ofs. 2 expaliale. RwK »n.-«ll?'Mf^«K »».-??*< f^WK »».-"%rfN Enlarged,;). \. V. A. 1. ^TS^%OT, &c. f^wlRH, STf^. Enlakgemekt. See Ixcrp^ase. To Enliguten, v. a. lit. JJT^ »i.-:nPT5[i m. ^PT^-TTl't, Jn>T?T- ot, SpFTfiiTfT 5pT^, SI^^ M.-^ITrPT «.-&c. ;r^. 2 iig. instruct. ^^V '«• 'RW, n*il^.t.V. 1. snpr5|T%?M',sj^5[m,ST;FT?T^,?lt^. 2 gf, frMt, ^irTfTnT, snwH'i ^T^ ". ST^^fPT n. ST^PT^ to. qTrnr n. '1-act. SPCT^IT m. snpT?H «. rWtfTDT «. rTJflTTn m. rin"l»(l^ m. f^fJTT'TiT «». 3Tt"?r*rT »»• 3i«RnT*ni m. ? 1 M^h «• fTM- 5b Enlist, ». (i. engage in puUic service hy entering the name in a register. ^\nf^^ f. MVm g. of 0. ^i^^^i^ ^, T- I ENR 2 fig. engage in a cause. Sf^rff^f'T, STfTT-Tg^-&c. ^^. To Enlist, v.n. q?T^^-&c. 3TN^ ^^ fepT-fef^-=q?fJT-&c. 2 engage in a came, ijecrjul, m^ti-^^^-Ac. s}^. Enlisting, n. v. V. A. 1.— oc/. qjr^^ msot «. &c. vjTrrsr^ To Enliven, v. a. make alive. ^^ft^-rWijH -f^r?n'-&c. «R'Jt, ^^^TT «.-M|UKH n. sRTJf. 2 OToAre vigorous, vivacious^ lively, Sfc. \. To Animate. vftcf ««.-^ »i.-3??TTf »n.-^ n.-^rt/.-tn m.-dt.tt|j m. f^^TT^ w. 'rilPl/. 5TRr TO. [5^?^ »• Esohmitt, n. tcrongness, v. Wickehness. aTfrt^^!?fT/. 3rf7T- 2 a« e. on atrocity. JTl<5 TTT n. H^iHin^ «. 3T^ Mlrl^ w. Enormous, a. atrocious, v. "Wicked. 3Tlrf5?, JT^TJ^jft^t- 2 immense, monstrous, \. Laeae. Oi^^ qfsn:, 37<(l«=>M, Enormously, o• ^ i^^i f«i. v. V. -EiCB£S, n. E5BiCBiso,/>. a. V. V.l. W^T ^iolKI, &c. To ESBOL, V. a. enter on a roll, register. Hi^Pl?fl/. ^>^- ExHOUtEST, n. V. V. JTl^^ft/. ??5»T^-8AMPLE. See Example. E5«ASoiisEr, a. tt^inedwitk Hood. <*l^ »1<4^(, i} >, 2 engage in, embark upon. WcItJuj^ ^ m.-qiT w. ^H^Sff- f(TT^ot-%^, TT^rST n. %^, SffrT ^t^V. 3 /a*e possession of, — a devil, f^^of, ^?ira?5T, ^r^R^TT^rST, Sff^, f^T^. EsTEBPBisE, n. bold or hazardous undertaking. aT ^K^i l H «, ^ ». 5't'+.4 n. EsTEBPBisisG, a. V. Adtentubous. ^T^n^ or an, ■J?te i y<< l, To EsTEETAis, r. a. engage, hire, '^at, ^fT^^?r-m+0^<-&f. 2 rcceiie hospitably, treat, feed. i||g«Jj-«(K m.-TTJ^ »».- anfriwT n.-TnT^-it /.-JTsprrnqfl' /.-3TnT?R!mT?t n.-arrrr gnlrT^T n.-3inf7T»nT fl. ^T^, «TOH^ OT. ^-?J:T^, 31^^155- 01, ^JW\ n. ^. 3 /rffiwe, rfipfr/, V. To Amuse, ^qf'^ui, Mfijiii, m ^ w . /.- *<»^u|+/.-&c. 'F^y. o/o. 4 ( in the mind ). Jjran^, 'TTif,^^. ESTERTAISISG, «. V. AMUSISO. THrft or HHrqi, "KHm^ ^f, ^^MUj+^^l. [&c. EsTEBTAJSMEXT, n. V. V. 1.— Of/. ^stSt n. xTppfVW^^'l. 2 Hi^uMK m. "nynr w. anf^r^T n. arrf^^ir ». ^■^^m- E. daily upon a general invitation. fSTcTWoj/. 3 TH^ n. k'S^ n. t^^ n. 3jHpp( n. 4 «llol'|iii n. qT'JT «. I. V. Feast, i}f^v[r^^f il-HMI»0/. ^^Wft^ ^T^JTii. To E.NTiinAL. See To E.nslavk. To Estubose, v. a. »ir^-fH^i«HHR-&c. «m^,l%fm5n- E-tTHUosED, /J. V. V. TT^t^ qwq?.3I, &c. f%^T?Rre:», ^- ^TBvnxait^n. fervor or excitement of mind in pursuit of an object. 3nJfn «• 'Mr'Ar*i\^ m. TTHlrWl^ m. ^ffim^ m. 2 ( reliRioua ). ^f'T^ «. ^^ «. ^^^ «. ^T?nWRT- m^ m. ^«^KMM n. E.frnL«iAsT, n. Sec the Adjective. ESTHL-RIASTIC, E.STIIUHIASTIC.V.L, a. V. N. 1. gTWift, ^TW- in^, aTjTpft, ^^^I'li'TT, ^TT^rnr, w5n>T, ara^fr ( as 'ii"Mi^i aREjrr, Ac. ), ^, Jfr^, ^?t^, 3nt)ir|«r?, arr- EXU 21 %?rTT?HT. ['srrcTTJft. 2 ^f^T, ^^%5T, ^^Ir+KIHI'tft, +(liHlf+l-TOiiB, V. a. V. To BtEY. 5iT5T?Ttt(MHn/.-&c. ^^(g.ofo. To be entrapped. JTn. ^^«. ^TO^». E. to a letter. rtKMK-i»». fr5H>IM«. ?Rtrr W?^, qTTfrr^JotWJ. 75^, ^pft/ ftwf y. o/ ». [s^RTTn. Epact, m. excess oJ the solar year above the lunar. ^^f^T- Ephemeral, a. lasting one day. ^+(^-i|y|-t||, ^+lf^*, \\A\% 2 short lived. <(i 'H f^ ^ ti N I , ^< d':)"'^^ I Ih or ^T^P, 3rq^f^i=rT- Epic-poem, n. q^T^T or "rNrSt"*- TI^TF^//. ^1?^/ »Tf|f(5^/. sn^Ir^- Epioasteic, a. v. N. ^^wt-ii'd, Tf^'TTthqfqt. Epiqasieicm, n. upper part of the abdomen. W^i^Z n, Hf^- EQF 2 ^ n. ^^Jrf^/. £piO£UM. See Pebigee. Epiglottis, n. »^reni'll-<(l qi^ m. ^ZgTTTR? m. Epiobav, n. pointed, lively piece of poetry. ;ff^ fTT^Ht V^' Epilepst, n. 3r;?HTT »«. ^t n. ^ n. HT^/. rH<«n/. ^ «. *TT^ m. 4<^i»i<4 »i. ^q^^, ")>«<-*« I, ajq^HI- 2 helonginj to e. 31W^HKNI, ^M-^MI, srTFHR'B'NI', 3T- Epilogue, »i. ^o«», ^r. a^ Mr end of a play. 3ir*'. 3^^'^^. &c. STRrf^TWi, wti'iiMm, TT- Epistasis, fi. tupprettion of urine Sfc. HTSn^^ m. aiHI^-m. Epistle, n. v. Letteb. «I<^r, 2 fyiianMiwii*. ^IMf^*!, ^H^Hh, timi^r*!, flH<1I3. 3— tompermmeDt, &c. W^*JT^., fl«Tf«, ?nt*-«ll^r. Eqcablt, «/*. T. A. 1. «{*«nfni, ?nTwr, *ii<^H«niSf, &c. j 2 wni/orm. See Eqcablc 3 matching, par. ^^\^(\S\, ^{\^\, fl^rfll^^f^fllfW^I,^- 4 exaetlif correipondent, anttcerinj echdy. itn, »h?W»f , 5 adequaU to, Sec Compctest. EqI'aL, n. match, fellow. ^TTWT^, »«<1n^'^i,v'i)^^l,'?>75l^, To E^VAi, ». a. he ejwU to. ^TRW-'WIT-H'T-^ril-Ac. ^RT^f I EQF -^>fff, g5;ot^ «in^. 2b Equalize, t?. o. make equal. ^T[^K-^nX^^^(^-^^T^-'^[^- ?fr?5-&c. ^T^, ^fR^rr^, tinl^ioi «. ^Tot ^. ofo. Equalized, Equalled, p. \. V. «i«Hl-&c. ^?^, ■n*n*d, 3^^. ^ ^ Equally, adv. T. A. «K<^T ». B. point. Pr^f n. E. points. JptflMlfl m. Entrance of the sun into an e. point. ^1IMin. ■HM'W<31T- !P(jtiroisE, n. equality of weigJil, equilihrium. ^^r^^^ m. /. 'R'ml'r^ n. In e. with. *nfPTTT, HIIHII, «»»1?ft, *tnT»nT, 41^l, Jk^v^•ABL^^Ess, »«. t. A. 1. HHiFui+HuiI m. ^^;^ m. t«tt- 2 i)Hiru|*M'Jll«».wf?r=5rR-?f^5fq^^R-. PJIT^, ^- To Ebb, e. n. de-iate, i/ray, t. To "Waxber. J^, «J^+,u|' or Hl4V|. EBBA5D-BOT, n. ffff)t^J m. £bba5T, Ebbatic, Ebbi5o, a, t. Wakdebiwo. "ffift, «JniT- ^rfr, 4(HOl%lO, Ac. ail«I«, mi'l^l, *«fr!d. 2 ietimtinj, ttraying. 5^, 5IFR, 5^, ?nft, ?rf*T^, «t?T, EBBA5TBT, «. T. A. 1. fST^t n. «I>T^n. TT^ n. EULATCM, n. 3T^5 II. ^/. Correction of errata, ifW «». Sheet of errata. tfN'nT ». Jjf^l'T^ n. [H?*Tn. EKBBI5B, N. medicine adminittered through tii note. ^V/. Ebjioxeocs, a. erring, mistaking. w^TJnTT, ^*I, «t?T, w»ft, yfH?. [mhi-hi, 3^35. 2/CTf /. EUOB, ft. wandering from truth. Vt^m. Vl\ff(/. W^WTm.R^ Tbe two grand Rourcea of error arc ^mwm and ff^. 9 or the (wering or romeealing ( ty <** o&;>c< eonUmp- Ulei ) o/ »/« iim/ natmro or quality ; and tXe eaiting forth ofm» a ppe artmea tr letming different from reality. 2 mitlake, Uunder, i m aet m nu f. ^J- '^f- W^^ *• Errors and omissions, — conipreh. -^ij-.H?? /. ^^^^f. " Errors excepted." =|^^ -ed. ft^, «T^, MSi^rfl, sjPT^T, 3T- ^'T^T 'HMM, 3nlt*)"Jl, J- To Escape, ». n.^te anl0. EscnABOTic, n. aWFT^ «. Escheat, n. /aiu/, ^r. toAicA reverie to the stale through failure of heirs. ^^HMHIti or ^fiHMW m. ^MlOWMW m. iWrft?! f«n^/. »nT?TKT3 »». af^NI-^fi* n. To EacuEw. See To Avoid, Escort, E»cobti*o, n. r. \.—acl. *itAH^ n. nfti^TJr/. ^- a^Tjft/. ^i«Mi/. I. attendant protecting body. V^^ or ^?^THT m. ^t^- A light e.flittUlO/. Coat or hire of an e. f^TfT or fr^WT m 286 EST To 'Es,cowi,v. a. allcnd and gnard hy land. «)<^«k-^- &e. vHI'-AH . ^^ !?>^7T, f^riKH:, ftr?lq|r+,i7, 5^^?^ ^F- Espionage, «. employment of spies. iK^K+Ncil^'T n. '^- Esplanade, n. f+s-yH 5^^ ^<^ «• Espousal, Espousing, n. v. V. I. — act, ^|><^H w. qiMi-^iiw. 2 ;jTn n. eJTOT w. '^fT'T'T »«. TfronTT n. MlfuH^^uj «. y ^t^PR'Jf w. &c. wl+li »». 3T»ft^PR m. "%cnT OT. 4 \^m. «'. 5Fr%^ TR^ «. &c. 5b Espouse, f. o. v. To Beteoth. c)|i<^m n.■^\^'is;^ m.- &c. •FT't ^f. 0/ o. 2 tt'fii, T. To Mabey. ^J^l^ui, qrwJf or ^pjpjf , «IT^, "Tft"!- ?T H!.-TfT/)<, take up ( #o maintain, ^c. ). aTT^T^f, 3T»f1«fiK0l, ■Ml^liKu)', ':T^, ^"it, arfHHMUJ or 3Tf*nTPT m. ^^ g. of o. ^^TT m. %3fr-^j^, tff^ m. srT'f , »HNT ^ or VT^of , 4 /fl^e ttflf/f r protection. ^r%^-+l7l. "TtoETif^ or 'Tlofl^O^d/. "TT- 5 See Being. Essential, a. v. N. 1. pertaining naturally. ^^TNRt?, '^- 2 necessary to the existence of. +<)HHf^r^'HI'iH;, ^^TR- f^^t^, 3Tfq5TT*rRT^, arf^RTfrf, STff^Tf^f*rfT^, Tmff- Essential and inherent character. 3hRhiHI<)KN1 TTIT »». J|I4M14I»». vjfTvTTTni. fPTRw. H>«*6IMl*iH+(RT «». i|^i4+Ki*5l*H/. *S*4H "». ^:J55T «. ?f^c5». Extensive or great e. ^rft^K^ ^^K^ n. Eise or falling toj)f an e. 3TPT^ «»• 2 See Effects. 3 See State. To Esteem, v. a. v. To Value. TT't, jfMuf, K^riif, «<>("(• 2 ralue hiyh/y, prize. ^i'WI-Ac. tJH jIuI-hmuJ-'IUIUI-TPT- Esteeu, «. high regard or value jor. «4l'<J- ft, i. o. Fruit bring Jirit, flowers being firtt\rH\{\^tinA» alone.closing the sentcnco^as KI^IV arftr fl^ vf^ ffm- f^ ^'iiJ«A«, fire, ftir, water, /Ait«/r«f, thete being fri»- EUL eipal or precedent. To ^rMlP^ the letter ^ is often added. &e 3TTf^, ^PTT^, aW 3TT^:j;?^ in M. & E. Diet. Fre- quently the Persian ^ ( I ^ j and the others) is used. The et cscteras. ^riiRj^iT. To Etch, v. a. at^TT^ ^^ ^FC^ ^^ ^FT^^t. ETEKXAL,a. without leginning orend. 3iH I < or qj>Jr w. Etymological, a. v. N. s^pq^ft^, ;(I«^wniRf^fl^^-f^- «nF, w^rMf^fniVt-ri'tM*, Ac. Etymology, n. derivation, analyti*, S(c. of words. fri^T^T^- Etymox, n. primitive word. H-^TH^ »n, 5|l'm[)Pl/. ;n«^ifpT «. ECCHABIST, »i. n J»fr3PT n. 2 t^n^*!!^ m. F^R^T- EuCBACT, n. — in medicine. WKmiJ* ^'tS^f. <4I^41I*^ «. Eulogist, n. tjM^fiJiui, 5n*l'F, ^ PlN I Af . EuLOOisTic, a. fj'ft^, ♦'5rn n. EuTUAlfASiA, n. ea«y ifaT''t y. o/^ 0. ^^. To be evacuated, qiut. 3 See To Emptt, To Puege. Evacuation, n. v. Y.—act. ai<<)(?f n. &c. 3r^ m. 3r?T^ ». f5r?PT «». ■^?rjf=T n. fqm »». frsTT ». 2— oc/. JTJ^ft^^f^ OT. Hr^H^T «. H-55)rti*i m. HcTtrfT^- T «. iTcT^f^/. ?iit'^ M. illil41i*l m. The evacuations. HrlM->||c^'f «j. I. an e. v. Plege. sttsT »'. ^ra wi. To Evai>e, v. a. escape, acoid., dude. ;^ •+,r »».- &c. ^. 2 e/i/rfe, divert, turn off. ^q-.^iJi, ai4wf, 73^, ^c5fJiH'JIKI, &c. TJFJT, s?c<|^ JSTJRJwft, TleTH'I^ft^, T'^^f^'^' ^'IK'^c't'^''. EvANEscEXT, o. V. Tempobaex. FT?^ JTT^Ntt ftWTTT, 3Tf^, 2 — of colors. ^^, ^i\^, E\ AXGEMCAL, a. according to the gospel. ^^Trl^yrr'ft, g^- EvANOEUST, n. writer of the gospel. g^JIrl'I^^M^-T^pp, 5*1^- 2 preacher of the gospel. ^TrT'hft'nF. iTo EvAPOEATE, ». o. convert into vapour. W\l>/. 'f.T^ g. of o. ^V^ ^F^Jf-^^ ??^cri.%of-3Tra^-g?3^^, 5(TWTHfr- To Evaporate, t-. n. ?rpp/. ^, ^r<#^-^TT> ^t^TST 73^-3TZ^"f- Evapobatios, «. V. V. K.~act. ^\^ jp^ n. AcsrHHs^n. T. V. N. ^TT> frir^ 3^ n. SfT^H^ n. 3 EVB Evasion, n. v. V. 1.— ac<. ^^^ «. ?T55ot ». &c. 2 •^•4)t<3i «.-gi^0T «. &c. T5^<7ft/. «i4«|D|^/. I. means of evading., shift, subterfuge. ^4tUl/. ?rai/. r-i« m. ^rf^n^PS m. pop. ^«-"Tl- spTo!/. ^Tt^>2;/. ^jEqr/. ^i^Rrrm/ f ?. f^m'^f.pi. ^Rvr^f ^n'TT^ m. :?n^ m. f^HT^^n^ n. l^ffT wi. f^^^• nRSTJIrf W. M<'^«/. TT?^?I^2 or otT/. About the time of e. twilight. ^I^rsf^ ad. decl. In the e. wf^, ^^3^%it, ^ie^n^PlcSi', ^, In the dusk of e. jta 3'^fi'. [or ^iyclffr. To become or to draw towards e. ?Tt^9rot or ^r^^^ Evening, a. flM-m, ^t^TTWct^, Ht^f, sn^f^. Evening-song, Evensong, n. ^e?rpPT«E^ ?%^ «. EvENINO-STAE, «. ^^ m. Evenly, arft). v. A. 1. tii«'Hi «/«rf. sirnTT. Evenness, n. t. A. 1. mrfiTaiT »». ^TTT^/. ^m^/. ?r4?TT/. m^n. ^^HTHr\:sf 2 s«mCI/. FTTiMTToriffi. w^ n. ^rmff. 3 ^TP^». ^TfTrfT/. [ frTH. Event, «■ incident, v. Occueeence. '=Tf^3TT^^ 1*1^/. "it?/. Novel or strange e. 3Hijp,fiM'i'n/. 3T"J5nt^/. aTjrn- •fre/. 2 result, issue, upshot, \. Consequence. T?r, — emphatical- ly; corresponding with morning.^ noon, and night, night or dag. wummer or winter, early or late, S(e. ^^I«ti+|c&, HN^HI, .i4rMM*)r<. In eu- bBDcement of this senM there are in English the ex- preasions, all tcUhout exception, the whole world, tout le monde, high and low, rich and poor, great and tmall^ old and young., Sfc. 6fe. The correspondent expressions io MaraihH are collected here, 3TmT??f ^, ^WiImK, WfRKl?, t^^lfl«fli, T^UNK w. pi. 'i{V\\^K^\^^TK^, ^UlftlH, IPTT^ TtiR/. fe«lneu, T. Cu;aB5IMS. «t^/. 2 proof, inrm «. nxv «• ^ «.Thee.of Miwe(pareep- tion > is ii^MVmoi ". Of JTW?T «• — of rtatonimg ( in- ference ) ai^wm «.— of eomparioon or analogy 3^WT*T», —ttttimony |ifi[ m. And, ( aa in caaea of disputed pro* perty ), the e. of poueMton or fruition is Hf'IWmvi m, or hW ■!. — of *grant or other dotument (doctuncatary) 9 EVI rf<<(MHIUI «. or ^ m.^^ or ^f. — of wUnetse* to the right ( testificatory ) m^MHI"! ». or SETT^ «• — of an appeal hy ordeal, ^^'^^^T^n. orfts^n. And.e. — compreh. ( documentary, oral, circumstantial, &c. ),^r^OT JJ». T^TTg^r "». 5^ p. Evidently, adv, v. Plainly, t^, ?fT^, JTrT^, sirT?ln»«. yr>f^f- EXA 290 EXA 2 ane.a sin. ^^^n. 3T^«. 3T^iT'T». ^^^n. §«?i?w. 3TT- Evii>ETE, n. blast or stroke from. ^f%/ [^, ^[^T^'jf. To suftcr tlie blast of an e. ^[fv.f. T5'ifrl|ilu|-^l^,^qT5E- To remove ( by charms &c. ) the blast of an e. ^f%/. =]MI !|^^, 5- EvIL-SIISDEDSESS, «. V. A. ^jfj/- +Hfrl/. ^TTeTW. ^^^IK '»■ S"?^/ 53^5/- 5^/- g;'f*n5r»«. ^.n. inSVin. ^- aj*r^n. i|tn. ^IPTT^OT. *4H|4(i». ^"U. M\^i\/- Evit-sniiiT, «. V. Devil. aiM^tidi/. To EvixcE. See To Manifest, To Pkove. To EviscEEATE, V. a. take out the entrails. STrlff «. pi. ^Hisuf To Evoke, v. a. call forth, T. To Call. »• 'Tn. dim. rfF^nft/. EiACEEBATiOif, fl. paroxism. *Rrfn. =qS(n. Sl^rf^^/. <^^«. E. and remission. ■^SJ'lKw. E.^ACT, a.niee, correct; — of matters done, v. Accckate. *lft- «IT, rl*lf1l*,^?5T,^rtI*IMI'm,,^«<'"o. *R m. p/. %IMUI ^. ofo. MW^/. HWOj, TOf »•■ ■Hmwt iriVA ;^ or F, •JPRCT-'iTftrR- ini-Ac. i^, ^ Bi.-'flffH^FT »i.-'^r«H'+»1ui n.-Ac.«FT9r. To Exc-EL, r. n. be preeminent. ^T^«-^^^-3Tfi^-«ni-Ac. anm, ^ M.-ir^ n.-^w n.-^A^A\f. arowf y. «»/'». Excelled, p. v. V. A. m^f 7:\^f:^., Ac. fin. EtCELLCXCE, ExCTtLLE^fCT, tt. T. A. 4ff>1!<4U|| ffl. T^PTT'JTT m. UflfJ^f- 'tf^'l^f ^T "i.HW n. m^m n. 77^ m.^r^^ m. »J%W^ «. •pnfi»»^ »«. JoilW* m. [n. >fVT «. 2 «« e. « virtue, good quality, Jfe. JOf m. ?l?»| m. ^^^ 3 Jf*f%^ni "ITT^. EXCEI.LE5T, «. T. GOOD. VTT "^I'RI, T^TT, Tft^, inT, 3!f!1!, Mort e. «iT«l«, •J^rJ^TT, M'.Hfftf, Mrtl, &c. g%fvT- 2 %r^3T, %^!T^^, &c. ?m, ?f FTJT, ^?TTf^, ^^, PT'tfH?!. To bo or become e. %?frT. ExciTEE, n. Exciting,^. «. v. V. 1. vdR-&c. Jprrf-^^. 2 ^fHu i K i, ftr^Wn, ?t?n'T«rJTRT, &c. ^mrw, ^hnvi- JFTft-Ac. 3 ' l j«lj«4+H-&c- «rwoi-&c. 2 ( against ). ^\W.V.\ w.-^l+l-O / ^^, TtHT^NlW/. HT- Tiif ^. 0/ 0. PT^ »t. ^;. HtT^ y. of 0, Exclamation. See Outcbt, Intehjectiqs. To Exclude, v. a. shut out, ^'c. lit. fig. arffT ^ T ^, "Sf- ?T *ju1+ii?iPi^*i^- sTf?t5ftnp-&c. EXCLUDIBLE, a. T.V. ^ *f1- ExcoiuiusiCATED, p. V. V. mh1hh ^T5^t^, &.C. y*('ir^«*H, EicojniosiCATiO!?, n. v. V. — act. «r»ff<<& n, flTt^/. n. ExcKBifETT, ». T. Doso. ^^/. %|"n. JTc?»n. «. pop. H3 m. 3HpTil9M. «. arrfRT^ m. n. J^n, E. of birds. ?ft5l/. Human e. n «». Smell of e. ^r^^^m/. EXCSEUESTAL, a. belonging, Sfe. to e. ^H^MrfN I, ft.JMI, ZxCRKMEiiTinous, «. eonloimng e. Sfe. f*^ft,V, r+JkH*, EiCKZsc-ESCE, n. ( upon the body ) v. Wen. f1^/. HfTTf- 2 ( npon a tree^c. ). n^H or »T or TOK «. JT «. j»IT «. ExcSETl3!>, n. evacuation. PfPTw. gt^'W. ftlrt «. 2 See EXCBEMEXT. ElCBTTirK, EXCKETOKT, a. MrJ|r«Mi*, HrfrUM*, f^jh^- To ExcBCCiATs, See To Tobmest. ExcBVCUTiSO, a. extremAi/ painful or di*tretting. 3T^>^- V, 3rf?lir^ VR^, fswWT^, r«i<«iH^ ^ rH<«< i «. ^. EiccLFATOBT, o. T.V. ^^WiwnTT, &c. et^n'^^^, f^gN» | , ExcCBSioi, «. ramble, jaunt., trip, tour. V^f. ^fT^/. %T- 2 See DiaBnsxox. BxcDBtine. See Rxmblixo, ExcciABut, •. T. V. 3. inw *'ft»ii, fmr "P- To ExcCfK, VM. extenuatf. palliate. Prf*m»i.-?nR/.-Ac. Ht- 2 di$engagefrom obligation. «>li^, g^W/.-ii^^?it*/.- 3 /•rJon, T. To Foi«iT«, To Paw om. *nv ¥^, ?t- I Excuse, n. apology, plea. ^H\^^r^f. i(\%^^f. f*rf*m ». <(i«IMr<^l<* HIMUI n. hR^K* n. False e. *ft^ n. fJ^T «■ f^Tf^Tf n. J^^/. «f^r w. f^- Framer of excuses. f^fi?TT?i"tT, ^-Hd<*f)<, ^^H«<|-e(I, f^rTT t<II-Ac. 31T^^. ExEUFLiriCATiox, ». V. V. — act. i^\^A\ "i^n. ^\nvw4:f{n, L See Copt. ExEMPLiFiKP, p. V. V. ^I«r*IH rn; %^C3I, Ac. ^iT^^. 2b ExSMFT, ». a. yw imrnunity to. ^itl''f, 5=I*T/.- ifl^oft- 'F/.-HTlft/.-Ac. ^, »Tnf flT't, £x£j(FT, a. ExKxnxD, ;). V. V, g^, flllf^, mv, »TrtWT, EXH 2 Tio!tjpjfr?n'. [Midujtjn-m. E. from tax or duty. 5?^^, ^f4<[^, •=)lrt«(ui. 4 practice habitually, v. To Peactice. 3fW||^ui, SP^^TRT M.-ctc. 4,'^^\ 57TPf W.-&C. ^^T'jf, #5^. 2 rfraio o«<— as vapour. Sec To Evaporate. To Exhaust, v.a. drain, consume, use wholly. ^^^or^%\s^ ^^'ir, ^rsTJf or ^ff^'if , 3S=l"Ji, 3T^^0T, '^^ m.-'P^TT »».-^- cqr jn.-&c. JRWf-g^^ g. ofo. n-VT^mTT/-f?I5rT5T wi.-f^T- ?Tf5T »n.-1^:iqi'-j f^^rfRTn. ^T^RTtTR: wt. T^R ^7T /. 3RFf «. "PHT or ^ m. ^Tot^TS:^^ 2 HRTSJnn" m. *rRT?ft^/. ^ffT M. f?T<'}T^ m. cim m.fl. Hr?- ^T^r m. 5^/. 3TR:/. 3TRT3TR:/. STRHn^/. 3TRrfrr/. ^^qft or ^/. fqjTf m. n. f^3^ w. iffj n.3TrafTCT »»• or €t/ STPTRTPI m.f. ^ OT. f. ^T5, f^'T, qj, f?Riftj/. ?^/. %^lft/ y<<^HI OT. ^spqr^ or xfspj-^ m. sufjp or sonpwi. , ?W«PRT ?«. ^^rr ?n. 5^fIT or H^TTIT »». 'T?T n. J^ w;. ^it7- *T?5/. 3TFTm m.j)i. v. ^, ^1^/. qftssft^/. ^«rr/. EXHAUSTLESS, ScC INEXHAUSTIBLE. To Exhibit, v. a. \. To Shew, To Manifest. <^l<^^ui, ^^?f%- or, sT^nf^, JT^^^T n.-&c. qRtJr g. of o. 2 (medicine ) administer, ^or, ^TRiJt, SI^T m. «FT"Jt y- ©/"o. ExHIlilT, «. V. A'OUCHEE. ^^^f «!• k^ m. Exhibition, n. v. V. 1. — act. ^[<^«(uj n. &c. sr^^RT n. 3TTf^- ^.<1"1/. ni<.«4«/. ?TPT w. PiRt^i<) /. *i«4i«/. E-XIT.E. n. See liAXi^HMEST. 2 hanithed perton. \i\[i\*i>\rM], To Exile. See To liiXi-n. To Exist, r. n. M^< | < T^ n. vi'H«IVr«I Prior e. ^\'^\^ m. Exi'STEXT, a. ExiSTiso. p. a. v. V. J<«mK I, 3Tf^Hf^(fl?, f«iyHM, sftfHT, WfJ^T, flr^<(M, «t1I^H. E. and non-existent. «^«q;, H I << I HNr«lf^ g. I. ejcfant. 51^;^ -im*-HHM, TTT^T. Exit, Exodus. See Depabtuke. Ex orricio. ^rfv^K^T^ or mrii-hfiM . [f^. ExooEXOcs,a. groieing from icithout. «lf^55?r t. V. V. 1. M \ ^.* \ %%SrT, &C. ftT^^B. ExoxrxATiox, n. t, A. 1. HH.*| ^m n. Ac. ^ irt^sr n. ^t^-jHn/. [„. ^H<< | gr1 |/. El0aBlTA5CE, EXOKBITAXCT, n. T. .A. 3rfJT7npTT/ a Hlf v^ ^ ^ T ExOBBiTAXT, a. lit. fiR. V. Excessive, arl^rf^, am^T?, PW^, PiWIh, IU||, Jpj'TTT, 2— of price. 3|^, 3iT«r, Hrft, 3ni?t?T. To ExOBCisE, r. a. V. Devil. iffTOT, ^n'5^, sFTlwf, JPEmnT M.-tjifiitfiKwi n. ^or_ ExoRcisEB, ExoBcisT, n. V. V. »J»rei»m,«T^T?rft,5^?^ or ift, ^IRTft, Htftl^, 31HHHI. ExOlCUM, «. T. V. ^JfrnwHf n. MH V *q i « m. irrnr^ii. ExossEOCs, a. bonelet*. |u i r^< | « l, •?Tf> >| Tri^>i "^ ExortBic, a. t. Public, nfifrj, »^ ir^;. ^ i ij i t^nf i ^ y. Exonc, «. T, FoEzios. fif%»ft^, fir^Tfr, ftf^THf, 3T"»^n^, Exonc, «. ft^>ft^.4c, fH m.-^sTWfn m./.-^t^/.-Ao, To ExPA5D, V. a. epread o*/, t. To Spkead. «Tmwf, finaTr»f, ^Tf»r,'teT^oft/.%^TW m.-Sic. WXiff g. of o. 3 open out, dHaU. {pw«r, ^^^, jm^ fli. Jo Expajio, r. n. «prmvl--Hl m. E. Yiew-opiuion-statemeut. ^li^^ft JTfT ».-+.rmi/.- <7^ n.-?I% »i.-^ «i.-JnT'^ m.-&c. To Expatiate, p. n. range at large. Hl'fcoft-jit'JJR-^nin-Kf^- 2 enlarge in discourse, v. To ExLABOE. f^^K i».^%?yR;;«. -fTTS^ n.-&e. ^t;^ or «P^S:H ^.^-fS^^oir, To Expatriate, v. a. See To Baxish. 2 ( one's self), k;'^- To Expect, ». o. tcait or look for. m^f. ^ 3t* ffj. ;»/. ??T^, 2 hate a preciout apprehension of.<^;t\;[f..^l^f.<,^^^'!f;^m,- ?r^/-f*TR m.-Ac. 3T?r^ g. of o. with in. con. Expectable, a. v. V. spft^, snft?^«T, a'WfT'Jft^, sf^^. Expectancy, Expectation, n. y. V. 1. — act. ^]Z TTf^ n. ^Vk^^f. JT?ft?TT/. STrftWl ». ^Rt^HJrn. ftft^/. :m^f arrnr/. ?rRTWT «• 2 ■stht/. ^/. «rm OT. ^>T^ m. ?i»jfrr/. To hold in anxious e. rfVl^. To wait or stop in e. fTT^f, frf^. Expectant, a. Expecteb, n. v. V. 1. ^R m^uriir, flHl'VHt- ^-Ac. spTTf-^Rt-Ao. T, n. V. Bemedt. T^J^m. nrj/. ^I^!/ nf^/. »PT/. ?i^/. Tt^^/ ^^^rt. ^/ [1rt. t. V. 1. ?R?!?5T,&c. To be e. ^f r Hrn-^I, TT?!^, Expensively, adv. at great cost. «j^df4 ^ ^^7T, arffpanr^. Expensivekess, fi. V. A. 1. ?r^f^wr«». ^r?n?!wr»». &c. ^- 2 TJ). To bring under e. fv^^^W^ arjoM. To come under e. 4.'^IcMT{t^-1%^5!i'TTH-!Jcflfft*i-&c. %- ExPEni;:NCED, p. v. V. — agent. arj^R' Qd^.^i, ar^H^^r, &e. ar^H^, ar^'jfT, OT^^, sflgT^rl^^, ^t^W^i.— object. aTHH^f^, &c. ar^T^r^T, sTrOfft-^i, &c. ar^HH, i arr^^rf^ pop. arg^N^, ^5^, ar^T^r^J, ^f^«prfF5-^^TTfqcT-f^rf5iqfT, ar^^r^^, q<\HT- f%5-?«nfqfT-&c. aT^^TTJT, aryrcTTT^^. EXPEBIMENTALIST, ExPEUlMENTER, n. qft^TT =R^RT, q^?TT EXPEHIMENTALLY, odv. V. A. qfT^, 3?JM<)I^, ai-JH^'+M, qft?Hi"jiqTiirH+, in«rfM^T*J^, ttt- ExpiBATios, fl. V. V. A. 1. PTJ^m pop. ^nrm ««. !T»^m »». I. See End. To ExPiBE. r. a. breathe out. "^m m.-f^'^m pop. Pi«irJ«l, 7r^- ^Jf7 or 3^;^ w.-TSmr m.-/■ o. snnH'f, ^T^T^, TJRH n.-irerflT «.--iBLE, a. V. V. 1. ft'^firrr 5?i»ir-n«T. ExTLALSED, p. T.V. 1. f^^T%??T,&c. f^^, o<I*«IMI, Aqi^ytJI'Hi. ExPLASATio.x, n. V. V. 1. — act. J+'^iii n. &c. ^^TT «. f^- f^ /. f**'.<<|4H n. «4IMfdu|^| /. [ tijjn /. I'opular or liuijili*r e. «5^TTT HH^flft^ft/. J^WH ^- I. etplanatum gittn. Hn9«n f.tf%\ /. "Hnf «i, I I, rewtotal of difference: good underrtmnding effected. %tn^f. mmfff. ff»nrr1f?ft/. ^mn^f. £xn.A5ATOBT, a. V. V. 1. ^%^, ^i»ift.v, fnt^rajT, ftfT- •n»»»^, «ic< tci^A noise or contempt. Tf^^, *^- r+Kuf, f^5+II*Jof or ^5*iHiJ|', f^S*K''t, fiai+H")', 5^- ^'ff 5FT^. 2 H\f/(^ n. To perform great exploits. TtT^T «». sR't-^RjH^QT, 5f5T »n. 3l«|vi. 2b ExPLOUE, See To Examine, To Seabch. Explosion, n. v. V.N. Tiorn. arRTJrnifnR ^^«. mxm. Of one e.— sqib, cracker, Ac. Vi*|>*llO, — of two JTlft, &e. [m. I. loud sound of e., report. snTm. iTTFFTw. TTTSm. ^TSTS ExFLO IVE, a. causing explosion. ifTTT^, *TTT ^TTTTT-TS^- Exponent, n. — in algebra. MMM4>l4l<|vm. ' 2b ExPOBT, V. a. earry out of a country in traffic. »T5;^ %^, Export, n. commodity rent to a foreign market. WJ^^m ^m- »n^-^rirfl KMot. ^ntiTTTH H<'*)l-Ht tTOFlT/ I'^M'ft/. A pass for exports. J(t(M'fl f^f^/. [ ^. Exportable, a. v. V. Ph+IMIHT^ %?ltH, f^T^TTFTT, sqr- H<iii^ fi*%»». jrf. irri^, ^Q 2 ^nrni^/. pi. *)l'i«i. Expostulation, n. v. "V. +M«l4un/. s^PPTT^fToft/. ^ti^- Exposure, Exposino, «. v. V. 1.— «(;<. TT5T ^PPof «. «rr|T- ^T^iJf fl. kc— state. ^'-AiHHW m. 4^£\^j- 3^T?^nT/. 2 aw J DisoEACE. firs/. ftrs^riTw. ^«r?t/. ^/. *f5». ^t- 5*TT/. 'TfRTOT. 'tSTott/. 5^1/. S^^V- ^TRtlT »». f^^«I- 3— ac<. f^^PFofn. &c. f^-=|+un /. 3^n5%ffjr/. dHdm'l- r m.^rs^- Authorized e. arfif^* ^^\^ VI. I'lguratire e. 9^^^J^f. Expressive, a. significant of. «rr^, ^T^PP or grf^n? ( in comp. as j|u|i||Tfl, q;r35^rr. 2 with special design. rfTrjr^, 5^nT, »j^r1 l ^'-l l, &c. 2 -^f^-&C. ^^^-HT^nT n. qj^Tjf-sqTF^n^ n. q?^-&c. To Extend, v. a. stretch out. ^^i^ >inrot, <^i«rf^, 5^ •F^. 2 spread abroad. "T^T^, f^WK>ji,'^rtiM^^i,"*)>rti«i«ri /.%t^- ^ m.-&c. JRTTf ^. 0/0. 3 continue, carry on. rfMRuf, «(i8«(«i. 4 confer, impart, Sfc. \. To Give. ^, STrTT «• 'R^, TT- 2b Extend, v. n. stretch out. rii«)ui. 2 spread abroad. W^^uj, THTTT m.-Hj^K m.-Ac. ^fjf ^-o/i, 3 reacA. 'ft'^Nui, ^"^i %^. Extended,^, v. V. A. 1. r^fsf %:%«^, ^\a^'^A\., J^'^^fJi. 2 T^^%?5r, &c. qrm^, f^wf^?i, f^^, ^^. 3 ?n»t^3?5T, SIX'S «1^<=5T. Extension, ». y. V.A.I. — ocf. OT«tf^ »• OTSf ^P^if n.—stale. HN'IrirfMUll m. 2— act. 'mrof «. &c."^rtNun/. ^^W\ «. STHT'T n.— state. "%?IR OT. sraTT «». Y. V. N. 1.— state. PSM^f. 2— state. THT^TrT m. &c. tRTTTT w. ^WT m. fkf^f. f^K ni. smT in. Extensive, a. wide, large. sN, rfi'MH, f^Wt^^NT, ST5rei,f^- ?IM or 55, f^SfTTT^, »fR«TT f^"5nTr^, ft'^'^'^f. 2 — as used of business, establishments, «fcc. H'Hi'i, "T^» -<rfl'=INI, 3TKt|, anlrt^THi^l. An e. business or concern. "Pi*SHtiKr»«. 'MH'-.MtfKiw. ExTENSivENESS, n. Y. A. 1. KT^ ^WFT w. srsflWTirr m. ^^• Extent, «. rfeyree to which a thiug is extended. ?ftHT/. W^- ^f. 3T^fSr m.f s^rrRr/. t^ «•/. To such an e. ^iTT^, ^'!j^+T/. ir*Jt5-q«(+«[ui n. 2 f^r^ OT. f^ft+mn rt. I. descent, birth, v. Family. JoJt/. TTJT »»• ^5T »». Extra-human, a. 34HiH«r, s^ifl^^. ExTRAJfEous, a. See Foreign. 2 Y. Irrelevant. sjtIt^T or 55T, SJST'rHH, 3HM*rt, 3T5IT- E. discourse or matter. 3TT5^Hq^,«ra:^T^, fraot, fqasT-gr^ifJT-^T^- sr^-ff'I'f-Ac. ^-»ll«l. BsTSA* liii« preflz, in its tcnRO of " over and aUne" !■ rendered by ftwif ( *• fttWll ^PTT, fiiwrt ^ ) ^ft^ («« <|^m m. vd^Hfi/^/. ExTBAVAOANT, n. outrageous, Sfc. v. WiLi), Excessive. 3T- 2 prodigal, profuse, lavish. 3TJc5T, T'^w'TT, a4M4l, 73T3r, ^^^F, airr|o<44), «rnftc?, 3rT5?pft, STrWrfT^q^ft. Some terms for a prodigal and wasteful person — a spend thrift, squanderer, scalterling, ^'c. — are T*ToE^TtT, 3Vo5- «?PTr, 7VI*HIU|+<)««(i«T*ii4NT, Mi*. ExTBBliE, n. extremity, v. End. ?1T^ n. am m. SHT ». ^- ^ *nn «. >>F «. 2 ( of an arithm. or geom. progresaion )— the first. 3TTf^*IT fi. ynif^n^ n. afTlf?^^ n.— the laat. str^tR ». 3i^^ «. 3 utmost point, highest degree. M(l*Hl/. ^ff/. ^ /^ EXTJ 800 "ETB Avoid extremes. arfrTH^^I^^f^rr. ' To reach its e. ^ftTT/.-H^ri^/.-^t^ m.-&c. ft^y. •/ «. EXTBEMELT, adi). in the utmost decree, v. Excessivelt. TTT- ft154|{?T '(tir, 5TT^ ^'f- ^T^. To be reduced to e. TW?T ^cfi, ssTT^^rrf^ ^. To ExTEiCATE, V. a. V, To Fkee. ??T3^, . HKIVM /. J^fT or ^^f.'^t^cE/. %^«e/. ?rn?/. ?5T3»j. JlxyBEBANX, a. of rich growth, y. Luxtjbiakt. TFTWRT, ?- *li^l-=(l, T'PrPTT^TT =)|(S)-=II, «f|if|«*J| TTT^. 2 over-abounding, copious, profuse 5«^55, si^, ST^, Sf^- ^, «I^, M^r^--K or ^, 3^, gTF?T?Tq-, 3Tf?I?TihW, SflitHfT^, WHpdRrh, ?T»l^g, q-"ir?, T^Tfj, grr^, ar^fiTH. There are numerous vulgar words expressing this sense; and these as vulgar, should, ordinarily be omitted. The omission however of vulgar words from a Dictionary of the lang- uage of a people of which the higher classes stand but obscurely distinguished from the lower, and which in- dulge themselves, not infrequently, in the use of them, is a measure of somewhat questionable propriety. "We insert them then with this introduction. ^^ or ^, H^, J^TT, 23^ or STHW, vj*ilH or ^4)4, ^t^, ^fh?J55, ^tT??, *T^- *n:^, «14'M, *li=)MY^, %^, ^•^pflMI, TR, Tmqit^, Ac. Exudation, «. v. Y.— state. T^/. /)Z. ^M^uf, feft/. pZ. frJ'if-sr5i%'ii-'i«u^-dd<>Jl-3rNI'*d 4l*uj. To suffer the blast of an evil e. fl-ft'r-&c. »■«. Mi«f-6i(ff m. E. of the mind. Intellectual e. fTPf^ ». fTTT^f^/ E, of sense. Material e. '^'^^ n. ^^^f^/. EYE 801 FAB Film over the eyes. qj^T m. iz^ pop. q^cB n. Flashednese of the eyes. HtTTR m. Glaze of the eyes ( as in death ). ^^/. v. ?5TT. Gum or mucus of the e. it«siT^ "J e e. ?pifsft ?Pm. To be in one's e. ;5?TtH-Tiri^-• 3T^'Tlr5* M. arf^if^'i* M. BxE-BEOw, n. 9/ pop. *Rf or j^/. «^/. 'PT^ «• Intimation by twitch of the e. ^ra%rr m. To knit the e. H^Tt^ v^^f.pl.-y{t\f. vnui, 'IWTT Ete-dbop, «. V. Tkah. 3T^ n. 3T^ w. «. Eye-lash, n. mMufi-^ %Kt »». pi. ^^ n, Ete-lid, n. m<^'5. Largo e. •KM-O'I itoc,*^!, »^^^ ft«WT, ^K^-i'VI, Little e. f^^m itoE«TT, fA<.«»I it3*lt^. Etelet, n. itar m. sni or »tit n. "ifTT n. »rT^ «. jt^ m, H'l^ttH. EtBie, EiBT, n. f^ T^f^rNt viKt ^\mm\-if[ stttt/ "P This letter has no corresponding symbol in Maruthl. The sound of 9 approximates the nearest to its sound. Vtaut, takj U. y. Sioai. ^^V\ ^v/- VHH^ ». FAC 302 FAC 2 idle story. vJRjpsiTT/ ^7nrXTT/. 3 an untrutli.1 t. Falsehood. ^l-fl'M^/. a>R<|U| n. ^wrts ». f^fs n. +=i'llrf or S n. spft/. '"fmre or •4t'? or 5 n. 5FR5ft?5 or^- ;TOc5 or ^ Ji.^^FTS «.^^/.'4w^/.ih'JT^ n.ifrrTff/. fSide of the f. including the temple, "tf m. {Stripe along the f. ( esp. of the horse ). Jf^PTfT •». That is in one's f. — wind, sun, tide, &c. hIsmi. To one's f. In the f. of. ui. To meet f. to f. ^TIFTT ?fre «. TTJt-^. To set one's f. against. rTJS n. ^. To shew the f. appear publicly, ^'rs n. Sfrer 1*H j.\^*\<\j- Beeital of fact?. ^RTTT or qTm. K^T^w- 3 actuality, reality. <1»T»TT/ ^{rHr\\ f. *(lwr«l+MUIT M. In f. «)WH:, «JH'M1, r^vq, Hr^rT:. FaCTIOX, n. party. rRm. fTSm. "paft/ IMw. [ ^«. 2 diuettiion, public ditcord. iT^rn.^ n. ^?Toit/. *{-*A\m. Factiocs, a. given to faction. 5»tWT, «i4H-Z38, «. V. A. ?^#Tt/.-^I^"i^/-«ilTo^/--&c. ^- Factitiols, o. v. Abtificial. %^??T, ^dl-m, ^PMH, ^rf^P^. Factor, n. r. Aokst. arirTT, ^HIWI, KHlO. 2 — in arith. or algebra, y^n^ or m«i«|)W^/«. "T^». Factoraoh, i». v. N. arrr/. Factobsdip, (I. V. N. ^MI^HUII m. ilMlwHifl/. Factoby, II. ■jrer'jt^ 3r|T m. ^fr^t /. mssft/. 2 T. MASCFACTORr. ^KNMI m. Factotcm, n. ^<+I»0 o*" "TT, 'PIHI-m TT^T «. Faculit. See Abilitt, Power. Faccsd, Facuitoitt. See Eloqdknt, Eloqcesck. To Faddle. See To Fiddlefaddle. To Fade, v. n. tcither. . ira m. n m. ^^ ». n- ColorleM or white f. ■3?i»f>H<^ «. Frothy and mucous f. ^Fh-? yf\^f■ j Thin and watery f. *»!«/. vt^ »». ▼t^5?T/. I 2 See Dbeoy, Sibt. To Fao, r. n. T. To Toil. fn'J, «=I^, «^ *»• f /.->/. -*c.*T«f, ■JUTTUTi? w.-irinn^ w. /.-Ac. ^rwT. 2 yroic wearied, v. To Tibe. CTTot, «l»1«1, '•TR^'f. lb Fao, r. o. 8eo To Tibe. Fao, h. See Dbcdoe. Fao-csd, ■.—of cloth, Ac. fl[nT/ pi. ^\^ m.f. j To twist or secure the f. tnf VM'it, fT¥l/. 1T3^. ' 2 Se« BErt-te. | Fmiouto, ». T. V. N. 1. — aei. J^Twf «. VK\f(TK m.f. U'.IVI- ? ■»./. ■jT^iftTT ■«. 'MTrf^/. 3f7nft=i/. ^hfl'fi/, wn- I Fagot, ». irfat/ ??tfT HRT w. Trft /• n>MT nt. I Faqot-skllee, n. Riaf^+qr, »f!a+<Hfif. ffniiy. oft. fzt\ or ft-^]f. pi. ^fqdf y. o/«. 3 See To Vanish. Faint, a. of tinkiny spirit i; inclined to sicoon. ipTHFJ^sjT, *f?H'* ^Irtrll, •J--v»r«tl'X, ^;^«ff'5^, ^wTI'?^, "HR, To bo f. qiJ^TT^. [T'TTT. 2— of colors. f^TT rrm/M. ftpp^, *3(^t|T, J'^'^i THTn, 8 — of sounds. R5, f '^'PT, M\(\'h., ^'.'TTMT. 4 «^jE-, tliiyjiih, unanimaled, languid. JT7, fjJ^, rftw, "R- 6 i«ti*, «/»yA<, lUtU in degree. «IT«T^, ^>?^, ?^, '*T?7, »T?7, T . Faibiso, n. ^co^T^ fspFFT arm^rft ^01^/. Faibsess, n. V. A. 1. iIt^/. ni'^mTn*. &c. >Tlht^«. 2 JT^'mrm. fifT'i??TT/. 3Tg^V(^ f. 3 <|0, ?IPT. [^'<^^^. 5 conformable to truth, v. Teue. ^TT, HFT, T-sTPT'I, T^rvJ Faithfully, o(fp. t. A. 3 ^HMR, sh\^ ^d«lA, ^5>fR>"J«i^. 4 ?l?T tnSH, ^TTT ^^55, ^"^T?t'rT^, &c. 5 ^"4'*^, 'T^iTTfTT, T«n^. Faithfulness, «. a-. A. "3. prpTn. ^"^TTrm- iHI^MilTm. PTT- JT^/ r^H^^r^ir.^/ ^SHf^/. sPTf^m/. STHTf*/ 4 i^'^MOlUn. ^JHTT/ smrfT'PrTTw. &c. «RT». Hr*A^\f. ?TPT- srfrrfmr/ ?fr4(^^^ m^^m. IT^T^JfTrTT/. HTtT^Jf^fTT/ &c. 2 ^fraf / ^nldquilOT. ilPTpfr/ ^»1*^of. 2 sulside, decline from intenseness, v. To Abate, q^tif, 3 ie degraded, ruined, ^'c. <«!•*( J(, <*(M<5lul, ^W'if, 3^7 wn r».-^jf^/.-&c. ^t% g. of s. qfrt?T-«^-^2n-lfe?f-&c. 4 — leaves, Uossoms, fruits, hair, &c. ^n^t, >Torft, ^TTF- PAL 305 PAL Z adv. qjof, »ia( /.-»I5E?ft /.-ITS /.-H»il*|o!>/.-"lT'T«E/. OT- 5 ( in battle ) Jtf iHled. mi^ ^, 'WNUf, 6 awavj ^oir /«a«, t. To Waste. xfpT'Jif, -Ml^iuif, «+.riif or S!^, i'ldO'i, fR^, j^i^, M+KUJ, «ii<ii|. 12 short of. 3T?Rwf, ^ift "nrif, 5<:^, 3m/.-T|t/.-rTt- ZT ••.-^^/-Jtc. anr^. 13 to ; •ppljf one't tdj to. fr^'^, ^l^r, Tjot, i^TTif, 3< Kf II /.funded, wtOeUng tsfectatum. Wt?ft^, sn^- FaLLAOr, «. tophitm, ife. 3TPTm m. H14M1MI4I «». YkJAMX^f. T. V. 1. «Tf^i<^. Fauno ncKSKss, ». t. BriLsrsT. »TT»ft or fir^/. F. for years. *Ht||d q^tfT. [^ %^^?5T. 2 ic/{ untowed after ploughing. ^{X'^K^^^^^^^^J?^^^' Fallow, n. ground at rest. qi/. q^tH ^nftT /. To Fallow, v. a. Hi«Kr<4H< iff ^r^I^TI^T "^9t. Fallowdeeb, n. ^ 3TT?fNT ^ft^T »». an^. False, o. not true— morMy. ?qiZT, STHf^, 3^1^, c5^, ?itT,"JjTTreT, f%ff*T, ^, 3T?ft^, — freely, indcf. Ac. ^Z^ HtST, 3^^ "Pi^, ri«(lirf-« «. H«ll^l<\ m. — freely, indef. Ac. S^nfte^I^/. cl«tlflrfdl^/. ri^l^rf+lfl/. ^ife'lT- t[f. 3i'J^e% «. 2 ^^,quii «. Ac. ^?t^/ '^f- yn*r«<Tot, 2protefal*e. ^ftCT-STHfT-Ac. ^?Tii-iif, ^f%/.-^f5r».-^f?fT w.-Ac. 'iM«r«i, ^RF m. JIM«|ui, 5r5T Jn.-^n m.-«^^ m.-&e. rfHUI, 3TF?^ or 3T^;pRoif. To lose one's f. f^jg^/. J|HI«|r^')ifi^i«i'«*u(, JH"!^/ 55PI- ojf in. con. with g. of o. Familiarly, adv. v. A. 2. ^IoE«lcft?rT'Jn%, &c. ^jlflH|U|^ n. />/. Tft^ »»• fft^TT «». ^<+rf^ m. qr^RT m. q^^- F.-cares and aaxieties. «noE^ or «lToEqT OT. F. of little ones. «n«R^ or qratTT »». FAM F.-circle. mHi'£\f. qrnrftJTIst /. qT%55 m. F.-stock or store. q^il'lHl/. V<1fil/. Of the f. q?^, vHdi'I, ^/. That has a family. h!j<«)WI or SET, 'tN^RT, +,^i|-^*ir- 8 hou^e, lineage, race, tribe. ^ pop. ^ n. ^?r m. nt^f fl. m n. qrmr »». qrr^ ». ^irrfrii'op. 3it?t/. f^r^q/. g^rn. <'{\<\\^f d/. ^PipPrf/. Head or chief of a f. +(-l4frT »«. +rfHI'n^, 31RT??, ^^Orf, qt^jTST, ^qot, ^fTt^t^T, <6«i, 3RIHt- Famocb, a. eeUbrattd, renowned. hN+0, HlMyiO, iih<^k, Ac. ^Mfj^R, ?E«TPT, smsTFT, M<<-*l «». g^ET^ttT «. ^Jf5- ^ m. R«liui M. fl. Fakoed, a. V. N. g^iTNT, ^o«JI<^idi'«\\f. pi. ii*Mi«n «. Bich f. nutritious diet. gTP^m. ^t^/. Sumptuous f. *«'lO 5Wl». Good faro's a good Doctor. W^ ^ «TW, 2 passage-money. *nin. ^ra »». |??«. 8 — by ship Or boat. ^m. To Fabe. See To Go, To Be, To Fkkb. Fabswkli, adv< T. Abiku. 'Sf^, %r^m 3T^, ^ 3T^, TAS 308 "FAS Fabewbll, n. T. Leave. f^TRw. 3TTW/. Paeina, n. — in botany. J^^w. I^nw. 2 flour. ». g^ m. ^rT- EoU or schedule of farms. ^nj1KM4»i. 2b Faem, v. a. ( the revenues, customs, &c.), lease out. ^- ^1 ^Tf? ^°^i ^7f ^, h- TTqpf-&c. ^. 2 /aZre on Zeo^e. ^;^^ ^, ^t^ ^, inPT m.-l^-^KI m.- 3 lN %?!«. Paet, n. TT^OT. aTTH^r^m. ST^m^ «. «Tf^M^t^ »». ^TJ^T/. Petor of a f. TRWT/. To Paet, «. «. <I ). FABTHKBiiosT, Faktiiest, a. WpT-^I^ ^, fTfnr, ^- ^^l^-i^l, 3Tf?f|r5fT. Sec Further, &c. Faetiiiso, n. i^^^ ^^T^^T f^FTrfHf ^ al?f, Tobef. 'q^,=fnp^/. 53\\ f /^Z.-T^n. ^-&c. !ra-^Wllt(»».-'JMiluin.-&c.«Ruf. 3 — dietetically. B^Rn. 'KT^f. Past, Fastixo, n. v. V. 1. — act. aT^TRrfJT n^». ST^nPTfl. gr'TT^w*. f^lO, f^oEWk, t%ot^. Fi«TiDiocaSES8, n. t. A. fJrsTT^/. f(rifT^iI#ft /. HM«H - i /. flWcfmr m. Ac [ 5^/ Fast5Ess, «. T.A. 1. iW'TtiiT «. v^jM^JII «. Ac. iRE^/. Jr»I- 2 ^^ppilT ». Ac. 3 »n»^^ «. Ac. 4 91^/. FARsna. See Fon, Cahlk. Pat, «. kacinyfat, plump fleihy. 59., iT, rJlMir, anvT- P, and happy. «I«|HWI, 3^f, I'^'i^ To become f. and flabby. ^Vff^ m. fra«nR«f , ll^ «. WWIfN y. ^ «. ♦i^tl'^, JNt% ?(!» •• fWI y. ffft. JTOn. ^wfy.o/». To get f. qhf^l. To got f. and aanry. iTni«t, *TP»^, 2 eilf, WKtumu, rick, ifc. ^^pn, f«nv, *^, *!«. 9 FAT 3 — of soil, f^^pnr, f^l^ume. Fat, «. ^T^ft /. Jlf^t n. %^ m. ^m /. ni««l< m. ilt^rf^ ». ♦ii-law, n. flTffTTwi. »!njT»». Father of one's f. ^M*im. ^5^/. 3T^^ n. G failing, foible, weakness. 3^ n. ^^IT n. f«f^ ». tw «. ^ n. h4 «. ^J^ n. Fault, foibles, &c. — as ripped up or dragged to light. ^^fTooTT MltllotHl/. ;?^ >iT5, 3r^K, "TO, ^^T^ «• /jZ. v. ^)T5, ^TTTfft /. /)Z. V. ^^, ^$f^ «. ;Z. V. :R5, ^m, ^;f^ n. pi. ^- q? w-i^i. 'JiR?'^/ pi- V. ^, gfl'ftj^'fi n. pi. ^^=^\^ \ 310 FAV or oft/. «. ^JI^,+*Hffl/. ;>^ p. ^T^, ^, That is fond of spying out faults, v. Censoeiotjs. ^^T^, ^t^si^^, fij?^?ff, r«i4M«n, rd4ij«i^, tyM'O. To bring up ( against ) one's faults, foibles, &c. g- ?pft n.pl. T^-JTfS^, 5TTfe^/ pi. +if»ivir, f^n^/.-j- To expose or disclose one's secret faults. iK^%^ m.- ^»T^ m.-Vi»\^VA n.-<(lqi^l4H n.-^ql^l OT.-<}ql:!l,W^ n.-&c. JPT'Jt, f^^rm n.-rc|<\i/.-fe^ «. p^-H^ ». I'i.-S^ n. pi- *li>5i. To watch for or spy out one's faults. ^^JfT «• 41 ^u), tiTIHI"! n.-Rj4l'^«l«l «. sR^, fe^ n. pl.^ n. ]A.-Wii n. pi. iH<*ilO, ^, 5H*<, g in comp. Patobableness, ». V. A. 1. irH=>nTT/. tjsjy^dl / W^ 3 f^n. vX'^^n. ^3 n. ( e«p. in comp. as ^4«l3, fTRT- ^Rf, 'J^^^, &«• ) ?^«. [Ac ^t^ST. Fatobablt, «rfr. t. A. 1.?^, H^rifpft^, Ac. aT^^-snrar- FatOXES, p. T.V.I. 41H«|^H, 3Hmrtt, -JM^H, *M1HN, ^STPTT- Ill-favored, t. Uoli. J^, ^^oi. Well-favored, v. IlAXDhOME. ^ct, ?[?I?nT. Favobeb, n. T. V. 1. f>^ s><.«iKi, ^iHi^fi %^tTTT, f^m(H ^- oriTT, Ac. ;m^u^-Ac. «^, ^jMl^f>, ^H or |. Favobitk, a. V. Dabujto. 3n?IT"»- <>'• '3^/ w^, ^»«. ^R't, 3n^i».-T IvimM, n. FAW5I50, ;». a. r. V. afr^ «T'nTT-«pr»im-Ac. *iJilm. ^n^-ST^T^— and, ui'^A j». con. \!r^, 2 *7, f*T- ^, ^5 or v(^^ TTT^, 'T^, 'ft?;, f»TfHTSr, f'^l, "TTI or wm, HI, «r^, %^, *nT?ftr7, *nT^*n5r, ^pttr. 2 a/raj»JWM*I, 3 dreadful .^frighlful,formidable,tretnendous, ierriUe, ter- rific, horrible, horrid. ^H,i\[^'hi, 3i*«i«, r«t*<|o6, aTsftT, 'Tf'R, *«irrT-!3ftnr-&c. ^FToft^, q^^'T, m^^, 5ER^, Feast, n. ^rea^^ entertainment, vriejuncfot/, %^»nTpft W ^^- 2 day of rejoicing.^ v. Fesxivai. ^tri «J. ^U|«j|< m. ^pTT- To Feast, v. a. entertain.^ treat. ^vrlUlrO or ^^»T^T5=ft/. ^- 2 rfe/t^A/, yra/)/y. qirofn. %5at, ^Toft/.-fhr/. J^^plr^.o/o. 5b Feast, v. n. eat sumptuously. IT^^iT n.-^rHT HMH n. !FT^, ?riT w».-r. Featliers. f^HTTT «. " Birds of a feather " ^^ MIoi-^Hun m. pi. F. of an arrow, ^^m. fWrTw. Stuff manufactured from feathers, i'^f. To get a f. in one's cap. ^^ m. ?5T^. Feathered, a. fmr^^TT^TT, froNr, ?rT?T, ^rft^, RR«». Feathebless, a. ■^fmi, arf^u, arq?^, armcTT^T. Feathekt, o. like.^ SfC. feathers, fv^i-^r ^TTW. Featube, «. lineament of the face. 57T55?=nir n. ^^r^P^ «. *T- ^J^^^TOT ». 5^f=['^ n. Features. ?fts^5EiT ». riTi«|oti m. ?ff5 m^/. tff? «ini/. ^<*(«I'il w». %^ m. ^^\ f. CT^/ CT »• Featured, «. g c^^roT, JJ^ot^tP-W^. Bold-f. T^Rr^^T'T. Ill-f. ^CT, ^^TWr. Weli-f. f^, *,M^ig;, ft5?m, %^^^, %i^«rpr, Febhific, a. causing fever, yr^ -&c. 3pfNni». Febrile, o. o/ or belonging to fever. rlNNI,vj^H<«*i«ft. 2 indicating fever. vre|«J[^+, 3^T^^. F. symptoms, v. Fevebisiiness. ^JOT^uft/. Feebuaet, m. iq'41*l^f'll I^TT Kff^ m. Fecal, a. «oJH[,HrfH<^, jft^TfTT. Feculence, n. foulness, muddiness. 'i^iMUii «i. X<^lal<4U|| m. ♦^Irtlfll/. *^'(<1l/- ^5*^ «• 2 Zws, rfroM, recrement, v. Dreos, Dirt. J??5 »». n.pop. JTas m. ilTO «• TToE OT. ^ wt. fipj n. <^»ri m. Feculent, a. r. N. q^, ii^, ^^, X^rs, i| | o6M I, sfsfT^, Ac. MfJ^H, ^Wr5, ^-^r^r), r+JH*(. Fecuitd, &c. See Fruitful, Ac. Fei>,2>. t. y. 1. «ff^T^, m^pwi, Ac. «Ttft?r, 3^. Federal, a. pertaining, Sfc. to a league or compact. ^K\K \ -^ \y ^■%, ^IHr, ^- Federaet. Federate. See Coxfedeeatk. Fee, n. fief, feud. Sc5TfTft, MM I ^ l O , f «n^, ^TPPTTfrft, Hi ^ r ^ l ^ , Hu l l^ l /1 , 3T?qT- ^Tft, fHHI^Kt-Ac), v»fMt (in comp. as Sf^^^Nt, Ht?r»ft' ^, Ac), ^^ifW ( in comp. as afT^PTsTtfr, Ac.). To Feel, v. a- perceive by the touch. ^?foif, ^^tot. ^rnt.^nit- fTR«.-Ac. ^ »».con. with g. of o. ^Tif^^-^^\^*ii\' To f the pulse. STT^/. 1T^. 3 /ry by the touch, press and squeeze, ijc. ^rr^f, -^Nwui, •mM^ut, -MIM^iH-^T^PT^-Ae. ITi^, TN^f. To be feeling one's way; to beat al'out the bush, ^f- ^TS't, '^i-MHuJ, '^mu'r, ■«(i-=(Hsn 3nTif-«rra:ijr. 3 have perception or sensation of.^\,;i\ in. con. ■HH'^^i in. con. HT^, »ft^, ST^T^m.-Ac.^r'Jf g. ofo. with in. con. VtL 813 4 ( mentally) be affecUd hy. q^, HMOJ, ^JKRof, 55T^"T- juf in. eon. f^HUJ •»• con. SH'T. Tb Feel, r. fi. lutve perception by the touch. FTff «. -Ixftwi- t». "HiiJi, 3 Aarf perception mentally. ^Rof, ai'iu'l, TRPJif, ^nr»I^ oU tri'M in. (Km. To f. well, r^^lfl ^"^ ^re^ in. con. wiVA y. o/*. ^nrr- ifR n.- Ac. qi-.ui. To f. pleasant or agreeable to. TT^ in. eon. To f. sore. *|r, ^P?f^, *I*«<, «iis<, *^"IK«- IWR. Peelisolt, adv. t. N. 3. *^uiim4*, ^TTT^. To FEioit, c. a. V. To Istest. >pfr^, ^^, qfvdffr. 2 MOifc^ tkovB of, pretend, tham. T\r^ n.-^ft n.-»H n.- -ift?T n.-^n.-ii^mTin.-&c. ^^-iw $• of o. ^f.-^f.- -jlf5 m.-&c. Vj:^W'i[. fnenj>,p. t. V. 1. i'S^^^i, &<•. frfrTT, *rT:4>frMH, 34i^i4, 2 •PWf %^<^i, Ac. •w*i'si, tit'iHi, rH «». /)Z. T^^ ifiHMt OT. /)/. »tIhI-jO +flMUn m. pi, m^^v^ jTT5E#3ft »i. pi. ?rra% ntoE^ m. />/. ^^^ .p'- 3TH?r ^3% m. pi. You f. art. 5 rascal, vagabond, dog ; — revilingly. ^4fddKI w.^riiuiNol/. Ferruginous, a. partaking, Sjc. of iron. ?!r?^?r^, «5t^t^, Ferrule, n. ring round a stick, Sfc. ^^^dim. sT^nft/. TtS- To Ferry, v. n. qiT ^^or w rift l^ o6<< N r^ Hi'lfrl*. F. occasion. — as a marriage, &c. H''I«*|4i«. Hip^n. JTHIr^". *Tt'lf?5+n. #^»». Ht^ToETwJ. HJ^n. ^'[»T^«. ?5«+IV«. fj^- F. rite or act, — gener. ?n^r»». ^#T^»». Presents (articles of apparel) upon f. occasions. 3TT^- Xm. Suitable to be given as such. 3ii^<.i*, 3TT|ft. To Festeb, v. n. rankle, grow iirulent,~a. scratch, &c. \^l% i FEV 315 PIC 2 fig. — mentally. ^^, g^. YtSTl\iL,n. feast, festive occasion, v. IIotTBAT. 5=niT"i. fHT- nK»- W[V^ fs^n*. f^fHrlB. ij4mh n. ^RW «. ■«i^'*l or ?Tt^T5ETi»». I^n. T^nrft/. q^f^^^w. vJrHl^m. >ir^M or sJrtlM in. Jr^l^HI f^^Wm. — of Muhaintnadaus, f^f- F. with illuminations. efi^ftHT^w. Flowers, aweetmeats, &c, distributed at the close of a religious f. il^lW4il<^M. Great f. or great rejoicings. H^^r^Wm. *T^HT^«». Money, Ac. given to dependents at a f. «Tt^«.»». Presents (to Brahnians) at a £ ^^R«». Solar f. jgx|^«, Festititt, n. See FssmrAt. 2 tocial rejoicing. Tr^TT^w. 3r?nT»». 3TR^3??IT^»». Fbstoos, «. — in architecture. \^^\f. ^'^^ or JIT"*- To Fetch, ». «. t. To Bkixo. vn^f^ afrPT^t, aTTTit. 2 irifl^ M i7« />r»c*. %*17T/. ^tJi »'«. «"»• 3 See To Beach. Fetch, n. /nc*, t. ABTincK. ST^^oi. Fete chajipetbe, n. , «. tontentiom, dfe. aim. «T?m. ^r5^»». TflWn. To be the occasion of a f. — a matter.djl^-«1im «i«i«t. Family f. <^>i|«.'{^ni. >J^7r!^m. 2.A*/./«. KT^€T«. ^tiRT^oi. Fevsil, a. icM, ^e. in fee. mw^HT^, oiTfWHT. Fkcbakt, Fkvdatobt, »i. Hf*l*f1, n"l*l«<^H, «TT^l»ftt^. A feudatory prince or chieftain. 9PrrTm> Fcrcs, n. nj^m. VWK vulg. oiTm. TjToIm. Ardor of f. mTT^ <^\^m. Bilious f. fW^«». Coldfitofaf.f|w9r|N'ii. Common f. HIW '^ «•. £niptions after f. m'l^Tlwf n. 9TT ?PTof n. F. aarribed to Titiation of the bile. fVKrHfK •,—o( the humour ^A/ryM, ^TT^j— of the humour iciW,fT?nWT; — of the three humoum, fl|^^!rq 7^, KftPTPWR — of the bile and air, f?fRm 'W»'; — of the bile and phlegm, fm *▼ ^^T. F. — petechial or putrid. tlTWH m. F. — quartan. ^^TfC^fT, fN*J|K ». F.^-qnintan. ^PJmV *WT. 7.— quotidian. ^^if^^fT. F. seated in the bones. ^M'AK •». ^is^^-jcl/- F. with ague. f|?=j^ m. f^<es8, fi. V. A. 1. +ui+uff/. ^prppoT/. 5^^/- «F- I^Fit/. ^^T^/ T^Tsft/. ^Pin/. sRf'ft/ ^F^/. ^f|?{t/. Fevebous, a. having fecer. JKfT^^, fiiH*^, ^R!>?/. PiCTiTious, a.ffiyned, imngitiart/. "pfrlrT, f>ft'W3Wr, i-^c4«4l, 2 eounterjeit, not real, v. Falee. ^^[Z\ Bt»i, ^- FiCTiTiousLT, o(?p. V. A. ^F?^, rf^r, &c. ■H^f^H, ?l^q7, +I4'1^M«(%, [34«jlwr«l+H «. FiCTiTiousNEss, n. V. A. 1. *lsT<ft^ m. pi. V. ?IFT. FiDOETi>E^s, n. V. A. =53^55/. =Efa5n5/. ga^oj/. fot^/. ^1[?/- 1^1?/- ^i^^/- »• ?5in, gzToE/ 33^/. ?5?'jj , /. ^f'SF'T n.— intens. '^otgare m. '^s;^oilZm. ^a^R m. FiBOETT, a. restlett, Sfc. ^.^ or ^5o&qT,^^Wa:m, Fie, interj. 3, ^H, sr, %:, %3t, ^:, f«l^. Fie!Fie!fimf?I^. To cry f. "p^ i^of, vj-^D, n. V. Devil. fr^TT^ m. «• 'JH «. TT?7H w. Fiend- LIKE, Fiendish, a. v. Fiebce. ?T?T?rt, 3TT§t, fl'^rvt^. FiETicE, fl. savage, violent, furious, outrageous. 3TT, 3TT«lTn- n, ^"^rft, ^ffl?5 or 5rT^, vTTrftH, ^?7T?5, 3TF^, <*>v^l<3, ^- fT, ^FS^, ?i^, 2sT?^, ^^CRvflt, ^m^?^, ST^, =5f5, If^, TT?7?ft, 3TT^T, ^TH?"^. Some terms and phrases for a fierce, furious, ferocious, formidable fellow, and correi- ponding with ogre, devil, fiend, Hue-hard.^ giant maitl. no 317 ^e. are Jm, *4M*>H, <did ^n?r /Jop. +f<^H ^JToK, ^fTTH, 5iaM, M-m-ii, +^»ii<<(, r^iMU|l^, Ac. iM'WHI<< m. ^- « *< l^ m. rr ?H^» < MN «• Ac- ?S*MH^H or |n?5, 3Ic5T?5, ?ra^, drf<«jf<'.^4l^*<. — nine, 4^ui«I«. Aggregate of f. M*|l*ft/. Age of f. TOnft/. Fio, «. — garden, ficut eariea. anftrw. — Indian f. fieut InJim. tl«. ^r.m.—f. glomerala. JUT m. 5^^^ m. — ( the fruit 3^)— holy f. /. reliyiota. f^r^ m. gfTNTiT m.—Jiru* tcalrimteuU. ih^lll «•• *l*lj^< m.— ficut he»jamiiut. ^^CW/- [ "HT m. Haaa raised around the f. rrligiom and f. Indica, Ac. Ceremony of raising thia maas. 3T'^4T^TrPT«i. DeM^nding ■hoot of f. Indica. 'TTT'^/. [ %. A f. for you and your father too. ^^ <| gpn WTRT Fio-coLOBKB, •• aifarft. arfsfrr^n v\t^. [v^. j Jb FiOBT, V. ». eonlend in bcttU. 3«or, ?^»lt /-^^w.-Ar. | 2 T.To Coimarp, To Qvauel. aJtJlot or s^Tjifr or ^ai^. FtoBT, FioBxisa. n. t. V. 1. 3»«r ». tWr^/- 5? rmi/. <-<<^W*, 3H-Mi|frl- 2 fio< ii'/era^ KT^f'ini;, ^n^ftft^, OT^TTT^^. 3— of 8tyle;/«//o/'^yi^^l<. To make figured work. H^/. C^- Wf- vO)i'^i,5"S^+)*i*lt-ni^M*, J^- q^, g^tTHT^, ^5IWP.— as used of a daughter. ^?%^, ^i^FTT, 5^fHT, jf^TFT^flf-m, ^fsr^FTW^.— as used of a child, without rel'erence to sex. 3THr*(NI, aTTtq^nrf^. F. affection. f^H^ m. fTH^rfTfj/. with reference to one's father. Hid^^ m, iTT^Hf^/. with reference to one's mother. F. duty, q^^ m. jT^PFT^ m. wm^ m. FiriATios, n. 5?(r^ M. ^fR^ ». 2 See Adoption. yiLpjQs, n. ^ »j. ^ n. (esp. in comp. as ?rtf^«.&c.). 2b Fill, ». o. T?^, *re?T ^,*r^/.-*IT0I».-&c. sprJf y.o/ o. *rfT^f. TT^t g. ofg. To take one's f. of. m m. ^v\ g. of o. tTT/ ^, Filled, p. v. V. 1. »i. a. — with the finger. fl-m>u(, ft^, ^/.-&c. Fillip, Fillipping, n. v. V. fb^ or ^N'/.f^^^/. ^^^m. With a f. f^-sj;Jr-5R-&c. FiLLT, n. f^/. 51^/. 2 boisterous girl, v. EOMP. ^Jt^/. fvpTl «. ?T?Mt/. Film, «. pellicle. ?T#»t »». ^rm w». ^RTT »». ?rr^^ wi. dim. «PT?W/ ^^TT w. ?1^ n. fPTT w. ?R^/. 2 (over the eye ). ^?5T wi. TTr^ 2)0?. <7?o5 «. I remi**. HSE^JJ, *Tfe?T ^;. Hoflui, ^?TT, ?rH?7. 2 nauteatmg, loathtome, f^c. v. Disgustixo. aff^JT, 3TT*nE, ^nr or f|TOT, ^^, 1^, ^l'lIHid 5?I<^-^. To FtSD, p. «. obtain, attain. IW't, rHotuJ, (4|i|uf, 551^ ^t't, ITPT l[t^, Trif aW vith in. eon. 2 ( sometlung lost ). tiinsOi, fJntiJt, >HU»(«f irt. con. 5 detect, discover, apprehend (faults, eicellencie«).!STTot. G diteocer by ttudy, ifc. fpft, H^Wgrft, ^[t[' 8 tultd, rare, trngoM. qrffP, ^TfK, ^j?^, n^ 4 2«ry« an^ tplendid, lubetantid and thovf. Wl^tV, 9PT- 6 tpUndid, datkimg, yorjeoui, garith, gaudy, JU»k. »nft- V, ww^, inT^, ^hn»Tf?ft or ^fY, ^R?r, ^TT^, 3TT^, ^3^1 '^fr^, ^f?^, =^lW, Wf7, ^'^+1, TE, «. OTi/irf. ^ m. #5nft/. ?^ ♦». H'^nr^/. rfi^nt/. ^r- ^ m. 5^/. ^3^/. STPWI/. -^rtHMI OT. Fines and forfeits, — compreh. ^5^ m. ^i*W^*\\(\ f. F. to be paid to the king, n^^ «»• F. to be paid to a brahman. «r^T^ n. Vexatious or unjust f. H^^ m. To FiiTE, V. a. mulct. ^ w.-iR^ m. •JsT't, ^ m.-^T^ m.- &c. ^, i^. 2 See To Pubift, To Eefixk. To Fi>-E-DEAW, V. a. iim^H r^^^^. FiSE-ETED, a. f^o^J^^, ^oT^. FiSE-LOOKi.'so, o. V. Handsome. ^^jpiTT, ^^fjft^, 7^R<7?T'T. Fiselt, adv. y.A. 5. splendidly .^ showily, gorgeously,^c. 'f'^^- v^, g;5, 3T^^, fter^, 5*ft%. FiSENEss, n. v.A. 1. 2. *tTTW^/. *llR+M'JIUn. rJ^^H^f. 3 uTT^rf /. 5iiR+w«(T«. «nwRr»». hm+i^/. -hi^+muiiw. ?fte!^«. ^^-Hfrr/. " [Ac. 4 <5R/. sum/. an^iO/. »t/. JPi^rft/. '><«(mRh'joii»«. 5 grpT/. nrf/. ifR^rft/. ^5/. ^K^rft/. >i**i«i/. FiSEBT, n. show, splendor. tTR/. ?ITH/. ^H<^Iop. anjaft or w'»iiT/. — ring-f. third-f. '•i{^\T*\^\ f. Space between the lingers. »hr^n. "tVIKoEn, Talking with the fingers. Vrre^HI^/. VTTfKt/. That is at one's fingers ends. jftTTO, y«MIi«"i i^w.-a^'j rwVJ'-«i », r»f. To get a f. in. HtKn. flR^, 'fJ^W'*. ^Tof. To point out with the f. it\Zn. V^'f-^Iflf^'JI, Wjf^ Pt- TIB TTB To twist round one's f. jft^^T HN^uf. Ifinger^s breadth, sqt^n. WJjrSpop. ^^n. To the extent of a f. «^1R*IT. To Finger, ». a. get into one g hand or possession. ^inSt^ ^m. n.!pT^, ^^»T?T 'R't, ^MKHIIr^ ^wSt. 2 mess ly fingering and pressing. qY^oEot or ^dlciof^ 3 — furtively or peculatingly, v. To Embezzle, -ms^ul, riKOEE-BINO, n. stTot^w. aff^P^t^PFrt. FiNQEKED, a. having fingers. ^If^T^r, ^tj^f?S+, i[)£t(l (incomp. as i^5F#T?iTT, ^R-qT, &c. ), Sixf. WToSTT, 3?ftmn?5. FlNGEELESS, a. f^^RiTT, 3Tnf^^. PlNiCAi,, a. fastidiously or affectedly nice. 4|<|>fi+<4"ll»». CFTf^^TTTOT. &c. t\'^£\^ Finis, n. v. End. rffTisft/. ^iTTf^/. To Finish, v. a. comjActe. v. To Accomplish. j^riT-ijof-riHIK 2 conclude, v. To End. BT^, a^RS't, 3Tr?PT%, 8 ^iue the last touch, polish, perfect. 3fRR%, §VKuf, 3TT- /.-3?nT /.-&c. aTM^, mR^+k »».-Ht+K «i.-&c. ^of y. 4 consume, expend.^ come to the end of.^ y. To Exhaust. *)Hr«)ff|, *IKUli, 'PI^OT.-&C. ^Ff^ y. of 0. To be finished. flT't, ?mf, 'P?nT»«.-&c. ^My. o/«. Fnsisn, FiNisniso, n. last touch (polish, ^c.) given, aft^/ fl'FTf /. am/. fiETc^rf /. fTT^nrn. FnrisHED, ;>. v.V. 1. jTm-Ac. %^c5T, t^^^m-&c. ^^,^. 2 y'M«|A?!T, ?wm. 8 SflTPT^^T^, &c. hR»«)iRfl, ■ti^d. 4 «M^%3I or ?n^t^, &o. FrsiTE, a. limited.^ bounded. W^f^T, ^T^f^, ?m^, ^RftlT, arcRT^ pop. arrRiTT, ^h, arrarfl^, h't^T ( in comp. aa TiNiTENEss, n. V. A. ^T^f«^ n. ■«H|k)+,r«) n. ?R^rf^ n. ?I. | *f|Hdl/. ?Tt?Tpr^ «i. Widower's sacred f. fTgrrfff m. To be on f. arm/ f^m^, ^iToSof, cIPTof. To expose to the action of f. ( medical compounds, &c. ). arHrT^ n.-a^rsr/.^. To place over a slow f. n</. Fiee-BALL, n. aif^'UeH! ot. TrW/. [/. JJrKU «. FiEE-BEAND, ». ^nc5fft/. +irftd jt. ^^TR «». aiHi+iy «. 35^ F. in the hand of a madman. ft^TT^'TT ^T. FiHE-FLT, «. SFM^TT m. <'%rft HPT 3n^. i'lBM, a. Hctcly compretted, hard, tompact. ^^^ pop. «roT, ^, F. ( from ramming or beating ) hard. 5RT, JEW. To grow £ and compact, q^. 2 tteady, determned, decided, retolute. pJTT^, ^^TTWT, T, arfNr, Hl^i, fH l riw n, Hfi^»i»r^ »• »T^THp? «. ^T'TTTT «. [^^t?T. YtMMAUXSTkt, a. T. N. ■M\f.\Ti»l-'AM\, •SIT*Tn*T?Rn^ft,3Tt- yiBMAV, ■. royai wumda/e, ^e, <»Hh or VTTTTHT ii. TUMLT, */p. T. A. 2. thrt*}, r^v-Nuii^, "W^tV, c«^«»nT- 4 ^, »W, ffW, W^E*^, ^, "Tl^, *i*fjl, *f?T^. Tivaau, *. r. A. 1. Ml\i/. 'TTTWT ■». ^^uiHUII m. Ac. e- ^mif- wWt/ crfS'T ». ^»^/. ?[;ftm m. ^iv^ n. 2 ^ «. 4tK^/. 3TT/. !!T «. f^^ M. N*?^«TT m. fV^- For, «. ^fi^-'.t, Mf^^dl, H'«rT, ■JTT^, 3TTf^, 'ITTf^, ^, 3|f- ▲t or far the L. time. 9^?^ or ?^rjTlHMffl-Hl. FiBTH. See Fbith. Fiscal, n. See Eevesuk. FiscAi-, o. V. N. ^yrfMi, ^yrfi(^^4i-«)l. Fish, n. irmTM. dim. M\^<£[orH\^\-£\J. -H^m. TTr^^w. Jft^T w. ^T^T^m. — in cant or free phrased. TT'T^/. «i^- ^T^T^m. — as exposed for sale or lying in quantities. JTT^T^St/. MX^n. pi. Some kinds of^«A are #^,^?Rn", fiinW, %I, f^^, m^, %ITT, f%^, iffj f^J^RH', ^t^, 5*5^, »TT^. Basket-work let down to catch f. ^^/. Odd f. a queer fellow. 3T3^, ?nTT?rT*ir H\i\M. Shoal of f. Hrt4|WMIT^, 2 fig. ^^^^ rH'i[^^*i\-^\ ^^ JR^. To Fish, p. a. up. a?I^ *l<«1, F18U-BOXE, n. ^KTm. qi^m. MrJ:*|*. ft^, ^taft, Ml^rft or ^ or TT^, cirt^, iftt,'^;^^ or "^^^w. [-&C. ^ISS^n. FiBunT, Fuaixo, n. *tt^ MfwjHi q5Tm.-^TH».-*l«SI'''"'- FisiUSO, a. »TT% *Tr"TT% *IHHI, ^H^, FiiBT, a. iTT^tT^, Hini«1<^r, »1H*TH% FwsUBK, «. V. Cback. Mf. »n/. "tH/. HS/. fTtl/. ?T- IT •»• Jft^ "»• F18T, n. *T5l/. 5ft/. ?}f^*I /.—jocosely. Hf%Ml^*fi. Blow with the f. J^^m. v. »TR, ^, |?TTot. in>t^/. 3* TIT a Blow with the side of the f. g^/. 5^5^ or ^^^m. 5^^ or sppt^/ 5^niT m. ^m or 5^«. Clenching the f. ^f^^^m. F. as raised to strike. yTfTT, ^FTRT ^^'Wi, &c. ), gfEpf, frrer, ftro^R, cSi'nJ, rfi^n, jftj- F. and unfit, proper and improper. J^Tfji^xf), ^<^yH, 3 adapted, serviceable or suitable for. vj?WrtT or ^ftrjr ( in comp. as MNivfl'Idl v^T, 3TtnF^mT 3li'l«HI ), ^- «IT, OTTF, ar^ ( in comp. as "^^I^, H^T'TT^, ^FrT|, ^- i?T w.-^rTTT m.-&c. •re^-'n^, ^aIuft/.-&c. ^^. 3 ««)■<, become. ^VpT't, ^?^, ?T^. n. beetling ot- proper. ^t>Tnr, ?fM^, 'Tt^-^- &c. ^-f^^. 2— o garment. 3linN<)«|< ^, affM?! SRTif. 3 with; ««»7, e»V tt»7A. fKotuf , ^55^, rJPI't, «RIwf, 2 FIX FiTLX, adv. V. A. 2. qp^, q-^TTJft^, ^, |?:W. FiTSESS, «. T. A. 1. ^mrTT/. c5R^/. 3T^/. ?T»T?IT/. 2 qp'THT/- i-=i*^/. 'i^pp «. 'PTS n. qf^^ ct. ( as there were five Pdndau-as). F.-armed,— warrior, &c. also,—oi wild beasts.Htf^rtdO. F.-faced. F.-sided. "t^^PTT, "t^^. F. fold, mWJZ. Surplusage of f. (per cent, in buying karld, mangoes, &c. ). Tqtfpft /. "NtrRT m. Fives, «. i^ Irs arf^. To Fix, V. a. make fast or firm. Sm-n^-»I?-«iT?W »• &c. 4 fti^KHrirfHcrr m. &c. «f*ldH( «. ??sqHT/. FiXEK, n. V.V.A. 1. »I^-&c. STO^WTTT, R^Tcnmrr, &c. clHUIKI, &c. r*i'**i^l, "PTJSUT't, rfcuiR>uiui. Fizztso, n. T. V. >|>i"t'^ui n. &c. fsjiUI PIjUI /. ^ui^uiuH / — intene. "PUTFTPT «i. Flabbixess, n. v. A. TN^TTWr m. &c. nfrlt^ or »TW^/. Flabby, fl. tqfl, loote, ^e. not firm. "PTT^ or m, »lH, 4'^^'^H, irfrfr^ or »rf*ft^, ^7- ?P^, ^^nr, ^nr, Hm^, *»«'HfiMo6, f^rf^ij^, eii^<«i, p. 3TT9S «. -Tfw/. Jfur/ wfirftl^/. Fierce, glowing f. »TWT «. »rr^ «. Spife or tongue of f. SfnfWt 'ftT/Hlf^rt*! IM. snfh To aet in a £ ( ft town, ooontrj, 4c. ). fig. jrf'jf or 53 FLA 1^5 ^<»f ( nt^, ^n Ac. ). 2 See Arboe, Passion. To Flame, v. n. vrfjirfl/ pop. v»TToE m.-T^To^/.-sqioET/ ^- ^'T- 3^ ^. o/ «. *»«)*«{. Flame-colohed, a. Plf^/ Sunkenness or hoUowness of the f. ( from fasting^ Ac. ) V. Belly. *nnTt/, T^^/. TT^R/ ^T^H?/. 2 ( as of an army ). siT^/ TT^TT^w. 'TT'^rnT n. 2b Flask, p. a. attack the flank. «ii<>j^< ^f5T »». ^^, 2 '>el, n. tun" or ^ or trhfT »». but the word commonly used is "frrfl'lrt/. from the English. Flap, n. 4+u| n. ^dMuf n. f^^iiIT »». 2 ( of trowsers, Ac. ). f^y«p n. /. 3 V. Flappiko. 5^^ OT. lild+Kl m. tlu|'»iK or n w. 4 (of a coat, Ac. ). »kirt. 5n^ in. tft w. To Flap, v. a. Jea< «riM a flap, ^jqiif, "frd+Of^ ^I^, JcTTF- OT, Ud^NiJi, fPI^ or ^;jnTT m. ^ojf. To f. out, ( a light ). Tra^of, y'(«f-Mirt«(«l[-Ac. 2 OTOpe to«/A a flapping noise. "PTFf^ or 'PIT^T^iJt. 7b Flap, v. n. ply the wings noisily. *iH»i«i|, Jili*4np?r5^Tfr/. 1>4*«l*|un/. V. V. N. 1. Hi4*4«VS/. 'ti^iuft/. 2 TCTTT't «■ Ac. I. HOMO off. Z or ^t, 7I7I or if, ^^ or Tt- intens, Hk'll'*''., TTRt, vsi<, «i«l, ^TT^, -^ikI. 2b Flare, p. n. bum fiercely or blazingly^—& light, Ac. «- wratJI^, V't>\<. m- tirfia m, ipjpnft or U'll'ft/. ^^l*^/. F. and no fight. 3T^TT^^ »». (^Mpl+rf^ »». ^^TTS^JT «. With a f. ^sg-inT-^R-Ac. 5r^-^wi-<}^&c.?5;goi,^(gT,&c. 2 glaring and transient display. rm^Hf. pA^lf- ^T^ A brilliant f. and then a prison, — the Prodigal's course, grgt ^^ JftTTra '^^'^^ fft^ HTH t5^ i5T- To Flash, v. n. glitter tmlh a transient flame. •^+H--Cot, ^- ^T^, ^pjrq'Foif in/ens. t(+|+ui, c^r?^ aiiw. «|)T''t, rtr<.*- of »n<(Mj». w+i+iJi, fi*4«i, ^'wi"03ED, o. -tmufl, ^TfTTTl^^. FLAT-nooFED, a. vn*TRT. Flat-wise, ado. V(^. Flatly, adc. dotcnright, peremptorily, v. A. C. l^^fpT, ^TT'F, To reply or state f. HT^ m. ^ts^-^t^ 71^. Flatness, n. v.A. 1. ?l'TT^/.^mimiii»?».tiK^Muiun.?nTRfTT/. 2 tjwiHuii m. «(t(*HUiT m. &c. [/. n.ffl.T. V. 1. g?Tm^-&C. JPT^. CT, gsfTTTrft or g^irm^O', g^^iiMri. ^-^li'fl^/. />^. yirjHiluil^' ^ot «.-qt- Flatulekce, Flatulenct, n. windiness in the stomach. ^• ^ m. ^«rT^ m. STTeJTRT «i. afltHH ». Bilious f. f^TRT5 m. [>^d«IMIai F. occasioned by worms. *fi)i|Ml2 or f^{iH«||Hl2 «, F. with heat. 3^'JT^T^ m. Flatulekt, a. producing wind, ivindy. ^I^ST, ^PTO or 2 — of the state or habit of body. «(|r|i)^fft-^l,^l<3?4 or 55, ^m^r^, ^T^sf^, «ii3M«, ^Tfnr^TR, «-ce. To Fi*ALNT, V. n. make a display of .finery, ^c. JTR^^/. Flaunting,;?, o. t. V. and Fise. m^ MKUiki, «r?^, *r5 Flatoe, «. v. Taste. ^f.WSfrf. ^^m.^f. ^f armr^ »«. ^tff. w m. To Flavoe, r. a. =ET^/.-^rT^ w.-Ac. ^. Flayobless, a. v. Tasteless, f^^, i{^?, ar^f^^R. Flatobed, Flavobous, a. v. Tasteful. -Hii^K, Jrif^, ^- Eiquisitely f. Tf^. Flaw, n. croe^. ^Itt m. ^R«rr w. ^1t/ Kf^-, a ^n^, #fr=qT, ^4^, f%ft, ntjft^. FLE 325 FLI i'LAi, «. Imum Mtittdittimun. 3pnT m. «. 5|^ /. 3ra9ft or 'rft/ airrrft/. 2-the fibre. ^r|W^ !Jf?^ ■• J*. Flaikk, a. >^«(«NI. To Flat, c. a. tkin. ^Kuj, «M'i, ft"4*IW fi. *I4UI -.*«<< «i ^. of o. 7^T5W. [ ?f^^. Flateo, p. T. V. tiMri?^, ilM^W 'JiKcidl, &c. tTirfii, f^- Flea, «. fq^/. |^u1, "TO/. ^^^- To f. wildly, M in rout, fright, Ac. ^'^or, qoC ot. /. *T^, HIHWI^'J, f??rt^»If ado. fjr».i(t^, arfiwr^- FLnrSMS, «. t. A. «H>nn m. 3R^/. vf^TToPmr m. %n m. i^KT/. 3rf^^ ■•. Flxe«d or proud f . •Ji'SMHifl h. "jf=J*lt^ «. Harks burned into the f. 0h, 2 pulpous. TTT?:, TPTIT, *n^. 3 helon^nj to flesh. »rWT^T, »lirf^"t, fJs^pfl* oiu.-fjticjf) adv.- fl^>f^qi adv.-f^t?^ odv.-f^^^iK^ adv. ^^., ^TT^TRr ^^, y-motif or ♦I «wi . 2 See To fIutteb. Flickeeer, n. FLicKEBiKa ;». a. t. V. 1. f5.+n^+nMU|I»». Ac. Flimst, a. ttr«>t, of alight texture, worthless, 4'c- f^T^, <|44^«4I, «WHH , Ml^fJ^Vt, 5?!^ ^^TR, fn^PT, J^«I1 or ;ft or ^<>>^M or >5««I>H, *H<1U|*, 'FK^TrT, f%^«f , "FT- q^, 3pnft, PT^t^, "^-^W^r, •*<«l^'*, »TNTWt, 5H»i|rfI, nTTfJT, irPrOT, 'jnr, fM^, TT'TT^'fHT, ITT^ or ^, ^- A f. thing. ^iH^JV^I^^Tf. To Flisch, v. n. irate hack, akrink, v. To Dbaw-back. *- ^, Hnrr/.-Ao. ^, ^trf ii.-i»i»7f ti.-Ac. ^, ihr? ». TLO 326 FLO Fh.nxhee, «. V. V. ^^mmRT, M«Ji-3Hm^.- m^^f.pi.- fmm\f- pi- irreof. Fling, Flingino, n. v. V.A. 1.— oc< .tO+uin. %^n.&c.^- q'm. ^rfpTOT. [^T^n. I. V. Saecasm. ?teT«. JJP'w. gTT?W»». 3T5r?^7 «. ^TTT «». Flint, m. ITT/. TRnkr m. t^»"m. 'IK'il^/. ■t)+H+1'^ «ffeT »». A f. and steel for striking fire. "q^JH^/. To get milk from a f. ^n^RT TT^w. or TraX"*. 3Tr- OT^, ^^siTpSr ^»n. {)*< /. dlj-cll Flippant, a. voluble, t. Glib. ?Tfl^ ^TToE, MMotrH%^, TT- »raf^'=qT, ■^M'^H ^aiTRT, ^TlpTTrT, '^TtTSTT^, ■=(Hrl(v»lg. 2— of speeches, &c. ?Tr5% MHcJHOllTqr, mrlotf^H^sfT, ?rf - Flippantly, adv. t. A. qmsf^Ht, MI -ij-MmrM ' jsf'-b . Fliet, n. giddy, S(c. girl. ^TT^piT^n^/. ^THrtt/. ^W#T/. ?!- 5b Fliet, v. a. See To Jeek. To Fliet, v. n. act with coquetry. ?f^rTT»».-3T^r m.-^mn.pl. 2 See To Sneee. Flietation, n.v.V. N.I.— arf. H^A'JM'I/. H^TTm. ^m.pl. To Flit, ». «./y away. T^ ^JtM, ■d^iui».-sr^n. ^RXJJf. 2 migrate. ^n.-vSTFTT/.-Ac. TTH?^, STKHIrfi f».-^aqT- t?^»».-^MiHT/.-^/. 2 A^WfA; down. TTf^ 71^, f^ltiHuf, rflcAtjui, qjmat, 5^ oip.-^rrft'T^f^ adv.-^^\ or 55^ adv. ^T^t. 3 silence, pose, Sfc. jfer-f^T^^rlX- &c. ^^, fffs n. si^ ^- T'Jf y. q/" 0. Flooe-clotd, n. v»lMH «. FlOOEED, ;J. T. V. 1. mdrfrfr, *^HK *rirf(, Ac. 2 rT-^-&c. *< tit <»>•(. Flop ! Flop ! floppingly. i^i^ or q>f , 5^=5f or xff, V?5^T(5 or j5t. To Flop, «. n. «Aai« about with a noise. rl4>rf*ul, ^*«|o6Sr, j-HHctuj, 5^rr^, »T3«R5^, j-«(*A<»"t. 2 over. f^t)ot, i<*4l or 5T or *<'ISI »«. f«lW?5TT or f«R^[PTT 2 — in rhetoric, boldflgure, Sjc. ^It^^^lM! *)<+i4l ♦»• 3T- 4^ m. [ ftH. Flocbishiso, /). a. v. V. K 1. Ei|dq)d, ^I?7, '^1=)<^H, ?TT?f- 2 «nrf Pbospeeous. «MlfMdl, TSR?;, «ftT=T?T, ^frJnT, «jft- JTTH, ^■HiH, *iT*rft^, &c. ^ j^, ?r?»r, ?f^, ^"^kh. F. or happy state. i|^^S|,f^;pT- ^, Pld'tiKu r, r^i^+Kul, f^S«"1f or f^i^N^I or ^l^T^, Pl*+.K«TT7ft/ »TT?T n. ^/. ^ m. 8 ilfT^ «•. ?t^«. 4 »TTJft/. »T^ n. Hip; w. »TT m. ^ «. FiowxB, «. ^ n. 5«^ «. 5g»( »i. *n?»T «. ^^TT n. ^^ n. Chaplet or garland of flowers, jrtl^i or ^^^TT w. Compound or flosculous f. fTHT n. Cultivator and seller of flowers. Twf. Flowee-qaeden, «. Mjrf«(M[ »ra./. Jtq^nf^/. JT^T^t/. Fi-OWEE-POT, n. ^/-large ^ m. rLOWi;E-TEEE, «. "^?I^T¥ «. 2^^?^ »». FlowEEED, p. V. V. Jrirfrfl, &C. 5'Kft, jf^TTT, -^yfilrl. I. — a cloth, &c. V. FiGUBED. *3+Kt, Ji^t^, ^-y^^Hr. F, work. 5^/. %c75^/. ^f^ »»• «• ^rl^fl OT. FiOWEBiNEss, n. V. A. 1. JwfJTTfTT/- M^Mi+luifn'/. JTSf^- . smoothly, swimmingltf, Sfc. <75^ or ^, ^- ^ or JPT, ^ioflrl, ^fRoS, "EfT^H or JTt intens. ^^X^H., ^?^^, ai^qTT, g^HTrr, 3T?5»T, 3T?5nm<,i/. 2 ^oETmr «». ^ifctdMuii OT. Fluent, a. free, voluble — speaker, ^te^, ^T^^ ^'JoS, ^- 2— speech. VKNI^I, ^l<JJT »J.-&C. q^llf y. 0/0. ^Jfrf-E^- ^-5!PT-&C. Jprit. To Flush, v. n.flow copiously. *Ior»loE-Vo4Hcii-*ra*re-*rPT?t ^r^-f^'Muj-Ac. 2 — the face, i4>iui, H>4*h"Ji, ^- <.-^V'\ intens. -"i^isuj, si«i>sul, TO m. pi. 5m%. 2— the heart, v. To Palpitate. 5^^^, %44<|>uf, qi^iof. To Flutteb, v. a. See To Flueet. Flutteb, Flutteeing, n. v. V. N. 1. i4>f or ft, q>TSR or Tf, ^fT^TT or ^, — intens, "PSTPJ, 'osisi, "PTTliT, iXKJ, ^TTT^, ^TRt. Flutial, a. belonging, S[c. to rivers. H<(lw'«i«ff. Flux, n. See Flow. 2 v. Diaebhcea. ffsat/. Silof)/. ( or tJ^lof)/. &c. ) en^E/. it^cS/. Bloody f. ^tP3TI^/. ui. 7 See To Flee. "With flying colors. vtflWI^. To let fly. V. To Discuaeoe. ^ff^. To Flt, v. a. thun, t. To Avoid. ;^+.<4u|,'llc&ijf, ^ ?T^. 2 quit hy flight. \>r, «. ^ ^_p. %TiT m. ^ «i. W^ m.— 'm cant phraseol. »i. [ eon. To Foam, v. n. %TJr3r, qr^fwf, %^l5Eof, %tjt ct.-%h m. %i}f jti. FoAMEB, n. To.\Misa,p. a. Foamy, o. v. V. ¥«<*P.r5l , Ac. %wrat, V?17, ^H^-f), ^f^=?, %f^. Fob, «. pocket, ^e. «TWRE ^<|vm-m %^ m.-^TT or ^ojt m. lb Fob. See To Cheat. Focal, a. ^^TMT, %4««Nt. Focc», n. — in jjootnetry. %^ n. snf*T m. 2— in optioi. f^<01 »1f«*^n»». 3 ( of » my of light )joc«i paint- ny»< m. anrt^ m. FoDDEB, n\rv{J. sm m. •mT^Tft/. ^T?m?T m. Litter of f. ^^HB m. n. ^^ttf^« m. ». »ft^ ». To Foddkb, ». a."^TT/-'rRT «».-4c. fnW»t, Fat. Sec E.'«E3fT. [it. ^/. ' I >-co»»Ei, ••.— the gr«»i. mft/.— the gnun or M«d of >:tal, «. T, Tf. «nfHT, •nhW'ft, *!tA. r tTCf, ». vA pop. ITT m. «oi m. Dead f. jjjrrH M. 'lyn't m. Dead f. remaining in the womb. tr=ff pop. im n. Initrumcnt for extracting a dead f. n4^ m. Motion of t in ntero. »nH?!^ n. Murder of a f. vvt^W/. Murderer of a f. "yrp^RT, Fain Buffered by a f. whilst in the womb. 'PhTTTRT/ Foe, «. yl II. ij#/, fl N. <(ir «. ifV? M. 9 FOL FoQGisEss, n. V. A. gr^n. gT^n. Foggy, o. y+4|Ni, gr^prnrr, ywNl. Fob, interj. f3,?ft, fTnT, nv. Foible, n. v. Fault, ^n. ^^JTn. f^». ^fS^w. ^«. ^^n. To Foil, i'. a.fruttrate, Sfc. v. To Defeat, jfts^, ^K«|ui, ^rlMdui, *T^^, <(l^«|y1,'rfiM'i'(ui, ^IrfHIWI ^iT^. Foil, n. leaf for gildiny, Sfc. ^^m. ^^n. (^^tjprST, <1^<f4«JlCi<1-*)ll*lM-Ac ^- 2 /ay i//» infolds, ^ttf. «rT3»f«. or ^TTJ'T ^^, HiiOJ,^- 3 Jo«W^ 'R'TTFfft m. pi. To Follow, ». a. go after, pursue, Sfc. HT^-MIHn.-3T- g«rT^?r«.-3T5|fTr/-3Tg^rnT«.-&c. w^. 3 obsei've, copy. t. To Imitate. ^oEOTWC 'sniif gofo. ^gE- »Jln.-TTtS/. Kf^-q^ 5'-o/'o. 31H^i.ui, yHj^rlVJ, 3Tg^fr%n.- CH3'«<«l«.-&c. ^i^ g. of 0. 4 ( a course, &c. ) observe, practise. gTRT't, Ml-Auf, %^- ^, ^ot, ar^^Tof, ?)<.HH>< ot./jZ. tJI+i- 3 31j+)H«ii'1, ?5T^ ■Fll, OT5-&C. 3 See Foolishly. Fondness, n. \. A. 1. sft^/. JnTm/. HMdl». RrST^Tn. TsPRTrt. f^t^T^/. ^r^«. Dressed f. given in alms to Brahmans. HT^'lift/. Dressing of f. ?^W^ pop. ^qT^w. Extra or odd articles of f. aiisciiuin. am^TT^/. F. »nd clothing. 3T5R^». aT^Tr^OT^n. iTRTT^tfT^n. F. burned in the cooking. ^X^ f. |M. ^ FooL-nAKDnrKSB, n. t. A. Hl^H^I^^ «. JWT^ »». ^«l^*)« FOOL-HIKDT, «. T. MaIWAP, JtAI^Ri*, ^K%VA\\ *I*^NI, FooLEBT, «. %iquT n. %l «. ^i^TTT or ^H«rK m. ^Z. FoOLinB, a.— of persons. 'goET ( remit*, ^-im^ ^JcE^R \Jo5- *^) ^ ( remit*. ^<«<, HJ'I*, ^?W,) fTTTT, ^^f^, %^ or %W^, »T^, T^oET, JTTOTT, W5, ^, Pi^g, ST^TT ^•'5^1 ^^5^4. ^fi^^-Tf^-^fl— Ac. flHtr^d-^tT— TOO To make to look f. snfriT ^T^f-^Tl^. To turn f. ^^, ^(n^f. 2— of actions. Hi^MUimi, f 2muii^i, i|^4^4||, '*|flHi^j, FOOLISBLT, adv. iJf|MU1l»f, Wt^TPf Ac. •Jjthiofl, >J«IM0, |' iwifiuft, Ac. j FoOLisBSKss, n. T. A. 1. ^ ». n^fmj m. kim n. Ac. %- W ■. fr^TTfjp«» ". ifi^^ll/. Ac. fll^lllf M. TootscAP, n. v^ vwyr^ *I*I^ 3ni|. Foot, »•. «?m ». thp^ ». ifv^ »».♦». ^ n. <7t^ «, qn* An evil f. ^m^ra •»./ Sl«<^l«l ••. •rniTfT ■•. Artistic posilioD or cast of tb« foot ia fendog, dancing, &c. MN>i| «. Covering for the feet. "TT^^mT n. TT^T^TT/. Fallen at the feet of. -oKUI^M, ^n^TTfrHT, 'i«. Trodden under f. TT^T^trT. [E«fn. "Water presented to wash the hands and feet. ^, ^H^-STfrT- Ac. ^rJf. To strike the f. ( against a stone, Ac). ^f.-Zt^f. ^pt- ( in. con. ) rfl'iui. To wash the feet. Mli^MiMW*! n.-^U^ n. qj^. 2 — the measure. iHKI^sR ^Vf n. ^ m.f. 8 lower part, v. Bottom. «jm m. flW ». 5f^ •»• ». MNil »». T^ n. 2 «OMn«f of afoot. HiM<.«i «». fli-i|rf or ?n=ifra/. wi. ^tHt- 3 vestige. See Tbace, FoOT-sTOOL, n. ». qiiJSl m. qf^lT «. T^- ?r »«. aZZ «»i7A «. 4, ^^, ^^^M, aTt5«R5T, «rt»«irtl, 3?7T. FoppEEX, Foppishness, «. t. N. ar+sm^l/. T'fft^lft/. T- *^^«llvf1/. «ii§<»n or SF^/. ?IH1^ or 5(rnj?t/. 3^%- Foppish, a. y. Fop. 3T3%?jt, ai+^MMl-")!, H^"l<^l<1-M I. Fob, prep, because of, on account of. ^S', HT^, +R.fii, ^Sf^, 2 in the place of. ^rrft, ^pqiSi, ^iTpft, ^MIVC, SRJS or ?rr, snff, ^k^i rfec/. ^;r«n" decl. 3 /or Me *a*e of. ?^n^, ?fT^, ^ftrrt, ^JT^, *)^rf«Wi, 3T- ^ ( in comp. as m^Vt#. For as much. ;Hnq?ff, ^J^TT^Tt, 3r«T^. FOBAGE, n. ^^p^mf RffT 3iTin%^ guH>Hl n. ab FOHAOE, V. n. q^/."q^, fOI^TO »»• ^^ 3Tmot-#of. FOBAGE-PAETT, n. ^^/. To FORBEAE, f. n. rr/r. a. prohibit, interdict. K'TT ^FT^, ?npt *^^u |i jt , ^TT^T, PteCKui, I^W, irf?r%*Twf, M^+<if, ^a:?ft/.-'5rT?!/.-&c, st- 3 compulsion, violence. v»fk «». ^Kltl «. ^^N'O/.^^w. ^K^H')^/ sfoE^ift/. <(oEn^R m. ^5^ m. %<^^\i^f, -i\m.'\*A f By f. V. COMPCLSIVELT. 3^, vJ^rfHI^" OT >^riH|i«,. To come to f. sniRT ^. To use f. qoE «. q^. 4 ( as of a disease, of winds, heat, &e. ). violence, vehemence. v)TtT «». '^pop- SJS «. 3^nT m. ^TH m. litm-v. JTTS, f«R^, ^/- fl^T^ w. #1 m. [^;^»m w«. 5 a f o« arOTa»ifn<.%?T «• 5Tr5 w.^J^TR »». %'Tr'TR m. Light armed f. ?r^'?t^/. 6 See MOMEKT0M, To FoECE, V. a. constrain., v. To Compel, ^m n.-HA^(\ f. CjftT m.-'^^^ f.-&c. ^K^ with ^ of 0. t(^ m. Mlrt^'l. 2 rfrii'e by force, ^m^, "S+riOl, <^4i'U^. 3 V. To Eavish. ^T^'it, ^^^ OT.-5I5%. v.V. 4. afft^ Hi«|H ■Hiuifi?*i, &c. «i5-«ii, ^^ ^^• ^ or ^x'Tt *JoiMNl, %7, -iif'-is. FoBCEM, n. ^<4NI r, »i. 7?in: "•• irTJ^TT «. tttt^/. qrr »». Deep or difficult £ ^U'll 7»TR «. P. for carriages. ni^THH m. [^ 37irot, To FOBD, r. a. rrow Jy leading, qw SHUI-^ SHiui, HlMI'i-Tr- Too deep to be forded — water. MJ^uR, ll^^l^. FoROAXLB, n. T. V. MIMI'i-Tr^ 7rTTI^-'rT-#»IT-&c. imnK. FoBDABixsEss, n. V. A. grmr «. frm m. FOBK, «. anterior. ^y^TT or KT, 5^, HI^0, Ac. ), 15 ( in comp. as ^t^;^^, ^fftrnr, 4c ). Numerous compounds with /ora are not so current as the equivalent compounds with pre. Most of nich are omitted. The f. and the hinder. iTI'WIHI'lrtl. FOBE-ABH, n. ^tTT 3RTf»T IWPR ^l-t• f '• «JTT^ m. /i. 9n^|. See To Attbt. FoBK-nyoim, ». nip'r-i n.-awg^T «--'J^^i5'T n.-&c. ^Tif y. 0/0. 2 See To FOEETELI,. FoBE-snowEB, n. t. V. 1. "J^ ^T^^TKT-^f^ ^"FKT, &c. FOBE-siOiiT, n, ^^)|fT n. ^T^f^/. Hftw<^^M «. Tft'^T^fi/. To FOKE-STALL, t). o. anticipate. 3TiPT't y. o/o. FOBE-TASTE, fl. "Jlflftn «. STT^'ftn ». "JjItJHH «. 'MrtlH'fi'i- 2b FoBE-TELL, t). fl. predict, prophfty. MI^I^H n.-nf^'^ «.- ^VT^ W.-Ac. *^. POE 884 FOB FOEETELLEB, «. V. V. Tf^ flf'IOIRr, *JI*U|KI, &C. *lR»M- FOEE-TELLINO, «. V. V. ^J^^ tt. *J|«hUht> /. Hf^i<<+*TT «• roEE-TnouoHT, «. "J^RR w. ^^ «. !<<.[%/. J^t^^lfTn. ^cf^ /. arm «». / rORE-TOOTH, n. ^+4l-=|| StrT m. l*^l /• &C, FoBENsic, a. lelonging to a court of judicature. -*)lMy'^, FOEEsx, «. arr^T n. ^^ n. ^M «. 'JTI?? ». *idK »». n. «bm Conflagration of a f. e(UM( «i. i^hh3 «j. ^RTfir»». ^w. Dweller in a f. spRRft, ^HT. V. V. 1. qi^OT, ^ifw, JT, ^-i'HIf*, if-lrMPl^, ^ in comp. as ^K^ITO'^T, FOBGF.B, n. V. V. 1. ^noTRT, tjj»l»0 or «TT. 2 sj^TRTTTTT, spTT^-Ac^FrtTT^. FouGEET, FoEQiNo, n. V. V. 1.— ac<. qjiffft. ^rjuft/. ^rt^j- ^/. ^T^T/. ^T^5TT/. ^TT^n. 2 «PTT3r JpT^n. &c. I. art or business off. m,^\H n. II. forged writing. iRN^r^T-^RRT-ic. W.Vi^ m.^m.- To FOEOET, t>. a. f^ ^ ^ui, f^H^>n.- f^<:Hp| /-T ^^rHrtt-4| I , ?rf5I-'TT, fTWf. FOEGETFULNESS, 71. V. A. 1. f^Wa^TOTTW*. f^HTw*. f^^JT^rt. Through f. and ignorance. Hitn.^rro'TT ^TTrff. 2 T^TaSqOTTOT. *fNolMU||»l. &C. 'l*rfH/. 3T5|t »». 2b FoEoivE, ». a.^arcfon. JTTP^i'TJf, tiliul, 5I?fl^». ^df, 'TnPt/.-?T^/.-?Ttfrr/.-&c. q^^. 0/ 0. ^»».-3T7tt<:T«.- ai«-<Ft% m.^J. ^^uf y. ofs. FOEKED, FOEKT, a. ^«jt<+*)|t||, |«l*+ R :, K SVi I 'Mi , t-t1l4>l<, *R, J^sFraTT, r afrt^qt^ «n. 3T5T-ic. annif «»• con. irt^. To Form, c. n. at$ume the duejorm. ^osdr. 2 rite, appear, take being, come up, out, Sfc. ^^''f, ^fi^^. 3 — the hand, in writing, drawing, Ac Jf5^. JOKMAL, a. V. CeBEMO.SIOCS. 31|^0m-^IO, 3TT^m^HT^, 2 done according to jorm. ^HHI, ^^, q>m^?ftT, ^TVN- jfJT, inimpf, «riig/. nRT/. r. V. N. 2. a/w/ Pbodcctiox. ^f^j. TZ^ •». I. — in grammar ( of words, Ac. ). *y?^/ II. make, $truelure, t Fobm. ^^X^K j. Wl f. Wf^j. Totutv.p. T, V. A. 1. Vl'-WI, Ac. ^tfr, <|fjjn iu comp. To be t upon, W9twn^ afT^ y. o/^ 0. 2 ?^^^, Tf^, 1.— ia grammar,—* word, Ac. ■Jtq^, ^rf*W. f oufn, «. Fo«Mi«a,p, •. t. V, A. 1. jnofRT, »Tmm, »- ^iiTiTT, &c. qmf, ^H^. Fobmeb, a. foregoing, prior,previoui,preeeding, anterior, an- tecedent. jqi'NF or 3T, Mi'Df?, 3T#?rr, 3Ttftr7, ^n^sffxfr, 2 - Fobmidableness, n.v.A. H<4*ff«i n.^T^H+dl/. [^ffe. FOBMLESS, 0.f5t<|+K, pKl^bHi, 3TnnT^-?If^-rf|tT, 3THt^, FOBMLESSlfESS, n. T. A. SlMpci/. f^HI + Kdl/. 311 + K^J^'Mdl/. FoBMULA, n. prescribed form or method, ^^pop.^^f. ^f*T «». f^^ n. ftfTI /JO^. ft?T/. [?nTf «. FoEMU LABT, n. Jooi o//orffM. T^^frf /. f^VTRRT^ /T f^iTPT- jTo Fobsicate, v. n. y. N. 1. 31 f^t( ( f^d ^1 ^Thm^-3T=J5FTK- T »«.-+<^l'im n.-^J.«4l'im «.-&c. ^^. 3 f^5E^/.-R{Hlr^/.-?TI5ir3ft/.-&C. ^^. FoBMCATiON, «. commerce of a man with an unmarried tooman. 3rf^^Tf^rn^?'it^'TT «. ^I-JSI'IHI «. sR^'TPTiT^ n. ^1<H^-4H m. 8 unlatrful intercourse of the sexet — gencr. fil^^/.%- ^^f. r«5HWI ffi. r5rrfMt/. ar^rPFR^rlt- 3 ftl^-f<*HW-&c. «<1M*I/.-^/. fti'^«t)t-&c. +*u|K'). To FoBSAKE, c. a. V. To Abaxeon. ffTI't, HI^ vJT^, i\*h^^ TFpT ^"rnff, fTR TO.-57T-?rr'M"j«f(\ m. Impregnable or strong f «ft^ f%?5T m. Investing or besieging a f. ^'lk<[*T ft. Outer-f sn^ #7 m. Small f. n^/. fr^^/. The upper f. qi^f+gi m. To kindle the jungle round a f. ^J|5T m, ^y*(u|. Town belonging to a f ^5/. "Wall of a f «pp: «j. «pn w. rt? «. "Pf^ «• WI<<)H m. — Second or outer wall of a f HS'+F?; or irichK »». 2 or forte: that in which one excels, \^(\\ n. fifF^ n, «IMT »». «<|Ui|I--Jl ^^/. J.r?^«Jd n. ToBTn, adv. onward, forward. J^. And 80 forth. fHnf^, ^^. 2 abroad. ST^. TOETU, ^rep. o«< of. arftJfT. [^TrTT, ^JTmtTT. FOBTU-cOiiiNo, a. ready to appear. ^TsftT, rT'TTT,f^5, ^^^^t rOETHwiTH, adv. immediately. rtl*MM, cr«^N, ?lr^1''fi', fRTT- 'Sf , 3Tmf^, 3T?Tr^, ^5^^, dNidl'M. POBTIETH, a. ^foWmr. rOETIFICATIO.N, «. V. \.—act. r\^A4^f. ^^SJ^/ I. place fort if. ed, v. Fobt. ^FPI m. f%i5T m. [ T/. II. science of military architecture. J'fiJI<|;Klf^<-«nR- Fortifications, m-o?-*s of a fort. d4'i<(l/. To FOBTIFT, «?. a. rrni?t/.-*ii^<0/.-&C. ^R^t, d'i*tj\rq n,-&c. ^^ m. qT^pff-^^^m ^^, Hir^TT- ^T-"^^T^-&c. 3^»». ^ g. of. s. 55^/. 3R?R^ Kith mofo. The turning, frowning, or becoming adverse of F. is expressed by. "^ w.-TT^ ».-H^»r n.-&c. ^of-»iniK- The increasing propitiouancBS of F. is rendered by "^^- &c. ^^f. W^- The taking of a run by F. (of good or evil) is"^^- &c. srt^/. ^"0, W. V. V.^ ^Tt^ot W.^ *1l*"i «. &C. ^H^- ?5^/. OT'jf^/. There are various systems of fortune- idling, interpreting ontent, S;c. of which some are ^RTH- «T or t^e'lHd n. Hli^HH ». +)^5.«|HH «. 'TK^PT?T «. FOBTT, a. -mnOy.— one, ^'PTToft??, ^>,-Ml*,l»+,-mc^«, ^J^T- a, (J^PTfa^. — two, «HIcif|Wi »raT5ft^, «cqi«. — three, %- HIcflfl, 5RT5^.— four, ^t^xfTct, ^-"dcifiti, ^^%?TToE, ^- «^5TT?fr^. — five, tJ^dK, "T%?TTofrtr, q%^T5E, V^-<<|af|^, T- ?(Tra. — sii, TTfTra, ftHToft^, ^'ITHt, viMjc^ti. — seven, ^T%- ffra, flr^HI, 7- 2 prrl, impudent, wanting in wtodetty, Sfe. ifti, f^Pffj, To be ofEciousI J f. ^I'^TT ^1 ^T^-'TT'M. 8 advanced heyomd the tumU degree. 3TnT»f^3T, JIR^- 4 advanced toftari* eompUtion. ^^[i([ SRS 3n%^T, "STT- To FoBwABD, r. a. tendfomari, tnmtmit. ^ ^TTViif^^ m. 2 Sm To Pbomote. [?f*?T/. FovwiBDKns, n. T. A. 1. 9ig^5^ /. 37^ M. vh?qv^ n. 2 f»*^/. Wt^'J'TT m. fJj»ffrn>fT m. WHSI'^I/ <9*ll«^/ Fowl. 8«e Drrcu. FOMtt, «. ralcteiwe dug from the earth, wn^ ^ n. MT- Ij Fossil, o. that is dug from the earth, ??^T^ <«|u^ ^T5^- FossiLisr, B." viH^i^," trrgtrrr. [ armof. To Fosteb, v. a. nur»e,feed, v. To XouBisn. . v. V. 1. 'ft'^^rfl, &c. ql^n?! or itt, 'ftHTT or FOSTEBEB, «. V. V. 1. "ft+CIHI, &c. qtl%^ or 'frf^^. Foul, n. rf/«ea«e of the chfls of the hoofs of cattle. 1^(?^ or gr^ n. -^^f. To be affected with it. ig<.^^|UK*I, STtToC, ^- ?RT, 5^^I3 or »ii^H^ sntlS. [ ^^7. 3— liauds, &c. after eating, culinary vessel, &c.3^,fST- To be f.; — hands, &c. f'<,'(S«i, ^fcHi-luli, f*ftI*4o{. 4 unfavorable,— of wind. SH'TT, HfT^, +IMK->=(I, STf^T^. 5 unfair, inequitable. aisjIMlfui^, 3T^TT^, ^T^^, ^fe?. See IicpCBE. 7 — weather, v. Siobmt. v^lfift, ^f^- 8 — a rope, Ac. hindered from motion. aTCT^gn", 3ni^^m. ^n. 'Tt^»». To FouNDEE, V. a. — a horso, &c. TmtJff-TTTrsfT a(T«f^c. ^- To FouNDEB, V. n. sink — ship, &c. 51^, SRT^, T>+I m. 3T^ m. 3f;[l «. *rFI m. f^^ n. ^nTm w. Vulgar fractions. o^ISJ^kI arjofr^ mpl. 55; ai'ju|?+»».j)j. Addition of fractions, ffj^ V'^7^ n. Common measure of a f. 3HM<HUii m. Fragment, «. pecc broken, v. Bit. 0*41 »». dim. {\f. Sfre »»• ^?^ »». Fragments, His, pieces^ thiver*, fritters. t)l^l*^-«)l. 5 empty frame, tkeleton. ^itHT^or WJ+l-irOT. ?roTr»». 3lt- »reT;it/. «i*"n/ »rrrn^/ mswii^cs/. Hi^Hoi/. 6 — to support boxes, casks, Ac. ^TRTw. dim. ^tt[f- ^- #^/. *\\-^\-£\f. A f. (of wood or iron) in which pitchers are carried on beasts. r^TSf. 7 cradle, bed, Ac.— gener. ^ft\ f. 8 — as matted or wattled, and as for a window-shutter, gat© of an enclosure, Ac HT^t/. H^ or ?R%». f\l^f. F. or erection in a field, or on a tree, A<.-. for watching the crops. HT^w. hi^i« n. F. work of bamboos, sticks, Ac. for roofs, decks^Ac. flTZm. ^irfif. V. for stacks of haj. »rRm. dim. n\Mil£\/. HNt/. Fravs-work, n. See Framk, 1. 5. Franchise, n. ^fqilO^j fr^ssT '«fv>*M,»i. 2 exemption, ^.f. nvfff. Hl*cifl*/. 3 a*iflum, T. Sasctcaht. 3TT^<4t!<(M». FBiaoiBLB, Ac. See Fraoilk, Ac. Fbaitk, «. open, inyenuotu, Miu/iryM, HHl-MI fspfs, f^^fe fipj^w, f^t'HT, |wnTr^mT, «lr!«HUII-i(l, f^tVM'WIMT, Ac [^ ^ ?[^. 2V» FraXK, r. o. ( a letter ) «nnWT Fi^ *«7T ll%% fWte Vraitkdickxsk, «. 3:^*. ^Nrttic^si. ^^^^a^m. ij^m. Aahea of f. 3^/. Coal to kindle t «yrt*J?T«. Oil of f. i^m. Perfumed with the tmoke of t. ?^. Soot or condensed smoke of f. ^n. Blick, Ac. Mt with ligbU of f. «TTii. Wick or stick covered with f. W^^lft/- ^^j^lrft/. To fumigate with f ^^^, g'I'f&T. Fkanklt, adv. v.A. (hi-^jm;;:, ipT^Ti ^fr^^ PiHH-il^, *TFFcEqT ili'i, *l^ HT^ "IJ^TT, Hi^«, Pi«)c6, ■tiirtNIH<.I«INM-Ac. ^N»^, %?qTOTT?rT decl, Feantickess, «. V. A. *In\ tlN^Muilw*. Ac. I Fbatebxal, Fbatebsity. See BnoxnEHLT, Bboihsbbood. To Frateehize, v. n. *1IJ.NU|I^-HIA'(<(I^-Ac. ^»nT^-f*Tas5iT- Fratricidal, a. t. N. yiH^rMl+i^'^, yiH^r^if^ «!<<*. Fratricide, n. — the act. >jm^H41/. yiH*i»T»«. yid^ldw. 2 — the agent. VITH^WKI, yiji'mf^<i^ nothing, v. Gbatuitous. ^^^, ^^nf, f«R^- 8 — of stylo, not cramped or stiff. J^T^ST, i^?n;55, W^, 9 unengaged., unemployed, Sfc. g^, I^^PTT, ^\W'^- 10 liberal. See Gesebous. iTo Feee, 1). a. set free, liberate. jft^aSr or hIf^vc^St, #rf^, J?FF5ft^ /-f^1FT/.-^r55n3T-MAN, n. 5rTTTntfi55jT-^T^^?, g^»TT^J^q^, iROIHt^ip, "m^T^TF, &c.), Tr>q^- &c. ^FrTf. FBEE-SCnOOL, n. tnrf*! ?TT?Tr!?ft HTcE/. FBEEtHI5KEB,'w. V. LXFIDEL. ^T^?^, IfTT^I^^. Fbeewill, n. pOKer of directing ones oxen actions. 4j^H4 l < \A- Doctrine of f. Rlt.H«ii<^ m. v^H'll'^ »»■ — Maintainer of it. qPNnsr^^, sftnT^T^. 2 spontaneity. ^^It «i. 3Trrg?ft/. To Feeeze, t). n. le congealed with cold. XfHh jftsot-vTiTot- f«r3T^, TIT^ot or ITT^ot. To Fbeeze, ». a. congeal with cold. < | |V.«< i Ji or J || . v. V. rfl< ^^y.l . Fbe-nch, o. JivtH ^siTEfT f%^ fm?fte ?rN7t=5rT. Fbench, «. ipm ^?I=^ ^TTTT/. Feexchmax, n. ipre ^?t=^ H^J^M »». *KI+0?I m. Feexzt, «. V. Madness, j^jtt^ ». si<-Hl<^<4lj ot. ^-. i ^Thi - sftqTJTTw. Feequescy, m. t. a. ^\r^K 5n^§yq^ w». qtsTtj:^ n. 3TPft- F. of coming and going. XV^ m. i,\^r\\ m. Feequent, a. often done, ^'c. ^xt^K ^TlT-ftWR-Ac, or qi^r-^RST, «IK«IK-MT, q'N':3f^, ST'ft^. To Fbequent, v. a. resoH to. grrt«rR-&c. ^l^-ipif, pft m. pl.-^'Tif. pl.^^ m.^T^f. ';n?5'jf,^^ITJn^OT.-vjTWTW m.- &c.'F^, 'H^^ g. of s. with in. con. E^fTTw. 3TOofr «n. con. Fbequented, p. V. V. TI^^OT, ^if^OT, ^^FfhfT, n^lr^TT^T,. Feequextee, n.v. V. ^\i^\< viWiKi-iloriTT, %1T-&c. MleKiIKI^ &c. ^WTT, ^TT or ^ ^K-^T, %?W, ^T^T^qT. Feequenting, «. V. V. Niii=ii*j«<| »». ^»I^, 3T- ST^, r5>T-T3T or :K5T, ^1^1%^. [ ^K. 2 «o< «oZ/. its, litlT, ar^JT'JT, 3T?y5nfft, aTSroft, ^mTT, 3T- 3 ci^or, Zi'pe/y, healthy-looking; — of countenance, plant?, &c. ?^^, ?^?qftrf , 5^-T^, ^^^H^n^l, ^+H«jn<1, 5^- To look f. Z^Z^^, 4 ftmi, not fired, ^-c. nPTT, ;^?ITT, ^V., ^^. F. and brisk. rlMMHHl, l, STTTssT- T, a^^nf^, Pki«j<<, i^nrf^nr, aTHT"?, Pr^nrr, "tn /jo;?, cf. iffT^, 3WfTT, anil-JH, f^^HTT, f^^. Friend of the f. 3idr*nr«T, ^HMfri+'lf^T. Fkiexdli-vess, n. v. A. <^TO^^/. <\i«i(/ nt^ 3?7I«ft/. frr^n^ ». f*T^r?TT/. B^^^JT or ^^^f. X^ n. x^^ n. ^ m. #^HI^ »n. F. of terms or footing. »i)it ^^^ITsft/. ^HToit/. Fbiexdlt, a. ^^Ml, ^HHHI, #^, ^5ft^, ^^, ^?T, finr, ^^fTcE. ?T^ ( >Q comp. as »(drfl<«r, ?RW, f?^?l ), FBIE.N-DLT, ado. fW-at^^lll, f^T^TJWT, f*RT»4l*ll^. Fbie-Vdship, n. 5^=>nfr or Jftf^rqft/. ^^^ft/ ffT^PTT^r m. ^^ m. WW ». ^^^ n. W^^ n. flrf^fsq n. ^Tfl^ fi. ^^^ ». Breach off. i^spT^ «•• Close f. ^JTToft/. ^itn^/. Wtm/. ift/ TT^/. 3f|7r fl. Formation of f. f^RT^PT w. fi^R^^/. Interested f. «l*lf^ 5^ «. To form a close f. HH^d «. pTOot y. q/"*. Fbieb, fl. V. V. fraonrr, fr^pft. Fbike, n. fjT^ ^mr^ 5j* 'Jim an^. j Fbioate, »«. rf«iA 'ifMTnf«. aiTWrT- 1 m. ftm w.^rHrfl n. To take or conceivo f. H'lf^ or ^^^^>f\n-^H^^P^(r{-&c. ^^T^ , ^^l^ot Or g^JTTf^ot, — in high degree, terrify, f lighten out of one's wils, Sfc. qt^- m mv^f. SRTST'Jt y. ofo. %tTT/.-f?fT^/. :R«t y. ofo.\- E^=^m ^ jfTf r?r% ^^ y. o/ o. ktt^ m. ^inrwMr, grrfr ^p5 n. pi. ^rS^m-q^f^rof y. ofo. ^T^^ qi'Jff n. ^ sRuf y. 0/ 0. iiT?^ H)<.i<<|ti STSPT, ^rRT^-TTI^-^nTTipffTT&c. To f. into. »n^^ igft %^ 'h.v. V. H5T5T%^7 &C. v-qTOT, ^TT^RT, H^vftrT, *T- ?f, ?r5|i^, W^. — in high degree; ^lled with — swallowed «P by— overcome by— ^-c. fear. ^PTHfit^T, *nTirer,*rqTgT, T- «iTf?5, *rar#, »Tq^tfeT, Tqf^Tf^, *rqfJr|?T, *r«r^f^rT, h- m^, 'Tqnft^, ^i^Fmq, ^^^, ^'fU^?fK, «r^nT,^jr5RT- rEiOHTFrL, o. T. Feabfui,. *m^, ^<<< | ctMU| | m. il<<^H+r:» n. ^TtT?TT/. H^nrrTT/. ^^rlT/. Fhiqid, Fbigiditt. See Cold, &c. Feigorific, a. causing cold. f^R^;^, f^JT^ppF, f^JTt?"n^, Fbinge, n. g-IHT/. ?5%ft/. ^ffST/. To FhiNGE, v. fl. fnHT/.-&c. rTRof, Fbinoed, ;). o«rf o. V. V. yi«;. sj^t^^t/. [^ m. 2 ^^'t (?tg?^ n. _p;.-&c. rl, f^^PC or f%r- 2 — of subjects, v. Light. ^-^, ^rf+i, ^fl*l, "fl^, Fbizzle, &e. See Cubl, &c. Fbo, (»c?t». n. ^s'TT- FiOMfprep. MK^H, Mi<(o&H, ^f^, ||^ in comp. ^T in comp. FEO 843 FBTT F. nnd unto. 3T^^f^. Fboht, n. face, fore part. ^n. '^n- *Tr^m. ^T^/. JSTw. jrmTor qff^^rm. arqift/. whk-mi-js^ >nTr«.-3Tt»i». P^ttf? arnrn- ar^n. ar^THPTn. n^iii'im. Brazen t ^T^n. Exactly in f. of. JJ^^IT^S. F. and rear. 3TFITf^^w. 3T^TT^rf^^nft/. F. to fc ^I^K I ^tfH . From in f. of. iTt^??T, ««?IM. From the f. ^r. In f. ^, ?nfrr. In f. of. ?nftT, *ft^. In £ and in rear. a)H^lr!in. ^iqlrlm. FbOSTIXB, a, riH4|^{t(|, rfrl^Hr, rlilrMMI, &C. Fkoktiso, p. a. V. V. «HK-<Tm. ^^m. 2 tain or empty ditpliy. ^Z^f TTTTT^/. ^^irtt/ To Fbotb, p. n. ^nJTJt, "RPif, V^ra^t, SF*14«i, T^ m.-^ m. «(of iM. eon. To Fb«>tb, r. a. <>*iuf, TT^, %?ni^, SP^m.-&f. STT'l'T. Fbotbixkss, «. T. A. 1. SOfR^TT m. *«lctMul|CT. Ac. Fbotht, a /Hi/ of froth, made of froth, ^e. ""ir^, *^nw, %- ?n^, *H«? or vPir}, ?l%^, *i^i>-r^f?l^ 2 «"f^n I <¥1 ^ I ,S|II lO ^ I ,g'-4¥t^I, FaoozixEu, ». T. A. 3^^qtin •». 3^7m/. y»T?im/ Fbocbt, «. MM/'y, 4"'. 3^, 5'!?, WR, J^irfrSI, «lsaf?l. To get f 5^, 5^^. Fbowabs, a. T. I>ExvKBaB. sfivtWT, SWT'retj^^^^j^TH- Fbowajwvus, «i. t. a. 3T*?^^/. f^j^/. fSf^^ltrft/ 25> Fbowh, t. ». ^^^Jf. pi. ^»wJf-^ qSr, »T*'rt?T-^wwTO •iWl /. pl--y^ f- *t^*ii f pi. Mi''^'^i-'»iiwi*'i, rDHl««, FBOWSI50, H. T. V. artt/. 3j:ft^ w.'^'tn » v^ I. Zoo* of ditpleatvre. ^?T?T fn. *1'MH^T/. FEOZENj).v."V.»ift^ f*4v»1rtrtl-'rit^^ «.->i^rf. Topmost f. 3fr3T»55 ». Unripe (fcard, green, &c. ) f. ejtST ♦». +.I+iI m. ^RT»». To be plump and blooming, — f. viflo&uj. To yield f. lit. fig. "PoE^T. 2 fig. -H. C0S8E(JUESCE. p«i«(c6/"./, FbCITEBEB, n. '\\f «(^*rfdl/.9R5- 2 lIfW?ftf5?TT/. iipra^r^n. qyT^^n. 3l^«nTti. Fbcitios, n. T. Ekjoxmekt. Ti^Ht^w. »Tt»Tm. MnWTTw. FbUITLUS, a. »ain, unproductive. Nwprt, >PW^-rf^-^Jf^ -Ac. R*im, f<+IH*l, frlT, WT'4, f^T^'iH, 'ft'FSS, vp^KVy rSVlTUMSLT, «<3l, I^^N-Ac. ^TTof. Feustbated, ^. v.V. 1. fWoE %^OT, jfrS^JST, |??T^%55T, &c. Fbusteation, n. t. V. i.—act. nmin. &c. *fn»t. f?r^im»». Fey, «. matter frying or fried. ?Tot^'». cf35?/i. 2 crowd of small fitJi. f-^*\Ji«i*, \HiollA, ^JTToft^. Wood split into logs for f. ^^m. To add f. to the flame. STT^n.-^IoErq'frr ^aft/. ei^of. Fugacious, &c. See Fugitive, &c. FUOH, interj. ^,qr, if^^j, ^^. [ qjsHT. FcomvE, a. /yiny, running away. qotuiKi, MoftWil, TcB^, 2 wandering, vagrant. f^lf^=^, M, m /aio, ^'c. W^, H^. 5 — a color, if^ or it^, Tif r. 6 — a voice. TT^, TT^, 7^m. 7 well filled, plump, pulpous, swelling. *J<4|<., »N»1«fH or ^^I'JsftH, SHS^FfTH or S^^^Od, ^^^t> aickicardly. Vi \ VM \ 1*ul,v1«H«),^- •IflctO'l or nraw, 'MHI«("i, N^N^ui, de)H«J«l, cTm^, H ^adv. |>it, ^T^ or ^^>in. jsJ. ^^-^m ^^tif-^rl TH^, To Fumigate, c. a. *p-m.-qft/-3^:^/.-^TVTTT»».-&c. ^. FCMIOATIOS, ». V. V. — act. «JT^n. &c. ^TPRTiw. w: ffi. , FlMi50, n. V. V. 1. yro^ifn. &c. i 2 3Ta5'P^»l.&C. ^T^f^oE/. ^^/•^'^^/. ^TFj/fH^- I X /. ^20/, %5E »i. I J5T/ f^"t^ tn. ?^ *^/- I Fi»CTio5, n. employment, t. OmCE, Bcscrsss. ^FTK «. ^- rf n. Jf?Hfl, >M4."I1, »i'^U^H*-'!N*(t,'m*II<^'» q ffaf^f*<< i y i, «n^^, lfTTT>«f^. [ Ac FC5DAME3ITAI., n. primary principU. l^^,^A^^^ w. J?^f /■ FinmBiAL, FtniEBAL, FoHsnAL, a. belonjiny, ^e. to « funeral. iJ»1<%hNi, iJl*Mf"fl, Ac. 4^f»{*i^4t, ^fm- A t pile. f^/. ; th« t pilo. f^wfff*! «. 4< Bursting of the skull of the corpse on the f. pilciR- 1T5Kft?r»». F. ashes. f^dlM^M n. F. fire. f%JrTrftr««. F. fire accompanied by the proper rites. H^nfff '«. F. rites and ceremonies, t. Obsequies. fif>qr/. f^T- The officiating Brahman at f. rites. ^«ff »«. Unhallowed f. fire. »T5T^/. TSTW/ Hilfil «». FCNEBAL, M. V. OBSEQUIES. ^T<)^*+l< m. jl<1t(Vt-K ««. ?i*NY, 0. ffroW, comical. ♦il^-MT, #Hq;i-m, fmT^TT^, -^iMr-t-r- FUB, n. akin tcith hair. ^m(\^ V\r^i\ f. tlrtlM-^H ». ^HT- 2 »q/3f AoiV, ?lfT^/ ^f. ?5>r ». [?;qT^/.^TT3E/;i. 3 ( as upon the tongue, Ac. ). ^T^ /. 5^^ m. 5TT «. To be covered with f.— teeth, tongue, Ac, 5^^^, ^C- sfm, g<.«r*iui, gr^r^, wra^. To FuEBisii, V. a. y. To Polish. sj^»i«ui', Ptti«ul(, ^W^f. ^T^, T^5ET m.-sm /.-5RVTOTT m.-l^ f.-fW^J. ^, afrrWt/. 5^ g- of 0. FuBBisHEB, n. T. V. J^otu|R|, Ac. f^+rl'K Or »TTT or f^'P- f5»R Ac. 5!T^RT^, 3Tf^*TT«nF, ST^tTr^. ^ FuBCATiox, «. V. FoBK. %5ft/. ^oP|5t/. %5E% or %o!% n. qw? n. FuBiOUS, a. if/W/y raging, outrageous, v. Raoiho. fWW, ^T^^CT iiT^n, aim «nWT, ;nTT linRT, 5HMrll*ft, "Flflft, 2 violent, vehement, T.ExcESSivE, Impetuous. ^?, sT^t, II*wi. [ ^. 8— of battle or fighting, v. Hot. ^Rwt, g^ j»/». JiJ^, FUBlOUflLT, «/p. T. A. 1. /' 0. jlT^ Wl*r9r, ^'[BfY/. ^ y. "/o. FcKioKo, n. ^OT^ arrawT f^^^rr »». FtTlLOUOH, n. T. Leavi, Xyi\\f. FvBXAOB, «. *»id( -f^f?I^-&c .>F^, To f. a house. sfT n. HTfJf. ^ /-H I f^r<< n. ^I^ g. of o. FUBNISHED, ^. V. V. 1, ?Pfl^^^5T, &C. ^«T, ^Tf^, ^vnfl» - 2 f^?1?jr, JT^^. FuENiSHiua, M. V. V. \.—act. J?^ n.&c. JTpsiT «». ^TSPT «. 2 ^ «. j^eT'T «. ^rrar m. qO^T, ^ff^. FOEXIVELT, atfy. ^^rtt%, =q^t?S?T, 3tMT^«rrft. FcET, «. V. Eaoe, Anoeb. ^ToE^rwi.sppnT «».^w^ mxt^m.^^m. 2 vehemence, violence, Sfc.—oi a storm, &c. H4I+T o>' ^Tw. 3 « f . a furious woman. ■«if«i>i or ^^/. ^?5E or oft/. TiIT^ or jt/. Mli'HA'f) H«4, WT^, ^?r5ET, <<|«+4, c||^<|,|. To get f. vJ«ldU|. Futile, a. trifling, tvorthlest. ^rl+1, «(H'IT, «iH-4iot , ^T^FoE. 2 T. Ineffectual. PlHUii m. qpFoETTT m. i)|«jic£t/. Futcee, a. qy^ or t^, jff^, JTT^r^rT or ?5T, J?- o^N^JHI , &C. Tf^^, Tleff, Hlf=l+, 311'llMl, 3(l'lr|oA|, 31|'1^'1<- ^n*. A little g. ^I'^t^m. 2b Oao, v. a. flop the moufh, rflSH ^teTw.-^f«JT»». yirf^^l To g. with a clout, ^t^/ ^. Qao, *. tomething put into the mouth to hinder tpeeeh. ^TS (l-ASK, n. pledge. "^f^^ ^tt/.^J^T^ ^RTm. nf?l?llR<^»». 'A Oaoe. See To Plesok. HioaiM, &e. See Cackle, &c. GaDT, n.proJU, emolument, getting*, earning*. f»lo6<|)i or tiRtlm. ^l^m. 3PT m. fiTcUn^in. yrH-*?". 3TT^o». anrniin. 3T^w. vJTS/. jf^/. 3^7Tm. fsTTiTw. *»iif««?fT/. 'iiArln. tin. irmsTi^T"!. ^?«rtn». ?5«r«. — gener. or looaelj. fllHI'l^MIw. Bj way of g. ;i%^, ^Ri|.^MHr\f. v. ^. O. and loss. rJIHWIHai. Prospect of g. PJH^.f^/. Unexpected or rare g. 3WWT^nTw. ^J^n. tpj^n. 2 adcanlage, beiwJH,y. Advastaoe. f^n.^J^m. qs^m. ^IT^or ^rfrSTiu. <55En.V3^fHor». 2 obtain a* profit or adcantage. ^TWT, f^Hf^TJl or HoM(5|, ♦IMI^'il, 3T7l'oi, fMct*H/-r*'*l<T^ y. 0/ o. viHi>»iii/.-dHlJiHn.-ikc. «ii»l-^WO|. <}Aiin(D,p. T. V. A. l.r«*^^l, Ac. irm, 9^, ». Ac. f^9^^fJ.f^^::^- 2— act. f^i{U|| «. Ac. mmf. v. HR. Gait, n. air or manner 0/ walking. qfcT/. ^Tc5/. ■«ft/. Galled, p. v. V. 1- '^ra^^?^, f^l'It^rfl, Ac. Having a g. or sore back. sTToft, 'TlroTT, TRTWr. 2 3Tr^^?5T, Ac. Galleby, n. covered terrace outiide of a houte. ^T^TT w. 2 ( in a church, theatre, Ac. ) MI«»-< iWR 3TT^. 2 roo* room 0/0 ihip of tear. TKTVSi «l«m|t«"*(| art^m w. Gallei-ilave, n. 'H*1'1I^ Tf^ *TR\'A]4J F.iwi «. pi. To Gamble, To Game, v. n. flay at dice, cards.^ ^c. for a stale. WUIMI ^55 m.-'^#qT %o5 wi.-^Rf^TrfNT <."^%^ +?i«l4l m. Gamesome, n. See Plateul. Gamester. See Gambler. Gammer, n. — the compellation. spTT/. Gammon, w. hoa.r. ^r^ m. stt^ w. gtrJr m. To Gammon, r. a. to hoax. ^fpFT w».-#=5T m.-kc. ^, Gamut, n. musical scale. ^[^ m. «. ^^^. Chanting the notes of the g. *(R'IH/. Eunning down the notes of the g. 3T^ft^ m. Euuuiug up the notes of the g. 3TT/. v. ^. Gander, w. |h m. ^F??^^^ m. q'^ m. Gang, «. t. Band. ^k\f. 'KI'IKn. +.HI5^n. — in covert phrase. ^iMHiw. To Gaol. See To Imprison. Gaol-delivebt, m. ^5^3nfT m. Gaoler, «. 5ir^<^KMNI-5TnT^-&c. arf^nFPft, ^f^5[in5T=^, Gap, «. 1%5/. dim. f^KV^f- or 3 «. or f%^^f. or^j n. and enhanc. f%JK or\ n. ^uf.enhanc. ^\w: n. vivf m. ^fq- m.f. Large g. *n^ or 51 or M'\'\\i n. TTT? «. WTW «• HT- JRTT or HHRfT OT. iTrBsp^ or ^ ». J^TTSTT ». f^q^R or ^ «. G. in the teeth. ^S/. sffiTTfes/ ^*TT^ «. 2 fig. intermitted day or time, \, Break. ^W »». STPIT m. Sflaw, defect. %^ «. Gap-toothed, o. ^ t^^ft or »IT, ^'Ji, ?re^, rii+ui, ts /.- 'TT/. TS'Jf »'»• con. 3 o/)«7» Mp «io!rfl, &c. TToSFTToft'fT. Garden, «. srm m.f. dim. 5nft^ m. qr^/. mVc^ f^^^^ n. *R|H«H n. 3TTTr*T w. 3Trm «• Flower g. *rJ«)l'l m. f. jwr^rf^^FT/. [ % »». i?^. Gardens — comprch. gardens, plantations, Sfc. «m^^- G.— fruits, qi'irs'rft |H «. HT^f^mT m. «||«MMM'J|I m. MI'WF- Gahgakism, Gahole, fi. «•««* /(W /Ac /A roa<. J^EtiTT »». 3- oEwft /. 3T5ET M. fflit /. noEWTr^-Ac. ^Wv «. «ifjr m. ^i^h-Om ti. 2b Gaboabize, To Gabole, v. a. nsot m.pl.-*\-iVM\f.pl- Gabxaxd, «. ^ m. m^ pop. ^\m f. JTT^ /. ( in comp. as iTTr^T n. ?ff or ?ni^/. G. of wild flowers. •IHHlfll /. 2 eolUction of prinled pieces. X(^H\^\/. Gablic, h. fSgjT «. /. ?5^5T n. Clove of g. rl^ui«ft/ Mi+'af) / ^^ «. Sr^ ». ^/ Gabmixt, «. v. Clothiso, Clothes. MiM<^"l «. T?? n. MI^^DI «. [ ^ «. A tattered mantle or g. *''-<5< w tdf-fn. <5^ft/. CstT, «/r. T. A. WT^ra'lTT^f, WT^ra^t^^. GaBTEB, «. SIMHrifl «jt*TWTrl »n. 4>I<1«J> «. 3 ( of an enclosure, in a fence, &c. ). ^R'lT »». ^TtTT ♦». ?r^ w ?R% «. dim. r^z^f. ^?T5t/?nft/. ^ff /. «prnp «. "Pf^P^T n. Qate-keepeb, ♦». ( of a village ). %?H^, gTTTn?, Gate-wat, n. (^^^I'jfl «t. '^5r^ or ^^/ Ht^T «. 2b Gatheb, v. a. collect. "TtoET =PTwf, (^^^T^, f^ToRr^t, nfoETT- N»iHNui, 'jilotui, 'l«j«of, ^1 m.-^^'^^ OT.-&C. ^^^ y. 0/0, 2 crop, j)Z«c/fc. «Tt55t, ^fT^ot, ?TtffT ^, 3'frT''f, tltS'ft/.* Ji, SliMv'i, arrsRot, argi^, ^rrmR^, areW »».-3T7^ w.-an^ w.-atrr- ^TT ti.-&c. ^^. 4 V. To PccKEB. H^iui or ^niit, tJ^'i^f^iJi. 5 ( sums due, &c. ). dM«|ii<5i. 2b Gatheb, v. n. come together, collect, assemble. ^^>^^, fint^, "TtoET ^, vSHT'it, ?(<»>^-^;5^ ^Hf, ^'^j 5^. 2 V. To PucKKB. gr^prof, ^r^ or y^«ul, 3T^^. 3 generate pus. J^otdj, q%tijr, j'^TiT^, J^TT^, JoETT^ ^- Gatheb, f». t. Pdckeb. gTf^ft/- f^R>ft/. ^^/. Gatipebes, p. V. V. A. 1. 'fl'oET ^^rtl, ^IWT^W, Ac cpTT, ^rt'ftT, ^?^, ^tf^, ^nr^, tiHif^i, ?tf^, ^T^, 2 . T. A. 1. 3TR^?r, 3"e5I«l^', g'sfTOfrft^, 3 V. Finely. 3nft%, «*M^I<"l^. To Gaze, ». «. look intently. ?^-<.*'i<»>-H.+H+-d. a. qrfjTR T^tcT ?m^-!7f>l4+<^. Gazetteer, «. See. Gazette. 2 ^^ ^mr ^ ^r-Mlf^+K'm <)uHI^T ?f. T. V. J=?>, J^^TF or ^ intent, dl<(>l, d4>H Gazinq-stock, «. |%TT5irt.