THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 1 AVOIDEU HIS HORNS KV LEAPING TJ ONK SIDE. 'I he Young I'oyageurs.^ p. 122. Vl'70llt. THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS OR THE BOY HUNTERS IN THE NORTH BY CAPTAIN MAYNE REID AUTHOR OF "the BOY HUNTEHS," " THE DESERT HOME," " THE FCKEST EXILES," ETC. LONDON GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS, Limited \EW YORK: E. P. BUTTON AND CO. •RADBURV, AGNEW. & CO. LD., PRINTERS, LONDON AND TONBRIDUE. VK KIND FATHER, GENTLE AND AFFECTIONATE MOTHER. XOCEPT THIS TRIBUTE OF A son's gratitude. - MAYNE REia 68,5489 PREFACE. In the " Boy Hunters " the Author endeavoured to illustrate the fauna of the temperate zone of the American Continent. In doing this, however, many animals, and particularly that interesting class known as the " fur-bearing animals," could not be inti'oduced without " bringing the moimtain to Mahomet." To avoid this, the " Boy Hunters " — under the name of the " Young Voyageurs " — have made a grand journey through the " fur ooontries," where, as will be seen, they have met with nearly all the wild creatures that inhabit that cold and desolate region. The Author begs leave here to repeat that he is " not conscious of having taken any liberty, for the sake of effect, with the laws of Nature — with its fauna or its flora. Neither plant nor tr^e, bird nor mammal, has been pressed into service beyond the limits of its geographical range; although, in illustrating the habits or history of God's •wild creatures, he has often selected only their more peculiar characteristics." If the " Young Voyagcnrs " receive only a? much applause in their new character, as they did in that of the " Boy Hunters," the Author will have no reason to complain of his " boy public." London, November 1863 CONTENTS. t31*P. MOR I. THE FUR COUNTRIES . . I II. THE YOUNG V0YAGEUR3 . . .11 III. THE TRUMPETER SWAN AND BAIJ) EAGLE 29 IV. THE SWANS OF AMERICA 47 V. A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT . 68 VI. "castaway" . . .' . .73 VII. A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN . , . 81 VIII DECOYING THE " GOATS " , .98 IX A " PARTRIDGE DANCE " . 109 X. BASIL AND THE BISON-BULL . , 119 XI. THREE CURIOUS TREES . , .128 XII. HOW TO BUILD A BARK CANOE . .145 XIII THE CHAIN OF LAKES . . . 154 XIV WAPITI, WOLVES, AND WOLVFRENE 163 XV. A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS . . 182 XVI A GRAND SUNDAY DINNER . 195 XVII. THE MARMOTS OF AMERICA , . .211 viii CONTENTS. CHAP. FAOJ XVIII. THE BLAIEEAU, TAWNIES, AND LEOPAEUS 225 XIX. AN ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK , . 237 XX. THE DUCKS OF AMERICA . . . 2ol XZI. THE SHRIKE AND THE HUMMINU-BIRDS 263 XXII. THE FISH-HAWK . 274 XXIII. THE OSPREY AND HIS TYRANT . . 284 XXIV. THE VOYAGE INTERRUPTED . . ,297 XXV FISHING UNDER THE ICE . . . 306 XXVI. AN ODD ALARM . . 31ft XXVII. ENCOUNTER WITH A MOOSI? . . . 331 XXVIII. LIFE IN A LOG-HUT . . . 342 XXIX. TRAVELLING ON SNOW-SHOES . . 354 XXX. THE BARREN GROUNDS . 365 XXXI THE ROCK-TRIPE ... 378 XXXII. THE POLAR HARE AND GREAT SNOWY OWL 388 XXXIII THE JUMPING MOUSE AND THE ERMINE 403 XXXIV. THE ARCTIC FOX AND WHITE WOLF . 410 XXXV. THE JERFALCON AND THE WHITE GROUSE 423 XXXVI. THE HARE. LYNX, AND GOLDEN EAGLE . 431 XXXVII. THE "ALARM BIRD ' AND THE CARIBOU . 440 XSXVIII. A BATTLE WITH WOLVES , . . 462 KXXIX. END OF THB " VOYAGE "... 466 THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS. CHAPTER I. THE FUR COUNTRIES. Boy reader, you have heard of the Hudson's Bay Company ? Ten to one, you have worn a piece of fur, which it has provided for you ; if not, your pretty little sister has — in her muff, or her boa, or as a trimming for her winter dres> . Would you like to know something of the country whence come these furs ? — of the animals whose backs have been stripped to obtain them ? As I feel certain that you and I are old friends, I make bold to answer for you — yes. Come, then ! let us journey together to the "Fur Countries;" let us cross them from south to north. A vast journey it will be. It will cost us many thousand miles of travel. We shall find neither B *^ THE FOR COUNTRIES. railway-train, nor steamboat, nor stage-coach, to carry us on our way. We shall not even have the help of a horse. For us no hotel shall spread its luxurious board ; no road-side inn shall hang out its inviting sign and "clean beds;" no roof of any kind shall offer us its hospitable shelter. Our table shall be a rock, a log, or the earth itself ; our lodging a tent ; and our bed the skin of a wild beast. Such are the best acconunodations we can expect upon our journey. Are you stiU ready to undertake it ? Does the prospect not deter you ? No — I hear you exclaim. I shall be satisfied with the table — what care I for mahogany ? With the lodging — ■! can tent like an Arab. With the bed — fling feathers to the wind ! Enough, brave boy ! you shall go with me to the wild regions of the " North-west," to the far " fur countries" of America. But, first — a word about the land through which we are going to travel. Take down your Atlas. Bend your eye upon the map of North America. Note two large islands — one upon the right side, Newfoundland ; another upon the left, Vancouver. DraAv a line from one to the other ; it will nearly bisect the continent. North of that line you behold a vast THE FUR COUNTRIES. O territory. How vast ? You may take your scissors, and clip fifty Englands out of it ! There are lakes there in which you might droicn England, or make an island of it! Now, you may form some idea of the vastness of that region known as the " fur countries." Will you believe me, when I tell you that all this immense tract is a wilderness — a howling wilderness, if you like a poetical name ? It is even so. From north to south, from ocean to ocean, — throughout all that vast domain, there is neither town nor village — hardly anything that can be dignified with the name of " settlement." The only signs of civilisation to be seen are the " forts," or trading posts, of the Hudson's Bay Company; and these "signs" are few and far — hundreds of miles — between. For inhabitants, the country has less than ten thousand white men, the employes of the Company ; and its native people are Indians of many tribes, living far apart, few in numbers, subsisting by the chase, and half starving for at least a third part of every year I lu truth, the territory can hardly be called " in- liabited." There is not a man to every ten miles ; and in many parts of it you may travel hundreds 4 THE FTJR COUNTRIES. of miles without seeing a face, red, white, or black ! The physical aspect is, therefore, entirely wild. It is very different in different parts of the territory. One tract is peculiar. It has been long known as the " Barren Grounds." It is a tract of vast extent. It lies north-west from the shores of Hudson's Bay, extending nearly to the Mackenzie River. Its rocks are primitive. It ia a land of hills and valleys, — of deep dark lakes and sharp-running streams. It is a woodless region. No timber is found there that deserves the name. No trees but glandular dwarf birches, willows, and black spruce, small and stunted. Even these only grow in isolated valleys. More generally the surface is covered with coarse sand — the debris of granite or quartz-rock — upon which no vege- table, save the lichen or the moss, can find life and nourishment. In one respect these "Barren Grounds " are unlike the deserts of Africa : they are well watered. In almost every valley there is a lake ; and though many of these are land- locked, yet do they contain fish of several species Sometimes these lakes communicate with each other by means of rapid and turbulent streams THE FUR COUNTRIES. 5 passing tlirough narrow gorges ; and lines of those connected lakes form tlie great rivers of the district. Such is a large portion of the Hudson's Bay territory. Most of the extensive peninsula of La- brador partakes of a similar character ; and there are other like tracts west of the Rocky Mountain range in the " Russian possessions." Yet these " Barren Grounds" have their denizens. Nature has formed animals that delight to dwell there, and that are never found in more fertile regions. Two ruminating creatures find sustenance upon the mosses and lichens that cover their cold rocks : they are the caribou (reindeer) and the musk-ox. These, in their turn, become the food and subsistence of preying creatures. The wolf, in all its varieties of grey, black, white, pied, and dusky, follows upon their trail. The "brown bear," — a large species, nearly resembling the "grizzly," — is found only in the Barren Grounds; ind the great "Polar bear" comes within their borders, but the latter is a dweller upon their shores alone, and finds his food among the finny tribes of the seas that surround them. In marshy ponds, existing here and there, the musk-rat {Fiber zibethicus) builds his house, like that of his larger 6 THE FOR COUNTRIES. cousin, the beaver. Upon the water sedge he finds subsistence ; but his natural enemy, the wolverene {Gulo luscus), skulks in the same neighbourhood. The " Polar hare " lives upon the leaves and twigs of the dwarf birch-tree ; and this, transformed into its own white flesh, becomes the food of the Arctic fox. The herbage, sparse though it be, does not grow in vain. The seeds fall to the earth, but they are not suffered to decay. They are gathered by the little lemmings and meadow-mice (arvicolce), who, in their turn, become the prey of two species of mustelidce, the ermine and vison weasels. Have the fish of the lakes no enemy ? Yes — a terrible one in the Canada otter. The mink-weasel, too, pursues them ; and in summer, the osprey, the great pelican, the cormorant, and the white-headed eagle. These are the fauna of the Barren Grounds. Man rarely ventures within their boundaries. The wretched creatures who find a living there are the Esquimaux on their coasts, and a few Chippewa Indians in the interior, who hunt the caribou, and are known as "caribou-eaters," Other Indians enter them only in summer, in search of game, or journeying from point to point ; and so perilous are these journeyings, that numbers frequently perish THE PUR COUNTRIES. 7 by the way. There are no white men in the Barren Grounds. The "Company" has no com- merce there. No fort is established in them : so scarce are the fur-bearing animals of these parts, their skins would not repay the expense of a "trading post." Far different are the "wooded tracts" of the fur countries. These lie mostly in the southern and central regions of the Hudson's Bay territory. There are found the valuable beaver, and the wolverene that preys upon it. There dwells the American hare, with its enemy the Canada lynx. There are the squirrels, and the beautiful martens (sables) that hunt them from tree to tree. There are found the foxes of every variety, the red, the cross, and the rare and highly-prized silver-fox ( Vulpes argentatus), whose shining skin sells for its weight in gold ! There, too, the black bear ( Ursus Americanus) yields its fine coat to adorn the winter carriage, the holsters of the dragoon, and the shako of the grenadier. There the fur-bearing animals exist in greatest plenty, and many others whose skins are valuable in commerce, as the moose, the wapiti, and the wood-bison. But there is also a "prairie" district in the 8 THE FUR COUNTRIES. fir countries. The great table prairies ot North America, that slope eastward from the Rocky Mountains, also extend northward into the Hud- son's Bay territory. They gradually grow nar- rower, however, as you proceed farther north, until, on reaching the latitude of the Great Slave Lake, they end altogether. This "prairie land" has its peculiar animals. Upon it roams the buf- falo, the prong-horned antelope, and the mule-deer. There, too, may be seen the " barking wolf" and the "swift fox." It is the favourite home of the marmots, and the gauffres or sand-rats •, and there, too, the noblest of animals, the horse, runs wild. West of this prairie tract is a region of far different aspect, — the region of the Rocky Moun- tains. This stupendous chain, sometimes called the Andes of North America, continues throughout the fur countries from their southern limits to the shores of the Arctic Sea. Some of its peaks overlook the waters of that sea itself, towering up near the coast. Many of these, even in southern latitudes, carry the "eternal snow." This "mauntain-chain" is, in places, of great breadth. Deep valleys lie in its embrace, many of which have never been visited by man. Some are desolate and dreary ; others THE FUR COUNTRIES. *> are oiises of vegetation, which fascinate the travellei whose fortune it has been, after toiling among naked rocks, to gaze upon their smiling fertility. These lovely wilds are the favourite home of many strange animals. The argali, or mountain - sheep, with his huge curving horns, is seen there ; and the shaggy wild goat bounds along the steepest cliffs. The black bear wanders tlirough the wooded ravines ; and his fiercer congener, the "grizzly" — the most dreaded of all American animals — drags his huge body along the rocky declivities. Having crossed the mountains, the fur countries extend westward to the Pacific. There you en- counter barren plains, treeless and waterless ; rapid rivers, that foam through deep, rock-bound chan- nels ; and a country altogether rougher in aspect, and more mountainous, than that lying to the east of the great chain. A warmer atmosphere prevails as you approach the Pacific, and in some places forests of tall trees cover the earth. In these are found most of the fur-bearing animals ; and, on account of the greater warmth of the climate, the true felidce — the long-tailed cats -r— here wander much farther north than upon the eastern side of the continent. Even so far north as the forests of 10 THE FUR COUNTRIES. Oregon these appear in the forms of the coutjar (^Felis concolor), and the ounce (Felis onzd). But it is not our intention at present to cross the Rocky Mountains. Our journey will lie altogether on the eastern side of that great chain. It wiD extend from the frontiers of civilization to the shores of the Arctic Sea. It is a loner and perilous journey, boy reader ; but as we have made up our minds to it, let us waste no more time m talking, but set forth at once. You are ready ? Hurrah I THE YOUNG VOTAGEURS. 11 CHAPTER n. THE YOUNG VOYAGEUES. There is a canoe upon the waters of Eed River- Red River of the north. It is near the source of the stream, but passing downward. It is a small canoe, a frail structure of birch-bark, and contains only four persons. They are all young — the eldest of them evidently not over nineteen years of age, and the youngest about fifteen. The eldest is nearly full-grown, though his body and limbs have not yet assumed the muscular de- velopement of manhood. His complexion is dark, nearly olive. Plis hair is jet-black, straight as an Indian's, and long. His eyes are large and brilliant, and his features prominent. His countenance ex presses courage, and his well-set jaws betoken firmness and resolution. He does not belie his looks, for he possesses these qualifications in a high 1 2 THE YOUNG VOYAGERS. degvee. There is a gravity in his manner, some-- what rare in one so young ; yet it is not the result of a morose disposition, but a subdued temperament produced by modesty, good sense, and much expe- rience. Neither has it the air of stupidity. No : you could easily tell that tlie mind of this youth, if once roused, would exhibit both energy and alert- ness. His quiet manner has a far different ex- pression. It is an air of coolness and confidence, which tells you he has met with dangers in the past, and would not fear to encounter them again. It is an expression peculiar, I think, to the hunters of the " Far West," — those men who dwell amidst dangers in the wild regions of the great prairies. Their solitary mode of life begets this expression. They are often for months without the company of a creature with whom they may converse — months without beholding a human face. They live alone with Nature, surrounded by her majestic forms. These awe them into habits of silence. Such was in point of fact the case with the youth whom we have been describing. He had hunted much, though not as a professional hunter. With him the chase had been followed merely as a pastime ; but its pursuit had brought him into situations of peril, THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS. 13 and in contact with Nature in her wild solitudes. Young as he was, he had journeyed over the grand prairies, and through the pathless forests of the West. He had slain the bear and the buffalo, the wild cat and the cougar. These experiences had made their impression upon his mind, and stamped his countenance with that air of gravity we have noticed. The second of the youths whom we shall de- scribe is very different in appearance. He is of blonde complexion, rather pale, with fair silken hair that waves gently down his cheeks, and falls upon his shoulders. He is far from robust. On the con- trary, his form is thin and delicate. It is not the delicacy of feebleness or ill-health, but only a body of slighter build. The manner in which he handles his oar shows that he possesses both health and strength, though neither in such a high degree as the dark youth. His face expresses, perhaps, a larger amount of intellect, and it is a countenance that would strike you as more open and commu- nicative. The eye is blue and mild, and the brow is marked by the paleness of study and habits of continued thought. These indications are no more than just, for the fair-haired youth is a student, 14 THE YOUNG VOTAGEURS. and one of no ordinary attainments. Although only seventeen years of age, he is already well versed in the natural sciences ; and many a gra- duate of Oxford or Cambridge would but ill com- pare with him. The former might excel in the knowledge — if we can dignify it by that name — of the laws of scansion, or in the composition of Greek idyls ; but in all that constitutes real knowledge he would prove but an idle theorist, a dreamy imbecile, alongside our practical young scholar of the West. The third and youngest of the party — taking them as they sit from stern to bow — differs in many respects from both those described. He has neither the gravity of the first, nor yet the intel- lectuality of the second. His face is round, and full, and ruddy. It is bright and smiling in its expression. His eye dances merrily in his head, and its glance falls upon everything. His Hps are hardly ever at rest. They are either engaged in making woi'ds — for he talks almost incessantly — or else contracting and expanding with smiles and joyous laughter. His cap is jauntily set, and his fine brown curls, hanging against the rich roseate skin of his cheeks, give to his countenance an THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS. 15 expression of extreme health and boyish beauty. His merry laugh and free air tell you he is not the boy for books. He is not much of a hunter neither. In fact, he is not particularly given to anything — one of those easy natures who take the world as it comes, look upon the bright side of everything, without getting sufficiently interested to excel in anything. These three youths were dressed nearly alike. The eldest wore the costume, as near as may be, of a backwoods hunter — a tunic-like hunting -shirt, of dressed buckskin, leggings and mocassins of the same material, and all — shirt, leggings, and mocas- sins — handsomely braided and embroidered with stained quiUs of the porcupine. The cape of the shirt was tastefully fringed, and so was the skirt as well as the seams of the mocassins. On his head was a hairy cap of raccoon skin, and the tail of the animal, with its dark transverse bars, hung down behind like the drooping plume of a hehnet. .Aj'ound his shoulders were two leathern belts that crossed each other upon his breast. One of these slung a bullet-pouch covered with a violet-green skin that glittered splendidly in the sun. It was from tlie head of the " wood-duck" (Anas sponsa), 16 THB YOUNG V01A.GEDR8. the most beautiful bird of its tribe. By the oth strap was suspended a large crescent-sbaped horn taken from the head of an Opelousas bull, and carved with various ornamental devices. Other smaller implements hung from the belts, attached by leathern thongs : there was a picker, a wiper, and a steel for striking fire with. A third belt — a broad stout one of alligator leather — encircled the youth's waist. To this was fastened a holster, and the shining butt of a pistol could be seen protruding out ; a hunting -knife of the kind denominated "bowie" hanging over the left hip, completed his " arms and accoutrements.* The second of the youths was dressed, as already stated, in a somewhat similar manner, though his accoutrements were not of so warlike a character. Like the other, he had a powder-horn and pouch, but instead of knife and pistol, a canvass bag or haversack hung from his shoulder ; and had you looked into it, you would have seen that it was half filled with shells, pieces of rock, and rare plants, gathered during the day — the diurnal store- house of the geologist, the palasontologist, and botanist — to be emptied for study and examination by the night camp-fire. Instead of the 'coon-skin THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS. 17 cap he wore a white felt hat with broad leaf ; and for leggings and mocassins he had trousers of blue cottonade and laced buskins of tanned leather. The youngest of the three was dressed and accoutred much like the eldest, except that his cap was of blue cloth — somewhat after the fashion of the military forage cap. All three wore shirts of coloured cotton, the best for journeying in these uninhabited regions, where soap is scarce, and a laundress not to be had at any price. Though very unlike one another, these three youths were brothers. I knew them well. I had seen them before — about two years before — and though each had grown several inches taller since that time, I had no difficulty in recognising them. Even though they were now two thousand miles from where I had formerly encountered them, I could not be mistaken as to their identity. Beyond a doubt they were the same brave young adven- turers whom I had met in the swamps of Louisiana, and whose exploits I had witnessed upon the prairies of Texas. They were the " Boy Hunters," — Basil, Lucien, Fran9ois ! I was right glad to renew acquaintance with them. Boy reader, 4o you share my joy ? C 18 THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS. But whither go they now ? They are full two thousand miles from their home in Louisiana. The Red River upon which their canoe floats is not that Red River, whose blood-like waters sweep through the swamps of the hot South — the home of the alli- gator and the gar. No, it is a stream of a far different character, though also one of great magni- tude. Upon the banks of the former ripens the rice plant, and the sugar-cane waves its golden tassels high in the air. There, too, flourishes the giant reed (Arundo gigardea), the fan-palm ( ChamcErops), and the broad-leafed magnolia, with its huge snow- white flowers. There the aspect is Southern, and the heat tropical for most part of the year. All this is reversed on the Red River of the North. It is true that on its banks sugar is also produced ; but it is no longer from a plant but a lordly tree — the great sugar-maple {Acer sac- charinum). There is rice too, — vast fields of rice upon its marshy borders ; but it is not the pearly grain of the South. It is the wild rice. " the water oats" (Zizania aquaticd), the food of millions of winged creatures, and thousands of human beings zs, well. Here for three-fourths of the year the sun is feeble, and the aspect that of winter. For months THE YOUNG V0YAGEUR8. 19 the cold waters are bound up in an icy embrace. The earth is covered with thick snow, over which rise the needle-leafed coniferce — the pines, the cedars, the spruce, and the hemlock. Very unlike e.icli other are the countries watered by the two streams, the Red River of the South and its name- sake of the North. But whither go our Boy Hunters in their birch- bark canoe ? The river upon which they are voy- aging runs due northward into the great lake Winnipeg. They are floating with its current, and consequently increasing the distance from their home. Whither go they ? The answer leads us to some sad reflections. Our joy on again beholding them is to be mingled with grief. When we last saw them they had a father, but no mother. Now they have neither one nor the other. The old Colonel, their father — the French emigre, the hunter-naturalist — is dead. He who had taught them all they knew ; who had taught them " to ride, to swim, to dive deep rivers, to fling the lasso, to climb tall trees, and scale steep clifis, to bring down birds upon the wing or beasts upon the run, with the arrow and the unerring rifle; who had trained them to sleep in the open air, in the dark 20 THE YOUNG Y0TAGEUR3. forest, on the unsheltered prairie, along the white snow-wreath — anywhere — with but a blanket or a buffalo robe for their bed; who had taught them to live on the simplest food, and had imparted to one of them a knowledge of science, of botany in particu- lar, that enabled them, in case of need, to draw sustenance from plants and trees, from roots and fruits, to find resources where ignorant men would starve ; had taught them to kindle a fire without flint, steel, or detonating powder ; to discover their direction without a compass, from the rocks and the trees and the signs of the heavens; and in addition to all, had taught them, as far as was then known, the geography of that vast wilderness that stretches from the Mississippi to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and northward to the icy borders of the Arctic Sea" — he who had taught them all this, their father, was no more; and his three sons, the " boy men," of whom he was so proud, and of whose accomplishments he was wont to boast, were now orphans upon the wide world. But little more than a year after their return from their grand expedition to the Texan prairies, the " old Colonel " had died. It was one of the worst years of that scourge of the South — the THE TOUNG VOTAGEURS. 21 yellow fever — and to this di-ead pestilence he had fallen a victim. Hugot, the ex-chasseur and attached domestic, who was accustomed to follow his master like a shadow, had also followed him into the next world. It was not grief that killed Hugot, though he bore the loss of his kind master sadly enough. But it was not grief that killed Hugot. He was laid low by the same disease of which his master had died — • the yellow fever. A week had scarcely passed after the death of the latter, before Hugot caught the disease, and in a few days he was carried to the tomb and laid by the side of his " old Colonel." The Boy Hunters — Basil, Lucien, Fran9ois — became orphans. They knew of but one relation in the whole world, with whom their father had kept up any correspondence. This relation was an uncle, and, strange as it may seem, a Scotchman — a Highlander, who had strayed to Corsica in early life, and had there married the Colonel's sister. That uncle had afterwards emigrated to Canada, and had become extensively engaged in the fur trade. He was now a superintendent or *' factor " of the Hud- son's Bay Company, stationed at one of their most remote posts near the shores of the Arctic Sea ! 22 THE YOUNG VOTAGEURS. There is a romance in the history of some men Mrilder than any fiction that could be imagined. I have not yet answered the question as to where our Boy Hunters were journeying in their birch bark canoe. By this time you will have divined the answer. Certainly, you will say, they were on their way to join their uncle in his remote home. For no other object could they be travelling through the wild regions of the Red River. That suppo- sition is correct. To visit this Scotch uncle (they had not seen him for years) was the object of their long, toilsome, and peiilous journey. After their father's death he had sent for them. He had heard of their exploits upon the prairies ; and, being him- self of an adventurous disposition, he was filled with admiration for his young kinsmen, and de- sired very much to have them come and live with him. Being now their guardian, he might com- mand as much, but it needed not any exercise of authority on his part to induce all three of them to obey his summons. Tliey had travelled through the mighty forests of the Mississippi, and upon the summer prairies of the South. These great features of the earth's surface were to them familiar things, and thoy were no longer curious about them. But THE YOUNG VOYAGEURS. 25 there remained a vast country which they longed eagerly to explore. They longed to look upon its shining lakes and crystal rivers ; upon its snow-clad hills and ice-bound streams ; upon its huge mam- yialia — its moose and its musk-oxen, its wapiti and its monster bears. This was the very country to which they were now invited by their kinsman, and cheerfully did they accept his invitation. Al- ready had they made one-half the journey, though by far the easier half. They had travelled up the Mississippi, by steamboat as far as the mouth of the St. Peter's. There they had commenced their canoe voyage — in other words became " voyageurs" — for such is the name given to those who travel by canoes through these wild territories. Their favourite horses and the mule " Jeannette " had been left behind. This was a necessity, as these creatures, however useful upon the dry prairies of the South, where there are few or no lakes, and where rivers only occur at long intervals, would be of little service to the traveller in the Northern re- gions. Here the route is crossed and intercepted by numerous rivers ; and lakes of all sizes, with tracts of inundated marsh, succeed one another con- tinually. Such, in fact, are the highways of tliG 24 THE YOUNG VOTAGEURS. country, and tlie canoe the travelling carriage j so that a journey from one point of the Hudson's Bay territory to another is often a canoe voyage of thousands of miles — equal to a "trip" across the Atlantic ! Following the usual custom, therefore, our Boy Hunters had become voyageurs — " Young Voy- ageurs." They had navigated the St. Peter's in safety, almost to its head-waters. These interlock with the sources of the Red River. By a "portage" of a few miles they had crossed to the latter stream; and, having launched their canoe upon its waters, were now floating downward and northward with its current. But they had yet a long journey before them — nearly two thousand miles ! Many a river to be " run," many a rapid to be " shot," many a lake to be crossed, and many a " portage " to be passed, ere they could reach the end of that great voyage. Come, boy reader, shall we accompany them? Yes. The strange scenes and wild adventures through which we must pass, may lighten the toils, and perhaps repay us for the perils, of the journey Think not of the toils. Roses grow only upon thorns. From toil we learn to enjoy leisure. Re- gard not the perils. " From the nettle danger THE YOUNG VOTAGEURS. 25 we pluck the flower safety." Security often springs from peril. From such hard experiences great men have arisen. Come, then, my young friend ! mind neither toil nor peril, but with me to the great wilderness of the North ! Stay ! We are to have another " compagnon du voyage." There is a fourth in the boat, a fourth " young voyageur." Who is he ? In ap- pearance he is as old as Basil, full as tall, and not unlike him in " build." But he is altogether of a different colour. He is fair-haired; but his hair (unlike that of Lucien, which is also light- coloured) is strong, crisp, and curly. It does not droop, but stands out over his cheeks in a profusion of handsome ringlets. His complexion is of that kind known as "fresh," and the weather, to which it has evidently been much exposed, has bronzed and rather enriched the colour. The eyes are dark blue, and, strange to say, with black brows and lashes ! This is not common, though sometimes observed ; and, in the case of the youth we are describing, arose from a difference of complexion on the part of Lis parents. He looked through the eyes of his mother, while in other respects he was 26 THE YOUNG VOTAGEURS. more like liis fatlier, who was fair-liaii'ed and of a "fresh" colour. The youth, himself, might be termed handsome. Perhaps he did not possess the youthful beauty of Fran9ois5 nor the bolder kind that characterized the face of Basil. Perhaps he was of a coarser " make " than any of his three companions. His intellect had been less cultivated by education, and education adds to the beauty of the face. His life had been a harder one — he had toiled more with his hands, and had seen less of civilized society. Still many would have pronounced him a handsome youth. His features were regular, and of clean outline. His lips expressed good-nature as well as firmness. His eye beamed with native intelligence, and his whole face bespoke a heart of true and determined honesty — that made it beautiful. Perhaps a close scrutinizer of countenances might have detected some resemblance — a family one — ' between him and his three companions. If such there was, it was very slight ; but there might havo been, fi-om the relationship that existed between them and him. He was their cousin — their full cousin — the only son of that uncle they were now THE TODNG VOYAGEURS. 27 on their way to visit, and the messenger who had been sent to bring them. Such was the fourth of " the young voyageurs." His dress was not unlike that worn by Basil ; but as he was seated on the bow, and acting as pilot, and therefore more likely to feel the cold, he wore over his hunting-shirt a Canadian capote of white woollen cloth, with its hood hanging down upon his shoulders. But there was still another " voyageur," an old acquaintance, whom you, boy reader, will no doubt remember. This was an animal, a quadruped, who lay along the bottom of the canoe upon a buffalo's hide. "From his size and colour — which was a tawny red — you might have mistaken him for a panther — a cougar. His long black muzzle and broad hanging ears gave him quite a different aspect, however, and declared him to be a hound. He was one — a bloodhound, with the cross of a mastiff — a powerful animal. It was the dog Marengo.' " You remember Marengo ? In the canoe there were other objects of interest. There were blankets and buffalo robes ; there was a small canvass tent folded up ; there were bags of provisions, and some cooking utensib; there 28 THE YOUNG V0TAGEUB8. was a spade and an axe ; there were rifles — three of them — and a double-barrelled shot-gun ; besides a fish-net, and many other articles, the necessary equipments for such a journey. Loaded almost to the gunwale was that little canoe, yet lightly did it float down the waters of the Bed River Ji tne North. THE TBUMPETBR SWAN AND THE BALD EAGLE. 29 CHAPTER ITL THE TRUMPETER SWAN AND THE BALD EAGLE. It was the spring season, though late. The snow had entirely disappeared from the hills, and the ice from the water, and the melting of both had swollen the river, and rendered its current more rapid than usual. Our young voyageurs needed not therefore to ply their oars, except now and then to guide the canoe ; for these little vessels have no rudder, but are steered by the paddles. The skilful voyageurs can shoot them to any point they please, simply by their dexterous handling of the oars ; and Basil, Lucien, and Francois, had had sufficient practice both with " skiffs" and " dug-outs" to make good oarsmen of all three. They had made many a canoe trip upon the lower Mississippi and the bayous of Louisiana ; besides their journey up the St Peter's had rendered them 30 THE TRUMPKTER SWAN AJ(D familiar with the management of their birchen craft. An occasional stroke of the paddle kept them in their course, and they floated on without effort. Norman — such was the name of their Canadian or Highland cousin — sat in the bow and directed their course. This is the post of honour in a canoe ; and as he had more experience than any of them in this sort of navigation, he was allowed habitually to occupy this post. Lucien sat in the stern. He held in his hands a book and pencil ; and as the canoe glided onward, he was noting down his memoranda. The trees upon the banks were in leaf — many of them in blossom — and as the little craft verged near the shore, his keen eye followed the configuration of the leaves, to discover any new species that might appear. There is a rich vege- tation upon the banks of the Red River ; but the jlora is far different from that which appears upon the low alluvion of Louisiana. It is Northern, but not Arctic. Oaks, elms, and poplars, are seen mingling with birches, wiUows, and aspens. Seve- ral species of indigenous fruit trees were observed by Lucien, among which were crab-apple, raspberry, strawberry, and currant. There was also seen the fruit called by the voyageurs " le poire," but which THE BALD EAGLE. 31 in English phraseology is known as the " service- berry" {Amelanchter ovalis). It grows upon a small bush or shi-ub of six or eight feet high, with smooth pinnate leaves. These pretty red berries are much esteemed and eaten both by Indians and whites, who preserve them by drying, and cook them in various ways. There was still another bush that fixed the attention of our young botanist, as it ap- peared all along the banks, and was a characteristic of the vegetation of the country. It was not over eight feet in heiglit, with spreading branches of a grey colour. Its leaves were three inches wide, and somewhat lobed liked those of the oak. Of course, at this early season, the fruit was not ripe upon it ; but Lucien knew the fruit well. When ripe it resembles very much a red cherry, or, stiU more, a cranberry, having both the appearance and acrid taste of the latter. Indeed, it is sometimes used as a substitute for cranberries in the makins: Df pies and tarts ; and in many parts it is called the "bush cranberry." The name, however, by which it is known among the Indians of Red River is " anepeminan" from " nepen," summer, and " minan" berry. This has been corrupted by the fur-traders and voyageurs into " Pembina ;" hence, 82 THE TRUMPETER SWAN AND the name of a river wliich runs into the Red, and also the name of the celebrated but unsuccessful settlement of " Pembina," formed by Lord Selkirk many years ago. Both took their names from this berry that grows in abundance in the neighbour- hood. The botanical appellation of this curious shrub is Viburnum oxycoccos ; but there is an- other species of the viburnum, which is also styled " oxycoccos." The common " snowball bush" of our gardens is a plant of the same genus, and very like the " Pembina" both in leaf and flower. In fact, in a wild state they might be regarded as the same ; but it is well known that the flowers of the snowball are sterile, and do not produce the beautiful bright crimson berries of the " Pembina." Lucien lectured upon these points to his compa- nions as they floated along. Norman listened with astonishment to his philosophic cousin, who, al- though he had never been in this region before, knew more of its plants and trees than he did him- self. Basil also was interested in the explanations given by his brother. On the contrary, Fran9ois, who cared but little for botanical studies, or studies of any sort, was occupied differently. He sat near the middle of the canoe, double-barrel in hand THE BALD EAGLE. 33 eagerly watching for a shot. Many species of water-tbwl were upon the river, for it was now late in the spring, and the wild geese and ducks had all arrived, and were passing northward upon their annual migration. During the day Fran9oi3 had got several shots, and had " bagged " three wild geese, all of different kinds, for there are many species of wild geese in America. He had also shot some ducks. But this did not satisfy him. There was a bird upon the river that could not be approached. No matter how the canoe was manoeuvred, this shy creature always took flight before Fran9ois could get within range. For days he had been endeavouring to kill one. Even upon the St. Peter's many of them had been seen, some- times in pairs, at other times in small flocks of six or seven, but always shy and wary. The very dif- ficulty of getting a shot at them, along with the splendid character of the birds themselves, had rendered Fran9ois eager to obtain one. The bird itself was no other than the great wild swan — the king of aquatic birds. " Come, brother!" said Fran9ois, addressing Lu- cien, " bother your viburnums and your oxycocks ' Tell us something about these swans. See ! tiiere 34 THE TRUMPETER SWAN AND goes another of them ! What a splendid fellow he is ! I'd give something to have him within range of buck-shot." As Fran9ois spoke he pointed down-stream to a groat white bird that was seen moving out from the bank. It was a swan, and one of the very largest kind — a "trumpeter" {^Cygnus buccinator). It had been feeding in a sedge of the wild rice {Zizania aqnatica), and no doubt the sight of the canoe or the plash of the guiding oar had dis- turbed, and given it the alarm. It shot out from the reeds with head erect and wings slightly raised, offering to the eyes of the voyageurs a spectacle of graceful and majestic bearing, that, among the fea- thered race at least, is quite inimitable, A few strokes of its broad feet propelled it into the open water near the middle of the stream, when, making a half wheel, it turned head down the river, and swam with the current. At the point where it turned it was not two hundred yards ahead of the canoe. Its apparent boldiiess in permitting them to come so near with- out taking wing, led Francois to hope that they might get still nearer ; and, begging his companions to ply the paddles, he seized hold of his double- THE BALD EAGLE. 35 barrel, and leaned forward in the canoe. Basil also conceived a hope that a shot was to be had, for he took up his rifle, and looked to the cock and cap. The others went steadily and quietly to work at the oars. In a few moments the canoe cleft the current at the rate of a galloping horse, and one would have supposed that the swan musi either at once take wing or be overtaken. Not so, however. The "trumpeter" knew his game better than that. He had full confidence both in his strength and speed upon the water. He was not going to undergo the trouble of a fly, until the necessity arose for so doing ; and, as it was, he seemed to be satisfied that that necessity had not yet arrived. The swim cost him much less muscular exertion than flying would have done, and he judged that the current, here very swift, would carry him out of reach of his pursuers. It soon began to appeal* that he judged rightly ; and the voyageurs, to their chagrin, saw that, instead of gaining upon him, as they had expected, every moment widened the distance between him and the canoe. The bird had an advantage over his pursuers. Three distinct powers propelled him, while they had only two to rely upon. He had the 66 THE TRUMPETER SWAN AND cun-ent in his favour — so had they. He had oara or paddles — his feet ; they had oars as well. He " carried sail," while they spread not a " rag." The wind chanced to blow directly down-stream, and the broad wings of the bird, held out from his body, and half extended, caught the very pith of the breeze on their double concave surfaces, and carried him through the water with the velocity of an arrow. Do you think that he was not aware of this advantage when he started in the race ? Do you suppose that these birds do not thi7ik ? I for one am satisfied they do, and look upon every one who prates about the instinct of these creatures as a philosopher of a very old school indeed. Not only does the great swan think, but so does your parrot, and your piping bullfinch, and the little canary that hops on your thumb. All think, and reason, and Judge. Should it ever be your fortune to witness the performance of those marvellous birds, exhibited by the graceful Mdlle. Vander- meersch in the fashionable salons of Paris and London, you will agree with me in the belief that the smallest of them has a mind like yourself. Most certainly the swan, which our voyageurs were pursuing, thought, and reasoned, and judged, THE BALD EAGLE. 37 and calculated his distance, and resolved to keep on " the even tenor of his way," without putting himself to extra trouble by beating the air with his wings, and lifting his heavy body — thirty pounds at least — up into the heaven?. His judg- ment proved sound ; for, in less than ten minutes from the commencement of the chase, he had gained a clear hundred yards upon his pursuers, and continued to widen the distance. At intervals he raised his beak higher than usual, and uttered his loud booming note, which fell upon the ears of the voyageurs as though it had been sent back in mockery and defiance. They would have given up the pursuit, had they not noticed that a few hundred yards farther down the river made a sharp turn to the right. The swan, on reaching this, would no longer have the wind in his favour. This inspired them with fresh hopes. They thought they would be able to over- take him after passing the bend, and then, either get a shot at liim, or force him into the air. The latter was the more likely ; and, although it would be no great gratification to see him fly off", yet they had become so interested in this singular chase that they desired to terminate it by putting the trum- 38 THE TRUMPETER SWAN AN1> poter to some trouble. They bent, therefore, with fresh energy to their oars, and pulled onward in the pursuit. First the swan, and after him the 3anoe, swung round the bend, and entered the new " reach" of the river. The voyageurs at once perceived that the bird now swam more slowly. He no longer " carried sail," as the wind was no longer in his favour. His wings lay closely folded to his body, and he moved only by the aid of his webbed feet and the current, which last happened to be sluggish, as the river at this part spread over a wide expanse of level land. The canoe was evi- dently catching up, and each stroke was bringing the pursuers nearer to the pursued. After a few minutes' brisk pulling, the trumpeter had lost so much ground that he was not two hundred yards in the advance, and " dead ahead." His body was no longer carried with the same gracefulness, and the majestic curving of his neck had disappeared. His bill protruded forward, and his thiglis began to drag the water in his wake. He was evidently on the threshold of flight. Both FranQois and Basil saw this, as they stood with their guns crossed and ready. At this moment a shrill cry sounded over the water. THE BALD EAGLE. 39 h was the scream of some wild creature, ending in a strange laugh, like the laugh of a maniac ! On both sides of the river there was a thick forest of tall trees of the cotton-wood species {Populus angiistifolia). From this forest the strange cry had proceeded, and from the right bank. Its echoes had hardly ceased, when it was answered by a similar cry from the trees upon the left. So like were the two, that it seemed as if some one of God's wild creatures was mocking another. These cries were hideous enough to frighten any one not used to them. They had not that effect upon our voyageurs, who knew their import. One and all of them were familiar with the voice of the white-headed eagle! The trumpeter knew it as well as any of them, but on him it produced a far different effect. His terror was apparent, and his intention was all at once changed. Instead of rising into the air, as he had premeditated, he suddenly lowered his head and disappeared under the water ! Again was heard the wild scream and the maniac laugh ; and the next moment an eagle swept out from the timber, and, after a few strokes of its broad wing, poised itself over the spot where the 40 THE TRUMPETER SWAN AND trumpeter had gone down. The other, its mate, was seen crossing at the same time from the opposite side. Presently the swan rose to the surface, but his head was hardly out of the water when the eagle once more uttered its wild note, and, half folding its wings, darted down from above. The swan seemed to have expected this, for before the eagle could reach the surface, he had gone under a second time, and the latter, tLough passing with the velocity of an arrow, plunged his talons in the water to no purpose. With a cry of disappoint- ment the eagle mounted back into the air, and com- menced wheeling in circles over the spot. It was now joined by its mate, and both kept round and round watching for the reappearance of their intended victim. Again the swan came to the surface, but before either of the eagles could swoop upon him he had for the third time disappeared. The swan is but An indifferent diver ; but under such circumstances he was likely to do his best at it. But what could it avail him ? He must soon rise to the surface to take breath — each time at shorter intervals. He would soon become fatigued and unable to div« THE BALD EAGLE. 41 witb sufficient celerity, and then his cruel enemies would be down upon him with their terrible talons. Such is the usual result, unless the swan takes to the air, which he sometimes does. In the present case he had built his hopes upon a different means of escape. He contemplated being able to conceal himself in a heavy sedge of bulrushes (Scirpus lacustris) that grew along the edge of the river, and towards these he was evidently directing his coui'se under the water. At each emersion he ap- peared some yards nearer them, until at length he rose within a few feet of their margin, and divine again was seen no more ! He had crept in among the sedge, and no doubt was lying with only his head, or part of it, above the water, his body con- cealed by the broad leaves of the nymphce, while the head itself could not be distinguished among the white flowers that lay thickly along the surface. The eagles now wheeled over the sedge, flap- ping the tops of the bulrushes with their broad wings, and screaming with disappointed rage. Keen as were their eyes they could not discover the hiding-place of their victim. No doubt they would have searched for it a long while, but the canoe — which they now appeared to notice for the 42 rilK TKUMPETER SWAN AND first time — had floated near ; and, becoming aware of their own danger, both mounted into the air again, and with a farewell scream flew off, and alighted at some distance down the river. " A swan for supper !" shouted Fran9oi3, as he poised his gun for tht expected sliot. The canoe was headed for the bulrushes near the point where the trumpeter had been last seen ; and a few strokes of the paddles brought the little craft with a whizzing sound among the sedge. But the culms of the rushes were so tall, and grew so closely together, that the canoe-men, after entering, found to their chagrin they could not see six feet around them. They dared not stand up, for this is exceedingly dangerous in a birch canoe, where the gi"eatest caution is necessary to keep the vessel from careening over. Moreover, the sedge was so thick, that it was with difficulty they could use their oars. They remained stationary for a time, surrounded by a wall of green bulrush. They soon perceived that that would never do, and resolved to push back into the open water Meanwhile Marengo had been sent into the sedge, and was now heard plunging and sweltering about in search of the game. Marengo n:rjcA. ■>? " I Lave remarked," continued Lucien, " a sin- gularity in the geogi'aphical distribution of these three species. Upon the Pacific coast the smallest kind and the hooper only are met with, and the small ones outnumber the others in the ratio of five to one. In the interior parts of the continent only the hoopers and trumpeters appear ; and the trum- peters are by far the most numerous, while upon the eastern coasts of America the hoopers are the sort best known. " The swans are eagerly hunted both by the Indians and white hunters. Their skins, with the quills and down, form a source of profit to the natives of the fur countries, who dispose of them to the Hudson's Bay Company. In some years as many as ten thousand skins have been exported, and sold at the rate of six or seven shillings each. Most of the skins thus sold were those of the trumpeter swans, which are the most numerous. " Now," said Lucien, in conclusion, " you know as much about the swans as I do ; so I shall drop the subject, and recommend to all of you a piece of roast swan, which is now just done to a turn, amd which I doubt not will be found less dry than my lecture." A8 A SWAJ^-HUNT BT TORCHLIGHT. CHAPTER V. A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCULiaHT. A FEW days brought our travellers to the settle- ment of Red River, where they made but a very short stay ; and, having pi'ocured a few articles which they stood in need of, they resumed their journey, and floated on towards Lake Winnipeg. The swans were seen in greater numbers than ever. They were not less shy however, and Franpois, as before, in vain tried to get a shot at one. He wag very desirous of bringing down one of these noble birds, partly because the taste he had liad of their flesh had given him a liking for it; and partly because their shyness had greatly tantalized him. One is always more eager to kill shy game, both on account of the rarity of the thing, and the credit one gets for his expertness. But the voyageurs had now got within less than twenty miles of Lake A SWAN-nUNT BY TORCHLIGnT. 59 Winnipeg, and Fran9ois liad not as yet shot a single swan. It was not at all likely the eagles would help him to another. So there would be no more roast swan for supper. Norman, seeing how eager Fran9ois was to shoot one of these birds, resolved to aid him by his advice. " Cousin Frank," said he, one evening as they floated along, *' you wish very much to get a shot at the swans?" " I do," replied Francois, — " I do ; and if you can tell me how to accomplish that business, I'll make you a present of this knife." Here FranQois held up a very handsome clasp-knife that he carried in his pouch. A knife in the fur countries is no insignificant affair. With a knife you may sometimes buy a horse, or a tent, or a whole carcass of beef, or, what is stranger still, a wife ! To the hunter in these wild regions — perhaps a thousand miles from where knives are sold — such a thing is of very great value indeed ; but the knife which Francois oiFered to his cousin was a particularly fine one, and the latter had once expressed a wish to become &) A SWAN-HUNT DY TORCHLIGHT. the jwner of it. He was net slow, therefore, in accepting the conditions. " Well," rejoined he, " you must consent to travel a few miles by night, and I think I can promise you a shot at the trumpeters — perhaps several." " What say you, brothers ? " asked Francois, appealing to Basil and Lucien ; " shall we have the sport ? Say yes." " Oh ! I have no objection," said Lucien. " Nor I," added Basil. " On the contrai-y, I should like it above all things. I wish very much to know what plan our cousin shall adopt. I never heard of any mode of approaching these birds." " Very well, then," answered Norman, " I shall have the pleasure of instructing you in a way that is in use in these parts among the Indians, who hunt the swan for its skin and quills, which they trade to us at the post. We can manage it to- night, I think," continued he, looking up at the sky : " there is no moon, and the sky is thick. Yes, it wiU be dark enough." " Is it necessary the night should be a dark one ? " asked Francois. " The darker the better," replied Norman. " To- A 6WAN-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. 61 night, if I am not mistaken, will be as black as pitch. But we need to make some preparations. It is near sundown, and we shall have just time to get ready for the business. Let us get ashore, then, as quickly as possible." " Oh ! certainly — let us land," replied all thi-ee at once. The canoe was now turned to the shore ; and when it had arrived within a few feet of the land it was brought to a stop. Its keel was not allowed to touch the bottom of the river, as that would have injured the little craft. The greatest pre- caution is always observed both in landing and embarking these vessels. The voyageurs first get out and wade to the shore, one or two remaining to hold the canoe in its place. The cargo, whatever it be, is then taken out and landed ; and after that the canoe itself is lifted out of the water, and carried ashore, where it is set, bottom upward, to dry. The birch-bark canoe is so frail a structure, that, were it brought rudely in contact either with the bottom or the *)ank, it would be very much damaged, or might go to pieces altogether. Hence the care with which it is handled. It is dan- gerous, also, to stand upright in it, as it is so 62 A SWAN-IIUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. "crank" that it would easily turn over, and spill both canoe-men and cargo into the water. The voyageurs, therefore, when once they have got in, remain seated during the whole passage, shifting about as little as they can help. 'Wlien landed for the night, the canoe is always taken out of the water as described. The bark is of a somewhat spongy nature ; and if left in the water for a length of time, would become soaked and heavy, and would not run so well. When kept all night, bot- tom upward, it drips and becomes di-yer and lighter. In the morning, at the commencement of the day's journey, it sits higher upon the water than in the afternoon and evening, and is at that time more easily paddled along. Our voyageurs, having got on shore, first kindled a fire to cook their supper. This they intended to despatch earlier than usual, so as to give them the early part of the night for their swan-hunt, which they expected to finish before midnight. Lucien did the cooking, while Noi-man, assisted by Basil and Francois, made his preparations for the hunt. Fran9ois, who was more interested in the result than any of them, watched every movement of his cousin. Nothing escaped him. A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. 63 Norman proceeded as follows : — He walked off into the woods, accompanied by Francois. After going about an hundi-ed yards or so, he stopped at the foot of a certain tree. The tree was a birch — easily distinguished by its smooth, silvery bark. By means of his sharp hunting-knife he "girdled" this tree near the ground, and then higher up, so that the length between the two "girdlings," or circular cuttings, was about four feet. He then made a longitudinal incision by drawing the point of his knife from one circle to the other. This done he inserted the blade under the bark, and peeled it off, as he would hare taken the skin from a buffalo. The tree was a foot in diameter, consequently the bark, when stripped off and spread flat, was about thi'ee feet in width ; for you must remember that the circumference of a circle or a cylinder is always about three times the length of its diameter, and therefore a tree is three times as much "round" as it is " through" They now returned to the camp-fire, taking along with them the piece of bark that had been cut off. This was spread out, though not quite flat, still leaving it somewhat curved. The concave side, that which had lain towards the tree, was new blackenf"! 64 A SWAIs-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT with pulverized charcoal, which Norman had directed Basil to prepare for the pui-pose ; and to the bark at one end was fastened a stake or shaft. Nothing more remained but to fix this stake in the canoe, in an upright position near the bow, and in such a way that the bottom of the piece of bark would be upon a level with the seats, with its hollow side looking forward. It would thus form a screen, and prevent those in the canoe from being seen by any creature that might be ahead. When all this had been arranged, Norman shouldered the axe, and again walked off into the woods. This time his object was to obtain a quantity of "knots" of the pitch-pine (Pinus rigida), which he knew would most likely be found in such a situation. The tree was soon discovered, and pointed out to Fran9ois, who accompanied him AS before. Francois saw that it was a tree of about fifty feet in height, and a foot in diameter at its base. Its bark was thick, very dark in the colour, and full of cracks or fissures. Its leaves, or " needles," were about three inches long, and grew in threes, each three forming a little bunch, bound together at its base by a brownish sheath. These bunches, in botanical language, are termed "fasciles." A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCIIUGUT. 6!j The cones were somewhat shorter than the leaves, nearly of the shape of eggs, and clustered together in threes and fours* Francois noticed that the tree was thickly bviiiched, and therefore there are many knots in tl> wood. For this reason it is not of much use as timber ; but on account of the resin which it contains, it is the best species for fire- wood ; and for that pui^v se it is used in all parts of the United States, where it grows. I\Iost of the pine-wood sold for fuel in the largo cities of America is the wood of this species. Fran9ois supposed that his companion was about to fell one of the trees. He was mistaken, how- ever ; Norman had no such intention ; he had only stopped before one to examine it. and make sure that it was the species he was in search of. He was soon satisfied of this, and moved on, directing his eyes along the ground. Again he stopped ; but this time it was by a tree that had already fallen — blown down, perhaps, by the wind. It was half decayed ; but Francois could see that it was one of the same species — the pitch-pine. This was the very thing Norman wanted, and plying his axe, he soon knocked out a large quan- V (>(j A SWAN-HDNT Br TOIICULIGUT. tity of tlie resinous knots. These he at length collected, and putting them into a bag, returned with Francois to the fire. He then announced that he had no further preparations to make. All four now sat down to supper, which con- sisted of dry meat, with biscuits and coffee ; and, as their appetites were sharpened by their water journey, they made a hearty meal of it. As soon as they had finished eating, the canoe was launched and got ready. The screen of birch- bark was set up, by lashing its shaft to the bottom timbers, and also to one of the seats. Imme- diately in front of this, and out upon the bow, was placed the frying-pan ; and this having been secured by being tied at the handle, was filled with dry pine-knots, ready to be kindled at a moment's notice. These arrangements being made, the hunters only awaited the darkness to set forth. In the progress of their hunt they would be carried still farther down-stream ; but as that was the direction in which they were travelling, they would only be progressing on their journey and thus " killing two birds with one stone." This was altogether a very pleasant consideration ; and. A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. 67 having stowed eveiytliing snugly in the canoe, thej sat chatting agreeably and waiting for the arrival of night. Night came at length, and, as Norman had pre- dicted, it was as " dark as pitch." Stepping gently into the canoe, and seating themselves in their respective places, they pushed out and commenced floating down-stream. Norman sat near the bow, in order to attend to his torch of pine-knots. Francois was next to him, holding his double- barrel, loaded Avith buck-shot, which is the same size as that used for swans, and in England is even known as " swan-shot." Next came Basil with his rifle. He sat near Francois, just by the middle of the little vessel. Lucien, who was altogether a man of peace prin- ciples, and but little of a shot compared with either of his brothers, handled the oar — not to propel the canoe, but merely to guide it. In this Avay the party floated on in silence. Norman soon kindled his torch, which now cast its red glare over the surface of the river, ex- tending its fiery radii even to the banks on both sides of the stream. The trees that overhung the water seemed tinged with vermilion, and the 68 A SWAN-HUNT BT TORCHLIGHT. rippling wave sparkled like liquid gold. The light only extended over a semicircle. From the manner in which the torch was placed, its light did not fall upon the other half of the circle, and this, by contrast, appeared even darker than it would otherwise have done. The advantage of the plan which Norman had adopted was at once apparent to all. Ahead of the canoe the whole river was plainly seen for a distance of several hundred yards. No object larger than a cork could have floated on its sur- face, without being visible to those in the vessel- much less the great white body of a trumpeter swan. Astern of the canoe, on the other hand, all was pitchy darkness, and any one looking at the vessel from a position ahead could have seen nothing but the bright torch and the black uniform surface behind it. As I have already stated, the concave side of the bark was towards the blaze, and the pan containing the torch being placed close in to the screen, none of the light could possibly fall upon the forms of those within <:he canoe. They were therefore in visible to a' y creature from the front, while they themselve ould see everything before them. A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. 69 Two questions yet remained unanswered. First, — would our hunters find any swans on the river ? Second, — if they should, would these birds allow themselves to be approached near enough to be shot at ? The first question Norman, of course, could not answer. That was a matter beyond his knowledge or control. The swans might or might not appear, but it was to be hoped they would. It was likely enough. Many had been seen on the preceding day, and why not then ? To the second question, the young Canadian gave a defi- nite reply. He assured his cousins that, if met with, the birds would be easily approached in this manner ; he had often hunted them so. They would either keep their place, and remain until the light came very near them, or they would move to- wards it (as he had many times known them to do), attracted by curiosity and the novelty of the spec- tacle. He had hunted deer in the same manner ; he had shot, he said, hundreds of these animals upon the banks of rivers, where they had come down to the water to drink, and stood gazing at the light. His cousins could well credit his statements. They themselves had hunted deer by torchlight in the woods of Louisiana, where it is termed " fire-hunt- 70 A SWAN-HUNT BT TORCHLIGHT. ing." They had killed several in this way. The creatures, as if held by some fascination, would stand with head erect looking at the torch car- ried by one of the party, while the other took sight between their glancing eyes and fired the deadly bullet. Remembering this, they could easily believe that the swans might act in a similar manner. It was not long until they were convinced of it by actual experience. As the canoe rounded a bend in the river, three large white objects appeared in the " reach" before them. A single glance satisfied all that they were swans, though, in the deceptive glare of the torch, they appeared even larger than swans. Their long upright necks, however, convinced the party they could be nothing else, and the canoe was headed directly tor them. As our hunters approached, one of the birds was heard to utter his strange trumpet note, and this he repeated at intervals as they drew nearer. " I have heard that they sing before death," muttered Fran9ois to Basil, who sat nearest him. " If so, I hope that's the song itself ;" and Fran9ois laughed quietly at the joke he had perpetrated. A SVVAN-IIUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. 71 Basil also laughed ; and Lucien, Avho had over- heard the remark, could not restrain himself from joining in the laughter. " I fear not," rejoined Basil ; " there is hardly enough music in the note to call it a song. They may live to 'blow their own trumpet' a long while yet." This remark called forth a fresh chorus of laughter, in which all took part ; but it was a very silent kind of laughter that could not have been heard ten yards off : it might have been termed " laughing in a whisper." It soon ended, however, as matters now became serious : they were already within less than two hundred yards of the game, and the greatest caution had to be observed. The gunners had arranged the order of fire : Basil was to shoot first, taking steady aim with his rifle at any one of the birds ; while Fran9ois should fire as soon as he heard the report of his brother's gun, taking the remaining swans upon the wing, with one or both barrels, as he best might. At kongth Basil deemed himself near enough, and, levelling his piece, fired. The bird threw out its wings, and flattened down upon the water, almost. 72 A SWAN-HUNT BY TORCHLIGHT. without a struggle. The other two were rising into the air, when "crack ! crack !" went the two barrels of Francois' piece, and one of the swans fell back with a broken wing, and fluttered over the surface of the stream. Basil's had been shot dead, and was taken up easily ; but the wounded bird was only captured after a long chase with the canoe ; and when overtaken, it struck so fiercely with its re- maining wing, that one of the blows inflicted a painful wound on the wrist of Fran9ois. Both, however, were at length got safely aboard, and proved to be a male and female of the largest dimensioiuu •• CAST AWAY." 75 CHAPTER VL "CAST AWAY." Op course, the reports of the guns must have frightened any other swans that were near. It was not likely they would find any more before going some distance farther down the river ; so, having stowed away in a safe place the two already killed, the hunters paddled rapidly onward. ITiey had hardly gone half a mile farther, when another flock of swans was discovered. These were approached in a similar way, and no less than three were obtained — Francois making a remarkable shot, and killing with both barrels. A little farther down, one of the " hoopers " was killed ; and still farther on, another trumpeter ; making in aU no less than seven swans that lay dead in the bottom of the canoe ! These «even great birds almost filled the little 74 " UAST AWAT." craft to the gunwales, and you would think that our " torch-hunters" ought to have been content with such a spoil ; but the hunter is hard to satisfy with game, and but too often inclined to "spill much more blood" than is necessary to his wants. Our voyageurs, instead of desisting, again set the canoe in motion, and continued the hunt. A short distance below the place where they had shot the last swan, as they were roundmg a bend ia the river, a loud rushing sounded in their ears, similar to that produced by a cascade or waterfall. On first hearing it, they were startled and somewhat alarmed. It might be a "fall," thought they. Norman could not tell : he had never travelled this route ; he did not know whether there were falls in the Red River or not, but he believed not. In his voyage to the South, he had travelled by another route ; that was, up the Winnipeg River, and through Rainy Lake and the Lake of the Woods to Lake Superior. This is the usual and well-known track followed by the employes of the Hudson's Bay Company ; and Norman had travelled it. In this uncertainty the canoe was brought to a Btop, and our voyageurs remained listening. The " CAST AWAY." 75 noise made by the water was not very distant, and sounded like the roaring of " rapida," or the rush of a " fall." It was evidently one or the other ; but, after listening to it for a considerable time, all came to the conclusion that the sound did not proceed from the Red River itself, but from some stream that emptied into it upon the right. With this belief they again put the canoe in motion, and glided slowly and cautiously onward. Their conjecture proved to be correct. As they approached nearer, they perceived that the noise appeared every moment more and more to their right; and presently they saw, below them, a rapid current sweeping into the Red River from the right bank. This was easily distinguished by the white froth and bubbles that were carried along upon its surface, and which had evidently been produced by some fall over which the water had lately passed. The hunters now rowed fearlessly forward, and in a few moments came opposite the debouchure of the tributary stream, when a con- siderable cascade appeared to their view, not thirty yards from the Red River itself. The water foamed and dashed over a series of steps, and then swept 76 " CAST AWAY. rapidly on, in a fi'othy current. They had entered this current, and were now carried along with in- creased velocity, so that the oarsmen suspended operations, and drew their paddles within the canoe. A flock of swans now drew their attention. It was the largest flock they had yet seen, num- bering nearly a score of these noble birds, — a sight, as Norman informed them, that was exceedingly rare even in the most favoured haunts of the swan. Rarely are more than six or seven seen together, and oftener only two or three. A grand coup was determined upon. Norman took up his own gun, and even Lucien, who managed the stern oar, and guided the craft, also brought his piece — a very small rifle — close to his hand, so that he might have a shot as well as the others. The canoe was directed in such a manner that, by merely keeping its head down the stream, it would float to the spot where the swans were. In a short while they approached very near the great birds, and our hunters could see them sitting on the water, with upraised necks, gazing in won- der at the torch. Whether they sounded their "CASTAW4i." 77 strange note was not known, for the "sough" of the waterfall still echoed in the ears of the canoe- men, and they could not hear aught else. Basil and Norman fired first, and simultaneously ; but the louder detonations of FranQois' double- barrel, and even the tiny crack of Lucien's rifle, were heard almost the instant after. Three of the birds were killed by the volley, while a fourth, evidently " winged," was seen to dive, and flutter down-stream. The others mounted into the air, and disappeared in the darkness. During the time occupied in this manoeuvre, the canoe, no longer guided by Lucien's oar,- had been caught by some eddy in the current, and swept round stern-foremost. In this position the light no longer shone upon the river a-head, but was thrown up-stream. All in a downward direction was buried in deep darkness. Before the voyageurs could bring the canoe back to its proper direction, a new sound fell upon their ears that caused some of them to utter a cry of terror. It was the noise of rushing water, but not that which they had already heard and passed. It was before them in the river itself. Perhaps it was a cataract, and they were sweeping rapidly to its brink! 78 " CAST AW AT." The voice of Norman was heard exclaiming, " Hold with your oars ! — the rapids ! — the rapids !" At the same time he himself was seen rising up and stretching forward for an oar. All was now consternation ; and the movements of the party naturally consequent upon such a sudden panic shook the little craft until her gunwales lipped the water. At the same time she had swung round, until the light again showed the stream a-head, and a horrid sight it was. Far as the eye could see was a reach of foaming rapids. Dark points of rocks, and huge black boulders, thickly scattered in the channel, jutted above the surface ; and around and against these, the water frothed and hissed furi- ously. There was no cataract, it is true — there is none such in Red River — but for all purposes of destruction the rapids before them were equally dangerous and terrible to the eyes of our voya- geurs. They no longer thought of the swans. The dead were permitted to float down unheeded, the wounded to make its escape. Their only thought was to stop the canoe before it should be carried upon the rapids. With this intent all had taken to the oars, but in spite of every exertion they soon found that the •' CAST A-WAT." 79 light craft had got within the influence of the strong current, and was sucked downward more rapidly than ever. Their backward strokes were to no purpose. In a few seconds the canoe had passed over the first stage of the rapids, and shot down with the velocity of an arrow. A huge boulder lay directly in the middle of the channel, and against this the current broke with fury, laving its sides in foaming masses. The canoe was hurried to this point ; and as the light was again turned up-stream, none of the voyageurs could see this dangerous rock. But they could not have shunned it then. The boat had escaped from their control, and spun round at will. The rock once more came under the light, but just as the canoe, with a heavy crash, was driven against it. For some moments the vessel, pressed by the current against the rock, remained motionless, but her sides were stove in, and the water was rushing through. The quick eye of Basil — cool in all crises of extreme danger — perceived this at a glance. He saw that the canoe was a wreck, and nothing remained but to save themselves as they best might. Dropping the oar, and seizing his rifle, he 80 " CAST AWAY." called to his companions to leap to the rock : and all together immediately sprang over the gunwale, The dog Marengo followed after. The canoe, thus lightened, heeled round into the current, and swept on. The next moment she struck another rock, and was carried over on her beams. The water then rushed in — the white bodies of the swans, with the robes, blankets, and implements, rose on the wave ; the blazing knots were spilled from the pan, and fell with a hissing sound : and a few seconds after they were extinguished, and all was darkness ! 4 BKIDOK OF BUCKBKtN- 81 CHAPTER Vn. A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. FiiE canoe was lo3t, and all it had contained, oi aearly all. The voyageurs had saved only their guns, knives, and the powder-horns and pouches, that had been attached to their persons. One other thing had been saved — an axe which Basil had flung upon the rock as he stepped out of the sinking vessel. All the rest — robes, blankets, swans, cooking utensils, bags of provisions, such as coffee, flour, and dried meat — were lost — irrecoverably lost. These had either drifted off upon the sur- face, or been carried under water and hidden among the loose stones at the bottom. No matter where, they were lost ; and our voyageurs now stood on a small naked rock in the middle of the stream, with nothing left but the Aotlies upon G 82 A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. their backs, and tlie arms in their hands. Such was their condition. There was something so sudden and awful in the mishap that had befallen them, that for some minutes they stood upon the spot where they had settled without moving or addressing a word to one another. They gazed after the canoe. They knew that it was wrecked, although they could see nothing either of it or its contents. Thick darkness enveloped them, rendered more intense from the sudden extinction of the torch- light. They saw nothing but the foam flickering along the river ; like the ghosts of the swans they had killed, and they heard only the roaring of the water, that sounded in their ears with a hoarse and melancholy wail. For a long time they stood impressed with the lamentable condition into which the accident had plunged them ; and a lamentable condition it was, sure enough. They were on a small rock in the midst of a rapid river. They were in the midst of a great wilderness too, many long miles from a settlement. The nearest could only be reached by travelling through pathless forests, and over nu- heroua and deep rivers. Impassable swamps, and A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. 83 lakes with marshy shores, lay on the route, and barred the direct course, and all this journey would have to be made on foot. But none of our young voyageurs were of that stamp to yield themselves to despair. One and all of them had experienced perils before — greater even than that in which they now stood. As soon, therefore, as they became fully satisfied that their little vessel was wrecked, and aU its contents scattered, instead of despairing, their first thoughts were how to make the best of their situation. For that night, at least, they were helpless. They could not leave the rock. It was surrounded by rapids. Sharp, jagged points peeped out of the water, and between these the current rushed with impetuosity. In the darkness no human being could have crossed to either shore in safety. To attempt it would have been madness, and our voyageurs soon came to this conclusion. They had no other choice than to remain where they were until the morning ; so, seating themselves upon the rock, they prepared to pass the night. They sat huddled close togei,her. Ttey could not lie down — there was not room encLigh for that. They kept awake most of the ni,^bf, one or oth^ 84 A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. of them, overcome by fatigue, occasionally nodding over in a sort of half-sleep, but awaking again after a few minutes' uncomfortable dreaming. They talked but little, as the noise of the rushing rapids rendered conversation painful. To be heard, they were under the necessity of shouting to one another, like passengers in an onmibus. It was cold, too. None of them had been much wetted in escaping from the canoe ; but they had saved neither overcoat, blanket, nor buffalo-robe ; and, although it was now late in the spring, the nights near Lake Winnipeg, even at that season, are chilly. They were above the latitude of 50° ; and although in England, which is on that parallel, it is not very cold of a spring night, it must be remembered that the line of equal temperature — in the language of meteorologists the " isothermal line" — is of a much lower latitude in America than in Europe. Another fact worth remembering is, that upon the eastern or Atlantic coast of the American Continent it is much colder m the same latitude than on the western or Pacilic side. The Pacific " sea-board " in its climate is more like the western edge of the old continent. This would seem to indicate that the climate of a coast country is 4 BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. 85 much influenced by the side upon whicli tLe ocean lies, whether east or west. This in reality is the case, for you may observe on your map that the western coasts of both the "old world'' aad the " new " are somewhat similarly placed in regard to their oceans, and hence the similarity of their climates. There are many other causes connected with this ; such as the direction of winds, and the dif- ferent eflEects produced by them on the atmosphere when they have passed over water or over land. It was, and is stiU by many people believed, that the winds are produced by the air becoming heated in a particular place, and then ascending, and leaving a "vacuum" into which the colder air rushes from all sides around. This "rushing," it was supposed, made the wind. To some extent this theory is true, but there are several other causes that operate in producing wind. Electricity — an agent hitherto but little known, but one of the most im- portant elements of our Earth — has much to do with the winds ; and the revolution of the Earth on its own axis has also an influence upon them. Indeed it is to be wondered at, that mankind should have 80 long remained satisfied with the very unsatis- 86 A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. factory theory of the heated air. But it is not to be wondered at either, when we consider how little mankind has had to do with these things — when we consider that as yet nearly every country upun the face of the globe is despotic ; that the whole time of the great body of the people is occupied in a struggle for life — occupied in toiling for a few, who by the most cunning devices rob them of the fruits of their toils — rob them so skilfully that the poor blinded masses have grown to consider eternal toil as the natural state of man — nay more, are ready to persecute him who would elevate them, and worship him who would sink them deeper in baseness and bondage ; — when we reflect on this almost hopeless darkness of soul that has marked the history of the past, and is too much the character of the present, we need not wonder that so few have had either leisure or inclination to yield themselves to the acquirement or prosecution of scientific knowledge. " The winds have blown where they listed, and we have heard the sound thereof," but men absorbed in the hard struggle of life have found but little time to inquire " whence tliey come or whither they go." The people of the United States are yet bat A BRIDGE OF BUCKSB.IN. 87 partially free. They still inherit, from customs and prejudices, the fruits of an ancestral op- pression, and a bondage of centuries of duration. But even their partial freedom has already shown its good effects. At this moment knowledge is progressing faster amons these people than any other on the face of the earth. Meteorology begins to assume the palpable shape of an exact science. The winds are being traced in their currents, and followed through aU their windings, by Maury and other men of talent ; and if you live twenty years longer (and I hope you may live three times as many years), you will no doubt be able to tell " whence the wind cometh and whither it goeth." Well, we began this politico-scientific discussion by observing that it was very cold in the latitude of Lake Winnipeg, even in late spring. Only at night though ; the days are sometimes so hot there that you might fancy yourself in the tropics. These extremes are characteristic of the climate of all American countries, and particularly those that Ho at a distance from the sea-coast. Our voyageurs were chilled to the very bones, and of course glad to see the daylight glimmering 88 A BRIDGE O^ BUCKSKm. through the tops of the trees that grew upon the banks of the river. As soon as day broke, they began to consider how they would reach those trees. Although swimming a river of that width would have been to any of the four a mere baga- telle, they saw that it was not to be so easy an affair. Had they been upon either bank, they could have crossed to the other without difficulty — as they would have chosen a place where the water was com- paratively still. On the rock they had no choice, as the rapids extended on both sides above and below it. Between the boulders the current rushed so impetuously, that had they attempted to swim to either bank, they would have been carried down- ward, and perhaps dashed with violence against one or other of the sharp stones. As soon as it was light, they saw all this; not without feelings of apprehension and uneasiness. Their whole attention was now occupied with the one object — how they should get to the bank of the river. The right bank was the more distant ; but the passage in that direction appeared the easier one. The curi'ent was not so swift, nor yet did it seem so deep. They thought they might ford it, and BasU A BRIDGE OP BUCKSKIN. 89 made the attempt; but he soon got beyond his depth; and was obliged, after being carried off his feet, to swim up onder the lee of the rock again. From the rock to the right bank was about an hundred yards' distance. Here and there, at irre- gular intervals, sharp, jagged stones rose above the surface, some of them projecting three feet or more out of the water, and looking very much like upright tombstones. Lucien had noticed these, and expressed the opinion that if they only had a rope, they might fling it over one of these stones, and then, holding it fast at the other end, might pass by that means from one to the other. The suggestion was a good one, but where was the rope to come from ? All their ropes and cords — lassoes and all — had been swept away in the wreck. Not a string remained, except those thai; fastened their horns, flasks, and other accoutre- ments ; and these were only small thongs, and would be of no use for such a purpose. It would require a rope strong enough to carry the weight of a man impelled by a rapid current — in fact, a weight equal to that of several men. They all set to thinking how this was to be obtained Each looked at the other, and scanned the straps and 90 A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. thongs that were around theii- bodies. They were satisfied at a glance that these would not be suffi- cient to make such a rope as was wanted. They did not give up the hope of being able to obtain one. They were all of them accustomed to resort to strange expedients, and a sufficiently strange one now suggested itself. Basil and Norman seemed to have thought of it at the same time, for both at once unbuckled their straps, and commenced pulling off their buckskin hunting-shirts. The others said nothing, as they knew well what they were going to do with them — they knew they intended cutting them into strips, and then twisting a rope out of them. All four set to work together. Lucien and Francois held the shirts taut, while Basil and Norman handled the knives, and in a few minutes the rock was covered with strips of buckskin about two inches wide, by a yard or so in length. These were next joined and plaited together in such a manner that a rope was formed nearly forty feet long. An eye was made at one end, and through this the other end was reeved — so that a running noose was obtained, in the same manner as the Mexicans and Indians make their lassoes. The A BRIDGE OF BUCKSKIN. 91 rope was now ready for use, and Basil was the very hand to use it ; for Basil knew how to fling a lasso as well as either Mexican or Indian. He had practised it often, and had lassoed many a long- horned bull upon the prairies of Opelousas and the Attakapas. To Basil, therefore, the rope was given. He placed himself on the highest part of the rock, having first coiled the new-made lasso, and hung the coil lightly over, his left arm. He then took the noose-end in his right hand, and commenced winding it around his head. His com- panions had laid themselves flat, so as not to be in the way of the noose as it circled about. After a few turns the rope was launched forth, and a loud " hurrah ! " from Fran9oi3 announced that the throw was successful. It was so in fact, as the noose was seen settling smoothly over the jutting-stone, taking full hold upon it. A puU from Basil fixed it ; and in a few minutes it was made quite fast, without the slightest danger of its slipping ofl". The other end was then carried round a projecting point of the rock on which they stood, and knotted firmly, so that the rope was quite taut, and stretched in a nearly horizontal direction, about a foot above the PNrface of the water 92 A BRIPGE OF BUCKSKIN. The voyageurs now prepared to cross over. Their guns, pouches, and flasks were carefully secured, so that the water could not damage them. Then each took a piece of the buckskin thong, and fastened it round his waist, leaving enough to form a running loop. This loop was intended to embrace the rope, and run along it, as they drew themselves forward by their hands. Basil passed over first. He was the oldest, and, as he asserted, it was but right he should run the risk in testing the new-fashioned bridge, of which he was the architect. It worked ad- mirably, and sustained the weight of his body, with the whole force of the current acting upon it. Of course he was swept far down, and the rope was stretched to its full tension, but he succeeded in handing himself along, until he was able to touch the second rock, and clamber upon it in safety. During the passage across he was watched by his companions with emotions of no ordinary character, but as soon as he had reached the opposite end of the rope all three uttered a loud and simultaneous cheer. Lucien passed over next. and after him Fran9ois. Notwithstanding his danger, Fran<;ois laughed loudly all the time he V? hixn, and sent my bullet through his crop. 1 heard the loud whirr of the pack as they rose up from the ring ; and, marking them, I saw that they aU alighted only a couple of hundred yards off, upon a large spruce-tree. Hoping they would sit there until I could get another shot, I loaded as quickly as possible, and stepped forward. The course I took brought me past the one I had killed, which I picked up, and thrust hastily into my bag. Beyond this I had to pass over some logs that lay along the ground, with level spaces between them. What was my surprise in getting among these, to see two of the cocks down upon the grass, and fighting so desperately that they took no notice of my approach ! At first I threw up my rifle, intending to fire, but seeing that the birds were within a few feet of me, I thought they might let me lay hold of them, which they, in fact, did; for the next moment I had 'grabbed' both of them, and cooled their bellicose spirits by wringing their heads off. " I now proceeded to the pack, that still kept the tree. When near enough, I sheltered myself behind another tree ; and taking aim at one, I brough him tumbling to the ground. The others sat still Of A ** PARTRIDGE DANCE. lib course, I shot the one upon the lowest branch : I knew that, so long as I did this, the others would sit until I might get the whole cf them ; but that if I shot one of the upper ones, its fluttering down through the branches would alarm the rest, and cause them to fly off. I loaded and fired, and loaded and fired, until half-a-dozen of the birds lay around the root of the tree. I believe I could have killed the whole pack, but it just then occurred to me that I was wasting our pre- cious ammunition, and that, considering the value of powder and shot to us just now, the birds were hardly worth a load a-piece ; so I left off cracking at them. As I stepped forward to gather what I had killed, the rest whirred away into the woods. " On reaching the tree where they had perched, I was very much surprised to find a raw-hide rope neatly coiled up, and hanging from one ot the lower branches. I knew that somebody must have placed it there, and I looked round to see what 'sign' there was besides. My eye fell upon the cinders of an old fire near the foot of the tree ; and I could tell that some Indians had made their camp by it. It must have beer I 114 A " PARTRIDGE DANCE." a good while ago, as the ashes were beaten into the ground by the rain, and, moreover, some young plants were springing up through them. 1 concluded, therefore, that whoever had camped there had hung the rope upon the tree, and on leaving the place had forgotten it. I took the rope down to examine it : it was no other than a lasso, full fifty feet long, with an ii-on ring neatly whipped into the loop-end ; and, on trying it with a pull, I saw it was in the best condition. Of course, I was not likely to leave such a prize behind me. I had grown, as you may all conceive, to have a very great regard for a rope, considering that one had just saved all our lives ; so 1 resolved on bringing the lasso with me. In order to carry it the more conveniently, I coiled it, and then hung the coil across my shoulders like a belt. I next packed my game into the bag, which they filled chock up to the mouth, and was turning to come back to camp, when my eye fell upon an object that caused me suddenly to change my intention. " I was near the edge of the woods, and through the trunks I could see a large open space beyond, where there were no trees, or only one here and there. Li the middle of this opening there was a A " PARTRIDGE DANCE. 115 cloud of dust, and in the thick of it I could see two great dark animals in motion. They were running about, and now and then coming together with a sudden rush ; and every time they did so, I could hear a loud thump, like the stroke of a sledge hanamer. The sun was shining upon the yellow dust-cloud, and the animals appeared from this cir- cumstance to be of immense size — much larger than they really were. Had I not known what kind of creatures were before me, I should have beheved that the mammoths were still in existence. But I knew well what they were : I had seen many before, carrying on just such a game. I knew they were buffalo buUs, engaged in one of their terrible battles." Here Basil's narrative was interrupted by a sin- gular incident. Indeed, it had been interrupted more than once by strange noises that were heard at some distance off in the woods. These noises were not all aUke : at one time they resembled the barking of a cur dog ; at another, they might have been mistaken for the gurghngs of a person who was being hanged ; and then would follow a shriek so dreadful that for some time the woods would echo with its dismal sound ! After the shriek a 116 A " PA.RTRrDGE DANCE. laugh would be heard, but a miserable '-haw-haw- haw !" unlike the laugh of a sane person. All these strange voices were calculated to in- spire terror, and so have they many a time, with travellers not accustomed to the solitary woods of America. But our young voyageurs were not at all alarmed by them. They knew from what sort of a creature they proceeded ; they knew they were the varying notes of the great horned-owl ( Strix Virginiand) ; and as they had seen and heard many a one before, they paid no heed to this individual. While Basil was going on with his relation, the bird had been several times seen to glide past, and circle around upon his noiseless pinions. So easy was his flight, that the slightest inclining of his spread tail, or the bending of his broad wing, seemed sufficient to turn and carry him in any direction. Nothing could be more graceful than his flight, which was not unlike that of the eagle, while he was but little inferior in size to one of these noble birds. What interrupted Basil was, that the owl had alighted upon a branch not twenty feet from where they were all sitting rouM the fire, by the blaze A " PARTRIDGE DANCE." 117 of which they now had a full view of this singular creature. The moment it alighted, it commenced uttering its hideous and unmusical cries, at the same time going through such a variety of contortions, both with its head and body, as to cause the whole party a fit of laughter. It was, in fact, an odd and interesting sight to witness its grotesque move- ments, as it turned first its body, and then its head around, without moving the shoulders, while its great honey-coloured eyes glared in the light of the fire. At the end of every attitude and utterance, it would snap its bill with such violence, that the cracking of the mandibles upon each other might have been heard to the distance of several hundred yards. This was too much for Francois' patience to bear, and he immediately crept to his gun. He had got hold of the piece, and cocked it ; but, just As lie was about to take aim, the owl dropped silently down from the branch, and, gliding gently forward, thrust out its feathered les, and lifted one of the grouse in its talons. The latter had been lying upon the top of a fallen tree not six feet from the fire ! The owl, after clutching it, rose into the air ; and the next moment would have been lost in darkness, but the 118 A " PARTRIDGE DANCE. crack of Francois' rifle put a sudden stop to ita flight, and with the grouse still clinging to its caws it fell fluttering to the earth. Marengo jumped forward to seize it ; but Marengo little knew the sort of creature he had to deal with. It happened to be only "winged," and as soon as the dog came near, it threw itself upon its back, and struck at him with its talons so wickedly, that he was fain to approach it with more caution. It cost Marengo a considerable fight before he succeeded in getting his jaws over it. During the contest it continually snapped its bill, while its great goggle eyes kept alternately and quickly opening and closing, and the feathers being erected all over its body, gave it the appearance of being twice its real size. Marengo at length succeeded in " crunching" it — although not until he was well scratched about the snout — and its useless carcass having teen thrown upon the ground, the dog continued to worry and chew at it, while Basil went on with his narration. UAIJIL AND rUK UliJON-liULL. 119 CHAPTER X. BASIL AND THE BISON-BULL. " As soon as I saw the buffaloes," continued Basil, " my first thought was to get near, and have a shot at them. They were worth a charge of powder and lead, and I reflected that if I could kill but one of them, it would ensure us against hunger for a couple of weeks to come. So I hung my game-bag to the branch of a tree, and set about approaching them. I saw that the wind was in my favour, and there was no danger of their scenting me. But there was no cover near them — the ground was as level as a table, and there was not a score of trees upon as many acres. It was no use crawling up, and I did not attempt it, but walked straight forward, treading lightly as I went. In five minutes, I found my- self within good shooting range. Neither of the bulls had noticed me. They were too busy with 120 BASIL AND THE BISON-BULL. one another, and in all my life I never saw two creatures fighting in such earnest. They were foaming at the mouth, and the steam poured out of their nostrils incessantly. At times, they would back from each other like a pair of rams, and then rush together head-foremost, until their skulls cracked with the terrible collision. One would have fancied that they would break them at every fresh encounter, but I knew the thickness of a buf- falo's skull before that time. I remember having fired a musket at one that stood fronting me not more than six feet distant, when, to my surprise, the bullet flattened and fell to the ground before the nose of the buffalo ! The creature was not less astonished than myself, as up to that time it had not seen me. " Well," continued Basil after a pause, " I did not stop long to watch the battle of the bison-bulls. I was not curious about that. I had seen such many a time. I was thinking about the meat ; and I paused just long enough to select the one that appeared to have the most fat upon his flanks, when I drew up my rifle and fired. I aimed for the heart, and my aim was a true one, for the animal came to its knees along with the craek. BASIL AND THE BISON-BULL. 121 Just at that moment the other was charging upon it and, to my surprise, it continued to run on, unti< striking the wounded one full butt upon the fore head, it knocked the latter right over upon its side ; where, after giving half-a-dozen kicks, it lay quite dead. " The remaining bull had dashed some paces beyond the spot, and now turned round again to renew his attack. On seeing his antagonist stretched out and motionless, he seemed to be as much asto- nished as I was. At first, no doubt, he fancied himself the author of a grand coup, for it was plain that up to this time he had neither noticed my pre- sence, nor the repor* cf the rifle. The bellowing noise that both \ve:e making had drowned the latter; and the dust, together with the long shaggy tufts that hung over his eyes, had prevented him from seeing anything more than his rival, with whom he was engaged. Now that the other was no longer able to stand before him, and thinking it was himself that had done the deed, he tossed up his head and snorted in triumph. At this mo- ment, the matted hair was thrown back from his eyes, and the dust having somewhat settled aAvay, he sighted me, where I stood reloading my gun. I 122 BASIL A^'D THE BISON-KULL. fancied he would take off before I could finish, and I made all the haste in my power — so much so that I dropped the box of caps at my feet. I had taken one out, however, and hurriedly adjusted it, think- ing to myself, as I did so, that the box might lie whore it was until I had finished the job. I brought the piece to my shoulder, when, to my surprise, the bull, instead of running away, as I had expected, set his head, and uttering one of his terrible bel- lows, came rushing towards me. I. fired, but t!ie shot was a random one, and though it hit him in the snout, it did not in the least disable him. In- stead of keeping him off, it only seemed to irritate him the more, and his fury was now at its height. " I had no time to load again. He was within a few feet of me when I fired, and it was with difficulty that, by leaping to one side, I avoided his horns ; but I did so, and he passed me Avith such violence that I felt the ground shake under his heavy tread. *' He wheeled immediately, and made at me a second time. I knew that if he once touched me I was gone. His horns were set, and his eyes glared with a terrible earnestness. I rushed to- wards the body of the buffalo that lay near, hoping BASIL AND THE BISON-BDLL. 123 tliat tliis might assist me in avoiding the onset. It did so, for, as he dashed forward over it, he became entangled among the limbs, and again charged without striking me. He turned, however, as quick as thought, and again rushed bellowing upon me. There was a tree near at hand. I had noticed it before, but I could not tell whether I should have time to reach it. I was now somewhat nearer it, and, fearing that I might not be able to dodge the furious brute any longer upon the ground, I struck out for the tree. You may be sure I did my best at running. I heard the bull coming after, but before he could overtake me, I iad got to the root of the tree. It was my intention, at first, only to take shelter behind the trunk ; but when I had got there, I noticed that there were some low branches, and catching- one of these I swung myself up among them. " The bull passed under me with a rush — almost touching my feet as I hung by the branch — but I was soon safely lodged in a fork, and out of his reach. ** My next thought was to load my gun, and fire at him from my perch, and, with this intention, I commenced loading. I had no fear but that he 124 BASIL AKl) THE BISON-BCLL. would give me an opportunity, for he kept rouud the tree, and at times attacked tlie trunk, butting and goring it with his horns, and all the while- bellowing furiously. The tree was a small one, and it shook so, that I began to fear it might break down. I therefore made all the haste I could to get in the load, expecting soon to put an end to his attacks. I succeeded at length in ramming down the bullet, and was just turn- ing the gun to put on a cap, when I recollected that the cap-box was still lying on the ground where it had fallen ! The sudden attack of the animal had prevented me from taking it up. My caps were all within that box, and ixy gun, loaded though it was, was as useless in my hands as a bar of iron. To get at the caps would be quite im- possible. I dared not descend from the tree. The infuriated bull still kept pacing under it, now going round and round, and occasionally stopping for a moment and looking angrily up. " My situation was anything but a pleasant one. I began to fear that I might not be permitted to escape at all. The bull seemed to be most perti- nacious in his vengeance. I could have shot him in the back, or the neck, or where I liked, if I had BASIL AND THE BISON-BULL. i25 only had one cap. He was within three feet of the muzzle of my rifle ; but what of that when I could not get the gun to go off? After a while I thought of making some tinder paper, and then trying to ' touch off' the piece with it, but a ftir better plan at that moment came into my head. While I was fumbling about my bullet-pouch to get at my flint and steel, of course my fingers came into contact with the lasso which was still hanging around my shoulders. It was this that suggested my plan, which was no other than to lasso the bull, and tie him to the tree! " I lost no time in carrying it into execution. I uncoiled the rope, and first made one end fast to the trunk. The other was the loop-end, and reeving it through the ring, I held it in my right hand while I leaned over and watched my opportunity. It was not long before a good one offered. The bull still continued his angry demonstrations below, and passed round and round. It was no new thing for me to fling a lasso, and at the first pitch I had the satisfaction of seeing the noose pass over the bison's head, and settle in a proper position behind his horns. I then gave it a twitch, so as to tighten it, anil after that I ran the rope over a 126 BASIL A^V THE BISON-BULL. branch, and thus getting * a purchase' upon it, 1 pulled it with all my might. "As soon as the bull felt the strange cravat around his neck, he began to plunge and 'rout' with violence, and at length ran furiously out from the tree. But he soon came to the end of his tether ; and the quick jerk, which caused the tree itself to crack, brought him to his haunches, while the noose tightening on his thi'oat was fast strangling him. But for the thick matted hair it would have done so, but this saved him, and he continued to sprawl and struggle at the end of the rope. The tree kept on cracking, and as I began to fear that it might give way and pre- cipitate me to the ground, I thought it better to slip down. I ran direct to where I had dropped the caps ; and, having got hold of the box, I soon had one upon my gun. I then stole cautiously back, and while the bison was hanging himself as fast as he could, I brought his struggles to a period by sending a bullet through his ribs. " As it was quite night when I had finished the business, of course I could not stay to butcher the bulls. I knew that you would be wondering what kept me, so I cut out the tongues, and coming BASH. AND THE BISON-BULL. 127 by the place where I had left the grouse, brought them along. I left a 'scare-wolf* over both the bulls, however, and I guess well find them all nght in the morning." Basil having fimshed the narration of his day's adventures, fresh fuel was heaped on the embers, and a huge fire was built — one that would last until morning, This was necessary, as none of them had now either blankets or bedding. Basil himself and Norman were even in their shirt-sleeves, and of course their only chance for keeping warmth in their bodies would be to keep up a roaring fire all the night. This they did, and all four laying themselves close together, slept soundly enougli. !2^ T^RKK CURIOrS T-RPKJ*. CHAPTER XI THREE CURIOUS TREES. Next morning they were awake at an early boui. There was still enough of the tongues and grouse left, along with some ribs of the antelope, to break- fast the party ; and then all four set out to bring the flesh of Basil's buffaloes into camp. This thev accomplished, after making several journeys. It was their intention to dry the meat over the fire, so rhat it might keep for future use. For this pur- pose the flesh was removed from the bones, and after being cut into thin slices and strips, was hung up on poles at some distance from the blaze. Nothing more could be done, but wait until it became sufficiently parched by the heat. While this process was going on our voyageurs collected around the fire, and entered into a con- sultation about what was best to be done. At THREE CURIOUS TREES. 129 first they thought of going back to tne Red River settlement, and obtaining another canoe, as well as a fresh stock of provisions and implements. But they all believed that getting back would bo a toilsome and difficult matter. There was a largo lake and several extensive marshes on the route, and these would have to be got round, making the journey a very long one indeed. It would take them days to perform it on foot, and nothing is more discouraging on a journey than to be forced by some accident to what is called " taking the back-track." All of them acknowledged this, but what else could they do ? It is true there was a post of the Hudson's Bay Company at the northern end of Lake Winnipeg. This post was called Norway House. How were they to reach that afoot ? To walk around the borders of the lake would be a distance of more than four hundred miles. There would be numerous rivers to cross, as well as swamps and pathless forests to be threaded. Such a journey would occupy a month or more, and at Norway House they would still be as it were only at the beginning of the great journey on which they had set out. Moreover, Norway House lay entirely out of their way. Cumberland Houso - 130 THREE CURIOUS TREES. another tradme;-post upon the River Saskatchewan — was the next point where they had intended to rest themselves, after leaving the Red River set- lements. To reach Cumberland House afoot would be equally difficult, as it, too, lay at the distance of hundreds of miles, with lakes, and rivers, and marshes, intervening. What, then, could they do ? " Let us not go back," cried Francois, ever ready with a bold advice ; "let us make a boat, and keep on, say I." " Ha ! Francois," rejoined Basil, " it's easy to say ' make a boat ;' how is that to be done, I pray ? " " Why, what's to hinder us to hew a log, and make a dug-out ? We have still got the axe, and two hatchets left." Norman asked what Fran9ois meant by a dug- out. The phrase was new to him. " A canoe," replied Fran9ois, " hoUowed out of a tree. They are sometimes called ' dug-outs' on the Mississippi, especially when they are roughly made. One of them, I think, would carry all four of us well enough. Don't you think so. Luce ? " " Why, yes," answered the student ; " a large one might : but I fear there axe no trees about here of sufficient size. We are not among the great THREE CUKIOUS TSJCES. 131 timber of the Mississippi bottom, you must re- member." " How large a tree would it require ?" asked Norman, wlio knew but little of this kind of craft. " Three feet in diameter, at least," replied Lucien ; " and it should be of that thickness for a length of nearly twenty feet. A less one would not carry four of us." " Then I am sure enough," responded Norman, " that we won't find such timber here. I have seen no tree of that size either yesterday, or while we were out this morning." " Nor I," added Basil. " I don't believe there's one," said Lucien. " If we were in Louisiana," rejoined Francois, " I could find fifty canoe-trees by walking as many yards. Why, I never saw such insignificant timber as this here." " You'll see smaller timber than this, Cousin Frank, before we reach the end of our voyage." This remark was made by Norman, who knew that, as they proceeded northward, the trees would be found decreasing in size until they would appear like garden shi-ubbery. 132 THREE CURIOUS TREES. " But come," continued he, "if we can't build a craft to carry us from one tree, perhaps we can do it out of three" "With three!" echoed Fran9ois. "I should like to see a canoe made from three trees ! Is it a raft you mean. Cousin Norman ? " " No," responded the other ; " a canoe, and one that will serve us for the rest of our voyage." All three— Basil, Lucien, and Francois — looked to their cousin for an explanation. " You would rather not go back up the river ?" he inquired, glancing from one to the other. " We wish to go on — all of us," answered Basil, speaking for his brothers as well. " Very well," assented the young fur-trader ; " I think it is better as you wish it. Out of these trees I can build a boat that will carry us. It will take us some days to do it, and some time to find the timber, but I am tolerably cer- tain it is to be found in these woods. To do the job properly I want three kinds ; two of them I can see from where I sit ; the third I expect will be got in the hills we saw this morning." As Norman spoke he pointed to two trees that grew among many others not far from the spot. THREE CURIOUS TREES. 133 These trees were of very different kinds, as was easily told by their leaves and bark. The nearer and more conspicuous of them at once excited the curiosity of the three Southerners. Lucien recognised it from its botanical description. Even Basil and Fran9ois, though they had never seen it, as it is not to be found in the hot clime of Louisiana, knew it from the accounts given of it by travellers. The tree was the celebrated " canoe- birch," or, as Lucien named it, "paper-birch" i^Betula papyraced), celebrated as the tree out of whose bark those beautiful canoes are made that carry thousands of Lidians over the interior lakes and rivers of North America ; out of whose bark whole tribes of these people fashion their bowls, their pails, and their baskets ; with which they cover their tents, and from which they even make their soup-kettles and boiling-pots ! This, then, was the canoe birch-tree, so much talked of, and so valuable to the poor Indians who inhabit the cold regions where it grows. Our young Southerners contemplated the tree with feelings of interest and curiosity. They saw that it was about sixty feet high, and somewhat more than a foot in diameter. Its leaves were 134 THREE CURIOUS TREEg. nearly cordate, or heart-sliaped, and of a very dark -green colour ; but that which rendered it most conspicuous among the other trees of the forest was the shining white or silver-coloured bark that covered its trunk, and its numerous slender branches. This bark is only white ex« ternally. When you have cut through the epidermis you find it of a reddish tinge, very thick, and capable of being divided into several layers. The wood of the tree makes excellent fuel, and is also often used for articles of furniture. It has a close, shining grain, and is strong enough for ordinary implements ; but if exposed to the weather will decay rapidly. The "canoe-birch" is not the only species of these trees found in North America. The genus Betula (so called from the Celtic word oatu, which means birch) has at least half-a-dozen other known representatives in these parts. There is the " white birch" {B. populifoUa), a worthless tree of some twenty leet in height, and less than six inches diameter. The bark of this species is useless, and its wood, which is soft and white, is unfit even for fuel. It grows, however, in the poorest soil. Next there is a species called the " cherry-birch " THREE CURIOUS TREES. 135 (B. lenta), so named from the resemblance of its bark to the common cherry-tree. It is also called " sweet birch," because its young twigs, when crushed, give out a pleasant aromatic odour. Sometimes the name of " black birch " is given to this species. It is a tree of fifty or sixty feet in height, and its wood is much used in cabinet-work, as it is close-grained, of a beautiful reddish colour, and susceptible of a high polish. The "yellow birch" is a tree of the same size, and is so called from the colour of its epidermis. It is likewise used in cabinet-work, though it is not considered equal in quality to the cherry-bu-ch. Its leaves and twigs have also an -aromatic smell when bruised, not so strong, however, as the last mentioned. The wood makes excellent fuel, and is much used for that purpose in some of the large cities of America. The bark, too, is excellent for tanning — almost equal to that of the oak. The "red birch" is still another species, which takes its name from the reddish hue of its bark. This is equal in size to the canoe-birch, often growing seventy feet high, with a trunk of nearly three feet diameter. Its branches are long, slender, and pendulous ; and it is from the twigs of this 136 THREE CURIOUS TREES. species that most of the "birch-brooms" used in America are made. Still another species of American birches is the 'dwarf birch" (Betula nana), so called from its iminutive size, which is that of a shrub, only eighteen inches or two feet in height. It usually grows in very cold or mountainous regions, and is the smallest of these interesting trees. This information regarding the birches of America was given by Lucien to his brothers, not at that time, but shortly afterward, Avhen the three were engaged in felling one of these trees. Just then other matters occupied them, and they had only glanced, first at the canoe -birch and then at the other tree which Norman had pointed out. The latter was of a different genus. It belonged to the order ConifercB, or cone-bearing trees, as was evi- dent from the cone-shaped fruits that hung upon its branches, as well as from its needle-like evergreen leaves. The cone-bearing trees of America are divided by botanists into three great sub-orders — the Pines, the Cypresses, and the Yews. Each of these includes several genera. By the "pine tribe" is meant all those trees known commonly by THREE CURIOUS TREES. 137 the names pine, spruce, fir, and larch , while the CvpressincE, or cypress tribe, are the cypress proper, the cedars, the arbor- vitae, and the junipers. The yew tribe has fewer genera or species ; but the trees in America known as yews and hemlocks — of which there are several varieties — belong to it. Of the pine tribe a great number of species exist throughout the North American Continent. The late explorations on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, and in the countries bordering on the Pacific, have brought to light a score of species hitherto unknown to the botanist. Many of these are trees of a singular and valuable kind. Several species found in the mountains of North Mexico, and tliroughout those desert regions where hardly any other vegetation exists, have edible seeds upon which whole tribes of Indians subsist for many months in the year. The Spanish Americans call them piTwn trees, but there are several species of them in different districts. The Indians parch the seeds, and sometimes pound them into a coarse meal, from which they bake a very palatable bread. This bread is often rendered more savoury by mix- ing the meal with dried "prairie crickets," a species of" coleopterous insects — that \% insects with a 138 TUKEE CUEIOUS TREES. crustaceous or shell-like covering over their \\ings— which are common in the desert wilds where these Indians dwell. Some prairie travellers have pro- nounced this singular mixture equal to the "best pound-cake." The " Lambert pine," so called from the botanist of that name, is found in Oregon and California, and may be justly considered one of the wonders of the world. Three hundred feet is not an uncommon height for this vegetable giant ; and its cones have been seen of eighteen inches in length, hanging like sugar -loaves from its high branches ! The won- derful " palo Colorado " of Cahfornia is another giant of the pine tribe. It also grows above three hundred feet high, with a diameter of sixteen feet ! Then there is the " red pine," of eighty feet high, much used for the decks and masts of ships ; the " pitch-pine " {^Pinus rigida), a smaller tree, es- teemed for its fuel, and furnishing most of the fire- wood used in some of the American cities. From this species the strong burning " knots " are ob- tained. There is the " white pine " {Pimis strobus), valuable for its timber. This is one of the largest and best known of the pines. It often attains a height of an hundred and fifty feet, and a large proportion of those planks so well known to the THUEE CURIOUS TREES. 139 carpenter are sawed from its trunk. In the State of New Yorh alone no less than 700,000,000 feet of timber are annually obtained from trees of this species, which, by calculation, must exhaust every year the enormous amount of 70,000 acres of forest ! Of course, at this rate the pine-forests of New York State must soon be entirely destroyed. In addition, there is the " yellow pine," a tree of sixty feet high, much used in flooring houses ; and the beautiful "balsam fir," used as an ornamental evergreen both in Europe and America, and from which is obtained the well-known medicine — the " Canada, oalsam." This tree, in favourable situa- tions, attains the height of sixty feet ; while upon the cold summits of mountains it is often seen rising only a few inches from the surface. The " hemlock spruce" (P. Canadensis), is another species, the bark of which is used in tanning. It is inferior to the oak, though the leather made by it is of excel- lent quality. The " black " or " double spruce " (P. nigra), is that species from the twigs of which is extracted the essence that gives its peculiar flavour to the well-known " spruce beer." Besides these, at least a dozen new species have lately been disc^ivered t>i the interior mountains of Mexico — 140 THREE CURIOUS TREES. all of them more or less possessing valuable prc- perries. The pines cannot be termed trees of the tropics, yet do they grow in southern and Avarm countries In the CaroUnas, tar and turpentine, products of the pine, are two staple articles of exportation ; and even under the equator itself, the high moun- tains are covered with pine-forests. But the pine is more especially the tree of a northern sylva. As you approach the Arctic circle, it becomes the characteristic tree. There it appears in extensive forests, lending their picturesque shelter to the snowy desolation of the earth. One species of pine is the very last tree that disappears as the traveller, in approaching the pole, takes his leave of the limits of vegetation. This species is the " white spruce" {Pinus alba), the very one which, along with the birch-tree, had been pointed out by Norman to his companions. It was a tree not over thirty or forty feet high, with a trunk of less than a foot in thickness, and of a brownish colour. Its leaves or " needles" were about an inch in length, very slender and acute, and of a bluish green tint. The cones upon it, which at that season were young, were of a pale THREE CURIODS TREES. 141 green, ^\^len ripe, however, they become rusty- brown, and are nearly two inches in length. What use Norman would make of this tree in building his canoe, neither Basil nor Fran9ois knew. Lucien only guessed at it. rran9ois asked the question, by saying that he supposed the " timbers" were to come out of it. " No," said Norman, " for that I want still another sort. K I can't find that sort, however, I can manage to do without it, but not so well." ""What other sort?" demanded Francois. " I want some cedar-wood," replied the other. " Ah ! that's for the timbers," said Francois ; " I am sure of it. The cedar-wood is lighter than any other, and, I dare say, would answer admirably for ribs and other timbers." " You are right this time, Frank — it is con- sidered the best for that purpose." " You think there are cedar-trees on the hills we saw this morning?" said Fran9ois, addressing his Canadian cous'n. " I think so. I noticed something like them." " And I, too, observed a dark foliage," said Lucien, " which looked like the cedar. If any- where ill this neighbourhood, wo shall find them 142 THREE CURIOUS TREE8. tliere. They usually grow upon rocky, sterile hlUa, such as those appear to be — that is their proper situation." " The question," remarked Basil, " ought to be settled at once. We have made up our mind to the building of a canoe, and I think we should lose no time in getting ready the materials. Sup- pose we all set out for the hills." " Agreed — agreed ! " shouted the others with one voice ; and then shouldering their guns, and taking the axe along, aU four set out for the hiUs. On reaching these, the object of their search was at once discovered. The tops of all the hiUs — di-y, barren ridges they were — were covered with a thick grove of the red cedar {Juniperus viginiand). The trees were easily distinguished by the numerous branches spreading horizontally, and thickly covered with short dark green needles, giving them that sombre, shady appearance, that makes them the favourite haunt of many species of owls. Their beauti- ful reddish wood was well known to all the party, as it is to almost every one in the civilized world. Everybody who has seen or used a black-lead pencil must know what the wood of the red cedar is like — for it is in this the black- THREE CURIOUS TREES. 143 lead i« usually incased. In all parts of America, where this tree grows in plenty, it is employed for posts and fence-rails, as it is one of the most durable woods in existence. It is a great favourite also for kindling fires, as it catches quickly, and blazes up in a few seconds, so as to ignite the heavier logs of other timbers, such as the oak and the pine. The red cedar usually attains a height of about thirty to forty feet, but in favourable situations it grows still larger. The soil which it ' , ves best is of a stony, and often sterile character, and dry barren hiU-tops are frequently covered with cedars, while the more moist and fertile valleys between possess a sylva Df a far different character. There is a variety of the red cedar, which trails upon tie ground like a creeping plant, its branches even taking root again. Th' < is rather a small bush than a tree, and is often seen hanging down the face of inaccessible cliffs. It is known among botanists as the Juniperus prostrata. " Now," said Norman, after examining a few of the cedar-trees, " we have here all that's wanted to make our canoe. We need lose no more time, but go to work at once,' 144 THREE CURIOUS TREES. " Very well," replied the three brothers, " we are ready to assist you, — tell us what to do." " In the first place," said the other, " I think we had better change our camp to this spot, as I see ail the different kinds of trees here, and much better ones than those near the river. There," continued he, pointing to a piece of moist ground in the valley, — " there are some splendid birches, and there beside them is plenty of the epinette " (so the voyageurs term the white spruce). " It will save us many journeys if we go back and bring our meat to this place at once." To tms they all of course agreed, and started back to their first camp. They soon returned with the meat and other things, and having chosen a clean spot under a large-spreading cedar-tree, they kindled a new fire and made their camp by it — that is, they strung up the provisions, hung their horns and pouches upon the branches around, and rested their guns against the trees. They had no tent to pitch, but that is not necessary to constitute a camp. Li the phraseology of the American hunter, wherever you kindle your fire or spend the night is a " camp," HOW TO BUILD A BARK CANOE. M5 CHAPTER XTI. HOW TO BUILD A BARK CANOE. Norman expected that they would be able to finish the canoe in about a week. Of course, the sooner the better, and no time was lost in setting about it. The ribs or " timbers" were the first thing to be fashioned, and a number of straight branches of cedar were cut, out of which they were to be made. These branches were cleared of twigs, and rendered of an equal thickness at both ends. They were then flattened with the knife ; and, by means of a little sweating in the ashes, were bent so as to bear some resemblance in shape to the wooden ox-yokes conmionly used in America, or indeed to the letter U. The ribs when thus bent were not all of the same width. On the contrary, those which were intended to be placed near the middle or gangway of the vessel, were about two feet across from side to side, while the space between the sides of the 146 HOW TO BUILD Others was gradually less in each fresh pair, accord- ing as their position was to be near to the stem and stern. When the whole of them had been forced into the proper shape, they were placed, one inside the other after the manner of dishes, and then all were firmly lashed together, and left to dry. When the lashing should be removed, they would hold to the form thus given them, and would be ready for fastening to the kelson. While Norman was occupied with the timbers the othei's were not idle. BasU had cut down several of the largest and straightest birches, and Lucien employed himself in carefully removing the bark and cleansing it of nodules and other inequalities. The broad sheets were suspended by a smoke fire, ?o as completely to dry up the sap, and render it tough and elastic. Fran9ois had his part to play, and that was to collect the resinous gum which was /listilled in plenty from the trunks of the epinette or spruce-trees. This gum is a species of pitch, and is one of the most necessary materials in the uaking of a bark canoe. It is used for " payiag" the seams, as well as any cracks that may show themselves in the bark itself; and without it, or some similar substance, it would be difficult to make A BARK CANOE. 147 one of these little vessels watei'-tight. But that is not the only thing for which the epinette is valued in canoe-building ; far from it. This tree produces another indispensable material ; its long fibrous roots when split, form the twine-like threads by which the pieces of bark are sewed to each other and fastened to the timbers. These threads are as strong as the best cords of hemp, and are known among the Indians by the name of " watap." In a country, therefore, where hemp and flax cannot be readily procured, the "watap" is of great value. You may say that deer are plenty, and that thongs of buckskin would serve the same purpose. This, however, is not the case. The buckskin would never do for such a use. The moment it becomes wet it is liable to stretch, so that the seams would open and the canoe get filled with water. The watap, wet or dry, does not yield, and has therefore been found to be the best thing of aU others for this purpose. The only parts now wanted were the gunwale and tha bottom. The former was easily obtained. Two long poles, each twenty feet in length, were hent somewhat like a pair of bows, and then placed with their concave sides towards each other, and firmly lashed together at the ends. This was 148 HOW TO BUILD the gunwale. The bottom was the most difficult part of all. For that a solid plank was required, and they had no saw. The axe and the hatchet, however, were called into requisition, and a log was soon hewn and thinned down to the proper dimensions. It was sharpened off at the ends, so as to run to a very acute angle, both at the stem and stern. When the bottom was considered suffi- ciently polished, and modelled to the right shape, the most difficult part of the undertaking was supposed to be accomplished. A few long poles were cut and trimmed flat. These were to be laid longitudinally between the ribs and the bark, somewhat after the fashion of laths in the roofing of a house. Their use was to prevent the bark from splitting. The materials were now all ob- tained complete, and, with a few days' smoking and drying, would be ready for putting together. While waiting for the timbers to dry, paddles were made, and Norman, with the help of the others, prepared what he jokingly called his " dock," and also his " ship-yard." This was neither more nor less than a long mound of earth — not unlike a new-made grave, only three times the length of one, or even longer. It vvas flat upon A BARK CANOE. 149 the top, and graded with earth so as to be quite level and free from inequalities. At length all the materials were considered quite ready for use, and Norman went to work to put them together. His first operation was to untie the bundle of timbers, and sepaiate them. They were found to have taken the exact form into which they had been bent, and the thongs being no longer neces- sary to keep them in place, were removed. The timbers themselves were next placed upon the bottom or kelson, those with the widest bottoms being nearer to " midships," while those with the narrower bend were set towards the narrower ends of the plank. Thus placed, they were all firmly lashed with strong cords of watap, by means of holes pierced in the bottom plank. Fortunately Lucien happened to have a pocket-knife, in which there was a good awl or piercer, that enabled them to make these holes— else the matter would havf been a much more difficult one, as ajp awl is one of the most essential tools in the construction of a bark canoe. Of course it took Norman a consi- derable time to set all the ribs in their proper places, and fasten them securely ; but he was abl> 160 HOW TO BUILD assisted by rran9ois, who waited upon him with much diligence, handing him now the awl, and then the watap, whenever he required them. Norman's next operation was the laying of his kelson " in dock." The timbers being attached to it, it was lifted up on the earthen mound, where it reached quite from end to end. Half-a-dozen large heavy stones were then placed upon it, so that, pressed down by these upon the even surface of the mould, it was rendered quite firm; and, moreover, was of such a height from the ground that the young shipwright could work upon it without too much bending and kneeling. The gunwale, already prepared, was next placed so as to touch the ends of the ribs all round, and these ends were adjusted to it with great nicety, and firmly joined. Strong cross-pieces were fixed, which were designed, not only to keep the gunwale from spreading or contracting, but afterwards to serve as seats. Of course the gunwale formed the complete mouth, or upper edge of the canoe. It was several feet longer than the bottom plank, and, when in place, projected beyond the ribs at both ends. From each end of the bottom plank, therefore, to A BARE CANOE. 151 the corresponding end of the gunwale, a straight piece of wood was stretched, and fastened. One of these pieces would form the stem or cutwater, while the other would become the stern of the craft. The long poles were next laid longitudi- nally upon the ribs outside, and lashed in their places ; and this done, the skeleton was completed, ready for the bark. The latter had been already cut to the proper dimensions and shape. It consisted of oblong pieces — each piece being a regular parallelogram, as it had been stripped from the tree. These were laid upon the ribs longitudinally, and then sewed to the edge of the ly)ttom plank, and also to the gun- wale. The bark itself was in such broad pieces that two of them were sufficient to cover half a side, so that but one seam was required lengthwise, in addition to the fastenings at the top and bottom. Two lengths of the bark also reached cleverly from stem to stern, and thus required only one transverse seam on each side. There was an advantage ir this arrangement, for where the birch-bark can only be obtained in small flakes, a great number of seams is a necessary consequence, and then it is extremely difficult to keep the canoe from leaking. 152 HOW TO BUILD Thanks to the fine birch-trees, that grew in abui> dance around, our boat-builders had procured the very best bark. The canoe was now completed all but the " pay- ing," and that would not take long to do. The gum of the epinette had to be boiled, and mixed with a little grease, so as to form a species of wax. For this the fat already obtained from the buffaloes was the very thing ; and a small til cup which Basil had saved from the wreck (it had been strung to his bullet-pouch), enabled them to melt the gum, and apply it hot. In less than an hour the thing was done. Every crack and awl-hole was payed, and the canoe was pronounced "watertight," and, as Fran9ois added, with a laugh, "seaworthy." A small pond was near, at the bottom of the hill : Francois espied it. "Come, boys," cried lie, " a launch! a launch!" This was agreed to by all. The great stones were taken out. Basil and Norman, going one to the stem the other to the stern, lifted the canoe from the "dock," and, raising it upon their shoulders, carried it down to the pond. The next moment it was pushed into the water, where it A BABK CAIfOE. 153 floated like a cork. A loud cheer was given, in which even Marengo joined; and a salute was then fired — a full broadside — from the four guns. Fran9ois, to complete the thing, seized one of the paddles, and leaping into the canoe, shot the little craft out upon the bosom of the pond, cheering all the while like one frantic. After amusing himself for some minutes, he paddled back to the shore, when they all looked eagerly into the canoe, and perceived to their gratification that not as much as a drop of water had leaked during the " trip." Thanks and congratulations now greeted Norman from every side; and, taking their vessel from the water, the young voyageurs re- turned to their camp, to regale themselves with a grand dinner, which Lucien had cooked for the occaBion. 154 THE CiUJK OF LAK£&. CHAPTER Xm. THE CHAIN OF LAKES. Our young voyageurs now prepared to resume their journey. While Norman was engaged in building his canoe, with his assistant, Fran9oi8, the others had not been idle. Basil was, of course, the hunter of the party; and, in addition to the small game, such as hares, geese, and grouse, he had killed three caribou, of the large variety known as "woodland caribou." These are a species of the reindeer ( Cervus tarandus), of which I have more to say hereafter. Lucien had attended to the drying of their flesh ; and there was enough of it still left, as our voyageurs believed, to supply their wants until they should reach Cumberland House, where they would, of THE CHAIN OP LAKES. 155 course, procure a fresh stock of provisions. The skins of the caribou had also been scraped and dressed by Lucien — who understood the process well — and t^^ise, with the skin of the antelope, were sufficient to make a pair of hunting-shirts for Basil and Norman, who, it will be remembered, had lost theirs by cutting them up. Next morning the canoe was launched upon the river — below the rapids — and the dried meat, with their other matters, snugly stowed in the stern. Then the young voyageurs got in, and, seating themselves in their places, seized hold of the paddles. The next moment the canoe shot out into the stream; and a triumphant cheer from the crew announced that they had reconmienced their journey. They found to their delight that the little vessel behaved admirably, — shooting through the water like an arrow, and leaking not water enough, as Fran9ois expressed it, " to drown a mosquito." They had all taken their seats in the order which had been agreed upon for the day. Norman was " bowsman," and, of course, sate in the bow. This, among the regular Canadian voyageurs, is esteemed the post of honour, and 156 -THE CHAIN OF LAKES. the bowsinan is usually styled "Captain" by the rest of the crew. It is also the post that requires the greatest amount of skiU on the part of its occupant, particularly where there are rapids or shoals to be avoided. The post of "steersman "is also one of honour and importance ; and both steersman and bowsman receive higher wages than the other voyageurs, who pass under the name of " middlemen." The steersman sits in the stern, and that place was now occupied by Lucien, who had proved himself an excellent steersman. Basil and Fran9ois were, of course, the " middlemen," and plied the paddles. This was the arrangement made for the day; but although on other days the programme was to be changed, so as to relieve Basil and Fran9ois, on all occasions when there were rapids or other difficulties to be encountered they were to return to this order. Norman, of course, understood canoe navigation better than his Southern cousins ; and therefore, by universal assent, he was acknowledged "the Captain," and Fran9ois always addressed him as such. Lucien'a ^im to the post of second honour was admitted to be just, as he had proved himself capable of THE CHAIN OF LAKES. 157 filling it to the satisfaction of all. Marengo had no post, but lay quietly upon the buffalo skin between Lucien's legs, and listened to the con- versation -without joining in it, or in any way interfering in the working of the vessel. In a few hours our voyageurs had passed through the low marshy country that lies around the mouth of the Red River, and the white expanse of the o-reat Lake Winnipeg opened before them, stretch- ing northward far beyond the range of their vision, Norman knew the lake, having crossed it betore, but its aspect somewhat disappointed the Southern travellers. Instead of a vast dark lake which they had expected to see, they looked upon a whitish muddy sheet, that presented but few attractive points to the eye, either in the hue of its water or the scenery of its shores. These, so far as they could see them, were low, and apparently marshy ; and this is, in fact, the character of the southern shores of Winnipeg. On its east and north, how- ever, the country is of a different character. There the geological formation is what is termed primi- tive. The rocks consist of granite, sienite, gneiss, &c. ; and, as is always the case where such rocka found, the country is hilly and rugged. On 158 THE CHAIN OF LAKES. the western shores a secondary formation exists. This is stratified limestone, — the same as that which forms the bed of many of the great prairies of America ; and, indeed, the Lake Winnipeg lies between this secondary formation and the primitive, which bounds it on the east. Along its western shores extends the flat limestone country, partly wooded and partly prairie land, running from that point for hundreds of miles up to the very foot of the Rocky Mountains, where the primitive rocks again make their appearance in the rugged peaks of that stupendous chain. Lake Winnipeg is nearly three hundred miles in length, but it is very naiTow — being in its widest reach not over fifty miles, and in many places only fifteen miles from shore to shore. It trends nearly due north and south, leaning a little north-west and south-east, and receives many large rivers, as the Red, the Saskatchewan, and the Winnipeg. The waters of these are again carried out of it by other rivers that run from the lake, and empty into the Hud- son's Bay. There is a belief among the hunters and voyageurs that this lake has its tides like the ocean. Such, however, is not the case. There is at times a rise and overflow of its waters, but it THE CHAIN OF LAKES. 159 f8 not periodical, and is supposed to be occasioned by strong winds forcing the waters towards a par- ticular shore. Lake Winnipeg is remarkable, as being in the very centre of the North American continent, and may be called the centre of the canoe navi- gation. From this point it is possible to travel by water to Hudson's Bay on the north-east, to the Atlantic Ocean on the east, to the Gulf of Mexico on the south, to the Pacific on the west, and to the Polar Sea on the north and north-west. Consider- ing that some of these distances are upwards of three thousand miles, it will be perceived that Lake Winmpeg holds a singular position upon the con- tinent. All the routes mentioned can be made without any great " portage," and even a choice of route is often to be had upon those different lines of communication. These were points of information communicated by Norman as the canoe was paddled along the shore ; for Norman, although troubling himself but little about the causes of things, possessed a good practical knowledge of things as they actually were. He was tolerably well acquainted with the routes, their portages, and distances. Some o^ them ho 160 THE CHAIN OF LAKES. had travelled over in company with his father, anfl of others he had heard the accounts given by the voyageurs, traders, and trappers. Norman knew that Lake Winnipeg was muddy, — he did not care to inquire the cause. He knew that there was a hilly country on its eastern and a low level land on its western shores, but it never occurred to him to speculate on this geological difference. It was the naturalist Lucien who threw out some hints on this part of the subject, and further added his opinion, that the lake came to be there in consequence of the wearing away of the rocks at the junction of the stratified with the primitive formation, thus creating an excavation in the surface, which in time became filled with water and formed the lake. This cause he also assigned for the existence of a remarkable " chain of lakes" that extends almost from the Arctic Sea to the frontiers of Canada. The most noted of these are Martin, Great Slave, Athabasca, Wollas- ton, Deer, Lake Winnipeg, and the Lake of the Woods. Lucien further informed his companions, that where priiniti\e rocks form the surface of a country, that surface wiU be found to exhibit great diversity of aspect. There will be numerous lakes and swamps, rugged steep hills with deep valleys THE CUALN OF LAKES. 161 between, short streams with many falls and rapids. These are the characteristics of a primitive surface. On the other hand, where secondary rocks prevail the surface is usually a series of plains, often high, dry, and treeless, as is the case upon the great American prairies. Upon such topics did Lucien instruct his com- panions, as they paddled their canoe around the edge of the lake. They had turned the head of their little vessel westward — as it was their design to keep along the western border of the lake until they should reach the mouth of the Saskatchewan. They kept at a short distance from the shore, usu- ally steering from point to point, and in this way making their route as direct as possible. It would have been still more direct had they struck out into the open lake, and kept up its middle ; but this would have been a dangerous course to pursue. There are often high winds upon Lake Winnipeg, that spring up suddenly ; and at such times the waves, if not mountains high, at least arrive at the height of houses. Among such billows the little craft would have been in danger of being swamped, and our voyageurs of going to the bottom. Tliey, therefore, wisely resolved not to risk such an acci- M 162 TUE CHAIN OF LAKES. dent, but to " hug the shore," though it made their voyage longer. Each night they would lana at some convenient place, kindle their fire, cook iheir supper, and dry their canoe for the next day's journey. According to this arrangement, a little before sunset of the first day they came to land and made their camp. The canoe was unloaded, carefully lifted out of the water, and then set bottom upward to drip and day. A fire was kindled, some of the dry meat cooked, and all four sat down and began to eat, as only hungry travelU'rs >:mi. WAPITI, WOLVES, AND WOLVKRENK. 163 CHAPTER XrV. WAPITI, WOLVES, AND WOLVERENE. The spot where our voyageurs had landed was at the bottom of a small bay. The country back from the lake was level and clear of timber. Here and there, nearer the shore, however, its surface was prettily interspersed with small clumps of willows, that formed little copse-like thickets of deep green. Beside one of these thickets, within a hundred yards of the beach, the fire had been kindled, on a spot of ground that commanded a view of the plain for miles back. " Look yonder ! " cried Francois, who had finished eating, and risen to his feet. " What are these, cap- tain?" Francois pointed to some objects that ap- peared at a great distance off upon the plain. The " captain " rose up, placed his hand 164 "VTAPITI, WOLVES, 80 as to shade his eyes from the sun, and, after looking for a second or two in the direction indi- cated, replied to the other's question by simply saying,— « Wapiti." '* I'm no wiser than before I asked the question," said Francois. " Pray, enlighten me as to what a wapiti may be ! " " Why, red deer ; or elk, if you like." " Oh ! elk — now I understand you. I thought they were elk, but they're so far off T wasnt sure." Lucien at this moment rose up, and looking through a small telescope, which he carried, con- firmed the statement of the " captain," and pro- nounced it to be a herd of elk. " Come, Luce," demanded Franpois, " teU us what you know of the elk. It will pass the time. Norman says it's no use going after them out there in the open ground, as they'd shy off before one could get within shot. You see there is not a bush within half-a-mile of them." *' If we wait," interrupted Norman, " I should not wonder but we may have them among the bushes before long. They appear to be grazing AND WOLVERENE. 165 this way. 1 warrant you, they'll come to the lake to drink before nightfall." " Very well then : the philosopher can tell us all about them before that." Lucien, thus appealed to, began : — " There are few animals that have so many names as this. It is called in different districts, or by different authors, elk, round-horned elk, American elk, stag, red deer, grey moose, le biche, wapiti, and wewaskish. Naturalists have given not a few of their designations, as Cervus Canadensis, C. major, C. alces, C. strongylocerus, Sfc. " You may ask, Why so many names ? I shall tell you. It is called ' elk' because it was supposed by the early colonists to be the same as the elk of Europe. Its name of 'grey moose' is a hunter appellation, to distinguish it from the real moose, which the same hunters know as the ' black moose.' ' Round-horned elk' is also a hunter name. ' We- waskish,' or ' waskesse,' is an Indian name for the animal. 'Stag' comes from the European deer so called, because this species somewhat resembles the stag ; and 'red deer' is a name used by the Hudson Bay traders. 'Le biche' is another spionyme of French authors. 166 WAPITI, WOLVES, • 01" all these names I think that of ' wapiti,* which our cousin has given, the best. The names of ' elk,' ' stag,' and ' red deer,' lead to confusion, as there are other species to which they properly belong, all of which are entirely different from the wapiti. I believe that this last name is now used by the best-informed naturalists. " In my opinion," continued Lucien, " the wapiti is the noblest of all the deer kind. It possesses the Rne form of the European stag, while it is nearly a third larger and stronger. It has all the grace of limb and motion that belongs to the common deer, while its towering horns give it a most majestic and imposing appearance. Its colour during the summer is of a reddish brown, hence the name red deer ; but, indeed, the reddish tint upon the wapiti is deeper and richer than that of its European cousin. The wapiti, like other deer, brings forth its fawns in the spring. They are usually a male and female, for two is the number it produces. The males only have hori s ; and they must be several years old before the antlers become full and branch- ing. They fall every year, but not until February or March, and then the new ones grow out in a month or six weeks. During the summer the horns remain AND WOJLVKU£\E. lb. soft and tender to the touch. They are coveied at this time with a soft membrane that looks like greyish velvet, and they are then said to be ' in the velvet,' There are nerves and blood-vessels run- ning through this membrane, and a blow upon the horns at this season gives great pain to the animal. When the autumn arrives the velvet peels off, and they become as hard as bone. They would need to be, for this is the 'rutting' season, and the bucks fight furious battles with each other, clashing their horns together, as if they would break them to pieces. Very often a pair of bucks, while thus contending, 'lock' their antlers, and being unable to draw them apart, remain head to head, until both d'e with hunger, or fall a prey to the prowling wolves. This is true not only of the elk, but also of the rein-deer, the moose, and many other species of deer. Hundreds of pairs of horns have been found thus 'locked,' and the solitary hunter has often surprised the deer in this unpleasant predicament. " The wapiti utters a whistling sound, that can be heard far off, and often guides the hunter to the right spot. In the rutting season the bucks make other noises, which somewhat resemble the 168 WAPITI, WOLVES, braying of an ass, and are equally disagreeable to listen to. ' The wapiti travel about in small herds, rarely exceeding fifty, but often of only six or seven. V^^here they are not much hunted they are easily approached, but otherwise they are shy enough. The bucks, when wounded and brought to bay, become dangerous assailants ; much more so than those of the common deer. Hunters have sometimes escaped with difficulty from their horns and hoofs, with the latter of which they can inflict very severe blows. They are hunted in the same way as other deer; but the Indians capture many of them in the water, when they discover them crossing lakes or rivers. They are excellent swim- mers, and can make their way over the arm of a lake or across the widest river. "They feed upon grass, and sometimes on the young shoots of willows and poplar trees. They are especially fond of a species of wild rose {Rosa hlanda), which grows in the countries they frequent. " The wapiti at one time ranged over a large part of the continent of North America. Its range is now restricted by the spread of the settle- AND WOLVERENE. 169 ments. It is still found in most of the Northern parts of the United States, but only in remote mountainous districts, and even there it is a rare animal. In Canada it is more common ; and it roams across the continent to the shores of the Pacific. It is not an animal of the tropical countries, as it is not found in Mexico proper. On the other hand, wapiti do not go farther north than about the fifty-seventh parallel of latitude, and then they are not in their favourite habitat, which is properly the temperate zone." Lucien was interrupted by an exclamation from Basil, who stood up looking out upon the prairie. They all saw that he had been observing the wapiti. " What is it ?" cried they. " Look yonder ! " replied Basil, pointing in the direction of the herd. " Something disturbs them. Give me your glass. Luce." Lucien handed the telescope to his brother, who, drawing it to the proper focus, pointed it towards the deer. The rest watched them with the naked eye. They could see that there was some trouble among the animals. There were only six in the herd, and even at the distance our voyageurs could tell 170 WAPITI, WOLVES, that they were all bucks, for it was the seasou when the does secrete themselves in the woods and thickets to bring forth their young. They were running to and fro upon the prairie, and doubling about as if playing, or rather as if some creature was chasing them. With the naked eye, however, nothing could be seen upon the ground but the bucks themselves, and all the others looked to Basil, who held the glass, for an explanation of their odd manoeuvres. " There are wolves at them," said Basil, after regarding them for a second or two. " That's odd," rejoined Norman. " Wolves don't often attack full-grown wapiti, except when wounded or crippled somehow. They must be precious hungry. What sort of wolves are they ?" To you, boy reader, this question may seem strange. You, perhaps, think that a wolf is a wolf, and there is but one kind. Such, however, is not the exact truth. In America there are two distinct species of wolves, and of these two species there are many varieties, which differ so much in colour and other respects, that some authors have classed them as so many distinct species instead of considering them mere varieties. Whether they AND WOLVERENE. 171 may be species or not is still a question among naturalists ; but certain it is tliat two well-defined species do exist, which differ in size, form, colour, and habits. These are the large or common wolf {Canis lupus), and the barking or prairie wolf (Canis latrans). The first species is the American representative of the common wolf of Europe ; and although an animal of similar nature and habits, it differs very much from the latter in form and appearance. It is, therefore, not the same, as hitherto supposed. This American wolf is found in greater or less numbers throughout the whole continent ; but in the Northern regions it is very common, and is seen in at least five different varieties, known by the characteristic names of black, pied, white, dusky, and grey wolves Of these the grey is the most numerous kind ; but as I shall have occasion to speak of the large wolves hereafter, I shall say no more of them at present, but direct your attention to the second and very different species, the prairie wolves. These are a full third smaller than the common kind. They are swifter, and go in larger packs. They bring forth their young in burrows on the open plain, and not jiDiong the woods, like the 172 WAPITI, WOLVES. other species. They are the most cunning ol American animals, not excepting their kindred the foxes. They cannot be trapped by any contrivance, but by singular manoeuvres often themselves decoy the over-curious antelope to approach too near them. When a gun is fired upon the prairies they may be seen starting up on all sides, and running for the spot in hopes of coining in for a share of the game. Should an animal — deer, antelope, or buffalo — be wounded, and escape the hunter, it is not hkely to escape them also. They will set after it, and run it down if the wound has been a mortal one. On the other hand, if the wound has been only slight, and is not likely in the end to cripple the animal, the wolves will not stir from the spot. This extraordinary sagacity often tells the hunter whether it is worth his while to follow the game he has shot at ; but in any case he is likely to arrive late, if the wolves set out before him, as a dozen of them will devour the largest deer in a few minutes' time. The prairie wolves as well as the others follow the herds of buffaloes, and attack the gravid cows and calves when sepa- rated from the rest. Frequently they sustain a contest with the bulls, when the latter are old or AND WOLVERENE. 173 wounded, but on such occasions many of them get killed before the old bull becomes their prey. They resemble the common grey wolf in colour, but there are varieties in this respect, though not so great as among the larger species. Their voice is entirely diiFercnt, and consists of thi-ee distinct barks, ending in a prolonged howl. Hence the spe- cific and usual name "barking-wolf" (C latrans). They are found only in the Western or prairie half of the continent, and thence west to the Pacific. Their Northern range is limited to the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude — but they are met with southward throughout Mexico, where they are common enough, and known by the name of " coyote." Their skins are an article of trade with the Hudson's Bay Company. The fur is of about the same quality with that of other wolves, and con- sists of long hairs, with a thick wool at the base. In commerce they are termed " cased wolves," because their skins, on being removed, are not split open as with the large wolf-skins, but are stript off after the manner of rabbits, and then turned inside out, or " cased," as it is termed. So much for the Canis latrans. 174 WAPITI, WOLVES, " Prairie wolves !" said Basil, in answer to the question put by his cousin. " There must be something the matter with one of the bucks, then," remarked Norman, " or else there's a good big pack of the wolves, and they expect to tire one down. I believe they some- times do try it that way." " There appears to be a large pack," answered Basil, still looking through the glass ; " fifty at least — See ! they have separated one of the bucks from the herd — it's running this way !" Basil's companions had noticed this as soon as himself, and all four now leaped to their guns. The wapiti was plainly coming towards them, and they could now distinguish the wolves following upon his heels, strung out over the prairie Hke a pack of hounds. When first started, the buck was a fuU half-mile distant, but in less than a minute's time he came breasting forward until the boys could see his sparkling eyes and the play of his proud flanks. He was a noble animal to look at. His horns were full grown, but still " in the velvet," and as he ran with his snout thrown forward, his antlers lay along both sides of his neck until their tips touched his shoulders. He continued on in AND WOLTERENE. 175 a direct line until he was within less than an hundred paces of the camp ; but, perceiving the smoke of the fire, and the figures crouching around it, he swerved suddenly from his course, and darted into the thicket of willows, where he was for the moment hidden from view. The wolves — fifty of them at least — had followed him up to this point ; and as he entered the thicket several had been close upon his heels. The boys expected to see the wolves rush in after him — as there appeared to be no impediment to their doing so — but, to the astonishment of all, the latter came to a sudden halt, and then went sneaking back — some of them even running oiF as if terrified ! At first the hunters attributed this strange conduct to their own presence, and the smoke of the camp ; but a moment's reflection convinced them that this could not be the reason of it, as they were all well acquainted with the nature of the prairie wolf, and had never witnessed a similar exhibition before. They had no time to think of the wolves just then. The buck was the main attraction, and, caUiiig to each other to surround the tliicket, all four started in difierent directions. In a couple 176 WAPITI, WOLVES, of minutes they had placed themselves at nearly equal distances around the copse, and stood watch» iiig eagerly for the reappearance of the wapiti. The willows covered about an acre of ground, but they were tolerably thick and full-leaved, and the buck could not be seen from any side. Wher- ever he was, he was evidently at a stand-still for not a rustle could be heard among the leaves, nor were any of the tall stalks seen to move. Marengo was now sent in. This would soon start him, and aU four stood with guns cocked and ready. But before the dog had made three lengths of himself into the thicket, a loud snort was heard, followed by a struggle and the stamping of hoofs, and the next moment the wapiti came crashine: through the bushes. A shot was fired — it was the crack of Lucien's small rifle — but it had missed, for the buck was seen passing onward and outward. AU ran round to the side he had taken, and had a full view of the animal as he bounded off. Instead of running free as before, he now leaped heavily forward, and what was their astonishment on seeing that he carried another animal upon his back! The hunters could hardly believe their eyes, but AND WOLYERENE. 177 there it was, sure enough, a brown shaggy mass, lying flat along the shouiders of the wapiti, and clutching it with large spreading claws. FranQois cried out, " A panther ! " and Basil at first believed it to be a bear, but it was hardly large enough for that. Norman, however, who had lived more in those parts where the animal is found, knew it at once to be the dreaded " wolverene." Its head could not be seen, as that was hid behind the shoulder of the wapiti, whose throat it was en- gaged in tearing. But its short legs and broiid paws, its bushy tail and long shaggy hair, together with its round-arching back and dark-brown colour, were all familiar marks to the young fur-trader ; and he at once pronounced it a " wolverene." When first seen, both it and the wapiti were beyond the reach of their rifles ; and the hunters, surprised by such an unexpected apparition, had suddenly halted. Francois and Basil were about to renew the pursuit, but were prevented by Norman who counselled them to remain where they were. " They won't go far," said he ; " let us watch them a bit. See ! the buck takes the water ! " The waniti, on leaving the wiUows, had run straiaht out in the fir.*t direction tliat offered. 178 WAirri, WOLVES, which happened to be in a line parallel with the edge of the lake. His eye, however, soon caught sight of the water, and, doubhng suddenly round, he made directly towards it, evidently with the intention of plunging in. He had hopes, no doubt, that by this means he might rid himself of the terrible creature that was clinging to his shoulders, and tearing his throat to pieces. A few bounds brought him to the shore. There was no beach at the spot. The bank — a limestone bluff — rose steeply from the water's edge to a height of eight feet, and the lake under it was several fathoms in depth. The buck did not hesitate, but sprang outward and downwards. A heavy plash followed, and for some seconds both wapiti and wolverene were lost under the water. They rose to the surface, just as the boys reached the bank, but they came up separately. The dip had proved a cooler to the fierce wolverene ; and while the wapiti was seen to strike boldly out into the lake and swim off, the latter — evidently out of his element — kept plunging about clumsily, and struggling to get back to the shore. Their position upon the cliff above gave the hunters an excellent oppor- tunity with their rifles, and both Basil and ^(ul•maa AND W'OLVERKNE. 179 sent their bullets into the wolverene's back. Francois also emptied his double-barrelled gun at the same object, and the shaggy brule sank dead to the bottom of the lake. Strange to say, not one of the party had thought of firing at the buck. This persecution by so many enemies had won for him their sympathy, and they would now have suffered him to go free, but the prospect of fresh venison for supper overcame their commiseration, and the moment the wolverene was despatched all set about securing the deer. Their guns were reloaded, and, scattering along the shore, they prepared to await his return. But the buck, seeing there was nothing but death in his rear, swam on, keeping almost in a direct line out into the lake. It was evident to all that he could not swim across tlie lake, as its farther shore was not even visible. He must either return to where they were, or drown ; and knowing this to be his only alternative, they stood still and watched his motions. When he had got about half-a-mile from the shore, to the surprise of all, ho was seen to rise higher and higher above the surface, and then all at once stop, with half of his body clear out of the water ! He had come upon 180 WAPITI, W0L\^8, a shoal, and, knowing the advantage of it, seemed determined to remain there. Basil and Norman ran to the canoe, and in a few minutes the little craft was launched, and shooting through the water. The buck now saw that it was likely to be all up with him, and, instead of attempting to swim farther, he f^iced round and set his antlers forward in a tlu-eatening attitude. But his pursuers did not give him the chance to make a rush. When within fifty yards or so, Norman, who used the paddles, stopped and steadied the canoe, and the next moment the crack of Basil's rifle echoed over the lake, and the wapiti fell upon the water, where, after struggling a moment, he lay dead. Tlie canoe was paddled up, and his antlers being made fast to the stern, he was towed back to the shoi'e, and carried into camp. What now surprised our voyageurs was, their finding that the wapiti had been wounded before encountering cither the wolves, wolverene, or themselves. An arrow-head, with a short piece of the shaft, was nicking in one of his thighs. The Indians, then, iiad been after him, and very lately too, as the AND WOLVERENE, 181 wound showed. It was not a mortal wound, had the arrow-head been removed ; but of course, as it was, it would have proved his death in the long run. This explained why the wolves had assailed an animal, that otherwise, from his great size and strength, would have defied them. The wolverene, moreover, rarely attacks game so large as the wapiti ; but the latter had, no doubt, chanced upon the lair of his fierce enemy, who could not resist such a tempting opportunity of getting a meal. The wolves had seen the wolverene as they ap- proached the thicket, and that accounted for their strange behaviour in the pursuit. These creatures are as great cowards as they are tyrants, and their dread of a wolverene is equal to that with which they themselves often inspire the wounded deer. 182 ▲ PA2K OF DEKP DITKK8 CHAPTER XV. A PAIR OP DEEP DIVERS. The wapiti was carefully skinned, and the skin spread out to dry. Since their mishap our voy- ageurs had been very short of clothing. The three skins of the woodland caribou had made only a pair of jackets, instead of full hunting- shirts, and even these were pinched fits. For beds and bed-clothes they had nothing but the hides of buffaloes, and these, although good as far as they went, were only enough for two. Lucien, the most delicate of the party, appropriated one, as the others insisted upon his so doing. Fran- cois had the other. As for Basil and Norman, they were forced each night to lie upon the naked earth, and but for the large fires which they kept blazing all the night, they would have suffered severely from cold. Indeed, they did suffer A TAIli OK DKET DIVERS. IS" qr\ite enougli ; for some of the nights were so cold, that it was impossible to sleep by the largest fire without one-half of their bodies feeling chilled. The usual practice with travellers in the Far West is to lie with their feet to the fire, while the head is at the greatest distance from it. This is con- sidered the best mode, for so long as the feet are warm, the rest of the body will not suffer badly; but, on the contrary, if the feet are allowed to get cold, no matter what state the other parts be in, it is impossible to sleep with comfort. Of course our young voyageurs followed the well-known practice of the country, and lay with their feet to the fire in such a manner that, when all were placed, their bodies formed four radii of a circle, of which the fire was the centre. Marengo usually lay beside Basil, whom he looked upon as his proper master. Notwithstanding a bed of grass and leaves which they each night spread for themselves, they were sadly in want of blankets, and therefore the skin of the wapiti, which was a very fine one, would be a welcome addition to their stock of bedding. They resolved, therefore, to remain one day where they had killed it, so that the skin might be diied 184 A TAIU OF DEEP Dn'EHS and receive a partial dressing. Moreover, they intended to "jerk" some of the meat — although elk-venison is not considered very palatable where other meat can be had. It is without juice, and re- sembles dry short-grained beef more than venison. For this reason it is looked upon by both Indians and white hunters as inferior to buffalo, moose, caribou, or even the common deer. One pecu- liarity of the flesh of this animal is, that the fat becomes hard the moment it is taken off the fire. It freezes upon the lips like suet, and clings around the teeth of a person eating it, which is not the case with that of other species of deer. The skin of the wapiti, however, is held in high esteem among the Indians. It is thinner than that of the moose, but makes a much better article of leather. When dressed in the Indian fashion — that is to say, soaked in a lather composed of the brains and fat of the animal itself, and then washed, dried, scraped, and smoked — it becomes as soft and pliable as a kid- glove, and will wash and dry without stiffening like chamois leather. That is a great advantage which it has, in the eyes of the Indians, over the skins of other species of deer, as the moose and caribou — for the leather made from these, after a wetting, A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS. 185 becomes harsh and rigid and requires a great deal of rubbing to render it soft again. Lucien knew how to dress the elk-hide, and could make leather out of it as well as any Indian squaw in the country. But travelling as they were, there was not a good opportunity for that ; so they were content to give it such a dressing as the circumstances might allow. It was spread out on a frame of willow -poles, and set up in front of the fire, to le scraped at intervals and cleared of the fatty matter, as weU as the numerous parasites that at this season adhere to the skins of the wapiti. While Lucien was framing the skin, Basil and Norman occupied themselves in cutting the choice pieces of the meat into thin slices and hanging them up before the fire. This job being finished, all sat down to watch Lucien currying his hide. " Ho, boys ! " cried Francois, starting up as if something had occurred to Imn ; " what about the wolverene ? It's a splendid, skin — why not get it too?" " True enough," replied Norman, " we had for- gotten that. But the beast s gone to the bottom — how can we get at him ? " 186 A rAlU OF DEEP DIVERS. " Why, fiah Mm up, to be sure," said Frau90is. *' Let's splice one of tliese willow-poles to my ram- rod, and I'll screw it into him, and draw him to the surface in a jiffy. Come ! " " We must get the canoe round, then," said Norman. " The bank's too steep for us to reach him without it." " Of course," assented Francois, at the same time going towards the willows ; '* get you the canoe into the water, while I cut the sapUng." " Stay ! " cried Basil, " 111 show you a shorter method. Marengo ! " As BasU said this, he rose to his feet, and walked down to the bluff where they had shot the wolve- rene. All of them followed him as well as Ma- rengo, who bounded triumphantly from side to side, knowing he was wanted for some important enterprise. " Do you expect the dog to fetch him out?" inquired Norman. " No," replied Basil ; " only to help." "How?" " Wait a moment — ^you shall see." Basil flung down his 'coon-skin cap, and stripped off his caribou jacket, then his striped cotton A PAin OF DEEP DIVERS. 187 shirt, then his under-shirt of fawn skin, and, lastly, his trousers, leggings, and mocassins. He was now as naked as Adam. " I'll show you, cousin," said he, addressing him* self to Norman, " how we take the water down there on the Mississippi." So saying, he stepped forward to the edge of the bluff ; and having carefully noted the spot where the wolverene had gone down, turned to the dog, and simply said, — " Ho ! Marengo ! Chez moi ! " The dog answered with a whimper, and a look of intelligence which showed that he understood his master's wish. Basil again pointed to the lake, raised his arms over his head, placing his palms close together, launched himself out into the air, and shot down head-foremost into the water. Marengo, uttering a loud bay, sprang after so quickly that the plunges were almost simultaneous, and both master and dog were for some time hidden from view. The latter rose first, but it was a long time before Basil came to the surface — so long that Norman and the others were beginning to feel un- easy, and to regard the water with some anxiety. 188 A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS. At length, however, a spot was seen to bubble, several yards from where he had gone down, and the black head of Basil appeared above the surface. It was seen that he held something in his teeth, and was pushing a heavy body before him, which they saw was the wolverene. Marengo, who swam near, uoav seized hold of the object, and pulled it away from his master, who, caUing to the dog to follow, struck out towards a point where the bank was low and shelving. In a few minutes Basil reached a landing-place, and shortly after Marengo arrived towing the wolve- rene, which was speedily pulled out upon the bank, and carried, or rather dragged, by Norman and Fran9ois to the camp. Lucien brought Basil's clothes, and all four once more assembled around the blazing fire. There is not a more hideous-looking animal in America than the wolverene. His thick body and short stout legs, his shaggy coat and bushy tail, but, above all, his long curving claws and dog- like jaws, give him a formidable appearance. His gait is low and skulking, and his look bold and vicious. He walks somewhat like a bear, and his tracks are often mistaken for those of that A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS. 189 animal. Indians and hunters, however, know the difference well. His hind feet are plantigrade, that is, they rest upon the ground from heel to toe ; and his back curves like the segment of a circle. He is fierce and extremely voracious — quite as much so as the " glutton," of which he is the American representative. No animal is mor3 destructive to the small game, and he will also attack and devour the larger kinds when he can get hold of them ; but as he is somewhat slow, he can only seize most of them by stratagem. It is a common belief that he lies in wait upon trees and rocks to seize the deer passing beneath. It has been also asserted that he places moss, such as these animals feed upon, under his perch, in order to entice them within reach ; and it has been still further asserted, that the arctic foxes assist him in his plans, by hunting the deer towards the spot where he lies in wait, thus acting as his jackals. These assertions have been made more particularly about his European cousin, the "glutton," about whom other stories are told equally strange — one of them, that he eats until scarce able to walk, and then draws his body through a narrow space t»etween two trees, in 190 A PAIR OF DEEP DIVEE8. order to relieve himself and get ready for a fresh meal. Buffou and others have given credence to tliese tales upon the authority of one *' Olaus Magnus," whose name, from the circumstance, might be translated " great fibber." There is no doubt, however, that the glutton is one of the most sagacious of animals, and so, too, is the wolverene. The latter gives proof of this by many of his habits ; one in particular fully illustrates his cunning. It is this. The marten trappers of the Hudson Bay territory set their traps in the snow, often extending over a line of fifty miles. These traps are constructed out of pieces of wood found near the spot, and are baited with the heads of partridges, or pieces of venison, of which the marten (Mustela martes) is very fond. As soon as the marten seizes the bait, a trigger is touched, and a heavy piece of wood falling upon the animal, crushes or holds it fast. Now the wolverene enters the trap from behind, tears the back out of it before touching the bait, and thus avoids the falling log ! Moreover, he will foUow the tracks of the trapper from one to another, until he has destroyed the whole line. Should a marten happen to have been before hinx, A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS. I9l and got caught in the trap, he rarely ever eats it, as he is not fond of its flesh. But he is not satisfied to leave it as he finds it. He usually digs it from under the log, tears it to pieces, and then buries it under the snow. The foxes, who are well aware of this habit, and who themselves greedily eat the marten, are frequently seen following him upon such ex- cursions. They are not strong enough to take th*' log from off the trapped animal, but from their keert scent can soon find it where the other has buried it in the snow. In this way, instead of their being providers for the wolverene, the reverse is the true story. Notwithstanding, the wolverene will eat them too, whenever he can get his claws upon them but as they are much swifter than he, this seldom happens. The foxes, however, are themselvef taken in traps, or more commonly shot by guns set for the purpose, with the bait attached by a string to the trigger. Often the wolverene, finding the foxes dead or wounded, makes a meal of them before the hunter comes along to examine his traps and guns. The wolverene kills many of the foxes while young, and sometimes on finding their bur- row, widens it with his strong claws, and eats the whole family in their nests. Even young 192 A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS. wolves sometimes become liis prej. He lives, in fact, on very bad terms with both foxes and wolves, and often robs the latter of a fat deer which they may have just killed, and are preparing to dine upon. The beaver, however, is his favourite food, and but that these creatures can escape him by taking to the water — in which element he is not at all at home — he would soon exterminate theii whole race. His great strength and acute scent enable him to overcome almost every wild creature of the forest or prairie. He is even said to be a full match for either the panther or the black bear. The wolverene lives in clefts of rock, or in hollow trees, where such are to be found ; but he is equally an inhabitant of the forest and the prairie. He is found in fertile districts, as well as in the most remote deserts. His range is extensive, but he is properly a denizen of the cold and snowy regions. In the southern parts of the United States he is no longer known, though it is certain that he once lived there when those coun- tries were inhabited by the beaver. North of latitude 40° he ranges perhaps to the pole itself, "is traces cf him have been found as far as man A PAIR OF DEEP DIVERS. 193 has yet penetrated. He is a solitary creature, and, like moat predatory animals, a nocturnal prowler. The female brings forth two, sometimes three and four, at a birth. The cubs are of a cream colour, and only when full-grown acquire that dark -brown hue, which in the extreme of winter often passes into black. The fur is not unlike that of the bear, but is shorter-haired, and of less value than a bear-skin. Notwithstanding, it is an article of trade with the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, who procure many thousands of the skins annually. The Canadian voyageurs call the wolverene * carcajou ;" while among the Orkney and Scotch servants of the Hudson's Bay Company he is oftener known as the " quickhateh." It is sup- posed that both these names are corruptions of the Cree word okee-coo-haw-gew (the name of the wolverene among the Indians of that tribe). Many words from the same language have been adopted by both voyageurs and traders. Those points in the natural history ot the wolverene, that might be called scientific, were imparted by Lucion, while Norman furnished the information about its habits. Norman knew the o 194 A PAIR OF DEEf mVBRS. animal as one of the most common in the *' trade " ; and in addition to what we have recorded, also related many adventures and stories current among the voyageurs, in which this creature figures in quite as fanciful a manner, as he does in the works either of Olaus Magnus, or Count ds Tiiaiiou. A GBA^O) SUNDAl DINNKS. 196 CHAPTER XVL A GRAND SUNDAY DINNER. After remaining a day at their first camp on the lake, our voyageurs continued their journey. Their course lay a little to the west of north, as the edge of the lake trended in that direction. Their usual plan, as already stated, was to keep out in the lake far enough to shun the numerou? indentations of the shore, yet not so far as to erlanger their little craft when the wind was high. At night they always landed, either upon some point or on an island. Sometimes the wind blew " dead ahead," and then their day's journey would be only a few miles. When the wind was favourable they made good progress, using the skin of the wapiti for a saiL On one of these days they reckoned a distance of over forty miles from camp to camp. It was their custom always to lie by oa Sunday, 196 A GRAND SDNDAT DINNEB. for ouf young voyageurs were Christiai>s. They had done so on their former expedition across the Southern prairies, and they had found the practice to their advantage in a physical as well as a moral sense. They required the rest thus ob- tained ; besides, a general cleaning up is neces- sary, at least, once every week. Sunday was also a day of feasting with them. They had more time to devote to culinary operations, and the cuisine of that day was always the most varied of the week. Any extra dehcacy obtained by the rifle on previous days, was usually reserved for the Sunday's dinner. On the first Sunday after entering Lake Winni- peg the " camp " chanced to be upon an island. It was a small island, of only a few acres in extent. It lay near the shore, and was well wooded over its whole surface with trees of many different kinds. Indeed, islands in a large lake usually have a great variety of ti'ees, aa the seeds of aU those sorts that grow around the shores are carried thither by the waves, or in the crops of the numerous birds that flit over its waters. But as the island in question lay in a lake, whose shores exhibited such a varied geology, it was natural the vegetation of the island 'itself should be varied. And, in truth, it was so A ftRJLND SUNDAY DINNER. 197 There were upon it, down by the waters edge, willows and cottonwoods {Populus angulata), the characteristic sylva of the prairie land ; there were birches and sugar-maples {Acer saccharinum); and upon some higher ground, near the centre, appeared several species that belonged more to the primitive formations that bounded the lake on the east. These were pines and spruces, the juniper, and tamarack or American larch {Laryx Americana) ; and among others could be distinguished the dark cone-shaped forms of the red cedar trees. Among the low bushes and shrubs there were rose and wild raspberry ; there were apple and plum trees, and whole thickets of the "Pembina" ( Viburnum oxycoccos). There is, in fact, no part of the world where a greater variety of wild fruit has been found indigenous than upon the banks of the Red River of the North, and this variety extended to the little island where our voyageurs had encamped. The camp had been placed under a beautiful tree — the tacamahac, or balsam poplar {Populus balsamifera). This is one of the finest trees of America, and one of those that extend farthest north 'nto the cold countries. In favourable situations U 198 A GRAND RtJNDAT DINNER. attains a height of one hundred and fifty feet, with a proportionate thickness of trunk ; but it is oftener only fifty or eighty feet high. Its leaves are oval, and, when young, of a rich yellowish colour, which changes to a bright green. The buds are very large, yellow, and covered with a varnish, which exhales a delightful fragrance, and gives to the tree its specific name. It was near sunset on the afternoon of Saturday ; the travellers had just finished their repast, and were reclining around a fire of red cedar, whose delicate smoke curled up among the pale-green leaves of the poplars. The fragrant smell of the burning wood, mixed with the aromatic odour of the balsam-ti'ee, filled the air with a sweet perfume, and, almost without knowing why, our voyageurs felt a sense of pleasure stealing over them. The woods of the little island were not without their voices. The scream of the jay was heard, and his bright azure ving appeared now and then among the foliage. The scarlet plumage of the cardinal •rrosbeak flashed under the beams of the setting sun ; and the trumpet-note of the ivory-biUed woodpecker was heard near the centre of the island. An osprey was circling in the air, with A GRAND SUNDAY DINNER. 199 his eye bent on the water beiow, watcliing for his finny prey ; and a pair of bald eagles {Halicetus leucocephalus) were winging their way towards the adjacent mainland. Half-a-dozen turkey vul- tures ( Cathartes atratus) were wheeling above the beach, where some object, fish or carrion, had been thrown up by the waves. For some time the party remained silent, each contemplating the scene with feeUngs of pleasure. Francois, as usual, first broke the silence. " I say, cook, what's for dinner to-morrow?" It was to Lucien this speech was addressed. He was regarded as the maitre de cuisine. "Roast or boiled— which would you prefer?" asked the cook, with a significant smile. "Ha! ha! ha!" laughed Francois; "boiled, indeed ! a pretty boil we could have in a tin cup, holding less than a pint. I wish we could have a boiled joint and a bowl of soup. Fd give some- thing for it. Fm precious tired of this everlasting dry roast." " You shall have both," rejoined Lucien, " for to-morrow's dinner. I promise you both the soup and the joint." Again Fran a creature about as big as an ordinary setter dog, but much thicker in the body, shorter in the legs, and shaggier in the coat. Its head was flat, and its ears short and rounded. Its hair wa.s lon^j, rough, and of a mottled hoary grey colour, but dark-brown upon the legs and tail. The latter, though coveied with long hair, was short, and ,'arried apright ; and upon the broad feet of the ani- AND THE " LEOPARDS." 229 mal could be seen long and strong curving claws. Its snout was sharp as that of a greyhound — though not so prettily formed — and a white stripe, passing from its very tip over the crown, and bordered by two darker bands, gave a singular expression to the animal's countenance. It was altogether, both in form and feature, a strange and vicious-looking creature. Nonnan recognised it at once as the " blaireau," or American badger. The others had never seen such a creature before — as it is not an inhabitant of the South, nor of any part of the settled portion of the United States, for the animal there sometimes called a badger is the ground- hog, or Maryland marmot {Arctomys monax). Indeed, it was for a long time believed that no true badger inhabited the Continent of America. Now, however, it is known that such exists, although it is of a species distinct from the badger of Europe. It is less in size than the latter, and its fur is longer, finer, and lighter in colour ; but it is also more voracious in its habits, preying constantly upon mice, marmots, and other small animals, and feeding upon carcasses, whenever it chances to meet with such. It is an inhabitant of the sandy and barren districts, where it burrows the earth in sucn 230 THE BLAIKEAU, THE " TAWNIES,* a manner that horses frequently sink and snap their legs in the hollow ground made by it. These are not always the holes scraped out for its own residence, but the burrows of the marmots, which the blaireau has enlarged, so that it may enter and prey upon them. In this way the creature obtains most of its food, but as the marmots lie torpid during the winter months, and the ground above them is frozen as hard as a rock, it is then impos- sible for the blaireau to effect an entrance. At this season it would undoubtedly starve had not Nature provided against such a result, by giving it the power of sleeping throughout the winter months avS well as the marmots themselves, which it does. As soon as it wakes up and comes abroad, it begins its campaign against these little creatures ; and it prefers, above all others, the " tawnies," and the beautiful " leopards," both of which it persecutes incessantly. The badger when first seen was creeping along with its belly almost dragging the ground, and its long snout projected horizontally in the direction of the marmot " village." It was evidently meditating a surprise of the inhabitants. Now and then it would stop, like a pointer dog when close to a AND THE •* LEOPAKDS." 231 partridge, reconnoitre a moment, and tlien go on again. Its design appeared to be to get between the marmots and their burrows, intercept some of them, and get a hold of them without the trouble of digging them up — although that would be no great affair to it, for so strong are its fore-arms and claws that in loose soil it can make its way under the ground as fast as a mole. olowly and cautiously it stole along, its hind-feet resting all their length upon the ground, its hideous snout thrown forward, and its eyes glaring with a voiacious and hungry expression. It had got within fifty paces of the marmots, and would, no doubt, have succeeded in cutting off the retreat of some of them, but at that moment a burrowing owl (Strix cunicularid), that had been perched upon one of the mounds, rose up, and commenced hovering in circles above the intruder. This drew the attention of the marmot sentries to their well- known enemy, and their warning cry was followed by a general scamper of both tawnies and leopards towards their respective burrows. IT^e blaireau, seeing that further concealment was no longer of any use, raised himself higher upon his limbs, and sprang forward in pursuit. 23;^ THE BLAIREAU, THK " TAWNIE8,** He was too late, however, as the marmots had all got into their holes, and their angry " seek -seek," was heard proceeding from various quarters out of the bowels of the earth. The blaireau only hesitated long enough to select one of the burrows into which he was sure a marmot had entered ; and then, setting himself to his work, he com- menced throwing out the mould like a terrier. In a few seconds he was half buried, and his hind- quarters and tail alone remained above ground. He would soon have disappeared entirely, but at that moment the boys, directed and headed by Norman, ran up the hill, and seizing him by the tail, endeavoured to jerk him back. That, however, was a task which they could not accomplish, for first one and then another, and then Basil and Norman — who were both strong boys — pulled with all their might, and could not move him. Norman cautioned them against letting him go, as in a moment's time he would burrow beyond theij reach. So they held on until FranQois had got his gun ready. This the latter soon did, and a load of small shot was fired into the blaireau's hips, v/hich, although it did not quite kill him, caused him to back out of the hole, and brought him into the AND THE ** LEOPARDS." 233 clutchep of Marengo. A desperate struggle ensued, which ended by the bloodhound doubling his vast black muzzle upon the throat of the blaireau, and choking him to death in less than a dozen seconds ; and then his hide — the only part which was deemed of any value — was taken off and carried to the camp. The carcass was left upon the face of the hiU, and the red shining object was soon espied by the buzzards and turkey vultures, so that in a few minutes' time several of these filthy birds were seen hovering around, and alighting upon the hill. But this was no new sight to our young voy- ageurs, and soon ceased to be noticed by them. Another bird, of a different kind, for a short time engaged their attention. It was a large hawk, which Lucien, as soon as he saw it, pronounced to be one of the kind known as buzzards (Buteo). Of these there are several species in North America, but it is not to be supposed that there is any re- semblance between them and the buzzards just mentioned as having alighted by the carcass of the blaireau. The latter, commonly called " turkey buz- zards," are true vultures, and feed mostly, though not exclusively, on carrion ; while the " hawk buz- 234 THE BLAIKEAU, THE " TAWNIES," zai'ds" have all the appearance and general habits of the rest of the falcon tribe. The one in question, Lucien said, was the " marsh-hawk," sometimes also called the " hen- harrier" {Falco uliginosus). Norman stated that it was known among the Indians of these parts as the " snake-bird," because it preys upon a species of small green snake that is common on the plains of the Saskatchewan, and of which it is fonder than of any other food. The voyageurs were not long in having evidence of the appropriateness of the Indian appellation ; for these people, like other savages, have the good habit of giving names that express some quality or characteristic of the thing itself. The bird in question was on the wing, and from its movements evidently searching for game. It sailed in easy circlings near the surface, quar- tering the ground like a pointer dog. It flew so lightly that its wings were not seen to move, and throughout all its wheelings and turn- mgs it appeared to be carried onwards or up- wards by the power of mere volition. Once or twice its course brought it directly over the camp, and Fi'anpois had got hold of his gun, with the AND THE " LEOPARDS." 235 intention of bringing it down, but on each occasion it perceived his motions ; and, soaring up like a paper-kite until out of reach, it passed over the camp, and then sank doA^^l again upon the other side, and continued its " quarterings" as before. For nearly half-an-hour it went on manoeuvring in this way, when all at once it was seen to make a sudden turning in the air as it fixed its eyes upon some object in the grass. The next moment it glided diagonally towards the earth, and poising itself for a moment above the surface, rose again with a small green-coloured snake struggling in its talons. After ascending to some height, it directed its flight towards a clump of trees, and was soon lost to the view of our travellers. Lucien now pointed out to his companions a characteristic of the hawk and buzzard tribe, by which these birds can always be distinguished from the true falcon. That peculiarity lay in the manner of seizing their prey. The former skim forward upon it sideways — that is, in a horizontal or diagonal direction, and pick it up in passing ; while the true falcons — as the merlin, the peregrine, the gerfalcon, and the great eagle-falcons- -shooi 236 THE BLAIREAU, ETC. down upon their prey perpendicularly like an arrow, or a piece of falling lead. He pointed out, moreover, how the structure ol the different kinds of preying birds, such as the size and form of the wings and tail, as well as other parts, were in each kind adapted to its peculiar mode of pursuing its prey ; and then there arose a discussion as to whether this adapt- ation should be considered a cause or an effect. Lucien succeeded in convincing his companions that the structure was the effect and not the cause of the habit, for the young naturalist was a firm believer in the changing and progreasive system (»!' nttture. AW ODD SORT OP DECOT-DITCK. 237 CHAPTER XIX. AN ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK. Two days after the adventure with the blaireau the young voyageurs arrived at Cumberland House — one of the most celebrated posts of the Hudson's Bay Company. The chief factor, who resided there, was a friend of Norman's father, and of course the youths were received with the warmest hospi- tality, and entertained during their stay in the best manner the place afforded. They did not make a long stay, however, as they wished to complete their journey before the winter should set in, when canoe-travelling would become im- possible. During winter, not only the lakes, but the most rapid rivers of these Northern regions, become frozen up, and remain so for many months. Nearly the whole surface of the earth is buried under deep snow, and travelling can only be done 238 AN ODD SOBT OP DE COT-DUCK. with snow-shoes, or with sledges drawn by dogs. These are the modes practised by the Indians, the Esquimaux, and the few white traders and trappers who have occasion in winter to pass from one point to another of that icy and desolate region. Travelling under such circumstances is not only difficult and laborious, but is extremely perilous. Food cannot always be obtained — supplies fall short, or become exhausted— game is scarce, or cannot be found at all, as at that season many of the quadrupeds and most of the birds have forsaken the country, and migrated to the South — and whole parties of travellers — even Indians, who can eat anything living or dead, roast or raw— often perish from hunger. Our travellers were well acquainted with these facts ; and being anxious, therefore, to get to the end of their journev before thp winter should come down upon them, made all haste to proceed. Of course they obtained a new "outfit" at the Fort ; but they took with them only such articles as were absolutely necessary, as they had many portages to make before they could reach the waters of the Mackenzie River. As it required AN ODD SORT OF DECOY DUCK. 239 twc ot the party to carry the canoe, with a few little things besides, all the baggage was com- prised in such loads as the others could manage ; and of course that was not a great deal, for Fran9ois was but a lad, and Lucien was far from being in robust health. A light axe, a few cooking utensils, with a small stock of provisions, and of course their guns, formed the bulk of their loads. After leaving the Fort they kept for several days' journey up the Saskatchewan. They then took leave of that river, and ascended a small stream that emptied into it from the north. Making their first portage over a " divide," they reached another small stream that ran in quite a different direction, emptying itself into one of the branches of the Missinippi, or Churchill River. Following this in a north-westerly course, and making numerous other portages, they reached Lake La Crosse, and afterwards in succession. Lakes Clear, Buffalo, and Methy. A long "portage" from the last-mentioned lake brought them to the head of a stream known as the " Clear Water ;" and launching their canoe upon this, they floated down to its mouth, and entered the main stream of 240 AN ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK. the Elk, or Athabasca, one of the most beautiful rivers of America. They were now in reality upon the waters of the Mackenzie itself, for the Elk, after passing through the Athabasca Lake, takes from thence the name of Slave River, and having traversed Great Slave Lake, becomes the Mackenzie — under which name it continues on to the Arctic Ocean. Having got, therefore, upon the main head-water of the stream which they intended to traverse, they floated along in their canoe with light hearts and high hopes. It ia true they had yet fifteen hundred miles to travel, but they believed that it was all down-hill work now ; and as they had stiU nearly two months of summer before them, they doubted not being able to accomplish the voyage in good time. On they floated down stream, feasting their eyes as they went — for the scenery of the Elk valley is of a most picturesque and pleasing cha- racter ; and the broad bosom of the stream itself, studded with wooded islands, looked to our tra- vellers more like a continuation of lakes than a running river. Now they glided along without using an oar, borne onward by the current ; then they would take a spell at the paddles, while the A3f ODD SORT OP DECOT-DUCK. 24 1 beautiful Canadian boat-song could be heard as it came from the tiny craft, and the appropriate chorus ** Row, brothers, row I " echoed from the adjacent shores. No part of their jouniey was more pleasant than while descending the romantic Elk. They found plenty of fresh provisions, both in the stream itself and on its banks. They caught salmon is the water, and the silver-coloured hyodon, known among the voyageurs by the name of " Dore." They shot both ducks and geese, and roast-duck or goose had become an every-day dinner with them. Of the geese there were several species. There were " snow -geese," so called from their beautiful white plumage ; and " laughing geese," that derive their name from the circumstance that their call resembles the laugh of a man. The Indians decoy these by striking their open hand repeatedly over the mouth while uttering the syllable " wah." They also saw the " Brent goose," a well-known species, and the " Canada goose," which is the wild goose par excellence. Another species resembling the latter, called the " barnacle goose," was seen by our travellers. Be- sides these, Lucien informed them that there were several other smaller kinds that inhabit the R 242 AA' ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK. northern countries of America. These valuable birds are objects of great interest to the people of the fur countries for months in the year. Whole tribes of Lidians look to them as a means of support. With regard to ducks, there was one species which our travellers had not yet met with, and for which they were every day upon the look-out. This was the far-famed " canvass-back," so justly celebrated among the epicures of America. None of them had ever eaten of it, as it is not known in Louisiana, but only upon the Atlantic coast of the United States. Norman, however, had heard of its existence in the Rocky Mountains — where it is said to breed — as well as in other parts of the fur countries, and they were in hopes that they might fall in with it upon the waters of the Atha- basca. Lucien was, of course, well acquainted with its " biography," and could have recognised one at sight ; and as they glided along he volun- teered to give his companions some information, not only about this particular species, but about the whole genus of these interesting birds. " The canvass-back," began he, " is perhaps the most celebrated and highly-prized of all the ducks. AN ODD SORT OF DECOT-DUCK. 248 on account of the exquisite flavour of its flesh— which is thought by some epicures to be superior to that of all other birds. It is not a large duck — rarely weighing over three pounds — and its plumage is far from equalling in beauty that of many other species. It has a red or chestnut- coloured head, a shining black breast, while the greater jart of its body is of a greyish colour ; but upon close examination this grey is found to be produced by a whitish ground minutely mottled with zig-zag black lines. I believe it is this mot- tling, combined with the colour, which somewhat resembles the appearance and texture of ship's canvass, that has given the bird its trivial name ; but there is some obscurity about the origin of this. In colour, however, it so nearly resembles the ' pochard,' or ' red-head ' of Europe, and its near congener the red-head (A.ferina) of America, that at a distance it is diflicult to distinguish them from each other. The last-mentioned species is always found associated with the canvass-backs, and are even sold for the latter in the markets of New York and Philadelphia. A naturalist, however, can easily distinguish them by their biUs and eyes. The canvftss-baek has red eyes, with a greenish 244 AK ODD SORT OP DKCOT-DUCK. black bill, nearly straight ; while the eyes of the red-head are of an orange yellow, its bill bluish and concave along the upper ridge. " The canvass-back is known in natural history as Anas valisneria, and this specific name is given to it because it feeds upon the roots of an aquatic plant, a species of * tape-grass,' or 'eel-grass;' but botanicaUy called ' Valisneria,^ after the Italian botanist, Antonio Valisneri. This grass grows in slow-flowing streaniii, and also on shoals by the sea- side — where the water, from the influx of rivers, is only brackish. The water where it grows is usually three to five feet in depth, and the plant itself rises above the surface to the height of two feet or more, with grass-like leaves of a deep green colour. Its roots are white and succulent, and bear some resemblance to celery — hence the plant is known among the duck -hunters as 'wild celery.* It IS upon these roots the canvass-back almost ex- clusively feeds, and they give to the flesh of these birds ita peculiar and pleasant flavour. Wherever the valisneria grows in quantity, as in the Chesa- peake Bay and some rivers, like the Hudson, there the canvass-backs resort, and are rarely seen elsewhere. They do not eat the leaves but only AW ODD SORT OF DEOOT-DUOK. 245 the white soft roots, which they dive for and pluck up with great dexterity. The leaves when stripoed of the root are suffered to float off upon the surface of the water ; and where the ducks have been feeding, large quantities of them, under the name of 'grass wrack,' are thrown by the wind and tide upon the adjacent shores. " Shooting the canvass-backs is a source of profit to hundreds of gunners who live around the Chesapeake Bay, as these birds command a high price in the markets of the American cities. Dis- putes have arisen between the fowlers of different States around the Bay about the right of shooting upon it ; and vessels full of armed men — ready to make war upon one another — have gone out on this account. But the government of these States succeeded in settling the matter peacefully, and to the satisfaction of all parties." The canoe at this moment shot round a bend, and a long smooth expanse of the river appeared bo' fore the eyes of our voyageurs. They could see that upon one side another stream ran in, with a very sluggish current ; and around the mouth of this, and for a good stretch below it, there ap- peared a green sedge -like water-grass, or rushes, 24b AN ODD SOBT OF DECOT-DCCK. Near the border of this sedge, and in a part of it that was thin, a riock of wild fowl was diving and feeding. They were small, and evidently ducks ; but the distance was yet too great for the boys to make out to what species they belonged. A single large swan — a trumpeter — was upon the water, between the shore and the ducks, and was gradually making towards the latter. Fran9ois im- mediately loaded one of his barrels with swan, or rather " buck" shot, and Basil looked to his rifle. The ducks were not thought of — the trumpeter was to be the game. Lucien took out his telescope, and commenced observing the flock. They had not intended to use any precaution in approaching the birds, as they were not extremely anxious about getting a shot, and were permitting the canoe to glide gently towards them. An exclamation frott: Lucien, however, caused them to change their tactics. He directed them suddenly to "hold water " and stop the canoe, at the same time telling them that the birds a-head were the very sort about which they had been conversing — the " can- vass-backs." He had no doubt of it, judging from their colour, size, and peculiar movements. The announcement produced a new excitc>iaoi?nt. AN ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK. 247 All four were desirous not only of shooting, but of eating, a canvass-back ; and arrangements were set about to effect the former. It was known to all that the oanvass-backs are among the shyest of water-fowl, so much so that it is difficult to ap- proach them unless under cover. While feeding, it is said, they keep sentinels on the look-out. Whether this be true or not, it is certain that they never all dive together, some always remaining above water, and apparently watching while the others are under. A plan to get near them was necessary, and one was suggested by Norman, which was to tie bushes around the sides of the canoe, so as to hide both the vessel and those in it. This plan was at once adopted — the canoe was paddled up to the bank — thick bushes were cut, and tied along the gunwale ; and then our voyageurs climbed in, and laying themselves as low as possible, com- menced paddling gently downward in the direction of the ducks. The rifles were laid aside, as they could be of little service with such game. Francois' double-barrel was the arm upon which dependence was now placed ; and Fran9ois himself leaned for- ward in the bow in order to be ready, while the others attended to the guidance of the vessel. The 248 AJf ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK. buck-shot had been drawn out, and a smaller kini substituted. I'he swan was no longer cared for or even thought of. In about a quarter of an hour's time, the canoe, gliding silently along the edge of the sedge — which was the wild celery ( Valisneria spiralis) — came near the place where the ducks were ; and the boys, peeping through the leafy screen, could now see the birds plainly. They saw that they were not all canvass-backs, but that three distinct kinds of ducks were feeding together. One sort was the canvass-backs themselves, and a second kind very much resembled them, except that they were a size smaller. These were the " red-heads " or " poch- ards." The third species was different from either. They had also heads of a reddish colour, but of a brighter red, and marked by a white band that ran from the root of the bill over the crown. This mark enabled Lucien at once to teU the species. They were widgeons {A. Americana) ; but the most singular thing that was now observed by our voyageurs was the terms upon which these three kinds of birds lived with each other. It appeared that the widgeon obtained its food by a regular system of robbery and y lunder perpetrated AN ODD SORT OF DECOT-DUCK. 249 npon the community of the canvass-backs. The latter, as Lucien had said, feeds upon the roots of the valisneria; but for these it is obUged to dive to the depth of four or five feet, and also to spend some time at the bottom while plucking them up. Now the widgeon is as fond of the " celery " as the canvass-back, but the former is not a diver — in fact, never goes under water except when wash- ing itself or in play, and it has therefore no means of procuring the desired roots. Mark, then, the plan that it takes to effect this end. Seated as near as is safe to the canvass-back, it waits until the latter makes his somersault and goes down. It (the widgeon) then darts forward so as to be suffi- ciently close, and, pausing again, scans the surface with eager eye. It can tell where the other is at work, as the blades of the plant at which it is tugging are seen to move above the water. These at length disappear, pulled down as the plant is dragged from its root, and almost at the same instant the canvass-back comes up holding the root between his mandibles. But the widgeon is ready for him. He has calculated the exact spot where the other will rise ; and, before the latter can open his eyes or get them clear of the water, the widgeon '250 AN ODD SORT OF DECOY-PUCK. darts forward, snatches the luscious morsel from his bill, and makes off with it. Conflicts sometimes ensue ; but the widgeon, knowing himself to be the lesser and weaker bird, never stands to give battle, but secures his prize through his superior agility. On the other hand, the canvass-back rarely attempts to follow him, as he knows that the other is swifter upon the water than he. He only looks after his lost root with an air of chagrin, and then, reflecting that there is "plenty more where it came from," kicks up its heels, and once more plunges to the bottom. The red-head rarely interferes with either, as he is contented to feed upon the leaves and stalks, at all times floating in plenty upon the surface. As the canoe glided near, those on board watched these curious manceuvres of the birds with feelings of interest. They saw, moreover, that the " trum- peter" had arrived among them, and the ducks seemed to take no notice of him. Lucien was struck with something unusual in the appearance of the swan. Its plumage seemed ruffled and on end, and it glided along in a stiff and unnatural manner. It moved its neck neither to one side nor the other, but held its head bent forward, until its bill almost touched AN ODD SORT OF DECOY-DUCK. 25 1 the water, in the attitude that these birds adopt when feeding upon something near the surface. Lucien said nothing to his companions, as they were all silent, lest they might frighten the ducks ; but Basil and Norman had also remarked the strange look and conduct of the trumpeter. Fran9ois' eyes were bent only upon the ducks, and he did not heed the other. As they came closer, first Lucien, and then Basil and Norman, saw something else that puzzled them. Whenever the swan approached any of the ducks, these were observed to disappear under the water. At first, the boys thought that they merely dived to get out of his way, but it was not exactly in the same manner as the others were diving for the roots. Moreover, none of those that went down in the neisrhbourhood of the swan were seen to come up again ! There was something very odd in all this, and the three boys, thinking so at the same time, were about to conmiunicate their thoughts to one another, when the double crack of Frangois' gun drove the thing, for a moment, out of their heads ; and they all looked over the bushes to see how many canvass- backs had been killed. Several were seen dead or 262 AN ODD SORT OF DSCOT-DUCK. fluttering along the surface ; but no one counted them, for a strange, and even terrible, object now presented itself to the astonished senses of all. If the conduct of the swan had been odd before, it was now doubly so. Instead of flying off after the shot, as aU expected it would do, it was now seen to dance and plunge about on the water, uttering loud screams, that resembled the human voice far more than any other sounds ! Then it rose as if pitched into the air, and fell on its back some distance ofi"; while in its place was seen a dark, round object moving through the water, as if making for the bank, and uttering, as it went, the same hideous human-like screams ! This dark object was no other than the poll of a human being ; and the river shallowing towards the bank, it rose higher and higher above the water, until the boys could distinguish the glisten- ing neck and naked shoulders of a red and brawny Indian ! All was now explained. The Indian had been duck-hunting, and had used the stuffed skin of the swan as his disguise ; and hence the puzzhng motions of the bird. He had not noticed the canoe — concealed as it was — until the loud crack of Fran9ois' gun had startled him from his work. AN ODD SORT OF DKCOT-DUCK. 362 This, and the heads and white faces of the boys peeping over the bushes, had frightened him, even more than he had them. Perhaps they were the first white faces he had ever seen. But, whether or not, sadly frightened he was ; for, on reaching the bank, he did not stop, but ran off into the woods, howling and yelling as if Old Nick had been after him : and no doubt he believed that such was the case. The travellers picked up the swan-skin out of curiosity ; and, in addition to the ducks which Fran9ois had killed, they found nearly a score of these birds, which the Indian had dropped in his fright, and that had afterwards risen to the sur- face. These were strung together, and all had their necks broken. After getting them aboard, the canoe was cleared of the bushes ; and the paddles being once more called into service, the little craft shot down stream like an arrow. 254 TH£ DUC£.S OF AUSBIOA. CHAPTER XX THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. LuciEN now continued his "monograph" of the American ducks. " There are," said he, "more than two dozen species of ducks on the waters of North America. These the systematists have divided into no less than eighteen genera! Why it would be more easy to learn all that ever was known about aU the ducks in creation, than to remember the eighteen generic names which these gentlemen have invented and put foi-ward. Moreover, the habits of any two species of these ducks ai-e more similar than those of any two kinds of dogs. Why then, I should ask — why this complication ? It is true that the ducks do not resemble each other in every thing. Some species are fonder of water than others. Some feed entirely upon vegetable »ub- THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. 255 Btances ; others upon small fish, insects, Crus- tacea, &c. Some live entirely in the sea ; others make their home in the fresh-water lakes and rivers, while many species dwell indifferently, either in salt or fresh waters. Some love the open wave ; others the sedgy marsh ; while one or two species roost upon trees, and build their nests in the hoUow trunks. Notwithstanding all this, there is such a similarity in the appearance and habits of the different species, that I think the Bystematists have improved but little, if anything, upon the simple ari'angement of the true naturalist Wilson, who — poor Scotch emigre as he was, with an empty purse and a loaded gun — has col- lected more original information about the birds of America than all that have followed him. He described the ducks of America under the single genus Anas ; and, in my opinion, described them in a more intelligent and intelligible manner than any one has done since his time — not even except- ing another great and true natundist, whose career has been longer, more successful, and happier ; and whose fame, in consequence of his better fortune, has become, perhaps, higher and more extended. " The water-fowl of America." continued Lu- 236 THE DUCKS OF AMERICA, cien- — " I mean the swans, geese, and d jcks, are of great importance in the fur countries where we are now travelling. At certain seasons of the year, in many parts, they furnish almost the only article of food that can be procured. They are all migratory — that is, when the lakes and rivers of these regions become frozen over in the winter they all migrate southward, but return again to breed and spend the summer. They do this, per- haps, because these wild territories afford them a better security during the season of incubation, and afterwards of moulting. It is not very cer- tain, however, that this is the reason, and for my part I am inclined to think not, for there are also wild, uninhabited territories enough in southern latitudes, and yet they forsake these and migrate north in the spring. ' Their arrival in the fur countries,' writes a distinguished naturalist, ' marks the commencement of spring, and diffuses as much joy among the wandering hunters of the Arctic regions, as the harvest or vintage excites in moro genial climes.* Both by the Indians and hunters in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company swans, geese, and ducks, are slaughtered by thousands, and are eaten not only when fresh killed, but THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. 257 they are salted in large quantities, and so pi curved for winter use, when fresh ones can no longer be procured. Of course, both Indian and white hunters use all their art in killing or capturing them : and to effect this they employ many different methods, as decoying, snaring, netting, and shooting them : but Cousin Norman here could give a better description of all these things than I. Perhaps he will favour us with some account of them." " The Indians," said the young trader, taking up the subject without hesitation, " usually snare them. Their most common way is to make a number of hedges or wattle fences projecting into the water at right angles to the edge of the lake, or, it may be, river. These fences are two or three yards apart, and between each two there is, of course, an opening, into which the birds swim, as they make towards the shore for their food. In these openings, then, the snares are set and tied so firmly to a post stuck in the bottom, that the birds, whether ducks, geese, or swans, when caught, may not be able to drag it away. To keep the snare in its place, it is secured to the wattles of the fpnce with tender strands of grass, that of course give way the moment the fowl becomes 8 258 THJi DCCiiS or UdERICA. entangled. The snares are made out of deer sinews^ Uvisted like pacVthread, and sometimes of thongs cut from a 'parchment' deer-skin, which, as you know, is a deer-skin simply dried, and not tanned or dressed. The making of the fences is the part that gives most trouble. Sometimes the timber for the stakes is not easily had ; and even when it is plenty, it is no easy matter to drive the stakes into the bottom and wattle them, while seated in a vessel so crank as a birch canoe. Sometimes, in the rivers where the water-fowl most frequent, the current is swift, and adds to this trouble. Where the lakes and rivers are shallow, the thing becomes easier; and I have seen small lakes and rivers fenced in this way from shore to shore. In large lakes this would not be necessary, as most of the water-birds — such as the swans and geese — and all the ducks that are not of the diving kinds, are sure to come to the shore to feed, and are more likely to be taken close in to land than out in the open water. " The Indians often snare these birds upon the nest, and they always wash their hands before setting the snare. They have a notion — I don't know whether true or not — that if their hands are THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. J59 not clean, the birds can smell the snare, and will be shy of going into it. Thej saj that all these birds— and I believe it's true of all fowls that make their nests upon the ground — go into the nest at one side, and out at the opposite. The Indians knowing this, always set their snares at the side where the bird enters, and by this they are more sure of catching them, and also of getting them some hours sooner. " Besides snaring the water-fowl," continued Norman, " the Indians sometimes catch them in nets, and sometimes on hooks baited with whatever the birds are known to eat. They also shoot them as the white hunters do, and to get near enough use every sort of cunning that can be thought of. Sometimes they decoy them within shot, by putting wooden ducks on the water near their cover, where they themselves are stationed. Sometimes they disguise their canoes under brushwood, and paddle to the edge of the flock ; and when the moulting season comes round, they pursue them through the water, and kill them with sticks. The swans, when followed in this way, often escape. With their strong wings and great webbed feet, they can flap faster over the surface than a canoe caa 260 THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. follow them. I have heard of many other tricks which the Indians of different tribes make use of, but I have only seen these ways I have described, besides the one we have just witnessed." Norman was one of your practical philosophers, who did not choose to talk much of things with which he was not thoroughly acquainted. Lucien now took up the thread of the conversa- tion, and gave some further information about the different species of American ducks. " One of the most celebrated," said he, " is the eider-duck' (^Anas mollisshna). This is prized for its down, which is exceedingly soft and fine, and esteemed of great value for lining quilts and making beds for the over-luxurious. It is said that three pounds' weight of ' eider down' can be compressed to the size of a man's fist, and yet is afterwards so dilatable as to fill a quilt of five feet square. The down is generally obtained with- out killing the bird, for that which is plucked from dead birds is far inferior, and has lost much of its elasticity. The mode of procuring it is to steal it from the nest, in the absence of the birds. The female lines the nest with down plucked from her own oreast. When this is stolen from her, by thoee THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. 261 who gather the commodity, she plucks out a second crop of it, and arranges it as before. Tliia being also removed, it is said that the male bird then makes a sacrifice of his downy waistcoat, and the nest is once more put in order ; but should this too be taken, the birds forsake their nest never to return to it again. The quantity of ' eider down' found in a single nest is sufficient to fill a man's hat, and yet it will weigh only about three ounces. " The eider-duck is about the size of the common mallard, or wild duck proper. Its colour is black below, and bufi'-white on the back, neck, and shoulders, while the forehead is bluish black. It is one of the ' sea-ducks,' or fuligulcB, as the naturalists term them, and it is rarely seen in fresh water. Its food is principally the soft mollusca com- mon in the Arctic seas, and its flesh is not esteemed except by the Greenlanders. It is at home only in the higher latitudes of both Continents, and loves to dwell upon the rocky shores of the sea ; but in very severe winters, it makes its appearance along the Atlantic coast of the United States, where it receives different names from the gunners — such as 'black-and-white coot,' 'big sea-duck,' 262 THE DUCKS or IMIEICA. * ehoal-duck,' and *gquaw-duck;' and under these titles it is often sold in the markets of American cities. Some suppose that the eider-duck could be easily domesticated. If so, it would, no doubt, prove a profitable as well as an interesting experi- ment ; but I believe it has already been attempted without success. It is in the countries of Northern Europe where the gathering of the eider down has been made an object of industry. On the American Continent the pursuit is not followed, either by the native or white settler. " Another species common to the higher lati- tudes of both Continents is the * king-duck,' so called from its very showy appearance. Its habits are very similar to the * eider,' and its down is equally soft and valuable, but it is a smaller bird. " A still smaller species, also noted for its brilliant plumage, inhabits the extreme north of both continents. This is the 'harlequin-duck;' or, as the early colonists term it, the ' lord.* " But the 'wood-duck' {Anas sponsa) is perhaps the most beautiful of all the American species, or indeed of all ducks whatever — although it has a rival in the mandarin duck of China, which indeed THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. 263 it very much resembleB both in Bi2e and markings. The wood-duck is so called from the fact of ita making its nest in hollow trees, and roosting occa- sionally on the branches. It is a fresh-water duck, and a Southern species — never being seen in very high latitudes ; nor is it known in Europe in a wild state, but is peculiar to the Continent of America. It is one of the easiest species to do- mesticate, and no zoological garden is now without it ; in all of which its small size — being about that of a widgeon — its active movements and innocent look, its musical peet-peet, and, above all, its beautiful plumage, make it a general favourite. " Besides these, there are many others of the Ame- rican ducks, whose description would interest you, but you would grow tired were I to give a detailed account of them all ; so I shall only men- tion a few that are distinguished by well-knovni peculiarities. There is the ' whistler' {A. clan- gula), which takes its trivial name from the whistling sound of its wings while in flight ; and the ' shoveller,' so called from the form of its bill; and the 'conjuring,' or 'spirit' ducks of the Indians {Anas vulgaris and albeola), because they dive so quickly and dexterously, that it in 264 THE DUCKS OF AMERICA. almost impossible to shoot them either with bow or gun. There is the ' old wife,' or * old squaw {Anas glacialis), so called from its incessant cackle, which the hunters liken to the scolding of an ill- tempered old wife. This species is the most noisy of all the duck tribe, and is called by the voyageurs ' caccawee,' from its fancied utterance of these syllables ; and the sound, so often heard in the long nights of the fur countries, has been woven into and forms the burden of many a voyageur's song. In some parts of the United States the caccawee is called ' south-southerly,' as its voice is there thought to resemble this phrase, while at the time when most heard — the autumn— these ducks are observed flying in a southerly direction. " Besides these," continued Lucien, " there are the teals — blue and green-winged — and the coots, and the widgeon — slightly differing from the widgeon of Europe — and there is the rare and beautiful little ruddy duck {A. ruhida), with its bright ma- hogany colour — its long upright tail and short neck— that at a distance give it the appearance of a duck with two heads. And there is the well- known ' pintail,' and the * pochard' or ' red- head;' and the ' mallard,' from which comes the THE DUCKS OF AMKEICA. 265 eommon domestic variety, and the 'scoter,' and * surf,' and * velvet,' and * dusky,' ducks — these last four being all, more or less, of a dark colour. And there are the ' shell-drakes,' or ' fishers,' that swim low in the water, dive and fly well, but walk badly, and feed altogether on fish. These, on account of their toothed bills, form a genus of themselves — the 'mergansers,' — and four distinct species of them are known in America." The approach of night, and the necessity of landing, to make their night camp, brought Lucien's lecture to a close. Indeed Francois was glad when it ended, for he was beffiuning to think it someAvhat tedious. 3