-^^^^^^As' H. F. FAIRWEATHER'S PEACE SONGS ^ Hail! Dream of Peace Detfea ' /0 " H * mn 0, Glorious Spirit, Patriotic Fire The Cause Demands the Woman Tis the Rosy Dawn of Freedom Hearts Aglow Price Net Fifty Cents Published By H. F. FAIRWEATHER 2206 Atherton Street BERKELEY, CAL. r^^*^i5£^H5S*^^ H. F. FAIRWEATHER'S ACE SONGS Based on Viclor Hugo's Prophecy: "In the twentieth century war will be dead, but man will live. For all there will be but one country, that country the whole earth." HAIL! DREAM OF PEACE (Dedication Hymn) O, QLORIOVS SPIRIT, "PATRIOTIC FIRE THE CAUSE DEMANDS THE WOMAN 'TIS THE ROSY DAWN OF FREEDOM HEARTS AGLOW H. F. FAIRWEATHER VOCAL STUDIO 2206 Atherton Street, Berkeley, Cal. BERKELEY MUSIC UBRAPY UNIVHWTYO* CAIiTOfMIA Copyright , 1917, by H .F. Fairweather. 3 Victor Hugo's Vision In the Twentieth Century War will be dead; but Man will live! To all there will be but One Country— that Country the whole Earth Dedication Hymn Lento H. F. FAIRWEATHER J- 1 ^ m i. r ^=^4 i. ¥ J. a j> " r- p p r- M P r i i j. ^ i f r i r i. p 1. Haill dream of Peace! that the firm reality We might achieve Thus to retrieve, The soul's lost principality In love's release. 2. Hail! vision vastl That sees the dire futility Of cruel war! Of this, no more! We claim man's full utility Too long procrast. 3. Prophetic goodl The soul to man is vocative,- Evolvement plain To glorious reign; On earth is God inchoative In Brotherhood. 3G3304 Glorious Spirit, Patriotic Fire i m H. F. FAIRWEATHER £ m ^=± f ^rw % -j**- — P-r- E ^ S ^^ r > r r f f= r MS 2 £ J I f r ip r -e©- ■4 f •- f rf g g y r £F¥ ^ f=F= f ifeN* ^ y= ** p *=* jo: 3s: ^ J J j j r rf=f i i i j T=r gft 3CE j^y i ^&- g r r r p r f r r £ 3E ^H^ 1. Glorious Spirit, Patriotic Fire, Thy flaming strength within each heart inspire? Uprousing us from dreams to very deed, Giving to every land a people freed. 2. Glorious Spirit, spark of mighty power, Thy force enkindling, make for us a tower, A strong defence from every outward wile, A stern defeat of every inward guile. 3. Glorious Spirit, Light of Liberty, Shine on till men are led by love to thee:- That storm of hate, and deluges of blood, Sever no more the ties of Brotherhood. 5 The Cause Demands the Woman Andante H. F. FAIRWEATHER f te p \ H^uir J| i.r^ ^ m 1. The Cause de-mands tlie Wo - man, Ay, Wo - man's ver - y w &m m wm i m i P *=* ^ P P P P P i E& ** tri $ tat m ? 0\ »*'•■ 2: ■A heart? It needs the spirit, strength, and soul, That Wo - man must im-part P iUflU Pi s i^p a& Pf 1 #• j. pp a f=T 1^ H v C\ a: ci 2. The Cause demands the Woman, Her star ascendant gleams, And onward, upward beckons her To rise from idle dreams. 3. The Cause demands the Woman, Respond then Woman, thou Wilt find fulfillment of thy race Within thy grasping now. 4. The Cause demands the Woman Rise, prophecy fulfill; That all the thrilling universe Resolve with thine "I will." 6 The Dawn of Peace , Marciale H. F. FAIRWEATHER -¥ #15^ A A £ S3^g m£ "UUTTH ev il A mm * ^s ^ <^j-j3J7? ^ as ^ * ^=8 \m ^^^ ^^ E^ ^ I t j^^ ^ £ ^^ £ the ros-y^dawn of Fre e - do m, War's deep shad-ows dis - ap-pear, the ros-y dawn of Free-dom, Up, re- move the curse and ban, A . A A 1. 'Tis 3. 'Tis rjgjrrj 3 ^P 5 * *• ' ? : M~j 1 j~i f~T j i y j £ i ^s ^ p ^ £ Up, — up, the day's be - fore us, Up for the morn is here. Cho. Let the air re - sound the tri-umph, Man is no foe to man. Cho. A A (TO J 17 J J • m i gj j i j j i £=f ^ CHORUS after each verse. > > \ I r r p' F3=^ ^ sz r r i J p- ^ pe i t^- Haill hail! the light of morn - ing, Hail! con - se - era - ted plan. y r r r r i ip g *-# * ■ r r r r f=T a: r at ^^ £ i i -6 — •y. i fee #^ n'? P I J)lj LJf g -fit- Life, new life is dawn - ing, dawn- ing The Broth-er - hood of man. if fTB ^i iiiii 4 t^ «— tl gj i.» f F P F"~F 1 w ■ ■ r e 2T. i» W ^ tEa ♦ p? i 2. Hast thon not heard the sigh - ing? Has thon not felt war's pain? k m=* i i * % r-r r i ^ a a ^ tf j %n ^ £ P^P? «-r Sure - ly thy heart is burn ing For Peace in lov - ing reign. Cho $ k m * — * > l clr 1 * « — ^ ^T £ £ ^ The Dawn of Peace 2 8 Hearts Aglow $ Dolente Lento H. F. FAIRWEATHER 5 B J> , ^ £ £z 'Twas the dark- est hour be -fore the te ±zi m 55E3 f 5 3» — TM ¥ P ¥#8 f E EC Pj I? P W *—* m m B3 rr r : » V r :? T r^ I fe p-fe^ pi'TM m't r'TT ##^ i & dawn, And peo - pie fear'd, theyfear'd to wake! ^Twas tlie darkest hour be Hifar 5E3 sp *^ 1 1 ¥■ il l^lsl teg • «r *- — * ftifc l r-F^F* E g i ^^ :ees=3 ±dt : ,Tt^ 7 P * I* £ m j^ fe i P ' r J ,V Effl ±z £ fore the dawn, And peo - pie fear'd to wake, to wake! Fear'd the ffl^n sft l^ \A P E #^ l =¥ Hi — :n ■: Oi i ■ : & ffi ¥ =r ^ ^ rar 1* I ffaccel. I A A I S £ J J J)jN -p— J-^J> Jil^ earth might shake, The ver - y earth might shake,Thever - y earth might shake With i ~^m i J JmN ffi ^ P^ i S? $ p- P I J^ J J). Ji l J I I |J p p bat - tie cry fore - told, Blood and gold! blood and gold! Death and % t * ^|Pf I 3 i W": » ■>i i . r »f * i? ■ i fc£ ^ p-p' j p- ip Jijij jijiip p r p n gii woe to the foe! Death and woe to the foe! Bat-tie cry fore told, Blood andGold!Then &mm m m j m wm j i J"1nfr teg a j g i ^ f f g CJ l CJ rs % ffi Si sublime j. vault //it: § I ~~T J j) ; v ^ BE ! out a sil - ver trum - pet rang, Hearts a - glow, hearts a - glow! I b # ^ffi iff^tt^B ^ 3£i SEE? 3E -•-• ^p V ± X fez fca p r p r 1 1 I i i r p j j ' ■ - 2 Through the air clear, grand and pure. Hearts a - glow, hearts a - glow, g&j v g g|p v ^ Wl JJ1 ffll /§ 35 i f= j v -=* £ £ FP Hearts Aglow 4 10 fe^ g *s w pg^pif^ Her ald-ing an E - ra new. Hearts a - glow, hearts a -glow. P J J' J J ^EJgf New as true and true as sure, Hearts a - glow, hearts a - gl » f* pi i Hearts a glow, hearts a I II |i glow. *: «* E = ^^— I I I I I I I ^ =z===r±= = TT 'I m wnw :tn » a p— f» g— r te ^ ^^ i sil - yer trum - pet rang.- Hearts a I £ glow. jv a d ji' j a al J7iitf? J = ^ J| I i J i7JlJ i i4l J ^ I S « *> m P Hearts Aglow 4 11 & Hearts a glow, ' ~S~m" '»- Hearts a glow. 'Jfm 1 i g TJ jJTt^ XX j »J~! &0 "Ijy 5 ■ ■ 17 $f=* m x~t — I f g f * fef f [flt Jfc iw w ? p » rail; m te I ^ I r J "Y I GS L-Gl £ Her - ald-ing an E - ra new, Hearts a-glow. i ht> s j-p I I jg 3 3 B a s ^ ^^ sp <^-« ^ ■ * jdEEEEii ■ ■ wzw. w B I ffi P h* 5^ f g B fcJJ fcJJ ^J ^Jj E£g== , tr .11 ff i !* fclz P ft e „ „ ff fete i OI Oi r\ E a» »-^r f f . t U^L^'OT^ i^ ^ ^ * Hearts Aglow 4 Good Patriotic Governments the Wide World O'er (A Solo or Mixed Quartett. In Press.) By H. F. Fairweather. Mr. Fairweather offers to sing his"Peace Songs at any Peace Meetings within his reach, gratis. 1. Good Patriotic Governments, We'll have such and nothing less I Good Patriotic Governments That shall the people bless; The People save from cruel War And give to Peace an open doorj From War's brutalities relieve, And in the arts of Peace believe. The People 'neath wartocracy Are robbed of true democracy. Slaves they find themselves and groan Throbbing, panting for their own. REFRAIN: Good Patriotic Governments, Well have such the wide world o'er! Good Patriotic Governments To rule with Peace forevermore. 2. Good Patriotic Governments, We'll have such now to arise 1 Good Patriotic Governments That hear the People's cries I They cry for equal rights to live Upon God's blessed earthj They cry for equal rights to give Their labor for its worth. No starving People there shall be, Earth yields for labor abundantly. Rise, and set the People free From robbery and monopoly. Refrain. This Peace Song, net twenty -five cents. H. F. FAIRWEATHER, Teacher of Singiryr 8TUDIO.'2208Atherton Street, B.rkeley, Cal. Telephone Berkeley 4208 J Extracts From H. F. Fairtveather's ZXCessage on LIFE AND VOICE CULTURE LIFE THOUGHT THE BUILDER "The law of life and the law of vibration are recognized as synonymous in expression with mind stuff or thought as its cause and builder; to illustrate — a cathedral is desired. Desire is the first thought energy toward building; an ar- chitect, whose business it is to think ideal structures, is employed; he demonstrates his ideas in form of plans drawn out, naming the materials to be used, etc." IDEALS MENTAL FOOD "The beautiful ideals of singing should be the expres- sions of the workmen who think the thoughts of the almighty Architect after him, and appropriate the same to the building up of character and body." SONG INTERPRETATION "When you get to song you will have to consider the mental concept of it as a whole, not what it is about — the song might describe the sighing of the wind among the trees — but these words would be used only to convey an idea; that idea is the goal of your thoughts, your mental concept, interpretation." SUMMED UP "Summed up, what can be realized by our beloved art? Voice culture, the building of a perfect character, the at- tainment of longevity and bliss. Is it worth while? Is it?" Any person desiring a complete copy of the above quoted message, can obtain it gratis by writing to the address below, enclosing a two cent postage stamp. H. F FAIRWEATHE% ' Teacher of Singing = Telephone Berkeley 4208-J Studio, 2206, Atherton Street, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Gaylord Bros. Makers BERKELEY LIBRARIES Syracuse K.V. 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