01 n Texns st ' storical association Report of organization. Consti- tution. List o ners. AT LOS ANGELES ROBERT ERNEST COWAN THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. I. Report of Organization, II. Constitution. III. List of Members. PRESIDENT. O. M. ROBERTS. VICE-PRESIDENTS. DUDLEY G. WOOTEN, WILLIAM CORNER, GUY M. BRYAN, MRS. JULIA LEE SINKS. LIBRARIAN. GEO. P. GARRISON. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. LESTER G. BUGBEE. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. O. M. ROBERTS, GEO. P. GARRISON, MRS. DORA FOWLER ARTHUR, DUDLEY G. WOOTEN, EUGENE DIGGES, RUFUS C. BURLESON, GUY M. BRYAN, Z. T. FULMORE, M. M. KENNEY, WILLIAM CORNER, C. W. RAINES, R, L. BATTS, MRS. JULIA LEE SINKS, F. R. LUBBOCK, MRS. BRIDE NEILL TAYLOR. OF THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Organization. On the evening of Feb. 13, a number of gen- tlemen interested in Texas history met in one of the rooms of the University of Texas to discuss the organization of a State Historical Association. The result of the meeting will be seen in the following circular letter, which was issued a few days later and sent to some 250 persons in Texas: You are cordially invited to be present and take part in a meet- ing to be held in the rooms of the Commissioner of Insurance, Sta- tistics and History at 8:30 p. m., March 2, 1897, for the purpose of organizing a State Historical Association. The general object of this Association will be the promotion of historical studies; and its special object the discovery, collection, preservation and publi- cation of the materials for the history of Texas. The proposed an- nual fee for membership is tivo dollars. We feel the duty of immediate action in order that the sources of Texas history may be preserved, and we sincerely hope that you will be able to lend your aid. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but wish to become a member, kindly signify the same on the attached blank, which you will please mail in the enclosed envelope. 0. M. ROBERTS, F. R. LUBBOCK, JNO. H. REAGAN, GEO. T. WINSTON, DUDLEY G. WOO TEN, A. J. ROSE, GEORGE P. GARRISON. 2 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The number of responses to this letter was indeed gratifying; nearly one-half the persons invited either attended the meeting or sent their names for membership. The Association was organized on the evening of March 2, some twenty or thirty persons present. Before proceeding to business, Ex-Gov. O. M. Roberts, in response to repeated calls, pleasantly entertained those present with several anecdotes illus- trative of the character of Gen. Thomas J. Rusk. The meet- ing was then called to order by Prof. George P. Garrison of the State University. Judge Z. T. Fulmore of Austin was made temporary chairman, and Prof. Garrison secretary. After some discussion, the constitution presented by a committee appoint- ed at the informal meeting of Feb. 13, was adopted without material change. Fellows and officers were then elected and the meeting adjourned. Objects. As stated in the constitution: The objects of the Association shall be, in general, the promotion of historical studies; and in particular, the discovery, collection, preservation and publi- cation of historical material, especially such as relates to Texas. It is hoped that the Association will stimulate the production of much historical matter of real worth for presentation at its meet- ings, and it is intended to publish such matter, as well as original documents, as fast as the finances of the Association will allow. Original articles on any period of Texas history or on any subject connected with Texas history, will be gladly re- ceived; a number of such papers will be read before the Asso- ciation at each meeting. It is also hoped to ascertain the present location, ownership, condition, etc., of the vast mass of MSS. now in the hands of private persons in Texas, and, if possible, to secure for the As- sociation possession of the originals. Suitable fire-proof vaults will be provided as soon as possible where such papers as the As- sociation shall acquire may be safely stored. Private diaries, family letters, journals of travels, old newspapers, genealogi- cal notices, etc., etc., are of quite as much value in recovering the history of Texas as are state papers and public documents. Members of the Association are especially urged to report to the secretary any information which they may have concerning such documents. r r 3.1 nw TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 3 The Association also hopes to acquire a library and museum. Books and historical relics will be gratefully received. Every Texas author should present to the Association a copy of his works. Plan of work. It will be noticed that the constitution makes no attempt to outline a definite plan of work for the Associa- tion. It was thought best to leave this matter to the executive council. The time, place, and character of the next meeting will soon be announced. - cue co CONSTITUTION OF THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ART. I. NAME. This Society shall be called THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ART. II. OBJECTS. The objects of the Association shall be, in general, the pro- motion of historical studies; and, in particular, the discovery, collection, preservation, and publication of historical material, especially such as relates to Texas. ART. III. MEMBERSHIP. The Association shall consist of Members, Fellows, Life Mem- bers, and Honorary Life Members. (a) Members. Persons recommended by the Executive Coun- cil and elected by the Association may become Members. (b) Fellows. Members who show, by published work, special aptitude for historical investigation may become Fellows. Thir- teen Fellows shall be elected by the Association when first or- ganized, and the body thus created may thereafter elect addi- tional Fellows on the nomination of the Executive Council. The number of Fellows shall never exceed fifty. (c) Life Members. Such benefactors of the Association as shall pay into its treasury at one time the sum of ($50) fifty dollars, 6 TEXAS STATE HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. or shall present to the Association an equivalent in books, MSS., or other acceptable matter, shall be classed as Life Members. (d) Honorary Life Members. Persons who rendered eminent service to Texas previous to annexation may become Honorary Life Members upon being recommended by the Executive Coun- cil and elected by the Association. ART. IV. OFFICERS. The affairs of the Association shall be administered by a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Librarian, a Secretary and Treasurer, and an Executive Council. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected annually by the Association from among the Fellows. The Professor of History in the University of Texas shall be ex officio Librarian of this Association. The Executive Council, a majority of which shall constitute a quorum, shall consist of the following: The President. The four Vice-Presidents. The Librarian of the Association. The State Librarian. Three Fellows. Five Members. The Association, immediately after organizing, shall elect three Fellows to serve on the Executive Council one, two, and three years, respectively, the term of each to be decided by lot. Thereafter, one Fellow shall be elected annually by the Asso- ciation for the term of three years. The Association, immediately after organizing, shall likewise elect five members to serve on the Executive Council one, two, three, four, and five years, respectively, the term of each to be decided by lot. Thereafter, one Member shall be elected an- nually by the Association for the term of five years. TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ART. V. DUES. Each Member shall pay annually into the treasury of the As- sociation the sum of two dollars. Each Fellow shall pay annually into the treasury of the As- sociation the sum of five dollars. Life Members and Honorary Life Members shall be exempt from all dues. ART. VI. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. A Publication Committee, consisting of five persons, shall have the sole charge of the selection and editing of matter for publication. The President and Librarian of the Association shall be ex officio members of this committee; the remaining three members shall be chosen annually by the Fellows from the Executive Council. ART. VII. AMENDMENTS. Amendments to this Constitution shall become operative af- ter being recommended by the Executive Council and approved by two-thirds of the entire membership of the Association, the vote being taken by letter ballot. THE TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ORGANIZED MARCH 2, 1897. LIST OF CHARTER MEMBERS. FELLOWS. Hon. Guy M. Bryan Quintana. Lester G. Bugbee Austin. William Corner San Antonio. Col. J. S. Ford San Antonio Judge Z. T. Fulmore Austin. Judge R. R. Gaines Austin. Prof. George P. Garrison Austin. A. C. Gray Houston. Ex-Governor F. R. Lubbock Austin. Judge C. "W. Raines Austin. Ex-Governor 0. M. Roberts Austin. Mrs. Julia Lee Sinks Giddings. Hon. Dudley G. Wooten Dallas. MEMBEES. Mrs. Dora Fowler Arthur Austin. Casey Askew Tyler. H. G. Askew * Austin. William Aubrey San Antonio. Miss Betty Ballinger Galveston. Prof. W. J. Battle Austin. Prof. R. L. Batts Austin. Gen. H. P. Bee. . . .San Antonio. 10 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Dr. Milton J. Bliem San Antonio. J. Alleine Brown Austin. Mrs. John Henry Brown Dallas. Miss Lizzie C. Brown Dallas. Miss Marion Taylor Brown Dallas. Hon. Beauregard Bryan Brenham. Miss Hally Ballinger Bryan Quintana. President Kufus C. Burleson Waco. Prof. Morgan Callaway, Jr Austin. Hon. J. M. Carlisle Austin. Eev. Dr. Wallace Carnahan San Antonio. Miss Lilia M. Oasis Austin. James B. Clark Austin. Mrs. Florence Anderson Clark Austin. Hon. George Clark Waco. Hon. William Clemens New Braunf els. Hon. John H. Cochran Sweetwater. Charles Corner Austin. I. J. Cox San Antonio. Hon. M. M. Crane Austin. Mrs. Ella Dancy-Hall Austin. Miss Mary Decherd Austin. Judge Leroy G. Denman Austin. Col. Eugene Digges Austin. Hon. E. T. Dumble Austin. Judge Peyton F. Edwards El Paso. Miss Anna Ellis Austin. Prof. H. F. Estill Huntsville. Ira H. Evans Austin. Wilber L. Evans % Memphis. Prof. Thomas Fitz-Hugh Austin. H. P. N. Gammel Austin. Eugene A. Giraud Austin. Judge Pi. S. Gould Austin. John Granger Austin. John A. Green, Sr San Antonio. TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 11 Mrs. L. T. Gulick Corsicana. Prof. L. R. Hamberlin Austin. Hon. T. S. Henderson Cameron. Prof. H. W. Harper Austin. L. E. Hill Austin. Ex-Governor J. S. Hogg Austin. Col. J. K. Holland Austin. Mrs. Anna Jefferson Holland Austin. E. M. House Austin. Prof. D. F. Houston Austin. Reagan Houston San Antonio. William R. Houston Dallas. Ex-Governor R. B. Hubbard Tyler. Judge Sam J. Hunter Fort Worth. Col. John G. James Austin. Mrs. E. H. Jenkins Bastrop. R. M. Johnston Houston. B. A. Judd San Antonio. Major M. M. Kenney Austin. Gen. W. H. King Sulphur Springs. John A. Lomax Austin. Mrs. M. Looscan Houston. B. F. Louis Marlin. W. F. McCaleb Carrizo Springs. Regent J. H. McLean Georgetown. Hon. J. H. McLeary San Antonio. Robert E. McCleary Austin. J. Magnenat Austin. Prof. S. E. Mezes Austin. Clarence H. Miller Austin. Lucian Minor Galveston. Mrs. Thomas B. Mitchel Dallas. Prof. W. W. Norman Austin. Prof. E. F. Northrup Austin. A. W. Orr Omen. Hon. T. M. Paschal . . . . San Antonio. 306413 12 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. James E. Pearce Austin. Mrs. L. C. Pease Austin. Miss Julia M. Pease Austin. Mrs. Anna J. H. Penny backer Palestine. Dr. Constance Pessels Austin. Judge H. Clay Pleasants Galveston. Hon. William L. Prather Waco. Prof. Sylvester Primer Austin. G. A. Quinlan Houston. Hon. John H. Reagan Austin. Mrs. Catherine E. Roberts Austin. Major A. J. Rose Austin. W. G. Scarff Dallas. Dr. William B. Seeley San Antonio. Morris Sheppard Austin. Hon. Seth Shepard Washington, D. C. Prof. F. W. Simonds Austin. Hon. James L. Slayden San Antonio. Miss Laura Steele San Antonio. Col. Robert G. Street Galveston. Mrs. Bride Neill Taylor Austin. Mrs. Kate S. Terrell Dallas. Judge John C. Townes Austin. Mrs. A. V. Winkler Corsicana. President George T. Winston Austin. Dr. Joe S. Wooten Austin. Dr. Thomas D. Wooten Austin. Col. R. M. Wynne. Fort Worth. Gen. William H. Young San Antonio. Miss Adina de Zavala San Antonio. Miss Mary de Zavala San Antonio. All communications should be addressed to LESTER G. BTIGBEE, Secretary and Treasurer, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. 2288 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-B 2om-2,'43(5203) ONIVBi AT LOS. ANGELES LIBRARY F382 T31 Texas state 1897 historical association. - Report _oJLorganizati 01 F382 T31 1897 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY '"""""> Illll Hill Hill [||l |i| mi; (mi I)) AA 000018747 6