f UC-NRLF ^^ LI BR ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GIRT OK ••^a <^^^^^o<^< CATALOGUE San Francisco Law Library COMPIIiED BY F. P. DEEEHJTG LIBBAKIAN >'^ OP THE SAN FRANCISCO 1888 C. A. MUKDOCK & Co. Fbimtebs 532 Clay St., San Fbancisco OFFIOEKS THE SAN FRANCISCO LAW LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. J. P. HOGB. />, «?* Executive Committee : J. T. DOYLE, J. P. HOGE, S. M. WILSON. Treasurer : KALPH C. HAKKISON. Board of Trustees : John T. Doyle, Kalph C. Harrison, J. P. Hoge, L. D. Latimer, Hall McAllister, Lorenzo Sawyer, S. M. Wilson. The four Judges of the Superior Court having the shortest terms to serve and the Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco are ex-officio Trustees. Librarian and Secretary : F. P. DEEKING. Assistants : J. F. Tyler, William Murphy. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofsanfrOOsanfrich NOTE. The San Francisco Law Library Association was incor- porated September 12, 1868. It has been prosperous from its commencement. Its membership has steadily increased so as to include, either as stockholders or subscribers, nearly all the Bar of San Francisco in active practice. This Cata- logue — the first that has been printed— contains the titles of more than 26,000 volumes. The aim of the Catalogue is to be useful, rather than to furnisli a complete copy of the title page or of the size of each volume. The books are classified : 1st. Text books, according to subjects. 2nd. Text books, according to authors. 3rd. Keports of the United States. 4th. Keports of other countries. 5tli. Statutes of the United States. 6th. Statutes of other countries. 7th. Legal periodicals. 8th. Trials. • 9th. Miscellaneous works — general literature, public documents and periodicals not legal. CATALOGUE San Francisco Law Library, TEXT BOOKS. Abandonment. Wordsworth, C. Kailways and other companies, with the law of abandonment and winding up. 6th ed. Lond., 1851. Abortion. See Criminal Law. Storer, H. E., and Heard, F. F. Criminal abortion. 1868. Mahon P. A. O. Murder of new born infants, trans, by Johnson. Lancaster, 1813. Abstract of Title. See Conveyancing. Curwen, M. E. Manual upon the searching of records. 1867. Harper, S. Hints for abstracting title deeds. Lond., 1829. Lee, J. Y. Evidence of abstracts of title. 68 Law Library. Moore, H. Preparation of abstracts of title. 77 Law Library. Preston, R. Lectures on abstracts of title. 3 vols. Lend., 1818. WarviUe, G. W. Abstracts of title. 1883. Abridgments. See the various subjects. Bacon, M. New abridgment of the law. 4th ed. 5 vols. 1778. Same. 5th ed. 7 vols. 1798. Same. With additions, and Bouvier's American notes. 10 vols. 1868. 10 San Francisco Law Library. Abridgments — Continued. Brooke, R. La graunde abridgment. Lond., 1576. Oolton, R. Abridgment of records in Tower of London, by Prynne. Lond., 1657. Dane, N. Abridgment of American law. 9 vols. 1823- 1829. Fitzherbert, A. La graunde abridgment. 1565. Godolphin, J. Repertorium canonicum; abridgment of the ecclesiastical laws. Lond., 1687. IngersoU, E. Abridgment of the acts of congress. 1825. Lewis, E. Abridgment of criminal law of U. S. 1848. Petersdorff, C. Abridgment of the common law. 15 vols. 1829-32. Supplement to same, by E. Hammond. 2 vols. 1835. 2d ed. 6 vols, and sup. Lond., 1861-1871. Plowden, T. A. Abridgment of cases reported by. Lond., 1607. Rolie, H. Abridgment of the common law. 2 vols. Lond., 1668. Wheeler, J. D. Abridgment of common law cases. 8 vols. 1833-36. Viner, C. General abridgment of law and equity. 24 vols. 1746-1758. Accidents. See Insurance; Neglic^ence; Railways. Black, C. C. Proof and pleading in accident cases. 1886. Accomplices. See Criminal Laiv. Joy, H. Evidence of. 45 Law Library. Accord and Satisfaction. See Arbitration, Parsons, J. Legal topics. 1876. Accounts. See Contracts, Pulling, A. Mercantile accounts. 57 Law Library. Acknowledgments. Reardon, G. E. Forms of. 1882. Actions. See Partis; Pleading and Practice, * Barton, Ohas. History of a suit in equity. 1870. Same. New ed. 1877. Boote, R. Suit at law in K. B. k C. P. Lond., 1823. Browne, R. J. On actions at law. 45 Law Library. Caruthers, A. History of a lawsuit. 2d ed. 1872. Cooley, T. M. Effect upon action of change of law. I Monograph. Catalogue of Text Books. 11 Ac tionS— C ONTINUED . Kerr, K. M. Outline of an action in superior courts of common law. 3d ed. Lond., 1861. Same. 81 Law Library. Koscoe, W. Actions relating to real property. 2 vols. 28 and 29 Law Library. Smith, J. W. Elementary view of an action at law. 60 Law Library. Waite, W. Actions and defenses. 7 vols. v. d. Same, Index to same by E. Cookingbam. 1882. Waples, R. Proceedings in rem. 1882. Adjustment of Losses. See Insurance: Griswold. Administration. See Probate Practice. Administrators. See Executors and Administrators. Admission to the Bar. See Questions for Law Students. Bradwell, M. Questions and answers. 1873. Admiralty and Maritime Law. See Shipping. Abbott, C. Merchant ships and seamen. 4th Am. ed., 1829. ■Same. 12th Eng. ed. Lond., 1881. Azuni, D. A. Maritime law of Europe. 2 vols. 1806. Baker, S. Office of Vice Admiral of the Coast. Lond., 1884. Benedict, E. C. American admiralty. 2d ed. 1870. Betts, S. R. Practice in admiralty courts of U. S. 1838. Black Book of the Admiralty, by Travers Twiss. 4 vols. Lond., 1871-1876. Browne, A. Civil and admiralty law. Am. ed. 2 vols. 1840. Clerke, Francis. Praxis admiralitatis. Lond,, 1829. Cohen, M. M. Admiralty law. 1883. Conkling, A. Admiralty practice in the U. S. 2 vols. 2d ed. 1857. Coote, H. C. Admiralty practice in G. B. 2d ed. Lond.. 1868. Curtis, G. T. Rights and duties of merchant seamen. 1841. Desty, R. Shipping and admiralty. 1879. Federal procedure. 1875. Same. 6th ed. 1884. Dunlap, A. Admiralty practice, 2d ed. 1850. Etting, T. M. Admiralty jurisdiction in America. 1879. 12 San Francisco Law Library. Admiralty and Maritime Law — Continued. Field, G. W. Federal courts. 1883. and Miller, W. E. Federal practice. 1881. Flanders, H. Maritime law. 1852. Henry, M. P. Jurisdiction and procedure of the Ad- miralty courts of U. S. 1885. Home, T. H. Prize law. Lond. 1803. Jacobsen, F. J. Laws of the sea. Frick's translation. 1818. McAdam, D. Practice in marine court of N. Y. 1874. Maclachlan, D. Law of merchant shipping. Lond. 1862. Same. 3d ed. 1880. Marriott, J. Writs and orders in admiralty. Lond. 1802. Marsden, E. G. Law of collisions at sea. Lond. 1880. Parsons, T. Maritime law. 2 vols. 1859. Shipping and admiralty. 2 vols. 1869. Regulations of Vice Adm'iralty Court abroad. Lond. 1842. Eoberts, David. Admiralty and prize law. 1869. Smith, T. E. Law and practice in admiralty. Lond. 1880. Same. 3d ed. Lond. 1885. Tudor, O. D, Leading cases on maritime law. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1873. Tyler, R. H. Usury, pawns, pledges and maritime loans. 1873. Williams, R. G., and Bruce, G. High court of admiralty, its jurisdiction and practice. Lond. 1869. Same. 2d ed. Lond. Adultery. See Criminal Law; Husband and Wife; Marriage and Divorce. Morgan, L. D. Marriage, adultery and divorce. 2 vols. Oxford, 1826. Nicolas, H. Adulterine bastary. Lond., 1836. Tebb, H. V. Adultery and divorce. Lond., 1822. Adverse Possession. See Limitation; Real Estate. Angell, J. K. Adverse enjoyment of incorporeal heridit- aments. 1827. Tyler, R. H. Ejectment and adverse enjoyment. 1876. Advocacy. See Attorney and Client, Cox, E. W. The advocate. Lond., 1852. Forsyth, W. Hortensius. Lond., 1849. Catalogue of Text Books. 13 Advocacy — Continued. Harris, R. Hints on advocacy. 6tli ed. 1883. Illustrations on advocacy. Lond., 1884. Smith, J. O. The lawyer and his profession. Lond., 1860. Afladavits of Defense. Endlich, G. A. Law of, in Pennsylvania, 1884. Agency. See Corporations. Biddle, A. Law of stock brokers. 1882. Brown, W. Agency and trust to pay private debts. Lond. 1868. Campbell, E. On sales and commercial agency. Lond., 1881. Crump, F. O. Sale and pledge by factors and brokers. Lond., 1868. Edwards, J. Factors and brokers. 1870. Evans, W. Agency; Ewell's notes. 1879. Same, Reprint. 1879. Fitch, N. T. Real estate agents. 1881. Paley, W. Law of principal and agent. 3d Am. ed., by Dunlap. 1847. ■ Same. 28 Law Library. Petgrave, E. C. Manual of agency. Lond., 1857. Ross, G. Leading cases on commercial law. 3d volume. 1858. Same. 99 Law Library. Russell, J. A. Factors and brokers. 48 Law Library. Story, J. Commentaries on agency. 9th ed. 1882. Same. 7th ed. 1869. Thomas, G. H. Judicial factors. Ed. 1859. Wharton, F. Commentaries on agency. 1876. Agricultural Law. Thompson, A. W. Law of the farm. 1877. Alabama. See Criminal Law: Clarke. Alabama Claims. Set Geneva Award. Alienation of Property. Gray, J. C. Restraints on alienation. 1883. Aliens. Hansard, G. Aliens, denization and naturalization. Lond., 1844. 14 San Francisco Law Library. Aliens — Continued. Howell, A. Naturalization etc., in Canada. Toronto, 1884. Lawrence, W. B. Disabilities of American married women abroad. 1871. Morse, A. P. Citizenship. 1881. Reeves, J. Americans born before tbe independence. 2d ed. Lond., 1816. Whiting, Wm. War claims of aliens. JSee war powers under U. S. constitution. 43d ed. 1871. Alluvion. See Waters. Ambassadors. See Consuls; Diplomacy. American Law. Bouvier, J. Institutes. 2d ed. 1876. Dane, N. Abridgment of American law. 9 vols. 1829. Gardner, D. Institutes of American international law. 1860. Hilliard, F. American jurisprudence. 2 vols. 1877. Kent, J. Commentaries. 11th ed., 1867; 12th ed., 1873; 13th ed., 1884. The student's Kent, by E. B. Thompson. 1886. Reduced to questions and answers by J. C. Devereux. 1870. Analysis by F. S. Dickson. 1875. Minor, J. B. Institutes. Vols. 1, 2 and 4, v. d. Parsons, T. Commentaries on Am. law. 1836. Powell, T. W. Analysis of Am. law. 1870. Terry, H. T. Anglo-American law. 1884. Walker, T. Introduction to Am. law. 5th ed., 1869; 6th ed., 1874; 7th ed., 1878; 8th ed., 1882. Wharton, F. American law. 1884. Amusements. See Horses; Theaters. Ancient Law. See Jurisprudence. Maine, H. S. Ancient law. 1st Am. 1870. Village Communities. 1876. Early history of institutions. 1875. Early law and custom. Lond., 1883. Probert W. Ancient laws of Cambria. Lond., 1823. Angling. See Fisheries. Anglo-Saxon Law. Essays, by Adams, Lodge, Young and Laughlin. 1876. Catalogue of Text Books. 15 Animals. Hanover, M. D. Law of horses. 1875. Thompson, A. W. La^y of the farm. 1877. , Annuities. See Insurance — Life. Appeals. Hayne, K. Y. New trial and appeals in Cal. 1884. Powell, T. W, Appellate proceedings. 1872. Apprentices. Hinkle}^ E. O. Testamentary law and law of, in Md. 1878. Aquatic Rights. See Waters. Arbitration and Award. Archbold, J. F. Law and practice of. Lond., 1861. Billing, S. Practical treatise on. 51 Law Library. Caldwell, J. 8. Law of, with precedents. 2d Am. ed. 1867. Hopkins, M. Handbook of average. 3 ed. Lond., 1868. Same. 4th ed. Lond., 1884. Kyd, S. Law of awards. 1st Am. ed. 1868. Morse, J. T., Jr. Law of. 1872. Eussell, F. Arbitrator's duty. 63 Law Library. Stephens, A. J. Nisi prius. 3 vols. G. Sharswood's notes. 1844. Watson, W. H. Treatise on. 33 and 69 Law Library. Architects. See Building Contracts. Jenkins, E., and Kaymond, J. Handbook, 2d ed. Lond., 1874. Army and Navy. See Military Law. Arrest and Bail. See Attachment; Provisional Remedies. Crary, C. New York practice. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1869. Same. 2 vols. 5th ed. 1877. Higbmore, A. J. Bail in civil and criminal cases. Lond., 1783. McAdam, D. On the Stilwell act. 1880. Petersdorf, Chas. On bail. 10 Law Library. Shroder, H. Bail at common law. Lond., 1824. Thompson, J. G. Provisional remedies. 1867. Theobald Wm. Principal and surety, and bail bonds. Lond., 1832. Art. See Copyright; Literature and Art. 16 San Francisco Law Library. Assessment. See Corporations; TaxoMon. Weltj, D. W. Law of assessments. 1886. Assets. Earn, James. Treatise on assets. 2d ed. Lend., 1837. Williams, J. Essay on real assets. Lond. 1861. Assignments. Kehoe, J. J. Choses in action. Toronto, 1881. See also, Pomeroy's. Remedies and remedial rights, 1876. Assignment for Benefit of Creditors. Angell, J. K. Assignments in trust for creditors. 1835. Bishop, J. L. Insolvents under N. Y. statute. 1878. Same. 2d ed. 1884. Bump, O. F. Composition with creditors. II Mono- graphs. Burrill, A. M. Voluntary assignments. 2nd ed., 1858; 3d ed., 1877; 4th ed., 1882; 5th ed., 1887. Forsyth, W. Composition with creditors. I New Law Library. Giaugue, F. Manual for assignees and insolvent debtors in Ohio. 1883. Hawes, G. P. Voluntary assignments. 1876. Associations. See Corporations: Hirschl, Barry. Assumpsit. See Pleadings; Contracts. Lawes, Edw. Pleading in assumpsit; Story's notes. Attachment. See Liens. Ashley, Henry. Attachment in the mayor's court. 2nd ed. Lond., 1819. Cowen, S. J. Attachment. 1874. Daniel, J. W. Attachment under the code of Va. and W. Va. 1869. Drake, C. D. Law of attachments. 1854; 3d ed., 1866; . 4th ed., 1873; 5th ed., 1878; 6th ed., 1885. Kneeland, S. F. Law of attachments. 1884. Locke, J. Foreign attachments. 79 Law Library. M'Connell, G. W. Trustee process in the N. Eng. States. 1886. Thompson, I. G. Provisional remedies. 1867. Wade, W. P. Attachment. 2 vols. 1886. Waples, R. Attachment and garnishment. 1885. Catalogue of Text Books. 17 Attorney and Client. See Legal Miscellany. Butler, W. A. Lawyer and client. 1871. Cox, E. W. The advocate. Yol. 1. Lond., 1852. Forsyth, Wm. Hortensius, the advocate. Lond., 1849. Ford, D. M. Solicitors as advocates. Lond., 1881. Hawkins, Henry. Warrant of attorney. Lond., 1844. Harris, K. Hints on advocacy. 3d Am. ed. 1884. Mangham, K. Law of attorneys. Lond., 1825. Smith, J. O. The lawyer and his profession. Lond., 1860. Merrifield, J. Law of. Lond., 1860. Proctor, L. B. Lawyer and client. Warren, Samuel. Duties of attorneys. Am. ed. 1870. Weeks, E. P. Attorneys and counselors at law. 1878. Whiteway, A. K. Hints to solicitors. Lond., 1883. Auctions. Babington, Richard. Law of auctions. Lond., 1826. Same. 19 Law Library. Bateman, J. Auctioneers' guide. 4th ed. Lond., 1863. Same. Sheldon's notes. 1st Am. ed. 1883. Average. See General Average Insurance. Award. See Arbitration and Award. Bail. See Arrest and Bail. Bailments. See Common Carriers; i^hd\jt\ Oolebrooke, W. Collateral security. 1883. Crump, F. O. Pledge by factors and agents. Lond., 1868. Edwards, Isaac. Law of bailments. 1855. Same. 2d ed. 1878. Jones, Sir W. Bailments. Am. ed., 1836. Same. 3d ed. Lond., 1823. Jones, L. A. Pledges. 1883. Schouler, James. Bailments. 1880. Law of personal property. See the second volume. 1876. Story, Jos. Bailments. 8th ed. 1870. Same. 9th ed. 1878. Turner, F. Contract of pawn. Lond., 1866. Tyler, R. H. Usury, pawns and pledges. 1873. Bank Notes. See Bill and Notes. 18 San Francisco Law Library. Banks and Banking. Ball, F. Q. National banks. 1881. Browne, I. National bank cases. 1878-1880. Clarke, M. S. 0. and Hall, D. A. History of the U. S. bank. 1832. Cleaveland, J. Banking system of N. Y. 1857. Gilbert, J. W. Treatise on banking. 1868. Grant, J. Ijaw of banks and bankers. 2d ed. 1865. Same. 93 Law Library. Journal of banking law, edited by G. H. Stever. 1 vol. Monroe, J. Standard decisions on banking. 1879. Morse, J. F. Banks and banking. 1st ed. 1870. -Same. 2d ed. 1879. National bank cases. Vol. 1. Thompson, I. G. 1864- 78. Vol. 2. Browne, I. 1878-80. Paine, W. S. Banking iaws of N. Y. 1885. Quinn, N. J. Banking in England. Lond., 1833. Shaw, D. Banks and banking. 1875. Thompson, I. G. National bank cases. 1864-78. Walker, J. D. Banking law. Lond., 1877. Bankruptcy and Insolvency. See Assignment for Beneiit of Creditors. Avery, E., and Hobbs, G. M. Act of 1867 with notes. 1868. Bishop, J, L. Law of N. Y. relative to insolvents. 1878. Same. 2d ed. 1884. Blumensteil, A. Law and practice in bankruptcy. 1878. Bump, O. F. Baniiruptcy. 10th ed. 1877. Same. 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th eds. N. Y. Composition in bankruptcy, II Monograph. Burrill, A. M. Assignments for creditors. 2d ed., .1858; 3d ed., 1877; 4th ed., 1882. Cowdery, J. F. Insolvent law of Cal. 1880. Same. 1878. Cutter, J. Same of Mass. 4th ed. 1878. Eden. K. H. Bankrupt law of Eng. 34, 35 Law Library. Frank, Nathan. Act of 1867. 3d ed. 1877. Freeman, A. C. Enforcing judgments against bankrupts. 1877. Gazzam, A. W. Bankruptcy digest and rules of practice. 2 vols. 1871. Bankrupt law for business men. 4th ed. 1872. Hawes, G. P. Voluntary assignments. 1876. Hilliard, F. Bankruptcy and insolvency. 2d ed. 1867. Catalogue of Text Books. 19 Bankruptcy and Insolvency— Continued. James, Edwin. Act of 1867. 1867. Moses. K. J., Jr. Insolvency laws throughout the U. S. 1879. National bankruptcy register reports. 18 vols. Yols. 1-4, 2d ed., 1873. Yols. 5-18, 1871-1879. Owen, S. Law and practice of bankruptcy. 1842. Eice, Clinton. Manual of the act of 1867. 1867. Eobson, G. Y. Law of bankruptcy, Lond., 1876. Same. 5th ed. Lond., 1884. Saunders, T. Pratice under the act of 1867. 1868. Bargain and Sale. See Conveyancing; Sale; Vendor and Vendee. Baron (Courts). Modus tenendi curiam baronis. Lond ., 1533. Kitchen J. Courts leet, baron, etc. Lond., 1663. Bar. See Legal Miscellanies; Questions and Ansivers. Baron and Femme. See Husband and Wife. Bastardy. ^See Adultery. Nicholas, Sir H. Adulterine bastardy. Lond., 1836. Benefit Socities. Barry, O. AY. Benefit building and freehold land societies. Lond., 1866. Hirschl, A. J. Law of fraternities. 1883. Bibliography. Bridgman, R. W. Legal bibliography. Lond., 1807. Clarke, John. Bibliotheca legum. Lond. 1819.. Marvin, J. G. Legal bibliography. 1847. Savage, Jas. The librarian. 3 vols. Lond., 1808-9. Lond., 1851. Soule, C. C. Lawyers reference manual. 1883. Wallace, J. W. The reporters. 4th ed. 1882. Warrall, John. Bibliotheca legum. Lond., 1777. Bills and Notes. See Banks and Banking; Bonds. Ames, J. B. Cases on bills and notes. 2 vols. 1881. Bump, O. F. Anomalous endorsements. II Monographs. Bayley, J. Summary of the law of bills. 2d Am. 1836, Bigelow, M. M. Leading cases on bills, notes and checks. 2d ed. 1880. 20 San Francisco Law Library. Bills and Notes— Continued. Bjles, J. B. Bills of exchange and promissory notes. 5tli Am. ed., 1867; 6th Am. ed., 1874; 7th Am. ed., 1883. Same, 61 Law Library. Chalmers, M. D. Digest of the law of bills and notes by Benjamin. 1881. Chitty, Jos. Bills of exchange. 13th Am. Perkins' notes. 1868. 7th Lond. ed., 1827; 7th Am. ed., 1830. Clarke, S. B. Bills, notes and cheques. Toronto, 1875. Daniel, J. W. Negotiable instruments. 2 vols. 1st ed., 1876; 2d ed., 1879; 3d ed., 1882. Edwards, J. Bills and notes. 2d ed., 1863; 3d ed., 2 vols., 1882. Gantt, T. T. Kelation between holder and indorser. II Monograph. Kyd, S. Treatise on bills and notes. 2d Am. 1800. Parsons, T. Law of notes aud bills. 2 vols. 1874. Randolph, J. F. Commercial paper. Vol 1 and 2. 1886. Redfield, O. F. and Bigelow, M. M. Leading and select American cases on bills and notes. 1871. Story, J. Bills of exchange. 3d ed., 1853; 4th ed., 1860. Promissory notes. 3d ed., 1851; 6th ed., 1868; 7th ed., 1878. Ross, Geo. Leading cases on commercial law. Vol. 1. Same. 82 Law Library. Bills of Cost. See Costs. Bills of Credit. See Bills and Notes, Bills of Exceptions. Wells, J. C. Questions of law and fact. 1876. Bills of Lading. See ivories under Bills and Notes; Common Carriers. Leggett, E. Bills of lading. Lond., 1880. Bills of Review. See Certiorari. Bills of Sale. See Fraudulent Conveyances; Sales. Beaumont, J. Law and i3ractice of bills of sale. Am. ed. 1860. Barrow, J. A. Law of, in Ontario. Toronto, 1880. Blackstone— Commentaries. 1st ed., quarto. Vol. 1, 1765; vol. 2, 1766; vol. 3, 1768; vol. 4, 1769. Catalogue op Text Books. 21 Blackstone— Commentarres — Continued. Beckett, T. Comic. 1846. Brewster, T. C. Blackstone in questions and answers. 1887. Broom, H., and Hadley's, E. A., revision. 2 vols. 1875. Chase, Geo. Students' edition. 1877. Cbitty. Notes. 2 vols. 1850. Christian, Edw. Same 12th ed. 1795. Cooley,T. M. Annotations to same. 2ded. 2 vols. 1871. Same. 3d ed. 2 vols. Devereux, J. C. Questions and answers. 1859, Dickson, F. S. Analysis. 1873. Field, B. Analysis by question and answer. 1822. Jones, J. W. Trans, of quotations in. 1883. Kerr, E. M. Abridgment. Lond., 1873. Leith, A. Adaptation to upper Canada. Toronto, 1864. Tucker, Geo. Annotations to same. 5 vols. 1803. Sharswood, Geo. Annotations to same. 2 vols. 1869. Wendell, J. L. Annotatations to same. 4 vols. 1872. Blanks. See Forms. Bondage. See Slavery. Bonds. See Bills and Notes. Burroughs, W. H. Public securities. 1881. Clemens, G. C. Law of corporate securities. 1877. Coler, W. N. Municipal bonds. 2 vols. 1873. Dillon, J. F. Municipal bonds. 1876. Municipal corporations. Ch. XIV. 3d ed. 1881. Hurlstone, E. T. Law of bonds. 16 Law Library. Jones, L. A. Railroad and corporate securities. 1879. Lewis, F. A. Stocks, bonds and other securities. 1881. Books. See Literature. Border. Nicholson, W. Border laws. Lond., 1705. Bottomry. See Insurance — Marine. Emerigon, B. M. Maritime loans, Hall's translation. 1811. Tyler R. H. Usury, pawns and maritime loans. 1873, Boundaries. See Waters. Tyler, R. H. Boundaries and fences. 1874. Woolrych, H. W. Law of party walls. Lond., 1845. 22 San Francisco Law Library. Breach of Promise. See Marriage and Divorce. MacColla, C. J. Breach of Promise. Lond., 1879. Bridges. See Highways. Brokers and Factors. See Agency. Biddle, A. and G. Law of stock brokers. 1882. Bisbee, L. H., and Simonds, J. C. Law of produce ex- change. 1884. Crump, F. O. Sale and pledge by factors and brokers. Lond., 1868, Dos Passos, J. E. Stock brokers and stock exchanges. 1882. Edwards, J. Brokers and factors. 1870. Lewis, F. A. Stocks and bonds. 1881. Bussell, J. A. Law of factors and brokers. 48 Law Library. Building Contracts. Davis, H. T. A. Building societies. 1887. Emden, A. Building contracts. Lond., 1882. Endlich, G. A. Law of building associations. 1882. Jenkins, E., and Raymond, J. Handbook for architects and builders. 2d ed. Lond., 1874. Burial Grounds. Tyler, R. H. Ecclesiastical law, and law of burial grounds. 1866. Business Law. See Commercial Law. Business Signs. Browne, W. H. Trade-marks. 1873. Same. 2d ed. 1885. By-laws. See Corporations. Knight's annotated by-laws of local govt, board. Lond., 1885. California. See — Appeals: Hayne. Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Cowdery. Elections: Crocker. Insurance: Barber. Land laws: Wheeler. Mechanics' liens: Buchan. Mining: Yale. Catalogue of Text Books. 23 California— Continued. Mortgages: DeFremery. New Trials: Hayne. Pleading: Estee, Barch. Practice: Estee, Harston. Probate courts: Belknap. Sheriffs: Harlow. Canada. See — Aliens: Howell. Bills of sale: Barron, Beaumont. Criminal law: Clarke, Draper, Stevens. Elections: Ermatinger. Pleading and practice: Wotherspoon. O'Sullivan, D. A. Government in Canada. Toronto, 1879. Perrault, Jos. Frs. Questions et responses sur le civil de Bas Canada. 1810. Tiffany, E. H. Kegistration of titles. Toronto, 1881. Canal Companies. See Corporations. Canon Law. See Ecclesiastical Law; Roman Law. Capture. See Prize. Carriers. See Common Carriers. Certificate of •Deposit. See Bills and Notes. Certiorari. Hayne, K. Y. New trial and appeal. 1884. Powell, T. W. Appellate proceedings. 1872. Wood, H. G. On mandamus. 1880. Champerty. See Maintenance. Chancery. See Equity; Pleading and Practice. Charitable Uses. See Trusts; Uses. Duke, G, Charitable uses. Bridgman's ed; Lond., 1805. Dwight, T. W. Charitable uses, argument in the Bose will case. 2 vols. 1863. Charter Parties. See Shipping. Chattel Mortages. Herman, H. M. Treatise on chattel mortages. 1877. Jones, L. A. Law of. 1881. Same. 2d ed. 1883. Pierce, J. O. Mortgage of merchandise. 1884. 24 San Francisco Law Library. Checks. See Bills and Notes, Choses in Action. Kehoe, J. J. Choses in action. Toronto, 188L Churches. See Ecclesiastical Law, Cinque Ports. Jeake, S. Charters of. Lond., 1728. Circuit Courts. See Pleading and practice, II, 4. Circumstantial Evidence. See Evidence; Presumptions. Burrill, A. M. Circumstantial evidence. 1868. Considerations on", in criminal proceedings. LoDd., 1781. Phillips, S. M. Famous cases of. 1873. Wills, W. Same. 6th Am. ed. 1872. Same. 41 Law Library. Citizenship. See Aliens. Civil Actions. See Actions; Pleading and Practice, Civil Law. See Roman Law. Civil Service. See Comtituiional Law, Claim and Delivery. Crary, C. N. Y. practice. 2 vols. 3d ed., 1869; 5th ed., 1877. Hoffmau, M. Provisional remedies. 1862. Morris, P. P. Law of replevin in the U. S. 2d ed., 1869; 3d ed., 1878. Thompson, L G. Provisional remedies. 1867. Wells, H. W. Law of replevin. 1880. Clerk's Assistant. See Forma, Client. See Attorney and Client. Code. For a sketch of the history of the codes of the Grecian, Koman, Feudal and Canon law, see Butler's Horae Juridicae Subsecivse. Pleading under the code. See pleading and practice, I, 3, Sanford, H. S. Penal codes of Europe. 1854. Catalogue of Text Books. 25 Coke— Institutes of the Laws of England. First part. 2d ed. Lond., 1629; 4th ed. Lond., 1639. Hargrave and Butler's notes; 1st Am. from 19th Lond. ed., 1853. J. H. Thomas' ed. 3 vols. 1818. Second part. Ed. of 1642. Lond. Third part. 4th ed. Lond. 1670. Fourth part. 5th ed. Lond., 1671. \s./>. ob- .-Vw* The ed. by Prynne. Lond., 1669. N^rPQH^^ Collection Laws. See Commercial Laio. Hubbell, J. H. Legal directory. 12th year. 1872. Jellett, J. H. Pacific coast collection laws. 1786, 1880. Collisions. Holt, N. Kule of the road. Lond., 1867. Jenkins, T. A. Rule of the road at sea. 1869. Lowndes, R. Admiralty law of collisions at sea. Lond., 1867. Marsden, R. G. Collisions at sea. Lond., 1880. Preble, W. P. Collisions in U. S. waters. 1886. Colombia. Constitution and laws, and decrees relative to national territories. Trans, by V. G. Manrique. 1869. Colonial Law. Burge, W. Commentaries on colonial law. 4 vols. Lond., 1838. Chalmers, G. Opinions. 1858. Clark, Charles. Summary of colonial law. Lond., 1834. Tarring, C. J. Law relating to the colonies. Lond., 1882. Commentaries. See the subjects treated. Commerce. Castle, E. J. Commerce in time of war. Lond., 1870. Chalmer, G. Commerce of Great Britain, in colonial opinions. 1858. Desty, R. Commerce, shipping and admiralty. 1880. Commercial Law. See Admiralty; Shipping, Argles, N. French mercantile law. Lond., 18S2. Bateman, W. O. General commercial law in U. S. 1860. Beames, W. Lex mercatoria. 2 vols. Lond., 1795. Bryant and Stratton. Commercial law for business men. 1875. 26 San Francisco Law Library. Commercial Law— Continued. Caines, Geo. Lex mercatoria. . 1802. Chamberlin, F. American commercial law. 1876. Cowdery, J. F. Legal encyclopedia for the Pacific coast. 2ded", 1878. Citizens law book and officers' guide. 1883. Holcomb, J. P. Leading cases on commercial law. 1847. Levi, L. Mercantile law. 84 Law Library. Malyne, G. Lex mercatoria. Lond., 1622. Montifiore, J. Synopsis of mercantile law. 1820. Moore, J. B. Law of trade in U. S. 1840. Oliver, B. L. Law summary. 1896. Parsons, T. Elements of mercantile law. 2d ed. 1862. Laws of business in the U. S. 1876. Pulling, A. Mercantile accounts. 67 Law Library. Putzel, Chas., and Bahr, H. A. Commercial precedents. 1882. Boss, Geo. Leading cases on commercial law. 3 vols. 1855-1868. Sayler, J. K. American form book. 1878. Smith, J. W. Compendium of mercantile law. 3d ed. 1872. Same. 17 Law Library. Spalding, H. M. Practical encyclopedia of law and forms. 1877. Townsend, C. Compendium of mercantile law. 1874. Tudor, O. D. Leading cases on mercantile and maritime law. 2 vols. 1873. Woolrych, H. W. Commercial law of England. Lond., 1829. Commissioners. Conveyancing; Deeds; Forms; See Notaries; Pleading and Practice. Bundy, Chas. S. U. S. court commissioners. 1883. Koe. E. T. Manual of practice in U. S. 1874. Common Bench. See Common Pleas, Common Carriers. See Railways. Angell, J. K. Carriers of goods and passengers. 4th ed., 1868: 5th ed., 1870. Bonney, C. C. Carriage by railway. 1864. Browne, J. H. B. Carriers of goods and passengers. Lond., 1873. Same. H. G.; Woods' notes. 1883. Chitty, T., and Temple, L. Law of carriers with forms; ann. notes. 1857. Catalogue of Text Books. 27 Common Carriers — Continued. Carver, T. G. Carriage by sea. Lond., 1885. Hutchinson, E. Carriers of goods and passengers. 1879. Lawson, J. D. Contracts of common carriers. 1880. Marshall, W. Duties of railway carriers. Lond., 1862. Powell, E. Law of inland carriers. 2d ed. Lond., 1861. Redfield, I. F. Law of carriers, including bailments. 1869. Law of railways. 3d ed., 2 vols. 1867. 4th ed., 2 vols. 1869. 5th ed., 2 vols. 1873. Am. railway cases. 2 vols. 1872. Eodgers, E. Y. Law of the road. 1876. Thompson, S. D. Carriers of passengers. 1880. "Wrongs and rights of travelers. Toronto, 1880. Common Law. See Ahrirfgments: Bacon, Brooke, Fitzher- bert, Petersdorlf, Wheeler, Eolle, Viner. See Amer- ican Law. Allen, J. Eoyal prerogative . Lond., 1849. Ayliffe, J. Paregon. Lond., 1734. Bacon, Fr. Elements of the common law. 1639. Law tracts. 2d ed. Lond., 1742. Nath. Laws and govt, of England. 5th ed. Lond., 1760. Blackstone, W. Commentaries. See Blackstone. Great charter and charter of the forest. Lond., 1759. Blaxland, Geo. Codex Anglicanum. Lond., 1839. Bractou, H. De legibus. Lond., 1569. Travers Twiss' ed. 6 vols. Eelation to the Eoman law, by Giiterbock. 1866. Britton. Pleas of the crown. 2d ed., by Edm. Wingate. Lond., 1640. Trans, by Kelham. Lond., 1762. Trans, by Nichol. 2 vols. Oxford, 1865. Brydall, J. Law of England relating to the nobility. Lond., 1675. Coke, Edw. Institutes. See Coke. Cotton, E. Choice pieces. Lond., 1679. Broom, H. Common Law. 91 Law Library. Sam-e. 4th ed. 1873. Crabb, G. History of the English law. Am. ed. 1831. Cox, W. S. Common law practice in civil actions. 1877. Dngdale, W. Origines juridicales. Lond., 1680. Domesday Book. See Domesday Book. Fortescue, J. De laudibus legum Angliae, with Selden's notes and Hengham's sums. Lond., 1737. 28 San Francisco Law Library. Common Law — Continued. Same, Text and trans, in parallel columns. Lond., 1672. Same ed., by Gregor, Amos and Clermont. Lond., 1874. Governance of England. Edited by Chas. Plummer. Oxford, 1885. rieta: seu commentarius juris Angliae. 2d ed., by John Selden. Lond., 1685. Elsynge, H. Method of holding parliaments. Lond., 1*660. Elintoff, O. Eise of laws in England. Lond., 1840. Glanville, K, De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae. Lond., 1673. Trans, by John Beames. Lond., 1812, Hale, M. History of common law. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1794. Hakewell, W. Liberty of the subject. Lond., 1641. Hargrave, F. Tracts on the laws of England. Lond., 1787. Hengham, Ralph. Sums of. See Fortescue. Holmes, O. W., Jr. The common law. 1881. Home, A. Mirror of justices. Lond., 1768. Indermaur, J. Principles of the common law. Lond., 1876. Same. Am. ed., by Bennett. 1878. Jenkins, D. Liberty of the subject. Lond., 1648. Lex Segilli. Law of the four principal seals. Lond., 1673. Littleton, Thos. Les tenures. Lond., 1588. See Coke. Manwood, John. Law of the forest. 4th ed., by W. Nelson. 1717. Minor, J. B. Institutes. Vols. 1, 2 and 4. 1875-1878. Plowden, F. Jura Anglorum. Lond., 1792. Rights of British subjects. Lond., 1784. Perkins, J. Profitable book. 15th ed. Lond., 1827. Petty, y. W. Jus parliamentarum. Lond., 1739. Reeves, J. History of the English law. 3 vols. Lond., 1869. Robinson, C. Institutions of England. Yol. 1. 1882. Robinson, T. Common law of Kent. Lond., 1741. Rollins. Englishman's rights. Selden, J. Laws and government of England, by N. Bacon. 5th ed. Lond., 1760. Mare clausum.. Trans, by J. H. Lond., 1663. Dominion of the sea. Lond., 1705. Law tracts. Lond., 1683. Catalogue of Text Books. 29 Common Law— -Continued. Baronage. Lond., 1642. See Fleta. Sheppard, W. Touchstone of common assurances. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1808. Smith, J. W. Mauual. E. C. IngersoU's Am. ed. 1871. Somner, W. Gavelkind. 2d ed. Lond., 1725. Spence, G. Origin of laws. Lond., 1826. Staunford, W. King's prerogative. Lond., 1573. Stephens, J. F. Commentaries on the laws of England. 9th ed. 4 vols. Lond., 1883. St. Germains. Doctor and student. Lond. 1721. Same. Ed. by Miichall. 1874. Three learned readings by Dyer, Brograve and Kisden. Lond., 1648. Walker, J. W. Theory of the common law. 1852. History of the criminal law of England. 3 vols. Lond., 1883. Vinins, A. Institutionum commentarius. Amsterdam, 1665. Wilson, K. K. History of modern English law. Lond., 1875. Wood, Thos. Institutes of laws of England. Lond., 1728. Tyrrell, J. Bibliotheca politica. Lond., 1718. Wooddeson, E. Lectures on laws of England. 38, 39 Law Library. Wynne, E. Eunomous. 3d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1809. Common Pleas. See Pleading and Practice, II, 3. Common Eecovery. See Pveal Estate. Wilson, C. Fines and recoveries. 3d od. Lond., 1792. Companies. See Corporations. Composition. See Assignment for benefit of Creditors; Bank- ruptcy and Insolverici/. Bump, O. F. Composition at common law. II Mono- graphs. Forsyth, W. , Composition with creditors. 1 New Law. Library. Concealment. See Fraud; Contracts: Yerplanck. Conditions. See Covenants. Gray, J. C. Kestraints on alienation. 1833. 30 San Francisco Law Library. Confessions. See Evidence. Joy, H. H. Admissibility of confessions. 40 Law Library. Confessions and challenge of jurors in criminal cases. Lond., 1842. Conflict of Laws. See Colonial Laws; International LaiUj and the various titles: e.g., Contracts; Domicil; Wills, etc. Bnrge, W. Colonial laws and their conflict. 4 vols. Lond., 1838. Dicey, A. V. Law of domicile. Lond. 1879. Lawrence, W. B. Disabilities of American married women abroad. 1871. Murray, J. B. C. Usury and the conflict of laws. 1866. Merrill, Geo. Comparative jurisprudence and conflict of laws. 1886. Rorer, D. Interstate law. 1879. Savigny, F. C. von. Private international law. "W". Guth- rie's translation and notes. 2d ed. Edin., 1880. Soldan, C. La loi d'origine. Lausanne, 1877. Story, J. Conflict of laws. 2d ed, 1841; 7th ed., byE. H. Bennett, 1872; 8th ed., by Bigelow, 1883. Westlake, J. Private international law. 1859. Wharton, F. Conflict of law. 1872. ■ Same. 2d ed. 1881. Consolidation of Companies. See Corporations. Anthony, E. Consolidation of railroad companies. 1865. Conspiracies. Wright, E. S. Law of criminal conspiracies. Lond., 1873. Constable. See Justice of the Peace; Office; Sheriffs: McDon- ald, Stanton, Swan, Swan and Blum. Harlow, W. S. Constables and sheriffs in Cal. 1884. Lambard, W. Eirenarcha. Lond., 1619. Same. Lond., 1582. M'Call,H. S. Constables' guide in N.Y. 4th ed. 1883. Moore, I. M. Justice and powers of, in 111. 1875. Sessions, H. C. Manual. 1873. Willcock, J. W. Office of constable. 29 Law Library. Catalogue of Text Books. SI Constitutional Law. L Of the Unittd States. 11. Of Evgland. III. Of Other Countries. L Of the United States. Ante-bellum coDstitntions of U. S. Baldwin, H. Origin of the constitution. 1837. Bancroft, G. Formation of the constitution. 2 vols. 1882. Bateman, W. O. Political and constitutional law. 1876. Bliss, P. On sovereignty. 1885. Bigelow, J. R. The American's own book, or state con- stitutions. 1849. Black, C. C. Constitutional prohibition. 1887. Bump, O. F. Notes of constitutional decisions. 1878. Chipman, D. On government. 1833. Conkliug, A. Executive powers. 1882. Cooley, T. M. Constitutional limitations. 3d ed., 1874; 4th ed., 1878; 5th ed., 1883. Constitutional law — students' series. 1880. Changing law, how effecting rights. I Monographs. Curtis, G. T. History of origin and formation of U. S. constitution. 2 vols. 1871. Destv, R. Federal constitution. 1879. Same. 1881. Dillon, J. B. Historical evidence of origin of U. S. govt. 1878. Dwarris, F. Statutes. Potter's notes on constitutional limitations. 1871. Elliott, J. Debates. 3d ed. 5 vols. 1877. Federalist, The. Edited by J. C. Hamilton. 1866. Same. Edited by H. B. Dawson. 1863. Fisher, L. G. Trial of the constitution. 1862. Flanders, H. Exposition of the constitution. 2ded. 1874. Hough, F. B. American constitutions — the state consti- tutions with notes. 2 vols. 1872. Hurd, J. C. Theory of our national existence. 1881. Gautt, T. T. Demonetizing silver. I Monographs. Jackson, W. Constitutions of the independent states. 1783. Jameson, J. A. Constitutional convention. 3d ed. 1873. Parsons, J. Civil institutions. See his Legal Topics. Marshall, J. The federal constitution. 1839. Paschal, G. W. The constitution defined and annotated. 1865. 32 San Francisco Law Library. Constitutional Law — Continued. Pomeroy, J. N. Introduction to constitutional law. 1875. 7th ed., 1883. KegulatiDg interstate commerce by congress. II Monographs. Poore. B. P. Federal and state constitutions. 2 parts. 1877. Potter, P. Statutes and constitutional limitations. 1871. Eorer, D. Interstate law. 1879. Sedgwick, T. Statutory construction. 2d ed. 1874. Sergeant, T. Constitutional law and jurisdiction of U. S. courts. 2d ed. 1830. Smith, E. F. Statute and constitutional law. 1848. Story, J. On the constitution. 3d ed. 1858. 4th ed., by Cooley, 2 vols. 1873. Familiar exposition of the constitution. 1867. Tiffan}^ J. Government and constitutional law. 1867. Towle, N. C. History and analysis of the constitution. 3d ed. 1873. Upshur, A. P. True nature of the federal government. 1863. Same. Campbell's tracts. Von Hoist, H. Constitutional and political history of the U. S. 3 vols. Constitutional law. 1887. Wade, W. B. Ketroactive laws. 1880. Wedgwood, W. B. Government and laws. 1866. Whiting, Wm. Powers of the president. 1871. Yeaman, G. H. Study of government. 1871. II. Of England. See Common Law; Magna Charto. Amos, S. Primer of the English constitution. Lond., 1875; 4th ed., 1883. English constitution in reign of Charles II. Lond., 1857. Bernard, J. B. Theory of our constitution. Lond., 1834. Broom, H. Constitutional law. Lond., 1866. Chalmers, G. Opinions on points of English jurispru- dence. 1860. Creasy, E. A. Kise of the English constitution. 4th ed., 1869. De Lolme, J. L. Constitution of England; translated by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. 1838. Dicey, A. V. Lectures introductory to study of law. 1885. Fishel, E. English constitutions. Translated by E. J. Shell. Lond., 1863. Catalogue of Text Books. 33 Constitutional Law — Continued. Forsyth, Wm. Cases and opinions on constitutional law. Lond., 1869. Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution. Lond., 1872. Gneist, R. History of the English constitution. Trans- lated by P. A. Ashworth. 2 vols. 1886. Gray, J. Law versus privilege. Dublin, 1846. Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England. 3 vols. 1872. View of Europe during the middle ages. 3 vols. 1874. May, T. E. Constitutional history of England from 1760 to 1860. 2 vols. 1882. Sullivan, F, S. Constitutional history of England. Notes by Stuart. 2 vols. 1805. Taswell-Langmead, T. P. English constitutional history. 2d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1880. Thomas, E. C. Leading oases in. 2d ed. Lond., 1885. III. Of Other Countries, Charbonnier, J. Organisation electorale ot representa- tive de tons les pays civilises. Paris, 1874. Phillips, T. J. Constitutions of Denmark, Sweden, Ger- many, Poland, England, Holland, and Switzerland. Lond., 1752. Constitutional Limitations. See Constitutional Law: Cooley, Dwarris, Sedgwick, Wade. Consuls. See Diplomacy. Joel, L. Consul's manual. Lond., 1879. Martens, Chas. de. Le guide diplomatique. 2 vols. Paris, 1851. Wicquefort. Ambassadors and public ministers. Trans- lated by Digby. 2d ed. Lond., 1740. Contempt of Court. Breckenridge, W. C. P. Argument in Woolley's case. 1874. Morgan, J. A, Law of literature. Ill chap. vol. 1. 1875. Rapalje, S. Contempts. 1884. Riddle, D. S. Supplementary proceedings, chap. lY, and chap. II of supplement. Starkie, T. Slander and libel, by H. G. Folkhard. Chap. XXXVI. 1877. "Weeks, E. P. Attorneys. Sec. 97 et seq. 1878. 34 San Francisco Law Library. Contracts. See Building Contracts. Addison, C. G. Law of contracts. Am. ed. 1847. Same. 6th Eng. ed. 1869. Same. 3d Am. ed., b}^ J. A. Morgan. 3 vols. 1876. Same. B.Y. Abbott's Am. notes to 8th Eog. ed. 1883. Anson, W. K. Same. Am. ed., bj O. W. Aldrich. 1880. • Same. 2d ed. Oxford, 1882. Batten, E. Specific performance of contracts. 67 Law Lib. Bishop, J. P. Doctrines of. 1878. Same. Enlarged ed. 1884. Chipman, D. Payment in specific articles. 1822. Chitty, J., Jr. Law of contracts. 9th Am. ed. 1855. Same. 10th Am. ed. 1860. Same. 11th Am. ed. Perkins' notes. 2 vols. 1874. Same. 9th Eng. ed. 1871. Comyn, S. Same. 3d Am. ed., by T. Huntington. 1831; 2d Am. ed., 1861; 3d Am. ed., 1884. Fry, E. Specific performance of contracts. 2d Am. ed., 1861; 3d Am. ed., 1884. Same. 2d Eng. ed., 1881. Same. 100 Law Library. Hilliard, F. Law of contracts. 2 vols. 1872. Kehoe, J. J. Choses in action. Toronto, 1881. Langdell, C. C. Select cases on contracts. 2 vols. 1879. Leake, 8. M. Digest of the law of contracts. Lond., 1878. Metcalf, T. Law of contracts in courts of law. 1874. Newland, J. Contracts in equity. Lond., 1806. Parsons, T. Law of Contracts. 5th ed., 3 vols., 1866; 6th ed., 1873; 7th ed., 1883. Pollock, F. Same. 1st Am. ed., by G. H. Wald. 1881, Same. 2d Am. ed. 1885. Pomeroy, J. N. Specific performance of contracts. 1879. Pothier, M. Obligation of contracts. Evans' notes. 3d Am. ed. 2 vols. 1853. Balston, B. Discharge of contracts. 1886. Savigny, F. C. Same in the Koman law. Translated by Brown. 1872. Smith, J. "W. Law of contracts. 56 Law Library. Same. 6th Am. ed. Sharswood's notes. 1878. Same. Students' guide to, by Purkis, 1882. Story, W. W. Contracts. 3d ed. 1851. - — Same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1856. Same. 5th ed. Bigelow's notes. 2 vols. 1874. Verplanck, G. C. Same. 1825. Waterman, T. W. Specific performance of contracts. 1881. "Wharton, F. Law of contracts. 2 vols. 1882. Catalogue of Text Books. 35 Conversion. Leigh, J. H., and Dalzell, E. Equitable conversion. 5 Law Library. Conveyancing. See Abstracts of lifle: Forms 11. Bythewoocl, W. M., and Jarman, T. Precedents. 2d ed. 11 vols. 1829-1836. Conveyancer's light. Loud., 1665. Coppinger, W. A. Title deeds. Lond., 1875. Cornish, W. F. Purchase deeds, 90 Law Library. Coventry, T, Conveyancer's evidence. 1832. Same. 26 Law Library. Curtis, G. T. American conveyancer. 2d ed. 1871. Curwen, M. E. Manual upon the searching of records. 1867. Davidson, C. Concise precedents. 8th ed. Lond., 1871. Deane, H. C. Principles of corporeal hereditaments and conveyancing. 1875. Dixon, E. Title deeds and other documents. 2 vols. Lond., 1826. Elphinstone, H. W. Introduction to conveyancing. Lond., 1871. Frend, H. T., and Ware, T. H. Precedents for transfer of land to railroad companies. 2d ed. Lond., 1866. Harper, S. Abstracting title deeds. Lond., 1829. Hayes, W. Concise conveyancer. 3d ed. Lond., 1837. Jarman. See Bythetvood, supra. Jickling, H. Alienation of legal and equitable estates. London, 1829. Martindale, W. B. Law of conveyancing. 1882. Abstract of title. 1886. Oliver, B. L. Practical conveyancing. 4th ed. 188L Same. Corrected and enlarged. 1883. O'Sullivan, D. A. Manual of forms and precedents. Toronto, 1882. Perkins, J. Profitable book. 15th ed. Lond., 1827. Preston, R. Treatise on conveyancing. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1813. Prideaux, F., and Whitcombe, J. Precedents. 8th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1876. Sandars, G. W. Uses and trusts. 2d Am. ed. 2 vols. in 1. 1855. Thornton, J. B. Digest of the law of conveyancing. 2d ed. 1854. Warvelle, G. W. Abstracts of title. 1883. "Wharton, J. J. S. Principles of conveyancing with copy- hold forms. 1851. 36 San Francisco Law Library. C on vey ancing— C ONTiNUED. Same. 74 Law Library. Willard, J. Eeal estate and the conveyancing thereof. 1869. Same. 2d ed. 1885. "Wood, E. Complete body of conveyancing. 6th ed. 6 vols. 1793. Wright, A. Court hand restored. 8th ed. Lond., 1868. Conviction. See Criminal Law. Copyhold. See Common Laio. Copyright. Bump, O. F. Patent, trademark, and copyright law. 1877. Oarev, H. C. Letters on international copyright. 2d ed. 1868. Copinger, W. A. Copyright in literature and art. Lond., 1870. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 188L Curtis, G. T. Law of copyright. 1847. Drone, E. S. Property in intellectual productions. 1879. Fisher, JX. A. Digest of English patent cases. Hooper's ed. 1872. Law, L. D. Patent and copyright laws of the U. S. 3d ed. 1870. lieverson, M. R. Copyright and patents. Lond., 1854. Morgan, J. A. Law of literature. 2 vols. 1875. Routh, M. Artistic copyright. Lond., 1881. Shortt, J. Law of literature. Lond., 1871. Whitman, C. S. Patent, copyright, and trademark cases. 1875. Coroners. See Sheriffs. Corporate Securities. See Bonds; Corporations. Corporations. See Railways. American corporation cases. Vols. 1-4 bv F. W. With- row; vols. 5-9 by H. Binmore. 1872-1884. American and Eng. corp. cases. 11 vols. 1884-1886. Abbott, B. V. and H. Digest of law of corporations. 2 vols. 1879. . Angell, J. K., and Ames, S. Law of private corporations aggregate. 8th ed., 1866; 10th ed., 1875; 11th ed., by J. Latbr-p, 1882. Baker, J. F. jManufacturing corporations in N. Y. 1876. Barry, W. W. Benefit building associations. Lond., 1866. Catalogue of Text Books. 37 Corporations — Continued. Biumore, H. See American corporation cases, supra. Corporators' manual under Illinois statutes. 1880. Bisbee, L. H., and Simonds, J. C. Law of produce exchange. 1884. Boone, C. T. Manual of corporation law. 1882. Brice, S. Ultra vires. 2d Eng. ed., 1877; 1st Am. ed., 1875; 2d Am. ed., 1880. Burroughs, AV. H. Public securities. 1881. Cox, E. W. Joint stock companies. 7th ed., by C. J. O'Mallej. LoDd., 1870. Clemens, G. C. Corporate securities. 1877. Digby, K. E. Sale and transfer of shares in companies. Lond., 1868. Dillon, W. H. Municipal bonds. 1876. Municipal corporations. 1872. 3d ed., 1881. Dos Passos, J. R. Stock brokers and stock exchanges. 1882. Endlich, G. A. Law of building associations. 1882. Field, G. W. Law of private corporations. 1878. Same. H. G. Woods' notes. Doctrine of ultra vires, with select cases. 1881. Grant, J. Law of corporations in general. 1854. Same. 80 Law Library. Greenough, C. P. Digest of gas cases. 1883. Hirschl, A. J. Law of fraternities. 1883. Knight. By-laws of local govt, board. 2ded. Lond., 1885. Kyd, S. Digest of gas cases. 2 vols. Lond., 1793. .Lewis, F. A. Stocks and bonds. 1881. Lowell, A. S. and F. C. Transfer of stock. 1884. Morawetz, V. Private corporations other than charitable. 1882. Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1886. Potter, P. Law of corporations in general. 2 vols. 1879. Proffatt, J. Private corporations under the Cal. code. 1876. Boot, J. P. Corporations, and forms for organization of joint stock companies. 1872. Shelford, L. Joint stock companies. 2d ed. Lond., 1870. Southworth, E. W., and Jones, D. A. Business corpo- rations in N. Y. 1884. Stephens, C. H. Joint stock companies in Canada. Toronto, 1881. Taylor, H. O. Corporations having capital stock. 1884. Thompson, S. D. Liability of stockholders. 1879. Liability of directors and other officers. 1880. 38 San Francisco Law Library. Corporations — Continued. Tyler, E. H. American ecclesiastical law. 1866. Watts, N. Law of promoters of public companies. Lond., 1880. Welty, D. W. Law of assessments. 1886. "Withrow, F. American corporation cases. 4 vols. 1872- 1881. Wordsworth, C. F. F. Railway, canal, and other com- panies. Lond. 6th ed. 1851. Costs. Beames, J. Costs in Equity. 22 Law Library. Brightly, F. C. Costs in Pennsylvania. 1847. Coote, H. C. Admiralty practice, with forms and bills of cost. Lond., 1869. Evans, J. Costs in actions, with forms. Lond., 1859. Gilbert on distress and replevin. Lond., 1823. Lowe, J. Observation on fees iu courts of justice. Lond., 1870. Morgan, G. O., and Davey, H. Costs in chancery. Lond., 1865. Parsons, F. M. Costs in N. Y. and Ohio. 1876. Whiteway, A. R. Hints to solicitors. Lond. , 1883. Cotenancy. See Real Estate, Freeman, A. C . Cotenancy and partition. 1874. Same. 2d ed. 1886. Counter Claim. See Pleading and Practice; Remedies: Pom- eroy; Set-off, County Clerks. Sessions, H. C. Manual. 1873. County Courts. See Pleading and Practice, County Officers. See Justices of Peace; Officers, Courts. See Federal Practice; Inns of Courts; Pleading and Practice. 1. American, II, English, I. American, See Federal Practice; Justices of the Peace; Pleading and Practice. II. English. See generally Pleading and Practice, I 2, II. 3. Holl, M. Discourse on courts of K. B. and C. P. Harg, L. T. Catalogue of Text Books. 39 Courts Martial. See Military Law. Court Hand Restored. See> Conveyancing: Wright. Covenants. Bingham, A,, and Colvin, A. J. Kents, covenants, and conditions. 1857. Piatt, T. Law of covenants. Lond., 1847. Kawle, W. H. Same. 4th ed. 1873. Coverture. See 31arried Women. Bingham, P. Infancy and coverture. 2d Am. ed. E. H. Bennett's notes. 1849. Ewell, M. D. Select cases on infancy and coverture. 1876. Tyler, R. H. Law of infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Creditors. See Debtor and Creditor. Crime. See Criminal Law. Criminal Law. See Croion Law. I. Generally. IL Pleading and Practice. L Generally. Anderson, C. H. Digest of examination. Lond., 1867. Bennett, E. H., and Heard, F. F. Leading criminal cases. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1869. Beccaria, M. Crimes and punishments. 1872. Bishop, J. P. Criminal law. 7th ed. 2 vols. 1882. Also 4th, 6th and 6th eds. Statutory crimes. 1873. 2d ed., 1883. Directions and forms. 1885. Burnett, J. Criminal law of Scotland. Edin., 1811. Bucknill, J. C. Unsoundness of mental in relation to criminal acts. 92 Law Library. Carlton, A. B. Homicide. The "Wilkinson trial. 1882. Chitty, J. Criminal law. 5th Am. ed. 3 vols. 1847. Clark, F. B. Criminal law in Alabama. 1878. Clarke, E. C. Analysis of criminal liability. Camb., 1880. Clarke, S. B. Criminal law of Canada. 1872. Colby, J. H. Same of New York. 2 vols. 1868. Copinger, W. A. Abolition of capital punishment. Lond., 1876. Cowen, P. H. Criminal law of New York. 1870. Davis, J. C. Criminal code of Iowa. 1879. Desty, R. Compendium of American criminal law. 1882. Draper, W. G. Criminal law of Toronto. Toronto, 1856. 40 San Francisco Law Library. Criminal Law— Continued. East, E. H. Pleas of the crown. 2 vols. 1866. Fisher, B. A. Digest of criminal law from 1756-1870. 1871. Gabbett, J. Criminal law. 3 vols. Dublin, 1843. Green, N. St. J. Criminal law reports. 2 vols. 1876. Guernsey, E. S. Penal laws relating to suicide. 1883. Halo, M. Pleas of the crown. 2 vols. 1847. - Same. Lond., 1694. Harris, T. F. Principles of criminal law. Am. ed. 1880. Same. Lond., 1877. Hawlev, J. G. American criminal reports. 2 vols. 1878: 1880". Heard, F. F. Criminal law of Mass. 1879. Horrigan, L. B., and Thompson, S. D. Select cases on self-defense. 1874. Hume, D. Criminal law of Scotland. 2 vols. 1797. Jardine, D. Use of torture prior to the commonwealth. Lond., 1837. Kelley, H. S. Criminal law of Missouri. 1876. Lawson, J. D. Cases of insanity as a defense to crime. 1884. Criminal defenses. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1885), 5 (1886). Lewis, E. Abridgment of criminal law of U. S. 1848. Lippett, F. J. Criminal law of Mass. 1879. Mahon, P. A. O. Murder of new-born children. 1813. May, J. W. Law of crimes. 1881. Moore, A. Criminal law of Ind. 1879. Morris, J. S. Mississippi state cases. 2 vols. 1872. Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. 3d ed. 2 vols. Keed, I. C. Criminal law in Georgia. 1873. Eoscoe, H. Evidence in criminal cases. 7th ed. Sliars- wood's notes. 1874. Kussell, W. O. Crimes and misdemeanors. 9tli ed. Sharswood's notes. 3 vols. 1877. 8th Am. ed., 1857. Stephen, J. F. Criminal law of England. 3 vols. Lond., 1883. Same. 27, 40 Law Library. Digest of criminal law. 1877. Stevens, J. G. Indictable offenses. Toronto, 1880. Storer, H. R., and Heard, F. F. Criminal abortion. 1868. Warren, M. Ohio criminal law. 3d ed. 1872. Washburn, E. Manual of criminal law. Students' series. 1878. Waterman, T. W. U. S. criminal digest. 1878. Webb, B. R. Criminal law of Texas. 1880. Catalogue of Text Books. 41 Criminal Law— Continued . Wharton, F. Criminal law of the IT. S, 9th ed. 2 vols. 1885. Also 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th eds. Criminal evidence. 8th ed. 1880. Same. 9th ed. 1884. Homicide. 1st ed. 1855. Same. 2d ed. 1876. Disputed questions of criminal law. II Monographs. Wheeler, J. D. Criminal law cases. 3 vols. 1854. Winslow, F. Insanity in criminal cases. 42 Law Library. //. Pltad'mg and Practice. Archibold, J. F. Criminal procedure. 8th ed. Pom- eroy's notes. 2 vols. 1877. Same. 7th ed. Waterman's notes. 1860. Barbour, O. L. Criminal law. 2d ed. 1852. Bassett, J. Criminal pleading, with precedents of indictments. 1869. Bicknell, G. A. Criminal practice. 1871. Bishop, J. P. Criminal procedure. 8d ed. 2 vols. 1880. Also 1st and 2d eds. Cole, W. K. Criminal informations. 6^, 57 Law Library. Cox, Ed. W. Principles of punishment. Lond., 1877. Dearsley, H. R. Proceedings in criminal prosecutions. 81 Law Library. Hale, M. Pleas of the crown. IstAm. ed. 2 vols. 1874. Same. Lond., 1694. Hale, W. H. Precedents in criminal causes. 1475 to 1640. Lond., 1847. Hawkins, Wm. Pleas of the crown. 8th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1824. Heard, F. F. Principles of criminal pleading. Student series. 1879. Duties of trial judges in Mass. 1879. Joy, H. Evidence of accomplices. 45 Law Library. , H. H. Confessions and challenge of jurors. Dub- lin, 1842. Kelley, H . S. Crim. prac. under the Mo. code. 1876. Lawson, J. D. Defenses to crime. 5 vols. 1885-1886. Lewis, Edvv. D. Draft code of criminal procedure. Lond., 1879. Moore, A. Criminal procedure in Ind. 1879. Reed, J. C. Same in Georgia. 1873. Roscoe, H. Criminal evidence. 1874. Starkie, T. Criminal pleading, with forms. 1st Am. ed. 1824. 42 San Francisco Law Library. Criminal Law — Continued. Starling, M. H. lodian criminal law and procedure. 2d ed. Lond., 1870. Stephen, J. F. Digest of criminal procedure. Lond., 1883. Stevens.. J. G. Indictable oifenses. Toronto, 1880. Train, C. R., and Heard, F. F. Precedents of indict- ments. 1855. Warren, M. Ohio criminal law, with forms. 1872. Wharton, F. Precedents of indictments and pleas. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1881. Also 2d and 3d eds. Evidence in criminal issues. 8th ed. 1880. Same. 9th ed. 1884. Criminal pleading and practice. 8th ed. 1880. Wheeler, J. D. Criminal cases. 3 vols. V. Y. Winslow, F. Plea of insanity in criminal cases. 42 Law Library. Crown Law. Crown Circuit Assistant. In 1st Am. ed. of Cr. Cir. Comp. Crown Circuit Companion. 1st Am. ed. 1810. East, E. H. Pleas of the crown. 2 vols. 1806. Foster. Crown law. See Foster's reports. Hale, M. Pleas of the crown. 2 vols. 1874. Same. Lond., 1694. Hawkins, W. Pleas of the crown. 2 vols. Lond., 1824. Staundford, W. Piees del corone. Lond., 1607. Crops. See Farm, Currency. Gantt, T. T. Demonetization of silver. II Monographs. 1877. Custom, See Usage, Customs. See Revenue, Dakota. See Probate Courts: Herrick and Doxsee. Damages. See Torts. Field, G. W. Law of damages. 1878. Lawson, J. D. Damages for sale of liquor. 1877. Mayne, J. D. Law of damages. Am. notes by H. G. Wood. 1880. Same. 92 Law Library. Sedgwick, H. D. Leading cases on damages, with notes. 1878. Catalogue of Text Books. 43 Damages — Continued. Sedgwick, T. Measure of damages. 7th ed. 2 vols. 1880. Same. 5tli ed. 1869. Smith, J. G. Law of reparation. Edin., 1864. Sutherland, J. G. Damages. 3 vols. 1882. Weeks, E. P. Damnum absque injuria. 1879. Debtor and Creditor. See Assignment for Benefit of Creditors, Bump, O. F. Composition with creditors. II Monographs. McAdam, D. Abolishment of imprisonment for debt. 1880. Munger, G. G. Application of payments. 1879. Pye, H. J. Conflicting claims to debtor's property. Lond,, 1880. Earn, J. Assets, debts and incumbrances. 2d ed. Lond., 1837. Trower, C. F. Debtor and creditor. 1861. Declarations in Trust. See Fi-aud: Roberts; Trusts. Deceit. Grinnell, C. E. Law of. 1886. Deeds. See Conveyancing, Real Property and Vendor and Veyidee. Cornish, W. F. Purchase deeds. 90 Law Library. Develin, R. T. Law of deeds. 2 vols. 1887. Defamation. See Libel; Slander: Defenses. See Actions; Affidavits of Defense; Pleading and Practice. Delivery. See Claim and Delivery; Sales; Stoppage in Transitu. Demurrer. See Pleading. Mansell, G. B." Demurrers to pleading and evidence. 26 Law Library. Departments of Government. See Constitutional Law. Elmes, W. Executive departments at Washington. 1879. Depositions. Sichel, W. S., and Chance, W. Interrogatories. Lond.. 1883. Weeks, E. P. Law of depositions. 1880. 44 San Francisco Law Library. Descents. See Probate Courts; Succession; Wills. Bingham, A. Law of descents. 1870. Devises. See Wills. Dictionaries. /. Legal. 11. General. L Legal. See Bibliography. Abbott, B. V. Law dictionary. 2 vols. 1879. American and English encyclopedia of law. 2 vols. 1887. Bouvier, J. Same. 14th ed. 2 vols. 1877. Same. 15th ed. 2 vols. 1883. Broom, H. Legal maxims. 7th Am. ed.,1874; 8th Am. ed., 1882. Brown, A. Same. Sprague's additions. 1875. Brown, I. M. Judicial interpretation of words. 1883. Burns, E. Same. J. Burns' additions. 2 vols. Lond., 1792. Burrill, A. M. Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1871. Chabrol-Chameane, M. E. de. Dictiouaire de legislation usuelle. 2d ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1836. Cowel's interpreter. Augmented ed. Lond., 1727. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1684. Duvergir, A. Dictionaire national de droit rran9ais. Paris, 1850. Escriche, J. Diccionario razonado de legislacion y juris- prudencia, Nueva ediciou. Madrid, 1874. Halkerston, P. Latin maxims and rules. Edin., 1823. Technical terms in Erskine's institutes. Edin., 1829. Holthouse, H. J. New law dictionary. H. Penington's Am. ed. 1847. Jacobs, G. Same. 2d ed. 1732. Kelham, E. Norman dictionary. Lond., 1779. Lawson, J. D. Concordance of words and phrases. 1883. Merrill, J. H. Am. and Eng. encyclopedia of law. 2 vols. 1887. Noy, W. Maxims. 9th ed. Lond., 1821. Peloubet, S. S. Legal maxims. 1880. Potts, T. Compendious law dictionary. Lond., 1803. Eapalje and Lawrence. Law dictionary. 2 vols. 1883. Stimson, F. J. Law glossary. 1881. Spelman, H. Glossarium archiaolozicum. Lond., 1687. Sweet, C. Law dictionary. Lond., 1882. Tayler, T. Same. 9th ed. 1871. Catalogue of Text Books. 45 Dictionaries— Continued. Termes de la ley. 1st Am. ed. 1812. Tomlyns, T. E. Law dictionary. 4th ed., by T. C. Granger. 2 vols. Lend., 1835. Tottel, E. Exposition of law terms. Lond., 1579. Wharton, J. J. S. Same. 5th ed. Lond., 1872. Same. 7th ed. 1883. Whishaw, J. Law dictionary. Lond., 1829. Williams, T. W. Same. Lond., 1816. Winfield, 0. H. Adjudged words and phrases. 1882. II. General. For other dictionaries, commercial, mechanical, etc., see division Miscellaneous Works, title Dictionaries. (a) English. Ash, J. New dictionary. 2 vols. Lond., 1775. Bailey, N. Universal dictionary. 13th ed. Lond., 1747. Bartlett, J. K. Dictionary of Americanisms. 1848. Booth, D. Analytical dictionary. Lond., 1835. Bosworth, J. Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon language. Lond., 1838. Crabb, G. English synonymes. 10th ed. 1870. Universal technological dictionary. 2 vols, Lond., 1823. Gushing, W. Initials and pseudonyms. 1885. Glossographia Anglicana nova. Lond., 1707. Grose, F. Dictionary of the vulgar tongue. Lond., 1785. Halliwell, J. O. Archaic and provincial words. 8th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1874. Halkett, S., and Laing, J. Anonymous and pseudon- ymous literature. 3 vols. Lond., 1882-1885. Johnson, S. Dictionary. 2 vols. 4th ed. Lond., 1773. Kersey, J. Same. 3d ed. Lond., 1721. Latham, E. G. Same. Formed on that of Dr. Johnson. 4 vols. Lond. Mayne, E. G. Expository lexicon. Lond., 1860, McCullough, J. E. Commercial dictionary. New ed. Lond., 1761. Ogilvie, J. Comprehensive English dictionary. Lond., 1864. Eoget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words. Am. eds., 1871, 1879. Eossiter, W. Illustrated dictionary of specific terms. 1878. 46 San Francisco Law Library. Dictionaries— Continued. Scott, H. L. Military dictionary. 1862. Sheridan, T. Dictionary. 2d ed. Lond., 1789. Skeat, W. W. Concise etymological dictionary. 1882. Slang dictionary. New additions. Lond., 1874. Smart, B. H. Walker's pronouncing dictionary. Lond., 1874. Smith, P. Glossary of terms and phrases. 1883. Smyth, W. H. Dictionary of nautical terms. Lond., 1867. Soule, R. English synonymes. 1882. Stratman, T. H. Dictionary of the old English language. Lond., 1867. Taylor, W. English synonymes. Lend., 1871. Tolhausen and Gardissal. Technological dictionary. 3 vols. Paris, 1864. Walker, J. Pronouncing dictionary. 1831. Webster, N. Unabridged dictionary. 1880. Same, 1883. Wedgwood, H. English etymology. 2d ed. 1872. Wilheim, T. Military dictionary and gazetteer. 1881. Wright, T. Obsolete and provincial English. 2 vols. Lond., 1857. (b) Other Languages. Arabic. Catafa^o, J. English-Arabic and Arabic-English. Lond., 1873. Brazil. See Portuguese. Chaldaic. See Hebrew. Chinese. Doolittle, J. Chinese dictionary, romanized in the man- darin dialect. 2 vols. Foochow, 1872. Fielde s Swatow dialect. Shanghai, 1883. Chinook. Gibbs, G. Chinook jargon. 1863. Cornish. Williams, E. Lexicon Cornu-Britanicum. Llandvvery, 1865. Danish. Tauchnitz, K. English-Danish and Danish -English pocket dictionary. Leipsic, 1871. Catalogue of Text Books. 47 Dictionaries— Continued. Dutch. Harrebomee, P. J. Spreekwoordenboek. 3 vols. Utreclit, 1858. French. Bescherelle, M. Dictionnaire national. 15tli ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1873, Fleming and Tibbins. English-French and French- English. 2 vols. Paris, 1872. Lafave, B. Synonjmes de la langue Frangais. 13th ed. Paris, 1869. Larchey, L. Dictionnaire de I'argot Parisien. 16th ed. Paris, 1872. Littre, E. Dictionnaire. 4 vols. Paris, 1863. McDevie's supplement. Paris, 1879. Visschers, P. Flamand-Fran^ais and Fran^ais-Flamand dictionnaire. Louvain, 1837. German. Grieb, C. F. English-German and German-English dic- tionary. 2 vols. 9th Am. ed. 1874. Hilpert, J. L. Same. 4 vols. Carlsruhe, 1857. Lucas, N. J. Same. 2 vols. Bremen, 1854. Greek. Liddell, H. G., and Scott, K. Greek-English lexicon. Oxford, 1871. Stephanus, H. Thesaurus Graecse linguae. 3d ed. 8 vols. Paris, 1831-1865. Yonge, C. D. English-Greek lexicon, edited by H. Drisler. 1870. Haicaiian. Andrews, L. Hawaiian-English and English-Hawaiian dictionary. Honolulu, 1865. Hebreiv. Gesenius, G. Hebrew and Chaldaic dictionary of the Old Testament. 2d ed. 3 vols, in 1. Leipsic, 1829- 1858. Hindustani. Forbes, D. Hindustani-English. Lond., 1848. 48 San Francisco Law Library. Dictionaries — Continued. Icelandic, Vigfussou, Gudbrand. Icelandic-English dictionary. Oxford, 1869. Irish. Foley, D. English-Irish dictionary. Dublin, 1855. Italian. Baretti. Italian-English and English-Italian dictionary, revised by Davenport and Comelati. 2 vols. Lond., 1873. Davenport, J., and Comelati, G. English -Italian and Italian-English. Founded on Baretti. 2 vols. Lond., 1873. Japanese. Hepburn, J. C. Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary. 2d ed. Shanghai, 1872. Latin. Andrews, E. A. Latin-English lexicon. 1874. Du Cange, C. D. Glossarium mediae et iufirmae Latinis. 7 vols. Paris, 1840-1850. Facciolati, G., and Forcellini, E. Universal Latin lex- icon. New addition by J. Bailey. Lond., 1828. Lewis, C. T., and Short, C. Harper's Latin dictionary. 1879. Kiddle, J. E. Latin-English lexicon. 2d ed. Lond., 1851. Smith, W., and Hall, T. D. English-Latin lexicon. 1871. New Zealand, Williams, W. Dictionary and grammar. 2d ed. Lond., 1852. Portuguese, Diccionario Portuguez e Brazilano. Lisbon, 1795. Vieyra, A. Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese. New ed. Lond., 1805. Bussian. Tauchnitz, K. English-Kussian pocket dictionary. Leip- sic, 1871. Scottish, Jamieson, J. Dictionary, abridged by J. Johnston. New ed. by J. Longmuir. Edin., 1867. Catalogue of Text Books. 49 Dictionaries — Continued. Spanish. Caballero, D. Luis Marty. Vocabulario. Madrid, 1857. Diccionario de la lengua Castellana. 5th ed. 1817. Nuevo diccionario. Paris, 1869. Salva, V. Same. 7th ed. Paris, 1865, Frances-Espanol y Espanol-Frances. 2d ed. Paris, 1858. Velasquez, M. Pronouncing dictionary. 1872. Swedish. Tauchnitz, Karl. Pocket dictionary of English and Swedish languages. 1870. Turkish. .Kedhouse, J. W. Turkish-English dictionary. Lond., 1857, English-Turkish dictionary. Lond., 1861. Welsh. Walters, John. English and Welsh dictionary. 2 vols. Denbigh, 1828. Dilapidations. Gibbon, D. Dilapidations and nuisances. 2d ed. Lond., 1849. Yool, G. V. Essay on waste. Lond., 1863. Diplomacy. Albertini, L, E. Derecho diplomatico. Paris, 1866. Bernard, M. Lectures on diplomacy. Lond., 1868. Elliott, J. American diplomatic code. 2 vols. 1834. Home, T. H. Diplomacy. 78 Law Library. Joel, L. Consul's manual. Lond., 1879. Martens, Chas. de. Le guide diplomatique. 2 vols. Paris, 1851. Wicquefort. Ambassadors and public ministers. Trans- lated by Digby. 2d ed. Lend., 1740. Directories. Cowdery, J. F. Law encyclopedia. 3d ed. 1878. Hubbell, J. H. Legal directory, 12 vols. 1874-1887. Martindale, J. B. United States law directory. 2 vols. 1874, 1878. Story, F. C. Legal directory. 1886-7. 50 San Francisco Law Library. Directories — Continued. Ulman, H. C. Trow's legal directory. 1875. Lawyer's record. 1872. Withington, C. S. Handbook for business men. 1881. Discovery. See Equitij. Hare, T. Discovery by bill and answer. 3d Am. ed. 1850. Kerr, W. W. Law of discovery. 1870. Sicliel, W. S., and Chance, W. Interrogatories and dis- covery. Lond. , 1883. Wigram, J. Points in the law of discovery. 1st Am. ed. 1842. Same. 13 Law Library. Distress. See Replevin, Bradley, J. Law of distress. 2d ed. 1833. Gilbert, J. Law and practice of distress and replevin. 4th ed. Lond., 1823. Morris, P.P. Keplevin in the United States. 2ded. 1878. Wells, H. W. Same. 1880. District Courts. See Federal Practice; Pleading and Prac- tice, Ily 4. District of Columbia. Dennis, W. H. Probate law. 1883. Eevised statutes relating to. 1875. Divorce. See Marriage and Divorce. Dock Companies. See Corporations. Domesday Book. Domesday book of Warwickshire. Kelham, R. Domesday book illustrated. Lond., 1788. Liber censualis Wilhelmi Primi. 4 vols. 1783-1816. Domestic Relations. Browne, I. M. Domestic relations. 1883. Ewell, M. D. Cases on infancy, coverture, idiocy, etc. 1876. Reeve, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Schouler, J. Same. 3d ed. 1882. Also 1st and 2d eds. Smith, C. M. Master and servant. 75 Law Library. Tyler, R. H. Infancy and coverture. 1873. Catalogue of Text Books. 51 Domicile. See Conflict of Laws. Dicey, A. V. Law of doraicil. Lond., 1879. Phillimore, R. Same. 57 Law Library. Wliarton, F. Same. II Monographs. 1877. Dower. See Domestic Relations; Husband and Wife. Cameron, M. G. Law of. Toronto, 1882. Lambert, E. Dower. 1834. Park, J. J. Same. 33 Law Library. Scribner, C. H. Same. 2 vols. 1864-67. 2d ed., 1883. Tyler, R. H. Infancy, coverture, and dower. 2d ed. 1882. Same. 1st ed. Willard, J. Law of executors and practice in New York regarding dower. 1850. Drama. See Copyright. Dutch Laws. See Holland. Duties. See Customs. Drugs. See Medical Jurisprudence: Ordonaux. Easements. Cox, H. Law and science of ancient lights. 2d ed. Lond., 1871. Gale, C. J. Law of easements. 4th ed. 1868. and Whately, T. D. Same. 1840. Goddard, J. L. Same. Bennett's notes. 1880. Also 1st and 2d Eng. eds. Latham, F. L. Law of window lights. Lond., 1867. Oliphant, G. H. H. Law of pews. Lond., 1850. Tyler, R. H. Boundaries and fence. 1874. Washburn, E. Easements and servitudes. 4th ed. 1885, Also 2d and 3d eds. Woolrich. Ways. 1834. Party walls. Lond., 1845. Tool, G. V. Essay on waste, etc. Lond. , 1863. Ecclesiastical Law. Ayliffe, Dr. J. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani. Lond., 1734. Boehmeri, J. H. Jus ecclesiasticum. 5 vols, and index. 1788-1794. Bullinbrooke, Ed. Ecclesiastical law. 2 vols. Dublin, 1770. Burns, R. Ecclesiastical law. 4 vols. Lond., 1797. 52 San Francisco Laav Library. Ecclesiastical Law— Continued. Butler, C. Horae Juridicae Subseirae. Corpus juris canonici. Greg. XIII jussu editum, et Lan- cellotti institutionibus adauctum. 1696. Cox, K. Sabbath law. Edin., 1853. Dale, J. M. Legal ritual. Lond., 1871. Ferguson, W. D. Ecclesiastical code. Dublin, 1851. Fuller, M. J. Court of final appeal in ecclesiastical cases. 2 vols. Oxf. and Lond., 1865. Gibson, Edm. Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani. 2 vols. Oxford, 1761. Godolpbin, J. Kepertorium canonicum. Lond., 1857. Hale, W. H. Precedents in causes of office against churchwardens. Lond., 184L Hargrave. Law tracts. Effect of judgments of ecclesi- astical courts when pleaded in temporal courts. Lond., 1787. Law, J. T. Ecclesiastical statutes. 5 vols. Lond., 1847. Maschat, P. R. Cursus juris canonici. 3 vols. Mat., 1865. Mungina, A. C. Institutiones juris canonici Mexico. 1851. Oliphant, G. H. H. Law of pews. Lond., 1853. Law of church ornaments. Lond., 1851, Ougbton, T. Ordo judiciorum. Lond., 1738. Soglia institutiones juris privati ecc. 6th ed. Paris. Publici ecc. 6th ed. Paris. Tyler, R. H. American ecclesiastical law. 1866. Education. See Schools. Ejectment. See Pleading and Practice: Archibold, Tidd. Adams, J. Ejectment. 4th ed. 1854. Cole, W. E. Same, Lond., 1856. Tyler, D. H. Ejectment and adverse enjoyment. 1870. Elections. Brightly, F. C. Leading cases of. 1871. Bushby's manual of election law. 5th ed., by Hardcastle. Lond., 1880. Election petitions. 2d ed., by Hardcastle. Lond., 1880. Clarke and Hall. U. S. election cases. See infra, this title. Clerk, J. M. Elections in the United Kingdom. Lond., 1855. Cox, E. W., and Grady. I. G. Registration and elections. Lond., 1868. Catalogue of Text Books. 53 Elections— Continued. Ermaticger, CO. Canadian franchise and election laws. Toronto, 1886. McCrary, G. W. Elections. 2d ed. 1880. Naar, M. D. Suffrage and elections. 1880. United States. Cases of contested elections in congress. 1789-1834. By Clarke and Hall. Same. 1834-1871. By D. W. Bartlett. 2 vols. Same. 1871-1876. By J. M. Smith. Same. 1876-1880. 1880-1882. By J. H. Ellsworth. Electricity. Cunyinghame, H. Law of electric lighting. Lond., 1883. Elementary Works. See Jurisprudence; Lectures; Questions and Answers. Anderson, C. H. Digest, with questions and answers. 2 vols in 1. Lond., 1867. Anthon, J. Guide to study of the law. 1850. Baird, W. K., and Babcock, F. S. Guide to law. 1883. Bishop, J. P. First book of the law. 1868. Brackenridge, H. H. Law miscellanies, first article. 1814. Broom, H. Commentaries on the common law. Am. ed. 1878. Fulbeck, W. Study of law. 2d ed. Lond., 1829. Hoffman, D. Course of legal study. 2 vols, in 1. 1836. Jones, S. Introduction to legal science. 1842. Moore, H. Practical suggestions to young solicitors and articled clerks. Lond., 1885. Heed, J. C. American law studies. 1883. Practical suggestions. 1876. Kobinson, W. C. Elementary law. 1882. Sharswood, Geo. Law lectures. 1870. Student's manual. 1 New Law Library. Walker, T. Introduction to American law. 5th ed., 1869; 6th ed., 1874. Warren, S. Introduction to law studies. Scott's notes. 2 vols, in 1. Am. ed. from 3d Lond. ed. 1872. Same. By J. G. Thompson. Am. ed. 1870. Washburn, E. Lectures on the study of the law. 1871. Emancipation. See Slavery. Macon, N. Letters. Campbell's pamphlets. 54 San Francisco Law Library. Eminent Domain. Mills, H. E. Law of eminent domain. 1879. Parke, J, G. Decisions of U. S. Sup. Ct. as to navigable waters and eminent domain. 1882. Kedfield, I. F. Law of railways. Part III of 1st vol. 5th ed. 1873. Employer and Employee. See Master and Servant, Encyclopedias. American. 16 vols. 1874-1876, and index. The annual cyclopedia 1861 to 1875, and index. The annual cyclopedia. New series. 1876 to 1882. Americana. 3 vols. 1883-1886. Britannica. 8th ed. 21 vols, and index. 9th ed. 19 vols. Chambers, Kev. Edw. 10 vols. 1872. Am. reprint of last Eng. ed. 15 vols. 1882. Diderot, M. Encyclopedia. 36 vols. Susanne, 1778. Plates. 3 vols. English. 11 vols, and index. Lond. Johnson's New. 4 vols, in 8 parts. 1877-1878. Library of universal knowledge. 15 vols. 1882. Metropolitana. 27 vols, and 3 vols, plates. Lond., 1849. Lardner, D. Cabinet cyclopedia. 17 vols. National. 12 vols, in 6 vols. Lond., 1847-1849. Supplement. 1859. Pennv. 27 vols. Lond., 1833-1843. People's. 3 vols. England, Laws of. See Abridgments; Common Laio; ConstitU" tional Laio^ IL Entries. Clift, H. New book of entries. Lond., 1703. Coke, J. See his reports. Levinz, C. See 3d vol. of reports. Lond., 1722. Lilly, J. Modern entries. 2 vols. Lond., 1791. Monro, C. Acta cancellarise. Lond., 1847. Eegistrum brevium. 1535. Wild, E. N. Journal entries under Ohio codes. Ist ed., 1876; 2d ed., 1883. Equity. See Actions; Pleading and Practice^ 7, 2, 77, 2. Adams, J. Doctrine of equity. 7th Am. ed. 1881. Same. 5th Am. ed. 1868. Catalogue of Text Books. 55 Equity— Continued. Barton, C. Suit in equity. New ed. 1877. ——Same. 1st ed. 1870. Bigelow, M. M. Elementary treatise on equity. Stu- dents' series. 1879. Bispham, G. T. Principles of equity. 2d ed. 1878. Same. Ist.ed. 1874 Calvert, F. Parties to suits in equity. 17 Law Library. Curtis, G. T. Equity precedents. 4tb ed. 1869. Daniell, E. R. Chancery pleading and practice. 3 vols. 5th Am. ed. 1874. Also 3d and 4th Am. eds. Ellesmere. Observations on the office of lord chancellor. Lond., 1651. Farrens, O. Original bill in chancery, with form, 1866. Fonblanque, J. Equity. 3d Am. ed. 2 vols, in 1. 1831. Gilbert, Baron. History and practice of high court of chancery. 1758. Forum romanura. Tyler's ed. 1874. Guernsey, R. S. Key to Story's equity jurisprudence. Ques. and ans. 1876. Heard, F. F. Equity precedents. 1884. Principle of equity pleading. 1882. Hare, T. Discovery in equity. 3d Km. ed. 1850. Hayne, F. O. Outlines of equity. 98 Law Library. Hoffman, M. Chancery practice. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1843. Master's practice. 1824. Holcombe, J. P. Equity jurisprudence. 1846. Hughes, E. Equity draftsman. 4th ed. 1861. Hunter, S. J. Elementary view of a suit in equity. 1860. Jeremy, G. Equity jurisdiction. 2d Am. ed. 1840. Kerr, W. W. Discovery. 1870. Lawson, J. D. Leading cases in equity. 1883. Leigh, J. H., and Dalzell, R. Equitable conversion. 5 Law Library. Maddock, L. Principles and practice of chancery. 2 vols. 4th Am. ed. 1832. Miller, S. Equitable mortgage. 47 Law Library. Pearson, R. M. Law lectures — doctrine of equity. 1879. Pomeroy, J. N. Equity. 3 vols. 1881-1883. Rawle, W. H. Equity in Pennsylvania. 1868. Roberts, T. Principles of the high court of chancery. 2d ed. 1857. Same. 96 Law Library. Smith, J. S. Principle of equity. Lond., 1856. , J. W. Manual of equitv jurisprudence. 1st Am* ed. 187L 56 San Francisco Law Library. Equity — Continued. Snell, E. H. T. Principles of equity. 5th ed. 1880. Principles of equity. 1st Am. ed. from 6th Eng. ed. 1884. Story, J. Commentaries on equity jurisprudence. 13th ed. 2 vols. 1886. Also 3d, 6tli, iOth, 11th and 12th eds. Watson, W. W. Compendium of equity. 2 vols. Lond., 1873. Wigram, J. Discovery. 1 Am. ed. 1842. Willard, J. Equity jurisprudence. 1863. Same. Potter's ed, 1880. White, E. Q. and Tudor, O. D. Leading cases in equity. 4th ed. 25 parts. 1876. Same. 65 Law Library. Same. Ed. of 1852. 3 vols. White, G. T. Supplement and review. Lond., 1843. Whitworth, J . Precedents in equity . 62 Law Library . Escheats. Martindale, J. B. Unclaimed money. 1884. Estoppel. Bigelow, M. M. Law of estoppel. 4th ed. 1886. Also 1st, 2d and 3d eds. Herman, H. M. Same. 1871. Estoppel and res adjudicata. 2 vols. 1886. Estrays. Thompson, A. W. Law of the farm. 1884. Ethics. See Jurisprudence. Piatt, AV. H. Legal ethics. 1879. Pollock, F. Essays on ethics. Lond., 1882. Sharswood, Geo. Professional ethics. 3d ed. 1869. Lieber, F. Political ethics. 1838. Evidence. See Discovery; Military Law: Ives. Abbott, A. Trial ev. in civil actions. 1880. Appleton, J. Eules of, discussed. 1860. Archibold, J. F. Pleading and ev. in civil actions. 1838. Bailey, W. H. Onus proband!. 1886. Bayard, S. Notes to Peake's evidence. 1810. Bell, J. S. Use and abuse of expert testimony. 1879. Bentham, J. Judicial ev. 5 vols. Lond., 1827. Best, W. M. Principle of. Chamberlayne's Am. ed. 1883. Also Morgan's ed.. Wood's ed. and 5th Eng. ed. 1870. Same. 66 Law Library. Catalogue of Text Books. 57 Evidence— Continued. Best, W. M. Presumptions. Lond., 1844. Eight to begin and reply. Am. ed. 1880. Burrill, A. M. Circumstantial ev. 1868. Coppinger, W. A. Custody and production of title deeds. Lond., 1875. Coventry, T. Conveyancer's ev. Lond., 1832. Same, 26 Law Library. Drummond, W. V. Statute of evidence of. 1864. Mel- bourne, 1871. Ewell, J. J. Medical evidence. 4th ed. 1881. Examination of witness. I Monograph. Greenleaf, 8. Law of evidence. 14th ed. 3 vols. 1883. Also 4th, 12th and 13th eds. Halstead, J. K. Evidence. 2 vols. 1859. Joy, H. H. Admissibility of confessions. 40 Law Library. Evidence of accomplices. 45 Law Library. Lawson, J. D. Expert evidence. 1883. Presumptive evidence. 1885. Matthews, J. H. Presumptions. Band's notes. 1830. Miller, N. D. Competency of witnesses in Penn. 1881. Morrill, W. W. Competency of witness under N. Y. code. 1886. Peake, T. Law of evidence. 1804. Phillips, S. M. Evidence. 1st Am. ed. 1816. Same, Cowen, Hill and Van Cott's notes. 3 vols. 1849. Same. Same editors. 2 vols. 1850. Same. Cowen, Hill and Edwards' notes. 3 vols. 1868. Famous cases circumstantial ev. 1874. and Amos. Evidence. 5th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1839. Pollock, F. Production of documents. 77 Law Library. Powell, E. Same. 4th ed. Lond., 1869. Same. 96 Law Library. Kam, J. On facts. 1873. Beynolds, W. Law of ev. 1883. Roberts, Wm. Fraud. See chapter on extrinsic ev. Rogers, H. W. Law of expert testimony. 1883. Roscoe, H. Evidence on nisi prius. 1879. Same. 15th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1884. Criminal ev. 7th Am. ed. Sharswood's notes. 1874. Same. 6th Am. ed. 1866. Sichel, W. S., and Chance, W. Interrogatories, etc. Lond., 1883. Smith, J. G. Medical evidence. Lond. 1825. 58 San Francisco Law Library. Evidence — Continued. Starkie, T. Law of ev. 9tb Am. ed. 10th Am. ed., 1876. Stephen, J. F. Law of ev. Eeynolds' ed. 1879. Same. May's ed. 1877. Same. From 4lh Eng. ed. 1886. Tamlyn, J. Same. 51 Law Library. Taylor, J. P. Law of ev. 6th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1872. Same. 7th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1872. Weeks, A. P. Depositions. 1880. Wharton, F. Law of evidence in civil issues. 2 vols. 1877. Same in criminal issues. 8th ed., 1880; 9th ed., 1884. Disputed questions of evidence. I Monographs. Wills, W. Circumstantial evidence. 5th Am. ed. 1872. Same. 41 Law Library. Wigram, J. Extrinsic evidence. 2 N. L. L. Same. O'Hara's notes. 2d Am. ed. 1872. Wood, H. G. Practice evidence. 1886. Examination of Witnesses. See Evidence; Witnesses. Best, S. M. Evidence — chapter on elementary rules of examination. Examination of witnesses. I Monograph. Examination for Admission to the Bar. See Questions for Law Students. Exchequer. See Pleading and Practice, II, 3. Maddox, T. History of the exchequer. 2d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1769. Executions. See Exemptions; Liens. Foster, T. C. Scire facias. Lond., 1851. Freeman, A. C. Executions in civil cases. 1876. Void judicial sales. 1877. Herman, H. M. Same. 1875. Eiddle, D. S. Supplementary proceedings. 1876. Same. 2ded. 1882. Borer, D. Judicial sales. 2d ed. 1878. Same. 1st ed. 1873. Executors and Administrators. See Prolate Courts. Lomax, J. T. Law of executors and administrators. 2 vols. 1841. Matthews, K. Practical guide to. 20 Law Library. M'Clellan, K. H. Executors' guide. 3d ed. 1882. Half, G. W. Executors' guide in Ohio. 4th ed. 1866. Catalogue of Text Books. 59 Executors and Administrators— Continued. Eedfield, I. F. Wills. 3d vol. 1876-7. Schouler, J. Executors and admiuistrators. 1883. Stanton, R. H. Executors' manual for Kentucky. 1862. Toller, S. Law of executors. 4tli Am. ed. 1834. Wentworth, T. Office and duty of. Am. ed., by E. D. Ingraham. 1832. Willard, J. Law of executors and administrators. 1859. Williams, E. I. Same. 6th Am. ed. 3 vols. 1877. Same. 5th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1859. Woerner, .T. G. Status of executors after final settlement. II Monographs. Exemptions. See Attachment; Execution. Smyth, J. H. Homestead and exemptions. 1876. Thompson, S. D. Sam,e. 1878. Experts. See Evidence, Bell, J. S. Use and abuse of expert testimony. 1879. Lawson, J. D. Expert evidence. 1883. Rogers, H. W. Expert testimony. 1883. Extents. See Executions; Judgments. Extradition. See International Law. Clarke, E. Law of extradition. 2d ed. Lond., 1874. Hurd, F. H. On habeas corpus. 2d ed. 1876. Kirchner, F. J. L'Extradition. Lond., 1883. Roder, D. Inter-state law. 1879. Spear, S. T. Law of extradition. 1879. Same. 2d ed. 1884. Extrinsic Evidence. See Evidence; Fraud; Wills. Redfield. Wigram, J. Extrinsic evidence. 2 N. L. L. O'Hara's notes. 2d Am. ed. 1872. Factors. See Agency; Bailments; Brokers and Factors. Edwards, I. Brokers and factors. 1870. Russell, J. A. Factors and brokers. 48 Law Library. Thomas, G. H. Judicial factors. Edin., 1859. Facts. See Juries; Presumptions. Best, S. M. Presumption of law and fact. 1844. Same. 47 Law Library. Lond., 1844. Ram, J. Treatise on facts. 2d Am. ed. 1870. Wells, J. C. Questions of law and fact. 1876. 60 San Francisco Law Library. Farm. Austin, H. American farm law. 1886. Bennett, E. H. Farm law. 1879. Thompson, A. W. Law of the farm. 1876. Federal Practice. See Forms, I: Oliver; Pleading and Practice, II, 4; Removal of Causes. Abbott, B. Y. U. S. practice. 3d ed. 1877. Also 1st and 2d eds. Blatchford, S. A. • Kules and statistics U. S. courts. 1884. Bump, O. F. Federal procedure. 1881. Bundy, Chas. S. U. S. court commissioner. 1883. Desty, R. Same. 2d ed., 1876; 6th ed., 1884. Du Bonceau, P. S. Jurisdiction of U. S. courts. 1824. Field, G. W. Federal courts; jurisdiction; pleading and practice. 1883. Field, G. W., and Miller, W. E. U. S. court commis- sioner. 1881. Jones, E. K. Eules of federal practice . 1884. Peeler, A. J. Law and equit}^ in U. S. courts. 1883. Spear, S. T. Federal judiciary. 1883. Thatcher, E. Practice in U. S. circuit courts. 1883. Same in U. S. district courts. 1884. Same in U. S. supreme court. 1882. Fees. Dowley, M. F. Law in a nutshell. 1878. Lowe, Jas. Fees in courts of justice. Lond., 1822. Final Judgment. See Judgments; Appeals. Fire Insurance. See Insurance. Firm Names. See Trade 3IarJc8. Fences. See Boundaries; Easements. Thompson, S. D. Law of the farm. 1876. Ferries. See Ways. Feudal Law. See Common Laiu. Fines and Recoveries. See Common Law. Fisheries. Chalmers, G. B. Colonial opinions. 1858. Paterson, J. Fishery laws. Lond., 1863. Catalogue of Text Books. 61 Fixtures. Amos, A., and Ferrard, J. Law of fixtures. 1855. Brown, A. Same. 4tli ed. Lond., 1881. Ewell, M. D. Same. 4th ed. Lond., 1881. Ferrard, J. Treatise on. 1855. Gibbons, D. Manual of. 13 Law Library. Grady, S. G. Treatise on. 51 Law Library. Hill, J. W. Same. 1867. Tyler, E. H. Same. 1877. Forest. Manwood, J. Law of. 4th ed. Lond., 1717. Forms. See the various titles. 1. For Pleading and Practice. 11. P'or Conveyancing, and generally. I. For Pleading and Practice. Abbott, A. New forms. 1877. Also 1881. Also 1887. 2 vols. Abbott, B. V. and A. Forms of practice and pleading. 2 vols. 1864. Bancroft, A. L. Forms and use of blanks. 3d ed., by Cowdery, J. F. 1881. Same. 2d ed., by Bates. 1877. Corbin, W. H. Forms under laws of New Jersey. 1882. Cowdery, J. F. Pacific law encyclopedia. Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms. 2d ed. 1872. Crown circuit companion. 1816. Curtis, G. F. Equity precedents. 4th ed. 1869. Estee, M. M. Pleading and forms. 3 vols. 3d ed. 1884. Also 1st and 2d eds. Fitz Herbert, A. Natura brevium. 9th ed. 1793. Hale, W. H. Precedents in causes of office against church wardens. Lond., 1841. Precedents in criminal causes. From 1475 to 1640. Lond., 1847. Heard, F. F. Equity precedents. 1884. Civil precedents. 1886. Jenkins, J. S. New clerk's assistant. 1846. Jones, J. Forms of procedure in Illinois. 3d ed. 1872. Lansing, W. Forms of civil procedure under the code. 2 vols. 1885. Lilly, J. Modern entries. 2 vols. Lond., 1791. Marriott, J. Formulare instrumentorum. 1802. Matthews, W. B. Pleading and conveyancing. 1873. 62 San Francisco Law Library. Forms— Continued. Oliver, B. L. Precedents for practice. 4tli ed. 1874. Same. 3d ed. 1851. Forms for federal and state courts. 1842. Registrum omnium brevium. 1537. Sand, A. H. Practical forms. 1st and 2d series. 1872. Sayler, J. R. American form book. 1878. Sexton, H. W. Judgments, orders and decrees. 2 vols. 4th ed. 1877. Tidd, W. Forms. Appendix by Caines. 1808. Tiffany, J., & Smith, H. Form book for N. Y. practice. 1805. Van Heythusen, F. M. Equity draftsman. 4th Am. ed. 1861. Wharton, F . Precedents of indictments and pleas . 2 vols . 4th ed. 1881. Also 2d and 3d eds. Wild, E. N* Journal entries under Ohio codes. 1876. Whitworth, J. Precedents in equity. 62 Law Library. //. For Conveyancing y and generally. See Conveyancing. Abbott, B. A. and A. Clerk and conveyancer's assistant. 1870. Andrews, J. Precedents of cases. Lond., 1871. Baker, J. F. Forms for manufacturing corporations. 1876. Bythewood, W. M., and Jarman, T. Conveyancing. 11 vols. 1829-1836. Corbin, AV. H. Forms under New Jersey laws. 1882. Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms. 2d ed. 1872. Curtis, G. T. Conveyancer. 2d ed. 1871. Davidson, C. Conveyancer's precedents. 8th ed. Ijond., 1871. Frend, H. T., and Ware, T. H. Ft. E. precedents. 2d ed. Lond., 1866. Gibbs, M. Practical forms and precedents. 2d ed. 1854. Humphrey, C. Precedents. 2 vols. 1845. Jarman. See Bythewood, supra. Jenkins, J. S. Clerk's assistant. 1871. Jones, L. A. Forms in conveyancing. 1886. Martindale, W. B. Conveyancing. 1882. Matthews, W. B. Pleading and conveyancing. 1873 McCall, H. S. Same. 2d ed. 1867. ^ Monteiiore, J. Mercantile law. 1830. Oliver, B. L. Conveyancing 4th ed. 1881. Same. Enlarged ed. 1853. Catalogue of Text Books. 63 Forms— Continued. Prideaux, F. Precedents in conveyancing. 2 vols. 9th ed. Lond., 1879. Sand, A. H. Practical forms. 1st and 2d series. 1872. Sayler, J. K. American form book. 1878. Sessions, H. C. Manual for county officers. 1873. Spalding, H. M. Law encyclopedia. 1877. Statute forms. 1883. Williamson, E. H. Book of deeds. 1881. France, Law of. See also division of tliis catalogue, Statutes. Adolphe, C, and Glandaz, M. Traite' do procedure civile et comraerciale. 5tli ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1872. Argle, N. French mercantile law. Lond., 1882. ' Beaver, J. Trans, of history of French laws. Loud., 1724. Bedarride, J. Droit commerciale, viz: Des achats et vents. 2d ed. Paris, 1879. Des bourse de commerce. 2d ed. Paris, 1883. De chemins de fer. 2 vols. Paris, 1879. De dol et de la fraude. 3d ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1880. Des faillites et banqueroutes. 5th ed. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. De I'hypotheque maritime. Paris, 1879. De jurisdiction commerciale 2d ed. Paris, 1880. De les lettre de change. 2 vols. 2d ed. Paris, 1879. Des cheques. Paris, 1879. Des commer9ants. 2d ed. Paris, 1880. Des commissioners. 2d ed. Paris, 1882. Des societies. 2d ed. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. Les brevets d'invention. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. Lois sur les societes. 2 vols. Paris, 1880. Lois du commerce maritime. 5 vols. 2d ed. Paris, 1876. Billot, A. Traite de I'extradition. Paris, 1874. Brun, D. Le. Communante entre Marie et femme. Paris, 1754. Caumont, A. Dictionnaire universel droit maritime. Paris, 1867. Chardon, M. Traite d'alluvion. Paris, 1840. Clerc, E. Manuel du notariat. Annot^s par A. Dalloll et Ch. Verge. 6th ed. 2 vols. Paris, lf^72. Traite de notariat. 4 vols. Paris, 1860. Dalloz, M. Jurisprudence generale. 60 vols. 1825 a 1885. Paris. V. Y. Jurisprudence geu6rale. Collection refondue. 12 vols. Paris, 1827. 64 San Francisco Law Library. France, Law of— Continued. Dalloz, M. D. Eepertoire de legislation. Organization maritime. Paris, 1870. Delaborde, J. Traites des avaries particulieres sur mar- chandises. 2d ed. Paris, 1838. Domat, De J. (Euvres de. Revue par M. Carre. 9 vols. Paris, 1822. Dupin, M. Profession d'avocat. 2 vols. Paris, 1832. Hessels, J. H., and Kern, H. Lex salica. Lond., 1880, Jones, R. History of the French bar. 90 Law Library. Jourdan, A. Le droit Fran^ais. Paris, 1875. Kelly, E. French law of marriage. Lond., 1385. Kirchner, F. J. Traite de I'extraditien. Lond., 1883. Laferriere, M. F. L'histoire de droit Fran^aise. 2d ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. ;f v - Ledru-Rollin. Journal du Palais. Repertoire gendrale de la jurisprudence. Vols. 1 to 11. Paris, 1845. Journal du palais. Recueil de la jurisprudence Fran- §ais. 3d ed. 37 vols. Paris, 1830 a 1852. -Journal du palais. Paris, 1879. Lex salica, by Hessel and Kern. See supra. Masse, M. G. Le droit commerciale. 3d ed. 21 vols. Paris, 1874. Merlin, M. Recueil du questions de droit. 16 vols. Bruxelles, 1828. Repertoire de jurisprudence. 36 vols. Bruxelles, 1825. Morel, Aug. Encyclopedie commerciale maritime. 3 vols. Paris, 1856. Pardessus, J. M. Cours de droit commercial. 6th ed., by E. de Roziere. 4 vols. Paris. 1856. Coutumes de la mer, ou Louis Martines. 6 vols. Paris, 1847. Perpigna, A. French law of patents for inventions. 1834. Pothier, R. J. (Eluvres de. Traites de droit Frangais. Ed. par M. Dupin. Vols. 1 to 11. Paris. Contumes des Duche D'Orleans. Paris. 1870. Sibille, M. Jurisprudence et doctrine en matiere D'Abor- dage. Nantes, 1883. Thomas, L. Etudes sur la faillite. Paris. 1880. Toullier, C. B. M. Le droit civil Fran^aise. 6th ed» 6 vols. Paris. Troplong, M. Le droit civil explique', viz : De la contrainte par corps. Paris, 1847. Du contrat'de societe'. 2 vols. Paris, 1843. Du cautionnement et des transactions. Paris, 1843. Du depot et de sequestre. Paris, 1845. Catalogue of Text Books. 65 France, Law of— Continued. De L'exchange et du louage. 3 vols. Paris, 1840. Du mandat. Paris, 1846. Du nantissement. Paris, 1847. De la prescription. 3d ed. Paris, 1835. Du privileges et hypotheques. 4 vols. Paris, 1846. De la veute. 4tli ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. Du pret. Paris, 1845. Watte ville. Legislation charitable. 2d ed. Paris, 1847. Franchises. See Corporations. Fraternities. See Corporations. Hirschl, A. J. Law of fraternities. 1883. French Bar. See France. French Laws. See France. Fraud. See Equity ; Fraudulent Conveyances; Statute of Frauds. Bigelow, M. M. Law of fraud. 1877. Carle, G. La failtie dans le droit internationale prive. Dubois' ed. Paris, 1875. Hovenden, J. E. Treatise on. 2 vols. 1825. Kerr, W. W. Fraud and mistake. 1872. Wood, H. G. Frauds. 1884. Fraudulent Conveyances. See Equity; Fraud; Mortgages: Jones, Pierce. Bump, O. F. Fraudulent conveyances. 3d ed. 1882. M'Adam, D. On the slillwell act. 1880. May, H. W. Fraudulent conveyances. 1871. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1887. Koberts, W. Treatise on. 3d Am. ed. 1845. Wait, F. S. Same. 1884. Freedom and Bondage. See Slavery. Hurd, J. C. Freedom and bondage. 2 vols. 1858. Gaming. See Contracts. Oliphant, G. H. H. Horses. 58 Law Library. Gas Companies. Greenough, C. P. Digest of gas cases. 1883. Gavelkind. See Common Law. Kobinson, Thos. Common law of Kent and borough- English. Lond., 1741. Somner, W. Law of. Lond., 1726. 66 San Francisco Law Library. General Average. See Insurance Marine. Arnold, J. Marine insurance and average. 4tli ed. 2 vols. 1870. Dixon, F. B. Adjustment of general average. 1867. Hopkins, W. Handbook of average. 3d ed. Lond., 1868. Marvin, W. System adopted by the International con- gress. 1866. Lowndes, K. General average. 3d ed. Lond., 1878. Parsons, T. Marine insurance and average. 2 vols. 1868. Stevens, E., and Benecke, W. Average and adjustment of losses. 1833. Geneva Award. Hackett, F. W. Geneva award acts. 1882. Georgia. See Criminal Law: Reed. Gifts. See Fersonol Property; Voluntary Conveyances. Schouler, J. Personal property. 2 vols. 1876. Glossaries. See Dictionaries. Good Will. See Trade marks: Browne. Government. See. Canada; Constitutional Laio; Municipal Cor- porations. Grand Juries. See Juries. Thompson, S. D., and Merriam, E. G. On juries. 1882. Guaranty. See Sut^tysMp. Baylies, E. Sureties and guarantors. 1881. Brandt, G. W. Suretyship and guaranty. 1878. Colebrooke, W. Collateral securities. 1883. De Colyar, H. A. Guarantees. Morgan's notes. 1875. Fell, W. W. Same. 3d Am . ed. 1872. Guardian and Ward. See Domestic Relations: Probate. Bingham, P. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Giauque, F. Manual for guardians and trustees in Ohio. 1881. McClellan, R. H. Manual exrs., admrs, and guardians; 2d ed. 1880. Beeves, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Schouler, J. Infancy and coverture. 3d ed. 1882. Also 1st and 2d eds. Tyler, E. H. Same. 2d ed., 1882; 1st ed., 1868. Catalogue of Text Books. 67 Habeas Corpus. Binney, H. Habeas corpus. 2d ed. 1862. Campbell's pamphlets. Articles by Taney, Binney, Jack- son, Montgomery, Wliarton, Nicholas and Parker. Hurd, E. C. Habeas corpus. 2d ed. 1876. Church, W. S. Habeas corpus. 1884. Hebrews. See Mosaic Law. Benney, P. B. Criminal code of the Jews. Lond., 1880. Heirs. See Descent; Succession; Wills. Hereditaments. Dean, H. C. Law of corporeal hereditaments and con- veyancing. Am. ed. 1875. Highways Angell, J. K. Law of highways. 2d ed. 1868; 3d ed. 1886. Cook, B. D. Highway law of N. Y. 1884. Glen, A. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1865. Holt, W. Kule of the road. Lond., 1867. Jenkins, T. A. Road at sea. 1869. Rogers, R. V. Law of the road. 1876. Thompson, S. D. Law of highways. 3d ed. 1881; 1st ed. 1868. Woolrych, H. W. Ways. 1834. • Hiring. See Bailments; Landlord and Tenant; Master and Servant. History of the Law. See Common Law; Jurisprudence; Roman Law. Crabb, G. History of English law. 1st Am. ed. 1831. Hale, M. /S'ame of the common law. 2 vols. 5th ed. 1794. Reeves, J. Same of English law. 3 vols. 1867. Van der Linden, J. Same of Holland. Translated by Henry. Lond., 1828. Van der Keesel, J. D. Select thesis of the laws of Holland and Zeeland. Lond., 1868. Holland. Van der Linden, J. Institutes of the law of. Translated by Henry. Lond., 1828. Van der Keesel, D. G. Law of Holland. Trans, by C, A. Lorenz. 2d ed. Lond., 1868. Homesteads. Smyth, J. H. Homestead and exemptions. 1875. Thompson, S. D. Same. 1878. 68 San Francisco Law Library. Homicides. See Criminal Laiu. Wharton, F. Law of homicide. 2d ed. 1875; 1st ed. 1855. Horses. Caveat Emptor. Gentleman in search of a horse. 1836. Hanover, M. D. Law of horses. 2d ed. 1875. Oliphant, G. H. H. Same. 3d ed. Lond., 1865. Same, 58 Law Library. Sayler, L. C. Law of horse racing. Lond., 1877. House of Lords. See Pleading and Practice. 11, 3. Hale, M. Jurisdiction of. Lond., 1796. M'Queen, J. Practice of. Lond., 1842. Humor. See Legal Miscellany. Husband and Wife. See Adultery; Marriage and Divorce; Married Women: Baron and feme. 3d ed. Loud., 1738. Bell, S. S. Property of husband and wife. 67 Law Li- brary. Bright, J. E. Husband and wife. 2 vols. 1850. Clancy, J. Contracts of married women. 2d Am. ed. 1837. Kelley, J. F. Contracts of married women. 1882. Macqueen, J. F. Rights and liabilities of. 59, QQ> Law Library'. Piatt, H. G. Law of married women. 1882. Beeve, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Roper, R. S. D. Treatise on. 31, 32 Law Library. Schouler, J. Domestic relations. 2d ed. 1874. Husband and wife. 1882. Stewart, D., and Carey, F. K. Dig. of Md. law of hus- band and wife. 1881. Stewart, D. Law of. 1885. Tyler, R. H. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Idiocy. See Insanity. Illinois. See — Forms; I: Jones. Justices of the Peace: Moore. Limitations: Wells. Officers: Hill. Pleading: Puterbaugh. Practice: Hill, Jones. Probate Courts: Hill, Horner, North. Railiuays: Gilbert. Catalogue of Text Books. 69 Impeachment. See Criminal Laiv; Trials in Impeachment. Imports. See Revenue. Indictments. Criminal Laiv; Siibdiv. Pleading and Practice. Stevens, J. G. Indictable offenses. Toronto, 1880. Incumbrances. See Liens; Mortgages. India. All, S. A. Personal law of the Mohammedan. Lond., 1880. Duncombe, A. J. Law of the Turks. Lond., 1862. Halhed, N. B. Code of Gentoo laws. Lond., 1876. Morley, W. H. Administration of justice in British India. Lond., 1858. Observations on the laws and constitution of India. Lond., 1825. Eichardson, D. The damathat, or the laws of Menoo. 16 vols, in 1. Meelmain, 1847. Shama Churun Sircar. Muhammedan law. Calcutta, 1875. Starling, W. H. Indian criminal law and procedure. 2d ed. Lond., 1870. Strange, Sir T. Elements of Hindoo law. 2 vols. Lond., 1825. Tupper, C. L. Punjab customary law. 3 vols. Calcutta, 1881. Indiana. See — Criminal Law: Moore. Justices of the Peace: McDonald. Practice: Bicknell, Buskirk, Work. Railways: McPherson. Infancy. See Domestic Relations; Guardian and Ward. Bingham, A. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. Lond., 1849. Ewell, M. D. Leading cases on infancy and coverture. 1876. Macpherson, W. Treatise on. 41 Law Library. Tyler, K. H. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Infanticide. Mahon, P. H. O. Signs of murder in new-born infants. From the French, by C. Johnson. Lancaster, 1813. Informations. Cole, W. E. Criminal informations. 56, 57 Law Library. 70 San Fkancisco Law Library. Injunctions. Drewry, C. S. Injunctions. 36 Law Library, Supplement to same. 79 Law Library. Eden, E. H. Injunctions. Waterman's notes. 2 vols* 3d ed. 1852. Hilliard, F. Same. 3d ed. 1874. High, J. L. Same. 2d ed. 1880. Joyce, W. Same. 2 vols. Lond., 1872. Doctrines and principles of. Lond., 1877. Kerr, W. W. Same. 2d ed. 1880. Thompson, I. G. Provisional remedies. 1867. Innkeepers. See Bailments; Carriers: Redfield; Horses. Eogers, R. V. Law of hotel life. 1879. Inns of Court. Duhigg, B. T. History of King's Inns. Dublin, 1806. Herbert, W. Antiquities of. Lond., 1804. Lane, T. Guide to Lincoln's Inn. 2d ed. Lond., 1805. Spilsbury, W. H. Lincoln's Inn. Lond., 1850. Insanity. See Medical Jurisprudence. Aston, J. J. Pauper lunacy. Lond., 1849. Bridal, J. Non compos mentis. Lond., 1700. Browne, J. H. B. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 1875. Buckham, T. R. Insanity and its medico-legal relations. 1883. Bucknill, J. C. Criminal lunacv. 92 Law Library. Buswell, H. F. On insanity. 1885. CoUinson, G. D. Idiots and lunatics. 2 vols. Lond., 1812. Ellis, W. C. Nature and symptoms of insanity. Lond., 1838. Elwell, J. J. Law of insanity. 4th ed. 1881. Ewell, M. D. Leading cases on infancy, coverture, idiocy. 1876. Hammond, W . A. Opinion as to testamentary capacity in the Johnson case. 2d ed. 1867. Harrison, G. L. Legislation on insanity. 1884. Haslam, J. Med. jurisprudence of insanity. Lond., 1817. Lawson, J. D. Insanity as a defense to crime. 1884. Maudsley, H. Eesponsibility in mental disease. 1878. Ordouf^aux, J. Judicial aspects of insanity. 1878. Pinel, P. Treatise on insanity. Translated by Davis. 1806. Prichard, J. C. Disorders affecting the mind. 1837. Bay, I. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 5th ed. 1871. Catalogue of Text Books, 71 Insanity — Continued. Seguin, E. On idiocy. 1866. Shelf ord, L. Law concerning lunatics. Lond., 1833. Hheppard, E. On madness. Lond., 1873. Stock, J. S. Law of non compos mentis. 1838. Same. 25, 35 Law Library. Storer, H. B. Insanity in women. 1871. Taylor, J. A. Exonerative insanity. 1882. Tuhe, D. Insanity in ancient and modern life. Lond., 1878. WhartoD, F. , and Stille, M. Medical jurisprudence. 3 vols* See 1st vol. as to mental unsoundness. 1873. Williams, S. E. Petitions in chancery and lunacy. 1880. Winslow, F. Plea of, in criminal cases. 42 Law Library. Insolvency. See Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Inspection of Documents. See Discovery, Institutes. See American Law: Qoke; Common Law; Roman Law. Insurance. 7. General Works, IL Fire. III, Life and Accident, IV, Marine, L General Works, Barber, W. Law of insurance. 1882. Bonney, C. C. Summary of the law of insurance. 1865. Clarke, S. E. Law of insurance. Toronto, 1873. Emerigon, B. M. Treatise. Translated by Meredith. Lond., 1850. Hilne, C. C, and Nichols, W. S. New insurance digest. 1882. Hughes, D. Same, 1st Am. ed. 1883. Marshall, S. Law of insurance. Condy's notes. 2 vols. 1810. Park, J. A. Insurance. Lond., 1800. Phillips, W. Same. 2 vols. 5th ed. 1867. Boss, G. Leading cases on commercial law. See 3d vol. 1858. Sansum, O. B. Digest of insurance law. 1876. Waif ord, C. Insurauce handbook. 2d ed. Lond., 1867. U. Fire. Angell, J. K. Fire and life insurance. 2d ed. 1855. Bennett, E. H. Fire insurance cases. 5 vols. 1872-76. 72 San Francisco Law Library. Insurance— Continued. Ellis, C. Fire and life insurance. 1834. Flanders, H. Fire insurance. 1st ed., 1871; 2d ed., 1874 Fox, F. T., Jr. Warranty in fire insurance contracts. 1883. Griswold, J. Fire underwriters' text-book. 1872. Hammond, E. Fire insurance and insurance on inland waters. 1840. Littleton, H. A., and Blatcliley, J. S. Digest of fire insurance decisions in Great Britain and the United States. 3d ed., by Bates. 1873. May, J. W. Insurance — other than marine. 2d ed. Wood, H. G. Law of fire insurance. 1878. III. Life and Accident, Alexander, C. B. Notes on N. Y. law of. 1887. Angell, J. K. Fire and life insurance. 2d ed. 1855. Bigelow, M. M. Life and accident insurance cases. 5 vols. 1871-76. Bliss, G. Life insurance. 2d ed. 1874. Bunyon, C. J. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1868. Same. 79 Law Library. Davies, G. Annuities. Lond. Eagle, P. A. Life assurance manual. Lond., 1851. Francis, J. Annals of life assurance. Lond., 1853. May, J. W. Insurance— not marine. 1873; 2d ed. 1882. Neison, F. G. P. Vital statistics. Lond., 1857. Queteler, M. A. Theory of probabilities. Translated by O. G. Downes. Lond., 1849. Reynolds, D. Life insurance. 1853. Sharpstein, J. K. Digest of life and accident insurance cases. 1872. IV. Marine. See Bottomry. Arnould, J. Marine insurance and average. 4th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1872; 6th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1887. Same. 2d Am. ed. 2 vols. 1850. Duer, J. Marine insurance. 2 vols. 1845-46. Hopkins, M. Manual of same. 1867. Jones, E. Salvage. Lond., 1870. Lees, J. Shipping and insurance. 10th ed. Lond., 1877. Marshall, S. Marine insurance. 5th ed. 1865. Newson, H. Shipping and marine insurance. Lond., 1879. Parsons, T. Marine insurance. 2 vols. 1868. Stevens, R., and Benecke, W. Average and adjustment of losses. 1833. Catalogue of Text Books. 73 Interest. See Usury. Internal Revenue. See Revenue. Inter-State Law. See International Law: Eorer. International Copyright. See Copyright. International Law. See Commerce; Conflict of Laxo; Di- plomacy; Expatriation; Extradition. Abdy, J. T. Kent's commentary on Int. law. 2d ed. Lond., 1878. Bar L. Int. law, private and criminal. Trans, by Gil- lespie. 1883. Bernard, M. Grt. Britn.'s neutrality during the civil war. 1870. Bowyer, G. Universal public law. 84 Law Library. 6th series. Bluntschli, J. C. Int. law. Mexican trans, by Covarrubias. Mexico, 1871. Das moderne volkerrecht. Ed., 1878. Nordlingen. Burlamqui, J. J. Natural and political law. 2 vol. 1832. Bynkersboek, C. von. Law of war. Notes by du Pon- ceau. 1810. Cabinet Library. Yol. 1, on int. law. Edin., 1837. Calvo, Carlos. Derechointernacional. 2 vols. Paris. 1868. Le droit international. 3d ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1880. Castle, E- J. Commerce in time of war. Lond., 1870. Chitty, E. Law of nations. Lond., 1812. Cobbett, P. Leading cases on. Lond., 1885. Clunet, Ed. Belations internationales avec XJ. S. Paris, 1880. Creasy, E. S. First platform of. Lond., 1876. Dahlgren, J. A. Maritime International law. Ed. by Chas. Cowley. 1877. Field, D. D. Outlines of int. code. 1st ed; 2d ed. 1876. Fiore, P. Droit penal international et de I'extradition. Antoine's ed. 2 parts. Paris. 1880. Foelix. Droit international. 4th ed., by C. Demangeat. 2 vols. Paris, 1866. Folleville, D. de. Traite de la naturalization. Paris, 1880. Foote, J. A. Private international jurisprudence. Lond., 1878. Gardner, D. International law as settled by U. S. Sup. Ct. 1860. Institutes on international law. 1844. Glasson, E. Marriage and divorce. 2d ed. Paris. 1880. 74 San Francisco Law Library. International Law — Continued. Grotius, H. Eights of peace and war. Barbeyrac's notes. Lond., 1738. Gueronnierre, de la. Le droit public. 2 vols. Paris, 1876. Guthrie, W. Savigny priv. int. law. Edin., 1869. Hall, W. E. International law. Oxford, 1880. Eights and duties of neutrals. Lond., 1874. Halleck, H. W. Int. law and law of war. 1861. New ed. by S. Baker. 2 vols. Lond., 1878. Hinneccius, J. G. Law of nature and of nations. 2 vols. 1741. Home, T. H. Prize law. Lond., 1803. Institut of int. law. 1877-1883. 6 vols. Jacobsen, F. J. Law of the sea in peace and war. Prick's trans. 1878. Kent, J. Int. law. Abdy's 2d ed. Camb., 1878. Kirchner, P. J. L' extradition. Lond., 1883. Lacombe, P. L'establishment dun tribunal international, 2d of ''Prize Essays." Laurent, P. Droitcivil international. 8 vols. Paris. 1880-81. Lawrence, W. B. Jurisdiction cousulaire, et I'extradition. Leipzig, 1880. See, also, AYheaton. Lewis, W. Das Deutsche sierecht. 2 vols. 1877. Mackintosh, J. Law of nature and nations. Pamphlets. Ed. 1885. Mallet, E. L'hypothetique maritime. Paris, 1877. Mancini, P. S. Dritto internazionale. Naples, 1873. Manning, W. O. Law of nations, by Amos. Lond., 1875. Marcoartu, Arturo de. Internationalism. See " Prize essays." Martens, G. P. von. Law of nations. Translated by W. Cobbett. 1795. Martens, P. Das consularwesen. Skerst's ed. Berlin, 1874. Eussian treaties. 5 vols., in 6 parts. St. Petersburg, 1874-1880. -G. F. von. Privateers, captures and re-captures. Home's trans. Lond., 1801. -Summary of law of nations. 1795. Nasmiths, D. Institutes of public law. Lond., 1873. Ortolan, Theo. Eegles internationales et diplomatic de la mer. 2 vols. Paris, 1864. Pando, J. M. de. Elementos del derecho international. 2d ed. Madrid, 1852. Phillimore, Eob. Int. law. 2d ed. 4 vols. Lond., 1871. Poison, A. Law of nations. 78 N. L. L, Catalogue of Text Books. 75 International Law— Continued. Pomeroy, J. N. International law. 1886. Pratt, F. T. Contraband of war. Lond., 1861. Prize essays on a congress of nations. 1840. on international law. 1876. Puffendorff, S. International law. Carew's trans. Lond., 1729. De officio hominis et civis. 1682. Eamirez, Jose H. Codigo de los extranjeros. Mex., 1870. Reddie, J. Maritime int. law. 2 vols. Edin., 1844. Roberts, T. Admiralty and prize. 1869. Rohland, W. J. Das Internationale strafreclit. 1st ed. Leipzig, 1877. Rorer, D. Inter-state law. 1879. Savigny, F. C. v. Private int. law and conflict of laws. Guthrie. 1st ed. Edin. 1869. Same. 2d ed. Edin., 1880. Scj.rce and celebrated tracts. Vol. 1. Cabinet Library. Scliulze, H. Grundriss zu borlesungen iiber volkerreclit. Heidelberg. Scott, E. G. Inter-state law of Penn. 1871. ^ Spear, S. T. Extradition, international and inter-state. 1879. Sprague & Lacombe's prize essays. Lond., 1876. Sprague, A. P. Codification of public law. First of the "Prize Essays." Twiss, T. Law of nations. New ed. Oxford, 1884. Upton, F. H. Law of nations during war. 3d ed. 1863. Vattel, E. Law of nations. Trans. Dublin, 1792. Same. Ingraham's notes. 1870. Le droit des gens. 3 vols. Paris, 1838. Vazelhis, E. Etude sui I'extradition. Paris, 1877. Ward, R. History of the law of nations. 2 vols. Lond., 1795. Westlake, John. Private int. law. Lond., 1858. Wharton, F. International law digest. 3 vols. 1886. Wheaton, H. Elements of int. law. 2d ed., by Lawrence. 1863. Same. 8th ed., by R. H. Dana. 1866. Same. Eng. ed., by A. C. Boyd. Lond., 1878. Same. Fr. ed., by Lawrence. 3 vols. Leipzig. 1868. Wildman, R. Institutes of int. law in peace and war. 2 vols. Lond., 1849. Search, capture and prize. 1854. Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to the study of int. law. 2d ed. 1864. 76 San Francisco Law Library. International Law — Continued. Whewell, W. Translation of Grotius. 3 vols. Camb., 1853. Interrogatories. See Evidence; Discovery; Depositions, Sichel, W. S. and Chance, W. Interrogatories, produc- tion and inspection of documents. Lond., 1883. Intestacy. See Probate; Succession; Wills. Inventions. See Patents. Howson, H. & C. American patent system. 1877. Intoxicating Liquors. See Liquors. Investments. See Laio of Railways: Redfield. Iowa. See Criminal Laiv: Davis. Justices of the Peace: Conklin & Russell. Officers: Field. Probate: Herrick & Doxsee, Kagy, Porter. Italy. Law of. Filangieri, G. La scienza della legislazione. 6 vols, in 3. Milan, 1822. Jews. See Hebreivs; Mosaic Law. Joint Stock Companies. See Partnershi'p: Lindley; Ultra Vires: Brice. Cox, Ed. W. Joint stock companies. 7th ed. Lond., 1870. Root, J. P. Forms for organization of. 1872. Shelford, L. Law of joint stock companies. 2d ed. 1870. Stephen, C. H. Same. Toronto, 1880. Wordsworth, C. Same. 39, 40 Law Library. Judgments. See Liens; Supplementary Proceeding, Bingham, P. Law of judgments. 13 Law Library. Freeman, A. C. Law of judgments. 3d ed. 1881. Also Ist and 2d eds. Judgments against bankrupts. 1877. Hawkins, H. Warrants of atty. and orders for judgment. Lond., 1844. Herman, H. M. Estoppel and res judicata. 2 vols. 1886. Pigott, F. T. Foreign judgments. 2 pts. Lond., 1879, '81. Ram, J. Science of legal judgment. 1871. Seton, H. W. Forms of decrees in high courts of justice. 2 vols. 4th ed. Lond., 1877. Same. Am. ed., by F. F. Heard. 1884. Wells, J. C. Res adjudicata and stare decisis. 1878. Catalogue of Text Books. 77 Judicial Evidence. See Evidence: Bentham. Judicial Factors. See Factors: Thorns. Judicial Liability. Thorns, G. H. Judicial factors. 1859. Judicial Sales. See Executions. Freeman, A. C. Void judicial sales. I Monograph. Same, 2d ed. 1886. Eorer, D. Law of judicial sales. 2d ed. 1878. Juries. Adam, W. Jury trial in the court of sessions. Edin., 1836. Bentham, J. Art of packing juries. Lond., 1821. Donovan, J. W. Modern jury trials and advocates. 1881. Trial practice. 1888. Edwards, C. Jurvman's guide. 1831. Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury. 1852. ' Hirsh, H. Juries, their powers, duties and uses. 1879. Joy, H. H. Confessions and challenge of jurors. Dublin, 1842. Proffatt, J. Jury trial. 1876.^ Ram, J. Facts as subjects of inquiry by jury. 2d Am. ed. 1870. Sackett, F. Instruction to juries. 1881. Starkie. Essay on trial by jury. 1883. Thompson, S. D. Charging the jury. 1880. and Merriam, E. G. Juries. 1882. Wells, J. C. Questions of law and fact. 1876. Worthington, G. Inquiry into the power of juries. 29 Law Library. Jurisdiction. See Constitutional Law and Federal Practice; Justices of the Peace; Pleading and Practice. Ayckbourn, H. Jurisdiction of the supreme court of ju- dicature. Lond., 1874. Curtis, G. T. Jurisdiction of the U. S. courts. 1854. Du Ponceau, P. S. Dissertation on jurisdiction of the U. S. courts. 1824. Etting,T. M. Admiralty jurisdiction in America. 1879. Graham, D., Jun. Jurisdiction of courts of law and equity in New York. ^ 1839. Hawes, H. Jurisdiction. 1886. Hale, M. Jurisdiction of the house of lords. Lond., 1796. Law, S. D. Jurisdiction and powers of U.S. courts. 1852. Wells, J. C. Jurisdiction of courts. 1880. 78 San Francisco Law Library. Jurisprudence. See Medical Jurisprudence; and see titles American Law; Common Laio; Roman Law. Abbott, B. V. Year book of. 1880. Amos, S. Science of. Lond., 1872. Austin, J. Lectures on. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1873. Clarke's commentary on. Camb., 1883. Bacon, F. Laws of England. 5tli ed. 1760. Bishop, J. P. First book of the law. 1868. Broom, H. Philosophy of the law. 1876. Burlamaqui, J. J. Principles of natural and political law. 2 vols. 1832. Cohn, M. M. Growth of the law. 1882. Crabb, G. History of English law. 1st Am. ed. 1831. Dawson, G. Origin of laws. Lond., 1694. Filangieri, G. La scienza della legislazione. 6 vols, in 3. Milan, 1822. Heineccius, J. G. Law of nature and of nations. 2 vols. 1741. Heron, D. C. Introduction to the history of jurispru- dence. Lond., 1860. Hoffman, D. Course of legal study. 2d ed. 2 vols in 1. 1836. Holland, T. E. Elements of jurisprudence. 2d ed. Oxford, 1882. Ihrengs, K. von. Struggle for law. 1879. Johnson, W. F. Science of law. Dublin, 1870. Jones, S. Introduction to legal science. 1842. Lieber, F. Political ethics. 1838. Lindley, N. Introduction to jurisprudence. 1855. Same. 86 Law Library. Maine, H. S. Ancient law. IstAm. ed. 1870. Early history of institutions. 1875. Village communities. 1876. Early law and custom. Lond., 1883. Markby, W. Elements of law. 2d ed. 1874. Montesquieu, M. de. Spirit of the laws. M. D'Alem- bert's analysis. 2 vols. 1873. North, E. The study of the laws. Lond., 1824. Pearson, K. M. Law lectures. 1879. Piatt, W. H. Unity of the law. 1879. Pomeroy, J. N. Municipal law. 2d ed. 1883. Kobinson, C. English institutions. Vol. 1. 1882. W. C. Elementary law. 1882. Sterling, J. H. The philosophy of the law. 1872. Story, J. Discourse on the history and prospects of the law. Edin., 1835. Pamphlets. Catalogue of Text Books. 79 Jurisprudence — Continued. Terry, H. T. Anglo-American law. 1884. Washburne, E. Lectures on the study and practice of the law. 1871. jury Tria). See Juries, Justices of the Peace. Benedict, J. N.Y. civil and criminal justice. 5th ed. 1871. Bundy, C. S. Justice's manual. 1880. Burns' justice of the peace. 13th ed. 5 vols. Loud., 1869. Casey, J. J. Same. Melbourne, 1879. Conklin, C. H., and Eussell, J. B. Iowa justice of the peace. 2d ed. 1874. Cowen, E. Treatise on civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1879. Same. 7th ed. 1883. Hayden, C. N. Y. justices of the peace. 1850. Lambarde, W. Eirenarcha. Lond., 1619. Langdon, C. W. Justices' jurisdiction in the Pacific states and territories. And supplement to same. 1870, 1875. McDonald, D. Indiana justices of the peace and consta- ble. 1860. -Same. Davis' edition. 1871. Moore, I. M. Civil practice before Illinois justices. 1873. SayJes, J. Texas justice of the peace. 1867. Stanton, E. H. Kentucky same. 1867. Swan, J. E. Ohio same. 9th ed. 1871. Swan, J. E., and Plumb, P. B. Kansas same. 1872. Throop, M. H. Manual for New York justices. 1880. Tiffany, A. E. Michigan justice of the peace. 6th ed. 1875. Wait, W. Law and practice in justices' courts. 2 vols. 1871. Waterman, T. W. Justice of the peace under the code. 1849. Justinian. See Roman Law. Kansas See — Justices of the Peace: Swan and Plumb. Pleading: Nash. Kentucky. See — Executors and Administrators: Stanton. Justices of the Peace: Stanton. Officers: Allen. Pleading: Newman. 80 San Francisco Law Library. King's Bench. See Pleading and Practice, 11, 3. Hale, M. KiDg's bench and common pleas. See essay in Hargrave's law tracts. King's bench. Jurisdiction of in Wales. Harg. L. T. King's Inn. See Inns of Court. Labels. See Trade-marks, Land Laws. See Common Law; England; Real Property, Bergan, L. Swamp land laws. 1876. Copp, H. N. Public land laws. 2 vols. 1882. American settler's guide. 1880. Drake, E. B. Spanish grants. 1861. Donaldson, T. Public domain, its history, etc. 1884. Hobby, E. Land law of Texas. 1883. Huston, Chas. Land titles in Pennsylvania. 1849. Jones, J. Land office titles in Penn. 1850. Lester, W. W. Land laws and decision. 2 vols. 1860-70. Lewis, J. V. Leading cases on public land laws. 1879. Public land laws. /S'ee revised statutes relating to. 1876. Report public land commission. Ex. doc. 46. 46th Cong. 1880. Spaulding, G. W. On public lands. 1884. Sullivan, J. Land titles in Massachusetts. 1801. XJ. S. land laws. Local and temporary. 2 vols. 1884. Same. 2 vols. 1881. Wheeler, A. Land titles in San Francisco. 1852. White, J. M. Collection of charters and local ordinances of G. B., Fr. and Spain. 2 vols. 1839. Zabriskie, J. C. Land laws of the U. S., and supplement to 1876. 1870-78. Landlord and Tenant. Covenants; Distress; Fixtures. Andrews, H. B. Precedents of leases with notes. Lond., 1871. Archibald, J. F. Landlord and tenant. 53 Law Library. Bingham, A., and Colvin, A. J. Rents, covenants and conditions. 1857. Bradby, J. Law of distresses. 2d ed. 1833. Comyn, R. B. Landlord and tenant. 6 Law Library. Fawcett, W. M. Landlord and tenant. Lond., 1871. M'Adam, D. Same, with forms. 1876. Newton, I. Tables for purchasing leases. 8th ed. Lond., 1808. Piatt, T. Law of leases, with forms. 2 vols. Lond., 1847. Sloane, C. W. Landlord and tenant in N. Y. 1884. Catalogue of Text Books. 81 Landlord and Tenant — Continued. Smith, H., and Soden, T. S. Landlord and tenant. Lond., 1871. Taylor, J. N. Sawe. Sth ed., 2 vols., 1887; 7th ed., 1879; 5th ed., 1869. Townshend, J. Same. 3d ed. 1873. Wood, A. Same. 1881. Woodfall, W. Same. 12th ed., with precedents. Lond., 1881. Law of Nations. See International Law, Law of Nature. See International Laiu. Law Tracts. See Common Law; Elementary Law; Juris^ risprudence. Bacon, F. Law tracts. 2d ed. Savoy, 1841. Blackstone, W. Same. 2 vols. Oxford, 1762, Hargrave, F. Tracts on the laws of England. Lond., 1787. Selden, J. Same. Lond., 1683. Law Reform. Tracts on law reform. 1849. Lawyer. See Attorney and Client. Leases. See Landlord and Tenant. Leading Cases. See — Admiralty and Maritime Law: Tudor. Agency: Ross' commercial law. 3d vol. Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Register reports. Bills and Notes: Ames, Bigelow, Redfield and Bigelow, Ross' com. law, vol. 1. Carriers: Thompson. Circumstantial Evidence: Phillips. Commercial Law: Holcombe, Ross, Tudor. Common Law: Lawson, Smith. Contracts: Langdell. Constitutional Laiv: Thomas. Corporations: American corporation cases. Am. and Eng. corp. cases. Coverture: Ewell. Criminal Law; Am, Crim. Bpts. : Bennett & Heard, Green, Hawley, Horrigan & Thompson, Lawson, Wheeler. Damages: Sedgwick. Elections: Brightly, Hodgkins. Equity: Lawson, Tudor and White. 82 San Francisco Law Library. Leading Cases — Continued. Equity Pleading: LangdelL Gas Companies: Greenough. Infancy: Ewell. Insanity: Ewell, Lawson. Insolvency Reports. Insurance: Bennett, Bigelow and Eoss' commercial law, 3d vol. International Laio: Cobbett. Land Laws: Lewis. Mining: Blanchard and Weeks, Morrison. 31urder; See Supra Criminal Law, Negligence: Thompson. Officers: Thompson. Partnership: Ross, in 3d vol. commercial law. Patents: Banning and Arden, Carpmeal, Daves, Fisher, Whitman. Pleading: Ames, Finlason, LangdelL Probate: Ladd, Read. Railioays: Redfield; Railway cases; Railway reports. Real Properly: Sharswood and Budd. Sales: Langdell, Ross' commercial law, vol. 2. Self-defense: Horrigau and Thompson. Suretyship: Ross' commercial law, vol. 3. Telegraphs: Allen. Torts: Ames, Bigelow. Trade-marks: Cox; Price ^ ^^ THE -^^ 1. Bacon's life in times of. 2 vols, f/rr TOftVlTT? CJT mr Franklin, Ben. Bigelow's life of. 3 vols.VV ^ ^^^ ^ Si i^i^^L k Y Works and life of. Sparks. 10 vols. ' •• '. yj^^^^\ Same. Bi^elow. 5 vols. ^>::i/"OB»^^^^^ Ins. Co. Fifty years old. Frederick II. Lord Dover's life of. 2 vols. Free love and its votaries. Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution. Historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. Norman conquest. 6 vols. Ottoman power in Europe. Else of William Eufus. 2 vols. Fremont, J. C. Bigelow's memoirs of. Memoirs of my life. Yol. 1. First and second expedition. Froissart's chronicles. Froude. Short studies on great subjects. 2 vols. Oceana. History of England. 12 vols. Fry, J. B. Brevets in armies of G. B. and U. S. 1877. Furber. Twelve months volunteer. Gallardo. Eentas de la Corona. 7 vols. Gardner. Faiths of the world. 2 vols. Garfield. Hinsdale's work of. 2 vols. Gazetteer of the world. 6 vols. George, H. Progress and poverty. III. Belsham's memoirs of. 2 vols. — — Buckingham's Same. 2 vols. George lY. Same. 2 vols. Gerund, Friar. History of. 2 vols. Gibbon. Lives of pious women. 2 vols. E. Decline and fall of Eoman empire. Gibbons. United States debt. 276 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Gibson. Life among the convicts. 2 vols. Gilbart. Treatise on banking. Gilchrist. Life of William Blake. 2 vols. Gillet. Democracy in the U. S. Federal government. Gilray. Wright and Evans' caricatures. 2 vols. Gladstone. The Vatican decrees. Glaisher. Travels in the air. Gneist. English constitution. 2 vols. Godwin. History of the commonwealth. 4 vols. Goguet. Origin of laws. 3 vols. Goodell, W. American slave code. 2d ed. 1853. Goss. Melrose memorial. Gould. John Doe and Eichard Eoe. Grammont. Memoirs of. 3 vols. Grange movement. History of. Grant, U. S. Deming's life of. Grattan. Life of. 4 vols. Great Britain. Speed's history of. Greece. Curtin's history of. o vols. — — Grote's Same. 12 vols. Greeley, H. Parton's life of. Political economy. liecollections of a busy life. A. W. Three years of arctic service. 2 vols. Greene. Russian campaigns. 1877-8. Nathaniel. Simms' life of. Green leaf. Testimony of the evangelists. Greville. Grimke. Nature of free institutions. Griswold. Handbook of adjustments. Grosvenor. Does protection protect ? Grote. Aristotle. 2 vols. Guatemala. Montgomery's journey to. Guibourt. Courso completo de mineralogia. Guistinian's despatches. 2 vols. Guizot. /S'ee France. History of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. Halburton. Eule and misrule of the English in America. Halkett and Laiug. Dictionary of anonymous literature. 3 vols. Hall. Eetrospect of a long life. Hallam. Works. 10 vols. Halliwell. Letters of kings of England. 2 vols. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 277 General Miscellany — Continued. Halstead. National political conventions. Hamilton, A. Manual training. The federalist. 1866. ^Works of. Lodge. 10 vols. Life of. Lodge. A. H. A. Quarter sessions. J. C. The republic. 7 vols. Hampson. Debates, charters and customs. 2 vols. Hannibal. Whitaker's course of, over the Alps. 2 vols. Hansard. Parliamentary debates. Harper, H. G. Speech. Harris. Voyages and travels. 2 vols. Harrison, general W. H. Montgomery's life of. Hart. German universities. Treatise on oblique arches. Harvard university. Quincy's history of. 2 vols. Havens. Archselogy of the United States. Hawaiian Islands. Jarves' history of. Sandwich Island notes. Hawkins. Voyages. Hayden. Dictionary of dates. Hayes, A. A., jr. New Colorado and Santa Fe trail. Hazlett's Biographical collections. Collection and notes. Elizabethan literature. Handbook of popular literature. E. B. Howard's life of. JSead. Art of wheedling. Headley. Great riots of New York. Helper, H. R. Impending crisis of the south. Help, A. Thoughts on government. Henry, Patrick. Wirt's life of. Herodotus. Eawlinson. 4 vols. Egypt of. Rennell's geography of. 2 vols. Hill. Album of biography and art. Liberty and law. Hillebrand. German thought. Historical dictionary. See Bayles, Collier. Histoire des avanturiers filibustiers. 4 vols. History. See the various subjects. Universal. Ancient, 21 vols.; modern. 44 vols. Q^ vols. Lond., 1747-66. Clare, I. S. Illustrated universal. 1881. 278 San' Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Holbrook. Ten years among the mailbags. Holland and its people. De Amicis. Holmes. System of surgery. 5 vols. Homan. Bankers' almanac. 1878. Homes of American statesmen. Hone. Ancient mysteries. Hopkinson . Essays. 3 vols. Horton. Silver and gold. House of lords. Fifty years of. Hughes. Currency question. Huidekoper. Judaism at Eome. Hull, general. Campbell's life of. Humboldt. Works. 13 vols. Hume. Essay. 2 vols. Hurd. Theory of our national existence. Hurlburt. Human right. Hutchings. In the heart of the Sierras. Huxley. The cray fish. Illinois. Breese, S. Early history of. Ford, T. India. Bolin. Barcia. Historia Indias. 3 vols. De Alcedo. Diccionario Georg'o historic de las Indias occideutales. 5 vols. De la Puente. History of . Elliott. Memoirs of races of N. W. 2 vols. Herrera. Decadas de Indias. 5 vols. Immigration in. Indians. History of tribes. Mcintosh. Origin of North American, Penhallow, S. Wars of New England. 1859. Indian tribes. Schoolcraft. 5 vols. Internal revenue. Secrets of. International scientific series. 41 vols. Interference. Theory of government. Irrepressible conflict. Ireland. O'Flanagan. Lord chancellors of. 2 vols. Orators of. 7 vols. Plowden . History of. 3 vols. Iroquois. Morgan, L. H. League of the. 1857. Irving, W. Life and letters of. 3 vols. Life of. Warner. Works. 22 vols. Iss^s. Jones. Speeches of. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 279 General Miscellany— Continued. Italy. Galiffe. 2 vols. Guicciardini. 10 vols. Jackson, Andrew. Eaton's life of. Parton's life of. 3 vols. Constitutions of several states. Sumner's life of. Stonewall. Dabney's life of. Jalapa. Eivera. Histoire de. 5 vols. James I. Aikins' life of. 2 vols. — — Court and times of. 2 vols. James, Edwin. Expedition to the Rocky mountains. 3 vols. W. Military occurrences. Eevolution. 2 vols. Lond., 1818. Japan. Black's young. 2 vols. Bird. Unbeaten tracks in. Le Gendre. Progressive. Rein. Travels and researches in. Titsingli. Annals des empereur du. Jay, John. Life and writings of. 2 vols. Jeafferson. Book about the table. Brides and bridals. 2 vols. Jeanne D'Arc. Wallon. Jeanuette. Perry's. Yoyage of the. 2 vols. Jefferson, Thos. Works. 9 vols. Morse's life of. Randall's life of. 3 vols. Jeffrey, lord. Cockburn's life of. 2 vols. Jenkins' works. Jennings' anecdotal history of British parliament. Eighty years of republican government. Jerusalem. Recovery of. Jesse. Court of England. 3 vols. Jevons. Methods of social reform Jewitt. Narrative. Jews. Milman. History of. Madden. Jewish coinage. Johnson, Andrew. Memorial addresses on. Sam. Works. 12 vols. Boswell's life of. Oriental religions. Sir Wm. Stones' life of. 2 vols. Johnston, A. S. W. P. Johnson's life of. Joli, Guy. Memoirs of, and others. 3 vols. 280 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Jones, Paul. Sherburne's life of. Sir Wm. Teignmouth's life of. E. W. Money is power. Jonson, Ben. Works of. Jordan river and Dead sea. Lynch. Josephus. Whiston. Journalism. Hudson. History of, in America. Grant. Newspaper press. 3 vols. Hubbard. Newspaper and bank directory. 2 vols. Junius. Handwriting of. Woodfall. Graham's memoirs of Tooke. Karnes, lord. History of man. 2 vols. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Kane. Exploration. 1st and 2d voyages. 2 vols. Kansas and Nebraska.. Hale, E. E. Holloway, J. N. Phillips, W. Conquest of. Kay. Free trade in land. Kearney, Phil. History of. Kelley. Speeches and addresses. Kiddie and Schem. Cyclopedia of education. King. The great south. — — Wm. R. Obituary addresses on. Kinglake. Invasion of the Crimea. 6 vols. Kingsmill prison and prisoners. Kirk. Charles the Bold. 3 vols. Knights of Pythias' manual. Koran. Sala. Kossuth. Memoirs of my exile. Lacroix. Science and literature of the middle ages. Arts in the middle ages. La Fayette. Mack's life of. Lamartine. Celebrated characters. 3 vols. History of the restoration. 4 vols. Cromwell. Lamb, Chas. Works. 6 vols. Lamfrey. History of Napoleon. 4 vols. Lane. Lincoln's inn. La Perouse. Voyage in search of. Larco. His. del congress extraor'o constituyente. 2 vols. Lardner. Cabinet cyclopedia. 20 vols. Larwood. Story of the London parks. Lathbury. History of convocation. Catalogue of Miscellaneous "Works. 281 General Miscellany — Continued. Lathrop. Union league of Philadelphia. Lavalle. Physical, etc., geography. Lawson. History of banking. Lawyers. Portrait gallery of eminent. Lea. Superstition and force. Sacerdotal celibacy. Le Brun. Traite de la communante entre mari et femme. Lecky. Kationalism in Europe. 2 vols. History of European morals. Same. England in eighteenth century. 6 vols. Le Conte. Religion and science. Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the war. 2 vols. R. E. Cooke's life of. Same. Long's life of. Jones* personal reminiscences of. F. G. Glossary of liturgical terms. Leeds' treatise on ventilation, Leighton. Works. 2 vols. Lenormant. Chaldean magic. Leo 10th. Eoscoe's life of. 2 vols. Lettres edifiantes. 26 vols. Levinski. Bible. 3 vols. Lewes. History of philosophy. 2 vols. Lewin. History of savings banks. Lewis. Stratagems to defraud life insurance companies. Dio. Prohibition a failure. and Clark. Travels. 3 vols. Library of famous fiction. Liberal League. Report of organization of. Lieber. Civil liberty. Perry's life and letters of. Lincoln, Abraham. Bancroft, Geo. Memorial address on. Carpenter's six months with. Raymond's life of. Lindley and Moore. Treasury of botany. 2 vols. Livingston. Zambesi and its tributaries. Last journals. Locke. Works. 10 vols. Lommel. Nature of light. London. Doran. In the Jacobite times. 2 vols. Knight. 6 vols. Long. Decline of the Roman republic. 5 vols. Longfellow. Poets and poetry of Europe. Longinus. On the sublime. 282 San Francisco Law Library. General Misce)laiiy— Continued. Lopez. Vida, por Losa. Loyal songs against the rump parliament. 2 vols. Louisiana and Florida. French, B. F. 1st and 2d series. Gayarre, C. Spanish domination. 2d ed. Martin, F. X. Same. 2 vols. Lubbock, sir J. Origin of civilization. Ants, wasps and bees. Ludlow. Popular epics of the middle ages. Lusiad. Mickle. Lycia. Fellows' coins of ancient. Lyell. Antiquity of man. Principles of geology. 2 vols. Lyndhurst. Martin's life of. Macaulay, T. B. England. Miscellaneous works. 5 vols. Machiavelli. Works. 2 vols. Mackay. Memoirs of popular delusions. Mackenzie's voyages. Macleod, Norman. Memoirs by Dan. Macleod. 2 vols. Macready. Keminiscences and diaries. Madden. United Irishmen. 1st and 4th series. 4 vols. F. W. Jewish coinage. Madison, James. Life and times of. 3 vols. Writings of. 4 vols. Papers. 3 vols. Madox. Firma burgi. Magna charta. History and defense of. Thomson's historical essay on. Magyars, the. Patterson. 2 vols. Maimonides. Creed of the Jews. 2 vols. Mahaflfy. History of classical Greek literature. Malacca, etc. Thomson. Mallett. Life of lord Bacon. Malone. Authenticity of miscellaneous papers. Malthus on population. Mann . Paper money. Manx grammar. Kelly. Marcy. Army life on the border. Animal mechanism. Mariposa estate. Marmontel. Les Incas. 2 vols. Marryatt. Diary in America. Marsh. Bank bookkeeping, etc. Marshall. Naval biography and supplements. 8 vols. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 283 General Miscellany—CoNTiNUED. Martin. Life of the Prince Consort. 5 vols. Equation tables. Money of nations. Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. 2 vols. Maryland. Alsop G. — — Bozman, J. L. Massachusetts. Body of liberties. His. col. Vol. VIII. Minot, G. K. History of Massachusetts bay. 2 vols, in 1. Washijurne, E. Judicial history of. 1840. Mason, Jeremiah. Memoirs of. Masonry. California digest of Masonic law. General history of Free Masonry. — — Mackey. Encyclopedia of Same, Same. Masonic jurisprudence. Same. Book of the chapter. Proceedings of grand lodge of California. Vols. 1 to 15, inclusive. 15 vols. Maunder' s treasury of history. Same of natural history. Scientific and literary treasury. — —Biographical treasury. May. Democracy in Europe. 2 vols. Constitutional history of England. Mayhew. London labor and London poor. 3 vols. Criminal prisons of London. McCarthy. History of our own times. 4 vols. McClellan, E. G. Kepubiicanism in America. 1607-1869. 10th ed. 1879. Army of the Potomac. McClintock. Narrative. McCuilough. Commercial dictionary. McKean. Practical life tables. McPherson. History of reconstruction. Handbooks of politics. 1872-84. 7 vols. McQueen. Orator's touchstone. Meais' voyages. Mechanics. Appleton. Cyclopedia of applied. 2 vols. Mechanical dictionary. Knight. 3 vols. Melito, de. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Memorial addresses on. Eice, J. B; Crocker, A.; Hersey, S. F.; Hooper, S. Melvin, J. Journal of the expedition to Quebec. 1864. Metallurgy. Phillips. Elements of. Metternich, prince. Memoirs of. 4 aols. 284 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Mexico. A barrister's trip to. Brocklehurst. Mexico to-day. Cavo. Los tres sigilos de. Chevalier. 2 vols. CinciDnatus. Travels in. Cordilleras. — Coleccion de constitucones Mexicanos. 2 vols. — Costello. True history of conquests of. 2 vols. — Covarrubas. Instrucion pub'a en. -El gobinete Mexicano. 2 vols. Furber, G. C. Twelvemonths' volunteer. The war with. 1848. Hardy. Travels in the interior of. History de la revolution de Mexico de 1853-55. Kingsborough. Mexican antiquities. 9 vols. Latrobe. Eambles in. Lorenzana. Provincial councils in city of."^ 2^vols. Lyon. 2 vols. Notes on. Ober. Travels in. Ruxton. Adventures in. de Solis. Conquest of. 2 vols. Same. Historia de. Tarate. Papeles relativos a la intervention Francesa en. Thompson. Kecollection of. Ward. 2 vols. Mej^er. The organs of speech. Michelena y royas exploracion. Official. Michelet. History de France. Miscellaneous historical works. 6 vols. History of the revolution. 7 vols. Michigan. Sheldon, E. M. Early history of. Mickle. Lusiad. 2 vols. Might and right, by a Ehode Islander. Mill, J. S. Autobiography. Considerations on representative government. Dissertation and discussions. 5 vols. Liberty. Logic. Principles of political economy. 2 vols. Sir Wm. Hamilton's philosophy. Three essays on religion. Miller, J. Ship in the desert. Milman. History of Christianity. 3 vols. Same of Jews. 3 vols. Same of Latin Christianity. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 285 General Miscellany— Continued. Milton. Prose work. 5 vols. Viscount. San Juan water boundary. Mines. Callon. Cour professes a I'ecole des. 2 vols. Cours a I'ecole des; text and atlases. 4 vols. Minnesota and its resources. Bond, J. W. Minstrelsy of Scottish border. 3 vols. Mirabeau. Letters de cachet. 2 vols. Miranda. Expedition. Missionary voyages. 1796-8. Missouri. Barns, C, E. Commonwealth of. Mohammed. Life and religion of. Moliere . Dramatic works of. Yan Laun. 5 vols. MoUhausen. Journey. Monmouth. Eoberts' life of. 2 vols. Monroe. The people the sovereigns. Doctrine. Tuckerman. — — Oilman's life of. Montague, M. W. Works and letters. 2 vols. Montaigne. Hazlett's works of. Moore, F. Eebellion record. 12 vols. Morris, Gouverneur. Spark's life of. 3 vols. Morse, S. B. Prinn's life of. Morselii. Suicide. Morton, O. P. Memorial addresses on. Mosheim. Church history. Motley. Else of the Dutch republic. 3 vols. John of Barnveldt. 2 vols. O. W. Holmes' memoii-s of. Mulford. The nation. Muller, Max. Science of language. Wilhelm. Political history of recent times. Munoz. El libro del pueblo . Murdoch. The stage. Murray. Travels in North America. 2 vols. Myer. Tactics. Napier. Peninsular war. 6 vols. Napoleon. D'Abrantes' memoirs of. 2 vols. Lanfrey. History of Napoleon I. 5 vols. In exile. O'Meara. 2 vols. Ill in exile. Posthumous works of. The prisoner of Ham. Naquet. Legal chemistry. Nash. Crime and the family. Natick. Bacon. History of. 286 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. National portrait gallery. 4 vols. Navy. Boynton. History of the. 2 vols. Naval dry docks of the United States. Neander. Christian church. 2 vols. Christian life. Nebraska. Curley, E. A. Its advantages and drawbacks. Newcombe. Financial policy. New Granada. Holton. New Hampshire. Barstow, G. 2d ed. New Jersey. Mulford, J. S. History of. 1851. Whitehead, W. A. Under the proprietors. New Mexico. Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo, or. New South Wales. Industrial progress of. Newton, Isaac. Brewster's memoirs of. 2 vols. New York. Denton, D. In 1670. Furman's ed. Hough. Indian titles in. 2 vols. Documentary history of. 4 vols. Historical collection. New series. Yol. I. Living authors at the bar. -—-Miller, J. In 1695. Shea's ed. Niagara falls bridge and other papers. Lond., 1856. Nicholas. Conservative essays. Nicholson. Science of exchanges. Nicolas. Orders of knighthood. 4 vols. Nicolay. xS'ee civil war: Campaigns. Niebuhr's lectures on ancient history. 3 vols. Nordenskiold. Yoyage of the ** Yega." Nordhoff, C. California, Oregon and the Hawaiian Islands. Normandy and England. Palgrave, 4 vols. North, Eoger. Lives of the Norths. 3 vols. North America. Trollope, A. 2 vols. Lond., 1862. North Carolina. Jones. Defense of. Hawks. History of. 2 vols. Northington. Lord Henley's life of. Northcote and Brownlow. Koma solterranea. 2 vols. Nott and Glidden. Indigenous races. Novara. Yoyage of the. 3 vols. Norwalk. Hall, E. Nuremberg. Eeformacion der stadt. Nvstrom. Elements of mechanics. O Callaghan. History of the Irish brigade. Oraquill. Madame Jane Junk and Joe. . Oregon. Barrows. Dunn. The territory of. — — Gray, W. H. History of. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 287 General Miscellany — Continued. Oregon and California. Greenhow. Twiss, Dr. Oregon question. and Washington. Victor. Ormond, duke of. Life of James. 2 vols. Life of and letters. 3 vols. Oswald. Summerland sketches. Overall, Dictionary of chronology. Packard, Mrs. E. P. W. Modern persecution. 2 vols. Paley. Works. 8 vols. Palfrey. See civil war. Panama. Otis. Isthmus of. Pandora. Young. Voyages of. ^ Parker, Theo. Frothingham's life of. Parkman. Old regime in Canada. Pioneers of France in the new world. Parry. Parliaments of England. Parsons, T. Memoirs of. Partenoplex de Blois. Pascal's letters. Pascoe. Dramatic list. Patterson, E. Campaigns in the Shenandoah valley. 1861. Science of finance. Paulus Hook. Farrier, G. H. Centennial celebration battle. Penhallow. New England wars with Indians. Penn, Wm. Janney's life of. and Logan correspondence. 2 vols. Pepy. Diary. 4 vols. Percy. Eeliques. Perkins, F. B. The best reading. Perry. Elements of political economy. Persia. Watson. Historv of. Peru. Markham. Travels in. Squire. Petit. Leges Atticae. Lond., 1742. Pettigrew. Animal locomotion. Philadelphia. Leaders of the old bar of. Marten's bench and bar of. Philip. Alf von Dulmen's history of. 2 vols. Phillip II. Prescott's life of. 3 vols. Phillipines. Jager. Travels in. Phillips, L. B. Autograph album. Fundamental laws and constitutions. Henry. History of American paper currency. 2 vols* Pickering, Timothy. Upham's life of. 4 vols. 288 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Pike. Expedition. Pilkington. Dictionary of painters. 2 vols. Pindar. Works. 5 vols. Pinker ton. Molly Maguires. John. Voyages. 17 vols. Pio Sexto. Breve apostolico de. Madrid, 1781, Pitt. Stanhope's life of. 4 vols. Speeches. 4 vols. Planche. Extravaganzas. 5 vols. Plato. Bohn's ed. 6 vols. Pleader's guide. A didactic poem. Pollard. The lost cause. Polonius. A collection of wise saws. Polynesia. Turner. Nineteen years in. Pompeii. Dyer. Poor. Morey. Its laws and history. Porcher. Southern fields and forests. Torter. Journal. 2 vols. D. D. Naval history of the war. Portlock's voyages. Portugal. Kinsey. Seyner. History de Levantamiento de. Pothier. (Euvres. 11 vols. Pandectes. 24 vols. Coutumes d'Orleans. Prentice. Wit and humor. Prentiss, S. S. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Shield's life and times of. Prescott. Works. 12 vols. Prichard. Natural history of man. 2 vols. Proctor, B. W. Memoirs of. Proudbon. Crimes des rois de France. Crimes des reins de France. Prout, Father. Keliques. Prussia. Tuttle's history of. Pumpelly. Across America. Putnam, general. Cutter's life of. Hints for home reading. \ World's progress. Quincy, Josiah, jr. Life of. Speeches of. History of Harvard university. Jr. Memoirs of. Life of. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 289 General Miscellany — Continued. Babelais. Works of. 4 vols. Eailroad. Flint. Of the United States. Poor's manual of railroads of United States. ^ Vose, Densmore and Go. Railway supplies. Ealston, W. C. Memorial of. Eamiro. CoUecion de canons de la Inglesia. 6 vols. Eandolph, E. Vindication. John. Life of. Adams' life of. Eapins. 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