^>2^evL_ Tie: IE DESCENDANTS OP ENRY 3OU::> WHO CAME FROM ENGLAND IN 1639, COMPILED BY KKV. W. W. DOWD, A. M. HARTFORD, CONN.: PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY, 1885. PREFACE. In the summer of 1883, while conversing on our ancestors with one of the Dowd family, it was stated that only two links were wanting to make the chain of connection back to Henry Doude, who came from England in 1 639. In the search for these links, Guilford, Ct. (the place where Henry Doude originally settled), was visited, and access was given to the valuable genealogical records of all the first settlers of that town, now in possession of Dr. Alvin Talcott of that place, where the missing links were sup- plied. After finding the lineage perfect, my curiosity was aroused to see how far the whole line could be traced. I was not a little surprised to find that through the valuable record, mentioned above (to which I was kindly tendered free access), I could easily trace the first three generations complete and entire, and the fourth almost entire. This being accomplished so easily, and I being only of the eighth generation, I thought I would try to trace out the whole genealogy down to the present time. I little knew the magnitude of my undertaking. The first three or four genera- tions were of course quite limited in numbers, and as they lived in the time of the earliest settlements of the country, they did not scatter and could therefore be easily traced. But a little view of the numbers alone will give ,some conception of the difficulties. Beginning with our progenitor as alone constituting the first, the second contained eight, the third thirty-six, etc. The fact that the descendants are not confined to those who bear the name, increased the difficulty of following them. The amount of letter-writing has been enormous, and the impossibility of reaching facts which could be relied upon will readily appear to any who have under- taken any such work. It cannot be expected that the work will be found free from errors; still we have in all cases sought to record that which appeared the most reliable. Sterling character, kind dispositions, patriotic purposes, and such qualities of head IV DOWT) GKXEAI.OGY. and heart as make valuable citizens and impart a healthy moral sentiment to community, are marked characteristics of this line. The descendants of Henry Doude may be found in nearly every State and Territory in the Union, while one family resides in British Columbia, another in Italy, and another in Australia, as may be seen by referring to list headed " Geographical Distribu- tion." The address of many still living, I regret to say, has not been furnished. With hearty acknowledgments to all who have kindly aided in giving statistics for this work, and with the hope that you will deal gently with its defects and errors, I commit it to your keeping, trusting all may shun the errors and practice the virtues of our worthy ancestors. Your Friend and Kinsman, W. W. DOWD. PORT CHESTER, N\ Y., Aug. 4, 1885. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. Preface, ..... iii and iv Errata, ..... . vi Explanations and Suggestions, vii Generation I, .... 1 II, ... 3 Ill, 3 to 5 IV, 5 " 7 V, .... 7 " 15 VI, 15 28 VII, . 28 " 69 VIII, . 69 " 178 IX, 178 " 272 X, .... 272 " 286 War Record, .... 287 Appendix, ..... 288 Index of those of the Dowd name, 291 " 302 Index of those other than the Dowd name, 303 " 345 ERRATA. 5245. Thomas G. Richardson in. Minerva A. Richardson. There is no issue. 1618. Maria, wife of William Dowd, died July 12, 1885. 2427. Reuben Dowd died July 12, 1885. 1075. After going to press, authentic information was received that Clarissa (Doud) Bacon was not murdered. She had no issue. She was the second wife of Hon. Ebenezer Bacon, whose first 1 wife was murdered. 8481^. Jane 0. Penning was adopted by Rev. W. W. Dowd in 1864. She graduated in the North Granville Ladies' Seminary in 1868. Taught in the public school of the City of Meriden, Conn., from 1872 to 1879. She was born in 1849; m. 1879, Henry L. Mowry, and now resides in Greenwich, N. Y. She has no issue. EXPLANATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS. All names have a marginal number on the left of the name, but this number answers both for husband and wife. Above this column will be found the name of the parents, with their marginal numbers in full-faced figures in the center of the page. Finding the desired name in the Index, turn to it in the margin, and then find the number in the center of the page in the margin, and so on till it terminates in Henry Doude, the progenitor of the line, and you will have the ancestors of him you seek. If you seek the descendants, find the marginal number of him whose descend- ants you seek in the center of the page, and under it his children, and so on. In respect to the orthography of the name we find the "e" appended to Henry Doude's name in the paper signed by the planters on shipboard before landing in Guilford, Ct. We are uninformed how the sons wrote it. Some of the grandsons dropped the "e," but those who moved to the vicinity of Middle- town, Ct., retained it, as the town records indicate. We do not find it however appended to any in the IV Generation. All in the IV, V, VI, and VII Generations spelt the name "Doud." In the VIII Generation several of the branches changed the " u " to w" and it is retained thus by all who adopted it, except the descendants of 507, who have restored the "u,"now spelling it " Doud." We have indicated these changes so far as we were able by the orthography in the body of the work. We would also direct attention to those lines of which doubt exists, and also to those in the Appendix whose line has not been traced so that connection is made, and the author would invite correspondence in regard to them. Your attention is also called to the blank sheets interspersed in the work, and where you are familiar with the descendants of any branch, place his number in the next generation in which his marginal number is found, and then write the names of his children, with birth, etc. By following these suggestions an increased value will be given to the book year by year. HENRY DOUDE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. As we go backward into the illiterate ages of the world, we find the spelling of all names in confusion. The sounds of letters were not so well defined in early times as now. The printing of a name was very uncommon, and even the writing of it was rare com- pared with what business now requires. Hence there was little identity in the spelling. Different members of the same family would spell the family name differently, and even the same person would spell his own name differently at different times. The family name under consideration is no exception as to irregularity of spelling. The following is a list which seems probable, as to origin and derivations: Dow, Douw, Dowe, Dowed, Dowde, Doude, Dowd, Doud, Dodd. The w and the u seem to have been freely interchanged. An additional e is found appended, or, as would seem, an additional d, which makes its relation to Dodd quite probable. An instance of this change of name may be found in the Dow family, which settled in New Hampshire in early times, which, tradition says, and some of the descendants acknowledge, were nearly related to our progenitor and had the same origin: that is, they were brothers. This is given, not as reliable or authentic, but as a report, and the reader can take it for what it is worth. HENRY DOUDE is the progenitor of all the Dowds whose ancestors were in this country previous to 1776, as the compiler supposes, and for the following reasons: he has visited or corre- 2 DOWD GENEALOGY. sponded with every Dowd now living in the. country whose name or address he has obtained through the press, the correspondence of friends and relatives, or the directories of our large cities. And if the above assertion is not correct, he has yet to learn of the fact. Still, he does not claim that all who are of this line are here recorded, but he thinks it will not be difficult for any into whose hands this book may fall to ascertain his true place and position, if a descendant of the first Henry. Generations I, II, and III, are complete and entire. Of gene- ration IV, Joseph No. 11, son of Thomas 1st (supposed to have died in infancy), and Ebenezer No. 23, son of John by second wife, have been traced no further from inability to find data. They may have lived to maturity, or even old age, and died unmarried. We consider the record perfectly reliable for all descendants through generations I, II, and III. Of generation IV, it is also complete, with the exceptions of the descendants of those named above. Of generation V (of course those of descendants IV, named above, are understood to be omitted), Jeremiah No. 64, John No. 70, Ebenezer No. 85, are untraced in descendants. This is very nearly complete down to about 1750, or 135 years ago; say four generations. It cannot, therefore, be very difficult for anyone who becomes acquainted with this to find his connec- tion with this line, if he can ascertain his great-grandfather's and great-grandmother's names. GENERATION I. i. HENRY DOUDE came from Surrey or Kent County, Eng- land, in 1639 (probably Guildford, of Surrey County, seventeen miles southwest of London), with a colony under the Rev. Henry Whitfield, and settled in Guilford. Conn. He was located on land which lies about one-quarter mile from the northeast corner of the "Green," on the road extended, which passes up the east side of the " Green." It is not far distant from the house now occupied GENERATIONS II. AND III. 6 by William Dowd, one of his descendants. Whether he lived here at the time of his death or not, and where he was buried, is unknown. He was probably married before leaving England, as there is no record of the maiden name of his wife. Her Christian name was Elizabeth, and she died in 1713. Henry died in 1668, thirty years after landing. There is no record when Thomas, his oldest child, was born, nor is there any of some of the other children. GENERATION II. The children of HENRY and ELIZABETH ( as follows: 2 THOMAS, d. 1713, m. Ruth Johnson, d. 1713. 3 JOHN, b. 1650, d. 1712; m. 1679, (1) Sarah Tallman, (2) Mary Bartlett. 4 JACOB, b. 1653, s. 5 ELIZABETH, d. 1669, s. 6 JEREMIAH, d. 1668, s. 7 SARAH, m. John Bowers. 8 MARY, m. 1666, Samuel Hughes. 9 REBECCA, d. 1703; m. Daniel Evarts. GENERATION III. THOMAS, the eldest son of Henry, is supposed to have been born before leaving the old country, as no record is found of his birth. It might have been however, that early in the settlement, the colony had made no arrangement for a proper record of its births, deaths, and marriages. Thomas married RUTH JOHNSON, but when is not known, probably in 1678 or 1679. Both died in 1713. Thomas moved early to the east part of Guilford, % afterward known as East Guilford, and now known as Madison, and settled in what is now known as Liberty street. The underpinning of the log cabin he erected and occupied, has been discovered on a little knoll, just back or north of the house now known as the "Dowd " house. He probably noon built a better house about midway 4 DOWD GENEALOGY. between the "Dowd" house and the "Timothy Dowd " house, just east. Some now living remember the foundations of this original house. Thomas was evidently a man interested in the public weal, as we find his name appended to a petition to the society of Guilford to set off East Guilford as a society for their greater convenience in attending public, worship. The children of THOMAS and RUTH (JOHNSON) DOUD were as follows : 10 EBENEZER, b. 1680, d. 1680; s. 11 THOMAS (2d), b. 1684, d. 1711; ra. Silence Evarts. 12 JOSEPH, b. 1688. 13 ABRAHAM, b. 1691, d. 1758; m. 1712, (1) Jane Doud; 1748, (2) Phebe Kelsey. 14 MEHITABLE, b. 1694, d. 1745; s. JOHN, the second son of Henry, had a numerous family and settled in that part of Madison known as the Neck. He married for his first wife SARAH TALLMAN, who is supposed to have been a relative of Gov. Tallman, one of the early governors of Connecticut. She did not live long. Two children were the fruit of this union. 15 CORNELIUS (1st), b. 1680, d. 1727; m. 1707, Jane Hand. 16 JANE, b. 1682, d. 1748; m. 1712, Abraham Doud. The children by his second wife, MARY BARTLETT were as follows : 17 MARY, b. 1683; s. 18 JOHN (2d), b. 1691 ; in. 1636, Rebecca Higby. 19 JACOB, b. 1693, d. 1735; m. Elizabeth Cornwell. 20 DAVID, b. 1695, d. 1740; m. 1718, Mary CHrnwell. 21 ABRAHAM, b. 1697, d. 1781; m. Abigail Johnson. 22 ISAAC, b. 1700, d. 1769; m. 1725, Abigail Stevens. 23 HANNAH, b. 1703; m. Benjamin Acerly. 24 EBENEZER, b. 1706. 25 ELIZABETH, b. 1708; m. Edward Stocker. MARY- and SAMUEL HUGHES had five children as follows : 26 MARY HUGHES, b. 1667, d. 1676. 27 SAMUEL " 1). 1669, d. 1G70. 28 ELIZABETH" b. 1670, d. 1675. 29 MERCY " b. 1676, d. 1760; m. Nathaniel Bishop. 30 ABIGAIL " b. 1679, d. 1760; m. Nathaniel Parks. GENERATION IV. O o. REBECCA and DANIEL EVARTS had six children, four sons and two daughters. The descendants of these daughters of Henry, from the change of name and the remote time we have been unable to follow further. 40 HANNAH EVARTS, m. 1686, Thomas Stephens. 41 DANIEL " b. 1667. 43 JOHN b. 1669. 43 JAMES " b. 1672. 44 SARAH " b. 1675. 45 SAMUEL " b. 1681, d. 1692. GENERATION IV. 1 1. THOMAS, 2d, and SILENCE (EVARTS) DOUD evidently lived and died on the old homestead on what is now known as Liberty street. Their children were : 51 EBENEZEII, b. 1707, d. 1789; m. Mary (b. 1727, d. 1807). 52 JOSEPH, b. 1709, d. 1748; m. 1739, Mary Grimes. 53 SILENCE, b. 1712, d. 1793; m. Josiah Dudley (of Wm.). 13 and 16. Where ABRAHAM *and JANE DOUD settled, we have at present no means of determining. Their children were : 54 THOMAS, b. 1713, d. 1791; m. 1734, Patience Foster. 55 SAMUEL (1st), b. 1717, d. 1718. 56 ABRAHAM (2d), b. 1718, d. 1801; m. about 1744, Mary Bishop. 57 SAMUEL (2d), b. 1720, d. 1760; m. Mercy - . CORNELIUS, 1st, and JANE (HAND) DOUD probably occu- pied the old homestead on the Neck, and the records show him to have been a man of some prominence, and interested in .the tem- poral and spiritual well being of the community. He was active uring the formation of the Church Society in East Guilford (now Madison), Conn. His children were : 6 DOWD GENEALOGY. 58 JANNA, b. 1707,. d. 1792; m. 1735, Desire Cornwell. 59 CORNELIUS, b. 1710, d. 1713. 60 JANE, b. 1712; m. David Thompson. 61 THANKFUL, b. 1714. 62 RHODA, b. 1717; m. Josiah Wright. 63 'CORNELIUS (2d), | b. 1720; m. 1743, (1) Mehitable Bailey, (2) Eleanor r Ub. 64 JEREMIAH (twins), [ b. 1720, d. 1798. [Ludington. The records fail to give us any definite information in regard to the location of JOHN, 2d, and REBECCA (HIGBY), and the line has been exceedingly difficult to follow beyond that of his grandchildren. His children were: 65 ELIZABETH, b. 1738. 66 JOHN (3d), b. 1739, d. 1824; m. 1763, Elizabeth Norton, d. 1814. 67 REBECCA, b. 1740, d. 1797; m. Thomas Foote. 68 MARY, b. 1743. 69 PELEG, b. 1744, d. about 1806; m. Merab Ward. 10. We know less of the descendants of SERGT. JACOB and ELIZABETH (CORNWELL), than of any in this generation. His tombstone is in the old cemetery, Middletown, Conn. He was sent in the expedition to Canada, in 1709. He never regained his health. The first-born is supposed to have died in infancy, although there is no record of date of birth or death, and of JACOB 2d, the only other son there was no issue. This record closes with the following enumeration of nis children: 70 JOHN. 71 ELIZABETH, b. 1720, d. 1736; s. 72 ESTHER. 73 JACOB (2d), b. 1725; m. 1765, Mary Whitman (no issue). 74 SARAH. 75 RACHEL; m. Thomas Tibbals. 76 Lois. DAVID and MARY (CORNWELL), located in Middletown, Conn., where they raised a large family. Their children were: 77 CORNWELL, b. 1719, d. 1744. 78 DAVID (2cl), b. 1721 ; m. 1744, Sarah Turner. 79 RICHARD, b. 1724; m. 1746, Phebe Foster. GENERATION IV. 7 80 BENJAMIN, b. 1726; m. 1748, Azubah Hildridge. 81 MAKY. b. 1728, d. 1745; s. 82 DESIRE, b.'1730. 83 CAPT. GILES, b. 1735, d. 1776; m. 1757, Esther Bacon. 84 JANE, b. 1738. 85 EBENEZER, b. 1740. 21. ABRAHAM (of JOHN), probably lived on the Neck, although it cannot be ascertained with absolute certainty. His children were: 86 ZACHARY, b. 1716, d. 1796; m. Ruth - . 87 ABRAHAM, d. 1768; m. Mercy . 88 HANNAH. 89 ASA (1st,) b. 1720, d. 1818; m. Experience Stocker. ISAAC, 1st, moved from East Guilford or Madison to Middle- town, Conn., Society of Middlefield, and there brought up his family, as follows: 90 AMOS (1st), b. 1726; s. 91 CHLOE, b. 1727. 92 ISAAC (3d), b. 1730; m. 1754, Phebe Stow, 93 EZRA, b. 1732, d. about 1814; m. 1755, Mary Taylor. 94 ABIGAIL, b. 1735, d. 1736; s. 95 AMOS (3d), b. 1744; m. 1768, Sarah Norton. 96 ESTHER. Of HANNAH and BENJAMIN ACERLY'S descendants, we are unable to give any information. EBENEZER we have been unable to follow through his descendants. Yet there are a few lines which terminate abruptly which are inserted in an appropriate place, that would indicate that they are descendants of this Ebenezer. They are inserted in this work, believing that some one in whose hands the book may fall will be able to supply the missing link. We are ignorant of the descendants of ABIGAIL and EDWARD STOCKER. DOWD GENEALOGY. GENERATION" V. si. EBENEZER made his residence in Liberty street, or that part of Madison, Conn., known as Hammonassett. He was* a large land owner, but no stone has been found to mark his grave. The land was a broad belt extending from near the east end of Boston street, to near the Hammonassett river. Before his death he took his two sons, and riding on horse-back, directed the boys where to drive the stakes in a north and south line. Then said to Ebene- .zer, " The land on this side of the line joining these stakes is yours." To Timothy he said, "The land on that side is yours." This was his will. The bounds thus fixed are marked still. This real estate remained longer in one family than any other in the town of Madison, Conn. No record, is made of the maiden name of his wife. His family was small for those days. Indeed this branch of the family has never been as prolific as in the line of JOHN, the second son of HENRY. The children of EBENEZER 1st, were: 201 EBENEZER (2d), b. 1744, d. 1805; m. about 1765, Tamson Wilcox, b. 1747; d. 1820. 202 TIMOTHY (1st), b. 1747, d. 1824; m. about 1769, M$rcy Crampton. 203 LYDIA, b. 1748, d. 1753; s. JOSEPH, the second son of THOMAS, 2d, seems to have moved eastward by the direction which his descendants have taken, but whether he crossed the Hammonassett River within the bounds of Killingworth, now Clinton, is uncertain. Probably not, however. Although he had five children, he had but two sons to perpetuate the name. 204 PRUDENCE, b. 1739, d. 1814; m. James Hunger. 205 MARY, b. 1741 ; m. John Bradley. 206 SILENCE, b. 1743, d. 1763; m. James Bishop. 207 JOSEPH (2d), b. 1/44, d. 1809; m. about 1768, Mary Blatchley. 208 DIDYMUS, b. 1746, d. 1831; m. Molly Griswold. THOMAS of ABRAHAM, settled in the north part of the town of Madison. If his father was the one who first moved into the Wood's District and located west of the school-house, it would be GENERATION V. 9 very natural for the sons to extend northward. This location of Thomas would tend to confirm the statement in regard to the loca- tion of the father. It is hardly probable, however, that this Thomas moved within the limits of North Madison. Fosters lived in the north part of the Wood's District, and it is probable that Thomas settled in the vicinity of his wife's home. 219 EBER, b. 1735, d. 1776. 220 LEMUEL, b. 1737. 221 SARAH, b. 1743. 222 MOSES, b. 1744; m. 1767, (1) Lydia Foster, 1795, (2) Anna Nettleton. 223 JOB (1st), b. 1752, d. 1813; m. 1774, Lydia Wilcox. 224 THOMAS, d. 1776 ; s. Ik ABRAHAM, 2d, raised a large family. Two of his sons, Eber, and Lemuel, stirred with patriotism, joined the army in the Revolutionary War, and gave their lives for their country. The name could therefore only be perpetuated through the remaining two sons. 225 REUBEN, b. 1745, d. 1805; m Polly Griffin. 226 ANNA, b. 1747; m. Benjamin Bartlett. 227 RUTH, b. 1751 ; m. Phineas Dudley. 228 EBER, b. 1754, d. 1776, s. Died in the war. 229 OLIVE, b. 1757, d. 1835; m. Joseph. Wilcox. 230 HENRY . . >b. 1759, d. 1843; m. Abigail Dudley. 231 LEMUEL ( **>' \ b. 1759; d. 1776, s. ; died in the war. The maiden name of SAMUEL'S wife is not recorded. And not only are we unable to give the date of his marriage, but we are also unable to give the date of birth of his only son, and only child that lived to maturity. 232 SAMUEL (2d); m. Lydia 233 CHLOE, b. 1759, d. 1760. 58. JANNA having no male descendant, it is exceedingly difficult to trace the line, yet doubtless some of the descendants may find their ancestors through the name of the husbands of some of the daughters, given below. Whether Janna lived and died in Madi- son, I have not been able to ascertain. He lived to the ripe age of !Sf> years. His children were: 10 DOWD GENEALOGY". 234 DESIRE, b. 1736, d. 1797; m. Amos Hotchkiss. 235 NOAH, b. 1738, d. 1742; s. 236 AMY, b. 1740. 237 SUBMIT, b. 1742; m. Minard Cockhard. 238 JANNA (2d), b. 1745, d. 1767; s. 239 MILLICENT, b. 1747. 240 RACHEL, b. 1749, d. 1774; s. OS. CORNELIUS, 2d, seems to have been migratory in his nature. He early moved to Goshen, then Norfolk, Conn. Afterward he moved to Tyringham, or Monterey, Mass. It is recorded of him that he bought 600 acres of land for three beaver hats. Not satisfied with his landed possessions, he bought another tract for the price of a colt. He was probably the first of the Douds that located in Berkshire County, Mass. Although all of that name now residents in that county are not his descendants, other fami- lies of the original Henry, from Madison, joining them and locating there, yet most of them can claim him as their ancestor. This is the most prolific branch of the Doud family. Had he been a prophet, he might with great aptness, like Leah, of Bible times, have named his first born Gad, or "a troop cometh." From his migratory character it has been difficult to reach satisfactory results. " Thankful " is found in the church records of Monterey, but whether his sister or his daughter we have not been able to ascertain. His daughter Thankful, I am credibly informed, had eighteen children; one only reached maturity. Over 350 of his descendants are recorded in this work. And all have been born within 140 years. The following are the children in order, as near as can be ascertained, by MEHITABLE BAILEY his first wife: 261 MABEL, b. 1744; m. Norton. 262 HEPZIBAH, b. 1746. 263 NATHANIEL BAILEY, b. 1748, d. 1821; m. 1769, Beulah Merrill. 264 CONTENT, b. 1751. 265 SOLOMON; m. Phebe Thompson. 266 THANKFUL; m. Samuel Webb. BY ELEANOR LUDINGTON. 267 CHANDLER; married twice, no issue. 268 MARCENA, b. 1761, d. 1846; m. 1782, Lydia Gasper. 269 NOAH (1st), d. 1841; m. 1786, Mehitable Markham. 270 THEODORE. 271 A DAUGHTER, b. 1770, d. 1777. GENERATION V. 11 The year of birth and death is all that is known of JEREMIAH. He lived to be 78 years old, and it is reasonable to suppose that he never married, as it would have been as likely to be recorded as the date of his death. 66. The line of JOHN, 3d, closes with the following enumeration of his children, all of them being daughters. Efforts have been made to find some of the descendants but they were all unavailing. His children were : 291 DIANTHA, b. 1764; m. Eber Norton. 292 ETHORY, b. 1766, d. 1766; s. 293 INFANT, b. 1763, d. 1768. 294 AURELIA, b. 1769; m. Daniel Rice. 295 INFANT, b. 1771, d. 1771. 296 BETSEY, b. 1772; m. Thaddeus Stanley. 297 RACHEL, b. 1774; m. Jonathan Humphrey. 298 HULDAH, b. 1776; m. Aaron Munson. 299 INFANT, b. 1779, d. 1779. 300 MARAVA, b. 1781, d. 1831; s. 301 CHARLOTTE, b. 1784; m. Israel North. 302 OLIVE, b. 1786; m. Elizur Hinsdale. 6O. PELEG settled in Killingworth, now Clinton. How long he resided there we are uninformed, but we find he moved into western N. Y. while his family was young, as like Peleg of old, it was with him the lands were divided, although perhaps, they were not " isles." ' 326 LEWERSHA, b. 1752. 327 MERAB, b. 1754; m. -- Botsford. 328 JOHN, b. 1756; s. i knied . ^ fl Hubbardton, Vt. 329 WARREN, b. 1760; s. J 330 SEYMOUR, b. 1762, d. about 1806; m. - Jewel. 331 PELEG (2d), b. 1764, d. 1849; m. Isabelle Rumsey. 332 REBECCA, b. 1767; m. - Carter. 333 EDWARD, b. 1769, d. 1848; m. 1788, Content Fuller, b. 1758, d. 1851. 334 ZINEG; m. Sally Hamden. 335 MAREALA. 336 BETSEY; m. - Burke. 337 ASENATH; m. - -Rumsey. 12 DOWD GENEALOGY. 58. DAVID, 2d, resided for a time in Middletown, Conn., and reared his family there, but whether or not he died there we have no means of knowing. His eldest son and eldest daughter died in infancy, and we do not know that the remaining two daughters were ever married. 401 CORNWALL, b. 1745, d. 1748. 402 HANNAH (1st), b. 1747, d. 1748. 403 HANNAH (2d), b. 1749. 404 SARAH, b. 1751. RICHARD, 1st, remained in Middletown, his native town, and he may have died there, although some of his children moved into Massachusetts. The following were his children: 405 DANIEL (1st), b. 1746, d 1775; m. 1769, (1) Mary Driggs. 406 MARY, b. 1748. 406| OLIVE, m. Daniel Clark. 407 RHODA, b. 1750. 408 CORNWELL, b. 1753, d. 1821; m. 1777, Eunice Gaylord. 409 SETH, b. 1755; m. 1784, Susan Warner. 410 RICHARD (2d), b. 1757, d. 1823; m. 1783, Rebecca Savage. 411 PHEBE, b. 1759; m. Samuel Wilcox. 412 BENJAMIN, b. 1761; m. 1782, Mary Savage. 413 RENE, b. 1763; m. (1) Cornwell; (2) Ebenezer Roberts. 414 ANNA, b. 1765; m. Israel Wilcox. 80. BENJAMIN had but one child. 415 JERUSHA, married Dea. Israel Bunnell. No dates are given in con- nection with her. 83. CAPT. GILES was in the expedition to Canada, and at the battle of Quebec. He and his company took part in scaling the heights of Abraham. While returning from the campaign, the scourge of small-pox broke out among the troops and he, in his unceasing efforts to relieve the sufferings of the soldiers, fell a victim to the disease and died at Crown Point, N. Y. He was a native of Middletown, Conn., and married ESTHER BACON of the same place. The Hon. Sylvester Doud of New Haven, Vt., GENERATION V. 13 can verify the above with the ancient documents. We are indebted to him, and others of this family still residing in Vermont, for most of the information contained in this sketch. 421 ESTHER, b. 1758; m. 1775, John Brewer. 422 ANNE (1st), ) b. 1760, d. 1762. 423 DAVID (1st), j b. 1760, d. 1760. 424 ANNE, b. 1763; m. Seth Langdon. 425 DAVID (2d), b. 1765, d. 1812; m. - - Langdon, or Milly Chapin. 426 GILES (2d), b. 1767, d. 1853; ra. 1786, Rhoda Scovil. 427 ELECTA, b. 1769, d. 1849; m. 1792, Grant Prime, b. 1766, d. 1861. 428 JOEL, b. 1771 ; m. 1793, Sally Johnson. 429 SILAS, b. 1773, d. 1826; m. 1792, Irena Scovil, b. 1770, d. 1870. 430 ISAAC, b. 1775, d. 1812. EBENEZER of DAVID and MARY CORN WELL DOUD of Middletown, Conn., is supposed to have been the father of the following, and we know not of how many more. We wish it distinctly understood that the descendants following down from this point in this line are supposed, not positive. There are certain indications which seem to warrant this conclusion; such as, simi- larity of names, and tradition that they came from Massachusetts. Elihu died at Pittsford, N. Y. It is possible, however, that they may be of an entirely distinct race. A careful examination of this record will show, that as Elihu was born about 1765, and as all the descendants are traced through the first four generations who could have been his ancestor, except Ebenezer (24), Jeremiah (64), John (70), and Ebenezer (85), he must have been from one of these, if descended from the original Henry. The probabilities point strongly to this Ebenezer, and we shall assume it, with the understanding that the connection is not made in reality, and must be authenticated before it can be considered perfectly reliable. The following is reported of this branch, but all of the descend- ants following are of Elihu. The names are : 440 ' ELIHU, b. 1765, d. 1835; m. (1) Sarah Hall, (2) Susannah Barnes. 441 ISAAC, settled on Yicanac Creek, Penn. 442 PHEBE, b. in Lima, N. Y., married - Barlow. 443 ANOTHER SISTER, b. in Woodstock, N. Y. 14 DOWD GENEALOGY. 80. The children of ZACHARY, 1st, were as follows: 451 SUSANNA, b. 1749; m. Gilbert Crutenden. 452 ZACHARY (3d), b. 1750, d. 1805; m. 1780, Mary Kilborn. 453 RUTH, b. 1756; m. Timothy Stevens. 454 SOLOMON, b. 1760; m. (1) Polly Stevens; 1791, (2) Abigail Thompson; (3) Abigail Keoff. 455 JONATHAN, b. 1760, d. 1760; s. ABRAHAM of ABRAHAM, had the following children: 456 DAVID, b. 1755. 457 JEHIEL, b. 1757. 458 ABIGAIL J., b. 1759, d. 1761; s. 459 ABIGAIL J., b. 1763. 80. ASA (1st,) had two sons, as follows: 466 ASA (2d), b. 1748; d. 1813; m. (1) Martha Turner; (2) Hannah Tooley. 467 MILES, b. 1755, d. 1817; m. Temperance Griswold. ISAAC, 2d, had one son who was styled "The Giant." Once, while drawing a load of charcoal down the mountain in Berkshire, County, Mass., one of the neap oxen became loose from the yoke, and Israel seized the end of the yoke and performed the part of the loosened ox, in guiding and holding back the load till he reached the foot of the mountain. So laborious and difficult was the feat that the soles of his boots were both torn off in the descent. Ever after he was known by the soubriquet of " The Giant." The last trace we have of him is that he went out in the vicinity of Syracuse, N. Y., with a view of purchasing a saw-mill, and all further trace of him is lost. 476 ISRAEL, b. 1755. 03. EZRA of Middletown, Conn., had the following family: 477 CHLOE, b. 1756, d. 1757; s. 478 STEPHEN, b. 1758, d. 1823; m. Rachel Broughton, b. 1759, d. 1847. 479 MARY, b. 1760. GENERATION VI. 15 The children of AMOS were: 480 JOHN, b. 1770, d. 1825; m. (1) Concurrence Seward, d, 1809; (2) Susan Walter, d. 1838. 481 DAVID. 482 ABIGAIL. 483 SARAH. 484 MILLY. GENERATION YI. soi. EBENEZER, 2d, in the division of lands of his father, received the homestead in Hammonassett, where he raised his family of eight boys. It was remarked of these boys by Capt. Timothy Field that their equal was not to be found in Madison. Ebenezer was a farmer. He was an officer in the Revolutionary War, and was in the war about seven years. His hardships in war brought on the rheumatism, which incapacitated him for labor for many years before his death. His children were: 500. AUGUSTUS, b. 1766; m. - Tupper. 501 BILLY, b. 1768, d. 1830; m. 1793, Rebecca Graves, b. 1771, d. 1857. 502 LUTHER, b. 1771, d. 1820; m. 1793, Mina Field, b. 1773, d. 1843. 503 ORRIN, b. 1773, d. 1820; m. 1800, Rachel Graves, d. 1802. 504 AMASA, b. 1775; s. ; died south. 505 JULIUS, b. 1779, d. 1836; m. Clarissa Stone, b. 1782, d. 1832. 506 GALEN (1), b. 1781, d. 1782; s. 507 GALEN (2), b. 1783, d. 1851 ; m. 1812, Mary Ward. 508 BENJAMIN, b. 1786, d. 1845; m. 1808, Anna Wheaton, d. 1841. SOS. TIMOTHY, 1st, shared with his brother, Ebenezer, 2d, in the real estate left by his father, and built on land adjoining the homestead, but to the westward. The (Doud) house now stand- ing not far from the east end of Boston street is probably the one built by him. Many of the older residents of Madison remember him still. Besides the two sons recorded below, I am 16 DOWD GENEALOGY. credibly informed there was a daughter who married a man by the name of Benjamin, who moved to New Durham, N. Y., and nothing more is known of her. As I can find no town of that name in New York State, there is probably some error in her location. Timothy, 1st, children were: 509 TIMOTHY (3d), b. 1770, d. 1836; m. Sarah Hunger, b. 1766, d. 1843. 510 HUBBARD, b. 1775, d. 1847; m. (1) Temperance Kelsey; (2) Phebe Hull, b. 1795, d. 1882. 511 POLLY; m. David Benjamin. SO4. SOS. SO6. Of the daughters of Joseph, 1st, this record is silent, but doubt- less many of the Hungers, Bradleys, and Bishops into whose hands this book may fall may trace their ancestor to this same Joseph, 1 st. SOT'. JOSEPH, 2d, married MARY BLATCHLEY, who seems to have been a woman of excellent standing and of good family. Miss Mary Dowd, daughter of William Dowd of New York city, has in her possession a set of silver spoons which have descended to her through the Marys in direct line from this Mary Blatchley. The children of Joseph, 2d, were: 530 RUSSELL, b. 1769; m. 1794, Phebe Hurd. 531 JOSEPH (3d), b. 1773, d. 1854; m. (1) Polly Willard ; 1816, (2) Susanna Hill; 1820, (3) Polly Dutton, b. 1785, d. 1881. 532 EUNICE, b. 1778, d. 1846; m. 1798, Abel Cramton. 533 LYMAN, b. 1783, d. 1852; m. (1) Fannie Grifflng; (2) Hannah Eng- lish Law. 534 POLLY, b. 1789; d. 1859,' m. 1806, Heman Coe. SOS. DIDYMUS lived and died in Madison. One son and two daughters were born to him. His grave may be seen in the West burying-ground in his native town. His children were: 535 GILES, b. 1775; m. Olive Brown. 536 CYNTHIA, b. 1773, d. 1845; m. 1799, (1) Pierson Evarts; (2) Deacon Daniel Platt. 537 SILENCE; m. James Crampton. GENERATION VI. 17 S 1 O. 22O. 22 1 . Of EBER and LEMUEL, of THOMAS of ABRAHAM, little has been ascertained, except that Eber died in 1776, but whether in the war or not is not known, or whether he was married or not. Of Lemuel not even when he died has been ascertained. The same is true of the daughter Sarah. 222. MOSES had twelve children. Nine by the first, and three by the second wife. Five are known to have died young. His children were as follows: BY LYDIA (FOSTER). 600 JOEL (1st), b. 1768, d. 1768; s. 601 CHLOE, b. 1769; m. Nathaniel Dudley. 602 SAMUEL, b. 1772. 603 JOEL (3d), b. 1774, d. 1774; s. 604 HANNAH, b. 1775; m. Nathaniel Dudley. 605 Lois, b. 1778, d. 1781 ; s. 606 SIBA, b. 1781, d. 1793; s. 607 WILLIAM, b. 1783, d. 1786; s. 608 RUFUS, b. 1786, d. 1868; m. 1808, (1) Rebecca Bishop; (2) Betsey Bishop. BY ANNA NETTLETON. 609 LEMUEL. 610 LEWIS. 611 SYLVIA LUCRETIA, b. 1814; m. Chauncey Crook. 223. JOB, 1st, although he had a family of nine, all but one reaching maturity still his descendants are only from his four sons. Two of the daughters never married, and the other two daughters had no issue. His children were: 612 EUNICE, b. 1775, d. 1863; s. 613 DAVID, b. 1777, d. 1856; m. (1) Sarah Bishop; (2) Dency (Baldwin) Wilcox. * 614 ELEANOR (no issue), b. 1779 ; m. Constantia Seymour. 615 PATIENCE, b. 1781, d. 1851; s. 616 LYDIA, b. 1783, d. 1870; m. Stephen Bartlett. 617 JOB (2d), b. 1785, d. 1864; m. 1810, (1) Rebecca Hill, d. 1846; 1848, (2) Sarah (Dixon) Meecham; 1858, (3) Lucinda Moore, d. 1866. 618 THOMAS (1st), b. 1787, d. 1787; s. 619 THOMAS (3d), b. 1789, d. 1874; m. Polly Bartlett. 620 EZRA. b. 1792, d. 1871; m. 1839, Abigail Calhoun. 18 DOWD GENEALOGY. THOMAS of THOMAS, evidently died young. The descendants of REUBEN were widely scattered, and it has been with much difficulty that the line has been followed at all, to say nothing of the imperfect condition in which it still remains. His children were: 621 EBER, b. 1784, d. 1853; m. 1809, Eleanor Carmer. 622 GAYLORD, war of 1812, b. 1788, d. 1853; m. 1808, Phebe Bailey. 623 Lois, b. 1780, d. 1847; m. Nathaniel Harrington, b. 1777, d. 1850. 624 TRUMAN, b. 1784, d. 1828; m. 1809, Rhoda Hotchkiss. 625 AZUBAH, b. 1790, d. 1862; m. 1814, Rev. Ithamar Ketchum. 626 POLLY, b. 1791, d. 1856; m. 1810, (I) Ezra Walton; 1841, (2) Jona- than Whitney. 627 VESTA, b. 1793, 'd. 1861; m. 1810, Samuel Hitchcock. 628 HENRY, b. 1798, d. 1868; s. 629 REUBEN G., b. 1800, d. 1870; m. 1824, Betsey McGraw, b. 1802, d. 1879. EBER was in the War of the Revolution, and died for his country. OLIVE married JOSEPH WILCOX, and most of her descend- ants now living still reside in the. native town of Madison, Conn. 641 ZENAS WILCOX, b. 1794, d. 1873; m. 1820, (1) Betsey Whedon; 1824, (2) Louisa Meigs. 642 OLIVE WILCOX, b. 1791, d. 1864; m. Abraham Cadwell, b. 1791, d. 1874. 643 ROXANA WILCOX; m. Joel Post. . 644 ANNA WILCOX, (no issue), d. 1869; m. William Scranton. 645 ABEL WILCOX, b. 1788, d. 1844; m. 1814, Anna Field, b. 1787, d. 1861. 646 PRUDENCE WILCOX, b. 1784, d. 1872; m. 1815, John F. Meigs. HENRY located in the north part of the Woods' District, in Madison, Conn., and cultivated a nice farm, which his children retained and improved. They were a thrifty family, industrious and frugal, and those still living are in comfortable circumstances. GENERATION VI. 19 They all lived together on the old homestead, and none of them ever married. The following is the record: 647 BETSEY, b. 1796, d. 1868; s. 648 LEMUEL W., b. 1800; s. 649 ABRAHAM AUGUSTUS, b. 1803, d. 1883 ; s. 650 WILLIAM H., b. 1805; s. 651 GEORGE M., b. 1808, d. 1882; s. SAMUEL, 2d, had no boys, and but two daughters that lived to maturity. All our information of them is contained in the follow- ing record: 652 PHEBE, b. 1764. 653 JEMIMA (1st), b. 1766, d. 1767. 654 JEMIMA (3d), b. 1768. NATHANIEL B. was a man of a good degree of prominence, of strong character, and exerted a good deal of influence in Berk- shire County, Mass. His liberality, kind-heartedness, and Chris- tian bearing, won for him the esteem and affection of ail who knew him. In early days, his family were once in need of bread. He walked twenty miles, mowed all day, received a bushel of corn for pay, then shouldered it, and walked home the same night. He was never sick a day. Was a carpenter by trade. On the day of his death was chopping wood; he raised the axe for a blow, but fell dead before the axe descended. His children we're: 750 NATHANIEL B., b. 1770, d. 1794; s. 751 CAPT. SYLVESTER, b. 1772, d. 1837; m. Esther Morse. 752 ASAHEL (1st), b. 1774, d. 1855; m. 1798, (1) Tabitha Pease; 1841, (2) Polly Shepherd. 753 HEMAN (1st), b. 1776, d. 1817; m. 1799, Charlotte Bishop, b. 1779, d. 1838. 754 ELIZABETH, b. 1778, d. 1847; m. John C. Barber. 755 ZERAH, b. 1782, d. 1834; m. (1) Esther Hawley, (2) Esther Chappel, b. 1789, d. 1840. 756 DANIEL, b. 1784, d. 1788; s. 757 TIIEDA, b. 1787, d. 1844 ;'m. 1809, Joseph Dowd (see 319). 758 TRUMAN (1st), b. 1789, d. 1790; s. 759 TRUMAN (2d), b. 1791, d. 1864; m. Phebe Smith. 760 AMY, b. 1795, d. 1798; s. 20 DOWD GENEALOGY. SOLOMON is reported as having moved to Illinois, where he had one son, and perhaps more. It is said this son "Lent," was for a time at school at the military academy at West Point. The destruction of some of the early records of this institution makes it impossible to authenticate this, as the ' Commandant " has kindly and diligently made search by request, and been unable to find any trace. As it must have been in the vicinity of sixty years ago, this may not be strange. He may have had other children, but we have failed to discover them. In the town* records of Tyringham, Mass., it is recorded that Lieut. Dowd died there in 1775. It could hardly have been this son of Solomon. We have barely the name, (770.) "LENT," without any dates whatever, and without any further knowledge than what is recorded in this sketch. MARCENA lived and died in Berkshire Co.. Mass. He was a man much respected, and was esteemed a kind neighbor, and a devoted Christian gentleman. The record of his family are not as complete in dates as we desire, still, they are pretty complete records of the descendants down to, and including the present time : 790 JOSEPH, b. 1786, d. 1864; m. 1809, (1) Theda Dowd (see 315); 1845, (2) Lydia Davison; 1851, (3) Maria Chapin. 791 STEPHEN, b. 1789, d. 1808; s. 792 CHESTER, b. 1791, d. 1852; m. 1814, Mary Horey. 793 ANA, b. 1793, d. about 1860; s. 794 LESTER, b. 1795, d. 1866; m. 1823, Parma Treat, b. 1796, d. 1882, of Hartford, Conn. 795 VASHTI, b. 1797, d. about 1820; s. 790 LAVINIA, b. 1799, d. 1879; m. 1825, Caleb Parks. 797 LYDTA, b. 1801, d. about 1820; s. CHANDLER, in his early days, joined the army of the Revolu- tion, and after the close of the war settled in the South. Though somewhat wayward in his youth, he became converted and entered into the active ministry, later in life. Many incidents are related of him which we do not care to chronicle. He had two wive.-, both from the South, but no children. We are unable to record either the time or the pla*;e of his death-. GENERATION VI. 21 It is to be deeply regretted that the defects of dates for the children of CORNELIUS, 2d, are so numerous, yet the most diligent and painstaking research has failed to reveal them. We have not the date of birth of Noah, 1st, but it was probably about 1766. He lived and died in Tyringham, Mass. 798 NOAH (2d), b. 1788, d. 1868; m. about 1815, Leva Green. 799 MEHITABEL, b. 1790, d. about 1843; s. 800 SELAH, b. 1792, d. 1880; m. Betsey - 801 CORNELIUS, b. about 1795, d. 1848; s. 802 ADONIRAM, b. about 1798, d. 1854; s. 803 ANNA (no issue), b. 1800, d. 1882; m. 1836, Elisba Markkam. 804 AMOS, d. 1838; m. 1835,- Sophia Dunham. 805 RACHEL LAVINIA, b. 1811, d. 1869; m. 1831, Ira Markbam. THEODORE moved to the vicinity of Homer. N. Y. He had five children, but as only one married, his name is borne up only by this son's descendants. 806 ELI, b. 1794, d. 1840; s. 807 HIRAM, b. 1796. d. 1830; m. 1825, Phebe A. Corey. 808 LENT, b. 1798, d. 1854; s. 809 BETSEY, b. 1800, d. 1868; s. 810 SAMUEL, b. 1820, d. 1850; s. 291 to 302 were all daughters, and we have been unable to follow their record. Of 326 we know nothing, and of 327 we only know that she married a BOTSFORD. 328 and 329. JOHN and WARREN were soldiers in the Revolutionary War, and were both killed in battle at Hubbardton, Vt. 33O. SEYMOUR, as near as I can learn, settled in Central New York, but I have only been able to learn that he had two sons, without any further information of them or their descendants. 1000 JAMES. 1001 JESSE. 331. PELEG, 2d, and ISABELLA (RUMSEY) DOUD; we are uninformed as to their place of residence. They had ten children, 22 DOWD GENEALOGY. but their record is very incomplete and unsatisfactory. The enumeration of the children may be found below : 1002 P. HENRY, b. 1800; m. 1823, Louisa Hayden. 1003 MUNSON, b. 1803, d. 1884; m. 1825, Phebe Hayden. 1004 PELEG (3d), b. 1810; m. Amanda Packard. 1005 RIPLEYH., b. 1813; m. Joanna Hill. 1006 ATELIA, d. ; s. 1007 SALLY, d. ; m. John Gray. 1008 BETSEY, d. ; m. R. Webster. 1009 LOIIENA, d. ; m. James Gray. 1010 ANNA, d. ; m. James Cudworth. 1011 LTJCINA, d. ; m. Levi Rexford. All that is known of REBECCA is that she married a Carter. 333. We know the family of EDWARD, but have very little further knowledge in regard to him. 1020 JOHN, b. 1792; m. Charlotte Trail. 1020^ EBEN, b. 1793, d. 1874; m. Polly Couch. 1021 ORRIN, b. 1796, d. 1875; m. Sally Phillips. 1021 BENJAMIN, b. 1798, d. 1857; m. (1) Susan Williams; (2) -- . 1022 JAMES, b. 1801, d. 1881 ; m. M. I. Phillips. 334. ZINEG- (1st), had a large family and consisted of the following: 1023 ALVAH, d. ; m. Electa Rumsey. 1024 AARON, d. 1025 CLARINDA; m. - Goff. 1026 ZINEG (2d), d. ; m. Polly Ames. 1027 SYLVANUS, b. 1805, d. 1879; m. 1827, Nancy M. Hamer. 1028 HEMAN, d. ; -m. Anna Mecom. 1029 SARAH ANN, b. 1810; m. 1829, (1) Chester Brunson; 1836, (2) Oliver M. Russell. 1030 BENJAMIN, d. 1879. 1031 EMELINE, d. 1032 ROXANNA ; m. - Beers. Of 335, 336, 337, 403, and 404, we know nothing further.- GENERATION VI. 23 4OS. The family of DANIEL, 1st, was evidently raised in Middle- town, Conn., but we have not been able to follow the line further. 1050 POLLY, b. 1771. 1051 RHODA, b. 1773. 1052 DANIEL (3d), b. 1774, d. 1774. 4O8. The children of CORNWELL and EUNICE (GAYLORD) DOUD were: 1070 CORNWELL (3d), b. 1778, d. 1778. 1071 DANIEL, b. 1779, d. 1843; m. Lucy Bacon. 1073 CORNWELL (3d), b. 1781, d. 1853; m. 1804, Anna Mary Sage, b. 1787, d. 1839. 1073 EUNICE, b. 1783, d. 1870; m. Barcillai Sage, d. 1854. 1074 SETII, b. 1786; m. Nancy Gaylord. 1075 CAUISSA (no issue), b. 1788; m. Hon. Ebenezer Bacon. 1076 ELEAZER, b. 1789, d. 1871; m. Laura Cornwell, b. 1789, d. 1866. 1077 NAOMI SHERMAN, b. 1801, d. 1875; m. 1833, David Savage. 41O. RICHARD and REBECCA (SAVAGE) DOUD resided in Middletown, Conn., and many of their descendants are still living in that vicinity, manifesting traits of character which were the distinguishing characteristics of their ancestors. 1085 PERCYETTE, b. 1784, d. 1839; m. 1806, Simeon Richards. 1086 PHEBE, b. 1785, d. 1851 : m. Elihu Cornwell, b. 1780, d. 1830. 1087 RICHARD (3d), b. 1787, d. 1833; m. 1814, Hannah Barnes. 1088 SARAII, b. 1789, d. 1833; m. 1810, (1) Timothy Clark, d. 1816; 1819, (3) Lemuel White. 1089 SUSAN, b. 1790, d. 1884; m. 1811, Noah R. Smith, d. 1865. 1090 MARY, b. 1793, d. 1866; m. 1810, James North, b. 1788, d. 1869. 1091 REBECCA, b. 1795, d. 1873; m. 1813, Enoch C. Roberts, b. 1791, d. 1838. 1093 LUTHER 8., b. 1798, d. 1837; m. 1834, Patty Clark, b. 1788, d. 1849. 1093 SETH, b. 1801 ; m. 1835, Cornelia Hall, d. 1856. 1094 FANNY, b. 1804, d. 1869; m. 1837, Caleb Hitchcock. Of 411 nothing further is known. 24 DOWD GENEALOGY. The children of BENJAMIN of Middletown, Conn., were: 1110 BENJAMIN (3d), b. 1785; m. 1815, Ruth Stevens. 1111 MAKY, b. 1786. 1112 ANNA, b. 1788. DAVID married a LANGDON, but we have been unable to ascertain her Christian name. Mrs. Van Meter of Rome, Italy, gives her name as Milly Chapin. The children were as follows: 1142 JOHN, b. 1796, d. 1858; in. Submit Mead. 1143 Dea. ALBIGENCE, b. 1802, d. 1843; m. 1823, Miranda Flagg. 1144 JAMES. 1145 DAVID (2d), d. 1146 PHILINDA or MELINDA, m. Alpheus_ Jewett. 1147 PARHELIA (no issue), d. ; m. Nathaniel Prime, d. 1148 CHARLOTTE, b. 1800, d. 1842; m. 1819, Henry Snow Walker. 1149 MARY, b. 1790, d. 1827; m. Hiram Langdon. GILES, 2d, had a numerous family, and seems to have settled in Northern New York, although definite information is want- ing in regard to it as well as of many of the other descendants of Capt. Giles. 1150 HARVEY (1st), b. 1787. Died young. 1151 ELISHA, b. 1789, d. 1869; m. 1815, Myra Higby. 1152 CLARISSA, b. 1792, d. 1845; m. 1813, Abijah Butler, b. 1793, d. 1842. 1153 GILES (3d), 1794; m. 1816, Clarissa Cone, b. 1798, d. 1872. 1154 CHARLOTTE, b. 1796, d. 1854; s. 1155 HARVEY (3d), b. 1799, d. 1871; m. Mary - . 1156 SILAS, b. 1802; m. Sophia Kellogg. 1157 CALVIN, d. about 1842; m. Rebecca Danielson. 1158 CHAUNCEY, b. 1809; m. 1834, Sarah Comstock. ELECT A retained her residence in Vermont, where she raised a large family. She was deaf, and so many of her descendants have been afflicted with this unpleasant defect that one of her descendants styles it a "Doud " trait. We hardly think it so gen- eral as to warrant such a sweeping conclusion. Her children were: GENERATION VI. 25 1159 ALMA PRIME, b. 1792, d. 1850; m. 1815, John Dunshee, b. 1789, d. 1869. 1160 SALLY P. PRIME, b. 1794; m. James Dart. 1161 JOHN GRANT PRIME, b. 1796. d. 1873; m. Eliza Dunshee. 1162 OCEAN BACON PRIME, b. 1799, d. 1835; m. Lydia Gager. 1163 ELECTA PRIME, b. 1802, d. 1846; m. Riley Sprague. 1164 AMY PRIME, b. 1806, d. 1826; s. 1165 HENRY HAMILTON PRIME, b. 1809; m. 1833, Wealthy E. Hathel- stine. 1166 A DAUGHTER, b. 1812, d. 1812. The HON. SILAS resided in Vermont, and several times was elected to the Legislature. His children were: 1180 Hon. SYLVESTER, b. 1806; m. 1832, (1) Alzina Wheeler, b. 1808, d. 1840; 1840, (2) Eliza Smith, b. 1808, d. 1867. 1181 ADALINE. b. 1809; m. 1830, Hon. Oliver Smith. 1182 BETSEY, b. 1793, d. 1836; m. Orrin Hall. 1183 LAURA, b. 1795, d. 1881; m. Ira Langdon. 1184 SILAS (2d), b. 1797, d. 1867; m. Celinda Stowe. 1185 HIRAM, b. 1799, d. 1820; s. 1186 AMY, b. 1801. Died in infancy. 1187 Hon. OSMUND, b. 1803, d. 1865; m. Elmira Saxton, b. 1806, d. 1860, 1188 DELIA, b. 1812, d. 1868; m. 1832, Prof. John L. Edgerton. 1189 ROZALIA, b. 1815; m. Norman Ashley. 44O. ELIHU was a soldier in the Revolution. He must have been young when he entered, if our report of the time of his birth is correct. He died in Pittsford, N. Y., near Rochester. BY FIRST WIFE. 1190 SARAH; m. Solomon Hovey. 1190J ESTHER; m. William Austin. 1191 ELIHU; m. Crownover. ' BY SECOND WIFE, SUSANNAH BARNES. 1191| ALFRED, b. 1789, d. 1860; m. Mary (Swayze) Dunn. 1192 REBECCA; m. Elihu Austin. 1192J HANNAH. 1193 FREDERIC. 1193 VICTOR. 1194 ANSON F., b. 1799, d. 1864; 1821, Elias M. Swayze. 1194i RACHEL, d. 1845; m. 1840, John Tann. 4 26 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1195 (Rev.) MENZER; rn. Letitia Hyde. 1195| BARNES; m Faith Ginner. 1196 LORENZO, b. 1807; m. 1838, Lydia Hicks. 11964 (Rev.) EVEKTUS, d. 1872; m. Sarah Nichols. 1197 ARAMINTA, d. 1854; m. 1843, Israel Marquis. 454. SOLOMON lived for a time in Colchester, Conn. We have no knowledge of his descendants beyond those of his own children. His children by POLLY, his first wife, were: 1201 RUTH ANN, b. 1785, d. 1862; m. David Walston. 1202 Lois, b. 1790, d. 1862; m. Harvey E. Shelley. ' 1203 PHINEAS. d. 1834; s. 1204 JONATHAN. BY ABIGAIL, HIS SECOND WIFE. 1205 CHARITY, b. 1794. 1206 MARY; m. Abel Stevens. 40G. ASA, 2D, had a large family, but information of his descendants came late and yet is quite incomplete. BY HIS FIRST WIFE, MARTHA. 1221 JERUSHA, b. 1772, d. 1835; m. Chauncey Mange. 1222 SARAH ; s. 1223 ASA (3d). 1224 MARY, b. 1785, d. 1876; m. Russell Fowler. BY HANNAH, HIS SECOND WIFE. 1225 MARTHA, b. 1789, d. 1858; m. Curtis Shelley. 1226 JOSHUA, b. 1791, d. 1834; m. 1814, Mary Crutenden. 1227 SOPHRONIA, b. 1793, d. 1877; m. 1815, Samuel Bristol. 1228 WYLLYS, b. 1803; m. 1824, Almira Crampton. 1229 SELAH, d. 1820; s. 1230 BETSEY, b. 1798, d. 1831 ; m. Harry Bishop, b. 1797, d. 1876. 1231 EMELINE, K w j ns . m- Harmon French. 1232 EVALINE, I ' m. Timothy Clark. MILES lived and died in Madison, Conn. His children were: 1233 LTTCRETIA, b. 1778, d. 1848; s. 1234 GARDNER, b. 1779, d. 1843; m. 1808, Hannah Bassett. 1235 POLLY, b. 1781, d. 1860; m. Elisha Bassett. 1236 HARVEY, b. 1784, d. 1838; m. 1823, Fanny Isbel. ADDENDA GENERATION VI. SAMUEL 2D's record was very incomplete when this book was published, but new facts have come to light which indicate that after the birth of his three oldest children, he moved to Saybrook, Conn., which made it difficult to follow him accurately. That he lived there the records of Saybrook show. The following, while not absolutely positive, are beyond reasonable doubt. Nothing ap- pears to disprove them. We are informed that his wife's maiden name was Dorcas Dennison, and his mother's maiden name (his father's wife) was Dolly Murray. The following is the corrected record of his children : 652 PHEBE, b. 1764. 653 JEMIMA (1ST), b. 1766; d. 1767. 6o4 JEMIMA (3D), b. 1768. 655 DOLLY, m. Anderson. 656 DORCAS. 657 SOLOMON, b. 1775; d. 1849, m. 1798, Polly Scott. 658 BENJAMIN, m. Dema Bishop. 659 GEORGE DENNISON, b. 1791; d. 1869, m. (1) 1813, Anna Williams, (2) 1832, Amelia C. Wickes. The last three were born in Saybrook, and perhaps all the chil- dren except the first three. We have been unable to trace the descendants of any but Solomon and George. We are informed that Benjamin, who had his home in Orwell, Vt., went a few months after marriage to transact some business in Albany or New York State, and was never heard from. 413. RENA DOWD married for her first husband a MR. CORN- WELL, who, soon after marriage, went to sea and neither he nor the ship in which he sailed was ever heard of. She had no issue by him. After a proper time she married EBENEZER ROBERTS, and had the following children : 1113 ENOCH C. ROBERTS, m. Rebecca Doud (see 1091). 1114 RENE " m. Hezekiah Wilcox. 1115 BEULAH " m. Harley Bowers. 1116 BETHUEL " m. Martha Miller. 1117 ALVIN " m. 1118 ELIJAH " m. Amanda Hurlburt. 1119 MARIA " s. 1120 MIRANDA m. Galow Dickenson. GENERATION VI. 27 It is with a great deal of hesitancy that we insert the following as the children of 476, and from what we can gather we think it possible these are the grandchildren of Israel the son of Isaac, by a son of Israel named Israel. The indications are too strong to omit them altogether, and they are placed here, and we think the immediate connections can determine their true relation. 1237 MONROE (no issue), b. 1813, d. 1870; m. Mrs. E. H. Wormwood. 1238 HANNAH E., b. 1830; m. 1850, R. O. Wacbman. 1239 MARIA, b. 1818; m. 1835, Samuel W. Atkins, d. 1884. 1239^ LYDIA, b. 1821. 1240 NELSON, b. 1811. 1241 AMY ANN, b. 1815, d. 1877; m. 1834, (1) Andrew Hopkins; (2) Orrin Smith. 124H MARILLA E., b. 1828. STEPHEN early moved to New Hartford, Conn., where his large family was reared. After the father's death, or about 1825, most of the children moved to the western part of New York State, where most of his descendants now reside, as will be noticed by their P. 0. address, where it is known, appended to their names. A few, however, are still living in Connecticut, manifest- ing still their attachment to their native "Nutmeg" State. They all appear to be thriving, respected, and influential, where they are best known. Their children were: 1242 ISAAC, d. about 1832; m. Sylvia Tuttle, d. about 1827. 1243 TRUMAN, b. 1785, d. 1875; m. (1) Phebe Griswold, b. 1775, d. 1841; 1842, (2) Rachel Howland, b. 1789, d. 1865. 1244 CHAUNCEY, b. 1789, d. 1866; m. 1812, Cynthia Henderson, b. 1792, d. 1883. 1245 CHESTER, b. 1791, d. 1868; m. 1815, Amy Hine. 1246 BENAJAH, b. 1794, d. 1851 ; m. 1817, Esther Rust, b. 1795, d. 1875. 1247 SETH, b. 1797, d. 1847; m. 1824, Silence Judd. 1248 AMANDA, b. 1799, d. 1867; m. 1822, Andrew Merrill. 1249 ZENAS, b. 1802, d. 1871; m. 1825, Sally C. Jones, 109 Gazelle St., Syracuse, N. Y. 1250 IRENE, b. 1804, d. 1839; m. Merritt Austin. 1251 RICHARD, b. 1808; m. 1830, Betsey Palmer, b. 1806, d. 1868. 48O. JOHN of AMOS, had two wives, and children by each. We do not know where he fixed his residence. His eldest son never 28 DOWD GENEALOGY. married but lived in Camden, S. C., where he died. Abigail moved out in the vicinity of Utica, N. Y., but left no children to survive her. David Louis left no children, and John and Luman never married. 1260 ISAAC NORTON, b. 1793, d. 1844; s. 1261 ABIGAIL SEWARD, b. 1795, d. 1835; m. Aaron Seymour. 1262 ELIZUR, b. 1798; m. Rebecca Aiken. 1263 DAVID Louis, b. 1801, d. 1870; m. Eliza Walworth. BY SECOND WIFE, SUSAN WALTER. 1264 WILLIAM WALTER, b. 1808, d. 1842; m. Julia A. Green. 1265 JOHN <2), d. 1835; s. 1266 LUMAN, s. GENERATION VII. soo. AUGUSTUS, the eldest son of EBENEZEE, 2d, moved soon after marriage, to Albany, N. Y., where he lived and died. His child- ren were: 1400 HORACE, b. 1789. 1401 WILLIAM, b. 1792, d. 1854; m. 1817, Louisa Wright, d. 1854. 1402 CHARLES AUGUSTUS, b. 1795; m. Elizabeth Carter. 1403 ELIZA, b. 1797, d. 1865; m. Bezaleel Ira Meigs, b. 1794, d. 1869. BILLY DOWD lived on Liberty Street in Madison, Conn., where he brought up a large family of children, and many of his descendants may still be found in that quiet but beautiful town. The two daughters (the only children now living) still reside there. Their children were : 1404 ORREN WILCOX, b. 1795, d. 1795 ; s. 1405 ORREN HEMAN, b. 1796, d. 1872; m. 1826, (1) Evaline Crampton; 1830, (2) Abbie (Stannard) Conkling. 1406 ORPAH, b. 1798, d. 1800; s. 1407 WILLIAM, b. 1802, d. 1832; s. 1408 KACTTEL, b. 1804; m. 1826, Alva O. Wilcox. 1409 GEORGE, b. 1807, d. 1883; m. 1831, (1) Louisa Wilcox; 1838, (2) Fannie Dowd (see 689); 1806, (3) Lucy (Bartlett) Todd. GENERATION VII. 29 1410 ORPAH, b. 1809, d. 1828; m. John R. Wilcox. 1411 AUSTIN, b. 1811, d. 1855; in. 1835, Abigail Scranton. 1412 SUSAN, b. 1814; m. 1833, Sereno H. Scranton. LUTHER married MINA FIELD, sister of Rev. David D. Field, D.D., and daughter of Timothy Field, whose wife was the daughter of Dea. David Dudley, a scion of nobility, and his wife was the daughter of Mrs. Peter Tallman, the daughter of Mrs. Andrew Merriam, the daughter of Mrs. Lieut-Gov. Jones, the daughter of Gov. Jones. Soon after marriage, Luther moved to Saybrook, Conn., where he was so successful that he returned and purchased of his wife's parents the place known as the "Old Field Place," in the Wood's District, in Madison, Conn., where he ever after resided, and brought up his large family of eleven children; all grew up to manhood, and womanhood, and all were married and had a family. Six are still living. Luther himself died at the comparatively age of 50, of typhoid fever. His children were: 1413 WYLLYS WEDWOUTH, b. 1794, d. 1877; m. 1819, Rebecca Graves, b. 1798, d. 1873. 1414 TAMSON, b. 1796, d. 1820; m. Frederic Kelsey. 1415 MANFRED, b. 1798, d. 1827; m. 1821, Lucy Kelsey. 1416 JULIUS N. , b. 1800, d. 1885 ; m. (1) Eliza Wilcox ; (2) Mary A. Munson. 1417 MARTIN LUTHKR, b. 1802, d. 1875; m. 1833, Mariette Spencer. 1418 MINA ANN, b. 1804, d. 1884; m. 1823, Lemuel Raymond. 1419 COL. DAVID DUDLEY, b. 1806; m. 1827, (1) Mary Harris; 1878, (2) Mary A. Decker. 1420 EDWIN, b. 1808, d. 1843; m. 1831, Delia Murdoch. 1421 ALMERON, b. 1810; m. 1846, Emily Curtiss, d. 1884. 1422 CLARISSA AMELIA, b. 1812; m. Francis Dresser. 1423 HARRIET MARIA, b. 1815, d. 1865; m. 1838, Edward Wilcox. ORRIN had two sons. ,He lived in Madison, and died there, at Julius Dowd's, at the early age of 47. Amasa J. is still living. 1424 AMASA JEFFERSON, b. 1801 ; m. 1824, Mary Kelsey. 1425 AUGUSTUS FREDERICK (no issue), b. 1803; m. Charlotte Hickock. JULIUS lived on the old place till about 1830, when he moved to Guilford, Ct., and settled in what is called Long Hill. He was in 30 DOWD GENEALOGY. comfortable circumstances, and had a valuable farm, and here he raised a large family of very promising boys and girls. 1426 JULIUS ALBERT, b. 1806, m. near 1835, (1) Nancy (Harris) Terry, d. 1869; 1872, (2) Abigail (Todd) Tibbals. 1427 LAURA CLARISSA, b. 1808, d. 1841 ; s. 1428 ANGELINE, b. 1809, d. 1856; m. 1828, Elijah Watrous Harris, b. 1805; moved to Ohio, 1851. 1429 RICHARD EBENEZER, b. 1811, d. 1852; s. 1430 ABIGAIL FOWLER, b. 1813, d. 1843; m. 1839, John R. Evarts. 1431 HORACE HUBBARD, b. 1815; m. 1839, Ann E. Harris, sister of above. 1432 SIDNEY ABNER, b. 1817; m. 1843, Eliza B. Chittenden. 1433 TIMOTHY BENJAMIN, b. 1819; m. 1844, Adaline Cook. 1434 CAROLINE, ) b. 1821, d. 1874; m. 1850, George Green. 1435 CATHARINE. f tt ns> b. 1821, d. 1843; s. 1436 HERMAN TRUMBULL, b. 1823, d. 1844; s. 1437 JOSEPH FOWLER, b. 1825, d. 1851 ; s. GALEN lived at the east end of Boston street, in Madison. He was a prominent and influential man in the community. He represented the town in the legislature for several years. He was Justice of the Peace for years, and his opinions in all matters were highly esteemed. His children were: 1438 ELIZABETH, b. 1813, d. 1815. 1439 THOMAS W., b. 1815, d. 1857; m. 1840, Mary H. Cleland. 1440 CHARLES H., b. 1817; m. 1841, Mary Scran ton. 1441 BENJAMIN, b. 1818, d. 1820. 1442 BENJAMIN, b. 1820, d. 1820. 1443 HENRY, m. 1822, d. 1822. 1444 MARY ELIZABETH, b. 1824, d. 1831. 1445 DELIA, b. 1826, d. 1881 ; m. 1845, Lawrence Field. 1446 WILLIAM G., b. 1828; m. 1849, (1) Ellen Field; 1856, (2) Sarah E. Bartow; 1868, (3) Catharine S. Mclntqsh; 1879, (4) Sarah E. Owens. 508. BENJAMIN moved to Saybrook, where he lived, thrived, raised his family, and died. He also represented the town in the legislature for several years. He was much respected and loved by all who knew him. His children were: 1447 RICHARD NELSON, b. 1808; m. Jeannette Davidson. 1448 GALEN (2d), b. 1810, d. 1873; m. (1) Catharine Kirtland; (2) Emma Kirtland. GENERATION VII. 31 1449 HARRIET ANN, b. 1812, d. 1850; m. (1) Rev. Edward Champlin; (2) - Drury, M.D. 1450 CORNELIA, b. 1815, d. 1857; s. 1451 RUFUS S., b. 1820; m. Caroline Merrimau. 1452 MARY JANE, b. 1826; m. 1847, E. M. Goodrich. 1453 MARTHA WHEATON, b. 1834; m. 1852, S. Dwight Bowers. 500. TIMOTHY. 2D, although he had five children, has no descend- ant now that bears his name. The record of the family will there- fore be concluded under this paragraph. His children were: 1454 ROXANA, b. 1800, d. 1872; s. 1455 POLLY, b. 179C, d. 1835; m. Darius Stannard. 1456 FREDERIC, b. 1797, d. 1797. 1457 SARAH, b. 1800, d. 1834; m. 1827, Eliphalet Roberts. 1458 FREDERIC, b. 1803, d. 1862; m. 1833, Narissa Bradley. 1459 JULIA, b. 1806, d. 1874; s. HUBBARD had a large family which made him truly patri- archal in character. All his children were sixteen, but two of them died in infancy. It is said of him that at one time he could give the age of every person in Madison. The dates are unpleas- antly deficient. His second wife was twenty years his junior. His children were: BY TEMPERANCE KELSEY. 1460 SAMUEL K., d. 1873; m. 1827, Jerusha Wilcox. 1461 ABNER H., b. 1807, d. 1873; in. Cynthia Wilcox, b. 1813, d. 1868. 1462 CHAUNCEY, d. 1883; m. 1832, Esther Bradley. 1463 DANIEL B., d. 1883; s. 1464 ACHILLES, b. 1813, d. 1856; in. 1838, Susan Wilcox. BY PHEBE HULL. 1465 MARIA T. ; m. Horton Conkling, b. 1807, d. 1863. 1466 ELIZABETH K., b. 1820; m. Lebbeus Hull. 1467 MARY ANN, b. 1829, d. 1856; m. Samuel U. Brown. 1468 OLIVER G., b. 1825; m. Jennette Wilcox. 1469 NATHANIEL S., b. 1827; m. 1860, Sarah Roberts. 1470 TIMOTHY A., b. 1822; m. 1878, Augusta C. Jones. 1471 JAMES H., b. 1831; m. 1854, Sarah Speucer. 1472 HAMILTON, b. 1833, d. 1862. 1473 LOUISA P., b. 1838, d. 1853; 8. 32 DOW]) GENEALOGY. 530. RUSSELL probably moved into Killingworth (now Clinton), as the children apparently migrated from that vicinity. The exact location of his residence we have been unable to ascertain. His children were: 1600 RUSSELL BLATCHLEY, ) b. 1794, d. 1878; m. 1817, Eliza H. Wright. 1601 DANIEL HTJRD, twins, f b. 1794, d. 1799; s. 1602 EUNICE, b. 1797, d. 1848; s. 1603 NANCY, b. 1799; m. Anson Treble. 1604 JOEL, b. 1802; s. 1605 JOSEPH, b. 1805, d. 1883; m. 1831, Almira C. Wilcox. 1606 ANNA; s. JOSEPH, 3D, moved in early life to Bergen, then Stafford, Genesee County, N. Y. He married three times. By POLLY WILLARD, his first wife, he had nine children. She died in 1815. He evidently married her about the year 1792, or when he was but about nineteen years of age. His children by this wife were: 1607 ALMIRA, b. 1793, d. 1875; m. 1815, Lewis Gaylord. 1608 LUCINDA, b. 1796, d. 1878; m. 1817, Hiram Gaylord. 1609 JARED FREEMAN, b. 1799, d. 1849; m. Louisa Riley. 1610 BETSEY, b. 1801, d. 1871; m. 1851, Jonathan Gillette. 1611 HORACE, b. 1803, d. 1884; m. 1830, Esther W. Shepherd. 1612 ADELIA, b. 1806, d. 1853; m. 1825, Harvey Sutton. 1613 MARY ANN, b. 1808, d. 1869; m. Martin DeForest Warren. 1614 ABIGAIL, b. 1811, d. 1868; m. 1831, Amasa Sutton. 1615 JERUSHA ELVIRA, b. 1814, d. 1814; s. By his second wife, SUSANNA HILL, he had no children. His third wife, POLLY BUTTON, was from Royalton, Vt., and was of good old Puritan stock, her father being . Deacon Joseph Dutton. She attained the ripe age of 96 years, indeed was in her 97th year at the time of her death. She was born -in 1785, and died in 1881. Her obituary notice says of her: "She was a woman of remarkable force of character, moulded, softened, and strengthened by decided religious principles. She was remark- ably well versed in the Scriptures. She had learned to grow old gracefully, and preserved her fondness for children and the young even to the end." The children by her were: GENERATION VII. 33 1616 HEMAN, b. 1821, d. 1850; s. 1617 JOSEPH W., b. 1823, m. 1860, (1) Cynthia Miner, b. 1842, d. 1879; 1881, (2) Lydia (Pratt) Pierson. 1618 WILLIAM, b. 1824; m. 1851, Maria Eliza Merrill. 1619 POLLY ELVIRA, b. 1826; m. M. B. Adams. EUNICE (DOWD) CRAMTON after marriage moved West, where her family were raised and her descendants are widely distributed now. Her children were: 1620 POLLY CRAMTON, b. 1799, d. 1824; m. Archibald Hotchkiss. 1621 TRTJMAN " b. 1801, d. 1828; s. 1622 MARCUS " b. 1805, d. 1881; m. Roxana Buck. 1623 GARRY " b. 1808; m. 1834, Olive Osborn. FANNY " b. 1811, d. 1811. EUNICE ANN" b. 1813, d. 1813. 1624 ABEL " b. 1815; m. 1836, (1) Sarah P. Goff; 1842, (2) Olive Dudley. 1625 FANNY CRAMTON, b. 1818; m. (1) Titus C. Goff, (2) Thomas Kimp- ton. 1626 EUNICE ANN " b. 1821; m. John B. Scoville. LYMAN had two wives, and the children by each were as fol- lows : BY FANNIE GRIPPING. 1627 EMELY, b. 1806, d. 1868; m. I. Hubbard Crauipton. 1628 F VNNIE, b. 1808, d. 1865; m. 1838, George Dowd (see 1409). 1629 EDWARD L., b. 1809; m. Julia Johnson. 1630 SUSAN, b. 1812; m. Henry Bradley. 1631 RICHARD W., b. 1815, d. 1835; s. BY HANNAH (ENGLISH) LAW. 1632 MARY W., b. 1824, d. 1874; m. 1849, Thomas S. Curtiss. 1633 MOSES WOLCOTT, b. 1840; m. Helen Rockwell. 1634 JOSEPH, b. 1826, d. 1828. 1635 ELIZA, b. 1829, d. 1829. 1636 ELIZA, b. 1830, d. 1830. POLLY married HEMAN COE and lived and died in Madison. Her descendants are as follows: 5 34 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1637 CLARISSA COE, b. 1808; m. 1829, Horace L. Dudley. 1638 EDWIN " b. 1810; m. 1832, Fanny Davis. 1639 EMELINE " b. 1813; m. 1834, Daniel Payne. 1640 THOMAS " b. 1815, d. 1876; m. 1837, Sarah Stevens. 1641 WELLINGTON S. COE, b. 1817; m. 1840, Elizabeth Wilcox. 1642 JOSEPH ALEXANDEK COE, b. 1830, d. 1880; m. 1897, Josephine Averill. GILES lived in Madison about a mile North of the Wood's school-house. His children were: 1643 HARRIET, died in infancy ; s. 1644 MARTHA, " " " s. 1645 LAURA, b. 1797, d. 1822; m. 1819, Ichabod Benjamin Scranton. 1646 ALFRED GILES, b. 1809, d. 1853; m. 1833, Harriet Scranton. The descendants of SILENCE (537) who married JAMES CRAMPTON we have not obtained. oos. ooo. 010. Of SAMUEL (602), of LEMUEL (609), and of LEWIS (610), we have found no descendants. 608. RUFQS reached the age of 82 and raised a large family of seventeen in all, but five of them died young and their names and date of birth and death are not given. The record is as follows: 1800 JOSEPH RUSSELL, b. 1810, d. 1870; m. 1834, Polly Benton. 1801 ELIZABETH ANNA, b. 1811, d. 1829; s. 1802 SIBA MARIA, b. 1812, d. 1827; s. 1803 JULIUS S., b. 1813. }804 CHLOE REBECCA, b. 1814; m. Hiram Stevens. 1805 RUFUSDANA, b. 1816, d. 1836; s. 1806 JULIA LYDIA (no issue), b. 1818, d. 1881 ; m. 1836, David Sylvester Dowd (see 1831). 1807 HENRY S., b. 1819; m. Elizabeth Leete. 1808 MARY ANN, b. 1820, d. 1839; s. 1809 MINERVA, b. 1822; m. Samuel Shelley. 1810 FIDELIA MARILLA, b. 1824; m. Hiram S. Wilcox. 1811 WILLIAM TABOR, b. 1828; m. 1848, Mary I. Pomeroy. Five more died young. 013. DAVID of JOB, dwelt in that part of the town known as North Madison, Ct., and married two wives. His second wife was the GENERATION VII. 35 widow of a Mr. WILLCOX but her maiden name was Baldwin. Her father, Josiah Baldwin, came from England with his brothers Caleb and David. He took a deep interest in the country of his adoption. He was not only an officer in the army of the Revolu- tion, but he spent the most of a large property to provide the material of war and to ensure its success. We thus diverge from our direct line to honor the patriotism and devotion of a worthy man. The children of David by SARAH BISHOP were: 1830 WILLIAM, b. 1803. 1831 DAVID SYLVESTER (no issue), b. 1805, d. 1863; m. 1836, Julia L. Dowd (see 1806). 1832 JAMES HARVEY, b. 1807, d. 1865; m. 1835, Alpha Hill. 1833 GEORGE L., b. 1809; m. 1837, Matilda Dowd (see 1849). 1834 SELINA PATIENCE (no issue), b.,1812, d. 1876; m. 1869, William Russell Rose. 1835 ELIZA, b. 1814, d. 1874; m. 1843, Asahel Stent. 1836 POLLY A., b. 1816; m. 1842, John Stent. 1837 NATHAN E., b. 1818, d. 1867; m. 1843, Mary C. Riggs. BY DENCY (BALDWm-WILLCOX). 1838 OLNEY B., m. 1885, Emma Woodruff Rathbun, of Chicago, 111. O14. ELEANOR married CONSTANTIA SEYMOUR, and moved to Paris Hill, Oneida Co., N. Y., where she died. She had no issue. O1O. LYDIA who married STEPHEN BARTLETT, had no issue. DBA. JOB, 2o, moved to Oswego Co., N. Y., in early life. Although he had three wives, his ten children were all by REBECCA HILL his first wife, who died in 1846. His children were: 1839 MARY ANN, b. 1811, d. 1835; s. 1840 MARIA E., b. 1812; m. 1835, William C. House. 1841 HAMILTON A., b. 1814, d. 1842; m. 1837, Adaline Stowe. 1842 ELIZA R., b. 1815; m. 1837, Emilius Williams. 1843 ALBERT J., b. 1817, d. 18G4 : m. 1841, Malvina Porter. 1844 TITUS H., b. 1818, d. 1883 ; m. 1841, (1) Lydia M. Wilmnrth ; 1866, (2) Jane (Moody) Cbeesboro. 1845 THOMAS S., b. 1820; in. 1849, Isabelle Smith. 30 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1846 SARAH A., b. 1822, d. 1858; m. 1849, Hiel Stone. 1847 CHARLOTTE P., b. 1823, d. 1850; m. 1846, Abel L. Reed. 1848 LYDIA J., b. 1825, d. 1850; s. 61O. THOMAS lived in the Wood's District, in Madison, Ct., about a mile in a direct line N. W. of the School-house. His residence was on the Durham Turnpike although a little west of it. The house was somewhat retired. His children were: 1849 MATILDA, b. 1818; m. 1837, George L. Dowd (see 1833). 1850 JEMIMA R, b. 1821, d. 1864; m. Hubbard S. Beach. 1851 ELEANOR A., b. 1823; m. 1845, (1) Joseph Moulthrop; 1878, (2) Jesse B. Norton. 1852 MARY A., b. 1826, d. 1826; s. 1853 LUCY M., b. 1828, d. 1879; m. 1846, William Bristol. 1854 SABRA E., b. 1830, d. 1849; s. 1855 ELIZA M., b. 1834; m. 1863, Joseph Ashbee. 1856 THOMAS E., b. 1842, d. 1849; s. EZRA lived in the Union District, in Madison, Ct., and but a short distance from where the old school house used to be. He had four sons and one daughter. All are living at the present time. Their names are: 1857 HIRAM S., b. 1840; m. 1867, Mary S. Kane. 1858 EDNA M., b. 1842; m. 1879, Joseph Griffith. 1859 LEWIS A., b. 1844; m. 1879, Clara M. Dudley. 1860 WILLIAM E., b. 1847; m. 1872, Emma L. Bailey. 1861 FRANK E., b. 1859. EBER moved to Michigan, where he raised a large family. 1862 POLLY, b. 1810; m. 1826, John Millard. 1863 ALVIRA, b. 1812, d. 1846; m. William Gibson, b. 1806, d. 1881. 1864 IRENA, b. 1814; m. Eli Wait, d. 1836. 1865 VESTA A., b. 1816, d. 1870; m. 1840, Elijah Johnson. 1866 EUNICE, b. 1818, d. 1840; s. 1867 LORETTA, b. 1821, d. 1874; m. 1838, Christopher Brock, d. 1855. 1868 LORENZO, b. 1822, d. 1852; m. 1848, Susan M. Skinner. 1869 LOFONSO, b. 1824; m. 1854, Mary E. Chittenden. 1870 MATILDA, b. 1826; m. 1843, Charles A. Hughes. 1871 ' HENRY, b. 1829, d. 1881; m. 1851, Jane Skinuer. 1872 LOVICA, b. 1832; m. 1874, - Mowrey. GENERATION- VII. GAY LORD was in the war of 1812. Of his personal history our knowledge does not extend further, except as it is shown in his descendants. 1873 LORINDA, b. 1809, d. 1864; m. 1830, Nathan Frink. 1874 MINERVA, b. 1811, d. 1844; m. 1832, Hiram Weaver. 1875 LUCINDA, b. 1814; m. 1835, Elias Richardson. 1876 STEPHEN, b. 1816; m. 1847, (1) Emeline Mead; 1876, (2) Alrneda Bailey. 1877 CHARLES, b. 1819; m. 1848. Elizabeth Mead. 1878 SARAH ANN, b. 1821, d. 1855; m. 1841, Ira Hinkle. 1879 NELSON, b. 1823; m. 1857, Susan (Skinner) Dowd (see 1868). 6S3. We can say nothing of LOIS, but only enumerate her children: 1880 HORACE HARRINGTON, b. 1802, d. 1802. 1881 PHYLURA b. 1803; m. - -Vaughn. 1882 ELVIRA . " b. 1805; m. - Barnes. 1883 MIRANDA " b. 1807, d. 1824. 1884 POLLY b. 1808, d. 1846. 1885 LOUISA b. 1810, d. 1855; m. 1831, Henry Wilcox. 1886 NATHANIEL " b. 181fi. 1887 LUCRETIA " b. 1815. 1888 LYDIA " . b. 1818. 1889 REUBEN " b. 1820. 1890 FRANCES b. 1822; m. - Dexter. 1891 JULIA " b. 1825. GS4. The following are the children of TRUMAN and RHODA HOTCHKISS: 1892 ALMIRA, b. 1810; m. Edwin A. Cook. 1893 ADALINE, b. 1811, d. 1881; m. 1827, Jabe/ Collins. 1894 LAVINIA, b. 1814, d. 1881 ; m. 1833, Henry T. Townley, d. 1876. 1895 TRUMAN, b. 1817, d. 1836. 1896 ENOCH H., b. 1820, d. 1871; m. Mary Hance. 1897 BELA P., m. 1852, Sarah J. Tusten. 1898 JOSEPHINE E., b. 1828; m. 1850, John L. Hommedieu. The children of AZUBAH and REV. ITHAMAR KETCH UM were: 38 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1900 REUBEN D. KETCHUM, b. 1816, d. 1862; ra. 1830. 1901 EPHKAIM " b. 1818; m. 1846. 1902 HARRIET N. " b. 1820, d. 1842; m. 1837. 1903 HENRY b. 1822; m. 1841, (1) Lucinda Burden ; 1872, (2) Martha Downing. 1904 VESTA KETCHUM, b. 1824; m. 1842, (1) Alonzo Freeman; 1847, (2) Wm. T. Eldredge. 1905 Rev. LAFAYETTE KETCHUM, b. 1826; m. 1851, (1) Camille Bend; 1873, (2) Lillie Bingham. 1906 DIANTHA KETCHUM, b. 1828, d. 1850; m. 1844, Joel Luey. 1907 SENECA b. 1830; m. 1852, Martha Hathaway. 1908 BETSEY b. 1832; m. Chas. W. McClara. POLLY, although twice married, had no children except by her first husband. 1910 CAROLINE WALTON, b. 1811, d. 1876; m. 1832, Edwin Ames, b. 1810, d. 1880. 1911 JOSHUA WALTON, b. 1814; m. 1837, Rebecca Kenyon, b. 1817. 1912 HARRIET " b. 1816; in. 1840, John Parsons. 1913 MARIA " b. 1818. d. 1837. 1914 MARY P. " b. 1819, d. 1865; m. 1839, Philip T. Church. 1915 GRIFFIN D. " b. 1822, d. 1881; m. 1847, Louisa E. Newell. 1916 FAYETTE " b. 1823, d. 1824. 1917 TRUMAN H. " b. 1826, d. 1875; m. 1853, Susan Benton. 1918 SUSAN B. " b. 1828, d. 1861; m. 1849, Augustine G. Tullar. 1919 WILLIAM B. b. 1832, d. 1833. VESTA had six children that lived to maturity, and three died young. Three sons, born respectively 1812, 1813, 1814 each dying the year born. 1920 VESTA HITCHCOCK, b. 1816; s. 1921 PROSPER " b. 1819, d. 1884; m. Caroline Rae. 1922 MIRANDA " b. 1823, d. 1869; m. 1840, John Dull'. 1923 GIDEON C. " b. 1825; m. Mary Smith. 1924 STEPHEN G. " b. 1830, d. 1885; m. Olive A. Turner. 1925 WILLIAMH. " b. 1833; s. REUBEN G. settled in McGrawville, Cortland Co., N. Y., and married BETSEY McGRAW, the daughter of the man after GENEIJATION VII. 39 whom the place was named. She died in 1879. His children were: 1930 POLLY B., b 1825; m. 1847, M. G. Smith, M.D. 1931 MARCIA A., b. 1827; s. 1932 REUBEN, Jr., b. 1830, d. 1877; m. 1864, Catharine Reynolds. 1933 SAMUEL, b. 1833; m. 1860, Frances Trippe. 1934 HABRY, ) b. 1836, d. 1836; s. 1935 HIRAM, ) ns ' b. 1836, d. 1840; s. G41. ZENAS WILCOX resided in Madison, Conn.; brought up his family there. Although twice married he had no children by his first wife. 1999 A SON, b. 1825, d. 1825. 2000 BETSEY W. WILCOX, b. 1827; m. 1846, Eber Bishop. 2001 COL. VINCENT M. WILCOX, b. 1828; m. 1855, (1) Catharine M. Webb, d. 1860; 1866, (2) Martha F. Dowd (see 4045), d. 1873; 1875, (3) Elizabeth B. Wells. 2002 LUCY M. WILCOX, b. 1830; m. 1855, Dr. Walter Munger. 2003 CAPT. CHARLES M. WILCOX, b. 1832; m. 1855, (1) Sarah Wilcox, d. 1859; 1858, (2) Mary E. Kelsey. The children of OLIVE WILCOX and ABRAHAM CAD- WELL were: 2004 SARAH A. CADWELL, b. 18i8; s. 2005 MARY E. b. 1821 ; m. 1857, Mason White. 2006 CAROLINE A. " b. 1824; m. 1845, Horatio Wilcox, d. 1869. 2007 WILLIAM H. " b. 1826 ; m. 1848, Clarissa R. Coe. 2008 ELLEN R. m. (1) Joseph Wooley; (2) - Clinton. 2009 RICHARD J. " b. 1831 ; m. 1868, Margaret M. Glasgow. 2010 NELSON M. " b. 1833, d. 1865; m. 1863, Emily Nash, d. 1867. 2011 HARRIET A. " b. 1835, d. 1870; m. Henry A. Gedney. O4S. ABEL WILCOX and ANNA FIELD resided in Madison, and brought up their large family there. Mrs. Wilcox, being a sister to the Mrs. Dowd of 502, has of course the same pedigree. 2282 JOSEPH BENJ. WILCOX, b. 1815; m. 1838, (1) Ruth E. Scranton; 1865, (2) Betsey (Buell) Field. 2283 TIMOTHY FIELD WILCOX, b. 1817; m. 1845, (1) Lydia A. Foster, d. 1864; 1865, (2) Mary Roxana Foster. 40 DOWD GENEALOGY. 2284 HIRAM SELDEN WILCOX, b. 1819; m. 1842, Fidelia M. Dowd (see 1810). 2285 HENUY BEALS WILCOX, b. 1821; m. 1851, Lucetta Woodruff. 2286 ALFUED NELSON " b. 1823; m. 1845, Caroline A. Hunger. 2287 JOHN ELLIOTT " b. 1825; m. 1848, Sylpha L. Snow, d. 1874. 2288 ANN ELIZABETH " b. 1828; m. 1852, (1) Hyacinthe Brouilette; (2) Erastus Munson. 2289 MANFRED AUGUSTUS WILCOX, b. 1830; m. 1852, (1) Nancy S. Smith, d. 1857; 1864, (2) Jennette S. Snow. 2290 SARAH MATILDA WILCOX, b. 1832, d. 1871 ; m. 1856, Alpheus W. Snow. O4O. PRUDENCE WILCOX married JOHN F. MEIGS, and re- sided in Madison, Conn., in the Meigs' house, near the eastern extremity of the Green, where her descendants still live. Two of her six children are still living. 2291 SAMUEL S. MEIGS, b. 1817; m. 1843, Mary A. Smith. 2292 MART F. " b. 1818, d. 1819. 2293 HANNAH E. " b. 1820, d. 1821. 2294 Dr. JOSEPH J. " b. 1822; m. 1859, Elizabeth P. Coats. 2295 MARYE. " b. 1825, d. 1854. 2296 JOHN F. " b. 1829, d. 1829. VS. I. CAPT. SYLVESTER, 1st, was born at Sandisfield, Mass., although I do not understand that he remained there long after his own marriage. He was an officer in the War of 1812. For many years previous to his death he was a sufferer from paralysis. His family was small. 2300 SARAH M., b. 1801; m. Elias Wood. 2301 SYLVESTER, 2d, b. 1803, d. 1838; m. Thetesa Heath. 2302 Rev. GEORGE WHITPIELD, b. 1807; m. (1) Philena Webb; (2) - 2303 ESTHER, b. 1805; m. Dennis Thompson. ASAHEL, 1st, was born at Tyringham, Mass., as was Asahel, 2d, his eldest son. Whether he died there, or moved to Wayne County, N. Y., we are uninformed. He was in the War of 1812; was a deacon, and active in church work. He died the same year as his son Asahel. GENERATION' VII. 41 2304 ASAHEL (3d), b. 1799, d. 1855; m. 1823, Fanny Morley, b. 1794, d. 1854. 2305 TABITIIA, b. 1800; m. 1834, Phiueas Chapin. 2306 HORACE, b. 1802, d. 1870; m. 1829, (1) Sabra Smith; 1832, (2) Mary Barrows. 2307 DANIEL, b. 1804, d. 1862; m. 1832, Abigail M. Jones. 2308 LEVI, b. 1806, d. 1870; m. 1832, Julia Ann Watson. 2309 STEPiiEN u b. 1808; m. 1827, (1) Sally Griffin; 1859, (2) Mrs. Caroline Jones. 2310 EMILY, b. 1809, d. 1850; m. 1842, Chauncey Derby. 2311 WATSON, b. 1811, d. 1873; m. 1835, Lydia Bissell; 1838, (2) Harriet Morey. HEMAN, 1st, reared his family in Massachusetts, where some of his descendants still live. He was a deacon in the church there. For many years he was in feeble health. His children were: 2312 NATHANIEL (1st), b. 1800, d. 1805. 2313 JARED, b. 1802, d, 1863; m. 1823, Sally Smith. 2314 HEMAN, b. 1803, d. 1804. 2315 HEMAN (2d), b. 1805, d. 1872; m. 1841, Fanny E. Brewer. 2316 NATHANIEL (2d), b. 1807, d. 1880; m. 1837, j'ulia Webb. 2317 CHARLOTTE, b. 1811, d. 1849; m. 1833, John Manly. 2318 LUCINDA, b. 1815; m. 1844, Marvin Hastings. 2319 BENJAMIN, b. 1817, d. 1855. ELIZABETH, who married JOHN" C. BARBER, had nine children, only one of whom is still living. Her children were: 2320 CALVIN D. BARBER, b. 1801, d. 1877; m. 1823, Nancy N. Willis. 2321 LUTHER J. " b. 1804, d. 1866; m. 1837, Esther Hyde, b. 1813, d. 1870. 2322 EUNICE BARBEK, b. 1805, d. 1819. 2323 AMY " b. 1808, d. 1868; m. 1827, Otis Arnold, b. 1804, d. 1868. 2324 FREELOVE BARBER, b. 1810, d. 1866; m. Jerry Kingsbury. 2325 JULIA ANN " b. 1812, d. 1874; m. Ephraim Bullock. 2326 JOHN C. " b. 1817; m. 1849, (1) Catharine Caster; 1875, (2) Manila J. Barber. 2327 PHEBE L. BARBER, b. 1819. Died young. 2328 NATHANIEL B. " b. 1821, d. 1843. ZERAH had no children by his first wife. It is told of him that so poor was tho grass where he lived that what hu mowed 42 DOWD GENEALOGY. during the day could all be gathered into three moderate-sized cocks. His living children, with one exception, reside in the State of Michigan. They were by his second wife, ESTHER CHAFPEL. 2329 ALANSON, b. 1810; m. 1836. Melinda Bosworth. 2330 ESTHER, b. 1813, d. about 1843; m. 1837, Eli Ritch. 2331 FJDELTA, b. 1815, d. 1880; m. 1840, John Ivory, d.,,1875. 2332 EMILY, b. 1817; m. 1838, Hon. Ellery A. Brownell. 2333 ELECTA, b. 1820, d. 1881; m. 1836, Rev. Wm. D. Potter. 2334 MARY, b. 1822; m. 1841, (1) Rufus T. Sanborn; 1875, (2) John Tharrett. 2335 SARAH JANE, b. 1829; m. 1847, William Ivory. For THEDA'S descendants see JOSEPH DOWD, No. 790. TRUMAN had five children, but, as but one was a boy, and he had no children, the name is lost in his descendants. CELINA B. DOWD now lives at Huron, N. Y., unmarried. 2336 LOUISA, b. 1814, d. 1865; s. 2337 MERCY ARVILLA, b. 1816, d. 1868; m. 1839, Loomis Webb. 2338 CELINA B., b. 1818; s. 2339 NEWTON, b. 1823, d. 1859; m. 1847, Lydia Merriman. 2340 ASENATH, b. 1826, d. 1872; s. JOSEPH and THEDA DOWD had seven children, six of whom reached maturity and five are living still. Joseph had three wives. He had no children by bis second wife, but had two by his third. His children were: BY THEDA ANN DOWD. 2400 ELIZA, b. 1811, d. 1872; m. 1852, Abram Baxter. 2401 THEDA, b. 1812, d. 1813. 2402 STEPHEN P., b. 1814; m. 1840, Mary Electa Tracy. 2403 THEDA ANN, b. 1816; m. 1837, Huntington Persons, b. 1810. 2404 CYNTHIA, b. 1818; m. 1840, Rensselaer Persons. 2405 HIKAM J., b. 1820; m. 1845, (1) Fannie Smith; 1854, (2) Martha Breed ; 1872, (3) Marietta Ryan. 2406 ARMENIA, b. 1822; m. 1846, (1) Roswell Adams; 1879, (2) Silas Wheeler. BY MARIA CIIAPIN. 2407" BENJAMIN C., b. -1854; m. 1877, Laura Lewis. 2408 IDA M., b. 1857; m. 1876, Horace Bariiliart. GENERATION VII. 43 CHESTER'S family was as follows: 2409 ARTEMAS, b. 1818; m. 1843, Prudence C. Freeman, b. 1825. 2410 ALVIN B., b. 1819; m. 1859. Mary A. Lancaster, b. 1833. 2411 MARIETTE, b. 1821, d. 1852; m. 1840, Silas Freeman. 2412 ANSON 8., b. 1824, d. 1863; m. 1844, Elizabeth Burgess, b. 1830, d. 1880. 2413 ANDREW C., b. 1825; m. 1853, (1) Lucina Sayer; (2) Sarah Keith. 2414 HARRIET. 2415 ALMON L., b. 1834, d. 1881; m. 1862, Semiramis Haynes. LESTER married PARMA TREAT of Hartford, Conn. They lived in Tyringham, Mass. Their youngest son, Stephen, died when about four years old. Lester was a soldier in the War of 1812. The children were: 2416 CHANDLER T., b. 1824, d. 1881; m. 1845, Mary E. White, b. 1828. 2417 CHAUNCEY B., b. 1827; m. 1850, Laura A. Collins. 2418 GEORGE, b. 1830, d. 1833. 2419 CLINTON B., b. 1833; m. 1861, Mary A. Demmon. 2420 STEPHEN. T'QG. LAVINIA DOWD married CALEB PARK. They had two children: 2421 SARAH L. PARK, b. 1826, d. 1829. 2422 GEORGE S. PARK, P. O. address, South Onondaga, N. Y., b. 1833, and m. in 1855, Martha M. Everingham. NOAH, 2d. lived and died in Monterey, Mass.; was a soldier in the War of 1812. He had six children, three of whom are still living in their native town. Their names are: 2423 SYLVIA P., b. 1817, d. 1844; m. 1837, Zerah Sperry. 2424 HYLAND, b. 1821; m. 1844, Thetesa (Heath) Dowd [see 2301]; 1851, (2) Eunice P. Fairfield. 2425 LAURA A. (no issue), b. 1824, d. 1883; m. 1846, Charles Gifford. 2426 HOMER, b. 1829; m. 1852, Mary Colby. 2427 REUBEN, b. 1832; m. 1854, Lizzie Kief. 2428 RUEL, b. 1836, d! 1837. 44 DOWD GENEALOGY. 800. SELAH had two children; one died in infancy; the other still lives in Monterey, Mass., but has no children. 2429 ARDEN, b. 1820, d. 1821. 2430 ORSON LOVATER, b. 1822; m. 1846, Martha Clark. SO 1 . SOS. CORNELIUS and ADONIRAM never married. The first attained the age of 53, the latter 56. SOS. ANNA, who married ELISHA MARKHAM, had no issue. SO4. AMOS lived only three years after marriage. The fruit of this union was one son. 2431 ANSEL, b. 1836, d. 1861 ; m. 1858, Laurinda Towne. SOS. RACHEL LAVINIA, who married IRA MARKHAM, had the following children: 2432 ORVILLA MARKHAM, b. 1831, d. 1872; m. 1850, Martin Pinney. 2433 EGBERT " b. 1833; m. 1868, Julia L. (Freeman) Stannard. 2434 ELLICE " b. 1835, d. 1837. 2435 ORANGE B. " b. 1840; m. 1864, Augusta Leonard. 2436 FRANKLIN W. " b. 1843; m. 1865, Mary J. (Whetbeck) Vail. SOT'. HIRAM, the only child of Theodore that ever married, lived but five years after marriage, and had but two children: 2437 BENJAMIN C., b. 1826; m. 1858, Mary E. Sherman. 2438 SARAH A., b. 1828; m. 1850, Isaac N. Bellows, d. 1872. iooa. P. HENRY is still living at the ripe old age of 85. His resi- dence is Greencastle, Jasper Co., Iowa. He has outlived three of his children. Six of his eight children were teachers. 2500 CLARISSA J., b. 1826, d. 1847; m. 1845, Rufus Page. 2501 MARIA L., b. 1828, d. 1870; m. 1862, Addison Scott. GENERATION VII. 45 2502 HELEN, b. 1830; m. 1847, Joseph Fellows. 2503 MARY A., b. 1833; m. 1854, Irving W. Combs. 2504 EUGENE 8., b. 1836; m. 1858, Melissa Sherman. 2505 JANETTE C., b. 1841, d. 1866; m. 1861, E. J. Gish. 2506 MALCOLM P., b. 1844; m. 1870, Jennie Davenport. 25061 ADELIA E., b. 1847, m. 1867, J. M. Baker. 1OO3. The following is all the information we have of MUNSON'S family: ^ 2507 DANIEL. 2508 WASHINGTON. 2509 THOMAS. 2510 LORENZO. 2511 PHILENA. 10O4. The following covers all our information of PELEG, 3d's, family: 2530 WARREN. 2531 HOBART. 2532 HOMER. 2533 HELEN. 1OOS. Our meager information of RIPLEY H.'s family is summed up in the bare names of two children: . 2536 SAMETIIA. 2537 ISABELLE. 10SO. JOHN was a soldier in the War of 1812. We are informed of his death, but not of the time. The following are his children: 2568 WARREN, b. 1818. 2569 MARILLA, b. 1821; m. Caleb Smith. 2570 MARIA, b. 1823; m. 1848, Alva Hanilin. 2571 CHARLOTTE, b. 1825; m. James Relya. 2572 FRANKLIN, b. 1827; m. Sally A. Wood. 2573 LTJCETTA, b. 1830, d. 1838. EBIN was a soldier in the war of 1812. He had no children. 4G DOWD GENEALOGY. 1 OS 1 . ORRIN had seven children, all but one living to maturity. 2574 WILLIAM, b. 1820; m. 1846, Elmira E. Stone. 2575 SEYMOUR, b. 1822. d. 1825. ' 2578 CAROLINE, b. 1824; m. Alonzo Whiting. 2579 MILES W., b. 1826; m. 1847, (1) Rosan Grover; 1864, (2) Helen Fitch. 2580 LOUISA C., b. 1828; m. James B. Trail. 2581 ALONZO, b. 1831, d. 1865; in. (1) Cordelia Gibbs; (2) Mary Barrows. 2582 LUCINDA S., b. 1834, d. 1870; m. Frank L. Lewis. * 1 OS 1 %. BENJAMIN was a hatter by trade. He was in the Fremont expedition of the exploration of the Rocky Mountains. There is quite a personal history which is very interesting, which our limits prevent us from giving here. By his first wife, SUSAN WIL- LIAMS, he had one child : 2582| ANNA E., b. 1816, d. 1879; m. 1835, (1) Hiram B. Whitcomb, d. 1852; 1856, (2) Abram Swartwood. By his second wife, SALLY - (the last name not given), he had two children: 2583 ELIZABETH, m. Amos Kenyon. 2584 MARY, d. ; m. Thomas Dyer. 1OSS. JAMES had seven children, as follows: 2590 GEORGE E., b. 1823; s. 2591 JAMES K, b. 1825; m. 1854, Cordelia Lillibridge. 2592 JULIETTE E., b. 1827; m. 1848, Sheldon Brown. 2593 MARY E., b. 1829; m. Is50, Nelson P. Baker. 2594 PHILO E., b. 1831; m. 1853, Margaret W. Flennagin. 2595 MENGER, b. 1833, d. 1864; m. 1854, Lydia F. Baker. 2596 SEYMOUR L., b. 1836; m. 1860, M. J. Partridge. 1OS3. All we know of ALVAH is that he married ELECTA RUM- SEY, is now dead, and that he had one daughter: 2597 MAGGIE. We are not informed of the name < of AARON'S wife, and all the information of his children is contained in names. The P. O. GENERATIOX VII. 47 address given was San Francisco, Cal., but no response has been received to letters sent to that address. 2605 AARON. 2606 PHILO. 2607 ROLETTE. 1OS4. CLARINDA married a GOFP, and I. am informed she is still living at Shirland, Winnebago Co , 111., but letters addressed to her there have failed to bring any response. Z1NEG, 2d, is dead, but his record closes with this information. Of SYLVANUS' family we are obliged to give the following very imperfect record: 2640 ADELIA I., d.; m. (1) Coon; (2) Bayles. 2641 AD ALINE E., m. - Gardner. 2642 WILHELMINA E. , b. 1833; m. 1851, John G. Baker. 2643 MATILDA, m. - Baker. 2644 POLLY R. 2645 NANCY A. 2646 JAMES N., d. 1865; S. HEMAN'S widow is still living at Oshkosh, Wis., but we have no knowledge of his descendants. SARAH A. (widow of 0. M. Russell) is now living at Mills Mills, Alleghany Co., N. Y. By her first husband she had two children. 2652 GEORGE T. BRUNSON. 2653 JOHN C. " d. 1865; m. 1856, Lydia A. Neff. She had by her second husband, O. M. RUSSELL, three children. 2656 ADA A. RUSSELL; m. - Newell. 2657 FORD S. 2658 EUGENE 48 DOWD GENEALOGY. The name of BENJAMIN'S wife we have been unable to ascer- tain. His children are as follows: 2660 GEORGE. 2661 TniRZA. 2662 WILLIAM; P. O. address, Erie, Penn. 2663 FRANKLIN, " " Kansas City, Mo. 2664 CHESTER, " " .... EMELINE is dead. ROXANA married a BEERS and resides at Harmonsburg, Crawford Co., Penn. 10-M. The children of DANIEL were: 2850 DANIEL B., b. 1811, d. 1833. 2851 CAROLINE G., b. 1804, d. 1804. 2852 LUCY J., b. 1806, d. 1806. 2853 ELIZA C., b. 1808. lOT'S. CORN WELL raised his family in Middletown, Ct. The chil- dren were: 2860 ALBERT, b. 1809; m. 1830, Matilda E. Waring. 2861 JOHN C., b. 1813, d. ; m. 1888, Martha Jones. 2862 LEWIS B., b. 1819, d. 1864; m. Catharine Sampson. 2863 ANNA M., b. 1806; m. 1830, John Baker. 2S64 CHARLES W. ( b. 1821, d. 1873; m. Caroline Brinton. EUNICE, who married BARZILLAI SAGE, a farmer and mason, raised a large family near Middletown, Conn. She attained to the age of 87. 2870 BARZILLAI D. SAGE, d. 1853; m. Elizabeth Y. Paddock. 2871 CORNWELL " in. Sarah Merriman. 2872 FREDERIC " d. 1846 ; m. Martha Cornwell. 2873 TIMOTHY " m. Paulina Booth. 2874 TITUS " m. Abigail Treat. 2875 DENNIS " m. Lucy Rogers. 2876 ALFRED " d. 1866; s. 2877 CHESTER " m. (1) Sarah P. Turner, d. 1844; 1860, (2) Mary Bowles, d. 1879. GENERATION VII. 49 2878 PHILIP SAGE, m. Eliza Booth. 2879 EUNICE " m. Friend W. Ingham. 2880 JANE L. " m. (1) Amos N. Bradley; (2) Daniel Thomas. SETH had the following children and we know not but he had more, we not deeming the record entirely complete, or satisfactory. No dates are given, but they were probably born during the pres- ent century. 2881 WILLIAM. 2882 ALBERT. 2883 CORNWELL. CLARISSA, who was the wife of the HON. EBENEZER BACON, was murdered by a robber who entered the house on Sunday, evidently thinking the entire family was at church, but being discovered, murdered her to escape detection. It was a very brutal affair and shocked the whole community. They resided near Middletown, Conn. We are informed that a daughter mar- ried Isaac Coe of Middlefield, Conn., and lives West. But we have received no information of any further descendants. lore. ELEAZER moved from Middletown to East Hartford, Ct., where he raised a large family. 2890 LAURA, b. 1812, d. 1873; m. (1) Henry Cook, d. 1866; (2) Judge Elisha Sill. 2891 E. GAYLORD, b. 1814; m. Olive M. Wells, d. 1875. 2892 HENRY, b. 1816, d. 1877; m. Maria Pease, d. 1883. 2893 THOMAS, b. 1818; m. Nancy Williams. 2894 MARTHA, b. 1821 ; m. 1848, Oliver Woodworth. 2895 MARY, b. 1822, d. 1827. 2896 HORACE, b. 1825, d. 1883; m. Lavinia White. 2897 MARY, b. 1831 ; m. Ellsworth Chapin. NAOMI S. had five children, but two of them died young. 2898 ENOCH L. R. SAVAGE, b. 1824; m. 1869, Mrs. Nannie C. Tanner. 2899 LUTHER M. b. 1826, d. 1834. 2900 EMILY G. b. 1835; m. Willard F. Ensign. 2901 CAROLINE D. " b. 1829, d. 1859; in. 1854, Nicholas V. Fagan. aJ02 CLAUDIUS E. " b. 1843, d. 1844. 7 50 DOWD GENEALOGY. PERCYETTE and SIMEON RICHARDS had the following children: 2999| PERCYETTE RICHARDS, b. 1808, d. 1828; s. 3000 FRANK G. b. 1810; m. 1829, Priscilla Dunn. 3000* JULIA A. b. 1812, d. 1875; m. 1843, Eliphalet Rich- ards. 3001 SUSAN S. RICHARDS, b. 1813, d. 1883; m. 1856, James Huntington. 300H ELIZA W. b. 1815, d. 1849; m. 1845, Charles Bloss. 3002 FREDERIC b. 1817, d. 1875; m. 1839, Ann E. Walker. 3003 SARAH W. b. 1820; m. 1839, Francis Warriner. 3004 EDWARD A. " b. 1827, d. 1862; s. lose. PHEBE and ELIHU CORN WELL had five children but the knowledge of them is very imperfect and unsatisfactory. 3005 HARVEY D. CORNWELL, b. 1802, d. 1861; m. 1824, Olive Graves. 3006 MEHITABLE b. 1805; m. Darrow. 3007 RICHARD D. b. 1808; m. 1832, (1) Calista A. Bancroft, d. 1866; 1869, (2) Emma J. Tennant. 3008 CHAUNCEY C. C. CORNWELL, b. 1810. 3009 MELISSA B. b. 1812; m. - Higby. The children of RICHARD were as follows: 3009^ RICHARD; d. young. 3009^ OLIVER; d. young. 3009| OLIVER. 3010 JOSEPH D., b. 1822; m. 1844, Abigail Holdridge. 3010 JAMES. 3011 MARIA, b. 1817, d. 1884; m. Capt. Hubbard. 301 li WILLIAM. 301 li HENRY. 3011| RICHARD. 1OSS. SALLY DOWD had two husbands and children by each. Those were: BY TIMOTHY CLARK. 3012 LAURA H. CLARK, b. 1812; m. 1835, Francis Cone, d. 1854. 3013 MARTHA A. " b. 1814; m. 1834, Pardon K. Fay, d. 1876. BY LEMUEL WHITE. 3014 SARAH WHITE, b. 1820; m. 1836, Ilarvey Lounsbury. GENERATION VII. 51 1080. SUSAN (DOWD) SMITH, recently deceased at the advanced age of 94, had the following children: 3015 NORMAN SMITH, b. 1812, d. 1880; m. 1834, Elizabeth Plumb. 3016 MARY " b. 1814, d. 1842; m. 1836, Isaac S. Briggs. 3017 TIMOTHY CLARK SMITH, b. 1816; m. 1857, (1) Mary 8. Bowen; 1869, (2) Helen Bowen. 3018 HANNAH SMITH, b. 1819, d. 1819. 3019 GEORGE " b. 1820, d. 1847; m. 1841, Cynthia Munger. 3020 SARAH DOWD SMITH, b. 1822, d. 1828. 3021 FRANCES SMITH, b. 1824; m. 1846, Seth D. North (see 3033). 3022 NOAH R. SMITH, JR., b. 1826, d. 1865; m. 1850, (1) Anun Brush ; 1857, (2) Wilhclraina Swartzlander. 3023 SARAH I. SMITH, b. 1828, d. 1852; s. 3024 RICHARD D. SMITH, b. 1832; m. 1855, Mary Beecher. 3025 SUSAN SMITH, b. 1835, d. 1835. 1 OOO. MARY (DOWD) NORTH had 14 children, all but one reach- ing maturity, and all but two living still. This is one of the largest families on this record. Her children were: 3026 HENRY S. NORTH, b. 1811; m. 1831, Angelica Y. Meigs. 3027 LUCY ANN " b. 1813; m. 1838, Rev. James L. Wright. 3028 JAMES Dowp NORTH, b. 1815; m. 1838, Almira Atkins. 3029 MARY NORTH, b. 1816; s. 3030 NORMAN NORTH, b. 1818, d. 1865; m. 1838, Delia Clark, d. 1865. 3031 HARRIET HURLBURT NORTH, b. 1819; m. 1844, JohnD. Southmayd. 3032 SUSAN SMITH NORTH, b. 1821 ; m. 1847, Osmer Hale. 3033 SETH DOWD " b. 1823; m. 1846, Frances Smith (see 3021). 3034 ELIZABETH b. 1825; m. 1845, Rev. William S. Wright. 3035 RICHARD " (1st) b. 1827, d. 1829. 3036 FRANCES SARAH NORTH, b. 1829; m. 1850, Henry M. Wright. 3037 RICHARD NORTH (2d), b. 1830; s. 3038 LUTHER S. " b. 1833. 3039 FRANKLIN S. NORTH, b. 1835; m. 1857, (1) Jane Haualin; (2) ; (3) . 1 00 I . REBECCA and ENOCH ROBERTS had the following children: 3040 ENOCH C. ROBERTS, JR., b. 1814, d. 1875; m. 1838, Mary Ann Wright, b. 1815, d. 1871. 3041 REBECCA DOWD ROBERTS, b. 1816; m. 1841, (1) Justin Warriner; 1857, (2) George Martin. 52 DOWD GENEALOGY. 3042 EBENEZER ROBERTS, b. 1819; m. 1843, Clarissa R. Bancroft, d. 1881. 3043 LUTHER DOWD ROBERTS, b. 1823, d. 1850; s. 3044 MARIA ROBERTS, b. 1826, d. 1848; m. 1845, Samuel K. Childs, d. 1846. 3045 MIRANDA D. ROBERTS, b. 1829, d. 1855; s. 3046 SUSAN CORNELIA ROBERTS, b. 1833; m. 1852, Benj. B. Porter, d. 1854. 100S. LUTHER S. DOWD had but two children, he dying at the early age of 29. His children were: 3047 CAROLINE, b. 1826; m. 1852, Henry H. Todd. 3048 EMILY, b. 1827, d. 1851 ; m. 1848, Henry H. Todd. 1003. SETF1 DOWD, whose address is.Newington, Conn., is living at the good old age of 84. He has had three children, but only one is now living : 3049 SETH AUGUSTUS, b. 1828, d. 1831. 3050 CORNELIUS SAVAGE, b. 1835, d. 1879; s. 3051 EMMA R. ; m. 1867, E. S. Goodale. 1OO4. The children of FANNY and CALEB HITCHCOCK are: 3052 PERCYETTE HITCHCOCK, b. 1828; m. 1877, John Livingstone. 3053 DIANTHA " b. 1830; m. 1858, Barrett Becker. 3054 .LUCY ANN " b. 1832; m. 1852, (1) Noah Bacheller; 1873, (2) John Hubbard. 3055 BURDETTE HITCHCOCK, b. 1833, d. 1833. 3056 PARMELIA " b. 1836; m. 1856, Dwight Patterson. 3057 CALEB b. 1839; m. 1862, (1) Helen A. Barnes; 1874, (2) Helen A. Henry. 1 14S. JOHN had a large family of ten children, all of whom reached maturity. They are : 3230 ELIZA A., b. 1821, d. 1865; m. 1839, Alonzo C. Porter, b. 1815, d. 1880. 3231 MARY A., b. 1819, d. 1884; m. 1841, Fred. P. Wheeler, M.D. 3232 ARVILLA, b. 1822; m. 1847, A. A. Atwood, M.D., b. 1821. 3233 ALFORD, b. 1824, d. 1857; s. GENERATION VU. 53 3234 MARTHA, b. 1827, d. 1862; m. 1849, Charles Lyman, d. 1880. 3235 ALBERT, b. 1829; s. 3236 DAVID, b. 1831 ; s. 3237 CHARLOTTE, 1833; m. Wm. Nichols. 3238 HENRY, b. 1835, d. 1870. 3239 JAMES E., b. 1838; m. Anna M. Bancy. 1 143. ALB1GENCE was Deacon in the Congregational church and a godly man. He had four children, three of whom are still living. 3240 MONROY M., b. 1827; m. 1854, Maria A. Graves. 3241 WALLACE W., b. 1833; m. 1858, Mary A. Baldwin. 3242 HELEN M., b. 1824; m. 1842, Hon. H. D. Hedding. 3242| DAVID D., b. 1829, d. 1829. 1 144. JAMES went to Zanesville, 0. He had one son, Monroy, and perhaps other children, but we have been unable to find them or their descendants. 1 14S. DAVID never married and died when he was about 21. 1 14O. PHILINDA or MELINDA (authorities differ as to her given name) married ALPHEUS JEWETT, but all further trace of her has been lost. 1 14^. PAMELIA, who married NATHANIEL* PRIME, had no issue. Both herself and husband are dead. 1 148. CHARLOTTE had seven children but died at the early age of 42. Three of her children are still living in the State of Vermont. 3250 DELIA S. WALKER, b. 1820, d. 1830. 3251 CHARLES H. " b. 1822, d. 1857. 3252 MARTHA " b. 1825, d. 1826. 3253 WALLACE S " b. 1827; m. Iloxana Fuller. 3254 DAVIDS. " b. 1829; m. Orinda Taft. 3255 GEORGE C. " b. 1837; m. 1865, Sarah E. Corey. 3256 ELLEN C. " b. 1838, d. 1857. 54 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1 14O. MARY, who married HIRAM LANGDON, had seven children, but four of them died in childhood and only two of them are now living; one in Missouri and the other in Italy. 3257 EDWIN J. LANGDON, b. 1819; m. 1847, Sarah A. Glasscock. 3258 SOPHKONIA E. " b. 1821; m. 1843, Rev. W. C. Van Meter. 3259 ELLEN E. " b. 1826, d. 1873; m. 1849, Rev. John Powell, d. 3260 CHARLOTTE " b. 1816, d. 1818. 3261 JULIA J. " b. 1818, d. 1818. 3262 FORDICE F. " b. 1822, d. 1823. 3263 FORDICE F. " b. 1824, d. 1824. 1 1 SO. HARVEY, the oldest son of Giles, died young, but the date is not given. 1 151. ELISHA had but two children, and the daughter died one year after marriage. 3300 AURELIA, b. 1816, d. 1839; m. 1838, Joseph Comstock. 3301 CHARLES G., b. 1822; m. 1846, Moriah Devoe. 1 The record of CLARISSA has been well preserved, and is nearly entire. 3302 THEODOSIA BUTLER, b. 1814, d. 1815. 3303 SOPHRONIA " b. 1815, d. 1817. 3304 CURTIS M. " , b. 1817; m. 1853, Sarah M. Atwater. 3305 THEODOSIA " b. 1819; m. 1838, (1) Abner Bristol; 1865, (2) Hiram R. Taylor. 3306 SYLVESTER BUTLER, b. 1821, d. 1821. 3307 RHODA A. ". b. 1822; m. 1838, (1) Mark Carrington; (2) - Post. 3308 ADALINE BUTLER, b. 1825; m. 1850, Charles W. Bell. 3309 ADELIA L. " b. 1827; m. 1850, Henry Chapin. 3310 ALFRED D. " b. 1830; m. 1851, Emily F. Bell. 3311 HARRIET " f b. 1833; m. 1856, Miles M. Carrington. 1 133. GILES had three children. He is still living, so far as the writer is informed, and if so, must be 91 years of age. His P. 0. address is Martinsburg, N. Y. GENERATION VII. 55 3312 HIRAM, b. 1820; m. 1848, Harriet Holmes. 3313 HORACE, b. 1827; m. 1851, Marinda Howell. 3314 CAROLINE, b. 1832, d. 1857. 1 CHARLOTTE was never married. 1 We are uninformed of the maiden name of HARVEY'S wife, and all we know of the children is the bare names, except that Nellie lives at Champion, N. Y. ; but as we are uninformed whether or not she is married, we have been unable to get into communi- cation with her. 3315 CHAUNCEY. 3316 JENNIE. 3317 AMASA. 3318 ALONZO. 3319 NELLIE. 3320 JOSEPHINE. 3321 MARY. 1 15G. SILAS lives at Martinsburg, N. Y., but no response to commu- nication has been received. We are informed, however, that he has one daughter. 3322 AURELIA. 1 1ST". CALVIN, we understand, died about 1842, but we are unable to obtain reliable information. The daughter, Mrs. Angeline Hickey, whose address was given 446 West Randolph St., Chicago, 111., has not responded to communication there addressed, and we conclude it an error. 3326 HELEN. 3327 BRAYTON. 3328 MANNING. 3329 DEWITT. 3330 ANGELINE; m. - Hickey. 3331 HENRIETTE. 3332 ANTOINETTE. 56 DOWD GENEALOGY. CHAUNCEY has built up an extensive business in and around Winona, Minn., where he now resides. He has amassed a fortune, and lives in the enjoyment of his wealth obtained by frugality and industry, surrounded by his thriving sons and daughters. 3333 ROSCOE T., b. 1835; m. 1863, (1) Iowa Batchelder; 1876, (2) Jessie Muir. 3334 GERTRUDE A., b. 1837; m. 1857, E. W. Heydon. 3335 ANNA D., b. 1840; m. 1860, Abner Harris. 3336 MARIETTE C. ( b. 1842, d. 1845. 3337 GEORGE W., b. 1844; d. 1845. 3338 M. LOUISE, b. 1846; m. 1872, George M. Brush. 3339 CORNELIA L., b. 1849; m. 1883, Fred. Bonner. 3340 GEORGE S., b. 1853; m. 1882, Josie Newell. 1 The children of ALMA and JOHN DUNSHEE were: 3341 ALBERT DUNSHEE, b. 1818; m. 1854, Lorinda Lamb, b. 1834. 3342 ROLLIN b. 1820; s. 3343 ALMA b. 1822, d. 1846; s. 3344 JOHN " b. 1824. 3345 FRANKLIN " b. 1826, d. 1881. 3346 HARRIET " b. 1828, d. 1860; s. 3347 DANIEL P. " b. 1831, d. 1852; s. 3348 DARWIN " b. 1834; s. 3348^ LOUISA, " b. 1836, d. 1869; s. ! 1 1 6O. The following is all that is known of SALLY'S descendants. Her address is Hiawatha, Brown Co., Kan. 3349 FRANKLIN DART. 3350 CELESTIA. 1 1 e i . JOHN had no issue. 1 1 OS. ; The children of OCEAN B. were: 3352 OSSIAN G. PRIME, b. 1828; m. 1855. 3353 AMY " b. 1826; m. 1848, Amos N. Hurlburt. 3354 DAVID W. " b. 1829; m. 1859, Virginia Rosseter. 3355 HELEN M. " b. 1831; m. 1860, George W. Earle. 3356 OLIVER B. " b. 1832; m. 1861.. Frances Chase. GENERATION VII. 57 1 103. The following were ELECTA'S children: 3358 HENRY M. SPKAGUE, b. 1828, I. 1874; m. -- Bryant. 3359 AMY M. b. 1827, d. 1848. 3360 FORD W. " b. 1832, d. 1881; m. 1860, -Bump. 3361 WEALTHIA E. " b. 1836, d. 1876; m. 1858, William Palmer. 3362 ALSON R. " b. 1844; m. 1871, (1) Lucy P. Grant, d. 1880; m. 1883, (2) Mary Grant. 3363 RILEY T. SPRAGUE, b. 1831, d. 3363* ALFRED T. " b. 1841, d. 1843. 1 HENRY H. PRIME lives in Bristol, Addison Co., Vt. f and has raised a large family. 3364 ELON G. PRIME, M.D., b. 1833; m. Annie E. Scarborough. 3365 ALBINA A. " b. 1835; m. 1855, Loyal S. Warner. 3366 HENRY L. " b. 1837, d. 1862; s. 3367 JAMES D. b. 1840, d. 1847. 3368 ALFRED S. b. 1847; s. 3369 MARTHA A. " b. 1849; m. 1869, Lucius T. Rockwell. 3370 WEALTHY E. " b. 1851; m. 1880, Medad Partch. 3371 SARAH C. " b. 1854; s. 3372 WELDON H. " b. 1859; s. 1 1 SO. HON. SYLVESTER was several times a member of the Vermont Legislature and held many positions of trust and responsibility. His present P. 0. address is New Haven, Vt. His children were: BY FIRST WIFE, ALZINA WHEELER. 3375 WILLARD J., b. 1833; m. Annette Rider. 3376 EDWARD, b. 1834; m. 1851, (1) Cornelia Sprague, d. 1868; m. 1870,' (2) Delia Bingham, b. 1843. 3377 WHEELER, b. 1836; m. 1862, (1) Mary L. Thompson; m. 1873, (2) Augusta A. Lewis. 3378 SYLVESTER S., b. 1839; m. 1866. Mary A. Goodell, b. 1841. ' BY SECOND WIFE, ELIZA SMITH. 3379 SILAS D., b. 1841; m. 1864, Alva A. Wicker, b. 1844. 1 181. ADALINE married the HON. OLIVER SMITH, who repre- sented his town, and is a man of position and influence in his 58 DOWD GENEALOGY. native State of Vermont. The address is Mrs. Oliver Smith, New Haven, Vt. 3380 PROP. OTIS D. SMITH, b. 18*1; m. 1866, Mary A. Howell, b. 1842. 3381 ELLEN VAN D. " b. 1833; m. 1860, Noah P. Nash. 3382 CORNELIA A. " b. 1839; s. 3383 CAROLINE E. " b. 1842; m. 1864, Joseph R. Nash, d. 3384 ELIZA I. b. 1845; m. 1869, Joseph Purmort. 3385. HENRY A. " b. 1837, d. 1876. BETSEY had two children, but both are now dead. Dates are deficient. 3387 LAURA HALL, d. 1852; m. Loyal T. Sprague. 3388 ORREN " d. ; s. 1 183. Of the descendants of LAURA and IRA LANGDON, we have only the following information: 3391 MATILDA LANGDON, P. O. address, Constable, N. Y. 3392 HIRAM " had a son, Edwin, in 1865, at New Madrid, Mo. 3393 FAYETTE 1 184. The following covers the information of SILAS' descendants: 3396 LAURAINE, married, husband's name not given; several children; Lockport, N. Y. 3397 LEROY, P. O., Chicago, 111.; married. 3398 MARY, married Rev. G. W. T. Wright; address, Washington, D. C. 1 187". HON. OSMUND was for two years elected to the Legislature, and held other positions of trust and influence in Vermont. 3400 EDSON A., b. 1832; m. 1857, Alice V. Stowe. 3401 DELIA E., b. 1838; m. 1864, Sidney A. Smith. 3402 MARY I., b. 1846; m. 1865, Perry J. Farnsworth. 3403 SAXTON S., b. 1829, d. 1830. 1 188. DELIA married PROF. JOHN EDGERTON, and four children were the fruit of this union: GENERATION VII. 59 3406 HARRIET A. EDGERTON, b. 1834; m. 1854, Jesse E. Tenney. 3407 MARTHA I. " b. 1838; m. 1860, Andrew J. Newton. 3408 W. WILBERFORCE " b. 1845; m. 1876, Elizabeth A. Davis. 3409 JOHN H. " b. 1850; m. (1) - ; m. (2) Mary Watterson. ROZALIA and NORMAN ASHLEY had two children, but although each have twice been written to, once at Norwood, N. Y., and once at Potsdam Junction, N. Y., each has failed to elicit a reply. We understand both are married and have children. 3411 LOREN ASHLEY. 3412 HENRY 1 1OO. Of SARAH and SOLOMON HOVEY we have only the names of the six children given below: 3440 AMANDA HOVEY. 3441 ALMIRA " 3442 SEMANTHA " d. 3443 EMELINE " 3444 MYRON " d. 3445 ASBURG " 1 1 OO^. Our knowledge of ESTHER and WILLIAM AUSTIN is con- fined to the names of their children: 3446 JOHN AUSTIN. 3447 AMANDA AUSTIN. 3448 ALVAH " 3449 WILLIAM 3450 VICTOR " 3451 SARAH 3452 ELLEN ' 1 101. The following were the children of ELIHU and CRO WNO VER : 3453 CHANDLER. 3454 AMANTHA. ALFRED was in the War of 1812. His children were: 3455 DRAPER; d. 3456 LOUISA. 3457 WESLEY. 60 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1 10S. The children of REBECCA and ELIUM AUSTIN were: 3458 SUSANNAH. 3459 ELIHU. 3460 AMA. 3461 HANNAH. 3462 WILLIAM. 3463 SARAH. 1 1 0S>. 1 1 03. 1 1 03K- We know nothing, except that FREDERIC is dead. 1 104. Our record of ANSON F. is fuller and more satisfactory, at least as regards his descendants. 3470 COLLINS ANSON, b. 1822, d. 1875; m. 1845, Sarah Ann Eight. 3471 LOVE JANE, b. 1824; m. Gawin S. Ward. 3472 MARY FRANCES, b. 1826; m. 1851, John Barker. 3473 SUSAN ARAMINTA, b. 1830; m. 1853, Oliver C. Nokes. . 3474 MENZER FAIRCHILD, b. 1833; m. 1866, Emeline E. (Simons) Davis. 3475 MATTHIAS SWAYZE, b. 1835, d. 1838. 3476 NANCY MARILLA* b. 1838, d. 1848. 3477 HENRY MANSON, b. 1841 ; m. 1868, Margaret 8478 LAURA ALZINA, b. 1845; m. 1869, Charles F. Gates. 1 RACHEL'S children by JOHN TANN were: 3479 MARY ANN TANN. 3480 FREDERIC 3481 HABRIET 3482 ELIZABETH Of MENZER'S children we know nothing. We are informed, however, that he was a circuit preacher. 1 1 &&y z . BARNES is dead. The names of his children are: 3490 HARTWELL. 3491 MARIA. 3492 ALFRED. 3493 ARAMINTA. GENERATION VII. 61 1 1OO. LORENZO is still living at Chili, Ind. He has in his posses- sion some tools that were his grandfather's, and 'he thinks them 125 or 150 years old. His grandfather was a ship-carpenter, but he does not know his christened name. There would probably be no difficulty in swinging this whole line into connection if this could be positively determined. It is barely possible that all the children of some of the fourth generation have not been obtained; as, for instance, Isaac (92) whose record is not satisfactory, but it is not very probable that these are from that source. As Lorenzo is the only living child of Elihu, it will be difficult to get the back connection unless some descendant of Sarah, Esther, or Elihu (2) have old records which will give it. Lorenzo's children are: 3494 ARTHUR, b. 1839, d. 1864. 3495 ALBERT, 1842; m. 1870, Manett Whitcomb. 3496 LETITIA; b. 1843, d. 1845. 3497 THERESA, b. 1846. 3498 IRVIN, b. 1849, d. 1851. 3499 LUCIAN, 1850. 3500 LILLISSX b. 1853. 3501 ERVINA, b. 1855. 3502 ERANCY, b. 1857. 3503 BRUNSON, b. 1859. 3504 ROZAMANA, b. 1861. EVENTUS was a clergyman. The information of his children is all given in the following: 3506 FLETCHER. He was in the war. 3507 WILBUR. 3508 ARVILLA. 3509 BRINTON. 3510 BIRCH. 3511 ARABELLA. 3512 OSCAU. The children of ARAMINTA and ISRAEL MARQUIS were : 3513 TRYPHENA MARQUIS. 3514 OLIVE ANN " 3515 EVENTUS " 62 DOWD GENEALOGY. JERUSHA had three children, but all are dead. Whether they lived to rriaturity, married, and had children or not, we are uninformed. 1 223. I 224=. We are utterly ignorant of ASA and MARY, except what appears by their marginal number. 1225. MARTHA had an infant daughter that died young. The name of her son was: 3601 GEORGE R. SHELLEY, b. 1822, d. 1856; m. 1850, Anna M. Dudley, b. 1820. JOSHUA', we judge, raised his family in Madison, Conn., or in the adjoining town of Killingworth. 3602 JOEL, b. 1815. 3603 ANGENORA, b. 1816, d. 1883; m. (1) Orren Hull; 1854, (2) Harvey Barnes; (3) Asher Sax ton. 3604 EDMUND, b. 1818, d. 1820. 3605 POLLY E., b. 1822; m. 1836, (l\S. Harvey Grambly, d. 1868; 1871, (2) Edward G. Brown. 3606 EDMUND A., b. 1823, d. 1824. 3607 RACHEL, b. 1825; m. William A. Dickerman. 3608 WILLIAM W., b. 1828, d.; s. 3609 SELDEN D. , b. 1831 ; m. Caroline Morse. 3610 GILES, b. 1833; m. (1) Mary G. Dudley; (2) Sylvia Dudley. SOPHRONIA had two children, but one died young. 3611 LEVERETT BRISTOL, b. 1810; m. 1838, Sarah N. Field. 3612 BETSEY " b. 1813, d. 1826. 122&. WYLLYS is still living in Clinton, Conn. For sixty years he and his wife have lived together, and now they have reached more than fourscore years. Their children are: 3613 MARGARET, b. 1825. Died in infancy. 3614 BETSEY, b. 1829, d. 1848. GENERATION VII. 63 3615 ESTHER A., b. 1831; m. 1851, Benjamin Gates* 3616 CLARISSA, b. 1837; m. Spencer Watrous. 3617 SARAH ELIZABETH, b. 1844; m. 1862, (1) Frederic W. Beebe, d. 1865; 1867, (2) Samuel L. Crocker. 1S30. Although BETSEY died at 33, she had a family of seven. children: 3618 SAMUEL F. BISHOP, b. 1820, d. 1844; s. 3619 JAMES H. ". b. 1821; m. 1847, Nancy B. J. Stowe. 3620 CHARLES W., " b. 1823, d. 1836. 3621 BETSEY J. " b. 1825, d. 1833. 3622 JOHN M. " b. 1827. 3623 EDWIN R. " b. 1829, d. 1870; m. 1854, Sarah E. (Webb) Risley. 3624 FLORENCE BISHOP, b. 1831, d. 1833. 1*2:31. We have been informed that EMELINE FRENCH had a son, Horace, in Fair Haven, Conn., but we have been unable to cor- roborate it. We know nothing of the descendants of EVA LINE and TIMOTHY CLARK. LUCRETIA was a seamstress, and was in the habit of going into families and living till the entire family was reclothed. The writer well remembers her visits to his father's family, and he has worn many suits which her handiwork fitted for his use. GARDNER had two children, who were born in Madison, Conn. Sally, who is still living there at the address of East River, Conn., as Mrs. Levi Dingwell, has been written to for the record, but she has not responded, although her son (as I suppose) encouraged me to hope for it. The .record, therefore, closes with the following: 3650 RICHARD, b. 1810, d. 1844; m. Mary Turner. 3051 SALLY, b. 1813; m. Levi H. Dingwell. Of POLLY'S descendants no information has been obtained. 64 DOWD GENEALOGY. HARVEY had but two children, and the record of descendants is incomplete. 3660 SARAH S., b. 1825; m. Henry S. Way. 3661 LUCRETIA, b. 1826, d. 1843. The P. 0. address of Sarah, or Mrs. Henry S. Way, is Madison, Conn. The record closes with this entry. MUNROE had no issue. The address of his widow is Mrs. E. H. Wormwood, 13 Jaycox St., Syracuse, N. Y. HANNAH'S P. 0. address, as is that of her son. is 51 Mulberry St., Syracuse, N. Y. The name of the son's wife has not been given. 3662 FRED. R. WACKMAN, b. 1852, d. 1872. 3663 EUGENE C. " b. 1859; m. 1884. MARIA resides at Forestville, Conn., 'where she has recently lost her husband. Her children are: 3664 IRENE ATKINS, b. 1837; m. 1864, J. P. Douglass. 3665 GEORGE " b. 1845; m. 1870, Jennie Brown. 3666 AZETTA M. " b. 1852 ;'m. 1884, Watson Barnes. 1S30^. 1S40. 1S41. 1S41). Nothing more can be given than what appears against their marginal numbers, except AMY A. had by her first husband: 3679 ELLEN M. HOPKINS, b. 1835, d. ISAAC was a farmer who, as near as can be ascertained, mar- ried SYLVIA TUTTLE. We judge that Isaac was born about 1783. His death is also conjectured to have occurred about 1832. His children seem to have been consumptive, but whether inherited or not we have no means of determining. Of his four children but one, and he the youngest, ever married. GENERATION VII. 65 3680 LUCIEN, b. 1815, d. 1837; s. 3681 SOPIIRONIA, b. 1818, d. 1842; s. 3682 LAURA, b. 1820, d. 1842; s. 3683 HIRAM HALLECK, b. 1823 ; m. Electa C. Farncrook. 1343. TRUMAN was a manufacturer, and was twice married. His children were all by his first wife. Truman was 90 years old at his death, outliving all his own children. 3684 HELEN, b. 1810, d. 1834; m. 1831, Miles Hand. 3685 ALBRO T., b. 1812, d. 1863; m. 1838, Mary Van Dusen, b. 1815. 3686 ELVIRA, b. 1817, d. 1840; 8. 3687 ELNORA, b. 1819, d. 1854; s. CHAUNCEY was a hatter by trade. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and received a pension. He was thrifty and accu- mulated some property. His wife, CYNTHIA HENDERSON, reached the age of 91 years. She died only one year ago. She retained all her faculties in a remarkable manner to the last. Chauncey was a man of prominence in the community, and was deeply interested in all matters of education and the well-being of his fellow men. His children were: 3688 GODARD, b. 1813, d. 1879; m. 1836, (1) Marilla Jenkins; 1843, (2) Urania Jenkins; (3) Samantha Wheaton. 3689 MINERVA A., b. 1815; m. 1838, James W. Day, d. 1872. 3690 CORDELIA J., b. 1818, d. 1852; s. 3691 WILLARD J., b. 1820, d. 1845; s. 3692 MARY L.. b. 1824, d. 1850; s. 3693 ORSON W., J b. 1826, d. 1861 ; s. 3694 ORREN W., f DS> b. 1826, d. 1857; m. 1853, Laura Fuller. 3695 HARMON D., b. 1828, d. 1851; s. 3696 GUILFORD D., b. 1830; m. 1859, Mary E. Smith. CHESTER was a wood-turner by trade. He was also a great lover of the violin, and excelled in playing upon it. He seems to have resided a portion of his life in Connecticut, but just how much or what portion of it we are unable to state. He was blessed with eleven children, of whom but three, are still living. His children were: 9 66 DOWD GENEALOGY. 3697 AMANDA, b. 1816, d. 1842; m. 1840, Orrin Brown. 3698 FIDELIA, b. 1818, d. 1874; m. 1835, Chester Healy. 3699 AUGUSTUS, b. 1820; m. 1843, Sarah Haven. 3700 JANE, b. 1822; m. 1844, Orrin Brown. 3701 HENKY, b. 1823, d. 1874; m. (1) Jane Doolittle; 1857, (2) Amelia Stevens. 3702 CHARLES, b. 1825, d. 1849; m. 1845, Sarah S. Barnes. 3703 LOUISA, b. 1827, d. 1830. 3704 JASON, b. 1830, d. 1834. 3705 ALBERT, b. 1833; m. 1860, Elizabeth Barnes. 3706 MARY E., b. 1836, d. 1863; s. 3707 WALLACE, b. 1838, d. 1842. BENAJAH was a cabinet-maker, and moved to Michigan in 1843, and most of his descendants still live in that State, and fill important positions in that lake-bound commonwealth. Two of his children died in infancy, but seven reached maturity, and five are still living. His wife, ESTHER RUST, died in 1875. Their children were: 3708 INFANT, b. 1818, d. 1818. 3709 SOLON, b. 1820; m. 1847, (1) Mary A. Hughson; 1873, (2) Harriet Dole. 3710 ESTHER MATILDA, b. 1822, d. 1874; m. 1843, Wm. J. Bottom, b. 1822, d. 1869. 3711 MANNING, b. 1824; m. 1849, Nancy Douglass, b. 1825. 3712 LYDIA MINERVA, b. 1825; m. 1845, Henry Jenkins, b. 1822, d. 1874. 3713 INFANT, b. 1827, d. 1827. 3714 EDWIN, b. 1830, d. 1847; s. 3715 CAROLINE BELINDA, b. 1833; m. 1852, John R. Robinson, b. 1832. 3716 CORDELIA ANN, b. 1836. SETH was a wood-turner and cabinet-maker, and seems to have been a thrifty man. His family was small. 3717 LOUISA M., b. 1827; m. 1844, James C. Gardiner, b. 1818. 3718 GEORGE BYRON, b. 1831; m. 1860, Mary Hills. 3719 LUCIA Ev ALINE, b. 1836; m. 1864, E. B. Phillips, M.D. AMANDA (DOUD) MERRILL had ten children, although but three of them reached the age of twenty years. Her children were: GENERATION VII. 67 3720 JAMES WATSON MERRILL, b. 1823; m. 1849, Mary C. Bentley. 3721 HELEN b. 1826, d. 1837. 3722 (Elder) JASON A. " b. 1828; m. 1852, Lavinia Brumfleld. 3723 ADALINE b. 1831, d. 1858; m. Henry Downs, b 1826, d. 1858. 3724 MARIETTA MERRILL, b. 1833, d. 1843. 3725 NEWELL " (1st), b. 1836, d. 1837. 3726 NEWELL " (2d), b. 1839, d. 1843. 3727 FRANCES E. " b. 1840, d. 1856. 3728 INFANT b. 1843, d. 1843. 3729 PORTER " b. 1844, d. 1861. 1S4O. ZENAS was a farmer. His widow, Mrs. SALLY DOWD, is still living and resides at 109 Gazelle street, Syracuse, N. Y. The children of Zenas were as follows: 3730 EMILY, b. 1827; m. 1880, Henry Jones. 3731 CORYDON J., b. 1829, d. 1832. 3732 JAMES T., b. 1831; m. 1863, Mary Wildie. 3733 JOHN A., b. 1834; m. 1858, Rocepha Cleaveland. 3734 ANN, b. 1837; m. 1863, (1) Edward Rowland, d. 1868; 1869, (2) Luther Trescott. 3735 HULDAH, b. 1839, d. 1841. 3736 ROSETTA, b. 1842, d. 1871; m. 1863, Rev. H. H. Van Auken. 3737 CORYDON B., b. 1845; m. 1871, Salonia Wildie. IRENE (DOUD) AUSTIN had no children. RICHARD is still living, a hale and hearty man, although 76 years of age. He still attends to his daily employment of carriage- maker, and lives with his daughter Mrs. Helen L. Churchill at East Scott, N. Y. His children are: 3738 WILLIS A., b. 1831, d. 1871; m. 1852. Cornelia E. Gillman. 3739 HUBERT N., b. 1833, d. 1855; s. 3740 HENRIETTA M., b. 1834; m. 1856, John M. Rust, d. 1863. 3741 GKORGEANA, b. 1836; m. 1863, Rev. Ozron Hunt. 3742 CORYDON P., b. 1837, d. 1863; m. 1862, Electa Brewer. 3743 MILO PORTER, b. 1839, d. 18G3; s, 3744 HELEN L., b. 1841; m. 1866, Sylvester Churchill. ,3745 MARILLA S., b. 1842; in. 1865, Martin S. Webster. "3740 ADELISERT II., b. 1845; in. 1871, Prudence ShuMt. 68 DOWD GENEALOGY. ISAAC N. never married. He moved to Camden, S. C., and died there. ABIGAIL S. (DOUD) SEYMOUR has no surviving children. She moved to the vicinity of Utica, N. Y., where she died. HON. ELIZUR, who recently died at Norfolk, Conn., in the eighty-seventh year of his age, was thrown upon his own resources when but fourteen years old, and was successively farmer's boy, teamster, store-clerk, and teacher. In 1823 he started a mercantile business for himself, and continued in business life for about twenty-five years. For the rest of his life he was a successful farmer. He was one of the most esteemed citizens of Norfolk, especially respected for his sound judgment and strict integrity. He twice represented his town in the legislature, was many times re-elected first selectman; was town treasurer, and for forty years hardly an estate was settled in Norfolk, without his assistance in some capacity. For over twenty years from its organization he was one of the active trustees of the Norfolk Savings Bank. He was also active in all matters that pertained to the moral well-being of community. In 1830, he helped organize one of the first tem- perance societies in Litchfield county. He was also active in church matters, being a leader of the church choir, for many years its treasurer and an active member of the Congregational church for fifty years. He fell asleep in Jesus, June 26, 1884. . He left one daughter, widow of the late Rev. W. E. Bassett, who was a descendant of John Eliot, apostle to the Indians. He also had two grand-children, as shown in the proper place in this record. 3800 MARY, b. 1835; m. Rev. W. E. Bassett. DAVID L. had no issue. The following are the reported children of WILLIAM W., although we have had no direct communication with his descen- dants and cannot give their location. GENERATION VIII. 69 3801 RANSFOKD K, b. 1830; m. Lucina Hurlburt. 3802 ELIZUK D. ( b. 1832. 3803 JANE O., b. 1834; m. 1860, Lucius Watrous. 3804 SUSAN R, b. 1837; s. 3805 JULIA A., b. 1839, d. 1859; s. GENERATION VIII. 140O. Of HORACE the son of AUGUSTUS we have not been able to learn any particulars. We do not even know whether he was married or not, and of course, do not know whether or not any descendants are living.* 14O1. WILLIAM and his wife both died the same day (July 11, 1854). The following were their children: 4010 HENRY NORMAN, b. 1818; m. 1860, Sarah C. Relay. 4011 LOUISA MARIA, b. 1821, d. 1849; m. Wm. Van Zandt. 4012 CAROLINE AUGUSTA, Kansas City, Mo., b. 1823; m. Edward K. Woodward. WALLACE WOOLEY, b. 1826, d. 186l>; m. 1853, Lizzie Akins; d. 1863J V MAKY ELIZABETH, b. 1829, d. 1879; m. 1854, George Forby. CHARLES W., b. 1831; m. 1868, Luella Woodward. EDWIN R, b. 1834, d. 1834. JULIA WuiGirrVb. 1837, d. 1857. CHARLES had four children, two sons and two daughters. The sons are dead. The children were: 4018 SAMUEL; d. at about 22. 4019 AUGUSTUS; fell from mast at sea and was killed at 18. 4020 LIZ/I! > both reported as living at Macon, Ga. 4021 JENNIE, } 14O3. ELIZA (DOWD) MEIGS, lived for a time in Madison, .Conn., where their children were born; then in Delhi, N. Y., but afterward .Miss, Laura Dowd, '2(> MHgs St., Rochester, N. Y., may ijssiblj be a. grand daughter of this Horace. 70 DOWI) GENEALOGY. moved to East Berlin, Conn., where both she and her husband died.* She was a woman of great force of character. She re- marked that, "it was a good thing to disappoint children as it prepared them to endure the disappointments which would certainly befall them in the work of life." Surely there had been bitter disappointments in her life. Of the nine children born to her, two died in infancy; three in early life before marriage, and another at the early age of 31. Three only are now living. 4022 CHARLES A. MEIGS, b. 1818, d. 1848; m. Mary Carter. 4023 NANCY MARIA " b. 1821, d. 1822. 4024 EDMUND H. " b. 1823; m. Emeline Little. 4025 WILLIAM DOWD " b. 1825; m. 1849, (1) Frances M. Graves; d, 1851 ; 1853, (2) Jennie A. Smyth. 4026 HORACE B. MEIGS, b. 1829; m. Martha Beach. 4027 BENJAMIN H. " b. 1832, d. 1832. 4028 LOUISA M. " b. 1835, d. 1864; s. 4029 VINCENT R. " b. 1838, d. 1864; s. 4030 ELIHU R. " b. 1843, d. 1862; s. 14OS. 0. HEMAN DOWD lived and died in the old Billy Dowd house on Liberty street, Madison, Conn. He had no children by his first wife. The children were as follows: 4031 WILLIAM HENRY, b. 1831 ; m. 1865, Hattie A. Stanmore. 4032 JOSEPH, b. 1833, d. 1858; m. 1858, Caroline F. Hayden. 4033 EVELINA, b. 1835; m. 1854, Leander Hull. 4034 ELIZA REBECCA, b. 1837; m. 1858, William Conklin. 4035 GEORGE AUSTIN, b. 1846; m. Caroline (Hayden) Dowd. WILLIAM lived to be 30, but he never married. RACHEL was born on Liberty street in Madison, and has always lived in the town, where, in an unostentatious manner, she has exerted a beneficial influence, socially and religiously, upon that community during a long life. Although she has reached her four *Her husband BEZALEEL MEIGS was of an old family. He was the son of Elihu, who was the son of Jehiel, who was the son of Jannah, the son of John, the sou of Vincent, who came from Devonshire, Eug., in 1038. GENERATION VIII. 71 score years, her rosy cheeks and sprightly walk would indicate her age at not more than three score. Her husband, ALVA O. W1LCOX, is still living, and, although he has imperfect sight, still continues active. For many years he was the proprietor of a line of stages between New Haven and New London, Conn., and was the mail contractor between those cities. His drivers used to say that he never censured them for driving too fast, but frequently censured them for driving too slow. His hotel, which was on the northeast corner of Wall and Boston streets, was drawn off, and he built him a pleasant residence on the northwest corner of Boston and Wall streets, where he and his amiable wife still reside. For fifty-eight years this couple have lived together and shared the trials and joys of life. Their children were: 4036 WILLIAM M. H. WILCOX, b. 1827, d. 1830. 4037 WILLIAM MORRIS " b. 1831, d. 1874; m. 1865, Emily L. Bradley. 4038 CHARLES A. WILCOX, b. 1835, d. 1836. 4039 INFANT, b. 1837. d. 1837. 4040 CATHARINE ORPAH WILCOX, b. 1839; m. 1865, Ossian L. Hatch. 4041 HELENA REBECCA " b. 1846; s. 14OO. GEORGE of BILLY lived and died in Madison, Conn. He was a merchant, and kept the brick store in Boston street. He had three wives, but no issue by his last wife. His children were: BY LOUISA WILCOX. 4042 GEORGE CURTISS, b. 1831, d. 1880; m. 1854, (1) Augusta Munson; 1870, (2) E. Adele Rawling. 4043 WEALTHY L.. b. 1834, d. 1834. 4044 WEALTHY L., b. 1835, d. 1852; s. BY FANNY DOWD. 4045 MARTHA F., b. 1839, d. 1873; m. 1869, Vincent M. Wilcox (see 2001). 1410. ORPAH (DOWD), who married JOHN R. WILCOX, lived but a short time after marriage, and died of consumption. 4045 SUSAN MATILDA WILCOX, died in infancy. 141 1. AUSTIN was a farmer for ten years or more; afterwards a ship-master. He had no issue. 72 DOWD GENEALOGY. 14 1. SUSAN, who married SERENO H. SCRANTON, has always resided in Madison, Conn. At their golden wedding last fall, this couple looked so fresh and blooming that one would have supposed they were celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their birth rather than of their marriage. They have had eight children, but two died young. Their children are: 4046 ROXANA REBECCA SCRANTON, b. 1834; m. 1859, William W. Hart, Capt. in war. 4047 SAMUEL WILLIAMS SCRAKTON, b. 1836, d. 1841. 4048 EDWARD SERENO b. 1840; m. 1867, Julia Wasbburn, d. 1869. 4049 JONATHAN SAMUEL SCRANTON, b. 1842; Lieut, in war: m. 1868, Josephine Boynton. 4049| WILLIAM DOWD SCRANTON, b. 1844, d. 1865; in Yale College two years; consumptive. 4050 CHARLES WOLSEY SCRANTON, b. 1846; m. 1869, Etta Palmer. 4051 CATHARINE LYDIA " b. 1849; m. 1870, Setb Johnson. 4052 GEORGE Cuimss b. 1851, d. 1863. 4053 SUSAN ALICE " b. 1854; m. 1874, Jewett Scranton. 1413. W YLLYS W. being the oldest of a family of eleven children, and his father dying while nearly all these were in their minority, was at the very opening of his manhood, called upon, with his mother, to assume great cares and responsibilities. Their home- stead consisted of a large farm and house, known as the Capt. Timothy Field place, situated near the school-house in the Wood's District, in Madison, Conn., on what was then called the Guilford turnpike. He had learned the shoemaker's trade, and receiving as his share of bis father's estate half the house with certain lands adjoining, he built a -shop and entered upon business. He now married REBECCA GRAVES, of true Puritan stock. Her ancestor, John Graves who came from Hartford to Guilford in its early settlement, was a deacon in the church, and one or more deacons have been in every generation of his descendants. Her mother, Hannah Crane, was a direct descendant of Mr. Crane, Lord Chamberlain to King James II. Wyllys and Rebecca, as they were called in the bare parlance of New England Puritanism, soon exhibited enterprise and thrift and made their influence felt for good in the church and in the com- GENERATION VIII. 73 munity. Although their education had been only such as the common school afforded, yet their zeal for education was most marked. In this home six of their eight children were born. The father soon added to his business a tannery. Southern con- tracts constituted a great portion of his business. Having been successful and prosperous, in 1832, he moved his shop eastward to the junction of roads by the school-house, and enlarged his bus- iness by adding to it a country store. Two years later, in 1834, he built a new and commodious house right by his store and shop. And here soon after he gathered his other buildings and erected new ones, until a homestead of true but modest thrift and enter- prize was the result. But severe business embarrassments awaited him. In the financial disasters of 1837, and thereabouts, through the failures of others, losses were brought upon him which he was unable to sustain. For several years he struggled with them reso- lutely, bringing into requisition, it would seem to their utmost limit, the ready services of wife and children ; yet, at last, he was obliged to succumb to the inevitable. Although for several years he made an effort to retrieve his lost fortune, he was unsuccessful. In 1846, he removed to East Berlin, Conn., where later he was appointed postmaster. He held this office from the time of his appointment till his death. Early in life he was affected with deafness, which seriously embarrassed him in social and public relations. He died in East Berlin, Conn., May 28, 1877, aged 83 years. His wife, Rebecca Graves, deserves more than an incidental mention. She was a woman of most indomitable energy and perseverance. She was first to take up burdens and last to lay them down. Her self-sacrifice for her children, her boldness to grapple with their difficulties, even when her own and husband's were most overwhelming, her ambition to educate her children, and elevate them to noble positions in society and in the church with spotless Christian, characters, and her generous and kind nature in the relations of social life, all hold her in most refresh- ing remembrance. As an instance of the influence which pervaded this home, on Sunday, although two and a half miles distant, every member of the family went to church in the morning and stayed all day, attending the Sabbath-school between services. None deemed it hard or ever thought of its being admissible or even a desirable thing to remain away from Sunday services. 10 74 DOWI) GENEALOGY. Eight healthy and robust children were the result of this union. The strong Christian influence of these godly parents upon their children, the example of their lives, their daily prayers with and for their children, their instruction in the Word of God, and their watchfulness over their companions and associates was exceedingly valuable and helpful. Few children were ever more blessed by a strong and healthful home influence. A remarkable feature in the children was an equal number of each sex, and each daughter was preceded by a son. 4054 JOHN LUTHER, b. 1821; m. 1846, (1) Mary Coe, d. 1856; 1866; (2) Henrietta (Houston) Loveland. 4055 TAMSON ELIZA, b. 1823, d. 1846; m. 1845, Henry N. Galpin. 4056 CHAULES FERDINAND, b. 1825; m. 1852, Harriet M. North. 4057 JANE REBECCA, b. 1827; m. 1845, William L. Heald, d. 1869. 4058 WILLIS WEDWORTII, b. 1829; m. 1854, (1) Augusta A. North, d. 1866; 1868, (2) Lucy A. Atkins. 4059- HARRIET ANN, b. 1881, d. 1865; m. 1864, Henry N. Galpin. 4060 HENRY MANFRED, b. 1835; m. 1856, Susan A. Penfield. 4061 NANCY AMELIA, b. 1838; s. TAMSON, soon after marriage, moved with her husband to the "West. She being so far removed from her brothers and sisters, together with her early death, makes very little known of her descendants. It is known that she had two children, viz : 4062 TAMSON MINA ANN KELSEY, who married B. O. Spencer, and 4063 PRESTON LUTHER KELSEY. Her brother, David D. Dowd of Seville, Ohio, wrote that he saw a daughter of B. O. Spencer, Leila (Mrs. S. C. Miles) at Logans- port, Ind., with a young child on her lap, several years since. A letter sent to that address, however, failed to find her, and was returned to the writer. 14 IS. MANFRED died at the early age of 29. He left one son only four years old. 4064 AUGUSTUS MANFRED, b. 1823; in. 1845, Rebecca B. Field. 1410. JULIUS N.* was a successful teacher in his younger life, and was much sought after by those interested in having a good school. He also published a small grammar of rudiments, known *Died in July 1885, after this book went to press. GENERATION VIII. 75 as "Dowd's" Grammar. For his first wife he married ELIZA WILCOX of Berlin, Conn. He had one daughter by her: 4065 ANN ELIZA, b. 1831; d. 1885; m. 1849, Edwin H. Burnham. For his second wife he married MARY ANN MUNSON of Madison, Conn., and by her had four children: 4066 GRACE, b. 1838; m. 1855, (1) Frederic Tooley; 1865, (2) Thomas Spencer. 4067 EMILY, M.D.. b. 1842; m. 1865, Moses B. Pardee, M.D. 4068 MUNSON, b. 1840, d. 1870; m. 1864, Nellie Barnes. 4069 RUTH, b. 1845; m. Theodore Havens. Julius N. is still living in Madison, Conn., and although he has attained the ripe age of 85, he still possesses all his faculties in a remarkable degree, and his physical vigor seems but slightly impaired.* MARTIN LUTHER carried on the shoe business at first- in Darlington and Georgetown, S. C., eight years, and at the east end of Boston street in Madison, Conn., afterward, and acquired a snug little property. He continued to send shoes South till the late war. He was a man much esteemed in the community, filling for many years the office of Justice of the Peace, and for forty years no appeal case was reversed. He also served the Congregational church in the capacity of deacon from election to the time of his death. He was selectman, judge of probate, and town clerk. He married his wife from Westbrook, Conn., and the widow now resides with her son on the old homestead in Madison, Conn. The following were his. children: 4070 EDGAK CHARLES, b. 1835, d. 1870; s. 4071 MARY WOODS, b. 1837, d. 1873; s. 4072 FKEDKIUCK TIMOTHY, b. 1842; d. 1874, Esther M. Kenyon. i 1418. MINA ANN married LEMUEL RAYMOND, and lived for many years in Colchester, Conn. She had six children, all of whom are still living. She has but recently deceased. Although four score years of age her mind was remarkably clear, and the compiler of this genealogy is indebted to her memory for many * Julius N. died while the MSS. of this work was in the huiids of the publishers. 76 DOWD GENEALOGY. facts in regard to places and individuals. She died in Berlin, Conn., at the home of her niece, Miss Harriet N. Wilcox, where she and her youngest son, Sherwood, had made their home for several years. Her children were: 4073 SAUAH M. RAYMOND, b. 1824; m. 1845, Timothy Green. 4074 WILLIAM L. " b. 1827; m. 1858, (1) Elizabeth Raymond, d. 1865; 1874, (2) Lucia Kellogg. 4075 HENRY M. RAYMOND, b. 1829; m. 1853, (l)Ida Vaudevoor, d. 1869; 1872, (2) Hannah Abell. 4076 CHARLES L. RAYMOND, b. 1832; m. 1857, Sarah Wales. 4077 EDWARD F. " b. 1835; m. 1865, Eliza Bunger. 4078 SHERWOOD b. 1846. 1410. COL. DAVID DUDLEY moved early to Seville, Ohio (his present address), while still a wilderness, and has always occupied a prominent position both in society and community. He has the military rank of Colonel. He is an elder in the Presbyterian church. He is still hale and hearty, although 78 years of age, and takes great pleasure in his children, and is justly proud of his three youngest, children of his old age. The oldest is but six and the youngest scarcely two. His children are: BY MARY HARRIS. 4079 JOHN MATTHEWS, b. 1830, d. 1830. 4080 MARY ELIZABETH, b. 1832; m. L. A. Parker. 4081 TAMSON AMELIA, b. 1833; m. E. M. Strong. 4082 HARRIET NEWELL, b. 1834; m. G. W. Hascoll. 4083 MANFRED MATTHEW, b. 1836; m. M. J. Cook. 4084 DAVID DENTON, b. 1838, d. 1870; m. S. P. Cook. 4085 EDWARD PAYSON, b. 1840, d. 1841. 4086 ALMERON, b. 1841, d. 1842. BY MARY A. DECKER. 4087 DAVID DUDLEY (3d), b. 1879. 4088 CHARLES AUGUSTUS, b. 1881. 4089 EVALINE, b. 1883. 14SO. EDWIN moved West, and died young. His widow is now living in the city of Meriden, Conn. Their children are: 4090 DELIA M., b. 1832, d. 1864; m. 1852, Ossian L. Hatch 4091 EDWIN A., b. 1833; s. 40!)2 HENRY L., b. 1837, d. 1838. GENERATION VIII. 77 4093 ZINAI E., b. 1839; ra. 1862, Augusta L. Buell. 4094 CHARLES M., b. 1834, d. 1869; s. ALMERON was for a long time a teacher, and taught for quite a number of years in Virginia, that part now known as West Virginia. Here he married his wife.* Their residence is now Westfield, Mass. Their children are: 4095 JANE LUELLA, b. 1847; m. 1875, Henry H. Smith; M.D. 4096 CUUTIS FIELD, b. 1851, d. 1862. 4097 EMILY VIRGINIA, b. 1853, d. 1857. 4098 ALICE MARY, b. 1855. CLARISSA A., after her marriage to FRANCIS DRESSER, moved to Stockbridge, Mass., where she still resides. After her husband's death she reared her family and found her happiness in her own quiet home. Her children are: 4099 CHARLES F. DRESSER, b. 1833, d. 1834. 4100 MARTIN LUTHER " b. 1835; m. 1860, Sarah J. Smith. 4101 AMELIA HARRIET " 6. 1839, d. 1861; m. 1860, Edward Sextcm, M.D. 4102 CHARLES FRANCIS DRESSER, b. 1840, d. 1842. 4103 EDWIN ERASTUS " b. 1842, d. 1870; s. 4104 CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH " b. 1845. HARRIET M. moved to Berlin, Conn., at her marriage with EDWARD WILCOX. Her husband was a prominent and influential citizen of that town. He united with the church at the ge of twenty, and was ever after active in church work. He was elected deacon of the church, and filled the office with marked ability till his death in 1862. He accomplished much in the Sun- day-school, having a large class of ladies for many years, and most, if not all of them, were led to Christ through his instrumen- tality. He represented the town several times in the legislature. His influence in his family, in the church, and in the community, was always good, and his daily life bore evidence that he was striving to follow more and more closely the Master. In business he was always diligent, but never allowed himself to become so * His wife died after the above was written. 78 DOWD GENEALOGY. absorbed that he could not attend to more important duties. Although disease fastened upon him in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness, yet he looked to the eternal life beyond and seemed to realize at all times that " That life is long which answers life's great end." He died at the early age of 47, and passed away in the full hope of a blessed immortality. His wife was in loving sympathy with him in all his efforts. She inaugurated a ladies prayer-meeting, and by private conversation and a life of godliness induced many to strive after a higher life. Indeed some of those who were influenced by her to consecrate their lives to Christ, devoted themselves to the work in the distant portions of our own land. Being blessed with great personal attractions, the influence of her loving ways and godly life reached much farther than she dreamed. Three children she fol- lowed to the grave, yet with loving sadness she bent submissive to the Divine will. She survived her husband but three years, when she took her flight to that land where all is buoyant in the presence of the Lord. But one child survives, Miss Harriet N. Wilcox, who resides in the old home in Berlin, Conn., striving to fulfill life's duties acceptably to the God of her fathers. A worthy child of worthy parents. The children of Harriet M. (Dowd) and Edward Wilcox were : 4105 EDWARD B. WILCOX, b. 1840, d. 1840. 4106 EDWAKD P. " b. 1842, d. 1843. 4107 HARRIET N: " b. 1844. 4108 ELIZA P. . " b. 1847, d. 1847. AM AS A JEFFERSON was a firm, reliable man in community, in society, and in church. One of that class of substantial men, genial, and true, which it is always pleasant to meet in any walk of life. He is a gentleman of the old school. He resides in Madison, Conn., in what is called " the Copse." Although now nearly 83 years old, he is hale and hearty, and "his eye is undimmed, and his natural force unabated." His children are: 4109 ANN ELIZA, b. 1825, d. 1826. 4110 LUCY ANN, b. 1828. 4111 AUGUSTUS FREDERIC (1st), b. 1830, d. 1833. 4112 ORRIN KELSEY (1st), b. 1833, d. 1833. 4113 AUGUSTUS FREDERIC (3d), b. 1834; m. 18G8, Martha A. Knapp. GENERATION VIII. 79 4114 ELLEN ELIZA, b. 1836, d. 1870; m. la^, Samuel E. Griswold. 4115 CHARLOTTE CLARISSA, b. 1839; m. 1864, C. Henry Whcdon. 4116 ALBERT BENJAMIN, b. 1841; m. 1874, Mary Page. 4117 ORRIN KELSEY (2d), b. 1843; m. 1881, Lucinda F. Crampton. 4118 EMMA REBECCA, b. 1846; m. 1869, Dwight S. Wbedon. AUGUSTUS FREDERICK married CHARLOTTE HICK- OCK. But very little else is known of him by us. He had one son, but he died when he was about eight years old. 4119 FREDERIC, b. 1835, d. 1843. This is the extent of our knowledge of him and his family. . 14SC5. JULIUS ALBERT is now residing in Guilford, Conn , and works at his trade as he feels disposed. He is an influential man, and is highly esteemed in the community. He represented the town twice in the legislature, and was deacon for thirty years. He had but two children, and they were by his first wife. 4120 MARY CLARISSA, b. 1837; m. 1879, Virgil Hotchkiss. 4121 ELLEN AUGUSTA, b. 1838, d. 1839. LAURA CLARISSA died at the early age of 33, unmarried. ANGELINA married ELIJAH WATROUS HARRIS wbo was born in 1805, lived two or three years in Chester, Conn., and moved to Seville, 0., in 1831, soon after marriage, and was one of the pioneers of that section. Eleven children were the fruit of this marriage. Three died in infancy. One at 10 years. One son died in the war. Four only are still living. 4122 ANN LOUISA HARRIS, b. 1829, d. 1853; m. 1844, Bartlett Benton, b. 1836, d. 1863. 4123 JULIUS ALBERT HARRIS, b. 1831; m. 1855, Sarab L. Benton, d. 1871. 4124 JOSEPH DOWD " b. 1833, d 1873; s. 4125 HERMAN HUBBARD " b. 1836; m. 1857, L. I. Sticknor. 4126 ALLEN WATROUS "(lst)b. 1838, d. 1838. 4127 CLARISSA STONE " b. 1839, d. 1849. 412.S ELLEN ADELIA " b. 1842, d. 1843. 80 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4129 EGBERT ERWIN HARRIS, b. 1844, d. 1864; s. 4130 ALLEN WATROUS "(2d)b. 1847; m. 1868, Deborah Porter. 4181 LAURA CLARISSA " b. 1850, d. 1850. 4132 CHARLES FAYETTE " b. 1853; m. 1877, E. E. Pierrepont. 143O. ABIGAIL FOWLER reached but the age of 30, and had but two children. 4133 CLARISSA S. EVARTS, b. 1841 ; m. 1864, Henry B. Dudley. 4134 DAVID S. " b. 1847, d. 1872; m. 1868, Grace Hall. 1431. HORACE HUBBARD had but one child, and he lived only to the age of seven years. It was a most bitter grief to them when their loved and only one died. The parents still live at Seville, 0. 4135 CHARLES AUGUSTUS, b. 1842, d. 1849. 143S. SIDNEY ABNER resides in Guilford, Conn. His health has not been very firm since his horse ran away with him and injured him by throwing him against a post. He lives in the enjoyment of the society of his estimable wife. He also has felt the keen suffering of losing both his children. 4136 CHARLES, b. 1849, d. 1850. 4137 KATAHINE, b. 1854, d. 1865. TIMOTHY B. early moved to Seville, Medina Co., Ohio, which is his present address. He married ADA LINE COOK, the daughter of John Cook, who moved from Massachusetts to Ohio in the spring of 1826, and died the succeeding fall, and was the second person buried in the cemetery of that place. Timothy B. taught school in his younger days, and was much liked as a teacher. He is a man of ability, a good citizen, and much respected in the town, of which he was an early citizen. His son is still living. His children are: 4138 CATHARINE ROMELIA, b. 1845, d. 1879; m. 1865, Collins P. Emer- son. 4139 REV. QUINCY LAMARTINE, b. 1848; m. 1876, Nellie H. Evans. GENERATION VIII. 8 1 1434. CAROLINE married and went to Ohio. She had four chil- dren, all but one of whom died young. Her husband's name was GEORGE GREEN. The children are: 4140 MARY ELLEN GREEN, b. 1853. 4141 WILLIE JOSEPH " b. 1858, d. 1862. 4142 WALLACE " ) b. 1860, d. 1861. 4142 WALLACE " ) 4143 W!LLIS " f twms ' b. I860, d. 1860. 1 43>. CATHARINE, the twin sister of Caroline, was unmarried, and died at the early age of 22. 143O. 1437'. HERMAN TBUMBULL died at 21, and JOSEPH FOWLER at 26. The latter intended and prepared to take a college course, but death spared not. 1430. THOMAS W. was a merchant and resided in Madison, Conn., at the east end of Boston street. He was a worthy citizen, but died in the very prime of life. The record is not very complete, as the dates are sadly deficient. He had seven children, but four died in infancy. The widow still resides in Madison, Conn. 4144 JULIA REBECCA, b. 1841, d. 1844. 4145 MARION, b. 1843; m. 1871, Thomas Driffell. 4146 FRANK, b. 1846, d. 1847. 4147 JULIA E., b. 1848; in. 1882, James L. Parker. 4148 ERNEST, b. 1851, d. 1879. 4149 FANNIE, b. 1853, d. 1854. 4150 FRANK, b. 1855, d. 1856. 1440. CHARLES H. DOUD married a Madison lady, MARY SCRAN- TON, of excellent family. At the marriage it was said they were the handsomest couple ever married in that village. They lived for a time in Augusta, Ga., where their first child was born. He afterward settled in Scranton, Pa., where he still resides, in active business, much respected and beloved by all who know him. He is an elder in the Presbyterian church. He and his estimable companion may well rejoice in the positions which their children fill in community and society. 11 82 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4151 CATHARINE JOSEPHINE, b. 1842; m. 1864, William L. Wilson. 4152 HENRY CHARLES, b. 1845; m. 1871, Elizabeth Porter. 4153 ERASTUS SCRANTON, b. 1849; m. 1873, Ella Augusta Chase. 4154 CURTIS WILLIAM, b. 1856. 4155 HERBERT ALLISON, b. 1859. DELIA married LAWRENCE FIELD of Madison, Conn. She lived in the old homestead at the east end of Boston street, and here she died. Her two sons are still living, and reside in New Haven, Conn., but we have no further record of them. 4156 BENJAMIN D. FIELD, b. 1847; m. Mary Finn. 4157 WILLIAM " b. 1855. WILLIAM G. DOUD lives in Scranton, Penn., and is doing a thriving business in hardware. For his first wife he married ELLEN FIELD, daughter of Jedediah Field of Madison, Conn. She died in 1853. He had two children by her, but both died young. They were: 4158 MARTHA LOUISA, b. 1851, d. 1858. 4159 CHARLES EUGENE, b. 1853, d. 1854. For his second wife he married SARAH E. BARTOW, daugh- ter of Rev. Jas. Bartow, a preacher, noted for his fearlessness and ability to deal with the rougher elements of humanity which gathered in the mining districts of Pennsylvania in its' early settle- ment. By this wife, who died in 1866, he had four children. 4160 WALTER BARTOW, b. 1857, d. 1858. 4161 FRANK EVERINGTON, b. 1859, d. 1877. 4162 WILLIAM EUGENE, b. 1862. 4163 CARRIE ROSALIA, b. 1865, d. 1865. By his third wife, CATHARINE S. McINTOSH, who died in 1876, he had four children as follows: 4164 INFANT DAUGHTER, b. 1869, d. 1869. 4165 JOHN MO!NTOSH, b. 1872. 4166 HARRIET BARTOW, b. 1872. 4167 GALEN WARD, b. 1874, d. 1875. By his fourth wife, SARAH E. OWENS, who died recently, he had two children as follows: GENERATION VIII. 83 4168 FLORENCE MAY, b. 1880. 4169 SARAH ELIZABETH, b. 1884, d. 1884. 1 447". RICHARD NELSON, was born in Saybrook, Conn. He has been much in the railroad business. For a time he was Superin- tendent of the Shore Line Railroad in Connecticut, but is now Quartermaster of the New York & New Haven Railroad. He resides in New Haven, Conn. He is a very busy man, and efforts to obtain his record have been unsuccessful. The imperfect record below is all that has been obtained. 4170 ANNA LUCRETIA, b. 1834, d. 1853. 4171 HARRIET W., b. 1839; m. M. F. Bowes. 4172 KICHARD NELSON, b. 1841, d. 1842. 4173 JEANNETTE AUGUSTA, b. 1844, d. 1848. 4174 RICHARD BENJAMIN, b. 1846, d. 1848. A DAUGHTER, b. 1876. 4175 FANNIE E., b. 1852; m. (1) Eugene Chatfield, d. 1877; (2) Lewis Dudley. 1448. GALEN of BENJAMIN, lived in Saybrook, Conn,, and carried on the shoemaking business. He had two children. As both died without issue, their record will close with the following items. 4176 AZUBAH, b. 1835, d. 1870; m. John Willard. 4177 GALEN HOTCHKISS, b. 1842; m. (1) Mary Post; (2) . 144O. HARRIET A. married the REV. EDWARD CHAMPLIN, who died in 1845. By him she had a boy, who died when he was one year old, and another who died when he was three months old. For her second husband she married DR. DRURY, and by him she had one son who died when three months old. RUFUS S. was for many years a conductor on the express train on the New Haven, Hartford & Springfield Railroad. Afterward he was general freight agent for the same railroad. At last accounts he was in Jacksonville, Fla. Emma, his only surviving child, is a gifted writer. She writes for the Si. Nicholas and Century 84 DOWD GENEALOGY. Magazines. She is unmarried. The following record is very imperfect from inability to communicate with the family. 4181 EDWARD, b. 1848, d. 1851. 4182 A BOY, ) 4183 A BOY, J twins ' m 4184 EMMA C. MARY JANE married E. M. GOODRICH and moved to Chicago, 111., where her husband died. She has seen much sorrow. She now resides in Chicago, and has charge of a large charity school. This school is to teach girls how to work. They are taught to wash and iron, and bake and cook, and take care of the house. No books are used. The design is to have them educated in the public schools. She has one hundred and twenty enrolled. Sixty-four are Irish, and thirty-five German and Swedes, besides, other nationalities, but, she writes, "not an American in the lot." The work is important, and is in good and faithful hands. Her children are: 4185 ARTHUR DOWD GOODRICH, d. 1850. 4186 ANNA " m. 1871, James Woodford. 4187 CORA " b. 1857. MARTHA W. married S. D WIGHT BOWERS of Berlin, Conn. Her present residence is Elizabeth, N. J. Her talented son has been abroad and is very highly spoken of. We understand he received a liberal education, although we are without definite information in regard to it. 4188 LLOYD W. BOWERS, b. 1859. 4189 MARTHA D. " b. 1869, d. 1870. POLLY had but one son, and he died at the early age of 32. 4190 RICHARD STANNARD, b. 1820, d. 1852; m. 1843, Hetta M. Lay, b. 1820, d. 1863. SARAH married ELIPHALET ROBERTS, who was a teacher. He moved to Philadelphia, Penn., where he still pursued his pro- fession. His daughter and only surviving child lives at 1516 Wellington street, Philadelphia, Peim., and is engaged in teaching. GENERATION VIII. 85 4191 SARAH L. ROBERTS, b. 1831, d. 1835. 4192 CHAUNCEY G. ROBERTS, b. 1833, d. 1835. 4193 CLARINDA A. 1 4> 8. FREDERIC represented the town of Madison in the legislature. He died the same year as his son and only child: 4194 CYRUS, b. 1834, d. 1862; s. 14OO. SAMUEL K. was a stage-driver for his brother- in law in the days when the mails were mostly transported by stages. He had no sons. The dates are not given. 41944 ELIZABETH, b. 1828; m. John P. Coe. 4195 ELLEN M., b. 1836; m. Frederick A. Boyd. 14O1. ABNER H. had but one child: 4195i SARAH, b. 1841; m. Alvali Wilcox, b. 1835, d. 1862. This Alva Wilcox was of Killingworth. He went to the war, and was killed in the battle of Gettysburg. 14OSJ. CHAUNCEY had four children, but three of them died young: 4196 CHARLES, b. 1834, d. 1866. 4196 SUSAN, m. Eliphalet Killam. 4197 EDWIN B., d. 41 97 A ELIZA, m. Charles Toppin. 1464. ACHILLES lived for a while in the Wood's District, Madison, Conn., in the old Return Wilcox house, the birthplace of his wife. He had three children; -two died in infancy. 4198 SAMUEL, b. 1840; m. 1865, Celia J. Dowd (see 4620). MARIA married HORTON CONK LING "in Madison. They had two children: 4198i ANNA CONKLINO, P. O., Madison, Conn. 4199 AUGUSTUS CONKLINO, P. ()., Madison, Conn. 8f> DOWD OKXEALOGY. 1400. ELIZABETH K. married LEBBEUS HULL of Clinton. The address is Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y. They had four children: 4199A WARREN II. HULL, b. 184G; m. 1875, Frances Hover. 4199-3- MINA E. " b. 1848. 4200 C. HENRY " b. 1859; d. 4200 MINNIE L. " b. 1862. MARY ANN married SAMUEL U. BROWN of Clinton, Conn. The husbands of the two daughters still reside in Clinton, Conn. They are brothers. 4201 SARAH BROWN; m. Frank Buell. 4201 LOUISA " m. Alexander Buell. 140S. OLIVER G. is in the flour business, and resides at 186 Pair- field avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. He has one child: 4201f KATE; m. E. J. Brush, Creston, Iowa. 14OO. NATHANIEL S. lives in Middletown, Conn., in that section known as " South Farms." He has one daughter: 4202 CAROLINE; m. 1883, Howard Peck. 147'O. TIMOTHY A. married AUGUSTA C. JONES of Glastonbury, Conn., but his place of residence at this record is Madison, Conn. He was in the war. He can give exact location of log cabin of Ebenezer, possibly Thomas. I . JAMES H. was in the war. He lives in Madison. Conn., and has five children. One child is dead. 4203 EDWARD A., b Y 1857; Madison, Coun. 4204 MARY J., b. 1861; Madison, Conn. 4205 HAMILTON B., b. 1864; Madison, Conn. 4206 CHARLES E., b. 1869, d. 1870. 4207 SUSAN, b. 1871 ; Madison, Couu. GENERATION Vllf. 87 HAMILTON enlisted in the 5th Kansas Cavalry, and died in Mound City Hospital. LOUISA P. died at the early age of 15. 1OOO. RUSSELL BLATCHLEY DOWD moved to the vicinity of New Haven, Conn, (either Branford or North Haven), and there raised the following family: 4600 DANIEL HURD, b. 1820; m. 1845, Amelia Wilcox. 4601 KATHERINE BETHANIA, b. 1821, d. 1850; m. 1848, Ellison Smith. 4602 ELIZABETH AMELIA, b. 1825; m. 1849, Oscar B. Leavenworth, d. 1871. 4603 ANN CELESTIA, b. 1828; m. 1848, Albert B. Downs. 4604 MARIETTA FIDELIA, b. 1830, d. 1850; s. 4605 BENJAMIN RUSSELL, b. 1835, d. 1863; m. 1862, Julia Gidney. 10O3. Of NANCY all that can be stated is that she married ANSON TREBLE. 1 OO4. JOEL was unmarried. JOSEPH married ALMIRA WILCOX, and always resided in Clinton, Conn., and both died there last fall at the ripe age of 78 and 75 respectively. Their deaths occurred within about sixteen hours of each other. The burial service was performed at the same time. "Lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided." Their children were: 4615 HOSMKR ERASTUS, b. 1832; m. 1854, Mary S. Nichols. 4616 MARIA SALVA, b. 1834; m. 1857, Sidney L. Wakelee. 4617 NANCY LOUISA, b. 1836; m. 1860, Charles W. Willard. 4618 JOSEPH RUSSELL, b. 1838; m. 1862, Fannie Thompson. 4619 SIDNEY BURDETTE, ~) fm. 1866, (1) Hattie J. Buell, | d. 1868; m. 1875, (2) Louisa V twins, b. 1843;^ Wheeler. 4620 CECILIA JENNETTE, | j m. 1865, Samuel E. Dowd I (see 4194). 4621 GEORGKANA, b. 1845; m. 1872, Henry Norton. 4622 SARAH EMZAUETH, b. 1848, d. 1860. DO\VD GENEALOGY. lOOT'. ALMIRA married LEWIS GAYLORD, and had four children. The two youngest died early, one at 19, the other at 16. 4623 ELIZA GAYLORD, b. 1817; m. 1840, Edwin Butler, d. 1880. 4624 SUSAN C. " b. 1820; m. 1845, William Norton. 4625 JOSEPH WILLAKD GAYI.ORD, b. 1825, d. 1844. 4626 SARAH JERUSHA " b. 1828, d. 1844. 1OO8. LUCINDA (DOWD) GAYLORD lived and died in Norfolk, Conn., much beloved and respected. ' She had six children, all of whom came to maturity. They are: 4633 FANNY M. GAYLORD, b. 1820, d. 1850; m. A. S. Hart. 4634 EVERETT S. " b. 1823; s. 4635 MARY A. " b. 1825; s. 4636 ELLEN M. b. 1829; 8. 4637 EDWARD L. " b. 1831; m. 1862, (1) Sarah B. Phelps; 1879, (2) Mrs. E. J. Watson. 4638 HIRAM DOWD GAYLORD, b. 1839, d. 1863. 1<3OO. JARED F. moved West, and was so removed from his near connections that all trace of hirn and his descendants have been lost. 16 1O. BETSEY (DOWD) GILLETTE died without issue. 161 1. HORACE married ESTHER W. SHEPHERD of Avon, Genesee Co., N. Y. He resided for many years in Van Buren Co., Mich., and at his death, last spring, his body was taken there for burial. His wife was very sick at that time, and not expected to live. As nothing to the contrary has been heard, it is supposed that she recovered. Her address is at their late home, Rolla, Mis- souri. The children are: 4649 POLLY W., b. 1830. 4650 ADELIA H., b. 1833, d. 1860; m. 1852, Campbell McGregor. 4651 JOSEPH S., b. 1836; m. 1859, Emily Mather. 4652 FRANCIS E., b. 1838. 4653 HEMAN, b. 1840. GENERATION VIII. 89 ADELIA (DOWD) and HARVEY SUTTON resided in Michigan, and all their children still living also reside within the .State. The following are their children: 4653 WILLIAM SUTTON, b. 1828; m. 1849, (1) Fidelia Eatoa; (2) Lucy Bump. 4654 MARY SUTTON, b. 1829; m. 1850, Darwin D. Kimball. 4655 JOHN " b. 1832, d. 1847. 4656 HORACE " b. 1837; m. Amanda Dunham. 4657 CHARLES " b. 1835; m. 1857, Eliza A. Stuart. 4658 ELIZA JANE SUTTON, b. 1839; m. 1861, William H. Sutphin. 4659 GEORGE W. " b. 1831 ; m. 1855, (1) Maria Carl; 1872, (2) Mrs. Jennie Bradway. 4660 DANIEL SUTTON, b. 1842; m. 1864, Laura M. Dusett. 4661 JEREMIAH " b. 1844; m. 1867, Mary E. Rose. . 1013. MARY ANN (DOWD) and MARTIN DEFOREST WAR- REN have one daughter residing at 31 Trumbull street, New Haven, Conn. 4662 FANNIE E. WARREN. 1614. ABIGAIL (DOWD) married AMASA SUTTON, and her husband is now living at Richmond, Macomb Co., Mich. This town might 'be named, not inappropriately, Suttonville, and the county Sutton county. Her children are: 4663 JAMES L. SUTTON, b. 1833; m. Martha Beebe. 4664 JONAS " b. 1835; m. 1856, Calista C. Bernard. 4665 HANNAH L. " b. 1837; m. 1857, Manly C. Perry. 1O1G. HEMAN, the eldest son of Joseph Dowd, 2d, by his wife, Polly (Dutton) Dowd, died at the early age of 29, unmarried. JOSEPH W. DOWD resides at Batavia, N. Y. ' Surely he has seen affliction. In the year 1879, within a month, he buried his wife, his daughter Marie C., eighteen years old, Heman, seventeen years old, and Mamie, nine years old. Kind relative, as you read, drop a tear of sympathy for your kinsman in his bereavement, nor 12 90 DOWD GENEALOGY. fail to ask a kind Providence to apply the ointment of His peace upon the wounded hearts. His children are: 4666 MAUIE C., b. 1861, d. 1879. 4667 HEMAN G., b. 1862, d. 1879. 4668 FKANK 8., b. 1864. 4669 JOSEPH W., Jr., b. 1866. 4670 MAMIE, b. 1870, d. 1879. 4671 GEORGE, b. 1874. 4672 HATTIE A., b. 1876. 1O1S. WILLIAM left his home in Batavia, N. Y., in early life (1844), and came to New York city in search of employment. He made applications in various places, but was unsuccessful. His money being nearly gone his case became urgent, and he went on the dock and engaged on a whaler for a three years' cruise. Some- what dejected, he went on Broadway previous to sailing and met a friend, who made inquiries as to his prospects. Having heard the recital, he remarked that he knew a place which perhaps would suit him, and immediately took him to the party, and an engagement was made. Being released from the whaler, he entered his employer's service and applied himself with such energy and exhibited so much business tact that within two years he was admitted as junior partner in the firm. This was in the firm of Lyman Cook & Co., 87 Pearl street. He made several trips to Europe in the interests of the firm. Under the name of Cook, Dowd & Co., the firm became one of the foremost in the metropo- lis. Subsequently the firm-name was Dowd, Baker & Whitfield. Having accumulated a fortune he retired from business in 1871. But the ability he had displayed was too marked for the shrewd capitalists of our metropolis to allow him to remain long in retire- ment, and in 1874 he was elected President of the Bank of North America at 44 Wall street, New York, which office he still fills with great acceptance to the Board of Directors. In 1877 he was elected President of the Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R. Co., which his skill and ability soon extricated from the difficulties which sur- rounded it, and in 1883 he retired from the position. In 1878 he was elected Chairman of the Clearing House Association, which he filled for two years, the extent of time which the rules allow. He was a member of the Board of Education from 1873 to 1883. He has always taken a deep interest in the public schools. Indeed GENERATION VIII. 91 this is characteristic of nearly all the Dowds descended from Henry. William's children were primarily educated in the public schools. He is a member and Vice President of Union League Club, iu 1880 he was nominated for mayor of the city, and although a Republican in politics and the city is strongly demo- cratic, yet so highly is he esteemed by his fellow citizens, that out of about 200,000 votes cast he received nearly 99,000. In 1883 he was elected by the Senate and Assembly of New York as one of the Commissioners to provide an increased water supply for the city. This is a position of trust and great responsibility. All this indicates that his reputation is not confined to the metropolis but includes the State and to some extent reaches through the entire country. He would fill with ability and with honor to the country any office to which he might be called. He married MARIA MERRILL of Clinton, Conn., of good family and superior mental endowment. In religion he is a Presbyterian and a conscientious member of a Presbyterian con- gregation. He is still in the vigor of health and intellect, and shows himself in the very prime of life. He lives up town in the vicinity of Fifth Avenue, and although in an aristocratic part of the city, he still preserves a simplicity of style, an unostentatious manner, and a Puritanic benignity (doubtless from his ancestors) which not only commands the respect but wins the esteem of all who form his acquaintance. In the bosom of his family, with an affectionate wife, four inter- esting and promising sons, and a lovely daughter, he dwells con- tented and happy in the enjoyment of that wealth which a benign Providence has enabled him to acquire by a wise and honest life. Nor can we believe that his sterling qualities, his mental activity, and his strong constitution will lie in retirement, but the public will continue to demand his services for many years to come. His record, and perhaps the most brilliant part of his career, is still unfinished, and, like many of our popular works, we close this sketch of him in a most interesting part, and looking with pro- phetic eye into the future, we write, '-to be continued." His children are: 4673 WILLIAM BABCOCK, b. 1853; m. 1885, Stella Easton. 4674 HEMAN, b. 1854; m. 1878, Mary Loveland. 4675 JOSEPH, b. 1850. 4676 MAUY ELIZA, b. 1857. 92 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4677 HENRY, b. 1860, d. 1860. 4678 GEORGE MERRILL, b. 1862. 1O1O. POLLY ALVIRA (DOWD) married M. B. ADAMS, a mer- chant of Batavia, N. Y., in which place she now resides. She is a devoted Christian and an earnest worker in the Presbyterian church and Sunday school in that pleasant village. In comfortable circumstances, she lives respected and esteemed by all who know her. She has no children, but has adopted the son of her brother Joseph, viz.: Joseph W., 2d (see 4669). 16SJO. POLLY (CRAMTON) and ARCHIBALD HOTCHKISS had two children, as follows: 4679 ATTA HOTCHKISS. 4680 RYNALDO " P. O. address of Rynaldo, Nacogdoches, Texas. 1OS1. TRUMAN CRAMTON died when but 27 years old, and no further account is given of him. MARCUS CRAMTON had five children, but dates and location are defective. 4681 POLLY CRAMTON; m. (1) Enoch Stitor; (2) Jerome Stitor. 4682 CYNTHIA " m. - Holcomb. 4683 SIBA " d. ; m. - Bishop. 4684 LOUISA " m. Walter Adams. 4685 MORIAH " m. Del. Bishop. 16S3. GARRY CRAMTON is still living, and his P. 0. address is Burton, Geauga County, Ohio. He has four children: 4686 AURELIA CRAMTON, b. 1846; m. 1868, Henry Gilbert. 4687 ALTHA " b. 1841; s. RYNALDO I twins b 1840- m ' 1865> Jennic Hovendeen. 4689 ARCHIBALD " I ' m. 1864, Harriet Carlton. GENERATION VIII. 93 ABEL CRAMTON, who was in the army, lives at Jonesville, Mich., and has two children by SARAH P. (GOFP), his first wife, viz.: 4690 TKUMAN C. CRAMTON, b. 1839; m. 1862, Idelia Douglass. 4691 SARAH M. " m. Myron Button. And two by OLIVE (DUDLEY), his second wife, viz.: 4692 ABEL DUDLEY CRAMTON, b. 1852; m. 1878, Fanny Hough. P. O. address, Jonesville, Hillsdale County, Mich. 4693 ANNETTIE CRAMTON; m. Calvin Little. The record is silent, from want of information in regard to the descendants of FANNY (CRAMTON) and TITUS C. GOFF. EUNICE ANN (CRAMTON), wife of JOHN B. SCOVILLE, resides at Ashtabula, Ohio, and had two children, viz.: 4701 ELMER SCOVILL. DAUGHTER. We sincerely regret the absence of so much data in this line, but it seems unavoidable. 1GS7". EMELY DOWD married I. HUBBARD CRAMPTON, who was for some time in company with A. C. Wilcox & Co., in New Haven, Conn. This record is informed that Mr. Crampton is now living with his daughter in Milwaukee, Wis. 4703 ELIZABETH CRAMPTON; m. - Dodge. For FANNIE DOWD'S descendants, see 1409 'of this record. 16SO. EDWARD L. went South, and has not been heard from for several years. 1OBO. SUSAN, who married HENRY BRADLEY, is living at 335 George street, New Haven, Conn. The following are her children: 94 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4711 RICHARD H. BRADLEY, b. 1835, d. 1846. 4712 ISAAC M. b. 1838; m. 1871, Betsey Bassett. 4713 ELLEN L. b. 1844. MARY W. had one child. She died at the age of 50. 4714 HENRY CURTISS, b. 1850, d. 1873; m. 1872, Ada L. Rockwell. 1O33. MOSES W. resides in Wabasha, Wabasha County, Minn., where his two living children now reside. We are informed that the daughter is married, but not when nor to whom. 4715 NELLIE, b. 1864. 4716 LYMAN, b. 1866. 4717 THADDEUS, b. 1874, d. 1880. CLARISSA COE married HORACE L. DUDLEY, who built the brick store on Boston street now occupied by Frank C. Dowd. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley now live at 199 George street, New Haven, Conn., in apparently comfortable circumstances. They are both in feeble health, and their sad bereavements (having lost four of their six children) have been hard to bear, yet all have failed "To quench their immortality, Or shake their trust in God." The following is the record of their children: 4718 CHARLES EDGAR DUDLEY (1st), b. 1831, d. 1832. 4719 CHARLES EDGAR " (2d), b. 1833, d. 1883. 4720 MARY LEE " b. 1835, d. 1845. 4721 AMELIA ROSSITER " b. 1837, d. 1838. 4722 EDWARD PAYSON LEE DUDLEY, b. 1847. P. O. address, New Haven, Conn. 4723 WILLIE LATHROP DUDLEY, b. 1851; m. 1876, Annie McKinney. P. O. address, Walpole, Mass. 1038. EDWIN and FANNY (DAVIS) COE reside in Williams- burg, Brooklyn, N. Y., but we have been unable to open commu- nication with them. GENERATION VIII. 95 1 OJJO. EMELINE (COE) PAYNE had but one child, and she now resides with her at 22 College street, New Haven, Conn. 4730 MARY C. PAYNE, b. 1845; m. 1868, Antonio Dardell. 104O. THOMAS COE raised his family in Madison, where his widow now resides. 4731 CHARLES A. COE, b. 1838, d. 1840. 4732 SARAH A. " b. 1840, d. 1846. 4733 ELIZA J. " b. 1843; m. 1868, Charles H. Scranton. 4734 EDWARD M. " b. 1845; m. 1871, Lucy B. Hall. 4735 WILSON B. " b. 1849; m. 1874, Alice E. Gibson. 4736 CLmTON S. " ) j b Ig54 d. 1856. 4737 CARLTON W. " f m. 1876, Julia A. Kelsey. 4738 FRANK W. " b. 1856; m. 1879, E. Lilian Griswold. 4739 MAGGIE K. " b. 1863, d. 1863. 1041. WELLINGTON S. COE resides in Portland, Conn., where he still carries on a prosperous business. He has had four children, only two are now living. 4740 WILLIAM W. COE, b. 1842; m. 1867, Helen Gildersleeve. 4741 SAMUEL W. " b. 1844, d. 1846. 4742 JULIA W. " b. 1847; m. 1881, Henry M. Smith. 4743 FRANCES E. " b. 1852, d. 1856. 10445. LAURA S. had but one child, but she died at the early age of 25. Our knowledge of the daughter is all included in the follow- ing item : 4744 LAURA J. SCRANTON, b. 1820; m. 1842, Crutenden. 1O4O. CAPT. ALFRED G. of GILES was a ship master. He lived in the North part of the Wood's District, Madison, Conn. He was a jolly, genial, and withal, a very fleshy man. Many amusing anec- dotes are told of him. Some of them passed under the writer's observation. One hot summer day he started from home for the sea, 96 DOWD GENEALOGY. some three miles distant, and as he came in sight of Wyllys W. Dowd's shoe-shop and grocery store by the little park, on which the Wood's District school-house stands, he saw Dr. Webb, another portly man, drive up to the store. Thinking to get a ride he ran with energy, perhaps an eighth of a mile, and came up somewhat blown, when the following dialogue ensued. Capt. "Doctor, you going down town?" Doctor "No, lam going the other way. What makes you puff so ? " Capt. " I don't puff so but what I can beat you, now." " You can't do it," said the doctor, and jumping from the buggy demanded a trial to the end of the garden fence, three hundred feet or more. Wyllys was to be the judge. At the word, both started and they ran well, for both were very sprightly men, considering their build. At the end both claimed they had won the race, and appealed to the judge for his decision. He told them, that as they were running away from him, he could not give a correct judgment, but told them to run back, and he could give a correct decision. But neither could be prevailed upon to run back. The Captain used also to tell the following of himself. In front of his father's house was a large pine tree. When Alfred was a lad twelve years old, he saw a crow's nest in the top of this pine tree. Boy-like he climbed up to get the eggs. It was, however, so near the top, that he was afraid to get up high enough to look in, and therefore reached in, when out came a big black snake. This so frightened him that he let go and fell to the ground. The branches were so thick that they broke his fall, and he came to the ground unharmed. When asked if the snake came down, he replied: " Egad, 1 didn't stop to see " At another time, he was out fox hunting with a party, and as they had tracked the fox to his hole, they determined to dig him out. They all took hold with a will Suddenly the fox sprang out at full speed. The Captain started in hot pursuit, but he had not run but a few feet before he stumbled over a stump and fell. Jumping up and brushing the dirt from his clothes, he exclaimed, " Egad, that stump saved that fox's life." He died at the early age of 44. He had three daughters, but this record is uninformed of them, except what is given below: 4745 LAURA CLARISSA, b. 1835; m. 1857, E. L. Drake; d. 1880. 4746 MARY JANE, b. 1838; m. 1857, Henry D. Chittenden. 4747 CATHARINE MARIA, b. 1841; m. 1877, John B. Johnson. GENERATION VIII. 97 ELIZABETH EVARTS and COMFORT O. SCRANTON lived in Madison, Conn., and there raised their family of four boys and four girls. 4748 CYNTHIA A. SCRANTON, b. 1826, d. 1874; m. 1865, Henry A. C. Stone. 4749 ABRAHAM P. SCRANTON, b. 1827, d. 1859; m. 1851, (1) Louisa C. ^ Bradley; 1858, (2) Elmira P. Wright. 4750 JULIET SCRANTON, b. 1830, d. 1854; m. 1853, William L. Hills. 4751 SARAH A. " b. 1831, d. 1857; m. 1851, Philip J. Talcott. 4752 COMFORT E. " b. 1833, d. 1844. 4753 LUCY S. " b. 1836. 4754 GEORGE E. " b. 1838; m. 1861, (1) Susan E. Doolittle; 1869, (2) Florence E. Shelley. 4755 DANIEL F. SCRANTON, b. 1842, d. 1847. 18OO. JOSEPH RUSSELL lived in North Madison, Conn., and probably raised his family there. "We have only the following record of his children: 5000 EDGAR SHERMAN, b. 1836; m. Mary H. Dodge. 5001 HENRIETTA, b. 1838; m. William H. Stevens. 5002 JAMES RUSSELL, b. 1839; m. Annie S. Redfield. 5003 ANN LUCRETIA, b. 1843; m. Edgar Moody. 18O1. ELIZABETH ANNA died at the early age of 19. 18OS. SIB A MARIA died at the age of 15. 18O3. Of JULIUS S. we have no information, except the year of his birth. 18O4. CHLOE R. DOWD and HIRAM STEVENS reside in Killing. worth, Conn. Their children are: 5020 JULIUS M. STEVENS, b. 1835; m. 1858, Mary F. Grambly (see 7580). 5021 GEORGES. " b. 1836 ; m. Ann M. Wingood. 5022 HIRAM H. " b. 1839, d. 1839. 13 98 DOWD GENEALOGY. 5023 LEWIS H. STEVENS, b. 1840. 5024 JANE M. b. 1843; Stephen Bradley. 5025 WILLARD D. " b. 1845; Emily Blinn. 5026 ELLIS R b. 1852; d. 1874. RUFUS DANA died at 20. 18OG. JULIA LYDIA had no issue. See 1831. 18O7" to 1SOO. The record of these is all included against their marginal numbers. 181O. See 2284. 181 1. WILLIAM TABOR lives in Guilford, Conn., on or near the place that Henry Dowd cleared when he first located with the colony in that town. The record of his children is as follows: 5050 WILLIAM POMEROY, b. 1849, d. 1850. 5051 MARY ELIZABETH, b. 1853; m. 1875, Louis Anderson. 5052 WILLIAM HERBERT, b. 1858; m. 1883, Adah H. Reynolds. 183O. WILLIAM went from home young .and nothing has been heard from him since. 1831. DAVID SYLVESTER had no issue (see 1806). JAMES HARVEY had his residence in North Madison, Conn., where his widow and her remaining children still reside. Her children are the following: 5100 JUDSON H., b. 1838, d. 1877; m. 1867 (see 5761), Nettie E.Wilcox, d. 1877. 5101 NATHAN HILL, b. 1841 ; m. 1870, Aldea Parmelee. 5102 ALPHA M., b. 1847; m. 1883> Joseph H. Hill. GENERATION VIII. 99 1833. GEORGE L. resides in Madison, Conn., and has but one child who resides in Branford, Conn. 5103 SARAH, b. 1839; m. 1864, George C. Field. 1834. SELINA PATIENCE lived in North Guilford, Conn., where her husband, WM. RUSSELL ROSE still resides. She had no issue. 183S. ELIZA had four children and lived in Branford, Conn., where her two living children still reside. Her children were: 5110 JANE E. STENT, b. 1845, d. 1884; unmarried. 5111 EDMUND E." ). ( m. 1876, Emily N. Peck. 5112 ELLEN L. " J b> l D8; f m. 1867, Samuel B. Hosley. '5113 DAVID D. " b. 1853, d. 1874; unmarried. 1836. POLLY A. lives in Branford, Conn., where she has her four children living around her or in the immediate vicinity. Her children are: 5114 ELIZABETH A. STENT, b. 1844; m. 1880, Frederick A. Linsley. 5115 VENELIA B. " b. 1848; unmarried. 5116 JOHN JUDSON, " b. 1850; m. 1883, Dora I. Hall. 5116J SAMUEL F. b. 1853; m. 1883, Etta A. Knapp. 1837^. NATHAN E. died at the age of 49. His widow probably lives in North Madison, Conn., although the P. 0. address is not certain. The children are: 5117 JOSEPHINE, b. 1846; m. 1865, Hobart E. Francis. 5117i ENO JAY, b. 1854. 1838. OLNEY B. is unmarried, and does business at 28 East Twenty- third street, New York. He has been quite successful in business, and has secured, at least, a competence. 183O. MARY ANN died at the age of 24, unmarried, 100 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1840. MARIA E. had four children, but only two are living, and all that we know of the children is found below. 5118 JENNIE M. HOUBE, b. 1840; m. 1869, (1) George A. Sanders; (2) Smith Alport. 5119 AUGUSTUS H. HOUSE, b. 1842, d. 1844. 5120 AUGUSTA J. " b. 1845; m. 1881, Gerritt S. Cole. 5121 HELEN M. b. 1852, d. 1861. 1841. HAMILTON A. moved to Defiance, Ohio, and was accidentally killed by the falling of a tree. We do not know the P. 0. address of the widow. 5122 EDWARD, ) 5123 MARY, f both dead. 184S. ELIZA R. has six children. Her P. O. address is 69 Beach street, Syracuse, N. Y. Her children are: 5124 LORING D. WILLIAMS, b. 1839; s. 5125 LUCY A. " b. 1841; m. 1869, Nelson R. Alfred. 5126 MIRIAM A. " b. 1843; m. 1878, Edwin T. Johnson. 5127 LOTTIE P. " b. 1845; s. 5128 EMMA E. " b. 1848; s. 5129 CHARLES E. " b. 1849; s. 1843. ALBERT J. had five children as follows: 5130 JUDSON P., b. 1841; m. 1874, Isabella A. Coulson. 5131 PASCAL M. (M.D.), b. 1845. 5132 GEORGE C., b. 1851, d. 1851. 5133 FRANKLIN A., b. 1856, d. 1877; s. 5134 HARRIET E., b. 1858. 1844. The children of TITUS H. were all by his first wife. He left a very fine and productive farm, on which the widow and youngest son live, in New Haven, N. Y. 5135 FRANK L., b. 1842; m. 1868, Henry Simmons. 5136 ELLAF., b. 1847, d. 1864. 5137 BELLE A., b. 1853; m. 1880, Charles B. Hewitt. 5138 CORA A., b. 1858, d. 1868. 5,139 WARD E., b. 1861; m. 1883, Alice C. Jennison. GENERATION VIII. 101 184 5. THOMAS S. has three children. His P. 0. address is New Haven, Oswego Co., N. Y., where he has a large and productive farm. His children are: 5140 FREDERIC S., b. 1856. 5141 LORENZO T., b. 1859. 5142 MARY!., b. 1862. 1846. SARAH A. died, nine years after her marriage with HIEL STONE. She had two children. Mrs. Chaffee lives at Scriba, N. Y. 5143 HATTIE A. STONE, b. 1854, d. 1863. 5144 SARAH A. " b. 1858; m. 1884, J. F. Chaffee. 1847'. CHARLOTTE P. and ABEL L. REED had one son. 5145 HENRY C. REED, b. 1850; m. 1877, Etta R Sherman. 1848. LYDIA J. died at the age of 25, unmarried. 1840. For record of MATILDA, see 1833. 1850 to 1856. No record is given more than what is contained against their respective numbers. HIRAM S. lives in Madison, Conn., and has the following children : 5170 MORTIMER S., b. 1868. 5171 IDA M., b. 1871. 5172 CARRIE L., b. 1872. 5173 JOSIE A. 18558. EDNA M. (GRIFFITH) lives in Madison, Conn., and has a daughter: 5174 ROSABEL D. GRIFFITH. 1850. LEWIS A. lives in Madison, and has one son: 5175 ERNEST L. 102 DOWD GENEALOGY. 180O. WILLIAM E. lives in Madison, Conn., and has one son: 5176 ARTHUR HAMILTON, b. 1872. 1SO1. FRANK B. is unmarried. 180S. Of POLLY and JOHN MILLARD we know but little, and of their children still less. Two only are reported, but all we have are the names and P. 0. address. 5177 DAVID MILLARD, Newaygo, Mich. 5178 JOHN " Birdsall, Alleghany County, N. Y. 18G3. The children of ALVIRA and WILLIAM GIBSON were: 5183 JOHN GIBSON, b. 1842; m. 1868, Eflfa O. Burgess. 5184 EUNICE " b. 1835; m. 1850, John W. Lathrop. 5185 ADRIEL " b. 1844, d. 1864. 5186 JEROME " b. 1837, d. 1841. 18O4. IRENA and ELI WAIT are reported as having only 'one child, but she is reported as having eleven children. No names of her children or dates are given. Her P. O. address is Prairieville, Barry County, Mich. 5188 OLIVE WAIT; m. William Lindsley. 18C55. The names of the children of VESTA ANN and ELIJAH JOHNSON are given, but this information closes their entire record, as not even the P. 0. address of one of the children is given. 5190 HENRY JOHNSON. 5191 SARAH 5192 MARY " d. 1850. 5193 MARGARET " 5194 MARCIA " 5195 DAUGHTER " d. 5196 EMELINE " 5197 CAROLINE " 5198 WILLIE GENERATION VIII. 103 LORETTA and CHRISTOPHER BROCK had nine children, and their record is much fuller and better than that of some other branches of this line. 5199 WILLIAM BROCK, b. 1840, d. 1862. 5200 DAVID " b. 1842, d. 1862. 5201 MATILDA C. " b. 1843; m. 1862, David Fowler. 5202 EMMETT C. " b. 1846; m. 1873, Nellie Jordan. 5203 LAFAYETTE " ) . . , i4. m - 1872, Melissa Fowler. 5203* JULIETTE " > ; d. 1850. 5204 LORETTA " b. 1850, d. 1855. 5205 ELLEN " b. 1852; m. 1872, James Fowler. 5206 CHRISTOPHER " b. 1855, d. 1857. LORENZO died at 30, leaving one daughter: 5207 IDA P., b. 1849; m. 1868, Harden R. Corinne. 1860. LOFONZO'S address is Hillsdale, Mich., Box 127. His afflic- tions have been many. Although he has had five girls and three boys, all have died but the youngest. 5210 CARRIE E., b. 1856, d. 1857. 5211 CAROLL E., b. 1857, d. 1873. 5212 CLARICE E., b. 1859, d. 1872. 5213 MARY C., b. 1861, d. 1873. 5214 WILKINS N., b. 1863, d. 1864. 5215 LILLIE E., b. 1865, d. 1884. 5216 Louis L., b, 1868, d. 1871. 5217 NETTIE C., b. 1872. MATILDA, now a widow, resides at Reading, Mich., where she may be addressed as MRS. MATILDA HUGHES. 5218 MARION E. HUGHES, b. 1846; m. 1862, William H. Morey. 5219 HELEN A. " b. 1848; m. 1876, Alvin S. Youngs. 5220 EUGENE L. " b. 1852, d. 1854. 5221 CHARLES W. " b. 1855; m. 1878, Agnes D. Youngs. Our information of HENRY is confined to what may be drawn from his record. 104 DOWD GENEALOGY. 5222 THADDEUS, b. 1854. 5223 NELLIE, b. 1860; m. Fred. Bates. 5224 LOTTIE, b. 1868. LOVICA is still living at Montgomery, Hillsdale Co , Mich., where she may be addressed as Mrs. Lovica MOWREY, her hus- band's christened name not having been given. She has one child. 5228 EDGAR C. MOWREY, b. 1876. LORINDA had a family of eight children but the dates are sadly defective. 5234 WEALTHIA B. FRINK, b. 1830; m. 1847, Alex. Vinecon. 5235 WALTER R. " m. Harriet Wilber. 5236 WILLIAM P. " d. young. 5237 JOSEPH A. " m. Lolly Redding. 5238 PHEBE A. " m. William Bishop. 5239 MARY O. " d. - ; m. Parme Rowley. 5240 MARTHA J. " m. Sprague DeWolf. 5241 ANNAC. " m. 1872, Arthur Doud (see 5246). Our knowledge of MINERVA is limited to the record. 524H T. W. VOLNA WEAVER, b. 1830, d. 1831. 5242 HILANDH. " b. 1832; m. 1854, Hattie A. Johnson. 5242J O. ROBA " b. 1836, d. 1871; m. 1857, (1) John C. Van Anden, 1863, (2) Edward L. Brand. 5242| ORLAND F. WEAVER, b. 1838; m. 1867, Anna O. Brien. 5242| LILLIE R. " b. 1840; m. 1862, Arthur Benjamin. LUCINDA (MRS. ELIAS RICHARDSON) resides at Lyons, Fulton Co., O. 5243 MELISSA RICHARDSON, ) ^ b Ig3 d 5243 MINERVA ) 5243f MARTIN " ) twing ( b. 1838, d. 1838. 5244 MARVIN D. ) s> ( b. 1838; m. Roby L. Johnson. 5245 MINERVA A. " b. 1840. 5245* LOVINA " b. 1844, d. 1844. GENERATION VIII. 105 STEPHEN resides at Bankers, Mich. He has one son by his first wife. 5246 ARTHUR E., b. 1848; m. 1872, Anna C. Frink (see 5241). CHARLES resides at Bankers, Mich., but no record of his family has been received. isrs. SARAH A. died at 34, but left two children. We are uni formed of their address. 5249 CHARLES G. HINKLE, b. 1844; m. Lydia Macumber. 5249 DELIA " b. 1845; m. - Richardson. NELSON lives at 1 17 Downing Ave., Denver, Col. He married the widow of Lorenzo (see 1868), and by her has five children. 5249| EVA.M., b. 1855; m. 1871, Alex. W. Redd. 5249f EMMA J., b. 1857; m. 1872, Lee P. Gould. 5249| ETTA M., b. 1859; m. 1874, William H. Gould. 5249| FRANK N., b. 1861, d. 1862. 5249f NELLIE M., b. 1865. PHYLURA HARRINGTON, who married a VAUGHN, is dead, but we do not know when she died. She had one son, but no dates are given. He lives at Knoxboro, Oneida Co., N. Y. 5250 JOHN VAUGHN. ELVIRA" HARRINGTON, who married a BARNES, lives at Amherst, Ohio. Her record has not been supplied. 1884. POLLY HARRINGTON died at the age of 38, but we are not informed whether or not she was married. LOUISA HARRINGTON raised a family of eight children and all attained to maturity. 14 106 DOWD GENEALOGY. 5265 EMILY M. WILCOX, b. 1832; m. 1851, Abrarn Travor, b. 1824, d. 1882. 5266 AURA " b. 1833, d. 1874. 5267 ZELINAL. " b. 1835; m. 1853, Daniel Spicer. 5268 NATHAN J. " b. 1838; m. 1861, Helen E. Clapsaddle. 5269 RUFUS B. b. 1840. 5270 LUZERNEH. " b. 1843; m. 1870, Mary E. Smith. 5271 ADELBERT E. " b. 1845. 5272 HOMER A. " b. 1847. 1 88O. 1 887". 1 888. Of NATHANIEL, LUCRET1A, and LYDI A HARRINGTON we have no information except the year of birth. 188O. REUBEN HARRINGTON lives at Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y. We have not learned the maiden name of his wife. We give the names of his children below, with their P. 0. address, which concludes their record. 5291 NILES HARRINGTON, Pratt's Hollow, N. Y. 5292 GUNN " Stockbridge, N. Y. 5293 ELMER " Stockbridge, N. Y. 180O. FRANCES HARRINGTON married a DEXTER, and resides at Stockbridge, N. Y. No further information has been received. Of JULIA HARRINGTON the compiler is without further information. 180S. ALMIRA and EDWIN A. COOK had a large family, but, although we have received no information of her death, we are uninformed of her present P. 0. address. Her first-born died in infancy, we are informed, but the dates have not been supplied. 5310 JAROLDINE COOK. 5311 JEANETTE " b. 1834; m. 1853, M. G. Hopkins. 5312 MARIETTA " b. 1837; m. 1859, John W. Cook. 5313 ADELINE " b. 1838, d. 1845. 5314 WILLIE H. " b. 1840, d. 1845. 5315 LUCY A. " b. 1843, d. 1845. GENERATION VTII. 107 5316 TRUMAN D. COOK. b. 1845; m. 1871, (1) Louise C. Snyder, b. 1847, d. 1882; 1884, (2) Vinette Lewis. 5317 MARY COOK, b. 1847; m. - - Weeks; 1882, (2) Rev. Cyrus Northcotte. 5318 WILLIAM H. COOK, b. 1849; m. 1875, Emma Trader. 1803. ADALINE and JABEZ COLLINS left five children, all of whom are living, so far as known; but whether the father is living or not we have not been informed. 5319 MARIA T. COLLINS, b. 1827; m. 1852, Charles Bishop. 5320 JOSEPH V. " b. 1829; m. 1850, (1) Mary C. Medes, d. 1859; 1859, (2) Happy E. Medes. 5321 TRUMAN D. COLLINS, b. 1831 ; m. 1664, Mary Stanton, 5322 ANN L. " b. 1834; m. 1865, Chauncey R. Dickinson. 5323 ADALINE G. . " b. 1848. 18O4. LAVINIA and HENRY T. TOWNLEY had four children, and the first-born died at three years of age. 5324 HELEN T. TOWNLEY, b. 1834, d. 1837. 5325 HELEN M. " b. 1840; m. 1862, Wesley Albright. 5326 CHARLES E. " b. 1846; m. 1869, Mary Grady. 5327 DOWD W. " b. 1852. 1800. ENOCH H. and MARY HANCE had one son, who died at the interesting age of 23. 5328 THOMAS H., b. 1850, d. 1873. BEL A P., whose residence is Winnebago City, Minn., lost a son and daughter in infancy. The address of the remaining chil- dren is Winnebago City, Minn. 5336 TRUMAN B., b. 1856. 5337 H. JOSEPHINE, b. 1867. 1808. JOSEPHINE E., who married JOHN L. HOMMEDIEQ, resides at Ashtabula, Ohio, and has one son: 5329 JOHN L. HOMMEDIEU, b. 1851. P. O., Ashtabula, O. 108 DOWD GENEALOGY. 10OO. REUBEN D. KETCHUM and SARAH J. ELDRIDGE had seven children, who have chosen, or the majority of them, the far West for their homes. All of them are at present living, so far as we are informed. 5346 HELEN KETCHUM, b. 1840; m. 1857, George H. Hand. 53461 MARY J. ( m - 1859, (1) George H. Osborn. d. 1864; (2)0. L. Ackley. 42; 1 m. 1866, Marthella Davidson, 5346f REUBEN A. d. 1884. 5346| ISADORE " b. 1844; m. 1866, Stanley J. Morrow. 5346| ISABELLA A. " b. 1846; m. 1868, Robert Kasson. 5347 FRANK R. " b. 1848; m. 1870, Ann E. Quimby. 53474 WILLIAM R. " b. 1850; m. 1870, Georgia L. Burta, b. 1856. 1001. EPHRAIM KETCHUM lives in Maine, Broome County, N. Y., and is a thrifty and enterprising man. He had but one child, who died soon after marriage, leaving a daughter to bear her name. 5348 DELILAH KETCHUM, b. 1847, d. 1865; m. 1864, Henry Merriam. 100S. HARRIET N. KETCHUM, who married A. L. HEARD, had two children, but only one survived her. 5350 ALONZO R. HEARD, b. 1839. 5351 ALPHONZO R. " b. 1841, d. 1842. Alonzo was a signal officer in the late war. We have not been able to obtain his record, or his present P. 0. address. 1003. HENRY KETCHUM is a man of a good deal of prominence in the State where he resides, being actively and extensively engaged in the lumber trade, and also a railroad president. The writer, without definite information, judges the railroad he controls to be the Fort Madison & Western. His residence is New Lon- don, Wis. He had seven children by his first wi^e, LUCINDA BURDEN, and two by his second wife, MARTHA DOWNING. All are now living. GENERATION VIII. 109 BY LUCINDA BUKDEN. 5352 HARRIET KETCHUM, b. 1843 ; m. 1866, Charles Rich. 5353 MARANDA b. 1845; m. 1863, T. H. Earle. 5354 CHARLES b. 1847; m. 1876, Jenny Ellis. 5355 MARVILLE " b. 1850; m. 1873, Ida Kunzler. 5356 REUBEN D. " b. 1852; m. 1869, Sadie E. Thorn. 5357 LAURVETTIE " b. 1854; m. 1875, (1) F. D. Haruey; 1882, (2) Geo. F. Floyd, M.D. 5358 TRUMAN KETCHUM, b. 1857; m. 1880, Ella Spurr. BY MARTHA DOWNING. 5359 ALICE KETCHUM, b. 1874. 5360 EDITH " b. 1879. 19O4. VESTA KETCHUM is a missionary. But in what particular work she is engaged, except that like her Master, she is going about "doing good," we are not informed. She seems to be employed in the three states of Massachusetts, New York, and Wisconsin. Her address is Mrs. V. K. Eldridge, and at different seasons is Needham. Mass., Cortland, N. Y., and New London, Wis. A letter directed to either of those places will reach her. She has four doctors in her family. Children by her first husband were: BY ALONZO FREEMAN. 5361 VESTA D. FREEMAN (M.D.), b. 1843; m. 1865, A. E. Miller (M.D.). 5362 ALONZO R. " " b. 1845, d. 1883; m. 1870, Mary Parks. BY WILLIAM T. ELDRIDGE. 5364 WILLIAM R. ELDRIDGE, b. 1848, d. 1850. 5365 VIOLA D. b. 1851; m. 1876, Benj. Theerar. 5366 EDWARD F. (M.D.), b. 1854; m. 1882, Jennie McClara. 5367 MARY C. " b. 1859, d. 1877. 10OS. REV. LAFAYETTE KETCHUM received his father's mantle, and gave his entire work to the Lord. His present post-office address is Deposite, N. Y. He has twice been married, and has one child by each wife. BY CAMILLA BEND. 5368 ALBERT B. KETCHUM, b. 1862; m. 1884, Ella Fairbanks. BY LILLIE BINGIIAM. 5369 BERTHA KETCHUM, b. 1875. 110 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1 DIANTHA KETCHUM and JOEL LUEY had no issue. 1OO6. SENECA KETCHUM, whose post-office address is Ketchum- ville, N. Y., had no issue. lOOT'. BETSEY KETCHUM and CHARLES McCLARA had five children, but we are unacquainted with the address of them, or their children, and no dates are given with Bertha's name. Azubah is a teacher. The following is the record: 5371 MARY MCCLARA, b. 1858; m. 1879, Willie Westcott. 5372 RANDOLPH " b. 1863. 5373 AZUBAH " b. 1865. 5374 BERTHA " 5375 LUCY b. 1870, d. 1870. 1010. CAROLINE WALTON and EDWIN AMES had eight children, all but two of them living now. They are as follows: 5400 EDWIN AMES, b 1833; m. Madora Newell. 5401 MARYM. " b. 1834; m. (1) Capt. A. W. Lamb; 1867, (2) - Austin. 5402 HARRIET M. AMES, b. 1837; m. 1878, W. J. Magce. 5403 NELSON " b. 1838; m. 1873, Julia Burley. 5404 HOMER " b. 1840, d. 1842. 5405 LEONARD " b. 1842; m. 1868, Louisa Roburg. 5406 HOMER " b. 1845; m. 1878, Jessie Louks. 5407 NETTIE A. " b. 1847, d. 1877; m. 1870, W. O. Drennan. 1. JOSHUA WALTON and REBECCA KENYON raised a large family of thirteen children. They are pleasantly located on a productive farm in Mexico, Oswego County, N. Y. They are healthy, thriving, prosperous, contented. The recent loss of their youngest son, who lived with them on the farm, was a heavy blow to them. They are both hale and hearty. 5408 WILLIAM H. WALTON, b. 1840; m. 1871, Ida A. Penfield. 5409 HARLAND P. " b. 1842, d. 1843. 5410 HARRISON W. " b. 1844; m. 1877, Lucretia Hagaman. GENERATION VIII. Ill 5411 MARCIA L. WALTON, b. 1846; m. 1875, Arthur Dugan, b. 1821, d. 1885. 5412 VAN H. b. 1847; m. 1878, Huldah Morehouse. 5413 MARCELINE " b. 1848, d. 1849. 5414 HELEN A. b. 1851 ; m. 1880, Henry J. Fish. 5415 ALICE P. b. 1852, d. 1854. 5416 MORRIS J. b. 1854, d. 1855. 5417 MYRON G. b. 1855, d. 1885; m. 1881, Jane Degroff. 5418 VICTORIA L. " b. 1857. 5419 FRANCES A. " b. 1858, d. 1860. 5420 KITT M. b. 1862; m. 1884, Luther W. Hatch. HARRIET WALTON and JOHN PARSONS reside in Mexico, N. Y. Mrs. Parsons is in feeble health, but lives in joyful expec- tation of a home where pain and sorrow are unknown. 5421 VICTORIA H. PARSONS, b. 1841, d. 1861. 5422 NEWTON W. " b. 1843; m. 1867, Eliza K. Keller. 5423 MILTON P. b. 1845; m. 1863, Mary E. Thomas. MARY P. WALTON and PHILIP T. CHURCH had six children. Their youngest son died of quick consumption at the age of 20. Their children are: 5424 GEORGE A. CHURCH, b. 1841 ; m. 1870, Ellen S. Hamilton. 5425 CLARA " b. 1843; m. 1862, George A. Barse. 5426 HENRY A. " b. 1845; m. 1867, Dillie M. Owen. 5427 EMMA A. " b. 1848; m. 1869, Charles P. Shattuck. 5428- MARYV. " b. 1850; m. 1879, Melville W. Bowers. 5429 HOMER W. " b. 1858, d. 1878. GRIFFIN D. WALTON left five children, and the post office address of all is East Onondaga, N. Y. 5430 HATTIE P. WALTON, b. 1850; m. 1874, David Reed. 5431 ELLA A. " b. 1855. 5432 ALBERT B. " b. 1857. 5433 FREDDIE R. " b. 1868. 5434 JENNIE E. " b. 1862. TRUMAN H. WALTON had but two children. They are: 5435 CHARLES H. WALTON, b. 1856; m. 1881, Cora B. Wilder. 5436 HATTIE A. b. 1808; m. 1880, Hoburt L. Campbell. 1 1 2 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1O18. SUSAN B. WALTON and AUGUSTINE G. TULLAR had four daughters, the oldest of whom only has been married. The name of her husband has not been given. She had no issue. 5437 MARY V. TULLAR, b. 1850, d. 1875; m. 1868. 5438 MARTHA M. " b. 1851. 5439 EMMA J. " b. 1854. 5440 CORA J. " b. 1857. Martha M. resides with her uncle at New Haven, Oswego Co., N. Y. Emma J. is a stenographer, and her address is 69 Warren street, Syracuse, N. Y. Cora J. lives with her father at Brewer- ton, Onondaga County, N. Y. VESTA HITCHCOCK is unmarried, and resides at Fayette- ville, N. Y. PROSPER HITCHCOCK and CAROLINE ROE had but one child. Prosper's widow resides at Cortland, N. Y. The dates of birth and marriage of his son are wanting. 5442 BELA HITCHCOCK, d. 1875; m. Marion Sprague. The children of MARANDA HITCHCOCK and JOHN DUFF were: 5445 CATHARINE M. DUFF, b. 1846; m. 1868, Henry J. Knapp, b. 1843. 5446 JOHN M. b. 1848; m. 1873, Kitty Downer. 5447 HENRY DOUD " b. 1850, d. 1880. 5448 SAMUEL C. b. 1852; m. 1874, Lucy Leech. 1 GIDEON C. HITCHCOCK we have not been able to commu- nicate with. We have been informed he was living in Colorado. The knowledge of his children is given below, except that Charles is married and has two or three children. No response has been received to circulars sent to the address against their names. 5450 CHARLES HITCHCOCK; P. O., Council Bluffs, la. 5451 FREDERIC " b. 1858, d. 1861. 5452 FRANK P. O., Council Bluffs, la. GENERATION VIII. 113 The following sketch was taken from the Syracuse Times of Jan. 11, 1885. and is an abbreviated history of STEPHEN G. HITCH- COCK'S life: Stephen G. Hitchcock was born at Cortland on the 8th of August, 1830. His early life was passed near Cortland village. When he arrived at a suitable age he went to McGrawville where he entered a pririting office as an apprentice. After learning the trade, he worked in Cortland and Homer, having charge of the Republican office in the latter place for several years. He subse- quently became associated with E. D. Van Slyke in the publication of the Republican Banner," in Cortland village, where he aided largely in making the influence of that paper a power in the politics of the county. Upon his retirement from that establish- ment, he made a visit to the West, remaining for a short period in St. Louis and Milwaukee. Returning, he reached Syracuse at about the time of the consolidation of the Union and Courier, the establishment passing under control of the late D. J. Halsted. Mr. Hitchcock's standing as a printer was well known throughout Central New York, and he was immediately engaged as superin- tendent of the practical departments of the large concern. Here his thorough knowledge of the mysteries of the craft, and his excellent business tact, soon placed the job department of the Courier office in the front rank of similar establishments in the State. He retired from that responsible position to engage in the printing business upon his own account; the office in which he was a partner or sole owner for several years was finally transferred to other hands and Mr. Hitchcock joined with others in starting The Sunday Times, in which he has retained an active interest until the fatal disease attacked him. In the Times establishment the job department has received his special attention, with what degree of success the public is well aware. In all of these different business connections, Mr. Hitchcock not only exhibited that masterly grasp of his chosen profession which gave him so enviable a reputation in that direction, but never failed to show a conscientious regard for the right of all with whom he sustained business relations, and that clear integrity which always characterizes the upright citizen. And it was, too, in these different capacities as foreman or proprietor of printing 15 114 DOWD GENEALOGY. offices, that he developed all those kindly, sympathetic qualities which drew closely to him the best regard of his associates, from the humblest apprentice to the most trusted equal. No shortcom- ing of youth, no faltering of perseverance, no unintentional neglect of duty, no despair at apparent obstacles, ever assumed such importance in his generous eyes as to warrant the show of anger, of contempt, or of hasty chiding from him; he was ever ready with the word of encouragement and well-considered instruction and counsel. And to those employed under him, his generous and unselfish commendation was always a sufficient incentive to best efforts. These good qualities, so inadequately noticed, extended through all the relations of his life; SQ that we feel our inability to properly portray their predominance in his character. And, withal, his tendency was toward retirement within the circle of his home and friends; he consequently had no large and miscellaneous acquaintanceship; but to all to whom he gave his friendship, it was prized and appreciated at its true and high value. He was the kindest of husbands, and the most indulgent of parents, and his death will cause a vacancy in the hearts of the home circle that can never be filled. His wife survives him, and he leaves a daughter, Mrs. M. W adman of Danforth, and a brother who resides in Iowa. He lost an infant daughter in 1862. His only living child is: 5479 CORA HITCHCOCK, b. 1854; m. 1871, Morton Wadman. We are not informed of WILLIAM H. HITCHCOCK'S ad- dress. He is unmarried. 1 0:30. POLLY B. married Dr. M. G. SMITH and resides at McGraw- ville, N. Y. They have but two children. 5481 GEORGE H. SMITH, b. 1852; m. 1880, Mary Bouton. 5482 KITTIE M. " b. 1860; m. 1879, Frank W. Higgins. 1 03 1 . MARC I A A. resides at McGrawville, N. Y. For thirty years she has been a patient sufferer from rheumatism, and most of that time unable to leave her bed. Her letters breathe a spirit of patience and Christian resignation, while they exhibit a lively hope of future glory in Christ. GENERATION VIII. 115 1Q3S. HON. REUBEN was Mayor of Racine, Wis., for three terms. He was also elected member of the legislature from Oshkosh, Wis. His widow recently escaped with her life only from a burn- ing hotel in Chicago, 111. Fortunately the daughter was in Europe at the time, where the mother had but recently left her.- The present address of the widow or of the daughter has not been given. 5483 MARY E. , b. 1865. 1033. SAMUEL resides at McGrawville, N. Y. His children are: 5484 CORA M., b. 1863, d. 1867. 5485 GRACE E., b. 1870. sooo. BETSEY W. WILCOX. with her husband EBER BISHOP, lives in Madison, Conn., which is her native place as well as that of he*- husband. 5600 MARY E. BISHOP, b. 1847; m. 1875, George Wilcox. 5601 JOHNM. " b. 1849; m. 1876, Ida Ferguson. 5602 BESSIE J. " b. 1862. 5603 ELLA W. " b. 1867. SOO1. COL. VINCENT M. WILCOX, after his service in the army, entered the well known house of E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., importers and manufacturers of photographic materials, 591 Broadway, N. Y., and became a partner in 1870, and is now vice- president in the company. He is also president of the American Photo-Lithographic Company. The following is his army record, taken from "Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania." " Vincent Meigs Wilcox, Colonel of the 132d Regiment, was born on the 17th of October, 1828, at Madison, Conn. He was the son of Zenas and Louisa (Meigs) Wilcox. His boyhood was spent upon the farm, and he was educated at Lee's Academy in his native place. For some years after leaving school, he was engaged in teaching. He was married in 1856, to Catherine M. Webb. He became an officer in the State Militia of Connecticut, in 1856, in which he displayed considerable enthusiasm. Having become a citizen 116 DOWD GENEALOGY. of Scranton, Perm., upon the formation of the 132d Regiment, he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. At the battle of Antietam, Col. Oakf'ord, who had this regiment, fell before the regiment got into action, and the command devolved on Lieut. -Col. Wilcox. It held a position of great importance, inasmuch as it was the key to the Union position. The line had been broken in other parts, but if this could be held, there was a chance of regaining the portions lost. In the crisis of this battle, Col. Wilcox received an order from Gen. French, who commanded the division, to hold the ground to the last extremity. But the ammunition had all been expended. By searching the bodies of the dead, a little was obtained, which was economically used ; when that was gone, the Colonel reported the fact to Gen. Kimball, his Brigadier-General, for orders, but instead of being relieved, he was ordered to fix bayonets and charge, which was executed with the utmost gallantry, driving the enemy before him, and capturing a Colonel and several men. The battle raged long and fearfully, and the loss among his men was very great; but he exercised his responsible duties with still and fidel- ity, holding his position against powerful assaults made by a vete- ran foe. At the close of the battle, he was promoted to Colonel, to date from the day of the engagement, as an acknowledgment of his merit. His service, though brief, was marked by a full measure of devotion." It was a nine months' regiment, and was in the following battles: Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville. He had the following children: BY CATHERINE M. WEBB. 5604 REYNOLD W. WILCOX, M.D., b. 1856. 56044 KATE E. " b. 1858, d. 1858. BY ELIZABETH WELLS. 5605 FRANCIS W. WILCOX, b. 1882. LUCY M. WILCOX married WALTER MONGER, M.D., and they reside in Watertown, Conn., where the doctor has an extensive practice. Both were natives of Madison, Conn. They have one son: 5606 CARLOS E. HUNGER, M.D., b. 1858. GENERATION VIII. 1 17 CAPT. CHARLES M. WILCOX commanded Company I, of the 27th Conn. Vol. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Chance) - lorsville and confined in Libby Prison, and finally parolled. Afterwards he was Assistant Provost-marshal at Hartford, Conn., till his time of nine months expired. He now does business in New York, but resides at the corner of King and Greenwich streets, Passaic, N. J. By his first wife, SARAH D. WILCOX, he had one child: 5607 CARRIE S. R. WILCOX, b. 1857. By his second wife, MARY E. KELSEY, the following: 5608 JESSIE K. WILCOX, b. 1861. 5609 VINCENT F. " b. 1865. 5610 RICHARD C. " b. 1872. 5611 EDWIN K. " b. 1875. 5612 LIZZIE W. " b. 1878. SOO4. SARAH A. CADWELL resides in New Britain, Conn., and is unmarried. MARY C. CADWELL married MASON WHITE of Vermont, and they now reside at 868 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. They have no issue. sooo. CAROLINE A. CADWELL, the widow of HORATIO WIL- COX, resides in New Britain, Conn. She has had three children, but has lost two. 5632 MARY A. WILCOX, b. 1848, d. 1852. 5633 ELBERT H. " b. 1853, d. 1880. 5634 CAROLINE E. " b. 1851. WILLIAM H. CADWELL resides at Oscar Island, San Juan County, Washington Territory. From reports of him we judge him an active, enterprising, thriving man. 5635 EDMUND M. CADWELL, b. 1849, d. 1867. 5636 WALTER P. b. 1853; m. 1874, Agnes Pettigrew, d. 1878. 118 DOWD GENEALOGY. 5637 WILLIAM H. CADWELL, Jr., b. 1857; m. 1874, (1) Genevieve Warner; 1884, (2) Etta Weeks. 5638 OLIVE L. CADWELL, b. 1866; m. 1884, Robert Me Lachlau. 5639 SARAH E. b. 1868. soos. ELLEN R. CADWELL, we understand, resides at Ansonia, Conn. But several communications directed to her address as Mrs. Ellen R. Clinton, have failed to elicit any response. We can- not, therefore, give her record. sooo. RICHARD J. CADWELL resides at Saybrook, Conn., where his son and only child resides with him: 5660 GEORGE V. CADWELL, b. 1869. SO 10. NELSON M. CADWELL left no issue. SOI 1. We have been informed that HARRIET A. CADWELL and HENRY A. GEDNEY had two children, whose names and P. 0. address are given below, but we have failed to open communica- tion with them. The extent of our information of them is em- braced in the following: 5661 GEORGE GEDNEY. P. O., Bridgeport, Conn. 5662 ROSAMOND " U. S. Navy. JOSEPH B. W1LCOX lives in Killingworth, Conn., and is a farmer. He was a soldier in the late war. No knowledge of his family has been obtained, except the names of his children and year of birth. 5754 MARY E. WILCOX, b. 1839; m. - - Doolittle. 5755 CORNELIA E. " b. 1841. 5756 HENRY E. " b. 1845; m. 5758 ALBERT E. " b. 1854. TIMOTHY F. WILCOX is a farmer, and lives in Madison, GENERATION VIII. 119 Conn. He had two children by his first wife, but both are dead. One died at 17, and the other at 3 years of age. 5759 FRANCES R. WILCOX, b. 1846, d. 1863. 5760 FRANKLIN F. " b. 1848, d. 1851. HIRAM S. WILCOX is a joiner by trade. He married FIDELIA M. DOWD (see 1810). He had but one daughter. He lives at East River, Conn. He is a deacon. 5761 ELLEN E. WILCOX, b. 1862, d. 1877; m. 1867, Judson H. Dowd (see 5100). 576H SELDEN SYLVESTER WILCOX, b. 1848; m. 1875, Mary E. Stevens, b. 1857. 5761f FRANKLIN FIELD WILCOX, b. 1852; m. 1878, Jennie A. Bush. HENRY BEALS WILCOX resides in Madison, Conn. Taught school for twenty-five seasons. He was in the army, and a minnie-ball passed through his right lung at the battle of Fred- ricksburg; has been Town Clerk since 1863, and Judge of Probate since 1869. He had but two children. The death of his talented eldest son was a heavy blow to him and his amiable wife. 5762 HENRY C. WILCOX, b. 1852, d. 1882. 5763 D WIGHT W. " b. 1855; m. 1883, Katharine H. Jones. 5763J IDA E. b. 1861 (adopted 1865). SS8O. ALFRED N. WILCOX is a mechanic, and resides at Guilford, Conn. He served three years in the 14th Regiment New York Volunteers. He is superintendent of the Sunday-school. 5764 CAROLINE M. WILCOX, b. 1847; m. 1869, Eli T. Dudley. 5765 AMY L. b. 1848, d. 1857. 5766 ALICE E. " b. 1853; m. 1875, George W. Carter. 5767 EMILIA L. " b. 1859; m. 1881, Samuel M. Landon. JOHN E. WILCOX is a farmer, and resides at Essex, Conn. He has had eight children, and all but one are living at the pres- ent time. 5768 ANNA F. WILCOX, b. 1849; m. 1884, Edward S. Burnham (see 8494). 5769 HORACE A. " b. 1854; m. 1876, Laura Amanda Parker, b. 1855. 120 UOWD GENEALOGY. 5770 JEROME E. WILCOX, b. 1856; m. 1884, Laura M. Burnham (see 8493), d. 1885. 5771 ETTA M. WILCOX, b. 1858. 5772 ALFRED A. " b. 1862. 5773 FREDERIC W. " b. 1865. 5774 INFANT, " b. 1868, d. 1868. 5775 BERTHA L. " b. 1870. ANN E. WILCOX had one child by her first husband, HYACINTHE BROUILETTE, and five by her second husband, ERASTUS MUNSON. Her address is Guilford, Conn. BY HYACINTHE BROUILETTE. 5776 FRANKLIN BROUILETTE, attorney, town clerk at Adams, Mass. BY ERASTUS MUNSON. 5777 ANN E. MUNSON, b. 1858, d. 1874. 5778 MARY FIELD " b. 1862. Guilford, Conn. 5779 JESSIE LOUISA " b. 1864, d. 1868. 5780 EMMA BERTHA " b. 1866, d. 1866. 5781 CLARA HAND " b. 1867, d. 1868. MANFRED A. WILCOX lives on the old homestead in Madi- son, Conn. He is a farmer. He has but one child. BY HIS FIRST WIFE, NANCY 8. SMITH. 5782 NANCY S. WILCOX, b. 1857. BY HIS SECOND WIFE, JEANNETTE S. SNOW. 5783 BLANCHE E. WILCOX, b. 1866, d. 1867. 5784 EDWARD A. "' b. 1869. 5785 JESSIE L. " b. 1872. 5786 WALTER A. " b. 1874. SARAH M. WILCOX and A. W. SNOW have five children. 5787 EUGENE B. SNOW, b. 1858, 155 South street, New York. 5788 CHARLES M. " b. 1862, Newtown, Conn. 5789 CARRIES. " b. 1864, Guilford, Conn. 5790 WILLIAM A. " b. 1868. 5791 WALLACE A. " b. 1869, d. 1870. SAMUEL S. ME1GS resides in Madison, Conn , on the old homestead, near the east end of the Green. He has two children. 5791 ELLEN E. MEIGS, b. 1844; m. 1867, Frank W. Day. 5792 CHARLOTTE J. MKIGS, b. 1852. GENERATION VIII. 121 DR. JOSEPH J. ME1GS continues the practice of medicine in Madison, his native town. He graduated at Yale in 1846, four days after received an appointment in Em. Hospital, N. Y., remain- ing one year. Then to Eastern Dispensary, N.' Y., in 1847, where he remained till 1849. Then to Bellevue Hospital where he remained till cholera broke out and he entered general practice. He remained in New York till 1859 when he removed to Madison, Conn. He has no issue. S300. Of SARAH M. and REV. ELI AS WOOD, the last information received was that they had one daughter and two sons, and they were living at Chesterville, Morrow Co., O. As no names were given, we have been unable to communicate with them. S3O1. SYLVESTER and THETESA HEATH had two children. 5800 HARRIET L., b. 1834; m. 1851, Z. Loomis Jones. 5801 WILBUR S., b. 1838; m. I860, Sarah J. Heath. 2&O2. The record of ESTHER and DENNIS THOMPSON is very incomplete. It consists in the statement that they had one daughter and two sons. The name of one son and address is: 5803 EDWIN THOMPSON, Jackson, Mich. S3O3. The record of REV. GEORGE W., like most of the children of Capt. Sylvester, is very unsatisfactory and ends with names of two children. 5806 DANIEL W. 5807 EMILY. In no line in this record have the dates and record been obtained more completely than in that of ASAHEL. They were obtained and transmitted by the efforts and through the kindness of Elder Alfred F. Dowd (5826), of North Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y. Asahel of Asahel, we understand died in Wayne Co. N. Y. He 16 122 DOWD GENEALOGY. had seven children. The four remaining ones now reside in the State of Iowa. 5811 SABRA M., b. 1824; m. 1843, Chas. W. Bunce, b. 1816, d. 1881. 5812 HARRIET M., b. 1825; m. 1845, Abram White. 5813 LUCY A., b. 1826, d. 1860; m. 1847, Rev. G. G. Edwards, d. 1869. 5814 WILLIAM A., b. 1828; m. 1855, Emily A. Rogers. 5815 ELEANOR, b. 1831, d. 1833. 5816 GEORGE N., b. 1835; m. 1866, Josie Thompson. 5817 JAMES W., b. 1837, d. 1864; s. TABITHA and PHINEAS CHAPIN had four children that reached maturity, and all married. Three are still living. 5818 MYRON CHAPIN, b. 1835; m. 1861, (1) Mary Eldridge; 1874, (2) Mary Countryman. 5819 EMILY CHAPIN, b. 1837; m. 1854, Willard Shepherd. 5820 STEPHEN " b. 1840; m. 1866, Augusta Eldridge. 5821 REUBEN " b. 1844, d. 1869; m. 1859, Maria Baker. S3O6. HORACE had no children by his first wife. He was a Deacon in the church and active in church matters. He was called sud- denly, without any warning, while walking the street, to exchange his earthly for his heavenly home his transient for his eternal life. His children were: 5822 HENRY H., b. 1833; m. 1883, Mary L Atwater. 5823 JEFFERSON S., b. 1835; m. 1865, Olive P. Fox. 5824 MARY L., b. 1838; m. 1856, Alfred H. Brown, b. 1835. 5825 CLARA M., b. 1846. DANIEL was for many years a teacher. He is reported as the first in this line who changed the orthography of the name from Doud to Dowd. He was an Elder in the church, and prominent in its. financial and spiritual interests. He was also Town Superin- tendent and Justice of the Peace. His widow is living with her son, Alfred F., at North Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y., and is ener- getic, hale, and hearty, and active in every good cause. 5826 ALFRED F., b. 1835; m. 1861, Catharine Eckerson. 5827 WILLIAM E. (M.D.), b. 1837, d. 1863; m. I860, Helen Hammond. 5828 S. ELIZABETH, b. 1842. 5829 CHARLES H., b. 1845; m. 1867, Adelia Holtstrander, d. 1879. GENERATION VIII. 123 S3OS. LEVI had four children. His widow is still living at Pow Pow, Van Buren Co., Mich. 5830 ANGELINE J. ( b. 1833; m. 1851, Luther Barrows, d. 1881. 5831 FRANKLIN H., b. 1835; m. 1859, Elizabeth A. Mayo. 5832 ALICE A., b. 1837; m. 1858, John Denton, d. 1885. 5833 HARRISON W., b. 1843; m. 1864, Arias H. Dolson. S3OO. STEPHEN raised a large family and is now living with his second wife at Huron, Wayne Co.. N. Y. He bears his age remarkably well. In looks and appearance he seems at least ten years younger than the figures actually show. His children are all by his first wife. 5834 HENRY, b. 1828; m. 1852, Lucinda A. Newell. 5835 ORSON, b. 1830; m. 1870, Jerusha C. St. John, b. 1841. 5836 LUCINDA, b. 1832, d. 1874; m. 1854, Ammon Vernoy. 5837 GILBERT, b. 1835; m. 1865, Maria Hardy. 5838 NATHAN, b. 1837, d. 1854; s. 5839 ELLEN, b. 1840; m. 1860, Judson Jones. 5840 SIDNEY, b. 1843, d. 1862. 5841 CATHARINE, b. 1844 ; m. 1862, Aaron Sours. 5842 RHODA N., b. 1846; m. 1867, John B. Buck. EMILY and CHAUNCEY DERBY had two children, only one being now living. 5843 MARY DERBY, b. 1844, d. 1869; m. 1860, (1) Jacob C. Sours, d. 1864; 1867, (2) Elisha King. 5844 MARTHA A. DERBY, b. 1846; m. 1862, Barney Terbush. 1. WATSON had seven children, all by his second wife. All but two are still living. 5845 GEORGE W., b. 1839; m. 1862, (1) Delia Pettys; 1867, (2) Mary Jones. 5846 LUCY A., b. 1841; m. I860, Henry Paddock. 5847 HARRIET, b. 1842; m. 1869, Christopher Wilder. 5848 JUDSON H., b. 1843; m. 1869, Cassie Cole. 5849 CHARITY, b. 1844, d. 1847. 5850 JOSEPHINE, b. 1846, d. 1853. 5851 MINNIE, b. 1852; m. 1868, Will Quereau. 124 DOWD GENEALOGY. S3 1 3. JARED was deacon in the church, and deeply interested in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the community. His children inherit his sterling qualities. 5852 JOHN, b. 1825; m. 1851, Sarah Sturgis. 5853 MART A. C. ( b. 1828. 5854 REX J., b. 1833; m. 1859, Sarah A. Kelsey. HEM AN had but three children, but all are now living in Michigan. 5855 VALINA L., b. 1841; m. 1867, Samuel F. Simmons. 5856 CHARLOTTE A., b. 1845; m. 1865, Franklin M. Zane. 5857 MARVIN EL, b. 1853; s. S3 16. NATHANIEL resided in Massachusetts. He had but one child. 5858 JERUSHA A., b. 1838; m. 1883, John H. Manly (see 5859). CHARLOTTE, who married JOHN MANLY, resided in Mas- sachusetts. She had four children. 5859 JOHN H. MANLY, b. 1834; m. 1883, Jerusha A Dowd (see 5858). 5860 HENRYS. " b. 1836; m. 1857, Mary Rockwell. 5861 AMOS B. " b. 1843, d. 1860. 5862 WARREN D. " b. 1848; m. 1870, Alice Chadwick. S3 IS. LUCINDA, widow of MARVIN HASTINGS, resides in Suf- field, Conn. She seems contented and happy 'with her children and grandchildren. Her nature and disposition are of that char- acter which tends to keep one in perpetual youth. 5863 MARGARET C. HASTINGS, b. 1846; m. 1866, L. C. Sheldon. 5864 HEMANDOWD " b. 1851; m. 1872, Annie E.Lyons. S31O. Of BENJAMIN we have no further information than year of birth and death. GENERATION VIII. 125 S3SO. CALVIN D. BARBER had but one child. 5865 ANN ELIZABETH BARBER, b. 1830; m. 1846, John N. Schneider. LUTHER J. BARBER had a numerous family, but, as the record shows, all but two died young. The dates of those that died young have not been received. 5866 SARAH M. BARBER, b. 1836; m. 1860, William Louk, b. 1818. 5867 GEORGE N. " b. 1843; m. Margaret -- . 5867f CAROLINE A. " Died at 9 months. 5867f JOSEPH F. " 13 5867f CHARLES P. " " 15 5867f MARY E. 4 5867f LUCY A. " " 8 " 5867f ELLEN INFANT. AMY BARBER and OTIS ARNOLD had a large family. Although they had thirteen children, all, save the first born, reached maturity, the youngest dying at 24. Eight are still living, the oldest being 56, and the youngest 38. There are few, if any, families in this record that have a more patriarchal appearance. 5868 INFANT, b. 1828, d. 1828. 5869 EDWIN N. ARNOLD, b. 1829; s. 5870 ALMIRAE. " b. 1830, d. 1863; m. Lyman Baldwin. 5871 HARRIET A. " b. 1832; m. Chauncey Thayer. 5872 AMY D. " b. 1833; m. 1855, Erastus Kingsbury, d. 1884. 5873 EUNICE " b. 1835, d 1869; m. John Hennings. 5874 OPHELIA C. " b. 1837; m. Alonzo Wood. 5875 JOANNA J. " b. 1839; m. Chauncey Mason. 5876 DOLLY A. ) b. 1841; m. 1861, Kirtland Johnson, 5877 JULIA A. " \ ns> b. 1841, d. 1869; s. 5878 ESTHER A. " b. 1842; m. DeWitt Jones. 5879 OTIS N. " b. 1845, d. 1883; m. Sarah Willoughby. 5880 SARAH J. E. " b. 1847; m. Selden Meredith. PREELOVE BARBER and JERRY KINGSBURY had no issue. Mr. Kingsbury is still living at Booneville, N. Y. 126 DOWD GENEALOGY. JULIA A. BARBER and EPHRAIM BULLOCK had eight children, as follows: 5881 HARVEY E. BULLOCK, b. 1831. 5882 PHEBE b. 1833; m. 1848, Barnabas Howland. 5883 JOSEPH H. b. 1835, d. 5884 FREELOVE " b. 1837, d. 5885 JERRY " b. 1838. 5886 LOUISA b. 1841 ; m. I860, Theo. Dockendorf, b. 1838. 5887 MARY A. " b. 1846; m. Joseph Grimes. 5888 RICHARD b. 1849. JOHN C. BARBER had no children by his first wife, but two by his second wife. His residence is Plane, Kendall Co., 111. His children are: 5889 JESSIE M. BARBER, b. 1877. 5890 JOHN C. b. 1878. NATHANIEL B. BARBER lived only till he was 22, and the record is silent as to whether married or unmarried. REV. ALANSON was a Baptist preacher, and he obtained his education through great difficulties. He was the eldest child and only son, and as his father was in feeble health, the cares of the family fell largely upon him. By teaching school he saved up a little money and went to a manual labor school to prepare himself for the work he felt the Lord had laid upon him. He seems not only to have preached as opportunity presented, but -also to have labored from house to house, and been blessed in his self-denying work. With the promise of the Father in full view, "They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever," we hope he may realize its fullness and richness when the shadows vanish and endless, cloudless day breaks upon him. His children are: 5891 SAMUEL, b. 1837; m. 1866. Parmelia I. Gardner, b. 1838. 5892 HARMON, b. 1840; s. 5893 MARY E., b. 1845; m. 1862, John D. Sherwood. GENERATION VIII. 127 2330. Of ESTHER and ELI RITCH we know only what is found against their genealogical number. Whether or not in the six years of married life they had any children we are uninformed. 233 \. FIDELIA and JOHN IVOR Y are both dead. They had four children. 5897 FRANKLIN IVORY, b. 1840; s. 5898 RUFUS " b. 1845; m. 1866, Sarah S. Wilder, b. 1843. 5899 MARTHA J. " b. 1847, d. 1865. 5900 MARY A. " b. 1852; m. - - Vickey. EMILY, who married HON. ELLERY A. BROWNELL, was a teacher, but now resides at Thomas, Oakland Co., Mich., with her family in the immediate vicinity. Her husband, who is a man of ability and of means, is reported as allaying, rather than insti- gating, difficulties while acting as Justice of the Peace, as never- taking advantage of the poor, but always striving to relieve them, and as faithful in the* discharge of his public trusts while in the legislature and other positions in which his fellow citizens have placed him. 5901 ELLEN O. BROWNELL, b. 1839; m. 1859, Perry Stimeon. 5902 EMILY M. " b. 1841; m. 1858, (1) James Watson; 1865, (2) Cortez Stimson. 5903 ENOS L. BROWNELL, b. 1844; m. 1864, Mary E. Hickey. 5904 ELLERY L. " b. 1849; m. 1871, James Brewster. 5905 EDMUND b. 1853; m. 1873, Lexcy Copeman. ELECTA and the REV. WILLIAM D. POTTER had four children. Their first born died on the altar of his country. He died in Libby prison. We are unable to follow them farther than the following record. Their two sons reside at Hadley, Mich. 5906 JOHN S. POTTER, b. 1838, d. 1863; s. In the army. 5907 NANCY E. " b. 1839, d. 1869; m. -Clark. 5908 HENRY N. " b. 1842. 5909 A. JUDSON " b. 1850. 128 DOWD GENEALOGY. MARY and her husband JOHN THARRETT, reside at Had- ley, Lapier County, Mich. Her first husband died in 1864. Her four children were by Rufus T. Sanborn. They all reside in the State of Michigan. 5910 Lucius SANBORN, b. 1842; m. 1866, Delilah Vickey. 5911 JOHN M. " b. 1844; m. 1864, Sarah E. Olmsted, b. 1843, d. 1876; 1876, (2) Dora T. Bates, b. 1856. 5912 JULIA A. SANBORN, b. 1848; m. 1864, Jasper S. Kitchen. 5913 Rev. NEWTON R. SANBORN, b. 1854; m. 1872, Calista A. Green. SARAH J. and WILLIAM IVORY reside at Thomas, Oak- land County, Mich. She was a teacher. I i 5914 ELLERY IVORY, ) . m. 1873, Ophelia E. Schock. 5915 ELLWELL " \ b ' J 48 ' twms ; m. 1872, Julia A. Browning. 5916 EGBERT D. " b. 1852; m. 1876, Ellen E. Bixby. 5917 MARY A. " b. 1856; m. 1876, Alfred Townsend, Jr. 5918 ADA J. " b. 1864. LOUISA was unmarried. MERCY A. and LOOMIS WEBB had six children, and, so far as we are informed, all are at present living. 5919 NEWTON L. WEBB, b. 1840; m. 1863, Phebe Huyck. 5920 SABRA A. b. 1842. 5921 EMELINE C. " b. 1845; m. 1862, Enos Reed. 5922 PHEBE L. " b. 1848; m. 1880, Isaac Swarthout. 5923 ADELIA A. " b. 1850; m. 1869, Charles Chapin. 5924 CHARLES L. " b. 1861. S40O. ELIZA and ABRAM BAXTER had no issue S4OS. STEPHEN P. is an elder in the Presbyterian church, and resides at Huron, N. Y., where he is a successful farmer. He has lost all his children but one, and he lives with him on the farm. GENERATION VIII. 129 6100 EDWIN B., b. 1855; m. 1876, Ida Tincklepaugh. 6101 MARY, b. 1843, d. 1857. 6102 MARSHALL, b. 1845, d. 1846. 6103 MORTON, b. 1847, d. 1867. S403. THEDA A. and HUNTINGTON PERSONS are now living at Wayne, Erie County, Fenn. Their children are: 6104 HUNTINGTON D. PERSONS, b. 1839; m. 1863, Martha Dewey. 6105 ANNETTE C. " b. 1841; m. 1866, Edwin Culver. 6106 DELIA A. b. 1843, d. 1876; m. 1862, Josiab Carter. 6107 MERRITT H. b. 1849, d. 1869; s. S4O4. CYNTHIA PERSONS resides at North Huron, N. Y. She is active in all good work and has a very retentive memory, and is able to give much of the history of her ancestors as verbally received from them. 6108 JANE PERSONS, b. 1841; m. 1861, (1) Foster Whiting; 1866, (2) James Vanderburg. 6109 ESTHER PERSONS, b. 1846; m. 1867, Spencer Chapin. 6110 MORTON " b. 1844; m. 1866, Marietta Seymour; 1871, (2) Mary Andrews. S40S. HIRAM J. resides at Huron, N. Y. He had two children by his first first wife, FANNY SMITH. Both are dead, the son reaching the age of 27. 6111 MORRIS, b. 1846, d. 1873; s. 6112 LOUISA E., b. 1851, d. 1851. BY HIS SECOND WIFE, MARTHA BREED. 6113 JASPER E., b. 1855; m. 1877, Lura Terbush. 6114 JENNIE, b. 1859, d. 1872. 6115 SUSAN, b. 1868. ARMENIA resides at Corry, Penn. She has no issue. She is now a widow, having recently lost her last husband. BENJAMIN C. is an engineer on the New York Midland rail- road. His address is box 1474, Norwich, Chenango County, N.Y. He has one child: 611G BROWN, b. 1880. 17 130 DOWD GENEALOGY. S4O8. MRS. IDA M. BAHNHART resides at Wayne, Erie County, Penn. She has no issue. S4OO. ARTEMAS lives at Monterey, Mass., and has the following children, whose address is the same as that of the father: 6117 ALBERT MARTIN, b. 1845; m. 1868, Lucy E. Candee, b. 1845. 6118 JAMES GILBERT, b. 1846; m. 1880, Elizabeth Allen. 6119 LYDIA ELIZABETH, b. 1847. 6120 MARY LOUISA, b. 1858. ALVIN B. resides with his children at Berry Station, Harri- son County, Ky. Efforts to open a correspondence with him have been unsuccessful, but we are assured the above is his P. 0. address. His children are: 6121 HARRIET A., b. 1863. 6122 DANIEL AMOS, b. 1865. 6123 EMMA, b. 1867. 6124 JAMES C., b. 1868. 6125 NEWTON R, b. 1870. 6126 WILLIAM W., b. 1872. 6127 ANNIE MARY, b. 1874. 6128 STEPHEN A., b. 1876. Of MARIETTE and SILAS FREEMAN'S descendants we have no knowledge. ANSON and his children live in Monterey, Mass., but whether any of the children are married and have families we are uninformed. 6135 ELVIRA E., b. 1847. 6136 ALVIN, b. 1850. 6137 BENJAMIN, b. 1852. 6138 ANSON, b. 1857. ANDREW C. and family have their P. 0. address at Blooming Grove, Lake Co., Kan. He has three children by each wife. GENERATION VIII. 131 BY LUCINA 8AYER. 6139 MARY, b. 1853. 6140 CHESTER S., b. 1858. 6141 EDGAR, b. 1860. BY SARAH KEITH. 6142 LUCINA, b. 1867. 6143 LILLIE BELL, b. 1869. 6144 ALBERT, b. 1873. 34 1 4=. 24: 1 5. Of HARRIET we know nothing, and of Almon L. only what appears against his name. S410. CHANDLER T. was in the army. He was in a Massachusetts regiment. He left two children: 6161 HOKACE MONROE, b. 1849; ra. 1871, Mary A. Sumner. 6162 ALICE PARMELIA, b. 1857; m. 1876, James W. Church. We have not the address of CHAUNCEY B. The address of his son Willie W. is Lee, Mass. That of Eddie W., Tyringham, Mass. As we have no further knowledge, we close the record of Chauncey B. with the enumeration of his children. 6163 WILLIE W., b. 1856; m. Belle Guiford. 6164 EDDIE W., b. 1862. S41O. CLINTON B. is now at Clifton, Sully Co., Dakota. He has no issue. He was in the army, in the 97th N. Y. volunteers. His war record may be summed up as follows. He was in the follow- ing battles: Centerville, Bull Run, Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania Court House, Old Church, North Anne, Cold Harbor, Mine Run, Rappahanock Station, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Boyington Road, Five Forks. South Side Railroad, be- sides a great many skirmishes. He was taken prisoner after tearing up Weldon Railroad, and was in Pemberton, Libby, and Belle Island Prisons. Twice while on Belle Island, he went forty- eight hours without anything to eat, and then it was very meagre supply when food was furnished. He had to dig a hole in the ground to keep warm. He was a prisoner for sixty days and was almost dead when paroled. His weight at that time was reduced to ninety pounds. 132 DOWD GENEALOGY. GEORGE S. PARKS, had but one child. Father and son re- side at South Onondaga, N. Y. 6171 GASPER M. PARKS, b. 1859; m. 1883, Ruby E. Rumens. SYLVIA P. and ZERAH SPERRY had but two children. The oldest married a soldier, who died in the war, and had no issue. The youngest is unmarried. Their P. 0. address is not given. 6172 JANE A. SPERRY, b. 1840; m. 1864, Charles Morse. 6173 LUCY A. " b. 1848; s. HYLAND is a deacon in the Baptist church. He rendered very efficient aid in gathering statistics for this branch of the family. His report was definite, accurate, and valuable. He lives in Monterey, Mass. His letters give no uncertain sound, but have the true Puritanic ring. His first wife was the widow of Sylvester (2301). By her he had two children. 6174 PHILO HYLAND, b. 1845, d. 1861. 6175 RUSSELL MILO, b. 1847; m. 1869, Sarah L. Hunger. BY EUNICE P. FAIRFIELD. 6176 JENNIE F., b. 1861; m. 1882, Henry J. Rogers. 6177 GRACE P., b. 1863. LAURA A. and CHARLES GIFFORD had no issue. HOMER resides in Monterey, Mass. He had but one child. 6178 EDITH C., b. 1853, d. 1884; m. 1872, George Harris. REUBEN and LIZZIE KIEF had five children, but as none of them have children, so far as we know, their record is completed in this sketch. The oldest son is a physician and resides at Housatonic, Mass. The youngest, Mrs. Theo. A. Barnes, resides at Tyringham, Mass. The other three live at Monterey, Mass. GENERATION VIII. 133 6179 AMOS A. (M.D.), b. 1856; m. 1882, Clara B. Wilcox. 6180 JAMES EL, b. 1857. 6181 JOSEPH LEVI, ) b. 1860. 6182 JOSEPHINE LEVA, f 11 ns> b. 1860; m. 1881, George E. Bunce. 6183 MARGARET L., b. 1863; in. 1883, Theo. A. Barnes. ORSON L. lives at Monterey, Mass. He has no issue. ANSEL was in the Southern army. His children live in Brook- field, Mass. 6184 MINNIE LAURINDA, b. 1859; s. 6185 HARRIET LUCIA, b. 1861 ; s. ORVILLA MARKHAM and MARTIN PINNEY have seven children. But nothing of grand -children has been received. The address of Charles Pinney is Otis, Mass. Of Wilbur W. and Winfred W. is Sandisfield, Mass. Of Alice or Mrs. Calvin Jones, Tyringham, Mass. 6186 CHARLES PINNEY, b. 1851 ; m. 1873, Jessie Blair. 6187 ALBERT " b. 1&53; m. 1874, Alida Fox. 6188 WILBUR W. ") . b. 1855. 6189 WINFRED W. " [ * ns> b. 1855; m. 1880, Laura Miller. 6190 ALICE " b. 1857; m. 1879, Calvin Jones. 6191 JENNETTE " b. 1858; m. 1881, Daniel Page. 6192 FRANKLIN " b. 1860; m., but name and date not given. S433. EGBERT MARKHAM resides with his two children in Shef- field, Mass. 6193 ANNIE L. MARKHAM, b. 1869. 6194 LEWIS E. " b. 1874. ORANGE B. MARKHAM lives with his family at Monterey, Mass. 6195 CHAUNCEY W. MARKHAM, b. 1866. 6196 ELIZABETH " b. 1868. 6197 JAMES " b. 1873. 6198 LILIAN b. 1877. 6199 CALVIN B. b. 1880. 134 DOWD GENEALOGY. S43O. FRANKLIN W. MARKHAM and his family reside at Shef- field, Mass. 6200 FRANKLIN MARKHAM, b. 1866, d. 1868. 6201 WILLIAM " b. 1868. 6202 JOHN W. b. 1871. 6203 JANE b. 1875. S437". BENJAMIN C. lives with his family at Whitewater, Wis. He has four children, but we are not informed if any of them are married. 6204 ASA, b. 1859. 6205 WILLIE W., b. 1862. 6206 HATTIE, b. 1864. 6207 IDA, b. 1869. SARAH A., the widow of ISAAC N. BELLOWS, had four children. We are unacquainted with her address. That of Mary A. (Mrs. Allen D. Barber) is Scott, Cortland Co., N. Y. 6210 PHEBE E. BELLOWS, b. 1852, d. 1871; m. 1868, William H. Clark. 6211 H. CORA " b. 1856, d. 1873. 6212 MARY A. " b. 1859; m. 1878, Allen D. Barber. 6213 L. MAUD " b. 1870. CLARISSA J. was a teacher and died without issue. MARIA L. was a teacher and writer. She published a volume of poems entitled "Autumn Leaves." She had no issue. HELEN and JOSEPH FELLOWS reside at Scranton, Pa. Our information is included in the following items: 6230 BELL FELLOWS, Scranton, Pa. 6231 KATE 6232 JOSEPHINE " 6233 HENRY " (Druggist), Coif ax, Iowa. 6234 EUGENE " (Teacher), Scranton, Pa. GENERATION VIII. 135 MARY A. and IRVING W. COMBS, live at East Des Moines, Iowa, with their family. The dates in regard to the children are wanting. 6236 WILLIAM J. COMBS. 6237 PHILEMON " 6238 ELLA 6239 BESSIE 6240 HARRY EUGENE S. lives in San Francisco, Cal., where he may be addressed in care of Simon & Coghill. His two children are: 6250 CARRIE L., b. 1862; m. 1882, Milton L. Canfield. 6251 ALICE E., b. 1864; m. 1883, William K. Mockbee. JENNETTE C. and E. J. GISH had two children; Jennie B. married Preston C. Klepinger and lives at Carlton, Thayer Co., Neb. Mrs. Gish was a teacher. 6254 JENNIE B. GISH, b. 1862; m. 1884, Preston C. Klepinger. 6255 GERTRUDE " b. 1864, d. 1866. SI5OC5. MALCOLM P. was a teacher. He was also in the war. He is an A ttorney-at-Law and clerk of the county where he resides. His address is Newton, Iowa. 6260 ROY, b. 1871. 6261 GUY, b. 1876. 626H MALCOLM PHILEMON, b. 1883. ADELIA E., who was a teacher, married J. M. BAKER, who was in the war. He lived but a year after marriage. His widow, with her son lives at Cavour, Beadle Co., Dakota. 6259 PERCY BAKER, b. 1867. to Of the descendants of JOHN'S and ORRIN'S children no information has : been .received. The address of Warren and 136 DOWD GENEALOGY. Franklin is Allegan, Mich. Of Manila (Mrs. Caleb Smith), East Gainesville, N. Y. Of William, Pike, N. Y. Of Caroline (Mrs. A. Whiting), Hamrnonsburg, Crawford Co., Pa. Of Maria (Mrs. Alva Hamlin), of Charlotte (Mrs. Jas. Relya), of Louisa C. (Mrs. Jas. B. Trail) and of Miles W., the address is Hume, N. Y. ANNA E. and HIRAM B. WHITCOMB had five children, but two died in infancy. 6262 MARSHALL E. WHITCOMB, b. 1838; m. 1865, Josiah B. Swartwood. 6262| SUSAN A. " b. 1842, d. ; m. 1866, (1) Nelson A. Pot- ter; 1881, (2) William E. Cooper. 6262| LUCY VIENNA WHITCOMB, b. 1847. Of ELIZABETH (MRS. AMOS KENYON), we are informed she lives at West Hartwick, N. Y., but nothing further. Of MARY (MRS. THOMAS DYER), we are informed she is dead. We know nothing of the descendants of either. GEORGE E. is unmarried, and resides at Hume, N. Y. JAMES N. lives at East Roy, N. Y., and has had three chil- dren. As we are not informed that either of his living children married, their record will close with the enumeration. 6263 ERA, b. 1857, d. 1864. 6263i WILLIAM L., b. 1861, P. O., East Roy, N. Y. 6264 MENGER, b. 1865, P. O., East Roy, N. Y. SI30S. JULIA E. lives at Great Valley, N. Y., where she may be addressed as Mrs. SHELDON BROWN. Her children are: 6264^ JAMES D. BROWN, b. 1849; m. 1870, C, M. Congdon. 6265 MARYO. " b. 1853; m. 1879, Almond Guthrie. 6265 RUTH E. " b. 1859; m. 1876, Smith D. Oyer. MARY E. (Mrs. NELSON P. BAKER) resides at Hume, N. Y. She has no issue. GENERATION VIII. 137 PHILO E. resides at Birdsall, Alleghany Co , N. Y. He has six children. The address of the children, except the eldest, is given as Garwood, N. Y. The eldest daughter's address is not given, nor has her record been received. 6266 LYDIA F., b. 1855; m. 1875, George Gibson. 6266| MARY J., b. 1857. 6267 JAMES E., b. 1860. 6267| RUTH E , b. 1864. 6268 MARGARET W., b. 1868. 6268 J LIBBIE H., b. 1870. SO4O. ADELIA I. is dead. She had four children by Mr. BAYLES. 6276 BENJAMIN D. BAYLES, d. - . 6276f DARIUS " d. - . 6276f VOLNEY U. 6276f JAMES S. She had two children by Mr. COON. 6276f SHERIDAN COON. 6276f MINA E. The P. O. address of none of her children is given. ADALINE E. had five children, but her own address, and that of her children has not been received ; indeed we have no knowl- edge of them but that of their names. 6277 ELLA GARDNER. 6277^ FLORA 6277f ALONZO S. " 6277f ADDIE 62774 MARY 2G4.2. WILHEMNIA E. (MRS. JOHN G. BAKER) resides at Corry, Erie County, Penn. She has no issue. We have not the given name of MATILDA'S husband, nor have we her P. O. address. The names of her five children have been given, but no dates or addresses. 6278 LUELLA BAKER. 62781 ALBERT S. " 6278| NELLIE 6278f MAY 6278| CHARLES 18 138 DOWD GENEALOGY. POLLY is dead, but was married and had no issue. The same is true of NANCY, but the names of their husbands were not given. JAMES NELSON died in the war. GEORGE T. BRUNSON lives at Riceville, Mitchell County, la. JOHN C. BRUNSON had two children, but no dates are supplied. 6279 EVA A. BRUNSON; m. 1876, F. T. Piper. 6279i EUGENE A. " ADA A. RUSSELL (Mrs. NEWELL) resides at 709 North St. Paul street, Rochester, N. Y. Ford S. Russell resides at Mills Mills, N. Y. WILLIAM resides at Erie, Penn. Franklin and Chester both reside at Kansas City, Mo. ALBERT resides at Cromwell, Conn. He has no children. He has rendered very efficient service in gathering information of this branch of the family. JOHN C. is dead. We are informed that he has a son at Houston, Tex. A communication directed to him there has failed to elicit a reply. We are also informed that John C. had another son and one daughter, but neither names nor address were given. 6280 JESSE L., Houston, Texas. DR. LEWIS B. left two children, and both reside with their mother at St. Jo, Montague County, Tex. A letter from John C. promised statistics of the family, but none has been received. They may have been missent. He was merchandising in the above place. His letter stated that he would communicate with his cousin in Houston. 62801 JOHN C., St. Jo, Montague County, Tex. 6280f ALICE B., " GENERATION VIII. 139 S8O3. ANN M. (Mrs. BAKER) resides at Cromwell, Conn. She has no issue. CAPT. CHARLES M. was captain of a steamer on the Red River. He died in Texas. BARZILLAI D. SAGE was a brick-maker, mason and builder. He was quite successful and made some heavy contracts. He had seven children, but the name of one only is given. Although her address is given as Middletown, Conn., we have received no com- munication from her. 6284 CHARLOTTE SAGE; m. Daniel B. Hubbard. CORN WELL SAGE was a carpenter and joiner. Our infor- mation of him is very imperfect, as we have been unable to open communication with the only child reported to us. 6285 TIMOTHY H. SAGE, P. O., St. Louis, Mo. FREDERIC SAGE was a mason. His widow still lives at Middletown, Conn. No further record has been received. TIMOTHY SAGE is a brick-maker and resides at Benicia, Cal. No further record. TITUS SAGE is a tinner, and resides in Middletown, Conn. No further record. DENNIS SAGE is a lawyer and banker, and resides in the suburbs of Boston, Mass. He was in California in 1849, and was successful in obtaining a competency. No further record. SST'O. ALFRED SAGE was unmarried. CHESTER SAGE is a farmer and mason. He built the North Congregational church in Middletown, Conn. He gives a very interesting anecdote of his father, who was leader of the choir fur 140 DOWD GENEALOGY. fifteen years in the first Congregational church in Middletown, Conn. He being in New Haven, the leader of the First Congre- gational church asked him if he knew the Sage who was leader of the choir in the church at Middletown, who was a good singer and would go from his mason work and "pitch the tunes." He replied: ''He is my father," and this became a bond of friend- ship. Chester had one daughter, who died early. 6288 MARIAN ISADORE SAGE. Died 1849. PHILIP SAGE was a teacher. He moved to California where he pursued his trade as a tinner, for a time. Afterward became a miner, then engaged in farming. No further record. EUNICE SAGE (MRS. FRIEND W. INGHAM), has one son residing in Newfield District, Middletown, Conn. There may be other children, but we have no further record. 6289 CLEVELAND INGHAM. S88O. JANE LOUISA SAGE had three children by AMOS N. BRADLEY, her first husband. The two daughters are married and live in St. Louis, Mo. "We are unacquainted with the surname and have no further record. 6290 FRANK BRADLEY. 6291 KATE " m., St. Louis, Mo. 6292 ANNIE " m., SJ80O. LAURA and HENRY COOK, had one son, and he had five children, but their names have not been given. His widow lives at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. 6300 JAMES COOK. S801. ELEAZER G. lives at East Hartford, Conn. He has had three children, but only one is now living. 6301 HARRIET FRANCES, b. 1842, d. 1845. 6302 EMMA COOK ; b. 1847 ; m. Emerson Parker. 6303 FHANK, b. 1850, d. 1867. GENERATION VIII. 141 HENRY had two children. No dates are given, but they reside in Norwich, Conn. 6306 JULIA. 6307 LAURA. as. CAPT. THOMAS lives in East Hartford, Conn. He was elected to the Legislature of his native state. He was for many years a captain in the celebrated " Putnam Phalanx." His child- ren all reside with him in East Hartford, except Thomas W., whose address 169 Mill St., Rochester, N. Y. 6308 ARTHUR HAMILTON, b. 1840, d. 1844. 6309 ANNA JOSEPHINE, b. 1844. 6310 LOUISA WILLIAMS, b. 1846. 6311 THOMAS WINTHROP, b. 1850. 6312 CLARA AMELIA, b. 1860. S804. MARTHA (MRS. OLIVER WOODWORTH),' lives in New London. Conn. The two daughters reside with their mother. 6313 HENRY D. WOODWORTH, b. 1850; m. 1872, Ella Richards. 6314 NATHAN A. " b. 1855; m. 1884, Mary Bishop. 6315 MARY E. " b. 1856. 6316 HENRIETTA C. " b. 1859. 6317 CHARLES B. " b. 1863, d. 1864. S800. HORACE had three children but all are now dead. He has two grandchildren, who will be found under their generation. The year of death only of Horace's children is given. 6318 FREDERIC, d. 1881 ; m. Lottie Deming. 6319 HENRY, d. 1880. 6320 LEILA, d. 1883. MARY (MRS. ELLSWORTH CHAPIN), resides at Springfield, Mass , (28 Myrtle St.) She has no issue. EN OCE1 LEROY SAVAGE lives in Middletown, Conn., in the old Cornwell Doud house. He has no issue. 142 DOWD GENEALOGY. aooo. EMILY G. SAVAGE (MRS. WILLARD P. ENSIGN), resides in Chicago. 111. No information of her descendants has been received. S001. CAROLINE D. SAVAGE (MRS. NICHOLAS V. FAGAN), had but one child. 6325 LIZZIE NAOMI FAGAN. b. 1855, d. 1879. PERCYETTE RICHARDS was unmarried. 3OOO. FRANCIS G. RICHARDS had a large family of eleven child- ren and all but two reached maturity and were married. His children were: 6365 MARY R. RICHARDS, b. 1830; m. 1851, Joseph Whilden. 6366 SAMUEL D. " b. 1833, d. 1858; m. 1851, AnnaM. Wright. 6367 FREDERIC W. " b. 1835, d. 1836. 6368 FREDERIC " b. 1837; m. Mrs. - Oliver. 6369 PERCY " b. 1839 ; m. Everett Woodward. 6370 ELIZA W. " b. 1841 ; m. Orrin Wetherell. 6371 JULIA A. b. 1843; m. 1861, Frederic R. Jenks. 6372 SUSAN C. " b. 1845, d. 1845. 6373 SUSAN S. " b. 1846; m. - - Howell. 6374 CAROLINES. " b. 1849 ; m. Henry Lankton. 6375 SARAH F. b. 1855 ; m. Myrton Dibble. JULIA A. RICHARDS (Mas. ELIPHALET 'RICHARDS), had no issue. 30O1. SUSAN S. RICHARDS and JAMES HUNTINGTON had no issue. 300 1^. ELIZA W. RICHARDS and CHARLES BLOSS had no issue. 3OOS. FREDERIC RICHARDS had six children as follows: 6384 CAROLINE S. RICHARDS, b. 1841, d. 1847. 6386 ANNA M. b. 1843, d. 1872; m. 1861, Thaddeus Street. GENERATION VIII. 143 6387 FREDERIC RICHARDS, b. 1844, d. 1870; m. Susan V. Pontcan.' 6388 FRANK " b. 1846. 6389 CAROLINE S. b. 1848; m. 1873, Thaddeus Street. 6390 HERBERT W. " b. 1850, d. 1878. 3OOJJ. SARAH W. RICHARDS and FRANCIS WARRTNER had three children as follows: 6391 FREDERIC A. WARRINER, b. 1839, d. 1879; m. 1861, Josephine Ferguson. 6392 SARAH F. WARRINER, b. 1845, d. 1854. 6393 EDWARD R. " b. 1850, d. 1852. 3O04. EDWARD A. RICHARDS was unmarried. 3OOS. HARVEY D. CORNWELLhad seven children, and all are living at this time, so far as we know. They are: 6400 JOSIAH G. CORNWELL, b. 1825; m. 1845, Sebelia Way, d. 1884. 6401 BRAINARD H. " b. 1827; m. Maria Doolan. 6402 ARTHUR J. " b. 1835. 6403 AMELIA L. b. 1837; m. 1858, Capt. Jas. H. Arnold, b. 1821, d. 1869. 6404 CHAUNCEY C. CORNWELL, b. 1839; m. Maria Leonard, d. 1884. 6405 HARRIET O. I twins b 1842- -I m ' 1871, William H. 6406 HENRY H. 'la [Hall, b. 1844. 3OO6. HERITABLE CORN WELL'S record has not been received. SOOT'. RICHARD D. CORNWELL lives in Broad Street, Hartford, Conn. He had two children. 6415 ELLEN L. CORNWELL, b. 1836, d. 1882; m. 1855, W. H. Rast. 6416 RICHARD B. " b. 1840; m. 1866, Annie N. Smith. 3OO8. CHAUNCEY C. C. CORNWELL lives at Plainview, Waba- shaw Co., Minn. No further record has been received. 3OOO. MELISSA B. CORN WELL'S (Mrs. HIGBY) record has not been received, nor do we know her P. 0. address. 144 DOWD GENEALOGY. 3O1O. JOSEPH D. lives at Farmingdale, Long Island. He has four children. 6424 JOSEPH H., b. 1847; m. 1871, (1) Emily A. Colyer, d. 1874; m. 1877, (2) Lizzie Vandewater. 6425 EMMA J., b. 1850; m. 1869, Thomas Duffee. 6426 MARIA H., b. 1858; m. 1883, Charles E. Hartt. 6427 WILLIAM E., b. 1861; s. 301 1. MARIA (Mrs. CAPT. HUBBARD) lived in Middletown. She died recently, but the record of her family has not been received. 3O1S. LAURA H. CLARK has three children, but the address is not given. 6430 MARTHA A. CONE, b. 1836. 6431 RUTH H. " b. 1838. 6432 MARY " b. 1841. 3013. MARTHA A. CLARK (widow of PARDON K. FAY), resides at Middletown, Conn. Her children are as follows: 6433 TIMOTHY C. FAY, b. 1835; m. 1862, Ellen Casey, d. 1868. 6434 JOHN J. " b. 1837, d. 1849. 6435 CHARLES W. " b. 1840, d. 1849. 6436 JAMES P. " b. 1843; m. 1866, Anna F. Hubbard. 6437 JOHN " b. 1850, d. 1851. 6438 MARTHA A. ' " b. 1853. 6439 CHARLES F. " b. 1855, d. 1874; s. 6440 WILLIAM H. " b. 1859. 3014. SARAH WHITE (Mrs. HARVEY LOUNSBURY) lives at Port Chester, N. Y. The address of Charles W. is Austin, 111. The remaining ones live in Port Chester, N. Y. 6441 AMELIA A. LOUNSBURY. 6442 CHARLES W. " m. 1864, Mary Fitzgerald. 6443 MARION E. " d. 1884." 6444 HOBART I. " GENERATION VIII. 145 3O1S. NORMAN SMITH had one daughter, who resides at Ottawa, 111. 6445 ADELAIDE SMITH ; m. Gustavus Clark. 3O1G. MARY SMITH (Mrs. ISAAC BRIGGS) had one son who resides at Calumet, Houghton Co., Mich. 6446 CHARLES BRIGGS; m. Sarah Ilanna. SOI?'. TIMOTHY C. SMITH resides at Geneva Lake, Wis. He has one daughter by his second wife. 6447 MARY S. B. SMITH, b. 1872. 3O1O. GEORGE SMITH had one son that resides at Ridgeway, Elk Co., Penn. He is unmarried. 6448 GEORGE SMITH. 3O3 1 . 3033. FRANCES SMITH and SETH D. NORTH reside at Hancock, Mich. They have one son. 6449 GEORGE S. NORTH, b. 1850; m. 1871, Emma C. Briggs. 3OSS. NOAH R. SMITH had one daughter by his first wife. She resides at 189 East Twenty -second street, Chicago, 111. 6450 SUSAN F. SMITH. 3OS3. SARAH I. SMITH was unmarried. 3OS4. RICHARD D. SMITH lives at Pekin, 111. His record has not been received. 30SO. HENRY S. NORTH lives at Rocky Hill, Conn. The record of his descendants however, is all contained in the following enumer- ation. 19 146 DOWD GENEALOGY. 6456 MARY C. NORTH, b. 1832. 6457 GILES M. " b. 1834; s. 6458 CATHERINE R." b. 1837; m. 1857, (1) Emory F. Holway; (2) Edward W. Hale. 6459 AUGUSTA M. NORTH, b. 1844. 6460 CAROLINE R. " b. 1846. 6461 MAGGIE Y. " b. 1850. LUCY A. NORTH and REV. JAMES L. WRIGHT live at Oberlin, Ohio. We only know the following of their children: 6462 JAMES N. WRIGHT, b. 1839. 6463 JOSEPH H. " b. 1841, d. 1862; s. 6464 EDWARD L. " b. 1847. 6465 HARRIET N. " b. 1851 ;s. 30S8. JAMES D. NORTH resides at Middletown, Conn. He has four children. 6466 SARAH A. NORTH, b. 1839. 6467 LUCY A. " b. 1842; m. 1883, Charles S. Crowell. 6468 CORNELIA D." b. 1848. 6469 ALICE " b. 1851. 30SO. MARY NORTH lives at G-lastonbury, Conn., and is unmarried. JJO30. NORMAN C. NORTH had a large family. The year in which he died, his wife also died and three children. 6470 EDWIN N. NORTH, b. 1840, d. 1865. 6471 FRANCES A. " b. 1843, d. 1865. 6472 ALICE C. b. 1845, d. 1846. 6473 NORMAN S. " b. 1847. 6474 RICHARD E. " b. 1849, d. 1865. 6475 JUDSON P. b. 1852. 6476 THOMAS S. b. 1854. 6477 LILIAN D. b. 1858. 6478 BERTHA b. 1861. GENERATION VIII. 147 3O31. HARRIET H. NORTH (Mrs. JOHN D. SOUTHMAYD) lives at 28, corner Walnut and High streets, Springfield, Mass. She has but one child. 6479 FREDERIC G. SOUTHMAYD, b. 1845 ; m. Jennie Nutting. SUSAN S. NORTH (Mrs. OSMER HALE), resides at Weth- ersfield, Conn. 6480 ELIZABETH S. HALE, b. 1848, d. 1851. 6481 REUBEN N. " b. 1852, d. 1853. 6482 EDWARD W. " b. 1854; m. Catharine Holway. 6483 EMMA S. " b. 1856, d. 6484 MARY " 6485 JAMES " 3O33 (see 3OS1). 3O34. ELIZABETH NORTH and REV. WM. S. WRIGHT lived in Glastonbury, Conn. 6486 WILLIAM H. WRIGHT, b. 1853, d. 1858. 3O30. FRANCES S. NORTH and HENRY M. WRIGHT live in Glastonbury, Conn. 6487 MARY N. WRIGHT, b. 1854. 6488 WILLIAM H. " b. 1860. 6489 SARAH L. " m. Oliver Morgan. 6490 SANDERS " d. in infancy. RICHARD NORTH lives in Glastonbury, Conn., and is un- married. 3O38. LUTHER S. NORTH resides at Washington, 111. His record has not been supplied. 303O. FRANKLIN S. NORTH lives at 36 Michigan St., Chicago, 111. Although informed he was thrice married, yet no record of chil- dren has been received. 148 DOWD GENEALOGY. 3040. ENOCH C. ROBERTS was a very successful merchant in Hartford, Conn. He had nine children. 6520 MARIA L. ROBERTS, b. 1889. 6521 GEOROUANAC. " b. 1841; m. 1862, William H. Peck, b. 1838. 6522 CHARLES H. b. 1843, d. 1845. 6523 EDWARD E. " b. 1845, d. 1876; m. 1868, (1) Helen M. Scar- borough, b. 1847, d. 1873; 1874, (2) Georgia Hay. 6524 ELLEN P. ROBERTS, b. 1848, d. 1848. 6525 SUSAN C. " b. 1849. 6526 CHARLES F. " b. 1851 ; m. 1872, Helen L. Kilbourne, b. 1850. 6527 MARY F. b. 1854 ; m. 1881, Herbert C. Bingham, b. 1848. 6528 ANNA T. b. 1856; m. 1878, John P. Bronk, b. 1855. 3O41. REBECCA D. ROBERTS (MRS. GEORGE MARTIN), lives at 170 Ann St., Hartford, Conn. She lost both her children, which were by her first husband, JUSTIN WARRINER. 6529 FRANCIS A. WARRINER, b. 1843, d. 1853. 6530 JUSTIN " b. 1845, d. 1877; m. 1870, Adelaide Johnson. 3O4S. EBENEZER ROBERTS is a successful merchant, and lives in a handsome residence at 211 High St., Hartford, Conn. He has one child. 6531 FLORENCE C. ROBERTS, b. 1857; m. 1880, William C. Skinner. 3043. LUTHER D. ROBERTS was unmarried. 3O44. MARIA ROBERTS and her husband, SAMUEL K. CHILDS, are both dead. Both died within three years after marriage. They left one son. 6532 CHARLES R. CHILDS, b. 1846; m. 1877, Mary H. Woodford. 3O4S. MIRANDA D. ROBERTS was unmarried. GENERATION VIII. 149 3046. SUSAN C. ROBERTS, widow 'of BENJAMIN B. PORTER, is a woman of commanding presence, and resides at 211 High St., Hartford, Conn. She had no children. CAROLINE (MRS. HENRY H. TODD), resides at 196 Wil- loughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. She has one son, who resides with her. 6533 WILLIAM C. TODD, b. 1862. 3O48. EMILY had no issue. CORNELIUS S. was unmarried. 3OS1. EMMA K. (MRS. E. S. GOOD ALE), resides at Newington, Conn. We are uninformed in regard to her children. PERCYETTE HITCHCOCK (MRS. JOHN LIVINGSTON), resides at Cincinnatus, Cortland Co., N. Y. She has no issue. 3OS3. D1ANTHA HITCHCOCK, widow of B. BECKER, resides at Ocean Grove, N. J. She has no issue. 30S4. LUCY A. HITCHCOCK (MRS. JOHN HUBBARD), lives at Ocean Grove, N. J. She had one child by her first husband, N. BATCHELLER. 6611 FANNY D. BATCIIELLER, b. 1853; m. 1872, John W. Keese. 3OS6. PARMELIA HITCHCOCK (MRS. DWIGHT PATTERSON), resides at 10 Union St., Syracuse, N. Y. She has one son, who resides with her. 6012 DWIOIIT II. PATTERSON, b. 1862. 150 DOWD GENEALOGY. SOS?'. CALEB HITCHCOCK resides at Cortland, N. Y. He had children by each wife. BY HELEN A. BARNES. 6613 FLOYD B. HITCHCOCK, b. 1864; m. 1884, Carrie Brown. 6614 CARROLL C. " 'b. 1869. BY HELEN A. HENRY. 6615 NANCY J. HITCHCOCK, b. 1876, d. 1877. 6616 HELEN L. b. 1878, d. 1881. 6617 PARHELIA F. " b. 1881. ELIZA A. DOUD and ALONZO PORTER had seven child- ren; three died young. 6791 HOMER PORTER, b. 1841; m. 1866, Celestia St. Marie. 6792 ARTHO D. " ) ( b. 1852; m. 1884, Clara Walker. 6793 ARNO Z. " ( ina> \ b. 1852; m. 1883, Helen Lake. 6794 DARIUS A. " b. 1854. 6794J JULIA ^ 6794| OSCAR " > b. between 1841 and 1852; time of d. unknown. 6794f JEFFERSON " ; 3S31. MARY ANN DOUD and DR. P. P. WHEELER lived at Bur- lington, Vt., where the Doctor and most of his children still reside. 6795 CHARLES F. WHEELER,' b. 1843; m. 1884, Louise M. Olmsted. 6796 ARVILLA C. " b. 1845; m. 1866, B. J. Derby. 6797 FRANK W. " b. 1848; m. 1872, Mary A. Griggs. 6798 MARY A. b. 1851 ; m. 1876, Dr. H. B. Sibley. 6799 SARAH E. b. 1855; m. 1882, W. W. Phelps. 6800 MARTHA L. b. 1857. ARVILLA DOUD (MRS. DR. A. AT WOOD), lives at Trem- pealeau, Wis. Her children are: 6801 ARISTINE ATWOOD, b. 1848; m. 1867, Albert F. Booth. 6802 ELLA " b. 1850; m. 1874, Henry F. Pond. 6803 CORA " b. 1852; m. 1872 : Adelbert Batchelder. 6804 CARROLL " b. 1853. 6805 ADA " b. 1855; m. 1876, Edward C. Nettleton. 6806 CLARENCE " b. 1857, d. 1870. GS07 STELLA b. .1860; m. 1884, Frederic G. Pierson. GENERATION VIII. 151 3233. ALFORD was drowned at sea. 3234,. MARTHA DOUD and CHARLES LYMAN had four child. ren, as follows: 6809 SENECA D. LYMAN, b. 1850; s. 6810 CHARLES A. " b. 1855; m. 1881, Florence Waugh. 6811 WENDELL H. " b. 1851 ; m. Ruby Retch. 6812 JENNIE A. " b. 1859, d. 1879; s. ALBERT is unmarried and lives at Butte City, Montana. 323G. DAVID is unmarried and lives at Challes, Idaho. CHARLOTTE DOUD (MRS. WILLIAM NICHOLS), lives at Trempealeau, Wis. Her record has not been received. 323S. HENRY we conclude was unmarried. JAMES E. was a soldier in the late war. He resides at Butte City, Montana. 6850 ALBERT H., b. 1864, P. O. address, Rochester, N. Y. 3S4O. MONROY M. resides at West Salisbury, Vt. He has been elected to town offices of trust and responsibility. His children are as follows: 6851 CARRIE, b. 1858, d. 1858. 6852 ALICE E., b. 1860. 6858 TENNYSON M., b. 1876. 324,1. WALLACE W. lives in Salisbury, Vt., and holds offices of trust in the town. He has one daughter. 6854 CARRIE A., b. 1860. 152 DOWD GENEALOGY. HELEN resides at Salisbury, Vt. She has no issue. Her hus- band, HON. R. D. HEDDING, has twice represented his town in the Legislature, and is now County Judge. WALLACE S. WALKER lives at New Haven Mills, Vt. We We understand he has two children, one at home, but their record has not been received, neither names nor dates have been given. DAVID S. WALKER lives at New Haven Mills, Vt., but nothing further of him or his descendants has been received. GEORGE C. WALKER lives at Middlebury, Vt. He had two children that died young. EDWIN J. LANGDON lives at Cotton Plant, Dunklm Co., Mo. He had a large family of children but four died young. 6884 TRUMAN C. LANGDON, b. 1849, d. 1879; m. 1868, Mary L. Sego. 6885 WILLIAM H. " b. 1851 ; m. 1871, Mary V. Sego. 6886 ELLEN E. b. 1853, d. 1854. 6887 CHARLES VAN M. " b. 1855; m. 1884, Lou. Abernethy. 6888 RUTH E. " b. 1858, d. 1862. 6889 JAMES J. " b. 1863, d. 1863. 6890 ELIZABETH E. " b, 1860, d. 1865. 6891 ALBERT J. " b. 1865; m. 1883, Jennie Moore. 6892 HETTIE D. b. 1868. SOPHRONIA E. LANGDON, now MRS. REV. W. C. VAN METER, lives at 20 Pizza di Spaqua, Rome, Italy (care of Maquay and Hooker). Mr. Van Meter is doing a great mission-work in that country, by establishing Protestant schools and distributing bibles. The following are the children : 6893 CHARLES E. VAN METER, b. 1844. 6894 WILLIAM H. " b. 1845; m. 1868, Henrietta Lafarge. 6895 ELLEN S. " b. 1847. 6896 FRANK L. b. 1852 ; m. 1878, Emma Anderson. 6897 GEORGE H. b. 1857. 6898 FRED. P. b. 1859; m. 1883, Fanny Lafarge. GENERATION VIII. 153 ELLEN E. LANGDON and REV. JOHN POWELL left one son who resides at Belleville, 111. 6899 EDWIN V. POWELL, b. 1866; m. 1884, Alice S. Reutchler. 33OO. Of AURELIA and J. COMSTOCK, we have no knowledge, except that which may be drawn from the record. 33O1. CHARLES G. lives in Winona, Minn., and is an enterprising business man with just that energy which ensures success. Of three children, but one is now living. 6900 EUGENE, b. 1847, d. 1850. 6901 CHARLES ADRIAN, b. 1853; m. 1878, Florence Buellong. 6902 CARRIE E., b. 1860, d. 1880; m. 1878, Geo. W. Nowell. 33O4. CURTIS M. BUTLER lives at Arnboy, 111. No items of per- sonal history were furnished. 6903 FREDERIC H. BUTLER, b. 1854; m. 1877, Charity Smith. 6904 DELL E. " b. 1860, d. 1875. 6905 BLANCHE E. b. 1866. 3305. THEODOTIA BUTLER, now MRS. HIRAM R. TAYLOR, resides at Rochelle, Ogle Co.. 111. Her children were by her first husband, ABNER BRISTOL. 6907 FREDERIC A. BRISTOL, b. 1840; m. 1863, Elicla Brice. 6908 BENTON S. b. 1844, d. 1845. RHODA ANN BUTLER, now MRS. POST, resides at Austin, Mich. Her record has not been received. 33OS. ADALINE BUTLER, now MRS. CHARLES W. BELL, resides at Amboy, 111. Nothing further of her has been obtained. 20 154 DOWD GENEALOGY. As her sister resides in the same place, and her record is complete, we infer that Mrs. Bell has no children now living. 33OO. ADELIA L. BUTLER, now MRS. HENRY CHAPIN, resides at Amboy, 111. She has three children. 6922 FRANCIS N. CHAPIN, b. 1853; m. Estelle D. Vanrippen. 6923 ADDIE G. b. 1857. 6924 ELLA MAY " b. 1870. 3310. ALFRED D. BUTLER had nine children, all but one are now living. They are: 6930 ALICE BUTLER, b. 1852; m. 1871, (1) Edwin Daw, d. 1874; 1876, (2) Oliver Boyer. 6931 ESTHER BUTLER, b. 1853; m. 1878, George Woodward. 6932 LYDIA M. " b. 1855, d. 1870. 6933 ARTHUR E. " b. 1857; m. 1883, Frances T. Jignaque. 6934 MINNIE M. " b. 1862; m. 1881, Edward C. Rapalje. 6935 CORA C. " b. 1864; m. 1882, Edward E. Downing. 6936 HERBERT " b. 1867. 6937 DORAB. " b. 1869. 6938 GRACE E. " b. 1874. 331 1. HARRIET BUTLER, now MRS. MILES M. CARRINGTON, resides at Bailey's Harbor, Door Co., Wis. The following are her children: 6945 INFANT, b. 1857, d. 1857. 6946 ERNEST A. CARRINGTON, b. 1859. 6947 VIOLA " b. 1865; m. 1880, Russel Baker. 6948 EFFERY J. " b. 1868, d. 1869. 6949 EUGENE W. " b. 1870. 33 IS. HIRAM DOUD resides in Martinsburg, N. Y., and had three children. 6951 CALVIN W., b. 1849; m. 1870, Helen Wooley, d. 1884. 6952 ALCANDER L., b. 1850; m. 1876, Joe Lewis. 6953 CHARLES G., b. 1859; m. 1880, Libbie Martin. GENERATION VIII. 155 3313. HORACE also resides in Martinsburg, N. Y. He has but one child. 6954 ELLA R, b. 1853; m. 1878, Selden Claus. aaaa. ROSCOE T. lives at Winona, Minn., and is actively engaged in business there. He had three children. BY IOWA BATCHELDER. 7060 FRANK N., b. 1864. Winona, Minn. 7061 Louis R, b. 1866. BY JESSIE MUIR. 7062 ARTHUR T. 3334. GERTRUDE A. (MRS. E. W. HEYDON) lives at La Crosse, Wis. All her children reside with her, we suppose. 7063 CLARENCE R. HEYDON, b. 1858; La Crosse, Wis. 7064 HARRY E. " b. 1864; " 7065 GERTRUDE D. " b. 1867; " " " 7066 LOTTIE C. " b. 1873; " " ' " 333S. ANNA D. (MRS. ABNER HARRIS) resides at Trempealeau, Wis., with her only child. 7067 GRACE E. HARRIS, b. 1866. 3338. M. LOUISA (MRS. GEORGE M. BRUSH) resides at Still- water, Minn. She has two small children living. 7068 GEORGE EARLE BRUSH, b. 1873, d. 1881. 7069 MATTHEW CHAUNCEY " b. 1877. 7070 GEORGE SABIN " b. 1884. 333O. CORNELIA L. (MRS. T. FRED. BONNER) resides at Winona, Minn. She has no issue. 156 DOWD GENEALOGY. 334O. GEORGE S. resides at Winona, Minn., and is in active business there. He has one son. 7072 HUBERT V. 3341. ALBERT DUNSHEE resides at Bristol, Vt. He lost two children. His two sons reside with him there. 7074 HUBERT E. DUNSHEE, b. 1855; Bristol, Vt. 7075 ARTHUR B. " b. 1858; 7076 CORA b. I860, d. 1864. 7077 SEIGLE " b. 1863, d. 1869. 334S. ROLLIN DUNSHEE is unmarried, and resides at Santa Bar- bara, Cal. 3343. ALMA DUNSHEE died at the early age of 24, unmarried. 3344. JOHN DUNSHEE resides at Santa Barbara, Cal. The name of his wife has not been given, nor dates of his children. 7078 BARTRAM DUNSHEE; Santa Barbara, Cal. 7079 WINFIELD " " " " 7080 FRANK 334S. FRANKLIN DUNSHEE died at 55, unmarried. 334O. HARRIET DUNSHEE died at 32, unmarried. 3347^ DANIEL PARMELEE DUNSHEE died at 21, unmarried. 334 S. DARWIN DUNSHEE resides at Santa Barbara, Cal., unmarried. GENERATION VIII. 157 LOUISA DUNSHEE died at 33, unmarried. For this record of the Dunshee family we are indebted to Albert Dunshee, Esq., of Bristol, Vt. From some unascertained cause, letters to other members of the family have not received a reply. OSCAR BACON PRIME is married, and resides at Magnoke- tia, Iowa. No response to communications has been received, and we have no further record. AMY PRIME (MRS. AMOS N. HURLBURT) lives at Eugene City, Oregon. She has three children. 7127 WALLACE HURLBURT, b. 1849; Eugene City, Oregon. 7128 CHARLES " b. 1854; 7129 NELLIE " b. 1857; DR. DAVID W. PRIME lives at Brandon, Vt. Although he has had four children, only one survives. 7130 ARTHUR R. PRIME, b. 1860, d. 1860. 7131 CARROLL " b. 1861; Brandon, Vt. 7132 DAVID 8. " b. 1870, d. 1874. 7133 IRVING " b. 1872, d. 1875. HELEN MAR PRIME (MRS. GEORGE W. EA RLE) resides at Magrioketia, Iowa. Her four children all reside in the same town. 7134 GEORGE ELMER EARLE, b. 1861. 7135 VIRGINIA " b. 1863; m. 1883, Robert 8. Mann. 7136 FLORENCE " b. 1865. 7137 LENA " b. 1869. OLIVER BACON PRIME lives at Marinette, Oconto County, Wis. The record of his family has not been received. 158 DOWD GENEALOGY. HENRY MELVIN SPRAGUE left one son, but no date is given. 7145 HERBERT SPRAGUE. Parishville, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. AMY M. SPRAGUE died at 21, unmarried. 330O. FORD WATSON SPRAGUE, we are informed, left two chil- dren, but no names were given. 33O1. WEALTHIA E. SPRAGUE (MRS. WM. PALMER) left three children, who live at Pierce City, Mo., as we suppose, with their father. 7152 ADDIE L. PALMER, b. 1861; Pierce City, Mo. 7153 ALFRED b. 1863; 7154 NETTIE M " b. 1865; 330S. ALSON R. SPRAGUE resides at North Springfield, Greene County, Mo. He. is a man of business and prominent in the com- munity. He has three children by LUCY P. GRANT, his first wife. Dates of birth are wanting. 7155 EDWARD A. SPRAGUE. 7156 HARRY M. 7157 HOWARD B. 3303. RILEY T. SPRAGUE, we are informed, is dead, but we are not told whether he died young or lived to maturity. 3304. DR. ELON GALUSHA PRIME, has his P. 0. address at Revere, Boston, Mass., but we have been unable to communicate with him. Our information of all the grandchildren of Henry Hamilton Prime has been obtained from the grandfather. Dr. Elon has one daughter. 7175 DAISY C. PRIME, b. 1877. GENERATION VIII. 159 ALBINA AMELIA PRIME (MRS. LOYAL S. WARNER), lives at East Plymouth, Ohio. She had three children but two are dead. Dates are wanting. 7177 WILBUK WARNER, East Plymouth, O. 7178 NELLIE d. 7179 JESSIE " d. 336G. HENRY LEVI PRIME was in the army and died at White House Landing, near Richmond, Va. 23308. ALFRED SIDNEY PRIME lives at Bristol, Addison Co., Vt. He is unmarried. 3360. MARTHA ALMA PRIME (MBS. LUCIUS ROCKWELL), lives at Ashtabula, 0. She has four children. No dates are given but they are evidently young. 7181 CARRIE ROCKWELL, Ashtabula, O. 7182 MAY 7183 WEALTHA " 7184 JESSIE " " 33^0. WEALTHY ELECTA PRIME (MRS. MEDAD PARTCH), resides at Vergennes, Vt. She has one daughter but no date is given. 7186 NELLIE PARTCH. 337^1 and 33?^. Miss SERAPH CELESTIA PRIME and MR. WELDON HAZZELTON PRIME, are unmarried and both reside at Bristol, Vermont. W1LLARD JEROME DOUD resides at New Haven, Vt., and we suppose his children reside with him. 7400 IDA, b. 1858, d. 1879. 7401 CHARLES, b. 1860. 7402 WILLIE, b. 1865. 7403 ARTHUR, b. 1868. 7404 CARRIE, b. 1873. 160 DOWD GENEALOGY. EDWARD DOUD resides at Chattanooga, Tenn., and is at the head of an extensive and prosperous manufacturing business. We take him to be a man of means, of prominence, and of use- fulness. His children are: BY COKNELIA 3PRAGUE. 7405 ARTHUR EDWARD, b. 1865, d. 1866. 7406 EARL, b. 1866. BY DELIA BRIGHAM. 7407 RALPH BRIGHAM, b. 1874. 7408 DELIA, b. 1875. 7409 CHARLES, b. 1876. WHEELER DOUD is a contractor and builder, and resides at Rushmore, Rock Co., Minn. He had two children by his first wife and twin daughters by his second wife, but their names were not given. BY MARY THOMPSON. 7412 ADA ELIZA, b. 1863. 7413 LEROY, b. 1865. BY AUGUSTA A. LEWIS. TWIN DAUGHTERS. 33^8. SYLVESTER SCOVILLE DOUD resides at Sutton, Vermont. He has one child. 7415 ARTHUR VICTOR, b. 1867, Sutton, Vt. 33^0. SILAS DAVID DOUD resides at New Haven, Vt. He has one daughter. 7418 MARY ELIZA, b. 1865, New Haven, Vt. 33 SO. PROF. OTIS DAVID SMITH is a professor in Mathematics in the Alabama State College at Auburn, Ala. He graduated at the Vermont University in 1853. His children are: 7420 OTIS O. SMITH, b. 1869. 7421 ELLEN STANDFORD SMITH, b. 1867. 7422 MARY ETHEL " b. 1871, d. 1873. 7423 HENKY HOWELL " b. 1875. GENERATION VITI. 161 3381. ELLEN VAN DUSEN SMITH (MRS. NOAH P. NASH), resides at Oak Grove, Wis. The oldest son, Edward Phelps Nash, we are informed, lives in Dakota Territory and has one child, but nothing more definite has been received. The following are the children: 7425 EDWARD PHELPS NASH, b. 1861 ; m. 1883, Lizzie E. Corwith. 7426 HENRY OTIS " b. 1863. 7427 WILLIAM WALLACE NASH, b. 1868. 338Q. CORNELIA ADALINE SMITH is unmarried and lives at New Haven, Vt. 3383. CAROLINE ELMINA SMITH (widow of JOSEPH R. NASH), resides at New Haven, Vt. She has no issue. 3384. ELIZA IRENE SMITH (MRS. JOSEPH PURMORT), resides at Fairfax Center, Vt. She has no issue. 33 8>. HENRY OLIVER SMITH died at the age of 29, as we sup- pose, unmarried. 3387". LAURA HALL (MRS. LOYAL T. SPRAGUE), died in 1852, and left two children. We have nothing of them but their names. 7430 EDGAR SPRAGUE. 7431 ERWIN 3388. ORREN HALL is dead. We are informed he was not married. 3301. MATILDA LANGDON we are informed lives at Constable, N. Y. 330S. HIRAM LANGDON we understand has a son. Our informa- tion is not definite. 7435 EDWIN LANUDON, New Madrid, Mo. 21 162 DOWD GENEALOGY. 3300. LAURAINE DOUD is married, but her husband's name is not reported. It was given that she had several children, who live at Lockport, N. Y. 3307^. LEROY DOUD is married, and is reported as living in Chicago, 111., but we have no definite information. 3308. MARY DOUD (MRS. REV. G. W. T. WRIGHT) lives in Washington. D. C. A letter directed to her there failed to elicit a reply. 3400. JUDGE EDSON A. DOUD resides at New Haven, Vt. He is senior deacon in the Congregational church; has been Town Treasurer, Justice of the Peace, and has twice represented the town in the legislature. He is now County Judge. He has but one child. 7440 LOYAL SAXTON, b. 1864. 3401. DELIA E. DOUD (M RS . SIDNEY A. SMITH) resides at Le Grand, Marshall County, Iowa. She has four children. 7441 ELMINA D. SMITH, b. 1867. 7442 HABRY L. " b. 1871. 7443 Avis " b. 1873. 7444 EDSON S. " b. 1875. 34OS. MARY I. DOUD (MRS. PERRY J. FARNSWORTH) resides at Fairfax, Vt. Her first born was a son that died in infancy. 7446 ALICE M. FARNSWORTH, b. 1868. 7447 SARAH H. (twins, b. 1870. 7448 JULIA P. j 7449 GEORGE C. " b. 1871. 7450 IRA D. " b. 1873. 34OG. HARRIET AUGUSTA EDGERTON (MRS. J. E. TENNEY) resides at Lansing, Mich. She has no issue. She was a teacher GENERATION VIII. 163 for several years. The following is abstracted from the " Michi- gan Pioneer Collections : " She is State Librarian and has been since 1869. She was President of the Lansing Military Aid Society during the late war, and was efficient in looking to the welfare and providing aid for th'e soldiers in tents and hospitals. She was elected President of the Ladies' Soldiers' Monument As- sociation. In 1870 she was elected a member of the Board of Directors of the Lansing Library and Literary Association. In 1874 the Lansing Woman's Club was organized, having for its object the improvement of its members by the aid of literary and historical studies and scientific investigations. She was president of the club five years, and aided materially in its advancement. The PIONEER SOCIETY of the State of Michigan was organized in 1874, when she was elected its first Recording Secretary, and has held the position ever since. She has also been a member of the committee of historians ever since the organization of the society, and has aided materially in the publication of the " PIONKER COL- LECTIONS." She has had charge of all the papers, documents, books, and the museum relics belonging to the society. This is performed without any compensation. The following was unanimously adopted by the House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Michigan in 1883: Resolved, That we highly appreciate the kindly and polite services ren- dered the members of this House by Mrs. Harriet A. Tenney, our accom- plished State Librarian, in the discharge of her difficult duties during the session of the legislature, and we hereby extend to her our grateful acknowledgments and sincere wishes for her future welfare. Her husband, J. Eugene Tenney, is an attorney-at-law. * MARTHA I. EDGERTON (Mas. ANDREW J. NEWTON) resides at Sparta, Wis. The loss of her only son and child when he was 13 years of age was a heavy blow to her. 7451 JOHN HOWARD NEWTON, b. 1861, d. 1874. DR. WILLIAM WILBERFORCE EDGERTON resides in Wheeling, Mo. He was in the 107th New York Volunteers. He has had three children; only one is now living. 164 DOWD GENEALOGY. 7452 ENA ETHEL EDGERTON, b. 1882. 7453 LILLIAN [twins, b 1884, d ' 1885 ' 7454 LEAH \ d. 1884. 34OO. JOHN H. EDGERTON was a teacher, and resides in Kansas City, Mo. He had one child by his first wife, but it lived only about six months. 34 1 1 . 34 1 2. LOREN and HENRY ASHLEY are both married, and each have children, although we have been unable to obtain the record. They live at Potsdam Junction, N. Y. 344 O to 34O3. All that we can state of these may be found against their mar- ginal number. COLLINS ANSON had ten children; only six, however, are living at present. His children are: 7470 WILLIAM ANSON, b. 1846, d. 1864. 7471 WESLEY EVENTUS, b. 1848; m. 1871, Emma J. Mann. 7472 ANNIE MALVINA, b. 1851, d. 1852. 7473 ALICE MARIA, b. 1853; m. 1880, Edwin H. Brady. 7474 MENZER FAIRCHILD, b. 1856. 7475 CLARA JANE, b. 1857. d. 1882; m. 1880, Charles E. Mann. 7476 GEORGE HENRY, b. 1860. 7477 MARY ARCELIA, b. 1862, d. 1883; m. 1883, Ira H. Kasebeer. 7478 SARAH A., b. 1865. 7479* ELLA MAY, b. 1868. 347" 1. LOVE JANE DOUD and GAWIN S. WARD reside at Mooresburg, Pulaski County, Ind. The following are their children: 7479^ MARY A. WARD, b. 1850; m. 1879, J. E. Baughman. 7480 JOHN M. " b. 1852; m. 1882, Ella M. Condon. 7480 THEODORE D. " b. 1855. 7481 DRUIE M. " b. 1857. 748H SARAH S. " b. 1859. 7482 OLIVER T. " b. 1861. 7482i PHEBE J. b. 1864. GENERATION VIII. 165 MARY FRANCES (Mus. JOHN BARKER), resides at lola, Allen Co., Kansas. She has seven children. 7483 CALEB A. BARKER, b. 1852; in. 1876, Charity F. GleasoD. 74834 PRUDENCE A. " b. 1854, d. 1854. 7484 MARILLA J. " b. 1856, d. 1856. 7485 GEORGE C. " b. 1857; m. 1878, Lydia A. Gleason. 7486 EMORY L. " b. 1860. 7487 ULYSSES G. M. " b. 1863. 7488 SWAYZE E. " b. 1866, d. 1867. SUSAN ARAMINTA (MRS. OLIVER C. NOKES), resides at Welda, Anderson Co., Kansas. No record of her family has been received. MENZER FAIRCHILD, resides at La Cygne, Kan. He lost his wife last year. He was in the array, and was badly wounded, a bullet passing clear through him. He is a publisher. He has three children. 7491 RAVIN AM., b. 1874. 7492 IDA LORENA, b. 1876. 7493 BERTHA JANE, b. 1878. HENRY MARION DOUD was in the war. His residence is now at Americus, Lyons Co., Kan. His record has not further been received. LAURA ALZINA DOUD (MRS. CHARLES F. GATES), lives at Gates Centre, Woodson Co., Kan. No record of descend- ants has been received. 34T't> to 34O3. Nothing has been received and we do not know even the P. 0. address of a single one of them. The lateness with which this branch was brought to our notice has prevented inquiries which might throw very much light upon it. 34O4. ARTHUR was killed in the war. 166 DOWD GEN'EALOGY. 3403. The children of ALBERT are: 7520 WINIFRED, b. 1871. 7521 HANETTIE, b. 1873. 7522 ALBERTIE, b. 1877. 7523 SARAH L., b. 1878. We have not the P. 0. address of any of the family. THERESA DOUD resides at Martindale, Manhattan Co., Kan. 34OO to 3SO3. Our knowledge is all contained against the marginal numbers above, of the parties there represented. 3S04. ROZAMAN DOUD resides with her father at Chili, Ind. 3S06 and FLETCHER and WILBUR DOUD were both in the war. to Our knowledge of these is limitexl to the bare names. 3601. GEORGE RUSSELL SHELLEY was killed by lightning. He left two children but one has since died. 7549 ALFRED CURTIS SHELLEY, b. 1851, d. 1868. 7550 GEORGEANA SHELLEY, b. 1852; m. 1870, (1) Daniel B. Wilcox; 1880, (2) R. E. Storer, b. 1843. 360S. JOEL DOWD lives at Spring Mills, Mich., but no further record has been received. 3603. ANGENORA DOWD had three husbands and children by two of them. BY ORREN HULL. 7561 ANN MARIA HULL, b. 1842; m. 1860, Charles L. Cutler. 7562 ADLN A. " b. 1840; m. (1) Almhia E. Grumbly (see 75tt4); GENERATION VIII. 167 7563 LEVI H. HULL, b. 1837; m. Bell Templcton. 7563 WEALTHY U., b. 1844, d. 1847. BY HARVEY BARNES. 7564 RUSSELL E. BARNES, b. 1855. 7565 EMMA J. " b. 1856. 3OOS. POLLY E. DOWD is now living at Guilford, Tuscola Co., Mich., where she may be addressed as MRS. EDWARD G. BROWN. Her children were : BY HARVEY GRAMBLY. 7580 MARY F. GRAMBLY, b. 1838; m. 1858, Julius M. Stevens (see 5020). 7581 ANNIE GRAMBLY, b. 1842; m. 1864, (1) Thomas Lamphere; 1880, (2) Henry W. Dowd (see 7696). 7582 CAROLINE R. GHAMBLY, b. 1843, d. 1880; m. (1) Charles Cook; (2) Willie Hall. 7583 SARAH JANE GRAMBLY, b. 1845; m. about 1863, Oliver Watrous. 7584 ALMINA E. b. 1847, d. 1881 ; m. Adin Hull (see 7562). 7585 SAMUEL D. b. 1849; m. 1872, Lilly Shaver. 7586 ELLA A. b. 1852; m. Milton Shaver, b. 1852. 7587 LOREN W. b. 1854; m. 1881, Mary Harvey. 7588 ADELBERT H. " b. 1856; m. 1884, Patty Norton. 7589 NETTIE I. b. 1858; m. 1875, George Morse. 7590 HARVEY C. " b. 1861 ; m. 1884, Mary Baker. 7591 LILLIAN G. b. 1863 ; m. 1882, George H Warren, b. 1855. 7592 EUPHEMIA D. " b. 1865, d. 1865. RACHEL DOWD (MRS. WILLIAM A. DICKERMAN), resides in New Haven, Conn., at 155 Orchard St. Her record has not been received. 3008. WILLIAM WICKHAM DOWD was in the Civil War. He is dead. He was never married. 3OOO. SELDEN DEMETRIUS DOWD was in the Civil War, and is supposed to have been starved in Libby Prison. No record of his family has been received. 168 DOWD GENEALOGY. 3O1O. GILES DOWD lives in Killingworth, Conn. Five of his child- ren were by his first wife. The oldest son lives in Bay City, Mich. The rest of the living children reside with the father. As none of the children of Giles have children reported, the record of the family will be completed with the following record : BY MARY G. DUDLEY. 7696 HENRY WILLIS, b. 1857; m. 1880, Mrs. Thomas Lamphere (see 7581). 7697 SELDEN W., b. 1859, d. 1878; s. 7698 ARTHUR HUDSON, b. 1863. 7699 GEORGE WILSON, b. 1865. 7699i ANNIE ISABEL, b. 1861. BY SYLVIA DUDLEY. 7699| NELLIE SYLVIA, b. 1880. 3OI 1. LEVERETT BRISTOL lives at Guilford, Conn. He had four children. 7700 GEORGE D. F. BRISTOL, b. 1839, d. 1842. 7701 SAMUEL ALLEN " b. 1841; m. 1864, Ellen M. Lee. 7702 EUGENE D. P. " b. 1843; m. 1874. 7703 BETSEY C. " b. 1846; m. 1872, Walter Chatfield. ESTHER A. DOWD (Mss. BENJ. M. GATES), lives in Madi- son, Conn. She has had ten children. 7704 FREDERIC B. GATES, b. 1853. 7705 WILLIS A. b. 1855, d. 1882. 7706 FREELOVEP. " b. 1856, d. 1877; m. 1875, Walter W. Bailey. 7707 WALTER SCOTT " b. 1858. 7708 BURTON H. " b. 1860. 7709 ANSON S. b. 1862; m. 1882, Anna S. Griffin. 7710 CHAUNCEYL. " b. 1864. d. 1866. 7711 JULIA C. " b. 1866. 7712 CLARA L. " b. 1871. 7713 GILBERT L. " b. 1873. 3O16. CLARISSA DOWD (M RS . SPENCER WATROUS), lives in Clinton, Conn., and we understand she has five children, but the record has not been supplied. GENERATION VIII. 169 36 IT'. SARAH ELIZABETH DOWD (MBS. SAM'L L. CROCKER), resides at 8 Hope St., New London, Conn. She lost her son by her first husband. BY FREDERIC W. BEEBE. 7720 WALLACE F. BEEBE, b. 1863, d. 1865. BY SAMUEL L. CROCKER. 7721 HERBERT B. CROCKER, b. 1869. 3618. SAMUEL F. BISHOP was unmarried. 3610. JAMES H. BISHOP lives in Madison, Conn. He has two children. 7722 MARY J. BISHOP; Madison, Conn. 7723 CHARLES S. " JOHN M. BISHOP lives at Muscatine, Iowa. His record has not been obtained. 36S3. EDWIN R. BISHOP had two children. They were as follows: 7731 JENNIE AMELIA BISHOP, b. 1855; m. 1873, Ed. W. Knight. 7732 MARY E. " b. 1858, d. 1878; m. 1877, Henry C. Hough- kirk. Of RICHARD DOWD we know nothing more than appears against his marginal number. 3651. SALLY DOWD (MRS. LEVI DING WELL), lives at East River, Conn. Nothing further. 3660. SARAH SNOW DOWD (MRS. HENRY S. WAY), lives in Madison, Conn. No further record has been received. 22 170 DOWD GENEALOGY. 30O3. EUGENE C. WACHMAN lives at 51 Mulberry St., Syracuse, N. Y. He was married last year. The name of his wife is not given. 3O64. IRENE ATKINS (Mns. J. F. DOUGLASS), lives at Forest- ville, Conn. Her husband was Orderly Sergeant in Co. I, 25th Conn. Vols. Her children are: 7776 CLARA B. M. DOUGLASS, b. 1867. 7777 GEOHGIE Z. " b. 1870, d. 1872. 7778 J. FELL b. 1876. 7779 J. FAY " b. 1878. 366S. 7^838. GEORGE ATKINS lives at Forestville, Conn. He was in Co. K, 16th Conn. Vols. He was in Andersonville and Florence prisons ten months. He was scarcely alive when he came out. He has one child. * 7780 CLARA BUNCE ATKINS, b. 1879. 36OO. AZETTA M. ATKINS (MRS. WATSON BARNES), lives in Ansonia, Conn. No further record has been received. 368O. 308 1. 3G8S. LUCIEN, SOPHRONIA, and LAURA DOUD, we are in- formed, died young of consumption. They were unmarried. 3683. HIRAM HALLECK DOUD was an earnest, devoted, Chris- tian man. His widow, now MES. ELECTA C. FERO, resides in Rochester, N. Y. The children are: 7800 H. MERRILL, b. 1850. 7801 WILLARD E., b. 1853. 7802 LIBBIE M., b. 1859; m. 1878, Charles E. Lawrence. 7803 CHRISTOPHER HIRAM, b. 1803. 7804 A. FLORENCE, b. 1865. 7805 NORA LENORA, b. 1869. One son and one daughter died in infancy. GENERATION VIII. 171 3684. ALBRO T. DOUD had six children. Only two are now liv- ing. His widow, MRS. MARY V. DOUD, lives at Geddes, Onon- daga Co., N. Y. His children were: 7806 WALLACE P., b. 1838, d. 1864; m. Lavinia Fanscher, d. 1874. 7807 HENRIETTA L., b. 1841; m. I860, James Wiggins. 7808 CHARLES T., b. 1844, d. 1871. 7809 HELEN ELVIRA, b. 1850, d. 1878; m. 1871, Frank Ranney. 7810 FBANK E., b. 1853, d. 1878. 7811 BRUCE EDWARD, b. 1859. 368S. HELEN DOUD went with her husband, MILES HAND, to Handsboro, Miss., where we understand he and his two children still reside. No response, however, has been received to commu- nications mailed to that address. The children are: 7812 LOREN HAND, b. 1831; Handsboro, Miss. 7813 POSTER " b. 1834; 3686. 3687". ELVIRA and ELNORA DOUD died unmarried. 3<588. GODARD DOUD had children by each wife. BY MARILLA JENKINS. 7814 BRADFORD W., b. 1837, d. 1874. 7815 MARIETTE, b. 1839; m. 1866, Seneca Mosher. 7816 OSCAR. Died young. INFANT. BY URANIA JENKINS. 7817 FLORENCE; Auburn, N. Y. 7818 OSCAR; drowned when about 10 years old. 7819 MARY; died of consumption; about 19 years old. 7820 JAMES; was a jeweler; is dead; m. but no issue. BY SAMANTHA WHEATON. 7821 CHARLES, b. 1858, d. 1868. 368&. MINERVA A. DOUD, widow of JAMES W. DAY, resides in Detroit, Mich. Her children are: 7822 LYCURGUS DAY, b. 1842 ; m. 1872, Euphemie Murray. 7823 ELLEN " b. 1847, d. 1869. 7824 SOPHIA " b. 1852; m. 1874, Erastus Chamberlain. 172 DOWD GENEALOGY. 369O. 3691. 369S. 3693. 369>. CORDELIA J., WILLARD J., MARY L., ORSON W., and HARMON D. DOUD, were unmarried. 3694. ORREN W. DOUD was married but had no issue. 3696. GUILPORD D. DOUD is an elder in the Presbyterian church, and a man of prominence, and is in comfortable circumstances. He lives in Victory, N. Y., with his promising family around him. His children are: 7825 JULIA CUYLER, b. 1862; Victory, N. Y. 7826 FRANK H., b. 1864; (teacher), Victory, N. Y. 7827 ELLEN C., b. 1869; Victory, N. Y. 7828 JAMES S., b. 1871; 7829 HARRY, b. 1876; 7830 WILLIE, b. 1878 ; 3697'. We have no record of AMANDA DOUD and ORREN BROWN'S descendants. 3698. FIDELIA DOUD and CHESTER HEALY had five children. 7833 ALBERT D. HEALY, b. 1838, d. 1840. 7834 JANE " b. 1841, d. 1878; in. 1858, Royal Stone. 7835 ANN ELIZA " b. 1843; m. 1863, John E. Harris. 7836 FLORENCE " b. 1848; m. 1864, Daniel W. Webster. 7837 JAMES B. " b. 1856; m. 1878, Nellie Gough. 3699. AUGUSTUS DOUD, lives at Waverly, Tioga Co., N. Y. He has no issue. He has a comfortable income, so he is not dependent upon his labor for his support. He is in feeble health. 3TOO. JANE DOUD (MRS. ORRIN BROWN), resides at Forestville, Conn. 7838 JENNIE A. BROWN, b. 1849; m. 1870, George Atkins (see 3665). GENERATION VIII. 173 HENRY DOUD had one child by his first wife and two by his second wife. His widow resides at East Winsted, Conn. BY JANE DOOLITTLE. 7839 MAURICE, b. 1848; m. 1876, Li/zie Gilbert. BY AMELIA STEVENS. 7840 Louis D., b. 1861; m. 1882, Mary E. Parmelee. 7841 LOUISA L., b. 1866. CHARLES DOUD died at 24, yet left two children. They are: 7842 WALLACE A., b. 1848; m. 1869, Josephine Church. 7843 ISADORE, b. 1846 ; m. 1862, Eugene Barnes. ALBERT DOUD lives at New Hartford, Conn., and has two children. 7844 STEPHEN H., b. 1869. 7845 LILLIE S., b. 1872. ST'OG. MARY E. DOUD died at 27, unmarried. ST'OO. SOLON DOUD'S address is box 424, Hastings, Mich. He is a man of a good degree of prominence and is justice of the peace. He rendered valuable assistance in obtaining the record of this branch of the family. His children are: BY MARY A. HUGHSON. 7846 ARNOLD BENAJAH, b. 1843, d. 1857. 7847 WILLIAM M., b. 1853. 7848 SOLON ROMAINE, b. 1856; m. 1883, Nancy E. Perry. 7849 LUELLA M., b. 1859; m. 1882, Charles W. Allen. 7850 BENAJAH A., b. 1864, d. 1865. BY HARRIET DOLE. 7851 ALNORA, b. 1874. 7852 Hroir, b. 1878. 174 DOWD GENEALOGY. sr t o. ESTHER MATILDA DOUD had two children, but one is living. 7853 BENAJAH J. BOTTOM, b. 1844; m. 1869, (1) Effie E. Ingham; in. 1879, (2) Dora Mann. 7854 MARY JANE BOTTOM, b. 1850, d. 1852. 3V 1 1. MANNING DOUD, lives at Hastings, Mich., where his children live with him. 7855 SEREPII J., b. 1853; Hastings, Mich. 7856 JULIA A., b. 1855, d. 1877. 7857 VIVIA R., b. 1857; Hastings, Mich. LYDIA M. DOUD (widow of HENRY JENKINS), resides at Hastings, Mich. 7858 GEORGE M. JENKINS, b. 1846, d. 1866. 7859 ESTELLE E. " b. 1852, d. 1855. 7860 JAMES H. " b. 1854, d. 1855. 7861 MARYJ. " b. 1857; Hastings, Mich. 7862 BENJAMIN M. " b. 1858; 7863 EDWARD B. " b. 1862; 7864 CARRIE E. " b. 1865 CAROLINE BELINDA DOUD (MRS. JOHN R. ROBINSON) lives at Hastings, Mich. Her children are: 7865 ESTELLE J. ROBINSON, b. 1853, d. 1857. 7866 NELSON 8. " b. 1856, d. 1857. 7867 ELI ADELBERT " ) . b. 1861. 7868 IDA E. " f " QS> b. 1861; m. 1880, Arthur J. Myers. 7869 CLARENCE THOMAS ROBINSON, b. 1870. 7870 MINNIE M. b. 1876, d. 1879. CORDELIA ANN DOUD, lives at Hastings, Mich., but whether married or single we are uninformed. LOUISA M. DOUD (MRS. JAMES C. GARDINER), resides in Boston, Mass. She had three children. GENERATION VIII. 175 7871 MARION H. GARDINER, b. 1846; m. 1881, William Reardon. 7872 A. D. " b. 1851. 7873 FRED C. b. 1866; 31 West street, Boston, Mass. GEORGE BYRON DOUD resides in Liverpool, N. Y., with his family around him. He is a contractor and builder, and seems to be an energetic, thrifty man. 7874 NELLIE B., b. 1860; m. 1880, Adelbert Green, Liverpool, Ni Y. 7875 MINNIE, b. 1862, d. 1863. 7876 Louis, b. 1863, d, 1868. 7877 GRACIE, b. 1869, Liverpool, N. Y. 7878 GEORGE B. JR., b. 1872, Liverpool, N. Y. 7879 CHARLES JUDD, b. 1875, Liverpool, N. Y. 7880 HOMER CRAWFORD, b. 1878, d. 1883. LUCIA EVALINE DOUD (MRS. DR. E. B. PHILLIPS), resides at Syracuse, N. Y. She has but one child. 7881 LUOIA ELECTA PHILLIPS, b. 1870. JAMES WATSON MERRILL resides at Marcellus, N. Y. He has had five children, but three of them only are living. 7882 ETTA B. MERRILL, b. 1850, d. 1875; m. 1869, H..C. Baffler. 7883 HENRY LEE " b. 1852, d. 1867. 7884 Lois EMMA " b. 1855 ; Marcellus, N. Y. 7885 CLARKE. " b. 1867; 7886 MARY ELIZA " b. 1869; JASON A. MERRILL lives at Marcellus, N. Y. He is an Elder in the . Presbyterian church. He is a prominent man in community, and we judge that both he and his brother are sup- plied abundantly with this world's goods. Only one of Jason's three children are living. 7887 JASON MONROE MERRILL, b. 1854, d. 1862. 7888 BRATNERD D. b. 1858, d. 1862. 7889 ANDREW J. b. 1864; Marcellus, N. Y. 176 DOWD GENEALOGY. ADALINE MERRILL and HENRY DOWNS, both of whom are dead, dying the same year, left one daughter. 7890 LULU MARY DOWNS, b. 1856; m. 1879, Jewett Dunlap. 3^30. EMILY DOUD (MBS. HENRY JONES), has no issue, but we have not been supplied with her address. JAMES T. DOUD lives on a rich and productive farm at Red Creek, N. Y. He seems contented and happy, and from the apparent surroundings we see no reason why he should not be. His children are: 7891 FREDERIC, b. 1869; Red Creek, N. Y. 7892 CARRIE, b. 1873, d. 1877. 7893 FLOYD, b. 1879. 3^33. JOHN AUGUSTUS DOUD resides with his amiable wife at Cato, N. Y. He is a merchant. The loss of their lovely daughter and only child last year, at the age of fourteen, was a severe affliction, and may well stir the sympathy of friends and relatives. 7894 SARAH JANE, b. 1870, d. 1884. 3^34. ANN DOUD (Mss. LUTHER TRESCOTT), had one child by her first husband and three by her second. We have not the address of her nor her children. BY EDWARD ROWLAND. 7895 CARRIE ROWLAND, b. 1865. BY LUTHER TRESCOTT. 7896 FRANK TRESCOTT, b. 1872. 7897 MARY " b. 1873. 7898 LUELLA " b. 1875. ROSETTA DOUD had no issue so far as we are informed. Her husband, REV. H. H. VAN AUKEN, resides at Union City, Mich. GENERATION VIII. 17V 37'37'. CORYDON B. DOUD resides at Victory, N. Y. He has one daughter. 7902 ABBIE. WILLIS A. DOUD was a teacher for twenty seasons. He was also in the Civil War. His children were: 7903 HALSEY F., b 1855, d. 1856. 7904 Louis L., b. 1857; m. 1881, Addie L. Judd. 7905 JENNIE L., b. I860, d. 1884; m. 1881, Frank N. Hoflstead. 7906 ADA E., b. 1864, d. 1865. 7907 WILLIS C. ( b. 1867. 7908 HELEN M., b. 1871. ST'SO. HUBERT N. DOUD was drowned by falling through the ice in Otisco Lake. 37^40. HENRIETTA M. DOUD, widow of JOHN M. RUST, who died in the army, resides at Weedsport, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Her children are: 7909 IDA L. RUST, b. 1857, d. 1857. 7910 ALPHONSO B. RUST, b. 1&59; m. 1881, Libbie Salisbury. 7911 NETTIE E. " b. 1860; m. 1882, Dr. Wiedman. 7912 ELMER E. " b. 1862. Weedsport, N. Y. Alphonzo B. resides at East Scott, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Nettie E. (Mrs. Dr. Wiedman), resides at Borodino, Onondaga Co., N. Y. 37^41. GEORGIANA DOUD (Mns. REV. OZRON HUNT), resides at Cedar Springs, Kent Co., Mich., with her children. 7913 ROSA LUELLA HUNT, b. 1864, Cedar Springs, Mich. 7914 ALONZO RICHARD HUNT, b. 1868, Cedar Springs, Mich. 7915 JESSIE LAURA " b. 1871, d. 1872. 7916 GRACE V. G. " b. 1880. CORYDON P. DOUD, died in the army. We have no report of any issue. 23 178 DOWD GENEALOGY. MILO P. DOUD was unmarried and died in the army. 3T44. HELEN L. DOUD (MRS. SYLVESTER CHURCHILL), resides at East Scott, Cortland Co., N. Y. She has no issue but has an adopted daughter, Inez, who was born in 1878. MARILLA S. DOUD (MRS. MARTIN S. WEBSTER), resides at 12 Maple St., Auburn. N. Y. Her children are: 7917 FREDERIC M. WEBSTER, b. 1866, Auburn, N. Y. 7918 FLORENCE M. b. 1870, 7919 FRANCES M. " b. 1880. ADELBERT H. DOUD resides at Allen's Grove, Wis. His children are: 7920 WALTER ELLIS, b. 1872. 7921 CLARA MAY, b. 1874. 7922 ARTHUR EUGENE, b. 1879. 38OO. MARY DOUD (MRS. REV. W. E. BASSETT), resides with her children at Norfolk, Conn. Both her children are unmarried. 8000 JOHN DOUD BASSETT, b. 1853, Norfolk, Conn. 8001 REBECCA AIKEN BASSETT, b. 1868, Norfolk, Conn. 38O1 to 380S. No more information is received than appears against their marginal numbers. ADDENDA GENERATION VIII. SALLY ANN BURDICK (nee DOUD) raised the following children in Huron Co., Ohio. 5791 1 ALONZO BURDICK, b. 1823. 5791 s LILLIE J. " b. 1826. 5791 s ROLLIN C. " b. 1828. 5791* LAURA A. " b. 1832. Of LAURA PERMELIA RUSCO (nee DOUD) and her de- scendants we are uninformed. NANCY ELIZA HOAR (nee DOUD) raised the following children, who are now living in Greenwich, Huron Co., Ohio. 5792 1 HOMER O. HOAR, b. 1833. 5792* CHARLES H. " b. 1836. 5792 3 EDWIN R. " b. 1839. 5792* MARTIN P. " b. 1842. SAMUEL DOUD was a local preacher in the M. E. Church. He seems to have been successful in business, as he left $20,000 to his family at his decease. He was thrifty and enterprising, and was active in church and Sunday-school work. His children were: 5793 1 LEANDER L., b. 1838; m. 1863, Harriet B. Eberly. 5793 2 ELI, b. 1840, d. 1853. 5793 3 MARIA, b. 1841 ; m. 1866, William A. Stone. 5793* LEROY, b. 1844, d. 1862. 5793 s ALBERT, b. 1846, d. 1872. 5793 8 CHARLES, ) b 185Q d. 1872. 5793 7 CHAUNCEY, J ' d. 1850. Our- information of JOHN JAMES is limited to the following : 5794 1 CATHARINE. 5794 s NANCY. 5794 8 POLLY. 5794* JOHN FRANKLIN, was living in Franklin Co., Mo., five years ago. 5794 5 WILLIAM, b. 1805, I'. O. Address, Joplin, Mo. ADDENDA - GENERATION VIII. MARY ANN FREEMAN (nee DOUD), we understand has five children, and lives in Colorado, but we are without more definite information. EUNICE JANE McNULT (nee Doud) we are informed resides in Little River, Rice Co., Kan., but we have been unable to com- municate with her. LUCY MARIA SUTTON (nee DOUD) has her P. O. Address, we are told, at Vesper, Lincoln Co., Kan., but we have failed to get any response to communications. FANNY EMELINE ROYCE (nee DOUD) resides at Orwell, Vt., where her children were born. 5797 1 FANNY E. ROYCE, b. 1832, d. 1838. 579T 2 MARTIN L. " b. 1835; m. 1858, Mary F. Arthur. 5797 s ANNA CORNELIA" b. 1842; m. 1865, Elmer D. Collins. EMMA SOPHRONIA KNAPP (nee DOUD) resides at Orwell, Vt. She has no issue. She has written little about herself, but from her communications we judge her a woman of intelligence and business capacity. PAULINA ELOISA BELL (nee DOUD) we are informed is at present in San Francisco, Cal., but we have not her more defi- nite address. The children were all born in Vermont, except the youngest, who was born in Illinois. Our information is included in the following. 5798 1 GEORGE D. BELL, in Idaho. 5798 2 EMMA JANE " m. Noah Blossom. P. O. Genoa, Nevada. 5798 3 EDWARD " dead. 5798* CHARLES " P. O. Carson City, Nevada. 5798 5 LESLIE HAMLIN " " " " ADDENDA - GENERATION VIII. JANE ANN DAYTON (nee DOUD) is the wife of a Methodist clergyman, who is now stationed in Cohoes, N. Y. Her children are as follows : 5799 1 GEORGE STANDISH DAYTON, b. 1857, d. 1858. 5799 2 LEETE BISHOP " b. 1859, d. 1860. 5799 s FRANK ELMER " b. 1861. 5799* CLARE V. b. 1864. 5799 5 WILBUR PARKER " b. 1867. PHILO DOUD resides at 1118 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. He has the following children, all born in Pennsylvania: 6269 1 SOPHIA HELEN, b. 1842, d. 1883; m. 1860, Horatio H. Russell. 6269 s CHARLES E., b. 1844, d. 1876; unmarried. 6269 3 NANCY ANNETTE, b. 1846; m. 1873, Fred. B. Wood. 6269* PHILO FRANKLIN, b. 1853; m. 1882, Lillian Andrews. SARAH ANN SMITH (nee DOUD) is a widow and is living at San Miguel, San Luis Obispo Co., Cal. Her children are: HULDAH J. SMITH, b. 1843, d. 1844. 6269 5 CHARLES EMORY " b. 1844; m. 1870, Sabra E. Sherman. 6269 6 MVRA S. " b. 1847; m. 1868, Ferdinand Kilby. 62697 EDGAR E. " b. 1849, d.l874;m.l872, MyraLeete; no issue. SAMANTHA DEAN (nee DOUD) died, leaving no issue. LUCRETIA JONES (nee DOUD, nee PARMLEY) is now a widow living on a large estate at Clear Lake, Iowa. Her children were: BY CYRUS PARMLEY. 6269 s MARY PARMLEY, d. 1859. 6269 9 RUSSELL " d. 1850. 6269' JULIA M. " b. 1848; m. Rev. J. F. Berry. 6269 11 CHARLES FRANCIS PARMLEY, d. 1870. ELIAB PAUMLEY, d. 1864. ADDENDA - GENERATION VIII. BY EDWARD JONES. 6269 12 LILLIAN E. JONES, b. 1858; m. J. L. Snyder. 6269 13 EMMAL. " b. 1859; m. H. W. Hathorn. 6269 W FBANKL. " b. 1868. S6O9. OERIN DOUD was last heard from at Marshall, Mich., and was a widower with one daughter, but no name was given. S61O. ROLYAH DOUD at last accounts was at El Paso, Texas. In 1852 he went to California. In the beginning of the Civil War lie enlisted in a California Regiment and marched across the Colo- rado desert into Texas, where he was stationed during the entire war. He is unmarried. 2G 11'. JULIA PARKER (nee DOUD) is a widow and resides at 44 Sheffield Street, Allegheny City, Penn. She was born in Genesee Co., N. Y., and was married in Niles, Ohio. Her husband served during the Civil War, and died shortly after its close. The child- ren are: 6269 16 MARY PERMELIA PARKER, b. 1853, in Niles, Ohio. 6269 17 JAMES RUSSELL " b. 1855, d. 1865, in Sharpsburg, Pa. 6269 18 CHARLES FRANKLIN " b. 1857, LILIAN " b. 1867, AARON DOUD moved to San Francisco, Cal., in 1853, where he has ever since resided. He is now of the firm of Hadley & Doud, Commission Stock Brokers, 326 Pine St., San Francisco. He is a member of the San Francisco Stock and Exchange. We are indebted to him for the record of this branch of the family, and it is at his expense that these sheets are printed and mailed to all who hold the " Doud Genealogy." His children are : 6269 19 WILLIAM AARON, b. I860; m. 1882, Octavia A. Monnier. 6269 90 ALICE ANNETTE, b. 1862 ; m. 1883, Harry B. Edwards. 6269 51 LILLIAN SAMANTHA, b. 1864; d. 1865. 6269 22 FLORA BELL, b. 1866. ADDENDA - GENERATION VIII. SALLY (HUNGER) MURRAY had at least one son : 7540 REV. W. H. H. MURRAY, b. 1839; m. 3040. MRS. SUSAN C. PORTER (nee ROBERTS) has her home and studio at 113 Ann St., Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Porter is an artist of no mean ability. She has devoted the greater part of her life to painting, and a patient study of the art, and has become quite proficient. She spent three years abroad under the instruc- tion of the best masters. She sent one of her paintings to the Salon in Paris before leaving Europe, and no more need be said of its merit than the bare statement that of the 8,000 offered, only 1,800 were accepted, of which Mrs. Porter's was one. "To pass such an ordeal," said the Hartford Courant, "is no slight evidence of artistic merit." Mrs. Porter is a modest, unassuming woman of commanding presence, and lives in a quiet, unostentatious man- ner, as above. EMMA R. GOODALE (nee DOUD) resides with her family in Newington, Conn. Her children are : 6534 EDWARD SETH GOODALE, b. 1868. 6535 BENJAMIN HOBERT " b. 1871. 6536 CHARLES NELSON " b. 1873; d. 1874. 6537 HARRY CORNELIUS " b. 1876. 6538 SETH DOUD " b. 1885. GENERATION IX. 179 GENERATION IX. 4O1O. HENRY NORMAN DOWD was an earnest, devoted man. He was taken away in the very prime of life. His widow, MRS. SARAH C. DOWD, resides at 738 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The children are: 8400 SARAH FRANCES, b. 1845; 738 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 8401 JULIA WRIGHT, b. 1847; m. 1870, Stephen H. Wyant. 8402 LOUISA MARIA, b. 1850; m. 1874, James R. Owens. 8403 JOHN McB. DAVIDSON, b. 1852, d. 1854. 8404 HENRY N., b. 1855; m. 1883, Clara L. Mulligan. 4O1 1. LOUISA MARIA DOWD and WILLIAM VANZANDT had no issue. 4O1S. CAROLINE AUGUSTA DOWD (MRS. EDWARD K. WOOD- WARD) was a graduate of the Albany (N. Y.) Academy, and took high rank. She now resides in St. Louis, Mo. She has one son: 8405 EDWARD WOODWARD, b. about~1860. 4O13. WALLACE WOOLEY DOWD had no issue. 4O14. MARY ELIZABETH DOWD and GEORGE FORBY had five children, as follows: 8406 CAROLINE FORBY, b. 1857, d. 1859. 8407 JULIA b. 1859; m. 1883, Charles T. Stickle. 8408 JOHN NATHAN FORBY, b. 1862. 8409 GEORGE " b. 1864. 8410 ELIZABETH " b. 1868. CHARLES W. DOWD has two children, but we are uninformed of their residence. 180 DOWD GENEALOGY. SAMUEL DOWD died when about 22 years old. 4O 1 9. AUGUSTUS fell from the mast while at sea and was killed when he was 18 years old. 4OSO. 4OS 1 . LIZZIE and JENNIE DOWD we are informed are living at Macon, Ga., but whether married or single we cannot tell. We have been unable to communicate with them by addressing them under their maiden names at the above address. 4OSS. CHARLES A. METGS had two children, but nothing but the names have been given: 8430 LOUISE MEIGS. 8431 SHEFFIELD MEIGS. 4OS4. EDMUND HAND MEIGS resides at East Berlin, Conn., and is foreman of a foundry there. He is fond of music, and has long been connected with the church choir. He is active in all church work. He has one child, who is married and resides in East Ber- lin, Conn. 8432 ADELIA ELIZABETH MEIGS, b. 1854; m. Frederic Hubbard; no issue. WILLIAM DOWD MEIGS resides in Pittsfield, Mass. He had one child by his first wife, but we understand she is dead. BY FRANCES GRAVES. 8433 FRANCES MEIGS. BY JENNIE SMYTH. 8434 CHARLES A. MEIGS. 8435 WILLIAM 8436 JENNIE 4OSO. HORACE BEZALEEL MEIGS resides in Bran ford, Conn. He has one son. S4U7 CHARLES IVKS MEIGS, Braufuixl, Couu. GENERATION IX. 181 4O31. WILLIAM HENRY DOWD resides in Norwich, Conn. He has had four children, but the three youngest did not any of them live over a year. The names of these three were not given. 8438 KITTIE ALLEN, b. 1869; Clinton, Conn. 4O3S. JOSEPH DOWD was drowned soon after his marriage. E VALINA DOWD (MRS LEANDER HULL) lives in Clinton, Conn. She has no issue. 4O34. ELIZA REBECCA DOWD (Mas. WILLIAM CONKLIN) resides at 391 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. She seems happy and contented with her nice family about her. She has five chil- dren, as follows: 8445 HEMAN DOWD CONKLIN, b. 1860. 8446 WILLIAM SNEDEN CONKLIN, b. 1862. 8447 JOSEPH WARREN " b. 1864. 8448 EVELINA SHERER " b. 1868. 8449 LEANDER HULL b. 1872. All live at 391 Adelphi St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 403S. GEORGE AUSTIN DOWD lives at Madison, Conn. He has no issue. WILLIAM MORRIS WILCOX was appointed a conductor on the Shore Line R. R., and served in this capacity from the build- ing of the road till his appointment as superintendent, in which capacity he was acting at the time of the sad accident at Stony Creek, which cost him his life, on July 6, 1874. He was genial in his nature, loving in his disposition, and faithful in his work. One who knew him best writes of him: "Life grew so much to him each year that his life deepened, and his work grew broader and broader as his soul grew more pure and noble." To his parents and his lovoly wife and children his sudden death came 182 DOWD GENEALOGY. with overburdening, staggering effect, leaving a blank in their lives which time can never obliterate and only hope can soften. The writer, as a tribute to the warm friendship of his boyhood, would drop a tear of respect and affectionate remembrance at his grave. Alas, my brother, not the hard, cold stone Can tell thy battles fought, thy victories won ; Thy life itself, thine own best meed of praise, Attested by thy friends in loving lays. Thy parents still, with longing hearts, desire Thy presence bright, with all its youth and fire, But still they wait on Jordan's banks; nor long Will wait to join with thee in seraph's song. Thy wife and children pine the long, long day, For thy strong arm, thy gentle, loving way; And sisters hope to clasp in fond embrace Thy angel form in heavenly dwelling place. And now, farewell. In yonder world of light, Where faith gives place to stronger sense of sight, May all thy kin and friends in union meet To dwell in bliss and love at Jesus' feet. His widow, MRS. EMILY L. WILCOX, and his children, reside in Madison, Conn. 8450 WILLIAM MORRIS WILCOX, b. 1868. 8451 RACHEL MARGARET " b. 1875. 4040. CATHARINE ORPAH WILCOX (MRS. OSSIAN L HATCH) resides in Meriden, Conn. She, with her husband, is actively engaged in church work. The children are: 8452 WILLIAM LOVELL HATCH, b. 1867. 8458 OSSIAN LOVELL " b. 1870. 4O41. HELENA REBECCA WILCOX is engaged in a benevolent and Christian work in the Young Women's Christian Association Home at 568 Chapel street, New Haven, Conn., where she devotes her energies to the loving care of those about her, and in this GENERATION IX. 183 work she is happy and contented, realizing that she is following the steps of the loving Master who " went about doing good." 404S. GEORGE CURTISS DOWD always lived in Madison, Conn. His children were: 8454 LotAsEH., b. 1855. 8455 FRANK CURTISS, b. 1853; m. 1884, Nellie R. Miner. MARTHA F. DOWD married COL. VINCENT M. WILCOX (see 2001). No issue. 4O46. ROXANA REBECCA ' SCRANTON (MRS. WILLIAM W. HART), recently moved to Michigan, but we do not know her exact location. She has had two children. '8456 WILLIAM SCRANTON HART, b. 1861, d. 1&62. 8457 SUSAN JOSEPHINE " b. 1863. 4O48. EDWARD SERENO SCRANTON is in the banking business in New York City. He has one daughter who resides with her grand -parents in Madison, Conn. 8458 JULIA WASHBURNE SCRANTON, b. 1869. 4O49. JONATHAN SAMUEL SCRANTON lives in Madison, Conn. He is a farmer. He has a family of six children. ) . f . n8 ' 8460 ALIDA JOSEPHINE " . ' b. 1869. 8461 JOSEPH SERENO " b. 1872. 8462 GEORGIE LIVINGSTONE" b. 1875. 8463 IRENA ROBINSON " b. 1879. 8464 HOWARD ERASTUS " b. 1883. CHARLES WOLSEY SCRANTON, is a Banker of the firm of Bunnell & Scranton in New Haven, Conn., where he and his family reside. His children are: 184 DOWD GENEALOGY. 8465 MINNIE IRENE Sen ANTON, b. 1870. 8466 ALICE PALMER b. 1872. 8467 WILLIAM DOWD " b. 1875. 8468 HELEN WOLSEY " b. 1878. 8469 CHARLES WOLSEY " b. 1883. CATHARINE LYDIA SCRANTON (MRS. SETH JOHNSON) resides in New Haven, Conn. She has no issue. Her husband is business manager of the New Haven Palladium. 4OS3. SUSAN ALICE SCRANTON (M BS . JEWETT SCRANTON) resides in Madison, Conn. Her two children are with her. 8470 JEWETT HAMILTON SCRANTON, b. 1875. 8471 KATHRINE " b. 1877. 4OS4. JOHN LUTHER DOWD resides at 21 Bellevue street, Hart- ford, Conn. He has three children all by his first wife. 8472 EDWARD WEBSTER, b. 1849; m. Harriet Butler. 8473 ELIZA REBECCA, b. 1853; m. 1881, Gilbert S. Barnes. 8474 MARY EMILY, b. 1856; m. 1880, Albert Murray. TAMSON ELIZA DOWD was a teacher. She had one child. 8475 JANE ELIZA GALPIN, b. 1846, d. 1846. REV. CHARLES FERDINAND DOWD, united with the Congregational church in Madison, Conn., in 1837, then under the pastorate of the Rev. Samuel N. Shepherd, having been baptized in 1825, with the first group of children under his pastorate. His early educational advantages were limited to the district school. His father's business failure in 1842, prevented his carrying out his desire of entering upon a preparation for a college course, at this time. He learned the shoemaker's trade and worked, in his father's shop (with the exception of teaching a district school two winters) until he became 21 years of age. At this time (April, 1846), he began the definite work of preparing for college in Ber- GENERATION IX. 185 lin, Conn , under the instruction of Rev. W. W. Woodworth, the village pastor, teaching however each winter for means of sup- port. He entered Yale College in September, 1848 (as he says), with poor preparation and with resources of support of only $25, at command. He took a recitation-room and boarded himself, but at Christmas, the end of his first term, his resources failed and taking an honorable dismission from college, he entered upon an insurance agency. In this way, having gained means, he returned to college the next year, but was out teaching three winters of the four years of his college course. At the close of the course of his class, he did not present himself for a full examination, but offered himself later and received his degree. Oct. 6, 1852, he was married to HARRIET MIRIAM NORTH, a graduate of Holyoke Seminary in 1851, daughter of Edmund and Maria (Wilcox) North of Berlin, Conn. In the Fall of 1853, he became Principal of the Preparatory Department of Newton Uni- versity, Baltimore, Md., and later became Professor of Mathematics of the Collegiate Department. During this period he took up the study of Hebrew and of Systematic Theology. In 1855 he resigned his Professorship to accept the Superintendence of the city schools of Waterbury, Conn. In 1857 he resigned to accept the chair of Associate Principal of the Connecticut State Normal School in New Britain, Conn. In 1858 he resigned to accept again the Superintendency of the city schools of Waterbury, Conn. In 1860, he resigned to take the Principalship of the North Granville Ladies' Seminary, in North Granville, N. Y. In Feb- ruary, 1863, having carried on the study of Theology, but not in direct connection with any Theological school, he presented him- self for examination to the Troy Presbytery and was licensed to preach. In February, 1865, he was ordained as an Evangelist, by the same Presbytery, but has never presented himself to the churches for a pastorate. In 1868 he sold out his interest in the North Granville Seminary and bought the property in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., known as the Temple Grove property. Upon the basis of this property he organized the Temple Grove Seminary, which was chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York in 1869. Since this time he has acted as the President of this Seminary. In the fall of 1869, he presented the subject of Standard Time to a Railway Convention in New York City. He is the author of several works on this subject. The 24 186 DOWD GENEALOGY. system adopted by the railroads, Nov., 1883, and now in use throughout the United States, was originated and worked out by him. He has six children, as follows : 8476 WILLIS EDMUND, b. 1855; m. 1877, Isabel Cheeseborough. 8477 CHARLES NORTH, b. 1858. 8478 MIRIAM WILCOX, b. 1860. 8479 BERTHA NORTH, b. 1862. 8480 ARTHUR DUDLEY, b. 1864. 8481 FRANKLIN BANCROFT, b. 1871. JANE REBECCA DOWD (widow of WILLIAM L. HEALD), is the post-mistress at East Berlin, Conn., and has held the position for eight years. She has no issue. She is a woman full of energy, with a heart overflowing with kindness and consecrated to the work of the Lord. She is highly esteemed and beloved by all who know her. 4OSS. REV. WILLIS WED WORTH DOWD is a native of Madison, Conn. He united with the Congregational church there when he was but thirteen years old. He went to the common district school till he was sixteen, and he had then well mastered the rudi- ments of an English education. His parents moved to Berlin, Conn., in 1846. He then entered Worthington Academy and pursued the study of the higher mathematics and the languages. Afterward he entered the Connecticut State Normal School. Dur- ing these years he taught district schools winters pursuing his studies while he taught. In 1852 he went into the State of New Jersey and taught there one year. In 1854 he was called to the Principalship of the Preparatory School of Newton University in Baltimore, Maryland. The same year he was married to AUGUSTA A. NORTH, daughter of Jedediah and Betsey (Bulkley) North. In 1856 he was called to the Principalship of the Franklin Ladies' Institute in Baltimore, Md., which position he held till 1859. Returning to Connecticut, he was called to the principalship and superin tendency of the schools of Danbury, Conn. In 1864 he resigned this position to accept the Associate Principalship of the North Gj:anville Ladies' Seminary at North Granville, N. Y. The same year the honorary degree of A. B. was conferred on him by Union College. Two or three years GENERATION IX. 187 later the degree of A.M. was conferred on him by Middlebury College. In 1866, his wife, AUGUSTA A. (NORTH) DOWD died with- out issue. In 1868 he married LUCY A. ATKINS, the daughter of Thomas and Lucy (Miller) Atkins of Middlefield, Conn., who is the mother of his children. In 1868 he took the principalship of the North Granville Ladies' Seminary. The destruction of the buildings by fire, in 1871, and the rebuilding of the same, in 1872, was unfortunate. In 1875, he having pursued a course of theological studies, under the instruction of the Rev. Lewis Kellogg, presented him- self before the Troy Presbytery for examination, and received his license. The same summer he was called to preach in Middle Granville, N. Y., where he labored nearly two years. Being invited by the Board of Home Missions to labor in Astoria, Oregon, in 1877, he accepted the commission and was ordained by Troy Presbytery, but the protracted illness of his wife pre- vented him from entering on his field. In the fall of 1877 he was called to the Presbyterian church in Port Chester, N. Y., which position he still occupies. The fruit of the union with Lucy A. Atkins was two children. 8482 HARRIET FIELD, b. 1869, d. 1872. 8483 ALBERT ATKINS, b. 1872. HARRIET ANN DOWD was a woman of uncommon ability. She studied at the Connecticut State Normal School. She taught successfully in New Britain, in East Berlin, and in the Berlin Academy, Conn., and with eminent success in the Ladies' Semi- nary at North Granville, N. Y. She lived but one year after her marriage to HENRY N. GALPIN. She had one child. 8484 HATTIE GALPIN, b. 1865, d. 1866. 4OOO. HENRY MANFRED DOWD was a teacher for a time; then the business manager of the North Granville Ladies Seminary, and afterward of Temple Grove Seminary in Saratoga, N. Y. He is now engaged in railroading, and is located at East Berlin, Conn., where he and his amiable wife are living in unobtrusive enjoyment. Their children wore: .sis:, lluNKY WAI.TKK, b. ISO!). 8180 JULIA ELIZA, b. 1801, d. 188 DOWD GENEALOGY. Henry Walter is now clerk in the hotel at Thousand Islands. He has filled responsible positions in the Long Beach Hotel, and the Murray Hill Hotel, New York city. His honesty, faithfulness, and sobriety makes his services ever in demand. 4OG1. NANCY AMELIA DOWD has been for many years a faithful and successful teacher. Being a thoughtful reader, and having a retentive memory, she has her mind well stored with knowledge. She is a fine penman and an excellent elocutionist. Her health is not the best, yet she performs an astonishing amount of work. Lovable and loving, she wins the hearts of those who best know her. 4OGSJ. Of TAMSON MINA ANN KELSEY and B. 0. SPENCER we only know they had one daughter, viz. : 8487 LEILA SPENCER; m. L. C. Miles. 4004. AUGUSTUS MANFRED DOWD was an able and successful teacher. The writer received from him, while under his instruction, his strongest intellectual incentive. He was patient, painstaking, thorough. His daughter inherited these qualities, and was a very efficient teacher. For several years she was the Principal's assistant in the High School at Meriden, Conn. Afterward she taught with great success in Temple Grove Seminary, Saratoga, N. Y. In this institution she was engaged till disease compelled her to relinquish labor. She was highly intellectual, and was dearly loved by all who knew her. Her death was a bitter cup and a staggering blow to her parents, who had bestowed upon her the wealth of their affections, and well was she worthy of them. Augustus is com- fortably and pleasantly located in Madison, Conn., in that part of the town known as the Neck. 8488 ELLEN REBECCA, b. 1847, d. 1882; a. ANN ELIZA DOWD (MRS. EDWIN H. BURNHAM) lived in Westchester, Conn. For the past few years she has been in feeble health. She lived a devoted and godly life, drawing daily GENERATION IX. 189 her strength from her Father and her God. She passed to her reward with rejoicing, leaving a large family to mourn her loss. Her husband still resides at Westchester, Conn. 8489 ADELAIDE ELIZA BURNHAM, b. 1850; m. 1870, Henry Bidwell. 8490 ELLEN FIDELIA " b. 1852; m. 1874, Frank E. Parsons. 8491 EMILY LOUISA " b. 1853; m. 1878, Charles Knight. 8492 MARY WILCOX " b. 1855; m. 1874, Newton C. Graves. 8493 LAURA MYRTILLA " b. 1857, d. 1885; m. 1884, Jerome Wilcox (see 5770). 8494 EDWARD SAMUEL BURNHAM, b. 1860; m. 1884, Anna Field Wilcox (see 5768). 8495 HARRIET ANNA BURNHAM, b. 1864. 8496 JULIA SOPHIA " b. 1866. 8497 ALICE CORDELIA " b. 1869. 8498 WILLIAM WOODWORTII BURNHAM, b. 1878. 4OOO. GRACE DOWD (MRS. THOMAS SPENCER) resides in Madi- son, Conn., with her three children. Her son has dropped his last name and uses the surname of Munson instead. BY FREDERIC TOOLEY. 8499 WILLIS CURTIS MUNSON, b. 1853; m. 1880, Lizzie Spencer. BY THOMAS SPENCER. 8500 ANNA MUNSON SPENCER, b. 1866. 8501 RUTH EMILY " b. 1870. DR. EMILY DOWD (MRS. DR. MOSES B. PARDEE) resides in South Norwalk, Conn., where she has an extensive and lucra- tive practice. She is a very successful practitioner. She has three children. 8502 MOSES CLIFFORD PARDEE, b. 1868. 8503 MUNSON DOWD " b. 1870. 8504 MARY FIELD " b. J872. 4OOS. MQNSON DOWD died at the early ago of 30. Ilis widow and children reside at North Haven, Conn. 8505 CATHARINE BARNES, b. 850G MEUIUTT CLIFFORD, b. 190 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4OC5O. RUTH DOWD is admitted to the bar, and resides in Washing ton, D. C., where she maybe addressed as MBS. THEO. HAVEN'S. She has one child, 11 or 12 years old. We think his name is: 8507 THEODORE HAVENS. 4OTO. EDGAR CHARLES DOWD died unmarried at the early age of 35. He was energetic in business, and his death was felt to be a great loss to the community. MARY WOODS DOWD died unmarried at the age of 36. She was highly esteemed in the community, and was deeply mourned by all her friends and relatives. FREDERICK TIMOTHY DOWD resides on the old home- stead in Madison, Conn., and .continues the business of his father, while he also does something at farming. He is a Justice of the Peace. His home, with an amiable wife and two lovely, obedient children, are highly conducive to happiness and contentment. 8508 MARY EDITH, b. 1877. 8509 MARTIN LEROY, b. 1879. 40 T3. SARAH M. RAYMOND (MRS. TIMOTHY GREEN) resides in Washington, D. C., where her husband is connected with the Pension department of the government. Her family is a very promising one. 8510 CAROLINE AMELIA GREEN, b. 1846; m. 1870, AVm. Sutton, b. 1828. 8511 TIMOTHY FRANKLIN " b. 1849; m. 1872, Mary H. Belden, b. 1853. 8512 WILLIAM RAYMOND GREEN, 6. 1856. 8513 CHARLES DUDLEY " b. 1860, d. 1884, drowned. 8514 SIDNEY " b. 1864 8515 SARAH ANN " b. 1868. 8516 CATHARINE MARIA " b. 1854, d. 1860. 8517 IDA AUGUSTA " b. 1869. GENERATION IX. 191 * 4O7'4. "WILLIAM L. RAYMOND resides at Westchester, Conn., and is a successful farmer. BY ELIZABETH RAYMOND. 8518 ANNA DUDLEY RAYMOND, b. 1868. BY LUCIA KELLOGG. 8519 WILLIAM KELLOGG RAYMOND, b. 1878. HENRY M. RAYMOND is a farmer, and resides at Turners- ville, Conn He had five children: BY IDA VANDERVOORT. 8520 FRANCIS HENRY RAYMOND, b. 1855; m. 1881, Hattic M. Bissell. 8521 MARY ELIZABETH " b. 1857; m. 1878, Frederic Burnham. 8522 JOSEPH H. b. 1862, d. 1863. 8523 IDA ANN " b. 1865. 8524 KATIE GREEN " b. 1867. BY HANNAH ABELL. 8525 EDWARD ABELL RAYMOND, b. 1876. 4O7'O. CHARLES L. RAYMOND resides in Colchester, Conn. Without any definite information, we think him a farmer. He has no issue. 40-r'r. EDWARD P. RAYMOND is a practicing physician in Prank- ford, Green Brier County, West Va. He has no issue, but has adopted Katie Green Raymond (8524). daughter of his brother, Henry M. He is now sending her to Temple Grove Seminary, Saratoga, N. Y., designing to spare no pains or expense to give her the best opportunities to obtain an education. 407'S. SHERWOOD RAYMOND resides at Berlin, Conn., where he looks to the farm and attends to the interests of his cousin, Miss Harriot N. Wilcox. 192 DOWD GENEALOGY. *U 4O8O. MARY ELIZABETH DOWD (MRS. L. A. PARKER) resides at Seville, Ohio. She has been deeply afflicted in the loss of all her children. 8526 DUDLEY DOWD PARKER, b. 1861, d. 1864. 8527 LEVI ALBERT " b. 1862, d. 1863. 8528 HATTIE MAY " b. 1868, d. 1875. 4081. TAMSON AMELIA DOWD (MRS. E. M. STRONG) resides at Seville, Ohio. She has two children living. We are unin- formed" of their address, but conclude it is Seville, Ohio. 8529 EDWIN CLARK STRONG, b. 1858. 8530 MERTIE HARRIET " b. 1863, d. 1865. 8531 DAVID DUDLEY " b. 1865. 408S. HARRIET NEWELL DOWD (MRS. G. W. HASCOLL) resides at Seville, 0. Her only child died in infancy. 8532 HARRIET ELLA HAS.COLL, b. 1860, d. 1860. 4O83. MANFRED MATTHEW DOWD resides at Seville, Ohio, and has one son who resides with him. 8533 ADELBERT, b. 1862. 4084. DAVID DENTON DOWD was a very promising young man, and his death at the age of 32 was a grievous affliction to his parents and his family. He had no issue. 4OOO. DELIA M. DOWD and OSSIAN L. HATCH had no issue. 4OO1. EDWIN A. DOWD is in the far west, and as he is what is called a " Placer " or locator of mines, his address is constantly changing. GENERATION IX. 193 4OO3. ZINAI E. DOWD is in the manufacturing business at Cobalt, Conn. For several years he has been active in the Meriden Brit- tania Co., but within two years he has started out in business for himself. He has one daughter. 8534 CLARA D., b. 1867. 4O0S. JANE LUELLA DOWD (MBS. DR. HENRY H. SMITH) has her home in Sheffield, Mass. She was a teacher of a good deal of repute. She has published a book of poems entitled "Autumn Leaves." She, with her husband, has spent the past year in Europe, and has just returned. Mrs. Smith is a woman of much more than ordinary ability. 4OO8. ALICE MARY DOWD is a teacher of excellent repute, and is at present acting as assistant to the principal in the High school at Stamford, Conn., a position she has held for several years. Her home is with her father in Westfield, Mass., where she spends her vacations. 41OO. MARTIN LUTHER DRESS KR was trained for a merchant, but instead of having one locality, he is a traveling salesman. For the past few years he has been traveling for a Boston firm, but at present for a firm in Philadelphia. Letters addressed to him at Stockbridge, Mass., would doubtless reach him. 8535 SAMUEL SMITH DRESSER, b. 1861. 8536 MARTIN VAN SICKLES " b. 1868. 8537 MAUTIIA JANE " b. 1872. 4101. AMELIA H. DRESSER, married DR. EDWARD SEXTON, lived only a year after marriage. She had no issue. EDWIN E. DRESSER was in the civil war. When efforts were made to dissuade him from entering the army, he remarked, " I should be ashamed to walk our streets if I did not volunteer to 25 194 DOWD GEXEALOGY. do what I could when our country is in so much peril." He went. Just before his three years expired, a bomb-shell carried away a part of his foot, and amputation was required. He suffered greatly from the effects, and the limb did not do well, and after six years of prolonged suffering, he yielded his life as an offering to his country. He was a brave boy. In all his sufferings no coin- plaining words escaped his lips. He was of a cheerful disposition and always looked on the bright side of everything. His face, expressive of patient suffering, rises before me as I write. His last battle is fought, the last pang endured, and now we trust he is wearing the victor's crown. 41O4. CHARLOTTE E. DKESSER resides in Louisville, Ky. She is a musician of repute, and has chosen that profession for her liv- ing. She is a composer as well as brilliant performer. She has been the organist in one of the first churches in Louisville for several years. She has also a large class of pupils well advanced in music. 41 1O. LUCY ANN DOWD resides in Madison, Conn., and is un- married. 41 1. AUGUSTUS F. DOWD resides with his family at Minooka, Penn., but we have been unable to open communication with him. His children are: 8538 GEORGE B. WESTLING, b. 1869. 8539 HARRY GARDNER, b. 1874. 4114. ELLEN E. DOWD married Samuel E. Griswold in Madison, Conn. . Her husband and daughter still reside there. 8540 MARTHA ELLEN GRISWOLD, b. 1860. 41 IS. CHARLOTTE C. DOWD (MRS. C. HENRY WHEDON) re- sides in Madison, Conn. 4110. ALBERT BENJAMIN DOWD resides in Scranton, Penn., and we understand is very successful in whatever he undertakes. No record of his family has been received. GENERATION IX. 195 ORRIN K. DOWD resides in Madison, Conn., on the old home- stead. He has one son. 8544 ARTHUR CRAMPTON, b. 1887. 4118. EMMA R. DOWD (Mss. DWIGHT S. WHEDON) resides in Madison, Conn. She has no issue. She and her sister (4 115) married brothers and both are pleasantly located in the same house. 4 ISO. MARY CLARISSA DOWD (MRS. VIRGIL HOTCHKISS) resides in Guilford, Conn., and has one son born in 1880, but the name has not been given. 41SSJ to 413S. No record of the descendants of Angeline (Dowd) Harris' chil- dren has been received. JULIUS ALBERT HARRIS resides in Seville, 0. JOSEPH DOWD HARRIS was an artist. HER- MAN HUBBARD HARRIS resides in Seville, O. EGBERT ERWIN HARRIS died in Louisiana in the civil war. ALLE"N WATROUS HARRIS resides in Seville, O., and has two children. CHARLES FAYETTE HARRIS resides in Seville, 0. This covers all our information of this line. 4133. CLARISSA STONE (EVARTS) (MRS. HENRY B. DUD- LEY), resides in Guilford, Conn. No issue is reported. 413S. CATHARINE ROMELIA DOWD left a large family. Her husband (C. P. EMERSON) and his children reside in Cedar Rapids, la. He is a prominent and influential man in that thriving town. The children are: 8546 MAUDE EVANGELINE EMERSON, b. 1867. 8547 HELEN ADALINE " b. 1868. 8548 'RALPH WALDO " b. 1870. 8549 JOSEPH LAMERTINE " b. 1872. 8550 GERTRUDE HULDAH " b. 1874. 8551 DANIEL TIMOTHY b. 1876, d. 1877. 8552 HARRY BENJAMIN b. 1878. 196 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4 ISO. REV. QUINCY LAMERTINE DOWD is stationed at Kau- kauna, Outogamie Co., la. He has the reputation of being a very talented man and able preacher. He has no issue. No information has been received of MARION DOWD'S (MRS. THOMAS DRIFFELL) family, nor of her address. 414G. JULIA ELLA DOWD (MBS. JAMES L. PARKER), resides in Madison, Conn. 4148. ERNEST DOWD, a very promising young man, died at the early age of 28, very much lamented. CATHARINE JOSEPHINE DOUD (MRS. WILLIAM L. WJLSON), resides in Nebraska City, Neb. Her husband occu- pies an influential and commanding position. He is cashier of a National Bank there. The children are: 8560 HENRY DOTJD WILSON, b. 1866. 8561 EDWARD KNIGHT " b. 1868, d. 1869. 8562 FRANCES KNIGHT " b. 1871, d. 1871. 8563 MARY SCRANTON " b. 1874. 8564 ALLAN BRITTON " b. 1877. 8565 HARTLEY FULLER " b. 1879. 41 33. HENRY CHARLES DOUD is an active, energetic man of business. He resides in Scranton, Penn. His children are: 8566 ROBERT PORTER, b. 1872, d. 1875. 8567 CHARLES HAMILTON, b. 1875. ERASTUS SCRANTON DOUD is cashier of the Savings Bank in Hazlcton, Penn., where he resides. He is alive in all matters pertaining to the well-being of the community. He is especially active on the School Board, and may justly be proud of GENERATION* IX. 197 the position and standing to which their schools have been brought. His children are: 8568 JOSEPH CHASE, b. 1875. 8569 WALTER SCRANTON, b. 1877. 8570 MABEL LOUISA, b. 1879. 8571 ELLA WILSON, b. 1881. 8572 ERASTUS RAYMOND, b. 1883. 41 54. CURTIS WILLIAM DOUD is unmarried, and resides at 80 North Union St., Rochester, N. Y. 41435. HERBERT ALLISON DOUD had scarcely graduated from college before he was appointed an Internal Revenue officer in Nebraska, which position he now holds. His address is Omaha, Neb. FANNIE ELIZABETH DOWD (MRS. LEWIS DUDLEY), we understand has a daughter by her first husband, Eugene Chat- field, b. 1876, but no name or address is given. AZUBAH DOWD and JOHN WILLARDhad no issue. GALEN DOWD lives at Saybrook, Conn. He has no issue. 4 ISO. ANNA. GOODRICH (MRS. JAMES WOODFORD), lives in Chicago, 111. Her children are: 8573 JESSIE WOODFOUD, b. 1874. 8574 HELEN b. 1876. 8575 MARY " b. 1878. 8576 ARTHUR " b. 1880, d. 1881. 41OO. RICHARD STAN N AHD had two children. The daughter di(id at 17. The son is at present living at Center Brook, Conn. 85761 S \K\II E. STANNARD, b. 1845, d. 1862. 8577 RICH A no b. 1848; in. 1871, Miiinie A. Knuwles. 198 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4 1 O4J-. ELIZABETH (DOWD) (MRS. JOHN P. COE), had two chil- dren, but no dates have been supplied. 8578 CHARLES COE. 8579 WALTER " 41 OS. 4C5SO. SAMUEL E. DOWD and CECILIA J. DOWD live in Clin- ton, Conn. They have two children living. 8600 CECIL SAMUEL, b. 1866, d. 1867. 8601 ETTA CECILIA, b. 1871. 8602 JOSEPH EDWARD, b. 1872. 8603 SUSIE ALMIRA, b. 1879, d. 1882. 4 1 00^. WARREN H. HULL has two children, but we have not his P. 0. address. 8610 LILLIE MAY HULL, b. 1876. 8611 GEORGIE " b. 1880. 4OOO. DANIEL KURD DOWD resides in Allegan, Allegan County, Mich. His children live in the same town. 8850 EDGAR D., b.-1847, d. 1860. ,8851 CHARLES S., b. 1848; m. 1871, Tirzah L. Morrison. 8852 WILLIAM W., b. 1851; m. 1873, Emma McKinstry. 8853 FREDERIC R, b. 1856, d. 1871. 8854 ADDIE W M b. 1857. 8855 ERNEST ALBYN, b. 1862. 4OO1. CATHARINE BETHANIA DOWD had but one child. She died two years after her marriage to ELLISON SMITH. Mr. Smith now resides at Northford, Conn. 8856 CECIL LEROY SMITH, b. 1850; m. 1872, Alice Andrews. ELIZABETH AMELIA DOWD (MRS. OSCAR B. LEAV- EN WORTH) resides at 55 Broadway, New Haven, Conn., where she is carrying on a flourishing millinery business. Her husband died in 1871. Her children are: GENERATION IX. 199 8857 IDA E. LEAVENWORTH, b. 18. r >2. 8858 JOSEPHINE ETTA " b. 1857; m. 1879, Edward B. Munson. 8859 JESSIE IRENE b. 1860; m. 1883, Albert H. Moulton. 8860 MINNIE I. b. 1863, d. 1864. 8861 FREDDIE OSCAR " " b. 1865. 4OO3. ANN CELESTIA DOWD (MRS. ALBERT DOWNS) resides in Denver, Col. She has one daughter. 8862 ELLA CELESTIA DOWNS, b. 1849; m. 1882, Daniel Benton. 4GCK5. BENJAMIN RUSSELL DOWD was in the civil war. He died the next year after marriage, while in the army. He had no issue. HOSMER ERASTUS DOWD resides at Greenfield Hill, Conn. He had two children. Bis son died at 23. 8863 WILLIAM HOBART, b. 1856, d. 1879. 8864 LAURA ALMON, b. 1862. 4G1O. MARIA SALVA DOWD (MRS. SIDNEY L. WAKELEE) resides at 109 Norman street, Bridgeport, Conn. She has one of the largest families on this record, having had fourteen children, and twelve are still living. 8865 LIZZIE V. WAKELEE, b. 1857; m. 1381, Albert E. Norton. 8866 EDWARD L. " b. 1859. 8867 ROBERT H. " b. 1860. 8868 JENNIE LOUISE " b. 1862. 8869 CLINTON S. " b. 1863. 8870 ALICE M. " b. 1865. 8871 SIDNEY J. " b. 1867. 8872 LEWIS B. b. 1868, d. 1868. 8873 CORNELIA C. " b. 1869. 8874 GRACIE A " b. 1872, d. 1878. 8875 MAUD I. b. 1874. 8876 WALTER B. " b. 1875. 8877 MARTHA J. " b. 1877. 8878 WILLIAM B. " b. 1879. 200 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4O1T". NANCY LOUISA DOWD (MRS. CHARLES W. WILLARD) resides in Clinton, Conn. They have just suffered a very severe affliction in the loss of their only son. 8879 JENNIE CECILIA WILLARD, b. 18^4; Clinton, Conn. 8880 FRANK BURDETTE " b. 1870, d. 1884. JOSEPH RUSSELL DOWD resides in Clinton, Conn. He has two children. 8881 AGNES ELIZABETH, b. 1863; Clinton, Conn. 8882 CHARLES RUSSELL, b. 1864. 4010. SIDNEY BURDETTE DOWD resides in Bridgeport, Conn., where he is merchandising. His children were: BY HATTIE ,T. BUELL. 8883 LENA MAY, b. 1867. BY LOUISA WHEELER. 8884 ANGIE, b. 1873. 8885 BURDETTE.. b. 1878. 4OSO. See 4194. 40S1. GEORGIANA DOWD (MRS. HENRY NORTON) resides in Berlin, Conn. 8886 HOWARD ATWOOD NORTON, b. 1874. 8887 CLARA LOUISA " b. 1876. 8888 WINNIFRED STEVENS " b. 1877. 8889 HARRY BLISS " b. 1881. 40S3. ELIZA GAYLORD (widow of EDWIN BUTLER) resides at Torrington Hollow, Conn. Her children are: 8890 ELIZABETH BUTLER, b. 1841; s. 8891 JOSEPH NATHANIEL BUTLER, b. 1843, d. 1865. 8892 SARAH JERUSIIA " b. 1847; s. 8893 WILLIAM EDWIN " b. 1849; m. 1872, Cornelia A. Balch. 8894 ELLEN ELIZA " b. 1853, d. 1853. 8895 EDWARD LEWIS " b. 1854; s. GENERATION IX. 201 4OJ24. SUSAN C. GAYLORD (MRS. WILLIAM NORTON) resides at Litchfield, Conn. We understand her husband is a man of prominence, being a Tax Collector for the town, and also the Deputy Sheriff in the county. 8896 MARY ELIOT NORTON, b. 1848, d. 1861. 8897 SARAH CLARISSA " b. 1851; m. Frederic Coe, d. 1883. 40S0. JOSEPH W. GAYLORD died at 19 and SARAH J. at 16 .years of age. 4O33. FANNY M. GAYLORD (Mns. A. S. HART) left but one child. 8898 FANNY M. HART, b. 1850; m. 1878, W. L. Barber, M.D. EVERETT S. GAYLORD is in Pontanelle, Neb., and is unmarried. 403S. MARY A. GAYLORD is unmarried, and resides at Norfolk, Conn. 403O. ELLEN M. GAYLORD is unmarried, and lives in Norfolk, Conn. The compiler of this genealogy is indebted to her for much valuable assistance in gathering statistics embodied herein. He has formed a high opinion of her character and intellectual ability from her correspondence only, as he has never met her personally. 403?'. EDWARD L. GAYLORD resides at Norfolk, Conn., and is a successful farmer and man of prominence in the community. His three children are by his first wife. BY SARAH B. PHELP8. H*<<) FANNIE LUCINDA GAYLORD, b. 1865, d. 1881. 8900 EDWARD EVERETT " b. 1867. 8901 SARAH PIIELPS " b. 1877. 26 202 DOWD GENEALOGY. 4638. LIEUTENANT HIRAM DOWD GAYLORD was an officer in Company A, Second Conn. Artillery. He died at Alexandria, Va., immolated on the altar of his country. He was a noble man, an excellent officer, and a good citizen. His loss was deeply felt and sincerely regretted. 464O. POLLY W. DOWD resides at Rolla, Mo., and is unmarried. 4630. ADELIA H. DOWD, wife of CAMPBELL McGREGOR, left one daughter, but her address we do not know. 8920 ESTHER ADELIA MCGREGOR, b. 1856. 463 1 . JOSEPH S. DOWD resides at Rolla, Mo. He seems to pos- sess excellent business qualities and is a man of prominence in the community. He has four children. 8921 ADELIA H., b. 1860; Rolla, Mo. 8922 HEM AN S., b. 1863; 8923 FRANCIS EDWIN, b. 1867; Rolla, Mo. 8924 MALVINA AMANDA, b. 1874; " 463S. FRANCIS E. DOWD seems to be engaged in the lumber trade and real estate business. He is unmarried. 4633. HEMAN DOWD resides in Rolla, Mo., and is unmarried. 46S3 1 . WILLIAM SUTTON resides at Bancroft, Shiawassee Co., Mich. Our information of him is very limited. He has no issue. * 4634. MARY SUTTON (M RS . DARWIN D. KIMBALL) resides at Smith, St. Glair Co., Mich. She has four children. 8925 ELLEN ADELIA KIMBALL, b. 1853, d. 1858. 8926 CHARLES HARVEY " b. 1856; m. 1875, Agnes Mackey. 8927 EVA FIDELIA " b. 1861; m. 1880, Lansing H. Carl. 8928 BERTIE ALONZO " b. 1867. GENERATION IX. 203 HORACE SUTTON resides at Richmond, Macomb Co., Mich. We have no information of any descendants. 405 r. CHARLES SUTTON resides at Richmond, Macomb Co., Mich. His three boys live with him in the same place. 8936 JOHN R. SUTTON, b. 1860; Richmond, Macomb Co., Mich. 8937 ELMER V. " b. 1868; " 8938 CHARLES S. " b. 1874; ELIZA JANE SUTTON (MRS. WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN) resides at Richmond, Macomb Co., Mich. She has four children. 8939 ELLA A. SUTPHIN, b. 1862; Richmond, Macomb Co., Mich. 8940 ARTHUR E." b. 1866; 8941 JENNIE " . twins, b. 1868 ; Richmond, " 8942 JESSIE This record is indebted to Mr. Sutphin for all the items of the Sutton families. GEORGE W. SUTPHIN lives at New Haven, Macomb Co., Mich. He had one son. BY MARIA CARL. 8943 EBEN J. SUTTON, b. 1860; New Haven, Macomb Co., Mich. 400O. DANIEL SUTTON lives at New Haven, Macomb Co., Mich., with his family of four boys and four girls. 8944 WILLIAM T. SUTTON, b. 1865; New Haven, Mich. 8945 OLIVE A. " b. 1867, d. 1873. 8946 JAMES H. b. 1869; New Haven, Mich. 8947 EVA M. " b. 1872; 8948 DANIEL " b. 1874; " " 8949 KITTIE M. " b. 1876; " Of REUBEN CHAPIN, we know no more than appears against his marginal number. HENRY H. DOWD lives at Hartford, Mich. 10362| ROY A., b. 1884. GENERATION IX. 235 JEFFERSON S. DOWD lives at Hartford, Van Buren Co., Mich., with his fine family of four boys and three girls. His chil- dren are: 10363 DANIEL H., b. 1867. 10364 SARAH E., b. 1869. 10365 WFLLARD F., b. 1870. 10366 MARY B.. b. 1872. 10367 MABEL E., b. 1875. 10368 ARTHUR J., b. 1877. 10369 HAROLD W., b. 1880. S8SJ4. MARY LOUISA (DOWD) (MBS. ALFRED H. BROWN) lives at Hartford, Mich. Her children are: 10370 ELLA V. BROWN, b. 1858, d. 1864. 10371 HENRY A. " b. 1862; m. 1883, Nettie May. 10372 MARY MARENA BROWN, b. 1865. 10373 CLARA B. b. 1869. 10374 FRANK H. " b. 1872. 10375 JOHN AUSTIN " b. 1874. 10376 LUCY MAY " b. 1876. 10377 VILORA CAROLINE " b. 1878. All the children reside at Hartford, Mich. ALFRED F. DOWD resides at North Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y. He is Superintendent of the Sunday school, and an elder in the church. He is deeply interested in all matters that pertain to the well being of community. He is genial and hospitable. In his delightful home, with lovely wife and blooming daughter, there is an atmosphere of contentment which it is very invigorating to inhale. The record of this branch of the family (as has been said elsewhere, in this record), was collected and forwarded mainly by him. The writer recalls, with a great deal of pleasure, the hospi- tality of his home which he enjoyed in the Fall of 1884, and the four days' ride he gave him, through Wolcott, Red Creek, Victory, Cato, Mexico, New Haven, Scriba, Oswego, etc., visiting many of the descendants of Henry Doude, which swarmed in that locality. It was a trip long to be remembered. Nor does he forget the services in the Presbyterian church in the village of Huron, when 236 DOWD GENEALOGY. the writer was informed that nearly sixty in his audience were descendants of this line. Mr. and Mrs. A Ifred Dowd received a heavy blow in the loss of their lovely boy at the interesting age of eight years. Yet they realized the "Lord gave and the Lord has taken away," while in humble resignation they could say "the will of the Lord be done." The daughter expects to enter some Ladies' Seminary this Fall, the better to fit her for life's responsibilities and work. 10378 ELLIE M., b. 1865. 10379 D. DEWEY, b. 1870, d. 1878. DR. WILLIAM E. DOWD was captain and acting surgeon in Regiment, Company K, of Michigan Volunteers. He died in camp at Louisville, Ky. We understand his son inherits the ster- ling qualities of his father. 10380 ELMER W., b. 1861; m. 1883, Laura Reynolds. The son's address is Tipton, Cedar Co., la. SARAH ELIZABETH DOWD resides at Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y. She is an active, energetic, intelligent woman, and is a doctor of electricity. CHARLES H. DOWD was at Miles City, Mo., at the last re- port, but it is understood that he is not permanently located there. His wife died in 1879, without issue. ANGELINE J. (DOWD), the widow of LUTHER BARROWS, is reported as being in Alexandria, La., but we have been unable to communicate with her. It is also reported that she had a daughter who married Frank Barrows of the same place. 10381 A DAUGHTER; m. Frank Barrows. FRANKLIN H. DOWD lives at Grand Haven, Mich. He has no issue. GENERATION IX. 237 ALICE AMELIA (DOWD), widow of JOHN DENTON, re- sides at Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Mich. Her children live in the same place. 10390 MARY ALICE DENTON, b. 1862; m. 1879, Thomas Cooper. 10391 CHARLES EDWARD " b. 1869. 10392 MARIA AMELIA " b. 1875. 10398 NELLIE ELIZABETH " b. 1876. 5833. HARRISON WATSON DOWD lives at Kalkaskia, Kalkaskia Co., Mich. The loss of his only son and child during the present year, is a most afflictive blow. He was 17 years of age. 10394 GEORGE HERBERT, b. 1868, d. 1885. 5834. HENRY DOWD is a very active, energetic man. He resides at Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y. He has two sons. 10395 G. BRAINARD, b. 1853; m. 1873, Mary Conner. 10396 ARTHUR, b. 1857; m. 1877, Anna Copeland. 13833. ORSON DOWD lives at New Genesee, Whiteside Co., 111. His children are: 10397 SIDNEY O., b. 1871, d. 1872. 10398 ELSIE L., b. 1874. 10399 JUDSON O., b. 1877. 10400 STELLA M., b. 1880, d. 1880. 3836. LUCINDA (DOWD), who married AMMON VERNOY, left a family of four children. 10401 STEPHEN VERNOY, b. 1855; m. 1881, Mary Houston. 10402 ALINDA " b. 1857; m. 1882, Andrew Eckart. 10403 ELLA " b. 1860; m. 1882, Willie Hall. 10404 AUGUSTA " b. 1863. GILBERT DOWD was in the civil war. He now resides at Durand, Pepin Co., Wis. He preaches as occasion demands, but 238 DOWD GENEALOGY. we understand he does not follow it as a profession. His children are: 10405 CARRIE M., b. 1868. 10406 CHARLES W., b. 1870. 10407 GILBERT, JR , b. 1872. S83O. ELLEN (DOWD) (MRS. JUDSON JONES) resides in Wolcott, N. Y. She has a large family of children, who reside in Wolcott, N. Y. 10408 EVERANCE JONES, b. 1862, d. 1868. 10409 GILBERT M. " b. 1864. 10410 HUGH L. " b. 1866. 10411 LEWELLYN " b. 1869. 10412 GAY A. 1). 1873. 10413 S. BYRD b. 1877. 10414 SIDNEY Z. " b. 1880. 10415 CARRIE E. " b. 1883. SIDNEY (DOWD) was in the civil war, and was killed in the battle of G-aines Mills, Va. 15841. CATHARINE (DOWD) (MRS. AARON SOURS) lives in Huron. N. Y. She is located on a very pleasant and productive farm in that quiet village. Her children are: 10416 WILLIE G. SOURS, b. 1871, d. 1871. 10417 IRVIN H. " b. 1853. 10418 IDAM. " b. 1880. RHODA N. (DOWD) (MRS. JOHN B. BUCK) resides at La Plata, Macon County, Mo. She has six children. HOMER D. BUCK, b. 1869, d. 1871. ' STEPHEN S. " b. 1873. HARRIET E. " b. 1876. WILLIAM H. " b. 1879. CHARLES E. " b. 1881. LEORA E. " b. 1883. MARY DERBY had one child by each husband. Her first husband was killed in the war. GENERATION IX. 239 i BY JACOB SOURS. 10425 JENNIE I. SOURS, b. 1862. BY ELISHA KING. 10426 WILLIE KING, b. 1867. Jennie Sours changed her name to Jennie King, and now lives at Keeney settlement, Courtland County, N. Y. 5844. MARY ANN (DERBY) (MBS. BARNY TERBUSH) lives at Sprague, Lincoln Co., Wash. Ter. She lost three of her children. 10427 DELLIE TERBUSH, b. 1864, d. 1868. 10428 LEVI " b. 1868, d. 1870. 10429 DON " b. 1871, d. 1872. 10430 CHARLIE " b. 1875. 10431 CLIFFORD " b. 1879. GEORGE W. DOWD lives at Wolcott, N. Y. He had no children by DELIA PETTYS, his first wife. He had: BY MARY JONES. 10432 MYRTIE F., b. 1869. 10433 MARIAM, b. 1870. 10434 MINNIE F., b. 1871, d. 1872. 10435 JOHN W., b. 1873, d. 1874. 10436 LEE H., b. 1876. S840. LUCY ANN (DOWD) (MRS. HENRY PADDOCK) lives at Wolcott, N. Y. She has one son who resides at the corner of Washington and Ellen streets, Rochester, N. Y. 10437 FRANK PADDOCK, b. 1862. HARRIET DOWD (MRS. CHRISTOPHER WILDER) lives at Tekansha, Calhoun County, Mich. She has no issue. 5848. JUDSON H. (DOWD) was in the Civil War. He is a fanner, and resides at Wolcott, N. Y. His children are: 210 DOtt'D GENEALOGY. 10445 MABEL E., b. 1872. 10446 EMMA W., b. 1878. 10447 LEE F., b. 1879. AN INFANT, b. 1884, d. 1884. MINNIE (DOWD) (Mss. WILL QUEAREAU) has her P. 0. address at Loomisville, Wayne County, N. Y. Her children are: 10449 SABRA A. QUEAREAU, b. 1873. 10450 ELIOT " b. 1875. JOHN DOWD lives at East Lee, Mass., where he has a paper mill. This anecdote is told of him as happening when he was about 16 years old: He left his work for half a day to go a fishing. He caught 197 trout, which he sold for a dollar. He gave his employer twenty cents for his time and pocketed the remaining eighty cents. His family reside in the same town. The daughter is unfortunate, being nearly blind. 10451 EDWARD J., b. 1853; m. 1874, Laura E. McLaughlin. 10452 GEORGE WALTER, b. 1855, d. 1871. 10453 MARY E., b. 1858. 10454 JOHN M., b. I860, d. 1863. 10455 RUFUS N., b. 1865. 10456 WOLCOTT S., b. 1873. REX J. DOWD resides in Beloit, Wis., and is in the manu- facturing business. He is a deacon in the church, a teacher in the Sunday-school, president of the Young Men's Christian Association, and is active and energetic, not only in business, but all church work, and those things which pertain to the well being of the community. His children are: 10457 HOWARD, b. 1863, d. 1864. 10458 GLENVILLE A., b. 1868. 10459 ROBERT IRVING, b. 1870. VALINA L. (DOWD) (MRS. SAMUEL P. SUMMERS) resides at Berrien Springs, Berrien County, Mich. Her husband was in the Civil War. Her children all reside in the same town. Her children are: GENERATION IX. 241 10460 PERRY B. SUMMERS, h. 1868. 10461 FRANCANIA A. SUMMERS, b. 1870. 10462 GERTRUDE " b. 1871. 10463 BERTHA C. b. 1873. 10464 FOSTER F. " b. 1876, d. 1878. 10465 ADDIE " b. 1880. CHARLOTTE A. (DOWD) (MRS. FRANKLIN M. ZANE) resides at Pipestone, Mich. Her husband was in the Civil War. Her children are: 10466 EMMA V. ZANE, b. 1866. 10467 CHARLES H. " b. 1869. 10468 WALTER B. " b. 1871, d. 1872. MARVIN H. DOWD is unmarried, and resides at Pipestone, Mich. and JERUSHA ADELIA (DOWD) and JOHN H. MANLEY reside at West Otis, Mass. They have no issue. HENRY SHELDON MANLEY resides at Montville, Mass. He is a Justice of the Peace, and also Deputy Sheriff. He has but one son. 10469 EDWARD ALBERT MANLEY, b. 1858; m. 1880, Mary L. Merrill. WARREN DOWD MANLEY lives at West Otis, Mass. We are ignorant of his descendants. MARGARET C. (HASTINGS) (MRS. L. C. SHELDON) resides in Suffield, Conn. Her husband is a prominent man in the community. The family is very genial, social, friendly, as the writer can testify from experience. 10475 LUCIA M. SHELDON, b. 1868. 10476 ELSIE J. " b. 1871. 10477 MARY L. " b. 1872. 31 242 DOWD GENEALOGY. 5804. HEMAN DOWD HASTINGS resides in Suffield, Conn., and is a farmer. He is full of energy and activity. He has three children. 10478 ANNA HASTINGS, b. 1874. 10479 NINA " b. 1876. 10480 GEORGE MARVIN HASTINGS, b. 1878. ANN ELIZABETH (BARBER) (MRS. JOHN N. SCHNEI- DER) lives at Piano, 111. She has had six children, but has lost all but two. 10481 MABY E. SCHNEIDER, b. 1848; m. 1872, John N. Schneider. 10482 LAURA " b. 1850, d. 1851. 10483 MARTHA J. b. 1852; m. 1871, J. E. Turpin. 10484 MARIA F. " b. 1854.. d. 1883. 10485 WILL F. " b. 1856, . GROVENOR G. BUNCE resides at Logan, Harrison Co., Iowa. He has a daughter born in 1883, but her name was not given. 1 033 8. EDMUND E. WHITE lives at Eau Claire, Wis. He was in the Civil War. His children were: BY ELIZABETH J. ELLIOTT. 12254 ROSA NELL WHITE, b. 1868. BY MARY E. BICKNELL. 12255 HARRIET AMANDA WHITE, b. 1878. 12256 LOTTIE MAY " b. 1882. 1 O33O. ROBERT HENRY WHITE resides at Kingston, N. Y. His children are: GENERATION X. 283 12258 Lois OTIS WHITE, b. 1874, d. 1874. 12259 ALICE ETTIE " b. 1875. 12260 BENJAMIN H. " b. 1883. 1 Oi* 4O. HARTLEY ENSIGN WHITE lives at 30th and California Sts., Omaha, Neb. His children are: 12261 HARTLEY PERCIVAL WHITE, b. 1880. 12262 JOSIE AMANDA " b. 1882. 12263 LUCY MAY " b. 1883. 1 034 1 . GEORGE NEWTON WHITE lives at Fitchville, Huron Co., 0. His children are : 12264 NELLIE MAY WHITE, b. 1880. 12265 LILLIE ARILLA " b. 1882. 1 O34S. HATTIE AMELIA WHITE (MRS. JULIUS C. WARD) resides at Fitchville, Huron Co., 0. Her children are: 12267 FRANK ERNEST WARD, b. 1878. 12268 SHERMAN EVERETT WARD, b. 1883. SARAH A. SHEPHERD (Mas. EDGAR B. WAUD) resides at Cato, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Her children are: 12280 JOSEPH E. WAUD, b. 1874. 12281 CLARENCE " b. 1877. 12282 WILLIE " b. 1880, d. 1883. 10334. ALICE E. SHEPHERD (MBS. GARDNER B. SWEET) resides at Cato, Cayuga Co., N. Y. She has one child. 12285 HOWARD L. SWEET, b. 1881. lOST'l. HENRY A. BROWN resides at Hartford, Van Buren Co., Mich. He has one child. 12286 WALTER BROWN, b. 1884. 284 DOWD GENEALOGY. 1 OJ59O. MARY ALICE DENTON (MRS. THOMAS COOPER) resides at Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Mich. She has one child. 12300 ETHEL MAY COOPER, b. 1881. GEORGE BRAIN ERD DOWD lives at Wolcott, N. Y. He has had one child. 12305 CHARLES H., b. 1880, d. 1880. 1O396. ARTHUR DOWD lives at Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y. He has one child. 12306 FLORETTA LUCINDA, b. 1878. 1 04O 1 . STEPHEN VERNOY lives at Wolcott, N. Y. His children are: 12307 EVALLNA VERNOY, b. 1882, d. 1883. 12308 LUCINDA " b. 1884, d. 1884 1 04OS. ALINDA VERNOY (MRS. ANDREW ECKART) lives at North Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y. She has one child. 12309 FRANK H. ECKART, b. 1883. 1 04O3. ELLA VERNOY (Mus. WILLIE HALL) resides at Wolcott, N. Y. She has one child. 12310 ERNEST C. HALL, b. 1883. 1 . EDWARD J. DOWD lives at East Lee, Mass. His children are: 12320 BLANCHE H., b. 1875. 12321 FLORENCE L., b. 1877, d. 1880. 12322 GRACE L., b. 1882. GENERATION X. 285 EDWARD ALBERT MANLEY resides at Montville, Mass. Hi? children are: 12330 ROY EDWARD MANLEY, b. 1881. 12331 PEARL LUCINA " b. 1882. MARY E. SCHNEIDER (MRS. JOHN N. SCHNEIDER) lives at Yorkville, 111. She has two children. 1233H CORA H. SCHNEIDER, b. 1873. 12332 FREDERIC T. " b. 1878. 104853. MARTHA J. SCHNEIDER (MRS. J. E. TURPIN) resides at Piano, 111. Her children are: 12333 KATE M. TURPIN, b. 1872. 12334 EDDIE 12334 MILO 12335 INFANT, b. 1884, d. 1884. 1 O49S. OTIS N. BALDWIN is a photographer, and resides at Clarks- ville, Mo. He has one child. 12340 ETTA ESTELLE BALDWIN, b. 1884. 1 O4OG. ESTELLE BALDWIN (MRS. WILLIAM P. WALLACE) resides at Clarksville, Mo. 1 OS 1 O. ESTHER ROWLAND (MRS. JASPER CLARK) lives at Sheldon, O'Brien County, la. Her children are: 12346 ELMER H. CLARK, b. 1866. 12347 ELVIN F. " b. 1868. 12348 ELLA V. " b. 1869, d. 1877. 12349 ELNORA A. " b. 1873. 1 OS 1 !^. WILLIAM ROWLAND resides "at Strawberry Point, Iowa. His children are: 12350 CLARENCE U. ROWLAND, b. 1875. TJWl UNA B. " b. 1877. 12352 NELLIE M. " b. 1879. FLOKA M. " b. 1881. 286 GENERATION X, 3. 10314. 103 IT. ELIZABETH ROWLAND (Mus. BENJAMIN TAYLOR) lives in Omaha, Neb.; ARVILLA HOWLAND (MBS. OLIA^ER DRAKE) lives in Adair. Adair County, Mo.; JULIA HOW- LAND (MRsJ. NELSON PARSONS) lives in Strawberry Point, Iowa. 1O8OO. MARY JANE CORN WELL (widow of BRAINERD PER- KINS) resides in Hartford, Conn. She has one child. 12360 FRANCES MAKY PERKINS, b. 1868. 1O8O1. FRANCES ADELIA CORNWELL (MRS. FRKD H. BISHOP) lives in Woonsocket, R. I. Her husband is the general agent and treasurer of a sewing machine company. She had one child. 12361 OLIVE COEY BISHOP, b. 1877, d. 1881. 1 OOO 1 . M. AUGUSTA FAY (MRS,- FRANK TREAT) lives in Alid- dletown, Conn. She has one child. 12365 HARRY LEE TREAT, b. 1883. 1 1 384. ALMINA E. HULL (MRS. JOHN YOUNG) has one child. 12368 EUGENE B. YOUNG, b. 1884. SARAH JANE WATROUS (MBS. EDWARD BRODERICK) has one child. 12370 JOHN BRODERICK, b. 1882. 1 1 83 1 . NELLIE STONE (MRS. FREDERIC BENTLEY) has two children. 12375 FLOYD J. BENTLEY, b. 1877. 12376 ANNIE E. " b. 1880. WAR RECORD. THE DOUD8 AND DOWDS. 1270 Timothy, Civil War. 1791* 3494 Alfred, War of 1812. Arthur, Civil War. 3507 2881 Wilbur, William, (Captain in English 752 Asahel, War of 1812. Army). 4605 7814 Benjamin -R , Civil War. Bradford W., 5827 3408 William E., Civil War. William W,, 2416 Chandler T., 3608 William W., 1244 Chauncey (Corp.) War of 3738 Willis A., 1812. 2419 Clinton B., Civil War. NAMES OTHER THAN DOWD. 3742 Corydon P., " 3665 Atkins, George, Civil War. 219 Eber, Revolutionary " 5867 Barber, George N. " 228 " " " 5201 Brock, David, " 1020| Ebin, War of 1812. 5199 William, 440 Elihu, Revolutionary War. 5885 Bullock, Jerry, " 3506 Fletcher, Civil War. 10332 Bunce, Hiram A., " 622 Gaylord, War of 1812. 5820 Chapin, Stephen, " 5837 Gilbert, Civil War. 54-26 Church, Henry A., " 83 Giles (Capt.) Queen Anne's 5316 Cook, Truman D., " War 1624 Cramton, Abel, " 1272 Hamilton, Civil War. 4103 Dresser, Edwin E. , " 3477 Henry M. ( " 4638 Gay lord, Hiram (Lieutenant), 19 Jacob, Queen Anne's War. Civil War. 3239 James E., Civil War. 5662 Gedney, Rosamond, U. 8. N. 2646 James N., " 5185 Gibson, Adriel, Civil War. 6 Jeremiah, Pequod War. 5350 Heard, Alonzo R., " 1020 John, War of 1812. 5422 Parsons, Newton W., " 5100 Judson H., Civil War. 5906 Potter, John S., 5848 " " " 3366 Prime, Henry L. , " 231 Lemuel, Revolutionary War. 4049 Scranton, Jonathan S.Lieut., 794 Lester, War of 1812. Civil War. 3474 MenzerF., Civil War. 2286 Wilcox, Alfred N., Civil 3743 MiloP., War. 798 Noah, War of 1822. 2003 Wilcox, Charles M. (Capt.), 6174 Philo H., Civil War. Civil War. 410 Richard, Revolutionary " 2285 Wilcox, Henry B. , Civil War. 5891 Samuel, Civil War. 2282 Wilcox, Joseph B., " 3609 Selden D., 2001 Wilcox, Vincent M. (Col.), 5840 Sidney, " Civil War. APPENDIX. In the mass of communications which the compiler has received, he has found traces of some lines of Dowds which he believes ought to be incorporated in this line, and yet hardly feels warranted in placing them in the body of the work. He therefore gives place to them here as being too valuable to be lost, and in the belief that investigation will prove them descendants of Henry. Ebenezer, No. 24, has not been traced, nor is there anything to show that he died young. There is a vague tradition that he went South. The following may be from this source. Cornelius Doud lived in North Carolina, and was for twenty years clerk of the court there. He had several sons. One was Samuel, b. 1760, d. 1848. His son Atlas Samuel, was born in 1815; and his son John W. lives in Durham, N. C. The Hon. Clement Doud, late M. C. from North Carolina, and John Doud, Superintendent of the schools of Toledo, 0., are of this line. Many branches of this line may be found through all the Southern States. Another line is that of Leander L. Doud of Norwalk, 0. His father was Samuel, b. 1813, d. 1880, a local preacher. His grand- father was Solomon, b. 1776, d. 1849; m. 1799, Polly Scott. He moved from the East, tradition says Massachusetts. The children of this Solomon were: Hiram, b. 1800; Sally Ann, Laura Per- melia, Nancy Eliza, b. 1811, d. 1883; Samuel, b. 1813, d. 1880; John James, b. 1815; Mary Ann, b. 1819; Eunice Ann, b. 1822, and Lucy Maria, b. 1827. I have not been able to communicate with any .of this line except Leander L., above. We believe them to be of this stock. We desire to call especial attention to the case of Miss Laura Dowd of 26 Meigs street, Rochester, N. Y. The following is an extract from her letter of November 16, 1884: " I am an orphan and was born in Mobile, Ala., in the year 1865. When I was abaut three years old, my father and mother went to GENEKATION X. 289 Para (S. A.), where, a short time afterward they died, leaving my- self and a brother two years younger than I among perfect stran- gers. Then my brother, by the name of William Dowd, and myself, were separated. From that place, I was brought to New York by persons entire strangers to me. I have been trying for a long time to find whether I have relatives living but have not succeeded yet. If in the course of your search yoa. should find any person by the name of Dowd in Mobile, Ala., or surrounding country, would you be kind enough to write me, and by so doing, you will confer on me a great favor." The Southern Doud's, who are evidently of Ebenezer the son of John and grandson of Henry, may be of this line, and Miss Laura Dowd may be of that branch. 37 INDEX OF THOSE BEARING THE DOWD NAME, [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Aaron, 1023| Albert, 2860 A lonzp, 2579 Aaron, 2605 Albert, 2882 Alonzo, 3318 Abbie, 7902 Albert, 3235 Alpha M., 5102 Abigail, 94 Albert, 3495 Alvah, 1023 Abigail, 482 Albert, 3705 Alvin, 6136 A bigail, 1614 Albert, 6144 Alvin B., 2410 Abigail F., 1430 Albert A., 8483 Alvira, 1863 Abigail J., 458 Albert B., 4116 A ma, 793 Abigail J., 459 Albert H., 6850 Amanda, 1248 Abigail S., 1261 Albertie, 7522 Amanda, 3697 Abner H., 1461 Albert J., 1843 Amantha, 3454 Abraham, 13, 16 Albert M , 6117 Amasa, 504 Abraham, 21 Albigence, 1143 Amasa, 3317 Abraham, 56 Albro T., 3684 Amasa J., 1424 Abraham, 87 Albyn E , 12091 A melia, 3322 Abraham A., 649 Alcander, 6952 Amos, 90 Achilles, 1464 Alford, 3233 Amos, 95 Ada E., 7412 Alfred, 11*1* Amos, 804 Ada E., 7906 Alfred, 3492 Amos A., 6179 Adaline, 1181 Alfred F., 5826 Amy, 236 Adaline, 1893 Alfred G., 1646 Amy, 760 Adaline E., 2641 Alice, 6280| Amy, 1186 Addie M., 11860 Alice, 10747 Amy A., 1241 Addie W., 8854 Alice A., 5832 Andrew C., 2413 Adelbert, 8533 Alice E., 6251 Angeline, 1428 Adelbert H., 3746 Alice E., 6852 Angeline, 3330 Adelia, 1612 Alice M., 4098 Angeline J., 5830 Adelia E., 2506 Alice M., 7473 Angenora, 3603 Adelia H., 4650 Alice P., 6162 Angie, 8884 Adelia H., 8921 Almeron, 1421 Ann, 3734 Adelia I., 2640 Almeron, 4086 Ann C., 4603 Adoniram, 802 Almira, 1607 Ann E., 4065 A. Florence, 7804 Almira, 1892 Ann E., 4109 Agnes E., 8881 Almon L., 2415 Ann L , 5003 Alanson, 2329 Alnora, 7851 Anna, 226 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I i? 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.J Anna, 414 Asa, 1223 Betsey, 647 Anna, 803 Asa, 466 Betsey, 800 Anna, 1010 Asa, 6204 Betsey, 809 Anna, 1112 Asahel, 752 Betsey, 1008 Anna, 1606 Asahel, 2304 Betsey, 1182 Anna, 3102 Asenath, 337 Betsey, 1230 Anna D., 3335 Asenath, 2340 Betsey, 1610 Anna E., 2582 Atelia, 1006 Betsey,. 3614 Anna J., 6309 Augustus, 500 Billy, 501 Anna L., 4170 Augustus F., 1425 Birch, 3510 Anna M., 2863 Augustus, 3699 Blanche H., 12320 Anne, 422 Augustus, 4019 Bradford W , 7814 Anne, 424 Augustus M., 4064 Brayton, 3327 Annie L, 7699^- Augustus F., 4111 Brinton, 3509 Annie M., 6127 Augustus F., 4113 Brown, 6116 Annie M., 7472 Aurelia, 294 Browne, 10651 A nsel, 2431 Aurelia, 3300 Bruce E , 7811 Anson, 6138 Austin, 1411 Brunson, 3503 Anson F., 1194 Azubah, 625 Burdette, 8885 Anson S., 2412 Azubah, 4176 Antoinette 3332 Calvin, 1157 A rabella, 3511 Barnes, 1195$ Calvin W, 6951 A ram in ta. 1197 Bela P., 1897 Caroline, 1434 A raminta, 3493 Belle A., 5137 Caroline, 2576 Arden, 2429 Benajah, 1246 Caroline, 2851 Armenia, 2406 Benajah A., 7850 Caroline, 3047 Arnold B., 7846 Benjamin, 80 Caroline, 3314 Artemas, 2409 Benjamin, 412 Caroline, 4202^ Arthur, 3494 Benjamin, 508 Caroline, 8412 Arthur, 7404 Benjamin, 1021| Caroline A., 4012 A rthur, 10396 Benjamin, 10261 Caroline B., 3715 Arthur C., ' 8544 Benjamin, 1110 Carrie, 6851 Arthur D., 8480 Benjamin, 1441 Carrie, 7404 Arthur E., 5241, '48 Benjamin, 1442 Carrie, 7892 Arthur E., 7405 Benjamin, 2319 Carrie A, 6854 Arthur E., 7922 Benjamin, 3100 Carrie E., 5210 Arthur H., 5176 Benjamin, 6137 Carrie E., 6902 Arthur H., 6308 Benjamin C., 2407 Carrie L., 5172 Arthur H., 7698 Benjamin C., 2437 Carrie L., 6250 Arthur J., 10368 Benjamin R , 4605 Carrie L., 10653 Arthur T., 7062 Bertha J., 7483 Carrie M., 10406 Arthur V., 7415 Bertha M., 10346 Carrie R., 4163 Arvilla, 3232 Bertha N., 8479 Carroll E., 5211 Arvilla, 3508 Betsey, 296 Catherine, 1435 Asa, 89 Betsey, 336 Catherine, 5841 INDEX OF DOWD NAME. 293 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 600 to 1399, VII from 1400 to .3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376. J Catherine B.. 8505 Charlotte, 1154 Cordelia J., 3690 Catherine J., 4151 Charlotte, 2317 Cornelia, 1450 Catherine M., 4747 Charlotte, 2571 Cornelia L., 3339 Catherine R., 4138 Charlotte, 3237 Cornelius, 15 Cecil S., 8600 Charlotte A., 5856 Cornelius, 59 Celia J.. 4620 , 4198 Charlotte C., 4115 Cornelius, 63 Celina B., 2338 Charlotte P , 1847 Cornelius, 801 Chandler, 267 Chauncey, 1158 Cornelius S., 3050 Chandler, 2416 Chauncey, 1244 Cornwell, 77 Chandler, 3454 Chauncey, 1462 Cornwell, 401 Charity, 1205 Chauncey, 3315 Cornwell, 408 Charity, 5849 Chauncey B., 2417 Cornwell, 1070 Charles, 1877 Chester, 792 Cornwell, 1073 Charles, 3702 Chester, 1245 Cornwell, 2883 Charles, 4136 Chester, 2664 Corydon B., 3737 Charles, 4196 Chester S. r 6140 Corydon J., 3731 Charles, 7401 Chloe, 91 Corydon P., 3742 Charles, 7409 Chloe. 233 Curtis F., 4096 Charles, 7821 Chloe, 477 Curtis W.,. 4154 Charles, 10702 Chloe, 601 Cynthia, 536 Charles A., 1402 Chloe R , 1804 Cynthia, 2404 Charles A., 4088 Christopher H., 7803 Cyrus, Charles A., 4135 Clara A., 6312 Charles A., 6901 Clara D,, 8534 Daniel, 405 Charles E., 4159 Clara J., 7475 Daniel, 756 Charles ., 4206 Clara M., 5825 Daniel, 1052 Charles P.. 4056 Clara M., 7921 Daniel, 1071 Charles G., 3301 Clara M., 4502 Daniel, 2307 Charles G., 6953 Clara M., 9502 Daniel, 2507 Charles H., 1440 Clarence C., 10860 Daniel A., 6122 Charles H., 5829 Clarie E , 5212 Daniel B., 1463 Charles H., 8567 Clarinda, 1024. Daniel B., 2850 Charles H., 12305 Clarissa, 1075 Daniel H., 1601 Charles J., 7879 Clarissa, 1152 Daniel H., 4600 Charles M., 2864 Clarissa, 3616 Daniel H., 10363 Charles M., 4094 Clarissa A., 1422 Daniel W., 5806 Charles M., 10406 Clarissa J., 2500 David, 20 Charles N., 8477 ("lay ton W., 11858 David, 78 Cliarles R., 8882 Clinton B., 2419 David, 423 Charles S., 8851 Clyde W., 10347 David, 425 Charles T., 7808 Collins A., 3470 David, 456 Charles W., 4015 Content, 264 David, 481 Charlie W., 10345 Cora A., 5138 David, 613 Charlotte, 301 Cora M., 5484 David, 114.-) Cha rlotte, 1148 Cordelia A., 3716 David, 3236 294 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I ie 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 84CO to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] David D., 1419 ; Edward A., 4203 ' Elizabeth A., 4602 David D., 3242 Edward C., 12093 Elizabeth K , 1466 David D., 4087 Edward J., 10451 Elizur, 1262 David L., 1263 ] Edward L., 1629 Elizur D., 3802 David S., 1806, 1831 i Edward P., 4085 Ella A., 10861 D. Denton, 4084 ; Edward W., 8472 Ella F., 5136 D. Dewey, 10379 Edwin, 1420 Ella M., 7479 Delia, 1188 , Edwin, 3714 Ella R., 6954 Delia, 1445 Edwin A., 4091 Ella W., 8571 Delia, 7408 Edwin B., 4197 Ellen, 5839 Delia C., 3401 Edwin B., 6100 Ellen A., 4121 Delia M., 4090 Edwin R., 4016 Ellen C., 7827 Desire, 82 Eleanor, 614 Ellen E., 4114 Desire, 234 Eleanor, 5815 Ellen M., 4195 De Witt, 3329 Eleanor A., 1851 Ellen R., 8488 Diantha, 291 < Eleazar, 1076 Ellie M., 10378 Didymus, 208 Eleazer G., 2891 Elmer A., 10344 Draper, 3455 Electa, 427 Elmer W., 10380 Electa, 2833 Elnora, 3687 Earl E., 7406 Eli, 806 Elsie L., 10398 Ebenezer, 10 Elihu, 440 Elvira. 3686 Ebenezer, 24 Elihu, 1191 Elvira' E., 6135 Ebenezer, 51 Elisha, 1151 Emeline, 1027 Ebenezer, 85 Eliza, 1403 Emiline, 1231 Ebenezer, 201 Eliza, 1635 Emily, 1627 Eber, 219 Eliza, 1636 Emily, 2310 Eber, 228 Eliza, 1835 Emily, 2332 Eber, 621 Eliza, 2400 Emily, 3048 Ebin, 1020* Eliza A., 4197$ Emily, 3730 Eddie W., 6164 Eliza A., 3230 Emily, 4067 Edgar, 6141 Eliza C., 2853 Emily, 5807 Edgar, 8850 : Eliza M., 1855 Emily V., 4097 Edgar C., 4070 Eliza R., 1842 Emma, 6123 Edgar S., 5000 Eliza R., 4034 Emma C., 4184 Edith C., 6178 Eliza R., 8473 Emma C., 6302 Edith H., 11402 i Elizabeth, 1 Emma J., 6425 Edmund, 3604 Elizabeth, 5 Emma J., S249& Edmund A., 3606 ; Elizabeth, 25 Emma K., 3051 Edna, 11401 Elizabeth, 65 Emma R., 4118 Edna M., 1858 Elizabeth, 71 Emma W., 10446 Edson, 3400 Elizabeth, 754 Enoch H., 1896 Edward, 333 Elizabeth, 1438 Eno J., 5117* Edward, 3376 Elizabeth, 2583 Era, 6263 Edward, 4181 Elizabeth, 4194| Erancy, 3502 Edward, 5122 Elizabeth A., 1801 Erastufi H., 8572 INDEX OF DOWI) NAME. 295 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Erastus S., 4153 Florence A., 12096 George, 2418 Ermie, 10703 Blorence M., 41.68 George, 2660 Ernest, 4148 Florence L., 12321 George, 4671 Ernest A., 8855 Floretta L., 12306 George A., 4035 Ernest L., 5175 Floyd, 7893 George B., 3718 Erwina, 3501 Frances E., 4652 George B., 7878 Esther, 72 Frances E., 8923 George B. W. 8538 Esther, 96 Frank, 4146 George C., 4042 Esther, 421 Frank, 4150 George C., 5132 Esther, 1190 Frank, 6303 George E., 2590 Esther, 2302 Frank C., 8455 George H., 7476 Esther, 2330 Frank E., 1861 George H., 10394 Esther A., 3615 Frank E., 4161 Geo. L., 1833 , 1849 Esther M., 3710 Frank E., 7810 George M., 651 Ethory, 292 Frank H., 7826 George M., 4678 Etta C., 8601 Frank L., 5135 George N., 5816 Etta L., 10306 Frank N., 7060 George S , 3340 Etta M., 5249^ Frank N., 5249^ George W., 2303 Eugene S., 2504 Frank S., 4668 George W., 3337 Eugene, 6900 Franklin, 2572 George W., 5845 Eunice, 532 Franklin, 2663 George W., 7699 Eunice, 612 Franklin A., 5133 George W., 10452 Eunice, 1073 Franklin B., 8481 George W., 11804 Eunice, 1602 Franklin EL., 5831 Georgeana, 3741 Eunice, 1866 Freddie, 10748 Georgeana, 4621 Evalina, 4033 Freddie R., 8853 Gertrude A., 3334 Evaline, 1232 Frederic, 1193 Gilbert, 5837 Evaline, 4089 Frederic, 1456 Gilbert, 10407 Eva M, 5249^ Frederic, 1458 Giles, 83 Eventus, 1196| Fredei'ic, 4119 Giles, 426 Ezra, 93 Frederic, 6318 Giles, 535 Ezra, 620 Frederic, .7891 Giles, 1153 Frederic L., 11871 Giles, 3610 Fanny, 4149 Frederic S., 5140 Glenville A., 10458 Fannie, 12020 Frederic T., 4072 Godard, 3688 Fannie E., 4175 Grace, 4066 Fanny, 1094 Galen, 506 Grace E., 5485 Fanny, 1409 Galen, 507 Grace L., 12322 Fanny, 1628 Galen, 1448 Grace P., 6177 Fanny B., 9702 Galen, 4177 Gracie, 7877 Fidelia M., 1810 Galen W., 4167 Gracie, 10349 Fidelia, 2331 Gardner, 1234 Guilford D., 3696 Fidelia T., 3698 Gay lord, 622 Guy, 6261 Fletcher, 3506 G. Brainard, 10395 Florence, 7817 George, 1409 Halsey F., 7903 296 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generation? run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from It w) 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Hamilton, 1472 Helen, 3685 Herman T., 1436 Hamilton, 1841 Helen, 12023 Hiram, 807 Hamilton B., 4205 Helen E., 7809 Hiram, 1185 Hannah, 23 Helen L., 3744 Hiram, 1935 Hannah, 88 Helen M., 3242 Hiram, 3312 Hannah, 402 Helen M., 7908 Hiram H., 3683 Hannah, 403 Helen M., 9701 Hiram J., 24O5 Hannah, 604 Heman, 753 Hiram M., 10650 Hannah, 1192 Heman, 1025 Hiram S., 1857 Hannah E., 1238 Heman, 1616 H. Josephine, 5337 Harmon, 5892 Heman, 2314 H. Merrill, 7800 Harmon D., 3695 Heman, 2315 Hobart, 2531 Harold W., 10389 Heman, 4653 Homer, 2426 Harriet, 1643 Heman, 4674 Homer, 2532 Harriet, 2414 Heman G., 4667 Homer C., 7880 Harriet, 5847 Heman S., 8922 Horace, .1400 Harriet A., 1449 Henrietta, 5001 Horace, 1611 Harriet A., 4059 Henrietta L., 7807 Horace, 2306 Harriet A., 6121 Henrietta M., 3740 Horace, 2896 Harriet B., 4166 Henriette, 3331 Horace, 3313 Harriet E., 5134 HENRY, 1 Horace H., 1431 Harriet F., 8482 Henry, 230 Horace M., 6161 Harriet L., 5800 Henry, 628 Hosmer E., 4615 Harriet L., 6185 Henry, 1443 Howard, 10457 Harriet M., 1423 Henry, 1871 Hubbard, 510 Harriet M., 5812 Henry, 2892 Hubert N., 3739 Harriet N., 4082 Henry, SOllf Hubert V., 7072 Harriet R., 10711 Henry, 3238 Hugh, 7852 Harriet T., 6301 Henry, 3701 Huldah, 298 Harriet TV., 4171 Henry, 4677 Huldah, 3735 Harriet W., 5833 Henry, 6319 Hyland, 2424 Harry, 1934 Henry, 5834 Hyland A., 10713 Harry, 7829 Henry A., 10546 Harry G., 8539 Henry C., 4152 Ida, 6207 Harry I., 12022 Henry H., 5822 Ida, 7400 Hart well, 3490 Henry L., 4092 Ida L., 7492 Harvey, 1150 Henry M., 4060 Ida M., 2408 Harvey, 1155 Henry M., 3477 Ida M., 5171 Harvey, 1236 Henry N., 4010 ; Ida P., 5207 Hattie, 6206 Henry N., 8404 Irena, 1864 Hattie A., 4672 Henry S., 1807 Irene, 1250 Hattie J., 9703 Henry W., 7581, 7696 Irvin, 3498 Helen, 2502 Henry W., 8485 Isaac, 22 Helen, 2533 Hepzibah, 262 Isaac, 92 Helen, 3326 Herbert A., 4155 Isaac, 430 INDEX OF DOWD NAME. 297 [The Ganorations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9 III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3993, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.1 Isaac, 441 Jemima, 654 Jonathan, 455 Isaac, 1 242 Jemima R 1850 Jonathan, - 1204 Isaac N., 1260 Jennie, 3316 Joseph, 12 Isabella, 2537 Jennie, 4021 Joseph, 52 Isadore, 7843 Jennie, 6114 Joseph, 207 Israel. 476 Jennie F., 6176 Joseph, 531 Jennie L., 7905 Joseph, 757, 790 Jacob. 4 Jennette A., 4173 Joseph, 1605 Jacob, 19 Jeremiah, 6 Joseph, 1634 Jacob, 73 Jeremiah, 64 Joseph, 4032 James, 1000 Jeremiah, 415 Joseph, 4675 James, 1018$ Jerusha, 1221 Joseph C., 8568 James, 1022 Jerusha A. , 5858,'59 Joseph D , 3010 James, 1144 Jerusha E. 1615 Joseph E., 8602 James, 7820 Jesse, 1001 Joseph F., 1437 James C., 6124 Jesse L., 6280 Joseph H., 6424 James E., 3239 Job, 223 Joseph L., 6181 James E., 6267 Job, 617 Joseph R., 4618 James G., 6118 Joel, 428 Joseph R., 1800 James H., 1471 Joel, 600 Joseph S., 4651 James H., 1832 Joel, 603 Joseph W., 1617 James H., 6180 Joel, 1604 Joseph W., 4669 James N., 2591 Joel, 3602 Josephine, 3320 James N., 2646 John, 3 Josephine, 5117 James R., 5002 John, 18 Josephine, 5850 James S., 7828 John, 66 Josephine E., 1898 James Y., 3732 John, 70 Josephine L., 6182 James W., ,5817 John, 328 Josie A., 5173 Jane, 60 John, 480 Joshua, 1226 Jane, 84 John, 1020 Judson H., 512 0, 5761 Jane. 3700 John, 1142 Judson H., 5848 Jane F., 8481|- John, 1265 Judson O., 10399 Jane L., 4095 John, 5852 Judson P., 5130 Jane ()., 3803 John, 12021 Julia, 1459 Jane R., 4057 John A., 3733 Julia, 6306 Jannette, 2505 John C., 2861 Julia A., 3805 Janna, 58 John C., 6280^ Julia A., 7856 Janna, 238 John G., 10657 Julia C., 7825 Jared, 2313 John L., 4054 Julia E., 2592 Jared F., 1609 John M., 4079 Julia E., 4147 Jason. 3704 John M., 10454 Julia E., 8486 Jasper E., 6113 John McB. D., 8403 Julia L., 1806, 1831 . Jefferson S., 5823 John McF. , 4165 Julia R., 4N4 Jehiel, 157 John S., 10548 Julia W., 4017 Jemima, 653 John W, 10435 Julia W., 8401 38 298 DOWl) GENEALOGY. [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Eoman numeral?. 1 if 1,11 from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1899, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12370.] Julius, 505 Lilian, 12095 Lucina, 1011 Julius A., 1426 Lillie B., 6143 Lucina, 6142 Julius N., 1416 Lillie B., 5215 Lucinda, 1608 Julius S., 1803 Lillie S., 7845 Lucinda, 1875 Lillisa, 3500 Lucinda, 2318 Katarine, 4137 Lizzie, 4020 Lucinda, 5836 Kate, 4202 Lofonso, 1869 Lucinda S., 2580 Katharine, 4601 Lois, 76 Lucretia, 1233 Kittie A., 8438 Lois, 605 Lucretia, 3661 Lois, 623 Lucy A., 4110 Laura, 1183 Lois, 1202 Lucy A., 5813 Laura, 2890 Lorena, 1009 Lucy A., 5846 Laura, 3682 Loraine, 3396 Lucy J., 2852 Laura, 6307 Lorenzo, 1196 Lucy M., 1853 Laura A., 2425 Lorenzo, 1868 Lucy M., 1065 Laura A., 3478 Lorenzo, 2510 Luella J., l;503 Laura A., 8864 Lorenzo T., 5141 Luella M., 7849 Laura C., 1427 Loretta, 1867 Lula, 8401 Laura C., 4775 Lori n da, 1873 Luman, 1266 Laura S., 1645 Lottie, 5224 Luther, 502 Lavina, 796 Lottie E., 10652 Luther S., 1092 Lavina, 1894 Louisa. 2336 Lydia, 203 Lee F., 10447 Louisa, 3456 Lydia, 232 Lee H., 10436 Louisa, 3703 Lydia, 616 Leila, 6320 Louisa C., 2578 Lydia, 797 Lemuel, 220 Louisa E., 6112 Lydia, r>39$ Lemuel, 231 Louisa H., 8454 Lydia E., 6119 Lemuel, 609 Louisa L., 7841 Lydia F., 6226 Lemuel W., 648 Louisa M., 3717 Lydia J., 1S4S Lena M., 8883 Louisa M , 4011 Lydia M., 3712 Lent, 770 Louisa M., 8402 Lyman, 533 Lent, 808 Louisa 1 J ., 1473 Lyman, 4716 Leora A., 9501 Louisa W., 6310 Le Roy, 3397 Louis, 7876 Mabel, 251 Leroy, 7413 Louis D., 7840 Mabel B., 11872 Lester, 794 Louis K., 7061 Mabel E., 10367 Letitia, 3496 Louis L., 5216 Mabel E., 10445 Levi, 2308 Louis L., 7904 Mabel L., 8570 Lewersha, 326 Love Jane, 3471 Maggie, 2597 Le\vis, 610 Lovisa, 1872 Maggie L., 10o48 Lewis A., 1859 .Loyal S., 7440 Malcolm P., 2506 Lewis B., 2862 Lucetta, 2573 Malcolm P., 6261^ Lewis H., 10547 Lucia E., 3719 Malvina A., 8924 Libbie H., 6168$ Lucian, 3499 Mamie, 4670 Libbie M., 7802 Lucien, 3680 Mamie, 5851 INDEX OF DOWD NAME. 299 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX iroin 84'JO to 11999, X from 12000 to 12370.] Manettie, 7521 Mary, 51 Mary E., 5893 Manfred, 1415 Mary, 68 Mary E., 7418 Manfred M., 4083 Mary, 81 Mary E., 8474 Manning, 3328 Mary, 205 Mary E., 8508 Manning, 3711 Mary, 406 Mary E., 10453 Marava, 300 Mary, 479 Mary E., 10621 Marcena, 268 Mary 1090 Mary E., 10862 Marcia A., . 1931 Mary. llll Mary F., 3472 Mareala, 335 Mary, 1149 Mary I , 3402 Margaret, 3613 Mary, . 1206 Mary. I., 5142 Margaret L., 6183 Mary, 1224 Mary J.. 1452 Margaret W , 6268 Mary, 2334 Mary J., 4204 Maria. 1239 Mary, 2584 Mary J.. 4746 Maria, 2570 Mary, 2895 Mary J., 6266J Maria, 3011 Mary, 2897 Mary L., 3692 Maria, 3491 Mary, 3101 Mary L., 5824 Maria E., 1840 Mary, 3321 Mary L., 6120 Maria H , 6426 Mary, 3398 Mary P., 10549 Maria L., 2501 Mary, 3850 Mary W., 1632 Maria S.. 4616 Mary, 5123 Mary W., 4071 Maria T., 1465 Mary, 5101 Matilda, 1849 , 1833 Marian J., 10433 Mary, 7819 Matilda, 1870 Marie C., 46n6 Mary A., 1467 Matilda, 2643 Marietta F., 4604 Mary A., 1613 Matthias F., 3475 Mariette, 2411 Mary A., 1808 Mattie, 10701 Mariette. 7815 Mary A., 1839 Maude A., 12092 Mariette C., 3336 Mary A., 1852 Maurice, 7839 Mariette E., 124H Mary A., 2503 May, 6139 M aril la. 2569 Mary A., 3231 Mehitable, 14 Marilla S., 3745 Mary A., 7477 Mehitable, 799 Marion, 4145 Mary A., 11803 Melinda, 1146 Marion L.. 12010 Mary A. C., 5853 Menger, 2595 Marshall, 6102 Mary B., 10363 Menger, 6264- Martha, 1225 Mary B., 10656 Menzer, 1195 Martha, 1644 Mary B,, 10659 Menzer F., 3474' Martha, 2894 Mary C., 4120 Menzer F., 7474 Martha, 3234 Mary C., 5213 Mercy, 57 Martha P., 4045 Mary E , 1444 Merab, 327 Martha L., 4158 Mary E., 2593 Mercy, 87 Martha W., 1453 Mary E.. 3706 Mercy A., 2337 Martin L., .1417 Mary E., 4014 Merritt C., 8506 Martin L., 8509 Mary E., 4080 Miles, 467 Marvin H., 5857 Mary E., 4676 Miles W., 2577 Mary, 8 Mary E , 5051 Millicent, 239 Mary, 17 Mary E., 5483 Milly, 484 300 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numeral?. 1 is 1. II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Milo P., 3743 Nelson, 1879 P. Henry, 1002 Mina A., 1418 Nettie C., 5217 Philena, 2511 Minerva, 1809 Newton, 2339 Philo, 2606 Minerva. 1874 Newton R., 6125 Philo E., 2594 Minerva E., 3689 Noah, 235 Philo H., 6174 Minnie, 7875 Noah, 269 Phineas, 1203 Minnie F., 10434 Noah, 798 Polly, 511 Minnie L., 6184 Nora L., '7805 Polly, 534 Minnie L., 11859 Polly, 626 Miriam W., 8478 0. Heman, 1405 Polly, 1050 M. Louise, 3338 Olive, 229 Polly, 1235 Monroy M., 3240 Olive, 302 Polly, 1455 Morris, 6111 Olive, 4051 Polly, 1862 Mortimer S., 5170 Oliver, 3009| Polly A., 1619 Morton, 6103 Oliver, 3009| Pollv A., 1836 Moses, 222 Oliver G., 1418 Polly B., 1930 Moses W., 1633 Olney B., 1838 Polly E., 3605 Munroe, 1237 Orpah, 1406 Polly R., 2644 Munson, 1003 Orpah, 1410 Polly W., 4649 Munson, 4068 Orren W., 3694 Prudence, 204 Myrtie E., 10432 Orrin, Orrin, 503 1021 Quincy L., 4039 Nancy, "1603 Orrin K., 4112 Rachel, 75 Nancy A., 2645 Orrin K., 4117 Rachel, 240 Nancy A., 4061 Orrin W., 1404 Rachel, 297 Nancy L., 4617 Orson, 5835 Rachel, Nancy M., 3476 Orson L., 2430 Rachel, 1408 Naomi S., 1077 Orson W., 3693 Rachel, 3607 Nathan, 5838 Oscar, 3512 Rachel L., 805 Nathan E., 1837 Oscar, 7818 Ralph B., 7407 Nathan H., 5101 Oscar, 7816 Randall F., 10655 Nathaniel, 2312 Osmund, 1187 Ransford, 3801 Nathaniel, 2316 Ravina M., 7491 Nathaniel B , 263 Pamelia, 1147 Rebecca, 9 Nathaniel B , 750 Pascal M., 5131 Rebecca, 67 Nathaniel S., 1460 Patience, 615 Rebecca, 332 Nellie, 3319 Peleg, 69 Rebecca, 1091 Nellie, 4715 Peleg, 33,1 Rebecca, 1192 Nellie, 5223 Peleg. 1004 Rene, 413 Nellie B., 7874 Percyette, 1085 Reuben, 225 Nellie M., 10654 Phebe, 411 Reuben, 1 932 Nellie M., . 5249-^ Phebe, 442 Reuben. 2427 Nellie S., 7699f Phebe, 652 Reuben G., 629 Nellie S., 11857 Phebe, 1086 Rex J., 5854 Nelson, 1240. Phelinda, 1146 Rhoda, 62 INDEX OP T)OWD NAME. 301 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 600 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from iOO to 11999, X from 13000 to 12376. j Rhoda, 407 ! Sally, 1222 Sereph J., 7855 Rhoda. 1051 Sally, 3651 Seth, 409 Rhoda N., 5842 Sametha, 2536 Seth, 1074 Richard, 79 Samuel, 55 Seth, 1093 Richard, 410 j Samuel, 57 j Seth, 1247 Richard, 1087 Samuel, 232 Seth A., 3049 Richard, 1251 Samuel, 602 Seymour, 330 Richard, 3009-}: Samuel, 810 Seymour. 2575 Richard, 3011^ Samuel, 1933 ' Seymour L., 2596 Richard, 3650 Samuel, 4018 : Siba, 606 Richard B., 4174 Samuel, 5891 Siba M., 1802 Richard E., 1429 Samuel E., 4620, Sidney, 5840 Richard N.. 1447 4198 Sidney A., 1432 Richard N , 4172 Samuel K., 1460 Sidney B., 4619 Richard AV., 1631 Sarah, 7 Sidney 0., 10397 Ripley H., 1005 Sarah, 16, 13 Silas, 429 Robert I., 10-459 Sarah, 74 Silas, 1156 Robert P., 8566 Sarah, 221 Silas. 1184 Rolette. 2607 Sarah, 404 Silas D., 3379 Roscoe T., 3333 ; Sarah, 483 Silence, 53 Rosetta, 3736 Sarah, 1190 Silence, 206 Hoxana t 1027 Sarah, 1457 Silence, 537 Roxana, 1454 Sarah, 4195-i Solomon, 265 Koy, 6260 Sarah, 5103 Solomon, 454 Roy A., 10362| Sarah A., 1026 Solon, 3709 Rozalia, 1189 Sarah A., 1846 Solon R., 7848 Rozaman, 3504 Sarah A., IS 78 Sophronia, 1227 Ruel, 2428 Sarah A., 2438 Sophronia, 3681 Rufus, 608 Sarah A., 7478 S. Porter, 2402 Rufus D., 1805 Sarah E., 3617 Stella M., 10400 Rufus N., 10455 Sarah K., 4169 Stephen, , 478 Rufus S., 1451 Sarah E, 4622 Stephen, 791 Russell, 530 Sarah E., 10364 Stephen, 1876 Russell B., 1600 Sarah F., 8400 Stephen, 2309 Russell M., 6175 Sarah J., 2335 Stephen, 2420 Ruth, 86 Saiah J., 7894 Stephen A., 6128 Ruth, 227 Sarah L., 7523 Stephen H., 7844 Ruth, 453 Sarah M., 2300 Submit, 237 Ruth, 4069 Sarah S., 3660 Susan, 1089 Ruth A., 1201 Saxton S., 3403 Susan, 1412 Ruth E., 6267^ Sc-lali, 800 Susan, 1630 S<>lah, 1220 Susan, 1868 , 1ST!) Sabra E., 1854 Selden P., 3609 Susan, 41964 Sabra M., 5S1 1 Sclden W., 7697 Susan, 4207 Sally, 1007 Sclina P.. 1834 Susan, (i 1 1 r* Sally. li.'SS S. Elizabeth , 58 Su:--an A., 3473 302. DOVVD GENEALOGY. [TUe Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 toH, HI. from 10;tQ,50, IV from frt to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, Y1H rOH.*WOito 8399; IX from 8100 to 1199:), X from 13000 to 12376.] Sugan.-R., 3804 Truman, 759 William, 2881 Susanna, 451 ,: Truman, 1243 William, 301:1, Susie A., 8603 - Truman, 1895 William, 6263 Sylvanus, 1025 Truman B., 5336 William A., 5814 SyHesiter, 75sX. Titus H., .1&44 William A., 7470 Sylvester, Sylvester. 11 SO. ,2m- Valina L., Ynnhti 5855 ^q William B., William E., 4673 1860 Sylvester S. Svivia L., Sylvia P>, Tabitha, .33,7$.,- iH-M-l 2423 2305 V Cboil LI, A" esta, Vesta A., Victor, Vinnie M., 9 t/v 627 1865 11931 10710 76x7 William E., William E., William E., William G., William H., 4162 5827 6427 1446 650 Tatason, U14 V ivia i . , / oO / William H., 4031 Tamsu.n, 4081 Wallace, 3707 William H., 5052 T. Eliza, 4055 Wallace A , 7842 William H., 8863 Tcnnvson M ., 685:) Wallace P., 7806 William M., 7847 TiuMldeus. 4717 Wallace W., 3241 William X.. 5214 Thaddeus, 5222 \Valkce W., 4013 William P., 5050 Thankful. 61 Walter B,, 4160 William S., 9000 Thankful, 206 Walter E., 7920 ; William T., 1811 Theda. 757.790 Walter S., 8569 Will- am W., 1264 Thrda, 2401 Ward E., 5139 William W., 3608 Theda A., 2403 Warren, 329 William W., 6126 Theodore, 27') Warren, 2530 William W.. 8852 Theresa, 3997 Warren, 2568 Willie, 6205 Thetesa A., 10712 Washington, 2508 : Willie, 7402 Thi:za, 2661 Watson, 2311 . Willie, 7830 ias, 1 Wealthy L., 4043 Willie W., 6163 Thomas, 11 Wealthy L , 4044 Willis A., 3738 Thorn as, 5t Wesley, 3457 Willis E., 7907 Thomas, ( 224 Wesley E., 7^71 Willis E., 8476 Thomas, is Wheeler, 3377 Willis E., 12025 Thomas, 619 Wilbur, 3507 Willis W., 4058 Thomas, 2500 Wilbur S., 5801 Winnifred, 7520 Thomas, 2.S93 Wilhemina, 2642 Winnifred D ,11586 Thomas E., LSGfJ Willard E.. 7801 Wolcott S., 10456 Thomas H., ;,: Willard F., 10365 : Wyllys W., 1228 Thomas S., 1 - i :> Willard J., 3375 Wyllys W., 1413 Thorn;., \V.. 1439 Willard J., 3691 Thornas W., 6311 William, 607 Zachary, 86 Timothy. 202 William, 1401 Zachary, 452 Timothy. -09 William, 1407 Zenas, 1249 Timothv, 1470 William, 1618 Zera, 755 Timothy B., 1433 William, 1830 Zinai, 4093 Truman, 62 I William, 2574 Zineg. 334 Truman, T:,X William, 2662 Zineg, 1024^ ; n;'f r 9, IX from S400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12370.] Atwater, Mary A. Sarah M. 5822 Baker, John G. 3304 Luella 2642 6275 Atwood, A. Ada 3232 Lydia F. 6805 Maria 2595 5821 Aristine Carroll Clarence Cora 6801 Mary 6804 May 6806 Xellie 6803 Nelson P. 7590 62753 6275J 2593 Austin Ella Stella 6802 Percy 6807 Russell 5401 Balch, Cornelia 3448 Baldwin, Estelle 3460 Etta E. 6259 6947 8893 10496 12:UO Alvah Ama Amanda 3447 Lvman 5870 Elihu EJium 3459 Mary A. 1192 OtisN. 3241 10495 Ellen Hannah 3452 Bancroft, Calista A. 3461 Clarissa R. 3007 3042 John Merritt Sarah Sarah 3446 1250 3451 3463 Bancy, Anna M. Barber, Allen D. Amy Anna 3239 6212 2323 270 Susannah 3458 Ann E. 5865 Victor 3450 Calvin D. 2320 William William 11901 3449 Caroline A. Charles P. 5867} 5867 Averill William , Alfred Alfred C. 3462 9952 12164 Ellen Emma Esther E. 5867$ 9752 10492 Jasper Josephine 12163 1642 Eunice Fannie M. G. Freelove 2322 12116 2324 Bacon, Bailey, Ebenezer Esther Almeda Emma L. 1075 83 1876 1861 George X. George X. Jessie M. John C. 5867 10493 5889 754 Georgia W. Mehitable 11608 63 John C. John C. 2326 5890 Baker, Phebe Walter W. 622 7706 2643 62754, 6275f 2506| 2863 Joseph F. Julia A. Lucy A . Luther J. Manila J. Mary E. Xathaniel B. 5867f 2325 5867$ 3231 2326 5867$ 2328 Albert S. Charles J. M. John INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 305 [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to-200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3939, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8100 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Barber, Phebe L. 2327 Basse tt, Betsey 4712 Rosa 10494 Elisha 1235 Sarah M. 5866 Hannah 1234 Walter L. 12115 John D. 8000 W. L. 8898 Rebecca A. 8001 Barker, Caleb A. 7-483 W. E. 3800 Emory L. 7486 Batchelder, Adelbert 6803 George C. 7485 Iowa 3333 John 3472 Batcheller, Fanny D. 6611 Marilla 7484 Noah 3054 Prudence 7483^ Bates, Dora T. 5921 Swayze E. 7488 Fred 5223 Ulysses G. M. 7487 Lizzie 9785 Barlow 442 Baughman, Errol 11481 T3rt -* *-v<-t 1882 Howard E. 11482 Clarence E. 11862 J. E. 7479 Cora 11861 Olive 11483 Elizabeth 3705 Baxter, Abram 2400 Emma J. 7565 2640 Eugene 7843 Benjamin D. 6276 Gilbert S. 8473 Darius 6276} Hannah 1087 James S. 6276$ Harvey 3603 Volney U. 6276? Helen A. 3057 Beach, Hubbard S. 1850 Loren A. 11863 Martha 4026 Marjorie E. 12024 Becker, Barret 3053 Nellie, 4068 Beebe, Frederic W. 3617 Russel E. 7564 Martha 4663 . Sarah S. 3702 Wallace F. 7720 Susannah 440 Beecher, Mary 3024 Theo. A. 6183 1027 Watson 3666 Begley, Charles H. 12191 Barnhart, Horace 2408 William 9983 Barrow, Mary 2579 Willie C. 12193 Frank 10381 Belden, Mary H. 8511 Luther 5830 Bell, Charles W. 3308 " Mary 2306 Emily F. 3310 Barse, George H. 5425 Bellows, H. Cora 6211 Hattie E. 10037 Isaac N. 2438 Mary L. 10036 L. Maud 6213 Bartlett, Benjamin 226 Mary A. 6212 Mary 3 Phebe E. 6210 Polly 619 Bend, Camilla 1905 Stephen 616 Benjamin, Arthur 5242f Bartow, Sarah E. 1446 David 511 39 306 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I ie 1. II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV Irom 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 13%, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12COO to 12376.] Benjamin, Mabel D. 9824 Bishop, Mercy 56 Bentley, Annie E. 12376 Nathaniel 29 Floyd J. 12375 Olive C. 12361 Frederic 11831 Rebecca 608 Mary. C. 3720 Samuel F. 3618 Benton, Bartlett 4122 Sarah 613 ' Daniel 8862 William 5238 Ella 12107 Bissell, Hattie M. 8520 George L. 534 7| Lydia F. 2311 Polly 1800 Bixby, Ellen E. . 5916 Sarah L. 4123 Blair, Jesse 6186 Susan 1917 .Blatchley, Mary 207 Bernard, Calista 4664 i Blinn, Emily 5025 Bicknell, Mary E. 10338 Bloss, Charles 300H Bidwell, Henry 8489 ! Bonner, Fred 3339" Henry M. 12030 Booth, Albert F. 6801 Bingham, Herbert C. 6527 Eliza 878 Lillie 1905 Paulina 2873 4683 Bosworth, Melinda 2329 Addie L. 9978 Botford 327 Bessie J. 5602 Bottom, Benajah J. 7853 Betsey J. 3621 Edda F. J. 11865 Charles- 5319 Mary J. 7854 Charles C. 9976 William J. 3710 Charles S. 7723 Bouton, Mary 5481 Charles W. 3620 Bo wen, Helen 3017 Charlotte 753 Mary S. 3017 Del. 4685 , Bowers, Edith M. 10049 Eber 2000 John 7 Edwin R. 3623 Lloyd W. 4188 Etta W. 5603 Martha D. 4189 Florence 3624 Melville W. 5428 Florence L. 10254 S. Dwight 1453 Fred. H. 10801 Bowes, M. F. 4171 George D. 10255 Bowles, Marion 2877 Harry 1230 , Boyd, Frederic A. 4195 James 206 Boyer, Emily F. T1428 James H. 3619 Henry 11427 Jennie A. 7731 May 11426 John M. 36"22 Oliver 6930 John M. 5601 Boynton, Josephine 4049 Mary 6314 ; Bradley, Amos N. 2880 Mary E. 5600 Annie 6292 Mary E. 7732 Ellen L. 4713 Mary J. 7722 Emily L. 4037 INDEX OF TIIOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 20(1, V from 201 to 490, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.J Bradley, Esther 1462 Bristol, Robert D. F. 11606 Frank 6290 Ruth 116041 Henry 1630 Samuel 1227 Isaac M. 4712 Samuel A. 7701 Jennie C. 9252 Sara M. . 11603 John 205 William 1853 Kate 6291 Brock, Benjamin 9772 Lewis 9251 Charlotte 9773 Louis 9060 Christopher 1867 Louisa C. 47-49 Christopher 5206 Narissa 1458 David 5200 Nellie C. 9250 Eminett 5202 Richard H. 4711 Juliette 5203 Stephen 5024 Lafayette 5203 Stephen 9253 Loretta 5204 Brad way, Jennie 4659 Loretta 9773 Brady, Edwin H. 7473 Matilda 5201 Brand, Edwin L. 5242^ Nellie 5205 Breed, Martha 2405 Nora 9773^ Brewer, Electa 3742 Roby 9773f Fanny E. 2315 William 5199 John 421 Broderick, Edward 11597 Brewster, Jane 5904 John 12370 Brice, Eiida 6907 Bronk, Frederic Van R. 11020 Briggs, Charles 6446 James P. 6528 Eugene C. 6449 Broughton, Rachel 478 Isaac S. 3016 Brouilette, Franklin 5776 Brigham. Delia 3376 Hyacinthe 2288 Brinton, Caroline 2864 Brown, Alfred H. 5824 Bristol, Abner 3305 Carrie 6613 Allen B. 11607 Clara B. 10373 Benton S. 6908 Edward T. 12l54f Betsey 3612 Edward G. 3604 Betsey C. 7703 Ella V. 10370 Charles A. 11604 Florence E. 107231 Edward M. 11602 Frank H. 10374 ' Ellen 11605 Henry A. 10377 Eugene D. F. 7702 IdaE. 12154^ Frank 11468 James 9747 Frederic A. 6907 James D. 6264 George D. F. 7700 James H. 12154$ Kate E. 11601 Jennie 3665 Lena 11410 Jennie A. 7838 Leverett 3611 John 10722 Mattie J. 11409 John A. 10375 308 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I if> 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200. V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12876.J Brown, J. R. 10723 Buck, Leora E. 10424 Louisa 4201 Roxana 1622 Lucy M. 10376 Stephen S. 10420 Mary M. 10372 William H. 10422 Mary 0. 6265 Buell, Alexander 42011 Olive 535 Augusta L. 4093 Orren 3697 Frank 4201 Orrin 3700 Hattie J. 4619 Quincy 10721 Buellong, Florence 6901 Ruth E. 6265 Bullock, Ephraim 2325 Samuel U. 1467 Freelove 5884 Sarah 4201 Harvey E. 5881 Sheldon 2592 Jerry 5885 Tuss 1072H Joseph H. 5883 Vilora C. 10377 Louisa 5886 Walter 107221 Mary A. 5887 Walter 12286 Phebe 5882 Brownell, Arthur 105641 Richard 5888 Carrie E. 10566 Bump, Lucy 4653 Edith 105651 Bunce, Alice H. 10336 Edmund 5905 Charles W. 5811 Ellen O. 5901 Diantha 10331 Ellery A. 2332 Fanny M. 10334 Ellery L. 5904 George E. 6182 Emily M. 5902 Grosvenor G. 10335 Enos L. 5903 Hiram A. 10332 Maurice 10565 Isaac N. 10333 Roy E. 10567 Mary A. 10337 Browning, Julia A. 5915 Bunger, Eliza 4077 3358 Bunnell, Israel 415 Brumfield, Lovina 3722 Burden, Lucinda 1903 Brunson, Chester 1026 Burgess, Effa 0. 5183 Eugene A. 6279 Elizabeth 2412 Eva A. 6279 Burks 336 George T. 2652 Burley, Julia 5403 John C. 2653 Burnham, Adelaide 8489 Brush, Anna 3022 Alice C. ' 8497 George E. 7068 Edward S 8494, 5768 George S. 7070 Edwin H. 4065 George W. 3338 Ellen F. 8490 Matthew C. 7069 Emily L. 8491 Buck, Charles E. 10423 Frederic 8521 Harriet E. 10421 Harriet A 8495 Homer L. 10419 Julia S. 8496 John B. 5842 Laura M. 8493, 5770 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 309 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8398, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Burnham, Lillie Estelle 10286 Cadwell, George V. 5660 Mary W. 8492 Harriet A. 2011 Robert F. 12049 Mary E. 2005 William W. 8498 Maud 10271 Bush, Edward J. 4202 Nelson M. 2010 Butler, Abijah 1152 Olive L. 5638 Ad aline 3308 Richard J. 2009 Adelia 3309 Sarah A. 2004 . Addie C. 12109 Sarah E. 5639 Alfred D. 3310 Walter P. 5636 Alice 6930 William H. 2007 Arthur E. 6933 William H. 5637 Blanche A. 6905 Calhoun. Abigail 620 Cora 0. 6935 Calvin, H. E. 10850 Curtis M. 3304 Campbell, Calla H. 10062 Del. E. 6904 Earl H. 10061 Dora B. 6937 Hobart L. 5436 Edward L. 8895 Candee, Lucy E. 6117 Edwin 4623 Canfield, Harry I. 10701 Ellen E. 8894 Milton E. 10700 Elizabeth 8890 Milton L. 6250 Esther 6931 Carey, Alice V. 9122 Frederic H. 6903 Carl, Lansing H. 8927 Grace E. 6938 Roy D. 12121 Harriet 3311 Carlton, Harriet 4689 Harriet 8472 Carmer, Eleanor 621 Herbert 6936 Carrington, Effery J. 6948 Joseph N. 8891 Ernest A. 6946 Lulu D. 11405 Eugene W. 6949 Lydia M. 6932 Mark 3307 Minnie M. 6934 Miles M. 3311 Raymond D. 11432 Viola 6947 Rhoda A. 3307 332 Sarah J. 8892 Annie J. 10620 Sophronia 3303 Elizabeth 1402 Sylvester 3306 George Edwin 10283 Theodotia 3302 George Will not 5766 Theodotia 3305 Harry Wilcox 10284 William E. 8893 Josiah 6106 Mary 4022 Cadwell, Abraham 642 William H. 10629 Caroline A. 2006 Casey, Ellen 6433 Charles 10270 Caster, Catharine 2326 Edmund M. 5635 Chad wick, Alice 5862 Ellen li. 2008 Chalice. J. F. 5144 310 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 'to 8399, IX from S400 to 11999, X from 13000 to 12376.] Chamberlain, Albert 11830 Church, Clara A. 10041 Erastus 7824 Claude H. 10040 Champion, Edward 1449 Clinton 10704 Chapin, Addie G. 6923 Clyde M. 10043 Blanche 10362 Emma A. 5427 Charles 5923 Frank L. 10039 Cora M. 11420 Frank M. 10034 Ella M. 6924 George A. 5424 Ellsworth 2897 Hattie M. 10038 Emily 5819 Henry A. 5426 Francis N. 6922 Homer W. 5429 Gertie E. 10643 IdaS. 10035 Hattie J. 10358 James W. 6162 Henry 3309 Josephine 7842 Irena A> 10360 Mary V. 5428 . Jennie A. 11421 Philip T. 1914 Kittie E. 10361 Ralph H. 10042 Leora 10611 Churchill, Sylvester 3744 Mabel .10361 J Clapsaddle, Helen E. 5268 A/Tft VTft 7QO rMoT-L- RQf)7 XVI di Id Maude 1 i7U 103611 Anna O V\J 1 476 Mary E. 10359 Daniel 405- Minnie 10350 Delia 3030 Myron 5818 Elvira F. ' 12347 Phineas 2305 Ella N. 12348 Reuben 5821 Elmer H. 12346 Sarah 10351 Elnora A. 12349 Spencer 6109 George V. 12180 Stephen 5820 Gustavus 6445 Chappel, Esther 755 Jasper 10510 Chase, Ella A. 4153 Laura H. 3012 Frances 3356 M artha 2430 Chatfield, Eugene 4175 Martha A. 3013 Walter 7703 Patty 1092 Cheeseborough, Isabel 8476 Timothy 1088 Jane M. 1844 Timothy 1232 Childs, Charles R. 6532 William 9980 Samuel R. 3046 William H. 6210 Chittenden, Edward J. 9125 Glaus, Florence , 11450 Eliza B. 1432 Harry 11451 .Henry D. 4746 Selden 6954 John S. 9126 Cleaveland, Rosepha 3733 Mary E. 1869 Cleland, Mary H. 1439 Church, Blanche 10705 Clinton 2008 Clara 5425 Coats, Elizabeth P. 2294 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 311 [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 840!J to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376. J Cockhard, Minard 287 Collins, Carrie 9983 Coe, Belle G. 9H3 Charles E. 99848 Bertha G. 9109 Edward 9979 Carlton W. 4737 Emma M. 12182 Charles 8578 Everett 9985 Charles A. 4731 Frankie 99843 Clarence B. 9112 Frederic R. 12170 Clarissa 1637 Hattie 9981 Clarissa B. 2007 Ida M. 12181 Clinton S. 9110 Jabez 1893 Clinton S. 4736 Jabez B. 99842 Edward M. 4734 Jennie 9982 Edwin 1638 Joseph 9984 Eliza J. 4733 Joseph V. 5320 Emeline 1639 Laura A. 2417 Frances E. 4743 Maria C. 5319 Frank W. 4738 Mary E. 99841 Frederic 8897 Mary T. 9980 Frederic 12114 Maude 9984io Helen E. 9114 Oliver 99847 Heman 535 Tenie A. 99846 IdaL. 9111 Truman D. 5321 Isabella 9115 Truman D. 9984 John P. 4194 William W. 99849 Joseph A. 1642 Colyer, Emilia A. 6424 Julia W. 142 Combs, Bessie 6239 Maggie K. 4739 Ella 6238 Mary 4054 Harry 6240 Olive W. 9117 Irving W. 2503 Philip 12113 Philemon 6237 Samuel W. 4741 William J. 6236 Sarah A. 4732 Comstock, Joseph 3300 Stanley 12112 Sarah 1158 Thomas 1640 | Condon, Ella M. 7480 Walter 8579 | Cone, Clarissa 1153 Wellington S. 1641 Martha A. 6430 William F. 9116 Mary 6432 William W. 4740 Ruth H. 6431 Wilson B. 4735 Francis 3012 Colby, Mary 2426 Congden, C. M. 6264 Cole, Cassie 5845 Conkling, Abbie S. 1405 Gerrit S. 5120 Anna 4198^ Collins, Adaline G. 5323 Augustus 4199 A. Laverne 79844 Horton 1465 Ann L. 5322 Conklin, Evelina S. 8448 312 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from Ono to Ten, expressed in Roman numeral*. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 4!I9, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Conklin, Heman D. 8445 Corn well Arthur 10802 Joseph W. 8447 Arthur J. 6402 Leander H. 8449 Brainerd H. 6401 William 4034 Chauncey C. 6404 William S. 8446 Chauncey C. C. 3008 Conner, Mary 10395 Desire 58 Cook, Adaline 5313 Elizabeth 19 Adeline 1433 Ehhu 1086 Charles 7582 Ellen L. 6415 Edwin 9974 Frances A. 10801 Edwin A. 1892 Harriet 0. 6405 . Elmira D. 9965 Harvey D. 3005 Florence 9973 Henry H. 6406 Florence M. 9966. Josiah G. 6400 Frank 9975 Laura 1076 Harry E. 9967 Martha 2872 Henry 2890 Mary 20 Ida A. 9958 Mary J. 10800 James 6300 Mehi table 3006 Jaroldine 5310 Melissa B. 3009 Jennette 5311 Nettie J. 10854 John W. 5312 Richard B. 6416 Lucy A. 5315 Richard D. 3007 Marietta 5312 Cornnne, Charles C. 9780 Mary 5317 Edward L. 9779 M. J. 4083 Emma M. 9781 Nellie M. 9959 Frank W. 9778 S. P. 4084 Harden R. 5207 Truman D. 5316 James H. 9782 Wesley I. 9960 William N. 9777 William H. 5318 Corwith. Lizzie E. 7425 Willie H. 5314 Couch, Polly 1020 Coon, Mina E. 6279f Coulson, Isabella A. 5130 Sheridan 6276^ Countryman, Mary 5818 Cooper, Ethel M. 12300 Crampton, Almira 1228 . Thomas 10390 Evaline 1405 William C. 6262^ Hubbard 1627 Copeland, Anna 10396 James 537 Lexcy 5905 Lucinda 4117 Corey, Phebe A. 807 Mercy 202 Sarah E. 3255 Polly 1620 Cornw 413 Cramton, Abel 532 ell, Amelia 10803 Abel 1624 Amelia L. 6403 Abel D. 4692 Annie S. 10853 Altha 4687 INDEX OP THOSE OTHEK THAN DOWD. 313 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed In Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, HI from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to &99, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 13376.] Cramton, Althea M. 905 1 Cutler, Fannie E. 11583$ Annettie L. 4693 George H. 11583$ Archibald H. 4689 Jennie M. 11583f Aurelia 4686 Mabel G. 11583| Cynthia 4682 Orrin L. 11583JJ Elizabeth 4703 Eugene 9025 Baffler, Anna 11868 Eunice A. 1626 H. C. 7883 Eunice A. 1622f Danielson, Rebecca 1157 Fanny 1622| Dardell, Alice M. 9103 Fanny 1625' Antonio 4730 Frederic 9022 Carrie E. 9102 Garry 1623 Minnie E. 9101 George 9023 3006 Lina E. 9026 Dart, Celestia 3350 Lizzie 9026 Franklin 3349 Louisa 4684 James 1160 Maria 4685 Davenport, Jennie 2506 Marcus 1622 .Davidson, Jeannette 1447 Polly 4681 Marthella 5346f Rinaldo R. 4688 Davis, Elizabeth A. 3406 Sarah M. 4691 Emeline E. S. 3474 Siba 4683 Fanny 1638 Truman 1621 Davison, Lydia 790 Truman C. 4690 Daw, Edwin 6930 Cruttenden, Gilbert 451 Mabel 11425 Crocker, Herbert E. 7721 Day, Bessie 11827 Samuel L. 3617 Ellen 7823 Crook. Chauncey 611 Frank W. 5791 Crowell, Charles S. 6467 James W. 3689 I'j-\nTfk s\tTf\i* 1191 Louis 11826 fjvn&Mn fl ATI 4744 Lycurgus 7822 Kate A. 9121 Mary L. 10295 Mary 1226 Murray 11828 Cudworth, James 1010 Olive 11829 Culver, Edwin 6110 Samuel M. 10296 Metta A. P. 10627 Sophia 7824 Cuitiss, Emily 1421 Willie 11825 Henry 4714 Decker, Mary A. 1419 Mary H. 9061 'Degroff, Jane 5417 Thomas S. 1632 Demmon, Mary A. 2419 utler, Charles L. 7561 Deming, Lottie 6318 Edward C. 1 1 583^ Dennison, Emma L. 9984 Elmer A. 1 158H Denton, Charles E. 10391 Emma A. 11583J} John 5832 40 314 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9. Ill from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Denton, Maria A. 10392 Downing, Edward 6935 Mary A. 10390 Ned E. 11439 Nellie E. 10393 Downs, Albert 4603 Derby, B. J. 6796 Ella C. 8862 Chauncey 2310 Henry 3723 Georgeana 11204 Drake, Alfred L. 9122 Mary 5843 Charles H. 9123 Martha A. 5344 Edwin L. 12150 Devoe, Moriah 3301 E. L. 4745 Dewey, Martha 6104 Mary L. 9124 1890 Oliver 10514 De Wolf, Sprague 5240 Robert L. 12151 Dibble, Myrton 6375 Drennan, W. O. 5407 Dickerman, William 3607 Dresser, Amelia H. 9101 Dickenson, Anna L. 9986 Charles F. 4099 Chauncey R. 5322 Charles F. 4102 Eli C. 9987 Charlotte E. 4104 Ella S. 9988 Edwin E. 4103 Sophia A. 9989 Francis 1422 Dingwell, Levi H. 3651 Martin L. 4100 Dockendorf, AlbertE. 10533 Martin V. 8536 Alfred T. 10534 Martha J. 8537 Clara L. 10535 Samuel S. 8535 Daniel 0. 10531 Driffell, Thomas 4145 Mary E. 10532 Driggs, Mary 405 Theo. 5886 T")vn w 1449 Willie A. 10536 Dudley, Abigail 230 4703 Amelia R. 471 Mary H. 5000 Amy Louisa 10281 Dole, Harriet 3709 Anna 3601 Dolson, Arias H. 5833 Charles E. 4718 Doolan, Maria 6401 Charles E. 4719 T)nnlittl<-> 5754 Clara M. 1859 Jane 3701 Edward P. L 4722 Susan E. 4754 Eli Timothy 5764 Douglass, Clara B. M. 7776 Henry B. . . 4133 Georgie B. 7777 Horace L. 1637 Idelia S. 4690 Josiah 53 J. F. 3664 Lewis 4175 J. Fay 7779 Mary G. 3610 J. Fell 7778 Mary L. 4720 Nancy 3711 Nathaniel 601, 604 Dowling, Martha 1903 Olive 1624 Downer, Kitty 5446 Phineas 227 Downes, Lulu M. 7860 Sylvia 3610 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 315 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8100 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Dudley, William A. 10281 Dutton, Polly 531 Willie L. 4723 Dyer, Thomas 2584 Duff, Anna 10091 Catherine M. 5445 Earle, Azubah Z. 9997 Clayton H. 10087 E. George 7134 Henry D. 5447 Florence 7136 John 1922 George 3355 John M. 5446 Hive H. 9997^ Lena R. 10086 Leafy L. 9997 Maude 10090 Lena 7137 Ruth 10092 Roy R. 9997| Samuel C. 5448 T. H. 5353 Duffee, Lizzie A. 10863 Virginia 7135 Thomas 6425 Easton, Stella 4673 Dugan, Arthur 5411 Eaton, Fidelia 4653 Bessie A. 10022 Eckart, Andrew 10402 Kittie I. 10023 Frank 12309 Maude B. 10024 Eckerson, Catharine 5826 Dunham, Amanda 4656 Edgerton, Eva E. 7452 Sophia 804 Harriet A. 3406 Dunlap, Eva 11869 John H. 3409 Georgie D. 11870 John 1188 Jervett 7890 Leah 7454 Dunn, Mary S. 1191 Lillian 7453 Priscilla 3000 Martha I. 3407 Dunshee, Albert 3341 Wilberforce 3408 Alma 3343 Edwards, G. G. 5813, 10331 Arthur B. 7075 George 12251 Bartram 7078 Lucy 1071 Cora 7076 Lucy 12250 Daniel P. 3347 . Milton G. 10343 Darwin 3348 Eldridge, Augusta 5820 Eliza 1161 Edward F. 5366 Frank 7080 Mary 5818 Franklin 3345 Mary 99993 Harriet 3346 Mary C. 5367 Herbert E. 7074 Sarah J. 1900 John 1159 Viola D. 5365 John 3344 William R. 5364 Louisa 3348 William T. 1901 Rollin 3342 Elliot, Elijah J. 10338 Siegel 7077 Ellis, Addie 12161 Winfield 7079 Albert 9951 Dusett, Laura M. 4660 Eva 12160 Dutton. Myron 4691 Janetto 12162 316 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals'. I is 1, II from 3 to 9, III from 10 to 60, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from BOO to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Ellis, Jenny 5354 Fay, James P. 6436 Emerson, Collins P. 4138 John 6437 Daniel T. 8551 John C. 10902 Gertrude H. 8550 John J. 6434 Harry B. 8552 Martha A. 6438 Helen A. 8547 M. Augusta 10901 Joseph L. 8549 Pardon K. 3013 Maude E. 8546 Robert H. 10905 Ralph W. 8548 Timothy C. 6433 Emory, Harry (). 9124 William H. 6440 Ensign, Willard F. 2900 Fellows, Belle 6230 Evans, Nellie 4139 Eugene 6234 Evarts, Clarissa S. 4133 Henry 6233 Cynthia A. 1649 Joseph 2502 Daniel 9 Josephine 6232 Daniel 41 Kate 6231 David S. 4134 Fenning, Jane 0. 8481- Elizabeth 1647 Ferguson, Ida 5601 Giles 1648 Josephine 6391 Hannah 40 Field, Anna 645 James 43 Benjamin D. 4156 John 42 Betsey B. 2282 John R. 1430 Ellen A. 1446 Samuel 45 George C. 5103 Sarah 44 Lawrence 1445 Silence 11 Mina 502 Pierson 536 Rebecca B. 4064 Everingham, Martha M. 2422 Sarah N. 3611 William 4157 Fagan, Lizzie N. 6325 Finn, Mary 4156 Nicholas V. 2901 Fish, Edward J. 10027 Fairbanks, Ella 5368 Henry J. 5414 Fairfield, Eunice P. 2424 Fitch, Helen 2577 Fanscher, Lavinia 7806 Fitzgerald, Mary 6442 Farncrook, Electa C. 3683 Flagg, Miranda 1143 Farns worth, Alice M. 74.46 Flenagin, Margaret W. 2594 George C. 7449 Floyd, George F. 5358 Ira D. 7450 Foote, Thomas 67 Julia P. 7448 Fosby, Caroline 8406 Perry J. 3402 Elizabeth 8410 Sarah H. 7447 George 4014 Fay, Charles F. 6439 George 8409 Charles W. 6435 John N. 8408 Fannie E. 10903 Julia 8407 Grace 10904 Foster, Lydia 222 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 31 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Foster, Lydia A. 2283 Galpin, Henry N. 4055, 4059 Mary R. 2283 Jane E. 8475 Patience 54 Gardiner, A. D. 7872 Phebe 79 Fred. C. 7873 Fox, Alida 6187 Marvin N 7871 Olive P. 5823 James C. 3717 Fowler, Christopher 9774 I_L n t*si v\ s\ * 2641 David 5201 Addie 62772- David 9771| Alonzo S. 6277f Dennis 97713 Ella 6277 Ethel A. 9771| Flora 62771, Erwin J. 9775 Mary 6277J Flora 9776 Pamelia J. 5891 Fremont 9771 Gates, Anson S. 7709 James 5205 Benjamin M. 3615 May M. 9771$ Burton H. 7708 Melissa 5203 Betsey T. 11610 Myrtie 9771J Charles F. 3478 Francis, Hobart E. 5116 Chauncey L. 7710 French, Harmon 1231 Clara L. 7712 Freeland, Carrie 9979 Frederic B. 7704 Freeman, Alonzo 1904 Freelove P. 7706 Alonzo R. 5362 Gilbert L. 7713 EberM. 9999 Julia C. 7711 Ina L. 9999 Walter S. 7707 Minnie V. 9999| Willie A. 7705 Prudence C. 2409 Wyllys L. 11609 Silas 2411 Gaylord, Edward E. 8900 Vesta D. 5361 Edward L. 4637 Frink, Anna C. 5241, 5246 Ellen M. 4636 Joseph A. 5237 Eliza 4623 Martha J. 5240 Eunice f08 Mary O. 5239 Everett S. 4634 Nathan 1873 Fannie L. 8899 Phebe A. 5238 Fannie M. 4633 Walter B. 5235 Hiram D. 4638 Wealthia B. 5234 Hiram 1608 William P. 5236 Joseph W. 4625 Fuller, Content 333 Lewis 1607 Laura 3694 Mary A. 4635 Roxana 3253 Nancy 1074 Sarah tP. 8901 Gager, Lydia 1162 Sarah J. 4626 Gasper, Lydia 268 Susan C. 4624 Galpin, Ilattie 8484 Geary, Emma E. 10340 318 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations are from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I ie 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1100 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8309, IX from &100 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Gedney, George 5661 Gould, Lulu N. 9849 Henry A. 2011 Nellie M. 9847 Rosamond 5662 Norah L. 9839 Gibbs, Cordelia 2579 Susan N. 9840 Gibson, Adriel 5185 William H. 5249^- Alice E. 4735 Grady, Mary 5326 Eunice 5184 Grambly, Adelbert H. 7588 George 6266 AlminaE. 7562,7584 Jerome 5186 Annie 7581 , 7696 John 5183 Caroline P. 7582 William 1863 Edward 11598$ Gidney, Julia 4605 Ella A. 7586 Gifford, Charles 2425 Euphemia D. 7592 Gilbert, Eddie G. 9020 Frank 11598 Henry 4686 Frederic 11598$ Lizzie 7839 George 11598J Gildersleeve, Helen 4740 Harvey 3605 Gillett, Jonathan 1610 Harvey C. 7590 Gilman, Cornelia C. 3738 Lillian G. 7591 Ginner, Faith 11951 Loren 11598-i Gish, E. J. 2505 Loren W. 7587 Gertrude 6255 Loren W. 11600 James B. 6254 Mary E. 11600 Glasgow, Margaret M. 2009 Mary F. 5020 Glasscosh, Sarah 3257 Mary F. 7580 Gleason, Charity I. 7483 Myrtle 11598} Lydia A. 7485 Nettie I. 7589 Gr>ff 1024 Samuel D. 7585 Sarah P. 1624 Sarah J. 7583 Titus C. 1625 Grant, Lucy P. 3632 Goodale, E. S. 3051 Mary 3633 GodHell, Mary A. 3378 Graves. Charles N. 12037 Goodrich, Anna 4186 Florence W". 12036 Arthur D. 4185 Frances M. 4025 Cora 4187 Lora M. 12038 E. M. 1452 Maria A. 3240 Gough, Nellie 7837 Newton C. 8492 Gould, Delia M. 9841 Olive 3005 Edna 9848 Rachel 503 George N. 9845 Rebecca 501 Henrietta 9843 Rebecca 1413 Ida J. 9844 Gray, James 1009 James C. 9842 John 1007 James C. 9846 Green, Adelbert 7874 Lee P. 5249A Calista A. 5913 INDEX OF THOSK OTHER THAN DOWD. 319 [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I Is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from &400 to 11999, X fiom 12000 to 12376.] Green, Caroline A. 8510 Hale, James 6485 Catherine M. 8516 Maria 4659 Charles H. 12043 Mary 6484 Charles D. 8513 Osmer 3032 Edward R. 12042 Reuben N. 6481 George 1434 Hall, Cornelia 1093 Ida A. 8517 Dora J. 5116 Ida A. 12046 Ernest C. 12310 Julia A. 1264 Grace 4134 Leva . 798 Laura 3387 Mary E. 4140 Lucy B. 4734 Mary H. 12044 Orren 1182 Sarah A. 8515 Orren 3388 Sarah M. 12045 Sarah 440 Sidney 8514 William H. 6405 Timothy 4073 Willie 7582 Timothy F. 8511 Willie 10409 Wallace 4142 Hamden, Sally 334 Willis 4143 Hamer, Nancy M. 1025 Willis J. 4141 Hamilton, Ellen S. 5424 William R. 8512 Hamlin, Jane 3039 Griggs, Mary A. 6797 Hammond, Helen 5827 Griffin, Anna S. 7709 Hance, Mary 1896 Polly 225 Hand, Addie G. 9990* Sally 2309 Arthur W. 9990f Griffing, Fanny 533 Carlton H. 9900 Griffith, Joseph 1858 Edgar M. 9990f Rosabel D. 5174 George H. 5446 Grimes, Joseph 5887 Helen J. 9990} Mary 52 Jane 15 Griswold, E. Lillian 4738 Loren 7812 Mjolly 208 Lulu 9990f Martha E. 8540 Miles 3685 Phebe 1243 Porter 7813 Samuel E. 4114 Stella K. 99903 Temperance 467 Hanna. Sarah 6446 G rover, Rosan 2577 Hamlin, Alva 2570 Ginford, Belle 6163 Hardy, Maria 5887 Guthrie, Almond 6265 Barney, F. D. 5358 Harrington, Elmer 5293 Hagaman, Lucretia 5410 Elvira 1882 Hale, Edward W. 6458 Frances 1890 Edward W. 6482 Gunn 5292 Elizabeth S. 6480 Horace 1880 Emma S. 6483 John A. 623 320 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399-, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Harrington, Julia 1891 Hastings, George N. 10480 Louisa 1885 Heman 5864 Lucretia 1887 Margaret 5863 Lydia 1888 Marvin 2318 Miranda 1883 Nina 10479 Nathaniel 1886 Hatch, Luther W. 5420 Niles 5291 Ossian L. 4090 , 4040 Phylura 1881 Ossian L. 8453 Polly 1884 William L. 8452 Reuben 1089 Hathaway, Julia 1901 Harris. Abner 3335 Julia A. W. 2308 Allen W. 4126 Martha 1906 Allen W. 41300 Haven, Sarah 3699 Ann E. 1431 Havens, Theo. 4069 Ann L. 4122 Will H. 9824 Charles F. 4132 Haley, Esther 755 Clarissa S. 4127 Hay, Georgia 6523 Egbert E. 4129 Hayden, Caroline 4032 Elijah W. 1428 Louisa 1002 Ellen A. 4128 Phebe 1003 George 6178 Haynes, Semiramis 2415 Grace E. 7067 Heald, William L. 4057 Harry W. 10717 Heagle, Deal 9753 Herman H. 4125 Healy, Albert D. 7833 Homer A. 10718 Ann E. 7835 Horace A. 10719 Bernice 11846 John E. 7835 Chester 3698 Joseph D. 4124 Florence 7836 Julius 4123 James B. 7837 Laura C. 4131 Jane 7834 Louise L. 10715 Heard, A. L. 1902 Mary 1419 Alonzo R. 5350 Milo B. 10716 Alphonzo R. 5351 Hart, A. S. 4633 Heath, Sarah J. 5801 Fannie M. 8898 Thetesa 2301 ,2424 Susan J. 8457 Hedding. R. D. 3242 William S. 8456 Henderson, Cynthia 1244 William W. 4046 Hennings, Dellie 10500 Hartt, Charles E. 6426 John 5873 George W. 10864 Henry, Helen A. 3057 Harvey, Mary 7587 Hewitt, Charles B. 5137 Hascoll, G. W. 4082 Heyden, Clarence R. 7063 Harriet A. 8532 E. W. 3334 Hasselton, Wealthy E. 1165 Gertrude D. 7065 Hastings, Anna 10478 Harry E. 7064 INDEX OF THOSE OTHKR THAN DOWD. 321 [The Generations run from One to Ten, exprepsed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Heyden, Lottie C. 7066 Hitchcock, Gideon C. 1923 U t /-ll^i-lTT 3330 Helen L. 6616 Mary E. 5903 Lucy A. 3054 Hickok, Charlotte 1425 Lulu 10070 Hicks, Lydia 1196 Maranda 1922 Hide, Letitia 1195 Nancy J. 6615 Higby, 3009 Parmelia 6617 Myra 1151 Percyette 3052 Rebecca 18 Prosper 1921 Higgins, Frank W. 5482 Samuel 627 M. S. 10152 Stephen G. 1924 R P. 10151 Vesta .1920 Hight, Eva A. 10531 William H. 1925 Sarah Ann 3470 Hoffstead, Frank N. 7905 Hildridge, Azubah 80 Grace J. 11873 Hill, Alpha 1832 4682 Joanna 1005 Holdridge, Abigail A. 3010 Joseph 5102 Holmes, Harriet 3312 Rebecca 617 Holtstrander, Adelia 5829 Susanna 531 Hoi way, Catharine 6482 Hills, Mary 3718 Emory F. 6458 William L. 4750 Hommedieu, John L. 1898 Himorm, Barbara 9748 John L. 5329 Hine, Arny 1245 Hopkins, Addie 9954 Hinkle, Charles G. 5249 Andrew 1241 Delia , 5249 Clara A. 9952 Ethel L. 9837 Ellen M. 3679 Gerty L. 9835 Frankie 9957 Hattie M. 9836 Freddie 9956 Ira 1878 James L. 9953 Sarah A. 9834 J osephine 9951 Sylvia A. 9838 M. G. 5311 Hinsdale, Elizur 302 Nora 9955 Hitchcock, Amelia 3056 Horendeen, Jennie 4688 Bela 5442 Hosley, Edmund S. 9544 Bnrdette 3055 Eugene C. 9545 Caleb 1094 Samuel B. 5112 Caleb 3057 Walter S. 9546 Carroll 6614 Hotchkiss, Amos 234 Charles 5450 Archibald 1620 Cora 5479 Atta 4679 Diantha 3053 Rhoda 61'4 Floyd B. 6613 Rynaldo 4680 Frank 5452 Virgil 4120 Frederic f,lf)l Hough, Fanny 4692 41 322 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run frc m One 1o Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I if 1, II frr m 2 to 9. Ill from 10 to 50, IV Irom 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 600 to IS99, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 6399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12316.] Houghkirk, Henry C. 7732 Hubbard. John 3054 House, Augusta H. 5119 Hughes, Abigail 30 Augusta J. 5120 Charles A. 1870 Helen M. 5121 Charles W. 5221 Jennie M. 5118 Elizabeth 28 William C. 1840 Eugene L. 5220 Houston, Mary 10401 Helen A. 5219 Hover, Frances 4199^ Marion E. 5218 Hovey, Almira 3441 Mary 26 Amanda 3440 Mercy 29 Asbury 3445 Samuel 8 Emeline 3443 Samuel 27 Mary 792 Hughson, Mary A. 3709 Myron 3444 Hull, Adelbert 11584f Samantha 3442 Adin A. 7562 , 7584 Solomon 1190 Almina E. 11584 Ho well, 6373 Ann M. % 7561 Marinda 3313 Charles 4199f Mary A. 3380 Edward T. 11584$ Howland, Ancos 10515 Frederic 11585 Arvilla 10514 Georgie 8611 Barnabas 5882 Georgie B. P. 11586 Barnabas 10520 Giles A. 11584 Caroline 10511 Henry 4200 Clarence U. 12350 Leander 4033 , 4035 Drusilla 10524 Lebbeus 1467 Edin 10518 Levi H. 7563 Elizabeth 10513 Lillie M. 8610 Ephraim 10521 Lillie 11587 Esther 10510 Mina E. 4199$ Flora M. 12353 Minnie 4200J Jennie 10519 Orrin 3603 Julia 10517 Phebe 510 Martha 10525 Warren H. 4199^ Mary 10522 Wealthy 75634- Nellie M. 12352 Humphrey, Jonathan 297" Rachel 1243 Hunt, Alonzo R. 7914 Sarah 10516 Grace V. G. 7916 Una B. 12351 Jessie L. 7915 Warren 10523 Ozron 3741 William 10512 Rosa L. 7913 Hubbard 3011 Huntington. James 3001 Anna F. 6436 Hupp, Jennie M. 10335 Daniel 6284 Kurd, Phebe 530 Frederic 8432 Hurlburt, Amos N. 3353 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 323 [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from, 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3993, VIII fro;n 4003 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376. J Hurlburt, Charles 7128 Jignaque, Frances T. 6933 Lucina 3801 Johnson, Abigail 21 Nellie 7129 Adelaide 6530 Wallace 7127 Alfred 10506 Huyck, Phebe 5919 Caroline 5197 Hyde, Esther 2321 Edwin T. 5128 Elijah 1865 Ingharn, Cleveland 6289 Ella 10506i EffieE. 7853 Emeline 5196 Friend W. 2879 Hattie A. 5242 Isbell, Fanny 1236 Henry 5190 Ivory, Ada J. 5918 John B. 4747 Earle S. 10590 Julia 1629 Egbert D. 5916 Kirtland- 5876 Ellery 5914 Marcia 5194 Ellwell 5915 Margaret 5193 Franklfti 5897 Mary 5192 James 10591 Roby L. 5244 John 2331 Ruth 2 Kirk 10592 Sally 428 Martha 10552 Sarah 5181 Martha J. 5899 Seth 4051 Mary A. 5900 Willie 5198 Mary A. 5917 Jones, Abigail 2307 Rosa B. 10554 Augusta C. 1470 Rufus 5898 Buford E. 10304 Sarah E. 10553 Calvin 6190 Una L. 10555 Caroline 2309 William 2335 Carrie E. 10415 William E. 10551 DeWitt 5878 Estella 10507 Jenkins, Benjamin M. 7862 Everance 10408 Carrie E. 7864 Frank W. 10301 Edward B. 7863 Frederic A. 10302 Estalle E. 7859 Gay A. 10412 George M. 7858 Gilbert M. 10409 Henry 3712 Henry 3730 James H. 7860 Hobart 9954 Marilla 3688 Hugh L. 10410 Mary J. 7861 Judson 5839 Urania 3688 Katharine H. 5763 Jenks, Frederick R. 6371 Lewellyn 10411 Jennison, Alice C. 5139 Luella 10508 T/~*wri 1 1 qqn \f ffVl Jl 98(5 1 Juwott, Alpheus >ou 1146 ..Mill t 1 111 Martin L. 10303 324 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from JO to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3995), VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X Ironi 12000 to 12370.] Jones, Mary 5845 Ketchum, Edwin S. 9991 Nora 12165 Ephraim 1901 Sally C. 1249 Frank R. 5347 S. Byrd 10413 Harriet 5352 Sidney B. 10414 Harriet N. 1902' Z. Loomis 5800 Helen 5346 Jordan, Nellie 5202 Henry 1903 Judd, Addie L. 7904 Henry T. 9998| Silence 1247 lone 9998 Isabella A. 5346 Kane, Mary &. 1857 Isadore A. 5346| Kasson, Lynn 99951 Ithamar 625 Robert 5346| Jennie D. 9994 William F. 9995 Kate 99984 Keese, Albert H. 11154 Lafayette 1905 Catharine W. 11153 Lalah B. 9991 John M. 11150 Laurvettie 5357 John W. 6611 Lester 9994$ Lucy H. 11152 Marville 5355 Keith, Sarah 2413 Mary J. 5346J Kellogg, Lucia 4064 Meranda 5353 Sophia 1156 Ora B. 9991| Kelsey, Frederic 1414 Reuben 1900 Julia A. 4737 Reuben D. 5356 Lucy 1415 Reuben A. 5346 Mary 1424 Seneca 1906 Mary E. 2003 Truman 5358 Phebe 21 Truman H. 9998 Preston L. 4063 Vesta 1904 Sarah A. 5854 Vesta B. 99982 Tamson M. A. 4062 Walter J. 99911 Temperance 510 William R. 5347 Keeter, Eliza K. 5422 Kief, Lizzie 2427 Kenyon, Amos 2583 Kilborn, Mary 452 Esther M. 4072 Kilbourne, Helen L. 6526 Rebecca 1911 Killam, Eliphalet 4196 Keoff, Abigail 454 Kimball, Bertie A. 8928 Ketchum, Albert B. 5368 Charles H. 8926 Alice 5359 Darwin D. 4654 Bertha 5369 Ellen A. 8925 Betsey 1907 Eva F. 8927 Charles 5354 Flossy 12119 Delilah 5348 Harry 12118 Diantha 1905$ James 12117 Edith 5360 Kimpton, Thomas 1625 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 325 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 5JO to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, Mil from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12370.] King, Elisha Willie 5843 10426 Langdon, Edwin Edwin J. 7435 3257 Kingsbury, Erastus Jerry Kirtland, Catharine Emma 5872 2324 1448 1448 Edwin J. Edwin 0. Elizabeth E. Ellen E. 11258 11251 6890 3259 Kitchen, Jasper S. Mary Klepinger, Preston C. Knapp, Arthur H. Ernest C. 5912 10590 6254 10084 10081 Ellen E. Eulekia E. Fayette Fordice F. Fordice F. 6886 11257 3393 3262 3263 Etta 5117 Grace T. 11252 Henry J. Hubert C. 5445 10080 Hiram Hiram 1149 3392 Lena R. 10082 Hettie D. 6892 Mabel R. 10083 Ira 1183 Martha A. 4113 . James J. 6889 Robert L. 10085 Julia J. 3261 Knight, Albert D. Charles 12035 8491 Mary E. Matilda 11253 3391 Edith M. 11703 Maud E. 11270 Ed. W. 7731 Ruth E. 6888 Edwin W. 11702 Sarah A. 11259 Lulu M. 11701 Seth 424 Knowles, Minnie A. Kunzler, Ida 8577 5357 Sophronla E. Tennie C. Tishia C. 3258 11255 11256 Lachlan, Robert Lafarge, Fanny Henrietta Lake, Helen Lamb, Ada B. A. W. 5638 6898 6894 6793 10333 5401 Truman C. William H. Lankton, Henry Lathrop, Albert F. Alvira K. Charles S. 6884 6885 6374 9757 9747 9758 Lorinda Rebecca X. 3341 10344 Cora E. Edward D. 12154f 9748 Lamphere, Thomas Lancaster, Mary A. Landon, Pearl Wilcox Samuel M. 7581 2410 10285 57117 425 6891 6887 Eima Emma E. Franklin B. Frederic S. George R. Henry S. Howard W. 9759 9754 9749 9756 9753 9751 9760 Albert J. Charles V. M. Charlotte 3260 John W. 5184 Cora 0. 11250 Martha C. 9755 Curtis W. 11254 Walter E. 9752 326 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numeral?. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Lathrop, William E. 9750 Law, Hannah E. 533 Lawrence, Charles E. 5802 Eddie C. 11801 Lulu M. 11802 Lay, Hetta M. 4190 Leaven worth, Freddie O. 8861 Ida E. 8857 Jessie I. 8859 Joseph i'eE. 8858 Minnie I. 8860 Oscar B. 4602 Lee, Ellen M. 7701 Leech, Lucy 5448 Leete, Elizabeth 1807 Leonard, Augusta 2435 Maria . 6404 Lewis, Augusta A. 3377 Frank L. 2580 Joe 6952 Laura 2407 Vinette 5316 Lillibridge, Cordelia 2591 Lindsey, William 5188 Linsley, Frederic A. 5114 PhiloJ. 9547 Little, Calvin 4693 Emeline 4024 Gertrude 9053 Harry 9055 Mina 9054 Livingstone, John 3052 Loomis, Emma A. 10311 Louk. Ansel W. 10487 Calvin C. 10489 Julia H. 10490 Mary E. 10488 Sarah M. 10491 William 5866 Louks, Jessie 5406 Lounsbury, Amelia 6441 Charles W. 6442 Harvey 3014 Hobart I. 6444 Marion E. 6443 Lovell, Frank E. S. 12159 Loveland, Henrietta 4054 Mary 4673 Low, Lois L. 10339 Lowell, Fred N. 9897 Ludington, Eleanor 63 Luey, Joel 1905 Lyman, Charles 3234 Charles A. 6810 Jennie A. 6812 Seneca 6809 Wendell H. 6811 Lyons, Annie E. 5864 McClara, Azubah 5373 Bertha 5374 Charles W. 1907 Jennie 5366 Lucy 5375 Mary 5371 Randolph 5372 McGraw, Betsey 629 McGregor, Campbell 4650 Esther A. 8920 Mclntosh, Katharine 1446 Mackey, Agnes 8926 McKinney, Annie 4723 McKinstry, Emma 8852 McLachlan, Robert 5638 McLaughlin, Laura E. 10451 Macumber, Lydia 5249 Magee, W. J. 5402 Manley, Edward A. 10469 Pearl L. 12331 Roy fi. 12330 Manly, Amos B. 5861 Henry S. 5860 John H. 5859, 5858 John 2317 Warren D. 5862 Mann, Charles E. 7475 Dora 7853 Emma I. 7471 Harry 11460 Roberts. 7135 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 327 [The Generations rnn from One to Ten, expressed in Roman nnmera's. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from S400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Markham, Annie L. 6193 Meigs, Elihu R. 4030 Calvin B. 6199 Ellen E. 5791 Chauncey W. 6195 Frances 8433 Egbert 2433 Hannah E. 2293 Elisha 803 Horace B. 4027 Elizabeth 6196 Jennie 8436 Ellice 2434 John F. 646 Franklin 6200 John F. 2296 Franklin W. 2436 Joseph J. 2294 Ira 805 Louisa 641 James 6197 Louisa M. 4028 Jane 6203 Louise 8430 John W. 6202 Mary E. 2295 Lewis E. 6194 Mary F. 2292 Lilian 6198 Nancy M. 4023 Mehitable 269 Samuel S. 2291 Orange B. 2435 Sheffield 8431 Orvilla 2432 Vincent R. 4029 William 6201 William D. 4025 Marquis, Eventus 3515 William 8435 Israel 1197 Meredith, Ada 10509 Olive A. 3514 Selden 5880 Tryphena 3513 Merriam, Delilah 9991 Martin, George 3041 Henry 5348 Libbie 6953 Merrill, Adaline 3723 Marvine, Walter 11805 Andrew 1248 Mason, Chauncey 5875 Andrew J. 7889 Mather, Emily 4651 Beulah 263 May, Nettie 10371 Brainerd D. 7888 Mayo, Elizabeth A. 5821 Clark B. 7885 Mead, Elizabeth 1877 Etta B. 7882 Emeline 1876 Frances E. 3727 Mecom, Anna 1025$ Helen 3720 Medes, Happy E 5320 Henry L. 7883 Mary C. 5320 James W. 3720 Meecham, Sarah D. o!5 Jason A. 3722 Meigs, Adelia E. 8432 Jason M. 7887 Angelica T. 3026 Lois E. 7884 Benjamin H. 4027 Maria E. 1618 Bezaleel 1403 Mariette 3724 Charles A. 4022 Mary E. 7886 Charles A. 8434 Mary L. 10469 Charles I. 8437 Newell 3725 Charles J. 5792 Newell 3726 Edmund H. 4024 Porter 3729 328 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499. VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 1237G.] Merriman, Caroline 1451 Mulligan, Clara L. 8404 Lydia 2339 Munger, Caroline A. 2286 Sarah 2871 Chauncey 1221 Miles, L. C. 8487 Cynthia 3019 Millard, David 5177 James 204 John 1862 Sally 509 John 5178 Sarah L. 6175 Miller, A. E. 5361 Munson, Aaron 298 Laura 6189 Ann E. 5777 Miner, Cynthia 1617 Augusta 4042 Nellie R. 8455 Clara H. 5781 Mock bee, Robert H. 10702 Edward B. 8858 William K. 6251 Emma B. 5780 Moody, Edgar 5003 Erastus 2288 Moore, Jennie 6891 Grace 12103 Lucinda 617 Jessie L. 5779 Morehouse, Huldah 5412 Mary A. 1416 More, Nellie L. 9898 Mary F. 5778 Morey, Fred E. 9783 Maude 12104 Harriet L. 2311 Murdoch, Delia 1420 William H. 5218 W. P. 9990f Morgan, Oliver 6489 Murray, Albert 8474 Morley, Fanny 2304 Euphemia 7822 Morrison, Tirzah L. 8851 Myers, Arthur J. 7868 Morrow, Stanley I. 5346 3 Clarence H. 11867 Morse, Caroline 3609 Inez P. 11866 Charles 6172 Ella 11600f Nash, Edward P. 7425 Esther 751 Ellen 11480 Gates G. 1160flf Emily 2010 George 7589 Henry 0. 7426 Lillie iieoof Joseph R. 3383 Mosher, Ada 11824 Noah P: 3381 George 11823 William W. 7427 Gertrude 11820 Neff. Lydia A. 2653 Harry 11822 Nettleton, Anna 222 Millie 11821 Edward C. 6805 Seneca 7815 N c^vcll 2656 Moulthrope, Joseph 1851 Josie 3340 Moulton, Albert H. 8859 Louisa E. 1915 Josie 12106 Lucinda A. 5834 A/I i-V tTT V*-\TT 1872 Madora 5400 Mowrey, Edgar C. 5228 Newton, Jackson A. 3407 Mowry, Fred. E. 9775 John H. 7451 Mowry, Henry L. 8481$ Nichols, Mary S. 4615 Muir, Jesse 3333 Nichols 3237 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 329 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Nichols, Sarah 1196 Norton, Clara L. 8887 Nokes, Oliver C. 3473 Eber 291 North, Alice 6469 Elizabeth 66 Alice C. 6472 Harry B. 8889 Augusta A. 4058 Henry 4621 Augusta M. 6459 Henry W. 12108 Bertha 6478 Howard A. 8886 Caroline R. 6460 Jesse B. 1851 Catharine R. 6458 Mary E. 8896 Cornelia D. 6468 Patty 7588 Edwin N. 6470 Sarah A. 95 Elizabeth 3034 Sarah C. 8897 Fannie 11000 Winnifred S. 8888 Frances A. 6471 William 4624 Frances S. . 3036 No well, Carrie D. 11403 Franklin S. 3039 George W. 6902 George S. 6449 Nutting, Jennie 6479 Giles M. Harriet H. Harriet M. Henry S. Israel James 6457 3031 4056 3026 301 1090 O'Brien, Anna f "\"\ 1 TT/^ 5242| 6368 5911 6795 1623 Olmstead, Sarah E. Olmsted, Louisa M. Osborn, George K. Olive James D. Judson P. Lilian D. Lucy A. Lucy A. Luther S. Maggie T. Mary 3028 6475 6477 6467 3027 3038 6461 3029 Osborne, Ala M. Carrie S. Owen, Dillie M. Owens, James R. Sarah E. William R. Oyer, Clarence Nellie 9992 2 5426 8402 1446 12004 10724 Mary C. Nellie 6456 11001 Smith D. 6265| Norman 3030 Packard, Amanda 1004 Norman S. 6473 Paddock, Elizabeth Y. 2870 Richard 3035 Frank 10437 Richard 3037 Henry 5846 Richard E. 6474 Page, Daniel 6191 Sarah A. 6465 Franklin H. 9150 S. D. 3021, 3033 Frankie 12154 Susan S. 3032 Mary 4116 Thomas S. 6476 Rufus 2500 Northcote, Cyrus 5317 Palmer, Ad die L. 7152 Norton, 261 Alfred 7153 Albert E. 8865 Betsey 1251 42 330 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman nnmerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 5200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Palmer, Etta 4050 Payne, Daniel 1639 Nettie M. 7154 Jessie V. 12155 William 3361 Mary C. 4730 Pardee, Mary F. 8504 William W. 9800 Moses B. 4067 Pease, Maria 2892 Moses C. 8502 Tabitha 752 Munson D. 8503 Peck, Anna W. 11006 Parker, Almond G. 10731 Emily N. 5111 Dudley D. 8526 Georgie R. 11009 Emerson 6302 George W. 11005 Frank E. 10730 Howard 4202 Hattie M. 8528 IraC. 11007 James L. 4147 Lucy K. 11004 L. A. 4080 Marion L. 11008 Laura Amanda 5769 Norton R. 11002 Levi 0. 8527 Philip H. 11003 Olive M. 10732 Robert W. 11009 Parks, Caleb 796 William H. 6521 Gasper M. 6171 Penfield, Ida A. 5408 George S. 2422 Susan A. 4060 Mary 5362 Perkins. Brainerd 10800 Nathaniel 30 Frances M. 12360 Sarah L. 2421 Perry, Charles M. 8962 Parmelee, Aldea 5101 Ellen M. 8961 Mary E. 7840 Manly C. 4665 Parsons, Alice L. 12031 Nancy E. 7848 Clarence E. 12032 Persons, Annette C. 6105 Clark L. 12030 Arthur L. 10626 Emma L. 12034 Delia A. 6106 Frank E. 8490 Esther 6109 Frank A. 10032 George B. McC. 10622 John 1912 Huntington 2403 John N. 10031 Huntington D. 6104 Loren J. 10029 Jane 6108 Mattie L. 10033 Lillie M. 10625 Milton P. 5423 Merritt H. 6107 Nelson 10517 Merritt H. 10624 Newton W. 5422 Morton 6110 Rachel S. 12033 Rensselaer 2404 Victoria H. 5421 Willis C. 10623 Partch. Medad 3370 Pettigrew, Agnes 5636 Nellie 7186 Pettys, Delia 5845 Partridge, M. J. 2596 Phelps, Mattie 11215 Patterson, Dwight 3056 Sarah B. 4637 Dwight II. 6612 W. W. 6799 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 331 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Phillips, E. B. 3719 Potter, Nancy E. 5907 Lucia E. 7881 Nelson A. M. I. 1022 William D. 2333 Sally 1021 Powell, Edwin V. 6899 Pierrepont, E. E. 4132 John 3259 Pierson, Frederic N. 6807 Prime, Alma 1159 Lydia P. 1617 Albina A. 3365 Pinney, Albert 6187 Alfred S. 3368 Alice 6190 Amy 1164 Charles 6186 Amy 3353 Franklin 6192 Arthur R. 7130 Jennette 6191 Carroll 7131 Martin 2432 Daisy C. 7175 Wilber W. 6188 David S. 7132 Winfred W. 6189 David W. 3354 Piper. Arvilla E. 10725 Electa 1163 F. T. 6279 Elon G. 3364 Roscoe B. 107254 Grant 427 Platt, Daniel 536 Helen M. 3355 Plumb, Elizabeth 3015 Henry H. 1165 Pomeroy, Mary I. 1811 Henry L. 3366 Pond, Henry F. 6802 Irvin T. 7133 Ponteau, Susan V. 6387 James D. 3367 Porter, Alonzo 3230 John G. 1161 Arno Z. 6793 Martha A. 3369 Artho D. 6792 Nathaniel 1147 Arthur H. 11201 Ocean B. 1162 Benjamin B. 3046 Oliver B. 3356 Darius A. 6794 Ossian G. 3352 Deborah 4130 Sally P. 1160 Elizabeth 4152 Seraph C. 3371 George B. 11202 Wealthy E. 3370 Homer 6791 Weldon H. 3372 Julia A. 6794 Purmort, Joseph 3384 Jefferson 6797f Malvina 1843 Quereau, Eliot 10450 Oscar 6794f Sabra A. 10449 William E. 11200 Will 5851 T>^.f>f 3307 Quimby, Ann E. 5347 X UfiLj Joel 643 Potter, Anna B. B. 10720 Ranney, Frank 7809 A. Judson 5909 Grace 11809 Harry B. W. 10719^ Mary R. 11810 Henry N. 5908 Rapalje, Edward C. 6934 John S. 5906 Rast, Frederic S. 10851 332 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. ] is> 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VII from 4000 to 8399, IX from S100 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Rast, George I. 10852 Reuter, Ada A. 10495 Jennie B. 10850 Reynolds, Adah H. 5052 W. H. 6415 Katharine 1932 Rawling, E. Adelle 4042 Laura 10380 Raymond, Anna D. 8518 Rice, Daniel 294 Charles L. 4076 Rich, Charles 5352 Edward A. 8525 Clayton K. 9996 Edward F. 4077 Floyd B. 9996| Elizabeth 4074 Frank H. 9996^ Francis H. 8520 Vernon E. 9996^ Henry M. 4075 Richards, Anna M. 6386 Ida A. 8523 Caroline S. 6374 Joseph H. 8522 Caroline S. 6384 Katy G. 8524 Caroline S. 6389 Lemuel 1418 Edward A. 3004 Lulu M. 12047 Eliphalet 3000^ Mary E. 8521 Ella 6313 Sarah M. 4073 Eliza W. 30011 Sherwood 4078 Eliza W. 6370 William K. 8519 Frank 6388 William L. 4074 Frank 10753 Reardon, William 7871 Frank G. 3000 Redd, Alexander 5249| Frederic 3002 Etta L. 9837 Frederic W. 6367 Eva M. 9838 Frederic W. 6368 Lillie B. 9835 Frederic 6387 Mattie 9836 Frederic 10763 Redding, Sally 5237 Harry 10752 Redfield, Anna S. 5002 Herbert W. 6390 Reed, Abel L. 1847 Julia A. 3000 Charles B. 10598 Julia A. 6371 Cora P. 10602 Mary R. 6365 David 5430 Percy 6369 Enos 5921 Percyette 2999 George E. 10601 Samuel D. 6366 Henry C. 5145 Sarah F. 6375 Jacob A. 10599 Sarah W. 3003 Jennie A. 10604 Simeon 1085 Louie E. 10600 Susan 10762 Mabel L. 10050 Susan C. 6372 Mary A. 10603 Susan S. 3001 Relay, Sarah C. 4010 Susan S. 6373 Rely a, James 2571 Richardson 5249 Remois, Sarah 9881 Aretus E. 9830 Reutchler, Alice S. 6899 Bettie L. 9828 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. [The Generations run from One-to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1. II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Richardson, Cora A. 9827 Roberts, Sarah 1469 Elias 1875 Sarah L. 4191 Lovina 5245^ Sarah R. 11014 Lillie 9826 Susan A. 3046 Martin 5243| Susan C. 6525 Marvin D. 5244 Robinson, Clarence T. 7869 Melissa 5243 Eli A. 7867 Minerva 5243^ Estelle J. 7865 Minerva C. 9829 IdaE 7868 Minerva A. 5245 John R. 3715 Thomas G. 5245 Minnie M. 7870 Rider, Annette 3375 Nelson S. 7866 Riggs, Mary C. 1837 Roburg, Louisa 5405 Riley, Louisa 1609 Rockwell 407 Risley, Sarah E. 3623 Ada L. 4714 Ritch, Eli 2330 Carrie 7181 Ruby 6811 Helen 1633 Roberts, Annie L. 11017 Jessie 7184 AnnaT 6528 Lucius T. 3369 Charles -F. 11016 Mary 5860 Charles F. 6526 May 7182 Charles H. 6522 Wealtha 718-3 Chauncey G. 4192 Roe, Caroline 1921 Clarinda A. 4193 Rogers, Emily A. 5814 Ebenezer 413 Ernest E. 10714 Ebenezer 3042 Henry J. 6176 Edward E. 6523 Lucy 2875 Edward E. 11015 Roland, Belle 9879 Eliphalet 1457 Rose, Mary E. 4661 Ellen P. 6524 William R. 1834 Enoch C. 1091 Rossiter, Virginia 3354 Enoch C. 3040 Rowland, Carrie 7895 Enoch C. 11013 Edward 3734 Florence C. 6531 Rowley, Parrae 5239 Georgeana C. 6521 Rumens, Ruby E. 6171 Harold M. 1101J t?ii -mc*s\tT 337 Helen L. 11012 Electa 1023 Luther D. 3043 Isabel le 331 Maria . 3044 Russell, Ada A. 2656 Maria L. 6520 Eugene 2658 Mary C. 11011 Ford S. 2657 Mary F. 6527 Oliver M. 1026 Mary W. 11018 Rust, Alphonso B. 7910 Miranda D. 3045 Elmer E. 7912 Rebecca D. 3041 Esther 1246 334 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations rnn from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals 1 . I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 13U9, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Rust, Ida L. John M. Nettie E. 7909 3740 7911 Savage, David Emily G. Enoch L. R. 1077 2900 2898 Ruxford, Levi 1011 Luther M. 2899 Sage, Alfred Anna M. Barcilla Barzilla 2876 1072 1073 2870 Mary Rebecca Sayer, Lucina Saxton, Asher Elmina 412 410 2413 3603 1187 Charlotte Chester 6284 2877 Scarborough, Annie E. Helen M. 3364 6523 Cornwell Dennis 2871 2875 Schneider, Cora H. Frederic T. 123311 12332 Eunice 2879 John N. 5865 Frederic 2872 John N. 1048L Jane L. 2880 Laura 10482 Marian I. 6288 Malinda 10486 Philip Timothy Timothy K. Titus 2878 2873 6285 2874 Maria F. Martha J. Mary E. Will F. 10484 10483 10481 10485 St. John, Jerusha St. Marie, Celestia Sala, Frank Salisbury, Libbie Sampson, Catharine Sanborn, Alice Alice L. 5835 6791 7910 2862 10582 10586 Schock, Ophelia E. Scott, Addison Scovil, Irena Rhoda Scoville, Charles Elmer James 5914 2501 429 426 9030 4701 9031 Arthur 10584 John B. 1626 Caroline Charles 10580 10581 Scranton, Abigail Abraham P. 1411 4749 Charles J. 10587 Alice P. 8466 John M. 5911 Alida J. 8460 Julia A. 5912 Catharine L. 4051 Lucius 5910 Charles H. 4733 Marion D. 10589 Charles W. 4050 Martha 10583 Charles W. 8469 Merton C. 10589.1 Comfort E. 4752 Moore C. 10588 Comfort O. 1647 Newton R. Rufus T. 5913 2334 Cynthia A. . Daniel F. 4748 4755 William F. 10585 Edward S. 4048 Saunders, George A. Savage, Caroline D. Claudius E. 5118 2901 2902 Emma E. Fannie L. Frank H. 9150 9152 9104 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 335 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to !), Ill from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Scranton, George C. 4052 Shaver, Annie E. 11599J George E. 4754 Carrie 1. 11599 George L. 8462 Lillie 7585 Harriet 1646 Loren F. 115992- Helen W. 8468 Lovel F. 11599J Howard E. 8464 Milton 7586 Ichabod B. 1645 Sheldon, Elsie J. 10476 Ida K. 8459 L. C. 5863 Irena R. 8463 Lucia M. 10475 Jewett 4053 Mary L. 10477 Jewett H. 8470 Shelley, Alfred C. 7549 Jonathan S. 4049 Curtis 1225 Joseph S. 8461 Florence E.- 4754 Julia W. 8458 George R. 3601 Juliet 4750 Georgiana 7550 Kathrine 8471 Harvey E. 1202 Laura J. 4744 Samuel 1809 Lucy S. 4753 Shepherd, Alice E. 10354 Mary R. 1440 Charles P. 10353 Minnie I. 8465 Emma 10355 Roxana R. 4046 Esther W. 1611 Ruth E. 2282 Frank C. 10357 Samuel W. 4047 George V. 10356 Sarah A. 4751 Polly 752 Sarah E. 9151 Sarah A. 10352 Sereno H. 1412 Willard 5819 Susan A. 4053 Sherman, Mary S. 2437 William 644 Etta R. 5145 William D. 40491 Melissa 2504 William D. 8467 Sherwood. John D. 5893 Sego, Mary L. 6884 Shufelt, Prudence 3746 Mary V. 6885 Sibley, H. B. 6798 Seward, Concurrence 480 Sicknor, L. I. 4125 Sexton, Edward 4101 Sill, Elisha 2890 Seymour, Aaron 1261 Simmons, Cora M. 9704 Constantia 614 Henry 5135 Marrietta 6010 Skinner, Jane 1871 Shattuck, Charles P. 5427 Susan 1868 Clara M. 10046 William C. 6531 Claude M. 10047 Sinead, Submit 1142 George A. 10048 Smith, Adelaide 6445 Maud E. 10045 Annie N. 6416 Milo E. 10044 Avis 7443 Sharp, Alexander, Jr. 99904 ,ertha 12102 Shaver, Adelbert L. 115094 'Vii-b 2569 336 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, HI from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12370.] Smith, Caroline E. 3383 Smith, Sally 2313 Cecil L. 8856 Sarah D. 3020 Charity 6903 Sarah J. 3023 Cora 12100 Sarah J. 4100 ; . Cornelia A 3382 Sidney A. 3401 Edson S. 7444 Susan D. 3025 Eliza 1180 Susan F. 6450 Eliza I. 3384 Timothy C. 3017 Ellen S. 7421 Smyth, Jennie A. 4025 Ellen Van D. 3381 Snow, Alpheus 2290 Ellison 4601 Carrie E. 5789 Elmina 7441 Charles M. 5788 Fannie 2405 Eugene B. 5787 Frances 3033, 3021 Jeannette 2289 George 3019 Sylvia L. 2287 George 6448 Wallace A. 5790 Grace H. 5481 William A. 5790 Hannah 3018 Snyder, Louisa C. 5316 Harry L. 7442 Sours, Aaron 5841 Henry A. 3385 IdaM. 10418 Henry H. 7423 Trvin H. 10417 Henry M. 4742 Jacob C. 5843 Henry N. 4095 Jennie I. 10425 Isabelle 1845 Willie G. 10416 Kittie M. 5482 South mayd, Fred G. 6479 Leroy 12401 John D. 3031 Mary 1923 Spaulding, Frank L. 10532 Mary 3016 Spencer, Annie 8500 Mary A. 2291 B. 0. 4062 Mary E. 3696 Lelia 8487 Mary E. 5270 Lizzie 8499 Mary E. 7422 Mariette 1417 M. G. 1930 Ruth E. 8501 Mary S. 2289 Sarah 1471 Mary S. B. 6447 Thomas 4066 Noah R. 1089 Sperry, Jane A. 6172 Noah R. 3022 Lucy A. 6173 Norman 3015 Zera 2423 Orrin 1241 Spicer, Daniel 5267 Oliver 1181 F. Audra 9897 Otis D. 3380 Frank E. 9898 Otis O. 7420 Fred L. 9900 Phebe 759 Henry 9899 Richard D. 3024 Sprague, Alfred T. 3363 Sabra 2306 Alson R. 3362 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 337 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50. IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499. VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8393, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12371).] Sprague, Amy M. 3359 Stephens, Julius M. 5020 Cornelia 3376 Sarah 1640 Edgar 7430 Thomas 40 Edward A. 7155 Willard D. 5025 Erwin 7431 William H. 5001 Harry M. 7156 Stevens, Abel 1206 Herbert 7145 Abigal 22 Howard B. 7157 Amelia 3701 Loyal T. 3387 Carlos E. 11591 Marion 5440 Carlton E. 11592 Melvin 3358 Clarkson H. 11597 Riley 1163 Clayton H. 11593 Riley T. 3363 Emma A. 11590 Watson F. 3360 Ernest L. 11595 Wealthia E. 3361 Eugene M. 11594 Spurr, Ella 5356 Herbert W. 11596 Stanley, Thaddeus 296 Julius M. 5020 , 7580 Stan more, Hattie A. 4031 Polly 454 Stannard, Darius 1455 Ruth 1110 Julia F. 2433 Ruth 3100 Richard 4190 Timothy 453 Richard S. 8577 Stickle, Frances E. 1208 Stanton, Mary 5321 Charles T. 8407 Stebbins, F. A. 9827 Stimson, Carrie L. 10562 Pearlie T. 121554 Cortez 5902 Stent, Anna E. 9541 Emily E. 10561 Asahel 1835 Ellroy E. 10560 David D. 5113 Finley E. 10560$ David E. 9542 Mark 10563 Edmund E. 5111 Mary E. 10561$ Elizabeth A. 5114 Perry 5901 Ellen L. 5112 Ralph 10564 Jane E. 5110 Ruth 10563$ John 1836 Stitor, Enoch 4681 John J. 5116 Ernest 9011 Raymond P. 9543 Jerome 4681 Robert P. 9548 Stocker, Edward 25 Samuel F. 5116$ Experience 89 Venelia B. 5115 Stone, Clarissa 505 Stephens, Ellis R. 5026 Elmira E. 2574 George S. 5021 Frank 11832 Hiram 1804 Hattie A. 5143 Hiram II. 5022 Henry A. C. 4748 Jane M. 5024 Hiel 1846 Lewis 1 1. 5023 Nellie 11831 43 . 338 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 6399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 120CO to ISStG.] Stone, Royal Sarah A. 7834 5144 Sutton, Harvey Hattie A . 1612 8957 Storer, Corwin E. R. E. 11583 7550 Hattie E. Hattie J. 8954 8958 Stowe, Adaline Alice V. 1841 3400 Horace Ida 4656 8956 Celinda 1184 James H. 8946 Nancy B. J. Phebe 3619 92 James L. Jeremiah 4663 4661 Street, Frank R. Frederic R. 10765 10761 John John R. 4655 8936 Thaddeus 6386 , 6389 Jonas 4664 Thaddeus Strong, David D. Edwin C. 10760 8531 8529 Joseph H. Kittie Kittie M. 8952 8955 8949 E. M. 4081 Lanson A. 8950 Mertie H. 8530 Lewis 12041 Stuart, Eliza A. Sturgis, Sarah Summers, Addie Bertha C. 4657 5852 10465 10463 Mary Mary E. Olive A. Samuel A. 4654 8951 8945 8953 Foster F. 10464 Whalen 12040 Francania A. 10461 William 4653 Gertrude 10462 William 8510 Henry Mary A. Perry B. Samuel F. 5135 6161 10460 5855 William T. Willie A. Swarthout, Isaac Swartwood, A. 8944 8959 5922 2582 Sutphin, Arthur E. Ella A. Jennie Jessie 8940 8939 8941 8942 Swartzlander, Wilhemina 3022 Swayze, Elsie M. 1194 Sweet, Gardner B. 10354 Howard L. 12285 William H. 4658 Sutton, Amasa Charles Charles S. 1614 4657 8938 Taft, rind a Talcott, Philip J. Tallman, Sarah 3254 4751 3 Daniel Daniel^ 4660 8948 Tann, Elizabeth Frederic 3482 3480 Eben J. 8943 H arriet 3481 Eliza J. 4658 John Eddie W. Elmer V. Eva M. George Hannah L. 8960 8937 8947 4659 4665 Mary A. Tanner, Nannie E. Taylor, Benjamin Hiram R. Mary 3479 2898 10513 3305 93 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 339 [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman nnmerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 2(11 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Templeton, Belle 7563 Townsend, Edith A. 10593 Tennant, Emma J. 3007 Ola L. 10594 Tenney, J. E. 3406 Tracy, Mary E. 2402 Terbush, Barney 5844 Trader, Emma 5318 Charlie 10430 Trail, Charlotte 1020 Clifford 10431 James B. 2578 Dellie 10437 Traver, Abram 4265 Don 10429 Alice E. 9883 Levi 10428 Archa 9885 Lina 6113 Carrie M. 9886 Terry, Nancy H. 1426 Florence E. 9878 Tharrett, John 2334 George A. 9880 Thayer, Chauncey 5871 Gurdon E. 9877 Eddie 10499 Henry E. 9879 Jerry 10497 Lizzie 12156 Samuel 10498 Louisa C. 9882 Theera, Benjamin 5365 Stella E. 12157 Thomas, Betsey 608 Walter 9884 Daniel 2880 William J. 9881 Mary E. 5423 Treat, Abigail 2875 Thomson, Edwin 5803 Frank 10901 Thompson, Abigal 454 Harry L. 12365 David 60 Parma 794 Dennis 2302 Ti-eble, Anson 1603 Fanny 4618 Trescott, Frank 7896 Josie 5816 Luella 7898 Mary L. 3377 Luther 3734 Phebe 265 Mary 7897 Thorn, Sadie E. 5355 Trippe, Frances 1933 Tibbals, Abigail T. 1426 Tristen, Sarah J. 1897 Thomas 75 Troup, Louisa 10512 Tincklepaugh. Ida 6100 Tullar, Augustine G. 1918 Todd, Henry H. 3047, 3048 Cora J. 5440 Lucy B. 1409 Emma J. 5439 William C. " 6533 Martha M. 5438 Tooley, Frederic 4066 Mary V. 5437 Hannah 466 500 Toppin, Charles 4197^ Turner, Martha 466 Towne, Laurinda 2431 Mary 3650 Townley, Charles E 5326 Olive A. 1924 Dowd W. 5327 Sarah 78 Helen M. 5325 Sarah P. 2877 Helen L. 5324 Turpin, Eddie 12334 Henry T. 1894 J. E. 10483 Townsend, Alfred f'.17 Kate M. 12333 340 DOWD GENEALOGY. [The Generations are from One to Ten, exprr gf-cd in Reman numerals. I if 1. II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 491), VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376. J Turpin, Milo 12334^ W adman, Jerome R. 10141 Tuttle, Sylvia 1242 Laura O. 10140 Vail, Mary W. Vanarsdale, James Van Auken, H. H. 2436 9981 3736 Morton Ringold Wait, Eli 5479 10142 1864 Van Auden, John C. Vandeburg, Bertie H. Carrie E. 5242^ 10643 10642 Olive Wakelee, Alice M. Clinton S. 5188 8870 8869 James 6108 Cornelia C. 8873 James M. Edward L. 8866 Vandevoor, Ida Van Dusen, Mary 4075 3684 Gracie A. Jennie L. 8874 8868 Vandewater, Lizzie Van Meter, Charles E. Ellen S. 6424 6893 6895 Lewis^ B. Lizzie V. Martha J. 8872 8865 8877 Frank L. 6896 Maud I. 8875 Frederic P. 6898 Robert N. 8867 Frederic W. 11280 Sidney J. 8871 George George H. Jessie Marie 11281 6897 11275 11277 Sidney L. Walter B. William B. Wales, Sarah 4616 8876 8878 4076 Nellie 11276 Walker, Ann E. 3002 William C. 3258 Charles H. 3251 William F. 11285 Clara 6792 William H. 6894 David S. 3254 Vanrippen, Estelle D. Vaughn, John 6922 1881 5250 Delia S. Ellen ('. George C. 3250 3256 3255 Van Zandt, William Vernoy, Alinda Ammon Augusta Ella 4011 10402 5836 10404 10403 Henry S. Martha .Wallace S. Wallace, William P. Walston, David 1148 3252 3253 10496 1201 Evalina Lucinda A. 12307 12308 Walter, Susan Walton, Albert B. 480 5432 Stephen 10401 cnnn Alice P. Arthur P. 5415 10015 Delilah Vinecon, Alex. Josie oyuu 5910 5234 9800 Caroline Charles H. Ella A. 1910 5435 5431 Ezra 626 Wackman, Eugene C. 3663 Fayette 1916 Frederic R. 3662 Frances A. 5419 R. 0. 1238 Freddie R. 5433 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 341 [The Generations rnn from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 61 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Walton. Glenn 10028 Warner, Gene vie ve 5637 Griffin D. 1915 Jessie 7179 Harland P. 5409 Loyal F. 3365 Harriet 1915 - Nellie 7178 Harrison 5410 Susan 409 Hat tie A. 5436 Wilbur 7177 Hattie P. 5430 Warren, Amelia M. 11600f Helen A. 5414 Fannie 4652 Irwin H. 10018 George H. 7591 Jennie E. 5434 Martin D. F. 1613 Joshua 1911 Warriner, Charles J. 11021 Kitt M. 5420 Edward R. 6393 Marceline 5413 Edward S. 10771 Marcia L. 5411 Frances A. 10770 Maria 1913 Francis 3003 Mary P. 1914 Francis A. 6529 Morris J. 5416 Frederic A. 6391 Myron G. 5417 Herbert R. 10773 Ralph A. 10016 Justin 3041 Truman H. 1917 Justin 6530 Susan B. 1918 Sarah F. 6392 Van H. 5412 Sarah S. 10772 Victoria L. 5418 Washburn, Julia 4048 Ward H. 10017 Watrous, Lucius 3803 William B. 1919 Oliver 7583 William H. 5408 Oliver 11597^ Walworth, Eliza 1263 Samuel 11597| Waud, Clarence 12281 Sarah J. 11597 Edgar B. 10352 Spencer 3616 Joseph E. 12280 Watson, Abner A. 10562$ Willie 12282 E J. 4637 Ward, Druie M. 7481 James 5902 Frank E. 12267 Watterson. Mary 3409 Garvin S. 3471 Waugh, Florence 6810 John M. 7480 Way, Sebelia 6400 Julius C. 10342 Weaver, Edwin L. B. 9822 Mary 507 Hiram V. 1874 Mary A. 7479^ H. Van A. 9817 Merab 69" Hyland H. 5242 Oliver T. 7482 Lillie R. 5242f Phebe J. 7482$ Orland F. 5242$ Sarah S. 7484 0. Roba 5242| Sherman E. 12268 R. Van 0. 9821 Theodore D. 7480$ S. W. Volner 5241$ Waring, Matilda 2860 W. J. 9818 342 GENEALOGY. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Romftn numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399. VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 1237H.] .. Webb, Adelia A. 5923 Whilden, Joseph 6365 Catharine 2001 Joseph G. 10749 Charles L. 5924 Whitcomb, Hiram B. 2582 Emeline C. 5921 Mahala E. 6262 Fannie 10597 Manett 3495 Henry 10595 Susan A. 62621 Julia 2316 Vienna 6262f Loomis 2337 White, Abram 5812' Newton L. 5919 Alice E. 12259 Phebe 10596 Benjamin H. 11260 Phebe L. 5922 Edmund E. 10338 Philena 2303 George N. 10341 Sabra A. 5920 Harriet A. 12255 Samuel 266 Hartley C. 12261 Webster, Daniel W. 7836 Hartley E. 10340 Florence M. 7918 Hat tie A. 10342 Francis M. 7919 Josie A. 12262 Frederic N. 7917 Lavinia 2896 Martin S. 3745 Lemuel 1088 R. 1008 Lillie A. 12265 W cek 5317 Lois O. 12258 Etta 5637 Lottie N. 12256 Willie 9969 Lucy M. 12263 Wells, Elizabeth B. 2001 Mary E. 2416 Westcott, Willie 5371 Mason 2005 Witherell, Orrin 6370 Nellie M. 12264 Wheaton, Anna 508 Robert H. 10339 Samantha 3688 Rosa N. 1254 Whedon, Betsey 641 Sarah 3014 D wight S. 4118 Whiting, Alonzo 2576 Henry C. 4115 Foster 6108 Wheeler, Alzina 1180 Mattie E. 10641 Arvilla C. 6796 Whitman. Mary 73 Arvilla E. 11209 Whitney, Jonathan 626 Charles F. 6795 Wicker, Alva A. 3379 Frank W. 6797 \V icdm 11 7911 Frederic C. 11208 Wiggins, Carl E. 11808 Fred. P. 3231 Gertrude 11806 Louisa 4619 Grace 11805 Martha L. 6800 Helen E. 11807 Mary A. 6798 James 7807 Sarah E. 6799 Wilber, Harriet 5235 Silas 2406 Wilbur, Celia E. 10353 Whilden, Charles E. 10750 Wilcox, Abel 645 Herbert B. 10751 Addie C. 9901 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. 343 [The Generations ran from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399. VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Wilcox, Adelbert 5271 Albert E. 5738 Alfred A. 5772 Alfred E. 11580 Alfred N. 2286 Alice E. 5766 Almira C. 1605 Alva 4195$ Alva 0. 1408 Amelia 4600 Amy L. 5765 Anna 644 Anna F. 5768, 8494 Ann E. 2288 Aura 5266 Bertha L. 5775 Bertha Marilla 10276 Betsey W. 2000 Blanche E. 5783 Carl H. 9904 Caroline E. 5634 Caroline M. 5764 Carrie S. R. 5607 Catharine 0. 4040 Charles A. 4038 Charles B. 102,52 Charles M. 2003 Clara B. 6179 Clark L. 9906 Cornelia E. 5755 Cynthia 1461 Daniel B. 7550 Dency B. 613 D wight C. 10280 Dwight W. 5767 Edward 1423 Edward A. 5784 Edward B. 4105 Edward K. 5611 Edward P. 4106 Elbert H. 5633 Eliza 1416 Eliza P. 4108 Elizabeth lr,n Ellen E. 5100, 5761 Wilcox, Ellen Loella 10278 Emeline L. 5767 Emily M. 5265 Etta M. 5771 Frances R. 5759 Francis W. 5605 Franklin F. 5760 Franklin F. 5761f Franklin Leroy 10279 Franklin S. 10275 Frederic W. 5773 George 5600 George Elliott 10289 Grace Ethel 10290 "Harriet N. 4107 Hattie C. 9902 Helena R. 4041 Henry 1885 Henry B. 2285 Henry C. 5762 Henry E. 5756 Hiram S. 1810, 2284 Homer A. 5272 Horace A. 5769 Horatio 2006 Israel 414 Jeannette 1468 Jerome 8493 Jerome E. 5770 Jerusha 1460 Jessie K. 5608 Jessie L. 5785 John E. 2287 John R. 1410 Joseph 229 Joseph B. 2282 Kate E. 5604$ Leah V. 11581 Lizzie W. 5612 Louisa 1409 Lucy M. 2002 Luzerne H. r.i'TO Lydia 223 Manfred A. 2289 Mary A. r>u:rj 344 DOWn GENEALOGY. [The Generations rnn from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9," III from 10 to 50, IV from 51 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI from 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Wilcox, Mary E. 5754 Nancy S. 5782 Nathan J. 5268 Williams, Emilius Emma E. Louisa D. 1842 5128 5124 Nettie E. 5100 Lottie P. 5127 Olive 642 Otis A. 11582 Lucy A. Miriam A. 5125 5126 Ferley S. 9905 Prudence 646 Rachel M. 8451 Nancy . Susan Willis, Nancy A. 2893 1021$ 317 Ray 9903 Reginald Conway ,10288 Richard C. 5610 Wills, Olive M. Willoughby, Sarah Wilmarth, Lydia M. Wilson, Allan B. 2891 5879 1844 8564 Roxana 643 Rufus B. 5269 Bartley F. Edward K. 8565 8561 Russell Clifford 10287 Frances K. 8562 Ruth D. 10251 R. W. 5604 Samuel 411 Henry D. Mary S. William L. 8560 8563 4151 Sarah 2003 Sarah M. 2290 Susan 1464 Wingood, Ann M. Wood, Alonzo Cornelia 5021 5874 10502 Susan M. 4045 Tamson 201 Elias Josiah 2300 10503 Timothy F. 2283 Vincent F. 5609 Millie Oscar 10504 10501 VincentM. 2001,4045 Vincent W. 10253 Walter A. 5786 William M. 4036 Sally A. Woodard, Guy Woodford, Arthur Helen 2572 11430 8576 8574 William M. 4037 James 4186 William M. 8450 Jessie 8573 Zelina L. 5267 Zenas . 641 Mary Mary H. 8575 6532 Wilder, Christopher 5847 Cora B. 5435 Sarah S. 5898 Woodruff, Lucetta Woodward, Edward Edward K 2285 8405 4012 Wildie, Mary 3732 Saloma 3737 Willard, Charles W. 4617 Frank B. 8880 Jennie C. 8879 Everett George Luella Wood worth, Bessie Charles B 6369 6931 4015 10744 6317 John 4176 Ella 10740 Polly 531 Williams, Charles E. 5129 Ernest Henrietta 107K; C. 6316 INDEX OF THOSE OTHER THAN DOWD. [The Generations run from One to Ten, expressed in Roman numerals. I is 1, II from 2 to 9, III from 10 to 50, IV from 61 to 200, V from 201 to 499, VI Irom 500 to 1399, VII from 1400 to 3999, VIII from 4000 to 8399, IX from 8400 to 11999, X from 12000 to 12376.] Woodworth, Henry D. Leroy Mary E. Nathan A. 6313 10755 6315 6314 Wright, Louisa Mary A. Mary N. Sanders Oliver 2894 Sarah L. Oliver 10742 William H. Robert 10743 William H. Walter 10741 William S. Wooley, Helen Joseph Wormwood. E. H. Wright, Anna M. Edward L. Eliza H. 6951 2008 1237 6366 6464 1600 Wyant, Frederic H. Mary F. Stephen H. Young, Eugene B. John Elmira P. G. W. T. 4749 3398 Youngs, Agnes D. Alvin S. Harriet N. 6465 Helen L. Henry M. James L. James N. 3036 3027 6462 Zane, Charles H. Emma V. Joseph H. Josiah 6463 62 Franklin M. Walter B. 12368 11584 5221 5219 9784 10467 10466 5856 10468 44 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Alabama. 3380 Auburn. 7420 " Australia. 5249^ ff Idaho Sp'gs. 9837 " 5354 North Park. Connecticut. 4617 Clinton. 4618 4620 7561 8438 6401 Yackandaudah. 10802 10803 " 2008 Ansonia. 3666 7842 Barkhamsted Hollow. 8879 " 8881 8882 3616 British Columbia. 5638 Victoria. 4078 Berlin. 4107 " 4621 " 4093 Cobalt. 4076 Colchester. 7840 Collinsville. California. 8865 " 4026 Branford. 7843 " . 11862 " 2873 Benicia. ! 5103 2860 Cromwell. 6794 Boulder Creek. 5114 8489 " 6250 Oakland. 6251 5115 5116 " 6403 Deep River. 10810 2504 San Francisco. 2605 5116$ " 8437 4024 East Berlin. 4057 2606 " 9541 " 4060 " 2607 3342 Santa Barbara. 1418 Bridgeport. 4616 " 8432 2891 East Hartford. 3348 " 4619 2893 " 7078 " 5661 " 4753 East River. 7079 " 8866 1810 7080 " 8867 " 3651 Colorado. 8868 " 8869 " 3701 East Winsted. 3700 Forestville. 7800 Animas Forks. 8870 3664 5358 Boulder. 8871 3665 1879 Denver. 8884 7838 4603 5207 1165 Bristol. 8577 Center Brook. 3019 Glastonbury. 3034 5249^ " 7801 4033 Clinton. 4198 3036 " 3037 " 8862 4201 4615 Greenfield Hill. 11805 Golden. 420l 8864 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 347 4120 Guilford. 8897 Litchfield. 7722 Madison. 4745 " 4035 Madison. 7723 4746 " 4048 u 8500 u 5051 4049 a 8454 " 5052 4050 8455 11 5600 " 4053 u 8458 u 5764 4054 H 8501 l( 5766 4066 u 8508 (I 5778 " 4110 a 8509 5789 " 4115 il 9104 11 1432 " 4117 Uo 10564^ " 3362 No. Springfield 5609 " 10565 " 9122 New Mexico. 5235 Trem't Centre. 5913 Union. 7152 Pierce City. 4649 Rolla. 9990^ Silver City. 5203 Whitehall. 4651 New York. 4652 ' Minnesota. 4653 6370 Albany. 10622 Argyle. 8921 8402 " 6611 Minneapolis. 8922 ' 3745 Auburn. 6801 " 8923 < 7817 " 6807 4012 St. Louis. 7917 " 9990f Murdock. 6291 " 1617 Batavia. 9800 Northfield. 6292 " 1619 5 .'',57 Pipestone City 6285 4668 " 3008 Plain view. 3408 Wheeling. 4669 " 6802 Redwood Falls 7452 5819 Bethel Corners. 352 DOWD GENEALOGY. 2593 Birdsall. 5431 E. Onondaga. 5220 Knoxboro. 5178 5432 " 5834 Le Roy. 2324 Booneville. 5433 " 10396 " 5872 " 5434 " 3718 Liverpool. 5874 " 5422 East Palermo. 7874 " 587S " 10028 7877 5880 2591 East Roy. 3396 Lockport. 10501 6263$ " 5851 Loomisville. 10507 6264 " 6951 Lowville. 10509 _ " 1251 East Scott. 1930 McGrawville. 7911 Borodino. 3744 " 1931 " 5120 Brewerton. 7910 "- 1933 " 5440 " 5858 Fairport. 5431 1638 Brooklyn. 3010 Farmingdale. 5325 McLean. 2005 " 6424 " 1901 Maine. 3047 1920 Fayetteville. 5435 Mannsville. 4034 5445 3720 Marcellus. 4196$ 9897 Fredonia. 7889 " 6533 5427 Gainesville Ck. 7890 8400 " 6266$ Garwood. 3722 " 8401 6267 1153 Martinsburg. 8404 " 6267$ 1156 " 5800 Camden. 3684 Geddes. 3312 " 10301 " 6425 Glen Cove. 3313 " 10303 " 6426 " 1911 Mexico. 10304 6427 " 1912 " 1466 Candor. 5876 Glendale. 5125 " 5312 Castile. 10506 5267 9958 " 2592 Great Valley. 5268 " 5219 Castleton. 1889 Hamilton. 5270 3733 Cato. 5365 Hooper. 5272 10352 " 2570 Hume. 5400 " 10354 " 2571 5405 3319 Champion. 2577 " 5406 3052 Cincinnatus. 2578 5408 5322 " 2590 5410 3391 Constable. 2593 5412 1904 Cortland. 2596 5417 " 3057 2402 Huron. 5423 " 5319 2404 5436 5323 2405 " 10000 5326 " 2407 " 10010 5327 5841 " 10030 " 9978 6100 " 2657 Mills Mills. 9986 10425 Keeney Settle- 1840 New Haven. 1905 Deposit. ment. 1845 " 2569 E. Gainesville. 1906 Ketchumville. 5135 5430 E. Onondaga. 10339 Kingston. 5137 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 353 5139 New Haven. 5141 " 3732 Red Creek. 7891 53463 Troy. 6391 5142 5438 9979 Rich burg. 2656 Rochester. 7563 10770 1618 New York City. 1838 3003 4154 10772 " 10773 " 2001 < 6311 5482 Truxton. 4673 7803 " 5414 Vermillion. 4674 4675 " 7805 10437 3696 Victory. 3737 " 4676 10771 " 7825 " 4677 5871 Rome. 7826 4678 < 10497 <' i 5875 Warsaw. 6747 5404 5787 6892 6894 5820 Rose. 10358 " 4056 Saratoga. 4061 " 8477 3699 Waverly. 3740 Weedsport. 7912 5265 West Amboy. 5271 6896 8478 " 2583 W. Hartwick. 6897 " 8479 5818 Wolcott, 6898 8480 " 5831 " 8476 " 6212 Scott, 5845 8485 5118 Scriba. 5846 2307 North Huron. 5144 " 5848 5826 < 9780 Seneca Castle. '5921 6109 " 7802 Sennett. 5924 6113 < 7804 6115 10378 " 10402 10643 < 2422 S. Onondaga. 1890 Stockbridge. 5292 10395 < 10401 10403 < 5866 N. Western. 5293 " 10404 " 10467 2407 Norwich. 1238 Syracuse. 1842 10409 < 10432 " 5130 Oswego. 5131 3056 3663 10598 " 10599 " 5134 3119 10600 )140 5411 Palermo. 5124 5126 10500 Wright's Corners. 7145 Parish ville. 2574 Pike. 5127 5269 Ohio. 3014 Port Chester. 5439 1882 Amherst. 6441 5446 1626 Ashtabula. 6441 " 5448 1898 4058 5479 3369 " 1189 Potsdam. 6612 4701 " 3411 Potsdam June. 7881 " 5329 3412 11804 7181 5291 Pratt's Hollow. 8473 Tottenville. 9030 45 354 DOWD GENEALOGY. 9031 Ashtabula. Pennsylvania. Tennessee. 1623 Burton. 4685 9123 Cheltenham. 9124 ' 3376 Chattanooga. 5881 Cambridge. 6300 Cuyahoga Falls 2406 Corry. 2642 " Vermont. 4690 Chardon. 2662 Erie 3354 Brandon. 9051 " 4686 Cleveland. 1027 Harmonsburg. 2576 " 7131 3341 Bristol. 5401 " 4153 Hazleton. 3368 5402 " 4113 Minooka. 3371 " 6262 " 8538 " 3372 " 9020 " 8539 7074 3365 East Plymouth. 7177 5321 Nebraska. 9985 " 7075 6795 Burlington. 5812 Fitch ville. 5320 OilCitv. 6796 10341 " 9983 6797 " 10342 9984 " 6798 " 1625 Garretts ville. 4684 1875 Lyons. 3027 Oberlin. 4193 Philadelphia. 6448 Ridgeway. 1440 Scranton. 1 146 " 6800 " 3402 Fairfax. 3384 Fairfax Center. 3255 Middlebury. 4691 Painesville. L-Jc~r\J 2502 " 6809 5424 Sandusky. 4116 " 6810 " 1419 Seville. 4152 1180 New Ha yen. 1431 6230 " 1181 1433 6231 " 3375 4080 6232 ' 3379 4081 3382 4082 4083 ' 6104 Union City. 3383 3400 " 10623 ' 4123 4125 " 2403 Wayne. 7418 3353 N. Haven Mills. 4130 " 2408 3354 4132 Rhode Island. 3241 Salisbury. 4133 4140 10801 Woonsocket. 3242 " 3378 Sutton. 9984* Toledo. South Carolina. 7415 468l"Welchfield. 9976 Weston. 6365 Charleston. 337"0 Vergennes. 3240 West Salisbury. 6389 " Oregon. 10745 10749 Virginia. 3353 Eugene City. Texas. 5420 Arlington. 7127 " 7128 " 6280 Houston. Tl 'ash irifjiini Territririj. 7129 " 4680 Nacogdoches. 2007 Oscar Island. 6402 Portland. 6280^ St. Jo. 5636 6280| 5637 " GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 5639 Oscar Island. 5844 Sprague. West Virginia. 4077 Frankford. 5425 Huntington. 10036 " Wisconsin. 7926 Allen's Grove. 3746 33 1J Bailey's Harbor. 6949 5242- Beaver Dam. 5854 Beloit. 10458 ' 7847 Brooklyn. Clintonville. Dallas. 5318 5891 5892 5893 " i 5827 Durand. 10409 1 0338 Eau Clair. 6935 Fort Atkinson. Geneva Lake. La Crosse. 3017 3334 7063 3356 1904 1903 5352 5355 5366 3381 Marinette. New London. Oak Grove. 534 7 Portage. 3407 Sparta 6947 Sturgeon Bay. 3232 Trempealeau. 3237 3335 6805 7067 2329 Whitehall. 5353 " 10546 2437 Whitewater. 6204 6205 6207 Wyoming Territory. 7701 Cheyenne. A 000116231 2