CODE OF LAWS IAMBRO SYNAGOGUE, The Library University of California, Los Angeles The gift of Mrs. Cummmgs, 1963 LAWS OF THE CONGREGATION OF THE HAMBRO SYNAGOGUE, CHURCH ROW, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON. REVISED AND ENACTED, A.M., 5605. pin nran ? Eonfron : PRINTED BY S. MAGNUS, 127, FENCHURCH STREET. 5605. O7 D h* SPIN TN " For then I will turn to the nations one pure speech, that they shall all call in the name of the Lord together, and shall worship him with one consent." Zephaniah iii. 9. DSHN rscap nyni DSHN N^N NTIPI v : v : |- * T v : v T - HN a^3 pxri n if At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you, for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your cap- tivity before your eyes, saith the Lord." Zephaniah iii. 20. OFFICERS OF THE CONGREGATION, A.M. 56O5. ("Wardens.} ARON SOLOMON, ESQ. HYAM HYAMS, ESQ. ^G3 (Treasurer fy Overseer of the Poor.) MICHAEL MOSES, ESQ. JOSEPH PHILLIPS, ESQ. M. S. KEYSER, ESQ. of tfje fturfal ni^&i pm D GEORGE JOEL, ESQ. HENRY LEVY, ESQ. MR. JACOB SALOMONS, (46, GREAT PRESCOTT STREET. MR. MAURICE BYTE, (44, HOUNDSDITCH.) INTRODUCTION. CONCORD, which is the foundation of social happiness, is only to be preserved by the adoption of such regulations as are conducive to the general welfare. Laws are therefore necessary for the establishment of good order; and that the same may be preserved, it is necessary that we implicitly observe such Laws framed for the support and benefit of the Congregation. The inefficiency of Laws to regulate our Congregation has been long felt by those who have had the management of its affairs ; for although all those laid down for religious observances are clearly deduced from sacred sources, yet the government of Assemblies for the worship of God, requires certain rules and orders to be followed, in order that the eccentricity of individuals may not disturb the general harmony. Besides the regulations requisite for the procurance of funds to defray the current expenditure of the establishment, and charitable dispensations to the poor always attached thereto ; as it must be evident that an establishment of this description requires funds to effect its purposes; and the Managers have the satisfaction to Xll declare that the Congregation has met with very liberal supporters, and the poor with many generous friends. Several sums have been settled in the funds, and their produce confided to the management of the Committee for specific charitable purposes, to be annually distributed in Coals, Great Coats, &c. and the names of E. P. Salomons, Esq. (who bequeathed the Synagogue to this Congregation), Abraham Salomons, Esq., and Solomon Abrahams, Esq., must on this account be particularly noticed. While the enumeration of the rest of the general benefactors to the Congregation is in this place impossible, their names are justly inscribed in golden letters on the tablets in the Synagogue. Prayers are read for the repose of their souls at the specially appointed times, and their deeds are without doubt registered in Heaven. jvjrn s ws n&K fun 1 ? V?TI : And may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy presence, O Lord, who art our Rock and Redeemer. Attempts have, however, at various times been made to supply this want of efficient Laws and Regulations, but from a variety of causes they have uniformly failed of being completed. At a Meeting held on the ISthShevat, (24th January,) A. M. 5602, Samuel Cohen, Esq. 03*13 President in the chair, The Meeting was informed that it was highly requisite Xlll to revise the Laws of this Congregation, and to form a New Code of Laws from the Old Code, with such additions and revisions as might be thought proper, and that the same be submitted for adoption at a General Meeting ; it was accordingly Resolved, "That in consequence of the great deficiency in the Laws of this Congregation, the existing Sub- Committee be requested to complete the revision of the same." The following Gentlemen had been previously appointed to the Sub-Committee for the aforesaid purpose : Messrs. SOLOMON COHEN. ABRAHAM LEVY. JOSEPH PHILLIPS. ARON SOLOMON. ALEX. ISAAC. BARENT SALOMONS. JONAS LEVY. and HYAM HYAMS. M. S. KEYSER. The Committee have very assiduously attended to the task confided to them. A considerable number of Meetings were held at the house of Aron Solomon, Esq. ttHS President, in Tamuz, (June and July,) A. M. 5604 : the Code of Laws proposed by the Sub-Committee in A.M. 5598, were revised and amended, and several new Laws introduced. This Code was afterwards copied and classified by M. S. Keyser, Esq. and was subsequently submitted to the whole of the XIV Sub-Committee ; and after having undergone serious deli- beration, and receiving some amendments and alterations, the Code thus finally revised was approved of, and the Sub-Committee made the following Report to a General Meeting held on the 6th Kislev, (17th Nov.,) A.M. 5605 : " The Sub-Committee appointed by the General Meeting held on the 13th Shevat, (24th January,) 5602, to complete the revision of the Laws, with such additions as had been made by various General Meetings up to the present time, beg to submit the result of their labours to this General Meeting. " Your Sub-Committee feel great pleasure in expressing their gratitude and respect to M. S. Keyser, Esq. one of the Committee, for the ability with which he has arranged and written in classified order, the Code of Laws now pre- sented, and which they earnestly recommend for adoption, as being very essential for the welfare and interest of this Congregation. " London, Gth Kislev, (17th Nov.) A.M. 5605." (Signed) SOLOMON COHEN, Chairman. ARON SOLOMON. HYAM HYAMS. JOSEPH PHILLIPS. JONAS LEVY. In accordance with the then existing Laws, the New Code was submitted to several General Meetings, and was at length, on the 1 3th Kislev, (24th November,) 5605, passed and XV adopted for the future government of the Congregation ; and Messrs. A RON SOLOMON, HYAM HYAMS, and M. S. KEYSER, were then appointed to direct and superintend the printing of the same. nfc$#i wSg nrfb irr ne^p-i u^ wrfc* v " DJP nri ' And may the splendour of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the works of our hands establish thou it. Amen. XVI THE Congregation having been benefited by the Bequests of many benevolent persons, it is recommended to such generous and well disposed persons, who may be desirous to bequeath any Legacy to the Congregation, to use the following: 4Form of a i?r aurst. I give and bequeath to the Treasurer for the time being of the Hambro Synagogue, Church Row, Fenchurch Street, London, the sum of for the purpose of being applied to the general dispensation of that Congre- gation. LAWS. LAWS HAMBRO SYNAGOGUE, CHURCH ROW, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON. TIME FOR COMMENCING DIVINE SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. The Commencement of the Evening Service on J"Ofe? (Friday Evening), the TTy&l Ptnjfc rpSH (Afternoon and Evening Service) on Week days, and the time for abstain- ing from |*Dn on HDS 1^, and the time for commencing the Fast on TIS3 DV 1^1, 1*O H^^H ^p, to be regulated by the direction of the Chief Rabbi and Beth Din. nm rtan Afternoon Service on Mlb DW niTQP (Sabbaths and Holidays), at 2 o'Clock, excepting on D^ltO D^ (Holidays), when by the direction of the Chief Rabbi or p*T, with the concurrence of the WTS, it may be said immediately after ftjDIfi H/Sfi. The Service of pp TO3 DV, at 1 o'Clock. Divine Service to be commenced on the Mornings of pan, at 6 o'clock. ^ during the Hll^n a mpy, at 6 o'Clock, and on 11M DV 1^, at half-past 6 o'Clock. nm& nSsn (Afternoon Service) on TIS3 DV 1^, at 1 o'Clock. Divine Service on the Morning of "VIS3 DV to n*iriP ri7fin, at 6 o'Clock. On the Morning following 1133 DV, at half-past 6 o'Clock, and on the Mornings of the intermediate Week days until Nil NWn at 7 o'Clock. On the Morning of Kin fcUyPIPl, at half-past 6 o'Clock. From the day after min HHttP until I^D at 7 o'Clock. XX From I^M EHH EW until DHIS, at half-past 7 o'Clock in the Morning Sinn ^1 (on Week days), and on WrQ8? (Sabbaths), at half-past 8 o'Clock. From D'TIB until l^DD BHH BW, at 7 o'Clock in the Morning Sinn M (on Week days), and on fiinifc? (Sab- baths), at 8 o'Clock. nnjfc nSfin (Afternoon Service) on D'tlS, at 1 o'Clock. On the Dnit3 D^ of HOW HiyOP > nDS (Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles,) at 8 o'Clock in the Morning. l^yib n?Sn (Evening Service), Tlbiy *fi*l, at the appear- ance of Three Stars. nn^tt H/Sn (Afternoon Service) on 1N3 nyt^H yty> at 1 o'Clock. On Ifctt n^^n to H**in^ n7Sn (Morning Service), at a quarter before 7 o'Clock. nnilb n/Sn (Afternoon Service) on IK^H n^^H, at half- past 6 o'Clock. rttrivD Prior to ni^n WXI, at 6 o'Clock in the Morn- ing- nin^D on ni^n PHI ^, at 5 o'Clock ditto. nnitt nSsn (Afternoon Service) on n3&J>n ^^"1 1^, at ] o'Clock. l/SH (Evening Service) on D^l Hlfl!!^ ''KVItt (the Conclusion of Sabbaths and Holidays), at the appearance of Three Stars. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. . LAW. ABSENCE, who is to act in the absence of the Pre- sident 7,9,11,19,29 ACCOUNTS to be kept by the Secretary 125 ACCUMULATING FUND 98 ANNUAL commemoration of a parent's death, com- monly called B nnfcO 73, 83 ARREARS, how and when to be settled 86, 174, 177, 214 AUDITORS, by whom appointed, and their duty. . 56 BALLOT to decide all elections 37 BEADLE, his duties 150 to 158 BRIDEGROOMS, attendance at Synagogue 84 fine for non-attendance 89 BUILDING FUND 99 BURIAL, rights of Members with respect to 66 orders for Burial, how obtained, (Burial Society Laws) 8 Ground 180 peculiar spots for interment thereon, how obtained 67, 232 Watching of the Ground (Burial Society Laws) , 41 Officers to attend at Burials 72, 122, 144, 181 of Members who have not contributed an annual rate . . .213 XX11 LAW. CANDIDATES for offices, how admitted 170 to 1 72 CASH ACCOUNT, where kept 28 CASTING-VOTE, who entitled to 29 COLLECTOR, his duties 148 & 149 remuneration ibid must find sureties ibid ( 31 to 37, 39 to 41, COMMITTEE, its functions . . . . } I 44 & 4o who is eligible to it, and fine for declining 48, 53 CONGREGATION, how governed 3 CONJOINT COMMITTEE 226 CONFIRMATION OF BOYS at the ; they are to attend Synagogue, and fine if the niVD "Q fail to attend 81 , 89 DEPUTIES, their election and functions 182 to 205 DIVORCE to be registered 118 DISPUTES may be adjusted by 227 DONATIONS above a certain sum 230 ELIGIBILITY FOR OFFICES, who are eligible. . 53, 55 FEES to officers, witnessing contracts, &c 119, 146 to the Secretary for registering 128, 130 FINE for contumacious neglect to the min 1BD, &c. 90 refusing to accept of Honorary Offices, or resigning before the time expires 48, 51 & 52 exemptions 54 LADIES returning thanks after Childbirth 82 fine if the Husband fail to attend the Syna- gogue 89 seats, who are entitled to the preference of selection of 211 LAWS, how altered 238 XX111 LAW. LEGACIES, how to be disposed of 27 prayers to be read for persons bequeathing. .229 to 231 MAJORITY, all matters are decided by 30 MARRIAGE, notice to be given, when, and to whom 173 of non Members 215 of Members who have not contributed an annual rate 213 must be registered 1 30 MEETINGS to be held at the Synagogue Chambers 63 what number constitute a quorum 29, 60 fines for non-attendance at 43 a person's residence at a certain distance from London relative to 57 quitting without leave to be fined 58 to settle monthly stipends 35 private for Prayers (pD) 223 & 224 general, who entitled to be summoned to . . 63 MEMBERS, their privileges, and how acquired. ... 64 to 73 when forfeited 74, 214 their eligibility to Honorary Offices 53 may obtain the presentation of mvp (Mitz- vous) 219 in arrears not entitled to vote at elections .217 when losing their seats at the Board, or removal from office 235 MINUTES must be taken of all proceedings 124 when they require confirmation 59 MOURNERS, condolence at the entrance of the Synagogue, by whom 233 OFFERINGS to Charities 76, 77, 218 of the nnwin jnm mm jnn 95 can be made without being called to the 1QD 78 XXIV LAW. OFFICERS, Honorary 5 their functions generally 6, 10 offending them 90 Salaried 109 to 112 denominations and functions 106, 1 13 to 158 their election 169, 208 PASSOVER-CAKES, by whom distributed 33 PRESENTATION of ni (Mitzvous),howobtained2l9 & 220 PRESIDENT, his privileges and his authorities in the Synagogue 1 1 to 15, 223 c 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, his general functions < 29, 32, 188, 213. '215, 220 PROCLAMATIONS, by whom sanctioned 19, 188 of new Laws 238 of newly elected Officers 49 RATES, Passover-Cakes, &c. &c 39 watch on the Burial-Ground ibid Ladies Burial Society 40 How fixed 236 READER, (Slip) duties of the person appointed to read the mm 1DD on Sabbath and Holi- days 114 READERS (DOtn) to attend Prayers 113 Marriages, Circumcisions, and Funerals . . 72, 121, 122, 181 their fees 119 accredited Officers (D^tDW) 116 are liable to be fined for neglect 1 13 & 114 strange, See. require permission to officiate . . 41, 209 REGISTER of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 130 of Divorce and nx^Pl 1 28 Attendance of Synagogue Officers 126 XXV LAW. RELATIONSHIP bar to office 55 REQUISITION FOR MEETINGS, number of Members necessary to require a Meeting. . 42, 162, 189 RESIGNATION, &c. of office 16, 52 SALARIES, by whom fixed and regulated 110 SEATS, to be disposed of by whom 12 cannot be engaged by Members in any other Synagogue in London 216 not transferable to a Member of any other Congregation in London ibid SECRETARY an accredited Officer (JOM) 123 must regularly attend Prayers at the Syna- gogue ibid his duties 124 to 136 must find sureties 135 SERVICE, order of Divine 1 decorum to be observed during 90 SHAMAS (B>DK>) is an accredited Officer (jfcO) . . 146 must attend Prayers 138 his duties at the Synagogue 138 to 145, 147 attends at Marriages, Circumcisions, and Burials 144 SUB-COMMITTEE for the affairs of the ntD>riB> . .225 TREASURER AND OVERSEER OP THE POOR (npIS K3J), Election of 48 his functions 21 to 28 his duty at the expiration of his office .... 10, 25 TRUSTEES, by whom appointed 237 VACANCIES to be declared 169 WARDENS (D'DJTB) eligibility to that office 53 their functions 6 to 10, 1 7, 20 XXVI LAW. WARDENS, fine for not accepting the office ...... 48 when exempt from fine 50 their privileges and duties at the expiration of their term of office 10, 38 WIDOWS of privileged Members (DTD LAWS. THIS Congregation shall be named O'^TV'SH p"p J*"VQPI " THE HAMBRO' SYNAGOGUE," as it was when founded in the year A. M., 5486. TTD FORM OF PRAYER. 1. The form of Prayer throughout the year order of service shall be conformably to j v)S H!"13, as already established by the Congregation from the earliest period. 2. The periods for commencing Divine Ser- vice shall be fixed as follow : In the Morning from D'HIS, until KHH BW1 17D3, at Seven o'Clock TinPl Wl (on the Week- days), and at Eight o'Clock on WOP (Sabbath Days). From 17D3 EHH KW until DH1S, at Half-past Seven o'Clock Sinn ^1, (on the Week-days,) and at Half-past Eight o'Clock on nifOfc? (Sab- bath-days). B year. Afternoon Service on (Sabbaths and Holidays) at Two o'Clock, and on pp 11fi3 DV1 , TIM DV n? at One o'Clock. The ^ ours f r performing the other Services in the Synagogue, which vary according to the seasons of the year, shall be regulated agreeably to established custom, and according to the Table annexed. GOVERNMENT. c" orary0ffi " 3. The Congregation shall be under the man- agement of the following Officers, viz. of a Com- mittee, consisting of D^D^S (Two Wardens), (Overseer of the Poor and Treasurer), and Seven Directors. 4. That such Officers shall be elected for Two successive years. 5. The 'XXH DWlB (Wardens and Treasurer) shall, when in the Synagogue, take the seats specially appropriated to them. DUTIES OF THE HONORARY OFFICERS, &c. Functions of 6. The DWlfl (Wardens) have the general wardens. superintendence of all the affairs of the Congrc- gation, whether relative to the state of the com- munity in general, or the Synagogue in particular ; the whole according to Laws, Resolutions, and Regulations for such established purpose. 7. The Senior WIS (Warden) shall be the who to be the President. President, but in his absence, the Junior DJ1D (Warden), or the next official person. 8. The WlS President has the power to con- TO convene Meetings. vene a Meeting, whenever he may deem it ne- cessary. 9. The office of |3D shall be filled by the TO take po &ttJ /DWlS or rrOD, (Wardens, Treasurer or Director,) or in their absence the Senior Member present, who has been in office, excepting on the occasion of a PGnn (Wedding) or PllXD "D, when the Father, Guardian, or "IJTl^iyD^K, being a JVl/yi (Privileged Member), may be presented with pD, but in the event of two or more such cases occurring on the same f\3,& (Sabbath), the person who has been the longest registered JVj?JD (Privileged Member), shall have the preference, excepting when two or more D*T&D are taken out. 10. The 'attJI D'Dnfc, (Wardens and Treasurer) Privilege at the p , ~ i -i-i expiration of at the expiration ol their respective offices, shall ce - serve as Directors for the year following, or pay the fine for refusing to serve, (vide Law 48,) and after such service, or the payment of such fine, they shall not be eligible to any Honorary office, (save that of min [HH or rVPfcTO [HH) for the space of Two. years, (unless by their own con- sent). ^ The D ^ fl p res id en t, or in his absence the senior officer present, shall have the presenta- tion of W undisposed of. l^. All applications for vacant Seats in the Synagogue shall be made to the W)S President, who shall forthwith submit the same to his col- leagues, the junior WlS and the W1Z ; and the majority shall have the disposal of the seats applied for. SSeMtoonl 13- The President shall be empowered to dis- pose of a sum of money, not exceeding Two Guineas, to any poor person belonging to this Synagogue, during one year. 14. The President shall take PinTlS to the JTDysjnn, on Km wyenn, when Seven min nso, shall be taken out of the TOTl for the WSpPl, (pro- cession or circuits) which shall be disposed of as follows : First, the Junior D315, next, the 'tOJ, then the JTBWi |nni , PHIM |nn the Di- rectors, (DWPGto) and past D^D^S in succession. 15 ' The President shall take JID^HI mm on rnin nntofc?, and shall have the presentation of Seven or more DHBD, viz. the 1 st, 2nd, & 3rd, to the |TPI, and TW&m \T\TV\ miD [HPI, and the remainder to such other persons as he may think proper. 16. In case of the resignation or demise of vacancies with- in the year to any of the Honorary officers, the vacancy for the be remainder of that year shall be filled up, if pos- sible, within one month, unless otherwise deter- mined by the Committee ; and such officiation, however short the period may be, shall be deemed equal to the service of a complete year ; the non- acceptance of office in this case, incurs the same fine as on ordinary occasions. 17. The Wtfl D'DJTS conjointly, are empowered erTonsX a bT- u to admit any one they may deem eligible to the come ^W f DTD (Privi- privileges of a JV S7JD of the Congregation, on ie ge a Members) proper application to the President, and on pay- ment of the sum of Five Pounds, and of all arrears of rates and contributions, (if any). 18. The President shall convene Quarterly Quarterly Meet- J ings. Meetings of the Committee, in the respective months of pBTI , !1K , TK and ttoP, for the pur- pose of taking into consideration the state of the Congregation and its finances. 19. No Proclamation shall be made in the proclamations . &c. require per- Synagogue without the permission of either of mission - the D'WlS, or *&OJ, excepting religious Proclama- tions, requiring immediate publication, which may be proclaimed (in the absence of the '&G31 D'WTS) by permission of the oldest Director present, or the senior Member who has been in office. 20. All Proclamations must be Signed by the who send them. , / i .1 -i i 1 1 r parties from whom they are sent, and no bills of notice for any purpose whatever shall be affixed to the door, or within the yard of the Synagogue, without the permission of either of the (Wardens) or 'N2J (Treasurer). Duties of the HiTtt WU TREASURER, AND OVERSEER OF THE POOR. 21. The *8OJ (Treasurer) shall have the power is- of dispensing such casual relief to any poor appli- pense casual re- ' d\fcretton. wn cant f this Synagogue, as he may think deserv- ing, the amounts of such distribution shall not exceed the sum of Twenty Pounds during one year; the names and designation of the parties relieved, shall be distinctly entered in a book to be kept by him for the purpose : but, in such dis- pensation, he shall not exceed the sum of Five Shillings to any individual at one time, nor shall he be empowered to relieve the same person with that sum, more than four times in one year. 22. The Treasurer shall have the management ] of the receipts and payments of the Congregation, C ouuu an according to the established regulations ; he shall also superintend the duties of the Secretary and Collector, inspect the accounts, and see that the books are kept in proper order. 23. The half yearly or annual accounts of every TO sign the hair J J J yearly account*. Member shall be signed by the Treasurer before they are delivered; and such accounts shall not be deemed valid, unless examined and so signed. 24. The Treasurer shall pay all orders for l^ y o r e ders money signed by the President, who shall always embody in such order for what purpose the money was drawn. 25. The Treasurer, at the expiration of his A * **at period he is to deliver office, shall continue to receive and pay until counuTon V'K BHn BWl, and shall on the Sunday previous quit to JVD fcJHH 5>N*1, deliver up his accounts duly balanced in the ledger, together with all books, receipts, vouchers, papers, and other documents in his possession, to the Auditors. 26. The Treasurer shall pay the monthly cha- T distribute r J 'the monthly al- ritable donations at the Synagogue Chambers, -SSp 6 when the D*DJTB may attend. 27. All books, accompts, papers, writings and TO hare an in- ventory of effects, as also a list of the number of rnifi ^IfiD effects - 8 with their mantles, silver bells, and other orna- ments thereto belonging, whether the property of the Congregation or any of its Members, shall be lodged in a secure place appropriated for that purpose, in the Vestry Room ; and a list of the same shall be handed to the *NU on his coming into office : he shall also inspect the said property and records once in each year. depZted 8 atthe 2 ^. All monies received on account of the Con- gregation, shall be deposited by the collector at the Bank of England, or at some banking house appointed by the Committee, in the names of the Treasurer and Secretary for the time being, (vide ma^by^drafte 6 Law 149,) and all payments made, must be by &c. to have two ., TIT i* i t t 11 signatures. dratts signed by both, an account or which shall be kept in the cash book by the Secretary. COMMITTEE. e h e at 29. At all Meetings of the Committee, five ?u u ta e qu c oraml Members shall form a quorum, and the Chair who to preside ; casting rote, shall be taken by the D315 President, or in his absence by the next official person present ; and in the decision of all questions, in the case of the votes being equal, the Chairman shall have the casting vote in addition to his own vote. Majority pre- 30. All matters proposed for consideration sent to decide. shall be decided by the majority of the Members present, no proxies being allowed. iowed esn 31. The Committee shall appoint the readers, Distribution of A i. ' rrayers tor and allot to each, the prayers to read on the days nin^o & and at all other times and occasions : they shall also appoint a person to be ^plH 7JD, and the D^H to officiate on the eve of *TO 73, until after ISIl (vide Law 91.) 32. The Committee shall meet at least fourteen TO formalist of persons to be days prior to any of the Holidays, for the purpose ^ ltothe of forming a list of Members to be called to the *T5D on those days ; to whom the Secretary shall give notice thereof in writing, and to which, if no answer be returned within three days, and the person so summoned do not attend at the ap- pointed time, he shall be fined Two Guineas, unless such absence be occasioned by indisposition, or any other cause that the Committee may deem satisfactory ; and in the event of such non-atten- dance, the President is empowered to select any other Member. 33. The Committee shall meet on or about TO distribute the middle of the month of p^H, for the purpose ^"; d other charitable of apportioning the gifts of coals, and great coats bequest - to the poor of the Synagogue ; and previous to the commencement of the month of |D*3, for the dis- c 10 tribution of WXD, (Passover Cakes) to the poor of the Congregation, notice whereof shall be proclaimed in the Synagogue prior to the forma- tion of such lists; and all persons desirous of participating of these gifts and distributions, must make application in writing to the Com- mittee. fty 34. The Committee shall be empowered to the Committee. -,. ., -... . T direct the expenditure of any monies, not exceed- ing the sum of 15 for any one purpose. Tojettie naxp 35. The Committee shall form a list of Monthly charitable Donations to the poor of this Syna- gogue, of not more than ten shillings, nor less than four shillings each ; the aggregate amount of such list shall not exceed <100 annually. Se H?US "f 36, The Committee shall have the controul of " the houses, the property of the Congregation. Honorary 37. The Committee shall meet fourteen days rs^quaii- prior to |D^ EHf! WtC], for the purpose of nomi- fiedtovoteat ' ' L their election. na ting three Members for D^13 (Warden), the like number for *NUJ (Treasurer), and eight for D^Tliib (Directors), if required, for the ensuing year ; and the President shall convene a Meeting of all Members paying an annual rate of Two Guineas and upwards, on the Sunday previous to ptj JJHh J?fc>n, for the purpose of electing by 11 ballot, such Honorary Officers from the list of Members so nominated. The ballot to commence at Seven o'Clock in the Evening, and to close at Nine o'Clock precisely. 38. Members who have served the office of serving the of- fice of D31Q. or OTIS, or who have paid the fine for refusing to FoTrSg to e 1111 i -ITT Ti/ri f serve, renders serve, shall be considered Honorary Members of them Honorary J Members of the the Committee, shall receive notice to attend the Commi Meetings of the same, and are qualified to vote thereat ; but are exempt from fine for their non- attendance. 39. The Committee shall be empowered to T^ committee empowered to levy an annual rate on every Member of the age lltJsMdSntri- buttons on every or lo years and upwards, also an annual con- male ab , ve is years of age. tribution of eight shillings for the watching of the Burial Ground, and six shillings annually to the Society, denominated D^DI"! WTfoH p'Tl ; as also a n tax of 10 per Cent on the amount of their respective rates, likewise a ni tax of 10 per Cent on the rates of Members paying an annual rate of Two Guineas and upwards D*3PO shall pay an additional rate of two shil- lings annually to the D^DPI niVfoH p"n, owing to their uneligibility of serving office to that Society. 40. The Committee shall also levy a rate on Rate to be paid by the wives of the wives of all Members, who pay an annual fei^SysJ,, 12 rate of Two Guineas and upwards ; as also widows, and female orphans above the age of 21 years, of five shillings per annum as a contribution to the Ladies' Burial Society. ^^ 4], No strange |TH (Reader) shall be permitted y permission. t() o ffi c i atej nor any person be allowed to deliver a discourse in the Synagogue without the previous sanction of the Committee. Four Members 42. It shall be in the power of any four Mem- of the Commit- requSnfde- bers of the Committee, to require the Wlfi mand a Meeting -n /r /> i 3 President to convene a Meeting ot the same ; and that on such requisition being forwarded to him, duly signed, and stating the object for which such Meeting be required, he shall call a Meeting within ten days after the receipt thereof. Fines for non- 43_ The fines for non-attendance at each of attendance : caiTetfo^ert these Meetings, shall be a sum not less than five shillings ; and at the hour fixed for taking the Chair, the Secretary shall call over the names of the Members summoned ; when all those who are absent shall be considered as fined, unless apologies may the party shall have sent an apology in writing, be admitted. r J OJ which must be approved of by the majority of the Members present, before it can be admitted. arrear two years and upwards. 44. The Committee shall be empowered to in compromise the debts of such Members, who may a e " 13 be indebted to the Congregation two years and upwards, in such manner as they may deem most essential to the interests of the Congregation. 45. It shall be in the power of the Wardens, AUO to receive * a fixed sum in Treasurer and Committee for the time being, to ra e te, fine, n &c!. . -I./T i n ~i may be subject arrange with any Member, to pay a fixed sum, to revision. as an annual payment in lieu of rate, fine, and taxes, but, such arrangement may be subject to a future revision. ELECTION OF HONORARY OFFICERS, AND FINES. [Vide Law 37.] 46. All Elections shall be decided by ballot, Elections to be decided by and determined by majority, but in no case shall Ballot - any person be considered elected as D3"l5 (Warden), unless he have four votes in his favour; and if Four votes ne- cessary for elec- two or more gentlemen have an equal number of ' lon> How to proceed votes, for any office, their names shall be put Je^Sf T0tes into a box or glass, and the one whose name is first drawn out shall be deemed elected. 47. Notice shall be given to Members so elected, NO reply being given to a writ- and if no answer be returned within five days, e1ectlon, c to be such silence shall be considered as a refusal to fS 6 serve the office, and the party be fined according to law ; and in that case, the next person in rota- 14 tion shall be deemed duly elected, in lieu of the person so refusing; but if there be no person having a sufficient number of votes, remaining New ejection to on the list. a new list shall be formed forthwith take place. for another day of election, to be proceeded with in the same manner as already prescribed. 48. Any Member having been elected to an office and refusing to accept the same, or having accepted it, neglecting to fulfil the duties thereof, shall within two months from such election, or neglect, pay the following fines, (if the said neg- lect be satisfactorily proved before a General Fines for refus- Mppfirja ^ KRV ing to act JH.CCHllg,^ bciy, as we For the office of D3"lS (Warden), 25 Guineas, Ditto ditto 'Kitt (Treasurer), 15 Guineas, Ditto ditto J'Pflb (Director), 5 Guineas. c?ed of 49. On the first day of HDS after before the first firQiPJ, a ^"OK' *fi, shall be made in the Synagogue, proclaiming the names of all the Honorary Officers elected for the ensuing year. l?a?ing servel? 3 50. Members who have been elected to the eieaea fervour offices of D^S or *&O3, shall be exempt from years ; what of- but ? s X eTilib?e : to serving any honorary office, (save that of min [HPl ce ' or rVt^N 1 ")! }ni"l), for four years, from the period of such election ; but a JTttfi (Director), imme- diately at the expiration of his office, is liable to 15 serve either as WlS or 'ftttJ, on his being elected thereto, but shall be exempt for four years from the time of his being elected to the office of Director, to serve that office again. 51. A Member having once served any of officers beingso J elected, and de- these offices, shall on his re-election to the same, subject oniy e to half-fine. and refusal to serve, be subject only to half of the usual fine. 52. Any Member having accepted an honorary fi n n g e offlce q duV- office, and resigning before the expiration of the same, shall pay double the amount of the original fine. ELIGIBILITY FOR OFFICE. 53. All DTQ vJD (Privileged Members), are ^| b ^ v | ligU eligible to the above-named honorary offices, and of are liable to the fines for non-acceptance. 54. Members who have attained their seven- A e ed persons exempt. tieth year of age, shall not be liable to any fine for the non-acceptance of honorary offices, (ex- cepting that of min |nn or JWN-a jnn), nor for their non-attendance at meetings ; but if they accept office, they shall be subject to the same regulations and fines as other Members. 55. Father and sons, or sons in law, brothers, J e |jjj}' hipbar 16 or brothers in law, shall not be eligible to serve the offices of WlS (Warden), or ^XHH (Treasurer), National Deputies, Trustees, &c. or any office representing this Congregation, (except on the Committee of the Synagogue) at one and the same time. AUDITORS. . ... . 56. Two Auditors shall be appointed at a Auditors to be f^r p ee m yearrto y General Meeting, for three years, who shall an- examine the ac- . Treasurer the nua lly examine all the accounts of the Congre- gation, and if found correct, shall attach their signatures to the same ; and the auditors so chosen, shall within one month after such ac- counts and documents have been handed over to them, make a report of their examination to the President; who shall, before the expiration of seven days from the receipt thereof, summons a meeting of the Committee, to whom the accounts shall be submitted by the auditors, for their approval and signatures. MEETINGS. [Vide Laws 8, 18, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42, 43, 110.] what excuse to 57. The known residence of a Member at a be deemed suf- ficient. distance exceeding four miles from the Synagogue, 17 shall be deemed a sufficient excuse for his non- attendance at any Meeting. 58. Any person quitting a Meeting prior to its termination, without the permission of the befine(L Chairman, shall be fined equally as if he had not attended at all. 59. All resolutions passed at one Meeting, re- confirmation, quire confirmation at the next, before they are acted on, unless in special cases of emergency, and excepting any measure that shall have been expressed in the summonses, as the subject for consideration, which if resolved on, requires no further confirmation. 60. At all General Meetings nine Members ^at.number i ft / Quorum at a shall form a quorum. yi (Privileged Members), their wives, unmarried children, shall at their decease be buried in that part of the Burial Ground, ap- propriated expressly for the interment of Privi- leged Members, without any charge for ground. But Members not being privileged, their wives, and unmarried children, shall at their decease be buried in that part of the Burial Ground, which is appropriated for the interment of non-Privi- leged Members, subject to such charge as the President may think proper. 67. A Member not being a JV1 ?JD Cprivi- ^ i ; s ia n ^ t leged), may be interred in the ground appropriated al>n:i for Privileged Members, provided the character borne by the deceased, be satisfactory to the D^D^S), and Six Guineas be paid previous to the interment; but which sum shall not entitle any portion of his family to any further privilege. 68. The widows of DTD 1 (Privileged widow of a . . JV3 ?yn Members), shall retain during their widowhood, retains the right 3 of her husband. all the rights and privileges of the Congregation, and shall be subject to such annual rates as the Committee may deem fit. 69. If a JV1 7jD (Privileged Member) marry ryi ^yn a a widow who has children by a former husband, ^^"e id1>~ who was not a rV3 7jD (Privileged Member), ie f g ed Member" 20 such children cannot claim any of the rights and privileges by virtue of such second marriage. ave the 70. The first and second D'JTPI shall in right rights oi a i jva fe of office be deemed DTD 'TJD (Privileged Mem- JriTed e or 1 those bers), but are liable to be deprived of such rights difmi ? ssed b from by the Committee, on being dismissed, or on their office. * resignation; but shall not have a vote on any occa- sion during the time they remain in such service. 71. Any stranger wishing to marry the daugh- viegesa ^ o a j^ L,y3 (Privileged Member), whose account is in arrears, and claiming the right of his intended father in law, shall pay such sum TO pay arrears for the liquidation of such account, as the Presi- of father in law. dent may think fit. or 72. A m D (Privileged Member) has a right to the attendance of the D^TH and &?&?, on the occasions of riTft JV"Q or "^17. Preference of 73. He is also entitled to particular privileges i n sa yi Q g t^Hp and n^^7, on their several occa- sions of being 7lN (a mourner), or having TIN* b" (on the day of commemoration of the death of a parent). ^4. All the aforesaid privileges become for- feited, if at any time it should be proved to the satisfaction of the Committee, and the Chief Rabbi, or any person or persons officiating in 21 that capacity, that the party concerned has re- nounced the Jewish faith. [Vide end of Law 103, and Law 122.] Laws respecting DWlp (persons to be called to the reading of the *\&J, and D*aVH (persons whose duty it is to be called to the *")5DJ. [Vide Law 32.] 75. Any Member sending a second apology for Members send- ^ ing a second non-attendance, on being summoned to be called ^vf r d to - r b e g to the ^ISD in the course of the year, commencing from rOfc^Pl BWl, shall be subject to a fine of Two Guineas. 76. All offerings made by persons when called offerings to be to the "IfiD, must be paid for. 77. It is imperative on any one who may be fat? > to in- i ) elude the hono- n7iy, and who has an offering made by rar y officers - *a, to cause the KaJ1 , D'WTS for the time being, to be announced in such *pa&? *fi; having, however, the option of doing so collectively or individually ; but in the latter case, he is obliged to name all those honorary officers who may be present. 78. Any person is at liberty to make offerings Top ' with - J r J j rfut being called by means of a "paP ^, without having been tothe 22 , which, if on rot? or 21t9 DV, must be de- clared before 79. A special Benediction may be expressed PIT)!!? (praying for the recovery of the sick), or "pi nrt7^il7 (praying for the safety of any per- son on his travels), as well as Wt)JO m^TH (for the repose of the soul), for each of which, offer- ings shall be made. Persons deemed 80. The following persons are considered ntirp JtPy? MVn (persons whose pious duty it is to be called to the reading of the *)5D, on the several peculiar WDtP (Sabbath-days). Ditto. 81. The sons of Members at the completion of their thirteenth year, being PlIlfD *Q. Ditto . 82. The husband of an J1T7V n&?N (a woman returning thanks after child-birth). Dltto 83. Every person on the day of commemora- tion of the death of a parent ft M TIN* 1 , or when in duty bound to return thanks, and say rO*Q 7^Un, on recovery from sickness, or escaping from danger, sea voyage, &c. Ditto. 84. A }nn (bridegroom), on the J"Q? previous, and the rQfe? subsequent to his marriage; a widower, however, is only considered as SVP! the after his marriage. 23 85. Persons in the above circumstances, are Exceptions. entitled to be called to the 1SD, at mW nWl (the Morning Service) on ftim^ (Sabbaths), ex- cepting such as occur on D^IIZD D 11 ^ (the Holy- days), or on "jyi&n Sin 86. Members being DMVI1, as aforesaid, on any particular Hit?, must on or before the Thurs- day previous, give notice thereof to the Secretary; whose duty it is to make the President acquainted therewith, as well as to give him information of the amount of arrears, (if any) such person is in- debted to the Congregation, in order that the same, (if thought expedient) may be demanded and settled to the satisfaction of the President. 87. Any Member being a SVH, whose duty it nvn under * rf penalty is not is to attend this Synagogue, cannot be allowed ellew^ere. act PniJY? ni7y?, or even have a *]**&& VD announced at any other Synagogue, or at a private pjlb, under the penalty of Two Pounds. 88. In case there be more D^PO or DT?, of p feyeto determine when equal rights, who are DWH on the same day, the ' t ber is preference shall be given to a youth being P!l *O (confirmed), or to a jfift (a bridegroom); or should the number of DWlp exceed the por- tions allotted for DWlp, ETD ^p (Privileged Members) shall have a preference in all cases. 24 pines for not 89. Any Member not attending the Synagogue attending when J < for the purpose of being called to the 1SD, on the Sabbath mornings prior and subsequent to his marriage ; or a widower on the Sabbath after his marriage, and not causing an offering to be an- nounced by *"pQ&? *Jb; or the husband of an JfPV PlJ>K (returning thanks after child-birth), who shall fail to attend at the Sabbath Morning Service, on which he is considered a 1VPI ; or the parent who does not cause a boy PHUT? JTPy? when f!l *Q, shall be liable to a fine of Two Guineas. persons for 90. Any person being called to the *lD, and contumacious refusing to attend thereto ; or who should pro- fanely quit the PQTI (Reading Desk), before the HKHS be finished reading ; or any person having a niD presented to him, and refusing to accept the same ; or who neglects properly to execute the same ; or who otherwise disturbs the peace of the Congregation during Divine Service; or who insults any of the Honorary Officers whilst acting in their official capacities, either in the Synagogue, or at any meeting in the Synagogue Chambers, shall pay such fine, not exceeding Five Pounds, as the Committee shall think proper to inflict; and shall not be permitted to enjoy any of the privileges of the Congregation until such fine be paid. 25 OF mm jnn AND rrpara |nn. 91. The drawing for mm tfin and tHH when drawn. and mode of JWana shall take place prior to PttPPl B>N1, at a drawing ' meeting of the Committee, and the names of Members paying an annual rate of Two Guineas and upwards, who have not served the office, shall be put into a box, and four names shall be drawn out ; the elder of the first two persons drawn, shall be considered as mm jnPl : notice Notice to be given. of which shall be given immediately by the Secre- tary to each party, who must within three days return a reply ; if either or both of them refuse to serve these offices, he or they shall pay a fine Fine for refusal of Six Guineas each, and the person or persons drawn next in rotation, shall be deemed duly elected, and are subject to the same fine in case of refusal. If all of the four persons so drawn de- Repeated - fusals throw the cline to serve, the D'WTS shall officiate, and shall wardens! 16 be allowed the amount they are required to offer by law ; and if they refuse to serve, they shall be liable to the above-mentioned fine. 92. The mm nn and JVPam n shall be |nn announced by "plG? *&, on the first day of after mmPl nN^p, before the first nrQJH, and are at the period of their officiation to be placed To attend on the on the seats next to the D'ttHS, on min nfiW E 26 6flK. fOTthe and J1WQ T\3&, where they must attend to be called to the 1SD. nwotobe 93. On Pnin nrtbE?, the President shall pre- presented by > > the President. - - an( J "1SDD njl to the rV^ara pPl, and on Hit? he shall present PlWSPn PlXSin to the n^N^n jnn. TO form part of 94. At the HISpTl (processions^ on th and nnin nnx:^, the niin jnn and n^x^a jnn, shall each be presented with a H^IH *TSD. [Vide Laws 14 and 15.] 95. That each person serving these offices; shall be obliged to offer Three half Guineas on and Three five Shillings on Tft& to the General Charitable Fund of the Synagogue. voluntary offers 96. Any Member of the Congregation volun- to serve may be accepted. tarily offering himself to fill the office of ITtttl [HP! or H^K^l |nn, may be permitted to serve, pro- vided he be approved of by the Committee, and shall be subject to the same regulations as if he had been drawn to serve. who eligible. 97. All Members of the age of 21 years and upwards, shall be eligible to serve the office of min jnn or nwn ;nn. 27 Wp pp ACCUMULATING FUND. 98. All Legacies bequeathed to this Syna- % gogue, and offerings made to this Fund, shall 2 ^ be invested in the names of the four Trustees of the Fund, called nftp pp (Accumulating Fund) of this Congregation, in the 3 per Cent. consolidated annuities; the annual dividends of Annual DM. dends to accu- which, shall accumulate for twenty-one years, jSJtat,S. from its origin in the year, A. M. 5584 1824; or longer, at the will of any General Meeting to be convened for that purpose, the dividends then to be taken if required, for the uses of the b e ft Si r for the Synagogue ; but the stock shall be held inviolate, na*>ie. e run"a ' tobe perpetual. as a perpetual Fund of this Congregation. rvi pi BUILDING FUND. 99. All Offerings made to this Fund shall be na invested in the names of four Trustees of the Fund, called the Building Fund, (HDMH 1V3 pi) to of this Congregation, in the New Three Pounds five shillings per Cent, annuities, for the purposes of the building and repairs of the Synagogue. RESPECTING ffHp. 100. Members or sons of Members, (not in who entitled to all the n^Wrp arrears) shall at the demise of a parent, on the andwhen> 28 or SltO DV during the first seven days after , rtan the burial, be entitled to all the D'PHp, and dur- >n in g the whole of the remainder of the V&bv, to D^n Tirvn wi - . No other person whatsoever shall be al- stranger f j owe( j f sav gfqp i n the Synagogue, without the permission of the *fcOJ1 - D^DilS ; or the next senior officer in rotation, who may be in the Synagogue at the time of prayers. 1^2. The person saying K'Hp, must place him- self near the PQ^H (Reading Desk). TO be deter- 103. In case of there being two or more mined by equal division, a Wj at one period, the D^Hp shall be equally di- nn entitleOo . . ' vided ; it being always understood, that the pre- ference of the same shall be granted to DTD '7JD (Privileged Members), or their sons. TO be deter- 104. In case the number of persons with equal rights having tO" "intf* 1 , exceed the number of of that day, the preference shall be de- cided by TYU, which must be conducted by either of the D^TH (Readers). Reading 105. H^^ and p 11 may be read by &c - Members who are D'71N, or who have &" the preference, however, to be given to tD" 29 SERVICE OF THE SYNAGOGUE. 106. The Service of the Synagogue is to be B f which may be conducted by the following officers PlTDy TTlPD: ar EWI ,DWI W (Two Readers and a Shamas), it is, however, in the power of the Committee to consolidate these offices, and arrange their par- ticular duties at its pleasure. 107. No one can be excused the performance HOW excused. of his duty, but from indisposition, or such other cogent reason as shall be satisfactory to the President. 108. The Jin, whose appointed duty it is to Fine for neglect. read prayers, and neglects the same, is liable to be fined at the direction of the SALARIED OFFICERS. [Vide Law 208.] 109. All persons in Service of the Congrega- May receive & their Salaries tion, shall receive their annual salaries in monthly Monthl y- payments, which the Treasurer is authorized to pay when due ; but is not by any means allowed so to do in advance, which if done is at his own risk, unless the party obtain such indulgence by an application in writing to the Committee. 30 . The Salaries of the Servants of the Con- gregation shall be regulated by a General Meet- ing, who shall at the demise of the first or second wwows their 1^' g ran * to his widow, during their widowhood, one third of their husband's salaries, provide they maintain irreproachable characters. Free of expense. 111. All salaried officers shall be held free from all taxes, or rates for seats, but shall be obliged to pay for all J"l1 and offerings; it shall not, however, be compulsory on them to make any offering. [Vide Laws 76 & 77.] Must attend 112. The WtiW ' D*3TH and Secretary, must at Prayers. all times be present in the Synagogue, previous to the commencement of Prayers. miPl (READERS.) They must at. H3. The EWl D^TH (Readers and Shamas) tend Prayers. of the Congregation, shall enter the Synagogue arrayed in their proper costume at all times of Prayer, at least five minutes before the time ap- previous to the pointed for the commencement of Divine Service ; commencement. *- and if they do not strictly conform to this law, Fine for neglect, they shall be liable to a fine of five shillings for each neglect, unless they should have obtained leave of absence, or can prove their non attend- ance to have been occasioned by indisposition or accident. 31 114. It is the positive duty of the |TH, or any ^ other person appointed to read the PHIH *1SD, to e d .the attend in the Synagogue on the day prior to every J"Ofc? and 31t3 DV, for the purpose of re- hearsing the portion allotted for the occasion ; and to be careful in noticing any error that may have occurred in the manuscript of the Scripture, which might altogether desecrate the *)D or re- quire correction ; the omission of such practice, and if any error be found when reading the same, in the Service, shall make him liable to a fine of five shillings. 115. The DOTH shall not be allowed to make Not to name any Member by to any Member of the Congregation, or call him to the *lD by any new title or dignity, without the sanction of the Chief Rabbi, or any person or persons officiating in that capacity, and the concurrence of the 116. The D^TH shall be considered as PPPlpPl (Accredited Officers of the Congregation), sign as such, and conduct themselves accordingly, as our Law prescribes. iage order* 117. The D^TH of the Congregation shall not Not to officiate at Marriages officiate at any Marriage whatever, without a written permission from the D^WlS). 118. On the Sabbath eve previous to the 32 Wedding of any Member of the Congregation, the JTH shall sing IJT&P ^ 3 in the Service, . rPfiTl) and on the fQS? morning, the shall be called to the ISO. H9. The pPfcn JTH (First Reader) shall per- form the Marriage Ceremony, (attired in his official dress) unless a Member should make choice of the Chief Rabbi to solemnize the same, who shall have a claim to a sum of not less than one guinea ; in this case the usual fees shall nevertheless be Fees. paid to our D*OTH &c., namely, one guinea to the pBW JTH (First Reader), half a guinea to the Secretary, (in the absence of a *%& JTH Second Reader,) five shillings to the fc?D&? (Shamas), un- less the D^S President should deem it expedient to mitigate the same on application. Not to officiate 1 20. If it at any time should so occur, that to persons of bad character. an y prejudicial report be attached to the reputa- tion of the Bride, (H73) or to the character of the jnn (Bridegroom), it is the duty of the ecclesias- tical authorities to institute a minute enquiry into the circumstances ; and if such report should prove to be well founded, the W JTH (Second Reader) shall perform the Marriage Ceremony. TO attend Mar. 121. The J1G?*O JTH (First Reader) and Se- riages and attest (contract) 3 cretary must attend all Marriage Ceremonies, to attest the contracts, (rYQirG) and if invited to the 33 festival, the j1t?*O JTH (First Reader) shall say jftgf n:ra plttl nrO (Grace), and W:m JW (the bless- no-a ings). Should it, however, so occur, that more invite which he is not authorized to expose to the inspection of any one, except to a Member of the Committee, without a direct order from the President, and he is bound to keep secret all matters relative to the Congregation ; he must be !u Meet1n|? s aml P resent at all Meetings whatsoever, take minutes te8 ' of the proceedings, issue all summonses for con- vening Meetings when so ordered, and manage all correspondence relative to the affairs of the Congregation, according to the directions he may receive. Jster e o p f a offl~- 126- He is to keep a regular register of the cer's attendance attendance Qf ^ gynagOgUC Officers, and all others required to attend, whereby the President and Committee may become informed whenever any one is absent from his duty. Lunt e o?o a ff- c ~ 127. He shall keep a separate Account of the offerings made to the funds, HD33P1 JVi p^ (Building Fund), and ft&'p pp (Accumulating -j-, -. Fund). 128. He is also to register all ptDJl and ntt^M, that take place in this Congregation, performed 35 by or under the sanction of the Chief Rabbi, for which he shall be entitled to a fee of two shillings and six-pence, unless the parties should to the satisfaction of the President, appear to be in- capable of paying for the same. 129. He shall attend all Marriage Ceremonies, TO attend Mar- riages. as appointed registrar, agreeably to Act of Par- liament. 130. He is to keep a regular and correct re- Registers of Births, Mar- gister of Births, Marriages and Burials, for which ri ^ s & Dl he is entitled to a fee of two shillings and six- Fees for the same. pence, excepting from persons whose annual rate is under two guineas, from whom he shall only demand one shilling : every extract required from these registers entitle the Secretary to a fee of two shillings and six-pence. 131. He shall keep a book wherein the form TO keep copies of the JTOirO shall be ready entered, the blanks whereof shall be filled up before the ceremony, and signed by the same parties as the PDIfO itself. 132. The keys of the ^H (Ark), PDTI (Read- ing Desk), and Strong Closet, the PHin HSD, and hi8CMe - all other effects belonging to, or in the care of the Congregation, shall be delivered into his per- sonal charge; part of which, he is allowed to 36 delegate to the EW, for all of which, and their contents, he becomes responsible ; and must make good all deficiencies that may occur through his neglect. TO prepare Half 133. He shall most punctually prepare the Yearly Accounts x Half- Yearly Accounts of Members, and have them ready for delivery, prior to the months of 71 /K and Tltf ; he shall also prepare a Yearly state- ment of the Accounts of this Congregation, with a Balance Sheet of its Income and Expenditure up to the month of ^Vtf , and submit the same to be audited. 134. He shall attend the N2fl - D'DJIS, when necessary and as often as required ; and shall communicate to the D^WlS, without delay, all occurrences relating to or concerning this Con- gregation. is^to and sure- 135. He shall perform any other duty not herein set forth, as may be consistent with his situation, as shall be required by the *NSJ - D'O^TS, Committee, and General .Meetings; and shall find security, to the satisfaction of the Com- mittee, in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds. Not entitled to 136. He shall not be entitled to any fee or any fee for a i * charitable pur- ^aige for signing any instrument as I 37 nor for granting any certificate that may be re- quired for a charitable purpose. 137. He shall strictly conform to all the be- j subject to fine in case of fore mentioned regulations and duties ; and in re^e'lCfoiiow , , , , , ..the instructions case he should neglect, transgress, or refuse to of the 0^031 may be sus- fulfil the same, or conduct himself improperly, P ended - the D'DyiS shall have the power to suspend him from his situation, until the same be submitted to a Meeting of the Committee, which must take place within fourteen days of such suspension. (SHAMAS). 138. The 5W must attend the Synagogue Iust ttena the * o o Synagogue, and Service at all times (illness excepted), and must prepare in due time every thing requisite for the performance of the service. 139. It is also his duty, strictly to attend to Toobserve at. J ' J tention to the the observance of all the laws and regulations as Laws> established for the Congregation, and to remind the officers thereof as occasion may require. 140. He shall present the J"V)D, announce in TO present the the Synagogue all such DTHD (Proclamations) as shall be directed or authorized by the Presi- dent, collect daily all offerings made on week collect offerings J ou Week days? days, and hand over to the Collector forthwith, 38 all sums so collected, of which the Secretary shall keep an account. J4w nveymes " 141. It is his duty to convey all letters, mes- sages, and bills relative to the concerns of the Congregation, according to the orders of the Honorary Officers. TO act m the 142. J n all cases when both the D^TP! (Readers) absence 01 the \ / are not capable of performing their appointed service, from any cause whatsoever, the WfoW must take such duty upon himself, and on all occasions the duties of the Service are necessarily D ro"a? reci " considered as reciprocal ; hence, if the WtiW should be absent from what cause soever, either of the D^TH present must officiate as TO keep every 143. n i s the duty of the KW, in conjunction thing in good &c ' 166. He shall hold his office as Medical At- shaiihoia MS office so lung as tendant, Surgeon and Apothecary to this Congre- the d dutie a s T lon- . _. _ orably & faith- gation, so long as he discharges the before men- full y- tioned duties with fidelity and honor; but in case he should neglect the same, the D^WlS shall have the power to suspend him from his situa- tion, until the same be submitted to a Meeting of the Committee, which must take place within fourteen days after such suspension. 167. Persons requiring Medical attendance, Persons must give timely must give timely notice thereof, according as notice< their case may require. 168. Persons requiring Medicine, &c. must T find their own phials. send for the same, and find their own phials. ELECTION OF SALARIED OFFICERS. [Vide Laws 208, 217.] 169. On all occasions of election for Officers vacancies to be proclaimed. for the service of the Synagogue, a T1*O (proclama- tion) shall be made in the Synagogue on a HIS? (Sabbath), declaring the nature of the office, the 44 necessary qualifications of the candidates, and the last day for receiving applications ; the particulars of which are likewise to be affixed on the outside of the Synagogue. ^mission of approved candidates from among the applicants for any of the offices aforesaid, shall be decided by the Committee. pay of election 171. The day and hour of election shall be to be declared. w fixed by the Committee, be proclaimed in the Synagogue, and affixed to the outside thereof in due time. checklist. 172. On the day of election, a list of the Members entitled to vote shall be laid before the President, in order that such only should vote who are entitled thereto. MARRIAGE. Notice a week 173. Notice of every intended Marriage must previous. be given to the Secretary, at least a week before its celebration, that he may give information Permission of thereof to the President, whose permission must the President . necessary. k e obtained previous to the celebration of the marriage ceremony, without which the DOTH, &c. are not allowed to officiate thereat. [Vide Law 117.] 45 174. All arrears due from the parties, must be a Y d ear8tobe settled to the satisfaction of the President pre- vious to the celebration of the marriage. [Vide Laws 71, 213, and 215.] 175. Fees due to the Chief Rabbi and other Fees - officers, and their duties of attendance are regu- lated under their several heads. [Vide Laws 119, 130.] 176. All marriages must be registered by the Re g {s ^r. Secretary, who must likewise keep a copy of all nillM (contracts). [Vide Laws 130 and 131.] BURIALS. [Vide Law 66.] 177. All arrears due to the Synagogue from Arrears to be paid. any person deceased, must be liquidated previous to the funeral ( /V l7). 178. In case of the failure of effects on the if the parties are unable how to part of the deceased, and the incapacity of his or act - her relatives to pay the whole of such arrears, or the sum fixed on for the payment of the ground, it is in the power of the President to make such arrangements as he may think proper, and if necessary, is even authorised to order the funeral expenses to be paid from the funds of the Con- 46 gregation. [Vide Law 8 of the DHDPI HlS^ p"H (Burial Society).] fons ia not f i?cTn ^-79. In case any one not being a Member should depart this life, whose friends should be desirous to have him or her interred in the ground reserved for DTD vJD (Privileged Mem- bers), or in the ground reserved for non-privileged Members, the same may be obtained by the con- sent of the D'D^lS, who shall fix the amount of the sum to be paid for the ground. [Vide Laws 213, 232.] or the rnan 180. The Burial-ground is the property of the Congregation, and under the control of the ^fcOJ / D^WlS and Committee ; but the manage- ment of the ceremonies attached to funerals, are under the direction of the DHDPI n'to p'TY'l D'KOJ (Overseers of the Burial Society), which although connected with the Congregation, is regulated by a Code of Laws peculiar to itself. [Vide Laws of the DHDPI WTOS 'pTl (Burial Society) 1 to 63.] and 181. At the burial of a JYT7JD (Privileged Member), the D'OTPI and B^P (Readers and Shamas) must attend in their proper costume. [Vide- Laws 122, and 144.] 47 DEPUTIES. 182. Four Deputies shall be appointed by this Deputies to be appointed for Congregation, who shall act in conjunction with ^ p p e r 1 S dence the Deputies of the other Synagogues. 183. The Board of Deputies shall make ob- T make bse . r ' vation of legis- servation of all legislative and municipal enact- iS^ST** 1 ments, and shall use such means as they may deem requisite, in order that no infraction upon the religious rites, customs, and privileges of the adopt such mea- . sures as they Jewish community may ensue therefrom; they may deem m; shall also watch over the interests, and deliberate on what may conduce to the welfare, and improve the political condition of the Jews of this em- pire ; and that for these purposes they may adopt such measures as they may think proper, consult the best legal opinions, call to their aid and co- operation, and obtain the advice of such persons ^ C e a " su ch he .-I 1 , i persons as they as they may deem requisite and proper. Lid requisite. 184. The guidance of the Community in reli- ^de^Jccksus! gious matters, shall remain, as heretofore, with tK the Ecclesiastical Authorities. 185. The Deputies shall furnish a report of TO furnish a re - port twice a their proceedings to the President of each Syna- y ear - gogue, in the months of Tltf and 71 ?K, who shall submit the same to the next meeting of the Elders or Vestry. 186. In all proceedings of the Deputies rela- ted^* ^tive to any legislative or municipal enactments, and in all matters of importance, the Deputies shall, fourteen days previously to taking any measures founded on such proceedings, report their intention to the President of each Syna- gogue, who shall forthwith cause such report to wbo sh&fl ff^wy* th *b^r^n tob * publicly announced as open to the perusal of nouuced to t ratepayers. ? the ratepayers of the Congregation. May a*>pt sw* 187. In cases of emer^encv. whenever a measures m o . ' " short delay would be fatal to the object to be attained, the Deputies may adopt such proceed- ings as may appear to them in such case to be indispensable, and shall report their proceedings forthwith to the President of each Synagogue, who shall communicate the same to the rate- payers as before mentioned. \SS. The President shall, on the receipt of jmjiu-. the sjTja- any special report from the Deputies, cause the gogne.&c. f L reception of such report to be forthwith announced in the Synagogue, and posted at the door, that the said report is open for the perusal of the seatholders at the Synagogue Chambers. s*ren qualified 189. On a requisition in writing by seven rotcrs may de- man vote for the Deputies. 191. All DTQ v$D (Privileged Members), who who eligible to serve as Deputy. are renters of seats, and not in arrear in their payments to the Synagogue, are eligible to be elected to the office of Deputy. 192. Their period of service shall be for three Period f ser - * vice. years, and at the termination thereof they shall be eligible for re-election. 193. The election shall take place in this Con- Election when to take place. gregation, on the first Sunday in the month of 194. All elections of Deputies shall be b ballot. 195. Printed lists shall be laid on the table, of u the names of all persons eligible for the office of to H 50 Deputy, for the purpose of nomination at a General Meeting of all the ratepayers, to be holden on the Sunday previous to the election ; and the names of the gentlemen so nominated shall be given, for the purpose of proceeding to the ballot on the following Sunday, which shall be open from Twelve to Two o'Clock; and no person shall be considered as elected who shall have less than four votes. 196. ^ n case ^ e Q. ua l votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote, besides his own vote. flued n u cies tobe 197' On the resignation or death of a Deputy, the President of this Synagogue shall convene a Meeting within two months, for the purpose of electing a successor, who shall serve until the next ensuing General Election of Deputies. Siowed xies 1^8. No proxies shall be allowed at any elec- tion of Deputies. Pe e rs not s e u iMb r ie 199. ^ P erson under twenty-one years of age shall be eligible to be a Deputy. persons in ar- 200. No person shall be eligible to vote at rears not quali- fied to vote. e i ec tions of Deputies, who shall be in arrear in his payments to the Synagogue more than six months, exclusive of the current half-year, at the period of voting. SllSim'eSSum 2 1- Tne ^^ of Deputies of British Jews, 51 is the only official medium of communication t f * ommunica - (for the purpose of their appointment) with the Government of the country. 202. Whenever any of the Congregations of other congre- gallons may Jews in the United Kingdom, shall be desirous ifUpuUeTby j" T\ A.' p jt contributing in ot sending Deputies lor the purpose of uniting ratio, with this body, such Deputies shall be admitted as part of the Deputies of the British Jews; subject to such regulations with regard to their proportionate number, as the Board of Deputies may deem it expedient to adopt. 203. On the election of Deputies by this Con- TO communi- cate result of gregation, the Secretary shall make a return to election ; the President of the Portuguese Synagogue, of towhomi the gentlemen appointed. 204. Three months previously to the next sub-committee to meet to con- periodical election of Deputies, a conference oft i i 1 ns %i f qu Trl ula ~ Sub-Committees to be appointed by the several Congregations, shall be held, to consider whether the present regulations may require any altera- tion, or be susceptible of improvement. 205. The Deputies of this Congregation are what amount the Deputies are authorized to expend, a sum not exceeding Twenty-five Pounds, as the proportion of this Congregation in any one year ; and this Congre- gation do not hold themselves responsible for any further amount. 52 ANNUAL FESTIVAL. who to be 206. An Annual Festival or Dinner, shall be invited. held at the examination of the Annual Account, or jTfif JIIBTI ; at which all Members paying an annual rate of One Guinea and upwards, shall be invited. The manage. 207. The direction or management of the said ment under whom. Festival, shall be under the Committee of the A statement of Synagogue, at which a statement of the affairs of the affairs of the ' be submitted. to tnc Congregation shall be submitted. GENERAL LAWS OF THE CONGREGA- TION. 208. All Salaried Officers of the Congregation shall be elected by a majority of votes of Rate iowed r . xies al ~ Payers, paying an annual rate. No proxies to be allowed, nor any Member be permitted to Election of Salaried pa r id ars to be vote w h s ^ a ^ be in 'arrears. NO one to read 209. No person shall be permitted to officiate prayers unless by permission. as ||f-j (Reader) on any occasion in the Synagogue, without the sanction of the WIS or *iO3 (Warden or Treasurer), or the next Officer who may be in i the Synagogue at the time; DTQ vJD (Privi- aprefer " l^gcd Members) having at all times a preference. ence. 53 210. Members having their fixed residence forty miles or more from the Synagogue, shall be annually charged with the sum of twenty -one shillings, and on payment of the same shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Congregation, excepting that of a seat in the Synagogue, for which they must apply to the proper authorities in case of their attending Syna- gogue during any of the D'UltD D'fi* (Holidays), and for which they shall pay a sum not exceeding One Guinea. 21 1 . The Wives of Members paying an annual ^^10 rate of Five Pounds and upwards, and the Widows SSI'S! or Daughters of Members on the payment of an annual contribution of Two Guineas, shall have the preference to the front seats in the Ladies' Gallery as they become vacant. 212. No Member shall be allowed ^withdraw withdrawal not allowed. himself from the Congregation under any pretence whatever. 213. All persons, whether DTQ vJD (Privi- ^J^^f* leged Members) or Non-privileged Members, who gg toertra have not contributed an annual rate, shall be subject in the event of marriage or death, to such charges as the DJ"l5 President may deem fit. 214. In case of any Member being two years Neglect to pay * * arronrs 54 in arrear to the Synagogue, he is liable on the determination of the Committee to be deprived prived of rights, &c. O f a jj t^ rights an( i privileges attached to the PlAlpPI npTH ; previous notice of such procedure must however be formally communicated to him stm remains a in writing by the Secretary. It must however be understood that such act of deprivation, in no way frees the person from the debts or arrears he may have incurred to the Synagogue, or from his liability to all the laws in such cases made and provided. Rates to be paid 215. A. stranger applying to be married in by strangers mamed gt ^is Congregation, cannot receive permission with- out paying a half year's rate in advance, together license for w ^h a ^ ther marriage dues, exclusive of the sum to be paid for permission of marriage, which shall be fixed by the D^S President. 216. No Member of this Congregation can be engaged in go g u h e! rs allowed to engage a seat or seats for persons belonging to any other Congregation in London, t?ansflr c his nor can ^ e ^ e a U we< l to transfer his seat to any Member of one belonging to any other Congregation in another Con- gregation. London; and no seat shall be occupied by any No seat can be . , . occupe^wuh- stranger, excepting by paying such a sum as the ieiSoandD^^ (Wardens) or 'N2I (Treasurer) may think fit. 217. No Member can be allowed to vote at 55 any election whose account is in arrear [vide Law 208], nor can any person be allowed to vote who has not been a Member of the Congregation six months previous to such election. 218. All offerings and purchases of nifi, on offerings ami D^b DW , WOP (Sabbaths and Holydays), $!& shall be included in the half-yearly accounts, but those made on all other days shall be paid for fhose on week- > days to be paid immediately. 219. Any member who is not in arrear more Members not in arrear may than twelve months, may obtain the presentation senution e Fi e " of any PllXib, by application to the Secretary, and ' on contributing to the General Fund of the Syna- gogue for that purpose, according to the amount set forth in the following Schedule : Sinn a*a ON WEEK DAYS. 10 10 10. . . rn*fibT 56 ON SABBATHS. 70. . . . 50 ..... J? 1SD 26. . . . 26 50 ..... nmn 50 ...... rMtt 26. . . niT&T ly&rf? nrvns pew Dv ON THE FIRST DAY OF PASSOVER. 10 6 . . . 70 ..... jtjf 7 o each . . mnrun 7 ditto .. 10 G . . . 26. . ON THE SECOND DAY OF PASSOVER. 10 6 . . . 70. . so. . . . append nrvns 26. . . sr o*n*n ON SABBATH OF THE MIDDLE DAYS OF THE TABERNACLE. 70. 50 5 each 5 o ditto 50. 26. so. . '.- . n warn 26 ..... 26. . j . - 2 6 . ... . 60 rmy 10 6 76. 7 each 7 ditto 10 6 2 6 noiDm - w mnun w ji w nrrns min A stranger may obtain the pre- sentation of a HI SO by a double contri- bution. HI SO tax on whom to be levied. 7 each 70. 26. 220. Any stranger (with the sanction of the President) may be allowed the like privilege of obtaining the presentation of a PJ1, on con- tributing double the sum of money set against each Pl1 as aforesaid ; a book or list of the ni so to be disposed of, shall be kept in the Vestry Room of the Synagogue, under the custody of the Secretary, or of the WtiW in his absence, for the inspection of Members of the Congregation, who may by application, or by writing their names against or opposite such HIXO or fi1D as they may think proper to select, and of which they may be desirous to obtain the gift or presenta- tion. 221. A tax shall be levied on all Members paying an annual contribution of Two Guineas and upwards of 10 per Cent on the amount of their annual rates, to be denominated PlIXD Tax. [Vide Law 39.] 222. In the case of D^IVH the officer or person p^n to be officiating as pD ^ shall cause all such D^VH K to be called to the ^SD, agreeably to the regula- ' JD tions. 223. Any Member having Divine Service per- p <* without per- formed at his house, with the use of a mm ISO, ggj3>?,S 1 within three miles of the Synagogue, or any attend such * J pB without Member who attends such Service without the permission. sanction of the D^D^S, subjects himself to a fine of Two Guineas, excepting persons during flTON Exce P tin g (the seven days of mourning). 224. Should any person through illness be in- May be allowed capable of attending the Synagogue on D WD D^ 11 P^SK.* (Sacred days), and be desirous to have prayers read with p (ten persons) on those days, the same may be allowed by the D'WlS, provided that all offerings made on such occasions be paid over to the 'iOJ (Treasurer), for the benefit of this Congregation. 225. A Sub-Committee of four gentlemen shall sub-committee for the nt^ntJ^ be elected at the end of every three years, to re- present the Congregation at all Meetings for con- ducting the affairs of the 62 fo^thJrSt?" 226. Two Members shall be annually elected sTynagogueV er to represent this Congregation at the Conjoint Committee, to carry the Treaty into effect with the other two Synagogues ; such Members of the Conjoint Committee of this Congregation shall furnish an Annual Report of their proceedings at that Board. Meeting for 227. All matters in dispute between Members adjusting dis- i p ndMd3s? of this Congregation with Members of any other Congregation, relating to money matters or other- wise, may have the same adjusted (at their re- quest) by the Honorary Officers and Committee ; such persons must however, previously to their case being entered into, sign an undertaking that they will submit to the decision. Wn rwnD 228. All monies collected on D'116 from the to be appro- priaterf for jy plate of 7p?Pl JVVHD, shall be kept as a separate fund, and an account kept thereof; the same to be retained in case the Congregation is at any time called on for assistance in aid of our poor Brethren in the Holy Land, to which purpose such reserve fund shall be applied. 229 Any person bequeathing the sum of Five Pounds or upwards to the Congregation, shall on fl^ payment of the same have his or her name book. sertedina entered in a book kept for that purpose, and shall 63 be included in the prayers on the usual days of rfOTPl for the repose of his or her soul. of Ten Pounds and 230. All bequests and donations of the sum of Legacies Ten P" Ten Pounds and upwards, shall (when paid) be ? s inscribed on the tablets appropriated thereto in the Synagogue. 231. Any person bequeathing the sum ^^j^^^ e Twenty-five Pounds, shall be entitled to have the upwards a "o d be JJ 1 1 -l ^Ki I. 3 C pronounced in a same declared in a special iDr on each day ot special -VOTV l, which are regularly pronounced on the appointed Holydays. 232. It shall be in the power of the Honorary selection of * ground for Officers to apportion to any Member a space of j^o ' 1 f A 1 L J it, payment, &c. ground for interment, as selected, upon the pay- ment of Six Guineas, provided such party be approved of, and undertake strictly to conform to all the laws and regulations of the Congregation, and has not renounced the Jewish faith, during his or her life, and also that all debts and arrears due at the decease, be paid before the interment takes place. 233. On Friday evening, when PftDG? v^tf Reception of ^lK at the (Mourners) are in attendance at the entrance of * the Synagogue, the same shall, with the sanction of the President, be announced, for the purpose of their being received at the door, and condoled Monies of Ladies' Burial by the Chief Rabbi or |H, and the PHD? (Synagogue Officers.) 234. The monies of the Ladies' Burial Society r kept ct separate. shall be kept distinct, and a Treasurer shall be elected thereto as heretofore, who shall annually furnish an account of the income and expenditure of the said Society, to the Committee of the Synagogue. [Vide Law 40 : and Laws 2 & 63 of the Burial Society.] kf r f?om ( th v e iat " ^^' ^- n y P erson wno ma y J om an y Congrega- Soi'y^'eHgion 1 ! 1 tion that deviates, or may deviate in any way from the present principles of our Holy Religion, as hitherto and at present established, and under the sanction of our ecclesiastical authorities, shall Not eligible to not be deemed eligible to hold any office what- hold office. if in office to ever i n this Congregation; and in case of any therefrom! person holding office, and in and during the term of their office should join any such Congregation, he or they shall be removed from any office he or they may hold, on the same being proved before a majority of two-thirds of a General Meeting. NO new tax to 236. No new tax shall be levied, or any new be made without fund instituted for the use or benefit of this Con- gregation, without the majority of votes at a General Meeting of Members paying an annual rate of Two Guineas and upwards. 237. The several funds of this Congregation , shall be invested in trust in the names of four Appointment of Trustees. 65 Trustees to be appointed by a General Meeting, and who shall execute a trust-deed if required ; and in the event of the demise of any of the said Trustees, the vacancy shall be filled up within three months. 238. The Laws of this Congregation shall be _. .. _ -i/r i f AI distributed to printed and distnbuted to every Member 01 the aii Members. Congregation : any additions or alterations can Additions and * alteratious can only be made by the majority of votes at a a^Glnerai 6 General Meeting of all Members paying an annual rate of Two Guineas and upwards ; and such additions and alterations, or any new law, shall be proclaimed in the Synagogue three successive TO be pro. x tj o claiinpu in ttic JTirnS? (Sabbaths), and a copy thereof placed near Syna! the door of the Synagogue. No new law or Require con- * o o firmation. resolution can be binding unless confirmed at a General Meeting. FINIS. LAWS OP THE enon nra irn OR BURIAL SOCIETY OF THE HAMBRO SYNAGOGUE. REVISED AND ENACTED, A. M. 5605 69 LAWS OF THE , BURIAL SOCIETY. 1. Every Member of the Congregation, married Males of the L age of ei & hteen or unmarried, whether a JV37JD (Privileged Mem- t a "be u come rds i , n . i / i .1 T Members of the ber) or not, from the age of eighteen years and up- Burial society. wards, shall become Members of the DHDH (Burial Society), and shall pay an annual rate of six shillings to the Society, also eight shillings annually for watching the burial-ground : D^PO shall pay two shillings annually in addition n^-p to pay to the above rates. [Vide Synagogue Laws, Law 39.] 2. The wives of all Members who pay an Ladies to con. i f m /-i T - tribute to the annual rate ot Iwo Crumeas and upwards, as ^ e e t s> Burial also widows and female orphans above the age of twenty-one years, shall pay the sum of five shillings per annum as a contribution to the Ladies' Burial Society. [Vide Synagogue Laws, Law 40.] 70 and 3. The first and second D*iTH, the BW, also con - cSr'y, the Secretary, and BW of the Burial Society, &c. shall be considered Members of this Society, HOW exempt without paying an annual rate. from payment. f J Treasurers to 4. Two D^IJ (Overseers) shall be elected by be appointed. the Committee on or about [DO fc?*lP! W&\ who shall serve the office for two successive years, and who shall be summoned and entitled to vote at Meetings of the Committee on all matter rela- tive to the DHDH rtfcfifl pTl (Burial Society). Their province 5. The D^K^I (Overseers) shall superintend and and duty. direct all funerals, and have power and control over the watchmen of the burial-ground, shall sign all orders for the payment of wages, expenses, &c. connected with the burial-ground, upon the (Treasurer) of the Synagogue. Fine. 6. The fine for the non-acceptance of this office shall be Three Guineas. Burial-ground 7. The burial-ground in Grove Street, Hackney, to be kept by a shall be kept by a person appointed for that purpose at a General Meeting, who shall receive an annual salary, to be fixed and regulated by such Meeting. NO funeral to g. No Member, his wife or child, whether a take place with- (Privileged Member) or not, who may depart this life, can be buried until the WtiW of 71 the DHDPI Ffm p"H (Burial Society) shall have given notice of such death to the D^D^lS) (Wardens), or in their absence to the ^iJl (Treasurer) of the Synagogue, who shall not permit the f M? (funeral) to take place until the account due by the deceased The account due by the shall have been settled ; which account shall in- SSSTjiSrtSia elude his or their annual rates, &c. to the expira- tion of the half year in which he or they shall have died ; and in case it should appear that he Jo^tf S-J pay or they are unable to pay the full amount of such debt, the Di^lS (President) is empowered to arrange the same, and if necessary is even authorized to direct the funeral expenses to be paid from the funds of the Congregation. 9. The W3J (Overseer) of the DHDH nm |TH Treasurer not *' i -it i to give r (Shamas), and thirteen Members (who shall be drawn for that be drawn. TO attend at the occa sion), shall proceed to the JWJ? rVl (Burial Ground) in coaches to be provided by the Society. The *rn (Rabbi) shall there deliver a discourse, after which the persons, &c. as aforesaid shall L attend at PlPlto H/SH (Afternoon Service) at the Vestry Room, prior to which a short religious discourse shall be delivered by the '2*1 (Rabbi), and 7l"M shall be read in the same form as on a (Fast Day). Who to officiate 11. On this occasion the '2*1 (Rabbi) shall officiate as JTfi (Reader) both in the morning to , and to Pinto (Afternoon Service). Breakfast in the evening. Rabbi. 12. A breakfast shall be provided in the even- ing by the fc?/bt?, for which one shilling and six- pence for each person who attends shall be allowed to him by the Treasurer. DHDH rrf^aa JTIY-T w (RABBI OF THE BURIAL SOCIETY.) 13. A competent person shall be appointed as **n (Rabbi) to the Society, who shall be elected by a majority of votes of rate-payers, agreeably to the regulations of the Synagogue relative to 73 elections of Salaried Officers, at an annual salary to be fixed and regulated by a General Meeting. 14. It shall be the duty of the ^Tl to go to HU duties. every person of this Congregation to say prayers with him or them, whenever called on by the To attend when >k*t4 r i f called by the E70S7 for that purpose, or sent for by the sick wotf- person, provided the distance does not exceed K the distance does not exceed two miles from the Synagogue; or should any two mUesu person be Y'PJ approaching to death (DD13), the ^Tl must attend him when called on (if within the distance aforesaid), and must remain with him until after the departure of the soul from the body. 15. The ''I*! must be present at all HITlED of Mu t be ? resent r ^ at aii prints males, and must be careful that all things be properly conducted, whether the deceased was a JVTPJD (Privileged Member) or not; excepting at any PITIES or funeral where it is deemed proper * r f t h dispensed that the customary funeral ceremonies are to be dispensed with. 16. He must take care that the /V P (funeral) Mus t be care/ui . . -IT TI that every thing takes place at the time appointed, and likewise is pjp"y t-t conducted. that nothing be done contrary to our religious laws and customs, either at the PlTltD or '*r? (funeral). 17. The *3"1 must attend all funerals that take Must attend a u place in this Congregation, habited in the proper u 74 costume, officiate at the burial-ground, and give directions for all observances customary at a /V P. 18. It is the duty of the W to attend morning nyae>. an( j evening, where p& be made during the D'jy nplB> (First Seven days of Mourning), for the purpose of reading prayers, and lecturing when the death of a JV1 7JD (Privileged Member) takes place, or at the death of the wife or child of a d^n^^d ^ ?Jfr provided the distance does not exceed two miles from the Synagogue. 19 - It is the dut J of the ^ to attend any sick miles, ]?- person, or at any fOE, although the distance ex- quired, and he r J beremune- ceeds two miles from the Synagogue, if the same be required by the relatives or friends of the H the [3313 deceased, and the approbation of the Di^S Pre- approTe of sident and 'fcOJ of the Burial Society be thereto obtained : a remuneration shall be allowed by the parties requiring such attendance for coach- hire, &c. Must attend to 20. The '2*1 must at all times attend to the the instructions offi b c:". on em g otherwise engaged in the duties of his situation. 75 22. He must be present at the setting of Must be present at the fixing of (tomb or head stones) of all descriptions, nmD> for which he shall be entitled to a fee of two shillings and sixpence ; and the inscription intended for any inscription to * be previously such stone shall be submitted to him, prior to its 8ubmitted - being engraved ; and if the wording thereof be in- isboundto correct any correct, or any matter inserted that maybe improper Sin? ety or contrary to our faith, he shall order the same to be altered, and rendered correct and proper; and in case he shall overlook, or cause any error to remain, or allow the said stone or tomb to be set without the error or impropriety being altered or removed, he shall be subject to a fine, and T 5fl n | dfOT " neglect of same shall further be liable to pay the charges attend- $ alS^S i -i -, Officers. ing the necessary alteration, as may be awarded by the D'DnS (Wardens) and K3J of the rraj p"n DHDH (Burial Society). 23. Should the MH transgress or neglect any of the before-mentioned duties, it shall be in the SS2SS power of the WlS President to inflict a fine of not less than five shillings, nor exceeding One Guinea for each such offence or neglect, or shall have the power to suspend him for a time. DHDH rrfww pm wxr (SHAMAS OF THE BURIAL SOCIETY). 24. A fit person shall be appointed as BW to the Burial Society, who shall be elected by a 76 majority of votes of rate-payers, agreeably to the regulations of the Synagogue for Salaried Officers. Scffil 1 /& the 25. He must be careful to select attendants for the sick, who must be of good character, and he must see that they fulfil their duties properly. called. 26. He must immediately attend when called (at any hour), by virtue of his office. is 27. It is his duty to see every thing properly lc nintj? r prepared, and in due time for the HintO, which he must attend ; but he cannot serve in lieu of any other person. 28. The BW must forward the order for digging the grave, and must follow every "'V? (funeral) to the burial-ground, and must take care that there be pj at the burial-ground on every such occasion ; and he must not depart from the ground until that he has seen that the grave is completely closed. 29. He shall select a person to carry about the . charit y-box, who must be approved of by the (Overseer). Must order 30. He must also order the hearse and coaches hearse and coaches, & C . to be j n attendance at least a quarter of an hour before the time appointed for the '*f? to take 77 place ; he must likewise take especial care that ^ d * ee , that the coffin and DOH^D (shrouds) are in readiness %$l m at the house of the deceased, at least an hour previous to the time appointed for the funeral. 31. The WI3& shall be entitled to a fee of two HIS fee. shillings and sixpence for the burial of every male or female infant or child, excepting when the funeral expenses are paid from the funds of the Synagogue. 32. He must carry a 753 (an infant under Must carry a thirty days old) to the burial-ground, and must bunai-groumi. not depart from thence until it be buried, and the grave closed in a proper manner; and should Fine for neglect of same. it be discovered that he did not go himself with such infant to the burial-ground, or that he had departed from thence before the grave had been properly closed, he shall be liable to a fine of ten shillings and sixpence. 33. At the death of a female, it is the duty of Must acquaint the Treasurer the WfcW to acquaint the Treasurer of the Ladies' ^ c \e? y L o a n o?e Burial Society, within half an hour after he has female? a received instructions, at what time the funeral is to take place, so that the Ladies may have every thing ready for the corpse at the time required ; and if the fc?fc? neglect this duty, he shall be Fine for neg- * lect. subject to pay a fine of five shillings. 78 Must attend at 34. It is his duty to attend at the burial- the setting of every mm ground when a PQfc (tomb or head-stone) is set, for which he is entitled to a fee of two shillings and sixpence ; should he however fail to attend he shall forfeit his fee, and be subject to a fine of five shillings. ne for neglect 35. If the &ti& transgress any of the before- mentioned regulations, or in any way neglect his duty, it is in the power of the President to fine him five shillings for every such neglect, unless he can testify that he had given directions for every thing required in due time. rrm w%* (PERSONS WHOSE DUTY IT is TO ATTEND TO WASH AND CLOTHE A CORPSE.) mnta to attend n-nriD of males and all funerals. Their duties. 36. Three persons shall be appointed by the Committee to attend and officiate at all filTltD of males, and also to attend at every > b (funeral), whether male or female, clothed in black. 37. It is their duty to place the coffin in the hearse, follow the > f? to the burial-ground, assist to remove the coffin, and to place it in the grave ; and should they depart before that takes place, they shall each be subject to a fine of two shillings and sixpence. 79 38. They shall also do all the services apper- AIM do every * * thing required taining to a " |I D (funeral) that may be required, ng req at a 39. The remuneration or salary of these persons Their remu- 1-I/-I neration by shall be determined on by the Committee. whom axed. Ttf)B> RESIDENT KEEPER OF THE BURIAL GROUND. 40. A person shall be appointed as keeper Resident at the A Burial-ground. of the burial-ground, who shall reside on the premises. 41. It is his duty to superintend the watching HIS duty. of the burial-ground throughout the year, for which purpose three persons shall be appointed as watchmen, one of which three shall not be of the Jewish faith; two shall watch every night in TO superintend the watching of the watch-house of the said burial-ground, from the & round - half an hour before sun-set until six o'clock in the morning in summer, and until seven o'clock in winter. 42. The keeper of the burial-ground shall not Not to admit a . corpse without under any circumstance whatever, admit any T ? der signed " ^ by the D3^Q corpse on the burial-ground, or allow any grave S? th^B^a?* to be made, either for an adult, child, or 7SJ (Infant under thirty days old), without an order to that effect signed by the DJ^lS President, and countersigned by the WH of the D^Dh wS'fcJ p"n (Burial Society) ; and if he transgress this law in 80 either case, he shall be dismissed from his situa- tion, and be deemed ever after uneligible to be reinstated therein. TO see that the 43. It is his duty to see that the graves are graves are made Yz. dug i n ^ ne following manner (by measuring the same), viz. For children under 3 years of age ..... 3 feet deep. Ditto from 3 and under 12 years of age . 3 ft. 6 in. do. Ditto from 12 do. 15 do. .4 ft. do. Ditto from 15 and upwards . 6 ft. do. Fee. 44. At the fixing or setting of every (tomb or head-stone), the keeper of the burial- ground shall be entitled to a fee of two shillings and sixpence. Must register an 45. H e must keep a register of all interments interments. that take place in the burial-ground, and make a monthly return of the same to the Secretary, and pine for neglect is liable to a penalty of two shillings and six- ofsame. pence for every omission. is Habie to be 46. He shall strictly conform to all the before- suspended for TrlnSesfing mentioned duties; and in case he neglects or refuses to fulfil any of the same, or otherwise conducts himself improperly, the DJ1S shall be empowered to suspend him from his situation until the same shall have been submitted to a General Meeting, which must take place within fourteen days after such suspension. 81 GENERAL LAWS OF THE DHDH (BURIAL SOCIETY). 47. It shall not be in the power of the Trea- Treasurer not empowered to surer to alter in any way whatever the regular J$; t y tl Ing i -t 't*L / I N concurrence of and accustomed ceremonies at a "7 (raneral), the DWIS- without the concurrence of the DWlS (Wardens). 48. Should the D^D3"l5 (Wardens) order an D ^ m and . ... . W& not bound alteration in the customary rites and ceremonies to attend under certain circum- at a funeral, from peculiar circumstances in the stances - character of the deceased, the D^TH (Readers) and Wfl& (Shamas) of the Synagogue shall not be expected to attend at such "T? (funeral). 49. A contract shall be entered into for the contract for coaches, &c. furnishing of coffins, hearse, and coaches, as may be agreed on by the Committee. 50. At the demise of a TV^TJD (Privileged M *y order coaches to fol- Member) of the Congregation, or his wife, it lowa "^> shall be in the power of the D3^5 President to order two coaches to follow the '*f? (funeral), and HOW many. at the demise of an unmarried child of a J (Privileged Member), one coach to be paid from the funds of the Congregation ; but in cases gregatlon - where the funeral expenses are paid from the what cases * excepted. funds of the Congregation, only one coach shall be allowed. M 82 Fine it the necessary Ditto. 51. Should the coffin not be ready at the time appointed, through the neglect of the maker thereof, he shall pay a fine of five shillings ; and if the D^^fi (Shrouds) be not ready in due time through the neglect of the finfcSW, she shall be subject to the like fine. 52. The grave-digger shall also be subject to the above named fine if the grave be not ready in due time. Treasurer to have rows 53. The *tf!U (Overseer) is expected to pay . V r \ J blred and num " particular attention that a regular row or line be kept at the burial-ground for the interment of the dead, each row or line to be numbered. 54. The (Overseer) shall have a book ll interments that take p the burial-ground shall be duly registered. TO have a register kept . . of interments, kept, in which all interments that take place at Donations to be e persons to be 55. A tablet shall be placed in the Hall at the burial-ground, on which all donations to the funds of this Society shall be inscribed. 56. Should a JV^JD (Privileged Member) of this Congregation be unfortunately obliged to keep D^ Piyifc? (Seven days of Mourning), or if a TO7JD (Privileged Member) depart this life,four persons including the 'O'l (Rabbi) shall be sent towards p, if requested, provided the place at 83 which the ptt be required to attend, does not exceed one mile and a half from the Synagogue. 57. No PQ& (tomb or head-stone) shall bern:x uotto \ 'be fixed without erected without an order permitting the same theD;nQorder - from the D3*l5 President. 58. The WlS President shall be empowered stranger to contribute to to make such charge for the erection of a Tomb or Head-stone for persons not Members of this Congregation, as he may think fit. 59. Persons who require a grave to be lined ^ 1 t r b / v | > s aid with bricks, must pay the sum of One Guinea in brLks ed addition to the other charges to the funds of this Society. 60. Should any Member at his or her demise when arrears are not paid in be indebted to the Congregation, and the said {Jj^ the debt not having been paid in full at the time of ravo jo be interment, the D31S President may refuse per- crected - mission to set up or place a PDfc (tomb or head stone) on the grave of such deceased Member, until the debt be discharged or adjusted. 61. All accounts for funeral expenses shall be Accounts re- quire Trea- made out by the Secretary, and examined and J^*' 8 signa - signed by the 'KU (Overseer) of the ni^Ol p"n DHDH (Burial Society), previous to their being submitted or delivered (by the ?&?) for pay- 84 Penalty for presenting ture. ment ; and should the t?fc? present any account l a" for payment without the same having been so examined and signed, he shall be liable to a fine of One Guinea; and should he make any fraudu- lent demand on the Treasurer, he shall be liable to be dismissed from his situation. Treasurer not 62. The *K3jl (Overseer) shall not be empowered empowered to fortte 1 payment to sign an order for the payment of any sum ex- of more than _ . _^ _. . fixed sum. ceeding One trumea for the purposes ol the burial-ground, without the consent of the President. Treasurer. Functions of the same. a p"n LADIES' BURIAL SOCIETY. 63. A Lady shall be appointed as Treasurer to this Society, who shall annually furnish an ac- count of the income and expenditure of the said Society to the Committee of the Synagogue. [Vide Synagogue Laws, Law 234.] 64. The Treasurer of the Ladies' Burial Society shall receive all monies collected in behalf of the said Society, a quarterly account of which shall be made out and handed over to her by the Secretary. 65. The Treasurer of this Society shall pay all disbursements required for the same. 85 66. The Treasurer of the Ladies' Burial Society TO hare the > management of shall have the management and control of all SctSftriththe matters connected therewith, and shall superin- superintend the _. / i -I duties of the tend the duties ot the different persons required, different per- sons. 67. The Treasurer shall appoint two efficient TO appoint ** persons to at- persons to attend (with the PinEW) at the _ _ . _ . _ _ - who must be finnD ot females, who must be attired in black attired when required to officiate and to do their duties. S. MAGNUS, Printer, 137, Fenchurch Street, London. * n"ia ps;n by nny TBD "QTn n'a ''B'^'ns n"03 pny n".a ps:n jrn . Bwwra'wn :ni20 pace by *xr nrt . xfrajn 2 p'nas c^\sr. sp? rrarTTXXp "S*J2 10 2TTI ^jy limna SJTIE p"i2S *irs y'lpssn ' ^ 'l a -5*j4 woj-. -<-n"" ITBTBI . rnir^a jnu byz ]is:n ^ ", il*.-* -r irt wwtiti ^ ]rcn w*iu ]^':n n'*o 3in M p"-i2s jxa'rn ^** ' " a^o^p 3 =-] ^imn 3N" ; : a"n2 rnros . o*-m r.2ns . a ayrn nmn pann ^"YT s:^na s""i:n '"na^n "22 n2^m - D^DIIBQ : 'awnvi Sy "irn c: ^"22 cm '0^2 n'l- -"in laj irana laxya yaa*^ na rmn r.san pnaisn ps^n p arAi . iwtMora ^ap ^s^n 1 ma \nyaD*i invn c-^na Tiya s^aa rnnsn ns"i: sb r,BBa D^IS i -^in2 . *jn2 r.TttSbri rrr rv:n IK by -ax monTEO n'n^tasp^ p'nas pa.imvB p'pa DBTTOB 1 nrS 1T2TB1 *TE1B a's "0 y'nsa en;: : -Tn p'B 'ns n*ia scrip "i ^21 wnp nc'2 y- Vijyc 'nsT n"i2 Tern tuna . s^2an " | -i2 ain rn mn n2T:n j a'na *0^3 ""ID 2S DDIIEB s:n an p : yawp p^a ^via '2^ nns r 2in sn 1:21 i2t:n spsip p"i2sn yh nriw -^ n2 ^ n : sJ'r H'lD 2T1 W -. ... , ,j t . r n -,^^^1 , ; [npgiB ann 'av :ni mvn ^-u i"ina DBniEan ps:n sin nn\sa D^E 5ya ps:n 12: S2^py n*ia ps^n p p^E^S p'n2K vns . y"n rasa va a'e p'i2S irx pmin ^n jn?irp pwn WN ")\s mo 3"in T"irn"\D2"in[n^] pnas nna DD-iiEcn n'io) py r^l jnT118J83Fk?& p"pn 2"Q1 p : x"na nt?o n'ioi ep^Ec cite ,-no nt: n^un -iwo mirn TO ann TWO pny n'^o smpn ann Dnn irnrri V'XT nn . TIND . ">a pamp . f>n ponmo 2in ' nmrn S^ mn nsyz fM "ivw QSiE j^p; 13 _ VJ3{y2 Pi^l v apr Tjon pn IT: mnem : why v aniar DJ . vmaijyna nnna E nna iar: IEID onn ntJ n P 2n ^ * ti /, _*.^^ r *i^w ^^ *^***^ ', * *kki^k^^ ^*i*i DJ^^ rr^r^ ^^n r*^i Diij nnc^ n 10 p i ^ /i~n ^ ii n ta'/*** -., ^ ^ U*w*w te^U w^MUm .* naw n"io pion p nna coiiEcn '" ~ r , c:ia n'lo Ttnna 1 n >i>^*^S "-"l"^**^ ni *^ia^ P T^8 p t "P8D n ic ]'8jn~ ^njic ^t,., / D n n ^j k^Tjyi n ' 1c . 1iwn empn?n 8nD^anEo mn\n umpn IT: Van nsoa'-iawn ITO f?8TO^oW aiD8Do yh mm* ntro "i TD2 1300 8^30 "^ri* "^^ r."i {^nc^ti'^iEc lynpm -*- nn: item -i-ui ^:i8jo s^pSw nsan moan nan >ii M, .,,.,- i^" 11 ^ ' n ^n 'nmn^i iaipa : - in 1 1 -p.^ KD^a pnpA Dnnj? nmy inw nnjna TO8 nnintcm o^npn npSi ^KTO^ *3a r,8 niiyS u f x i8a nrsi iaj? f?: 1ED vina nsio a ' 'D S11]^^ "ID mina ^Ha ai rniav^na iawi min^a rfba n"n vTn nnjoi . vrnp nnin nrn irnpi i 1 ^ ^vun ann n aim S"T pxwpo am ^"^ nnn reio N-- -- 8nmo 8tr>n 8-non ^njn ain? px:r6 Ta:i pi xini V':n p"Tax nns: K-m , mmn ty naann pye V'T Txa n"ia nsia EX n^iin Tixa a":a: panryaa Tjan B'OT v6x DJI W:m pcpna p'naxn ixain ]^DT iirtf n*12 : vsa mm flpb ixapnn SKTB^D Q"n mm 'aa inaT 'iron B'HiN '] "is?N 'ic Din [^1 : n"' ; >a BrtTviw BXTI mbana Wai pnaia aT DDIIECI Snj pxj l^\s mD 2 mm Sn: TB>y nmi PJTX p"pa na^B" ptjer^^ri p""iax , nna rmaTtrx T'na vef?n r x aipaa rfcnii n^i:nTixa jix;n p , xno^ixp p"pi niaan ixc'ai Tie-in naana Tin: ^D pa p"nax a^ 'nx n"ia a'ynn Tax ]a b 'Tn JBW '] TIT T"HD ToSn "n nn\aj 'D naTpnai , V'T'nx n;xtr Sya jnan cmax TOBH n^^yi ^ni aan anpa nr DEI: TB^X ^iyr 'Da ^y nx vax ^na c s ia x'ra D'iB* nnvpa Tissii b^n Ta;m ^oin xm QJB> BB* Tax: TB>X 'TnvaxinT^S Ysirn n:^a S"T mpiayi nm nwoa Eramn- BHTO mb nT^ 1 ? n*van r.ia*a ICE: Tat:n naa ay naTn n"izrai c^paisai Tia^na rnirp Tn 'n ina'B* nn:ai pisn ia^iy mippa yri: ^ya px:n n"n B^:IX: T,na i"ni pisia nppy T"m ma'aia .ann TIX Sya pxini nx^sn Sya pxim .IOB> T"m ^::y nani xnaoi ^lE^sa D^-^nn naai i p^ya ^x:aTax , fnjy ^ip EB*a mix xTpi , a^ainaa n Bmax "ini wxr nnxpa pnaia TaSn pa p"pa '^T: 'ia px:nv *e ""ana nm pcia n apy 'vi 't:n 'D by moaBna x"c* J ^a px:n b& innx 'T,T vnxi jx^ap amax B'Tipa paa^ ^TaTB* nax p uiB'S n? 'rynx Y'ni jxSap 'max 'in i:ai Tnn nsia ^XT^ T: am namp nx ia p B s :^ya annj a^aan vn if?x xyra xTa i:aa y:i:ni "a 'ia px , nnnn xTip ain ^xn aT T"ianx ^XTB^a ^n:i maxT B*nna ';n ay ntai TBX n''ia Tiaa mun ^>aa DBnisan px: 'a '^D n>sy '- 'T Taa mi:apa Taixi ;yx , ^"t n'lD Din W rraab y^n^ai 'ia TITTO ?]nn a^ i^> "r. (n '"? rv] vax 1*7 Tax mxo Ta nB^iB* Ttt6 :" no Din h^i] TnyTtf TB'xa , TB*X ^a ^a ^"T pxn : a"na h ouaa 713 . o'own mir5 iirria na nnxi nx bz ^b B-^B* bnjn ain it^tf n'1Q Din [nSi] pi mma ^n: B^X^ nm ptn . 'n he linro nna apTiean pa Tiaa ^ rrn^c* x:i . ax noa^ aan ETKEXET pa a^n n"ia rftiin Tixa ':n mvn Tnxi 'ia nax aSiya wo inxV Tarn 'ma niai ^pan ninS p'hax b"t b' T px:n vax Tpv; "n n:^ i"ts Taa : nmaaa by a^iTn annx a^a 'a lay Taf?^ jEisai TTBa a"B*n ^a lay ^XTB^^a irni aT 11TS H'^c Din b^} Tnxi ^TJ p^ya rnx naco Eva av no py pnx ns , BBTiEa pnxi nrx Tiyi nmx naaa lay Ta^ lave p'pTiaxn^yr p'Tax . amp yTt , a^n s iea b't vax iny Tym 'ia 'ia mjn? B^Tipn TT: xTiin px:n p . axaTXE inv mma epn aS B*npn iDB*a snun pnx apy n'la : ^""y 'ia c^ansD nin^n pv NpNlpD -.1^*K n"ic Din L^J am p"n 'xn : x"na ['w* 'in] nn^:n mx xini V'xr pnxn ^>n:n aTnltTN .Tto Din [fn] V'T ^x'anT 11 n' ia a^ETfian pa*BXT p"Tas x^nsi XTan EDTisan ; T'T ''an: n"ia nna EETisan Tann px:n jrn aTn i 'oan W nSm i'pn 'T pwn nnS JB'I 1'nnao n nr.D'ji cnS IOKM ('nvya 'n K-73 WK) imwo nwn iTi 'nn ns nsnar nn ^": |n: . ijr^i I^DS? inn DVTO Ti nj? nj?t2 ai nyn ^ioS nnn' x 1 ? '3 h'm jiwn ^an Sa n atari ianS vt nns iai nym 'T aw ^anno H'ID pwn v'\n ^ ^iKty tp^ n"io : o^n 'cneo ^ya ns ITJ? cy pai DJ? D; ^ vns . pns n"io nn'an nai nro njK'i nxwoi nna mm Sty mnaa vwDtp 'a '*? MK *V3K'i ,/ L ^ T ^ '^ luY i iB > OE" my nsn xbi niaa ia Ain:? r ' ciip nis a'oS aiW 'n pwn np" s p'pa p an i'8n 'a CIM isnp nips K^DT iKoa Vy myn yy iSapi iop pi oSiy n"n , h"r\ ntba - 'n '^n pru a'j nt ( nnst aSw D'II t'zvh ctr Sapniimoan aytso ptsptsoitnp aipo nK IB nKijy"ii p'pa D'II n'axS noo " [>] p^ns , ennpi pnaio n*n pnaio T HD mv n'iD ^ n"m "n D^ps nan Dn: vat? nisnsai , insnp t om nunann . 5 WW "i^ 10 2 : a'na (pirow rrvn) ;y pta Ditrtsre p"naK , nna wpn pore p*na a nmrr '10 n,nai nn^ic^ rnnw ann p'nas nos 1 p"pn n" psan pta , nna innij nn^m ^*T ^tryn n"ic n'aatm :3"nn ^ma Syi -K^n rwy 'psnp p"p^ ns 7 i^y I^KJ V't s'opn iran w ^ pi Kin rnina S]^K nnana-j : rAvn ^a ^a psjn To*>n tyilN n"ts ain [an] VT pnr ^ rfio cnnpn ^>ya p*ia psjni 7 awis*nnao pns nao neon ^ry na 'D ; nun nan IDBO Kin fop 1^ "10 rnna DDncan ^aipon wi voAy o'ai , ^^ pisp^e p'nas ' nSun IIKO 'pSsn trnpn psan nw traya irySs n'm ',-S pwna pup^a p'nan aw 'i jian n^ nsrn iiyn yai BTIDITDK p'ia pa' h\ yr N 1 ? ipa BKS mm ipnnn S'JH pi UVJ U p"T3N nna Damson .nv6na ^n:j?a 'n psjnS ^Sir p Kim : ^a* mKfini TB rva D^iKjn ^a *?aipan Tan pwn b& unino Km brun pKjn ^TJTbij me aiP! [an] 12 ^iiKpp'naK 'nv mrp n*ia 7^ Kim p>&jjori p"nas nna DDnisan p"nas asi mra mo Tonn pwnua Sy n&*a *T nanan pxjn ninK jnn : naun s''nn ^ unn n^n KTI?S : nan ania pnn ann "iTy^bs H'12 a"in [m] iTy'bx n'lD am [an] p*ii':2 iraara DDmean DDn*,Eon Tonn 'jn p tynpi n^on an yv o^n pj? pnv ns ponvn p''nax ax ^ns: i",-na p pjisp p"pn a'a . ma^n ?np TDR ^-un anna V't nnn n2ia K^np TDH p'ivn ann D'ani V'T KpD^a Sn;j?2 2n;c pxjna n'-'^'r nsna D^.X ntro n'ra m nnjn pjn Kin ann p n"^? mr^x n"ia nmn *^ann D^non^n p'naK nna T^a^K n"va mnani cnpn ^ nm ^pt:n Tja^Kai pte nnnp naaa n"i2 pnvn ann jnn . V'VT ^aan na^ao ann Dm nn ^IKJ ^a sy TDHH pjn p aKDyaf?Kp p"n'aK apsr ^aiann rniaj; anm ^ax Dan anm 'fw'ssn p"ia ^ns: n"ia CDmsan 6 p"naK n^KD n"ia iiKjn ua ^j? : piTKp n ann p k naK" 1 a^npi : a"na [' a "a fjO"! 1 apy n"nma Ktrnp K:^ia pnaian pwn "iTy?S n'lD ain an neo nanan byz nicow p"pn p"nas nna DDIIBBH ^ nann 'cb nanpn ana Kim . Ka" n"ia bsn^ ^ pn pun pn^i ^nj pKJ D^liX /"HE a"in [wi] ^ n^yE' na naai 'jnji nsDn i^j? Dsni , nna ooniEo a^iy niD 11 : S"T nanan }iK;r1a . V'T }rj n"va Tain ps;n p v^ M ITy^N n'lD aTT M "ija^'K ''av n''ia nna K^Bian nnKn i^ Dn E! ' I I ? bvun n^iy i"y a < iT*"lICD!2 ViT inn Kim . 'ax oan Dtra jni;n V'T : a"na ^ n 2 oSi> % nn cSiy : V'l KD^ p*iaK apr '12 wen pK:n bw pw "iT>*?i< n r ia ain I^J ann ]han D^SS* n'lO inn [m] S^n n"aK y nna DDnieai pKjn 'pnnn:Da^* KSsian ^aipan nn naia n^onn pKjn p ,pcra p"pn ''"m a"n 'Dnisan p"nas aKt n^a n"ia Dnytra y*nn 'Da naiirn iS C M I , D^aan n^iaK baipan nn rsia Tan pK;na -snnvc '"T^nisnia % j*nma px^nS np-nr ; na ^iiKp p"naK ^m 1 nmm 'ia 'p^K n"ia KE'np Kn^Dn Saipan ann hw un . Kao ^n-'n ^aXiT'ia -n % ja 'ia n"n b"w ^an: pt:'aty ^ov "ia nna DDnisan n"aatrn jiKjna < DH3J< H'12 ann [nn] -jnjin iranS na: , \^yh p"naK ^pDK 1 . isn^i D^ana nann 'nann pK;n pan lTp7 m*3 aTl M r r* f*' ^ ** W *^ * *" * L. _.> tktat * -LC |ij<^i |_, i.i n~ j,~ij s JrCT Titfo CD^EOI Vnj PNJ p T-cm ^:\'Kn p"pn c"n YaK rrna n"a a"p ra-o n*',o co-reon pj;n a"p 7iKty 'vj psjina isati'^ rr-cT r.B'0 Y^in-a pK;r,a aiBrre p'nati ^j?a r^yrr B"I,TO pwn nr.f? a^r,B* re a': pton c> sa it: 'IEI ^ptyi . i^non p 'D -irrn . vria'rra IEID cm ^ya n:a*a '^-E: nr c'rain hy n^cn n 1 nn[pi n^y ^ao "n CDIIECI Sin; pnx E'en ^ DJISD r.'B 1 *;crj 'D naT. a'p ^a on:s 'in] n"io ps:n p . ? n"TD pwn jrn . VT p^cti jo Yrnya nijsr areyas rr;n p,wm . c^n ^r^p Sj? n"n rcn jrn pnr n"io pjn jrn n cmax n'*.o pin nr:i . ^"T D cyptsn^n "i crna 'i vo^a : a"na r.'iD -in [^1 1| ^p p'liK rna CDTiSD : rmrra yni: ^ya jis^n *e^a -yprs i'n;^ ."no nin [?] rn crm nmra Vn; TC^H JKIE p'p": n*2sn . nna . rmma yn: 'rya pfrun nanNo rawrj r.'tc? cnci o^ai pin . s"na nj?o . tytm ircin rft s^^n ity^c n"iD am CDIIEDI ^ ; r 1D n pwn fy i:r;jn . wnp p"pn o" n'^D cn-nE : B'apn r:^ '^-EJ n:i . o ITJJ^N ',TID nin (ju'iar'ryj'^p onrs 'in j;'i) p>y ITJ;^N r/io ain : a'na (' cv n ' : ' t ' 3 12- nna cD-nson CDiisen run pw;n p K^a P"i3 nv^D ^H:J?D n")o nna Tina CD-neon pK;mi: . *6cesne- pwrn-Np^poytni^^D '2^0 n-o waia r^;na JD^T K'-rno pnaien .oiT2 c^cr^ nc nawn ^r^ p^na T KN iw-ipi V'T ,wn THN no -ns J^N "HD Din 'IE CD? Y-me Sn;n ann -a r*ljn ^ i:r:no *ms c s\^a 1^2- ^a--m . OTER r rjtfVJiV nn . *x pojj ~s n"^ir-ip; r-c's-c'-'ZT's--; ir: vnian PBO jncc^ isaprr: Ssi:re Dm ^s rmrpa yn; b?a ps*;n oy nei forte oy.3 'c -I'Cri -DT. crab* "* ""2 . TWO? ^ru pw P"" 13 ^* ^f^? -ne . T k s;nn p'p-n p^p p'l^x n "^ cc^scn pwn p -:-:-r^ri2 ra^T s'nmc pwn ^a P wr ^^ P"^K n& *rw c; . vmaisTi n^y nei F"P *"? ^ n"io co-neon . -vna p'nrx ^ '^s 'ic D3i;n cy T 3 "" naf sn:i , Cn:i s me r.'ic' csn-esn iiH;n2 . V'TSETV spv n'm ' nvn -ir;^ n f *o -in pr,:r n"is ps;n p - S-teon 3 -f, 5g 73 i- s Imiss'pfcrprocvsn ?fo 9 U-.. -N / <.H fc.-^ -.'.'. ^ fftteta M*^w o ^ .* - o*i pri i*^ . ^ k _ M y "E p'pa ps;n ras 122 pny 2*sr. r^w* i M 2T i ^ "iTTM^v.* "1'S^ ps; : irana r-T^sv ain JDTZ wnaeanp pn: a'rw . ^ ra "ITJ^> iTTa H nn[B?j c^ "usi ^par . ^n*mn p"pa fast? e-'u-yan irai sm:m im- cman n^ia nrw i\s^m UDT ^i-u '>m o":a: P'ISK 'run '10 *s- p ^ -brj rrai i^s n^r: : ^^ r: s; N-ilS7 1T^7X ,T1D mn [-?-] : ;" S2 ;:s;n ir; . -ra p'-rax . nna IT i?n;n ain n _ . _ I ?mcmn IT*? TDtripnp . D^S :rs .sura 'nsvry . KTpnnift' 22 '2 .mvien mi32 .inn ree 2irn ir in 7irxr6 p.i2i -vchn - me ;y22 r:2n 'PT'S ps jn minn D2ii2n rnc c'~ S2n DI . inrisi Tramp - :-- !: 2*r.2 2in C !T2C^ '21 .1 JTTDm .N- ---'- ,N-ron ^i iJii 7 YT -72''7S n'12 'J"~~~ '--1 .,..,.,^ s _. ^,.,i,. x -'-|-^ '-Ag ^3TM -s- sin 1^1 rs rr: -.rr- ^^^.r;^' .:. nftn -^rn p7i2 tru p>mm wono nii2 i ? 2iy2 pi irajo u n:n2 r,: SCI cnsio *eo n mi v:En2 - : s;nM7y 2,12 p 12Ti . b'l ' nee TV crrneicrc inn sin D;T wbc -222 mis p's .-"12s . r ... ... 2itD:'0 Vra? rnc II" : 2'ra [**t*-x-~. "'- ns pnr n*ia spm psn Ki . r ^_ : nn3 D n221 7I1J TEC- V-y D"i 572- "V nrn > nl . nS2 ^.-^ "_-", '..^, n 2,1121 7*T i2ncn ps:~ - r;^ re .* *., v ^* f 0"^ *" * ~ '* "' "*}& npn ps* r'c? cm c'2i C'IEC -^ n71 ^ n K- *^ -.^^ .....__ _ .... -.-i,-. : rrrn' 7l> 'D2 V121 TS31T71 n r*j . < _ ~ ; , i w u*p ^i i . "ni N sr*,~y2w* 2* ~^,* > ^^ t ^txN i^^ 'M ^^ n *'^ ' . npon 'D TV 2ni IT . icn mrr cci*.E2n ^nii nscn pTDi . myn 'j^ 'D f?y 2nr IT ps;n i-i- s~x"- ^2-2 nr~ ... - ; "*n .-; :'_" ; ; "y ^ ' . ~~ r~~ Tpy T"7t ^7-2^ ""j*n moan ?3 TTO ^run fHKn pTDK JTT2 1 p"*"OJt TlU'Lfi DDnrECCl 1*98 123 irfsn ""faj"fr72fsti 3*i"io . J ;:: -sr . tfvpon *3 vsny f i ^> BT*I j^2jr* im """ ' ~ ' - ' K"fn*Q TOnO jjUUn T "TBPT"! Tdl C2 _ ~y ~'_ ^ 'i^ ~V2 jWJfi -"flDWi "fluufl "nis ii*^K TiL j STl 3*91 f - SHS* rtiD O*5l it)B72 'If fUU CE7 iliK IB _ T 6 fp rK nrn oneb Vt K^nn tran VE? afara bsno p in*) "HTC3231 ITOJOQ ^BTICl 72TJJJOB roTD im Kin vpTu ^ * at/ Jft rrtu rfo - fiA'sr pn ~~j-^ ~. ..^. . . -^ ... . ^fl^(^ ^mMM** HMMM . . _ _ ftpn nszr am 7TU "fifn TTSt TJTU te fjifKi 111 jincsT "on ^a ^y ti-vm (mfac rp^n*Ti} 8O3TI tJf 1 ~ ~ " uTTTECn ^T3p ii dill DCPTK JTTH n t 1?BIC pPCn XT? CTfTEC ^IffO DkHilK ^7D3i C^Ei TCnn Tm ^Q3J1 T^tfST. > L^tj<. ^^M r ^ . 51 ijBHpj _ ipPjlui >jl^_ii . TVJ"1 JIPK?* ^ . jpTO ^HTi JPR . 7LK WH ?~7 "*?!2}C S ""TS r'"2 ^ w ^_ . sr*"ic' TTD'IK ZP 12*1 {TZ1 i s ^7 "O">* yit ij^t *^nit visipfi TrcEm HM "yiyii . CTBC *i2 "VI "S-~ '.' -~ -'- II" " " I il JJJlLll XITJIK rtfl"' "C'X CH* "1? ii ctli-^ '~_"~ ~".~ ~^vl 1*f".""03JI T* US 51 IfCJlr^l *"C*2 rm3 'Jpt lit ~ i *j i-" - - anria I n33 - "*i rnnc TCS] jwj? **3|l7nD2Tn Li" . ^ j^ . . x -; . --j ^ _ 3" I" I "~ .1 >- *~J *^.I.I """T* 2Ti |TK71Tti TTPvK tllfii 2"Tn-yopj 733 TBWD "ooriErsDi ani ^rrpa iwi p*T2K QD"*t'B!UCI j^'GCH TTUS'l "3WfJf 1317 . raTl *p "pfl """flU i.y. T2"B Ttn KTlTf j!Uk> "Hii'l QUIVCC -' ~ nKTCl 7T7 '!-!""? "UfllKl* -V^ii TTftft "*21 raUffln 2"" lap] rBfy TBTK JTUBl "OP TKSSrJ rST ~ FJH rQC - HfeS CCC ?22 ? '" 2 "ill P"*"p3 jjUfliiii 1 rnTio TiTf"""" 1 TCP p* ~~"j". I" I 'JflTli n*^""CT ^J'H2"2ni "" ' '-'I ." ~ ""HZ ~ ~I~I . ~ * ""~2"S r'i i i'~ " -y '^ro TBI ^L i _ '_"' ~~V ~T "71 iTjjJ! IS E"UT "TSD2 T3l21^ . . , t . ^ -. Kxpn pfjA *s"i""cpsi vnv IIIMP p apr ppi ^ano n'lo n"aaBn noneon DDT can pwna apjp *aaia o'cnya 'o'npa Wm p^aA p"naN nyartsn fpwna 'nNTin p"naN a^ ">IK n"io DDTIBD nn TON nrpon D"ino n'w f?1 imjNriNB p"naN JKM jn: n"io te wp: sin "own twm p'nn fya 4 ? pNjn jrn "n iawn a>f? ">IK 'T pnaicn pjn p"naK Si:ya nnar Tcnn p . TO nna ij;3in ampn ictra jm:n '.rm jrn Kin T^N jnna Kinno ^at n"io TDnn pwna n'ia CDIDPT r,m . V'T '"inen .s^aan 'nat vo ;rn jNee n'io DciiEDna oniaN "^-r r^3 co-.: oi 'o /oifcc? 3-53 naa . V T ^ o'lno irai Njn 2 - ? ''^ 5 ' n :M J ' P'^' 1 " ,* " p , vfi /, 3 . M ,, ofi awn TT D r nmc pny n'"iD pwn jrn "n wi e' oir u r i:-p }i T>W pi"fi '> 3-0 TON B!>Bi.Wm.DWiBri TM1 ^ "* M * J ;* J I"? XP?*-*** Z1 * /^ nn r ^ w ^ iM aw . ns , jL Clip 03P * w: i' B'on? iftp 'Da nawn w ^i . o^naciN Ynmoi omw aas pin 1-5 fc 9 BWIC M-M > nw ^ p:ya 'D /S D cnwn pN ^H nanni niNaia -An cno r^o n"ia nna comecn- Sya rVaaan nroy: p"ias ^riia n"ia inn apy at? Sj?a D'uiKjn ^a '^n pioy oSiy n3ina ~na 'D la^n S"YT : DnjpDi Sxptrv nD33 ; nSapa lisa T'N (prop) ma a*in [?] piy -pD-pis p'TO mo ain [A-] p"l3N DD1122H : a"na [ni:im ia] ami 'mr?3 jni3 Sya pwn hv unina ? P Da vniaiwTia n"T^x naiisy^n "i^nnn \/J l^h> Likw .] !<>) I > Wl M I k\ *^'*** ^^"^ r^^n i . (pror) H"ia 2in [aa?] ^' 1TO Mfanbniuri Saipan pnsn bnjn pn ian apy 'ia am p i:ma DDiisan : xnma . p^npSKii . ^3TSi p'pa T3 'vi S"T / nn rs) g,^ t 'D la^n 1133 innwa oai pSaiD .ptap^ta . /,,., D-DI yiap ^n by pny 2 .^ Dn pT , x ( } nnt: aln [TSf pa. onva T . iraot HD .rfv nSiy ^ 4 'n?B3 mi ^33 nm Dma^nnjn ' : n'axn a'nn r: , jnn pSis p'pi rt DDiisa Tom nnna fe^E S nn? Sn'n^sTna am tynsn JixjjnS cnai*^ i^oSn '^xn ' ' ' i " yi |i^^i i/ jxi i_n, i w/>,i iwipi i _^^,j.pj mnfiw'aa 'n ia^s ?nan *ms n la p n ^njn am iia?i / .T ns^a ' L L..* J. 51] * --, n'iai Donean S^wn n"ia T3K nna wmstan amir LIT . . i33 npn par ^a-pwn w inina p"pi ^Boyiaar p pi aii ^ ^ n j ^ ', ^ 3 . 1s;n * ~~ >- am ariU^aiD^,,^ ., y^pw^ (.,-, ITTI,T Sip 'oa inn ixaini i I ' V P^ y c. .- ' .,,, . M ._ n DDiisan "pain Siun nxan / Ip Ij i O / iQy fslil uJl _> _ n _". : nyiTn npi^nan nya S'T pr: nw(i)'rfpaHHF-ti . ....-,. L^ -iv-! ^t, s ^ T1 s p T3 ^n;n nan uil J i 713 ~ > Jiii ? p~N ' , stoayia p"pS -jiao pmir 1233 snip WSfTttSQ p s r\s* (proc) '10 ^n [ i ' r p'TV n ann 'as i i^x 1 ani Tvra ajon KS'nsi STDH n^un nixa prison ]iwn ain 'a) p^g pn^> n''ia 11113 ''3"n inma ; % ix TJ? Ssa coiiaan i:nn n-i'O 1^2 'V (1x120 S't njiS^ n^Siy ^"^ "' 23 cnp'ri! ^i^ n*ia pnsn j'nison am inn 'M law SIODIX p"ia ^"T ^pS^a^ ^S'->- fi ; .' j . / ' . ' ,,_, L.' ^1 S^nni ~ X > nsno m pxn pan priN 72 an M To^n *i'Bp prw ms an [?] D"11 l"3X 11113 DDllBcn : [i r '3Vi spy 'in] piy S'f B?"mnD irnuDi 313^ p"pi TDRI ton 3in ;ns "ID an ;on -rcnn pxn 3in to urnno 11113 aa-iieon -mm n"iD 11113 ^3x 'ID pxna apjp " en pxn to - unino xim . ^r,xp teitr n'lo pxn ^ umn IIDIX^D in no tya T'T pBwa torn 'ID warn bnara DIN ,13^,1 'D n"n V'r "aDD ]n n'10 2n [op] iaun tia a^oye nD3 ^131 KTHS . iS rvn . p ,IM pip ] |y HSiaO ntyo pHN H'lC in [rp] :n 31,1 ]"ins* "'ID an [p] V't ^ax j/'wo trnpi i>cn 31 . 11113 CDiicDn mcnn pn^ apr n f/ io 'pn ton 3in^ TD^H ^T^D ^xmy 'ID p"n psn h& p,i3io VQ p"pa i"3x^ t o"ja: i;"^y3n 1:^31 by 2 pxn cy ntsi ^pfci DEI: x^i V'T paneon ]ix:n pHN n'lD an [ap] 3XT ^IID 'l pxn 133 D^l .3py 'iyi^ ^3 pX;n JDT3 p7Va p"l3X i^ neoa a^csnan VBmna /ID n '' w P"03 w 1 ^! nnma yw ID pxn oy ' to T.aa i^ p^im ;"a ain [^p] ' ia P wn "ro P n ^ n/ ^ c ^"TH [*=?] p"pi i*3sS ^pn: 3'nKi jiyaoj^sp >snm ^s ^ya a^wn^ 133 f^nxi ^^ pxjn xin ]n^ no an [Mp] JDT3 mm Diita^-DX p"i3 -^"iniDi p"is vina caneon ^atpsn : V'T- isia D"ino psn ^ P^- 3 ^ 'o^a . porsi pcbj/HODD '"TIN n r io an [Sp] pnx neain 'D "DTI mcni . rmm to 31 xinxc TKD aprn"io T1XD DD11ED . D^lj; 11D* 1 pHX . E'llp -in3D*3 11X0 J^ED 13Tj,l 'b^> inD3 ton 3in^> pnsiD TO^D" . ^Ni^3 ' n"r&TT . x"in nic*3 rsvz} . S"XT p^ixpo na^B* n'".D ampi TJ; o'^an i3j jns n"io an [ 131 VED : rnifl"try3n Tirii3 ^1M S 3^'l'pn : 3"n3 hw p] piy^K no ann [iSp] ^^n 31 ns s jnn ID ain [i:p] n"ID an [^p] n^'iDS ?IN n"i3x t^npi P"i3x . 17 iDX 1 ampi w WTKI WIB nx n'n ?xi^> ; n"iD- Tijan ij/3 311 n"iD ton ^xn \"W JXIED pxj onsx n"io B , to^n am ^ pnaiD TD^II ^enTj'DD : [- l< "' 3a E '' 1SK >1 '' r| ] 3ic'i:x J ?tD VT ^""D bwrv n"io p"n pNO mi^D pHN "ID an [nap] wj'np X^TD pxn V^ ii^ni imoy : t stsu '' nl1t /-in l j"y D'""" UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL U8BARY FACILITY A 000062518 6