/a THE AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, CONTAINING DIRECTIONS FOR TUB PROPAGATION AND CULTURE OF FRUIT TREES, NURSERY, ORCHARD, AND GARDEN, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL AMERICAN AND FOREIGN VARIETIES, IN THZ TWITBD STATES- BY JOHN J. THOMAS. \ v ILLUSTRATED WITH THREE HUNDRED ACCfRATE FIGURES. AUBURN: DERBY, MILLER & COMPANY. 1849. T4- tfAIN U* ;JV Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1849, by JOHN J. THOMAS, in the Clerk's Office for the Northern District of New- York. PREFACE. THE favorable reception of several editions of the Fruit Culturist, has induced the author to revise it thoroughly. The whole has been carefully re-written, and the original amount of matter more than tripled; at the same time the attempt has been made to comprise all the really valuable information at present known, by condensation of language, methodical arrangement, and a free use of illustrations. Careful attention has been given to uniformity and distinctness in the use of terms for describing fruits, and variable points have been as much as possible discarded. Nearly all the descriptions have been drawn from the fruits themselves, carefully compared with descriptions in the principal standard works; and to facilitate the detection of such points of character as are liable to vary with climate, soil, and culture, specimens for comparison have been largely procured, grown in several different states of the Union. In the difficult task of indicating the value of the different varieties, by the type used for the name, important assistance has been rendered by several eminent pomologists in the different states. The thanks of the author are especially due to the following, who have contributed a large amount of valuable information, or have liberally furnished specimens of rare varieties: MARSHALL P. WILDER, Boston; (For many years President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and President of the American Congress of Fruil Growers.) SAMUEL WALKER, Roxbury, Mass. ; (President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.) ROBERT MANNING, Pomological Garden, Salem, Mass, j BENJAMIN V. FRENCH, Braintree, Mass. ; (Vice-President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. A. J. DOWNING, Newburgh, N. Y. ; (Author of Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, and other standard works on Horticulture ) CHARLES DOWNING, Newburgh, N. Y.; LUTHER TUCKER, Albany; (Proprietor of the Horticulturist, and Editor and Proprietor of the Cultivator. 667820 4 PREFACE. SANFORD HOWARD, Albany; (Associate Editor of the Cultivator.) Dr. W. D. BRINCKLE, Philadelphia; (Chairman of the Fruit Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.) THOMAS S PLEASANTS, Petersburgh, Va. ; P. BARRY, Rochester, N. Y.j (Horticultural Editor of the Genesee Farmer.) F. R. ELLIOTT, Cleveland, Ohio; (Secretary of the Ohio Fruit Convention.) A. H. ERNST, Cincinnati; (President of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, and of the Ohio Fruit Con- vention.) In addition to the preceding, the author would not do justice to his feelings, without expressing his acknowledgments to the many who have kindly furnished specimens of rare fruits, among whom are ELL- WANGER & BARRY, and J. W v . BISSEL, Rochester; W. R. SMITH/ Macedon; B. HODGE, Buffalo; A. MC!NTOSH, Cleveland; F. K. PHOENIX, Delavan, Wisconsin; C. W. ELLIOTT, Cincinnati; THOMAS HANCOCK, Burlington, New Jersey; GEORGE GABRIEL, New Haven ; and SAMUEL H. COLTON, Worcester, Mass. From his father, David Thomas, he has derived the knowledge of many valuable facts relative to the cultivation and management oi Fruit. Much valuable information has been obtained from the various works on American Fruits, among which are Downing's invaluable treatise on Fruits and Fruit Trees, Hovey's Magazine, and the Hor- ticulturist. The condensed style of the work forbids a frequent reference to these various authorities, and this general acknowledgment is more especially due. The numerous figures of fruits, have, with very few exceptions, been drawn by the author from average well grown specimens, by a mode giving exact impressions of the original INDEX. PART I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. CHAPTER I. Introductory remarks, 13 Profits said advantages of Fruit Culture, 14 Markets, 15 Beueficial effects, 17. CHAPTER II. History Improvement in fruit by the ancients. IS Modern progress, 20. CHAPTER III. Production of new varieties, 4 Van Mons' experiments, 26 Knight's, 27 Mode of crossing. 23. CHAPTER IV. Propagation of sorts, 30 Cuttings, 32 Eyes, 34 Layers, 34 Grafting, 36 Bud- ding, 42 Limits of Budding and Grafting, 46 Best stocks, 47. CHAPTER V. Changes wrought in fruits by external causes, CO Climate, 51 Sorts declining by old age, 51 influence of culture, 52 Soil and Stock s 53 Productiveness, 56. CHAPTER VI. Soils, 57 Manures, 07 Special manures, 58 Situation, 62 Enclosures, 66 Fruit stealing, 67. CHAPTER VII. Transplanting, 68 Shortening-in, 69 Preparing the ground, 72 Preparing the roots, 73 -Setting, 74 Watering, 75 Mulching, 76 Season for transplanting, 77. CHAPTER VIH. Cultivation of the soil, 80 Experiments, 81 How performed, 82. CHAPTER IX. Pruning, 86 Pruning to promote fruitfulness, 89 Pyramidal training-, 90. CHAPTER X. Causes of fruitfulness, 92 Root Pruning, 93 Stocks, 94. CHAPTER XI. Implements prnning-knife, saws, chisels, 95 Budding knife, grafting tools. 9ft Shears, ladders, 97-Trellis, 9S-Labels, 99. CHAPTER XII. Terms used in describing fruits, 101112. VI INDEX APPLES. PART II. THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRUITS. Introductory Remarks, 115. CHAPTER I. THE APPLE. Profits, 117 Propagation Budding, US Root Grafting, 119 Planting orchards, 121 Renovating old orchards, 124 Gathering and preserving, 126 . Insects, 128. VARIETIES * Albemarle Pippin, 177. Alexander, 146. Alfriston, 177. American Golden Russet, 178, 190. American Pippin, 163. American Red Junealing, 139. American Summer Pearmain, 136, 190. Autumnal Swaar, 145. Bailey Sweet, 159, 191. Baldwin, 160, 163. Beauty of Kent, 146. Beauty of the West, 144. Bedfordshire Foundling, 177 Belmont, 177 : 176. Sen, 167. Benoni, 136. Bevan's Favorite, 136. Black Apple, 163. Black Coal, 164. Black Detroit, 164. Black Giiliflower, 164 Blenheim Pippin, 144. Blue Pearmain, 164. Borovitsky, 137. Borsdorff. 178. Bough, 135, 142. Bourassa, 178. Brabant Bellflower, 164 Bracken, 144. Broadwell, 161. Buffingtoif s Early, 142. Bullock's Pippin, 178, 190. Caaiada Reinette, 178. Cane, 150. Cann, 161. Carthouse 164, 189. Cathead, 179. Chandler, 164. Cole, 137. Cooper, 147. Cornish Aromatic, 147. Cornish Giiliflower, 165. Cos, 165. Court of Wick, 179. Court Pendu, 165. Cranberry Pippin, 179. Cumberland Spice, 179, 188. Danvers Sweet, 161. Detroit, 164. 183. Devonshire Quarrenden, 137 Dewitt, 147. Doctor, 147 Domme, 165. Downton Pippin, 153. Dowse, 156. Drap d'Or, 153. Durnelow's Seedjing, 165 Dutch Codlin, 153. Dutch Mignonne, 165. Dutchess of Oldenburgh. 147. Dyer, 153, 154. Early Chandler, 137. Early Harvest, 142. Early Joe, 137. 138. Early Red Margaret, 137, 189. Early Strawberry, 139, 140. English Codlin, 155. English Golden Russett, 179. English Russett, 180, 190. English Summer Pearmain. 147. Esten, 155. Eustis, 167. Fallawater, 180. Fall Cheese, 155. Fall Harvey, 155. Fall Orange, 155. Fall Pippin, 155, 188. Fameuse, 147, 189. Fenouillet Gris, 180. Fenouillet Jaune, 180. Fenouillet Rouge, 180. Fort Miami, 181. Franklin Golden Pippin, 156. Garden Royal, 139, 190. Gate, 177. Gilpin, 164. Gloria Mundi, 182. Gloucester Cheese, 149. Golden Ball, 181. Golden Harvey, 181. Golden Pippin, 181, 189. Golden Reinette, 167. Golden Russet, 179, 178. Golden Sweet, 136. Grand Sachem, 156. Gravenstein, 149, 148. Graniwmkle, 145. Green Seek-no-further. 181, 191 Green Sweet, 162. Greening, 184. Hagloe, 141. Hartford Sweeting, 159. Haskell Sweet, 145, 192. Hawley, 156, 154. Hawthornden, 156, 191. Herefordshire Pearmain, 167, 188. Holland Pippin, 155. 156, 188. Hoary Morning, 167. Hubbardston Nonsuch, 166, 167. Hunter, 149. The standard names are in Roman letters, synomyms in Italics. INDEX APPLES. vn Ingestrie, Red, 151. Jngestrie, Yellow, 159. Irish Peach, 139. Jeffries. 149. Jersey Greening, 183. Jersey Sweeting, 145, 190. Jewell's Red, 149. Jonathan, 167. 189. Jnly Branch, 142. June Apple, 139. Juneating, 137, 139. Kaiie, 150. Kenrick's Autumn, 150. Kentish Filbasket, 168. Kerry Pippin. 150. Keswick Codlin, 156. Kilham Hill, 150. King of the Pippins, 150. Kirk's iMrd Nelson, 163. Ladies' Sweeting, 159, 160. Lady Apple, 181, 182, 189. Laquier, 168. Large Yellow Bough, 135. Late Strawberry, 150, 190 Leland Spice, 151, 190. Lemon Pippin, 157. Limber Twig, 168. Loudon Pippm, 182. Lowell, 157. Lucombe's Seedling, 168. Lyman's Large Summer, 142. Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet, 145. Lyscom. 151. Maiden's Blush, 157, 191. Male Carle, 157. Mank's Codlin, 143. Margill, 168. Marston's Red Winter, 168. May Apple, 144. McLellan, 169. Melon, 151. Menagere. 157. Michael Henry Pippin, 182. Minister, 169. Monstrous Pippin. 182. Moose, 182. Mother, 169, 192. Mouse, 182. Murphy, 169. Newark King, 183. Newark Pippin, 183. Newtown Pippin, 182, 187, 172. Nonsuch, 151, 171. Norfolk Beaufin, 169. Northern Spy, 169, 174. Old Nonpareil, 183. Old-Town Crab, 162. Orange, 157, 155. Orne's Early, 157. Ortley, 183, 188. Oslin, 143. Patterson Sweet, 159. Peach Poud Sweet, 145, 190 Pearmain. 167, 175. Peck's Pleasant, 183. Peunock, 170. Phillips' Sweeting, 161. Pickman, 1S4. Pomme de Neige, 147. Pomine Grise, 184. Pomme Royale, 153. Porter, 157, 148. Pound, 170. Priestly, 170. Pryors Red, 170. Pumpkin Russet, 146. Putnam Russet, 185. Quince, 158. Ram bo, 151. Rambour d' Ete, 141. Ramsdell's Sweeting, 161. Rawle's Jannet, 170. Red and Green Sweet, 135. Red Ashmore, 153. Red Astrachan, 143. Red Canada, 171, 166. Red Gilliflower, 171. Red Juneating, 137. Red Quarrenden, 137. Redstreak, 171. Republican Pippin, 151. Rhode Island Greening, 184. Ribston Pippin, 152. River, 139. Romanite, 151, 164.* Roman Stem, 185. Ross Nonpareil, 152, 189. Roxbury Russet, 185, 190. Saint Lawrence, 152. Sam Young, 185. Scarlet Nonpareil, 171. Scarlet Pearmain, 152. Seeknqfurther, 175, 181, 186, 191 Shippen's Russet, 185. Siberian Crab, 158. Sine Qua Non, 143. Smokehouse, 152. Sops of Wine, 141. Spencer Sweeting, 159. Spice Apple, 162. Spice Sweeting, 136. Spitzenburgh, Esopus, 171, 172. Spitzenburgh, Flushing, 173. Spitzenburgh, Newtown, 173. Spitzenburgh, Kaighn's, 173. Straivberry, 139, 150, 190. Stroat, 158. Sugar-loaf Pippin, 144. Summer Bellflower, 143. Summer Golden Pippin, 144. Summer Hagloe, 141. Summer Queen, 141. Summer Rambour, 141. Summer Rose, 138, 141. Summer Sweet Paradise, 146, 198. Surprise, 158. Swaar, 176, 185. Sweet Baldwin, 161, 192 Sweet and Sour, 186. Sweet Fough, 135. Sweet Pearmajn, 161. Sweet Russet, 146, 162. VIII INDEX APPLES PEARS. Sweet Swaar, 145. Tall in an Sweeting, 162. Tart Bough, 142. Tetofeky, 141. Tewksbury Blush. 186. Tiffi Sweeting, 146. Tompkins, 158. Twenty Ounce, 153. Viindevere, 173. Victorious Keinette, 186. Victuals and Drink, 163. Wagener, 173, 174. Warner Kusset, 185. Watson's Dumpling, 173. Waxen, 177. Wells Apple, 173. Wells Sweeting, 162. Westfield Seeknofurther, 175, 191. White Juneating, 144, 189. Figures of comparative White Pippin. 178. White Seeknofurther, 186, 191. White Winier Calville, 186. Williams' Favorite, 142, 138. Willow I'wisr, 175. Wine, 175 Winesap, 175. Winier Ch.-ese, 187. Winter Pearmain, 175, 188. Winter Queen, 177. Wood's Greening, 187. Woodstock Pippin, 144. Woonnan's Enrly, 141. Wormsley Pippin, 159. Yellow Beliflower, 187. Yellow Harvest, 142 Yellow Newtown Pippin, 187. Yorkshire Greening, 777. forms of apples, 188, 192. CHAPTER II. THE PEAR. Propagation, 193 Seedlings, 194 Dwarfs, 196 Pyramidal Pears, 199 Gatheringa-.id Keeping the Fruit, 200 Diseases, 201 VARTKTIES. Abbott, 233. Alpha, -.34. Alihorpe Crassane, 249. Amande Double, 226. Amhmsia, 234. Amire Joan net, 214. 215. Andrews, 2-26 Ananas. 234 Angleterre, 226 Ast ; >n Town. '251. Autumn Col mar, 227. Banlett, 206, 207. Be.ile et Bnne, 247. Belle of Brussels, 2(17. Belle Lucrative, 234, 263. Sellisime d' Ete, 20?. Belmont, 234. Bergam'.t, Autumn, 251. Bergamot, Karly, 217. Bergamot, IIani|,den's, 217. Bergamot, Large Summer, 217. Bergamoi, Summer, 219 Bergarnotte Cadette, 234, 249, 270. Berjjamotie d'Automne, 251. Beurre Bosc, 218, 219. Beurre Bronzee, '265. Beurre d'Amalis. 231. Beurre d'Anjou, 231. 238. Beurre d'Aremberg, 253. Beurre Colmar, 235. Beurre Crapaud, 2:3-5. Beurre de Beaumont, 235. Beurre Diel, 220, 270. Beurre Diival, 227. Beurre firis d'Hiver Nouveau, 260. Beurre Kenrick. 2:i5. Beurre Knox. 231. Brurre Prebl.-, 235. Beurre Raiu-e, 257. Beurre Romam, 234 Beurre Vau Alarum, 227. Beurre Van Mons, 227. Bezi de hi Motte, 248. Bezi de Moniigny, 235. Bezi d'Heri 265. Bezi Vaet. 260. Bslboa. r.olden Beurre of, 238, 239. Bishop's Thumb, 220. Black Worcester, 254. Bleeker's Meadow, 251. Blood good. '206. 210. Bon Chretien Fondante, 236. Boucquia, 236. Brande's M. Germain, 260. BranJywine, 208, 268. Broompark, 265. Brown Beurre, 231, 269. Buffum, 236. Burnett, 22' . Butter Pear, 210, 241. Cab. t, 236. Caen du France, 260, 270. Caleba-we, 227. Calhoun, 249. Capiaumont, 227. Capsheaf. 245. Capncin, 232. Cut iliac. 254. Chiipman, 2'12. Chancellor, ^32. Charles of Austria, 248. Chiiumt-ntel, 254. Chelmsforcl, V20 Ciiron. 21? Citron d.-sCarmes, 2tl. Clara, 228. Col rnar, 258. Colmnrd'Aremberg, 220. Columbia, 259. Commodore, 236. Comprette, 223. INDEX PEARS. Compte de Laray, 289. Comstock, 260. Copia, 232. Coter, 260, 270. Countess of Lunay, 228. Crassane, 248. Crawford, 210. Croft Castle, 251. Cross, 266. Cumberland, 220. Cushing, 237. Dallas, 237. Dearborn's Seedling, 214, 215. Delices d'Hardenpont, 228. De Louvain, 237 Dix, 221, 270. Doyenne Boussock, 237, 240. Doyenne, Gray, 240, 241. Doyenne. Summer, 216. Doyenne, White, 240, 244. Duchesse d'Angouleme, 221, 270. Duchesse de Mars, 237. Duchesse d'Orleans, 221, 269. Dumortier, 245. Dundas, 237. Dun more, 232. Early Catherine, 209. Early Rousselet, 209. Easter Bergamot, 261. Easter Beurre, 259, 264. Echassery, 261. Edward's Elizabeth, 239. Edwards' Henrietta, 215. Edwards' William, 228. Emerald. 261. Enfant Prodigue, 239. EpinecTEte, 208. Epine Rose, 217. Eyewood. 251, 268. Figue, 228. 269. Fig of Naples, 239, 269. Fine Gold of Summer, 217. Flemish Beauty, 222, 232. Flemish Bonoretien, 261. Fondante d'Automne, 234. Fondante duBois, 261. Forme de Delices, 239. Forelle, 229. Fortunee, 266. Franc Real d'Hiver, 266. Frederick of Wurlemburgh, 221 Fulton, 252, 268. Gansel's Bergamot, 248. Gendesheim, 221. Gilogil, 265. Glout Morceaux, 253, 255. Great Citron of Bohemia, 233. Green Chisel, 211, 215. Green Yair, 241. Hacon's Incomparable, 248 Haddington, 262. Harvard, 229. Heathcot, 241, 268. Henkel, 241. Henry IV., 246, 268. Hericart, 241. Hessel, 216. Holland Bergamot, 265. Howell, 213. Hugenot, 250. Hull, 242. Jalousie, 233. Jalousie Fontenay, Jaminette, 258. Jargonelle, 23 7, 267. Jargonelle, French, 208, 267 Jersey Gratioli, 229 Johonnot, 246. Jones, 239. Josephine, 258. Julienne, 210- King Edward's, 223- Knight's Monarch, 259. Knight's Seedling, 242. Las Canas, 258. Lawrence, 269. Leech's Kingsessing, 210, 288. "Leon le Clerc, 262. Lewis, 263. Limon, 211. Little Musk, 216. Locke, 262. Lodge, 229. Long Green, 223. Louise Bonne, 255. Louise Bonne of Jersey, Louise d'Orleans, 242. Madeleine, 211, 214. Madotte, 223. Manning's Elizabeth, 216, 267. Marie Louise, 224, 270. McLaughlin, 262. Messire Jean, 242. Michaux, 250. Moccas, 262. Moor-fowl Egg, 251. Mouthtoater, 223. Muscadine, 211. Muscat Robert, 216. Napoleon, 229, 269. Naumkeag, 250. Neill, 224. Ne Plus Meuris, 266. Oliver's Russet, 242. Onondaga, 224, 267. Osband's Summer, 211, 215. Oswego Beurre, 242, 269. Ott, 216, 267. Pailleau, 229. Paquency, 243. Paradise d'Automne, 218, 294. Fassans du Portugal, 219. Passe Colmar, 258. Pennsylvania, 243. Petre, 243, 268. Piquery, 226. Pitt's Prolific, 230. Plumbgastel, 225. Pope's Quaker, 230. Pope's Scarlet Major, 243. Pound, 255. Pratt, 243, 267. INDEX PEARS QUINCES PEACHES. Primitive, 216. Prince's !St. Germain, 256, 263. Princess of Orange, 252. Queen Caroline, 230. Queen of the Low Countries, 225 Quillette, 252. Rostiezer, 212. 213. Rousselet de Meester, 250. Rousselet de Rheims, 246, 268. Sanspeau, 209. Seckel, 246, 268. Shenks, 233 Sieulle, 250, 270. Skinless, 209, 267. Smith's Moyamensing, 210, 268. Soldat Laboreur, 254. Spanish Bonchretien, 255. Stevens' Genesee, 249. St. Germain, 257. St. Ghislain, 230. St. Michael, 244. Styrian, 230. Sugar of Hoyerswerda, 213- Sugar Top, 213. Sullivan, 230. Summer Bell, 208. Summer Bonchretien, 225. Summer Doyenne, 214, 216. Summer Frankreal, 212, 213. Summer Portugal, 219. Summer St. Germain, 213. Summer Thorn, 208. Swan's Egg, 247. Swaivs Orange, 224, 267. Sylvange. 250. Trescolt, 244. Triomphe de Jodigne, 225. Tyson, 209, 212. Urbaniste, 226, 269. Vallee Franche, 215. Van Assene, 233. Van Buren, 233. Van Mons' Leon Le Clerc, 226, 270. Vicar of Winkfield, 256, 257. Vicompie de Spoelberch, 258. Virgalieu, 244. Virgouleuse, 263. Washington, 238, 244. Westcott. 244. White Doyenne, 240. 244. Wilbur, 245. Wilkinson, 245. Williams' Bonchretien, 207. Williams' Early, 219, 247. Windsor, 208. Winship's Seedling, 209. Winter Bell, 255. Winter Crnssane, 266. Winter Nelis, 263, 264. Yat, 230. Summer Rose, 217. Figures of Comparative forms of Pears, 267271. CHAPTER III. THE QUINCE. Propagation Soils, 272 Pruning, 273 Enemies, 274 Varieties. 275. CHAPTER IV. THE PEACH. Extent of culture, 276 Budding, 277 Stocks, 279 Orchards, 279 Transplanting, 280 Pruning, 281 Training, 282 Drying and Preserving, 283 Insects, 284 Arrangement, 288. VARIETIES. Acton Scott, 292. Astor, 293. Baltimore Beauty, 300. Harrington, 293. Belle de Vitry. 291. Bellegarde, 293. Bergen's Yellow, 302. Blood Clingstone, 305. Brevoort, 298. Catherine Cling, 303. Chancellor, 298. Clinton. 293. Cole's Early Red, 294. Cole's White Melpcoton, 299. Cooledge's Favorite, 294. Columbia, 302. Crawford's Early, 300. Crawford's Late, 300. Double Mountain, 289. Druid Hill, 294. Early Admirable, 293. Early Auue, 289. Early Barnard, 301. Early Newington Freestone, 208 Early Purple, 298. Early Tillotson, 291. Early York, 290, 295. Emperor of Russia, 292. * Favorite, 294. Fox's Seedling, 294. Garlande, 293. George IV., 294. Green Catherine, 295. Grosse Mignonne, 293. Heath Cling, 303. Incomparable, 304. Jaques' Rareripe, 300. Kenrick's Heath, 299. La Granee, 299. Large Early York, 295. Large Red Rareripe, 292. Large White Clingstone, 303. Late Admirable. 295. Lnte Red Rareripe, 295. INDEX PEACHES NECTARINES APRICOTS PLUMS. XI Late Yellow Alberge, 304. Van Zandt's Superb, 297. Lemon Clingstone, 304. Walter's Early, 297. Magdalen of Courson, 289. Ward's Late Free, 297. Malta, 290. Washington, 297. Morris Red Rareripe, 296. Washington Clinkstone, 304. Morris While, 299. White Blossomed Incomparable, 299 Morrissania Pound, 296. White Imperial, 297. New-York Rareripe, 295. White Nutmeg, 290. Nivette, 296. Yellow Admirable, 301. Oldinixon Clingstone, 304. Yellow Alberge, 301. Oldmixon Freestone, 296. Yellow Rareripe, 301. OldNewington, 302. NECTARINES. Varieties, 305. Orange Clingstone, 304. Boston, 307. Pavie Admirable, 304. Broomfield, 308. President, 296. Downton, 306. Red Cheek Melocoton, 300. Due de Telliers, 306. Red Rareripe, 292. Early Newington, 308. Rosanna, 301. Early Violet, 306. Royal Charlotte, 292. Elruge, 306. Royal George, 292. Fairchild's, 307. Scott's Early Red, 296. Golden, 308. Scon's Nonpareil, 301. Hardwicke Seedling, 306. Serrate Early York, 290. Hunt's Tawny, 307. Smith's Newington, 302. Murray, 306. Snow, 299. Newington, 308. Strawberry, 299. New White, 305. t^weetwater, 291. Peterborough, 307. Tcton de Venus, 295. Pitmaston Orange, 307. Tippecanoe, 304. Red Roman, 308. CHAPTER V. THJC ABRICOT. Culture, 309. VARIETIES. 310 Alberge, 313. Musch, 311. Black, 310. Orange, 310. Breda, 310. Peach, 312. Brussels, 312. Red Masculine, 313. Dvbois, 311. Roman. 313. Early Golden, 311. Royal, 312. Hemskirke, 311. Shipley's, 312. Large Early. 312. Turkey, 310. Moorpark, 311. White Masculine, 313. CHAPTER VI. THE PLTTM. Raising the young trees, 314 Soil and manure, 315 Insect* CurCtt lio, 315 Black excrescences, 320 Drying prunes, 322. VARIETIES. Albany Beauty, 327. Columbia, 334. American Wheat, 346. Corse's Admiral, 345. Apricot, 327. Corse's Field Marshal, 345. Aniumn Gage, 327. Corse's Nota Beue, 337. Bingham, 331. Cruger's Scarlet, 337. Bleecker's Gage, 326, 328. Damson, 342. Bleecker's Scarlet, 345. Dana's Yellow, 333. Blue Gage. 341. Denniston's Red, 337. Blue Imperatrice, 344. Denniston's Superb, 328. Blue Perdrigon, 344. Diamond, 335. Brevoort's Purple, 343. Domine Dull, 345. Bnel's Favorite, 331. Downton Imperatrice, 333. Byfield, 334. Drap d'Or. 329. Cherry, 346. Duane's Purple, 343. Cheston, 341. Early Scarlet. 346. Chickasaw, 347. Early Tours, 347. Coe's Golden Drop, 332. Elfirey, 342, Coe' Late Red, 336, 337. Emerald Droo, 333. INDEX PLUMS CHERRIES. Flushing Gage, 325. Fotheringham, 337. Frost Gage, 347. German Prune, 335, 345. Ghiston's Early, 325. Goliath, 343. Green Gnge, 326, 329. Gwalsh, 343. Holland, 338. Horse plum, 338. Howell's Early, 342. Hudson Gage, 323. Huling's Superb, 332. Ickworth Ifnperatrice, 345. Imperial Gage, 325, 326. Imperial Ottoman, 325, 330 Isabella, 338. Italian Damask. 338. Jaunt Native, 330. Jefferson, 325, 326. Judson, 342. Kirke's, 338. Large Green Drying, 332. La, Royale, 341. Lawrence's Favorite, 325, 326. Lombard, 345. Long Scarlet, 346. Lucombe's Nonsuch, 333. Manning's Long Blue, 335. McLaughlin, 332. Mirabelle, 330. Morocco, 338. Mulberry, 332. Nectarine 344. Orleans, 339. Orleans, Early, 339. Peach Plum, 335. Peoly's Early Blue, 346. Pond's Seedling, 339. Primordial!, 30. Prince of Wales, 339. Prune d'Agen, 339. Purple Favorite, 339. Purple Gage, 339. Queen Mother, 342. Quetsche, 335. Ked Apricot, 340. Red Diaper, 335. 336. Red Egg, 336. Red Gage, 340 Red Magnum Bonum, 336. Red Perdngon, 341. Red St. Martin, 337. Reine Claude de Bavay, 328. Royale, 311. Royale Hative, 341 Royal Tours. 344. Schencctady Catherine, 342. Schuyler's Gage, 330. Semiana, 344. Sharp's Kmperor, 336. Smith's Orleans, 343. St Catherine, 333. St. Martin's Quetsche, 328. Suisse, 346, Thomas, 338. Washington, 32fi, 327. White or Yellow Damson. 334. White Egg, 333. White Imperatrice, 329. White Perdrigon, 334. Wild Plum, 348. Yellow Gage, 329, 330. CHAPTER VII. THE CnffliRT. Propagation Stocks, 349 Budding, 350 Dwarf cherries, 351 Birds excluded by nets, 352 Diseases and insects, 353. VABIETIES. Amber Gean, 362. American Amber, 359. American Heart, 366. Arch Duke, 368. Belle de Choisy, 368. Belle Magnifique, 368. Bigarreau, 363. Bigarreau Grot Ca.uret t 362. Black Bigarreau. 363. Black Corone, 358. Black Eagle, 356. Black Heart, 357. Black Mazzard, 358. Black Tartarian, 357. Bleeding Heart, 358. Burr's Seedling, 366. Buttner's Yellow, 367. Carnation, 370. China Bisrarreau, 367. Cleveland Bigarreau, 364. Cluster, 371. Coe's Transparent, 358. Doctor, 359. Downer's Late, 360. Downing's Red Cheek, 367. Downton, 359. Early May. 371. Early Purple Guigne, 358. Early White Heart, 360. Elkhorn, 363- Elliot's Favorite. 361. Elton, 364 Florence, 365. Gascoine-s Heart, 358. Gridley, 363. Graffion, 363. Hildesheim, 367. Holland Bigarreau, 365. Honey, "62. Hyde's Red Heart, 361. Jeffrey's Duke, 370. Kentish, 371. Rutland's Mary, 365. Knight's Early Black, 357 INDEX CHERRIES GOOSEBERRIES RASPBERRIES, ETC. XHI Lady Southampton's Yellow, 367. Large Heart-shaped Bigarreau, 362. Large Red Bigarreau, 365. Late Duke, 309. Le Mercier, 369. Madison Bigarreau. 367. Manning's Late Black, 362. Manning's Mottled, 361. May Bjgarreau, 35& Miiyduke, 339. Morello, 370. Napoleon Bigarreau, 365, 366. Ohio Beauty, 359. Oxhearl, 357. Pie Cherry, 371. Plumstone Morello, 370. Remington, 367. Robert's Red Heart, 359. Rockport Bjgarreau, 365, 366. Royal Duke, 369. Rumse"'s Late Morello, 370. Sparhawk's Honey, 361. Sweet Montmoreucy, 361. Transparent Guigne, 362. Waterloo, 357. Wendell's Bigarreau, 363. White Tartarian, 361. CHAPTER VIII. THE GOOSEBERRY AND CTTRRAWT. The Currant, 372 Propagation and culture, 372 preserving fresh, 373. VARIETIES. Black Naples, 374. May's Victoria, 373. Champagne, 373. Red Dutch, 373. Cherry, 373. Striped Fruited, 373- Common Black. 374. White Grape, 373. Knight's Early Red, 373. White Dutch, 373. Knight's Sweet Red, 373. The Gooseberry, 374 Productiveness, 374 Propagation, 875. VARIETIES. Crown Bob, 376. Roaring Lion, 376. Houghton's JSeedlin , 377. Willinglon's Glory, 377. Park.nson's Laurel, 377. Whitesmith, 376. Red Warrington, 376. CHAPTER IX. THE RASPBERRY. Propagation and culture, 378 Pruning and training, 379.- VARIETIES. American Black, 380. American Red, 350 American White, 380. Barnet, 380- Slack Cap, 380. Col. Wilder, 380. Cretan Red, 380. Fastolff, 380 Franconia, 380. Ohio Everbearing, 381 Red Antwerp, 381. Thimble-berry, 380. Yellow Antwerp, 381. CHAPTER X. THE STRAWBERRY. Soil and culture, 382 Alternate strips, 383 Producti 334 Staminate and pistillate Sowers, 384. VARIETIES Austrian Scarlet, 336. Bishop's Orange, 387. Black Prince, 389. Boston Pine, 388. Brewer's Emperor, 388. British Queen, 389. Burr's New Pine, 390. Burr's Staminate Seedling, 387. Bu*h Alpine, 391. Crimson Cone, 3?8. Deptford Pine, 389. Duke of Kent, 366. Dundee, 388. Elton, 387. Grove End Scarlet, .387. Hovey's Seedling. 390. Hudson, 338. Keene's Seedling, 389. Large Early Scarlet, 387. Methven, 3S8. Myall's Eliza, 389. Neck Pine, 390. Old Pine, 389. Prince Albert, 389. Prolific Hauibois, 391. Red Alpine, 391. Red Wood, 391. Roseberry, 388. Ross Phoenix, 389. Swainstone Seedling, 389. White Alpine, 391. While Wood, 391. Willey, 388. Wilmot's Superb, 391. XIV INDEX GRAPES. CHAPTER XI. THE GRAPE. Propagation Soil, 392 Pruning, 393 Grape houses, 394 Manage- ment, 395. VARIETIES. Alexander, 396. Grizzly Frontignan, 401. American Muscadine, 398. Herbemont, 397. Black Cluster. 398. Hyde's Eliza, 397. Black Hamburg, 398. Isabella, 397. Black Portugal, 399. July, 399. Black Prince. 399. Lenoir,'397. Black St. Peter's, 399. Missouri, 397. Bland, 396. Norton's, 397. Burgundy, 398. Ohio, 398. Cambridge Black, 399. Pitmaston White Cluster, 399. Cannon-Hall Muscat, 400. Powell, 396. Cape Grape, 396. Red Hamburgh, 398. Catawba, 396. Royal Muscadine, 399. Charles worth Tokay, 399. Scuppernong, 398. Chasselas de Bar Sur Aube, 400. Syrian, 400. Clinton, 397. Tottenham Park Muscat, 400. Diana, 397. While Frontignan, 401. Early Black July, 399. White Muscadine, 401. Early Sweetwater, 401. White Muscat of Alexandria, 400. Early White Malvasia, 399. White Nice, 401. Elsinborough, 397. White Sweetwater, 401. Elsinburgh, 397. White Tokay, 401. CHAPTER XII. Select Lists of Fruits, adapted to different localities, 402. Pronunciation of foreign names, 408. Glossary of terms used in Fruit Culture, 406. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. THE climate and soil of our country afford unequalled fa- cilities for the cultivation of fruit. A rich treasure lies within the reach of its inhabitants, in the profusion of de- licious kinds, which successive months may be made to sup- ply. Yet, a small portion have availed themselves fully of these advantages. Even the existence of most of the finer va- rieties, are but partially known. The rapid increase of fruit culture within the past few years, has but thinly spread its bounties over a widely expanded and thickly peopled territory. In traversing the country, neat cottages and comfortable farm-houses are seen everywhere interspersed, and plenty is indicated by loaded orchards and abundant harvests. But how many of the prosperous owners are aware of the rare delicacies their fertile lands are capable of yielding ? How many of them, for instance, are familiar with that perfumed, golden, midsummer fruit, the apricot ? What portion cul- tivate enough of the best peaches to obtain " from the loaded bough the mellow shower," for ten successive weeks? What number know that plums, rich, juicy, and bloom- dusted, may be had fresh from the tree, from early wheat harvest till the ground freezes in autumn ? Who among them partake of the twenty best melting pears, out of the thousand varieties which have borne fruit in this country? And especially, who practically knows, that a whole yearly circle of fruits is within his reach, beginning with the most refreshing strawberries, raspberries, and cherries, for early summer ; including the richest plums, apricots, peaches, and nectarines, for summer and autumn ; and closing with high- flavored pears and apples, extending their season of ripen- ing through all autumn and winter, and far into the sue- 14 PROFITS OF FRUIT CULTURE. ceeding year ? Happily, the number of cultivators is rapidly increasing, who may place upon their tables many delicious sorts, on almost any day of the entire year. The cultivation of fruit has been retarded by a mistaken estimate of the time required for young trees to come into bearing. But this error is fast disappearing before skilful culture. It is become well known, that he who plants trees, plants for himself, as well as for his children. Bad treat- ment may long retard the growth and bearing of a tree. Enveloped in weeds and grass, what young plant could flourish ? What farmer would think a moment of raising good corn in the thick and tall grass of a meadow ? No wonder, then, that a young tree, similarly treated, lingers in feebleness and disease. But give it for a few years a mellow, clean, and fertile soil, and vigorous shoots, and ex- panding branches, will soon bend under copious loads of fruit. To adduce instances, in a single garden, apple trees, the fifth year from setting out, yielded a bushel each ; peach trees, the third summer, bore three pecks ; and a Bartlett pear, two years from transplanting, gave a peck of superb fruit ; none of them were an inch in diameter when transplanted, nor was their treatment better than that which every good farmer gives his carrots and potatoes. PROFITS. It can be hardly necessary, with our present rapidly in- creasing commerce in fruit, to point out the pecuniary pro- fits resulting from its culture. But those who have only raised the more common, or second-rate sorts, can hardly appreciate the heavy returns from the finest, under the best culture. To such, a few examples may be interesting.* C. A. Cable,. of Cleveland, Ohio, obtained in 1S45, from an orchard of one hundred cherry trees, twenty years old, more than one thousand dollars. The trees were twenty- five feet apart, and no other crop occupied the ground, which was enriched and kept well cultivated. Hill Pennell, of Darby, Pa., sold in 1846, two hundred and twenty-five dollars worth of early apples, from half an acre. A farmer near Fishkill, N. Y. sold fifteen hundred dol- lars worth of plums in a single season. Richard I. Hand, * Taken chiefly from the " Horticulturist." PROFITS OF FRUIT CULTURE. 15 of Mendon, Monroe county, N. Y., sold in 1845, four hun- dred and forty dollars worth of Roxbury Russet and Nor- thern Spy apples from one acre of orchard. James Laws, of Philadelphia, sold three hundred dollars worth of Isabella and Catawba grapes, the fourth year from planting, from three-eighths of an acre, or at the rate of eight hundred dollars per acre. Hugh Hatch, of Camden, N. J., obtained from four trees of the Tewksbury Blush, one hundred and forty bushels of apples, or thirty-five from each tree ; of these ninety baskets (of about three pecks each) sold late in the following spring for one dollar per basket. Examples almost beyond number may be given where sin- gle trees have yielded from five to ten dollars a year in fruit, and many instances where twenty or thirty dollars have been obtained. An acre of such would be equal to any of the preceding instances. If one tree of the Rhode Island Green- ing will afford forty bushels of fruit, at a quarter of a dollar per bushel, which has often occurred, forty such trees on an acre would yield a crop worth four hundred dollars. But taking but one quarter of this amount as a low average for all seasons and with imperfect cultivation, one hundred dol- lars would still be equal to the interest on fifteen hundred per acre. Now, this estimate is based upon the price of good winter apples for the past thirty years, in our most pro- ductive districts ; let a similar calculation be made with fruits rarer and of a more delicious character. Apricots, and the finer varieties of the plum, are often sold for three to six dollars per bushel ; the best early peaches from one to three dollars ; and pears, from hardy and productive trees, for an equal amount. Of the three former kinds, t\vo to five bushels per tree, with good management, is a frequent crop ; and on large pear trees five times this quantity. An acquain- tance received eight dollars for a crop grown on two fine young cherry trees, and twenty-four dollars from four }~oung peach trees, of only six years growth from the bud. In western New- York, single trees of the Doyenne or Virgalieu pear have often afforded a return of twenty dollars or more, after being sent hundreds of miles to market. An acre of such trees, well managed, would far exceed in profits a fine hundred-acre farm. 16 PROFITS OF FRUIT CULTURE. But the anxious inquiry is suggested, " Will not our mar- kets be surfeited with fruit?" This will depend upon the judgment and discretion of cultivators. With the excep- tion of the peaches of Philadelphia, and the strawberries of Cincinnati, a great deficiency is still felt in all our large cities. Of these two fruits, large plantations are brought rapidly into full bearing. The fruit, when ripe, quickly perishes, and cannot be kept a week ; yet thousands of acres in peach trees, bending under their heavy crops,-are needed for the consumption of the one city, and broad fifty-acre fields, reddened with enormous products, send many hundred bush- els of strawberries daily into the other. If, instead of keep- ing but three days, sorts were now added which would keep three months, many times the amount would be needed. But the market would not be confined to large cities. Rail- roads and steamboats would open new channels of distribu- tion throughout the country, for increased supplies. Nor would the business stop here. Large portions of the eastern continent would gladly become purchasers, as soon as suffi- cient quantities should create facilities for a resonable sup- ply. Our best apples are already eagerly bought in London and Liverpool, where nine dollars per barrel is not an unu- sual price for the best J^ewtown pippins. And by packing in ice, Doyenne pears, gathered early in autumn in New- York, have been sold at mid-winter in Calcutta peaches have been safely sent to Jamaica and strawberries to Bar- badoes. The Baldwin apple has been furnished in good condition in the East Indies, two months after it is entirely gone at Boston.* Good winter apples always command a market. For the past thirty years such fine varieties as the Swaar, Rhode Island Greening, and Esopus Spitzenburgh, have scarcely varied from twenty-five cents a bushel in some of the most productive portions of the country, remote from market. Late keepers are sold early in the summer for more than triple that sum. An acre of forty trees, with good culture, will average through all seasons not less than two hundred bushels, or fifty dollars a year. Instances are frequent of thrice this amount. The farmer, then, who sets out twenty acres of good apple orchard, and takes care of it, may expect * Hort. vol. I, p. 288. PROFITS OF FRUIT CULTURE. 17 it no remote period a yearly return of five to fifteen hundred dollars a year, and even more, if a considerable portion is occupied with late keepers. This is, it is true, much more than the majority obtain ; but the majority wholly neglect cultivating and enriching the soils of their orchards. It is not, however, merely as a source of income, that the cultivation of the finer kinds become profitable. The family which is at all times supplied with delicious and refreshing fruit from its own gardens, has within its reach not only a very important means of economy, but of real domestic com- fort. An influence is thus introduced of an exalted charac- ter ; a tendency is directly exerted towards the improvement of the manners of the people. Every addition to the at- tractions of home, has a salutary bearing on a rising family of children. The difference between a dwelling with well planted grounds, and well furnished with every rural enjoy- ment, and another where scarcely a single fruit tree softens the face of bleakness and desolation, may, in many instances, and to many a young man just approaching active life, serve as the guiding influence between a useful life on the one hand, or a roving and unprofitable one on the other be- tween a life of virtue and refinement from early and favora- ble influences, or one of dissipation and ruin from the over- balancing effects of a repulsive home. Nor can any man, even in the noon or approaching evening of life, scarcely fail to enjoy a higher happiness, with at least an occasional intercourse with the blossoming and loaded trees which his own hand has planted and pruned, than in the noise of the crowd and tumult of the busy world. CHAPTER II. HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. THE earliest fruits mentioned in history, are the grape, the apple, and the fig, the former having been cultivated about the time of the deluge. The almond is mentioned re- peatedly in the sacred records, nearly 4000 years ago ; and Theophrastus, who lived about 300 years before the Chris- tian era, remarks that it was the only tree in Greece that produced blossoms before the leaves ; hence we may safely infer that the peach was then unknown. The fact that the Jewish history no where speaks of the peach, indicates that it was not a native of Persia, a country long inhabited by that people.* It was doubtless, however, early intioduced there. It was known to the Romans at the height of their power, and the nectarine was spoken of by Columella and by Pliny, as an admired fruit of their time. The Romans extended their conquests into nearly all parts of the knoxvn world, and brought back the horticultural pro- ductions adapted to the climate of Italy. The fig was ob- tained from Syria, the peach from Persia, the citron from Media, the pommegranate from Africa, the apricot from Epirus, apples, pears, and plums, from Armenia, and cher- ries from Pontus. When the Empire was at the height of its power, or towards the close of the first century, the fol- lowing fruits, cultivated at Rome, were enumerated by Pliny : Apples, 22 varieties ; Pears, 36 Cherries, 8 Quinces, 3 " Grapes, numerous varieties ; Plutns, many sorts, black, white, and variegated ; * It is found wild on the Himalayan mountains, whence it was probably carried tc Persia, and to other parts of the world. HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. 19 Figs, many; black and white, large and small; Almonds, sweet and bitter ; Medlars, larger and smaller ; Mulberries, two black varieties ; Nuts, hazel and filberts ; Strawberries, and Apricots. The orange is supposed to have been introduced at Rome at a later period. The art of Grafting, so indispensible to the diffusion oi the finer fruits, was well known to the ancients, but its ori- gin is hid in the obscurity of antiquity. It does not appear to have been known in the age of Homer, and is thought to have been first practiced not far from the time of Hesiod. It was familiar to the ancient Greeks of a later period ; and the Roman writers describe a great variety of modes, quite as ingenious as the fanciful variations now used by gar- deners. The statements of ancient writers, when not confined to simple historical record, partook largely of the conjectural, and frequently of the marvellous. Hence we find Pliny as- serting that when plums were grafted upon apple stocks, they produced what were called apple-plums ; and upon almond stocks, they yielded a fruit of a compound nature, the stone being like that of the almond. And Virgil, with a little more poetical freedom, speaks of grafting apples on planes ; of adorning the wild ash with the blossoms of the pear ; and represents swine as crunching acorns under elms. After the fall of the Empire, the reign of violence nearly extinguished the taste for the improvements of gardening, and destroyed the means of enjoying rural life. Nearly the only exceptions were furnished by the monks, who labored with their own hands in the cultivation of the soil. At the close of the eighth century, Charlemagne recom- mended the culture of apples, pears, and plums, and gave great encouragement to the establishment of orchards and vineyards. His friendly intercourse with the Saracenic prince, Haroun al Raschid, enabled him to procure and in- troduce into France, the best sorts of melons, figs, peaches, and other fruits, in existence at that time. When Europe gradually emerged from the night of the dark ages, the increased light diffused by the spread of lite- 20 HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. rature and science, was accompanied with a corresponding increase in the arts of cultivation. We have but little in- formation, however, on this subject, till about three hun- dred years ago. England, France, and the Low Countries, seem to have taken the lead in improvement. The earliest British writer on the culture of fruit, was Richard Arnold, who published a chapter in his " Chronicles," in 1502, "On the crafte of graftynge and plantynge, and alterynge of fruits, as well in color as in taste." He was succeeded about 1538, by Tusser, who mentions apples, pears, peaches, apri- cots, cherries, plums, grapes, medlars, barberries, filberts, gooseberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The fig, the orange, and the pommegranate, were introduced about the same period ; so that, by the middle of the sixteenth century there were cultivated all the kinds or primary varieties known at the present day. Tusser was followed in 1597, by Gerard, and in 1629, by Parkinson. The former thus speaks of the apple of his time : " The fruit of apples do differ in greatness, form, color, and taste ; some covered with a red skin, others yellow or green, varying exceedingly; some very great, some little, and many of a middle sort ; some are sweet of taste, or something sour ; most are of a middle taste, between sweet and sour ; the which to distinguish I think it impossible, notwithstanding I hear of one that intended to write a pe- culiar volume, of apples, and the use of them." The number of varieties described or mentioned by Par- kinson in 1629, show their cultivation to have become ex- tensive ; among them were, Apples, 58 varieties ; Pears, 64 Plums, 61 Peaches, 21 " Cherries, 36 Grapes, 23 Nectarines, 5 " Apricots, 6 Figs, 3 Parkinson was followed by Evelyn, who flourished during the middle of the seventeenth century, and gave by his HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. 21 writings and active influence, a great impetus to rural cul- ture. The great Brompton Nursery of Loudon and Wise, during the early part of the eighteenth century, dissemina- ted vast quantities of fruit trees over the kingdom. Miller published his Gardeners' Dictionary in 1724 ; Forsyth his Treatise on Fruit Trees in 1791. The London Horticultu- ral Society was instituted early in the present century, and in connexion with the earlier investigations of its president, Thomas Andrew Knight, and the later and unwearied labors of Robert Thompson, it has poured a flood of light on the science of cultivation, and on the "nomenclature of fruits. The Dutch made early advancement in the cultivation of fruit, and at the close of the sixteenth century, they were familiar with the principal kinds of fruit now cultivated, except" the pine apple, which was newly introduced into Belgium and England about that time. The French made a nearly similar progress. Quintinge, during the reign of Louis XIV., or during the latter part of the 17th century, did much for the art by his writings and labors, and de- veloped an excellent system of pruning, which has sin^e proved of the highest importance in the cultivation of wall and espalier trees. In the United States, the art, and the materials for its practice, have been mostly derived from England, and to a considerable extent from France and Germany. Many of the best European varieties have proved to be fine fruits here, but a larger portion do not appear well fitted to our climate ; and most of our richest varieties of apples and peaches are of American origin. The gradual progress of pomology is indicated in part by the increasing number of varieties successively named or described by the various authors for the past few centuries. Apples " of all sorts " are mentioned by Tusser ; Parkinson enumerates sixty-seven ; Hartlib, in 1650, alluded to one cultivator who possessed two hundred, and believed there were not less than five hundred ; Ray, in 1668, says there were seventy-eight cultivated in the London nurseries ; For- syth, in 1806, describes a hundred and ninety-six kinds ; George Lindley, in 1831, minutely and accurately described two hundred and fourteen ; while the Fruit Catalogue of the London Horticultural Society gives a list of fourteen 22 HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. hundred varieties, collected and cultivated by that society, three-fourths of which were found to be either the same fruit under different names, or else unworthy of cultivation. The same remark will apply, at least in part, to the many hundreds offered for sale in the United St'ates. A similar progress, less in degree, is indicated in the cul- tivation of the pear. Tusser speaks of " all sorts ;" Parkin- son enumerates sixty-four varieties ; Miller eighty ; and Lindley describes one hundred and sixty-two. Most of these writers also mention numerous varieties of the cherry and plurn. Gerard describes the early, and the white, red, and yel- low peaches, and says there were many others ; Parkinson enumerates twenty-one; Miller thirty-one ; Lindley describes sixty ; and in this country, more favorable to the peach than England, there are probably not less than two or three hun- dred known and named varieties. Eminent advantages have resulted from the application of scientific principles, by Lindley, Knight and others, in the propagation of improved varieties. Several hundred new pears some of them of fine quality, were obtained by Van Mons of Belgium, by a successive selection of im- proved seedlings ; and Knight, in England, has produced some of the finest varieties of the cherry, plum, and apple, by a cross fertilization of old sorts. One of the greatest difficulties yet remaining, is the con- fusion in the names of varieties. The very slight shades of difference in some ; the unsuccessful attempts at accurately defining these shades in w r ritten descriptions ; and the changes produced by soil, situation, climate, and culture, have largely increased the difficulty. This confusion has been augmented by the multitude of names given in some instances to a single fruit. The celebrated White Doyenne or Virgalieu pear, is variously known by thirty different names ; the Brown Beurre, fourteen ; several others have nearly an equal number. The confusion from various ap- plications of these different names by different cultivators, may be easily imagined. The varieties of the peach which Lindley, an eminent British writer, describes as Grosse Mig- nonne, Neil's Early Purple, Pourpree Hative, Royal Ken- sington, and Superb Royal, are all described as a single va- HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. 23 riety by Mclntosh, another British writer, under the name Grosse Mignonne, to which he adds twenty-seven synonyms. The labors of the London Horticultural Society have con- tributed much towards removing the bewildering confusion into which the numerous fruits and their names were thrown. Large collections were made from different countries ; and by a careful and minute examination for many successive years, innumerable mistakes were corrected. The Massa- chusetts Horticultural Society, at Boston, in connection with the labors of the late Robert Manning, of Salem, (whose collection of pears alone contained eight hundred sorts,) have tended greatly towards the same useful end in this country. The subject is also receiving much attention in various parts of the United States. The indispensible necessity of a more thorough examination of fruits by those who propagate them for sale, is more appreciated and becoming reduced to prac- tice. Many extensive private collections of American and European fruits have recently been made, or greatly aug- mented, for the purpose of a more thorough examination, comparison, and selection of varieties. These, in connec- tion with the increased facilities for an interchange of fruits and information, cannot fail to pour a flood of light upon the darkness which has so long enveloped this branch of the subject; to lead to a greater uniformity in names, and ac- curacy in their application ; to point out those only which are worthy of general cultivation, and to lead to the rejec- tion of the hundreds, which, possessing good qualities, do not come up to the high standard of excellence which should be adopted by every enlightened cultivator and disseminator of fruits. CHAPTER III. PRODUCTION OF NEW VARIETIES. THE tendency is more or less common with all plants, when successively produced from seed, to depart from the charac- ter first stamped upon them. These departures give rise to new varieties. In their native forests, many trees and plants do not exhibit these changes, either because they are slight and obscure, or in consequence of the inflexible nature of the species. With others, varieties are conspicuous ; examples of which may be seen in the White Spruce, a part of the trees presenting rigid, erect branches, in contrast with the drooping aspect of others ; in the American Elm, the branches, in rare instances, being as pendant as the weeping willow ; in the more brilliant glow of red flowers on some trees of the Red Maple ; and in the diversity of size, form, and flavor of the wild plum of the woods. This tendency to vary is increased as plants are removed from their native localities ; and in an eminent degree by cultivation. Planted in gardens, and subjected to high culture, repeated and successive sowings often develope striking changes from the appearances which for previous centuries had remained unchanged. By a constant selec- tion of seeds from the best, a gradual improvement on the original is effected. Most of our finest fruits, doubtless owe their existence to this improving process.* " If," says Downing, " we sow a quantity of seed in gar- * The distinction between species and varieties should be well understood. A single species, or original, distinct, individual plnnt, often includes many varieties. All the varieties of one species, are from the same original plant; the thousands which have been named of the single species, the apple, are but a small portion of the myri- ads which have been actually produced. Successive plantings have given us sorts as different in size as the Monstrous Pippin and the minute Lady Apple ; or as remote in flavor as the harsh and astringent Hewes Crab, and the rich and honied Bough. But widely different as these may be, they can never pass the boundary of the species an apple can never be changed to a pear, a cherry to a plum, nor a gooseberry to a currant. HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. 25 den soil, of the common black mazzard cherry, we shall find that, in the leaves and habit of growth, many of the seedlings do not entirely resemble the original. When they come into bearing, it is probable we shall also find as great a diversity in the size, color, and flavor of the fruit, though only a few, perhaps only one, may be superior to the origi- nal species. " Exactly in proportion as this reproduction is frequently repeated, is the change to a great variety of forms, or new sorts, increased. It is likely, indeed, that to gather the seeds from the wild mazzard of the woods, the instances ot departure from the form of the original species would be very few ; while if gathered from a garden tree, itself some- time cultivated, or several removes from a wild state, though still a mazzard, the seedlings will show great variety of character. " Once in the possession of a variety which has moved out of the natural into a more domesticated form, we have in our hands the best material for the improving process. The fixed original habit of the species is broken in upon, and this variety which we have created, has always afterwards some tendency to make further departures from the original form. It is true that all or most of its seedlings will still retain a likeness to the parent, but a few will differ in some respects, and it is by seizing upo'n those which show symptoms of variation, that the improver of vegetable races founds his hopes." While a few of the seedlings from such improved variety, may become still further improved, a far greater number will probably approach towards the original or wild state. The more highly improved the fruit, the greater the diffi- culty to find one of its progeny which shall excel or equal the parent. In ten thousand seedlings from those high- flavored apples, the Swaar and Esopus Spitzenburgh, it may be quite doubtful if any shall equal in quality those fruits themselves, while most may fall considerably below them. The improvements effected in former ages were doubtless the result of accident, as the ancients were ignorant of the means for their systematic accomplishment. The greatest progress in the art made in modern times, was effected by Van Mons in Belgium, and Knight in England. 26 HISTORY, IMPROVEMENT, AND NOMENCLATURE. Van Mons, who directed his labors chiefly to the pear, pro- duced many new and excellent varieties, by a constant and successive selection of the best seedlings. He first made a large collection of natural stocks, or wild pears, choosing those which, from the appearance of the wood and leaf, he had reason to believe, would be most likely to produce the best fruit. As soon as the first of these bore, he selected the best, and planted the seeds. Selections were again made, from the first, of these, and so on in continued succession ; the best and soonest in bearing were uniformly chosen. He thus obtained fruit from the eighth generation ; each suc- cessive experiment yielding an improved result on the pre- ceding. At the fourth generation many of the fruits were good, several excellent, but a smaller number still bad. He had, in the early part of this series of experiments, no less than eighty thousand trees ; hence in selecting from so large a number, his chance for fine sorts was far greater than from a small collection ; and hence too the reason why, after sev- en or eight improving generations, he had obtained so many good varieties. In the early stages of his operations, he found " that twelve or fifteen years was the mean term of time, from the moment of planting the first seed of an an- cient variety of the domestic pear, to the first fructification of the trees which sprung from them. The trees from the second sowing, yielded their first fruit at an age of from ten to twelve years ; those of the third generation, at an age of from eight to ten years ; those of the fourth generation, at an age of from six to eight ; and those of the fifth genera- tion at the age of six years. Van Mons, being actually at the eighth generation, has informed me that he has obtain- ed several pear trees which fruited at the age oj four years"* When his seedlings were at the age of three or four years, he was able to judge of their appearances, though they had not as yet borne ; such only were taken for further trial, as enhibited the strongest probability of excellence. It is hard- ly necessary to remark that in all these trials, the young trees were kept in the highest state of cultivation. .Van Mons maintained that by selecting and planting the seeds of the first crop on the young tree, the product would be less liable to run back to the original variety, than where * Poiteau. NEW VARIETIES BY CROSSING. 27 the seeds were taken from the fruit of an old bearing or graft- ed tree ; and to this practice he chiefly ascribed his success. The many instances, however, of fine seedlings from old grafted sorts, throw a shade of doubt over this theory. NEW VARIETIES BY CROSSING. A familiar instance of cross-impregnation in plants occurs in the Indian corn. The pistillate or seed-bearing flowers covering the young ear, are remotely situated on the plant from the staminate or fertilizing flowers on the summits or ta*sds. Hence, from this remote position, the pollen or fer- tilizing dust from the summits may not certainly fall on the ear ; and if different sorts grow near, a mixture will proba- bly result. It is well known to farmers, that if different sorts, as white, yellow, and purple, are planted in the same field ; or, if common and sweet corn are planted together, each sort no longer remains distinct, but each ear the second year is speckled with a promiscuous assemblage of white, yellow, and purple, and of common and sweet corn, of various grades. In fruit trees, the stamens and pistils are in the same flower, and the chances of accidental mixture from other trees, be- come very small, unless affected by insects, which, becoming thickly dusted with powder from one flower, plunge into the recesses of another, and effect a cross-fertilization. Where many varieties grow in one garden, in close proximity, cases of promiscuous intermixture are constantly occurring, which can be developed only by raising fruit from the seedlings. In the annexed figure of the pear blossom, (fig. 1,) the s been many years since, rejec'e I in some parts of New England as worthless, where it once proved fine. But as proof that this deterioration is to be ascribed to some defect in the soil, and not to the age of the variety, it needs only to be stated that m central and western New- York, it is cultivated extensively and 52 INFLUENCE OF CULTURE. INFLUENCE OF CULTURE. The effect of keeping the soil mellow by repeated stirring, on most of the finer and delicious fruits, can be hardly be- lieved by those who have only seen it on the more common varieties of the apple. " No stunted tree bears fine fruit. Even the Seckel pear, of all sorts the highest flavored, is so inferior in some situations, as to be scarcely worth gathering. Some other pears, however, lose their distinguishing traits entirely, and bear nothing suitable for human lips. Of this class has been the St. Ghislain in my grounds, where the tree stood neglected for several years, and caused me to wonder how any thing- so insipid could have passed through the hands of Robert Manning. Yet that eminent and worthy pomologist was not to blame. An accidental improvement of its condition, caused it the last season to bear excellent fruit, increased some in size, but immensely in flavor. 14 It would seem that flavor is the last touch of perfection that some pears receive ; and that if the nourishment of the tree be exhausted with their growth, so that nothing is left for the last finish, they are tasteless and worthless. This is not the case however with all sorts of fruit ; and exceptions may be found in the Madeleine, Seckel, and Virgalieu; but I think we have no right to condemn any variety of the pear, until the tree has done its best that is, borne fruit in a thriving condition."* "No estimate," says Samuel Walker, " can be made of the true character of any fruit, more particularly of the pear, unless the specimens are fair, well grown, of full size, and quite ripe : or, in other words, in the highest state of perfection the variety will attain under the most skilful management and favorable season. Some varieties, under the care of a lover of fruits, well cultivated in a congenial soil, may be compared to ' refined gold,' while the same variety in unskilful hands, the trees neglected, in grass land, or in wet and impoverished soil, may prove as 'dross.'" with great success, and is there regarded as the most valuable of all known pears. Au interesting example occurred the past season in the garden of Dr. Wendell of Albany, where trees of this variety, in soils of different qualities exhibited ail the grades of difference from blighted and worthless fruit, to rich golden specimens. Further evidence on this subject is furnished by the fact that the Beurre Diel and other sorts of quite recent origin, have in unfavorable localities already exhibited the cracked aad blighted appearance falsely ascribed to old age. * David Thomas, in Ohio Cultivator, 1845, p. 6. INFLUENCE OF THE SOIL AND STOCK. 53 INFLUENCE OF THE SOIL AND STOCK. There was much truth in the remark of Bacon, that "the scion overruleth the stock quite, the stock being passive only." The change which takes place when the sap is con- verted into the descending juices, and thence into fruit, is effected entirely by the leaves; that is, when a pear is grafted on a quince, the entire elaboration of the juices is effected by the leaves of the pear, and the perfect fruit of the pear is the result, and not a cross or mixture of the two fruits. Hence the error of the notion formerly held, that the stock might produce a distinct specific change, ana- logous to that in hybrids. But although one species, or even variety, cannot be changed to another by the stock which supports it, a slight modifying influence may be exerted by the shade of differ- ence between the sap of one species and that of another. The sap of the quince may exert a sensible effect, small in degree, even after it has undergone the great change which is effected by the leaves of the pear. We accordingly find some sorts of pear improved, and others deteriorated on the quince. There is doubtless an analogy in the influence exerted by different stocks, and by different soils. As the earth is colder in summer a few feet below than near the surface, it is highly probable that such soils as variously favor the downward extension of roots, may modify the character of fruits like the changes of seasons. Different trees of the same variety are known to be affected by slight shades of differ- ence, which are often ascribed entirely to the stock, though the soil doubtless has a large share of influence. This view is further indicated by the increased or diminished luxuri- ance of some kinds when growing in a light or .a heavy soil. Different degrees of fertility often produce material effects, both in productiveness and flavor. There is no doubt that stocks on which trees are grafted, operate in some degree in a similar way. Some, like a rich soil, assist the more rapid growth of the branches ; others, like a sterile one, retard it ; hence corresponding re- salts on the fruit may be expected. Stocks may hasten or retard ripening ; they may affect the size, color, and quality of fruit. The temperature, 54 INFLUENCE OF THE SOIL AND STOCK. depth, and other characters of soils may do the same. Ten- der kinds are made hardier on hardy stocks, not because of any specific influence, but the usual supplies of sap are im- parted sooner in spring and withheld earlier in autumn, arid the tender wood has more time to mature precisely similar to the planting of tender trees on sterile or rocky soils, which cause an earlier cessation of growth. Although, as a general rule, the change in quality is so small as to be rarely taken into account in practice, it is in some rare instances considerable, and is worthy of investiga- tion and experiment. Early fruits have been sometimes retarded a few days in ripening when grafted upon late va- rieties of their own species, and their maturity has been hastened on early stocks. In one case, the Red Magnum Bonum plum ripened ten days earlier when grafted on the Cherry plum, a variety which matures at midsummer, dian when worked upon a late prune. In another instance, late peach stocks were found to retard a few days the sorts bud- ded upon them.* In one instance, related by President Knight, a very marked change was effected. His garden contained two trees of the Acton Scott peach, one growing upon a stock of its own species, and the other on a plum, other circum- stances being the same. The fruit of that upon the plum was larger and much more red to the sun ; but irs pulp was coarse, arid its flavor so inferior that he would have denied the identity of the variety had he not himself inserted the buds. Such remarkable instances are to be regarded as of very rare occurrence. Salt peaches or plums, show that foreign substances may enter the juices, and modify or change the quality of the fruit, as well as poison or induce disease in the tree. Solu- ble substances in the soil may thus exert a sensible influ- ence. In the same way, the peculiar character of the sap and secretions of a stock may produce a like result. The, increased productiveness effected by dissimilar stocks, is often so great as to become a very important object in practice. "In proportion," says Lindley, "as the scon and the stock approach each other closely in constitution, the less effect is produced by the latter ; and on the contra- * Hon., in., p. 191. INFLUENCE OF THE SOIL AND STOCK. 55 ry, in proportion to the constitutional difference between the stock and the scion, is the effect of the former important. Thus, when pears are grafted or budded on the wild species, apples upon crabs, plums upon plums, and peaches upon peaches or almonds, the scion is, in regard to fertility, exact- ly in the same state as if it had not been grafted at all ; while on the other hand, a great increase of fertility is the result of grafting pears upon quinces, peaches upon plums, apples upon white thorn, and the like. In these latter cases, the food absorbed from the earth by the root of the stock, is communicated slowly and unwillingly to the scion ; under no circumstances is the communication between the one and the other as free and perfect as if their natures had been more nearly the same ; the sap is impeded in its ascent, and the proper juices are impeded in their descent, whence ari- ses that accumulation of secretion which is sure to be at- tended with increased fertility." This view is strongly cor- roborated by the striking similarity between the swollen portion of a grafted limb on a dissimilar stock, as a plum on the peach, immediately above the place of union, and the swollen portion of an ungrafted tree bound with a ligature. From the preceding remarks, we may arrive at the fol- lowing conclusions : 1. That the difference in the soluble matter contained in the sap of dissimilar stocks, may exert a modifying influence in the fruit ; and that soluble matters in the soil, or their absence, may in a slight degree do the same. 2. That a further change is at the same time effected by increasing or lessening the supply of sap from the stock to the graft ; and that a similar change may result from a fer- tile or sterile soil. 3. That both early productiveness and early maturity may be produced by a stock or a soil which lessens the luxuri- ance of the tree ; dwarf trees and those of old or diminished growth maturing their crops perceptibly earlier than those possessing great thriftiness and vigor. As a general rule, the influence of the stock is not to be taken into account in ordinary practice, except with kinds of very different natures. Cultivation and fertility of soil are of incalculably greater importance. And while the effects of climate are to be attentively observed in making a selec- 3* 56 INFLUENCE OF PRODUCTIVENESS. tion of varieties, the improvement of those selected sorts, to the highest degree of perfection, is only to be attained by skilful culture.* INFLUENCE OF PRODUCTIVENESS. When fruit is thick upon the branches, both size and fla- vor are diminished. Many kinds are rendered nearly worth- less by overbearing. It is often observed that early apples and peaches, remaining last on the tree, are much more de- licious than the earlier portions which ripened on crowded limbs. With some varieties, the effect of productiveness is so great as wholly to alter the character. A tree of the Heath Cling, before unknown to the person who raised it, bore the first year a very abundant crop ; and the fruit, which had been recommended as of great size and excel- lence, was small, green, with only a disagreeable, bitter taste. In the warmer and longer summer of the following year, the fruit, which had been thinned by the frost, was three inches in diameter, very handsome, and of sweet and excellent flavor. The importance of understanding these influences, before deciding on the quality of a new fruit, is at once evident. The advantages of pruning are to be as- cribed in part to the same cause. * The influence exerted by the graft on the stock, although not strictly within the limits of thi chapter, offers an interesting subject for inquiry. The extension of the wood of the stock, by successive depositions from the leaves of the graft, and through the cellular system of the bark, so as to preserve the strict specific identity of the wood of the former, is familiar to every practical cultivator. But the graft often exerts a modifying influence. The same seedling cherry stocks, grafted with sorts of different degrees of vigor, soon vary in the amount and size of the fibrous roots. Trees of the Imperial Gage and Jefferson plum, a few feet high, when bud- ded on the wild plum, were found to liave only half the amount of roots possessed by the unbudded stocfc, of the same age. " A graft of the Green Newtovvn Pippin," says Dr. Kirtland, " will invariably render the bark of the stock rough and black, (the habit of the variety,) within three years after its insertion." CHAPTER VI. SOIL, MANURES, SITUATION, AND ENCLOSURES. THE SOIL for fruit trees, as well as for farm crops, should be of good quality. Whatever will produce a vigorous growth of corn and potatoes, will in general be the best for fruit trees. Sterile soil is unfavorable for both ; but doubly so for the latter, for while it only lessens in quantity the growth of farm crops, it lessens the quantity and greatly in- jures the quality of fruit. Good soils vary in many particulars ; but as a general rule, one which is dry, firm, mellow, and fertile, is well suited to the cultivation of fruit trees. It should be deep, to allow the extension of the roots ; dry, or else well drain- ed, to prevent injury from stagnant water below the surface; firm, and not peaty or spongy, to preclude disaster from frost. Very few soils exist in this country, which would not be much benefitted, for all decidedly hardy kinds, as the apple and pear, by good manuring. Shallow soils should be loosened deeply by heavy furrows and manure ; or if the whole surface cannot be thus treated, a strip of ground eight feet wide, where the row of trees is to stand, should be ren- dered in this way deep and fertile for their growth. The manure should be very thoroughly intermixed with the soil by repeated harrowings. An admirable method of deepen- ing soils for the free admission of the fine fibrous roots, is first, to loosen it as deeply as practicable with the subsoil plow ; and then to trench-plow this deeply loosened bed for the intermixture of manure. The previous subsoiling ad- mits the trench-plow to a greater depth than could be at- tained without its aid. The only trees which will not bear a high fertility, are those brought originally from warmer countries, and liable to suffer from the frost of winter ; as 58 SPECIAL MANURES. the peach, nectarine, and apricot ; for they are stimulated to grow too late in the season, and frost strikes them when the wood is immature. It however happens, in the ordinary practice of the country, that where one peach or apricot tree is injured by too rich a cultivation, more than a hundred suffer by diminished growth from neglect. Clayey and light soils in some cases require opposite ma- nagement. The former, for instance, is much benefited by the admixture of chip-dirt, which renders it looser, lighter, and more retentive of moisture. But on light soils the effect is not so beneficial, and is sometimes positively inju- rious.* Peaty and spongy soil? are particularly injurious to tender fruits. Such soils become very warm by day, and radiate the heat rapidly in clear frosty nights ; hence peaches and apricots generally perish when growing in them, the heat of the sun promoting a rapid succulent growth, which is the more easily destroyed by the succeeding intensity of cold. SPECIAL MANURES. Besides the more common and universal ingredients of soils, sand and clay there are others essential to the growth of trees. Among the more important of these are potash, lime, and phosphate of lime. Now, whatever earthy ingredients are found in the wood, bark, and fruit of trees, must be derived from the soil ; and if the soil in which they are planted does not contain all these ingredients, the trees cannot flourish. It therefore becomes vitally important to supply such deficiencies by the applica'ion of the particular or specific manure needed. But it is not to be expected that cultivators generally will be able to analyze their variously differing soils, nor to pro- cure it done by a skilful chemist. t The next thing, then, * A great deal of m s';;! de-stand ng has arisen from an indefinite u-,1 of the clay region ac ually co :tains more c ay than l.ir cZ;//W)il of ihe s ;ndv district. Tue terms, a.s commo.jly ued. ire relative ; and lo decide c >rreci- ly on siati menu made by others, w> are competed to inquirt- where the nut or- of siK-h st regard such soils as in any case are found to crack in dr:ut:i, as heavy, aiul thos- which never craCK. a? light soils. t Considerable difficulty exists in procuring perfect analyses of soils In examining one of the most fertile soils of Monroe Co., N.Y., Dr. Emmoiis did not discover even SPECIAL MANURES. 59 that can be accomplished is to ascertain the component parts of the different kinds of trees, which are nearly the same in all localities. If it is found that a particular species contains an unusual quantity of some certain ingre- dient, we may safely conclude that such ingredient should be largely supplied as a manure. As instances, analysis has shown that the pear, the apple, and the grape, contain, of 100 parts each of earthy ingredients, the following proportions of potash, lime, and j-hosphate of lime : * Pear. Sap-wood. Bark. Potash 22 6 Lime 13 SO Phosphate of lime 27 6 Apple. Potash 16 5 Lime 19 51 Phosphate of lime 17 3 Grape. Potash 21 2 Lime 17 39 Phosphate of lime 15 5 The proportions of these ingredients, although not exceed- ing the quantities found in sume other plants, are so large as to show conclusively the importance of a proper supply in the soil. They already exist in all soils adapted to the growth of fruit trees; but their small amount in particular localities, from natural deficiency, or from long cultivation, may render their application a matter of the greatest impor- tance. Such application may b- partially made by common yard manure, which contains them in considerable propor- tions ; but wood ashes, in which they mostly exist in large quantities, will furnish them more freely and with a more speedy effect ; as from the large proportion of animal matter in yard manure, too much succulence of growth or even a irace of plxwphates when 100 grains, and afterwards IOO grains, of the soil wereor.e- rritfti upon, and it was only when 1000 prams were u^ed. thai a fiv--thdtft part w-i< delft-red Yet th.s minute proportion is equal to about ten cubic feet per acre \vMh a depth of one foot, and supplies the necessary ingredient for heavy crops. * According to the experimeuu of Dr. Emraons. 60 SPECIAL MANURES. surfeit would result from its abundant and exclusive appli- cation, an evil in no wise resulting from the use of ashes. But over-doses, even of these, should be avoided. The large proportion of lime in the wood an.d bark of the apple, indicates its value as a manure for this fruit ; we accordingly find that leached ashes, which contain much lime, are eminently useful. Leached as well as unleached ashes may indeed be applied with great advantage to nearly all fruit trees. Bones contain much phosphate of lime, and, pulverized, they would undoubtedly in many cases produce an excellent effect on the pear, and other species. Iron is found only in minute quantities in the wood and bark of trees ; yet the speedy restoration from pale and sickly to deep green and luxuriant foliage, by its application to the roots in some instances, proves that however small its proportion may be, its presence is essential. An interesting experiment is stated in the Horticulturist,* upon a large pear tree, bearing blighted, cracked and worth- less fruit, which resulted in its perfect restoration to health, and the production of smooth and fair crops. This change was affected by digging, three feet distant from the tree, a circular trench four feet wide and twenty inches deep ; filling this with fresh, rich soil and turf, and intermingling two bushels of scoriae from a blacksmith's forge, two bushels of charcoal, and two pounds of potash. The fresh soil and potash, doubtless contributed largely to success. Other experiments of a similar character have been equally successful. Dr. Kirtland states that orchards on the limestone hills of Ohio, invariably afford the best apples a remark fully corroborated by other observations. The same eminent cultivator gives the following account of his success with specific manures : his pear trees on worn out land, made but two to six inches growth in a single season, and the fruit was blighted, knotted, and deficient in flavor. They soon began to exhibit evidences of disease and old age. An analysis of the soil was made by Dr. Emmons, indicating its deficiencies. Dressings of phosphate of lime, [in pul- verised bones,] ashes, and barn-yard manure, with a limited supply of common salt, effected a complete renovation. * Vol. I., p. 226. SPECIAL MANURES. 61 The subject of special manures is destined to become one of great interest to cultivators. It is yet in its infancy. Many years of careful experiment, guided by patient and laborious analysis, can only carry it forward to maturity. But in the meantime, enough is known to enable orchardists to operate in many instances with great advantage. Not always knowing the deficient ingredient, they may not at once apply the precise remedy. But there are some ma- nures that can never do injury, that will usually be highly beneficial, and sometimes yield extraordinary results. To enable cultivators to experiment with these, the following excellent practical hints are given from the Horticulturist, from the pen of A. J. Downing, its editor : " For old apple orchards, upon soil deficient in lime, we would recommend a top-dressing of lime for the first time of 200 bushels to the acre. This will, usually, if the land is in good condition, bring the trees into good bearing condition again. In some soils, the effects will be imme- diate, and in others it will require one or two seasons for the lime to produce its effect.* "For middle sized bearing trees, a peck of air-slaked lime to each tree, is sufficient. It is, perhaps, best applied in the autumn, but it will answer very well in the spring. Scatter it evenly over the surface of the ground, as far as the roots extend. It may be ploughed or hoed under slightly, or left upon the surface, as it will find its way downwards in the soil. " To keep an apple orchard in the fruit-bearing condition, in a soil not calcareous, and not naturally congenial to the tree, it should be dressed with lime, and with ashes, every alternate autumn, and manured every other spring. The same quantity of spent ashes as of lime, may be used for each tree. " For the pear tree, we prefer the following compost. Take a wagon load of peat, or black swamp earth dissolve 20 Ibs. of potash in water, and water the peat thoroughly with the liquid. Let it lie a couple of days, and it is fit for use. Or, for the same quantity of peat, use one-third of a load of leached wood ashes, (or ten bushels of fresh ashes,) * Oyster-shell lime is the very best some others contain too much magnesia but, perhaps, only a few. 62 SITUATION. mixing the whole, and letting it lie a fortnight before using- it. Give each middle sized bearing tree, a bushtl of this compost annually ; a newly planted young tree, half a peck, and others in this proportion. If this compost is applied in the spring, the trees may also have a top- dretsing of bone dust, if easily obtained, in the autumn, at the /ate of half a peck to a tree. " The same compost, and the same quantities, will answer admirably for the grape vine. But as the grape is a strong feeder, and likes more lime than the pear, we would give it besides, an autumnal coat of lime, at the rate of from 50 to 100 bushels to the acre, applied along with any manure or compost most easily obtained. "For the plum tree, in light soils, (there is little or nu difficulty in growing it in clay soils,) we would recommend a com.post, made as follows : To two wagon loads of strong loam, or yellow clay, add a bushel of cheap salt and four bushels of lime. Mix the whole thoroughly ; suffering it to lie at least a fortnight. Apply this as a top layer or top dressing to the soil directly under plum trees, (spreading it over the surface as far as the branches extend,) at the rate of two bushels to a middle sized bearing tree, or half a peck to a young, newly planted tree. " As a general compost for fruit trees, we repeat, that nothing is equal to that formed of ashes and peat. These materials are easily obtained in all parts of the country, and they contain the elements most essential in the organic and inorganic structure of fruit trees. Where peat is not at hand, use wood ashes alone, at the rate of half a bushel of leached ashes to each middle sized bearing fruit tree. But as ashes furnish only the mineral or inorganic elements of food, the usual supply of ordinary manure must not be withheld, unless the soil is already sufficiently rich." SITUATION. After a suitable soil is obtained, hardy trees, such as the apple, will usually succeed in almost any situation. But with tender fruits, as the peach and apricot, the case is very different. In many localities in the northern states, they are soon destroyed by the severity of winters, and their cultiva- tion is accordingly not attempled. In others, crops are not SITUATION. 63 yk-lded oftener than once in two years. But some situations ur.- so favorable, that a failure scarcely ever occurs. In plant- i.igr out tender fruits, it is consequently very desirable to know what p aces will prove the best. Even the apple, in re- gions where the winters are rigorous, is sometimes destroy- ed by frost, and in some very unfavorable places rarely escapes. It is familiar to many cultivators, that warm, low valleys are more subject to night-frosts, than more elevated locali- ties. Objects at the surface of the earth become chilled by the radiation of heat to the cold and clear sky above, and they cool by contact the surrounding air, which thus be- coming heavier, rolls down the sides of declivities and set- tles Ike the waters of a lake, in the lowest troughs. This coldness is further increased by the stillness of those shel- tered places favoring the more rapid cooling, by radiation of the exposed surfaces ; while on hills the equilibrium is par- tially restored by currents of wind. Superadded to these causes, vegetation in low, rich, and sheltered places, is more luxuriant, and wood less ripened, and hence particularly liable to injury from frost. The mucky soil of Tallies ra- diates heat rapidly from its surface. The warmth of low places, during the mild weather, often occurring in winter, often swells fruit-buds, and succeeding cold destroys them. On more elevated lands, vegetation escapes all these disas- trous influences. The existence of colder air in valleys, on still, clear nights, is often plainly observed in riding over a rolling or broken face of country. The thermometer has often shown a dif- ference of several degrees between a creek bottom and a neighboring hill not fifty feet high. A striking proof was exhibited a few years since, after a severe night-frost early in summer. The young and succulent leaves of the hicko- ry were but partially expanded ; and where the trees btood in a valley, twenty feet deep, all the leaves had been .frost- ed, and were black and dead, up to the level of the banks on each side, while all above the surface of this lake of cold air, were fresh and green. In the winter of 1845-6, when the cold on a clear night sunk the thermometer several degrees below zero, after the 64 SITUATION. peach buds had been swelled by a few warm days, trees which stood on a hill thirty feet higher than the neighbor- ing creek valley, lost nine-tenths of their blossoms, while on another hill sixty feet high, nine-tenths escaped. The lake of cold air which covered the top of the smaller hill did not reach the summit of the larger. The cultivation of the peach is rarely attempted in the southern tier of counties in the state of New- York. Proofs are not wanting, however, that it might be entirely suc- cessful on selected ground. In the valley of the Conhoc- ton, which is flanked by hills 500 feet high, peach trees have been completely killed to the ground. But on one of the neighboring hills, 500 feet above, and probably 1,200 feet above the level of the sea, an orchard planted in good soil, yields regular crops. In the town of Spencer, Tioga county, near the head of Cayuga inlet, peaches have with- stood the climate and done well, at an elevation of 700 feet above Cayuga lake. In the northeastern part of Penn- sglvania, probably 1200 or 1500 feet above the level of the ocean, in the summer of 1835, after one of the severest winters for twenty years, the only two peach trees observed in travelling many miles, were full of peaches ; while after the same winter, a large tree in Stroudsburg valley, was noticed killed quite down to the ground. While those hills are usually covered with snow throughout the winter, and vegetation consequently remains uniformly dormant, the valleys are subjected to occasional thaws, and are more un favorable to tender vegetation. These cases show the importance of elevated sites. A dry, firm soil, is however, of great consequence. The in fluence of a compact knoll, rising but slightly above the rest of the field, has been observed to save from frost the corn which grew upon it ; while on the more mucky of spongy portions of the rest of the field, radiating heat more freely, the crop has been destroyed. Cultivators of drained swamps have found it necessary to plant such lands with tender crops two or three weeks later than the usual period on upland. The successful cultivation of the peach and the grape, on the gently swelling hills called mounds, in the in the western prairies, while the crops are destroyed on the adjacent dark and porous soils of the plains, affords ano- SITUATION. 65 ther example. In Lycoming county, Pa., on the banks of the Loyalsock, a creek so rapid that no muck is deposited, but fine dry soil, peaches have been raised, though the cold is often intense.* Sometimes the effect of unfavorable soil more than over- balances that of situation. In some of the hilly parts of western New- York, where the highest land is peaty, spongy, or springy, and the valleys dry and firm, the latter are found best for the peach. " Some years ago, we drained a shallow swamp ; and though the situation is high and airy, peach trees of the best bearing kinds planted there, have always been unproductive."! The preceding facts furnish strong reasons for believing, that in large portions of the northern states, where the cul- tivation of the peach has been entirely relinquished in consequence of the only attempts made having been in the warm vallies, abundant crops might be regularly obtained by a proper selection of soil and locality. Even much fur- ther south, the occasional destruction of tender fruits, points out the great importance of careful attention to situation. The death by frost of large orange trees in Florida in 1835, proves that all parts of the country are liable to such disas- ters, and that no means of prevention are to be overlooked. Occasionally crops are saved by the artificial application of a remedy, which may be briefly glanced at in connection with this subject. In one case, a bank of snow covering the lower limb of a peach tree, saved the fruit, while all on the rest of the tree perished. In another, a row of peach trees close along the north side of a fence, where snow- drifts lay, were more fruitful than the other trees. Hence the practice of piling snow round them has been recom- mended, and in some cases practiced with success. It can- not be considered infallible in any situation. It is only useful where a slight reduction of temperature is sufficient to prevent the starting of the buds. We can easily conceive such a time, when a part of the buds start, and a part do not. In one season, the lower buds on the tree, which re- J The skilful cultivator, as he values the size and quality of his fruit, will rendily distinguish between a rich soil consisting chiefly of spongy muck and peat, and a dry and firm soil rendered fertile by a due admixture of these substances, and potash, lime, and good manure. t D. Thomas, Traas. N. Y State Ag. Society, vol. I. 66 INFLUENCE OF DEEP LAKES AND RIVERS. ceived the reflected heat from the ground, nearly all started, and were killed, while those on the tops of the trees were not injured. It is evident that a very slight depression of temperature would have been sufficient to have prevented the lower buds from starting. But the warmth rnay be so great, either late in autumn or in mid-winter, that no check of the kind would be sufficient. It has often been observed that woods or thick trees, buildings, high board fences, or steep hills, on the east side of peach orchards, protect the crop. Hence the erroneous opinion, that it is the east wind, which does the damage. It is the sunshine upon the frozen buds which destroys them ; hence, a clouded sky after a clear frosty night, by prevent- ing sudden thawing, sometimes saves a crop. Covering trees of rare kinds with mats, to shade them from the morn- ing sun, after an intensely frosty night, might -sometimes be highly beneficial. Influence of deep Lakes and, Hirers. Large bodies of un- freezing water in the bottoms of valleys, will reverse some of the preceding rules, and the banks of such waters are pe- culiarly adapted to the cultivation of tender fruits. They soften the severity of the cold, by the large and warmer surface constantly presented ; on the other hand, they chill the dangerous warm air which starts the buds in winter; and they afford great protection by the screen of fog which they spread before the morning sun. Along the borders of the lower parts of the Hudson, and on the banks of the Cayuga and Seneca lakes, tender fruit trees often afford abundant crops, while the same kinds are destroyed only two or three miles distant. Along the southern shore of Lake Ontario, the peach crop scarcely ever fails, and the softening influence of that large body of unfreezing water, extends many miles into the interior. ENCLOSURES. The skilful cultivator, after having prepared his ground, procured the best trees the country affords, carefully trans- planted them, and watched over them, and giveu them careful and laborious attention for years, feels a very natural desire to partake of their fruits. But this he can- not do, in many places, unless his fruit garden is protected ENCLOSURES. 67 from idle boys' rambles. It cannot be concealed that our country is rather remarkable for its fruit pilferers. It is feared it will continue to be so, until public opinion shall place the young man who steals a pocket-book, and the depredator of fine fruit, which has cost the owner as much care and labor, and which money cannot replace, on pre- cisely the same level.* This formidable evil has deterred many from planting fruit-gardens. The most quiet and secure protection is af- forded by a good thorn hedge. The English hawthorn, far to the north, will generally succeed quite well for this pur- pose ; the Washington and Newcastle thorns are less lia- ble to disaster from drouth and hot summers, and the at- tacks of insects ; but the Buckthorn, which gradually thick- ens in ermour as it becomes older, appears to be the only perfectly hardy and reliable hedge plant for severe climates. The Osage Orange, however, where the winters are not too cold, will be found best of all. Its numerous and terrific thorns render it perfectly impassable. It is sufficiently har- dy in all places where the peach crop generally escapes. Further north than 41 or 4^J degrees of latitude, it cannot be expected to succeed in low valleys ; but on elevated ground, the winter-killing of its smaller shoots, \vill only tend to thicken it below, like trimming with shears. The Michi- gan rose, in connexion with a high beard or picket fence, which it has covered and interlaced, has been found an ef- fectual protection to a fruit garden. It grows as freely from layers and cuttings as the grape vine. * " The native fruit of a thickly populated country, growing without culture and free for all, has doubtless had its share in producing this laxity of morals. ' I would sooner have a hundred Irishmen round me than one Yankee.' was the declara- tion i -fa sufferer, whose fruit had been plundered near the line of the Erie canal, when that great work WHS in progress. But Europeans are generally more exem- plary on this pojnt than Americans ihame on us ! When Professor Stowe was in Prussia, where the roads are Ihied with fruit irees by order of the government, he observed a wisp of straw attached to particular trees, to protect the fruit ; a sufficient guard ; but he suggested to the coachman, tlm in America, it might only prove an invitation to plunder. ' Have you no schools?' was the significant reply. " Yes, we have schools ; but how many where the child is taught to respect his neighbor's property ? Too often he acquires literature and vice at the same time. The state of New- York is famous for her schools and her prisons; the latter to supply the defects of the former system, which they do however, very imperfectly. Br Her let the mandate go forth that the morality of the Bible shall be one of the chief objects of instruction. TKACH HER CHILDREN TO BE HONKST, and then with science a;*! literature, a foundation for true greatness and prosperity would be laid." David Thomas, in Tram. N. Y. State Ag. Society, Vol. 1, p. 223. CHAPTER VII. TRANSPLANTING. NEARLY every fruit tree must at some period be removed from the nursery, and transplanted into the orchard or gar- den. When it is remembered that in a large number of instances, where hastily performed, the trees perish from the act ; and that in a still larger number, including a great majority, a severe check is given to their growth, it needs no argument to show the importance of transplanting well. This removal is from necessity, an act of violence. As frequently performed, it is so severe that it either results in death, or a lingering recovery. But with the skilful operator, the rigor of the operation may be so softened, as to be not only attended with perfect safety to the tree, but with scarcely an abatement in the thriftiness of its growth. It may indeed sometimes happen, that careless manage- ment from an accidental combination of favorable causes, is followed with success. The entire failure of similar treatment in other cases, proves the superiority of the mode which shall invariably accomplish the object, with the same certainty that cause is followed by effect. The most skilful cultivators, who have the whole operation at their control, never expect to, and actually do not, lose one tree in a thousand. Taking up the tree, and shortening -in. Every person, about to transplant a tree, should remember that the roots and the leaves both perform very important offices, the one constantly dependent on the other. The first collects food for the tree ; the other elaborates and prepares this food for use. Without the roots, the leaves and rest of the tree perish. Without the leaves, the root cannot grow, and eventually dies. It is obvious that if a tree could be removed with all its roots, including all the numerous thread-like radicles, and TRANSPLANTING. 69 placed in its new situation precisely as it stood before, it would suffer no check in growth. The nearer then, we can approach this, the greater will be our success. There is no difficulty in saving the leaf-bearing branches. All our attention must accordingly be directed to the roots. The spade should be set into the earth at a distance from the tree, and ihe whole carefully lifted, not forcibly with- drawn, from the soil. Or, so much of the earth should be separated in a circle by the spade, that when the tree is withdrawn, a large portion of the soil may be lifted with it with the small fibres.* The roots of a young tree usually extend in a circle quite equal to its height; the workman, therefore, who cuts off all within six inches of a tree which is itself eight feet high, deprives it of a large portion of its means of sustenance. In the annexed figure, a indicates the trunk of the tree; bb the circle of roots cut off with the spade in a hasty re- moval ; and without this circle, the rest of the roots which are left in the earth. Fig. 35. But in ordinary, or even very careful prac- tice, a part of this wide network of fibres must necessarily be separated from the tree. It is evi- dent then, that the usual supplies of sap to the leaves must be in part cut off. Now the leaves are constantly (during day) throwing off insensible moisture into the air; and good sized trees thus give off daily, many pounds. Reduce the supply from below, and the leaves cannot flourish ; and if the reduction is severe, the tree withers and dies. The remedy consists in lessening the number of leaves, * Some cultivators have adopted the opinion that the small fibres are unimportant, and may be cut off without lessening the chances of growing. But this can only be true with very small trees or seedlings, which quickly reproduce a multitude of small roots, after the top is removed for the insertion of a graft ; or where the fibres of larger trees have been killed by exposure after removal, and which are followed by a necessary lopping of the branches. 70 TRANSPLANTING. X so as to correspond with the diminished supply. This may be done in two ways : one, by shortening back every shoot of the previous year, to one quarter of its length, and in extreme cases, every shoot may be shortened back to one lud, just above the previous year's wood. The other mode, attended with more labor, but preserving the full size of the head, is to leave all the shoots entire, and remove every al- ternate bud, leaving the ter- minals, or remove two-thirds or three-quarters of the buds in the same way. Neither of these modes can in the least degree destroy the natural sym- metry of the tree. Cutting off large branches at random often quite spoils the shape. Fi 36 Fi s- 37 Fig. 36, represents an unpruned tree, and fig. 37, the same with the shoots shortened back. Where peach and other trees have been once a year trimmed up to a single stem, while in the nursery, the mode of shortening is shown by figs. 38 and 39. A few experiments only are needed to convince any one of the advantages of thus cutting in the shoots. In 1846, an orchardist on the Hudson, carefully transplanted 180 apple trees into good mellow soil. The roots had been cut rather short in digging. One-half had their tops shortened back, so as to leave only one bud of the previous season's wood ; the heads of the other half were suffered to remain untouched. The season Fig. 38. Fig. 39. p rove d favorable. Of the ninety which had their heads pruned, only two died, and nearly all made fine shoots, many being eighteen inches long. Of the ninety unpruned, eight died ; most of them made but little growth, and none more than six inches. Both the first and TRANSPLANTING. 71 second year, the deep green and luxuriant foliage of the pruned trees afforded a strong contrast with the paler and more feeble appearance of the other.* A similar experi- ment was made with 78 peach trees, of large size, three years' growth from the bud. One-half were headed back so as to reduce the buds one-half ; the rest were unpruned. The season was rather dry, and twelve of the 39 unpruned trees perished; and only one of those which were headed back. The unpruned, which survived, lost parts or the whole of the upper portions of their branches ; the pruned, made fine bushy heads of new shoots.* It has been found useful to shorten in the shoots of peach trees so severely as to reduce the heads to only one quarter of the original number of buds. This was tried with great success the past season. Trees, only one year's growth from the bud, transplanted in the usual manner unpruned, were placed side by side with others of four years' growth, and with trunks an inch and a half in diameter, the heads being pruned to one quarter their size. The growth of the former was feeble; the large trees, with pruned heads grew vigorously. Again, trees set out before the buds had opened, and without pruning, presented a more feeble growth than others re- moved when the leaves were an inch long, with a copious shortening-in of the branches. The degree to which this shortening should be carried, must depend much on climate. In the cool moist atmos- phere of England, the leaves perspire less, and a larger number may remain without exhausting the supply from the roots. In this country, the perspiration is more rapid, and fewer leaves can be fed, until new roots furnish increased supplies. But in no case should the lopping be excessive ; for as the reproduction of roots depends upon the action of the leaves, a disproportionately small number of the latter, would fail to produce a speedy renewal of the former. And especially, no one should unnecessarily mutilate the roots, with the hope that lopping the head will remedy the evil; for it rarely happens, that with the most careful digging, more than one half the entire amount of roots will be secured, which would in that case, require the removal Hort., Vol. II., p. 319. 4 72 TRANSPLANTING. of at least half the head. A badly mutilated root may be saved alive, by a severe lopping of the shoots ; but it can- not possibly succeed so well as a tree with a fine large mass of uninjured fibres. Trees which quickly reproduce new shoots, as the peach, may be more closely shortened back than others having a less reproductive power, as the apple. The cherry throws out a new growth still more reluctantly, and hence more care is needed in digging up the roots entire. A very mistaken notion prevails with many who purchase trees for orchards, that the most important requisite is to obtain large straight stems and handsome heads, while the condition of the roots is regarded as entirely subordinate. It is far preferable that the limbs be mutilated than the roots ; for though the tree may have a bad appearance when first transplanted, well preserved roots will soon restore the loss. 1 Preparing the ground and manuring. Ground intended for trees must be secure from danger of being flooded in wet seasons, and from all liability of becoming water- soaked beneath the surface. If not naturally dry enough, it must be thoroughly underdrained. The next requisite, and it is one of the greatest impor- tance, is to deepen and enrich the soil by trenching. In the garden this is done with the spade ; but in the open orchard, it is cheaply and thoroughly effected, by first loosening the earth to a depth of at least twenty inches with a subsoil plow. Next, to intermix the whole loosened bed of soil thoroughly together, it is trench-plowed. It would be impossible to attain this depth with a common plow, without previous subsoiling ; and subsoiling fails to accomplish a proper admixture without trenching. Manure is to be applied in sufficient quantity to render the whole fertile ; the amount to be graduated by the character of the ground. Trenching or deepening must in no case be omitted; for if the soil is exhausted, if it is poor, if liable to suffer from drouth, it is a remedy which applies in all cases. If this deepening and enriching cultivation can be continued for a year or two, in connexion with root crops, before planting, the ground will be brought to the finest condition. TRANSPLANTING. 73 In setting out large orchards, if the whole field cannot be deepened, a strip of land ten feet wide extending across the orchard, may be treated in the same way, in the centre of which each row is to be set ; and the intermediate spaces, constituting two-thirds or more of the whole, may be prepared afterwards, by the time the roots have passed the boundaries of the first. Now, when it is recollected that a good orchard is worth annually a hundred dollars per acre, and that this thorough preparation will bring trees into plentiful bearing, in con- nexion with good subsequent culture, in one third of the time required where trees are crowded into small holes in hard ground, it must be perfectly plain to every one that the former is by far the cheaper treatment. Where, from any unavoidable cause, trench-plowing can- not be accomplished, the holes should be seven or eight feet in diameter, and from one and a half to two feet deep. The earth should be mixed with a liberal allowance of well-rotted manure, or still better with a compost made and worked over some weeks previously, consisting of two or three parts of muck or peat, one of barn manure, and a fifth part of leached ashes. This is indeed an excellent manure for fruit trees in all cases with ordinary soils. If the subsoil is sterile, it should be scattered back out of the way. In rare cases, where rotted manure or compost is not at hand, and it becomes necessary to use fresh manure, it must be thoroughly incorporated with an iron rake into the soil, and this mixture not placed in contact with the roots but at such a distance that they may not reach it till after some months of growth, when it will have become well combined with the soil. One quarter manure will be an abundant proportion in any case. Preparing the roots. Before a tree is set in the earth, ail the bruised or wounded parts, where cut with the spade, should be pared off smoothly, to prevent decay, and to enable them to heal over by granulations during the growth of the tree. Then dip them in a bed of mud, which will coat every part over evenly, and leave no por- tion in contact with air, which accidentally might not be reached by the earth in filling the hole. The bed of mud 74 TRANSPLANTING. is quickly made by pouring into a hole a pail of water, and mixing it with the soil. Setting the tree. It should not be set deeper than it stood before removal. Deep planting injures the tree, and when excessive, may cause its death. Setting it upon the surface of the ground without any hole, and placing a bed of fine earth upon the roots to the usual depth, is preferable, and on shallow or unprepared soils, or such as are quite clayey and rather wet, has been quite successful. When placed in the unfilled hole, if it is found to be too deeply sunk, a mound or hillock is to be made under the centre, to raise it suffi- ciently, and the roots separated and extended to their full length. Fine rich mould is then to be sprinkled or sifted over, taking care to fill all the interstices, and using the fingers to spread out all the fibres during the operation. The mellow earth should rise two or three inches above the surrounding surface, to allow for its subsequent settling. In nearly all soils, the use of water insetthng the earth among the roots will be found eminently serviceable. Dashing in a few quarts before the hole is quite filled, is the more com- mon way : but an admirable mode is to settle the fine earth as it is constantly sifted in, by a regular shower from a watering pot, one man holding the tree, a second filling in the earth, and the third applying the water. By this pro- cess the roots are not disturbed in their position, and every cavity about them is filled in the most perfect manner. The trees will be found to maintain their position better than vvher pulverised earth alone is used ; for although it may at first be easily moved while surrounded by the half liquid mass ; in a few hours the earth around it will absorb the superabundant moisture, and it will become as firm as when it has stood for weeks in its new position. Stiffening against the wind. Newly planted \ trees, being acted on as levers by the wind, often press aside the earth about their stems, and make an opening down to the roots, which in consequence suffer from both drouth and disturbance. There are two ways to prevent this disaster. In autumn transplanting, the Fig. 4u. best way is to embank a mound of earth about TRANSPLANTING. 75 the stems, from ten to eighteen inches high, as the size of the tree may require, fisr. 40. This mound performs the triple ofice of stiffening the tree, excluding mice, and cover- ing the roots from frost. Only a few seconds are required to throw up one of these conical heaps of earth. After the tree commences growing, the mounds are removed. Trees which have had their heads lightened by the shortening pro- cess, already described, will not often need any other pro- tection. But when the trees are large, or the situation is windy, staking becomes necessary. If driven before the roots are covered, they may be erect, as in fig. 41 ; if driven afterwards, they may be slanting; and in both cases, straw bands should be first wrapped once round, to prevent the trees from chafing Watering. A very common error is the belief that trees need frequent watering before they are in leaf. Deluging the roots, while in a partially dormant state, is as hurtful to trees as to green- house plants, and a continued repetition of it is al- most certain death. When a plant is in a state of rapid vegetation, large quantities of moisture are drawn up by the leaves and thrown off', but while the buds are unexpanded, the amount consumed is very small. Fruit trees sometimes remain with fresh and green branches, but with unswollen buds, till midsummer. Instead of watering such at the roots, let the tops be wet daily at evening, with a watering pot, and it will in nearly all cases bring them into active growth. In extreme cases, shading the stem in ad- dition to the watering, will be found beneficial. The following successful treatment in transplanting, in cases that appeared almost hopeless, was practiced by the late S. G. Perkins, of Boston : " Some ten years ago, I imported from Paris two hun- dred and ten pear trees on quince stocks, whose roots, on their arrival, I found to be entirely black and dead. I shaved off with a drawing knife all the roots down to the stump. These I planted in trenches, tying them to cross-bars to keep them firm, and then filled up the trench with good soil. The heads and bodies of these trees were regularly washed in dry weather until they began to sprout which most of them 76 TRANSPLANTING. did in abundance during the summer, and I finally saved oul of the whole number, one hundred and seventy-four, which became as well rooted and as good trees as any in mj garden. " This has happened more than once. Three or foui years ago, I imported among other trees, twenty plum trees, from six to seven feet high, the heads of which had been budded the previous - year in France. These buds had grown from nine to twelve inches long, and were perfectly fresh when they arrived ; but the roots on examination were found entirely dead. Two of these I gave away. One was good for nothing, and the other seventeen I planted in my garden, having cut out all the roots that had fibers, they be- ing entirely dead. One of my men said I might as well plant my walking stick. Sixteen of these are now flourish- ing trees, well grown and well rooted, new roots being in- duced by means of washing the upper part of the tree." Watering the roots, even of fast growing trees, will rare- ly become needful if the soil is deep and is kept mellow But whenever it is performed, the surface earth should be thrown off, the water poured in, and the earth replaced. This will admit the water at once to the roots, and leave the surface mellow ; while by watering the top of the ground, the water will perhaps fail to reach the dry soil below, but only serve to harden and bake the surface. Mulching, or covering the ground about the tree with straw, coarse barn-yard litter, or, what is still better, leaves from the woods, will in nearly all cases obviate the necessity of watering. It is an excellent protection against mid-summer drouths, which so often prove destructive to newly trans- planted trees, after they have appeared in leaf. A corres- pondent of the Horticulturist, mulched 50 trees out of 150, all of which had commenced growth alike. Those which were mulched, all lived. Of the hundred not mulched, fif- teen perished. The weather was hot and dry at mid- summer. Trees received from a distance, and injured by drying, should immediately have their roots coated by immersion in a bed of mud ; and then the whole stems and branches buried in moderately moist earth for a few days. They will gradual- ly absorb moisture, through the pores in the bark, and re- TRANSPLANTING. 77 sume their freshness. Plunging into water, as sometimes practiced, is more liable x to induce decay by water-soaking. Season for transplanting. Much discussion has arisen on the relative advantages of autumn and spring transplanting. When the work is well done, both are successful. For apple and other hardy trees, autumn is perhaps the best, as the soil becomes well settled about the roots, and the trees commence growing without interruption in spring.* The more tender trees, as apricots and peaches, removed to a colder region, may be in more danger, especially if the roots have been much mutilated and the setting out badly done. A neighbor purchased fifty peach trees in the autumn, and lost half of them the following severe winter ; another bought fifty the next spring, and .lost only one. Was this a conclusive proof that spring planting was best ? By no means ; for in the former case they were set out in grass land, and received no culture ; in the latter, they had the best care. The same autumn a neighbor saved all his peach trees by good management ; while the same spring another lost most of his by neglect. We may hence infer that good management is of incomparably more importance than the season of the year.t But there are many things to be taken into account in drawing conclusions. It has been remarked that tender trees taken to a colder climate may be in danger of winter frosts. Good, thrifty, and well ripened wood, however, where the trees have grown on high, dry, firm soil, even from a warmer region of country, are much safer than trees of succulent growth and badly ripened wood, from a colder. So again, trees equally hardy, might perish when set out on a low, sheltered place, or on a wet soil, while they would endure the severest rigors of our winters on a drier and more elevated piece of ground. Again, success has sometimes attended careless trans- planting ; while on the other hand, the greatest care has * The remark of Dr. Lindley that early fall transplanting is decidedly best, by permitting the formation of small roots and a consequent establishment of the tree in the soil before winter, though applicable to the moist climate and long mild autumns of England, is not so here where the growth while it lasts is more rapid, its cessation more sudden, and the dryness of the air unfavorable to removal before growth ceases. t Embanking round the tree, as described on a preceding page, is an ezceUent protection from frost for tender trees set out ia amunui. 78 TRANSPLANTING. resulted in loss. In the first instance, the trees may have been in the best condition, the roots uninjured, the soil just right, and every attending circumstance favorable. In the other, every thing may have been done right, but some acci- dental disaster proved ruinous. A neighbor, as an instance, set out several peach trees in autumn in the best manner j but his soil was low, and became soaked with water in winter, causing their death. Removal from high and exposed, to low and frosty ground, or the reverse, may often influence the result. Even a wet subsoil, where the sur- face has been dry, has destroyed tender trees in winter, as the apricot, without removal. Again, when the soil is a heavy clay, and holds water like a tub, tender trees are in great danger from autumn transplanting, unless provision is made for draining the holes ; which may be effected by running a deep furrow from one hole to the other, along the line of trees, and using brush, cornstalks, or straw, as a temporary under- drain for the water to soak away. As a general rule, the proper season for the removal of trees is at any period between the cessation of growth in autumn, usually a little later than mid-autumn in the northern states, and its recommencement in spring. The earlier in spring the better; but if deferred till the buds are much swollen, the roots should be coated immediately with mud, and kept moist till again set out. Transplanting may be performed in winter, whenever the ground is open, and the air above freezing ; but roots which are frozen while out the ground, will perish unless they are buried be- fore thawing. When it becomes necessary to keep trees through winter without setting, as often occurs where they are received from a distance, the roots may be placed sloping in a trench on a dry spot of ground, and fine earth thoroughly sprinkled in among them, filling up all interstices ; and if theyare of ten- der kinds, one-half of the stems may be covered with earth. Trees are often badly kept from neglect to fill up the cavi- ties, which may be prevented by dashing in water, as in transplanting.* If received late in autumn, after having * Trees packed for distant conveyance, should always have the roots coated with jnud; 'or if n pring, it will tend to prevmt their dryi::pr. as warm weather approach- es; and if iu autumn, it will assist the more gradual and safe abstraction of uic trust if TRANSPLANTING. 79 been frozen, the roots should be buried as speedily as pos- sible before thawing takes place, the gradual abstraction of the frost by the soil being perfectly safe, in the same way that it takes place every spring when the frozen roots of standing trees are thawed with the thawing of the ground. The size for transplanting, must vary with circumstances. Six to seven feet high is large enough under ordinary cir- cumstances, but those much larger may be successfully re- moved if they have been previously prepared by shortening the long roots to induce the emission of a mass of smaller fibres near the centre or stem. This is done one year pre- viou-ly, by running a spade into the earth in a circle about the foot of the stem, if the tree yet stands in the nursery, or by cutting a circular trench around the tree if it is a large standard in open ground. Trees not over four or five feet high would usually suc- ceed best with the usual hasty mode of digging, as a proper balance between the top and the root would be more near- ly preserved, the danger of dying would be lessened, and the vigor of growth being less checked, they would as soon attain a bearing state. On a review of the essential requisites for successful transplanting, they may be summed up briefly as follows : 1. A previous preparation of a rich deep bed of mellow earth to receive the roots, and land which cannot be water-soaked. 2. Removing the tree with as little mutilation of the roots as practicable. 3. Paring off the bruised parts. 4. Shortening-in the head, in a greater or less degree, to correspond with the necessary loss of roots. 5. Immersing the roots in mud. 6. Settling the earth with water. 7. Planting no deeper than before. 8. Staking or embanking to prevent injury by the wind, 9. Watering the stems and branches only, before the ap- pearance of the leaf. 10. Mulching, where danger of mid-summer drouth is feared. they should happen to be frozen. In addition to this, they should be copiously packed in ii. imp moss, which retains moisture a longtime, and does not heat. For sea- voyages, however, the moss should not be damp, as the sea- lir will preserve the requisite degree of humidity, which otherwise would be excessive and injurious. 4* CHAPTER VIII. CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. THE cultivator, having transplanted his trees in the best manner, and secured them from disaster by every means which skill can devise, has a still more important task yet to perform, the cultivation of the soil. It is more important, because it is not commenced and finished in a day, but needs constant attention for years ; and in ordinary practice it receives greater neglect. For, of the thousands of trees which are every year transplanted in all parts of the country, the assertion may be made with safety, that more are lost from neglected after-culture^ than from all other causes put together. To purchase and set out fine fruit trees of rare sorts, in a baked and hardened soil, whose entire moisture and fertility are consumed by a crop of weeds and grass, might very aptly and without exaggeration be compared to the purchase of a fine horse, and then perpetually to exclude him from food and drink. Here is the great and fatal error with a large portion who attempt the cultivation of fruit. We may not incorrectly divide these into three classes : 1. Those who, having procured their trees, destroy them at once by drying them in the sun or wind, or freezing them in the cold, before setting out. 2. Those who destroy them by crowding the roots into small holes cut out of a sod, where, if they live, they main- tain a stunted and feeble existence, like the half-starved cattle of a neglectful farmer. 3. Others set them out well, and then consider their labors as having closed. They are subsequently suffered to become choked with grass, weeds, or crops of grain some live and linger, others die under the hardship ; or else are demolished by cattle, or broken down by the team which cultivates the ground. CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. 81 A neighbor purchased fifty very fine peach trees, hand- somely rooted, and of vigorous growth ; they were well set out in a field containing a fine crop of heavy clover and timothy. The following summer was dry ; and a luxuriant growth of meadow grass nearly obscured them from sight. What was the consequence ? Their fate was precisely what every farmer would have predicted of as many hills of corn, planted and overgrown in a thick meadow, very few sur- vived the first year. Another person bought sixty, of worse quality in growth ; he set them out well, and kept them well hoed with po- tatoes. He lost but one tree ; and continuing to cultivate them with low hoed crops, they now afford yearly loads of rich peaches. Another neighbor procured fifty good trees. Passing his house the same year late in summer, he remarked, " I thought a crop of wheat one of the best for young peach trees ?" " Just the reverse ; it is one of the worst all sown crops are injurious ; all low hoed ones beneficial." 14 Well," answered he, " I have found it so my fifty trees all lived it is true, but I have lost one year of their growth by my want of knowledge." On examination, they were found in excellent soil, and had been well set out. All the rows were in a field of wheat, except one which was hoed with a crop ofpotatoes. The result was striking. Of the trees that stood among the wheat, some had made shoots the same year, an inch \long, some two inches, and a very few, five or six inches. While on the other hand, on nearly every one that grew with the potatoes, new shoots a foot and a half could be found, and on some the growth had been two feet, two and a half, and three feet. Other cases have furnished nearly as decisive contrasts. An eminent cultivator of fine fruit, whose trees have borne for many years, remarks: "My garden would be worth twice as much as it is, if the trees had been planted in thick rows two rods apart so that I could have cultivated them with the plow. Unless fruit grows on thrifty trees, we csn form no proper judgment of it. Some that we have cultivated this season, after a long neglect, seem like new kinds, and the favor is in proportion to the size." The thick rowtj here alluded to, may be composed of CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. trees from six to twelve feet apart in the rows. This mode admits of deep and thorough cultivation, and the team can pass freely in one direction, until close to the ro\v, where the soil need not be turned up so deeply, or so as to ******** ****** ***** 4(. * * * * * ***** * * * * iff * Fig. 42. Fig. 43. injure the roots. Fig. 43 exhibits this mode of planting ; and fig. 43 another mode, where the trees are in hexagons, or in the corners of equilateral triangles, and are thus more equally distributed over the ground than by any other ar- rangement. They may thus be cultivated in three direc- tions. For landscape effect, this is undoubtedly better than by any other regular order. Trees are frequently mutilated in cultivating the ground with a team;* to obviate this difficulty, arrange the horses when they work near the line of trees, one before the other, ad tandem. Let a boy ride the forward une, use long tra- ces and a short whipple-tree, and place the whole in the charge of a careful man who knows that one tree is worth more than fifty hills of corn or potatoes, and no danger need be feared. In the absence of this arrangement, oxen will be safer than horses. When it becomes necessary for trees to stand in grass, as in some instances near dwellings, a circle of several feet round each tree must be kept mellow by the spade, fig. 44. The work should be shallow near the tree to prevent injury to the roots, and gradually deepen as it re- cedes. This operation when re- peated several times during sum- mer, has been known to increase But a not less important result is the Fig 44. the growth five fold. * When hark is accidentally rubber! off, if ine-rlv sumim-r, the fresh surface should he left untouched, nd a new bark will soon form a:.d cover the ; surface. Hub- bing tlie wound with eurth, spuib this surface, and leave* a bad wound. CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. 83 exclusion of the mice, for which this is by far the most ef- fectual method, if the surface is raised nine or ten inches round the tree just before winter, fig. 45. The grass no longer affords these animals any hiding place, and when they reach the bank of fresh earth, they are immediately diverted from their course, and never attack the stem. Such a circle of dug earth facilitates the application of manure, which may be spread about the tree late in autumn, when the soluble portions are carried down among the Fig. 45. roots by the autumn and spring rains, after which it is turned beneath the soil with the spade. Unless, however, this circle is of large size, it can afford but very partial benefit. The size should increase as the tree ad- vances in growth. In very small trees, most of the roots are within a foot or two of the stem, but their circumfe- rence forms an annually increasing circle. Hence the fre- quent practice of applying manure, or digging the ground losely about the base, as exhibited in the annexed fig- ure, (46,) is com- paratively use- less. Hence, too, the practice of plowing a few furrows only on each side of a row of large trees in an orchard, is greatly inferior to the cultivation of the whole sur- face. Among the crops which are best suited to young trees, are pota- ig. 46. toes, ruta bagas, beets, carrots, beans, and all low hoed crops. Indian corn, though a hoed crop, is of too tall a growth, shading young 84 CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. trees too much by its formidable stalks. All sown crops are to be avoided, and grass is still worse. Meadows are ruin- ous. An acquaintance who purchased a hundred peach trees and placed them in meadow land, lost most of them by the overgrowth of the grass ; and the following winter, the mice, who avoid clean culture, destroyed the remainder. Every one was lost. A clean, mellow, cultivated piece of ground, kept so a few years, might have saved the whole of them, and brought them into bearing. A chief reason of the fatal effects of sown crops, is the impossibility of mellowing the ground by repeated culti- vation. For this reason, a low crop of peas has been found much worse than a heavy growth of Indian corn. A large peach orchard was sown with peas, and bordered on one side with corn, in which one row of the peach trees stood. Such was the benefit derived by them from the hoeing given to the corn, that the single row was most con- spicuously visible by the deeper green of its foliage, at the distance of half a mile. Low hoed crops have been recommended. But the more frequently the plow or cultivator passes among them, the greater will be the benefit to the tree. A friend, who well understands thorough cultivation, found that his young and newly planted standards which stood among the small seedling trees of his nursery, and which received the benefit of constant and continued working till autumn, made twice the growth of those in a field of beets, and which was kept well hoed only through the early part of the season, or till the crop covered the ground. Some of the former made shoots the first year four feet in length. The best peach orchard for market crops in western New York, is kept mellow by deep and thorough tillage without any other crop, and the improved quality and amount of the fruit is found of greater consequence than any other pro- duct of the land. The same course is pursued with the best of the great peach orchards which supply the city of Philadelphia. A very mistaken policy is the selection of uneven or stony ground for orchards, which cannot be cultivated or occupied with any thing else. The truth should be unal- terably fixed on every farmer's mind, that the orchard CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL. 85 should have the best piece of land on the farm, so long as clean, thrifty trees, loaded with fair, large, and high- flivored fruit, are to be preferred to light crops of what is half grown and distorted, with deficient flavor; with the acidi'ional difference that the former may be brought into full bearing in one-third of the time required for the latter. Note. In connexion with the cultivation of the soil, the restoration of trees of feeble growth will be much hastened, if the trunk and principal branches are scrubbed several times in a season, with a brush dipped in soap-suds, first scraping the bark, should it be rough or mossy. CHAPTER IX PRUNING. PRUNING has two objects ; one, to promote vigorous growth in older trees, and to lessen the number of branches, where they become so thick as to interfere with each other's full development, and retard or lessen the perfect ripening of fruit. This occurs with large apple trees, which have grown without care till the thick mass of branches and leaves present an almost impenetrable shade. The other object, is to lessen the luxuriant growth of young trees growing in rich soil, and to prevent the too rapid formation of the wood and leaves at the expense of the production of fruit ; the most familiar instance of which occurs in the summer pruning of hardy grapes, by pinching off the ends of the young shoots. I. Fruits are acid in cold summers, and comparatively destitute of flavor. Forced fruit, grown in winter when there is little light, cannot compare in quality with that ripened under the full blaze of a summer's sun ; and melons, grown in frames covered with mats, possess none of the luscious flavor of those cultivated in the open air. Hence the advantage of a free admission of light and air among the branches of fruit trees, instead of allowing them to be covered with a thick shade of leaves. The utility of sun-light is shown by the difference between specimens of fruit on the same tree fully exposed to the solar rays, and in thick shade. Even the exposed side of the same apple is often found decidedly the highest-flavored. The rich acid of the Esopus Spitzenburgh, and the sugary sweetness of the Tallman Sweeting are more strikingly observable under the deep red skin of the one, <.md the brown sunny cheek of the other. There is, however, more judgment needed in piuning large trees, than perhaps any other operation in their PRUNING. 87 management. It is next to impossible to give particular rules, as circumstances vary so much that no two trees are to be treated precisely alike. But, keeping steadily the objects of pruning in view, the admission of light, the re- moval of crooked limbs, and the preservation of a handsome, evenly distributed top, the careful operator can hardly do amiss. The best practice, undoubtedly, is trimming moderately every year or two, as the trees may need it, which obviates the necessity of cutting away much at a time, or making large wounds by sawing off heavy branches. In ordinary practice, it is carried to a much greater ex- tent than the health of the tree, or the necessity of the case requires. The safer error of the two, is trimming too little. Small portions, frequently pruned off, are the utmost that are needed. If judicious pruning is commenced early, and the growth of crooked or improperly crowded branches prevented by a timely removal of superabundant shoots, very little subse- quent lopping will be necessary. Indeed, so much may be accomplished by early care, that some skilful cultivators have found it entirely needless to possess such a tool as a pruning-knife or pruning-saw, accomplishing all they desire by merely rubbing off the fresh shoots at the outset. The cutting off of large limbs should only be resorted to in cases of absolute necessity, or where trees have been for a long time neglected till they have become an impenetra- ble mass of brush. In -pruning standard trees, it should be observed, that the older they become, the more caution is requisite to effect a gradual and not a sudden reduction. With young trees, the case is quite different, where free trimming may be un- hesitatingly adopted, particularly with such kinds as the peach, which quickly reproduce new branches. A familiar instance of the safety of pruning heavily quite young trees, occurs in the heading down of stocks to the inserted eye, after the operation of budding. In heading large apple and pear trees, and especially the latter, for the purpose of regrafling them, it is quite neces- sary that it be done gradually, and in successive years. For, 88 PRUNING. if too many boughs are lopped at a time, a great number of young shoots will be emitted, which beingof a tender growth are often eminently liable, if the tree be the pear, to the frost-blight. The renewing should commence at the top, otherwise the tree will be thrown up to too great a height, and should proceed downwards, till in successive years, the whole work is completed. Pruning, for the purpose of letting in light on the leaves and growing fruit, is more essential in a high northern lati- tude than further south. It is found of more utility in New England than in Ohio, and still more essential in England, where many fruits, to be perfectly ripened, need the full ex- posure of wall training, and the reflection of wall heat. The priming of the peach by shortening-in, described on a future page, is totally different from that of the apple and pear, and must be performed with an unsparing hand. The best mode to prune young trees in the nursery, is to cut off all the annual shoots in winter, close to the main stem. This gives the whole strength to the stem, and pre- vents large stiff branches, so discordant with a handsome, clean tree. The side shoots which are thrown out, suffi- ciently stiffen the tree, and if the ends of these shoots are shortened in summer, in a greater or less degree, varying with the degree of stoutness or "stockiness" desired, it will throw all the growth into the main stem. Keeping the tree trimmed closely in summer, makes it too slender. Season for pruning. Thinning out the heads of old trees, or heading back for grafting, may be performed in autumn or winter; and on younger trees, just before midsummer, when, the tree being in a growing state, the operator can judge better of the shape the head is assuming, and act ac- cordingly ; and the wounds are soon healed by the new wood. Peach trees may be shortened back during winter, or if the climate is cold, early in spring. A cheap application to the wounds in pruning ; to shut out air and water, and prevent cracking and subsequent decay, is a mixture of tar and brick-dust. But a much better one is made by dissolving gum shellac in alcohol, so that it shall be of the consistence of paint. It is applied with great ease and rapidity, adheres firmly, keeps out the air, and PRUNINCK 89 not being a heavy application, but only a thin coating, it offers no impediment to the forming-lip of the new growth as it closes over the wound. A bottle of this composition at all times at hand, would be found a great convenience. A shilling's worth of gum shellac dissolved in a quart of al- cohol, is all that is necessary, and is immediately ready for use. If too thick, it is at once rendered more liquid by the addition of alcohol, and vice versa. The most convenient way to use it, so that it may be instantly ready at all times, is to fit into the cork of a large-mouthed bottle, a brush of convenient size, the cork thus forming a sort of handle to the brush, which remains within the bottle when not in use. II. PRUNING TO PROMOTE FRTJITFULNESS. The principles of this mode of pruning will perhaps be best understood by a detail of the operation : In the early part of summer, or when the shoots have grown about one foot, cut off about one inch from their grow- ing points ; the sap, in consequence, no longer expends itself to increase their length in the formation of useless wood but is directed to the production of fruit. - Cutting back to within two or three buds of the base, as often done, is ob- jectionable, as not enough leaves are left for the elaboration of sap, and to support the healthy functions of the tree ; and this sudden diminution, induces the remaining buds to make an effort to replace them by a second growth of leaves. In two or three weeks, give the trees a second examina- tion, and where shoots are too crowded, thin them out by cutting back so as to leave two or three buds at the base of each. Again, near the close of summer, or early in autumn, when the fruit requires more sun-light, and when there will be no danger of the remaining buds being stimulated .to growth, and when the leaves have nearly completed their office, cut all the shoots back to two or three good buds. By this mode, no half-ripened shoots, of mid-summer growth,will be produced, but all will be strong, well matured, and vigorous. The skilful operator will, however, avoid the extreme of too much denuding the tree of leaves ; for they are at all times indispensable to the ripening as well as the growth of the fruit. An analogous case may serve to illn**"*** tir' 90 PRUNING. effect, in the practice of lopping early in autumn the stalks of Indian corn immediately above the ear; which, by care- ful measurement, has been found materially to lessen the crop. A common method in France, is to allow all shoots to start, and pinch off their ends when they are only a few inches in length. In this way they all subsequently become fruit bearers, without crowding the tree with a confused mass of branches, like those of a sheared hedge. This shortening of the young green shoots, is found much supe- rior to the practice of leaving them till winter. It should be commenced at the top first, and so proceed downwards as the season advances, for the lower shoots always have a ten- dency to be the weakest. A second and further shortening of the upper shoots, is often needed to preserve a proper balance between the upper and lower parts. Pyra7nidal Trees. A neat and convenient mode of plant- ing the sides of large walks, on cultivated ground, prefer- able in most cases to espaliers, because less adverse to a natural growth, and hence better adapted to the warm sum- mers of America, where highly artificial modes of training are less needed, is by the use of trees trained as pyramids. For this purpose the trees are usually grafted on dwarf stocks, and are placed at distances of six to twelve feet asunder. The first year's growth from the graft or bud, is headed down to within about six good buds of its base ; these buds, as a consequence, grow vigorously. About mid- summer, their growth, with the exception of the upper one, is stopped by cutting off their tips, or by bending and tying them downwards. The upper or lead- ing shoot, then grows with great vigor, and soon needs stop- ping again, to induce the emis- sion of a second tier of shoots about one foot higher, which are treated as the former. This process is repeated for suc- Fig. 46. Pyramidal Tree. PRUNING. 91 cessive years, till the tree has attained its desired height. The side branches will throw out shoots, which must be cut back, as already described for summer pruning, so as to form a handsome pyramidal tree. This mode of pruning is usually adopted for dwarf pear trees on quince stocks, but it need not necessarily be confined to these ; applied to the pear on pear stocks, and other fruit trees, it will promote in a high degree its early frui; fulness. These rules for summer pruning, will be found of much utility if applied to the operation, necessarily more common in this country, of pruning hardy grapes. It will be distinctly observed, that these remarks do not apply to standard trees, but only to those artificially trained in the form of espaliers or pyramids. But it might be adopt- ed to a certain extent for standards, to give them a better head, and bring them into earlier bearing.* * The particular modes in which pruning and training are applied to various kinds of fruit trees, will be found described on the pages which separately treat of those fruits. CHAPTER CAUSES OF FRUITFUL^ SS. WHATEVER tends to a rapid circulation of the sap, and to increase the growth of a tree, causes also the formation of leaf buds instead of flower buds. On the contrary, what- ever tends to an accumulation of sap in any part, or to re- tard its circulation, induces the production of flower instead of leaf buds. When trees are young, and the bark and wood soft and flexible, the sap flows freely and without check ; hence, leaf buds and the vigorous growth of branches are the result ; but as trees become older, and the bark and other parts more rigid, they offer more resistance to a free circulation, and hence the production of flowers and the conse- quent fruitfulness of the tree. This principle enables us to apply artificial means at pleasure for the promotion of the same object. When trees are young and small, a rapid growth and the attainment of size is desirable, which is given by enriching the ground, and by thorough and constant cultivation. A neglect of these operations, would check free growth and circulation, and cause the tree to bear. This would, however, be at the expense of the future vigor and size of the tree, and of the size and excellence of the fruit. Indeed, it often hap- pens, that with the best treatment, trees will bear as young as their ultimate success requires. There are, however, some varieties, which, in rich soil, continue growing a long time in an unproductive state. Fruitfulness is caused in various ways. 1, By neglecting cultivation, or suffering grass to grow under them, which diminishes their growth. 2. Pruning the roots beneath the surface, by cutting off a part of the larger ones, causing the same result. 3. Ringing the branches, or removing a small ring of bark round them, which prevents the fluids from CAUSES OF FRUITFULNESS. 93 flowing back or downwards, and consequently induces their accumulation, to the formation of flower buds. 4. Bending the branches downwards, causing a similar accumulation with a like result. 5. Grafting on dissimilar stocks, which pre- vents a free flow of sap and juices at the point of junction. 1. Suffering grass to grow among trees, though benefi- cial in some very rare instances, is not on the whole advi- sable. The loss in the quality of the fruit is too great, and is not balanced by the advantages. The complaint of un- fruitfulness has been frequently applied to the pear ; but a selection of those sorts which bear while yet very young, entirely obviates the difficulty. 2. Pruning the roots. This has been tried to a very limited extent only. Its utility may therefore be doubted under or- dinary circumstances, for long continued practice. For such varieties, however, as incline to unproductiveness, and in the deep and highly manured soils of the most fertile gar- dens, it has proved eminently successful. Its tendency is to render trees more dwarfish, and for this reason it may be used to advantage upon such varieties of the pear as cannot be worked upon the quince, where the object is to produce early fruitfulness in connection with diminutive growth. It should be attempted, however, in no case, except in con- nexion with a deep, rich soil, and with the best cultivation. There is no doubt that it is better suited to a northern, moist climate, such as that of England, than to the hotter and drier portions of the United States. It is usually per- formed with a spade, ground sharp, and thrust down through the soil at a suitable distance from the tree. 3. Ringing the branches is effected by taking out a narrow ring of bark, extending round the branch. By obstructing the downward descent of the juices, and by their accu- mulation above the ring, it not only causes fruitfulness, but frequently alters the appearance and quality of the fruit. In some cases, it has doubled the size ; in others it has brightened the colors. In the Court Pendu apple, the colors are changed from green and dull red, to brilliant yellow and scarlet. But Lindley says, " If performed extensively upon a tree, it is apt, if not to kill it, to render it incurably un- healthy ; for if the rings are not sufficiently wide to cut off all communication between the upper and lower lips of the 94 CAUSES OF FRUITFULNESS. wound, they produce little effect, and if they are they are difficult to heal. For these reasons, the operation is but little employed."* 4. Binding the branches downwards, by changing their natural position, as well as causing a partial obstruction where bent, promotes their fruitfulness. In all these modes, it must be remembered that the desired result will not be produced at once, as the first year is occupied in the formation of flower buds ; and the next in their growth into fruit. ThJU delay, however, will not take place, where the difficulty consists merely in the fruit not setting, the buds being already formed. 5. The influence of the sto^k, when it differs in nature from the graft, is often of importance. The more widely they differ, the greater will be the effect. Thus, when pears grow upon pears, the effect is the same as when not grafted at all. But pears on quinces are attended with an increase of fertility. Hence the adoption of the quince stock. These artificial modes of inducing fruitfulness are not to be recommended for general practice, nor for orchard cul- ture. It is true that trees will yield fruit sooner ; but heavy crops from young growing trees are not often desirable. Let them grow freely for a few years, and the amount ulti- mately obtained will be the greater. Indeed, the period of fruitfulness is often hastened by cultivation and retarded by neglect. Except for the sake of experiment, the pre- ceding modes are not to be applied until trees are large, when good varieties will bear sufficiently without them. * " Many years ago. 5 ' says David Thomas, " I had a tree of the Mammoth Sweeting, which had two principal branches. It comes into bearing very tardily, and I became impatient to see the fruit I therefore drew my knife and cut through the bark transversely, forcing open the bark by straining the knife sideway-, as I drew it along an inch or so at a time; so that when the ring round the branch was com- pleted, it had a z gzag appearance. Observe, that no bark was cut out, though the wood was scraped. This operation was very effectual however. The next season that branch bore plentifully, while the other branch remained as unproductive as before. Tiie cutting never appeared to injure the branch." CHAPTER XL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. THE more common tools needed, are the shovel, the spade, and the hoe, for digging holes, transplanting, and cultivating the ground. The rake is useful in mixing manures with the soil for filling the remote parts or large holes. INSTRUMENTS. The pruning-knife, fig. 47, is a large hooked knife, for removing useless branches. The pruning-saw is needed in taking off larger limbs ; [attached to a handle seve- 47. ral feet long, it will reach those at a distance from the ground. The direction of the teeth should be the re- verse of the common saw ; that is, they should Fig. 48. point towards the ope- rator, constituting what is called the draw-saw, fig. 48. Be- ing thus only subject to a pulling strain, it does not require so thick a blade as a thrust-saw, with the teeth in the usual way. For this reason, it is less liable to become broken or twisted. The Fig. 49. bow-saw, fig. 49, is a light saw for cutting near the ground. The pruning- chisel may differ but little from those of a common carpenter, fixed to the end of a long pole or handle, for cutting off small branches at a con- siderable height. It is placed against a limb, and the stroke of a mallet separates it. 96 IMPLEMENTS. Fig. 51. Small shoots are removed by the hooked part, shown in fig. 50. The budding-knife, fig. 51, should have a broad, flat blade, the edge of which is to be rounded outwards, for the more ready incision of the bark. The thin ivory blade or haft at the extremity of the handle, as the budding-knife is commonly made, may be dispensed with in nearly all cases, the bud when set in, lifting the bark as it slides downwards, more perfectly than by any other mode, after the corners of the bark are lifted with the point of the blade. The grafting-tool (fig. 52) is useful in cleft-grafting large apple trees. It may be made of iron, the edge set with steel.- Fig. 52. It is used for splitting the stock, after it is sawed off and pared. The part a should be two inches broad with a sharp edge, which should curve inwards, that the bark, in splitting, may be cut first, to give it a smooth flat face. The wedge b opens the stock to receive the graft. By the hook c it is hung on a twig close at hand, when not in use. Grafting wedges for common use, may be made by grinding down large cut nails. The graf ting-shears i a recent invention, have effected a great improvement in cleft-grafting, rendering the work much more expeditious and perfect. They consist of a short thin blade of the best steel, a, fig; 53, two or three inches long, set at an angle of about a hundred and twenty degrees with the handle b, which moves it against a concave bed in the wooden piece, c. The angle which the blade and its bed form with the handles, imparts a sawing motion to the knife, which renders it more effective. It may be used on stocks an inch or an inch and a half in diameter. Pressing the top of the stock from the operator with one hand, it is cut off with remarkable ease by a single 5a IMPLEMENTS. 97 stroke given to the shears with the other hand. Another perpendicular stroke slits the stock for the graft, leaving a perfectly smooth face cut for its reception. The expedition and perfection of the work is thus greatly facilitated. Small shears attached to a pole and worked by a cord, (fig. 54,) are useful for cutting grafts on tall trees ; in removing the eggs of caterpillars, (see chapter on the apple ;) and in taking off fine fruit to prevent bruising, by attaching a basket to the pole immediately under the shears. The blades of these shears, forming an oblique angle with the shaft at a little dis- tance above the pivot, make a draw-cut in- stead of a crushing- cut , and are for this reason more effective. Apples, and some of the Fig. 54. harder fruits, may also be gathered with a wooden hook in the end of a pole, to draw the fruit from the branch, caught in a basket just underneath. In using the long handled pruning-saw, the pruning- chisel, the graft-cutter, or the fruit-gatherer, the operator may stand on a ladder or high stool, as an additional assis- tance in reaching the higher parts of the tree. Self-sustaining fruit-ladders are very useful in gathering fine fruit, to prevent mutilation and bruising of the bark and branches. Fig. 55, is one of small size and simple construction, is easily carried in one hand, and will raise one's feet a yard or more from the ground. It consists of a small piece of light plank at the top, supported on legs not larger than chair legs. Fig. 56, repre- sents one from eight to twelve feet high, the two single legs moving on joints, for closing against the ladder in carrying, and spreading like a tripod in setting up under the tree. The folding-ladder may be closed toge- ther with the facility of a pair of com- passes ; it then becomes a round stick, easily carried in one hand. It is made of strong **' light wood, and its construction may be common 98 IMPLEMENTS. CD readily understood by the annexed figure, (57,) representing the ladder as open, as half closed, and as closely shut. An enlarged longitudinal section shows the manner in which the rounds lie in the grooves or concave beds in the sides or styles ; above which is a cross-section exhibiting the semi-oval form of the styles. The ends of the rounds turn on iron pins, slightly riveted outside. The rounds rest- ing on shoulders, when the ladder is opened, render the whole stiff and firm. A lad- der of this construction is found very useful, not only in fruit-houses, where a com- mon ladder could not be conveniently carried, but in pruning standard trees, be- Fig. 57. cause it can be thrust through the branches like a round pole, without the least difficulty, and when once there, it is easily opened. The orchardist's hook consists of a light rod, with an iron hook at one end, and a &-^=^ piece of wood made to t! =^ slide along it. In using it the fruit-gatherer draw? Fl - 58> down the end of a branch with the hook, and fastens it by the sliding piece to another branch below. The slider passes freely along the rod, but ceases to slide by the friction of the side-strain whenever it is in use, fig. 58. TRELLIS, for grapes and espaliers. Cedar, or other du- rable posts should be used, set four or eight feet apart. The horizontal bars or strips should be let in the posts, and should be from six to twelve inches apart. NET SCREENS are useful in preventing the attack of birds on rare and valuable fruits on young trees. The net should be dipped in tan to prevent mildew when rolled up wet. LABELS for standard trees are useful in retaining the names of the varieties. Purchasers of trees usually neglect LABELS. the names, and the labels received with the trees being soon lost, nothing more is thought of them till they begin to bear. Curiosity is then excited to know the " new kinds." Con- jecture is set on foot, and the greatest confusion follows. Serious and innumerable mistakes are ma / O ' ^ CJ the types successively against the upper plate, #, and stamping one at a time. The letters are thus kept in a straight line. The imprinted end of the sheet lead is then cut off, and forms the label.* No person, who plants an orchard or fruit garden, should depend wholly on labels, which may be lost off, to distinguish the names of his trees. The rows, and the kinds in each row, should be registered in successive order, in a book kept for the purpose. This will facilitate the replacement of any lost label. * It is sometimes a matter of convenience to mark the names on specimens of the fruit itself. This is quickly and permanently done by tracing the name with a blunt ttick, or a pencil, pressing hard enough to indent the surface, but not to tear the skin. It succeeds best on pears, the writing soon changing color and becoming conspicuous. CHAPTER XII. TERMS USED IN DESCRIBING FRUITS. IT is only by a uniform and definite use of terms, that descriptions can be made intelligible to the reader. A full explanation of these terms hence becomes a matter of im- portance. Distinctive characters should be permanent, and not liable to variation with a change of locality, soil, season, or climate ; or, if variable, the nature of such variation should be distinctly pointed out. To assist the cultivator the more fully to understand written descriptions, the devo- tion of a few pages to a clear explanation of the terms used in this work, may prove useful. /. Growth of the tree, shoots, and leaves. The form of growth often affords a good distinctive cha- racter of varieties, not liable to great variation. Young trees, only a few years old, usually exhibit peculiarities of growth more conspicuously, than old trees, of irregular spreading branches. Hence, in all cases, where this cha- racter is mentioned, it refers to young trees not more than three or four years from the bud or graft, unless otherwise expressed. 1. Shoots are erect, when they rise nearly perpendicularly from the main trunk or stem, as in the Early Strawberry apple and Bartlett pear, fig. 62. Diverging, when they deviate from the perpendicular at an angle of about forty-five degrees, considerable variation being found in the same tree ; as in the Domine and Ribston Pippin, fig. 63. Spreading, when they more nearly approach a horizontal direction, as in most trees of the Rhode Island Greening, fig. 64. Drooping, when they fall below the horizontal, a form TERMS USED. which many spreading shoots assume, as they grow into the large branches of older trees. Ascending, when they curve upwards, as in the Graven- stein apple, and small Red Siberian Crab, fig. 65. Erect trees usually partake more or less of this quality, but the Early Harvest is free from it. Irregular, when they assume no very distinct growth, but more or less a mixture of the preceding, as Black Gilliflower r and Summer Bonchretien pear. Straggling, similar to the next preceding, but with shoots more slender and curved, as Winter Nelis and Black Worcester pear, fig. 66. Fig. 62. Fig. 63. Fig. 64. Shoots are straight, as in the Early Harvest and Northern Spy apples; flexuous, or more or less deviating from a straight line, as in the Swaar and Roxbury Russett. This distinction is very apparent and uniform in young and very thrifty trees, but not in older ones of feeble growth. They are stout, as in the Red Astrachan ; slender, as in the Jonathan apple, and Winter Nelis pear. . Trees with erect straight shoots when young, usually form more regular and compact heads in older trees ; and those of a spreading habit, more irregular or drooping heads. Some trees which grow very rapidly when young, are small when of full size, examples of which are found in the Late Strawberry and Tallman Sweeting. Others at first grow more slowly, but ultimately become large, as Esopus Spitzenburgh. Some varieties, again, continue TERMS USED. 103 to increase rapidly in size at all periods, as the Northern Spy ; while others of feeble growth when small, never attain much magnitude, as the Early Joe and Sine Qua Non. 2. THE COLOR of the shoots varies greatly in the same variety at different periods of the year, as well as with dif- ferent degrees of exposure to the sun, and with a change of soil, climate, and season. When fresh or very young, all have a greenish color, but gradually assume various shades of yellow, olive, brown, red, purple, and nearly black, as the season advances, and as they become bare and are exposed to the sun and weather. For this reason, in describing the color, the terms must be relative, and can only be correctly applied by a comparison at the time with the color of other sorts. During winter, and early in the spring, the shoots of most trees become so much darker than at other times, that it is only practice and by placing the different sorts side by side, that accuracy may be attained. Skilful culturists will readily distinguish, by a glance at the color of the shoots, many of the kinds they cultivate ; but the peculiar cast is hard to describe in words, in the same way that it is impossible to describe the hand- writing of an individual, so as to be known from fifty others, although many can, at a glance, know the pen- manship of hundreds of different persons. A few of the most strongly marked cases, however, present peculiarities of color, which form useful points of distinction. No one, for instance, could easily mistake the yellow shoots of the Bartlett and Dix pears, for the dark brown or purple of the Tyson and Forelle ; or the light greenish cast of the Bough and Sine Qua Non apples, for the dark color of the Northern Spy, or dark brown of the Baldwin ; nor the downy or greyish appearance of the Ladies' Sweeting and Esopus Spitzenburgh, for the clear shining brown of the Gravenstein and Red Astrachan.* 3. THE BUDS sometimes afford distinct characteristics. As examples, the large, compact, and projecting buds of the summer Bonchretien, always contrast strongly with the smaller, more rounded, and softer buds of the Madeleine. * Nearly all shoots are more or less downy at first, but the down disappears as hey grow older. Hence the term must be used relatively. Iu plums, the smooth, or lowny shoots, afford in most cases good distinctive points. 5* 104 TERMS USED. Buds are large on the Swaar and Golden Sweet ; small on the Tallman Sweeting and Rhode Island Greening. 4. THE LEAVES in a large number of instances, are of use in distinguishing different varieties. $ They are even, (not wrinkled,) as in the Bartlett pear and Baldwin apple, fig. 67. Fig. 67. Fig. 68 Fig. 69. Fig. 70. Fig. 71. Waved, as in the Tallman Sweeting, and Beurre d'Au- malis pear, fig. 68. Wrinkled, when the waves are shorter and more irregu- lar, as in Green Sweet, fig. 69. Flat, as in the Madeleine and Skinless pears, fig. 70. Folded and recurved, as in the Easter Beurre and Bon- chretien Fondante, fig. 71. Large and wide as in the Red Astrachan and Huling's Superb. Narrow, as in Dyer apple, and Van Mons Leon le Clerc pear. Erect, as in Early Strawberry, fig. 72. Droopi?ig, as in Dominie, fig. 73. But these two last are indistinct characters, and only to be resorted to in a few very -remarkable instances, as most leaves are "erect on new shoots, and become spread- ing or drooping as they grow older. The color of the leaves may sometimes assist in description, as light green in the Yellow Bellflower and Rambo ; deep green, as in the Rhode Island Greening ; and blueish green, as in Peck's Pleasant. The serratures, or saw-teeth markings on the margins of leaves, are characteristics of importance, in many varieties of the apple, and on the peach they are so well defined as TERMS USED. 105 to form a basis of the classification of varieties. The latter will be found particularly described in the separate chapter on the peach. Leaves of apples are, Serrate, or cut with teeth like those of a saw. Sharply serrate, when every serrature ends in a sharp point, as in the Fall Pippin, fig. 74. Doubly serrate, when the serratures themselves are again minutely serrated, as in the Vandevere and Drap d'Or, fig. 75. Coarsely serrate, as in the Swaar. 71 Sharply Serrate. 75 Doubly Serrate. 76 Crenate. Crenate, when the teeth are rounded, as in the Esopus Spitzenburgh, fig. 76. Obtusely crenate, when the teeth are unusually rounded, as in the Bough. Finely crenate, when the teeth are small, as in summer Queen. When the serratures are partly rounded, and irregularly 106 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. by the Fig. 77. great difference and rather deeply cut, they become toothed, as in Ladies' Sweeting, fig-. 77. Many varieties present inter- mediate degrees, as, Serrate-crenate, partaking some- what of both, as Jersey Sweeting, Summer Rose. Crenate-toothed, as in Bevan's Favorite. Serrate, slightly approaching toothed, as in Rambo. FLOWERS. In apples, pears, cherries, and most other kinds, but little difference exists in the flowers. In the peach and nec- tarine, however, an important division in classification is made between those with large and small pefals; one class, including the Early Ann, Grosse Mignonne, and others, having large showy flowers ; and another class, comprising Early Crawford, George IV., and many more, having flowers with small narrow petals. II. FORM OF THE FRUIT. In the following pages, the base of a fruit or any other part or production of a tree, is the portion towards the branch or root. This is in accordance with the language univer- sally adopted in describing plants. It has, however, been more or less departed from in the common language used to describe fruits, and especially so as applicable to the pear. This deviation from scientific accuracy tends to confusion, and if simplicity of expression is sought, ambiguity must be avoided. The apex of the stalk of a fruit, however, to avoid the chance for a mistake, may in all cases be termed the insertion. The term apex should be understood as applying to the part most remote from the branch or root. In fruits, it is the part opposite to the insertion of ihe stalk In pears, this part is usually denominated the crown. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. 107 The aids is a line connecting the base and apex. A longitudinal section is made by cutting an apple from base to apex. A transverse section, by cutting it at right angles to the axis. The length is the longitudinal diameter ; the breadth^ the transverse diameter. A fruit is round when nearly spherical, as Fameuse, Green Sweet. Roundish,, when varying slightly from round, or when the length and breadth are nearly equal, as Dyer and Gra- venstein. 79 Oblate. 80 Conical. 81 Ovate. 82 Obconic. Oblate, flat, or flattened, when the height is much less than the breadth , as Rambo, Maiden's Blush, fig. 79. Conical,when tapering from the base to the apex, as Bul- lock's Pippin, fig. 80. Ovate, or egg-shaped, when the length rather exceeds the breadth, with a rounded taper from base to apex, as in Esopus Spitzenburgh, fig. 81. Obconic.,* or reversed conical, when the smaller end is at the base or stalk, as in the Tyson pear, fig. 82. Obovate, or reversed ovate, is when the smaller end of an egg-shaped fruit is at the base, as the Buflfum and Dearborn Seedling pears, fig. 83. 83 Obovate. 84 Oblong. 85 Round-ovate. 86 Oblate-conical. Oblong, when the length exceeds the breadth, and the * This terra is chiefly applied to pears, and is nearly equivalent to pyramidal, but E more precise in its meaning. 108 EXPLANATION OF TEEMS. sides are nearly parallel, as Kaighn's Spitzenburgh, fig. 84. Obtuse, when the parts are rounded or blunt. Acute, when any part, as the neck of a pear, tapers to nearly a point. Fruits may partake of forms variously combined, as, Round-ovate, when nearly round, with a slight rounded taper to apex, as Lady's Sweeting, fig. 85. Round-conical, nearly the same as the last, but with the taper less rounded. Oblong- conical, as Yellow Bellflower. Oblong-ovate, as Black Gilliflower. Oblate-conical, as Rhode Island Greening, and Hawthorn- dean, fig. 86. Depressed, pressed down, sunk, or shortened, applied to the apex of peaches, strawberries, &c. Flattened at the ends when the base and apex only are flattened, as Winter Pearmain. An oblong fruit, though not flat, may be flattened at ends ; a conical fruit may be flattened at base. Compressed, pressed together, when the sides are flattened, as in some apricots, plums, &c. The CAVITY is the hollow in which the stalk or stem of a fruit is placed. The BASIN is the depression which contains the calyx, eye, or remains of the blossom. A cavity may be shallow, narrow, deep, or broad. It may be obtuse, or some- what blunt or rounded at bottom, as in the Petre pear and Pomme Grise apple, fig. 87. Acute, when simply ending in a sharp point at bottom, as Baldwin, fig. 88. Acuminate, when ending in a long drawn out taper, as Fall Pippin, fig. 89. The Holland and Fall Pippin are distinguished from each other by the rather obtuse cavity of the former, and acuminate cavity of the latter. The BASIN is always narrow in any fruit having a narrow EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Fig. 87 Obtuse. Fig* 88. Fig. 89. or pointed apex, fig. 90 ; it is usually wide in fruits having a wide or obtuse apex, as Ram bo, fig. 91 ; but where the rim or boundary is broad and obtuse, the basin may be narrow, as in the St. Lawrence and Gravenstein, fig. 92. It is distinct when well defined. Abrupt, when the depression breaks off suddenly from the rim, fig. 93. Fig. 90. Fig. 91. Fig. 92. Fig. 93. Even, when not furrowed or wrinkled. Angular, with several corners. Wrinkled, having small irregular hollows and ridges. Waved, with gentle and irregular undulations of surface. Furrowed, when more regularly channelled. Plaited, having small, straight, and regular ridges. Hibbed, with larger and more obtuse or rounded ridges. The peculiar forms of PEARS render some additional terms necessary : Many pears have a neck, or narrower part towards the stalk, and a body, or larger part towards the crown, fig. 94. They are distinctly pyriform, when the sides formed by the body and neck, are more or less concave or hollowed in, as in fig. 94, shown by the dotted lines. Turbinate, or top-shaped, when the body is nearly round, and a short rounded acute neck, as in the Bloodgood, fig. 95. 110 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. The form of different pears is further distinguished by the form of the different parts : The neck may be long, as in Calebasse. Narrow, as in Beurre Bosc, fig. 96. Short, as in Glout Morceau, fig. 97. Obtuse, as in Bartlett. dcute, as in Jargonelle, fig. 98. Fig. 94. Fig. 95. Fig. 96. Fig. 97. Fig. 98. Obconic, as in Capiaumont. Distinct, as in Beurre Bosc. Obscure, as in Seckel. The body may be heavy or large, when greatly exceeding in size the neck, as Catillac. Light or small, when not much larger than the neck, ss Washington; in which case the fruit approaches oblong in form. Oblate, or flattish, as in Frederick of Wurtemburg. Round, as in Jargonelle. Conical, as in Vicar of Winkfield. Ovate, as in Marie Louise.* CHERRIES may be round, cordate or heart shaped, or ovate. STONE FRUITS usually have a furrow on one side, extend- ing from the stalk to the apex, termed a suture, (literally meaning a seam,} which sometimes occurs on both sides. It is large, when wide and deep ; distinct, when clear or well defined ; obscure, when faint ; obsolete, when not existing, or only a faint line on the surface. COLOR OF FRUIT. The lightest colored fruit is white, as the Snow peach ; next, yellowish white ; pale yellow ; yel- * Cultivation influences considerably the form of pears. Thus, on a young thrifty tree, the Seckel pear has a slight neck; on an old heavily laden tree, the neck is obsolete. The body, when ovate or slightly conical on young trees, becomes rounded on older trees, and eveu flattened in rare instances. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Ill low ; and deep yellow. The addition of red produces suc- cessively, orange yellow, orange, orange red, rich warm red. Shades of red, clear red, crimson when darkened, purple when blue is added, violet, less blue than in purple. Am- ber is a very light yellowish brown. Fawn color is a light reddish brown, with a slight admixture of grey. A fruit is striped, when in alternating broad lines of color ; Streaked, when the lines are long and narrow; Marbled, when the stripes are wide, faint, irregular or waving ; Blotched, of different abrupt shades, without any order or regularity ; Clouded, when the blotches are broader and more softly shaded ; Stained, the lighter shades of a blotched or clouded apple; Splashed, when the stripes are much broken and all sizes ; Mottled, covered with nearly confluent dots ; Dotted, when these dots are more distinct ; Spotted, when the dots become larger. TEXTURE OF FRUIT. Hard, those which need the artifi- cial aid of cooking to soften them sufficiently, as the Catil- lac pear. Breaking, when tenderer than the preceding, but not yielding to the simple pressure of the mouth, as Summer Bonchretien. Buttery, when the flesh forms a soft mass, yielding to the pressure of the mouth, as in the White Doyenne and Seckel pears. Melting, when the flesh becomes nearly or entirely liquid by this pressure, as in the Madeleine. These qualities may be combined, as breaking and melting, in the Washington; breaking and buttery, in the Onondaga ; buttery and melt- ing, in the Tyson, and in most of the best varieties of the pear. The texture may be fine, granular, coarse, gritty, fibrous, tough, crisp, or tender. THE FLAVOR may be sweet, neutral, slightly sub-acid, or mild sub-acid, sub-acid, acid, very acid, or austere ; aromat' 112 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. or spicy ; perfumed or possessing odor and with more or less of a shade of musk; astringent, usually a defect, but some- times, an excellent quality, if in a very minute proportion ; rough, astringent and austere ; vinous, rich, high-flavored, and rather acid ; sugary or saccharine, sometimes nearly sweet, possessing the qualities of sugar, which may be mixed with acid. THE QUALITY is designated by first, second, and third rates ; and fruits perfectly worthless by still lower grades. A second rate fruit, to be worthy of cultivation, must possess other good qualities in a high degree, as hardi- ness, productiveness, fair appearance, &c. Very few fruits as low as third rate, can ever be worth retaining, and only for extreme earliness or other uncommon quality. Fruits that possess desirable qualities, are usually designated by three degrees of flavor; the lowest, including the best of second rate fruits, or " good second rate," are termed good; the lower grade of first rate fruits are termed very good, or fine; and the highest quality of all, are best, very fine, or excellent. Examples, Maiden's Blush apple, Napoleon pear, Lombard plum, and Crawford's Early peach, are good ; Khode Island Greening, Bartlett pear, Graffion or Bigarreau cherry, and Red Gage plum, are very good or fine; and Swaar apple, Seckel pear, Downton cherry, and Green Gage plum, are excellent or best. PART II. ON THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRUITS. PART II. ON THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRUITS. THROUGHOUT the following part of this work, to enable the reader to perceive at a glance, the character and quality of a fruit, without the trouble of reading every separate de- scription, the different degrees of excellence are indicated by the type used for the name. Those varieties which have been admitted as eminently worthy of cultivation, by a large vote in many different parts of the country, are printed in LARGE CAPITALS ; those next in quality and value, and in nearly all cases fruits of first quality, are designated by SMALL CAPITALS ; those worthy of a place only in large col- lections, or whose character has not yet been fully estab- lished, are in Italics ; while such as have been superseded or are unworthy of cultivation except on the trial grounds of the Pomologist, are in common Roman type. A few new varieties of high excellence, which promise to become general favorities, are given in ITALIC CAPITALS. It is scarcely necessary to remark that the task of thus classing the numerous varieties, is one of extraordinary difficulty. The diversities of tastes, the changes wrought by soil, culture, and climate, and the different estimates placed upon delicious flavor alone, productiveness, handsome appearance, early maturity or long keeping, would wholly preclude entire unanimity in any one case. The author has endeavored to weigh properly all the different objections and recommendations, according to the best information to be obtained ; and in this labor he has been generously assisted by several of the most eminent Pomologists of the country. It has been the aim to admit, in no instance, any new variety, that cannot deservedly rank among those of high excellence ; all others being such as have either been known by extensive dissemination or by descriptions in books. 116 NAMES AND SYNONYMS. NAMES AND SYNONYMS. When more than one name for a single variety has been widely known, it has been the aim of the author to select the one most commonly used. For this reason, those adopted in Downing's " Fruits and Fruit Trees of America," have in nearly all cases been retained, a work more extensively circulated than any of a similar character. It happens, in some instances, that the original or correct name may have been for a long time partly or wholly thrown aside and a new one substituted ; thus, William's Bonchre- tien has given way to the name Bartlett ; Pomme Royal to Dyer ; Epargne to Jargonelle ; Williams to William's Favorite. In such cases, it can be hardly proper to tax the whole community to make a change, to rectify the error of an individual ; and the more common name has been retained. A pomological writer, like the compiler of a dic- tionary, should confine himself as nearly as practicable to general usage, and not to the manufacture of new names. Old and popular names, as Bough and Pennock, have hence been preferred to the newer ones of Large Yellow Bough and Pennock's Red Winter. In a few instances, however, to prevent mistake or con- fusion, it becomes necessary to choose the appellation the less widely known. Preference is also given to English names. Thus, the example of Downing has been followed in the adoption of such names as Blue Gage, Purple Gage, and Echassery, as used by Lindley, instead of Azure Hative, Reine Claude Violette, and Echasserie, by Thomp- son. The course pursued with foreign names is more fully explained on a future page. Cases of difficulty occur where usage differs with a change of locality. The fruit known as the Butter pear of Pennsylvania, the Virgalieu of New York, and the St. Michael of New England, evidently requiring a general name, the original European appellation of White Doyenne has been chosen. The Ortley or White Detroit apple, fur- nishes a similar case. Decisions can hardly be satisfactory to all parties, however carefully opposing claims may have been weighed ; and the voice of the public at large can only finally settle such disputed questions. CHAPTER I. THE APPLE. " THE APPLE," says Downing, " is the world-renowned fruit of temperate climates." Although less delicious than the peach or pear, it possesses, from its great hardiness, easy cultivation, productiveness, its long continuance through the whole twelve months, and various uses, an importance not equalled by any other fruit. Its value as a table fruit, or for cooking, and its increasing importance as an article for exportation, are well known. But its great value and cheapness as food for domestic animals is very imperfectly comprehended or understood. Take for example, a brief estimate : Where land is fifty dollars per acre, an acre of good productive apple trees may be planted and brought into bearing for as much more, making the entire cost one hundred dollars. These will yield, as an average, four hundred bushels annually, or ten bushels per tree, if the best cultivation is given. The annual interest of the orchard, at six per cent., is six dollars ; the annual cultiva- tion will not exceed six more, or twelve dollars as the cost of the whole crop on the trees, or three cents per bushel. In many fertile parts of the country, where one plowing and two or three harrowings each year would be all the cultiva- tion needed, the cost of the ungathered crop would be only a cent and a half per bushel. The value of sweet apples for cattle and swine has proved to be fully equal to the best root crops. No land-owner need therefore fear to plant extensively, with a view of being furnished with a copious supply of food for domestic animals, needing not, like other crops, the yearly attention and care of procuring seed and planting. 118 PROPAGATION OF THE APPLE. PROPAGATION. Raising the Seedlings. The seeds are most easily ob- tained from the pomace of cider mills. They will make the most thrifty plants, if the apples are selected from the most rapidly growing sorts. The pomace is to be broken up fine, in a large wash tub, mixed with water, stirred, and allowed to stand a few seconds, when the seeds will settle to the bottom, and the apple pulp is then racked off. A man will thus wash out half a bushel of seeds in a day. The clean seeds are more evenly and conveniently sown than in the pomace, which may be done either in autumn or spring. If not done till spring, they should be kept through the win- ter, mixed with clean, moist sand, or with fine peat or pul- verised muck, ard exposed to the frost, which will tend to split the exterior horny covering. If mixed with soil or loam, it will be more difficult to separate the seed in dropping. The seeds may be sown in drills from one to two feet apart, to be kept clean with the hoe. Or where land can be afforded, they may be sown in wide drills, three feet apart, for the cultivator to pass between. When sown in the autumn, on soils which have a large admixture of clay, the seed should be covered with fine muck or peat, to pre- vent the formation of the crust on such soils, often so hard that the young plants cannot rise through it. A compost made of peat and one quarter of its bulk of ashes, is still Letter. If sown in the spring, the seed should be mostly covered with soil, with only a sprinkling of muck on the surface ; otherwise the seeds or young plants may perish by becoming too dry before they are well established. A sprinkling of fine manure will accomplish nearly the same purpose. The seedlings are treated in three different ways. They may be set out into nursery rows in the spring, when a year old, to be budded the second summer ; they may be taken up and root-grafted as soon as large enough ; or they may be planted into rows and grafted at any subsequent period. 1. Budding. When the young plants are vigorous and the land fertile, the budding may sometimes be done the first year after removal to the nursery rows, but usually the second summer will be found best, when the trees are of sufficient size, and in the highest state of vigor, and PROPAGATION OF THE APPLE. 119 when, as a consequence, the bark will separate freely, and the work be expeditious as we 1 as sure of success. These are headed back the following spring, according to the treat- ment described in the chapter on budding. 2. Root- grafting. This is done by whip or tongue grafting, already described on a previous page. When per- formed on a large scale, by nurserymen, the season selected is the latter part of winter, and before the commencement of the usual spring operations. It is wholly performed within doors, and consequently the seedlings must be taken up the preceding autumn. Most of the part above ground is cut off, to save room, and they are then packed in tight boxes, to be secure from mice, in a common cellar. The usual practice is to fill the interstices among the roots with moist earth ; but pulverised muck is better, as it admits a more easy separation of the tre.es, and they are less covered with grit, and more easily washed. Trees of two years' growth are usually quite large enough, and sometimes one- year seedlings will do. When ready to commence grafting, roots enough for one day's work are taken, the side roots trimmed within about a quarter of an inch of the main root, and they are cut in pieces about four inches long ; the upper piece may have a portion of the stem attached. They are then washed by stirring them in a pail of water, leaving them in the water, and taking out small quantities to dry', as wanted for use. Scions for half a day's work are then cut about four inches long, and a portion prepared for setting by cutting the usual slope and tongue at the lower end. The roots are then cut one by one in the same way, and the grafts inserted. The place of union is then covered with grafting wax. This may be applied, either directly in a melted state, with a small brush, which is best and most expeditious ; or by rolling tightly round, a small strip of wax plaster. Tying with strings is wholly needless, if the grafting has been properly done by crowding the tongue and cleft closely together, so that the parts cannot be easily displaced. Wax for this purpose, being placed always beneath the surface of the soil, should be softer than for other grafting, to facilitate its more ready application, and to prevent any danger of scorching the bark by heating it in melting. A larger 120 PROPAGATION OF THE APPLE. portion of tallow or oil in the wax described under grafting, will accomplish this purpose. When the grafting is completed, the grafted roots are to be packed away in boxes," till the ground opens. Raisin boxes, or those of similar size, will prove convenient. Fine mould or peat, from the box in which the roots were packed, is sprinkled over the bottom, the grafts are placed in, slant- ing, in successive layers, and all the spaces filled with mould or peat. A strip of board, with a length equal to the width of the box, to press against each successive layer while applying the mould, is found convenient. The mould should reach within an inch or two of the tops of the grafts, and should be compactly filled among them. During the whole of the work, each heap of grafts must be kept with a label, and every box sufficiently marked, to prevent all possibility of mistake. It is a practice with many cultivators to place the boxes in so warm a place, that the grafts may make a growth of a few inches before setting out. But unless the soil is very favorable, the result is often unsuccessful. As a general rule, for all localities, the grafts should be set out as early as practicable in spring, and before they have made much growth. Waxing is sometimes omitted ; but in light or gravelly soils, and especially if dry weather succeeds, the omission is attended with great loss. The most favorable soils, are rich, rather moist, and rather heavy loams. If light or gravelly, there is more dan- ger from midsummer drouths, which often prove quite de- structive. Grafting the whole root entire will much lessen the difficulty. The grafts are most expeditiously set out with a dibble, or a sharp tool, shod with iron or steel, about an inch and a half in diameter, one stroke of which into the mellow soil forms a hole for the roots, and two or three lighter strokes press the earth closely Fig. 100. about them. Fig. 100 represents a convenient form for this instrument, which may be made of the handle of a broken spade. Fig. 101 shows the graft and root, ready for setting out. To keep the whole moist, till sufficient growth takes place, the place of union between the root and graft PEOPAGATION OF THE APPLE. 121 should be at least three inches below the surface. Espe- cial care is needed to fill up closely the hole made by the tool, and that no cavity is left about the lower part of the root, which is sometimes done by the inexperienced workman. The chief care afterwards is to keep the ground constantly cultivated, and perfectly clean, which will increase the growth during summer, and exclude mice in winter ; the trees are to be trained up to one leading stem, not trimming so closely as to make them slender ; they are to be kept straight, by ty- ing them when necessary to upright stakes ; and all 101. destructive insects must be watched and destroyed. If the ground is rich and kept perfectly clean, they will grow from one and a half to two feet the first summer after grafting ; to three or four feet, the second summer ; five to six or seven feet the third summer, when many of them will be large enough for removal to the orchard, and most of the remainder in one year more. If suffered to remain longer in the nursery, they should be taken up and set out again, for the purpose of shortening the long roots, without which subsequent transplanting would be attended with too great a check in the growth, if not actual danger to the tree. Root grafting is extensively performed in large nurseries, but on unsuitable soils, budding is found the most certain of success, the buds being rarely destroyed, and only by the most unfavorable winters. The bud remaining dormant the first summer, the growth is one year later than on grafted stocks of the same age ; but this difference is made up by the more rapid growth of the shoot from the bud, which is usually twice as great as that of a graft on the root. To obtain handsome and good trees, the bud should be set within two or three inches of the ground. An industrious man will set and wax in a day 500 root grafts, or the same number of buds, tying them in for him- self. If a careful boy ties the buds after him, 1000 per day will not be a severe task. PLANTING ORCHARDS. Soil. The apple is a vigorous and hardy tree, and will grow upon most soils. It does best however, on those that 122 PLANTING APPLE ORCHARDS. are deep, rich and fertile, such as will give good crops of Indian corn. Hard, shallow, and wet grounds are to be avoided. Improvement by manuring, and deep cultivation, is desirable, as a great difference in quality and productive- ness results from a difference in fertility. The application of lirne, where not abundant in the soil, is of great impor- tance. Distance. Where the quantity of grour/d is limited and in rare cases, trees may for a time stand within fifteen or twenty feet ; but for large and permanent orchards they should not be nearer than thirty feet. There is however, a material difference in the size of varieties, hence a varia- tion may be allowed. But this variation in distance should not break the rows which are to be preserved for con- venience in cultivation. The rows may be kept entire, by varying the distance in one way only, as in the annexed figure. The middle portion is for trees of the largest size, as the Spitzenburgh, Fall Pippin, and Rhode Island Greening ; those of smallest size, as Bough, Yellow Har- vest and Sine Qua Non, are on the left ; and those of middle growth, as the Swaar, Black Gilliflower, and Tallman Sweeting, are on the right. # * # * # # # # * * # =* # * # * * * * * # # * # * * # * # # # * * # * This distinction in the size of the trees, is only necessary in the most extensive orchards. Transplanting. Full directions have been given in a pre ceding chapter, where the superior advantages of broad, deep, and loose beds of earth, made by heavy subsoiling and- manuring, have been pointed out; or in the absence of this excellent preparation, by digging large holes to be filled with rich mould, or manured surface-soil. This care is often thought unnecessary with so hardy a tree as the apple. But a just comparison of the two modes would exhibit its eminent advantages. Take, for instance, the least efficient of the two modes, that of digging large holes. A hundred holes, six feet in diameter, may be dug by a RENOVATING OLD ORCHARDS. 123 man in eight days, and filled with muck or rich mould in four days more ; the cost with team, eleven dollars. A hundred small holes may be dug in four days ; cost, three dollars ; difference, against large holes, eight dollars. The trees planted in the large holes would probably yield with good attention, a bushel a tree, in five years, making 100 bushels ; the sixth year 120 bushels ; the seventh, 150 ; the eighth, 190 ; the ninth, 240 ; the tenth, 300 ; total 1000 bushels, worth, at 20 cents, $200. The other would not probably produce 100 bushels in less than ten years, which would be worth $20. Difference in favor of large holes, $180, to balance $8, against them. Although the calcu- lation cannot be precise, it is probably a tolerable ap- proximation, and must appear moderate when the increased size of the trees and superiority of the crop for many years afterwards is taken into account. The objection that such work must be done at a very busy season of the year, may be obviated by digging the holes and filling them at some other time. CULTIVATION. The importance of thorough cultivation, has been already aoticed, and cannot be too well understood. If two speci- mens could be exhibited side by side, the one showing the stunted, lingering, mice-eaten and moss-covered trees, :aused by neglect ; and the other, the vigorous and thrifty growth, and the fair and abundant crops, resulting from ine and clean culture ; none could fail to be satisfied of the superiority of the one arid impolicy of the other. RENOVATING AND PRUNING OLD ORCHARDS. As soon as the first symptom of failure in old orchards ppears, they should, in addition to good cultivation, be freely manured in connexion with the application of lime or leached ashes, as directed already under the head of Special Manures. The change which may be thus wrought, can hardly be understood by one who has not witnessed the result. The following experiment, similar in nature, but differing in the mode of performance, described by H. W. Rockwell, of Utica, N.Y., cannot fail to be interesting :* * Horticulturist, Vol. II., p. 267. 124 PRUNING OLD TREES. " The experiment was performed upon three trees stand- ing in my grounds, none of which were less than thirty years old. One of these trees, an old-fashioned [Nevvtown] Pippin, and a great favorite, had borne moderately; the other two made out between them, to " get up" about a dozen apples a year, just to let me know, I presume, that they " could do it," but were perfectly indifferent how it was done. " I, last summer, undertook the renovation of these trees. For this purpose, I opened between them trenches, say ten feet in length, two feet in depth, and about eight feet equi- distant from tree to tree. The roots which were encoun- tered in this operation, were, of course, all cut off, the trenches filled with ivell rotted manure, and closed. I finished by giving each of the trees about a peck of char- coal mixed with the same quantity of ashes, and now for the result. I have this year gathered from the " two out- casts" just mentioned, instead of my annual dividend of a dozen apples, from six to eight bushels a piece of as hand- some fruit as you ever saw, with about the same propor- tion from the third, which has always been a moderate bearer." Pruning. The mode of treating large trees, has been already adverted to in the chapter on pruning. There are some owners of or- chards who most er- roneously suppose that when trees be- come old, heavy pru- ning will restore their vigor in the ab- sence of good culti- vation ; while the correct mode of treat- merit, is, very mode- rn 102. rate . an ? gradual pruning in connex- ion with the best of cultivation. The foregoing correct por- traits of actually existing specimens of bad pruning, unhappily have too many originals over the country ; fig. 102. This GRAFTING OLD TREES. 125 Fig. 1C3. most unsightly mode of trimming is often adopted when a removal of the top by grafting is intended. Grafting new tops on old trees. It often happens that fruit on large trees is worthless, and it becomes an import- ant object to change the top by grafting or budding it with some better variety. In this case, instead of cutting off large branches and grafting them at once, it is better to prune the top in part, as shown by fig. 103, which will cause an emission of vigorous shoots. These are then budded or grafted with ease and success. And, as the grafts gradually extend by growth, the remainder of the top may, by successive excisions, be entirely removed. Where trees are not too old, and the ground is kept cultivated, good sized trees are thus obtained much sooner than by setting out young ones. To give a well shaped head to such newly formed trees, and to prevent the branches from shooting upwards in a close body near the ceritre of the tree, the old horizontal boughs should be allowed to extend to a distance in each direction, while the upright ones should be lopped. This is distinctly exhibited in fig 103. The following judicious mode of renewing the old tops of trees formerly regarded as worthless, is given by George Olmsted, of Hartford, Ct., in the Horticulturist : " These trees I commenced grafting six years ago last spring. I began on the top, and grafted one-third of the tree each year. It therefore required three years to complete the entire heads of the trees. " I like this method better than any I have ever tried for grafting large trees, as it gives the grafts a good opportuni- ty to get well started. Cutting off and grafting the top first, gives the grafts there the best possible chance, while the necessary reduction of the top throws the sap into the re- maining side branches, which fits them well for grafting the following year ; and the third year, the lowest branches being made ready in the same way, may be grafted success- 126 GATHERING AND PRESERVING APPLES. fully. By this mode, it will be seen that when the grafts are put in on the side branches, they are not shaded by the heavy shoots above them, and they have an unusual supply of nourishment to carrry them forward. Those who have attempted to graft the whole head of a large tree at once, are best aware of the great difficulty in the common mode of getting the grafts to take on the side limbs. " One of these large trees so treated, is probably more than 75 years old, and has now an entirely new and vigorous head, grafted with this excellent variety. When I began with it, the fruit was only fit for cider, and it was question- able whether the tree should not be cut down. By grafting it in this manner, I have added surprisingly to its value. Two years ago, (the bearing year,) I obtained from it 10 bushels of apples ; last year eight bushels, and this year, (only six years from the time I began to graft it,) I gathered 28 bushels of excellent fruit ! <; I consider this tree now worth $100 ; the cost of grafting it was about $5 ; and the latter was all repaid two years ago the first season the grafts bore fruit." The bearing year of apple trees which yield excessive crops, is only every alternate year ; but by thinning out a large portion of the fruit while yet small, the exhaustion will not be so great as to render the tree barren the second season, and it will bear annually. By picking off all the young fruit, the bearing year may be entirely changed, or one bough may be made to bear one year, and another bough the second year. GATHERING AND PRESERVING. It is of great consequence in gathering all kinds of fine fruit, to avoid bruising ; the high quality of some sorts is nearly destroyed by carelessness, and they are rendered unfit for home use or for market. Hence careful hand- picking becomes indispensible. Preserving in barrels is usually most convenient. They should be filled sufficiently to cause a slight pressure when the barrel head is put in, to prevent rattling ; and the bar- rels should rest on their sides and not on the ends. Winter fruit has been preserved with great success and with much freshness, by alternating the layers of apples in the barrel GATHERING AND PEESEEVING APPLES. 127 with layers of dry chaff mixed with a small portion of dry pulverised lime. Apples may be well kept till spring, if buried late in autumn; but to prevent swelling, cracking, and a loss of flavor, they should be placed in a box or on a bed of straw, and entirely excluded from contact with the damp earth. Where cool cellars are at hand, they are kept best for winter use on large shelves. The mode of gathering and packing apples for exporta- tion, as practiced by R. L. Pell, of Ulster county, N. Y., who obtains nine or ten dollars per barrel for his Newtown Pippins in the English markets, will serve as a model for the care taken to prevent bruising: "In autumn, when the apple harvest commences, men are employed, each with a hand basket and hook, to attach the basket to a limb of a tree, and a step ladder. The apples are picked one at a time, and laid into the basket. When the basket is full the man cornes down from the tree and takes two apples at at a time and places them in two-bushel baskets. When there are enough large baskets filled for a load, they are lifted by two men on a sled, and drawn by oxen to a large building, where they are taken from the sled and put on the floor, two apples at a time. They are piled up 18 or 20 inches high, where they remain three weeks. At the end of this time, the apples having become dry, they are taken Uvo at a time and packed in new barrels, the size and kind of those used for flour. The barrels being headed up are lifted on a sled and drawn to the North River ; they are then carried by men on board a steamboat and taken to New- York. When shipped on board a vessel for London, the barrels are hoisted one at a time from the steamboat, and when lowered on board the vessel are caught on a man's shoulder, and then taken by two men and placed in the coolest part of the vessel. " Upon the arrival of the vessel in London, the barrels are hoisted from the vessel and lowered on a hand-barrow, and then carried by two men to the warehouse, in the same manner that we carry a looking-glass. " It is seen that by the foregoing precautions the apples are never shaken, jolted, or jarred, and they arrive in London in far better order than apples usually taken to our city mar- kets. 6* 128 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO APPLES. "Apples for shipping have sometimes been packed in char- coal dust, dry sand, and at other times separately wrapped in paper, in the same manner as oranges are shipped, but they can be shipped with as much success without anything with them, if only managed with care in other respects. " In shipping fruit, none but the very best should be sent ; all that are small, imperfect, or the least bruised, should be rejected. Those persons who pay from nine to twenty-one dollars per barrel for apples, expect to have the best.*" DESTRUCTIVE INSECTS. 7he. Caterpillar, (Clisiocampa Americana.) This has been a most serious enemy to the apple in most parts of the country. It has its seasons of increase and decrease. Some years it has nearly stripped whole orchards ; and again it has diminished in numbers in successive years, till few could be found. There are many species which feed on the apple leaf; but the only one of importance, is that known as the com" mon orchard caterpillar, which is hatched in spring as soon as the leaf buds begin to open. At this time, it is not the tenth of an inch long, nor so large as a cambric needle, but it continues to increase constantly in size for several weeks, until two inches long and a quarter of an inch in diameter. It then spins a cocoon and passes to the pupa state. In the latter part of summer, it comes out a yellowish brown miller, lays its eggs and dies. The eggs are deposited in cylinders or rings, containing three to five hundred each, encircling the smaller branches, and usually within a few inches of the ex- tremity. The accompanying figure (fig. 104,) represents one of these masses of eggs of the natural size. They remain through winter, protected from the wea- ther by a vesicular water-proof varnish, and hatch in spring, as just stated. Each collec- tion of eggs, makes a nest of caterpillars. B. G. Boswell. Fig. 104. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO APPLES. 129 One nest is enough to defoliate a large branch, and when several are on a tree, the size and quality of the fruit is seriously lessened. The best mode for their destruction, is to cut off the small branches which hold the eggs during autumn or winter, and commit them to the fire. The most convenient imple- ment is a long pole, armed with a pair of clipping-shears, worked by a cord ; or a sharp hooked knife, on the end of a pole, will answer nearly as well. The eggs are seen at a glance, after a little practice ; a cloudy day should be selected to prevent pain to the eyes. If this work is done just at the moment the eggs are hatching, it will be equally efficacious, and the webs or downy covering of the young insect?, render them conspicuous. Every nest of eggs thus removed, which is done in a few seconds, totally prevents a nest of caterpillars in the spring, and is far more expe- ditious and effectual than the usual modes of brushing off the caterpillars with poles, brushes, or washing them with soap-suds, ley, or white-wash. The Borer. (Saperda bivittata.) This insect enters the tree and cuts into the solid wood near the surface of the earth. It is a dangerous enemy ; for while only a few small holes are perceived in the bark outside, it may have per- forated the wood internally in all directions and reduced it to a mass of powder. It has not yet become very extensively spread, but in some parts of the country it has become a most serious evil, and has been allowed to multiply till it has destroyed whole orchards. The perfect insect is a brown and white striped beetle, about half an inch long, which flies at night. It deposits its eggs late in spring or the first of summer, in the bark near the surface of the ground, and sometimes in the forks of the branches. The first indication of its presence, is the appearance of numerous small round holes, as if the bark had been perforated by buck-shot. These holes will soon become more visible by the ejected dust. It is nearly impossible to save a tree, unless taken early. At the first, "the insect may be cut out with the point of a knife. If deeper in the wood, it may be extracted by a flexible barbed wire, or punched to death in its hole by 130 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO APPLES. a flexible twig. To prevent the insect from emerging and laying its eggs, it is doubly important that this be done early in the spring ; but the trees should be repeatedly examined at other periods of the year. To prevent the entrance of the borer, remove the soil a little about the roots, and then wash the whole trunk and larger forks of the branches, with a mixture of tobacco water, soft soap, and flour of sulphur. The proportions are, a pint of the sulphur, a gallon of soft soap, and enough tobacco water to reduce the whole to the consistence of paint. This should be done in spring, before the insect lays its eggs. It is stated by A. J. Downing, that this mix- ture is so offensive to the insect in its winged state, that no tree was touched which had been coated with it ; although the coating had been on for several weeks. He also recom- mends injecting, by a syringe, this liquid into the holes; and plugging up the holes in spring with pieces of soft pine dipped in tobacco water, to prevent the escape of the perfect insect. Not only the apple tree, but the quince, mountain ash, and hawthorn, suffer greatly from the attacks of this insect. The Canker worm. (Anisopteryx pometaria.) This caterpillar appears to have been as yet chiefly confined in its destructive ravages, to portions of New-England. The accompanying figures represent the perfect insect, the male with wings, the female nearly destitute. (Fig. 105.) The canker worm at- tacks both fruit and leaves ; when numerous, the small webs they make, added to the destruction of the foliage, give the tree the appearance Fig. 105. of having been scorched. The re- medies consist in various contrivances to prevent the female insects ascending the tree, but none have been yet dis- covered of easy, safe, and effectual application. One of the best is to encircle the trunk with a canvass belt, coated with a mixture of tar and train oil. The mixture needs repeatedly renewing. Applying the tar directly to the bark endangers the life of the tree. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO APPLES. 131 The Apple-worm, (Carpocapsa pnmonana,) attacks the fruit, oy entering at the blossom, and feeding at the core. In some Fig. 106. years, it has been so common, as seriously to injure the quality of the crop. The best preventive is to allow swine to pick up the wormy fruit as it falls, thus destroying the enclosed insect, and preventing its spread. The above figures, (106,) exhibit the apple-worm in its different stages ; a, the larva; &, the same magnified; c, the cocoon ; yellowish, firm, flavor mild, agreeable. Origin, Newtowr. Long Island. VANDEVERE. Medium in size, round-oblate, regular ; color light red in indistinct streaks on yellow ground, often a high red where exposed ; dots numerous ; stalk uniform- ly about half an inch long, cavity and basin wide ; flesh light yellow, with a rich, mild, sub-acid, excellent flavor. Early winter. Not always fair succeeds best on light soils. Shoots spotted; leaves doubly serrate-crenate. Origin, Wilmington, Del. WAGENER. Medium or rather large, oblate, obscurely ribbed, shaded and indistinctly striped with pale red, and a full, deep red in the sun, on warm yellow ground ; often streaked with russet ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity wide, rather obtuse; basin even, rather large ; flesh yellowish, very fine grained, tender, compact, mild, sub- acid, very aromatic, excellent. Ripens through winter. A native of Penn Yan, N. Y. New- Watson's Dumpling. Very large, nearly ronnd, regular; yellowish green, faintly striped ; stalk short ; flesh juicy, pleasant, sub-acid. For cooking. Early winter. English. Wells Apple. Rather large, roundish-conical, slightly ob- late ; bright yellowish green and red ; basin shallow ; 174 WINTER APPLES. WINTER APPLES 175 sprightly sub-acid. Fine baking. Shoots slender ; tree very productive. Central Ohio. WESTFIELD SEEKNOFURTHER. (Syn. Connecticut Seekno- further, New-England Seeknofurther.) Medium or large, roundish, often slightly conical, obscurely striped with light dull red, more or less russeted, rarely covered wholly with russet ; stalk slender ; calyx partly open ; flesh ten- der, rich, spicy, of fine flavor. Early and mid-winter. Tree productive, fruit always fair. Leaves sharply ser- rate. Succeeds well throughout the northern states and Ohio. Willow Twig. Large, roundish, slightly conical, obtuse, very regular ; greenish yellow, striped and mottled faint- ly with dull red ; stalk short ; basin very wide and deep, rim obtuse ; flavor sub-acid or rather acid, not rich. A long keeper. Shoots very slender. Cultivated much as a market apple in southern Ohio. Wine. (Syn. Hays' Apple, Hays' Winter.) Rather large, often quite large, roundish, slightly flattened ; obscurely striped and mottled with -red on yellow ground ; stalk quite short, cavity deep, acuminate ; calyx large, open, basin large ; flesh yellowish white, with a rich sub-acid or rather acid flavor. Early winter. There are several spu- rious varieties under this name. Winesap. Size, medium ; round-ovate, slightly conical, sometimes obscurely flattened ; color a lively deep red ; stalk slender, three-fourths of an inch long, cavity acute ; calyx small, in a finely plaited basin ; flesh yellowish, firm, crisp, with a rich sub-acid or rather acid flavor. Keeps through winter. One of the best apples for baking. Growth rather irregular, fruit always fair. Differs from the Jonathan, in its smaller size, yellower flesh, smaller basin, and rather inferior quality. Winter Pear main. (Syn. Autumn Pearmain, erroneously, Old Pearmain.) Size, medium ; oblong-ovate, ends somewhat flattened ; color, narrow broken stripes of dull red on greenish yellow ; stalk half an inch to one inch long, quite slender, cavity narrow ; basin small, distinct, 8* 176 WINTER APPLES. WINTER APPLES. 177 wrinkled ; flesh dull yellow, or greenish yellow, tender, with a pleasant, sub-acid, lemon flavor. Does not freeze easily. Winter Queen. (Syn. Winter Queening.) Me'diura size, conical, base broad ; deep crimson in the sun, a lively pale red in the shade. Stalk slender, three-fourths of an inch long, cavity wide; flesh yellowish, mild sub-acid, rather pleasant. Productive. Early winter. N. J. Yorkshire Greening. Rather large, oblate, slightly ribbed ; dull, dark green, slightly tinged and striped with muddy brown and dull red ; stalk short, thick ; cavity and plaited basin, shallow ; flesh firm, greenish white, juicy acid. Through winter. A fine English culinary apple. Section II. Not striped. ALBEMARLE PIPPIN. Size, medium or rather large, nearly round ; yellow with brown specks ; flesh pale yellow, sub-acid, with a very fine flavor. Keeps well. Cul- tivated chiefly in Virginia, and in great abundance in Albemarle County, at the foot of the Blue Ridge, and is sent to the Richmond market. Alfriston. Large, roundish, a little ribbed, slightly conical, pale greenish yellow, slightly russeted, stalk short, ten- der, rather acid, third rate. Bedfordshire Foundling. Large, roundish, green, stalk short, calyx open, flesh yellowish, pleasant acid, cooking. Early winter. Handsome. BELMONT. (Syn. Gate, Waxen of Coxe ?) Rather large, roundish conical or ovate-conical, apex usually narrow, but sometimes quite obtuse ; faintly ribbed, smooth ; color clear pale yellow, with sometimes a light vermillion blush; and rarely with large thinly scattered carmine dots ; stalk varying from half an inch long and stout, to an inch or more long and slender; basin in conical specimens, narrow and shallow ; in obtuse specimens, narrow and deep, with an obtusely ribbed rim ; flesh yellowish white, compact, crisp, becoming quite tender, with a mild, rich, sub-acid, fine flavor. Leaves crenate. 178 WINTER APPLES. Early winter. A profuse bearer. Excellent in New York, Michigan, and northern and central Ohio worth- less at Cincinnati. The identity of this fruit with the Waxen of Coxe, not having been established, the old name Belmont,(of Ken- rick) extensively used in most places where it is culti- vated, is here adopted. BorsdorfT. (Syn. Borsdorffer.) Small, roundish oval, apex slightly conical ; pale yellow, with a full rod cheek ; stalk short, slender; basin very shallow, small, even; flesh yellowish white, firm, crisp, with a rich, brisk flavor. Early winter. German. Bourassa. Rather large, ovate-conical, ribbed, somewhat irregular, a rich orange russet on a rich golden surface, dark reddish brown to the sun ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, cavity small, irregular ; basin small and narrow ; flesh fine-grained, sub-acid, rich, fine. Succeeds well far north. BULLOCK'S PIPPIN, or AMERICAN GOLDEN RUSSET. (Syn. Golden Russet, Sheepnose.) Rather small, conical, li^ht yellow, sprinkled and sometimes overspread with thin russet ; stalk long, slender ; basin very small and nar- row ; ribbed ; flesh yellowish white, very fine grained, becoming very tender, with a mi!d, rich, slightly sub-acid flavor. Growth erect, shoots rather slender ; leaves sharply serrate ; tree overbears. Early winter. When well ripened, this apple is exceedingly delicate and ten- der; sometimes it does not become soft in ripening, when the quality is poor, and often worthless. It is too small to become very popular. Canada Reinette. (Syn. Reinette du Canada, Canadian Reinette.) Quite large, somewhat conical and flattened ; rather irregular, ribbed, apex obtuse ; greenish yellow, sometimes a brown cheek ; stalk short, cavity wide ; calyx large, basin rather deep, irregular; flesh nearly white, rather firm, becoming quite tender, juicy, with a good, lively sub-acid flavor. Early and mid-winter. The White Pippin of southern Ohio, closely resembles the Canada Reinette in form, and may prove identical. WINTER APPLES. 179 Catshead. (Syn. Cathead Greening.) Very large, round,* pale green, stalk half an inch long, cavity deep, basin wide, deep ; tender, sub-acid ; flavor rather poor. Court of Wick. Rather small, regular, round-ovate, slight- ly flattened ; greenish-yellow, with an orange red cheek ; stalk short ; calyx open, basin wide, shallow ; flesh crisp, juicy, with a high acid flavor. Hardy, suited for the ex- treme north. English. Cranberry Pippin. Rather large, regular, oblate, very smooth ; color, a beautiful blush on pale clear yellow, often with large red dots on the su,nny side ; stalk slen- der, three-fourths of an inch long; calyx deep set, basin round, with a full obtuse rim ; flesh white, sub-acid, second-rate flavor. Early winter. Exceedingly beauti- ful ; resembles Maiden's Blush, but later, and not equal in quality. Cumberland Spice. Rather large, varying from roundish- conical to long conical, the tapering sides being nearly straight and not rounded ; color, waxen yellow, with a slight vermillion tinge near the base ; and with black specks on the surface ; stalk half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity wide, slightly russeted ; calyx epen t ba- sin even ; flesh yellowish-white, breaking, rather light ; core hollow ; flavor mild sub-acid, with a peculiar and agreeable spiciness, of good second-rate quality. This has been confounded with the Ortley or White Detroit oi the west, but is quite distinct. Aunt Hannah. Size medium, roundish, approaching ovate, straw color, with a very pleasant mild sub-acid, fine fla- vor, resembling in character the Newtown Pippin. Ori- gin, Essex county, Massachusetts. English Golden Russet. (Syn. Golden Russet of New- York.) Size medium ; roundish, usually a little oblong, sometimes slightly flattened, nearly regular ; surface sometimes wholly a thick russet ; and at others a thin broken russet on a greenish-yellow skin ; stem slender, from half an inch to an inch long, being longest on ob- * " the CatVHead's weighty orb Enormous of its growth." Pn.il.ips. 180 WINTER APPLES. late specimens ;* flesh fine grained, firm, crisp, with a rich, aromatic flavor. Shoots speckled; tree rather ir- regular. Keeps through winter. This is distinct from the English Russet, of straight upright growth, and a very long keeper ; and from the A?nerica?i Golden Rus- set or Bullock's Pippin. ENGLISH RUSSET. (Syn. Poughkeepsie Russet. ) Medium in size, roundish-conical or roundish-ovate, regular ; sur- face more or less overspead with brownish russet on light greenish yellow ground ; in large exposed specimens, wholly russeted ; stalk one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity moderate, round ; basin smooth ; flesh green- ish or yellowish white, texture fine, rather firm, with a rather rich, aromatic, sub-acid flavor. Keeps through spring, and often through summer for twelve months. Growth upright, shoots lively brown. A profuse bearer. A profitable market variety. It is distinguished from the English Golden Russet and Roxbury Russet, by its straight upright shoots ; and from the Roxbury by its less flat form, and less acid flavor. Fallawater. Rather large, roundish, and slightly ovate- conical, very regular, smooth ; color, a smooth shade of dull red on light greenish yellow, Avith a few large, whitish dots ; stalk slender, cavity narrow, acuminate ; basin small ; flesh greenish white, fine-grained, with a mild, slightly sub-acid, good second-rate flavor. Early winter. A native of Pennsylvania. Fenouillet Gris. (Syn. Pomme d'Anis.) Small, roundish, slightly flattened, russeted on yellow ground ; calyx small; flesh firm, perfumed, anise-flavored. Leaves very small, growth weak and slender. Fenouillet Jaune. (Syn. Embroidered Pippin.) Small, regular, bright yellow, with russet net-work ; stalk short, calyx small ; flesh firm, with a high, aromatic flavor. Tree low. Through winter. Fenouillet Rouge. Rather small, regular, roundish, a little flattened ; dark brown red on greyish ground ; stalk short ; with a firm flesh, and rich, perfumed flavor. * In all instances, where apples vary from oblate to a more elongated form, the stem is longer in the oblate specimens. WINTEK APPLES. 181 FORT MIAMI. Rather large, roundish-oblong, flattened at the ends, widest at base ; uneven, somewhat ribbed ; color dull brown, obscurely russeted ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity rather wide, irregular ; basin furrowed ; flesh yellowish white, crisp, and of exceedingly high, spicy, sub-acid flavor. Keeps through spring. Ohio. New. Golden Ball. Large, often quite large, roundish, remotely conical, ribbed ; fine yellow ; stalk short, slender, with fine green rays or furrows radiating from the centre of the cavity ; basin very shallow ; flesh tender, rich, aromatic. Ripens late in autumn, and keeps through winter. Liable to vary in size and fairness. Excellent for cooking. Tree very hardy ; a poor bearer. Cultivated chiefly in Maine. Golden Harvey. Small, roundish, irregular ; dull russet on yellow ; a reddish cheek ; calyx open, stiff ; flesh of fine texture, spicy, rich, sub-acid. Keeps through winter. Growth slender. Golden Pippin, English. Small, round, regular, rich yellow, dots in the form of short cross-bars ; stalk long, slender ; basin shallow ; flesh yellow, rich, with a fine, sub-acid, first-rate flavor. Keeps through winter. Green Seeknofurther. (Syn. Seeknofurther, of Coxe.) Large, often quite large, roundish, slightly approaching oblong obtuse conical ; greenish yellow becoming yellow, specks large and conspicuous ; stalk very short ; calyx large, basin slightly ribbed, deep; flesh rather coarse, sub-acid or rather acid, of good flavor. This differs from the White Seeknofurther of New England, in its larger size, more conical form, coarser texture, and inferior quality. Growth strong and vigorous, upright. Lady Apple. (Syn. Pomme d'Api.) Quite small, regular, flat ; a brilliant deep red cheek on light clear yellow ; stalk and calyx deep set ; flesh tender, delicate, sub-acid, flavor good. A fancy apple. Winter and spring. Shoots small, dark, erect. Productive. Subject to fire-blight in some localities. 182 WINTER APPLES. Lady Apple, black. Resembles the preceding in form, but nearly black, and destitute of good flavor. Cultivated only as a curiosity, from its almost inky blackness. London Pippin. Large or very large, roundish, slightly flattened, obtuse-conical; greenish yellow ; stalk very short ; calyx large, in a smooth even basin ; flesh sub- acid, of a good second rate flavor. Early winter. Much cultivated in northern Virginia ; and from its large size and handsome appearance sells in the Washington market for about twice as much as any other sort. Productive. Male Carle. (Syn. Mela Carla, Pomme de Charles.) Me- dium size, regular, slightly conical ; smooth, clear pale waxen yellow, with a brilliant crimson cheek ; stalk one inch long, slender ; basin rather narrow and deep ; flesh tender, moderately juicy, with a delicate flavor. A native of Italy; succeeds in the middle States, unsuccess- ful in New York and New England. Early winter. Michael Henry Pippin. Size, medium ; roundish-ovate, apex narrow ; yellowish green ; stalk short, rather thick ; basin narrow; flesh yellow, tender, juicy, high flavored. Growth upright. Through winter. Origin, Monmouth Co., N. J. Monstrous Pippin. (Syn. Gloria Mundi, Ox Apple, Balti- more.) Very large, roundish, somewhat flattened at the ends, slightly angular or ribbed ; skin smooth whitish green, becoming whitish yellow ; stalk stout, short ; calyx large, basin wide, deep, somewhat ribbed, with an obtuse rim ; flesh white, tender, rather coarse, with a sub-acid, not rich, second or third rate flavor. Late autumn and early winter. Mouse. (Syn. Moose.) Large, rounish-oblong or slightly ovate conical ; pale green becoming greenish yellow, with a brownish blush; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, rather slender; basin narrow, slightly plaited ; flesh white, fine-grained, spongy, delicate, mild, sub-acid. A native of Ulster Co., N. Y. Through winter. NEWTOWN PIPPIN. (Syn. Pippin, Green Newtown Pip- pin.) Medium or rather large, roundish, oblique, slightly WINTER APPLES. 183 irregular, remotely conical or else a little flattened ; dull green becoming yellowish green ; often with a dull brownish blush ; stalk short, deep set, and surrounded by thin, dull, whitish russet rays ; basin narrow, shallow ; flesh greenish white, juicy, crisp, fine-grained, with a high, fine flavor. Keeps through spring, and retains remarkably its freshness. Tree of rather slow growth, with a rough barfc:. The fruit is very liable to black spots or scabs, unless under high, rich, and constant culti- vation, with a good supply of lime in the soil. One of the best fruits for foreign markets. A native of New- town, Long Island, and has rarely succeeded well in New-England. Newark King.. Size, medium ; conical ; skin smooth, red in streaks on yellow ground ; flesh tender, rather rich, pleasant. Early winter. Origin, New Jersey. NEWARK PIPPIN. (Syn. French Pippin.) Rather large, round-oblong, regular; greenish yellow, becoming yellow ; stalk and calyx deep set ; flesh tender, rich, and high- flavored. Growth crooked, irregular. Early winter. Old Nonpareil. Eather small, round-ovate, flattened ; greenish yellow with pale russet, stalk slender, calyx small ; flesh rich, acid, sharp. Early winter. English. ORTLEY, or WHITE DETROIT. (Syn. Ortley Pippin, Warren Pippin, White Bellflower, Woolman's Long, Detroit, Jersey Greening, Detroit of the West.) Large, roundish, somewhat oblong-ovate, pale yellow, slightly tinged with pink in the sun ; stalk about an inch long, sometimes short, but always slender ; cavity deep and narrow ; basin rather deep, nearly even or slightly plaited ; flesh sub- acid, crisp, sprightly, rich, fine, about first rate. Shoots slender. PECK'S PLEASANT. Large, often quite large, roundish, some- times remotely oblong, often a little oblique, usually slightly flattened ; smooth and regular ; color, light green, becoming yellow, with a brown blush ; stalk very short, one-fourth to one-half an inch long, thick, rarely longer and somewhat slender ; calyx open, basin abrupt, rather 184 WINTER APPLES. deep ; flesh compact, very tender, with a mild, rich, fine, clear sub-acid, Newtown Pippin flavor. Early winter poor, if too ripe. Growth rather erect, shoots somewhat diverging ; a good bearer, fruit always fair. The fruit resembles the Yellow Newtown Pippin, but larger, fairer, and earlier in ripening. Origin, Rhode Island. Pickman. Rather large, round, light yellow, with black specks ; flesh firm, juicy. Through winter. A fine culinary variety. Pomme Grise. (Syn. Gray Apple.) Rather small, roundish- oblate, a grey russet ; stalk slender, cavity wide, rather obtuse ; calyx small, basin round ; flesh very tender for a Russet and fine-grained, rich, and high-flavored. Ca- nada. One of the best dessert apples for the extreme north. POUND ROYAL. (Syn. Pomme Royale, erroneously, Belle Bonne, of Conn.) Large, roundish, slightly oblong, a little uneven ; surface whitish yellow ; stalk slender, an inch and a quarter long, cavity large ; basin furrowed, irregular ; flesh tender, breaking, fine-grained, mild, agreeable, sprightly. Ripens through winter. Tree vigo- rous, productive. Origin, Pomfret, Conn. RHODE-ISLAND GREENING. (Syn. Greening.) Large, roundish-oblate ; green, becoming greenish yellow, always fair, a dull brown blush to the sun ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long ; basin rather small, often slightly rus- seted ; flesh yellow, a rich yellow if much exposed to the sun, and whitish yellow or greenish white if much shaded, tender, juicy, with a rich rather aciJ flavor. Growth strong, young trees crooked or oblique, shoots rather spreading, leaves sharp serrate ; best on light soils ; very productive, single trees often yielding forty bushels of fair fruit in favorable years, and neglected orchards 500 bushels per acre. Fine throughout the Northern States, where it keeps through winter into spring ; but fails from a deficiency in the soil, through most parts of central and southern Ohio ; and at Cincinnati and St. Louis becomes an autumn fruit. WINTER APPLES. 185 Roman Stem. Medium in size, round-ovate ; whitish yel- low, with a faint brownish blush ; stalk one-half to three- fourths of an inch long, with a fleshy protuberance at insertion ; cavity shallow ; basin narrow, slightly plaited ; flesh tender, juicy, mild, sub-acid, good second rate flavor. Keeps through winter. New Jersey. ROXBURY RUSSET. (Syn. Boston Russet, Putnam Russet of Ohio.) Medium or large, roundish-oblate, remotely conical, partly or wholly covered with rather rough russet on greenish yellow ground, sometimes a dull brown cheek ; stalk one-half to an inch long, cavity acute ; basin round, moderate ; flesh greenish white, rather granular, slightly crisp, with a good sub-acid flavor. Keeps late in spring. Large specimens become conical, with short thick stalks ; small specimens are more flat, and with longer and more slender stalks. Growth spreading, shoots downy. Although not of the highest flavor, its productiveness, uniformly fair fruit, and long keeping, render this variety one of the most profitable for orchard culture. It succeeds well through- out the Northern States, but partially fails in a few localities in Ohio. The Warner Russet (new) resembles the Roxbury, but is a finer and more vigorous grower. Sam Young. Small, regular, oblate ; bright yellow, partly russetted; stalk short; calyx large, open ; flesh greenish, juicy, with a rich, fine flavor. Early winter. Irish. Shippen's Russet. Large, roundish-ovate, flattened, taper- ing to apex ; mostly russeted on greenish yellow ground, tinged red in the sun; stalk three-quarters of an inch long, deep set; basin small; flesh rather spongy, sub- acid or rather acid, second rate. Surprise. Small, round-ovate, skin light yellow, flesh light dull red, flavor poor. A curiosity on account of its yellow skin and red flesh. SWAAR. Rather large, roundish, slightly flattened at the ends, often considerably oblate, sides regularly rounded, crown as wide as base ; color greenish yellow becoming a rich yellow, sometimes faintly russeted ; and a small 186 WINTER APPLES. blush near the base, when much exposed to the sun ; stalk rather slender, three-fourths of an inch long, cavity round, moderate, or often small ; basin small, even ; flesh yellowish, fine grained, compact, tender, with a very rich, mild, aromatic, agreeable, slightly sub-acid flavor. Es- teemed by many as the finest winter table apple. Ripens through winter and keeps into spring. Shoots ascending, buds large, leaves coarsely rounded serrate. Fruit apt to be scabby on old overloaded trees. Not successful in all localities. Sweet and Sour. A middle sized fruit, with greenish ribs and whitish hollows ; the former sub-acid, and the latter with an insipid or sweet flavor, occasioned by a partially diseased action, not unlike that of the whitish streaks in the leaves of striped or ribbon grass. The wildly absurd story of raising this fruit by placing two halves of dissimi- lar buds together, is wholly fabulous. Tewksbury Blush. (Syn. Tewksbury Winter Blush.) Small, round-oblate ; yellow with a red cheek ; flesh yellow, juicy, with a good flavor. Keeps till mid-summer. Very productive. New-Jersey. Victorious Reinette. (Syn. Reinette Triomphante.) Large, roundish-oblong, tapering very slightly each way from the middle ; regular, often a little oblique ; pale yellow, with rough specks; stalk half an inch long, cavity very deep; flesh yellowish, rather firm, of second-rate sub-acid flavor. WHITE SEEKNOFURTHER. Size medium ; roundish oblate, slightly obtuse-conical, very pale green becoming yellow- ish, with whitish specks faintly ribbed ; stalk very short, thick, cavity small; basin moderate or rather deep, slight- ly ribbed or uneven; flesh very fine grained, juicy, mild sub-acid, very agreeable, fine flavor. Cultivated in New- England. Fruit often defective. This is distinguished from the green Seeknofurther of Coxe by its smaller size, and far more delicate texture. White Winter Calville. Large, rather flat, broadly ribbed, irregular ; color, pale greenish yellow, becoming yellow ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slender, deep set; WINTER APPLES. 187 basin deep, irregular ; flesh white, granular, tender, light, flavor faintly sub-acid, third-rate. Early winter. French. Culinary. WINTER CHEESE. Medium in size ; green in the shade, red in the sun ; flesh very crisp, very tender and delicate, sprightly, and of a fine, pleasant flavor. One of the most highly esteemed early winter apples of southern Virginia, closely resembling the Fall Cheese, but a longer keeper. Becomes mealy and insipid after maturity. WOOD'S GREENING. Large, roundish, a little oblique, slight- ly flattened, obscurely conical ; pale green, smooth ; stalk very short, cavity acuminate ; calyx rather large, basin distinct, slightly plaited ; flesh greenish white, or nearly white, fine grained, slightly crisp, tender ; flavor very agreeable, mild sub-acid, first-rate, but not very rich. YELLOW BELLFLOWER. (Syn. Bellflower, Yellow Belle- fleur.) Large, often quite large, oblong-ovate, apex quite narrow and conical, more or less irregular ; surface pale yellow, often with a blusly stalk slender ; basin ribbed; seeds long; flesh very tender, fine grained, crisp, juicy, acid, becoming sub-acid ; excellent. Keeps through winter. Shoots yellowish, rather slender, growth of the tree rather upright ; succeeds best on rather light soils. Adapted to the climate of the northern and middle states, as far south as Kentucky, but fails by premature dropping in a few localities. More tart and less rich in cold sum- mers, and far north. YELLOW NEWTOWN PIPPIN. Medium or rather large, round- ish, slightly oblong and oblique, more or less flattened ; yellow, with a brownish red cheek, purplish before ripe, stalk very short ; flesh firm, crisp, with a rich, mild fla- vor. Closely resembles the Green Newtown Pippin, and believed by many to be identical, differing only by a warmer exposure. It is fairer in some localities than the Green, but is usually inferior to it in flavor. The growth of the two varieties is only distinguished in the large trees. 188 COMPARATIVE FORMS OF APPLES. COMPARATIVE FORMS OF APPLES, ON A SCALE ONE-HALF THE DIAMETER, ACCURATELY REDUCED FROM ACTUAL SPECIMENS. Fig. 125 Herefordshire Pearmain. Fig. 126 Winter Pearmain Fig. 127 Ortiey, or White Detroit. Fig. 128 Cumberland Spice. Fig. V8-Holland Pippin. Fig. 130 Fall Pippin. COMPARATIVE FAKMS OF APPLES. 189 Fig. 131. Lady Apple. Fig. 132. English Golden Pippin. Fig. 133. Early Red Margaret. Fig. 134. Fig. 135. Two specimens White Juneating. Tiro specimens Ross Nonpareil. Showing the tendency to elongation of the stalk as the fruit . smaller size and more oblate form. Fig. 136 Jonathan. Fig. 137 Carthous*. Fig.l33FamtUM. 190 COMPARATIVE FORMS OF APPLES. Fig. 139. Fig. 140. Fig. 141. Roxbury Russet. English Russet. Bullock" 1 s Pippin, or Am- Golden Russet. Fig. 142. Fig. 143. Fig. 144. Peach Pond Sweet. Jersey Sweeting. Leland Spice. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. Am. Summer Pearmain. Garden Royal. Fig 147. Late Strawberry. COMPARATIVE FORMS OP APPLES. 191 Fig. 148 Maiden'* Blvsh. Fig. UQHawthornden. Fig. 150- White Seeknofurther. Fig. 151- Green Seeknqfurther. Fig. 152 Bailey Sweet. Fig. I5b-Westfield Seeknofurther. 192 COMPARATIVE FORMS OF APPLES. Fig. 154 Summer Sweet Paradise. Fig. 155 Haskett Sweet. Fig. 155 Sweet Baldwin. Fig -56 Mother. CHAPTER II. THE PEAR. THE PEAR, when grown to full perfection, is eminently dis- tinguished for its great delicacy, its melting and juicy tex- ture, and by its mild, exceedingly rich, and delicious flavor. Greatly excelling the apple in these particulars, it falls be- low it in importance only in consequence of the less uni- formly healthy habit of the tree. PROPAGATION. The best trees are raised from seedling stocks ; suckers, unless unusually furnished with fibrous roots, are of crooked, one-sided, and stunted growth. Seedling pears are more difficult to raise than those of any other kind of fruit ; and the many disasters to which the young trees are liable, have caused a great and general deficiency, in the midst of an abundant supply of trees of other kinds in the nurseries of this country. Raising the Se&dlings. The seeds, after separation from the fruit, should be kept in the way already given for apple- seeds, by mixing with sand or muck. The soil for the seed- bed, should be unusually-deep and fertile, rather damp than otherwise, and should have a good manuring with lime and ashes, and an abundant supply of peat or muck, if the soil is not already largely furnished by nature with this in- gredient. A correspondent of the Horticulturist states that he has been eminently successful by the following practice : First make a deep trench with the plow, and finish to the required depth with the spade two feet not less. The compost used to fill the trench is made of half a peck of iron filings or blacksmith's cinders, with half a peck of slaked lime, and half a peck of wood ashes, and a peck each of swamp muck and barn-yard manure, thoroughly mixed.with 194 PROPAGATION OF THE PEAR. a bushel of soil into a compost. J. Washburn, of Plymouth, Mass., also furnishes the following statement : " I have a fine lot of pear seedlings, which were [very copiously] ma- nured with compost in the following proportions : one load of muck, two loads of stable manure, two barrels of iron 'rust, one barrel of bone-dust, and two barrels of wood ashes. The whole was composted early in autumn applied in the fall and the seed sown the first of May. Other seeds plant- ed on the same land without this compost, but with stable manure, have produced plants that rusted badly, and are not one quarter the size of the first lot, which are fine, strong stocks." The mode of sowing the seeds may be the same as that described for the apple, in drills one to two feet apart. The more thinly they are sown, the less will be the danger of disaster from the leaf blight ; and for this reason, drills near together, with the seeds somewhat sparingly scattered in them, will be found best. The leaf-blight is the most serious evil met with in the cul- tivation of pear seedlings. Its immediate cause has not been satisfactorily explained. It is more formidable in some seasons than in others. Commencing about midsummer, sometimes earlier, but more frequently later, it is first indi- cated by the leaves in certain parts of the seed-beds turning brown ; in a few days they fall off; other portions of the beds are successively attacked, till all the seedlings become more or less denuded, those last affected occupying the most favorable portions of the soil. As a necessary consequence, growth immediately ceases ; and if they are attacked early, and have made but little previous growth, they are nearly ruined, and few will survive the succeeding winter, for they never make a second growth the same year of any value. But if their previous growth has been vigorous, and the blight appears late in summer, much less injury is sustained. The best remedy is the high cultivation, with special ma- nures, already described. Wintering the young seedlings. The frequent destruc- tion of the trees the first winter, is another serious evil. The danger is least with those that have made the best well ripened growth; hence it becomes very important to secure healthful vigor by the adoption of the compost and PROPAGATION OF THE PEAR. 195 cultivation previously mentioned. But in many localities, pear seedlings, which are always remarkably free from fibrous or lateral roots the first year, are drawn out by the freezing of the soil, and either destroyed or greatly injured. Several modes have, been proposed to prevent this result, and have been tried to a greater or less extent. One, is to induce the emission of lateral roots, by taking up the young seedlings from the thickly sown beds, early in the season and as soon as four leaves have appeared, cut off their tap roots, and reset them in the nursery rows. Robert Nelson, of Newburyport, Mass., has pursued this course with great success ; but its general utility may be questioned, except during a rainy period or on favorable soils, unless abundant watering is given. A more easy as well as safe mode would perhaps be to cut off the tap roots, at the same age, by means of a sharp spade thrust beneath the soil, and without transplanting. Neither of these modes could be successfully applied except to large, vigorous seedlings, growing in a deep, rich soil. But where the growth of lateral roots has not been ef- fected, and the consequent danger greater, of their being drawn upwards by frost, much protection may be given them by covering the whole ground with forest leaves to a depth of several inches ; and if the rows are near each other, and the trees several inches or a foot high, they will prevent the leaves from being swept off by the winds. The incursion of mice may be avoided by placing the seed-beds as near as practicable to the middle of a clean plowed field, and by encircling the ground with a bank or ridge of fresh earth, thrown up for this purpose, about a foot high. Mice will not pass such a boundary under the snow. Taking up the seedlings late in autumn, and burying them in a cellar, or laying them in by the roots and nearly covering the whole stems, will preserve them safely; but this mode is liable to the objection of the check in growth necessarily given in transplanting. Budding and Grafting may be performed the second summer if the stocks have made a good growth. The ma- nagement of the young trees is the same as with apples, by grafting or budding near the surface of the ground, and heading down, trimming, and cultivation. But as pear 196 DWARF PEARS. stocks are valuable, budding is to be preferred to grafting, because it may be repeated in case of failure. For the same reason, root-grafting the pear is not adopted, especially as slightly unfavorable causes are apt to produce far greater failures of such grafts than with the apple. Propagation by Layers, giving every tree roots of its own kind, is easily effected by bending down a vigorous and thickly branched tree, and making layers of every good shoot. In two years at furtherest they will furnish well rooted young plants. DWARF PEARS. For orchard culture, and in most parts of the country where the pear flourishes with great vigor and proves highly pro- ductive, pear stocks will doubtless always be found greatly preferable to all others. The advantages of a dwarf growth on dissimilar stocks, have been already pointed out under the head stocks. Such trees are not so long-lived as on pear roots, and they require more thorough and fertile culture, and care in pruning. But they have some import- ant advantages, such as coming soon into bearing, occupy- ing less than a fifth part of the ground, thriving in many soils where pear stocks will not, and in a few instances im- proving the quality of the fruit. The stocks for dwarfs, which have been more or less used, are the mountain ash, the apple, the thorn, and the quince. Nearly all the experiments with the mountain ash have sooner or later proved failures. Budded or grafted upon apple seedlings, pears sometimes make a feeble growth for a few years ; but unless the grafts themselves throw out roots, by planting beneath the surface, they sooner or later perish. It sometimes happens that grafts of a few varieties inserted at standard height, grow and bear for a series of years. But experiments of this sort are not to be recom- mended, the few instances of success only forming excep- tions to a general rule. The thorn has been extensively used in England, and to some extent in this country, with considerable success. But all other kinds of dissimilar stocks have given way to the quince, which is regarded as much superior for general use to any other. Of the different sorts of quince, the Orange quince has proved the best. DWARF PEARS. 197 The varieties of the pear do not grow with equal facility upon the quince. A few, as the Duchesse d'Angouleme, Louise Bonne of Jersey, and Beurre Diel, are so much im- proved in quality that their cultivation on pear stocks is wholly discontinued by skilful fruit growers. A larger num- ber flourish well, but are little changed in quality, as White Doyenne and Dearborn's Seedling. A few, on the other hand, succeed badly or wholly refuse to grow upon quince stocks, without double working, which consists in first bud- ding some freely growing pear upon the quince bottom, and then budding or grafting the " refractory" sort into the pear shoot. As a general rule, double-worked trees do not flourish for a great length of time. Single-worked have done well for 30 or 40 years under favorable influences. The following list, made out chiefly from the combined experience of European and American cultivators, may prove valuable to those commencing with dwarf pears : Pears succeeding best on the quince. Louise Bonne of Jersey, Long Green of Jlutumn, Beurre Diel, ' Early Rousselet, Duchesse d'dngouleme, Stevens' Genesee, Easter Beurre, Fortunee, Beurrt d'dmalis, Glout Morceau, Vicar of Winkfield, Chauiuontelle. Pears usually succeeding well on both quince and pear. Van Mons' Leonle Clerc, Summer Franc Real, Jaminette, Plombgastel, Belle Lucrative, Tyson, Harvard, Doyenne d'Ete, Queen of Low Countries, Bon Chretien Fondante, Dearborn's Seedling, Onondaga, Rostiezer, Osband's Summer, Oswego Beurre, Buffum, Bartlett, Bloodgood, Napoleon, Madeleine, Capiaumont, Compte de Lamy, White Doyenne, Duchesse d'Orleans, Grey Doyenne, Forelle, Jargonelle, Jersey Gratioli, St. Germain, Passe Colmar, Beurre d'Aremberg, Delices d'Hardenpont. 198 DWAKF PEARS. Pears succeeding on the quince only by double-working. Beurre Pose, Beurre Ranee, Marie Louise, Ne Plus Meuris, Gansel's Bergamot Thompson's, Dix, Dunmore, Flemish Beauty. Hacon's Incomparable, Knight's Monarch, Winter Nelis and Seckel, inmost Suffolk Thorn, instances, but sometimes suc- Crassane, Winter and Althorpe, ceeding. Urbaniste, The result is not always the same in different soils and in different seasons. The Seckel, for instance, has wholly failed in one year, and in another, on the same spot of ground, has grown well. The White Doyenn; grew fine- ly one summer, and almost totally failed the next. Some sorts which in nearly all cases do well, occasionally prove unsuccessful. A few, uniformly, in all seasons and in all soils, make a rapid and vigorous growth, of which the Louise Bonne of Jersey is perhaps the most striking ex- ample ; some others, again, invariably fail, (unless double- worked,) the most prominent among which stands the Beurre Bosc. Indeed, so averse is this variety to a union with the quince, that it is by no means certain that it may not soon fail if worked in whatever manner. In some places, however, double-working has given it smooth and fair fruit where it has been cracked and blighted on the pear. Both this and the Flemish Beauty, as w r ell as the Marie Louise, and some others, succeed well when grafted on the hawthorn. The changes wrought by the quince stock, are often im- portant and interesting. T. Rivers states that the Beurre d'Arernberg ripens several w r eeks earlier in winter; that the Easter Beurre is rendered more productive and matures its fruit, while on the pear it is a bad bearer, and does not ripen ; that the Fortunee is a "perfect crab " upon the pear, but on the quince is melting and juicy; that the Glout Mor- ceau is imperfect and ripens badly on the pear, but is always fair and attains a high and mature flavor on quince. As a general effect, the size of the fruit is increased, but in a few cases it is rendered more gritty in texture. Unfavorable soils occasionally preclude the cultivation of some pears, but for the favorable influence of the stock. DWARF PEARS. 190 Thus, at Dorchester, Mass., on Long Island, and in some other places, the White Doyenn6 only succeeds well upon the quince. The stocks of dwarf pears should be wholly beneath the surface to avoid the borer, which avoids the pear. Pruning Dwarf Pears. Dwarf pear trees are usually pruned into the pyramidal and conical form, the latter only differing in its broader shape. The an- nexed figure exhibits these forms dis- tinctly. The principle to be adopted in pruning has been already explained on page 90 ; the extent to which it must be carried, should be such as to keep the trees within ten or twelve feet in height, and from four to six feet in diameter at the base. A greater height increases the difficulty of pruning. The same reason forbids the adoption of a head with a clean stem below, as in common standards. The pyramidal mode of pruning may be applied to pear trees upon pear stocks, provided the luxuriance of growth is re- tarded by a triennial root-pruning. With- out this, it would be difficult to prevent too great a growth of shoots, while the roots remained at their full extent and vigor, and sufficient fruit fulness would not be induced. Dwarf trees may be planted at a distance of six to ten feet apart. They will always need careful at- tention to pruning, and to thorough and enriched cultivation of the ground. Horizontal training, for walls or espaliers, is *^*~ very rarely practiced or needed in this country. """It is occasionally em- ployed in limited gar- i * f* i dens, to torm bouncia- Fi - 158 - ries of walks, without occupying much lateral space, and where it is desired to Fig. 157. T 200 GATHERING AND KEEPING PEARS* grow large and fine specimens of fruit by strong exposure to the sun. The mode may be briefly understood by the ac- companying figure representing a partly grown tree. As the tree advances, shoots will be produced from the sides of the horizontal arms ; these must be stopped or pinched off early in summer, to prevent their drawing too hard on the rest of the tree, and a similar course pursued with them to that described on page 90 of this work. The fruit-buds, and all the shoots or spurs supporting fruit-buds, are to be cut closely off wherever too thick for an even crop. Early in autumn the shortened shoots are to be cut down, leaving the fruit-buds, only, to bear the next season. By this regu- larity of pruning, the tree will preserve a neat appearance, and bear regular crops. The horizontal branches may be about one foot apart for large pears, and eight inches for small ; and the trees, if on quince roots, may be about 10 feet apart. GATHERING AND KEEPING THE FRUIT. Nearly all pears ripen with a much finer flavor if picked and matured in the house. The exceptions are very few. Some, which prove only second or third rate when allowed to remain till they soften on the tree, become rich, melting, and delicious if house-ripened. Gathering the fruit while yet hard, will in nearly all cases prevent or greatly diminish the rotting at the core, which otherwise nearly destroys the value of many early sorts. Winter pears should hang upon the tree as late as safety will allow, and when gathered should be kept in a cool room till near their usual period of maturity, when the ripen- ing is to be completed in a warm room, at a temperature of 60 or 70 degrees. They should be kept covered to prevent shrivelling. Some cultivators have wholly repudiated win- ter pears, merely from a want of skill in the management of their ripening, or the want of a good cellar to keep them in. Some sorts, however, as the Beurra d'Aremberg, require but little care ; others, as the Vicar of Winkfield need par- ticular attention. But the transfer from the cool to the warm room is of great importance to most, and will convert tough and hard specimens into those which are juicy, melting, and excellent. DISEASES OF THE PEAR TREE. 201 DISEASES AND ENEMIES. Blight. A most formidable difficulty in the cultivation of the pear, is the blight, known in its modifications, supposed or real, by the names fire-blight, insect-blight, frost-blight, and frozen sap-blight. The causes may be various, but the apearances are the same, a sudden withering and turning black of the leaves on certain limbs during rapid growth, and while the rest of the tree remains apparently in full vigor, the evil extending downwards, unless naturally or artificially checked, till the whole tree is destroyed. After a close investigation for years, by the most skilful cultivators of the country, a satisfactory explanation, appli- cable to all cases, has not been made. The earlier theory was, that the hot rays of the sun pro- duced the disaster, and hence the original name fire-blight. This was confirmed by the fact that the blight was often most fatal in the hottest summers ; and weakened by the opposing fact that shaded portions of the tree were as fre- quently attacked as those fully exposed to the action of the hot sun. It was subsequently discovered that a small insect, (Sco- lytis pyri,) by the supposed infusion of poison, caused the death of the branches, but no general or wide destruction of the pear could be traced to this source. More recently, the frozen-sap theory has been extensively adopted. The explanation by this theory is as follows : A damp and warm autumn causes a late and unripened growth of wood, imperfectly able to withstand the effects of winter. It is acted upon by severe frosts, not, however, so as to produce immediate death or winter-killing, but so as to result, sooner or later, in disease and partial decomposi- tion of the sap, by which it becomes poisonous in its nature, and by passing downwards through the bark, spreads death in its progress.* This theory is corroborated by many local observations, and by the general fact that the blight is much more de- * A modification of the frozen-sap blight, known sometimes by the name of frost- blight, occurs early in summer, immediately after unusuul and sharp nocturnal frosts. The young and tender shoots and the branches below them, are observed to die sud- denly wiihiu a few days, but protracted in some instances to several weeks. The sap from the dead limbs does not in this case appear 'to be so deleterious as in other forms of blight, and although sometimes destroying large portions of trees, they more frequently escape after a partial loss of their tops. 202 DISEASES OF THE PEAR TREE. structive in the warm and fertile valleys of southern Ohio, where vegetation continues late, is more succulent in its texture, and where the frosts are sudden and sharp, than in the dryer and cooler climate of New England. But this same reason is also adduced in support of the original fire- blight theory, and indeed it applies with strength to both. But after admitting that the different theories may be in part correct, and that the blight may be caused by a combi- nation in a greater or less degree of each assigned cause, we are driven to the conclusion, from a large number of observations, of which these limits wholly preclude even a brief recital, that the cause of the blight, like that of the po- tato disease, remains hi:! in a large number of instances from our knowledge. And that, whether the latent tendency to disease is only increased and developed by changes of the Weather, or whether those changes actually produce them, is yet enveloped in doubt. Happily, however, the remedy is not obscured in uncer- tainty. For whether by an insect, or by the poisonous in- fluence of the descending juices, its progress must be ar- rested by an immediate excision of the dead branches. And, as the poison passes downwards some time before its effects are visible externally, the amputation must be made two or three feet below the affected part, if the poison as well as the dead part, is to be removed. Equally necessary is it, that the infection of the diseased limbs be removed as speedi- ly as possible out of the way, by burning. This remedy cannot be effectual, unless very promptly and fearlessly applied. Many cultivators, in fear of mutila- ting their trees, do not cut low enough, and leave the seeds of death remaining in the tree. Others delay the applica- tion of the remedy for a number of days, till cure is hope- less. In extensive and malignant cases, the disaster may be difficult to subdue even by the most prompt measures ; but in ordinary instances entire success will follow. In any event, it will be better to cut away and burn by successive portions a whole tree, than to lose it entire by this disease, a result equally certain, with the added evil of spreading the malady. Two contiguous neighbors had each a large pear orchard ; one of them neglectei all attention, the other spent ten DISEASES OF THE PEAR TREE. 203 minutes daily in the examination of all his trees, and incut- ting out freshly diseased limbs. The former lost many en- tire trees ; the latter saved every one, and kept his orchard nearly clear. Young trees in close rows have been attacked successively till all perished; in other rows where the affected trees were quickly removed, few of the remainder suffered. Washing the affected parts with a solution of potash and sulphate of iron, (or copperas,^) has in some cases arrested the disease, or destroyed the peculiar fermented odor which attends its more malignant forms, and by which, perhaps, it is sometimes spread. Among preventives, a good, rich, firm, and dry soil, and a site favoring the early ripening of the wood, and adverse to a late succulent growth, hold unimportant rank. The bark of the pear is evidently of a very delicate structure, and it becomes more able to resist changes and disease as the growth is moderately vigorous, and healthy and matured. The attempt has been made to select those varieties least liable to blight, but results vary so exceedingly, that nearly all efforts have proved fruitless. But among those which have escaped in the largest number of instances may be named, first, the Seckel, which is scarcely ever destroyed even at Cincinnati, and the White Doyenne. The Made- leine and Passe Colmar appear to be more liable than the majority of sorts. Dwarf pear trees are not usually so subject to blight as others. Cracking of the fruit has been ahead}? 1 adverted to under the head of soils and special manures, and the remedy point- ed out. It usually appears in the form of a thick coating of black rust, spreading over the surface, when partly grown, causing the skin to crack, shrivel, and dry up. 204 CLASSIFICATION OF PEARS. SYNOPSIS OF ARRANGEMENT. DIVISION I. SUMMER PEARS. Class I. Distinct pyriform. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. Class II. Obscure pyriform, obovate, or turbinate. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. Class III. Roundish or oblate. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. DIVISION II. AUTUMN PEARS. Class I. Distinct pyriform. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. Class II. Obscure pyriform^ obovate, or turbinate. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. Class HI. Roundish or oblate. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. CLASSIFICATION OF PEARS. 205 DIVISION III. WINTER PEAKS. Class I. Distinct pyriform. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. Class II. Obscure pyriform, obovate, or turbinate. Section I. Large pears. . Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. Class IIL Roundish or oblate. Section I. Large pears. Section II. Medium in size. Section III. Small. VARIETIES. The quality of pears is remarkably liable to change from external causes. A difference in soil and cultivation exerts so great an influence with many fine sorts, that while they possess the highest flavor when growing on favorable ground kept rich and mellow, they become greatly inferior or even worthless in poor soil with neglected culture. Besides these, there are other influences dependant on a change of locality, all of which taken together, have contributed to the great diversity of opinion which exists in relation to many celebrated varieties. The experienced pomologist will hence perceive the difficulty of weighing evidence for and against the different sorts, and of expressing a degree of quality that shall coincide with the opinions of all. It will be understood, that the quality given on the fol- lowing pages, refers only to pears tested in this country. Some European varieties, which maintain a high character at home, prove of no value here. In describing pears, it may be well to repeat that the term base applies in all cases to the part nearest the tree ; and apex, to the part most remote. This is in accordance with universal practice among eminent botanists. The apex is usually termed the crown; and it is sufficiently evident that the crown (upper portion or surmounting part,} cannot at the same time be the base. 206 SUMMER PEARS. Fig. 154 Bartktt. Fig. 155BIcodgood. SUMMER PEARS. 20< DIVISION I. SUMMER PEARS. CLASS I. DISTINCT PYRIFORM. Section I. Large- Pears. BARTLETT. (Syn. Williams' Bonchretien.) Quite large obtuse-pyriform, slightly obconic, surface wavy, clear yel- low, sometimes a faint blush ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, stout, slightly sunk ; basin little or none ; apex slightly plaited, sometimes smooth ; flesh nearly white, very fine-grained, exceedingly tender and buttery, with a nearly sweet, sometimes faintly sub-acid, perfumed, fine, moderately rich flavor. Ripens end of summer and be- ginning of autumn ; and far north, is strictly an autumn pear. The fruit, when not fully grown, ripens and be- comes of good quality if kept in the house a week or two. Growth erect, vigorous, leaves folded, slightly recurved; shoots yellowish. Tree very productive, and bears very young. Although not of the first class as to flavor, the many fine qualities of this pear render it a general favo- rite. Belle of Brussels. (Syn. Belle de Bruxelles, Beauty of Brussels, Belle d'Aout, Belie of August.) Rather large, sometimes only medium, neck rather long, slender, and somewhat obconic ; surface smooth, rich yellow with greenish specks, slightly reddened in the sun ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather stout, fleshy at ends ; calyx scarcely sunk ; flesh white, with a third-rate flavor. Very handsome, but worthless. Late summer. Belgian. Jargonelle, (English.} (Syn. Epargne, Real Jargonelle.^) Rather large, long pyriform, neck rather slender, acute, body nearly round, or slightly ovate in large specimens ; surface greenish yellow, with a dull brownish cheek ; stalk an inch and three-fourths long, curved, obliquely in- serted ; calyx large, rather erect, basin very small ; flesh rather coarse, juicy, with a pleasant, refreshing sub-acid, 208 SUMMER PEARS. second-rate flavor. Ripens about two weeks after har- vest, and three weeks or more before the Bartlett. - Shoots large, dark brown, becoming rather crooked. The fruit rots badly at the core unless ripened in the house. Ol French origin. French Jargonelle. (S2/?z..Bellisime d'Ete, Supreme, Sum- mer Beauty, Red Muscadel.) Size, medium ; pyriform, approaching obovate ; skin shining, light green, becoming lemon yellow, with a rich, deep red cheek ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, slightly sunk ; basin shallow ; flesh white, coarse, breaking, sweet, flavor third rate. Rots at the core. Ripens with the English Jargonelle. Growth strong, upright. Handsome and worthless. Windsor. (Syn. Summer Bell.) Large, very distinct py- riform, body somewhat ovate or conical ; skin green or greenish yellow, sometimes a dull brownish cheek ; stalk nearly two inches long, fleshy at insertion, not sunk ; calyx erect or closed, sunk little or none ; flesh rather coarse, slightly acid and astringent, of poor flavor. Rots at the core. Ripens middle of 8 mo., (Aug. ) Valueless, but has been cultivated on account of its size and beauty, and the free growth and productiveness of the tree. Sectio?i II. Medium in size. BRANDYWINE. Size medium ; obconic-pyriform, neck acute; smooth, dull yellowish green, partly russeted, crown thick- ly russeted ; stalk three-fourths to an inch and a half long, fleshy at insertion ; flesh white, very juicy and melting, of fine flavor. Leaves rather small, shoots pale olive, vigorous, upright ; tree very productive. A native of Delaware Co., Pa. New. Summer Thorn. (Syn. Epine d'Ete.) Size medium; pyri- form, approaching obconic-turbinate ; surface smooth, greenish yellow, a little darker and sometimes reddened towards the sun ; stalk stout, an inch to an inch and a fourth long, not sunk, fleshy at insertion ; calyx short, basin plaited, very shallow ; flesh tender, melting, with a third rate flavor. Resembles a small Jargonelle. Shoots yellowish brown. SUMMER PEARS. 209 TYSON. Size medium, often rather large, obconic-pyriform, sometimes approaching obconic-obovate ; bright yellow, with a reddish brown softly shaded cheek, often some rus- set ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, inserted into a fleshy prominence abruptly contracted from the rounded neck ; basin very shallow, even ; flesh of fine texture, buttery, very melting, juicy ; flavor nearly sweet, aromatic, slightly perfumed, excellent. Ripens the last two weeks of sum- mer. Shoots quite dark brown, erect, vigorous. The tree does not come soon into bearing. A native of Pa. Winship's Seedling. Size medium, obconic-pyriform ; pale lemon yellow, faintly russeted ; stalk an inch and a half long, slender, curved, not sunk ; calyx closed, basin round; juicy, melting, pleasant, second-rate. Late sum- mer. Shoots yellowish. Boston, Mass. Section III. Small. Early Rousselet. (Syn. Rousselet Hatif, Early Catherine, Cyprus Pear, Kattern.J Rather small ; neck narrow, acute ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, fleshy at insertion ; surface yellow, with a reddish brown cheek ; calyx small, basin shallow ; flesh sweet,, pleasant, per- fumed. Ripens v.*ith the Jargonelle, and immediately after the Madeleine. A second-rate fruit. Skinless. (Syn. Sanspeau.) Rather small, long pyriform, body conic-ovate, regular; skin smooth, very thin, yel- lowish green, often dotted with reddish brown in the sun; stalk about an inch and a half long, slender, curved, ca- vity very small; calyx closed or erect, basin minute, slightly ridged ; flesh half melting, juicy, with a sweet, slightly perfumed, good second-rate flavor. Ripens im- mediately after the Madeleine, or two weeks after har- vest. Growth very vigorous, erect, leaves flat, wavy. A profuse bearer; fruit always fair. Valuable. The Summer Frankreal, Madeleine, and Julienne, of the next class, slightly approach this class in form. 210 SUMMER PEARS. CLASS II. OBSCURE FYRIFORM, ' OBOVATE OR TURBINATE. Section L Large Pears. Leech's Kingsessing. Rather large ; obovate, approaching obtuse-pyriform ; green, with darker patches ; stalk an. inch long, sunk little or none on the obtuse base ; calyx small, basin shallow ; flesh buttery, delicate, rich. End of summer. Tree slightly thorny, shoots upright, vigor- ous, greenish yellow. Origin, Philadelphia. Smith's Moyamensing. Medium or large, sometimes quite large, variable; round-obovate, rather irregular; skin lemon yellow, sometimes marked with russet ; stalk near- ly an inch long, fleshy ; basin furrowed ; flesh buttery, melting, good, but not first-rate. Ripens from midsum- mer till autumn. Productive. Origin, Philadelphia. Dr. Brincklo observes, that this pear, like many others of its season, must be eaten by the chronometer, and if taken exactly at the right period, is of first quality. Section IT. Medium in size. BLOODGOOD. Size medium ; turbinate, approaching obo- vate, base contracted abruptly to the stalk ; yellow, touched with russet; stalk fleshy at insertion, an inch and a fourth long, set on the rounded base without depression ; calyx scarcely sunk ; flesh yellowish white, buttery and melt- ing, with a fine rich, aromatic flavor. Sometimes rots at the core. On some soils, the flavor becomes poor and insipid. Ripens immediately after Jargonelle and Skin- less, or the first half of S mo., (A.ug.) Like all early pears, it is best if house-ripened. Crawford. Size, medium ; obovate ; light yellow, with a brown cheek; flesh white, buttery, sweet, with a third- rate flavor. Late summer. Scotch. Julienne. Size, medium ; obovate, sometimes slight!}' pyri- form, regular ; whole surface clear yellow ; stalk an inch long, rather stout, cavity small ; calyx small, erect or closed, basin rather shallow ; flesh half buttery, sweet, of SUMMER PEARS. 211 good second-rate flavor, but often poor on heavy soils. Late summer. Shoots yellowish. Productive, and bears when very young. Limon. Size medium; obovate, slightly pyriform; light yellow, with a reddish brown blush ; stalk an inch and a half long ; cavity round, even, shallow ; calyx slightly sunk ; flesh buttery, melting, of fine texture, with a mild, sweet, slightly perfumed flavor. Late summer. Shoots long, slender, reddish brown. Belgian. MADELEINE. (Syn. Citron des Cannes, Magdelen, Green Chisel, incorrectly.) Medium in size, obconic-obovate, obcurely pyriform ; skin smooth, pale yellowish green, rarely a faint brownish blush ; stalk slender, an inch and a half long, cavity very narrow and small ; basin very shallow ; flesh very juicy and melting, usually faintly acid, with an agreeable, delicate, fine, refreshing flavor. Matures about midsummer, or at the time of wheat har- vest. Needs house-ripening. Shoots straight, erect, greenish, growth vigorous; tree rather liable to blight. Leaves quite flat. Muscadine. Size medium ; short obovate, regular, some- times slightly oblique ; surface a little rough, yellowish green, thickly dotted; stalk an inch and a fourth long, rather stout, cavity very small, even ; basin rather wide, shallow ; flesh buttery, melting, a little coarse, rather rich, slightly musky, faintly astringent, good second or nearly first-rate. Ripens end of summer, and early in autumn. Shoots rather thick. Origin, Orange County, New-York. Osband's Summer. (Syn. Summer Virgalieu, erroneously.) Medium in size, often rather small, obovate, regular, smooth and even ; sometimes remotely pyriform ; green- ish yellow becoming yellow, with a reddish brown cheek, often faintly russeted ; stalk three-fourths to one inch long, slightly sunk in a nearly even cavity ; calyx erect, in a round, nearly even, or slightly wrinkled basin; flesh white, granular, with a sweet, mild, and fine flavor. First rate in its best state, but soon loses its flavor when ma- 212 SUMMER PEARS. Fig. 159 Summer Frankreal. Fig. IQQRostiezer. Fig. 161 Tyson. SUMMER PEAKS. 213 ture. Ripens early in 8 mo. (Aug.) Shoots yellowish olive, thick. Origin, Wayne Co., N. Y. ROSTIEZER. Rather small, sometimes medium in size; obconic-pyriform, approaching obovate, regular; skin dull brownish green, with a dark, dull, reddish brown cheek to the sun, with whitish specks, and traces of thin russet ; stalk an inch and a half to two inches long, slender, scarcely sunk ; basin little or none ; flesh juicy, melting, sweet, with a very high, perfumed flavor, of high excel- lence. Ripens late in summer. For rich flavor, it has scarcely an equal among summer pears. Shoots dark. Sugar of Hoyersworda. (Syn. Sucree de Hoyerswerda.) Size, medium ; obovate, approaching short pyriform ; smooth, pale yellowish green ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, scarcely sunk; basin small; flesh white, juicy, sweet, second-rate. End of summer. Needs house- ripening. Profusely productive. Shoots long, olive brown, leaves narrow. Sugar Top. (Syn. July Pear, Prince's Sugar.) Size me- dium, roundish-obconic, turbinate, regular ; skin yellow, with light green specks, rarely a very faint brownish blush ; stalk stout, fleshy at insertion, an inch and a half long; basin small; flesh sweet, tender, rather breaking, becoming mealy, third rate in flavor. Very productive. Ripens about midsummer, a few days after the Made- leine. SUMMER FRANKREAI.. (Syn. Franc Ral d'Ete.) Size me- dium, short-obovate, slightly pyriform, with a very short obtuse neck, body slightly conical, or tapering to the crown ; green, becoming pale yellowish green, often a faint yellowish brown blush; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, thick, slightly sunk ; calyx closed, basin fur- rowed ; flesh white, fine-grained, buttery, melting, rich, excellent. Late summer and early autumn. Shoots and leaves rather downy, leaves large. Summer St. Germain. Medium size, obovate; pale green; stalk an inch and a quarter long, oblique ; basin very shallow or none ; flesh tender, juicy, sweet, faintly acid, second-rate. 214 SUMMER PEAKS. SUMMER PEAES. 215 Vallee Franche. Size medium, obovate or turbinate, acute; pale green, -becoming pale yellowish green ; stalk an inch long, not sunk ; basin shallow ; flesh white, rather coarse, juicy, with a simply sweet, third-rate flavor. End of sum- mer. Valueless. Tyson pear, of the preceding class, often approaches this in outline. Section III. Small. Amire Joannet. (Syn. Early Sugar, St. John's pear, Joan- ette.) Small ; roundish obovate or turbinate, with a very small and short neck; light green becoming yellow, usually with a reddish brown cheek, and with conspicuous red dots ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, fleshy at inser- tion ; calyx large, not sunk ; pleasant and 'moderately juicy, becoming dry, and with a sweet, second or third rate flavor. Ripens about a week before wheat harvest, and is the earliest pear known, which comprises its merit. Growth stout, upright, vigorous, leaves flat, tree very pro ductive, bearing when young. DEARBORN'S SEEDLING. Scarcely medium in size, obovate turbinate, regular, smooth ; surface clear yellow, with minute specks ; stalk an inch long, sunk little or none , basin very shallow; flesh very fine grained, juicy, melt- ing, and of fine flavor. Ripens nearly with the Bloodgood, or middle of 8 mo., (Aug.) Shoots straight, long, dark brown. Tree bears when young ; the fruit always fair and of first quality in nearly all localities. Edward's Henrietta. Size, a little below medium ; obovate, crown flattened ; stalk set on the rounded point of the neck ; skin smooth, pale yellowish green, dots few; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity small or none ; calyx closed, basin shallow, faintly plaited, melting, juicy, sub- acid, with a good second-rate flavor. Very productive. Late summer. Origin, New Haven, Conn. Green Chisel. Small, nearly round, color green; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk ; calyx rather large, crumpled; flesh juicy, slightly gritty, sweet, of second or third-rate flavor. Late summer. Shoots erect. 10 216 SUMMER PEARS. Hessel. (Syn. Hazel.) Rather small, obovate, yellowish green, thickly dotted ; stalk one inch long, oblique ; calyx small ; basin shallow ; flesh whitish, juicy, pleasant. Late summer and early autumn. Shoots spreading. Little Musk. (Syn. Petit Muscat, Little Muscat, Primitive.) Quite small, turbinate ; dull greenish yellow ; stalk three- fourths to an inch and a half long, little sunk ; calyx open, basin little or none ; flesh breaking, sweet, very slightly musky, second-rate. Rather better in quality than Amire Joannet, but smaller and a week later, ripening with the Madeleine. Very productive. Manning's Elizabeth. Small, obovate, obscurely pyriform, smooth ; surface yellow, with a lively blush ; stalk "one inch long, cavity round, shallow; flesh very melting, saccharine, sprightly, perfumed. End of summer. Bel- gian. Muscat Robert. (Syn. Musk Robine, Early Queen, D'Am- bre.) Small, turbinate, greenish yellow ; stalk three- fourths of an inch long, surface at insertion uneven, but not sunk ; calyx large, basin little or none ; flesh tender, juicy, pleasant. Ripens with the Madeleine. Ott. Small, roundish, turbinate ; greenish yellow, russeted in part, rarely a mottled red cheek ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, cavity small ; calyx rather large, basin shal- low; flesh melting, rich, perfumed, aromatic, closely re- sembling that of its parent the Seckel. Ripens quite early, or by the first or middle of 8 mo. (Aug.) Origin, Montgomery Co., Pa. New. SUMMER DOYENNE. (Syn. Doyenne d'Et'>.) Small ; round- obovate, slightly turbinate ; stalk an inch or an inch and a fourth long, rather stout, slightly oblique, not sunk ; ba- sin very shallow ; skin a fine yellow, with a warm cheek brightly reddened at the crown ; and with radiating stripes of greenish yellow from the calyx ; flesh melting, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant but not hi^h flavor. Skin thin ; core small ; seeds small, white. Ripens with the Made- leine, and nearly equal to it in quality. Tree bears very young. Shoots slender, reddish brown. New. SUMMER PEARS. 217 CLASS III. ROUNDISH OR OBLATE. Section I. Large Pears. Hampden's Bergamot. (Syn. Summer Bergamot, Lind.; Bergamoted'Ete, Scotch Bergamot. ) Large, roundish, slightly obovate ; green becoming clear yellow, dots small; stalk one-half or three-fourths of an inch long, rather stout ; cavity small, round ; calyx small, closed, basin shallow; flesh breaking, granular, half buttery and agree- able if house-ripened. End of summer and first of au- tumn. Handsome. Growth strong. Section II. Medium in size. Bergamot, Early. Size medium, roundish-oblate ; pale yel- lowish-green, a few dull red streaks towards the sun or a faint dull red cheek ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, thick, slightly sunk, juicy, sweet, crisp, third-rate. Late in summer. French. Bergamot, Large Summer. Medium in size, roundish, ap- proaching obovate, smooth, clear yellow; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity and basin narrow, deep, and smooth ; flesh breaking, half buttery, not rich. Early in autumn. Tree of free growth and productive. Citron. Size, medium ; roundish ; dull green ; flesh green- ish white, a little coarse, melting, juicy, good. End of summer. Origin, New-Haven, Conn. Fine Gold of Summer. (Syn. Fin Or d'Ete.) Round-tur- binate, skin very smooth, yellowish green, with a brilliant red cheek ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, not sunk ; basin very shallow; flesh greenish white, juicy, half- breaking, second-rate. Ripens soon after the Madeleine. Summer Rose. (Syn. Epine Rose, Thorny Rose, Poire de Rose.) Medium size, roundish-oblate ; skin faint yellow, with some russet, and a red russet cheek ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, slender, cavity very small ; basin very shallow; flesh juicy, rather rich, good second-rate. End of summer. Soon decays. AUTUMN PEARS. Fig. 167 Paradise d'Automne. Fig. 168 Beurre Bosc. SUMMER PEARS. . 219 Section III Small. Bergamot, Summer. Small, round, yellowish green, with a brownish cheek ; basin wide ; flesh juicy, moderately rich, soon becoming mealy and dry. Ripens soon after rnid-summer. Growth feeble. Summer Portugal. (Syn. Passans du Portugal.) Size, rather small, often nearly medium ; roundish-oblate, regu- lar ; skin yellowish green or pale yellow, with a hand- some red cheek in the sun, formed of the reddened dots ; stalk about an inch long ; calyx stiff, erect ; cavity and basin shallow; flesh white, breaking, tender, juicy, good second-rate. Late summer. Very productive. Shoots upright, reddish brown. Williams' Early. Rather small, roundish, remotely turbi- nate, regular ; bright yellow, sunny side with scarlet dots; stalk an inch and a half long, fleshy at insertion ; calyx very short, erect, basin slightly plaited ; flesh white, granular, juicy half-buttery, rich, slightly musky. End of summer and first of autumn. Shoots dark. A hand- some, good second-rate pear, a native of Roxbury, Mass. Summer Doyenn6, of the preceding class, approaches this class in form. DIVISION II. AUTUMN PEARS. CLASS I. DISTINCT PYRIFORM Section /. Large Pears. BEURRE BOSC. (Syn. Calebasse Bosc.) Large, very distinct pyriform, neck rather long and very narrow, acute ; body large oblate ; surface nearly smooth, deep yellow, russeted in patches ; stalk an inch and a half long, slen- der, curved ; basin very shallow ; flesh juicy, buttery, rich, perceptibly perfumed, sweet, excellent. Mid-autumn. Growth moderate, a regular, even bearer. Fails entirely on quince stocks. Belgian. 220 AUTUMN PEARS. BEURRE DIEL. (Syn. Diel, Diel's Butter.) Large, some- times very large, thick pyriform, neck short, obtuse, body very large ; small specimens approach obovate ; skin dull yellow, with numerous conspicuous dots, and some russet ; stalk an inch and a fourth to an inch and a half long, stout, moderately sunk ; basin slightly furrowed ; flesh rather coarse, rich, sugary, buttery, juicy, fine. Late au- tumn and early winter. Leaves roundish or broad. Uni- formly fine on quince stocks, second-rate on the pear. Belgian. Bishop's Thumb. Rather large, long and narrow, distinct pyriform, surface very uneven ; skin dark yellowish green, more or less russeted ; a dull red russet cheek ; stalk an inch and a half long, crooked ; basin very shallow, calyx erect or reflexed; flesh juicy, melting, good. Ripens mid-autumn. English. Burnett. Large, obtuse pyriform; smooth, pale yellow, thickly dotted, sometimes slightly russeted; stalk an inch and a half long ; calyx stifT, basin shallow ; flesh green- ish white, rather coarse, juicy, second-rate. Mid-autumn. Origin, Southborough, Mass. Chelmsford. Large, obconic-pyriform, obscurely ribbed at crown, yellow, with a red cheek, showy ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity crumpled, shallow; calyx deep- sunk; flesh hard, breaking, sweet; only fit for cooking. Mass. Colmar d'Aremberg. Large, short obconic-pyriform, neck short and narrow, body large and somewhat ribbed ; yel- low, mottled with russet ; stalk oblique ; basin very deep; flesh fine-grained, melting, buttery, but with a poor third or fourth-rate flavor. This new foreign sort has been highly praised, but several years of fruiting in this coun- try have proved it worthless. Cumberland. Large, obovate-pyriform , or obconic-pyriform, orange yellow, with a pale blush, showy ; stalk an inch and a half long, stout; calyx slightly sunk; flesh white, melting, buttery, with a poor third-rate flavor. Mid- autumn. Origin, Cumberland, R. I. AUTUMN PEARS. 221 Dix. Large, long pyriform, body round-ovate, tapering slightly to the often oblique and slightly flattened and ob- tuse crown; yellowish green, becoming deep yellow; dots numerous, distinct ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, stout at each end, slightly sunk, basin small ; flesh rather granu- lar, rich, juicy, sweet, often excellent, sometimes rather acid. One of the most valuable autumn pears. Middle and late autumn. A tardy bearer. Shoots yellow, rather slen- der, often thorny ; leaves flat. A native of Boston, Mass. Duchesse tf Angoulcme. Very large, very obtuse pyriform, sometimes oblong-obovate, surface very uneven, greenish yellow, often some russet ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, very stout, cavity deep, often wide ; calyx small, basin uneven ; flesh yellowish white, rather coarse, melting, buttery, juicy, sometimes fine, often poor usu- ally nearly first-rate, or good second-rate, on quince stocks ; worthless on pear stocks. Ripens mid-autumn, and later. French. Duchesse d^Orleans. Large, often only medium; sometimes long-pyriform, but usually obovate-pyriform, somewhat obconic ; skin golden yellow, slightly russeted, sometimes nearly overspread with russet, with a red cheek ; stalk thick, about an inch and a half long, scarcely sunk ; basin smalL even ; flesh buttery and melting, rich ; when well ripened, delicious. Ripens mid-autumn. A very hand- some, fine, new, French variety. Growth rather spread- ing, shoots yellowish. Frederick of Wurtemburg. (Syn. Fred'ric de Wurtem- burg.) Large, short pyriform, neck narrow, very acute, crown broad, body oblate; surface whitish yellow, rarely deep yellow, often a handsome red cheek, more or less russeted ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, some- times very fleshy, often not ; basin wide, very shallow ; flesh, when well ripened, very melting, buttery, juicy, sometimes delicious, often poor, varying from first to below third-rate. Needs house-ripening. Early and mid- 'autumn. Shoots yellowish brown, thick. Belgian. Gendesheim. Large, often only medium, obtuse-pyrifonn, rather irregular, small specimens obovate, approaching 222 AUTUMN PEARS. Fig. 169-Louise Bonne of Jersey. Pig . m - Flemish Leauty AUTUMN PEARS. 223 obtuse-obconic ; skin greenish yellow, thickly dotted, slightly russeted ; stalk an inch or more long, oblique ; calyx small, basin narrow, irregular ; buttery, rather rich, gritty at core, second rate. Late autumn. Flemish. King Edward's. (Syn. Jackman's Melting.) Large or medium, neck acute, obconic ; surface rough, greenish yellow, with a dull reddish cheek ; and some patches of greenish russet ; stalk half an inch to an inch long ; calyx small, erect, scarcely sunk ; flesh buttery, melting, some- times good, often rather acid and astringent. Handsome, second-rate. Mid-autumn. Long Green. (Syn. Long Green of Autumn, Verte Longue, Mouthwater.) Rather large, long-pyriform, neck long, narrow, rather acute, body ovate-conical, or tapering to the crown ; surface uniformly green ; stalk an inch or little more long, often oblique, not sunk ; calyx scarcely sunk, often prominent, reflexed ; flesh very juicy, with a high, nearly first-rate or good second-rate flavor. The Verte Longue Panache, or Striped Long Green, is a worthless sub-variety of the above, with striped skin. LOUISE BONNE OF JERSEY. (Syn. Louise Bonne de Jersey, Louise Bonne d'Avranches.) Large pyriform, neck somewhat obconic, body approaching oblong, taper- ing slightly to obtuse or flattened crown ; slightly one- sided ; surface smooth, pale yellowish green, with a brownish red cheek; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, often fleshy at insertion, little sunk ; basin shallow; flesh yellowish white, very juicy, buttery, melting, rich, faintly sub-acid, fine. Ripens mid-autumn ; late autumn far north, early autumn at Cincinnati. Very productive; succeeds admirablv and grows with great vigor on quince stocks, and should be worked on no other. Shoots dark brown or purple ; serratures of the leaves rather coarse. This fine variety, like the Bartlett, is hardly of the highest quality, but is eminently valuable for its large, fair fruit, free growth, and great productiveness. Madotte. Large, pyriform, smooth, yellow, with a little russet ; stalk one inch long, thick at ends, not sunk ; flesh 1> 224 AUTUMN PEARS. half-buttery, dry, third-rate or worthless. Showy. Mid- autumn. Marie Louise. Large pyriform, a little one-sided, or with a curved axis ; body somewhat conical ; surface pale green, becoming yellowish, partly russeted ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather stout, often oblique ; calyx small, basin narrow, plaited ; flesh buttery, melting, vinous, when well grown rich and fine, offen second or third rate, variable. Needs rich cultivation or else the fruit will be poor. Mid-autumn. Growth very flexuous and strag- gling, shoots olive gray, petioles very long, leaves nar- row. Belgian. Marie Louise Nova. Rather large ; regular pyriform, neck acute, tapering ; skin smooth, yellow, with a bro\vnish red cheek ; stalk one to two inches long, rather slender ; basin shallow; melting, juicy, quickly decays, sometimes good, often poor. Early mid-autumn. Belgian. Neill. Large, obovate-pyriform, axis slightly curved, neck acute, stalk an inch long; skin pale yellow, with traces of thin russet; flesh white, buttery sweet. Shoots diverging. Belgian. ONONDAGA OR SWAN'S ORANGE. Quite large, obtuse oval- pyriform, nearly in the form of a double cone, neck very short and obtuse, body large and tapering to obtuse apex ; skin roughi^h, greenish yellow, becoming rich yellow, dots numerous, often a slight brown cheek, crown often slightly russeted ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, stout, slightly sunk ; calyx small, closed, basin nar- row, ribbed ; flesh slightly coarse, buttery, melting, some- times a little breaking, juicy, rich, high-flavored, fine, but not of the highest quality. Ripens rnid-autumn. Growth vigorous, shoots yellow, ascending. Productive. Origin unknown ; cultivated in western New- York. Nearly re- sembles the Ronville in outline. PARADISE D'AUTOMNE, or ".Autumn Paradise."- Rather large, distinct pyriform ; surface uneven, yellowish orange, with some thin russet patches; stalk an inch and a half long, not sunk ; basin small, irregular; flesh melt- AUTUMN PEARS. 225 ing, very buttery, with a rich, high, and excellent flavor. Ripens about mid-autumn. Shoots yellowish, at first up- right, afterwards becoming straggling, growth vigorous. This pear resembles the Beurre Bosc, but is less smooth, more irregular in form, has a less narrow neck, is more melting and sprightly, and of more vigorous growth. Vluinbgastel. Large, pyriform, slightly obconic, crown obtuse ; surface smooth, greenish yellow, crown russeted with a distinct boundary ; stalk an inch long, stout, not sunk ; basin moderate, narrow ; flesh rather coarse, half- melting, juicy, rich, with a good second-rate flavor, about equal in richness to the Bartlelt. Middle and late au- tumn. French. New. Queen of the Low Countries. Large pyriform, neck narrow, body broad or slightly oblate ; surface slightly uneven, dull greenish yellow, crown russeted, with numerous, often confluent russet dots, and a slight blush ; stalk an inch and a half long, curved, not sunk ; calyx small, rather deep-set, basin riobed ; buttery, melting, juicy, moderate- ly rich, sub-acid, with a second-rate, Brown Beurre fla- vor. Mid-autumn. Belgian. Reine des Poires. Rather large, obtuse-pyriform, varying to turbinate, regular ; greenish-yellow ; stalk an inch and- one-fourth long, slender ; basin shallow ; flesh dry, flavor poor. Mid-autumn. Summer Bonchretien. (Syn. Bon Chretien d'Ete, Summer Good Christian, Gratioli d'Ete, September.) Large, py- riform, somewhat obtusely and irregularly ribbed ; skin yellow, with a rich orange red cheek to the sun; stalk two inches long curved, sunk or not; calyx small, in an uneven basin ; flesh granular, breaking, juicy, very sweet, pleasant. Fine for baking. Liable to crack and mil- dew in many localities ; when fair and well grown it is of fine quality. Ripens early in autumn. Growth strag- gling, shoots stout, horny, buds projecting, hard ; leaves roundish, flat. Triomphe de Jodigne. Quite large, pyriform ; stalk short, thick ; calyx sunk ; skin deep yellow, slightly green in 226 AUTUMN PEARS. the shade, deep red in the sun ; flesh melting, of good flavor. Ripens late autumn. Tree vigorous. New. URBANISTE. (Syn. Beurre Piquery.) Rather large, ob- conic-pyriform, obtuse and short, often approaching obo- vate ; skin pale yellow or greenish, faintly russeted ; stalk an inch long, stout, moderately and sometimes conside- rably sunk ; calyx erect or closed ; basin distinct, even ; flesh melting, buttery, with a fine, delicious perfumed fla- vor, and a perceptible shade of acid. In unfavorable localities, it is sometimes hardly first-rate. Middle and late autumn. Does not come soon into bearing. Flemish. VAN MONS LEON LE CLERC. Large, long pyriform, or rather oblong-obconic pyriform, obtuse ; surface yellowish green, slightly russeted ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, stout, little sunk ; calyx small, basin very shallow; flesh fine-grained, yellowish white, buttery, melting, rich, fine. Ripens middle and late autumn. A native o( Laval, in France. The value of this fine new pear is diminished by its liability to crack and canker. Section II. Medium in size. Amande Double. Size medium, pyriform ; skin yellov; and bright red ; stalk short, fleshy at insertion ; flesh coarse, sweet, tender, second or third-rate, rarely good. Early autumn. Belgian. ANDREWS. (Syn. Amory, Gibson.) Medium or rather large, distinct pyriform, somewhat obconic, often slightly one-sided; skin thick, dull yellowish-green, with abroad, dull red cheek ; stalk about an inch long, curved, scarcely sunk; basin shallow, sometimes deep; flesh greenish, very juicy, melting, of a fine, pleasant, agreeable flavor. On some localities not first-rate. Ripens early in autumn. Very productive and fair. Shoots diverging. Origin, Dorchester, Mass. Angleterre. (Syn. English Beunv, of Lind., Beurre d'An- gleterre.) Medium size, obconic-pyriform, acute, regular; skin thiclc, dull light green, thickly dotted with russet, with a thin brownish russet cheek ; stalk about an inch AUTUMN PEARS. 227 long, slender; basin smooth, scarcely sunk; flesh buttery, melting, juicy, with a rather poor flavor. Early in au- tumn. Productive. A common market fruit at Paris. Autumn Coimar. Medium in size, obtuse-pyriform ; pale green ; stalk an inch long, slightly sunk ; calyx small, closed, basin slightly furrowed ; flesh gritty at core, buttery, second-rate in flavor. Ripens at mid-autumn. Flemish. Beurre Duval. Medium size, obconic-pyriform, pale green, stalk half to three-fourths of an inch long, under a lip, cavity small ; calyx erect, basin shallow ; flesh greenish white, rather coarse, melting, buttery, good second-rate, variable. Late autumn. .Resembles Andrews, but not so good. Belgian. Beurre Van Marum. Medium in size, sometimes rather large, oblong-pyriform, rather irregular; &kin yellow; stalk long, slender, cavity flattened ; calyx large, basin shallow, irregular,' flesh melting, juicy, sweet, agreeable. Mid-autumn. Productive, and bears young. A good second-rate pear. Flemish. Beurre Van Mons. Medium size, pyriform ; yellow, rus- seted ; a third-rate fruit. Mid-autumn. Calebasse. (Syn. Calabash.) Size medium, or rather large ; long-pyriform, neck elongated, acute, body round, rather small ; surface uneven or knobby, yellow, partly russeted ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, oblique, not sunk ; calyx short, erect, basin small, ribbed ; flesh coarse, breaking, juicy, sugary, pleasant ; second-rate. Early autumn. Belgian. Calebasse Grosse. Very large, obconic-oblong ; smooth, shining, yellowish green; stalk stout, an inch long; flesh rather coarse, half melting, tolerably good. Belgian. Capiaumont. (Syn. Beurre de Capiaumont.) Size medium; obconic-pyriform, quite acjute, approaching turbinate, regular; skin smooth, yellow, with cinnamon red to the sun, distinctly dotted, slightly russeted; calyx widely re- flexed, not sunk ; stalk about an inch long, but varying ; 228 AUTUMN PEARS. flesh white, buttery, melting, moderately juicy, sweet, often astringent, about second-rate. Hardy and produc- tive. Leaves folded, recurved. Ripens about mid-au- tumn. Belgian. Clara. Size, medium ; oval-pyriform ; clear yellow, with a blush, dotted red ; stalk stout ; calyx and basin small ; juicy, melting, somewhat acid; second or third-rate. About mid-autumn. Shoots stout, dark brown. Belgian. Comprette. Size, medium, or rather large ; obtuse-pyriform; yellowish green, thickly dotted with brown ; stalk short, stout, thickened at insertion ; basin shallow ; flesh but- tery, melting, rich, good, often nearly first-rate. Middle and late autumn. Belgian. Countess of Lujiay. Size medium ; obovate-pyriform, some- what obconic ; skin smooth, pale waxen yellow, with a thin red cheek ; stalk about an inch and a half long, set without depression on the rounded ..point of the neck, which is slightly russeted;' basin very small", even; flesh white, very juicy, melting, fine nearly or quite first-rate. Mid-autumn. Dt'lices d* Hardenpont. Size medium ; obtuse-pyriform ; pale yellow, dotted in the shade and russeted in the sun ; stalk an inch long, obliquely set, cavity small ; calyx small, closed, basin plaited, uneven ; flesh buttery, melting, rich. Mid-autumn. Belgian. Edwards' William. Medium in size, obtuse-pyriform; yel- Icw, sunny side with red dots, flesh yellowish white, but- tery and melting, good. Early autumn. Origin, New- Haven. Figue. Medium or rather large, pyriform-pyramidal, regu- lar, body rounding to the apex ; skin thin, green, partly russeted at crown, often a dull red cheek, stalk an inch long, stout, very fleshy at insertion, not sunk; basin none ; flesh rather coarse, melting, juicy, rich, high-flavored. Late autumn. This pear has been cultivated and proved fine at Boston. There are some doubts of its identity with the Figue of the London Horticultural Society. AUTUMN PEARS/ . 229 Forelle. (Syn. Trout Pear.) Medium orrather large, pyri- form, approaching oblong-obovate ; green, becoming clear yellow, with a deep vermillion cheek, dots margined with crimson; stalk an inch long, slender, cavity moderate; basin rather abrupt and narrow ; flesh buttery and melt- ing, second-rate. Late autumn. Shoots dark, purplish ; leaves small, nearly flat. German. A pear of great beauty, which has contributed to its reputation. Harvard. Medium or rather large, oblong-pyriform ; skin russety olive yellow, and with a reddish cheek; stalk rather stout, sunk little or none, oblique ; basin narrow ; flesh juicy, melting, tender; rots at the core if not house- ripened. First of au:urnn. Very productive, growth vigo- rous, fruit handsome, rendering it profitable for market, although only second-rate in quality. Origin, Cambridge, Mass. Jersey Gratioli. Size medium ; regularly formed ; pale brown, somewhat rough, basin round, even ; flesh melt- ing, rich. Growth erect, vigorous, buds hoary. New. Lodge. Size medium, pyriform, neck small, narrow, very acute, sometimes ribbed and irregular ; greenish brown, much russeted ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, rather stout and curved ; basin varying from very shallow to deep and distinct ; flesh very juicy and melting, with a rich, vinous, or sub-acid Brown Beurr flavor. Early and mid-autumn. Origin, near Philadelphia, where it proves first-rate, but farther north it does not stand so high. Napoleon. Medium or rather large ; obconic-pyriform, ob- tuse, variable ; green becoming pale yellowish-green ; stalk an inch long, stout, slightly sunk ; basin rather large ; flesh uncommonly juicy, melting, moderately rich, good, sometimes astringent. From mid-autumn till win- ter. Needs ripening in a warm room. Very productive, thrifty, hardy. Shoots rather erect. Belgian. Best on warm light soils. Pailleau. Medium in size, pyriform-turbinate ; skin rough, greenish yellow, partly russeted ; stalk about an inch long,, very stout ; basin small ; flesh juicy, sweet, tolera- 230 AUTUMN PEARS. bly good ; second-rate. Early autumn. Overbears. Bel- gian. Pitt's Prolific. (Syn. Pitt's Surpasse Marie.) Medium size, oblong-pyriform, rather acute ; yellow, with a broad brownish-red cheek ; stalk curved, fleshy at base ; flesh juicy, hard, coarse ; third-rate. English. Pope's Quaker. Size medium, oblong-pyriform, with smooth yellow russet, juicy, melting, pleasant ; second or third rate. Mid-autumn. Long Island, N. Y. Queen Caroline. (Syn. Reine Caroline. ) Medium in size, narrow-pyriform, greenish becoming yellow, with a red- dish cheek ; stalk an inch long, curved, sunk little or none ; flesh white, crisp, dry ; third-rate. Late autumn. St. Ghislain. Size medium ; pyriform, neck narrow, acute, tapering ; surface pale yellow, sometimes a faint blush ; stalk an inch and a half long, curved with fleshy rings at insertion ; basin very shallow ; flesh white, buttery, juicy, with a fine flavor. 'Growth upright, vigorous, shoots light brown. Somewhat variable in quality, from first to second-rate. Belgian. Early autumn. Styrian. Medium or rather large; obconic-pyriform ; sur- face warm deep yellow, sometimes a bright red cheek, with russet streaks or patches; stalk an inch and a haif long, slender, often fleshy at insertion ; basin small, ir- regular ; flesh slightly granular, crisp, often juicy an I melting, second-rate, often nearly first-rate in flavor.. A profuse bearer. Ripens mid-autumn. English. Sullivan. Medium in size, oblong-pyriform, neck acute, ta- pering ; greenish yello.v; stalk an inch and a half long, stout ; flesh juicy, melting, second-rate. Early autumn. Belgian. Bilboa and Washington pears, of next class, approach this class in outline. Section III. Small. Yat. Rather small, pyriform-turbinate, slightly com- pressed ; densely russeied ; stalk an inch long, slender, AUTUMN PEARS. 231 oblique, not sunk ; calyx small, basin shallow ; tender, juicy, rather rich. Early autumn. Dutch. A third-rate pear ; soon decays. CLASS II. OBSCURE PYRIFORM, OBOVATE, OR TURBINATE- Section L Large Pears. Beurre d'Amalis. (Syn. Beurre d'Amanlis.) Large, obo- vatc, often slightly irregular, sometimes slightly pyriform, with a short and narravv neck ; dull yellowish green, with some russet, and a dull reddish cheek ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, very slightly sunk ; basin shallow ; flesh buttery, melting and juicy, and rather rich, with a second- rate flavor. Early and mid-autumn. A good grower, great bearer alternate years, and always perfects its fruit. Growth spreading. Belgian. BEURRE D'ANJOU. Rather large, obovate j approaching ob- conic, obtuse, regular; surface greenish-yellow, a dull red cheek to the sun, clouded with russet; stalk quite short, or half an inch long, slightly sunk, cavity uneven ; basin shallow, round smooth ; flesh yellowish white, fine- grained, buttery, melting, with a high, rich, vinous, ex- cellent flavor. Middle and late autumn. French. Beurre Knox. Large, oblong-obovate, obconic, acute ; sur- face pale green, with some thin russet ; stalk an inch long; basin small, narrow; flesh tender, juicy, but not high-flavored. Early mid-autumn. Flemish. Of little value. Brown Beurre. (Syn. Beurre Gris, Gray Beurre, Beurre" Rouge, Red Beurre, Beurre Isambert.^) Large, often only medium; oblong-obovate, with a rounded taper to the stalk ; skin yellowish green, russeted ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, rather oblique, thickening into the fruit ; basin rather shallow; flesh greenish white, very juicy, melting, buttery, with a rich sub-acid or vinous flavor. Early mid- autumn. Highly esteemed by those who prefer a vinous 232 AUTUMN PEARS. flavor. Partially fails in many localities ; needs rich, high cultivation. Wood short-jointed, flexuous, leaves folded. Capuciri. Rather large, oval, sometimes obtuse turbinate ; surface greenish, becoming pale yellow; slightly russeted at ends, reddened next the sun; stalk nearly an inch long, cavity obtuse ; basin deep, narrow, irregular ; flesh green- ish, juicy, crisp, rather rich; second-rate. Mid-autumn. Belgian. Chapman. Rather large, obovate, sometimes slightly pyri- form, obtuse, largest at the middle, tapering each way ; surface clear lemon yellow ; stalk nearly two inches long, cavity shallow, wrinkled ; calyx erect, basin ribbed ; flesh yellowish-white, very juicy, half breaking, rather acid ; sometimes astringent ; second-rate. Pa. Chancellor. Large, obovate, green ; stalk an inch long, rather thick, cavity small, irregular ; calyx small, basin contracted ; flesh melting, rich, very agreeable. Ripens about mid-autumn. Origin, Germantown, Pa. New. Copia. Large, broad-turbinate, acute ; yellow slightly rus- seted ; stalk long, stout, fleshy at insertion ; calyx large, basin slightly furrowed; flesh coarse, juicy, rather rich. Mid-autumn. Origin, Philadelphia. Dunmore. Large, oblong-obovate; surface greenish, with dots of brownish red russet ; stalk an inch and a half long, stout, fleshy at insertion, scarcely sunk in the obtuse and rounded base ; calyx small, deep-set ; flesh buttery, melt- ing, rich, good, but not first-rate. Early autumn. Eng- lish, raised by Knight. FLEMISH BEAUTY. (Syn. Belle de Flandres.^) Large, obo- vate, often obscurely tapering to the crown, very obtuse ; surface slightly rough, with some reddish brown russet on pale yellow ground ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, rather slender, cavity round, deep, narrow, often acumi- nate, rim obtusely rounded ; basin small, round ; flesh juicy, melting, often with a very rich, sweet, and excel- lent flavor, but variable, and sometimes not high-flavored; needs house-ripening. Shoots dark brown, growth vigo- AUTUMN PEARS. 233 rous, tree productive, and fruit always fair and handsome. Very valuable its chief and perhaps only deficiency is a frequent want of a full, high, rich flavor. It must be gathered while yet hard, and ripened within doors. The Beurre Spence, so long the " Great Unknown " of pomo- logists, is commonly believed to be no other than this variety. Great Citron of Bohemia. Large, oblong, yellow, spotted and tinged with red next the sun ; stalk an inch lonr ; flesh juicy, with a second or third-rate flavor. Jalousie. Rather large, varying from roundish to obovate- pyriform ; surface smooth, deep rich russet, with clear de- fined, lighter dots ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, cavi- ty and basin narrow and small, sometimes rather deep ; flesh white, dry, and with poor flavor. Mid-autumn. Shoots stout, olive. Handsome and worthless. French. Shenks. Rather large, roundish-obovate, obscurely ribbed, crown flattened ; light yellow, often a light red cheek ; stalk one inch long ; basin deep ; flesh white, a little gritty, tender, melting, sub-acid, second-rate. Needs house-ripening. Mid-autumn. New-England. Van Buren. Large, obovate, crown flattened ; surface clear yellow, with an orange red blush, dots conspicuous; flesh white, crisp, sweet, for baking only. Handsome. New- Haven, Conn. Van dssene. Rather large, obovate, slightly angular; crown obtuse, sides rounded ; skin fair, smooth, dull yellow ; stalk an inch and a qurater long, slender, curved, mode- rately sunk ; calyx closed ; flesh white, rather coarse, buttery, melting, rich. Belgian. Onondaga, and Dutchess of Angouleme, of the preceding class, approach this in form. Section II. Medium in size. Abbott. Medium in size, oblong-obovate, (like the Wash- ington,) surface even, smooth, dark dull green, with a reddish brown cheek changing to scarlet, stalk an inch 234 AUTUMN PEARS. long; calyx small, closed ; melting, juicy, rich. Early mid-autumn, Good and handsome. Providence, R. I. Alpha. Medium, obovate, slightly oblong ; greenish yellow, with red dots to the sun; stalk an inch long, slightly sunk ; basin round ; flesh juicy, buttery, sweet, fine. Mid- autumn. Belgian. Ananas. Medium or large, obovate-obconic, dull or green- ish yellow, stalk stout, short, fleshy at insertion, calyx closed, basin narrow, angular ; melting, juicy, rich. Mid- autumn. France. New. The Ananas d'Ete is distinct, and requires farther investigation. Ambrosia. Size medium, round-obovate, slightly flattened at ends ; skin greenish-yellow, thickly dotted ; stalk about an inch and a half long, cavity rather broad and shallow ; calyx erect or closed, basin wide, plaited; flesh slightly breaking, buttery, good Second-rate, often only third-rate. Early in autumn. French. BELLE LUCRATIVE, or FONDANTE D'AUTOMNE. Size medi- um, obconic-obovate, sometimes remotely pyrifomi ; sur- face pale yellowish-green, slightly russeted ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, often fleshy, oblique ; cavity very small and narrow ; calyx short ; basin smooth, sometimes furrowed ; flesh very juicy, with a fine texture, melting, rich, excellent. Very variable when well grown and fully ripened, it has no superior and few equals, in its ex- ceedingly rich, delicate, perfumed flavor but often of poor quality. Early mid-autumn. Belgian. Growth moderate, upright, shoots yellowish-gray. Bdmo7it. Size medium ; roundish-obovate ; skin yellowish- green, a faint reddish-brown cheek to the sun ; stalk two inches long, slender curved ; flesh rather coarse, juicy, sweet, second-rate first-rate for cooking. Mid-autumn. English. Bergamotte Cadette. (Syn. Beauchamps, Beurr-3 Beau- champs, Poire de Cadet.) Size medium ; round-obovate, or round-oval ; surface greenish-yellow, often russeted, * frequently tinged with reddish-brown to the sun ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, scarcely sunk on the rounded base AUTUMN PEARS. 235 calx erect or closed, basin very shallow ; flesh melting, buttery, juicy, sweet, quite rich, slightly perfumed ; near- ly first-rate. Late autumn. . Productive. French. Beurr Colmar. (Syn. Beurre Colmar d'Automne.J Size medium, oval-obovate, regular, smooth; skin greenish yellow, often a blush ; stalk an inch long ; basin shallow, narrow, irregular ; flesh white, crisp, becoming juicy and melting, not rich. Beurre Crapaud. Medium size, round-obovate, obtuse ; sur- face smooth, yellow, with a red cheek; stalk short, cavi'y shallow; basin broad, shallow; flesh fine-grained, melt- ing, juicy, high-flavored, perfumed. Somewhat resem- bles While Doyenne, but higher colored. Mid-autumn. Shoots light yellow. New. Beurre de Beaumont. Medium size, roundish-obovate or roundish-turbinate ; skin yellowish green, thinly dotted dark green, and a faint dull red cheek ; stalk an inch long, very slightly sunk ; sometimes set under a lip ; calyx short, basin shallow, smooth ; flesh buttery, melt- ing, juicy, rich; nearly or quite first-rate. Early mid- autumn. French. New. Beurre Kenrick. Medium size, obconic-obovate, crown flat- tened ; greenish yellow ; stalk an inch long ; flesh juicy, sweet, buttery; second or third-rate. Early autumn. Flemish. Beurre Preble. Medium, sometimes rather large, oblong- obovate, sometimes roundish-obovate, usually an acute, slight neck ; skin greenish yellow ; stalk stout, an inch long, cavity little or none ; basin small ; flesh melting, buttery, sweet, rich, with high flavor, but varying to second-rate. Late autumn. Origin, Maine. Beurr Romain. Medium in size, obovate ; light yellowish green ; stalk short, not sunk ; calyx prominent ; flesh juicy, melting, of second-rate quality. Early mid-au- tumn. Bezi de Montigny. Medium size, or rather large, obovate, obtuse, sometimes remotely pyriform, regular; skin smooth 236 AUTUMN PEARS pale yellowish green ; stalk an inch long, stout, much enlarged from the fruit ; calyx small, erect ; cavity and basin small, smooth; flesh half-buttery, melting, juicy, and quite sweet, perfumed good second-rate. Mid- autumn. Resembles Urbaniste externally. French. Bon Chretien Fondant e, or "Melting Bonchretien." Size medium ; roundish, slightly oblong, rarely short-obovate, obtuse ; surface dull green, partly russeted, numerously dotted ; stalk an inch long, moderately or slightly sunk ; basin small ; flesh yellowish white, core yellow and rather gritty, melting, very juicy, rich, pleasant often nearly first-rate, somewhat variable. Ripens about mid-autumn or later. Leaves conspicuously folded and recurved. Flemish. Boucquia. Medium or rather large ; oval-obovate ; skin pale yellow and pale red, partly russeted, stalk an inch and a quarter long, fleshy at insertion ; calyx large, erect, scarcely sunk; flesh juicy, melting, seconder third-rate. Buffum. Size medium ; obovate, approaching oblong ; skin yellow, with a broad, reddish brown cheek, somewhat russeted ; stalk three-fourths to an inch long, stout ; cavi- ty and basin moderate or small; flesh buttery, sweet, good, not quite first-rate, slightly variable. Shoots strong, reddish brown, very erect ; tree very productive. Valua- ble for its fair fruit, and fine bearing qualities. Early mid-autumn. Origin, Rho.le Island. Cabot. Size medium, round-turbinate, slightly irregular, crown full, obtuse ; stalk an inch long, set on the pointed base without depression ; surface rough, russeted, bronze yellow ; basin round, smooth ; flesh greenish white, break- ing, somewhat melting, juicy, sub-acid, about second-rate. Early mid-autumn. Tree vigorous, very productive. Ori- gin, Salem, Mass. Commodore. Size medium ; regular obovate, or obovate- pyriform, with a short narrow neck ; surface yellow, with a little red, thickly dotted, and with some russet ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, scarcely depressed ; calyx small, reflexed; basin very shallow; flesh juicy, melting, AUTUMN PEARS. 23< buttery, sweet, with'a second-rate, sometimes nearly first rate flavor. Late autumn. Belgian. Gushing. Medium or rather large, obovate, somewhat ob conic ; surface light greenish yellow, rarely a dull red cheek ; stalk an inch long, cavity abrupt ; basin rathei shallow ; flesh fine grained, buttery, melting, with a fine flavor nearly first-rate. Ripens in the early part of au- tumn. Shoots spreading. Very productive. Origin, Hingham, Mass. Dallas. Size medium ; obovate, slightly obconic-pyriform ; dull yellow, often much russeted ; stalk an inch long, not sunk ; basin round, slightly wrinkled ; segments 01 the calyx rounded, stiff; flesh fine-grained, melting, juicy, good. Ripens late-autumn. Conn. * De Loavain. Medium size, obovate-obconic, approaching pyriform ; surface light yellow, faintly russeted, with ruddy dots to the sun ; stalk an inch long, stout, oblique, not sunk ; basin very narrow, shallow ; flesh ' buttery, melting, rich, good. Ripens through mid-autumn. Bel- gian. DOYENNE BOUSSOCK. (Syn. Doyenne Boussouck Nouvelle.) Large, thick obovate, obconic, sometimes slightly pyri- form, slightly uneven ; surface bright lemon yellow when ripe, partly russeted, sometimes a slight reddish cheek ; stalk stout, about an inch long, varying, sometimes fleshy, often oblique ; basin very shallow, even ; flesh buttery, melting, very juicy, with a first-rate flavor, resembling the White Doyenne, but not equal to it in quality. New. The Gray Doyenne has been cultivated to some extent under this name. Duchesse de Mars. Size medium or rather small ; obovate, slightly pyriform ; skin dull yellow, partly russeted ; stalk an inch long, scarcely sunk on the rounded base ; calyx closed, basin very small; flesh melting and juicy, rather rich. Ripens late autumn. A second-rate fruit. French. Dundas. Size medium ; short turbinate, sometimes obovate, base flattened ; skin yellow, with a brilliant blush ; stalk an inch long, stout, not sunk ; calyx small, basin wide, 238 AUTUMN PEARS. AUTUMN PEAES. 239 deep and even ; flesh half-buttery, tender, melting, rich, perfumed. Mid-autumn. A handsome Belgian variety, of nearly first-rate quality. Edward's Elizabeth. Medium in size or rather large ; round ish-obovate, sometimes approaching obtuse pyri- form, somewhat angular, smooth ; surface a beautiful, clear, waxen, pale yellow ; stalk often planted in a fleshy protuberance ; flesh buttery, slightly sub-acid, good. Mid- autumn. Origin, New Haven, Conn. Enfant Prodigue. Size medium, or rather small; obovate, varying, base always narrow ; surface rough, slightly uneven, tawny yellow, russeted ; stalk an inch and a half long, scarcely sunk, or under a lip ; calyx closed, crumpled, basin slight, narrow, furrowed ; very juicy, sub-acid, rather rich. Very variable in form and quality. Late autumn. Belgian. Figue de Naples. (Syn. Fig pear of Naples.) Medium, or rather large; oblong-obovate, sometimes slightly obovate- pyriform, base very obtuse ; surface yellowish-brown, with a faint reddish cheek ; stalk an inch long, fleshy at insertion ; basin broad, shallow, smooth ; flesh buttery, rich, but becoming dry instead of melting, unless kept from the air, the skin being quite pervious to moisture. Ripens late autumn. Hardy and productive. Forme de Delices. Medium size, obovate, yellowish, rough, much russeted ; stalk an inch long, cavity round, smooth , calyx large, projecting; flesh buttery, melting, somewhat dry, of good flavor. Late autumn. Belgian. Shoots stout, upright, yellowish-green. Jones. Size medium or rather small, obovate, often pyri- form ; surface rich yellow russet ; stalk an inch or an inch and a fourth in length, variable in thickness, fleshy at in- sertion, not sunk; basin shallow; flesh yellowish, melt- ing, of fine flavor. Ripens late autumn. Origin, King- sessing, near Philadelphia. New. GOLDEN BETTRRE OF BILBOA. (Syn. Bilboa, Hooper's Bil boa.) Rather large; obovate, slightly pyriform, rathei obtuse, very regular ; surface smooth, fair, fine yellow, 11 24.0 AUTUMN PEARS. AUTUMN PEAES. 241 russeted round the stalk ; dots small, distinct ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, slightly sunk ; calyx small, erect, basin shallow ; flesh fine-grained, very buttery, melting, moderately rich sometimes a very obscure acid astrin- gency. Ripens the first of autumn, and immediately fol- lows the Bartlett. Its fair fruit, and productiveness, ren- der it a very valuable pear, although, like the Flemish Beauty, it is not of the highest flavor. Grows well on the quince. A native of Bilboa, Spain. GRAY DOYENNE. (Syn. Doyenne Gris, Gray Butter Pear, Red Doyenne, Doyenne Rouge, St. Michael Dore.) Size medium, obovate^ often approaching turbinate ; whole surface a handsome smooth cinnamon russet ; stalk half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity quite narrow; calyx small, closed; flesh with a very fine texture, very buttery, melting, rich, perfumed, delicious, excellent. Middle of autumn to winter. Shoots yellowish or gray- ish brown, ascending. Fails on some localities. Green Yair. (Syn. Green pear of Yair.) Medium size, obovate, green, juicy, third-rate. Early autumn. HEATHCOT. (Syn. Gore's Heathcot.) Medium size; obo- vate, regular, base obtuse ; surface greenish yellow, part- ly overspread with thin russet ; stalk an inch long rather stout, cavity moderate or small ; calyx partly closed, basin small ; flesh fine-grained, buttery, with a rich, per- fumed, and excellent flavor sometimes hardly first-rate. Early mid-autumn. Shoots upright, reddish brown. Very productive and profitable. Origin, Waltham, Mass. HenkeL Medium or rather large, round-obovate, remotely pyriform, with a very short neck ; obtuse ; surface yel- low, often a clear pale yellow, sometimes partly russeted ; stalk an inch and a half long, slightly sunk ; basin small, even ; flesh yellowish white, buttery, melting, juicy, sprightly, fine, sometimes only second-rate. Belgian. Hericart. Size medium, obovate, remotely pyriform, often irregular, greenish yellow, with numerous confluent dots ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, slightly sunk ; basin small ; flesh melting, buttery, not rich, second or third- rate. First of autumn. Belgian. 242 AUTUMN PEARS. Hull. Medium size, obovate, rounded at base ; skin yel- lowish green, some russeted ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather slender, not sunk ; basin shallow ; flesh melt- ing, juicy, slightly gritty at core, sweet, often good, some- times only third-rate. Origin, Swanzey, Mass. JALOUSIE DE FONTENAY VENDEE, or " Fontenay Jalousie." Size medium, obconic-turbinate, approaching thick-pyri- form ; surface a pale dull yellowish green, more or less russeted, often a faint red cheek; stalk an inch long, often oblique, not sunk; calyx closed, stiff; basin small, round, flesh buttery, melting, mild, rich, fine-flavored, nearly or quite first-rate. Ripens at mid-autumn. French. Knights Seedling. Medium or rather large ; obovate, ap- proaching obconic-pyriform, smooth yellowish green ; stalk an inch long, scarcely sunk; basin broad, shallow; juicy, melting, sweet. Early autumn. A native of Rhode Island. Louise d' Orleans. Medium in size, oblong; stalk an inch long, stout, slightly sunk ; calyx small, basin very shal- low; skin a bronzed green; flesh very white, fine-grained, juicy, melting, rich. Late autumn. Belgian. .New. May prove valuable. Messire Jean. (Syn. Monsieur Jean, John, Mr. John.) Me- dium size, roundish, slightly pyriform, crown slightly nar- rowed ; surface roughish, mostly russeted on yellow ground; stalk an inch long, cavity small; calyx small, basin small, smooth or plaited ; flesh gritty, breaking, juicy, second or third-rate. Late autumn or early winter. Old French. Oliver's Russet. Size medium, obovate-obconic, base round- ed; a deep cinnamon russet on yellow ground, tinged red to the sun ; stalk about an inch long, rather slender, scarcely sunk ; basin and calyx small ; flesh melting, juicy, sometimes fine, usually second-rate. Mid-autumn. Origin, Lynn. Mass. OSWEGO BEURRE. Size medium, obtuse oval-obovate, regu- lar; surface yellowish green, with some thin russet; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, stout, deep-set ; calyx small, erect or closed, basin smooth; flesh melting, juicy, with AUTUMN PEARS. 243 a fine slightly sub-acid Brown Beurre flavor, nearly first- rate, regarded as fully first-rate by those who like the vinous flavor of the Brown Beurre and Beurre d'Arem- berg. Middle and late autumn. Profusely productive Origin, Oswego, N. Y. Howell. Size medium, pyriform, neck small, acute; stalk an inch and a half long, not sunk ; calyx in a small round basin; surface pale yellow; flesh melting, butte-V ry, and fine. Ripens mid-autumn. Origin, New Haven, Conn. Paquency or Payency. Size medium ; obovate-obconic, ap- proaching pyriform, acute; skin dull yellow, slightly rus- seted, with a faint dull blush ; stalk an inch long, stout ; calyx erect, basin shallow; flesh white, juicy, melting, good. Mid-autumn. French. New. Pennsylvania. Size medium, obovate, often short obovate, obconic ; surface a rich brownish russet on yellow ground; stalk an inch and a half long, not sunk ; sometimes slightly sunk ; calyx small, basin shallow ; flesh rather coarse, somewhat breaking, half-melting, with a second- rate flavor. Early mid-autumn. Shoots diverging, red- dish brown. Origin, Philadelphia. Petre. Medium size, obovate, sometimes slightly obovate- pyriform, or truncate-obconic, base wide or obtuse ; sur- face pale yellow, often slightly russeted, with a reddish brown cheek ; stalk about an inch long, rather stout, cavity obtuse at bottom ; basin small, smooth ; flesh fine- grained, sometimes slightly gritty, buttery, melting, rich, sweet, perfumed, often excellent variable in quality from first to second rate. Ripens at mid-autumn. Growth moderate, shoots rather slender, yellowish. Pope's Scarlet Major. Medium or rather large, obovate ; surface yellow with a red cheek ; stalk long, thick ; flesh breaking, dry, third-rate. Long Island, N. Y. PRATT. Mediu . or rather large, obovate-pyriform, skin greenish-yellow, thickly dotted ; stalk an inch long, slen- der, moderately sunk ; basin wide, shallow ; flesh tender, 244 AUTUMN PEARS. inch long, cavity obtuse, small ; calyx short, stiff, scarcely cut ; basin shallow ; flesh slightly coarse, buttery, melt- ing, with a rich, somewhat aromatic, fine flavor. Middle and late autumn. Leaves with very wavy margins. Trescott. Medium in size, round-obovate, light orange yel- low, sometimes partly russeted ; stalk one and a half to two inches long, slender, slightly sunk by a fleshy knob; basin slightly plaited ; flesh white, fine-grained, melting, juicy, pleasant. Early mid-autumn. A native of Crans- ton, R. I. WASHINGTON. Medium in size, oblong-obovate, obtuse, sometimes slightly obtuse-pyriform ; surface smooth, clear yellow, handsomely marked with conspicuous red dots on "the sunny side, slightly russeted round the stalk, which is an inch and a fourth long, and slightly sunk ; calyx small, partly closed, basin shallow; flesh very juicy, melting, slightly breaking, with a rich, unusually sweet, perfumed, first-rate flavor. Early in autumn. Growth vigorous, shoots very straight, erect, and diverging. Fruit always fair, but varies in size and form esteemed most by those who like a very sweet flavor. Westcott. Size medium, roundish-obovate ; green, becom- ing yellow; flesh melting, juicy, rich, sweet, perfumed; flavor fine. Early in autumn. Origin, Cranston, R. I. WHITE DOYENNE. (Syn. Butter Pear, of Pa., Virga- lieu, of N. y., St. Michael, of Boston, Yellow Butter, White Beurre, Doyenne, Doyenne Blanc.) Medium or rather large, regular obovate, obtuse, sometimes remotely pyriform ; surface pale yellow, often a faint blush ; stalk about an inch long, scarcely sunk ; calyx small, basin shallow-; flesh of very fine texture, white, buttery, melt- ing, rich, and excellent. Middle to late autumn. Shoots ascending, greyish yellow ; leaves folded, recurved. It fails in many localities near Boston and elsewhere, but through inland New- York and in most of the western states, it is unsurpassed in its excellent qualities of hardy growth, fair fruit, delicious flavor and great productive- ness ; many trees, without receiving any care in cultiva- AUTUMN PEAES. 245 tion, yielding tea or fifteen bushels of perfect fruit in a single season. North of 42 degrees of latitude, it becomes a late autumn fruit, and may be kept into winter, which increases its value for distant market. Wilbur. Medium in size, frequently rather small ; obovate, regular, often obovate-pyriform ; skin a dull green and russet ; stalk three-fourths to one inch long, cavity very small ; calyx prominent, scarcely sunk ; flesh rather coarse, melting, juicy, pleasant, often slightly astringent, varying from second-rate to nearly first-rate. Valuable at its season. Early autumn. Shoots slender, yellowish brown. Origin, Somerset, Mass. Wilkinson. Size medium, obovate, narrowed somewhat towards the crown, largest in the middle ; skin smooth, bright yellow ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, stout, scarcely sunk ; calyx stiff, short, basin shallow ; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, rich, of good flavor. Ripens from mid-autumn to winter. Shoots long, stout, upright, greenish yellow; tree thrifty, hardy, productive. A good second-rate variety. Origin, Cumberland, R. I. Forelle and Capiaumont, of the preceding class, often ap- proach this class in outline. Section III. Small. Capsheaf. Rather small; short-obovate, wide at crown, somewhat obconic, or with a rounded taper to the stalk ; surface deep yellow, mostly russeted ; stalk an inch long, stout, slightly sunk ; calyx small, basin rather large ; flesh melting, juicy, buttery, mild, sweet, good second- rate. Ripens mid-autumn. Shoots erect, stout, yellowish brown ; very productive. Rhode Island. Dumortier. Obovate, dull yellow, with some russet ; stalk an inch and three-fourths long, slender ; basin very shal- low; flesh greenish white, melting, sweet, sometimes high flavored. Early autumn. A third-rate Belgian variety. Edward's Henrietta. Medium or rather small ; obovate, crown flattened, stalk on a rounded point ; surface smooth, pale yellowish-green; stalk an inch and a half long; 246 AUTUMN PEARS. calyx closed, basin shallow, faintly plaited ; flesh melting, juicy, sub-acid. Very productive. Late summer. New Haven, Conn. Henry IV. (Syn. Henri Quatre.) Rather small, round- obovate, somewhat turbinate ; surface greenish yellow, often somewhat russeted, sometimes a dark reddish brown cheek ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, slender, usually fleshy at insertion, not sunk ; basin shallow, abrupt, calyx closed; flesh juicy, melting, rich, perfumed, mostly first- rate flavor. Needs house-ripening. Early in autumn. Shoots diverging or spreading, yellowish brown. Very productive. Johonnot. Rather small, roundish-obovate, sometimes near- ly round, irregular ; skin pale greenish^ellow and yel- lowish-brown, faintly russeted ; stalk about an inch long, thick, oblique, fleshy at insertion, not sunk; basin round; flesh rather coarse, melting, buttery, rich, of fine flavor. Early mid-autumn. Origin, Salem, Mass. The value of this fine little pear is lessened by the slow growth of the tree. Manning's Elizabeth. Small, obovate, obscurely pyriform, smooth, yellow, with a lively blush ; stalk an inch long, cavity round, shallow; flesh very melting, saccharine, sprightly, high-flavored, first-rate. Ripens the first of autumn. Belgian. Rousselet de Rheims. Rather small, obovate-turbinate, obscurely pyriform ; skin greenish-yellow in the shade, a rich brownish- red in the sun, partly russeted; stalk an inch long, not sunk ; basin little or none ; flesh of fine texture, sweet, rich, perfumed, half buttery ; rots at the core. Early autumn. SECKEL. Small, obovate, sometimes obscurely obconic- pyriform, regular ; skin brownish-green, becoming rich yellowish-brown, with a deep brownish-red cheek ; stalk one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity and basin small ; flesh very fine-grained, sweet, very juicy, melting, buttery, the richest and highest flavored pear known. Although of slow growth, and small size, like the Green AUTUMN PEARS. 247 Gage among plums, it is regarded as the standard of ex- cellence. Its high musky perfume is not, however, agree- able to all. Early mid-autumn. Shoots stout, short, ascending, tree very hardy. Needs rich cultivation. Ori- gin, near Philadelphia, and succeeds well throughout the northern, middle, and western states, and is remarkably free from the blight. Williams' Early. Size rather small or medium, obovate, varying 1 to roundish-turbinate, regular ; skin smooth, clear light yellow, with a bright red cheek of thick scarlet dots on the sunny side ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, straight, not sunk, often fleshy at insertion ; basin small, slightly furrowed; flesh yellowish white, rather coarse, melting, half buttery, juicy, rich, slightly musky. Ripens the first two weeks of autumn. Shoots dark. A good second-rate fruit, valuable for ripening before the most of autumn pears. Origin, Roxbury, Mass. Swan's Egg. (Syn. Moor-fowl Egg, incorrectly.} Small, oval or obovate, crown narrow ; skin pale green, with a pale brownish blush ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, slender, scarcely sunk ; basin none ; flesh soft, juicy, sweet, somewhat musky. A third-rate variety, ripening about mid-autumn. Shoots dark, long, flexuous. Old English. CLASS III. ROUNDISH OR OBLATE. Section I. Large Pears. Belle et Bonne. Large, roundish, slightly oblate, and remotely obconic, base much flattened ; surface pale greenish yellow, thickly dotted ; stalk an inch and a half long, slender, cavity deep, narrow; calyx closed or erect, basin broad ; flesh white, coarse, sweet, buttery when well ripened, of second-rate quality. Ripens rather early in autumn. Growth strong. 248 AUTUMN PEAKS. Bezi de la Motte. Rather large, often only medium, round- ish, crown flattened, tapering slightly to the stalk, and sometimes with a very obscure short neck ; skin dull green, becoming yellowish-green ; thickly and very con- spicuously dotted, the whole surface with a gray cast ; stalk an inch long, slightly sunk ; basin abrupt, deep, sometimes flattened and shallow; flesh yellowish green, very tender, juicy, melting, with sometimes a little grit, sweet, pleasant, not rich. Quite variable in some locali- ties uniformly good, in others often worthless. Tree har- dy, vigorous, a profuse bearer, and fruit always fair in flavor it is but second-rate, but very agreeable and melt- ing. Ripens through mid-autumn. Old French. Charles of Austria. (Syn. Charles d'Autriche.) Large, roundish, greenish-yellow, slightly russeted, thickly and conspicuously dotted with brown specks; stalk an inch long, slightly sunk ; basin rather narrow ; flesh tender, juicy, sweet, of second-rate flavor. Mid-autumn. Shoots stout, upright, yellow-olive. Crassane. Large, roundish, flattened ; skin greenish yel- low, netted thinly with russet ; stalk long, slender, curved, cavity shallow ; calyx small, basin narrow, rather deep ; flesh soft, juicy, about third-rate in quality. Middle and late autumn! Shoots stout, spreading. Old French. GanseVs Bergamot. (Syn. Brocas Bergamot.) Rather large, sometimes only medium ; roundish-oblate, more or less approaching obovate, flattened most at crown; skin yel- lowish-brown, with a faint russet brown blush ; stalk short, half or three-fourths of an inch long, ends often fleshy ; cavity and basin smooth; flesh granular, melting, juicy, rich, sweet, perfumed, with a first-rate flavor. Ripens through several of the early weeks of autumn. Shoots dark gray, spreading, leaves flat, mealy. English. Hacon's Incomparable. Rather large, roundish, tapering a little to the base, crown slightly flattened; surface roughish, yellowish green, slightly russeted, stalk an inch and a fourth long; calyx short, erect, open; cavity and basin broad, shallow ; flesh buttery, melting, sub-acid, of AUTUMN PEARS. 249 second-rate flavor. Ripens middle and late autumn. Shoots olive, rather slender, diverging or spreading. English. Stevens' Genesee. Large, round-obovate, often considerably flattened; skin slightly rough, yellow ; stalk an inch long, stout, thickest at insertion, more or less sunk in the base; calyx short, stiff, basin smooth; flesh moderately fine- grained, half buttery, slightly granular, with a rich, fine flavor, nearly first-rate. Ripens the first of autumn and for some time afterwards. Shoots gray, leaves narrow. Grows with great vigor on the quince. Origin, Livings- ton Co., N. Y. Section II. Medium in size. Althorpe Crassane. Size medium, roundish, or round-ovate, sometimes slightly oblong, tapering rather most to the crown, which is flattened ; surface light green, with dark green specks ; stalk an inch and a half to an inch and three-fourths long, curved, scarcely sunk ; calyx many- cut, erect, basin rather shallow, with a few plaits ; flesh fine-grained, juicy, melting, somewhat buttery, good second-rate. Middle and late autumn. English. Bergamotte Cadette. (Syn. Beauchamps, Beurre Beau- champs, Poire de Cadet. ) 'Size medium ; round-obovate, smooth; pale green or greenish-yellow, often partly rus- seted ; stalk thick, an inch long, cavity shallow ; calyx small, closed, or erect, scarcely sunk ; flesh slightly granu- lar, melting, juicy, pleasant, with a good, nearly first- rate flavor. Late autumn. French. Calhoun. Size medium, roundish, regular, remotely obo- vate, smooth, yellow, sometimes a little russeted, and with a red cheek ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, stout, scarcely sunk, calyx closed, basin very shallow, flesh juicy and melting, with a sub-acid or vinous flavor. Late autumn. Origin, New-Haven, Conn. New. Compte de Lamy. Size medium, roundish, somewhat ob- conic or turbinate, crown much flattened ; skin yellow, with a brownish blush ; dots small, many ; stalk an inch and a fourth long with no cavity; basin shallow, smooth; 250 AUTUMN PEARS. flesh fine-grained, buttery, melting, rich, high-flavored. Ripens about raid-autumn. Resembles Dundas in form, without the deep wide basin and high red cheek of that variety. Shoots upright, dark. Belgian. Huguenot. Medium size ; roundish, pale-yellow ; dots large, red ; stalk rather slender, without cavity ; calyx small, basin round ; flesh half-breaking, sweet, deficient in flavor. Third-rate. Mid-autumn. Salem, Mass. Michaux. Medium size, nearly round; skin yellowish green, with a faint blush ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity little or none; basin shallow; flesh juicy, half buttery, sweet, second or third rate. Early mid-autumn. French. Naumkeag. Medium in size, roundish, russeted, cavity very shallow ; flesh juicy, melting, somewhat astringent, second or third-rate. Mid-autumn. Salem, Mass. Rousselet de Meester. Medium size, roundish, often slight- ly oblate, with an obscure, very short neck ; skin pale greenish yellow; sometimes a faint blush ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity none ; calyx large, basin small, irregular ; flesh melting, sugary, rich, with some rough- ness of flavor a good second-rate pear. Mid-autumn. Belgian. Sylvange. (Syn. Green Sylvange, Bergamotte Sylvange. J Size medium, roundish-obovate, approaching turbinate ; skin pale green, with numerous rough small dots; stalk one inch long, slender ; basin shallow ; flesh greenish- white, fine-grained, juicy, melting, tolerably good. Mid- dle and late autumn. Shoots stout, dark olive. Sieulle. (Syn. Beurr Sieulle, Doyenne Sieulle. J Medium in size, roundish-oblate, often roundish-obovate, with a very short, obscure neck ; obtuse ; skin pale yellow, with a slight blush, and sometimes a brilliant broad orange cheek ; stalk thick, an inch and a quarter long, cavity shallow, rarely deep ; calyx slightly sunk ; flesh buttery, fine-grained, rich, of good second-rate or nearly first-rate quality. Middle and late autumn. AUTUMN PEARS. 251 Section III. Small. Aston Town. Rather small, roundish, remotely turbinate, crown flattened ; skin rough, brownish green, becoming yellowish ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity little or none; calyx large, erect, scarcely sunk; flesh melting, buttery, sweet, tolerably good. A third-rate English pear, ripening before mid-autumn. Shoots slender, growth irregular. Bergamot, Autumn. (Syn. English Bergamot, Common Bergamot, of the English, English Autumn Bergamot.) Rather small, roundish-oblate, rough, greenish ; stalk half an inch long, stout, cavity round, wide ; calyx small, basin smooth, shallow; flesh juicy, sugary, rather rich; about third-rate in value. Early autumn. Bergamotte d'Automne. Roundish-obconic, remotely pyri- form; smooth, fair, pale yellow, with a brownish red cheek ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, cavity and basin slight ; flesh breaking, juicy, sweet, not rich. French. Quite distinct from the preceding, and worthless. Bleeker's Meadow. Rather small, roundish, or flattish- obovate ; very regular ; large specimens are short-obo- vate ; surface yellow ; stalk an inch long, stiff, calyx open, both slightly sunk; flesh very sweet, approaches buttery and melting when at its best, but usually remains hard and worthless. Middle and late autumn. Growth rapid, upright, very productive. Varies from second to fourth-rate. Origin, Pennsylvania. Croft Castle. Size rather small or medium ; form ovate, ta- pering considerably from base to crown ; greenish yellow, thickly dotted and roughened with small specks ; stalk an inch and a half to two inches long, slender, curved, not sunk; calyx widely reflexed in the flat narrow crown; flesh crisp, juicy, sweet, second-rate. Mid-autumn. Eng- lish. Eyev;ood. Small, regular round-oblate ; pale yellowish green, becoming dull yellow, thickly dotted, a faint brown- ish tinge to the sun ; stalk very long ; cavity and basin small ; buttery, melting, rich, fine, sub-acid like the 252 AUTUMN PEARS. Beurre d'Aremberg. Late autumn. Buds large, with prominent shoulders, whence its name. English. New. Fulton. Rather small or nearly medium ; roundish, crown flattened ; whole surface a smooth gray russet, becoming a dark cinnamon russet ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, slender, cavity round, rather narrow ; calyx long, deep-cut, basin uneven ; flesh half-buttery, melting, rich, sprightly, agreeable, nearly or quite first-rate. Ripens middle and late autumn. Shoots rather slender, reddish brown. Tree very hardy and productive. Valuable. Origin, Topsham, Maine. Moor-fowl Egg. (Syn. Little Swan's Egg.) Rather small, roundish, dull green, with a brown cheek, dots minute ; stalk long, slender, little sunk or under a lip ; basin small, flesh soft, juicy, gritty, sweet; a third-rate Scotch pear, ripening about mid-autumn. Princess of Orange. Rather small, roundish, slightly neck- ed ; color cinnamon and light reddish russet ; stalk an inch long ; cavity, calyx, and basin small ; flesh yellow- ish white, crisp, juicy, vinous ; about second-rate, some- times very poor. Late autumn. Belgian. Quiltette. Size nearly medium ; roundish, slightly oblate; skin greenish, nearly covered with dull, iron-colored rus- set ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, fleshy at insertion, with no cavity; calyx very small or abortive, basin nar- row ; flesh melting, buttery, sweet, rich, perfumed ; good second-rate, sometimes nearly first-rate. Late autumn. Belgian. WINTER PEARS. 253 DIVISION III. WINTER PEARS. CLASS I. DISTINCT PYRIFORM. Section L Large Pears. Fig. 177 Beurre tfAremberg. Fig. 178 Glout Morceau. BEURRE D'AREMBERG. (Syn. Due d'Aremberg, Des- champs, L'Orpheline.} Large, short obconic-pyriform, approaching obconic-obovate, neck rather small ; skin thick, greenish-yellow, partly nisseted ; stalk short or 254 WINTER PEARS. half an inch to an inch long, thick, oblique, thickening with flesh towards insertion; calyx erect; basin deep, narrow ; flesh buttery, melting, rich, with a high, sub- acid flavor regarded as fully first-rate by those who es- teem a vinous flavor. Ripens late autumn and early win- ter keeps with little care. Very productive. Grows well on the quince. Leaves slightly waved. Belgian. RIVERS says that Orpheline or Soldat Laboreur,' of the French, is a variety of Beurre d'Aremberg, having larger fruit and less thorns than the common Beurr d'Aremberg. the former never having thorns. THOMPSON differs from Rivers. A very different pear with the name of Soldat Laboreur, or Soldat d'Esperen, is described by Rivers as a large turbi- nate pear, half-melting, high-flavored and excellent the tree robust, and a- great bearer ripening about mid- winter. Black Worcester. (Syn. Iron Pear, Black Pear of Worces- ter.) Large, pyri form, approaching oblong-ovate; body large, short ovate ; neck short, rather obtuse ; surface mostly covered with dark rough russet on a light green surface ; stalk half an inch to an inch and a half long, cavity none ; calyx erect, basin small ; flesh hard, coarse, rich, somewhat austere ; stews and bakes well. An es- teemed culinary sort, bearing heavy crops, and proving very profitable for market. Late autumn till mid-winter. Growth very crooked and straggling. Catillac. Large, short obconic-pyriform, approaching broad- turbinate, crown broad, flattened ; yellow, often with a reddish brown cheek ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, stout, cavity small, wavy; calyx short, erect or spread, basin large, plaited ; flesh hard, but excellent for baking and stewing, becoming tender, and of a light red color. Keeps through winter. French. Chaumontel. (Syn. Bezide Chaumontelle, Winter Butter.) Large, pyriform, body oblong or ovate, neck short, obtuse, often quite obscure, and the form approaching obovate or oblong, largest at the middle ; skin a little rough, yel- lowish in the shade, with more or less brownish red and and rich deep red in the sun ; stalk an inch long, mode- WINTER PEARS. 255 rately sunk ; basin deep, uneven, or angular; flesh but- tery, melting, sugary, with a fine flavor. Requires warm rich cultivation to develope its good qualities. Shoots long, slender, dark brown. Grows well on the quince. Early Winter. Old French. GLOUT MORCEAU. (Syn. Gloux Morceaux, Beurre d'Har- denpont, Colmar d'Hiver, Hardenpont d'Hiver, Linden d'Automne.) Large, short pyriform, approaching obtuse- oval, neck very shorthand obtuse, body large, and taper- ing somewhat towards the crown ; often considerably ribbed ; surface green, becoming pale greenish yellow ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, not oblique, stout, fleshy on quince stocks, moderately sunk ; calyx large, basin dis- tinct, rather irregular; flesh white, fine-grained, buttery, melting, rich, sweet, with no acid, .and of fine flavor. Early winter. Succeeds best on the quince. Preferred to Beurre d'Aremberg by those who like a sweet pear and differs from it in its sweet flavor, shorter neck, more rounded or tapering crown, even (not oblique) stalk, and more obtuse neck. Louise Bonne. Large pyriform ; smooth, pale green ; stalk rather short, straight, slightly enlarged towards insertion ; calyx small, basin shallow ; flesh white, rather coarse, third-rate in quality. Early winter. Old French. Pound. (Syn. Winter Bell, Angora.) Very large, pyri- form, approaching obconic, crown wide ; skin yellowish- green, with a brown cheek ; stalk two inches long, calyx crumpled, basin narrow ; flesh solid, hard, stems reddish color, a first-rate culinary pear. Trees strong, healthy, pro- ductive ; shoots stout, upright, dark. Uvedale's St. Ger- main nearly resembles or is identical with this variety. Spanish Bonchretien. (Syn. Bon Chretien d'Espagne.) Large, pyriform, irregular, narrowed to the stalk, one- sided ; surface deep yellow at maturity, with a bright red cheek, and reddish brown dots ; stalk an inch and a half long, bent slender, scarcely sunk; basin rather deep, narrow, irregular; flesh white, crisp, or half breaking, moderately rich first-rate for cooking worthless as a dessert fruit. 256 WINTER PEARS. Fig. 177 Vicar of Winkfield. Fig. 178-Prmce's St. Germain. WINTER PEARS. 257 St. Germain. Large, long obconic-pyriform ; surface yel- lowish green, faintly tinged with brown to the sun ; stalk an inch long, oblique ; basin small and shallow ; flesh white, slightly gritty, juicy, melting, sweet, and agreea- ble ; fails in many localities, and becomes a third-rate fruit. Late autumn and early winter. Shoots slender, light olive ; leaves narrow, folded and recurved. The Striped St. Germain is a sub-variety, differing only in its faint yellow stripes. VICAR OF WINKFIELD. (Syn. Le Cure, Monsieur le Cure, Clion, Dumas.J Quite large ; long pyriform, approaching oblong-obconic, with a conical taper towards the crown ; skin smooth, pale yellow, or pale yellowish-green, with a dull reddish cheek ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, slender, often fleshy at insertion, oblique, not sunk ; basin narrow, very shallow ; flesh greenish or yellowish white, juicy, buttery, with a good, second-rate flavor sometimes slightly astringent, but if ripened in a warm temperature it proves a good table pear. Ripens late autumn and early winter, for about- three months. Growth spreading and irregular, or straggling, shoots strong, dark olive. Fine on quince stocks. The great and uniform productiveness of this pear, its fine qualities for cooking, and the long period of its continuance, render it eminently valuable. It was formerly cultivated at Boston under the erroneous name of Bourgermester. The true Bourgermester is a third-rate pear, the wood of which cankers badly. Section II. Medium in size. Beurre Ranee. (Syn. Beurre de Ranz, Beurre de Rance> Hardenpont du Printemps, Beurre Epine, Beurrt? de Flan- dre.) Size medium, obtuse pyriform ; dark green, rough- ish ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity very shallow or none ; calyx small, basin slight ; flesh greenish white, melting, gritty at core ; when well ripened, sweet, juicy, and of fine flavor, Only second-rate as far north as Bos- ton, but better further south. Ripens late in winter and in spring. Shoots brownish-yellow, straggling; leaves flat. Originated at the village of Ranee, near Mons, in Belgium. 258 WINTER PEARS. Colmar. Medium in size, or large, pyriform, obtuse ; skin smooth, pale greenish yellow, becoming light yellow ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather stout, bent, cavity often uneven ; basin wide, deep ; flesh half buttery, melt- ing, juicy, rich about second-rate. Early winter. Bark of the tree very rough. Jaminette. (Syn. Josephine.) Medium or rather large, obovate-pyriform, approaching obovate, small specimens roundish turbinate, varying ; crown broad ; skin yellow- ish-green, with some brownish russet ; dots numerous, often confluent ; stalk three-fourths to an inch long, thick, cavity little or none ; calyx small, erect, stiff; basin round, even ; flesh juicy, melting, buttery, sweet, of good second- rate flavor. Late autumn and early winter. Origin, Metz, in France. * Las Canas. Size medium, regular pyriform, somewhat ob- conic ; neck tapering into the stalk ; skin yellow, some- times sprinkled with thin russet, rarely with russet blotch- es, dots small and numerous ; stalk an inch long ; calyx slightly sunk ; flesh juicy, melting, good, nearly first- rate. Passe Colmar. (Syn. Colmar Souverain, Colmar Harden- pont, Colmar Gris.) Medium or rather large ; skin yel- lowish green, becoming pale yellow, often lightly sprinkled with russet ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, cavity ob- tuse or none, calyx erect, basin moderate ; flesh fine- grained, buttery, juicy, sweet, rich, and when well grown and ripened, of excellent, first-rate flavor but when overloaded, with small, badly matured fruit, the quality rs worthless. The tree overbears, and 'the fruit needs thorough thinning. Leaves rather small, nearly flat. Early winter. Belgian. Vicompte de Spoelberch. Medium or rather large, obovate- pyriform, somewhat obconic; skin slightly rough, yellow, with a purplish blotched cheek to the sun, very slightly russeted ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, stout, curved ; basin round, shallow ; calyx erect, short ; flesh buttery, melting, rich, fine. Needs high cultivation to develope its fine qualities. Early winter. Belgian. WINTER PEARS. 259 CLASS II. OBSCURE PYRIFORM, OBOVATE, OR TURBINATE. Sectio?i I. Large Pears. Columbia. (Syn. Columbian Virgalieu, Columbia Virgou- leuse.) Large, long obovate, regular, handsomely round- ed or obtuse, largest near the middle ; surface pale green, becoming pale yellow, always smooth and fair ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, rather slender ; cavity narrow, deep ; calyx erect, basin small ; flesh white, melting, and buttery, of moderately rich, second-rate or third-rate fla- vor. Ripens early winter. Growth upright, vigorous, shoots brownish yellow. The large, handsome fruit, and the great productiveness of the tree has rendered this variety popular and profitable for market. It does not ap- pear to succeed so well as far north as Boston and Roches- ter, as further south. A native of Westchester County, New-York. Easter Beurre. (Syn. Doyenne d'Hiver, Bergamotte de la Pentacote, Beurre de la Pentacote, Beurre de Paques, Chaumontel tres gros, Canning, Seigneur d'Hiver.) Large, obovate, approaching oval ; surface yellowish-green, with some russet ; often a broad, dull reddish cheek ; stalk stout, an inch long, cavity deep, sometimes obtuse, ab- rupt ; calyx small, closed in a moderate or rather shallow, plaited basin ; flesh fine-grained, very buttery, melting and juicy, and when well grown and ripened, of excellent, first-rate flavor. It does not often mature well in the northern states. Keeps through winter. Growth strong, rather upright, shoots reddish-yellow ; leaves narrow, folded, recurved. Grows well on the quince. Knight's Monarch. Large, regular, obovate ; surface yel- lowish-brown, reddish to the sun, dots numerous ; stalk very short, half an inch long, thick; set on the rounded base with little or no cavity ; basin shallow ; flesh buttery, melting, rich, of fine quality. Mid-winter. Shoots yel- lowish. Scarcely as yet proved in this country, spurious sorts having been widely disseminated. English. 260 WINTER PEARS. Black Worcester, Chaumontel, and Glout Morceau, of the preceding class, often approach this class in form o outline. Section II. Mediu?n in size. BEURRE GRIS D'HIVER NOUVEAU, or "Gray Winter Beurre.' Size medium ; obovate, obtuse ; skin greenish, conside 1 rably russeted ; stalk thick, short, cavity moderate ; basir small; flesh greenish, buttery, melting, very juicy, rich slightly sub-acid resembling in flavor the Beurre d'Areni' berg, but rather richer and less acid. Early winter French. New. Promises to become valuable. Bezi Vaet. Size medium, obovate ; skin rather rough greenish yellow, russeted with a brown cheek ; stalk ar inch and a fourth long, cavity and basin slight ; flesh juicy, sweet, with a second or third-rate flavor. Early winter Brandos St. Germain. Size medium ; obovate, often con- siderably pyriform, narrowing to both ends, smooth anc regular ; skin yellowish green, thickly dotted with large russet specks ; stalk an inch long, thick, obliquely set : calyx small, stiff, erect; basin small, narrow, often none : flesh buttery, melting, yellow towards the core, with a pleasant, slightly acid, good, nearly first-rate flavor. Early winter. English. New. Caen du France. Medium in size, obovate, largest at the middle, skin with a rough russet ; stalk an inch long, cavity and basin rather small ; flesh tender, juicy, rathei sweet, resembling Winter Nelis in flavor, but less melt- ing. Ripens at mid-winter. Comstock. Medium in size, obovate ; yellow with a crim- son cheek ; stalk and calyx slightly sunk ; flesh crisp, sprightly, about third-rate in quality handsome but poor. Early winter. Shoots long, upright, reddish yellow. Ori- gin, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Coter. Size medium, obovate, obscurely pyriform, nearly regular, light yellowish green, brown in the sun, some- what russeted ; stalk an inch long, without cavity ; seg- ments of the calyx distinct and widely reflexed ; basin WINTER PEARS. 261 round, moderate ; flesh white, rather coarse, buttery, rich, slightly perfumed, nearly or quite first-rate. Late au- tumn. Belgian. Easter Bergamot. (Syn. Winter Bergamot, Paddington, Bergamotte de Paques, Bergamotte d'Hiver.) Size me- dium or rather large ; round-obovate, approaching turbi- nate, narrow at stalk ; surface yellowish green, dots con- spicuous ; stalk from three-fourths to an inch and a halt long; calyx small, basin round; flesh firm, becoming melting, juicy, buttery; a second or third-rate dessert fruit, but fine for stewing, keeping through winter. Differs from Easter Beurre in its inferior quality, rounder form, lighter color, and in its green shoots. Eckassery. (Syn. Echasserie, Bezi d'Echasserie.) Size medium; round-oval, or irregular roundish; color pale green, becoming yellowish ; often a dull reddish brown cheek ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity narrow, irregular, often very small; calyx erect, slightly cut, scarcely sunk, or on a scarcely perceptible conical taper of the crown ; flesh buttery, melting, with a sweet, per- fumed flavor, hardly first-rate. Shoots rather weak, joints crooked. French. Emerald. Medium in size, obovate, irregular, crown ribbed; surface green, dotted with brown;- stalk an inch and a half long, cavity narrow, irregular, often very small ; calyx erect, slightly cut, scarcely sunk ; flesh half-break- ing or melting, very juicy, sweet, good second-rate. Bel- gian. New. Flemish Bonchretien. (Syn. Bon Chretien Turc.J Size medium ; obovate ; skin pale green, with a brown cheek; flesh crisp, juicy, and stews very tender. A first-rate culinary pear, keeping through winter. Fondante du Bois. Size medium; obovate-turbinate, some- what obconic; surface mottled with russet on greenish yellow ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, obliquely set and slightly sunk ; basin moderate ; flesh buttery, juicy, rather rich, slightly acid and astringent, with a Brown 262 WINTER PEARS. Beurre flavor good second-rate, approaching first-rate. Early-winter. New. Somwhat resembles Passe Colmar. Haddington. Medium or rather large, obovate-pyriform, greenish yellow, with small distinct russet dots. Some- times a faint brown cheek ; stalk three-fourths to an inch long, slender, cavity small ; calyx small, basin shallow ; flesh yellowish, crisp, juicy, with a second-rate flavor sometimes quite poor. Keeps through winter. Phila- delphia. Leon le Clerc. Medium or rather large, obovate, crown swollen, narrow towards the stalk ; skin yellow, russety at ends ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, fleshy at in- sertion ; calyx large, many-cut, little sunk ; flesh crisp, firm, of second or third-rate quality. This is totally distinct from the celebrated Van Mons Leon le Clerc, a large, fine autumn pear already described. The Leon le Clerc here described was raised by Van Mons, and is hence sometimes called Van Mons' Leon le Clerc ; the other variety, immeasurably superior, was raised by Lon le Clerc, and named the Van Mons Leon le Clerc. Confusion has arisen from this slight distinc- ' tion. Locke. (Syn. Locke's Beurre.) Medium in size, round- obovate, obscurely pyriform, regular ; surface yellowish green, often a little russet ; stalk an inch long, scarcely sunk ; calyx small, closed, basin shallow ; flesh greenish- white, melting, juicy, second-rate. Late autumn and early winter. Origin, West Cambridge, Mass. McLaughlin. Medium in size, turbinate, remotely pyri- form ; nearly the whole surface russeted, with a warm red cheek ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, fleshy at in- sertion, cavity little or none ; basin rather abrupt, very small and narrow; flesh buttery, rather sweet, or very slightly acid, rich, perfumed. Early winter. Saco, Maine. Moccas. Medium in size, obovate or irregular turbinate , surface pale green, or yellowish-green, with a brown cheek, and russet dots and streaks ; stalk an inch and a WINTER PEARS. 263 fourth long, curved, with no cavity ; calyx short, erect, set shallow; flesh juicy, melting, with a rich, fine flavor. Early winter. English. New. PRINCE'S ST. GERMAIN. Size medium; obovate, obtuse; surface much russeted on green, dull red to the sun ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, cavity small ; calyx large, stiff, slightly cut, basin smooth, shallow; flesh yellowish white, juicy, melting, slightly vinous, with an agreeable and fine flavor. Keeps well, ripening through winter. Origin, Flushing, Long Island. Virgouleuse. Size medium, or rather large ; obovate, round- ed at both ends; smooth, yellowish-green, dots numerous ; stalk an inch long, cavity little or none; calyx small, basin wide, very shallow ; flesh buttery and melting, of good flavor. Early winter. A very thin bearer. Origin, Virgoule, a village of France. This is totally distinct from the Virgalieu or White Doyenne, already described, a greatly superior late autumn pear. WINTER NELIS. (Syn. Nelis d'Hiver, Bonne de Ma- lines. J Size medium ; roundish-obovate, often slightly pyriform, with a neck small and short ; surface yellowish- green, much russeted; stalk an inch and a quarter long, bent ; cavity narrow ; calyx stiff, short, basin shallow ; flesh yellowish white, fine-grained, buttery, very melting, rich, sweet, or slightly vinous, perfumed, aromatic, with an excellent flavor. Perhaps the highest flavored of all winter pears. Early winter. Growth slender, often flexuousand straggling; leaves narrow, recurved ; petioles rather long. Origin, Mechlin, in Belgium. Section III. Small. Lewis. Size, below medium ; regular obovate, rarely ob- scure-pyriform ; surface yellowish green, thickly dotted with dull russet ; stalk an inch and a half long, slender, scarcely sunk ; calyx widely reflexed, basin little or none; flesh greenish-white, melting, juicy, of fine rich flavor. Core large. Early winter. Growth vigorous, branches becoming drooping. Profusely productive. Origin, Rox- bury, Mass. 12 264 WINTER PEARS. Fig. 179 Winter Nelis. Fig. ISO Easter Beurre. WINTER PEARS. CLASS III. ROUNDISH OR OBLATE. Section I. Large Pears. Beurre Bronze. Rather large, roundish, surface rather rough, a dull russet on green, red to the sun ; stalk an inch and a quarter long, with no cavity ; flesh crisp, juicy, about second-rate. Early winter. The Figue de Naples is cultivated to some extent in New-England under this name. Holland Bergamot. (Syn. Bergamotte d'Hollande.) Rather large, roundish, green, much russeted; stalk an inch and a half long, slender; cavity shallow, one-sided; calyx small, slightly cut, basin large ; flesh crisp, flavor spright- ly, about second or third-rate in quality. Keeps through spring, and is a good culinary pear. Shoots diverging or spreading, olive brown. Gilogil. Large, oblate, approaching obovate, smooth and regular, overspread with cinnamon russet, in dots, patches, and nettings, often thickly russeted ; reddish to the sun ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, cavity uneven, sometimes deep arid round; calyx erect or closed; flesh white, firm, breaking, moderately rich, nearly sweet, with a third-rate flavor. Unproductive in this country esteemed for preserving in France, its native country. Early winter. Growth strong, upright. Section II. Medium in size. Bezi d'lJeri. (Syn. Wilding of Heri.) Size medium, roundish, skin greenish yellow, with a reddish blush; stalk an inch and a half long, slender ; calyx open, basin shallow ; flesh tender, juicy, free from grit, with an anise- like flavor. A fine winter culinary pear, worthless for the dessert. Early winter. French. Broom Park. Size medium ; roundish ; skin brown ; flesh white, juicy, melting, of second-rate flavor. Early win- ter. Shoots diverging or spreading, dark brown. English. 266 WINTER PEAKS. Cross. Medium in size, roundish ; surface yellow, often with a red cheek, and some russet ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, very thick, set shallow ; calyx small, rather deeply sunk; flesh melting, juicy, with a rich, high, fine flavor of first-rate quality. Early winter. Shoots rather slender, greyish yellow. Origin, Newburyport, Mass. Franc Real d'Hiver. (Syn. Franc Real, Fin Or d'Hiver.) Size medium ; roundish, yellow, sprinkled with russet brown, and with a brownish cheek ; stalk an inch long, cavity small ; calyx small, basin shallow ; flesh firm, crisp, fine for stewing, becoming tender, and of a light purple color. Keeps through winter. Very productive. Growth upright, leaves wavy. Winter Crassane. Size medium, flattish turbinate, taper- ing to stalk, crown much flattened ; skin whitish-yellow, more or less russeted, dots dark and numerous ; stalk two inches or more long, curved, cavity none ; calyx large, distinctly five-cut, basin large, wide, obtuse; flesh white, rather dry, about third-rate. Section III. Small. Fortunee. Syn. Bergamotte Fortunee, Beurre Fortunee.) Ra- ther small, or nearly medium; roundish, slightly necked, somewhat irregular ; whole surface a rich cinnamon rus- set, (like Fulton,) stalk an inch long, usually slightly en- larged at ends ; calyx small, basin round, smooth ; flesh yellowish white, rich, and perfumed when well ripened, nearly first-rate sometimes the flesh is white, and of poor flavor. Keeps through winter. Ne Plus Meuris. Small, roundish, usually very irregular, with swollen parts on the surface ; surface rough, dull yellowish-brown, with some iron-colored russet ; stalk short, cavity little or none ; flesh yellowish white, buttery, melting, and juicy, good. A second or third-rate variety. Keeps through winter. Belgian. COMPARATIVE FORMS OF PEARS, ACCURATELY EKDUCED TO ONE-HALF THE DIAMETER, FROM ACTUAL SPECIMENS. Fig. 181. Fig. 182. Fig. 183 Fig. 184. Skinless. Manning's Ott. Pratt. Elizabeth. Fig. 185. Fig. 186. English French Jargonelle. Jargonelle. Fig. 187. Onondaga, or Sloan's Orange. 268 COMPARATIVE FORMS OF PEARS. Fig. 188 (2 outlines.) Brandywine* Fig. 189. Kingsessing. Fig. 190. Moyamensing. Fig. 191. Fig. 19-2. Fig. 193. Fig. 194. Petre. Belle Lucrative. Fonetenay Jalousie. Heathcot. Fig. 195. Fig. 196. Seckel. Henry IV. Fig. 197. Rovsselet de Rkeimt. Fig. 198. Fulton. Fig. 199. Eyewood. COMPARATIVE FORMS OF PEARS. Fig. 200. Brmon Beurre. Fig. 201. Oswego Beurre. Fig. 202. Lawrence. Fig. 204. Fig of Naples. Fig. 205. Napoleon. Fig. 206. Duchesse d' Orleans- Fig. 207. Figue. 270 COMPARATIVE FORMS OF PEARS. Fig 211. Fig. 212. Marie Louise. Duchesse d'Angouleme. Fig. 210. Bergamotte Cadette. Fig. 213. Beurre Diet. Fig. 215. Van Mons' Leon It Clerc. COMPARATIVE FORMS OF PEARS. 271 Fig. 217. Fig. 218. Fig. 219. Fig. 220. Leu Canas. Passe Colmar. Beurre gris Leufis. d'Hiver Nouveau. Fig. 221. Elack Worcester. Fig. 223. Pound. 12* CHAPTER III. THE QUINCE. THE QUINCE, a small, irregularly growing tree of about ten or twelve feet high, bears one of the best fruits for pre- serves and jellies, and for giving additional flavor to apple tarts. It is unfit for eating in a raw state. The young trees are extensively used as stocks for the propagation of dwart pear trees. The quince is usually propagated by layers and by cut- tings. When by cuttings, they are to be ' taken from the tree in the spring, and buried in an upright position, in a light, deep soil, and in a moist shaded place, not less than ten inches or a foot deep, and leaving but a small portion above ground. If the shaded place cannot be had, spread over the surface of the ground, after they are planted, a coat of moss, or partially decayed leaves. If the weather becomes very dry, water them. To propagate by layers, the young shoots are to be laid down in the spring, and buried so as to leave only two or three buds at the extremity above ground. When these buds have well started, the best only should be left for growing. A part of them will throw out roots by autumn, and may be removed from the parent tree and set out in rows ; the rest should remain a second year till rooted. If the ground is rich, and they are kept well cultivated and straightened by stakes, the cuttings and layers will produce trees fit for removal as standards in two or three years. The soil for the quince should be deep and rich, such as will raise good corn and potatoes, and should be kept well cultivated. A rather moist soil has been preferred by many, but it is by no means essential, 1 * deep and enriching culti- vation being of incalculably more importance. In connex- * The hardiness of the quince enabling it to endure wetter soils, than other trees, has led to, this opinion ; but better quinces have never been raised than on highly enriched and well cultivated dry upland. THE QUINCE. 273 ion with the yearly application of good manure, a special manuring of salt is eminently beneficial. The salt should be spread early in spring beneath the trees just thick enough to half conceal the surface of the ground. Common manure, without salt, will not give the finest quinces, nor will an unmanured or poor .soil endure heavy doses of salt. The total neglect of the cultivation of the quince by many who have planted out the trees, has resulted in their dwarfish and stunted growth, and entire unproductiveness. To reno- vate such trees, cut or saw out the thick profusion of suckers which surround the stem, ("fig- 226,) deepen the soil with the space as much as the roots will admit, and apply a large barrow-load of compost to each tree, made by a thorough in- termixtnre some weeks previously, of stable manure and Fig. 225. Fig. 226. black muck, and then spread a thin coating of salt upon the surface. This should be done in the spring of the year. The pruning may be such as to remove the suckers, and reduce the number of stems to three or four, or the tree may be trimmed to one clean stem, as shown in fig. 225. The wide difference between the results of these two modes of treatment, can be only appreciated by those who have witnessed the experiment. By neglect, the crop will at best be small, and the quinces diminutive and knotty ; by enriched culture, a profusion of large golden fruit will load the tree, which will at all times command a ready sale even in a well supplied market. In planting quince orchards, the distance asunder may be about ten or twelve feet, which will be found near enough for full-grown trees, on a deep, rich, and well-treated soil. If the ground is previously subsoiled, and well manured by trench-plowing, the young trees will come into bearing in 274 THE QUINCE. about three years, and continue productive, if well managed, for forty years, or more. Quince trees, when once in good condition, need but little pruning. All that is necessary is to cut out, annually, old or decayed wood, or any branches that make the head too thick, or that prevent an evenly distributed and symmetrical form. Manure or compost should be applied late in autumn, and salt in spring. ENEMIES. The quince is frequently attacked by the blight, causing the death of the ends of the branches, and sometimes spread- ing and destroying the tree. The remedy is the immediate and constant excision of the injured parts, and burning them. The borer sometimes proves a formidable enemy. It is the larva of an insect which attacks the wood of the trunk near the surface of the ground, and works inwards, usually up- wards, but sometimes downwards, to a distance of several inches into the wood, during the summer season. As the borer frequently destroys the tree, various means of prevention have been resorted to. The remedies de- scribed for the apple-borer are found useful. When the insect has once obtained possession, the best method appears to be direct attack. Scrape the soil from the trunk, and cut with a knife lengthwise, and not across the bark and wood, till the insects are found. Repeat the operation once a week for several times, as a part escape the first examination. Then cover the wounded parts with a mixture of warm tar with ochre or brick-dust. It is a great saving of labor to arrest early their progress ; hence trees should be examined frequently. They may sometimes be extracted by a flexi- ble barbed wire, when cutting out would too much muti- late the tree. THE QUINCE. 275 VARIETIES. ORANGE OR APPLE QUINCE. (Syn. Angers.) Large, some sub- varieties quite large, roundish, somewhat ir- regular, with a small and very short neck at the base ; surface of a fine golden color ; flesh firm, stewing rather tender, of excellent fla- vor. Ripens soon after mid-autumn. Leaves _ oval. Tree productive, Fig. 227. Orange Quince. Fig. 228. Pear Quince, if Well Cultivated. This is the most common sort, and by continual propagation of seedlings, several sub-varieties have been produced, varying slightly in coarseness or firmness of texture, size and form. The largest sometimes weigh a pound. It strikes freely from cuttings, and forms the best stocks for the pear. Pear Qui?ice. (Syn. Oblong or Pyriform Quince.) Size medium or rather large, pyriform, body roundish-oblong, neck about one-half or one-third the length of the body; skin rather dull rich yellow; flesh firm, tough, dry, with a high flavor, stewing less tender than the Orange quince. Ripens late in autumn, and hence adapted to distant marketing. Leaves oblong-ovate. A moderate bearer. Portugal Quince. Quite large, oblong-pyriform, largest at the middle and tapering to each end; yellow; flesh more juicy, and less harsh than the other varieties. Stews well, and becomes a fine purple or deep crimson -. hen cooked. Leaves broad, cordate, downy, larger than those of the com- mon quince, and growth stronger. The fruit is rather su- perior in quality, but the value of the variety is much les- sened by its unproductiveness. It does not strike readily fro:n cuttings. The common or Orange quince is often sold as the Portugal. The Japan and Chinese quinces are cultivated mci'rly as ornamental shrubs. CHAPTER IV. THE PEACH. - THE PEACH, the most delicious fruit, when in perfection, of our climate, succeeds in favorable localities, from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. In the more northern regions, the ripening of the earlier varieties commences only a few weeks before the close of the summer months ; in the ex- treme south, well matured peaches are obtained nearly as early as cherries and strawberries at the north. The trees are more tender and of shorter duration than most fruit trees of temperate climates. In some localities, they bear only two or three good crops, and then decline or perish. On favorable soils, they continue for twenty or thirty years. In western New- York, trees have in rare in- stances borne fruit for forty or fifty years. In France, ac- cording to authentic testimony, peach trees which have been annually and freely pruned, have lived to an age of one hun- dred years ; and there is no doubt that on favorable soils, and by a regular shortening-in pruning, most of our orchards would endure much longer than the ordinary period. The most extensive peach-growing regions are in New- Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. Some orchards have con- tained 20,000 trees, and hundreds of acres have been occu- pied with the plantations of single proprietors. The north- ern portions of Ohio and westerrn New- York, protected on the north by Lakes Erie and Ontario, afford a very favor- able climate for this fruit. But throughout the country at large, the selection of proper localities would doubtless af- ford good and regular crops, even in districts where its culture is rarely attempted. The remarks on this subject on p. 63 of this work, are particularly commended to the attention of those who may, attempt the peach culture in se- vere climates. THE PEACH. 277 The destruction of the peach crop is caused in nearly all cases by the intensely severe cold of winter. Vernal frosts, to which its loss is often erroneously ascribed, very rarely have any influence. If the fruit buds remain unswollen. they will endure almost any degree of cold to which our climate is liable.* But it often happens that we have a few days of mild or warm weather late in autumn or during winter. This is sufficient to swell them slightly, or to throw moisture enough into them to render them tender ; and if the thermometer should then sink several degrees below zero, there is scarcely a chance for their escape. Their condition may be ascertained within a few days by making a cross cut with a knife through the fruit buds. If destroyed, the centre will be dark brown; if uninjured, they will pre- sent the fresh yellow-centre of sound buds. PROPAGATION OF THE TREES. The peach tree is of remarkably easy and rapid propaga- tion. In rare instances, seedling trees have borne the second year, or sixteen months from the planting of the stone. 'Stocks may be budded the first summer, affording trees five or six feet high the second autumn. Transplanted the second year from the bud, the trees with good cultivation, usually come into bearing about the third year afterwards. Some varieties reproduce the same from the stone with slight variation, but the only certain way to perpetuate de- licious sorts, is by budding. Grafting rarely succeeds.! For directions see page 42 of this work. It often happens at the north, that the severe frost of winter destroys the inserted buds, which die and drop off, leaving the attached portion of bark adhering fresh and green to the stock. This disas- ter, which so often disappoints the hopes of the young cul- tivator, is to be prevented by selecting buds from the largest and thriftiest shoots. These usually possess sufficient vigor to withstand severe frosts. The triple buds on the older and more matured portions of the shoots of bearing trees, often survive when the single buds above them perish; as maybe * Peaches are successfully raised so far north that the thermometer usually falls to 30 degrees below zero, by protecting them from the vicissitudes of the weather of \vinier, by means of a good coating of evergreen boughs. t At the south, where the warm and moist climate often approaches in character that of a hot-house, grafts of the peach often do well, and even cuttings of the ap- 0'.e inserted in open ground frequently take ready root. 278 THE PEACH. at once perceived by examining the shoots of bearing trees late in spring. When stocks are not budded till the second summer, it is very important to cut them down the previous spring, and suffer but one ascending sprout to grow, which will form a fine thrifty shoot for the reception of the bud. In raising stocks, select the seed of hardy and late varie- ties. The stones are not injured if kept dry in a cellar till winter. If they become water-soaked for a length of time, they are spoiled. But soaking in water for a day or two, and subsequent exposure to freezing, facilitates the crack- ing of the stone. One of the best modes of treatment is to keep the stones in a moist cellar till near spring, then to soak them in tubs or barrels, till the shells are well swollen with moisture. They are then placed in thin layers on the surface of the ground, and exposed for two or three weeks to the action of the frost, being protected from drying by a covering of soil, leaf-mould or muck. About the time the frost disappears from the ground, they are taken up and cracked by hand, placing the stone on the end of a wooden block, and striking a gentle blow on the side edge with a hammer. The kernels are thus, taken out uninjured. They are then planted one or two inches deep, (a. light thin soil needing more depth than a heavy and moist one,) and if they have been previously uninjured, nearly every one will grow. Care is needed that the seeds do not become dried nor mouldy before planting. When it is intended for them to come up evenly, as they are to remain in the nursery row, the most certain way to avoid vacancies or failures, is to sprout them before plant- ing. This is effected by mixing the kernels with sand and leaf-mould, and spreading them in a thin bed in the sun. When sprouted, a line or cord, permanently marked at equal distances of eight inches with a touch of paint, is stretched on the ground, and a sprouted kernel carefully inserted at every mark of the line, by means of a transplanting trowel. This insures great regularity in the rows. Accidental va- cancies may be filled from a seed bed when the plants are not more than two inches high. To prevent drying, the sprouted seeds should be kept covered with a flake of wet moss or a wet cloth, until deposited in the ground ; and if THE PEACH. 279 the weather be dry, watering the ground may be requisite. By planting the peach stones without cracking, a very small portion will grow, and no regularity can be attained in the rows. If the soil is good, and the cultivator is passed between the rows as often as once a fortnight, oftener is better, the trees will be large enough to bud by the close of summer. In cases where the ground cannot be prepared early for their reception, germination may be retarded by burying the uncracked stones a foot or two beneath the surface, till wanted. The distances of the rows asunder should be about the same as for apples and other trees in the nursery, or about three and a half feet. Plum stocks for the peach, slightly lessen the luxuriance of growth, render the trees smaller, and increase their har- diness for the extreme north by withholding the supply of sap till later in spring, and earlier in autumn, and thus fa- vor an early maturity of the young wood. Small dwarfs are produced by budding on the Mirabelle, a diminutive va- riety of the plum. The plum stock is also sometimes employed to guard against the peach borer, a remedy often unsuccessful, as that insect frequently attacks the peach above the place of union. Unlike most other fruit trees, the peach may be trans- planted in the spring next after the insertion of the bud, with scarcely a check in its growth. ORCHARDS. The selection of locality fcas been treated of; the soil is a matter of importance. The following remarks of A. J. DOWNING on this subject, accord with general experience: " The very best soil for the peach is a rich, deep sandy loam ; next to this, a strong mellow loam ; then a light, thin, sandy soil, and the poorest, is a heavy, compact clay soil. We are very well aware that the extensive and pro- fitable appropriation of thousands of acres of the lightest sandy soil in New-Jersey and Delaware, has led many to believe that this is the best soil for the peach. But such is not the fact, and the short duration of this tree in those dis- 280 THE PEACH. tricts, is unquestionably owing to the rapidity with which the soil is impoverished. We have, on the contrary, seen much larger, finer, and richer flavored peaches produced for a long time successively on mellow loam, containing but little sand, than upon any other soil whatever." In transplanting for an orchard, the practice of shorteni?ig- in the shoots, described in the chapter on transplanting, should be invariably attended to, as it is of the greatest importance in the safe removal of peach trees. Trees two years from the bud, where this practice is observed, will be found de- cidedly better than those of one year only, for the regions of the north. Fifteen to twenty feet apart is the common dis- tance for orchards ; but as better crops and better fruit is obtained where the heads are kept well shortened-in, and consequently within less compass, a distance of twelve feet only will be found sufficient. The best culture consisting in the absence of all other crops on the ground, the nearerd is- tance will be found the most profitable. A distance of twelve feet apart will give more than three hundred trees per acre ; fifteen feet less than two hundred ; and twenty feet scarcely more than one hundred. While the trees are small, the intermediate spaces be- tween the rows may be cultivated with low hoed crops ; but afterwards it will be found best to keep the ground perfect- ly clean and mellow by plowing and harrowing. Where soils are very shallow, top dressing with manure in autumn, and frequent harrowing, have been found best ; the roots being thus brought near the surface, deep plowing proves injurious. But where soils are deep and fertile, plowing may be occasionally resorted to without injury. The principle on which rotation in crops is founded, dic- tates that two crops of peach trees, whether in the nursery or orchard, should riot be given successively on the same piece of ground ; diminished growth in all such instances being the result. One of the best manures for the peach tree is ashes, whe- ther fresh or leached; hence all composts with this constitu- ent in large proportion, are eminently beneficial to peach orchards. When applied alone, half a peck of fresh, and half a bushel of leached ashes to each tree, is a suitable quantity. For a useful mode of application, see remarks on a future page under she head Peach-worm. THE PEACH. 281 PRUNING. No fruit tree needs a more regular and constant pruning than the peach, and none more frequently meets with total neglect. The young shoots, to live and flourish, need a very full exposure to sun and air. But young peach trees, if left to grow in their own way, become covered with a dense profusion of leaves. These shade the interior, and as a necessary consequence, the central shoots gradually perish, and leave the bare limbs. As the tree ad- vances in growth, these become long, naked branches, with tufts of leaves only at their ex- treme ends, fig. 229. These extremeties are loaded with an overcrop of fruit, diminished in flavor by crowding, and often breaking the tree under their lever -like weight. Trees wholly neglected in pruning, Fig. 229; usually become by this process, of little value, after the lapse of some years. To avoid this unfavorable result, the shortening-in mode of pruning has been very successfully adopted, which consists in yearly cutting back the extremeties, so as to counteract the spread of the limbs, and to lessen the weight of foliage. The most easy, uniform, and certain rule to follow, in adopt- ing this system of pruning, is to cut off, early in spring or in win- ter, one-third to one-half of all the shoots of the previous sum- mer's growth. This thins the crop of fruit, and greatly redu- ces the amount of leaves ; and while the fruit is lessened in number, the amount is not di- Fi a. 230. minished, and the flavor is im- 282 THE PEACH. measurably improved. If this pruning is regularly and annually performed, the head of the tree will be preserved in an even, handsome, and compact shape, fig. 230, and in a healthy arid vigorous condition ; and it will become rarely necessary to shorten and thin out the limbs by cutting back the larger side-branches. The pruning may be performed with a heda^e or long- handled shears, or with nearly equal convenience by means of a light standing ladder and a common pruning knife. Any cultivator who may doubt the value of shortening-in the peach, need only to try the experiment for a few suc- cessive years, on a tree standing side by side with one un- pruned, to become fully convinced of its eminent advan- tages.* Training the peach against walls and buildings, so essen- tial to the successful culture of the peach in England, is rarely practiced in this country. It would doubtless hasten the maturity of the crop ; but the warm exposure, would at the same time, unless the branches were purposely protect- ed, render the crop more liable to destruction by frost. Es- palier training has been found to give excellent fruit, in consequence of the thorough pruning and full exposure Fig. 231 First year. Fig. 232 Second year. Fig. 233 Third year. adopted in the management of the trees. Figs. 231, 232, and 233, exhibit the fan training usually adopted in espalier and wall training, in its sucessive stages. To induce early bearing, shorten back one-third or one- half the new shoots about midsummer, or a little sooner, which, by lessening the growth of the leaves, tends to the production of fruit buds. * Such varieties are apt to overbear, and not come to perfection at the north, as the Heath Cling, are thiuued of the crop iu the most easy and perfect manner by cutting back the shoots. THE PEACH. 283 DRYING AND PRESERVING. Drying the fruit is usually performed most successfully by artificial heat. Spent ovens on a small scale, and dry- ing rooms, heated with stoves, fitted with shelves or draw- ers, with lattice or lath bottoms, on a larger scale, are most generally adopted. Drying in the open air, is suc- cessful if the weather happens to be favorable ; but decay and loss follows adverse weather. But the expense of arti- ficial heat, and the failure from an unpropitious sky, may both be avoided by planting for this purpose the earliest ripening sorts, so that the whole work may be completed during the hot, dry weather of summer, a month earlier than the usual period. Preserving the Fresh Fruit. In Baltimore, and some other places, the preservation of the more delicate fruits, as peaches, apricots, and strawberries, in hermetically sealed tin canisters, is carried on on a large scale ; and the fruit at mid-winter is almost as good as when gathered. The process is the same, in principle, as that by which fresh meats are preserved for sea stores. For the substance of the following account of the process, the author is indebt- ed to THOMAS S. PLEASANTS, of Petersburgh, Va. The canisters should be perfectly air-tight, and the con- tents heated throughout to the temperature of boiling water. If the vessels are then hermetically sealed, it is impossible for decomposition to take place, and therefore the most deli- cate fruits may be preserved for an indefinite period. The process is minutely as follows : Prepare the canis- ters in the best manner, of good tin about seven or eight inches in length, and four to four and a half in diameter. Whatever be the size, they should be uniform, that they may be heated alike. The fruit selected should be just ripe and no more, free from specks or bruises. When the canisters are filled, the tops are to be carefully soldered on, leaving a hole in them about the size of a small pin for the escape of the air. They are then to be set in a vessel of water, to be kept boiling moderately, until the temperature of the fruit is raised to that of the water. The way in which this is ascertained, is to put a drop of water on the pin-hole, which will continue to bubble as long as the air escapes from the canister. When the internal temperature 284 THE PEACH. is equal to that of the water, no more air will escape. The water is then to be wiped off, and a drop of solder immedi- ately put in its place. The boiling water should be raised as near to the tops of the canisters as possible, so as not to cover them. If the operation has been properly conducted, the ends of the canisters will, after the cooling has taken place, be depressed, in consequence of the external pressure of the atmosphere. The degree of heat to which the fruit is subjected does not cook it in the least. It is proper that the canisters should be set in a cool place. The vessel in which the water is to be kept boiling, must of course have a level bottom ; and every one who is disposed to try the experiment can devise one for himself. Doubtless a wooden reservoir, heated by steam through a pipe from a .boiler, would be convenient where the experiment is performed on a large scale. INSECTS AND DISEASES. Peach trees are liable to injury and destruction from two causes, the worm or borer, and the yellows. The Peach-ivorm or borer, (^Egeria exitiosa,} cuts into the bark (never into the wood,) just below the surface of the ground, and if badly or wholly girdled, the tree languishes or dies. Its presence is indicated by the exudation of gum at the root, mixed with excrementitious matter resembling saw dust. It is very easily destroyed by scraping away the earth at the foot of the trunk, and following the worm to the end of its hole with a knife, beneath the thin shell of bark under cover of which it extends its depredations. If an orchard is thus examined once in spring and once in early summer, few will escape. But to exclude the insect, as a means of prevention, heap round each tree half a peck of air-slaked lime or ashes, in spring, allowing it to remain till autumn, when, spread beneath the tree, it forms a good manure. This remedy, in many cases, has proved quite effectual. It will in all cases lessen the labor of examina- tion with the knife. "" The perfect insect of the peach worm, fig. 234, &, is a four-winged moth, much resembling in form a wasp, but totally distinct, and in its character and habits closely allied to the butterfly and miller. It deposits from early in sum- THE FEACH. 285 mer autumn, at the foot of the tree, its exceedingly minute, whitish eggs, which soon hatch, and the larvae or worms en- ter the bark. The next season they encase them" selves in a saw-dust-like cocoon, in their holes under the bark; and F ' i s- 234 - emerging in the perfect insect, lay their eggs and perish. The perfect insect is very rarely seen, but is easily obtained by enclosing the pupa, fig. 234, b, c, which is readily obtained in summer at the roots of neglected trees, beneath a glass, or in a gauze case. As this insect confines itself to the bark, its destruction is very easy. It rarely happens that trees are completely de- stroyed by it, except they be small; death can only take place when the tree is girdled. Timely care will prevent this ; the evil in fact is only to be dreaded by negligent cultivators. The disease termed the yellows is truly formidable. It is peculiar to the peach and nectarine. It has destroyed whole orchards in portions of the country, and for a time induced the entire abandonment of the peach culture in certain lo- calities. The cause of this malady has not been satisfactorily as- certained. According to conjecture, it has arisen originally from exhaustion by deteriorated soil, overbearing, and neg- lected pruning and bad cultivation. But whatever may have been its origin, it appears at present to be chiefly commu- nicated from diseased trees. It is quickly induced by in- serting the bud from an affected tree into a healthy stock. It spreads by contact with diseased roots ; a knife used in pruning the tree will infuse the poison if used on another. It appears to be communicated without actual contact, the healthy branches nearest a diseased tree being usually first attacked. It is also probable that the stones from diseased trees cause its development after a few years growth. Its highly contagious nature is indicated by the equal facility with which young and vigorous trees and old and feeble ones may be inoculated by contact* 286 THE PEACH. Its infallible indications, are, first, a premature ripening of the, fruit, som: weeks earlier than usual accompanied with a rather insipid flavor, and with purple dzscolora- tions of the flesh. These usually occur the first season, and on a part of the tree which h,;s been first inoculated with the poison. The following season, numerous smaU, wiry shoots are frequently thrown up from the larger branches, the leaves become yellow, the whole tree assumes a sickly appearance, and eventually perishes. No case is known where a decidedly developed case of this disease has ever been cured. When once attacked, to prevent a spread of the disease, the tree should be immediately removed and burned. No young trees should be planted on the same spot, as the diseased roots still remain. Atones for seed- lings should be procured from districts of the country where it has not been introduced. Peach trees, presenting a sickly appearance, have been revived by the application of iron to the roots, in the form of filings or turnings, or in the solution of the sulphate of iron or copperas ; but these instances of decline do not ap- pear to have been the contagious malady known as the yel- lows. A. J. Downing, whoso opinion is worthy of much atten- tion, and who believes that the yellows is induced by ex- haustion and neglected pruning, strongly relies on the effi- cacy of shortening-in, as a means of prevention, in connex- ion with the means already pointed out, and a thorough renovation of the soil by alkaline applications. Mildew. The growth of peach trees is often retarded by mildew. It seizes the tender points of the shoots and young leaves, and sometimes wholly stops their growth. It is con- fined to glandless, cut-leaved varieties only ; such as the Early White Nutmeg, the Early Anne, and some of the earliest varieties of the red rareripe. Yellow-fleshed peaches rarely or never suffer from it. It is not often a formidable evil, although it seriously lessens the thrifty and handsome appearance of some varieties while growing in the nursery. It is a minute fungus, and may be destroyed or lessened without injury to the tree, by syringing with soap-suds on its first appearance. A mixture of lime-water with the soap- suds is preferred by some cultivators, and a subsequent dust- ing with sulphur has been recommended. THE PEACH. 287 VARIETIES. While the pear and apple are chiefly affected by the in- fluence of soil, the variations in the quality of the peach result mostly from the effects of climate. Fine American varieties are pronounced worthless in England. In this country, some, often delicious, are of little value in unfavor- able seasons. Some which succeed finely as far south as Philadelphia, lose much by removal to western New-York, from the slightly diminished warmth of the summers. A large number of seedlings of high quality have been produced in this country, but as they vary but slightly and do not excel other named and known sorts, it becomes de- sirable not to extend the present list, unless by those deci- dedly superior to existing first-rate varieties. The simi- larity in quality, and the comparative shortness of the fruit season, render a small selection sufficient for ordinary col- lections. Hence, the main object of the following descrip- tive list is to define the characters of described or well- known sorts, and point out those most worthy of cultivation in our climate. SYNOPSIS OF ARRANGEMENT. The fruit of different varieties of the peach is marked with but few distinctive characters. A similarity in outline, texture, color and flavor, more nearly than exists in the ap- ple, pear, and some other kinds, renders it necessary to resort to other points of distinction. The peach presents facilities for this purpose, not existing in other fruits. 1. The Divisions are founded on the adherence or sepa- ration of the flesh from the stone, distinguishing clingstones and free-stones ; or more properly, on the firm, or melting texture of the flesh, indicated by the terms pavies and melters. 2. The Divisions are sub-divided into Classes, embracing pale, or light-colored flesh, and deep-ydlow flesh. 13 288 THE PEACH 3. The Sections are founded on the glands of the leaves. Section I, comprehends those whose leaves are deeply and sharply serrate, Cor cut like saw-teeth,) and having no glands (or gum-like mi- nute knobs) at the base, fig. 235. Section II, contains those whose leaves are crenate or serrulate, (with shallow- er and more rounded teeth,) and having glo- bose glands, fig. 236. Section III, includes all those whose leaves are crenate or serrulate, Fig. 236. Fig. 237. having reniform (or kid- ney-shaped) glands, fig. 237. " The form of the glands," observes Lindley, " as well as their position is perfectly dis- tinct ; they are fully developed in the month of May, and they continue to the last permanent in their character, and are not affected by cultivation. The globose glands are situated, one, two, or more, on the foot stalks, and one, two, or more, on the tips or points of the serratures of the leaves. The reniform glands grow also on the footstalks of the leaves, but those on the leaves are placed within the serra- tures, connecting, as it were, the upper and lower teeth of the serratures together ; their leaves, when taken from a branch of a vigorous growth, have more glands than the leaves of the globose varieties. It will, however, sometimes happen that glands are not discernible on some of the leaves, especially on those produced on weak branches ; in this case, other branches must be sought for which do produce them." 4. The sections thus formed are each divided into two sub-sections ; the first embracing those Fig. 238. Fig. 239. which have large flow- ers, as in fig. 238; and the second including such as bear email flowers, fig. 239. The sub-sections are in most cases THE PEACH. 289 distinctly marked ; but a few doubtful intermediate flowers may immediately be referred to the one or the other by the color of the petals, the smaller being reddish or pink, and the larger nearly white, or with light margins. DIVISION I. FREESTONES OR MELTERS. CLASS I. FLESH, PALE os LIGHT COLORED. Section I. Leaves serrated, without glands. Sub-section I. Flowers large. Double Mountain. (Syn. Double Montagne.) Medium in size ; roundish, narrow at apex ; surface pale greenish white, with a slight soft red cheek, marbled darker ; flesh white to the stone, delicate ; stone ovate and rugged. Ripens at the end of summer. French. Early Anne. (Syn. Green Nutmeg.) Rather small, round ; surface greenish white, becoming nearly white, some- times faintly tinged with red to the sun; flesh white to the stone, sweet, pleasant, with a faint mingling of a vinous flavor. Stone light colored, small, uncommonly smooth. Shoots with a light-green cast. Very early. Tne tree at the north is very tender, and the young shoots are often winter-killed, which, with its slow growth and deficient productiveness, render it unprofitable for gene- ral cultivation. Flowers white. English, old. MAGDALEN OF COURSON. (Syn. Madeleine de Courson, Red Magdalen, True Red Magdalen, French Magdalen, Made- leine Rouge.J Medium size, or rather small, round, slightly oblate, suture deep on one side ; surface nearly white, with a lively red cheek ; flesh white, slightly red at the stone ; juicy, rich, vinous. Rather early, or last iwo weeks of summer. French, old. The genuine sort is little known in this country. 290 THE PEACH. MALTA. (Syn. Italian.) Rather large, roundish, slightly flattened, suture broad, shallow, surface pale dull green, blotched and spotted with dull purple next the sun; flesh greenish, slightly red at the stone, very juicy, melting, rich, with an excellent sub-acid, vinous flavor. Ripens end of summer. A moderate bearer. Shoots slightly liable to mildew. A spurious sort with globose glands, and of infe- rior quality, has been generally desseminated in this country. NOBLESSE. (Syn. Vanguard, Mellish's Favorite.) Large, round-oblong or oval, slightly narrower at apex, and ter- minated by a short acute point; skin pale green, clouded and shaded with light dull red to the sun; flesh pale greenish white to stone, very juicy, with a very rich high flavor. Tree of rather slow growth and liable to mildew, the only drawback on the value of this excellent peach. Ripens end of summer and the beginning of autumn. English. SERRATE EARLY YORK.* (Syn. True Early York, Early York of Downing, Early Purple erroneously. Size medium, roundish- oval, suture slight ; dotted with red on greenish-white in the shade, dark red to the sun ; flesh very ten- der and full of juice, rich, with a faint ming- ling of acid. Quite early, or middle of 8 mo., (Aug.) Growth rather free for a ser- rate-leaved peach. Very productive, and from its earliness, of great value. Differs Fig. 240. from the Large Early York by its large flowers, cut-leaves, oval fruit, and earlier maturity. * This name has been objected to as consisting of more than two words, but it is much shorter than Crawford's Early Melocoton and White Blossomed Incomparable, so commonly adopted. It is even as short as the single term Incomparable. THE PEACH. 291 Sweetwater. (Syn. Early Sweetwater.) Size medium, roundish, light green at maturity, flesh tender, melting, rich, and juicy. It is a seedling from the Early Anne, which it much resembles in growth and general charac- ter, but is more than twice its size, superior in flavor, and ripens nearly a week later. A moderate bearer. Like the Early Anne it is too tender for the north, and does not ripen before the Tillotson and Serrate Early York. The Sweetwater of Downing'has globose glands and large flowers, with a roundish, middle-sized, greenish-white fruit ; the tree is more hardy than the preceding, but the fruit ripens later, and is inferior in quality. White Nutmeg. (Syn. Early White Nutmeg, Avant Blanche, White Avant.) Very small, roundish oval, with a deep suture on one side ; skin nearly white, rarely touched with faint red ; flesh white to the stone, with a mild, pleasant flavor. Ripens about mid-summer, or im- mediately after wheat harvest, and is the earliest and smallest peach cultivated. Its very slow growth, tender shoots, and light crops, render it of little value. Sub-section II. Flowers small. Belle de Vitry. (Syn. Admirable Tardive.) Size medium, approaching oblate ; apex depressed, suture deep ; skin nearly white, tinged and mrrbled with bright and dull red; flesh rathei firm, red at the stone, juicy and rich. Quite late, or last of 9 mo. (Sept.) This is quite distinct from the Late Admirable, which ripens two eeks earlier; and from the Early Admirable, often known by the name of Belle de Vitry, and which ripens six weeks earlier. Both of the latter have crenate leaves with globose glands. EARLY T.LLOTSON. Size medium; round or nearly globu- lar ; thickly dotted with red on a nearly white ground in the shade, dark deep red in the sun ; flesh whhish, red at the stone, to which the flesh partially adheres, juicy, rich, high-flavored, more of a nutmeg and less of a vinous flavor than the Serrrate Early York, and ripening about the sa:ne time or a few days earlier, or the early part and middle of 8 mo. (Aug.) Its time of maturity is often somewhat variable, even on the same tree. The young 292 THE PEACH. trees are of slow growth, and the leaves liable to mildew, from both of which it gradually recovers as the tree ad- vances in size. Origin, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Emperor of Russia. (Syn. Cut-leaved, Serrated, Unique.) Fruit large, approaching oblate ; one half, more swollen; surface rather downy, dull yellowish white, with a dark red cheek ; flesh yellowish white, rather firm, rich, high- flavored. End of. summer. Although the flavor is first- rate, it is a poor grower and a poor bearer. Origin, New- York. Royal George. ((Syn. Early Royal George.) Rather large, globular, broad and depressed, or inclining to oblate ; su- ture deep at apex, passing two-thirds round the fruit ; skin nearly white, thickly dotted with red, with a broad, deep, rich red, slightly marbled cheek ; flesh whitish, very red at the stone, juicy and rich. Ripens a week or two be- fore the end of summer. A moderate bearer. Shoots liable to mildew. RED RARERIPE. (Syn. Early Red Rareripe, Large Red.) Rather large, globular, broad and depressed ; suture broad and deep, passing nearly round the fruit ; skin nearly white, with red dots in the shade, and a rich dark red cheek in the sun ; flesh, whitish red at the stone, juicy, rich, and high-flavored. Ripens during the last two weeks of summer. Resembles the Royal George, but superior in quality. Both are subject to mildew of the leaves. Royal Charlotte. Rather large ; approaching ovate ; base slightly wider than apex ; suture moderate ; skin pale greenish-white, with a deep red marbled cheek ; flesh white, pale red at the stone; juicy, rich, fine. First of autumn. SECTION II. LEAVES CRENATE, WITH GLOBOSE GLANDS. Sub-section I. Flowers large. Acton Scott. Size medium ; rather narrow and depressed at apex, suture shallow ; skin rather wooly, nearly white, with a marbled, bright-red cheek ; flesh pale to the stone, with a rich, sometimes slightly bitter flavor. Early, mid THE PEACH. 293 die of 8 mo., August. English ; a cross between Noblesse and Red Nutmeg. Rare in this country. Astoi: Large, slightly oblate, apex slightly depressed, su- ture distinct ; surface nearly white, with a deep red cheek ; stone small; flesh very juicy, sweet, good second-rate. Ripens end of summer. Origin, New- York. BARRINGTON. Large, roundish-ovate, apex rather pointed ; suture on one side, moderate ; skin nearly white, with a deep-red, marbled cheek ; flesh slightly red at the stone, juicy, rich, and of high quality. Ripens early in autumn. Does not attain its full flavor north of New- York city. English. Clinton. Size medium, roundish, apex slightly depressed, suture nearly obsolete; surface nearly white, with a somewhat striped red cheek ; flesh juicy, faintly red at the stone, of second-rate flavor. End of summer. American. EARLY ADMIRABLE. (Syn: Admirable ; Belle de Vitry, er- roneously.) Size medium ; nearly round ; skin nearly white, with a red cheek; flesh red at the stone, juicy, rich, sweet, fine. Quite early, ripening immediately after Serrate Early York. French. GROSSE MIGNONNE. Large, roundish, slightly oblate ; apex depressed, with a deep suture ; skin tinged with greenish yellow, mottled with red, and with a purplish red cheek ; flesh reddened at the stone, juicy, with a very rich, high, and somewhat vinous flavor ; stone small, very rough. Early, the last two weeks of summer. Of French origin. The peach usually cultivated in this coun- try under this name, although a^ excellent variety, is not the genuine Grosse Mignonne, but differs in its small flowers. Sub-section If. Flowers small. BELLEGARDE. (Syn. Galande, Smooth-leaved Royal George, Violette Hative of some, Red Magdalen erroneously.'] Size medium or large, round, regular ; suture shallow, deepest at apex, with a slight projecting point ; skin nearly white, 294 THE PEACH. with a faint tinge of green, and a rich red cheek, often streaked darker ; flesh slightly red at the stone, a little firm, melting, juicy, rich, and of fine flavor. Stone rather large. End of summer. French. COLE'S EARLY RED. Size medium, roundish, suture small; skin mostly mottled with red, with dark red on the sunny side ; flesh juicy, rich, with a pleasant and fine flavor, hardly first-rate in quality. Valuable for its great pro- ductiveness and early maturity, ripening nearly as early as the Serrate Early York. American. COOLEDGE'S FAVORITE. Rather large or medium; roundish, rather largest on one side; suture distinct at apex; skin nearly clear white, mottled with red dots in the shade, and with a brilliant deep scarlet cheek in the sun ; flesh very melting and juicy, with a rich, faintly acid flavor. Ripens about the middle of 8 mo., Aug. Origin, Wa- tertown, Mass. DRUID HILL. Very large, roundish, cavity rather narrow ; suture slight, with a distinct but scarcely prominent point at apex; surface pale greenish white, clouded with red towards the sun ; flesh greenish white, purple at the stone, very juicy, with a very rich, high vinous flavor; stone long and rather compressed, much furrowed. Ri- pens quite late, or latter part of 9 mo., Sept. Growth unusually vigorous. Origin, Baltimore. Favorite. Large, oblong, or oval ; skin rather downy, much covered with red, very dark towards the sun; flesh red at the stone, a little firm, jnicy, with a good, vinous, but not rich flavor. Hardy and very productive. Ripens me- dium or rather late, or about the second week of au- tumn. Glands of the leaves very small, obscure, or none. American. Fox's Seedling. Round, slightly compressed, cavity nar- row ; white with a red cheek ; juicy, sweet, good. " Sea- son, medium or rather late. New-Jersey. GEORGE THE FOURTH. Large, round, suture deep and broad, one half slightly larger; skin nearly white in the shade, dotted red, with a deep red cheek, flesh slightly THE PEACH. 295 red at the stone, melting, juicy, rich, excellent. Ripens at the end of summer. Branches rather more diverging than usual ; leaves. pale green, often glandless. Crops moderate, one cause of its excellence. Origin, New- York. Green Catharine. Large, round, pale groen, with a red cheek, flesh bright red at the stone, tender, juicy, rather acid. Season, rather late, does not ripen richly as far north as the 43d degree of latitude. LARGE EARLY YORK. (Syn. Early York of New- Jersey, Honest John.) Large, roundish, inclining to ob- late in fully grown specimens, nearly white in the shade, with red dots, and with a deep red cheek to the sun ; flesh nearly white, fine-grained, very juicy, with mild, rich, excellent flavor. The NEW-YORK RARERIPE, (a name which has been more or less applied to nearly all the early red peaches sent to New- York market,} or Livingston's New- York Rareripe, is usually regarded as identical with the large Early York, but T. Hancock, of Burlington, considers them distinct, the New-York Rareripe being rather su- perior, and ripening three days later. Haines' Early Red closely resembles, if it is not identical with Large Early York. LATE ADMIRABLE. (Syn. La Royale, Bourdine, Teton de Venus, Judd's Melting, Motteuxs Late Purple incorrectly.) Quite large, roundish, inclining to oval, with a deep su- ture extending nearly round, and an acute swollen point at the apex; surface pale yellowish-green, with a pale red cheek, marbled -with darker red; flesh greenish white, red at the stone, juicy, delicate, flavor excellent. Season rather late. Of French origin. LATE RED RARERIPE. Large, roundish-oval, apex marked with a depressed suture and sunken point ; skin rather downy, pale greyish yellow, spotted and thickly marbled, deep dull red to the sun, and with fawn-colored specks ; flesh white, deep red at the stone, juicy, with a very rich and high flavor. The fruit is distinguished by its pe- 13* 296 THE PEACH. culiar greyish cast. Season, the first two weeks of au- tumn. American Morris* Red Rareripe. Large, roundish, apex slightly de- pressed, suture moderate, distinct ; surface greenish-white, with a bright rich red cheeck; flesh greenish-white, quite red at the stone, juicy, sweet, rich. Season, end of sum- mer. Origin, Philadelphia. Differs from George IV., in its darker leaves, heavier crops, more even fruit, inferior flavor, and in ripening a few days later. Morrissania Pound. (Syn. Hoffman's Pound.) Very large, nearly round ; surface dull greenish-white, with a brown- ish red cheek; flesh pale yellowish, juicy, tolerably rich. Late. Origin, New- York. NIVETTE. Large, roundish, sometimes slightly oval, suture slight, apex but little depressed ; surface light yellowish- green, with a faint red cheek ; flesh pale green, varying from pink to deep red at the stone, juicy and melting, and with a very rich flavor. Season medium, immedi- ately preceding or ripening nearly with Morris Whi:e, and one of the best of its season for the north. Of French origin. OLDMIXON FREESTONE. Large, roundish, slightly oval, one side swollen, suture visible only at apex ; cavity shallow; surface a pale yellowish white, marbled with red, with a deep red cheek when fully exposed ; flesh deep red at the stone, tender, rich, excellent. Season medium, or the first of autumn. Succeeds well in all localities, and has few equals as a variety for the north, to succeed the early peaches. President. Large, roundish-oval, with little suture ; sk:n very downy, yellowish-white, with a tinge of green, and a dull red cheek ; flesh nearly white, deep red at the stone, very juicy, and with a high flavor; stone rough, to which the flesh partially adheres. Ripens a little later than Morris White, or middle of 9 mo., (Sept.) Scott's Early Red. Medium size, roundish, suture distinct, moderate ; skin nearly white, mottled and covered with THE PEACH. 297 red ; flesh very juicy, with a rich, fine flavor. Rather early, or end of summer. New Jersey. VAN ZANDT'S SUPERB. Size medium, roundish, one half larger, suture slight ; skin nearly white, with a beautifully dotted red cheek ; flesh whitish, tinted with red at the stone, juicy, sweet, of fine pleasant flavor. First of au- tumn. Origin, Flushing, Lting Island. WALTER'S EARLY. Rather large, roundish ; surface nearly white, with a rich red cheek ; flesh whitish, touched with red at the stone, juicy, sweet, of fine flavor. Ripens the last week of summer. A native of New-Jersey, and is a valuable peach at the north. m WARD'S LATE FREE. Large, not quite of the largest size, roundish, surface dull yellowish white, with a red cheek, nearly the color of the Oldmixon Free, but not so clear nor bright ; flesh nearly white, of excellent flavor. One of the finest late peaches of the middle states. The Rey- bolds, of Delaware, the most extensive peach raisers in the United States, having reduced their list to about fif- - teen sorts, have retained this as one of the best late varieties. >< r Washington. (Syn. Washington Red Freestone.) Large, somewhat oblate, with a broad deep suture passing nearly round ; skin thin, yellowish-white, with a deep crimson cheek; flesh nearly white, tender, juicy, sweet, rich. Stone small, to which the flesh slightly adheres. Rather late. Origin, New-York. WHITE IMPERIAL. Rather large, roundish, often slightly oblate, depressed at apex ; suture moderate ; surface pale yellowish white, often with a faint tinge of green; slight- ly tinged and sometimes striped with light purple to the. sun; flesh very juicy, delicate, sweet, excellent. A uni- form moderate bearer, and a valuable peach at the north, but worthless in Virginia. Ripens rather early, or latter part of summer. Origin, Cayuga Co., N. Y. 298 THE PEACH. SECTION III. LEAVES WITH RENIFORM GLANDS. Sub-section I. Flowers large. EARLY PURPLE. (Syn. Pourpree Hative, Pourpree Hative a Grand Fleurs.) Size medium, globular, depressed, a deep suture across the apex ; skin light yellow, with a mottled purplish red cheek ; flesh red at the stone, melt- ing, juicy, with a high flavor; stone broad and rough; season early, or middle or latter pait of 8 mo., (Aug.) Rare in this country. The Serrate Early York has been propagated under this name in portions of this country, and the Grosse Mignonne in Europe ; from both of which it differs in the glands of its leaves. White Blossomed Incomparable. (Syn. White Blossom, Willow Peach.) Large, oval ; skin wholly white ; flesh white to the stone, juicy, pleasant, of tolerable flavor. Ripens first 'of autumn. Flowers white, leaves light green, shoots pale yellow. American. Sub-section II. Flowers small. BREVOORT. (Syn. Brevoort's Morris, Brevoort's Seed- ling Melter.) Medium or large, round and slightly ob- late, suture distinct, deep at apex ; skin nearly white or with a faint dingy hue, with a bright red cheek ; flesh rather firm, slightly red at stone, rich, sweet, and high- flavored. First of autumn. Moderately and uniformly productive. Origin, New-York. Chancellor. (Syn. Late Chancellor, Noisette.) Large, oval, suture distinct ; skin nearly white, with a dark crimson cheek; flesh deep red at the stone, with a rich vinous flavor ; stone oblong. Late. Of French origin. EARLY NEW;NGTON FREESTONE. Size medium : roundish, one half always larger, suture distinct ; surface nearly white, dotted and streaked with red, the cheek a rich red ; flesh white, red at the stone, at first wholly adhering, but as it ripens, partially separating from it; juicy, rich, fine. A valuable early variety, ripening immediately after the Serrate Early York. THE PEACH. 299 Kenrick's Heath. (Syn. Freestone Heath.) Very large, oblong, suture slight, apex pointed ; surface pale green- ish-white, with a purplish red cheek ; flesh deep red at the stone, rather coarse, very juicy, sub-acid, second-rate, sometimes third-rate ; when well grown on some locali- ties, it proves a good sub-acid peach. Season, medium or rather late. New-England. La Grange. Large, oblong ; surface pale greenish-white, rarely tinged with red by the sun ; flesh juicy, with a rich, fine flavor. Quite late. Origin, Burlington, N. J., and does not attain a fine flavor much farther north. MORRIS WHITE. (Syn. Morris' White Rareripe, White Rareripe, Lady Ann Steward.) Rather large, roundish, or roundish-oval, often obscurely obovate or a little larger towards the apex, suture small ; surface rather downy, of a pale creamy white at maturity, rarely tinged with pur- ple to the sun; flesh slightly firm, wholly white, very free from the drab stone, melting, juicy, with a good, rich fla- vor ; hardly of the highest quality at *he north, better in the middle states ; very popular everywhere. Season, medium, or early in autumn. COLE'S WHITE MELOCOTON, as usually cultivated, is a sy- nonym ; but when genuine, is quite distinct, according to T. Hancock, being larger, heavier, and rounder, and ripening two weeks later. Snow. Large, globular, suture distinct only at apex ; skin thin, wholly white ; flesh white to the stone, juicy, sweet, rich. First of autumn. Very variable ; sometimes worth- less for the table ; always a fine peach for preserving. Strawberry. (Syn. Rose.) Size medium, oval, cavity deep, suture passing half round ; surface mostly i; arbled with deep red ; flesh whitish, melting, rich, of fine flavor. Early. 300 THE PEACH. CLASS II. FLESH DEEP YELLOW. Section I. Leaves crenated, with globose glands. Sub-section /. Flowers large. Baltimore Beauty. Rather small, round-oval ; skin deep orange, with a bright red cheek; flesh yellow, red at the stone, sweet, good, mealy when over-ripe. Quite early. Origin, Baltimore, where it-is good, but it proves of third- rate quality at the north. Sub-section II. Flowers small. CEAFWORD'S EARLY. (Syn. Early Crawford, Crawford's Early Melocoton.) Very large ; oblong-oval, sometimes round-oval ; apex with a prominent point ; suture shal- low ; surface yellow, with a red cheek; flesh very juicy, rich, slightly sub-acid, of good but not the highest flavor. End of summer and beginning of autumn. Productive. Ranks very high in the northern, middle, and western states, as a market variety. Origin, New-Jersey. CRAWFORD'S LATE. (Syn. Crawford's Late Melocoton, Crawford's Superb Melocoton.) Very large, roundish, suture shallow, distinct ; surface yellow, with a broad, dark red cheek ; flesh red at the stone, rich, juicy, vinous, hardly first-rate. Quite late, or latter part of 9 mo. (Sept.) Productive ; and ranks among the first as a late variety for market. Origin, New- Jersey. The common Red Cheek Melocoton is cultivated in some localities under this name. JAQTJES' RARERIPE. Very large, roundish, slightly oblate, suture distinct, one side slightly larger, surface a little uneven ; surface deep yellow, variously shaded with red ; flesh deep yellow, red at the stone, of good but not of the highest flavor. Shoots diverging. Ripens at the end of summer. Origin, Mass. Red- Cheek Melocoton.* Large, roundish-oval, with a point at apex ; surface yellow, with a deep red cheek ; flesh * Pronounced Mel-o-co-toon, and often written Malncatune and Melocotoon, with other variations in orthography. It is the Spanish name for peach. THE PEACH. 301 red at the stone, juicy, with a good, rich, vinous flavor, not of first-rate quality. Ripens rather late, or during the last half of 9 mo., (Sept.,) in the middle states about the first of autumn. Extensively cultivated as a market peach. SCOTT'S NONPAREIL. Large, roundish, slightly oblong, sur- face deep yellow with a red cheek, resembling Crawford's Late, but sweeter. Origin, Burlington, N. J., where it ripens about the 12th of 9 mo., (Sept.) New. Yellow Alberge. (Syn. Purple Alberge, Yellow Rareripe, erroneously.) Size medium; roundish, suture distinct, passing half round ; skin yellow, with a deep purplish red cheek ; flesh deep red at the stone, juicy, sweet, pleasant, of second-rate flavor. This is distinct from the Early Barnard or Alberge of western New-York, a sub-variety superior to the original. The Rosanna, another sub-variety, ten days later, and with reniform glands, is cultivated in some localities under the name of Yellow Alberge. YELLOW RARERIPE. Large, roundish ; suture moderate, passing half round ; apex with a small point ; surface deep orange, somewhat dotted, with a rich red cheek, shaded off in streaks; flesh red at the stone, juicy, rich, fine ; of nearly first-rate quality ; stone small. End of summer, and first of autumn. One of the best yellow peaches. There are several spurious and inferior sub- varieties. SECTION II. LEAVES WITH RENIFORM GLANDS. Sub-section 1. Flowers large. Yellow Admirable. (Syn. Abricotee, Admirable Jaune, Orange Peach, Apricot Peach.) Large, roundish-oval, suture small, and on one side only ; surface wholly yel- low, or faintly reddened next the sun ; flesh slightly red at the stone, firm, and rather dry ; 'flavor sweet and agree- able ; stone small ; season, very late. Of French origin. 302 THE PEACH. Sub-section II. Flowers small. BERGEN'S YELLOW. Very large, round, . slightly ob- late ; suture distinct, passing more than half round ; sur- face deep orange, with a broad deep red cheek; flesh juicy, rich, excellent. Ripens the first of autumn. This is perhaps the finest of all yellow-fleshed peaches. Origin, Long Island, N. Y. It differs from the Yellow Rareripe in its more oblate form, darker color, superior flavor, and later maturity, and in its reniform glands. COLUMBIA. Large ; roundish-oblate ; suture distinct, pass- ing half way round ; skin rough, rather thick, dull dingy red, with spots of darker red; flesh yellow, rich, juicy, of excellent flavor. Origin, .New Jersey. Ripens early in autumn. Shoots dark reddish purple. DIVISION II. CLINGSTONES OR PAVIES. CLASS I. FLESH, PALE 01 LIGHT COLORED. Section I. Leaves serrated, without glands. Sub-section L Flowers large. Old Newington. (Syn. Newington, Large Newington.) Large, roundish, suture slight ; surface nearly white, with a fine red cheek, somewhat streaked with darker red ; flesh nearly white, deep red at the stone ; somewhat melting, juicy, rich. Season, rather late, or middle of 9 mo. (Sept.) A sub-variety, cultivated to a considerable extent in this country, has globose glands. Smith's Newington. (Syn. Early Newington.) Size, me- dium ; roundish-oval, narrower at apex, one side slightly enlarged; surface pale yellow, with a lively red cheek, streaked with purple ; flesh bright red at the stone, juicy, good. Ripens end of summer. This is of English origin, and is quite distinct from the Early Newington Freestone, a melting (not firm-fleshed) peach, often adhering to the stone. THE PEACH. 303 SECTION II. LEAVES CRENATE, WITH GLOBOSE GLANDS. Sub-section I. Flowers email. LARGE WHITE CLINGSTONE. Large, round, suture slight, point at apex small ; skin white, dotted with red, or with a light red cheek next the sun; flesh very juicy, sweet, rich, and high-flavored. Season, early in autumn. Ori- gin, New- York. OLDMIXON CLINGSTONE. Large, round 'sh-oval, suture dis- tinct only at apex, fruit slightly larger on one side ; sur- face yellowish white, dotted with red, or with a red cheek; flesh juicy, rich, with a high flavor. Ripens first of autumn. This is one of the finest of clingstone peaches. SECTION III. LEAVES WITH EENIFOKM GLANDS. Sub-section I. Flowers small. Catherine Cling. Large, roundish-oval, swollen most on one side, with a small point at apex; surface pale yellowish- green, thickly doited and with a cheek of red, with darker streaks ; flesh firm, dark red at the stone, juicy, rich, fine. Season, late. Of English origin. The fruit of this va- riety, and of the Old Newington, and Oldmixon Cling, considerably resemble each other, but all differ in the glands of the leaves. HEATH. (Syn. Heath Cling, White Heath.) Very large, oblong-oval, the largest specimens nearly round, with a large, conspicuous point at the apex ; suture distinct on one side ; surface quite downy, pale yellowish white, sometimes faintly tinged with red next the sun ; flesh ex- ceedingly juicy, becoming melting, with a sweet, very high, rich, and excellent flavor; leaves large, wavy, deep green, slightly crenate. Season, very late, about mid- autumn, and the fruit may be kept nearly till winter. At the north, it matures fully in the warmest seasons only; and never attains its full size, which is about three inches in diameter, unless much thinned on the branches, to effect which a thorough shortcning-in is by far the best mode. Origin, Maryland. Tree quite hardy and vigo- rous. In southern Virginia, the Heath is rather an un- 304 THE PEACH. certain peach, but when perfect it ripens there the first fortnight in autumn. Incomparable. (Syn. Pavie Admirable.) Large, roundish, one side enlarged ; skin nearly white, light red to the sun ; flesh red at the stone, juicy, agreeable, second-rate. Ripens late. Resembles the Catherine, but larger, later, and of inferior quality. CLASS II. FLESH DEEP YELLOW. Section I. Leaves serrate, without glands. Sub-section /. Flowers small. Orange Clingstone. Large, round, suture distinct, passing nearly round, with no point at the apex ; surface deep orange, with a dark red cheek ; flesh rather firm, rich, juicy, vinous. Season, early in autumn. SECTION II. LEAVES WITH RENIFORM GLANDS. Sub-section I. flowers small. Lemon Clingstone. (Syn. Kennedy's Cling, Pine Apple Cling, Yellow Pine Apple.) Large, oblong-oval, slightly narrowed at 'apex, terminated by a large prominent point ; surface deep yellow, with a dark brownish-red cheek; flesh firm, slightly red at the stone, with a rich, vinous, sub-acid flavor. Quality about second-rate. Rather late. Tree productive, hardy. Origin, South Carolina. Late Yellow Alberge. Syn. Algiers Winter, October Yel- low.) Size medium; roundish-oval; suture small, dis- tinct ; skin quite downy, green becoming yellow ; flesh yellow to the stone, very firm, of second-rate quality. Ripens very late, or about mid-autumn. French. Tippecanoe. Large, nearly round, slightly compressed ; surface yellow, with a red cheek; flesh yellow, juicy, vinous, good. Quite late. A native of Philadelphia; of little value much further north. New. WASHINGTON CLINGSTONE. Size medium ; roundish ; sur- face yellowish-green, with gray specks, and with a slight THE NECTARINE. 305 tinge of red to the sun ; not handsome ; flesh very ten- der, sweet, high-flavored. Quite late. CLASS III. FLESH PURPLISH CRIMSON. Section I. Glands reniform. Bui-section I. Flowers small. Blood Clingstone. (Sy?i. Claret Clingstone, Blood Cling.) Large, often very large, roundish-oval, suture distinct ; skin quite downy, dark, dull, clouded, purplish-red ; flesh deep red throughout, firm, juicy, only valuable for culi- nary purposes. The French Blood Clingstone, the parent of the preceding, only differs from it in its smaller size and large flowers. The Blood Freestone is much smaller, and of no value. NECTARINES. The Nectarine being nothing more than the peach with a glossy skin, the same rules for cultivation will apply equal- ly to both, with the exception that its smooth surface ren- ders it eminently liable, to the attacks of the curculio. For the remedies, see the chapter on the Plum. The nectarine is usually inferior, and has more of the noyau flavor than the peach ; and the shoots are of smoother and more compact growth. DIVISION I. FREESTONES. CLASS I. FLESH PALE. Section I. Leaves with reniform glands. Sub-section I. Flowers large. NEW WHITE. Rather large, nearly round; skin white, often a slight tinge of red ; flesh white, tender, juicy, rich, vinous ; stone small. Season medium or first of autumn. English. The Old White resembles the preceding, but is less hardy and productive. 306 THE NECTARINE. Sub-section If. Mowers small. DOWNTON. Medium in size, roundish-oval, pale green, with a deep violet-red cheek ; flesh pale green, slightly red at the stone ; melting, rich, excellent. Ripens end "of summer. This is perhaps the best flavored of all the nectarines. Engli.sh. Due de Telliers. Rather large, roundish-oblong, apex slight- ly narrowed, base broad ; pale green, with a marbled purple-red cheek; flesh pale red at the stone, juicy, sweet, good. Rather early, or end of summer. EARLY VIOLET. (Syn. Violet Hative, Aromatic, New Scar- let, Large Scarlet, Early Brugnon, Violet Musk, Violette Musquee.) Size medium ; roundish, apex slightly nar- rowed, suture shallow ; skin with a dark purple red cheek and brown dots, on pale yellowish-green ; flesh whitish, much reddened at the stone; stone roundish, moderately rough, reddish or reddish brown ; flesh melt- ing, rich, high-flavored, and aromatic; of the finest quali- ty. Season medium or end of summer. Distinguished from Elruge by its redder flesh and stone, and darker skin. The LARGE EARLY VIOLET, or VIOLETTE GROSSE, differs in its larger size and rather inferior flavor. ELRUGE. Medium in size, roundish-oval ; suture slight, distinct at apex ; skin a dark red or deep violet on a greenish-yellow ground, with minute brownish dots ; flesh greenish-white, slightly, sometimes scarcely stained with pale red at the stone; juicy, rich, high-flavored; stone rough, pale. Season about medium, or first of autumn. This is one of the best and most celebrated of nectarines. HARDWICKE SEEDLING. Large, roundish, approaching oval, resembling Elruge ; skin with a violet-red cheek on pale green ; flesh greenish-white, slightly reddened at the stone, juicy, rich, high-flavored. Season, medium, or end of summer. English, new. Murrey. Size medium, roundish-ovate, one side slightly larger, skin with a dark red cheek on pale green ; flesh THE NECTARINE. 307 greenish-white, sweet, good ; stone nearly smooth. Rather early. Unproductive. English, old. Peterborough. Rather small, roundish ; skin nearly green, with a slightly dingy red cheek; flesh greenish- white to the stone, flavor tolerable. Very late, or nearly mid- autumn. Valueless. The sort usually propagated under this name in this country, although a superior sort, is not genuine. CLASS II. FLESH DEEP YELLOW. Section I. Leaves serrate, without glands. Sub-section I. Flowers small. HUNT'S TAWNY. Nearly medium size, roundish-ovate, nar- rowed and pointed at apex, one side slightly enlarged ; skin, a dark red cheek on pale orange, with numerous russet specks ; flesh deep orange, rich, juicy, good. Eng- lish. Valuable for its early maturity, ripening quite early, or three weeks before the close of summer. SECTION II. LEAVES WITH RENIFORM GLANDS. Sub-section I. Flowers small. BOSTON. (Syn. Perkins, Lewis.) Large, handsome, round- ish-oval; bright yellow, with a deep red cheek; flesh yellow to the stone, with a good, pleasant, but not very high flavor. Season, medium, or about the first of au- tumn. A native of Boston. FairchildSs. Small, round, slightly flattened at apex ; skin a bright red cheek on yellowish green; flesh yellow to the stone, rather dry, flavor poor. Quite early, its only merit. PITMASTON'S ORANGE. Large, roundish-ovate, base broad, apex narrow and pointed ; surface with a dark reddish cheek, slightly streaked at the margin, on rich orange ; flesh deep yellow, red at the stone; juicy, rich, fine; stone rather small. Rather early. 308 THE NECTARINE. DIVISION II. CLINGSTONES. CLA^S I. FLESH PALE. Section I. Leaves serrate without glande. Sub-section I. Flowers large. EARLY NEWINGTON. (Syn. Black, Early Black, Lucombe's Seedling.) Large, roundish-ovate, one side slightly en- larged, apex pointed ; skin pale green, nearly covered with bright red and with darker marblings and dots ; flesh greenish-white, deep red at the stone, juicy, with a fine rich flavor. First of autumn. Newington. (Syn. Scarlet Newington, Scarlet, Old New- ington, Smith's Newington, Anderson's.) Rather large, roundish ; nearly covered with red and darker marblings, on pale greenish-yellow; flesh deep red at the stone, juicy, rich, vinous. Rather late. Best when ripened to shrivelling. CLASS II. FLESH YELLOW. Section II. Leaves with reniform glands. Sub-section I. Flowers large. Red Roman. (Sy?i. Roman, Old Roman, Brugnon Musquee.) Large, roundish, a little flattened at apex ; skin greenish- yellow, with a somewhat rough, dull reddish-brown cheek, with brown russet specks ; flesh firm, greenish-yellow, deep red at the stone, rich, vinous, high-flavored. Sea- son medium or rather late. Sub-section II. Flowers small. Broomfield. Large, roundish ; skin with a dull red cheek on dull yellow ; flesh yellowish ; flavor tolerable. Rather late. Origin, Harvard, Mass. Golden. (Syn. Orange, Fine Gold-Fleshed.) Medium in size, roundish-ovate, handsome ; surface bright waxen yel- low, with a small scarlet cheek ; flesh firm, of rather poor flavor. Cultivated only for its beauty. Rather late. Prince's Golden Nectarine resembles this, but is larger, a week later, and has large flowers. CHAPTER V. THE APRICOT. IT is remarkable that a fruit of such excellence as the apricot, and ripening from one to two months before the best early peaches, should be so little known. In its natural character, it is more nearly allied to the plum than the peach, resembling the former in its broad leaf, and in the smooth stone of its fruit; but downy like the peach, and partaking largely of its flavor and excellence. The apricot is budded on seedling apricots, and on peach and plum s:ocks. Plum stocks are preferred, and are more especially adapted to heavy soils. On light soils, the hard- shelled almond, and the wild plum, have proved excellent. The soil should be deep and dry. Young trees have fre- quently perished from a wet sub-soil, even where the sur- face was not unusually moist. A mistaken notion prevails as to the hardiness of the apricot. On suitable soils, it is as hardy as most early peaches. This mistake has however arisen from other causes. The tree has been commonly planted in the warmest situations, as on the warm side of buildings, or other sheltered site, facing the hot sun, where they have blossomed early, and as a consequence, the crop has not unfrequently been destroyed by vernal frosts. Hence, a northern or more exposed aspect, would be far preferable. If trained on a building, the eastern side should ~ be espe- cially avoided, as a hot morning sun upon frosted buds would be nearly certain destruction. The liability to the attacks of the curculio, and the very common destruction of the whole crop by this insect, has led to the erroneous conclusion that the apricot is not suited to our northern climate. Several cultivators, as far north as forty-three degrees of latitude, by a systematic destruction of this insect, obtain annually heavy crops of this delicious, golden, mid-summer fruit. The mode of protection is fully described in the chapter on the Plum. 310 THE APRICOT. VARIETIES. CLASS I. STONE WITH A SWEET KERNEL. Section I. Medium in size. Orange. (Syn. Early Orange, Royal Orange, Royal George, Persian, Royal Persian.) Size medium; roundish; su- ture distinct, deep at base ; surface orange, often a ruddy cheek ; flesh dark orange, half dry, partly adhering to the stone dry and poor unless house-ripened. Stone small, roundish. Culinary. Ripens at mid-su miner. TURKEY. Size, medium ; round, not compressed; surface deep yellow, with a mottled brownish orange cheek ; flesh pale yellow, firm, juicy, with a fine mixture of sweet and acid ; very free from stone. Rather late, or middle of 8 mo., Aug. Somewhat resembles Moorpark, but differs in being rounder, paler, with an impervious stone, and sweet kernel. The Blotch-leaved, or Golden Blotched, is identical with the preceding, with 'a yellow spot on the centre of each leaf. Section II. Small. BREDA. (Syn. Holland, Amande Aveline.) Rather small, sometimes nearly medium, (an inch and a half diameter,) round- ish, obscurely four-sided, suture distinct ; surface orange, with a dark reddish orange cheek; flesh deep orange, free from the stone, rich and high-fla- vored. Quite early, or a week or two after mid-summer. Har- dy for an apricot, and very pro- Fig. 241. Breda. QUCtlve. BLACK. (Syn. Purple Apricot, Noir, Violet.) Small or medium ; round ; pale red where densely shaded, dull THE APRICOT 311 deep purple or nearly black in the sun ; surface with a thin down ; flesh red near the skin, yellowish at the stone ; flesh somewhat fibrous, sweet, slightly astringent, with a pleasant, good, second-rate flavor. Adheres to the stone. Hardy as an apple tree, and very productive. A distinct species (St. dasycarpa) from the other apricots. Ripens with the Breda. Reproduces itself from the stone. Shoots quite slender, greenish. There is another quite different apricot, called Violet or Red Angoumois; small, oblong, lighter red, 'free from the stone. Rare. Early Golden. (Syn. Dubois' Apricot.) Small, an inch and a fourth in diameter ; round-oval, nearly smooth, suture narro .v, distinct ; surface wholly pale orange ; flesh orange, moderately juicy, sweet, good, free from the stone. Early, or ten days before the Moorpark. Hardy, very productive, profitable for market. Origin, Dutchess county, N. Y. Wusch. (Syn. Musch-Musch.) Rather small, round, deep yellow, with a slight orange red cheek; flesh yellow, translucent, tender, sweet. Tree rather tender. Little known in this country. Origin, Musch, in Asia Minor. CLASS II. STONE WITH A BITTER KERNEL. Section I. Fi~v.it large. HEMSKIRKE. Large, roundish, compressed; surface orange, with a red cheek ; flesh bright orange, rich, juicy, spright- ly. Stone rather small. Resembles Moorpark, but smaller, a little earlier, and stone not perforate. English. Rare in this country. MOORPARK. (Syn. Anson's, Dunmore's Breda, Temple's.) Large, (two inches in diameter,) nearly round, slightly compressed ; surface orange, with a deep orange red cheek, and with numerous darker dots ; flesh free from the stone, bright yellowish orange, rather firm, quite juicy, with a rich, high flavor. Stone perforate, or with a hole lengthwise under one edge, so that a pin may be thrust through. Season medium, or two weeks after mid-summer. Requires the shortening-in pruning recom- mended for the peach. English. Old. 14 312 THE APRICOT. PEACH. (Syn. Anson's Imperial, Peche, De Nancy.) Very large, slightly larger than Moorpark ; yellowish orange, with a brownish orange cheek, and mottled with dark brown. to the sun ; flesh a rich yellow, juicy, with a rich, high flavor. Stone perforate. Ripens about the time of the Moorpark, which it closely resembles, but is of larger size. Origin, Piedmont. ROYAL. Rather large, round-oval, slightly compressed, su- ture shallow; dull yellow, faintly reddened to the sun; flesh pale orange, firm, juicy, sweet, high-flavored, slight- ly sub-acid, free from the large, oval, nearly impervious stone. Ripens a week before Moorpark, smaller than the latter, and with a less bitter kernel. French. Rare in this country Shipley's. (Syn. Blenheim.) Large, oval, surface orange, flesh deep yellow, juicy, rather rich ; stone roundish, not perforate. Inferior to Moorpark, but rather earlier. Eng- lish. New. Section II. Medium in size. Brussels. Size medium ; rather oval, compressed ; pale yellow, dotted white in the shade, russety brown to the sun ; suture deep at base ; flesh yellow, rather firm, moderate- ly rich. Rather late. LARGE EARLY. Size medium; oblong, compressed ; suture deep ; slightly downy; pale orange, with a spotted bright orange cheek,very handsome; flesh free from the stone, pale orange, rich, juicy. Ripens at or a little before Fig. 242. Larg* Early. mid-summer. Origin, south of France. THE APRICOT. 313 (Syn. Abricot Commun.) Medium in size, rather oval, compressed, suture small or obscure ; surface pale yellow, with a few red dots to the sun ; flesh very fine- grained, half juicy, with a mild pleasant flavor. Worth- less in England, but greatly improved by our warm sum- mers. Productive. Season, rather early or medium, or two weeks after mid-summer. It is disseminated in this country under various erroneous names. 1 te Blotch-leaved Roman differs only in the yellow spot or stain of its leaves. Section III. Small. AJ>cfgjer. (3yn. Alberge.) Small, roundish, slightly com- jjifcssed, deep yellow, flesh reddish, firm, with a rather biibk flavor ; stone compressed. Rather late. Leaves with stipules. For preserving. Red Mctculine. (Syn. Early Masculine, Brown Masculine, Abricotin, Abricot Precoce, Abricotier Hatif.) Small, nearly round, suture distinct ; bright yellow, with deep orange cheek and red spots ; flesh yellow, slightly musky, sub-acid ; stone thick, obtuse at ends. Flowers rather small. Very early or about mid-summer. Hardy, for an apricot. Valuable only for its earliness. White Masculine. (Syn. White Apricot, Early White Mas- culine, Abricot Blanc.) Small, roundish, nearly white, rarely a faint reddish cheek, rather downy ; flesh white, delicate, a little fibrous, adhering to the stone. Closely resembles the Red Masculine, except in color and being rather better, and four or five days later. CHAPTER VI. THE PLUM. RAISING THE YOUNG TREES. The plum is propagated by budding or grafting on seedling plums. For this purpose, the stones of such varieties should be chosen, as are of large and thrifty growth ; and they are to be treated in planting precisely as directed for the peach, with additional care to prevent the drying of the stones, which much sooner takes Elace in consequence of their smaller size and thinner shell. f not cracked, a part only will vegetate the first year, although many may be made to open by the repeated action of freezing and thawing. On light or unfavorable soils, most of the common varie- ties produce feeble and slowly growing seedlings ; an excel- lent substitute will be found in the larger sorts of the wild plum, sometimes known as the Canada plum, (Pru'tius Americana.} Those varieties which are found to outgrow this stock, should be worked at the surface of the ground, and when transplanted the place of union should be set a few inches lower. Grafting, to succeed best, should be done quite early in spring, before the buds have commenced swelling ; and bud- ding mnst be performed while the stocks are at the period of their most vigorous growth, provided sufficiently matured buds can be procured, which is usually soon after mid-sum- mer. If deferred, the bark will not peel freely, and the buds will not adhere. For dwarfs, seedlings of the Mirabelle plum are chiefly used for stocks. On light soils, the peach has been occasionally used as stocks for plum trees. A very few varieties take readily and grow freely, and large healthy trees have in some instances been produced; but the great uncertainty which attends its THE PLUM. 315 use, and the failure with most varieties, indicate the pro- priety of the rejection of the peach for this purpose. The time required to attain a sufficient" size for the or- chard, varies much with different sorts. The Imperial Gage, the Washington, Huling's Superb, and others, grow rapidly, and usually produce good trees in two years from the graft or bud ; while such slow-growing plums as the Primordian, Green Gage, and Red Diaper, require a much longer period. Soil. The best soil, usually, is a strong, rich, moderately moist, clayey loam. On many light soils the tree grows with less vigor, independently of which the crop is more fre- quently destroyed by the curculio, a pervious soil affording a more ready place of shelter for the young insects, on their escape from the fallen fruit. A few varieties are well adapt- ed to rather dry as well as light lands. One. of the. best manures for the plum, as well as for the quince, is common salt. For large-sized trees, half a peck may be applied annually early in spring ; spread to a dis- tance round each tree quite as far as the extent of the branches ; smaller trees should receive a proportionate quan- tity, or just enough to cover the ground equally thick. This application has been found to add to the thriftiness of the tree, to lessen the tendency to leaf-blight, and in some in- stances it has contributed to the repulsion of the curculio. In planting orchards, a suitable distance is one rod apart, giving 160 to the acre. The ground should be manured and kept well cultivated, as the plum, especially when young, is very sensitive to the effects of the weeds and grass of neglected culture. DISEASES AND ENEMIES. The chief are the curculio, and the black excrescences on the limbs. The curculio, represented in the annexed figure, (243,) is *^ a small insect not more than a quarter of an inch 'J^^ long, of a dark brown color, the sheaths covering Fir. 243 the ings slightly variegated with lighter colors, thVbody resembling in size and appearance a ripe he:i;p seed. It is distinguished by an elongation of the head, re- sembling a conspicuous rostrum or beak projecting from the front part of its thorax. 316 THE PLUM. About the time the young fruit attains the size of a pea, the curculio begins its work of destruction. It makes a small crescent-shaped incision in the young fruit, and lays its egg in the opening. The presence of the egg may be easily detected by these incisions upon the surface ; the annexed figure, (^44,) repre- sents one of these magnified twice in diame- ter. The egg soon hatches into a small white larva, which enters the body of the fruit and feeds upon it, causing, usually, its premature fall to the ground. The period at which the young fruit falls, after being punctured, varies with its age at the time of the injury. The earlier portions drop in about two weeks ; but if the stone is hard when the egg is laid, the fruit remains till near the usual period of ripening, sometimes presenting a fair and smooth exterior, but spoiled by the worm within. The insect, soon after the fall of the fruit, makes its way into the earth, where it is supposed to remain till the fol- lowing spring, when it is transformed into the perfect in- sect or beetle, to lay its eggs and perpetuate its race. In- stances, however, have occurred, where the transformation has taken place within twenty days of the fall of the fruit. The curculio travels by flying, but only during quite warm weather, or at the heat of the day. The insects most- ly confine themselves to certain trees, or to the same orchard. But the fact that newly bearing and isolated orchards are soon attacked, clearly shows that in occasional instances they must travel considerable distances. Indeed, they have been known to be wafted on the wind for a half mile or more, the windward side of orchards being most infested, immediately after strong winds from a thickly planted plum neighborhood. In the cool of the morning, they are nearly torpid, and can scarcely fly, and crawl but slowly ; hence, at this time of the day they are most easily destroyed. Their flight appears to be never more than a few feet from the ground, and successful attempts have been made to shut them out of fruit gardens by means of a tight board fence, nine or ten feet high, entered by a tight gate. The. remedies for the curculio are various. They are of three distinct methods ; the first, repelling or excluding THE PLUM. 317 them, as by a tight fence, or by a heap of fermenting ma- nure ; the second, the direct and immediate destruction of the insects while in the act of depositing their eggs; and the third, the destruction of the young larva or worm in the injured fruit to save the next season's crop. 1. It has been found that the effluvia from fermenting manure effectually repels the curculio. Trees standing near stable-cleanings usually bear full crops, and heaps of fer- menting manure placed for this purpose beneath the trees, have yielded the same successful result. But other offen- sive substances, as strong tobacco water with whale-oil-soap, applied so abundantly as to coat thickly the young fruit, has not deterred them in their attacks. In addition to these means, the frequent passing near trees planted by door- paths and other frequented places, and the presence of swine in orchards, doubtless contribute to some extent towards the same end, by frightening the insects away. 2. Destruction of the insects while stinging the fruit is thoroughly effectual, if vigorously and unremittingly ap- plied. The best and indeed only practicable mode, is to jar them from the tree upon white sheets spread beneath. While lying upon the sheet they may not at the first glance of an unpracticed eye be distinguished from the fallen, withered blossoms ; but a moment's attention will quickly remove this difficulty. If the sheets are stiffened by ireans of a light frame, they may be carried by a sin- gle person and placed readily beneath the tree. A very large, coarsely made umbrella, covered with white muslin, with a slit in one side, two- thirds in to, receive^ the trunk of the tree, has been found very con- venient for young or mo- derate-sized trees, the umbrella being spread in an inverted position, Fig. 345. as exhibited in the an- 318 THE PLUM. nexed figure, C245,) and as soon as the insects are jarred down upon it, it is half closed and shaken, when all its con- tents roll to the centre and fall through a hole, three inches in diameter, into a vessel of hot water carried for th:s pur- pose. Such an umbrella may be procured at the manufac- turers, six or seven feet in diameter, for about three dollars, and will save a large amount of labor. Next to this in con- venience, are double square frames covered with white mus- lin, shutting together like the leaves of a book, and enable the operator to throw all the fallen insects into hot water at one movement of the hands. A quick and sudden jar is important, and may be given by the stroke of a mallet, upon the short stump of one of the smaller limbs, sawed off for this purpose, and which prevents bruising the bark. Or a mallet may be thickly covered with woolen cloth encased in India rubber, to prevent in- jury to the tree; but the jar is less sudden in this case, David Thomas, (who first proposed jarring down on sheets, ^ in a communication to the Genesee Farmer, in 1S32, says, "Not three days ago, I saw that many of the plums were punctured, and began to suspect that shaking the tree was not sufficient. Under a tree in a remote part of a fruit garden, having spread the sheets, I therefore made the fol- lowing experiment : On shakimg it well, I caught five cur- culios ; on jarring it with the hand, I caught twelve more; an on striking the tree with a stone, eight more dropped on the sheets. I was now convinced that I had been in an er- ror; and calling in the necessary assistance, and using a hammer to jar the tree violently, we caught in less than an hour, more than two hundred and sixty of these insects." With large trees, it may be necessary to shake each limb separately, by means of a pole with the woolen and india- rubber knob, already described, at its extremity. The best time for this work is in the cool of the morning, when the insects are partly torpid with cold, and drop quick- ly. At mid-day they retain their hold more tenaciously, and more quickly escape. ' The work should be commenced very early in the season, as soon as the fruit begins to set, or is not larger than a small pea. With properly stiffened muslin frames, a few minutes are sufficient for many trees, THE PLUM. 31 and labor equal in the aggregate to that of a single entire day, may save large and valuable crops. 3. The third class of remedies includes the different means of destroying the fallen fruit, as soon as it drops, and before the larvae escape to the earth. One of these consists in beating the ground smooth beneath the tree, sweeping up the fallen fruit daily, and feeding it to hogs or otherwise destroying it. Paving with brick, by preventing the en- trance of the insects into the ground, effects the same purpose. If the soil is hard clay, beating the surface, renders it nearly as compact as a pavement. Hence, the reason why the plum crop more frequently escapes in clayey regions, than on lighter soils, where the insect makes its way more easily into the earth. But more effectual than the last, is the confinement of swine beneath the trees. They immediately pick up and destroy the punctured fruit, and by their constant presence, serve to frighten away the insects from their work of de- struction. Experience has thoroughly established the effi- ciency of this method, where a sufficient number of swine has been allowed the run of the orchard. Geese and hens are, to a limited extent, useful in repelling or destroying the curculio. To apply this remedy most efficiently, all the trees of the apricot, nectarine, and plum, should be planted apart from the rest of the orchard, so that swine may be exclusively confined among them, where they should be allowed to re- main the whole season, except during the period of the ripening of the fruit. It will be quite necessary, however, to protect all the younger trees, by encasing them in board boxes, or by tying round them a mass of sweet-briar limbs or other densely prickly or thorny plant. Dr. Kirtland'says, ""This insect, last season, [1848, stroyed every plum on my farm, except the crop of one in my swine lot ; that tree is bending under its load fruit." A cultivator in western New-York, by the large number of hogs kept in his plum yard, had abundant crops for more than twenty successive years, while his neglectful neighbors lost the greater part of theirs. It may, however, happen, in thickly planted neighborhoods, that swine may not prove a sufficient protection; but we know of no iu- 14* Mimos del ie tree\ Dad of ) 320 THE PLUM. stance whatever, where abundant crops have not been ob- tained by combining the two remedies of swine and jarring down the insects. The curculio appears to prefer the nectarine to all other fruit for the lodgment of its eggs, and next to this the plum and apricot. A large portion of the cherry crop is frequent- ly more or less injured, and sometimes wholly destroyed ; and for this reason it may usually be expedient to give it the benefit of the protection of swine in the same enclosure with other smooth stone fruit. The peach is sometimes at- tacked, but only the very early nutmeg varieties wholly de- stroyed. Some varieties of the apple are much stung, as indicated by the crescent-shaped incisions : but the larvre rarely reach so far as the core, and usually perish within the flesh of the fruit. Among the various remedies which have been tried and proved partial or entire failures, may be mentioned the ap- plication of salt to the ground, beneath the tree, and its di- rect application to the fruit ; syringing tobacco water over the fruit and leaves; hanging bottles of sweetened water in the branches to catch the insects, and placing white- washed boxes with water in the bottom during the night, with a lamp within each, to decoy them ;* and inverting the soil with a spade late in autumn, to expose them to the frosts of winter. The black excrescences on the shoots and limbs, fig. 246, known as the black knot, black gum, and warts, are variously supposed to be the \vork of an insect, o-r the result of diseased sap or cells, or regarded as a sort of vegetable ulcer. They have been by some attributed to the curculio, an opinion originating from the occasional detec- tion of this insect within the pulpy excrescen- ces, but entirely disproved by the facts that the curculio has existed in vast numbers in neigh- borhoods where the excrescences are unknown ; and on the other hand, that the excrescences Fig. '246. have lUined trees in places not infested with the curculio; besides which, the most rigid search of newly forming knots has failed to detect the-eggs or larvae * Which, however, prove very efficient means of destroying- many other insects injurious to fruits and fruit trees. , THE PLUM. . 321 of the curculio, which are only occasionally found when de- posited at a later stage in the large pulpy swellings. Others, with more plausibility, believe the disaster to re- sult from the infusion of poison by the minute sting of an insect, and which afterwards spreads over the tree by the moving sap. But sufficient evidence has not been furnished to establish this opinion, nor the insect in question detected. Sufficient evidence appears to have been furnished, how- ever, to prove that a tree, badly diseased, is infected through- out with the poison ; as suckers from such a tree will always sooner or later become affected. Buds from diseased trees, placed in healthy stocks, soon exhibit the excrescences. But seedlings or suckers from a healthy tree usually escape, un- less in near proximity to unhealthy trees. The remedy for this disease is certain and efficient, if vigilantly applied. It consists in cutting off and burning all the excrescences as soon after their first appearance as practicable. As the poison spreads, it is- desirable to re- move the wood of the branches some inches from the appa- rently affected parts. If the tumors, however, break out on the trunk or main limbs, it may be difficult to do this with- out cutting away the whole tree. As much of the wood is therefore to be cut out as may exhibit the least indication of disease ; and the wound washed with a solution of copperas, as recommended and successfully practiced by Downing, or with strong brine, as found beneficial by Dr. Harris and others. The only instances where the remedy has failed, is where it has been but very partially applied, or where the disease has been suffered to spread for a time unchecked. The only way is to cut and continue cutting, so long as any traces remain. This will be found to check, and by perse- verance, to remove the disease. As a general but not uni- versal rule, the yellow plums are not so liable to excrescen- ces as purple varieties, unless surrounded by diseased trees. The leaf-blight, or premature casting of the foliage, proves in some seasons a serious disaster to the plum, as it checks the growth of the shoots, and prevents the ripening of the fruit. Occasionally it has been so severe as to spoil entirely the value of the crop. No satisfactory cause has been as- signed for ihis malady, other than the want of proper food in the soil, and among the successful remedies noticed, is 322 THE PLUM. the following, on the authority of F. R. Elliott, of Cleve- land. "A small tree of the Imperial Ottoman, six feet high, and an inch and a half in diameter. About this I placed last winter nearly two bushels of leached wood ashes, and this entire season, (1848,) the foliage has kept full and of good color, while trees all around and within twenty feet, have uniformly cast theirs." The use of salt as a manure has to some extent, contributed to a similar re- sult, in some cases quite successfully. DRYING PRUNES. An article of considerable commerce is furnished by the French prunes, or dried plums, inported into this country The abundant crops of the plum tree, in some parts ol our country, may render it desirable that the best means of drying should be known. By a selection of the rich est varieties, there is no doubt that prunes superior to those of foreign preparation might be easily obtained. The following description of an oven purposely built for prunes, and doubtless with some modifications, well adapted to the drying of other fruits, is given in Liegel's Treatise, (Ger- man,) as quoted in the Horticulturist. The amount of heat obtained by a small quantity of fuel, commends it to tjie particular attention of those engaged in drying fruit: " Prunes, says Liegel, have become an important article of commerce. In order to have them fair and glossy, they must be suddenly cooled, when withdrawn from the oven. "The country people in this part of Germany, prepare their prunes by putting them into their bread ovens. I have .put up, for my own use, a very conveniently arranged drying apparatus, which, after the experience of many years, I am induced to recommend ; and for the construction of which I give the annexed drawing and explanatory description. " The vault or exterior of the oven, four and a half feet long, is surrounded by a brick wall one foot thick, so that the whole stove, abed, (see figs. 247 and 248,) is exactly six feet every way; the front wall, ?z, being only half a foot in thickness. At the top, the vault is arched over with six inches of brick work at the crown of the arch. The flues * a, are about fourteen inches square. The hurdles or trays TO m, for containing the prunes, rest upon shelves fixed THE PLUM. 323 upon two bearers. It would be better if they rested upon rollers, so as to admit of their being pushed in, and drawn out, with greater ease. These lines of trays are placed at a distance of six inches from the furnace, so as to keep the fruit from too great a heat ; they may be made entirely of wood, but it will be better if the bottoms are of open-work, like sieves. Their weight is such that they may be easily managed by a wo- man ; but in preparing, prunes on a large scale, let them be made of great- er length and breadth, so as to just come within the strength of a more robust Fi ' 247 - person. " The wooden frame, h h, is that on which the two doors are hung. The door, g, which covers the arch, (and which is represented in the cut as open and fastened up,) shuts up the front of the upper part of the oven. In the middle of this up- per door or flap, is a round vent hole, for the escape of the moist va- por. Jf t is an iron dam- per or slide, to be placed in the flue at Z /, in order to regulate the heat. " A thousand fully ripe Quetsches, (prune plums) make about ten pounds Fig. 248. of dried prunes. "Plums of different kinds may be dried, either whole, or deprived of their skins and stones. In the latter case, they are styled prunelles. 524 THE PLUM. When the White Perdrigons are used for this purpose, they are merely stoned, without skinning; the latter, from the delicacy of their skins, not being deemed necessary. "For prunellvs, perfectly ripe and sweet plums are. to be taken, and suffered to wilt a little in the open air, in order o facilitate stripping off' the peel. A better and more ex- peditious way is to pour hot water over them, and suffer them to steam a few moments. " The stone is pressed out at the stem end. In the ctry-_ ing ovens, these prunes must be very carefully and gradu- ally dried. They may also be dried, but not so easily, in the sun." VARIETIES. SYNOPSIS OF ARRANGEMENT. DIVISION I. GREEN, WHITE, OR YELLOW. CLASS I. FLESH NEARLY FREE FROM THE STONE. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit of medium size. Section III. Fruit small. CLASS II. FLESH ADHERING TO THE STONE. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Section III. Fruit small. DIVISION II. RED, PURPLE, OR BLUE. CLASS I. FLESH NEARLY FREE FROM THE STONE. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Section III. Fruit small. CLASS II. FLESH ADHERING TO THE STONE. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Section III. Fruit small. THE PLUM. 325 DIVISION I. GREEN, WHITE, OR YELLOW. CLASS I. FLESH NEARLY FREE FROM THE STONE. Section I. Fruit large. Ghiston's Early. Large, oval, clear yellow, bloom light ; flesh yellow, of pleasant flavor. Resembles, considerably, the Yellow Egg plum, but the flesh is free from the stone. Rather early, or a fortnight before the first of autumn. IMPERIAL GAGE. (Syn. Flushing Gage, Prince's Imperial Gage, White Gage, of Boston.) Fruit rather large, oval, suture distinct ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slight- ly hairy, evenly sunk; surface green, slightly tinged yel- low, with marbled green stripes ; bloom copious, white ; flesh greenish, juicy, melting, rich, sometimes adhering, but usually nearly free from the oval, pointed stone. Ri- pens first of autumn. Very productive. Shoots lonjr, upright, vigorous, slightly downy ; leaves with a slight shade of blue. Often insipid on heavy soils. A single tree, near Boston, yielded fifty dollars of fruit in one year. JEFFERSON. Large, oval, base slightly narrowed, su- ture slight ; greenish yellow, becoming golden yellow, often faintly reddened to the sun, bloom thin, white, stalk an inch long, surtk little or none ; flesh rich yellow, moderately fine-grained, in well ripened specimens orange, very juicy, nearly free from the long, pointed stone; fla- vor rich, luscious, excellent. As large as the Washing- ton, and though inferior to the Green Gage and some others in flavor, it is one of the most valuable of all plums. Ripens end of summer. Origin, Albany. Shoots smooth, growth closely resembles Coe's Golden drop. LAWRENCE'S FAVORITE. (Syn. Lawrence Gage.) Large, roundish, sl'ghtly oblong-oval, obtuse ; surface dull yel- lowish-green, clouded darker ; bloom light, blueish-green ; base, when ripe, with a brownish-red net-work and dots ; stalk half an inch long, small, cavity narrow; flesh, greenish, melting, juicy, rich, excellent; next to the Green Gage in quality. Shoots short, rather upright, 326 TIIE PLUM. THE PLUM. 327 downy; leaves small, dark green. Rather early or a fortnight before the first of autumn. Origin, Hudson, New- York. WASHINGTON. (Syn. Bolmar, Bolmar's Washington.) Large, often very large, roundish-oval, suture obscure, distinct at base ; surface yellowish-green faintly marbled, often with a pale red blush ; stalk one-half to three- fourths of an inch long, slightly downy; cavity wide, shallow, flesh rather firm, sweet, mild, moderately rich, free from the pointed stone. Rather early, or the last fort- night of summer. Shoots downy, very vigorous, leaves very large. Origin, New- York city. This variety, al- though not high in flavor, is a general favorite for its free growth, great productiveness, beauty, fine texture, and adaptedness to all soils. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Albany Beauty. (Syn. Denniston's Albany Beauty.) Size medium or rather small, roundish oval, with a slight neck at base, suture obscure ; surface pale whitish green, pur- ple dots numerous, bloom thin ; stalk an inch or more long, slender, scarcely sunk ; flesh yellow, moderately juicy, rich, sweet, free from the small, pointed stone Ripens the last week in summer. Shoots slightly downy Origin, Albany, N. Y. New. Apricot. (Syn. French Apricot.) Size medium or rathei large ; roundish, suture deep ; stalk scarcely half an inch long ; surface yellow, dotted and tinged with red in the sun ; bloom white ; flesh yellow, rather firm, slightly bit- ter, becoming, when ripe, melting, juicy, and pleasant. Rather early. Shoots quite downy. The English Apricot plum is a third-rate, clingstone, oval fruit, with smooth shoots. Autumn Gage. (Syn. Roe's Autumn Gage.) Size medium, ovate, slightly conical ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, not sunk ; surface pale yellow, bloom thin, whitish ; fiesh greenish-yellow, juicy, sweet, delicate, pleasant, free from the long, pointed, compressed stone. Leaves point- ed, shoots smooth, spreading. Ripens rather late. Growth very slow. Very productive. Origin, Newburgh, N. Y 328 THE PLUM. BLEECKER'S GAGE. Size medium; roundish-oval, regular, suture obscure ; stalk an inch long, rather stout, downy, slightly sunk ; skin yellow, with sunken white specks ; bloom thin, white ; flesh yellow, rich, sweet, luscious, partly free from the pointed stone. Ripens at the end of summer. Shoots downy. Distinguished from Prince's Yellow Gage by its larger stalk and later maturity. Origin, Albany, N. Y. Jlennistori's Superb. Size medium; round, obscurely oval, slightly flattened, suture distinct ; surface pale yellowish- green, slightly dotted and clouded with purple, bloom thin, stalk rough, three-fourths of an inch long, moderate- ly sunk ; flesh thick, (stone smalPj not juicy, rich, vinous, free from the thick, roundish stone. Ripens rather early, or last fortnight of summer. Resembles Green Gage, rather larger, earlier, and not so good. Shoots downy. Very productive. Origin, Albany, N. Y. One of the handsomest of plums. HUDSON GAGE. Size medium.; oval, suture obscure, one side slightly larger ; surface yellow, clouded or streaked faint green, bloom thin, white ; stalk about two-thirds of an inch long, moderately sunk; flesh greenish, juicy, melting, rich, sprightly, excellent, nearly free from the small stone. Ripens two weeks earlier than Washington, and three weeks before Imperial Gage, which it partly resembles. Origin, Hudson, N. Y. REINE CLAUDE DE BAVAY. Round-oval, greenish-yellow, spotted with red, with small, violet-colored longitudinal veins ; flesh rather firm, juicy, sugary, rich, of fine quali- ty, adhering slightly to the stone. Shoots smooth, leaves roundish, shining, the growth resembling Washinton, but leaves smaller and shoots slenderer. Very productive. Origin, Malines, in Belgium. New. Coe's Golden Drop has been disseminated to some extent for this variety. ST. MARTIN'S QUETSCHE. Size medium ; ovate, broadest at base; surface pale yellow; often spotted with brown; bloom white ; flesh yellowish, very juicy, rich, excellent, Ripens at mid-autumn, and keeps long. Shoots smooth. THE PLUM. 329 A profuse bearer. One of the best late plums. Profitable. German. New. White Imperatrice. (Syn. White Empress, Imperatrice Blanche.) Size medium, obovate, slightly flattened at ends, suture rather obscure ; surface bright yellow, with red dots to the sun, bloom very thin ; stalk half to three- fourths of an inch long, cavity narrow; flesh crisp, juicy, translucent, free from the small oblong stone. Season medium, or early in autumn. Resembles St. Catherine, but differs in being a freestone, and inferior in quality. Shoots smooth. But little known in this country. Yellow Gage, Prince's. (Syn. American Yellow Gage.) Size medium ; oval, slightly broadest at base ; suture a mere line ; surface golden yellow, slightly clouded ; bloom white, copious ; stalk an inch long, cavity small, round ; flesh deep yellow, rich, sugary, melting, sometimes rather dry. Ripens early in 8 mo., (Aug.) shoots smooth, short- jointed, leaves glossy, tree becoming spreading. Origin, Flushing, L. I. This is wholly distinct from the English- Yellow Gage of the next section. Section III. Fi-uit Small. Drap d'Or. (Syn. Yellow Perdrigon, Mirabelle Grosse.) Rather small, round, suture indistinct, apex dimpled ; stalk half an inch long, slender ; surface golden yellow, sometimes a few crimson dots to the sun ; flesh yellow, sweet, rich, often half dry, partly adhering to the stone ; ripens a week before the Green Gage. Shoots slightly downy, growth slow. Not so good as Morocco, but bears better. GREEN GAGE. (Syn. Reine Claude', Bruyn Gage.) Ra- ther small ; round ; suture faint ; surface green, becom- ing yellowish green, usually with reddish brown dots and network at base ; stalk half to three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk; flesh pale green; melting, juicy, exceedingly sweet and rich, and unequalled in flavor. Ripens about the middle of 8mo., (Aug.) shoots smooth, 330 THE PLUM. buds with large shoulders, growth slow, and young trees difficult to raise in most localities. French. Old. There are many seedlings, inferior to the original, and ma- ny worthless green plums called by this name. F. R. Elliott, one of the best informed pomologists of Ohio, says that he knows of but one or two genuine bearing trees in that State. The Schuyler Gage, of Albany, is a sub-variety, closely re- sembling the Green Gage. IMPERIAL OTTOMAN. Nearly medium in size, oval, suture on one side half way from base to apex ; somewhat pel- lucid ; surface pale greenish-yellow, marbled ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, downy,- slender, curved, scarcely sunk ; surface dull yellow, clouded darker, bloom thin ; flesh very juicy, sweet, excellent, scarcely adhering to the pointed stone. Quite early, or two or three weeks after midsummer. Great bearer. Nearly or quite as early as Drap d'Or, and much better. Shoots slightly downy ; tree hardy, succeeds well as far north as Maine. Mirabelle. Very small, obovate, suture distinct ; stalk half an inch long, slightly sunk ; surface a fine yellow, slight- ly spotted with red, bloom white ; flesh orange, sprightly, becoming dry. Ripens with the Green Gage. Shoots downy, tree small. A small, beautiful, second-rate plum, very productive, and valued for preserving. Its seed- lings are used as stocks for dwarf plums. Primordian. (Syn. Jaune Hative, or Early Yellow, "White Primordian.) Small, obovate, necked ; suture small ; stalk slender, downy, half an inch long ; pale clear yel- low, bloom thin; flesh yellowish, moderately juicy, with a rather sweet mild good flavor ; very free from the stone. The earliest plum, ripening before midsummer. Shoots quite slender, very downy, growth slow, and young trees difficult to raise. Yellow Gage, English. (Syn. Little Queen Claude.) Small, round, suture on one side distinct; surface pale yellow- ish green, becoming yellow, with a few reddish dots, bloom dense; stalk half an inch long, slender, slightly sunk; flesh very sweet, pleasant, quite free from the THE PLUM. 331 stone. Ripens nearly with the Green Gage. Shoots long, smooth. Of French origin. CLASS II. FLESH ADHERING TO THE STONE. Section I. Fruit large. JSueVs Favorite. Rather large, ovate, broadest at base suture distinct half round ; stalk two thirds of an inch Fig. 256Primordian. Fig. 257 White Damson. Fig. 258 Cos's Golden Drop. Fig. 259 Huling's Superb. long, rather stout, little sunk ; surface pale green, thick- ly sprinkled with lighter dots, base with reddish specks ; flesh greenish-yellow, rather firm, juicy, rich, high flavor- ed, adhering to the long pointed stone. Ripens at the close of summer. Shoots, smooth, reddish. Origin, Albany, N. Y. New. BINGHAM. Large, (an inch and three-fourths long,) oval, rather widest at base ; surface deep yellow, with rich red 332 THE PLTJM. spots to tne sun ; stalk slightly sunk ; flesh yellow, juicy, rich, delicious. Season of ripening inedium, or end of sum- mer and first of autumn. Shoots downy. Handsome, productive, and valuable. Origin, Pennsylvania. COE'S GOLDEN DROP. Very large, (often more than two inches long,) oval, suture distinct, one side more enlarg- ed, necked ; light yellow, often dotted red to the sun ; stalk three fourths of an inch long, rather stiff; flesh yellowish, rather firm, rich, sweet, not fine grained, close- ly adhering to the pointed stone. Quite late, does not always ripen at the north requires a long season. An excellent late sort, of English origin. Shoots smooth, ra- ther glossy. HULING'S SUPERB. Large, often quite large, round ovate, suture shallow, indistinct ; stalk one inch long, stout, slightly sunk ; skin dull greenish-yellow ; bloom pale, thin; flesh rather firm ; flavor rich, brisk, excellent. Ri- pens latter part of summer. Shoots thick, vigorous, dow- ny, leaves very large. A moderate bearer. Origin, Pa. Large Green Drying. (Syn. Knight 's Large Drying.) Large, round, greenish-yellow, flesh yellowish, moderate- ly juicy, rich. Rather late. English. Mc'Laughlin. Rather large, roundish, oblate, much flatten- ed at ends, suture obscure ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk ; skin thin, tender, russet-yel- low, sprinkled with thin red, purplish at base ; flesh ra- ther firm, juicy, sweet, luscious. Ripens at the end of summer. Growth vigorous, leaves large, glossy, shoots smooth. Origin, Bangor, Maine, where it succeeds well as is very fine. New. Mulberry, Large, oval, tapering with a neck to the base, suture slight.; pale dull yellow, with a few crimson dots ; bloom thin ; stalk an inch long, slender, scarcely sunk on the obtuse point of the neck; flesh greenish yellow, rather coarse, melting, rich, adhering to the large, oblong, pointed stone. Ripens the first of autumn. Shoots stout. Origin, Albany, N. Y. New. THE PLUM. 333 White Egg. (Syn. White Magnum Bonum, White Impe- rial.) Very large, oval, narrow at ends, necked at base, suture distinct ; stalk an inch long, not sunk, surrounded by a fleshy ring at insertion ; skin light yellow, bloom thin, white ; flesh firm, coarse, acid, becoming sweeter by ripening, adhering closely to the long, pointed stone. Ripens about the end of summer. The Yellow Egg is very similar in character, but the flesh partly separates from the stone when fully ripe. There appear to be several sub-varieties. T. Rivers, of Sawbridgeworth, England, says the Yellow Magnum Bonum is an American plum of extreme hardi- ness good, but not first rate flesh clings and bears more freely than " our old White Magnum Bonum." Section II. Fruit medium in size. Dana's Yellow Gage. Size medium, oval, pale yellow, marbled with darker green, bloom very thin : flesh juicy, lively. Season medium. Very productive. Hardy. Mass. Downton Imperatrice. Size medium, oval, base tapered or with a neck ; skin thin, pale yellow ; flesh yellow, melt- ing, acid, becoming rather sweet ; ripens late, or two weeks before mid-autumn. Shoots smooth, long, strong, upright. For preserving. A cross of the White Egg and Blue Imperatrice. Emerald Drop. Size medium, long oval, suture deep, one side larger ; skin pale yellowish-green, dull green in the shade ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk ; flesh juicy, rather rich, of second-rate quality, adhering to the long pointed stone. Lucombe's Nonsuch. Medium or rather large, roundish; skin yellowish-green with yellowish-orange, bloom whi- tish ; suture broad ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity wide ; flesh rather firm, rich, sweet with acid. Resembles the Green Gage, but larger, more marked with yellow, and much inferior in flavor. English. St Catherine. Size medium, obovate, suture very distinct, passing half round ; skin pale yellow, sometimes slightly THE PLUM reddish to the sun, bloom thin, white ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, very slender, tlightly sunk ; flesh juicy, rather firm, rich, fine, often nearly or quite first-rate in flavor. Ripens rather late. Shoots smooth, rather slen- der. White Perdrigon. Size medium, oval, narrow at base ; skin pale greenish-yellow, with white dots, and red dots to the sun ; bloom thin ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slender; flesh very sweet, slightly perfumed, of fine flavor. Ripens about the end of summer. Section HI. Fruit small. Byfield. Small, round, suture a mere line ; stalk half an inch long, pavity even ; skin light yellow, with red spots at base ; flesh yellow, adhering to the thick stone. Rather early. Shoots smooth. White or Yellow Damson. (Syn. Late Yellow Damson.) Small, (one inch long,) oval, pale yellow, dotted with red- dish-brown ; stalk half an inch long, downy, not sunk ; flesh rich, sub-acid, agreeable; ripens very late, hanging long on the tree. Shoots smooth, growth free ; tree very productive. DIVISION II. RED, PURPLE, OR BLUE. CLASS I. FLESH NEARLY FREE FROM THE STONE. Section I. fruit large. COLUMBIA. (Syn. Columbian Gage.) Very large, nearly globular, one side slightly larger ; skin brownish purple, reddish-brown where much shaded, with many fawn- colored dots ; bloom blue, copious ; stalk one inch long, rather stout; cavity small ; flesh orange, moderately juicy, rich, rather coarse, free from the small, compressed stone, or adhering at the edge ; flavor good, dot first-rate. Fruit liable to rot. Season medium, or end of summer. Shoots downy, stout, blunt, spreading, leaves nearly round. Popu- THE PLUM. 335 lar from its large size, handsome appearance, and great productiveness. Origin, Hudson, N. Y. Diamond. Very large, oval, black ; bloom blue ; stalk three- fourths of an inch long, cavity narrow ; flesh coarse, slightly dry, somewhat acid, free from the long pointed slone ; flavor poor. Shoots long, downy. Prolific, but coarse, and only fit for cooking. German Prune or Quetsche. Large, long-oval, curved or swollen on one side, with a long tapering neck at base ; suture distinct ; skin purple, with a thick blue bloom ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slender, slightly sunk; flesh green, firm, sweet, pleasant, free from the very long, flat, slightly curved or lunate stone ; flavor second-rate valuable for drying and preserving. Rather late. Shoots smooth. There are several sub-varieties. Mannings Long Blue. (Syn. Large Long Blue, Manning's Long Blue Prune.) Large, long-oval, slightly one-sided, suture obscure; stalk very long, slender, scarcely sunk ; skin dark purple, bloom thick, blue ; flesh firm, rather juicy, nearly free from the long, pointed stone. Rather late, ripens gradually. Shoots smooth. Tree very pro- ductive. PEACH PLUM. (Syn. Prune Peche.) Very large, roundish- oblate, regular, flattened at ends, suture distinct, shallow; color varying from salmon to light-brownish red; stalk very short, cavity narrow, shallow; flesh rather coarse, juicy, sprightly, free from the nearly round, very flat, much furrowed stone. Shoots smooth. Quality not very high, but esteemed for its large size, handsome appear- ance, and e'arly ripening. Matures about ten days before the Washington. Shoots smooth, vigorous. RED DIAPER. ($yn. Diapree Rouge, Mimms, Imperial Diadem.) Large, obovate, somewhat necked ; skin red- dish-purple, with a few yellowish specks, bloom light blue; stalk three fourths of an inch long, slender, slightly hairy, little sunk; flesh pale green, juicy, melting, rich, of fine, but hardly of the highest flavor; free from the quite 15 338 THE PLUM. small stone. Season medium or end of summer. Shoots nearly smooth ; growth slow. Red Magnum Bonum. (Syn. Purple Egg, Red Imperial, Purple Magnum Bonum, Imperial Violet, Red Egg.) Larne, oval, tapering to the stalk, suture strong, one side swollen ; surface deep red in the sun ; bloom thin; stalk Fig. SGO-Coe's Late Red Fig. 261 Red Diaper. Fig. 262 Peach Plum. an inch long, slender, cavity narrow ; flesh greenish, coarse, firm, sub-acid ; valuable only for cooking. Sea- son medium. Shoots smooth. Some sub-varieties are clingstones. Sharp's Emperor. Quite large, roundish-oval ; skin a bright red, paler in the shade, bloom delicate ; flesh deep yel- low, pleasant, moderately rich. Very productive. Shoots strong, downy, leaves large. English. New. THE PLUM. 337 Thomas. Large, round-oval, slightly irregular, somewhat compressed on the suture ; skin salmon color, with a soft red cheek, and numerous dots; stalk hairy, one-half to three-fourths of an inch long, stout ; cavity small, narrow; flesh pale yellow, somewhat coarse, mild, pleasant, free from the very light-colored stone. Shoots slightly downy. Productive. Season, medium. Origin, Boston. Section II. Fruit medium in size. COE'S LATE RED, or RED ST. MARTIN. (Syn. St. Martin, Saint Martin Rouge.) Size medium, roundish, suture dis- tinct on one side, skin light purplish red, bloom thin, blue; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk ; flesh rather firm, crisp, rich, vinous. Very late, productive, shoots, downy. A valuable late plum. Corse's Not a Bene. Rather large, round, surface pale lilac brown, often dull green in the shade ; bloom light blue, copious ; stalk half an inch long, cavity round, flesh greenish, rather firm, crisp, rich vinous. Very late, very productive, shoots downy. A valuable late plum. Cruger's Scarlet. (Syn. Cruger's, Cruger's Seedling.) Medium, approaching small, roundish oval, suture obscure; surface lively red or bright lilac, with numerous yellow dots, pale fawn color in the shade, bloom thin, blueish ; stalk half an inch long, cavity shallow ; flesh deep orange, moderately juicy, mild, agreeable, not rich, good. Sea- son, medium. Shoots downy. Hardy, adapted to light soils, very productive. Origin, New-York. Dennistorfs Red. Medium or rather large, roundish oval, narrowed to the stalk ; suture passing half round ; sur- face a fine light red, with fawn colored dots ; bloom very thin ; stalk very long, slender, little sunk ; flesh amber- colored, rich, good second rate, free from the small, oval, compressed stone. Season medium, or last of summer. Shoots smooth. Origin, Albany, N. Y., probably from a seed of the Lombard or Bleecker's Scarlet. Fotheringham. Size medium, obovate, suture distinct ; skin purple in the sun, reddish in the shade, bloom T>ale blue ; 333 THE PLUM. stalk an inch long ; flesh pale greenish-yellow, juicy, sprightly, moderately rich. Rather early. Shoots smooth English.' Old. Holland. (Syn. Blue Holland, Holland Prune.) Round, slightly flattened, blue or light reddish-purple, bloom blue; cavity small ; flesh juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant Season medium or rather late, hangs long. Shoots dow ny. Horse Plum. (Syn. Large Early Damson.) Size medium, oval, suture deep on one side ; skin purple, bloom blue ; flesh greenish-yellow, rather dry, acid, flavor poor. Sea- son medium. Shoots downy. Common. Isabella. Medium in size or large, oval, slightly narrowed to the base ; skin dark dull red, dotted darker ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, a little hairy, cavity mode- rate ; flesh yellow, rich, juicy, and slightly adhering to the pointed stone. Shoots quite downy. Season medi- um. English. Italian Damask. Size medium, nearly round, slightly flatten- ed at base ; suture distinct, passing from base to apex ; surface violet, becoming brown ; stalk half an inch long, slender, cavity small, round; flesh yellowish-green, firm, sweet, high-flavored, very free from the oval, rather thick stone. Season medium. Shoots smooth. Kirlce?s. Size medium, round, suture small ; skin dark purple, bloom thin, blue ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity slight, flesh greenish-yellow, firm, rich, free from the flat, broad stone. Season medium. Shoots smooth. Resembles the Purple Gage externally. Often spurious. English. Morocco. (Syn. Italian Damask, erroneously, Early Morocco, Black Morocco, Early Damask, Black Damask.) Size me- dium, roundish, slightly flattened at ends ; suture on one side only, shallow, skin dark purple, bloom pale, thin ; stalk half an inch long, rather stout ; flesh greenish- yellow, adhering slightly to the stone, rich, rather acid, becoming sweet. Not first-rate, but valuable for its ear- liness, ripening ten days before the Washington. Shoots downy. A moderate bearer. TUB PLUM. T39 Orleans. (Syn. Old Orleans, Red Damask, Monsieur.) Size medium, round, suture distinct, slightly larger on one side ; skin dark red, purple in the sun ; stalk one- half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity wide ; flesh yellowish, sweet mixed with acid, of second quality in richness, pleasant and good ; a fine culinary variety. Ra- er early. Shoots downy. There are two or three sub- varieties. ORLEANS, EARLY. (Syn. New Orleans, Hampton Court, Monsieur Hatif.) Size medium, round oval, suture shal- low, stalk half an inch long, stout or longer and slender ; cavity moderate ; skin reddish purple, slightly marbled ; flesh yellowish-green, rather rich. Quite early, or -ten days before the preceding. Wilmot's Orleans scarcely differs from the Early Orleans. Pond's Seedling. Medium in size, roundish, purple, stalk short, flesh yellowish, rather dry, sweet with acid, flavor moderate, second or third rate. Early. Shoots downy, Origin, Boston. Prince of Wales, Chapman's. Oval, bright purplish pink, with a dense bloom ; flesh pale amber, free from the stone ; shoots vigorous, smooth, leaves broad, roundish Productive. English. New. Prune d'Agen or Agen Date. Size medium, obovate, flat- tened one side ; skin purple, bloom blue ; stalk short, flesh greenish-yellow, sweet. Very late, profusely pro- ductive. Shoots su:ooth, leaves narrow. French. Cu- linary. PURPLE FAVORITE. Size medium, or rather large, round obovate ; suture obsolete ; skin brownish purple ; bloom thin, light blue ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long scarcely sunk ; flesh pale greenish, juicy, tender, melting, rich, sweet, excellent, free from the very small, roundish stone. Season about medium, or last week of summer. Shoots nearly smooth, short-jointed, growth slow, much re- sembling thatof the Red Diaper. Origin, Newburgh, N. Y. PURPLE GAGE. (Syn. Reine Claude Violette, Violet Queen Claude.) Size medium, roundish, slightly flat- 340 THE PLUM. tened at ends, suture distinct, shallow ; surface violet, bloom light blue ; stalk an inch long, cavity narrow ; flesh rather firm, greenish yellow, rich, sugary, of very high and excellent flavor, free from the oval, compressed Fig. 260 Early Royal. Fig. 260 Red Gage. Fig. 262 Purple Favorite. Fig. 263 Royal. stone. Ripens rather late, hanging long, and slightly shrivelling on the tree. Shoots smooth, resembling those of the Green Gage. A spurious sort is often dissemi- nated. Red Apricot. (Syn. Abricotee Rouge.) Size medium, oval, flattened at ends ; stalk nearly an inch long, cavity slight ; skin clear red in the shade, violet in the sun ; bloom blue, copious ; flesh orange, sweetish, rather dry and insipid. Season medium. Shoots smooth. French. RED GAGE. Medium or rather small, round-ovate, brown- ish-red, stalk rather slender, cavitv narrow; flesh green- THE PLUM. 34 ish-amber, juicy, melting, rich, mild sweet, free from the small stone ; flavor unusually pleasant and refreshing Rather early. Shoots dark reddish, smooth ; leaves o E>ung trees deep green, crimpled. Origin, Flushing ong Island, Red Perdrigon. Medium in size, roundish, slightly oval skin deep red ; bloom thick, lilac ; stalk an inch long cavity small, round ; flesh bright yellow, slightly crisp juicy, sweet. Season medium or rather late. Shoots downy. ROYALE. (Syn. Royal, La Royale.) Size medium, some times rather large, round, slightly narrower towards the base, or approaching obovate ; suture distinct on one side at apex; skin reddish-purple, bloom very thick; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity narrow ; flesh dull yellow, rather firm, melting, juicy, rich, of excellent fla- vor. Ripens first of autumn. Shoots very downy, growth slow, tree spreading, moderately productive. French. ROYALE HATIVE, or "AKLY ROYAL." (Syn. Mirian.) Size medium, roundish, slightly wider at base ; skin light purple, stalk half an inch long, stout, scarcely sunk ; flesh amber yellow, with a rich, high flavor, nearly free from the small, flattened, ovate stone. Very early. Resembles Purple Gage, but a month earlier. Shoots very downy. French. New. Rare. De Montfort, according to Rivers, is much like Royale Ha- tive, but larger, and later. Section III. Fruit small. Blue Gage. (Syn. Azure Hative, Black Perdrigon.) Small, round, dark blue, bloom light blue ; stalk -three-fourths of an inch long ; flesh greenish, juicy, sub-acid, pleasant ; rather early, shoots slender, downy ; tree very productive. Different varieties appear to be described by Prince, Coxe, and Downing, under this name, none of which are high- ly commended. C.heston. (Syn. Violet Diaper.) Rather small, oval, dark purple ; bloom blue ; stalk quite short, not sunk ; flesh firm, sweetish, pleasant; early; shoots downy. 342 THE PLUM. Damson. (Syn. Common Darnson, Early Damson, Damson, Blue Damson.) Small, oval, (an inch long,) purple, bloom thick, blue ; melting, juicy, sub-acid, part- ly free from stone. Early autumn. Profusely productive. The Sweet Damson is less acid. The Winter Damson is small, round, purple, bloom copious, with an acid, slight- ly astringent flavor ; it bears enormous crops, which hang uninjured till late in autumn. The Damson makes good preserves. There are several sub-varieties. Elfrey. Rather small, oval, blue ; flesh greenish, very sweet, dry, firm, very free from the stone; shoots smooth, leaves glossy. Very productive. Not so good as Or- leans. HOWELL'S EARLY. Kather small, oval, .slightly angular, suture obsolete ; skin light brown, often greenish-yellow in the shade ; bloom thin, blue ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slender, not sunk ; flesh amber-colored, juicy, sweet, perfumed, free from the small, oval stone. Quite early, ripening a little before the Morocco and Ear- ly Orleans. Shoots slender, grey, downy ; tree very pro- ductive. Newburgh, N. Y. Judson. Rather small, roundish, slightly oval, base a little flattened, suture indistinct ; surface a handsome damask or pink, slightly mottled ; stalk one inch long, slender, cavity small, rather deep; flesh juicy, rich, vinous, high- flavored, free from the rather large stone. Ripens a few days before the Green. Gage. Origin, Lansingburgh, N. Y. New. Queen Mother. Small, round, an inch in diameter, dark purplish red ; stalk half an inch long ; flesh yellowish, sweet, rich, free from the quite small stone. Rather late Shoots smooth, growth, rather feeble. SCHENECTADY CATHERINE. Size small or nearly medium, roundish, slightly narrowed- to the apex; suture rather shallow ; skin deep purple-violet in the shade, slightly netted on the sunny side ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slender, cavity deep, narrow; flesh greenish-yellow, melting, sweet, rich, excellent, next to the Green Gage THE PLUM. 343 in quality, and ripening at the same time. Shoots rather slender, smooth. Origin, Schenectady, N. Y. New. This is a quite distinct variety, often reproducing itself from seed, not perceptibly varying from the parent. CLASS II. FLESH ADHERING TO THE STONE. Section L Fruit large. Brevoort's Purple. (Syn. New-York Purple.) Large', oval, suture distinct at base; skin reddish, with a violet bloom; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity deep, nar- row ; flesh soft, juicy, sub-acid, moderately rich, second- rate. Season medium. Shoots long, smooth ; tree pro- ductive. Origin, New- York. Duane's Purple. Very large, oblong-oval, longer on one side; slightly narrowed towards the base ; skin reddish purple, bloom lilac ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slender, cavity narrow; flesh juicy, moderately sweet, of second-rate flavor, adhering mostly to the stone. Rather early, ripening with the Washington. Shoots very dow- ny, leaves large, downy beneath. Popular from its large size and handsome appearance. Origin, Duanesburgh, N.Y. Goliath. Large, roundish oblong or oval, enlarged on one side ; skin deep red, approaching blue or purple ; bloom thin, blue ; stalk half or three-fourth's of an inch long, cavity very deep, distinct ; flesh yellowish, mostly adher- ing to the stone, juicy, coarse, sub-acid. Season medium. Shoots grey, very hairy, leaves narrow. Productive. Gwalsh. Large, obovate, regular, suture obscure ; skin rich dark purple, bloom blue ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, slightly sunk ; flesh yellow, juicy, sub-acid, second-rate. Rather early. Shoots nearly smooth. New- Jersey. Smith's Orleans. Large, oval, slightly wider at base, a little irregular, suture deep on one side ; skin reddish-purple, becoming very dark, bloom deep blue ; stalk small, slen- der ; cavity narrow, deep ; flesh deep yellow, slightly 15* 344 THE PLUM. firm, juicy, rich, nearly first-rate. Shoots vigorous, straight, glossy reddish purple; leaves dark green, crimpled. Ri- pens the last week of summer. Productive in nearly all soils. Long Island. Hovey considers this identical with Cooper's Plum, of Coxe and others. Nectarine. Large, regular, roundish; skin purple, bloom blue; stalk half an inch long, stout; flesh dull greenish- yellow, often tinged with red, rather coaree, rich, acid, partly adhering to the stone. Rather early. Shoots nearly smooth, leaves broad. Quite distinct from the Peach Plum of the preceding class. ROYAL TOURS. (Syn. Royale de Tours.) Large, roundish, suture deep, half round, one side swollen ; a white de- pressed point at apex; skin red in the shade, deep violet in the sun, bloom copious, blue; stalk half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity narrow; flesh greenish-white, rather firm, juicy, rich, high-flavored, adhering closely to the large, oval, flattened stone. Quite early; shoots quite downy. Valuable for its earline^s and good quali- ty. The genuine sort is very rare. French. Sectw?i II. Fruit medium in size. BLUE IMPERATRICE. (Syn. Imperatrice.) Size, medium, obovate, narrowed to the base in a somewhat obconic neck; skin deep purple, bloom copious, blue; stalk three- fourths of an inch long, slightly sunk ; flesh greenish- yellow, rather firm, not juicy, rich, sugary; ripening very late, and hanging till nearly winter. The variety known erroneously as the Se?nia?ia or Blue Im- pcratrice of Boston, and disseminated as such, differs from the true Imperatrice in its shorter and smaller neck, much shorter and not sunk stalk, and more acid flavor. It is very productive, and a good very late culinary sort. Blue Perdrigon. (Syn. Violet Perdrigon.) Medium in size, oval, slightly narrowed at base, skin reddish, be- coming purple, with many brown dots j bloom whitish, very copious ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity THE PLUM. 345 small ; flesh greenish-yellow, rather firm, rich, sweet, good. Season medium. Shoots downy. Corse's Admiral. Medium or rather large, oval, slightly obovate, much larger on one side ; skin light purple, with yellow specks ; bloom pale lilac ; stalk three-fourths to an inch long, hairy, slightly sunk; flesh greenish-yellow, juicy, sprightly, second-rate. Rather late. Productive. Shoots quite downy. Origin, Montreal. Corse's Field Marshal. Medium or rather large, oval, bright purplish red, handsome ; stalk rather slender, three-fourths of an inch long, slightly sunk; flesh green- ish-yellow, juicy, sub-acid, adhering closely to the long, pointed stone. Season medium. Origin, Montreal. Domine Dull. (Syn. German Prune, of some.) Size me- dium, long-oval, suture very obscure; skin very dark purple, bloom blue; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk ; flesh juicy, becoming dry, rich, sweet, good. Pro- fusely prod active. Rather late. Origin, Kingston, N. Y. ICKWORTH IMPERATRICE. Medium or rather large, obovate, purple, with irregular streaks of fawn color ; stalk me- dium ; flesh greenish-yellow, sweet, juicy, rich, mostly adhering to the rather small stone. Very late, keeping into winter, becoming dryer and sweeter. Shoots smooth. English. LOMBARD. (Syn. Ble'ecker's Scarlet.) Size medium, some- times rather large, round-oval, slightly flat- tened at ends, suture obscure ; skin violet red; stalk very slen- der,half to three-fourths of an inch long, cavity broad; flesh deep yel- low, pleasant, not rich, but of fine quality. Ra- ther early or medium in . season, ripening a week or two before the end of summer. Har- 264 Frost Gage. Fig. 265 Lombard or , .._ ,, Blacker', Scarlet, dy, very prolific, well 346 THE PLUM. adapted to light soils, valuable. Shoots thrifty, quite smooth or glossy, bright purple ; leaves much crumpled. Origin, Albany, N. Y. This is a strongly fixed variety, and has in many instances produced seedlings very closely resembling itself. Long Scarlet. (Syn. Scarlet Gage, Red Gage erroneously.) Size medium, oblong-obovate, elongated, one side swol- len, base narrow ; skin bright red, bloom fine lilac ; stalk three-fourths of an inch long, cavity narrow ; flesh deep yellow, acid, becoming rather rich and sweet, of second- rate flavor, but makes beautiful bright red jelly. Season medium. Shoots downy. Orange co., N. V. Peoly's Early Blue. Size medium, oblong, suture very ob- scure ; skin dark blue, bloom light blue; stalk short; flesh yellow, pleasant, second-rate, adhering partially to the bluntly terminated stone. Early. Snoots very downy. Mass. Suisse. (Syn. Prune Suisse, Swiss Plum, Simiana, Mon- sieur Tardif.) Medium or rather large, round, suture broad, shallow ; a sunk point at apex ; skin lively violet red, thickly dotted, and slightly marbled ; bloom blue, copious ; stalk three-fourths to an inch long, cavity wide , flesh crackling and melting, flavor brisk, rich, slightly sharp, adhering to the thick, rough-edged stone. Quite late. Shoots smooth. Distinct from the " Semiana," of Boston. Section III. Fruit small. American Wheat. Quite small, globular, pale blue, bloom white, stalk slender, half an inch long, flesh greenish, melting, juicy, sweet, second-rate, dropping when ripe. Season, medium. Very productive. Shoots slender, smooth, leaves small, light colored. Mass. Cherry. (Syn. Early Scarlet, Myrobolan.) Small, (one inch diameter,) round, remotely heart-shaped, bright red, bloom faint; stalk shott and slender; cavity narrow; flesh juicy, slightly fibrous, soft, melting, sub-acid, not rich, second-rate, adhering to the oval, pointed stone. TH5 PLUM. 347 Ripens very early or about midsummer, its only value. This is a distinct species, (Prunus cerasifera,) and is distinguished by its smooth, slender shoots, small bushy head, and narrow leaves. There are several varieties. The Golden Cherry Plum, (Market Plum, of Hoffy,) is heart-shaped, yellow, speckled with scarlet in the sun, productive, and slightly earlier than the common cherry plum. J arly Tours. (Syn. Precoce de Tours, Early Violet.) Me- dium or small, deep purple, bloom copious, blue ; stalk half an inch long, cavity narrow ; flesh dull yellow, slightly fibrous, rather sweet, melting, good. Quite ear- ly. Shoots downy. FROST GAGE. Rather small, round-oval, suture distinct on one side ; skin deep purple, bloom thin ; stalk half to three-fourths of an inch long, scarcely sunk ; flesh juicy, sub-acid, becoming sweet, melting, of fine but not of the highest flavor ; very valuable from its hardiness, late ma- turity, and great productiveness. Shoots smooth, rather slender ; tree tall, upright. Eighteen hundred dollars, says Downing, were received by a single farmer near Newburgh, for one year's crop of this plum. ADDITIONAL VARIETIES. Muscle. Fruit oblong, dark red, stone large, flesh thin, of poor flavor. This plum is used only for stocks. Sloe, (Prunus spinosa.) Fruit small, nearly globular, dark violet, bloom thick, flesh very acid and powerfully astrin- gent. A large shrub, ten or twelve feet high, thorny ; flowers abundant, ornamental. The double flowering is rather smaller, and more beautiful. Some writers, with too much poetical freedom, speak of the common plum, (Prunus domestica,) as an ameliorated sort from the " austere sloe," which being a distinct species, such a change is impossible. Red Chicasaw. (Pntnus Chicasa.} Small, roundish, light red, flesh melting, soft, pleasant. Ripens soon after mid- 248 THE PLUM. irummer. Another variety produces yellow fruit. Tree low, spreading-, bushy, thorny; leaves narrow-lanceolate, somewhat in shape like those of a peach. A native of the Western States. Wild Red or Yellow Plum. (Prunus americana.} There ate many w;ld varieties of this species, the fruit varying from roundish to oval, and presenting various shades of color, mostly light red. Some have a pleasant, rich, sweet, or sub-acid pulp. Tree 10 to 15 feet high, leaves ovate, coarsely serrate, branches somewhat thorny. Ri- pens latter part of tummer. The quality of the fruit is improved by cultivation. It is sometimes used as stocks for the plum and aprico.t. The Beach Plum. (Prunus maritima.} Fruit nearly me- dium in size, varying from reddish to dark purple, plea- sant, astringent. A shrub with stout straggling branches; leaves oblong-ovate. A native of the sea-coast of the northern and middle states. CHAPTER VII. THE CHERRY. PROPAGATION. The cultivated varieties of the cherry con- sist of two distinct classes of sorts ; the first comprising the Mazzards, Hearts, and Bigarreaus, is characterized usually by the tall upright growth and pyramidal form of the tree, by the large, vigorous, and straight young branches, and by a sweet or bitter, but not a sour taste. The second class, or round-fruited, including the Dukes, Morellos, and the com- mon pie cherry, has small, irregular, and thickly growing branches, and a decidedly acid fruit. Observation will soon enable any one to distinguish these two classes, even where the trees are not more than a foot in height. It is the former only that are valuable as stocks for grafting and budding, on account of their straight and rapid growth.* The stones, as soon as they are taken from the fruit, should be dried only enough to prevent mouldiness, and then mixed with an equal quantity of clean moist sand. This will preserve a proper degree of moisture, and allow the easy separation of the stones in planting. The best way to keep them till spring, is to bury them in shallow pits on a dry spot of ground, covering them with flat stones and a few inches of earth. The seed may be planted in autumn or spring. If in au- tumn, the ground should be dry, and entirely free from all danger of becoming flooded or water-soaked. Unless the soil * Attempts are not unfrequently made to propagate the common cherry on the wild Black Cherry, (Cerasus virginiana,) or on the Choke Cherry, (C. serotina.) Such attempt* prove to be failures, the sorts being too dissimilar in their natures to favor union. These two species, it will be observed, have racemose inflorescence, while in the cultivated cherry the flowers are simply in fascicles or umbels. Some of the wild species, (as the Sand Cherry, C. pubescent,) having the latter kind of inflo- rescence, have been successfully used as slock?, and their adoption might possibly prove useful at the south and west, where the Heart cherries fail. 550 THE CilERKY. is quite light, the seeds should be covered with black mould to prevent the formation of a hard crust upon the surface Vvhich would prevent the young plants from breaking through But. usually, spring is the best season, if the planting k. done the moment the frost is out of the ground ; for th& seeds sprout and grow on the first approach of warm wea- ther. The distance should be the same as for the peach ahd apple ; and nearly the same directions are applicable to their management in the nursery rows. Good seedlings, averaging a foot and a half high, maybe transplanted from the seed beds when a year old, and if well cultivated in good soil, may be budded the same season. Where the buds fail, the trees may be grafted the following spring. Bud.ding can only succeed with thrifty, freely growing stocks, and with well matured buds. About the time, or a little after the most vigorous stage of growth, or just as the terminal buds on the shoots commence forming, is the most successful period. If earlier, the buds will usually be too soft ; if later, the bark will not peel freely, nor the Luds ad- here well. This period usually commences about mid-sum- mer, and continues, under the various influences of season and soil, for two or three weeks, and sometimes more than a month. Success will be found to depend also upon cut- ting out with the bud, a larger portion of the wood than common with other budding, or equal to at least one-third the diameter of the shoot. This will be found particularly useful where the buds are slightly immature, retaining in them a larger portion of moisture, and preventing their .curling off from the stock. . Great difficulty is often experienced in successfully graft- ing the cherry. It succeeds well, if performed very early in the spring, before the slightest swelling of the- buds, and before the frost has disappeared from the ground. After this period it is greatly liable to failure. In propagating the slower-growing, round-fruited varie- ties, good trees are often soonest obtained by grafting or budding them at standard height into large straight stocks. If grafted, they soon form a handsome head; if budded, THE CHERRY. 35* care must be taken by judicious pruning to prevent the young 1 shoots from growing ail on one side. Pruning the cherry- except ti form the head, is rarely needed. When necessary, midsummer is found to be the most favorable season, and least attended with the exudation of gum. SOIL. In the northern states, the cherry being a very hardy tree, will thrive in nearly all good soils. But a dryer soil than for most other species is found preferable ; a sandy or gravelly loam is best. In wet pjaces, or on water-soaked sub-soils, it does not flourish, and soon perishes. DWARF CHEBRIES. These are, as yet, cultivated to a limited extent in this country. They are chiefly adapted to village gardens, or other grounds of limited extent, as they may be set as near each other as five or six feet. They may be easily covered with netting, and thus protected from the birds, and what is most rare and desirable, the fruit permitted to remain un- til fully ripe, so important to the flavor of all cherries of an acid character. The stocks used for this purpose are the " Perfumed Cherry " or Prunus Mahaleb, which also possesses the ad- vantage of flourishing on heavy clay ground. The grafts will usually grow quite vigorously for two or three seasons, but they soon form dwarf, prolific bushes ; their branches being so pruned that seven, nine, or more, may come out from the centre of the plant, like a well-managed goose- berry bush. These branches will put forth, early in sum- mer, as in the horizontal shoots of pyramidal pears, several shoots at their extremities, all of which must be pinched off to within two or three buds of their base, leaving the leading shoots untouched till near the close of summer, when they must be shortened to eight or ten buds. The Heart and Bigarreau cherries maybe left of one-half great- er length than the Dukes and Morellos, which are of smaller habit of growth; -and where the space is small, the trees may be root-pruned and kept within a very limited space.* * Rivers' Miniature Fruit Garden. 352 THE CHERRY. The cultivation of dwarf cherries would greatly facilitate the use of net screens for covering entire orchards, as some- times practiced in Holland and England. The boundary fence is made of wire (or wood) lattice, so as to exclude small birds. At regular distances, through the enclosed area, are inserted into the earth, wooden or tile sockets for the reception of poles or props to support the net. These poles have a small circular board each nailed on their tops, to prevent injury to the netting. The boundary fence is supplied with hooks, to which the net is readily attached. When the cherries begin to ripen, it is elevated on several of the poles, each carried, by a man, and spread over the garden, the rest of the poles being easily inserted in their sockets afterwards. All birds are thus completely excluded. During rain or dewy evenings, the net is stretched to its ut- most extent, as indicated by the dotted lines- in the annexed figure : Fig. 266. Birds excluded from miniature cherry orchard by net screen. In dry weather, it is slackened, and forms a festooned vault over the whole cherry garden. Its durability is increased by soaking it in tan once a year.* Ten square rods of ground, comprised within a circle of fifty-nine feet in diam- eter, would contain forty dwarf cherry "trees at eight feet distance, or ninety trees at five feet distance. THE DISEASES AND ENEMIES, To which the cherry is liable at the North, are few arid not formidable. After the young trees are procured, they are consequently of remarkably safe and easy cultivation. There are, however, some varieties which are liable to black excrescences on the branches, which, gradually increas- ing and extending, destroy the tree. The only means of arresting their progress, and which, when vigorously and * London's Sub. Hort. THE CHERRY. 353 unremittingly applied, does not fail, is to cut off the injured branches at once, and commit them to the fire. The Hack aphis, or plant louse, is often very injurious to young trees in the nursery, causing a stunted and distorted growth, and when abundant on newly grafted trees, some- limes destroying them. The best remedy is the application of whale-oil soap. A teacupful is dissolved in a pail of water, and applied with a syringe, or by the immersion of the infested branches, which causes the immediate death of the insects t and must be re- peated every few days till no more are found. The " Cherry Slug," (Fig. 267,) when in large numbers, does serious injury by eating the leaves. This animal, which appears to be the larva of an insect, is about half an inch long, and dark greenish brown when filled with food. Its smooth, shining, and jelly-like skin, and snail- like appearance, have given it the name " Slug." It may be repelled by dusting the cherry leaves regularly, while wet with dew, with dry fresh ashes. The curculio, so destructive to the plum and apricot, some- times injures young fruit. The orchard caterpillar often defoliates the cherry tree. Remedies have been pointed out in former chapters. Sometimes the cherry crop is much lessened by long and heavy rains, at the period of the bursting of the anthers, washing down the pollen, and preventing the fertilization of the stigma and germ. At the South and West, most of the finer varieties of the cherry do not flourish. This is supposed to be caused, at the South, by the hot sun upon the trunk of rapidly grow- ing and succulent trees, the wood of which does not mature and harden sufficiently to withstand its effects. A partial remedy has been found in sheathing the trunks with straw. The Mayduke and a few other of the sour* cherries, succeed best. Grafting upon these hardy sorts, may prove useful. A similar disaster is produced in many portions of the "Western States, caused, perhaps, by severe frost in addition to the other named influences. On the fertile western soils, where the growth is very rapid, the outer and more horny portion of the bark does not expand fast enough, and firmly 354 THE CHERRY. binds the trunk, until suddenly ruptured by the increasing pressure. It usually bursts and cracks open on the south- west side, where the new growth swells out, and repeatedly bursting, the tree finally perishes. Slitting open the bark with a knife was found to produce this sudden swelling and increased growth at the precise lines where the slits were made, but afforded no relief at other places. It was only by shaving off evenly the whole surface of the hardened bark, that the unnatural cracking and swelling out was pre- vented.* Further experiments are needed in relation to this subject; possibly a softening application to the hard bark may be discovered ; and it may also be very necessary where the outer portion is peeled or shaved off, to protect by a coating of straw, the denuded surface. * J. B. Turner, in Horticulturist. A similar result, but evenly distributed over the surface, and accompanying healthy growth, occurs with all old and rough-barked forest trees, the exterior coating becoming gradually and evenly furrowed VAEIETIES. SYNOPSIS OF ARRANGEMENT. DIVISION I. FRUIT HEART-SHAPED. (Fruit inclining to sweet, tree vigorous and regular in growth.) CLASS I. HEART CHERRIES. (Flesh tender or half-tender.) Sub-Class I. Fruit Black, dark red, or crimson, Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium. Section III. Fruit small. Sub- Class II. Fruit bright red, or lighter. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium. Section III. Fruit small. THE CHERRY. 355 CLASS II. BIGARREAU CHERRIES. (Flesh firm or rather hard.) Sub-Class I. Fruit black, dark red, or crimson. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium. Section III. Fruit small. Sub- Class II. Fruit bright red, or lighter. Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium. Section III. Fruit small. DIVISION H. FRUIT ROUND. (Fruit rather acid, tree of irregular growth.) CLASS I. DUKE CHERRIES. c Trees mostly upright, becoming partly spreading, fruit often approaching heart- shaped.) Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium. Section III. Fruit small. CLASS II. MORELLO CHERRIES. (Threes usually spreading, very irregular, shoots small, wiry, fruit nearly round.) Section I. Fruit large. Section II. Fruit medium. Section III. Fruit small. The two classes of the second division are not very dis- tinctly separated ; the chief distinction being in the growth of the tree. Most varieties of the first division are quite distinct; a few, as the Madison Bigarreau, Downton, and White Bigarreau, possess intermediate qualities. SEASON OF RIPENING. Early, as Black Tartarian, and American 'Heart ; medium, as Graffion or Bigarreau, and Black Eagle ; late, as Elkhorn and Downer's Late. Quali- fying terms sub-divide and extend these periods. 356 THE CHERRY. DIVISION I. FRUIT HEART-SHAPED. CLASS I. HEART CHERRIES. Sub-class I. Fruit Hack, dark-red, or crimson. Section I. Fruit large. BLACK EAGLE. Rather large, obtuse heart-shaped, round- ish, nearly black ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather slender, slightly sunk ; flesh dark, deep purplish crimson, Fig 268. May Bigarreau. Fig. 269. Knight's 'Early Black. Fig. 270. Early Purple Guigne. Fig. 271. Black Tartarian. Fig. 272. Black Eagle. with a very rich, high, excellent flavor. Season me- dium, (1st of 7 mo.) Shoots stout, diverging or spread- ing. A cross of the Graffion and Mayduke. English. Not always of the highest character. THE CHEBBY. 357 BLACK TARTARIAN. (Syn. Frazer's Black Tartarian, Black Circassian, Black Russian, Ronald's Large Black Heart, Ronald's Heart.) Quite large, (often an inch in diameter,) on crowded old trees only medium; heart- shaped, often rather obtuse, surface slightly uneven, near- ly or quite black ; stalk an inch and a half long, slightly sunk ; flesh dark, half tender, with a peculiar liver-like consistency, rich, nearly destitute of acid, of very fine, but not of the highest flavor. Ripens early, or about the middle of 6 mo., (June.) Shoots very erect. The vigo- rous growth and great productiveness of the tree and the large size and mild sweet flavor of the fruit, rer.-er this variety a general favorite. KNIGHT'S EARLY BLACK. Large, obtuse, heart- shaped, surface slightly uneven, black ; stalk an inch and a fourth or an inch and a half long, rather stout, cavity deep, narrow; flesh dark purplish crimson, tender, juicy, with a very rich, high, excellent flavor. Ripens quite early, or a little before the Black Tartarian. Shoots di- verging or spreading. Much resembles the Black Eagle, but larger, earlier, more heart-shaped, and with a much deeper cavity. English. In some localities, it appears to need a rich soil and warm situation to develope its excel- lence. Oxheart (of the English. Large, obtuse, heart-shaped, dark red, half tender, of second quality. Rare in this country. The name Oxheart is erroneously applied here to the White Pigarreau and to several large worthless sorts. WATERLOO. Large, obtuse, heart-shaped, dark purple be- coming black ; stalk long, slender, flesh purplish red ; flavor rich, sweet, and excellent. Rather late. Tree spreading, a moderate bearer. Spurious sorts are often disseminated under this name. English. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Black Heart. Medium or rather large ; heart-shaped, slight- ly irregular ; blackish crimson, becoming black ; stalk an inch and a half long, moderately sunk, tender when ripe, 358 THE CHERRY. with a high, nearly first-rate flavor. Season medium or rather early. Productive and hardy ; growth rather erect. Manning's Early Black Heart, resembles the preceding in nearly all points, hut is a week earlier. Davc?iport's Early, closely resembles Black Heart, but is a few days earlier, and the leaves are larger and lighter green. EARLY PURPLE GUIGNE. Size medium, round Heart-shaped, distinctly dotted when ripening, dark red, becoming near- ly black; flesh dark, tender, juicy, rich, sweet. Growth Jess vigorous than most heart cherries, shoots dark brown, spreading; leaves rather small, drooping on long petioles. Very early, ripening with May Bigarreau. Gascoine's Heart. (Syn. Bleeding Heart, of Lindley.) Size medium, long heart-shaped, with a small, clear drop at apex, dark red, half tender, second-rate in flavor. A poor bearer. Season medium. Section III. Fruit small. Black Mazzard. (Syn. Mazzard, Wild English Cherry.) Small, oval heart-shaped, sides a little compressed ; color, black; stalk long, slender, slightly inserted, flesh soft, bitter. Late. Valuable for stocks. The White Mazzard, of Manning, nearly resembles the preceding except in its light color. Black Corone. Rather small, round heart-shaped, dull black; stalk two inches long, slender, cavity narrow, deep ; flesh dark crimson purple, tender when ripe, of second or third quality. Late. This is merely an im- proved Mazzard, intermediate between the common Maz- zard and the Black Heart. The latter is sometimes cul- tivated under the name of Corone. May Bigarre.au. (Syn. Baumann's May of Downing, Bigar- reau de Mai.) Rather small, oval heart-shaped, becom- ing as it ripens nearly round ; color deep red, becoming black ; stalk an inch and three-fourths long, rather stout at the ends, cavity narrow; flesh dark crimson, juicy, THE CHERRY. 359 rather sweet, not high-flavored. Very early. Produc- tive. Shoots spreading, brown, resembling in color those of the Mayduke. Sub-Class II. Fruit bright red, or lighter. Section I. Fruit large. DOWNTON. Large, round heart-shaped, apex quite ob- tuse, or slightly indented ; light cream color, stained with red ; stalk an inch and three-fourths or two inches long, slender ; cavity wide ; flesh yellowish, tender, adhering slightly to the stone, rich, delicious. Season medium or rather late. Growth rather spreading. Ohio Beauty. Very large, oblate-heart-shaped ; dark red on a pale red ground, somewhat marbled, very handsome ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather stout, cavity wide and deep; flesh white, tender, juicy, with a fine flavor. Early, or about ten days before Napoleon Bigarreau, which it about equals in size. Origin, Cleveland, Ohio. New. ROBERTS' RED HEART. Large, obtuse heart-shaped, bright red, cavity rather wide, flesh red, flavor excellent. Ra- ther late. Origin, Salem, Mass. Section II. Fruit medium in size. American Amber. (Syn. Bloodgood's Honey.) Size medi- um, round heart-shaped, very regular, apex slightly sunk, skin thin, smooth, glossy; color light amber, becoming mottled and shaded with bright red; stalk two inches _ long, slender, slightly sunk ; flavor pleasant, usually sec- ond-rate, sometimes very good, variable on the same tree. Productive. Season medium. Origin, Flushing. N. Y. COE'S TRANSPARENT. Size medium, nearly globular, very regular ; skin thin, pale amber, reddened in the sun, with peculiar pale spots, or blotches ; stalk nearly an inch and a half long, moderately sunk, very tender, melting, sweet, excellent. Early, just before Black Tartarian. Growth, thrifty, upright. Origin, Middletown, Conn. New. DOCTOR. Size medium, round heart-shaped ; color light yellow and red, blended and mottled ; stalk an inch and 16 360 THE CHERRY. a half long; cavity round, regular; flesh white, tender, juicy, sweet, fine. Very early. Resembles American Heart, but two weeks earlier. Growth moderate, spread- ing, leaves narrow. Origin, Cleveland, Ohio. New. DOWNER'S LATE. (Syn. Downer, Downer's Late Red.) Size medium, round heart-shaped, smooth, red, light am- ber in the shade ; stalk an inch and a half long, slightly Fig. 273. Coe's Transparent, Fig. 274. Early White Heart. Fig. 275. Lownton. Fig. 276. Fig. 277. Doioner's Late. Sparhawlc' s Honey. sunk ; fruit in clusters ; flesh tender, melting, rich, very high-flavored -not good till fully ripe. Late. Growth erect. Origin, Dorchester, Mass. EARLY WHITE HEART. Medium, or rather small, heart- shaped, slightly oblong, often a little one-sided, suture distinct ; color dull whitish yellow, tinged and spotted with pale red; stalk an inch and three-fourths long, THE CHERRY. 361 cavity wide, shallow; flesh rather firm, tender when ripe, sweet, pleasant. Quite early. Growth erect. Bowyer's Early Heart, Arden's Ea'rly Heart, and Rivers' Early Amber, are either identical with the Early White Heart, or differ in no essential point. Elliott's Favorite. Size medium, round, regular, slightly compressed ; color pale amber yellow, with a bright, mar- bled, carmine-red cheek ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity even and regular ; flesh pale amber, translucent, tender, delicate, juicy, with a sweet, fine flavor. Season medium, ripening with Belle de Choisy. Shoots vigor- ous, diverging. Origin, Cleveland, Ohio. New. Hyde's Red Heart. Size medium, heart-shaped ; colof^be- coming a lively red, tender, pleasant. Shoots strong. New. Manning's Mottled. (Syn. Mottled Bigarreau.) Medium or rather large, round-heart-shaped, suture distinct ; color amber shaded and mottled with red ; semi-transparent, glossy ; stalk slender, cavity shallow ; flesh yellow, ten- der when ripe, sweet, with a good flavor, often only sec- ond-rate. Stone rather large. Season, medium. Shoots dark. Productive. Origin, Salem, Mass. SPARHAWK'S HONEY. Medium in size, round-heart-shaped, regular ; surface glossy, pale amber, becoming lively red ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather slender, cavity round, even; flesh juicy, delicate, sweet, of fine flavor. Rather late. Very productive . Origin, Brighton, Mass. Sweet Montmorency. Medium in size, round, slightly flat- tened at base, with a depressed point at apex ; color pale amber, mottled with light red ; stalk an inch and three- fourths long, slender, cavity small, even; flesh yellowish, tender, sweet, excellent. Season very late or past mid- summer. Approaches somewhat in character the Morel- lo. Origin, Salem, Mass. White Tartarian. Size medium, or rather small ; obtuse heart-shaped ; skin pale yellow or cream color, not red- dened by the sun ; stalk an inch and a half long, slen- der ; flesh somewhat pellucid, whitish yellow, half ten- der, with a second-rate, slightly bitter flavor. 362 THE CHERRY. There are several sorts known in this country as White Tar- tarian, differing from, and mostly superior to the genu- ine, the best of which, considerably cultivated in Western New- York, is of medium size or rather small, round- heart-shaped, light pink in the shade, darker to the sun ; flesh tender, with a sweet, excellent flavor; a profuse bearer ; growth rather slender, nearly erect. Section III. Fruit small. Amber Gean. Small, obtuse heart-shaped., regular, pellu- cid, pale yellow shaded with faint red, stalk long, slen- der, flesh white, sweet, pleasant ; very productive ; late. Honey. (Syn. Late Honey, Yellow Honey, Large Honey.) Small,, roundish oval, yellowish marbled with red, becom- ing deep amber red ; stalk long, slender, scarcely sunk ; flesh tender, exceedingly sweet ; a second or third-rate variety. Quite late. Very productive. Transparent Guigne. (Syn. Transparent Gean.) Rather small, ovate, slightly heart-shaped, regular; skin thin, glossy, pellucid, yellowish white, delicately blotched with pale red ; suture distinct ; stalk rather long, slender, slightly sunk; flesh high-flavored and fine, slightly bitter before ripe. Season rather late. Growth becoming spreading, tree productive. CLASS II. BIGARREAU CHERRIES. Sub-Class I. Fruit Hack, dark red, or crimson. Section I. Fruit large. Large Heart-shaped Bigarreau. (Syn. Bigarreau Gros Coeuret, Bigarreau Gros Monstreux.) Large, heart- shaped, suture often a raised line ; surface yellow, with red streaks, becoming blackish shining red ; cavity shal- low ; flesh firm, purplish, bitter, becoming fine and rich ; stone rather large. Late. French. Rare. Manning's Late Black. Large, roundish, skin deep purple nearly black, flesh purplish, rather firm, moderately juicy and sweet. Late. Origin, Salem, Mass. THE CHERRY. ,' 63 Elkhorn. (Syn. Tradescant's Black-Heart, Large Black Bigarreau.) Large, heart-shaped, surface slightly une- ven, black, stalk rather short, or an inch and a fourth long, cavky rather deep; flesh solid firm, not juicy, with a high, fine flavor, bitter before fully ripe. Kather late. Shoots dark gray. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Black Bigarreau. Size medium, heart-shaped, black, re- sembling externally the Black Heart ; flesh firm, rather dry, flavor poor. Rather late. The Black Bigarreau of Savoy scarcely differs from this. Gridley. (Syn. Apple Cherry.) Size medium, roundish, black; stalk rather short, cavity shallow; flesh purplish, firm, moderately juicy, rather high-flavored. Stone small. Late. Profusely productive, but only second-rate. Ori gin, Roxbury, Mass. Wendell's Mottled Bigarreau. Medium or rather large, ob- tuse heart-shaped, dark red becoming nearly black, mot- tled with dark streaks or points ; suture a dark line on one side ; stalk medium ; cavity round, regular ; flesh firm, crisp, high-flavored ; stone small. Rather late Growth upright. Albany, N. Y. New. Sub- class II. Fruit bright red or lighter. BIGARREAU OR GRAFFION. (Syn. Yellow Spanish White Bigarreau of Mass.) Very large, often an inch in diameter, obtuse heart-shaped, very smooth, regular, base flattened ; surface clear, pale waxen yellow, with a hand- some light red cheek to the sun ; stalk an inch and three- fourths long, cavity very wide, shallow ; flesh firm, with a fine, rich flavor. Season medium, or last of mo., (June.) Shoots stout, diverging or spreading. This variety, al- though not of the highest flavor, has become, from its great size, beauty, and productiveness, a general favorite. The Late Bigarreau, originated with Dr. Kirtland, of Cleve- land, resembles this, but is slightly less in size, deeper red, and ripens about ten days later. 364 THE CHERRY. CLEVELAND BIGARREAU. Very large, round-heart-shaped, suture broad and deep half way round ; color, bright, clear, delicate red, or amber yellow ; stalk an inch and a half long, curved; flesh firm, juicy, sweet, very rich. Season early, or with Black Tartarian, Resembles the Graffion, but ten days earlier. Origin, Cleveland, O New. ELTON. Large, pointed, heart-shaped, somewhat oblong, pale yellow blotched and shaded with red ; stalk two inches long, slender ; flesh firm, becoming rather tender, rich, high-flavored, excellent. Season medium or rather early. Growth spreading, rather bending, petioles red- dish purple. A cross between the Graffion and White Heart. One of the finest of cherries. English. Ra- ther tender in very severe climates. The Flesh-Colored Bigarreau, or the Large Heart-Shaped Bigarre.au of Manning, the Bigarreau Couleur de Chair THE CHERRY. 365 of the French, very nearly resembles or is identical with the Elton. FLORENCE. (Syn. Knevett's Late.) Large, heart-shaped, regular, smooth, amber yellow marbled with red, and with a red cheek ; stalk an inch and a half long ; flesh firm, juicy, sweet ; season, rather late. Resembles Graf- fion, but hardly so large, and ten days later. HOLLAND BIGARREAU. (Sy?i. Spotted Bigarreau.) Large, rather oblong-heart-shaped, apex somewhat pointed ; sur- face whitish in the shade, mottled and spotted red next the sun; stalk an inch and a half long, slender, cavity large and deep ; fruit in thick clusters ; flesh firm, sweet, fine, but not of the highest flavor. Season a little before medium. Leaves large and broad. KIRTLAND'S MARY. Quite large, round heart-shaped, reg- ular, base somewhat flattened ; color light and dark red, deeply marbled, on a yellow ground ; stalk an inch and a fourth to an inch and a half long ; flesh light yellow, half tender, rich, juicy, sweet, high-flavored. Season medium, or with the Elton. Origin, Cleveland, Ohio. New. Large Red Bigarreau. Large, oblong-heart-shaped, surface uneven, one side swollen, shoulders projecting, sutures distinct ; stalk large, cavity large and deep ; skin yellow- ish, dotted and streaked with red in the shade, dark red in the sun ; flesh yellowish, red at the stone, firm, rich, of fine flavor. Rather late. Growth very strong. French. Rare. NAPOLEON BIGARREAU. Very large, regularly heart-shaped, remotely oblong ; skin pale yellow and amber, spotted and shaded with deep red ; stalk very short, an inch and a fourth long ; flesh very firm, with a fine but hardly first rate flavor. Rather late. Shoots with a light green- ish cast. Growth rather erect, vigorous. Very produc- tive, and good for market, but too firm and deficient in flavor for the small garden. ROCKPORT BIGARREAU. Quite large, round heart- shaped ; color, when fully ripe, a beautiful clear red, shaded with pale amber, with occasional spots ; stalk an 366 THE CHERRY. inch and a half long, cavity wide ; flesh firm, juicy, sweet, rich, with an excellent flavor. Season rather early. Tree upright, vi- gorous. Origin, Cleve- land, Ohio ; one of the best of Dr. Kirtland's new seedlings. WHITE BIGARREAU. (Syn. Large White Bigar- reau, White Ox-Heart.) Large, heart - shaped, tapering to obtuse apex ; suture distinct ; surface slightly wavy, yellowish white marbled with red ; flesh moderately firm, or half tender, very rich and delicate. Season medium. A moderate bearer when young, more productive afterwards ; liable to crack after rain ; tree rather ten- der ; growth spreading. Section II. Fruit medium in size. AMERICAN HEART. Medium, or rather large, rectangular heart-shaped ; color, light red or pink, mixed with am- ber ; stalk nearly two inches long, slender, cavity small and shallow ; flesh half tender, adhering to the rather tough skin, juicy, sweet, fine, hardly first rate. Very productive. Early. F. R. Elliot says that the Swedish resembles the American Heart, but ripens with the Mayduke. Burr's Seedling. Size medium, or rather large, distinct heart-shaped, smooth, a fine deep clear red, often spotted or marbled, stem an inch and a half long, cavity mode- rate ; flesh half-tender, (about as firm as American Heart, from which it probably originated,) sweet, rich, with a fine flavor. Growth vigorous, very productive. Season, medium. Origin, Perrinton, N. Y. New. Fig. 278 Rockport Bigarreau. Fig. 279 Napoleon Bigarreau. THE CHERRY. 367 Buttner's Yellow. Medium in size, roundish, somewhat ob- tuse-cordate, base distinctly flattened ; surface clear pale yellow, not reddened by the sun ; stalk short, flesh yel- lowish, firm, crisp, sweet, good ; stone quite small. Late. Growth vigorous. Origin, Halle, Germany. China Bigarreau. Medium in size, oval-heart-shaped, some- what roundish, suture distinct ; color, amber mottled with red, becoming red ; stalk long, slender, cavity shallow ; flesh half-tender when ripe, with a rather rich and pecu- liar, second rate flavor. Season, rather late. Shoots spread- ing. Origin, Flushing, L. I. Downi?ig's Red Cheek. Size medium or rather large, ob- tuse heart-shaped, regular, suture distinct ; color with a broad crimson cheek-; stalk an inch and a half long, ca vity of medium size ; flesh half tender, delicate, sweet, rich, nearly first rate. Rather early. Origin, Newburgh, N. Y. Hildesheim. (Syn. Hildesheim Bigarreau, Bigarreau Tar- dif de Hildesheim.) Size medium; heart-shaped; color, yellow mottled and marbled with red ; flesh yellow, firm, sweet, agreeable. Very late. German. Lady Southampton's Yellow. Size medium, heart-shaped, yellow with no tinge of red, flesh firm, not juicy, flavor rather poor. Late. Madison Bigarreau. Size medium, regular heart-shaped amber yellow, dotted and marbled with red ; stalk rather short, slender ; flesh half-tender, sweet, pleasant, of fine flavor. Season medium or rather early. A good bearer. Shoots spreading. Origin, Salem, Mass. Flesh almost too tender to be included with the bigarreaus. Section ffl. Fruit small. Remington. (Syn. Remington White Heart.) Small, heart- shaped, yellow, rarely a faint red-cheek, rather dry, bit- ter, worthless. Ripens about the end of summer or early in autumn, its lateness being its only recommendation. Origin, Rhode Island. 16* 368 THE CHERRY. DIVISION II. FRUIT ROUND. CLASS I. DUKE CHERRIES. Section I. Fruit large. ARCH DUKE. (Syn. Portugal Duke, Late Arch Duke.) Very large, round-heart-shaped, slightly flattened, dark shining red, becoming nearly black ; stalk an inch and a half long, slender, deep-sunk ; flesh light red, when matured rich, sub-acid, slightly bitter till fully ripe, of fine flavor, hardly equal in quality to Mayduke. Season very late, or just before midsummer. One fourth larger than Mayduke, and tree more spreading, and with thicker and darker foliage. Rare. BELLE MAGNIFIQUE. Quite large, roundish, inclining to heart-shaped ; color a fine rich red, portions of the surface of- ten a lighter hue ; stalk slender, nearly two inches long, cavity large ; flavor rather mild for this class, fine, but not of the highest quality. One of the best late varieties, ripening about midsummer. Productive. Growth resembles that of the Mayduke in form. French. BELLE DE CHOISY. Size medium, round, very even, obscurely ob- late ; skin thin, translucent, showing the netted texture of the flesh ; stalk rather short, slender ; flesh pale amber, mot- tled with yellowish red, becom- ing in the sun, a fine cornelian red ; flesh very tender, very juicy and melting, with a fine mild, sub-acid flavor, becoming nearly sweet ; season rather early. Moderately. productive ; needs good cultivation. French. Fig. 280. Belle de C/ioisy. Fig. 281. Belle Magnijique. THE CHERRY. 369 Late Duke. Large, obtuse roundish heart-shaped, slightly oblate ; color light, mottled with bright red at first, be- coming rich dark red when ripe ; stalk an inch and a half long, rather slender, cavity shallow ; flesh pale am- ber, sub-acid, not rich, much less so than Mayduke ; sea- son very late, or a little after midsummer. Tree more spreading than Mayduke, and foliage rather more com- pact, approaching somewhat the character of a JVIorello. Le Merrier, a new French variety, resembles Late Duke, and ripens at the same time it is roundish, remotely heart-shaped, obtuse ; suture shallow, ending in a point at apex ; surface light shining red, marbled with deeper red about second-rate. MAYDUKE. Large, roundish, obtuse heart-shaped ; color red at first, becoming when mature nearly black ; flesh reddish, becoming dark purple, very juicy and melting, rich, acid, excellent. It is frequently picked when red immature, and not fully grown, and imperfect in fla- vor. Quite early but often varying greatly and perma- nently in its season of ripening, even on the same tree. Holman's Duke and Late Mayduke are only late varia- tions perpetuated by grafting. Growth upright for a Duke. Very hardy, and adapted to all localities. ROYAL DUKE. (Syn. Royal Tardive.) Very large, round- ish, distinctly oblate, surface dark red ; flesh reddish, ten- der, juicy, rich ; season rather late. Growth like the Mayduke. Rare. Much confusion has existed relative to the different Duke cherries. Most of the sorts disseminated in this country are only sub-varieties of the Mayduke. The Arch Duke and the Late Duke are distinguished by their spreading branches ; and the Mayduke and Royal Duke by their more upright or fastigiate growth. The Late Duke is distinguished from the Arch Duke, by its more oblate fruit, and from the May- duke by its late maturity and paler flesh. The Royal Duke is remarkable for its distinct oblate form. 370 THE CHERRY. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Jeffrey's Duke. (Syn. Jeffrey's Royal, Royale.) Size me- dium, round, obscurely oblate ; color a fine lively red ; stalk medium ; flesh amber with a tinge of red, rich, juicy, of fine flavor. Growth slow, very compact, fruit in thick clusters ; season medium. Resembles Mayduke, but smaller, rounder, and lighter colored. Rare in thia country. CLASS II. MORELLOS. Section I. Fruit large. Carnation. Large, round, yellowish white, mottled and marbled with fine orange red ; stalk an inch and a fourth long, stout ; flesh slighty firmer than most of this class, a little bitter at first, becoming mild acid, and with a rich fine flavor ; growth spreading ; leaves resembling thoso of a heart cherry. Very late, ripening about midsum mer. Prince's Duke is a large sub-variety, but a very poor bearer and of little value, Morello. (Syn. English Morello, Large Morello, Dutch Morello.) Rather large, approaching medium ; round, obscurely heart-shaped ; dark red, becoming nearly black flesh dark purplish crimson, of a rich acid, mixed with a slight astringency. Season very late, or after midsum- mer. In England, its ripening is retarded till autumn .by the shading of a wall. Rare in this country. The common Morello is a smaller sub-variety, a little darker and with smaller branches. PLUMSTONE MORELLO. 'Large, roundish-heart-shaped; co- lor deep red ; stalk an inch and a half long, slender, straight; cavity moderate ; flesh reddish, of a rich acid flavor. Very late, or after midsummer. Stone rather long and pointed. The most valuable of the Morellos. Rumsey's Late Morello. Large, round heart-shpped, smooth, polished, light red, becoming a lively red ; suture dis- tinct ; stalk an inch and a half long, cavity rather nar- THE CHERRY. 371 row and deep ; flesh juicy, very acid, stone like the Plum- stone Morello. Very late, ripening at the end of sum- mer and beginning of autumn. Too sour for the table, culinary only. Origin, Fiihkill, N. Y. New. Section II. Fruit medium in size. Buttner's October Morello. Size medium, round, flavor very acid, one of the latest cherries, ripening in autumn, and unworthy of cultivation. Dutch. New. Flemish. (Sy?i. Montmorency of Lind.} Size medium, distinctly oblate, bright red, usually in pairs, stalk very short or three-fourths of an inch long, cavity deep, fur- rowed on one side ; sub-acid, fl.avor moderate. A poor bearer. Very late. Kentish. (Sy?i. Early Richmond, Virginian May, Kentish Red, English Pie Cherry.) Rather small becoming me- dium when well ripened, round, slightly oblate, growing in pairs ; color a full red ; stalk an inch or an inch and a fourth long, rather stout ; fle;h very juicy, acid, moder- ately rich. Stone adhering strongly to the stalk, often withdrawing it from the fruit when picked. Very pro- ductive ; fine for early cooking , ripens early and hangs long on the tree. Pie Cherry, (American.) (Syn. Late Kentish of Down- ing, Common Red, American Kentish.) Size medium, approaching small, roundish, slightly oblate ; stalk an inch to an inch and a half long, stout ; color light red ; flesh very juicy, quite acid, moderately rich. Rather late. Stone not adhering to the stalk, as with the pre- ceding. Very productive ; a good culinary sort. Section III. Fruit small. Cluster. (Syn. Cerise a Bouquet.) Small, in clusters of two to six on a common peduncle ; round, red, quite acid rather late. Of little value. Tree small. Early May. (Syn. Cerise Indulle.) Small, round, ap- proaching oblate, bright high red ; stalls an inch long ; flesh juicy, acid, good. Very early. CHAPTER VIII. THE GOOSEBERRY AND CURRANT. THE CURRANT, from its hardiness, free growth, easy cul- ture, great and uniform productiveness, pleasant flavor, and early ripening, is one of -the most valuable of our summer fruits. It is propagated, like the gooseberry, from cuttings, for which vigorous shoots of the last year's production should be chosen. Half the buds only at the top of the shoot, should be left ; and the plants may be kept trained up to a single stem, a few inches high, when the branches should radiate on all sides in an upward direction so as to form a hand- some spreading top. Currant bushes, if permitted to sucker moderately, will however endure for a longer time, as the new shoots, sending out roots of their own, afford in fact a spontaneous renewal. But .care is needed that they do not form too dense a growth. Currants, from their hardiness, usually receive no atten- tion nor culture, but are suffered to become overrun with weeds and grass, and to become crowded with a profusion of suckers. Small and inferior fruit is the result. A great improvement both in size and quality, is made by rich soil, good cultivation, and judicious pruning. The difference in flavor between fruit ripened on well trimmed branches, with air and sun freely admitted to the fully grown leaves, and that which is shaded by a crowded growth of foliage, is greater than most who have not witnessed the experiment would believe. The various modes of using, drying, and preserving cur- rants, in tarts, jellies, &c., are familiar to all; the follow- ing mode, by which the green fruit may be kept for any length of time, in as good condition as when gathered, may THE CURRANT. 373 prove useful : Pick the fruit when fully grown, dry the surface well without shrivelling, and cork tight in glass bottles, covering the corks with sealing wax; then bury the bottles to the neck in sand or earth in a cool cei- lar. This method may be successfully applied to the goose- berry. VARIETIES. Class I. Red and White Currants^ (Riles rubrum.) Champagne. Size medial, pale pink, quite acid, not of high flavor ; a curiosity. Cherry Currant. Very large, nearly twice the size of the common Red Dutch, round, light red, clusters moderately short, quite acid. Growth large, tall, and luxuriant. Rather unproductive. Italy. New. DUTCH, RED. A little larger than the common red currant, and clusters much longer, and a little less acid. Proba- bly the best red currant. DUTCH, WHITE. Nearly resembles the common white cur- ant, but with longer clusters, and with fruit less approach- ing oblate. The best white. Knight's Early Red. It ripens ten days earlier than the other sorts, which comprises its merit. Knight's Sweet Red. Less acid than most varieties, and rather less so than the White Dutch paler in color than the common red. Ways Victoria. Rather large, scarcely larger than Red Dutch, flavor rather acid hangs long, and valuable for its lateness. Rivers says it is undoubtedly the same as Goliath, " an excellent late currant." Striped Fruited. Striped with white and red rare. Germany. White Grape Currant. Quite large, rather larger than White Dutch, bunches shorter, and hardly equal in flavor. 374 THE GOOSEBERRY. Class II. Black Currants, (Ribes nigrum.} Common Black or Black English. Large, one third of an inch in diameter, quite black, clusters very short ; with a strong odor, flavor poor. Black Naples. Largest of 'all currants, sometimes five- eighths of an inch in diameter, resembling in flavor the preceding, but ripening later, and with larger clusters. The largest currant known. Sometime used for jellies. THE GOOSEBERRY. The Gooseberry,* as mostly cultivated in this country, is a native of the North of Europe. The American species have very rarely or never been improved by cultivation. The foreign species has been multipiied into thousands ot varieties in England. The catalogue of the London Hor- ticultural Society enumerates 149 sorts worthy of notice, anil Lindley gives a list of more than 700 prize sorts. Large numbers of these are, of course, distinguished by the slightest distinctive shades. Some, by the most perfect culture, with pruning, and thinning the fruit on the branch- es, have been made to attain a diameter of two inches, and a weight of an ounce and a half. But such mammoth sorts are usually neither so good in flavor nor so profitable for raising as those of a medium size. The productiveness of the gooseberry, under good man- agement, is very great. The Whitesmith and some other varieties frequently bear so copiously, that the fruit is strung along the branches in actual contact, for several inches to- gether. Finer fruit, it is true, may be had by thinning, when the berries are yet small ; and the exhaustion is less than when the bushes are heavily laden. Some instances of great productiveness are given by B. G. Boswell, in the Horticulturist. In one instance, a gar- dener near Philadelphia, gathered from two rows, one hun- dred and fifty feet long, six bushels, which sold for twenty- four dollars ; and another cultivator in the same neighbor- hood, gathered thirteen quarts from a single plant. * Supposed to have been formerly much used as a sauce with green goose, whence its name. THE GOOSEBERRY. 375 Propagation and Culture. The Gooseberry is propagated from cuttings, in a manner quite similar to the currant. The soil should be a good strong loam, and made unusually deep by trenching, to secure the bushes from drought. It should be kept fertile by application of manure. The prun- ing should be freely performed as soon as the leaves are off, by a thorough thinning out of the branches. The shoots should be left, evenly distributed over the bush, so as to pre- vent crowding of the leaves, for it must be remembered that with this as well as with all other plants or trees, the growth and ripening of the fruit depends wholly on the ad- mission of light and air to the LEAVES, and on their full and healthy developmerit. Mildew. This is the most serious obstacle to the success- ful cultivation of the gooseberry in the United States. In the cool and moist climate of England, it docs not exist ; in the extreme northern parts of the Union, it is not formidable ; but on approaching the Middle States, although the bushes grow vigorously and set abundant crops of young fruit, the latter become covered with a thick brown or grey mildew or scurf, which wholly destroys their value. Manuring, high cultivation, and pruning, will in some cases prove sufficient to prevent mildew. This may be as- sisted by the cautious application of salt, either thinly over the soil, or directly upon the plant ; in the latter case, the solution should be so thin, that the saline taste may be iust perceptible. But shading by a thick coat of salt hay, appears to be the most efficient remedy. It should be spread in a layer of several inches or even a foot in thickness, crowding it down to make room for the branches. This should be done in spring. It has proved quite successful in a multitude of instances, even as far south as Delaware. In inland districts where sea-weed or salt hay cannot be had, a convenient substitute consists in placing coarse hay or straw beneath the bushes, and then applying a solution of salt with a watering pot, avoiding direct contact with the bushes, if the solution be strong. 376 THE GOOSEBERRY. VARIETIES. A few only can be mentioned within the present limits, out of a vast assemblage of hundreds. Most of the fine Eng- lish sorts have either been tried here to a very limited ex- tent, or not tried at all ; but among a few which have proved particularly successful, the following may be mentioned : CROWN BOB. (Syn. Melling's Crown Bob.) Large, often an inch and a fourth long, roundish oval, red, hairy, flavor of first quality ; bran- ches spread- ing or droop- ing. ROARING LION. (Syn. Farrow's Roaring Lion.) Very large, ob- long oval, red Fig. 232 Crown Bob. Smooth ; fla- vor fine, hangs long, branches drooping. WHITESMITH. ( Sy?i. Woodward's Whitesmith.) Ra- ther large, a little over an inch long roundish oval, slightly approach- ing oblong, yel- lowish white,very slightly downy, flavor of first quality; branches rather erect. RED WARRINGTON. Rather large, roundish oblong, hairy ; flavor of Fig. 283- Whitesmith. THE GOOSEBERRY. 377 first quality. Han{ proves in flavor. ] s long without cracking, and im- >ranches drooping. PARKINSON'S LAUREL. Large, obovate, green, downy, fla- vor of first quality ; branches rather erect. WELLINGTON'S GLORY. Large, rather oval, very downy, skin quite thin ; flavor excellent; branches erect. HOUGHTON'S SEEDLING. Fruit small, oval, commonly about three-fourths of an inch long ; ,skin smooth, thin, jlossy, a pale, dull reddish brown, marked with faint green- ish lines ; flesh tender, juicy, sweet, pleasant. Ripens soon after midsummer. Not high-flavored, as compared with the bestEuropean sorts, but a pro- fuse bearer, al- ways free of mil- dew, and of very Fig. 234 Haughton's Seedling. easy Cultivation. A seedling from a wild American species; origin, Salem, Mass. CHAPTER IX. THE KASPBERRY. Propagation. Most varieties are increased with great facility by suckers; a few, as the American Black and American White, are propagated readily by layers, the tips of the recurved branches when slightly buried, soon taking root. New varieties are raised from seeds, and come into bearing the second year. The soil for the raspberry should be rich and approaching moist, and an admixture of swamp muck is useful. A strong deep loam, is the only soil from which a full crop may be expected every season. If sandy or gravelly, or a stiff, cold clay, it cannot be relied upon. But the most important requisite is depth, only to be attained by deep trenching, and which will go far towards affording a remedy for any natural defect of the soil. The most tender varieties, as the White Antwerp, may be raised on higher, drier and firmer spots of ground, being there less liable to severe frosts in cases where winter covering cannot be applied. The culture is simple. It consists in pruning each spring, keeping all weeds and grass well cleared away from the stems, and the soil mellow and clean by cultivation. The pruning should be done early in spring. It consists in cutting out all but the last year's growth, together with all the smaller shoots, even with the ground, leaving only five or six of the last summer's canes for future bearing. These are to be cut off three or four feet high, and neatly tied together, using a stake to stiffen them if necessary. In tying, they should be allowed to spread slightly at the top, in the form of a wine glass. The distance asunder should be about four feet. THE RASPBERRY. 37S The accompanying figures exhibit a mode of training the raspberry recommended in the Gardener's Chronicle. In fig. 285, representing the appearance in autumn, the arched Fig. 2S5 portions, tied to the stake in the centre, are the canes which have borne fruit, and which must be cut down to the ground, to be replaced by the upright which have just com- pleted their growth, and which are to be trained in the man- ner represented by fig. 286. Fig. 286. In many parts of the Northern States, some tender varie- ties, and more especially the White Antwerp, need winter protection. This is easily given, by covering the stems, when prostrate, very thinly with earth; placing a small mound of earth against the bottom of the stems before laying them down, to bend upon and prevent breaking. This covering is removed early in spring. It will be found to prove very useful, even when not necessary to prevent winter-killing, by rendering the crop larger and more certain. A plantation of raspberries will continue in bearing five or six years, when it should be renewed. If it remain longer, the fruit becomes small, and the crop gradually de- clines. 380 THE RASPBERRY. VARIETIES. American Black. (Syn. Thirnble-berry, Common Black cap.) Rather small, hemispherical, flavor rich, sub-acid. Rather late. Shoots long, purple, recurved. The American White is similar in all respects, but with light yellow fruit and shoots. American Red. (Syn. Common Red.) Size medium, round- ish, light red, sub-acid ; shoots vigorous, long. Rather early. Ba?'net. Very large, roundish-conical, bright purplish-red, flavor rich, agreeable ; canes long, yellowish green, much branched, when young very bristly towards the top. COL. WILDER. ($yn. Gushing.) Very large, roundish, slightly co- nical, cream-colored, semi-tran- sparent ; flavor fine. Growth very vigorous, quite hardy, productive, ripening early, and for several successive weeks. New ; raised by Dr. Brinckl% of Philadelphia, from seed of the FastolfF. Cretan Red. Size medium, round- ish-conical, deep purplish red, sub-acid, good ; canes rather up- right, grey, nearly smooth ; leaves light-colored. Rather late. Pro- ductive, and succeeds well on light soils. Fig. 287. Col. Wilder. FASTOLFF. Very large, obtuse, conical,, somewhat round- ish, bright purplish red, rich, high-flavored. Rather larger than Red Antwerp, more obtuse, softer, and hardly so high-flavored. Canes rather erect; branching. FRANCONIA. Very large, rather firm, obtuse-conical, dark red, flavor rich, sub-acid ; canes strong, spreading, branch- ing, yellowish brown. Leaves rather narrow. A few days later than Red Antwerp. Productive. Hardy. THE RASPBERRY. 381 Ohio Everbearing. Resembles, in all respects, the Ameri- can Black, except in a continued succession of fruit till mid-autumn. Fig. 283. Fastdff. Fig. 289. Red Antwerp. RED ANTWERP. (Syn. True Red Antwerp.) Very large, conical, dull red ; flavor rich and sweet. Canes mode- rately strong, yellowish green, becoming pale brown, prickles not numerous. Ripens about midsummer. An inferior sort, of smaller size, is disseminated under this name it is distinguished from the genuine by its round, obtuse form, while the true is somewhat conical and pointed. In southern Virginia and Carolina, the Antweps fail from the heat of the sun. Yellow Antwerp. (Syn. White Antwerp.) Quite large, conical, often long-conical, light yellow, with fine bristles ; flavor very rich and excellent. Rather tender needs winter protection at the north, which renders it less valu- able than some other sorts of no better flavor. CHAPTER X. THE STRAWBERRY. THE cultivation of this early and delicious fruit, so uni- versally esteemed, is much neglected through the country at large. Failure from bad management has doubtless con tributed to this neglect. The requisites for success, are chiefly, 1. A good, deep, rich soil ; 2. Clean cultivation between the rows ; 3. A renewal by planting as often as once in three years ; 4. Selection of suitable varieties. Soil. Any deep, rich soil, which will afford fine crops of corn and potatoes, is well adapted to the cultivation of the strawberry. To be uniformly productive, it must be deep- ly trenched, either by the spade or by double plowing, and well enriched with manure. Fine crops, it is true, may be obtained without trenching, but not in such excellence, pro- fusion, nor certainty, in all seasons. It rarely, but some- times happens that the soil is made too rich. The usual error is the reverse. Clea?i Cultivation is a most essential requisite. On a large scale, it may be very cheaply accomplished by a horse and cultivator, the rows being about two feet apart, and the plants a foot to a foot and a half in the rows. The runners must be kept down by hoeing, or treated precisely as weeds ; and unless the soil is already quite fertile, a dressing of' manure should be applied each autumn, which will protect the roots, soak into the soil, and may be turned under in spring. A light top-dressing of leached ashes is highly beneficial to strawberry beds. Some varieties, as the Large Early Scarlet and Dundee, will often bear profusely for a single season, even when the plants run thickly together; others, and more particularly THE STRAWBERRY. 383 the larger sorts, must be cleared of runners and kept well cultivated, or they will always bear poorly. A renewal of the beds by transplanting, is performed most successfully in spring. The new plants, formed by the rooting of the runners, are always the be^t. Planting in summer requires much care and labor in watering ; and in autumn, the plants rarely become so well rooted as to with- stand sufficiently the frosts of winter.* In all cates, the roots, before set out, should be immersed in mud, and the plants watered afterwards. The following very easy mode of raising the strawberry, by a spontaneous renewal of the plants, or "culture in al- ternate strips," is thus described by A. J. Downing, and has been successfully practiced in various parts of the country : " Early in April, or in August, being provided with a good stock of strong young plants, select a suitable piece of good deep soil. Dig in a heavy coat of stable manure, pulverizing well and raking the top soil. Strike out the rows, three feet apart, with a line. The plants should now be planted along each line about a foot apart in the row. They will soon send out runners, and these runners should be allowed to take possession of every alternate strip of three feet the other strip being kept bare by continually destroying all runners upon it, the whole patch being kept free of all weed;;. The occupied strip or bed of runners- will now give a heavy crop of strawberries, and the open strip of three feet will serve as an alley from which to gather the fruit. After the crop is over, dig and prepare this alley or strip for the occupancy of the new runners for the next season's crop. The runners from the old strip will now speedily cover the new space allotted to them, and will perhaps require a par- tial thinning out to have them evenly distributed. As soon as this is the case, say about the middle of August, dig un- der the whole of the old plants with a light coat of manure. The surface may be then sown with turnips or spinage, which will come off before the next season of fruits. " In this way the strips or beds occupied by the plants, are reversed every season, and the same plot of ground may thus be continued in a productive state for many years.'* * When aummn planting is adopted from necessity, the soil should be closely trod- den round the roots to prevent heaving by the frozen moisture. 17 384 THE STRAWBERRY. Selection of Varieties. Independently of fine quality, the selection of suitable varieties is of great importance. Some sorts, celebrated and highly recommended, will not yield a tenth part of the crop afforded by others. The most produc- tive, among which may be mentioned the Cincinnati Hud- son,* the Large Early Scarlet, and the Dundee, have yield- ed at the rate of 50 to 70 and sometimes 100 bushels per acre ; the ground, at the period of ripening, glowing with the dense red clusters which nearly cover the surface ; while of such varieties as Swainstone's Seedling, Myatt's Eliza, and Deptford Pine, the fruit is so thinly scattered and im- perfect, that whole square feet are destitute of fine specL- mens. As the productive qualities of strawberries depend so essentially on the presence of the stamens and pistils, some attention to this part of the subject becomes indispensible to their successful culture. Modern cultivators divide all strawberries into two dis- tinct classes, one being termed staminate, (or "male,") in which the stamens are fully developed, and possess the power of ferti- lizing the germ; and the other Fig. 290. Fig. 29i. being termed pistillate, (or - fe- Staminate flowers Pistillate flowers, male, ) in which the Stamens are abortive, or so small and imperfectly developed that they fail to accomplish fertilization. The above figures, (figs, 290 and 291,) represent the usual appearance of these Fig. 292. Pistillate flower, magnified. Fig. 293. Staininate flower , magnified. two kinds of flowers ; and figs. 292 and 293, magnified por- tions of the same, fig. 293 exhibiting a part of the flower of the Large Early Scarlet, and fig. 292, the same of Ho- * A single cultivator in Kentucky, who supplies Cincinnati, and who has sixty acres planted with strawberries ; carried in one season to market, from thirty-seven acres, one hundred and twenty bushels per day, for eight or nine successive days. The whole amount sold in Cincinnati, during 22 days in the year 1846, was 4,150 bushels, being an average of nearly 200 bushels per day. THE STRAWBERRY. 385 vey's Seedling; a, being the stamens, andi, the pistils. By the use of a microscope it will be found that the former is abundantly supplied with pollen or fertilizing dust, while the latter is nearly or totally destitute. Hence Hovey's Seed- ling or any other pistillate variety, can never, or but very imperfectly, fertilize its own flowers, and the impregnation must be derived from a staminate sort. Strictly speaking, the term staminate applies to those only which are destitute of perfect pistils. Very few flowers, however, are wholly destitute ; and most of those which have perfect stamens, have also a greater or less number of pistils, but usually much fewer than the pistillate flowers only. This imperfection in the pistils of staminate sorts, render those sorts usually unproductive.* Hence the great- est bearers are mostly of the pistillate varieties, fertilized by staminate sorts planted within a few feet for this purpose. Without this assistance, derived from staminate flowers, pistillates are either barren, or the fruit is imperfect and distorted, only a part or the outer portion of the berry near- est the stamens, being impregnated by the scanty supply of pollen from the nearly abortive stamens. In planting strawberry beds, it is important, therefore, to know the character of the flowers. Nothing is easier than to distinguish the two when in blossom. This dis- tinction is given in the arrangement of varieties which fol- lows. About one quarter staminates are usually regarded as abundant for fertilizing a bed. To prevent intermixture of the two sorts by runners, they may be planted in alter- nate strips, as indicated by the following diagram, S repre- senting staminate, and P pistillate varieties : p p p p s P P P P S p p p p s s s s p p p p s P P P P S p p p p s s s s p p p p ^ : s ^ P P P P ^ S rf . p p p p ; S S S S p p p p * i s PPPPe Si i p p p p "c i s s s s p p p p fi i S BH PPPpfis s S p p p p ft 1 S S S S p p p p s P P P P S p p p p s s s s p p p p s P P P P S p p p p S 8 S S * There are a few exceptions to this general rule, as in case of the Large Early Scarlet, which, although most conspicuously a staminate, is a profuse bearer. The Alpine and Wood Strawberries have perfect flowers and are good bearers. 386 THE STRAWBERRY. VARIETIES. CLASS I. SCARLET STRAWBERRIES. 'Flowers small ; leaves rather long:, thin, and light green, sharply serrate ; fruit bright color, acid or sub-acid, seed deeply sunk. Fragaria virginiina ) Section I. Flowers St am mate. Section II. Flowtrs Pistillate.. CLASS II. PINE STRAWBERRIES. (Flowers rather large, leaves broad, dark green, sometimes obtuse ; fruit large, not acid, rather smooth, seeds little sunk. Fragaria grandi flora.) Section I. Flowers S Laminate. Section II. Flowers Pistillate. CLASS III. ALPINE AND WOOD STRAWBERRIES. (Flowers rather small, perfect; leaves small, thin, light green; fruit small, sweet, parting freely from the calyx. Fragaria vesca.) CLASS IV. HAUTBOIS STRAWBERRIES. (Leaves large, pale green, on tall stalks*; fruit-stalk tall and erect; fruit dull pur plish. Fragaria elatior. ) CLASS V. CHILI STRAWBERRIES. (Leaves very hairy, thick, obtusely serrate ; fruit very large, pale, insipid. Tender Fragaria ckilensis. ) CLASS VI. GREEN STRAWBERRIES. (Leaves light green, plaited; flesh solid. Of little value.) CLASS I. SCARLET STRAWBERRIES. Section I. Flowers Staminate. Downton. (Syn. Knight's Seedling.) Rather large, necked, ovate or coxcomb-shaped, often oblate, dark purplish scarlet, flesh firm, rich, aromatic ; unproductive. Value- less. English. Duke of Kent. (Syn. Austrian Scarlet.) Small, varying from roundish without a neck, to long conical and necked; bright scarlet, a clear rich acid. Earliest of all straw- berries, ripe the first day of summer. Usually stami- nate, but the earlier flowers sometimes pistillate only. * Whence the name hawbois, meaning, literally, in French, high-wood. THE STRAWBERRY. 387 Elton. Large, ovate, often coxcomb-shaped, glossy, light red, becoming dark red, flesh red, rather firm, quite rich. Tender, needs covering in winter. Late ; rather unpro- ductive. Grove-End Scarlet. (Syn. Atkinson Scarlet.) Medium, bright scarlet, roundish-oblate ; flavor pleasant, mild, ra- ther early. English. Burr's Staminate Seedling. (Syn. Burr's Old Seedling.) ize medium, flavor pleasant, hardy, very .productive, dapted to all soils. Origin, Columbus, Ohio. LARGE EARLY SCARLET. Rather large, roundish ovate, reg- ular, bright-scarlet, tender, rich, excellent. Very early, two or three days after Duke of Kent. Productive at the North. The Old or Virginia Scarlet, the original wild strawberry of this country, is smaller, and three or four days later. PRINCE'S PROFUSE SCAR- LET, is slightly larger Ffc.294. Fig. 295. than Large Early Lirge Early Scarlet. Prolific Hautbois. Scarlet, but bears a close resemblance in other points, except in being pistil- late. Productive. Section II. Flowers pistillate. Bishop's Orange. (Syn. Bishop's New.) Large, regularly conical, light scarlet approaching orange, flesh firm, flavor rather acid, high; growth low; leaves hairy. "Worth- less except on a deep rich sandy soil, well cultivated. For amateurs only. 388 THE STRAWBERRY. CRIMSON CONE. (Syn. Dutch Berry.) Medium, uniformly conical, bright crimson, rich, acid. DUNDEE. Rather large, roundish oval, regular ; fine light scarlet, firm, rich, acid, flavor fine for a large sort. Hardy, a most profuse bearer. HUDSON'S BAY. (Syn. Hudson, Old Hudson ?) Rather large, ovate, usually with a neck, often without, dark rich red ; flesh firm, of a high, brisk acid flavor, requiring full ma- turity to be fine. Rather late. Profusely productive. A. J. Downing regards the Hudson's Bay as identical with the Old or Cincinnati Hudson, so extensively culti- vated as a market fruit in southern Ohio. His opinion is disputed by N. Longworth and others, of Cincinnati. The Willey of Ohio, resembles the Hudson, is a most pro- fuse bearer, even with trifling care, but the flavor is not first-rate. Methven Scarlet. (Syn. Methven, Methven Castle.) Very large, roundish or coxcomb-shaped ; color rather dull scar- let, soft, insipid, often hollow; season medium. Roseberry. (Syn. Aberdeen, Scotch Scarlet.) Size me- dium, ovate-conical, with a short neck, dark red, flesh firm, flavor tolerable ; season medium. The Black Roseberry is better in quality, dark purplish red, a poor bearer. CLASS II. PINE STRAWBERRIES. Section I. lowers Staminate. Boston Pine. Large, roundish, very slightly conical, regu- lar, deep red, flesh pale scarlet, solid, rich-flavored, hardy. Origin, Boston, Mass. New. Sometimes very produc- tive ; often nearly sterile. It requires a strong deep soil, good cultivation, and the thorough removal of the runners. Brewer's Emperor. Large, ovate, dark red, of fine flavor; resembles Keene's Seedling, but hardy and productive. English. New. THE STRAWBERRY. 389 British Queen, (Hyatt's.) Very large, roundish, some- times coxcomb-shaped, color rich scarlet ; flavor rich; ten- der, rather early. A poor bearer, and hence unworthy of cultivation. Deptford Pine, (Hyatt's.) Very large, long-conical, wedge- shaped, color a clear bright scarlet, dark red in the sun ; flesh firm and solid, flavor rich and good. Season me- dium. Hoderately hardy. A poor bearer. English. New. Keene's Seedling. Large, roundish-oblate, often coxcomb- shaped, shining, dark purplish scarlet, firm, rich, high- flavored. Rather early. .Of the highest reputation in England, but tender, unproductive and valueless here. Myatt's Eliza. Large, conical, with a mild, sweet, high, fine flavor very unproductive. English. Prince Albert. Very large, showy ; ovate, color a rich scar- let ; rather soft, flavor poor. Old, or Carolina Pine. Large, conical, necked, sometimes coxcombed ; bright scarlet, solid, juicy, rich. Season me- dium ; of difficult culture. Ross Phoenix. Very large, usually coxcombed or com- pressed, dark red, flesh firm, of fine flavor for a large sort ; season medium. Sometimes very productive ; but usually fails on heavy clay, and scorches on light gravel. An uncertain variety. Origin, Hudson, N. Y. Swainstone Seedling. Large, ovate, or ovate-conical, color very bright red, high-flavor, rich, delicate, of the highest quality ; a very poor bearer, so as to be hardly worth cul- tivating. English. Section II. Flowers pistillate. BLACK PRINCE. Quite large, roundish ovate, often approach- ing oblate, seeds slightly sunk; flesh firm, with a mild, agreeable, fine flavor. Season medium, very hardy, rather productive. Leaves large, flat, petioles quite downy. Fails at Cincinnati. S90 THE STRAWBERRY. BURR'S NEW PINE. Large, an inch to an inch and a fourth in diameter, roundish conical, smooth, even and regular, seeds scarcely sunk, color pale red, flesh whitish pink, very tender, flavor fine. Exceedingly prolific and with perfect berries. Leaves large, spreadin . Fig. 296. Black Prince. Fig. 297. Burr's New Pine. HOVEY'S SEEDLING. Very large . roundish-oval, approaching co^ nical ; color deep shining scar- let ; seeds slightly sunk ; firm, rather rich, good. Very large, showy, productive, and hence fine for market. Season me- dium. In some soils at the north, it is liable to be thrown out by frost ; it cannot thrive if allowed to run thickly to- gether, and proves unproduc- tive except when well culti- tivated. Fig. 298 Hoveifs Seedling. Week Pine. Larg-e, with a slender neck ; color light red flesh nearly white, rather acid, of fine flavor. Very pro ductive, early, much cultivated at Cincinnati. THE STRAWBEREY. 391 CLASS III. ALPINE AND WOOD STRAWBERRIES. Red Alpine. (Syn. Alpine Monthly.) Rather small, long conical; seeds not sunk ; color red; quite sweet, mild, not high flavored ; ripens a good crop just after the usual strawberry season, and if damp and shaded, through the season till winter frosts. An abundant autumnal crop is secured by clipping the spring blossoms. The White Alpine is quite similar, except in its light yel- lowish or nearly white fruit. Red Wood. Resembles the Alpine in size, flavor, and gen- eral appearance, but has rounder fruit, and does not con- tinue so long through the season. The White Wood only differs in its light colored fruit. Bush Alpine. The Red and White Bush Alpine, resemble the common Alpines in every particular, except in an en- tire destitution of runners. Hence they grow in compact bunches, and are considered valuable as edging for kitch- en garden beds. They are necessarily propagated by dividing the roots. They bear through the whole season, even more uniformly than the common Alpines. The Alpine and Wood Strawberries are easily propagated from seed, with very little or no variation. CLASS IV. HAUTBOIS STRAWBERRIES. Prolific. (Syn. Conical Hautbois, Musk Hautbois, Double Bearing.) Large, long ovate-conical, light purple be- coming dark purplish red, surface slightly irregular, seeds projecting; much esteemed by some for its rich, fine musky flavor, and disliked by others. This is the only variety of the Hautbois worthy of cultiva- tion. The CHILI and GREEN STRAWBERRIES, appear to be un- worthy of cultivation. Of the former, Wilmot's Superb, a very showy, large, roundish or coxcombed fruit, with a pale red surface, and hollow, insipid flesh, has excited the most attention. 17* CHAPTER XI. THE GRAPE. PROPAGATION. The vine is prcpagated by seeds, layers, cuttings, and by grafting. Seeds are planted only for obtaining new varieties, by cross-fertilization, as described in an early chapter of this work. Layers furnish a very sure mode of obtaining large well rooted plants the same autumn after the young shoots are buried in the soil, which may be done a little before mid- summer. Cuttings are less certain of success than layers, but are usually more convenient, arid admit of more rapid multipli cation. They should be a foot long and planted sloping, and should just reach up to the surface of the soil, which should be rich, deep, and rather moist. They strike more readily under a frame of glass. The modification of cuttings denominated eyes has been already described. Grafting is sometimes useful for changing large vines of worthless sorts to a better, and bearing fruit in less time than a young vine on its own roots. To prevent bleeding, the work must be done below the surface in the root ; or after the leaves are expanded, the scions having been pre- served in a cool cellar for this purpose. Soil. "The essence," says Downing, "of all that can be said in grape culture respecting soil, is that it be dry and light, deep and rich." A dry bottom is highly essential; hence a bed of stones, shells and bones, eighteen inches beneath the surface, has been very useful. The manure must be in some degree adapted to the nature of the soil, but generally, vegetable mould or muck, with a portion of ashes intermixed, as already prescribed for fruit trees, is one of the very best. Pruning and Training. The grape admits of a great THE GRAPE. 393 diversity in treatment, and many have their own peculiar modes of pruning and training. General rules are applica- ble to all. Universal experience proves that cutting away a large portion of the wood every autumn or winter, is indis- pensible to the regular and continued production of fine fruit. The bunches are borne near the base of the present year's growth ; and in the mode termed spur-pruning \ these side-shoots on the single main stem are annually cut off, to be annually replaced by new shoots springing from buds left for this purpose, fig. 298. In the long-cane or re~ newal system, more than one main stem is al- lowed to grow ; and each year every alternate stem is cut down to send up a new shoot in its place, the previous year's shoots bearing the pre- sent year's grapes on its side shoots. Spur prun- ing is best adapted to the more slowly growing or foreign sorts ; and the renewal pruning to the more vigorous or American. Fig. 299, exhibits the usual mode of training American grapes, (the trellis not being represented,) every upright shoot of which may be treated as a permanent stem and spur pruned ; or else every alternate shoot cut out each year, as in the renewal mode. These upright shoots should be three feet apart, if spur pruning is adopted ; and two feet, Flap. 293. if the alternate shoots only, are permitted to The summer treatment of grapes consists chiefly in thin- ning the shoots where there is danger of the leaves becoming crowded ; thinning out the bunches; and, on exotic sorts, thinning out freely the berries. The frequent practice of nipping off the ends of the shoots, just grapes are as large as a pea, lessens their subsequent growth. For all fruits grow and ripen best when fed from a good supply of well grown but not crowded leaves, hence the foliage should not be lessened, nor the shoots shortened, until they interfere with each other's full development. 394 THE GRAPE. Fig. 300. Span-roof Grapzry. GRAPE HOUSES. It rarely occurs that the foreign varie- ties are successfully cultivated in the open air, and the pro- tection of glass becomes necessary. The increased cer- tainty of a crop, and the greatly improved flavor of the fruit, can be hardly comprehended by those who have only seen the more hardy foreign sorts ripened in open air. A house without fire heat, is comparatively cheap, and managed with moderate attention. Grape houses are of three kinds, the cold house, which only protects from the exterior changes of the weather, and re- tains the heat of the earth and of the sun ; the forcing house, used for ripening early grapes by the assistance of artificial heat ; and the late house, to be also heated artifi- cially, to ripen, during winter, the later varieties. The best cold houses are made with span-roofs, as in fig. 300 ; while the lean-to house, fig. 301 ; is best adapted to forcing, afford- ing better security against the ad- mission of cold. For this purpose the latter should also have a dou- ble wall at the back. To admit the free passage of the roots un- der the walls, the border being on both sides, the posts should be either stone or brick piers, set deep enough in the ground to be unaffected by frost, and the walls built upon thick connecting slabs of stone near the surface. Posts P i;j. 3^1. Lean-to Grapery. O f durable timber will last many years, when the structure is built of wood. In the latter in- stance, the back wall should be double-planked, and the space between filled with closely rammed dry tan. The sashes for the roof should be of two lengths, lapping slightly at the middle, and sliding past each other in .separate grooves. Border for the Vines. This should never be less than 12 feet wide, and if 20 or 25 feet, it would be better. The roots of grape vines run rapidly to a great distance, and it *s indispensable to their successful growth to furnish them THE GRAPE. 395 ample room for extension. J. F. Allen, of Salem, Mass., a most successful cultivator, in his Treatise on the Grape, re- commends for a border, a mixture of one-half loam, or the top soil of an old pasture, one-fourth bones or other strong manure, one-eighth oyster shells, lime, or brick rubbish, one-eighth rotten stable manure varying with circum- stances. The Bed should be well mixed, and should be two to three feet deep. The same work states the cost of a cheap lean-to grape house, without fire heat, 12 or 14 feet wide, at about eight dollars per running foot ; and with the addition of a heat- ing apparatus, at ten dollars per running foot, constructed as cheaply as possible. It would be impossible, within the space of a few pages, to give full directions for the management of a grape house. The following brief instructions, from A. J. Downing, con- tain all that is essential for a cold house : " ROUTINE OF CULTURE. In a vinery without heat this is comparatively simple. As soon as the vines commence swelling their buds in the spring, they should be carefully washed with mild soap suds, to free them from insects, soften the wood, and assist the buds to swell regularly. At least three or four times every week, they should be well syringed with water, which, when the weather is cool, should always be done in the morning. And every day the vine border should be duly supplied with water. During the time when the vines are in blossom, and while the fruit is setting, all sprinkling or syringing over the leaves must be suspended, and the house should be kept a little more closed and warm, than usual, and should any indications of mil- dew appear on any of the branches, it may at once be checked by dusting them with flour of sulphur. Air must be given liberally every day when the temperature rises in the house, beginning by sliding down the top sashes a little in the morning, more at mid-day, and then gradually closing them in the same manner. To guard against the sudden changes of temperature out of doors, and at the same time to keep up as moist and warm a state of atmosphere within the vinery as is consistent with pretty free admission of the air during sunshine, is the great object of culture in a vinery of this kind." 396 THE GRAPE. The minute and extended directions required for the suc- cessful management of a forcing and late house, would far exceed the limits here assigned; for these and a large fund of other valuable information relative to grape culture, the reader is referred to Allen's Treatise on the Grape. Insects. The smaller insects may be repelled by syring- ing with a solution of whale-oil soap ; the beetles may be knocked off into tin cups containing turpentine. Open- mouthed bottles, partly filled with sweetened water, will decoy many. Mildew. This is a formidable obstacle to the culture of foreign grapes in open air, both in the north and south. The only effectual remedy is the renewal of the vines every three or four years. The rot has in some seasons proved a formidable disease in vineyards its cause and cure require further examina- tion and experiment. Bleeding, or the rapid escape of the sap by spring pruning, causes much less injury than is usually supposed, and many cultivators who have made the experiment thoroughly, have scarcely perceived any unfavorable result on hardy grapes. NATIVE GRAPES. Alexander's. (Syn. Cape Grape, Schuylkill Muscadel, Spring-Hill Constantia.) Bunches not shouldered ; com- pact ; berries medium, nearly round, slightly oval ; skin thick, black ; pulp firm, coarse, acid until fully ripe ; sea- son late. Worthless in New-England and New- York good at Cincinnati. A native of Pa. BLAND. (Syn. Bland's Virginia, Powell.} Bunches loose ; berries round, pedicels long ; skin thin, pale red, flesh slightly pulpy, pleasant, delicate, sprightly. Late ; rare- ly ripens well as far north as 43 degrees lat. A moderate bearer. Origin, Va. CATAWBA. Bunches medium in size, shouldered; berries large, pale red, deeper in the sun, with a thin lilac bloom ; flesh slightly pulpy ; juicy, sweet, aromatic, rich, slightly musky. Does not ripen well as far north as 43 degrees latitude, except in warm exposures. Very productive. To Kalon, a sub-variety is not pulpy, but a poor bearer; THE GRAPE. 397 Pond's Seedling, another sub-variety, is earlier, but un- productive. Clinton. Bunches medium or* small, not shouldered, com- pact ; berries nearly round, small, black ; bloom thin blue ; pulpy, juicy, with a slightly harsh flavor. Very hardy and rather early. Western New- York. DIAXA. A seedling from the Catawba, which it resem- bles, but paler, or a pale greyish red, bunches loose, ber- ry round, almost without pulp, juicy, sweet, rich. It ri- pens earlier than the Isabella. Origin, Milton, Mass. ELSINBURGH. (Syn. Elsinborough.) Bunches rather large, loose, shouldered ; berries quite small, skin thin, black ; bloom blue ; pulp none ; melting .sweet, excellent. Leaves deeply five-lobed, dark green; wood slender, joints long. Hardy. New-Jersey. ISABELLA. Bunches rather large, shouldered ; berries round-oval, rather large ; skin thick, dark purple becom- ing nearly black, bloom blue ; tender, with some pulp which lessens as it ripens ; when fully ripe juicy, sweet, rich, slightly musky. Ripens as far north as 43 degrees lat., except in unfavorable seasons. Very vigorous, pro- fusely productive. Origin, South Carolina. Troy Grape and Hyde's Eliza are sub-varieties of the Isa- bella, possessing no remarkable qualities. LENOIR. Bunches large, handsome, compact, little shoul- dered ; berries small, round ; skin thin, dark purple, bloom slight ; tender, with no pulp, melting, sweet, excellent. Wood long jointed, leaf three-lobed. Origin, Carolina; a supposed seedling from the Burgundy. The Herbemont closely resembles the Lenoir, but is of less vigorous growth, and darker colored wood ; its terminal leaves are of a brownish cast, those of the Lenoir green. Missouri. Bunches loose ; berries small, round ; skin thin, nearly black ; tender, sweet, pleasant, with little pulp ; moderately productive, growth slow, wood short-jointed , leaves deeply three-lobed. Norton's Seedling. (Syn. Norton's Virginia.) Bunches long, compact; berries small, round; skin thin, dark pur- 398 THE GRAPE. pie ; pulpy, vinous, somewhat harsh, rather pleasant and rich. Shoots strong, hardy ; a hybrid between Bland and Miller's Burgundy. Foliage light colored, five-lobed. OHIO. (Syn. Longworth's Ohio, Segar-Box.) Punches large, long, loose, tapering, shouldered ; berries small, round ; skin thin, purple, bloom blue ; tender, melting, sweet, excellent, with no pulp ; a good bearer. Shoots long-jointed, strong; leaves large, three-lobed ; origin unknown. As far south as Cincinnati, it succeeds well and is a fine table grape, resembling the Elsinburgh, but is rather tender at Cleveland, and fails as far north as 43 degrees lat. Scuppernong. (Syn. Fox Grape or Bullet Grape, of the South; American Muscadine.) This is a distinct southern species the Vitis vulpina. Bunches very small, loose; berries round, large; skin thick; pulpy, juicy, sweet, strongly musky. The "White" is light green; the "Black" dark red; the color of the tendrils correspond- ing in each variety. Leaves quite small, glossy on both sides. Very tender at the North. FOREIGN GRAPES. As but few of these can he cult vated successfu'ly in open a'r, and extensive grape houses cannot become very common, a few of the best only are described.] CLASS I. DARK RED, PURPLE AND BLACK. BLACK CLUSTER. (Syu. Burgundy, Black Burgundy, True Burgundy, Small Black Cluster, Early Black, Black Or- leans. ) Bunches small, very compact, berries rather small, roundish, black, sweet, good. Season, early mid- autumn. Hardy in N. Y. Distinguished from Miller's Burgundy by the absence of down on the leaf. BLACK HAMBURGH. (Syn. Red Hamburgh, Purple Hamburg, Brown Hamburgh, Frankendale, Hampton Court Vine.) Bunches large, shouldered on both sides ; berries very large, roundish, sometimes oval, deep brown- ish purple, becoming black ; flavor sugary and rich. A good bearer. Needs a grape house, rarely ripening well in the open air. THE GRAPE. 399 Wilmot's New Black Hamburgh is similar, fruit larger, bloom very thick, flesh firm, nearly or quite equal to the common Hamburgh. BLACK PRINCE. Bunches very long, not wide at base; ber- ries large, thinly set, oval ; skin thick, black, with a thick blue bloom ; flavor sweet and excellent. A good bearer. Sometimes ripens in the open air. Black St. Peters, Black Portugal, and Cambridge Black, much resemble this variety. Early Black July. (Syn. July, Madeleine.) Bunches small, compact ; berries small, spherical, black, bloom blue, skin thick; flavor acid, becoming rather sweet, not rich. Very early, ripens in open air soon after mid-summer. CLASS II. WHITE, OR YELLOW. CHARLESWORTH TOKAY. Bunches long, compact; berries large, oval, white, skin thick, with a rich, excellent, mus- cat flavor. Hangs long, and is adapted to a forcing 01 late house. New. English. EARLY WHITE MALVASIA. (Syn. Grove End Sweetwater, Early Chasselas, White Mellier.) Bunches large, shoul- dered ; berries round, yellowish white ; skin thin ; sweet, juicy, agreeable. Early, good bearer, ripens in open air. PITMASTON WHITE CLUSTER. Bunches small, compact, shouldered ; berries small, round, amber colored, some- times with a little faint russet when fully ripe ; skin thin, flesh tender, juicy, rich, of fine flavor. Open air, cold or forcing house. A seedling from Black Cluster, ripening before Sweetwater. ROYAL MUSCADINE. (Syn. Chasselas, Golden Chasse- las, White Chasselas, Early White Teneriffe, Chasselas de Fontainebleau, White Muscadine of some.) Bunches large, long, sometimes shouldered ; berries rather large, round, " greenish, becoming a golden amber; skin thin, flesh ten- der, rich, delicious. Does not hang well cracks some seasons. Distinguished from Sweetwater by its larger berries, and stronger growth of shoots. 400 THE GRAPE. Chasselas de Bar Sur Aube, much resembles the Royal Muscadine, but is earlier, and rather superior in flavor ; the bunches, under good cultivation, are often ten or twelve inches long, usually not shouldered ; very pro- ductive. For forcing or cold house. Syrian. Bunches enormously large have weighed 19 Ibs., being 22 inches long and 19 broad irregular, shoulder- ed, berries large, oval, tawny yellow ; skin thick, flesh firm, solid, moderately juicy and sweet, not rich. Late; needs fire heat ; hangs well. Wood and foliage large. Supposed to be the grape of Eschol, mentioned in the- Sacred Scriptures. WHITE MUSCAT OF ALEXANDRIA. (Syn. Jerusa- lem Muscat, Malaga, Fron- tignac of Alexandria, Passe Musque.) Bunches very large, 9 to 12 inches long, loose, ir- regular, do not set well; ber- ries very large, oval, an inch long, pale amber, skin thick; flesh firm, crisp, rich, delicious, perfumed often seedless. One of the richest Muscat grapes Downing says, " the most de- licious of all grapes." Needs a vinery, and best with fire heat hangs long. The Cannon-Hall Muscat, is a seedling sub-variety, improved in size, but hardly so rich in flavor. The Tottenham Park Muscat, also a sub-variety, is not quite so rich as the original, but sets better, and hangs well. Fig. 302. White Muscat of Alexan dria. Reduced to } diameter. THE GEAPE. 401 WHITE FRONTIGNAN. (Syn. White Frontignan, Muscat Blanc, White Constantia.) Bunches medium in size or long, sometimes shouldered, usually not, rather dense ; berries medium or large, round, dull white or yellow, when well ripened a beautiful amber, bloom thin, skin thin ; tender, rich, perfumed, one of the best Muscat grapes. Productive in a vinery, adapted to a cold, forc- ing, or late house requires a dry situation ; on a wet soil, not worth cultivating. Ten days later than Hamburgh. WHITE NICE. Bunches very large have weighed eighteen pounds shouldered, loose; berries medium or rathet small, round ; greenish-white, approaching yellow, sweet good, rich-flavored ; hangs well. Growth strong, leaves very downy beneath. Needs fire heat. WHITE SWEETWATER. (Syn. Early White Muscadine, White Muscadine of Lind., Early Sweetwater.) Bunches medium in size, loose, usually shouldered ; berries medi- um size, round, yellowish green, skin thin ; crisp, watery, sweet, moderately rich. Inferior to Royal Muscadine, but two weeks earlier, ripening by the end of summer. Ripens in open air ; shoots tender. White Tokay. (Syn. Genuine Tokay.) Bunches medium in size, compact ; berries round-oval, dull white ; skin thin ; delicate, sweet, perfumed. Leaves deeply five- lobed, lower surface with a silky down. Ripens in open air. CLASS III. LIGHT RED. GRIZZLY FRONTIGNAN. (Syn. Red Constantia, Red Fron- tignan, Gray Muscat.) Bunches rather long, narrow, slightly shouldered ; berries medium in size, round, com- pact ; reddish grey, bloom thick ; juicy, rich, musky, high-flavored ; hangs well, ripens before Hamburgh, and the other Frontignans. For forcing, cold or late house. CHAPTER XIL SELECT LIST OF VARIETIES, ADAPTED TO DIFFERENT LOCALI- TIES OF THE UNION. IN the body of this work, the type used for the names of varieties, will enable the inexperienced cultivator to pre- pare select lists of greater or less extent, a few of the most valuable being in capitals, a larger number of less general value in small capitals, and a still larger number in italics. But as the same sort does not often succeed alike in all re- gions, it becomes desirable to obtain lists of those "fruits best adapted to particular localities. The following are given for this purpose. THE LIST ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN CONGRESS OF FRUIT- GROWERS, held in New-York city, in 1848, and adapted to the more northern and eastern portions of the Union-- Apples Early Harvest, Bough, American Summer Pear- main, Summer Rose, Early Strawberry, Gravenstein, Fall Pippin, Rhode Island Greening, Baldwin, Roxbury Russet; and for particular localities, Yellow Bellflower, Esopus Spitzenburgh, Newtown Pippin 13. Pears Madeleine, Dearborn's Seedling, Bloodgood, Tyson, Golden Bilboa, Bartlett, Seckel, Flemish Beauty, Beurre Bosc, Winter Nelis, Beurre d'Aremberg ; and for particular localities, White Doyenne", Grey Doyenne 13. Peaches Grosse Mignonne, George IV., Serrate Early York, Large Early York, Morris White, Oldmixon Free, Cooledge's Favorite, Bergen's Yellow, Crawford's Late; and Jor particular localities, Heath Cling 10. Plums Jefferson, Green Gage, Washington, Purple Favorite, Bleecker's Gage, Coe's Golden Drop, Frost Gage, Purple Gage ; and for particular localities, Imperial Gage --9. Cherries Mayduke, Black Tartarian, Black Eagle, Graffion or Bigarreau, Knight's Early Black, Downer's Late, Elton, Downton 8. SELECT LISTS OP VARIETIES. 403 SELECT LIST prepared for this work, by SAMUEL WALKER, President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, at in accordance with his own experience, and in the order Oj their value, all things considered. Apples Rhode Island Greening, .Gravenstein, Baldwin, Early Harvest, Minister, Danver's Sweet, Bough, Roxbury Russet, Dyer, White Seeknofurther, Summer Rose, Porter, Hubbardston Nonesuch, Fameuse, Summer Pearmain, Fall Harvey, Red Astrachan, Fall Pippin, River, William's Fa- vorite 20. Pears Vicar of Winkfield, (for its size, productiveness, ong continuance, and many uses,) Bartlett, Beurre d'Arem- berg, Seckel, Fondante d'Automne, Urbaniste, Bloodgood, Louise Bonne of Jersey on quince, Winter Nelis, Dear- born's Seedling, Flemish Beauty, Glout Morceau, Madeleine, Beurre Bosc, Beurre Diel on quince, Rostiezer, Heaihcote Passe Colmar, Andrews, Golden Bilboa, Tyson, Dix 22. Cherries Black Tartarian, Black Eagle, Downer's Red, jMayduke, Bigarreau, Knight's Early Black 6. Peaches Grosse Mignonne, George IV., Oldmixon Free, Cooledge's Favorite, Crawford's Late, Late Red Rare- ripe 6. Plums Green Gage, Jefferson, Purple Gage, Columbia, Washington, Imperial Gage 6. Apricots Moorpark, Breda, Royal. Nectarines Elruge, Hunt's Tawny, New White, Early Newington, Early Violet, Roman 6. Native Grapes Isabella, Catawba. LIST furnished by R. MANNING, Pomological Garden,* &z- lem, Mass. Three best pears, early, middle, and late Bartlett, Para- dise d'Automne, Winter Nelis. Three best summer pears Bloodgood, Rostiezer, Dear- born's Seedling. Three test autumn Bartlett, Paradise d'Automne, Urba- niste. Three best winter Winter Nelis, Beurre d'Aremberg, Easter Beurre. * Where nearly one thousand sorts are in bearing. T. Rivers, in England, has selected out of nearly one thousand, only four for market, viz., Bartlett, Bevrr* d'Amalis, Capiaumont, and Louise Bonne of Jersey. The second and third, how- ever, prove no better than second quality, in thi country. 404 SELECT LISTS OF VARIETIES. Three best orchard pears Bartlett, Fulton, Vicar of Winkfield. Three best apples Summer Rose, Gravenstein, Baldwin. SELECT LIST OF APPLES, by B. V. FRENCH, Braintree, Mass. Three lest apples Porter, R. I. Greening, Baldwin. Three best summer Early Harvest, Red Astrachan, Williams' Favorite. Three best autumn Porter, Fameuse, Gravenstein. Three best winter Rhode Island Greening, White Seek- nofurther, Baldwin. For the six best for each season, add to the preceding, American Summer Pearmain, Bough, Benoni ; St. Law- rence, Lyscom, Hawthornden ; Yellow Bellflower, None- such (or Red Canada,) Roxbury Russet. : . IN A LIST FURNISHED BY Dr. W. D. BRINCKLE, of Phila- delphia, the following standard sorts, well tested at that place, are marked first quality: Apples Early Harvest, Summer Rose, (best flavored early,) Early Bough, Summer Pearmain, Fall Pippin, Bul- lock's Pippin, Winter Pearmain. Pears Madeleine, Tyson, Washington, Bartlett, Seckel, Petre, Lodge, Fondante d'Automne, Louise Bonne of Jei- sey, Duchesse d'Angouleme, Echassery. New pears. Ott, Kingsessing, Brandywine, Chancellor, Jones. Plums Green Gage, Washington, Coe's Golden Drop, Lawrence's Favorite. Cherries Mayduke and Graffion or Bigarreau. Strawberries Early Scarlet, Hudson, Hovey's Seedling Native Grapes Isabella, Catawba. LIST BY T. HANCOCK, Burlington, New Jersey. Peaches Crawford's Early, Crawford's Late, Large Early York, La Grange, Heath Cling, Ward's Late Free, New-York Rareripe, Scott's Nonpareil, Oldmixon Free, Cole's White Melocoton. Native Grapes Elsinburgh, Catawba, Isabella. Foreign Grapes Black Hamburgh, (best and most pro- fitable for a cold house,) White Muscat of Alexandria. Both fine for a heated house. SELECT LISTS OF VARIETIES. 405 Raspberries. White Antwerp, Red Antwerp, (tme,)Fas- tolff, Franconia, Apples Lady Apple, Autumn Pearmain, Bough, Cum- berland Spice, Early Harvest, Fall Pippin, Wood's Green- ing, Red Juneating, Jersey Greening, (or Ortley,) Maiden's Blush, Newtown Pippin, Newark Pippin, Rhode Island Greening, Roman Stem, Bullock's Pippin, Summer Rose, Summer Pearmain, Wine apple, Winesap, Tewksbury Blush, (for keeping.) LIST by T. S. PLEASANTS, Petersburgh, Va. Apples May Apple, Red June, July Branch, Fall Pip- pin, Gloucester Cheese, Fall Cheese, Bellflower, Winter Cheese, Carter's Pearmain, Winesap, Albemarle Pippin, Pryor's Red, Old Town Crab, Limber Twig. Peaches ripening in 7 mo., (July) Early Tillotson, Troth's Early Red, Yellow Rareripe, Red Magdalen, Old- mixon Free, Large Early York, Crawford's Early, Early Newington Cling, Royal Kensington, Royal George. Ri- pening in 8 mo. Belle de Vitry, Orange Freestone, Orange Clingstone, Rodman's Cling, Oldmixon Cling, Crawford's Late, Ward's Late Free, Pavie Admirable. In 9 mo. Heath Cling, La Grange. The following new or local sorts: Budd's Orange Clingstone, early in 9 mo.; Late Soft Heath, (freestone,) nearly middle of 9 mo.; Bridgeforth's Orange, (fine and very handsome,) after middle of 9th mo.; Late Heath Cling, a month later than common Heath Cling; Late White Freestone and October peaches, first to middle of 10 mo. Native Grapes Catawba, Isabella, Norton's, Herbemont's, Lenoir, Halifax. Figs The best kinds are the Brown, White, and Black or Florida fig, the last superior to all others, the fruit large and exceedingly rich, skin deep purple, almost black ; trees very productive. The brown is nearly equal to it the White is much less luscious, but very large.* / * The fig i? one of the most luscious of fruit?, and grows well in the open ground, with very slight protection ; and on our large water courses, within the precincts of to\vns, and even against any walls, having an eastern, southern, or western aspect, without any immediate protection. When the plants are young, they should be en- closed for one or two winters in barrels filled with litter or leaves; afterwards it is sufficient to surround them with branches of evergreens." T. S. Pleasants. 406 SELECT LISTS OF VARIETIES. LIST OF APPLES, ripening in succession, by A. H. ERNST, President of Cincinnati Hort. Society. Sweet Bough, Early Harvest, Summer Rose, Fall Pippin, Golden Russet, (ox Bullock's Pippin,) Nevvtown Spitzen- burgh, Yellow Bellefleur, Woolman's Long (or Ortley or White Detroit,) White Pippin, Brodwell, Winesap, Yellow Newtown Pippin, Rawle's Jannet 13. Add fur a larger collection, Red Juncating, Summer Queen, Golden Sweet- ing, Kaighn's Spitzenburgh, Rhode Island Greening, Rambo, Pryor's Red, Vandevere, Doctor, Roxbury Russet 10. Pears ripeni?ig in succession, proved excellent at Cincin- nati Madeleine, Julienne, Bartlett, Washington, Gray Doyenne, Seckel, Duchesse d'Angouleme, Beurr6 Diel, Louise Bonne of Jersey. Strawberries Neck Pine, earliest; Old Hudson, unri- valled for the market gardener; Jenny's Seedling,* very hardy, prolific ; Hovey's Seedling, its position not yet fully established ; Taylor's Seedling,! promises to be valuable. SELECT LIST by F. R. ELLIOTT, Cleveland, Ohio. Apples Best single variety, for northern Ohio, Bel- mont or Waxen. Three best, summer, autumn, and winter; Summer Rose, Fall Pippin, Red Canada or Nonesuch. Three best summer Early Harvest, Summer Rose, Ameri- can Summer Pearmain. Three best autumn Gravenstein, Porter, Fall Pippin. Three best winter Belmont, Swaar, Nonesuch. For the six best, for each season, add to the preceding, Red Astrachan, Williams' Favorite, Early Joe ; Fall Har- vey, Ross Nonpareil, Rambo; Hubbardston Nonesuch, Cana- da Reinette, Rhode Island Greening. For the best forty, add to the preceding, Maiden's Blush, Minister, Fameuse, Roxbury Russet, Westfield Seeknofur- ther, Yellow Bellflower, Court of Wyck, Jonathan, Lady Apple, Herefordshire Pearmain, American Golden Russet, Esopus Spitzenburgh, Pryor's Red, Wood's Greening, Fort * Fruit medium, uniform, very productive, sharp acid but fine flavor, firm, but fine for market. Pistillate, late bloomer. Origin , Boston. t Above medium, size uniform, long-conical, pointed, beautiful scarlet, productive, hardy, strong, less acid than most scarlets. SELECT LISTS OF VARIETIES. 407 Miami, Wine, Winesap, Brabant Bellefleur, and four sweet apples, . viz : Bough, Jersey Sweeting, Golden Sweet- ing, Ladies' Sweeting. If the soil be a rich clay loam, sub- stitute Green and Yellow Newtown Pippin for Swaar and Winesap. Strawberries, in the order of productiveness Old Hud- son and Willey, Dundee, Hovey's Seedling. LISTS by A. J. DOWNING, chiefly copied from the Horticul- turist. Profitable Pears Bartlett, Buffum, Flemish Beauty, Louise Bonne de Jersey on quince, Vicar of Winkfield, Lawrence, Beurre d'Aremberg. Most productive PLUMS on light soils Lombard, Cruger's Scarlet, Smith's Orleans, White Damson. Best PLUMS for heavy soils Early, Imperial Ottoman, Yellow Gage; medium, Bleecker's Gage, Jefferson; late, Coe's Golden Drop, Frost^Gage. Three best PEACHES. Serrate Early York, George IV. Oldmixon Free. The following list of NEW FOREIGN PEARS, noi named in the body of this work, with their size, season, and qua- lity, so far as indicated by a short trial, has been furnished by M. P. WILDER, of Boston. The three grades of quality are indicated by the terms good, very good, and best, and some of them may prove valuable. Size. Season. Quality. Sept., Sept., Nov., Sept., Oct., Oct., Nov., Bonne des Zees, 2 Benoist, 1 Beurre de Rhin, 1 Beurre Triguer, 3 Belle Excellente, 2 Bezi des Veterans, 2 Doyenne de Neckerman, 2 Delices de Jodigne, 2 Sept., Epine Dumas, 1 Oct., Inconnue Van Mons, . . . 2 Jan., St. Andre, 2 Sept., St. Michael Arehange,. . 2 Oct., Souvrain d'Ete, 2 Sept., " good," may be " very good." promises well. ' very good." ' best," very rich and sweet. 1 very good." very good" promises well, very good, 5 ' handsome red cheek. ' very good," of good promise. 'very good." 1 very good," perhaps " best," hardy, good bearer. " best," rich and perfumed. " very good," promises well. " best," delicious and rich. PRONUNCIATION OF FOREIGN NAMES. Names of fruits, strictly. French, can be pronounced correctly by those only who speak that language. But a considerable number are becoming rapidly Anglicised, or passing to a sound between French and English, and still differing materially from the spell- ing, like the common words chevaux de frize, depot, apropos, belles lettres, &c. A short vocabulary of these, and chiefly such as do not well admit of English translation, may be of use to those who have no knowledge of foreign pronunciation. Belle de Choisy, bell d ? shwaw ze. Belle de Vitry, bell-d'-ve-tree. Belle Magnifique, bell mag-ne-feek. Beurre, burry. This is often pronounced bury, rhyming with fury, but to be correct, it should rhyme with hurry. Beurre d'Amalis, burry dam-mal-lee. Beurre d'Anjou, burry dan-zhoo. Beurre d'Aremberg, burry dar-em burg. Beurre de Capiaumont, burry d'cap-u-mone. Beurre Diel, burry deel. (Diel, a German pomologist, hence the pronunciation is not de-ell, French, as sometimes sounded.) Beurre Gris, burry gree. Bigarreau, be-gar-ro. Bonchretien, bone-cre-shan. (French, bong-era- tyang. Crassane, cras-sann. Doyenne, doy-en-nay. Fameuse, fam-uz. Fenouillet Gris, f-nool-ya-grec. Fortunee, for-tu-na. Glout Morceau, gloo mor-so. Gravenstein, grav-en-stinc, (German.) Grosse Mignonne, groce meen-yonn. Guigne, geen, (g hard.) Louise Bonno, loo-eze bonn. Madeleine, mad-lane. Male Carle, mal-carl. Marie Louise, mar-re loo-eze. Nivette, ne-vett. Nonpareil, non-par-ell. (French, nong-par-ale.) Pavie, Pav-vy. Quetsche, quetch-eh. (Gorman.) Reine Claude, rane clode. Reinette, ra-nett. Sieulle, se-ull. Sine Qua Non, si-ne qua non. (Latin.) Virgouleusc, veer-goo-luz. Virgalieu, a different word, is pro- nounced vur-ga-loo. Vicompte de Spoclbereh, ve-konte d* spool-bairk. GLOSSARY Of the more common terms used in Fruit Culture. Acute, sharp or angular. Acuminate, drawn out to a point. Alburnum, the sap-wood, as distinguished from the heart-wood. Apex, point, the part of a fruit farthest from the foot-stalk. Base, lower end, or that portion of a fruit, stalk, or part of a plant, nearest the supporting part or rojt. Basin, the hollow or depression at the apex or crown of a fruit, sur- rounding the calyx. Bezi, a wilding, or natural seedling. Beurre, a buttery pear. Border, artificial bed of enriched earth. Callus, ring or swollen portion formed at the base of a cutting, by the descending cambium. Calville-shaped, much ribbed, as applied to apples. Calyx, the outer or green leaves of a flower, which, remaining on the apex of a pear or apple,are often denominated the eye. Cambium, the soft, newly forming wood beneath the bark. Canes, long, bearing shoots; applied to grapes and raspberries. Clipping, trimming down to some definite shape. Colmar -shaped, pyriform or pear-shaped, with a rather slender neck and large body. Conical, tapering regularly towards the apex. Cordate, heart-shaped. Coxcomb, applied to the form of strawberries when much compressed at the sides. Crenate, notched or cut like rounded or blunt saw teeth. Crown, the part of a fruit farthest from the foot-stalk or base. Curculio, the insect which stings young fruit. Dwarfs, trees made diminutive by grafting or budding upon stocks of small growth. Espalier, a tree trained flat upon a trellis. En quenouille, training to produce fruitfulness by tying the branches downwards. Fibrous roots, the smaller, branching, or thread-like roots. Forcing, the early ripening of fruits by artificial heat under glass. Fore-right shoot, the terminal shoot of a branch. Head back, to cut off" the limbs of a tree, part way down. Head down, to cut off the entire limbs or branches of a tree, or to cut down to an inserted bud. Inflorescence, the manner in which the flowers are borne. Lay-in, applied to selecting and fastening to a trellis or wall, new branches or shoots. Lay in. by the heels, to bury the roots of trees temporarily in a trench. Leading shoot, the longest or main shoot of a limb or tree. Lopping, cutting the branch down to the stem. Maiden plant, a tree of one year's growth from the bud or graft. Mulching, covering the ground about a tree with straw or litter to prevent drying. 410 GLOSSARY. Oblate, flattened, so that the shortest diameter is between the base and apex, like a flat turnip. Obovate, reversed ovate, being largest from the foot-stalk or towards the apex. Obtuse, rounded or blunt. Ovate, egg-shaped, being the largest towards the foot-stalk. Pedicel, the subdivision of a flower or fruit-stalk. Peduncle, the flower or fruit stalk. Petals, flower-leaves, usually colored. Petiole, leaf-stalk. Pippin, an indefinite term applied to various apples, differing in size, shape, color, and flavor, but more particularly used for the Newtown Pippin. Pomology, the science of fruits. Pyramidal, like a pyramid, usually nearly similar to conical, but longer. Pyriform, pear-shaped, having more or less a drawn-out neck. Ringing, the removal of a ring of bark round a branch, to impede the descending sap. Serrate, notched or cut like saw-teeth. Shanking, a diseased shrivelling of the foot-stalks of grapes. Shorten-in, to cut off more or less of the outer parts of shoots. Spongiole, the minute spongy extremity of a fibrous root. Sport, an unusual departure or variation in a new seedling. Spur, a short stubby shoot bearing fruit or fruit-buds. Standard, a fruit, tree in open ground, or not trained to a wall or trellis. Stock;, seedling tree, which supports the inserted bud or graft. Stop, to pinch or cut off the point of a shoot, to prevent its further extension in growth. Strike, to emit roots. Tap-root, the main or central descending root. Trellis, an upright, flat frame, for training fruit trees and grapes upon its face. Wilding, a natural seedling. Worky a term applied to the budding or grafting of trees. yr X-JOC D -M ^>^ / +.J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY