iw^^^M^uVsi^.^W^WA.kr^i JVo. Division Range Shelf. Received mtoig OF THE EAST EULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS, BY MEANS OF TIIE PRISMOIDAL FORMULA. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS WOODCUTS, PROBLEMS, AND EX- AMPLES, AND CONCLUDED BY AN EXTENSIVE TABLE FOR FINDING THE SOLIDITY IN CUBIC YARDS FROM MEAN AREAS. THE WHOLH BEING ADAPTED FOR CONVENIENT USE BY ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS. CONTRACTORS, AND OTHERS NEEDING CORRECT MEASUREMENTS OF EARTHWORK. L I B R A II V j UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ELLWOOD MORRIS, CIVIL ENGINEER. PHILADELPHIA: T. R. CALLENDER & CO., THIRD AND WALNUT STS. LONDON: TRUBNER A CO., 60 PATERNOSTER ROW. 1872. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by ELLWOOD MORRIS, CIVIL ENGINEER, OF CAMDEN, N. J., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND CONTRACTORS OF THE UNITED STATES, BY ONE WHO IS WELL ACQUAINTED THEIR ABILITIES AND WORTH. TABLE OF CONTENTS, BY CHAPTER, AETICLE, PAGE, AND REFERENCE TO ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER T. Art. 1. Art. 2. Art. 3. Art 4. Art. 5. Art. 6. Art. 7. Art. 8. Art. 9. Art. 10. Art. 11. Art. 12. Art. 13. PRELIMINAKY PROBLEMS. PACE Of the Prismoid. Origin probably ancient. Prismoidal Rule, first devised and 7 demonstrated by THOMAS SIMPSON (1750). Generalized and improved by CHARLES HUITON (1770). Now known as the Prismoidal Formula,. A Prismoid denned, described, and illustrated by Fig. I. The Prismoid, a frustum of a wedge, which latter is itself a truncated triangular Prism. Example of rectangular Prismoids, by Simpson's Rule and other processes. Simpson's I*rismoidal RuU. Applicable chiefly to rectangular and triangular 10 Prismoids, with examples of each. Illustrated by Fig. 2. 11 Huttoris Prismoidal Rules. His definition of a Prismoid. General Rule, in which 12 the hypothetical mid-section, deduced from the ends, is first introduced by him, thus generalizing the rule, and materially extending its usefulness. Particular Rule, deduced from the wedge. Rectangular Prismoid, composed of two wedges. Initial Prismoids, to determine generality of rule. Applicability of Button's Rule 13 to various solids, named by him. Example of computation by General and Par- 15 ticular rules; also, by Initial Prismoids. The T Prismoid, example of its compu- 16 tation. Figs. 3. 4, and 5 illustrate this article. The Prismoid adapted to Earthwork. By Sir John Macneill, C. E. (Fig.6), his figure 18 of a prismoid composed of a prism and superposed wedge. Demonstrates the Prismoidal Rule, and uses it in an extensive series of Tables (1833). The Prismoid in its Simplest Form. Computed by several rules. Illustrated by Fig. 7. Further Illustration of MacneilUs Prismoid. Double cross-sectioned in Fig. 8. Con- 21 cise rule for earthwork wedges, confirmed by Chauvenet's Geometry. Brevity of computation of earthwork solids on level ground, by combining the rules for Wedge and Prism. Wedges applicable also to irregular ground. Trapezoidal Prismoid of Earthwork, considered as two Wedges. Button's Particular 24 Rule, modified for earthwork. Illustrated by Fig. 9, and by examples. 26 Areas of Railroad Cross-sections (within Diedral Angles), whether Triangular, 26 Quadrangular, or Irregular. Triangles and Trapeziums computable by their 28 hights and widths, taken rectangularly, however they may be placed (see Figs. 30 10, 11, 12. and 13). Exact method of equalizing irregular ground surface, by a 32 single right line (see Figs. 14 and 15). Calculation of areas of crows-sections 33 (Figs. 16 and 17). Very irregular cross-sections require division into elementary 34 figures, these to be separately computed and totalized. 35 Further Illustration of the Modification of Simpson's Rule, etc. Example illustrated by Fig. 18. Diagram of Simpson's mid-section, Fig. 19, showing its curious com- 37 position. Diagram of the formulas of Simpson and Hutton, Fig. 19%. Formula deduced from it. Adaptation of the Prismoidal Formula to Quadrature, Oubature, etc., by Simpson 40 and Hutton. Explanation of it by Hutton, under the head of Equidistant Ordi- 42 nates, Fig. 20. Example of two stations of earthwork. Figs. 21 to 26. Coincidence 44 with the Prismoidal Formula. Earthwork calculations by Roots and Squares, 46 explained and illustrated by examples, and by Figs, from 27 to 38 ; also, by com- 47 parison with other methods. Computation of the passages at grade points, from 53 excavation to embankment. Figs. 39 to 42. Cross-sections in Diedral Angles, to find Mid-section, etc. Illustrated by Figs. 43 55 and 44. To find Prismoidal Mean Area, from Arithmetical or Geometrical Means, from the Mid-section, or by Corrective Fractions. Examples, illustrated by Figs. 45 and 46. Applicability of the Prismoidal Formula to other Solids. The three round bodies computable by it. Examples given and illustrated by Fig. 47. This formula also applies to the three square, or angular bodies. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Transformation of Solids into Equivalents more easily Computable Prismoidally. Equivalency explained. With examples illustrated by Figs. 48, 49, 50, and 51. Equivalence of some important Formulas, with that for the I*rismoid. Coincidence of the Pyramidal and Prisnioidal Formulas to a certain extent, and similitude of their results within certain limits. Illustrated by Fig. 52 (in projection), and followed by examples calculated both Prismoidally and Pyramidally, and by other rules; all equivalent in solidity upon level ground. Summary of Rules and Formulas in Chapter I. Indicated by numbers from I. to XII., and by reference to the various articles of the chapter in which they may be found. CHAPTER. II. FIRST METHOD OF COMPUTATION, BY MID-SECTIONS DRAWN AND CALCULATED FOB AREA ON THE BASIS OF HUTTON'8 GENERAL RULE. encrality and accuracy of the Prismoidal Formula. Manner of collecting the field data. Kules for cross-sectioning. Correction for curvature. Vital importance of judicious cross-sectioning. Ground to be sectioned so as to reduce it practically to plane surfaces. Warped surfaces and opposite slopes deemed inadmissible in general. Expression for the Prismoidal Formula, as generalized by HUTTON. Classification of the ground surface. Mensuration by cross-sections, long used by mathematicians, and early adopted by engineers. Examples in computation by our First Method. Illustrated by Figs. 53 to 64. Connected calculation of contiguous portions of Excavation and Embankment, with the passage from one to the other. Illustrated by Figs. 65 to 71. End sections to have, or receive, the same number of sides before calculation. Observations on mid sections. Importance of verifying all calculations. The Prisnioidal Formula, the standard test for solidity. Correction for centres of gravity referred to aa a refinement promoting accuracy, but not employed by engineers. This First Method easily applicable to masonry calculations. Borden's Problem, a striking example of bud cross-sectioning. CHAPTER III. SECOND METHOD OF COMPUTATION, BY HIOHT8 AND WIDTHS, AFTER SIMPSON'S ORIGINAL RULE. Prismoidal Rule, originated and demonstrated by Simpson (1750) for rectangular prismoids. Its transformation for triangular areas. Modification by direct and cross multiplication. Examples of computation by our Second Method. Illustrated by Figs. 72 to 75. Observations upon Simpson's Rule Ground surfaces to be equalized to a single line. Peculiar solid where Simpson's Rule fails. See Figs. 81 and 82. Examples of rough ground equalized by a single line. Illustrated by Figs. 43 and 44. Example of a heavy embankment, from Warner's Earthwork, on uniform ground, sloping 15 transversely. CHAPTER IV. THIRD METHOD OF COMPUTATION, BY MEANS OF ROOTS AND SQUARES J A PECULIAR MODI- FICATION OF THE PRISMOIDAL FORMULA, WHICH WILL BE FOUND IN PRACTICE TO U BOTH EXPEDITIOUS AND CORRECT, IN ORDINARY CASES. Enunciation of thfi formnla used. Comparison with the Prismoidal Formula. Use of Simpson's rule for cubatnre. as adopted by Hutton. Skeleton tabular arrange- ment of data. Tabulations for solidity. Numbered places for end-sections and mid-sections. Example of a heavy embankment and rock-cut (profiled in Fig. 76), and each computed in a body by this method. Relations of the squares of lines, or parts of lines. Re-computation by Roots and Squares of the examples of Chapter II. (illustrated by Figs. 53 to 64), showing their close agreement with this method. CHAPTER V. FOURTH METHOD OF COMPUTATION, BY REGARDING THE PRISMOID AS BEING COMPOSED OF A PRISM, WITH A WEDGE SUPERPOSED, OB OF A WEDGE AND PYRAMID COMBINED. Macneill's wedge superposed upon a prism to form a prismoid. Formula for wedge and prism to find solidity of prismoid. Discussion of the inclined wedge (Fig. 79), and calculation of-it. Rules for computation by Wedge and Priam. Discussion of the wedge in connection with Chauvenet's Theorem. Illustrated by 9 small ciits. Showing the mode of computing various wedges. Examples of Wedge and Prism computation. Illustrated by Figs. 80, 14, 43, and 44. Peculiar solid cross-sectioned (Fig. 81), and in projection (Fig. 82). Examples of modes of computing it. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Art. 30. Aw. 31. Art. 32. Ait. 33. Art. 34. Art. 35. Art. 36. Art. 37. Art. 38. ?he Rhomboidal Wedge and Pyramid introduced. Examples of calculation by using them to find the solidity of a prismoid. e method of using the Rhomboidal Wedge and Pyramid combined. (Figs. 81 and 82.) Any irregular earthwork, within certain limits, computable by Wedge and Pyramid. Process of computation. Notation of rule. The Rule itself. Its limits of range. Examples of computation by Wedge and Pyramid ; direct and reverse. Re-com- puting by this method the examples of Chapter II., and showing their near coin- cidence. Illustrated by Figs, from 53 to 64, in Chapter II. Ixample of heavy embankment (from Warner's Earthwork), computed by Wedge and Pyramid. eculiar solid again ; illustrating Case 2, of the rule for Wedge and Pyramid, which correctly gives its volume. CHAPTER VI. PROFESSOE GILLESPIE'S FOUR USUAL RULES, WITH THEIR CORRECTIONS, AND A COMPARI- SON OF HIS CHIEF EXAMPLE WITH OUR THIRD METHOD OF COMPUTATION BY ROOTS AND SQUARES. Che late Professor Gillespie's ability and labors. The four usual rules, which he found in use. 1. Arithmetical Average, a rule very much used, but very incor- rect. The correction necessary for true results. Tabulation of an example by the Arithmetical Average, with Gillespie's correction. 2. Middle Areas, rule explained and formula for correction to give true solidity. Tabulation of example by Middle Areas, with correction. 3. The Prismoidal Formula, as generalized by Hutton. The test rule for all. Tabulation of example by it. 4. Mean Proportionals, or Geometrical Average. Explanation of the rule. Gillespie's condemnation of Geo- metrical Average, and of Equivalent Level Eights, evidently hasty. Ele-computation of example by Geometrical Average, using the grade triangle, and tabulating to intersection of side-slopes. Solidity the same as given by the Pris- moidal Formula, as calculated by Gillespie himself. Generalization from which this rule flows. Equivalent Level Hights. Tabulation of an example by them to intersection of side-slopes. Resulting in solidity the same as by the Prismoidal Formula, calculated by Professor Gillespie. Five reliable rules for earthworks, deduced from this Chapter. Brief reference to the Core and Slope Method, one of the earliest proposed, and often re-produced, but not in general use. Tabulated comparison of Gillespie's example by the method of Roots and Squares, agreeing with the Prismoidal Formula, and may be used with Simpson's Multi- pliers. Gillespie's examples usually refer to level ground, and hence are easily computed. .CHAPTER VII. PRELIMINARY OR HASTY ESTIMATES, COMPUTED BY SIMPSON'S RULE FOR CUBATURE. Nature of Preliminary Estimates. Rough and expeditious, but giving quantities proximately correct. Quantities to be always full, but never excessive. Simp- son's rule for cubature. Explanation and notation. Mode of numbering the cross-sections, even and odd. Cuts and Banks to be computed separately, each in a body. General Mean Area to be found, and multiplied by length for volume. Simpson's Multipliers, their convenience and application. Diagrams indicating a probable construction of the rule for cubature, and its intimate connection with the Prismoidal Formula (Figs. 77 and 78.) Rough profile to be sketched, involving- bights and ground slopes. Computation of a Bank by Simpson's Multipliers. Rock-cut calculated in the same way. Both illustrated by Fig. 76. Reference to the grade prism. Earth cutting, Fig. 29, computed by both Roots and Squares and the Hasty Process, differing only one and a half per cent. Tables (four in number) for use in Preliminary or Hasty Estimates. PAGH 133 Following this Chapter, and closing the Book, will be found an extensive TABLE OF CUBIC YARDS to mean areas for 100 feet stations (entirely clear of error, it is believed), giving the Cubic Yards for every foot and tenth of mean area from to 1000, by direct inspection. And being computed accurately to three decimal places, ranges correctly up to 100,000 square feet of mean area, or to a cut 1000 feet wide, and 100 feet deep. Table preceded by explanations, and some examples of its use. This Table also operates as a general one for the conversion of any sum of cubic feet into Cubic Yards, by simply dividing by 100 and using the quotient as a mean area,. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. EASY RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS, BY MEANS OF THE PRISMOIDAL FORMULA. CHAPTER L PRELIMINARY PROBLEMS. 1. Of the Prismoid. Although this solid probably originated \vith the ancient geometers THOMAS SIMPSON (1750), an eminent mathe- matician of the last century, appears to have been the first, in later days, to demonstrate the rule for its solidity,* now accepted by modern mensurators ; and he was soon followed by Hutton, in his quarto treatise on Mensuration,f who by another process again demonstrated the Prismoidal Rule, and at the same time laid the foundations of modern mensuration, in a manner so solid, that it has come down to our time, through various editors and commentators, substantially (in many cases literally) the same as established by Hut- ton in his famous work of 1770. Simpson's rule for the prismoid has been variously transformed, and written, and is now generally known by the name of the prismoi- dal formula, of which we will give hereafter the usual expressions, as well as some useful modifications, the same in substance, but often more convenient for practical purposes. The solid called a Prismoid (from its general resemblance to a prism, and in like manner named from its base, triangular, rectangu- lar, trapezoidal, etc.) is a body contained between two parallel planes t * Simpson's Doctrine of Fluxions. (1750), 8vo, London. f Button's Mensuration. (1770), 4to, Newcastle upon Tyne. 7 8 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. its hight being their perpendicular distance apart, its ends rectangles* and its faces plane trapezoids ; and this seems to be a sufficient defini- tion. As to such form, all prismoids may be reduced or made equiva- lent; but although this simple definition answers our purpose of intro- ducing the rectangular prismoid, HUTTON'S, Art. 3, is the authorita- tive one. This solid is usually the frustum of a wedge ; but as the proportions of the ends are changed, it may become a frustum of a pyramid, a complete pyramid, a wedge, or a prism ; and hence it is indispensably necessary that the rule for its solidity should also hold for all these solids, which, in fact, it does. The ends may be, and often are, irregular polygons, but they must always coincide with the limiting parallel planes ; and though the solid may be quite oblique, its hight must be taken normal to the end planes. The faces are usually straight longitudinally, but this condition is not absolute, since the remarkable formula, deduced from the prismoid for its solidity, applies as well to the volume of many curved solids in an extraordinary manner, of which the limits are not yet known, though more than a century has elapsed since Simpson developed it. _____ The mid-section, inclu- ded by the usual prismoi- dal formula, must be in a plane parallel to, and equally distant from, those containing the ends, and is deduced from the arith- metical average of like parts in them. It is en- tirely hypothetical, or as- sumed for the purposes of computation, and has no actual existence in the body itself. The rectangular pris- moid (usually regarded as the elementary figure of this solid) is a frustum of the wedge. (a.) Thus the prismoid AB (Fig. 1) is a frustum of the wedge AEC. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS.-ART. 1. 9 The wedge AEG itself being a triangular prism, truncated twice, the rectangular prismoid then is a triangular prism, trebly truncated : 1st, by two cutting planes, reduced to a wedge; and 2nd, by another plane, to a prismoid (AB), the latter being parallel to the base, and by its section forming the top of the solid at B. The prismoid, therefore, may be computed as a truncated triangu- lar prism or wedge, and the part cut off deducted, in like manner as the frustum of a pyramid may be calculated as though the pyramid was complete, and then the truncated part computed separately and subtracted, leaving only the solidity of the frustum, subject, like the prismoid, to calculation, by more concise rules, if expedient. Referring now to Fig. 1. Let Abode/be the original triangular prism, truncated right and left by planes passing through A b and ef, reducing it first to the wedge AE ; and secondly, by passing the plane B 2, parallel to the base eb, leaving as the residual solid, after three truncations, the Prismoid AB. Then, in the wedge AEC, the right section has a base of 4, a hight of 12, and area of 24, which, multiplied by the sum of the lateral edges * (or 6), gives a solidity of 160 ; while the wedge BCE, cut off, has a base of 2, and hjght of 6, in its right section, or area of 6, which, multiplied by i the sum of its lateral edges (or 5i), gives a volume of 32. Now, 160 32 = 128, the solidity of the Prismoid AB, as is shown (more concisely) 05 follows : By Simpson's Rule lit*. Widths. Base, 8 X 4 = 32 Top, 6 X 2 = 12 ums, equivalent to ) + , ^ R ft . -J f -I* X O O-4 id. sec., . . . . J Product of sums, equivalent to A j.' -J 4 times mid. 128 Multiplied by i h. . .i.T ;.**..= 1 Solidity, . . . : . >/} . .'J- . *;*;. . = 128 (The same as above.) Precisely the same result is also reached by means of the centre of gravity of the right section, flowing with that section along a line * Chauvenet's Geom. (1871), vii. 22. A wedge, whether trapezoidal or rectangular, being merely a truncated triangular prism, this rule of Chauvenet's is probably the most concise,, and fast for ordinary uw. 10 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. curved with an infinite radius, according to Button's Problem.* The right section of the prismoid AB (Fig. 1) is a plane trapezoid (18 in area), of which (from the dimensions given in the figure) the centre of gravity is found in a perpendicular line, drawn from the middle of A 6, and at the distance of 21 feet vertically from it. Now, the length of a straight line, drawn from face to face of the prismoid, parallel to the plane of the base also to its edges and at a vertical distance of 2f feet, will be 7J feet, by which the right section (18) being multiplied, we have for the solidity = 128, as before. 2. THOMAS SIMPSON'S Prismoidal Rule. In his work on Fluxions and their Applications (1750), Simpson demon- strates the following rule for the solidity of a pris- moid, referring to Fig. 2. This rule for the pris- moid, as demonstrated by Simpson, renders the formation of the hypo- thetical mid-section un- necessary, though con- taining it, in effect, as marked upon the figure, for illustration. wA. Simpson's Rule is as follows: Fig. 2. (AB X AD) + (EH X EF) + (AB+EH X AD + EF) X i h = Solidity, (I.) Or, /hight X width \ , /hight X width \ , \ of one end, j ' ( -*- Al - J of one end, / / sum of bights X sum of widths \ \ of both ends, / of other end, ) / T \ (I.) Here AB X AD = area of base. EH X EF = area of top. While the product of their sums = (AB + EH) X (AD + EF) = four times the area of the mid-section. * Button's Mens. (1770), part iv. sec. 3. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 2. 11 EXAMPLE 1. Let AB and EH be called the widths, AD and EF the highte, and take the dimensions marked upon Fig. 2. Then, by Simpson's rule, we have for the solidity of this rectangular prismoid the fol- lowing : Widths. Ht8. 20 X 16 = 320 = area of base. 18 X 12 = 216 = do. top. Sums of hts. and widths = 38 X 28 = 1064 = four times mid-sec. 1600 = sum of areas. Multiplied by i h = 2 e 4 , . . . . = 4 = i h. Solidity, = 6400 = volume. (a.) The above is a rectangular prismoid, or one in which all the parallel sections are rectangles. Now, suppose this prismoid to be cut diagonally by a plane, FHBD, dividing it into two triangular prismoids, each equal to the other, and to one-half of the rectangular prismoid. Then (AB X AD) = double the base; (EH X EF) =. double the top; and (AB -f EH) X (AD + EF) = eight times the mid- section. Hence, Simpson's rule, thojugh applicable to any prismoid, by reducing the ends to equivalent rectangles, seems especially suitable to triangular prismoids, since the double area of every triangle is equal to the product of its bight and width, taken rectangularly; while the product of the sums of those bights and widths, multiplied to- gether, gives eight times the area of the mid-section, without the ne- cessity of forming it by arithmetical averages. Accordingly, with triangular sections, a slight transformation of this rule will often be more convenient for use with given areas. Thus, Let double the area of the base = 2 b. top . .-'.; v . . . = 2 t. Eight times the area of the mid-sec, v ^V *; n' . = 8 m. And the final divisor (12), or if used as above, . = ^ h. Then, to find, in the first instance, the mean area of the prismoid. We have the formula, - - = mean area . . (II.) And this mean area, being multiplied by the bight or length (h), of the whole prismoid between the end planes, gives the solidity. 12 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Thus, in the case of the two triangular prismoids, into which the diagonal plane FB (Fig. 2) divides Simpson's rectangular prismoid, we have, by taking the dimensions marked upon the figure, the fol- lowing : EXAMPLE 2. Calculation of the triangular prismoid ABDFHE, or of its equal GD = 3200, Solidity. Hts. Widths. 16 X 20 = 320 = 2 b. 12 X IS = 216 = 2 t. Sums, . . 28 X 38 = 1064 = 8 m. 12)1600 Mean area, . . = 1331 X h = 24 = 3200, Solidity. And 3200 X 2 = 6400 = the solidity of the whole rectangular prismoid, as above. 3. CHARLES HUTTON'S Prismoidal Rules. In his famous quarto Mensuration (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1770), Hutton gives the follow- ing definition : "A prismoid is a solid having for its two ends any dissimilar par- allel plane figures of the same number of sides, and all the sides of the solid, plane figures also." He adds : " It is evident that the sides of this solid are all trape- zoids ;" and : " If the ends of the prismoid be bounded by curves, as ellipses, etc., the number of its sides, or trapezoids, will be infinite, and it is then called, sometimes, a cylindroid." Hutton gives two rules for the solidity of the body (so defined), one general, and the other he calls the particular rule he also indi- cates a third, by means of initial prismoids, which, by a little develop- ment, can be made quite useful. Button's General Mule. " To the sum of the areas of the two ends add four times the area of a section parallel to, and equally distant from, both ends, mul- tiply the last sum by the hight, and i of the product will be the solidity, (III.) In this shape, and nearly in the same words, through Bonnycastle, and other writers on Mensuration, the Prismoidal Formula has come down to our time. In the work above cited, Hutton also (part iv. prop. 3) shows that CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS.-ART. 3. 13 Fig. 3 t of the sum of the end areas, and four times the mid-section, gives the mean area of any prismoidal solid, which, multiplied by its length, will equal the solidity. The particular rule, referred to above, is directly deduced from that given by him for the solidity of a wedge. Thus, referring to Fig. 3 (copied by us from the original work of 1770). Hutton says, where L and I represent two corresponding dimen- sions of the end rectangles, B and b the others, and h. the bight or length of the prismoid, Then, (217+1 X B + 27TL X b) X t h = Solidity, which is the particular rule, . . . . . .- . (IV.) A note, on page 163, referring to this, says: "It is evident that the rectangular prismoid is composed of two wedges, whose bases are the two ends of the prismoid, and whose hights are each equal to that of the prismoid." It might be added, that the edges of these two wedges are formed by two diagonally opposite sides of the rectangu- lar ends. Hutton notes also, That - - = M, and - - = m, the sides of the mid-section, so _ L that the correspondence of the General and Particular Kules becomes evident. (a.) At page 164 of the quarto Mensuration, cited above, reference is made to the General Rule as follows : " This rule will serve for any prismoid or cylindroid, of whatever figure the ends may be, inasmuch as they may be conceived to be com- posed of an infinite number of rectangular prismoids. Which is the General Rule." This method of considering any prismoid to be composed of a great number of rectangular prismoids, of the same common length, has pre- vailed from Hutton's time down to the present day. Thus, we find in Davies Legendre,* chapter on the Mensuration * Davies Legendre. (1853), 8vo : New York. 14 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. of Solids, in treating of prismoids, where he copies Hutton's figure, and both Particular and General Rules, the following : " This rule (the general one} may be applied to any prismoid what- ever. For whatever the form of the bases, there may be inscribed in each the same number of rectangles, and the number of these rectangles may be made so great that their sum in each base will differ from that base by less than any assignable quantity. Now, if on these .rectangles rectangular prismoids be constructed, their sum will differ from the given prismoid by less than any assignable quan- tity. Hence, the rule is general." In his remarkable chapter on the cubature of curves (Mens., part iv. page 457), Hutton shows that the prismoidal formula is applica- ble to the frusta of all solids generated by the revolution of a conic section (as well as to the complete solids); also, to all pyramids and cones, and in short to all solids (right or oblique), of which the parallel sections are similar figures. We will now illustrate Hutton's Rules, by means of a figure and examples, to find the solidity of a pris- moid, with very dissimilar (See Fig. 4.) * Kg. 4. 1. By General Rule* 40 X 30 = 1200 = b. 80 X 4 320 = t. 60 X 17 X 4 = 4080 = 4 m. 6)5600 Multiplied by ll Solidity 60 56000 2. By Particular Rule. As -two Wedges. 40 80 2 2 160 40 200 4 800 10 48000 8000 8000 Solidity 56000 of whole pris- moid. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 3. 15 3. By means of Initial Prismoids ...... (V.) (To be further explained.) (1) Areas of ends, b = 1200, and t = 320. , ON f Rights = 30 ) , = 4 K (3) Assumed squares in larger end, 1200 of 1 X t 320 (4) Ratio of ends, - = =-2667. UNIT E R S I T 80 (5) Proportional rectangles in small end (1200 in number), 40 2, = -13333, 2 X '13333 oO '26667 = area of these, being equiva- lent to the ratio of the ends 1 to '2667. [See (4).] 1-1-2 (6) Mid-section, dimensions of proportional rectangle, -- = 1 1 + -13333 5667, and 1 '5 X '5667 = '85 = rectangular area of b' =1 X 1 mid-section of initial prismoid. Then for the solidity of the initial prismoid, by General Rule. Call these areas b', m', and t', to distinguish them 4m' = -85 X 4 . = 3-4 f = -13333 X 2 = -26667 6) 4-66667 Mean area, . . . . = -77778 Multiplied by h . . = 60 Volume of one, *= 46-66680 Mult, by No. initial prismoids, assumed = 1200 (7) from those of the main solid. Solidity of the whole prismoid, as above = 56000-16000 In computing initial prismoids it is necessary to em- ploy sufficient decimals, but 4 or 5 places are usually enough. (b.) These initial prismoids are supposed to be constructed upon small rectangles in the two ends, equal in number in each, and of pro- portional areas. In the base, or larger end (though either end may be used), it will be most convenient to assume these to be squares formed upon the unit of measure, while at the top they must be rectangles proportional both in dimensions and area, by the view we have herein taken (as indicated at (5) above). 16 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. The end areas of the main prismoid being always given, or com- putable, they must be proximately reduced to rectangles before we can properly apply the principle of initial prismoids to calculate, or verify, their solidity ; and the solid will then become, in effect, a rectangular prismoid like those of Simpson and Hutton. In doing this, it will be sufficient to dermine a width and hight, apparently proportional to the shape of the cross section (which in some species of earthwork is extremely irregular), but this hight and width must be such that, used as factors, they reproduce the given area, even though of themselves they may not be exactly geo- metrical equivalents, for the dimensions of the section. Having thus (as it were) rectified the solid proximately, we may proceed with it as a rectangular prismoid, by the method of initial prismoids, briefly as follows : Determine the rectangular hights and widths, such as will proximate the figure, and by multiplication reproduce the areas. Assume one end as base, to be divided into squares of super- ficial units, and the others into proportional rectangles; upon these con- struct (or imagine) ini- tial prismoids, and having ascertained the volume of one, multiply by num- ber, for solidity of main prismoid, as shown in de- tail above. . . . (V.) (C.) We will further illustrate tiiis subject by presenting an outline of a T-shaped prismoid ; a solid (Fig. 5), with a figure so pecu- liar that none of the usual methods of averag- ing could even proximate its solidity, which can only be dealt with by the Prismoidal Formula, or some cog- nate rules. This we will calculate as a prismoid by Simpson's General Rule, by Hutton's Particular Rule, and by the Method of Initial Prismoids. nu&seo CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 3. 17 By Hutton's Particular Rule. 100 2 200 208 6 1248 100 As two Wedges. 8 2 16 100 116 50 5800 100 6) 124800 6 ) 580000 20800 96666J 20800 Solidity = 117466S By Simpson's General Rule. As a Rectangular Prismoid. Hts. Wds. 6 X 100 . . = 50 X 8 . . = Sums, 56 X 108 = 4 times mid-sec. 600 400 6048 7048 Solidity,. . . = 1174661 By the Method of Initial Prismoids. Let their number be 400, the same as the superficies of A. Suppose them constructed upon squares at A. (on a side equal to the unit of measure), and upon pro- portional rectangles at BC. Then, 600 -*- 400 = 1'5, the ratio of A. to BC. and of initial squares at one end to rectangles at the other. And in the 3 main sections of the prismoidal solid, Fig. 5, We have for similar sections of the initial prismoids = Representative. Dimensions of initial sections. Initial areas. No. Alain areas. End A . . . = squares of 1 X 1 . . . . = 1' X 400 = 400. " BC . . = propor. rectans. 12'5 X '12 = \o X 400 = 600. Mid-section . = " " 6'75 X '56 = 3'78 X 400 = 1512. It will be seen that the main areas result as above calculated ; and having these and the common length h., it is easy to compute the pris- raoid by Simpson's General Rule, as shown before. We may add here, as being indicative of the difficulty of comput- ing such a solid, by ordinary average rules (which answer tolerably well), in common cases. That the Arithmetical Mean of the end areas = 500, the Geomet- rical Mean = 490 ; while the Prismoidal Mid-section = 1512, and the Prismoidal Mean Area = 1174s; which, multiplied by the length, or hight, h. = 100 : makes the solidity, above = 1174662, or more than twice as much as would result from multiplying the arithmetical mean by the length. 18 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 4. The Prismoid adapted to Earthwork. Sir John Macneill, a dis- tinguished English engineer, as early as 1833, soon after the intro- duction of railroads, when the necessity became apparent of having ready and correct methods at hand for computing the volume of the vast quantities of earth, removed or supplied, in grading them, pre- pared and published three series of Tables (in 8vo), computed by rn^ans of the Prismoidal Formula. These Tables were systematically arranged, and have been extensively used abroad. He considered the Earthwork Prismoid as being composed of a Prism, with a wedge superposed : since the lower portion of the cross section of a railroad, canal, or road is generally symmetrical and regular, the ground surface alone being relatively variable. In this diagram (Fig. 6) the reduced surface of the ground (taken as level, crosswise, or made so) is shown by the plane AFGE, and the cross section of the road by ABCG, these are supposed to be transparent, in order to show the road-bed and mid-section, as well as the far end of the trapezoidal prismoid. Sir John Macneill commences his work, by referring to a represen- tation of the Earthwork Prismoid (copied above), as follows : " Let ABCGFKDE represent a prismoid or solid figure, similar to that which is formed in excavations or embankments, in which BCDK represents the roadway, and ABCG, FKDE, parallel cross sections at each end. The cubic content of this solid is equal to CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 4. 19 The area ABCG -j- area FKDE -f 4 times area a beg, Mutipliedby^R: " If, then, we suppose a plane, HIEF, to be drawn through the lines HI, and EF, it will be parallel to the base BCKD, and will divide the solid, ABCGFKDE, into two others, one of which will be the regular prism, HBCIFKDE, and the other will be a wedge, the base of which will be the trapezium, AHIG, the length IE or CD, the length of the prismoid, and the edge FE, the breadth of the cut- ting at the lower end of the section." The prismoid, then, being assumed as composed of a regular prism, with a wedge superposed, he demonstrates in the usual manner the formula for the volume of these two solids, and shows that by addi- tion they result in the Prismoidal Formula, which he uses in the com- putation of the three series of Tables .which form the bulk of his neat octavo volume (London, 1833). It will be observed that all Macneill's prismoids refer to ground sloping longitudinally, but level transversely: to apply them, there- fore, to an irregular surface, it must be first reduced to a level cross- wise, or assumed to be so, practically. The above extract from Sir John Macneill's work of 1833 is made, not only for its intrinsic value, but on account of its being the first regular and successful attempt to adapt the Prwmoidal Formula to the computation of modern earthworks: which is followed out through a series of practical Tables, comprising 239 pages, and extending to 50 feet of hight or depth : an embankment being considered as an excavation inverted. This meritorious work of Sir John Macneill was speedily followed by other writers in England, and later by several in this country.* All, or most of these productions being based upon the Prwmoidal Formula (or some modification of it), which is now universally acknowledged to be the only consistent and exact method for com- puting the volume of solids employed in modern earthworks, and even those authors who employ pyramidal rules are but using a par- ticular case of the former. * Bidder, Baker^ Bashforth, Henderson, Sibley, Rutherford, Hughes, Huntington, Law, Dempsey, Haskoll, Morrison, Rankine, Graham, Macgregor, and others, in England. While in this country, Long, Johnson, Borden, Trautwine, Gillespie, Henck, Davies, P. Lyon, Cross, M. E. Lyons, Byrne, Warner, Rice, and others (besides the present writer), have dealt with this subject. Amongst these, however, the most comprehensive, and the best in many particulars, is the work of John Warner, A. M., a well printed and hand- somely illustrated 8vo, Philadelphia, 1861, containing 28 valuable and useful Tables, and 14 plates of great importance to every student of engineering. 20 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 5. The Prismoid in its Simplest Form. The unexpected manner in which the Prismoidal Formula applies to the cubature of other solids, totally 1 dissimilar in form and appearance (as to the sphere, taking the poles as end sections at zero, and the mid-section as a great circle), justifies its consideration under various aspects, which would be superfluous in any other body, and hence we give below a figure illustrating the Prismoid, in what may be deemed its simplest form (when not contained within a diedral angle). See Fig. 7, where the solid is level transversely, but sloping longitudinally, and may be supposed to represent (proximately~) one of Button's Initial Prismoids, square at one end, and with a proportional rectangle at the other. 1 I B 3 4 Fi&7. """*"" -~^__m. B A. - rrrr^fl *i A. ^ i a. 6 1 Here the prismoid is composed of a prism on a square base, with a side of 1, and length of 6, and of a wedge, superposed, with a square back, on a side of 1, its edge also 1, and hight 6, the common length of the two combined as a prismoid. )AA Represent the prism. BB The wedge. m The mid-section of the prismoid. Then we have for the volume of this solid, by several of the rules already given. Formulas. Cubic ft (I.) (1 X 2) + (1 X 1) + [(1 + 1) X (2 + 1)] X -g- =9 (II.) (2 X 2) + (2 X 1) + (1-5 X 1 X 8) -4- 12 X 6 . . = 9 (III.) 2 + 1 + (1-5 X1X4)X-|- -9 (IV.) (2X1 + 1 X 2) + (2X1 + 1 X 1) X |- . = 9 Divided ( Prism =1X1X6 =6"J .=3^= 9 All, of course, resulting in the same solidity for this simple pris- moid = 9 cubic feet. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 6. 21 6. Further Illustration of MacneilUs Prismoid. In computing the quantities of earthwork for railroads, etc., it is often useful (and gen- erally desirable) to consider the side slopes, continued to their intersection, above or below the road-bed (as has been done by T. Baker, C. E.,* and other writers), thus forming a constant triangle at the intersection, which is deductive from the general triangular figure formed by the slopes, and ground, in order to obtain the regu- lar cross section of excavation or embankment, from ground to grade ; and this triangle also forms the right section of the grade prism, ter- minating the earthwork solid at edge of diedral angle, formed by the side slope planes containing it. To explain this more clearly, we give a figure in which both end areas are drawn upon the same plane (Fig. 8). Double cross section of a railroad cut (in fact, Macneill's pris- moid on level ground) with road-bed of 20, and slopes of 1 to 1. Prism. G^Prism. lot o/ slopes. -10 References. A = Altitude of grade triangle. B = Level top, sloping forward in 100 feet to b. b = Level top of forward cross section. G = Grade, or road-bed, 20 feet wide. c = Grade triangle, or constant end, of grade prism. H h = Breadth of back of trapezoidal wedge. r = Slope ratio, or in this case 1. * Railway Engineering and Earthwork, by T. Baker, C. E. London, 1840. Wherein he develops a very compendious and excellent system of computing the earthwork of railways, which has been extensively copied. 22 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CC = Centre line of road. I = Intersection of side slopes, or edge of diedral angle formed by them. To find the equivalent level hight no matter how irregu- lar the ground may be. Let a = Whole area, to the intersection of slopes. r = Slope ratio. h = Equivalent level hight. Then, \/ = h. r Let B and b represent the level tops of two cross sections of a rail- road cut, 100 feet apart sections, and lying within the same diedral angle of 90, formed by side slopes of 1 to 1, continued to their inter- section, or edge at I. Now, supposing B and b, to have been originally a very irregular surface, reduced, by any exact method, to the level tops represented. Then, below b we have a regular prism, .on a triangular base, extending down to I ; and above b, a regular wedge (back and edge parallel), upon a trapezoidal back, of which the base b is equal to the edge b, representing the top of the forward cross section, 100 feet distant. Then, in the wedge above b, by the properties of that solid, consid- ered as * a truncated triangular prism, and applicable either to rectan- gular or trapezoidal wedges, We have, Mean Area. (B + 6-f 6)X(H 7<) (44 '+ 32 +32) X (22 16) -g- -g- . 108. And in the prism beloiv b, down to I (including the grade triangle) We have, (/j, 2 r) = 256. 1 Deduct the grade triangle = 100. f = 15 - Leaves area of prism (above grade) from G to b = 156. Finally, then, we have the mean area of the trapezoidal earthwork solid, above grade, or road-bed = 264. Cubic Ft. Then, 264 X 100 = 26400. The solidity of this Prismoid. * Chauvenet's Gcom., vii. 22 (1871), easily reducible to the text. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 6. 23 If more convenient, we might exclude entirely the grade triangle, and stop the calculation at G (the road-bed), but as a system of com- putation, and in view of the simplicity of the geometrical relations of triangles, it will usually be found best to include the grade triangle as above, and ultimately to deduct it, in some form. The employment of the method of this article enables us to find a mean area to the prismoid without using a mid-section and this mean area, when multiplied by the length, gives the volume of the whole solid. Thus we may assume any level trapezoidal prismoid of unequal parallel ends (as Macneill does), to be composed of two solids a prism, with a wedge superposed. 1. A Triangular Prism, with a cross section, equivalent to the lesser end, supposing the slopes to intersect, and embracing the grade triangle. 2. A Trapezoidal Wedge, superposed upon the prism, having an area of back equivalent to the difference of the ends, its edge being the level top of the smaller, and equal to the base of the back. The length being common to both partial solids, and to the whole prismoid. Then, for the mean area of the wedge, we have, (B + & + ft) X (H A)* 6 and for that of the prism to intersection of slopes (A 2 r grade triangle), and by addition ,f the common length = The Solidity of the Prismoid .... (VI.) Or, in words, The sum of the mean areas of the prism, and super- posed wedge, multiplied by the common length, equals the solidity of this prismoid. * Chauvenet's Geom., vii. 22 (1871). f B and b are always the widths between top slopes at the ends. And H h (however irregular the ground line of the ends may be) is obtained by dividing the difference of end areas by half the sum of their top widths, or ( + V See note at foot of this Article 6. 24 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Note. When the ground surface, or upper side of the superposed wedge, is very irregular (as in Figs. 43 and 44) ascertain the hori- zontal widths of -each end at top slope. Then the difference between the areas of the two ends is the surface of the back of the superposed wedge, and this, divided by the average of the two horizontal widths above, gives the vertical hight of the back, or altitude of the trian- gular section, of which the length of the prismoid is the base, giving at once the means of computing its area, and this, multiplied by one- third of the sum of the lateral edges, gives the solidity of the superposed wedge. (Chauvenct, Geom.,vii. 22.) 7. Trapezoidal Prismoid of Earthwork, considered as two Wedges. On ground, either level crosswise, or reduced to an equivalent level by any correct process, an Earthwork Prismoid, within the limits of its slopes, road-bed, and ground surface, may readily be computed aa two wedges (Hutton's Particular Rule), without an assumed mid-sec- tion, or even the end areas. And in this there is some advantage, as the width of road-bed at the end sections may be unequal to any extent, provided the widening is gradual. Thus, let Fig. 9 represent a regular station of a railroad cut, 100 feet in length, with slopes of 1 to 1, and in the near end section a depth of 40 feet, and road-bed of 20, while in the far one it has a depth of 30, and road-bed of 40 feet wide. Hutton's Particular Rule, modified for application to earthwork, may be expressed in words at length as follows : Rule. Add road-bed -f- top width + road- r ., . ,. I bed of 2d section; multiply the sum In 1st cross section -< v i i i ^ of these three by level hight of sec- tion, and reserve the product. Add road-bed -j- top width + top T m I width of 1st section ; multiply the sum In Id cross section - xl - , , , , \ *_ of these three by level hight of sec- tion, and reserve the product. Finally, add the two products reserved, and i of their sum is the mean area of the Prismoid, which, multiplied by length = Solidity (VII.) CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 7. 25 Eeferring to Fig. 9, the line CC is the centre line traced upon the ground, and below it the road-bed gradually widened from 20 to 40 feet, in the length of 100 ; the figures marked show the dimensions assumed for illustration, and the dotted lines the edges of a plane supposed to be passed, so as to convert this solid into two wedges. The nearest having a trapezoidal back, standing on a road-bed of 20, with a hight of 40, and its edge being the road-bed of 40 feet wide, belonging to the far cross section. The farthest wedge, above the dotted lines, having for its- back the far section, standing on a road-bed of 40, with hight of 30, and its edge being the top-width of the near cross section, 100 feet wide, at ground line. [In Chapter 5 we shall consider further, and more in detail, the subject of Wedges ; and their application to the computation of earth- work solids, and illustrate it by several examples. Comparing also the results obtained with those derived from the use of BUTTON'S General Rule: which is the accepted standard for accuracy in such work.] 26 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. EXAMPLE. By Our Modification of Hutton's Rule (VII.) In 1st cross section In 2d cross section 20 100 40 160 40 6400 40 100 100 240 30 7200 6400 7200 6)13600" Mean Area = 2266-67 100 By Button's Particular Rule. (IV.) Reducing Trapezoids to Rectangles. Mean breadths = 60 2 120 40 160 40 70 2 140 100 240 30 6400 7200 6400 7200 Solidity . . 13600 100 6)1360000 226667 Solidity . . = 226667'00 8. Areas of Railroad Cross-sections (within Diedral Angles] whether Triangular, Quadrangular, or Irregular. All railroad sections are contained within diedral angles, formed by side slope planes, of a given divergency determined by the slope ratio (r). The edge of this diedral angle is a right line, parallel to the grade, and prolonged forward indefinitely from I, the intersection of the side slopes (in a right section), until the end of the cut or fill is attained. Here, at the grade point, it changes its position to a corresponding parallel above, or below, as the case may be. Consid- ering, with Sir John Macneill, an embankment to be, in effect, an excavation inverted, the situation of the edge of the diedral angle, or intersection of the slopes, will generally (in our examples) be found below the road-bed, but always parallel to the grade line, and at the same distance from it, as long as the side slopes continue uniform. (a.) From the geometrical relations of triangles and rect- angles, it is obvious that in a triangle situated as in Fig. 10 con- CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 8. 27 tained within rectangular axes and their parallels, and divided into two by the central axis h, the area of the whole is equivalent to 2i. the parallels a and b, to the centre line h, limiting the triangle laterally. The same rule, precisely, applies to quadrangles, which may always be cut by a diagonal into two triangles. This rule (in fact), equally applicable both to triangles and trape- ziums, is that laid down by Hutton (1770) for trapeziums. In Fig. 10, h X w = double area of the whole triangle, whose ver- tex is at I, the intersection of the slopes, and its sides, the side-slopes, and the ground line. Thus, let h = 20, w = 45, then 20 X 45 = 900 -f- 2 = 450, area of whole triangle ; but it is often more conve- nient, in calculations, to use double areas alone, until the close of the operation, as in many problems of land surveying. In a triangle, the direct axes h or h' may take any position, pro- vided the parallels through the lateral vertices are made to follow, and the tranverse axes, w and w', remain rectangular. But in a quadrangle, the position of the direct axis is fixed by that of the opposite vertices, through which it passes, and with it the axis of width, and its limiting parallels, are also fixed. In Fig. 10, suppose the direct axis and its parallels to revolve upon I, into the position h', and that h' becomes 22*1 then it will be found thatuf has become40'73, will be 22>1 X 40 ' 73 450j area of whole triangle, as before. 28 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. In both these cases, Figs. 10 and 11, each figure is divided by the centre line, or direct axis, into two triangles, having a common base, and contained between parallels to it, drawn through the opposite vertices. In both Figs. 10 and 11, h X w = double area of the figure to which they relate, as these are rectangular factors, for determining the content of the wholly or partially circumscribing rectangles (between the same parallels), of which the triangle or trapezium represented, is each equivalent to one-half. This rule is, in fact, the simplest possible, being, substantially, the definition of a plane surface, length X breadth (which indicates superficial extension), and from its extreme simplicity, there seems to be no adequate reason why it should not be more generally employed, for although its application to ^triangular surfaces necessarily gives double areas, a division by two is the briefest imaginable. Right and left of centre each triangle is obviously equal to half the rectangle of the hight and width on that side (the triangle and rect- angle having a common base, and lying between the same parallels, a and b), and by addition, the double area of the whole trapezium = hight X width. (b.) In view of the rule just recited, for finding the areas of triangles and trapeziums, by hights and widths, it becomes of some importance to have a concise rule* for determining the distances out of the vertices from the axis, when the hight and slopes alone are * GHlespie, Roads and Railroads (1847), gives rules analogous to ours, but they had long before been kiwion. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 8. 29 given : in this there is little difficulty, as engineers have long been possessed of formulas for the purpose, similar to those which will be seen below, referring to Figs. 12 and 13, and these distances out, when added together, form the width w, of the rule above. In Fig. 12. Ht. TTid. 40 X 60-8 2432 2 Area. 1216. Both in trapeziums and triangles the diagonal X the sum of per- pendiculars from the opposite angles = double area. Or, centre Light X the total width = double area. Suppose, in both these figures, the side-slopes, ground-slopes, and centre hight, or axis, given, and the side-slopes intersected at I, then to find the distances out, right and left of cejitre, take each side sepa- rately. Consider the centre line, or axis, to be a meridian (as in a map), imagine also an east or west line, drawn through the origin of each slope (side or ground). Then, If the slopes incline towards the same compass quarter : Hight ^5 jr& j p-j = distance out = cL By difference of nat. tans, of slopes If the slopes incline towards adjacent compass quarters: Hight ^ -7 F~l = distance out d. Uy sum oi nat. tans, of slopes These results on both sides of centre, added together, give the total width of the whole trapezium. 30 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. In Fig. 13. Ht. Wdt. Area. 30 X 88-2 2646 2 " 2 * 1323. These rules also furnish a concise and easy method of finding the half breadths, a matter deemed quite important by foreign engineers. (C.) The side slopes (bounding the diedral angle) remain- ing plane surfaces as usual in the cross-sections of earthwork, we sometimes find the ground surface very irregular, but even these cases, upon the principle of equivalency, may be correctly dealt with, so as to reduce them easily to the plane figures of the elements of geometry. Thus, although, as far as we have shown, the rule of , applies only to a line once broken, so as to change the figure considered, from an oblique triangle into a trapezium ; nevertheless, it is not difficult to reduce or equalize a surface line, very much broken, by a single one properly drawn, which shall contain within it an area exactly equal to that bounded by the irregular outline, and thus bring it within the rule. In Fig. 14, let ABCDEFGH be the cross-section of a rail- road cut, base 20, slopes 1 to 1, intersecting at I, the centre line being marked CC (this area looks irregular enough, but had it been ten times more so, the process below would have equalized it exactly.') Then, from the top of the shortest side hight at H (adopted for convenience), draw a line HK parallel to the road-bed, or base AB, CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 8. 31 making a level trapezoid 10 feet high upon the section, or ABKH = 300 in area. Now, we will find, by a common calculation, the area of the whole cross-section between base AB, side slopes, and broken ground line to contain = 654 area. Neglecting in this case the grade triangle at I, as being a common quantity, not affecting the result : (but adding the grade triangle (100), the area, from the ground line down to the edge of the diedrul angle at I = 754). Then, 654 300 = 354, the area of the partial cross-section above UK, extending to the irregular outline, which is to be correctly equal- ized, by a single sloping line drawn from H. 40 7- Clrcum:Gr: n-S Area I *Tr* xT!al:Ia.Cir. Now, = 17-7 LM, the altitude of a triangle HKM, on the base HK, which is exactly equivalent in area to the partial cross- section above HK. So that HM is a single equalizing line, drawn from H, equivalent to the broken line of ground, and including the same area exactly. Another way of finding the point M the terminus of the equaliz- f Double area = 1508 IM ing line is the following : \ = 53'3 ] and ( IHXsin.ofI this is a very concise method, as IH is easily found.* VI) 4,, * This rule will be found useful as a verification of the process of Fig. 14. 32 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. If the degree of equivalent surface slope be desired (as it usually is), Then, ^- = cot. 17 (nearly) = 3'26. The slope of the equalizing line HAI being 17 ascending from H, we easily find FN =6'135, and adding FI = 20, we have IN or h = 26-135, and w = 57'7. Then, h X iv = 26-135 X 57-7 754, and deducting the grade triangle (ABI = 100), we have, finally, the area of the whole cross-section above the road-bed = 654, thus verifying the original calculation as before given, and, by using the radii of inscribed and circumscribed circles, we can prove it, if necessary : (Fig. 14). (d.) It is sometimes desirable, by means of an equalizing line, to deal with the boundary alone, without the rest of the cross- section, and this is not difficult, for we may consider the broken line HKM (Fig. 14), or aeg (Fig. 15), as a base of ordinates, preserving, however, their parallelism, and taking all the distances horizontally as though the base were straight (see Fig. 15) ; but the process of Fig. 14 is generally preferable. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. , Q& U ^ It is often useful to equalize a section by a level top line, or slope o/0. This can be done as shown in Art. 6. Whole area = a. Slope ratio = r. Level hight = h. Then h The ordinates marked upon Fig. 15 are deduced from those of Fig. 14, and the calculations of the irregular area, a eg, are made by successive trapezoids, and double areas, as follows : Ordinates in f a _}_ J b -\- C C + d d + e 6 +/ / +^ Ease 3 Hne7ai!l + 5 5 + 2 2 + 6 6 + 16 16+16 16 + broken at e. . . . ( 5 7 8 22 32 16 10 10 10 10 4 10 50+70 + 80+220+128 + 160 Then,* Sum of double areas = 708 T5 1- r^ = \ -77. = 1 r7 = ft A:, as before. .base or equalizing triangle, a e = 40 And ak is the equalizing line, ascending from a, with a slope of 17, which is equivalent to HM, of Fig. 14. (6.) We may now briefly refer to the computation of cross- Horizontal distances part Double areas (total 70S) sections. These are usually taken in the field with the rod, level, and tape; they designate by levels, and distances out, the prominent * With equal abscisao, Simpson's well-known rule, or that of Davies Legendre, would conveniently apply. 3 34 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. points, or features of the ground, and fix the intersection of the side slopes, or place of the slope stake, which bounds the limits of excava- tion or embankment ; and on regular ground, the clinometer may be used, but is less correct and satisfactory. On plain ground, but three levels are taken, the centre and side hights, and this has been called three-level ground. It is the prac- tice of many engineers (and it is a good one) to take angle levels and distances over the edges of the road-bed, this, then becomes five-level ground; and where more than five levels are necessarily taken, the cross-section is usually deemed irregular, though the point where sections become irregular is not well defined, and may be safely left to the judgment of the engineer. In this case (Fig. 16), the centre and side hights, and the right and left distances out to the slope stakes, are always given, and the calcu- lation becomes simple and rapid. The following is the method long ago used by engineers, and pub- lished by Trautwine * and others, twenty years since. KULE for area of cross-section, with uniform road-bed and centre and side hights given. Half the centre cutting X by right and left distance, plus right and left cuttings X one-fourth of road-bed. Thus, in Fig. 16, We have, by this rule, 5 X 64 = 320. 44 X 5 = 220. Area. . = 540. And by using the grade triangle and hights and widths, as in Figs. 10 and 11, We have, 20 X 64 .=640. w 64. J Less grade triangle . = 100. Area. . = 54a (f.) To find the area of cross-sections, where angle levels have been taken,f or Jive-level ground (which angle levels have long been used by engineers, and are recommended by Prof. Davies in his new surveying), we will give an example for illustration, from which the rule of this method will be evident. (See Cross, Eng. Field Book, N. Y., 1855.) * Trautwine's New Method of Ex. and Em. (1851). f Davies' New Surveying (1870), cross-section levelling. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 8. 35 Now, to calculate the area of this cross-section, Fig. 17, by double areas, Equivalent to, Triangle, 15 X 10 We have, By divid- 20 X 15 = 300. ing the figure 20 X 12 = 240. into six trian- 34 X 16 = 544. gles, or three 2)1084. trapeziums. Area. = 542. Trapezoid, 27 X 10 Triangle, 28 X 10 16 X 24 = 150. = 270. = 280. = 384. 2)1084. Area. = 542. To compute this area in the usual method by successive trapezoida and deductive triangles, is much longer and less satisfactory. -i<* (g.) For very irregular cross-sections, no definite rule can be given, they are usually reduced to elementary forms, which, being separately computed, and finally totalized, give the whole area in the end. This reduction is usually made to trapezoids and triangles (additive or deductive], while the calculations are the simplest possible, though, from the multitude of figures, necessarily tedious. In the most irregular sections, involving heavy rock-work on side- hill, the several cuttings (or level hights), transversely, are fre- quently taken at ten feet only, or some such uniform distance apart, and in these cases the mean hights of a number of contiguous trape- zoids may be ascertained, and multiplied by the uniform distance (agreeably to the rules of mensuration for irregular areas), and thus abbreviate somewhat the labor of such computations ; which, how- ever, in their origin, and indispensable verifications, are often laborious enough, though, fortunately, so simple and elementary as to be within the comprehension of all the members of an engineer party, which enables us to bring many hands to the work. 36 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Not nnfrequently, too, in rock -work (proximating a cost of a dollar per cubic yard), it has been deemed necessary to take independent cross-sections, at only ten feet apart forward, over the roughest por- tions of the work. In that event, although the calculations become voluminous, we have the satisfaction of knowing that the solidity is correctly obtained ; since, in such short spaces, no ordinary rules would produce any important variation in the final result ; supposing, of course, the cross-sections to be correctly laid out, and measured with accuracy, both horizontally and vertically a matter of no small difficulty on steep, rocky hill-sides, when cleaned for ivork. 9. Further Illustration of the Modification of Simpson's Rule (II.)> with a Diagram Representing it, and also one of the Regular Formula, and another Modification. Here let us take the triangular prismoid, cross-sectioned, in Fig. 8 (and shown below), and suppose its length 100 feet (A) the end Tig 18. e.---* cross-sections being dimensioned as before. With road-bed of 20, and slopes of 1 to 1. The whole, shown in projection, to give a better idea of the nature of the solid. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 9. 37 References. CC = Centre line and edge diedral angle. ACCB = Grade prism. AB = Road-bed, 20. AE = Side-slope plane, 1 to 1. EF = Ground plane, assumed as level. ea&E = Wedge of Fig. 8. Then, for the volume of this solid, we have, by the modification of Simpson's Rule (II.), Ilightg. Widths. Near end (double area), 22 X 44 . . . = 968 = 2 b. Far end, " 16 X 32 '. . . = 512 = 2*. 8 times mid-section, . . 38 X 76 1 . , > = zooo = o in. = sum hts. X sum wids. j 12)4368 Mean area. . . =* 364 Length h. . . = 100 Whole triangular solid to intersection ) of slopes. .' / Deduct grade prism under road-bed. . . = 10000 Leaves volume above road-bed, or Trape- ) -j i r> -j f 77- ti 7 r 20400 = The same zoidal Prismoid of Earthwork. . . j solidity, as before computed, Art. 6. (a.) The transformation or modification of Simpson's Rulo (II.) may, in its mid-section term, be conveniently represented by \\ diagram (perhaps more curious than useful). Thus, continuing the side-slopes through the intersection, so as to form the end cross-sec- tions, one above the other. So, in Fig. 19, dimensioned as in Fig. 8, we have, The triangle IEF = The larger end section, or area. " " ICD = The smaller one. ; . " rectangle KLMN = 8 times the area of the mid-section, or the circumscribing rectangle formed by sunn of hights X sum of widths. The road-beds . . . = The dotted lines, and may be assumed (parallel) anywhere. 38 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. The parallelogram IFEP = Higlit X width of larger end, or double area of . A. IDCO = Hight X width of smaller, or double area of. . . B. " rectangle KLMN = HG X OP, or sum Lights X sum widths, = 8 times the mid-section. Here it is evident that IH X FE = Double area of larger end section, or = IFEP ...... and IG X CD = same of smaller = IDCO. While (CD + FE) X (GI + IH) = the circumscribing rect- angle KLMN = HG X OP, or the rectangle of sum of hights and sum of widths. Also, /HI -f- IG\ "/FE + CD^ 19 = 861, the mid-sec. < \ 2 / /N V 2 ( HG X OP, or 38 X 76 = 2888, or 8 times mid-sec. : The triangles Q and R taken together = the Arithmetical Mean of A and B, the end areas = (16 X 8) -f (22 X 11) = 128 + 242 = 370, or 484+256 740 , .,. 4 . , lf j- = = 370, the Arithmetical Mean. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 9. 39 The triangles T and T are each equal to the Geometrical Mean of the end sections A and B = \^484 X 256 = 352. While U and V added together proximately equal the Harmonic Mean between A and B, or = 334. So that the circumscribing rectangle, KLMN, representing the mid-section term, of Simpson's Transformed Rule (II.)* contains, or is composed of, the following areas. Double area of A. " " B. C 484 ' \ 484 f 256 ( 256 (The two end sections.) Arithmetical Mean ...... 370 Geometrical Mean X 2. . . -{352 Harmonic Mean ....... 334 Total 8 times the mid-sec., or 361 X 8. = 2888 In this case : = Double areas of both ends + 4 times the Geo- metrical Mean = 2888. Some curious inferences may be drawn from this diagram, but their practical results can be more concisely obtained in other forms. Diagram of the regular Prismoidal Formula of Simpson and Hutton. As applied to a triangular prismoid, formed by a diagonal cutting plane, from the rectangular prismoid, Fig. 2, and shown again in Figs, 22, 24, and 52, with side-slopes of li to 1. 40 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Let 1 (Fig. 19*) Be the larger end section (Fig. 22), transformed into an equivalent right triangle. 3 The smaller end (Fig. 24), also transformed : 4 and 5, additive triangles, making up the trapezium ABCD (Fig. 19 J), equivalent in area to four times the prismoidal mid- section (Fig. 23). From this diagram we readily deduce a simple modification of the prismoidal formula, equivalent in remit, for triangular prismoids. Higlits. Widths. -P.. f h = 30 X 90 = w Dimensions of <% Figs. 22 and 24. J . /\ j K = 20 X 60 == w' (^ Length = 100, usually. Then, - - x length = Solidity. . VIII, This operates very simply in figures, by direct and cross multiplica- tion of hights and widths. Substituting the numbers, Solidity 95000, as hereafter computed, Art. 10 (a). 10. Adaptation of the Prismoidal Formula to the Quadrature and Cubature of Curves, and also Solids, where the Ordinates are equivalent to Sections by the Method of Simpson, as explained by Hutton. The eminent mathematician, THOMAS SIMPSON, to whom we are indebted for the Prismoidal Formula, also devised a method for the quadrature of irregular curves by 'means of equidistant ordinates, or for their cubature, by using equivalent sections of irregular'solids, at equal distances, instead of ordinates ; such solids being bounded oppo- site the base by a general curved outline. This method, although a century old, is still the simplest and best yet known for proximating the area of irregular curves, or the volume of unusual solids, it has attained great celebrity, and been of much service to philosophers and calculators, ever since its origin in 1750. It has long been used by military engineers for ascertaining the volume of warlike earthworks, and is regularly quoted in the leading text books of that important profession.* Also by naval architects in determining the nice problem of the displacement of ships ; by mechanical philosophers, like Morin and * LaisnS, Aide Memoire, du G6nie. Eds., 1831-61. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 10. 41 Poncelet, etc. by these it has been deemed of much importance, not only for the quadrature uf irregular areas, but also for the ''Cubature of solids of irregular excavations, embankments, etc." * It forms a leading feature in Button's remarkable chapter on the cubature of curves (who seems to have fully adopted it), under the name of the method of equidistant ordinates. (See 4to Mens., 1770, sec. 2, part iv. page 458.) We are much indebted to Hutton for the practical development of this important problem, and he gives several examples of its utility. Amongst others, computing the area of a quadrant of a circle, with radius = 1, which, by Simpson's method, using 11 ordinates, gives *7817 area, instead of '7854 "pretty near the truth " (says Hutton). "We will describe this method from the (4to Mens., 1770, p. 458). "If any right line, AN, be divided into any even number of equal parts, AC, CE, EG, etc., and at the points of division be erected perpendicular ordinates, AB, CD, EF, etc., terminated by any curve, BDF, etc." Then, the sum of the first and last ordinates, plus 4 times sum of even ordinates, plus 2 times sum of odd ones, -f. by 3, and X by AC, one of the equal parts ; the resulting product will equal the area, ABON, "very nearly." That is to say, if The sum of the two extreme ordinates . . = A. | ,-, " of all the even numbered " . . =* B. f 11 *u jj u j />. r tne " rst anc > " of all the odd numbered " . . = C. I . mi T- A / T T-X last irom (j. ) The common distance apart of ordinates . . = D. I Then the rule is, A + 4B + 2C X D (or AC) = Area, ABOK . . . (IX.) And if more convenient (as it may be\ we transform this into its equivalent, A + 4B + 2C D (or AE) _ AreRj ABOK m m (X j n applying this formula, it is desirable to draw a figure, and num- ber all the ordinates (as below), commencing with 1. * Morin's Mechanics (Bennett's Trans., I860). See also Gregory, Math. Prac. Men. (1825). 42 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. " The same theorem will also obtain, for the contents of all solids, by using the sections perpendicular to the axe, instead of the ordi- nates." In this form it becomes applicable to excavations and embankments, or any similar solids relating to a guiding line, centre, or base line, to which the cross-sections representing ordinates are perpendicular. See Fig. 20, copied below from Hutton, page 458. Button's Example 3, p. 462. " Given the length of five equidistant ordinates of an area, or sections of a solid, 10, 11, 14, 16, 16, and the length of the whole base, 20." Then, 26 + 108 -f 28 ^ X 5 = 2/0. " The area or solidity required" This formula of Simpson (adopted by Hutton) is evidently derived from ike Prismoidal Formula, or it may be, originated it, both having the same author, and their precedence unknown. (a.) AYe will now give an example of Hutton's Method of Equidistant Ordinates (adopted from Simpson), giving two stations of a railroad cut (each 100 feet long, with a road-bed of 18, and side- + 24) Fig. a Hor: sea: Vcr. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 10. 43 slopes U to 1), .shown both in profile and cross-sections. (See Figs. 21 to 26, inclusive.) The above figure is a profile, or vertical section (of two stations), upon the centre line of a railroad cut, with a road-bed of 18, and side- slopes of 1J to 1. The horizontal scale (/or convenience) being made t of the vertical. Firstly : Computing each station separately, by Simpson's Rule (II.) Stations 1 to 3 = 100 = h. Ills. WIds. 30 X 90 = 2700 = 26. 20 X 60 = 1200 = 2 t. Stations 3 to 5 = 100 = h. II ts. Wids. 20 X 60= 1200 = 26. 10 X 30 = 300 = 2 t. 50 X 150 = 7500 =* 8 m. 30 X 90 = 2700 = 8 m. -5- by 12)11400 -T- by 12)4200 Mean Area . . = 950 X by h . = 100 Mean Area . . = 350 X by h . = 100 Solidity in c. ft. = 95000 Solidity in c. ft. = 35000 -4- 27 . . = 3519 Deduct Grade Prism for 100 feet . . . = 200 -^ 27 . . = 1296 Deduct Grade Prism for 100 feet . . . . = 200 Solidity inc. yds. = 3319 Solidity in c. yds. = 1096 Then, 3319 + 1096 = 4415 cubic yards, whole solidity of cut from 1 to 5 inclusive. Secondly: Now computing the same, in a body, by Hutton's Rule (X.). Data. (1350 L= JjL50 (1500 B 5 337-5 ( 937- J . 337- (.1275 X 4 = 5100 600 X 2 = 1200 We have, 1500 + 5100 + 1200 X 100 Now, -4- by 27 Deduct Grade Prism, 200 X 2 stations. Solidity in cubic yards (The same as above.) C. feet. 130,000 4,815 400 4,415 44 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. (CROSS SECTIONS.) (b.) The preceding example clearly shows that Hutton's method of equidistant ordinates is merely the Prismoidal Formula extended to several stations, instead of confining it to one. There is another mode of considering this question where the cross- sections are triangular, and the ground level transversely. Thus, in any station, let h and h' be the end hights from the inter- section of the side-slopes to the ground, then, 7i 2 r and h f2 r = the cor- responding areas (r being the slope ratio, which, in the preceding example = 1), then omitting r, a common factor, we have in A 2 and h n vertical lines, or ordinates, representative of the end areas, and in ( - J of the mid-section. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 1O. 45 The square roots, then, of the areas (however computed, and what- ever be the ratio (r) of the side slopes), correctly represent them; since these roots form the side of an equivalent square (or half base of an equivalent triangle, with 1 to 1 side-slopes) squaring which, obviously re-produces the areas they are the roots of. Hence, the end areas being given in any station, or number of stations, their square roots may represent them in Hutton's rule of cubature, and any pair of roots added together, and their sum squared, gives 4 times the mid-section between them ; which is precisely what we need in the Prismoidal Formula. This is evident, from Fig. 27, where we suppose h and k' placed in a continuous line, then, _v_ /h -4- h'\ 2 . . ,, *+~ 50 ( - j = \ the square of (h -^^ -f h f ), or equivalent to the pro- position of geometry that the square of a whole line equals 4 times the square of half. f Let h = 30, and h' = 20, then h -f h' = 50, h + h ' = 25 4-^)'= (25) 2 = the mid-sec. = 625, and X 4 = 2500 \ (A + h')* = (50)' = 2500 j VWhile /i 2 = 900 = one end area, and h n = 400, the other. Also, ( h 2 + h' 2 -f 2 (h X h') *) J = 900 -f 400 -f- 1200 = 2500 I (= (h + hj ,, . ; .. . = 2500 j From all which, we readily draw the following: Rule. Compute the end areas at each regular station (numbered upon a diagram on Hutton's plan, by the odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., marking also the even numbers intermediately, which are, in fact, half stations, or the places of mid-sec- tions), find the square roots of these end areas: add any two adjacent roots, and their sum squared equals 4 times the area of the mid-section, between the regular stations. MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Let Fig. 28 be the profile of one station of cutting, from intersection of slope to ground. h and h' = The end hights, or representative square roots of the areas, at regular stations, numbered odd. m The place of the mid-section, numbered even, and repre- sented by its ordinate. Length = usually, 100, between principal stations. . 28. Whence, h* + h' 2 + 4m? Length. 6 X 100 = Solidity, by the Prismoidal Formula. XI. Which, for one station, is equivalent to Hutton's Ride. (C.) ...... So that having the end areas given, we deduce at once the mid-section, by a table of roots and squares,* and can proceed station by station, prismoidally , to find the solidity. Or combining them as in Hutton's Rule for cubature, we may calculate in a body the whole of a cut or bank. Thus, taking the preceding example, and tabulating it (see Figs. 21 to 26). Stations. Areas. Even Nos. Odd. Even. Extreme. | Odd Nos. Squares, or Mid-see. 1 1350 36-7423 Areas. 2 61-24 3750 3 600 24-4949 4 36-74 1350 5 150 12-2475 1500 600 5100 2 1200 A. 20. 4 B. This tabulation may be made in any more convenient form, or the data may be written upon the working profile of the line with advantage. * Such as Barlow's (Prof. De Morgan's Ed., London, 1860), which is the most con- venient and extensive, or any like tables. . CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 10. 47 Then, A -f- 4B -f 20 Mean Area. Length of Sta. Cub. Ft. 1500 + 5100 + 1200 __ 1300 X 100 = 130000 = by Hutton's 6 Rule X. 'Now, dividing by 27, = 4815 Deduct grade prism for two stations . . = 400 Leaves solidity in cubic yards (as before) = 4415. From 1 to 5 = 200 feet. The division by 6 in the first term results in a mean area, which X by length, gives the solidity and enables us to use a table of cubic yards to mean areas, as soon as we have found the latter, in order to obtain the cubic yards more readily by inspection. (d.) In further illustration of this important method of computation in earthworks, we will submit another example, repre- senting an entire railroad cut, with 20 feet road-bed, and side-slopes of 1 to 1, laid off in regular stations of 100 feet, and truncated at both ends in light cutting (at selected stations), so as to secure full cross-sections throughout; and also an even number of equal distances (apart sections), each 100 feet, or regular and uniform stations, what- ever their length. These truncations are made before proceeding to the calculation, so that all the cross-sections shall be complete (or have some side slope however small at both edges of the road-bed), which simplifies the main calculation, while in the end the truncated volumes may be computed independently, and added in with the rest. Again, if the ground should have required the insertion of interme- diates in any one or more of the regular stations, it will be best to draw a pencil line around all such whole stations upon the diagram, and compute them separately from the main body the places of such stations being considered vacant for the time (omitting distance, mid- section, and end areas, so far as they apply to the assumed vacancy), and thus the cut will be computable under our rule, in one or more masses (as though a single mass originally), according to the number of vacant spaces. A little practice will familiarize this matter better than further explanation, as the object to be attained is evident. 48 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Generally, we may compute the cut, or bank, in one principal mass, and then calculate separately, and add. 1. The solidity in the special stations containing intermediates. 2. The quantities of work of the same kind, at the passages from excavation to embankment, at both ends of the cut (as will be further explained). In all such cases (indeed, in all cases of heavy work), it is necessary to draw diagrams, as below, and these (in cross-sections) will usually have a scale of 20 feet to the inch, which long practice has shown to be entirely suitable ; but any preferred scale may be employed, or the cross-section paper in common use amongst engineers which carries its own scale and which will be found convenient in many respects, either bound up for the purpose, or in loose sheets, to be ultimately tacked together, including a mile forward, or thereabouts. Profile of 8 stations of railroad cut; base 20, side-slopes 1 to 1. a b = Intersection of side-slopes, or edge of diedral angle, formed by their planes meeting. c d Grade, or formation line of the road-bed = + O'O. ef = Surface line of ground, as cut by centre plane. gp = Grade prism deductive for solidity Tig. 29 / V? ^^^- * 5O Hor: b c a: tb VBT. 415 ^f^ ^s k * LS,^^ ^^ X Erojile 41OXX* ^ X+1D 41 J \ r S a 8 > X^ 45^^-^**n a C3 s If n * sT C 50 so S R 50 so p a ,-10 _m h 1. S) 3 (4) 5 (6) 7 43) 00) U 02) 13 Hi) 15 OC) 17 Regular stations designated by odd numbers (1, 3, 5, etc.). Mid-section places by even numbers (2, 4, 6, etc.) f CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 10. 49 The ordinates show the level hlghts from grade to ground, to which add always the common hight of grade triangle. Transverse slopes are shown on cross-sections. f Regular Stations = ! Cross-sectirm Areas = 232*5 I Square Boott = 15 25 1 1 Sums of Roots = 33-94 3- 5- 7' 9' 11' 13- 15- 17- 349-2 412-7 720-5 844-8 1085- 901-5 516- 259-5 18-69 20-31 26-84 29-06 32-94 30-02 22-72 16-09 39-00 47-15 55-90 62-00 6296 52'74 38-81 Squares of Sums = 1151-9 1521-0 2223-1 3124-8 3844-0 3964*0 2781-5 1506-2 ^ These squares are each equal to 4 times the mid-section, between regular stations. All hights and areas taken to intersection of slopes. Mean areas computed separately General Mean Area computed for each regular station, by Simp- by Button's Rule, son's Rule. A -f 4B -f 2C 232-5 ^ 6 (1 to 3) 349-2 1151-9 Tubulated fbr the numerator by 6)1733-6 successive additions equivalent to multiplication. Mean Area = 288'9 , 349-2 > 1 . . 232-5 2 1151-9 (3 to 5) 412-7 ^ 1 1 - ' I o f 349-2 1521-0 3 ' '{ 349-2 6)2282-9 4 . . 1521-0 Mean Area = 380*5 , r f 412-7 O . . -\ t -4 n fv 1 to 9 1 412-7 412-7 1 6 . . 2223-1 (5 to 7) 720-5 2223-1 7 f 720-5 ' ' '( 720-5 8 . . 3124-8 6)3356-3 9 . . 844-8 Mean Area = 559'4 6) 12062-9 720-5 ' 1 to 9 = 2010-5 Gen. Mean (7 to 9) 844-8 Area. 3124-8 . Separate Mean Areas. 6)4690-1 ( 288-9 Mean Area = 781*7 lto'9 J 380 ' 5 . ' ' * 1 559-4 I 781-7 Same as above = 2010*5 50 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 10. 51 Mean areas computed separately for each regular station, by Simp- son's Kule. (9 to 11) Mean Area = (11 to 13) Mean Area = (13 to 15) Mean Area = (15 to 17) Mean Area = 844-8 ' 1085-0 3844-0 6)5773-8 962-3 J 1085-0 ' 901-5 3964-0 6)5950-5 991-8 j 901-5 1 516-0 2781-5 6)4199-0 699-8 , 516-0 > 259-5 1506-2 6)2281-7 380-3 , General Mean Area computed by Button's Kule. A + 4B + 2C 6 Tabulated for the numerator by successive additions equivalent to multiplication. Bro't over 1 tO 9 = 12062-9 9 . . 844-8 3844-0 1085-0 1085-0 3964-0 901-5 901-5 2781-5 516-0 516-0 1506-2 259-5 1 to 17 11 13 15 17 Gen. Mean Area Separate Mean Areas. 6) 30267-9 5044-7 1 to 17 Brought over = 2010'5 962-3 991-8 699-8 380-3 \ Total . . = (Same as above.) Then, Mean Area. 5044-7 X 100 _ 27 "" 5044-7 C. yards. 18684-1 = 2963-2 Deduct prade Prism for 8 stations = 370-4 X 8 ... Solidity = 15721- in cubic yards from 1 to 17. So that the final solidity of this cut (as shown) from grade to ground, vertically, and from 1 to 17 (8 stations), horizontally = 15721 cubic yards (excluding for the present the grade passages). A com- 52 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. F5|.35 cot 00' Fig. 38 Cross -sections /^n> l/l> CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 1O. ^ ^^63/ > ^XA parison of the calculated work, by Separate Mean Areas, and by General Mean Area, while resulting alike, evinces the superiority of the latter, in point of brevity. In the tabulation for General Mean Area, it will be observed that the extreme end areas are written but once (equivalent to addition) the odd numbered areas twice (equivalent to X by 2), while the even numbered areas are written, in effect, 4 times, as squares of sums of adjacent representative hights, because in that shape they each equal 4 times the area of the prismoidal mid-section. (6.) We must now consider the passages from excavation to embankment at both extremities of the cut, near the regular sta- tions, 1 and 17, where it was assumed to be truncated, in order to sim- plify its computation. Figs. 39 to 42 show these passages so clearly, in the assumed case, as to need little explanation. On plain ground the line of passage a c will often be so nearly normal to the centre that, having set the grade peg in the centre line at e (the entrance of the cut), we may place those for the edges ofthe road-bed (as a and c), at right angles in many cases, where the ground differs in level only a few tenths of a foot; the error being merely a change of some yards from excavation to embankment, which is quite immaterial, since their values differ little per cubic yard. But where the ground is much inclined, in either direction, the grade pegs aec must be set on an oblique line, broken at e, if neces- sary. Precise rules can scarcely be furnished for such cases, but the quantities being usually small, and the distances short, any of the ordinary methods may be safely employed. In the case before us, we have made the computation from 17 to a, and from 1 to a, by the Arithmetical Mean, and for the parts from a to c as pyramids. In this manner we have found the volume of excavation, at the passage at Fig. 39, to be = 321 cubic yards. And at Fig. 41 = 622 " Total, in the whole length of the passages (230 feet) = 943 cubic yards. 54 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. So that, finally, we have for the solidity of the entire railroad cut, under consideration, the following result : From 1 to 17 (as before computed) = 15721 cubic yards. In the passages from excavation to embankment, at both ends (230 feet long in all) = 943 " " Whole solidity of the cut from grade to grade, on both sides . . . = 16664 cubic yards. We will now illustrate the passages from excavation to embank- ment, at both ends of the cut (shown in profile at Fig. 29.) In Figs. 39 to 42 all letters refer to similar parts. 1 and 17 = Places of cross-sections, at the selected regular stations, where the cut was truncated, to obtain full work. a a = Cross-section, where one edge of road-bed runs to grade. c = Grade point at the other edge, or opposite side. a c = Line of junction of cut and bank, at grade level. bb Slopes of cut. d d = Slopes of bank. e = Grade point at centre. Total length of cut between the extreme grade points forming the vertices of the small pyramids at c and c = 1030 feet. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 11. 55 Other modes may be used for treating the question of passages between excavation and embankment, but the above is as simple as any, and may be easily modified for particular cases. 11. With Railroad Cross-sections in Diedral Angles to find the mid- section of the Prismoidal Formula, by a brief calculation from the End Areas, without a Special Diagram. In all railroad cross-sections, instrumental data of adequate extent are first obtained in the field by well-known processes, and these data enable us in the office, subsequently, to draw them as diagrams, by a suitable scale, and to compute their superficies. The length of each separate solid of earthwork, and its position upon the centre or guiding line, is also known. With these given data, the Prismoidal Formula requires the deduc- tion of a hypothetical mid-section, in some form, for use under the general rule, or its modifications. As mentioned previously, this mid-section is usually derived from the Arithmetical Average of like parts in the end sections, and even in extremely irregular ground, to find this leading section of an Earth- work Prismoid, is not very difficult when the diagrams of the end cross-sections are correctly drawn (as in heavy work they always should be), or even from the field notes of the engineer, since the posi- tion of every leading point of ground, transversely, is always fixed and recorded by level bights, and distances out from centre, and their average position is always reproduced, proportionally, -in the mid- section. Nevertheless, some judgment is required in deducing the mid-sec- tions from the end ones, by Arithmetical Means, since the points to 56 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. average upon are often in doubt, the process, too, including finding its area, is like most others connected with earthwork computations, very often tedious, so that some shrewd mathematicians, while con- ceding the accuracy of this method, when properly carried out, have, nevertheless, deemed it unsatisfactory in some respects.* It is well, therefore, to have the means of operating with given end areas, to find the mid-section, without the necessity of arithmetically deducing, or even of sketching it. We, therefore, now submit some rules and examples by which the area of the mid-section may be computed from the ends, without deriving it in the usual way, or drawing for it a special diagram. These rules are intended only for Earthwork Prismoids, within die- dral angles ; and though their range is clearly more extensive, the variety of prismoidal solids is so great that it is probably best to limit our rules and examples to the object before us. The broken ground line of very irregular cross-sections should always be reduced to a uniform slope, by a single equalizing line (or at most by two), containing exactly the same superficies, by the method of Art. 8, and the bights and widths ascertained for each section (by the equalizing line), and verified by multiplication to re-produce the area equalized, see 8 (a), these bights and widths enable us at once to compute the volume of the prismoid by Simpson's Rule (their product giving end areas) (Art. 2 (a) ) and the sums of these bights and widths, when multiplied together, producing always 8 times the mid-section (without directly deducing it). Having given then the end areas, or the bights and widths which produce them, we readily find the Prismoidal Mid-section by the following : x Arithmetical Mean -f Geometrical Mean (1.) = . = Mid-sec. 2 (Sum of square roots of end areas) 2 _ . tSum end bights X sum end widths ,_, , (3.) . . Mia-sec. (4.) By the method of Initial Prismoids Art. 3 (a). I * Warner's Earthwork (1861). Davies' New Surveying (1870). f These bights and widths (used in 3) are those connected with the equalizing line of the equivalent triangular section the product of which, at each cross-section, re-pro- duces exactly the double area of the whole surface, from the side-slopes to the broken ground line; and the product of their sums always equals eight times the mid-section. Rules. CHAP. L PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 11. 57 Other rules might be given, but these Jour appear to be the simplest and best for use in earthwork, under the view we have herein taken. Having then found the mid-section, and having the end areas and length previously given, we can easily compute the volume of any earthwork solid, by the Prismoidal Formula, or its numerous modifi- cations. 1. A Prism . = Base. By Geometry, we have for the mid-sections of f A Wedge, with back ^ 2. < and edge equal and > = i Base, v. parallel . . . . J 3. A Pyramid = 1 Base. Fig. 43 shows the end cross-sections of one station of a railroad cut, upon irregular ground, both upon one diagram*, road-bed 20, side- slopes 1 to 1. Length of station, 100 feet. g g'g" cent: of grav: Centre higbts to intersection of slopes. -f 37-5 4- 31-6 + 25-7 from equalizing line. Total widths from side to side. 80 68 56 58 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Note: Both in Figa. 43 and 44 the same letters refer to like parts. CC = Centre line of railroad, or guiding line of earthwork, a b sm Equalizing line of broken ground surface of larger end . / = " " " " " of smaller end . d = " " " " " of mid-section . 14 2' slope. , 15 57' " 14 50' " Fig. 44, like the preceding, shows both end sections of a railroad cut, upon one diagram. Road-bed = 20, side-slopes 1 i to 1. Length = 100. Centre bights to intersection of slopes. + 22*02 + 26-07 + 29-81 from equalizing line. Total widths from side to side. 66- 78-7 90-7 In this figure (44) the line ef has a minus slope, which is always the case when the area assumed up to .the equalizing point is greater than that to be equalized. In both of the above figures, I is the intersection of the side-slopes, or edge of the diedral angle, containing the earthwork prismoids. The constant area of the grade triangle, with side-slopes of 1 to 1 (Fig. 43) = 100. While, with side-slopes of 11 to 1 (Fig. 44) = 66f. The road-bed, or graded width, in both cases being 20 feet. The altitude of this triangle for 1 to 1 = 10, and for IHo 1 = 6f. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 12. 59 The rules (numbered) above, for the figures shown, give the follow- ing results : ( Fig. 43 gives Mid-sections (1) = 1074-5; (2) = 1074-5 ; (3) = 1074-4 ; (4) = 1074-6 \ Fig. 44 gives Mid-sections (1) = 1015' ; (2) = 1014-74 j (3) = 1015-22; (4) = 1015- The small variations arise from the decimals not being sufficiently extended. 12. To find the Prismoidal Mean Area from the Arithmetical or Geometrical Means, or the Mid-section, by Corrective Fractions of the Square of the Difference of End Hights. In all cases we suppose the end areas of the Prismoid to be given, and that the Prismoid itself is contained within a diedral angle, the plane angle measuring it being supplemental to double the angle of side-slope, as in the Figs. 43 and 44. The simplest, and probably by far the most generally employed method of finding a mean area between two others, is by the Arith metical Mean which is itself half the sum of any two magnitudes. Adopting the Arithmetical Mean as being the simplest known base, and forming all sections of earthwork by prolonging the planes of the side-slopes to their intersection (or supposing them to be), so as to bring the computed prismoids within diedral angles of given divergency. We have, from the relations between the sums or differences of the squares, or rectangles of lines producing areas, some rules, which may often be useful in the calculation of earthwork, for cor recting mean areas to be used in finding the solidity. This correction being always equivalent to some fraction of the square of the difference of the end hights. While these end hights are always to be deemed and taken as the squart roots of the end areas, and are, in fact (as before mentioned), a side of an equivalent square, or half base of an equivalent triangle, having side-slopes of 1 to 1 (or a diedral angle of 90), for (we repeat), no matter what may be the ratio of actual side-slope, nor how irregular the ground surface, the square root of the area is invariably the true representative hight whichx rectifies the section, and which, when squared, reproduces the area. See Art 10 (a) (b) etc., where much use is made of these square roots, or representative hights. 60 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Having, then, the end areas given, and their square roots or hights ascertained, D = Difference of hights. D 2 = The square of the difference of hights. Rules: (1) Arithmetical Mean Sum end areas (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Then the Prismoidal Mean Area. . . = Arithmetical Mean I D 2 . . . = Mid-section . . . -f ^ D 2 . . . s=s Geometrical Mean + J D 2 . Prismoidal Mid-section. . . = Arithmetical Mean J D 2 . Geometrical Mean. . . = Arithmetical Mean \ D 2 . ^ For Fig. 43 these rules give, For Fig. 44 these rules give, (1)=1039- =Arith. Mean. (2) = 1022-9 ) (3) = 1023- V= Pris. Mean. (4) = 1023-2 ) (5) = 1014-8 = Pris. Mid-sec. (6)= 991- =Geom. Mean. In these numerical illustrations (as in others) slight variations arise from insufficient decimals. Baker* gives yet another rule for the Prismoidal Mean Areas, as follows : (1) = 1110- = Arith. Mean. (2) = 1086-4 i (3) = 1086-3 = Pris. Mean. .(4) = 1086-4 \ (5) = 1074-6 = Pris. Mid-sec. (6) = 1039-2 ==Geom. Mean. Sum end areas -f Rectangle hights Prismoidal Mean. And we may repeat, as another modification of the Prismoidal Formula, arising from this discussion, the following (same as XI., before given) : XII Solidity _ (Sum of squares of hights) -f (Square of sum of hights) _ . y^ fa * Baker's Railway Engineering and Earthwork (London, 1848). Other writers have given the same, and it is deducible from Button's Mens., Prob. 7, as most of these For- mulcts are. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 12. 61 2 (Sum sqs.) + 2 (Rect. hights) , or -f- 2 = This is equivalent to (Sum of sqs.) -f- (Rect. hights) , which is Baker s rule above, or Bid- der's, as quoted by Dempsey (Practical Railway Engineering (4th edition) 1855). We may illustrate this matter further by two simple figures. Here Fig. 45 represents a 1 to 1 side-slope diedral angle 90 ; and Fig. 46 a side-slope of H to 1 diedral angle 112 38'. In both these diagrams the same letters refer to like parts. / ..LJ References. CO = Centre line. I = Intersection of planes of side-slope. a b = Ground line of one end section. c d = " " % of the other. m s " " of the mid-section. Hights and areas both extend to the intersection at I. 62 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. In Fig. 45, The end areas are 1600 and 400 the higlits 40 and 20 and by the rules herein, Arithmetical Mean = 1000, Geometrical Mean = 800, Mid-section = 900, Prismoidal Mean Area = 933, by all the rules. In Fig. 46, The end areas are 2400 and -600 the hights = 48'99 and 24'99, being the square roots of the respective end areas and by the rules herein, Arithmetical Mean = 1500, Geometrical Mean = 1200, Mid-sec- tion = 1350, Prismoidal Mean Area 1400, by all thg rules. The areas and hights, in both examples, are contained between the ground lines, and the intersection of the planes of side-slope, or edge of diedral angle, including the Prismoid of Earthwork. 13. Applicability of the Prismoidal Formula to find the Solidity of Various Solids other than Prismoids. The Prismoidal Formula appears to be the fundamental rule for the mensuration of all right-lined solids, and the special rules given, in works on mensuration, for ascertaining the volume of solids in general use, seem like mere cases of the former ; though their relation has never been demonstrated in plain terms by mathematicians so as to con- nect them directly further than prisms, pyramids, and wedges, which has already been done by the present writer in Jour. Frank. Inst., 1840. Nevertheless, Hutton (1770) has indicated numerous applications, and various writers have since shown the applicability of the Pris- moidal Formula to ordinary solids, and also its coincidence with many special rules of the books, when proper algebraic substitutions are made; and it has been further shown to hold for certain warped solids, to which its application was not expected.* As an evidence of its remarkable flexibility, we may show, briefly, its application to the three round bodies, illustrated by a diagram. (1) The volume of a cone equals the product of its base X i its hight.'f The prismoidal mid-section of a cone = \ the area of the base. The section at the top, or vertex = 0. Then, the sum of these areas used prismoidally = 2 base, which, X i h = base X i hight, which is the geometrical rule. * Gillespie, Frank. Inst. Jour. (1857 and 1859). Warner's Earthwork (1861). f Chauvenet, ix. 3, 7, 14, Geom. (1871). Borden's Useful Formulas (1851). Henck'a Field Book (1854), Art. 112. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 13. 63 (2) The volume of a sphere equals 4 great circles X i fa radius.* Now, the prismoidal sections at the poles are both = 0. While four times the mid-section = 4 great circles. Then, the prismoidal sum of areas = 4 great circles, which X i hight, or diameter, or radius, is the geometrical rule. (3) The volume of a cylinder equals the product of its base by its hight.* Now, by the Prismoidal Formula, base -f- top + 4 times mid-section = 6 base (for all the sections are alike), and 6 base X ^ h = base X hight, which is the geometrical rule. So that there can be no doubt of the applicability of the Prismoidal Formula to the three round bodies; and in a similar manner it is easy to show its coincidence with many special rules for solids, but a direct mathematical demonstration connecting all these together, and exhib- iting their geometrical relations, has never come under the writer's notice ; though indirectly, and perhaps quite as satisfactorily, this con- nection has been clearly established for all the leading solids in prac" tical use. Numerical calculation of the three round bodies, supposing each to have a diameter of 1, and an altitude of 1. CONE. SPHERE. CYLINDER. Prisnioidfilly. Geom. Rule. Prismoidally. Geom. Rule. Prismoiditlly. Geom. Rule. Top . . = -0 . Mid.X 4 = '7854 Base. .= 7854 6)1-6708 Base = -7854 ix^ Solidity = "2618 Top . ..^.-O- Mid.X 4 =3-1416 Base. . =0- 4 great circles = 3-1416 X l At*A Top. .= -7854 Mid.X 4 "= 3 ' 1416 Base. .= -7854 Base . = -7854 1 6)3-i41G Solidity** -6-236 6)4-7121 Shdity= -7854 2618 1 Solidity = -26T8 523i .' : ' > Solidity = -5236 XI Solidity = -7854 c a b = The Base. Flg.W. /w\ c d = " Top. IU V/ V s* ' m s = " Mid-section. h 1. The common rules of mensuration are drawn from geometry but geometry also teaches that a cone, a sphere, and a cylinder, dimen- sioned and situated as shown by their right sections, in Fig. 47, have . Chauvenet, ix. 3, 7, 14, Geom. (1871). Borden's Useful Formulas (1851). Henok'a Field Book (1854), art. 112. 64 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. their volumes in the ratio of the numbers 1, 2, and 3. Now, the above calculations show the same result numerically, which, with the preceding observations, furnish an adequate demonstration. In like manner we might show that the Prismoidal Formula applies to all the separate geometrical solids, which, when aggregated, form the irregular prismoid known as an Earthivork Solid. Now, considering this species of solid as a prismoid, within the limits of Button's definition (1770), we find that all such admit of decomposition into Prisms, Prismoids,* Pyramids, or Wedges (complete or truncated), or some combination of them, having a common length, or hight, equal to the distance between the end areas or cross-sections, and either separately or together computable by the Prismoidal Formula as a general rule for all. By a similar analogy (to the three round bodies), we find somewhat like relations to obtain between what we may call the three square or angular bodies; which geometry-shows to exist alike amongst them all, the round bodies being referred to the cylinder; the square or angular ones to the cube. But the wedge requires this special defini- tion, that the edge be double the back. 1. A Pyramid, with a square base, on a side of 1, and having also an altitude of 1, has a volume . . . .. = |. 2. A Wedge, doubled on the edge, with a square back, on a side of 1, the edge parallel = 2 (or double the back), and an altitude of 1, has a volume = I. 3. A Cube, or Hexaedron, with its six square faces, each formed upon a side of 1, has a volume = 1. So that, finally, we have, both in the three round, and in the three square bodies (as defined) where unity is the controlling dimension, like ratios of volume. Thus, these six bodies, ( Cone and \ Pyramid. Sphere and Wedge (doubled on the edge). Cylinder "] Solids of and Cube. | Circular and ra"oTof th voiuml = 1- 2 - 3 J Square Bases. And of each and all of these alike, the Prismoidal Formula gives the Solidity, * The Rectangular Prismoid being always divisible into two \vedges. CHAP. L PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 14. 65 14. Transformation of Areas into Equivalent ones, Simpler in Form, and of Solids into Equivalents, more readily Computable by the Pris- moidal Formula, or its Modifications. Hutton hath defined a Prismoid as follows: " A Prismoid is a solid having for its two ends any dissimilar plane figures of the same number of sides, and all the sides of the solid plane figures also." (Quarto Mens., 1770.) This is the oldest and best definition of the Prismoid which we are able to find on record.* Under this definition, for which the General Rule (coinciding with Simpson's) was framed by Hutton, it is clear that we ought not to expect of the Prismoidal Formula the cubature of curvilinear solids, though, by a happy coincidence, it applies to many such, which are not prismoids at all, nor in the least resemble them, geometrically. But though often true of this remarkable formula, where a correct mid-section can be first obtained, it by no means follows that its numerous modifications (all framed for right-lined solids) will, like their principal, also hold, as it does in many singular cases exactly, and in most others approximately. It was early discovered that it would materially simplify the com- putation of irregular prismoids, to transform them into equivalent right-lined bodies, of which the nature was better known, and the forms more regular and simple. As the calculations for level ground were obviously the most easy, Sir John Macneill, in his Tables of 1833, adopted for the end sections the principle of transformation into level hights, to contain equivalent level areas and was, in fact, the originator of what has since been known as the Method of Equivalent Level Hights by means of which, the end sections of irregular prismoids of earthwork are transformed into level trapezoids, which are then employed to compute an equiva- lent solid of the same length, and transversely level, at top or bottom, according as it may be excavation or embankment each, however, representing the other, when inverted. Sir John Macneill has been followed, more or less closely, by most of the authors of Earthwork tables, the bulk of which are applicable to level ground alone, or ground reduced to such ; though Watner's System of Earthwork Computation (1861) deals with ground how- ever sloping, or even warped, within certain limits. * See also Henck's Field Book (1854). Davies Legendre (1853). Haswoll's Mens. (1863). Bonnycastle's Mens. (1807). Hawnev's Mens. (1798). All define the Pris- moid ni a right-lined solid. 5 66 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. The method of using Equivalent Level Hights (when the cross- section of the ground is not level) has been concisely explained, by a recent writer, to consist in finding* 1. " The area of a cross-section at each end of the mass." 2. " The hight of a section, level at the top, equivalent in area to each of these end sections." 3. " From the average of these two hights, the middle area of the mass." " And, lastly, in applying the Prismoidal Formula to find the contents." It is obviously necessary then to understand what is meant by equivalency and this we find from Geometry .f 1 . " Equivalent (plane) figures are those which have the same surface measured by the area." 2. "Equivalent solids are those which have the same bulk or magnitude." " Theorem: If two solids have equal bases and hights, and if their sections made by any plane parallel to the common plane of their bases are equal, they are equivalent." Now, the transformation of triangular prismoids of earthwork, by means of Equivalent Level Hights, meets every point of Professor Peirce's definitions of equivalency, and hence the solid they produce may be regarded as equivalent to the original defined by Hutton : in the above theorem, equality of sections evidently means equality in area, and not geometrical equality, which is somewhat different. Some writers have doubted the accuracy of the transformation or equivalency produced by Equivalent Level Hights,J but it is because the solids, which they found in error, were either not prismoids at all, or else the data used were inadequate to the solution of the problem. An error in this direction is not surprising ; for when we know that the Prismoidal Formula applies correctly to a solid, we are apt to infer that its modifications also do, and here the error lies. For.instance, we know this formula does apply correctly to a sphere, but if we test that solid, by the method of Equivalent Level Hights, we should find that the end sections being 0, have a hight of 0, and that the mid-section being constructed on a mean of like parts in the * Henck's Field Book (1854). f Peirce's Plane and Solid Geom. (1837). J Gillespie, Frank. Inst. Jour. (1859). CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 14. 67 ends must also equal 0, and hence we might in this way legitimately come to the conclusion that the globe itself had a solidity of ! This shows that Equivalent Level Hights are limited in range. The error obviously is that all, or most of the transformations and modifications of the Prisrnoidal Formula, are intended for right-lined solids, " varying uniformly " from end to end, like a stick of timber dressed off tapering, and to all such rectilinear solids they do apply correctly ; but not to those which bulge out, or curve in, by laws unknoivn to Huttoris definition of the Prismoid. It would be easy to illustrate this by examples, and to show that, confined within proper limits, the usual modifications of the Prismoidal Formula are correct enough for practical use ; but they have not the wide range of their principal; nor must they be expected to apply either to the three round bodies, or to warped solids, but only to right- lined ones, varying uniformly, or nearly so, from end to end. One important point, however, must not be overlooked in applying the Prismoidal Formula (or its modifications) to cases of earthwork: that is, the ground must be properly cross-sectioned; or, have its sections judiciously located, while the hights and distances of its controlling points are correctly measured and recorded, prior to undertaking the calculations of solidity. It is in this point that Borden's ridge and holloiv problem fails* Had one or more intermediate cross-sections been adopted there, no difficulty would have existed in its calculation, either by Borden him- self, or by subsequent students. To illustrate this subject, we will give an example, drawn from Simp- son's original Prismoid of 1750, on which he founded the Prismoidal Formula, or used to explain it. Art. 2, Fig. 2. (And see Figs. 48, 49, 50, 51.) 2.1. 82 Here we will take the Prismoid as being cut in two, by the diagonal plane, through DB, so as to divide it into triangular prismoids, and then calculate one of these halves in three ways. Fig. 49 * Borden's Useful Formulas, etc. (1851). Henck's Field Book (1854). 68 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 1. By Simpson's Rule, as the half of a rectangular pris- moid, dimensioned as in Fig. 2. 2. By Hights and Widths, as a triangular earthwork solid, with unequal side-slopes. (See Figs. 48, 49.) 3. By Equivalent Level Hights purely as an equivalent tri- angular prismoid, or earth- work solid, within a diedral angle of 90, and having equal side-slopes of 1 to 1. In all these figures the angle A = 90. B and B, Figs. 48 and 49 = 38 40', and 33 41'. ' 48 and 50 = 320. The common hight of the prismoids being h = 24. All the calcu- lations being carried out in detail ; all having the same end areas, 320 and 216; and all dimensioned as marked upon the figures. We find, then, by all these calculations, the Solidity to be the same = 3200, varying but a few small decimals, and agreeing with the results already ascertained in Art. 2. This exhibits the equivalency we have been discussing (the figures being quite unlike), and might readily be extended to more compli- cated examples, with a like result. 15. Equivalence of some important Formulas, for .computing the Solidity of Triangular Prismoids of Earthwork, contained within Diedral Angles, formed by Prolonging the Side-slope Planes to an Edge. Equivalent Formulas are those which reach the same results by unlike steps and in mathematical processes it is often found that a general formula will hold in many cases, usually governed by concise special rules, and yet produce identical results. This is equivalency, and relates^ in mensuration especially to the Prismoidal Formula, which appears to have a sort of concurrent juris- diction over the domain of solid geometry, along with the special rules for the volume of each separate solid, producing exactly the same results, though by different steps. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 15. 69 Such is particularly the case in earthwork solids, contained (as they mostly are) in diedral angles formed by uniform planes, called side-slopes, and having a general triangular section two sides being the inclined lateral planes, known as side-slopes (continued to inter- sect for computation), and these slopes being usually alike in inclina- tion, while the contained angle is equal ; the third side, or ground line, alone being variable, and often irregular. By geometry, triangles having an angle common or equal, and the containing sides proportional, are similar ; and the areas of similar triangles are always proportional to the squares of any similar or homologous lines, or to the rectangles of such as have like positions and relations to each other : as the squares of perpendiculars from the equal angles, or their bisectors, the rectangles of containing sides, the product of hights and widths, etc. Now, these triangular sections of an earthwork solid, extending (for computation) from the ground surface to the intersection of the side-slopes prolonged to an edge, are sections of triangular pyramids, as well as of prismoids ; and to such solids the rules for Pyramids, and their frusta, as well as the Prismoidal Formula, and its modifica- tions, apply concurrently, and either may be used at will, with correct results. These considerations regarding the equivalency of Pyramidal and Prismoidal Formulas in such cases are important, and require to be well considered by computers of earthwork. Hutton's definition of the Prismoid is based on three conditions: 1. The two ends must be dissimilar parallel plane figures. 2. They must have an equal number of sides. 3. The faces, or sides of the solid, must be plane figures also. Usually, says Hutton, the faces are plane trapezoids. Considering, now, a regular prismoid as being composed of known elementary solids. Macneill regards it as formed of a prism, with a wedge superposed. Art. 4 (and this is also the case with a frustum of a pyramid, turned upon its edge). Hutton, of two wedges, formed by a single cutting plane passed in a diagonal direction, Art. 3. The writer, as a triangular prism trebly truncated, Art. 1. Simpson (the father of the prismoid) gives no special definition, but figures in his work of 1750 a rectangular prismoid (the same or 70 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. similar to that adopted and figured by Hutton, 1770); and by a single diagonal plane, convertible into two triangular prismoids. (See Fig. 2.) Now, as a triangle is the simplest of all polygons, so a prismoid within a diedral angle (triangular in section) may be considered as the simplest of all prismoids, though the rectangular prismoid is nearly so. The simplest case of the ordinary trapezoidal prismoid of earthwork is in, or upon, ground level transversely. In that case, the cross-sections are level trapezoids, and the solid is obviously composed of a prism and superposed wedge, as in Macneill's solid, Art. 4. Its volume may be computed by Simpson's, or by Button's general rules, because this solid then is strictly a prismoid within the scope of Hutton's definition, and as a whole computable only by prismoidal rules. But suppose the assumed road-bed was taken less and less, until we reached the edge of the diedral angle, and it became zero. Then, the cross-section from a trapezoid becomes a triangle, and the prismoid changes at once into a fmstum of a pyramid a solid known since the days of Euclid. This solid becomes then computable by Euclid's geometry, as the frustum of a pyramid or by Equivalent Level Hights by roots and squares by geometrical average all of which are equivalent, as are the similar rules of Bidder, Baker, Bash forth, and others ; or, by wedge and prism, by hights and widths (Simpson), by Hutton's par- ticular rule, by the method of initial prismoids, or, finally, by the Prismoidal Formula itself, which always holds alike for prismoids, pyramids, or pyramidal frusta. Hutton (4to Mens., 1770, p. 155) shows that in similar sections of a pyramidal frustum (say triangular) the squares of similar lines, as the bisector of an equal angle (which the centre line of a railroad generally is), are as the areas of the cross-sections, or, conversely, the areas are as the squares of similar lines (Chauvenet's Geom. iv. 7). Then, from Hutton's prob. 7, cor. 2, we have a formula (for pyra- midal frusta) in which, substituting Bidder's and Baker's notation, we have, by a slight reduction, the identical rules given by those authors for the computation of earthwork.* * Bidder, quoted in Dempsey's Prnc. Rail. Eng., London, 1855. Baker, in his Rail- way Eng. and Earthwork, London, 1848. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 15. 71 We will now give a diagram to illustrate the equivalency of prismoi- dal and pyramidal formulas. Fig. 52. Road-Tied-lO. Fig. 52 represents the full station of earthwork, already shown in Figs. 22 and 24, having a road-bed of 18 feet, and side-slopes of li to 1, with other dimensions as marked upon the figures. Suppose, in all cases (as in Fig. 52), the trapezoidal sections of the ends above the road-bed to be carried down by prolonging the side- slopes to their intersection at I I, the edge of the diedral angle. ( c c = Top of larger end, and h = its hight = 30 feet. Let\bb = Top of smaller end, and h' = its hight = 20 feet. ( I = The intersection of side-slopes, of 1J to 1. Then, suppose a horizontal plane to be passed parallel to 1 1, through bbb b, then ccbbb b, the part cut off, is a wedge, its edge being b b, the top of the forward cross-section ; while h h' = the hight of the back c c b b, and as a wedge it may easily be calculated. Now, suppose the plane b bb b moves downward, parallel always to its first position at the distance h f from I, then the solid immediately becomes a prismoid being then a prism with a wedge superposed, as in Art. 4 (or analogous to it). Continue this parallel movement of the plane downward until we reach the position a a a, assumed for the road-bed, and then we have the precise case of A rt. 4 Sir John Macneill's figure of 1833. To this of course the Prismoidal Formula applies, but the Pyramidal For- mulas do not. Continue on again, with the movement of our supposed horizontal plane downwards, until it comes to I, I, (the junction of the side-slopes), then the solid becomes the frustum of a pyramid, triangular in sec- tion, and the wedge is absorbed ; nevertheless, a frustum of a pyramid 72 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. is also in tins respect like unto a prismoid, and may, if we choose, be regarded as a prism with a wedge superposed, and forming the top of the solid. Taking the horizontal plane, supposed to move parallel downwards, at three particular points of its progress, at b, a, and I, the calcula- tions for volume would be, 1. For the wedge alone = ccb bbb 2. " wedge and prism, or prismoid = ccaaabb. 3. " frustum of a pyramid alone, both wedge and prism being merged in it and in such case this is the simplest and best form of calculation, for volume. We may here remark that so long as the end cross-sections contain a road-bed of definite width, the solid is a real prismoid, and must be computed as such by prismoidal rules alone; but the moment the angle at I becomes common to both, then the solid becomes a regular frustum of a pyramid, and all the pyramidal rules apply, as well as the prismoidal ones, to which they are strictly equivalent, whenever I, the diedral edge, is common to both. Now, suppose the case reversed, and that the horizontal plane was originally passed through I, I, (edge of diedral angle), and moves gradually upwards, parallel. At every step of its progress, the solid, cut off above I, is always a prism, until its limit has been reached, at b b b b, the top of the smaller end here the moving horizontal plane ceases to be longer useful in illustration; and becoming fixed at one end, on the top of the far end section as an axis, opens wider and wider at the near end, until it attains the line cc (the top of the main solid), and completes the wedge we have referred to, and the pyramidal frustum with it. In this position the whole solid is undeniably a prismoid (if we allow to it an infinitesimal road-bed). So, also, it is a frustum of a trian- gular pyramid, both being strictly equivalent, and both computable by the regular rules for either* We will now illustrate this equivalence of the Prismoidal and Pyra- midal Formulas, in their application to earthwork solids, within diedral angles, by a few examples. Taking the dimensions of Figs. 22 and 24, with 1 to 1 side-slopes, and road-bed of 18, for thfe numbers to be employed the diedral angle being common to both. * As might be inferred from Button's remarkable chapter on the Cubature of Curves (4to Hens., 1770). CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 15. 73 1. Priwnoidally. By the direct and cross multiplication of Hights and Widths. Formula at the end of Art. 9 ...... VIII. TT . ( h = 30 \s w = 90 ) w . ,,, Hights | /t , = 20 X u'' = 60 j Wldths - 30 20 30 90 2700 90 60 60 20 1200 2700 1200 2)1800 + 1800 6)5700 950 X 100 =- 95000 = Solidity, as before computed. 2. Pyramidally. By the rules of Baker's Earthwork. 30 30 900 r I 20 30 20 20 400 600 = H = 100 900 400 600 1900 50 95000 3)150 ~~50 Solidity, as before computed 3. Prismoidally. By Simpson's rule, modified for triangular solids. Ilights. Widths. 30 X 90 = 2700 20 X 60 = 1200 Sums, 50 X 150 = 7500 12)11400 950 X 100 = 95000 = Solidity, as before computed. 4. Pyramidally. By Roots and Squares, Art. 10 (c). End Areas . . = 1350 600 Roots . . = 36-74 24-50 Sum ....== 61-24 Square of Sum = 3750 End Areas. . = { ^ 6)5700 950 X 100 = 95000 = Solidity, as before computed. 74 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 5. Finally, by Warner's Earthwork, Art. 112. Hts. Wds. Difference = 10 j ^ x 60 } Difference = 30 - Sums . 50 X 150 . . = 7500 937-5 = 1st term. X 100 = 95000 = Solidity. So, we may safely assume that the Pyramidal Formulas of Bidder, Baker, and others, the Geometrical Average, Equivalent Level Rights, Euclid's rule for the frustum of a pyramid, etc., are all strictly equiva- lent to the Prismoidal Formula, and its modifications, when applied to earthwork solids, within diedral angles, on ground transversely level. 16. Summary of Rules and Formulas from the Preliminary Problems. It will be found convenient to use, substantially, the same notation for the Prismoidal Formula, and its numerous modifications, wher- ever practicable. b = Base, or area of end assumed for such. t = Top, or area at the other end. Thus let^ m = Hypothetical Mid-section, used in computation. h = Length or hight of the Prismoid. S = Solidity or volume. Then, the Prismoidal Formula can always be in substance expressed by ^ - X h S, when a mean area is desired, or by (b -f 4 m -\- f) X i h S, for rectangular prismoids, or equivalent solids; or, when triangular prismoids are under computation, 2 b + 2 t f 8 ?TI ----- X h = fe, equivalent in using triangular sections and double areas, to this rule in words : The separate products of hights by widths at each end, plus product of sums of hights and widths at both ends, and the sum of these three products, multiplied by ^ h = Solidity. The following modification of this rule may be sometimes useful in computing the volume of triangular earthwork solids : The products of the direct multiplication of hight by width at each end, plus sum of half products of the cross multiplications of alternate hights and widths a*, CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 16. 75 both ends, multiplied by h = solidity from ground to intersection of slopes, and mimis the grade prism = solidity from road-bed to ground. Many other expressions are assumed for special purposes by the Prismoidal Formula ; but no matter into what shape it be transformed, the essential idea must always be borne in mind that this formula, in words, concisely is, " The sum of the areas of the two ends, and four times the sec- tion in the middle, multiplied into h = S." (Hutton, 1770.) Such is the simple expression of this celebrated formula given a century ago which applies not only to all prismoids, but to all right- lined solids, and many curved ones too.* SUMMARY. For rectangular prismoids, or any prismoid, reduced to an equivalent rectangular section, we have Simp- son's original rule expressed by sides of the end rect- angles, referring to Fig. 2, Art. 2. But it is more convenient, perhaps, for our purpose, to designate these sides relatively, as hights and widths, and in this form we ma^ write Simpson's rule as follows : (Hight X Width of one end) + (Right X Width of other end) -f (Sum of Hights X Sum of Widths of both ends) X h == S. And the transformation of this formula, for use in the computation of triangular prismoids (like earth- work), placing it in Button's form. TViq TVTpflll A*OQ art A N/ ^ . Ks\7frJ*fai Article. I Formula. 2. 2. 3. 3. I. II. III. IV. 2 For rectangular prismoids, considered as two wedges. We have Hutton's General Rule for any prismoid, (6 + < + 4m)X/> 6 We have also Hutton's Particular Rule. (2L + 1 X B + 21 + L X 6) X $h = S. * The English engineers have for many years unhesitatingly applied this formula to the warped solids of earthwork. See Dempsey's Practical Railway Engineer, 4th edition, 4to, London (1855), pp. 71 to 74. And in this country, Prof. Gillespie (1857), and John Warner, A. M. (1861), have also discussed the subject of Warped Solids of Earthwork. 76 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Article. Formula. SUMMARY Continued. 3. V. For unusual and irregular prismoids we have the method of " Initial Prismoids" deduced from Hutton. 6. VI. For a prismoid, composed of a prism and wedge, superposed. (B + b -f b) X (H 1 ( n w fipvnfir* f'vinnn'lo^ \S 6 7. VII. For a trapezoidal prismoid of earthwork, taken as two wedges. We have the following Rule : Add road-bed + top- width -f- In 1st cross-section road-bed of 2d section ; multiply the sum of these three by level hight of section, and reserve the product. Add road-bed -f top-width -f top- In 2d cross-section width *of 1st section; multiply the sum of these three by level hight of section, and reserve the product. Finally, add the two products reserved, and of their sum is the mean area of the Prismoid, which, multiplied by length = Solidity. For a triangular prismoid of earthwork, we have the following modification of the Prismoidal Formula, operating by direct and cross-multiplication of hights ' and widths. All hights being taken at centre from ground to intersection of slopes, and all widths from top to top of slopes on both sides of centre. Let h and h r = the hights. w and w f = the widths. Then, Hights. Widths. \ h X iv h w r -4- Ti r w 9. VIII. X h' X w' /> -)/, _i_ // /!// _L_ ,and 6 Length = 100, length = S. usually. / Article Formula. CHAP. I. PRELIM. PROBS. ART. 16. - SUMMARY Continued 10. 10. IX. 10. XI. Simpson's Rule, for the Quadrature and Cubature of Curves (adopted by Hutton), and copied from the 4to Mens. (1770). Sum extreme ordinates = A. "| " all even " = B. [A-f 4B + 2C " all odd " = C. [ ~3~~ Common distance = D. J D = area or solidity. For convenience we may transform this into, X 2 D = area or solidity. To find the solidity of a triangular prisraoid by roots and squares. ' h and h' = The end hights or representative square roots of the areas of the ends (between ground and intersection of slopes), at regular stations, numbered even. m Place of mid-section, represented by its ordi- nate, and numbered odd. Length = Usually, 100, between principal sta- tions. &' -f fr' 2 + (h + hj vx , |^ - X length = S. "Which, for one station, is equivalent to Hutton's rule above. This is a very important transformation of the Prismoidal Formula, and should be well con- sidered, with the examples in Art. 1O. One of the earliest followers, in the path projected by Sir John Macneill, of using the Prismoidal For- mula, with auxiliary tables, for correctly computing the volume of earthwork solids, was G. P. Bidder, C. E., who adopted the obvious plan of imagining the side-slopes to be moved parallel inward, to intersect at grade, and then computing the triangular solid thus formed as a prismoid, or the frustum of a pyramid (both being equivalent in these circumstances) ; finally, calculating the centre part (or core) as a prism sepa- rately, and adding the two for the volume of the whole. The core being computed for one foot wide only, MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Article. Formula. SUMMARY Continued. and then multiplied by the width of road-bed intended to be given.* (This is the plan of Macneill's second series of Tables, for various side-slopes, and base of one foot.) Bidder's formula for the slopes united is, [ (a -f &) 2 a 5] || = S, in cubic yards for a 66 foot chain, a and b being the hights or depths at the ends. This is identical with the formulas of Baker, Bash- forth, and others, of subsequent writers : = (a 2 -f a b + 6' 2 ) II = S, in cubic yards, and is in fact the alge- braic expression for the volume of the frustum of a tri- angular pyramid, demonstrated in all the elements of geometry supposed to have been originated by Euclid (about 300 B. c.), and known in this country as the method of Geometrical Average. These formulas are equivalent to the following, men- tioned in Art. 12. (Sum of sqs. of hts.) -f (Sq. of sum of hts.) ^ a 12. XII. 6 _ 2 (Sum sqs.) -f 2 (Rect. of hights) (Sum sqs. of hights) + (Rect. of hights) w ^ Q X "- k, which, for a four pole chain, and cubic yards, becomes equivalent to the formulas above, by introducing the proper fractional multipliers the hights are the square roots of the areas. * A similar plan of computing and tabulating the slopes and core separately : the latter on a base of unity, to be subsequently multi- plied, by any road-bed, is also that of E. F. Johnson, C. E. the pioneer of Earthwork Tables in this country (New York, 1840) and has been followed by several other writers; indeed, it is a method so obvious as to be likely to occur to any student. This core and slope method originated by Bidder and Johnson (some 30 years ago), and since repeated by numerous 1 writers, is now again reiterated by the latest compiler of Earthwork Tables, E. C. Rice, C. E. (St. Louis, Mo., 1870). CHAPTER II. FIRST METHOD OF COMPUTATION BY MID-SECTIONS, DRAWN AND CALCULATED FOR AREA, ON THE BASIS OF BUTTON'S GENERAL RULE. 17 Since 1833 the date of publication of Sir John Macneill's meritorious volume on the mensuration of earthworks, for canals, roads, and railroads the investigations of numerous able writers in various countries have shown, conclusively, that the Prismoidal For- mula (adopted by Macneill) furnishes the most convenient, if not the only correct rule for the measurement of the immense bodies of mate- rial employed in earthworks, and removed from, or supplied to, the irregularities of the ground encountered by the location of lines, under the general name of excavation or embankment. The writer, as long ago as 1840, in the Journal of the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania, repeated the demonstration of the formula referred to, by means of a simple figure, and established its connection with the ordinary rules for the volume of the three principal right- lined bodies, known to solid mensuration the Prism, Wedge, and Pyramid (to all of which, whether complete or truncated, the Pris- moidal Formula correctly applies) ; these are the elementary solids which enter into the composition of a station of earthwork, and sepa- rately, or together, are all computable by the same rule. He also showed, by numerous examples (worked out in detail) of the leading forms assumed by railroad earthworks, that by means of hypothetical mid-sections, deduced from the usual cross-sections taken in the field (and diagrammed between them if necessary), the volumes of excavation and embankment solids could be computed correctly without unusual labor, and with more than usual accuracy. This method was made to depend essentially upon two points : * * Journal of the Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, 1840). 79 gO MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 1. "That the formula expressing the capacity of a prismoid is the fundamental rule for the mensuration of all right-lined solids, \vhose terminations lie in parallel planes, and is equally applica- ble to each." 2. " That any solid whatever, bounded by planes, and parallel ends, may be regarded as composed of some combination of prisms, prism oids, pyramids, and wedges, or their frusta, having a common altitude, and hence capable of computation by the gen- eral rule for prismoids." All excavation and embankment solids come within the scope of these definitions, and all are computable with ease and accuracy by means of the Prismoidal Formula. These views have met with general acceptance from most practical writers, but many useful transformations and modifications have naturally been indicated ; all grounded upon the same formula which appears to have originated with THOMAS SIMPSON, an eminent mathe- matician, and was demonstrated and published by him (for rectangular prismoids) in London, 1750 (Arts. 1 and 2), but generalized and made more useful by HUTTON, in 1770 (Art. 3). This extraordinary formula is not only the fundamental rule for all right-lined solids, but reaches also to many curved bodies and warped surfaces (as before mentioned), so that it may safely be assumed as correct for all the earthwork solids in common use, which, indeed, are invariably laid out with the view of reducing the ground, however irregular, to equivalent planes (as near as may be), by means of leyels and sections, taken at short distances ; and though this effort may not be entirely successful in practice, it must be so nearly so that the warped surfaces, remaining involved in the solid, can only differ slightly (if at all) from those for which the Prismoidal Formula is known to hold. As a general rule, it may therefore be considered as close an approximation to existing facts as is admitted by any convenient method within the present range of human knowledge, and far more accurate than any of the proximate rules, which have been extensively employed for the solution of the complicated problems of earthwork. As a preliminary matter, it is necessary now to make some remarks on the manner of collecting data in the field, for subsequent use in calculating the quantities of earthwork solids. The centre or guiding line of the road or work having been care- fully located upon the ground, and marked off in regular stations CHAP. II. FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 17. 81 usually of one hundred feet each the next operation is to cross-section the work, with level, rod, and tape; most engineers also using the clinometer, or slope level, as an auxiliary, in some stages of the pro- cess. The centre line is assumed in all cases to be straight, from point to point, and generally to be a tangent line, to which the cross-sec- tions are perpendicular, but owing to the convergence of the radii upon curves, this is not strictly correct though within the limits of the work staked out, that convergence is but slight ; nevertheless, the cross-sections (before proceeding to level them) should be set out approximately, normal to the tangents, and radial to the curves ; and upon all curves, or at least on all of small radius, intermediates at half distance should be placed, or, if the curves are unusually sharp, even at the quarter of a regular station. Some engineer manuals furnish formula for the correction of quan- tities upon curved lines,* but they are rarely used ; a simple reduction of distance between the cross-sections, or a closer assemblage of them, being usually deemed sufficient. The surface of the ground f is regarded by the engineer as being composed of planes variously disposed, with relation to each other, so * The simplest and most convenient rule for this purpose, is that of Warner's Earth- work (1861). This rule has been adopted, and somewhat simplified, by Prof. Rankine, in Useful Rules, etc. (London, 1866). The process is : First, to calculate the solidity of the earthwork to the intersection of the slopes (as though the line were straight), and then to multiply it by a factor, which corrects for curvature. Difference slope distances , This factor is found thus : - - - - 'jbl The corrective quotient 6 Radius of curve. being added to unity, when the greater slope distance lies outward from the curve, or subtracted, if otherwise. For example, take a curve of 700 feet radius, lying upon a heavy embankment, along a ground surface sloping uniformly inwards, towards the centre of the curve, at the rate of 15. The road-bed being 24 feet wide, and side-slopes 1 J to 1. Let the difference of slope distances be 42 feet, the greater being inwards, and suppose the whole volume, for straight work = 5917 cubic yards to intersection of slope. Then, = -02, and 1 -02 = -98, the factor required. Then, 5917 X *9 8 6 X < "" cubic yards, and 5799 grade prism (356) = 5443 cubic yards, the volume, corrected for curvature. The difference in this case, produced by the curvature of the line, being 118 cubic yards, for the station computed. The correction for other curves would be inversely as their radii, and for a 1 curve, similarly situated, about 15 cubic yards, per station. The difference of the distances out from the centre are the same thing as Prof. Ran- kine's difference of slope distances since the former involve an equivalent quantity on both sides of centre, equal to half the road-bed. f Journal Franklin Institute (1840). 6 82 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. that any vertical section will exhibit a rectilineal figure, more or less regular. This supposition, though not strictly correct, is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. Upon the cross-sections (taken near enough together to define posi- tively the general figure of the surface), sufficient level points are obtained transversely, by level and rod, their distances out from centre being simultaneously measured, with a tape line ; in this man- ner, both vertically and horizontally, in relation to established planes, the position of all the points necessary to determine the configuration of the ground is well ascertained. These points of elevation, or depression, are commonly called plus or minus cuttings (or simply cuttings), and the horizontal distances which fix their relation to the centre are shortly called distances out. The details of the operation Staking the cuttings, or cross-sectioning the work (a matter of vital importance in correct measurement), require good judgment and accuracy ; but are so well known to prac- tical engineers as to render unnecessary a description at length. This operation, however, is the absolute foundation upon which the whole fabric of computation rests, and if it be not judiciously executed, all rules are vain. We may here mention a general maxim, which should never be neglected, if accurate results are desired, viz. : At every change of sur- face slope, transversely, single cuttings and distances out must be taken ; and at every longitudinal change, sections of cuttings, or cross-sections. Upon very rough ground it is customary to make the lateral dis- tances apart of the cuttings, uniformly 10 feet, which materially facilitates the subsequent calculations ; so much so, indeed, that on a rock side hill it is often advisable to use this distance, even though the ground seems not actually to need it; the cuttings and distances out are commonly taken in feet and tenths, and the regular stations of one hundred feet are subdivided by cross-sections into shorter lengths, if the ground requires it, as is frequently the case. One foot being usually the unit of linear measure, one hundred feet a regular station, and the cubic yard the unit of solidity, in earthwork. Though not indispensably necessary, it will be found convenient in using the prismoidal method of calculation, as well as conducive both to expedition and accuracy, to observe the following rules in "taking the cuttings," as far as the character of the surface will admit, viz. : CHAP. II. FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 17. 83 1. On side-hill, at each cross-section, where the work runs partly in filling and partly in cutting, ascertain the point where grade, or bottom, strikes ground surface. 2. On every cross-section, take a cutting at both edges of the road, or at the distance out right and left of one-half the base. 3. Always take a cross-section, whenever either edge of the road- bed strikes ground surface, and set a grade peg there to guide the workmen. 4. On rough side-hill, or wherever the ground appears to require it, take the cuttings (not otherwise provided for) at ten feet apart. 5. Wherever the ground admits, place the cross-sections at some decimal division of 100 feet apart, as 10, 20, 30, etc. 6. Endeavor to take the same number of cuttings, in each * adjacent cross-section, to facilitate the computation. 7. On plain and regular ground, take three cuttings only at centre and both slopes. If these simple directions are observed by the field engineer, and the work carefully done, much labor will be saved, both to him, and to the computer in the office. In all cases of side-long ground, we suppose it to slope in the same general direction, between the end sections, and do not admit of oppo- site surface slopes, because, under the general rule, the field engineer would place a cross-section at the point of change slope, and render the consideration of opposite slopes, and the warped surfaces they always produce, entirely unnecessary ; indeed, by more closely assem- bling the cross-sections together, we can practically reduce even the most irregular surface to a series of planes coincident with it. Nevertheless, an able writer * has shown that warped solids of a certain kind are computable by his rules ; and the late Professor Gillespie, in several valuable essays, has demonstrated that hyper- bolic paraboloids at least could be correctly calculated by the Pris- raoidal Formula ; while English engineers have long used this rule for computing the volume of earthwork solids, ivith warped surfaces;^ it appears, however, to be more certain and satisfactory if we confine the operations of this formula to solids bounded by plane surfaces as nearly as circumstances admit; but it is fortunate that our rule is * John Warner, A. M., Computation of Earthwork (1861). Prof. Gillespie, Manual of Roads and Railroad?, 10th edition (1871). f Dempsey, Practical Railway Engineer (London, 1855). 84 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. known to hold for some descriptions of warped ground, and hence can hardly fail to proximate results, near unto the truth, however much the surface may be warped, between the cross-sections, if they have been judiciously placed by the field engineer. a ....... The modification of the Prismoidal Formula, which we shall employ in this first method of computation, will be that designed to find a mean area, to be subsequently employed by the aid of our Table, at the end, to ascertain the cubic yards of volume. This formula comes from that generalized by Hutton (1770) through the special mid-section, and is expressed in the beginning of Art. 16 as follows : * Summarily expressed in words as follows; One-sixth the sum of end areas, and quadruple mid-section, multiplied by length, gives the Solidity. This general formula (identical with one of Hutton's) requires three areas (one, the mid-section, deduced from the others), and also the hight or length of the Prismoid to be given; and by its aid we pro- pose in illustration to furnish five examples of calculation. 1. Of a regular station, of three-level ground. 2. Of the same length, of five-level ground. 3. Of seven-level ground. 4. Of nine-level ground. 5. Of a portion of excavation and of embankment adjacent, with an oblique passage between them, from one to the other. We here follow a classification of ground nearly resembling that adopted by the late Prof. Gillespie (one of our ablest writers upon earthwork), who enumerates four classes only, under the simple nomenclature of, 1, one-level; 2, two-level; 3, three-level; 4, irregular ground; and under these four classes, he dealt with the problems of earthwork in his excellent lectures " to the Civil Engineering Classes in Union College." f * " This rule," says Prof. Rankine, in Useful Rules and Tables, 2d edition, London, 1867, p. 74, " applies generally to any solid bounded endwise by a pair of parallel planes, and sideways by a conical, spherical, or ellipsoidal surface, or by any number of planes." j- Manual of Roads and Railroads, 10th edition (1871). CHAP. II. FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 18. 85 We think, however, that few engineers would be willing to class ordinary five-level ground as irregular ; for such ground would in fact be produced simply by the angle levels commonly taken, which at once convert the plainest three-level into five-level ground. But ground requiring more than five cuttings on one cross-section, all would probably agree in classifying as irregular y aiid such is the view taken by the present writer. This would bring all ground whatever within the scope of five classes, and make but a slight variation in Gillespie's nomenclature. 1. Level ground, where the centre cutting alone is sufficient for vol- ume. 2. Ground slightly inclined, where side-high ts only may have been taken. 3. Ordinary ground, requiring centre and side-hights. 4. Same as 3, with the addition of angle levels, or one cutting right and left of centre, besides those at the slope stakes. 5. Irregular ground, such, or any similar classification would somewhat simplify the matter of earthwork, but it is not indispensable. Centre cuttings, or level bights at the centre, are, however, invariably taken in the field, and recorded at the time, whether they be subsequently used or not, so that class 2 would seldom occur on original ground. The method of measuring the capacity of long irregular solids, by means of normal sections, at short distances, has long been used by mathematicians ; of which numerous examples may be found in Hut- ton (1770), as well as in the demonstration and use of Simpson's rule for quadrature and cubature, referred to in many works, both civil and military. This method then was naturally adopted by the earlier engineers for the mensuration of earthwork, and has been continued down to the present day with little chance of being superseded ; as the areas of the sections, commonly known to the engineer as cross-sections, are not only useful in the computation of solidity, but also in many other ways, during the progress of earthworks ; and consequently those rules which disregard the areas of cross-sections, and aim directly at the volume alone of excavation and embankment, are less useful (even if more concise} than those which require the sectional areas to be first com- puted. 18. Examples in Computation by the First Method. In computing by this method, the Grade Prism is not required, and is not used, but it may be employed in verification. Example 1. We will now give three figures (Figs. 53, 54, and 55), representing three cross-sections, upon one regular station of 100 feet 86 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. in length, of a railroad cut with side-slopes of 1 to 1, and road-bed of 20 feet the other dimensions being as marked upon the figures. In these, the first and last represent the end cross-sections of the 100 feet station, supposed to have been regularly taken in the field. The other (Fig. 54) being the hypothetical mid-section, deduced from the end ones, as required by HUTTON'S General Rule. Bg.53 ~ ...._ 3 -- "/ t These cross-sections are marked as follows: b = 890 Area. m = 625 " t = 400 " Length, 100 feet 1 Example 1. CHAP. IL FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 18. 87 And the calculations for solidity are as below: 890 = b. 400 = t. 2500 = 4 in. Calculations, 631'7 = Prismoidal Mean Area. 2339-6 = Cubic Yards (by Table) for 100 feet. The above example. is for plain ground of "three levels" as classed by Professor Gillespie. Example 2. We will now give an example of a railroad cut, with the same road-bed (20) and ratio of side-slopes (1 to 1), in five-level ground. The three cross-sections, upon the regular station of 100 feet, are numbered, Figs. 56, 57, and 58, and marked b, m, and t, the middle 88 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. one being Hutton's hypothetical mid-section, deduced by Arithmetica\ Averages from b and t, the cross-sections, assumed to have been taken in the field, with rod, level, and tape, in the usual manner. Cross-sections. b = 244 Area. Example 2 m = 286 " t = 331 " Length 100 feet = h. And the calculations for solidity are as follows : 244 = b. 1144 = 47M. 331 = t. 6)1719 286*5 = Prismoidal Mean Area. And for Cubic Yards, in 100 feet long, per Table = 1061-1. Example 3. We will now give an example of a railroad cut, simi- lar to the preceding, base 20, slope ratio r = 1, in seven-level ground. Cross-sections and areas. b = 524 m = 537 * = 551 Length, 100 feet = h. Example 3 Calculations for solidity : 524 = b. 2148 = 4 m. 551 = t. 6)3223 537-2 = Prismoidal Mean Area. And for Cubic Yards, in 100 feet long, per Table = 1989'6. Example 4. Although embankment is merely excavation inverted, and governed in its computation by precisely the same principles, we will now give an example of embankment on irregular or nine-level ground, road-bed 16, side-slopes 1J to 1, and ground surface supposed to be jagged masses of rock. CC represents as usual the centre or guiding line of the road, the cross-sections being dimensioned * CHAP. II. FIRST METII. COUP. ART. 18. 89 Fig. 59 marked upon the figures (62, 63, 64), the distance between the end sections being a regular station of 100 feet, and m (Fig. 63) being the hypothetical raid-section, deduced from the two others, supposed to have been regularly measured by the field engineer, and furnished to the computer by him from his note book. The areas of the sections being given, having been previously cal culated in the customary manner. Example 4 Cross-sections and. areas. b =602 m = 691 * = 786 Length, 100 feet h. 90 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Calculations for solidity ; 602 = b. 2764 = 4 m. 786 = t. 6)4152 692 = Prismoidal Mean Area. And for Cubic Yards, in 100 feet long, per Table = 2562*9. Fig. 62. . 63. 17. 10 1 10 As has been observed ^before, b and t are correlative, and either might be taken as base ; the calculations of quantity are 'usually CHAP. II. FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 19. 91 made in the direction in which the numbers run, or the one nearest to us of any pair may be assumed as b, and the other as t it is quite immaterial which but during the pendency of the computation, to which they are subject, the special designation must remain for the time unchanged. The surface of ground, assumed in this example, appears to be suf- ficiently irregular to test any rule (though rougher ones will occur to the memory of most engineers), and we might proceed to give illus- trations of such, but enough has been done in this way to indicate the principles on which we work, and which can readily be applied to any case which may occur in practice. Nor does it seem necessary here to define and classify the numerous distinct cases of earthwork the Prismoidal Formula holds for all, and it is left to the judgment of the engineer to make the application. 19. Connected Calculation of Contiguous Portions of Excavation and Embankment, with the Passage from one to the other. Example 5. See Figs. 65 to 71. In Fig. 65, ABC, a portion of a railroad cut, road-bed = 20, side- slopes 1 to 1. BCD, a portion of a railroad^, road-bed = 14, slopes 1 to 1. Grade points four in number, besides the centre. In Figs. 66 to 71, six cross-sections, 3 of excavation and 3 of embankment, are shown, and all dimensioned as marked. Fig. 68 is the base of the closing pyramid of excavation in the passage from excavation and embankment, the vertex of which is at the grade point B. Fig. 69 is the base of the closing pyramid of embankment, in the passage from embankment to excavation, the vertex of which is at the grade point C. The other cross-sections are those necessary to compute the portions of excavation and embankment shown upon the plan, Fig. 65. One of them only is at a regular station, called station (10), Fig. 68, the others are all intermediates, supposed to have been required by the configuration of the ground. The scale is 20 feet to the inch. On the centre line, the excavation shown is 61 feet in length but the closirlg pyramid of cutting runs 11 feet further to its vertex at the grade point B. While in like manner the embankment is 48 feet long on the centre, and the closing pyramid of filling extends 7 feet further to its vertex at the grade point C. This over-lapping of the closing pyramids is an inconvenience, but it is sometimes unavoidable. 92 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Plan Cross jSecs. Fig.es. Sta: 9+ SO 9+75 CHAF. 11. FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 19. 93 Calculations for Solidity. Position of Cross-sec- Distances Cross-section tions upon the centre. apart. Areas, etc. 9 + 50 ... ... 342 = b. "] 9 + 75 ... 25 ... 907 = 4 w. [ 10 Reg. Sta. . . 25 . . . 106 = t. }~ Excavation. Length = 50 f>)1355 225'8 = Prism. Mean Area. 418-1 = Cubic Yards, by Table for /& feet = 418'1 10+11 Grade at centre. (Paf9age t etc., from Excavation to Embankment.) Closing Pyramid of Excavation, vertex at B r Fig. 6& Area of base at 10 = 106. Then y 1 C\f _L 1 Oft i f\ Mean Area. tJp - = 35-3 Xlength y 22=by Table 1307 Xr 2 2 o= 28'8 Total Solidity of Excavation = 446*9 Now, commence the embankment with the closing pyra- mid in the passage, altitude or length 15 feet, and vertex at C, Fig. 65. Area of base at 10 + 19 = 46. Then, AP _|_ Afi _l_ ^ ean A reR - LL Z = 15-3 X length, 15 = by Table 56'7 X T \ft = 8*5 10 + 19 . . '. ... 46 = b. 10 + 39 . .-. 20 ... 504 = 4m. 10 + 59 ... 20 ... 215-5 = t. } Embankment. Length =40 6)765'5 127 '6 = Pris. Mean Area. 189-0 = Cubic Yards, by . Table for ffo = 189'0 Total Solidity of Embankment = 197'5 And this closes the computation of Cubic Yards in the portion of Excavation and Embankment, from A to D (Fig. 65), including the passage between them, and comprising in all two prismoids and two closing pyramids. In concluding this branch of the subject, we may mention that as HUTTON defines " a pri&moid " to have in its end sections " an equal number of sides" (Arts. 3 and 14), a like number of level hights, or 1)4 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. cuttings, ought always to be taken in adjacent cross-sections, but should that have been omitted in the field, additional cuttings may be computed or drawn upon the sections obtained, so that previous to calculating their areas, there shall be the same number of cuttings in all the adjacent cross-sections, and we shall then, have for solidity a correct prismoid. a In verifying the work given in the first four examples preceding illustrated by Figs. 53 to 63 inclusive the end areas and length being correctly given in all, it is only necessary to prove the mid-section ; as an agreement there necessitates a like result when used with the given d&ta,prismoidally, to find the solidity. This proof may be made either by our 2d method of computation (Rights and Widths), or 3d method (Roots and Squares) the latter being generally the most convenient, though the former may often be used with advantage. No single calculation, truly says Prof. Gillespie, ought ever to be relied on by the engineer, and proof of the correctness of every computation should always be obtained before employing it in work. It is often the case when railroads follow the rugged margins of rivers that many miles of side-hill work present themselves, where the road-bed, located above the flood line, lays in rock excavation on one side, and heavy embankment upon the other to such cases the preceding method of computation will be found peculiarly applicable ; both cutting and filling showing themselves. upon the end cross-sec- tions of every station and intermediate, while the mid-section may be diagrammed between them with great facility. In continuing this chapter we may state That in any right-lined solid whatever, lying between two parallel planes (according to the definition of a prismoid), whenever a mid-section can be correctly deduced between two given end sections, situated in the limiting planes (and by taking pains it always can be), there,' our First Method of Computation will be found to apply strictly for solidity. So that this method is a standard test for all other rules, and has been accepted as such by Prof. Gillespie, and other able writers. Hence, we may repeat that the formula employed in this chapter i? the fundamental rule for the mensuration of all right-lined solids, within parallel planes, and applicable also to many warped figures, and other curvilinear bodies, in a manner so unexpected as to have excited the surprise of some able geometers, whose attention had not been specially directed to that subject before. CHAP. II. FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 19. 95 Cases often occur in heavy work, where it is evident from the cross- sections, that the bulk of the solid under consideration lays consider- ably on one side of the centre line (or where, in common phrase, the sections are lop-sided), and it would seem in such cases as if some correction ought to be made for the position of the centres of gravity (as indicated upon Figs. 43 and 44, Chapter I.) ; for it is most obvious that in a long line of heavy work the path of gravity centres would frequently Gross and re-cross the guiding line of the work, and hence would necessarily be longer. So that if the line of magnitude should be assumed as the true line of calculation, the centres of gravity ought to be assembled upon the centre line, in effect, at every station, and this correction would probably be found by multiplying the projections of the points of gravity upon the centre, by their distances from it (-f when oil the same side when opposite) ; but this is a refinement which has never been employed by engineers, in dealing with the huge masses in question. What the engineer most needs in earthworks appears* to be not astronomical accuracy, but the systematic use of some rule for solidity, which shall always be consistent with itself, and closely proximate the truth, without involving those stupendous discrepancies (men- tioned by many writers), as flowing from the employment of the average methods, which have been so much (and as it always appeared to the writer) so unnecessarily, used in the ordinary computations of earthwork. The method of computation developed in this chapter finds appro- priate application also in masonry calculations. In this manner the writer once computed the contents of a heavy stone aqueduct, con- taining over 4000 perches, with numerous projections and off-sets, and walls battered, both inside and outside. The process taken was by drawing to a scale accurate horizontal plans, at all the off-set levels, at the skewbacks, and other breaks in the contour deducing mid-sections between these, and multiplying together each set of three, in accordance with the Prismoidal For- mula, etc. This gave a very satisfactory exhibit of the work, and a correct result in volume, with less labor, and greater accuracy, than any other modes he found in use at the time. In calculating stone culverts, and bridge abutments also, this method will be found quite useful. 96 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. In fact, in computing the volume of solid bodies of any kind, the engineer will find the Prismoidal Formula to be either strictly correct, or a very close approximation. b We now conclude this chapter by some remarks upon Borden's Problem. Some examples acquire celebrity from being apposite in themselves, for the illustration of important processes, and are consequently copied by others ; besides, there is an evident advantage to the reader in re-producing examples, which, having been before discussed, are more generally known ; amongst such is Borderis Problem, first pub- lished by Simeon Borden, C. E. (Boston, 1851), in his " System of Useful Formulae" (Art. 63). He treats this example at great length (14 pages), and commits some errors, which were subsequently pointed out and corrected in Henck's Field Book (Boston, 1854). This example was also adopted by John Warner, A. M., in hia Earthwork (Philadelphia, 1861, Art. 112), without comment. The problem appears to have given Mr. Borden some trouble, involving a number of his " blind pyramids," and also some errors, ag Mr. Henck hath shown. Nevertheless, it is simply a case of injudicious cross-sectioning for had Borden, instead of attempting to compute its full length of 100 feet, imagined an intermediate at 50 feet (for which he gave all the data necessary), all difficulty would have vanished, and he would neither have stumbled over his own blind pyramids, nor been shortly corrected by a subsequent author. Indeed, Mr. Borden admits, page 186, of his work of 1851, that " the engineer would be likely to divide the section into two or three " and this the present writer deems to be not only likely, but absolutely certain. Now, taking the end areas alone (100 feet apart), and disregarding (for the moment) the irregularities of the ground, which ought to have been intercepted a*nd brought out, by an intermediate at 50 feet we find : Warner, in Art. 112, of his Earthwork, gives for the volume . . . = 1155'9 C. Yards. By Hutton's General Rule (as in this chapter) = 1155'9 " Difference . . . . = But Henck, in his Engineer's Field Book (after noting Borden's mistake of 360 cubic feet), finds by his own process the solidity = CHAP II FIRST METH. COMP. ART. 19. 97 32,820 cubic feet = 1215*5 cubic yards ; or, the former are in a deficiency of 59*6 cubic yards, an error inadmissible in the quan- tity before us. In this problem Borden makes two theoretical suppositions, and two summations of results, based upon his hypothetical view of the effect upon solidity of the irregularities of the ground surface, between the end sections, but he gives no opinion on either. The Prismoidal Formula of Hutton (computed on the whole sta- tion of 100 feet) gives precisely an Arithmetical Mean between the two suppositions of Borden, but is considerably in defect of the true vol- ume as given by Henck's Formula. And here we come to the point of the importance of properly cross sectioning a solid, before we begin to calculate it; for if we sketch from Borden's data an intermediate at 50 feet, of which we find the area to be 335*6 then all difficulties are at once resolved, and we pro- ceed prismoidally in a few lines to reach a correct result, which Mr. Borden failed to attain in fourteen pages. Considered in connection with an intermediate at 50 feet, Borden's Problem stands as follows : Two end areas = 387 and 240. One intermediate area = 335*6. Now, deducing between these (by Bor- den's data) the hypothetical mid-sections, required by Button's Gen- eral Rule, we find they have areas of 293*5 and 366*5, and working prismoidally with them we quickly find the solidity of the entire body to be 32,820 cubic feet, or 1215*5 cubic yards precisely the same as Henck makes it by his own formula, and as Borden would have made it had he been aware of the errors into which his own "blind pyra- mids" led him. As this problem is a well-known one, and has not a very irregular appearance in Borden's diagram, we think this a suitable place to urge upon all engineers the great importance of judicious cross-sectioning. In terminating this chapter, we may safely state that Button's General Rule, as applied to earthworks by the methods detailed herein, is ONE WHICH NEVER FAILS WHEN THE DATA is CORRECT. 7 CHAPTER III. SECOND METHOD OF COMPUTATION, BY HIGHTS AND WIDTHS, AFTER SIMPSON'S ORIGINAL RULE. 20 ....... The Prismoidal Formula, as originally demonstrated by Simpson (1750) see Art. 2 was evidently designed for the rect- angular prismoid (Fig. 2) its end areas were obtained by multiply- ing together the Sights and Widths; and four times its mid-section by multiplying the sum of the Hights by the sum of the Widths. To adapt it more conveniently to the triangular prismoids of Earth- works, with side-slopes drawn to intersect each other, the original formula of Simpson (1750), reduced to the form subsequently enun- ciated by Hutton, as a general rule (1770), is multiplied by 2, on the left side only, changing its divisor at the same time. Thus, 2 _ ~~ This is the same thing, in effect, as the original formula of Simp- son (when arranged for a mean area) ; for if we suppose the rectan- gular prismoid (Fig. 2) cut in half by a plane through the diagonals of its end areas, FB, etc., so as to convert it into two triangular pris- moids (each with one right angle), the Hights X Widths from the right angle would give double the triangular area of each end, while their sums, multiplied together, would equal 8 times the triangular mid-section, the divisor becoming 6 X 2 = 12. * It would evidently be a much better notation for earthwork to adopt I inttead of h, because the greatest extent of an earthwork solid usually lays along the ground (length- wise) ; but Simpson and Hutton, the fathers of these formulas, have both used h they dealing generally with prismoids of small dimensions, supposed to stand erect upon a base (as in Figs. 1 and 3), and have been followed by most writers, and necessarily for the most part also here ; though we have occasionally used I (to avoid confusion), and this must be taken as correllative with the h of Simpson and Hutton, in the cases in which it has been employed; but some care will be needed to avoid confounding the h indicating the length of the prismoid, with the same letter often used as a symbol for {light In cross sections. 98 CHAP. III. SECOND METH. COMP.-ART. 20. 99 Now, as shown in Art. 8, a, it is an equivalent process to imagine the triangular section, partially revolved, so as to bring the edge of the diedral angle downwards, and to cause its bisector (the centre line) to become the perpendicular hight (h) of the cross-section, while the extreme breadth to ground edges of side-slopes, horizontally, becomes the width (w) then, by Art. 8,* we have h X w = double area of triangular section to intersection of side-slopes. This is the position occupied by the triangular areas of the cross- sections of the solids forming the earthworks of railroads, the centre line being the bisector, or hight (Ji), and the sum of the distances out, to the ground edges of the side-slopes of an equivalent triangle, being the width (w). The equivalent triangle is often formed by means of an equalizing line, drawn (for convenience) through the lowest side-bight of the cross-section, so as to form a figure of only three sides, exactly equiva- lent in area to the cross-section of earthwork, which is nearly always more or less irregular on the top, and frequently has numerous sides for its ground line ; the side-slopes, however, remaining generally uniform and even, from station to station (see Fig. 14). The equation for Hights and Widths may often take another form (already mentioned in Art. 9), which, at times, will be found convenient. h = Hight at one end. h' = " " other end. w = Width at one end. w' = " other end. I = Length of mass, usually i, HO denoted by (//) = 100, generally. 7 ,, t . hu! + h' w h w -f h' w' -f - ' Then, X I = S. o Let * In any A, however situated : If one angle coincides with the intersection (or origin,) of two rectangular axes (such as a Meridian, and an East and West line, or centre line, and base of levels), and the co-ordinates of the other angles are known (as by their Lat. and Dep., or level bights and distances out) ; then, the area of any such A is easily found. Thus, calling the first angle 0, and the others in succession 1 and 2. (Lat. of IX Dep. of 2) -(Lat. of2X Dep. of 1) We have, J L_ J = Area of A required. But, in the single case of either rectangular axis cutting the 6, then, instead of between the products (forming the numerator above) put -f . With this exception, the 100 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. This formula may be briefly called (from a leading feature in the process), the direct and cross multiplication of Hights and WidtJis, which may be represented as below ; and then, (x ~), or one-sixth the whole being taken = Solidity. Thus, For example, take Figs. 72 and 73 (dimensioned as marked). 1. By Direct and Cross Multiplication of Hights and Widths. ( h w = 23-4 X 47 . . . . = 1100 Double area. ' \h'w'= 27-6 X 55-5 . . . . 1532 " and Cross oss Multi- f W = 23-4 X 55'5 = 1299 \ plication. \ h' w = 27'6 X 47 = 1297 J Let h = + 23-4 w = 47 h' -B + 27-6 vf = 55-5 2)2596 f Kepresenta- 1298 = 1298 I tive product 6)3930 I for mid-sec. ( Including the Prism. Mean Area = 655 < grade trian. of 100 area. i 2. Proof by Simpson's Formula (modified for triangles). Eights. Widths. 23-4 X 47 = 1100 27-6 X 55-5 = 1532 51 X 102-5 = 5228 12)7~860 Prism. Mean Area 655 05 above, including grade triangle. Then, the mean area X length = 100 feet between sections Solidity = 65,500 cubic feet. rule is general, and finds ready application in computing the areas of irregular cross-sec- tions, and the contents of LAND SURVEYS. (Prob. V., Young's Analyt. Geom., London, 1833. Prof. Johnson's ed. of Weisbach, Philada., 1848, article 107.) CHAP. III. SECOND METH. COMP. ART. 21. 1Q1 21 Examples of the Application of Simpson's Rule to Earthworks. In further illustration of this subject, suppose Figs. 72, 73, 74, and 75, to be cross-sections upon a railroad line, in stations of 100 feet, apart sections, with road-bed of 20, side-slopes 1 to 1, and other data as dimensioned upon the figures given ; with equalizing lines properly drawn, reducing them to equivalent triangles, and with centre hights correctly ascertained. Then, to find the End Areas to Intersection of Slopes. Hights. Widths. Sq. Ft. Fig. 72 = 23-4 X 47 = 1100 73 = 27-6 X 55-5 = 1532 74 = 28-8 X 59-9 = 1725 75 = 27-25 X 54-6 = 1488 Double Areas in Whole numbers. Or, they may be computed, as is usual with engineers, by means of trapezoids and triangles, as they have been, indeed, in this case for the purpose of verification, and found to agree in whole numbers: there being, as usual, small differences in the decimal places. When the ground surface is irregular, as shown in these cross-sec- tions, the successive processes are as follows: 1. Find the equalizing line by Art. 8. 2. Ascertain the centre hight from intersection of slopes to equalizing line. 3. Find the extreme width, or sum of distances out, to the edges of tops of slopes, where they cut the equalizing line. 4. Find the double areas of the cross-sections, by multiplying together the hights and widths, or h X w. 5. Find 8 times the mid-section, by means of sum of Hights X sum of Widths. 6. Then, for Solidity, proceed prismoidally, by Simpson's For- mula as modified, for triangular solids. The areas of the cross-sections haying been duly verified, we may proceed to the calculation of some examples, as follows: 102 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CHAP. III. SECOND METH. COMP. ART. 21. 1Q3 EXAMPLES. Figs. 72 and 73. (Hights. Widths. 23-4 X 47 = 1100 = Double Area of top. 27-6 X 55-5 1532 = " " base. 51 X 102-5 = 5228 = 8 times mid-section. 12)7860 655 = Prismoidal Mean Area. 100 Distance apart sections. 65500 = Solidity in Cubic Feet. Figs. 73 and 74. Rights. Widths. 27-6 X 55-5 = 1532 = 2 t. 28-8 X 59-9 = 1725 =26. 56-4 X 115-4 = 6509 = 8 m. 12)9766 814 = Prismoidal Mean. 100 SHOO = Solidity. Figs. 74 and 75. Hights. 28-8 27-25 X X Widths. 59-9 = 54-6 = 1125 1488 6418 = 26. = 8m. 56-05 X 114-5 = 12)9631 803 100 = Prismoidal Mean. 80300 = Solidity. (Cub. Ft. ~\ Grade Prism to be deducted, SU nd * voiume^ftomnmd. ftHQnn I bed to ground. oUoUU J 227200 = Sum of quantities. Grade Prism. (Then, 227,200 30,000 =. ~ = 7304 Cubic Yards. Tabulated by our 3d Method of Computation (Roots and Squares), the sum of the quantities, from Fig. 72 to Fig. 75 = 227,170 Cubic Feet (including Grade Prism) ; the slight difference of 30 Cubic Feet 104 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. arising from neglect of decimals on both sides ; had these been car- ried further, the results would probably have been identical, or very nearly so. We may also verify this calculation by means of multipliers, modelled after Simpson's, and applied to the areas, as given in the examples, as follows: Cross-sections figured in Nos. 72, 73, 74, and 75, stations 100 feet. Double Sta. Areas, etc. Mults. Sq. Ft. 72 1100 X 0-5 = 550 8 times mid-sec. 5228 X 0'5 = 2615 73 1532 X 1 = 1532 8 times mid-sec. 6509 X 0'5 = 3255 74 1725 X 1 = 1725 8 times mid-sec. 6418 X 0'5 = 3209 75 1488 X 0-5 = 744 6)13630 2272 100 Double Interval. Solidity, in Cubic Feet = 227,200, same as before. The intervals are subdivided by the mid-sections into 50 feet epaces, or single interval. The regular stations of 100 feet forming a double interval in this case. The Grade Prism being deducted (30,000 Cubic Feet), and the remainder divided by 27, we have as before, a volume of 7304 Cubic Yards. 22. Observations upon Simpson's Rule. SIMPSON appears to have framed his rule for application to rectangular prismoids, and as such he demonstrated it in reference to a diagram like Fig. 2, Art. 2 including of course those right triangles which are the halves of rectangles. He could have had no conception of the vast masses of earthwork needed upon the public works of later days ; nor of providing a rule for the mensuration of such ; nor, indeed, of the immense range the Prismoidal Formula has since taken. His rule (see Art. 2), though wonderfully flexible when applied to rectangular or triangular figures, has no leading lines, common with CHAP. III. SECOND METH. COMR ART. 22. 1Q5 irregular ground; such surfaces then require to be equalized, by a single line on the principle of Fig. 14* converting the sections bounded by them into equivalent triangles before they can be com- puted by the Rights and Widths of Simpson's Rule, though we find occasionally that trapezium sections also, when not very much dis- torted, are often computable by the rule mentioned. But, in applying such a rule to the rude masses of earthwork, so common at the present day, failing cases were to be expected, and the peculiar solid shown in Figs. 81 and 82 furnishes an example in point. Figs. 81 and 82, Chap. V., computed by Simpson's Rule. Eights. Widths. 60 X 40 = 2400 30 X 60 = 1800 90 X 100 = 9000 12)13200" Prism. Mean Area = 11QO Common length . = 100 Solidity . . . . = 110,000 Cubic Feet. But, by various examples, in Arts 29 and 30, Chap. V., the Solidity = 130,000 Cubic Feet. So that, in the case of this peculiar solid, Figs. 81 and 82, Simp- eon's Rule falls short = 20,000 Cubic Feet. As the solid referred to has one end section a Rhomboid the mid- section a Pentagon and the other end a Triangle. We could hardly expect Simpson's Rule, framed for rectangular and triangular sections, to answer in a case like this, and hence we men- tion it especially. For all the solids which present sections, such as Simpson con- templated, his rule is unquestionably correct, while it is remarkably plain and simple in its application. Further to illustrate what may be expected from Simpson's Rule, when applied by equalizing lines to rough and heavy sections, we will now compute the cases shown by Figs. 43 and 44, Chapter I. Example, Illustrated by Fig. 43, Chapter L Side-slopes 1 to 1. No road-bed designated. Proximate Computa- tion, by Simpson's Rule, to intersection of slopes ; other dimensions as in Fig. 43. Equalizing line of base = b = 14 2' asc. top = t = 15 57' asc. * In substance, this method is found in Button's Land Surveying (1770), quarto Mens. 106 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Both these lines being drawn from the lowest side-hight, so as to equalize the areas, as per Fig. 14, Chapter I. Hights. Widths. f 1500 = 6. i = 37.5 x 80 = 3000 Areas < 720 = t. t = 25-7 X 56 = 1440 (Length, 100 feet. 63'2 X 136 = 8595*2 Prism Mean Area = 1086*3 Length ....== 100 Solidity . . . . = 108630 Same, by BUTTON = 108667 Difference . . . = 37 Example, Illustrated by Fig. 44, Chapter I. Side-slope Is to 1. No road-bed designated. Proximate Computa- tion, by Simpson's Rule, to intersection of slopes, other dimensions as in Fig. 44. Equalizing line of the base b = 4 30' asc. top t = 1 5' des. Both these lines being drawn from the lowest side-hight, so as to equalize the areas, as per Fig. 14, Chapter I. Highta. Widths. 22-02 X 66 = 1453 29-81 X 90-7 = 2704 8122 f 1352 = 6. Areas < 726= t. % (Length, 100ft. 51-83 X 156-7 = 12) 12279 Prismoidal Mean Area = 1023'25 Length = 100 Solidity = 102325 By Wedge and Pyramid = 102363 Difference . . . . . = ~ 38 With several other methods, this proximate calculation agrees within a few cubic yards. Example from Warner's Earthwork, Art. 86. A heavy embankment. For details, see Chapter V., near the close. (2411 = b. 907 = t. Length, 100 feet Surface slope, 15. CHAP III. SECOND METH. COMP. ART. 22. 107 Hignts. Widths. 36-7 X 131-4 = 4822 22-5 X 80-6 = 1814 59-2 X 212-0 = 12550 12)19186 Prismoidal Mean "Area . . = 1599 Length = 100 Solidity = 159900 Cubic Feet. For Cubic Yards -5- 27 . . = 5922 Deduct vol. of Grade Prism = 356 Solidity = 5566 Cubic Yards. By Hutton's Rule . . . . = 5566 Difference = In calculating by Simpson's Rule, the example figured by Figs. 74 and 75 which agrees very nearly with BUTTON we observe, by reference to the figures, that the ground slope at the end sections differs about 9. So that we may safely assume that where the equalizing lines (representing the ground) have a nearly similar slope, and in the same direction, which do not differ more than 10 in their inclination, SIMPSON'S Rule may be safely used this appears to be a sure limit, and we might perhaps go higher. When the work happens to be upon uniform ground, or the equal- izing lines have the same slope, as in the case cited from Warner's Earthwork, where the ground slope itself is uniform at 15, the results obtained by Simpson's Rule ought to be exact^andf they appear to be so. LIBKAU 5f VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER IV. THIRD METHOD OF COMPUTATION, BY MEANS OF ROOTS AND SQUARES J A PECULIAR MODIFICATION OF THE PRISMOIDAL FORMULA, WHICH WILL BE FOUND IN PRACTICE TO BE BOTH EXPEDITIOUS A!N D CORRECT, IN ORDINARY CASES. 23 This method of computation, by Roots and Squares,* appears to be the most rapid and compendious one treated by us, while it requires less data and preliminary work, and agrees in its results (for usual field work) with computations made direct by the Prismoidal Formula, of which, indeed, it is only a special modification, more concise and rapid in use, but at the same time less accurate. The formula for the Rule of Roots and Squares has been already described in the Preliminary Problems, Art. 10, where it is num- bered XI., and is as follows: -g- - X / = S. Where, h* = Representative square of area of top, from ground to intersection of slopes = (f). h- 2 = Representative square of area of base, from ground to intersection of slopes = (b). (h -f h'y = Representative square of 4 times mid-sec. = (4m). I = Distance apart sections usually desig- nated as (h) by the earlier writers, and hence continued by us to some extent ; though I is clearly a more suitable symbol for earthwork, which, with a comparatively small cross-sec- tion, extends its length along the ground. * This method is materially aided in its use by a good Table of Squares and Roots.- Prof. De Morgan's stereotyped edition of Barlow's Tables (8vo, London, 1860) is believed to be the best: a very large edition was published, and this valuable work can be obtained from any of our importing booksellers at quite a low price. When the numbers are large, the well known method of Logarithms gives the simplest process for Involution or Evolution. 108 CHAP. IV. THIRD METH. COMP. ART. 23. 109 Note. That the bights of the end sections in this chapter are always to be considered as extending from the ground to intersection of slopes, or be representative of such. The most important item in this notation is (h -f /i') 2 , which, by geometry, we know to be equivalent to 4 ^ - j , while - is the representative in the mid-section of a line similar to h and h'. So that this formula (for a single station) is, in fact, equivalent to the Prismoidal Formula, as heretofore expressed, viz. : but for exact work (our formula above) requires the end sections to be triangles, with a uniform ground slope. Let us now apply the above formula to an entire cut or bank, to be computed by Mutton's Kule (adopted from Simpson) see Art. 10, Formula IX. Where A +4B-f 20 ^ I)vM6 interval = S. D Here, for a case of 6 single or 3 double intervals, as shown in the skeleton table below. We have, for 3 double intervals or even spaces between stations of equal length : A 2 -f 7t' 2 . . . = A. The sum of extreme sections, each desig- nating one end. 3 (h -f h') 2 . . = 4 B. Mid-sections, standing on even numbers. 2 (h'y + 2 (7i) 2 = 2 C. Kegular Cross-sections, standing on odd numbers. Double Interval Any one of the uniform spaces, from 1 to 3, or 3 to 5, etc., being the odd numbers where the regular cross-sec- tions stand. S = Solidity of entire cut of 3 equal stations in length. Example 1 ...... Being a simple case (on irregular ground) of three uniform stations, or double intervals, of 100 feet each, the mid- sections falling in between, and dividing the length of 300 feet into single intervals of 50 feet each ; for which we will tabulate the exam- ple represented by Figs. 72, 73, 74, and 75, of Chapter III. in a skeleton table as follows : 110 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. / (/>+><')' 1,'* (h+h')* /i a (h+h 1 )* h 1 3 5 7 Regular stations designated by the numbers of the figures. 72 73 74 75 Places of mid-sections, on even numbers. 2 4 6 Regular cross-section areas, upon the odd numbers. 550- 766- 862-5 744- Square roots of areas ot regular cross-sections. 23-45 27-68 29-37 27-28 Sums of square roots. 51-13 57-05 5665 * Squares of sums, or 4 times the proper mid-section. 2615- 3255- 3209- Extra decimals thrown together here. Having given the skeleton table of data, we will now tabulate for solidity on three different plans, any one of which may be adopted, 01 in fact any other which truly represents the formula given. Tabulation for Solidify. On the plan of Art. 10, iu Chap- ter I. By Simpson's Rule (as given by Hntton). By Multipliers, modelled after Simpson's. Sta. 72. Areas . . = 550 4micJ-8ec. . . 2615 73. . // ;j A. 4 B. 2 C. 550 2615 766 744 3255 766 End areas, and 4 times mid-section. Mults. Results 4 mid-sec. . . 3255 7 f 862-5 1294 3209 862-5 4 B = 9079 862-5 2615 X 1 = 2615 766 X 2 = 1532 4 mid-sec. . . 3209 75 744 2C =- 3257 3257 A = 1294 3255 X 1 = 3255 862-5 X 2 = 1725 3209 X 1 3209 6)13630 6)13630 744 X 1 = 744 General Mean Area = 2271-7 Double Interval. . = 100 2271-7 100 Double Int. 6)13630 2271-7 Solidity in C. Feet = 227.170 Solidity = 227,170 in C. Feet. Double Interval . . = 100 Whole length of cut 300 feet. Whole length of cut 300 feet. Solidity in C. Feet = 227,170 Whole length of cut 300 feet. 24. Now, for further illustration : Take any cut or bank say of 6 (or any even number of) equal stations their termini being tem- * HtiTTON and other geometers have shown that the square of any line equals 4 times that of half the line ; and that similar triangles are to each other not only as the squares of their like sides, but also as the squares of any similar lines; and these principles of Geometry lay at the foundation of the method of computation, developed in this Chap- ter IV. (as already indicated in the Preliminary Problems). CHAP. IV. THIRD METH. COMP. ART. 24. Ill porarily numbered in the series of odd numbers, while the interme- diate spaces (or places of mid-sections) are also temporarily numbered in the series of even numbers, and the places of cross-sections and mid- sections, as well as those of the symbols used in the formula, all regularly marked, as follows : Regular stations. Places of cross-sees. " mid-sees. Symbols of formula 10 6 1 (h+h'f\ h* (/i+A') 3 | 10 19 This little skeleton table shows the positions of the representative squares equivalent to the areas of the several regular cross-sections computed, and also of 4 times the proper mid-sections, which belong between them, and it will indicate the manner in which they are combined relatively to the odd numbers, which represent the regular stations ; so that having computed the regular cross-sections, we can readily assemble them in a skeleton table, compute from them by Roots and Squares the other data demanded by the formula, and proceed to tabulate for Solidity, as has been already shown, and will be more conspicuously exhibited hereafter. JJpon the foregoing principles we will now proceed with an entire piece of heavy embankment, succeeded by a rock cut, as shown in the annexed, Fig. 76. Example 2. ... BANK = 1000 feet long. . . . Fig. 76. Skeleton Table of Data, Given or Computed. Length of regular ftationi 100 feet intervals produced by Mid-sections 50 feet. Regular stations of 100 feet = 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 Temporary numbers . . . = 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 Regular Cross-section Areas = 24 185 495 1467 3123 3123 3123 1978 1197 391 24 Places of mid-sees., inter- \ mediates at 50 ft. (really). J the Cross-sec-) 11' || 4-90 13-60 22-25 38-30 55'88 55'88 44-47 34-60 19-77 4-90 tion Areas / " gums of Roots = 18-50 35-85 60-55 94-18 111-76 111-76 100-35 79-07 64-37 24-67 Squares of Sums, or 4 time the Mid-section Areas. 342-25 1285-22 3666-30 8869-87 12490-30 12490-30 10070-12 6252-06 2956-10 608-61 * For Figs. 77 and 78, illustrating a supposed basis of the Prismoidal Formula, and its connexion with Simpson's Rule for Cubature (see Chap. VII.). 112 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CHAP. IV THIRD METH. COMP. ART. 24. Tabulations for Solidity ; 113 1. Regular stations of 100 feet. 1 ... Cross-sect iou Areas. . . 24 2. By M! Mnl 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 Proof Gen.mea Solidity 4 times mid-section 2 ... . . = 342-25 _ f 185 3 ... ' ' (185 . .= 1285-82 _ f 495 it a 4 I 495 . . = 3666-30 f 1467 t 5 . . ( 1467 . . = 8869-87 _f 3123 6 ... * ' { 3123 . . = 12490 _f 3123 7 ... ' " { 3123 . . = 12490 _ f 3123 U 8 ... . . = 10070-12 _ { 1978 9 . . . . = 6252-06 10 . . ' ' { 1197 . . = 2956-10 f 391 ' * ( 391 . . = 608-61 24 6^89243-13 Gen.mean area to int.of slopes = 14874 100 Solidity in c.ft.to int.of slopet 1487400 of BANK. By 100 feet stations, or bOfeet intervals. 2. By Multipliers, modelled after Simpson's. Results. = 2t = 342 = 370 = 1285 = 990 = 3667 = 2934 = 8870 = 6246 = 12490 = 6246 . = 12490 = 10070 = 3956 . . . . .== 6252 = 2394 = 2956 = 782 = 609 = 24 6)89243 Gen.mean area to int.of slopes = 14874 100 Solidity in c.ft. to int.of elope* = 1487400 of BANK. . Fig. 76. Example 2 Continued. ROCK Cur = 1000 feet long. . Skeleton Table of Data, Given or Computed. Length of regular stations 100 feet ; which, by means of the Hypothetical M id- sections, cover the ground with 50 feet intervals. Regular stations of 100 feet = 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Temporary numbers . . .= 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 Regular Cross-section Areas =, 192 386 646 801 975 768 589 706 771 433 192 Places of mid-sees., Inter-) mediates at 50 ft.(really). j = V Roots of the Cross-section ) Areas ...... -J : Sums of Roots ..... = Squares of Sums, or 4 times 1 the Mid-section Areas. } 8 10 H 13-86 19-65 25-42 28-31 31-23 27-71 24-27 33-51 45-07 53-73 59-54 58-96 51-98 1122-92 2031-30 2886-91 3545'01 3476'28 2701-92 2584-70 2952-83 2360-01 1202-01 26-57 50-84 27'77 54-34 20-81 13-86 48-58 34-87 114 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Tabulations for Solidity : By 100 feet stations, or 50 feet intervals. 1. Regular stations -~- of 100 feet. n . . . . . 4 times mid-section . . . Gen.mean area to int.of slopes Solidity in c.ft.to int. of slopes Cross-section 2. By Mi Mul Areas. 1 : 192 1 1122-92 2 f 386 1 1 386 2 2031-30 1 f 646 { 646 2 2886-91 1 f 801 { 801 2 1 3545-01 2 f 975 1 i 975 2 : 3476-28 1 f 768 2 1 768 1 : 2701-92 2 f 589 1 589 1 2 2584-70 1 f 706 I 706 1 2952-83 Proof f 771 Gen.mea \ 771 2360-01 Solidity f 433 '{ 433 1202-01 192 6)37397-89 = 6233 100 = 623300 of ROCK CUT. 2. By Multipliers, modelled after Simpson's Results. = 192 . . . . . = 1123 .... . . = 772 1 = 2031 . . . . . = 1292 1 = 2887 2 = 1602 . ... .= 3545 ... . .= 1950 . . .. . .= 3476 = 1536 1 .......= 2702 = 1178 1 = 2585 = 1412 . . . . ' . = 2953 = 1542 1 = 2360 .....= 866 . . . . '.== 1202 . = 192 6)37398 Gen.mean area to int.of slopes = 6233 100 Solidity in c.ft. to int.of slopes = 623300 of KOCK CUT. 25. In the preceding example, the side-slopes of the BANK are 1 J to 1 road-bed = 12 ; while in the ROCK CUT, the side-slopes are i to 1 road-bed = 16 ; and in all these calculations (we repeat), the sectional areas, in every case, are taken from ground line to intersection of side-slopes ; and the hights, from the vertex of the common angle thus formed to the line, or lines, representing the surface of the ground. CHAP. IV. THIRD METH. COMR ART. 25. H5 So that in all such computations if the contents above or below a given road-bed be desired in the results, then the volume of the grade prism (being included in the summation) must in every case be duly deducted. The volume of the grade prism depends upon its sectional area, and the length of the bank or cut these calculations are very simple, and once made, remain unchanged as long as the road-bed and side- slopes continue uniform. Geometers having shown that the areas of similar triangles are to each other, not only as the squares of like sides, but also as the squares of any similar lines in each, and these often occurring in earthwork solids, when their cross-sections are converted into trian- gular areas, by the prolongation (to a junction) of the side-slopes, it becomes of importance to classify the relations existing among lines and their squares, as well as the squares and rectangles of their sums and differences ; this has been well done in J. R. Young's Geometry (London, 1827), in several successive propositions : Book II., 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Now, suppose any line to be divided into two parts, h and h' then, by these propositions, we have : 1. (h + hj = 2 (h + h') X 2. (h + lij = A 2 -{- h* + 2h h'. 3. (h hj = h 2 -f h 2/i h'. 4. 7i 2 h" 2 = (h -f h') X (/* h'). 5. 7i 2 -f h'* = l(h + h'y -f l(h /O 2 - 6. 2 (/i 2 -f 7i' 2 ) = (h + hj + (h h')\ As these lines, or parts of lines, may, and often do, occupy in simi- lar triangles the relation of like lines, they become of some conse- quence in earthwork calculations, and in various forms can be traced through many of the formulas now before the public. We will now give an example from Warner's Earthwork (Art. 124), to show that small variances may be expected in employing the Rule of this Chapter upon irregular ground : indeed, it is only in uniform sections that an exact agreement of Rules can be antici- pated, but the variations (always small) are not unlikely to balance themselves in computing considerable lengths of line. 116 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. C End areas to grade . . . . = 846'5 . . = 915.5 J Grade Triangle to add . . . = 196 . . = 196 ( End areas to int. of slopes . . = 1042'5 . . = IIH'5 H&r6) Square Roots = 32'29 . . = 33'34 Sums of Roots. . ,>,V^H^ . . = 65'63 Square of sum, or quadruple mid-section = 4308 \ Length, 100 feet. Then, Prismoidally, Sum end areas ...'.... = 2154 Quadruple Mid-section . . . . = 4308 6)6462 1077 Length = 100 107700 Off Grade Prism = 19600 27)88100" Solidity in Cubic Yards . . . . = 3263 As computed by Warner (3274, C. Y.) ; and also by Button's General Rule (3274, C. Y.), the difference made by our Rule of this Chapter is, 11 Cubic Yards, or about $ of one per cent. Comparison of the method of this Chapter with the test examples of Chapter II., as computed by Button's General Rule (each for 100 feet in length). 1. Three-level Ground. (See Figs. 53, 54, and 55.) c . Yards. Computed by Roots and Squares (method of this Chapter) = 2337'6 " Button's General Rule (Chapter II.) . . . = 2339.6 Difference = 2 2. Five-level Ground. (See Figs. 56, 57, and 58.) Computed by Roots and Sqirares (this Chapter) . . . . = " " Button's General Rule (Chapter II.) . . . = Difference = CHAP. IV. THIRD METH. COMP ART. 25. 117 3. Seven-level Ground. c. Yards Computed by Roots and Squares (this Chapter) . . . . = 1990' " " Button's General Rule (Chapter II.) . . . = 1989'6 Difference = -f- 0'4 4. Nine-level Ground. c. Yards. Computed by Roots and Squares (this Chapter) . . . . = 2562*9 " Button's General Rule (Chapter II.) . . . = 2562'9 Difference = We will now give another example from Warner's Earthwork, computed by the method of this chapter. Heavy Embankment (Art. 86). Areas = 2411 907 \/Roots~ . . . . = 49-10 30-12 Sums of Roots = 79'22 Square of sum, ^ or quadruple >....= 6276 mid-section. ) Then, Prismoidally, Sum of ends . . . = 3318 Quadruple Mid-sec. = 6276 6)9594 X length . . . . = 159900 -T- 27 for C. Yards = 5566 = Same as Hutton s Gen. Rule. From the above it will be observed that, with a Table of Powers and Roots at hand, the method of this chapter affords a very convenient and speedy test for volumes, found by other processes, and it is a proxi- mately correct one. CHAPTER V. FOURTH METHOD OP COMPUTATION, BY REGARDING THE PRISMOID AS BEING COMPOSED OP A PRISM WITH A WEDGE SUPERPOSED, OR OF A WEDGE AND PYRAMID COMBINED. 26 ....... Sir John Macneill (1833) hath shown that a Prismoid of Earthwork is really a prism with a wedge superposed (as we have already mentioned in Art. 4) that the wedge is also divisible into two pyramids and that the formulas for volume, in these three chief bodies of solid geometry, form, by addition, the Prismoidal Formula. Regarding the Prismoid in this way, and assuming it to have been diagrammed as shown in Fig. 8, Art. 6 (both end sections upon one drawing), it is easily computable when reduced to a level on the top, and the back of the wedge is a trapezoid, by means of Formula VI., Art. 6. This Formula is : - + (Vr _ Grade . Triang]e) x t _ Solidityi to road-bed, and omitting G. T. to intersection of slopes. Where, B = Top-width of back, or larger parallel side of trapezoid, measured horizontally. b = Bottom- width of back, or lesser side of trapezoid, equal also to the edge, which is the horizontal top-width of smaller end section, at a distance forward = to the common length of wedge and prism. H and h = Vertical hights of the end sections to intersection of slopes. H h = Hight of back of wedge. r = Ratio of side-slopes to unity, or cot. of slope angle. h 2 r = Area of prism to intersection of slopes, and less Grade Triangle = area of section from ground to road-bed. 118 CHAP. V FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 26. 119 In calculating by this Formula we may omit the Grade Triangle if we choose (though we should have to supply a more complicated expression for A 2 r), and might, perhaps, somewhat simplify the com- putation thereby; but if used in area, we must be careful to account tor it in volume; while the bights need only be extended from ground to road-bed ; though as their difference only is used here, that is not material and altogether we would gain so little by the change as to make it unadvisable. In words, this Formula ^ may be expressed as jot- V (Mean Area Wtdge -f Mean Area of lows : ) Prism) X Common Length = Solidity, of the Prismoid, to intersection of slopes, and minus G. T. to Road-bed. Inasmuch, however, as a trapezoid is always reducible to an equiva- lent rectangle, we may consider this matter of the superposed wedge in a more general manner, without the necessity of first reducing the trapezoidal, or triangular, cross-section to a level on the top, or slope of 0. Before entering upon this branch of the subject we may, however, state that the reason why, in a wedge with a trapezoidal back, we sum up all the three parallel sides of back and edge X by hight of back -i- by 6, and finally multiply by length for volume is drawn from the common rule for a wedge (Twice width of back -j- edge X by hight of back -r- by 6, and X by length = Volume.} But in a wedge with a trapezoidal back the sum of top and bottom parallel sides X 2 = simply the sum of those parallel sides ; and, as in an earthwork solid, the lesser parallel side also (generally) equals the edge, that being the top line of the smaller end section, situated at a distance of the length forward. Hence, B + b + b is usually equiva- lent to X 2 -f (b the length of the edge) which will be found 2i in substance as a term in Button's Rule for wedges (4to Mens., 1770) ; but more concisely expressed in Chauvenet's Theorem. References to Fig. 79.* a d = End view of the back of a rectangular wedge. af = Equivalent parallelogram, of which a g is the base, and a D the altitude. * For Figs. 7 and 78, see Chapter VII. 120 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. a D = Horizontal projection (7O71), or width of a b (the back). a I = Horizontal projection (35'36), or width of a h (the edge) a e g k = The initial square of 50 square feet area, which is con- 707 tained in the back = A B f Vertical and horizontal C D \ rectangular axes. 50 = 14*14 times. Fi 79. aedb *, Back of Wedge _ area =701. agfb EqqiV:FaTall: _ do. 707. aegk c=: Initial Square _ do. 50. aeg^ S' = Equal ^Xa b/d J ac ..^a JHor.'projrofTjaclc al * do: ede. as. :o The triangles, a eg and 6 df, are identical, and the one cut off, and the other added, make the two parallelograms, a d and a/, precisely equivalent = 707 area, for each. CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 26. 121 a b = Width of back of rectangular wedge, inclined at an angle of 45 = 100. a h = Width of edge, or top of forward, or smaller, section = 50. Now (as above mentioned), a trapezoid being always reducible to an equivalent rectangle, we may consider in this place the superposed wedge (with reference to Fig. 79), without the necessity of first equal- izing the end cross-sections, by level lines on the top, as will be more clearly seen further on. However much the back or edge of a rectangular wedge may be inclined from a level plane, the resulting volume is still the same by using their projections upon the horizontal one of two rectangular axes (as C D), instead of the actual widths of back or edge, whilst the hight of the back becomes the base of an equivalent parallelogram, of which the projection is the altitude ; this will become evident by reference to Fig. 79. For example, let us now compute the wedge shown in the figure: 1st, As though it were upon a level, and the back a rectangle. 2d, As an oblique parallelogram on the back, and inclined at 45 from a level line. 1. Rectangular back supposed to be level. Length of wedge = 100. Breadth of back = 100. Edge = 50. Hight of back = 7-071. Here we have : Sum of the 3 parallel sides of edge and back -r- 3. 100 )_.-, f 7-071 = Altitude. 100 } - 100 = Length. 50 = Edge. Right Section 1 2)707-100 83i = Average multiplier * . . = 83 Volume = 29,463 = C. Feet Computed after Chauvenet's Theorem (Geom., VII. 22). 122 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 2. Oblique-angled Parallelogram for Back, and inclined 45. Length of wedge .= 100. Hight of back = 10. Horizontal projection of back = 70*71. Horizontal projection of edge = 35'36. -Sum of the 3 parallel sides or edges ~1T~ 70 ' 71 1 -R v f 10 = Altitude. 70-71 I " 100 = Length. 35-36 = Edge. Eight Section 1 2^1000 3)1778 58-927 = Average multiplier . = 58-927 Volume = 29,463 It is evident, from a consideration of the above case of a rectan- gular wedge, whether level or inclined, that the same process would apply to the trapezoidal wedge (usual in earthworks), either by its reduction to an equivalent rectangular one, or (when diagrammed together) by projecting both sides of the back, and also the edge, upon the horizontal axis, and ascertaining the respective lengths of these three projections, to be used in the computation of volume, by Chauvenet's Theorem,* instead of their actual measured lengths, this is in fact the method of the engineer, who usually disregards the incli- nation of the ground, and takes all his measures horizontally and vertically. The hight of the back of the inclined wedge being in the case above, ascertained by dividing the known area of the back of the rectangular wedge, by the Arithmetical Mean of the horizontal pro- jections of its top and bottom breadths ; both equal in the above rectangular back, but always unequal in a trapezoidal one. With these preliminary observations, we will now give the rule for finding the volume of the superposed wqdge in ordinary earth- works, with examples to show how, by the simple addition of the under-prism, the solidity of the entire earthwork, between any two cross-sections of given area, and distance apart, is easily ascertained, in all cases, within a limit hereafter discussed (Art. 29). 27 Eulesfor Computation by Wedge and Prism. The data required to be given will be as follows : * Chauvenet's Geoin., VII. 22 (Philada., 1871). CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 27. 123 1. Areas of end cross-sections. 2. Distance apart, or common length of wedge and prism. 3. Sum of distances out, to ground edges of side-slopes, which are, in fact, the projections or horizontal widths of back and edge, as well as the right and left distances of the field engineer. The first is obtained by well-known processes, and the two latter are always supplied by the Field Book of the engineer. Then, as preliminary steps: (1) Find the difference of the areas of the end cross-sections, which difference is the area of the back of the superposed wedge. (2) Divide this difference of area by half the sum of the widths of the back (or horizontal projections), which gives the vertical mean hight of the back. Now, the lower side of the back (when both sections are diagrammed together) equals the edge (or top-width of the smaller end section) supposed to be forward, at a distance equal to the common length. So that if B = top-width of larger end section, b will equal its bottom width (and also that of the edge} so that B + b -p- b, for the wedge-shaped part, would give the sum of the three parallel edges (or, in reality, their horizontal projections) to be divided by 3, for use in ChauveneVs Theorem. RULE. When the width of the large end is equal to or greater than that of the small one. 1. Vertical mean hight X distance apart sections ~2~ Sum of the three parallel edges T . . 5 a - = Volume of Superposed Wedge. o 2. Smaller end area X length (or distance apart sections) = Vol- ume of Prism. These two results, added together = Solidity of the whole Prismoid. a Prior to giving examples in illustration of our rule, it appears necessary in this place to make some explanations to show the generality of the application of the rule drawn from Chauvenet's Theorem (Geom., VII. 22) for the volume of wedges. Wedges are always formed by the truncation of triangular prisms, which may be termed their elementary body ; and are usually desig- nated by the outlines of their backs as Rectangular, Triangular, Trapezoidal, etc. The Initial Wedge may be assumed to have a square back; by successive transformations of which, several varieties are easily formed. 124 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. (1) Let the back of u rectan- gular wedge (or the initial wedge) be a square, on a side of 6, edge 12, length 20. Then, the right section = (6 X 20) -T- 2 = 60. One-third of the sum of the lat- eral edges = (6 + 6 + 1 2) -H 3 = 8 ; and 60 X 8 = 480 == Volume of the Square Wedge. (2) Now, suppose the edge of (1) to be contracted to a point; then, the wedge becomes a pyra- mid, for which case the rule also holds; thus, right section = 3 = 4; and 60 60 i sum of edges = (6 -f 6 + 0) X 4 = 240 = Volume. Proof: By the common rule for pyramids, we have, base (6 X 6) -* 3 = 12 ; and X by altitude 20 = 240 = Volume, the same as before. (3) Suppose the back of the square wedge (1) to be con- verted into an isosceles triangle, on a base of 6, and hight of 6 other dimensions as in (1) then right section = 60 i sum of edges = (6 -f -f 12) -r- 3 = 6 ; and 60 X 6 = 360 = Volume. Proof: Now, the inscription of the isosceles triangle, within the square back, evidently cuts off two pyramids, of which the volume of each = (3X6)-f-2 = 9-v-3X20 length X 2 in number = 120 Volume, of pyramids cut away from the square wedge (1) ; then, 480 120 = 360 = Volume, the same as before. (4) Now, suppose (1) and (2) to be placed in contact sidewise, then they form together a rect- angular wedge, back, 12 by 6; edge, 12 ; length, 20 : right sec- tion = 60 i sum of edges = (12 +12 + 12) -3 = 12; and 60 X 12 = 720 = Volume. CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 27. 125 Proof: By two Pyramids = (72 +- 3 X 20 = 480) -f (60 -* 3 X 12 = 240) = 720, the same Volume; or, by addition of (1) and (2) = 480 -f 240 = 720, Volume as before. (5) Suppose now the vertical sides of the square back of (1) to close in gradually until they meet and coincide in a single vertical line ; then the back has vanished, and become a vertical edge, while the original one remains horizontal, dimensioned along with the other parts as in (1) and we have right-section 60 J sum of edges = (12 -f + 0) -*- 3 = 4 ; and 60 X 4 = 240 = Volume of this peculiar double-edged wedge; which is composed of, or may be decomposed into, two pyramids, based on the right-section, as common to both, and each having an altitude of half the edge, or 6 (though such equal division of edge is not essential) ; hence, we may assume the edge 12 to be a double altitude; and (~ X 12) = 240 Volume of both the same as before. (6) Now, suppose the vertical sides of the square (1) to become inclined (at any angle that will not extinguish the base of the back), say at an angle of i to 1 side-slope, thus reducing the base from 6 to 2, then we have the right- section as before = 60 ...... I sum of edges = (6 + 2 -f 12) 6t ; and 60 X 6 = 400 = Volume of Trapezoidal Wedge. Proof: In this case two triangular pyramids are cut away from the original solid, by the sloping sides, having together a base of 4, and altitude of 6 ; then, (6 X 4) -4- 2 = 12, which -f- 3 and X 20 common length = 80 Volume cut away but Volume of (1) = 480 80 = residual Volume = 400, as before. (7) Now, suppose two sides of the square back of (1) to gradu- ally reduce their contained angle, and finally to vanish upon the 126 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. diagonal then the back be- comes a right-angled triangle (the side joining the right-angle, say perpendicular to the edge), and this wedge has two edges (one original, and the other now formed at the side connecting with the acute angle, both being horizontal edges). Then, the right-section = 60 i sum of edges (6 -f -f- 12) -t- 3 = 6 ; and 60 X 6 = 360 = Volume. Proof: Divided by a plane diagonally through the vertex of the triangular back, and opposite corner of the edge, we may decompose this wedge into two pyramids the one with a base = the right-section = 60, and altitude = the original edge = 12 ; then, 60 X 12 -4- 3 = Volume = 240 The other, with a base equal to the triangular back, or (6 X 6) -i- 2 = 18, and an altitude = the length = 20 ; then, 18 -T- 3 = 6, and X length 20 = Volume . . . = 120 Total Volume of both Pyramids =360 the same as before. (8) A Rhomboid Wedge is computed in a similar manner : thus, let the rhomboidal back have a vertical diagonal = 12; the other = 4 ; an edge of 12; length = 20 ; and the side-slopes being $ to 1. Then, the right-section = 12 X 20 ~2~~ 120 X fr =120 ...... i sum of edges, = 640 = Volume. 44-12 ; and Now, by cutting off from the rhomboid, near the lower angle, any given triangle, we have remaining a Pentagonal Wedge. Thus, suppose we cut off a triangular wedge having the base of its back uppermost = 2 ; altitude = 3 ; common length and edge = 20 and 12. Then its right-section = ?->< 2 - 2 + 12 X = 140 Vol- ume, cut off. And 640 140 Pentagonal Wedge. 500 = the Volume of the residual CHAP. V. FOURTH METII. COMP. ART. 28. 127 (9) Let us now consider a Trapezoidal Wedge dimensioned like (8), with side-slopes of i to 1, forming the top of the back, while its base = 2. Let one side-high t = 12 above intersection of slopes; the other = 6 ; the edge = 12 ; and the length = 20. Now, we may compute this wedge in two parts as follows: 1. As a triangular wedge, above the level of the lowest side-hight. x 12 320 2. As a trapezoidal wedge, between the level mentioned and the base of the back. 2+12 Total Volume 180 500 Or, as in (8), we may compute the body as a Ehomboidal Wedge, and deduct the triangular wedge cut away below the base of 2, as in fact we did in (8), the resulting volume being 500, the same as herein found. Finally, we perceive that from (1) the square or initial wedge we may easily deduce several varieties of wedges, and might go further. After this necessary digression, indicative of the simplicity, gen- erality, and value of Chauvenet's Theorem, we will now proceed to illustrate our own rule (deduced from this theorem), as applied to Earthworks, by several examples. 28. Here follows the calculation of some examples. Example 1. Computation by Wedge and Prism, tested by Hights and Widths, under Simpson's Rule 128 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. References to Fig. 80. In this case equal slopes of 1 in 4 form a ridge in the larger end section, and a hollow in the lesser one. Dimensioned as shown in the figure annexed. 2000 area. JacliI 12OO area. Tadbl = mid.8ec.16OO ar; -sr I.=ini: of sip: Data. Sq. Ft. ( Differences of areas of end sections ......... = 800 < Widths, or horizontal projections, equal for both sections . = 80 I Distance apart sections ............ . = 100 To find the vertical mean hight of back of wedge. C 2000 ) End Areas = j -^oo f Difference of Areas. Half sum of widths - 80) 800 10 = Vertical Mean Hight of Back. CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 28. 129 Then, by the Rule above, and Chauvenefs Theorem. Sum of 3 parallel sides of edge and back -r- 3. 80 ) -p , f f Vertical Mean }. = Back. 10 = < TJ. , , /, -r, i 80 j ( Right of Back. 80 = Edge. Right Section i 100 = Common length. 3)240 2)1000 80 = Average breadth 500 = Area of right sec. Right section X Mean breadth = 500 X 80 . . . = 40,000 = Volume of Wedge* Smaller end area = 1200 X 100, length . . . . = 120,000 = " " Prism. Solidify of entire prismoid = 160,000 Cubic Feet. Proof, by Hights and Widths (SIMPSON). Hights. Widths. Larger cross-section . = 50 X 80 = 4000 =26. Smaller " " . = 30 X 80 = 2400 = 2 1. Sums of his. and wids. = 80 X 160 = 12800 = 8m. Divisor 12)19200 "T600 = Prism. Mean Area. 100 = Common length. Solidity of entire Prismoid (as above) = 160,000 Cubic Feet. Note. By BUTTON'S General Rule we have the same Solidity -=* 160,000 Cubic Feet. Example 2. Let us now take the case figured for another purpose, by Fig. 14, Art. 8. Areas. Large end section -= 654 to road-bed only. Small " " = 300 " Difference, or area of back 1 __ of superposed wedge . ) Supposing the smaller end, at a distance of 100 feet forward, to be ABKH = 300 in area. While the larger end ABCDEFGHA = 654 area. Common length = 100 feet. Widths. fU _L 4ft Then, -~-- = 47, Mean width of back. , 7-532 X 100 length Ri ^ on - and = oTo'b = 7-532, Vertical Mean Hight of Back. 47 130 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 54 -4- 40 -f 40 = Sum of the three parallel sides ^r- . = 44f feet o p . ( 376-6 X 44f . . . = 16822 = Volume of Wedge. a y> \ 300 X 100 length == 30000 = " " Prism. Solidity of the whole Prismoid, \ ~~ f j i j 4 j T C = 46822 = Cubic feet to road-bed. jrom road-bed to ground line J or 56,822 to inter- section of slopes. Now, roughly computing this example, both by Hights and Widths, and by Roots and Squares, we find for the Solidity about the same result, the difference being small in the whole body of earthwork con- sidered. In like manner, roughly calculating Figs. 43 and 44, which have very irregular ground lines, with both end sections in each case dia- grammed upon one figure. We find that computed by Wedge and Prism, and some other methods, as a proximate test, they all coincide within a few cubic yards. So that this rule for calculating Prismoids of Earthwork by means of a Prism and Wedge, superposed, may be accepted as proximately correct in all ordinary* cases, and it is in practice a very simple one, as may be noticed in the examples. Requiring for data give,n merely the areas of the end cross-sections, their distance apart, and their total widths across, horizontally, to ground edges of slopes : no matter how irregular the surface may be. In all the computations above (as well as in the methods of pre- ceding chapters), so soon as the mean area of an earthwork solid is ascertained, it will be found conducive, both to expedition and to accuracy, to resort with it to the table of cubic yards for mean areas (at the end of the book), to obtain cubic yards, if they should be required in the resulting volume. In this connection it may be observed that the transverse area of the under-prism being always given in the data (and usually given as that of the smaller cross-section), whilst the distance apart sections is also known, it is better, where cubic yards are desired in the ulti- mate solidity, always to find them from the table in the manner shown by the directions for its use; and the superposed wedge may be also treated in a similar way by computing its mean area. * Where the cross-sections appear to be unusually distorted, so as to render doubtful, the application of any ordinary rules, then we must endeavor to sketch an accurate mid- section, and use our First Method of Computation (Chapter II.) which never fails when the data is correct. CHAP. V FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 29. 131 29 Although the foregoing rule for the computation of a Prismoid, by "Wedge and Prism, is proximately correct in all ordinary cases, it has limits which must be observed, when exact results are sought. These limits are: That the extreme horizontal width of the smaller end section shall always be equal to, or less than, that of the larger end, and never greater, where our rule is used as written above. Thus, in all the cases computed in the above examples, the width of smaller end is less, except in the figure next preceding, where it is equal but in none of the examples is it greater, and hence they are all clearly within the limits of the rule. In the following figure (Fig. 81), however, the horizontal width of the smaller end is, in this unusual case, greater than that of the Pig. 81. larger one to such cases then our rule above stated does not apply directly in the form as written. 132 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. A consideration of the figure annexed, where both end sections and the mid-section are diagrammed together, will make the reason evident. It is simply this, that whenever the horizontal top line of the smaller end exceeds in width that of the larger one, or lays above it (in a cut), when diagrammed together in one figure, with the diedral angle common to both, then the smaller end ceases to be the section of a prism, and becomes that of a prismoid. But as a prismoid is formed of an under prism, with a wedge super- posed, we have then in this solid (such as is sectioned in Fig. 81) a prism with two wedges superposed the upper one carrying the ground surface of the earthwork solid. The prism in this case has for its cross-section the portion of the solid below the line c 6, marking the extreme breadth of the larger end section, while the two superposed wedges are reversed in position that in contact with the under prism having its edge in the line c b, the width of the larger, while that carrying the ground surface has its edge in e d, the width of the smaller end section ; and therefore the wedges are reversed in position, though having the same length in com- mon with the prism, which underlies both. Example 3, Fig. 81. Cross-section of prism below c b = 400. " " smaller end = 900. Data { " " larger end = 1200. Common length of all = 100 feet; other dimensions as in Fig. 81. (1) By Prwnoidal Formula First Method Computation, Chapter II. (Button's General Rule) which is an accepted standard for accuracy. Smaller end section . . . = 900 = t. Larger " " . . . = 1200 = b. Mid-section deduced, being a mansard figure flat on the top = 1425 X 4 . . = 5700 = 4 m. 6)7800 T300 == Prism. Mean Area. 100 = Common length. Solidity ....... = 130,000 Cubic Feet. CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 30. 133 (2) By Chauvenet's Theorem, and our rule drawn from it. I (1) = The top wedge (at ground) = Right section (40 X 100 -H 2 = 2000) X i sum of edges = (60 + 40 + -H 3 = 33i) = 66,667 C. Feet- (2) = The intermediate wedge, adjoining the prism (as in our rule). Difference of areas -f- siim of widths = 500 I I S, Then, by the rule (from Chauve- net), (10 X 100 -s- 2 = 500) X 50 = 10, Mean Hight of wedge. Tl a i sum of edges = (60 + 40 + 40 -f- 3 = 463) = 23,333 (3) = The prism, which underlies both = 400 area X 100 length . . . . = 40,000 " " Totality of this solid, containing two wedges and one prism = Solidity = 130,000 C. Feet. In examining the solid body terminated by the cross-sections figured (in Fig. 81), it will be found to be bounded upon every side by planes, passed through three common points, so connected that the faces con- tain no warped surfaces whatever. 30. It would appear that in peculiar solids, like that in Fig. 81. we might omit the prism entirely, and decompose the body into a species of double triangular or rhomboidal wedge (with base of back, and also the edge, common to two triangular wedges superposed, and inverted with their bases in contact, one on the other), and this double triangular wedge, with a single pyramid based upon the smaller end (or in fact on either end), all having a common length, would form the whole earthwork solid, and simplify the calculation in such special cases if not in all cases of irregular ground. Thus, examining the large end I b a c, we find it to consist of the backs of two triangular wedges, joined together at their bases c b, and hav- ing a common edge at 100 feet forward, equal to d e, the top of the smaller end. Below this double wedge we find a pyramid whose base is I e d I, and vertex at I, with the common length of 100 the calculation of solidity is as follows: 134 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Example 4 (Fig. 81). (1) The Double (Triangular or Rhomboidal) Wedge. The mean breadth being common both to the upper and lower tri- angular part of the larger cross-section, then we have, o -= 33*. And the whole hight of the double triangular wedge is composed of the hights of the two separate parts = 40 -f~ 20 = 60, forming a Rhomboid. Then, - -^ - = 3000 = Right Section. C. Feet. And right section = 3000 X * sum edges = 33* . . . = 100,000 (2) The Pyramid, based on smaller end = X 100 . = 30,000 Solidity of the whole Prismoid = 130,000 (Being the same as in Example 3.) "We might also divide this solid into two wedges and a pyramid by other cutting planes, with the same result. Thus : Example 5 (Fig. 81). Rt. Sec. % sum edges. C. Feet. (1) lfe*r l*dfc*L>^?- 2000 x( 4 + f + ) = 66,667 Rt. Sec. % sum edges. (2) termed. W^e, 5*1? = 1500 x( 60 + 4 3 + ) = 50,000 (3) Pyramid underlying both = ---== 133* X 100 length = 13,333 Solidity of the whole Prismoid = 130,000- (Being the same as in Examples 3 and 4.) Suppose now upon the smaller end section (Fig. 81) we place a triangle of 60 feet base, and 10 feet altitude, the vertex representing the termination of the crest of the ridge coming from the apex of the taller section, and thus augment the area of the lesser end to an equality with the other, or make each = 1200 in area the addition in Solidity being a Pyramid. Then, although the end areas are now equal, the horizontal widths between the ground edges of the side-slopes remain unequal, as before ; the big end having least width. CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMR ART. 30. And the computation of this solid is as follows: Example 6 (Fig. 81). 135 x 4 =6000 = 4 m. 6)8400 1400 Pris. Mean. 100 Length. Sol.= 140,000 C. Feet. By known Geometrical Solids, gov- erned by Familiar Rules. Pyramid (super-added) base 300. Then, 300 Length. X 100 = 10,000 (1) Top Wedge = 66,667 (2) Intermediate Wedge . . . = 23,333 (3) Prism . . = 40,000 Solidity in C. Feet . . = 140,000 By Hutton's General Rut , = 1200 = t. Find Areas . . in, The mid-sec- tion deduced, being a man- sard figure, peaked upon the top = 1500 in area. 50 + 30 _ 40 X 20 = 800 ?!2L_ 5 = 75 A of 25' =625 ~1500 In all the above examples (except Example 2), the computation for solidity extends from ground surface to intersection of slopes, without regard to the road-bed. But any width of road-bed may be assumed, the volume of the grade prism ascertained, and being deducted, will leave the solidity from road-bed to ground all the same, as if it had been specially calculated in that way. a Of the Rhomboidal Wedge and Pyramid. A close examination of the solid, cross-sectioned in Fig. 81, and shown in isometrical projection by Fig. 82, will make it evident that beginning with the larger end section, the three cross-sections required by HUTTON'S General Prismoidal Rule will be a Rhomboid, a Penta- gon, and a Triangle, dimensioned as shown in the figures. And the solidity of this body by BUTTON'S Rule, as shown in Example 3, Art. 29 = 130,000 Cubic Feet. It is also evident, from Example 4, of this article, that this compu- tation can be made for solidity with the same result (130,000 Cubic Feet), by decomposing the body into a Rhomboidal Wedge and two Pyramids, which may be aggregated and calculated as one, so that, as in Example 4, this solid can be computed as though it were composed of a single Rhomboidal Wedge, having its edge in the width line of the smaller end section; and of a single Pyramid upon a base equiva- lent to the latter in area, and its vertex at the foot of the rhomboidal 136 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. back which forms the area of the larger cross-section, or one equiva- lent thereto, and standing (as both end sections do) with the vertices of one of their vertical angles coincident with the line of intersection of the side-slopes prolonged. Kg. 82 Sea. TOT Inch. By means of Wedge and Prism, or Wedge and Pyramid (especially the latter), we have already indicated the process of reaching the vol- ume of an earthwork solid, and we will now continue our examples until the simple combination of Wedge and Pyramid, in computing solidity upon the usual earthworks, is fully illustrated. Although solids resembling Fig. 81 in their cross-sections admit of being easily computed by their own dimensions, either by Wedge, Prism, and Pyramid, or by HUTTON'S General Rule, which is a stan- dard for volume; nevertheless, as earthwork sections generally pre- sent themselves in a somewhat different form, it becomes desirable to devise a rule which, within a long range, will apply to all earthwork with uniform slopes, and shall include within its limits the great majority of cases which come under the notice of the engineer. CHAP. V FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 30. 137 Extremely irregular and distorted solids, however, have sometimes to be subjected^ to calculation, which seem almost incommensurable by any fixed rule, and such exceptional cases must be left to inde- pendent methods adopted at the time ; though it is obvious that any solid may be so sectioned, and divided into limited portions, as to admit of computation by many processes, without material error. b Statement. In any earthwork solid contained within a diedral angle (formed by the intersection of uniform side-slopes), however irregular the ground may be, if the side-slopes continue uni- form and we have given, the length I, the areas of the cross-sections at the ends A and A', and the slope ratio r. We may compute the volume of such solid as a double Triangular, or single Rhomboidal Wedge in combination with a single Pyramid (the latter also usually Rhomboidal but sometimes Triangular). Process. Take any pair of irregular cross-sections, judiciously located and measured by the field engineer, so as correctly to define the ground, and of which all the necessary dimensions are known, as well as the distance apart sections. 1. Ascertain the areas of the cross-sections to intersection of side-slopes. 2. Find the proper hight from intersection of slopes, to include one-half the area, also the proper width, and assume this as the base of the back of a double Triangular, or Rhomboidal Wedge in the larger end, and as the edge of the same in the smaller one. 3. Compute from the larger, or from either end section, a Rhomboidal Wedge, by Chauvenet's Theorem. (See Example, Art. 27, a, paragraph 8.) 4. Then, to the solidity of this Rhomboidal Wedge, add that of a Pyramid, based upon the other end section, and having for its altitude the common length, or distance apart sections. (See rule following.) . The sum of the altitudes of the double triangles (joined at their bases) forms the vertical diagonals, or hights of back, of the rhomboi- dal wedges, while their horizontal "diagonals form the width of back at one end, and of the edge at the other, the angular points of the Rhomboid, vertically, being zero. Either end may be calculated from, while the other area is the base of a pyramid (Rhomboidal, Triangu- lar, or Irregular), having for altitude the common length I. For proof of the work we should always make both direct and reverse calcu- 138 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. lations, taking either end alternately as the base, and though they will seldom agree exactly, owing to the decimals coining in a different order (unless we use a cumbrous number of places) ; nevertheless, the agreement will be found close enough for a verification of such work. To compute the Rhomboidal Wedge and Pyramid in an Earthwork. Adopt either end for Base, and call the other the Top = b and t, of former notations. Present notation : A. Area of cross-section assumed for the Base. A! = " " " " " Top. I = Common length, or distance apart sections. These are all the data required to be given, the remainder needed are easily computable. h \ Vertical diagonals of the equivalent Rhomboids, into which h' J the end areas are transformed. , > Horizontal diagonals of the same. Then, by computation : From the foregoing it is evident that w = h r, and w' = h' r. Also, when the slopes are 1 to 1, then h = \/2 A; if 1 to 1, h = V-fAT; and if 2 to 1, h = VAT The use of these will often be convenient. RULE. Case 1. Where width of big end is equal to, or greater than, that of small end. 1 (Half product of vertical diagonal of base, by distance apart sections) X (One-third the sum of horizontal diagonals of both ends) = Solidity of Rhomboidal Wedge ; CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 30. 139 2 (One- third of area of top) X (Distance apart sections) = Solidity of Pyramid ; 3. Add together the two solidities above (1 and 2) for the solidity of the entire Prismoid : from ground to intersection of slopes, and minus the volume of the grade prism, gives solidity from road-bed to ground. RULE. Case 2. Where width of big end is equal to, or less than, that of small end. In this case the multiplier for edges (No. 1, Case 1) is to be (w + w') + (w w) . (w + ,, .. -, instead of simply - - . . While to 6 6 the volume produced by the Rule of Case 1 modified in the multiplier as just mentioned we must add a final correction, as follows : (Difference of actual horizontal widths X Difference of their hights from intersection of slopes) X length this final product, added to the volume resulting from the rule above, gives the solidity for Case 2. The application of these corrections will be shown hereafter by an example, drawn from the peculiar solid, figured in Figs. 81 and 82. The results produced by these corrections, when added to those obtained by the Rule of Case l,will give the solidity, whenever the actual width of the smaller end section does not exceed three times that of the greater one. Within these limits the rules and corrections above will apply, and they will be found to cover the great majority of practical cases; but where thl end sections are even more distorted, we must then com- pute by Mutton's General Rule, or by the actual dimensions of the solid, decomposing it into elementary bodies. As the Prism, Wedge, and Pyramid, are the solid elements from which every great-lined body is composed, and into which it may be again resolved, it follows by parity of reasoning (as in the case of the Prismoidal Formula) that for all earthwork solids, bounded by planes, the rules of this chapter hold. C ...... We will now illustrate our method of Wedge and Pyra- mid, by computing the cases of Chapter II., figured from 53 to 64 inclusive, and all originally computed by HUTTON'S General Rule- the standard for accuracy. 140 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. All of these examples (as indeed is the fact with most others in practice) come under our Rule and Case 1 the width of the larger end section being in every instance greater than that of the smaller one. (See Figs. 53 to 64, Art. 18. Art. 18. Example, illustrated by Figs. 53 to 55. Given areas f b = 990 = A ^ Vertical diago- ( h = 44-50 1 Horizontal dia- ( w = 44'50 j to intersection It = 500 = A' [ na ls computed. \ h' = 31-62 J gonals computed. \w f = 31-62 J of slopes, etc. ( I =100 feet. J The road-bed being 20 feet ; the side-slopes 1 to 1 in this case, as in all where r = 1 ; the Rhomboid becomes a square, and the diago- nals equal. Direct calculations. h X I w + *? o ~ X = S ' 44-50 X 100 44-50 + 31-62 -g - X g - . . = 56,471 A 7 - x I = & of Pyramid. o 500 -^ X 100 ........... = 16,667 = Pyramid. Total . ...... . .. > . . = 73,138 C. Feet. Deduct Grade Prism ........ = 10,000 Leaves Solidity of Earthwork ..... = 63,138 As computed in Art. 18, Chapter II. . . = 63,170 Difference ......... = 32 Reverse calculations. 31-62 X 100 - 31-62 + 44-50 ^ - X - g - . . . . = 40,126 == Wedge. QQA ~ X 100 ........... = 33,000 = Pyramid. Total ..... . ...... = 73,126 C. Feet. Deduct Grade Prism ........ = 10,000 Leaves Solidity of Earthwork ..... = 63,126 ' As computed in Art. 18, Chapter 11... = 63,170 Difference ......... = 44 The above example represents an earth-cut upon three-level ground. CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 30. Art. 18. Example, illustrated by Figs. 56 to 58. 141 This example represents an earth-cut on -five-level ground, having a road-bed of 20 ; slopes of 1 to 1 ; length 100 feet. Computed by our Rule, Case 1, we have. Direct calculations. Wedge . . = 24,306 Pyramid . . = 14,367 38,673 Deduct G. P. = 10,000 Solidity . = 28,673 By Art. 18 . = 28,650 Difference. = + 23 C. Feet. Reverse calculations. (Wedge . . = 27,254 Pyramid. . = 11,467 38,721 , Deduct G. P. = 10,000 j Solidity. . = 28,721 [ EyArt. 18 . = 28,650 \ Difference. = -f 71 C. Feet. Art. 18. Example, illustrated by Figs. 59 to 61. This example represents an earth-cut on seven-level ground, dimen- sioned as above. . Computed by our Rule, Case 1, we have: Direct calculations. Reverse calculations. Wedge . . = 42,048 Pyramid . . =* 21,700 Wedge Pyramid Deduct C Solidity By Art. ] Differe 63,748 Deduct G. P. = 10,000 Solidity. . = 53,748 By Art. 18 . = 53,733 Difference = + 15 C. Feet. 42,935 20,800 63,735 10,000 53,735 53,733 -f 2 C. Feet. Art. IS. Example, illustrated by Figs. 62 to 64. This example represents an embankment upon nine-level ground, very rough. Road-bed 16 feet; side-slopes 1 to 1; length 100 feet. Areas given f t = to intersection \ b = of slopes, etc. iven f t = 828% = A ") Vertical diag tion \ b = 644% = A' I nals computed, tc. (I =100 feet. J Vertical diago- f h = 33-24 1 Horizontal dia- f w = 49-86 1 h' = 29-< 10 X = 51,987 Wedge. 2 o 644 ' 67 X 100 . ;' v v "' -* ki v V * . . = 21,489 Pyramid. 73^476 Deduct Grade Prism. . . .'..'. . . = 4,267 Solidity . . . = 69,209 C. Feet. As computed in Art. 18, Chapter II. . . . = 69,200 Difference . ... C "!'. = ~+~9 C. Feet. Reverse calculations. 29-32 X 100 49-86 + 43-98 2 3 = 45,856 Wedge. 828-67 3 X 100 .....= 27,622 Pyramid. 73,478 Deduct Grade Prism. - ." = 4,267 Solidity = 69,211 C. Feet. As computed in Art. 18, Chapter II. ... = 69,200 Difference = -f 11 C. Feet, t d We have thus compared the whole four of the examples illustrated in Chapter II., and all computed by HUTTON'S General Rule. These we find to agree with the calculations by Wedge and Pyramid, in every instance within a few cubic feet, and had the deci- mals (into which all these computations run) been carried further, the agreement would probably have been closer. We will now compute by Wedge and Pyramid the example of a heavy embankment, taken from Warner's Earthwork, Art. 86. " Prismoid. First end-hight 28'7 ; second end-hight 14'5 ; surface-slope 15 ; side-slope H to 1; road-bed 24 feet." Data computed f b 2411 = A ~\ Vertical diago- f h = 56-70 j Horizontal dia- f w = 85-05 J to intersection of -I t 907 = A' > nalg computed. { h' 34'78 j gonals computed. ( w' = 5217 } slooes.etc. U= 100 feet. ) CHAP. V. FOURTH METH. COMP. ART. 30. 143 Direct calculations. 56 ' 7 9 X 10 X **+* . . . = 12% Wedge. L o - X 100 = 30,233 Pyramid. 159,906 For Cubic Yards -=-27 = 5,923 Deduct volume of Grade Prism = 356 Solidity = ~5,567C. Yards. By Hutton's General Rule = 5,566 \ Difference = + 1 C. Yard. Reverse calculations. 34-78 X 100 52-17 + 85-05 ** X . . . = 7y,o4J < 100 . = 80,367 Pyramid. Jf 9,909. For Cubic Yards -r- 27 = 5,923 Deduct volume of Grade Prism = 356 Solidity = 5^67 By Hutton's General Rule = 5,566 . Difference = -f 1 C. Yard. Mr. "Warner (in Art. 86 quoted) makes the volume here computed : 5562 Cubic Yards. 6 All of the above examples come under Case 1, of our Rule, as ordinary earthwork sections usually do. But we will now compute a single example by Case 2 where the width of the greater end is less than that of the smaller one. This condition will be found in the solid figured in Figs. 81 and 82. In this example, illustrative of the rule in Case 2, the corrections therein named have been duly embodied. 144 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Example of Case 2 (Fig. 81).* 4W8_XJOO x 4M>8+ 4*42 + 6-66 _ _ = h X I (tfl + tip + (M i*Q QAA irr X 100 ............ = 30,000 Pyramid. o - = ^ x i. 110,000 Final correction, 10 X 10 X 20 X 100 . . = 20,000 Solidity . . . . . . . "... . = 130,000 C. Feet. The same as computed before ...... = 130,000 It would appear, then, from the discussion in this chapter, the examples given, and the simplicity and conciseness of the rules for computing earthworks, by means of the Prism, Wedge, and Pyramid, that they deserve to rank amongst the best employed for the purpose. * Although this solid (Figs. 81 and 82) is bounded on all sides by plane surfaces, and is composed simply of a Rhomboidal Wedge, superposed upon a Pyramid very few of the E,ules or Tables, of the numerous writers on Earthwork, furnish means for comput- ing its solidity which can only be readily ascertained by BUTTON'S General Rule, or by decomposition into elementary solids, of which the rules for volume have been long established. . =r sp* CHAPTER VI. PROFESSOR GILLESPIE'S FOUR USUAL RULES, WITH THEIR CORREC- TIONS, AND A COMPARISON OF HIS CHIEF EXAMPLE WITH OUR THIRD METHOD OF COMPUTATION OR ROOTS AND SQUARES (CHAP- TER IV.). 31 The late Professor IV. M. Gillespie, of Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., was an able teacher of Civil Engineering, and a sound practical writer on that and cognate subjects, as may witness his Roads and Railroads (1847), 10 editions; Land Surveying (1855), 8 editions; Higher Surveying, etc. (1870), posthumous, 1 edition ; and numerous valuable papers, read before the American Scientific Association, or printed in scientific journals. In 1847 he published his first edition of Roads and Railroads, and, as an appendix to it, in about 25 pages, he gave a practical summary of various methods of computing Excavation and Embankment, accompanied by valuable corrections and suggestions, which were together so explicit and so well grounded that this Appendix has become the basis of several works upon the subject, whose authors, without much acknowledgment (often without any), have freely availed themselves of Professor Gillespie's labors. His work on Roads and Railroads, well printed and cheaply pub- lished, has had a great circulation; it has already filled 10 editions, and is probably better known in the offices of engineers, all over this country, than any other similar book. In the Appendix, on Excava- tion and Embankment, Professor Gillespie recognizes "four usual methods of calculation" 1. Calculation by Averaging End Areas (or Arithmetical Average). 2. " " Middle Areas. 3. " " Prismoidal Formula. 4. " Mean Proportionals (or Geometrical Average). And we will now proceed to give his views substantially, but not literally, upon these four rules, which he found in use when he took up this subject in 1847, and which, indeed, had long before been known, as follows: 10 145 146 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 1st. Arithmetical Average. This consists simply in adding together the areas of any two adjacent cross-sections, taking half their sum for a mean area, and multiplying it by the length of the station, or distance apart sections, to find the Solidity. As generally used by engineers, instead of adding the end areas, halving their sum, etc., they employ the sum of the two, or double areas, and merely double one of the divisors in working for Cubic Yards, as follows : Engineers' Rule. (Take the sum of the areas of any two adjacent cross-sections, multiply these double areas by the length (which, if a full station \ of 100 feet, is done mentally, or by removing the decimal point / two places to the right). Divide by 6 and by 9, and the last quo- \ tient gives the volume in Cubic Yards. 31^ 20^ 12% 416666 1802-666 2016-666 416-666 3125 1984-5 8405 312-5 + 25-666 -r 35-666 + 26 666 22000 26-000 16 500 988166 1908-166 1066 666 968-0 1352 544-5 343,332 1.280,136 577,500 586,847 874,225 80,080 4219 27 + 104% 77 + 4652-654 3450-000 + 87-998 64-500 + 3962 998 2864-5 2,200 ; 968 1,541,152 In this Table the Grade Prism is included in the earlier operations, and excluded in the later ones. Its sectional area is as follows: Grade Prism of Cut = 416'66 Square Feet. Fill = 312-50 " To be multiplied for volume by the length of mass to which it belongs. Altitudes of the Grade Prism in the Cut = 16f feet; on Bank = 12* feet. 33. From the preceding discussion in the present chapter we are justified in declaring that all the following rules and formulas (detailed above) are equivalent in their results for volume when pro- CHAP. VI.-GILLESPIE'S RULES, ETC. ART. 33. 153 perly corrected and appropriately used ; and that they all give the same solidity in the end as No. 3 does, which is the standard for ALL. 1. Arithmetical Average to Road-bed (with correction). 2. Middle Areas to Road-bed (with correction). 3. Prismoidal Formula (the standard for all) to Road-bed, or to the intersection of slopes either. 4. Geometrical Average to intersection of slopes. 5. Equivalent Level Hights to intersection of slopes. All these are fully described above, and the tabular statements bearing the same number show in each case the results of the calcu- lations for volume, agreeing uniformly with the computations for solidity, made by means of the Prismoidal formula. In concluding his notices of the method of computing the contents of earthworks, by means of the Prismoidal Formula, Professor Gilles- pie gives some special rules, transformed from it, which are doubtless valuable in certain cases, but do not appear to be of general applica- tion; he also gives formulas for a series of equal distances apart sta- tions, such as are usually found in the location of railroads. These are intended to be applied to a central core, or body of the work, based upon the road-bed, to be calculated by itself, and then the slopes, to be computed separately or together, and added in with the core, so as to form finally the volume of the ivhole prismoidal mass. This idea of separating the core or body from the slopes, calculating them independently, and adding them together, seems to have occurred to a great many .engineers,* and forms the theme of nearly a dozen books on the subject of Earthwork Measurements here or abroad. Indeed, the very first special work on the mensuration of earth- works, which was published in this country that of E. F. Johnson, C. E. (New York, 1840), adopted this system, and furnished a series of Tables to facilitate its operation ; it was, however, briefly explained before, in Lieut.-Col. Long's valuable Railroad Manual (Balti- more, 1828), which was the first to treat the subject in this country, and was, in fact, the pioneer of technical railroad literature in the UNITED STATES. Nevertheless, the method of Core and Slopes has never come into general use, though often revived from time to time by new writers, apparently unacquainted with the literature of this subject. * Amongst others, it is the method of Bidder, who followed Macneill in the earlier days of English railroads. 154 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 34. . . 1 . . Comparison of Gillespie's Main Example and the Method^ of Roots and Squares. Professor Gillespie's chief example, of a heavy Cut and Fill, form- ing an entire section of railroad, 4219 feet long, must by this time be so familiar to engineers, and others, in consequence of the exten- sive circulation of his Manual of Roads and Railroads, since its origi- nal publication in 1847, that we have selected it as the most suitable, or at least the best known* for the purpose of comparison with our Third Method of Computation that by Roots and Squares. We therefore give a Table No. 6 (below), which contains in the first 5 columns the data given by Professor Gillespie, and in the last 6 the results of the computation by Roots and Squares, which will be found to agree exactly with those obtained above, by means of the Prismoidal Formula accepted as being a correct standard for com- parison. 6. Comparison of Example, with Hoots and Squares. Including (as before) an entire section of a supposed railroad 4219 feet in length. 6. Road-bed 50; side-slopes of excavation II to 1 ; of embank- ment 2 to 1. Sta. Dis- tance in feet. End Areas in Sq. Tt. Centre Rights in feet. End Areas increased by Grade Triangle. Square Roots of End Areas. Suma of Square Roots. Squares of sums, or 4 times the mid- section. Quantities agree- ing with those given by the Prismoidal Formula. Cut + Fill Cut + Fill O 19 8 O Sq. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. C. Feet. 0. Feet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 561 858 825 820 825 330 o +1386 -j-1600 1672 528 g 20 +38 + 416% +1802% +2016% < + 416% ) 312J> 1984U 840^ 312} + 20-42 + 42-46 + 44-91 + 20-42 17-68 44-55 28-99 17-68 62-88 87-37 65-33 62-23 73-54 46-67 3954 7634 4268 3872 5408 2178 343,332 1,280,136 577,500 586,847 874,225 80,080 4219 +2986 2200 27 +4652% 3450 + 128-21 108-90 215-58 182-44 15856 11458 2,200,968 1,541,152 In the above Table (as in the others), the cross-sections in the data given being level trapezoids from ground to road-bed, we neces- * Besides, this example, originated by F. W. Simms, C. E. (London, 1836), has been before the public for many years, having been first published in our country in Alexan- der's edition of Simms on Levelling (Baltimore, 1837) ; from which, or the original, it was copied by Professor Gillespie. In the work above mentioned, Mr. Alexander gives every detail of the computation of this example, by the Prismoidal Formula, at great length, and so indeed does Simms. CHAP. VI. GILLESPIE'S RULES, ETC. ART. 34. 155 sarily add in this mode of computation (to intersection of slopes) the Grade Triangle, and deduct it again near the close of the operation. Road-bed 50 ; side-slopes of excavation = 1 J to 1 ; of embank- ment = 2 to 1. Grade Triangle of Cut, area = 416f Sq. Ft. altitude = 16$ Feet. " Fill, " = 312 " " " = 12* " Where the distances apart stations are uniform in length and even in number, the method of Roots and Squares enables us to employ a very simple modification of Simpson's Multipliers, as has been already shown in Chapter IV., so as to compute with ease and expedition an entire cut or fill, at a single operation, or one station only, at pleasure. CHAPTER VII. PRELIMINARY OR HASTY ESTIMATES, COMPUTED BY SIMPSON'S RULE FOR CUBATURE. 35 Preliminary, and often hasty estimates of earthworks, are constantly required by engineers prior to deciding upon railroad routes, or their modifications, and indeed are generally necessary in determining the relative merits of engineering lines (amongst which there are always alternatives} since few can undertake to settle pro- perly any important questions relating to their comparative value, without some serious consideration, for which the Preliminary Esti- mates, on various lines surveyed, supply a proximate foundation, by aiding without controlling the judgment of the engineer. Exploring Lines, preparatory to the final location of a railway, are indispensable, and in a difficult country may extend to tenfold the length of the final line, while the time allowed to engineers being usually extremely short, the estimates of quantities on these Preliminary Sur- veys are necessarily hasty, and consequently imperfect but neverthe- less demand rapidity in execution, however made. For this there seems to be no remedy ; all we can do is to endeavor to point out a method for hasty estimates, more correct and more expe- ditious than those usually employed, and to this we shall confine our- selves in the present chapter. Exploring lines are usually traced with stations at double distance, or 200 feet apart and, indeed, sometimes on plain ground the dis- tance apart stations has been stretched (to save time) as far as 400 or 600 feet ; and as this last distance is about the longest range which gives distinct vision for the Engineer Levels in use in this country, it ought rarely to be exceeded, as a general rule; while at least, the distance of 200 feet apart stations, or double distance of loca- 156 CHAP. VII. HASTY ESTIMATES. ART. 35. 157 tion, furnishes good information of the ground, and also enables the exploring party to proceed rapidly enough to gain an adequate know- ledge of the country, without much loss of time. Nevertheless, the rules we suggest will apply to any uniform dis- tance apart stations of exploring line, which may be deemed advisable by the engineer in charge: but the longer the distance between sta- tions, the less accurate will be the estimate in general. We propose to apply Simpson's celebrated rule for cubature (the accuracy of which is well known) to Preliminary or Hasty Estimates, taking as data the centre hights and surface slopes alone; the former to the nearest foot of hight or depth, from ground to intersection of side-slopes, and the latter to the nearest 5 of average ground slope across the line, leaving special cases to be dealt with by the engineer, according to rules of his own. We have provided proximate tables (very nearly correct) to facili- tate these hasty operations, and would also suggest that, in all cases of Preliminary Estimates, the resulting quantities of earthwork should be augmented ten per cent.: this addition will give full quantities, and has been shown by long experience to be ample to meet the usual contingencies which always arise in the construction, and cannot be foreseen, and of which, in fact, it must be confessed, the engineer in charge (often unknown to himself) almost invariably takes the most favorable view', and hence the greater necessity exists for some appro- priate allowance beyond the net result of the calculations. Simpson's Rule for Cubature, using cross-sections instead of ordi- nates (as we have before shown), is as follows: i --Jt X D = Solidity. o ( Sometimes 2 D, and 6 for divisor, are used, and are equivalent.) A = Sum of extreme end ordinates, or sections. B = Sum of cross-sections standing on even numbers. C = Sum of " " " " odd numbers. D = The common interval, or distance apart sections. Simpson's rule above is limited to an even number of equal spaces. 158 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. And it must be observed that in its application it is always best to prepare a rough profile of the line run, and under the regular num- bers to pencil forward, from the beginning of the cut or fill to be computed, the series of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. No. 1 always stand- ing at the place of beginning ; it is this series of numbers, so arranged, which are referred to in the rule above as even and odd. By this rule it is best to compute entire and separately each cut and each fill encountered by the line ; and if the whole number of equal intervals or stations, in any cut or fill, should be an odd number, then one station of the common length, at beginning or end (or indeed any where deemed most suitable), should be struck off temporarily, and reserved for separate calculation ; while the body of the work thus reduced, to an even number of common intervals, comes directly within the rule, and can be calculated as a whole, while the detached sta- tion, computed by itself, may be added in near the close of the ope- ration. It will always be found briefer and better in using this and similar rules, to aim first at finding a General Mean Area, which, multiplied by the proper length or distance, will give the solidity ; but it is still better, having the General Mean Area in square feet, to use our Table at the end when the result is desired in Cubic Yards. 36 Instead of employing Simpson's Formula, as it stands above, it will be often more convenient to use the multipliers which represent it these are known as Simpson's Multipliers* and are as follows : For two equal int6rvals, apart sections, Mults. ( Divisors 6; qiiot?ent,Mean I, 4, l.< Areas ; factors for length ( = double interval. " four" " " " " = 1, 4, 2, 4, 1. f Divisors 3; quotient, s ix ' " " " " = 1. 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1. J Mean Areas ; factors for eiaM " " " " " = 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1. 1 length = single inter- ten " " " " " = 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1. [veil. The first set of multipliers, their divisors, and factors for length, are clearly those of the Prismoidal Formula, which evidently forms the basis of this famous rule. Indeed, it is easy to show by diagrams how this rule may probably have been formed, by the eminent mathematician, with whom it originated, about the year 1750 ; and also how intimately it appears to be connected with the Prismoidal Formula. * Rankine's Useful Rules and Tables, 2d edition, London, 1867, page 64. CHAP. VII. HASTY ESTIMATES. ART. 36. 159 See Figs. 11 and 78, following. Suppose Figs. 11 and 78 to represent front views of four planes, A, B, C, D, or of four solids with a thickness of unity, all standing on the level base line EF, and that their respective ordinates, or cross- sections (correllative in Simpson's Rule for Cubature), are dimen- sioned as marked upon the figures. Tig. 77; 10, 10. I 10. 10. jtO. I 1O. 1O. 10. 30 31O Kg. 73. 1. Suppose the solids to be separated from each other by the dis- tance of 10 feet (or any other), and let each be computed independently by means of Simpson's Multipliers, or as they are all exactly alike, let one be computed and multiplied by 4, as follows : This is clearly a Prismoidal Compulation. Cross-sees. Simpson's Results in in Sq. Ft. Mults. Sq. Ft. X 1 X 4 X 1 = 1 = 16 6)18 Mean Area = 3 X 20 60 A. 60 X 4 = 240 Cubic Feet = 160 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 2. Now, suppose the solids to be slid along the base line EF, until they come in actual contact with each other, as shown in Fig. 78. Then it becomes evident that the intermediate sections at odd numbers (1, 3, etc.), which, in the detached solids, Fig. 77, were used but once, are here, when combined, to be used twice; while the mid-sections, or those at even numbers, are to be used four times, and the extreme end sec- tions only once each ; so that they become, in effect, when treated thus, the Multipliers of Simpson ; while the divisor is changed to 3, because the common interval is reduced one-half; and the volume of the four solids, when aggre- gated together, so as to form a single body, would be com- puted by Simpson's Rule, or by his Multipliers, as follows: By Sim Common 9 4- 64 -4- 6 Interval. ,/, Rut* V 10 240, o.s above. s. Sq. Ft. -j = 16 = 2 Sees. Multi /I X 1 |4 X 4 1X2 \4 X 4 = 16 By Simpson's Multipliers, 1 1 X 2 = 2 with 8 equal intervals. \ 4 X 4 = 16 , (1 X = 2 4 X 4 = 16 1 X 1 = 1 3)72 General Mean Area . t = 24 Common Interval . . . = 10 Result same as before . . = 240 C. Feet. As Simpson's Rule is an important one, we hope the above digres- sion to explain it fully, and the foundation on which it rests, will be excused by the reader. 37. Having then taken off from a rough profile of the line run the centre bights to the nearest foot, and from the field notes ascertained the average surface slope at each station to the nearest 5, we enter Tables 2, 3, and 4, and obtain the triangular areas to the intersection of the side-slopes (supposed to be prolonged to meet), to the nearest foot of area, for rock cutting, earth cutting, or embankment each of CHAP. VIL HASTY ESTIMATES. ART. 37. 161 these, that we may require, we set down separately in a column, and where a case occurs of a hight exceeding the limits of the Tables named, then we resort to the initial triangles of Table 1, by means of which the area due to any hight whatever may easily be ascertained ; then, if we find we have an even number of equal stations, we apply Simpson's Multipliers to the column of areas, and speedily compute the solidity. But if the equal intervals or stations are found to be uneven in number, strike off one station temporarily for independent calcula- tion, and then the number of intervals becoming eren t we are ready to apply Simpson's Multipliers, in a column parallel to that of areas, and beginning at 1, as 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, etc., multiplying each cross-sec- tion by its proper factor, and placing the results in a third parallel column, which we sum up and divide the total by 3 (giving a Mean Area as the quotient), add to this the mean area of the station reserved (if any), which gives a General Mean Area, to be multiplied by the equal interval, or length of station say 200 feet, or whatever distance has been adopted and used as a common interval or station the result will be cubic feet, from which cubic yards (if desired) can easily be found. But, inasmuch as the quotient of 3 (with the mean area of the reserved station (if any) added in) is a General Mean Area usually in square feet it will be found more convenient, and usually more accurate, to use it in connection with our Table 5, at the end of the Book, to find the cubic yards which may be desired, according to the directions preceding the Table. We will now proceed to give examples of the process above explained, and for this purpose we will take the adjacent bank and rock cut, profiled on Fiy. 76, Art. 24, as being an appropriate exam- ple of this expeditious method of computing an embankment, or an excavation in a single body, with sufficient accuracy for the purpose contemplated, and without unusual delay. Fig. 76. BANK. Here we find the Bank to be 1000 feet in length between the grade points, or 5 intervals of 200 feet each ; the number of intervals being uneven, we must temporarily omit one station to bring this case within the rule ; let the station omitted, and to be calculated independently, be from 5 to 7 = 200 feet. 11 162 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Tabulation. Sta. Areas. 1 3 Mults. 24 X 1 = 495 X 4 5 and 7 3123 X 2 = united. 9 1197 X 4 = 11 24 X 1 = Sq. Feet. 24 1980 6246 4788 24 3)13062 4354 Partial Mean Area. Add area of reserved station. The hight of the embank- ment and the surface-slope at 5 and 7 being the same, this reserved station is a Prism, of which the base, or sectional area, is 3123 square feet, and length = 200 feet .... General Mean Area. . . Solidity .-.... ; >'--.-; Or, ; ; .: Tabulated, by Roots and Squares, in 100 feet stations . Difference about the half of one per cent, more = 3123 = Mean Area, reserved station. = 7477 Square Feet. 200 Common Interval. = 1495400 Cubic Feet. = 55385 Cubic Yards. = 55088 = -f297 " " Tabulated by Roots and Squares in 100 feet stations, as though for a final estimate, the Bank in our example contains 55,088 Cubic Yards, while by our hasty process the result is 55,385 Cubic Yards, or 297 Cubic Yards more. As this difference is but little more than the half of one per cent, upon the true amount, it can hardly be consid- ered as excessive for a method as brief and simple as that under con- sideration here. Fig. 76. ROCK-CUT. The Rock-Cut, like the Bank connected with it, and tabulated above, is 1000 feet in length between the grade points, or 5 intervals of 200 feet each, which, being an uneven number, we must tempora- CHAP. VII.-HASTY ESTIMATES. ART. 38. 163 rily omit one station, and calculate it separately, to make the number of intervals even, and bring it within the scope of Simpson's Rule. Let the station reserved be from 19 to 21 = 200 feet. Tabulation. Sta. Areas. Mults. 11 192 X 1 13 646 X 4 15 975 17 589 X 4 19 771 X 1 Station reserved from 19 to 21, to make the number of in- tervals even, as required by the Rule of Simpson. 19 = 771 X 1 = 771 20 = 433 X 4 = 1732 21 = 192 X 1 = 192 6)2695 Mean Area = 449 General Mean Area Solidity . . . . Tabulated by Roots and Squares, in stations of 100 feet Diff. about 1 per cent, less Sq. Feet. = 192 = 2584 = 1950 = 2356 = 771 3)7853 2618 Partial Mean Area, 449 3067 200 Mean Area, reserved station. Square Feet. Common Interval. = 613400 = 22718 Cubic Yards. = 623298 = 23085 " = 9898 = 367 " 38 It will be observed that in the preceding computations the Grade Prism is not taken into the account, as it is deductive on both sides, and the only object in hand is a comparison. The triangular section, or area of the Grade Prism, is the minimum area found, in the methods of computation which go down to the junction of the side-slopes, and always occurs when the road-bed comes to grade, or the level hight on the centre line is 0. And we repeat, it is necessary to be careful that the volume of the Grade Prism (always included in the earlier steps of such calcula- tions) is duly deducted before the close of the operation, in order to determine the solidity above the road-bed in cutting, or below it in filling. 164 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. We may here add that the earth cutting profiled ante, and there correctly computed by Roots and Squares, if calculated with Simpson's Multipliers by the hasty process above given, in sta- tions of 200 feet, as though it were part of an exploring line, would give as follows : Volume of Grade Prism omitted in both. C. Yards. /Tabulated ante, in 100 feet stations == 18684 " by our Hasty Process, 200 feet stations . . . = 18378 i Difference about H per cent, less = 306 So that this brief and hasty process, being very expeditious and proximately correct (usually varying only 1 or 2 per cent, from the truth), may be safely accepted as adequate for the determination of the quantities of earthwork, which may be needed in rough estimates, or for the comparison of exploring lines. For the purpose of furnishing additional aid in expediting Prelimi- nary Estimates, we annex four small Tables, which will be found quite convenient. TABLES. 165 "LIBRA u v UNIVERSITY OJ TABLES CALIFORNIA. 1, 2, 3, and 4. For use in Hasty or Preliminary Estimates. Viz: 1. Initial Triangles to a hight of unity, and various side and surface slopes. Triangular Areas to Intersection of Slopes. Side-slopes. Surface-slopes. 2. Kock Cut i to 1, and 0, 5, 10, 15, 20. 3. Earth Cut 1 to 1, and " " " " 4. Embankment and " In using Tables 2, 3, and 4, the centre hight is generally to be taken to the nearest foot (though tenths might be used), and the ground surface slope to the nearest 5 these being thought sufficient for rough estimates and if the centre hight should exceed the limits of the Tables, then, by using the Initial Triangles of Table 1, the area of the cross-section for any hight whatever can be easily ascertained. If the centre hights necessarily contain tenths of feet, they may be proportioned for by the columns in the Tables for that purpose. Note. All the triangular areas in Tables 2, 3, and 4, extend from ground line to junction of side-slopes prolonged, or edge of the diedral angle, which, with ground surface, bounds on every side the earth work solid. The road-bed, or grade line, may be assumed to cross the tri- angle at any given distance from the angle of intersection ; but the volume of the Grade Prism must always be ascertained and deducted at the close of the operation, in every calculation involving the trian- gular areas of the Tables. The altitude of the Grade Triangle is invariably = road-bed -f- 2 r, and its area will be found opposite to this hierht in the column of the Tables. 166 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. TABLE 1. Initial Triangles, to a hight of unity, with side-slopes of i to 1 for Rock; 1 to 1 for earth; 1& to 1 for embankment; and ground sur- face slopes of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20. All computed to six places of decimals, and all extending from ground line to intersection of side- slopes. Side-slopes. Ground Surface-elopes. Ratio. Angle. Cot. Tan. 5 10 15 20 of Trian. Tables. Tan. = () Tan. = -0875 Tan. = -1763 Tan. = -2679 Tan. = 3640 Y 3 to 1 1 to 1 1^ to 1 71 34' 45 33 41' 0-3333 1 1-5 3 1 6666 0'333333 1-5 0-333586 1-007713 1-526688 0-334457 1-032088 1-613298 0-335682 1-077350 1-790002 0-338280 1-152663 2-137798 Note. A similar Table may easily be extended to any other side, or surface-slope, and such extension would often be found useful to the engineer. Application of the above Table. Hide. For any given hight, to find the triangular area, when con- ditioned as above. Multiply the Square of the Given Hight by the Tabular Area of the Initial Triangle. Example. Let the given hight be 26'4 feet, the side-slope 1 to 1, and the ground surface-slope 20. Then, (26'4) 2 X 1*152663 = 803*36 square feet = area of triangle required. TABLES. 167 Triangular Areas, in square feet, for side-slopes of i to 1, to intersec- tion of slopes, (r = i) Slope angle = 71 34'. TABLE 2Ri>ck-cirt. Hight iii Surf.-slope O. Surf.-elope 5. Surf.-elope 10. Surf.-slope 15. Surf.-slope 0. Hight in feet. Pro. Pro. Pro. Pro. Pro. feet. Areas, for-1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. 1 3333 03 3336 03 3346 03 3357 03 3383 03 1 2 1-3333 10 1-3 10 1-3 10 13 10 14 10 2 3 3 17 3 17 3 17 3 17 3 17 3 4 5-3333 23 5 23 5 23 5 23 5 24 4 5 83333 30 8 30 8 30 8 30 8 30 5 6 12 37 12 37 12 37 12 37 12 37 6 7 163333 43 16 43 16 43 16 44 17 44 7 8 21-3333 50 21 50 21 to 22 50 22 51 8 9 27 57 27 57 27 57 27 57 28 58 9 10 33-3333 63 33 63 33 64 34 64 34 64 10 11 4O3333 70 40 70 41 70 41 71 41 71 11 12 48 77 48 77 48 77 48 77 49 78 12 13 56-3333 83 56 83 57 84 57 84 67 85 13 14 65-3333 90 65 90 66 90 66 91 66 91 14 15 75 97 75 97 75 97 76 98 76 98 15 16 85-3333 1-03 85 1-03 86 1-04 86 1-04 87 1-05 16 17 96-3333 1-10 96 1-10 97 1-10 97 1-11 98 I'll 17 18 K>8 1-17 108 1-17 108 1-17 109 1-18 110 1-18 18 19 120-333.'} 1-23 121 1-23 121 1-24 121 124 122 1-25 19 20 133-3333 1-30 133 1-30 134 1-30 l; 1-30 135 131 20 21 147 1-37 147 1-37 148 1-37 148 1-37 149 1-38 21 161-3333 1-43 161 1-43 162 1-44 163 1-44 164 1-45 22 23 176-3333 1-50 176 1-50 177 1-50 178 1-51 179 1-52 23 24 192 1-57 192 1-57 193 157 194 1-68 195 1-59 24 25 2 >8-3333 1-63 209 1-63 209 164 210 1-64 212 1-66 25 26 225-3333 1-70 226 1-70 226 V70 227 1-71 229 1-72 26 27 243 177 243 1-77 244 1-77 245 1-78 247 1-79 27 23 261-3333 1-83 262 1-84 262 1-84 263 1-85 265 1-86 28 29 280-3333 1-9!) 281 1-90 281 1-91 282 1-91 285 1-93 29 31) 300 1-97 300 1-97 301 1-97 302 1-98 305 2-00 30 31 320-3333 2-03 321 2-04 322 2-04 323 2-05 325 2-06 31 32 341-3333 2-10 342 2-10 343 2-11 344 2-12 346 2-13 32 33 363 2-17 363 2-17 36i 2-17 366 2-18 308 2-20 33 34 385-3333 2-23 386 2-24 387 224 388 225 391 2-27 34 35 408-3333 2-30 409 2-30 410 2-31 412 2-32 415 2-34 35 36 432 2-37 433 2-37 434 2-38 436 2-39 439 2-40 36 37 456-3333 2-43 457 2-44 458 2-44 460 2-45 463 2-47 37 38 481-3333 2-50 482 2-50 483 2-51 485 2-52 489 2-54 38 39 507 2-57 508 2-57 51 >9 2-58 611 2-59 515 2-61 39 40 533-3333 2-63 534 2-64 535 2-64 538 2-66 641 2-67 40' 41 560-3333 2-70 561 2-70 562 2-71 565 2-72 569 2-74 41 42 588 2-77 589 2-77 590 2-77 593 2-79 597 2-81 42 43 616-3333 2-83 017 2-84 618 '2-84 621 2-86 625 2-88 43 44 645-3333 2-90 646 2-90 648 2-91 6.H 2-92 655 2-94 44 45 675 2-97 676 2-97 677 2-98 680 2-99 685 3-01 45 46 7U53333 3-03 706 3-04 708 3-04 711 3-06 716 3-08 46 47 736-3333 3-10 737 3-10 739 3-11 742 3-13 747 3-15 47 48 768 317 769 3-17 771 3-18 774 3-19 780 3-21 48 49 800-3333 3-23 801 3-24 803 324 807 3-26 812 3-28 49 50 833-3333 330 834 331 836 331 840 333 846 335 50 Hight Hight in feet. Surf.-elope 0. Surf.-elope 5. Surf.-elopelO . Surf.-slope 15. Surf.-slope 20. in feet. 168 MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Triangular Areas, in square feet, for side-slopes of 1 to 1, to inter- section of slopes, (r = 1.) Slope angle = *45. TABLE 3 Earth-cut. Hight Surf.-slope 0. Surf.-slope 5. Surf.-slope 10. Surf.-slope 15. Surf.-slope 20. Hight in in feet. Pro. Pro. Pro. Pro. i'lo. feet Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. 1 1-UOOO 10 1-0077 .10 1-0321 10 1-0773 11 1.1527 12 1 2 4 30 4 30 4 31 4 32 5 35 2 3 9 50 9 50 9 52 10 54 11 58 3 4 16 70 16 70 17 72 17 75 18 81 4 5 25 90 25 90 26 93 27 97 29 1-04 5 6 36 1-10 36 1-11 37 1-14 39 1-19 42 1-27 6 7 49 1-30 49 1-31 51 1-34 53 1-40 56 1-50 7 8 64 1-50 64 1-51 66 1-55 69 1-62 74 1-73 8 9 81 1-70 82 1-71 84 1-75 87 1-83 93 1-96 9 10 100 1-90 101 1-91 103 1-96 108 2-05 115 2-19 10 11 121 2-10 122 2-12 125 2-17 130 2-26 139 2-42 11 12 144 2-30 145 232 149 2-37 155 2-48 166 2-65 12 13 169 2-50 170 2-52 174 2-58 182 269 195 2-88 13 14 196 2-70 198 2-72 202 2-79 211 2-91 226 3-11 14 15 225 2-90 227 2-92 232 2-99 242 3-12 259 3-34 15 16 256 3-10 258 3-12 264 3-20 276 3-34 295 357 16 17 289 3-30 291 3-33 298 3-41 311 3-56 333 3-80 17 18 324 3-50 327 3-53 334 3-61 34d 3-77 373 4-03 18 19 361 3-70 364 3-73 373 3-82 389 3-99 416 4-27 19 20 400 3-90 403 3-93 413 4-02 431 420 461 4-50 20 21 441 4-10 444 4-13 455 4-23 475 4-42 508 4-73 21 22 484 4-30 488 4-33 499 4-44 521 4-63 558 4-96 22 23 529 4-50 533 4-53 546 4-64 570 4-85 610 5-19 23 24 576 4-70 580 4-74 594 4-85 621 5-06 664 5-42 24 25 625 4-90 630 4-94 645 5-06 673 5-28 720 5-G5 25 26 676 5-10 681 5-14 698 5-26 728 5-49 779 5-88 26 27 729 5-30 735 5-34 752 5-47 785 5-71 840 6-11 27 28 784 5-50 790 5-54 809 5-68 845 5-92 904 6-34 28 29 841 5-70 848 5-74 868 5-88 906 6-14 9C9 6-57 29 30 900 5-90 907 5-95 929 6-09 970 6-36 1037 6-80 30 31 961 6-10 968 6-15 992 6-30 1035 6-57 1108 7-03 31 32 1024 6-30 1032 6-35 1057 6-50 1103 6-79 1180 7-26 32 33 1089 6-50 log- 6-55 1124 6-71 1173 7-00 1255 7-49 33 34 1156 6-70 lies 6-75 1193 6-91 1245 722 1333 7-72 34 35 1225 6-90 1234 6-95 1264 7-12 1320 7 ; 43 1412 7-95 35 36 1296 7-10 1306 7-15 1338 7-33 1396 7-65 1494 8-18 36 37 1369 7-30 1380 7-36 1413 7-53 1475 7-86 1578 8-41 37 38 1444 7-50 1455 7-56 1490 7-74 1556 8-08 1665 8-64 38 39 1521 7-70 1533 7-76 1570 7-95 11)39 8-29 1753 8-88 39 40 1600 7-90 1612 7-96 1651. 8-15 1724 8-51 1844 9-11 40 41 1681 8-10 1694 8-16 1735 8-36 1811 8-73 1938 934 41 42 1764 8-30 1778 8-36 1820: 8-57 1900 894 2033 9-57 42 43 1S49 8-50 T863 8-56 1908 8-77 1992 9-10 2131 9-80 43 44 19o6 8-70 1951 8-77 1998 8-98 2086 9-37 2232 10-03 44 45 2025 8-90 2041 8-97 2090 9-18 2182 9-59 2334 10-26 45 46 2116 9-10 2132 9-17 2184 9-39 2280 980 2439 10-49 46 47 2209 930 2226 9-37 2280 9-60 2380 10-02 2546 10-72 47 48 2304 9-50 2322 9-57 2378 980 2482 10-23 2656 10-95 48 49 2401 9-70 2420 9-77 2478 10-01 2587 10-45 2768 11-18 49 50 2500 9-90 2519 9-97 2580 10-22 2693 10-67 2882 11-41 50 Hight liight in feet. Surf.-slope 0. Surf.-slope 5. Surf.-slope 10. Surf.-slope 15. Surf-slope 20. in (Vet. TABLES. 169 Triangular areas, in square feet, for side-slopes of section of slopes, (r = H.) Slope angle = 33 41'. to 1, to inter- TAJ1LE 4 Bank. Right Surf-slope 0. Surf.-slope 5. Surf.-fllope 10. Surf.-fllope 15. Surf.-slope 30. Hight in in feet. Pro. Pro. Pro. Pro. Pro. feet. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. Areas. for -1. 1 1-5000 16 1-52U7 15 1-6133 16 1-7900 18 2-1378 21 1 2 6 45 6 46 6 48 7 54 9 6i 2 3 13-5 75 14 76 15 81 16 89 19 1-07 3 4 24 1-05 25 1-07 26 1-13 29 1-25 34 1-50 4 5 37-5 1-35 38 1-37 40 145 45 1-61 54 1-92 5 6 54 1-65 55 1-68 58 1-78 64 1-97 77 2-35 6 7 73-5 1-95 75 1-98 79 2-10 88 233 105 2-78 7 8 96 2-25 98 2-29 103 2-42 115 2-68 137 321 8 9 121-5 2-55 124 2-59 131 2-74 145 304 173 363 9 10 150 2-85 153 2-90 161 3-06 179 3-39 214 4-06 10 11 181-5 315 185 3-20 195 3-39 217 3-76 259 4-49 11 12 216 3-45 220 351 232 3-71 258 4-12 308 4-92 12 13 253-5 3-75 258 3-82 273 403 302 447 361 5-34 13 14 294 4-05 299 4-12 316 4-36 351 4-83 419 5-77 14 15 337-5 4-35 344 4-43 363 4-68 403 5-19 481 620 15 16 384 465 391 4-73 413 5-00 458 5-55 647 6-63 16 17 433-5 4-95 441 5-04 466 - 5-32 617 5-92 618 7-05 17 18 486 5-25 495 .5-34 523 5-65 580 626 693 7-48 18 19 5415 5-55 551 5-65 582 5-97 646 6-62 772 7-91 19 20 600 5-85 611 5-95 645 6-29 716 6-98 855 8-34 20 21 661-5 6-15 673 6-26 711 6-61 789 7-34 943 8-76 21 22 726 6-45 739 6-56 781 6-94 866 7-69 1035 9-19 22 23 793-5 6-75 808 6-87 853 7-26 947 8-05 1131 962 23 24 864 7-05 879 7-17 929 7-58 1031 8-41 1231 10-05 24 25 937-5 7-35 954 7-48 1008 7-90 1118 8-77 1336 10-47 25 26 1014 7-6.5 1032 7-79 1090 8-23 1210 9-13 1445] 10-90 26 27 1093-5 7-95 1113 8-09 1176 8-55 1304 9-48 1558 1133 27 28 1176 8-25 1197 8-40 1265 8-87 1403 9-84 1676 11-76 28 29 1261-5 8-55 1284 8-70 1357 9-19 1505 10-20 1798 1218 29 30 1350 8-85 1374 9-00 1452 9-52 1610 10-55 1924 12-61 30 31 1441-5 9-15 1467 9-31 1550 9-84 1719 10-91 2054 1304 31 32 1536 9-45 1563 9-62 1652 10-16 1832 11-27 2189 13-47 32 33 1633-5 975 1662 9-92 1757 10-48 1948 11-63 2328 13-89 33 34 1734 10-05 1765 10-23 1865 10-81 2068 1199 2471 1432 34 35 l37-5 10-35 1870 10-53 1976 11-13 2192 12-35 2619- 14-75 35 36 1944 10-65 1978 10-84 2090 11-45 2319 12-70 2770 15-18 36 37 I10&9 10-95 2090 11-14 2208 11-77 2449 13-06 2926 15-60 37 38 2166 11-23 2204 11-45 2329 12-10 2584 1342 3087 1603 38 39 2281-5 11-55 2322 11-76 2453 12-42 2721 13-78 3251 1646 39 40 2400 11-85 2442 12-06 2581 12-74 2863 14-14 3420 16-89 40 41 2521-5 12-15 2566 12-36 2711 13-06 3008 14-50 3593 17-31 41 42 2646 12-45 2693 1267 2845 13-39 3156 14-85 3771 17-74 42 43 2773-5 12-75 2823 1298 2982 1371 3308 15-21 3952 18-17 43 44 2904 13-05 2955 13-28 3123 14-03 3464 15-57 4138 18-60 44 45 3037-5 13-35 3091 13-59 3266 14-35 3623 15-92 4329 1902 45 46 3174 13-65 3230 1389 3413 14-68 3786 16-28 4523 1945 46 47 3313-5 13-95 3372 14-20 3563 15-00 3952 16-64 4722 19-88 47 48 3456 14-25 3517 1450 3716 15-32 4122 16-99 4925 20-31 48 49 3601-5 ;u-55 3665 14-81 3873 15-64 4296 17-35 5132 2074 49 50 3750 14-85 3816 15-12 4032 15-97 4473 17-71 5344 2116 50 Hight Right in feet. Surf.-slope 0. Snrf.-Blope 5. Surf.-slope 10. Surf.-elope 15. Surf.-slope 0. in feet. TABLE OF CUBIC YARDS IN FULL STATIONS, OR LENGTHS OF WO FEET. CALCULATED FOR EVERY FOOT AND TENTH OF MEAN AREA, FROM 0- TO 1000' SUPERFICIAL FEET. Note. On every page of the Table, the columns on both sides headed M.A. contain the Mean Areas, in square, or superficial feet. The horizontal lines at top and bottom show the tenths of square feet of Mean Area. And the figures in the body of the Table, computed to three places of decimals, are the Cubic Yards (for 100- feet), corresponding to the feet and tenths of Mean Area, indicated in the side columns, and lines of tenths at top and bottom. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE OF CUBIC YARDS, To Mean Areas, in lengtJis of 100* feet, and of its Applications. This Table is computed to facilitate the conversion into Cubic Yards of the content of any solid 100 feet in length, of which the Mean Area, in superficial feet has been ascertained. It applies directly to all Mean Areas from 0' to 1000' square feet (including tenths of feet), and being calculated to three decimal places, it extends indirectly to 100,000* superficial feet of Mean Area, as will be shown hereafter. EXAMPLE 1. Cubic yards for full stations To find the Cubic Yards, belonging to 579' 8 sup. ft. of Mean Area, for a full station, or length of 100- feet : Opposite 579' and under *8 we find the con- tent, or solidity =2147 '407 cubic yards. Which is equal to 579- 8 sq. ft. of Mean Area X 100' feet long, and divided by 27. 170 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 171 EXAMPLE 2. Cubic yards for short stations (-100-) EXAMPLE 3. Cubic yards for long stations (+ 100-) / Let the Mean Area of any solid, be 98* T sq. ft. and its length 84 ft. lineal : (being a short station). Then at 98' 7 we find 365*556 cubic yards, which being multiplied by '84 taken decimally, gives 365-556 X '84 =307'067 cubic yards. Equal to... *7X* Again, let the Mean Area be 88* 6 and the length 259- feet (or a long station) ; then for 88' 6 sq. ft. of Mean Area, we have 328*148 cubic yards, which multiplied by 2*59 (decimal) gives =849-903 cubic yards. Equal to... 88-6 X 259- 27- Th is Table is especially useful in the computation of the Earth- work of Railroads, and other Public Works, where cross-sections have been taken normal to a guide line, at distances (generally) of 100- lineal feet (or full stations), and the Mean Area calculated in superficial feet and parts: but it is also applicable to any solid of which the mean section is known in square feet, and the length 100* feet, or any decimal part thereof. For, if the distances apart of cross-sections, or lengths of stations, be more, or less, than 100' feet, we have only to take them decimally, as in the above examples, and by a simple multiplication, of the tabular quantity, belonging to the known area, the correct number of cubic yards will be ascertained. The Table being calculated to three places of decimals, readily ad- mits of being used for Mean Areas, much exceeding its direct range of 1000- superficial feet (as follows) : EXAMPLE 4. Suppose the Mean Area to be 98,967* * sq. ft. (repre- senting a cut 98' 9 feet deep, and 1000" feet wide). Then for 98,900' (by moving the decimal point of the tabular quantity of cubic yards for 989' two figures to the right) We have, area 98,900' = 366,296- 3 cubic yds. Add 67- 4 = 249- 8 " Total, for sq. ft... 98,967' <= 366,545- Equal to '- 172 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. Again, take a Mean Area, of 100,048' 9 sq. ft. (representing a cut 100- feet deep, and 1000' feet wide). Then for 100,000 sq. ft. (by moving the deci- mal point of the tabular quantity of cubic yards for 1000* two figures to the right), We have, 100,000 Area == 370,370' 4 cub. yds. Add 48; 9 " = 181' l " " Total for 100,048' 9 " = 370,551' 5 " " Equal to... 100^X100, Example 4, shows the easy application of the Table, to Mean Areas, which may be called immense, by merely moving the decimal point, and a simple addition, as shown above. Other methods of using the Table will occur to the reader, but the examples given seem sufficient for illustration. Much pains have been taken to make this Table correct, to the nearest decimal, and we believe it may be safely depended on. Note. Besides its special application to Earthworks, the extensive Table following is also a general Table for the conversion of any sum of Cub.ic Feet into Cubic Yards. Thus, in the example at page 103, the reduced quantities of Cubic Feet sum up 227,200 30,000 = 197,200 Cubic Feet. In such cases we have only to cut off two figures from the right (or H- by 100), and we have 1972, the mean area, which, in 100 feet length, would have produced the quantity given. With 197*2 we enter the Table following, and find 730'370 Cubic Yards ; now, moving the decimal point one place to the right, we have 7303-70 Cubic Yards, or in round numbers, 7304 Cubic Yards, as already given on page 103. In like manner the Cubic Yards for any sum whatever of Cubic Feet can readily be obtained, and the Table being in itself strictly correct, the result will be reliable. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 173 TABT.E OF CUIilC YARDS, in full Station*, or length ft of 1OO fret: for every foot ami ti-nth of Menu Arm, from O to 1OOO Snjurftcinl Fret. M.A. 1 a 3 4 5 | -6 7 8 9 M.A. o-ooo 0-370 0-741 1-111 1-481 1-852 2-222 2-593 2-963 3-333 1 3-704 4-074 4-444 4-815 5-185 5-556 5-926 6-296 6-667 7-037 1 2 7-407 7-778 8-148 8-519 8-889 9-259 9630 10- 10.370 10741 2 3 11-111 11481 11-852 12-222 12-593 12-963 13-333 13-704 14-074 14-444 3 4 14-815 15-185 15-556 15-920 16-296 16-667 17-037 17-407 17-778 18148 4 5 18-519 18-889 19-259 19-630 20- 20370 20-741 21-111 21481 21-852 5 6 22-222 22-593 22-963 23-333 23-704 24-074 24-444 24-815 25-185 25-556 6 7 25920 26-296 26-667 27037 27-407 27-778 28-148 28519 28-889 29-259 7 8 29-630 30- 30-370 30-741 31-111 31-481 31-852 32-222 32-593 32963 8 9 33-333 33-704 34-074 34-444 34-815 35-185 35-556 35-92b 36-296 36-667 9 10 37037 37-407 37-778 38-148 38-519 38-889 39-259 39-630 40- 40-370 10 11 40-741 41-111 41-481 41-852 42-222 42-593 42-963 43-333 43704 44-074 11 12 44444 44-815 45-185 45-556 45-926 46-296 46-667 47-037 47-407 47-778 12 13 48-148 48-519 48-889 49-259 49630 50 60-370 60-741 51-111 51-481 13 14 51-852 52 222 52-593 52-963 53333 53-704 64-074 54-444 54*815 55-185 14 15 55-556 55-926 56-296 56-667 57-037 57-407 57-778 68-148 58-519 68-889 15 16 59-259 59-630 60- 60-370 60-741 61-111 61-481 61852 02-222 62-593 16 17 62-903 63-3:53 63-704 64-074 64-444 64815 65185 65-556 65-926 66-296 17 18 66-667 67.037 67-407 67-778 68-148 (8-519 68-889 69-259 69-630 70- 18 19 70-370 70-741 71-111 71-481 71-852 72-222 72-593 72-963 73-333 73-704 19 20 74-074 74-444 74-815 75-185 75-556 75-926 76-29G 76-667 77-037 77-407 20 21 77-778 78-148 78-519 78-889 79-259 79-630 80- 80-370 80-741 81111 21 22 81-481 81-852 82-222 82593 82-963 83-3: J3 83-704 84-074 84-444 84-815 22 23 85-185 85-556 85-92f. 86-296 86-667 87-037 87-407 87-778 88-148 88-519 23 24 88-889 89-259 89-630 9J- 90-370 90-741 91-111 91-481 91-852 92-222 24 25 92-593 92-963 93-333 93.704 94-074 94-444 94-815 95-185 96-556 95926 25 26 96-296 96-667 97-037 97-407 97-778 98-148 985i 9 98-889 99-259 99-630 26 27 100- 100.370 100741 101-111 101-481 101-852 102-222 102.593 102-963 103-333 27 28 103-704 104-074 104-444 104-815 105-186 105-556 105-920 106-296 106-667 107-037 28 29 107-407 107-778 108-148 108-519 108-889 109-259 109-630 110- 110-370 110-741 29 30 Ill-Ill 111-481 111-852 112-222 112-593 112-963 113-333 113-704 114-074 114-444 30 31 114-815 115-185 115-556 115-926 116-296 116-667 117-037 117-407 117-778 118-148 31 32 118-519 118-889 119259 119-630 120- 120-370 120-741 121-111 121-481 121-852 32 33 122-222 122-593 122-963 123-333 123-704 124-074 124-444 124-815 125-lSo 125*-556 33 34 125-92b 126-296 126-667 127-037 127-407 127-778 128-148 128-519 128-889 129-259 34 35 129-630 130- 130-370 130-741 131-111 131-481 131-852 132-222 132-593 132.963 35 36 133-333 133-704 134-074 134-444 134-815 135-185 135-556 135-926 136-296 136-667 36 37 137-037 137-40" 137-778 138-148 138-519 138-889 139-259 139-630 140- 140-370 37 38 140-741 141-111 141-481 141-852 142-222 142-593 142-963 143-33o 143-704 144-074 38 39 144-444 144 815 145-185 145-556 145-926 146-296 146-667 147-03" 147-407 147-778 39 40 148-148 148-519 148-889 149-259 149-630 150- 150-37 160-74 161-11 151-481 40 41 151-8&* 152-22 152-593 152-963 153-333 153-704 154-07 154-444 154-81 155-185 41 42 155-55 15592 156296 156-66' 157-037 157-407 157-77 158-14 168-51 168-889 42 4;i 159-25 159-63 160- 160-370 160-741 161-11 161-48 161-85 162-222 162-593 43 44 162-%. 163-333 163-704 164-074 164-444 164-81 165-18 165-55 165-92 166-296 44 45 16666 107-03 167-40" 167-77S 168-148 168-61 168-88 169-25 169-630 170- 46 46 170-37 170-74 171-111 171-481 171-852 17222 172-59 172-96. 173-33 173-704 46 47 174-07 174-444 174-815 175-18o 175-556 175-92 176-29 176-66 177-03 177-40 47 43 177-77 178-14 178-519 178-889 179-259 179-630 180- 18037 180-74 181-111 48 49 181-48 181-85 182-222 182-593 182-963 183-333 183-70 184-07 184-444 184-815 49 50 185-lSa 185-55 185-926 186-29b 186-667 187-03 187-40 187-77 188-14 188-519 60 i 51 188-88 189-259 189-630 190- 190-37 190-74 191-11 191-48 191-85 192-222 51 52 192-59 192-96 193-333 193-704 194-074 194-444 194-81 195-18 195-55 195-926 62 196-29 196-66 197-037 197-407 197-77 198-14 198-51 198-88 199-25 199-630 53 54 200- 200-37 200-74 201-11 201-48 201-85 202- 22* 202-59 202-96 203-333 54 55 203-70 204-07 204-444 204-81 205-18 205-55 205-92 206-29 206-66 207 03" 65 56 207-40 207-77 208-14 208-51 208-88 209-25 209-630 210- 210-37 210-74 56 57 211-11 211-48 211-85 212-222 212-59 212-96, 213-333i 213-704 214-07 214-444 67 58 214-81 215-18 215-55 215-92 216-29 216-66 217-037 217-40 217-77 218-14 58 59 218-51 218-88 219-25 219-63 220- 220-37 220-741 221-11 221-48 221-85 59 CO 222-22 222-59 222-96- 223-333 223-70 224-07 224-444 224-81 225-18 225-55 60 M.A 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS O to 6O. 174 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR WO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 3 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 61 225-926 226-296 226-667 227-037 227-407 227-778 228-148 228-519 228-889 229-259 61 62 229-630 230- 230-370 230-741 231-111 231-481 231-852 232-222 232-593 232-963 62 63 233-333 233-704 234-074 234-444 234-815 235-185 235-556 235-926 236-296 236-667 63 64 237-037 237-407 237-778 238-148 238-519 238-889 239-259 239-630 240- 240-370 64 65 240741 241-111 241-481 241-852 242-222 242-593 242-963 243-333 243704 244-074 65 66 244-444 244-815 245-185 245-556 245-926 246-296 246-667 247-037 247-407 247-778 66 67 248-148 248519 248-889 249-259 249-630 250- 250-370 250-741 251-111 251-481 67 6S 251-852 252-222 252-593 252-963 253-33o 253-704 254-074 254-444 254-815 255-185 68 69 255-556 255-926 256-296 256-667 257-037 257-407 257-778 258-148 258-519 25K-889 C9 70 259-259 259-630 260- 260-370 260-741 261-111 261-481 261-852 262-222 262-593 70 71 262-963 263-333 263-704 264-074 264-444 264-815 265-185 265-556 265-926 266-296 71 72 266-667 267-037 267-407 267-778 268-148 268-519 268-889 269-259 269-630 270- 72 73 270-370 270741 271-111 271-481 271-852 272-222 272-593 272-963 273-333 273-704 73 74 274-074 274-444 274-815 275-185 275-556 275-926 276-296 276-667 277-037 277-407 74 75 277-778 278-148 278-519 278-889 279-259 279-630 280- 280-370 280-741 281-111 75 76 281-4S1 281-852 282-222 282-593 282-963 283 333 283-704 284-074 284-444 284-815 76 77 285-185 285-556 285-926 286-296 286-667 287-037 287-407 287-778 288-148 288-519 77 78 288-889 289-259 289-630 290- 290-370 290-741 291-111 291-481 291-852 292-222 78 79 292-593 292-963 293-333 293-704 294-074 294-444 294-815 '295-185 295-556 295-926 79 80 296-296 296-667 297-037 297-407 297-778 298-148 298-519 298-889 299-259 299-630 80 81 300- 300-370 300-741 301-111 301-481 301-852 302-222 302-593 302-963 303-333 81 82 303-704 304-074 304444 304-815 305-185 305-556 305-926 306-296 306-667 307 037 82 83 307-407 307-778 308-148 308-519 308-889 309-259 309-630 310- 310-370 310-741 83 84 311-111 311-481 311-852 312-222 312-593 312-963 313-333 313-704 314-074 314-444 84 85 314-815 315-185 315-556 315-926 316-296 316-667 317-037 317-407 317-778 318-148 85 86 318-519 318-889 319-259 319-630 320- 320-370 320-741 321-111 321-481 321-852 86 87 322-222 322-593 322-963 323-333 323-704 324-074 324-444 324-815 325-185 325-556 87 88 325' 926 320-296 326-667 327-037 327-407 327-778 328-148 328-519 328-889 329-259 88 89 329-630 330: 330-370 330-741 331-111 331-481 331-852 332-222 332-593 332-963 89 90 333-333 333-704 334-074 334-444 334-815 335-185 335-556 335-926 336-296 336-667 90 91 337-037 337-407 337-778 338-148 338-519 338-889 339-259 339-630 340- 340-370 91 92 340-741 341-111 341-481 341-852 342-222 342-593 342-963 343-333 343-704 344-074 92 93 344-444 344-815 345-185 345556 345-926 346-296 346-667 347-037 347-407 347-778 93 94 348-148 348-519 348-889 349-259 349-630 350- 350'370 350-741 351-111 351-481 94 95 351-852 352-222 352-593 352-963 353-333 353-704 354-074 354-444 354-815 355-185 95 96 355-556 355-926 356-296 356-667 357-037 357-407 357-778 358-148 358-519 358-889 96 97 359-259 359-630 360- 360-37C 360-741 361-111 361-481 361-852 362-222 362-593 97 98 362-963 363-333 363-704 364-074 364-444 364-815 365-185 365-556 365-926 366-296 98 99 366-667 367-037 367-407 367-778 368-148 368-519 368-889 369-259 369-630 370- 99 100 370-370 370-741 371.111 371-481 371-852 372-222 372-593 372-963 373-333 373-704 100 101 374-074 374-444 374-815 375-185 375-556 375-926 376-296 376-667 377-037 377-407 101 102 377-778 378-148 378-519 378-889 379-259 379-630 380- 380-370 380-741 381-111 102 103 381-481 381-852 382-222 382593 382-963 383-333 383-704 384-074 384-444 384-815 103 104 385185 385-55b 385-926 386-296 386-667 387-037 387-407 387-778 388-148 388-519 104 105 388-889 389-259 389-630 390- 390-370 390-741 391-111 391-481 391-852 392-222 105 106 392-593 392-963 393-333 393-704 394-074 394-444 394-815 395-185 395-556 395-926 106 107 390-296 396-667 397-037 397-407 397-778 398-148 398-519 398-889 399-259 399630 107 108 400- 400-370 400-741 401-111 401-481 401-852 402-222 402-593 402-963 403-333| 108 109 403-704 404-074 404-444 404-815 405-185 405-556 405-926 406-296 406-667 407-037 109 110 407-407 407-778 408-148 408-519 408-889 409-259 409-630 410- 410-370 410-741 110 111 411-111 411-481 411-852 412-222 412-593 412963 413-333 413-704 414-074 414-444 111 112 414-815 415-185 415-55C 415-926 416-296 416-667 417-037 417-407 417-778 418-148 112 113 418-519 418-889 419-259 419-600 420- 420-370 420-741 421-111 421-481 421-852 113 114 422-222 422-593 422-963 423-333 423-704 424-074 424-444 424-815 425-185 425-556 114 115 425-926 426-296 426-667 427-037 427-40- 427-778 428-148 428-519 428-889 429-259 115 116 429-630 430- 430-370 430-741 431-11 431-481 431-852 432-222 432-593 432-963 116 117 433-333 433-704 434-074 434-444 434-815 435-185 435-556 435-926 436-296 436-667 117 118 437-03" 437-407 437-778 458-148 438-519 438-889 439-259 439-630 440- 440-370 118 119 440-741 441-111 441-481 441-852 442-222 442-593 442-963 443-333 443-704 444-074 119 120 444-444 444-815 445-185 445-556 445-926 446-296 446-667 447-037 447-407 447-778 120 M.A 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 61 to 12O. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 175 CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 1OO FEET Iff LENGTH. M.A. 1 a 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 121 448-148 448-519 448-889 449259 449.630 450- 450-370 450-741 451-111 451-481 121 122 451-852 452-222 452-593 452-963 453-333 453-704 454-074 454-444 454-815 455-185 122 123 455-556 455-926 456-296 456-667 457-037 457-407 457-778 458-148 458-519 458-889 123 124 459-259 459-630 460- 400-370 460-741 461-111 461-481 461-852 462-222 462593 124 125 462-963 463-333 463-704 464-074 464-444 464-815 465-185 465-556 465-926 466-296 125 126 466-667 467-037 467-407 4H7-778 468-148 468-519 468-889 469-259 469-630 470- 12(1 127 470 370 470-741 471-111 471-481 471-852 472--222 472-593 472-963 473-333 473-704 127 128 474-074 474-444 474-815 475-185 475-556 475-926 476-296 476-667 477-037 477-407 128 129 477-778 478-148 478-519 478-889 479-259 479-630 480- 480-370 480-741 481-111 129 130 481-481 481-852 482-222 482593 482-963 483-333 483-704 484-074 484-444 484-815 130 131 485-185 485556 485-926 486-296 486-667 487-037 487-407 487-778 488-148 488-51 9 131 132 488-889 1 489-259 489-630 490- 490-370 490-741 491-111 491-481 491-852 492-222 132 133 492-593 492-963 493-333 493-704 494-074 494-444 494-815 495-185 495-656 495926 133 134 496-296 495-667 497-037 497-407 497-778 498-148 498-519 498-8S9 499-269 499-630 134 135 500- 500-370 500-741 501-111 501-481 601-852 502222 602-593 602-9B3 503-333 135 136 503-704 504-074 504444 504-815 605-185 605-556 505926 506-296 506-667 507-037 136 137 5D7-407 507-778 508-148 608-519 508-889 609-259 609630 610- 610-370 510-741 137 138 511-111 511-481 511-852 512-J-22 512-593 512-963 613-333 513-704 514-074 514-444 138 139 514-815 515-185 615-556 515-926 516-296 516-667 517-037 617-407 517778 518-148 139 140 518-519 518-889 519-259 519-630 520- 520-370 520-741 521-111 521-481 521-852 140 Ul 522-222 522-593 522-963 523-333 523-704 524-074 624-444 524-815 625-185 625-556 141 142 525-926 526-296 526-667 527-037 527-407 627-778 628-148 628-519 528-889 529-259 142 143 529-630 530- 530-370 630-741 531111 631-481 631-852 632-222 632-593 632-9C3 143 144 633-333 533-704 534-074 534-444 634-815 635-185 635-556 635926 636296 536-667 144 145 537-037 537-407 537-778 538148 538-519 538-889 539.259 639-030 640- 540-370 145 146 540-741 541-111 541-481 541-852 542-222 642-593 642-963 543333 643-704 544-074 146 147 544-444 544-815 545-185 545-556 545-926 646-296 546-667 547-037 547-407 547-77S 147 148 548-148 548-519 648-889 549-259 549-630 650- 550-370 650-741 651-111 551-481 148 149 551-852 552-222 552-593 652-963 553-333 553-704 554-074 654-444 554-815 655-185 149 150 555-556 555-926 656-296 556-667 557-037 657-407 657-778 658-148 658-519 658-889 150 151 559-259 559-630 560- 560-370 560-741 661-111 661-481 561-862 662-222 662-693 151 152 562-963 563-333 663-704 564-074 664-444 664-815 665-185 565556 665-926 566-296 152 153 566-667 567-037 567-407 567-778 568-148 668-519 568-889 569-259 669-630 670- 153 154 570-370 570-741 571-111 571-481 671-852 672-222 672-593 672-963 573-333 573704 154 155 574-074 574-444 574-815 575-185 675-556 675-926 676-296 676-607 677 037 577-407 165 156 577-778 578-148 578-519 678-889 579-259 679-630 MO 580-370 580-741 581-111 156 157 681-481 581-852 582-222 582-593 582-963 583333 683-704 684-074 684-444 684-815 157 158 585-185 585-556 585-926 586-296 586-667 5S7-037 587-407 587-778 588-148 588-519 158 159 588-889 589-259 589-630 590- 590-370 690-741 691-111 691-481 691-852 592-222 159 160 592-593 592-963 593*333 593-704 594 074 594-444 594815 595-185 595-556 595-926 160 161 596-296 596-667 597-037 597-407 597-778 598-148 698-519 698-889 599-259 699630 161 162 600- 600-370 600-741 601-111 601-4S1 601-852 602-22'J 602-593 6U2-963 603-333 162 163 603-704 604-074 604-444 604-815 605-185 605-556 C05-926 606-296 606-667 607-037 163 164 607-407 607-778 608-148 608-519 608-889 609-259 609-630 610- 610-370 610-741 164 165 611-111 611-481 611-852 612-222 612-593 612-963 613-3*33 613-704 614-074 614-444 165 166 614-815 615-185 615556 615-926 616-296 616-667 617-037 617-407 617-778 618-148 166 167 618519 618-889 619 259 619-630 620- 620-370 620-741 621-111 621-481 621-852 167 168 622 222 622-593 622-963 623-333 62:1-704 624-074 624444 624-815 625-185 625556 168 169 625-926 626-296 626-667 627 -037 627-407 627-778 628-148 628-519 628-889 629-259 169 170 629-630 630- 630-370 630741 631-111 631-481 631-852 632-222 632-593 632-963 170 171 633-333 633-704 634-074 634-444 634-815 635-185 635-556 635-926 636-296 636-667 171 172 637-037 637-407 637-778 638-148 638-519 638-889 639-259 639-630 640- 640-370 172 173 640-741 641-111 641-481 641-852 642-222 642-593 642-963 643 333 643-704 644-074 173 174 644-444 644-815 645-185 645-556 645-926 646-296 646-667 647-037 647-407 647-778 174 175 648-148 648519 648-889 649-259 649-630 650- 650-370 650-741 651-111 651-481 175 176 651-852 652-222 652-593 652963 653-333 653-704 654-074 654-444 654-815 655-185 176 177 655-556 655-926 656-296 656-667 657-037 657-407 657-778 658-148 658-519 658-889 177 178 659-259 659-630 660- 660-370 660-741 661-111 661-481 661-852 662-222 662-593 178 179 662-963 663-S33 663-704 664-074 664-444 664-815 665-185 665-556 665-926 666-296 179 180 666-667 667-037 667-407 667-778 668-148 668 519 668-889 669-259 669-630 670- 180 M.A 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 121 to ISO. 176 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR WO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. O 1 til a 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 181 670-370 670-741 671-111 671-481 71-852 672-222 672-593 672-963 673-333 673-704 181 182 674-074 674-444 674-815 675-185 675-556 675-926 676-296 676-667 677-037 677-407 182 183 677-778 678-148 678-519 678889 679259 679-630 680- 680-370 680-741 681-111 183 184 681-481 681-852 682-222 68-2-593 682-963 6-3-333 683-704 684-074 684-444 684-815 184 185 685-185 685-556 685-926 686-296 686-667 687-037 687-407 687-778 688-148 688-519 185 186 688-889 689-259 689 630 690- 690-370 690-741 691-111 91-481 691-852 692-222 186 187 692-593 692-963 693-333 693704 694 074 694444 694-815 695-185 695-556 695-926 187 188 696-296 696-667 697-037 697-407 697-778 698-148 69S-519 698-889 699-259 699-630 188 189 700- 700-370 700-741 701-111 701-481 701-852 702-22-2 702-593 702-963 703-333 189 190 703-704 704-074 704-444 704-815 705-185 705-556 705-926 706-296 706-667 707-037 190 191 707-407 707-778 708-148 708-519 708-889 709-259 709-630 710- 710370 710-741 191 192 711-111 711-481 711-852 712-222 712-593 712-96:^ 713-333 713-704 714-074 714-444 192 193 714-815 715-185 715-556 715-926 716-296 716-667 717-037 717-407 717-778 718-148 193 194 718-519 718-889 719 ; 259 719-630 720- 720-370 7'20-741 721-111 7'21-481 721-852 194 195 722-222 722-593 722-963 723-333 723-704 724-074 724-444 724-815 725-185 725-55fi 195 196 725-926 726-296 726-667 727037 727-407 727-778 728-148 728-519 728-F89 729-259 196 197 729-630 730- 730-370 730-741 731-111 731-481 731-852 732-222 732-593 732963 197 198 733-333 733-704 734-074 734-444 734815 735-185 735-556 735-926 736-296 736-667 198 199 737-037 737-407 737-778 738-148 738-519 738-889 739-259 739-630 740- 740-370 199 200 740-741 741-111 741-481 741-852 742-222 742-593 742-963 743333 743-704 744-074 200 201 744-444 744-815 745-185 745-556 745-926 746-296 746667 747-037 747-407 747-778 201 202 748-148 748-519 748-889 749-259 749-631 750- 750-370 750-741 751-111 751-481 202 203 751-852 752-222 752-593 752-963 753-333 753-704 754-074 754-444 754-815 755-185 203 204 755-556 755-926 756-296 756-667 757-037 757-407 757-778 758-148 758-519 758 889 204 205 759-259 759-630 760 760-370 760-741 761-111 761-481 761-852 762-222 76-2-593 205 206 762-963 763-333 763-704 764-074 764-444 764-815 765-185 765556 765-92P 766-296 206 207 766-667 767-037 767-407 767-778 768-148 768-519 768-889 769-259 769-63( 770- 207 208 770-370 770741 771-111 771-481 771-85-2 772-222 772-593 772-963 773-333 773-704 208 209 774 074 774-444 774-815 775-185 775-556 775-920 776-296 776-667 777-037 777-407 209 210 777-778 778-148 778-519 778-889 779-259 779-630 780- 780-370 780-741 781-111 210 211 781-481 781-852 782-222 782-593 782-963 783-333 783-704 784-074 784-444 784-815 '211 212 785-185 785-556 785-926 786-296 786-667 787-03' 787-40' 787-778 788-148 788-519 212 213 788-889 789-259 789-630 790- 790-370 790-74 791-11 791-481 791-85^ 792-22'- 213 214 792-593 792-963 793333 793-704 794-074 794-444 794-81o 795-185 795-556 795-9-20 214 215 796-296 796667 797-037 797-407 797-778 798-14 79S-519 798-889 799 259 799-630 215 216 800- 800-37( 800-741 801-111 801-481 801-85 802-22 802-593 802-963 8U3-333 216 217 803-704 804-074 804-444 804-815 805-185 80555 805-92 806-296 80606" 807-037 217 218 807-407 807-778 808-148 808-519 808-889 809-25 809-63 810- 810-370 810-741 218 219 811-111 811-481 811-852 812-222 812-593 812-96 813-33 813-704 814-074 814-444 219 220 814-815 815-185 815-556 815-926 816-296 816-66 817-03 817-407 817-77 818-148 220 221 818-519 818-889 819-259 819-630 820- 820-37 820-74 821-111 821-48 821-85'' 221 222 822-22- 822-593 822-963 823-333 823-704 824-07 824-44 824-815 825-18 825-55 222 223 825-926 826-29 826-667 827-037 827-407 827-77 828-14 828-519 828-88 829-259 223 224 829-630 830- 830-370 830-741 831-111 831-48 831-85 832-222 832-59 832-96 224 225 833-333 833-70 834-074 834-444 834-815 835-18 835-55 835-926 836-29 836-66 225 226 837-037 837-40 837-778 838-148 838-519 838-88 839-25 839-630 840- 840 37( 226 227 840-741 841-11 841-481 841-852 842-222 842-59 842-963 843-H33 843-70 844-07 227 228 844-444 844-81 845-185 845-556 845926 846-29 846-66 847-037 847 -JO 847-77 228 229 848-148 848-51 848-889 849-259 849-630 850- 850-37 850-741 851-11 851-48 229 230 851-852 852-22 852-593 852-963 853-333 85370 854-07 854-444 854-81 855-18 230 231 855-556 855-92 856-296 856-667 857-037 857-40 857-77 858-148 858-51 858-889 231 232 859259 859-63 860- 860-370 860-741 861-11 861-48 861-852 862-22 862-593 232 233 862-963 86333 863-704 864-074 864-444 864-81 865 18. 865-55G 865-92 866-296 233 234 866-667 867-03 867-407 867-778 868-148 868-51 868-8 869-259 869-63 870- 234 235 870-370 870-74 871-111 871-481 871-85 872-22 872-59 872-963 873-33 873-704 235 2:56 874-074 874-44 874-815 875-185 875-556 875-92 876-29 876-667 877-03 877-407 236 237 877-778 878-14 878-519 878-889 879-250 879-63 880- 880-370 880-74 881-111 237 238 881-481 881-85 882-222 882-593 882-96: 883-33 883-70 SS4-074 884-444 884-815 238 239 885-185 885-55 885-926 886-29e 886-667 887-03 887-40 887-778 888-14 888-51S 239 240 888-889 889-25 8S9-63C 890- 890-37C 890-74 891-11 891-481 891-85 892-222 240 M.A O 1 ft 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 181 to 24O. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. m CUBIC TARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOJl 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 a 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 M.A. 241 892-593 892-963 893-333 893-704 894074 894-444 894-815 895-185 895-556 895-926 241 242 896-296 896-667 897-037 897-407 897-778 898-148 898-519 898-889 899-259 899-630 242 243 900- 900-370 900-741 901-111 901481 901-852 902-222 902-593 902-963 903-333 243 214 903-704 904-074 904-444 904-815 905-188 905-556 905-926 906-296 900-667 907-037 244 245 907-407 907-778 908-148 908-519 908-889 909-259 909-630 910- 910-370 910-741 245 246 911-111 911-4S1 911852 912-222 912-593 912-963 913-333 913-704 914-074 914-444 246 247 914-815 915-185 915-556 915-926 916-296 916-667 917-037 917-407 917-778 918-148 247 24* 918-519! 918-889 919-259 .919-630 920- 920-370 920741 921-111 921-481 921-852 248 249 922-222 922-593 922-963 923-3:33 923704 924-074 924-444 924-815 925-185 925-556 249 250 925-926 926-296 926-667 927-037 927-407 927-778 928-148 928519 928-889 929-259 250 251 929-630 930- 930-370 930-741 931-111 931-481 931-852 932-222 932-593 932-963 251 252 933-333 933-70-1 9:34-1(74 934-444 9:34-815 935-185 935-556 935-926 936-296 936-667 252 253 937-037 937-407 937-778 9.J8-148 938 519 938-889 939-259 939630 940- 940-370 2f3 254 940-741 911-111 941-481 941-852 942-222 942593 942-963 943-333 943-704 944074 254 255 944-444 944-815 945-185 945-556 945-926 946-296 946-667 947-037 947-407 947-778 255 256 948-148 j 948-519 948-889 949259 949-630 950- 950-370 950-741 951-111 951-481 256 257 951-852 i 952222 952-693 952-963 953-333 953704 954 074 954-444 954815 955-185 257 258 955-556 955-926 956-296 956 667 957-037 957-407 957-778 958-148 958-519 958-889 i>e ,Q 259 959-259 959-630 960- 960-370 960-741 96M11 961-481 961-852 962-222 962-593 259 260 962-963 963-333 963-704 964-074 964-444 964-815 965-185 965-556 965926 966-296 260 261 966-667 967-037 967-407 967-778 968-148 968519 968-889 969-259 9R9-630 970- 261 262 970-370 970-741 971-111 971-481 971-852 972-222 972-593 972963 973333 973-704 262 263 974-074 974 111 974-815 975-185 975-556 975-926 976-296 676-667 977-037 977-407 263 264 977-778 978148 978-519 978-889 979-259 979-630 980- 980-370 980-741 981-111 264 265 981-481 981-852 982-222 982-593 982-963 933-333 983-704 9K4-074 984-444 984-815 265 266 985-185 985-556 98.V926 986-296 986-667 9H7-037 9S7407 987778 988-148 988-519 266 267 988-889 ! 989-259 989630 990- 990-370 990-741 991-111 991-481 991-852 992-222 267 263 992-593 992-963 993-3:33 993-704 994-074 994-444 994-815 995-185 995-556 995-926 268 269 996-296' 996667 997-037 997-407 997-778 998-148 998-519 998889 999-259 999-630 269 270 1000- 1000-370 1000-741 001-111 1001-481 1001-852 1002222 1002-593 1002-963 1003-333 270 271 1003-704 1004-074 1004-444 1004-815 1005-185 1005-556 1005-926 1006-296 1006-667 1007-037 271 272 1007-407 1007-778 1008-148 1008-519 1008-889 1009-259 1009-630 1010- 1010-370 1010-741 272 273 1011-111 1011-481 1011-852 1012-222 1012-593 1012-963 1013*333 1013704 1014-074 1014-444 273 274 1014815 1015-1N5 1015556 1015-926 1016-296 1016-667 1017-037 1017-407 1017-778 101S-148 274 275 1018-51911018-889 1019-259 1019-630 1020- 102<)-37l 1020-741 1021-111 1021-481 1021-852 275 276 1022-222 1022-593 1022-963 1023-333 1023-704 1024-074 1024-444 1024-815 102;') -is: 1025-556 276 277 1025-926 1026-296 1026-667 1027-037 1027-407 1027-778 1028-148 1028-519 1028-8f ; 9 1029-259 277 278 1029-630 1030- 1030-370 1030-741 1031-111 1031 481 1031-852 1032-222 1032-593 1032-963 278 279 1033-333 10:53-704 1034-074 1034-444 1034-815 1035-185 1035-556 1035-926 1036-296 1036-667 279 2SO 1037-037 1037-407 1037-778 1038-148 1038-519 1038-889 1039-259 1039-630 1040- 1040-370 2SO 281 1040-741 1041-111 1041-481 1041-852 1042-222 1042-593 1042963 1043-333 1043-704 1044-074 281 282 1014444 1044-815 1045-185 1045-556 1045-926 1046-296 1046-667 1047-037 1047-407 1047-778 282 283 1048-148 1048-519 1048-889 1049-259 1049-630 1050- ior,o-370 1050-741 1051-111 1051-481 283 284 1051-852 j 1052-222 1052-593 1052-963 1053-3:33 1053-704 1054-074 1054-444 1054-815 1055-1S5 284 285 1055-556 1055-926 I056-29d 1056-667 1057-037 1057-407 1057-778 1058-148 1058-519 1058-889 285 286 1059259 1059-630 1060- 1060-370 1060-741 1061-111 1061-481 1061-852 1062-222 1062-593 286 287 1062-963 1063-333 1063704 1064-074 1064-444 1064-815 1065-185 1005-556 1065-926 1066-296 287 288 1066-667 1067-037 10.J7407 1067-778 106S-148 1068-519 1068-889 1069259 1009-630 1070- 288 289 1070-370 1070-741 1071-111 1071-481 1071-852 1072-222 1072-593 1072-963 1073-333 1073-704 289 290 1074-074 1074-444 1074-815 1075-185 1075-556 1075-926 1076-296 1076667 1077037 1077-407 290 291 1077-778 1078-148 1078-519 1078-889 1079-259 1079-630 1080- 10*0-370 1080-741 108M11 291 292 1081-481 1081-852 1082-222 1082-593 1082-963 1083-333 1083-704 1084-074 1084-444 1084-815 292 293 1085-185 10H5-55b 1085-926 1086-296 1086-667 1087-037 1087-407 1087-778 1088-148 1088-519 293 294 1088-889 1089-259 1089-630 1090- 1090-370 1090-741 1091-111 1091-481 1091-852 1092-222 294 295 1092-593 1092-963 1093-333 1093-704 1094-074 1094-444 1094-815 1095-185 1095-550 1095-926 295 296 1096-296 1096-667 1097-037 1097-407 1097-778 1098-148 1098-519 1098-889 1099-259 1099-630 296 297 1100- 1100370 1100-741 1101111 1101-481 1101-852 1102-222 1102-593 1102-963 1103-333 297 298 1103-704 1104 074 '1104-444 1104-815 1105-185 1105-550 1105-924 1 106-296 1100-667 1107-037 298 299 1107-407 1107-77H 1 1108-148 110S-519 1108-889 1109-259 1109-63 1110- 1110-37( 1110-741 299 300 1111-111 1111-48111111-852 1112222 1112-593 1112-963 1113-333 1113-704 1114-074 1114-444 300 M.A.| '0 1 a 3 4 5 6 1 8 M.A. MEAN AREAS 241 to 3OO. 178 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 301 1114-815 1115-185 1115-556 1115-926 1116-296 1116 667 1117-037 1117-407 1117-778 1118-148 301 302 1118519 1118-889 1119-259 1119630 1120- 1120-370 1120-741 1121-111 1121-481 1121-852 302 303 1122-222 1122593 1122-963 1123-333 1123704 1124-074 1124-444 1124-815 1125-lbS 1125-556 303 304 1125-926 1126296 1126-667 1127-037 1127 407 1127-778 1128-148 1128-519 1128-889 1129-259 304 305 1129-630 1130- 1130370 1130-741 1131-111 1131-481 1131-852 1132-222 11 32-593 1132-9113 SOS 306 1133-33:5 1133-704 1134-074 1134-444 1134815 1135-185 1135-556 1135-926 1136-296 1136-667 306 307 1137-037 1137407 1137-778 1138-148 1138-519 1138-889 1139-259 1139-630 1140- 1140-370 307 308 1140 741| 1141-111 1141-481 1141-852 1142-222 1142-593 1142-963 1143-333 1143-704 1144-074 308 309 1144-444 1144-815 1145-1S5 1145-556 1145-926 1146-296 1146-667 1147-037 1147-407 1147 778 309 310 1148-148 1148-519 1148-889 1149-259 1149-630 1150- 1150-370 1150-741 1151-111 1151-481 310 311 1151-852 1152-222 1152-593 1152-963 1153-333 1153-704 1154-074 1154-444 1154-815 1155-185 311 312 1155-556 1155-926 1156-296 1156-667 1157-037 1157-407 1157-778 1158-148 1158-519 115S-8S9 312 313 1159259 1159-630 1160- 11 60-370 1160-741 1161-111 1161481 1161-852 1162-222 1162-593 313 314 1162-963 1163-333 1163-704 1164074 1164-444 1164-815 1165-185 1165-556 1165-926 1166-296 314 315 1166-66711167-037 1167-407 1167-778 1168-148 1168-519 1168-889 1169-259 1169-630 1170- 315 316 1170-370 1170-741 1171-111 1171-481 Ii7 1-852 1172-222 1172-593 1172-963 1173-333 1173-704 316 317 1174-074 1174-444 1174-815 1175-185 1175-556 1175-926 1176-296 1176-667 1177-037 1177-407 317 318 1177-778 1178-148 1178519 178-889 1179-259 1179-630 1180- 11SO-370 1180-741 1181-111 318 319 1181-481 1181-852 1182-222 1182-593 11829rt3 1183-333 1183-704 1184074 1184-444 1184-815 319 320 1185-185 1185-55(3 1185 926 1186-296 1186-667 1187-037 1187-407 1187-778 1188-148 1188-519 320 321 1188-889 1189-259 1189-630 1190- 1190-370 1190-741 1191-111 1191-581 1191-852 1192-222 321 322 323 1192593 1196-296 1192-903 1196-667 1193-333 1197-037 1193-704 1197-407 1194-074 1197-778 1194-444 1198-148 1194-815 1198-519 1195-185 1195-556 1198-889 1199-259 1195-926 1199-630 322 323 324 1200- 1200-370 1200-741 1201-111 1201-481 1201-852 1202-222 1202-593) 1202-963 1203-333 324 325 1203-704 1204-074 1204-444 1204-815 1205-185 1205-556 1205-926 1206-296 1206-667 1207-037 325 326 1207-407 1207-778 1208-148 1208-519 1208-889 1209-259 1209-630 1210- 1210-370 1210-741 3-26 327 1211-111 1211-481 1211-852 212222 1212-593 1212-963 1213-333 1213-704 1214-074 1214-444 327 328 1214-815 1215-185 1215-556 1215-926 1216-296 1216-667 1217-037 1217-407 1217-778 1218-148 328 329 1218-519 1218-889 1219-259 1219-630 1220- 1220-370 1220-741 1221-111 1221-481 1221-852 329 330 1222-222 1222-593 1222-963 1223-333 1223-704 1224-074 1224-444 1224-815 1225-185 1225-556 330 331 1225-926 1226-296 1226-667 1227-037 1227-407 1227-778 1228-148 1228-519 1228-889 1229-259 331 332 1229-630 1230- 1230-370 1230-741 1231-111 1231-481 1231-852 1232-222 1232-593 1232-963 332 333 1233-333 1233-704 1234-074 1234-444 1234-815 1235-185 1235-556 1235-926 1236-296 1236-667 333 334 1237-037 1237-407 1237*778 1238-148 1238-519 1238-889 1239-259 1239-630 1240- 1240-370 334 335 1240-741 1241-111 1241-481 1241-852 1242-222 1242-593 1242-963 124S-333 1243-704 1244074 335 336 1244-444 1244-815 1245-185 1245-556 1245-926 1246-296 1246-667 1247-037 1247-407 1247-778 336 337 1248-148 1248-519 1248-889 1249-259 1249-630 1250- 1250-370 1250-741 1251-111 1251-481 337 338 1251-852 1252222 1252-593 1252-963 1253-333 1253-704 1254-074 1254-444 1254-815 1255-185 338 339 1255-556 1255926 1256-296 1256-667 1257-037 1257-407 1257-778 1258-148 1258-519 1258-889 339 340 1259-259 1259-630 1260- 1260-370 1260-741 1261-111 1261-481 1261-852 1262-222 1262-593 340 341 1262-963 1263-333 1263-704 1264-074 1264-444 1264-815 1265-185 1265-556 1265-926 1266-296 341 342 1266-667 1267-037 1267-407 1267-778 1268-148 1268-519 1268-889 1269-259 1269-630 1270- 342 343 1270-370 1270-741 1271-111 1271-481 1271-852 1272-222 1272-593 1272-963 1273-333 1273-704 343 314 1274-074 1274-444 1274-815 1275-185 1275-556 1275-926 1276-296 1276-667 1277-037 1277-407 344 345 1277-778 1278-148 1278-519 1278-889 1279-259 1279630 1280- 1280-370 1280-741 1281-111 345 346 1281-481 1281-852 1282-222 1282-593 1282-963 1283-333 1283-704 1284-074 1284-444 1284-815 346 347 1285-185 1285-556 1285-926 1286-296 1286-667 1287-037 1287-407 1287-778 1288-148 1288-519 347 348 1288-889 1289-259 1289-630 1290- 1290-370 1290-741 1291-111 1291-481 1291-852 1292-222 348 349 1292-593 1292-963 1293-333 1293-704 1294-074 1294-444 1294-815 1295-185 1295-556 1295-926 349 350 1296-296 1296-667 1297-037 1297-407 1297-778 1298-148 1298-519 1298-889 1299-259 1299-630 350 351 1300- 1300370 1300-741 1301-111 1301-481 1301-852 1302-222 1302-593 1302-963 1303-333 351 352 1303-704 1304-074 1304-444 1304-815 1305-185 1305-556 1305-926 1306-296 1306-667 1307-037 352 353 1307-407 1307-778 1308-148 1308-519 1308-889 1309-259 1309-630 1310- 1310-370 1310-741 353 354 1311-111 1311-481 1311-852 1312-222 1312-593 1312-963 1313-333 1313-704 1314-074 1314-444 354 355 1314-815 1315-185 1315-556 1315-926 1316-296 1316-667 1317-037 1317-407 1317-778 1318-148 355 356 1318-519 1318-889 1319-259 1319-630 1320- 1320-370 1320-741 1321-111 1321-481 1321-852 356 357 1322-222 1322-593 1322-963 1323-333 1323-704 1324-074 1324-444 1324-815 1325-185 1325-556 357 358 1325-926 1326-296 1326-667 1327-037 1327-407 1327-778 1328-148 1328-519 1328-889 1329-259 358 359 1329-630 1330- 1330-370 1330-741 13X1-111 1331-481 1331-852 1332-222 1332-593 1332-963 359 360 1333-333 1333-704 1334-074 1334-444 1334-815 1335-185 1335-556 1335-926 1336-296 1336-667 360 M.A. O 1 a 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 3O1 to 36O. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 179 CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 a 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A 361 1337-037 1337-407 1337-778 1338-148 1338-519 1338-889 1339259 1339-630 1340- 1340-370 361 362 1340-741 11341-111 1341481 1341-852 1342-222 1342-593 1342-WJ:! 1343-333 1343-704 1344-074 362 363 1344-444 1344-815 1345-185 1345-556 1345-926 1346-296 1346-667 1347-037 1347-407 1347-778 363 304 1348-148 1348-519 1348-889 1349-259 1349-630 1350- 1350-370 1350-741 1331-111 1351-481 364 365 1351-852 1 352-2-22 1352-593 1352-963 1353-333 1353-704 1354-074 1354-444 1354-815 1355-185 365 366 1355-556 1355-926 1356-296 1356667 1357-037 1357-407 1357778 1358-148 1358 519 1358-889 366 367 1359-259 1359-630 1360- 1360-370 1360741 1361-111 1361481 1361-852 1362-222 1362593 367 368 1362-963 1303-333 1363-704 1364-074 1364-444 1364-815 1365185 1365-556 1365926 1366-296 368 369 1366-667 1367-037 1367-407 1367-778 I3n8-148 1368519 1368-889 1369259 1369-630 1370- 369 370 1370-370 1370-741 1371-111 1371-481 1371-852 1372-222 1372-593 1372963 1373-333 1373-704 370 371 1374-074 1374-444 1374-815 1375-185 1375-556 1375-926 1376-296 1376-667 1377-037 1377-407 371 372 1377778 1378-148 1378-519 1378.8S9 1379-259 1379630 1380- 1380-370 1380-741 1381-111 372 373 1381-481 1381-852 13V2-222 1382-593 1382-963 1383-333 1383-704 1384-074 1384-444 1384-815 373 374 1385-185 1385-556 1385-926 1386-296 1386-667 1387-037 387-407 1387-778 1388148 1388-519 374 375 138S-889 1389-259 1389-630 1390- 1390-370 1390-741 1391-111 1391-481 1391-852 1392-222 375 376 1392-593 L3921KI8 1393-333 1393-70* 1394-074 1394-444 1394-815 1395185 1395-556 1395-926 376 377 1396-296 1396-667 1397-037 1397-407 1397-778 1398-148 139S-519 1398-889 1399-259 1399-630 377 378 1400- 1400-370 1400-741 1401-111 1401-481 1401-852 1402-222 1402-593 1402-963 1403-333 378 379 1403-704 1404-074 1404-444 1404-815 1 405- IK.", 1405-556 1405-926 1406-296 1406-667 1407-037 379 380 1407-407 1407-778 1408-148 1408-519 1408-889 1409-259 1409-630 1410- 1410-370 1410-741 380 381 1411-111 1411-481 1411-852 1412-222 1412-593 1412-963 1413-333 1413-704 1414-074 1414-444 381 382 1414-815 1415-185 1415-556 1415-926 1416-296 1416-667 1417-037 1417-407 1417-778 1418-148 382 3X3 1418-519 1418-889 1419-259 1419-630 1420- 1420-370 1420-741 1421-111 1421-481 1421-852 383 384 1422-222 1422-593 1422-963 1423-333 1423-704 1424074 1424-444 1424-815 1425-185 1425-556 384 ;>>*;> 1425-926 1426-296 1426-667 1427-037 1427-407 1427-778 1428-148 1428-519 1428-889 1429-259 385 386 1429-630 1430- 1430370 1430-741 1431-111 1431-481 1431 852 1432-222 1432-593 1432963 386 387 14313-333 1433704 1434074 1434-444 1434-815 1435-185 1435-556 1435-926 1436-296 1436-667 387 388 1437-037 1437407 1437-778 1438-148 1438-519 1438-889 1439-259 1439-630 1440- 1440-370 388 3S9 1440-741 1441-111 1441-481 1441-852 1442-222 1442-593 1442-963 1443-333 1443-704 1444-074 389 390 1444-444 1444-815 1445-185 1445-556 1445926 1446296 1446667 1447-037 1447-407 1447-778 390 301 1448-148 1448-519 1448:889 1449-259 1449-630 1450- 1450-370 1450-741 1451-111 1451-481 391 392 1451-852 1468*828 1452-593 1452-963 1453-333 1453-704 1454-074 1454-444 1454-815 1455-185 592 393 1455-556 1455-926 1456296 1456-667 1457*039 1457-407 1457-77S 1458-148 1458-519 1458889 393 394 1459-259 1459-630 1400- 1460-370 1460-741 1461-111 1461-481 1461-852 1462-222 1462-593 394 899 1462-963 1463-333 1463-704 1464-074 1464-444 1464-815 1465-185 1465-556 1465-926 1466-296 395 396 1466-667 1467-037 1467-407 1467-778 1468148 1468-519 1468-889 1469-259 1469-630 1470- 396 397 1470-370 1470-741 1471-111 1471-481 1471-852 1472-222 1 472-59:1 1472-903 1473-333 1473-704 397 398 1474-074 1474-444 1474-815 1475-185 1475-556 1475-926 1476-296 1476-6G7 1477-037 1477-407 398 399 1477-778 1478-148 1478-519 1478-889 1479-259 1479-630 11480- 1480-370 1480-741 1481-111 399 400 1481-481 1481-852 1482-222 1482-593 1482-963 1483-333 1483-704 1484-074 1484-444 1484-815 400 401 1485-185 1485-556 1485-926 1486-296 1486-667 1487-037 1487-407 1487-778 1488-148 1488-519 401 402 1488-889 1489-259 1489-630 1490- 1490-370 1490-741 1491-111 1491-481 1491-862 1492-222 402 403 1492-593 1492-903 1493-333 1493-704 1494-074 1494-444 1494-815 1495-185 1495-556 1495-926 403 404 1496-296 1496-667 1497-037 1497-407 1497-778 1498-148 U 98-51 9 1498-889 1499-259 1499-630 404 405 1500- 1500-370 1500-741 1501-111 1501-481 1501-852 1502-222 1502-593 1502-963 1503-333 405 406 1503-704 1504-074 1504-444 1504-815 1505-185 1505-556 1505-926 1506-296 1506-667 1507-037 406 407 1507-407 1507778 1508- 14S 1508-519 1508-889 1509-259 1509-630 1510- 1610-370 1510-741 407 408 1511-111 1511-481 1511-852 1512-222 1512-593 1512-963 1513-333" 1513-704 1614-074 1514444 408 409 1514-815 1515-185 1515-556 1515 92C 1516-296 1516-667 1517-037 1517-407 1517-778 1518-148 409 410 1518-519 1518-889 1519-259 1519-630 1520- 1520-370 1520-741 1521-111 1521-481 1621-852 410 411 1522-222 1522-593 1522-963 1523-333 1523-704 1524-074 1524-444 1524-815 1525-185 1525-656 411 412 1525-926 1526-296 1526-667 1527-037 1527-407 1527-778 1528-148 1528-519 1528-889 1529-259 412 413 1529-630 1530- 1530-370 1530-741 1531-111 1531-481 15:;l-852 1532-222 1532-593 1532-963 413 414 1533-333 1533-704 1534074 1534-444 1534-815 1535-185 1535-556 1535-926 1536-296 1536-667 414 415 1537-037 1537-407 1537-778 1538-148 1538-519 1538-889 1539-259 1539-630 1540- 1540-370 415 416 1540-741 1541-111 1541-481 1541-852 1542-222 1542-593 1542-963 1543-333 1543-704 1544-074 416 417 1544-444 1544-815 1545-185 1545-556 1545-926 1546-296 1546667 1547-037 1547-407 1547-778 417 418 1548-14* 1548-619 1548-889 1549-259 1549-630 1550- 1550-370 1550-741 1.55M11 1551-481 418 419 1551-852 1 552- 222 1552-593 1fM2-%3 1553-333 1553-704 1554-074| 1554-444 1554-815 1555-185 419 420 155o-a56 ir,55-02rt l. r ).->6-2'J6 1556667 1557-037 1557-407 1557-778 1558-148 1558-519 1558-889 420 M.A. 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 361 to 42O. 180 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS J OR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. | .i a 3 1 * 5 6 7 8 9 l.A. 421 559-259 1559 630 1560- 1560-37011560-741 1561-111 561-481 1561-852 ! 1562-222 562-593 421 422 562-963 1563-333 1563-704 1564-074 11564-444 1564-815 1565-185 565-55611565-926 566-296 422 423 566-667 11567-037 1567-407 1507-778 1568-148 1568-519 568-889 569-259 '1569-630 570- 423 424 570 370 1 1570-741 571-111 1571-481 1571-852 1572-222 1572-593 1572-963 1573-333 573-704 424 425 574-07411574-444 574-815 1575-185 1575556 1575-926 576-296 576-667 1577-037 577-407 425 426 577-778 1578-148 1578-519 1578-889! 1579-259 1579-630 1580- 1580-370 1580-741 581-111 426 427 581-481 1581-852 5S2-222 1582-593 1582-963 1583-333 1583-704 584-074 1584-444 584-815 427 428 585-185 1585-556 585-926 1586-296 1586-667 1587-037 1587-407 1587-778 1588-148 1588-519 428 429 588-889 1589-259 589-630 1590- 1590-370 1590-741 1591-111 1591-481 1591-852 1592-222 429 430 592-593 1592-963 1593-333 1593-704 1594-074 1594-444 1594-815 1595-185 1595-556 1595-926 430 431 596296 1596-667 597-037 597-407 1597-778 1 598-1 4S 1598-519 1598-889 1599-259 1599-630 431 432 433 600- 1600-370 (303-704 1604-074 600-741 604-444 601-111 604-815 1001-481 1605-185 1601-852 1605-556 1602-222 1605-926 1602-593 1602-963 1606-296 1606-667 1603-333 607-037 432 433 434 607-407 j 1607-778 1608-148 608-519 1608-889 1609-259 1609630 1610- 1610-370 1610-741 434 435 611111 1611-481 1611-852 612-222 1612-593 1612-963 1613-333 1613-704 1614-074 1614-444 435 436 614-815 1615-185 615-556 615-926 1616-296 1616-667 K17-037 1617-407 1617-778 1618-148 436 437 618-519 1618-889 619-259 619 630 1620- 1620-370 1620-741 1621-111 1621-481 1621-852 437 438 622-222 1622-593 1622-963 623-333 1623-704 1624-074 1C24-444 1624-815 1625-185 1625-556 438 439 625-926 1626-296 1626-667 627-037 1627-407 1627-778 1628-148 1628-519 1628-889 1629-259 439 440 1629-630 1630- 1630-370 630-741 1631-111 1631-481 1631-852 1632-222 1632-593 1632-963 440 441 1633-333 1633-704 1634-074 634-444 1634-815 1635-185 1635-556 1635-926 1636-296 1636-667 441 442 1637-007 1637-407 637-778 638-148 1638-519 1638-889 1639-259 1639-630 1640- 1640-370 442 443 1640-741 1641-111 1641-481 641-852 1642-222 1642-593 1642-963 1643-333 1643-704 1644-074 443 444 1644-444 1644-815 .645-185 645-556 1645-926 1646-296 1646-667 1647-037 1647-407 1647-778 444 445 1648-148 1648-519 1648-889 649259 1649-630 1650- 1650-370 1650-741 1651-111 1651-481 445 446 1651-852 1652-222 1652-593 652-963 1653-333 1653-704 1654-074 1654-444 1654-815 1655-185 446 447 1655-556 1655-926 1656-296 656-667 1657-037 1657-407 1657-778 1658-148 1658-519 1658-889 447 448 1659-259 1659-630 1660- 1660-370' 1660-741 1661-111 1661-481 1661-852 1662-222 1662-593 448 449 1662-963 1663-333 1663-704 1664-074 1664-444 1664-815 1665-185 1665-556 1665-926 1666-296 449 450 1666-667 1667-037 1667-407 1667-778 1668-148 1668-519 1668-889 1669-259 1669-630 1670- 450 4-31 1670-370 1670-741 1671-111 1671-481 1671-852 1672-222 1672-593 1672-963 1673-333 1673-704 451 452 1674-074 1674-444 1674-815 1675-185 1675-550 1675-926 1676-296 1676-667 1677-037 1677-407 452 453 1677-778 1678-148 '1678-519 1678-889 1679-259 1679-630 1680- 1680-370 1680-741 1681-111 453 454 1681-481 1681-852 1682-222 1682-593 1682-963 1683-333 1683-704 1684-074 1 684-444 1684-815 454 455 1685-185 1685-556 1685-926 1686-296 1686-667 1687-037 1687-407 1687-778 1688-148 1688-519 455 456 1688-889 1689-259 1689-630 L690- 1690-370 1690-741 1691-111 1691-481 1691-852 1692-222 456 457 1692-593 1692-963 1693-333 1693-704 1694-074 1694-444 1694-815 1695-185 1695-556 1695-926 457 458 1696-296 1696-667 1697-037 1697-407 1697-778 1698-148 1698-519 1698-889 1699-259 1699-630 458 459 1700- 1700-370 1700-741 1701-111 1701-481 1701-852 1702-222 1702-593 1702-963 1703-333 459 460 1703-704 1704-074 1704-444 1704-815 1705-185 1705-556 1705-920 1706-296 1706-667 1707-037 460 461 1707-407 1707-778 1708-148 1708-519 1708-889 1709-259 1709-630 1710- 1710-370 1710-741 461 462 1711-111 1711-481 1711-852 1712-222 1712-593 1712-96b 1713-333 1713-704 1714-074 1714-444 462 463 1714-815 1715-185 1715-556 1715-926 1716-296 1716-667 1717-037 1717-407 1717-778 1718-148 463 464 465 1718-519 1722-222 1718-889 1722-593 1719-259 1722-963 1719-630 1723333 1720- 1723-704 1720-370 1720-741 1724-074; 1724-444 1721-111 1724-815 1721-481 1725-185 1721-852 1725-556 464 465 466 1725-926 1726-296 1726-667 1727-037 1727-407 1727-778 1728-148 1728-519 1728-889 1729-259 406 467 1729-630 1730- 1730-370 1730-741 1731-111 1731-481 1731-852 1732-222 1732-593 1732-963 467 468 1733-333 1733704 1734-074 1734-444 1734-815 1735-185 1735-556 1735-926 1736-296 1736-667 468 469 1737-037 1737-407 1737-778 1738-148 1738-519 1738-889 1739-259 1739-630 1740- 1740-370 469 470 1740-741 1741-111 1741-481 1741-852 1742-222 1742-593 1742-963 1743-333 1743-704 1744-074 470 471 1744-444 1744-815 1745-185 1745-556 1745-926 1746-296 1746-667 1747-037 1747-407 1747-778 471 472 1748-148 1748-519 1748-889 1749-259 1749-630 1750- 1750-370 1750-741 1751-111 1751-481 472 473 1751-852 1752-222 1752-593 1752-963 1753-333 1753-704 1754-074 1754-444 1754-815 1755-185 473 474 1755-556 1755-926 1756-296 1756-667 1757-037 1757-407 1757-778 1758-148 1758-519 1758-889 474 475 1759-259 1759-630 1760- 1760-370 1760-741 1761-111 1761-481 1761-852 1762-222 1762-593 475 476 1762-963 1763-333 1763-704 1764-074 1764-444 1764-815 1765-185 1765-556 1765-926 1766-296 476 477 1766-667 1767-037 1767-407 1767-778 1768-148 1768-519 1768-889 1769-259 11769-630 1770- 477 478 1770-370 1770-741 1771-111 1771-481 1771-852 1772-222 1772-593 1772-963 1773-333 1773-704 478 479 1774-074 1774-444 1774-815 1775-185 1775-556 1775-926 1776-296 1776-667 1777-037 1777-40" 479 480 1777-778 1778-148 1778-519 1778-889 1779-259 1779-630 1780- 1780-370 1780-741 1781-111 480 M.A -O 1 a 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 421 to 48O. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 181 CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR WO FEET IN LEXGTIT. M.A. 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 .9 IM.A. 481 1781-481 1781-852 1782-222 1782-593 1782-963 1783-333 1783-704 1784-074 1784-444 1784-815 481 482 1785-185 1785-556 1785-926 1786296 1786-667 1787-037 1787-407 1787-778 1788-148 1788-519 482 483 1788-889 1789-259 1789630 1790- 1790-370 1790-741 1791-111 1791-481 1791-852 1792-222 483 484 1792-593 1792-963 1793-333 1793-704 1794-074 1794444 1794-815 1795-185 1795-556 1795-926 4^4 485 1796-296 1796-667 1797-037 1797-407 1797-778 1798148 1798-51911798-889 1799-259 1799-630 485 486 1800- 1800-370 1800-741 1801-111 1801-481 1801-852 1802-222 1802-593 1802 903 1803-333 486 487 1803-704 1804-074 1804-444 1804-815 1805-185 1805-556 1805926 1806-296 1806-607 1807-037 487 488 1807-407 1807-778 1808-148 1808-519 1808-889 1809-259 1809-630 1810- 1810-370 1810-741 488 489 1811-111 1811-481 1811-852 1812-222 1812-593 1812-903 1813-333 1813-704 1814-074 1814444 489 490 1814-815 1815-185 1815-556 1815926 1816-296 1816-667 1817-037 1817-407 1817-778 1818-148 490 491 1818-519 1818-889 1819-259 181963ft 1820- 1820-370 1820-741 1821-111 1821-481 1821-852 491 492 1822-222| 1822-593 18-22-963 1823333 1823-704 1824-074 1824-444 1824-815 1825-185 1825-556 492 493 1825-926 11826-296 1826-667 1827-037 1827-407 1827 778 1828-148 1828-619 1828-889 1829-259 493 494 1829-6301 1830- 1830-370 1830-741 1831-11111831-481 1831-852 1832 222 1832-593 1832963 494 495 1833-333 1833-704 1834074 1834-444 1834-815 l-:;.vis;, 1835-556 1835-926 1836-296 1836 667 495 496 1837-037 1837-407 1837-778 1838-148 1838-519 1838-88U 1839-259 1839-630 1840- 1840-370 496 497 1840-741 '1841-111 1841-481 1841-852 1842-222 1842-593 1842-963 1843-333 1843-704 1844074 4<7 498 1844-444;1844-815 1845-185 1845-556 1845-926 1846296 1846-667 1847-037 1847-407 1847-778 498 499 1848-148il848-519 1848-889 1849-259 1849-630 1850- 1850-370 1850-741 1851111 1851-481 499 500 1851-852 1852-222 1852-593 1852-963 1853-333 1853-704 1854-074 1854-444 1864-815 1855-185 500 501 1856-660 1855-926 1856-296 1856-667 1857-037 1857-407 1857-778 1868-148 1858-519 1858-889 501 502 1859-259! 1859-630 I860- 1860-370 1860-741 1861-111 1861-481 1861-852 1862-222 1862-593 502 503 1862-963 ,1863 333 1863-704 1864-074 li- 64-444 1864-815 186*186 1865-556 1865-926 1866-296 503 504 1866-667; 1867 '037 1867-407 1867-778 1868-148 1868-519 1868-889 1869-259 1869-630 1870- 504 505 187o-;j?i 1870741 1871-111 1871-481 1871-852 1872-222 1872-593 1872-9W 1873-333 1873-704 505 506 1874-074 1874-444 1874-815 1876-185 1875-556 1875-926 1876-296 1876-667 1877-037 1877-407 506 507 1877-778 1878-148 187S-519 1878-889 1879259 1879-630 1880- 1880-370 1880-741 1881-111 507 508 1881-481 1881-852 lss-2-j-j-j 18S2-593 ISBfrMfl is*:;-:;:;:' 1883-704 L-sH-74 1 884-444 1884815 508 509 1885-185 1885-556 1-85-926 1886-296 18*6-667 1887-081 1887-407 1887-778 1888-148 1888-519 509 510 1888-8S9 1889-259 1889-630 1890- 1890 370 1890-741 1891-111 1891-481 1891-852 1892-222 510 511 1892-593 1892-963 1893-333 1803-704 1894-074 1894-444 1894-815 1895-185 1895-556 1895-926 511 612 1896-296 189*601 1897-037 1897-407 1897-77-S 1898-148 1898-519 1898-889 1899-259 1899-630 512 513 1900- 1900-370 1900-741 1901-111 1901-481 1901-852 1902-222 1902-593 1902-963 1903-333 513 514 1903-704 1904-074 1 904-444 1904-815 1905-185 1905-556 1905-926 1906-290 1906-667 1907-037 514 515 1907-407 1907-778 1908-148 1908-519 1908-889 1909-259 1909-630 1910- 1910-370 1910-741 515 510 1911-111 1911-481 1911-852 1912-222 1912-593 191'2-yrw 1913-333 1913-704 1914-074 1914-444 516 517 1914-815 1915-185 1915-556 1915-926 1916296 1916-667 1917-037 1917-407 1917-778 1918-148 517 518 1918-519 1918-889 1919-259 1919-630 1920- 1920-370 1920-741 1921-111 1921-481 1921-852 518 519 1922-223 1922-593 1922963 1923-333 19-23704 1924-074 1924-444 1924815 1925-185 1925-556 519 520 1925-926 1926-296 1926-667 1927-037 1927-407 1927-778 1928-148 1928-519 1928-889 1929-259 520 521 1929-630 1930- 1930-370 1930-741 1931-111 1931-481 1931-852 1932-222 1932-593 1932963 521 522 1933333 1933-704 1934-074 1934-441 1934-815 1935-185 1935-556 1935-926 1936-296 1936-667 522 523 1937-037 1937-407 1937-778 1938-148 1938-519 1938-889 1939-259 1939-630 1940- 1940370 523 524 1940-741 1941-111 1941-481 1941-852 1942-222 1942-593 1942-963 1943-33:' 1943-704 1944-074 524 526 1944-444 1944-815 1945185 1945-556 1945-926 1946-296 1946-667 1947-037 1947-407 1947-778 tor. 526 1948-148 1948-519 1948-889 1949-259 1949-G30 1950- 1950-370 1950-741 1951-111 1951 481 526 527 1951-852 1952-222 1952-593 1952963 1953-333 1953-704 1954-074 1954-444 1954-815 1955185 5-27. 528 1955-556 1955-926 1956-296 1956-667 1957-037 1057-407 1957-778 1958-148 1958-519 1958-889 528 529 1959-259 1959-630 I960- 1960-370 1960-741 1961-111 1961-481 1961-852 1962-222 1962-593 529 530 1962963 1963333 1963-704 1964-074 1964-444 1964-815 1965-185 1965-556 1965-920 1966-296 530 531 1966-667 1967-037 1967-407 1967-778 1968-148 1968-519 1968-889 1969-259 1969-630 1970- 531 532 1970-370 1970-741 1971-111 1971481 1971-852 1972-222 1972-593 1972963 1973333 1973-704 532 533 1974-074 1974-444 1974-815 1975-185 1975-556 1975-920 1976-296 1976-667 1977-037 1977-407 533 :>34 1977-778 1978-148 1978-519 1978-889 1979-259 1979-630 1980- 1980-370 1980-741 1981-111 534 535 1981-481 1981-852 1982-222 1982-593 1982-963 1983-333 1983-704 1984-074 1984-444 1984-815 535 536 1985-185 1985-556 1 985-926 1986-296 1986667 1987-037 1987-407 1987-778 19*8-148 1988-519 536 537 1988-889 1989-259 1989-630 1990- 1990370 1990-741 1991-111 1991-481 1991-852 1992-222 537 538 1992-593 1992-963 1993-333 1993-704 1994-074 1994-444 1994-815 1995-185 1995-556 1995-926 538 , :>39 1996-296 1996-667 1997-037 1997-407 1997*778 1998-148 199S-519 1998-889 1999-259 1999630 539 ' 540 2000- 2000-370 2000-741 2001-111 2001-481 2001-852 2002-222 2002-593 2002-963 2003-333 540 ; M.A. O 1 a 3 4: -5 -0 7 8 9 M.A. ME A If AREAS 48 1 to 54Q. 182 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR WO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 % 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 541 J003-704 2004-074 2004-444 004-815 2005-185 2005-556 2005-926 006-296 2006-607 2007-037 541 542 2007-407, 2007-778 2008-148 008-519 008-889 2U09-259 2009-630 010- 2010-370 2010-741 542 543 2011-111 2011-481 2011-852 012-222 2012-593 2012-963 2013-333 013-704 2014-074 2014444 543 544 2014-815; 2015- 185 2015-556 015-926 2016-296 2016-667 2017-037 017-407 2017-778 2018-148 544 545 2018-519 2018-889 2019-259 019-630 2020- 2020-370 2020-741 021-111 2021-481 2021-852 545 546 2022-222 2022-593 2022-963 023-333 2023-704 2024-074 2024-444 024-815 2025-185 2025-550 546 547 2025-926 2026-296 2026-667 027-037 2027-407 2027-778 2028-148 028-519 2028-889 2029-259 547 518 2029-030,2030- 2030-370 030-741 2031-111 2031-481 2031-852 2032-222 12032-593 2032-963 548 549 2033 333 2033-704 2034-074 034-444 2034-815 2035-185 2035-55S 2035-926 2036-290 2036-667 549 550 2037-037 2037-407 2037-778 038-148 2038-519 2038-889 2039-259 2039-630 2040- 2040-370 550 551 2040-741 2041-111 2041-481 041-852 2042-222 2042-593 2042-963 2043-333 2043704 044-074 551 5.V2 2044-444 2044-815 2045 185 045-506 2045-926 2046-296 2046-667 2047-037 2047-407 047-778 552 553 2048-148 2048-519 2048-889 049-259 2049-630 2050- 2050-370 2050-741 2051-111 051-481 553 554 2051-852 2052-222 2052-593 052-963 2053-333 2053-704 2054-074 2054-444 2054-815 055-185 554 555 556 2055-556 12055-926 2059-259 2059-630 2056-296 2060- 056-667 060-370 2057-037 2060-741 057-407 2061-111 2057-778 2061-481 2058-148 2061-852 2058-519 2062-222 2058-889 2062-593 555 556 557 2062-963 2063-333 2063-704 064'07-i 2064-444 2064-815 2065-1F5 2065-550 2065-926 2000-290 557 558 206(5-667 2067-037 2067-407 2067-778 2068-148 2068-519 2068-889 2069-259 2069-630 2070- 558 559 2070-370 2070-741 2071-111 2071-481 2071-852 2072-222 2072-593 2072-96:5 2073-333 2073-704 559 500 2074-074 2074-444 2074-815 2075-185 2075-556 2075-926 2076-296 2076-667 2077-037 2077-407 560 561 2077-778 2078-148 2078-519 2078-889 2079-259 2079-630 2080- 2080-370 2080-741 2081-111 501 502 2081-481 2081-852 2082-222 2082-593 2082 963 2083-333 2083-704 2084-074 2084-444 2084-815 562 563 2085-185 2085-556 2085-926 2086-296 2086-667 2087-037 2087-407 20S7-778 2088-148 2088-519 503 564 2088-889 2089-259 2089-630 2090- 2090-370 2090 741 2091-111 2091-481 2091-852 2092-222 504 565 2092-593 2092-963 2093-333 2093-704 2094-074 2094-444 2094-815 2095-185 2095-556 2095-920 565 5fiO 2096-296 2096-667 2097-037 2097-407 2097-778 2098-148 2098-519 2098-889 2099-259 2099-6:50 566 567 2100- 2100-370 2100-741 2101-111 2101-481 2101-852 2102-222 2102-593 2102-963 210:333:5 567 568 2103-704 2104-074 2104-441 2104-815 2105-185 2105-556 2105-920 2106-296 2106-667 2107-037 508 69 2107-407 2107-778 2108-148 2108-519 2108-889 2109-259 2109-6-H 2110- 2110-370 2110-741 509 570 2111-111 2111-481 2111-852 2112-222 2112-593 2112963 2113-333 2113-704 2114-074 2114-444 570 571 2114-815 2115-185 2115-556 2115-926 2116-296 2116-C67 2117-03" 2117-407 2117-778 2118-148 571 572 2118-519 2118-869 2119-259 2119-630 2120- 2120-370 2120-741 2121-111 2121-481 2121-852 572 573 2122-222 2122-593 2122-963 2123333 2123-704 2124-074 2124-444 2124-815 2125-185 2125-556 573 574 2125926 2126-296 2126-607 2127-037 2127-407 2127-77* 2128-148 2128-519 21 28-889 212925< 574 575 21-29-630 2130- 2130-370 2130-741 2131-111 2131-481 2131-852 2132-222 2132-593 2132-963 575 576 2133-333 2133-704 2134-074 2134-444 2134-815 2135-18' 2135-556 2135-926 2136-296 2130-667 576 577 2137-037 2137-407 2137-778 2138-148 2138-519 2138-889 21o9-259 2139-630 2140- 2140-370 577 578 2140-741 2141-111 2141-481 2141-852 2142-222 2142-593 2142-96! 2143-333 2143-704 2144-074 578 579 2144-444 2144-815 2145-185 2145-556 2145 926 2146-290 2i4(/667 2147-037 2147 407 2147-778 579 580 2148-148 2148-519 2148-889 2149-259 2149-630 2150- 2150-370 2150-741 2151-111 2151-481 580 581 2151-852 2152-222 2152-593 2152-96. 2153-333 2153-704 2154-074 2154-444 2154-815 2155-185 581 582 2155-556 2155-926 2156-296 2156-667 2157-037 2157-407 2157-77 2158-14S 2158-519 2158 889 582 583 2159-259 2159-630 2160- 2160-370 2160-741 2161-111 2101-48 2161-852 2162-222 2162-593 583 584 2162-963 2163-333 2163-704 2164-074 2164-444 2164-815 2165-18 2165-556 2165-926 2166-290 584 585 21t)6-667 2167-037 2167-407 2167-778 2168-148 2168-519 2168-88 2169-259 2169-630 2170- 585 586 2170-370 2170-741 2171-111 2171-481 2171-852 2172-222 2172-59 2172-963 2173-333 2173-704 586 587 2174-074 2174-444 2174-815 2175-185 2175-556 2175-926 2176-29 2176-667 2177-037 2177-40- 587 588 2177-778 2178-148 2178-519 2178-889 2179-259 2179-630 2180- 2180-370 2180-741 2181-111 588 589 2181-481 2181-852 21S2-222 2182-593 2l82-96o 2183-333 2183-70 2184-074 2184-444 2184-815 589 590 2185-185 2185-556 2185-926 2186296 2186-667 2187-037 2187-40 2187-778 2188-148 2188-519 590 591 2188-889 2189-259 2189-630 2190- 2190-370 2190-741 2191-11 2191-481 2191-852 2192-222 591 592 2192-593 2192-963 2193-33: 2193704 2194-074 2194-444 2194-81 2195-185 2195-55t) 2195-926 592 593 2196-296 2196-667 2 197 -03" 2197-4(7 2197778 2198-148 2198-61 2198-889 2199-259 2199-631 593 594 2200- 2200-37C 2200-741 2201-111 2201-481 2201852 2202-22 2202-593 2202-963 2202-3:33 594 595 2203-704 2204-074 2204-444 2204-815 2205-185 2205-556 2205-92 2206-296 2206-667 2207-037 595 596 2207-407 2207-77* 2208-148 2208-519 -'208-889 2209-259 2209-63 2210- 2210-370 2210-741 596 597 2211-111 2211-481 2211-852 2212-222 2212-593 2212 9^3 2213-33 2213-704 2214-074 2214-444 597 598 2214815 2215-185 2215-556 2215-92C 2216-296 2216-667 2217-03 2217-407! 2217-778 2218-148 598 599 2218-519 2218-88P 2219-259 2219-630 2220- 2-J20-370 2220-74 2221-111 2221-481 2221-852 599 600 2222-222 2222-593 2222-96: 2223-333 2223-704 2224-074 2224-44 2224-815 2225-185 2225-556 6UO M.A O 1 a 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 54 1 to 6OO. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 183 CVTtIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 001 2225- 92 2220-296 2220-667 22-27-037 2227-407 2227778 2228-148 2228-519 2228-889 2229-259 601 602 2229-630 2230- 22::o-370 2230-741 2231 111 2231-481 223 1 852 2232*222 2232-593 2232-903 602 003 2233-333 2233-704 2234-074 224-444 2234-815 2235-185 2235-550 2235-92G 2236-296 2230-067 603 604 22-37-037 22.57-407 2237-778 2238-148 2238-519 2238-889 2239-259 22i>9-t30 2240- 2240370 604 HI )5 2240-741 2241-111 2241-481 2241-852 2242222 2242-593 ^242-903 2243-333 2243-704 2244-074 605 666 2J44-444 2244-815 2245- 1S5 2245-556 2245 920 2246-296 2240-667 2247-C37 2247-407 2247-778 606 f7 2248-14S 2243-519 224S-889 2249-259 2249-030 2250- 2250-370 2250-741 2251-111 2251-481 607 ('08 2''5l-85" > 2252-222 J252-593 2252-963 2253-333 2253-704 2254-074 2254-444 2254-815 2255-185 608 0)9 225.) r,5G 2255-920 2250-296 2-256-607 2257-037 2257-407 2257-778 2258-148 2258-519 2258-889 609 tilO 2259-253 2259-630 2260- 2260-370 2260-741 2261111 2261-481 2261-852 2262-222 2262-593 610 611 22^2-963 2263-333 2263-704 22R4-074 2264-444 2-264-815 2265-185 2265-556 22P5-920 2266-296 611 012 2 JGtt 667 2267037 2207-407 2207-778 22G8-14S 226S-519 2268-8*9 22C9-259 2269-630 2270- 612 B13 2270-370 2270-741 2271-11! 2271-481 2271-852 2272-222 2272-593 2272-963 2273-33o 2273704 613 014 2274-074 2274-441 2274-815 2275-185 2275-556 2275-920 2-276-296 227G-C67 2277-037 2277-407 614 015 2277-778 2278-148 2278519 227S-8S9 2279-259 2279-630 2280- 2-280-37C 2280-741 2281-111 615 616 2281-481 22S1-852 2282-'222 2282-593 2282-9H3 2283-333 2283704 2284-074 2284-444 22*4-815 616 617 2285-185 22S5-55G 22S5-92G 2286-296 22SG-C67 2287 037 2287-407 2287-778 2288-148 2288-519 617 618 228H-889 '2283-259 2289-630 2230- 2290-370 2290-741 2291-111 2291-481 2291-852 2292-222 618 019 2292 593 2292-903 2293-333 2233-704 2294-074 2294-444 2294-815 2-J9.V1X5 2295-556 2295-S-26 619 620 229o-296 2290-607 2297-037 2297-407 2297-778 2298-148 2298-519 2298 889 2299-259 2299630 620 G21 23^0- 2300-370 2300-741 2301-1 n 2301-481 2301-852 2302-222 2302-693 2302-963 2303-833 621 623 23 (3-704 2304-074 2304-444 2304-815 2305-185 2305-556 2305-926 2306296 2306-007 2307-037 622 623 23)7 -407 12.307 -77 S 23)8-1 48 2308-519 230S-8S9 2309-259 2309 G3( 2310- 2310-370 2310-741 V23 624 2311 111 2311-481 2311-852 2312-222 2312-593 2312-90.3 2313333 2313-704 2314-074 2314-444 624 625 2314815 2315-185 23 1.Y .-,:,, 2315-926 2316-296 2316-667 2317-037 2317-407 2317-778 K318-148 6-.>5 G2G 2318519 2318-8S9 211 9-253 2319-630 2320- 2320-370 2320-741 2321-111 2321-481 2321-852 626 c>n J322-222 2322*593 2322-903 2323-333 2323704 2324-074 2324-444 2324-815 2325-185 2325-556 627 62 2325926 232>;"2'JC 2320-067 2327-037 2327 -4')7 2327-778 2328-148 2328-519 l'o28-889 2329-259 628 02J 2329-630 2330- 2330-370 2330741 2331-111 2331481 2331-852 2:'32-222 23i2-593 2332-963 629 030 2333-333 2333-70 4 2334-074 2334-444 2334-815 2335-185 2335-556 2335-926 233629t 2336-667 C30 (531 2337037 2337-407 2337-778 2338-148 2338-519 2338-889 2339-259 2339-f30 2340- 2340-370 P31 (532 2340741 2341-111 2341-4S1 3341-852 2ii 12-22- 2342-5 f j:; 2342-9GG 2343-G33 2343-704 2344-074 632 033 -1314-414 2344-815 2345-185 2o45-55G 23LV920 2346-290 234G-GG7 2347 037 2347-407 2347-778 G33 634 234vl48 2348519 2318-889 2343-25) 2319 630 2350- 2350-370 2350741 2351-111 2351-481 634 035 2351-852 2352-222 2352-593 J352-9G3 2353-33:i 23' 3 704 2354-074 2,?54-444 2G54815 2355-185 635 G3l> 2.355-556 2:555926 235G-29G 2356-667 2:j.-.7-o.:7 23;.7-407 2357-778 23;58-148 2358519 2358889 636 037 2359-259 2359-630 2360- 2360-370 2G60-741 2361-111 2361-481 ^361-852 2362-222 23C2-593 637 G!8 :;i-.2-. -3 2363-333 2363-704 2364-074 2304-444 2.364-815 23G5-185 236555P. 23C5-92* 23fO-296 638 G:59 2366-6OT 2367-037 2307-4 V? J3G7-778 2368-148 2368-519 2368-8S9 23C9-2/9 2c69-(30 2370- 639 010 2370-370 2370-741 2371-111 2371-481 2371-852 2372-222 2u7 2-693 2372-963 2373-333 2373704 C40 641 2374-074 2374-444 2374-815 2375-185 2375-556 2375926 2376-29G 2376-f67 2377-OS7 2377-407 641 G4i 2377-778 2378-148 2378-519 2378-.S89 2379-2C9 2379-030 380- 2380-370 2350741 2381-111 (42 013 23SI-481 2381-852 23S2-222 238259:) J382-9G3 2.J83-333 23*3-704 2384-074 2384-444 2384-815 643 014 2385- 1 85 2385-556 23S5-92G 2386-296 2386-067 1387 037 2387-407 2387-778 2388-148 2C88 51 644 Gl.i '38S-8S9 23S92J9 2389-03:) 2393- 2390-370 2390-741 2391-111 2C91-481 2391-852 2392-222 645 (UG 2392-693 2332-963 2333-333 2393-704 2.394-074 2394-444 2394-81;' 2S95-1! S 5 2395-550 295-9-.'Q 646 oir J39I5-29G 239:5-007 2397-037 2337-407 2397*778 2398-148 2398-519 2398-889 23t9-259 2l ! -99 630 647 (513 2400- 2400-370 2403-741 2401-111 2401-481 2401-852 2402-222 2402-593 2402-963 2403-333 648 o;j 2403-704 2404-074 2404-444 2404-815 2405-185 2405-550 2405-920 2406-296 2406-607 2407-037 649 050 24U7-407 2407-778 2408-148 2408-519 2408-889 2409-259 2409-630 2410- 2410-370 2410-741 050 G51 2111-111 2411-481 2411-852 2412-222 2412-593 2412-903 2413-333 2413-704 2414-074 2414-444 651 152 2,14815 2415-185 2115-550 2415".;2 i 2410-290 2416-667 2417-037 2417-407 2H7-778 2418-148 6C2 GC.3 211S-519 2418-883 2419 259 2419-630 2420- 2120-370 2420-741 2121-111 2121481 2J2l-8i2 653 (.51 2122222 2:22-59:J 2'22-9i'3 2123-333 2123704 2124-074 2124-444 2424-815 2 '2,5-1 85 2J2555G 054 G55 242V923 2420-230 242J-6G7 2527-037 2 '27-407 2427-778 2428-148 2428-519 2428-889 2429 2-"9 055 G'0 2121-63) 2130- 2430-370 2 430-741 2431-111 2431-481 2131-852 24.?2-222 2432-593 2432-903 656 0'7 2.133-333 2433-704 2LU-H74 2434 444 2!34-S15 2 135-185 2435-556 2435-J126 2430-296 2436-667 657 058 2137-037 2437-407 2437-778 2438-1 4 2138-519 2438-889 2439-2-9 2439-630 2!40- 2440-370 658 659 2140-741 2441-m 2441-481 2441-8^2 24-12 222 2442593 2442963 2443-33.3 2443-704 2144-074 659 COO 2444-444 2444-815 ^445-185 2445-550 2445-926 2446-296 2446-C67 2447037 2447-407 2447-778 GGO M.A. 1 a 3 i 5 G 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 6OI to 660. 184 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OP EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 3 .* 5 6 I 8 9 ALA. fiGl 2448-148 2448-519 244S-889 2449-259 2449-630 2450- 2450-370 450-741 2451-111 2451-481 601 662 2451-852 2452-222 2452-593 2452-963 2453-333 2453-704 2454074 434-444 2454-815 2455-185 602 063 2455-556 2455-926 2456-2% 2456-667 2457-037 2457-407 2457-778 2458-148 2458-519 2458-889 663 664 2459-259 2459-630 2460- 2460-370 2460-741 2461-111 2461-481 461-852 2462-222 2462-593 664 665 2462-963 2463-333 2463-704 2464-074 2464-444 2464-815 2465-185 2465-556 2465-926 2466-296 665 666 2466 667 2467-037 2467-407 2467778 2468-148 2468-519 2468 889 2469-259 2469-630 2470- 666 667 2470-370 2470-741 471-111 2471-481 2471-852 2472-222 2472-593 2472-963 2473-333 2473704 6(17 668 2474-074 2474-444 474-815 2475-185 2475-556 2475-926 2476-296 2476-667 2477037 2477-407 668 669 2477-778 2478148 478-519 2478-889 2479-259 2479-630 2480- 2480-370 2480-741 2481-111 669 670 2481-481 2481-852 482-222 2482593 2482-963 2483-333 2483-704 2484-074 2484-444 2484-815 670 671 2485-185 2485-556 485-926 2486-296 2486-667 2487-037 2487-407 2487-778 2488-148 2488-519 671 672 2488-889 2489-259 489-630 2490- 2490-370 2490-741 2491-111 2491-481 2491-852 2492-222 672 673 2492-593 j 2492-963 493-333 2493 704 249HT74 2494-444 2494815 2495-185 2495-556 2495-9-26 673 674 496-296; 2496-667 497-037 2497-407 2497-778 2498-148 2498-519 2498-889 2499-259 2499630 674 675 500- 12500-370 500-741 2501-111 2501-481 2501-852 2502-222 2502-593 2502-963 2503-333 675 676 503-704 .504-074 504-444 2504-815 2505-185 2505-556 2505-926 2506-296 2506-667 2507-037 676 677 507-407 507-778 508-148 2508-519 2508-889 2509-259 2509-630 2510- 2510-370 2510-741 677 678 511-111 511-481 511-852 2:M2-222 2512-593 2512-963 2513-333 2513-704 2514-074 2514-444 678 679 514-815 515-185 515-556 '515-926 2516-296 2516-667 2517-037 2517-407 2517-778 2518-14* 679 630 518-519 518-889 519-259 2519-030 2520- 2520-370 2520-741 25-21-111 2521-481 2521-852 680 6S1 522-222 522-593 522-963 2523-333 2523' 704 2524-074 2524-444 2524-815 2525-185 2525-556 681 632 2525-926 526-296 526-667 2527-037 2527-407 2527-778 2528-148 2528-519 2528-889 2529-259 682 683 2529-630 530- 530-370 2530-741 2531-111 2531-481 2531-852 2532-222 2532-593 2532-963 683 68 1 533-333 533-704 534-074 2534-444 2534-815 2535-185 2535-556 2535-926 2536-296 2536-667 684 685 2537-037 537-407 537-778 2538-148 2538-519 2538-889 2539-259 2539-630 2540- 2540-370 685 686 2540-741 541-111 541-481 2541-852 2542-222 2542-593 2542-963 2543-333 2543-704 2544-074 686 687 2544-444 544-815 545-185 2545-556 2545-926 2546-296 2546-667 2547-037 2547-407 2547-77* 687 688 2548-148 548-519 2548-8S9 2549-259 2549630 2550- 2550-370 2550-741 2551-111 2551-4S1 688 689 2551-85-2 552-222 2552-593 2552-963 2553-333 2553-704 2554-074 2664*444 2554-815 2555-1 85 689 690 2555-556 555-926 2556-296 2556-667 2557-037 2557-407 2557-778 2558-148 2558-519 2558-889 690 601 2559-259 2559-630 2560' 2560-370 2560-741 2561-111 2561-481 2561-852 2562-222 2562-593 691 692 2562963 2563-333 2563-704 2564-074 2564-444 2564-815 2565-185 2565'556 2565-926 2566-296 692 6 r J3 2566-667 2567-037 2567-407 2567-778 2568-148 2568-519 2568-889 2569-259 2569-630 2570- 693 694 2570-370 2570-741 2571-111 2571-481 2571-852 2572-222 2572-593 2572-963 2573-333 2573-704 694 695 2574-074 2574-444 2574-815 2575-185 2575-556 2575-926 2576-296 2576-667 2577-037 2577-407 695 696 2577-778 2578-148 2578-519 2578-889 2579-259 2579-630 2580- 2580-370 '2580-741 2581-111 696 697 2581-481 2581-852 2582-222 2582-593 2582-963 2583-333 2583-704 2584-074 2584-444 2584-815 697 698 2585-185 2585-556 2585-926 2586-296 2586-667 2587-037 2587-407 2587-778 2588-148 2588-519 698 699 2588-889 2589-259 2589-630 2590- 2590-370 2590-741 2591-111 2591-481 2591-852 2592-22L 699 700 2592-593 2592-963 2593333 2593-704 2591-074 2594-444 2594-815 259^-185 2595-556 2595-926 700 701 2596-296 2596-667 2597-037 2597-407 2597-778 2598-148 2598-519 2598-889 2599-259 2599-630 701 702 2600- 2600-370 2600741 2001-111 2601-481 2601-852 2602-222 2602-593 2602-963 2603-333 702 703 2603-704 2604-074 2604-444 2604-815 2605-185 2605-556 2605-926 2606-296 2606-667 2607-037 703 704 2607-407 2607-778 2608-148 2608-519 2608-889 2609-259 2609-630 2610- 2610-370 2610-741 704 705 2611-111 2611-481 2611-852 2612-222 2612-593 2612-963 2613-333 2613-704 2614-074 2614-444 705 7 .16 2614-815 2615-185 2615-556 2615-926 2616-296 2616-667 2617-037 2617-407 2617-778 2618-148 706 707 2618-519 2618-889 2619-259 2619-630 2620- 2620-370 2620-741 2621-111 2621-481 2621-852 707 708 2622-222 2622-591, 2622-963 2623-33? 26-23-704 2624-074 2624-444 2624-815 2625-185 2625-556 708 709 2625-920 2626-296 2626-667 26-27-037 2627-407 2627-778 2628-148 2628-519 2628-889 2629-259 709 710 2629-630 2630- 2630-370 2630-741 2631-111 2631-481 2631-852 2632-222 2632-593 2632-963 710 711 2633-33 2633-70 2634-07-1 2634-444 2634-815 2635-185 2635-556 2635-926 2636-296 2636-667 711 712 _:637-G3 2637-40 2637-77S 2638-148 2638-519 2038-889 2639-259 2639-630 2640- 2640-370 712 713 2640-74 2641-111 2641-481 2641-852 2642-222 2642-593 2642-963 2643-333 2643-704 2644-074 713 714 2614-444 2644-Slo 2645-185 2645-556 2645-926 2646-296 2646-667 2647-037 2647-407 2647-778 714 715 2648-14 2648-519 2648-880 2649-259 2649-630 2650- 2650-370 2650-741 2651-111 2651-481 715 716 2651-85 2652-22' 2652-593 2652-963 2653-333 2653-704 2654-074 2654-444 2654-815 2655-185 716 717 2655-55 2655-926 2656-29(3 2656-667 2657-037 2657-407 2657-778 2658-148 2658-519 2658-889 717 718 2659-25 2659-630 2660- 2660-370 2660-741 2661-111 2661-481 2661-852 2662-222 2662-593 718 719 2662-96 2363-333 2663-704 2664-074 2664-444 2664-815 2665-185 2665-556 2665-926 2666-296 719 720 2C66-66 2667-03" 2667-407 2607-778 2068-148 2668-519 2668-889 2669-259 2669-630 2670- 720 M.A. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 661 to 7XO. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. J85 CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. .M.A. 1 a 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 7-21 2070-370 2670-741 2671-111 2671-481 2671-852 2tf7 2-222 2672-593 2672-963 2673-333 2673-704 72I 72-2 2074-074 2674-444 2674-815 2675-185 2675-556 12675-926 2676-296 2670-607 2677-037 2677-407 722 723 2G77-778 2678-148 2678-519 2678889 2679-259 2079-630 2680- 2680-370 2680-741 2681-111 723 724 26S1-481 2681-852 2682-222 2082-59:5 2682-963 2683-333 2683-704 2684-074 2684-444 2684-815 724 725 2685-185 2685-556 2685-926 2680-296 2686-667 2687-037 2687-407 2687-778 26-8-148 2688-519 725 720 2088-889 2689-259 2689-630 2690- 2690-370 2690-741 2691-111 2691-481 2691-852 2092-222 726 727 2(192-593 2692 963 2693-333 2693-704 2694-074 2694-444 2694-815 2695-185 2695-556 2695-926 727 728 2096-296 2696 007 2697-037 2697-407 2697-778 2698-148 2698-519 2698-889 2699-259 2699-630 728 729 2700- 2700-370 2700-741 2701-111 2701-481 2701-852 2702-222 2702-593 2702-963 2703333 7-29 730 2703-704 2704-074 2704-444 2704-815 2705-185 2705-556 2705-926 2706-296 2706-667 2707-037 730 731 2707-407 2707-778 2708-148 2708-519 2708-889 2709-259 2709-630 2710- 2710-370 2710-741 731 732 2711-111 J2711-481 2711-852 2712-2-22 2712-593 2712-963 2713-333 2713-704 2714-074 2714-444 732 733 2714-815 '27 15- 185 2715-550 2715-926 2716-296 2716-667 2717-037 2717-407 2717-778 2718-148 733 7*4 2718-519 2718-889 2719-259 2719-630 2720- 2720-370 2720-741 2721-111 2721-481 2721-852 734 735 2722 222 2722-593 2722903 272:5-:!:;;; 2723-704 127 24-H74 2724-444 2724815 2725-185 2725-556 735 736 2725-926 2726-296 2726-607 2727-037 2727-407 2727-778 2728-148 2728-519 2728-889 2729-259 736 737 2729030; 27 30- 2730-370 2730-741 2731-111 2731-481 2731-852 27:',2-2-22 2732-593 2732-963 737 738 27:33-333 2733-704 2734-1 '74 2734-444 2734-815 2735-185 2735-556 2735-926 2736-296 2736-667 738 739 2737-037 27: 17-407 2737-778 2738-148 2738-519 2738-889 2739-259 2739-630 2740- 2740-370 739 740 2740-741 2741-111 2741-481 2741-852 2742-222 2742-593 2742-963 2743-333 2743-704 2744-074 740 741 2744-444 2744-815 2745-185 2745-556 2745-926 2746-296 2746-667 2747-037 2747-407 2747-778 741 742 2748-148 2748-519 2748-889 2749-259 2749-630 2750- 2750370 2750741 2751-111 2751-481 742 743 2751-852 2752-222 27.V2-f>!KJ 2752-963 2753-333 2753-704 2754-074 2754-444 2754-815 2755-185 743 744 2755-556 2755-926 2756-296 2756-667 2757-037 2757-407 2757-778 2758 148 2758-519 2768-888 744 745 2759-259 2759-630 2760- 2760-370 2760741 2761-111 2761-481 2761-852 2762-222 2762-593 745 746 2762-963 2763-333 27K3-704 2764-074 27 64-444 12764-815 2765-185 2765 550 2765-926 2766-296 746 747 2766-667 2767'037 2767-407 2767-778 2768-148|2768-51l) 2768-889 2769-259 2769-630 2770- 747 748 2770-370 2770-741 2771-111 2771-481 2771-852 2772-222 2772-593 2772-963 2773-333 2773-704 748 749 2774-074 2774 444 2774-815 2775-185 2775-556 2775-926 2776-296 2776-667 2777037 2777-407 749 750 2777-778 2778-148 2778-519 2778-889 2779-259 2779-630 2780- 2780-370 2780-741 2781-111 750 751 2781-481 2781-852 2782-222 2782-593 2782-963 2783-333 2783-704 2784-074 2784-444 2784-815 751 752 2785-185 2785-556 2785-926 2786-296 2786-667 2787-037 2787-407 2787-778 2788-148 2788-519 752 753 2788-889 2789-259 2789-030 2790- 2790-370 2790-741 2791-111 2791-481 2791-852 2792-222 753 754 2792-593 2792-963 2793-333 2793-704 2794-074 2794-444 2794-815 2795-185 2795-556 2795-926 754 755 2796-296 2796-667 2797-037 2797-407 2797-778 2798-148 2798-519 2798 889 2799-259 2799-630 755 756 2800- 2800-370 2800-741 2801-111 2801-481 2801-852 2802-222 2802-593 2802-963 2803-333 756 757 2803-704 2804-074 2S04-444 2804-815 2805-185 2805-556 2805-926 2806-296 2806-667 2807037 757 758 2807-407 2807-778 2808-148 2808-519 2808-889 2809-259 2809-630 2810- 2810-370 2810-741 758 759 2811-111 2811-481 2811-852 2812-222 2812-593 2812-963 2813-333 2813-704 2814-074 2814-444 759 760 2814-815 2815-185 2815-556 2815-926 2816-296 2816-667 2817-037 2817-407 2817-778 2818-148 760 761 2818-519 2818-889 2819-259 2819-630 2820- 2820-370 2820-741 282M11 2821-481 2821-852 761 762 2822-222 2822-593 2822-963 2823-333 2823-704 2824-074 2824-444 2824-815 2825-185 2825-556 762 763 2825-926 2826-296 2826-667 2827-037 2827-407 2827-778 2828-148 2828-519 2828-889 2829-259 763 764 2829-630 2830- 2830-370 2830-741 2831-111 2831-481 2831-852 2832-222 2832-593 2832-963 764 765 2833-33312833-704 2834-074 2834-444 2834-815 2835-185 2835-556 2835-926 2836 296 2836 667 765 766 2837-037 2837-407 2837-778 2838-148 2838-519 2838-889 2839-259 2839-630 2840- 2840-370 766 767 2840-741 2841-111 2841-481 2841-852 2842-222 2842-593 2842-963 2843-333 2843-704 2844-074 767 7G8 2844-444 2844-815 2845-185 2845-. r >56 2845-920 2846-296 2846667 2847-037 2847-407 2847-778 768 769 2848-148 2848-51912848-889 2849-259 2849-630 2850- 2850-370 2850-741 2851111 2851-481 769 770 2851-852 2852-222 2852-593 2852-963 2853-333 2863-704 2854-074 2854-444 2854-815 2855-185 770 771 2855-556 2855-926 2856-296 2856-667 2857-037 2857-407 2857-778 2858-148 2858-519 2858-889 771 772 2859-259 2859-630 2860- 2860-370 2800-741 2861-111 2861-481 2861-852 2862-222 2802-593 772 773 2862-963 2863-333 2863-704 2864-074 2864-444 2864-815 2865-185 2865-556 2865-926 2866-296 773 774 2866-667 2867-037 2867-407 2807-778 2868-148 2868-519 >t;s-s,v, 2869-259 2869-630 2870- ' 774 775 2870-370 2870-741 2871-111 2871-481 2871-852 2872-222 2872-593 2872 963 2873-333 2873-704 775 776 2874-074 2874-444 2874-815 2875-185 2875-556 2875-926 2876-296 2876-667 2877-037 287 7 -407 776 777 2877-778 2878-148 2878-519 2878-889 2879-259 2879-630 2880- 2880-370 2880-741 2881-111 777 778 2881-481 2881-852 2882-222 28S2-593 2882-963 2883-33312883-704 2884-074 2884-444 2884-815 778 779 2885-185 2885-556|2885-926 2886-296 2886-667 js7-n:;7 287-407 2887-778 2888-148 2888-519 779 780 2888-889 2889-259 2889-630 2890- 2890-370 2890-741 2891-111 2891-481 2891-852 2892-222 780 M.A 1 3 *. 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 721 to 78O. 18G RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OP EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR WO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 781 2892-593 2892-963 893-333 2893-704 2894-074 2894-444 .'8S4-815 895-185 2895-556 ^895-92*', 781 782 2S96-296 2S96 667 2897-037 2897-407 2897-778 2898148 2898-519 2898-889 2899-259 2899-630 782 783 2900- 2900-370 2900-741 2901-111 2901-481 2901 852 2902-222 2902-593 2902-963 2903-3:>3 res 784 2903-704 -2904-074 904-444 2904-815 2905-185 2905-556 -905-926 2906-296 2906-667 2907-037 784 785 2907-407 2907-778 908-148 2908'5I9 2908-889 2909-259 2909-630 2910- 2910-370 2910-741 785 786 2911-111 2911-481 911-852 2912-222 2912-593 2912-963 2913-333 2913-704 2914-074 2914-444 7^6 787 2914-815 2915 185 915-556 2915-926 2916-296 2916-667 2917-037 2917-407 2917-778 2918-148 787 788 2918-519 -2918-889 919-259 2919-630 2920- 2920-370 2920741 2921-111 1 2921-481 2921 -852 788 789 2922-222 12922-593 >922-963 29-'3-333 2923-704 2924-074 -1924-444 2924-815 2925 185 2925-55G 789 790 2925-926 2926-296 2926-667 2927-037 2927-407 2927-778 2928-148 2928-519 2928-889 2929-259 790 791 2929-630 2930- 2930-370 2930-741 2931-111 2931-481 2931-852 2932-222 2932-593 2932-963 791 792 2933-333 2933-704 2934-074 2934-444 2934-815 2935-185 2935-556 2935-926 2936-296 2936-667 792 793 2937-0:37 2937-407 2937-778 2938-148 2938-519 2938-889 2939-259 2939 630 2940- 2940-370 793 704 2940-741 2941-111 2941-481 2941-852 2942-222 2942-593 2942-963 2943-333 2943-704 2944-074 7^4 795 2944-444 1'29 44-815 2945-185 _'945-556 2945-926 J946-296 2946-667 2947-037 2947-407 2947-778 795 796 2948-148 2948-519 2948-889 2949-259 2949-630 2950- 2950-M70 2950-741 2951-111 2951-481 79fi 797 2951-852 29.V2-222 2952-593 2952-963 2953-333 2953704 2954-074 ^954-444 2954-815 2955185 797 798 2955-556 2955-926 2956-296 2956-667 2957-037 2957-407 2957-778 2958-148 2958-519 2958-889 798 799 2959259 2959-630 2960- 2960-370 2960-741 2961-111 2961-481 2961-852 2962-222 2962-593 799 800 2962-963 2963-333 2963-704 2964-074 2964-444 2964-815 2965-185 2965-556 2965-926 ^966-296 800 801 2966667 2967-037 2967-407 2967-778 2968-148 2968-519 2968-889 2969-259 2969-630 2970- 801 802 2970-370 2970-741 2971-111 2971-4S1 2971-852 2972-222 2972-593 2972963 2973-033 2973-704 802 803 2974-074 2974441 2974-815 2975-185 2975-556 2975-926 2976-296 2976667 2977-037 2977-407 803 801 2977-778 2978-148 2978-519 2978-889 2979-259 2979T30 2980- 2980-370 2980-741 2981-111 804 805 2981-481 2981-852 2982 222 2982-593 2982-963 2983-333 2983-704 2984-074 1 2984-444 2984-815 805 806 2985-185 2985556 2985-926 2986-296 29S6-667 2987-037 2987-407 2987-778 2988-148 2988-519 806 807 2988-889 29H9-259 2989-630 2990- 2990 370 2990-741 2991-111 2991 -4S1 2991-85? 2992-222 807 808 2992593 2992-963 2993-333 2993-704 2994-074 J994-444 2994-815 2995-185 2995-556 2995-921 808 809 2996-296 2996-667 2997-037 2997-407 2997-778 2998-148 2998-519 2998-889 2999-259 2999-031 809 810 3000- 3000-370 3000-741 3001-111 3001-481 3001-862 3002-222 3002-593 3002-963 3003-333 810 811 3003-704 3004-074 3004-444 3004-815 3005-185 3005-5.56 3005-926 3006-296 3006-667 3007-037 811 812 3007-407 3007-778 3008-148 3008519 3008-889 3009-259 3009'63( 3010- 3010-370 3010-741 812 813 |3011-111 3011-481 3011-852 3012-222 3012-593 301 2-963 301333: 3013-704 3014-074 3014-444 813 814 3014-815 .5015-185 3015556 3015-926 3016-296 3016-667 3017-037 3017407 3017-778 3018-148 814 815 3018-519 3018-889 3019-259 3019-630 3020- 3020-370 3020-741 3021-111 3021-481 3021-852 815 816 302-2-222 3022-59} 3022-963 3023-333 3023-704 3024-074 3024444 3024-815 3025-185 3025-556 816 817 3025-926 3026-296 3026-667 3027-0.57 3027-407 3027-778 3028148 3028-519 3028-889 3029-259 817 818 3029-630 3030- 3030-370 3030-741 3031-111 3031-481 3031-852 3032-222 3032-593 3032-963 818 819 3033-333 3i 133-7 04 3034-074 3034-444 3034-815 3035-185 3035-556 3035-926 3036-296 3036-667 819 820 3037-037 3037-407 3037-778 3038-148 3038-519 3038-8SP 3039-259 3039 630 3040- 3040-370 820 821 3040-741 3041-111 3041-481 3041-852 3042-222 .1042-593 3042-963 3043-333 3043-704 3044-074 821 822 3044-444 3044-815 3045-1 85 3045-551 3045-926 3046-296 3046-667 3047-037 3047-407 3047- 77 S 822 823 3048-148 3048-519 3048-889 3049259 3049630 3050- 3050370 3050-741 3051-111 3051-481 823 824 3051-852 305222- 3052-693 3052-963 3053-333 3053-704 3054-074 3054-444 3054-815 3055-185 824 825 3055-556 3055-926 3056296 3056-067 3057-037 3057-407 3057-778 3058-148 3058-519 3058-889 825 826 3059259 3059-630 30(30- 3060-370 3060-741 3061 -111 3061-481 3061-852 3062-222 3062-593 826 827 3062-963 3063-33; 3063-704 3064-074 3064-444 3064-815 3065-185 3065-556 3065-926 3066296 827 828 3066-667 3067-037 3067-407 3067-778 3068-148 3068-519 3068-889 3069259 3069-630 3070- 828 829 3070-371 3070-74 3071-111 3071-481 3071-852 3072-222 3072-593 3072-963 3073-333 3073-704 829 830 3U74-074 3074-444 3074-815 3075-185 3075-556 3075-926 3076-296 3076-667 3077-037 3077-407 sao R31 ?077-778 3078-148 3078-519 3078-889 3079-259 3079-630 3080- 3080-370 3080-741 308M11 831 832 3081-481 3081-85- 3082-222 3082-593 3082-9*3 3083-333 3083-704 3084-074 3084-444 3084-815 832 833 3085-1 ?5 3085-556 3085-926 W6-296 3086-667 3087-037 3087-407 3087-778 3088148 3088-519 833 834 3088-889 3089-259 3089-630 3090- 3090-370 3090-741 3091-111 3091-481 3091-85-2 3092-222 834 8i!5 3092-593 3092-96: 3093-333 3093-704 3094-074 3094-444 3 3296-667 3297-037 3297-407 3297-778 3298-148 3298-519 3298-889 3299-259 3299-630 890 891 3300- 3300-370 3300-741 3301-111 3301-481 3301-852 3302-222 3302-593 3302-963 3303333 891 892 3303704 3304-074 315 14 444 3304-815 3315-185 3305-556 3305-926 .'3306-296 3306-667 3307-037 892 893 3307-407 3307-778 3308-148 3308-519 3308-889 3309-259 3309 630 3310- 3310370 13310741 893 894 3311*111 153 11-481 3311-852 3312-222 3312593 3312-963 3313333 3313-704 13314-074 3314-444 894 895 31314815 3315-185 3315-556 3315926 3316-296 331 6-667 3317 037 3317-407 3317-778 3318-148 895 896 3318-519 3318-889 3319-259 3319-630 3320- 3320-370 3320-741 3321-111 3321-481 3321-852 896 897 3322-222 3322-593 33-22-9(i3 33-23333 3323 704 3324-074 33-24-444 3324-S15 3325-185 3325-556 897 893 899 3325-9-2C, 3329-630 3326-296 3330- 3326-6R7 3330370 3327-037 333V741 3327-407 3331-111 3327-778 3331 481 3328-148 3331-852 3328-519 3332222 3328-889 3332-693 3329-259 3332-963 898 899 900 3333-333 3333-704 =3334074 3334-444 3334-815 3335-185 3335-556 3335-926 3336-296 3336-667 900 M.A 1 a 3 4 5 .6 7 8 M.A. MEAN AREAS 841 to 000. 188 RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. CUBIC YARDS TO MEAN AREAS FOR 10O FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 3 3 4t 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. 901 3337-037 3337-407 3337-778 3338-148 3338-519 3338-889 3339-259 3339-630 3340- 3340-370 901 902 3340-741 3341- }\\ 3341-481 3341-852 3342-22-2 3342-593 3342-963 3343-333 3343'704 3344-074 902 903 3344-414 3344-815 3345-185 3345-556 3345-926 3346-296 3346-667 3347-037 3347-407 3347-778 903 904 1348-148 3348-519 o348-889 3349-259 3349-630 3350- 3350-370 3350-741 3251-111 3351-481 904 905 3351-852 3352-222 3352-593 3352-963 3353-333 "3353-704 3354-074 3354-444 3354-815 rf355-185 905 906 3355-556 3355-926 3356-296 3356-667 3357-037 3357-407 3357-778 3358-148 13358-519 3358-889 906, 907 3359-259 3359-630 3360- 3360-370 3360-741 3361-111 3361-481 3361-852 ; 3362-222 3362-593 907 908 3362-963 3363-333 3363-704 3364 074 3364-444 3364-815 3365-185 33 65-556 '3:365-926 3366-296 908 909 3366-667 3367 037 3367*407 3367-778 3368-148 3368-519 3368-889 3369-259; 3369-630 3370- 909 910 3370-370 3370-741 3371-111 3371-481 3371-852 3372-222 3372-593 3372963 3373-333 3373-704 910 911 3374-074 3374-444 3374-815 3375-185 3375-556 3375-926 3376-296 3376-667 3377-037 3377-407 911 912 3377-778 3378-148 3378-519 3378-889 3379-259 3379-630 3380- 3380-370 3380-741 3381-111 912 913 3381-481 3381-852 3382-222 3382-593 3382-963 3383-333 3383-704 3384-074 3384-444 3384-815 913 914 .'33S5-185 3385-556 3385-926 3386-296 3386667 3387-037 3387-407 3387-778 3388-148 3388-519 914 915 3388-889 3389-259 3389-630 3390- 3390-370 3390-741 3391-111 3391-481 3391-852 3392-222 915 916 3392-593 3392-963 3393-333 3393-704 3394-074 3394-444 3394-815 3395-185; 3395-556 3395-926 916 917 3396-296 3390-667 3397-037 3397-407 3397-778 3398-148 3398519 3398-889! 3399-259 3399-630 917 918 3400- 3400-370 3400741 3401-111 5401-481 3401-852 3402-222 3402-593 3402-963 3403-333 918 919 3403-704 3404-074 3404-444 3404-815 3405-185 3405-556 3405-926 3406-296 3406-667 3407-037 919 920 3407-407 3407-778 3408-148 3408-519 3408-889 3409-259 3409-630 3410- 3410-370 3410-741 920 921 3411111 3411-481 3411-852 3412-222 3412-593 3412-963 3413-333 3413-704 3414-074 3414-444 921 922 3414-815 3415-185 3415-556 3415-926 3416-296 3416-667 3417037 3417-407 3417-778 3418-148 922 923 3418-519 3418-889 3419-259 3419-630 3420- 3420-370 3420-741 3421-111 3421-481 3421-852 923 924 3422-222 3422-593 3422-963 3423-333 3423-704 3424-074 3424-444 3424-815 3425-185 3425-556 924 925 3425-926 3426-296 3426-667 3427-037 3427-407 3427-778 3428-148 3428-519 3428-889 3429259 925 920 3429-630 3430- 3430-370 3430-741 3431-111 3431-481 3431-852 3432-222 3432-593 3432-963 926 927 3433-333 3433-704 3434-074 3434-444 3434-815 3435-185 3435-556 3435-92t> 3436-296 3436-667 927 928 3437-037 3437-407 3437-778 3438-148 3438-519 3438 889 3439-259 3439-630 3440- 3440-370 928 929 3440741 3441-111 3441-481 3441-852 3442-222 3442-593 3442-90:3 3443-333 3443-704 3444-074 929 930 3444-444 3444-816 3445-185 3445-556 3445-920 3446-296 3446-667 3447-037 3447-407 3447-778 930 931 3448-148 3448-519 3448-889 3449-259 3449-630 3450- 3450-370 3450-741 3451-111 3451-481 931 932 3451-852 3452-222 3452593 3452-963 3453-333 3453-704 3454-074 3454-444 3454-815 3455-185 932 933 3455-556 3455926 3456296 3456-667 3457-037 3457-407 3457-778 3458-148 3458-519 3458-889 933 934 3459-259 3459-630 3460- 3460-370 3460-741 3461-111 3461-481 3461-852 3462-222 3402-593 934 935 3462-963 3463-333 3463-704 3464-074 3464-444 3464-815 3465-185 3465-556 3465-92*. 3466-290 935 936 3466667 3467-037 3467-407 3467-778 3468-148 3468-519 3468-889 3469-259 3469-630 3470- 936 937 3470-370 3470-741 3471-111 3471-481 3471-852 3472-222 3472-593 3472-963 3473-333 3473-704 937 938 3474-074 3474-444 3474-815 3475-185 3475-556 3475-926 3476-296 3476-667 3477-037 3477-407 938 939 3477-778 3478-148 3478-519 3478-889 3479-259 3479-630 3480- 3480-370 3480-741 :348l-lll 939 940 3481-481 3481-852 3482-222 3482-593 3482-963 3483-333 3483-704 3484-074 3484-444 3484-815 940 941 3485-185 3485-556 3485-926 3486-296 3486-667 3487-037 3487-407 34S7-77S 3488-148 3488-519 941 942 3488-889 3489-259 3489-630 3490- 3490-370 3490-741 3491-111 3491-481 3491-852 3492-222 942 943 3492-593 3492-963 3493-333 3493-704 3494-074 3494-444 3494-815 3495-185 3495-556 3495-926 943 944 3496-296 3496 667 3497-037 3497-407 3497-778 3498-148 3498-519 3498-889 3499-259 3499-630 944 945 3500- 3500-370 3500-741 3501-111 1501-481 3501-852 3502-222 3502-593 3502-5)63 3503-333 945 946 3503-704 3504-074 3504-444 3504-815 3505185 3505-55b 3505-926 3506-296 3506-667 3507-037 946 947 3507-407 3507-77S 3508-148 3508-519 3508-889 3509-259 3509-630 3510- 3510-370 3510-741 947 948 3511-111 3511-481 3511-852 3512-222 3512-593 3512-963 3513-333 3513-704 3514-074 3514-444 948 949 3514-815 3515-185 3515-556 3515-926 3516-296 3516-667 3517-037 3517-407 3517-778 3518-148 949 950 3518-519 3518-889 3519-259 3519630 3520- 3520-370 3520-741 3521-111 3521-481 3521-852 950 951 3522-222 3522-593 3522-963 3523-333 3523-704 3524-074 3524-444 3524-815 3525-185 3525-556 951 952 3525-926 3526-296 3526-667 3527-037 3527-407 3527-778 3528-148 3528-519 3528-889 3529-259 952 953 3529-630 3530- 3530-370 3530-741 3531-111 3531-481 3531-852 3532-222 3532-593 3532-963 953 954 3533-333 3533-704 3534-074 3534-444 3534-815 3535-185 3535-556 3535926 3536-296 3536-667 954 955 3537-037 3537-407 3537-778 3538-148 3538-519 3538-889 3539-259 3539-630 3540- 3540-370 955 956 3540-741 3541-111 3541-481 3541-852 3542-222 3542-593 3542-963 3543-333 3543-704 3544-074 956 957 3544-444 3544-815 3545-185 3545-556 3545-926 3546-296 3546-667 3547-037 3547-407 3547-778 957 958 3548-148 3548-519 3548-889 3549-259 3549-630 3550- 3550-370 3550-741 3551-111 3551-481 958 959 3551-852 3552-222 3552-593 3552-963 3553-333 3553-704 3554-074 3554-444 3554-815 3555-185 959 960 3555-556 3555-926 3556-296 3556-667 3557-037 3557-407 3557-778 3558-148 3558-519 3558-889 9tiO M.A O 1 3 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 9O1 to 9GO. RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EARTHWORKS. 189 CVJSIC YARDS TO ME AX AREAS FOR 1OO FEET IN LENGTH. M.A. 1 3 3 4: 5 G 7 8 9 M.A. 9G1 3559-259 3559-630 3560- 3560-370 3560-741 3561-111 3561 481 3561-852 3562-222 3562-593 961 9f>2 3562-963 3563-333 3563-704 3564-074 3564-444 3564-815 3565-185 3565-556 3565-926 ,3566-266 962 963 3566-667 3567-037 3567-407 3567-778 3568-148 3568-519 3568-889 3569-259 3569630 3570- 9613 964 3570-370 :3570-741 3571-111 3571-481 3571-852 3572-222 3572-593 3572-963 3573-333 3573-704 964 9(55 906 3574-074 3577-778 3574-444 3578-148 3574-815 3578-519 3575-185 3578-889 3675-556 3579-259 3575-926 3579-630 3576-296 3580- 3576-667 3580-370 3577-037 3680-741 3577407 3581-111 965 966 9137 3581-481 3581 -852 3582-222 3582-593 J582-963 3583333 3583-704 3584-074 3584444 3584-815 967 968 969 3585-185 3585-556 3588-889 35*9"259 3585926 3589-630 3586-296 3590 3586-667 3590-370 3587-037 3590-741 3587-407 3591-111 3587-778 3591-481 ".588-148 3591-852 3588-519 3592-222 968 969 970 3592-593 3592-903 3593-333 3593-704 3594-074 3594-444 o594-815 3595-185 3595-556 3595-926 970 971 3596-296 3596-667 3597-037 3597-407 3597-778 3598-1 48 3598-519 598-889 3599-259 3599-630 971 972 3600- 3600-370 3600-741 3601-111 3601-481 3601-852 3602-222 3602-593 3602963 3603333 972 973 3603-704 3604-074 3604-444 3604-815 3605-185 3605-556 3605926 3606-296 3606-667 3607-037 973 974 1607-407 3607778 360S-148J 3608-519 3808*888 3609259 3609-630 3610- 3610-370 %10-741 974 975 3611-111 3611-481 3611-852 3612-222 3612-593 3612963 3613 333 3613-704 3614074 '3614-444 975 976 3614-815 3615 185 3615-556 3615-926 36143-296 3616-667 3617-037 3617-407 3617-778 3618-148 976 977 3618-519 3618-8S9 3619-259 3619-630 3620- 3620-370 3620-741 3621-111 3621-481 3621-852 977 978 3622-222 3622-593 3622-963 3623 :;:;:! 3623-704 3024-074 3624-444 3624-815 3625-185 3625-556 978 979 3625-926 3<526"296 3626-667 3627-037 3627-407 3627-778 3628-148 3628-519 3628-889 3629-259 979 980 3629-030 3630- 3630-370 3630-741 3631-111 3631-481 3631-852 3632-222 3632-593 3632-963 980 981 3633-333 3633-704 3634-074 3634-444 3634-815 3635-185 36:35-556 3635-926 3636-296 3636-667 9R1 982 3637037 3637-407 3637778 3638148 3638-519 3638-889 3639-259 3039-630 3640- 3640370 982 933 3640741 3641-111 3641-481 3641-852 3642-222 3642-593 3642-903 3643-333 3643704 3644074 983 984 3644-444 3644-815 3645-185 3645-556 3645-926 3646-296 3646-667 3647-037 3647-407 3647-778 984 985 3648-148 3648-519 3648-889 3649-259 3649-630 3650- 3650-370 3650-741 3651-111 3651-481 985 96 3651-852 3652-222 3652-593 3652-963 3653-333 3663-704 3654-074 3654-444 3654-815 3655-185 986 987 3655-556 3655-926 3656-296 3656-667 3657037 3657-407 3657-778 3658-148 3658-519 3a r )8 889 987 988 3659-259 3659-630 3600- 3660-370 3660741 3661-111 3661-481 3661-852 3662-222 3662593 988 989 3662-963 3663-333 3663-704 3664-074 3664-444 3664-815 3665-1 8f 3665-556 3665-926 3666-296 989 9110 3666-667 3667-037 3067-407 3667-778 3668' 148 3668-519 3668-889 3669-259 3669-630 3670- 990 991 3670-370 3670741 3671-111 3671-481 3671852 3672-222 3672-593 3672-963 3673-333 3673-704 991 992 3674-074 3674-444 3674-81) 3675-185 3675-55* 3675-926 3676-296 3676-667 3677-037 3677-407 992 993 3677-778 3678-148 3678-519 3678 889 3679 259 3679-630 3680- 3680-370 3680 741 3681-111 993 994 3681-481 3681-852 1 3682-222 3682-593 3682-963 3683-33H 3683-704 5684074 3684-444 3684815 994 995 3685-185 3685-556 3685-926 3686-296,3686-667 3687-037 3687407 3687*778 3688-148 3688-519 995 996 3688-889 3689-259 3889-630 3690- 13690-370 3690-741 3691-111 3691-481 3691-852 3692-222 996 907 998 3692-593 3696-296 3692-963 3693-333 3696-667 3697-037 3693704 3' 94 074 3697(407 3697-77^ 3694-444 3698-148 3694-81 5 13695-1 85 3698-519 3698-889 3695-556 3699-259 3695926 3699630 997 998 999 3700- 3700-370 3700-741 3701-111 3701-481 3701-852 3702-222 3702-593 3702-963 3703-333 999 1000 3703-704 3704-074 3704-444 3704-815 3705-185 3705-556 3705-920 3706-296 3706-667 3707-037 1000 M.A 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.A. MEAN AREAS 961 to 1OOO. NOTE. This Table having been carefully computed by the Author, through the usual method of successive additions, and verified in the manuscript, was set up by a skilful printer, and the proofs examined, and re-examined, until they were thought to be free from error; finally, the plates were cast, and the revises taken from them sub- mitted, page by page, to the scrutiny of a competent Civil Engineer, who examined the whole, figure by figure, and ultimately reported but few slight mistakes, which were immediately corrected in the plates themselves; so that every precaution having been taken to secure accuracy: the Author feels justified in declaring his belief, that the Table above t entirely clear of any material error. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY 23 MURRAY STREET, and 27 WARREN STREET, IE -W ^r o : PLATTNER'S MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE AND QUANTI- TATIVE ANALYSIS WITH THE BLOWPIPE. From the last German edition, revised and enlarged. By Professor TH. KICHTEB. 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