THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ex Libris Katharine F. Richmond and Heniy C. Fall ^ V THE STATUE S. ERECTED BY THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE -T IN HONOR OF 5 GENERAL JOHN STARK N ^ A SKETCH OF ITS INCEPTION, ERECTION AND DEDICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL MANCHESTER JOHN B. CLARKE, PUBLIC PRINTER 1890 SKETCH OF ITS INCEPTION. The artistic development of a people rarely keeps pace with its material progress. The mad rush for financial and commer- cial aggrandizement that so often follows the solution of the problems of self-government leaves no time for the cultivation of the aesthetic side of human nature, and the outward evi- dences of a new nation's growth are, in the main, crude and in- artistic. Architecture is the handmaid of commerce, and the fine arts are relegated to positions humiliating in the extreme. True artistic growth, like true mental development, can come only with age. Culture is the offspring of time, and, isolated examples to the contrary notwithstanding, cannot flourish under the noisy and bustling circumstances of the struggles of a new community for physical, geographical, and financial importance. Hence it is not surprising that the first century of our national existence should have developed no remarkable artistic tenden- cies among us ; for it cannot be denied that the beautiful has almost always been subordinated to the practical in all the en- deavors to present to the world any monumental evidence of our national importance. Now, however, the evolution of history and the progress of time have brought us to that point where the crystallizing tenden- cies of an artistic impulse must seek public expression. The canons of architecture are no longer thrust aside by the para- 106671! O 4 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. mount claims of commercial law, and the practical and the beau- tiful have been found compatible elements in the construction of public works. Nor is this expression of public taste confined wholly to architectural circles. The celebration of our national centen- nial and the recurrence of similar local anniversaries have served to concentrate the mind of the community upon the central figures of our early history, and the feeling of common grati- tude must seek expression in public praise. Hence we find, on every hand, almost numberless monuments and public works that are at once patriotic in their tone, elevating in their tenden- cies, and artistic in their conception. And who may say that each of these works does not convey its own lesson ? Why may not our youth, by beholding the in- spiring works of an inspired artist, receive a lesson of greater patriotic import than any that may be inculcated in the schools ? The Greeks, by constantly keeping before their eyes the purest models of a merely physical existence, were enabled to produce a race whose equal has never yet been seen and whose influence even now permeates and colors our whole national existence in its philosophical, literary, and economic development. The admiration of force is so common a characteristic, and the feeling of personal attachment to such force is so natural a result, that the birth of a community with all the endowments of freedom and self-government may be likened to a chemical pro- cess, as crystallizing around a common center. Hence a strong, commanding figure in any stage of a nation's development will make itself a permanent factor in all periods of that commu- nity's progress. The nature of the early history of this country was such as to bring into prominence men of character and vigor, and served SKETCH OF ITS INCEPTION. 5 also to develop those qualities where they were latent. The dangers and crises of our colonial history demanded men of force, and they were not lacking in any exigency of the occasion. Such a man pre-eminently was General John Stark. A vig- orous line of Scotch-Irish ancestry had suffused him with a patriotic fervor of mind and an overweening vigor of body in a combination well nigh irresistible in its power. The appeal of his country fell upon his ear already strained to catch the first murmur of an oppressed and outraged people. His inflammable nature thrust him at once into the very thick of the conflict, and his remarkable achievements were the marvel of his compeers and the admiration of his soldiery. In another place his ser- vices to his country are dilated upon and only the merest refer- ence to his military career is necessary at this point. The de- cline of his life was peaceful and uneventful, and death claimed him only after he had lived to see himself the last surviving member of that brilliant coterie of military leaders who had fought for freedom in the land they loved. Who does not honor such a man ? The only wonder is that gratitude has been so tardy in its recognition of his worth. The tendencies of the age demanded it, and the conscience of a grateful citizenship urged it, yet it was not until June 16, 1889, that public mention was made of the unpaid debt of New Hampshire to her hero's memory. On that date Professor Tay- lor, of the Andover Theological Seminary, in the progress of a sermon at the South Church, Concord, said : " I am not well enough informed of your affairs to know whether your State has erected a statue to" General Stark, but it ought to if it has not, for Stark at Bunker Hill with his men from New Hampshire behind a rail fence saved Prescott's detachment from annihila- tion." The following day the New Hampshire Society of the 6 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Sons of the Revolution was formed, and its president, Hon. Charles R. Morrison, of Concord, at once acted upon the sug- gestion made by Dr. Taylor, and the society appointed the follow- ing committee to induce favorable action of the Legislature for the erection of a statue to Genera] Stark : Charles R. Morri- son, of Concord ; Joshua G. Hall, of Dover ; James A. Edgerly, of Great Falls ; William W. Bailey, of Nashua ; George C. Gilmore, of Manchester ; John M. Hill, of Concord ; Thomas Cogswell, of Gilmanton ; and Henry O. Kent, of Lancaster. A memorial on the subject was prepared and presented to the Legislature and was referred by the House of Representa- tives to a special committee. After a hearing had been held, the committee reported offering a resolution providing for the erection of a statue.* This resolution passed the House of Representatives August 13, 1889, and was immediately sent to the Senate, where, under a suspension of the rules, it was passed the following day, August 14, 1889. On the same day it re- ceived the executive signature. A beginning had now been definitely made and the Gov- ernor and Council took full charge of the proceedings. The following extracts from the records of that body will be suffi- cient to show the successive steps taken in the progress of the work : OCTOBER 4, 1889. Councilors Edward C. Shirley and Frank C. Churchill were appointed a committee to confer with sculptors in relation to the proposed monument to General John Stark. [This committee was placed in full charge of the execution of the provisions of the legislative resolution and was organized with Councilor Shirley as chairman and Councilor Churchill as secretary.] * See Appendix A . SKETCH OF ITS INCEPTION. 7 NOVEMBER 7, 1889. Voted, That the committee on Stark monument be instructed to procure models for the same as soon as practicable and report cost of monument complete above stone foundation. JANUARY 17, 1890. The special committee on the Stark monument reported that they had received models from the following sculptors, viz. : H. H. Kitson, Boston ; Carl Conrads, Hartford; John Rogers, New York; George E. Bissell, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; J. I. Langley, Manchester; Taft, Chicago; J. G. C. Hamilton, Cleveland; C. H. Nichaus, New York (two models); Alexander Doyle, New York. The committee further reported that they had employed Mr. R. Austin Robertson, of the American Art Association of New York city, to assist them in selecting a model, and they recommended the passage of the follow ing resolution : Resolved, That the Conrads model, presented by the New England Granite Works, be accepted, said company agreeing to set up the statue complete for the sum of $8,000, and that the attorney-general be requested to prepare a contract with said company, which shall require a statue accord- ing to the model presented by them to be erected in the State House yard, ready to be unveiled on or before the first day of October next. APRIL 10, 1890. Voted, That the committee on Stark monument be authorized to sign the contract for making and setting up the monument. JULY i, 1890. The Governor nominated Hon. James W. Patterson, of Hanover, to be the orator on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Gen. John Stark, and the Council unanimously concurred therein. Voted, To invite the Amoskeag Veterans of Manchester, the officers of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Sons of the Revolution, and the New Hampshire Historical Society to be present and participate in the ceremonies of unveiling the Stark statue. JULY 31, 1890. Voted, That the following named persons, Mrs. Mary JaneTenney, Lon- 8 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. donderry, N. H., Mrs. Sarah Pinkerton Graves, Ipswich, Mass., and Mrs. Charlotte Stark Campbell, North Reading, Mass., grand-daughters of Gen. John Stark, and all other known descendants be invited to be present as guests of the State on the occasion of the unveiling of the Stark monument ; that John G. Whittier be invited to write a poem for that occasion, and that Professor Churchill, of Andover, Mass., be invited to read it; that Allen Eastman Cross, of Manchester, also be invited to deliver a poem on that occasion. AUGUST 27, 1890. Voted, That the date for the unveiling of the Stark statue, and all the necessary arrangements in connection with the same, be left to the statue committee, Councilors Shirley and Churchill, with full power. OCTOBER 9, 1890. Voted, That the services of the unveiling of the Stark statue take place at ii A. M., on Thursday, the 23d of October. This concludes the legislative history of the statue. The committee, in making the final arrangements for the ceremonies of dedication, selected Miss Florence S. Shirley, of Goffstown, to unveil the statue. Mr. Whittier was compelled to decline the invitation extended to him, and that feature was eliminated from the program. Hon. Moody Currier, LL. D., of Manchester, was chosen president of the day ; Hon. Harry Bingham, LL. D., of Littleton, and Oliver E. Branch, Esq., of Weare, were selected as vice-presidents ; and Hon. E. B. S. Sanborn, of Franklin, and Mr. P. B. Cogswell, of Concord, as secre- taries. Col. Charles C. Danforth, of Concord, was chosen marshal, and his assistants were designated as follows : Andrew Bunton, of Manchester ; Col. W. H. D. Cochrane, of Nashua ; Chauncey H. Greene, of Littleton ; and Cornelius E. Clifford. Esq., of Concord. The statue was dedicated Thursday, October 23, and a full account of the proceedings is given in another part of this work. THE STATUE. THE STATUE. The figure is of bronze, eight feet in height, and was cast from a design made by Carl Conrads, the artist of the New England Granite Works, of Hartford, Conn., to whom the com- plete contract for both statue and pedestal was awarded. The casting was done by the Ames Manufacturing Com- pany, of Chicopee, Mass., and was completed October i, 1890. The statue surmounts a pedestal made from a design furnished by Architect John A. Fox, of Boston. It is made from selected Concord granite, and is cut in four pieces. The bottom base is eight feet square by one foot six inches rise from the ground line. The second base is six feet square by two feet eleven inches rise from the ground, and is finely molded. Next is the die, four feet square by two feet nine inches rise. On the front of this, in six-inch raised and polished letters, is cut the name GEN. STARK. The other three sides of the die are ornamented by finely executed bronze tablets sunk three fourths of an inch into the granite. One of the tablets is inscribed BUNKER HILL, and the opposite one BENNINGTON, 12 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. while on the other side is the following inscription : MAJ. GEN. JOHN STARK. BORN IN LONDONDERRY, N. H.J AUGUST 28, 1/28. DIED IN MANCHESTER, N. H., MAY 8, 1 822. ERECTED BY THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. A. D. 1890. Both the lettering and the tablets are notably fine pieces of work. The die is surmounted by a capstone four feet one inch square, and having two feet three inches rise. This stone is elaborately mounted by a projecting mold and fillets. Upon this stone rests the statue. The entire height of the pedestal is nine feet five inches and the statue is eight feet high. The entire weight of the statue and pedestal is about twenty-five tons. THE DEDICATION. THE DEDICATION. The dedication of the statue occurred Thursday, October 23, 1890, in the presence of a large concourse of people. Early in the day the streets presented an animated appearance from the throngs of people who had come into the city for the occa- sion. A stand for the accommodation of the officers of the day and the invited guests had been erected immediately in the rear of the statue, which was itself draped with the national colors. At 1 1 o'clock the Amoskeag Veterans arrived from Man- chester and, led by the First Regiment Band, marched to the New Eagle Hotel. Here the officials and invited guests assembled, and while the band played " Hail to the Chief " the procession was formed, marching from the hotel some distance down Main street. By this time the State House yard was thronged with people, there being probably about 3,000 present. At 1 1. 30 o'clock the procession started, filing through the front entrance of the State House yard and marching directly to the platform. The procession was made up as follows : Col. C. C. Danforth, Concord, Marshal ; and Aids, Andrew Bunton, Manchester, Col. W. H. D. Cochrane, Nashua, Chauncey H. Greene, Littleton, Cornelius E. Clif- ford, Concord. First Regiment Band, Manchester, F. D. Record, Leader. 1 6 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Amoskeag Veterans, Manchester, Major Charles H. Bartlett, commanding. Governor Goodell and Staff. Executive Council. Ex-Governors and State Officials. Congressional Delegation. Justices of the Supreme Court. Hon. Moody Currier, President of the Day. First Vice-President and Poet. Second Vice-President and Chaplain. Secretaries. Descendants of General Stark. Invited Guests. Society of the Sons of the Revolution, Hon. Charles R. Morri- son, President. New Hampshire Historical Society, Hon. Samuel C. Eastman, President. Concord City Government. Immediately upon arriving at the stand the band rendered a selection, after which the marshal of the day commanded silence, and prayer was offered by Rev. John Mason Dutton, of Great Falls. PRAYER. Unto thee, our Father who art in Heaven, we come this day. In thee we live. In thy mercy we rejoice. In thy strength we triumph. Thou re- vealest thyself in man, in institutions ministering to human need, in prog- THE DEDICATION. I/ ress by growth, conversion, and conflict. We see thee in nature, in nations, and in man. We thank thee for the lessons and inspirations of this day. We remember that no man liveth to himself alone and no man dieth to him- self alone. In this day let us realize that we are inheritors of past ages. We thank thee for that heritage of worthy names, manly spirit, and sublime courage. The dead speak to us, and their works do praise them. The hero- ism and self-sacrifice of others have secured to us unnumbered blessings. In thy providence, we are the reapers of a blessed harvest for which others sowed the seed. We give thanks for that current of power and knowledge and pur- pose seen in the realizations of the present. Teach us the measure of our in- debtedness and of our responsibility towards all who may share in the re- wards of our living. Let thy mercy shine forth as the light in love to man. Let the power of Him who spoke and it was done, be girded about this com- monwealth, in all her institutions of learning, mercy, and religion. Speak into the living present heroic purpose, loyalty to truth, and love to God. We seek to become that people whose God is the Lord, that righteousness may abide among us, that His law may be our law, that human purpose, begotten of truth, may be discharged in a loyalty as heroic as that of those whose debtors we are. We give thanks for the increasing power of that spirit that binds together successive ages, making us citizens of all nations, sharers in all trial, and victors in all triumph. May the blessings of God rest upon us, as we recall the life and deeds of one whose name is crowned with the honor given to those we love, whose heroism caused a light to shine in the darkness, and gave direction to forces that are living in us. We thank thee for the strength of manhood and womanhood that has crowned the years. May the blessings of freedom re- main among us to the latest generations, and we gather up, in years to come, the rewards of heroic service and self-sacrifice. Let blessings rest upon us in all the rites of this day, to perpetuate the memory of him whose life aided in making possible the freedom and independence and power wherein we are blessed. We worship, praise, and pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and evermore. AMEN. Following the prayer, His Excellency the Governor arose and introduced the officers of the day with these words : 1 8 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. GOVERNOR GOODELL'S REMARKS. Fellow- Ctt iz ens : The Legislature of 1889 enacted a law requiring the Governor and Council to erect a statue of Gen. John Stark in the State House yard. The work is done, and we are now ready to proceed to the ceremony of dedication. The following gentlemen have been selected as officers of the day: President, Hon. Moody Currier, LL. D. ; vice-presidents, Hon. Harry Bingham, Oliver E. Branch, Esq. ; secretaries, Parsons B. Cogswell, E. B. S. Sanborn ; marshal, C. C. Danforth ; aids, Andrew Bunton, Col. W. H. D. Cochrane, Chauncey H. Greene, Cornelius E. Clifford. 1 now present to you ex-Governor Currier, president of the day. PRESIDENT CURRIER'S ADDRESS. Your Excellency and Fellow-Citizens : The earliest records of the human race are written in stone. The first traces of civilization are gathered from the tablets and tombstones found in the mounds and drifting sands of Egyptian and Assyrian deserts. Antiquity has intrusted to marble and bronze the keeping of the sacred forms and features of its gods and men. Thus the great events of the world, enshrined in imperishable forms by the skill of the painter and sculptor, become the permanent foundations of his- tory, and the civilized nations of the earth have ever considered it a sacred duty to erect statues and memorial monuments in honor of their heroes and benefactors, and to inscribe upon brass and upon stone the names and noble deeds of the men who have given their lives and fortunes to humanity. Those who have battled for liberty and human rights are justly entitled to the everlasting gratitude of mankind. The divine instincts in man alone are im- mortal. Philanthropy, patriotism, and justice can never die ; but the living countenance and distinguishing features of the great and the good may perish and be forgotten. The men of the Revolution have departed from our sight ; their venerable forms no longer walk among us ; but the memory of their heroic lives and public virtues still lingers in the minds of this genera- tion. We owe it to ourselves, to those who shall live after us, and to the lovers of liberty throughout the world, to perpetuate the renown and val- iant deeds of the heroes of the American Revolution. Monuments of bronze and of granite should lift their proud heads towards heaven in honor of their heroism and their victories, and their effigies should stand in our streets THE DEDICATION. 19 and in our public grounds, where, like the trophies of Miltiades, they will be a perpetual inspiration to the young men of our own and of all succeeding 'generations. Near the falls at Amoskeag, on the eastern banks of the Merrimack, was the home of Molly Stark. There her distinguished husband swung the scythe and turned the furrow ; there he sowed in spring and reaped in autumn. In peace he retired to his rest at night, and in peace he arose to his labors in the morning. But when the sound of battle rolled up the valley from the plains of Concord and Lexington, the oxen were unyoked in the field and the plow stood still in its course ; and when the war-whoop of the sav- age or the roar of the British cannon was heard in the land, Molly Stark was left alone to till the fields and gather the harvest for winter. Within those historic grounds, upon a slight elevation, stands a slender shaft of granite, seldom seen by the stranger as he hurries by upon the iron rail. Beneath that humble stone lies the sacred dust of John Stark, the hero of Bunker Hill and of Bennington. Monuments have been erected to commemorate these great battles upon the fields where they were fought. The glory and renown of American arms have been engraved in letters of gold upon these imperish- able foundations. But the ashes of the great commander whose heroic valor achieved for us these most important victories now lie beneath that ob- scure shaft on the banks of the Merrimack ; but the fame of John Stark does not grow dim with years. His brilliant achievements at Bunker Hill, Trenton, Princeton, and Bennington are recorded upon the pages of our country's his- tory, and his name shines among the brightest stars in that glorious galaxy of immortal men whose heroism and statesmanship gave to our country inde- pendence and liberty. His renown as a warrior passed beyond the sea. His daring and suc- cessful exploits in, the battle of Bennington filled our enemies abroad with fear and apprehension, while the victory he won inspired our desponding armies with fresh hopes and great expectations. It was a source of much satisfaction and rejoicing to Washington, and proved to be the turning point of the Revolution. The people of New Hampshire have not forgotten the hero of that great battle ; he still lives in their memories ; he is still dear to their hearts. Here in these consecrated grounds, by the side of our great statesman, Daniel Webster, upon a foundation of granite they have placed an image of bronze representing the material form and outward features of our great soldier. 2O THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Though its iron tongue may be dumb and its limbs motionless, its silent voice will ever say that the people of New Hampshire honor and revere the name of John Stark. And, fellow-citizens, may we not hope the day will yet come when many more historic forms of heroes, patriots, and statesmen shall gather beneath the shadows of this capitol, until these venerable groves shall become the sacred Pantheon of New Hampshire's most illustrious sons ? From these silent memorials of human greatness our legislators may learn wisdom, and our people be inspired with a love of liberty, justice, and. humanity. At this point Miss Shirley, to whom had been delegated the duty of unveiling the statue, performed her office in a very graceful and pleasing manner. As the folds of bunting fell aside, revealing the sturdy, yet artistic, outlines of the bronze, the cheers of the audience were mingled with the music of the band. Hon. James Willis Patterson, the orator of the day, was then introduced and delivered the oration as follows : ORATION BY HON. JAMES W. PATTERSON, LL. D. Here, to-day, in the presence of this vast concourse of her people, theState discharges with appropriate military and civic honors a tardy but grateful duty to her earliest and greatest soldier. In dedicating to Gen. John Stark, here within the shadow of the capitol of his native State, this splendid statue, in which art has blended with an easy grace the natural dignity and slum- bering force of the great original, we pay but a just tribute to the memory of one second only to George Washington among the great commanders of our Revolutionary period. No duty more sacred or responsible devolves upon the living than to perpetuate by appropriate symbols the noble deeds of a great life. We shall soon join the forgotten dead, but this silent form will tell to other generations, when our history shall have become dim in the lapse of time, the thrilling story of an imperishable name. The Scotch-Irish contingent of the emigrants who settled in this country early in the eighteenth century were a people of extraordinary physical and intellectual vigor. Their long struggles for more than two centuries with THE DEDICATION. 21 religious bigotry and political oppression imparted to them an alertness and force of character which, transmitted to successive generations of their de- scendants, furnished both to England and America from this people more than their relative number of eminent patriots, statesmen, and men of letters. The Starks were of this lineage. Archibald, the father of General Stark, was a native of Glasgow, and was educated at its ancient university. Early in life, however, he removed to Londonderry, in Ireland, where he married and became closely identified with the heroic people of that famous old city. They were of the same race and creed with himself, and he partook of their trials and aspirations for better conditions. The men who had fought in the siege of Derry could not submit to oppression from any government or church, and in the spirit of heroic adventure accepted the hardships of the sea and the cruelties of the wilderness in the hope of larger liberty and a more generous expansion for their children. In 1720 the elder Stark and his family embarked with a company of Scotch-Presbyterians purposing to join their brethren who, the year before, had located at a place in this State named Londonderry in kindly remem- brance of the home they had regretfully abandoned. The small-pox broke out upon the crowded vessel and added its horrors to the other discomforts of the emigrants. All the children of Archibald Stark died, and the stricken voyagers were forced into quarantine for a year upon the then desolate coast of Maine before reaching their destination in New Hampshire. Here the Scotch exile from two homes reared a family of sons and daughters, and, though fitted by education for civil life, volunteered for the defence of the frontiers against the cruelties of savage warfare. The blood of heroes was in his veins and he could not resist the military instinct, which he transmitted to his four sons, all of whom at length held commissions in the service of the king. William, the oldest of the sons, a brave and accom- plished officer who had fought at Louisburg and Quebec with signal distinc- tion, hearing the guns of Bunker Hill in his home at Dunbarton, hastened to Cambridge and offered his services to his country, but he was rejected for the promotion of inferior men. Maddened by what he deemed an insult and a wrong, in a moment of folly he accepted a colonel's commission in the royal army, and was killed by a fall from his horse in 1776. John Stark, the second son, whose great services and extraordinary life we have met to recall and honor, was born in Londonderry in 1728. When but eight years of age his father moved to Harrytown, a strip of unincorporated 22 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. land upon the banks of the Merrimack, which, with portions of Chester and Londonderry, composed the town of Derryfield under the charter of 1751. By an act of the Legislature the name was changed to Manchester in 1810. There, listening to the ceaseless roar of the falls of Amoskeag and hunt- ing wild game with the Indians upon the frontier, the boy toughened into manhood by the incessant labors of the farm and the forest and became quick of apprehension, fearless in danger, decisive in action, and tireless in endurance. The father, preoccupied by work and military service, could give no systematic instruction to his children, and they grew up with only the rudiments of education snatched from intervals of toil. In the boyhood of General Stark, the now wealthy and populous city of Manchester was upon the extreme northern frontier, and the hardy yeo- manry who guarded this outpost of civilization were dependent largely upon their skill as hunters for financial income. In 1752 John and William Stark, with two companions, in 'one of their annual excursions had pene- trated the forest as far north as the present site of Rumney, and there, upon a tributary of the Pemigewasset, were successfully engaged in secur- ing pelts when they were surprised by ten hostile Indians from Canada. John Stark and Amos Eastman were taken into captivity and David Simpson was shot, but William Stark escaped through the cool intre- pidity of his younger brother, who warned him to flee and knocked up the guns of his brutal captors when in the act of shooting. On reaching St. Francis, the prisoners, in accordance with a custom of the tribe, were forced to run the gauntlet between a double row of young braves armed with rods. Eastman suffered a severe beating, but when Stark's turn came he seized a club from the first in the line and laid it about him with such force as to drive his assailants from the field, greatly to the amusement of the old war- riors who were sitting by as spectators. He was next put to hoeing corn, but he cut up the corn and hoed the weeds and finally threw his hoe into the river, declaring that this was the work of squaws. The strength and bravery of the young athlete so pleased the men of the tribe that he was adopted by the sachem and honored with the title of "young chief." He was treated with great kindness while in captivity, and studied with care the customs and character of the Indian, and especially his methods in war. The whole ad- venture seems like a providential part of his preparation for future life. He was finally ransomed for $103, which he paid with the fruits of a hunt upon the Androscoggin the following season. THE DEDICATION. 23 His remarkable faculty of quick and accurate observation gave the youthful captive on this enforced march through the lower and upper Coos a knowledge of the northern portions of the colony which necessitated his ap- pointment as guide to the military and other expeditions organized by the provincial authorities after his return. The sleepless activity in eluding the cunning or in repelling the attacks of a treacherous and relentless foe was a ceaseless discipline of the faculties during the minority of our hero. By such providential training this gifted son of the frontier, far removed from military schools and the technique of war, was signally fitted at the age of twenty-six for leadership in a campaign for which the science and experi- ence of European battles gave but slight preparation. The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle established the status quo ante helium between England and France, and the jurisdiction of each was nominally restored to its limits before the war which closed in 1748, but the boundaries between their possessions on this continent were left to be determined by commissioners to be mutually chosen. The commissioners, when selected, met in Paris, and after a heated conference adjourned without reaching a decision. From that moment the struggle began between these ancient and powerful enemies for the possession of the continent. The English claimed the valleys of the Ohio and the Mississippi by the right of royal charters, which extended their grants westward to the Pacific Ocean; the French, by the plausible plea of prior exploration and settlement, and as the natural union of their possessions in Canada and Louisiana. They would limit British power to the narrow strip between the AHeghanies and the sea, and stretch their own over the vast and fertile plains of the interior with open sea-gates north and south. There was genius in the conception and unlimited cunning and cruelty in the struggle for its realization. France stretched a chain of sixty forts between Montreal and New Orleans ; built strong ships upon the lakes ; established trading and missionary posts at in- tervals through the interior ; made treaties of friendship with savage tribes and incited them to a system of inhuman warfare along the defenceless bor- ders. Fire, pillage, and murder marked their steps, and the expenses of the war were defrayed by the ransom of innocent women and children, driven into captivity by their brutal allies of the forest ; but savage subtlety and French activity were baffled, and British supremacy established by English statesmanship and provincial courage. After the conflict had actually begun, but before the declaration of war, a civil movement was inaugurated of great political significance. The British 24 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. ministry, foreseeing that war was inevitable, advised the colonists to secure the friendship of " the six nations " and to unite in a plan for general defence. On the ipth of June, 1754, a convention of delegates from seven of the colo- nies met in Albany, and on the fourth of July adopted a form of confedera- tion, drawn by Dr. Franklin, which foreshadowed substantially our federal constitution. The instrument was rejected by the colonial assemblies be- cause it gave too much power to the crown, and by the royal board of trade because it gave too much power to the colonies. The ministry started a second proposition, which involved the right of Parliament to tax the colonies, but it was soon abandoned as impracticable, and royal troops were sent over to prosecute the war. The ministry conde- scended to employ the provincial militia as rangers, guards, and laborers, but thought them unfit for the more serious business of war ; but the govern- ment had planted an idea of colonial union which would not " down at its bidding," and it was soon to learn that subalterns who fought for their homes and altars were superior in all soldierly qualities to the trained mer cenaries of arbitrary power. The philosophic student cannot fail to recognize through all these seven years of gloom and suffering a divine purpose evolving the principles and the instruments of another seven years of more glorious battle in which an independent and free republic was to be born into the family of nations. The first struggle emancipated the people from French license and Indian savagery ; the second, from British arrogance and oppression. In 1754 the endeavor of the Ohio company to erect a fort at the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahela had led to actual hostility, and a force raised by Governor Dimviddie, of Virginia, and, under the command of Major Washington, had been obliged to capitulate after an obstinate fight at Fort Necessity. In the beginning of the following year the war became interna- tional. General Braddock, a distinguished Irish officer, was appointed com- mander-in-chief of the British and colonial forces. An eastern expedition against the peaceful inhabitants of Acadia was executed by Colonel Monck- ton with a heartless refinement of cruelty that is a stain upon the record of the war and a dishonor to the civilization of the age. Fortunately it is an exception to the military history of the time. Braddock's plan of the campaign of 1755 consisted of three independent movements, one against Fort du Quesne, led by the commander-in-chief, and whose fatal issue needs no recital, a second under Governor Shirley against Niagara and Frontenac, which was as fruitless but less unfortunate THE DEDICATION. 25 than the first, and a third, led by General William Johnson, against Crown Point. The New Hampshire forces, commanded by Colonel Blan- chard, were assigned to this expedition. A corps of rangers, recruited by the famous Robert Rogers, was attached to this command. These men were rugged foresters, experienced in hardships and dangers, and, as marks- men, their aim was deadly. Of this number John Stark, though yet a youth, was a man of mark and commissioned as second lieutenant. The com- mand was first to go to the Coos and erect a fort, but before reaching their destination a second order directed them to join their regiment by way of Number Four. They arrived at Fort Edward in season for the triple battle with the enemy under Baron Dieskau. The third fight of the day, in which the enemy was completely routed, was fought by New Hampshire troops alone. At the close of the year the forces were disbanded and Colonel Stark returned to his home. But as reconciliation was now seen to be impossible, both belligerents made a formal declaration of war in the spring of 1756. General Abercrom- bie took command of the English forces as lieutenant of the incompetent Lord Loudon, whom the king had appointed to the chief command, and the Baron Dieskau was succeeded by the Marquis de Montcalm. The military genius of Montcalm quickly brought success to the French arms, and the year closed in gloom for British ascendency in America. But the unpre- cedented character of the war made the New Hampshire rangers an indis- pensable arm of the service, and at the request of Lord Loudon their number was doubled. They were divided into three companies, one of which was placed under the command of John Stark, at the time a man of twenty-eight. These companies were in almost continual service as scouts, ranging the country for information and fighting detached par- ties of the enemy. Stark's knowledge of Indian character and habits made him a power in this kind of warfare. The course of the English commanders during this and the succeeding year might be characterized as masterly inactivity. They made great plans but did little execution. While the English commander was hazarding the loss of a continent by indecision and procrastination, Montcalm had captured Oswego, taken Fort WiHiam Henry, and threatened the conquest of the entire Northwest. The only relief to the disgraceful failures of Loudon and Abercrombie during the years of 1756 and 1757 was the splendid conduct of the New Hampshire rangers in their numerous and hazardous encounters with the enemy. In January, 1757, the rangers were dispatched on a perilous expe- 26 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. dition down the lakes, marching on the ice and over the deep snow on snow shoes. They arrived on the 21 st, after five days of wearisome travel, at a place overlooking Champlain, between Crown Point and Ticonderoga, when they discovered a sled passing on the lake from the one to the other. Stark, with twenty men, was ordered to intercept the sled in front, Major Rogers placed himself in the rear to cut off retreat, and Captain Spikeman remained in the center. Major Rogers soon saw ten more sleds moving in the same direction. As soon as the enemy saw Lieutenant Stark's company they fled back, but the party under Rogers pursued and took seven prisoners, three sleds, and six horses. The rest escaped to Ticonderoga. The rangers, knowing that this meant pursuit by a superior force of French and Indians, began a rapid retreat. Suddenly the van, under Major Rogers, were con- fronted by double their own number of the enemy, arranged in a crescent, with the intent of surrounding and capturing the entire party. At a distance of only five yards, the rangers received a murderous discharge from two hundred and fifty guns. Some were killed and others wounded, and among the latter was Major Rogers. Our men immediately retreated to the rear, where the youthful Stark on the instant had massed his men with the skill of a veteran. The French and Indians rushed forward in a desperate charge. Captain Spikeman was killed and Major Rogers disabled by a second wound, but Stark, now in command, held his little band of decimated heroes firm as an immovable rock. The enemy dashed against them in successive charges, but in vain. He would not surrender or retreat, and threatened to shoot the first man who fled. The lock of his gun was shattered by a shot. He leaped forward and seized another from a dead Frenchman, and, stepping back to his place, fought on with the courage and obstinacy of a tiger from two o'clock till darkness closed the battle, and then retreated with his wounded men through the night. In the morning, halting his command, with two volunteers he marched forty miles on snow-shoes for re-enforcements and sleighs, and, returning, led his forces in safety to Fort William Henry. Here in the first battle under his direction Stark revealed those great qualities that subsequently gave immortality to Bunker Hill and made the republic possible at Bennington. In the following March Fort William Henry was saved in a night attack by the sleepless vigilance of Captain Stark. The English people, at length wearied with the imbecility of the New- castle administration, placed William Pitt, the ablest statesman and the most brilliant orator of his time, at the head of the government, and a more vigorous spirit was breathed at once into the conduct of the war. General THE DEDICATION. 2/ Amherst was given the chief command and General Wolfe was made his lieutenant. To crown his record of defeats Abercrombie, before his removal, made an abortive attempt to take Fort Ticonderoga, in which the youthful Lord Howe, the idol of the army, fell leading his men in the first perilous onset of the battle, and Stark, with his fearless scouts, swept a guarded bridge with a courage as dauntless as the charge which carried the bridge at Lodi, and through the day led his men into the hottest of the conflict. The gallant Howe, the second in command, though reared in the refine- ments of the court, attracted by his noble qualities, became warmly attached to the unschooled hero from the wilds of New Hampshire, and they spent the evening together the night before the attack in familiar and intimate conver- sation. Stark never ceased to speak in terms of tender remembrance of the untimely death of his noble and gifted friend. But Louisburg, Cape Breton, and St. John, one after the other, yielded to the superior generalship of Amherst and Wolfe, and French jurisdiction was forced into its strongholds. The next season the consummate leadership of both nations brought their best forces into mortal combat on the plains of Abraham. English valor triumphed, but the two greatest commanders of the war fell in the bloody encounter. In 1760 the war closed. Amherst concentrated his forces at Montreal, and Gallic power was swept from the North. On the reduction of Canada General Stark, having when at home on furlough in 1758 married Elizabeth, and not Molly, Page, gladly returned to the peaceful duties and responsibilities of domestic life. The commander-in-chief wrote a personal letter to Captain Stark on his resignation, assuring him of his protection and promising that he should resume his rank whenever he chose to return to the service. On retiring from the army General Stark devoted himself to the custom- ary and laborious duties of the farm and the mill, and without ostentation or self-seeking discharged the homely duties of a private citizen. He was too great to voice the m'agnitude of his achievements. He was content to have done his duty, and could not mar the genuineness of his patriotism by clam- oring for rewards and honors. His neighbors had been his companions in arms and all had been brave men in the place of danger. But, like himself, all had felt humiliated and maddened by the ignorance, arrogance, and un- concealed contempt of the English mercenaries and their incompetent offi- cers who strutted in purchased commissions. The neglect and insults which the provincials suffered while fighting for the honor of the king rankled in their memory and planted rebellion in their blood. 28 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. This international war gave an empire to the crown but predestined it to independence. The iron nucleus of the Revolutionary army was fashioned and tempered in the heated furnace of these earlier battles. The idea of separation and self-government was forced upon the colonists by the hard- ships and insults they suffered from their insular masters. British selfish- ness, as historic as Punic faith, was unendurable to their English blood. With the return of peace, Parliament, in violation of constitutional rights, attempted arbitrarily to tax the colonies, to dictate the kinds and extent of their industries, to limit and control their commerce, to strangle their enter- prise and reduce the people to serfs, who should simply feed England and purchase her goods, and so glut the avarice of her manufacturers and mer- chants. But I need not rehearse the familiar catalogue of wrongs which preceded the long and glorious struggle in which the nation was born. Our fathers had come forth unshamed from the test of manhood, fighting side by side with the best troops of Europe, and would not submit to the surren- der of birthrights to men whom they had ceased to fear if not to respect. They were of the best stock of men which the race had produced ; they had been ennobled by communion with the old prophets and by the constant contemplation of the sublime truths of revelation, and their physical and moral powers had been disciplined by Herculean trials and dangers. As a people, they had become singularly familiar with the rights of men by reflec- tion and by close study of the best political works of their day. Their fathers, self-governed for five generations, had transmitted their spirit, and hence vassalage was an impossible conception to the men of Revolutionary times. They demanded a voice in the levying of taxes, and protested against the limitation of colonial industries and the monopoly of American commerce by English merchants. Of these men John Stark was a prominent and typical representative. At the close of the French and Indian war he retired from public life and de- voted himself with his accustomed force and concentration to somewhat ex- tended landed and lumbering interests. Living upon the northern frontier, he came rarely into association with the men about Exeter and Portsmouth who managed the public affairs of the colony ; but he was a delegate to the county congress in January, 1775, and an active and vigilant member of the committee of safety of his town, and watched with a patriot's eye the de- velopment of events, waiting for the struggle which he saw was inevitable. When swift messengers brought the tidings that the storm had burst at Lexington, shutting down the gate of his mill and rushing to his home, he THE DEDICATION. 2Q seized his gun, leaped upon his horse, and in ten minutes was on his way to the scene of action, calling, as he rode, to his neighbors and former compan- ions to follow him to Medford. In a few hours he and twelve hundred vol- unteers from the hills of New Hampshire offered themselves for the defence of their country. Others soon followed, and they were organized into two regiments under the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, " until New Hampshire should act." Capt. John Stark was unanimously elected colonel of one regiment of fourteen companies, and Capt. James Reed of another. Less than a month later, on the i7th of May, the New Hampshire convention met at Exeter, and on the 2oth voted to raise a brigade of two thousand men organized in three regiments. Capt. Nathaniel Folsom, a soldier of some experience and success in the French and Indian war, was made colonel of one of the regi- ments and brigadier-general of all the New Hampshire forces. Later the con- vention also voted to adopt the two New Hampshire regiments then in the field, and finally, after some misunderstanding, appointed Captain Reed and Enoch Poor colonels of two of the regiments. But Colonel Stark, whose large experience and great military achievements had enabled him to enlist eight hundred men " at the tap of the drum," feeling indignant that he had been superseded by a captain whose war record, though good, was less brilliant than his own, remained with his command at Medford, and when ordered by General Folsom to report his regiment, ignored the order as not being imder his authority. It must be remembered that in this transitional period civil affairs were in great confusion. The royal authority had been repudiated, but no colonial government established to maintain order and command obedience. A con- vention had been held at Exeter in which parts of the colony were not rep- resented. The people in the northern and western sections, fearing lest the influence of the Governor and his friends might induce the patriots who controlled the convention to temporize and hesitate to repel force by force, held county congresses at Amherst, Keene, and Concord, which, like the convention at Exeter, had no legal authority but the will of the people. Nevertheless they acted promptly and wisely for the protection of society against disorganization and disorder, and when the war cloud burst upon them, the men represented in these county assemblies did not stand upon the order of their going, but at their own sweet will hastened to the place of danger without asking leave of any convention. Old Derryfield, the home of Stark, was not represented in the Exeter convention, for every male citi- 3O THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. zen but two fit to bear arms, including town officers, was at the front with his leader, waiting for the great opening battle of the war. There was nobody left to elect and nobody to be elected. Possibly these facts and the independent action of Stark, coupled with his great personal popularity, un- consciously influenced the action of the noble and patriotic men who com- posed the New Hampshire convention ; but they had yet something more to learn of the character and power of the man whom they would suppress. On his failure to recognize the officer by whose elevation he felt humili- ated, he was ordered to report to the convention in person. He obeyed the summons and appeared in the assembly, where he was kept waiting for some hours wasted on trifles. At length he rose, and addressing the speaker said, if they had any business with him it must be attended to at once, as his reg- iment required his attention at Cambridge. The speaker, assuming to have forgotten about it, replied : " We have agreed to raise three regiments, and have appointed Folsom to command the first, and appoint him brigadier- general, Poor his lieutenant-colonel, and you to command the second." Stark coolly inquired "if they had any way of making a child that was born to-day older than one that was born six weeks ago," and stalked proudly out of the convention. A committee was sent to recall him, but he refused saying to the committee " if they could not arrange the business, he would bring a committee in three days that would do it effectually." He was made colonel of the first regiment and returned to Cambridge, but never recog- nized Folsom as commander of the brigade. This question was soon settled, however, as General Folsom was elected to Congress and General Sullivan appointed to the command of the New Hampshire troops as a part of the Continental army. When the English veterans inaugurated civil war by spreading their ban- ners and marching to Concord for the destruction of a few supplies, and had been chased into Boston by the maddened farmers whom they affected to despise, it will be remembered that an allied army of volunteers from all the New England States gathered about the city in a semi-circle extending from Dorchester to Charlestown, and held them impounded in the town. The New Hampshire regiments were located at Medford and Charlestown neck, on the extreme left of this unorganized force of patriots. At length, when the British army had been largely re-enforced bythe arrival of troops from Ireland, and the committee of safety had learned that General Gage pro- posed to break through their lines on the left and devastate the country be- hind them, they recommended to the council of war that Bunker Hill should THE DEDICATION. 3! be put in a state of defence. A council of war was held, and as a result Colonel Prescott, with about a thousand men, marched on the night of the i6th of June to the heights, threw up a redoubt on Breed's Hill, and strengthened it by a breastwork running about twenty rods northerly from the northeast angle of the redoubt. On the morning of the i;th the inade- quate force of Colonel Prescott was materially reduced by the return to Cambridge of many of his undisciplined forces. To satisfy the demand of the hungry, weary men who remained, two hundred men under Lieutenant- Colonel Wyman were ordered to their support from the regiment of Colonel Stark. These, added to the company of Captain Dow in Prescott's regiment, and to the volunteers from our State in other regiments, that were ordered up with Prescott, made more than three hundred New Hampshire soldiers then at the front. A little later Colonel Stark, accompanied by Major McClary, rode on to the hill. Running his experienced eye over the field and study- ing its possibilities for a brief period, with the prescience of military genius he foresaw the struggle that was to come, and putting spurs to his steed hastened back to Medford, called out his regiment, distributed to each man a portion of the ammunition captured at the reduction of Fort William and Mary, and waited for the call which he knew must come. From morning till noon the war vessels which encircled the peninsular and the battery on Copp's Hill thundered upon the heights where the undaunted Prescott and his devoted men waited in anxious silence the gathering storm. From one till three the British forces, three thousand strong, and proud of the honor of invincibility won on many a field of victory, were gathering at Moulton's and at other points along the shore, for the shock of battle. Wy- man, with his two hundred men from New Hampshire and a few companies of Massachusetts, was withdrawn from Charlestown and placed upon the right of the redoubt. As the enemy began to advance Colonel Prescott or- dered three several detachments to oppose their right wing, retaining, as he wrote John Adams, only about one hundred and fifty with him in the re- doubt. It is reasonable to suppose that a large number of these were his devoted friends from Hollis and other towns in the vicinity of Pepperell. We should infer this also from the number of the New Hampshire men killed and wounded in this regiment. At two o'clock Colonel Stark received an order from General Ward to re-enforce the command of Colonel Prescott. Reed being encamped near the neck was already upon the heights, and had ranged his regiment of over five hundred men to the left of Captain Knowl- ton, who held the extreme right of the rail fence. 32 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Colonel Stark, whose military instincts had been disciplined by the severest experience, saw that a great battle, without plan or preparation, and with no presiding genius to direct its progress, had been forced upon the best soldiers of Europe, and realized the peril of the situation. But at his best in the extremity of danger, calm and reflective as always under the greatest responsibilities, he moved deliberately from Medford to Charles- town that the seven hundred veterans and hunters whom he was consciously leading to their first obstinate grapple of civil war might not be infected with the general panic and confusion, and that he might inspire them with something of the cool courage of his own lion heart. He knew that the impending battle could be no running of the gauntlet of blood as at Lex- ington, but a steady test of the manhood and patriotic convictions of the men who fought. On reaching the neck his regiment was arrested by a rabble of volunteers who could not be forced through the storm of grape and canister which raked the narrow passage, and Major McClary, the pride and hope of the regiment, marching now to his first and last battle, rode forward and requested the commanders to advance or open and let them pass. They opened and Colonel Stark led his men with measured step across the dangerous pass. Captain Dearborn, afterwards so greatly prominent in the civil and military history of the country, march- ing at the side of the colonel, suggested that they, should quicken their movement. Turning with a look of preternatural calmness and exaltation, he said, " Dearborn, one freshman inaction is worth ten fatigued ones," and moved slowly on. Arriving at the summit a little in advance of the bat- tle, he made a patriotic address to his men, and directing them to give three cheers, led them to the left of the line. There his regiment, co-operating with the heroic men upon their right, strengthened their defences by doub- ling the rail fence in front and stuffing the intervening space with new-mown hay. Glancing over the field, Stark divined the purpose of Lord Howe to out-flank our left wing by way of the Mystic and to crush our forces by a sim- ultaneous attack in front and rear. With the quick resource of genius he ordered the removal and re-erecting of a low stone wall between the rail fence and the waters of the river, and behind this, posted Capt. John Moore and his men from Amoskeag, the quality of whose courage he knew was as un- yielding as the wall itself. He then forbade any man to fire till the col- umn of infantry should come within eight rods of the wall, and the men at the rail fence he directed to lie quiet till they could see the half-gaiters of the grenadiers. " Fire low and aim at their waistbands," rang out the clear THE DEDICATION. 33 voice of McClary. The men behind the fence and the wall were trained marks- men and their aim was deadly. They wasted no ammunition that day. Un- der an incessant fire from the artillery, the column of infantry moved slowly along the sandy beach, and the heavy grenadiers, led by Lord Howe in person, advanced with a confident assurance that the frightened rebels would run at their approach. As there was no officer who had the right of supreme command of all colonial forces in the battle of Bunker Hill, the duty fell upon the highest officer of each colony to fight the men under his immediate control. As General Folsom did not arrive until after the battle, the command of all the forces between the breastwork and the river, except one hundred and twenty from Connecticut and two squads under Lieutenant-Colonel Robin- son and Major Wood, fell upon Stark as senior colonel. To his experienced eye it was early apparent that the supreme shock of battle was to be upon his command, with the intent of breaking through the line by an over- whelming assault and crushing the patriot force between an upper and nether millstone of English power. The enemy, deployed in line of battle and defiantly flaunting their banners, advanced with a ceaseless roll of mus- ketry. But it was as still as the grave behind the rail fence till the fatal line was reached ; then at the word of command a sheet of flame blazed along the line and death swept down the ranks of the proud oppressor as with the blast of a sirocco. Decimated and bleeding, they turned and fled to the shore. These proud and valiant men of Britain, stunned but not conquered, re-formed and hurled themselves again against the " party of Hampshire, half-organized and wretchedly equipped," whom it has been the habit to " damn with faint praise," "but again they were dashed back like waves from a rock in the sea. A third time they repelled their assailants. But the third attack was less serious than the former, for Clinton had come over with re-enforcements and the plan of battle was changed. In this Lord Howe, as has been said, made a third onset upon the forces of Stark and was driven back as before with great slaughter, but the more fierce and obstinate charge was now made by Clinton and Pigot upon the redoubt. Here Prescott and his immortal band fought with a heroism that would have added new honors to the three hundred at Thermopylae, and it was only when their ammunition was exhausted and they could no longer repel with clubbed muskets the foe that swarmed into the intrenchments, that they cut their way through the maddened crowd and began the retreat. 34 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. The left wing that had annihilated the far-famed light infantry upon the pebbly beach of the Mystic, broken the spell of British invincibility, and covered themselves with a glory that can never fade, seeing that the redoubt had been carried, in the absence of bayonets or powder, clubbed their mus- kets and followed their dauntless leaders without haste and without disor- der, covering the broken remnant of the redoubt and the skulking re-enforce- ment on Bunker Hill, who like spectators in the amphitheatre had gazed up- on the bloody struggle in the arena below, furnishing neither the aid nor the supplies that would have given victory to the American arms. Fortunately for history, some of these suffered in the retreat and thenceforth claimed for their regiments the honors of the battle. I would not abate but enhance rather the fame of Prescott and Knowl- ton and the heroic men whom they led, but to the military genius of John Stark and the dogged courage and skilled marksmanship of more than 1,400 New Hampshire veterans and hunters who fought that day, I am confident impartial history will award the merit of giving to that defeat all the results of a great victory. The suppression of facts and the undue exaltation of subordinate parties have perverted the record in the interests of persons and States to whom and to which the chief honors of the day do not belong ; but the reiteration of assertions that in their origin had no reliable authority, however decorated by pomp and pageantry and the eloquence of eulogy, cannot permanently escape the scrutiny of impartial history. The New Hampshire troops, of all which had hastened to the aid of Massachusetts, were the only ones other than those of his own State who had been put under the immediate command of General Ward, and being on the extreme left of the line near Charlestown, and not being needed to repel the threatened attack upon Cambridge and Roxbury, it was natural that they should have been sent to the aid of Prescott. The work of Stark's neighbors from Amoskeag, whom he had placed behind the stone wall by the Mystic to baffle Howe's purpose to flank our army, was the most deadly of all the carnage of that bloody day, " ninety- six dead bodies being piled on the beach, besides those who were merely wounded, of the light infantry who were expected to carry off the laurels of victory." A letter from an officer of the royal army says : " As we ap- proached, an incessant stream of fire poured from the rebel lines ; it seemed a constant sheet of fire for thirty minutes. Our light infantry was served up in companies against the grass fence without being able to penetrate ; in- deed, how could we penetrate? Most of our grenadiers and light infantry THE DEDICATION. 35 the moment of presenting themselves lost three fourths and many nine tenths of their men. Some had only eight and nine in a company left ; some only three, four, and five." With such execution it is not surprising that the New Hampshire regiments had only eighteen men killed and ninety-three wounded. Our unerring marksmen drove the angel of death into the ranks of the enemy by their cool intrepidity. The royal forces were not in a condition to follow our men beyond the neck. The New Hampshire troops retreated to Winter Hill, where they con- structed defences of great strength. A writer in Sillimari's Journal, speak- ing of the defences erected about Boston at this time, says : " Nothing but the enthusiasm of liberty could have enabled the men of America to con- struct such works. In history they are equaled only by the lines and forts raised by Julius Caesar to surround the army of Pompey." During the siege between the retreat from Charlestown and the retreat from Boston a portion of Stark's officers and men volunteered on the disas- trous expedition into Canada under Arnold. Of this number was Captain Dearborn, afterwards a major-general in the war of 1812 and secretary of war. But Stark remained and took an active and honorable part in the events of that painful period of suspense. The second Continental Congress, which had met at Philadelphia in May, had before the battle of Bunker Hill voted to raise an army of twenty thousand men, and adopted the troops at Boston as a Continental army. On the i5th of June George Washington was elected commander-in-chief, and subordinate general officers were appointed to assist him to organize the forces and prosecute the war. John Sullivan, of New Hampshire, was made a brigadier-general and succeeded to the command which General Folsom dropped on being elected to Congress. This seemed to be a happy settle- ment of the difficulty which had arisen in the colonial organization of the New Hampshire troops. On the 3d of July General Washington took command of the army at Cambridge and began in earnest to reorganize and discipline his forces with the intent of forcing the evacuation of Boston. As Washington's forces and resources strengthened, he pushed the siege with great vigor and finally erected works on Dorchester Heights which put the city at his mercy. A storm having frustrated Howe's plans for dislodging the rebels, he came to a tacit understanding with Washington that he would evacuate the city on a specified day without harm to persons or property if the cannonading ceased. 36 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. As the time expired without any movement, Washington determined to carry the town by assault. He massed a strong force, covered by the bat- teries on Dorchester Heights, to enter the city by way of Roxbury Neck, and ordered Colonel Stark to transport his forces on rafts and carry the battery on Copp's Hill. Colonel Stark directed his wife Elizabeth, whom he facetiously called Molly, and who was on a visit to his camp, to mount a horse and if the troops were fired upon to ride into the country and arouse the people. She saw her husband lead his troops up the heights and take the battery. They found the guns loaded and lighted matches lying beside them, but the enemy had fled to their ships. Washington led his army over the neck and took possession of the town, freed at last from the ravages and tyranny of British hirelings. Colonel Stark was then ordered to proceed with two regiments to New York and aid in completing the defences of the city. He remained here till May, 1776, when he was directed to march to Canada by way of Albany. He came up with the army at St. John and proceeded thence to Sorel. General Sullivan, in command of the Canadian expedition after the death of General Thomas, determined, on the arrival of re-enforcements, to attack the enemy at Three Rivers, in the hope of retrieving the fortunes of the cam' paign. Stark advised strongly against it in the council of war, but being overruled gave to the unfortunate movement his best efforts, in obedience to his controlling sense of military duty. Retreat became necessary, and it was conducted with great skill. Colonel Stark and his staff were the last to leave St. John, just as the vanguard of the enemy entered its smoking ruins. The army proceeded to Crown Point, but Colonel Stark's regiment was stationed on the opposite side of the lake. General Schuyler and the gen- eral officers decided to evacuate Crown Point and retreat to Ticonderoga, but Colonel Stark and the other field officers remonstrated against it in a written memorial to the general. The sequel confirmed the judgment of the subordinate officers. The day after reaching Ticonderoga the declaration of independence was read to the army and welcomed with shouts of approval. General Gates, on assuming command of the N orthern army, gave Col- onel Stark the command of a brigade and ordered him to clear and fortify a mountain christened Independence in honor of the action of Congress. The campaign on the Northern frontier having closed, several regi- ments, including Colonel Stark's, were detached to re-enforce General Washington, whose small army, smitten by successive defeats, had dwin- THE DEDICATION. 37 died to a mere handful and was now slowly retreating before a powerful and exultant foe. This was one of the darkest hours of the war. The Northern campaign had failed. The forces of Washington had fought with desperation against fearful odds, but thousands had fallen in battle or were languishing in deadly prison ships in New York harbor. Despairing of success, the volunteers whose terms were expiring refused to re-enlist, and the regulars deserted. At this gloomy juncture, Stark marched his ill-clad, ill-shod force with bleeding feet to the rescue of the little army struggling to maintain a foot-hold upon the Delaware, and materially aided in securing two victories, which Frederick the Great pronounced the most brilliant of any recorded in the annals of military performances. On being asked in a council of war before the battle of Trenton to give his views, Stark replied : "You have long been accustomed to place de- pendence upon spades and pickaxes for safety, but if you ever mean to es- tablish the independence of the United States you must teach them to place dependence upon their fire-arms and their courage. " " This is what we have agreed upon," said Washington. " We are to march to-morrow upon Trenton. You are to command the right wing of the advanced guard and General Greene the left." " I could not have been assigned to a more accep- table station," was the reply of Stark. It was a moment of extreme peril. Cornwallis was approaching with a large force of veterans to crush this "forlorn hope" of hunted patriots. The cause and the country were at stake. The term of enlistment of the New Hampshire regiments had ex- pired and their retention was indispensable to success in the issue of the approaching battles. Stark appealed to the patriotism of the men from the Granite Hills, reminded them of their splendid record at Bunker Hill and in Canada, and pledged his private property for the payment of arrears. By his great influence and personal popularity every man re-enlisted for six weeks. Washington realized that the tide of fortune must be turned or all was lost, and in all his career the qualities of the great commander never shone more brightly than in the conception of the battles of Trenton and Prince- ton, and by committing the execution of his skillful plans to his ablest and most trusted leaders, he organized victory out of the conditions of despair and turned back discomfited a powerful and disdainful foe. The resistless charge of the New Hampshire regiments, inspired by the cool heroism of their leader, contributed in no small degree to the splendid results. " I must not withhold," says a participant in the battle, " due praise to the dauntless 38 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Stark, who dealt death wherever he found resistance and broke down all opposition before him." The moral effect of these victories was marvelous. Public opinion was suddenly revolutionized. Despair gave place to exultant hope, and the militia flocked by thousands to the standard of Washington. Stark contin- ued with the army till it went into winter quarters, and then returned to New Hampshire to recruit a new regiment, as the term of his old one had expired. His personal popularity and recognized merits as a commander enabled him to raise a full regiment by March, 1777, which fact he communicated to Washington and to the council of New Hampshire and went immediatly to Exeter to receive instructions from the authorities of the State. While there he learned that a new list of promotions had been made in which his name had been omitted and junior officers advanced over him. His proud spirit was deeply wounded by a sense of injustice. No man, in the army had won the right to advancement by more exalted services. No man had served the country with a more lofty and constant patriotism. No man had sacri- ficed private interests to the public welfare more completely, and few had devoted larger gifts to the cause of national freedom, and his unbending will would not allow him to be subordinated by political trickery or to be humiliated by official influence in Congress or the army, jealous because of his exalted character and glorious achievements. In a dignified and manly communication to the General Court of New Hampshire he resigned his commission in the army, and on receiving the thanks of the assembly, retired to the duties and pleasures of private life. While the letter expresses a deep and indignant sense of personal wrong, it breathes throughout a spirit of the purest and loftiest patriotism. To Generals Sullivan and Poor, who urged him to remain in the army, his reply was that " an officer who would not maintain his rank was unworthy to serve his country." Notwithstanding his withdrawal from active service his interest was so deep and controlling that he fitted out all his family and servants who could bear arms and sent them to the front. This forced inactivity was of short duration. Providence baffled the machinations of the men whose am- bition and malice had driven him from the service. His native State, im- periled by the approach of a powerful enemy, called for the unerring judg- ment, the instinctive sagacity, the military genius, the large experience and extraordinary power which he possessed to inspire his command with his own resistless force and courage. In battle a handful became a host in the command of Stark, and he could not be spared in the unequal contest to THE DEDICATION. 39 which they were driven and in which the Continental army was powerless to help. The homes and firesides of New Hampshire and her grants were to be rescued from ravage and plunder, and spurning the leaders who had wronged and insulted him, he obeyed the call of his own people, whose property, liberty, and lives were at stake, and under the sole authority of the State, planned and executed a campaign which saved New England and the country from annihilation, reversed the action of Congress, and com- pelled the bestowal of honors unjustly withheld. Parliament, at last awakened to the danger of losing her American col- onies, determined to supply forces and means sufficient to crush the rebel- lion in the campaign of 1777, and so far as any human eye can see, the pur- pose would have been consummated but for Stark and the New Hampshire militia at Bennington. Washington was driven from post to post, and his troops defeated in every great battle of the season. Congress fled from Philadelphia and it was taken by the British army and held as their winter quarters. At the North a veteran army of ten thousand men under Bur- goyne had driven the Americans from Ticonderoga, and after an obstinate resistance had crushed the rear of the flying patriots at Hubbardston, Vt. Desirous of resting his men and replenishing his supplies before falling upon the depleted forces at Fort Edward, Burgoyne sent a detachment of six or seven hundred Germans, Canadians, Indians, and Tories, under Col- onel Baum, "to ravage the New Hampshire grants for supplies of cattle, horses, and carriages, to test the affections of the country, disconcert the councils of the enemy, and fill up the ranks of the Tories." The defences of New England had fallen and her soldiers were absent in the field, and hence a widespread fear of impending horrors seized upon the people. The danger was most imminent to New Hampshire, and though her resources and her credit seemed exhausted, John Langdon, the patriot and statesman, after making a stirring address to the general assembly, in which he pledged his private property for the expenses of the expedition, proposed that they should send a brigade of the militia under " our old friend Stark to stop the progress of the enemy 'on our Western frontier." The proposition was received with great favor. Stark was sent for and accepted the command on the condition that he was to have the sole power to direct the expedition according to his own judgment, and to be responsible to no authority but that of the State. The terms were accepted, and in a few days he proceeded to Charlestown and sent forward his men, as they came in, to Colonel Warner, who had com- 4O THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. mand of the troops of the grants at Manchester. General Stark soon joined his command at this place. General Lincoln appeared at Manchester about the same time with an order from General Schuyler to conduct these new recruits to Stillwater. Stark peremptorily declined to allow the order to be executed, as he held his commission from the State and not from Congress. Congress censured him for the refusal, but he regarded the censure with supreme indifference. He knew that his course was dictated by a better knowledge of the situation and by sounder views of the military necessities of the times than were those of Congress, and he could afford to wait. Stark having learned >that the enemy were intent on capturing the sup- plies stored at Bennington, moved his brigade to that place. On the i3th of August, having been informed that the enemy were advancing upon the town, Stark hastily collected all the militia in the vicinity and consolidated them with his brigade. He also despatched couriers to Manchester for Warner's and Emerson's men to move forward. Fortunately, these men, being delayed, arrived at a moment of great peril on the day of the battle. On the morning of the i4th Stark moved with his entire force to the aid of Colonel Gregg, whom he had previously sent out to confront a vanguard of Indian scouts. He soon met Gregg retiring before Baum's entire army. Stark threw his men into a line of battle and awaited the onset. The enemy perceiving that the patriots were intending to fight, halted on a command- ing position and began to intrench. As the situation was unfavorable, Stark retreated for a mile, hoping to draw the enemy after him ; but as they would not move, the day was spent in skirmishing. On the i5th it rained violently all day and fighting was impossible, but it gave Baum an opportunity to per- fect his defences and to send for re-enforcements. An additional detachment of Germans, under Colonel Breyman, was detailed to the assistance of Baum, but arrived too late for the first battle. At one o'clock on the morning of the i6th the camp was awakened by the arrival of the troops from Massachusetts. Those from Pittsfield were led by their pastor, Rev. Thomas Allen, a lineal descendant of one of Crom- well's Ironsides. He went immediately to headquarters, and addressed the general as follows : " The people of Berkshire have often turned out to fight the enemy but have not been permitted to do so. We have resolved if you do not let us fight now never to come again. " " Would you go now, in this dark, rainy night ? " said Stark. " No," was the answer. " Then go to your people, tell them to rest if they can, and if God sends THE DEDICATION. 4! us sunshine to-morrow and I do not give you fighting enough I will never call upon you to come again." They could rely on Stark to satisfy their hunger for a fight. On the morning of the i6th the bright sun looked down upon some seventeen hundred Americans lately mustered from peaceful homes and all unused to the shock and carnage of war. Having complied with the order to dry and cleanse their arms and take rations, they were carefully reviewed by Stark and the brave Warner, who was acting as a staff officer to the gen- eral. At midday the patriots were massed, and the general, leaping to the top rail of some sliding bars by which he was standing, and steadying him - self by a tall post, made this immortal speech : " Now, my men, there are the Hessians ; they were bought for seven pounds ten pence a man. Are you worth more? Prove it. To-night the American flag floats over yonder hill or Molly Stark sleeps a widow." Then throwing their knapsacks, jackets, and baggage into a heap they advanced to the fight. Colonel Her- rick, three hundred strong, was ordered to move around the enemy by the right flank, and Colonel Nichols, with three hundred and fifty men, by the left, and uniting, to hurl their forces upon the rear of the Hessians; Colonels Stickney and Hobert were directed to take two hundred men, with corn husks in their hats to distinguish them from their antagonists in the grand melee, conceal them in a corn-field till the decisive moment, and then fall upon the hated Tories. Stark, with the reserve in front, marched several times around a hill and consumed the time in other meaningless evolutions to divert the attention of the enemy. At length, about three o'clock, Nichols and Herrick united their forces, and the thunder of their guns gave the signal of attack. Immediately the Americans advanced, and an incessant roll of musketry was heard on all sides for an hour. Suddenly a terrific explosion within the redoubt shook the hill and sent blinding smoke and flying fragments over the combatants. There was an involuntary lull in the battle, but quickly comprehending that the tumbrel of the Hessians had exploded, the patriots gave a cheer, and clubbing their guns dashed over the parapet like a whirlwind. The heroic Baum fought like a lion, but he received a mortal wound and his panic-stricken followers fled, but they were met by the reserve and overpowered. The Tories fought with desperation, but were defeated and nearly all taken prisoners. The German dragoons battled with the courage of veterans, but conquered by the sustained grit of the militia were forced to fly with the loss of all their artillery and baggage. The victory was overwhelming, but the Americans, unaccustomed to discipline, scattered in search of booty. 6 42 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. At this moment distant firing was heard on the Cambridge road, and soon the tidings spread that a body of Hessians under Breyman were ad- vancing to the help of Baum. The fugitive Germans rallied and the battle was renewed. The militia who could be rallied fought with unflinching courage but without unity of purpose, and were being gradually driven back when Warner's and Emerson's men, who did not arrive in season for the first struggle, suddenly advanced and plunged into the fight. The con- test was bloody and obstinate, but the cannon of Breyman had gradually pushed the Americans back toward the redoubt, when Stark and Warner, having collected more of their men and brought the captured cannon of Baum into use, gathered their forces in hand and made a splendid counter charge which turned the tide of battle. The Hessians were forced back, but contested every inch of ground. But the militia, swarming into the un- dergrowth which skirted the clearing, made their line of retreat a gauntlet of musketry. Soon the retreat became a rout and the exultant patriots hunted the fugitives till darkness arrested the pursuit. Thus two terrific battles were fought and two brilliant victories won in one day by the man whom Congress did not deem worthy of promotion, and whom it censured for not obeying an unauthorized summons which would have defeated the campaign. Stark followed the dictates of the wisest mili- tary policy, and his plan was approved by the commander-in-chief as soon as it was made known. The results of these victories in prisoners and material of war were of great value, but the moral effects were worth infinitely more. The country was lifted from deep depression to exultant hope, and recruits flocked to the standard of the Northern army in the expectation of a speedy triumph. The drift of the war was reversed and Congress hastened to pass a vote of thanks to Stark and his men and conferred the commission which they had before refused. The plan of the battle was conceived with a skill worthy of a Caesar, and no Roman legion ever fought with more intense and sustained cour- age than these raw recruits under the inspiration of their great leader. Stark, on entering the redoubt and gazing upon the ruin his men had wrought, remarked that they fought like fiends. Yes, said the dying Baum, they fought more like fiends than soldiers. We are not surprised that the commander, not given to exaggeration, should have said of this engagement that it was " the hottest he had ever known, resembling a continual clap of thunder." THE DEDICATION. 43 The policy of Stark removed all cattle and stores of provisions from the reach of the enemy, cut off foraging parties, and forced the fatal battle of the igth of September. On returning home Stark was welcomed and hon- ored on all sides as the saviour of the people. On joining the army of Gates at Stillwater he placed his command to the north of the enemy and cut off his communication with Canada and Lake George. By this policy Bur- goyne was starved into another defeat on the 7th of October, and on the 1 9th of the same month was compelled to surrender his whole army at Sara- toga. This was the logical result of the victory at Bennington, and was the beginning of the end. A complete revolution had occurred in the opinions of Congress rela- tive to the character and abilities of General Stark, and he was selected by that body to conduct a secret and very important expedition into Canada during the winter of 1777, but the scheme failed from causes over which the general had no control. In the spring of 1778, he was given the command of the Northern department, but later in the season was ordered to join his friend, General Gates, in Rhode Island. He remained there during this and the following year. The next season he joined Washington at Mor- ristown and participated in the battle of Springfield in New Jersey. During the summer he returned to New England to raise re enforce- ments for the army at West Point. Soon after, he was ordered to relieve General St. Clair at this place after Arnold's flight, and while there, it be- came his painful duty to serve upon the court-martial which convicted Major Andre. Gladly would he have let " this cup pass from him," but he could not and so followed his duty and not his feelings. He was called upon next to conduct a hazardous enterprise preliminary to a project which Wash- ington had formed for taking Staten Island. He was eminently successful, but the enterprise miscarried. During the close of his military career General Stark united in a powerful appeal to Congress to relieve the fearful distress oi the army, and failing in this, an appeal was made to the States, but with no better success. In 1781 General Stark was again assigned to the Northern department, and was in command at Saratoga at the time of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. As this was the virtual close of the war, the general dis- missed the militia and retired to New England. He did not return to the army in 1782 on account of broken health, but' at the request of Washington visited the headquarters in 1783 and exerted his powerful influence to allay the discontent of the army, which threatened the most serious conse- quences. 44 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. This is an epitome of the military career of a great commander. On retiring from the army General Stark devoted himself with his ac- customed assiduity to his extensive agricultural and lumbering interests, and succeeded in amassing an amount of property respectable for that day, and which he dispensed in a way appropriate to his high standing and char- acter. As he advanced in years he developed that natural love for domestic animals which has often been observed as a beautiful characteristic of the great. He seems also, notwithstanding the distractions of his military life, to have imbibed a taste for literature, especially for Johnson, Goldsmith, and the Scotch poets. His integrity and purity were so austere, and his democratic instincts so strong, that his private life became as phenomenal as his public among those who knew him. Like Washington, he seems to have carried a charmed existence. He passed fourteen years amid the scenes of actual war, and was often compelled to lead and hold raw troops in the very teeth of terrific battle, and yet was never wounded. In person he was of medium height, broad-shouldered, and very athletic. His features were prominent, and his eyes, of a greyish blue, flashed from beneath a bold, over- hanging brow. His manners were simple, frank, and manly. He knew little of the refinements of courts or the subtleties of the schools. His career and character were the natural and noble product of extraordinary gifts and passions, reared in the dangers and privations of frontier life, and brought into action amid the perils and strenuous activities of a great revolution of doubtful issues. His natural quickness of perception and clear judgment, his military experience and self-control in danger, made his coun- sel valuable and his services indispensable during the war. Taking a com- prehensive grasp of the whole field, and seeing instantly the proper thing to do, he was sometimes impatient of the delays and mistakes of smaller men. He scented the approach of danger with a preternatural instinct, and yet seems never to have experienced the sense of fear. His mental processes were as logical on the front of battle as in the repose of home. His will was supreme and master of all his powers, and yet, though always self -centered, he would at times, when the frenzy of battle was upon him, hurl himself and his forces upon an enemy with the swiftness and force of a thunderbolt, and sweep down all impediments. He was remarkable through life for his kindness and hospitality, especially to old companions and the poor, but had little patience with the indolent and vicious. He was not trac- table nor flexible ; never wept, and seldom smiled. He was too proud to fawn and too direct and too downright to flatter. THE DEDICATION. 45 He gladly accepted the rank of major-general when conferred by Con- gress in 1786, but would not sue for favors. I recall no one among the great men of our Revolutionary period who was less a politician than General Stark. Conscious like Caesar and Napoleon of intrinsic power, he would not truckle to inferiors for position. He had sacrificed too much and served the public too long and faithfully to be a sycophant, or to ask for favors which the spontaneous gratitude of his country might not bestow. As he advanced in years Madison, Jefferson, and others of the civil founders of the republic recognized his great services and sent him touch- ing tributes of fond remembrance. Watching the development of the institutions he had helped to plant, and pondering the Word of God, his years lengthened into more than four- score and ten. At length he fell on sleep, and tender hands laid him to rest by his loved Merrimack, and where the field slopes to the setting sun. At his obsequies the loving husband, the tender father, the honored citizen, and the stainless soldier was laid to rest with the insignia of public sorrow by two generations born in the republic he had helped to found. To-day the descendants of John Stark and the fathers of the revolution, the citi- zens and soldiery of a fourth generation, and the government of the com- monwealth unite to dedicate with appropriate ceremonies this memorial statue, that generations yet to be may learn to love and emulate the virtues and patriotism of our dead hero. At the conclusion of Mr. Patterson's address, which was lis- tened to with eager attention, another selection was rendered by the band. The exercises were then concluded by the pre- sentation of Mr. Allen Eastman Cross, the poet of the day. POEM BY ALLEN EASTMAN CROSS. JOHN STARK. Upon its field of blue, The little flag above our hero's grave Had only thirteen stars but by its side, As with a growing nation's conscious pride, I saw another glorious banner wave; Whose stars were forty-two. 46 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Such was our nation's growth ! While, on its bannered staff the golden ball Above the grander flag did symbolize A nation's wealth, beneath God's smiling skies ; Till ball and stars the nation seemed to call To leave ungrateful sloth, t To share her golden store, Like generous Morris, or with Langdon's hand ; And ceasing false delay, commemorate The herald founders of her future State, Who dared with Freedom's torch or sword to stand In her dark days of yore. And should the nation mark In marble memory these mighty men, Or cast in bronze their deeds, or paint their scroll To deck her halls of state, what stauncher soul, More chivalric or dauntless, hath she then Than gallant old John Stark! John Stark, the ranger bold ! Who, through the pathless wilds by Horicon, Hath sped thrice forty miles, 'twixt sun and sun, Ere succor from the distant fort is won ; And this, for fellow comrades undergone Amid the snow and cold ! John Stark, the rallier ! The brave recruiter, who hath left his mill, And riding madly, leads the largest share Of those that dare to fight for Country there Behind the old rail fence on Bunker Hill, And all for love of Her ! John Stark, the volunteer ! New Hampshire's general, by Congress shamed, Robbed of his rank, who yet hath fought and won A nation's crucial fight at Bennington, And now is by his rescued Country named The nation's brigadier. THE DEDICATION. 47 Then, let her shield the fame Of him who shielded her in war's alarm ! Then, must a nation rear his monument! And let her place it where his life was spent Her soldier citizen ! upon the farm That bears his grave and name. Beside the stream that fills Our hands with labor and our hearts with joy Which he hath also loved there let it stand; And let its silent majesty command Views of the hills he traversed from a boy. This Hero of the Hills 1 So were it meet and good The nation should his shrine of honor rear, A patriot statue o'er a patriot's grave ! But, since our ninth fair star he fought to save, 'Tis well his State should raise his statue here, To mark her gratitude. Here, at the Capital New Hampshire's heart, whence beats her pulse of power! New Hampshire's brain, where civic lore is laid, And laws sustaining civil rights are made ! Since civil power and rights are but the dower Bequeathed by Stark to all ; By Stark and Sullivan, McClary, Langdon, Scammel, Poor, and Reed, And all that roll of mighty men, bequeathed, Whose names are with eternal honors wreathed, Whose deeds, like voices of our mountains, plead The liberties of man ; Here, at the Capital, Before the civic temple of our rights, Which is the soldiers' battle shrine as well, Within whose hall the martial banners tell How men's heroic virtue still delights To own their country's call ; 48 THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Before this shrine of State, Beside New Hampshire's other royal son, Who hath defended with majestic word What gallant Stark defended with his sword, Our hero well may stand, since either one Was but a sword of fate. Aye, swords within God's hand ! As men appointed of the Lord to ward The one, with filial eloquence, the life And hope of union in its civic strife, And with a statesman's panoply to guard The fortune of his land ; The other, to defend A nation's life upon an earlier field, Bidding his stout heroic heart to lead .New Hampshire forces to the nation's need, And with a courage, called of God, to shield Our courage to the end. For, still our leader bold, By blood and faith and inspiration high, Commands New Hampshire hearts and leads us on, As once he led our sires at Bennington, And once again we raise the battle cry And follow as of old. Lead on, O gallant heart ! New Hampshire follows, as the Scottish men Beat back the "Infidels," when Douglas cried, "Lead on, O heart of Bruce," and all replied, " Fling forth the royal heart ! we follow then Till life by death depart." And victory crowned their zeal And so it ever crowns the zeal of those Who enter on a glorious crusade, Calling diviner spirit to their aid, And fighting loyally whate'er oppose God and the common weal. THE DEDICATION. 49 Then, raise the ancient ay! The " Infidels" are pressing ! men who hate The equal rights for which oar hero fought, Who would enthrone their wealth, till men be bought And sold as Hessian slaves, and all the State In golden shackles lie. 'Gainst such, his heart we need ! His courage like a flag to lead our eyes, His spirit like an armour to equip, Granting each heart its silent leadership, TD1 only brave fraternity we prize, And follow where it lead. Aye, raise the cry once more, " Lead on, O heart of Stark ! " We rally now 'Gainst all who dare to make our freedom vain, 'Gainst all who dare our nation's rights disdain, 'Gainst plutocrat or anarchist, may thou Still lead us as of yore, O'er systems, foul or dark, O'er plotters, poor or proudly opulent, O'er tyrants, from without or from within, Come victory ! God's sons the fight must win, If to the Lord of Hosts our prayer be sent, " Lead on, O heart of Stark." Immediately upon the conclusion of the poem, the guests proceeded to the Eagle Hotel, where a banquet was served. There was no speaking. Music was furnished by Blaisdell's Orchestra. The Amoskeag Veterans had a lunch served in their quar- ters at Chase's HalL The city was tastefully decorated, the State House being very elaborately trimmed. The day was clear and bright, and the THE STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. ceremonies passed off in perfect order, and were wholly in keeping with the character of the hero whose plain, rugged per- sonality was to be commemorated. It is to be hoped that this recognition of the debt so tardily paid may serve as an inspira- tion of a patriotic impulse and a noble sentiment that shall serve in days of peril to produce another Stark, more heroic, if it can be, than his Revolutionary prototype. APPENDIX. APPENDIX A. JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE ERECTION OF A STATUE OF GENERAL JOHN STARK. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court con- vened : That the Governor and Council be hereby directed to cause a statue to General John Stark to be erected in an appropriate place to be by them selected, in the State House yard, of a similar character, material, and work- manship to the Webster statue now standing in said yard ; and that to meet the expense thereof the Governor be authorized to draw his warrant upon the treasury for a sum not exceeding twelve thousand dollars. [Approved August 14, 1889.] APPENDIX B. A contract made and concluded on this I7th day of June, 1890, between the New England Granite Works, located at Hartford, in the State of Con- necticut, a corporation existing under the laws of said State, and the State of New Hampshire, represented by the Governor and Council, as follows, to wit : That said Granite Company shall construct, build, and set up in the State House yard in Concord, in said State of New Hampshire, at such place in said yard as said Governor a'nd Council shall select and designate, a statue of General John Stark, together with a foundation and pedestal therefor, which foundation and pedestal shall be of materials specified, and con- structed as stated in the specifications prepared and signed by John A. Fox, architect, and hereto annexed ; that the statue of General Stark shall be of bronze, of heroic size, and in design like the model presented to said Gover- nor and Council by said Granite Company, and shall be designed by Charles Conrads, the designer of said model ; that the material, workmanship, and general design shall be like and of as good quality as that of the statue of Daniel Webster now in said yard. All of said work shall be done according to the plans accepted by said Governor and Council, and completed on or before the first day of October, 1890; and for all of said work, when completed to the satisfaction of said Governor and Council, the said Granite Company shall receive the sum of eight thousand dollars in payment and satisfaction. In testimony whereof the parties aforesaid have set their hands and seals, on the day and year first before written, to this instrument and to a duplicate hereof. THE NEW ENGLAND GRANITE WORKS, BY J. G. BATTERSOX, President. THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, BY DAVID A. TAGGART, Acting as Governor . E. C. SHIRLEY. FRANK C. CHURCHILL. Attest : W. V. WIGHTMAN, Secretary. SEAL ") N. E. G. S Works. ) APPENDIX C. Official invitations were issued by the committee to the following : HIS EXCELLENCY DAVID H. GOODELL. Hon. Charles H. Horton. Hon. Edward C. Shirley. Hon. William S. Pillsbury. Gen. Elbert Wheeler. Gen. Charles O. Hurlbutt. Gen. Sylvester Little. Gen. Paul Lang. Gen. John H. Cutler. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Frank C. Churchill. Hon. Sherburne R. Merrill. GOVERNOR'S STAFF. Col. Fred A. Palmer. Col. Stephen S. Jewett. Col. Daniel F. Healy. Col. Edward M. Gilman. NEW HAMPSHIRE CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. Hon. Henry W. Blair. Hon. William E. Chandler. Hon. Alonzo Nute. Hon. Orren C. Moore. JUDGES. Hon. Daniel Clark, Judge of United States Dist. Court. Chief Justice Charles Doe. William H. H. Allen, Judge of the Supreme Court. Isaac W. Smith, Judge of the Supreme Court. Lewis W. Clark, Judge of the Supreme Court. Isaac N. Blodgett, Judge of the Supreme Court. Alonzo P. Carpenter, Judge of the Supreme Court. George A. Bingham, Judge of the Supreme Court. Hon. Daniel Barnard, Attorney-General . APPENDIX. STATE OFFICERS. Hon. David A. Taggart, President of the Senate. Hon. Hiram D. Upton, Speaker House of Representatives. Hon. James W. Patterson, Superintendent Public Instruction. Col. Solon A. Carter, State Treasurer. Gen. Augustus D. Ayling, Adjutant-General. Clarence B. Randlett, Acting Secretary of State. James O. Lyford, Bank Commissioner. Alpheus W. Baker, Bank Commissioner. William A. Heard, Bank Commissioner. Hon. John C. Linehan, Insurance Commissioner. Henry M. Putney, Railroad Commissioner. John M. Mitchell, Railroad Commissioner. Col. John B. Clarke, Public Printer. Col. George W. Riddle, Fish Commissioner. Hon. Moses Humphrey, Pres. State Board of Agriculture. Dr. Granville P. Conn, President State Board of Health. Dr. Irving A. Watson, Secretary State Board of Health. George W. Colbath, Warden of the State Prison. Hon. Albert S. Batchellor, State Historian. William H. Kimball, State Librarian. EX-GOVERNORS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Nathaniel S. Berry. Frederick Smyth. James A. Weston. Person C. Cheney. Benjamin F. Prescott. Charles H. Bell. Samuel W. Hale. Moody Currier. Charles H. Sawyer. GOVERNORS OF OTHER STATES. Gov. E. C. Burleigh, of Maine. Gov. Carroll S. Page, of Vermont. Gov. J. Q. A. Brackett, Massachusetts. Gov. John W. Davis, Rhode Island. Gov. M. G. Bulkeley, of Connecticut. APPENDIX. 57 UNITED STATES OFFICERS. Gen. Joseph H. Potter, United States Army. Capt. J. M. Thompson, United States Army. Hon. Thomas P. Cheney, United States Pension Agent. DESCENDANTS OF GENERAL STARK. Mrs. Albert Roby. Dr. Solon Roby. Mrs. Albert Tenney. Mrs. Warren Campbell. Mrs. Sarah Graves. Mrs. Harriet Ames. Mrs. Mary Marble. Mrs. Charles Moore. Mrs. Charles Stark. C. F. M. Stark. Miss Harriet Stark. Thomas L. Hoit. Mrs. Charlotte Sanborn. Mrs. Henrietta Warland. Mrs. Hiram Rand. John Hoit. Gen. George Stark. Miss Eleanor Gamble. Mrs. Susan Abbott. John S. Kidder. Joseph Kidder. Nathan P. Kidder. Samuel Kidder. Augustus Stark. John F. Stark. Charles Stark. Louis K. Stark. Charles Kidder. Frederick P. Marble. Mrs. D. S. Dinsmoor. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Stark. OFFICERS OF THE DAY. Hon. Harry Bingham, Vice-President. O. E. Branch, Esq., Vice-President. Parsons B. Cogswell, Secretary. E. B. S. Sanborn, Esq., Secretary. Rev. John Mason Button, Chaplain. Allen Eastman Cross, Poet. Col. Charles C. Danforth, Marshal. Andrew Bunton, Aid. W. H. D. Cochrane, Aid. Chauncey H. Greene, Aid. C. E. Clifford, Aid. APPENDIX. BENNINGTON BATTLEFIELD ASSOCIATION. Hon. W. G. Veazey. Hon. S. E. Pingree. Hon. Redfield Proctor. Hon. W. P. Dillingham. Hon. E. J. Phelps. Hon. E. J. Ormsbee. Hon. U. A. Woodbury. Hon. H. G. Reed, Hon. A. B. Valentine. Hon. L. F. Abbott. Hon. Oliver Scott. Hon. M. C. Huling. Hon. L. K. Fuller. Hon. J. G. McCullough. Hon. G. G. Benedict. AKTISTS AND MECHANICS. Carl Conrads, Sculptor. James A. Fox, Architect. Hon. James G. Batterson, President New England Granite Works, contractors for the work. Hon. Aretas Blood, Agent of the Manchester Locomo- tive Works, founders of the statue. R. Austin Robertson, American Art Ass'n, New York. NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Hon. Thomas Cogswell. George E. Hodgdon. Everett B. Huse. Almon J. Farrar. George B. Lane. M. M.Collis. James F. Grimes. Rev. James K. Ewer. O. C. Wyatt. A. S. Eaton. George Farr. M. A. Haynes. W. H. Trickey. D. J. Vaughan. A. H. Bixby. James E. Larkin. Dr. Royal B. Prescott. Alvin Burleigh. C. R. Parsons. OTHER DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS. Hon. Jacob H. Gallinger. Hon. Hiram A. Tuttle. Hon. Luther F. McKinney. Hon. Charles H. Amsden. Hon. Warren F. Daniell. James L. Locke. Gen. Luther McCutchins. APPENDIX. 59 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Sylvester Dana. Lewis Downing, Jr. Moses French. Henry M. Fuller. Samuel Lankton Gerould. George C. Gilmore. George W. Hill. John Haven Hill. John McClary Hill. Isaac Weare Hammond. Fred Leighton. Charles Robert Morrison. Leonard Allison Morrison. Howard L. Porter. Allan H. Robinson. Hiram King Slay ton. Charles Eastman Staniels. Thomas Jefferson Weeks. Worthen Denet Whittaker. Joshua Gilman Hall. John S. Kidder. Hiram F. Newell. Edward F. Smyth. Daniel F. Straw. John Waldron. John Tapley Welch. Thomas Wheat. Charles Hubbard Wilson. Edward C. Aiken. William W. Bailey. Mrs. Lydia Morrison Bennett. Henry H. Buzzell. Ada E. Crosby. George H. Davis. Reuben C. Danforth. Isaac B. Dodge. James A. Edgerly. George Emerson. Freeman A. Garland. Frank H. George. Henry O. Kent. Joel F. Osgood. Charles Langdon Tappan. Mrs. Adelaide Cilley Waldron. Abraham L. Williams. Charles F. Hoyt. Mrs. Annie M. Parker.' Charles S. Parker. Franklin R. Thurston. William S. Briggs. George Byron Chandler. Thomas Cogswell. Francis C. Faulkner. Orrin D. Huse. J. W. Lamson. George Avery Leavitt. Albert Judson Nay. Christopher C. Shaw. John W. Sturtevant. Joseph B. Walker. John Ballard. Abraham Emerson. James Swan Morrison. John Hosley. Bradbury Longfellow Cilley. Harry Pearle Hammond. William B. Stearns. Dixi Crosby. Josiah C. Eastman. George N. Eastman. 6o APPENDIX. Daniel Clark. Amos Hadley. Howard Fremont Hill. Mrs. Rosalind Hammond Porter. Arthur L. Meserve. George F. Danforth. James Mitchell. John Kimball. Eben Otis Garland. Mrs. Adelaide C. Hayes Granger. Judge Eugene O. Locke. Sumner Adams Dow. Mrs. Martha A. Safford. Mrs. Mary Fitch Adams. Mrs. Susan Fitch Morrison. Albert Webster. David Webster. Edson C. Eastman. Reuben E. Walker. Henry H. Metcalf. Hamilton Hutchins. Hon. David Cross. Allen Eastman Cross. Joseph Kidder. Mrs. Joseph Kidder. Mrs. Angeline Ford Hall. Mrs. John S. Kidder. Rev. Nathan Franklin Carter. Austin T. Fitch. Judge Jeremiah Smith. Samuel Folsome Patterson. Gen. Joab Nelson Patterson. Robert Shirley. E. S. Nutter. J. Frank Hoit. Robert Morrison Dow. John Chamberlin Ordway. 'Col. Clinton Albert Cilley. William H. Straw. Mrs. Sara J. Hammond. Henry W. Herrick. Elbridge P. Heath. Marshall P. Hall. Sophia B. Merrill. Joseph Pinkham. Joseph Barnard. James Bartlett Edgerly. Rev. Cassanda Gary Sampson. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Francis L. Abbott. Henry Abbott. Clinton S. Averill. Rev. F. D. Ayer. Hon. George L. Balcom. Dr. Jesse P. Bancroft. Henry M. Baker. Very Rev. John E. Barry. James W. Bartlett. Mrs. Caroline B. Bartlett. E. R. Dow. Mrs. Cora K. Bell. Hon. John J. Bell. Amos J. Blake. Hon. Alvin Burleigh. Mrs. Julia R. Carpenter. Dr. William G. Carter. Charles S. Cartland. Horace E. Chamberlin. Hon. George B. Chandler. William M. Chase. Harvey B. Cilley. APPENDIX. 61 Rev. W. R. Cochrane. Ira Colby. Charles R. Corning. George N. Cross. Gen. George T. Cruft. Hon. Sylvester Dana. Isaac B. Dodge. Lewis Downing, Jr. Hon. Samuel C. Eastman. Charles F. Eastman. Albert S. Eastman. Alfred Elwyn, D. D. Charles A. Farr. John L. Farwell. Francis C. Faulkner. William P. Fiske. Rev. James A. Fitts. J. S. H. Frink. John C. French. Isaac K. Gage. Enoch Gerrish . Rev. J. B. Gilman. John C. Goodenough. S. C. Gould. Mrs. M. L. Gove. William H. Hackett. Wallace Hackett. Frank W. Hackett. Daniel Hall. J. R. Ham. Mrs. M. W. Hammond. Alma J. Herbert. J. C. A. Hill. EdsonJ. Hill. Paul R. Holden. Chester B. Jordan. Samuel S. Kimball. Mary E. Kimball. B. A. Kimball. Mrs. Myra T. Kimball. John R. Kimball. W. S. Ladd. S. A. Ladd. A. H. Ladd. Mrs. J. C. Long. Mrs. L. F. Lund . A. S.Marshall. A. O. Mathes. J. N. McClintock. Hon. W. H. Mitchell. Hon. Mortimer L. Morrison. Hon. John W. Noyes. John P. Nutter. Woodbridge Odlin. Rev. J. E. Odlin. George Olcott. John C. Ordway. Rev. E. G. Parsons. L. W. Peabody. John H. Pearson. J. E. Pecker. John T. Perry. Parker Pillsbury. Howard L. Porter. Mrs. Alice R. Porter. Myron J. Pratt. A. J. Prescott. Dexter Richards. Henry Robinson. W. H. Rollins. Frank W. Rollins. Mrs. Louisa J. Sargent. D. F. Secomb. Mrs. E. P. Schiitz. 62 APPENDIX. A. W. Silsby. John B. Smith. Edward Spalding. Charles B. Spofford. E. S. Stearns. Mrs. Frances C. Stevens. Mrs. Ellen T. Stevens. L. D. Stevens. H. W. Stevens. W. S. Stevens. Joseph A. Stickney. Mrs. A. R. Tappan. J. C. Thorne. Titus S. Tredick. A. S. Twitchell. Mrs. E. L. Walker. Dr. C. R. Walker. Isaac Walker. Dr. B. S. Warren. Mark H. Wentworth. John A. White. B. B. Whittemore. G. P. Little. W. A. Ferguson. Mrs. Anne E. Baer. Mrs. Marion Smyth. Walter H. Parker. A. W. Sulloway. Marshall P. Hall. Charles T. Means. Haven Palmer. Joseph Pinkham. Charles A. Sanders. Henry A. Kimball. Nathan Carter. Albert E. Bodwell. Mrs. Harriet N. Eaton. Frank P. Andrews. John E. Frye. John T. Mahoney. John Ballard. Mrs. Annette M. R. Cressey. J. C. A. Wingate. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This booti is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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