Gift of The People of the United States Through the Victory Bock Campa'gn / (A. L A. A. R. C. U. S. 0.) To the Armed Forces ar.d Merchant Marine WHIRLIGIGS WHIRLIGIGS BY O. HENRY Porter . tGi'lli"cuv> or in GARDEN CITY NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY. PAGE & COMPANY 1920 COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, INCLUDING THAT OF TRANSLATION INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES, INCLUDING THE SCANDINAVION P 264 test, O discontented man take it, and pay the price." J number of them had attended the performance of the Alcazar Opera Company in Macuto, and found Mile. Giraud's style and technique satisfactory. They wanted her, so they took her one evening suddenly and without any fuss. They treated her with much consid- eration, exacting only one song recital each day. She was quite pleased at being rescued by Mr. Armstrong. A Matter of Mean Elevation 75 So much for mystery and adventure. Now to resume the theory of the protoplasm. John Armstrong and Mile. Giraud rode among the Andean peaks, enveloped in their greatness and sublim- ity. The mightiest cousins, furthest removed, in na- ture's great family become conscious of the tie. Among those huge piles of primordial upheaval, amid those gigantic silences and elongated fields of distance the littlenesses of men are precipitated as one chemical throws down a sediment from another. They moved reverently, as in a temple. Their souls were uplifted in unison with the stately heights. They travelled in a zone of majesty and peace. To Armstrong the woman seemed almost a holy thing. Yet bathed in the white, still dignity of her martyrdom that purified her earthly beauty and gave out, it seemed, an aura of transcendent loveliness, in those first hours of companionship she drew from him an adoration that was half human love, half the worship of a descended goddess. Never yet since her rescue had she smiled. Over her dress she still wore the robe of leopard skins, for the mountain air was cold. She looked to be some splendid princess belonging to those wild and awesome altitudes. The spirit of the region chimed with hers. Her eyes were always turned upon the sombre cliffs, the blue gorges and the snow-clad turrets, looking a sublime melancholy equal to their own. At times on the journey she sang thrilling te deums and misereres that struck 76 Whirligigs the true note of the hills, and made their route seem like a solemn march down a cathedral aisle. The rescued one spoke but seldom, her mood partaking of the hush of nature that surrounded them. Armstrong looked upon her as an angel. He could not bring himself to the sacrilege of attempting to woo her as other women may be wooed. On the third day they had descended as far as the tierra templada, the zona of the table lands and foot hills. The mountains were receding in their rear, but still towered, exhibiting yet impressively their formidable heads. Here they met signs of man. They saw the white houses of coffee planatations gleam across the clearings. They struck into a road where they met travellers and pack-mules. Cattle were grazing on the slopes. They passed a little village where the round- eyed nmos shrieked and called at sight of them. Mile. Giraud laid aside her leopard-skin robe. It seemed to be a trifle incongruous now. In the moun- tains it had appeared fitting and natural. And if Arm- strong was not mistaken she laid aside with it something of the high dignity of her demeanour. As the country became more populous and significant of comfortable life he saw, with a feeling of joy, that the exalted princess and priestess of the Andean peaks was changing to a woman an earth woman, but no less enticing. A little colour crept to the surface of her marble cheek. She arranged the conventional dress that the removal of the robe now disclosed with the solicitous touch of one A Matter of Mean Elevation 77j who is conscious of the eyes of others. She smoothed the careless sweep of her hair. A mundane interest, long latent in the chilling atmosphere of the ascetic peaks, showed in her eyes. This thaw in his divinity sent Armstrong's heart going faster. So might an Arctic explorer thrill at his first ken of green fields and liquescent waters. They were on a lower plane of earth and life and were succumbing to its peculiar, subtle influence. The austerity of the hills no longer thinned the air they breathed. About them was the breath of fruit and corn and builded homes, the comfortable smell of smoke and warm earth and the consolations man has placed between himself and the dust of his brother earth from which he sprung. While traversing those awful mountains, Mile. Giraud had seemed to be wrapped in their spirit of reverent reserve. Was this that same woman now palpitating, warm, eager, throbbing with conscious life and charm, feminine to her finger-tips? Pondering over this, Armstrong felt certain misgivings intrude upon his thoughts. He wished he could stop there with this changing creature, descending no farther. Here was the elevation and environment to which her nature seemed to respond with its best. He feared to go down upon the man-dominated levels. Would her spirit not yield still further in that artificial zone to which they were descending? Now from a little plateau they saw the sea flash at the edge of the green lowlands. Mile. Giraud gave a little, catching sigh. (78 Whirligigs "Oh ! look, Mr. Armstrong, there is the sea ! Isn't it lovely? I'm so tired of mountains." She heaved a pretty shoulder in a gesture of repugnance. "Those horrid Indians ! Just think of what I suffered ! Al- though I suppose I attained my ambition of becoming a stellar attraction, I wouldn't care to repeat the engage- ment. It was very nice of you to bring me away. Tell me, Mr. Armstrong honestly, now do I look such an awful, awful fright? I haven't looked into a mirror, you know, for months." Armstrong made answer according to his changed moods. Also he laid his hand upon hers as it rested upon the horn of her saddle. Luis was at the head of the pack train and could not see. She allowed it to remain there, and her eyes smiled frankly into his. Then at sundown they dropped upon the coast level under the palms and lemons among the vivid greens and scarlets and ochres of the tierra caliente. They rode into Macuto, and saw the line of volatile bathers frolick- ing in the surf. The mountains were very far away. Mile. Giraud's eyes were shining with a joy that could not have existed under the chaperonage of the mountain- tops. There were other spirits calling to her nymphs of the orange groves, pixies from the chattering surf, imps, born of the music, the perfumes, colours and the insinuating presence of humanity. She laughed aloud, musically, at a sudden thought. "Won't there be a sensation?" she called to Arm- strong. "Don't I wish I had an engagement just now* A Matter of Mean Elevation 79 though! What a picnic the press agent would have! 'Held a prisoner by a band of savage Indians subdued by the spell of her wonderful voice' wouldn't that make great stuff? But I guess I quit the game winner, anyhow there ought to be a couple of thousand dollars in that sack of gold dust I collected as encores, don't you think?" He left her at the door of the little Hotel de Buen Descansar, where she had stopped before. Two hours later he returned to the hotel. He glanced in at the open door of the little combined reception room and cafe. Half a dozen of Macuto's representative social and official caballeros were distributed about the room. Sefior Villablanca, the wealthy rubber concessionist, re- posed his fat figure on two chairs, with an emollient smile beaming upon his chocolate-coloured face. Guil- bert, the French mining engineer, leered through his polished nose-glasses. Colonel Mendez, of the regular army, in gold-laced uniform and fatuous grin, was busily extracting corks from champagne bottles. Other pat- terns of Macutian gallantry and fashion pranced and posed. The air was hazy with cigarette smoke. Wine dripped upon the floor. Perched upon a table in the centre of the room in ay attitude of easy preeminence with Mile. Giraud. A chic costume of white lawn and cherry ribbons sup planted her travelling garb. There was a suggestioi of lace, and a frill or two, with a discreet, small impl:' 80 Whirligigs cation of hand-embroidered pink hosiery. Upon her lap rested a guitar. In her face was the light of resur- rection, the peace of elysium attained through fire and suffering. She was singing to a lively accompaniment a little song: "When you see de big round moon Comin 9 up like a balloon, Dis nigger skips fur to kiss de lips Ob his stylish, black-faced coon." The singer caught sight of Armstrong. "Hi ! there, Johnny," she called ; "I've been expecting you for an hour. What kept you? Gee I but these smoked guys are the slowest you ever saw. They ain't on, at all. Come along in, and I'll make this coffee- coloured old sport with the gold epaulettes open one for jrou right off the ice." "Thank you," said Armstrong; "not just now, I believe. I've several things to attend to." He walked out and down the street, and met Rucker coming up from the Consulate. "Play you a game of billiards," said Armstrong. "I want something to take the taste of the sea level out of my mouth." VI "GIRL" IN GILT letters on the ground glass of the door of room No. 962 were the words: "Robbins & Hartley, Brokers." The clerks had gone. It was past five, and with the solid tramp of a drove of prize Percherons, scrub-women were invading the cloud-capped twenty- story office building. A puff of red-hot air flavoured with lemon peelings, soft-coal smoke and train oil came in through the half-open windows. Robbins, fifty, something of an overweight beau, and addicted to first nights and hotel palm-rooms, pretended to be envious of his partner's commuter's joys. "Going to be something doing in the humidity line to-night," he said. "You out-of-town chaps will be the people, with your katydids and moonlight and long drinks and things out on the front porch." Hartley, twenty-nine, serious, thin, good-looking, nervous, sighed and frowned a little. "Yes," said he, "we always have cool nights in Floral- hurst, especially in the winter." A man with an air of mystery came in the door and went up to Hartley. "I've found where she lives," he announced in the 81 82 Whirligigs portentous half-whisper that makes the detective at work a marked being to his fellow men. Hartley scowled him into a state of dramatic silence and quietude. But by that time Robbins had got his cane and set his tie pin to his liking, and with a debonair nod went out to his metropolitan amusements. "Here is the address," said the detective in a natural tone, being deprived of an audience to foil. Hartley took the leaf torn out of the sleuth's dingy memorandum book. On it were pencilled the words "Vivienne Arlington, No. 341 East th Street, care of Mrs. McComus." "Moved there a week ago," said the detective. "Now, if you want any shadowing done, Mr. Hartley, I can do you as fine a job in that line as anybody in the city. It will be only $7 a day and expenses. Can send in a daily typewritten report, covering " "You needn't go on," interrupted the broker. "It isn't a case of that kind. I merely wanted the address. How much shall I pay you?" "One day's work," said the sleuth. "A tenner will cover it." Hartley paid the man and dismissed him. Then he left the office and boarded a Broadway car. At the first large crosstown artery of travel he took an eastbound car that deposited him in a decaying avenue, whose ancient structures once sheltered the pride and glory of the town. Walking a few squares, he came to the building that "Girl" 83 he sought. It was a new flathouse, bearing carved upon its cheap stone portal its sonorous name, "The Vallam- brosa." Fire-escapes zigzagged down its front these laden with household goods, drying clothes, and squalling children evicted by the midsummer heat. Here and there a pale rubber plant peeped from the miscellaneous mass, as if wondering to what kingdom it belonged vegetable, animal or artificial. Hartley pressed the "McComus" button. The door latch clicked spasmodically now hospitably, now doubtfully, as though in anxiety whether it might be admitting friends or duns. Hartley entered and began to climb the stairs after the manner of those who seek their friends in city flat-houses which is the manner of a boy who climbs an apple-tree, stopping when he comes upon what he wants. On the fourth floor he saw Vivienne standing in an open door. She invited him inside, with a nod and a bright, genuine smile. She placed a chair for him near a window, and poised herself gracefully upon the edge of one of those Jekyll-and-Hyde pieces of furniture that are masked and mysteriously hooded, unguessable bulks by day and inquisitorial racks of torture by night. Hartley cast a quick, critical, appreciative glance at her before speaking, and told himself that his taste in choosing had been flawless. Vivienne was about twenty-one. She was of the pur- est Saxon type. Her hair was a ruddy golden, each fila- ment of the neatly gathered mass shining with its own 84 Whirligigs lustre and delicate graduation of colour. In perfect harmony were her ivory-clear complexion and deep sea- blue eyes that looked upon the world with the ingenuous calmness of a mermaid or the pixie of an undiscovered mountain stream. Her frame was strong and yet pos- sessed the grace of absolute naturalness. And yet with all her Northern clearness and frankness of line and colouring, there seemed to be something of the tropics in her something of languor in the droop of her pose, of love of ease in her ingenious complacency of satis- faction and comfort in the mere act of breathing something that seemed to claim for her a right as a per- fect work of nature to exist and be admired equally with a rare flower or some beautiful, milk-white dove among its sober-hued companions. She was dressed in a white waist and dark skirt that discreet masquerade of goose-girl and duchess. "Vivienne," said Hartley, looking at her pleadingly, "you did not answer my last letter. It was only by nearly a week's search that I found where you had moved to. Why have you kept me in suspense when you knew how anxiously I was waiting to see you and hear from you?" The girl looked out the window dreamily. "Mr. Hartley," she said hesitatingly, "I hardly know what to say to you. I realize all the advantages of your offer, and sometimes I feel sure that I could be contented with you. But, again, I am doubtful. I was born a city girl, and I am afraid to bind myself to a quiet suburban life." "Girl" 85 "My dear girl," said Hartley, ardently, "have I not told you that you shall have everything that your heart can desire that is in my power to give you? You shall come to the city for the theatres, for shopping and to visit your friends as often as you care to. You can trust me, can you not?" "To the fullest," she said, turning her frank eyes upon him with a smile. "I know you are the kindest of men, and that the girl you get will be a lucky one. I learned all about you when I was at the MontgomerysV "Ah !" exclaimed Hartley, with a tender, reminiscent light in his eye ; "I remember well the evening I first saw you at the Montgomerys'. Mrs. Montgomery was sounding your praises to me all the evening. And she hardly did you justice. I shall never forget that supper. Come, Vivienne, promise me. I want you. You'll never regret coming with me. No one else will ever give you as pleasant a home." The girl sighed and looked down at her folded hands. A sudden jealous suspicion seized Hartley. "Tell me, Vivienne," he asked, regarding her keenly, "is there another is there some one else?" A rosy flush crept slowly over her fair cheeks and neck. "You shouldn't ask that, Mr. Hartley," she said, in some confusion. "But I will tell you. There is one other but he has no right I have promised him nothing." "His name?" demanded Hartley, sternly. "Townsend." 86 Whirligigs "Raff ord Townsend !" exclaimed Hartley, with a grim tightening of his j aw. "How did that man come to know you ? After all I've done for him " "His auto has just stopped below," said Vivienne, bending over the window-sill. "He's coming for his answer. Oh, I don't know what to do !" The bell in the flat kitchen whirred. Vivienne hurried to press the latch button. "Stay here," said Hartley. "I will meet him in the hall." Townsend, looking like a Spanish grandee in his light tweeds, Panama hat and curling black mustache, came up the stairs three at a time. He stopped at sight of Hartley and looked foolish. "Go back," said Hartley, firmly, pointing downstairs with his forefinger. "Hullo !" said Townsend, feigning surprise. "What's np? What are you doing here, old man?" "Go back," repeated Hartley, inflexibly. "The Law of the Jungle. Do you want the Pack to tear you in pieces? The kill is mine." "I came here to see a plumber about the bathroom connections," said Townsend, bravely. "All right," said Hartley. "You shall have that lying plaster to stick upon your traitorous soul. But, ga back." Townsend went downstairs, leaving a bitter word to be wafted up the draught of the staircase. Hartley went back to his wooing. "Girl" 87j "Vivienne," said he, masterfully. "I have got to have you. I will take no more refusals or dilly-dallying." "When do you want me?" she asked. "Now. As soon as you can get ready." She stood calmly before him and looked him in the eye. "Do you think for one momerit," she said, "that I would enter your home while Heloise is there?" Hartley cringed as if from an unexpected blow. He folded his arms and paced the carpet once or twice. "She shall go," he declared grimly. Drops stood upon his brow. "Why should I let that woman make my life miserable? Never have I seen one day of free- dom from trouble since I have known her. You are right, Vivienne. Heloise must be sent away before I can take you home. But she shall go. I have decided. I will turn her from my doors." "When will you do this?" asked the girl. Hartley clinched his teeth and bent his brows to- gether. "To-night," he said, resolutely. "I will send her away to-night." "Then," said Vivienne, "my answer is 'yes.' Come for me when you will." She looked into his eyes with a sweet, sincere light in her own. Hartley could scarcely believe that her sur- render was true, it was so swift and complete. "Promise me," he said feelingly, "on your word and honour." "On my word and honour," repeated Vivienne, softly. 88 Whirligigs At the door he turned and gazed at her happily, but yet as one who scarcely trusts the foundations of his joy. "To-morrow," he said, with a forefinger of reminder uplifted. "To-morrow," she repeated with a smile of truth and candour. In an hour and forty minutes Hartley stepped off the train at Floralhurst. A brisk walk of ten minutes brought him to the gate of a handsome two-story cottage set upon a wide and well-tended lawn. Halfway to the house he was met by a woman with jet-black braided hair and flowing white summer gown, who half strangled him without apparent cause. When they stepped into the hall she said : "Mamma's here. The auto is coming for her in half an hour. She came to dinner, but there's no dinner.'* "I've something to tell you," said Hartley. "I thought to break it to you gently, but since your mother is here we may as well out with it." He stooped and whispered something at her ear. His wife screamed. Her mother came running into the hall. The dark-haired woman screamed again the joyful scream of a well-beloved and petted woman. "Oh, mamma !" she cried ecstatically, "what do you think? Vivienne is coming to cook for us! She is the one that stayed with the Montgomerys a whole year. And now, Billy, dear," she concluded, "you must go right down into the kitchen and discharge Heloise. She has been drunk again the whole day long." VII SOCIOLOGY IN SERGE AND STRAW 1 HE season of irresponsibility is at hand. Come, let us twine round our brows wreaths of poison ivy (that is for idiocy), and wander hand in hand with sociology in the summer fields. Likely as not the world is flat. The wise men have tried to prove that it is round, with infferent success. They pointed out to us a ship going to sea, and bade us observe that, at length, the convexity of the earth hid from our view all but the vessel's topmast. But we picked up a telescope and looked, and saw the decks and hull again. Then the wise men said : "Oh, pshaw ! anyhow, the variation of the intersection of the equator and the ecliptic proves it." We could not see this through our telescope, so we remained silent. But it stands to reason that, if the world were round, the queues of Chinamen would stand straight up from their heads instead of hanging down their backs, as travellers assure us they do. Another hot-weather corroboration of the flat theory is the fact that all of life, as we know it, moves in little, unavailing circles. More justly than to anything else, it can be likened to the game of baseball. Crack ! we hit the fall, and away we go. If we earn a run (in life 90 Whirligigs we call it success) we get back to the home plate and sit upon a bench. If we are thrown out, we walk back to the home plate and sit upon a bench. The circumnavigators of the alleged globe may have sailed the rim of a watery circle back to the same port again. The truly great return at the high tide of their attainments to the simplicity of a child. The billionaire sits down at his mahogany to his bowl of bread and milk. When you reach the end of your career, just take down the sign "Goal" and look at the other side of it. You will find "Beginning Point" there. It has been reversed while you were going around the track. But this is humour, and must be stopped. Let us get back to the serious questions that arise whenever sociology turns summer boarder. You are invited to consider the scene of the story wild, Atlantic waves, thundering against a wooded and rock-bound shore in the Greater City of New York. The town of Fishampton, on the south shore of Long Island, is noted for its clam fritters and the summer residence of the Van Plushvelts. The Van Plushvelts have a hundred million dollars, and their name is a household word with tradesmen and photographers. On the fifteenth of June the Van Plushvelts boarded up the front door of their city house, carefully deposited their cat on the sidewalk, instructed the caretaker not to allow it to eat any of the ivy on the walls, and whizzed away in a 40-horse-power to Fishampton to stray alone Sociology in Serge and Straw 91 in the shade Amaryllis not being in their class. If you are a subscriber to the Toadies 1 Magazine, you have often You say you are not? Well, you buy it at a news-stand, thinking that the newsdealer is not wise to you. But he knows about it all. HE knows HE knows ! I say that you have often seen in the Toadies 9 Magazine pictures of the Van Plushvelts' summer home ; so it will not be described here. Our business is with young Haywood Van Plushvelt, sixteen years old, heir to the century of millions, darling of the financial gods and great grandson of Peter Van Plushvelt, former owner of a particularly fine cabbage patch that has been ruined by an intrusive lot of downtown skyscrapers. One afternoon young Haywood Van Plushvelt strolled out between the granite gate posts of "Dolce far Niente" that's what they called the place ; and it was an im- provement on dolce Far Rockaway, I can tell you. Haywood walked down into the village. He was human, after all, and his prospective millions weighed upon him. Wealth had wreaked upon him its direfullest. He was the product of private tutors. Even under his first hobby-horse had tan bark been strewn. He had been born with a gold spoon, lobster fork and fish-set in his mouth. For which I hope, later, to submit justi- fication, I must ask your consideration of his haber- dashery and tailoring. Young Fortunatus was dressed in a neat suit of dark blue serge, a neat, white straw hat, neat low-cut tan shoes, linen of the well-known "immaculate" trade mark, 92 Whirligigs a neat, narrow four-in-hand tie, anpl carried a slender, neat, bamboo cane. Down Persimmon Street (there's never tree north of Hagerstown, Md.) came from the village "Smoky" Dodson, fifteen and a half, worst boy in Fishampton. "Smoky" was dressed in a ragged red sweater, wrecked and weather-worn golf cap, run-over shoes, and trousers of the "serviceable" brand. Dust, clinging to the mois- ture induced by free exercise, darkened wide areas of his face. "Smoky" carried a baseball bat, and a league ball that advertised itself in the rotundity of his trousers pocket. Haywood stopped and passed the time of day. "Going to play ball?" he asked. "Smoky's" eyes and countenance confronted him with a frank blue-and-freckled scrutiny. "Me?" he said, with deadly mildness; "sure not. Can't yx>u see I've got a divin' suit on ? I'm go in' up in a submarine balloon to catch butterflies with a two-inch auger." "Excuse me," said Haywood, with the insulting polite- ness of his caste, "for mistaking you for a gentleman. I might have known better." "How might you have known better if you thought I was one?" said "Smoky," unconsciously a logician. "By your appearance," said Haywood. "No gentle- man is dirty, ragged and a liar." "Smoky" hooted once like a ferry-boat, spat on his hand, got a firm grip on his baseball bat and then dropped it against the fence. Sociology in Serge and Straw 93 "Say," said he, "I knows you. You're the pup that belongs in that swell private summer sanitarium for city guys over there. I seen you come out of the gate. You can't bluff nobody because you're rich. And because you got on swell clothes. Arabella! Yah!" "Ragamuffin!" said Haywood. "Smoky" picked up a fence-rail splinter and laid it on his shoulder. "Dare you to knock it off," he challenged. "I wouldn't soil my hands with you," said the aristo- crat. "'Fraid," said "Smoky" concisely. "Youse city ducks ain't got the sand. I kin lick you with one hand." "I don't wish to have any trouble with you," said Haywood. "I asked you a civil question; and you re- plied like a like a a cad." "Wot's a cad !" asked "Smoky." "A cad is a disagreeable person," answered Haywood, "who lacks manners and doesn't know his place. They sometimes play baseball." "I can tell you what a mollycoddle is," said "Smoky." "It's a monkey dressed up by its mother and sent out to pick daisies on the lawn." "When you have the honour to refer to the members of my family," said Haywood, with some dim ideas of a code in his mind, "you'd better leave the ladies out of your remarks." "Ho ! ladies !" mocked the rude one. "I say ladies ! I know what them rich women in the city does. They 94 Whirligigs drink cocktails and swear and give parties to gorillas. The papers say so.' ; Then Haywood knew that it must be. He took off his coat, folded it neatly and laid it on the roadside grass, placed his hat upon it and began to unknot his blue silk tie. "Hadn't yer better ring fer yer maid, Arabella?" taunted "Smoky." "Wot yer going to do go to bed?" "I'm going to give you a good trouncing," said the hero. He did not hesitate, although the enemy was far beneath him socially. He remembered that his father once thrashed a cabman, and the papers gave it two col- umns, first page. And the Toadies 9 Magazine had a special article on Upper Cuts by the Upper Classes, and ran new pictures of the Van Plushvelt country *eat, at Fishampton. "Wot's trouncing?" asked "Smoky," suspiciously. "I don't want your old clothes. I'm no oh, you mean to scrap ! My, my ! I won't do a thing to mamma's pet. Criminy! I'd hate to be a hand-laundered thing like you." "Smoky" waited with some awkwardness for his ad- versary to prepare for battle. His own decks were al- ways clear for action. When he should spit upon the palm of his terrible right it was equivalent to "You may fire now, Gridley." The hated patrician advanced, with his shirt sleeves neatly rolled up. "Smoky" waited, in an attitude of ease, expecting the affair to be conducted according to Sociology in Serge and Straw 95 Fishampton's rules of war. These allowed combat to be prefaced by stigma, recrimination, epithet, abuse and insult gradually increasing in emphasis and degree. After a round of these "you're anothers" would come the chip knocked from the shoulder, or the advance across the "dare" line drawn with a toe on the ground. Next light taps given and taken, these also increasing in force until finally the blood was up and fists going at their best. But Haywood did not know Fishampton's rules. Noblesse oblige kept a faint smile on his face as he walked slowly up to "Smoky" and said : "Going to play ball?" "Smoky" quickly understood this to be a putting of the previous question, giving him the chance to make a practical apology by answering it with civility and relevance. "Listen this time," said he. "I'm goin' skatin' on the river. Don't you see me automobile with Chinese lanterns on it standin' and waitin' for me?" Haywood knocked him down. "Smoky" felt wronged. To thus deprive him of pre- liminary wrangle and objurgation was to send an armoured knight full tilt against a crashing lance with- out permitting him first to caracole around the list to the flourish of trumpets. But he scrambled up and fell upon his foe, head, feet and fists. The fight lasted one round of an hour and ten minutes. It was lengthened until it was more like a war or a family feud than a fight. Haywood had learned some of the 96 Whirligigs science of boxing and wrestling from his tutors, but these he discarded for the more instinctive methods of battle banded down by the cave-dwelling Van Plushvelts. So, when he found himself, during the melee, seated upon the kicking and roaring "Smoky's" chest, he im- proved the opportunity by vigorously kneading hand- fuls of sand and soil into his adversary's ears, eyes and mouth, acd when "Smoky" got the proper leg hold and "turned" him, he fastened both hands in the Plushvelt hair and pounded the Plushvelt head against the lap of mother earth. Of course, the strife was not incessantly active. There were seasons when one sat upon the other, holding him down, while each blew like a grampus, spat out the more inconveniently large sections of gravel and earth, and strove to subdue the spirit of his opponent with a frightful and soul-paralyzing glare. At last, it seemed that in the language of the ring, their efforts lacked steam. They broke away, and each disappeared in a cloud as he brushed away the dust of the conflict. As soon as his breath permitted, Haywood walked close to "Smoky" and said: "Going to play ball?" "Smoky" looked pensively at the sky, at his bat lying on the ground, and at the "leaguer" rounding his pocket. "Sure," he said, off-handedly. "The '\fcllowjackets* plays the 'Long Islands.' I'm cap'n of the 'Long Islands.' " "I guess I didn't mean to say you were ragged," said Haywood. "Rut you are dirty, you know." Sociology in Serge and Straw 97 "Sure," said "Smoky." "Yer get that way knockin* around. Say, I don't believe them New York papers about ladies drinkin' and bavin' monkeys dinin' at the table with 'em. I guess they're lies, like they print about people eatin' out of silver plates, and ownin' dogs that cost $100." "Certainly," said Haywood. "What do you play on your team ?" "Ketcher. Evef play any?" "Never in my life," said Haywood. "I've never known any fellows except one or two of my cousins." "Jer like to learn? We're goin' to have a practice game before the match. Wanter come along? I'll put yer in left-field, and yer won't be long ketchin' on." "I'd like it bully," said Haywood. "I've always wanted to play baseball." The ladies' maids of New York and the families of Western mine owners with social ambitions will remember well the sensation that was created by the report that the young multi-millionaire, Haywood Van Plushvelt, was playing ball with the village youths of Fishampton. It was conceded that the millennium of democracy had come. Reporters and photographers swarmed to the island. The papers prmted half-page pictures of him as short-stop stopping a hot grounder. The Toadies* Magazine got out a Bat and Ball number that covered the subject historically, beginning with the vampire bat and ending with the Patriarchs' ball illustrated with interior views of the Van Plushvelt country seat* 98 Whirligigs Ministers, educators and sociologists everywhere hailed the event as the tocsin call that proclaimed the universal brotherhood of man. One afternoon I was reclining under the trees near the shore at Fishampton in the esteemed company of an eminent, bald-headed young sociologist. By way of note it may be inserted that all sociologists are more or less bald, and exactly thirty-two. Look 'em over. The sociologist was citing the Van Plushvelt case as the most important "uplift" symptom of a generation? and as an excuse for his own existence. Immediately before us were the village baseball grounds. And now came the sportive youth of Fishamp- ton and distributed themselves, shouting, about the diamond. "There," said the sociologist, pointing, "there is young Van Plushvelt." I raised myself (so far a cosycophant with Mary Ann) and gazed. Young Van Plushvelt sat upon the ground. He was dressed in a ragged red sweater, wrecked and weather- worn golf cap, run-over shoes, and trousers of the "ser- viceable" brand. Dust clinging to the moisture induced by free exercise, darkened wide areas of his face. "That is he," repeated the sociologist. If he had said "him" I could have been less vindictive. On a bench, with an air, sat the young millionaire's chum. He was dressed in a neat suit of dark blue serge, a neat Sociology in Serge and Straw 99 white straw hat, neat low-cut tan shoes, linen of the well-known "immaculate" trade mark, a neat, narrow four-in-hand tie, and carried a slender, neat bamboo cane. I laughed loudly and vulgarly. "What you want to do," said I to the sociologist, "is to establish a reformatory for the Logical Vicious Circle. Or else I've got wheels. It looks to me as if things are running round and round in circles instead of getting anywhere." "What do you mean?" asked the man of progress. "Why, look what he has done to 'Smoky,' " I replied. "You will always be a fool," said my friend, the soci- ologist, getting up and walking away. VIII THE RANSOM OF RED CHIEF IT LOOKED like a good thing: but wait till I tell you. We were down South, in Alabama Bill Driscoll and myself when this kidnapping idea struck us. It was, as Bill afterward expressed it, "during a moment of tem- porary mental apparition" ; but we didn't find that out till later. There was a town down there, as flat as a flannel-cake^ and called Summit, of course. It contained inhabitants of as undeleterious and self-satisfied a class of peasantry as ever clustered around a Maypole. Bill and me had a joint capital of about six hundred dollars, and we needed just two thousand dollars more to pull off a fraudulent town-lot scheme in Western Illinois with. We talked it over on the front steps of the hotel. Philoprogenitiveness, says we, is strong in semi- rural communities ; therefore, and for other reasons, a kidnapping project ought to do better there than in the radius of newspapers that senol reporters out in plain clothes to stir up talk about such things. We knew that Summit couldn't get after us with anything stronger than constables and, maybe, some lackadaisical blood- hounds and a diatribe or two in the Weekly Farmers' Budget. So, it looked good. 100 The Random of Red Chief 101 We selected for our victim the only child of a promi- nent citizen named Ebenezer Dorset. The father was respectable and tight, a mortgage fancier and a stern, upright collection-plate passer and f orccloser. The kid was a boy of ten, with bas-relief freckles, and hair the colour of the cover of the magazine you buy at the news- stand when you want to catch a train. Bill and me fig- ured that Ebenezer would melt down for a ransom of two thousand dollars to a cent. But wait till I tell you. About two miles from Summit was a little mountain, covered with a dense cedar brake. On the rear elevation of this mountain was a cave. There we stored provisions. One evening after sundown, we drove in a buggy past old Dorset's house. The kid was in the street, throw- *'ng rocks at a kitten on the opposite fence. "Hey, little boy !" says Bill, "would you like to have a bag of candy and a nice ride?" The boy catches Bill neatly in the eye with a piece of brick. "That will cost the old man an extra five hundred dollars," says Bill, climbing over the wheel. That boy put up a fight like a welter-weight cinnamon bear ; but, at last, we got him down in the bottom of the buggy and drove away. We took him up to the cave, and I hitched the horse in the cedar brake. After dark I drove the buggy to the little village, three miles away, where we had hired it, and walked back to the moun- tain. Bill was pasting court-plaster over the scratches and 102 Whirligigs bruises on his features. There was a fire burning behind the big rock at the entrance of the cave, and the boy was watching a pot of boiling coffee, with two buzzard tail- feathers stuck in his red hair. He points a stick at me when I come up, and says : "Ha ! cursed paleface, do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief, the terror of the plains ?" "He's all right now," says Bill, rolling up his trousers and examining some bruises on his shins. "We're playing Indian. We're making Buffalo Bill's show look like magic-lantern views of Palestine in the town hall. I'm Old Hank, the Trapper, Red Chief's captive, and I'm to be scalped at daybreak. By Geronimo ! that kid can kick hard." Yes, sir, that boy seemed to be having the time of his life. The fun of camping out in a cave had made him forget that he was a captive himself. He immediately christened me Snake-eye, the Spy, and announced that, when his braves returned from the warpath, I was to be broiled at the stake at the rising of the sun. Then we had supper; and he filled his mouth full of bacon and bread and gravy, and began to talk. He made a during-dinner speech something like this : "I like this fine. I never camped out before; but I had a pet 'possum once, and I was nine last birthday. I hate to go to school. Rats ate up sixteen of Jimmy Talbot's aunt's speckled hen's eggs. Are there any real Indians in these woods ? I want some more gravy. Does the trees moving make the wind blow? We had The Ransom of Bed Chief 103 five puppies. What makes your nose so red, Hank? My father has lots of money. Are the stars hot? I whipped Ed Walker twice, Saturday. I don't like girls. You dassent catch toads unless with a string. Do oxen make any noise? Why are oranges round? Have you got beds to sleep on in this cave? Amos Murray has got six toes. A parrot can talk, but a monkey or a fish can't. How many does it take to make twelve ?" Every few minutes he would remember that he was a pesky redskin, and pick up his stick rifle and tiptoe to the mouth of the cave to rubber for the scouts of the hated paleface. Now and then he would let out a war- whoop that made Old Hank the Trapper shiver. That boy had Bill terrorized from the start. "Red Chief," says I to the kid, "would you like to go home?" "Aw, what for?" says he. "I don't have any fun at home. I hate to go to school. I like to camp out. You won't take me back home again, Snake-eye, will you?" "Not right away," says I. "We'll stay here in the cave a while." "All right !" says he. "That'll be fine. I never had such fun in all my life." We went to bed about eleven o'clock. We spread down some wide blankets and quilts and put Red Chief between us. We weren't afraid he'd run away. He kept us awake for three hours, jumping up and reaching for his rifle and screeching: "Hist! pard," in mine and Bill's ears, as the fancied crackle of a twig or the rustle of a 104 Whirligigs leaf revealed to his young imagination the stealthy approach of the outlaw band. At last, I fell into a troubled sleep, and dreamed that I had been kidnapped and chained to a tree by a ferocious pirate with red hair. Just at daybreak, I was awakened by a series of awful screams from Bill. They weren't yells, or howls, or shouts, or whoops, or yawps, such as you'd expect from a manly set of vocal organs they were simply indecent, terrifying, humiliating screams, such as women emit when they see ghosts or caterpillars. It's an awful thing to hear a strong, desperate, fat man scream incontinently in a cave at daybreak. I jumped up to see what the matter was. Red Chief was sitting on Bill's chest, with one hand twined in Bill's hair. In the other he had the sharp case-knife we used for slicing bacon ; and he was industriously and realisti- cally trying to take Bill's scalp, according to the sen- tence that had been pronounced upon him the evening before. I got the knife away from the kid and made him lie down again. But, from that moment, Bill's spirit was broken. He laid down on his side of the bed, but he never closed an eye again in sleep as long as that boy was with us. I dozed off for a while, but along toward sun-up I remembered that Red Chief had said I was to be burned at the stake at the rising of the sun, I wasn't nervous or afraid ; but I sat up and lit my pipe and leaned against a rock. "What you getting up so soon for, Sam?" asked Bill. The Ransom of Red Chief 105 "Mef" says I. "Oh, I got a kind of a pain in my shoulder. I thought sitting up would rest it," "You're a liar!" says Bill. "You're afraid. You was to be burned at sunrise, and you was afraid he'd do it. And he would, too, if he could find a match. Ain't it awful, Sam? Do you think anybody will pay out money to get a little imp like that back home ?" "Sure," said I. "A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on. Now, you and the Chief get up and cook breakfast, while I go up on the top of this mountain and reconnoitre." I went up on the peak of the little mountain and ran my eye over the contiguous vicinity. Over toward Summit I expected to see the sturdy yeomanry of the village armed with scythes and pitchforks beating the countryside for the dastardly kidnappers. But what I saw was a peace- ful landscape dotted with one man ploughing with a dun mule. Nobody was dragging the creek; no couriers dashed hither and yon, bringing tidings of no news to the distracted parents. There was a sylvan attitude of somnolent sleepiness pervading that section of the ex- ternal outward surface of Alabama that lay exposed to my view. "Perhaps," says I to myself, "it has not yet been discovered that the wolves have borne away the ten- der lambkin from the fold. Heaven help the wolves !" ays I, and I went down the mountain to breakfast. When I got to the cave I found Bill backed up against the side of it, breathing hard, and the boy threatening t smash him with a rock half as big as a cocoanut. 106 Whirligigs "He put a red-hot boiled potato down my back," explained Bill, "and then mashed it with his foot ; and I boxed his ears. Have you got a gun about you, Sam?" I took the rock away from the boy and kind of patched up the argument. "I'll fix you," says the kid to Bill. "No man ever yet struck the Red Chief but what he got paid for it. You better beware !" After breakfast the kid takes a piece of leather with strings wrapped around it out of his pocket and goes out- side the cave unwinding it. "What's he up to now?" says Bill, anxiously. "You don't think he'll run away, do you, Sam?" "No fear of it," says I. "He don't seem to be much of a home body. But we've got to fix up some plan about the ransom. There don't seem to be much excitement around Summit on account of his disappearance ; but maybe they haven't realized yet that he's gone. His folks may think he's spending the night with Aunt Jane or one of the neighbours. Anyhow, he'll be missed to-day. To-night we must get a message to his father demanding the two thousand dollars for his return." Just then we heard a kind of war-whoop, such as David might have emitted when ne knocked out the champion Goliath. It was a sling that Red Chief had pulled out of his pocket, and he was whirling it around his head. I dodged, and heard a heavy thud and a kind of a sigh from Bill, like a horse gives out when you take his saddle off. A niggerhead rock the size of an egg had caught The Ransom of Red Chief 107 Bill just behind his left ear. He loosened himself all over and fell in the fire across the frying pan of hot water for washing the dishes. I dragged him out and poured cold water on his head for half an hour. By and by, Bill sits up and feels behind his ear and says : "Sam, do you know who my favourite Biblical character is?" "Take it easy," says I. "You'll come to your senses presently." "King Herod," says he. "You won't go away and leave me here alone, will you, Sam?" I went out and caught that boy and shook him until his freckles rattled. "If you don't behave," says I, "I'll take you straight home. Now, are you going to be good, or not?" "I was only funning," says he sullenly. "I didn't mean to hurt Old Hank. But what did he hit me for? I'll behave, Snake-eye, if you won't send me home, and if you'll let me play the Black Scout to-day." "I don't know the game," says I. "That's for you and Mr. Bill to decide. He's your playmate for the day. I'm going away for a while, on business. Now, you come in and make friends with him and say you are sorry for hurting him, or home you go, at once." I made him and Bill shake hands, and then I took Bill aside and told him I was going to Poplar Cove, a little village three miles from the cave, and find out what I could about how the kidnapping had been regarded in Summit. Also, I thought it best to send a peremptory 108 Whirligigs .etter to old man Dorset that day, demanding the ransom and dictating how it should be paid. "You know, Sam," says Bill, "I've stood by you with- out batting an eye in earthquakes, fire and flood in poker games, dynamite outrages, police raids, train robberies and cyclones. I never lost my nerve yet till we kidnapped that two-legged skyrocket of a kid. He's got me going. You won't leave me long with him, will you, Sam?" "I'll be back some time this afternoon," says I. "You must keep the boy amused and quiet till I return. And now we'll write the letter to old Dorset." Bill and I got paper and pencil and worked on the letter while Red Chief, with a blanket wrapped around him, strutted up and down, guarding the mouth of the cave. Bill begged me tearfully to make the ransom fifteen hundred dollars instead of two thousand. "I ain't attempting," says he, "to decry the celebrated moral aspect of parental affection, but we're dealing with humans, and it ain't human for anybody to give up two thousand dollars for that forty-pound chunk of freckled wildcat. I'm willing to take a chance at fifteen hundred dollars. You can charge the difference up to me." So, to relieve Bill, I acceded, and we collaborated a letter that ran this way : Ebenzer Dorset, Esq. : We have your boy concealed in # place far from Summit. It is useless for you or the most skilful detec- tives to attempt to find him. Absolutely, the only terms The Ransom of Red Chief 109 on which you can have him restored to you are these: We demand fifteen hundred dollars in large bills for his return ; the money to be left at midnight to-night at the same spot and in the same box as your reply as here- inafter described. If you agree to these terms, send your answer in writing by a solitary messenger to-night at half-past eight o'clock. After crossing Owl Creek, on the road to Poplar Cove, there are three large trees about a hundred yards apart, close to the fence of the; wheat field on the right-hand side. At the bottom of the fence-post, opposite the third tree, will be found a small pasteboard box. The messenger will place the answer in this box and return immediately to Summit. If you attempt any treachery or fail to comply with our demand as stated, you will never see your boy again. If you pay the money as demanded, he will be returned to you safe and well within three hours. These terms are final, and if you do not accede to them no further communication will be attempted. Two DESPERATE MEN. I addressed this letter to Dorset, and put it in my pocket. As I was about to start, the kid comes up to me and says : "Aw, Snake-eye, you said I could play the Black Scout while you was gone." "Play it, of course," says I. "Mr. Bill will play with you. What kind of a game is it?" "I'm the Black Scout," says Red Chief, "and I have to ride to the stockade to warn the settlers that the Indians are coming. I'm tired of playing Indian myself. I want to be the Black Scout." 110 Whirligigs "All right," says I. "It sounds harmless to me. I guess Mr. Bill will help you foil the pesky savages." "What am I to do?" asks Bill, looking at the kid suspiciously. "You are the hoss," says Black Scout. "Get down on your hands and knees. How can I ride to the stock- ade without a hoss?" "You'd better keep him interested," said I, "till we get the scheme going. Loosen up." Bill gets down on his all fours, and a look comes in his eye like a rabbit's when you catch it in a trap. "How far is it to the stockade, kid?" he asks, in a husky manner of voice. "Ninety miles," says the Black Scout. "And you have to hump yourself to get there on time. Whoa, now !" The Black Scout jumps on Bill's back and digs his heels in his side. "For Heaven's sake," says Bill, "hurry back, Sam, as soon as you can. I wish we hadn't made the ransom more than a thousand. Say, you quit kicking me or I'll get up and warm you good." I walked over to Poplar Cove and sat around the post- office and store, talking with the chawbacons that came in to trade. One whiskerando says that he hears Summit is all upset on account of Elder Ebenezer Dorset's boy having been lost or stolen. That was all I wanted to.know. I bought some smoking tobacco, referred casually to the price of black-eyed peas, posted my letter surreptitiously and came away. The postmaster said the mail-carrier The Ransom of Bed Chief 111 would come by in an hour to take the mail on to Sum- mit. When I got back to the cave Bill and the boy were not to be found. I explored the vicinity of the cave, and risked a yodel or two, but there was no response. So I lighted my pipe and sat down on a mossy bank to await developments. In about half an hour I heard the bushes rustle, and Bill wabbled out into the little glade in front of the cave. Behind him was the kid, stepping softly like a scout, with a broad grin on his face. Bill stopped, took off his hat and wiped his face with a red handkerchief. The kid stopped about eight feet behind him. "Sam," says Bill, "I suppose you'll think I'm a rene- gade, but I couldn't help it. I'm a grown person with masculine proclivities and habits of self-defense, but there is a time when all systems of egotism and predominance fail. The boy is gone. I have sent him home. All is off. There was martyrs in old times," goes on Bill, "that suffered death rather than give up the particular graft they enjoyed. None of 'em ever was subjugated to such supernatural tortures as I have been. I tried to be faithful to our articles of depredation ; but there came a limit." "What's the trouble, Bill?" I asks him. "I was rode," says Bill, "the ninety miles to the stock- ade, not barring an inch. Then, when the settlers was rescued, I was given oats. Sand ain't a palatable substi- tute. And then, for an hour I had to try to explain to 112 Whirligigs him why there was nothin' in holes, how a road can run both ways and what makes the grass green. I tell you, Sam, a human can only stand so much. I takes him by the neck of his clothes and drags him down the mountain. On the way he kicks my legs black-and-blue from the knees down; and I've got to have two or three bites on my thumb and hand cauterized. "But he's gone" continues Bill "gone home. I showed him the road to Summit and kicked him about eight feet nearer there at one kick. I'm sorry we lose the ransom; but it was either that or Bill Driscoll to the madhouse." Bill is puffing and blowing, but there is a look of in- effable peace and growing content on his rose-pink features. "Bill," says I, "there isn't any heart disease in your family, is there?" "No," says Bill, "nothing chronic except malaria and accidents. Why?" "Then you might turn around," says I, "and have a look behind you." Bill turns and sees the boy, and loses his complexion and sits down plump on the ground and begins to pluck aimlessly at grass and little sticks. For an hour I was afraid of his mind. And then I told him that my scheme was to put the whole job through immediately and that we would get the ransom and be off with it by midnight if old Dorset fell in with our proposition. So Bill braced up enough to give the kid a weak sort of a smile and 8 The Ransom of Red Chief 113 promise to play the Russian in a Japanese war with him as soon as he felt a little better. I had a scheme for collecting that ransom without danger of being caught by counterplots that ought to commend itself to professional kidnappers. The tree under which the answer was to be left and the money later on was close to the road fence with big, bare fields on all sides. If a gang of constables should be watching for any one to come for the note they could see him a long way off crossing the fields or in the road. But no, sirree ! At half-past eight I was up in that tree as well hidden as a tree toad, waiting for the messenger to arrive. Exactly on time, a half-grown boy rides up the road on a bicycle, locates the pasteboard box at the foot of the fence-post, slips a folded piece of paper into it and pedals away again back toward Summit. I waited an hour and then concluded the thing was square. I slid down the tree, got the note, slipped along the fence till I struck the woods, and was back at the cave in another half an hour. I opened the note, got near the lantern and read it to Bill. It was written with a pen in a crabbed hand, and the sum and substance of it was this : Two Desperate Men. Gentlemen: I received your letter to-day by post, in regard to the ransom you ask for the return of my son. I think you are a little high in your demands, and I hereby make you a counter-proposition, which I am in- clined to believe you will accept. You bring Johnny home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars in cash, 114 Whirligigs and I agree to take him off your hands. You had better come at night, for the neighbours believe he is lost, and I couldn't be responsible for what they would do to any- body they saw bringing him back. Very respectfully, EBENEZER DORSET. "Great pirates of Penzance!" says I; "of all the impudent " But I glanced at Bill, and hesitated. He had the most appealing look in his eyes I ever saw on the face of a dumb or a talking brute. "Sam," says he, "what's two hundred and fifty dollars, after all? We've got the money. One more night of this kid will send me to a bed in Bedlam. Besides being a thorough gentleman, I think Mr. Dorset is a spend- thrift for making us such a liberal offer. You ain't going to let the chance go, are you?" "Tell you the truth, Bill," says I, "this little he ewe lamb has somewhat got on my nerves too. We'll take him home, pay the ransom and make our get-away." We took him home that night. We got him to go by telling him that his father had bought a silver- mounted rifle and a pair of moccasins for him, and we were going to hunt bears the next day. It was just twelve o'clock when we knocked at Ebene- zer's front door. Just at the moment when I should have been abstracting the fifteen hundred dollars from the box under the tree, according to the original proposition, Bill was counting out two hundred and fifty dollars into Dorset's hand. The Ransom of Red Chief 115 When the kid found out we were going to leave him at home he started up a howl like a calliope and fastened himself as tight as a leech to Bill's leg. His father peeled him away gradually, like a porous plaster. "How long can you hold him?" asks Bill. "I'm not as strong as I used to be," says old Dorset, "but I think I can promise you ten minutes." "Enough," says Bill. "In ten minutes I shall cross the Central, Southern and Middle Western States, and be legging it trippingly for the Canadian border." And, as dark as it was, and as fat as Bill was, and as good a runner as I am, he was a good mile and a half out of Summit before I could catch up with him. IX THE MARRY MONTH OF MAY i RITHEE, smite the poet in the eye when he would sing to you praises of the month of May. It is a month presided over by the spirits of mischief and madness. Pixies and flibbertigibbets haunt the budding woods: Puck and his train of midgets are busy in town and country. In May nature holds up at us a chiding finger, bidding us remember that we are not gods, but overconceited members of her own great family. She reminds us that we are brothers to the chowder-doomed clam and the donkey ; lineal scions of the pansy and the chimpanzee, and but cousins-german to the cooing doves, the quack- ing ducks and the housemaids and policemen in the parks. In May Cupid shoots blindfolded millionaires marry stenographers ; wise professors woo white-aproned gum- chewers behind quick-lunch counters ; schoolma'ams make big bad boys remain after school ; lads with ladders steal lightly over lawns where Juliet waits in her trellissed window with her telescope packed; young couples out for a wart come home married old chaps put on white 116 The Marry Month of May 117 spats and promenade near the Normal School ; even married men, grown unwontedlj tender and sentimental, whack their spouses on the back and growl : "How goes it, old girl?" This May, who is no goddess, but Circe, masquerading at the dance given in honour of the fair debutante, Sum- mer, puts the kibosh on us all. Old Mr. Coulson groaned a little, and then sat up straight in his invalid's chair. He had the gout very bad in one foot, a house near Gramercy Park, half a million dollars and a daughter. And he had a house- keeper. Mrs. Widdup. The fact and the name deserve a sentence each. They have it. When May poked Mr. Coulson he became elder brother to the turtle-dove. In the window near which he sat were boxes of jonquils, of hyacinths, geraniums and pansies. The breeze brought their odour into the room. Immediately there was a well-contested round between the breath of the flowers and the able and active effluvium from gout liniment. The liniment won easily ; but not before the flowers got an uppercut to old Mr. Coulson's rose. The deadly work of the implacable, false enchant- ress May was done. Across the park to the olfactories of Mr. Coulson came other unmistakable, characteristic, copyrighted smells of spring that belong to the-big-city-above-the-Subway, alone. The smells of hot asphalt, underground caverns, gasoline, patchouli, orange peel, sewer gas, Albany grabs, Egyptian cigarettes, mortar and the undried ink on news- 118 Whirligigs papers. The inblowing air was sweet and mild. Spar- rows wrangled happily everywhere outdoors. Never trust May. Mr. Coulson twisted the ends of his white mustache, cursed his foot, and pounded a bell on the table by his side. In came Mrs. Widdup. She was comely to the eye, fair, flustered, forty and foxy. "Higgins is out, sir," she said, with a smile suggestive of vibratory massage. "He went to post a letter. Can I do anything for you, sir?" "It's time for my aconite," said old Mr. Coulson. "Drop it for me. The bottle's there. Three drops. In water. D that is, confound Higgins ! There's nobody in this house cares if I die here in this chair for want of attention." Mrs. Widdup sighed deeply. "Don't be saying that, sir," she said. "There's them that would care more than any one knows. Thirteen drops, you said, sir?" "Three," said old man Coulson. He took his dose and then Mrs. Widdup's hand. She blushed. Oh, yes, it can be done. Just hold your breath and compress the diaphragm. "Mrs. Widdup," said Mr. Coulson, "the springtime's full upon us." "Ain't that right?" said Mrs. Widdup. "The air's real warm. And there's bock-beer signs on every corner. The Marry Month of May 119 And the park's all jailer and pink and blue with flowers ; and I have such shooting pains up my legs and body." "'In the spring,'" quoted Mr. Coulson, curling his mustache, " 'a y that is, a man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.' " "Lawsy, now !" exclaimed Mrs. Widdup ; "ain't that right ? Seems like it's in the air." " 'In the spring,' " continued old Mr. Coulson, " 'a livelier iris shines upon the burnished dove.' ' : "They do be lively, the Irish," sighed Mrs. Widdup pensively. "Mrs. Widdup," said Mr. Coulson, making a face at a twinge of his gouty foot, "this would be a lonesome house without you. I'm an that is, I'm an elderly man but I'm worth a comfortable lot of money. If half a million dollars' worth of Government bonds and the true affection of a heart that, though no longer beat- ing with the first ardour of youth, can still throb with genuine " The loud noise of an overturned chair near the por- tieres of the adjoining room interrupted the venerable and scarcely suspecting victim of May. In stalked Miss Van Meeker Constantia Coulson, bony, durable, tall, high-nosed, frigid, well-bred, thirty-five, in-the-neighbourhood-of-Gramercy-Parkish. She put up a lorgnette. Mrs. Widdup hastily stooped and ar- ranged the bandages on Mr. Coulson's gouty foot. 120 Whirligigs "I thought Higgins was with you," said Miss Van Meeker Constantia. "Higgins went out," explained her father, "and Mrs. Widdup answered the bell. That is better now, Mrs. Widdup, thank you. No ; there is nothing else I require." The housekeeper retired, pink under the cool, inquiring stare of Miss Coulson. "This spring weather is lovely, isn't it, daughter?" said the old man, consciously conscious. "That's just it," replied Miss Van Meeker Constantia Coulson, somewhat obscurely. "When does Mrs. Wid* dup start on her vacation, papa?" "I believe she said a week from to-day," said M>, Coulson. Miss Van Meeker Constantia stood for a minute at the window gazing toward the little park, flooded with the mellow afternoon sunlight. With the eye of a botanist she viewed the flowers most potent weapons of insid- ious May. With the cool pulses of a virgin of Cologne she withstood the attack of the ethereal mildness. The arrows of the pleasant sunshine fell back, frostbitten, from the cold panoply of her unthrilled bosom. The odour of the flowers waked no soft sentiments in the unexplored recesses of her dormant heart. The chirp of the sparrows gave her a pain. She mocked at May. But although Miss Coulson was proof against the season, she was keen enough to estimate its power. She knew that elderly men and thick-waisted women jumped as educated fleas in the ridiculous train of May, the The Marry Month of May 121 merry mocker of the months. She had heard of foolish old gentlemen marrying their housekeepers before. What a humiliating thing, after all, was this feeling called love! The next morning at 8 o'clock, when the iceman called, the cook told him that Miss Coulson wanted to see him in the basement. "Well, ain't I the Olcott and Depew ; not mentioning the first name at all?" said the iceman, admiringly, of himself. As a concession he rolled his sleeves down, dropped his icehooks on a syringa and went back. When Miss Van Meeker Constantia Coulson addressed him he took off his hat. "There is a rear entrance to this basement," said Miss Coulson, "which can be reached by driving into the vacant lot next door, where they are excavating for a building. I want you to bring in that way within two hours 1,000 pounds of ice. You may have to bring another man or two to help you. I will show you where I want it placed. I also want 1,000 pounds a day de- livered the same way for the next four days. Your com- pany may charge the ice on our regular bill. This is for your extra trouble." Miss Coulson tendered a ten-dollar bill. The iceman bowed, and held his hat in his two hands behind him. "Not if you'll excuse me, lady. It'll be a pleasure to fix things up for you any way you please." Alas for May ! 122 Whirligigs About noon Mr. Coulson knocked two glasses off his table, broke the spring of his bell, and jelled for Higgins at the same time. "Bring an axe," commanded Mr. Coulson, sardoni- cally, "or send out for a quart of prussic acid, or have a policeman come in and shoot me. I'd rather that than be frozen to death." "It does seem to be getting cool, sir," said Higgins. "I hadn't noticed it before. I'll close the window, sir." "Do," said Mr. Coulson. "They call this spring, do they ? If it keeps up long I'll go back to Palm Beach. House feels like a morgue." Later Miss Coulson dutifully came in to inquire how the gout was progressing. " 'Stantia," said the old man, "how is the weather out- doors?" "Bright," answered Miss Coulson, "but chilly." "Feels like the dead of winter to me," said Mr. Coulson. "An instance," said Constantia, gazing abstractedly out the window, "of 'winter lingering in the lap of spring,' though the metaphor is not in the most refined taste." A little later she walked down by the side of the littk park and on westward to Broadway to accomplish a little shopping. A little later than that Mrs. Widdup entered the in- valid's room. "Did you ring, sir?" she asked, dimpling in many places. "I asked Higgins to go to the drug store, and I thought I heard your bell." The Marry Month of May 123 "I did not," said Mr. Coulson. "I'm afraid," said Mrs. Widdup, "I interrupted you, sir, yesterday when you were about to say something." "How comes it, Mrs. Widdup," said old man Coulson sternly, "that I find it so cold in this house?" "Cold, sir?" said the housekeeper, "why, now, since you speak of it it do seem cold in this room. But, out' doors it's as warm and fine as June, sir. And how this weather do seem to make one's heart jump out of one's shirt waist, sir. And the ivy all leaved out on the side of the house, and the hand-organs playing, and the children dancing on the sidewalk' 'tis a great time for speaking out what's in the heart. You were saying yesterday, sir " "Woman !" roared Mr. Coulson ; "you are a fool. I pay you to take care of this house. I am freezing to death in my own room, and you come in and drivel to me about ivy and hand-organs. Get me an overcoat at once. See that all doors and windows are closed below. An old, fat, irresponsible, one-sided object like you prat- ing about springtime and flowers in the middle of winter ! When Higgins comes back, tell him to bring me a hot rum punch. And now get out !" But who shall shame the bright face of May? Rogue though she be and disturber of sane men's peace, no wise virgin's cunning nor cold storage shall make her bow her head in the bright galaxy of months. Oh, yes, the story was not quite finished. A night passed, and Higgins helped old man Coulson 124 Whirligigs in the morning to his chair by the window. The cold of the room was gone. Heavenly odours and fragrant mildness entered. In hurried Mrs. Widdup, and stood by his chair. Mr. Coulson reached his bony hand and grasped her plump one. "Mrs. Widdup," he said, "this house would be no home without you. I have half a million dollars. If that and the true affection of a heart no longer in its youthful prime, but still jiot cold, could " "I found out what made it cold," said Mrs. Widdup, leaning against his chair. " 'Twas ice tons of it in the basement and in the furnace room, everywhere. I shut off the registers that it was coming through into your room, Mr. Coulson, poor soul ! And now it's May- time again." "A true heart," went on old man Coulson, a little wanderingly, "that the springtime has brought to life again, and but what will my daughter say, Mrs* Widdup?" "Never fear, sir," said Mrs. Widdup, cheerfully, "Miss Coulson, she ran away with the iceman last night. sir !" A TECHNICAL ERROR t NEVER cared especially for feuds, believing them to be even more overrated products of our country than grapefruit, scrapple, or honeymoons. Nevertheless, if I may be allowed, I will tell you of an Indian Territory feud of which I was press-agent, camp-follower, and inaccessory during the fact. I was on a visit to Sam Durkee's ranch, where I had a great time falling off unmanicured ponies and waving my bare hand at the lower jaws of wolves about two miles away. Sam was a hardened person of about twenty- five, with a reputation for going home in the dark with perfect equanimity, though often with reluctance. Over in the Creek Nation was a family bearing the name of Tatum. I was told that the Durkees and Tatums had been feuding for years. Several of each family had bitten the grass, and it was expected that more Nebuch- adnezzars would follow. A younger generation of each family was growing up, and the grass was keeping pace with them. But I gathered that they had fought fairly ; that they had not lain in cornfields and aimed at the divi- sion of their enemies' suspenders in the back partly, perhaps, because there were no cornfields, and nobody 125 126 Whirligigs wore more than one suspender. Nor had any woman or child of either house ever been harmed. In those days and you will find it so yet their women were safe. Sam Durkee had a girl. (If it were an all-fiction magazine that I expected to sell this story to, I should say, "Mr. Durkee rejoiced in a fiancee.") Her name was Ella Baynes. They appeared to be devoted to each other, and to have perfect confidence in each other, as all couples do who are and have or aren't and haven't. She was tolerably pretty, with a heavy mass of brown hair that helped her along. He introduced me to her, which seemed not to lessen her preference for him ; so I reasoned that they were surely soul-mates. Miss Baynes lived in Kingfisher, twenty miles from the ranch. Sam lived on a gallop between the two places. One day there came to Kingfisher a courageous young man, rather small, with smooth face and regular features. He made many inquiries about the business of the town, and especially of the inhabitants cognominally. He said he was from Muscogee, and he looked it, with his yellow shoes and crocheted four-in-hand. I met him once when I rode in for the mail. He said his name was Beverly Travers, which seemed rather improbable. There were active times on the ranch, just then, and Sam was too busy to go to town often. As an incom- petent and generally worthless guest, it devolved upon me to ride in for little things such as post cards, barrels of flour, baking-powder, smoking-tobacco, and let- ters from Ella. A Technical Error 127 One day, when I was messenger for half a gross of cigarette papers and a couple of wagon tires, I saw the alleged Beverly Travers in a yellow-wheeled buggy with Ella Baynes, driving about town as ostentatiously as the black, waxy mud would permit. I knew that this infor- mation would bring no balm of Gilead to Sam's soul, so I refrained from including it in the news of the city that I retailed on my return. But on the next afternoon an elongated ex-cowboy of the name of Simmons, an old- time pal of Sam's, who kept a feed store in Kingfisher, rode out to the ranch and rolled and burned many ciga- rettes before he would talk. When he did make oration, his words were these: "Say, Sam, there's been a description of a galoot miscallin' himself Bevel-edged Travels impairing the atmospheric air of Kingfisher for the past two weeks. You know who he was? He was not otherwise than Ben Tatum, from the Creek Nation, son of old Gopher Tatum that your Uncle Newt shot last February. You know what he done this morning ? He killed your brother Lester shot him in the co't-house yard." I wondered if Sam had heard. He pulled a twig from a mesquite bush, chewed it gravely, and said : "He did, did he ? He killed Lester ?" "The same," said Simmons. "And he did more. He run away with your girl, the same as to say Miss Ella Baynes. I thought you might like to know, so I rode out to impart the information." "I am much obliged, Jim," said Sam, taking the 128 Whirligigs chewed twig from his mouth. "Yes, I'm glad you rod* out. Yes, I'm right glad." "Well, I'll be ridin' back, I reckon. That boy I left in the feed store don't know hay from oats. He shot Lester in the back." "Shot him in the back?" "Yes, while he was hitchin' his hoss." "I'm much obliged, Jim." "I kind of thought you'd like to know as soon as you could." "Come in and have some coffee before you ride back, Jim?" "Why, no, I reckon not; I must get back to th store." "And you say " "Yes, Sam. Everybody seen 'em drive away together in a buckboard, with a big bundle, like clothes, tied up in the back of it. He was drivin' the team he brought over with him from Muscogee. They'll be hard to over- take right away." "And which " "I was goin' on to tell you. They left on the Guthrie road; but there's no tellin' which forks they'll take you know that." "All right, Jim ; much obliged." "You're welcome, Sam." Simmons rolled a cigarette and stabbed his pony with both heels. Twenty yards away he reined up and called back: A Technical Error 129 "You don't want no assistance, as you might say?" "Not any, thanks." "I didnt think you would. Well, so long !" Sam took out and opened a bone-handled pocket-knife and scraped a dried piece of mud from his left boot. I thought at first he was going to swear a vendetta on the blade of it, or recite "The Gipsy's Curse." The few feuds I had ever seen or read about usually opened that way. This one seemed to be presented with a new treat- ment. Thus offered on the stage, it would have been hissed off, and one of Belasco's thrilling melodramas demanded instead. "I wonder," said Sam, with a profoundly thoughtful expression, "if the cook has any cold beans left over !" He called Wash, the Negro cook, and finding that he had some, ordered him to heat up the pot and make some strong coffee. Then we went into Sam's private room, where he slept, and kept his armoury, dogs, and the sad- dles of his favourite mounts. He took three or four six* shooters out of a bookcase and began to look them over, whistling "The Cowboy's Lament" abstractedly. After- ward he ordered the two best horses on the ranch saddled and tied to the hitching-post. Now, in the feud business, in all sections of the coun- try, I have observed that in one particular there is a deM- cate but strict etiquette belonging. You must not men* tion the word or refer to the subject in the presence of a feudist. It would be more reprehensible^ than confm,ent- 130 Whirligigs ing upon the mole on the chin of your rich aunt. I found, later on, that there is another unwritten rule, but I think that belongs solely to the West. It yet lacked two hours to supper-time ; but in twenty minutes Sam and I were plunging deep into the reheated beans, hot coffee, and cold beef. "Nothing like a good meal before a long ride," said Sam. "Eat hearty." I had a sudden suspicion. "Why did you have two horses saddled ?" I asked. "One, two one, two," said Sam. "You can count, can't you?" His mathematics carried with it a momentary qualm and a lesson. The thought had not occurred to him that the thought could possibly occur to me not to ride at his side on that red road to revenge and justice. It was the higher calculus. I was booked for the trail. I be- gan to eat more beans. x In an hour we set forth at a steady gallop eastward. Our horses were Kentucky-bred, strengthened by the mesquite grass of the west. Ben Tatum's steeds may have been swifter, and he had a good lead ; but if he had heard the punctual thuds of the hoofs of those trailers of ours, born in the heart of ff adland, he might have felt that retribution was creeping up on the hoof-prints of his dapper nags. I knew that Ben Tatum's card to play was flight flight until he came within the safer territory of his own henchmen and supporters. He knew that the man pur- A Technical Error 131 suing him would follow the trail to any end where it might lead. During the ride Sam talked of the prospect for rain, of the price of beef, and of the musical glasses. You would have thought he had never had a brother or a sweetheart or an enemy on earth. There are some sub- jects too big even for the words in the "Unabridged." Knowing this phase of the feud code, but not having practised it sufficiently, I overdid the thing by telling some slightly funny anecdotes. Sam laughed at exactly the right place laughed with his mouth. When I caught sight of his mouth, I wished I had been blessed with enough sense of humour to have suppressed those anecdotes. Our first sight of them we had in Guthrie. Tired and hungry, we stumbled, unwashed, into a little yellow-pine hotel and sat at a table. In the opposite corner we saw the fugitives. They were bent upon their meal, but looked around at times uneasily. The girl was dressed in brown one of these smooth, half-shiny, silky-looking affairs with lace collar and cuffs, and what I believe they call an accordion-plaited skirt. She wore a thick brown veil down to her nose, and a broad-brimmed straw hat with some kind of feathers adorning it. The man wore plain, dark clothes, and his hair was trimmed very short. He was such a man as you might see anywhere. There they were the murderer and the woman he had stolen. There we were the rightful avenger, 132 Whirligigs According to the code, and the supernumerary who writes these words. For one time, at least, in the heart of the supernumer- ary there rose the killing instinct. For one moment he joined the force of combatants orally. "What are you waiting for, Sam?" I said in a whisper. "Let him have it now!" Sam gave a melancholy sigh. "You don't understand ; but lie does," he said. "He knows. Mr. Tenderfoot, there's a rule out here among white men in the Nation that you can't shoot a man when, he's with a woman. I never knew it to be broke yet. You can't do it. You've got to get him in a gang of men or by himself. That's why. He knows it, too. We all know. So, that's Mr. Bed Tatum! One of the 'pretty men' ! I'll cut him out of the herd before they leave the hotel, and regulate his account !" After supper the flying pair disappeared quickly. Although Sam haunted lobby and stairway and halls half the night, in some mysterious way the fugitives eluded him ; and in the morning the veiled lady in the brown dress with the accordion-plaited skirt and the dapper young man with the close-clipped hair, and the buck- board with the prancing nags, were gone. It is a monotonous story, that of the ride ; so it shall be curtailed. Once again we overtook them on a roatL We were about fifty yards behind. They turned in the buckboard and looked at US; then drove on without- A Technical Error 133 whipping up their horses. Their safety no longer lay in speed. Ben Tatum knew. He knew that the only rock of safety left to him was the code. There is no doubt that, had he been alone, the matter would have been settled quickly with Sam Durkee in the usual way ; but he had something at his side that kept still the trigger-finger of both. It seemed likely that he was no coward. So, you may perceive that woman, on occasions, may postpone instead of precipitating conflict between man and man. But not willingly or consciously. She is oblivious of codes. Five miles farther, we came upon the future great Western city of Chandler. The horses of pursuers and pursued were starved and weary. There was one hotel that offered danger to man and entertainment to beast ; so the four of us met again in the dining room at the tinging of a bell so resonant and large that it had cracked the welkin long ago. The dining room was not as large as the one at Guthrie. Just as we were eating apple pie how Ben Davises and tragedy impinge upon each other ! I noticed Sam looking with keen intentness at our quarry where they were seated at a table across the room. The girl still wore the brown dress with lace collar and cuffs, and the veil drawn down to her nose. The man bent over his plate, with his close cropped head held low. "There's a code," I heard Sam say, either to me or to Himself, "that won't let you shoot a man in the company 134 Whirligigs of a woman ; but, by thunder, there ain't one to keep you from killing a woman in the company of a man !" And, quicker than my mind could follow his argument, he whipped a Colt's automatic from under his left arm and pumped six bullets into the body that the brown dress covered the brown dress with the lace collar and cuffs and the accordion-plaited skirt. The young person in the dark sack suit, from whose head and from whose life a woman's glory had been clipped, laid her head on her arms stretched upon the table; while people came running to raise Ben Tatum from the floor in his feminine masquerade that had given Sam the opportunity to set aside, technically, the obliga* tions of the code. XI SUITE HOMES AND THEIR ROMANCE r EW young couples in the Big-City-of-Bluff began their married existence with greater promise of happiness than did Mr. and Mrs. Claude Turpin. They felt no especial animosity toward each other ; they were comfort- ably established in a handsome apartment house that had a name and accommodations like those of a sleeping- car; they were living as expensively as the couple on the next floor above who had twice their income; and \heir Tnarriage )iAd occurred on a wager, a ferry- boat and first acquaintance, thus securing a sen- sational newspaper notice with their names attached to pictures of the Queen of Roumania and M. Santos- Dumont. Turpin's income was $200 per month. On pay day, after calculating the amounts due for rent, instalments on furniture and piano, gas, and bills owed to the florist, confectioner, milliner, tailor, wine merchant and cab company, the Turpins would find that they still had $200 left to spend. How to do this is one of the secrets of metropolitan life. The domestic life of the Turpins was a beautiful pic- 135 136 Whirligigs ture to see. But you couldn't gaze upon it as you could at an oleograph of "Don't Wake Grandma," or "Brook- lyn by Moonlight." You had to blink when you looked at it ; and you heard a fizzing sound just like the machine with a "scope" at the end of it. Yes ; there wasn't much repose about the picture of the Turpins' domestic life. It was something like "Spearing Salmon in the Columbia River," or "Jap- anese Artillery in Action." Every day was just like another; as the days are in New York. In the morning Turpin would take bromo- seltzer, his pocket change from under the clock, his hat, no breakfast and his departure for the office. At noon Mrs. Turpin would get out of bed and humour, put on a kimono, airs, and the water to boil for coffee. Turpin lunched downtown. He came home at 6 to dress for dinner. They always dined out. They strayed from the chop-house to chop-sueydom, from terrace, to table d'hote, from rathskeller to roadhouse, from cafe to casino, from Maria's to the Martha Wash- ington. Such is domestic life in the great city. Your vine is the mistletoe; your fig tree bears dates. Your household gods are Mercury and John Howard Payne. For the wedding march you now hear only "Come with the Gypsy Bride." You rarely dine at the same place twice in succession. You tire of the food ; and, besides, you want to give them time for the question of that souve- nir silver sugar bowl to blow over. The Turpins were therefore happy. They made many Suite Homes and Their Romance 137 warm and delightful friends, some of whom they remem- bered the next day. Their home life was an ideal one, according to the rules and regulations of the Book of Bluff. There came a time when it dawned upon Turpin that his wife was getting away with too much money. If you belong to the near-swell class in the Big City, and your income is $200 per month, and you find at the end of the month, after looking over the bills for current expenses, that you, yourself, have spent $150, you very naturally wonder what has become of the other $50. So you suspect your wife. And perhaps you give her a hint that something needs explanation. "I say, Vivien," said Turpin, one afternoon when they were enjoying in rapt silence the peace and quiet of their cozy apartment, "you've bene creating a hiatus big enough for a dog to crawl through in this month's hon- orarium. You haven't been paying your dressmaker anything on account, have you?" There was a moment's silence. No sounds could be heard except the breathing of the fox terrier, and the subdued, monotonous sizzling of Vivien's fulvous locks against the insensate curling irons. Claude Turpin, sitting upon a pillow that he had thoughtfully placed upon the convolutions of the apartment sofa, narrowly Watched the riante, lovely face of his wife. "Claudie, dear," said she, touching her finger to her ruby tongue and testing the unresponsive curling irons, "you do me an injustice. Mme. Toinette has not seen a 138 Whirligigs cent of mine since the day you paid your tailor ten dol- lars on account." Turpin's suspicions were allayed for the time. But one day soon there came an anonymous letter to him that read: "Watch your wife. She is blowing in your money secretly. I was a sufferer just as you are. The place is No. 345 Blank Street. A word to the wise, etc. "A MAN WHO KNOWS." Turpin took this letter to the captain of police of the precinct that he lived in. "My precinct is as clean as a hound's tooth," said the captain. "The lid's shut down as close there as it is over the eye of a Williamsburg girl when she's kissed at a party. But if you think there's anything queer at the address, I'll go there with ye." On the next afternoon at 3, Turpin and the captain crept softly up the stairs of No. 345 Blank Street. A dozen plain-clothes men, dressed in full police uniforms, so as to allay suspicion, waited in the hall below. At >tfee ioJD of the stairs was a door, which was found f t#1be ; locedl r XThe captain took a key from his pocket ! ar*d ^tfnkicked it. The two men entered. 7 ,r/'They ? found themselves in a large room, occupied by twenty or twenty-five elegantly clothed ladies. Rac- ing charts hung' against the walls, a ticker clicked in one corner; with a telephone receiver to his ear a man was 'calling out the various positions of tHe horses in a very Suite Homes and Their Romance 139 ^citing race. The occupants of the room looked up at the intruders ; but, as if reassured by the sight of the captain's uniform, they reverted their attention to the man at the telephone. "You see," said the captain to Turpin, "the value of an anonymous letter ! No high-minded and self-respect- ing gentleman should consider one worthy of notice. Is your wife among this assembly, Mr- Turpin?" *" "She is not," said Turpin. "And if she was," continued the captain, "would she be within the reach of the tongue of slander? These ladies constitute a Browning Society. They meet to discuss the meaning of the great poet. The telephone is connected with Boston, whence the parent society transmits frequently its interp -etations of the poems. Be ashamed of yer suspicions, Mr. Turpin." "Go soak your shield," said Turpin. "Vivien knows how to take care of herself in a pool-room. She's not dropping anything on the ponies. There must be some- thing queer going on here." "Nothing but Browning," said the captain. "Hear that?" "Thanatopsis by a nose," drawled the man at the telephone. "That's not Browning; that's Longfellow," said Turpin, who sometimes read books. "Back to the pasture!" exclaimed the captain. "Longfellow made the pacing-to-wagon record of 7.53 -way back in 1868." 140 Whirligigs "I believe there's something queer about this joint," repeated Turpin. "I don't see it," said the captain. "I know it looks like a pool-room, all right," persisted Turpin, "but that's all a blind. Vivien has been drop- ping a lot of coin somewhere. I believe there's some underhanded work going on here." A number of racing sheets w