THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CLARENCE fc. DOROTH WALDMAN * THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS BY JOSEPHINE DASKAM BACON NEW YORK MITCHELL KENNERLEY 1915 COPYRIGHT 1914 BY MITCHELL KENNERLEY THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS P5 731384 The Twilight of the Gods SCENE I A vast indefinite vault of blue, faintly studded with stars. On a lustrous cloud, firm about the edge, as in ancient pictures, sit the Three Per sons of the Christian Trinity. God is repre sented as a severe, yet benignant man, on a throne of sapphire, elderly, with a snowy beard; Christ is a dreamy young Jew with a crown of thorns; the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove. A vague, sweeping melody, as of harps, is always in the air; from time to time a white, swift shape, winged, shoots across the blue vault. From below, as from a distant pit, comes a confusion of sound, like the buzzing of bees. Sometimes a groan, sometimes a laugh, some times a high note, as of a trumpet, penetrates to the throne. Most often the wail of an in- 1 8 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS fant or a clear bell, as it is rung before the sacrament for the dying, mounts above the rest. At intervals the heavy boom of a cannon shakes through everything, followed by the screaming shriek of shells. The chant of priests is heard: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be ! A SHARP VOICE Forward, march I THE PRIESTS World without end, amen! THE SHARP VOICE Fire! [^ crashing volley of heavy artillery obliter ates all other sound for a moment, and a volume of smoke rolls up to the throne. The screams of horses and a thick odor of blood mount sluggishly together.~\ CHILDREN'S VOICES Jesus, tender shepherd, hear me, Bless thy little lamb to-night, THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 9 Through the darkness be thou near me, Keep me safe till morning light! CHRIST [advancing to the edge of the cloud and spreading out his hands with a gesture of infinite sweetness] It seems that I cannot hear them so well, to-night. [ There is a sudden odor of lilies, and a flock of tiny cherubim flutter like new birds across the blue 'vault. Behind them appears the Virgin, standing upon a cloud, the crescent moon under her feet. A sword is thrust through her heart, which drops blood over her blue robe. These drops turn to rubies as they fall to the earth. Tears continually roll from her eyes, and fall into the sea as pearls. She approaches the throne.'} GOD Who is that? CHRIST That is Mary, my Mother. GOD I suppose she is bringing the prayers? io THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS CHRIST Without doubt. [Mary approaches and falls upon her knees before the throne. Immediately the sounds from below become louder and more dis tinct: words are plainly heard.] A ROUGH, DRUNKEN VOICE God damn your soul to hell! A WOMAN'S VOICE Take me Oh, take me, God, and save the child I A YOUNG MAN'S VOICE I swear to God I never promised that to any other woman ! A CHILD'S VOICE I never stole it ask God, and he will tell you I never took the sugar! Please don't beat me, mother! A YOUNG GIRL'S VOICE O God, I beg and pray thee to let me die! May I not die, God? THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS n A BOY'S VOICE Dear God, when I wake up, please let me find the knife with two blades by the bed! If I find it in the morning, I know I shall always be good I A GENERAL'S VOICE God bless you, my brave men, and bring to our impious foes the annihilation they so richly deserve. Animated by the pure and holy courage of those who righteously defend the Fatherland, I pray Almighty God that if we must die, it may be only over the dead bodies of our enemies. God be with us ! A PRIEST'S VOICE From battle, murder and sudden death A CONGREGATION'S VOICE Good Lord, deliver us ! GOD Does the Queen of Heaven ask that all these prayers be answered? 12 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS MARY Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word. If those that seemed best might be answered . . . GOD No one seems to me better or worse than another. The boy must have his knife, cer tainly . . . [A terrific explosion is heard, shaking the earth. Mary shudders and the sword in her heart quivers.] CHRIST What was that, O my father? GOD Do you mean that sparrow which has just fallen to the ground, or that city which has been blown up and has dropped into the sea ? A MILITARY BAND God save the King! A MOTHER'S VOICE I am the proudest woman in France to-day I have given five sons to my country! THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 13 A LAD'S VOICE Slit the women's throats, comrades, burn the ricks, tie up the gold and come on! CHILDREN'S VOICES Jesus, tender shepherd, hear me, Bless thy little lamb to-night! CHRIST [leaning over the cloud~\ I can hardly hear them, now . . . [There comes a sound as of metal striking on metal, and St. Peter appears before the throne, robed and with heavy keys. He crosses himself haughtily.] PETER In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost ! \_Kneeling stiffly to the Firgin] Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee ! Am I to let them all in at once? GOD All! Are there more than usual, then? PETER More than usual? There have not been so many at one time since that ship went down, 14 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS a little while back. There is no one who feels for them at sea as I do: poor souls, the waves are ill to walk on I I have never been easier with any . . . but this is very differ ent. And mind you, they say they have all been blessed beforehand and should be ex cused any further waiting. One would think this was Valhalla, or whatever the heathen place was called. I locked the gate for a bit, to go inside, and when I get in, what do I find? A worse to-do than without, I give you my word! There's no holding them. Michael with his sword, forsooth ! And of course it's no concern of mine, but you may remember what I said awhile back about making holy saints over night out of igno rant peasant girls! Well ... I can tell you now that if she could get out she'd be down there in a minute ! She says she hears her voices again and that France needs her ! CHRIST Simon, Simon! PETER Of course, I am only Peter I am only the THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 15 Rock on which God's church is built who forsook the nets more quickly than I? CHRIST Even as she forsook the sheep. PETER [sullenly'] I deny that a woman can be called of God! MARY But I was called of God. PETER I deny that a woman is expected to bear a sword ! MARY But I have borne a sword [She touches her heart] here ever since I bore my son. PETER [loudly] I deny . . . [A cock crows, and he goes out, weeping bit terly."} A REGIMENT'S VOICE Bless our colors, Holy Father! 1 6 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS A DYING POPE'S VOICE I bless peace. A CATHEDRAL CHOIR'S VOICE [faintly] Eternal rest give him, O Lord, and let per petual light shine on him. May he rest in peace, Amen. [Mary weeps.] CHRIST [sternly] Woman, why weepest thou? MARY [meekly] Sir? CHRIST [taking her hand as a Son] mystical rose, tower of ivory, mother un- defiled, who hath given a new grief to the Queen of Heaven? MARY [sadly] 1 weep because the shepherd of the world dies, and he, whose foot the kings of the earth have kissed, may not have his dying prayer granted! THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 17 GOD [wearily] But I could not hear his dying prayer! I would have been willing to grant it, undoubt edly, but just at that moment the cannon be gan. They should pray more loudly, or shoot more softly, down there. MARY [sobbing] If you" could only see the faces of the poor when they think of him ah, he never forgot my poor, my blessed poor 1 GOD If they fill the air with smoke, they cannot expect me to see. With the incense it was hard enough, sometimes, but I always sup posed they had their reasons for that. CHRIST [in a low voice"] That was to cover the smell of the blood in the old days. A NUN'S VOICE O saving victim, Slain for man 1 8 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS A CAPTAIN'S VOICE Pah! There's no standing up in it, it's all so slippery! Wipe out this trench, sergeant, and reach me that bayonet wrench it out of his hand, then he's dead enough for that! Has he a drink on him? For his mother, he says? God! if I'm to remembe all the messages to mothers I've had told me to-day, I'd have no room in my head for orders ! A YOUNG WOMAN'S VOICE [through violins] It seems hardly right to be dancing here, when they're dying so fast across the ocean . . . A TRAINED NURSE'S VOICE Ether! Where's more ether? This is hor rible ! I can't keep him under, doctor. . . . What is the matter with the Red Cross? What are they for? THE VOICE OF A COMMON SOLDIER Hey, comrade, can you give me a drop of that water? THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 19 THE VOICE OF ANOTHER COMMON SOLDIER I am sorry, comrade, but my back is broken; it seems I can't move my arms. Help your self. THE VOICE OF THE FIRST I'm bleeding too fast; I was shot through the stomach. Well, it's all as God wills. Wasn't I fighting against you, the last time, hey? THE VOICE OF THE SECOND I believe so. It was only a few years ago . . . and now we're comrades-at-arms, aren't we? It seems queer . . . THE VOICE OF THE FIRST What's the odds, now? It's all over with us. What was the trouble, anyhow? THE VOICE OF THE SECOND We never knew, in my country. One mo ment I was holding my wife, just as her first pains came, and then they hurried us into the ships. I don't mind dying for my Em peror, but it was a hard time to leave her. 20 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS The other children are so small and the win ter's coming on ... we're poor folk. They had nobody but me. THE VOICE OF THE FIRST That's bad. My old woman's past all that trouble, Christ be praised, but it makes me sick to think of the wheat we left it full stand, and the chargers tore through the best of it. God pity the poor this winter that's all I say! THE VOICE OF THE SECOND If the Gods ever pitied the poor, there would be no poor. THE VOICE OF THE FIRST The Gods? So you're a heathen, are you? Oh yes, I remember when we fought you, ten years back, they told us you worshipped your ancestors, or some such wickedness. I won der at you and as near death as you are, too! THE VOICE OF THE SECOND You are as near. . . THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 21 THE VOICE OF THE FIRST True, but I'm a Christian, you see. It's that makes all the difference. I took the Com munion before we started. THE VOICE OF THE SECOND [feebly] Do you think, if I had been converted by that man in the black trousers, that urged me so, things would be easier now for the children . . . with the winter coming on . . . ? THE VOICE OF THE FIRST Surely. Without doubt. All heathen should be converted; it is their first duty. THE VOICE OF THE SECOND Then I wish I had done it. THE VOICE OF THE FIRST That's the way to feel! If only I could move my arms, I'd baptize you, myself, com rade, but I can't feel my fingers, now. THE VOICE OF A BOY-CHOIR To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to guide their feet into the way of peace ! 22 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS THE VOICE OF THE FIRST What's that? Jesus Christ, it's the angels, singing! Then I'm really dying ... it doesn't seem possible, with the wheat left that way! THE VOICE OF THE SECOND Oh, this pain ! Oh ! I'm torn to pieces in side! Water! water! They'll starve with out me patience, patience, it will soon be born, wife! O-o-o-h! THE VOICE OF THE FIRST . He's gone, poor fellow. Well, there's no doubt as to my boys the three of them went when the first shell burst thisi morning. God bless the Czar! God save Holy Russia! [He dies~\ CHILDREN'S VOICES [faintly] Jesus, tender shepherd, hear CHRIST [striding to the extreme edge of the cloud] Father ! my father ! I can barely hear them ! What does it mean? THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 23 MARY [quietly] They have no food, and their voices are weak. Then, too, the noise is growing deaf ening. [A bomb explodes, violently, high in the air. The airship that carried it is shattered and scatters to the winds. Broken fragments of human bodies fall into the sea. A vessel filed with corn and a huge man-of-war load ed with troops break amidships, and sink slowly under the waves.] A CLERGYMAN'S VOICE But I say unto you, love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despite- fully use you. COLLEGE STUDENTS' VOICES Onward Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus CHRIST [turning away weeping] My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? [The smoke from the bomb grows so thick 24 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS as to obscure the vault gradually; the faces of the Trinity can be seen but dimly. They appear to flicker and grow pale. All is dark ness.] SCENE II As the extreme darkness dissipates, a grey twilight takes its place, and when this has set tled itself, it is seen that there are no longer any stars nor any light from the sapphire throne, which is so indistinct in its outline as to resemble a pillar of cloud. In the midst of this Jehovah is dimly seen. He is alone. There is a great silence. Then slowly, out of the shadowy depths, vague forms begin to be visible, shifting and changing like clouds in the windy sky. One of these emerges from the rest and moves to ward Jehovah, more distinct than the others. It seems to be a man of great dignity with a long mantle and a patch over one eye. Another with a wound turban and a curved scimitar fol lows him. A majestic Woman of unearthly height, bearing a shield and draped in a classic tunic, stands like a statue. Far back behind the pillar a great Bull moves, rustling faintly, and THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 25 behind this again, the wavering outline of a human body with the face of a Ram. A winged Serpent, so dim as to be hardly seen, with a Fish's head, coils and uncoils like a mist wreath. The sound of the flowing of the River Nile is now heard, and beneath it one can distinguish, at intervals, the roar of the ocean, through miles of space. JEHOVAH I am that I am. Who are here besides My self? WOTAN There are many of Us here brother! Or rather, thou art here with the rest of Us. JEHOVAH [severely] I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt have no other gods before me. WOTAN Naturally. We have all felt that in our time. But since you are here . . . 26 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS JEHOVAH Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image PALLAS ATHENE [in a voice like a distant bell~\ To this image, O Jove of the Hebrews, thou sands of thousands have kneeled and I am here. JEHOVAH Or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above A VOICE [from a barely distinguishable cloud, like a draped figure of darkness, with the crescent moon upon Its head] And yet to me, the violet, brooding Night of Egypt, more tears have been wept than the Nile holds drops! WOTAN Who art Thou, Darkness? THE VOICE I am Maut, the mother. Truly I was old before thou wast born, Jahveh and I am here. THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 27 JEHOVAH Or that is in the earth beneath THE BULL [in a mellow rumble] O brother, look upon Indra the mighty! They who sacrificed to me in thousands were dust ere yet thou madest thy first man from dust and I am here. JEHOVAH Or that is in the water under the earth THE COILING SERPENT [rustling and hissing from his Fish's head] Surely, youngest of Us, maidens were led down to Dagon in sacrifice, and were for gotten of Dagon, ere Eve was made a mother! And I am here. [The air becomes thick with crowding, shad owy shapes: hideous, battered idols, rude and savage symbols, phallic figures, hundred- breasted, bird-headed monsters, outlines of pagodas, Doric pillars, great stone crom lechs and Druid altars. Clouds of old and withered incense rise faintly through the dim- 28 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS ness, and the wails and coughs of slaughtered beasts are heard at irregular intervals through all that follows, mingled with the mutter of priests in all tongues, the chant of choirs, the tears and groans of women.'} JEHOVAH [firmly'] For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God - MOHAMMED [boldly] Without doubt You were all jealous, al ways. Even I was jealous for Allah, who will live longer than most of You, because there are no images of Him to defile and no pictures of Him to misunderstand. If they cannot see You, they will respect You longer. A VOICE FROM THE GODS But if they cannot see Us they will not love Us! JEHOVAH No man hath seen God at any time MOHAMMED [scornfully] What! When Moses and Aaron, Nadab, THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 29 and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Is rael went up into the mount! JEHOVAH [confusedly] Behold, it is a stiff-necked people . . . MOHAMMED [impatiently] You are always thinking of Your Israelites You are Three now (may Allah forgive such foolishness!) not One. Do you not recall that You changed, a while ago? Since the Nazarene, things have been very different I cracked many a skull in my day, to prove him wrong, that Nazarene! I could never understand how they could stomach all that meekness . . . The fellow would not even fight for his life. WOTAN [growling] It was no belief for a man. No wonder they left it to the women, at the last. It is only war that keeps the world sweet they decay like ants when they cease to fight. Aye, they breed and bloat and stink like maggots, and eat each other. Faugh ! 3O THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS THE SINGING VOICE OF A MISSIONARY The support of the audience is earnestly re quested for our final tremendous effort: The World for Christ! Never before has the growth of Christianity been so enormous, so vital. Never before, since that Birth at Bethlehem, have such masses of human souls, spread over such stupendous areas of the earth's surface, confessed their Lord and Master Christ as Almighty God. [There is a silence. The Gods look at one another, surprised. A spear clangs on a shield, and the majestic statue-woman moves.] PALLAS ATHENE [coldly] If these things are so, why are You here, Jahveh ? ALL THE GODS Yes! Why is He here? A VAST FIGURE [draped in a lion skin, with an enormous club] Perhaps Jahveh means Us to understand THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 31 that He is only a tribal God, like Myself, and that the One they now call God JEHOVAH [angrily] Not at all. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end A CONGREGATION'S VOICE Neither confounding the Persons nor divid ing the Substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and an other of the Holy Ghost . . . HERCULES What! Then it is as I said You are not that Son? A CONGREGATION'S VOICE And yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal . . . HERCULES Then You are the God of Battles? THE VOICE OF ST. JOHN God is love. 32 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS THE VOICE OF A WOMAN [she is long-haired, upon a flying-horse, shooting like a star across the gloom~\ All-Father! Wotan! Wake, arise! They are crowding in so fast we cannot carry them! The old days are here again! The world makes war! See they are trooping up from below and from below that, again ! There are the old ones, with spears, and armor on the horses look, the Kings! See the Red Cross they wear VOICES OF CRUSADERS On to Jerusalem ! Save the Holy Sepulchre ! JEHOVAH [frowning'] Jerusalem? Jerusalem? Forty years long have I suffered this generation MOHAMMED [angrily] Always your Israelites ! It is Thy sepulchre, Thine! Oh, the dogs! At them, at them, all true believers ! There is but one God and Mohammed is His prophet! At them! THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 33 THE VOICE OF CHRIST Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets! How often would I have gathered thy chil dren together THE VALKYR There is a woman, too, with a red cross she tends them when they are wounded ... is she also fighting, All-Father? WOTAN [puzzled] 1 cannot understand them nowadays. The same sign serves for killing and curing. THE VALKYR [peering through the dusk] There is the little man that fought there abouts, before he that died on the island. He cheers them on ... there is the tall one that wore the wreath and was stabbed he is hurrying his legions. There is the Maid that rode the white horse she is weeping be cause the angels will not bring her armor. She says God wished her to wear the armor, before . . . why does He dislike it now, All- Father? 34 WOTAN [with vexation] No one knows. He is very confusing. I be lieve myself that He cannot make up His mind . . . MOHAMMED [smoothly'] He and His Son, perhaps, are not quite agreed. THE VOICE OF CHRIST Believest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I speak, I speak not of myself . . . THE VALKYR Ah! Fourscore slain at once! Truly, All- Father, we were but children, in those days I See, one little round ball of iron will travel five leagues and then go through four men ! And the larger balls have fire in them they burst and shatter a company of fighters! Their galleys fly through the air, even as we, and drop death upon whole towns! AN ARCHBISHOP'S VOICE George, defender of the Faith THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 35 A NEWSBOY'S VOICE The Emperor's son is dead I A PRIEST'S VOICE Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord! THE VALKYR Thousands a score of thousands, All- Father, in one battle! Will there be any left upon the earth? ALL THE GODS [anxiously crowding together], Will there be any left? WOTAN I I cannot tell. MOHAMMED We must ask Brahm. JEHOVAH [looking out from the pillar of cloud~\ Where is He? MOHAMMED He is nowhere and everywhere . . . He is the oldest and the greatest. None has seen 36 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS Him, which makes Him greater than You, Jahveh; nor has He need of a prophet, which makes Him, I must suppose, greater than Allah. O Brahm, are men to vanish from this Thy earth? THE VOICE OF BRAHM There must always be men, in order that We may be. WOTAN But they change, Brahm, they change. We are afraid . . . THE VOICE OF BRAHM [wearily] They never change. It is We who change they are ever the same. WOTAN But they die > THE VOICE OF BRAHM In order that We may be sure of living. JEHOVAH And We live THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 37 THE VOICE OF BRAHM In order that they may be sure of dying. MOHAMMED [muttering] Then we are living to some purpose, for they are dying very rapidly, it appears. And Brahm is right, when He says that they never change. But We understood that You, Jahveh, had agreed to change them and You are here, like the rest of Us. Who, then, are We to understand, now rules the world? [A 'writing appears on the grey mist:] AND I, IF I BE LIFTED UP, WILL DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME I MOHAMMED The Nazarene? Certainly, he was lifted up ... But We know what he said We all know what he said . . . THE VOICE OF CHRIST [from a mountain'] Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. 38 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS WOTAN [solemnly] Enough of this folly, Jahveh ; are they Yours, below there, or your Son's? JEHOVAH [almost inaudibly] They are my Son's. [He enters the pillar of cloud and fades back among the other Gods, who begin to grow dim and shapeless.] MOHAMMED [who is a little less shadowy than the others] Then let the Nazarene appear! Let him join Us, or explain to Us why he does not join Us. ALL THE GODS [querulously'] Let him appear! MOHAMMED Call him, Brahm. Call the Nazarene! THE VOICE OF BRAHM Carpenter, and Son of a Carpenter, appear! [There enters a Man crowned with thorns, bent heavily beneath a great cross.] THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 39 THE VOICE OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Behold the Lamb of Godl THE VOICE OF PONTIUS PILATE Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me; what hast thou done? THE MAN My kingdom is not of this world; if my king dom were of this world, then would my ser vants fight . . . but now is my kingdom not from hence. ALL THE GODS Then, where is thy kingdom? THE MAN [with infinite sorrow'] Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head! THE VOICE OF A CROWD What need we any further witness? For we ourselves have heard of his own mouth I 4Q THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS MOHAMMED [impatiently] Then, you give them up, down there? You acknowledge that you are not their God? THE VOICE OF THE CROWD Crucify him! Crucify him! THE VOICE OF BRAHM [dreamily] This same . . . always the same . . . they never change . . . WOTAN [eagerly] Indeed that is so, Carpenter. They never change! Give them to Us! Give them back! Myself, I should be ashamed to be the God of a people that would not fight! MOHAMMED When I ceased to lead them in battle, Allah ceased to conquer the world. Give them to Me! PALLAS ATHENE I was never pictured without my helmet when my children forgot the art of war, all their arts ceased with it. Give them to Me, O peasant whose body is not even beautiful! THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 41 SHIVA [sadly] Mine were never strong enough for battle, and so, praying aloud to thee, with bloody swords, those soldiers of thine conquered and ruled My millions. THE MAN [gently] Greater is he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. WOTAN [with greater Impatience than before] But they do not think so! They pretended to believe it, for a time, but when it comes to the point, look at them! Those were only words in their hearts they have never changed, Carpenter ! They move about more quickly, they are very clever, and they have more to eat, and they know how to talk to one another from great distances; but at heart they are the same as when they burned themselves on My funeral pyres I MOLOCH Or Mine! THE VOICE OF BRAHM The same . . . always the same . . . 42 THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS ALL THE GODS Give them to Us! Give them back! [The man of sorrows sinks down under the Cross. The roar of the ocean becomes again the thunder of heavy cannon; the incense be~ comes acrid smoke; the cries of the sacrificial victims change to the groans and screams of the dying. Sharp flashes of lurid light leap across the clouds from the flying, falling bombs. In these flashes the faces of the Gods become brighter, their expression more violent and vivid. The rattle of drums and the shriek of fifes, the neighing of horses, the clash of swords, increase furiously. ,] THE VOICES OF AN ARMY [singing'] A mighty fortress is our God! WOTAN {brandishing his spear~\ Come ! Come ! To me, my brave heroes ! THE VALKYR [leaping on her horse, and shout ing] Ho-yo-to-ho I THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS 43 MOHAMMED [wildly] Death ! Death and Paradise I THE VOICES OF THE CHILDREN [dying faintly'] Jesus, tender . . . [All is lost in the rolling smoke.] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 PS 105U B62tw Bacon - The twilight of the gods. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 415725 9 PS 105U B62tw