ill I! nwininnii , „„„„- ,„. Hi I mi | iiililllllllliH II III! II I i I * illl| III , I III!. lllllll I I III ,,™.M flniiri! I i GIFT OF LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CALENDAR OF THE PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN PREPARED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS BY C. N. FEAMSTER, DIVISION OF MANUSCRIPTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 If L. C. card, 12-35010 For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. Price, 60 cents. CONTENTS Page. Prefatory note 5 Chronology 7 Calendar 9 Index 291 3 265784 PREFATORY NOTE The John Jordan Crittenden papers, of which this is a Calendar, consist of letters written to Crittenden, some law papers, principally relating to land-title suits, and a few copies of his own letters and speeches preserved by him and retained by his descendants. The papers were acquired by the Library in April, 1905, from Mrs. Robert H. Crittenden, of Frankfort, Ky. The depositions in lawsuits are of value for early Kentucky history. The letters from prominent politicians and statesmen, during Critten- den's long career in the public service, are replete with comments on national questions and estimates of the public men of the time. The letters of George M. Bibb, Henry Clay, Joseph H. Hawkins, Francis P. Blair, and Anthony Butler are the most important of the earliest correspondence; and the chief ones for the later period are from James Barbour, William S. Archer, Samuel Smith Nicholas, Humphrey Marshall, Orlando Brown, Robert Perkins Letcher, Alex- ander Porter, Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Zachary Taylor, Reverdy Johnson, Leslie Combs, Winfield Scott, James Middleton Clayton, Abbott Lawrence, Robert Toombs, Thomas Ewing, Thomas Corwin, Alexander H. Stephens, Robert Charles Winthrop, Amos Adams Lawrence, and James Rogers Underwood. During the period of his attempted compromise, immediately before the Civil War, the correspondence is extensive. The preliminary work on the Calendar was done by Mr. Wilmer R. Leech, while an assistant in the Manuscripts Division, but now of the State Historian's office, New York; it was completed by Mr. C. N. Feamster, of the Manuscripts Division. Gaillard Hunt Chief, Division of Manuscripts Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, November, 1912 CHRONOLOGY OF JOHN JORDON CRITTENDEN 1787-1863 1787. September 10, born in Virginia in what is now Woodford County, Kentucky. 1804. Student at Washington Academy, Virginia, now Washington and Lee Univer- sity. 1805. Student at College of William and Mary, Virginia. 1807. After having been a law student under George M. Bibb begins practice of law in Woodford County, Kentucky. 1809. Attorney General of Illinois Territory. 1811-1813. Member Kentucky State Legislature from Logan County. 1811. Married to Sallie O. Lee, daughter of Major John Lee. 1813. In active service as major and aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Isaac Shelby. 1815-1817. Member and Speaker of Kentucky State Legislature. 1817-1819. United States Senator; resigned March 3, 1819. 1820. Commissioner for establishing boundary line between Kentucky and Tennessee. 1824. September, Mrs. Crittenden died. 1825. Presidential elector. 1825-1826. Member Kentucky State Legislature from Franklin County. 1826. November 15, married to Mrs. Maria K. Todd, daughter of Judge Harry Innes. 1827-1829. United States district attorney. 1828. Nominated for Justice, Supreme Court of United States; not confirmed. 1829-1833. Member and Speaker of Kentucky State Legislature. 1834. Secretary of State of Kentucky. 1835-1841. United States Senator; resigned March 3, 1841. 1841. Attorney General of the United States; resigned September 13, 1841. 1842-1848. United States Senator; resigned June 22, 1848. 1848-1850. Governor of Kentucky; resigned July 31, 1850. 1850-1853. Attorney General of the United States. 1851. September, Mrs. Crittenden died. 1853. February 27, married Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley, daughter of Doctor James W. Moss, and widow of General William H. Ashley. 1855-1861. United States Senator. 1861. President "Border States Convention. " 1861-1863. Member United States House of Representatives. 1863. July 26, died near Frankfort, Kentucky. 7 CALENDAR. McCrackin, Isaac. Entry for land on Treasury Warrant. Copy. 1 p. Todd, John and Robert. Entry for land on Treasury War- rant. Copy. 1 p. Shepherd, Adam. Bond to William Kennedy for £1,250, conditioned upon transfer of interest in land. D. S. 1 p. May, George. Plat and field notes of survey of land for Henry Banks; assignment of interest in same to David Standef ord ; assignment to Patrick Carnes. Copy. 1 p. Henry, Patrick. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to George Mason. Printed form rilled in. Copy, lp. Henry, Patrick. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to James Innes. Printed form rilled in. Copy. 1 p. Christian, William. Kentucky. Will. Copy. And let- ter of transmission by Worden Pope to William R. Weir. 6 p. Machir, John, vs. Adam Shepherd's heirs. Memoranda on suit. 1 p. Henry, Patrick. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to John Tyler. Printed form filled in. Copy. 1 p. Machir, John. Articles of Agreement with Adam Shep- herd for exchange of land. D. S. by Machir. 1 p. Randolph, Beverly. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to George Smith. D. S. Printed form filled in. Parchment. Lesser seal of Virginia attached. D. S. 1 p. Randolph, Edmund. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to Alexander W. Davey. Printed form filled in. Copy. 1 p. [1788?] Porter, Eppa. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et al. Memorandum on line of title. 1 p. 9 1782 Dec. 14 1783 June 2 1784 Apr. 20 1784 June 9 1785 Sept. 8 1785 Dec. 2 1786 Mar. 13 [1786? [May 1 4?] 1786 Aug. 14 1786 Nov. 14 1787 Sept. 3 1788 May 15 10 [1788?]' [1788?] [1788?] [1788?] [1788?] 1790 Mar. 10 1793 Feb. 26 1793 May 16 1795 MayI 1795 June 12 1796 Feb. 6 [1793?] Madison 1795 Mar. 13 1795 Mar. 14 LIBRARY QF CONGRESS Cliadwick, James. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et al Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p. Onan, Dennis. Defendant in Banks vs. Onan et al Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p. Plaster, William. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et al Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p. Onan, William. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et al Memorandum on his line of title. 1 p. Wait, David. Defendant in Banks vs. Bailey et al Memorandum on line of title. 1 p. Randolph, Beverley. Richmond, Virginia. Land grant to Jesse Ewell. D. S. Printed form filled in. Parchment. Lesser seal of Virginia attached. D. S. 1 p. Madison, Afmbrose]. Orange [Virginia]. To Major John Lee. Personal and business matters. A. L. S. lp. Shelby, Isaac. Lexington, Kentucky. Land grant to Peter Shepherd. Printed form filled in. Copy, lp. James. List of lands belonging to Madison in Kentucky. Ambrose Madison has 2 surveys on Panther Creek and an entry on Elk Horn. 1 p. Simms, Ch[arles]. Alexandria [Virginia]. To Jared Inger- soll, Philadelphia. Simms' title and claim to Montours Island. A. L. S. 3 pp. Madison, J[ames], Jr. Philadelphia. To Major John Lee. Kentucky. Requests information relat- ing to his own interests in Kentucky ; also estate of his late brother; war in Holland. A. L. S. 2 p. Madison, J[ames], Jr. Orange, [Virginia]. To Major John Lee, Woodford County, Kentucky. Lands of self and brother; treaty with Great Britain; revolution in Holland. A. L. S. 1 p. Ingersoll, J[ared]. [Philadelphia.] To William Rawle [Philadelphia]. Opinion on Col. [Charles] Simms' claim to Montours Island. A. L. S. 2 p. Shelby, Isaac. Frankfort, Kentucky. Land grant to John, Fielding, and George Lewis, executors of Fielding Lewis. Printed form filled in. Copy. i P . PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 11 1798 Milligan, John. Mays Lick, [Kentucky]. To Major John May 12 Lee, Woodford County, [Kentucky]. Milligan's right to certain lands leased from Lee's brother. A. L. S. 1 p. 1798 Mercer, H[ugh] T. W. Fredricksburg, [Virginia]. To July 24 Major [John Lee], Recent journey from Ken- tucky to Fredricksburg; reception to [Thomas] Jefferson on his return from Congress; probable war with France; suit with Kennedy. A. L. S. 4 p. 1799 Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To Apr. 13 Major [John Lee]. Recent marriage; intention to reside in Virginia; conflagration in the town; suit with Kennedy. A. L. S. 4 p. 1799 Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To May 2 Major [John Lee]. Suit with Kennedy; sale of his lands; recent election and its effect on the Democratic party; misfortune of G[eorge] Lewis; sale of land to Gen. Thomas Posey. A. L. S. 4 p. 1800 Morgan, C. [Kentucky]. To Major John Lee. Survey May 16 of lands. A. L. S. 2 p. 1800 Mercer, Hfugh T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To June 24 Major [John Lee]. Suit with Kennedy; sale of land to Gen. [Thomas] Posey; family matters. A. L. S. 4 p. 1800 Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To July 18 Major John Lee. Distressed at the postpone- ment of suit with Kennedy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1800 Morgan, C. [Kentucky]. To Major John Lee. Will take July 27 deposition. A. L. S. 1 p. 1800 Treaty between the United States and France. Extracts from comments on same made by [William Vans] Murray to [James] Madison on June 23, 1801, and by [Charles Maurice de] Talleyrand [-Perigord] to [Thomas Jean?] Pichon on Aug. 4, 1801. Copy, lp. 1804 Wilson, Samuel. Logan County, Kentucky. Certificate of Oct. 12 survey of land for Benjamin Sawyer. D. S. 1 p. 1804 Ewing, Baker. Franklin County, Kentucky. Bond to Oct. 14 Thomas Lewis, Fayette County, Kentucky, for £68 + , conditioned upon payment of £34 + D. S. 1 p. 12 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS McBrayer, William. Franklin County, [Kentucky]. Plat and field notes of survey for heirs of Isaac Mc- Cracken. Copy. 2 p. Allen, Emerson. Logan County, [Kentucky]. Entry for land. Copy. Assigned to William Fritsch. D. S. 2 p. Forde, Standish. Will. Copy. 12 p. Rees, Thomas F., and William Neal. Henry County, Kentucky. As commissioners divide lands of Joseph Dupey and Robert Pleasants; field notes; plats; and deeds. Copy. 17 p. Shepherd, Adam. Bullitt County, [Kentucky]. Acknowl- edgment of deed to John Machir and obligates himself to give title for land exchanged. D. S. 2 p. Swan, James. [Dorchester, Massachusetts,] and heirs of Patrick Cams of South Carolina. Field notes; plat; commissoners partition of land. Copy. 3 p. Morgan, Willis. Affidavit relative to purchase of land from Joseph Ficklin. D. S. 1 p. 180[9?] Edwards, Amos. [Christian County, Kentucky.] Peti- tition in suit for debt against Azarial Davis, Christian County, Kentucky. Copy. 4 p. 1810 Harrison, Jesse. Two promissory notes to Absolam Mat- Jan. 19 tox. A. D's. S. 2 p. 1810 Gordon, John. Hopkins County, Kentucky. Plat and May 19 field notes of survey for William French. As- signment of same to Rezin Davidge and John [Jordan] Crittenden. D. S. 2 p. 1810 Lyle, James. Manchester, Virginia. Will. Copy. 4 p. June 18 1810 Gordon, John, and George P. Brown. Receipt to Daniel Sept. 27 Barry. D. S. 1 p. 1810 Kincheloe, Lewis. Lewisburg [Kentucky?] Order on Nov - 3 Joshua Beard for money favor of David Thomas; protested; assigned to John Cain. Copy. 1 p. 1811 Locker, George L. To Benjamin Temple. Russell ville, Feb. 7 Kentucky. Dullness of trade; effect of the non- intercourse [Act against Great Britain] on cotton; sale of a slave; statement of their account. A. L. S. 3 p. 1805 Jan. 15 1805 May 20 1805 Dec. 2 1806 July 19 1807 May 8 1807 Oct. 5-6 1808 Apr. 27 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 13 1811 Anderson, William. Receipt to Crittenden. A. D. S. Feb. 26 1 p. 1811 Temple, Benjamin. Power of attorney to Crittenden to Feb. endorse and assign bills of exchange. D. S. 1 p. 1811 Connolly, John [Sr.]. Saint Johns, Canada. Will. Copy. July 1 4 p. 1811 Rnmsey, Edward. Christian County, Kentucky. Power Nov. 11 of attorney to Crittenden to collect money due from John Edmunds. D. S. 1 p. 1811 Butler, A[nthony]. Russellville, Kentucky. To Critten- Dec. 31 den, Frankfort, Kentucky. Crittenden's grow- ing reputation; division of Kentucky into con- gressional districts; prefers a seat in the House of Representatives to one in the Senate; per- sonals; estimate of population of the different congressional districts in Kentucky. A. L. S. 6 p. 1811 Rose, Samuel. Kentucky. Draft on Thomas [T.] Critten- den, St. Louis, to pay Crittenden forty-four dollars. A. D. S. 1 p. [1811?] -Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Russellville, Kentucky.] To Dr. W. R. Wilmoth. Direction to collect bonds belonging to P. Thurston. A. L. S. 1 p. 1811 Tyler, John, heirs. Prince William County, Virginia. Memorandum on deed to Adam Steel. 1 p. 1812 Ficklin, Joseph. Assignment to Crittenden of five shares Mar. 2 in Logan Vinyard Society. A. D. S. 1 p. 1812 Bibb, George M. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden, May 21 [Russellville, Kentucky]. Republican caucus recommended [James] Madison and [John] Langden for President and Vice President, re- spectively; declaration of war against G[reat] B[ritain]. to be proposed in the House of Repre- sentatives. A. L. S. 2 p. 1812 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, D. C] To Crittenden, Rus- May28 sellville, Kentucky. Sends Jordan's letter; des- patches from France; course of the government against England and France. A. L. S. 1 p. 1812 Morehead, Armd. Logan County, Kentucky. Certifi- Aug. 12 cate that Crittenden deposited certain notes in the post office directed to John M. Reed, Browns- ville, Pennsylvania; list of notes on reverse. A. D. S. 2 p. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [1812?] Marshall, John J. Bill in chancery against Rawleigh Colston and others; claims prior title to land. Copy. 4 p. 1813 Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden, Jan. 3 Frankfort, Kentucky. Praise for troops; causes of failure of past campaign; praises James Mon- roe; criticises President Madison and Cabinet; British endeavouring to excite emperor of Hayti to invade Southern States; expects a Republican majority in Congress; Federal opposition to raising an army; proposed terms to G[reat] B[ritain] ; advises election of [Anthony] Butler to Senate. A. L. S. 5 p. 1813 Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden, Feb. 20 Russell ville, Kentucky. Advises him not to enter the army at present; capture of the Java by the Constitution; prize taken by the Hornet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1813 Tompkins, Christopher. Barren County, Kentucky. To Apr. 16 Crittenden, Russellville, Kentucky. Real estate matters ; rumor of Crittenden entering the Army. A. L. S. 4 p. 1813 Robinson, Benjamin, Estate. Decree of court in Sussex July 23 County, Delaware. James Hazzard Adminis- trator, vs Thomas Carlisle. Copy. 10 p. [1813?] Robinson, [Benjamin], heirs. Suit entered against James [July?] Carlisle. Copy. 3 p. 1813 Hawkins, J[oseph] H. Camp Meigs, [Ohio]. To Critten- Aug. 6 den. Detailed account of the siege of Fort Meigs; army life. A. L. S. 12 p. 1813 Swan, James. Dorchester, Massachusetts. Deed to Dan- Sept - 10 iel Weiseger and John Bacon, Franklin County, Kentucky. Copy. 4 p. 1813 Shepherd, Adam. Affidavit relative to power of attorney Sept - 13 from his father, Peter Shepherd, to him. 2 p. 1813 Jefferson, Thomas. Monticello, Virginia. To [Harry] Sept - 18 Innes, Frankfort, Kentucky. Describes breed of shepherd dogs he brought from France and hopes he can furnish Judge [Thomas] Todd a pair. Copy. 2 p. 1814 Tompkins, Christopher. Barren County, Kentucky. To Jan. 22 Crittenden. Financial matters; hopes Critten- den will practice in Christian [County, Kentucky] courts. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 15 [1814] Breathitt, John. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden, Jan. 22 Russellville, Kentucky. Acts of Legislature; Revenue bill; removal and rebuilding seat of government; banks and manufacturing. A. L. S. 4 p. 1814 Adams, George. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden- Feb. 11 Claim of Loudon against Caldwell; undecided to run for the next Legislature ; some wealth neces- sary for honors and office; fatal epidemic. A. L. S. 3 p. 1814 Butler, A[nthony]. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Crittenden. Feb. 12^ 111 health; commander in chief of the territory; condition of the fort; movements of British and Indians; to surrender is out of the ques- tion; every man will die first; prospects and hopes of victory and fame. A. L. S. 6 p. [1814] Butler, A[nthony]. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Crittenden. Mar. 13 Engagement in detail and great victory over the British; praise of men. A. L. S. 5 p. 1814 Shelby, Isaac. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Apr. 8 Officers already appointed for corps of riflemen; mission to Gottenburgh; half-hearted interest in the war; repeal of embargo and nonimportation acts [against Great Britain]. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden. Phila. 1871. I, p. 31. 1814 Braddock, Robert. Hermitage. To Crittenden. Law Apr. 15 matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1814 Tilford, John. Logan County, Kentucky. Bond for title Apr. 19 to land sold to James Tilford. D. S. 1 p. 1814 Hawkins, J[oseph] H. Washington, D. C. To Critten- Apr. 21 den. Hawkins' vote against the repeal of the restrictive system [embargo and nonintercourse acts against Great Britain]; politics a bed of thorns and a sea of troubles. A. L. S. 3 p. 1814 Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 24 Court martial of [Brigadier General William] Hull ; negotiations for an armistice and its terms. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila. 1871, I, 32. 1814 Morehead, A. Account against Crittenden. A. D. S. Aug. 20- 1 p. Aug. 27 16 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS 1814 Barry, W[illiam] T[aylor]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 20 Crittenden. Barry and others as candidates for the Legislature ; affairs at Washington ; resigna- tion of [George M.] Bibb [from U. S. Senate]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1814 Hawkins, J[oseph] H. Washington, [D. C] To Critten- Sept. 27 den. Victories at Baltimore, Plattsburg, and on Lake Champlain relieve the disgraceful sur- render [of Washington, D. C.]; Crittenden's age and the Senate; British movements. A. L. S. * 2 p. 1814 Curd, Spencer. Logan County, Kentucky. Execution Dec. 12 against George Bell and Crittenden in favor of Morton Maulding. Printed form filled in D. S. lp. [1814?] Anderson, R[obert] C[lough]. To Crittenden. Youth alone debarred Crittenden from U. S. Senate; offers aid to Crittenden for U. S. Senate in nsext legislature. A. L. S. 2 p. 1815 * Maulding, West. Assignment of interest in execution Jan. 16 against George Bell and Crittenden to Samuel Gray. D. S. 1 p. 1815-16 C[rittenden], J[ohn] J[ordan]. Memorandum book; ac- Jan. 24 counts; lawsuits. A. D. S. 13 p. June 28 1815 Pendleton, John T. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Reuben Feb. 5 Anderson, executor of estate of Edmond Bacon, Franklin County [Kentucky]. Notice of protest of note endorsed by Bacon. Printed form filled in. D. S. 1 p. V 1815 Dallas Alexander] J. Washington [D. C] To Major Apr. 12 General [Andrew] Jackson, New Orleans. Noti- fication that peace has been declared with [Great Britain]; Jackson's great services to his country; reports of Jackson's ill treatment of Louisiana judges and citizens sent to President, and Jack- son's report on same requested. Copy. 2 p. 1815 Pendleton, John T. Frankford, Kentucky. To Reuben Aug. 5 Anderson, executor of estate of Edmond Bacon, Franklin County [Kentucky]. Notice of protest of note endorsed by Anderson. Printed form filled in. D. S. 1 p. 1815 Pendleton Academy. Trustees. Order that bonds due Nov. 6 said institution be put into hands of Crittenden for collection. Copy. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 17 1815 Dec. 22 1816 May 10 1816 June 18 1816-18 June 20 June 15 1816-22 July 12 Aug. 31 1815 Innes, Harry. Franklin County, Kentucky. To Maria Dec. 10 [Innes]. Her visit to Washington [D. C] at the President's house. Copy. 2 p. Mason, John T. Washington [D. C] To Judge Harry Innes. Praise of Maria [Innes]; her visit to Washington; Congress and the next Presidential election. Copy. 2 p. Machir, John. To [James] Hughes & Talbot. Agreement to continue suit of Machir and Bealls heirs vs. Margaret Hamilton. A. L. S. 1 p. Innes, Harry. Franklin County, Kentucky. To Maria [Innes]. Her intended visit to Newport, Rhode Island; good advice. Copy. 2 p. Lewis, Gabriel & Co. Russell ville [Kentucky]. Account against Crittenden. A. D. S. 3 p. Ross, David, and heirs of John May, Virginia. Land suit against Richard B. Mason, Maryland. Bill in chancery; subpoena; return; amended bill; answer; agreement of plaintiff's attorney; order for survey; plaintiffs' agreement as to notice; original plat and field notes ; depositions of John Isaacs, Henry French, Benjamin Fields, Benja- min Taylor, John Helm, Jacob Vanmeter, Isaac Vanmeter, and Philip Hammond. Copy. 35 p. lee, John H. Woodford County [Kentucky]. Order on Crittenden for money in favor of Herbert P. Gaines. Receipt on reverse. A. D. S. 2 p. May, John, heirs of. [Virginia.] Land suit against Richard B. Mason [Maryland]. Bill in chancery; subpoena; return; answer; order for survey; amended answer, including record of previous suit begun March 8, 1786, including depositions of Hancock Lee, Philip Taylor, John Smith, Philip Hammond. Copy. 33 p. Madison, J. Logan Co., [Kentucky]. Receipt to West Maulding for $572.26 revenue tax from Logan County, [Kentucky]. D. S. "by G. W. Clark Clk." 1 p. Crittenden, John J[ordan], and John Roberts. Promissory note to the managers of the Russellville [Ken- tucky] Masonic Hall Lottery. D. S. 1 p. 52880°— 13 2 1816 July 28- Aug. 8 1816-22 Aug. 16 Aug. 30 1817 Jan. 15 1817 Feb. 22 1817 Mar .13 1817 Apr. 22 1817 May 4 1817 Sept .8 1817 Oct. 10 1817 Dec. 19 1817 1818 Jan. 20 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ewing, Young. Eeceipt to Crittenden for taxes and militia fines for year 1815. A. D. S. 1 p. Perry, John. Receipt to Crittenden for money. A. D. S. lp. Hawkins, Benj[amin]. Receipt to Francis Moore for money. A. D. S. 1 p. Perkins, Benj[amin]. Receipt to Crittenden. D. S. 1 p. Lee, John, heirs. Deed to David Hardin for land in Bar- ren County, Kentucky, incomplete. 4 p. Bacon, Charles P. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Thomas Arnold. Collection of a draft. A. L. S. 1 p. Greenup, Christo[pher]. Frankfort, Kentucky. Will. A. D. S. 6 p. Speed, Thomas. Washington, D. C. To John H. Todd. Description of certain members of the House of Representatives; bill to pension Revolutionary officers; internal improvement; Spanish affairs. Copy. 3 p. 1818 Speed, Thomas. Washington, D. C. To John H. Todd. Jan. 20 Pension for Revolutionary soldiers; court-mar- tial of Commodore [Oliver Hazard] Perry and Captain [John] Heath [Marine Corps]. Copy. 1 p. 1818 Todd, John H. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To [Thomas Feb. 4 Speed]. Ability of U. S. Representatives [John] Holmes and [William] Lowndes ; oratorical powers of [John J.] Crittenden; bills in [Kentucky] legis- lature, namely: new election of Governor (de- feated), establishment of 40 banks (passed), tax on Kentucky branches of U. S. Banks (passed) ; criticisms in each case. Copy. 4 p. Spronle, Charles. Frankfort, Kentucky. Deed to land in Frankfort. Kentucky, to Joseph Scott, Frankfort, Kentucky. Printed form filled in. D. S. 2 p. Pindell, Thomas H. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To John Bibb. Order on Bibb for money in favor of Levin L. Shreve. A. L. S. 1 p. Memoranda of Crittenden on reverse. Lewis, Sarah. Order on Crittenden to deliver to John Bearden amount of pension due for husband's services in "the late war," also the certificate. D. S. "her mark." 1 p. Receipt on reverse. 1818 Mar. 4 1818 Mar. 23 1818 June 2 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 19 1818 July 28 1818 July 28 1818 Aug. 12 1818 Sept. 9 1818 Sept. 11 1818 Nov. 7 1818 Oct. [1818?] [1818?] [1818?] [1818?] 1819 Jan. 17 1819-22 Feb. Oct. 1 1819 Mar. 3 Clay, Henry. Frankfort [Kentucky]. To Jacob Castle- man, John H. Hanna, and John H. Todd. Ac- cepts an invitation to a dinner in conjunction with colleague [Richard Mentor Johnson]. Copy. lp. Johnson, Richard M[entor]. Blue Lick Springs [Ken- tucky]. To [Jacob Castleman, John H. Hanna ; and John H. Todd. Is unable to accept invita- tion to a dinner in company with Henry Clay. Copy. 1 p. Ponlk, Elizabeth. Order on Crittenden to deliver to William Gist amount of her pension and the cer- tificate. D. S. "her mark." 1 p. Rector, William. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. Acknowledges receipt of money delivered by Samuel Hadley. A. L. S. 1 p. Smith, George and Elizabeth. Franklin County, Ken- tucky. Deed to land in Franklin County, Ken- tucky, to Thomas L. Bryan. Copy. 3 p. Lewis, George. K[ing] G[eorge] County, V[irgini]a. Power of attorney to John S. Chapman to sue for, and dispose of, land and build warehouse. A. D. S. 3 p. Marshall, John J. Suit against Rawleigh Colston et al. Order for survey. Copy. 1 p. C[rittenden], Jfohn] J[ordan]. List of sons and heirs of Fielding Lewis. A. D. S. 1 p. Chapman, John S. List of lands [Fielding Lewis estate] made for Major George Lewis. A. D. S. 2 p. [Lewis, Fielding, estate.] List of claimants to lands, called "defendants." 3 p. [Lewis, Fielding, estate.] Plat of tract of land, giving claimants. 1 p. Chapman, John S. Frankfort [Kentucky]. To George Lewis, King George County, Virginia. Suit for land ; great scarcity of cash. A. L. S. 3 p. Whitley, Nimrod. Court record in suit against William Hardridge. Copy. 20 p. West, William. Lexington [Kentucky]. To John Lewis, Russellville, Kentucky. Judgment against Lewis favor of William O. Bledsoe; power of attorney to William R. West to receive money from Lewis; memorandum; receipt. A. L. S. 2 p. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1819 June 5 1819 June 8 1819 July 10 1819 July 28 [1819?] [July ?] 1819 July 1819 Aug. 17 1819 Aug. 27 1819 Aug. 29 1819 Sept. 2 1819 Sept. 2 1819 Oct. 18 1819 Oct. Johnson, Richard M. Great Crossing [Kentucky]. Order on Richard Smith to pay money to J. F. Bal- linger; four endorsements; protested. A. D. S. 3 p. Sebree & Johnson. Great Crossing, [Kentucky]. Order on Colonel Joseph Eve to pay money to Richard M. Johnson; three endorsements; protested. A. D. S. 5 p. Breckinridge, J. Cabell. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To [John H.] Todd. Desires office of U. S. District Attorney for Kentucky and requests letter of commendation from Judge [Thomas] Todd to President [Monroe] . Copy. 1 p. Tilford, James. Cumberland. To Crittenden. His equi- table title to land in possession of Myers ; desires suit be brought for possession. A. L. S. 2 p. C[rittenden], J[ohn] J[ordan]. To Gabriel Slaughter, Frankfort, Kentucky. Memoranda on suit for James Tilford. A. L. S. 2 p. Read, A. F. Account against Crittenden. A. D. S. 1 p. Breathitt, C. & Co. Russellville, [Kentucky]. Account against Crittenden. Receipt on reverse. D. S. 2 p. Crittenden, John J[ordan]. Order on Presley N. Obannon to pay Augustine Byrne & Co. money. State- ment of his account with Obannon and receipt by Byrne & Co. on reverse. A. D. S. 2 p. Mosley, James. Receipt to Crittenden for money. A. D. S. 1 p. Connolly, John. L'Assomption, Canada. Deed to land in Kentucky to Alexander Mabbut, of L'Assomp- tion, Canada. D. S. 4 p. Mabbnt, Alexander. L'Assomption, Canada. Agreement with John Connolly, L'Assomption, Canada, rela- tive to proceeds of land deeded to Mabbut; trust deed to Mabbut by Connolly for land in Canada. Copy. 5 p. Marshall, John J. Suit for land against Rawleigh Colston, order for survey, survey, plot and account. 3 p. Sneed, Achilles. Account against Presley Edwards and Crittenden. Receipt on reverse. A. D. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 21 1819 Bibb, Richard, Jr. Russellville [Kentucky]. To Critten- Nov. 6 den, Frankfort, Kentucky. Need of Thomp- sons going to Russellville; contest with Samuel Vance about Morehead's negroes; removal of Jacob W. Walker to Illinois. A. L. S. 3 p. 1819 Crittenden, John J[ordan]. To Gab[riel] Lewis, Russell- Nov. 15 ville, Kentucky. Judgment of William O. Bledsoe [against John Lewis]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1819 Lewis, Gab[riel]. Russellville, Kentucky. To Critten- Nov. 28 den. Judgment of [William O.] Bledsoe against J[ohn] Lewis and William West's interest in same. A. L. S. 2 p. 1819 Hardin, Martin D. Promissory note in favor of Bacon, Dec. 17 Samuels & Co. ; protest. D. S. 2 p. 1819 Kendall & Russells. Receipted bill to Crittenden for two Dec. 20 years' subscription to the " Argus of Western America." Printed form filled in. D. S. 1 p. 1820 Dunlap, Nancy, and George Baltzell. In consideration of Jan. 1 hire of negro woman from Elizabeth Lee, agree to pay certain sum and clothe, and maintain negro woman's three children. D. S. 1 p. 1820 Kentucky, General Assembly. An act authorizing the Ian. 1 appointment of two commissioners to settle the boundary dispute with Tennessee commissioners. Copy. 3 p. 1820 Connolly, John. L'Assomption, Canada. Deed to Alex- Jan. 3 ander Mabbut, L'Assomption, Canada, to lands under condition Mabbut take care of Connolly for life. Copy. 6 p. 1820 McBeath, Margaret. L'Assomption, Canada. Convey- Jan. 3 ance to Alexander Mabbut of her pension and personal property upon consideration that Mab- but support her for life. Copy. 4 p. 1820 Buford, John. Versailles, Kentucky. Order on John L. Jan. 5 Buck & Co., Natchez, [Mississippi], to pay money to Miller, Kinsey and Cooper; four en- dorsements; protest. A. D. S. 4 p. 1820 Grnndy, Felix, and Will L. Brown. [Nashville ? Tennes- j an. 24 see]. Memorial to Congress as Tennessee Boun- dary Commissioners for laws to enable the U. S. Supreme Court to adjudicate boundary with Kentucky. D. S. 2 p. 22 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS 1820 Grundy, Felix, and Will L. Brown. [Nashville? Tennes- Jan. 24 see]. To Gabriel Slaughter, Lieutenant Gover- nor of Kentucky. As Tennessee Boundary Com- missioners they withdraw their proposition for a compromise, and wish to submit the question to the U. S. Supreme Court. L. S. 4 p. 1820 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C.]. To Crittenden. Jan. 29 Kentucky-Tennessee boundary question; nego- tiations with Spain; proposes recognition of Patriots and seizure of Texas, and Florida is ours without an effort; Missouri subject ; [Kentucky] paper money, and its depreciation. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871. I, 39. [1820] [Crittenden, John Jordan]. To the Kentucky Legislature. [Jan.] Detailed report as a commissioner on the bound- ary question between Kentucky and Tennessee, giving history and argument. A. L. 20 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871. I, 48. [1820] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Draft of some of the Articles [Jan.] and substitute articles in Kentucky-Tennessee Boundary agreement. A. D. 3 p. [1820] [Grundy, Felix.] Draft of some of the articles in Kentucky- [Jan.] Tennessee Boundary Agreement. A. D. 3 p. [1820] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Draft of some of the articles [Jan.] in Kentucky-Tennessee Boundary agreement. A. D. 2 p. 1820 Ashhurst, Richard. Pennsylvania. Petition in suit for Feb. 19 money against Thomas E. Bos well and Bushrod Boswell, Kentucky. D. S. by Crittenden, [attor- ney] for plaintiff. Subpoena, and Bond. 6 p. 1820 Grundy, Felix. Murfreesboro [Tennessee]. To George Feb. 21 M. Bibb and Crittenden, Frankfort, Kentucky. Requests that they and other public men assure the people of the high character of Alexander, Munsell, Steel, and Fox, who surveyed Ken- tucky-Tennessee Boundary line. A. L. S. 1 p. 1820 Todd, John H. Washington, D. C. Deed of trust to Feb - 24 John T. Pendleton to secure a note held by the Frankfort Bank [Kentucky]. D. S. 6 p. 1820 Mabbut, Alexander. L'Assomption, Canada. Memoran- Feb - 26 dum to Alexander McKenzie and Judge [Jesse B.] Thomas concerning John Connolly, Sr., 1820 Mar .7 1820 Apr. 3 1820 Apr. 24 1820 Apr. 27 1820 Apr. 27 1820 May 19 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 23 and Jr., and land at Louisville, Kentucky, granted to them by Lord Dunmore. A. D. S. 3 p. Scott, M. T. To Crittenden. Renewal of note of General [Martin D.] Hardin; same of John J. Marshall. A. D. S. 1 p. Burrill, James, Jr. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Prophesies Crittenden's return to the Senate; congressional news and comment. A. L. S. 6 p. Foster, John M. Receipt for plats, certificates of survey, and register's fees. A. D. S. 1 p. Mabbut, Alex[ander]. Washington [D. C.]. Power of attorney to Jesse B. Thomas to dispose of and recover title to lands in Kentucky. D. S. 3 p. Mabbut, Alexander. Washington [D. C.]. Deed to inter- est in lands in Kentucky to Jesse B. Thomas. D. S. 3 p. Lewis, W. W. Elmwood [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Has declined appointment as one of the Directory at Russell ville ; has had proposals to go to France; predicts large majority for General [John] Adair [for Governor]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1820 Lewis, Gabriel. Elmwood, Kentucky. To Crittenden, May19 Frankfort, Kentucky. Copy of assignment by William O. Bledsoe heirs to William West of decree against John Lewis; comments thereon. A. L. S. 5 p. 1820 Wickliffe, R[obert]. Statement of his obligation to trans- May 28 fer stock of the Bank of Kentucky, belonging to Mrs. Mary Parker, to Crittenden. A. D. S. 1 p. 1820 Robinson, William, heirs. Land suit against Jacob Dufner. June 22- Declaration; writ of ejectment; amended decla- ration; order for survey; judgment; new trial; removal to Federal court; bond; copy of land grants, will, and deeds. Copy. 26 p. 1820 Underwood, J[oseph] Rfogers]. Glasgow, [Kentucky]. To JuLY 1 Crittenden. Professional fees ; predictions on the coming election for governor, representative to Congress, and the legislature of Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1820 Sharp, John & Co. Philadelphia. To J. & P. Dudley, July 25 Frankfort, Kentucky. Sends draft of John Buford on John L. Buck & Co. in favor of Miller, Kinsey & Cooper with protest. A. L. S. 1 p. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1820 Parker, Alexander. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Aug. 2 tenden. Order to deliver to John G. George two notes of John J. Marshall. A. L. S. 1 p. 1820 Wilson, James. Henderson, Kentucky. Deed of trust Aug. 5 to Peter Bogart and Henry Kneeland. Copy. 4 p. 1820 Patton, Robert, Administrator and heirs of. Fredericks- Aug. burg, Virginia. Brief in suit against James Taylor, Hopkins County, Kentucky, for purchase price of land; memorandum regarding same. A. D. 19 p. 1820 Campbell, J. R. Account against Crittenden. A. D. S. Oct. 20 1 p. 1820 Mabbut, Alexander. Montreal, Canada. To Jesse B. Oct. 30 Thomas, Washington, [D. C] Relative to the family and estate of John Connolly, Sr. and Jr. A. L. S. 3 p. 1820 Kentucky Gazette [The]. Receipted account against Crit- Nov. 2 tenden. D. S. 1 p. 1820 Anderson, R[ichard]C[lough], Jr. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. 20 Crittenden. Bill for surveys of Kentucky mili- tary lands; Missouri question ; cession of Florida; deficiency in the Treasury excites little attention. A. L. S. 3 p. 1820 Sneed, Achilles. Account against Crittenden. Printed form filled in. 1 p. [1820] Bell, Benjamin, and Nancy Tapscott. Yellow Banks, [Kentucky]. To James Madison, Orange County, [Virginia]. Plat of land recently pur- chased from Madison and comments thereon. A. L. S. by Bell. Also signed by Tapscott. 2 p. 1820 O'Hara, Kean. Account against Crittenden, for tuition of Crittenden's son and daughter. A. D. 1 p. 1821 Blair, F[rancis] P[reston]. Columbus, Ohio. ToCritten- Jan. 6 den. Journey from Kentucky; opposition to U. S. Bank; character of Charles Hammond; lawyers' anxiety to hear [Henry] Clay's speech; Greek designs suggested for Kentucky bank notes or if preferred use the parable of the prodigal * son. A. L. S. 4 p. 1821 Post Office, [The]. Account against Crittenden for post- Feb. 3 age. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN" 25 1821 Craig, E. W. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 17 Collection of note of Edmund L. Sterling & Co. ; depreciation of Bank currency. A. L. S. 1 p. 1821 Hickman, B. Receipt to Crittenden for taxes and militia Mar. 15 fine. A. D. S. 1 p. 1821 Olds, William. Statement that he has employed Critten- Mar. 29 den as counsel in two law suits. A. D's S. 1 p. 1821 Kinkead, Archibald. Woodford County, Kentucky. Mort- Apr. 14 gage to John Buf ord and David Campbell. D. S. 4 p. 1821 Kinkead, Archibald. Woodford County, Kentucky. Bill Apr. 20 of sale to James Quarles for five negro slaves. D. S. 2 p. 1821 Edwards, J., Richard B. Bohannon, James Stevenson, and Apr. 20 James H. Elliott. Valuation of five negro slaves of A[rchibold] Kinkead, for James Quarles. D. S. i P . 1821 Quarles, James. Woodford County, Kentucky. Loan of Apr. 21 five negro slaves to Ann Kinkead and her chil- dren, the wife and children of Archibald Kin- kead, reserving for himself the legal title. D. S. i P . 1821 Mabbut, Alexander. Montreal, [Canada]. To Jesse B. May 10 Thomas, Edwardsville, Illinois. Relative to the estate of John Connelly, Sr., and Jr. A. L. S. 2 p. 1821 Wickliffe, Rfobert]. Notice that he as trustee for Mary May 30 Parker will apply for new certificates of stock of the Bank of Kentucky, the originals having been lost. D. S. 1 p. 1821 Wickliffe, R[obert]. Power of attorney as trustee for May 30 Mary Parker to Robert Wilkinson to transfer four shares of stock of the Bank of Kentucky to Crittenden. D. S. 1 p. 1821 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Deed exchanging real estate June 7 with Joseph Scott. A. D. S. Signed also: Joseph Scott. Scott's receipt to Crittenden for bond on reverse. 4 p. 1821 Hawkins, J. H. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Critten- June 18 den and Samuel Smith Nicholas. Excessive judgment of Wickliffes against Bartlet & Cox, and arrangements to pay just amount. A. L. S. 3 p. 26 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1821 Halloway, John. Order on Crittenden to pay money to July 21 Littell. A. D. S. 1 p. 1821 Mabbut, Alexander]. Montreal, [Canada]. To Jesse B. July 23 Thomas, Louisville, Ohio. Estate of John Con- nolly, Sr., and Jr.; copy of letter from Samuel Mifflin; first trip on La Chene Canal. A. L. S. 2 p. Dudley, A. W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Receipt to Crit- tenden for taxes. 1 p. Weisiger, D[an]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Receipted bill to Crittenden. 1 p. Hunt, William Gibbes. Receipted bill to Crittenden for subscription to "W[estern] Review." 1 p. Bacon, J. C. Owen County, [Kentucky]. Account against Crittenden and John McKinney. A. D. S. 1 p. Holly, Horace. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To J[ohn] Todd. Amounts of money given to schools in the differ- ent states. Copy. 1 p. Letcher, Robert P[erkins], Lancaster, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. The suit of Anderson vs. Turner; good reports of Crittenden ; advises Crittenden to " stick to the law." A. L. S. 3 p. Porter, William and Agness. Franklin County, Kentucky. Deed to land in Frankfort, Kentucky, to John Love. D. S. 1 p. Weisiger, Dan. Receipt to Crittenden for "your portion of a Treat to the Members of the Assembly." A. D. S. 1 p. Breathitt, John. Account against Crittenden. A. D. 1 p. Johnson, Francis. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Governorship and government of Florida; faith in General [Andrew] Jackson; praise of [Presi- dent James] Monroe's Cabinet; presidential can- didates ; possibilities of [William Jones] Lowndes. A. L. S. 3 p. 1822 Vest, John J. Order to Crittenden to pay money to David Apr. 20 Jones. A. D. S. 1 p. 1822 Harvie, J. Five certificates that sums have been paid by May 10 Crittenden and credited on different bonds. D's. S. 2 p. 1822 Gray, W. F. Todd County, [Kentucky]. To Thomas June 29 Arnold, Paris, Kentucky. Debt of Wiley, of New Orleans. A. L. S. 1 p. 1821 Aug. 6 1821 Aug. 31 1821 Aug. 1821 Aug. 1821 Oct. 16 1821 Nov. 30 1821 Dec. 14 1821 Dec. 1821 1 CtCtCk 1822 Jan. 18 PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CBITTENDEN 27 1822 Vest, John J. Receipted account against Crittenden for Aug. 22 carpenter work. A. D. S. 1 p. 1822 Henderson, William. Authority for William Rogers to dis- Aug. 23 miss two suits. D. S. 1 p. 1822 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Receipt to George P. Miller, Sept. William G. Boyd, and Charles Baird for money paid by sheriff after judgment. A. D. S. 1 p. 1822 Wallace, Samuel M. Woodford, [Kentucky]. Order on Oct. 4 Crittenden to pay money to [Andrew F.] Price. Receipt by Price on reverse. A. D's. S. 2 p. 1822 Wallace, Samuel M. Woodford, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Oct. 25 tendeni Requesting that he pay William Flem- ing money. A. L. S. 1 p. 1822 O'Hara, Kean. Receipted account against Crittenden for tuition of Crittenden's son and daughter and Mar- garet Smith. A. D. S. 1 p. 1822 Bacon, J. C. Owen County, [Kentucky]. Account against Crittenden and John McKinney. A. D. S. 1 p. 1823 Robertson, G[eorge]. Lancaster, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Jan. 8 tenden. Political situation of Ohio; strength of [Henry] Clay and others as candidates for Presi- dential nomination. A. L. S. 8 p. 1823 Hagner, Peter. [Washington, D. C] To Richard Mentor Feb. 18 Johnson. [Washington, D. C] Claim of Capt. Robert Crittenden for loss of horses during Semi- nole campaign; further evidence of the loss neces- sary. Copy. 3 p. 1823 Gay le, George. Receipted account against Crittenden for Apr. 1 tuition of Margaret Smith. A. D. S. 1 p. 1823 Wilcox, Samuel. Declaration in ejectment against Jona- May 20 than Willis. Blank form filled in. 2 p. 1823 Edwards, Presley. Russellville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- May25 den. Claim to land by heirs of Major David Walker. A. L. S. 1 p. 1823 Bacon, C[harles] P. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Thomas June 6 Arnold, Paris, [Kentucky]. Payment to Bacon, Samuel & Co.; account of Gray, Bacon and Arnold with Bacon, Samuel & Co. A. L. S. 2 p. 1823 Arnold, Thomas. Paris, [Kentucky]. To Charles P. June 7 Bacon, Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Refusal to ac- cept money in Commonwealth paper; prefers nothing. A. L. S. 1 p. 28 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1823 Anderson, R[ichard] C[lough], Jr. To Crittenden. Aboard June 15 the John Adams, Hampton Roads, Virginia, about to sail for Colombia; old acquaintances. A. L. S. 2 p. 1823 Bacon, Charles P. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Thomas July 5 Arnold, Paris, [Kentucky]. Contradicts state- ment made by Arnold regarding money and ac- counts. A. L. S. 1 p. 1823 Arnold, Thomas. Paris, [Kentucky]. To M[artin] D. July 11 Hardin, Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Desires that he take proper steps to collect claim against Charles P. Bacon. A. L. S. 2 p. 1823 Waller, Will S. Receipt to Crittenden for money in satis- Aug. 22 faction of a judgment against Crittenden and George M. Bibb in favor of the Bank of Ken- tucky. D. S. 1 p. 1823 Edwards, Amos. Greenville Springs, [Kentucky]. As- Aug. 30 signment to Crittenden of bond executed by Solo- mon P. Sharp. D. S. 1 p. 1823 Edwards, Amos. Greenville Springs, [Kentucky]. Re- Aug. 30 lease of bond to Crittenden, for value received. D. S. 1 p. 1823 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Sept. 13 Dispute, trouble, and threatened duel between Breckinridge and Wickliffe. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871, I 59. Jouett, Jack. Springfield, [Kentucky?] Certificate of deposit by Paul J. Booker. Copy. 1 p. Pearson, J. E. Memorandum of agreement between Ed- mund B. Pearson and James Peters for sale of tobacco. A. D. S. 1 p. White, D. W. [David?]. Washington, [D. C] To John Todd. Subjects of great importance before Con- gress; war between Greece and Turkey; allied Powers of Europe against the Patriots of South America; Amendment to Constitution as to Election of President; tariff; candidates for presidential nomination. Copy. 2 p. 1824 Hagner, Peter. [Washington, D. C] [To Crittenden.] Mar - x Claim for value of horses lost by Capt. Robert Crittenden during the Seminole Campaign. L. S. 2 p. 1823 Sept .16 1823 Nov. 1 1824 Jan. 21 PAPERS OF JOHN JOKDAN CRITTENDEN 29 1824 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. Washington, [D. C] . To Mar. 7 Crittenden. Faithfulness to [George M.] Bibb ; suit against Sullivan Dorr; presidential contest between Clay, Jackson, Adams, and Crawford; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Convention for Jack- son. A. L. S. 3 p. 1824 Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Mar. 8 Trip to Washington for trying law suit and not to oppose [Henry] Clay; [Henry] Clay no longer friend; [Andrew] Jackson nominated for President; prominent speakers and speeches in case of [Robert] Fulton's exclusive right to navi- gate the rivers of New York. A. L. S. 11 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871. I, 60. 1824 Jones, William D. & Co. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Critten- Mar. 15 den. Law suits for Jones. A. L. S. 1 p. 1824 Dale, Reuben. Shelby County, [Kentucky]. To Critten- June 30 den. Order to pay money to T. B. Burnett. Receipt for same by Burnett on reverse. A. L. S. lp. 1824 Patrick, Jane. Lex[ingto]n, [Kentucky]. Order to Crit- July 12 tenden to allow H. L. & James Weir, Jr., a credit. D. S. 1 p. 1824 Clark, George. Receipt to Crittenden for tuition of July 16 George [Bibb] Crittenden. A. D. S. 1 p. 1824 Tuttle, Moses. Land suit against George Wymer et al. July Answer. A. D. by Crittenden. 3 p. 1824 Trimble, David. Mount Sterling, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Sept. 9 tenden. Law case in the Federal Court, Benja- min Lay vs. Young et al. A. L. S. 1 p. 1824 Smith, Robert H. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. The Oct. 19 claims of [John] Reed and [Standish] Forde to lands in Kentucky. A. L. S. 4 p. 1824 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov - 10 Suit of Gernon vs. Simons ; Ohio election ; letter from La Fayette to be published. A. L. S. 1 p. 1824 Jones, Wplliam] D. & Co. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crit- No y - 18 tenden. Law suits for Jones. A. L. S. 2 p. 1824 Eafinesqne, C. S. Certificate that Crittenden has paid two Nov. 27 instalments on one share of stock of the Transyl- vania Botanic Garden Company. Printed form filled in. D. S. 1 p. 30 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1825 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 15 Henry Clay. Result of Presidential election; charges against Clay; advises Clay accept place if offered in Adams' Cabinet if elected. Two copies, 3 and 2 pages. Printed: Colton, Works of Clay, N. Y., 1897, IV, 117. 1825 Call, R[ichard] K[eith]. Washington, ID. C] To Crit- Feb. 26 tenden. Appointment of [William R.] Burnley to West Point; appointment of [Maj.] Gen. [George] Izard as Governor of Arkansas Territory instead of Robert Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. Howard, Thomas C. Richmond, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Relative to suit for Howard. A. L. S. 3 p. Scott, Robert. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Payment of fees in suit between N. Sanders and executor of [James] Morrison. A. L. S. 2 p. Robertson, G[eorge]. Lancaster, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Strongly urging Crittenden to become a candidate [for Kentucky Legislature]. A. L. S. 8 p. Hawkins, J. W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Invitation to address inhabitants of Franklin on ensuing election. A. L. S. 1 p. Humphreys, Charles. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Meeting of trustees of Transylvania University for election of professors of the law school; probable appointments. A. L. S. 2 p. Clay, H[enry]. Lebanon, Ohio. To Crittenden. His re- ception at Cincinnati and Lebanon; qualities of [De Witt] Clinton, who was in Cincinnati. Copy, lp. Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Critten- den. Residence of Josiah Anthony and desires "to have him sued instantly." A. L. S. 2 p. Harper, J. Lexington, [Kentucky]. Cashier's order on Bank of U. S. favor of Crittenden. Printed form filled in. D. S. 1 p. Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Rejoices in Crittenden's election to the Kentucky Legislature ; trouble with Georgia over the Creek lands. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871, I 62. 1825 Apr. 24 1825 Apr. 29 1825 May 25 1825 June 27 1825 July 18 1825 July 25 1825 Aug. 20 1825 Aug. 15 1825 Aug. 22 1825 Sept .22 1825 Oct. 20 1825 Nov. 17 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 31 1825 Bell, C. Receipt to Crittenden for taxes and militia fines Sept. 6 for year 1824. A. L. S. 1 p. 1825 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 22 Henry Clay. Crittenden's course with the " Anti- Reliefs" and the "Reliefs" in the House of Rep- resentatives of Kentucky. Copy. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I 63. Higginbotham, Manuel. Record of proceedings in suit for money against Abraham Baugh; defendant's ex- ceptions noted. Copy. 7 p. [Clay, Henry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Claim of Daniel Dougherty for land as heir to Winser [Windsor ?] Brown, an officer of the Revo- lutionary War. A. L. 1 p. Signature cut off. Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Critten- den. Location of Josiah Anthony and persons responsible for him. Extract from letter from Josiah Anthony referring to his imprisonment for debt, on reverse. A. L. S. 2 p. 1825 Beauchamp, J[eroboam] O. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Nov. 18 Crittenden. Declaration of his innocence of the murder of Colonel [Solomon P.] Sharp, and earn- estly beseeches Crittenden's assistance. A. L. S. 8 p. Also copy of same. 10 p. 1825 Beauchamp, J[eroboam]0. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Nov - 25 Crittenden. Urgently protests his innocence of the murder of Colonel [Solomon P.] Sharp and asks that justice be dealt him. A. L. S. 7 p. Also copy of part of same. 5 p. 1825 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec- 26 Henry Clay. Happenings in the [Kentucky] state legislature; reluctance to engage in the coming campaign; failure of resolutions express- ing confidence in Clay and his support of [John Quincy] Adams. Copy. 2 p. [1825?] Blair, F[rancis] P[reston], To Crittenden. Desires Crit- tenden for security on a loan; means of payment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1826 Blair, W. P. S. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. J AN - 19 His financial condition; requests loan of money. A. L. S. 1 p. 1826 Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Critten- Feb - l den. Desires Crittenden to proceed no further in suit against [Josiah] Anthony. A. L. S. 1 p. 32 LIBEAKY OF CONGKESS 1826 Clay, H[emy]. Washington, '[D. C] To Crittenden. Mar. 10 Suits for estate of Col. [James] Morrison; condi- tion of affairs in Congress; appointment of suc- cessor to Judge Thomas Todd. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden. Phila., 1871; I, 63. 1826 Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To Apr. 11 Major William Taylor, Oldham County, Ken- tucky. Settlement of costs in partition suit between heirs of C. Griffin and heirs of J. T. Griffin ; Martin Walker's claim and bill. A. L. S. 8 p. 1826 Craig, Lewis, Jr. Suit of ejectment against Thomas T. Apr. 12 Worthington et al., Mason County, Kentucky. Including copies and exhibit of records in suits extending back many years to titles in John May and John Tabb. Copy, with exceptions noted on last page by Crittenden. 49 p. 1826 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 22 Henry Clay, [Washington, D. C] Trouble [duel] between Clay and [John] Randolph; rumor that a duel was fought between Clay and [John C] Calhoun, in which Calhoun was killed; advice; the Panama mission; recognition of South American Republics; quarrel between [David] Trimble and [Joseph] Vance with [George] Mc- Duffie; course of the Anti-Relief and Relief parties in Kentucky. Copy. 3 p. 1826 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 11 Affair [duel] with [John] Randolph]; [David] Trimble's trouble with [George] McDuffie and speech; [John] R[owan's] opposition to [Robert] Trimble's appointment as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U. S.; treaties made with Denmark and Guatemala. A. L. S. 1 p. 1826 Ewing, Robert. Red River, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 26 Requests information and expresses opinion on [Kentucky] political questions; state elections and candidates; rebuilding the statehouse at Frankfort. A. L. S. 3 p. 1826 Clay, H[enry]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. July 10 Intends to visit Frankfort ; execution of [Jero- boam O.] Beauchamp [the assassin of Solomon P. Sharp]. A. L. S. 1 p. Sept. 10 1826 Sept. 20 1826 Sept. 26 1826 Nov. 1 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 33 1826 Clay, H[enry]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Aug. 6 Unable to visit Frankfort before his return to Washington; hopes that Crittenden will visit Lexington. A. L. S. 1 p. 1826 Butler, Afnthony]. Monticello, [Mississippi]. To Critten- Aug. 29 den. Butler's election to Mississippi Legisla- ture; political strife in Kentucky; Butler's suit against Crockett ; warm session expected in Mis- sissippi Legislature. A. L. S. 4 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mrs. Maria K. Todd. Love note. Copy. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Shelbyville, [Kentucky]. To Mrs. Maria K. Todd. Love letter. Copy. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Shelbyville, [Kentucky]. To Mrs. Maria K. Todd. Love letter. Copy. 1 p. Adams, George. Natchez, [Mississippi]. To Crittenden. Condolence for Crittenden's defeat for [Ken- tucky] legislature; advises firmness to Demo- cratic principles and healing of ruptured friend- ship with [George M.] Bibb. A. L. S. 2 p. 1826 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Nov. 25 Henry Clay. Opposes rumors against Clay; new court leaders are for General [Andrew] Jackson; Kentucky will support [Adams] administration; [John] Boyle's appointment to judgeship over John Pope saved Kentucky for Clay; stated that Clay's interests not concerned in next Presiden- tial election; pleased at course taken by brother Henry [Crittenden], and hopes of his [Henry Crit- tenden's] election. Copy. 2 p. 1826 Call, G. W. Russell ville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov. 27 Disbelief that his brother [Richard K. CaU] could have had part in publications in the Louisville Public Advertiser, and distressed by Crittenden's ill feeling towards his brother; congratulations on his marriage; Crittenden's friends anxious for him to be a candidate for governor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1826 Morehead, Charles S. Hopkinsville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Nov. 27 tenden. Robert Cravens, in suit against him brought by Means, requests Crittenden represent him in Court of Appeals. A. L. S. 1 p. 52880°— 13 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1826 Clay, Henry. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Con- Dec. 12 gratulations on his marriage ; reasons for chang- ing the public printer in Kentucky ; Senate com- mittees rearranged, giving to administration the majorities in each case. Copy. 1 p. [1826] Miller Henry, devisees of. Land suit against Jacob and John Mclntire. Defendants' printed brief. 4 p. 1827 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 12 Henry Clay. [George M.] Bibb accepts office of Chief Justice of Kentucky, ending court dis- pute; rebuilding capitol at Frankfort; criticises plan for trained militia. Copy. 1 p. 1827 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Ap- Jan. 25 pointment of Crittenden and Thomas H. Fletcher as U. S. District Attorneys for Kentucky and West Tennessee, respectively; assents to Critten- den becoming counsel for Taylor in suit against Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. 1827 Clark, George. Fayette, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Jan. 26 Approbation of his young friend [Crittenden's son?] as a student; account for necessities. A. L. S. 2 p. 1827 Johnson, E[ichard] M[entor]. [Washington, D. C] To Feb. 6 Crittenden. Johnson's suit with Green Clay; politics, he hopes, does not lessen their personal friendship; Crittenden's confirmation as District Attorney for Kentucky ; desires additional serv- ices of George Robertson. A. L. S. 3 p. 1827 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. 3 Henry Clay. Various candidates for Congres- sional nomination in Kentucky; [John] Tyler's course in the Senate; actions of the opposition toward the administration; [John C] Calhoun and the treasury peculations. Copy. 2 p. 1827 Addison, L. D. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Mar. 6 Inquires if Crittenden has made collections on notes. A. L. S. 1 p. 1827 Addison, L. D. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 7 Desires statement relative to notes put in his hands for collection. A. L. S. 1 p. 1827 Lee, John H. Daviess, Kentucky. To James Madison, Apr. 4 Montpelier, Virginia. Advises suit against the estates of Tapscott and Bell, relative to land settlements. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 35 1827 Barbour, James. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 19 Has supplied requested omission ; pleased with triumph of correct priciples in Kentucky; Penn- sylvania's political attitude. A. L. S. 1 p. 1827 Trimble, Robert. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Critten- Sept. 3 den. Requests Crittenden to call at post office and take out Trimble's volume of [Henry] Wheaton's [law] reports. A. L. S. 1 p. 1827 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 3 Henry Clay. Clay's statements made in 1824 to Crittenden relative to Clay's refusal to vote for [Andrew] Jackson. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 66. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Henry Clay. Effect of [James] Buchanan's letter to Jackson; charges made against Clay; Clay's letter to White. Copy. 2 p. Chambers, John. Washington, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Many different lawsuits; banters Critten- den in friendly way. A. L. S. 2 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Henry Clay. Treachery of the times has swept away many friends; Clay's letter to White; let- ters of [Amos] Kendall published in the " Argus " ; vindication of certain charges against Crittenden. Copy. 2 p. 1827 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Nov. 15 Henry Clay. Opinion on the charges against Clay; prospects of the next election in Ken- tucky; candidates for Vice President; Critten- den's loss of Clay's letter; found by opponents, and consequences. Copy. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Henry Clay. Solicits an appointment for [Hum- phrey Marshall] son of John J. Marshall to West Point. Copy. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Henry Clay. New York elections "like a dark cloud." Copy. 1 p. Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Will soon present a mass of testimony in his behalf to the public; his preference for Adams in 1825; Crittenden could safely have kept out of dispute; inability to obtain appointment for 1827 Sept. 6 1827 Sept. 11 1827 Oct. 30 1827 Nov. 19 1827 Nov. 28 1827 Dec. 16 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Humphrey Marshall to West Point ; minority in Congress; elections in New York; bright pros- pects in Virginia and North Carolina. A. L. S. 3 p. 1828 Simmerman, P[eter]. Burksville, Kentucky. To Critten- Jan. 3 den. Testimony in suit of Haslet & McKim against Peter and John Simmerman; oath by Simmerman that testimony and deposition of Henry R. Simmerman is necessary. A. L. S. 3 p. " Cornelius, S. Alexandria, D. C. To Rpchard] M[entor] Johnson, Washington, D. C. No administration on [unnamed] estate. A. L. S. 1 p. Burnley, Aflbert] T. Yellow Banks, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Crittenden's knowledge of Clay's atti- tude towards [Andrew] Jackson in 1825. A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Henry Clay. ' ' Bargain and corruption ;" Senate proceedings to try the charges against Clay ; letter of [Francis P.] Blair. Copy. 4 p. Morehead, James T. Glasgow, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Requests Crittenden's services in lawsuits. A. L. S. 2 p. Monroe, James. Oak Hill, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Sends memoir of his views on public events, founded upon his mission to Europe. Copy. 1 p. Johnson, Fr[ancis]. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Favorable turn of public sentiment; Clay's pamphlet; political industry of Jackson's followers; encloses a note to [Amos] Kendall. A. L. S. 1 p. 1828 Johnson, Frfancis]. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To Amos Apr. 12 Kendall. Correcting error published in Kendall's newspaper concerning [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. IP- 1828 Johnson, Fr[ancis]. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To Crit- June 6 tenden. Sends the amount of an execution against Charles Campbell; candidates for next election in the district; publication of letters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1828 Trimble, D[avid]. To Crittenden. Requests Crittenden Sept. 16 to represent him in suit of Mosely vs. Garrett et al. A. L. S. 1 p. 1828 Mar. 1 1828 Mar. 2 1828 Mar. 4 1828 Mar. 28 1828 Apr. 11 1828 Apr. 12 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 37 1828 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 23 Henry Clay. Preparation for the contest in No- vember. Copy. 1 p. 1828 Willis, W[illiam] T. Greensburgh, Kentucky. To Crit- Oct. l tenden. Work in the county for the November election; prospects. A. L. S. 3 p. 1828 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 3 Henry Clay. Consoling advice on political re- verses; judgships in Kentucky; Crittenden's possibilities for the Federal Judgship. Two copies. 2 p. each. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 71. 1828 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Dec. 25 tenden. [Andrew] Jackson's possible Cabinet officers; Crittenden's nomination as associate justice of the U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 3 p 1828 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 27 Henry Clay. His nomination as Associate Jus- tice of U. S. Supreme Court and opposition to his confirmation by the Senate. Copy. 1 p. 1828 Chambers, John. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Dec. 29 Cause of delay in Crittenden's confirmation as Associate Justice of U. S. Supreme Court; same referred to committee; Jacksonians may block confirmation; speculations on Jackson's Cabi- net. A. L. S. 5 p. 1829 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 6 Suspension of Crittenden's confirmation as Asso- ciate Justice of U. S. Supreme Court. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 73. 1829 Wickliffe, Charles A. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Jan. 7 Assurance that he will aid all possible in the confirmation of Crittenden as Associate Justice of U. S. Supreme Court, and explains the delay of same. Copy. 3 p. 1829 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 16 Henry Clay. Resigned to his fate as regards his confirmation in the Senate as Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court; State judgeships in Kentucky. Copy. 1 p. 1829 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 27 Exertions of Crittenden's friends in the Senate for his confirmation as Associate Justice in the 38 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS U. S. Supreme Court ; intention of the Senate to confirm no nominations during the present ad- ministration; uncertainty of affairs at Washing- ton. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 73. 1829 Chambers, John. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Jan. 28 Refusal of the Senate to vote on Crittenden's nomination as Associate Justice of U. S. Supreme Court; rumor of death of Jackson; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871'; I, 79. 1829 Archer, W[illiam] S[egar]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Feb. 2 tenden. Opinion that Crittenden's nomination will be rejected by the Senate; assurance of his friendship; offer of future assistance. A. L. S. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 79. 1829 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 15 Henry Clay. Fate of his nomination in the Senate; opinion of Adams's administration; Clay's future occupation; the Old Court and New Court parties of Kentucky; predicts a Clay party will predominate the state. Copy. 2 p. 1829 Union Philosophical Society, of Transylvania University. May 26 [Lexington, Kentucky.] To Crittenden. Noti- fication by committee that Crittenden had been chosen orator for July celebration. L. S. by James Scott, W. B. Kedds and Cassius M. Clay, lp. 1829 Russellville, [Kentucky] Citizens. To Crittenden. In- July7 vitation to public entertainment; testimonial of confidence and admiration ; criticism of [Andrew] Jackson's political practices. L. S. by 22 signa- tures as a committee. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 76. 1829 Waddell, William Coventry H. [Washington, D. C] To Aug. 21 Crittenden. Crittenden's account against the Department of State for services. A. L. S. 1 p. 1829 Christian County. Hopkinsville [Kentucky]. To Crit- Sept. 7 tenden. Invitation to visit this district with Henry Clay. L. S. by 35 signatures as a com- mittee. 2 p. 1829 Nov. 14 1830 Mar. 22 1830 Apr. 26 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 39 Blakey, Thomas. Logan Co., Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dissatisfaction at the division of the estate of the late William Haden. A. L. S. 3 p. lee, Richard Henry. Mason County, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. The death of Lee's wife, Eliza [Crit- tenden ?] A. L. S. 1 p. Chamberlain Philosophical & Literary Society of Center College, Danville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Request for address on commencement day. L. S. by Charles G. Wintersmith and Robert Nail, committee. 1 p. 1830 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June l Henry Clay. Is confident of his own election ; his preference for Clay for Presidency; the political situation in Kentucky; Jackson's veto of Maysville Turnpike bill. Copy. 1 p. [1830?] Morehead, A. To Crittenden. Encloses amount of his June 12 note. A. L. S. 1 p. 1830 Bnrnley, Albert] T. Yellow Banks, Kentucky. To Crit- June 13 tenden. Has sent interest due; Crittenden's political struggle for election to U. S. Senate; Jackson's veto of the Maysville turnpike bill; Jackson's renomination of [Mordecai Manuel] Noah detestable ; compromise in the case of Pick- ett's heirs vs. Blight's heirs. A. L. S. 6 p. 1830 Taylor, William. Receipt for money paid by Crittenden, July 12 amount of judgment against John Murphy. D. S. as agent for Hugh [T. W.] Mercer. 1 p. 1831 Union literary Society of Miami University. Oxford, Mar. 14 Ohio. To Crittenden. Invitation to deliver an address on the 27th of September following. L. S. by C. B. Harrison and Thomas T. Thornton as a committee. 2 p. 1831 Mercer, Hugh [T. W.] Fredericksburg, [Virginia]. To May 7 Crittenden. Transfer of his business from Major William Taylor to Crittenden; Taylor's business abilities; [Henry] Clay's prospects for Presi- dency; support of the Kentucky legislature for Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1831 [Union literary Society] of Miami University. [Oxford, May 9 Ohio.] To Crittenden. Desire reply to previous invitation to address the society. L. S. by C. B. Harrison and T[homas] T. Thornton, committee. 2 p. 40 LIBEAEY OF CONGKESS 1831 McNairy, Boyd C. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Critten- May9 den. Crittenden's candidacy for the legislature; Cabinet change at Washington; approval of Jackson in Tennessee; importance of Kentucky elections. A. L. S. 2 p. 1831 Blair, F[rancis] P[reston] Washington, [D. C] To Crit- June 10 tenden. Will pay sum due Crittenden if drawn on; establishing the " Globe"; his wife has ordered it sent to Crittenden that he may read her " Hemisphere " ; Blair's children; praise of Jackson; personals.. A. L. S. 3 p. 1831 Flournoy, T. Columbus, Ohio. To Crittenden. [Henry] Sept. 24 Clay should go to the Senate instead of Critten- den. A. L. S. 1 p. 1831 Harris, Fran[k]. Sublett's Tavern, Virginia. To Critten- Sept. 28 den. Encloses money for taxes on his Ohio land; personals. Endorsed by Crittenden that the amount was paid to Hiram Harris. A. L. S. lp. 1831 Clay, Brutus J. Paris, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Di- Oct. 10 vision, sale, suit, and records concerning land owned by Mrs. Boston. A. L. S. 2 p. 1831 Macey, A. R. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Oct. 14 den. Relative to a note of T. J. & J. Roberts ; anti-Masonic nomination of [William] Wirt and its effect on Henry Clay ; meeting at Frankfort for nomination of Governor and Vice President ; proposes Crittenden for Governor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1831 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov. 20 Suit of U. S. vs. Clay as executor for [James] Morrison; anticipates a less disagreeable session of Congress; desires Crittenden's counsels and communications. A. L. S. 1 p. 1831 Buckner, Richard A. Greensburgh, [Kentucky]. To Crit- ic. 29 tenden. Gratitude for advice ; Buckner's con- duct toward his own nomination [for governor]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1832 Collins, Lewis. Maysville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Jan. 9 Withdrawal of Crittenden's subscription to the Maysville " Eagle." A. L. S. 1 p. 1832 Hanna, John. Mills Point, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 16 Crittenden to act as counsel in certain lawsuits; importance of suit of Hogue vs. Marr. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 41 1832 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 23 Henry Clay. Rejection of nomination of [Mar- tin] Van Buren [as Minister to Great Britain]; regulation of the tariff; rumor of dissension be- tween Adams and Clay; support of Richard A. Buckner for Governor. Copy. 1 p. 1832 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 27 Richard A. Buckner. Contradicts interpretation put upon his own statement as garbled by Willis relative to Buckner' s candidacy for Governor. A. D'ft. S. 4 p. 1832 Archer, W[illiam] S[egar]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Mar. 7 tenden. Difficulty in securing some appoint- ment; schoolboy recollections; peril in being governor of a state; ascendancy of Branch [T.] Archer in Texas. A. L. S. 7 p. 1832 Helm, John L. Elizabethtown, Kentucky. To Critten- Mar. 20 den. Desires to retain him as counsel; law mat- ters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1832 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Washington, D. C. To Crit- Apr. 10 tenden. Denial of statement published in a pamphlet [by James Love] relative to Crittenden not being entitled to the confidence of the party. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 83. 1832 Clay, H[enry]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. De- Apr. 15 sires attention given to two suits between Clay and [James] Morrison in Court of Appeals. A. L. S. 1 p. 1832 Edwards, Ninian. Belleville, Illinois. To Crittenden. Apr. 16 Edwards having been wrongly accused of oppos- ing the reduction of the price of public lands and granting of preemptions while in the U. S. Senate, desires a statement from Crittenden ; Edwards's true course ; fell senseless while delivering speech in Senate in favor of reduction. A. L. S. 2 p. 1832 Archer, W[illiam] S[egar]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- J ULY 8 tenden. Personal friendship; relative to ac- ceptance of a foreign mission if offered ; work of the " Kitchen Cabinet." A. L. S. 8 p. 1832 Russellville Convention. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To Sept - 9 Crittenden. Invitation to deliver address on September 27 or 28; political affairs. L. S. by seven signatures. 3 p. 42 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1832 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Nov. 17 Henry Clay. Advises Clay to continue in the U. S. Seriate; his own ambitions. Copy. 1 p. 1832 Sergeant, John. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Adverse Nov. 19 result of recent elections; [Henry] Clay's success in Kentucky; Sergeant's defeat. A. L. S. 1 p. 1832 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Nov. 24 Henry Clay. Receipt of money from estate of [James] Morrison; expects Clay in Frankfort be- fore going to Washington; Clay need not hurry to Senate, as he can not pacify the South. Copy. lp. 1832 Allan, Chilton. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. His Nov. 26 long services with the party, and present scheme that will defeat him ; asks Crittenden to intercede in his behalf. A. L. S. 3 p. 1832 Leigh, William. Halifax County, Virginia. To Critten- Nov. 27 den. Asks assistance for William Banks in his benevolent purpose ; their boyhood at Williams- burg, [College of William and Mary]. A. L. S. lp. 1832 Clay, Henry. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. His Nov. 28 service in the U. S. Senate; will proceed imme- diately to Washington. Copy. 1 p. 1833 Breckinridge, Robert. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Feb. 20 tenden. Holds promissory note from Thomas Triplett to William Tomason, past due; requests Crittenden's attention thereto. A. L. S. 1 p. 1833 Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Feb. 28 Crittenden. Regrets inability to vote for Or- lando Brown because of previous promise to vote for [James] Dana for Reporter of the Kentucky Court of Appeals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1833 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. 2 Sfamuel] S[mith] Nicholas, [Louisville, Ken- tucky]. Regret that the Judges of the Court of Appeals have committed themselves for [James] Dana for Reporter; Dana's newspaper attack on Crittenden. Copy. 1 p. 1833 Bibb, George M. Washington, [D. C] To Albert T. Apr. 5 Burnley, Yellow Banks, Kentucky. Post Office contracts ; bad condition of the roads ; busy with arguments for Bruce and Gen'l [Jas.] Taylor's claims against the Treasury; investigation of burning of the Treasury building; [Henry] Clay's PAPEES OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 43 tariff compromise bill; [Martin] Van Buren not popular. A. L. S. 5 p. 1833 Union and Jefferson Societies of Augusta College, [Ken- May20 tucky]. To Crittenden. Invitation to deliver address on Aug. 7. L. S. by ten names in same hand writing, committee. 1833 Lee, Richard Henry. e Maysville, Kentucky. To Critten- Aug. 6 den. Election of William B. Philips as mayor; prospects for the general election ; cholera in the district. A. L. S. 3 p. 1833 Harlan, James. Harrodsburg, Kentucky. To Critten- Aug. 8 den. Fears that [Thomas P.] Moore has defeated [Robert P.] Letcher for Congress; Letcher's lack of funds and organization. A. L. S. 3 p. [1833] Nicholas, Samuel Smith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Sept. 12 Crittenden. Political matters; draft of bill to regulate election of U. S. Senators. A. L. S. 5 p, inc. enclosure of 3 p. 1833 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 15 S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Kind feelings to- ward [William] Drayton as a Presidential candi- date but will stick to [Henry] Clay to the last; praise of Clay. Copy. 2 p. Bnnn, Nathan. Henderson, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Claim to land held by William R. Griffith and Calhoon; desires Crittenden's law services ; same for Elenathan Durfee. A. L. S. 2 p. Benham, Joseph A. Louisville, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Desires Crittenden as counsel for Judge [Stephen] Ormsby in suit over will of Ormsby's brother. A. L. S. 1 p. Breckinridge, James D. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crit- tenden. Suit in chancery in the Federal Court of Pager's executors vs. Bristow heirs. A. L. S. 2 p. Banks, William B. Halifax County, Virginia. To Crit- tenden. Requests supervision of legal and per- sonal affairs of brother, Henry Banks; his broth- er's misfortunes; praise for [Henry] Clay and [George M.] Bibb; land claims. A. L. S. 2 p. [1833?] Botts, William. Flemingsburg, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Desires examination of papers in suits against John McKee. A. L. S. 2 p. 1833 Sept . 16 1833 Oct. 3 1833 Nov. 12 1833 Dec. 3 44 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1834 Clay, H[enry]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 8 Appointments of Monroe and Saunders approved ; Virginia and New York elections; Senate has not concurrence of House of Representatives; Orlando Brown in Washington; shameless party spirit in the House of Representatives. A. L. S. lp. 1834 Haydon, John W. Hancock County, [Kentucky]. Plain- Apr. 29 tiff in suit against St. Clair Young; judgment for defendant; appeal. Copy. 4 p. 1834 Morehead, James T. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To May 17 Crittenden. Demand for Congressional docu- ments reporting debates; Clay's latest speech; Decline of the Jackson party. A. L. S. 4 p. 1834 Elkton [Kentucky] Citizens. To Crittenden. Citizens call May 19 a convention to meet July 4th to consider dangerous assumption of power by President Jackson, invite Crittenden to be present. L. S. by 9 names in one handwriting. 2 p. 1834 Love, James. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Strife May 27 for presidential succession; President Jackson abandoned by Virginia and New York; presi- dential candidates; interests of [John] McLean, [Martin] Van Buren, and [Henry] Clay. The debate on Jackson's " Protest"; President's hostility to present U. S. Bank; contest for the speaker's chair; Cabinet appointments; in midst of election contest between [Thomas P.] Moore and [Robert P. Letcher]; talent in the House of Representatives; praise for Crittenden. A. L. S. 8 p. 1834 Love, James. [Washington, D.C.] To Crittenden. Love's May 30 views of next presidency differ not from those of [Henry] Clay ; election contest between [Thomas P.] Moore and [Robert P.] Letcher about closed; confirmation of [Mahlon] Dickerson [as Secretary of the Navy] and [Andrew] Stevenson [as minister to Great Britain]; Jackson party threatens to punish U. S. Bank officials for contempt; note- worthy speech of [Amos] Davis; [Robert P.] Letcher will owe his seat to [Amos] Davis; wig- wam still in trouble; "Mrs. [John Henry] Eaton is against Jackson." A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 45 1834 Mclean, Alney. Greenville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. June 17 Denounces President Jackson and his policies ; candidates for the state election; expects much good from the Elkton [Kentucky] convention. A. L. S. 3 p. 1834 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June 19 Randolph Railey, Jr. Order to Railey on Wil- liam D. Young for amount of judgment obtained for A. F. Price's administrators; Railey's receipt on reverse. Copy. 2 p. 1834 Coleman, Chapman. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- June29 den. Efforts and plans of Charles [Anderson] Wickliffe to defeat Crittenden for the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 2 p. 1834 Morehead, James T. Allensville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Aug. 5 tenden. Sends official blanks; election returns. A. L. S. 1 p. 1834 Madison, James. Montpelier, [Virginia]. To George Joy. Sept. 9 Incident in the life of Lafayette ; certain letters sent to [John Quincy] Adams; orders in Council relative to the embargo; detailed cir- cumstances attending the declaration of war [of 1812] and its termination; practice of im- pressment by Great Britain; failing in health. Copy. 6 p. Wickliffe, C[harles] A[nderson]. Springfield, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Denies that he has spoken abusively of Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Urges him to inter- pose in the expected duel between Marshall and Rowan. Copy. 1 p. Enrodelphian Society of Saint Josephs College. Bards- town, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Invitation to deliver an address on April 14. L. S. by 4 names in one handwriting, committee. 1 p. Cincinnati Citizens. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Crittenden. Invitation to attend celebration of first settle- ment by native citizens on April 7th. L. S. by A. G. Gano, chairman, and A. N. Riddle, secre- tary. 1 p. 1835 Whig Society of South Hanover College. South Hanover, Apr. 6 Indiana. To Crittenden. Informs him that he has been made an honorary member, and invites 1834 Nov. 14 1834 Dec. 18 1835 Feb. 7 1835 Mar. 31 46 LIBKABY OF CONGEESS him to deliver oration at commencement. L. S. by Samuel H. Thomson and George F. Whit- worth, committee, in one handwriting. 2 p. 1835 Professional Teachers State Convention. Lexington, Ken- Aug. 10 tucky. To Crittenden. Invitation to deliver an address during first week in November. L. S. by J. Dunham, Rev. R. Davidson, and J. L. Van Doren, committee, in one handwriting. 1 p. 1835 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Dec. 23 J[ames] T. Morehead, [William] Owsley, J[ohn] Harvie, and Orlando Brown. Affairs with France; [William Henry] Harrison nominated for Presidency by Pennsylvania, and its impor- tance; Anti-Masonic Convention of Pennsylva- nia of no consequence; thinks Kentucky should immediately adopt nominations of Pennsylvania ; great contest in Virginia for [Hugh Lawson] White ; [Daniel] Webster not justly appreciated ; contest settled against him, and he has Critten- den's sympathy. Copy. 6 p. 1836 Marshall, Humphrey. To Crittenden. Affairs with France ; Jan. 5 the President's actions, rights, and powers rela- tive to France and France's course. Copy. 2 p. 1836 Daggett, David. New Haven, [Connecticut]. To Crit- Jan. 6 tenden. Condemns present "Jack Cade" ad- ministration; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1836 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Or- Jan. 7 lando Brown. British offer and acceptance of mediation for settlement of our differences with France. Copy. 2 p. 1836 Reeves, B. H. Fayette, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Price Jan. 13 of Crittenden's lands in Missouri; [Hugh Lawson] White, Whig favorite for Presidential nomination in Missouri; [William H.] Ashley is announced as a candidate for Governor of Missouri. A. L. S. 2 p. 1836 Harvie, J[ohn]. Richmond, Virginia. To Crittenden. Li- Jan. 18 troducing Hodijah [B.] Meade with great praise; Van Buren party preponderant in Virginia; per- sonals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1836 Buford, John. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Jan. 25 Bill to raise the salaries of judges rejected by Kentucky Senate ; divorce bill; [Louisville, Ken- tucky],. Cincinnati [Ohio] and Charleston [South PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 47 Carolina] railroad charter; harmony in Frank- fort; [Henry] Clay's letter accepting senatorship. A. L. S. 2 p. 1836 Marshall, Humphrey]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- Feb. 3 tenden. His pension memorial to Congress ; de- sires to know the cause of its delay; opinion on his claims. A. L. S. 3 p. 1836 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 11 Crittenden's maiden speech; how the news was received by Crittenden's family; character of [Willie P.] Mangum; passage of the [Louisville], Cincinnati and Charleston railroad bill; bill bor- rowing and appropriating a million dollars passed ; State elections and candidates. A. L. S. 4 p. 1836 Marshall, Humphrey]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- Feb. 27 tenden. His pension claim; criticizes actions of [J. L.] Edwards; Marshall's previous statement and knowledge of the character of Mrs. [Andrew] Jackson; affairs with France ; slavery in District of Columbia. A. L. S. 3 p. 1836 Washington L[iterary] Society, of Washington College, M^R- 4 Washington, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. No- tification of having made him an honorary mem- ber, and congratulating him for the faithful dis- charge of his duties to the public. L. S. by J. F. Irons, A. Jones, in one handwriting, and T. Mc- Giffin. 1 p. 1836 Athenian Society, of Indiana College. Bloomington, In- M^R- 8 diana. To Crittenden. Notification of election as honorary member and invitation to deliver an address on last Wednesday in September. L. S. by J. W. Lowe, A. J. Thickstun, and M. M. Campbell, all in one handwriting. 2 p. 1836 Marshall, Humphrey]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- MaR- 27 tenden. His pension claim before Congress ; wishes to know cause of delay; condemns J. L. Edwards; political condition of the country un- der present administration. 2 A. L's. S. 2 p. and 4 p. 1836 Metcalfe, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. ApR - 5 Notification of appointment as representative of Kentucky to a convention to meet in Knoxville, 48 LIBEAKY OF CONGKESS Tenn., July 4th, to consider the construction of the [Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston] Rail- road. A. L. S. 2 p. 1836 Letcher, R[obert] P[reston]. Lancaster, [Kentucky]. To May 3 Crittenden. [James] Clark's gubernatorial cam- paign; criticism of Clark; comparison of [Daniel] Webster with [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 7 p. Printed (in part) : Coleman, Life of Crittenden Phila., 1871, I, 98. 1836 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To June 3 Mrs. J. B. Whiting, Unsuccessful endeavor to have her husband stationed at Louisville. A. L. S. 2 p. 1836 Woodford County Citizens. Versailles, [Kentucky]. To July 13 Crittenden, Lexington, Kentucky. Invitation to a public dinner to be given in his honor; praise. L. S. by 9 names in one handwriting as a committee. 1. p. 1836 Franklin County Citizens. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 18 Crittenden, [Frankfort, Kentucky]. Invitation to a public dinner; great praise. L. S. by 10 signatures as a committee. 1836 Reily, John. Berlin, [Germany]. To Crittenden. Leaves Aug. 2 Berlin for St. Petersburg; expensive living at St. Petersburg; cost of furs and travel; St. Petersburg's growing importance as a consular station; desires diplomatic mission in Germany. A. L. S. 3 p. 1836 Pope, Nathaniel. Kaskaskia, Illinois. To Crittenden. Aug. 3 Appreciations for favors; condemns [Benjamin W.] Leigh for his attitude relative to claims on Virginia ; Illinois elections ; surplus revenue and popularity of [Henry] Clay's land bill; condemns exaction of specie for public lands; believes [William H.] Ashley is elected Governor of Mis- souri. A. L. S. 3 p. 1836 Railey, Randolph, Jr. Versailles, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Nov. 13 tenden. Inquiry relative to disposal by Railey of money received from [William D.] Young for Crittenden; other legal business; Railey leaves • for Mississippi; hopes [William Henry] Harrison will be elected. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPEKS OF JOHN JOBDAN CRITTENDEN 49 1836 Pope, Nathaniel. Kaskaskia, Illinois. To Crittenden, Nov. 20 Washington, [D. C] Favorable intelligence as to the Presidential election in various states; sends additional testimony for Pope's bill before Congress; purposes to be elected to the Senate in December. A. L. S. 2 p. 1836 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Dec. 10 T[homas] L[eonidas] Crittenden, [New Orleans, Louisiana?] Location of various members of the family throughout the country; extended advice as to his character, habits, and behavior. A. L. S. 8 p. Printed in part: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 99. [1836?] Taylor, Z[achary]. To [Abijah] Mann, [Jr.] Full and lengthy discussion approving Mann's course in introducing to Congress resolution to do away with General in Chief of the Army and equalizing the pay of officers of the Army and Navy. L. S. 52 p. Marked "Copy." [1836?] Porter, A[lexander]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Texas and Sam Houston's victory before the Senate; three private bills, one for a pension. A. L. S. 2 p. 1837 Bntler, B[enjamin] F[ranklin]. [Washington, D. C] Cir- Jan. 11 cular stating that the War Department has stocks and bonds belonging to Indian tribes and that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs has entire charge of this business. Copy. 1837 Pope, Nathaniel. Kaskaskia, Illinois. To Crittenden. Jan. 16 Pope's claims before Congress presented by [Lewis Fields] Linn; Crittenden's speech in an- swer to [Thomas Hart] Benton; salary of district judges and comparative value of same to ten years past. A. L. S. 3 p. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, Jan. 28 Lexington, Kentucky. Funds of Indians on hand for buying state bonds. Copy. On same document with Butler Circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Dudley, P[eter]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To [Henry] Clay Jan. 30 and Crittenden. Previous transmission to Secre- tary of War of an application to Congress for indemnity for loss in cost of equipping the Regiment of Volunteer mounted gunners of 52880°— 13 4 50 PAPEBS OF JOHN JORDAN CEITTENDEN Kentucky in service of the U. S. [in war of 1812]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1837 Meade, H[odijah] B. Hermitage, [Virginia.] To Critten- Feb. 4 den. Claim in Congress for half pay due his father for Revolutionary War services; con- demns Virginia's Senators. A. L. S. 2 p. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To Rpchard] Mar. 9 M[entor] Johnson. No funds at present for pur- chasing bonds of Northern Bank of Kentucky; will have funds within six months. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, Mar. 20 Lexington, Kentucky. Circular stating that the Office of Indian Affairs frequently has funds for purchase of State stocks, giving manner of pur- chase. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. [Lexington, Kentucky]. To Mar. 21 John Tilford. C[arey] A. Harris will purchase State bonds during the coming summer. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Mar. 21 C[arey] A. Harris, [Washington, D. C] Bonds for sale are for State of Kentucky and not for bank, but has informed Major [John] Tilford that the sale is closed; Northern Bank has agreed to dispose of bonds ; importance of giving Western States advantages of public money; bonds for previous sale will be forwarded. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11 1837. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, Apr. 4 Lexington, Kentucky. Bonds received, insuffi- cient funds for purchasing all, but can do so within few days. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Eakin, James. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, May 9 Lexington, Kentucky. Remittance of amount due for Kentucky State bonds purchased for Indians. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. PAPEBS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 51 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, May 9 Lexington, Kentucky. Transmission of money for Kentucky [State] bonds. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, May 12 Lexington, Kentucky. Secretary of the Treas- ury on account of the derangement of monied affairs in New York declines making amount of [Kentucky State] bonds payable there. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To James Clark, May 17 Frankfort, Kentucky. Interest on Kentucky State bonds will be accepted only in gold or silver or its equivalent. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Pope, Nathaniel. Kaskaskie, Illinois. To Crittenden. June 7 Disappointed in not meeting Crittenden in St. Louis ; extra session of Congress ; [Thomas Hart] Benton, currency and the U. S. Bank. A. L. S. 3 p. 1837 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain. To [Andrew Jackson] June 27 President of the United States. Commission of Henry Stephen Fox as Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States. Copy. 3 p. Certifica- tion by Daniel Webster. Department of State seal attached. 1 p. 1837 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To J[ames] T. June 28 Morehead, Frankfort, Kentucky. On account of derangement of money affairs of the county, the [War] Department can not fulfil its provisional arrangement for purchase of Kentucky State bonds. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Marshall, J[ohn] J[ay]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- June30 tenden. Claim of Mrs. Innes against Marshall; McKinney's suit against Marshall. A. L. S. 2 p. 1837 Porter, Alexander]. Oak Lawn, [Louisiana]. To Crit- JuLY 2 tenden. Character of circuit judge of Louisiana; condition of the currency; Whigs in Congress should not propose a national bank. A. L. S. 3 p. 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1837 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordaD]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 14 S[amuel] Sfmith] Nicholas. Nicholas' speech at Louisville relative to currency and banks. Copy. lp. 1837 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. White Sulphur Springs, [Ken- July 31 tucky]. To Crittenden. Annoyed by the suit of Dorr, and desires [William] Owsley as counsel; fee in steamboat Providence suit. A. L. S. 1 p. 1837 Bullock, J[ames] M. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Aug. 16 den. Gives plisposition made of surplus revenue of the United States deposited with the State of Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1837 Porter, Alexander]. Oak Lawn, [Louisiana]. ToCritten- Sept. 11 den. Effect of recent elections on President Van Buren's message; decline of the Jackson party. A. L. S. 3 p. [1837] Crittenden, [John Jordan]. Speech delivered in U. S. Sen- Sept. 27 ate on the proposed financial system. Copy sent by G[ales] & S[eaton], printers, for correction. 29 p. 1837 Tilford, John. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To K[ichard] Oct. 5 M[entor] Johnson, [Washington, D. C] [War Department's] inability to purchase Kentucky State bonds ; wishes to know when it will be able to do so. Copy. On same document with But- ler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. [1837] Crittenden, [John Jordan]. Speech delivered in U. S. Sen- Oar. 12 ate on constitutionality of laws on Bankruptcy. Copy sent by G[ales] & Sfeaton], printers, for cor- rection. 19 p. 1837 Harris, Cfarey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, Oct. 17 Lexington, Kentucky. War Department is ar- ranging to carry out its agreement to purchase Kentucky State bonds. Copy. On same docu- ment with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 White, Joseph M. New York. To Crittenden. Sends Nov. 15 Crittenden two baskets of champagne. A. L. S. ip. 1837 Hnston, Felix. Vicksburg, [Mississippi]. To Crittenden. Dec. 1 Introduces [Sergeant Smith] Prentiss. A. L. S. lp. 1837 Stevenson, Thomas B. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Dec. 8 tenden. Appointment of Stevenson by the PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 53 Franklin Agricultural Society to prepare a memo- rial to Kentucky Legislature to enact a law pro- viding for geological survey of the State; re- quests information to be used in same. A. L. S. lp. 1837 Dorman, C. P. Lexington, Virginia. To Crittenden. Dec. 10 [Whig] victories in New York; Van Buren's mes- sage undignified; Whigs and Jackson party of Virginia desire that [Henry] Clay succeed Van Buren; has quit public life. A. L. S. 2 p. 1837 Stevenson, Thomas B. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Dec. 12 tenden. Geological survey law up before Ken- tucky Legislature ; desires plan of the Massachu- setts Agricultural Society; Van Buren's message. A. L. S. 1 p. 1837 Metcalfe, Thomas. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Dec. 19 den. Asks cooperation in procuring appoint- ment of Barton S. Alexander as a cadet [to West Point] ; the Convention Bill debated in the Ken- tucky Legislature. A. L. S. 2 p. 1837 Brown, 0[rlando]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Dec. 20 den. Passage of the Convention Bill by Ken- tucky Legislature; probable result. A. L. S. lp. 1837 Tilford, John. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To C[arey] A. Dec. 25 Harris, Washington, D. C. Kentucky Legisla- ture desires of Governor [James] Clark informa- tion in regard to sale of [Kentucky] State bonds ; wishes time named when the money for bonds can be expected; more Kentucky bonds for dis- posal. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1837 Owsley, William. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dec 31 Bequests Crittenden to subscribe for the Balti- more " Patriot" for him; probable result of the Convention bill. A. L. S. 1 p. [1837?] Cass, Lew[is]. Brief and argument to Congress for cor- recting pension of Thomas Quartrill. Copy. 3 p. 1838 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Memoranda of judgment of Jan. l [Mrs.] Innes vs. [John J.] Marshall. A. D. S. 1 p. 1 838 Harris, C[arey] A. [Washington, D. C] To John Tilford, J AN - 3 Lexington, Kentucky. As soon as treaties be- fore the Senate are passed the Kentucky State 54 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS bonds can be taken; more Indian funds for bonds. Copy. On same document with Butler circular, Jan. 11, 1837. 1838 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 7 0[rlando] Brown, [Louisville, Kentucky]. Letter of [John] Calhoun; Brown's explanation to [Henry] Clay; recommends Kentucky's attitude towards [Henry] Clay and William Henry Harri- son for Presidency; disapproves Convention bill in Kentucky. Copy. 4 p. 1838 Wickliffe, C[harles] A[nderson]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Jan. 13 To Crittenden. Opposition to Jackson and Van Buren administrations; convention bill not ap- proved by the people; [James] Guthrie's alle- giance to Van Buren ; opinion of John C. Calhoun. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Brown, Mason. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Jan. 24 School affairs of Robert [Henry Crittenden] ; con- stitutional convention will fail; Legislature ar- ranges for free school and water supply by lot- tery. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. [Washington, D. C. ?] To Jan. 31 Crittenden. Gratitude for favors ; will pay him for trouble in compromising suit as to the steam- boat Providence. A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Noland, C. F. M. Batesville, Arkansas. To Crittenden. Feb. 4 Whig's interest in abolition ; denounces John C. Calhoun and South Carolina ; newspaper indorse- ment of [Henry] Clay for President; Arkansas Legislature. A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. [Washington, D. C] To Feb. 5 Crittenden. Sorry he can not send a greater sum of money. A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Brown, Mason. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 19 Praise for work of last [Kentucky] Legislature; condemns convention bill; newspapers will op- pose convention if they speak at all, but " Jour- nal's" course not known; [Henry] Clay's increas- ing popularity. A. L. S. 5 p. 1838 Duncan, Garnett. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 20 Encloses a missive for President [Van Buren]; welfare of [Thomas L. Crittenden] who has aban- doned his trip to Texas; praise for Mrs. Chap- man Coleman and her affection for her father PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 55 [Crittenden]; Kentucky banks again in opera- tion. A. L. S. 3 p. 1838 Wingate, Thomas S. Shelby County, Kentucky. To Feb - 22 Henry Clay and Crittenden. Transmits resolu- tions of the Clear Creek Academy Polemic Society approving the talents and exertions of, and ex- pressing confidence in Clay and Crittenden and sanctioning the legislature's nomination of Henry Clay for President and pledging their support. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Crittenden, [John Jordan]. Speech delivered in the U.S. Feb. 22 Senate in opposition to the subtreasury. Re- porter's copy. 55 p. 1838 Pope, Nathaniel. Kaskaskia, Illinois. To Crittenden. Mar. 1 Pleased with Crittenden's speech on [John C] Calhoun's abstractions; will support [Henry] Clay as a candidate for President; preemption law; insincerity of the supporters of the subtreasury; Pope's bill before Congress. A. L. S. 3 p. 1838 Tucker, [Nathaniel] B[everly]. Williamsburg, [Virginia]. Mar. 9 To Crittenden. Introducing Dr. Peachy ; invita- tion to join in the celebration at Williamsburg, Virginia, of Virginia's Declaration of Independ- ence on May 15th; college days. A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Johnson, Francis. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Mar. 9 den. Political effect of duel between [William J.] Graves and [Jonathan] Cilley; the Kentucky Constitutional Convention as a party question; subtreasury scheme ; [Henry] Clay and other can- didates for Presidency; time for national con- vention. A. L. S. 3 p. 1838 Porter, Alexander]. Oak Lawn, [Louisiana]. ToCritten- Mar. 9 den. Duel between [William J.] Graves and [Jonathan] Cilley. Appointment of Porter as a delegate to the National Whig Convention ; time and place of holding same; rejoices over [Henry] Clay's chances for success. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Forsyth, John. Washington, [D. C] To Andrew Stev- Mar. 12 enson, [London, England]. Detailed account of burning of the steamboat Caroline by the British at Schlosser, New York, for presentation to Great Britain for redress. Copy. 11 p. Certificate by Daniel Webster with Department of State seal attached. 1 p. 56 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1838 Hunt, Memucan. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden Mar. 24 Texas's fertility and productiveness necessitates, system of paper credit and requests Crittenden to furnish an abstract of a plan for such. A. L. S. 4 p. 1838 Clark, James. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Apr. 12 Requests Crittenden and Richard M[entor] John- son to compel the War Department to fulfill a contract wherein Kentucky agreed to sell Internal Improvement bonds to C[arey] A.Harris as Com- missioner of Indian Affairs. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Thomas L[eonidas] Crittenden, Louisville, Ken- tucky. Advice, personal, and family matters. A. L. S. 3 p. Ingersoll, J[oseph] R[eed]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Introduces Charles S[tewart] Davies, who goes to Washington relative to the boundary dispute between Maine and Canada. A. L. S. 1 p. Butler, A[nthony]. Augusta, Georgia. To Crittenden. Departure from Washington; affairs with [Henry] Clay ; Resumes practice of law and requests return of law books loaned to Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. William & Mary College students. [Williamsburg, Vir- ginia.] To Crittenden. Invitation to a celebra- tion on July 4. L. S. by 5 names in one hand- writing. Leigh, B[enjamin] W[atkins]. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Leigh's illness; interest in Presi- dential candidates; prefers [Henry] Clay; [John C] Calhoun's pseudo-disclosure to the Richmond Whig. A. L. S. 4 p [1838?] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky To [July 10] Crittenden, Frankfort, Kentucky. Sends scheme for [Henry] Clay to effect a compromise with [Martin] Van Buren. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Tallmadge, N[athaniel] P[itcher]. Washington, [D. C] July 15 To Crittenden Publication of his " Remarks" on [Silas] Wright's proposition to repeal the Deposit act. A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Benson, John S. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. July 16 Desires the privilege of writing Crittenden's biog- raphy. A. L. S. 3 p. 1838 Apr. 28 1838 May 10 1838 May 16 1838 June 4 1838 June 5 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 57 1838 Woodford County Citizens. Versailles, Kentucky. To July 31 Crittenden. Invitation to a public dinner to be given to H[enry] Clay, Crittenden, and Richard Hawes on August 10. L. S. by 7 names in one handwriting. 1838 White, Hugh L[awson]. Freeland, [Tennessee]. To Crit- Sept. l tenden. Their friendship; Jacksonism is like small pox; fever in Tennessee. A. L. S. 3 p. 1838 [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Brief in the case of Curd Steel Sept. et al. vs. Wallace Bennett. A. D. 35 p. 1838 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Oct. 29 James Brestow, Lexington, Kentucky. Critten- den's suit against Brestow on a promissory note. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Slaughter, Phil. Culpeper, Virginia. To Crittenden, Nov. 23 Washington, D. C. Service with Crittenden's father in the War of the Revolution; introduces John B. Dade, an applicant for appointment as doorkeeper of the Senate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1838 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Dec. 3 Maria K. Crittenden. Safe arrival; upsetting of coach; temporarily at Brown's Tavern. A. L. S. 2 p. 1838 Thornton, Mrs. Mobile, Alabama. To Critter den. Safe Dec 17 arrival; family matters. A. L. 3 p. 1839 Breckinridge, John. Albany, [New York]. To Critten- Jan. 2 den. Desires autographs for William B. Sprague of Crittenden and of other prominent Kentucki- ans. A. L. S. 2 p. 1839 Spragne, W[illiam] B. Albany, New York. To Critten- Jan. 2 den. Desires autographs of well-known persons of Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. 1839 Wickliffe, R[obert]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Jan. 2 den. Suit of Poage vs. Waldron; condition of the banks in Kentucky; affairs in the Kentucky Legislature. A. L. S. 3 p. [1839] Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Jan. 29 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Sends shell presented by Capt. Armstrong, in care of [Albert T.] Burn- ley; recent assembly ball; family matters ; [Gar- rett] Davis not a doubtful friend. A. L. S. 3 p. 1839 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Feb. 28 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Departure for home; debate in the Senate ; marriage of [Joseph Rogers] 58 LIBEAKY OF CONGKESS Underwood to [Elizabeth] Cox. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 109. 1839 love, James. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Mar. 3 Payment to [Albert T.] Burnley; departure for Texas; rebellion in Mexico; pushing the Indian westward; securing a loan for Texas; compari- son of affairs in the United States with those in Texas. A. L. S. 3 p. 1839 Gales & Seaton. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 1 Request for printing speech made by Crittenden in favor of his own bill against spoils system. A. L. S. 1 p. 1839 Vicksburg Citizens. Mississippi. To Crittenden, Vicks- Apr. 5 burg, Mississippi. Invitation to a public dinner. L. S. by 7 signatures, as a committee. 1 p. 1839 Prentiss, Sfergeant] S[mith]. Vicksburg, Mississippi. To Apr. 16 Crittenden, Frankfort, Kentucky. Incloses money for Morris ; disappointed at missing Crit- tenden at Vicksburg and Natchez; hopeful of Whig success in Mississippi. A. L. S. 2 p. 1839 Maysville Athenaeum. Maysville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Apr. 19 tenden. Notification of Crittenden's election as an honorary member. A. L. S. by William P. Connell, Corresponding Secretary. 1839 Dickins, Asbury. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 19 Circular letter transmitting " The Collection of Acts of Congress and Official Instructions and Opinions Respecting Public Lands," in two vol- umes. Printed circular. 1839 Chamberlain and Demologian Societies of Centre College. May 20 , Danville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Invita- tion to deliver address in September. L. S. by Presley Ewing and Thomas H. Wallace. 1 p. 1839 William and Mary College Students. [Williamsburg, Vir- May23 ginia.] To Crittenden. Invitation to a dinner on July 4th. L. S. by seven names in one hand- writing, as a committee. 1 p. 1839 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June 11 Albert T. Burnley. Burnley's proposed trip to Europe [to secure money for Texas] ; scarcity of money in London; [Clement] Biddle may aid Burnley; encouraged by Virginia election re- turns. Copy. 3 p. PAPEBS OF JOHN JOKDAN CEITTENDEN 59 1839 Ewing, Philemon B. Oxford, Ohio. To Crittenden. No- June 24 tification of election as honorary member of the Miami Lpterary ?] Society of Miami University. A. L. S. 1 p. 1839 Campbell, John. Washington, [L>. C] To Crittenden. July 12 High appreciation of Crittenden's letter and good opinion; corroboration of [Benjamin] Watkins Leigh's very adverse opinion of the Van Buren- ites, and will endeavor to defeat them. A. L. S. 2 p. 1839 Hamilton, Alexander]. New York. To Crittenden. Li- July 12 closes a caricature showing the antipathy of the pure democracy of the North to Southern inter- ests; abolition cause; advocates a visit by [Henry] Clay through the North; troubles at- tributable to the subtreasury; the [New York] Herald adverse to Whigs, but destroying popu- larity of [Van Buren]. A. L. S. 4 p. 1839 Marshall, J[ohn] J[ay]. Kosedale, Kentucky. To Crit- Aug. 20 tenden. Marshall's financial difficulties; pros- pects of the different Whig candidates for Presi- dential nomination. A. L. S. 3 p. 1839 Tennessee Whigs. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Sept. 23 den. Invitation from the Whig Mechanics and young men of Nashville and the General Whig Committee of Davidson County, Tennessee, to visit Tennessee in company with [Henry] Clay. L. S. by seven signatures. 1 p. 1839 Connell, William P. Maysville, Kentucky. To Crit- Oct. 19 tenden. Explanation for not previously notify- ing Crittenden of his election as an honorary member of the Maysville Athenaeum. A. L. S. lp. 1839 Campbell, John. Abingdon, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Dec. 4 Writings for the press; the press in Abingdon; Virginia in the next Presidential election ; oppo- sition to Van Buren. A. L. S. 2 p. 1839 Parmalee, S. N. New York. Receipt to Crittenden. Dec. 13 Payment for engraving of "the last days of Daniel Webster." D. S. 1 p. 1839 Johnson, Francis. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden, Dec. 16 Washington, [D. C] Surprised at the result of the Harrisburg convention; behavior of the Ken- tucky delegation; hostility to the present ad- 60 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS ministration; comparison of [John] Tyler with [Nathaniel P.] Tallmadge; approves action of [John Quincy] Adams. A. L. S. 2 p. 1839 Porter, Alexander]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- Dec. 18 tenden. Nomination of [William Henry] Harri- son for President ; predicts defeat for the Whigs ; sympathy for [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. 1839 Bullitt, Alexander] C. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Dec. 21 Crittenden. Disappointment over the nomina- tion of [William Henry] Harrison; uphill work to produce a Harrison sensation in the South; cause of the nomination in preference to [Henry] Clay; Whig prospects. A. L. S. 4 p. 1839 Brown, Ofrlando]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Dec. 21 den. [Henry] Clay's noble attitude toward the nomination of [William Henry] Harrison; Chil- ton Allen and contest for governorship in Ken- tucky; abolitionists; legislative matters; inter- nal improvements; sermon of Robert [Jefferson] Breckinridge; Preston family history. A. L. S. 4 p. 1839 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. CJ To Dec. 30 [Albert T.] Burnley. Urges Burnley to proceed to Texas immediately ; rejection by Texas Senate of appointment of [Richard G.] Dunlap as minis- ter to U. S. Copy. 3 p. [1839] Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Brief in suit of Carry McCon- nell against William Wallace. A. D. S. 4 p. [183-?] Hudson, Robert E. New York. To Crittenden. Trial of Dec. 13 a new telegraph system in New York; invitation to send a representative; Level one of the in- ventors; its possibilities. A. L. S. 4 p. 1840 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, [D. CJ To Jan. 2 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Time of her departure for Washington; his visit to the President [Van Buren]; gossip. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 116. 1840 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. CJ To Jan. 5 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Severeness of the win- ter; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1840 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. [Washington, D. CJ To Jan. 8 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Her health; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 116. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 61 1840 Goethian Literary Society of Marshall College. Mercers- Jan. 9 burg, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Notifica- tion of his election as an honorary member. L. S. by 3 names in one handwriting as a committee, lp. 1840 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Henry Jan. 10 Clay. Observations in Europe; status of the debts and credit of the separate States of the U. S. abroad is poor ; rates of interest to the States compared with that charged England and Hol- land; plan for establishing credit by the U. S. paying the debts of the States from sale of public land; favors amending the Constitution and pre- venting States from borrowing money; result of Burnley's mission abroad for obtaining loan for Texas A L. S. 8 p. 1840 Thompson, James M. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Critten- Jan. 22 den. Friendship of John M[inor] Botts towards Crittenden relative to Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 2 p. 1840 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Jan. 27 A[nn] M[ary] B[utler] Coleman. Dullness in Washington during holiday season occasioned by ignorance in the art of compounding eggnogs; personals. Copy. 1 p. 1840 Webster, Daniel. Washington, [D. C] To Rfobert] Feb. 21 P[reston] Letcher. Endeavors to obtain the re- lease of [William Logan?] Crittenden; necessity of a sound currency; has no desire to go abroad. Copy. 1 p. 1840 Mayes, Daniel. Jackson, [Mississippi]. To Crittenden. Mar. 4 Law case for Judge Clifton; scarcity of money in Mississippi; deplorable condition of politics; praise for [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1840 Hamilton, Jfames]. Charleston, South Carolina. To Mar. 6 Crittenden. Encloses letter for [Albert T.] Burnley; awaits despatches from Texas before he starts for Europe; if the Mexicans cross the Rio Grande their army will be annihilated. A. L. S. 2 p. 1840 Schley, Wplliam]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- Mar. 23 den. Encloses five dollars ; hopes Crittenden will fight the Van Burenites ; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 62 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1840 Apr. 2 1840 MayI 1840 May 21 1840 June 4 1840 June 4 1840 June 10 1840 June 10 1840 June 13 1840 June*L3 1840 June 14 Second Presbyterian Church, Trustees. Baltimore, [Mary- land]. Resolutions of thanks to William Schley, J[ohn] J[ordan] Crittenden and W[illiam] C[amp- bell] Preston for services in the trial of Rev. [Robert J.] Breckinridge. 3 p. Printed in part: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871, I, 129. Tippecanoe Club, Allegheny, [Pennsylvania]. To Critten- den. Invitation to deliver an address. Printed circular. 1 p. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Lancaster, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Campaign through Kentucky for his election as Governor; favorable prospects; opposition by [Robert] French ; [William Henry] Harrison gaining in this State ; Van Buren party making no effort ; friends of Governor [James K.] Polk using [Richard Mentor] Johnson badly. A. L. S. 3 p. Wilkinson, S. Cadiz, Kentucky. To Crittenden. De- sires receipt for fee sent; list of 48 persons to whom he requests [Whig] documents sent. A. L. S. 2 p. Green, Duff. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Calling attention to article to appear in the " Pilot" that will prostrate [Amos] Kendall; cir- culation increasing. A. L. S. 2 p. Maryland Whigs, First Congressional District. To Crit- tenden. Invitation to celebration of American Independence at Barren Creek Springs, Somerset County, Maryland. Printed circular. 1 p. Hanover County, Virginia Citizens. To Crittenden. In- vitation to attend with Henry Clay a public din- ner at Taylorsville, Virginia. L. S. by 7 names in one handwriting. 1 p. Allnutt, George R. W. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- tenden. Requests copy of his speech in reply to Senator [William] Allen. A. L. S. 1 p. Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Dover, Delaware. To Crit- tenden. Requests him to attend a Whig meet- ing at Delaware City ; " Old Tip " [William Henry Harrison] will carry Delaware; importance of Delaware Senatorial contest. A. L. S. 1 p. Thomson, James W. Wilmington, [Delaware]. To Crit- tenden. Invitation to sojourn at his house with PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 63 [William Campbell] Preston while attending Whig political meetings in Delaware. A. L. S. lp. 1840 Pittsylvania County Whigs, Danville, Virginia. To Crit- June 16 tenden. Invitation to attend with Waddy Thompson a public dinner at Danville, Virginia. L. S. by 12 names. 1 p. 1840 Pennsylvania [Whigs], Dauphin County. To Crittenden. June 16 Invitation to Independence day celebration at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. L. S. by a com- mittee. 1 p. 1840 Tucker, [Nathaniel] B[everly] Williamsburg, [Virginia]. June 25 To Crittenden. Refers to the genealogy of the Innes Family. A. L. S. 2 p. 1840 Epelstyn, Charles. Livingston, [New York]. To Na- Jxjly 6 thaniel P[itcher] Tallmadge, Washington, [D. C] Detailed account of the Whig celebration at Hud- son on the 4th inst. ; the eloquent address of [John Jordan] Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1840 Tallmadge, N[athaniel] P[itcher]. Washington, [D. C] July 22 To Crittenden. Incloses letter [from Charles Epelstyn, [July 6, 1840]. A. L. S. 1 p. [1840] Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Madisonville, [Kentucky]. July 22 To M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Kind treatment re- ceived on his tour through Kentucky; speeches made; Whigs in Kentucky aroused. A. L. S. 2 p. 1840 Newton, A[lbert]0. London, England. ToE. P. Johnson. Oct. 16 Charge of forgery against Newton; his busi- ness transactions and connection with the rail- road company. Copy. 5 p. 1840 Corwin, Thomas. Lebanon, Ohio. To Crittenden, Frank- Nov. 20 fort, Kentucky. Construction of President Har- rison's Cabinet; Crittenden and [Henry] Clay as Cabinet appointees ; number of speeches made by Corwin; confidence in President Harrison. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 130. 1840 Letcher, E[obert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Nov. 30 Crittenden. [William Henry] Harrison's visit to Frankfort; effort made for appointment of Charles A Wickliffe as Postmaster General, and "The Young Duke" [Robert Wickliffe, Jr.], pri- 64 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS vate secretary; great feasting in Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 131. 1840 Beaty, Martin. Monticello, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dec. 1 Coalition against [Henry] Clay and his friends; opposition party to be molded by Amos Kendall ; grounds upon which attack will be made. A. L. S. 2 p. 1840 Butler, Pierce M. Columbia, South Carolina. To Crit- Dec. 3 tenden. Congratulations upon the Whig success in Presidential election; hopes to see Crittenden at the head of the War Department or Attorney General; presents him with an imported mare. A. L. S. 4 p. 1840 Johnson, Francis. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden, Dec. 8 Washington, D. C. Opposition of the Gazette and the Marshall family to Crittenden's reelection to the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1840 Jarnagin, Spencer. Athens, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Dec. 13 Thorough canvass, and its effect in Tennessee; ill health of [Andrew] Jackson and Felix Grundy; Jackson's support of Van Buren; another po- litical battle will be waged in August; Crittenden offered place in Harrison's Cabinet; Jarnagin would accept an office under Harrison. A. L. S. 3 p. 1840 Clay, Henry. Washington, [D. C J To R[obert] P[erkins] Dec. 13 Letcher. [William Henry] Harrison's offer to Clay of a place in the Cabinet; controversy be- tween the State and the trust company. Copy, lp. 1840 L[etcher],R[obert]P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To Dec. 14 Crittenden. Crittenden's reelection to the U. S. Senate; political predictions of "The Old Duke" [Robert Wickliffe, SrJ ; the return of ' ' The Young Duke's" [Robert Wickliffe, Jr.] scout after [Wil- liam Henry] Harrison; fear that Charles A. Wickliffe will receive a foreign mission. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 132. 1840 Chinn, R. H. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Dec. 26 Desires appointment as district attorney; his faithfulness to the [Henry] Clay Whig party; B[alie] Peyton his only competitor. A. L. S. i P . PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 65 [1840?] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Statement of the suit of John G. Nelson et al. vs. John J. Hill et al. for a debt. A. D. 2 p. [1840?] Tharp, William. To Crittenden. Tharp's claim against the Government for losses while acting as sutler in the U. S. Army. A„ L. S. 3 p. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 1 Crittenden. Advice not to resign seat in the U. S. Senate until Cabinet position is accepted. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 134. 1841 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- Jan. 2 tenden. Relative to petition of Lawrence. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Porter, Alexander]. Oak Lawn, [Louisiana]. To Crit- Jan. 2 tenden. Congratulations on the Whig victory; report that Crittenden is to become Attorney General; President Van Buren's message to Congress and retirement; necessity of amend- ments to naturalization laws; number of imi- grants coming to this country particularly from England and Ireland-; plan for naturalization. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Crittenden, John Jordan. Washington, D. C. To R[ob- Jan. 2 ert] J. Breckinridge. Preservation of letter as evidence ; identification of handwriting of father of Breckinridge. A. L. S. 1 p. Breckinridge. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 6 Crittenden. Urges Crittenden to accept place in [William Henry Harrison's] Cabinet, but until then to remain in the U. S. Senate; confidence of Harrison in Crittenden; opposition of the "Old Duke" [Robert Wickliffe, Sr.] to Letcher; disappointment of the "Young Duke" [Robert Wickliffe, Jr.] at not being made [private] secre- tary [to Harrison]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- Jan. 7 den. Suggestions for the different places in the formation of President Harrison's Cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. 1841 Swann, Thomas T. Cumberland, Virginia. To Critten- Jan. 8 den. Desires appointment for his son, George T. 52880°— 13 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Swann as marshal of the Southern District of Mississippi. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Newton, Mrs. Julia. Saint Georges, Delaware. To Crit- Jan. 20 tenden. Requests assistance for her husband Albert O. Newton relative to his being in Ken- tucky on account of financial irregularities. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Speed, Thomas. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Jan. 25 Encloses a copy of resolutions introduced in the Kentucky legislature by [John H.] McHenry intended to affect Crittenden; McHenry denies any intention of hurting Crittenden. A. L. S. lp. [1841] [McHenry, John H.] [Frankfort, Kentucky]. Resolu- [Jan. 25] tions introduced into Kentucky Legislature rela- tive to Crittenden's intention not to accept his reelection to the U. S. Senate; the appointment and election of a successor; adjournment of the Legislature to meet in May. Copy. 1 p. 1841 Prentiss, S[ergeant] S[mith]. Jackson, Mississippi. To Jan. 27 Crittenden. Encloses brief in suit before the Supreme Court of the U. S. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Jan. 29 Sketch of [Robert Perkins Letcher as] the Gov- ernor [of Kentucky]; opposition of the Duke [Robert Wickliffe, Sr.] to Letcher; negro bill killed in the Kentucky Senate ; tax bill ; internal improvements bill; resignation of Crittenden from the U. S. Senate; application of Brown for Governorship of Iowa; personals; locals. A. L. S. 5 p. 1841 Taylor, Z[achary]. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. To Crit- Jan. 29 tenden. Encloses letters for Col. [Charles Scott] Todd and General [William Henry] Harrison; Crittenden to use his discretion about delivering them ; Taylor's interest in Harrison's administra- tion. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 1 Crittenden. Urges the appointment of [Joseph] Eve [as charge d'affaires] to Texas; the culpable maneuvering of a few restless spirits ; opinion on the remarks of "old master" [Orlando Brown]; conversation between Brown and [James ?] Har- lan relative to the "Duke " [Robert Wickliffe, Sr.] PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 67 A. L. S. 3 p. Printed : Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 142. 1841 Madison, D[orothy] P[ayne]. Montpelier, [Virginia]. Will. Feb. l Copy. 3 p. [1841?] Madison, D[orothy] P[ayne]. Montpelier, [Virginia]. Will. [Feb. 1?] Copy. 1 p. 1841 Letcher, Rfobert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 2 Crittenden. The newspaper attack of u 01d Duke" [Robert Wickliffe] upon Crittenden; de- nunciation of Wickliffe and his followers; per- sonals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 142. 1841 Legare, H[ugh] S[winton]. Charleston, [South CarolinaJ. Feb. 3 To Crittenden. Introduces Theodore Gaillard, who, owing to the death of inspector of customs at Charleston, has been placed in a most unfortu- nate position. Copy. 1 p. 1841 Chambers, John. To Crittenden. Removal of J. C. Cole- Apr. 10 man as postmaster at Maysville and appoint- ment of a successor. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 9 Crittenden. Recommends [Benjamin H.] Reeves for an appointment in Missouri to aid the people against Thomas [H.] Benton; election bill; tax bill; internal improvement bill; bank bill; threat of the "Old Duke" [Robert Wickliffe, Sr.] to resign from the legislature; gossip in regard to personal of [William Henry] Harrison's Cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 145. 1841 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. To Robert J. Breckinridge, Feb. 16 Baltimore, Maryland. Has forwarded letters to Hunt & Brand; belligerency of Wickliffe. A. L. S. 1 p. Breckinridge. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Feb. 18 Crittenden. Vote in Kentucky Legislature for U. S. Senate as successor to Crittenden; poll of yesterday enclosed; will write to Old Tip [Will- iam Henry Harrison] in behalf of Old Master [Or- lando Brown]; regards to his old friend [James] Buchanan; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. [1841] Kentucky Legislature. Poll of vote for U. S. Senator as Feb. 18 successor to Crittenden. 68 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS [1841] [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Bill submitted to U. S. Con- Feb. 19 gress "To prevent the interference of certain office-holders in elections." Copy. 1 p. The bill was defeated by a vote of 14 to 26. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 19 Crittenden. Adjournment of the legislature; election of [James Turner] Morehead to U. S. Senate to succeed Crittenden; is melancholy be- cause of the adjournment ; encloses letter to " Old Tip" [William Henry Harrison] recommending "Old Master" [Orlando Brown]. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 145. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Fatal illness of Kichard H. Menefee ; comments upon President Harrison's Cabinet; recommends a U. S. bank. A. L. S. 2 p. Hains, James M. Powhatan, Virginia. To Crittenden. Desires an appointment for his son William in the Army or Navy; recommends H[odijah?] Mead for postmaster at Richmond. A. L. S. 3 p. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Humorous remarks concerning [Or- lando Brown as] "Governor of Iowa"; office seekers; recommends Mick Davidson for an appointment; approves cabinet of "Old Tip" [William Henry Harrison]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Metcalfe, Thomas. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Feb. 26 den. Congratulations upon appointment as At- torney General of United States; would accept an office if it were tendered; his financial condi- tion. A. L. S. 4 p. 1841 Thomas, P. E. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Mar. 2 Relative to a treaty with the Seneca Indians ; a committee of Friends stand ready at any time to wait on the President with a memorial in be- half of the Senecas. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. 4 Crittenden. The disturbance in the gallery of U. S. Senate [on Feb. 22]; gratitude to Thomas [H.] Benton; the end of [Martin] Van Buren's reign ; [John] Bell as Secretary of War. A. L. S. 3 p. Feb. 21 1841 Feb. 22 1841 Feb. 26 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 69 1841 Graves, Wplliam] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Mar - 4 Crittenden. Introduces Andrew Smith who de- sires a clerkship of more pay. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Ireland, Joseph N. New York. To Crittenden. Hopes Mar. 11 for a reconciliation between [Henry] Clay and [William Rufus] King and urges Crittenden to intercede and prevent a duel; desires Critten- den's autograph. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Fox, H[enry] S[tephen]. Washington, [D. C] To Daniel Mar. 12 Webster. Demand for the release of Alexander McLeod, a citizen of Canada, who is held prisoner by state of New York on charge of arson and murder and concerned in the capture of the Caroline; his act was not individual but an inter- national affair. Copy. 9 p. Attestation by Daniel Webster. 1 p. With seal of state at- tached. 1841 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Mar. 13 Correspondence with Clay; application for a position; [James C] Jones is Whig candidate for Governor and will " demolish Jimmy [James K.] Polk." A.L.S. lp. 1841 Carneal, Thomas D[avis]. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Critten- Mar. 14 den. Recommends continuance of William Ward in General Land Office. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Clarke, Charles Berkley. Jacksonville, Illinois. To Mar. 18 William H[enry] Harrison. Encloses petition for removal of present postmaster [John Cooper] at Jacksonville and appointment of Willis Tandy ; charges against the postmaster and military rec- ord of Tandy in war of 1812. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Jacksonville Citizens, Illinois. To [Francis Granger]. Mar. 18 [Washington, D. C] Petition for the removal of John Coopper and appointment of Captain Willis Tandy as postmaster of Jacksonville, Illi- nois; reasons for the request. 2 Petitions. 1 p. and 3 p., 37 and 57 signatures, respectively. 1841 White, John. Richmond, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Mar. 20 Kentucky politics ; urges appointment of [Joseph] Eve [as charge* d'affaires to Texas]; prospects of "Old Duke" [Robert Wickliffe, SrJ A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Nicholas, S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Mar. 23 Crittenden. Encloses letters of [John ?] Marshall 70 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS and [William Harris ?] Crawford to be published by Gales & Seaton; extra session of Congress; U. S. bank. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Butler, Pierce M[ason]. Washington, [D. C] To Critten- Mar. 24 den. Ill treatment from [William Campbell] Preston; withdrawal of application for collector at Charleston, South Carolina; application for office of Marshal of Middle District of Florida; military service in Florida. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 White, John. Barbourville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Mar. 25 Distress of [Joseph] Eve ; urges that he receive an appointment promptly [as charge d'affaires to Texas]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Westervelt, Harman C. New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 26 Plot to defeat [Henry] Clay in national conven- tion; [Daniel] Webster's supporters antagonistic to Clay's influence; severe criticism in detail on appointments of [William Henry] Harrison ; abo- litionists; disapproval of law which abolished imprisonment for debt. A. L. S. 7 p. 1841 Chambers, John. To Crittenden. Conduct of [J. C] Cole- Apr. 10. man, postmaster at Maysville. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Edwards, Ogden. New York. To Crittenden. No friend Apr. 12 f [Henry] Clay has received an appointment in New York City from present administration; Ogden's application for office of Marshal of New York; criticism of [Nathaniel Pitcher] Tall- madge. A. L. S. 5 p. 1841 White, John. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Apr. 15 His extreme solicitude for [Joseph] Eve; effect of the death of [William Henry] Harrison on the country; Crittenden is in a position to become leader of the Administration. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Campbell, Robert R. Tuscaloosa, Alabama. To Critten- Apr. 23 den. Criticises appointment of collector of cus- toms at Mobile ; Dr. Perrine is a worthy man but has no influence. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Fisher, Charles. Washington [D. C] Affidavit that Jesse May 1 Hoyt refused to account for moneys received as Collector of Customs for New York. Copy. 1 p. 1841 Bell, John. Washington, D. C. To [Robert Perkins] May 2 Letcher. Comments on President Tyler ; Cabinet affairs ; personal matters ; appointment of Com- missioner of Indian Affairs. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 71 1841 Payne, H. C. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 10 Differences between [Henry] Clay and R[obert] WicklifTe, Sr. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Morgan, Charles W. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- May12 den. Disappointed at not receiving command of the Mediterranean Squadron, U. S. Navy; in- closes a letter to be delivered to [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Birney, James G. New York. To Crittenden. Intro- May14 ducing Joseph Sturge, of England; Sturge's ef- forts in the abolition of slavery in the British colonies. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Johnson, Richard M[entor]. White Sulphur, [Kentucky]. May 16 To Crittenden. His debt due the Metropolis Bank; loans desired from Gunton; condition of Arkansas stock. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Curtis, Edward. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 19 The preemption right of Norton & McDonald in Wisconsin ; cause of delayed decision in the case. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Peyton, Balie. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Critten- May23 den. Appreciation for his friends; fees of dis- trict attorneys; bank bill before Congress. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Bulloch, J. M. New York. To Crittenden. Recom- May 25 mends Dewit Bloodgood for consulate at Liver- pool; his endeavors for the Whig cause in New York; recommends Epy Sargent for position abroad. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Russell, William Henry. Bluffton, Missouri. To Critten- May25 den. Recommends certain citizens of Missouri as friends of [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 4 p. 1841 Whetmore, Robert H. New York. To Crittenden. Com- May 26 ments On the appointment of Edward Curtis, Col- lector of the Port of New York. A. L. S. 4 p. 1841 Hoffman, Ofgden]. New York. To Crittenden. Prose- May 31 cution of Jesse Hoyt, former collector of the port of New York; full statement of the proceedings and delay in the case; disposition of the money received by Hoyt. A. L. S. 6 p. 1841 Seward, William H[enry]. Albany, New York. To Crit- May31 tenden. The Alexander McLeod case; corre- spondence with the President ; his ideas and de- sire to have a mutual understanding. L. S. 4 p. 72 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1841 Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To June 13 Crittenden. Error of the Secretary of State [Daniel Webster] in claiming for the President [John Tyler] the power to order a nolle prosequi in criminal cases; Webster's letter to [Henry Stephen] Fox in regard to the McLeod case is too tame a response to the demand of Great Britain; Nicholas's good opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury [Thomas Ewing]. A. L. S. 5 p. 1841 L[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 19 Crittenden. Requests Crittenden to bring about an interview for [James] Guthrie with [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. [1841] [Nicholas, Samuel Smith]. Project for a national bank. [June] A. D. 8 p. 1841 Eve, Joseph. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. July 7 Delay in New Orleans on his journey to Galves- ton, Texas; manner and customs of inhabitants of New Orleans; rumor of discord between President [Tyler] and his Cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To July 9 Crittenden. Exertions [of John Tyler and Dan- iel Webster] to defeat the Bank Bill; objects to resignation of Crittenden and [John] Bell from the Cabinet ; attitude of Webster toward [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 5 p. 1841 Marshall, Thomas F. To Crittenden. Requests that he July 12 endorse two bills for certain amounts payable in Washington; pecuniary embarrassment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 I[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 31 Crittenden. Desires bill for trip to Philadelphia; ignorance as to the fate of the Bank Bill; atti- tude of various members of the Cabinet; [John] Tyler acting against the principles which brought him into office. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Winchester, Kentucky. To a ug. 1 Crittenden. Advises Crittenden to follow the course of his party as to resigning from the Cabi- net; attitude of President Tyler toward the Bank Bill; possibility of a veto. A. L. S. 5 p. 1841 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To a ug. 16 Henry Clay. President [Tyler] concedes the power of the [National Bank] to establish agen- PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 73 cies, etc. ; general ideas on the subject. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 159. 1841 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Aug. 25 Chapman Coleman. President [Tyler] having vetoed one bill to create a National Bank, effort is being made to establish another; advantages of the proposed bank. Copy. 1 p. 1841 Hawes, R[ichard]. Winchester, Kentuckj^. To Critten- Aug. 26 den. * President Tyler's veto of the Bank Bill ; thinks Tyler is with the Whigs on other matters ; Crittenden should remain in the Cabinet unless other members should retire. A. L. S. 1 p. 1841 Combs, Leslie. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Aug. 27 Compares President Tyler with a wild, unruly horse ; Crittenden should stay in the Cabinet un- til actually dismissed ; feelings of the community toward Tyler. A. L. S. 2 p. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 3 Crittenden. Veto of the Bank Bill by President Tyler ; Tyler's advisers ; attitude of his Cabinet ; pleased at the conduct of [Daniel] Webster; con- dition of Orlando [Brown]. A. L. S. 6 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 160. 1841 Johnson, Reverdy. Baltimore. To Crittenden. Rumor Sept. 4 that President Tyler will sign the Bank Bill ; at- titude of the Cabinet; Tyler's effort to form a new Cabinet. A. L. S. 5 p. 1841 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Sept. 5 Crittenden. Feeling toward President Tyler and his advisers ; admiration for [John Minor] Botts ; Kentucky's welcome to Crittenden if he should return. A. L. S. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 162. 1841 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Sept. 11 R[obert] P[erkins] Letcher. Resignation of cer- tain members of President Tyler's Cabinet, and probable successors ; [Daniel] Webster remains to be turned out ; attitude of the Whigs in Congress ; personal feelings in the matter. A. L. S. 6 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; L 165. 74 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1841 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To E. Sept. 13 Watson. Resignation of President Tyler's Cabi- net ; [Daniel] Webster alone remains ; universally approved by the Whigs in Congress. Copy. 1 p. 1841 Johnson, Reverdy, Baltimore. To Crittenden. Rumor Sept. 15 that Crittenden will be offered a seat on the Bench of the U. S. Supreme Court if Justice John Mc- Lean should accept a cabinet office; desire of Whig friends to see Crittenden at the head of the Government; [Henry] Clay as a candidate for next Presidential election. A. L. S. 4 p. 1841 Morgan, Charles W. Mahon, Island of Minorca. To Crit- Oct. 7 tenden. His cruise in the Mediterranean; arma- ment of various frigates ; cost of wines. A. L. S. 3 p. 1841 Chambers, John. Iowa City, Iowa. To Crittenden. Po- Dec. 27 litical gossip; political complexion of Iowa; de- sire to be admitted into the Union; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. [1841?] Rumsey, Edward. Greenville, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Recommends appointment of Thomas C. Taylor as mail agent for Kentucky; character, qualifications. A. L. S. 1 p. 1842 Mazureau, A[dolphe]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Jan. 4 Crittenden. Notice that draft drawn by Crit- tenden and Henry Clay on Balie Peyton has been protested. D. S. 1 p. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 9 R[obert] P[erkins] Letcher. Legal matters with the Schuylkill Bank; childishness of President Tyler and his ambition; [Daniel] " Webster's condition . . . seems to be even worse"; atti- tude of [Henry] Clay; is of opinion that Clay will soon resign from Congress. Copy. 5 p. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 9 Rfobert] P[erkins] Letcher. Correspondence with the Schuylkill Bank; unable to come to an understanding; litigation probably the only alternative. Copy. 2 p. 1842 Edwards, Monroe. New York. To Crittenden. Desires Jan. 14 to retain Crittenden as counsel; charges with which he is accused; testimony in his favor. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 75 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Jan. 22 Crittenden. Legislature of Kentucky will soon send a memorial on the Schuylkill Bank fraud; endeavor to get [Hosea J.] Levis in Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Nficholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky]. To Jan. 22 Crittenden. Matters " concerning the bank- ruptcy of the Whig cabinet last summer" ; offer of cabinet office to Louis McLean; admiration for McLean. A. L. S. 3 p. Mutilated. 1842 Randall, Jfosiah]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. All Jan. 26 papers are executed; paid Watson's bill; diffi- culty with the notary public. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Badger, George Efdmund]. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. Feb. 4 To Crittenden. Enquires what Crittenden is doing in Washington; minor matters. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 167. 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 4 Crittenden. Arrangements for the prosecution of [Hosea J.] Levis; Bank of Kentucky inclined not to prosecute ; Levis wishes to feel safe before he returns to Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 4 Crittenden. Received intelligence that [Henry] Clay intends to resign from the Senate; ro opposition to Crittenden succeeding him; atti- tude of [James T.] Morehead toward the law on Bankruptcy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Newton, Thomas W. Little Rock, Arkansas. To Crit- Feb. 8 tenden. Approval of Crittenden resigning from the Cabinet; attitude of [Daniel] Webster; of opinion that the nomination of [Henry] Clay means defeat for the Whig party; favors the nomination of Crittenden for the Presidency- A. L. S. 4 p. 1842 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Frankfort, Kentucky. Feb. 9 To Crittenden. Confident that Crittenden will succeed Henry Clay in the U. S. Senate ; legisla- tive action on the law on Bankruptcy; investiga- tion of a scandal by State senate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 [Peyton, Balie]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Critten- Feb. 22 den. Personal debts and financial difficulties. 3 p. 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1842 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Frankfort, Kentucky. Feb - 23 To Crittenden. Receipt of resignation of [Henry] Clay from U. S. Senate ; opposition to the election of Crittenden to succeed Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb - 24 Crittenden. Opposition to the election of Crit- tenden to succeed [Henry] Clay in the U. S. Sen- ate ; friendly attitude of Richard M. Johnson to- ward Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 172. 1842 Lfetcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To Feb. 26 Crittenden. Crittenden's election to succeed [Henry Clay] in the U. S. Senate; exertions of Richard M. Johnson to keep down opposition. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 172. Badger, George E[dmond]. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. To Crittenden. Sentiments on the attitude of President Tyler toward the Whig party; per- sonals; business. A. L. S. 5 p. Sergeant, John. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Objects of the proceedings against the Schuylkill Bank. A. L. S. 1 p. Sergeant, John. Draft of a bill "to enable the [U. S.] Su- preme Court to settle the controversies pending between the Kentucky Bank and the Schuylkill Bank." A. D. 2 copies, 3 p. each. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Ffrankfort, Kentucky]. To Crittenden. [Hosea J.] Levis should be par- doned ; efforts of [Leslie] Combs to bring about a settlement. A. L. S. 3 p. Schley, William. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Anxiety about confirmation of McCulloch; his character qualifications; McCulloch's financial difficulties. A. L. S. 6 p. Hughes, Christopher. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- tenden. Incloses a letter for [Henry] Clay; friendship for Clay and Crittenden; despair of promotion [in diplomatic service ?]. A. L. S. 2 p. Henry, Hfenry]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Service in the U. S. Navy; confirmation by Senate of Naval officers. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Mar. 2 1842 Mar. 4 1842 Mar. 4 1842 Mar. 19 1842 Mar. 30 1842 Apr. 2 1842 Apr. 9 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 77 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frank[fort, Kentucky]. To Apr. 9 Crittenden. Praises [Henry] Clay's valedictory; local matters; President Tyler; [Daniel] Web- ster. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871: I, 172. 1842 Starkweather, S. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Apr. 16 Bank bills before the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Ashburton, [Alexander Baring], Lord. Washington, [D. C] May 3 To Crittenden. Request to forward inclosed let- ter. A. L. in 3d person. 1 p. 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May 19 Crittenden. Personals ; call session of the Legis- lature; the relief movement and its effect; [Henry] Clay's attitude toward the Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 4 p. 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To May 20 Crittenden. Object of [Albert Gallatin?] Hodges's visit to Washington; local gossip; desire that [Martin] Van Buren will not visit Frankfort, A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Jenifer, Dfaniel]. Vienna, Austria. To Crittenden. Re- May 22 ception at the court of Vienna ; the manners and customs of the court; certain ceremonies. A. L. S. 9 p. 1842 Lexington Citizens, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Invita- May 23 tion to a barbecue given in honor of Henry Clay. L. S. by a committee. 1 p. 1842 L[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To May 31 . Crittenden. Visit of [Martin] Van Buren to Frankfort; his reception is a most complete burlesque. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 179. 1842 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June 3 Crittenden. End of disturbances in Rhode Is- land; adjournment of the Kentucky court; various personages; claim of Kentucky for 195 stand of arms against the U. S. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 181. 1842 Clay, Hfenry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. June 3 Crittenden's attitude in Congress; criticises President Tyler's administration; general de- pression of business; tariff and the navy ques- 78 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS tion; Van Buren's visit to Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. Also copy. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 180. 1842 L[etclier], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. June 7 To Crittenden. Confidence in [Henry] Clay; lecal matters; humorous conversation with [Martin] Van Buren. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 182. 1842 [Letcher, Robert Perkins.] Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June 21 Crittenden. Retirement of "The Old Prince" [Henry Clay] before the Presidential nomination ; President Tyler and the tariff; State politics; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Hamilton, Alexander]. New York. To Crittenden. June 23 Tariff and receipts from public lands; project for the relief of the states; hopes that President Tyler will veto the apportionment bill; rumor that "to the victors belongs the spoils" [William Learned Marcy] is to be nominated to a Cabinet office. A. L. S. 2 p. Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Robert Per- kins Letcher. Payment to Kentucky of its quota of the Land Fund. A. L. S. 1 p. Hughes, Christopher. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- tenden, [John Macpherson] Berrien, and [William Campbell] Preston. Bids farewell; leaves for England. A. L. S. 2 p. Philadelphia Whigs. To Crittenden. Invitation to An- niversary of American Independence. L. S. by 5 signatures. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To H[enry] Clay. Attitude of the Whig party in Pennsylvania toward next Presidential nomina- tion; preference for Winfield Scott; attitude of Scott; feeling toward President Tyler. A. L. S. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 185. 1842 Morehead, James T[urner]. Washington, D. C. To July 2 Henry Clay. Effect of President Tyler's vetoes on the Whig party; affairs in the Cabinet and Senate; Dorr's rebellion in Rhode Island. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 June 24 1842 June 24 1842 June 25 1842 July 2 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 79 1842 Porter, Alexander]. White Sulphur Springs, Virginia. July 6 To Crittenden. President Tyler and the duty on sugar; personals; humorous story concerning Henry Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Saltonstall, L[everett]. Washington, [D. CJ. To [Henry July 7 Clay]. The revenue bill; opinion of President Tyler; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1842 Rose, William Boscawen. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To July 8 Crittenden. Desires to withdraw his application for an appointment under the government ; con- gratulates Crittenden on his speech in reply to [William] Allen of Ohio. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 White, John. Washington, [D. CJ To [Robert Perkins July 11 Letcher]. Attitude of Kentucky toward the land bill; northern States' only patriotism is interest and profits; tariff. A. L. S. 4 p. 1842 Schley, Frederick A. Frederick, Maryland. To Rfobert] July 15 P[er kins] Letcher. Personals; proposed visit to Kentucky; Henry Clay and the Presidency. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. CJ To July 15 H[enry] Clay. Attitude of [John Minor] Botts toward the impeachment of President Tyler; advises Clay against such a course ; political out- look; rumor that Webster will retire from the Cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 187. 1842 Jones, W[illiam]. [Washington, D. C J To K[obert P[erk- July 16 ins] Letcher. Length of the present session of Congress; local gossip; hopes to see Letcher in the U. S. Senate soon. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Ky. To Crittenden. Clay's July 16 strength if President Tyler should veto the permanent tariff bill; his views on the subject; ideas as to a vote of "want of confidence" in Tyler. A.L.S. 3 p. Also copy. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; 1, 188. 1842 Porter, Alexander. White Sulphur Springs, [Virginia]. July 21 To Crittenden. Clay's prospects for Presidential nomination; course of the Whigs toward the tariff and its effect on sugar. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. July 21 Movement for impeachment of President Tyler ; possibility of veto of the tariff bill; recent elec- 80 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS tion in Louisiana. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 190. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Aug. 3 H[enry] Clay. The Senate will pass the tariff bill as it comes from the House of Representa- tives, with probability of veto. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 191. 1842 Sargent, Nfathan]. Washington, D. C. To Henry Clay. Aug. 6 Passage of the tariff bill by the Senate; possi- bility of veto by President Tyler; Clay's popu- larity in Pennsylvania; issue of a Clay Almanac; rumor that [Daniel] Webster is to retire from the Cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1842 L[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Aug. 8 To Crittenden. Recent election in Kentucky; Whigs and Locos in the Legislature pledged to vote for Crittenden for U. S. Senate; curiosity as to [Daniel] Webster leaving the Cabinet. A. L. S. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 192. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Aug. 12 H[enry] Clay. Embarrassment caused by veto of the tariff bill; difficulty in adopting a satis- factory course; treaty with England before the Senate. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 192. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Aug. 16 James Harlan. Transmission of certificates of stock; tariff bill; cause of President Tyler's ac- tions; effect of elections in the west. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 193. 1842 Clay, Henry. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To [Crittenden]. Aug. 18 Encloses letters; dissolution of the Ohio legisla- ture. Copy. 1 p. 1842 White, John. [Washington, D. C] To [Henry Clay?]. Aug. 18 Veto of the tariff bill; idea of an extra session of Congress; expects harmony among the Whigs. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Eve, Joseph. Galveston, [Texas]. To Crittenden. His Sept. 16 financial embarrassments ; suspension of military operations against Mexico by Texas; trouble from the Indians; prosperity of the country; local gossip. A. L. S. 4 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 81 1842 Letcher, K[obert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 8 Crittenden. Senatorial election in Kentucky; attitude of [Richard Mentor] Johnson toward Presidency. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 195. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. 21 M[aria] K. Cfrittenden]. Dullness of Washing- ton society; arrival of " Judge [John] Catron and lady;" encloses letter from Mrs. [Elizabeth] Ash- ley. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Eve, Joseph. Galveston, Tex. To Robert P[erkins] Dec. 22 Letcher. Personals ; does not expect to be re- called; hopes for Crittenden's reelection to the U. S. Senate; sentiments on the Bank question; daily life and accommodations at the capital of Texas; the military and political attitude of Texas, A. L. S. 8 p. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Dec. 26 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. His visit to [William] Schley, in Baltimore; personals; desire to be in Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. 28 Rfobert] H[enry] Crittenden. Relative to appli- cation for office of collector of river tolls ; dislikes to ask favors for his family. Copy. 2 p. 1842 Lord, Daniel, Jr. New York. To Crittenden. Ridicule Dec 29 f J[ohn] Cfanfield] Spencer. A. L. S. 2 p. 1842 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Dec. 30 M[aria] K. C[rittenden]. Comments on " home;" happenings in Washington. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Morehead, Charles S. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Jan - 2 den. Result of a joint caucus held by the State legislature for the election of U. S. Senator; re- sults favor Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Pirtle, Henry. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Jan - 3 Result of a caucus in the State Senate relative to election of Crittenden to the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 1 p. [1843] Letcher, Rfobert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To [Jan. 10] Crittenden. Great victory for Crittenden in his election to U. S. Senate ; condition of the Demo- cratic party in Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 137. 52880°— 13 6 82 LIBBAKY OF CONGRESS 1843 Clay, H[enry]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Critten- Jan. 14 den. Election of [Alexander] Porter to the U. S. Senate ; its effect in Louisiana ; Clay will not go to Cuba; queries as to a Whig National Conven- tion. A. L. S. 1 p. 1843 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Jan. 16 S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Search for letter of [George Mifflin] Dallas to Andrew Jackson; scheme relative to Texas; legal matters. Copy. i P . 1843 Letcher, [Robert Perkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Jan. 20 Crittenden. Urges Crittenden to advise [James Turner] Morehead against resigning his seat in the U. S. Senate before next winter; reasons for such action. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Feb. 5 Rfobert] P[erkins] Letcher. [James Turner] Morehead has no intention of resigning his seat in U. S. Senate; [John] Calhoun; business mat- ters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1843 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Feb. 5 Maria K. C[rittenden]. Personals; possibility of sending oysters to Kentucky; his re-election to the U. S. Senate ; local matters ; news of the capture of George [Bibb Crittenden] by Mexicans. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 199. 1843 Webster, Daniel. Washington, [D. C] to Waddy Feb. 7 Thompson. Urges Thompson to interpose in behalf of [George Bibb] Crittenden who was cap- tured by Mexicans. Copy. 1 p. 1843 Clay, H[enry]. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Feb . 10 Encloses letter complimenting [Alexander] Porter ; fate of the Exchequer. A. L. S. 1 p. 1843 Webster, Daniel. Washington, [D. C] To [Robert Per- Feb. 15 kins] Letcher. The Bank question; predicts a Loco-foco majority in the next Congress; Presi- dent Tyler would veto a Subtreasury bill ; neces- sity of a currency and the restoration of public credit. Copy. 1 p. 1843 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Feb. 24 R[obert] P[erkins] Letcher. Anxiety as to [George Bibb Crittenden] who is held captive by the Mexicans; gratitude for favors; [Daniel] 1843 Feb. 28 1843 Mar. 9 1843 Mar. 15 PAPEES OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 83 Webster's assistance in the matter; interest in legislative matters of Kentucky; caucus for a Whig National Convention. Copy. 2 p. Webster, Daniel. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Relative to letters to [Waddy] Thompson and dispatch of the letters. Copy. 1 p. Thompson, Waddy. Mexico. To Antonio Lopes de Santa Anna. Encloses letters in behalf of [George Bibb] Crittenden; reasons for his action. Copy. 1 p. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de. Mexico. To Waddy Thompson. Has ordered George Bibb Critten- den and the other American prisoners to be placed at the disposal of Thompson; requests that Thompson use his influence to prevent citizens of the United States from aiding the Texans. Copy. 2 p. Pakenham, M. Mexico. To H[enry] S[tephen] Fox. In- formation that President General Santa Anna has ordered the release of [George Bibb] Critten- den. Copy. 1 p. Thompson, W[addy]. Mexico. To Daniel Webster. Has received an order for the release of [George Bibb] Crittenden; kind treatment of prisoners; en- closes letters relative to the release. Copy. 1 p» Thompson, Wfaddy]. Mexico. To Crittenden. The re- lease of [George Bibb] Crittenden; prompt action of President General Santa Anna and good con- duct of Pakenham. Copy. 2 p. Scott, Winneld. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Humorous letter; threatens to "turn Tyler man"; criticises President Tyler and his Cabi- net; employment of topographical officers. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 201. 1843 S[cott], W[inneld]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. ApR - 25 Influence of Loco-foco supporters against [John W.] Russell; general notes; [William] Campbell would refuse a mission to Paris. A. L. S. 4 p. 1843 Campbell, Thomas J. Athens, Tennessee. To Henry May 7 Clay. Effect of Clay's actions in 1827 on the present campaign; good prospects of his own election; the general election in Tennessee. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Mar. 18 1843 Mar. 18 1843 Mar. 19 1843 Apr. 5 84 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS 1843 Todd County Citizens. Elkton, [Kentucky]. To Critten- May 19 den. Calling a convention to take into consider- ation the "late alarming and dangerous assump- tions of power by the executive of the United States." Copy. 1 p. [1843] Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To [June l?] J. G. Greenfield, Jr., and others. Convention called to consider the " assumptions of power" of President Tyler; actions of Tyler, and his claims ; ideas as to the attitude which the people should take; declines invitation to the convention. Copy. 5 p. 1843 Clay, Henry. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. June 15 Desires copies of opinions of U. S. Supreme Court on Mississippi slave cases. Copy. 1 p. 1843 Clay, Henry. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Kfobert] P[er- June26 kins] Letcher. The " Custom House and Web- ster Clique" of New York; they are in favor of John McLean for President, and will use the Bunker Hill celebration for concocting their machinations. Copy. 1 p. 1843 Scott, Winfield. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. June 29 Return from West Point; Crittenden's nephew [William L. Crittenden] to be given another chance; understands that Crittenden is " star- ring ... in the same troupe with [Thomas H.] Benton;" how Scott avoided a trip to New York and Boston; sorry to have missed a visit to Ken- tucky. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 203. 1843 Scott, Winfield. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. J ULY 8 Encloses a letter from West Point; Crittenden's 11 excursion" to Missouri with [Thomas H.] Ben- ton; personnel of President Tyler's Cabinet com- plete; John Nelson, a small politician of the Jackson- Van Buren stamp, to be Attorney Gen- eral; doubts the intentions of Daniel Webster; John M. Clayton as Vice President on Clay's ticket; minor matters. A. L. S. 4 p. 1843 Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, Tennessee. To Critten- Aug. 10 den. Recent election in Tennessee; rejoices over the Whig victory; majority of [George W.] Jones for Congress. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 85 1843 [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Aug. 12 the Editors of Louisville Journal. Corrects a statement made in the " Journal" reflecting on Crittenden and [Robert Perkins] Letcher; his feeling toward Letcher during the election of 1840 and at the present writing. A. D'f. 3 p. 1843 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Sept. 9 John Middleton Clayton. Disposition of Ken- tucky bonds; date of next Whig National Con- vention; opinion of administration of John Ty- ler, and his intentions. A. L. S. 2 p. clayton. 1843 McLean, John. Cincinnati, Ohio. To R[obert] P[erkins] Sept. 22 Letcher. Opinion on the various Presidential candidates; disheartened condition of the Whig party; looks for defeat. A. L. S. 3 p. 1843 Porter, Pfeter] B[uel]. New York. To Henry Clay. Re- Sept. 25 turn from the fair at Rochester; [Daniel] Web- ster's despair of becoming Presidential candidate ; possibility of Websters reconciliation with Clay ; marked hostility of Webster toward Clay; de- sires suggestions on the subject. A. L. S. 3 p. 1843 Sargent, N[athan]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Lo- Sept. 30 cal political nominations ; predicts his own de- feat; attitude of President Tyler's supporters to- ward Van Buren; appointees placed in office by Charles A. Wickliffe, Post Master General; per- sonals. A. L. S. 3 p. [1843] Scott, Winfield. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. [Oct. 4?] The project to run [Daniel] Webster on [Henry] Clay's ticket revived by certain newspapers; Scott's attitude toward public meetings and newspapers favoring his own nomination for President; Richard M[entor] Johnson and the Loco-f oco leaders ; is ignorant of the intentions of the Cabinet. A. L. S. last 4 p. Printed under date Oct. 14: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 203. 1843 Scott, Winfield. Washington, [D. CJ To Crittenden. °ct. 14 Leaves to meet his family in New York; recom- mends the Exchange Hotel, in Washington; its advantages; [John Minor] Botts is prosecuting his claim against John W. Jones for seat in U. S. Congress. A. L. S. 4 p. 86 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1843 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Nov. 30 Crittenden. Local matters ; will send [Winfield] Scott a commission as president of the Anti- Drinking Club; recent declarations that John Davis is the agent of Yankee and English aboli- tionists. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 207. 1843 Porter, Alexander. Oak Lawn, [Louisiana]. To Critten- Dec. 2 den. His illness; doubt as to whether he should resign his seat in the U. S. Senate ; prospects for the election of [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Riddle, John S. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Feeling Dec. 5 among Whig newspapers for the rejection of nom- ination of James M. Porter for Secretary of War; strength of the Porter faction in Pennsylvania; if nomination were rejected this strength would be turned against Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1843 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Dec. 5 The annexation of Texas would cause a war with Mexico; the question should be passed over in silence; reasons for opposing annexation. L. S. 6 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Critten- den, Phila., 1871; I, 207. 1843 Grrymes, John R., P. Anderson, C. Roselins, and Thomas Dec. 5 Slidell. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. Statement of what would be a reasonable fee for Balie Pey- ton as attorney for the U. S. in its suit against Bank of U. S. Copy. 1 p. 1843 Prentiss, Sfergeant] S[mith]. Vicksburg, [Mississippi]. To Dec. 8 Crittenden. Private matters; encloses fees for services rendered; recommends Starke for ap- pointment on the Choctaw Commission. A. L. S. 3 p. 1843 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Newcastle, Delaware. To Dec. 9 Crittenden. Acknowledges receipt of Kentucky bonds; probable nomination of [Martin] Van Buren by the Loco-focos ; popularity of [Henry] Clay; Virginia's mode of choosing delegates to the Whig Convention. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Prentiss & Gnion. Vicksburg, Mississippi. To Critten- Dec. 14 den. Desires his services for William Scott in case before the U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. by Prentiss. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JOKDAN CRITTENDEN 87 [1843] Scott, William. Memorandum of suit with Downs. A. D. [Dec. 14?] 2 p. 1843 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Dec. 16 Ideas on internal improvements and establish- ment of the Post Office Department; predicts that the day of the Post Office as a national insti- tute are numbered. A. L. S. 6 p. 1843 lord, Daniel, Jr. New York. To Crittenden. Critten- Dec. 16 den is eulogizing his dead adversaries; law mat- ters; health of Smith Thompson. A. L. S. 2 p. 1843 Letcher, R[obert Pferkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Dec. 18 Crittenden. Article in the "Commonwealth" relative to [John C] Calhoun; Calhoun's friends are too tame and submissive; anxious to know what Daniel Webster is about. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 211. 1843 Chittenden, Thomas C. Adams, New York. To Critten- Dec. 19 den. Urges that confirmation of John O. Dickey as collector of customs at Sacketts Harbor be delayed by the Senate. A. L. S. 2 p. [1843] [Chittenden, Thomas C] [Adams, New York.] Form of [Dec. 19] resolutions requiring the customhouse at Sacketts Harbor to render an account. A. D. 1 p. 1844 Root, Erastus. Albany, New York. To Crittenden. Op- Jan. l position to confirmation of [John Canfield] Spencer as successor to late [Smith] Thompson, Associate Justice of U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 1 p. 1844 Corwin, Thomas. Lebanon, Ohio. To Crittenden. Rec- J AN - 2 ommends the reappointment of Thomas Blair as Postmaster at Dayton, Ohio; Daniel Webster and the Whigs; [John Caldwell] Calhoun. A. L. S. 1 p. 1844 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To J AN - 6 Crittenden. Confidence in [John Cook] Rives as a Clay man ; [John] Tyler hostile to [Martin] Van Buren; Kentucky Loco-foco convention for Presidential nominee ; attitude of [Richard Men- tor] Johnson. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Nicholas, S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Jan - 7 Crittenden. The premature discussion of the an- nexation oi Texas ; scheme for it to be admitted 88 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS as a colony; abolition of slaves; gradual abolition by the various states; general ideas on the sub- jects. A. L. S. 4 p. 1844 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Jan. 8 Crittenden. No necessity for ousting [William] Hardin, the Postmaster at Frankfort; the Ken- tucky Van Buren convention; minor matters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1844 [Letcher, Robert Perkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Jan. 18 Crittenden. Leader needed in the House of Representatives of Kentucky; intrigue to oust [William] Hardin as Postmaster at Frankfort; ideas on national politics. A. L. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden; Phila., 1871 ; I, 213. 1844 Van Rensselaer, Sol[omon]. Albany, [New York]. To Jan. 20 Crittenden. The nomination of an Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court; hostility of certain candidates toward [Henry] Clay; de- nounces John C[anfield] Spencer's political char- acter. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Pleasants, John H. Richmond, Virginia. To Crittenden. Jan. 21 Recommends Edward A. Cabell for Solicitor of the Land Office; the confirmation of Henry Alexander] Wise as Minister to Brazil; Wise's influence in Virginia. A. L. S. 2 p. 1844 Letcher, Rfobert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 22 Crittenden. Rejection by the Senate of Presi- dent's nominations; Kentucky legislative mat- ters; the Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden; Phila., 1871; I, 213. 1844 Chittenden, T[homas] C. Adams, New York. To Crit- Jan. 22 tenden. Complains of appointments made in the custom houses at Sacketts Harbor and Cape Vincent; ideas on the success of [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Clay, H[enry]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. Jan. 24 The death of [Alexander] Porter and his possible successor in the Senate; urges that the Senate reject the nominations of [Caleb] Cushing and [John Canfield] Spencer; his intended tour through Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871, I, 214. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 89 1844 Nicholas, S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Jan. 25 Crittenden. Delay in will case; desires a patent for his latest invention. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Preston, William C[ampbell]. Columbia, South Carolina. Jan - 28 To Crittenden. Queries as to National affairs at Washington; local effect of [John Caldwell] Cal- houn's letter; fears that the Senate is using the guillotine too freely. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Riddle, John S. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Senti- Jan - 30 ment toward the nomination of [James Madison] Porter as Secretary of War; vote of Pennsyl- vania secured to [Henry] Clay if Porter is con- firmed, and lost to the Whigs if he is rejected by the U. S. Senate; but believes Pennsylvania is against [Martin] Van Buren under any circum- stances. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Love, James. Galveston, [Texas]. To S[amuel] S[mith] Feb - 1 Nicholas. Criticises Nicholas's scheme for the annexation of Texas; the Texas debt; number of slaves; acquisition of lands for colonization; proposals made by the English Abolition Society; desire that the United States will not meddle with the affairs of Texas. A. L. S. 4 p. 1844 Granger, Francis. Canandaigua, N. Y. To Crittenden. Feb 3 General opposition to the appointment of [John Canfield] Spencer as Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court ; effect of his confirmation on the Whig party of New York. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb - 4 Crittenden. On the confirmation of [Henry Al- exander] Wise as Minister to Brazil; should be confirmed as matter of policy; attitude of [Dan- iel] Webster; rumor that [Alexander] Porter left a legacy to [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Lord, Daniel, Jr. New York. To Crittenden. Person- Feb - 10 als; legal business; national affairs. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Glay, Henry. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. Feb - 15 Rumor that forty-two Senators favor the annexa- tion of Texas and have advised President Tyler that they will confirm a treaty to that effect ; de- sires information on the subject. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Colemans, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 216. 90 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS 1844 Craighill, William N. Charlestown, Virginia. To Crit- Feb. 19 tenden. Encloses letter from Crittenden to Craighill's father found among his father's pa- pers. Copy. 1 p. 1844 Weaver, Augustus. Hagerstown, Indiana. To Critten- Feb. 20 den. Alleged coalition between John Q[uincy] Adams and Henry Clay in 1824-5. A. L. S. 1 p. 1844 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Mar. 7 R[obert] P[erkins] Letcher. Reasons why ap- pointment [Judge of Kentucky Supreme Court] should not be given [John] White; its political effect ; White has determined to decline. Copy. 2 p. 1844 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Mar. 13 Crittenden. The appointment [Judge of Ken- tucky Supreme Court] offered [John] White ; po- litical situation in Virginia; local matters. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 217. 1844 Weed, Thurlow. Albany, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 17 The nomination of Chancellor [Reuben Hyde] Walworth [as Associate Justice of the U. S. Su- preme Court] but a scheme contrived to get rid of him ; if his nomination is confirmed he will be succeeded by a Loco-foco. A. L. S. 2 p. 1844 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 18 The Texas question; inclined to favor annexa- tion; reasons; local prejudices. A. L. S. 4 p. 1844 Clay, Henry. Savannah, Georgia. To Crittenden. The Mar. 24 Texas question ; has hitherto f oreborne to express his opinion; the principle of protection in con- nection with a tariff for revenue ; the fraudulent tariff considered in the House of Representatives. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed : Coleman, Life of Critten- den; Phila., 1871; I, 217. 1844 Drake, Charles D. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Mar. 28 Encloses letter to George McDuffie, to be deliv- ered if Crittenden should think prudent. A. L. S. lp. 1844 Drake, Charles D. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To George Mc- Mar. 28 Duffle. Query as to truth of statement credited to McDuffie, alledging coalition between [John Quincy] Adams and [Henry] Clay in 1824-5. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 91 1844 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Mar. 30 T[homas] Ewing. Aggitation of the Texas ques- tion in Senate; opinion that no treaty for an- nexation can be ratified ; desires sentiment of the people in Ohio. Copy. 1 p. 1844 Smith, Gustavus W[oodson]. New London, Connecticut. Apr. 2 To Crittenden. The question of discharging the brevet 2d lieutenants in the U. S. Army; his own particular case; his services in the army since leaving West Point; desires the question inves- tigated. A. L. S. 6 p. 1844 Smith, Gustavus W[oodson]. New London, Connecticut. Apr. 2 To Crittenden. Explaining who his people are in Kentucky and requesting that his complaint be laid before the Military Committee of the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1844 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- Apr. 5 tenden. The Massachusetts state convention; [Henry] Clay's prospects in New England; Clay and the Texas question; possible nomination of John Brown for Vice-President; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Apr. 9 Predictions as to the result of the election in . New York; Whig enthusiasm; [Martin] Van Buren and the Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 4 p. 1844 I[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 10 Crittenden. The result of recent election in Connecticut; affairs in Virginia; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 218. 1844 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Critten- Apr. 11 den. Political situation in Massachusetts ; the national convention; attitude of [Daniel] W[eb- ster]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Apr. 12 A political satire. A. L. S. 4 p. 1844 Clay, H[enry]. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. To Critten- Apr. 17 den. Encloses a letter on the Texas question to be published in the " Intelligencer 7 ' at the dis- cretion of Crittenden and others. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 219. 92 LIBEAEY OP CONGKESS 1844 Apr. 19 1844 Apr. 21 1844 May 4 1844 May 10 1844 May 13 1844 May 16 [1844] [May] 1844] June 5 1844 June 5 1844 June 8 Clay, H[enry]. Petersburg, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Confidence in the stand taken in his letter for- warded for publication ; fears nothing from pub- lic opinion. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 219. Clay, H[enry]. Norfolk, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. En- tertains no apprehension from publication of his letter on the Texas question; date of publica- tion; attitude of [Martin] Van Buren and public sentiment. A. L. S. 2 p. Preston, William C[ampbell]. Columbia, [South Carolina]. To Crittenden. Personals; crossfire of [Martin] Van Buren and [Henry] Clay on the Texas ques- tion; selfish notions of [John Caldwell] Calhoun; favorable comment on Clay's letter on the Texas question. A. L. S. 4 p. Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Whig National Convention at Balti- more and its effect; Van Buren party in Ken- tucky; general campaign notes. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 220. [Davis, Charles Augustus]. New York. To Crittenden Lack of harmony in the Van Buren party; gen- eral political comment. A. L. Signature torn off. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Chapman Coleman. The treaty for annexation of Texas. Copy. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Speech made at a meeting in Kentucky for ratification of nomination of Henry Clay for President. Copy. 3 p. Preston, William C[ampbell]. Columbia, [South Carolina]. To Crittenden. Comment on the next Presi- dential campaign. A. L. S. 3 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Ridicules a recent meeting of the "Polkers" held in New York; [Martin] Van Buren' s letter is a funny affair; Texas matter an emergency; comment on the coming campaign. A. L. S. 4 p. McNeill, William Gibbs. Stonington, Connecticut. To Crittenden. Personal feelings toward Critten- PAPEES OF JOHN JOKDAN CRITTENDEN 93 1844 June 17 1844 JXJXY 1 1844 July 13 1844 July 13 1844 Aug. 12 1844 Aug, 31 1844 Sept. 2 1844 Sept. 7 1844 Sept. 21 den; reasons and cause of certain statements in recent letter. A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To John Middleton Clayton. Adjournment of Con- gress; leaves immediately for home; influence with the "Native Americans" at Philadelphia. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Congratulations on appointment as "Lord High Chancellor"; legal matters as to a will case. Copy. 1 p. Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Critten- den. Opinion of the people of Tennessee of Crittenden; prospects of the political campaign in the State ; confident of Whig victory. A. L. S. 2 p. Penrose, Charles B. Carlisle, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- tenden. Encloses letter of [William Henry] Har- rison commending Henry Clay ; confidence of the Whigs in Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 2 p. Peyton, Balie. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Charles B[ingham] Penrose. In regard to fees due from the government in certain cases before the courts; dispute as to agreement in case of United States vs. Bank of the United States. A. L. S. 9 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden, Frankfort, Kentucky. The political campaign; confidence of a Whig victory in New York; the vote in Pennsylvania; South Carolina and the tariff. A. L. S. 3 p. Helm, John L[arue]. Bardstown, Kentucky. To Crit- tenden. Desires to know the reasons why Gov- ernor [William] Owsley opposes [Benjamin] Har- din as Secretary of State. A. L. S. 2 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Nomination of Silas Wright for Governor of New York; comparison of Wright with Martin Van Buren; confident that Whigs will carry New York. A. L. S. 3 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. The origin and description of a cartoon of the Democratic "bell ringers"; the political situa- tion in New York and Pennsylvania; the States that will vote for the Whig party. A. L. S. 7 p. 94 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1844 Sept. 25 1844 Sept. 29 1844 Sept. 30 1844 Oct. 1 1844 Oct. 2 1844 Oct. 3 1844 Oct. 4 1844 Oct. 11 1844 Oct. 15 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Action of the "Native Americans" toward nomi- nations in New York City; effect that Henry Clay's election would have upon the price of securities; assurance that the Democratic party will be defeated in November. A. L. S. 7 p. Granger, Fr[ancis]. Canandaigua, New York. To Crit- tenden. Feels that New York is the pivot State in the coming election; the campaign in New York and the possible result in favor of the Whigs. A. L. S. 4 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Assurance of electing the Whig ticket in New York; effect of the campaign upon Wall street. A. L. S. 3 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Is confident that Pennsylvania and New Jersey will give a Whig majority along with New York. A. L. S. 3 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Presidential candidate to abstain from answering queries on public measures ; gives draft of letter for [Henry] Clay to give to the public declining to commit himself upon public questions. A. L. S. 4 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Approval of Henry Clay's letter to the "National Intelligencer"; little importance of the elections in Maryland and New Jersey; work of Daniel Webster in Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 3 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Election returns from Baltimore not all that could be desired; predicts a better showing in Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Election of Markle doubted; prediction of elec- tions in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Mary- land; recent mass meeting at Tammany Hall; confident of Henry Clay's election. A. L. S. 4 p. Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Must bring the Whigs and "Natives" into line in order to carry the city; price of farm products and the tariff. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 95 1844 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Nov. 13 H[enry] Clay. Election of James K[nox] Polk ; Clay possibly the only man who could lose noth- ing by the result; is tempted to leave the Polk- ites to dispose of the tariff among themselves. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Critten- den, Phila., 1871; I, 222. 1844 Corwin, Thomas. Lebanon, Ohio. To Crittenden, Wash- Nov. 15 ington, D. C. Sorrow over the defeat of Henry Clay ; an exhibition of ingratitude ; the repeal of the tariff, and war with Mexico. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 225. 1844 Davis, George T. M. Alton, Illinois. To Crittenden. Nov. 25 Mortification at the defeat of Henry Clay for President; desires letter from Crittenden that will unite the Whigs of Illinois ; Loco-f ocoism and the tariff. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Clay, Henry. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov. 28 Sympathizes with him on the result of the recent election; their duty to struggle for the interests of the country; Whig minority which may yet save the country; sentiment on the Native American party; naturalization laws; has no thought of returning to the Senate. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 223. 1844 Burnley, A[lbert] T. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- Dec. 3 tenden. Election of [James Knox] Polk ; feeling against foreigners; favors annexation of Texas, and reasons therefore ; Crittenden as a Presiden- tial candidate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Primrose, William. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Case Dec. 5 of Clymer vs. Dawkins et al., before U. S. Su- preme Court; correspondence on the Savage case. A. L. S. 2 p. 1844 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dec. 16 Article in the "National Intelligencer " relative to postal matters ; annexation of Texas. A. L. S. lp. 1844 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Dec. 17 Response of [Henry] Clay to address of the Ken- tucky electors; possibility of [John Caldwell] Calhoun retaining office of Secretary of State; 96 LIBKAEY OF CONGKESS comments on Calhoun and [Thomas Hart] Ben- ton; a rebuke needed for the abolitionists. A. L. S. 3 p. 1844 Prentiss, S[ergeant] Sfmith]. Vicksburg, [Mississippi]. To Dec. 22 Crittenden. Brief in case of Heirs of Bowers vs. Barlow et al.; general statement of the case; calls attention to case of Creath vs. Sims; the election of [James Knox] Polk as President, and his opinion of him ; general comments on national affairs. A. L. S. 4 p. 1844 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dec. 26 Desires a copy of an order made in Louisiana while it was a dependency of France, which might be in the French archives. A. L. S. 1 p. 1844 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Dec. 28 Albert T. Burnley. Bills for annexation of Texas before Congress; intentions of [James Knox] Polk in regard to Texas; assumption of Texas debt ; desires that George M. Bibb secure an official position. Copy. 1 p. [1844?] [Peyton, Balie.] [New Orleans, Louisiana.] To [Critten- den, ?] Plea for fees and full argument why the same should be paid Peyton acting as attor- ney for the U. S. in suit against the Bank of the United States in the Commercial Court of New Orleans. A. L. incomplete, p. 7-27. 1845 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. En- Jan. 9 closes letter from Judge [Joseph] Story; not sur- prised at Story's disgust with his service in the U. S. Supreme Court; Whigs should leave the Texas question to [James Knox] Polk; [Robert Perkins] Letcher bears recent defeat badly. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- den, Phila., 1871; I, 225. 1845 Prentiss, Sfergeant] S[mith]. Vicksburg, Mississippi. To Jan. 27 Crittenden. Personal business and financial mat- ters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Eggleston, H. B. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Critten- Feb. 3 den. Reinstatement of a case before the U. S. Supreme Court ; the property in dispute. A. L. S. 2 p. 1845 Graves, Wfilliam] J[ordan]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 16 Crittenden. Prefers Crittenden for Presidential PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 97 candidate in 1848; general ideas; time to make the move; outline of plan. A. L. S. 3 p. 1845 Judge, H. M. Washington, D. C. To [Mrs. H. M. Judge]. Mar. 1 Alleged agreement between [John Caldwell] Cal- houn and [James Knox] Polk; J[ohn] J[ordan] Crittenden's speech against the annexation of Texas; [Arthur Pendleton] Bagby in disgrace with both political parties. Copy. 1 p. 1845 Marcy, W[illiam] L[earned]. Washington, [D. C] To May 6 Crittenden, Frankfort, Kentucky. Political pres- sure brought against Russell to cause his removal; opinion of Russell and his good qualities; no one appointed in his place. A. L. S. 2 p. 1845 Figuens, Thomas N. Franklin, Tennessee. To William May 8 Hardeman. General statement of the case of Edward Anderson vs. William Hardeman. En- dorsed: "To be shown to Mr. Crittenden." A. L. S. 7 p. 1845 Ashley, Elizabeth et al. Unexecuted deed to John P. May 19 Maddox, Cooper County, Missouri. 2 p. 1845 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. July 11 Arrangements to have photographs made of him- self and Crittenden by Healey. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Woodbridge, W[illiam]. Springwells, [Michigan]. To Crit- Aug. 4 tenden. Regrets loss of opportunity of seeing [Orlando ?] Brown in Detroit ; recent illness ; cir- cumstances of Crittenden's servant " John." A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. To Mrs. Virginia Shelby. Sends draft of answer to file in suit concerning will of her father. A. L. S. Breckinridge. Bowling vs. Harrison. U. S. District Court for Southern Mississippi. Clerk's certificate that writ of error was granted plaintiff. 1 p. White, Joseph L. New York. To Crittenden. Efforts of John Pfendleton] Kennedy to get the name of Winfield Scott before the public; Whigs of New York prefer [Henry] Clay of all men; but would desire Crittenden before Scott. A. L. S. 5 p. 1845 Camden, P[eter] G. St. Louis, Missouri. To Alexander Oct. 28 [Andrew ?] McKinley . Sale of city property ; price of lots;estate of Mrs. [Elizabeth] Ashley. A. L. S. 1 p. 52880°— 13 7 1845 Aug. 30 1845 Sept. 12 1845 Sept .29 98 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1845 Lord, Thomas. New York. To Crittenden. Warehous- Nov. 25 ing imported merchandise; general discussion of the question; comparison of United States trade with that of England. A. L. S. 6 p. 1845 Holt, J[oseph]. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Nov. 30 Desires Crittenden to act as counsel for J[ilson] P. Harrison before the U. S. Supreme Court; statement of the case. A. L. S. 2 p. 1845 Harrison, J[ilson] P. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crit- Dec. 1 tenden. Desires careful attention to his case before the U. S. Supreme Court; payment of fees. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Yerger, George S. Vicksburg, Mississippi. To Critten- Dec. 1 den. Fees due Crittenden from the estate of late Major Creath. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Warren, C[harles] H. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- Dec. 6 tenden. Invitation to celebration of the 225th Anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. A. L. S. 2 p. 1845 Camden, P[eter] G. St. Louis, Missouri. To A[ndrew] Dec. 11 McKinley. Business affairs of Mrs. [Elizabeth] Ashley; payment of commissions. A. L. S. 3 p. 1845 Kentucky Citizens. Petition to U. S. Congress to provide Dec. a law proposing a Congress of Nations to form a code of International Law. D. S. 27 signa- tures. 1846 Clark, Thomas. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Critten- Jan. 8 den. Desires to retain Crittenden as counsel before the U. S. Supreme Court; payment of fees. A. K S. 2 p. 1846 Camden, P[eter] G. St. Louis, Missouri. To "Alex- Jan. 24 ander" [Andrew?] McKinley. Louisville, Ken- tucky. Real estate matters ; claim of Evans to the land of Mrs. [Elizabeth] Ashley. A. L. S. 3 p. 1846 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To A[ndrew] Mc- Jan. 25 Kinley, Louisville, Kentucky. Sale of land of Mrs. [Elizabeth] Ashley; business matters; state- ment of Mrs. Ashley's accounts. A. L. S. 2 p. [1846] Crittenden, [John Jordan]. Summary of remarks in the Jan. U. S. Senate in submitting petition from citizens of Kentucky, asking for an international arbitra- tion tribunal. A. D. 7 p. Feb. 5 1846 Mar. 17 1846 Mar. IS 1846 Mar. 25 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 99 Hilliard, J. H. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Suit of W[illiam] Hardeman vs. E[dward] Anderson in U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 2 p. Trigg, William H. Boonville, Missouri. To Mrs. Eliza- beth Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Freeman Wing has deposited money with him subject to her order. A. L. S. 1 p. Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Money received for sale of lands, deposited with William H. Trigg; real estate matters. A. L. S. 2 p. Taylor, Zachary. Monterey, Mex. To Crittenden. Steps taken by [William Learned] Marcy and [Winfield] Scott to defeat his efforts; his army stripped of regular troops; success of the volunteers; at- tacks made upon him in Congress ; denunciation of Marcy and Scott; future plans. A. L. 5 p. Signature torn off. 1846 Joy, G[eorge]. Pentonville, [New Jersey]. To William Mar. 25 E warts Gladstone. The Oregon question; cor- respondence with [John Quincy] Adams and [Al- bert] Gallatin; increase of population of United States and Canada. Copy. 3 p. 1846 Scott, Winfield. Washington, D. C. Memorandum to Mar. 26 [William Learned Marcy] Secretary of War on the proposed increase in the army; length of enlist- ments. A. D. S. "Copy." 3 p. 1846 Leigh, B[enjamin] W[atkins]. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Apr. 13 Crittenden. [Daniel] Webster's invective against [Charles Jared] Ingersoll ; floor of the Senate not the proper place for such a temper; Ingersoll's retaliation; views on the matter. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 239. 1846 Scott, [Winfield]. [Washington, D. C] To Mrs. [Maria Apr. 20 K.] Crittenden. Incloses clipping from news- paper. A. L. in 3d person. 1 p. 1846 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- Apr. 23 den. Crittenden's speech in reply to William Allen; service to the country. A. L. S. 1 p. 1846 Thurston, Charles M. Louisville, Kentucky. To Critten- May 5 den. Requests a copy of Fremont's Travels; Crittenden's speech in reply to [William] Allen. A. L. S. 3 p. 100 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1846 Scott, Winfield. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. June 4 Suggests that Maj. Gen. [Zachary] Taylor be pre- sented with a gold medal in preference to a sword ; swords usually given to inferior officers; reports received from Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 243. 1846 Butler, A[nthony]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- June 15 den. Criticises [Winfield] Scott's correspond- ence with the War Department; Crittenden's chances for Presidential nomination; ideas on the subject. A. L. S. 4 p. Extracts printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 247. 1846 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- July 24 den. Has written to [Daniel] Webster relative to the compromise; bill should be introduced by Democrat, if possible; suggestions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1846 Darby, John F. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. July 27 Desires to retain Crittenden as counsel in case of Amedee Menard's Heirs vs. Samuel Massy, in U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 2 p. 1846 Hickey, Wplliam]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Aug. 3 Submits a standard edition of the United States Constitution. A. L. S. 1 p. 1846 Reynolds, J[ames ?] N. New York. To Crittenden. Com- Aug. 4 pliments him on his action toward the tariff; general comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1846 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Aug. 8 M[aria] K. Crittenden. Preparations for leaving after the adjournment of Congress; her depar- ture from New York for New Haven; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1846 Wing, F[reeman]. La Mine, Missouri. To A[ndrew] Mc- Aug. 28 Kinley. Advises sale or lease of estate [of Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley] at Choteau Lick Spring. A. L. S. 1 p. 1846 Scott, Winfield. West Point, New York. To William Sept. 12 L[earned] Marcy. Asks that President Polk be reminded of Scott's former request to be sent to command the U. S. Army in Mexico; opinion that he could reach the Rio Grande by the end of September. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, 1871 ; I, 250. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 101 1846 Marcy, W[illiam] L[earned]. Washington, [D. CJ To Sept. 14 Maj. Gen. W[infield] Scott. At request of Presi- dent Polk informs him that it is not within the arrangements for Scott to supersede [Maj.] Gen. [Zachary] Taylor in Mexico. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 250. 1846 Taylor, Z[achary]. Camargo, Mexico. To Crittenden, Sept. 15 Frankfort, Kentucky. The attitude of the Ad- ministration toward Taylor; capture of [Capt. Seth Barton] Thornton by Mexicans; honors be- stowed by Congress; organization of the Army; difficulty in procuring supplies ; the revolution in Mexico; his respect for [Maj.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott; has no political aspirations; desire to bring the war to a close. A. L. S. 8 p., also copy, 7 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Critten- den, Phila., 1871; I, 251. 1846 Scott, Winfield. West Point, [New York]. To Crittenden. Sept. 17 Incloses copies of correspondence with [William Learned Marcy] Secretary of War; understands that [Maj.] Gen. [Zachary] Taylor desires Scott in Mexico; suspected project to withdraw Taylor and leave [Maj.] Gen. [William Orlando] Butler in • command. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 249. 1846 Sanders, L., Jr. Natchez, Mississippi. To Crittenden. Sept. 20 Denunciation of Robert Walker ; his own po- litical principles; Walker's schemes. A. L. S. 3 p. 1846 Scott, Winneld. Washington, [D. C] To Maj. Gen. Sept. 26 Zachary Taylor. Friendly feeling toward Tay- lor; his situation with the Administration; dan- ger of Taylor being superseded in command; Scott's correspondence with [William Learned Marcy] Secretary of War. Copy. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 256. 1846 Scott, Winfield. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 30 Incloses copy of letter to [Maj.] Gen. [Zachary] Taylor [of Sept. 26]; Thomas Sidney Jesup to superintend Quartermaster's Dept. at New Or- leans; desire of the Administration to supersede Taylor still prevails; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 256. 102 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1846 Pope, John. Sketch of Monterey, [Mexico], and its ap- Sept. proaches, designed to illustrate operations of U. S. Forces under the command of Maj. Gen. Zachary Taylor, Sept. 19-24. A. D. S. 1 p. 41.5 x 52 cm. 1846 Peyton, Balie. Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden. Ca- Oct. 2 pitulation of Monterey; praise for [Brig.] Gen. [William Jenkins] Worth ; Crittenden as the next President, with Worth as Secretary of War; has written an account of the capitulation for publi- cation. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 259. 1846 Taylor, Z[achary]. Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden. Oct. 9 The march to Monterey; details of the battle; negotiations for surrender ; reasons for liberality ; hopes it will be the means of securing peace ; cost of continuing the war; lack of civil government in Mexico; description of Monterey. A. L. S. 6 p. 1846 Peyton, Balie. Camargo, Mexico. To "Gen'l" Albert] Oct. 11 Sidney Johnston. General [Thomas] Marshall misunderstood by Peyton ; no insult was intended ; regrets the occurrence of having struck Marshall. Copy. 1 p. 1846 Marshall, Thomas. Camargo, Mexico. To Balie Peyton. Oct. 11 Has received his communication expressing re- gret for certain " occurrences," and it is satisfac- tory. Copy. 1846 Crittenden, John Jordan. Memorandum of lands in Mis- Oct. 13 souri belonging to Crittenden. A. D. S. 1 p. Endorsed : ' ' Duplicate of the within sent to Wm. E. Dunscomb, Jefferson, Missouri." 1846 Scott, Winfield. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Oct. 19 Public opinion only prevents [Maj.] Gen. [Zach- ary] Taylor from being recalled from Mexico; criticized by the administration for the armistice at Monterey; difficulties encountered by Taylor; after two more victories thinks Mexicans will be forced to sue for peace. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed : Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 260. 1846 Wing, F[reeman]. Lamine, [Missouri]. To Mrs. Eliza- Oct. 23 beth Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Funds held in his possession; sale of land; price set upon the Choteau Spring property. A. L. S. 3 p. 1846 Oct. 25 1846 Nov. 5 1846 Nov. 15 1846 Dec. 10 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 103 Dunscomb, William E. Jefferson City, Missouri. To Crit- tenden. Sale of lands in Missouri for taxes. A. L. S. 2 p. Peyton, Balie. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Account of his trouble with Thomas Marshall; cause, actions of both parties and the termina- tion. A. L. S. 4 p. Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Acknowledgment of deeds; price of the land at Choteau Spring; real estate matters. A. L. S. 2 p. Taylor, Z[achary]. Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden, Washington, D. C. Arrival of Kentucky volun- teers in Mexico ; attitude of the administration at Washington; is satisfied that there are secret influences connected with the War Department that will cause unhappy effects; outline of the coming campaign in detail; part the U. S. Navy should take; number of troops needed; prob- ability of securing peace. A. L. S. 8 p. 1846 Kennedy, John Pendleton. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Dec. 20 Crittenden. Payment of interest on Maryland bonds; diversity of opinion on the subject; desires a short opinion from Crittenden; trouble over the question of compound interest. A. L. S. 3 p. 1846 Scott, Winfield. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Critten- Dec. 20 den. His tedious passage to New Orleans ; great number of applicants for positions on his staff; his ' 'commissioned " staff; hopes to have Critten- den with him in a high official capacity before the end of March; delay of the volunteers may be fatal to his expedition; received a visit from [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 5 p. 1846 Mangnm, Willie P. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 31 Crittenden's eulogy on the late Alexander Bar- row; expresses his respect and love for Critten- den. A. L. S. 1 p. Signature mutilated. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; 1,265. 1847 Kinkead, G[eorge] B. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Jan. 2 den. Acts of present administration make a Whig victory sure at the next Presidential elec- 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS tion; decline of Henry Clay as leader of the Whigs; desire of friends to use Crittenden's name as can- didate for President. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 265. 1847 Williams, George W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Jan. 7 tenden. Intention to bring [Henry] Clay in the field again for President ; decline in Clay's popu- larity; Crittenden's possible majority for Gov- ernor compared with Clay's strength; condition of the Whig party; hints that Crittenden should run for President. A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 Croghan, G[eorge]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- Jan. 24 tenden. Rumor that Santa Anna is between [Brig.] Gen. [Zachary] Taylor and [Brig. Gen. William Jenkins] Worth; real location of the Mexicans. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Taylor, Z[achary]. Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden. Jan. 26 Will care for Thomas L. Crittenden; attitude of the Administration; plans of attack; feeling toward [Maj.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott; detailed account of recent movements; criticises Scott and [William Learned] Marcy; Kentucky volun- teers at Monterey; the next Presidency; his apprehensions for the volunteers. A. L. S. 11 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 270. 1847 Rives, W[illiam] C[abell]. Castle Hill, [Virginia]. ToCrit- Feb. 5 tenden. Attitude the Whigs should take toward the Polk Administration and the war with Mex- ico ; the termination of the war should not be an issue. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 Rives, W[illiam] C[abell]. Castle Hill, [Virginia]. To Crit- Feb - 8 tenden, Frankfort, Kentucky. Termination of war with Mexico; proposes surrender of New Mexico and Upper California by Mexico; does not believe in "conquering a peace"; outline of a campaign. A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 Morehead, James T. Promissory note to John Glenn, Feb. 15 endorsed by Crittenden and Willie P. Mangum; paid. D. S. 1 p. 1847 Johnson, Reverdy. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- Ap R- 2 den. Congratulations on [Brig. Gen. Zachary] Taylor's victory in Mexico; their mutual friends John Glenn and William H. Satchell desire Crit- PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 105 tenden to procure whiskey for them. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Apr. 8 Gratitude for expressions of sympathy; publica- tion of letter from [Brig.] Gen. [Zachary] Taylor; receipt of letter from Clay's son [Henry Clay, Jr.] written just before he was killed. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Dunscomb, William E. Jefferson City, [Missouri]. To Apr. 22 Crittenden. Sends tax receipts for land in Mis- souri and redemption certificate for lands pre- viously sold for taxes; statement of account with Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Huston, George W. Jefferson, Missouri. To Crittenden. Apr. 22 Tax and redemption receipts for land in Boone County, Missouri. 4 printed forms filled in. 1 p. each. 1847 Stevenson, Thomas B. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Robert Apr. 23 Perkins Letcher. Opinion of William S[egar] Archer that Zachary Taylor must be the Presi- dential candidate of the Whig party; attitude [Henry] Clay should take ; Crittenden must have place in Taylor's Cabinet ; ideas should be made known to Clay. A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth Apr. 26 Ashley, Louisville, Kentucky. Dull prospects for sale of lands; real estate matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 Stevenson, Thomas B. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Crittenden. May 1 Would prefer [Henry] Clay for President, but not willing to hazard defeat of the Whig party; his faith in [Zachary] Taylor, but action in his favor premature ; [Thomas] Corwin would run with Taylor; political downfall of John McLean; honesty and moral tone in politics; Crittenden mentioned as Vice President with Taylor or Winfield Scott. A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 [Taylor, Zachary.] Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden. May 15 His treatment by the Administration; would not refuse Presidency if elected by the people ; would be President of the Nation and not of a party; movements and proposed plans of the army under his command; praise [for Thomas L. Crittenden]; his opinion of President Polk and Secretary of War [William Learned Marcy]. A. L. first 8 p. only. 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1847 Benton, Thomas H[art]. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crit- May 21 tenden and Robert Perkins Letcher. Introducing Theodore Talbot t who was with [John Charles] Fremont on his expedition. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth May 23 Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Finances and real estate matters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. May 24 Controversy between rival governors of Califor- nia; considers [John Charles] Fremont in the right. Copy. 1 p. [1847] Stevenson, Thomas B. Cincinnati, Ohio. To [Robert [June 20] Perkins Letcher.] Canvas for Presidential nomi- nation; preference for [Henry] Clay; complexion of the Whig party in various parts of the country; local matters. A. L. S. p. 5 to 12 only. 1847 White, J[oseph] L. New York. To Crittenden. Asks if June 28 [Henry] Clay approves of [Zachary] Taylor as Presidential candidate; development of "Tay- lorism" in New York; intention of certain Whigs to run a Northern man; is Taylor a Whig? A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth July ll Ashley, Louisville, Kentucky. Real estate mat- ters; settlement of accounts. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, Missouri. To Mrs. July 22 Elizabeth Ashley, Louisville, Kentucky. Re- mits money for rents. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Seaman, Henry J. New York. To Crittenden. Desires Aug. 24 to know how [Zachary] Taylor is regarded by Whigs of the south as a Presidential candidate; disposition to lay [Henry] Clay aside; Taylor's declaration not to be a party candidate. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Loring, W[illiam] W[ing]. Hacienda Guadalupe, Mexico. Aug. 24 Report to Lieutenant Earl Van Dorn. Detailed account of part taken by regiment of Mounted Riflemen under his command on August 19th and 20th. "Copy for J. J. Crittenden." 7 p. 1847 Stevenson, Thomas B. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Crittenden. Sept. 1 Criticism of attitude of [Zachary] Taylor toward the Wilmot proviso; publication of Taylor's let- ters; is of opinion that Ohio can not be carried PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 107 for Taylor for President unless he takes the ".No Territory" ground. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Taylor, Z[achary]. Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden. Sept. 15 Rumor of negotiations for peace ; conditions and movements of the army ; design of the Adminis- tration and [Maj.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott to drive him out of Mexico or out of the Army; respect for those in authority; complains of army being taken from him ; will apply for leave when Scott is in possession of the City of Mexico ; his own at- titude toward the Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 12 p. [1847] White, J[oseph] L. New York. To Henry Clay. Move- [Sept. 15?] ment in Kentucky in favor of [Zachary] Taylor for President; regret that [John Jordan] Critten- den favors Taylor in preference to Clay ; has Crit- tenden the approbation of Clay; little interest for Taylor out of Kentucky. Copy. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 282. 1847 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Sept. 21 Encloses letter [from Joseph L. White] ; does not indorse any of its conjectures relative to Critten- den. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 282. 1847 Archer, W[illiam] S[egar]. Amelia, Virginia. To Critten- Sept. 22 den. Concern as to recent statements by [Zachary] Taylor; Taylor has formed no opinions on national questions, or he is willing to compro- mise for general support; Taylor's election cer- tain, but leaders may not assist him; suggestions for consideration. A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 Clay, Henry. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. At- Sept. 26 titude of Crittenden toward the Presidential nomination; has remained passive himself ; mor- tified at the forwardness of Kentucky for [Zach- ary] Taylor instead of remaining silent; Taylor's opinions on national questions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Scott, Winfield. Headquarters of the Army, Mexico. To Oct. 27 William L[earned] Marcy. Upon request of Brevet Captain [Edmund Brooke] Alexander, asks that J[ames] B[arton] [Stone] Alexander be appointed a cadet at West Point. Copy. 1 p. 108 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1847 White, J[oseph] L. New York. To Crittenden. Opinion Oct. 30 that Crittenden had abandoned [Henry] Clay as Presidential nominee; reasons for thinking so; apologizes if there has been any ill feeling. A. L. S. 5 p. 1847 Norton, Charles D. Buffalo, [New York]. To Crittenden. Nov. 12 Invitation to address the Young Men's Associa- tion of Buffalo. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Noland, C. F. M. Batesville, Arkansas. To Crittenden. Nov. 13 Political strife in Arkansas among the Demo- crats ; claim of his brother for promo tioD and pay in the army; favors Zachary Taylor for Presi- dent. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Taylor, Z[achary]. Monterey, Mexico. To Crittenden. Nov. 15 General ideas on the Presidential nomination; would retire in favor of some one else ; attitude of Henry Clay; slave question; power of appoint- ment; his political convictions; strength of the Whig party; war news; cause of his letter to [James] Buchanan denouncing [Winfield] Scott and [William Learned] Marcy. A. L. S. 12 p. 1847 New York Citizens. To Crittenden. Invitation to ad- Nov. 18 dress a meeting. L. S. 7 signatures. 1847 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. His Nov. 18 correspondence with J[oseph] L. White ; White's friendship with Crittenden; desires to see Crit- tenden before he goes " eastward." A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Nov. 23 Election of John Bell to U. S. Senate; beware of him; favors [Henry] Clay in preference to [Zach- ary] Taylor; suggests that Taylor run as Vice President. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Williams, George W. Paris, Kentucky. To Crittenden, Nov. 25 Washington, D. C. Attitude of friends of [Zach- ary] Taylor toward those of [Henry] Clay; "Clay can not be elected;" course to be pursued by Whigs of Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1847 Carter, Joseph. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. In- Dec. 4 disposed and requests Crittenden to call. 1 p. 1847 Prunt, P. H. Camargo, Mexico. To Crittenden. Be- Dec. 5 lieves a conclusive treaty with Mexico impossible ; reasons ; commerce of Mexico ; Whigs of United States should elect [Henry] Clay President. A. L. S. 5 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 109 1847 Walker, R. J. [Washington, D. C] Circular letter set- Dec. 6 ting forth rights of Land Office officials. Printed, lp. 1847 Travers, William H. Baltimore, Maryland. To Critten- Dec. 8 den. Notification of election as honorary mem- ber of the Calocagathian Society of St. Mary's College. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Turner, Thomas. Frederick, Maryland. To Crittenden. Dec. 11 Presidential candidates; compares political strength of [Henry] Clay with that of [Zachary] Taylor; politics in Maryland. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 Thompson, Waddy. Greenville, [South Carolina]. To Dec. 12 Crittenden. Treaties with the Cherokees and interest on amounts due them. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 Burnley, A[lbert] T. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crit- Dec. 12 tenden. [Henry] Clay's speech at Lexington, Kentucky; Clay will not be nominated " because he can not be elected"; [Zachary] Taylor the favorite of both parties; detailed account of Taylor's reception in New Orleans. A. L. S. 6 p. 1847 Warren, Reuben B. Alabama, New York. To Critten- Dec. 13 den. Interest in movement of the Tonawanda Indians to retain their reservation; argument in behalf of the Indians. A. L. S. 4 p. 1847 Erodelphian Literary Society of Cumberland College. Dec. 15 Princeton, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Notifi- cation of election as honorary member. L. S. by 3 names in one handwriting as a committee. 1 p. 1847 L[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Dec. 20 Crittenden. Zach[ary Taylor] ; enmity between [Maj. Gen. Winfield] Scott and [Maj. Gen. William Jenkins] Worth; Scott as a Presidential candi- date. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 L[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Dec. 23 Crittenden. Local matters; effect of the "con- fidential circular" issued at Lexington; [Henry] Clay about to leave for Washington; George Davidson's opinion of Cas[sius Marcellus] Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1847 Bibb, John B. Russell ville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dec. 25 Favorable attitude of Kentucky Whigs toward [Zachary] Taylor for President; [Henry] Clay should decline the nomination as a duty to the Whigs. A. L. S. 2 p. 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Taylor, Z[achary]. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. To Critten- Jan. 3 den. Reasons for application for leave from the Army ; his position as to Presidential nomination the same except he will not withdraw from the canvas; if [Henry] Clay were nominated by Whig National Convention would not expect Critten- den leave the party in favor of Taylor; acquisi- tion of territory; friendly feeling toward Clay; intention to stay at home and not travel about the country. A. L. S. 8 p. 1848 Corcoran & Riggs. Washington; [D. C] To Willie P[er- Jan. 5 son] Mangum. Enclose a note which was paid at request of John J[ordan] Crittenden and Mangum. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Anonymous. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Ru- Jan. 5 mor that Crittenden favors the nomination of [Zachary] Taylor for President ; denounces Tay- lor's friends and argues that Henry Clay should be nominated at all hazards. Signed: "Compos Mentis." 2 p. 1848 Clayton, John Mpddleton]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 6 Crittenden. The opposition to [Zachary] Taylor in U. S. Senate; the vote in Senate confirming appointment of Lewis Cass, Jr., as charge* d'af- faires to the Pontifical States; nomination of [Ambrose Hundley] Sevier as Boundary Com- missioner to Mexico will be rejected; will do all in his power to aid George [Bibb Crittenden]. A. L. S. 2 p. Black, J. M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Ac- count of his employment as Messenger to Clerk of House of Representatives and subsequent dis- missal. A. L. S. 7 p. Davis, Presley. Shelby City, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Revolutionary claim of his father Capt. Jesse Davis; national politics. A. L. S. 2 p. Lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Personals; the pilot question before Congress ; general oppo- sition to the existing conditions. A. L. S. 3 p. Helm, John L[arue]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- tenden. Growing popularity of [Zachary] Tay- lor in Kentucky ; fear of offense to Henry Clay ; unsettled arrangements of the gubernatorial nominations of the Whig party. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Jan. 7 1848 Jan. 8 1848 Jan. 11 1848 Jan. 11 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 111 1848 Lincoln, Abraham. Extract from speech delivered in Jan. 12 Congress declaring a people have the right to rise up against a government and form one of their own. Copy. 1 p. 1848 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 19 Crittenden. Attitude of various statesmen to- ward nomination of [Zachary] Taylor for Presi- dent; thinks it would help among the Quakers if Taylor should resign his commission in the army. Copy. 2 p. 1848 Cunningham, Walter. New York. To Crittenden. Edi- Jan. 19 torial comments on wishes of New York Whigs; New York sure of majority for [Zachary] Taylor; nomination of Taylor necessary for Whig victory ; admiration for [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 3 p. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Request that he write to [Thomas] Metcalfe; alarm among the Whigs of Kentucky as to the gubernatorial election. A. L. S. 2 p. Christy, William. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Critten- den. Result of the case of Christy, as assignee of A. T. Walden; encloses fee. A. L. S. 1 p. Graves, W[illiam] J[ordan]. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. His own nomination [as Presiden- tial elector?]; candidates against him; general prospects; his ideas and beliefs. A. L. S. 3 p. Coburn, James W. Minerva, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Approval of Crittenden's remarks on the standing army; is a Henry Clay Whig; proposes monu- ment to William Henry Harrison; locals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Peyton, Balie. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Jan. 25 [Zachary] Taylor's Views on the Mexican bound- ary line ; favorable prospects for nomination of Taylor. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Philadelphia Whigs. To Crittenden. Invitation to a Jan. 26 dinner to be given in honor of George Washing- ton's birthday and the battle of Buena Vista; intention to put Zachary Taylor before the country as a candidate for President. L. S. by 9 names in one handwriting. 2 p. 1848 Richie, Robert. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Strength Jan. 26 of [Zachary] Taylor in the Whig party; those who will oppose him in Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Jan. 20 1848 Jan. 21 1848 Jan. 21 1848 Jan. 22 112 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1848 McKinley, A[ndrew]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Mrs. Jan. 27 Elizabeth Ashley, New Orleans, Louisiana. Busi- ness matters ; sale of real estate ; family and per- sonal matters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Mills, William H. Bangor, Maine. To Crittenden. Ru- Jan. 28 mor that [Maj.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott has been re- lieved of command in Mexico, and release of [Maj.] Gen. [William Jenkins] Worth; praises Scott and denounces Worth. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Joy, George. Pentonville, [New Jersey]. To Crittenden. Jan. 28 Purchase of his correspondence with James Madi- son by Congress; theft of certain papers; the Oregon question; Washington's letter submit- ting the Constitution to President of Congress; correspondence with [William Ewarts] Gladstone ; proposed publication of Madison's works. A. L. S. 6 p. 1848. Forward, Walter. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To Crit- Jan. 29 tenden. Denounces the cabals of Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Pioneer H. Clay Club. New York. To Crittenden. In- Jan. 29 vitation to ball given in honor of the ratification of the Treaty of Ghent. L. S. by 5 names in one handwriting, as a committee. 1 p. [1848] Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To [Jan. ?] Crittenden. Distracted condition of the Whig party in Kentucky; resolution in State senate nominating [Zachary] Taylor for President ; sug- gestion of [Archibald] Dixon that Dixon and [William Jordan] Graves should retire from the gubernatorial canvass in favor of Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. [1848] Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To [Jan. ?] Crittenden. Gloomy prospects of Whigs in Ken- tucky ; silence of [Henry] Clay ; split between the friends of Clay and Zachary Taylor; question of national convention; suggestion of a Union Ticket. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Armstrong, Samuel P. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Crittenden. Feb - 2 Memorial for Arthur Stevenson, an old soldier; opinion that Henry Clay can not be elected President; Crittenden's popularity next to that of [Zachary] Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 113 1848 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Feb. 2 Favors nomination of [Zachary] Taylor if Crit- tenden thinks he can save the country; other- wise he thinks Henry Clay more satisfactory; hope for termination of the war. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 White, Addison. Richmond, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 3 Crittenden is the only man that can be elected Governor by the Whigs of Kentucky; reasons for this, and intentions of Crittenden's friends. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Ewing, R. A. Buena Vista, [Ohio ?] To Crittenden. Op- Feb. 4 position to [ZacharyJ Taylor for President; pre- fers Crittenden after [Henry] Clay; acquisition of New Mexico would be a curse to the country; ac- quiring upper California will be good for commer- cial purposes. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Phillips, A. W. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Feb. 7 Desires to know if Henry Clay will be a candidate for Presidency. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Metcalfe, Thomas. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Feb. 8 den. Feeling toward [Henry] Clay; favors nomination of Zachary Taylor because "we could elect him"; discussion of the canvass. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Thompson, W[addy]. Edgefield, [South Carolina]. To Feb. 9 Crittenden. The Cherokee matters before the U. S. Senate; condition of the Whig party; in- tentions of [Henry] Clay; [Zachary] Taylor pos- sesses highest qualifications for President. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Pendleton, N[athaniel] G. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Critten- Feb. 10 den. Taylor meeting recently held in the city; intention of some to run [Zachary] Taylor at all events ; desires Crittenden's views ; believes Tay- lor has the qualification of being elected. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 [Taylor, Zachary]. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. To Crit- Feb - 13 tenden. Encloses request to [William Learned] Marcy for appointment of Clay Taylor as subal- tern; all eyes on the political parties at Wash- ington; rumor of a treaty with Mexico; the war a political measure to keep the administration party in power; intention to annex the whole of 52S80 — 13 8 114 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Mexico; haste in Whig party in bringing forth a candidate ; will not withdraw from the canvass ; opinion of the military commanders. A. L. 5 p ; Signature cut off. 1848 Andrews, A. W. Flemingsburg, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Feb. 14 tenden. Favors the nomination of [Zachary] Taylor but pained at the hasty efforts of Ken- tucky to abandon [Henry] Clay; the Whig nomi- nee for Governor of Kentucky; is in low spirits as to the success in Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. .Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 16 Crittenden. Condition of the Whig Presidential canvass in Kentucky; feeling that Crittenden should be the next Governor; Letcher's attitude; local matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Morgan, John H. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 16 Desires a lieutenancy in the Army; his previous service in the army in Mexico. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Metcalfe, Thomas. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Feb. 17 den. Strong feeling in favor of [Zachary] Taylor in Kentucky; impossible to elect [Henry] Clay; all is mystery as to the Whig nominee for Gov- ernor; R[ichard] M[entor] J[ohnson] probable candidate of the Democrats; question of a National Whig Convention; Metcalfe would not be a nominee for Governor. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Pendleton, N[athaniel] G. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Critten- Feb. 19 den. Crittenden's withholding certain informa- tion; regrets that he has caused annoyance. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Kennedy, John M. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. The Feb. 19 veto power; [Zachary] Taylor's opinion on public questions ; suggestions to be made to Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Carroll, Nicholas]. New York. To Crittenden. Ac- Feb. 20 count of recent meeting which endorsed [Henry] Clay for President; Clay's popularity in New York ; Crittenden the keystone of Clay's strength A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Metcalfe, Thomas. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Feb. 20 den. Probable result in coming convention; general impression that [Zachary] Taylor will be nominated in preference to Clay ; doubt as to whether any other Whig but Crittenden can be PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 115 elected governor; harmony in sending delegates to the national convention; Oregon Railroad. A. L. S. 3 p. [1848] Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 21 Crittenden. Confusion among the Whigs of Kentucky; actions of friends of [Henry] Clay and [Zachary] Taylor in Presidential canvass. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Hawes, R. Paris, [Kentucky]. To [Maria K. Critten- Feb. 23 den.] Nomination of [John Jordan] Crittenden for Governor of Kentucky ; motives of those who made the nomination; arguments against Crit- tenden accepting the nomination; [Zachary] Taylor not nominated for President out of respect to [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Todd, H[arry] I. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 23 Enthusiasm over Crittenden's nomination for Governor; excitement before the meeting and efforts made to withhold Crittenden's name; necessity of his acceptance. A. L. S. 2 p. [1848] Brown, Orlando. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To Critten- Feb. 23 den. Crittenden should accept the nomination as Governor ; indispensable to the success of the Whigs. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Swigart, P[hilip]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 24 Account of the convention which nominated Crit- tenden for Governor ; local gossip ; disagreement between Squire Turner and [Archibald] Dixon. A. L. S. 3 p. Marshall, H. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Que- ries as to regulations for mileage of returning vol- unteers. A. L. S. 1 p. Woodbridge, William. Springwells, [Michigau]. To Crit- tenden. His claim before the U. S. Senate ; po- litical career in Michigan; desires aid. A. L. S. 5 p. Combs, Leslie. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Regrets Crittenden's course in Kentucky politics; discord among the Whigs. A. L. S. 3 p. Preston, William Ballard, and others. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Regret that Crittenden has accepted nomination for Governor of Ken- tucky; request him not resign his seat until measures before the Senate are disposed of. 1848 Feb. 24 1848 Feb. 25 1848 Feb. 27 1848 Feb. 28 116 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A. L. S. of Preston, signed also: W. L. Goggin, John Pendleton, and Andrew S. Fulton. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 293. 1848 Russell, John W. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To Critten- Mar. 1 den. Means and persons who brought about Crittenden's nomination for Governor; condi- tion of politics of the state; local and personal matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Lay, George W. Batavia, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 1 Favors nomination of [Zachary] Taylor; attitude of Taylor and [Henry] Clay toward the nomina- tion ; action of the Kentucky legislature. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Metcalfe, Thomas. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Mar. 3 den. [Zachary] Taylor's party politics; [Henry] Clay's intention to remain in the Presidential canvass; politics in Kentucky; Crittenden's resignation from the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Harlan, J[ames]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 4 Circumstances connected with Crittenden's nomi- nation for Governor; Loco-foco convention to be held; [Henry] Clay will succeed Crittenden in U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 2 p. Huston, George W. Jefferson, Missouri. To Crittenden. Tax receipts. 2 printed forms filled in. 1 p. each. Dunscomb, William E. Jefferson City, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Encloses receipts for taxes paid on lands in Missouri. A. L. S. 1 p. Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Business mat- ters; attempts to sell land; boundaries of cer- tain lands. A. L. S. 3 p. Taylor, Zfachary], Baton Rouge, Louisiana. To Crit- tenden. Reasons for declining invitations to visit various parts of the United States; ideas on the Presidential canvass; course taken by Henry Clay; argues against National Conven- tions; has no intention of retiring in favor of Clay; indemnity from Mexico; regrets that Crit- tenden will leave the Senate ; personals. A. L. S. 6 p. 1848 Mar. 9. 1848 Mar. 10 1848 Mar. 19 1848 Mar. 25 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 117 1848 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth Mar. 31 Ashley, Saint Louis, Missouri. Business mat- ters; sale of lands. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Burnley, Albert] T. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Apr. 4 den. Correspondence with George [Bibb Crit- tenden]; private opinion of [Henry] Clay's char- acteristics, morals, and vanity; Clay's attitude in the Presidential canvass; impossible to elect Clay; will not vote for a Democrat nor an Abo- litionist; Crittenden's attitude toward his nomi- nation for Governor; outline for Crittenden's campaign ; publication of letters purported to be written by [Zachary] Taylor. A. L. S. 11 p. Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Encloses a note written for publication and desires approval. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 301. Hamilton, J. New Orleans, Louisiana. Transfer of in- terest in fees in suit of Bank of United States against Texas to H. R. W. Hill. Copy. 2 p. Goodnow, Daniel. Alfred, Maine. To Crittenden. In- tention of some to nominate Crittenden for Presi- dent; political situation in the north; comment on the various candidates^ A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Henry Clay. His opinion on the Presidential canvass; perplexed condition of the Whig party; attitude and declarations of [Zachary] Taylor; strength of [Winneld] Scott in the National Con- vention. Copy. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 301. 1848 [Letcher, Robert Perkins.] Frank[fort, Kentucky]. To May 11 Crittenden. Minor matters. A. L. 1 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To May 17 [Albert T.] Burnley. Suggestions relative to publication of [Zachary] Taylor's letter to [Henry] Clay. Copy. 1 p. 1848 Love, James. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. May 20 Unable to attend the Whig National Convention; formation of Whig party in Texas; business em- barrassment of A[lbert] T. Burnley. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Apr. 10 1848 Apr. 15 1848 Apr. 18 1848 May 4 118 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Wing, F[reeman]. La Mine, Missouri. To Andrew Mc- May 28 Kinley, Louisville, Kentucky. Order of County Court to sell Ashley Springs, owned by Elizabeth Ashley; sale of certain other land. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Condict, Lewis. Mo rristown, New Jersey . To Crittenden. June 12 Minor politics ; confident of nomination and elec- tion of [Zachary] Taylor; Crittenden's resigna- tion from the Senate. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. List of appointments for June 20- speeches in his gubernatorial campaign. Copy. Aug. 5 2 p. 1848 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frank[fort, Kentucky]. To June 27 Crittenden. Outlook for the gubernatorial cam- paign; complexion of Whig politics in certain districts of Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Taylor, Z[achary]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- July 1 tenden. His nomination for President by the Whig National Convention; general topics; never intimated intention to retire at end of four years if elected, or who would form his cabinet; return of Volunteers to New Orleans from Mexico ; Crit- tenden's resignation from U. S. Senate ; intention to "remain in this section of the country" until after election. A. L. S. 5 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 314. 1848 Metcalfe, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To [Robert Per- July 15 kins Letcher?]. Rumor of letter from John Jor- dan Crittenden stating that Henry Clay had been a dead weight to the Whig Party; desires this communicated to Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To [Crit- July 17 tenden]. [Henry] Clay and his presidential aspi- rations and candidacy; Crittenden's favors and friendship to Clay. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Erwin, James. Lexington, Kentucky. To A[lbert] T. July 18 Burnley. Anticipation of a rupture between [Henry] Clay and [John Jordan] Crittenden; atti- tude of the members of each family; letter al- leged to have been written by Crittenden de- nouncing Clay; Crittenden's majority in the coming election. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Madisonville, Kentucky. July 27 Quotation from letter alleged to have been writ- PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 119 ten by Crittenden against [Henry] Clay; denies the authorship. A. D. S. 2 p. 1848 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To A[ndrew] Mc- Aug. 4 Kinley, Louisville, Kentucky. Proposed sale of land containing the Choteau Springs and belong- ing to Elizabeth Ashley. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Clayton, John Middleton. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Aug. 11 Crittenden. Campaign in Pennsylvania ; preva- lent belief that Taylor will leave enemies of the Whigs in power if elected; [Henry] Clay must now declare himself ; outlook in Delaware ; Tay- lor should write no more letters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Peyton, Balie. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Aug. 29 Rejoices at Crittenden's election as Governor of Kentucky ; is opposed to [Henry] Clay returning to the U. S. Senate; Clay's attitude in the guber- natorial election; campaign for [Zachary] Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Aug. 30 John Middleton Clayton. Confident of election of Zachary Taylor; possible number of electoral votes; election in Pennsylvania; suggestions as to campaign movements. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON 1848 Metcalfe, Thomas. Forest Retreat, Kentucky. To Crit- Sept - 2 tenden. Leaves to make campaign speeches in Ohio; attitude he must take toward the Aboli- tionists; is aware of the vigilance of the " enemy 7 '; controversy with C[assius] M[ar- cellus] C[lay]. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Ward, J. Durbin. Lebanon, Ohio. To Crittenden. Invi- Sept - 2 tation to speak at a mass meeting; the Whig party in Ohio. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Bntler, Richard. Mount Clemens, [Michigan]. To Wil- Sept - 4 liam Woodbridge. Desires John J[ordan] Crit- tenden to speak in Michigan during the coming Presidential campaign. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Stevenson, Thomas B. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Critten- Sept - 7 den. His feeling toward [Henry] Clay; since publication of [Zachary] Taylor's letters he is losing popularity; result of election in Ohio depends upon slavery question; strong senti- ment in Ohio against slavery; [Thomas] Corwin and Presidency. A. L. S. 4 p. 120 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Delavan, Charles H. New York. To Crittenden. Con- Sept. 8 gratulations on election as governor of Ken- tucky; enthusiasm in New York for [Zachary] Taylor; opposition of the " Barnburners." A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Thompson, W[addy]. Greenville, [South Carolina]. To Sept. 8 Crittenden. Revived interest in politics; criti- cises [John Caldwell] Calhoun. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Allen, John W. Cleveland, Ohio. To Crittenden. Pleased Sept. 9 at result of recent election in Kentucky; Presi- dential campaign in Ohio ; is sure that [Seabury] Ford will be elected Governor of Ohio. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Con- Sept. 11 gratulations on his election as Governor of Ken- tucky and the prospects for election of [Zachary] Taylor ; confident that Taylor will receive a large majority in New York; campaign in New York. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Woodbridge, William. Spring wells, [Michigan]. To Crit- Sept. 12 tenden. Suggests that he visit Michigan; poli- tics of the state; feels assured of a majority for [Zachary] Taylor; Henry Clay should make a declaration in favor of Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Pendleton, John. Redwood, Virginia. To Crittenden. Sept. 14 Congratulations on recent election in Kentucky; forgery of the " Anderson letter"; the Presiden- tial campaign in Virginia and other states; Zachary Taylor should write no more political letters; system of espionage in the Post Office Department. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Stanard, R[obert] C. Richmond, Virginia. To Critten- Sept. 15 den. Organization of a Henry Clay party in New York in opposition to [Zachary] Taylor; ideas on the course Clay should take; the cam- paign in Virginia. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Trowbridge, C[harles] A. Detroit, Michigan. To Critten- Sept. 15 den. The Clay party in New York in opposition to [Zachary] Taylor; course that Henry Clay should take ; Presidential campaign in Michigan. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Smith, Truman. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 16 Movement in New York to nominate Henry Clay ; PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 121 general outlook of the campaign; course of Clay; [Daniel] Webster's speech at Marshfield, Massa- chusetts. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Combs, Leslie. Albany, New York. To Crittenden. De- Sept. 17 bates in the ''Barnburners' " convention; his own speeches at Albany, Syracuse, and future engagements in New York and other States; pecuniary matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Critten- Sept. 18 den. Confident of a majority for [Zachary] Tay- lor in most of the New England States; thinks Henry Clay should endorse Taylor; personal conduct in the campaign. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 323. 1848 Smith, Oliver] H[ampton]. Indianapolis, Indiana. To Sept. 18 Crittenden. Circumstances compel him to de- cline to take active part in the Presidential cam- paign; dubious as to the result in Indiana; effect of the Free-soil party. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Hoffman, 0[gden]. New York. To Crittenden. Opera- Sept. 20 tions of the Van Buren party in New York; atti- tude of [Henry] Clay; prospects of the Cass party A. L. S. 7 p. 1848 Grinnell, M[oses] H[icks]. New York. To Crittenden. Sept. 2l Predicts great majority for [Zachary] Taylor in New York State ; not disturbed by the movement for [Henry] Clay; personal feeling toward Clay. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Vance, Joseph. Urbana, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Timid- Sept. 21 ity of the Whigs toward the Free-soilers at the "Western Reserve"; part taken by [Thomas] Corwin in the Presidential campaign. A. L. S. 2 p. Mutilated. 1848 Smith, Truman. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 23 Views of Zachary Taylor on the annexation of Mexican territory; notes on the political cam- paign. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Burnley, Albert] T. Louisville, Kentucky. To Critten- Sept. 23 den. Fatal illness of [William Jordan] Gaves ; charges of [Henry] Clay against Crittenden in fall of 1847; Clay's selfishness. A. L. S. 2 p. 122 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1848 Holmes, I[saac] E[dward]. Charleston, [South Carolina]. Sept. 24 To Crittenden. Political prospects of Ohio ; only candidate for Congress in South Carolina who advocates Zachary Taylor; disappointed in his colleagues. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Ewing, T[homas]. Lancaster, Ohio. To Crittenden. The Sept. 24 Presidential campaign in Ohio; Whig majority. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Stephens, Alexander] H[amilton]. Crawfordsville, Geor- Sept. 26 gia. To Crittenden. Recent encounter [with Judge Cone]; Georgia politics; effective work of [Robert] Toombs; Crittenden's election as Gov- ernor of Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Delavan, Charles H. New York. To Crittenden. Fail- Sept. 26 ure of the movement for [Henry] Clay in New York; activity of the Barnburners; great enthu- siasm for [Zachary] Taylor; general politics. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Toombs, Rjobert]. Washington, Georgia. To Critten- Sept. 27 den. Injuries received by [Alexander Hamilton] Stephens in encounter [with Judge Cone] on Sept. 3; details of the political struggle in Georgia; predicts a Whig majority; attitude of [John Cald- well] Calhoun and political situation in South Carolina, Tennessee, and other States. A. L. S. 6 p. Todd, Cfharles] S[cott]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Gratifying condition of politics in Pennsylvania; news from various sections. A. L. S. 2 p. Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Critten- den. Congratulations on his election as Gov- ernor of Kentucky; incloses newspaper clipping. A. L. S. 1 p. Rumsey, Edward. Greenville, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Offer of Crittenden to him of the office of first or second auditor of the state. A. L. S. 2 p. Burnley, AQbert] T. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Propriety of [Zachary] Taylor visiting Kentucky and Ohio; flattering accounts from various states. A. L. S. 3 p. Smith, Truman. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Confident of a Whig majority in Pennsylvania at coming election; not sure of Ohio; distribution of printed documents. A. L. S. 4 p. Sept .27 1848 Sept .29 1848 Sept . 30 1848 Oct. 1 1848 Oct. 3 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 123 1848 Johnson, Reverdy. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- Oct. 5 den. Feels certain that [Henry] Clay will vote for [Zachary] Taylor; esteem and gratitude due Clay from the people; confident that Maryland will give a Whig majority; cheering news from Pennsylvania; grieved at the death of [William Jordan] Graves. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Ewing, Thomas. Lancaster, Ohio. To Crittenden. Elec- Oct. 6 tion of [Seabury] Ford as Governor of Ohio ; the effect of his election on the Presidential campaign ; encouraging news from Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Delavan, Charles H. New York. To Crittenden. Re- Oct. 6 cent mass meeting in New York; great enthu- siasm for [Zachary] Taylor; and there appears to be little excitement for [Lewis] Cass or [Martin] Van Buren. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Oct. 6 John Middleton Clayton. Encouraged by Presi- dential campaign news from Pennsylvania; his confidence in Clayton. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1848 Greene, AQbert] Cfollins], Providence, Rhode Island. To Oct. 9 Crittenden. Encloses newspaper; recent speech of Leslie Combs; congratulations on election as Governor of Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Hoffman, Ofgden]. New York. To Crittenden. New Oct. 10 Jersey will give a Whig majority; good prospects from Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Foster, Ephraim H. Nashville, Tennessee. To Critten- Oct. 10 den. Political matters ; pecuniary matters ; con- fident that Tennessee will give a Whig majority. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Fry, John B. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Con- Oct. 11 gratulation on his election as Governor of Ken- tucky; relations between Crittenden and [Henry] Clay; use of Clay's name since the Whig national convention; feels certain of majority for [Zach- ary] Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Morgan, Charles W. Georgetown, District of Columbia. Oct. 12 To Crittenden. Personals ; intended cruize as commander of the Mediterranean Squadron of U. S. Navy; difficulties with Navy Department; Kentucky and National politics; family matters. A.L. S. "7 p. 124 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1848 Badger, George E[dmond]. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. Oct. 12 To Crittenden. Personals; is certain that North Carolina will give a majority for [Zachary] Tay- lor; about to leave on political campaign through the state. A. L. S. 2 p. Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Crittenden. Political news from various States ; efforts needed in Ohio ; has no faith in Georgia. A. L. S. 1 p. Barnett, Thomas J. New York. ' To Crittenden. Intro- ducing [James B.] Mower. A. L. S. 1 p. Toombs, R[obert]. Washington, [Georgia]. To Critten- den. The political situation in Georgia; health of [Alexander Hamilton] Stephens and his part in the campaign. A. L. S. 3 p. Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Political character of Thomas J. Barnett; general views on the Presidential campaign; confidence in Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To John Middleton Clayton. Effect of "Free-soil- ers" upon the Whig party in Pennsylvania and Ohio; gubernatorial election in both States; con- fidence in Clayton's work. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. 1848 Smith, Truman. Washington, [D. C] Circular letter to 0° T - 17 citizens of Virginia. Prospects for a Whig suc- cess ; urges that great efforts be made during the campaign. Lithograph. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Dorman, C. P. Washington, District of Columbia. To 0cT - 18 Crittenden. Campaigning in Virginia for Zachary Taylor; predicts Whig success in Virginia; cheer- ful news from Pennsylvania; encloses circular of October 17. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Louisville, Kentucky. To Critten- ° CT - !8 den. Report of recent trip to Ohio; organiza- tion in that State ; Assistant Postmaster General [William J.] Brown in Cincinnati. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Starkweather, S. New York. To Crittenden. Desires 0cT - 21 appointment for John Livingston as commis- sioner for Kentucky; Presidential campaign. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Oct. 12 1848 Oct. 14 1848 Oct. 15 1848 Oct. 15 1848 Oct. 17 1848 Oct. 2L 1848 Oct. 21 1848 Oct. 21 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 125 Peyton, Balie. Gallatin, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Tennessee is safe for [Zachary] Taylor; political situation of various States; Free-soil movement; political comments. A. L. S. 4 p. Allen, John W. Cleveland, Ohio. To Crittenden. The gubernatorial election in Ohio and prospects for the Presidential election; optimistic views. A. L. S. 1 p. Thompson, R[ichard] W[iggington]. Terre Haute, Indiana. To Crittenden. Political situation of Indiana in detail ; effect of the Free-soil movement ; dilatory proceedings on the part of the Whigs ; situation in other States. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Recent Oct. 22 elections in various States ; favors Zachary Tay- lor as Whig Presidential candidate; Crittenden as Premier in Taylor's Cabinet; Congressional election; character of political workers in New York City. A. L. S. 2 p. Grider, H[enry]. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Declines office tendered him. A. L. S. 2 p. Delavan, Charles H. New York. To Crittenden. Ex- pects a Whig majority in New York; fears illegal votes in New Jersey; tariff on coal; cause of reduced price of Nova Scotia coal. A. L. S. 3 p. Penrose, Charles B[ingham]. Philadelphia. To Critten- den. Political contest in Pennsylvania; the State will give a majority for [Zachary] Taylor; difficulties and advantages. A. L. S. 4 p. Vance, Joseph. Urbana, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Elec- tion of [Seabury] Ford as Governor of Ohio; op- timistic views on the presidential election. A. L. S. 2 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Albert T. Burnley. Reported that [Lewis] Cass will get a majority in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland; this report not believed. Copy. lp. [1848?] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. To Crittenden. Encloses Oct. 27 [plans of] inventions for pumps. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Elizabeth Ash- Oct. 29 l e y ? Saint Louis, Missouri. Real estate matters ; sale of lands in Missouri. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Oct. 23 1848 Oct. 23 1848 Oct. 24 1848 Oct. 24 1848 Oct. 27 126 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1848 Loving, William V. Bowling Green, Kentucky. To Crit- Oct„ 30 tenden. Gratified at Crittenden's compliments to him and [Henry] Grider. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Delavan, Charles H. Pottsville, New York. To Critten- Oct. 31 den. Great enthusiasm for Taylor and Fillmore and the Tariff of 1842 ; expects Whig majority of thirty thousand in the state. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Bibb, John B. Russellville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Oct. 31 Recommends John B. Temple for office of 1st auditor of the state; expects a majority for [Zachary] Taylor in his district. A. L. S. 3 p. [1848] Johnston, J[oseph?]. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. ToCrit- Nov. 2 tenden. Politics in Pennsylvania; expects a Whig majority throughout the state; compari- son with recent elections. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Louisville, Kentucky. To Critten- Nov. 3 den. Apologies for publication of certain letters ; the presidential election; feels certain that [Zach- ary] Taylor will be elected; criticises political character of Lewis Cass ; suggests Calhoun Ben- ham for an appointment; consulate at Liver- pool. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 January, C[harles] C. & Co. St. Louis, Missouri. To Nov. 4 Elizabeth Ashley, Louisville, Kentucky. Money matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Assur- Nov. 5 ance that [Zachary] Taylor will be elected Presi- dent; urges Crittenden to become Secretary of State; esteem for [Henry] Clay; foreigners in New York and their vote. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Clayton, John Mpddleton]. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Nov. 8 Crittenden. Great Whig victory in Delaware; hopes [Zachary] Taylor will not commit himself to a single term. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Hannegan, E[dward] A. Covington, [Indiana]. To Crit- Nov. 8 tenden. Result of election in Indiana ; asks that Crittenden's exertions in his own behalf be confi- dential. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Toombs, R[obert]. Atlanta, Georgia. To Crittenden. Nov. 9 Triumph of Whig party in Presidential election. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 L[awrence], A[bbott]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- Nov. 9 tenden. Election in Massachusetts corrupt ; cer- tain men have done the mischief; decision of 1848 Nov. 9 1848 Nov. 10 1848 Nov. 11 1848 Nov. 11 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 127 state legislature will be for [Zachary] Taylor; gives vote of Massachusetts. A. L. S. 2 p. Loomis, A. W. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Congratulations on Presidential election; great Whig majority in Pittsburg. A. L. S. 1 p. Austin, James T[ricothie]. Boston, Mass. To Critten- den. Loss of confidence in [Daniel] Webster; looks to Crittenden as leader of [Zachary] Tay- lor's administration. A. L. S. 1 p. Pendleton, John. To Crittenden. Great Whig majority in his district; desires that William C[abell] Rives be a member of President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. Washington and Taylor Union. Philadelphia. To Crit- tenden. Congratulations on the recent Presi- dential election ; organization of the Washington and Taylor Union of Pennsylvania; Whig ma- jority in Pennsylvania. L. S. by Adam Dillen, Hugh W. Tener, James Hall, C. Blythe, and Osage Wayne Dhoine. 3 p. 1848 Temple, John B. Russellville, [Kentucky.] To Critten- Nov. 11 den. Accepts appointment as first auditor of Kentucky; will leave soon for Frankfort. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Mower, James B. New York. To Crittenden. Whig Nov. 12 majority in New York for Zachary Taylor; great victory for the Whig party and welfare of the country. 4 A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Vance, Joseph. Urbana, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Defeat Nov. 13 of Whigs in Ohio due to efforts of Free-soilers ; large portion of the votes for [Martin] Van Buren taken from the old Whig party ; dilatory actions of the Whigs in Ohio; rejoices at the election of [Zachary] Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 King, Charles. Elizabethtown, New Jersey. To Critten- Nov. 13 den. Applies for appointment as collector of the port of New York. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Seaton, W[illiam] Wfinston], Washington, [D. C] To Nov. 14 Crittenden. Desire to have [Zachary] Taylor as his guest previous to the inauguration as was [William Henry] Harrison; hopes that Critten- den will act as Taylor's counsellor. A. L. S. 2 p. 128 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Nov. 14 John Middleton Clayton. Election of Zachary Taylor and the use to be made of the victory; Taylor's freedom in forming his cabinet; office seekers. A. L. S. 3 p. clayton. 1848 Smith, 0[liver] H[ampton]. Indianapolis, Indiana. To Nov. 16 Crittenden. Urges that Crittenden accept a cabinet office if Zachary Taylor should offer one ; the Presidential election in Indiana. A. L. S. lp. 1848 Morris, E[dward] Joy. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Nov. 17 Desire that Josiah Randall should receive ap- pointment as Attorney General to President Taylor; Randall's character and qualifications. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Sutter, John A[ugustus]. Deed to lands in California to Nov. 18 John A. Sutter, Jr. Copy. 4 p. 1848 Ogden, David B. New York. To Crittenden. Desires Nov. 18 appointment as U. S. District Attorney of New York; pecuniary circumstances; hopes that John L. Lawrence will be appointed collector of the port of New York; Lawrence's political activity. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. New Nov. 19 York politics; Crittenden and President Tay- lor's cabinet; various candidates for the cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Pope, Nathaniel. Alton, Illinois. To Crittenden. Elec- Nov. 19 tion of [Zachary] Taylor as President ; Crittenden and the Cabinet ; possibilities of Taylor's admin- istration; the election in Illinois; office seekers. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Archer, W[illiam] Sfegar]. Amelia, Virginia. To Critten- Nov. 19 den. Urges Crittenden to accept Cabinet office under President Taylor; comment. A. L. S. 7 p. 1848 McMichael, Morton. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. For- Nov. 20 mation of President Taylor's Cabinet; public opinion that Crittenden and [John Middleton] Clayton should go into the Cabinet; general ideas. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Gentry, M[eredith] P[oindexter]. [Nashville, ? Term.] To Nov. 20 Crittenden. Opinion that Crittenden will be PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 129 President Taylor's Secretary of State ; his respon- sibility for the success of the administration; division of Whig party in Tennessee ; Crittenden to guard against designing persons. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Appleton, Nathan. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Critten- Nov. 20 den. Presidential election in Massachusetts ; President Taylor's Cabinet; considers Abbott Lawrence qualified for office of Secretary of the Treasury; adjustment of the tariff a necessary consideration. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Williams, John W. Paris, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Nov. 20 Desires support for appointment as postmaster to succeed [John H.] Holt. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Johnston, William Freame. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Nov. 22 To Crittenden. Presidential election in Pennsyl- vania; protection to one domestic industry would place Pennsylvania in front rank of Whig States. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Collier, John A[llen]. Albany, [New York]. To J[ames] Nov. 23 Watson Webb. Would be glad to see Webb receive a foreign mission ; offers use of his name if it would be of assistance. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Nov. 24 Crittenden. Minor matters ; people of Kentucky tolerate Crittenden as Secretary of State but would not consider his immediate return to U. S. Senate; others that could fill the State Depart- ment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Anonymous. Millidgeville, Georgia. To Crittenden. Sug- Nov. 24 gestion that Crittenden should decline a Cabinet office if he would be a Presidential candidate; mentions false moves of other statesmen. Signed "A Taylor Whig." 3 p. 1848 Bebb, William. Columbus, Ohio. To Crittenden. Rea- Nov. 24 sons why [Thomas] Ewing should be appointed to President Taylor's Cabinet; work of Ewing and [Thomas] Corwin for the Whig party of Ohio; unsettled state of the legislature and of the Whigs. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Richardson, W. P. Saint Joseph, Missouri. To Critten- Novr. 24 den. Desires to return to the Indian Depart- ment; his service previous to President Polk's administration. A. L. S. 3 p. 52880°— 13 9 130 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Penrose, Charles B[ingham]. Philadelphia. To Critten- Nov. 24 den. Compares recent Presidential election with French Revolution ; desire that Crittenden should fill the first place in President Taylor's Cabinet; its formation. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Simmons, James F[owler]. Providence, Rhode Island. Nov. 24 To Crittenden. Recent Presidential election is no idle triumph; Crittenden's influence; Presi- dent Taylor's Cabinet; prudence necessary for a successful administration. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Sanders, L., Jr. Natchez, Mississippi. To Crittenden. Nov. 25 Reasons why he did not vote for [Zachary] Tay- lor; Crittenden should accept a Cabinet office; Taylor a novice in politics; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Rives, W[illiam]C[abell.] Castle Hill, Virginia. ToCritten- Nov. 25 den. Result of the Presidential election in Vir- ginia; the general election a revolution for the country; hopes to see Crittenden in President Taylor's Cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Allen, E[lisha] H[unt]. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crit- Nov. 25 tenden. Presidential election; Crittenden in President Taylor's Cabinet; prospects of the Ad- ministration; Presidential electors elected by Massachusetts legislature. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Corwin, Thomas. Lebanon, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Rec- Nov. 25 ommends John Fruger for office; "free soil Ohio"; President Taylor's Cabinet. Copy. 2 p. 1848 Barrow, Washington. " Steamboat Ben Franklin." To Nov. 26 Crittenden. The Presidential election in Ten- nessee and Kentucky ; public opinion designated Crittenden as premier of President Taylor's Cabi- net. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Duval, William P. Tallahassee, Florida. To Crittenden. Nov. 26 Popularity of [Zachary] Taylor defeated Duval's election to Congress ; did not vote for Taylor be- cause of [Millard] Fillmore being an Abolitionist; esteem for Taylor ; slavery question ; free negroes should emigrate to Mexico to save £he Union ; pe- cuniary difficulties. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Hampton, M[oses]. Pittsburgh, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- Nov. 26 tenden. Great majority in Pennsylvania for Zachary Taylor; Presidential appointments and Cabinet matters. A. L. S. 4 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 131 1848 Mower, Jfames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Forma- Nov. 26 tion of President Taylor's Cabinet; denounces Thurlow Weed ; William H. Seward ; his " clique " can easily be conciliated; opposes an extra ses- sion of Congress in 1849. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Kennedy, John M. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. His Nov. 26 private interest in political matters ; protection the issue in Pennsylvania; a citizen of Pennsyl- vania should be made Secretary of Treasury; names several persons who could fill the office successfully. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Haymond, Rufus. Brookville, Indiana. To Crittenden. Nov 27. Formation of President Taylor's Cabinet; public opinion that Crittenden will be Secretary of State; suggests that Caleb B[lood] Smith be Postmaster General. A. L. S. 2 p. Maxwell, H[ugh]. New York. To Crittenden. Charac- ter, reputation, and qualifications of James Wat- son Webb; recommends him for the diplomatic service. A. L. S. 2 p. New York, Citizens. To Zachary Taylor. Petition rec- ommending J[ames] Watson Webb for the diplo- matic service. Signed by 14 names, in one hand- writing. 2 p. Sprigg, Samuel. Northampton, Maryland. To Critten- den. Desires an appointment under President Taylor's Administration. A. L. S. 1 p. Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Elizabeth Ash- ley, Louisville, Kentucky. Real estate matters; delivery of deeds; payment of purchase money; list of lands sold. A. L. S. 4 p. Underwood, W. L. Franklin, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Sacrifices made by Crittenden in accepting Gov- ernorship of Kentucky; suggests that he return to the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 3 p. Lawrence, Abbott. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- tenden. Good feeling over the result of the Presidential election in Massachusetts; difficul- ties encountered. A. L. S. 2 p. Grinnell, M[oses] H[icks]. New York. To Crittenden. President Taylor's cabinet ; activity of J[onathan] Pfrescott] Hall previous to the election ; suggests that Hall be appointed District Attorney of New York. A. L. S. 8 p. 1848 Nov. 28 1848 Nov. 28 1848 Nov. 28 1848 Nov. 29 1848 Nov. 30 1848 Nov. 1848 Dec. 2 132 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1848 Draper, S[imeon]. New York. To Moses Hicks Grinnell. Dec. 2 Complains that New York is entitled to informa- tion concerning President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Washington, G[eorge] C[orbin]. Georgetown, D. C. To Dec. 2 Crittenden. Congratulations on recent elections; desires political appointment ; possible vacancies ; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Gray, N. E. Hopkinsville, Ky. To Crittenden. Argu- Dec. 3 ment why Crittenden should accept a cabinet office in preference to returning to U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Bullitt, Alexander] C. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Dec. 3 Crittenden. Opinions why Crittenden should go into President Taylor's cabinet; success of the administration depends upon it; inferences drawn from conversation with Taylor as to for- mation of the cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Toombs, K[obert]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Dec. 3 Disturbance in Democratic party of the south; slavery in District of Columbia; [Henry] Clay must be kept out of the Senate; attitude of [Daniel] Webster toward Zachary Taylor; for- mation of President Taylor's cabinet ; urges that Crittenden accept a cabinet office. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Rumor Dec. 3 that Crittenden and [John Middle ton] Clayton will form part of President Taylor's cabinet; disposition of applicants for office. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Allen, James W. Victoria, Texas. To Crittenden. De- Dec. 4 sires appointment as District Attorney of Texas; his activity in politics. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Blatchford, R[ichard] M[ilford]. New York. To Critten- Dec. 4 den. Rumor that [Abbott] Lawrence is to be appointed Secretary of Treasury; prefers Web- ster in cabinet to Lawrence. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Granger, Francis. Canandaigua, New York. To Critten- Dec 4 den. Hopes to see Crittenden and Abbott Law- rence in President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Lee, Richard Henry. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Dec 5 tenden. Financial difficulties of James W. Co- PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 133 burn while postmaster at Maysville, Kentucky; business established in New Orleans by Lee. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Arnold, L. H. Kingston, Rhode Island. To Crittenden. Dec. 5 Hopes James F[owler] Simmons will be appointed to President Taylor's cabinet; distribution of Presidential appointments; claims of Rhode Is- land for a cabinet appointment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Hardin, B. Rowan. Bardstown, Kentucky. To Critten- Dec. 5 den. Anxiety and hope of citizens of Kentucky that Crittenden will enter President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Fish, Hamilton. New York. To James Watson Webb. Dec. 6 Desire that Webb receive an appointment in the Diplomatic service. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Stephens, Alexander H[amilton]. Washington, D. C. To Dec. 6 Crittenden. Names of those rumored for Presi- dent Taylor's cabinet; hope Crittenden will ac- cept an office or return to U. S. Senate ; Taylor's attitude toward slavery. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Preston, William Ballard. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Dec. 6 tenden. Effect of recent Presidential election; duty of the Whig party for a successful adminis- tration; urges Crittenden to accept a Cabinet office. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Taylor, William H. H. North Bend, Ohio. To Critten- Dec. 7 den. Recommends John Scott Harrison for Postmaster of Cincinnati. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Allen, John W. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. To Critten- Dec. 7 den. Forward's services to the country and need of pecuniary employment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Barrow, John E. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Dec. 7 Desires to succeed Matlock as Indian Agent at St. Joseph, Missouri. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Winston, James. Warsaw, Missouri. To Crittenden. Dec 7 Whigs of Wisconsin want Abiel Leonard appoint- ed Attorney General. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Blnnt, J[oseph]. New York. To Crittenden. Desire and Dec. 8 hope that Crittenden will enter President Tay- lor's Cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Leary, William A. Lexington, Kentucky. To Critten- Dec - 8 den. Recommends William J. Reese for U. S. Consul; his qualifications; desire to see Critten- den in President Taylor's Cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. 134 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1848 Lee, Z. Collins. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 8 Rejoices at the Presidential election; business before the U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Washington, [D. C] To Dec. 8 Crittenden. Encloses clipping from the Boston "Atlas"; unanimous feeling of Whig party that Crittenden be a member of President's Cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 9 Moses H[icks] Grinnell. Denies rumor that Zachary Taylor has authorized Crittenden to "offer the Treasury Department to Abbott Law- rence"; attitude of Taylor toward Cabinet ap- pointments. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 329. 1848 Mitchell, D[avid] D. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- Dec. 10 den. Crittenden should be a member of Presi- dent Taylor's Cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Regrets Dec. 10 that Crittenden will not accept a Cabinet office. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Calhoun, John. Owensboro, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Dec. 11 Reasons why Crittenden should accept a Cabinet appointment ; possibilities of Crittenden succeed- ing President Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Johnson, Reverdy. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 12 Rumor that [Henry] Clay desires to return to U. S. Senate; Clay's designs; would deplore it if elected. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Smith, Truman. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 12 Zachary Taylor the only Whig candidate who could have been elected; desires nothing at the hands of President Taylor; organization of his Cabinet. A. L. S. 8 p. 1848 [Thornton, Mrs.] Eutaw, [Alabama]. To Crittenden. Dec. 12 Her husband desires appointment as Minister to Mexico. A. L. S. "Sister." 1848 Banks, D. Henderson, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Cir- Dec. 12 cumstances that necessitate the consolidation of the Whig party; lack of political experience of [Zachary] Taylor ; why Crittenden should accept an office in Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 135 1848 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Dec. 12 His own political sentiments are Ultra Whig; dislike for John Bell and A[llen] A. Hall. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Clayton, John Mfiddleton]. Washington, [D. C J To Crit- Dec. 13 tenden. Believes himself of more value in the Senate than in President Taylor's cabinet ; the Ultra Whigs of Philadelphia; opposition to Abbott Lawrence as Secretary of Treasury; thinks Crittenden should be a member of the cabinet ; slavery question and admission of new states; expects little from present session of Congress. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Dayton, William L[ewis]. [Washington, D. C] To Crit- Dec. 14 tenden. Personals; Crittenden must be a mem- ber of President Taylor's cabinet; rumor that Lewis Cass will return to U. S. Senate; atti- tude of [Henry] Clay and Daniel Webster toward Taylor's administration; general sentiment that Clay stay out of the Senate. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Dade, John B. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. De- Dec. 14 sires reappointment as warden of the peniten- tiary; his circumstances. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Buchanan, James M. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- Dec. 15 tenden. He is a Democratic officeholder [post- master] but has taken much interest in election of [Zachary] Taylor; willing to surrender his office. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Webb, J[ames] Watson. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- Dec. 16 tenden. Death of his wife; would like to suc- ceed Andrew J. Donelson as Minister to Prussia; formation of President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Hamilton, James. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- Dec 17 tenden. Kecommends James L. Petigru as At- torney General in President Taylor's cabinet; his character and qualifications. A. L. S. 3 p. [1848] Nficholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To De c 17 Crittenden. Canada will be annexed to the United States; dissolution of the Union the result; ideas as to California suggested for Crit- tenden's message to the Kentucky legislature. A. L. S. 3 p. 136 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Allen, C. H. Palmyra, Missouri. To Crittenden. Re- Dec. 18 cent Presidential election; desires appointment as Register of the Land Office. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Hampton, W[illiam]. Mobile, [Alabama]. To Crittenden. Dec. 18 Recommends James L. Petigru for office of At- torney General in President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Dec. 19 John Middleton Clayton. Urges Clayton to ac- cept a cabinet office if offered by Zachary Taylor; confidence in liberal policy of Taylor's adminis- tration; approves Clayton's project for settling the slavery question. A. L. S. 3 p. clayton. 1848 Allen, C. H. Palmyra, Missouri. To Crittenden. Rec- Dec. 20 ommends Joseph J. Erroh for Register of the Land Office. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Ewing, John H. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 21 Urges Crittenden to accept a cabinet office; should be one cabinet officer from Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Webb, J[ames] Watson. New York. To Crittenden. Dec. 21 Necessity of Crittenden going into President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Schouler, William. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Hopes Crittenden will reconsider his purpose and accede to the unanimous wishes of the Whig party and enter President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Otis, John. Hallowell, Maine. To Crittenden. Urges Dec. 22 that Crittenden become a member of President Taylor's cabinet; Taylor's principles upon which he was elected; reasons why Abbott Lawrence should be Secretary of the Treasury. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Pendleton, John. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Rumor that the State Department was to be offered to Daniel Webster; Kentucky politics; formation of President Taylor's Cabinet; [Henry] Clay should not return to the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Hopkins, A. F. Mobile, [Alabama]. To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Presidential election in Alabama; formation of President Taylor's cabinet; endorses Judge PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 137 Thornton as Minister to Mexico and John J. Walker as Collector of the Port of Mobile. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Brooke, H. P. Rosemont, Virginia. To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Rumor that W[illiam] Cfabell] Rives is to receive a cabinet appointment from Zachary Taylor ; dis- trusts Rives's political motives. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Barringer, D[aniel] M[oreau]. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. 22 Crittenden. Urges Crittenden to accept a Cabi- net appointment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Greely, P. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. For- Dec. 23 mation of President Taylor's Cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Hall, J. Prescott. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 24 The public expects Crittenden to be member of President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Draper, S. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. For- Dec. 24 mation of President Taylor's cabinet; why Crit- tenden should be a member. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Cunningham, Walter. Washington, [D. C] To Critten- Dec. 24 den. Effect of Crittenden's presence in Presi- dent Taylor's cabinet upon the senatorial elec- tion in New York. A. L. S. 3 p. 1848 Tallmadge, N[athaniel] Pfitcher]. Washington, [D. C] Dec. 24 To Crittenden. Recent Presidential election and cooperation of the Whigs ; formation of President Taylor's cabinet; hopes to see Crittenden in the cabinet; suggests John M[iddleton] Clayton and Rufus Choate as cabinet officers. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Public con- Dec. 25 fidence in Crittenden and Zachary Taylor; for- mation of Taylor's cabinet; general suggestions. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Kent, Edward. Bangor, Maine. To Crittenden. Recent Dec. 25 Presidential election; Zachary Taylor's cabinet and ideas on a successful administration. A. L. S. 4 p. 1848 Indiana Citizens. Indianapolis, [Indiana]. Petition rec- Dec. 26 ommending Caleb B[lood] Smith for some ap- pointment under President Taylor's administra- tion. D. S. by 69 signatures. 1848 Indiana Citizens. Indianapolis, [Indiana]. To Critten- Dec. 26 den. Enclose a paper [recommending Caleb 1848 Dec. 26 1848 Dec. 26 1848 Dec. 27 1848 Dec. 29 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Blood Smith for office] to be disposed of at his discretion. L. S. by D. P. Halloway, John S. Davis, William Herod, Godlove S. Orth, and Hugh O'Neal. 1 p. Wetherill, John P. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Rec- ommends appointment of Josiah Randall in President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 1 p. Foster, N[athaniel] G. Madison, Georgia. To Critten- den. Desires a diplomatic appointment; per- sonals. A. L. S. 2 p. Foster, Ephraim H. To Crittenden. Responsibility of Zachary Taylor's administration upon Critten- den; cabinet matters; presidential appoint- ments. A. L. S. 4 p. Ramsey, Alexander. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. To Crit- tenden. Whig party thinks that Crittenden should be a member of President Taylor's cabi- net. A. L. S. 2 p. 1848 Croghan, G[eorge]. Memorial to U. S. Congress praying relief for loss of two horses while on his way to Mexico. D. S. 1 p. [1848] . To [Crittenden]. Ratification of the Texas treaty. Signature torn off. 3 p. 1849 Tompkins, P[atrick] W. Washington, [D. C] To Critten- J AN - 2 den. Presidential election; firmness necessary in next administration; public sentiment is that Crittenden should be a member of President Tay- lor's cabinet. A. L. S. 5 p. 1849 Penrose, Charles Bpngham]. Philadelphia. To Critten- Jan - 2 den. Election of Zachary Taylor as President, and suggestions as to formation of his cabinet. A. L. S. 5 p. 1849 Duncan, Garnett. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. J AN - 3 An interview with President Polk in presenting petition of George [Bibb Crittenden]; Polk's at- titude in the matter. A. L. S. 2 p. [1849] McClung, J[ohn] Alexander]. Maysville, Kentucky. To [J AN - 6] Crittenden. Responsibility of Zachary Taylor's administration upon Crittenden; urges him to become a member of the cabinet; attitude of Henry Clay and his followers. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To J AN - 7 John Middleton Clayton. Wishes to return to PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 139 U. S. Senate, but is controlled by circumstances; excitement over the slavery question ; dangerous tendency of public meetings ; attitude of [Henry] Clay toward return to Senate ; Kentucky can not refuse if Clay should desire it; Clay's ill health; Crittenden's recent message; court martial of George [Bibb Crittenden]. A. L. S. 7 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Archer, William S[egar]. Amelia, Virginia. To Critten- Jan. 7 den. Cabinet of [Zachary] Taylor; character more important than talent. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Birney, James G[illespie]. Lower Saginaw, Michigan. To Jan. 8 Crittenden. Officeholders in Michigan under present administration; political convictions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Underwood, J[oseph] R[ogers]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 9 Crittenden. Result of interview with President Polk relative to reinstatement of George [Bibb Crittenden] in the Army; Polk's attitude and the legality of the court martial. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Toombs, R[obert]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 9 Would be glad to see [George Washington] Craw- ford in President Taylor's cabinet; [William Ballard] Preston's bill for admission of new States; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Cox, Samuel H. Brooklyn, New York. To Crittenden. Crittenden's inaugural message to the Kentucky legislature; importance of state papers; senti- ments on the slavery question. A. L. S. 4 p. Lunt, George. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Formation of President Taylor's cabinet; urges appointment of Abbott Lawrence. A. L. S. 4 p. Brackenridge, W. M. Tarentum, [Pennsylvania]. To Crittenden. Political views on national ques- tions; personal recollections. A. L. S. 2 p. Stannerf?], J. S. To Crittenden. Crittenden's message to Kentucky legislature ; minor matters. A. L. S. 4 p. Cooper, James. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. To Critten- den. Recommends Harry Connelly for consul at Liverpool. A. L. S. 2 p. Burnley, AQbert] T. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- tenden. [Zachary] Taylor's disregard for political 1849 Jan. 10 1849 Jan. 10 1849 Jan. 11 1849 Jan. 11 1849 Jan. 12 1849 Jan. 12 140 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS "societies" and pledges relative to a second term ; proposed newspaper in Washington ; little faith in Gales & Seaton; ideas on formation of President Taylor's cabinet; Taylor's recent meeting with [Henry] Clay; urges Crittenden to go into Taylor's cabinet; ravages of the cholera. A. L. S. 7 p. 1849 Miller, John G. Jefferson City, Missouri. To Crittenden. Jan. 12 Recommends Leonard for an appointment in President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Clarkson, C. F. Brookville, Indiana. To Crittenden. Jan. 13 Formation of President Taylor's cabinet; oppo- sition to [Caleb Blood] Smith as a member. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Badger, George Efdmund]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Jan. 13 tenden. Business before the U. S. Supreme Court; election by North Carolina legislature; criticises [John Middleton] Clayton's attitude to- ward slavery; senatorial matters. A. L. S. 6 p. 1849 Brown, Bedford. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 13 Approbation of Crittenden's message to the Ken- tucky legislature ; views on the slavery questions and the problems for President Taylor's admin- istration. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Russell, William H. Fulton, [Missouri]. To David D. Jan. 13 Mitchell. Russell's attitude toward [Henry] Clay previous to nomination of [Zachary] Taylor by Whig National Convention. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Metcalfe, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 14 Attempts made to have President Polk reinstate George [Bibb Crittenden] in the army; Polk's at- titude; meeting of convention of slave-holding States; Metcalfe elected president of the conven- tion; also his election to the U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Houston, John W. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 15 For political reasons due notice necessary to the legislature of Delaware if Zachary Taylor desires [John Middleton] Clayton in his cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Metcalfe, Tfhomas]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Jan. 15 Result of report of committee of slave-holding States; opposed to secret meetings. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CHITTENDEN 141 1849 Duncan, Garnett. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 15 Endeavors to have George [Bibb Crittenden] reinstated in the army; Thomas L. Crittenden in Washington; convention of southern states; work outlined for [Zachary] Taylor's administra- tion; anxiety as to election of Senator from Kentucky. A. L. S. 5 p. 1849 Prentiss, S[ergeant] S[mith]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. Jan. 15 To Crittenden. Recommends Richard E. Ham- met for marshal of Louisiana. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Philomathean Society of the University of Virginia. To Jan. 16 Crittenden. Election as honorary member of the Philomathean Society; notification of his election as an honorary member. L. S. by a committee. 1 p. 1849 Rogers, John A. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 17 Formation of President Taylor's cabinet; due notice necessary to Delaware legislature before adjournment if John M[iddleton] Clayton is to be a member of Taylor's Cabinet. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Mitchell, D[avid] D. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- Jan. 17 den. Attitude of [William H.] Russell toward recent Presidential election; if [Lewis] Cass had been elected Russell was to be Secretary of State ; hopes to see Crittenden in Zachary Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Johnston, William Ffreame]. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Jan. 17 To Crittenden. Whig victory in Pennsylvania; conciliation of the factions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Johnston, William Freame. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. Jan. 17 To Crittenden. Introducing Cornelius Darragh; asks that Darragh be secured an interview with our worthy President [Zachary Taylor ?] A. L. S. lp. 1849 Irwin, James W. Allensville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Jan. 17 Advantages to be gained by state of Kentucky with Crittenden in the Cabinet; praises Critten- den's message to the legislature. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Gaines, John P. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 18 Public sentiment desires Crittenden in President Taylor's cabinet and that [Henry] Clay should not return to U. S. Senate; would also like to see George Evans in the cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1849 Clements, R. A. Washington, Indiana. To Crittenden. Jan. 18 Presidential appointments; is not seeking office but would not refuse if a position were offered. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Walker, D. S. Tallahassee, Florida. To Crittenden. Jan. 19 Gratified with views on the Union expressed in Crittenden's message to the Kentucky leg- islature; Governor Brown of Florida in his inaugural address expressed similar views. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Wright, J[ohn] C. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Crittenden. Jan. 19 Result of Presidential election in Ohio and Indiana; trouble with the Free-soilers ; forma- tion of the cabinet; Northwest should have a representative in cabinet; impression that Crit- tenden will be Secretary of State. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Davis, J[ohn]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Hopes Jan. 19 to see Crittenden Secretary of State and Abbott Lawrence in the Treasury Department. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Irvin, James, James T. Hale, and Andrew G[regg] Curtin. Jan. 22 Belief onte, [Pennsylvania]. To Crittenden. Rec- ommend Josiah Randall for a position in Presi- dent Taylor's cabinet; his political character. A. L. S. of Curtin also signed by Irvin and Hale. 2 p. 1849 Duncan, Garrett. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 22 Exertions with President Polk to reinstate George [Bibb Crittenden] in the Army; opposi- tion to return of [Henry] Clay to U. S. Senate; Crittenden's duty to go into President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Toombs, R[obert]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Jan. 22 Agitation of the slavery question and admission of new states ; sentiments on the union and seces- sion of the southern states. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 335. 1849 Bingaman, A[dam] L. Natchez, Mississippi. Resolu- Jan. 22 tions of the Rough and Ready Club relative to recent Presidential Election. D. S. 4 p. 1849 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 23 Crittenden. Efforts made with the Adjutant PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 143 General for reinstating George [Bibb Crittenden] in the Army; conditions in France require [Henry] Clay there as Minister; threats to dis- solve the Union; suggestions for Zachary Taylor's inaugural speech. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Metcalfe, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 23 His credentials to Congress ; proceedings of con- vention of southern states ; vote on substitute for [John Caldwell] Calhoun's address. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Hannegan, E[dward] A. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Jan. 23 tenden. Reinstatement of [George Bibb] Crit- tenden in the Army; popularity of Thomas [Leonidas Crittenden]; assurance that public sentiment expects to see Crittenden Secretary of State; recommends an appointment for Barrow. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Otis, John. Hallowell, Maine. To Crittenden. Oppo- Jan. 24 sition to appointment of George Evans in cabinet of President Taylor. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 24 Discusses a circular letter by " Peter Scriber"; ideas on currency and protection; office seekers; general topics. A. L. S. 8 p. 1849 Duncan, Garnett. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 25 Action of Committee on Military Affairs toward reinstating George Bibb Crittenden in the Army. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Dorman, C. P. Lexington, [Virginia.] To Crittenden. Jan. 25 Virginia Whigs think that Crittenden should become a member of President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Oliver, Will. Cincinnati, [Ohio.] To Crittenden. Invi- Jan. 26 tation to Crittenden and Henry Clay to accom- pany Zachary Taylor on his visit to that city. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Porter, Thomas and 5 others. Flemingsburg, [Ken- Jan. 26 tucky.] To Crittenden. Urge that he accept an office in President Taylor's cabinet. L. S. lp. 1849 Archer, W[iUiam] Sfegar]. Elk Hill, [Virginia]. To Jan. 26 Crittenden. Suggests Josiah Randall as mem- ber of President Taylor's cabinet; Randall at the Whig National Convention. A. L. S. 4 p. 144 LIBBABY OF CONGRESS 1849 Romeyn, William H. Kingston, N. Y. To Crittenden. Jan. 26 Complimentary subscription to the "Journal." A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Pike, James S. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Jan. 26 Political reasons why Abbott Lawrence should be a member of President Taylor's cabinet; argu- ments against [George] Evans; public sentiment that Crittenden should be Secretary of State. A. L. S. 8 p. Martin, M. A. Clarksville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Recommends G. A. Henry for U. S. Consul at Liverpool; his character and qualifications. A. L. S. 3 p. Hone, Philip. New York. To Crittenden. Desires ap- pointment as Collector of the Port or Naval Offi- cer at New York. A. L. S. 2 p. Boerstler, G. W. Lancaster, Ohio. To Crittenden. For- mation of President Taylor's cabinet; names suggested. A. L. S. 4 p. Davis, Jeffer[son]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Exertions for reinstatement of [George Bibb] Crittenden in the Army ; regrets return of [Henry] Clay to U. S. Senate; disregards Clay's pledge to support the administration; formation of Presi- dent Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Colemans, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 339. Shackelford, B. Hopkins ville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Favors Crittenden's going into President Taylor's cabinet; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. Swann, R. Annapolis, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Sug- gests that [Thomas George] Pratt be appointed U. S. Attorney General. A. L. S. 3 p. Mitchell, J. K. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Invita- tion to a celebration in Philadelphia on Feb- ruary 22. A. L. S. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To John Middleton Clayton. Gratitude for favors in behalf of George [Bibb Crittenden]; [Henry] Clay will return to U. S. Senate; his pledge to give the administration a cordial support; con- fidence in success of Zachary Taylor's adminis- tration; action of Delaware legislature for Clay- ton's successor. A. L. S. 3 p. clayton. 1849 Jan. 29 1849 Jan. 29 1849 Jan. 29 1849 Jan. 30 1849 Jan. 30 1849 Jan. 30 1849 Jan. 30 1849 Jan. 30 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 145 1849 Grinnell, Joseph. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 31 Character and qualifications of Abbott Lawrence ; President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Adams, William R. Natchez, Mississippi. To Critten- Jan. 31 den. Incloses resolutions of Rough and Ready Club of January 22. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Clinch, D[uncan] L. Refuge Plantation, Georgia. To Feb. 2 Crittenden. Rumor of Crittenden's dislike for [John Macpherson] Berrien; Berrien's feeling toward Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 2 John Middle ton Clayton. George [Bibb Critten- den] has abandoned his intemperance ; would re- call [Lewis] Cass, [Jr.] and put Edward A. Han- negan in his place; approves Clayton's move- ments on the slavery question. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Mower, J[ames] B. New York. To Crittenden. Respect Feb. 4 f the public for Crittenden and John Mfiddleton] Clayton. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Patterson, R[obert] A. Princeton, Kentucky. To Crit- Feb. 5 tenden. Urges Crittenden to go into President Taylor's cabinet ; confidence in Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Preston, William Ballard. [Washington, D. C] To Crit- Feb. 5 tenden. Hopes he will terminate his connec- tions with Kentucky and come to Washington with Zachary Taylor. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Fenton, Charles W. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. 5 Desires an appointment under Zachary Taylor's administration. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Sargent, John O. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. 6 Character and qualifications of [Thomas Butler] King and reasons why he should be appointed in President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. 5 p. 1849 Mitchell, D[avid] D. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- Feb. 6 den. Endorses Edward Bates for Attorney General. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Stephens, Alexander H[amilton]. Washington, D. C. To Feb. 6 Crittenden. Necessity of Crittenden becoming the head in General Taylor's cabinet; Taylor's enemies determined to ''rule or ruin"; extent of the crisis. A. L. S. 4 p. 52880°— 13 10 146 LIBBABY OF CONGBESS 1849 Crockett, J[ohn] B. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Feb. 6 Recommends Edward Bates for President Tay- lor's cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Brooke, H. Jones. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- Feb. 7 tenden. Encloses letter to Zachary Taylor. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Brooke, H. Jones. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. To Feb. 7 Zachary Taylor. Recommends Josiah Randall for an appointment in the cabinet. A. L. S. lp. 1849 Walker, J. C, and four others. Brandenburg, [Ken- Feb. 7 tucky]. To Crittenden. Enclose resolutions urging Crittenden to accept an office in President Taylor's cabinet. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Meade County Citizens. Brandenburg, Kentucky. To Feb. 7 Crittenden. Resolutions urging Crittenden to accept a place in [Zachary Taylor's] cabinet. Copy. 1 p. 1849 Schley, William. Annapolis, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Feb. 7 Recommends [Thomas Butler] King for Secre- tary of the Navy. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Kinkead, G. B. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 7 Reasons why Crittenden should be a member of President Taylor's cabinet; claims of the Na- tional government upon him and those of Ken- tucky. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Metcalfe, Thomas. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. 8 Case of reinstatement of Major G[eorge Bibb] Crittenden in the U. S. Army. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Butler, Mann. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Feb. 8 Renewal of his commission as Commissioner of Deeds. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Benton, Thomas H[art]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Feb. 8 tenden. Opinion that findings of court martial in case of [George Bibb Crittenden] were illegal and should be held null by the U. S. Senate; thinks Senate will be unanimous in this. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Arnold, J. M. Paris, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Rec- Feb. 9 ommends an appointment for Capt. Hawes; suggests a diplomatic office. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Kalfus, S. N. Jefferson town, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 9 Formation of President Taylor's cabinet. A. L. S. lp. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 147 1849 Hicks, Beverly A. Lexington, Kentucky. To Critten- Feb. 10 den. Approval of election of Zachary Taylor and hopes Crittenden will be a member of his cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 17 John Middleton Clayton. Condolence on loss of his son; Clayton as Secretary of State; attitude of Zachary Taylor on the formation of his cabi- net; urges Clay ton to secure the appointment of [Robert Perkins] Letcher as Postmaster General ; claim of Kentucky for a cabinet appointment; anxiety about George [Bibb Crittenden]; liberal feeling of [Thomas Hart] Benton toward Taylor; confidence in [John Charles] Fremont. A. L. S. 7 p. CLAYTON. Foster, Ephraim H. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Regrets that Crittenden will not accept a cabinet office under President Taylor. A. L. S. 2 p. Barrow, Washington. Washington, D. C. To Critten- den. Asks for a letter to Zachary Taylor recom- mending him as Minister to Spain. A. L. S. 4 p. Burnley, Aflbert] T. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Question as to who will be Postmaster General ; is anxious for an appointment for Wil- liam M. Beale; Burnley would like to be " Live- oak agent for Louisiana." A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Ogden, David B. New York. To Crittenden. Regrets Mar. 1 that Crittenden will not become a member of President Taylor's cabinet; New York office seekers in Washington. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Marshall, Thomas F. Versailles, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Mar. 4 tenden. Pecuniary matters; desires a loan. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Haywood, William H., Jr. Raleigh, North Carolina. To Mar. 5 Crittenden. Praise for Crittenden's patriotism. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Marshall, Thomas F. Versailles, Kentucky. To Critten- Mar. 6 den. Personal matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. [Washington, D. C] To Mar. 8 Crittenden. Characteristics of Zachary Taylor; delicate diplomatic relations with France ; locals. Copy. 2 p. 1849 Feb. 18 1849 Feb. 19 1849 Feb. 20 148 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1849 Atchison, D[avid] R. Washington, [D. CJ To Critten- Mar. 8 den. President Taylor's cabinet ; confirmation of Edward A. Hannegan as Minister to Prussia; possible reinstatement of George [Bibb] Critten- den in the Army. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Mar. 9 John Middleton Clayton. Encloses letter to President Taylor recommending appointment of [Edward A.] Hannegan [as Minister to Prussia]. A. L. S. 1 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Rush, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To William Ballard Mar. 12 Preston. Detailed statement of case in the claim for back pay of the late John Rush, U. S. Navy. Copy. 15 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Mar. 13 John Middleton Clayton. Offers ' ' a little whole- some country advice" on public appointments; classification of office seekers ; his interest in the administration; is besieged with applications. A. L. S. 4 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Meredith, Wfilliam] M[orris]. Washington, [D. CJ To Mar. 16 Crittenden. Notice of reinstatement of Major [George Bibb] Crittenden in the Army. A. L. S. lp. 1849 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Washington, [D. CJ. To Mar. 16 Crittenden. Belief in the success of President Taylor's administration; will give [Robert Perk- ins] L[etcher] an appointment; asks if Critten- den would take a foreign mission; arduous duties. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Buchanan, James M. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- Mar. 27 tenden. Gratitude for being continued in office [Postmaster]. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. 27 John Middleton Clayton. The skill of [Joel] T. Hart as a sculptor; to make a statue of [Henry] Clay; asks that Hart be made bearer of dis- patches to U. S. Ministers in Europe. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Drake, Charles D. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Apr. 2 Desire of [John Middleton] Clayton that Critten- den go to Washington; difficulty as to the dis- tribution of patronage; Drake favors immediate removal of all Democrats. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 149 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 6 John Middleton Clayton. Fears Clayton's ardu- ous labors have depressed his spirits; urges defence against office-seekers; could not leave Kentucky before "next spring;" would then be pleased with a mission to England or France. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Clayton, John Middleton. Washington, [D. C.]. To Apr. 8 Crittenden. Recent conference with President Taylor ; offers Crittenden preference between any foreign mission or the consulate at Liverpool for his son or son-in-law; arduous labors and annoy- ance by office seekers. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 11 John Middleton Clayton. Rumors of disagree- ments in President Taylor's cabinet; desires to know foundation for this; responsibility upon Clayton; slavery the great obstacle of adminis- tration; ill effect of recent appointments from Kentucky; ideas on the mode of securing ap- pointees. A. L. S. 6 p. CLAYTON. 1849 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Apr. 14 Criticises recent appointments in general; would accept consulship at Frankfort on the Main if offered to him. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 16 John Middleton Clayton. Gratitude for favors ; Chapman Coleman declines the Consulate at Liverpool in favor of Thomas [Leonidas Critten- den]; Crittenden has no "claims" on the admin- istration. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 17 John Middleton Clayton. Explains his letter of yesterday; gratitude to Clayton; "charming society" of office-seekers. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. [1849] King, Charles. New York. To Crittenden. Needs Apr- 17 further influence to defeat opposition for appoint- ment by the President; his opponents. A. L. S. 3 p. [1849] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, [Kentucky.] Apr. 17 To Crittenden. Kentucky statutes ; criminal code of District of Columbia; desires certain English reform statutes. A. L. S. 2 p. 150 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1849 Smith, J[o"hn] Speed. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- Apr. 17 tenden. Gratitude for letters of recommendation; regrets that Crittenden is not in President Tay- lor's cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Clayton, John Middleton. Washington, [D. C.]. To Apr. 18 Crittenden. Rumor of dissension in the Cabinet a "Loco-foco" invention; was imposed upon by Truman Smith in appointment of Bradley B. Meeker; personal opinion of Smith and Hugh [Lawson] White; difficulty in securing establish- ment of the Interior Department; California and New Mexico will be admitted as states ; faith in President Taylor; his residence and that of [William Morris] Meredith; will appoint Thomas [Leonidas Crittenden] Consul at Liverpool, and Crittenden Minister to England if he desires; comments on foreign missions. A. L. S. 6 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Apr. 23 John Middleton Clayton. Pleased with harmony of President Taylor's Cabinet; friendship be- tween Taylor and Clayton; desires no appoint- ment that would embarrass the administration. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Morgan, Charles W. Georgetown, D. C. To Crittenden. Apr. 26 Personals; has been ordered to command the Mediterranean Squadron; restrained from taking his wife ; opinion of President Taylor ; navy mat- ters; family affairs. A. L. S. 11 p. 1849 Yellott, Coleman. Baltimore, Maryland. To Reverdy Apr. 30 Johnson. Conversation with Isaac Munroe rela- tive to Postmastership at Baltimore. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Pendleton, John. Redwood, Virginia. To Crittenden. Apr. 30 His defeat in election for Congressman; loyalty to President Taylor the cause of defeat; requests recommendation for foreign mission. A. L. S. 2 p. [1849?] Triplett, Robert. London, [England]. To Crittenden. [Apr. ?] Personal esteem of [George] Bancroft; measures before Parliament for repeal of the navigation laws; political crisis in Europe. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Warrington, L[ewis]. [Washington, D. C] To James F. May 3 Schenck, Dayton, Ohio. Orders to proceed to PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 151 New York to command the S. S. Ohio, to be em- ployed in carrying mail between that port and New Orleans. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Dnnscomb, William E. Jefferson City, Missouri. To Crit- May 5 tenden. Amount of taxes on Crittenden's lands in Missouri. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Clayton, John Mpddleton]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- May7 tenden. Desires advice on appointment of Leslie Combs to judgeship of Minnesota to suc- ceed [Bradley B.] Meeker; also desires sugges- tions on diplomatic appointments from Ken- tucky. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Hardin, B[enjamin] Rowan. Washington, [D. C] To May 8 Crittenden. Difficulty of distributing political patronage in Kentucky; John M. Clayton anx- ious to see Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To May 12 John Middleton Clayton. False rumor of death of [Bradley B.] Meeker; evil influence of U. S. consuls upon emigrants to America. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Hardin, B[enjamin] Rowan. Washington, [D. C] To May 14 Crittenden. Informed that [Thomas] Ewing " controls" all western appointments; requests letter of recommendation to Ewing. A. L. S. i P . 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To May 15 John Middleton Clayton. Asks for letters intro- ducing Matthew F. Ward to persons in Europe. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Pendleton, John. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 22 Criticises John Middleton Clayton ; lays blame on him for defeat in Congressional election ; contest with [William Cabell] Rives. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Combs, Leslie. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 25 Displeased with treatment from the Administra- tion; not an office seeker; pecuniary condition; is assailed by critics. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Hardin, B[enjamin] R[owan]. Washington, [D. C] To May 29 Crittenden. Interview with [Thomas] Ewing to the effect that Kentucky appointments were con- trolled by President Taylor; interview with Tay- lor. A. L. S. 1 p. 152 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1849 Buchanan, James M. Baltimore, [Maryland.] To Crit- May30 tenden. Personals; removal of diplomatic agents; hopes that [John] Rowan will be re- tained. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Clayton, John Mpddleton]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- May 31 tenden. Appointment of Thomas [Leonidas Crittenden] as U. S. Consul at Liverpool; general removal of consuls; James Brown Clay to be Charge" d'Aff aires to Portugal; other diplomatic appointments; asks for encouragement. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 1 John Middleton Clayton. Recommends L[an- daff] W[atson] Andrews for diplomatic appoint- ment; his political character and qualifications; suggests that Orlando Brown be consulted with reference to Kentucky appointments; confidence in Brown. A. L. S. 3 p. clayton. 1849 Hunt, F[rank] K. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. June 2 Declines offer of appointment as Secretary of State of Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 8 John Middleton Clayton. Approval of proposed diplomatic appointments; confidence in the ad- ministration; personals; search made for [Sir John] Franklin ; prospects of next Congressional election in Kentucky. A. L. S. 4 p. clayton. 1849 Bell, Joshua F. Danville, [Kentucky.] To Crittenden. June 9 Would postpone decision on appointment of Secretary of State of Kentucky; emancipation question and its effect upon the Whig party. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 9 John Middleton Clayton. Considers mission to Mexico preferable [for Robert Perkins Letcher]; comparison of Eastern and Western states as to appointments. A. L. S. 2 p. clayton. 1849 Madison, D[orothy] P[ayne]. Washington, D. C. Will. June 11 Copy. 3 p. 1849 Toombs, R[obert]. Washington, Georgia. To [Mrs. Chap- June 22 man Coleman]. Numerous complaints against John M. Clayton and fears they are well founded; President Taylor's errors; comparison between PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 153 Clayton and Crittenden before the nomination of Taylor. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. June 23 Departure of Thomas [Leonidas Crittenden] for Liverpool ; Brown's cordial reception by President Taylor and his Cabinet ; details of interview with [John Middleton] Clayton about Kentucky ap- pointments; J[ames] B[rown] Clay's appoint- ment to Portugal. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 24 John Middleton Clayton. Suggests that Harvey receive an appointment; [Orlando] Brown and Albert] T. Burnley are worthy of his friendship ; unequal distribution of patronage by the Ad- ministration; rumor that [Robert Perkins] Letcher is to be Minister to Mexico; coming Congressional election in Kentucky. A. L. S. 4 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Elizabeth Ash- June 24 ley. Sale of real estate in Missouri ; cholera in the neighborhood ; excitement caused by speeches of [Thomas Hart] Benton. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. June 27 Stateliness of Cabinet officers; account of inter- view with President Taylor; competition be- tween [Robert Perkins] Letcher and Waddy Thompson; discontent among politicians; per- sonals. A. L. S. 6 p. 1849 Thompson, W[addy]. Washington, [D. C] To Critten- June 27 den. Suggests compromise between himself and [Robert Perkins] Letcher as to the mission to Mexico. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 28 John Middleton Clayton. Attitude of [Robert Perkins] Letcher toward a foreign appointment; criticises President of France; right of people to choose their own government. A. L. S. 4 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June 29 John Middleton Clayton. Effect of appointment of James Bfrown] Clay to Portugal; any criticism should be suppressed; reconciliation between Henry Clay and President Taylor. A. L. S. 2 p. 154 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To July 8 John Middleton Clayton. Qualifications of [John] Rowan for a diplomatic appointment; suggests that President Taylor dictate appointments; public opposed to a " Cabinet Administration." A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Madison, D[orothy] P[ayne]. Will. Copy. 2 p July 9 . 1849 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. July 10 His duties [as Commissioner of Indian Affairs] ; gratitude to [Robert Perkins] Letcher; public dissatisfied with the attitude of President Taylor and his Cabinet; local gossip. A. L. S. 8 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 12 Orlando Brown. Grieved at news of Brown's ill health; advice as to proper physicians. Copy. IP- 1849 Collamer, J[acob]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. July 14 Appointment of mail agent at Louisville, and rea- sons for not following Crittenden's recommenda- tion. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 346. 1849 Pearce, J[ames] Aflfred]. Chestertown, [Maryland]. To July 14 Crittenden. Pearce's lack of influence with President Taylor's Cabinet; deplores Critten- den's refusal to be in the Cabinet. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Sargent, N[athan]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. July 15 The Administration's troubles on account of in- experience; the Cabinet is incongruous; admin- istration of President Taylor; necessity of Crit- tenden's presence in Washington. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Cutts, J[ames] Madison. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- July 18 tenden. Death of [Dorothy Payne] Madison; explains the provisions of her several wills; claims of J[ohn] P[ayne] Todd to all of the estate. A. L. S. 7 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To July 20 John Middleton Clayton. Personals; ideas on European politics; United States should inter- fere ; recognition of Hungary ; failure of expedi- tion in search for Sir John Franklin; declines Clayton's offer to resign the State Department in his favor; reasons for not writing to President Taylor. A. L. S. 7 p. clayton. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 155 1849 Burnley, Albert] T. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. July 22 Incapacity of President Taylor's Cabinet ; " they must go out;" confidence in Crittenden and Tay- lor; tariff and internal improvements ; contempt [for John Middleton Clayton]; establishment of the " Republic," and its apparent success; per- sonals. A. L. S. 7 p. 1849 Crittenden, John Jordan. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 23 John Middleton Clayton. Complaint of James Alfred] Pearce of ill treatment from the Cabinet ; Maryland appointments monopolized by Rev- erdy Johnson; need of conciliation; recom- mends appointment of Charles H. Constable as marge to some South American country.- A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Brown, Orlando. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. July 24 Interview with President Taylor; charge that Taylor was a mere voter in his Cabinet ; his atti- tude toward the postmaster at St. Louis; suc- cess of the " Republic;" humorous remarks [about Robert Perkins Letcher]. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Noe, Allen T. Canton, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Rec- July 25 ommends appointment of [Chastian C ?] Cannon as midshipman in U. S. Navy; personals; has named his boy Robert Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Aug. 3 John Middleton Clayton. Recommends ap- pointment of Hunt Strother as Secretary of the Legation at Paris, but would consult [William C] Rives; [Robert Perkins] Letcher to go to Washington after State elections. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Elizabeth Ash- Au g. 4 ley, Louisville, Kentucky. Valuation of Mis- souri lands; real estate matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To a ug. 4 John Middleton Clayton. Approves appoint- ment of J. W. Spalding to a consulship. A. L. S. 1 p. CLAYTON. 1849 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Aug. 6 Recent election in Tennessee; local politics; well pleased with President Taylor's adminis- tration. A. L. S. 3 p. 156 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Aug. 15 John Middleton Clayton. Departure of [Robert Perkins] Letcher for Washington delayed by his desire to see President Taylor before he finally leaves for Mexico; awaits advice of Clayton. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Bell, Joshua. Stanford, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Aug. 22 Personals ; legal business ; state politics. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Washington, D. C. To Aug. 23 Crittenden. Approves of the idea that [Robert Perkins] Letcher must see President Taylor before leaving for Mexico; Letcher to make a treaty; the administration defies the scrutiny of Congress; the consul at Manchester recalled. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Greene, William. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Aug. 29 Sends a copy of Judge Grimke's work "The Nature & Tendency of Free Institutions"; fears the results of October elections in Ohio. A. L. S. lp. 1849 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Aug. 29 Smypathy for the death of wife of Robert [Henry Crittenden] ; appointments in the Indian service ; illness of President Taylor at Erie, Pennsylvania ; treatment of recommendations by cabinet officers ; negotiations for removal of Florida Indians; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Sept. l John Middleton Clayton. Suggests that [Robert Perkins] Letcher trade his mission to Mexico for the office of Post Master General; approves of removal of Consul at Manchester, England ; fears the people will kill President Taylor with kind- ness on his northern trip. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Sept. 3 John Middleton Clayton. Recommends appoint- ment of John P. Gaines as Governor of Oregon; his political character and qualifications. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Smith, Truman. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 10 Congressional elections in various states ; politics of the next House of Congress and work neces- sary by the Whigs. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 157 1849 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 14 Arrival of [Robert Perkins] Letcher and party in Washington; Letcher's impression upon the politicians; cabinet officers and President Tay- lor; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1849 Ewing, T[homas]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 16 Recent visit from [Robert Perkins] Letcher and Orlando Brown; requests Crittenden to visit Washington; personals. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Rush, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To C[ornelius] Darragh. Sept. 20 Statement of claim for back pay of late John Rush, U. S. Navy. Extract. 9 p. 1849 Mcllhany, F. M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Sept. 28 His political career in Virginia; pecuniary affairs; desires recommendation for an office. A. L. S. 4 p. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Sept. 29 John Middleton Clayton. Approves of corre- spondence with the French Minister; United States should stand firm against France, the Minister must be dismissed ; favors war if France wants it; personal advice as to state affairs. A. L. S. 8 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Oct. 6 John Middleton Clayton. Suggests that John Rowan be retained as charge at Naples; his character and qualifications. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1849 Smith, Gustavus W. Boston, Mass. To George Washing- Oct. 11 ton Crawford. Gives sketch of services in U. S. Army as claim for promotion. Copy. 4 p. Mutilated. 1849 Pendleton, John. Redwood, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Oct. 12 Opinion of President Taylor's Cabinet ; charges John Mpddleton] Clayton with broken pledges; favoritism in appointment of [William Cabell] Rives to Paris; his own political career and pecuniary matters ; respect for President Taylor. A. L. S. 12 p. 1849 Preston, William Ballard. [Washington, D. C] To Oct. 12 Reverdy Johnson. Submits claim of late John Rush for arrears of pay and requests opinion. Copy. 1 p. 158 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1849 MacNeill, William Gibbs. Aldie, Virginia. To Critten- Nov. 1 den. Brief sketch of his services in U. S. Army; treatment by President Polk; desires appoint- ment for his son William E. Wyatt MacNeill as cadet to West Point. A. L. S. 6 p. 1849 Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Castle Union, Kentucky. To Crit- Nov. 4 tenden. Humorous invitation for Crittenden to visit him. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Washington, D. C] To Nov. 8 Crittenden. Personals; John Middleton Clay- ton's apprehension of a war with France; effect of negotiations with France; explanation de- manded by France for dismissal of French Minister [Poussin] ; U. S. Minister [William Ca- bell Rives] prohibited from the court of France; attitude of President Taylor. A. L. S. 4 p. Schaumburg, James W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. His discharge from the U. S. Army and efforts to be reinstated. A. L. S. 6 p. Brown, Thomas D., and 3 others. Frankfort, Ken- tucky. To Thomas Ewing. Recommend H. M. McCarty for an appointment. A. L. S. 1 p. Moore, J. A. Mount Vernon, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Desires appointment for his son William T. Moore as Assistant Marshal to take the Census; personals and politics. A. L. S. 3 p. Young, B[ryan] R. Elizabethtown, Kentucky. To John Middleton Clayton. Recommends H. M. Mc- Carty for an office. A. L. S. 2 p. Jack, W. W. Bardstown, Kentucky. To Thomas Ewing. Recommends H. M. McCarty for appointment as Marshal of Kentucky; his political character. A. L. S. 1 p. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Trouble in President Taylor's cabi- net; various charges alleged against [John Middleton] Clayton; desire of rest of members that Clayton leave the Cabinet; possibility of Crittenden succeeding him; Letcher's efforts. A. L. S. 6 p. Printed : Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 348. 1849 Letcher, Rfobert] P[erkins]. Washington, [D. C] To Nov. 21 Crittenden. Less commotion in the political sea 1849 Nov. 9 1849 Nov. 10 1849 Nov. 10 1849 Nov. 11 1849 Nov. 14 1849 Nov. 17 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 159 at Washington; President's message is made up; political gossip. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 352. Edwards, Fred. C. Louisville, Kentucky. To Thomas Ewing. Recommends appointment of H. M. McCarty as marshal of Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. Williams, Sherod. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Thomas Ewing. Recommends appointment of H. M. McCarty as marshal of Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. Middleton, Henri F. Shelbyville, Kentucky. To Thomas Ewing. Recommends appointment of H. M. McCarty [as marshal of Kentucky]. A. L. S. 1 p. Moore, J. A. Mount Vernon, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Recommends that the fine of John Rimel be re- duced; State politics. A. L. S. 3 p. Lane, John. Shelbyville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Relative to persons recommended to take the State census. A. L. S. 1 p. Preston, W[illiam]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Thomas Ewing. Recommends appointment of H. M. McCarty as marshal of Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. Buchanan, James M. Baltimore, Maryland. To Critten- den. Does not desire to be Governor of Mary- land, because of pecuniary matters; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Blair, F[rancis] P[reston]. Silver Spring, [Maryland], To Crittenden. Suggests a remedy for the rushing of blood to the head; his own health and that of [John Cook] Rives; the slavery question at Washington; [John Caldwell] Calhoun and his " instruments" solicitous of breaking the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1849 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Philadelphia. To Crit- Dec - 25 tenden. Disorganization in the House of Repre- sentatives; election of [Howell] Cobb as Speaker; sectional feeling; believes [William Henry] Sew- ard the cause of the difficulties ; praises President Taylor's message; complaint against the Cabi- net; Crittenden to succeed [John Middleton] Clayton upon dissolution of Cabinet. A. L. S. 7 p. 1850 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. J AN - 11 Effect of slavery on the election of [Howell Cobb] 1849 Nov. 27 1849 Nov. 27 1849 Nov. 28 1849 Dec. 1 1849 Dec. 3 1849 Dec. 3 1849 Dec. 7 1849 Dec. 20 160 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS Speaker of House of Representatives ; confidence of President Taylor in his Cabinet; breach be- tween Brown and [Thomas] Ewing over Indian claims; rumor that [Henry] Clay has a compromise scheme; intention of Congress on territorial bills; objection to [Robert Perkins] Letcher's hurried departure for Mexico; construction of Brown's annual report; objection to removal of John Lane as marshal of Kentucky. A. L. S. lip. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Jan. 15 John Middleton Clayton. Recommends that J[ohn] J[ordan] Crittenden Bibb be appointed to a clerkship. A. L. S. 1 p. clayton. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 18 Orlando Brown. If John Lane is removed as marshal of Kentucky, prefers appointment of John S. Speed; reasons for his preference. Copy. 2 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Jan. 25 John Middleton Clayton. Administration has made a favorable impression on the public mind; difficulty with England about Nicaragua; rec- ommends George W. Barbour to succeed Ephraim George Squier at Nicaragua; appointment of B[radley] B. Meeker as Associate Judge of Minne- sota. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 25 Orlando Brown. Explains his preference to John S. Speed as marshal of Kentucky; believes continuance of John Lane in office will cause dis- content among the Whigs. Copy. 3 p. 1850 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. l Brown's effort for retention of John Lane as mar- shal of Kentucky ; desires advice about appoint- ment of Indian agents; Congressional gossip about [Henry] Clay's compromise resolutions; personals. A. L. S. 8 p. 1850 Marshall, William L. Baltimore, Maryland. To Critten- Feb. 2 den. Desire of G[eorge] Washington] Custis Lee to obtain a cadetship at West Point ; requests Crittenden's assistance. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] Feb. 5 To Crittenden. His experiences as Minister to PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 161 Mexico; social conditions of the Mexicans; cost of provisions ; desires leave of absence ; wisdom acquired. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 356. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 10 Orlando Brown. Intention of C[harles] S[cott] Todd to remove to Minnesota; recommends as- sistance in securing federal appointment for him. Copy. 3 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 18 John Middleton Clayton. Hopes for an agree- ment between United States and England rela- tive to Nicaragua; opposes admission of terri- tories under Wilmot Proviso; grieved at com- plaints against the administration ; criticises in- difference of [Henry] Clay and [Daniel] Webster. A. L. S. 4 p. CLAYTON. 1850 Crittenden, John Jordan. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Feb. 21 John Middleton Clayton. Recommends that T[od] Robinson receive a federal appointment in Texas. A. L. S. 2 p. clayton. 1850 Barbour, G[eorge] W. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To Crit- Feb. 22 tenden. Resigns his seat in the Senate of Kentucky to take effect March 4 ; necessitated by claims of a dependant family. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 L[etcher], R[obert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] Mar. 4-7 To Crittenden. Introduces Walsh, his secre- tary; various expenses; sends antiquities ; inten- tion to save money; delay in receipt of letters- A. L. S. 6 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871, 1. 357. 1850 Marshall, H[umphrey]. Washington, [D. C] To Critten- Mar. 10 den. Discontent of Congress toward President Taylor's cabinet; [John Middleton] Clayton and Thomas Ewing can not remain ; neessity of hav- ing Crittenden Secretary of State ; unsatisfactory course of the administration. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Loughborough, P[reston] S. Louisville, [Kentucky.] To Mar. 10 Crittenden. Gratitude for his appointment as a commissioner to amend the law [relative to civil and criminal proceedings]. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Robinson, Tod. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Mar. 11 Gratitude for letters to Cabinet officers. A. L. S. lp. 52880°— 13 11 162 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1850 Blunt, J. Albany, [New York.] To Crittenden. No- Mar. 11 cessity of a change in President Taylor's Cabinet ; lack of cooperation ; total disregard of political leaders in making appointments; influence of newspapers in New York city. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Mar. 11 John Middleton Clayton. Recommends appoint- ment of Walter S. McNairy as Secretary U. S. Legation at St. Petersburg. A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1850 Johnson, M[adison] C. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Mar. 17 tenden. Accepts appointment as commissioner to amend the laws of pleading and practice of Kentucky and resigns office as Attorney General of the state. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Mar - 19 Gratitude to Crittenden ; sentiments of [Ephraim H.] Foster ; possibility of meeting of the Southern Convention and evil that will grow out of it. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Mar. 23 Albert T. Burnley. Wants a letter on the " in- side operations" at Washington; [Edward] Watson desires appointment as attache to U. S. Minister at Paris. Copy. 2 p. 1850 Todd, Qharles] S[cott]. Washington, [D. CJ To [John Mar - 25 Middleton] Clayton. Claim for expenses while U. S. Minister to Russia; detailed account of claims; opinions of diplomats; precedence; re- quests that the claim be not rejected. Copy. 9 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar - 27 Orlando Brown. Annoyed by his own blunder relative to application for cadetship by Camp- bell. Copy. 2 p. 1850 Barbour, G[eorge] W. Princeton, Kentucky. To Crit- Mar - 29 tenden. Would accept appointment as com- missioner to amend the Kentucky laws if vacancy should occur; subscriptions to stock of the 11 Farmers' Bank." A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Washington, [D. C] To Mar - 30 Crittenden. Possible settlement of the slavery question by Congress; opposition to President PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 163 Taylor's cabinet; payment of Galphin claim to [George Washington] Crawford; death of [John Caldwell] Calhoun ; attitude of the South toward disunion and possible results; [Henry] Clay's attitude. A. L. S. 8 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 361. 1850 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Mar. 30 Hesitated to write because what he must say would be painful to Crittenden; will soon return to Kentucky and tell all he knows; Edward Watson made attache to U. S. Minister at Paris. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Meter If e, T[homas]. Forrest Retreat, Kentucky. To Mar. 31 Crittenden. His feeling toward the attitude of Crittenden in the application of Campbell for cadetship at West Point. A. L. S. 3 p. [1850] Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Frankfort, Kentucky]. To [Mar. ?] George W. Crawford, [Washington, D. C] Rec- ommends a West Point appointment for the grandson [Campbell] of General [Thomas] Met- calfe. Copy. 1 p. 1850 Rush, Richard. Philadelphia. To Reverdy Johnson. Apr. 2 Claim for back pay of late John Rush and opinion given by U. S. Attorney General in 1815. Copy. 3 p. 1850 Hooper, Henry N., Osmyn Brewster, and F. W. Lincoln, Apr. 3 Jr. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Invitation to the Triennial Exhibition and Fair of Mechanical Industry and Skill. "Copy" by Hooper. 2 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 3 Orlando Brown. Brown should accept mission to Vienna if offered; suggestions about the Federal attorneyship. Copy. 2 p. 1850 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 3 Encloses copy of Crittenden's letter to George Washington] Crawford recommending a cadet- ship for Campbell; Brown's efforts to secure the appointment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Johnson, Reverdy. Washington, [D. C] To C[ornelius] Apr. 4 Darragh. Will dispose of claim for back pay of late John Rush as soon as convenient. Copy. i P . 164 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1850 Wickliffe, C[harles] A[nderson]. Weekland, Kentucky. Apr. 5 To Crittenden. Appointment as commissioner to amend law of practice in Kentucky. A. L. S. i P . 1850 Wright, Joseph A. Indianapolis, Indiana. To Critten- Apr. 5 den. Invitation to attend a Union meeting of all parties at Indianapolis May 29. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: " Answered accepting invitation. J. J. C." 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Apr. 6 John Middleton Clayton. Urges that [Robert Perkins] Letcher be granted leave of absence; Administration seems to have no supporters in Congress; basis of a settlement of the slavery question; favors the President's plan, but cir- cumstances may have changed. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 13 Orlando Brown. Circumstances of failure of Campbell to secure a cadetship at West Point; California notions of George [Bibb Crittenden]; rumors of dissension in the Cabinet ; the Galphin claim ; confidence in [George Washington] Craw- ford; feels that President Taylor will be a safe pilot through the political storm. Copy. 4 p. 1850 Wing, F[reeman]. La Mine, Missouri. To Elizabeth Ash- Apr. 14 ley, Louisville, Kentucky. Real estate matters; internal improvements. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 19 Causes of failure of Campbell to receive cadetship to West Point; lack of executive ability in Presi- dent Taylor's Cabinet; envy shown by [Henry] Clay and [Daniel] Webster; no one to espouse Taylor's cause in Congress or in newspapers; Taylor's intention to establish a paper; will be no change in the Cabinet; confidence in [George Washington] Crawford as to the Galphin claim; Brown's intention to resign. A. L. S. 12 p. 1850 Toombs, Robert. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Apr. 23 Act of the Administration to give Northern pat- ronage to [William Henry] Seward and his party; ill effect of Seward's antislavery position upon the Whig party; policy of the Administration; PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 165 opinion of certain members of the Cabinet; the Galphin claim. A. L. S. 6 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 364. 1850 Hawes, R[ichard]. Paris, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 2 Sentiments against a change in President Tay- lor's Cabinet; advises Crittenden not to visit Washington; influence of [Henryl Clay on admin- istration; appointment of Hawes as visitor to West Point. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Wing, F[reeman]. La Mine, Missouri. To Mrs. Elizabeth May5 Ashley, Louisville, Kentucky. Financial and real estate matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Letcher, K[obert] Pferkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To May 6 Crittenden. No discrepancy between his speech and private letters; asks that Mrs. Crittenden have her carriage refitted and sent to Letcher for speculation; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; I, 370. 1850 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. May 8 Failure to secure harmony between the Adminis- tration and the "Republic;" his interview with President Taylor and Cabinet officers; their in- tention to establish a newspaper; Burnley to buy out the "Republic" and defend the President. A. L. S. 7 p. 1850 Brown, Orlando. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. May 9 Movements of Robert [Henry Crittenden] ; nego- tiations of [Albert T.] Burnley to obtain control of the "Republic;" Brown's intention to resign as Commissioner of Indian Affairs; troubled air of President Taylor; Brown's possible successor; debate on [Henry] Clay's bill in the Senate. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Bright, Jesse D. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 14 Invitation to call on his family at Madison, In- diana, while en route to Indianapolis. A. L. S. lp. 1850 Brown, Orlando. [Washington, D. CJ To Crittenden. May 15 Purchase of the ' ' Republic " by [Albert T.] Burn- ley; debate on [Henry] Clay's report and bill; the questionable result; Brown's possible suc- cessor; endeavors to secure an appointment in Calif ornia for Robert [Henry Crittenden] ; social matters. A. L. S. 4 p. 166 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1850 Burnley, Albert T. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 15 Control of the " Republic" gained by Burnley, and Allen A. Hall to be the editor; terms of the agreement; hopes for Crittenden's . approval; fate of Compromise Bill doubtful; the Cabinet. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 18 Personals; Crittenden's enemies in Washington; [John Middleton] Clayton's treatment of [Alex- ander C] Bullitt; [Thomas] Ritchie "in agony" about the new Southern paper; doubt and specu- lation about national affairs. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Hooper, Henry N. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- May 22 den. Inclosing copy of invitation to deliver an address at the Triennial Exhibition and Fair of Mechanical Industry and Skill. A. L. S. 1 p. [1850] Brown, Orlando. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 23 Resignation of office of Commissioner of Indian Affairs; [Henry] Clay retains his reputation, and has defied friends of President Taylor; Clay's plan versus that of Taylor for a compromise; Crittenden's speech to be made at Indianapolis. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May 25 Albert T. Burnley. Pleased at Burnley's con- trol of The "Republic"; advice to secure peace and harmony; sympathy for Robert [Henry Crittenden] who is unable to secure an appoint- ment in California; urges that Burnley become acquainted with [Richard] Hawes. Copy. 3 p. 1850 Catron, J[ohn]. Washington, [D. C] To J. Thomas. June l Compromise Bill will pass the Senate, and event- ually the House ; Thomas should go to Washing- ton and make acquaintances; bill for appoint- ment of a judge in California; knowledge of Spanish laws necessary; possibility of Thomas receiving the appointment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Corwin, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. June 4 Cause of delay of Crittenden's son's confirmation by the Senate ; the Compromise bill impracticable remedy for agitation; President Taylor's plan the only permanent cure. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN. JORDAN CRITTENDEN 16? 1850 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. June 5 Leaves for Louisville to take his family to Wash- ington; has urged upon [John Middleton] Clayton that [George W.] Barbour should be appointed Judge of California ; suggests that Robert [Henry Crittenden] be made clerk of the court. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Letcher, Rfobert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] June 6 To Crittenden. His nomination as Minister to Mexico never acted upon by the Senate; uncon- cerned personally as to the result; has agreed upon terms for a treaty for a railroad across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; cholera raging in Mexico; comments on affairs at Washington; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Metcalfe, Thomas. Indianapolis, Indiana. To Critten- June 7 den. His courteous reception at Indianapolis ; witnesses a trial for recovery of fugitive slaves; comments ; time of his departure. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To June 22 John Middleton Clayton. Name and residence of George W. Barbour; urges that Barbour be given the Judgeship in California or an equivalent ; praises Clayton's attitude in £he "Cuba affair.' 7 A. L. S. 2 p. CLAYTON. 1850 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Washington, [D. C] To JuNE 29 Crittenden. Invitation to speak at a fair held by the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Asso- ciation; promise of President Taylor's presence; desires a speech "on the labor of the country." A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Simmons, J. P. Weldon, North Carolina. To Crittenden. JuLY * Offers to put Crittenden's name at the head of the columns of the "Herald" as candidate for President. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed: "Ans rd in substance that I was no candidate & did not wish to be. J. J. C." 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 5 [Albert T.] Burnley. Attitude Burnley must have toward President Taylor's Administration; personals; requests Burnley's continued corre- spondence. Copy. 3 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To JuLY 12 Joseph Taylor. Requests that remains of Gen- eral [Zachary] Taylor be buried at Frankfort; 168 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS sends resolutions of town council requesting same. A. L. S. 2 p. taylor. 1850 Cross, Alexander. Valparaiso, [Chili.] To James Collier. July 17 Relative to contract for building an Iron Ware- house for U. S. Customs Service. L. S. 5 p. 1850 Bibb, John B. Russellville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. July 24 Crittenden's appointment as Attorney General in President Fillmore's Cabinet. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Castle Union, [Kentucky]. To July 25 Crittenden. Sympathy upon the death of Chapman Coleman, Zachary Taylor, and others; Crittenden should accept office of Attorney General offered him; invites Crittenden's family to his house if the cholera appears in Frankfort. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Hawes, R[ichard]. Paris, Kentucky. To Crittenden. July 26 Urges Crittenden to accept office of U. S. Attor- ney General; slavery question grown to great consequence ; Texas boundary with Mexico diffi- culty. A. L. S. 1 p. 3 850 Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. St. Paul, Minnesota. To Critten- July 30 den. Sentiments on the death of Zachary Tay- lor; local politics; political influence of the Fur Co.; appointment of Agents to treat with the Sioux Indians for their lands. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Harris & Harrison. Columbus, Mississippi. To Robert Aug. 5 J[ohn] Walker. Desire of Otley to retain Walker as counsel; statement of the case; asks advice. A. L. S. 2 p. [1850] Humphreys et al. Suit against Miller & Co. Memoran- Aug. 5 dum of authorities. 6 p. 1850 Ward, R. J. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Aug. 5 Recommends Calhoun Benham for U. S. District Attorney of California. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Washington, [D. C] To Aug.. 8 Crittenden. Appointment of Crittenden as At- torney General will prevent contemplated schism; Clayton's labors as Secretary of State; intention to retire to private life. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Pindell, Rpchard]. Lexington, Kentucky. To Critten- Aug. 13 den. Hopes for revival of friendship between [Henry] Clay and Crittenden; requests appoint- ment of George Ross Harrison as a midshipman in the Navy. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 169 1850 Queen, K[ichard] T. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Aug. 18 Politics; desires an appointment for himself or for his son R. Plunkett Queen. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Clayton, John Middleton. New Castle, Delaware. To Aug. 23 Edward Stanley. Application papers of T. D. Smyth for consulship in Lower California; atti- tude of the new Administration toward appoint- ments of late President Taylor. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Helm, John L. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Sept. 7 Significance in the fate of Texas boundary bill ; confidence in Crittenden; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To Sept. 8 Crittenden. Gratification that Crittenden is in President Fillmore's cabinet; denounces recent criticisms of the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Letcher, Rjpbert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To Sept. 15 Crittenden. Disappointed at being detained in Mexico; has instructions to amend the treaty for railroad across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec ; Mexican view of the Treaty; claim of Annie Wright; personals; recent newspaper criticisms; respects to Cabinet officers. A. L. S. 8 p. 1850 Swigert, P[hilip]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Sept. 15 den. wSolicits aid for securing contracts for en- graving U. S. Bonds. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Peyton, Balie. Santiago, Chili. To Crittenden. Grieved Sept. 25 a t the death of Zachary Taylor; confidence in President Fillmore and his Cabinet; Peyton shamefully treated; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1850 Love, James. Galveston, [Texas]. To Crittenden. Grati- Sept. 26 fied that Crittenden is in President Fillmore's cabinet ; policy of the Administration ; the Texas question; military protection necessary in Texas. A. L. S. 3 p. 1850 Gaines, John P. Oregon City, Oregon. To Crittenden. Sept. 29 Urges appointment of Jesse Applegate as Sur- veyor General of Oregon ; recommends other ap- pointments; rights of Hudson's Bay and Puget Sound agricultural companies should be pur- chased; family affairs; personals; approval of the new Cabinet. A. L. S. 3 p. 170 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS [1850] Ewing, T[homas]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. [Sept.?] Remarks on fugitive slave law. Endorsed by S[amuel] F[inley] Vinton. A. L. S. Last page only. 1850 Rush, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Encloses 1 Oct. l papers relative to claim for back pay due the late John Rush, U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Sedgwick, Theodore. New York. To Daniel Webster. Oct. 4 Trial and sentence of Cristobal Madan by a Spanish Military/ Commission in Cuba; his in- nocence and property rights ; appeal to Webster. Copy. 4 p. [1850] Madan, Cristobal. Conviction and sentence of Madan and [Oct. 4?] others for treason in Cuba. Copy. 4 p. [1850] Spain, Laws, Extracts. Copy. 2 p. [Oct. 4?] 1850 Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] To Oct. 20 Crittenden. Introduces Marks; result of attempt to make amendments to the proposed treaty with Mexico; feels that [Daniel] Webster is not satis- fied with the negotiations ; difficulties experienced in negotiating the treaty. A.L.S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871, I, 383. 1850 Letcher, Rfobert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] To Nov. 12 Crittenden. Final disposition of the proposed treaty with Mexico ; opposition to amendments urged by [Daniel] Webster; general comment; Personals. Copy. 2 p. 1850 Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] To Nov. 13 Crittenden. Comment on treaty with Mexico ; his labors in the matter; belief that [Daniel] Webster censured him. A. L. S. 4 p. Mutilated. Also copy. 1850 Poindexter, George. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crit- Nov. 15 tenden. His suit in chancery in U. S. Circuit Court; statement of the case. L. S. 6 p. 1850 Grinnell, M[oses] H[icks]. New York. To Crittenden. Nov. 18 Gratified that Crittenden is again at the seat of government; result of the election in New York; politics. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Breckinridge, Robert J[efTerson]. Lexington, [Kentucky.] Nov. 23 To Crittenden. Asks assistance for his son Robert J., for a Cadet's Warrant at West Point; PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 171 canvass for the nominations for gubernatorial election; political comment. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 384. 1850 Queen, R[ichard] T. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 7 Desires to be recommended to Thomas Corwin for an appointment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Rush, Richard. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Grati- Dec. 8 tude for letter criticizing his views on slavery. Copy. 1 p. 1850 Allison, Richard T. U. S. Store Ship Supply off San Dec. 12 Francisco, California. To Crittenden. Oppos- ing the formation of a Navy Board. A. L. S. 4 p. 1850 Chester, Thomas R. Jonesborough, Tennessee. To the Dec. 14 Editors of the Nashville American. Ineffectual attempt to capture fugitive slave on account of Northern opposition to slavery. Newspaper clipping. 1850 Barlow, W. B. To Crittenden. Introducing John Rudd, Dec. 26 of U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Decision in cases of the U. S. Dec. vs . Turner's Heirs andCoxe et al. Printed. 2 p. 1851 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkinsJ. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To J AN - 3 Crittenden. Introduces [Thomas] Mejia, who has a draft for portion of indemnity due Mexico ; Letcher intends to expose infamous undertaking in Mexico against the U. S. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 [Crittenden, John Jordan.] [Washington, D. C] To Jan - 6 President Millard Fillmore. Opinion opposing the right of U. S. marshals to employ counsel at public expense under the fugitive-slave law. Copy. 7 p. 1851 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To Jan - 12 Crittenden. Result of the Tehuantepec Treaty; Mexican opposition; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- Jan - 28 den. Kentucky legislative matters; sinking fund; canvass for congressional nominations; political gossip. A. L. S. 5 p. 1851 Whelpley, James D[avenport]. New York. To Critten- Jan - 30 den. British policy toward public sentiment in American press; urges movement against Brit- ish aggressions. A. L. S. 3 p. 172 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS 1851 Clayton, John Mpddleton]. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Jan. 31 Crittenden. Desires appointment as commis- sioner, if French spoliation bill should pass ; Dela- ware politics. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Whelpley, James D[avenport]. New York. To Critten- Jan. 31 den. Incloses documents relating to subject matter of recent letter to Crittenden. A. L. S. lp. 1851 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, D. C. To John Feb. 9 Middleton Clayton. Will attend to Clayton's wishes if French spoliation bill passes Congress; glad to have him in Washington; [Robert Per- kins] Letcher's return from Mexico ; invites Clay- ton to meet Letcher. A. L. S. 2 p. clayton. 1851 lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Personals; Feb. 21 comment on election of next U. S. Senator from New York. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Post Office Department. Extracts from the Act making Mar. 3 appropriations for. 2 p. 1851 Bates, George C. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Daniel Web- Mar. 12 ster. Asks for instructions as to testimony in fugitive-slave case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Bates, George C. Detroit, Michigan. To Daniel Webster. Mar. 12 Desires instructions relative to false telegraphic dispatches. Copy. 1851 Metcalfe, Thomas. Forest Retreat, Kentucky. To Crit- Mar. 15 tenden. Irregularity in granting bounty claims at Washington; has not heard from one claim, and has sent in over seventy. A. L. S. 2 p. [1851] Tayloe, Julia M. Dickinson. [Washington, D. C] To Mar - 19 Crittenden. Invitation to meet [Henry] Clay at dinner. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Ewing, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Mar. 25 Crittenden's opinion in the Florida cases. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Mar. 28 tenden. Contract for making mailbags; per- sonals. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Hunton, Logan. New Orleans, La. To Crittenden. Legal Mar. 30 business. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Trabue, Charles C. Nashville, Tennessee. To Critten- App - 7 den. Enquires if certain persons served in com- pany of R[obert] F. Crittenden under Andrew PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 173 Jackson in campaign against Seminole Indians [in Florida]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Breckinridge, Robert J[efferson]. Lexington, Kentucky. Apr. 12 To Crittenden. Admits error in requesting ap- pointment for son as cadet to West Point; asks forgiveness. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 385. 1851 Smith, D. Howard. Georgetown, Kentucky. To Crit- Apr. 16 tenden. Sketch of services of Gustavus W. Smith in U. S. Army; injustice done Smith in rank and promotions. A. L. S. 6 p. Muti- lated. 1851 [Waller, A. B.] [Washington, D. C] To [Crittenden]. Apr. 16 Copy of section of the Post Office appropriation act and requests explanations. A. L. 2 p. 1851 Waller, A. B. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 18 Relative to Attorney General's opinion on in- crease of salaries of special agents for Post Office Department. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Clayton, P[hilip]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 19 Gives information concerning military service of certain persons during Andrew Jackson's cam- paign in Florida [against Seminole Indians]. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Thomas, L[orenzo]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 21 Statement of service of Robert [F.] Crittenden as ensign in 2d Rifle Regiment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Apr. 21 Robert Jefferson Breckinridge. Explains his situation toward request of Breckinridge for ap- pointment of his son as cadet to West Point. A. D'ft. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; I, 385. 1851 Russell, William H. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. Apr. 23 Leaves for Pacific coast; expects to be assailed by Rutter; desires complete investigation. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Toombs, Robert. Washington, Georgia. To Crittenden. ApR - 25 Opposition to a paper published at Athens, Georgia; its opposition to President Fillmore's administration; contract for publishing U. S. laws; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Grainger, William H. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crit- Apr. 28 tenden. Appreciates Crittenden's kindness; does 174 LIBBAKY OF CONGRESS not desire to annoy anyone by asking favors. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Fillmore, Millard. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr.. 30 Mormon settlement on Big Bear Island in Lake Michigan. Copy. 1851 Breckenridge, Robert J[efferson]. Lexington, Kentucky. May 3 To Crittenden. Explains his position in asking an appointment for his son as cadet to West Point. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 387. 1851 Finnell, John W. Frankfort,' [Kentucky]. To Critten- May 6 den. Asks if Crittenden will be a candidate for U. S. Senate; political situation in Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Webster, Daniel. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. May 8 Receipt of hams cured under Mrs. [Ann Mary] Coleman's direction. Copy. 1 p. 1851 New York and Erie Railroad. New York. To Critten- May 21 den. Resolution of Board of Directors that a free ticket be issued to President of United States and members of his cabinet. D. S. 1 p. 18 signatures. 1851 Thompson, W. Wilmington, North Carolina. ToCritten- May 22 den. Money of Indians of North Carolina and Western Cherokees. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Monroe, James. New York. To Winfield Scott. Appli- May29 cation for a political appointment; gratitude to [John Jordan] Crittenden; indorsed to Critten- den with approval, and signed ' ' W. S." A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Kendall, Amos. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. May 30 Rumor of an expedition of 6,000 men to leave New Orleans in June for Cuba. Copy. 1 p. 1851. Marshall, H[umphrey]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crit- May 31 tenden. His candidacy for reelection to Con- gress; opposition; pecuniary affairs. A. L. S. lp. 1851 Marshall, H[umphrey]. Newcastle, Kentucky. To Crit- June 16 tenden. Desires an appointment from President Fillmore; knowledge of Spanish language; con- fident of a majority in next congressional election; dislikes to withdraw from contest until sure of an appointment; Fillmore as a Presidential candi- date. A. L. S. 4 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 175 1851 Monroe, James. New York. To Crittenden. Appoint- June 16 ment of naval officer at New York. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. June 25 To Crittenden. Degree of LL.D. to be conferred upon Crittenden by Harvard University; invita- tion to commencement exercises. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 McCarty, H. Milburn. Paducah, Kentucky. To Critten- Sept. 2 den. Desires an appointment of minor impor- tance. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Norfolk, [Virginia]. To Crit- Sept. 6 tenden. Departs for Mexico ; failure to have an interview with President Fillmore ; endeavors to fulfill his mission; employment for Robert [Henry] Crittenden; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 355. 1851 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Sept. 6 Joseph Rogers Underwood. Has consented to become a candidate for U. S. Senate; does not desire to be a personal opponent of Underwood; would consider it a public rather than a personal controversy. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 140. [Crittenden, Maria K.] Funeral expenses of. Receipts. 6 A. D's. S. Jenifer, D[aniel]. Port Tobacco, Maryland. To Critten- den. Extends his heartfelt sympathy and con- dolence [on death of Maria K. Crittenden]. A. L. S. 2 p. Whittlesey, Elisha. Washington, D. C. To Alexander H[ugh] H[olmes] Stuart. Exhaustive opinion on legality of claim of Logan Hunton for fees in prosecuting Narcisso Lopez and others for their invasion of Cuba. A. L. S. 12 p. 1851 May, William. U. S. S. F. Saranac, off Havana, Cuba. Sept. 16 To Frederick May. Summary of account of expedition of [Narcisso] Lopez against Cuba; death of the party among whom was [William L.] Crittenden. Extract by J. J. Crittenden. 3 p. 1851 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Sept. 18 Canvass for U. S. Senatorial election; probable opposition to Crittenden; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Sept. 8-11 1851 Sept. 11 1851 Sept. 15 176 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1851 Temple, J. B. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Sept. 22 Extracts from correspondence with [Joseph Rogers] Underwood; his attitude and feelings toward Crittenden relative to contest for U. S. Senatorial election; general comment. A. L. S. 3 p. Mutilated. 1851 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Sept. 28 Orlardo Brown. Opposition of Thomas Steph- enson to Crittenden's election to U. S. Senate; personals. Copy. 2 p. 1851 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan].' Washington, D. C. To Oct. 4 John Middleton Clayton. Personals; does not desire appointment as Secretary of State; the Commission on French spoliations. A. L. S. 1 p. CLAYTON 1851 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Oct. 8 Crittenden. Urges appointment of Charles I. DuPont as Purser in U. S. Navy; brief account of the DuPont family; their politics. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 10. 1851 [Crittenden, John Jordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Oct. 14 Calderon de Barca. Recent mob violence at Key West, Florida, upon Spanish subjects; their mode of procedure against the United States; certain claim of United States subjects against Spain for capture of their barque by privateers. Draft. 4 p. 1851 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Oct. 19 To Crittenden. Canvass for U. S. Senatorial elec- tion in Kentucky; Crittenden's opponents; legal business. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Clay, H[enry]. Ashland, [Kentucky], To Benjamin Oct. 20 Coates. Not " at liberty to sign address to legis- lature of Liberia " ; desirous that independence of Liberia be recognized. Copy. 1 p. 1851 Metcalfe, Thomas. Carlisle, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Oct. 22 Efforts to sell the Blue Lick property to the U. S. Government for use as asylum for old soldiers; financial status of owners of the property ; failure of John B. Campbell to pass medical examina- tion [for entrance to West Point]. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPEKS OF JOHN JOKDAN CRITTENDEN 177 1851 Clayton, John M[iddleton]. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Oct. 27 Crittenden. Because of ill health James C. Douglass desires his order to sail for Pacific Ocean revoked; success of Crittenden as Acting Secretary of State; if [Daniel] Webster resigns urges Crittenden to accept the office if tendered. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 12. 1851 Harvey, James E. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Possi- Oct. 28 ble resignation of Daniel Webster as Secretary of State and succession of Crittenden ; general appro- bation of his letter to the French Minister; dis- approval of Webster as Premier. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Oct. 29 John Middleton Clayton. Assistance in affair of [James C] Douglass; comment on rumored resig- nation of [Daniel] Webster as Secretary of State. A. L. S. 3 p. CLAYTON 1851 Hill, H. R. W. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Critten- Nov. 2 den. Appoints Crittenden his attorney to collect interest on enclosed assignment of J. Hamilton. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Washington, [D. C] To Nov. 2 [James E. Harvey], His knowledge of article printed in "New York Daily Times" relative to negotiations with the French Minister. A. D'ft. 2 p. 1851 Harvey, James E. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Ex- Nov. 5 plains his attitude as to recent newspaper ar- ticles; refuses to give [Daniel] Webster credit for work of others; political situation in Penn- sylvania. A. L. S. 3 p. 1851 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To Nov. 20 Crittenden. Desire of Barron[ ?] to retain Crit- tenden in suit before U. S. Supreme Court ; doubt as to validity of claim of John Belden against United States; suggests investigation by Presi- dent Fillmore; Letcher is tired of the country and desires leave of absence ; cause of bitter op- position to Tehuantepec Treaty. A. L. S. 11 p. 1851 Peterson, Robert E. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Nov - 25 Grieved at Crittenden's delicacy in accepting 52880°— 13 12 178 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS John Bouvier's "Institutes of American Law"; death of Bouvier. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Dec. 3 den. Devotion of Thomas F. Marshall to Crit- tenden's interests in Senatorial contest; Critten- den's real friends; urges that he answer no com- munications and leave it all to friends. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 22. 1851 Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Castle Union, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 8 Crittenden. Crittenden's Senatorial contest; op- position of the Democrats. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Washington, [D. C] To Dec. 9 Winfield Scott. Explains his course in last Presidential campaign; allegations of Robert [Cumming] Schenck of Crittenden's influence over Scott. A. D'ft. 3 p. 1851 Schenck, James Findlay. U. S. S. S. Ohio, New York. Dec. 11 To Crittenden. Encloses letter to be forwarded to A. O. Dayton. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Schenck, James Findlay. U. S. S. S. Ohio, New York. Dec. 11 To A. O. Dayton, Washington, D. C. Claim for pay as Lieutenant Commander of U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1851 Webster, Daniel. Washington, D. C. To R[obert] P[er- Dec. 23 kins] Letcher. Must urge upon the Mexican government that serious consequences may result if Tehuantepec Treaty is not ratified; attitude of U. S. Congress and the people; reliance upon Letcher. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 25. [1851?] Stanly, Edward. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Nomination to fill vacancy in U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 1 p. [1851?] Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To [Dec. ?] Crittenden. Desires to "get away from Mexico ;" political conditions in Mexico; impossible to have a treaty ratified by the Congress; people will take a war rather than agree to the Te- huantepec Treaty. A. L. S. 3 p. 1852 McCarty, H. M[ilburn]. Paducah, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Jan. l tenden. Appreciation of Crittenden's expres- sions of good will and friendship. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 179 1852 Russell, William H. Monterey, California. To Critten- Jan. 1 den. His office of collector of the port unre- munerative; desires Judgeship for Southern District of California. A. L. S. 3 p. [1852] Corwin, Thomas. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. [Jan. 8] 111 health; Samuel Houston and candidates at an entertainment given to [Louis] Kossuth. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 38. 1852 Anonymous. De Soto Parish, La. To Crittenden. Fears Jan. 20 the Government will be defrauded in settling the William Barr land claim. 1 p. [1852] Barr, William, et al. Notes on land grant from the Span- [Jan. 20] ish Government. 1 p. 1852 Bntterfield, J[ustin]. [Washington, D. C] To Solon Bor- Jan. 27 land. [Washington, D. C] Kuling that a land patent can not issue to Charles P. Bertrand, because of his holding office as Receiver of Land Office. L. S. 2 p. Butterfield, J[ustin]. [Washington, D. C] To Charles P. Bertrand, Little Rock, Arkansas. The rules of the Interior Department forbid his receiving land patents. L. S. 2 p. Borland, Solon. Washington, [D. C] To Charles P. Ber- trand, Little Rock, Arkansas. Encloses letters of Justin Butterfield relative to land patents. A. L. S. 1 p. Wyse, William A. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico]. To Robert Perkins Letcher. His claim against Mexican Government. L. S. 4 p. Wyse, William A. Account against the Mexican Govern- ment. D. S. 1 p. McNairy, Boyd. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Pleased at Crittenden's offering an appointment to his son; loss of his own position; Whigs of Tennessee. L. S. 2 p. Bertrand, Charles P. Little Rock, Arkansas. To J[ustin] Butterfield. He has located, and improved his land, and gross injustice and pecuniary loss will result if patents are refused him. Copy. 4 p. Bertrand, Cfharles] P. Little Rock, [Arkansas]. To Crit- tenden. Encloses papers relative to refusal of Commissioner of Land Office, Justin Butterfield r Jan. 27 1852 Jan. 28 1852 Feb. 6 1852 Feb. 6 1852 Feb. 8 1852 Feb. 14 1852 Feb. 16 180 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS to grant a land patent; reasons given; desires assistance. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Rives, George W. Paris, Illinois. To Crittenden. De- Feb. 23 sires a clerkship under the Administration; ill health; politics. A. L. S. 3 p. 1852 Kennedy, J[ohn] P[endleton]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Feb. 25 Crittenden. Recommends appointment of [Jonathan] Meredith as Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court; his qualifications and character. A. L. S. 3 p. 1852 Meredith, Jonathan]. New York. To Crittenden. De- Feb. 25 sires to succeed Upton S. Heath as Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court. A. L. S. 1 p. 1852 Hawes, R[ichard]. Paris, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 26 State Whig convention for Presidential nominee; majority for [Millard] Fillmore as President and Crittenden as Vice President; anti-Kossuth feel- ing in the State; Cassius [Marcellus] Clay's [Louis] Kossuth speech. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Wintersmith, R. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 27 State Whig Convention; Crittenden's refusal to become Presidential candidate; nomination of Millard Fillmore; locals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1852 Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. To Daniel Webster. Claim for Feb. 28 certain expenses while U. S. Minister to Russia, precedence. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Defrees, John D[ougherty]. Indianapolis, Indiana. To Feb. 28 Crittenden. Success of Whig state convention; nominate Winfield Scott; quiet as to slavery; comment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1852 Anonymons. To [Crittenden]. Proposed rebellion of the Mar. 1 Mormons; details of the plot. 4 p. 1852 Crockett, J. B. Mexico, [D. F., Mexico.] To Crittenden. Mar. 2 On his way to California; difficulty between Buckingham Smith and [Robert Perkins] Letcher; fears Smith will endeavor to embarrass Letcher. A. L. S. 4 p. 1852 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Mar. 3 Crittenden. Encloses copies of speeches which Crittenden should read. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Tnthill, Louisa C. Princeton, [New Jersey]. To Crit- Mar. 11 tenden. Receipt of "Washington Birthday" pamphlet; general comment. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 181 1852 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. M**- 27 Effect of Crittenden's Washington birthday oration; comment on next Presidential candi- date. A. L. S. 4 p. 1852 McDuflie, J. Thomas. Du Buque, Iowa. To Crittenden. m ^r. 31 Will leave "for the woods" [Minnesota]; Eugene [Crittenden] one of the party. A. L. S. 1 p. 1852 Neill, A. Sequin, Texas. To Crittenden. ' Removal of Apr. 4 postmaster requested. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Fillmore, Millard. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. -A^R- 17 Desires opinion relative to President's right to pardon persons imprisoned for assisting slaves to escape. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Powell, L[azarus] Whitehead]. Frankfort, Kentucky. May 6 To Crittenden. Fees due in suit of the Major Barbour against the Paul Jones. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. May 13 To Crittenden. Personals; coming Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 36. 1852 Barney, John. Washington, [D. C] To President [Mil- May14 lard Fillmore]. Insolence and impertinence of M. [le comte de] Sarteges. Barney has reported him to his Government. Copy. 3 p. 1852 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Mexico; [D. F., Mexico] To JuNE 4 Crittenden. Desires to be recalled; doubt as to a satisfactory treaty; certain claims against United States; a contingent fee for Crittenden. A. L. S. 4 p. 1852 Davis, Charles Augustus. New York. To Crittenden. J* 71 ^ 8 General discussion of canvass for Presidential nomination. A. L. S. 4 p. 1852 Underwood, J[oseph] R[ogers]. Washington, [D. C] To June 19 Crittenden. Division in Whig party may result • in nomination of Crittenden for President; ap- probation of [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 37. 1852 Brea, Ameal. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. His June 22 imprisonment; ill health; petition to be par- doned. A. L. S. 4 p. [1852] Parmalee, T[heodore] N. Buffalo, New York. To Crit- JuLY 6 tenden. [Winfield] Scott's presence at anniver- 182 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS sary of battle of Lundy's Lane would be im- politic. A. L. S. 1 p. 1852 Adams, Benjamin A. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To [Albert J ULY 9 T. Burnley]. Encloses invitation to [John Jor- dan] Crittenden to deliver an eulogy on the Life of [Henry] Clay, at Louisville. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Walden et al. vs. Proctor et al. Opinion of the Circuit July 12 Court of the 8th Kentucky District. Copy. 118 p. 1852 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- July 22 den. Reasons why Crittenden should be ap- pointed to fill vacancy on U. S. Supreme Bench; his right to the appointment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Adams, Benjamin A. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- July 31 tenden. Personal gratification that Crittenden will deliver eulogy on life of [Henry] Clay; apol- ogy for Adams's injustice to Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1852 Adams, Benjamin A. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- July 31 tenden. September 29 is the day appointed for Crittenden's eulogy on life of [Henry] Clay. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Coleman, Ann Mary. [Frankfort, Kentucky.] To Crit- July 31 tenden. Family matters. A. L. S. 2 p. [1852] Barston, H. F. [Washington, D. C. ?] To Crittenden. [July ?] Appreciation of Crittenden's treatment of him. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Lewis, Charles D. New York. To Hamilton Fish. Claim Aug. 30 for pay as Deputy Inspector of Kevenue; cir- cumstances of his appointment; revenues col- lected. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Fish, Hamilton. New York. To Crittenden. Claim of Sept. 17 [Charles D.] Lewis [for pay as Deputy Inspector of Revenues]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1852 Toombs, R[obert]. Washington, Georgia. Tp Critten- Oct. 9 den. Claim of Genl. Watson; politics dull in Georgia; [Winfield] Scott can not carry the state. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. Shelbyville, Kentucky. To [Crit- Oct. 14 tenden]. Claim for expenses while U. S. Minister to Russia. A. L. S. 1 p. 1852 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Oct. 28 Ann Mary Coleman. Personals relative to Crit- tenden Coleman. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 183 1852 Train, George Francis. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crit- Nov. 16 tenden. Introduces Samuel F. Train who de- sires pursership in the U. S. Navy; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. [1852?] Fillmore, Millard. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. [Nov. ?] Encloses portion of message to be rewritten. Copy. 1 p. [1852] Toombs, R[obert]. Roanoke Plantation, Georgia. To Dec. 5 Crittenden. Outcome of Presidential election; Legal matters; [Franklin Pierce followers were] a dirty set of gamesters; Gen. [Winfield] Scott's supporters were canting hypocrites; prefers preservation of the Union even if by the de- struction of the Whig party. A. L. S. 2 p. 1852 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frank[fort, Kentucky]. To Dec. 18 Crittenden. Sincerity of [LandarT] Watson An- drews in recent Senatorial election; social life in Kentucky; recent Presidential election. A. L. S. 7 p. 1853 Powell, L[evin] M[yne]. Washington, [D. C] To [Rod- Jan. 15 ert] Toombs. Condition of horses for sale by estate of late [Charles W.] Morgan. A. L. S. 2 p. 1853 Toombs, R[obert]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 16 Arrangements with Mrs. [Charles W.] Morgan. A. L. S. 1 p. 1853 Clayton, John Mpddleton]. Buena Vista, Delaware. To Jan. 24 Crittenden. The Bulwer-Clayton Treaty and Lewis Cass; praise for Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1853 Letcher, Rfobert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 25 Crittenden. Social life; joke on Orlando Brown; urges Crittenden not to accept office under Presi- dent Pierce. A. L. S. 4 p. [1853] Wilkins, William. Homewood. To Crittenden. Per- Jan. sonals; marriage of Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1853 Buchanan, James. Wheatland, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- Feb - 2 tenden. Desire to remain in private life; Crit- tenden's marriage. Copy. 1 p. 1853 Hite & Small. Bill to Crittenden for carpet. 1 p. May 30 1853 Hite, W. C. Louisville, Kentucky. Receipt to Critten- J^ Y 5 den in settlement of account. A. D. S. 1 p. 1X1 LIHKAHY OK OONOHKHS Johnson, M[adison] C. Lexington, [Kentucky]. r Po Crit- tenden. Suggests successor of late John Mc Kinley of U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. I p. McFarland, John S. Owonsboro, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tondon. Canvass for state and U. S. Senatorial election, A. L. S. .'* p. Tucker, Beverly. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Appreciation for Crittenden's kindness; news- paper articles on Free-soil party. A. L. S. I |>. Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Castle Union, [Kentucky]. To Crittonden. Senatorial oloction; letter of [James] Guthrie; state politics. A. L. S. 2 p. Crittenden, J|ohn| J[ordan]. Indianapolis, [ndiana. To Elizabeth Crittonden. Court matters; Olc Bull. Copy. I p. Scott, Winfiold. New ^ Oik. To Crittenden. Applica- cation of Major Alexander; Scott's bill before Congress; asks aid. A. L. S. 4 p. Smith, G[ustavus] Wfoodson]. West Point, New York. To Crittonden. Applicant for commission as field officer; desires assistance. A. L. S. 2 p. Bonton, Thomas H[art]. To Crittenden, lleceipt of statements from Crittenden and |.lohn Middleton] Clayton; country to be convulsed and Henry Clay's labor buried with him. Copy. I p. [18541 Nlicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] [Kku 5] To Crittenden. Rumor of repeal of Missouri Compromise in the Nebraska bill; the South wants quiet on the slavery question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1854 Dixon, Archibald. Washington, [D. C.| To Crittenden. I'nh- 7 Organization of Nebraska and Kansas, with repeal of Missouri Compromise; Crittenden as Presidential candidates warns him not to com- mit himself in speeches. A. L. S. 2 p, Print- ed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1878; II, 101. 1854 Grinnell, Mioses] ll|ieks|. New York. To Crittonden. F»a. 22 Gratified with Crittenden's stand on the Ne- braska Dill. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Hula,, 1871 ; II, 101. [1854| Grinnell, Moses H[icks]. New York. To Crittenden. Fib. 23 Approves oourse taken toward Nebraska bill; names others who eoneur. A. L. S. 2 p. 1853 July 28 1853 Oct. 1 1853 Oct. 17 1853 Oct. IS 1853 hi < 1854 Jan. 7 1854 Jan. 20 1854 Jan. 80 iwim.ks »>!■' .1011 N .i.ihuan CRITTENDEN 1ST) 1854 Johnson, J[ames] L. Owensboro, [Kentucky]. To Crit- i ■• o .23 tenden. Requests letter of introduction for Dr. Howard who leaves for Now Orleans, Louis- iana. A. L. S. l p. 1854 Morris, Marcella. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. I*" i* 23 Death of her husband; employment of children; desires pecuniary aid. A. L. S. <1 p. 1854 Cabell, Efdward] C[arrington]. Washington, |I). C] To Fbb. 24 Crittenden. Urges Crittenden not to commit himself on the Nebraska Bill. A. L. S. 2 p. 1854 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. (J Presley Ewing, Washington, I). C. Question of admission and slavery should bo left to the states as substitute* for Missouri Compromise; South should not disregard the compromise. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed "Reply by telegraph to Mr. Ewing's telegraphic despatch." Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1S71 ; II, 103. 1854 Blair, F[rancis] P[reston]. Silver Spring, [Maryland]. Mar- 7 To Crittenden. Sends Maryland memorial for the opinion of the Kentucky legislature; negro phrensy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1854 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky], To Ma»- 7 Archibald Dixon. lias no aspirations to bo Presidential candidate; opinion on questions arising from the Nebraska bill. A. L. S. Marked "Copy." p. Also Copy. (> p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 102. 1854 Corwin, Thomas. Lebanon, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Ne- M A,{ 1() braska bill and Missouri Compromise; wants to know Crittenden's position toward Presidency. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 104. Johnston, J. C. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Crittenden. Visit of Millard Fillmore to Kentucky and his reception. A. L. S. 2 p. Johnston, ,J. C. and 2 others. Louisville, [Kentucky], To Crittenden. Desire to know if Millard Fillmore will accept a public dinner in his honor. A. L. S. 2 p. Ward, Matthew F. Klizabethtown, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Accepts Crittenden's offer to defend him. A. L. S. '.] p. 1854 Mau. 12 1854 Mail 12 Mah. 17 186 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1854 Ward, R[obert] J. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Mar. 18 den.' Acceptance of Crittenden's offer to defend Matthew F. Ward. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 105. 1854 Scott, W[infield]. New York. To Crittenden. Ken- Mar. 21 tucky Legislature's resolution to Congress recom- mending rank of lieutenant general for Scott; public sentiment; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 105. 1854 Smith, Persifor F[razer]. Corpus Christi, Texas. To Mar. 21 Lorenzo Thomas. Recommends leave of ab- sence be granted Major G[eorge] B[ibb] Crit- tenden and Lieut. Jerome [Napoleon] Bonaparte. Copy. 2 p. 1854 Scott, W[infield]. New York. To Crittenden. Leave of Mar. 28 absence for Major [George Bibb] Crittenden; bill in New York legislature recommending advanced rank for Scott. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 117. 1854 Ward, Matthew F. Elizabethtown, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 1 Crittenden. Wishes to know if he may publish the fact that he will be defended by Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1854 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Crittenden. Leave re- Apr. 3 quested by Major [George Bibb] Crittenden and Lieut. [Jerome Napoleon] Bonaparte; little hope of advancement in rank of Scott; political gossip. Copy. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 106. 1854 Sanders, George N. London, [England]. To Crittenden. Apr. 7 His confirmation by U. S. Senate as Consul at London; income of the office; the Greek move- ment; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. [1854] Ward, Matthew F. Elizabethtown, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 10 Crittenden. Requests Crittenden's presence a few days before Ward's trial; gratitude and con- fidence. A. L. S. 1 p. [1854] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Memorandum relative to [Apr. 27] argument of [Sylvester] Harris in trial of Matthew F. Ward. A. D. 1 p. 1854 Griffith, Isaac S. et al. vs. Bogart et al. Opinion in the Apr. case. 17 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 187 [1854] Ward, Robert J., Jr. Testimony given at trial of Mathew [Apr.] F. Ward. 5. p. [1854] Ward, Mattfhew] F. Memorandum of testimony taken [Apr.] at his trial for killing [William H. G. Butler]. A. D. 3 p. 1854 Griffith et al. vs. Bogart et al. United States Circuit [Apr.] Court, St. Louis, Missouri. Action in ejectment. Opinion of Judge [Robert W.] Wells, lip. 1854 Corwine, R[ichard] M. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Critten- May22 den. Article in the Cincinnati "Gazette" de- fending Crittenden for being counsel for Mat- thew F.Ward; heartily approves Crittenden's action. A. L. S. 2 p. 1854 [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Frankfort, Kentucky. To May 29 Anderson. Reasons for his voluntary offer to act as counsel for Matthew F. Ward. A. L. First 4 p. only. 1854 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, [California]. May 29 To Crittenden. Crittenden to act as counsel in land suits appealed to U. S. Supreme Court from California; position of S. W. Inge. A. L. S. 3 p. Drake, John J. New York. To Crittenden. Acknowl- edges a favor. A. L. S. 1 p. [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Anderson. His right and duty by profession to act as counsel for Matt [hew] F. Ward; circum- stances of the case. A. D'ft. 6 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Blue Lick, [Kentucky]. To Elizabeth Crittenden. Personals. A. L. S. 2 p. Stephens, Joseph L. Boonville, Missouri. To Crittenden. Invitation to speak at fair of the Missouri State Agriculture Society. A. L. S. 3 p. Hunton, Logan. Danville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Necessity of a Whig leader in Congress ; suggests that Crittenden advise the Party on the slavery question. A. L. S. 3 p. Toombs, R[obert]. Washington, Georgia. To Crittenden. Encloses invitation to speak at fair of the Georgia Agricultural Society. A. L. S. 1 p. Carneal, Thomas D[avis]. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crit- tenden. False rumor of loss of money by Car- neal's son Louis on a bet that [George H. ?] 1854 June i 1 1854 June 2 18*54 July 14 1854 Aug. 25 1854 Sept . 22 1854 Oct. 13 1854 Oct. 25 188 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pendleton would be elected; personals. A. L. S. lp. 1854 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Crittenden. Condo- Nov. 9 lence on death of J. J. Crittenden, Jr. ; delight in New York election ; is done with politics except for the preservation of the Union. A. L. S. 4 p. 1854 Benson, J. S[eth]. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crittenden, Nov. 13 Asks advise about a legal career for himself, giving data relative to his preparation. A. L. S. 3 p. 1854 Pintard, John M. Rodney, Mississippi. To Crittenden. Nov. 21 Inquiry about case before the U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 2 p. 1854 Thrasher, J. B. Port Gibson, Mississippi. To Crittenden. Nov. 22 Desires to retain Crittenden as counsel before the U. S. Supreme Court ; legal matters. A. L. S. 3 p. [1854?] Jenefer, D[aniel]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- den. Crittenden's and [James G.] Birney's abuse; may abuse Jenefer as much as they like. A. L. S. 1 p. Wing, Charles F. Greenville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Wing's services in U. S. Army in 1812-13; ex- penditures; claim for bounty land. A. L. S. 3 p. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Publication of Crittenden's letter to members of the Kentucky Bar; gossip and personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Thrasher, J. B. Port Gibson, Mississippi. To Crittenden. Payment of fees; incloses briefs. A. L. S. 2 p. Chana, et al. vs. United States. Confirmation of land claims by Board of Commissioners of California. Copy. 3 p. With map, 1 p., and printed-form filled-in certificate, 1 p., by John C. Hays, Sur- veyor Gen'l of Cal. Seal attached. 1855 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 25 Crittenden. Personals; Know-nothings on the increase; possible candidates for Governor; gos- sip. A. L. S. 4 p. 1855 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 29 Crittenden. Local matters; growth of Know- nothing party not so great; gossip. A. L. S. 3 p. 1855 Jan. 1 1855 Jan. 16 1855 Jan. 22 1855 Jan. 23 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 189 1855 [Letcher, Robert Perkins.] Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 25 Crittenden. Progress of his suit in the courts; actions of the Know-nothings. A. L. S. 4 p. 1855 Ward, R[obert] J. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Critten- Mar. 27 den. Sends a gift as a token of friendship and gratitude. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 110. 1855 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Crittenden. Apr. 21 Receipts from sale of real estate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1855 Blair, Montgomery]. Washington, D. C. To Critten- Apr. 24 den. Forwards a draft received from California. A. L. S. 1 p. [1855] Ward, Matt[hew] F. Cannelton, Indiana. To Critten- MayI den. Gratitude to Crittenden; asks aid in vin- dicating himself before the public ; is on his way to Helena, Arkansas. A. L. S. 4 p. 1855 Weir, James. Owensborough, [Kentucky]. To Critten- May 4 den. Transfer of certain stock to the estate of Robert Triplett. A. L. S. 1 p. 1855 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May 5 Robert J. Ward. Receipt of silver plate ; holds it as token of friendship and a testimony of loyalty. A. D'ft S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 111. 1855 Blair, Montgomery]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. May 7 Fee in [John Charles] Fremont case. A. L. S. lp. 1855 Kennedy, Jos[eph] C[amp] Griffith]. Washington, [D. CJ May 8 To Crittenden. Land warrant will be issued to Crittenden ; hopes Crittenden will be Presidential nominee; probable defeat of [Henry Alexander] Wise in Virginia; trouble in President Pierce's cabinet over Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1855 Newby, John L. Wheeling, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. May 12 Statistics showing probable majority for Ameri- can party in Virginia's next election. A. L. S. 2 p. 1855 Amsden, J. Versailles, Kentucky. To Crittenden. En- May14 closes account against Efugene] W.Crittenden. A. L. S. 1 p. 1855 Blair, Montgomery]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. May 18 Payment of fee due Crittenden as counsel for [John Charles] Fremont. A. L. S. 2 p. 190 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS 1855 Blair, Montgomery]. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. May 28 Encloses draft on John Cook. A. L. S. 1 p. [1855] Burnley, Aflbert] T. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. De- [June2] sires copy of Crittenden's letter to [Archibald] Dixon [of Mar. 7, 1854]; Missouri Compromise; fugitive slaves ; necessitv of a party compromise. A. L. S. 1 p. Blair, Montgomery]. Washington, D. C. To Crit- tenden. Balance of fee due Crittenden; desire of [John Charles] Fremont to have report of Crit- tenden's argument. A. L. S. 3 p. Burnley, A[lbert] T. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. The [Know-nothing] convention at Philadelphia; their platform; personal ambition of delegates; praise for Kentucky delegation. A. L. S. 3 p. Semple vs. United States. In the United States District Court for Northern California. Decree con- firming claim of petitioner to land. Copy. 3 p. Boyd, James R. & Son. Account against the U. S. receipted to Lieut. E[ugene] Wfilkinson] Crit- tenden. Copy. 1 p. Virginia American Party. Lynchburg, Virginia. To Crittenden. Invitation to convention at Lynch- burg. L. S. by a committee of 12. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Account against the U. S. receipted to Lieut. Efugene] W[ilkinson] Crittenden. Copy. 1 p. Elder, John. Account against the U. S. receipted to Lieut. E[ugene] Wfilkinson] Crittenden. Copy. 1 p. Reynolds, J[ames] N. New York. To Crittenden. Doubts whether or not Crittenden should attend the American Convention in New York; comment on Presidential canvass. A. L. S. 3 p. Armstrong, William M. Staunton, Virginia. To G[ar- rett] J[esse] Pendergrast. Retirement of Arm- strong; desires to know circumstances. Copy, lp. Pendergrast, G[arrett] J[esse]. Warrenton, Virginia. To William M. Armstrong. Refers Armstrong to Navy Department for information; broken friendship. Copy. 1 p. 1855 June 8 1855 June 12 1855 July 5 1855 July 8 1855 Aug. 20 1855 Aug. 25 1855 Sept. 22 1855 Oct. 5 1855 Oct. 5 1855 Oct. 8 1855 Oct. 15 1855 Oct. 22 1855 Oct. 26 1855 Nov 3 1855 Nov . 30 1855 Dec. 3 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 191 Armstrong, William M. Staunton, Virginia. To G[arrett] Jfesse] Pendergrast. His feelings and result of retirement from U. S. Navy; has been unjustly treated. Copy. 3 p. Armstrong, William M. Staunton, Virginia. To G[arrett] J[esse] Pendergrast. Comment on recent pro- motions and retirements in the U. S. Navy; criticises navy board. Copy. 4 p. Klopfer, H[enry] A. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Sends package of private letters found in U. S. Attorney General's Office. A. L. S. 1 p. Wilson, John S. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Bill for charges paid on transportation of bust. A. L. S. 1 p. Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Detailed account of the Louisville mass meeting; various speakers; local matters. A. L. S. 4 p. Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia]. To J[ames] M[urray] Mason and R[obert] M[ercer] Talia- ferro] Hunter. Relationship between members of Navy board; recent retirements and promo- tions. Copy. 4 p. 1855 Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia]. To C[or- Dec. 4 nelius] K[inchiloe] Stribling. Feels that he has been wronged by the navy board; partiality in promotions and retirements. Copy. 4 p. 1855 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, Ky. To Critten- Dec. 13 den. Difficulty in Kentucky House of Repre- sentatives in electing speaker; opposes leader- ship of H[umphrey] Marshall ; political activity of Philip Swigert in Kentucky; locals. A. L. S. 4 p. Russell, William H. Harrison ville, Missouri. To Crit- tenden. Favors Crittenden as Presidential can- didate; chances of election. A. L. S. 3 p. Sands, B[enjamin] F[ranklin]. Washington, D. C. To Charles Morris. Invention for examining bot- tom of the sea. Copy. 1 p. Bache, Alexander] D[allas]. [Washington, D. C] To James Guthrie. Invention of B[enjamin] F[ranklin] Sands for examining bottom of the sea; its advantages. Copy. 1 p. 1855 Dec. IS 1855 Dec. 19 1855 Dec. 20 192 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1855 Park, G. J. Leavenworth, Kansas. To Crittenden and Dec. 20 John B. Thompson. Mob violence at recent election; aid refused by U. S. troops; expects aid from Congress; although a slaveholder op- poses the principle; denounces the governor's 11 address to the people." A. L. S. 3 p. 1855 Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia]. To Crit- Dec. 21 tenden. Has been unjustly retired from U. S. Navy, asks aid. A. L. S. 1 p. 1855 Ballenger, Frank. Mississippi Rapids, Iowa. To Crit- Dec. 24 tenden. Peaceful family life; fears repeal of Missouri Compromise. A. L. S. 2 p. 1855 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- Dec. 24 tenden. Trouble in electing speaker of Kentucky House of Representatives; suggests a plan of compromise; Kentucky politics; local matters; personals. A. L. S. 5 p. 1855 Washington, G. P. [Washington, D. C] To B[enjamin] Dec. 24 F[ranklin] Sands. Order for delivery of speci- men tubes. Copy. 1 p. 1855 Sessions vs. Pintard. Brief for defendant by Critten- Dec. 24 den. Printed copy. 1 p. 1855 Jenkins, Thornton A. Washington, [D. C] To B[enja- Dec. 25 min] F[ranklin] Sands. Recommendation of the specimen tube. Copy. 1 p. 1855 Morris, C[harles]. [Washington, D. C] To John Len- Dec. 25 thall. Recommends use of specimen tubes in- vented by [Benjamin Franklin] Sands. Copy, lp. 1855 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 27 Crittenden. Canvass for Presidential nominee; political gossip; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1855 Bache, Alexander] D[allas]. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. 27 B[enjamin] F[ranklin] Sands. Recommends his specimen tubes in coast survey work. Copy, lp. 1855 Griffith et al vs. Bogert et al. In the Supreme Court of Dec. United States. Brief. 25 p. and copy of deed. 4 p. 1855 Culberson, William B., vs. the owners of the steamer Dec. Southern Bell. Opinion of the Supreme Court of the U. S. Printed. 4 p. [1855 ?] Kansas : Laws. Resolutions in U. S. Senate and House of Representatives relative to. D'ft. 7 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 193 [1855] Ringgold, Cadwalader. Report of cruise to the Orient for scientific purposes. Incomplete, p. 4-79. [1855?] Kentucky, 3d Congressional District. List of "1st Class Citizens/' giving post-office address, with occa- sional remarks. 24 p. 1856 Winthrop, R[obert] C[harles]. Boston, Massachusetts. Jan. 4 To Crittenden. Introduces Charles G[reeley] Loring; his character and qualifications. A. L. S. lp. 1856 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Critten- Jan. 7 den. Crittenden's pretensions for Presidential nomination growing in favor; urges publication of his letter to [Archibald] Dixon on Nebraska question; Crittenden should come out as leader of American party in Congress; sentiments of [George Denison] Prentice. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Griffith's heirs vs. Bogert et al. Brief and argument for Jan. 8 appellants before U. S. Supreme Court. D'ft. 20 p. 1856 Philadelphia, Board of Trade. Resolutions approving Jan. 21 use of specimen tube invented bj B[enjamin] F[ranklin] Sands. Copy. 1 p. 1856 Philadelphia, Board of Underwriters. Resolutions to Jan. 21 Congress approving use of specimen tubes in- vented by B[enjamin] Ffranklin] Sands. Copy, lp. 1856 Wilson, A. L. Natchez, [Mississippi.] To Crittenden. Jan. 22 Desires to retain Crittenden as counsel in U. S. Supreme Court for defendants in case of Culbert- son vs. owners of the Steamer Southern Belle. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Davis, Garrett. Paris, [Kentucky.] To Albert T. Burn- Jan. 27 ley. Davis's position toward [John Jordan] Crit- tenden; political activity of Humphrey Mar- shall; Davis's ambition for Presidential nomina- tion; opposed to George Law. Copy. 4 p. 1856 Burnley, A[lbert] T. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Critten- Jan. 28 den. Know-nothing Convention at Frankfort; aspirations of [Garrett] Davis and his eventual defeat; position taken by Crittenden's friends; bitter contest expected at election; delegates elected to national convention. A. L. S. 16 p. 52880°— 13 13 194 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [1856] Fremont, [John Charles] vs United States. Statement of [Jan.] the case. A. D. S. by Crittenden. 5 p. [1856] Fremont, John C[harles] vs. United States. Brief. 78 p. [Jan.] 1856 Fall, P. S. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Crittenden. Re- Feb. l ceipt of [President's] message; political com- ments. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Russell, William H. Harrisonville, Missouri. To Critten- Feb. 4 den. Politics; presidential canvass; feels cer- tain Crittenden could be elected if nominated. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Bramlett, Thomas E. Columbia, Kentucky. To Critten- Feb. 5 den. Has been appointed delegate at large to National convention, and desires information; His motive and principles. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Seaton, W[illiam] W[inston]. To Crittenden. Joshua Feb. 6 Shaw's claim allowed by Congress, and later de- creased by Secretary of War ; wants full amount. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Bnrnley, Albert] T. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Critten- Feb 1 . 8 den. Correspondence with [Garrett] Davis; State politics; expects a speech from Crittenden in near future. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Davis, Garrett. Paris, [Kentucky.] To Albert T. Burn- Feb. 8 ley. Burnley should attend Know-nothing con- vention in Philadelphia; his regard for Critten- den; course pursued by Humphrey Marshall; desire for harmony. Copy. 4 p. 1856 Shaffner, Tal. P. New York. To Crittenden. Sends Feb. 10 printed copy of his response to the attack on him by the London " Times" relative to his article on conditions in Russia. A. L. S. on back of the printed leaflet. 4 p. in all. Bnrnley, Albert] T. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Crit- tenden. Humiliation of [Garrett] Davis; per- sonals. A. L. S. 1 p. Harvey, John. Roanoke, Missouri. To Crittenden. Ad- vance in value of Missouri lands ; has offer to buy Crittenden's land. A. L. S. 1 p. Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia.] To Crit- tenden. Correspondence with Virginia Senators relative to his retirement from U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Feb. 11 1856 Feb. 12 1856 Feb. 13 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 195 1856 Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia.] To Crit- Feb. 18 tenden. Sends copies of correspondence [with Garrett Jesse Pendergrast]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia.] To Crit- Feb. 19 tenden. Criticises navy board for retirement of certain officers. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia.] To Crit- Feb. 19 tenden! Channels used in sending remonstrance to U. S. Senate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Hopkins, A. F. Mobile, [Alabama.]' To Crittenden. Feb. 22 Crittenden for President; effect of slave holding nominee on election; conventions in the state. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Robertson, G[eorge?]. Lexington, [Kentucky.] To Cnt- Mar. 8 tenden. Action of [Garrett] Davis at Frankfort Convention; nominations at Philadelphia ac- ceptable ; sends copy of speech. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Carneal, Thomas D[avis]. Frankfort, [Kentucky.] To Mar. 17 Crittenden. Recommends Capt. [Benjamin Franklin] Sands. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 American Party, Committee of Grand Council. Frank- Mar. 18 fort, Kentucky. To the Subordinate Councils. Circular calling conventions for nomination of judges and attorneys by a committee, 7 names. Printed. 1 p. 1856 Pendergrast, G[arrett] Jfesse]. Norfolk, Virginia. To Mar. 21 Crittenden. Certain papers called for by U. S. Senate; his position on the " Retiring Board" of U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Benyesse, Jose L. Deed, as administrator of estate of Apr. 20 Antonio Maria Armijo, to Solomon Heydenfeldt. Copy. 13 p. With seal of the county recorder and also of the District Court of Solano County, California. 1856 Semple, C. D. San Francisco, [California.] To Crit- Apr. 21 tenden. Instructions as to his case before the U. S. Supreme Court. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Potter, Woodbury. Bordentown, New Jersey. To Crit- Apr. 24 tenden. Incapacity of [Cornelius Kinchiloe] Stribling as naval officer; services of [William Branford] Shubrick in Navy. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Dnnscomb, William E. Jefferson City, Missouri. To Crit- Apr. 29 tenden. Account against Crittenden for taxes. A. L. S. 2 p. 196 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1856 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 29 Crittenden. Sends application for bounty land warrant for services in war of 1812; his enlist- ment; personals and gossip. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Ievy,U[riah]P[hillips]. New York. To Crittenden. In- May l justice done by the "Board of fifteen;" service in U. S. Navy, and requests for sea service; com- ment on an investigation. A. L. S. 5 p. 1856 Smith, J[ohn] Speed. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- May 6 tenden. I jaws of Great Britain on the retire- ment of naval officers; denounces recent acts of Congress. A. L. S. 3 p. Also printed Regula- tions for Retirement in English Navy. 4 p. 1856 Park, G. J. Leavenworth, Kansas. To Crittenden. De- May 20 plorable condition of affairs in Kansas ; depreda- tions of proslavery party; aid refused by U. S. Army; destiny of the Union rests upon the re- sult; help expected from Congress. A. L. S. 7 p. 1856 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To May 24 Crittenden. Implores Crittenden to use his in- fluence to save the Union by taking a neutral stand; his own feelings. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Carroll, William Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- June 2 tenden. Transmits fee bill against Henry B. Shaw et al. Printed form filled in. 1 p. 1856 Lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Explains re- June 2 cent " speech in favor of the Senate;" unfortunate decision of Senate committee; excitement in New York [over the attack of Preston Smith Brooks upon Charles Sumner]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, Massachusetts. To June 3 Crittenden. Intense feeling in New England over attack of [Preston Smith] Brooks upon [Charles] Sumner; urges Crittenden to mend matters, if possible ; suggests that [Lt. Gen. Win- field] Scott be sent to Kansas ; laxity of President Pierce in Kansas troubles ; comment on national affairs. A. L. S. 8 p. 1856 Rose, William B. Washington, Pennsylvania. To Crit- June 11 tenden. Favors nomination of Jonathan Knight for President, and Kenneth Raynor for Vice President; advantages of that ticket. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 197 1856 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Juxe 13 Crittenden. Gratified with resolution of Critten- den [to send Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott to Kansas]; Crittenden as peacemaker in the Senate. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Williamson, A. C. Charlotte, North Carolina. To Crit- Junb 14 tenden. Suggests a Senate resolution calling for publication of letter of James Buchanan to H[enry] Clay. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Armstrong, Samuel P. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Critten- June 16 den. Favors electoral ticket of Crittenden and Millard Fillmore for President and Vice Presi- dent, respectively; their platform. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Buckingham, L. Amiss. Lynchburg, Virginia. To Crit- June 28 tenden. Inquires about statements alleged to have been made by James Buchanan in 1815 relative to Democratic opposition to Federal Constitution. A. L. S. 3 p. [1856] Wilson, George. Canandaigua, New York. Favors the June 22 movement to nominate Crittenden for President; compromise measures. Extract. 2 p. 1856 Whiting, William B. West Tisbury, Massachusetts. To J UNE 24 Crittenden. Injustice done him by the Retiring Board of U. S. Navy; his services on African coast and in Japan Expedition; ill will of Com- modore [Matthew Calbraith] Perry. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Dnncan, H. T. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. June 24 Receipt of public documents; approves of send- ing [Lt. Gen. Winfield] Scott to Kansas; presi- dential campaign. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Badger, George E. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. To Crit- JuNE 25 tenden. Claim for bounty land; family mat- ters; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Blue Licks, [Kentucky]. To JuLY 1 Crittenden. His health; presidential campaign in Kentucky; Fillmore expected to carry the state; discouraging for Buchanan; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 McClelland, R[obert]. Washington, D. C. To Critten- JuLY 2 den. Sends decision on claim of Major John Crittenden for half pay. A. L. S. 2 p. 198 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1856 Curtis, George T[icknor]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To JuLY 3 Crittenden. Desires to know [Millard] Fillmore's political strength as Presidential nominee; "Old Line Whigs'' of Massachusetts to hold conven- tion; neither [John Charles] Fremont nor [James] Buchanan acceptable. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. JuLY 4 To Crittenden. Lawless motives of a secret mob ; their violent acts; denounces actions of naval and army officers; expects aid from Congress. A. L. S. 12 p. 1856 Curtis, George T[icknor]. Boston, Massachusetts. To JuLY 10 Crittenden. Political complexion of New Eng- land; Presidential campaign in Massachusetts; Curtis's principles. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 130. 1856 Grinnell, M[oses] H[icks]. New York. To Crittenden. July 15 Introduces [Richard B.] Glasier; his character and abilities. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Inman, William. Clovesville, New York. To Crittenden. JuLY 17 Calls attention to an American imprisoned in Austria. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Bartlett, Washington A. New York. To Crittenden. JuLY 18 Fears are realized by bill of [Stephen Russell] Mallory; gratitude to Crittenden and others for aid to retired officers of U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. JuLY 18 To Crittenden. Wretched condition of state and national politics; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. To July21 Crittenden. Continued unlawful acts of the " Vigilance Committee"; threaten to seize the officers of the municipality; fears bloodshed; complains of [Brig. Gen. John Ellis] Wool. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Van Derbilt, C[ornelius]. Washington, D. C. To Crit- JuLY 22 tenden. Invitation to visit the steamer Vander- Ult. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Conkling, Amelian. Buffalo, New York. To Crittenden. JuLY 24 Invitation to visit Buffalo. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Bickley, George W. L. Portsmouth, Ohio. To Crit- July25 tenden. Rapid growth of sectional politics; PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 199 intention to publish a newspaper edited by many conservative writers. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Mason, J[ohn] Y[oung]. Paris, [France]. To Crittenden. July 30 Visit of Ann Mary Coleman to Europe; Congress should put the legation at Paris on equal footing with that at London; social and political affairs of United States. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To July 30 Crittenden. Personal view of Presidential cam- paign in Kentucky ; rumor of money raised to buy votes. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Badger, George E. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. To Crit- Aug. 9 tenden. Receipt of land warrant for bounty land; ridicules his own army service; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Burke, G. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. Aug. 10 Rumor that [Millard] Fillmore has withdrawn from the Presidential campaign; questions raised by the other candidates. A. L. S. 4 p. 1856 Atkinson, Robert J. Washington, D. C. To Jefferson Aug. 12 Davis. Suspended accounts of Charles A. Fuller in charge of improvements on the Red River. Copy. 4 p. 1856 Semple, C. D. Colusa, California. To Crittenden. Real Aug. 12 estate matters; expects large majority for [Mil- lard] Fillmore at next election. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Anonymous. Detroit, Michigan. To Crittenden. Re- Aug. 25 cruits sent to Kansas by abolitionists; crisis in Congress. L. S. "Old Kentucky." 4 p. 1856 Georgia Citizens. Atlanta, [Georgia]. To Crittenden. Aug. 28 Invitation to address a mass meeting held by friends of "Fillmore, Donelson and The Union." L. S. By 7 names in one handwriting, com- mittee. 2 p. 1856 Wadsworth, W[illiam] H[enry]. Maysville, [Kentucky]. Sept - 5 To Crittenden. Approves Crittenden's course in the Senate; its effect upon the country; invita- tion to barbecue. A. L. S. 3 p. 1856 Schley, William. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Sept. 23 Crittenden's friend Temple; perplexed about re- sult of Presidential campaign; personal feelings toward the various candidates. A. L. S. 4 p. 200 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1856 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Bowling Green, [Kentucky]. Oct. 9 To Elizabeth Crittenden; his debate with Ewing of Nashville; near end of engagements; cordial receptions. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; 11,131. 1856 Condict, Lewis. Morristown, New Jersey. To Crit- Oct. 13 tenden. Comment on Presidential campaign; comparative strength of the candidates. A. L. S. 2 p. 1856 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Oct. 19 Elizabeth Crittenden. Safe arrival; to deliver an address; desires her presence in Louisville; also desires [Robert Perkins] Letcher. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 132. 1856 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Oct. 20 Crittenden. Impossible to join him in Louisville; money and fraud in state election; interview with [Millard] Fillmore; suggests that Crittenden speak at Rochester, New York. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 132. 1856 Comegys,J. P. Dover, Delaware. To Crittenden. Death Nov. 10 of John M[iddleton] Clayton. A. L. S. 1 p. 1856 Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. Shelbyville, Kentucky. To Crit- Nov. 25 tenden. Illness of Todd's son; personal claims against the United States; division of their estate. A. L. S. 3 p. [1856] Nficholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Dec- 2 Crittenden. Party control in Congress; fate of the country. A. L. S. 3 p. [1857?] Napier, Lady! [Washington, D. C] To Elizabeth Crit- J AN - 30 tenden. Answer to invitation to attend soiree at National Hotel. A. L. in 3d person. 1 p. 1857 Cheney, T. Apolian. Leon, New York. To Crittenden. Feb . 17 Admiration for Crittenden ; requests public docu- ments; incloses article written by Cheney. A. L. S. 2 p. 1857 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- Mar - 13 den. Statement of certain suits against Critten- den and wife; real estate matters. A. L. S. 4 p. Also list showing increase in value of Crittenden's property. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 201 1357 Todd, L. B. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Ap- Mar. 23 proves of Crittenden's sentiments on the Kansas constitution; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1857 Mansfield, Ohio, Citizens. To Crittenden and John Bell. Apr. 17 Resolution of United Americans approving of their vote against admission of Kansas under the Lecompton constitution. A. D. S. by J. N. Sny- der, sachem. 1857 Botts, William Stone. Receipt for costs in case of Boy- Jult 18 reau vs. Campbell et al. A. D. S. 1 p. 1857 Botts, William Stone. Certificate that a copy of the rec- July ord in case of Campbell et al. vs. Boyreau had been sent to Supreme Court of U. S. A. D. S. 1 p. Seal of U. S. District Court of California attached. 1857 Botts, William Stone. Affidavit before George P. John- Oct. 16 stone that a copy of record in the case of Camp- bell et al. vs. Boyreau had been sent to the Su- preme Court of the U. S. A. D. S. 2 p. 1857 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. To Oct. 18 Crittenden. Urges confirmation of Richard Ro- man as Appraiser General of California; his op- position; his character and abilities. A. L. S. 3 p. Russell, John W. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Desires aid in adjusting his accounts as U. S* Agent. A. L. S. 2 p. Gillespie, Eugene F. Sacramento, [California]. To Crit- tenden. Desires confirmation of title to certain California lands ; full statement of circumstances ; fee. A. L. S. 4 p. Badger, George E. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. To Crit- tenden. Intended visit to Washington, D. C; personals. A. L. S. 1 p. Arthur, N[athaniel] C. Wheeling, Virginia. To Critten- den. Recommends appointment of Rev. R. A. Arthur as chaplain to U. S. Senate. A. L. S. lp. New England Society of the City of New York. To Crit- tenden. Invitation to a dinner. L. S. by E. D. Morgan, chairman. 1 p. Washington, Lewis W. Beall-Air, Va. To Crittenden. Desires advice with reference to [George Wash- 1857 Dec. 2 1857 Dec. 4 1857 Dec. 7 1857 Dec. 8 1857 Dec. 10 1857 Dec. 16 202 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ington's] Farewell Address; has discovered a draft by [Alexander] Hamilton; invitation to Crittenden and party of friends to visit him. A. L. S. 3 p. 1857 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, [California]. Dec. 20 To Crittenden. Title of Barron, Forbes & Co. to the New Almaden Mine; legal business. A. L. S. 1 p. [1857] Kansas Constitution. Memoranda showing fraudulent Dec. 21 votes for Lecompton constitution by precincts. i P . 1857 Yerger, George S. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. Report of Dec. 22 the board of directors of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. Printed. 1 p. 1857 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 26 Crittenden. Senatorial election will not be post- poned; [Lazarus Whitehead] Powell "to be the man & a miserable choice"; split between [Stephen Arnold] Douglas and President Bu- chanan; fraud in the Lecompton constitution. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 141. Bartlett, Washington] A. New York. To Crittenden. Circumstances connected with his retirement from U. S. Navy; operations of the Retiring Board. A. L. S. 4 p. Russell, John W. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. General account while acting as U. S. agent; desires aid in settlement. A. L. S. 3 p. Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Encloses report of president of Southern Pacific Railroad ; desires that Congress favor them. A. L. S. 1 p. [1857] Revolutionary pensions. Memoranda taken in U. S. Senate relative to speeches and bill referring to same. 8 p. 1858 Russell, William H. Independence, Missouri. To Crit- Jan. l tenden. Claim for expenses as inspector. A.L. S. 3 p. 1858 Morris, Walter J. Richmond, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Jan. 2 den. Requests public documents. A. L. S. i P . 1857 Dec. 26 1857 Dec. 28 1857 Dec. 29 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 203 1858 Jones, Thomas L. Newport, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Jan. 3 Introduces John T. Washington who desires ap- pointment in U. S. Army; his character and qualifications. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Randolph, Joseph F[itz]. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crit- Jan. 15 tenden. Force of the Douglas schism; New Jersey politics and prospects. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Crittenden, E[ugene] W[ilkinson]. Account with the U. S. Jan. 15 A. D. S. 2 p. 1858 Manson vs. Pratt. In the Sixth District Court of Califor- Jan. 16 nia. Deposition of John A. Sutter. Copy. 10 p. Seal of court attached. 1858 Carneal, Thomas D. Washington, [D. C] Financial Jan. 17 matters; investments. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Minge, C[harles] H. Mobile, [Alabama]. To Crittenden. Jan. 20 Introduces Troy, an artist; his recent work. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Sargent, John 0[sborne]. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 21 Urges passage of bill in favor of John Ericsson. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Winchester Citizens, Virginia. To Crittenden. Invita- Jan. 22 tion to a dinner on Feb. 22. L. S. by J. H. Sher- rard, W. Baker Miller, and L. T. Moore. L. S. lp. 1858 Bigelow, John P. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Critten- Jan. 23 den. Encloses his inaugural speech as mayor of Boston. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 The Eighth Ward Pioneer Clay Club of New York. To Jan. 27 Crittenden. Invitation to annual ball. A. L. S. by James M. Murray, president. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Armstrong, William M. Norfolk, [Virginia]. To Critten- Jan. 28 den. Injustice done him; health of his brother. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 East Baltimore Lyceum. Baltimore, Maryland. To Crit- Jan. 29 tenden. Notification of his election as honorary member. A. L. S. by P. Leary, Jr., correspond- ing secretary. 1 p. 1858 Fenton, Charles W. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb - 1 Desires a contribution toward the support of the "American." A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Atkinson, Robert J. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Feb - 3 Explanation of amounts disallowed in accounts of 204 LIBRAE Y OF CONGEESS John W. Russell for construction and repair of snag boats. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Segar, Joseph E. [Richmond] Virginia. To Crittenden. Feb. 4 Recommends appointment of J. J. Simpkins as collector for port of Norfolk; his character and abilities. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Feb. 9 Crittenden. Buchanan's dogma of popular sov- ereignty; effect upon Democratic party. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Philomathean Society of Cumberland University. Leb- Feb. 9 anon, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Notification of his election as honorary member. A. L. S. by Alexander Allison, corresponding secretary. 1 p. 1858 Appleton, D. and Co. New York. To Crittenden. De- Feb. 12 sire material for his biography in the "New American Cyclopaedia." L. S. 2 p. 1858 Bard, Henry C. B[aton] Rouge, Louisiana. To Crit- Feb. 12 tenden. Desires advice about the practice of law. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Thalian Society of Oglethorpe University. Talmage, Feb. 20 Georgia. To Crittenden. Notification of his election as an honorary member. Printed L. S. by J. L. McBride. 1858 Buckner, S[imon] B[olivar]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Feb. 22 Crittenden. His defense of [Brig.] Gen. [Gideon Johnson] Pillow and [Lieut.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott in newspaper articles. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Union Literary Society, of Pleasant Ridge College. To Feb. 23 Crittenden. His election as honorary member. A. L. S. by M. J. Moore, secretary. 1 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 25 Crittenden. The Kansas question; criticises President Buchanan; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 143. 1858 Scott, Winfield. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. 26 Memorial of widow of late Col. [William] Turn- bull; Col. Turnbull's services in Mexico. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 144. 1858 Wing, Freeman. La Mine, Missouri. To Crittenden. Feb. 27 Real estate matters. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 205 1858 Jaquess, J. B. Petersburgh, Indiana. To Crittenden. Mar. 1 Deplorable condition of national politics; scheme for a compromise. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Friends, Religious Society of. New York. Memorial to Mar. 4 Congress against the extension of slavery. Lithograph. 1 p. 1858 Morris, B. S. Chicago, Illinois. To Crittenden. Senti- Mar. 7 ments on the Lecompton Constitution; attitude of President Buchanan. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Buckner, S[imon] B[olivar]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Mar. 7 Crittenden. Incloses criticism of attitude of Gideon J[ohnson] Pillow. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Evans, W. F. Glasgow, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 12 Murder of his brother Dr. H. L. Evans in mas- sacre of General Crabb and party in Mexico. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Carneal, Thomas D. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- Mar. 12 tenden. Personals and gossip. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Combs, Leslie. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 16 The "attempted Lecompton villainy " will be ruinous. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] Pferkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. 16 Crittenden. Opposes President Buchanan's at- titude toward the Kansas question; sympathy for [Albert T.] Burnley. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Johnson, P. B. Syracuse, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 18 Requests copy of recent speech; Crittenden's services to the country. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Kimball, John. Putney, Vermont. To Crittenden. Ad- Mar. 18 miration for [Henry] Clay and Crittenden; com- ment on Crittenden's recent speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Ewers, Tallmadge. Buffalo, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 18 Admiration for Crittenden's principles; requests copy of recent speech. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Furlong, J. Kennedy. New York. To Crittenden. Re- Mar - 18 quests copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Hunt, Washington. New York. To Crittenden. Re- Mar. 18 joices on reading Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question; effect on the conservatives; invitation to his house at Lockport. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed : Co eman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 147. 206 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 1858 Curtis, George T[icknor]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Mar. 18 Crittenden. Praise for Crittenden's recent speech; invitation to visit Curtis; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Edwards, Jonathan. Troy, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 18 Congratulations on recent speech ; comment on factions of the north; admiration for the sons of Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Bowly, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Transmits Mar. 19 resolutions of Council of 15th Ward of New York city, approving of Crittenden's course toward admission of Kansas. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Goodwin, M. B. Franklin, New Hampshire. To Crit- Mar. 19 tenden. Comments upon Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Dana, Charles. New York. To Crittenden. Compli- Mar. 19 ments Crittenden on his recent speech; list of names to whom he wishes copies of speech mailed. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Malcom, Thomas S. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Re- Mar. 19 quests copies of Crittenden's "Anti-Lecompton speech." A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Nicholls, William S. Georgetown, D. C. To Crittenden. Mar. 19 Requests copies of Crittenden's speech on Kan- sas question. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Putnam, James O. Buffalo, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 19 Gratitude for his speech against the Lecompton constitution; desires a printed copy. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Myers, Persifor F; Philadelphia. To Crittenden. De- Mar- 19 sires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; admires his statesmanship. A. L. S. lp. 1858 Voorhes, John R. New York. To Crittenden. Desires Mar. 19 copy of Crittenden's speech of 17th inst.; is gratified with brief sketch of it. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Avery, William. Buttermilk Falls, New York. To Crit- Mar - 19 tenden. Desires copies of Crittenden's speech to circulate in the neighborhood. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Bacon, James W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Con- Mar. 19 gratulations upon Crittenden's speech on the ad- mission of Kansas ; desires a cadetship for his son at West Point. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 207 1858 Murphy, William D. Albany, New York. To Critten- Mar. 20 den. Approves of speech [on the Kansas ques- tion] ; sends copy of his own speech. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Curtis, E. W. Geddes, New York. To Crittenden. Hopes Mar. 20 Congress will follow the course laid down in Crit- tenden's recent speech. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Williamson, Brainerd. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. De- Mar. 20 sires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question ; praise for the course he has laid down ; rejoicing among the old Whigs. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Sargent, John 0[sborne]. New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 20 Congratulations on speech on Kansas question ; desires copies of it. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 147. 1858 Patterson, R[obert?]. Philadelphia. ToCrittenden. Sends Mar. 20 a pamphlet on the Army. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Emerson, G[ouveneur]. Philadelphia. To Elizabeth Crit- Mar. 20 tenden. Offers congratulations to [John Jordan] Crittenden on his speech on Kansas question; comment on the result. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Davis, W. B. Wilmington, [North Carolina?] To Crit- Mar. 21 tenden and 12 others. Discussion of the slavery question in the South; designs of Northern abo- litionists; admissions of Daniel Webster and others. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Davis, W. B. Wilmington, [North Carolina?] To Crit- Mar. 21 tenden and 4 others. His former advice to various Southern Members of Congress. A. L. S. lp. 1858 Knerr, Levi P. Reading, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Mar. 21 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Le- compton constitution. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Huntington, E. M. Terre Haute, [Indiana]. To Critten- Mar. 21 den. Desires a copy of Crittenden's speech on the Lecompton Constitution; sentiment of the people of Indiana; President Buchanan's course unpopular in Indiana. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Harrison, J[ohn] Scott. North Bend, [Ohio]. To Critten- Mar. 22 den. Praise for speech [on the Kansas ques- tion]; comment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Harlan, J[ames]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 22 Approves Crittenden's remarks on the Kansas question; prospects of the next state election. A. L. S. 1 p. 208 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS 1858 Vanderbilt, William H[enry]. Staten Island, New York. Mar. 22 To Crittenden. Effect of Crittenden's speech [on the Kansas question]; subject explained to the conservatives; requests copy of speech that he may reprint it. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Johnson, M[adison] C. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crit- Mar. 22 tenden. Approves of the course taken by Crittenden toward admission of Kansas ; national and state politics; outline for platform for a new party. A. L. S. 3 p. Harrison, J[ohn] Scott. North Bend, [Ohio]. To Crit- tenden. Appreciates Crittenden's course to- ward admission of Kansas; confidence of the American party. A. L. S. 2 p. Corwine, K[ichard] M. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Crittenden. Praise for Crittenden's speech on the Lecompton Constitution. A. L. S. 2 p. Tyler, B. O. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Requests copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. Tyler, Joseph C. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Approbation of Crittenden's course toward ad- mission of Kansas; desires a copy of his speech. A. L. S. 1 p. Jonas, A[braham]. Quincy, Illinois. To Crittenden. Satisfaction and delight in reading Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; approval of Whigs of Illinois. A. L. S. 1 p. Donehoo, John R. Fair view, Virginia. To Crittenden. Desires to know Crittenden's full name; a friend has named his son after Crittenden. A. L. S. lp. Crawford, C. P. Americus, Georgia. To Crittenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; has always looked to Crittenden as a political teacher. A. L. S. 2 p. Ely, Adriel. Watertown, New York. To Crittenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's recent speech; political sentiments. A. L. S. 1 p. Hodges, APbert] G[allatin]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Pleasure and satisfaction in reading Crittenden's speech on admission of Kansas; admiration for Crittenden. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Mar. 22 1858 Mar. 22 1858 Mar. 22 1858 Mar. 22 1858 Mar. 22 1858 Mar. 22 1858 Mar. 23 1858 Mar. 23 1858 Mar. 23 PAPEKS OF JOHN JOKDAN CRITTENDEN 209 1858 Willcox, Lyman G. Detroit, Michigan. To Crittenden. Mar. 23 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Moore, Henry D. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Desires Mar. 23 copies of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Clisbee, Charles. Cassopolis, Michigan. To Crittenden. Mar. 24 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kan- sas question. A. L. S. 1 p. L1858] Mathews, R. Stockett. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- Mar. 24 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Tyler, Oscar. Albany, New York. To Crittenden. Ex- Mar. 24 citement over position taken by Crittenden in the Kansas question; his growing popularity. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Dean, Henry Clay. Brownsville, Pennsylvania. To Crit- Mar. 24 tenden. Gratitude for Crittenden's recent speech on the Lecompton constitution. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Pirtle, Henry. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 24 Praises Crittenden's course toward admission of Kansas; attitude of President Buchanan and others. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Williams, John Howard. New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 24 Comment on Crittenden's course on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 5 p. 1858 Evans, Stockton H. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Asks Mar. 24 for copies of Crittenden's speech on the admis- sion of Kansas. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Gamble, T. B. Indiana, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Mar. 24 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on admission of Kansas. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Hord, Francis T. Maysville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 24 Comment on Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question; desires a copy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Woods, Harry. Pittsburgh, [Pennsylvania]. To Critten- Mar. 25 den. Orders 100 copies of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question; is a candidate for sheriff. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Obear, Joseph F. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- Mar. 25 den. Inquires about French Spoliation Claims. A. L. S. 2 p. 52880°— 13 14 210 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1858 Pleasants, William H. Richmond, Virginia. To Crit- Mar. 25 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Baldwin, S[ummerfield]. Baltimore, Maryland. To Crit- Mar. 25 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; political preferences. A. L. S. lp. 1858 Aydelott, William J. New Church, Virginia. To Critten- Mar. 26 den. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Myers, Alexander W. Meadville, Pennsylvania. To Mar. 26 Crittenden. General interest taken in Critten- den's speech on the admission of Kansas. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Echols, Marcus W. Wheeling, Virginia. To Crittenden. Mar. 27 Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Benson, S. B. Waterford, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Mar. 27 Praise for Crittenden's speech on Kansas ques- tion; Crittenden's growing popularity; politics. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Hunton, L. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. Mar. 27 Admiration for Crittenden's speech on Kansas question ; will visit Europe, and desires letters of introduction. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Pollard, Edward. Port Gibson, Mississippi. To Critten- Mar. 28 den. Desires appointment as surgeon in the Army. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Korponay, Gabriel de. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Mar. 28 One hundred picked men desire to join U. S. Army in case of emergency. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Dawson, Andrew H. H. Savannah, Georgia. To Critten- Mar. 28 den. Is thrilled by Crittenden's speech on Kan- sas question; intended lectures. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Gaylord, Harvey K. Geneva, Ohio. To Crittenden. Mar. 29 Recommends distribution of Crittenden's speech on Kansas Bill; desires a copy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Pierse, A. St. Paul, Minnesota. To Crittenden. Ap- Mar. 29 proval of Crittenden's speech on Kansas ques- tion; desires a copy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Barrell, Almond. South Hartford, New York. To Crit- Mar. 29 tenden. Desires copies of Crittenden's recent speeches on Kansas question; Crittenden has won laurels in the North. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 211 1858 Ritchie, David. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. En- Mar. 29 closes note from Henry Woods. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Redman, Joseph. Haddonfield, New Jersey. To Critten- Mar - 29 den. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question; Crittenden's patriotism and fall of President Buchanan's administration. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Reese, D. A. Monticello, Georgia. To Crittenden. De- Mar. 29 sires copies of recent speeches on Kansas ques- tion. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Chambers, Richard. Dover, Delaware. To Crittenden. Mar - 29 Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort [Kentucky]. To Mar. 29 Crittenden. Attitude of [Daniel Carmichael?] Wickliffe toward Lecompton Constitution; feel- ing of various Kentucky newspapers; Critten- den's course ; sympathy for position of President Buchanan. A. L. S. 4 p. Carpenter, Sam. Memphis, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Effect of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas ques- tion; desires copies of certain public documents; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Allen, J. W. Borden town, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's letter to Archibald Dixon on Missouri Compromise; would have it republished. A. L. S. 1 p. Matheson, S. H. Glade Mills, Pennsylvania. To Critten- den. Requests copy of Crittenden's recent speech; political attitude of S[amuel] A. Purvi- ance, his representative in Congress. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Allen, Afnthony] B. New York. To Crittenden. De- Mar - 30 sires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question; his own family history; business. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Brand, W. H. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. ^ Iar - 30 Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kan- sas question; effect of speeches upon the country at large. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Gage, David W. Cleveland, Ohio. To Crittenden. De- Mar - ~° sires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Mar. 20 1858 Mar. 29 1858 Mar. 29 212 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1858 Dering, N[ichol] H. Utica, New York. To Crittenden. Mar. 30 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Sommerville, R. A. Arden, Virginia. To Crittenden. Mar. 31 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kan- sas question; views on the abrogation of the Missouri Compromise. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Tyler, H. A. Bethel College, Tennessee. To Crittenden. [Mar.] Political aspirations, desires documents. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 [Letcher, Robert Perkins.] Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 1 Crittenden. Kentucky is true to Crittenden; campaign of George R. McKee as candidate for Clerk of Court of Appeals. A. L. First 4 p. only. 1858 Badger, George E[dmund]. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. Apr. 1 To Crittenden. Intended visit to Washington; approves Crittenden's course on Kansas ques- tion. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Bramlette, Thomas E. Columbia, Kentucky. To Crit- Apr. 2 tenden. Ideas on slavery and Kansas question. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Bell, J[oshua] F[ry]. Danville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Apr. 2 den. Praise for course taken by Crittenden on Kansas question; claim of Ben Jenkins for land warrant. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Blackburn, C. J. Covington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Apr. 2 Comment on Crittenden's speech and amend- ment to Kansas bill. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Sharp, James. Penfield, Georgia. To Crittenden. Sharp's Apr. 2 convictions on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Phelps, E[dward] J. New York. To Crittenden. Ap- Apr. 3 proves of Crittenden's course regarding the ad- mission of Kansas; desire of Jerome Thompson to paint a panel for new capitol building. A. L. S 3 p. 1858 Beatty, A. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Ap- Apr. 3 proves Crittenden's amendment to Kansas bill; election frauds; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Burnley, Albert] T. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Apr. 3 Crittenden. Personals ; effect of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; criticised but not read b} r southern Democrats. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 213 1858 Winston, William D. Taylorsville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Apr. 3 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Baldwin, Charles W. Millersville, Maryland. To Crit- Apr. 5 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Prentice, George D[enison]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Apr. 5 Crittenden. Speech on the Kansas question; desires lieutenancy for his son in U. S. Army. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Will, J. Waverly, [Pennsylvania]. To Crittenden. Crit- Apr. 6 tenden's speech on Kansas question; extension of slavery. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Jones, Justin. Boston, [Massuchetts]. To Crittenden. Apr. 6 Queries as to course for National American Party ; political situation in Massachusetts; comment. A. L. S. 5 p. 1858 Bradstreet, Edward P. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Critten- Apr. 6 den. Comment on Crittenden's course regarding Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Whittlesey, Elisha. Canneld, Ohio. To Crittenden. Apr. 6 Crittenden's speech on Kansas question univer- sally admired; Crittenden's growing popularity. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Brown, Mason. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Apr. 7 Crittenden's popularity since speech on the ad- mission of Kansas. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Russell, William H. Kansas City, Missouri. To Critten- Apr. 8 den. Denounces Lecompton Constitution and Kansas frauds; his claim against United States. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Philadelphia Citizens. To Crittenden. Invitation to Apr. 8 political mass meeting. Printed. 1 p. 1858 Chase, Sfalmon] Portland]. Columbus, Ohio. To Crit- Apr. 9 tenden. Grounds for objection to amendments to Kansas bill ; his convictions and belief. Copy. 2 p. 1858 Cross, Andrew B. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- Apr. 9 den. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on admission of Kansas ; religious matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Clark, Hiram C. Atlanta, Illinois. To Crittenden. Apr. 10 Clark's recent address at a mass meeting in which 214 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS he gave substance of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 long, A. W. Linneas, Missouri. To Crittenden. Ap- ApR - 10 proval of Crittenden's course regarding admission of Kansas. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Samuel, W. R. Talladega, Alabama. To Crittenden. ApR - 10 Popularity of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; politics and personal matters. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Ely, Alfred. Rochester, [New York]. To Crittenden. Apr. 10 Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question for distribution; effect of speech. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Combs, Leslie. New York. To Crittenden. Political ApR - n success of Crittenden; the Presidency. A. L. S. 2 p. [1858] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky]. To ApR - 12 Crittenden. Kansas question; extension of slavery; measures to be adopted. A. L. S. 7 p. 1858 Comegys, J[oseph] P[arsons]. Dover, Delaware. To Crit- ApR - 1 2 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; its effect. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Heath, Simeon A. Belfast, [Maine]. To Crittenden. ApR - l 2 Praise for Crittenden's patriotism. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. Shelbyville, Kentucky. To Crit- ApR - 12 tenden. Approval of Crittenden's speech in sup- port of constitutional rights; personals; claims before Congress. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Osborne, T. H. Mossy Creek, Tennessee. To Crittenden. ApR - 12 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on the Kan- sas question. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Rush, Richard. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Effect of ApR - 13 Crittenden's speech on the admission of Kansas; personal comment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Varnum, J[oseph] B., Jr. New York. To Crittenden. ApR - 1 4 Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Arnold, J. M. Superior, Wisconsin. To Crittenden. Ef- ApR - 1 4 feet of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To ApR - 14 Crittenden. Feeling of individual politicians in Kentucky; opinion that the State will sustain 1858 Apr. 14 1858 Apr. 15 1858 Apr. 15 1858 Apr. 15 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 215 Crittenden's speech on Lecompton Constitution. A. L. S. 2 p. Schaumburg, James W. [Philadelphia.] To Crittenden. Scheme for a compromise on the admission of Kansas. A. L. S. 3 p. King, Preston. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Desire of [William Henry] Seward to confer with Crittenden on Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. Sargent, John 0[sborne]. [New York.] To Crittenden. Wishes to know if U. S. Government can lawfully keep money collected as overcharge duty. A. L. S. 1 p. Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Sends volume of correspondence [relating to Boston Port Bill 1774 ?] ; hope for ter- mination of Kansas strife; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 McClaran, William. Indiana, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- Apr. 15 tenden. Possibility of a National American party in campaign of 1860. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Herr, Benjamin F. Cape Giradeau, Missouri. To Crit- Apr. 15 ' tenden. Desires documents relating to Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Lemmon, John C. Buffalo, [New York]. To Crittenden. Apr. 15 The presidendency and Crittenden's popularity ; views on tariff and national banks; depreciation of currency in New York. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 16 Elizabeth Crittenden. Social matters, personals and gossip. A. L. S. 7 p. 1858 Anderson, Robert. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crittenden* Apr. 16 Remarks on proposed allowance to inmates of Military Asylum; ideas on government of the asylum. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Fenn, Jacob. Hartford, Ohio. To Crittenden. Grati- Apr. 16 tude for Crittenden's speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky]. Apr. 17 To Crittenden. Sectionalism; power and in- fluence of the border states ; doubt as to Missouri. A. L. S. 8 p. 1858 Steele, L. D. Greenville, Alabama. To Crittenden. Apr. 18 Speech on admission of Kansas excited much comment and praise. A. L. S. 1 p. 216 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1858 Rush, Richard. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Favor- Apr. 19 able criticism of Crittenden's speech, on the Kan- sas question. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Deane, J. P. Quincy, Illinois. To Crittenden. Desires Apr. 19 copy of Crittenden's recent speech. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Riley, Thomas W. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Apr. 20 den. Crittenden's speech on the Kansas ques- tion; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Apr. 22 Samuel Smith Nicholas. Policy of uniting Cen- tral and Western states into a party to preserve the Constitution. Copy. 1 p. [1858] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky]. Apr. 26 To Crittenden. Measures to be adopted by Con- gress on the Kansas question; sectional feeling; suggests reply to speech of [Robert] Toombs. A. L. S. 6 p. 1858 Robertson, G[eorge]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Apr. 26 tenden. Attitude of Kentucky Democrats ; ideas on Lecompton Constitution; Crittenden's amendment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Kimball, John. Putney, Vermont. To Crittenden. Re- Apr. 27 ceipt of Crittenden's speech on the Kansas ques- tion; comments. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Stewart, [Charles]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Grati- Apr. 27 tude for copy of Crittenden's speech on the Le- compton constitution. A. L. in 3d person. 1 p. 1858 Young Men's literary Association. Princeton, New Jer- Apr. 27 sey. To Crittenden. Notification of his having been made an honorary member. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Larrabee, Charles. Hartford, Connecticut. To Critten- Apr. 28 den. Sentiments on the condition of the coun- try; Colonel [Joseph Hamilton] Daveiss at the battle of Tippecanoe. A. L. S. 3 p. Also L. S. 3 p. 1858 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Apr. 28 S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Opposition to com- mittee report on Kansas question; desire to do justice; general ideas on the subject. Copy. 2 p. 1858 Wright, J. W. Brooklyn, New York. To Crittenden. Apr. 29 Scheme for a series of statues in front of Capitol at Washington. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 217 1858 Causten, James H. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 29 French Spoliation bill. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Tyler, John. Sherwood Forest, [Virginia]. To Critten- Apr. 29 den. Thanking Crittenden for a copy of his speech on Lecompton Constitution. Copy. 1 p. [1858] Leisenring, A. W. Mauch Chunck, [Pennsylvania]. To [Apr.] Crittenden. Requests copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas issue. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Rosebrugh, M. H. Ann Arbor, Michigan. To Crittenden. [Apr.] Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Lecomp- ton Constitution. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky]. To May 3 Crittenden. Suggests formation of anti-demo- cratic party; scheme to oppose democracy in the South. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Eliot, W. G. To Crittenden. Thanking Crittenden for a May 4 copy of his speech on the Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To May 4 Crittenden. Extension of slavery ; endorsement of [Charles Greeley] Loring. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Loring, Charles G[reeley]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To May 4 Crittenden. Approval of Crittenden's course on Kansas question; invitation to visit Boston. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Williams, N[athaniel] F. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To May 5 Crittenden. Effect of vote on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Allen, Ethan A., Jr. New York. To Crittenden. Re- May 5 marks on bill for settlement of Revolutionary claims; his interest in claims as heir to Col. Ethan Allen. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Cogswell, J. New Brunswick, New Jersey. To Crit- May 7 tenden. Crittenden's speech on Kansas ques- tion. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Towle, George M. New Haven, Connecticut. To Crit- May 8 tenden. Desires copies of Crittenden's speeches on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. [1858] N[ew] Hampshire] Literary Association. New Haven, May 8 Connecticut. To Crittenden. Notification of election as honorary member. A. L. S. by David D. Thompkins. 1 p. 218 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1858 Ramsey, William T. Augusta, Illinois. To Crittenden. May 8 Desires copy of speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Rankin, Wplliam] S. Williamstown, Kentucky. ToCrit- May 8 tenden. Admission of Kansas under Lecompton constitution; vote of Kentucky delegation in Congress. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Davenport, C. Barnesville, Ohio. To Crittenden. De- May 8 sires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Robbins, E. C. D. Galesburg, Illinois. To Crittenden. May 10 Invitation to address the Gnothautii Society of Knox College. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Dauphiney, R[obert] J. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To May 10 Crittenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Denison, Sam. Albany, [New York]. To Crittenden. May 11 Recommends re-establishment of the American party and Crittenden as its nominee for president. A. L. S. 8 p. 1858 Church, Alonzo H. Springfield, Illinois. To Crittenden. May 12 Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Smith, D. Howard. Chicago, [Illinois]. To Crittenden. May 12 Lecompton constitution; predicts reelection of Stephen A[rnold] Douglas to Congress; com- ments. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Southard, H[enry] L. New York. To Crittenden. De- May 13 sires appointment as commissioner for Minnesota in New York. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Rose, William B. Washington, Pennsylvania. To Crit- May 13 tenden. Assistance given U. S. S. Susquehanna by Doctor Frederick H. Rose when crew was stricken with yellow fever. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Walton, Alexander. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. May 13 Growth of international secret political society named Poles or Order of the North Star establish- ed to abolish monarchy in the world ; its strength and objects; asks aid. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Letcher, Thomas K. Nicholasville, Kentucky. To Crit- May13 tenden. Desires copy of Major [William Hens- ley] Emory's report of Survey of boundary line between United States and Mexico. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 219 1858 Carneal, Thomas D[avis]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May 13 Crittenden. Humorous personals; intended visit to Washington. Written by R. P. Letcher. 4 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May 13 Crittenden. Buchanan's course on the Kansas question; business affairs of [Albert T.] Burnley. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 O'Neill, John W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Invi- May 13 tation to aid in organization of Home Protective Union of Pennsylvania; its aims; condition of the country's industries. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Cogswell, J. New Brunswick, New Jersey. To Critten- May 13 den. Receipt of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Chamberlin, M. H. Lebanon, Illinois. To Crittenden. May 13 Desires copy of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Collins, Richard H. New York. To Crittenden. De- May 14 sires to refer to Crittenden on his own business card; his education. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Anonymous. Carthage, Illinois. To Crittenden. Politi- May16 cal issues before the country. L. S. " A Young Sucker." 3 p. 1858 Appleton, William. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- May 17 den. Introduces [Thomas Coffin] Amory who is writing the biography of James Sullivan. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Sevier, E. G. Kingston, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. May 18 Kansas question; condition of political parties. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Scott, Robert W. Locust Hill, [Kentucky]. To Critten- May18 den. Kansas question; revolutionary claim; state agricultural colleges. A. L. S. 4 p. 1858 Merris, J. E. Clarksburg, New York. To Crittenden. May 18 Desires copies of public documents. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Bodin, Edward L. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Kan- May 18 sas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, [D. C] To May 19 S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Kansas question subsided ; war message expected from President Buchanan; acquisition of Cuba. Copy. 1 p. 220 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1858 Brooks, Erastus. New York. To Crittenden. Recom- May 21 mends confirmation of [Augustus] Schell as Col- lector of Customs at New York. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Westwood, Henry Clay. Lewisburg, Virginia. To Crit- May22 tenden. Desires Congressional documents. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Badger, George E. Raleigh, [North Carolina]. To Crit- May 23 tenden. Desires copies of Crittenden's speech on Kansas question; confirmation of William Badger as Naval Agent at Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 McCormick, George W. Sharonville, Ohio. To Crit- May24 tenden. Admiration of Crittenden's speeches. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Burns, J. W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Home Pro- May 26 tective Union. A. L. S. 2 p. [1858 ?] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To May 28 Crittenden. Opposes war making power in the President. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 31 Biography of Crittenden; Presidency; possible war with England; comment; local matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May 31 Crittenden. A new political party; possible war with England ; political strength of [Stephen Arnold] Douglas. A. L. S. 7 p. 1858 Button, Charles. Lynchburg, Virginia. To Crittenden. M^y 31 Desires report of Major [William Hensley] Em- ory on United States and Mexican boundary survey. A. L. S. . 1 p. 1858 New York Citizens. To Crittenden and John Bell. In- J UNE 1 vitation to public dinner. L. S. by 28 signa- tures. 2 p. 1858 Winthrop, Robert [Charles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. J UNE 5 To Crittenden. Invitation to dine at Faneuil Hall on July 4. Copy. 1 p. 1858 Hayne, A[rthur] P[eronneau]. Washington, [D. C] To June 10 Crittenden. Transmits sketch of Hayne's serv- ices in War of 1812. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Draper, S[imeon]. New York. To Crittenden. Encloses June 11 letter [invitation to a dinner in New York] to Crittenden and John Bell. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 221 1858 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To June 16 Crittenden. Proposed reception at Covington; subject for a speech. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Lane, George. Marshall, Texas. To Crittenden. Ap- June 21 proves of Crittenden's views on right of search. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Clay, Thomas H. Mansfield, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. June 24 Receipt of copy of Crittenden's speech; views on Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. [1858] Nicholas, S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To June 28 Crittenden. Plan for newspaper attack upon Kansas question. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Eliza- June 29 beth Crittenden. Financial matters. A. L. S. lp. 1858 United States Treasury. State of, and estimates for 1859. June 30 4 p. 1858 Garland & Jones. Springfield, Illinois. To Crittenden. JuiiY 1 Queries about political campaign in Illinois. A. L. S. 2 p. [1858] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To July 2 Crittenden. Mississippi valley and the Union; Kansas question. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- July 6 den. Financial matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Letcher, Joseph P. Keokuk, Iowa. To Crittenden. July 7 Admiration for Crittenden; Presidency; com- ment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- July 10 den. Private business matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Underwood, W[arner] L. Mt. Air, [Kentucky]. To Crit- July 15 tenden. Coming Presidential campaign; per- sonal efforts. A. L. S. 3 p. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- July 15 den. Real estate matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Boyd, W. P. Bloomington, Illinois. To Crittenden. July 17 Details of Lincoln-Douglas campaign in Illinois; comment; Crittenden's popularity. A. L. S. 7 p. 1858 Holston, John G. T. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. July 17 Complimentary ticket to lectures of National Medical College. L. S. 1 p. 222 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1858 Shaffner, T[alliaferro] P[reston]. Washington, [D. C] To July 18 Crittenden. Distribution of copies of Critten- den's speech; projected newspaper at Washing- ton. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Wever, C. W. Weverton, Maryland. To Crittenden. July 19 Desires copies of Crittenden's speeches; com- ment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Dickey, T[heophilus] Lyle. St. Louis, Missouri. To July 19 Crittenden. Desires to quote certain remarks of admiration for [Stephen Arnold] Douglas. Copy, lp. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, Missouri. To Critten- July 26 den. Financial and real estate. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Polk, M. Georgetown, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Re- July 28 quests public documents. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Morgan County Agricultural Society. Jacksonville, Illi- July 29 nois. To Crittenden. Invitation to deliver an address. L. S. by 4 signatures as a committee. 1858 Sargent, N[athan]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Aug. 12 Explains correspondence and use of Crittenden's name for the Presidency ; his associates. A. L. S. 3 p. Mutilated. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crit- Aug. 13 tenden. Financial and real estate matters. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. Aug. 19 To Crittenden. Suit of United States vs. Sut- ter. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Harvey, John. Roanoke, Missouri. To Crittenden. Trans- Sept. 2 mits check, cause of delay. A. L. S. 1 p. Also duplicate check. 1 p. 1858 Sweringen, J[ames] T. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crit- Sept. io tenden. Transmits check; personals. A. L. S. lp. 1858 Sutter, John A. Yuba County, California. Power of at- Oct. 9 torney to Crittenden. To represent him in suit of United States vs. Sutter. D. S. 4 p. With notary seal attached, also seal of Secretary of State of California attached. 1858 Herndon, W[illiam] H[enry]. Springfield, Illinois. To Nov. l Crittenden. Receipt of letter addressed to [Abraham] Lincoln; secrecy of correspondence between Crittenden and Lincoln; explains false PAPEKS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 223 rumors of Crittenden's political views on Lincoln- Douglas campaign. A. L. S. 2 p. 1858 Clay, Thomas H. Mansfield, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov. l Desires cadetship at West Point for his son. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Cates, 0[wen] G. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Nov. 4 Reasons for publishing private correspondence; slander and falsehood in connection with* Lin- coln-Douglas campaign; Lincoln's silence on the matter. A. L. S. 4 p. Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, [California]. To Crittenden. Fraud in claims to quicksilver mines; unjust actions of the U. S. District Attor- ney. A. L. S. 3 p. Thompson, J. Edgar. Philadelphia. Report of the Presi- dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad showing the wear on rails. Printed. 2 p. Hnnt, Charles A. Urbana, Illinois. To Crittenden. Criticises course taken by [Stephen Arnold] Douglas; expansion of slavery; the Presidency. A. L. S. 4 p. Meriot, W. J. Sacramento, [California]. To Volney E. Howard. Decision of Supreme Court upon the Sutter grants. A. L. S. 1 p. Medbery, James K. Providence, [Rhode Island]. To Crittenden. Desires public documents; political comment. A. L. S. 2 p. Order of United Americans. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Invitation to deliver an address. A. L. S. of C. B. Dearborn. Also signed W. C. A. Preble and J. F. Dunning, committee. 2 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, D. C. To Salmon Portland Chase. Introduces Foster and Cuyler on matters of public and private nature. A. L. S. 2 p. CHASE. Cook, J. Greencastle, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Election as honorary member of Crittenden literary society. A. L. S. 1 p. Wickliffe, D. C„ Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Public documents; demonstrations in New York in favor of Crittenden. A. L. S. 1 p. Sargent, John O. New York. To Crittenden. Certifi- cate and land patent for Taylor. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 Nov. 4 1858 Nov. 4 1858 Nov. 11 1858 Nov. 19 1858 Dec. 9 1858 Dec. 10 1858 Dec. 16 1858 Dec. 22 1858 Dec. 23 1858 Dec. 27 224 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS [1858] Martin, Thomas S. Superior, Wisconsin. To Crittenden. Parentage of [William L.] Crittenden and his death in Cuba. A. L. S.' 1 p. 1859 Bibb, John B. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Jan. 1 Personals; presidency. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Ralston, Gerard. London, [England]. To Charles Fenton Jan. 5 Mercer. Slavery in United States; contrast with England; colonization scheme. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Baker, Robert S. New York. To Crittenden. Slander- Jan - 7 ous attack upon Capt. William K. Latimer. A. L. S. 9 p. [1859] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Jan - 19 Crittenden. Opposes annexation of Territory; has conviction that President Buchanan will urge annexation of Cuba to conciliate the South; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan. 20 Crittenden. Affiliation of [Stephen Arnold] Douglas with Democrats; accession of Cuba; personals. A. L. S. l'p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 170. [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Relative to suit of Robert Campbell et al. vs. Clement Boyreau. A. D. 2 p. Cowper, Leopold C. P. Portsmouth, Virginia. To Crit- tenden. Revolutionary services of Col. Josiah Parker; claim for services. A. L. S. 3 p. Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Dilatory politics in Kentucky; ac- cession of Cuba; [Stephen Arnold] Douglas and the Democratic party; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 170. 1859 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Jan - 27 Crittenden. Journey of [Thomas Davis] Carneal. A. L. S. 2 p. [1859] Nicholas, Samuel Smith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Jan. 30 Crittenden. Annexation of Cuba; interests of Creole proprietors. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Eldridge, James. New York. To Crittenden. Pecun- Feb. 3 iary embarrassment caused by recent decisions on California land titles. L. S. 4 p. [1859] [Jan. 21] 1859 Jan. 24 1859 Jan. 26 PAPERS OF JOQN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 225 1859 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 9 Elizabeth Crittenden. Social matters; locals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 175. 1859 Mercer, C. F. Tallahassee, Florida. To Crittenden. Feb. 10 Transmits pamphlet on slavery. A. L. S. 4 p. 1859 Porter, A[ugustus] S. Niagara, New York. To Crit- Feb. 14 tenden. Scheme of Major J[ohn] G[ross] Barnard to fortify New York City; requests a personal interest in the plans. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Hastings, S. C. San Francisco, [California]. To Crit- Feb. 15 tenden. Transfer of California land title. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Ruggles, Samuel B. New York. To Crittenden. Ac- Feb. 16 cession of Cuba; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1859 Bridge, H[oratio]. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. 17 Deficiency in accounts of [Alexander J.] Mitchell with Navy Department. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Thornton, Williams & Thornton. San Francisco, [Cali- Feb. 19 fornia]. To Crittenden. Payment of fees. L. S. 1 p. Also duplicate check. 1 p. 1859 Fnller, Thomas J. D. [Washington, D. C] To Eugene Feb. 21 Wilkinson Crittenden. Balance due Treasury Department. Copy. 1 p. 1859 L[etcher], Rfobert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Feb. 28 Crittenden. Detail of state convention ; person- nel of the Central Committee; assassination of [Philip Barton Key] by [Daniel Edgar] Sickles. A. L. S. 4 p. 1859 Goodhue & Co. New York. To Crittenden, Reverdy Mar. 10 Johnson, John A[rnold] Rockwell and J[udah] P[hilip] Benjamin. Fees offered by persons in- terested in the New Almaden Mine, California. L. S. 3 p. Cooper, S[amuel]. Washington, [D. C] To E[ugene] W[ilkinson] Crittenden. Balance due United States. Copy. 1 p. Hammond, J[ames] H[enry]. Beech Island, South Caro- lina. To Crittenden. Requests a barrel of Bourbon Whiskey. A. L. S. 2 p. Bache, Alexander] D[allas]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Employment of Crittenden's grand- son in the coast survey. A. L. S. 2 p. 52880°— 13 15 1859 Mar. 18 1859 Mar. 22 1859 Mar. 28 226 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1859 Rush, Richard. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Praise Apr. 3 for Crittenden's speech on the acquisition of Cuba; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1859 [Crittenden, Eugene Wilkinson.] Fort Arbuckle, Indian Apr. 4 Territory. To Sfamuel] Cooper. Loss of ac- counts; opinion that the accounts were closed. Copy. 2 p. 1859 [Crittenden, Eugene Wilkinson.] Fort Arbuckle, Indian Apr. 4 Territory. To [Robert J. Atkinson]. Alleged indebtedness; loss of papers; desires detailed statement. Copy. . 1 p. 1859 Anderson, Larz. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. De- Apr. 5 sires letters of introduction to people in Europe ; recent defeat for Democracy in the state. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Crittenden, E[ugene] Wplkinson]. Fort Arbuckle, [Indian Apr. 6 Territory]. To Crittenden. Alleged shortage in his accounts for expenditures in the Army ; fam- ily affairs. A. L. S. 3 p. 1859 Randolph, Joseph F[itz]. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crit- Apr. 9 tenden. Desires letters of introduction to per- sons in Europe; New Jersey politics. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- Apr. 13 den. Real estate business; family matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Atkinson, Robert J. [Washington, D. C] To E[ugene] Apr. 26 W[ilkinson] Crittenden. Account due U. S. Copy. 1 p. 1859 McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- May 3 den. Real estate business ; personals. A. L. S. lp. 1859 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To May h Crittenden. Gubernatorial campaign in Ken- tucky; efforts of [Joshua F.] Bell to defeat [Beriah] Magoffin; Congressional election; per- sonals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1859 Hammond, J[ames] H[enry]. [Beech Island, North Caro- May 15 lina]. To Crittenden. Receipt of whiskey ; adul- terated liquors; growth of his own vineyard. A. L. S. 3 p. 1859 Reagan, John H. Grimes Co., Texas. To Crittenden. May 16 Receipt of Crittenden's letter approving of Reagan's campaign circular. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 227 1859 May 17 1859 May 18 1859 May 19 1859 May 25 1859 May 25 1859 May 26 1859 June 3 1859 June 4 1859 June 7 1859 June 7 1859 June 10 1859 June 12 1859 June 27 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Remarks on Thomas Corwin; sym- pathizes with President Buchanan; opinion of him; local matters. A. L. S. 5 p. Gaines, A. W. Receipt to Lieut. E[ugene] W[ilkinson] Crittenden. Copy. 1 p. Hale, P. H. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apol- ogy for error in newspaper article connecting Crit- tenden with the Presidency. A. L. S. 2 p. Goodhue, & Co. New York. To Crittenden. Law fee at Crittenden's disposal. L. S. 2 p. Also dupli- cate. 1 p. Crittenden, E[ugene] W[ilkinson]. Fort Arbuckle, Indian Territory. To Crittenden. Confident that he can balance his accounts; explanation; health of his family. A. L. S. 4 p. Crittenden, E[ugene] W[ilkinson]. Fort Arbuckle, Indian Territory. To Samuel Cooper. Revised state- ment of balance due U. S. L. S. 2 p. [Dupli- cate.] Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. To Crittenden. Payment of fees for cases before the U. S. Supreme Court; California real estate. A. L. S. 3 p. McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. Real estate business; personals. A. L. S. 2 p. Kennedy, A. Baltimore, Maryland. To S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Opposition movement in the border states; plan of fall campaign in Maryland; strength of the parties. A. L. S. 3 p. Harvey, John. Howard County, Missouri. To Crit- tenden. Real estate; disposal of finances. A. L. S. 1 p. Townsend, E[dward] D[avis]. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Balance due U. S. from E[ugene] W[ilkinson] Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. H[ewes], John M. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Campaign through the counties; pros- pects of election ; asks aid of Crittenden. A. L. S. 4 p. Zollicoffer, Ffelix] K[irk]. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Prospects for elections in Tennessee and Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. 228 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1859 Pilgrim Society. Plymouth, Massachusetts. To Crit- July l tenden. Invitation to laying of corner stone of Monument to Forefathers. L. S. by 6 names as a committee. 1859 Whittlesey, Elisha. Canneld, Ohio. To Crittenden. Li- July l vitation of Battle of Lake Erie Monument Asso- ciation to deliver address at laying of corner stone. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Allen, J[ohn] W. Cleveland, Ohio. To Crittenden. In- July 6 vitation of Perry Monument Association to at- tend laying of corner stone. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Battle of lake Erie Monument Association. Sandusky, July 6 Ohio. To Crittenden. Invitation to assist in laying the corner stone on Sept. 10. L. S. by 5 names in one handwriting as a committee. 2 p. 1859 Rumsey, Edward. Greenville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- July 9 den. Prospects of coming election in Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Underwood, J[oseph] R[ogers]. Munfordsville, [Kentucky]. July 14 To Crittenden. The coming Kentucky election ; declines to take the "stump"; the presidency. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Ripley, C[harles]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- July21 den. Coming election in Kentucky; reports favor election of [Joshua F.] Bell for Governor. A. L. S. 4 p. 1859 Goodhue, & Co. New York. To Crittenden. Payment July 23 of draft; business matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1859 Siebert, August, and six others. Frankfort on the Main, July 24 Germany. To Crittenden. European holders of Mason County, Ky., bonds; hope that bond- holders be preserved from total loss. L. S. 3 p. Also Memorial to the President of the County Court of Mason [County], Kentucky. 2 p. 1859 Cosmopolitan Art Association. New York. To Critten- a ug. l den. Certificate of honorary membership. A. L. S. by C. L. Derby, actuary. 1 p. 1859 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, [California]. Sept. 18 To Crittenden. Inability to collect fees; the Sutter case; duel between [David Colbreth] Broderick and [David S.] Terry; political effect of Broderick's death upon California. A. L. S. 8 p. Sept. 21 1859 Sept. 30 1859 Oct. 4 1859 Nov. 2 1859 Nov. 9 1859 Nov. 27 1859 Nov. 30 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 229 Opposition Party. Monticello, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Invitation to attend a barbecue. L. S. by four names in one handwriting as a commit- tee. 2 p. Low Brothers & Co. Marysville, California. To Critten- den. Claim to lands through the Sutter claim; employment as counsel. A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. To Crittenden. Payment of fee in case of Boyreau vs. Campbell. A. L. S. 1 p. McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- den. Progress in construction of buildings ; fam- ily matters. A. L. S. 1 p. McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- den. Transmission of checks. A. L. S. 1 p. St. Nicholas Society. New York. To Crittenden. Invi- tation to Anniversary dinner on Dec. 6. L. S. by the Stewards. 1 p. Simmons, James Ffowler]. Providence, [Rhode Island]. To Crittenden. Conversation with [Henry] Clay relative to relations between Clay and Critten- den. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 178. 1859 Crittenden, Alexander] P. San Francisco, California. Dec. 4 To Crittenden. Desires services as counsel in certain land claims before U. S. Supreme Court; statement of the case and testimony. A. L. S. 13 p. 1859 Sargent, John Ofsborne]. New York. To Crittenden. Dec - 9 Employment as counsel; political death of [William Henry] Seward. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Johnson, Edward M. Addison, New York. To Critten- Dec. 9 den. Has indorsed Crittenden for the Presi- dency in his paper. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Emmons, William. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crit- Dec - 1 4 tenden. Thanksgivings; will forward a com- munication. A. L. S. 2 p. 1859 Appleton, Nathan. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- Dec - 17 den. Distracted state of the country; public sentiment in New England; danger of an ©vert act in the excitement. A. L. S. 3 p. 1859 Ashlanders Association. New York. To Crittenden. In- Dec - 22 vitation to celebration on Jan. 16. L. S. by 3 signatures. 1 p. 1859 Dec. 22 1859 Dec. 27 1859 Dec. 27 1859 Dec. 28 230 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS Pechin, Edmund C. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Plans of the National Union Committee to organize a Union platform. A. L. S. 2 p. Edwards, Charles. New York. To Crittenden. Thomas Kaine a fugitive [from Great Britain]. A. L. S 2 p. Delaware Antiquarians. Wilmington, Delaware. To Crit- tenden. Notification of election as honorary member. Printed form filled in and signed by Gideon T. Todd, Corres. Secy. 1 p. Flournoy, John J. Athens, Georgia. To Crittenden. Lack of organization in the House of Represent- atives; suggests a way to defeat the Black Re- publicans; necessity of a compromise. A. L. S. 5 p. 1860 Dall, Austin. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. J AN - 1 Measures adopted by Governor of Maryland; conduct of conservative citizens. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Powell, C. Greenville Courthouse, South Carolina. To Jan - l Crittenden. Organization of a Washington Union Party. A. L. S. 1 p., mutilated. 1860 Chandler, Sarah M. To Crittenden. Arguments for J AN - 3 slavery with references to the Bible. A. L. S. 6 p. 1860 Gould, Jay. New York. To Crittenden. Great majority Jan. 4 in Pennsylvania favor Crittenden's compromise. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Hicks, Thomas H[olliday]. Annapolis, Maryland. To J AN - 5 Crittenden. State of the Union; attitude of the border states; Crittenden's efforts. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Kennedy, Robert S. Stewartville, New Jersey. To Crit- Jan. 5 tenden. Compromise methods; taking slaves into free states. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Henry Wilson. De- Jan. 5 clines to be connected with political parties; reasons. A. L. S. Copy. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 185. 1860 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Jan. 6 Crittenden. Prefers Crittenden for President; politics in Massachusetts. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 183. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 231 1860 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Crittenden. The Presi- Jan. 6 dency; reasons for not visiting seat of govern- ment. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 182. 1860 Fisher, George P. Dover, [Delaware]. To Crittenden. Jan. 7 Organization of national conservative party; comment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Rives, W[illiam] C[abell]. Castle Hill, [Virginia]. To Jan. 9 Crittenden. Anxiety in Virginia; Crittenden's compromise; organization of new party. A. L. S. 3 p. [I860?] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville? Kentucky]. Jan. 10 To Crittenden. Criticism of compromise meas- ures; other propositions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Gardner, J. H., A. A. Curtis, and Ansel Daniel. Irvine, Jan. 10 Kentucky. To Crittenden. Confidence in Crit- tenden and conservatism of Kentucky . L. S. 2 p. 1860 Myers, Tfheodore] Bailey. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 10 Postponement of political meeting; diversity of opinion throughout the country. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Lunt, George. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Jan. 10 Efforts for a Union organization; Massachusetts politics. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Inglis, C[harles]. Paterson, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Jan. 12 National politics; organization of a conservative party. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Onderdonk, J. A. Hamilton, New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 13 Desires Crittenden's speeches. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Dewees, Jacob. Pottsville, [Pennsylvania]. To Critten- Jan. 16 den. Necessity of a Union meeting. A. L. S. 5 p. 1860 Newport, David. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. To Crit- Jan. 16 tenden. Urges compromise measures. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Ketcham, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Critten- Jan. 17 den's recent speech at Philadelphia; evil results from failure of House of Representatives to or- ganize. A. L. S. 3 p. Mutilated. 1860 Elder, William. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Notices Jan. 19 of John C. Hamilton's History of the Republic; races adapted to the climates; drawing a slavery line. A. L. S. 4 p. 232 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1860 Kentucky University, Faculty. Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Jan. 20 To Crittenden. Desire to purchase government property for a university site; ask aid. L. S. 8 signatures. 6 p. 1860 Stuart, Alexander H[ugh] H[olmes]. Richmond, [Virginia]. Jan. 22 To Crittenden. Haste necessary in establish- ment of the Union Party. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Iverson, Alfred. Resolutions offered to U. S. Senate Jan. 24 regulating pay of retired naval officers who have been restored to active service, with arguments for same. Copy. 2 p. 1860 Scroggs, G[ustavus] A. Buffalo, [New York]. To Crit- Jan. 24 tenden. Organization of the Union Party; plat- form and nominations; comment. A. L. S. 6 p. Mutilated. 1860 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Jan. 26 Crittenden. Little credence to be given George Lunt; progress of the Union party in Massa- chusetts. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Aspinwall, William. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crit- Jan. 27 tenden. Offers services; political career; an- cestry. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Brookings, W. W. Sioux Falls, Dakota Territory. To Jan. 27 Crittenden. Urges organization and admission of Dakota; lack of law and order. A. L. S. 3 p. [1860] Nicholas] S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Jan. 28 Crittenden. Evils from disorganization in House of Representatives; plan for overthrow of De- mocracy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 29 S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Criticises Nicholas plan for Presidential election; attempt to form a constitutional Union Party; condition of the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress. Copy. 1 p. 1860 Randolph, Joseph F[itz]. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crit- Jan. 30 tenden. Advisability of nominating a Union presidential ticket; New Jersey politics; the national committee. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Italian National Committee. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 3] Invitation to meeting to express their sympathy for brethren in Italy. L. S. 2 signatures. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 233 1860 Kennedy, John P[endleton]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Jan. 31 Crittenden. Arrangements to attend the na- tional committee at Washington. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Carneal, Thomas D[avis]. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crit- Jan. 31 tenden. Comments on [Robert Perkins] Letcher; meeting of four legislatures in the city. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Harris, Alfred T. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Jan. 31 Claim of Melissa Ligon to Kentucky lands; its validity. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Swoope, P. C. Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. To Critten- Jan. den. National Union Party; his preferences. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Crittenden. Corre- Feb. l spondence with [Henry] W[ilson]; politics. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 185. 1860 Bresler, C. H. York, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Feb. 2 Prospects for National Union Party in Pennsyl- vania. A. L. S. . 4 p. 1860 Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Feb - 2 Crittenden. National Union Party; arguments against success. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Collins, James. New Albany, Indiana. To Crittenden. Feb - 2 Attitude of local Democracy toward the Union party; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Scott, Winfield. New York. To W. T. Ritchie, Rich- Feb - 3 mond, Virginia. Correspondence with Thomas Ritchie on the secession movement in 1831-2; division of the country into three sections. Copy. 4 p. 1860 Hay, M[ortimer] D. Greenville, Kentucky. To Critten- Feb - 4 den. Favors Crittenden for President; reasons. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Morris, B. S. Chicago, [Illinois]. To Crittenden. Ef- Feb - 6 forts being made for Union party; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Pechin, Edmund C. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Suc- Feb - 7 cess in organizing the Union party in Pennsyl- vania. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Kennedy, John Pfendleton]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Feb - 7 Crittenden. The Union party. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coieman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 185. 234 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Riley, Thomas W. Kimbo Hill, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Census report; feeling of various factions in Kentucky toward secession. A. L. S. 4 p. Dewees, Jacob. Pottsville, [Pennsylvania]. To Critten- den. Injustice done Millard Fillmore; politics in Pennsylvania; efforts for the National Union party. A. L. S. 3 p. Plautz, J. E. Ephrata, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. EfForts necessary for the Union party in Penn- sylvania. A. L. S. 1 p. Burwell, William P. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Critten- den. Invitation to a wedding; result of recent convention in Virginia. A. L. S. 4 p. Schley, William. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- den. Maryland legislature; will endeavor to visit Washington, D. C. A. L. S. 4 p. Larrabee, Charles. Hartford, Connecticut. To Critten- den. Sends letter on Constitutional Union Party. A. L. S. 2 p. larribee, Charles. Hartford, Connecticut. To Critten- den. Desires Larribee's article to be universally read. A. L. S. 1 p. Craik, James. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Distribution of Craik's speech on Union prin- ciples. A. L. S. 4 p. Harris, Alfred T. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Claim of Melissa Ligon and her rights under Ken- tucky laws. A. L. S. 2 p. Peyton, Balie. Gallatin, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Membership on Executive Committee of Union Party ; its plans ; meeting of National Conven- tion. L. S. 4 p. Graham, W[illiam] Alexander]. Hillsboro, North Caro- lina. To Crittenden. State convention of the Union party; idea of nominating two candidates. A. L. S. 3 p. Ferguson, William D. Memphis, [Tennessee]. To Crit- tenden. Result of state convention; delay of circulars from central committee. A. L. S. 2 p Freeman, C. B. Fultonville, New York. To Crittenden. Place of meeting of National Convention of Union Party. A. L. S. 1 p. Feb. 8 1860 Feb. 10 1860 Feb. 16 1860 Feb. 18 1860 Feb. 20 1860 Feb. 20 1860 Feb. 21 1860 Feb. 23 1860 Feb. 24 1860 Feb. 25 1860 Feb. 27 1860 Feb. 27 1860 Feb, .27 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 235 1860 G-off, Washington. New York. To Crittenden. Sug- Feb. 28 gests an Executive proclamation for day of thanksgiving and prayer. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Pendergrast, S. V. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Feb. 29 Her husband [Garrett Jesse Pendergrast] in com- mand of the U. S. S. Merrimac, to be inves- tigated by the Senate. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Letcher, R[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Mar. l Crittenden. Result of state convention of the Union party ; probable nominees for Presidency ; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 187. Kennedy, John P. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- den. The Union Party. A. L. S. 4 p. Combs, Leslie. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. False philosophy of [William Henry] Seward and others; the Preisdency. A. L. S. 2 p. Junior Sons of America. Canonsburg, [Pennsylvania]. To Crittenden. Notification of election as hon- orary member. L. S. by three names in one handwriting. 1 p. Rawlings, Edward P. New York. To Crittenden. Wants Crittenden's photograph for New York Illus- trated News. A. L. S. 1 p. Wigg, W[illiam] Hazzard. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- tenden. Claim of late William Hazzard Wigg for Revolutionary services. A. L. S. 2 p. with newspaper clipping attached. Also account. 2 p. Cabell, E. C. [Aboard ship in Gulf of Mexico.] To Crit- tenden. Marriage settlement upon Mrs. Crit- tenden; his own finances; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Prospects for a successful state con- vention. Copy. 1 p. Malcom, Thomas S. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Ar- rival of a ship from Liberia; duty on tonnage; suggests congressional recognition of Liberia. A. L. S. 2 p. Pendleton, John. Redwood, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Publication of Pendleton's speech made at Whig convention in Richmond. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Mar. 5 1860 Mar. 5 1860 Mar. 5 1860 Mar. 10 1860 Mar. 10 1860 Mar. 19 1860 Mar. 19 1860 Mar. 19 1860 Mar. 20 236 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I860 Williams, William R. Ironton, Ohio. To Crittenden. Mar. 20 In preparing " Sketches of Lawyers"; desires autograph sketch of Crittenden. A. L. S. 1 p. [1860] Hale, P. H. Washington, [D. C] To J[esse] D. Bright. Mar. 21 Publication of report that [John Jordan] Crit- tenden would be a candidate [for Presidency]. A. L. S. 2 p. With note from Bright to Crit- tenden, stating that he will require Hale to write Crittenden a letter of explanation for publication. A. L. S. 1860 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Mar. 30 Crittenden. Success of state convention; Crit- tenden as a candidate for Presidency; attitude of George Lunt. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Letcher, E[obert] P[erkins]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Apr. 2 Crittenden. Presidency; various candidates for nomination; offer of services of Thomas H. Clay; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; I, 116. Nicholas, S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Crittenden. Party preference; possibility that Union party will aid Democrats; favors nomina- tion of John McLean; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. Old Dominion Society. New York. To Crittenden. In- vitation to dinner on anniversary of settlement of Jamestown. Lithographed L. S. by Dexter Otey, chairman executive committee. Comegys, J[oseph] P[arsons]. Dover, [Delaware]. To Crittenden. "T. J. B." in the "National Intel- ligencer. " A. L. S. 1 p. Conrad, C[harles] Mfagill]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. Political complexion of the country ; southern feeling toward constitutional Union Party; will follow Crittenden's instructions. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Jonett, James E. On board U. S. S. Crusader, [Charleston, Apr. 20 South Carolina.] To Crittenden. Urges in- crease of pay for naval officers. A. L. S. 6 p. Mutilated. 1860 Sherman, E. H. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Re- Apr. 23 quests copy of Crittenden's speech on the Home- stead bill. A. L. S. 1 p. Apr. 3 1860 Apr. 10 1860 Apr. 19 1860 Apr. 19 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 237 1860 Barr, J. M. Wilmington, Delaware. To Crittenden. Apr. 24 Favors Crittenden for Presidential candidate of the National Union Party. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Apr. 25 Washington Hunt. Confidence in the National Union convention; precaution necessary; com- ment. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 195. Comegys, J[oseph] P[arsons]. Dover, [Delaware]. To Crittenden. State convention of opposition; re- quests men to speak at meeting to choose dele- gates for Baltimore convention. A. L. S. 1 p. Pechin, Edmund C. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Dif- ficulties of conservative party in Pennsylvania; diligence of a few. A. L. S. 4 p. Ketchnm, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Ques- tion for the National Union Party a grave one; impossible to give advice. A. L. S. 2 p. Henry, John F. Burlington, Iowa. To Crittenden. Ad- mission of new states ; slavery question. A. L. S. 3 p. Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Unable to attend convention of National Union Party; possible nominations; brief sketch of Massachusetts delegation. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Rives, W[illiam] C[abell]. Castle Hill, [Virginia]. To May 5 Crittenden. Unable to attend National Union convention; confidence in its deliberations and will act accordingly; opportunity before the party. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Badger, George E[dmund]. Kaleigh, [North Carolina]. May 6 To Crittenden. Expects Whig victory in guber- natorial election; equal taxation the issue; suc- cess in the legislature depends upon Gilliam. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Ketchnm, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Unable May 7 to attend National Union convention; objec- tions to nominating a third Presidential candi- date ; limited means of their party ; favors post- ponement of final action. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Grandin, . To Crittenden. Favors Crittenden for May 7 President. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Apr. 27 1860 Apr. 30 1860 May 3 1860 May 5 1860 May 5 238 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [1860] Ketchnm, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Encloses May 10 copy of his letter to President Buchanan. A. L. S. lp. 1860 Sanders, George N. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To [James] May 9 Buchanan. Condemns telegram in New York Times; was serious in Charleston dispatches. Copy of telegram. 1 p. 1860 Sanders, George N. New York. To Crittenden. Pos- May 11 sible removal as Naval Agent ; encloses copy of telegram to President Buchanan. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- May 14 den. Encloses statement of all accounts since taking charge of Mrs. Crittenden's real estate. A. L. S. 2 p. and accounts, 15 p. 1860 Everett, Edward. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Wash- May 14 ington Hunt. Distressed on receiving nomina- tion for Vice Presidency ; desired his name with- drawn from the convention; now in embarrass- ing position. Copy 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 198. 1860 Conrad, C[harles] M[agill]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To May 22 Crittenden. Dissatisfied with results of National Union convention; condition of politics in the south. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Saltonstall, Leverett. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- May22 tenden. Invitation to attend state convention of the National Party. A. L. S'. 3 p. 1860 Ogden, James De P[eyster]. New York. To Crittenden. May 25 Invitation to attend meeting of Union Clubs- of New York; purpose to ratify nominations of National Union Convention. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Pendleton, N[athaniel] G[reene]. Oakland, Maryland. To May 27 Crittenden. Personal feeling toward nomina-x tions of National Union Party; claim of John Porter Brown for pay as Minister to Turkey; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Everett, Edward. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- May 28 tenden. Explains his feelings towards use of his name on the National Union Ticket; had given no authority for alleged statements. L. S. 5 p. 1860 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To May 30 Edward Everett. Regrets any cause for dis- pleasure; circumstances under which Crittenden PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 239 signed a certain letter; its contents; will accept Everett's course as to Vice Presidency. A. D'ft. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 208. 1860 Everett, Edward. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- June 2 tenden. Circumstances make it unnecessary to accept nomination formally ; success of state con- vention of Constitutional Union Party; would prefer Crittenden at head of the party ticket. Copy. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 212. 1860 Lawrence, A[mos] A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To June 2 Crittenden. Political affairs of the state more encouraging; success of state convention of Na- tional Union Party; tide seems to have turned. A. L, S. 1 p. 1860 Dnnscomb, William E. Jefferson City, [Missouri]. To June 4 John Harvey. Reasons why certain lands should not be sold for taxes. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Fugitt, J. Preston. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- June 6 tenden. Encloses "An Address to the Patriot- ism of Country"; reverence for Crittenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Ketchum, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Ideas of June 12 William Jagger on tariff; Senate should follow the lead of the House of Representatives; effect of tariff upon Western settlers. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Williamson, R. H. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- June 22 den. Invitation in behalf of others to visit Bos- ton; committee of Constitutional Party in high spirits. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Wayne, Henry C. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. June 26 Laws relative to appointment of Quartermaster General of the Army; urges promotion of [Col. Charles] Thomas to that office. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 United States. Public debt and customs income statistics. June 30 2 p. [1860] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Frankfort, Kentucky. To [June] [Samuel I. M. Major, Jr. editor of] the [Frank- fort] "Yeoman." Denies making alleged ac- cusations against J[ohn] C[abell] Breckinridge; is responsible for the speech in question and does not shun it. A. D'ft. Signature attached. 3 p. 240 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1860 Williams, M. J. and W. J. Kennedy. Selma, Alabama. July 12 To Crittenden. Desire to know if he will support the Breckinridge and Lane ticket. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Crittenden that he supported the Bell and Everett ticket. [1860] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To July 13 Crittenden. Attitude of [Edward] Everett to- ward compromise of 1850; joint ticket scheme for Presidential campaign in certain states. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Missouri, Constitutional Union Party. St. Joseph, Mis- Aug. 27 souri. To Crittenden. Invitation to attend state convention. L. S. by 16 names as a com- mittee. 3 p. 1860 Nashville, Tennessee, Citizens. To Crittenden. Invita- Aug. 29 tion to visit the city and deliver an address. Two printed copies with 38 signatures in all. 2 p. 1860 Missouri Union Party. Saint Joseph, Missouri. To Crit- Sept. l tenden. Invitation to State convention. Printed; 16 names as a committee. 1 p. [1860] Cunningham, W. A. St. Joseph, Missouri. To Critten- [Sept. l] den. Progress of campaign in Missouri; urges Crittenden to be present at the state convention; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. Endorsed: " An- swered that I would if I could." 1860 Hunt, Washington. Lockport, New York. To Critten- Sept. 3 den. Presidential campaign: New York the battle ground; requests Crittenden to visit the state; reasons why his presence is desired. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 217. 1860 New York Citizens. New York. To Crittenden. Ap- Sept. 4 proving the [National Union] Committee's invi- tation to Crittenden for an address. L. S. by 14 Signatures. 1 p. 1860 Ewing, Edwin. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Sept. 5 Private reception to Crittenden at Nashville im- possible; plans of reception. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Churchill, Samuel. New York. To Crittenden. Has no Sept. 12 confidence in the Black Republicans. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Cunningham, W. A. St. Joseph, Missouri. To Critten- Sept. 14 den. Belief that Constitutional Union Party PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 241 will carry Tennessee; fighting against great odds in Missouri; Crittenden's presence needed in latter state. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Mississippi Citizens. Jackson, Mississippi. To Critten- Sept - 14 den. Invitation to address a meeting of the Constitutional Union Party; no assurance of success in the state; general outlook of the cam- paign. L. S. 16 names in one handwriting. 4 p. 1860 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Nashville, Tennessee. To Sept - 24 Elizabeth Crittenden. His reception and speech at Nashville. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 219. 1860 New Albany Citizens. New Albany, [Indiana]. To Crit- Sept - 29 tenden. Invitation to speak at a National Union meeting. L. S. 9 signatures. 2 p. [1860] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] [Frankfort?, Kentucky.] To [Sept.] W. M. Smallwood and others. Crittenden's in- vitation to visit Missouri; gloomy state of public affairs; parties in the Presidential campaign; will accept invitation with certain qualifications. A. D'ft. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 215. 1860 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. 0cT - 4 To Crittenden. Gloomy outlook for Constitu- tional Union Party in the East; attempt at fusion in New York and Pennsylvania; urges Crittenden to visit Pennsylvania; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Keene, W. H., & Co. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- 0cT - 6 tenden. Receipted account for groceries. D. S. i P . 1860 Scott, Winfield. Views suggested by the eminent danger 0cT - 29 of a disruption of the Union by the secession of one or more Southern States; possibility of new confederacies and results; his own political pref- erences; outlines for general defense. D. S. 6 p. 1860 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Secretary of War [John 0cT - 30 Buchanan Floyd]. Encloses his ' ' Views ; " to be considered only in case of secession ; commanders of southern ports should be warned; solicitude for safety of the Union. L. S. 2 p. 52880°— 13 16 242 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1860 Hannibal, . Frankfort, [Kentucky]. Carpentry ac- Oct. count against Crittenden. 1 p. 1860 Scott, Winfield. New York. To Crittenden. Sends an Nov. 12 antisecession circular; no notice taken by Secre- tary of War of Scott's suggestions; probable formation of President Lincoln's Cabinet; per- sonals. A. L. S. 4 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 219. 1860 Huntsville Citizens. Huntsville, Alabama. Circular let- Nov. 19 ter relative to state convention and secession of the South as a whole. Printed, with 100 names, lp. 1860 Clemens, Jeremiah. Huntsville, [Alabama]. To Crit- Nov. 24 tenden. Growth of secession movement in the state; plan to prevent immediate secession; gen- eral situation throughout the state. A. L. S. 5 p. 1860 Noble, James F. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Dec. 3 Urges a compromise to preserve the Union; in- terest of the border states; favor a convention to amend the Constitution; division in Ohio ; com- promise questions. A. L. S. 4 p. [1860] Nicholas], S[amuel] S[mith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Dec. 5 Crittenden. Personals; sends drafts of resolu- tions; abolition and the proposition to declare a dictator. A. L. S. 2 p.. Also resolutions, lp. 1860 Paxton, Joseph. Catawissa, [Missouri?]. To Crittenden. Dec. 7 Complimentary. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Whiting, William B. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. De- Dec. 8 plorable state of the Union ; scheme to divide the Union into two confederacies each to control their internal affairs while foreign relations were to be controlled by a common central govern- ment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Patterson, Robert. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Plan Dec. 8 to divide territorial lands into two equal parts, each part to be held in common, respectively, by slave and free states ; scheme for government settlement; return of fugitive slaves. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Grame, John, Jr. Richmond, Virginia. To Crittenden. Dec. 8 Scheme for a convention of the border or central PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 243 states to settle the political differences of the Union. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Davis, Garrett. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Dec. 10 Approves plan of Madison [Conyers] Johnson for settlement of national difficulties; feeling for secession extending; hope for a compromise; much to be sacrificed to save the Union. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Dixon, Archibald. Henderson, [Kentucky]. To Gov. Dec. 12 Beriah Magoffin of Kentucky. Circular recom- mending a convention of the border states; amendments to U. S. Constitution; ideas on se- cession. Printed. 4 p. 1860 Hicks, Thomas H[olliday]. Annapolis, [Maryland]. To Dec. 13 Crittenden. All eyes upon Crittenden as leader to allay the present political troubles; urges de- lay in collision; regrets opposition to the States' Committee; faith in Jefferson Davis. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Hicks, Thomas H[olliday]. [Annapolis, Maryland.] Plan Dec. 13 for improving the fugitive slave act and pacifying the states. Prepared by Thomas S. Alexander. A. D. S. 9 p. 1860 Fullerton, W. Gfeorge]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Dec. 14 Crittenden. Scheme for compromising slavery troubles. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Bibb, John B. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Dec. 15 Suggestions for a compromise to save the Union; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Robertson, G[eorge]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Dec. 16 tenden. Result of interview between [John C] B[reckenridge ?] and [Abraham] Lincoln about formation of Lincoln's cabinet; Lincoln's reply; comment on Lincoln's policies. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 222. 1860 Campbell, J[ohn] Archibald]. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. 16 Crittenden. Transmits draft of compromise resolution relative to recovery of fugitive slaves; comment. A. L. S. 1 p. Also draft. 1 p. 1860 Ridgway, R. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Dec. 16 Requests, for publication, Crittenden's views on duties of the border states. A. L. S. 2 p. 244 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1860 Tallmadge, N[athaniel] P[itcher]. Fond du Lac, Wiscon- Dec. 17 sin. To Crittenden. The National crisis; peo- ple of North and South honest in their convic- tions; wrongs on both sides; relations between National Government and a seceding state; would prevent a single state from seceding, but would not force a combination of states; com- ment. A. L. S. 8 p. 1860 Anonymous. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Recommends Dec. 17 repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law. 3 p. 1860 Haddock, C[harles] B[rickett]. West Lebanon, New Dec. 18 Hampshire. To Crittenden. Explains feeling of North toward the South; optimistic views; mistakes on both sides; expects a compromise. A. L. S. 11 p. 1860 Johnson, M[adison] C[onyers]. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. Dec. 19 To Crittenden. Favors a compromise conven- tion of the border states; offers an amendment to the fugitive slave law; fugitive slaves in northern states. A. L. S. 4 p. Anonymous. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Complimentary remarks. Signed: "A South- ener and a Lover of his Country." 2 p. New York Citizens. To Crittenden. Favor compromise resolutions. L. S. by 16 signatures. 2 p. Wallace, Perkins. Canton, Ohio. To Crittenden. Ap- proves compromise resolutions offered by Crit- tenden; comment on recent Presidential elec- tion; sentiments of the masses; motives of President Buchanan. A. L. S. 6 p. 1880 Anonymous. New York. To Crittenden. Scheme to Dec. 21 emancipate slaves within thirty years. Signed, "A genuine Republican." 8 p. 1860 Calby, S. B. Montpelier, [Vermont]. To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Effect of Fugitive Slave Law in Vermont; real sentiment of the people; general ideas. A. L. S. 8 p. 1860 Ogden, James D[e Peyster]. New York. To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Favors Crittenden's compromise resolution; ef- forts on part of others ; suggestions to amend the resolution. A. L .S. 6 p. 1860 Rice, F. A. Keysburg, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Dec. 22 Kentucky will not secede; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Dec. 19 1860 Dec. 19 1860 Dec. 20 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 245 1860 Murray, James B. New York. To Crittenden. Com- Dec. 22 ment on fortification of Charleston harbor; re- marks of Gov. [Edwin Dennison] Morgan; gen- eral feeling for a compromise; confidence in Crittenden. A. L. S. 7 p. 1860 Lord, D[aniel]. New York. To Crittenden. Abolitionists Dec. 22 and ultra Republicans the cause of conflict; sug- gestions; question about use of force to settle difficulties. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Gerard, J[ames] W. New York. To Crittenden. Hearty Dec. 22 approval of compromise resolutions; growth of abolition principles in New England; pecuniary suffering the only remedy. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Murray, Washington. New York. To Crittenden. En- Dec. 24 dorses compromise resolutions; lack of force in representative men; confidence in Crittenden. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Croswell, Edwin. New York. To Crittenden. Grati- Dec. 24 tude for compromise resolutions; problem to prevent secession; favors re-establishment of Missouri Compromise; sympathises with the South; belief that troubles can be settled ami- cably. A. L. S. 6 p. 1860 Looker, Thomas H. Norfolk, Virginia. To Crittenden. Dec. 24 Encloses circular recently sent to the clergy throughout the country. A. L. S. 1 p. Also printed circular signed. 1 p. 1860 Watkins, John A. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- Dec. 24 tenden. Repeal of Missouri Compromise the cause of dissention in the Union; expects seces- sion; scheme to consolidate certain states; im- possible to reconcile the South; hope for a com- promise. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Winthrop, Robert C[harles]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. Dec. 24 To Crittenden. Agrees with compromise plan; North might be conciliated if prohibition of for- eign slave trade be made a Constitutional subject. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Whittlesey, Elisha. Canfield, Ohio. To Crittenden. Dec. 24 Approval of Crittenden's views; preservation of the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 U. S. Senate. Joint resolutions S. R. 52 proposing certain Dec. 24 amendment to the Constitution as a slavery com- promise. Official imprint. 6 p. 246 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1860 Clemens, Jere[miah]. Huntsville, [Alabama]. To Crit- Dec. 25 tenden. Recent state election gives large major- ity for the Union ticket ; hopes to refer the ques- tion of secession to the people in general; is loyal to the Union but North must abide by the Con- stitution. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Wilkins, William. Homewood, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- Dec. 25 tenden. Ridicules secession; nervous state of Congress; good wishes toward compromise reso- lutions; is adverse to amending the Constitution; full and complete remedy in present Constitu- tion; protection of slaves and slavery in terri- tories the issues; general comment; great energj needed. A. L. S. 12 p. 1860 Thayer, J[ames] S. New York. To Crittenden. De- Dec. 25 sires to put the National issues before the people by ballot; necessity of conventions of the people A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Davis, Charles A[ugustus]. New York. To Winfield Dec. 26 Scott. Favors Compromise Resolutions; slave question should be under control of the Con- stitution; comment on the negro as property; would test secession as an experiment. A. L. S. 6 p. 1860 Nicholas], S[amuel] Sfmith]. [Louisville, Kentucky.] To Dec. 27 Crittenden. Efforts to have Governor convene the legislature on question of secession; defects in a Southern confederacy and suggests a Mississippi Valley confederacy; comment on the scheme. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Ward, F. T. and B. W. Ward. Maysville, [Kentucky]. Dec. 27 To Crittenden. Suggest a vote of the people of the Union on Compromise resolutions. Tele- gram. 1 p. 1860 Adams, Benjamin S. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Dec. 28 tenden. Slave question should be settled by direct appeal to the people; favors convention of the slave states; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Lord, D[aniel]. New York. To Crittenden. Encloses Dec. 29 copy of petition to Congress to be signed by lead- ing Republicans; petition recommends individual state control over slaves. A. L. S. 1 p. On reverse of petition. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 247 1860 lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Petition to Dec. 29 be prepared by citizens of New York; hopes Crittenden will not become discouraged in efforts for compromise; excitement over Major [Robert] Anderson's removal from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter ; sale of Treasury notes deferred. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Ogden, James De P[eyster]. New York. To Crittenden. Dec. 29 Growth of feeling in North against President Buchanan and South Carolina; opposition of Southern leaders to compromise resolutions; need of conciliation. A. L. S. 4 p. 1860 Neale, Richard D. Woodlawn. To Crittenden. Favors Dec. 29 Crittenden's efforts for compromise; general comment. A. L. S. 6 p. 1860 Lawrence, A[mos] A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Dec. 29 Crittenden. Sends paper which is distributed throughout the country for repeal of " Personal Liberty Bill" ; contrast between feelings of North and South; North not thinking of war but an overt act will bring out war feeling in a day; local efforts to save the Union. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 240. 1860 Johnston, John. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Dec. 29 Congratulates Crittenden's efforts for a com- promise; Johnston's army service; desires ap- pointment for grandson in the navy; copies part of letter of Nov. 8, 1860, from Lewis Cass to Johnston testifying to public services. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 • Davis, Charles A[ugustus]. New York. To Crittenden. Dec. 31 Rumor that France will form alliance with the South in event of secession; attitude of Great Britain; efforts to prevent secession. A. L. S. 8 p. 1860 Farrar, F. R. Dratonville, Virginia. To Crittenden. Dec. 31 Desires opinions on National questions. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 March, Francis A. Easton, Pennsylvania. To Crit- Dec. 31 tenden. Slavery in the territories; belief that enormous patronage of the President is the cause of dissensions. A. L. S. 3 p. 248 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 1860 Hulme, J[ohn]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Urges a Dec. 31 convention of a National Jury composed of dele- gates from the border states and certain free states; conservative party could force extremes to a conciliation. A. L. S. 3 p. 1860 Andrews, C. W. Shepherdstown, Virginia. To Critten- Dec. 31 den. Gratitude for compromise efforts; desire that the South will postpone final action until after Northern elections. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Aldridge, F. M. Jackson, Mississippi. ' To Crittenden. Dec. 31 Discussion of action to be taken by Southern conservatives; contented state of the negroes; attitude of state of Kentucky; Crittenden acknowledged leader of conservatives. A. L. S. 4 p. [1860] Anonymous. [Baltimore, Maryland.] To John C[abell] Breckinridge. Plea for the protection of the Union. L. S. A Southerner and Lover of his Country. 3 p. [I860?] Ramsey, Marion. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- den. Copy of Crittenden's speech received. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Headlam, Thomas E. Great Britain. Definition and explanation of Martial Law. Copy. 6 p. [1860] Speed, J. J. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Crittenden. Fa- [Dec. ] vorable comment on compromise resolutions; gratitude of the country due Crittenden. A. L. S. 3 p. [I860?] McCall, J. To Crittenden. Plea that Crittenden be more religious. A. L. S. 2 p. 1860 Guiteau, S[heridan]. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- Dec. tenden. Prayer that Crittenden will not despair in efforts for compromise. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. [Washington, D. C] To Dec. S[amuel] S[mith] Nicholas. Almost despairs of success of compromise resolutions ; Congressional opposition to slavery in territories; resolutions favored by the people; of necessity consents to idea of holding convention of Southern states. Copy. 2 p. [1860] Massachusetts Citizens. Description of petition [to Con- gress] signed by 22,313 citizens for adoption of the Crittenden compromise. 2 p . PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 249 1861 Ludlow, N. M. Mobile, Alabama. To Crittenden. Scheme Jan. 1 for a Central Union of certain states; restoration of the Missouri Compromise; would let seceding states have their desires. A. L. S. 5 p. 1861 Adams, John S. North Chester, Vermont. To Critten- Jan. 2 den. Desires opinion on true state of National affairs; doubts sufficiency of compromise reso- lutions. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Ball, A. F. Bound Brook, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Jan. 2 Belief that proposition to extend to Pacific Ocean the Missouri Compromise line would be accepted by Congress ; if not acceptable to New England and the South then form a Union of Central States. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Woodruff, S. E. Girard, Pennsylvania. To Crittenden. Jan. 2 Opinion that by a direct vote of the people com- promise resolutions would be accepted; inten- tion to preserve the Union by force; protection of the Constitution and enforcement of Federal laws. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Taylor, F. L. Burlington, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Jan. 3 Notification of election as honorary member of the Little Giant Club; objects of the association and sympathy with Crittenden's efforts to save the Union. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Mackae, Cameron F. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Jan. 3 Would refuse negroes admittance to any free state; disposal of free negroes into Mexico. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Campbell, R. Augusta, Georgia. To Crittenden. Re- Jan. 3 suit of state convention of vital importance to the Union; urges that commissioners be sent from Kentucky; attitude of South Carolina toward disunion. A. L. S. 2 p. [1861] King, D. Rodney. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Peti- [Jan. 3?] tion to Congress for adoption of Crittenden com- promise circulated and generally approved by citizens. A. L. S. 2 p. On printed extracts from resolutions. 1861 Crittenden, [John Jordan]. Compromise resolutions Jan. 3 official imprints with amendments. 12 p.; also manuscript drafts, 14 p. 250 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 1861 Broadhead, John. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Com- Jan. 4 promise resolutions favored by all Democrats and Union men ; [Stephen Arnold] Douglas favored by public opinion; will join with anyone in order to avert a civil war. A. L. S. 2p. 1861 Anderson, Larz. Charleston, South Carolina. To Crit- J AN - 4 tenden. Was permitted to visit his brother [Major Robert Anderson]; feeling against Robert for unknowingly violating [John Buchanan] Floyd's pledges; courteous reception. A. L. S. i P . 1861 Carey, Isaac. Warwick, New York. To Crittenden. J AN - 4 Right of property in slaves not questioned by the North; Republican party in error; Northern senti- ment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Myers, Laurence. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Sug- J AN - 4 gests that compromise resolutions be submitted to the people broadcast; desire for peace. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 350. 1861 Conrad, Harry. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Pennsyl- J AN - 5 vania would give large majority for compromise resolutions if submitted to the people. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 351. 1861 Gaston, E. P. Hillsboro, Ohio. To Crittenden. People Jan - 5 of Ohio disappointed at Crittenden's efforts for compromise; opposed to amendments to Con- stitution. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Defrees, John D[ougherty]. Washington, [D. C] To J AN - 5 Crittenden. Sends draft of resolutions for amendment to the Constitution with provision that they be voted on directly by the people of each state. A. L. S. 1 p. ; also draft of amend- ment, 2 p. 1861 Paine, J. W. Lexington, Virginia. To Crittenden. J AN - 5 Pleased with message of Crittenden and [Stephen Arnold] Douglas to Georgia [Convention ?] ; anti- secession feeling in Virginia. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Murray, James B. New York. To Crittenden. Credit to J AN - 5 Thurlow Weed; scheme to divide present terri- tories into two states; little regard for threats of Southern states; Major [Robert] Anderson and Presidency in 1865; alleged treachery of Secre- PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 251 tary of War [John Buchanan Floyd]; public debt. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Bryan, George S. Charleston, [South Carolina]. To Crit- Jan. 6 tenden. Urges efforts to prevent vessel being sent to reinforce Ft. Sumter; people will not assent and will strike on its appearance. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; 11,251. 1861 Hascall, V. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Com- Jan. 7 pliments Crittenden's efforts to save the Union. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Tallmadge, N[athaniel] Pfttcher]. Boston, [Massachu- Jan. 7 setts. To Crittenden. Safety of the Union depends upon the border states; any overt act will arouse the North; New York legislature considering appropriations of money and troops to preserve the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Ruffner, W. H. Harrisonburg, Virginia. To Crittenden, Jan. 7 and William Henry Seward. Submits scheme of payment for fugitive slaves by general Govern- ment. A. L. S., 1 p., also scheme, 2 p. 1861 Brewer, Thomas A. Macon, Georgia. To Crittenden. Jan. 7 Scheme to divide the Union into three republics allied with a central government. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Ash, Joshua W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Plan Jan. 7 for a convention of the judiciary of the several states and the United States to settle disputed questions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Allis, H. B. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. To Crittenden. Jan. 7 Wellfare of the Union; troubles due to the for- eign vote; convention to amend the Constitu- tion. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Lea, Matthew Carey. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Ad- Jan. 7 mission of new states to be regulated by census. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Davis, Charles A[ugustus]. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 7 Convention of Southern states must demand re- dress from the Black Republicans; all eyes on the border states; Constitution and Union above all considerations. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Stuart, Oscar J. E. Summitt, Mississippi. To Critten- Jan. 7 den. Principles of the Southern Confederacy; his boyhood; early meeting with Crittenden; 252 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS "bargain and intrigue " in Adams and Jackson campaign, 1828. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. To Joseph Holt. Invitation Jan. 7 to dine on 9th inst. A. L. S. 1 p. holt. 1861 Hall, J. P. Glasgow, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Scheme J AN - 8 of submitting compromise resolutions to the people. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Clay, Thomas H. Mansfield, [Kentucky]. To Critten- J AN - 9 den. Proposition of Southern convention un- wise; desires opinion about a state convention; failing health of [Robert Perkins] Letcher. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 253. 1861 flicks, Thomas H[olliday]. Annapolis, Maryland. To Jan- 9 Crittenden. Burden upon representatives of the border states to save the Union; bad policy of reinforcing Fort Sumter; Congress should act immediately. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Crittenden, G[eorge] B[ibb]. Ft. Union, New Mexico. To Jan. 10 Crittenden. Successful scout against Comanches and Kiowas; recommends brevets for officers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Hutchins, N[athan] L. Lawrence ville, Georgia. To Crit- Jan. 10 tenden. Pessimistic views on preservation of the Union ; favors establishment of two allied repub- lics. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Darneille, Benjamin J. Buckingham Courthouse, Vir- Jan. 10 ginia. To Crittenden. Favors compromise res- olutions to amend the Constitution ; suggests con- vention of border states to settle difficulties; hope for peace. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Nattall, E. F. Spring Port, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Jan. 11 Only solution for a compromise is to put it be- fore the people. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Baldwin, S. New York. To Crittenden. Petitions from Jan. 11 northern cities urging Congress to adopt Crit- tenden's plan for compromise. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Ogden, James De P[eyster]. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 12 Effect of William H. Seward's speech; attitude of Republicans will result in secession ; query about reconstruction; compromise resolutions must be submitted to the people. A. L. S. 4 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 253 1861 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Jan. 12 Crittenden. Effect of circular letters distributed through Massachusetts; reaction movement re- tarded in the state ; feeling against nullifiers ; in- habitants willing to be taxed and even take up arms ; hopes for success of compromise. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Fowlkes, H. M. Wintopock, Virginia. To Crittenden. Jan. 13 Urges that compromise resolutions be put to a direct vote of the people ; politicians have ruined the country. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Ely, A[lfred] B. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Jan. 14 Sectional views; property right in slaves; duties of the North and South; laws to be enacted. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Bnckner, W. P. Annapolis, Maryland. To Crittenden- Jan. 14 Alleges a conspiracy on foot to destroy the Union ; certain conspirators; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Townsend, Reuben. Cape May Courthouse, [New Jersey]. Jan. 15 To Crittenden. Men of all parties look to Crit- tenden as preserver of the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Helm, John L. Elizabethtown, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Jan. 15 tenden. Popularity of compromise resolutions; Kentucky will oppose by force any Federal troops entering the state; necessity of immediate reconstruction if Union is divided ; constitution of Confederate states. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Heard, John W. Frederick, Maryland. To Crittenden, Jan. 15 Asks if Crittenden endorsed the course of Gov. Hicks of Maryland in refusing to convene the legislature; injustice to the state. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Salle, George F. Mobile, [Alabama]. To Crittenden. Jan. 15 Abolition of slaves and civil war inevitable; question of deportation; South should adopt an emancipation scheme for the sake of human- ity. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Campbell, Robert. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Jan. 16 Sends resolutions of mass meeting in sympathy with Crittenden's compromise resolutions. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Dickinson, Philfemon?]. Trenton, [New Jersey]. To Jan. 16 Crittenden. Proposition before state legislature to submit "Crittenden resolutions " to the people 254 LIBKAKY OF CONGKESS for vote; effect of such an expression of opinion. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Anonymous. To Crittenden. State responsibility for acts Jan. 16 of citizens; rights and privileges of the slave. L. S. "An old Henry Clay Whig." 1861 Wilson, David. Baltimore, Maryland. To Crittenden. Jan. 16 Scheme for a compromise; repeal of fugitive slave laws; payment for runaway slaves out of funds from public lands; right of property; ad- mission of new states. A. L. S. 4 p. Spoford, E. Brooklyn, New York. To Crittenden; Northern interpretation of Fugitive Slave Laws; A. L. S. 8 p. Reed, J. H. Greenwich, Connecticut. To Crittenden. Northern sentiment toward slavery; territorial question. A. L. S. 2 p. Shirly, G. H. New York. To Crittenden. Encourage- ment to persevere in efforts to save the Union. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crit- tenden, Phila., 1871; II, 251. Cutting, S. S. Rochester, [New York]. To Crittenden. Objection to reference to slaves as property in compromise resolutions; further comment. A. L. S. 3 p. Buckner, W. P. Annapolis, Maryland. To Crittenden. Course of John C[abell] Breckinridge toward com- promise. A. L. S. 1 p. Forbes, F[rancis] H. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- tenden. Republican principles; ideas on tem- porary secession. A. L. S. 3 p. Phipps, Isaac N. Indianapolis, [Indiana]. To Critten- den. Desires to know Southern feeling toward compromise measures; sentiment in Indiana. A. L. S. 2 p. Pratt, D[undass] T. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Grat- itude for patriotic efforts for a compromise; offers services. A. L. S. 1 p. Johnson, A. B. Utica, New York. To Crittenden. Com- ment on compromise resolutions relative to ad- mission of new states. A. L. S. 2 p. Kerr, R. H. Pittsburgh, [Pennsylvania]. To Crittenden. Proceedings of mass meeting endorsing compro- mise resolutions. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Jan. 16 1861 Jan. 17 1861 Jan. 17 1861 Jan. 17 1861 Jan. 17 1861 Jan. J 7 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 19 1861 Jan. 18 1861 Jan. 19 1861 Jan. 19 PAPEES OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 255 Haydon, Samuel. Wallonia, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Comment on present crisis. A. L. S. 3 p. Seaton, John. Grumpsburg, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Favors compromise; Union should have more patriots and less politicians ; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. Hicks, Thomas H[olliday]. Annapolis, Maryland. To Crittenden. Favors proposition offered by Crit- tenden ; country at large too mad for sane action. A. L. S., 1 p.; also Copy, 1 p. Watkins, T. W. Murfreesboro, Tennessee. To Critten- den. Has little hope for the Union; southern people despair of compromise; efforts to relieve conditions. A. L. S. 3 p. Whitworth, Thomas. Mayfield, Virginia. To Crittenden. State convention to be held to consider plan of pacification; popularity of compromise resolu- tions. A. L. S. 2 p. Van Aken, E[noch]. New York. To Crittenden. Com- promise resolutions carry the idea that the Con- stitution should recognize and protect slavery; Northern sentiment; other features that may be amended. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Allen, A[nthony] B. New York. To Crittenden. Ap- Jan. 19 proves plan for border states to settle difficulties; efforts in New York. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Oaksmith, Appleton. New York. To Crittenden. Pud- Jan. 19 lie sentiment in New York favors conciliation and compromise; mass meeting to be held. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Ogden, James De P[eyster]. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 19 Comment on speech of [William Henry] Seward; ideas on compromise line. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Lyon, James. Petersburg, Virginia. To Crittenden. Con- Jan. 20 stitutionality of personal liberty bills of Northern states; is Union candidate for state convention; desires information. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Hnlme, J[ohn]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Objec- Jan. 20 tions to compromise resolutions for "protection of slavery in the territories"; urges modification. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Suit, S[amuel] T. New York. To Crittenden. In sym- Jan. 20 pathy with compromise efforts and hopes for success. A. L. S. 1 p. 256 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1861 Anonymous. Baltimore, Maryland. To Crittenden. Jan. 21 Rights of an American citizen. L. S. ' 'A South- erner and a lover of his Country.' ' 1 p. 1861 Fiske, A. S. New York. To Crittenden. Compromise Jan. 21 line and admission of new states. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Davis, Charles A[ugustus]. New York. To Crittenden. Jan. 21 Effect of secession upon trade and finances; influences of the railroads; necessity of a com- promise. A. L. S. 5 p. 1861 Morris, W. H. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Jan. 21 Urges that compromise resolutions be submitted to a direct vote of the people. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Price, Rees E. Mount Zion, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Jan. 22 tenden. Biblical argument and advice. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Combs, Leslie. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Jan. 22 Movement in Kentucky to resist invasion of Northern troops; prevailing sentiment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Jan. 22 Crittenden. Sends copy of petition favoring Crittenden's compromise resolutions; legislature and the Liberty Bill; expects to visit Washing- ton with the committee. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Williams, R[ufus] K. Mayfield, Kentucky. To Critten- Jan. 23 den. Recent mass meeting; unanimous vote in favor of compromise resolutions; local senti- ment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Dumas, Edmund. Barnesville, Georgia. To Crittenden. Jan. 23 Feeling toward fellow countrymen; Union ideas; popularity of compromise resolutions; destruc- tion of slavery would be ruinous to the South. A. L. S. 5 p. 1861 Eaker, John. Mayfield, Kentucky. To Crittenden and Jan. 23 L[azarus] Whitehead] Powell. Encloses resolu- tions of mass meeting unanimously adopting compromise resolutions. A. L. S., 2 p.; also Resolutions, 4 p. 1861 Dudley, Thomas P. Lexington, Kentucky. To Critten^ Jan. 24 den. Conservative ideas on political troubles of the Country; desire that the Union will be pre- served. A. L. S. 7 p. PAPEES OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 257 1861 Beekman, James W[illiam]. New York. To Crittenden. • Tan - 24 Condition of politics in New York; troubles nearing a crisis. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Gale, W. Selden. Galesburg, Illinois. To Crittenden. J AN - 24 Comment on compromise resolutions; admission of territories. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Blanton, Horace T., Sr. Paris, Tennessee. To Critten- J AN - 24 den. Politics in Tennessee; secession gaining strength; popularity of compromise resolutions. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Todd, W. M. Woodford Co., [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. J A *- 24 Appreciates Crittenden's efforts to preserve the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Warner, George. Dexter, Michigan. To Crittenden. Jan - 24 Admires Crittenden's efforts for a compromise. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Hicks, Thomas Hfolliday]. Annapolis, Maryland. To Jan - 25 Crittenden. Criticises actions of Northern rep- resentatives in Congress; personal ambition rather than good of country the cause of trouble. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 O'Neal, John L. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Move- Jan - 25 ment inaugurated to obtain indorsements from Lincoln's supporters on compromise measures. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Emlen, Samuel. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Com- Jan - 25 ment on political differences and hope for a compromise. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Randolph, Theodore F. Trenton, New Jersey. To Crit- Jan - 26 tenden. Resolutions of New Jersey legislature on Crittenden Compromise; question to be put to a vote of the people. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Russell, E. Griffin, Georgia. To Crittenden. National Jan. 26 politics; attitude of Congress; comment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Committee Jan - 26 to visit Washington with memorial to Congress; adoption of border states resolutions. A. L. S. lp. 1861 Ely, Alfred B. Boston, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Jan - 26 Objection to slavery in territory hereafter ac- quired; property in slaves recognised only 52880°— 13 17 258 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS through local law; plan for admission of states. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Eddy, R[obert] H[enry]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Jan - 26 Crittenden. Suggests amendments to compro- mise resolutions; slavery in the territories. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Dubuque Citizens, Iowa. To Crittenden. Transmits pro- Jan - 26 ceedings of public meeting endorsing compro- mise resolutions. A. L. S. of Tom O. Edwards. Also signed by M. D. Binell and James H. Williams. 1 p. Also proceedings. 3 p. 1861 Davis, C[harles] A[ugustus]. New York. To Crittenden. J AN 28 Local sentiment on political troubles. A. L. S. ' 4 p. 1861 Flournoy, J. J. Athens, Georgia. To Crittenden. Ideas Jan 28 on causes of secession movement; the demands of all parties; little hope for the Union under existing conditions. A. L. S. 6 p. 1861 Brooks, Edward. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. J AN - 28 Suggests amendment to compromise resolutions on admission of new states and slavery. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Blenis, O. Salina, New York. To Crittenden. Senti- Jan - 29 ment of the people and attitude of New York legislature. A. L. S. 3 p. With note to Mrs. Crittenden. 1861 Brooks, Erastus. New York. To Crittenden. Desires Jan 29 copy of resolutions before the Senate. A. L. S. lp. 1861 Anonymous. New York. To Crittenden. Opposition to Jan/ 29 secession. L. S. " Concession, Equality, Union." 4 p. 1861 Ogden, James De P[eyster]. New York. To Crittenden. J AN - 29 Attitude of William Henry Seward toward a compromise; public sentiment favors concilia- tion. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Marsh, Mason R. Frederick, Maryland. To Crittenden. Jan - 29 Desires copy of Union speech. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Anonymous. Maine. To Crittenden. Slavery in the Jan 29 territories. 5 p. 1861 Burwell, William P. Richmond, Virginia. To Crittenden,, Jan - 30 Warning from Virginia delegation in Congress that only a prompt act of the convention could 1861 Jan. 30 1861 Jan. 30 1861 Jan. 30 1861 Jan. 31 1861 Jan. 30 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 259 avert a civil war; public sentiment favors com- promise resolutions. A. L. S. 2 p. McClelland, R. Detroit, [Michigan]. To Moses Kelley. Public ready to adopt any means to finally settle political difficulties. Extract. 1 p. Hall, N. K. Buffalo, New York. To Crittenden. Pol- itics in Congress; favors position taken by [Thurlow] Weed. A. L. S. 4 p. Delaplane, J. C. Monrovia Mills, Maryland. To Crit- tenden. Distracted condition of political affairs ; hope for the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. Magrnder, James A. Georgetown, D. C. To Crittenden. Rumor that Crittenden was opposed to com- promise. A. L. S. 1 p. Thomas, Henry W. Chaptico, Maryland. To Crittenden. Compromise resolutions favored in Southern Maryland; refusal of Governor to convene the legislature; attitude of Republicans in Congress. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Anonymous. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden. Jan. 31 Feeling in the South; Republican representatives not legally elected. L. S. "Louisiana." 2 p. Also clippings. [1861] Bend, W. P. [Kentucky.] To Crittenden and S[tephen] [Jan.] A[rnold] Douglas. Recommends that the com- promise resolutions be submitted direct to the legislatures of each state. A. L. S. 2 p. [1861] Marshall, Charles A. [Kentucky.] To Crittenden. Hopes [Jan. ?] that no blood will be shed before President Lin- coln's Administration is fairly tested; efforts in favor of the Union in Kentucky; fears secession. . A. L. S. 3 p. [1861] [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Draft of compromise resolu- [Jan. ?] tions. 1 p. [1861] Kentucky, Legislature. Draft of resolutions against seces- [Jan. ?] sion. 1 p. [1861] Congress. Draft of amendments to Fugitive Slave law. [Jan. ?] 5 p. 1861 Kinkead, George B. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crit- Feb. l tenden. Personal differences; gratitude for de- votion to the Country; lack of patriotism among public men. A. L. S. 1 p. 260 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1861 Howard, John R. Lindley, Missouri. To Crittenden. Feb. 2 Effect of recent Presidential election upon public sentiment; general comment. A. L. S. 10 p. 1861 Anonymous. New York. To Crittenden. Necessity of a Feb. 2 conciliation between North and South; fugitive slave laws. L. S. "Americus." 4 p. 1861 Anonymous. Scott County, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 3 If there must be secession then three republics are better than two. L. S. "Your Friend." 3 p. 1861 New York Industrial Assembly. National compromise. Feb. 4 Printed. 1 p. 1861 Dean, John. Galveston, [Texas]. To Crittenden. Has Feb. 4 given up hope for compromise; attitude of Black Republicans ; will support a civil war ; to emanci- pate his slaves would be a great injury to them. A.L.S. ,2p. 1861 Rush, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Sug- Feb. 4 gests that [Washington's] Farewell Address be read before Congress in presence of the President, Cabinet, Supreme Court, etc. ; that the Farewell address be printed and distributed throughout the country; patriotic motives. A. L. S. 6 p. 1861 C[lay], H[enry]. To Crittenden. Message from the Spirit Feb. 4 world. 3 p. 1861 Elliott, H[enry] H. New York. To Crittenden. Objec- Feb. 6 tions to compromise resolutions; a one-sided proposition. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Learning, J. Fisher. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Lo- Feb. 6 cal interest in compromise resolutions ; objections to acquisition of territory. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Wight, O. W. Washington [D. C.} To Crittenden. Feb. 7 Discussion of slavery and compromise resolu- tions. A. L. S. pages 5 to 24 only. 1861 Osborne, A. C. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Feb. 7 Gratitude for patriotic efforts to preserve the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Anonymous. Mobile, Alabama. To Crittenden. Dis- Feb. 8 tracted condition of the Union; probable conse- quences. 4 p. 1861 Cooke, P[hilip] St. George. Fort Crittenden, Utah. To Feb. 9 Crittenden. Encloses general order changing name of Camp Floyd to Fort Crittenden. A. L. S. 1 p. Also order. 1 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 261 1861 lea, Joseph T. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Feb - 9 Favors general plan of compromise resolutions; objection to acquisition of territory the cause of contention. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Pioneer Clay Club of the 8th ward. New York. To Crit- Feb - 9 tenden. Invitation to 22d Annual Reunion. A. L. S. of Charles E. Gildersleeve, corresponding secretary. 2 p. 1861 Cabell, Henry C. Charleston, South Carolina. To Crit- Feb. 12 tenden. Advises removal of Major [Robert] Anderson from Fort Sumter; danger of conflict; results if war should break out; duty to the country. A. L. S. 6 p. 1861 Christy, William T. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. Feb - 13 Approves compromise resolutions; urges that a custom duty be put on importation of fire clay. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Allen, C. B, Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Feb - 13 People offended by remark of Charles Sumner that they signed petition for compromise in ignorance. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Haverhill Citizens. [Massachusetts]. To Charles Sum- Feb ] 3 ner. Deny ignorance of people in signing peti- tion for compromise. Copy sent to J. J. Crit- tenden. 9 names. 3 p. 1861 Davis, Charles Afugustus], New York. To Crittenden. Feb - 14 Effect of railroads upon eastern markets; dis- astrous results in the event of secession ; suggests Feb. 22d as a day for a rejuvenation of the Union. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Van Buren, John D. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Feb - 14 Compromise resolutions and future acquisition of territory; draft of Constitutional amendments; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. Also draft of amend- ment. 8 p. 1861 Anderson, George W. Louisiana, Missouri. To Crit- ic 1 * • 15 tenden. Gratitude to Crittenden and [Stephen Arnold] Douglas for their attitude in political crisis ; position taken by border states. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Franklin, J. Little Osage, Missouri. To Crittenden. Feb - 15 New mode of electing President; length of term; salary. A. L. S. 1 p. 262 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS Kennedy, Thomas S. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crit- tenden. Public sentiment toward Crittenden; attitude of the Republicans; is publishing an appeal to the North. L. S. 4 p. Canning, Joseph C. Stockbridge, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Desires appointment as purser in U. S. Navy. A. L. S. 3 p. Todd, C[harles] S[cott]. New Orleans, Louisiana. To Crittenden. Gratitude for compromise efforts; faults on both sides. A. L. S. 2 p. King, R[obert] P. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Local sentiment as to compromise resolutions ; attitude of congress ; desires statement about condition of public affairs. A. L. S. 2 p. McNair, Dunning R. [Washington, D. C] To Critten- den. Notice of meeting of Democratic Senators "on tomorrow." L. S. 1 p. Zetegathian Society of Central College. Fayette, Missouri. To Crittenden. Notice of election as honorary member. A. L. S. by Robert F. Luckett, cor- responding secretary. 3 p. Stinson, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. At request of Major R[obert] Anderson sends piece of flag staff from Fort Moultrie. A. L. S. 1 p. Anonymous. Baltimore, Maryland. To Crittenden. Op- position to militia bill before Congress. L. S. "One of the working class." 2 p. Anderson, Robert. Fort Sumter, South Carolina. To Crittenden. Arguments of friends against re- taining command of Fort Sumter; is certain as to proper course. A. L. S. 3 p. Virginia General Assembly. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Petition requesting Crittenden for an address. L. S. 70 signatures. Blackburn, C. J. Covington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Reasons why Crittenden should return to Con- gress as a Representative of his district; cer- tainty of being elected. A. L. S. 3 p. Bradford, Simon. Memphis, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Public sentiment in Tennessee; desire for peace; army record ; desires appointment as postmaster. A. L. S. 6 p. 1861 Feb. 16 1861 Feb. 16 1861 Feb. 16 1861 Feb. 18 1861 Feb. 18 1861 Feb. 18 1861 Feb. 19 1861 Feb. 19 1861 Feb. 19 1861 Feb. 20 1861 Feb. 21 1861 Feb. 21 1861 Feb. 21 1861 Feb. 22 1861 Feb. 25 1861 Feb. 25 1861 Mar. 1 1861 Mar. 3 1861 Mar. .4 1861 Mar. 4 1861 Mar. 5 1861 Mar. 7 1861 Mar. 11 1861 Mar. 12 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 263 Wight, O. W. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Sends draft of proposed amendments to the Constitu- tion; power of Congress over slavery. A. L. S. 3 p. Also amendments. 2 p. Bourne, William Oland. New York. To Crittenden. Political difficulties; proposition for adjustment. Printed. 1 p. Williams, Moses B. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- tenden. Encloses an Address of the Working- men of Massachusetts. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed address attached. 2 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. To Joseph Holt. Accepts invitation to dine on 27th. A. L. S. 1 p. HOLT. Minute Men of '56. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. In- vitation to deliver a lecture. A. L. S. of George West Blake, also signed by Benjamin G. S. Wilkes and S. S. Sunderland. 2 p. Crittenden, John Jordan. Latter portion of farewell speech delivered in the U. S. Senate. Copy. 4 p. Entire speech printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 270. Willard, Emma. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. Gratitude for compromise efforts; sentiment of American women. A. L. S. 3 p. Call, W. Tallahassee, [Florida]. To Crittenden. False report of death of Crittenden Coleman; opposi- tion to secession; true sentiment in the South toward the North; constitutional amendments. A. L. S. 8 p. Larsen, T. Wharton. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Gratitude for compromise resolutions. A. L. S. 2 p. Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. President Lincoln's inaugural address; proper course for Kentucky; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. Wright, B. H. Rome, New York. To Crittenden. Slav- ery; compromises; local sentiment. A. L. S. 7 p. Janney, John. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Resolutions of Virginia convention; course to be taken; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 264 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Everett, Edward. Boston, Massachusetts. To Critten- den. Desire to entertain Crittenden if he should visit Boston. A. L. S. 4 p. National Minute Men. New York. To Crittenden. Re- quest advice. A. L. S. 3 p. Providence Citizens, Rhode Island. To Crittenden. In- vitation to visit the city. L. S. 41 signatures. Hulme, J[ohn]. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Desires due notice of Crittenden's visit to Philadelphia. A. L. S. 2 p. Fellows, Julia B. Buffalo, [New York]. To Crittenden. Gratitude for patriotic efforts. A. L. S. 2 p. Haven, George W. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. To Crittenden. Admiration; invitation to visit Portsmouth. A. L. S. 2 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 295. Nicholasville Citizens, Kentucky. To Crittenden. In- vitation to deliver an address. L. S. 68 signa- tures. 3 p. Anonymous. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crittenden, Preservation of the Union. 2 p. Signed "No North, no South, no East, no West, but my whole country.' ' Janney, John. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Resolutions of Virginia convention; peace con- ference. A. L. S. 2 p. Anderson, Larz. Cincinnati, [Ohio]. To Crittenden. Recent state election; local politics. A. L. S. 2 p. Cheatham, William S. Nashville, Tennessee. To Crit- tenden. Invitation to visit Nashville. A. L. S. lp. Russellville Citizens, Kentucky. To Crittenden. In^ vitation to deliver an address. L. S. 103 signatures. 2 p. Bedinger, D. P. Nicholas County, Kentucky. To Crit- tenden. Sentiments on slavery; border states convention; results. A. L. S. 3 p. Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Political sentiment of troops leav- ing Massachusetts; desires that Kentucky will furnish a regiment; suggests Crittenden's aid in 1861 Mar. 12 1861 Mar. 12 1861 Mar. 13 1861 Mar. 13 1861 Mar. 13 1861 Mar. 13 1861 Apr. 1 1861 Apr. 1 1861 Apr. 1 1861 Apr. 2 1861 Apr. 3 1861 Apr. 11 1861 Apr. 11 1861 Apr. 15 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 265 the matter. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 318. 1861 Andrews, L. W. Flemingsburg, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Apr. 16 tenden. Recent speech of John C. Breckenridge; invitation to Crittenden to speak. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Harton, L. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Op- Apr. 16. position to border states waging war on the South. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Everett, Edward. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crit- Apr. 18 tenden. Regrets not meeting [James?] Harlan; intense war feeling; course of the border states; country aroused to a feeling unknown since the Stamp Act. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Robinson, R. M. Covington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Apr. 20 Neutrality of Kentucky and attitude of Governor [Beriah] Magoffin. A. L. S. 3 p. Newspaper clippings inclosed. 1861 Sloan, Mrs. John Q. To Crittenden. Civil strife and Apr. 20 probable results. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Lawrence, Amos A[dams]. Near Boston, [Massachusetts]. Apr. 22 To Crittenden. Organization of militia; intense feeling; sentiment toward Kentucky. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 319. 1861 Minor, W. J. Natchez, [Mississippi]. To Crittenden. Apr. 23 Suggests an armistice; efforts by border states. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Ross, N. M. Indianapolis, [Indiana]. To Crittenden. Apr. 23 Troops raised in Indiana; preservation of the Constitution; local sentiment; confidence in Crit- tenden. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Hickman Citizens, Kentucky. To Crittenden "And Apr. 26 others." Approval of Crittenden's defence of the Union. L. S. 25 signatures. 2 p. 1861 Welch, Ashbel. Lambertville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Apr. 27 tenden. Submission of constitutional questions to the U. S. Supreme Court to effect a com- promise. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Davis, Thomas T. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. To Crit- Apr. 28 tenden. Ability of Kentucky to save the Union; course to be taken ; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Green, Thomas. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Apr. 28 Scheme for an armistice and convention to authorize secession. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Apr. 30 1861 MayI 1861 May 3 1861 May 7 1861 May 7 1861 May 9 266 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Stevens, Andrew J. Des Moines, Iowa. To Crittenden. Kentucky as a neutral state; border states con- vention last resource; local feeling. A. L. S. 2 p. Wilcox, Andrew J. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- tenden. Power of individual states to prohibit slavery; territorial government; admission of new states. A. L. S. 3 p. Potter, Henrietta E. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- tenden, Desires employment. A. L. S. 3 p. Lawrence, A[mos] A[dams]. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. Kentucky and the Union; neutrality impossible; outpouring of men and money in the North. A. L. S. 1 p. Wickliffe, D[aniel] C[armichael]. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Congressional election; Crit- tenden sure of election if nominated. A. L. S. 3 p. Jones, W[illiam] P[almer]. Nashville, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Proposition that England or France interpose for the peace of the country; position taken by Tennessee and Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Davis, Garett. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 11 Candidates for Congress; country demands Crit- tenden's service. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Crittenden, James L. Richmond, [Virginia]. To Critten- May 1 4 den. Desires appointment to West Point Mili- tary Academy; political sentiment; recent im- prisonment; family matters. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Watkins, John A. New Orleans, [Louisiana]. To Crit- May15 tenden. Neutrality impossible in Kentucky; course taken by Maryland ; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Gordon, F. H. Jennings Fork, Tennessee. To Critten- May 15 den. Intense feeling in Tennessee ; fear of seces- sion; majority for neutrality. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Gorin, F[rank]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. May 23 Doubts position of Charles Slaughter] Morehead ; Kentucky to remain in the Union. A. L. S. lp. 1861 Armstrong, William H. St. Joseph, Missouri. To Crit- J UNE 6 tenden. Condition of western commerce ; neces- PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 267 sitv of removal of blockade from western cities. A.L. S. 2 p. 1861 Harrison, Thomas B. Russell ville, Kentucky. To Crit- June 13 tenden. Desire of Lieut. John W. Todd to be relieved from duty in the South; reasons. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Glover, Charles. Bath City, Kentucky. To Crittenden. June 24 Amendment to Constitution necessary. A. L. S. lp. 1861 Harlan, John M[arshall]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To June 25 Crittenden. Departure of Kentucky delegation to Congress; position taken by secessionists. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Cabell, E[d\vard] C[arrington]. Richmond, Virginia. To June 26 Crittenden. Condition of affairs in Missouri ; intended visit to Crittenden; prosperity and spirit of the South; the Union divided forever. A. L. S. 11 p. 1861 May, James. Davenport, Iowa. To Crittenden. Views June 30 on present conflict between the states. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Morehead, C[harles Slaughter]. Nashville, [Tennessee]. June 30 To Crittenden. Would impeach the President for unconstitutional acts; urges acknowledg- ment of the Confederate Union; Crittenden should head the movement. A. L. S. 9 p. 1861 Hiller, Augustus C. Brooklyn, [New York]. To Critten- June 30 den. Views on slavery; secession. A. L. S. 17 p. 1861 Fuller, Robert A. Dansville, [New York]. To Critten- July 1 den. Query as to order commanding all south- ernes to return home under penalty of confisca- tion of property. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Hngg, John H. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To [Critten- July 1 den]. Problems coming before extra session of Congress; personal sentiments. Lithograph L. S. 6 p. 1861 Smith, Henry M. Fairfield, Connecticut. To Crittenden. July 3 Belief that Texas should be declared a separate independency as peace offering to South; favors slavery. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Hngg, John H. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crittenden. July 4 Encloses letter of July 1; hope for the Union. A. L. S. 1 p. 268 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1861 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To C rittenden. July 5 Patriotic celebration in Kentucky on July 4 ; West Point warrant for stepson, Lucas Brodhead. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Anderson, Robert. Cresson, Pennsylvania. To Crit- July 8 tenden. Opposes raising a Kentucky regiment for Federal army; neutrality his reason; would sacrifice anything to preserve Kentucky to the Union. Copy. 2 p. 1861 Mulford, John. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Com- July 9 ment on National affairs. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Brown, Orlando. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. July 9 Effect of President Lincoln's Message upon the Union party of Kentucky; Crittenden's course will be sustained by Kentucky; Secessionists are desperate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Doniphan, George. Augusta, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. July 13 Neutrality of Kentucky ; would preserve the Union from bloodshed. A. L. S. 7 p. 1861 Underwood, J[oseph] R[ogers]. [Bowling Green, Ken- July 13 tucky.] To Crittenden. Doubts possibility of pacification of Southern states at present time; suggests certain resolutions that express the motives of the North. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 325. 1861 Bacon, James W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. De- July 14 plorable condition of the country caused by fanatics ; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To July 19 Elizabeth Crittenden. Personals ; offers a reso- lution in the House of great consequence; belief that it will pass with large majority. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 329. 1861 Campbell, L. A. Pike, New York. To Crittenden. July 21 Possibility of a compromise. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Yantis, J. M. Danville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. July 25 Query as to possibility of compromise, coersion. A. L. S. 3 p. Mutilated. 1861 Porter. Isaiah J. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- July29 tenden. Sympathy with efforts to save the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 269 1861 Michaels, J. Gerard, Illinois. To Crittenden. Views on July condition of the country; remedies. A. L. S. 4 p. 1861 Prentice, George D. and Paul R. Shipman. Louisville, Aug. 11 [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Efforts to organ- ize federal troops in Kentucky to convey arms across the state; injurious results if permitted to continue. A. L. S. of Shipman. 5 p. 1861 Davis, Garrett. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. July 12 Objections to Federal camp established in Gar- rard county by Capt. [William] Nelson; urges its removal. A. L. S. 1 p, 1861 Robinson, J[ames] F. Georgetown, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Aug. 13 tenden. Objections to encampment of Federal troops in Kentucky; injurious results. A. L. S. 4 P- 1861 Nelson, W[illiam]. Camp at Dick Robinson's, Kentucky. Aug. 16 To Crittenden. Surprised at excitement caused by encampment of Federal troops in Kentucky; will maintain peace and law; will keep his ap- pointment at the house of M[adison] C[onyers] Johnson. A. L. S. 4 p. McKinley, Andrew. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Critten- den. Inability to settle a claim against [John Charles] Fremont. A. L. S. 2 p. Wolfe, Nathaniel. To Crittenden. Requests letter of introduction for Thomas H. Clay to the Presi- dent. A. L. S. 1 p. Fry, John B. New York. To Crittenden. Attitude of Kentucky in present conflict ; faith in the coun- try; eulogizes late Willie P[earson] Mangum. A. L. S. 3 p. Scott, Winfield. New York. To Crittenden. Asserts his friendship; about to embark for Europe; apology for distrusting Thomas [Leonidas Crit- tenden]. A. L. S. 4 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Lancaster, [Kentucky]. To Elizabeth Crittenden. Tour through the camps throughout the state. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 330. 1861 Nelson, W[illiam]. Camp Wadsworth, Hazel Green, [Ken- 0cT - 25 tucky]. To Crittenden. Transmits captured 1861 Sept. 18 1861 Sept. 25 1861 Sept, 25 1861 Oct. 7 1861 Oct. 12 270 LIBBAEY OF CONGRESS letters; Nelson's simultaneous assault on West Liberty and Hazel Green; Shelton Trimble among those captured; about to resume march on Prestonsburg. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Camp Dick Robinson, [Ken- Oct. tucky]. To Elizabeth Crittenden. Safe arrival and kind treatment; disappointed in not wit- nessing an active campaign. A. L. S. 1 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 329. 1861 Princeton Citizens, Kentucky. Testimonial as to ability, Nov - 7 character, and property of A. Harpending. D. S. 7 signatures and sworn to before county clerk. 1861 Hunton, Logan. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To [John Charles] ^ ov - 13 Fremont. If an interview is not granted to deliver a letter from J[ohn] J[ordan] Crittenden letter will be returned to Crittenden with report. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Hunton, L[ogan]. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Nov- 1 4 Difficulty in interviewing [John Charles] Fremont to press Crittenden's claim; city too small for both Fremont and Francis [Preston] Blair. A. L. S. 3 p. 1861 Fremont, J[ohn] C[harles], St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Nov - 14 Crittenden. Reasons for not granting interview with [Logan] Hunton; prefers that business matters be communicated direct. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Hunton, Logan. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Nov - 22 Financial affairs of [John Charles] Fremont; war movements in Missouri. A. L. S. 2 p. 1861 Samuel, E. L. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov - 27 Transmits resolutions of citizens of Franklin county declaring emancipation of slaves uncon- stitutional. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Anonymous. [?] St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Views Dec - 10 on the present state of the country; its causes. L. S. "A Stranger." 40 p. 1861 Morehead, C[harles] Slaughter]. Fort Warren, [Massa- ge- 15 chusetts]. To Crittenden. His arrest and im- prisonment; inhumanity of prison fife at Fort Lafayette; no formal charges preferred; can not take oath of allegiance for financial reasons; prop- ositions for a parol. A. L. S. 5 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 333. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 271 1862 Rose, William B. Washington, Pennsylvania. To Crit- Jan. 3 tenden. Desires copy of Crittenden's eulogy of S[tephen] A[rnold] Douglas. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 12 C[harles] Slaughter] Morehead. Crittenden's efforts which resulted in the release of Morehead from prison. A. L. S. 3 p. Printed: Coleman, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871 ; II, 343. 1862 Crittenden, J[ohn] Jfordan]. Washington, [D. C] To Jan. 14 Orlando Brown. Introduces Anthony Trollope. Copy. 1 p. 1862 Rogers, C[hristopher] C. Fort Lafayette, [New York]. Jan. 17 To Crittenden. His arrest and imprisonment; desires aid for release; would take oath of alle- giance. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Scott, Wlnfield. New York. To Crittenden. Hurried Jan. 25 return from Europe; fears war with England; desires to go to Key West for health; continued illness. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Phythian, J. L. Receipted account against Crittenden Jan. 31 for medical services. A. D. S. 1 p. 1862 Morrison, M. B. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Leslie Feb. 3 Combs. Change of railroad schedule may abolish his position; scheme for adjustment. A. L. S. 2 p. Referred to Crittenden by Combs. 1862 Robinson, Jfames] F. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crit- Feb. 6 tenden. Political factions in Kentucky legisla- ture; schemes of the Democrats; general com- ment. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Rush, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Urges Feb. 7 commemoration of [George] Washington's birth- day by reading Farewell Address in Congress; petition forwarded and previous efforts. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Ingersoll, J[oseph] R[eed] and 3 others. Philadelphia. Feb. 7 To Crittenden. Transmit memorial for appro- priate commemoration of George Washington's birthday. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Suggett, James M. Harrison ville, Missouri. To Crit- Feb. 7 tenden. Military operations in Missouri; depre- dations of Col. [Charles R.] Jennison; urges an investigation. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Feb. 19 1862 Feb. 19 1862 Feb. 23 272 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1862 Speed, Jfoshua] F[ry]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Feb. 17 tenden. Activity of Brig. Gen. Thomas L[eoni- das] Crittenden; public sentiment is that his conduct is good; joy over the fall of Fort Donel- son. A. L. S. 3 p. Miller, J. J. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To M. B. Morrison. Optimistic views regarding his reappointment. A. L. S. 1 p. Clay, Thomas H. Mansfield, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Thanking Crittenden for efforts to obtain a foreign mission for him. A. L. S. 2 p. Morehead, Cfharles] Slaughter]. Staten Island, New- York. To Crittenden. Release from prison; devotion to the Union ; interview with President Lincoln; disregard of the Constitution by the Administration; miseries of prison life ; ill health and family scattered; vengeance of [William Henry] Seward. A. L. S. 12 p. Printed: Cole- man, Life of Crittenden, Phila., 1871; II, 336. 1862 Bacon, R. A. Paducah, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 23 Good health and spirits of T[homas] L[eonidas] Crittenden; desires release of J. M. Ogden charged with smuggling; movements of [Brig.] Gen. [William] Nelson's division. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Hall, J. C. Versailles, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Grati- Feb. 27 tude for favors; desires appointment as special mail agent. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Kasson, John Afdams]. [Washington, D. C] To Critten- Mar. l den. Appointment of postmaster at George- town, Kentucky; fitness of [M. B.] Morrison for the mail service. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Clarke, Charles J. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- m ^r. 3 den. Bill before Congress effecting judicial dis- tricts of Kentucky ; the clerkship. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Blake, George S. Frigate Constitution, Newport, R. I. Mar. 4 To Crittenden. Cause of dismissal of [William O.] Boyle from Naval Academy. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Harpending, A. New York. To Crittenden. Forced to Ma «- 5 leave Kentucky because of Union principles; comment. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Read, John M. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar - 6 Urges retention of William B. Taylor as post- master at New York. A. L. S. 4 p. Endorsed by George D. Prentice. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 273 1862 Finnell, John W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Mar. 13 den. Thanking Crittenden for kindnesses to FinnelFs sister. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Turner, W. S. Washington, Indiana. To Crittenden. Mar. 17 Payment of Turner's hotel bill. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Rowland, John H. On board U. S. S. Wabash Port Ma.R- 20 Royal, South Carolina. To Crittenden. Service in the U. S. Navy; desires promotion. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Ballard, A. J[ackson]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crit- Mar. 21 tenden. Objections to bill before Congress regu- lating Federal Courts in Kentucky. A. L. S. 1 p. With printed objections. 4 p. 1862 Morrison, M. B. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar- 22 Requests appointment as mail agent or tax col- lector. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Bnckner, R[ichard] A. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Mar. 24 tenden. Col. Magoffin sentenced to be hung for violation of parole; controversy arising from the case. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Smedley, J. L. Harrodsburg, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Mar. 24 den. Recommends appointment of Abbott as chaplain in army. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Hann, W. G. Lyons, Iowa. To Crittenden. Tax on Mar. 25 whiskey. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Todd, L. B. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar. 26 Recommends Thomas H[art] Clay for an appoint- ment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Moorman, William. Indianapolis, [Indiana]. To Crit- Mar- 27 tenden. Asks parol for Capt. George T. Moor- man. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Carter, Angelina. Waco, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Mar- 31 Desires pardon for T. Q. Carter. A. L. S. 2 p. 1$62 McLean, Frank Jay. Camp Chase, Ohio. To Crittenden. ApR - 4 Is prisoner of war; army service and ill health; desires parol. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Russell, William H. Trinidad de Cuba. To Crittenden. ^R 4 Public and private life in the Consulate. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Brown, David Paul. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. De- Apa - 5 sires mission to Spain vacated by Carl Schurz; qualifications. A. L. S. 1 p. 52880°— 13 18 Apr. 10 1862 Apr. 14 1862 Apr. 16-26 274 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1862 Rose, William B. Washington,. Pennsylvania. To Crit- Apr. 8 tenden. Compliments Crittenden's speech upon resolution offered by President Lincoln; slavery agitation. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Bryant, J. W. On board Rhode Island, Fortress Monroe, Apr. 10 [Virginia]. To Crittenden. Expected "visit of the Merrimac; the Vanderbilt, to run her down; confident of victory; motives of the Rebel fleet; intelligence from Florida; will leave when the "visit of the Merrimac is decided"; personals. A. L. S. 3 p. McLean, Finis E. Savannah, Missouri. To Crittenden. His son [Frank Jay McLean] a prisoner of war; desires his release. A. L. S. 2 p. Steele, John. Steele's Run, [Ohio?]. To Crittenden. Experiences in the War of 1812 ; suggests parched corn instead of coffee. A. L. S. 3 p. Boyle, J[eremiah] Tplford]. Battle Field of Shiloh, Tennessee. To Crittenden. Praises conduct of Brig. Gen. Thomas [Leonidas] Crittenden at battle of Shiloh; health of self and Gen. Crit- tenden. A. L. S. 2 p. Todd, L. B. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Solicits influence for an appointment for Thomas Hart Clay. A. L. S. 2 p. Bruce, William W. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Requests copy of Congressional Globe. A. L. S. 1 p. Walker, J. W. Covington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Requests Congressional Globe during 36th Con- gress. A. L. S. 1 p. Milton, B. T. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Desires appointment as collector of federal taxes. A. L. S. 1 p. Addison, Thomas J. Louisville, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Asks for copy of Army Register. A. L. S. lp. Strnthers, John S. Philadelphia. To Thomas H[art] Clay. Private life; army record; political con- nections ; desires political appointment. A. L. S. 3 p. Finnell, John W. Frankfort, Kentucky. General order No. 13 praising Kentuckians for bravery at Shiloh. Printed. 1 p. Apr. 17 1862 Apr. 17 1862 Apr. 18 1862 Apr. 19 1862 Apr. 20 1862 Apr. 20 1862 Apr. 20 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 275 1862 Goates, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Re- Apr, 22 cognition of Liberia; Henry Clay's interest in colonization; efforts of Kentucky delegation; possibility of a negro in Diplomatic Corps. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Clay, Thomas H[art]. Mansfield, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Apr. 24 tenden. Endorses for an appointment John S. Struthers whose father made a sarcophagus for both George Washington and Henry Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. Speed, J[oshua] F[ry]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Urges appointment of Father Hollman as chaplain. A. L. S. 1 p. Treat, Samuel. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. Patriotism and loyalty to the Union. A. L. S. 4 p. Montague, R. V., Jr. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. Desires political appointment. A. L. S. 3 p. McKee, Alexander R. Panama. To Crittenden. Com- plains of reduction in allowance by Post Office Department; expenses and duties of mail agent. A. L. S. 3 p. Gross, S[amuel] D. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Re- cent visit to Brig. Gen. Thomas [Leonidas] Crit- tenden at Pittsburg Landing; hospitable recep- tion; his conduct in battle of Shiloh; great loss in killed and wounded; severely criticises [Maj. Gen. Ulysses Simpson] Grant, who is universally condemned for negligence ; Gen. Crittenden ad- verse to newspaper reporters. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Finnell, John W. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Apr- 26 Misconduct of Maj. Gen. [Ulysses Simpson] Grant and his officers at battle of Shiloh; praises [Maj. Gen. Don Carlos] Buell, Brig. Gen. Thomas Leonidas Crittenden, and Kentucky troops; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. Part missing. 1862 Speed, J[oshua] F[ry]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- ApR - 26 tenden. Suggests that [Brig. Gen. Jeremiah Tilford] Boyle be ordered to Washington to give information about battle of Shiloh; gallantry of Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden; comment. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Starling, Lyne. Camp Shiloh, [Tennessee]. To Critten- ApR - 28 den. Conduct of Brig. Gen. Thomas Leonidas 1862 Apr. 25 1862 Apr. 25 1862 Apr. 25 1862 Apr. 25 1862 Apr. 20 276 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS Crittenden at battle of Shiloh ; his own army service ; desires that his commission be recognized by the President, A. L. S. 3 p. Hunton, Logan. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Approves Crittenden's recent speech on Eman- cipation; pessimistic views; family matters. A. L. S. 4 p. Keene, Gfeorge]. Georgetown, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Desires a mail contract. A. L. S. 1 p. Fletcher, Clement B. De Soto, Missouri. To Crit- tenden. Encloses list of persons who desire copies of Crittenden's speeches. A. L. S. 1 p. Also list of 56 names. 2 p. Moore, James. Hopkinsville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Desires copy of articles of war. A. L. S. 2 p. Sausser, William. Hannibal, Missouri. To Crittenden. Sends copy of his own letter to John B. Anderson containing his views on emancipation of slaves. A. L. S. 3 p. Pasco, O. B. Red Wing, Minnesota. To Crittenden. Comment on measures before the country. A. L. S. 4 p. Anderson, Mrs. G. W. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- tenden. Desires an appointment as Assistant Quartermaster for her son, Washington. A. L. S. 4 p. Bryant, J. W. Fernandina, [Florida]. To Crittenden. Conditions in Florida; suggests a provisional government; civil government necessary; con- trabands in Florida. A. L. S. 4 p. Peyton, Balie. Station Camp, [Tennessee]. To Crit- tenden. Conditions in Tennessee ; people on the verge of conciliation and reunion; motives of Governor [Andrew] Johnson; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Stephens, W. Hudson. Martinsburgh, New York. To May 5 Crittenden. Desires [Alfred] Mordecai 's military report. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Tuyman, Buford. [Confederate] Camp. To Crittenden. May 5 Asks that enclosed letter be forwarded to his family. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Apr. 29 1862 Apr. 29 1862 Apr. 30 1862 Apr. 30 1862 May 2 1862 May 3 1862 May 3 1862 May 3 1862 May 4 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 277 1862 Stern, Samuel. Boston, [Massachusetts]. To Crittenden. May 5 Disapproves emancipation; approves of Crit- tenden's course. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Speed, J[oshua] F[ry]. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Crit- May 7 tenden. [Brig. Gen. Jeremiah T.] Boyle to visit Washington on personal matters and not to make a complaint against any one. A. L. S. lp. Watson, P. H. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. War Department declines to release any rebel pris- oners. L. S. 1 p. Reynolds, John. Belleville, Illinois. To Crittenden. Op- position to emancipation; favors a Union party. A. L. S. 1 p. Weir, James. Owensboro, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Recommends Colonel Charles S[cott] Todd for military duty in Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. Headrys, Emma C. Louisville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Payment of his loan to her. A. L. S. 1 p. "Uncle Tom." [Thomas Leonidas Crittenden?] Diary like sheet. To "Hon. J. J. C." [Crittenden]. Personal and family notes; [Brig.] Gen. [Jere- miah T.] Boyle gone to Washington. 2 p. Beatty, 0[rmond]. Danville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Gratitude for his appointment as a visitor to West Point. A. L. S. 2 p. Buford, W. S. Midway, Kentucky. To Crittenden. De- sires leave of absence from Naval Academy for his son. A. L. S. 1 p. McKenzie, Samuel J. Pocahontas, Pennsylvania. To Mrs. Elizabeth Crittenden. Begs for money. A. L. S. 2 p. Brown, John T. Bloomfield, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Rumor of a mixed marriage in Washington; troublesome times; recollections of war of 1812. A. L. S. 1 p. Hnghes, Willis G. Marion, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Recommends Albert Gilliam for an appointment. A. L. S. 1 p. Curie, Dudley. Richmond, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Desires superintendency of U. S. Mint at New Orleans; influence and qualifications. A. L. S- 2 p. 1862 May 7 1862 May 8 1862 May 8 1862 May 8 [1862] May 8-13 1862 May 8 1862 May 9 1862 May 9 1862 May 10 1862 May 11 1862 May 11 278 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1862 Ogden, James De P[eyster]. New York. To Crittenden. May 11 Conservative ideas; "the rebellion virtually over." A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Russell, John W. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. May 12 Requests release of confederate prisoners William A. Braddock and William Jett. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Ham, John C. New York. To Crittenden. Organiza- May 12 tion of conservative party. A. L. S. Also plat- form of Democratic Constitutional Union party. Printed. 1 p. 1862 Hill, Robert J. Johnson's' Island, Ohio. To Crittenden. May 12 Is a prisoner of war and desires a release; cir- cumstances. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Kentucky Cavalry, 2d regiment, officers. Savannah, Ten- May12 nessee. To Crittenden. Enlistment of " loyal blacks"; desire information; comment. Copy. 2 p. 1862 Combs, Leslie. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. May 13 Effects of actions of abolitionists in Congress ; lives endangered. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Ketchum, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Move- May 13 ment for a conservative party in Congress ; com- ment. A. L. S. 2 p. Mutilated. 1862 Carter, 0[liver] G. New York. To Crittenden. Favors May 14 conservative movement. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Dudley, W[illiam] A. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crit- May 14 tenden. Complaint against Col. [William A.] Warner; unlawful arrests; ill effect of such depra- dations. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Boyle, J[eremiah] Tfilford]. Washington, [D. C] To May 15 Crittenden. His army service ; delay in receiving commission ; acceptance and pay. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Redden, Laura C. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. May 15 Desires interview. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Bache, A. D. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Sends May 16 map of Eastern Virginia. Lithographed letter filled in. 1 p. 1862 Cooper, Henry C. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. May 16 Desires a clerkship. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 [Ketchum, Hiram.] [New York.] To Abraham Lincoln, May 16 Disapproves emancipation contrary to law; maintainance of the Constitution and law. Copy. 2 p. Mutilated. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 279 1862 May 19 1862 May 19 1862 May 19 1862 May 20 1862 May 23 1862 May 29 1862 June 5 1862 June 19 1862 June 20 1862 June 22 1862 June 24 1862 June 25 Harpers, Henry. Pella, Iowa. To Crittenden. Con- servative principles; writes as a representative of the Holland population in America. A. L. S. 2 p. Ketchnm, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Copies letter from president's secretary acknowledging that of Ketchum ; approves upholding of the Con- stitution. Copy. 1 p. Redden, Laura C. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Desires material for a sketch of Crittenden to be published in "Notable men in the House." A. L. S. 2 p. Nollen, John. Pella, Iowa. To Crittenden. Strength of conservative element in the north. A. L. S. 2 p. Fowler, W. P. Smithland, Kentucky. To Beriah Magof- fin. Conflict with military authority; form of oath required; comment. A. L. S. 4 p. Magoffin, B[eriah]. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Critten- den. Conflict between civil and military author- ity; its effects; recommends Col. [William E.] Woodruff for promotion as brigadier general. A. L. S. 3 p. Rose, William B. Washington, Pennsylvania. To Crit- tenden. Pamphlets received; compliments. A. L. S. 3 p. Boyle, J[eremiaM T[ilford]. Louisville, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Desires commission for son; mili- tary information. A. L. S. 2 p. Sweeney, A[ndrew] J. Wheeling, Virginia. To Critten- den. Invitation to deliver an address on July 4. A. L. S. 2 p. Crittenden, T[homas] L[eonidas]. Camp near Florence, Alabama. To Crittenden. Effect of war upon his character; comment on war and course of the Administration; faith in President Lincoln; Maj. Gen. Buell and his army neglected. A. L. S. 4 p. Morris, B. S. Chicago, [Illinois]. To Crittenden. Intro- duces Capt. Stampoffskie; object of his visit to Washington. A. L. S. 2 p. Anderson, John. Oakam, Massachusetts. To Crittenden. Enclosed plan for settling the national difficulties ; 280 LLBEAKY OF CONGRESS will have all southern states back in Union in six months. A. L. S. 3 p. Also the plan. 3 p. 1862 Warner, E. H. New York. To Crittenden. Encloses June 27 petition of citizens that slavery be controlled by individual states. A. L. S., 1 p.; also the petition with 33 signatures, 1 p. 1862 Harlan, James. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. June 28 Introduces Lindsley. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Law, John. Washington, [D. CJ To Crittenden. Ap- July2 proval of Crittenden's course in Congress. A. L. S. 1 p. [1862] [Law, John]. [Washington, D. C] Address to have been July 2 made in praise of Crittenden before [Congressional] Committee of the Whole. A. D. 2 p. 1862 Callaghan, Charles. Brooklyn, New York. To Critten- July 8 den. Preservation of the Union. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Callaghan, Charles. Brooklyn, New York. To Critten- July 9 den. He has written out a plan for preserving the Union; desires its adoption. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Blair, F[rancis] P[reston]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- July12 tenden. Remote emancipation; probable adop- tion in Kentucky; course of border states. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Rumsey, Edward. Greenville, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Aug. 1 den. His views on war and secession. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Dils, John, Jr. Catlettsburg, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Aug. 30 Foraging in Kentucky; desires to raise a force in Sandy Valley. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Hnnton, Logan. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Sept. 7 Personal and family matters. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Mackenzie, M. R. ,Morristown, New Jersey. To Crit- Sept. 8 tenden. Thanking Crittenden for his appoint- ment to U. S. Naval Academy. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Daniels, F. Washington, [D. C.]. To Crittenden. Move- Sept. 11 ments of Confederate troops in Maryland and Virginia; apparent motives. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Cox, S[amuel] S[ullivan], Springfield, Ohio. To Crit- Sept. 23 tenden. Invitation to make a speech. A. L. S. lp. 1862 Henley, W. R. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Oct. 3 Views against emancipation. A. L. S. 3 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 281 1862 Ketchnm, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Com- Oct. 31 ment on fall elections; efforts in New York. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Nov. 5 [Thomas Leonidas Crittenden]. Benefits of Christian religion; Stonewall Jackson as an example; advice as to conduct in the army; Eu- gene [Wilkinson Crittenden]. Copy. 4 p. Part missing. 1862 [Thornton, Lucy]. San Francisco, California. To Crit- Nov. 8 tenden. About to leave for Washington, D. C; personals. A. L. S. " Sister." 2 p. 1862 Peyton, Balie. Gallatin, [Tennessee]. To Crittenden. Nov. 12 Introduces Robert J. Farquharson; recent visit to [Brig.] Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden. Written by John Peyton. 2 p. 1862 Blackbnrn, R. W. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Nov. 20 Requests aid for release of his brother. A. L. S. i P . 1862 Robertson, G. Lexington, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Nov. 26 Civil authority resisted by the military in Ken- tucky; harboring of slaves; special complaints. A. L. S. 4 p. 1862 St. Nicholas Society. New York. To Crittenden. In- Nov. 26 vitation from the Stewards to anniversary din- ner. L. S. by A. R. Macdonough, secretary. 2 p. 1862 Bates, Edward. Washington, [D. C.]. To Crittenden. Nov. 28 Encloses copy of opinion of Judge Advocate General of Great Britain on Martial Law [dated I860]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Alexander, R. Atcheson. Spring Station, Kentucky. To Dec. 1 Crittenden. Introduces Charles Madison Alex- ander. A. L. S. 2 p. 1862 Dowling, Thomas. Terre Haute, Indiana. To Crit- Dec. 1 tenden. Course taken by Congress and what may be expected; politics in Indiana. A. L. S. 3 p. 1862 Bontwill, E. B. Washington, D. C. To Crittenden. Dec 2 Sends petition asking for compensation for losses by action of government. A. L. S. 1 p. [1862] Brooks, Erastus. New York. To Crittenden. Publica- Dec. 2 tion of Crittenden's speech in the "Herald." Copy. 1 p. 282 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1862 Lane, Wplliam] B[artlett]. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Dec 3 To Crittenden. Desires influence for promotion; details of his service in U. S. Army. L. S. 4 p. 1862 Dudley, Thomas P. Lexington, Kentucky. To Critten- Dec. 8 den. Constitutionality of Emancipation Proc- lamation; comment; colonization of negroes west of Rocky Mountains. A. L. S. 15 p. 1862 Massey, Thomas E., and 4 others. Saint Paul, Min- Dec - 10 nesota. To Crittenden. Invitation to celebra- tion for the triumph of conservative principles in recent elections. , L. S. 1 p. 1862 Ketchum, Hiram. New York. To Crittenden. Oppo- se- 12 sition to emancipation. A. L. S. 2 p. Also 2 newspaper articles. [1862?] A Mother. To her son in the Army. Spiritual advice; personals and family matters. A. L. 2 p. [1862] Epineuil, Lionel J. d\ Washington, D. C. To Critten- den. Requests letter to his son Major General [Thomas Leonidas] Crittenden; desires commis- sion as aid de camp. A. L. S. 2 p. Also copied therein is letter to him from A[mbrose] E[verett] Burnside dated July 23, 1862; also one from A[braham] Lincoln dated August 11, 1862, relative to his service and appointment. lord, Daniel. New York. To Crittenden. Introduces [George Etienne] Cartier. A. L. S. 1 p. Pooley, Samuel James. Liberty Corner, New Jersey. To Crittenden. Possibility of French alliance with the Confederates. A. L. S. 2 p. Scott, Wplliam] B. New York. To Crittenden. Pro- visions for a compromise between Northern and Southern states. A. L. S. 3 p. Cates, 0[wen] G. St. Louis, Missouri. To Crittenden. No faith in President Lincoln's political prin- ciples; President's motives; defends the Con- stitution. A. L. S. 4 p. Finnell, John W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- den. Political situtation in Kentucky; attitude toward President Lincoln's administration; local matters; praise for Kentucky troops at Mur- freesboro. A. L. S. 3 p. 1863 Davis, Charles A[ugustus]. New York. To Crittenden. Jan - 28 Comment on President Lincoln's attitude toward the Constitution. A. L. S. 7 p. 1863 Jan. 7 1863 Jan. 21 1863 Jan. 25 1863 Jan. 25 1863 Jan. 26 PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 283 1863 Hunton. Logan. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Jan. 29 Compares secession with the acts of President Lincoln; President should be arraigned by Crit- tenden. A. L. S. 3 p. 1863 Johnson, Reverdy. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Jan. 31 Fees for legal services. A. L. S. 4 p. 1863 George, John H. Concord, New Hampshire. To Crit- Jan. 32 tenden. Campaign for congressional elections in New Hampshire. "Copy." 2 p. 1863 Finnell, John W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crittenden. Feb. 3 State invaded by Confederate troops; state politics. A. L. S. 1 p. 1863 Dewees, Jacob. Harrisburg, [Pennsylvania]. To Crit- Feb. 4 tenden. Measures taken to call a National Con- vention. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Green, John J. H. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Critten- Feb. 5 den. Suggests a convention of commissioners from each state to settle the difficulties of the nation. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Clarke, S. G. West Northwood, New Hampshire. To Feb. 5 Crittenden. Approves course taken by Crit- tenden. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Finnell, John W. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Crit- Feb. 9 tenden. Measures before the legislature; com- missioners on the state of the country. A. L. S. lp. 1863 Porter, F[itz] J[ohn]. New York. To Crittenden. Ap- Feb. 10 predates Crittenden's interest in his behalf; his court-martial. A. L. S. 6 p. 1863 Kendall, Amos. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. Feb. 18 Desires a general circulation of Kendall's views; need of a convention to settle the national diffi- culties. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Hieskell, William B. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Op- Feb. 18 poses charges made against George E[dmond] Badger; Badger's health. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Buell, D[on] C[arlos]. To Crittenden. Recommends Feb. 24 [W. R.] McFerran who will visit Washington; purposes of visit. Copy. 1 p. 1863 Myer, Aflbert] J[ames]. Washington, [D. C] To Crit- Feb. 25 tenden. Urges passage of bill organizing Signal Corps of the army. A. L. S. 1 p. 284 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1863 Schaumburg, James W. Philadelphia. To Crittenden. Feb. 27 Comment on national affairs. A. L. S. 5 p. 1863 Wayne, James M. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Mar. 2 Sends compliments and whiskey. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Temple, J[ohn] B. Frankfort, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Mar. 4 den. Doubts integrity of Capt. Redmond of Indiana; reasons. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Gillman, Henry. Detroit, Michigan. To Crittenden. Mar. 21 Approves Crittenden's course in national affairs. A. L. S. 3 p. 1863 Barnes, Denis S. New York! To Crittenden. Organiza- Mar. 30 tion of political party in New York; desires sug- gestions. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Hunton, Logan. St. Louis, [Missouri]. To Crittenden. Apr. l Personals; Crittenden should not retire from Congress; war the result of not following Crit- tenden's advice. A. L. S. 2 p. 1863 Mallory, R[obert]. Lagrange, Kentucky. To Critten- Apr. 20 den. Gratified that Crittenden is to return to Congress ; political campaign in the state ; Presi- dent Lincoln's administration. A. L. S. 6 p. 1863 Bell, Joshua F. Harrodsburg, [Kentucky]. To Critten- Apr. 23 den. Intention to decline the gubernatorial nomination; desires that Crittenden will return to Congress. A. L. S. 3 p. 1863 Johnson, M[adison] C[onyers]. To R[ichard] A. Buckner. May 1 Transmits resolutions for Congress to give inde- pendence to Confederate states. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Crittenden complimenting Johnson and stating that Buckner declined to present the resolutions. Also resolutions. 2 p. 1863 Carter, T.Q. Elliston, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Thank- May 4 ing Crittenden for his pardon; cases of other federal prisoners in Kentucky. A. L. S. 2 p. Also, on same sheet, gratitude of Angelina Carter. A. L. S. 1863 Scott County Union Party. Georgetown, Kentucky. To May 11 Crittenden. Invitation to deliver political speech. A. L. S. by H. C. Groves, chairman. 1863 Bodley, Charles S. Lexington, Kentucky. To Critten- May 20 den. Thanking Crittenden for kindness and as- surance of secrecy. A. L. S. 2 p. PAPERS OP JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 285 1863 May 21 1863 May 21 [1863?] May 28 1863 June 6 1863 June 9 1863 June 17 1863 July 15 1863 July 28 1864 Dec. 3 1864 Dec. 23 1864 Dec. 24 1864 Dec. 28 Levens, Henry C. Booneville, Missouri. To Crittenden. Comment on Crittenden's recent speech; na- tional affairs. A. L. S. 2 p. Neilson, Mrs. George. Baltimore, [Maryland]. To Crit- tenden. Desires an appointment to West Point for her son, G. Crawford Neilson. A. L. S. 4 p. Thayer, [Mrs.] M. New York. To [Elizabeth] Critten- den. Prices of household goods in New York. A. L. S. 4 p. Combs, Leslie. Replevy bond to John M. January. Printed form filled in. 1 p. Clay, Thomas H[art]. Aboard steamer Guatemala, off San Jose, Guatemala. To Crittenden. Ex- plains connection with Central American Transit Company, while acting as U. S. Minister to Nicaragua; his transfer to Honduras. A. L. S. 3 p. Haly, John. Receipted bill for building material and labor. A. D. S. 1 p. Curd, John. Lexington, Kentucky. To Crittenden. Com- ment on present political campaign within the state. A. L. S. p 3. Clay, Thomas H[art]. La Union, Salvador. To Crit- tenden. Trouble between Nicaragua and the Transit Company; asks for assistance. A. L. S. 2 p. Cashing, Caleb. Newburyport, [Massachusetts]. To R[obert] H[enry] Crittenden. Refers to Presi- dent [Franklin] Pierce for information as to whether or not his father [John Jordan Crit- tenden] appeared in a law case before Pierce. A. L. S. 3 p. Crittenden, T[homas] L[eonidas]. New York. To J[ohn] C[harles] Fremont. Relative to debt due estate of late J[ohn] J[ordan] Crittenden. Copy. 1 p. Fancher, E[noch] L. New York. To T[homas] L[eonidas] Crittenden. Statement of General [John C] Fremont that he is not indebted to estate [of John Jordan Crittenden]. A. L. S. 1 p. Crittenden, T[homas] Lfeonidas]. New York. To J[ohn] C[harles] Fremont. Matter between them can be adjusted only by arbitration or suit. Copy. 2 p. 286 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS 1864 Dec. 29 1886 June 11 1886 June 11 1886 Dec. 18 1888 Dec. 1 Crittenden, Rfobert] H[enry]. New York. To Enoch L. Fancher. Notice of letter sent John C. Fremont. Copy. 1 p. Smith, William Henry. New York. To Mrs. Chapman Coleman. Desire to secure correspondence of Henry Clay; previous efforts and success. A. L. S. 4 p. Green, Norvin. New York. To Thomas L[eonidas] Crit- tenden. Introduces William Henry Smith, who is collecting correspondence of Henry Clay. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by T. L. Crittenden to Ann. Mary Coleman. Draper, Lyman C[opeland]. Madison, Wisconsin. To Wilkinson Call. Desires information about an- cestry of Hancock Lee, and his public services. A. L. S. 2 p. Crittenden, T[homas] T. Washington, D. C. To Anne Mary Coleman. Transmits certain papers; com- ments on Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleve- land; personals. A. L. S. 4 p. C[rittenden], J[ohn] J[ordan]. Memorandum. Amend- ment to order of court for removal of two law- suits. A. D. S. 2 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Answer to bill in chancery brought against him by Jesse Harrison. A. D'ft. 6 p. Crittenden, John J[ordan]. Sketch of his life copied from the sixth edition of Lanman's Dictionary of Con- gress. 1 p. Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan]. Memoranda in suit of Arnold vs. Bacon. A. D. S. 1 p. [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Draft of a brief in law suit of Harrell and wife vs. Crittenden and wife for land. A. D. 15 p. [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Memoranda on suit of Edmind- son et al. vs. David and Samuel Meredith, and incident about the making of a will. A. D. 1 p. [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Memoranda on contract be- tween Harrison and Smith and suit following same. A. D. 2 p. [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Memoranda on suit of United States Bank vs. Harvie for money. A. D. 2 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 287 [ ] [Crittenden, John Jordan]. Memoranda on suit of Bustard vs. Gales and wife for land. A. D. 3 p. [ ] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Memoranda on ejectment suit by the widow and heirs of Samuel Berry. A. D. 3 p. [ ] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Argument against the liberat- ing of slaves of all who are in rebellion against the government. A. D'ft. 5 p. [ ] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Anomalous position of Ken- tucky; to be neutral. A. D'ft. 6 p. [ ] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] An appeal to Kentuckians to drive out the invaders under the traitor [Simon Bolivar] Buckner. A. D'ft. 3 p. [ ] [Crittenden, John Jordan.] Resolutions that war was being waged for the suppression of rebellion; that it will soon end ; clemency should be adopted for restoring peace; measures for abolishing slavery are inexpedient ; confidence in [Abraham] Lincoln; North and South adverse to harmony. A. D'ft. 3 p. [ ] Allen and Anchindoss. Invitation in third person to Crit- June 24 tenden to dine with them. 1 p. [ ] Anonymous. A plan for compromise " submitted by a young Republican." D. S. "William Tell." 2 p. [ ] Anonymous. To Crittenden and others. The condition and state of the country. L. S. U A friend to Northern as well as Southern Constitutional Liberty." 4 p. [ ] Anonymous. To Crittenden and others. Proposal that Congress emancipate the slaves by purchase, putting a tax on mines for payment. 1 p. [ ] Anonymous. To Crittenden. Good wishes to him in his efforts to save the Union. L. S. U A Friend." lp. [ ] Bacon, C. P. Memoranda on line of land title from Henry Banks. A. D. S. 1 p. [ ] Bell, William C. Lexington, [Kentucky]. Receipt to Crittenden for money collected from Isham Tal- bott. D. S. 1 p. 288 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS May 14 Mar. 29 Chapin, H. D. Washington, [D. C] To Crittenden. Invitation to dinner with General [Winfield Scott. A. L. S. 1 p. Christie, John D. Ludlowville, New York. To Critten- den. Suggests that the South be allowed to secede; plans. A. L. S. 2 p. Civil War. Resolutions of a body of Union men recom- mending its discontinuance. Coleman, Ann Mary. Sketch of life of John Jordan Crit- tenden. Incomplete. A. D. 8 p. Congress. Forecast of representatives, giving party, for the 38th Congress. 1 p. Congress. Memorandum respecting introduction and sup- port of a bill [in the U. S. Senate.] 1 p. Congress. Resolution by faction to oppose all legislation except that which is absolutely necessary. D'f. lp. Crittenden, R[obert] Hfenry]. Washington, [D. C] Law lectures, or notes on law lectures, on Treaties, Neutral Trade, Sovereign States, Property, Dec- laration of War. A. D. S. 54 p. Crittenden, T[homas] T. Order on Crittenden in favor of John Smith for money. A. D. S. 1 p. Demons, T. G. Receipt to Crittenden for money in pay- ment of law books. A. D. S. 1 p. Dodson, C. L. To Mrs. Crittenden. Rag carpet. A. L. S. lp. Hayes, Doctor and Mrs. Justin, Chicago, [Illinois]. Invi- tation to a reception. 1 p. Hight. Receipt to Crittenden for money in payment of goods and drugs. A. D. S. 1 p. Johnson, John T. Memoranda relative to claim against estate of Thomas Lewis. A. D. S. 1 p. Kentucky. Jefferson Circuit Court. Argument in suit of ejectment appealed from. 7 p. Monroe, James. Deed to George Nicholas for land in Kentucky. D'f. 3 p. M , E . Article to the Boston Post giving causes of secession and means of restoring peace. 4 p. Newspapers, American. List of those in Kentucky. 1 p. [Nicholas, Samuel Smith.] Draft of a brief in the suit of Bustard vs. Gates and wife for land. A. D. 26 p. PAPERS OF JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN 289 Pendleton, Edmund. To Harry Innes. Final division of estate of Innes's father on account of death of his mother; only one estate debt; disapproves late treaty with Great Britain ; criticises and has never approved certain stipulations in the Con- stitution. Copy. 2 p. Pendleton, [John S.] Detailed precedents in his case for claim for full outfit [when acting as charge d'af- faires to the Argentine Confederation]. 2 p. Philosophian Literary Society, Paterson, New Jersey, To Crittenden. Notification of election as an honorary member. A. L. S. by James Jackson, Jr., corresponding secretary. 1 p. [ ] Solomon, H. M. [Washington, D. C] To Crittenden. The delivery of an enclosure. A. L. S. 1 p. [ ] Stewart vs. Hughes. Memoranda on suit arising from tobacco sale. 2 p. Taylor, Z[achary]. To Crittenden. Troops in Florida; treaties with the Northern Indians are swindling transactions. Copy. 2 p. Incomplete. Texas. Annexation of disapproved. Pencil D'f . 4 p. TJ[nited] S[tates] fifth judicial circuit. Memoranda giving the territory and showing difficulty for judge to cover same ; necessity of division ; present min- ister to Mexico to be relieved. 1 p. Incom- plete. United States. Memoranda on suit against the securities of J. Taylor. 4 p. [ ] Robert. Biographical memoranda. 2 p. Incom- plete. 528S0 — 13 19 INDEX A. Abbott, , 273. Abingdon (Virginia), press, 59. Abolition, 54, 59, 71, 88, 242; English Society, 89; growth of in New England, 245; inevitable, 253; see also: Emanci- pation and Slaves. Abolitionists, 60, 70, 86, 117, 119; cause of conflict, 245; in Congress, 278; de- signs of Northern, 207; Fillmore, 130; rebuke needed for, 96; recruits to Kan- sas, 199. Adair, John, 23. Adams, Benjamin A. (or S.), Letters from, 182, 246. Adams, George, Letters from, 15, 33. Adams, John Quincy, 45, 99; action approved, 60; administration, 38; bar- gain and corruption, 35, 90, 252; cabi- net, 30; Clay's dissention with, 41; Clay's preference for, 35; Clay's sup- port of, 31; Kentucky to support, 33; presidential candidate, 29. Adams, John S., Letter from, 249. Adams, William R., Letter from, 145. Addison, L. D., Letter from, 34. Addison, Thomas J., Letter from, 274. Adjutant General, 142-3. African coast, 197. Agricultural Colleges, 219. Alabama, Clay's tour through, 88; con- vention, 195, 242; election, 136, 246. Albany (New York), 121. Aldridge, F. M., Letter from, 248. Alexander, Charles Madison, 281. Alexander, Edmund Brooke, 107. Alexander, James Barton Stone, 53, 107. Alexander, R. Atcheson, Letter from, 281. Alexander, Thomas S., 243. Alexander, , 22, 184. Allen, Anthony B., Letters from, 211, 255. Allen, Chilton, 60; Letter from, 42. Allen, C. B., Letter from, 261. Allen, C. H., Letter from, 136. Allen, Elisha Hunt, Letter from, 130. Allen, Emerson, 12. Allen, Ethan, heirs of, 217. Allen, Ethan A., jr., Letter from, 217. Allen, James W., Letter from, 132. Allen, John W., Letters from, 120, 125, 133, 228. Allen, J. W., Letter from, 211. Allen, William, 62, 79, 99. Allen, , 287. Allis, H. B., Letter from, 251. Allison, Alexander, 204. Allison, Richard T., Letter from, 171. Allnutt, George R. W., Letter from, 62. Almaden Mine, New, 225. Almanac, 80. America; see: United States. American, The, 203. American cyclopaedia; see: Cyclop cedia. American Party, 189, 193, 195, 208, 213, 215, 218; convention, 190; circular let- ter from, 195. "Americus," Letter from, 260. Amory, Thomas Coffin, 219. Amsden, J., Letter from, 189. Anchindoss, , 287. Anderson, Edward, 97, 99. Anderson, George W., Letter from, 261. Anderson, Mrs. G. W., Letter from, 276. Anderson, John, Letter from, 279. Anderson, John B., 276. Anderson, Larz, Letter from, 226, 250, 264. Anderson, P., 86. Anderson, Reuben, Letter to, 16. Anderson, Richard Clough, jr., Letters from, 24, 28. Anderson, Robert, 250, 262; Letters from, 215, 247, 250, 261, 262, 268. Anderson, Robert Clough, Letter from, 16. Anderson, Washington,, 276. Anderson, William, 13. Anderson, , 26; Letter to, 187. Anderson letter, forgery of the, 120. Andrews, A. W., Letter from, 114. Andrews, C. W., Letter from, 248. 291 292 INDEX Andrews, Landaff Watson, 152, 183; Let- ter from, 265. Annapolis Naval Academy; see: Naval Academy. Anonymous Letters, 110, 129, 179, 180, 199, 219, 244, 248, 254, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264, 270, 287. Anthony, Josiah, 30, 31. Anti-Masonic; see: Masons. Applegate, Jesse, 169. Apple ton, D., & Co., Letter from, 204. Appleton, Nathan, Letters from, 129, 229. Appleton, William, Letter from, 219. Appointments, Presidential, 70, 88, 133, 138, 142, 154, 155, 169. Appraiser General of California, 201. Appropriation bill, 78. Arbitration, international plan for, 98. Archer, Branch T., 41. Archer, William Segar, 105; Letters from, 38, 41, 107, 128, 139, 143. Argentine Confederation, 289. Argus, The, 35. Argus of Western America, The, 21. Arkansas, 30, 54, 71, 108, 179. Armament of frigates, 74. Armijo, Antonio Maria, 195. Armistice, 15, 265. Arms, conveyance across Kentucky, 269; Kentucky's claim against United States for, 77. Armstrong, Samuel P., Letters from, 112, 197. Armstrong, William H., Letter from, 266. Armstrong, William M., Letters from, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 203; Letter to, 190. Armstrong, , 57. Army, British, movements, 15, 16. Army, United States, 103, 108, 110, 111, 114, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 148, 157, 158, 173, 188, 199, 226, 247, 256, 262, 269, 273, 274, 278, 282; appoint- ments desired in, 68, 114, 203, 210, 213 , 273 , 276 ; asylum for old soldiers, 176, 215; brevets, 252; camp in Kentucky, 269; commanders, 114; Crittenden's advice on conduct in, 281; Crittenden's remarks on, 111; discharge of brevet second lieutenants in, 91; enlistments, 99; increase, 99; Kentucky will repel, 253; life, 14; in Mexico, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 107; mileage, 115; officers, 15, 18, 31, 49, 83, 91, 100, 198, 252; Army, United States — Continued, pamphlet on, 207; pay, 49; Quarter- master depot, 101; Quartermaster Gen- eral of, 239; rations, 274; refuses aid to Kansas, 192, 196; riflemen, 15, 106, 173; Signal Corps, 283; sutler in, 65; troops, raising of, 14, 210, 251, 265, 268, 278, 280; volunteers, 49-50, 99, 103, 104, 115, 118. Army Register, The, 274. Arnold, J. M., Letters from, 146, 214. Arnold, L. H., Letter from, 133. Arnold, Thomas, Letters from, 27, 28; Letters to, 18, 26, 27, 28. • Arnold, , 27, 286. Arrests, unlawful, 278. Arthur, Nathaniel C, Letter from, 201. Arthur, R. A., 201. Articles of War, 276. Ash, Joshua W., Letter from, 251. Ashburton, Lord; see: Baring, Alexander. Ashhurst, Richard, 22. Ashlanders Association, Letter from, 229. Ashley, Elizabeth Moss, 81, 98, 99, 100, 102, 119; deed, 97; Letters to, 99, 103, 105, 106, 112, 116, 117, 125, 126, 131, 153, 155, 164, 165; see also: Crittenden, Elizabeth. Ashley, William H., 46, 48. Ashley Springs (Missouri), 118. Aspinwall, William, Letter from, 232. Asylum, Military, 176, 215. Atchison, David R., Letter from, 148. Athenian Society, Letter from, 47. Athens (Georgia), 173. Atkinson, Robert J., Letters from, 199, 203, 226; Letter to, 226. Atlanta (Georgia), 199. Attache to Minister to France, 162, 163. Attorney, district, United States, 71, 128, 195. Attorney General, 64, 65, 68, 84, 128, 133, 135, 136, 144, 162, 163, 168, 191. Auditor of Kentucky, 127. , Austin, James Tricothie, Letter from, 127. Austria, American imprisoned in, 198. Avery, William, Letter from, 206. Aydelot, William J., Letter from, 210. B. Bache, Alexander Dallas, Letters from, 191, 192, 225, 278. Bacon, Charles P., 28, 287; Letters from, 18,27,28; Letter to, 27. INDEX 293 Bacon, Edmund, 16. Bacon, John, 14. Bacon, J. C, 26, 27. Bacon, James W., Letters from, 206, 268. Bacon, R. A., Letter from, 272. Bacon, Samuel, & Co., 27. Bacon, ■ , 21, 27, 286. Badger, George Edmund, 283; Letters from, 75, 76, 124, 140, 197, 199, 201, 212, 220, 237. Badger, William, 220. Bagby, Arthur Pendleton, 97. Bailey, , 9, 10 Baird, Charles, 27. Baker, Robert S., Letter from, 224. Baldwin, Charles W., Letter from, 213. Baldwin, Summerfield, Letter from, 210. Baldwin, S., Letter from, 252. Ball, A. F., Letter from, 249. Ball, see: Dance. Ballard, A. Jackson, Letter from, 273. Ballenger, Frank, Letter from, 192. Ballinger, J. F., 20. Baltimore (Maryland), 16, 92, 94, 135, 150, 237. Baltimore Lyceum, 203. Baltimore Patriot, The, 53. Baltzell, George, 21. Bancroft, George, 150. Bank, 15, 18,22,50,52,55, 57, 74, 75, 76, 82; bill, 67, 71, 72, 73,76, 77, 81; Farm- ers, 162 ; National, 72, 215, see also: United States Bank; of Kentucky, 23, 24, 25, 28, 75; of United States, 51, 86, 93, 96, 117, see also: United States Bank. Bankruptcy, laws on, 52, 75. Banks, D., Letter from, 134. Banks, Henry, 9, 43, 287. Banks, William B., 42; Letter from, 43. Banks, , 9, 10. Barbecue, 77, 199, 229. Barbour, George W., 160, 167; Letters from, 161, 162. Barbour, James, Letter from, 35. Barnburners, 120, 121, 122. Barca, Calderon de, Letter to, 176. Bard, Henry C, Letter from, 204. Bargain and Corruption; see under Henry Clay and also under John Quincy Adams. Baring, Alexander (Lord Ashburton), Letter from, 77. Barlow, W. B., Letter from, 171. Barlow, , 96. Barnard, John Gross, 225. Barnes, Denis S., Letter from, 284. Barnett, Thomas J., 124; Letter from, 124. Barney, John, Letter from, 181. Barr, J. M., Letter from, 237. Barr, William, 179. Barrell, Almond, Letter from, 210. Barren County (Kentucky), 18. Barren Creek Springs (Maryland), 62. Barringer, Daniel Moreau, Letter from, 137. Barron, Forbes & Co., 202. Barron, , 177. Barrow, Alexander, 103. Barrow, John E., Letter from, 133. Barrow, W'ashington, Letters from, 130, 147. Barrow, , 143. Barry, Daniel, 12. Barry, William Taylor, 16; Letter from, 16. Barston, H. F., Letter from, 182. Bartlet & Cox, 25. Bartlett, Washington A., Letters from, 198, 202. Bates, Edward, 145, 146; Letter from, 281. Bates, George C, Letter from, 172. Battle of Lake Erie Monument Associa- tion, 228. Baugh, Abraham, 31. Beale, William M., 147. Bealls, , 17. Beard, Joshua, 12. Bearden, John, 18. Beatty, A., Letter from, 212. Beatty, Ormond, Letter from, 277. Beaty, Martin, Letter from, 64. Beauchamp, Jeroboam O., 32; Letters from, 31. Bebb, William, Letter from, 129. Bedinger, D. P., Letter from, 264. Beekman, James William, Letter from, 257. Belden, John, 177. Bell, Benjamin, Letter from, 24. Bell, C, 31. Bell, George, 16. Bell, John, 68, 72, 108, 135; Letter from, 70; Letters to, 201, 220. Bell, Joshua Fry, 226, 228; Letters from, 152, 156, 212, 284. Bell, William C, 287. Bell, , 34. Bell and Everett ticket, 240. 294 INDEX Bell Ringers, 93. Bend, W. P., Letter from, 259. Benham, Calhoun, 126, 168. Benham, Joseph A., Letter from, 43. Benjamin, Juda Philip, Letter to, 225. Bennett, Wallace, 57. Benson, John S., Letter from, 56. Benson, J. Seth, Letter from, 188. Benson, S. B., Letter from, 210. Benton, Thomas Hart, 49, 51, 67, 68, 84, 96, 147, 153; Letters from, 106, 146, 184. Benyesse, Jose T., 195. Berlin, 48. Berrien, John Macpherson, 145; Letter to, 78. Berry, Samuel, 287. Bertrand, Charles P., 179; Letter from, 179. Bibb, George M., 14, 28, 34, 43, 96; resig- nation from Senate, 16; rupture with Crittenden, 33; Letters from, 13, 14, 15, 29, 42; Letter to, 22. Bibb, John, 18; Letter to, 18. Bibb, John B., Letters from, 109, 126, 168, 224, 243. Bibb, John Jordan Crittenden, 160. Bibb, Richard, jr., Letter from, 21. Bible, the, 230, 256. Bickley, George W. L., Letter from, 198. Biddle, Clement, 58. Big Bear Island, Mormon settlement on, 174. Bigelow, John P., Letter from, 203. Binell, M. D., 258. Bingaman, Adam L., Letter from, 142. Biography of Robert , notes on, 289. Birney, James Gillespie, 188; Letters from, 77, 139. Black, J. M., Letter from, 110. Black Republicans; see: Republicans, Black. Blackburn, C. J., Letters from, 212, 262. Blackburn, R. W., Letter from, 281. Blair, Francis Preston, 36; children, 40; on designs for Kentucky bank notes, 24; on emancipation, 280; establishing the "Globe," 40; on negro frenzy, 185; on slavery, 159; Letters from, 24, 31, 40, 159, 185, 280. Blair, Mrs. Francis Preston, 40. Blair, Francis Preston, jr., 270. Blair, Montgomery, Letters from, 189, 190. Blair, Thomas, 87. Blair, W. P. S., Letter from, 31. Blake, George S., Letter from, 272. Blake, George West, 263. Blakey, Thomas, Letter from, 39. Blanton, Horace T., sr., Letter from, 257. Blatchford, Richard Milford, Letter from, 132. Bledsoe, William O., 19, 21, 23. Blenis, O., Letter from, 258. Blight, , 39. Bloodgood, Dewitt, 71. Blue Lick property, 176. Blunt, Joseph, Letter from, 133. Blunt, J., Letter from, 162. Blythe, C, 127. Boats, snag, 204. Boerstler, G. W., Letter from, 144. Bodin, Edward L., Letter from, 219. Bodley, Charles S., Letter from, 284. Bogart, Peter, 24. Bogart, — , 186, 187, 192, 193. Bohannon, Richard B., 25. Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon, 186. Booker, Paul J., 28. Boone County (Missouri), 105. Borland, Solon, Letter from, 179; Letter to, 179. Boston, , 40. Boston (Massachusetts), 84, 163, 166, 203, 239, 264. Boston Atlas, The, 134. Boston Port Bill, 215. Boston Post, The, 288. Boswell, Bushrod; 22. Boswell, Thomas E., 22. Botts, John Minor, 61, 73, 79, 85. Botts, William, Letter from, 43. Botts, William Stone, 201. Boundary, Canada, 56; Kentucky-Ten- nessee, 21, 22; Mexico, 110, 111, 168, 169, 218. Bounty claims, 172, 188, 196, 197, 199. Bourne, William Oland, Letter from, 263. Boutwill, E. B., Letter from, 281. Bouvier, John, 178. Bowers, , 96. Bowling, , 97. Bowly, Daniel, Letter from, 206. Boyd, James R., & Son, 190. Boyd, William G., 27. Boyd, W. P., Letter from, 221. Boyle, Jeremiah Tilford, 275, 277; army service, 278; Letters from, 274, 278, 279. Boyle, John, 33. Boyle, William O., 272. INDEX 295 Boyreau, Clement, 201, 224, 229. Brackenridge, W. M., Letter from, 139. Braddock, A., 278. Braddock, Robert. Letter from, 15. Bradford, Simon, Letter from, 262. Bradstreet, Edward P.. Letter from, 213. Bramlett, Thomas E., Letters from, 194, 212. Brand, W. H., Letter from, 211. Brand, , 67. Brazil, 88, 89. Brea, Ameal, Letter from, 181. Breathitt, C, & Co., 20. Breathitt, John, 26; Letter from, 15. Breckinridge, James D., Letter from, 43. Breckinridge, John, Letter from, 57. Breckinridge, John Cabell, 239, 254, 265; interview with Lincoln, 243; Letter to, 248. Breckinridge, J. Cabell, Letter from, 20. Breckinridge, Robert, Letter from, 42. Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, 60, 62, 67; Letters from, 170, 173, 174; Letters to, 65, 173. Breckinridge, Robert J., 170. Breckinridge, , threatened duel, 28. Breckinridge; see also: Brackenridge. Breckinridge and Lane ticket, 240. Bresler, C. H., Letter from, 233. Brevets, recommended for officers, 252. Brewer, Thomas A., Letter from, 251. Brewster, Osmyn, Letter from, 163. Bridge, Horatio, Letter from, 225. Bright, Jesse D., Letter from, 165; Letter to, 236. Bristow, , 43. Broadhead, John, Letter from, 250. Broderick, David Colbreth, 228. Brodhead, Lucas, 268. Brooke, H. Jones, Letter from, 146. Brooke, H. P., Letter from, 137. Brookings, W. W., Letter from, 232. Brooks, Edward, Letter from, 258. Brooks, Erastus, Letters from, 220, 258, 281. Brooks, Preston Smith, 196. Brown, Bedford, Letter from, 140. Brown, David Paul, Letter from, 273, Brown, George P., 12. Brown, John, 91. Brown, John Porter, 238. Brown, John T., Letter from, 277. Brown, Mason, Letters from, 54, 213. Brown, Orlando, 44, 66, 67, 73, 97, 153, 157, 160, 183; application for governor- ship of Iowa, 66; candidate for reporter of Kentucky court of appeals, 42; as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 154, 164, 165, 166; Crittenden's confidence in, 152; on Indian service, 156; on slavery, 159; interview with Taylor, 153, 155; reception by Taylor and his Cabinet, 153; Vienna mission, 163; . Letters from, 47, 53, 60, 66, 115, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 175, 178, 182, 220, 263, 268; Letters to, 46, 54, 154, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 176, 271. Brown, Thomas D., Letter from, 158. Brown, William J., 124. Brown, Will L., 21; Letter from, 22. Brown, Windsor, 31. Brown, , 142. Brown's Tavern, Crittenden at, 57. Bruce, William W., Letter from, 274. Bruce, , 42. Bryan, George S., Letter from, 251. Bryan, Thomas L., 19. Bryant, J. W., 276; Letter from, 274. Buchanan, James, 35, 67, 108, 197, 198, 204, 211, 219, 227, 238, 244; adminis- tration, 211; attitude on Kansas con- stitution, 205, 209, 219; cabinet, 260; northern feeling against, 247; split with Douglas, 202; unpopular, 207; Letter from, 183; telegram to, 238. Buchanan, James M., Letters from, 135, 148, 152, 159. Buck, John L., & Co., 21, 23. Buckingham, L. Amiss, Letter from, 197. Buckner, Richard A., 41; Letters from, 40, 273; Letters to, 41, 284. Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 287; Letters from, 204, 205. Buckner, W. P., Letters from, 253, 254. Buell, Don Carlos, 275, 279; Letter from, 283. Buena Vista, battle celebration, 111. Buffalo (New York), 198. Buffalo Young Men's Association, 108. Buford, John, 21, 23, 25; Letter from, 46. Buford, W. S., Letter from, 277. Bull, Ole, 184. Bullitt, Alexander C, 166; Letters from, 60, 132. Bulloch, J. M., Letter from, 71. 296 INDEX Bullock, James M., Letter from, 52. Bulwer-Clayton Treaty, 183. Bunker Hill celebration, 84. Bunn, Nathan, Letter from, 43. Burke, G., Letter from, 199. Burnet, T. B., 29. Burnley, Albert T., 57, 58, 61, 117, 140, 205, 212, 219; on Clay, 109, 117, 121; worthy of Clayton's friendship, 153; Crittenden's advice to, 166, 167; Crit- tenden requests continued correspond- ence of, 167; on Crittenden as presi- dential nominee, 95, 193; European trip, 58, 61; on Kentucky politics, 192, 193, 194; Ohio trip, 124; the "Repub- lic" established by, 155, 165, 166; on State debts, 61; on Taylor's cabinet, 140, 155, 166; on Taylor's reception at New Orleans, 109; interview with Taylor and his cabinet, 165; on Texas annexation, 95; on Texas loan, 61; Letters from, 36, 39, 61, 95, 109, 117, 118, 121, 122, 124, 126, 139, 147, 155, 163, 165, 166, 167, 190, 192, 193, 194, 212; Letters to, 58, 60, 96, 117, 125, 162, 166, 167, 182, 193, 194. Burnley, William R., 30. Burns, J. W., Letter from, 220. Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 282. Burrill, James, jr., Letter from, 23. Burwell; William P. , Letter from, 234, 258. Business depression, 77. Bustard, ■ , 287, 288. Butler, Anthony, 14, 15; commander at Detroit, 15; election to Mississippi Leg- islature, 33; Letters from, 13, 15, 33, 56, 100. Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 49. Butler, Mann, Letter from, 146. Butler, Pierce Mason, presents Critten- den with imported mare, 64; Letters from, 64, 70. Butler, Richard, Letter from, 119. Butler, William H. G., 187. Butler, William Orlando, 101. Butterfield, Justin, 179; Letter from, 179; Letter to, 179. Button, Charles, Letter from, 220. Byrne, Augustine, & Co., 20. Cabell, Edward A., 88. Cabell, Edward Carrington v Letters from, l cr \ 235, 267. Cabell, Henry C, Letter from, 261. Cabinet, administration, 154; Kitchen, 41; presidential, 14, 26, 30, 37, 40, 44, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 105, 118, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 242, 243, 260. Cain, John, 12. Calby, S. B., Letter from, 244. Caldwell, 15. Calhoun, John, 82; Letter from, 134. Calhoun, John Caldwell, 32, 34, 54, 87, 89, 92, 95-6, 120, 122; abstractions, 55; address, 143; agreement with Polk, 97; death, 163; pseudo-disclosure to the Richmond Whig, 56; solicitous of breaking the Union, 159. Calhoon, , 43. California, 104, 135, 164, 165, 166, 180, 189, 225, 228; acquisition, 104, 113; admis- sion, 150; appraiser general, 201; courts, 190, 203; district attorney, 168; gov- ernors, 106; judgeship, 166, 167, 179; land, 128, 187, 190, 195, 201, 223, 224, 225, 227, 229; mines, 223; mob vio- lence, 198; Secretary of State, seal, 222; vigilance committee, 198. California, Lower, 169. Call, G. W., Letter from, 33. Call, Richard Keith, Letter from, 30. Call, Wilkinson, Letter to, 286. Call, W., Letter from, 263. Callaghan, Charles, Letter from, 280. Calocagathian Society, 109. Camden, Peter G., Letters from, 97, 98. Camp, Army, 269. Camp Floyd (Utah), 260. Campbell, Charles, 36. Campbell, David, 25. Campbell, John, Letter from, 59. Campbell, John Archibald, Letter from, 243. Campbell, John B., 162, 163, 164, 176. Campbell, J. R., 24. Campbell, L. A., Letter from, 268. Campbell, M. M., 47. Campbell, Robert, 201, 224, 229; Letter from, 253. Campbell, R., Letter from, 249. Campbell, Robert R., Letter from, 70. Campbell, Thomas J., Letter from, 83. INDEX 297 Campbell, William, 83. Canada, 20, 56, 69; will be annexed to United States, 135; population in- crease, 99. Canning, Joseph C, Letter from, 262. Cannon, Chastian C, 155. Cape Vincent (New York), 88. Capitol of the United States, 212, 216. Capitulation of Monterey, 102. Carey, Isaac, Letter from, 250. Carlisle, James, 14. Carlisle, Thomas, 14. Carneal, Louis, 187. Carneal, Thomas Davis, 224; Letters from, 69, 187, 195, 203, 205, 219, 233. Carnes, Patrick, 9, 12. Caroline, 55, 69; see also: Alexander McLeod. Carpenter, Sam, Letter from, 211. Carpentry work, 27. Carpet, rag, 288. Carroll, Nicholas, Letter from, 114. Carroll, William Thomas, Letter from, 196. Carter, Angelina, Letters from, 273, 284. Carter, George Etienne,, 282. Carter, Joseph, Letter from, 108. Carter, Oliver G., Letter from, 278. Carter, T. Q., 273; Letter from, 284. Cartoon on Democratic "bell ringers," 93. Cass, Lewis, 53, 121, 123, 125, 126, 135, 141, 183, 247. Cass, Lewis, jr., 110, 145. Caetleman, Jacob, Letter to, 19. Cates, Owen G., Letters from, 223, 282. Catron, John, 81; Letter from, 166. Causten, James H., Letter from, 217. Census, 158, 159, 234, 251. Central American Transit Company, 285. Central College, 262. Centre College, 58. Certificates, bank, 25. Chadwick, James, 10. Chamberlain and Demologian Society, Letter from, 58. Chamberlain Philosophical and Literary Society, Letter from, 39. Chamberlin, M. H., Letter from, 219. Chambers, John, Letters from, 35, 37, 38, 67, 70, 74. Chambers, Richard, Letter from, 211. Champagne, 52. Chana, , 188. Chancellor, Louisville Court, 93. Chandler, Sarah M., Letter from, 230. Chapin, H. D., Letter from, 288. Chaplaincy, 275. Chapman, John S., 19; Letter from, 19. Character, Archer on, 139. Charleston (South Carolina), 67, 70, 238, 245. Chase, Salmon Portland, Letter from, 213; Letter to, 223. Cheatham, William S., Letter from, 264. Cheney, T. Apolian, Letter from, 200. Cherokee Indians, 109, 113, 174. Chester, Thomas R., Letter from, 171. Chinn, R. H., Letter from, 64. Chittenden, Thomas C, Letters from, 87, 88. Choate, Rufus, 137. Choctaw Indians, 86. Cholera, 43, 140, 153, 167, 168. Choteau Springs (Missouri), 100, 102, 103, 119. Christian, W T illiam, 9. Christian County (Kentucky), 14, 38. Christian life, Crittenden on the, 281. Christie, John D., Letter from, 288. Christy, William, Letter from, 111. Christy, William T., Letter from, 261. Church, Alonzo H., Letter from, 218. Churchill, Samuel, Letter from, 240. Cilley, Jonathan, 55. Cincinnati (Ohio), 30, 124, 133, 143, 233; Letter from citizens, 45. Cincinnati Gazette, The, 187. Civil authority, resisted by military, 279, 281. Civil War, 245, 250, 253, 259, 260, 261, 265, 270, 278, 279, 280, 283, 284, 287, 288. Clark, George, 29; Letter from, 34. Clark, G. W., 17. Clark, Hiram C, Letter from, 213. Clark, James, 48, 53; Letter from, 56; Letter to, 51. Clark, Thomas, Letter from, 98. Clarke, Charles Berkley, Letter from, 69. Clarke, Charles J., Letter from, 272. Clarke, S. G., Letter from, 283. Clarkson, C. F., Letter from, 140. Clay, Brutus J., Letter from, 40. Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 38, 109, 119, 180. Clay, Green, 34. Clay, Henry, 33, 34, 56, 59, 69, 71, 74, 76, 87, 109, 113, 115, 119, 160, 197, 260; and Adams, 31, 35, 41, 90; advice to, 30, 32, 298 INDEX Clay, Henry — Continued. 37, 42, 79; almanac, 80; Anti-Masonic party's effect on, 40; articles for publi- cation, 94, 117; barbecue in honor of, 77; bargain and corruption, 35, 36, 90; bills before Congress, 42-3, 48, 165; Burnley on, 117, 121; on business depression, 77; as a cabinet possibility, 63, 64; charges against, 30, 35, 36; on Clinton, 30; coali- tion against, 64; compromise resolu- tions, 160, 166; confidence in, 31, 43, 55, 61, 111, 126, 205; correspondence desired, 286; course to be taken by, 94, 116, 119, 120, 121; and Crittenden, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 69, 75, 76, 79, 91, 92, 95, 107, 108, 114, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 139, 161, 168, 172, 182, 229; Crittenden's counsel desired by, 40; decline, 104; duels, 32, 69; on duty to his country, 95; envy shown by, 164; error concerning, 36; feeling toward, 60, 113, 119, 121; on Fremont, 106; friends, 70, 71, 112, 115; Guthrie's interview with, 72; Harrison commends, 93; humorous story about, 79; indifference, 161; influence, 70, 165; intentions, 113, 134; interests con- cerned, 33; invitations to, 19, 38, 57, 59, 62, 143; attitude toward Jackson, 35, 36; Kentucky's attitude toward, 38, 42, 54, 114; labors buried with him, 184; on Letcher, 96; Letcher's confidence in, 78; on Liberia, 176, 275 ; on Native American party, 95; on naturalization laws, 95; on the Navy, 77; Ohio trip, 30; opposition to, 86, 106, 110, 119; pamphlet, 36; on party spirit in Congress, 44; people's gratitude due, 123; photograph, 97; plot todefeat, 70; political position, 60,74, 83, 106, 108, 121; political reverses, 37; po- litical strength, 27, 104, 109 ; popularity , 54, 86; Porter's legacy to, 89; presiden- tial candidacy, 27, 29, 39, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56, 70, 74, 75, 77, 79, 86, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 97, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120; on public opin- ion, 92; response to Kentucky electors, 95; retirement, 78; Russell's attitude toward, 140; sarcophagus, 275; Scott visited by, 103; attitude toward seces- sion, 163; securities affected by elec- tion of, 94; and the Senate, 40, 42, 47, 74, 75, 76, 95, 116, 132, 134, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 144, 165; silence, 112; South can not be pacified by, 42; Clay, Henry — Continued, speeches, 24, 44, 109; statue, 148; suc- cess, 88; on the tariff, 77, 79, 90; and Taylor, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 116, 117, 120, 121, 123, 135, 138, 140, 144, 153, 165; on Texas annexation, 22, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96; ticket, 84, 85; on Tyler, 77, 79; Underwood approves, 181; valedictory, 77; and Van Buren, 56, 77, 92; and Webster, 48, 72, 85; on Whigs, 82, 95; on White, 107, 108; Wickliffe's differences with, 71; Letters from, 13, 19, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 64, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 105, 106, 107, 108, 117, 176; Letters to, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 55, 72, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 95, 117. Clay, Henry, jr., 105. Clay, James Brown, 152, 153. Clay, Thomas Hart, 236, 269, 273, 274; Letters from, 221, 223, 252, 272, 275, 285; Letter to, 274. Clay, fire, tariff on, 261. Clay club, Pioneer, Letters from, 112, 261, 203. "Clay Whig, An Old Henry," Letter from, 254. Clay Whig Party, 64, 111. Clayton, John Middleton, 153, 157, 166, 167, 184; Brown's interview with, 153; Burnley on, 155; on Clay, 86; criti- cised, 140, 151, 152, 157, 158; Critten- den's advice to, 148, 151, 152, 153, 157; Crittenden's confidence in, 123, 124; Crittenden's gratitude to, 149; death, 200; duties arduous, 148, 149; on for- eign affairs, 150, 158, on Letcher's mis- sion to Mexico, 156; respected, 145; and Rives, 155, 157; on slavery, 135, 136,145; spirits depressed, 149; on Tay- lor, 111, 119, 148, 149, 150; and Taylor's cabinet, 128, 132, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 147, 154, 158, 159, 161; proposed for vice president, 84; Letters from, 62, 86, 110, 111, 119, 124, 126, 135, 142, 148, 149, 150, 151, 156, 168, 169, 172, 176, 177, 183; Letters to, 85, 93, 119, 123, 124, 128, 136, 138, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 164, 167, 172, 176, 177. Clayton, Philip, Letter from, 173. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 183. INDEX 299 Clear Creek Academy Polemic Society, 55. Clemens, Jeremiah, Letters from, 242, 246. Clements, R. A., Letter from, 142. Cleveland, Grover, 286. Clinch, Duncan L., Letter from, 145. Clinton, De Witt, 30. Clisbee, Charles, Letter from, 209. Clymer, , 95. Coal, price, 125. Coates, Benjamin, Letter from, 275. Cobb, Howell, 159. Coburn, James W., 132-3; Letter from, 111. Coffee, substitute, 274. Cogswell, J., Letters from, 217, 219. Coleman, Ann Mary Butler Crittenden (Mrs. Chapman), 54, 174, 288; Letter from, 182; Letters to, 61, 182, 286. Coleman, Chapman, 149, 168; Letter from, 45; Letters to, 73, 92. Coleman, Crittenden, 182, 263. Coleman, J. C, 67, 70. Collamer, Jacob, Letter from, 154. Collector of customs; see: Customs col- lector. Collier, John Allen, Letter from, 129. Collins, James, Letter from, 233. Collins, Lewis, Letter from, 40. Collins, Richard H., Letter from, 219. Colombia (South America), 28. Colonization, 224, 275, 282. Colston, Rawleigh, 14, 19, 20. Columbus (Ohio), 24. Comanche Indians, 252. Combs, Leslie, 76, 123, 151, 285; Letters from, 73, 115, 121, 151, 205, 214, 235, 256, 278; Letter to, 271. Comegys, Joseph Parsons, Letters from, 200, 214, 236, 237. Commissioners, Choctaw Indian, 86; of deeds, 146; on French spoliation claims, 172, 176; of Indian Affairs, 49, 50, 70, 154,166; Kentuckyboundary,21,22; to amend Kentucky laws, 161, 162; Land Office, 179; State, 283. Commonwealth, The, 87. "Compos mentis," Letter from, 110. Compromise measures, 22, 24, 100, 166, 184, 185, 190, 192, 197, 205, 211, 212, 230 231, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 268, 287, see also: Crittenden compromise resolu- tions. "Concession, Equality Union," Letter from, 258. Condict, Lewis, Letters from, 118, 200. Cone, , 122. Confederate States of America, acknowl- edgment of, 267, 284; alliance with France, 282; Army, 280, 283; confisca- tion of property by, 267; constitution, 253; fleet, 274; prisoners, 277, 278; see also States Southern. Confiscation, by Confederate States of America, 267. Congress, 11, 17, 23, 28, 32, 40, 44, 53, 58, 65, 74, 79, 93, 101, 110, 112, 135, 143, 178, 192, 196, 198, 199, 200, 207, 211, 216, 218, 235, 246, 252, 257, 258, 259, 260, 266, 267, 280, 281; Abolitionists in, 278; American party in, 193; bills be- fore, 68, 71, 80, 96, 160, 166, 172, 184, 262, 272, 273; claims before, 49, 50, 194; Conservative party in, 278; Crittenden's attitude towards, 77, 262, 280, 284; and Crittenden's compromise, 248, 249, 252; Democrats in, 232; elections for, 84, 125, 143, 150, 151, 153, 156, 218, 266, 283; extra sessions of, 51, 70, 80, 131, 267; forecast of Thirty-eighth, 288; unnec- essary legislation blocked, 288; Lin- coln's speech in, 111; Loco-focos in, 82; memorials to, 21, 47, 138, 205, 257; pe- titions to, 98, 248, 249, 271; Republi- cans in, 14, 232, 259; resolutions, 49, 186, 192, 193, 242, 284, 288; and slavery, 162, 248, 263; Southern Pacific desires favor of, 202; attitude towards Taylor, 99, 156, 161, 164; Whigs in, 51, 73, 74, 187; House of Representatives, 13, 166, 239, 279; clerk, 110; comments on members, 18; Crittenden's resolu- tions before, 268; disorganization of, 159, 231, 232; elections to, 23, 171, 174; Northern members ambitious and not for country, 257; party spirit in, 44; seat contest, 85; Senate does not concur with, 44; Speaker con- test, 44, 159; talent in, 44; tariff bill in, 90; Senate, 13, 14, 16, 45, 57, 78, 86,-88, 89, 99, 113, 115, 132, 135, 140, 146, 172, 175, 176, 194, 195, 197, 235, 239, 262; bills before, 49, 77, 165, 166, 198, 202, 232, 245, 288; chaplain, 201; Clay and, 36, 42, 75, 76, 95, 116, 132, 134, 136, 139, 141, 142, 144, 165, 166; com- 300 INDEX Congress — Continued. Senate — Continued, mittees, 34, 91, 196; confirmations, 37, 38, 76, 87, 88, 110, 167, 186; Crittenden and, 16, 23, 37, 39, 40, 45, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 115, 116, 118, 129, 131, 133, 139, 174, 175, 176, 178, 197, 199; Critten- den's speeches in, 52, 55, 98, 263; elec- tions to, 62, 66, 67, 68, 76, 81, 82, 108, 137, 140, 141, 176, 183, 184, 202; gal- lery disturbance, 68; House of Rep- resentatives does not concur with, 44; Texas annexation before, 89, 91; trea- ties before, 53; Tyler's course in, 34. Congress of Nations to form code of inter- national law, 98. Congressional Globe, The, 274. Conkling, Amelian, Letter from, 198. Connecticut, 91. Connell, William P., 58; Letter from, 59. Connolly, John, sr., 13, 22, 24, 25, 26. Connolly, John, jr., 20, 21, 22-3, 24, 25, 26. Conrad, Charles Magill, Letters from, 236, 238. Conrad, Harry, Letter from, 250. Conservative party, 231, 248, 278, 279, 282. Conspiracy, 253. Constable, Charles H., 155. Constitution, Confederate States of America, 253. Constitution, United States, 100, 112, 197, 255; amendments to, 28, 61, 242, 243, 245, 246, 250, 251, 252, 261, 263, 267; criti- cised, 289; Lincoln's attitude toward, 272, 282; protection of, 216, 246, 249, 251, 265, 278, 279, 282. Constitution, captures Java, 14. Constitutional Union party; see: Union party. Constitutionality, of emancipation procla- mation, 282; of personal liberty bill, 255. Consuls, United States, 48, 71, 126, 133, 139, 144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156, 169, 186, 273. Contrabands, in Florida, 276. Conventions, 44, 45, 46, 47-8, 54, 55, 59, 70, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 121, 123, 140, 141, 143, 162, 180, 190, 193, 194, 195, 198, 225, 234, 235, 237, 238, 251, 252, 283; see also under specific name. Cook, John, 190. Cook, J., Letter from, 223. Cooke, Philip St. George, Letter from, 260. Cooper, Henry C, Letter from, 278. Cooper, James, Letter from, 139. Cooper, John, 69. Cooper, Samuel, Letters from, 225, 226; Letter to, 227. Cooper, , 21, 23. Corcoran and Riggs, Letter from, 110. Corn, parched, in Army ration, 274. Cornelius, S., Letter from, 36. Corwin, Thomas, 105, 119, 121, 129, 171, 227*; Letters from, 63, 87, 95, 130, 166, 179, 185. Corwine, Richard M., Letters from, 187, 208. Cosmopolitan Art Association, Letter from, 228. Cotton, non-intercourse act on, 12. Courts disputes, old and new; see: Ken- tucky courts disputes. Courts-martial, 15, 18, 139, 146, 283. Court, Supreme; see: United States Su- preme Court. Covington (Kentucky), 221. Cowper, Leopold C. P., Letter from, 224. Cox, Elizabeth, 57-8. Cox, Samuel H., Letter from, 139. Cox, Samuel Sullivan, Letter from, 280. Cox, , 25. Coxe, , 171. Crabb, , massacre, 205. Craig, E. W., Letter from, 25. Craig, Lewis, jr., 32. Craighill, William N., Letter from, 90. Craik, James, Letter from, 234. Cravens, Robert, 33. Crawford, C. P., Letter from, 208. Crawford, George Washington, 139, 163, 164; Letters to, 157, 163. Crawford, William Harris, 29, 70. Creath, , 96, 98. Credit, public, 82. Criminal cases, President's power of or- dering nolle prosequi in, 72. Criminal Code, District of Columbia, 149. Crittenden, Alexander P., 223; Letters from, 187, 198, 201, 202, 222, 227, 228, 229. Crittenden, Eliza; see: Lee, Eliza. Crittenden, Elizabeth Moss Ashley, 200, 235, 238; Letters to, 184, 187, 200, 207, 215, 221, 225, 241, 258, 268, 269, 270, 277, 285; see also: Ashley, Elizabeth Moss. INDEX 301 Crittenden, Eugene Wilkinson, 181, 189, 190, 203, 227, 281; Letters from, 226, 227; Letters to, 225, 226. Crittenden, George Bibb, 29, 83, 110, 117, 138, 139, 145, 146, 147, 164, 186; cap- ture and release in Mexico, 82, 83; re- instatement to Army, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 148; Letter from, 252. Crittenden, Henry, 33. Crittenden, James L., Letter from, 266. Crittenden, John (Crittenden's father), 57, 197. Crittenden, John Jordan, 13, 16, 19, 31, 33, 51, 53, 56, 57, 72, 74, 90, 97, 103, 110, 111, 113, 126, 150, 151, 154, 162, 163, 173, 174, 178, 184, 188, 190, 210, 211, 219, 236, 251, 284, 285; account against, 17, 20, 24, 26,' 27, 34, 105, 195, 242; Adams's injustice to and apology, 182; admira- tion for, 150, 200, 205, 221, 239; on ad- mission of states, 161; advice to his son, 49, 56, 281; aid requested of, 35, 42, 169, 179, 192, 198, 227, 232, 264, 271, 283, 285; ambitions, 42; appeal to Kentucky to drive out invaders, 287; applications besiege, 148; Archer's friendship for, 38; on the Army, 111; attorney in suits, 22, 25, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 62, 74, 98, 100, 177, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 193, 229; bank stock transferred to, 23, 25; on bank- ruptcy laws, 52; bantered, 35; Bell and Everett ticket supported by, 240; and Berrien, 145; Bibb's rupture with, 33; biography, 56, 204, 220, 236, 279, 286, 288; Bodley assures of secrecy, 284; bonds, 26, 28; Bott's friendship for, 61; as boundary commissioner, 22; boy- hood, 41, 42; Breckinridge accused by, 239; Breckinridge's attorney, 62; at Brown's tavern, 57; Burnley's con- tinued correspondence desired by, 167; Cabell's intended visit to, 267; cabinet member, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 105, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 154, 158, 159, 161, 168, 169, 176, 177; on Calhoun's ab- stractions, 55 ; Carter requests call from, 108; champagne for, 32; charges against, 35; on Christian religion, 281; civil war resolutions, 287; and Clay, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 69, 75, 76, 79, 91, 92, 95, 107, 108, 114, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 139, 161, 168, 172, 182, 229; and Clayton, 123, 124, 136, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, Crittenden, John Jordan — Continued. 156, 183; coach upset, 57; college days, 42; compromise resolutions, 230, 231, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 268; confidence, 123, 124, 164, 237, 287; confidence in, 41, 124, 137, 145, 155, 231, 245, 265; course ap- proved, 55, 59, 268, 277, 280, 283, 284; course explained, 178; on Cuba acquisi- tion, 219, 226; Dana's newspaper attack on, 42; daughter of, 24; Davis' friendship for, 57, 193, 194 ; deed, 25 ; and democratic party, 178, 232, 250; district attorney, 34; on Douglas, 222, 271; efforts to pre- serve the Union, 196, 216, 249, 251, 253, 254, 257, 260, 261, 265, 268, 287; on emancipation, 276, 287; enemies in Washington, 166; estate, 285; eulogiz- ing his dead adversaries, 87; on Euro- pean politics, 154; family, 47, 49; Fill- more desires opinion of, 181; Fillmore's message rewritten by, 183; on financial system, 52; and Fremont, 147, 189, 190, 194, 285; on French difficulty, 157; French president criticized by, 153; friends, 37, 113, 178, 193; on Gaines, 156; gift of law books refused by, 177; governor, 33, 40, 104, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123,131; grandson, 225; Harrison's con- fidence in, 65; Harvard to confer LL. D. upon, 175; "the home," comments on, 81; on homestead bill, 236; honorary memberships bestowed upon, 45, 47, 58, 59, 61, 109, 141, 203, 204, 216, 217, 223, 228, 230, 235, 249, 289; Hughes' friend- ship for, 76; information desired by, 162; on international peace conference, 98; invitations to, 30, 38, 44, 45, 55, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63, 78, 84, 98, 143, 144, 158, 163, 165, 166, 198, 201, 205, 213, 217, 228, 229, 238, 239, 240, 241, 264, 282; invitations for address, 30, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 58, 108, 119, 187, 199, 218, 222, 223, 228, 240, 262, 263, 264, 265, 279, 280, 284; invitations to balls, 112, 203; invitations to barbecues, 77, 199, 229; invitations to dinners, 48, 57, 58, 62, 172, 201, 220, 229, 236, 252, 263, 281, 287, 288; invitation to a wedding, 234; on Stonewall Jackson as a Christian, 281; Johnson's friendship for, 34; judg- ment against, 28; on Kansas question, 201, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 302 INDEX Crittenden, John Jordan — Continued. 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222; Kentucky's attitude toward, 63, 73, 129, 212, 268, 270; Kentucky au- ditorship tendered by, 122; article to Kentucky bar, 188; Kentucky legisla- ture member, 30, 31, 33, 39, 40; on Ken- tucky's neutrality, 287; kindness, 173, 184, 273; land, 12, 46, 102, 151, 189, 194, 200; law books loaned to, 56; law briefs, 57, 60, 192; law fees, 98, 181, 227; law practice, 14; law suits against, 200, 286; as leader, 193, 243, 248, 267; and Lin- coln, 222, 223, 274, 283, 287; loan by, 277; loans requested of, 31; McNeill's feeling for, 92; marriages, 33, 34, 183; Marshall's devotion to, 178; memoran- da, 16, 18, 20, 53, 65, 186, 286, 287; mes- sages, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 250; mili- tary service, 14; militia fines, 18, 25, 31; on militia plan, 34; minister ap- pointment offered to, 148, 149, 150; on minister to Mexico appointment, 152, 156; Missouri excursion of, 84; Missouri needs, 241; money for, 40, 48, 61; and Morehead, 82, 271; on Nebraska bill, 184, 185; New York demonstrations in favor of, 223; offered foreign mission or consulate for son or son-in-law, 149; opinions as attorney general, 171, 172; opinion requested, 41, 103, 247, 249; opposed by Marshall family, 64; ora- torical powers, 18; patriotism, 147, 211, 214, 259; photograph, 97, 235; political success, 214; popularity, 112, 145, 209, 210, 213, 215, 221, 262; presi- dential possibility, 74, 75, 95, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 113, 117, 129, 134, 167, 180, 181, 184, 185, 189, 191, 193, 194, 195, 197, 215, 218, 222, 227, 229, 230, 233, 236, 237; promissory notes, 17, 104; Reagan's campaign circular approved by, 226; reception to, 200, 240, 241; recommends persons, 96, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 163, 167; repre- sentative to Congress, 262, 266, 280, 284; representative to Knoxville conven- tion, 47; on Republican party in Con- gress, 232; reputation, 13, 93; resolu- tions on the civil war, 287; responsi- bility for speech, 239; on right of peo- ple to choose their own government, 153; on right of search, 221; Schley visited by, 81; Scott's friendship for, Crittenden, John Jordan — Continued. 269; Scott influenced by, 178; Senator, 16, 23, 37, 39, 40, 45, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 115, 116, 118, 129, 131, 133, 139, 174, 175, 176, 178, 197, 199; servant John, 97; services to country, 146, 205, 266; Seward desires to confer with, 215; on slavery, 136, 139, 149, 171, 185, 187; son of, 24; speeches, 47, 49, 52, 55, 58, 62, 63, 79, 92, 97, 98, 99, 118, 166, 181, 184, 194, 200, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 226, 231, 236, 239, 241, 248, 258, 263, 274, 276, 281, 285; on spoils system, 58; state department account, 38; stock, 13, 29; subscription to newspapers, 21, 40; on sub treasury, 55; Supreme Court judgship, 37, 38, 74, 182; on tariff, 95, 100; and Taylor, 107, 117, 136, 149, 521, 154, 156, 164, 167; on Texas annexa- tion, 92, 96, 97; thanks to, 182, 248; 261, 280, 284; Toombs' speech should be answered by, 216; tour through Ken- tucky, 63, 269; on Tyler, 79, 85; and Underwood, 175, 176; on the Union, 258; visit to Van Buren, 60; vice-president possibility, 105, 180; at Vicksburg and Natchez, 58; Ward's attorney, 185, 186, 187, 189; in Washington, D. C, 75, 154, 157, 165, 170; on Whig party, 117; Whigs should be united by, 95; and Wickliffe, 45, 67; Willis' statements contradicted by, 41; Winthrop's speeches sent to, 180; withholding in- formation, 114. Crittenden, Mrs. John Jordan, Letter to, 288. Crittenden, John Jordan, jr., 188. Crittenden, Maria K. Innes Todd, 165, 175; Letters to, 33, 57, 60, 63, 81, 82, 99, 100, 115; see also: Innes, Maria and Todd, Maria K. Crittenden, Robert F., 27, 28, 30, 172-3, 173. Crittenden, Robert Henry, 54, 156, 165, 166, 167, 175, 288; Letter from, 286; Letters to, 81, 285. Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas, 54, 104, 105, 141, 143, 269, 272, 274, 275, 277, 281, 282; consul to Liverpool, 149, 150, 152, 153; Letters from, 279, 285; Letters to, 49, 56, 281, 285, 286. Crittenden, Thomas T., 13 288; Letter from, 286. INDEX 303 Crittenden, William Logan, 61, 84, 175, 224. Crittenden, Fort, 260. Crittenden Literary Society, 223. Crockett, J. B., Letters from, 146, 180. Crockett, , 33. Croghan, George, 138; Letter from, 104. Cross, Alexander, Letter from, 168. Cross, Andrew B., Letter from, 213. Croswell, Edwin, Letter from, 245. Cuba, 82, 167, 170, 174, 175, 224; acquisi- tion of, 219, 224, 225, 226; life in, 273. Culberson, William B., 192, 193. Cumberland University, 204. Cunningham, Walter, Letters from, 111, 137. Cunningham, W. A., Letter from, 240. Curd, John, Letter from, 285. Curd, Spencer, 16. Curie, Dudley, Letter from, 277. Currency, 51, 52, 61, 82, 143, 215, see also: Money. Cur tin, Andrew Gregg, Letter from, 142. Curtis, A. A., Letter from, 231. Curtis Edward, 71; Letter from, 71. Curtis, E. W., Letter from, 207. Curtis, George Ticknor, Letters from, 198, 206. Gushing, Caleb, 88; Letter from, 285. Custom House and Webster clique, 84. Customs, collector, 70, 71, 87, 88, 127, 128, 137, 144, 179, 204, 220; duty overcharge, 215; service warehouse, 168; statistics, 239. Cutting, S. S., Letter from, 254. Cutts, James Madison, Letter from, 154. Cuyler, -, 223. Cyclopedia, New American, 204. D. Dade, John B, 57; Letter from, 135. Daggett, David, Letter from, 46. Dakota, admission of, 232. Dale, Reuben, Letter from, 29. Dall, Austin, Letter from, 230. Dallas, Alexander J., Letter from, 16. Dallas, George Mifflin, 82. Dana, Charles, Letter from, 206. Dana, James, 42. Dance (Ball), 57, 112, 203. Daniel, Ansel, Letter from, 231. Daniels, F., Letter from, 280. Darby, John F., Letter from, 100. Darneille, Beniamin J., Letter from, 252. Darragh, Cornelius, 141; Letter to, 157. Dauphiney, Robert J., Letter from, 218. Daveiss, Joseph Hamilton, at the battle of Tippecanoe, 216. Davenport, C, Letter from, 218. Davey, Alexander W., 9. Davidge, Rezin, 12. Davidson, George, 109. Davidson, Mick, 68. Davidson, R., 46. Davidson County (Tennessee), 59. Davies, Charles Stewart, 56. Davis, Amos, speech, 44. Davis, Azarial, 12. Davis, Charles Augustus, on Abolitionists, 96; on currency, 143; on Lincoln's atti- tude toward the Constitution, 282; po- litical satire by, 91; on secession and slavery, 246; on tariff, 143; on Texas annexation, 90, 92; on Wall Street, 94; Letters from, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 143, 181, 246, 247, 251, 256, 258, 261, 282. Davis, Garrett, 57, 194, 195; ambition for presidential nomination, 193; objects to federal camp in Kentucky, 269; Letters from, 193, 194, 243, 266, 269. Davis, George T. M., Letter from, 95. Davis, Jefferson, Hicks' faith in, 243; Let- ter from, 144; Letter to, 199. Davis, Jesse, 110. Davis, John, 86; Letter from, 142. Davis, John S., 138. Davis, Presley, Letter from, 110. Davis, Thomas T., Letter from, 265. Davis, W. B., on slavery, 207; Letter from, 207. Dawkins, , 95. Dawson, Andrew H. H., Letter from, 210. Dayton, A. O., Letter to, 178. Dayton, William Lewis, Letter from, 135. Dayton (Ohio), 87. Dean, Henry Clay, Letter from, 209. Dean, John, on slavery, 260; Letter from, 260. Deane, J. P., Letter from, 216. Dearborn, C. B., 223. Debt, imprisonment for, 31, 70; United States, 239. Declaration of independence, Virginia's, 55. Defrees, John Dougherty, Letters from, 180, 250. Delaplane, J. C, Letter from, 259. Delavan, Charles H., Letters from, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126. 304 INDEX Delaware, convention, 237; legislature, 140, 141, 144; politics, 62, 119, 172; Whigs, 63, 126. Delaware Antiquarians, Letter from, 230. Delaware City, Whig meeting at, 62. Democratic Constitutional Union party platform, 278. Democratic party, 11, 81, 114, 216, 271; Buchanan's dogma of popular sover- eignty effect upon, 204; in Congress, 232; defeat, 94, 226; disturbance in, 132; overthrow, 232; principles, 33; scheme to oppose, 217; strife in, 108; and Union party, 236. Democrats, 135; attitude toward Union party, 233; cartoon on "bell ringers," 93; should introduce compromise (1846) bill, 100; favor Crittenden compromise, 250; Crittenden opposed by, 178; Douglas' affiliation with, 224; Northern opposed to Southern interests, 59; oppo- sition to Federal Constitution, 197; re- moval of, 148; Southern, 212. Demons, T. G., 288. Denison, Sam, Letter from, 218. Denmark, treaty with, 32. Deportation of slaves, 253. Deposit act, repeal of, 56. Depredations, effect of, 278. Derby, C. L., 228. Dering, Nichol H., Letter from, 212. Designs, for bank notes', 24. Detroit, defense of, 15; fighting around, 15; fort at, 15; movements of British and Indians at, 15; victory at, 15. Detroit Territory, commander in chief of, 15. Dewees, Jacob, Letter from, 231, 234, 283. Dhoine, Osage Wayne, 127. Dickerson, Mahlon, 44. Dickey, JohnO., 87. Dickey, Theophilus Lyle, Letter from, 222. Dickins, Asbury, Letter from, 58. Dickinson, Philemon, Letter from, 253. Dictator, proposition to declare a, 242. Dillen, Adam, 127. Dils, John, jr., desires to raise troops, 280; Letter from, 280. Diplomatic agents, removal of, 152. Diplomatic service, 48,133, 138, 146, 149, 151, 152, 154, 162; possibility of negro in, 275; see also Minister, United States. Dispatches, false, 172. District attorney; see: United States, Dis- trict Attorney, and under the various states. District of Columbia, criminal code, 149; slavery in, 47, 132; see also: Washing- ton, D. C. Divorce bill in Kentucky senate, 46. Dixon, Archibald, 112, 115, 211; Critten- den's letter to, 190, 193; on secession, 243; Letters from, 184, 243; Letter to, 185. Documents printed, distribution of, 122. Dodson, C. L., Letter from, 288. Dogs, shepherd, breed of, 14. Donehoo, John R., Letter from, 208. Donelson, Andrew J., 135, 199. Donelson, Rachel; see: Jackson, Mrs. An- drew. Doniphan, George, Letter from, 268. Dorman, C. P., Letters from, 53, 124, 143. Dorr, Sullivan, 29. Dorr, , 52. Dorr's rebellion, 78. Dougherty, Daniel, 31. Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 222; affiliation with Democrats, 224; Crittenden on, 271; and Lincoln campaign, 221, 223; message to Georgia Convention, 250; political stand, 261; political strength of, 220; public opinion favors, 250; re- election predicted, 218; split with Buchanan, 202, 203; Letter to, 259. Douglass, James C, 177. Dowling, Thomas, Letter from, 281. Downs, , 87. Drake, Charles D., Letters from, 90, 148. Drake, John J., Letter from, 187. Draper, Lyman Copeland, Letter from, 286. Draper, Simeon, Letters from, 132, 137, 220. Drayton, William, 43. Dubuque (Iowa) Citizens, Letter from, 258. Dudley, A. W., 26. Dudley, J. and P., Letter to, 23. Dudley, Peter, Letter from, 49. Dudley, Thomas P., Letters from, 256, 282. Dudley, William A., Letter from, 278. Dufner, Jacob, 23. Duke, the Old; see: Wickliffe, Robert,sr. Duke, the Young; see: Wickliffe, Robert, jr. INDEX 305 Dumas, Edmund, Letter from, 256. Duncan, Garnett, Letters from, 54, 138, 141, 142, 143. Duncan, H. T., Letter from, 197. Dunham, J., 46. Dunlap, Nancy, 21. Dunlap, Richard G., 60. Dunmore, Lord, 23. Dunning, J. F., 223. Dunscomb, William E., 102; Lettersfrom, 103, 105, 116, 151, 195, 239. Dupey, Joseph, 12. Du Pont, Charles I., 176. Du Pont, family, 176. Durfee, Elenathan, 43. Duval, William P., on free Negroes, 130; on slavery, 130; Letter from, 130. Eagle, The Maysville, 40. Eaker, John, Letter from, 256. Eakin, James, Letter from, 50. East Baltimore Lyceum, Letter from, 203. Eaton, Mrs. John Henry (Peggy O'Neale), 44. Echols, Marcus W., Letter from, 210. Eddy, Robert Henry, Letter from, 258. Edmindson, , 286. Edmunds, John, 13. Edwards, Amos, 12, 28. Edwards, Charles, Letter from, 230. Edwards, Fred C, Letter from, 159. Edwards, Jonathan, Letter from, 206. Edwards, J., 25. Edwards, J. L., 47. Edwards, Monroe, Letter from, 74. Edwards, Ninian, Letter from, 41. Edwards, Ogden, Letter from, 70. Edwards, Presley, 20; Letter from, 27. Edwards, Tom O., 258. Eggleston, H. B., Letter from, 96. Eggnogs, 61. Eighth ward (New York) Pioneer Clay Club, 203. Elder, John, 190. Elder, William, on slavery, 231; Letter from, 231. Eldridge, James, Letter from, 224. Election, 11, 37, 42, 43, 45, 52, 107 155, 156, 281; bill, 67, 68; frauds, 212; presidential, see: President, election; in the West, 80; see also under the various states. Eliot, W. G., Letter from, 217. Elk Horn (Kentucky), 10. Elkton (Kentucky), Letter from citizens, 44; convention, 44, 45, 84. Elliott, Henry H., Letter from, 260. Elliott, James H., 25. Ely, Adriel, Letter from, 208. Ely, Alfred, Letter from, 214. Ely, Alfred B., Letters from, 253, 257. Emancipation, 152, 260, 276, 278; Blair on, 280; Crittenden on, 276, 287; disap- proved, 277, 280, 282, 287; in Ken- tucky, 280; schemes, 244, 253, 287; unconstitu tonal, 270, 278, 282; see also: Abolition and Slaves. Embargo act, 15, 45. Emerson, Gouveneur, Letter from, 207. Emigrants to America, 65, 151. Emlen, Samuel, Letter from, 257. Emmons, William, Letter from, 229. Emory, William Hensley, 218, 220. England; see: Great Britain. Enlistments in Army, length of, 99. Epelstyn, Charles, Letter from, 63. Epidemic, in Kentucky, 15. Ericsson, John, 203. Erie (Pennsylvania), 156. Erodelphian Literary Society, Letter from, 109. Erroh, Joseph J., 136. Erwin, James, Letter from, 118. Espineuil, Lionel J. d', Letter from, 282. Eurodelphian Society, Letter from, 45. Europe, 36, 58, 61, 148, 151, 210, 226, 269, 271; allied powers, 28; Mason County bond holders in, 228; politics in, 150, 154. Evans, George, cabinet possibility, 141, 143, 144. Evans, H. L., 205. Evans, Stockton H., Letter from, 209. Evans, W. F., Letter from, 205. Evans, , 98. Eve, Joseph, 20; as charge" d'affaires to Texas, 66, 69, 70; on New Orleans, 72; on Texas life, 81; Letters from, 72, 80, 81. Everett, Edward, 240; nomination as vice president, 238; Letters from, 238, 239, 264, 265; Letter to, 238. Ewell, Jfesse, 10. Ewers, Tallmadge, Letter from, 205. Ewing, Baker, 11. 52880°— 13- -20 306 INDEX Ewing, Edwin, Letter from, 240. Ewing, John H., Letter from, 136. Ewing, Philemon B., Letter from, 59. Ewing, Presley, 58; Letter to, 185. Ewing, Robert, Letter from, 32. Ewing, R. A., Letter from, 113. Ewing, Thomas, 72, 129, 151, 160, 161; on fugitive slave law, 170; Letters from, 122, 123, 157, 170, 172; Letters to, 91, 158, 159. Ewing, Young, 18. Ewing, , Crittenden's debate with, 200. Exchange Hotel, recommended by Scott, 85. Exchequer, fate of, 82. Expedition of Fremont, 106. Fall, P. S., Letter from, 194. Fanatics, 268. Fancher, Enoch L., Letter from, 285; Letter to, 286. Faneuil Hall, Crittenden invited to dine at, 220. Farewell Address, Washington's, 271. Farm products and tariff, 94. Farmers' Bank, 162. Farquharson, Robert J., 281. Farrar, F. R., Letter from, 247. Federal Constitution, Democratic opposi- tion to, 197. Federal party, opposed to raising army, 14. Fees of district attorneys, 71. Fellows, Julia B., Letter from, 264. Fenn, Jacob, Letter from, 215. Fen ton, Charles W., Letters from, 145, 203. Ferguson, William D., Letter from, 234. Fever in Tennessee, 57; yellow, 218. Ficklin, Joseph, 12, 13. Fields, Benjamin, 17. Figuens, Thomas N., Letter from, 97. Fillmore, Miflard, 177, 198, 199; an aboli- - tionist, 130; administration, 169, 173, 180; cabinet, 168, 169; cabinet, Crit- tenden's appointment in, 168; cabinet, railroad pass for, 174; confidence in, 169; Crittenden to rewrite message, 183; de- sires Crittenden's opinion, 181; enthu- siasm for, 126; injustice done, 234; Ken- tucky visit, 185; Letcher's interview with, 175, 200; presidential candidate, Fillmore, Millard — Continued. 174, 180, 197, 199; for vice president, 197; Letters from, 174, 181, 183. Finances, effect of secession upon, 256; see also: Money. Finnell, John W., Letters from, 174, 273, 274, 275, 282, 283. Fish, Hamilton, Letter from, 133, 182; Letter to, 182. Fisher, Charles, 70. Fisher, George P., Letter from, 231. Fiske, A. S., Letter from, 256. Fleming, William, 27. Fletcher, Clement B., Letter from, 276. Fletcher, Thomas H., 34. Florida, 22, 274; acquisition of, 22; cases, 172; cession of, 24; conditions in, 276; governor of, 26, 142; removal of Indians from, 156; Jackson's military campaign in, 173; marshal of, 70; troops in 289. Flournoy, John J., Letters from, 230, 258. Flournoy, T., Letter from, 40. Floyd, John Buchanan, pledges violated by Anderson, 250; treachery of, 250-1; Letter to, 241. Foraging in Kentucky, 280. Forbes, Francis H., Letter from, 254. Ford, Seabury, 120, 123, 125. Forde, Standish, 12, 29. Foreigners, feeling against, 95; in New York, 126; vote of, 126; vote cause of secession troubles, 251. Fort Crittenden, 260. Fort at Detroit, 15. Fort Donelson, fall of, 272. Fort Lafayette, inhumanity of prison life at, 270. Fort Meigs, army life at, 14; siege of, 14. Fort Moultrie, Anderson's removal from, 247; piece of flagstaff from, 262. Fort Sumter, Anderson's removal to, 247; Anderson's removal from advised, 261; Anderson retaining command of, 262; reinforcement of, 251, 252. Fortifications at Charleston, 245. Forsyth, John, Letter from, 55. Foster, Ephraim H., Letters from, 30, 31, 84, 93, 122, 123, 138, 147, 162. Foster, John M., 23. Foster, Nathaniel G., Letter from, 138. Foster, , 223. Forward, Walter, Letter from, 112. Forward, , 133. Fourth of July; see: Independence day. INDEX 307 Fowler, W. P., Letter from, 279. Fowlkes, H. M., Letter from, 253. Fox, Henry Stephen, 51, 72; Letters from, 69, 83. Fox, , 22. France, 23; affairs with, 46, 47, 143; possible alliance with the Confederates, 247, 282; archives of Louisiana, 96, difficulty with, 157, 158; diplomatic relations with, 147, 157, 158; dispatches from, 13; dogs from, 14; should inter- pose for peace, 266; minister from, 157, 158, 177; minister to, 83, 143, 149, 155, 157, 158, 162, 163, 199; President of, criticised by Crittenden, 153; Revolu- tion, Taylor's election compared to, 130; spoliation claims, 172, 176, 209, 217; treaty with, 11; United States course toward, 13; war with, 11. Frankfort (Kentucky), 26, 32, 33, 127, 167, 168; bank, 22; convention, 193, 195; council request remains of Taylor, 167-8; Harrison's visit to, 63; politics in, 47; postmaster, 88; Van Buren's visit to, 77. Frankfort Yeoman, The, 239. Frankfort-on-the-Main, 149. Franklin, Sir John, search for, 152, 154. Franklin, J., Letter from, 261. Franklin Agricultural Society, 53. Franklin County (Kentucky), 19, 30; citizens, resolutions on slavery, 270; Letter from citizens, 48. Fredericksburg (Virginia) fire, 11; jour- ney to, 11. Freeman, C. B., Letter from, 234. Free-soil party, 121, 125, 130, 184. Free-soilers, 127, 142; and Whigs, 121, 124. Fremont, John Charles, 269, 286; Critten- den's confidence in, 147; Crittenden counsel for, 189; debt to Crittenden, 270, 285; expedition of, 106; governor of California, 106; lawsuit, 189, 194; presidential nominee, 198 ; Letter from, 270; Letters to, 270, 280. French, Henry, 17. French, Robert, 62. French, William, 12. "Friend, A," Letter from, 287. "Friend," Letter from, 260. "Friend to Northern, etc., A," Letter from, 287. Friends, Society of, 111; memorial to Con- gress against slavery extension, 205. Fritsch, William, 12. Fruger, John, 130. Fry, John B., Letters from, 123, 269. Fugitive slaves; see: Slaves, fugitive. Fugitive slave law; see under Slaves. Fugitt, J. Preston, Letter from, 239. Fuller, Charles A., 199. Fuller, Robert A., Letter from, 267. Fuller, Thomas J. D., Letter from, 225. Fullerton, W. George, Letter from, 243. Fulton, Andrew S., 116. Fulton, Robert, 29. Fur Co., the, political influence of, 168. Furlong, J. Kennedy, Letter from, 205. Furs, cost of, 48. G. Gage, David W., Letter from, 211. Gaillard, Theodore, 67. Gaines, A. W., 227. Gaines, Herbert P., 17. Gaines, John P., 156; Letters from, 141, 169. Gale, W. Selden, Letter from, 257. Gales, , 287. Gales and Seaton, 70, 140; Letter from, 58. Gallatin, Albert, 99. Galphin claim, 163, 164, 165. Galveston (Texas), 72. Gamble, T. B., Letter from, 209. Gano, A. G., 45. Gardner, J. H., Letter from, 231. Garland and Jones, Letter from, 221. Garrard County (Kentucky), Army camp in, 269. Garrett, , 36. Gaston, E. P., Letter from, 250. Gates, , 288. Gayle, George, 27. Gaylord, Harvey R., Letter from, 210. Gazette, The, 64. Gentry, Meredith Poindexter, Letter from, 128. "Genuine Republican, A," Letter from, 244. George, John G., 24. George, John H., Letter from, 283. Georgetown (Kentucky), 272. Georgia, Letter from citizens, 199; Clay's tour through, 88; convention, Critten- den's message to, 250; convention, Douglas's message to, 250; feeling on slavery in, 256; Indian lands in, 30; politics, 122, 124, 182. 308 INDEX Georgia Agriculture Society, 187. Gerard, James W., Letter from, 245. Germany, diplomatic mission to, 48. Gernon, , 2$. Ghent, Treaty of, 112. Gildersleeve, Charles E., 261. Gillespie, Eugene F., Letter from, 201. Gilliam, Albert, 277. Gilliam, , 237. Glllman, Henry, Letter from, 284. Gist, William, 19. Gladstone, William E warts, 112; Letter to, 99. Glasier, Richard B., 198. Glenn, John, 104. Globe, The, established, 40. Glover, Charles, Letter from, 267. Gnothautii Society, 218. Goethian Literary Society, Letter from,, 61. Goff , Washington, Letter from, 235. Goggin, W. L., 116. Goodhue & Co. , Letters from, 225, 227, 228. Goodnow, Daniel, Letter from, 117. Goodwin, M. B., Letter from, 206. Gordon, John, 12. Gordon, F. H., Letter from, 266. Gorin, Frank, Letter from, 266. Gottenburgh, 15. Gould, Jay, Letter from, 230. Government; see: United States. Governor; see under the various States. Graham, William Alexander, Letter from, 234. Grainger, William H., Letter from, 173. Grame, John, jr., Letter from, 242. Grandin, , Letter from, 237. Granger, Francis, Letters from, 89, 94, 132. Grant, Ulysses Simpson, condemned for negligence at Shiloh, 275. Graves, William Jordan, 55, 112, 121, 123; Letters from, 69, 96, 111. Gray, N. E., Letter from, 132. Gray, Samuel, 16. Gray, W. F., Letter from, 26. Gray, , 27. Gray, Bacon, and Arnold, 27. Great Britain (England), abolition in col- onies, 71; Abolition Society, 89; armis- tice with, 15; Army, 15, 16; attitude toward Southern States, 247; Caroline affair, 55, 72; contrasted with United States, 224; council orders on embargo, 45; emigrants from, 65; fugitive from, Great Britain (England) — Continued. 230; Hay ti incited against United States by, 14; impressment by, 45; interest rate charged, 61: should interpose for peace, 266; law, Judge Advocate General's opinion on martial, 281 ; law, navigation, 150; law on retirement of Navy officers, 196; law, reform statute, 149; mediation between United States and France, 46; minister to, 41,44, 149, 150, 199; minister to United States, 51; Nicaragua affair, 160, 161; non-intercourse act against, 12, 15; Parliament, 150; peace terms proposed to, 14; peace with United States, 16; pensions, 21; policy toward America, 171; treaty with, 10, 80, 112, 183, 289; United States course toward, 13; United States trade with, 98; victory over, 15; war with, see under War. Greece, 28, 186. Greely, P., Letter from, 137. Green, Duff, Letter from, 62. Green, John J. H., Letter from, 283. Green, Norvin, Letter from, 286. Green, Thomas, Letter from, 265. Greene, Albert Collins, Letter from, 123. Greene, William, Letter from, 156. Greenfield, J. G., jr., Letter to, 84. Greenup, Christopher, Will, 18. Grider, Henry, 126; Letter from, 125. Griffin, C, 32. Griffin, J. T., 32. Griffith, Isaac S., 186. Griffith, W T illiam R., 43. Griffith, , 187, 192, 193. Grimke, , 156. Grinnell, Moses Hicks, Letters from, 121, 131, 145, 170, 184, 198; Letters to, 132, 134. Gross, Samuel D., Letter from, 275. Groves, H. C, 284. Grundy, Felix, 64; as Kentucky-Tennes- see boundary commissioner, 21, 22; Letter from, 22. Grymes, John R., 86. Guatemala, Treaty with, 32. Guion, ; see Prentiss and Guion. Guiteau, Sheridan, Letter from, 248. Gunton, , fl. Guthrie, James, 54, 72, 184; Letter to, 191. Haddock, Charles Brickett, Letter from, 244. INDEX 309 Haden, William, 39. Hadley, Samuel, 19. Hagner, Peter, Letters from, 27, 28. Hams, James M., Letter from, 68. Hains, William, 68. Hale, James T., Letter from, 142. Hale, P. H., 227; Letter from, 236. Hall, Allen A., 135, 166. Hall, James, 127. Hall, Jonathan Prescott, 131; Letters from, 137, 252. Hall, J. C, Letter from, 272. Hall, N. K., Letter from, 259. Halloway, D. P., 138. Hallo way, John, 26. Haly, John, 285. Ham, John C, Letter from, 278. Ham, 174. Hamilton, Alexander, draft of Washing- ton's farewell address, 202. Hamilton, Alexander, Letters from, 59, 78. Hamilton, James, Letters from, 61, 135. Hamilton, J., 117, 177. Hamilton, Margaret, 17. Hammett, Richard E., 141. Hammond, Charles, 24. Hammond, James Henry, Letters from, 225, 226. Hammond, Philip, 17. Hampton, Moses, Letter from, 130. Hampton, William, Letter from, 136. Hanna, John, Letter from, 40. Hanna, John H., Letter to, 19. Hannegan, Edward A., 145, 148; Letters from, 126, 143. Hannibal, , 242. Hanover County (Virginia) citizens, Let- ter from, 62. Hardeman, William, 99; Letter to, 97. Hardin, Benjamin, 93. Hardin, Benjamin Rowan, 151; Letters from, 133, 151. Hardin, David, 18. Hardin, Martin D., 21, 23; Letter to, 28. Hardin, William, 88. Hardridge, William, 19. Harlan, James, 66, 265; Letters from, 43, 116, 207, 280; Letter to, 80. Harlan, John Marshall, Letter from, 267. Harpending, A., 270; Letter from, 272. Harper, J., 30. Harpers, Henry, Letter from, 279. Harrell, , 286. Harris, Alfred T., Letters from, 233, 234. Harris, Carey A., 56; Letters from, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53; Letters to, 50, 53. Harris, Frank, Letter from, 40. Harris, Hiram, 40. Harris, Sylvester, 186. Harris & Harrioon, Letter from, 168. Harrisburg (Pennsylvania), 29, 59, 63. Harrison, Benjamin, 286. Harrison, C. B., 39. Harrison, George Ross, 168. Harrison, Jesse, 12, 286. Harrison, Jilson P., Letter from, 98. Harrison, John Scott, 133; Letters from, 207, 208. Harrison, Thomas B., Letter from, 267. Harrison, William Henry, 63, 64, 67, 68, 93; administration, 66; appointments, 70; cabinet, 63, 65, 67, 68; confidence in Crittenden, 65; death, 70; visit to Frank- fort, 63; Kentucky's attitude toward, 54; monument, 111; nomination and election, 46, 48, 60, 62; Seaton's guest, 127. Harrison, , 97, 168, 286. Hart, Joel T., 148. Harton, L., Letter from, 265. Harvard University, 175. Harvey, James E., Letter from, 177; Let- ter to, 177. Harvey, John, Letters from, 194, 222, 227; Letter to, 239. Harvey, , 153. Harvie, John, Letter from, 46; Letter to, 46. Harvie, J., 26. Harvie, , 286. Hascall, V., Letter from, 251. Haslet, , 36. Hastings, S. C, Letter from, 225. Haun, W. G., Letter from, 273. Haven, George W., Letter from, 264. Haverhill (Massachusetts) citizens, Let- ter from, 261. Hawes, Richard, 57; Letters from, 73, 115, 165, 166, 168, 180. Hawes, , 146. Hawkins, Benjamin, 18. Hawkins, Joseph H., 15; Letters from, 14, 15, 16, 25. Hawkins, J. W., Letter from, 30. Hay, Mortimer D., Letter from, 233. Hay don, John W., 44. Hayden, Samuel, Letter from, 255. Hayes, Justin, 288. 310 INDEX Haymond, Rufus, Letter from, 131. Hayne, Arthur Peronneau, Letter from, '220. Hays, John C, 188. Hayti, incited to invade United States, 14. Haywood, William H., jr., Letter from, 147. Hazel Green (Kentucky), 270. Hazzard, James, 14. Headlam, Thomas E., on martial law, 248. Headrys, Emma C, Letter from, 277. Healey, ■ , 97. Heard, John W., Letter from, 253. Heath, John, 18. Heath, Simeon A., Letter from, 214. Heath, Upton S., 180. Helena (Arkansas), 189. Helm, John, 17. Helm, John Larue, Letters from, 41, 93, 110, 169, 253. Henderson, William, 27. Henley, W. R., Letter from, 280. Henry, G. A., 144. Henry, Henry, Letter from, 76. Henry, John F., Letter from, 237. Henry, Patrick, 9. Herald, The, 167, 281. Herndon, William Henry, on secret cor- respondence between Lincoln and Crittenden, 222-3; Letter from, 222. Herod, William, 138. Herr, Benjamin F., Letter from, 215. Hewes, John M., Letter from, 227. Heydenfeldt, Solomon, 195. Hickey, William, Letter from, 100. Hickman, B., 25. Hickman (Kentucky) citizens, Letter from, 265. Hicks, Beverly A., Letter from, 147. Hicks, Thomas Holiday, faith in Davis, 243; refusal to convene legislature, 253; Letters from, 230, 243, 252, 255, 257. Hieskell, William B., Letter from, 283. Higginbotham, Manuel, 31. Hight, , 288. Hill, H. R. W., 117; Letter from, 177. Hill, John J., 65. Hill, Robert J., Letter from, 278. Hilliard, J. H., Letter from, 99. Hite, W. C, 183. Hite and Small, 183. Hodges, Albert Gallatin* 77; Letter from, 208. Hoffman, Ogden, Letters from, 71, 121, 123. Hogue, , 40. Holland, interest rate charged, 61; popu- lation in America, 279; war in, 10. Hollman, , 275. Holly, Horace, Letter from, 26. Holmes, Isaac Edward, Letter from, 122. Holmes, John, 18. Holston, John G. T., Letter from, 221. Holt, John H., 129. Holt, Joseph, Letter from, 98; Letters to, 252, 263. Home, Crittenden's comments on the, 81. Home Protective Union of Pennsylvania, 219, 220. Homestead bill, Crittenden's speech on, 236. Honduras, minister to, 285. Hone, Philip, Letter from, 144. Hooper, Henry N., Letters from, 163, 166. Hopkins, A. F., Letters from, 136, 195. Hord, Francis T., Letter from, 209. Hornet, takes prize, 14. Horses, 183; war claim for, 27, 28, 138. Household goods, price, 285. Houston, John W., Letter from, 140. Houston, Samuel, at Kossuth entertain- ment, 179; victory, 49. Howard, John R., Letter from, 260. Howard, Thomas C, Letter from, 30. Howard, Volney E., Howard, , 185. Hoyt, Jesse, 70> 71. Hudson, Robert E., Letter to, 223. Letter from, 60. Hudson (New York), 63. Hudson's Bay Agricultural Company, 169. Hugg, John H., Letter from, 267. Hughes, Christopher, Letters from, 76, 78. Hughes, James, Letter to, 17. Hughes, Willis G., Letter from, 277. Hughes, , 289. Hull, William, court-martial, 15. Hulme, John, Letters from, 248, 255, 264. Humphreys, Charles, Letter from, 30. Humphreys, , 168. Hungary, 154. Hunt, Charles A., Letter from, 223. Hunt, Frank K., Letter from, 152. Hunt, Memucan, Letter from, 56. Hunt, Washington, Letters from, 205, 240; Letters to, 237, 238. Hunt, William Gibbes, 26. Hunt, , 67. Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, Let- ter to, 191. INDEX 311 Huntington, E. M., Letter from, 207. Hunton, Logan, fees in Lopez case, 175; Letters from, 172, 187, 210, 270, 276, 280, 283, 284. Huntsville (Alabama) citizens, on seces- sion, 242; circular letter from, 242. Huston, Felix, Letter from, 52. Huston, George W., Letter from, 105, 116. Hutchins, Nathan L., Letter from, 252. Illinois, 21; elections, 48, 128; Lincoln- Douglas campaign in, 221; political campaign, 221; Whigs, 95, 208. Immigrants, 65, 151. Imports, warehousing, 98. Impressment, by Great Britain, 45. Imprisonment, for assisting fugitive slaves, 181; for debt, 31, 70. Inauguration, Taylor's, 127. Independence, celebration, 62, 63, 78; Virginia's declaration of, 55. Indiana, Letter from citizens, 137; pol- itics, 125, 281; presidential election in, 121, 126, 128, 142; sentiment on com- promise measures, 254; sentiment on Kansas question, 207; troops, 265; Whig convention, 180. Indianapolis (Indiana), 165, 166, 167; Union meeting of all parties at, 164. Indians, agents, 133, 160; Affairs, Com- missioner of, 70, 154, 160, 165, 166 claims, 160; movements at Detroit, 15 Florida, 156; funds, 49, 50, 54, 56, 174 lands, 168; pushed westward, 58; reser- vation, 109; service, 129, 156; stocks and bonds, 49; Texas, 80; treaties with northern, 289; Tribes, Cherokees, 109, 113, 174; Choctaw, 86; Comanches, 252; Creek, 30; Kiowas, 252; Seminole, 27, 28, 173; Seneca, 68; Sioux, 168; Tonawanda, 109. Industry, protection for domestic, 129. Inge, S. W., 187. Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 99. Ingersoll, Jared, Letter from, 10; Letter to, 10. Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, Letters from, 56, 271. Inglis, Charles, Letter from, 231. Inman, William, Letter from, 198. Innes, Harry, advice, 17; Letter from, 17; Letters to, 14, 17, 289. Innes, Jame3, 9. Innes, Maria, 17; Letter to, 17; see also: Todd, Maria K. and Crittenden, Maria K. Innes, Mrs. , suit, 51, 53. Innes family genealogy, 63. Inspector of revenues, deputy, 182, 202. Institutes of American Law, by Bouvier, 178. Institutions, the nature and tendency of free, 156. Intelligencer, The, 91. Interest, due Cherokee Indians, 109; rate, 61, 103. Interior (Department), Secretary of, 150, 179. Internal improvements, 18, 60, 66, 67, 155, 199. International arbitration; see: Arbitration, international. International law; see: Law, international. Invention, 89, 125; for examining sea bot- tom, 191. Iowa, governor, 66, 68; politics, 74; sec- tional feeling, 266; desires statehood, 74. Ireland, Joseph N., Letter from, 69. Ireland, emigrants from, 65. Iron warehouse, 168 Irons, J. F., 47. Irvin, James, Letter from, 142. Irwin, James W., Letter from, 141. Isaacs, John, 17. Italian National Committee, Letter from, 232. Italy, 232. Iverson, Alfred, 232. Izard, George, 30. Jack, W. W., Letter from, 158. Jackson, Andrew, 35, 40, 82, 252; adminis- tration, 38, 46; assumption of power, 44; cabinet, 37, 40, 44; campaign in Florida, 172, 173; attitude of Clay toward, 35, 36; confidence in, 26; rumored death, 38; denounced, 45; Jacksonism, 57; Kitchen Cabinet, 41; treatment of Louisiana citizens, 16; nominated for President, 29; nomination of Noah, 39; opposed by Mrs. Eaton, 44; opposition to, 40, 44, 54; party, 44, 52, 53; protest, 44; services, 16; supporters, 33, 36; hos- tility to United States Bank, 44; sup- port of Van Buren, 64; veto of Maysville turnpike bill, 39; Letters to, 16, 51- 312 INDEX Jackson, Mrs. Andrew (Rachel Donelson), statement regarding, 47. Jackson, James, jr., 289. Jackson, Thomas Jonathan ("Stone- wall "), as an example of true Christian, 281. Jacksonville (Illinois), 69; Letter from citizens, 69. Jagger, William, 239. Jamestown (Virginia), 236. Janney, John, Letters from, 263, 264. January, Charles C, & Co. Letter from, 126. January, John M., 285. Japan, 197. Jaquess, J. B., Letters from, 205. Jarnagin, Spencer, Letter from, 64. Java, captured, 14. Jefferson, Thomas, reception to, 11; Let- ter from, 14. Jenifer, Daniel, on manners and customs at court of Vienna, 77; Letters from, 77, 175, 188. Jenkins, Ben, 212. Jenkins, Thornton A., Letter from, 192. Jennison, Charles R., 271. Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 101. Jett, William, 278. John, servant of Crittenden, 97. Johnson, Andrew, motives of, 276. Johnson, A. B., Letter from, 254. Johnson, Albert Sidney, Letter to, 102. Johnson, Edward M., Letter from, 229. Johnson, E. P., Letter to, 63. Johnson, Francis, Letters from, 26, 36, 55, 59, 64. Johnson, James L., Letter from, 185. Johnson, John, Letter from, 247. Johnson, John T., 288. Johnson, J. C, Letter from, 185. Johnson, Madison Conyers, Letters from, 162, 184, 208, 243, 244, 269, 284. Johnson, P. B., Letter from, 205. Johnson, Reverdy, Letters from, 73, 74, 104, 123, 134, 163, 283; Letters to, 157, 225. Johnson, Richard Mentor, 19, 20, 56, 62, 76, 81, 85, 87, 114; Letters from, 19, 29, 34, 37, 50, 52, 54, 71; Letters to, 27, 36, 50, 52. Johnson, William Freame, Letters from, 129, 141. Johnson , 20. Johnston, Joseph, Letter from, 126. Johnstone, George P., 201. Jonas, Abraham, Letter from, 208. Jones, A., 47. Jones, David, 26. Jones, 'George W., 84. Jones, James C, 69. Jones, John W., 85. Jones, Justin, Letter from, 213. Jones, Thomas L., Letter from, 203. Jones, William, Letter from, 79. Jones, William D., & Co., 29. Jones, William Palmer, Letter from, 266. Jones, ; see Garland and Jones. Jordan , 13. Jouett, Jack, 28. Jouett, James E., Letter from, 236. Journal, The, 144. Joy, George, Letters from, 99, 112; letter to, 45. Judge, H. M., Letter from, 97. Judge, Mrs. H. M., Letter to, 97. Judge advocate general of Great Britain, opinion on martial law, 281. Judges, 16, 37, 46 ; bill for appointing Cali- fornia, 166; character, 51; nomination, 195; salary, 49; see also United States, Supreme Court Justices. Judgeships, in California, 179; in Ken- tucky, 37. Judiciary, of states to settle disputes, 251. Junior Sons of America, Letter from, 235. Jury, national, 248. K. Kaine, Thomas, 230. Kalfus, S. N., Letter from, 146. Kansas, Abolitionists send recruits to, 199; admission of, 206, 215; Army re- fuses aid to, 192, 196; Congress's aid ex- pected by, 192, 196; constitution, 201, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222; fraudulent vote for constitution, 202; governor's address denounced, 192; laws, 192; mob violence in, 192; organi- zation of, 184; question, 189, 204, 221; Scott should be sent to, 196, 197; slavery in, 196. Kasson, John Adams, Letter from, 272. Keene, George, Letter from, 276. Keene, W. H., & Co., Letter from, 241. Kelley, Moses, Letter to, 259. Kendall, Amos, 35, 36, 62, 64; Letters from, 174, 283; Letter to, 36. Kendall, , 21. Kendall and Russells, 21. INDEX 313 Kennedy, A., Letter from, 227. Kennedy, John M., Letters from, 114, 131. Kennedy, John Pendleton, 97; Letters from, 103, 180, 233, 235. Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, Letter from, 189. Kennedy, Robert S., Letter from, 230. Kennedy, Thomas S., Letter from, 262. Kennedy, William, 9. Kennedy, W. J., Letter from, 240. Kennedy, , 11. Kent, Edward, Letter from, 137. Kentucky, 10, 57, 66, 78, 79, 84, 91, 145, 149, 163, 272, 277; Adams supported by, 33; appointments from, 149, 151, 152, 153; auditor, 122, 127; arms conveyed across, 269; army camps in, 269; assem- bly, 21, 26, see also: Kentucky legisla- ture; bank bill, 67; bank controversy with Schuylkill Bank, 76; bank notes, 24; banks in, 15, 18, 23, 24, 25, 28, 50, 55, 57, 75, 162; bar, Crittenden's letter to, 188; bonds, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 85, 86; boundary question, 21, 22; census, 159; cholera, 43; citizens, attitude to- ward Crittenden, 129, 133; citizens, list of "1st class," in 3rd congressional dis- trict, 193; citizens, petition to congress for code of international law, 98; civil authority conflicts with military author- ity, 279, 281; claim against United States, 77; Clay's political status in, 42, 54, 114, 139; commissioners, 22, 249; congressional districts, 13, 193; conser- vatism, 231; controversy with trust company, 64; Convention, 225, 252; constitu- tional, 54, 55; Know-nothing, 190; Loco-foco, 87; union, 235; Van Buren, 88; courts, 34, 42, 77, 90, 182, 212, 273, 288; courts disputes, 33, 34, 38; Crit- tenden and, 63, 73, 81, 92, 146, 212, 214, 268, 269, 270; delegation in con- gress, 218, 267, 275; democratic party, 81, 216; depredations in, 278; district attorney, 20, 34; elections, 23, 32, 35, 40, 44, 45, 47, 80, 81, 120, 130, 141, 152, 153, 171 , 184, 207, 227, 228, 266; election, money and fraud in, 200; electors, Clay's response to, 95; emancipation in, 280; epidemic in, 15; feasting in, 64; federal prisoners in, 284; Fillmore's visit Kentucky— Continued, to, 185; foraging in, 280; free schools, 54; geological survey of, 53; governor ; 18, 23, 33, 41, 60, 62, 66, 104, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 131, 171, 188, 226; internal im- provements, 60, 66, 67; invaded by troops, 253, 256, 283, 287; judges, 37, 46; judicial districts, 272; journey from, 11, 24; Kossuth antagonism in, 180; land, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 34, 43, 233, 287, 288; attitude on land bill, 79; land fund, 78; land laws, 234; laws, 149, 161, 162, 164, 234; Legislature, 15, 16, 23, 30, 31, 33, 40, 53, 57, 60, 66, 68, 83, 88, 116, 135, 139, 140, 171, 271, 283; bills, 47, 53, 54, 66, 67; called session, 77; Clay approved for President by, 55; Crit- tenden's messages to, 139, 141, 142; Crittenden supported by, 39; leader needed for, 88; Maryland memorial submitted to, 185; reliefs in, 31; on Schuylkill Bank fraud, 75; Scott rec- ommended for higher rank by, 186; on secession, 246, 259; senatorial election in, 67, 81; speaker, 191, 192; Whigs and Locos in, 80; Letter to, 22; see also: Kentucky Assembly; mail agent for, 74; manufactures, 15; marshal of, 158, 159, 160; mounted gun- ners, 49-50; Nelson maintains law in, 269; neutrality, 265, 266, 268, 287; newspapers, 211, 288; oysters sent to, 82; paper money, 22, 27; patriotic cele- bration in, 268; political campaigns, 114, 118, 176, 199, 226, 227, 284; politics, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 46, 69, 78, 92, 115, 116, 118, 136, 156, 159, 174, 191, 192, 194, 197, 208, 224, 266, 282, 283, 285; population, 13; public printer, 34; reliefs and anti-reliefs, 31, 32, 77; revenue bill, 15; seat of government, 15; on secession, 234, 244, 248, 263, 266; secretary of state, 93, 152; sec- tional sentiment, 256; senate, 46, 66, 75, 112, 161; sentiment toward, 265; social life in, 183; sons of, admiration for, 206; statehouse, 32, 34; tax bill, 66; Taylor politics in, 107, 110, 112, 114, 122, 147; troops, 264, 268, 269, 274, 275, 282; troops, letter from cavalry 314 INDEX Kentucky — Continued . officers, 278; troops, volunteer, 49-50, 103, 104; and the Union, 234, 244, 248, 263, 265, 266, 268, 287; Union party, effect of Lincoln's message on, 268; United States funds deposited with, 52; Van Buren party in, 62; Whigs, 63, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 180. Kentucky Gazette, The, 24. Kentucky University, Letter from, 232. Kerr, R. H., Letter from, 254. Ketcham, Hiram, Letters from, 231, 237, 238, 239, 278, 279, 281, 282. Key, Philip Barton, 225. Key West (Florida), 176, 271. Kimball, John, letters from, 205, 216. Kincheloe, Lewis, 12. King, Charles, Letters from, 127, 149. King, D. Rodney, Letter from, 249. King, Preston, Letter from, 215. King, Robert P., Letter from, 262. King, Thomas Butler, 145, 146. King, William Rufus, 69. Kinkead, Ann, 25. Kinkead, Archibald, 25. Kinkead, George B., Letters from, 103, 146, 259. Kinsey, , 21, 23. Kiowa Indians, scout against, 252. Kitchen Cabinet; see: Cabinet, Kitchen. Klopfer, Henry A., Letter from, 191. Kneeland, Henry, 24. Knerr, Levi P., Letter from, 207. Knight, Jonathan, 196. Know-nothing, conventions, 190, 193, 194; party, 188, 189. Knox College, 218. Knoxville (Tennessee) convention, 47-8. Korponay, Gabriel de, Letter from, 210. Kossuth, Louis, 179, 180. L. Labor, of the country, 167. La Chene Canal, first trip on, 26. Lafayette, Marquis de, 29, 45. Lake Champlain, victory at, 16. Land, bounty, 172, 188, 196, 197, 199; Can- ada, 20; grant, 9, 10, 179: patent. 223; public, 41, 48, 58, 61, 78, 79, 176, 232, 242, 254; warrant, 212; see also under the various states. Land Office, 69, 88, 109, 136, 179. Lane, John, 160; Letter from, 159. Lane, George, Letter from, 221. Lane, William Bartlett, Letter from, 282. Langden, John, 13. Lanham's Dictionary of Congress, 286. Larrabee, Charles, Letters from, 216, 234. Larsen, T. Wharton, Letter from, 263. Latimer, William K., 224. Law, George, 193. Law, John, 280; Letter from, 280. Law, books, 56, 288; to be enacted, 253; enforcement of federal, 249; Institutes of American, by Bouvier, 178; inter- national, petition for code of, 98; school, Transylvania University, 30; see also under the various states. Lawrence, Abbott, cabinet possibility, 129, 132, 134, 136, 139, 142, 144; char- acter, 145: opposition to. 135; Letters from, 65, 92, 99, 100, 121, 126, 131. Lawrence, Amos Adams, Letters from, 196, 217, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 247, 253, 256, 264, 265, 266. Lawrence, John L., 128. Lawyers, sketches of, 236. Lay, Benjamin, 29. Lay, George W., Letter from, 116. Lea, Joseph T., 261. Lea, Matthew Carey, Letter from, 251. Learning, J. Fisher, Letter from, 260. Leary, P., jr., 203. Leary, William A., Letter from, 133. Lebanon (Ohio), 30. Lecompton, constitution; see; Kansas con- stitution. Lee, Eliza, 39. Lee, Elizabeth, 21. Lee, George Washington Custis, 160. Lee, Hancock, 17, 286. Lee, John, 18; Letters to, 10, 11. Lee, John H., 17; Letter from, 34. Lee, Richard Henry, Letters from, 39, 43, 132. Lee, Z. Collins, Letter from, 134. Legare\ Hugh Swinton, Letter from, 67. Legislature; see under the various states. Legislatures, meeting in Cincinnati of four, 233. Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, 48, 59; Letters from, 56, 99. Leigh, William, Letter from, 42. Leisenring, A. W. f Letter from, 217. Lemmon, John C, Letter from, 215. Lenthall, John, Letter to, 192. Leonard, Abiel, 133, 140. Letcher, Joseph P., Letter from, 221. INDEX 315 Letcher, Robert Perkins, 41, 96, 219, 233; advice to Crittenden, 65, 183; advice to Morehead, 82; application for bounty land warrant, 196; on bank bill, 73; on Bell, 68; on Benton, 68; on Brown, 66, 67, 68, 73; Brown's gratitude to, 154; on Buchanan, 204, 211, 227; on Clay, 48, 77, 78; Clayton to appoint, 148; congressional candidate, 43, 44; on Corwin, 227; Crittenden desires in Louisville, 200; Crittenden recom- mends, 147, 156; Davis's political favor to, 44; Ewing visited by, 157; Fill- more's interview with, 175, 200; on breach with France, 158; as governor, 62, 66; on Harrison's cabinet, 67; health, 197, 252; humorous remarks on, 155; on Johnson, 81, 87; on Kansas question, 202, 204; on Kentucky elec- tion fraud, 199, 200; on Kentucky social life; 183; on Kentucky Van Buren convention, 88; Louisvilje Jour- nal's statement reflecting on, 85; on Louisville mass meeting, 191; on life in Mexico, 160-1; as minister to Mexico, 152, 153, 156, 160, 164, 167, 169, 171, 172, 175, 177, 181; on politicians at Washington, 157; on Rives, 87; on Scott, 86, 109; services in war of 1812, 196; Smith's difliculty with, 180; speech, 165; on Taylor, 109; on Tyler, 73, 77, 78; on Van Buren, 78; in Wash- ington, 155, 158, 167; on Webster, 48, 73, 77, 80, 170; Webster's reliance upon, 178; on Wickliffe, 67; Wickliffe opposes, 65, 66; on Wise, 89; Letters from, 26, 41, 48, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 147, 158, 160, 161, 165, 167, 169, 170, 171, 175, 177, 181, 183, 188, 189, 191, 192, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 211, 212, 214, 215, 218, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 235, 236; Letters to, 64, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 90, 105, 106, 118, 178, 179. Letters captured, 269-70. Level, , inventor of telegraph sys- tem, 60. Levens, Henry C, Letter from, 285 Levis, Hosea J., 75, 76. Levy, Uriah Phillips, Letter from, 196. Lewis, Charles D., Letter from, 182. Lewis, Fielding, 10, 19. Lewis, Gabriel, Letter from, 23; Letter to, 21. Lewis, Gabriel, & Co., 17. Lewis, George, 10, 11, 19; Letter to, 19. Lewis, John, 10, 19, 21, 23; Letter to, 19. Lewis, Sarah, 18. Lewis, Thomas, 11, 288. Lewis, W. W., Letter from, 23. Lexington (Kentucky), 33; confidential circular, 109; Letter from citizens, 77. Liberia, recognition of, 176, 235, 275. Ligon, Melissa, 233, 234. Lincoln, Abraham, 269, 279, 282; admin- istration, 259, 272, 279, 282, 284; Breck- inridge's interview with, 243; cabinet, 242, 243; and the Constitution, 267, 272, 282, 283; Crittenden's confidence in, 287; Crittenden's secret correspond- ence with, 222; Crittenden speech on resolutions of, 274; and Douglas cam- paign, 221, 223; inaugural address, 263; message, 268; Morehead's interview with, 272; policies, 243, 282; speech on government, 111; supporters, 257; Let- ter to, 278. Lincoln, F. W., jr., Letter from, 163. Lindsley, , 280. Linn, Lewis Fields, 49. Littell, , 26. Little Giant Club, 249. Live-oak agent for Louisiana, 147. Liverpool, consul at, 71, 126, 139, 144, 149, 150, 152. Living, cost of, 48, 161. Livingston, John, 124. Locker, George L., Letter from, 12. Lockport (New York), 205, Loco-focos, 82, 86, 90, 150; convention, 87, 116; influence, 83; in Kentucky legisla- ture, 80; leaders, 85; and the tariff, 95. Logan County (Kentucky), 17. Logan Vineyard Society, 13. London, 186, 199; money scarcity in, 58. London Times, The, 194. Long, A. W., Letter from, 214. Looker, Thomas H., Letter from, 245. Loomis, A. W., Letter from, 127. Lopez, Narcisso, 175. Lord, Daniel, Letters from, 81, 87, 89, 110, 137, 172, 196, 245, 246, 247, 257, 282. Lord, Thomas, Letter from, 98. Loring, Charles Greeley, 193, 217; Letter from, 217. 316 INDEX Loring, William Wing, 106. Lottery, 17, 54. Loudon, , 15. Loughborough, Preston S., Letter from, 161. Louisiana, 79-80, 82, 96, 141; judges, 16, 51; land, 179; live-oak agent for, 147. "Louisana," Letter from, 259. Louisville (Kentucky), 52, 93, 200; Crit- tenden to deliver eulogy on life of Clay at, 182; mass meeting, 191; mail agent, 154. Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad, 46, 47, 48. Louisville Daily Journal, The, 54. Louisville Journal, The, Letter to, 85. Louisville Public Advertiser, The, 33. Love, James, 41, 44; on Texas affairs, 58, 89, 169; Letters from, 44, 58, 89, 117, 169. Love, John, 26. Loving, William V., Letter from, 126. Low Brothers & Co., Letter from, 229. Lowe, J. W., 47. Lowndes, William Jones, 18, 26. Luckett, Robert F., 262. Ludlow, N. M., Letter from, 249. Lundy's Lane, anniversary of battle of, 182. Lunt, George, 232, 236; Letters from, 139, 231. Lyle, James, 12. Lyon, James, Letter from, 255. M. Mabbut, Alexander, 20, 21, 22, 23; Let- ters from, 24, 25, 26. McBeath, Margaret, 21. McBrayer, William, 12. McBride, J. L., 204. McCall, J., Letter from, 248. McCarty, H. Milburn, 158, 159; Letters from, 175, 178. McClaran, William, Letter from, 215. McClelland, Robert, Letterfrom, 197, 259. McClung, John Alexander, Letter from, 138. McConnell, Carry, 60. McCormick, George W., Letter from, 220. McCrackin, Isaac, 9, 12. McCulloch, , 76. McDonald, , 71. Macdonough, A. R., 281. McDuffie, George, 32; Letter to, 90. McDuffie, J. Thomas, Letter from, 181. Macey, A. R., Letter from, 40. McFarland, John S., Letter from, 184. McFerran, W. R., 283. McGiffin, T., 47. McHenry, John H., 66. Machir, John, 9, 12, 17; Letter from, 17. Mcllhany, F. M., Letter from, 157. Mclntire, Jacob, 34. Mclntire, John, 34. Mackae, Cameron F., Letter from, 249. McKee, Alexander R., Letter from, 275. McKee, George R., 212. McKee, John, 43. McKenzie, Alexander, 22. Mackenzie, M. R., Letter from, 280. McKenzie, Samuel J., Letter from, 277. McKim, , 36. McKinley, Andrew, Letters from, 112, 226, 227, 229, 238, 269; Letters to, 97, 98, 100, 118, 119. McKinley, John, 184. McKinney, John, 26, 27. McKinney, , 51. McLean, Alney, Letter from, 45. McLean, Finis E., Letter from, 274. McLean, Frank Jay, 274; Letter from, 273. McLean, John, 44, 74, 75, 84, 105, 236; Letter from, 85. McLeod, Alexander, 69, 71, 72; see also: Caroline. McMichael, Morton, Letter from, 128. McNair, Dunning R., Letter from, 262. McNairy, Boyd C, Letters from, 40, 69, 108, 113, 135, 149, 155, 162, 179. MacNeill, William E. Wyatt, 158. McNeill, William Gibbs, Letters from, 92, 158. Madan, Cristobal, 170. Maddox, John P., 97. Madison, Ambrose, 10; Letter from, 10. Madison, Dorothy Payne, wills, 67, 152, 154. Madison, James, 14; cabinet, 14; Joy's correspondence with, 112; land, 10,24; recommended for President, 13; on war of 1812, 45; works to be published, 112; Letters from, 10, 45; Letters to, 24, 34. Madison, J., 17. Madison (Indiana), 165. Magoffin, Beriah, 226, 265; Letter from, 279; Letters to, 243, 279. INDEX 317 206, Magoffin, , sentenced to be hung for violation of parole, 273. Magruder, James A., Letter from, 259. Mail, agent, 74, 154, 272, 273, 275; 172; contract, 276. Maine, 56. Major, Samuel I. M., Letter to, 239. Major Barbour, 181. Malcom, Thomas S., Letters from, 235. Mallory, Robert, Letter from, 284. Mallory, Stephen Russell, 198. Manchester (England), 156. Mangum, Willie Pearson, 47, 104; eulogy on, 269; Letter from, 103; Letter to, 110. Mann, Abijah, jr., Letter to, 49. Mansfield (Ohio) citizens, Letter from, 201. Man son, , 203. Manufactures, 15. Map of Monterey, 102. March, Francis A., Letter from, 247. Marcy, William Learned, 78, 113; Taylor on, 99, 104, 105, 108; Letters from, 97, 101; Letters to, 100, 107. Markets, eastern, railroads effect on, 261. Markle, , 94. Marr, , 40. Marriages, mixed in Washington, 277. Marsh, Mason R., Letter from, 258. Marshal, United States, 66, 70, 141, 158, 159, 160, 171. Marshall, Charles A., Letter from, 259. Marshall, Humphrey, 35, 36, 47, 174, 191, 193, 194; claim against United States, 47; statement regarding Mrs. Andrew Jackson, 47; Letters from, 46, 47, 115, 161, 174. Marshall, John, 69. Marshall, John Jay, 14, 19, 20, 23, 24, 35, 53; Letters from, 51, 59. Marshall, Thomas, trouble with Peyton, 102, 103; Letter from, 102. Marshall, Thomas F., 178; Letters from, 72, 147. Marshall, William L., Letter from, 160. Marshall, , duel, 45. Marshall family, opposition to Crittenden, 64. Marshall College, 61. Marshfield (Massachusetts), 121. Martial law, 248, 281. Martin, M. A., Letter from, 144. Martin, Thomas S., Letter from, 224. Maryland, bonds, 103; Confederate troops in, 280; course taken by, 266; Critten- den's compromise favored in, 259; gov- ernor, 159, 230, 253; legislature, 234, 253, 259; memorial submitted to Ken- tucky legislature, 185; politics, 109, 123, 125, 227; presidential appoint- ments from, 155; Letter from Whigs, 62. Mason, George. 9. Mason, James Murray, Letter to. 191. Mason, John T., Letter from, 17. Mason, John Young, Letter from, 199. Mason, Richard B., 17. Mason County (Kentucky), 228. Masons, Anti-masonic convention, 46; Anti-masonic party, 40; Masonic hall lottery, 17. Massachusetts, citizens petition for adop- tion of compromise, 248, 256, 261; con- ventions, 91, 198, 235, 236, 238, 239; corrupt election, 126; delegates to na- tional union convention, 237; feeling against South Carolina, 253; politics, 198, 213, 230, 231, 239; presidential election, 129, 131, 198; presidential electors, 130; troops for civil war, 264; Union party, 232. Massachusetts Agricultural Society, 53. Massachusetts "Charitable Mechanical Association, 167. Massachusetts working men, address of, 263. Massacre, in Mexico, 205. Massey, Thomas E., Letter from, 282. Massy, Samuel, 100. Master, Old; see: Orlando Brown. Matheson, S. H., Letter from, 211. Mathews, R. Stockett, Letter from, 209. Matlock, , 133. Mattox, Absalom, 12. Maulding, Morton, 16. Maulding, West, 16, 17. Maxwell, Hugh, Letter from, 131. May, Frederick, Letter to, 175. May, George, 9. May, James, Letter from, 267. May, John, 17, 32. May, William, Letter from, 175. Mayes, Daniel, Letter from, 61. Maysville (Kentucky), 43, 67, 70, 133. Maysville Athenseum, 59; Letter from, 58. Maysville Eagle, The, 40. 318 INDEX Maysville turnpike bill, 39. Mazureau, Adolphe, Letter from, 74. Meade, Hodijah B., 46, 68; Letter from, 50. Meade County citizens, Letter from, 146. Means, , 33. Medal for Taylor, 100. Medbery, James K., Letter from, 223. Mediterranean Squadron, 71, 74, 123, 150. Meeker, Bradley B., 150, 151, 160. Mejia, Thomas, 171. Menard, Amedee, 100. Menefee, Richard H., 68. Mercer, Charles Fenton, Letter from, 225; Letter to, 224. Mercer, Hugh T. W., 39; marriage, 11; Letters from, 11, 32, 39. Meredith, David, 286. Meredith, Jonathan, 180; Letter from, 180. Meredith, Samuel, 286. Meredith, William Morris, 150; Letter from, 148. Meriot, W. J., Letter from, 223. Merrimac, 235, 274. Merris, J. E., Letter from, 219. Metcalfe, Thomas, 111, 163; attitude to- ward Abolitionists, 119; president of slave states convention, 140; witnesses trial for recovery of fugitive slaves, 167; Letters from, 47, 53, 68, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 140, 143, 146, 163, 167, 172, 176. Metropolis Bank, 71. Mexico, 102, 107, 118, 160, 169, 177, 204; acquisition of, 121; antiquities, 161; boundary question, 110, 111, 168, 218, 220; cholera in, 167; cost of provisions in, 161 ; Crabb and party massacred in, 205 ; G. B. Crittenden captured in, 82; Evans murder in, 205; indemnity from, 116, 171; infamous undertaking against United States, 171; life in, 160-1; mili- tary protection in, 80; minister to, 134, 137, 152, 153, 156, 167, 189; free negroes should emigrate to, 130, 249; revolution in, 101; secretary of foreign affairs, 169; and Texas relations, 61 ; Texas suspends operations against, 80; Thornton cap- tured in, 101; treaty with, 108, 113, 156, 169, 170, 171, 177, 178, 181; victory in, 104; war with, 80, 86, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 112, 113, 114; Wyse claim against, 179. Mexico, New, 104, 113, 150. Miami Literary Society, 59. Miami University, 59. Michaels, J., Letter from, 269. Michigan, 115, 119, 120, 139; Mormon set- tlement, 174. Middleton, Henri F., Letter from, 159. Mifflin, Samuel, 26. Mileage, for volunteers, 115. Military, authority in conflict with civil authority, 279, 281; information, 279; lands, 24. Militia, bill before Congress, 262; fines, 18, 25, 31; organization, 34, 265. Miller, Augustus C, Letter from, 267. Miller, George P., 27. Miller, Henry, 34. Miller, John G., Letter from, 140. Miller, J. J., Letter from, 272. Miller, W. Baker, 203. Miller & Co., 168. Miller, Kinsley, and Cooper, 21, 23. Milligan, John, Letter from, 11. Mills, William H., Letter from, 112. Milton, B. T., Letter from, 274. Mines, 202, 223, 287. Minge, Charles H., Letter from, 203. Minister, United States, 148; from France, 157, 158, 177; to France, 83, 143, 149, 155, 157, 158, 162, 163, 199; to Great Britain, 41, 44, 149, 150, 199; to Hon- duras, 285; to Mexico, 134, 137, 152, 153, 156, 167, 289; to Nicaragua, 285; to Prus- sia, 135, 148; to Russia, 162, 180, 182; to Spain, 147, 273; from Texas, 60; to Texas, 66, 69, 70; to Turkey, 238; see also: Diplomatic Service. Minnesota, 151, 160, 161, 181, 218. Minor, W. J., Letter from, 265. Mint, at New Orleans, 277. Minute Men of '56, Letter from, 263. Mississippi, 48, 66; Letter from citizens, 241; legislature, 33; money scarcity in, 61; slave cases, 84; Union party, 241; Whig party, 58. Mississippi Valley Confederacy, sug- gested, 246. Missouri, 84, 215; affairs in, 267; Agricul- ture Society fair, 187; cholera in, 153; Clay's friends in, 71; compromise, 22, 24, 184, 185, 190, 192, 211, 212, 245, 249, see also: Compromise measures; letter from Constitutional Union party in, 240; depredations in, 271; land, 46, 97, 98, 99, INDEX 319 Missouri — Continued . 102, 103, 105, 116, 117, 118, 119, 125, 131, 151, 153, 155, 164, 189, 194, 200, 204, 222, 226, 227, 239; politics, 33, 46, 48, 240, 241; war movements in, 270, 271. Mitchell, Alexander J., 225. Mitchell, David D., Letters from, 134, 141, 145. Mitchell, J. K., Letter from, 144. Mob violence in Kansas, 192. Mobile (Alabama), 70, 137. Monarchy, society to abolish, 218. Money depreciation, 22, 25, 215; derange- ment, 51; government's exaction of specie, 48, 51; paper, 22, 25, 27, 56; for preservation of the Union, 251; public, 50; scarcity, 19, 58, 61; see also: Cur- rency and Finances. Monroe, James, 14, 20, 288; cabinet, 26; mission to Europe, 36; views on public events, 36; Letter from, 36. Monroe, James, Letters from, 174, 175. Monroe, , 44. Montague, R. V., jr., Letter from, 275. Monterey (Mexico), 102, 104. Montours Island, 10. Moore, Francis, 18. Moore, Henry D., Letter from, 209. Moore, James, Letter from, 276. Moore, J. A., Letters from, 158, 159. Moore, L. T., 203. Moore, M. J., 204. Moore, Thomas P., 43, 44. Moore, William T., 158. Moorman, George T., 273. Moorman, William, Letter from, 273. Mordecai, Alfred, 276. Morehead, Armd., 13. Morehead, A., 15; Letter from, 39. Morehead, Charles Slaughter, 266; impris- onment, 270, 272; interview with Lin- coln, 272; Letters from, 33, 75, 76, 81, 159, 162, 176, 241, 267, 270, 272; Letter to, 271. Morehead, James Turner, 68, 75, 82, 104; Letters from, 36, 44, 45, 78; Letters to, 46, 51. Morehead, , 21. Morgan, C, 11. Morgan, Charles W., 183; Letters from, 71, 74, 123, 150. Morgan, Mrs. Charles W., 183. Morgan, Edwin Dennison, 201, 245. Morgan, John H., Letter from, 114. Morgan, Willis, 12. Morgan County Agricultural Society, Let- ter from, 222. Mormon rebellion, 180; settlement in Michigan, 174. Morris, B. S., Letters from, 205, 233, 279. Morris, Charles, Letter from, 192; Letter to, 191. Morris, Edward Joy, Letter from, 128. Morris, Marcella, Letter from, 185. Morris, Walter J., Letter from, 202. Morris, W. H., Letter from, 256. Morris, , 58. Morrison, James, 30, 32, 40, 41, 42. Morrison, M. B., 272; Letters from, 271, 272, 273. Mosely, , 36. Mosley, James, 20. Mother, Letter to son in Army, 282. Mounted riflemen, 106. Mower, James B., 124; Letters from, 120, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 134, 145. Mulford, John, Letter from, 268. Munroe, Isaac, 150. Munsell, , 22. Murfreesboro (Tennessee), 282. Murphy, John, 39. Murphy, William D., Letter from, 207. Murray, James B., Letters from, 245, 250. Murray, James M., 203. Murray, Washington, Letter from, 245. Murray, William Vans, 11. Myer, Albert James, Letter from, 284. Myers, Alexander W., Letter from, 210. Myers, Laurence, Letter from, 250. Myers, Persifor F., Letter from, 206. Myers, Theodore Bailey, Letter from, 231. Myers, , 20. M , E , article to Boston Post, 288. N. Nail, Robert, 39. Napier, Lady, Letter from, 200. Naples, 157. Nashville (Tennessee), 59, 200, 240, 264. Nashville American, The, Letter to, 171. National Hotel, 200. National Intelligencer, The, 94, 95, 236. National Medical College, 221. National Minute Men, Letter from, 264. National Union party; see: Union party. 320 INDEX Nations, congress of, 98. Native American party, 93, 94, 95. Naturalization, laws, 65, 95; plan for, 65. Naval, Academy, 272, 277, 280; officers, 144, 175, 220, 238. Navigation, 29, 150. Navy, 195, 202; appointments in, 68, 155, 168, 176, 183, 247, 262; Board, 171, 191, 195, 196, 197, 202; Clay on, 77-8 ; frigates armament, 74; Mediterranean Squadron, 71; in Mexican war, 103; officers, 49, 76, 195, 196, 198, 232, 236; retirements from, 190, 191, 192, 194, 202; Secretary of, 44, 123, 146, 190, 226; service in, 76, 148, 178, 273. Neal, William, 12. Neale, Richard D., Letter from, 247. Nebraska, bill, 184, 185, 193; organization of, 184. Negro, bill, 66; colonization, 282; con- tentment, 248; in diplomatic corps, 275; enlistments, 278; frenzy, 183; disposal of into Mexico, 130, 249; as property, 246; see also: Slaves. Neill, A., Letter from, 181. Neilson, Mrs. George, Letter from, 285. Neilson, G. Crawford, 285. Nelson, John, 84. Nelson, John G., 65. Nelson, William, 269, 270, 272; Letter from, 269. New Albany citizens, Letter from, 241. New Almaden Mine, 202, 225. New England Society (New York), Letter from, 201. New Hampshire, 283. New Hampshire Literary Society, Letter from, 217. New Haven, 100. New Jersey, legislature, 253-4, 257; poli- tics, 94, 123, 125, 203, 226, 232. New Orleans, 103, 118, 151, 185; cholera in, 140; commercial court, 96; expedi- tion to Cuba from, 174; manners and cus- toms of people, 72; mint, 277; quarter- master's depot, 101. New York, 69, 172, 240; citizens' petition, 247, 280; Letters from citizens, 108, 131, 220, 240, 244; Clay's standing in, 114, 120, 122; Combs's speeches in, 121; Crittenden demonstration in, 223; elec- tion, 35, 36, 44, 53, 91, 94, 137, 170, 188; excitement, 196; foreigners in, 126; foreigners vote, 126; governor, 93; industrial assembly, 260; Jackson aban- New York — Continued, doned by, 44; legislature, 186, 251, 258; memorial to Congress, 357; office seekers in Washington, 147; politics, 36, 71, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 106, 111, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 190, 206, 238, 241, 257, 281, 284; river navigation right, 29; sentiment on political trou- bles, 255, 258; Taylor's standing in 120, 121, 132. New York (City), 70, 71, 84, 85, 100, 127, 128,, 131, 144, 151, 175, 218, 220, 272; currency depreciation, 215; Eighth Ward Pioneer Clay Club, 203; fortifica- tions, 225; money derangement, 51; newspapers' influence, 162; political workers, 125; prices, 285. New York and Erie Railroad, pass for president and cabinet, 174; Letter from, 174. New York Daily Times, The, 177, 238. New York Herald, The, influence, 59. New York Illustrated News, The, 235. Newby, John L., Letter from, 189. Newport, David, Letter from, 231. Newport (Rhode Island), 17. Newspaper, 21,' 40, 42, 67, 162, 173, 177, 199, 204, 211, 227; attack on Kansas question, 221; influence, 162; list of Kentucky American, 288; Taylor es- tablishes, 164, 165; Washington, 140,222. Newton, Albert O., '66; Letter from, 63. Newton, Mrs. Julia, Letter from, 66. Newton, Thomas W., Letter from, 75. Nicaragua, 160, 161, 285. Nicholas, George, 288. Nicholas, Samuel Smith, on abolition, 87, 242; on annexation of territory, 224; on annexation of Texas, 87, 89; ap- pointed chancellor, 93; on Clay, 43; plan for overthrow of democracy, 232; on influence of border states, 215; invention by, 89, 125; law brief, 288; plan for a national bank, 72; on slavery, 87-88, 184; on the South, 184, 246; Let- ters from, 42, 43, 56, 69, 72, 75, 87, 89, 125, 129, 135, 149, 184, 200, 204, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 221, 224, 231, 232, 233, 236, 240, 242, 246; Letters to, 25, 42, 43, 45, 52, 82, 89, 93, 216, 219, 227, 232, 248. Nicholls, William S., Letter from, 206. Nicholasville citizens, Letter from, 264. "No North, No South," etc., Letter from, 264. INDEX 321 Noah, Mordecai Manuel, 39. Noble, James F., Letter from, 242. Noe, Allen T., Letter from, 155. Noe, Robert Crittenden, 155. Noland, C. F. M., Letters from, 54, 108. Noland, , 108. Nolle prosequi in criminal cases, Presi- dent's power to order, 72. Nollen, John, Letter from, 279. Nonimportation act, repeal of, 15. Non-intercourse act, 12. Norfolk (Virginia), 204. North Carolina, 36, 124, 237; legislature, 140; Indians, 174; Union party conven- tion, 234. North Star, Order of the, 218. Northern Bank of Kentucky, 50. Norton, Charles D., Letter from, 108. Norton and McDonald, 71. Nova Scotia, 125. Nullifiers, 253. Nuttall, E. F., Letter from, 252. O. Oaksmith, Appleton, Letter from, 255. Oath of allegiance, 270, 271, 279. Obannon, Presley N., 20. Obear, Joseph F., Letter from, 209. Ocean, 177, 249; see also Sea. Office, holders, 68, 139; seekers, 128, 132, 143, 147, 148, 149, 254; wealth neces- sary for, 15. Officers; see under Army and under Navy. Ogden, David B., Letters from, 128, 147. Ogden, James De Peyster, Letters from, 238, 244, 247, 252, 255, 258, 278. Ogden, J. M., 272. Oglethrope University, 204. O'Hara, Kean, 24, 27. Ohio, 124; on Crittenden's compromise efforts, 250; election, 29, 119, 125, 142, 156, 226, 264; Free-soii party, 127, 130; governor, 120, 123, 124, 125; land, 40; legislature, 80, 129; political cam- paign, 119, 120, 122; politics, 27, 122, 124, 264; sentiment, 91, 119, 242; Taylor's visit to, 122; Whig party, 119, 124, 127, 129. Ohio, 151. Old Dominion Society, Letter from, 236. "Old Kentucky," Letter from, 199. Olds, William, 25. Oliver, Will, Letter from, 143. 52880°— 13 21 Onan, Dennis, 10. Onan, William, 10. Onderdonk, J. A., Letter from, 231. "One of the Working Class," Letter from, 262. O'Neal, Hugh, 138. O'Neal, John L., Letter from, 257. O'Neale, Peggy; see: Eaton, Mrs. John Henry. O'Neill, John W , Letter from, 219. Opposition party, Letter from, 229. Oregon, 99, 112, 156, 169; railroad, 115. Orient, Cruise to the, 193. Ormsby, Stephen, 43. Ormsby, , 43. Orth, Godlove, S., 138. Osborne, A. C, Letter from, 260. Osborne, T. H., Letter from, 214. Otey, Dexter, 236. Otis, John, Letters from, 136, 143. Otley, , 168. Owsley, William, 52, 93, Letter from, 53; Letter to, 46. Oysters, 82. r. Pacific Ocean, 177, 249. Pager, , 43. Paine, J. W., Letter from, 250. Pakenham, M., 83; Letter from, 83. Panama, 32. Panther Creek (Kentucky), 10. Pardon, 273; President's right to grant, 181. Paris, 157, 199; minister at, 155, 162, 163. Park, G. J., Letters from, 192, 196. Parker, Alexander, Letter from, 24. Parker, Josiah, 224. Parker, Mary, 23, 25. Parmalee, S. N., 59. Parmalee, Theodore N., Letter from, 181. Parol, 270, 273. Pasco, O. B., Letter from, 276. Patent, by Nicholas, 89. Patrick, Jane, 29. Patriotism, 239, 255, 259, 275. Patronage, 148, 151, 153, 247. Patterson, Robert A., Letters from, 145, 207, 242. Patton, Robert, 24. Paul Jones, 181. Paxton, Joseph, Letter from, 242. Payne, H. C, Letter from, 71. 322 INDEX Peace, 250, 252, 262, 264, 266, 287, 288; with Great Britain, 16; with Mexico, 102, 103, 104, 107. Peachy, Dr., , 55. Pearce, James Alfred, 155; Letters from, 154. Pearson, Edmund B., 28. Pearson, J. E., 28. Pechin, Edmund C, Letters from, 230, 233, 237. Pendergrast, Garrett Jesse, 195, 235; Let- ters from, 190, 195; Letters to, 190, 191. Pendergrast, S. V., Letter from, 235. Pendleton, Edmund, Letter from, 289. Pendleton, George H., 187-8. Pendleton, John, 116, 289; Letters from, 120, 127, 136, 150, 151, 157, 235. Pendleton, John T., 22; Letter from, 16. Pendleton, Nathaniel Greene, Letter from, 113, 114, 238. Pendleton Academy, 16. Penitentiary, 135. Pennsylvania, cabinet office due, 131, 136; Clay's popularity in, 80; conventions in, 46, 86, 237; favors Crittenden's com- promise, 230, 250; elections, 119, 124, 129; political campaign, 119, 123; poli- tics, 35, 89, 93, 112, 122, 125, 126, 130, 177, 234, 241; protection the issue in, 131; Union party, 233; Whig party, 78, 93, 94, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127; Letter from Whigs, 63. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 190, 223. Penrose, Charles Bingham, Letters from, 93, 125, 130, 138; Letter to, 93. Pensions, 18, 19, 21, 47, 49, 53, 202. Perigord; see: Talleyrand. Perkins, Benjamin, 18. Perrine, Dr. , 70. Perry, John, 18. Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 197. Perry, Oliver Hazard, 18. Perry Monument Association, 228. Personal liberty bill, 247, 255, 256. Pertle, Henry, Letter from, 81. Peters, James, 28. Peterson, Robert E., Letter from, 177. Petigru, James L., 135, 136. Peyton, Balie, 64, 74, 86; Letters from, 71, 75, 93, 96, 102, 103, 111, 119, 125, 169, 234, 276, 281; Letter to, 102. Peyton, John, 281. Phelps, Edward J., Letter from, 212. Philadelphia, 72, 75, 195, 220, 231, 264; Board of Trade, 193; Board of Under- writers, 193; Letter from citizens, 213; election, 94; Know-nothing conven- tion, 190, 194; mass meeting endorse compromise resolutions, 254; native Americans, 93; Taylor opposed by citizens, 111; Whigs, 35; Letter from Whigs, 78, 111. Philips, William B., 43. Phillips, A. W., Letter from, 113. Philomathean Society, Letters from, 141, 204. Philosophian Literary Society, Letter from, 289. Phipps, Isaac N., Letter from, 254. Phythian, J. L., 271. Pichon, Thomas Jean, 11. Picketts, , 39. Pierce, Franklin, 183, 285; followers were dirty gamesters, 183; attitude on Kan- sas question, 189, 196; message, 194. Pierse, A., Letter from, 210. Pike, James S., Letter from, 144. Pilgrim Fathers, 98; Letter from society, 228. Pillow, Gideon Johnson, 204, 205. Pilot, question before Congress, 110. Pilot, The, 62. Pindell, Richard, Letter from, 168. Pindell, Thomas H., Letter from, 18. Pintard, John M., 192; Letter from, 188. Pioneer Clay Club, Letters from, 112, 261. Pirtle, Henry, Letter from, 209. Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), 127. Pittsburg Landing, 275. Pittsylvania County Whigs, Letter from, 63. Plaster, William, 10. Plattsburg (New York), victory at, 16. Plautz, J. E., Letter from, 234. Pleasant Ridge College, 204. Pleasants, John H., Letter from, 88. Pleasants, Robert, 12. Pleasants, William H., Letter from, 210. Plymouth (Massachusetts), 98. Poague, , 57. Poindexter, George, 170. Poles, secret society of, 218. Politicians, discontent, 153; leaders, 162; too numerous, 255; ruined the country, 253; societies, 139-140. INDEX 323 Politics, 15; Fur Company's influence on, 168; honesty in, 105; parties, 220, 258; sectional, 198; treachery in, 35; union meeting of all parties at Indi- anapolis, 164; see also: United States, Political Affairs; and also under the vari- ous states. Polk, James Knox, 62, 69, 100, 158; ad- ministration, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 113, 129; alleged agreement with Calhoun, 97; attitude toward G. B. Crittenden, 138, 139, 140, 142; election, 95, 96; message to Scott, 101; attitude on Mexican war, 103; "Polkers" meet- ing in New York, 92; and the tariff, 95; Taylor on, 105; and the Texas question, 96. Polk, M., Letter from, 222. Pollard, Edward, Letter from, 210. Pontifical states, 110. Pooley, Samuel James, Letter from, 282. Pope, John, 33. Pope, John, 102. Pope, Nathaniel, Letters from, 48, 49, 51, 55, 128. Pope Worden, Letter from, 9. Population, 13; increase of, 99. Port, bill, 215; collector of, see: Customs collector. Porter, Agness, 26. Porter, Alexander, 82, 88, 89; Letters from, 49, 51, 52, 55, 60, 65, 79, 86. Porter, Augustus S., Letter from, 225. Porter, Eppa, 9. Porter, Fitz John, Letter from, 283. Porter, Isaiah J., Letter from, 268. Porter, James M., 86, 89. Porter, Peter Buel, Letter from, 85. Porter, Thomas, Letter from, 143. Porter, William, 26. Portsmouth (New Hampshire), 264. Portugal, 152, 153. Posey, Thomas, 11. Post office, account, 24; contract, 42; Department, 87, 120, 172, 173, 275; matters, 95; see also: Mail. Postmaster General, 63. 85, 124, 131, 147, 156. Postmasters, 67, 68, 69, 70, 87, 88, 129, 133, 135, 148, 150, 155, 181, 261, 272. Potter, Henrietta E., Letter from, 266. Potter, Woodbury, Letter from, 195. Poulk, Elizabeth, 19. Poussin, Guillaume Tell Lavallee, 158. Powell, C, Letter from, 230. Powell, Lazarus Whitehead, 202; Letter from, 181; Letter to, 256. Powell, Levin Myne, Letter from, 183. Pratt, Dundass T., 254. Pratt, Thomas George, 144. Pratt, , 203. Preble, W. C. A., 223. Pre-emption law, 55, 71. Prentice, George Denison, 193, 272; Letters from, 213, 269. Prentiss, Sergeant Smith, 52; Letters from, 58,66,86,96,141. Prentiss and Guion, Letter from, 86. Presbyterian Church, Second (Balti- more), 62. President, 16, 63, 68, 164, 214, 220, 221, 224, 228, 231, 235, 260, 269, 276; Ap- pointments, see: Appointments; as- sumption of power by, 44, 84; cam- paign for, 92, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 181, 190, 192, 194, 198, 199, 200, 221, 240, 241; candidates, 13, 26, 27, 28, 39, 44, 46, 55, 56, 59, 74, 85, 94, 104, 105, 106, 108, 1Q9, 191, 196, 199, 200, 236, 237; Crittenden suggested for, 74, 75, 95, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 113, 117, 129, 134, 167, 180, 181, 184, 185, 189, 191, 193, 194, 195, 197, 215, 218, 222, 227, 229, 230, 233, 236, 237; elec- tion, 17, 28, 30, 33, 49, 64, 74, 103, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, 181, 183, 244, 260, 261; plan for election of, 261; elector, 111; management of French matters, 46; messages, 159, 194; nomination, 60, 75, 77, 78, 85, 87, 88, 106, 107, 110, 118, 180, 181, 189, 193, 198, 235, 250; patronage, 247; power to order nolle prosequi in criminal cases, 72; The Republic to defend, 165; right to pardon, 181; salary, 261; term, 126, 261; unconsti- tutional acts, 267; veto power, 114; war-making power, 220; see also under Presidents' names. President of France, criticised by Critten- den, 153. Preston, William, Letter from, 159. Preston, William Ballard, 139; Letters from, 115, 133, 145, 148, 157. Preston, William Campbell, 62, 63, 70; Letters from, 89, 92; Letter to, 78. Preston, family history, 60. Prestonsburg (Kentucky), 270. 324 INDEX Price, Andrew F., 27, 45. Price, Rees E., Letter from, 256. Primrose, William, Letter from, 95. Prince, the Old; see: Clay, Henry. Princeton (Kentucky) citizens, Letter from, 270. Prison, 271, 272; life, 270, 272. Prisoners of war, 83, 273, 274, 277, 278. Privateers, capture, American citizens, 176. Prize, taken, 14. Proclamation, executive, suggested, 235. Proctor, , 182. Professional Teachers' State Convention, Letter from, 46. Property, notes on law of, 288; right of, 254; slaves as, 254. Protection, 129, 143; the issue in Pennsyl- vania, 131; see also: Tariff. Protest; see under Jackson, Andrew. Providence, 52, 54. Providence citizens, Letter from, 264. Provisions, cost, 161. Prunt, P. H., Letter from, 108. Prussia, 135, 148. Puget Sound Agricultural Company, 169. Pump, invention, 125. Purser, Navy, 176, 183, 262. Purviance, Samuel A., 211. Putnam, James O., Letter from, 206. Q. Quakers; see: Friends, Society of. Quarles, James, 25. Quartermaster depot, 101. Quartermaster General, of Army, 239. Quar trill, Thomas, 53. Queen, R. Plunket, 169. Queen, Richard T., Letters from, 169, 171. Quicksilver mines fraud, 223. R. Rafinesque, C. S., 29. Railey, Randolph, jr., Letter from, 48; Letter to, 45. Railroads, 167, 169, 190, 193, 202, 223, 271; effect on eastern markets, 261; influence of, 256; pass for President and Cabinet, 174. Ralston, Gerard, Letter from, 224. Ramsay, Marion, Letter from, 248. Ramsey, Alexander, Letter from, 138. Ramsey, William T., Letter from, 218. Randall, Josiah, 128, 138, 142, 143, 146; Letter from, 75. Randolph, Beverly, 9, 10. Randolph, Edmund, 9. Randolph, John, duel, 32. Randolph, Joseph Fitz, Letters from, 203, 226, 232. Randolph, Theodore F., Letter from, 257. Rankin, William S., Letter from, 218. Rawle, William, Letter to, 10. Rawlings, Edward P., Letter from, 235. Raynor, Kenneth, 196. Read,' A. F., 20. Read, John M., Letter from, 272. Reagan, John H., Letter from, 226. Rebellion, Mormon, 180. Reconstruction, 252, 253. Recruits, sent by Abolitionists to Kansas, 199. Rector, William, Letter from, 19. Red River, 199. Redden, Laura C, Letters from, 278, 279. Redds, W. B., 38. Redman, Joseph, Letter from, 211. Redmond, , 284. Reed, John, 29. Reed, J. H., Letter from, 254. Reed, John M., 13. Rees, Thomas F., 12. Reese, D. A., Letter from, 211. Reese, William A., 133. Reeves, Benjamin H., 67; Letter from, 46. Register of Land Office, 136. Reily, John, Letter from, 48. Reliefs and Anti-Reliefs; see: Kentucky Reliefs and Anti-Reliefs. Representative, United States; see: Con- gress, House of Representatives. Republic, The, 155, 165, 166. Republican party, 245, 246; attitude, 252, 262; caucus, 13; in Congress, 14, 232, 259; errors, 250; principles, 254; repre- sentatives not legally elected, 259. Republicans, Black, 230, 240, 251. Revenue, bill, 79; inspector, 182. Revolution; see: War revolution. Reynolds, James N., Letters from, 100, 190. Reynolds, John, Letter from, 277. Rhode Island, 77, 78, 133. Rice, F. A., Letter from, 244. Richardson, W. P., Letter from, 129. Richie, Robert, Letter from, 111. Richmond (Virginia), 68, 235. INDEX 325 Richmond Whig, The, 56. Riddle, A. N., 45. Riddle, John S., Letters from, 86, 89. Ridgway, R., Letter from, 243. Riggs, George Washington; see: Corcoran and Riggs. Right of search, 221. Riley, Thomas W., Letters from, 216, 234. Rimel, John, 159. Ringgold, Cadwalader, 193. Rio Grande, river, 100. Ripley, Charles, Letter from, 228. Ritchie, David, Letter from, 211. Ritchie, Thomas, 166, 233. Ritchie, W. T., Letter to, 233. Rives, George W., Letter from, 179. Rives, John Cook, 87, 159. Rives, William Cabell, 127, 137, 151,155, 157; Letters from, 101, 130, 231, 237. Roads, condition of, 42. Robbing, E, C. D., Letter from, 218. Roberts, John, 17. Roberts, J., 40. Roberts, T. J., 40. Robertson, George, 34; Letters from, 27, 30, 195, 216, 243, 281. Robinson, Benjamin, 14. Robinson, James F., Letters from, 269, 271. Robinson, R. M., Letter from, 265. Robinson, Tod, 161; Letter from, 161. Robinson, William, 23. Rochester (New York), 85, 200. Rockwell, John Arnold, Letter to, 225. Rocky Mountains, 282. Rogers, Christopher C, Letter from, 271. Rogers, John A., Letter from, 141. Rogers, William, 27. Roman, Richard, 201. Romeyn, William H., Letter from, 144. Root, Erastus, Letter from, 87. Rose, Frederick H., 218. Rose, Samuel, 13. Rose, William Boscawen, Letters from, 79, 196, 218, 271, 274, 279. Rosebrugh, M. H., Letter from, 217. Roselius, C, 86. Ross, David, 17. Ross, N. M., Letter from, 265. Rough and Ready Club, 142, 145. Rowan, John, 32, 152, 154, 157. Rowan, , duel, 45. Rowland, John H., Letter from, 273. Rudd, John, 171. Ruffner, W. H., Letter from, 251. Ruggles, Samuel B., Letter from, 225. Rumsey, Edward, 13; Letters from, 74, 122, 228, 280. Rush, Benjamin, Letters from, 148, 157, 170, 260, 271. Rush, John, 148, 157, 163, 170. Rush, Richard, Letters from, 163, 171, 214, 216, 226. Russell, E., Letter from, 257. Russell, John W., 83, 203-4; Letters from 116, 201, 202, 278. Russell, William Henry, 141, 194; Letters from, 71, 140, 173, 179, 191, 202, 213, ' 273. Russell, — , 21. Russell, , 97. Russellville (Kentucky), 21; Letters from citizens, 38, 41, 264; Directory, 23; Masonic hall lottery, 17. Russia, 48, 162, 180, 182, 194. Rutter, , 173. Sacketts Harbor (New York), 87, 88. St. Joseph (Missouri), 133. St. Louis (Missouri), 51, 97, 155, 253. St. Mary's College (Baltimore), 109. St. Nicholas Society, Letters from, 229, 281. St. Petersburg (Russia), 48, 162. Salle\ George F., Letter to, 253. Saltonstall, Leverett, Letters from, 79, 238. Samuel, E. L., Letter from, 270. Samuel, W. R., Letter from, 214. Samuel, , 21, 27. Sanders, George N., Letters from, 186, 238. Sanders, L., jr., Letters from, 101, 130. Sanders, N., 30. Sands, Benjamin Franklin, 193, 195; Let- ter from, 191; Letter to, 192. Sandy Valley (Kentucky), 280. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 104; Let- ter from, 83; Letter to, 82. Sarcophagus, 275. Sargent, Epy, 71. Sargent, John Osborne, Letters from, 145, 203, 207, 215, 223, 229. Sargent, Nathan, Letters from, 80, 85, 154, 222. Sarteges, Comte de, insolence, 181. Satchell, William H., 104. Satire, political, 91. Saunders, , 44. 326 INDEX Sausser, William, Letter from, 276. Savage, , 95. Sawyer, Benjamin, 11. Schaumburg, James W., Letters from, 158, 215, 284. Schell, Augustus, 220. Schenck, James Findley, Letter from, 178; Letter to, 150. Schenck, Robert Cumming, 178. Schley, Frederick A., Letter from, 79. Schley, William, 62, 81; Letters from, 61, 76, 146, 199, 234. Schlosser (New York), 55. Schools, lottery for Kentucky, free, 54; money received in different states for, 26. Schouler, William, Letter from, 136. Schurz, Carl, 273. Schuylkill Bank, 74, 75, 76. Science, Ringgold's cruise to Orient for, 193. Scott, James, 38. Scott, Joseph, 18, 25. Scott, M. T., Letter from, 23. Scott, Robert, Letter from, 30. Scott, Robert W., Letter from, 219. Scott, William, 86, 87. Scott, Winfield, 100, 112, 181-2, 182, 288; on Army increase and enlistments, 99; Buckner's defense of, 204; Clay's visit to, 103; on Crittenden, 84, 269; Critten- den's influence over, 178; defense of the Union, outlines for, 241, 242; fears war with England, 271; Kansas, need of, 196, 197; Letcher banters, 86; on Lincoln's cabinet, 242; medal for Taylor, suggested by, 100; requests to be sent to command army in Mexico, 100; on Mexican war, 102; political strength, 117; quits politics, 188, 230; as presi- dential possibility, 78, 85, 97, 105, 109, 180; advanced rank for, 184, 186; Ritch- ie's correspondence with, 233; on ef- fects of secession, 241; supporters were hypocrites, 183; on Taylor, 101; Taylor on, 99, 101, 104, 107, 108; on Tyler, 246; on Tyler's cabinet, 85; Worth's enmity towards, 109; Letters from, 83, 84, 85, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 184, 186, 188, 204, 230, 231, 233, 241, 242, 269, 271, 282; Letters to, 101, 174, 178, 246. Scott County Union party, Letter from, 284. Scriber, Peter, 143. Scroggs, Gustavus A., Letter from, 232. Sculptor, 148. Sea bottom, invention for examining, 191. Search, right of, 221. Seaman, Henry J., Letter from, 106. Seaton, John, Letter from, 255. Seaton, William Winston, Letters from, 127, 194; see also: Gales and Seaton. Sebree and Johnson, 20. Secession, 142, 159, 163, 233, 234, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252,. 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 280, 283, 288. Sectional feeling, 159, 198, 215, 216, 253, 256, 262, 265, 266. Securities, effect Clay's election would have on, 94. Sedgwick, Theodore, Letter from, 170. Segar, Joseph E., Letter from, 204. Seguin (Texas), 181. Seminole Indian, campaign, 27, 28, 173. Semple, CD., Letters from, 195, 199. Semple, , 190. Senators; see: Congress, Senate. Seneca Indians, 68. Sergeant, John, Letters from, 42, 76. Sessions, , 192. Sevier, Ambrose Hundley^ 110. Sevier, E. G., Letter from, 219. Seward, William Henry, attitude toward compromise, 258; philosophy is false, 235; political death, 229; cause of sec- tional feeling, 159; slavery position, 164; speech, 252, 255; vengeance, 272; Letter from, 71; Letter to, 251. Shackelford, B., Letter from, 144. Shaffner, Talliaferro Preston, Letter from, 194, 222. Sharp, James, Letter from, 212. Sharp, John, & Co., 23. Sharp, Solomon P., 28; murder of, 31, 32. Shaw, Henry B., 196. Shaw, Joshua, 194. Shelby, Isaac, 10; Letter from, 15. Shelby, Virginia, Letter to, 97. Shelby, , will, 97. Shepherd, Adam, 9, 12, 14. Shepherd, Peter, 10, 14. Sherman, E. H., Letter from, 236. Sherrard, J. H., 203. Shiloh, battle of, 274, 275, 276. Shipman, Paul R., Letter from, 269. Shirly, G. H., Letter from, 254. Shreve, Levin L., 18. INDEX 327 Shubrick, William Branford, 195. Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 225. Siebert, August, Letter from, 228. Signal Corps, bill organizing, 283. Silver plate, presented to Crittenden, 189. Simmerman, Henry R., 36. Simmerman, John, 36. Simmerman, Peter, Letter from, 36. Simmons, James Fowler, 133; Letters from, 130, 229. Simmons, J. P., Letter from, 167. Simms, Charles, Letter from, 10. Simons, , 29. Simpkins, J. J., 204. Sims, , 96. Sioux Indians, 168. Sketches of Lawyers, 236. Slaughter, Gabriel, Letters to, 20, 22. Slaughter, Phil., Letter from, 57. Slavery, 88, 108, 119, 130, 135, 139, 142, 168, 171, 180, 181, 184, 187, 192, 195, 207, 212, 224, 231, 237, 254, 255, 256, 260, 263, 264, 267, 270, 274, 287; Bible au- thority for, 230; Blair's attitude to- wards, 159; Clayton's attitude towards, 136, 140, 145; effect on Cobb's election as speaker, 159; question before Con- gress, 162, 245, 263; in District of Co- lumbia, 47, 132; extension of, 205, 213, 214, 217, 223; in Kansas, 196; pamphlet on, 225; schemes for settling question, 136, 164, 243, 244, 246; Seward's atti- tude towards, 164; state control over, 185, 246, 266, 280; Taylor's administra- tion obstacle, 149; Taylor's attitude to- ward, 108, 133, 164; in the territories, 246, 247, 248, 254, 255, 257, 258; in Texas, 89 ; see also: Abolition and Con- trabands and Emancipation. Slaves, decisions on, 84; deportation, 253; in free states, 230; fugitive, 167, 171, 181, 190, 242, 243, 251, 254, 281; fugi- tive-slave law, 170, 171, 243, 244, 254, 259,260; hire, 21; loan of, 25; presiden- tial nominee as owner of, 195; property right in, 250, 253, 254, 257-8; rights and privileges of, 254; sale, 12, 25; trade, 245. Slidell, Thomas, 86. Sloan, Mrs. John Q., Letter from, 265. Small, , 183. Smallwood, W. M., Letter to, 241. Smedley, J. L., Letter from, 273. Smith, Andrew, 69. Smith, Buckingham, 180. Smith, Caleb Blood, 131, 137, 140. Smith, D. Howard, Letters from, 173, 218. Smith, Elizabeth, 19. Smith, George, 9, 19. Smith, Gustavus Woodson, 173; Letters from, 91, 157, 184. Smith, Henry M., Letter from, 267. Smith, John, 17. Smith, John, 288. Smith, John Speed, Letters from, 150, 158, 168, 171, 172, 178, 184, 196. Smith, Margaret, 27. Smith, Oliver Hampton, Lettersfrom, 121, 128. Smith, Persifor Frazer, Letter from, 186. Smith, Richard, 20. Smith, Robert H., Letter from, 29. Smith, Truman, 150; Letters from, 120, 121, 122, 124, 134, 156. Smith, William Henry, 286; Letter from, 286. Smith, , 286. Smyth, T. D., 169. Snag boats, 204. Sneed, Achilles, 20, 24. Societies, political, 139-40. Solomon, H. M., Letter from, 289. Sommerville, R. A., Letter from, 212. South America, 155; patriots, 28; repub- lics, 32. South Carolina, 88; denounced, 54; Massa- chusetts' feeling against, 253; Northern feeling against, 247; political situation in, 122; attitude towards secession, 249; and the tariff, 93. Southard, Henry L., Letter from, 218. Southern Bell, 192, 193. ' ' Southerner and Lover of his Country, A," Letters from, 244, 248, 256. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, de- sires favors of Congress, 202; report of directors, 202. Sovereignty, Buchanan's dogma of popu- lar, 204. Spain, affairs of, 18; land grant from, 179; language, 174; laws, 166, 170; military commission in Cuba, 170; minister to, 147, 273; negotiations with, 22; priva- teers capture American barque, 176; subjects mobbed at Key West, 176; United States citizens' claim against, 176. 328 INDEX Spalding, J. W., 155. Specimen tubes, 191, 192, 193. Speed, Joshua Fry, Letters from, 272, 275, 277. Speed, J. J., Letter from, 248. Speed, John S., 160. Speed, Thomas, Letters from, 18, 66; Letter to, 18. Spencer, John Canfield, 81, 87, 88, 89. Spirit World, Letter from Clay in, 260. Spoford, E., Letter from, 254. Spoils system, bill against, 58; Critten- den's speech against, 58. Spoliation claims, French, 172, 176, 209, 217. Sprague, William B., 57; Letter from, 57. Sprigg, Samuel, Letter from, 131. Sproule, Charles, 18. Squier, Ephraim George, 160. Stamp Act, 265. Stampoffskie, , 279. Stanard, Robert C, Letter from, 120. Standeford, David, 9. Stanley, Edward, Letter to, 169. Stanner, J. S., Letter from, 139. Starke, , 86. Starkweather, S., Letter from, 77, 124. Starling, Lyne, Letter from, 275. State, Secretary of, 38, 72, 95, 126, 129, 131, 136, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 154, 161, 168, 176, 177. State agricultural colleges, 219. State papers, importance of, 139. States, 243, 254, 259, 267; admission of, 135, 139, 142, 237, 251, 254, 256, 258, 266, see also: Territories, admission of; commissioners to settle national rup- ture, 283; consolidation of certain, 245; debts, 61; disputes should be settled by judiciary of, 251; relief of the, 78; government settlement of, 242; slavery in control of, 185, 246, 266, 280. States, border, and secession, 215, 227, 230, 242, 243, 244, 248, 251, 252, 255, 257, 261, 264, 265, 266, 280. States, Central, 216, 242-3, 249. States, Confederate; see: Confederate States of America. States, Eastern, 152. States, free, 230, 242, 248, 249. States, Mississippi Valley, 221. States, New England, 91, 121, 196, 198, 229, 245, 249. States, Northern, politics in, 117; not patriotic, 79; rupture with South, 164, 171, 206, 207, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 260, 262, 263, 266, 268, 279, 282; see also Union, the. States, Northwest, 142. States, Southern, democratic party in, 217; Hayti to invade, 14; interests op- posed by Northern democracy, 59; rupture with North, 140, 141, 142, 143, 162, 163, 184, 185, 207, 212, 224, 236, 238,. 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 267, 268, 280, 282, 288; see also Confederate States. States, sovereign, 288. States, Western, 50, 80, 152, 216, 239, 266-7. Statues, for Capitol of United States, 216. Steel, Adam, 13. Steel, Curd, 57. Steel, , 22. Steele, John, Letter from, 274. Steele, L. D., Letter from, 215. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 124; Letters from, 122, 133, 145. Stephens, Joseph L., Letter from, 187. Stephens, W. Hudson, Letter from, 276. Stephenson, Thomas, 176. Sterling, Edmund L., & Co., 25. Stern, Samuel, Letter from, 277. Stevens, Andrew J., Letter from, 266. Stevenson, Andrew, 44; Letter to, 55. Stevenson, Arthur, 112. Stevenson, James, 25. Stevenson, Thomas B., Letters from, 52, 53, 105, 106, 119. Stewart, Charles, Letter from, 216. Stewart, , 289. Stinson, Daniel, Letter from, 262. Story, Joseph, disgust with services on Supreme Court, 96. "Stranger, A," Letter from, 270. Stribling, Cornelius Kinchiloe, 195; Let- ter to, 191. Strother, Hunt, 155. Struthers, John S., 275; Letter from, 274. Stuart, Alexander Hugh Holmes, Letter from, 232; Letter to, 175. Stuart, Oscar J. E., Letter from, 251. Sturge, Joseph, 71. Subtreasury, see: United States, treasury. Sugar, tariff on, 79. INDEX 329 Suggett, James M., Letter from, 271. Suit, Samuel T., Letter from, 255. Sullivan, James, 219. Sumner, Charles, 196, 261; Letter to, 261. Sunderland, S. S., 263. Supplies, for Army in Mexico, 101. Supreme Court of United States, see: United States Supreme Court. Surrender of Monterey, 102. Surveyor general of Oregon, 169. Susquehanna, 218. Sussex County (Delaware), 14. Sutler, Army, 65. Sutter, John Augustus, 128, 203, 222, 223, 228, 229. Sutter, John Augustus, jr., 128. Swan, George T., 65-6. Swan, James, 12, 14. Swann, R., Letter from, 144. Swann, Thomas T., Letter from, 65. Sweeney, Andrew J., Letter from, 279. Sweringen, James T., Letters from, 106, 200, 221, 222. Swigert, Philip, 191; Letters from, 115, 169. Swoope, P. C, Letter from, 233. Sword, 100. Syracuse (New York), 121. Tabb, John, 32. Talbot, , Letter to, 17. Talbott, Isham, 287. Talbott, Theodore, 106. Talleyrand-Peregord, Charles Maurice de, 11. Tallmadge, Nathaniel Pitcher, 60-, 70; on secession, 244; Letters from, 56, 63, 137, 244, 251; Letter to, 63. Tammany Hall, mass meeting, 94. Tandy, Willis, 69. Tapscott, Nancy, Letter from, 24. Tapscott, , 34. Tariff, 28, 41, 43, 77, 78, 79, 80, 90, 93, 94, 95, 100, 125, 126, 129, 155, 215, 235, 239, 261; see also: Protection. Taxation, 17, 18; bill, 66, 67; tax col- lector, 273, 274; equal, 237; on whisky, 273. Taylor, Benjamin, 17. Taylor, Clay, 113. Taylor, F. L., Letter from, 249. Taylor, James, 24,42. Taylor, Joseph, Letter to, 167. Taylor, Julia M. Dickinson, Letter from, 172. Taylor, J., 289. Taylor, Philip, 17. Taylor, Thomas C, 74. Taylor, William, 39; Letter to, 32. Taylor, William B., 272. Taylor, William H. H., Letter from, 133. Taylor, Zachary, 105, 106, 113, 117, 122, 123, 127, 132, 134, 140, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 167; on acquisition of territory, 110, 113, 121; administration, 127, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167; appoint- ments, 154, 169; on Army, 49, 99, 103, 107; cabinet, 105, 118, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166; candidacy, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127; character- istics, 147; compromise plan, 166; death, 168, 169; election, 107, 113, 119, 120, 126, 127, 128, 130, 134, 136, 138, 147; enemies to rule or ruin, 145; Frankford requests remains of, 167; French Revo- lution compared to election of, 130; on Harrison's administration, 66; on In- dian treaties, 289; medal and not sword should be presented to, 100; message, 159; in Mexico, 101, 102, 103, 104, 111; reception at New Orleans, 109; to estab- lish newspaper, 164, 165; nomination, 105, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 152; opposition to, 110, 111, 113, 120; not a party candidate, 106, 109; political letters published, 117, 119, 120; political status, 106, 107, 108, 109, 114, 116, 130, 134, 139, 164; on Polk's administration, 101, 103, 105, 107; pop- ularity, 110, 112, 114, 122, 123, 126, 130, 137, 144, 145, 152, 160; on Scott, 99, 101, 108; and single term, 126, 140; attitude toward slavery, 108, 133, 164; troubled air, 165; suggested for vice president, 108; Letters from, 49, 66, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 113, 116, 118, 289; Letters to, 101, 131, 146. Taylor, , 34. Taylor, , 223. 330 INDEX "Taylor Whig, A," Letter from, 129. Taylorsville (Virginia), 62, Teachers' state convention, 46. Tehuantepec treaty, 167, 169, 171, 177, 178. Telegraph, invention, 60; dispatches, 172. Tener, Hugh W., 127. Tennessee, boundary settlement, 21, 22; district attorney, 34; elections, 83, 84, 130, 155, 227; fever in, 57; guberna- torial candidates, 69; for Jackson, 40; politics, 64, 93, 122, 123, 155, 257, 266; secession sentiment, 257, 262, 266, 276; for Taylor, 125; Union party state convention, 234, 240; Whigs, 123, 129, 179; Letter from Whigs, 59. Temple, Benjamin, 13; Letter to, 12. Temple, John B., 126; Letters from, 127, • 176, 284. Temple, , 199. Territories, admission of, 161, 250, 257, see also: States, admission of; govern- ment of, 266; slavery in, 246, 247, 248, 254, 255, 257, 258. Territory, acquisition of, 22, 104, 107, 110, 113, 121, 219, 224, 225, 226, 260, 261. Terry, David S., duel, 228. Texas, 22, 41, 49, 54, 61, 82, 161, 267; Americans aid, 83; annexation, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 289; Bank of United States suit against, 117; bound- ary question, 168, 169; colonization, 89; debt, 56, 89, 96; district attorney, 132; Indian trouble, 80; life in, 81; loan, 58, 61; relation with Mexico, 61, 80; mili- tary affairs in, 81, 169; minister from, 60; minister to, 66, 69, 70; patriots, 22; prosperity, 56, 58, 80; seizure of, 22; slavery in, 89; treaty, 138; Whig party, 117. Thalian Society, Letter from, 204. Tharp, William, Letter from, 65. Thayer, James S., Letter from, 246 Thayer, Mrs. M., Letter from, 285. Thickstun, A. J., 47. Thomas, Charles, 239. Thomas, David, 12. Thomas, Henry W., Letter from, 259. Thomas, J., Letter to, 166. Thomas, Jesse B., 22, 23; Letters to, 24, 25, 26. Thomas, Lorenzo, Letter from, 173; Letter to, 186. Thomas, P. E., Letter from, 68. Thompson, James M., Letter from, 61. Thompson, Jerome, 212. Thompson, John B., Letter to, 192. Thompson, J. Edgar, 223. Thompson, Richard Wiggington, Letter from, 125. Thompson, Smith, 87. Thompson, Waddy, 63, 83; Letters from, 83, 109, 113, 120, 153; Letter to, 82. Thompson, W., Letter from, 174. Thompson, , 21. Thomson, James W., Letter from, 62. Thomson, Samuel H., 46. Thornton, H., 134, 137. Thornton, Lucy, Letter from, 57, 134, 281. Thornton, Seth Barton, 101. Thornton, Thomas T., 39. Thornton, Williams, and Thornton, Let- ter from, 225. Thrasher, J. B., Letter from, 188. Thurston, Charles M., Letter from, 99. Thurston, P., 13. Tilford, James, 15, 20; Letter from, 20. Tilford, John, 15, 50; Letter from, 52, 53; Letters to, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. Tippecanoe, battle of, 216. Tippecanoe Club, Letter from, 62. Tobacco, Sale of, 28, 289. Todd, Charles Scott, 66, 161, 277; Letters from, 122, 162, 168, 180, 182, 200, 202, 214, 262. Todd, Gideon T.* 230. Todd, Harry I., Letter from, 115. Todd, John, 9. Todd, John, Letters to, 26, 28. Todd, John H., 22; Letter from, 18; Let- ters to, 18, 19, 20. Todd, John Payne, 154. Todd, John W., 267. Todd, L. B., Letters from, 201, 273, 274. Todd, Maria K., Letters to, 33; see also: Innes, Maria; and Crittenden, Maria K. Todd, Robert, 9. Todd, Thomas, 14, 20, 32. Todd, W. M., Letter from, 257. Todd County citizens, Letter from, 84. Tomason, William, 42. Tompkins, Christopher, Letter from, 14. Tompkins, Patrick W., Letter from, 138. Tonawanda Indians, 109. Toombs, Robert, 122; on slavery, 132, 142, 164; speech, 216; on preservation of Union, 183; Letters from, 122, 124, 126, 132, 139, 142, 152, 164, 173, 182, 183, 187; Letter to, 183. INDEX 331 Topographical, officers, 83. Towle, George M., Letter from, 217. Townsend, Edward Davis, Letter from, 227. Townsend, Reuben, Letter from, 253. Trabue, Charles C, Letter from, 172. Trade, 12, 98, 256, 288. Train, George Francis, Letter from, 183. Train, Samuel F., 183. Transylvania Botanic Garden Company, 29. Transylvania University, 30. Travel, cost of, 48. Travers, William H., Letter from, 109. Treason, trial for, 170. Treasury, Secretary of the, 51, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 142. Treasury, United States; see: United States Treasury. Treat, Samuel, Letter from, 275. Treaties, 288; see also: United States, Treaties. Trigg, William H., Letter from, 99. Trimble, David, 32; Letters from, 29, 36. Trimble, Robert, 32; Letter from, 35. Triple tt, Robert, 189; Letter from, 150. Triplett, Thomas, 42. Trollope, Anthony, 271. Trowbridge, Charles A., Letter from, 120. Troy, , 203. Tucker, Beverly, Letter from, 184. Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly, Letters from, 55, 63. Turkey, 238; war, 28. Turnbull, William, 204. Turner, Squire, 115. Turner, Thomas, Letter from, 109. Turner, W. S., Letter from, 273. Turner, , 26, 171. Turnpike bill, Maysville, 39. Tuthill, Louisa C, Letter from, 180. Tuttle, Moses, 29. Tuyman, Buford, Letter from, 276. Tyler, B. O., Letter from, 208. Tyler, H. A., Letter from, 212. Tyler, John, 9, 13. Tyler, John, 34, 72, 78, 79, 89; administra- tion, 70, 77; ambition, 74; assumption of power, 84 ; attitude toward Bank bill, 72, 73; Cabinet, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85; Clay on, 77; impeachment proposed, 79; Letcher on, 77, 78; nom- inations rejected by senate, 88; Scott | Tyler, John— Continued, on, 83; Tallmadge compared with, 60; attitude toward tariff bill, 79, 80; atti- tude toward Van Buren, 85, 87; vetoes, 73, 78, 80, 82; attitude toward Whig party, 76; Letter from, 217. Tyler, Joseph C, Letter from, 208. Tyler, Oscar, Letter from, 209. U. "Uncle Tom," diary like sheet of, 277. Underwood, Joseph Rogers, 57-8, 176; Letters from, 23, 139, 181, 228, 268; Letter to, 175. Underwood, Warner L., Letters from, 131, 221. Union (the), 74, 199, 256, 261, 268, 272; border states to save, 251, 252; Calhoun solicitous of breaking, 159; Crittenden on, 142, 258; Crittenden's efforts to save, 196, 216, 249, 251, 253, 254, 257, 260, 261, 265, 268, 287; dissolution of, 135, 143, 251, 253; divided forever, 267; Georgia and, 249; hope for, 255, 258, 259, 267; Kansas question and, 196; Ken- tucky and, 265, 266, 268; Mississippi valley and, 221; Missouri compromise and, 245; patriotism to, 251, 272, 275; preservation of, 130, 183, 188, 242, 243, 245, 247, 248, 249, 252, 256, 264; preservation, schemes for, 242-3, 280; Scott and, 188, 241; effect of secession on, 241; state of, 230, 251; Toombs on, 142, 183 ; see also: Secession and States, Northern and United States. Union and Jefferson Societies, Letter from, 43. Union Literary Society, Letter from, 39, 204. Union men, recommend discontinuance of Civil War, 288. Union party, 112, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 246, 250, 255, 268, 277; clubs, 238; committee, 230, 234, 239; convention, 234, 235, 237, 238; nominees, 237, 238; organization, 230, 232, 233; outlook, 241. Union Philosophical Society, Letter from, 38. Union ticket, suggested, 112. United Americans, Letter from Order of, 223. 332 INDEX United States, 116, 259; accounts with, 190, 203, 225, 227; affairs, 246, 285; affairs compared to those in Texas, 58; agents, 201, 202; Army, sec: Army,United States; bank, 18, 24, 30, 44, 51, 70, 72, 73, 86, 93, 96, 117, 286; bonds, 169; boundary re- port, 218, 220; Canada will be annexed to, 135; circuit court, 170, 180, 289; citi- zens' claim against Spain, 176; citizen (American) imprisoned in Austria, 198; claims against, 27, 28, 42, 47, 49, 50, 65, 77, 110, 138, 148, 157, 162, 163, 170, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 215, 217, 224, 235, 238, 281, 289; Coast Survey, 225; Constitution, see: Constitution, United States; con- suls, see: Consuls, United States; course towards England and France, 13; Crit- tenden's services claimed by, 146; cus- toms statistics, 239; debt, 239, 251; dis- trict attorneys, 34, 71, 86, 128, 131, 132, 168, 223; division into republics, 233, 242, 251, 252, 260; documents, 200; duty to, 261; emigrants to, 65, 151; financial system, 52; foreign affairs, 150; foreign mission, 150; France's breach with, 46, 147, 157, 158; funds deposited with Ken- tucky, 52; Great Britain (England) con- trasted with, 224; Great Britain's policy toward public sentiment in, 171; in- demnity due Mexico, 171; interference in European politics, 154; interference with Texas, 89; internal improvements, 18, 60, 66, 67, 155, 199; land, see: Land, public; laws published, 173; lawsuits, 40, 93, 188, 190, 194, 222, 286, 289; mar- shal, see: Marshal, United States; Mexi- co's infamous undertaking against, 171; ministers in Europe, 148; mint, 277; Nicaragua difficulty with England, 160, 161; payment of states' debts, 61; peace with Great Britain, 16; People, conventions of, necessary, 246; and Crittenden's compromise, 246, 249, 252, 253, 256, 258, 259; op- posed to cabinet administration, 154; may choose government, 111, 153; national issues should be voted upon by, 246; sentiment of, 244; slave question should be settled by direct appeal to, 246; political affairs, 38, 89, 94, 96, 107, 157, 166, 184, 198, 199, 205, 216, 219, 231, 236, 241, 253, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263, 268, United States — Continued. 269, 270, 276, 284, 287; population in- crease, 99; public men lack patriotism, 259; rights of citizens, 256; relation to seceding state, 244; Supreme Court, 21, 22, 66, 74, 76, 84, 86, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 134, 140, 177, 187, 188, 192, 193, 195, 201, 223, 227, 229, 260, 265; Supreme Court justices, 32, 38, 87, 88, 89, 90, 182, 184; trade with England, 98; Treasury, burned, 42; deficiency, 24; estimates, 221; notes, 247; pecu-r lations, 34; subtreasury, 55, 59, 82; Treaty, with Denmark, 32; with France, 11; with Great Britain, 10, 80, 112, 183, 289; with Guatemala, 32; with Indians, 289; with Mexico, 108, 113, 156, 167, 169, 170, 171, 177, 178, 181; with Texas, 92, 138. See also: Union, the. Van Aken, Enoch, Letter from, 255. Van Buren, John D., Letter from, 261. Van Buren, Martin, 54, 85, 92; adminis- tration, 68; candidacy, 44, 91; and Clay, 56, 92; Crittenden's visit to, 60; Jackson supports, 64; visit to Ken- tucky, 77, 78; Letcher on, 78; Loco- focos may nominate, 86; message, 52, 53, 65; minister to Great Britain, 41; opposition to, 54, 59, 59-60, 61, 89; party, 46, 61, 62, 88, 92, 121; popularity, 43, 59, 123; retirement, 65; Tyler hos- tile to, 87; Wright compared with, 93. Vance, Joseph, 32; Letters from, 121, 125, 127. Vance, Samuel, 21. Van Derbilt, Cornelius, Letter from, 198. Vanderbilt, William Henry, Letter from, 208. Vanderbilt, 198, 274. Van Doren, J. L., 46. Van Dorn, Earl, 106. Vanmeter, Isaac, 17. Vanmeter, Jacob, 17. Van Rensselaer, Solomon, Letter from, 88. Varnum, Joseph B., jr., Letter from, 214. Vermont, 244. Vest, John J., 26, 27. Veto power, 114. Vice President, 13, 35, 40, 105, 108, 180, 196, 197, 238, 239. INDEX 333 Vicksburg (Mississippi) citizens, Letter from, 58. Victoria, Queen, Letter from, 51. Vienna (Austria), 77, 163. Vigilance committee in California, 198. Vinton, Samuel Finley, 170. Virginia, 11, 48, 91, 157, 189; anxiety in, 231; Letter to citizens, 124; Confed- erate troops in, 280; conventions, 86, 234, 235, 255, 258, 263, 264; Declaration of Independence, 55; election, 44, 58, 130; Jackson abandoned by, 44; land grant, see: Randolph, Beverly, and Ran- dolph, Edmund, and Henry, Patrick; map, 278; political campaigns in, 120, 124; politics, 36, 46, 59, 90, 189; press, 59; seal, 9, 10; feeling against seces- sion, 250; United States senators, 50, 194; University of , 141; warning of dele- gates in Congress from, 258; Whigs, 86, 143; Wise '8 influence in, 88. Virginia General Assembly, Letter from, 262. Volunteer; see under Army . Voorhes, John R., Letter from, 206. Votes, foreigners, 126; purchase of, 199. W. Waddell, William Coventry H., Letter from, 38. Wadsworth, William Henry, Letter from, 199. Wait, David, 10. Walden, A. T., 111. Walden, , 182. Waldron, , 57. Walker, David, 27. Walker, D. S., Letter from, 142. Walker, Jacob W., 21. Walker, J. C, Letter from, 146. Walker, John J., 137. Walker, J. W., Letter from, 274. Walker, Martin, 32. Walker, Robert John, 101; circular letter from, 109; Letter to, 168. Wall Street, effect of 1844 campaign upon, 94. Wallace, Perkins, Letter from, 244. Wallace, Samuel M., 27; Letter from, 27. Wallace, Thomas H., 58. Wallace, William, 60. Waller, A. B., Letter from, 173. Waller, Will S., 28. Walsh, , 161. Walton, Alexander, Letter from, 218. Walworth, Reuben Hyde, 90. War, comments on, 247, 279, 288; civil, see: Civil war; of eighteen twelve, 13, 14, 15, 45, 50, 69, 196, 220, 274, 277; French Revolution, 130; with Great Britain probable, 220, 271; in Holland, 10; making power in President, 220; Mexican, see: Mexico, war with; Revo- lutionary, 18, 31, 50, 57, 110, 202, 217, 219, 224, 235; Secretary of, 49, 51, 52, 56, 64, 68, 86, 89, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 194, 241, 250-1, 277. Ward, B. W., Telegram from, 246. Ward, F. T., Telegram from, 246. Ward, J. Durbin, Letter from, 119. Ward, Matthew F., 151, 186, 187; Letters from, 185, 186, 189. Ward, Robert J., Letters from, 168, 186, 189; Letter to, 189. Ward, Robert J., jr., 187. Ward, William, 69. Warden, of penitentiary, 135. Warehouse, 19, 98, 168. Warner, E. H., Letter from, 280. Warner, George, Letter from, 257. Warner, William A., 278. Warren, Charles H., Letter from, 98. Warren, Reuben B., Letter from, 109. Warrington, Lewis, Letter from, 150. Washington, George, 112; birthday cele- bration, 111, 180, 271; farewell address, 201, 260, 271; sarcophagus, 275. Washington, George Corbin, Letter from, 132. Washington, G. P., Letter from, 192. Washington, John T., 203. Washington, Lewis W., Letter from, 201. Washington, D. C, 17, 33, 42, 44, 56, 61, 72, 77, 103, 109, 141, 145, 147, 156, 157, 165, 166, 167, 172, 201, 212, 219, 234, 256, 275, 277, 279, 281; affairs at 16, 38, 81, 113, 154, 158-9, 162, 167; assembly ball, 57; mixed marriages, 277; proposed news- papers, 140, 222; surrender, 16; scheme for statues at, 216; see also: District of Columbia. Washington and Taylor Union, Letter from, 127. Washington Literary Society, Letter from, 47. Washington Union party, 230. 334 INDEX Watkins, John A., Letters from, 245, 266. Watkins, T. W., Letter from, 255. Watson, Edward, 162, 163. Watson, E., Letter to, 74. Watson, P. H., Letter from, 277. Watson, , 75. Watson, , 182. W'ayne, Henry C, Letter from, 239. Wayne, James M., Letter from, 284. Weaver, Augustus, Letter from, 90. Webb, James Watson, 131; Letters from, 135, 136; Letters to, 129, 133. Webster, Daniel, 59, 82-3, 85, 87, 94, 100, 127, 170, 177; admissions, 207; atti- tude, 89, 91, 132; as a cabinet officer, 74, 75, 79, 80, 132, 135, 136, 170, 177; certificate, to document, 51, 55, 69; and Clay, 48, 70, 72, 85; clique, 84; Crittenden on, 46, 161; efforts to defeat bank bill, 72; envy, 164; invective against Ingersoll, 99; Letcher on, 73, 77; opinion erroneous, 72; Scott doubts intentions, 84; speech, 121; Letters from, 61, 82, 83, 174, 178; Letters to, 83, 170, 172, 180. Weed, Thurlow, 131, 250, 259; Letter from, 90. Weir, H. L., 29. Weir, James, 29; Letters from, 189, 277. Weir, William R., 9. Weiseger, Daniel, 14, 26. Wells, Robert W., 187. Welsh, Ashbel, Letter from, 265. West, William, 21, 23; Letter from, 19. West, William R., 19. West Liberty (Kentucky), 270. West Point Military Academy, 35, 36, 84, 91, 107, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 170, 173, 174, 176, 206, 223, 266, 268, 277, 285. Western Reserve, 121. Western Review, The, 26. Westervelt, Harmon C, Letter from, 70. Westwood, Henry Clay, Letter from, 220. Wetherill, John P., Letter from, 138. Wever, C. W., Letter from, 222. Wheaton, Henry, 35. Whelpley, James Davenport, Letters from, 171, 172. Whetmore, Robert H., Letter from, 71. Whig Mechanics of Nashville, 59. Whig party, 46, 54, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 143, 152, 156, 160, 164, 179, 181, 183, 198, 207, 208; in Congress, 51, 73, 74, 187; conventions, 55, 62, 63, 82, 83, 85, 92, 110, 114, 117, 123, 140, 143, 180, 235; victory, 53, 65, 84, 93, 103, 111, 126, 127, 237. Whig Society of South Hanover College, Letter from, 45. Whiskey, 225, 226, 273, 284. White, Addison, Letter from, 113. White, David, Letter from, 28. White, Hugh Lawson, 46, 150; Letter from, 57. White, John, 70, 90; Letters from, 69, 79, 80. White, Joseph L., 107, 108; Letters from, 97, 106, 107, 108. White, Joseph M., Letter from, 52* White, , 35. Whiting, Mrs. J. B., Letter to, 48. Whiting, William B., Letters from, 197, 242. Whittlesey, Elisha, Letters from, 175, 213, 228, 245. Whitworth, George F., 46. Whitworth, Thomas, Letter from, 255. Wickliffe, Charles Anderson, 45, 63, 64, 85; Letters from, 37, 45, 54, 164. Wickliffe, Daniel Carmichael, 211; Let- ters from, 223, 266. Wickliffe, Robert, 23, 25, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71; Letter from, 57. Wickliffe, Robert, jr., 63-4, 64, 85. Wickliffe, , 28. Wickliffe family, 25. Wigg, William Hazzard, Letter from, 235. Wight, O. W., Letters from, 260, 263. Wilcox, Andrew J., Letter from, 266. Wilcox, Samuel, 27. Wiley, , 26. Wilkes, Benjamin G. S., 263. Wilkins, William, Letters from, 183, 246. Wilkinson, Robert, 25. Wilkinson, S., Letter from, 62. Will, J., Letter from, 213. Willard, Emma, Letter from, 263. INDEX 335 Willcox, Lyman G., Letter from, 209. William and Mary College students, 42; Letters from, 56, 58. "William Tell," Letter from, 287. Williams, George W., Letters from, 104, 108. Williams, James H., 258. Williams, John Howard, Letter from, 209. Williams, John W., Letter from, 129. Williams, Moses B., Letter from, 263. Williams, M. J., Letter from, 240. Williams, Nathaniel F., Letter from, 217. Williams, Rufus K., Letter from, 256. Williams, Sherod, Letter from, 159. Williams, William R., Letter from, 236. Williams, ; see: Thornton, Williams, and Thornton. Williamsburg (Virginia), 42, 55. Williamson, A. C, Letter from, 197. Williamson, Brainerd, Letter from, 207. Williamson, R. H., Letter from, 239. Willis, Jonathan, 27. Willis, William T., Letter from, 37. Willis, , 41. Wills, 12, 18, 67, 97, 152, 154. Wilmot Proviso, 106, 161. Wilmoth, W. R., Letter to, 13. Wilson, A. L., Letter from, 193. Wilson, David, Letter from, 254. Wilson, George, Letter from, 197. Wilson, Henry, 233; Letter to, 230. Wilson, James, 24. Wilson, John S., Letter from, 191. Wilson, Samuel, 11. Winchester (Virginia) citizens, Letter from, 203. Wines, 74. Wing, Charles F., Letter from, 188. Wing, Freeman, Letters from, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 117, 118, 119, 125, 131, 153, 155, 164, 165, 189, 204. Wingate, Thomas S., Letter from, 55. Winston, James, Letter from, 133. Winston, William D., Letter from, 213. Wintersmith, Charles G., 39. Wintersmith, R., Letter from, 180. Winthrop, Robert Charles, on slavery, 245; speeches, 180; Letters from, 134, 167, 175, 180, 181, 193, 196, 197, 198, 215, 220. Wirt, William, 40. Wisconsin, 71, 133. Wise, Henry Alexander, 88, 89, 189. Wolfe, Nathaniel, Letter from, 269. Woll, John Ellis, 198. Women, American, 263. Woodbridge, William, Letters from, 97, 115, 120; Letter to, 119. Woodford County citizens, Letters from, 48, 57. Woodruff, S. E., Letter from, 249. Woodruff, William E., 279. Woods, Harry (Henry), 211; Letter from, 209. Worth, William Jenkins, 102, 104, 109, 112. Worthington, Thomas T., 32. Wright, Annie, 169. Wright, B. H., Letter from, 263. Wright, Joseph A., Letter from, 164. Wright, John C, Letter from, 142. Wright, J. W., Letter from, 216. Wright, Silas, 56, 93. Wymer, George, 29. Wyse, William A., Letter from, 179. Y. Yankee abolitionists, 86. Yantis, J. M., Letter from, 268. Yellott, Coleman, Letter from, 150. Yellow fever, on Susquehanna, 218. Yerger, George S., 202; Letter from, 98. Young, Bryan R., Letter from, 158. Young, St. Clair, 44. Young, William D., 45, 48. Young, , 29. Young Men's Association of Buffalo, 108. Young Men's Literary Association, Letter from, 216. "Young Sucker, A," Letter from, 219. Z. Zetegathian Society, Letter from, 262. Zollicoffer, Felix Kirk, Letter from, 227. o 9 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED EELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. DEC 11 1 m * A947 ll0ct'59 cR ■■• . •-- .:.:.. 13§fr SEP ?| RECD Ui SEP 18 t^ IN STACKS FES H 5 197(1 *ee.0ii«*rf LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) II I! I II llllll TBI nm i 1H III